Prepping Up For Ankle and Foot Surgery: A Quick Guide

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Prepping Up For Ankle and Foot Surgery: A Quick Guide

Are you thinking of having an ankle or foot surgery? If yes, you are on the right page. You have to be prepared for the surgery (both before and after). The house needs to be prepared to accommodate the rehabilitation. Your doctor is going to tell you about it, but before that, we would like to enlighten you with some details.

If you have to undergo ankle surgery in Houston, we will help you with some tips. In this article, we will share the best tips with you about how you can prep up the house and the surroundings before your major ankle surgery.

Quick Tips to Prepare Your House Before You Get Your Ankle Surgery

We have jotted down a few helpful tips for you to get started with. Always remember that ankle surgery takes some time for recovery, so if you don’t have staff or people around in the house, you may need to make some arrangements. On second thought, you should not be dependent on anyone.

#1 Set the bed near the entry

If your house is a duplex, you don’t want to climb up and down the stairs right after surgery. Ensure the bed is near the entrance or lower level so you don’t have to climb the stairs. Take the help of someone who moves furniture or re-arrange it yourself before you undergo surgery.

#2 Invest in a portable commode

How do you intend to go to the washroom? You may need to use the bathroom many times a day. Make sure the bathroom is close to you or easily accessible. You can invest in a portable commode so you don’t have to go up and down. There is a risk of falling if you are not careful.

#3 Stocking up all the essentials

Speak to your doctor about how much time you have to rest. If you don’t have a cook, keep frozen and canned food with you. Microwaveable meals are also handy. Besides these, stock up on shampoo, tissue paper, toilet paper, etc. You will need these things daily.

#4 Keep medications handy

You may not have the luxury or ability to run to the pharmacy store, so stock up on all the medications. Jot down the list of medicines you may need for emergencies too. If your doctor has prescribed something after your ankle surgery, ask a friend or family member to pick them up for you.

#5 Everything should be easily accessible

Stock up on everything you need. You would need extra toilet paper, food, and medications. Everything should be within your shoulder-level distance. Set up your dishes and silverware on your kitchen counter so you can grab them easily.

#6 Always Keep Your Phone Close To You

Since you are on bed rest, you will need your phone close to you. If you have a landline phone, make sure it is close to your bed. You can make urgent calls whenever it is required. The cell phone should be fully charged, so keep the charger close. Never let your phone die because you may need it urgently.

#7 Get Daily Help

You want a family member or friend to stay with you. Since you are recovering, you may need help in shopping, bathing, setting up doctor appointments, etc. Ask your doctor if they can provide a nurse or caregiver help. Your insurance will cover these visits.

#8 Grabbing Bars in the Bathtub and Near the Commode

You can’t walk as comfortably while recovering. What if you lose balance? Getting out or inside the tub will be a hardship for you. Grab bars will provide stability, so consider getting these. Do not commit the mistake of grabbing anything unstable.

#9 Think about your pets

Pets can help you recover, but you must also consider their well-being. Who will take them for walks and give food to these munchkins? Ask your family members to stay with you or come home to take the dog for a walk. Cats don’t need as much attention as dogs, but someone has to be there to give them food. If you cannot handle it, consider boarding options.

#10 Use a Walker If You Like.

Do not put any weight on your ankle or foot when healing from surgery. Keep a walking stick or walker close to your bed. It helps if you get up to fetch something or walk to the bathroom.

By keeping these ten tips in mind, you will be prepared for the surgery. Keep everything accessible, and do not put weight on your healing ankle.

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