Forbes Living magazine Fall 2020

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Forbes Living Fall 2020 / Issue 6


A New Spin on... LIFE



Berries have radical abilities to prevent aging & disease


League's mission to keep kids safe from trafficking

Healthy Food

Recipes to amp up health & taste

CASH FLOW amplified 10x

3 revenue streams you need to build wealth

Pg 23

Boost your income & touch countless lives

Pg 21


Zeroing in on goals & taking action

Pg 06

Improve your FOCUS

Tell YOUR story


Families need to play!

Building, trust & communication through play Comnia doluptio estiatus nonsendam Copyright Midvale Direct, LLC venditius eatem ex et voluptatem non



Pg 18

& Forbes Riley - a special bond of friendship, colleagues and a mentor

Pg 12







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INNER CIRCLE Together We Thrive!

Join us in the most active, supportive, group on the web for people who want to level-up in thier business & lives... Community | Classes | Crush It!







in her own words

am proud to welcome you to the Fall 2020 issue of Forbes Living magazine and into the Forbes Living family! Here, you will enter into a world of like-minded people dedicated to an inspired and purpose-driven lifestyle where we take positive action and serve one another as peers, leaders, and support.

Forbes Riley Forbes Living... the Life-

Throughout these pages you will find articles and content, not unlike a traditional magazine, and so much more! We invite you to step inside, beyond the pages, and immerse yourself in a culture of positivity, where you can join together in groups, listen to podcasts and watch videos, participate in challenges, attend events, sign up for webinars, programs and activities, and become a part of a real community.

dream, believe and achieve just like you! Here you will discover delicious recipes and tips on healthy living, spotlights on companies and brands that share in our mission, and learn insider tips and tricks for living your life to the fullest. Please do reach out to us through social media, our website, and even directly from this magazine! You can reach our Editor in Chief Daphne Taylor Street right here, and feel free to ask about opportunities we have available to be a part of this publication!

As our second issue of Forbes Living magazine, we find ourself entering into the holiday season. As always, we have a strong focus on the philosophy of health and all that makes us healthy in our bodies, mindset, business, and families. It took us years to fully develop this magazine to ensure that our community could access immense value from it within each publication. Forbes Living is a lifestyle, mindset, and a community. I personally welcome you into our family and encourage you to explore this magazine with eagerness and curiosity. At every turn, you will find opportunities to learn more, engage more, and reach out more to people who






LES BROWN & FORBES RILEY A special bond: friends, colleagues and a mentor



Increase bonds and trust

CHAMPION Mindset & lifestyle




A word from the publisher

Forbes Living Spotlight Sponsors




Forbes Riley.


Zero-in on goals and taking action for success







Forbes - a bond of friendship and a mentor.

CHAMPION'S HEART Champion Pro Bodybuilder Johua Self on what it takes to win.



The importance of play in your family.



kids to eat healthy foods.

of expressing feelings.

10 12

Getting and staying fit is a lifestyle not a fad.



Quick, easy, affordable, nutritious and healthy meals.

HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS Cherish your true friends.






Supporting those who support us


Note from Forbes Living Editor In Chief Daphne Taylor Street.


Daphne Taylor Street

Forbes Living Magazine Editor in Chief Designer/Writer Sydney Smith Assistant Editor



to level-up your income strategically





Forbes Riley Publisher

story, get published and become a known authority.



Forbes teaches you how to get everything you want.. PAGE


lth ea rit r Hspi oudy & .. Y, bo n. ind O ym in ealth Sp H

r n ec r m utr om spe f yo a r LI ac an itio me cifi y ull p ur e a You FE o g c n he a n h n s a ge an ded res ur d ysi oal d p nee ST A ul oc ca is re d yo n d s t r d t Y H to ci to t l e h o ts u' W LE EA d p a i s s ? e a r yo ? W o r h a n d g e s e l y k n lik ns A t- u? IT h e D h at a s ot h t t h w h ow e ? r H BE LT e r e t e D e a e e o l o re re xa r c yo o yo l t T G HY y if RU IN u atta yo u d h is ou esty om me . W yo ctl m di y ge i n u s u e l n h e u T S tti ? H ha ali es ee ch end cal en wa whe A n H d n v ? h ow e g w D to an ed tes wa nt re g ge e a p t ? g t s o he h er it lo e W ts y o yo t h lth n u e a l s o n h u yo u s e s h h a a n d o u g o u on y li t r i t hy a l n c n e w e a s t w e r la if e s fe s o y ti fi i e o t a t on are tn mf d gh u er xam st an re wit yle yo yo e s s o r t t o t ? W r d o e t h s be d rig h ur ur a ab red o ct e y p l ht an n our gins bo ea nd le o uc rk or s t ow s e w e o dy tin he r Th o al pa an n , a lf a ith g n e e h a t h i nf d e r ge n d b tru e o tt d s b i go u l ar o th ut fo t s : a l s en ho th. e w . Y r f ar no h o w s ue e sh ere et s he u n l? o r yo p e a l e e th d tc u c ut w ifi y t s o a n c g yo o r e t t oa u xc o b ls us e. es .

ew N





FALL 2020

BEING HEALTHY Is about everything you do, think and feel to give only the best to yourself, daily.





