Food & Beverage Magazine April Issue

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We honor and remember the support of Chef Kerry Simon, Gary Cantor, Robin Leach, Chef Paul Prudhomme, & Gary Coles

Food & Beverage Magazine® is owned and published electronically by Beautiful People, LLC. Copyright 1995-2016 Beautiful People LLC. All rights reserved. Food & Beverage Magazine® and distinctive logo are trademarks owned by Beautiful People, LLC. “” is a trademark of Beautiful Peopl,e LLC. No part of this electronic magazine may be reproduced without the written consent of Food & Beverage Magazine. Requests for permission should be directed to: The information contained has been provided by such individual, event organizers or organizations. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author, organization or public relation firm. Food & Beverage Magazine is not affiliated with any other Food and Beverage or Hospitality publication.

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Restaurants to Congress: We Need Relief Now!

On March 18, 2020, the National Restaurant Association called on President Trump and congressional leaders to provide immediate relief in the wake of government-mandated operational changes. The large-scale closures and restrictions on gatherings have created an economic hardship that will ripple through every community in this country.

Early economic forecasts reveal the industry will sustain at least a $225 billion loss and be forced to eliminate between 5 to 7 million jobs over the next three-months; however, the White House and others are projecting a potentially longer period for reduced operations. In a letter to the Administration and Congress, the National Restaurant Association outlined several options that can provide relief and aid recovery for the nation's one million restaurants and 15.6 million employees.

Direct relief should include a Department of the Treasury-established $145 billion restaurant and food service industry recovery fund to help cover operations and pay employees; a proposed $35 billion community development block grant for disaster relief for regions and communities especially hard-hit, similar to a program used to help areas following the September 11 attacks; and assistance in allowing businesses to defer mortgage, lease, and loan obligations. Loans and insurance protections should include $100 billion in federally backed business interruption insurance to help sustain businesses and their employees over an anticipated long-term recovery; establishing a new federal loan program to backstop lost revenue to be provided if an employer keeps its workers on payroll and supports sick leave requirements; a $45 billion expansion in affordable federal and conventional loans; and, $130 million in disaster unemployment assistance which will help employees with financial assistance during interrupted employment because of closures or hardships.

"We are revising our business model to provide meals in different ways, takeout, delivery, safety-enhanced dine-in, but the majority of our restaurants do not have this capability today. As the restrictions continue, we are facing economic headwinds Tax programs should include a fix to the Qualified that will lead many restaurants to shut down operaImprovement Property (QIP) technical correction tions, lay off workers, and end service in our comwhich was a drafting error in the 2017 tax bill that munities," said Executive Vice President of Public would help facilities across the country fund Affairs Sean Kennedy. "Taken together, these improvements and hire local vendors and service proposals will ensure that restaurants have!"!#$%&!'(! providers; delay and forbearance provisions for increased liquidity and access to necessary financcertain tax obligations to assist already tight cash ing to help the industry and its employees recover." flow during the crisis; tax credits for businesses that retain employees during the hardship; reduced The Association proposed three separate categocredit card fees and a temporary payroll tax cut to ries of protection for industry restaurants and stimulate activity. employees: directed/targeted financial relief; loans/insurance options for impacted small busiTo learn more visit nesses; and tax measures.


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The times, they are a-changin’. It’s nearly 60 years since Bob Dylan penned the lyrics, but they couldn’t be truer today. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, we now live in a challenging and complex world where one day you’re planning a spring family vacation and the next you’re confined to home together in isolation, and where a small, unassuming virus has the power to wreak havoc with the world’s most powerful economies. The more uncertain the world becomes, the more consumers are turning to brands they trust, that are lightening the mood and reminding them that this too shall pass. Based on what I’m seeing, here are the top three packaging design trends that will help to keep any food or beverage product relevant in these changing times:

;+<,6+/+&(= With so much ‘noise’ going on in the world, saying what you mean and meaning what you say will account for as much as 45 percent of your brand’s image. It’s more important than ever to express the attributes of your brand simply, clearly and concisely, using fundamentals of good packaging design. RX Bar caught the trend early on, with its “No BS” messaging and minimal ingredients list on the outer wrapper of its protein bars. Tillamook dairy co-op also focused on modernized simplicity in its recent brand refresh, adding more visual energy to its logomark by skewing it upwards and introducing a lovely “Ti” ligature flair, and updating its tiny ship weathervane icon. These design elements help to retain consumer confidence by visually conveying the company’s 110-year heritage amid a new, sophisticated look. Both brands are simply and quickly sending


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the message: you can trust us when we say we use the best, natural ingredients.

