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Northeast Florida’s News & Opinion Magazine • Nov. 1-7, 2011 • Hoes Go To Voicemail • 99,402 readers every week!

Indie rock supergroup Mister Heavenly brings stripped-down “doom-wop” to town. p. 28


Turf wars: Area homeowner associations are still blocking drought-friendly landscapes, despite what state law says. p. 7




Volume 25 Number 31

28 EDITOR’S NOTE p. 4 NEWS Drought-tolerant landscaping runs up against homeowner association rules, despite the protections of state law. p. 7 A man who claims he was falsely arrested says first-appearance court was the longest three minutes of his life. p. 10 On the street with Occupy Jacksonville. p. 12 BUZZ, BOUQUETS & BRICKBATS Lender Processing Services Inc. closes its parking lot to Gay Pride Festival-goers. Plus Gov. Scott denies he’ll punish Jax for environmental sensitivity. p. 8

Clearwater Revival, continues to play centerfield in the classic rock pantheon. p. 26 Three indie rock stalwarts craft stripped-down “doom-wop” from supergroup cred. p. 28 ARTS Jacksonville-based romance novelist Brenda Jackson teams up with her filmmaking son to produce big-screen amour. p. 34 THE EYE Photographic evidence from Folio Weekly’s Oktoberfest! p. 39 NEWS OF THE WEIRD Vigilante barbers, attractive fangs and mandatory sex. p. 45

ON THE COVER For someone living — and dying — with a terminal illness, options for a merciful, dignified death are scant and pitiless. p. 15

BACKPAGE A former Duval County public school teacher says some rules are meant to be broken. p. 50

OUR PICKS Reasons to leave the house this week. p. 19


MOVIES Reviews of “Paranormal Activity 3” and “The Three Musketeers” p. 21 MUSIC John Fogerty, the musical core of Creedence


Guest Editorial Where Babies Come From

Adoption realties aren’t as simple as some like to think


hen we were in the process of adopting our first child, a newspaper reporter once asked me why we would opt for a foreign adoption when there are so many American children in need. The question shocked me. I was so enthralled with our Vietnamese child — as yet unmet — that the immediate answer was: Because that’s where my daughter is. November is National Adoption Month, and as we edge into a season marked by family celebration, it’s a question worth exploring. The answers aren’t easy, nor are they particularly satisfying. First, let me state that while I love this country, I’m not the kind of patriot who would get a flag tattooed on her ass. I believe that Americans are more privileged and fortunate than most world citizens because of the opportunities afforded here, but not because they’re better than anyone else. So here’s my go-to, primary answer: My husband and I don’t think children are less deserving of families

who have been through years of abuse, neglect and trauma. Some of it has occurred at the hands of their parents, and some of it at the hands of the very people who stepped in to save them. Many of the children have severe medical needs as well — physical disabilities that can be daunting to parents who just dream of a baby to rock to sleep. Certainly, these children are no less deserving of homes. Certainly, every child should have parents. And the parents who step into this role? Special people indeed. But adopting a teenager who has been emotionally brutalized or a child whose disabilities will prevent him from ever being independent is a different decision than that of adopting a baby. Adopting a baby isn’t a particularly selfless act; it’s more like an alternative way to create a family. The same could be said about adopting a child out of foster care, but it’s an alternative rife with risk, commitment and drama. There are no guarantees, of course.

There are no babies – or even many toddlers – languishing in orphanages because Americans won’t adopt them. American parents sit on waiting lists for domestic babies for years.


simply because they weren’t born here. We adore our multi-cultural family. Together, we were born in three different countries — the U.S., Vietnam and Guatemala. How cool is that? It’s like our own little World Unification project. Answer number two begins with a question: Who are all these American children in need? They are not babies. People who complain about corruption in foreign adoptions — the paying of birth mothers, for example — can find fault right here. Because in America, we pay birth mothers plenty — often upwards of $30,000. There is no law against a woman having babies again and again, and milking adoptive parents for tens of thousands in “living expenses.” Caveat: Women who find themselves unintentionally pregnant and decide to give their children to families who want them are among the bravest, most selfless people on Earth. But there are no babies — or even many toddlers — languishing in orphanages because Americans won’t adopt them. American parents sit on waiting lists for domestic babies for years. Until recently, parents could adopt African-American babies more quickly because they were considered “special needs” children — but even that barrier, thank the heavens, has begun to crumble. So again: Who are these American children in need? They are the children in foster care. Nearly a half-million children are in foster care, according to the National Foster Care Organization, and their average age is 10. Most of them have been in the foster care system for more than two years, and that’s about the least amount of time it takes for parental rights to be terminated. The goal of foster care, as it should be, is family reunification — and the courts give parents many, many opportunities to get their acts together and raise their kids. By the time they are freed for adoption (and about half of them are adopted by their foster families), many of them are teenagers