A New Spin On‌ FOCUS

Zeroing in on goals & taking action through journaling, meditation and visioning by Daphne Taylor Street

Above: Maintaining focus throughout your day is often a struggle with multiple priorities, crises and distractions tugging at you from all directions. Beginning your day and ending your evening in focus is a powerful tool to reduce stress and succeed.

Focus helps you reduce stress, improves health and moves you towards your goals.


t’s the middle of the afternoon, and maybe your car just broke down, your deadlines were moved up, your kids are sick, your partner has to leave town at the last minute, and your credit card has been temporarily frozen until you call your bank and assure them that it actually was you who purchased $200 worth of kazoos from Amazon. And, understandably, you've lost focus on nearly everything you had wanted to accomplish during the day! More likely, your day was just littered with small distractions, nagging last-minute requests from others, and an impending crisis that was looming overhead, requiring your swift action to avert impending doom. Pat yourself on the back - you succeeded, but what was it, exactly, that you were trying to achieve? Who knows - you lost focus! PAGE




Next time, when you start feeling overwhelmed with distractions and un-planned responsibilities, take a brief timeout for yourself. Lock yourself away and regain focus on your intentions for the day. You will continue to get distracted - that's okay - but make your state of mind your priority, and regain focus when you feel it slipping away. Here are a few tips that will help you maintain focus throughout a busy day. FIRST

Begin your day with an intentional state of mind: peaceful, energized, compassionate, direct, focused...


Write in your journal about your intended focus for the day to ensure it's clear and achievable


If you meditate, bring your focused intention into your meditation for the day. If you do yoga or exercise, bring your intended focus into that activity and let it take up some space in your head to help drive your focus for the day


Check in with your thoughts, intentions and focus throughout the day to see if you need to regain your focus to help achieve your goals - you could even set a timer for every three hours to ensure you're keeping track of your thoughts


At the end of the day, revisit your journal and make positive notations on affirming your intentions and focus. It's important not to be critical or insulting here, but instead to use this as another reset moment for your brain to place a positive emphasis on focus as it settles to sleep


f destractions seem to be ruling your thoughts and emotions, regaining focus is the most powerful tool you can add to your personal growth skillsets. Just creating a state of focus will help to reduce stress, improve your mood, increase energy and will allow you to achieve your goals faster and with greater success than if you allowed the many distractions and crises rule your day. What are a few steps you can take right now to help regain focus on your intentions and the things that matter most to you?







...that comes from the heart


o many men have been taught that "only little girls cry" - that you are lessthan-a-man if you cry, that showing emotion is a sign of weakness or even of being mentally unstable. Many men have even been taught that talking about how you feel is foolish, that it leaves you too vulnerable to attack and ridicule, and no one cares about how you feel anyway, so why are you bothering anyone with your silly emotions. Teaching our young boys, of whom many have grown to be strong, powerful men, this toxic line of thinking is causing more damage than we might have realized. Consider this: just because someone never cries or expresses emotion does not mean that they aren't living with severe emotional pain. Many men report that they have learned how to stop from crying - not by being particularly emotionally strong - but by avoiding thoughts and subjects that they might find painful.

who have learned to avoid crying by turning their pain and sadness into anger and rage. Some men have determined that crying and showing emotions of sadness and pain are so shameful that they replace any emotion they feel with ones that they consider to be more masculine. They'll raise their voice, pick fights, start blaming people for their anger, and they can even become violent and abusive in place of being emotional.

That's right- people are still impacted by emotional pain whether they express it or not. Those who don't express it, many have learned tactics to keep from becoming emotional such as avoiding certain subjects by changing the subject or leaving the room if certain subjects arise. Many will also switch their thoughts to things that don't upset them. The most dangerous are those

The good news is that many men have overcome their fear of emotion. They've learned that crying and expressing emotion at times heals their pain and trauma, and talking about how they feel with people close to them allows for deeper bonds of trust and intimacy. When they remove the macho fascade and get "real", they allow people a chance to get to know them and really care about them.





SpinGym Fitness Challenge

Forbes Riley's Private 30-Day Challenge!



Join Our Facebook Group! Facebook: Forbes Riley's FIT IN 5 SpinGym Fitness Group Join in the FIT IN 5 SpinGym Fitness Group, lead personally by Forbes Riley, in a community of motivated, like-minded people to give you SUPPORT, TIPS AND TO CHEER YOU ON! Join us via the link above...

& congratulations on deciding to do fitness your way! You'll soon feel more energized, stronger, and tone. This is a big step for you and we want you to know that we’ll be by your side every step of the way.