>$"= Research shows you have 10 seconds or less to form a first impression of your brand and it starts with packaging. We’re continuing to see a growing consumer base that craves authenticity and will emotionally connect with brands that tell an honest story in a playful way, helping them forget their worries for a while. Smelted, a mobile brick oven pizza maker, recently rebranded with a fun new name and tongue-in-cheek pizza flavors, each supported by its own whimsical character. Not only is the positioning edgy and fun, and aligned with the company’s target audience of young millennials, but it also attracted the attention of a major hotel chain that is adding Smelted to its food court. Similarly, Nightfood Ice Cream introduced fun CraveMonsters™ to its packaging — capricious, open-mouthed monsters for each of its ‘sleep expert approved’ ice cream flavors, sending an amusing message to munchie-hungry consumers that it’s OK to embrace their late-night inner cravings with this product. On the heels of launching its new package, Nightfood was voted as Product of the Year by leading global consumer research firm Kantar and named Official Ice Cream of the American Pregnancy Association. -6."3&);.?3&(= With the rise of sustain-

able packaging and eco-friendly attributes, all brands are being called on to do their part in keeping our planet and customers safe. Being good to the planet is no longer a ‘nice to have’ feature for packaging, but a growing expectation. One company that continues to get it right when it comes to sustainable, safe and beautiful packaging is Maple Hill Grass-

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omorrow will bring. But gn efforts on simplicity, your brand will be the craving.

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Creates Restaurant Help Hotline in Partnership with Cohn Reznick and Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe

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As restaurants around the country close or face mandatory shut down as a result of the global coronavirus outbreak, restaurant reservation and rewards platform Seated has launched a hotline for restaurant operators to get advice from a team of industry professionals from CohnReznick, the leading finance and accounting advisor to the hospitality industry, and Golenbock Eisman Assor Bell & Peskoe, the leading law firm to the hospitality industry. “We know from other countries that this crisis will end. So, we are focusing our efforts on helping restaurants survive the shutdown now and prepare to recover when they can re-open. I closed my own restaurant, Mezze Bistro + Bar, and it was heartbreaking,” said Bo Peabody, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman at Seated, and a restaurateur with more than 20 years of experience. “But having access to trusted information from firms like CohnReznick and Golenbock made it much easier, and I want other operators to have that too. What restaurants need right now is sound advice.” Restaurant operators in need of advice can visit and submit a question. From there, questions will be directed to Stephanie O’Rourk, Hospitality Partner at CohnReznick, and Andrew Peskoe, Chairman of Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe, who will be further supported by a team of advisors and attorneys. Seated is further offering a complimentary hour of individualized professional business advice via phone to any of its nearly 1,500 restaurant partners or any restaurant that may wish to become a Seated partner. “As a whole, the hospitality industry is both overwhelmed and anxious as they are attempting to navigate through these uncharted waters” said Stephanie O’Rourk, Hospitality Partner at CohnReznick, LLP. “While they want to concentrate on what is in the best interest of their employees and the survival of their businesses, they also understand that there is financial and operational distress that must be dealt with first in connection with all short- and long-term plans that are made. During this critical time, we are focused on being a trusted advisor for the hospitality community, one that truly understands the industry and can bring all the resources to the table to help stabilize their businesses during this challenging time.” “We have been juggling inquiries from clients since this crisis began, the concerns start with labor and employment, but then run the gamut of real estate, equity finance, reorganization and even intellectual property,” said Andrew Peskoe, Chairman of the Golenbock law firm. “Some of the toughest