Our son suffers from Attachment Disorder, due to his time in an orphanage before he came home to us, and he may very well be traumatized by that forever, but these kids are our kids now. Should anything happen to any of them, that won’t change. Having been there from nearly the beginning was important to me. Now, 11 years later, I can see the value of adopting an adolescent child or a teen — the lessons we could teach each other, the stability we could provide for a young person who’s never had any. And maybe one day, when our own children have learned how to tie their shoes, we’ll consider being a part of the foster care system. But now? With three little kids attached to my pants legs every day? That day will have to wait. The final answer comes in the form of yet another question: Why has the adoption of children out of foster care become the sole responsibility of infertile couples? Producing your own biological progeny doesn’t absolve you from helping solve society’s most heartwrenching, egregious problem. I know that I haven’t done my share to help. But think about it. Have you? Tricia Booker

Booker is a local writer and educator. She blogs at mylefthook.com

Faux the People

It’s time to do a little soul searching/fact checking in liberal la-la land. You continuously attack Georgia-Pacific and their Satanesque practices (Editor’s Note, Oct. 4), yet print out 44,200 copies each week of your educational magazine which no doubt utilizes paper. Although most ink is soy-based as opposed to petroleum-based, it is not considered to be 100 percent biodegradable because it is still mixed with additives, resins, pigments and waxes. When you finish your vegan lunch and decide it’s time to go potty, you no doubt use that earth-killing paper stuff that’s alongside the toilet. The employer of 40,000 also makes paper towels, napkins, liquid soap, pet food bags, computer paper, diapers, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes and other disposable wipes, coffee filters and tea bags. I can’t even attempt to list the various wood products, like the roof you are sitting under. I have a strong feeling most environmentalists and the like use these necessities since they are just that, necessities. Now to this “phenomenon” known as Occupy Wall Street. Its origins are attributed to Adbusters Media Foundation, the same foundation who trivialized the Holocaust and stink of anti-Semitism. Anonymous — yes, the faceless wild cast of cowards who have hacked and stolen from everyone from here to Timbuktu — is also a major force behind this peaceful movement. The final segment of this political ploy would be the unions, who are paid and bussed out to attend functions criticizing the very establishment that bailed them out just a few years back. Don’t these same unions lobby capitalist establishments to further their personal cause? And I need not speak of the poor college kids who owe loans and feel they were manipulated by the big banks. I know from experience: You sign the dotted line, you owe the money. Get a job, whether it is McDonald’s or Venture Capital, and pay back your loan. Blaming others for your personal financial state is naïve and childish. Lastly, the blatant media bias must be acknowledged. In our last election, we have our top three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC) donating $1,020,816 via 1,160 employees. The Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations. These same outlets shy away from criticism of Obama. Why, you might ask. Look no further than G.E. CEO Jeffrey Immelt, who has reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States. Yet G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion. He is the head of the Obama-touted Jobs Council. Why no conflict of interest criticism Occupy Wall Street? Time to huddle the masses via another hypocritical post on Facebook, one of the largest and most profitable capitalist organizations under the sun. At least they get to feel like they made a difference, a modernday faux Civil Rights movement. Thomas Flinchum Jax Beach via email

Youthful Indiscretion

I have not seen or heard anyone protesting the 12-year-old being judged as an adult, so I feel the need to do so. The only justifiable reason to do so would be premeditation. The size of a child or the crime they commit matters less

than the age of their brain. What exactly makes one child “worse” and worthy of being treated like an adult? Their economic standing? Their race? How do we judge adults who are worse than the normal adult committing crimes? We don’t. The confused stare on that little boy’s face tells everything. He didn’t know what he was doing. And considering what I have heard of his mother, he was probably a frustrated child, who just wanted the love and attention that most children get. We are lesser people if we allow this child to be destroyed in our prison system. Think about it as if he was your child, and your perspective completely changes. He is a little boy who didn’t know what he was doing and will grow up to regret it for the rest of his life. Do we need to make this a worse situation? He is a 12-year-old child. Brion Griffin Jacksonville via email

Who’s to Judge?