• FREE community group for those learning and using the SpinGym scientificallyproven formula • ACCESS videos, resources, tips and Forbes joining in live along with a community of like-minded, motivated people



Daily Exercise



t’s no surprise that people who are fit often have a competitive edge at work. They tend to have increased stamina, higher energy, good health and even good looks compared to their less fit colleagues. They also tend to have one other trait that is the most powerful marker for success: a positive attitude. Exercise does amazing things for our bodies physically, including strengthening muscles, bones and joints to help us feel better and stronger, reducing instances of common back and joint problems. It also boosts our immune system letting us fend off illnesses better; plus it dynamically reduces instances of lifestyle illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and helps all of our internal systems function properly. These are all extremely important benefits to getting and staying fit, but the impact that exercise can have on your attitude is one of the primary reasons you see many people at the top of their careers getting and staying fit. Mindset determines mood and attitude, and nothing impacts your mindset more than your daily habits and routines. From your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning and how you choose to deal with challenges and setbacks throughout the day to your interactions with peers and family and the quiet thoughts, your internal dialogue, that chatter on in your head. You actually choose how you feel about everything around you, and you actually get to make a decision about every action and reaction you take. There is no autopilot inside your brain making you do anything against your will. So, knowing that, you actually can work to modify and control these habits and reframe them to be more positive in your life every day. But, if you want the real insider’s secret to set these changes on a dynamic path towards success, it’s easier than you might think: exercise.

Here are just some of the ways that exercise impacts your mindset: ♠ Reduces anxiety ♠ Boosts self-esteem ♠ Helps us manage stress ♠ Increases energy and stamina ♠ Helps manage depression and feeling low ♠ Supports self-awareness and accountability ♠ Helps us feel better, manage pain and prevent illness ♠ Increases drive and reinforces goal-setting and achievement ♠ Reinforces development & maintainance of a healthy lifestyle With a leading edge like that, getting in a workout every day might be as much of an investment in your future and your career as getting another degree or applying for a promotion. Fitness is more than just a chore your doctor recommends to you at your annual physical—it’s a lifestyle that can impact nearly every area of your life in extraordinary ways. Does your workplace have a wellness initiative? Ask your employer what their wellness benefits are. If you think they could be better, make a recommendation and let them know that when a workforce starts getting fit and healthy, the ROI to the company is dynamic.

A boost of daily rigorous exercise is a routine that will set you apart from the rest, and more importantly, its benefits will dynamically raise your chances for success in nearly every area of your life.

For information on a new, dynamic employee wellness pilot program, contact





SpinGym Workplace Wellness System SpinGym @ Work

SpinGym has been proven effective in on-site office training programs, where employees engage in high-impact workout sessions daily, even while sitting at their own desks.

• Workout at your desk • Team commitment

Studies show that after the first six months of implementation, these programs have resulted in:

• Amplify productivity • Culture of health

• Up to 50% reduction in workplace injuries and claims

• High-risk intervention • Holistic wellness

• 10% increase in the employee health and safety index

FITNESS • PERFORMANCE • HEALTH The System also includes... Holistic Wellness: Daily videos by Forbes Riley on fitness, health, stress management, nutrition & food planning, and more •

Success Performance: Discounted opportunities for corporate trainings, seminars, and keynote speaking by Forbes Riley •

Play video here





A New Spin On...


A protein rich breakfast to help start the day Vanilla Protein pancakes with Strawberries Ingredients: 1 cup of vanilla flavored protein powder; 2 whole fresh eggs (or 3 egg whites), 8-10 whole fresh strawberries, washed and trimmed. Directions: Mix protein powder and eggs in a large bowl until fully combined. Lightly oil a hot pan with coconut oil or grapeseed oil. Pour 1/4 cup of mixture into pan. When edges turn solid, flip and cook on the other side until golden. Continue until all of the batter is used. Slice half of your fresh strawberries and mash the other half of the strawberries with a spoon. Spread the mashed strawberries on the pancakes and cover with the strawberry slices. You can add a light drizzle of honey, maple syrup or agave nectar for added sweetness if desired.

Energy-packed green juice: a perfect mid-day boost Riley's Remedy Ingredients: 1 cup chopped organic spinach; 1 cup of chopped organic romaine lettuce; 2 stalks of celery; 1½ cups of filtered cold water or coconut water; ½ organic apple - cored and chopped; ½ frozen banana; ¼ large avocado (or ½ of a small); juice of 1 lemon; stevia (optional only to sweeten) Directions: Blend all ingredients in a blender until fully combined and smooth--drink right away. PAGE


