Revealed: Do Bunions Go Away On Their Own?

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Revealed: Do Bunions Go Away On Their Own?

You’ve been thinking about bunions and why they exist. But more importantly, you are concerned about when they will go away. It’s true that when you leave a pimple alone and do not touch it, they go away in time, but bunions are not like that.

The question is – Do bunions go away on their own? Here’s an article highlighting the importance of bunion surgery in Houston, and whether DIY remedies make the bunions disappear.

You should read this post if you have bunions because we will disclose some answers and truths here. Are you ready for the truth bombs? Dive into this article to know more.

What are bunions, anyway?

Bunions are also called hallux valgus, a bump on the side of the foot on the big toe’s joint. When your muscles and bones are out of place or not in alignment, it can create an uncanny and bony bump. But don’t worry about it – you are not the only one saddled with bunions. There could be many causes for bunions which we will highlight in the next section.

What can cause bunions?

The cause of bunions is unknown, but there can be different possibilities. Some foot experts believe that it could be inherited. If your parents or grandparents had it, it could be passed to the next generation. It also depends on the shape of your foot.

Another theory says tight-fitting shoes could force the toes into uncanny positions. This causes excessive pressure on the joints. Inflammatory diseases could also cause bunions, but the real cause is not known to date.

Another theory says that dancers, teachers, air hostesses, and nurses who stand for too long can also get bunions. Experts also believe that those who have too much weight can also get bunions. So, the theories are never-ending, but the real deal is to tackle the issue at hand.

The biggest question is – Can you get rid of bunions on your own? They are unpleasant and sometimes painful too. Let’s find out!

No. Bunions Don’t Go Away On Their Own!

Sadly, bunions don’t go away on their own. If you have a bunion, it is possible that it will grow bigger in due course of time. You have to act now! The best way is surgery because it assures you that the bunions will be out of sight.

Some find pain relief after home remedies, but it doesn’t work for everyone. The removal of these bunions is the best way forward.

Home remedies may work for some, but we suggest meeting up with a foot surgeon or specialist who can give you expert advice.

Since bunions grow over time, you should tackle the situation and get the right procedure done. But if you are still bent on using home remedies for bunions, you can jump to the next section to find a few hacks that may work.

Home Remedies That May Work To Reduce Bunions.

Nobody likes the sight of bunions, but they are the sad reality of life. Regardless of how much care you take off your foot, you may get bunions, and a surgical method can be your best option.

Let’s focus on a few hacks that might help you.

First, you could soak your feet in warm water. Add some Epsom salt, and let the foot sit in it for about 30 minutes. It is quite relaxing for your foot, and the pain may go down too. This may not be useful in removing bunions, but the inflammation may decrease, and you will feel relaxed.

Another hack is to wear shoes that have a little more breathing space. You should also let go of your shoes at intervals so that your feet can breathe and you have some space to wiggle the toes. Don’t stand in shoes for a prolonged time. Icing your foot can also reduce inflammation in your foot that is caused by bunions. Bunions are not only uncanny-looking, but they may cause pain, inflammation, and discomfort. Walking too long with bunions on your foot can be tedious, but let your foot breathe easily.

But all these hacks do not help you remove bunions, so only surgery can help you eliminate the unsightly bunions.

So, consider meeting a foot expert, and let them diagnose. Self-diagnosis in the case of bunions will not take you far, so let the surgeon make the corrections. You will save time and money by going to a doctor instead of spending years managing the pain and inflammation.

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