A belated thanks to Folio Weekly for Ron Word’s Oct. 4 exposé of local judges who have ignored a ruling by a federal judge that a passenger in an automobile where drugs are found is not equally liable as the driver or owner, unless it can be shown the passenger knew about the drugs (News, Oct. 4). Judge Adrian Soud is to rule shortly in a similar case, according to Word. Shouldn’t Soud be required to follow the federal judge’s ruling? Or will this be still another act of “discretion” that is used to rationalize bad practices on the part of the local criminal justice system? Prof. Hallett of UNF had a letter printed in the Times-Union the same week as Word’s article, charging that local judges don’t have a formal bail schedule, like most other counties in Florida. Instead, our judges use their “discretion” to pronounce an appropriate bail, which leads to generally higher bails and, Hallett implies, is a leading factor in the perennial overcrowding of the local jail. I encourage Folio Weekly to follow this story and to keep us apprised as to how far today’s prohibitionists are capable of going. Michael Hoffmann Atlantic Beach via email

Yell and Tell

This letter is a response to the letter written by William Shuttleworth that was printed in the Oct. 4 issue of Folio Weekly. I would like to begin by thanking Mr. Shuttleworth for presenting me with the opportunity to scream “Yeehaw!” in a crowded diner, to the confusion of other patrons. Such is a rare and sweet moment in my life these days, so I relish the joy when it presents itself. My problem with your letter begins when you dare to correlate the concept of 18thcentury deism with the concept of 21st-century secularism. I want to correct your assumption that “We would call them secularists today.” No. You call them secularists. I do not and here is why. Deism is a religious philosophy that promotes the idea that reason and order are found throughout nature, thus reason and our ability to reason as human beings is, in and of itself, the very construct of God, NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 5

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versus a supernatural omnipotent creator that is unobservable and reliant on our faith for his very existence. Secularism is, according Merriam-Webster, an indifference to religion. Furthermore, I would like to add that the first known use of the word secularism was in 1851, and by my calendar that places both Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson as dead and buried well before the word secularism was even introduced to the English language. In your letter, you also make the argument that Paine and Jefferson were not antiChristian. While this may have some validity, you ignore that while they may have not expressed anti-Christian sentiment, they

“I take comfort in knowing that we will never be the United States of Jesusland, no matter how bad you or your cohorts wish it so.” certainly did not express explicitly proChristian sentiments or behaviors, either. The first example I would like to bring forth as evidence is Paine’s book “Age of Reason,” which you cited in your letter. I believe it speaks for itself. Next I like to include the Jeffersonian Bible. Thomas Jefferson took the Christian bible, cut out all of the supernatural nonsense and named the revised copy “The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth.” Jefferson also included the First Amendment freedom of religion clause in the Constitution, and lastly, his home library, which he sold to the Library of Congress, had many volumes of written works on different world religions, including a copy of the Qur’an, given to him as a gift. So before you assume that these historical figures were explicit tap-dancers for Jesus, you may want to rethink that statement by taking a second look at what music was really on their literary iPods. I’d like to close with an emphasis on the current trend in American politics which serves endlessly to merge us into an Orwellian theocratic plutocracy. It is very dangerous to the preservation of democracy to misrepresent the actions of historical figures of state as being driven by a specific religious dogma, when in fact they were not. The true fact of history is that we were not created as an explicitly Christian nation and we never will be. We are a great social experiment that has evolved as all things in a constant state of being do and we will continue to do so. I take comfort in knowing that we will never be the United States of Jesusland, no matter how bad you or your cohorts wish it so. John Tackett Jacksonville via email

If you would like to respond to something that appeared in Folio Weekly, please send a signed letter (no anonymous or pseudonymous mail will be printed) along with address and phone number (for verification purposes only) to themail@folioweekly. com or THE MAIL, Folio Weekly, 9456 Philips Highway, Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. 6 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011

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Walter Coker

Jennifer Zambrano stands on her partially torn-up lawn in St. Augustine, where she hoped to plant droughttolerant and native landscaping. Her homeowners association has thus far balked at her plans.