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N th th ex o b a a t yo o g t o t c est pe Yo on ur iv pp ho to ct u n e e Y i O p l s e l f n g o r t u i ce , yo o n l y e e d l s e U ac a th ur i a n s th to R n e e i s t g t d o e st in p be y e th lf. e b ma oin C ro pr pr st ac a T es k O n g of i o yo h t ' s o d t e a g t o M f a er ou rit u m r M , y n d y i h a o r a n e y a o m co m p u t nd y ni ou ly n v n i T ITM m r e p o yo u e t o n g , o r m e v o u i t m n t h O E a n o e r rs e e e ne si r l g Y NT w u ti y n lf if iv d rg Th O y ve w e , o e t s e s l y d ay a n t t o o r k is is t p d o U c , t f y h a u p ay h e yo a n o w yo g i o o r yo a co lle , s, r p u r i n e r u ve u r s yo ur m g te f ng an to s o e u r m es d y o. Y iori elf. nti ul th et t nly lf t . to opti itm o ti o o o W th of e n in u o m m e l i f m u fe s t e h e n t o g ! S m a k e a k u m nt e, an e yo e e w a g l b n d yo co m e i ze u th po to b o t u e to e t e o m e rk tt m a be enti yo an stre er, fall ak it fu st al ur e d s y i lfi de a l o s a o u nt o nd bes lle c ve n d a r d isi an on em t se be th e d s t po lf, tte e he h w to r. a l at e r th w yo rea l i y l i f l l l e u r s i ze e. ad el f


FALL 2020





Friends & Happiness

Cherishing positive friendships supports good mental health

by Daphne Taylor Street

Friendship renders prosperity more brilliant, while it lightens adversity by sharing it, and making its burden common. -Cicero


magine the perfect friendship - maybe you already have an amazing best friend or partner who is your "bestie", and you know that through thick and thin they have your back, they care about how you feel, they celebrate your joy, empathize with your pain and show up for you in good times, bad and everything between. How do you show up as being that amazing friend to them?

When your friend asks you, "how can I help," and your standard reply is: "Oh, no, I'm fine," this doesn't allow your friend to feel that they are cherished. Sometimes they'll withdraw, and other times the person who pulled away will still feel resentful that their friend didn't help them, even though they pushed them away, But, when you have a great friend, a friend that you share mutual feelings of cherishment, goodwill and a healthy bit of showing up for one another under all circumstances, this is when friendship can be amazingly beneficial - "lightening adversity by sharing it, and making its burden common." Spending time with your friend can reduce stress, reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, give you courage to power-through when you feel stuck and help all manner of pain become a little more manageable.

The best friendships really are centered on mutual goodwill and cherishing one another - cherishing you for who you are, not expecting you to change or to fit within some description that's currently convenient or preferred. We also depend on our best friends to be present for us - understanding that at times it's just not possible to physically be present their compassion, love and effort are unmistakable.

The very best way to find a friend like this, if you don't already have one, is to be one. Take a chance on a few people, and take the time to build bonds with them, to care about them, to be there for them, and to forgive them when they might be having a tough time forgiving themselves. Together, the best of friends can do anything!

We look to our best friends to listen to us without judgment, to put aside feelings of jealousy when we succeed, and we also need reciprocity. Friendship really doesn't work very well or last very long if you're only willing to give and never receive. It's a mutual balance. PAGE




Les Brown & Forbes Riley

Celebrating a special bond as friends, colleagues and a mentor by Daphne Taylor Street


es Brown and Forbes Riley met years ago, before Forbes became known as a motivational and transformational guide, as she is now known, appearing on the top platforms across the nation. Soon after they met, Les and Forbes became fast friends, and they've worked together several times, spoken on the same stages at the same events, and Les has even shared valuable words of wisdom privately with Forbes as a mentor and friend.

Over the years, their friendship has grown, and you'll notice from Les's podcast appearance on Forbes Riley's show (see clip on the right of the page) and from the clip below where Les talks about Forbes as a highly-sought-after motivational speaker today, Les really enjoys the fact that his friend and colleague, Forbes Riley, shares the same commitment towards positive messaging and empowering others that he has held so dear to him for so many years. When your values connect, it's easy to be supportive! It has been said that you are the sum of the 10 people closest to you, and it's obvious that both Les and Forbes are in great company with one another. This is an example of what the best friendships are all about - supporting each other, cheering on one another and showing up - being present - wanting the very best for all.


Help others achieve their dreams, and you will achieve yours. -Les Brown







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Joshua Self

is World Fitness Federation (WFF) 2018 National Championship Pro Beachbody Champion and placed 2nd in the world for 2019 WFF Pro International Championship. Forbes Living magazine's Editor in Chief Daphne Taylor Street talked with Joshua about what it takes to be a world champion. Joshua says that the number one priority to being a champion is that you must love what you're doing. "You have to make sacrifices, incredible hard work, researching what is the very best way to get the results you want, then commit yourself 100% to taking action on achieving those results - every day. You don't get to slack off; you don't get to 'not feel like it' when you're training for a championship. If you don't love what you're doing, you won't go through all of that, and you won't reach your goal."