decisions had to be made by our clients in just days, or even hours, and we have so much admiration and respect for the careful thought processes we witnessed. Now, the calls are more about strategic and execution challenges, both near term and immediate. We have, for a very long time, been a practical source for trends and best practices in the industry, but I cannot ever remember it being so valuable a resource as it is in this crisis.” “Many restaurants are small businesses owned by families or independent operators, and it can be difficult even on a normal day to survive, let alone in times of unexpected and unprecedented crisis,” said Brice Gumpel, CEO and Co-Founder of Seated. “Our mission has always been focused on helping restaurants, and our hope is that the Seated hotline can make even a small impact to help restaurants persevere. As the situation continues to develop, Seated remains committed to supporting restaurant operators, and we will continue to offer guidance and help wherever needed.” To date, Seated has filled more than 900,000 seats, generated $7 million in tips for wait staff, and $37 million in revenue for restaurants. While the premise of Seated is rooted in in-restaurant dining and filling seats, its core mission is to help restaurants, specifically helping them increase sales and boost revenue. The launch of this effort further reflects this mission and the company will continue to develop support systems for restaurants as new challenges arise.

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Now that it's officially, official as Governor Murphy Announces Statewide Stay at Home Order, mandating that restaurants (who already haven’t) “ operate by delivery and takeout only,” questions come up on what restaurants can and should be doing to stay operational and serve their community. First and foremost, restaurant operators and employees should be following very strict safety guidelines for cleanliness, sanitation, food handling and social distancing. The National Restaurant Association has an exhaustive information center as well as as a very specific fact sheet in both English and Spanish with information specific to the restaurant industry. It doesn’t mention food handling gloves, but now is the time to double down on their use. Of the very few complaints and fears I’ve seen surfaced since this all began about restaurants, almost everyone of them mentions a lack of gloves being used by employees. Now that you have instituted the routines and mechanisms around this temporary “new normal” of pick-up and delivery, it’s time to think about how to make it better, safer and especially how it will affect your community and your business. Here are some tips, best practices and suggestions on how you can be more effective, keep safety in mind and serve your neighbors.

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Chef Corey

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Chef Corey Rice a Celebrity Chef and Owner of Chef Corey’s Kitchen, a personal Chef company based in Chicago, Illinois. Since 2016, Chef Corey has been known for his performance on MasterChef Season 7 representing Chicago’s South-side Community of West Englewood on Fox. Since his appearance, Chef Corey Rice has performed in live cooking demonstration at the Taste of Chicago’s Lifeway Foods Taste Kitchen, Chicago Gourmet, SOBE Food and Wine Festival, Rib Fest Chicago, and the Black Women’s Expo. Chef Corey Rice has experience as a personal chef for several known personalities including Radio FM Big 95.5, WGCI 107.5, Grammy winner DJ Kid Capri, legendary radio personality Ramonski Love, Leon Rodgers, as well as with many television networks, such as Fox News, WGNTV Midday News, WCIU Jam Show and others. For Chef Corey, nothing has been worth more than working with the community of Chicago and small non-profit that helps urban youth. Since his venture with Chef Life, Chef Corey has been blessed to work with a program called Monster Education Foundation whom establishes college savings fund for urban students starting at 6th grade. !"#$%&!%'$('%)"! Eleven/Eleven

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!"#$%&!%'$(*+,- ELEVEN|ELEVEN is a restaurant and bar rooted in the favorite dishes of owner, Ahmed Braimah. Ahmed is a Chicago-native and product of Ghanaian immigrants who came to the United States to make a better life for their family.