Turf Wars

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Area Homeowner Associations are still blocking drought-tolerant landscaping, For questions, pleasedespite call your advertising representative at 260-9770. FAX YOUR PROOF IF POSSIBLE AT 268-3655 what a new state law says


hen William and Mary Hafling tore up the sod in their Pinellas County yard in 1990 and replaced it with beach sunflower and native morning glory, they won a state xeriscaping award. They also fought a protracted battle with the city of Madeira Beach over whether or not their yard constituted a code violation. Madeira Beach officials regarded the plants as an attractive habitat — not for butterflies or birds, but for rats, snakes and other “vermin.” Remarkably, it’s a scenario homeowners still encounter 21 years later — even though state law expressly prohibits it. In 2009, the Florida Legislature unanimously passed a bill that forbids local governments or homeowners associations from using local ordinances, deed restrictions or covenants to prevent property owners from planting Florida Friendly Landscaping. But local governments and HOAs are still doing exactly that. “It’s hard for them to think outside a box that doesn’t have grass in it,” explains real estate broker Jeanette Moore, of St. Augustine grass devotées. Moore started the Facebook group Homeowners for Florida Friendly Yards to support those who are running up against their homeowners associations or local governments when they try to plant environmentally friendly lawns. In Duval County, Dr. Jules and Susan Sidle are entering mediation this week with the Marsh Sound Association in Jacksonville in order to resolve their HOA’s demand that they create a two-foot buffer of thirsty and often fertilizerdependent St. Augustine grass between the sidewalk and their tastefully manicured native and drought-tolerant landscape. The HOA also wants them to remove plants from the right-ofway in front of their property and re-sod it with a blanket of grass. Jennifer Zambrano is facing a similar problem in St. Augustine, where the architectural review committee of The Hideaway at Old Moultrie’s HOA rejected her plan for a Florida Friendly yard. Zambrano, 37 and a bank credit analyst, dug up most of the yard (keeping a patch of St. Augustine grass as a play area for

her son Nicholas), but planned to cover the rest with creeping juniper and India Hawthorne bushes and other plants. But committee members rejected her plan, claiming the community doesn’t have to comply with Florida Friendly Landscaping law. “We are not registered as Florida Friendly,” one architectural review committee member told her at a recent meeting. When she asked what that meant, the board member replied, “That means that we don’t have to comply with this, is what it means.” “They refused to listen to reason,” says Zambrano. “It’s like they don’t believe the statute exists or something,” she says. In a way, though, the HOA is right. While the statute exists, it does not include an enforcement provision — meaning there is no

“Our yards are nothing but sand,” Zambrano observes. “Grass is not happy here. It doesn’t want to live.” mechanism for ensuring the law is followed. The law also doesn’t do away with the landscape review process used by most homeowners associations, or rescind their right to control and restrict landscaping. The result is that an HOA can still reject Florida Friendly yards as violating community covenants. Zambrano is appealing the HOA’s decision on Nov. 7, and will come to the meeting armed with a letter of support from St. Johns Riverkeeper Executive Director Jimmy Orth, and one from the University of Florida IFAS Extension office in St. Johns County (which manages the Florida Friendly Landscaping program) that says her plan meets state guidelines. But Zambrano says HOA president Chad Dix already told her they will turn it down again. Dix could not be reached for comment. But Hideaway at Moultrie HOA vice president