To be a Champion, Joshua Self treats fitness and healthy habits as if no other options exist. "Winning feels good," says Joshua, as he describes what drives him to reach world championship-level success. "But, I've never been more motivated to win as I was for this competition," referring to the 2018 WFF World Championship. "I wanted to win for her," he said. Joshua is referring to the woman he calls "the love of my life," fiancee Forbes Riley. Joshua and Forbes met in 2017, and they survived the Las Vegas massacre at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in PAGE



2017 together. "Surviving something like that brings you closer together than you could ever imagine. We've been through something no one else could understand, and we continue to be there for each other." "The work that Forbes does really helps and transforms people, and it's so important. She literally changes lives," said Joshua. "We're a team; we support one another, we play together, we laugh a lot, we travel, we work on projects, and we are very much in love."



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Register for the next Forbes BREAKthru Transformational Multi-Day Seminar l





A New Spin On‌ Play

Families who play together form stronger, more trusting bonds by Daphne Taylor Street

What are some things your family would enjoy doing together to get everyone to join in and play? You might even have to force it at first, but the benefits will be so worth the struggle, creating this tradition in your home!


ith the stress piled high on all family members - parents at work, managing a home, kids with homework and often extracurricular activities, even the young kids feel pressure to behave and excel - it's so important for everyone to stop what they're doing, come together and play!

Boost your family bonds, communication and trust by committing to play together - it's not all so serious!

Maybe your family likes board games, being creative, playing sports, going on adventures, group video games - anything that encourages all of you to interact together in a playful way. The benefits towards improving bonds, reducing stress, increasing communication and building feelings of trust and love are extraordinary in these moments. Play often! PAGE




A New Spin on...


Teaching young kids about nutrition


by Daphne Taylor Street

ome kids love to try all kinds of foods, while others prefer to stick to the basics. When it comes to teaching your young children about nutrition, however, nothing is more powerful than the parents taking charge.

Modeling is one critical activity where parents liter-

ally model good nutritional habits so that their young children see them enjoying healthy meals and snacks. Children learn quickly through observation and mimicking, and what children see their parents doing is a bold signal to the children telling them what is "normal" and "preferred" in the family.

Activities that include discussion about healthy foods

and nutrition are also a great way to enforce good nutrition and eating habits with young children. Teach them about seasonal fruits and vegetables in the market, and encourage them to select and try new produce that interests them. Also, even if they are too young to read, start early-on reading nutrition labels to them and maybe expalin that if ingredients are too difficult to pronounce, they usually aren't good for you. PAGE






to g, m x in ! e a b o l v ve r t e- -so cti ou th m t a n e t y of ble ge atio ctiv l an t- ro o w ou d p m t rre nd a o u e e yo a c a n t h t c y a If br ing ge rec vit em ink ura di eati t h co ' s a c r . en ere een es Th t w p l a c be ork w

W Th h at B an is i do usi ba d i s a es ne de nk t go ver suc ss bu fin bal es y p ces & sin itio an far er s m Su e s n o ce . d e s o n e c G ss f e H ep al an ce to tti s o u u cc cc w er que to y ss ho th ng es es do th s o an w ese in t s? s es an tio u? t o A r w o yo yo n , bu im he qu uc e ur sin po y li es h th rk in ur ti w n r e ey t o Yo ss tan k t ons ith re yo an t k og , a th kn u c l at u d ey e t h n d e a ow a n ed r s ' e uc to de ns w tg r ? , ce d e a t e w e he et s s ve n d r m r s re so bl lo do in yo m ue pi n in u' ew pr ng 't, g re h i n yo i s go ere t. ur in g. if y ou do n' t


FALL 2020

A New Spin On... Business





Tell YOUR Story for the win! Storytelling strategically to boost income & touch lives

What would it mean to you to have your own story published? If you don't already have your personal story published in a book, what do you think that story would be about? Take a moment to really think about it...


What could having your own published story do for you - your credibility, income, visibility? Most importantly, how would your story be able to impact the lives of thousands of readers that you were able reach because your story was out there, able to touch them, help them and transform them? Today, more than ever, there are vast opportunities to have your story published. Honestly, you don't even need to write your story if that part of the process seems like an insurmountable barrier to you. In fact, I personally recommend that you not write your PAGE


own story when you can hire a ghostwriter who are experienced professionals that tell your story to make the greatest impact that gets your audiences to take the action you desire. The cost isn't even a barrier - for less than $3,500 you can get your 45-page business book completed, which is a critical part of any 21st Century marketing and branding strategy establishing credibility, adding cash flow and positioning you as an authority in your field. For even greater impact, consider getting published in a reputable compilation book that has a built-in ghostwriting and editing process, done-for-you publicity and guarantees best selling status. Just get your story out there, and stop playing small! Email us HERE...



Having the perfect pitch will get you everything... Having the perfect business pitch will get you everything from your next job promotion to signing investors onto your new project and more. by Forbes Riley & Daphne Taylor Street

Join PITCH SECRETS Masterclass


he 10 tips for the perfect pitch, once mastered, will get you everything you want in life. Think about it. When you asked your parents to borrow the car, when you asked someone out on a first date, when you went on a job interview, when you got engaged... Everything required you to have the perfect pitch for you to get what you wanted. These ten tips can be applied universally, no matter what it is you want.