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The menu boasts Ahmed’s favorite dishes from around the globe, including his Aunt Vicky’s Jollof Rice. Our space is cultivated by creative individuals that draw inspiration from the local music, art, and fashion scenes to engage all of your senses at once. Our aim is to deliver a fun, thoughtful food experience in a dynamic, yet comfortable setting. Warm, neighborhood hospitality + an eclectic, funky playlist paints this picture. While food + beverages are the foundation of what we do, our goal is to leave a lasting impression on each guest who walks in our doors. The community inspires us. Wish you were here. ./0(1/,,#"(2,/(3+#/.%!"4 FOH dishware allows my food to stand out more. When the plate is presented it’s like 3D. /,.(+)5,!$%'$(+#(5!"#"'$%$+,'4 People eat with their eyes. Presentation is always key especially for hungry foodies like me. ./%$(+#(0,&!(2%6,!+$"(7+'"(2!,)(2,/4 The porcelain line is definitely the best, however, I love the disposable line for tastings and festival events. ./%$(+#(0,&!(2%6,!+$"(.%0($,(57%$"4 My favorite way to plate is with color and texture. I love for your eyes to


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ngry as your belly.

()*$(+%$,-(./+0$.1/234$%#&$2(+$4'(1*5 o have fun. 2nd is to make sure you have round food rings. they make cooking and shaping so much better.

"(0,&(3"1+3"($/+#(.%#(0,&!(1%!""!(5%$/4 d a love for feeding people, however, after making MasterSeason 7 in 2016, I decided that I wanted to own my own nd show kids that becoming a Chef was actually a cool and er path… That you can do anything if you put your mind to at a time.

,&!(8!"%$"#$(1,,9+'8(+'27&"'1"4 other (Late), My Mom and Dad (Late). My Grandmother got in the kitchen when I was 12yrs old, she was a kitchen n in and raised in Brook-Haven, Mississippi. My mother, also son, Mississippi, saw my liking to culinary arts gave me the of cooking southern cuisines. From greens, hot-water corn ried chicken to baking lunch room style butter cookies, she our family after work. She was raising 5 boys and caring for d Gregory Rice Sr everyday. But, it was the love that my Dad en he wanted to cook for my mom that kept me going. The y mom had when he cooked fried fish and oysters on Friday sangria was amazing! Family Love in the kitchen is the that's the energy I bring to every dining experience today.

,&!(2%6,!+$"(+'8!"3+"'$($,(1,,9(.+$/4 Garlic are my favorites. The taste of both just makes food cious.

,&!(2%6,!+$"(./+$"(.+'"4(2%6,!+$"(!"34 white wine is Love Cork Screw (Touch the Sky) it tastes so vorite red wine is Josh Cellars Legacy Red Blend which is the night Red Wine. So smooth and laid back, just sexy.

./%$(1"7"*!+$0(0,&(.,&73(7,6"($,(1,,9(3+''"!(2,!4 I would love to do a Celebrity Family Style Dinner for the Obama’s, The Wade’s Dwyane and Gabrielle, Ellen Degeneres and wife Portia De Rossi, and Sofia Vergara. While I’m cooking, Ellen can help keep the party going! ./%$(+#(0,&!(2%6,!+$"(3"##"!$4 I'm fat I love all desserts lol.....So many to choose from but I guess my favorite is my Mom’s pound cake, especially for the holidays but even better when she cooks it just because. 1/"2(./,#"(#$07"(,2(1,,9+'8(0,&(!"%770(3+84 Chef Hercules "Uncle Harkless" Posey who was an African American slave and Head Chef to President George Washington. Hercules had to learn how to cook in a fire place back in the 1770's “mercy”. Also, the culinary rock star of all time, Chef Anthony Bourdain. He’s just bold and brilliant. *"#$($/+'8(%*,&$(*"+'8(%(1/"2(+#:::4 The best thing about being a chef is introducing my style of cooking to all types of cultures. Chef Life is so much fun. Cooking allows me to bring a loving energy to every table, every person one bite at a time. /,.(3,"#($/"($"!)(87&$"';2!""()%9"(0,&(2""74 Gluten-Free makes me feel like a superhero. I'm very aware of the products I put out on the table so when you ask are those Saturday morning brunch pancakes gluten free? I can say YES and so is the maple syrup with a smile. ./%$( %36+1"( .,&73( 0,&( 8+6"( $,( #,)",'"( .+$/( %#5+!%; $+,'#(,2(*"1,)+'8(%(5!,2"##+,'%7(1/"24 Everyone is a food critic so learn how to let it roll off you like water on a duck! If culinary is your dream, follow it. No matter where you work you must train to do the job. To love what you do day in and day out while meeting new people is a dream come true. 7%#$70<(./%$(3,(0,&(3,(./"'(!"7%=+'84 I love the water, so I swim or take a quick trip to the beach national or international. I love to spend family time and hugging my kids.