promise of benefit


Glenn Howard says the community encourages Florida Friendly Landscaping if it fits into the design standards previously established by the builder. Asked to explain those standards, Howard said it was a 15-page document, and couldn’t be easily summarized. However, he says the committee was concerned because Zambrano’s plans didn’t show how the plants would be incorporated, how tall they would grow or give a sense of the overall look. He added that the problem wasn’t so much Zambrano’s plans as her attitude. “If she was willing to compromise, we probably would have approved it,” he says. “But she came in here with guns loaded.” If her appeal fails, Zambrano plans to hire an attorney like the Sidles did, and pursue mediation. But she’d rather not waste money on a lawyer — or on a lawn that will only last a couple of years, like the one she and her husband John laid down when they built their home in 2005. “Our yards are nothing but sand,” she observes. “Grass is not happy here. It doesn’t want to live.” Orth says that Florida Friendly doesn’t have to become a wedge between a homeowner and an HOA — there are plenty of native and drought-tolerant plants that fit traditional community aesthetics. But he also points out that drought-tolerant lawns may eventually be mandatory in order to conserve water. More than 50 percent of household water use goes to watering the lawn, and fertilizer runoff into storm drains contributes to the nutrient pollution of waterways. (To look at a grim map of projected Florida water resources through 2030, go to priceofsprawl.com/water.html) “We are going to require a shift in our aesthetic preferences and expectations,” says Orth. “We can’t hold on fast to the status quo. We have to develop a tolerance for diversity in our landscape and in landscape design, and more tolerance for a few weeds here and there.”

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Susan Cooper Eastman sceastman@folioweekly.com NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 7




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Song of the South “One ear therefore heard the glad tidings of great joy whilst the other was regaled with ‘going, gentlemen, going!’ And almost without changing our position we might aid in sending the scriptures to Africa or bid for ‘four children without the mother’ who had been kidnapped therefrom.’ ” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, minister and future transcendentalist philosopher, writing in his journal at age 23, in the winter of 1827. Emerson, who came to St. Augustine to recover from tuberculosis in the sunshine and salt air, was attending a meeting of the local Bible Society at the Government House at the same time a slave auction was underway in the adjoining yard. (From Patricia Griffin’s book, “Ralph Waldo Emerson in St. Augustine.”)

Correction: A Bouquet to the Chartrand Foundation last week incorrectly stated the amount of the grant the charitable foundation gave to the program, “Girl Matters: It’s Elementary!” The Foundation gave $45,000, one of the largest of the $300,000 in grants the Foundation gave for education programs in Duval County in its fall cycle.

American Beach, September 29


he man from Baltimore who brought you such legendary films as, Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, Polyester, Hairspray, Cry-Baby and many, many more. Like a wayward Santa for the Christmas obsessed, John Waters - legendary filmmaker and author - cruises into town on his sleigh full of smut this November spreading yuletide cheer and lunacy with his critically acclaimed one-man show, “A John Waters Christmas”. Putting the “X” back in Xmas, Waters’ rapid-fire monologue explores and explodes the traditional holiday rituals and traditions as he shares his compulsive desire to give and receive perverted gifts, a religious fanaticism for Santa Claus, and an unhealthy love of real life holiday horror stories. Delving into his passion for lunatic exploitation, Christmas movies and the unhealthy urge to remake all his own films into seasonal children’s classics, “The Pope of Trash” will give you a Joyeaux Noel like no other.

8 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

Brickbats to Jacksonville-based Lender Processing Services for its blatant hostility toward the River City Pride Festival at the Riverside Arts Market on Sunday, Oct. 16. Although LPS readily opens the lots to patrons of RAM each Saturday, they roped off their parking lot and posted guards to keep any of the 10,000 people who turned out to celebrate gay pride from parking there. Brickbats to St. Augustine Mayor Joe Boles for failing to declare a conflict on an issue that strikes close to the pocketbook. Boles, a lawyer, is the registered agent for one of Pat Croce’s companies. But when Boles spoke at last week’s City Commission meeting on the positives of Croce taking over the closed Spanish Quarter attraction, he made no mention of his ties. Boles should declare his conflict, and let other commissioners decide what the city will do to assist Croce. Brickbats to Clay Hill Elementary Principal Larry Davis for spreading the gospel of religious intrusion into public education, and alienating non-Christians in the process. Davis sent out a newsletter to staff on Sept. 30, urging them to attend a weekly prayer session, quoting the words of a fundamentalist pastor, that “the First Amendment was for Christianity, not other religions.” The school’s weekly “prayer around the flagpole” event is part of a national “See You at the Pole” movement designed to push Christian prayer into public schools.

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Bugger All

Worst vehicle choice for a pervert? A Volkswagen promise Beetle, hands of benefit down. But it’s exactly what a man accused of repeatedly exposing himself to young girls was driving. According to police, Brian Spooner (composite sketch at left) was involved in at least six recent incidents in the Arlington/San Pablo area, in which he would drive up in his black bug, chat up victims (ages 11 to 20) and begin masturbating. Police say they caught the Beetle wanker last week based on tips from the public, and that he subsequently confessed.