Above: Forbes Riley teaches audiences across the globe about the power of the perfect pitch and specific techniques that she uses. These are the same techniques that have resulted in more than $1 billion in sales revenue and positioned her as an international TV host and award-winning leader in her field.

Register to join PITCH SECRETS Masterclass to pitch like a PRO with Forbes.

10 tips to develop the perfect pitch




veryone is in it for themselves erify / research nsure you’re solving a problem for them eal facts – evidence: data and examples our emotional appeal hooks your audience riggers to engage ave a compelling story nstinct – what does your gut say o one wants to be pitched - don’t sound like it o for the ask



Level-up Cash Flow

Develop 3 revenue sources to start building your wealth


1) Primary: Most people have a primary source of earned income. Usually that's a job or the business they own or the gigs they are most known for, and the majority of their income is generated here.

o often financial gurus, life coaches and any number of other experts, when they start talking about finances, they focus on budgeting, cutting back expenses, and savings. Look, all of that is great and very important, but how does it help you when you've cut back everything except eating three times per day and paying your mortgage every month? At some point, financial planning has very little to do with cutting expenses, and it has everything to do with generating increased revenue.

2) Side hustle: Think about what else you could do to earn extra income - instead of streaming movies or playing on social media - what if you reallocated that time to a side hustle? Maybe you love to write and you earn some freelance blogging gigs, or you love animals so you establish a dog walking business, maybe it's a network marketing program - just make sure it's something you enjoy to help motivate you to keep it going.

Most peole have a primary source of income, whether that's a job with a company or they're an entrepreneur hustling to earn their monthly minimum, or maybe they're taking part in the emerging gig economy, driving for ride shares, selling skills - trying to make it work on some skills, ingenuity, lots of grit and a little luck.

3) Passive income: What if you wrote a book, created video classes on something you do well, invested in real estate or stocks - what are some ways that you could earn passive income to help improve cash flow in your life?

But, did you know that most millionaires have seven sources of income? That's correct - 7. Not one job, not two jobs or three - they have seven sources of income that create cash flow for them, keeping their wealth continuing and growing. What if you adopted a similar philosophy, and let's just start at three sources of income:

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking about your finances a little differently. Instead of always thinking about how to cut back so that you have very little life to enjoy anymore - how can you improve cash flow? PAGE




Book your next speaker...

Forbes Riley

"Life-changing" "She is inspiration" "Her energy is on fire" "Forbes Riley just knew exactly what I needed to hear" "I'll never be the same, and I think many of us can say that" Forbes Riley is a celebrated transformational speaker and facilitator, sought-after across the United States and around the globe. Forbes regularly speaks to top entrepreneurs, celebrities, C-level executives and facilitates seminars, workshops, and retreats, shifting mindsets, breaking through limiting beliefs and conquering barriers that keep people from achieving their biggest dreams.

Speaker Topics

Book Forbes Here

• • • • •

High performance business and entrepreneurism success Motivation, inspiration, elevation - achieving your BIG dreams Health, fitness & wellness - corporate and personal (youth and adults) Women's empowerment - living the life you want Youth and young adult goals, achievement, and following your dreams PAGE




FORBES FACTOR RADIO Airs LIVE weekly on Wednesdays @ 11am Pacific


Listen to Forbes Riley & Les Brown

Listen to Forbes Riley & Pasha Carter

Listen to Forbes Riley & Grant Cardone

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Save Our KIDS T

here is a global mission, urgently burning, to help save youth all around the world, and in the USA, from a horrific reality: modernday human trafficking. Together, athletes, other celebrities and several nonprofits have banded together to help bring awareness and solutions to this problem, which too many people think is something in our ancient past, very uncommon, or “only happens to other people.” Right now, in our own communities, there is the very real and widely pervasive horror of human trafficking and modern slavery. In fact, human trafficking is the fastest growing and most profitable crime in the world today. The FBI estimates there are more than 100,000 girls (ages 9-19) being trafficked in the United States. The average target age for girls is 13 and 12 for boys. Only an estimated 1% of victims are able to escape this life.