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County, Community Partners

Launch Pilot Program to Deliver Hot Meals to Vulnerable Families lark County Commission Chairman Marilyn Kirkpatrick and community partners have launched a pilot called Delivering with Dignity to bring high-quality meals directly to the most vulnerable families in the Las Vegas Valley, keeping them and the community safe by reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19. The Delivering with Dignity service is intended for people struggling with poverty on a daily basis who are most at risk according to U.S. Center for Disease Control guidelines for contracting coronavirus if they leave their homes including the elderly, those with underlying medical conditions and their family members living in the same household. Organizers say potentially tens of thousands of local residents could fall within those guidelines, and they are working with nonprofit organizations in the community to identify and provide service to the entire population in-need in the Las Vegas Valley. Financial donations to Delivering with Dignity are being accepted at Inquiries about volunteering for the program or service requests are being directed to the United Way of Southern Nevada at (702) 892-2300. “As we deal with the public health threat posed by coronavirus, it’s imperative that we find creative ways to meet the needs of the most vulnerable residents and families in our community while following the recommendations of health officials,” said Commission Chairman Kirkpatrick. “Thankfully, Las Vegas is a caring and compassionate community. We have some incredible


partners who are working together to deliver meals directly to the homes of elderly and medically-fragile residents in our community who may not be able to get out to grocery stores or food distribution sites, and cannot afford to order takeout from restaurants.” To launch the pilot program, Commissioner Kirkpatrick partnered with the Elaine P. Wynn and Family Foundation; Healthcare Partners Nevada - Intermountain Healthcare; The Moonridge Foundation; Blau and Associates; Honey Salt Restaurant in Rampart Commons and Buddy V’s restaurant at the Venetian; Foster Kinship, a Las Vegas-based nonprofit that supports relatives and close family friends raising children who are unable to live safely with their parents; and Copia, a for-profit technology company that intelligently redistributes highly perishable excess food from businesses and restaurants directly to nonprofits most in need of food. “Delivery With Dignity was created to provide meals to seniors and other vulnerable residents who cannot leave their homes in the middle of this pandemic. We hope to expand the service with support from the community, philanthropists and government grants. Simultaneously, it is also important to us to provide employment to as many of the restaurant workers in the valley who are healthy yet without work,” explained Punam Mathur, Executive Director of the Elaine P. Wynn and Family Foundation.

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Chefs at Honey Salt prepared 800 meals to be ‘delivered with dignity’ to the homes of nearly 100 of the most vulnerable families identified by Foster Kinship. Many of the meals delivered on Monday with the help of seven volunteer drivers were taken to households headed by senior citizens raising their grandchildren.

route to drop-off food to vulnerable families closest in proximity. Delivering with Dignity debuts with Copia in Las Vegas. As part of this pilot initiative, Copia reengineered their technology to provide food directly to individual families in need instead of redistributing it to shelters or food pantries that serve larger populations.

“Many of the family members we contacted were in tears when we called them to offer this service to them as part of the pilot,” said Dr. Alison Caliendo, Founder & Executive Director of Foster Kinship. “We are working with many elderly people who have health problems of their own, and they literally are putting their health at risk each time they get in their car to take their children to a food distribution site. These families are very vulnerable on any given day, let alone trying to cope with the challenges presented by coronavirus.”

“Copia is Solving the World’s Dumbest Problem. We believe in a world with so much technology, innovation, and abundance issues like hunger shouldn’t exist. It is not a lack of food that’s the issue, it’s an ineffective distribution of food. Hunger is not a scarcity problem, it’s a logistics problem and Copia is out to solve it. We’ve mastered the matching, routing, and delivery of highly perishable prepared food from restaurants, hospitals, and commercial kitchens to afterschool programs and veterans agencies in 150+ cities. We’ll feed over 4 million people this year with incredible food that would have otherwise gone to waste,” said Komal Ahmad, SF-based, Vegas-native and founder and CEO of Copia. “Now, our engineering and ops team are working around the clock to reengineer our platform to best serve Clark County and our partners with high-quality food delivered with dignity to those most vulnerable in the face of this pandemic.”

