Bunion: Pain Treatment And When To Get Surgery?

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Bunion: Pain Treatment And When To Get Surgery?

Bunion pain can progress over time if the necessary steps are not taken to address this issue. Bunions can get very painful and can worsen over time. These may develop over time as the pressure on the big toe joint causes the normal structure of the joint to change, thus shifting it out of alignment. But you can get treatment for bunion pain in Houston if at-home remedies do not work. Bunion treatment options can reduce inflammation and help achieve better pain relief.

Bunion treatment

The treatment will depend upon the severity of your condition, i.e., the deformity and the pain. You may undergo surgery after consulting a podiatrist if your condition is severe. It is better that you deal with it at the earliest as it can worsen over time and get extremely painful. The early treatment of bunions includes conservative methods, which are non-surgical remedies. Surgery is recommended only in extreme cases.

Conservative treatment for bunion pain relief

These are non-surgical treatments for treating bunion pain. These are usually tried before taking surgical treatment for bunion pain in Houston. These remedies help slow the worsening of bunions but cannot prevent them completely. These conservative methods include:

• Changing shoes: roomy and comfortable shoes can provide plenty of space for your toes, which can reduce bunion pain by giving extra space to your big toe.

• Medication: the most common medications used for bunion pain are ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen sodium. These medicines help to control the pain of the bunion. Cortisone injections are also taken for bunion pain.

• Padding: non-medicated, over-the-counter bunion cushions or pads act as a buffer between your foot and shoes, thus easing the pain.

• Applying ice: Applying ice to the bunion after being on your feet for too long, causing inflammation, can help greatly. The ice can help relieve swelling and soreness. However, you need to check with your doctor before applying ice if you have reduced feeling or circulation problems with your feet.

• Shoe inserts: shoe inserts help to distribute the pressure evenly when you move your feet. This reduces the symptoms of the bunion and prevents it from getting worse. Specialized shoe inserts called orthotics are prescription devices that work to help better align and support your foot. The splint worn at night also performs a similar function.

• Physical therapy: this is another treatment option for bunion pain. Although physical therapy can be time-intensive, it can significantly reduce pain and inflammation.

Preparing for your appointment

Before visiting your doctor, ponder over questions like what is causing your foot problems, what treatment approach you would like to have, is your condition likely to be temporary or permanent, if you are a candidate for the surgery, and if other self-care tips might help.

The doctor will likely ask you questions about when you started to have the problem, the intensity of your pain, exactly where the pain is, what seems to improve your symptoms, what type of shoes you wear, and what appears to worsen your symptoms.

When to consider surgery?

Suppose the initial treatment of bunions using conservative therapies does not help, causing the pain to persist and become very severe or impair your mobility. In that case, bunion surgery may be recommended for you. Several surgical techniques are used to correct a bunion. However, the main goal of these techniques is to restore the normal positioning and alignment of the big toe joint. There can be significant pain relief after full recovery from the procedure. The recovery time can depend on your specific condition and the technique used to correct it. But mostly, it takes around 6-12 weeks; hence surgery is only reserved for patients with severe pain or limited mobility. Also, the patient has to make conservative footwear choices, like avoiding high heels and narrow shoes, even after the surgery.

Surgical options

Bunion surgery is not recommended for cosmetic reasons and is only performed if the condition causes frequent and severe pain and interferes with your daily activities. There are many options for surgical procedures for bunions, each ideal for a different issue. Surgical treatment can be done as a single procedure or in combination. This may involve straightening your big toe by removing part of the bone, eliminating the swollen tissue from around your big toe, joining the bones of your affected joint permanently, and realigning one or more bones in the forefoot and positioning it to a more normal position in order to correct the abnormal angle in your big toe joint. Bunion surgeries are very effective, and you will be able to walk right after the procedure. But complete recovery can take months.

To conclude

The best way to deal with bunions is to start their treatment as early as possible. This will prevent it from worsening and having to undergo surgery.

Source URL: https://drcric.com/bunion-pain-treatment-and-when-to-get-surgery/

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