This isn’t just a problem for the impoverished, minorities and immigrants, runaways or sex workers, as many people assume. Human trafficking impacts every race and every social demographic. According to the FBI, every 6 seconds another person becomes a victim of human trafficking, and while some segments of society may be at higher risk, young people from every walk of life are vulnerable. Click here for resources. This isn’t just an American problem, either. From a global perspective, the numbers are equally staggering. In data reports from 2016, 40.3 million people were estimated to be in modern slavery. This translates to approximately 5.4 people out of every 1,000 individuals in the world who are victims of modern slavery, and 1 out of every 4 victims of modern slavery is a child. Click here for more statistics. Tiffany is the founder of a nonprofit organization that is fighting to rescue victims and help them become survivors. She was a victim of rape and years of sexual, mental, and physical abuse, herself. Although she wasn’t technically trafficked, her personal story of surviving repeated sexual assault and abuse, then breaking free ignited a personal mission for her. When she became aware of this widespread crime and the intimate trauma each victim endures once entering into human trafficking rings, Tiffany erupted with action! She formed her own organization 10 years ago, yet struggled to get anyone to pay attention. Recently, Tiffany joined forces with a national movement that has a similar mission as hers: Sports World Against Trafficking (SWAT). FORBES LIVING SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR PAGE




Tiffany explains that together, their directive is to explode awareness on a national scale. They have leveraged the celebrity of sports figures to make everyone more vigilant and to help recognize the signs of human trafficking. With specific strategies, we can stop the cycle of this insidious crime that is destroying the lives of young people impacted by this cruelty. SWAT uses a 4-pillar formula to Enlighten, Educate, Engage, Empower and Eradicate to accomplish their goals.

fundraising. Tiffany said, “Money raised will go towards some amazing technology, keeping the organization’s mission running, partnering with other organizations to collaborate for a widespread impact, and the production of a film that will save so many lives.” When asked about the impact these projects will have on saving lives, Tiffany said, “People need to know how this is happening, that it can happen in their neighborhood, how to spot the signs, and how best to monitor their kids’ activities so that they don’t end up in a dangerous situation. Also, kids need to be educated so they don't easily fall victim and know how to be smart and stay as safe as possible.”

“Technology and media are our key components in really making an impact through our organizations. SWAT has been working tirelessly on developing and launching an app and producing a comprehensive curriculum addressing the reality of sex trafficking. Both of these projects are aimed at empowering people everywhere with ways that they can get involved and become the solution to this wildly profitable exploitation and abuse of predominantly young people all over the country,” said Tiffany.

Not only is SWAT leveraging the celebrity power of sports figures, but they are also joining forces with many other passionate people with the same mission and goals. Together, this effort will be a force to be reckoned with. There are several ways that anyone can Get Involved to make an impact right now, including Making a Donation and Taking the Pledge.

Having more people stand up to this epidemic is the ultimate solution, Tiffany explained. “We need more people to be aware of who, what, where and why this is so prevalent. Seeing famous people step up and recognize there is a huge problem, and demonstrating that they want to be a part of the change is a powerful motivator to the masses, and that giant platform is what is needed to really make an impact.”

Tiffany says that small donations are as appreciated as large donations. “Times are tough, but for example, if 100,000 people were to donate $10.00 that equals $1 million dollars. Power is in the numbers.” There is a link you can simply and safely donate to: Your donation is greatly appreciated, and your prayers are also needed. This mission is not an easy one, but it must be done.

The developments underway come with fairly large price tags: technology development and the production of the documentary are expensive, so a portion of their efforts are being focused on






Sports World Against Trafficking


Play video here

Learn more about the SWAT League organization and please offer your support






Families & Caregivers Support

There is hope on the other side of the door Schizophrenia is a mental illness with more than 200,000 cases reported per year in the United States. It is a chronic and persistent disorder that interferes with how a person thinks, feels and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem out of touch with reality and can experience hallucinations and psychosis. Treatment may be effective in addressing some symptoms, and it usually includes a lifelong commitment to medication, psychotherapy, and other services.

Schizophrenia Family & Caregiver


Families & Caregivers: As difficult as managing

HOPE Podcast

schizophrenia is on the patients, the family members and caregivers often seem left out when it comes to resources and support, though they are often suffering deeply with stress, feelings of guilt, frustration, confusion, fear, and even resentment.

DR. KENNETH CAMPOS Ken Campos, MD, DFAPA is a professional psychiatrist, identifying as a holistic psychiatrist, medication and care management specialist. He has been treating patients with schizophrenia and psychosis since his Mayo Clinic Residency in 1981. He spent 20 years in closed-locked hospital settings with acutely psychotic patients up until 2013, and now works part time at an outpatient clinic doing medication management for those with chronic schizophrenia. He is a member of the American Psychiatric Association - DFAPA Distinguished Fellow of the APA.

Dr. Campos is in the process of developing a nonprofit organization that would support housing, supervision and treatment to individuals with schizophrenia. He hosts the HOPE: On the Other Side of the Door podcast, focusing on the needs of families and caregivers of those diagnosed with schizophrenia. FORBES LIVING SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR PAGE





Creating BALANCE for Yourself, Work & Home

Self-Care is one of the most critical and often

over-looked components in creating a balanced lifestyle. Far too many people believe that taking time out of a demanding schedule or stressful life for a massage, meditation, journaling or just to socialize and play is too selfish when there is so much to be done! "Self-care, actually isn't selfish at all," explains Pamela Zimmer, life coach and balance expert. "Not only is self-care not selfish, it's one of the most generous things you can do," Zimmer says. She explained that if you aren't filled up, your energy and mindset are depleted, which leads to feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, and this leads to challenges managing everyday problems that pop up all the time not to mention the big crises that hit us now and then.