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Drivin’ ’n’ Buyin’ Designer handbags, condo furniture, seashell art — All sure bets when S.R. A1A hosts the Super Scenic 72-Mile Garage Sale, which runs through St. Johns and Flagler counties on Nov. 19 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. The sale is now in its third year and keeps growing. While on the drive, dial 904-596-0029 for a cell phone tour of fun facts about 45 spots you’ll pass along the route, including Jungle Hut Road in Flagler County, where elephants were once used to free cars stuck in the sand.

“There is no truth to either of the statements you are inquiring about.” — Gov. Rick Scott’s deputy communications director, responding to Folio Weekly’s inquiry about whether state Rep. Lake Ray’s recent assertions — that the governor would punish the region economically if it fought the Georgia-Pacific pipeline — were true. Rep. Ray, who’s also head of First Coast Manufacturers Association, a trade group that represents G-P, said if the Jacksonville City Council threw obstacles in the path of the pulp mill’s wastewater pipeline to the St. Johns River, Gov. Scott would retaliate by withholding money for JaxPort’s channel dredging. Ray also said the city lost its local DOT chief (Alan Mosley) when Mayor Alvin Brown spoke out against toll roads on the Outer Beltway — a project favored by the governor. Gov. Scott’s office says neither of Ray’s assertions is factual.

Meredith Geddings

False Negatives

© 2011



Walter Coker

Ronald Edwards stands near the spot on 103rd Street where he was arrested for soliciting prostitution, a charge he swears was false and which was later dropped. “I consider myself a Christian,” he says. “I don’t devil with stuff like that.”

Three-Minute Justice Revisited

A man who claims he was falsely arrested says first appearance court was the longest three minutes of his life Editor’s Note: In our Sept. 27 issue, the story, “Three-Minute Justice” (http://bit.ly/vohxbN) examined the questionable haste of Florida’s misdemeanor court system. The following story is an account of one man’s experience with it.


ccused of a crime he did not commit, jailed because he refused to plead guilty and fired from his job because he was arrested, Ronald Edwards has seen the worst of Jacksonville’s overcrowded misdemeanor justice system. While driving to a Food Lion to pick up some salad mix on April 6, Edwards swerved his car to avoid two women standing in the middle of a Westside Jacksonville street. As he passed, he heard a bumping noise on the side of his car. Thinking he’d hit one of the women, Edwards backed up his car up 103rd Street stepped out. “Ma’am, are you OK?” he remembers asking. “Did I hit you?” He was stunned by her reply: “Where’s the party?” Edwards says he told the woman he didn’t know what she was talking about, but she began propositioning him, promising various sexual acts for $20. “I told them, ‘I’m not interested in any of that,’ ” says the 56-year-old Edwards, who was working as a nursing assistant at the time. “I consider myself a Christian. I don’t devil with stuff like that.” Edwards, who lives just down the street from the Food Lion, insists he wasn’t trolling for prostitutes, and points out he had only $3.20 in cash on him at the time. “What was I going to do, give them $1.60 each?” he asks. But the area near his home had been targeted by police for a prostitution sting.

10 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011

As he drove away, “Police were flying up behind me.” Edwards pulled over, thinking they were chasing someone else. Instead, officers handcuffed him and arrested him for soliciting prostitution. When Edwards protested that he hadn’t propositioned the woman, he was told, “We’ve got it on tape.” He was comforted by that fact, knowing the tape would show that he hadn’t committed the crime. Officers wouldn’t play the tape for him. But they assured him that if he was telling the truth, everything would be straightened out. Instead, Edwards was taken to the Jacksonville Sheriff ’s Office headquarters downtown, and fingerprinted, photographed and booked into the Duval County Jail shortly before midnight. When he asked to speak to the officer who had assured him that everything would be OK, Edwards was told he’d left for the day. He could tell it to the judge in the morning. Edwards spent his first night in jail. The next day, he was led into courtroom J-1 in chains, along with dozens of other men and women. He remembers a procedure like “a cattle call,” with prisoner after prisoner making a brief appearance before a judge. All pleaded guilty to misdemeanors, and most were fined $303 and let go. Edwards refused to plead guilty, and his answer didn’t please the judge. Edwards wanted to tell the judge his story, but wasn’t allowed to talk. “He went off on me and was yelling ‘Get him out of my courtroom,’ ” he recalls. Edwards asked for a public defender, but the judge refused to assign one. (The Duval County Court docket shows he could afford to hire his own attorney.) So Edwards was sent back for