“Each family will receive two meals serving a family of four, or a total of eight people. These aren’t your average PB&J or turkey-sandwich type of meals. These are meals prepared by the culinary chefs from Honey Salt’s kitchen. The restaurant is generously providing these meals at a reduced rate with private donations helping to cover the cost of ingredients, production, and distribution,” said Julie Murray, president of The Moonridge Foundation and Co-Founder of Three-Square. “We are grateful to be able to serve the community in any way we can during this difficult time,” said Elizabeth Blau, of Blau and Associates, which operates Honey Salt restaurant and Buddy V’s. “The governor’s closure order allows restaurants to operate on a take-out basis, so our chefs and staff are thrilled to keep our kitchen open and offer their talents for such a critical cause.” Copia’s logistics and food matching technology allows the meals to remain fresh by providing drivers with the most efficient

Clark County is a dynamic and innovative organization dedicated to providing top-quality service with integrity, respect and accountability. With jurisdiction over the world-famous Las Vegas Strip and covering an area the size of New Jersey, Clark is the nation’s 13th-largest county and provides extensive regional services to more than 2.3 million citizens and 45.6 million visitors a year (2019). Included are the nation’s 9th-busiest airport, air quality compliance, social services and the state’s largest public hospital, University Medical Center. The County also provides municipal services that are traditionally provided by cities to 1 million residents in the unincorporated area. Those include fire protection, roads and other public works, parks and recreation, and planning and development.

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IV Beverage (IVB) introduces its flagship line of

14-ounce matcha green teas that fuel a longer-lasting focus without the crash or jitters. The teas are 100% all-natural, NGMO project certified, and contain 80 milligrams of natural caffeine from matcha green tea and organic green tea leaves. They are free of gluten, dairy, gums, preservatives, carrageenan and artificial flavors or colors and come in two flavors: Original and Cacao Chai. Both flavors are only 35 calories and lightly sweetened with four grams of organic cane sugar. Each flavor features a unique combination of water and coconut cream as its base, creating a dehydration-fighting one-two punch. IV Beverage worked with the talented design team led by Katie Swick out of Portland, Oregon to create its Earth-inspired brand identity and visuals. “We are proud to offer products that stand for something more. We wanted to build a brand focused on sustainability, and we look forward to pushing that limit as far as possible,” said IV Beverage CEO and co-founder Branden Yob. IV Beverage is a proud member of 1% for the Planet in which 1% of its annual sales are donated to One Tree Planted, a non-profit organization that plants one tree for every dollar earned. IVB donates an additional tree for every order made online and has partnered with EPA SmartWay affiliated freight carriers to help reduce supply-chain related carbon emissions.

About IV Beverage:

IV Beverage was created by a group of friends with a desire for adventure. It was important to not only create a brand identity that reflected a love for the outdoors, but also to establish values with the environment in mind. IVB wants to fuel your journey elsewhere, whether it’s at the office or to the top of a mountain.

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Chef ’s Making a Difference At Ghee Dadeland, chef/owner Niven Patel has adapted to a strictly takeout/curbside business model. In addition he has been bringing in, daily, harvested product from his personal farm, Rancho Patel in Homestead. He lays out that day’s bounty and asks folks to take what they want, free of charge if they are in need (waste not!) or drop a couple bucks if they can but no obligation, no judgement.

At Chug’s, his Cuban-American diner in Coconut Grove, Miami, chef/owner Michael Beltran has gone strictly takeout only but in order to keep two hourly employees on the payroll, keep revenue going (even if it’s just a little) and help those in the neighborhood (Chug’s is a real locals’ place) he has turned a section of the diner into a grocery with dry goods, paper products, etc.


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