3 Tips to Reclaim Balance

Below are three simple yet effective tips to help reclaim balance in your life... 1) Develop a morning and before bed routine: Routines help prepare you for a purpose-driven day and a restful night, preparing your mind and body for positive intentions and expectations. 2) Spend time in nature: You might go for a walk outside, sit in a park, go to a beach, etc. but that time in nature is something our souls crave as we watch the animals, smell the plants and hear the wind rustle. 3) Schedule your next day before bed: Plan out what you're doing the next day. This will put your mind at ease, allowing you a restful night, and it will help you feel empowered when the morning comes, enforcing a proactive state-of-mind versus a chaotic, reactive one.

Pamela Zimmer is a life coach for women and moms, speaker



and #1 best-selling author, helping women return to their individuality and find balance in four core areas of life: social, self, work, and home. I began my career as an architect, and from that background, I bring a logical, solution-oriented approach to coaching and a deeply personal perspective. I sludged my way through postpartum depression, and the tools I used to help me regain balance in my life are now available in my step-by-step program.






Adventurer, Model, Instagram Celebrity, Best Friend


Meet One Up Max!

There is no failure if you keep moving forward Max is a dog, an adventurer, a model, an Instagram celebrity and the lead character of ADVENTURES OF ONE UP MAX. Lisa Shawver, Max's human, is entertaining kids of all ages with the stories of One Up Max. You can find out everything Max is up to by following him on Instagram and Facebook @ One Up Max! Max is also available for hire as a model and actor. Reach out to: to book Max.

Lisa Shawver is an entrepreneur, author, coach,

and a former Olympic softball athlete who now helps others achieve Olympic-level success through mentoring, business coaching and motivational speaking. She leads by example and is always creating. The author of the youth chapter book, The Adventures Of One Up Max: Runic and the Crystal Cave, Shawver engages kids in the magic of reading! In the book, Max is after a strange critter, a young dragon, and follows it into a wormhole that zooms him into an even stranger world, where he sets off on a dangerous quest in search of magical stones in order to get back home. Readers experience themes such as friendship, perserverance, and teamwork. Max's adventures teach us that there is no failure if you keep moving forward. This book has been a big hit in homes and schools across America. A sequel is in the works, so that Max can continue on his harrowing adventures, delighting kids and parents alike with stories designed to awaken imaginations and encourage reading with lovable Max taking the lead with his friends, creatures and quests! FORBES LIVING SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR PAGE








in her own words

by Daphne Taylor Street n America today, there are about 7,176 magazines in circulation. Why would ANYONE start yet another magazine and try to make an impact in this highly competitive market? Because Forbes Living Magazine is rethinking the power of what eMagazines, quality content and quality products and services, married together and branded in one space can do to level-up market reach and sales.

magazine a brand of trust


Forbes Riley maintains a lifelong commitment to quality in her brand & life.

"Forbes Living magazine is on the cutting-edge of advertising, sales and marketing practices while carefully vetting all products, services and causes represented in its magazine. Each company advertised is interviewed and researched to ensure that its mission, quality and nature is in-line with the mission and values, which are central to the Forbes Living Brand."

We're different because our advertisers don't just purchase ad space in Forbes Living Magazine. We're better than that. We have relationships with anyone invited to advertise in our space to help ensure that we are bringing our readers the best quality possible, and invite these advertisers to be represented in our brand.

This level of quality is a huge advantage to our advertisers and readers alike, because being represented in our brand means that we trust you. And that is the same level of trust audiences have put in Forbes Riley and all she has represented for years!

Forbes Living Magazine is synonymous with the Forbes Riley Brand, and is modeled after the many years Forbes has spent pitching products on television, resulting in more than $2.5 billion in revenue. Her success has been predicated on aligning herself with the best quality products and services on the market to represent, then telling their stories in such a way that they become personal to their audiences, which does more than just close sales--it builds relationships with customers and brands.

The medium matters. Not only do you reach your direct

subscribers, but you also reach audiences via targeted internet marketing, followers of social media influencers, and true brandculture fans start spreading your ad around, but that's not even the coolest part... Your ad isn't just a picture up in a print magazine that just sits on a page. No, your ad in this eMagazine is interactive, actionable content--it's an article you get to publish that's interesting, shareable, and allows people to take action immediately when they first see your ad. You can lead readers IMMEDIATELY into your world. Readers can order products or book services RIGHT AWAY directly from a link in your ad. Interested?

This has been at the core of Forbes Riley's success, and therefore is the core philosophy for advertisers in our magazine. This is one element that sets Forbes Living Magazine apart in the sea of magazines present in the market today. We are dedicated to representing the ultimate in quality for our brand.

Contact Editor in Chief Daphne Taylor Street for Forbes Living magazine's advertising & sponsorship opportunities PAGE




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