another night in jail. Although Edwards had been arrested years ago in Michigan on a DUI charge, he hadn’t been in trouble for decades. He moved to Jacksonville to help a sister who had suffered a stroke. Once he was back in his cell, he learned the judge had set his bond for $2,500. He had to call relatives to get bonded out of jail. At one of Edwards’ six court appearances, the police officer who posed as a prostitute testified Edwards had offered her $20 to perform various sex acts. “She lied,” he says. Another judge told Edwards he could end his nightmare if he would simply plead guilty, and pay the $303 fine. But Edwards refused to plead. At first, he managed without an attorney; some private attorneys asked for $5,000 to represent him. Finally, on July 12, three months after his arrest, a public defender was assigned to represent Edwards. Throughout the process, which lasted from April 6 through July 26, prosecutors kept asserting they had a tape of the prostitution sting, and they kept warning Edwards that if he was convicted, he could spend up to a year in jail. “They were trying to railroad me,” he says. In the end, however, prosecutors refused or were unable to produce the tape they claimed proved their case. Duval County Judge Tyrie Boyer ruled Edwards was not guilty. Edwards believes the tape was likely destroyed because it showed he was innocent.

The ultimate insult was having his booking photo appear in the Justice Coalition’s “Victims’ Advocate” under a headline reading, “Shame, Shame, Shame.”


“They were banking on me to plead no contest and walk away,” says Edwards. He said he will never get back the $250 he spent for a bail bond and never regain the loss of his reputation. The ultimate insult was having his booking photo appear in the Justice Coalition’s “Victims’ Advocate” newspaper, under a headline reading, “Shame, Shame, Shame.” And although it says under his picture that he was adjudicated not guilty, his photo is still shown with 22 others arrested for offering or soliciting for prostitution. When Edwards’ employer learned of his arrest through the publication, he was fired for not informing them. Since his acquittal, Edwards has been working only about 15 hours a week at other locations. If he can’t get enough work, he may move back to Michigan. While he says he’s considered legal action, he just wants his life back. “I think Jacksonville is the most horrible place you can move,” Edwards says. “All I want to do is clear my name, let them know that they were wrong, and get out of here.” Ron Word themail@folioweekly.com NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 11

Welcome to the Occupation

Occupy Jacksonville organizers push for national change on the local level


Walter Coker

12 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

very Occupy movement has its own identity, and its unique challenges. In New York, where Wall Street is a place, not just a metaphor, the targets of protesters’ ire walk by daily wearing Brooks Brothers suits. In Boston, some $150,000 worth of newly planted shrubs provided an excuse for police to evict hundreds of protesters and arrest more than 100 others. In Jacksonville, where police have offered a measured response and marches have been nonviolent, the biggest challenge to date has been the earsplitting, evangelical rock music. On Saturday, Oct. 15, Occupy Jacksonville marchers gathered for their second general assembly, with the unified echoes of “the people’s microphone” — a process in which people in the crowd repeat every word spoken — carrying their message. But the voices were no match for the amplified music emanating from a tented station on the west side of Hemming Plaza, a shrill bit of fundamentalist rock that appeared to have a single lyric: “Hosanna.” When protest organizers investigated, they were met by a young African-American man in a white T-shirt, who danced to the song while aiming an upraised middle finger in their direction. The thunderous music elicited “boos” and mutterings of “Tea Party” from the east side of the park, but it ultimately forced protesters to relocate. Around 2:30 p.m., Occupy assemblers marched to another plaza just east of the downtown library (see bit.ly/meettheoccupiers). The topics discussed by Occupy protesters were numerous and diverse — ending Wall Street greed, housing the homeless, legalizing marijuana, teaching youngsters about fascism. With three Occupy meetings convened in central Jacksonville so far, a couple staged in Jax Beach, and one scheduled for Nov. 5 in St. Augustine, the movement has gained purchase in Northeast Florida. Variations of Occupy Wall Street have popped up as local movements in cities across the country, as well as in non-American cities like Sydney and Tokyo. Eschewing labels that would confer “leadership,” the young, selfdescribed “facilitators” of the local Occupy Jacksonville movement often reiterate what 26-year-old Kayla Holmes told Folio Weekly: “We want this to be a people-led movement.” Twenty-six-year-old Ian Holmes led a like-minded chant as the occupiers marched eastward, down Monroe Street, to their second meeting place. “This is what democracy looks like!” University of North Florida philosophy professor David Fenner concurs. “It’s the expression of the deepest sense of democracy — people are engaged to the extent they think they can be engaged in shared governance,” he says. “There has to be some kind of acknowledgement that these individuals have the courage of their convictions — that they’re putting their money where their mouth is. This is a remarkably wonderful thing to see — individuals … trying to live up to their values and acting on them.” Political Science professor David SchwamBaird, who attended the first Occupy Jacksonville event on Oct. 1, expresses similar enthusiasm. “There are a lot of people out there in sympathy with the main claims of the movement,” he says, including its concern that “a whole bunch of people” have destroyed the economy while few

An Occupy Jacksonville protester sports a Guy Fawkes mask at last Saturday’s meetup at Riverside Park in Jacksonville.

have been held responsible; and that the nonew-taxes, trickle-down economics gospel that promises job creation rings hollow. At least one protester at the rally suggested that Schwam-Baird’s appraisal is on point. “I’m here because of the mortgage fraud that created the real estate meltdown,” said protester Martin Kennelly. “There are a lot of people who did some things who should be held accountable.” Occupiers aiming to hold those individuals accountable are a determinedly democratic group. “I want people to know that, since this is a leaderless organization, we need people to step up and take individual leadership on a small

of people have been talking about, obviously, the jobs in Florida. Rick Scott has said that he did not have to keep his campaign promise [on jobs] [bit. ly/n1lY7b]. There’s also a big thing with the City Council right now giving money to JPMorgan [deferred by the council last week].” “Let ’em come on their own dollars,” says rally attendant Kathy Sutherland Finn, of the $1.25 million incentive package for 250 JPMorgan Chase jobs. “They’ve got plenty of dollars, how come they need ours?” One attendee at the Oct. 15 rally, retired UNF political science professor Henry Thomas, remarked on the difference between the

Retired UNF poli sci professor Henry Thomas sees a lot of similarities with the Civil Rights movement. Gazing out at the Hemming Plaza protesters, he says, “The youth have decided that they have had enough.” scale with a national and very decentralized grassroots campaign,” says Ian Holmes. The group’s leaderless aim has brought charges of “anarchy” from right-wing bombthrowers like Ann Coulter, but Schwam-Baird strongly disagrees. “They’re anything but anarchists,” he says. “The movement wants to be as democratic as possible.” Being leaderless doesn’t necessarily mean being disorganized, though, judging from the Occupy Jacksonville presence on social media tools like Facebook (facebook. com/OccupyJax) where the fan page has garnered 4,000 “likes” to date. Nor does the decentralized nature of the movement impede planning on specific, local issues. “There are a lot of issues that people, specifically here, want to concentrate on, so Occupy Jacksonville is going to be its own unique movement,” says 27-year-old Evey Lennon. “A lot

movement and the Civil Rights protests he experienced during the 1960s, as an AfricanAmerican college student. “The catchphrase in the ’60s was ‘The world is watching,’ and the world is still watching, but in a different way,” he says. “The students are able to manipulate and manage that in a way that we were not. I’m talking about social media. I’m talking about networks, YouTube. Any individual can take out his camera and post a video on YouTube, and the whole world has access to it.” Thomas also sees a lot of similarities, however. Gazing out at the Hemming Plaza protesters, he says, “The youth have decided that they have had enough.” For his part, Thomas says, he finds it inspiring. “I’ve been protesting all my life,” he says. “I love what I’m seeing.” Julie Delegal themail@folioweekly.com

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Whoo-whoo! Technology Train A-Comin’! L

et’s talk … TECHNOLOGY. Now, while I am generally in favor of technological progress, there is definitely some room for improvement. Example: I hate to play “Monday morning quarterback” here, but … before Steve Jobs died, I kinda wish he’d spent a little less time on the iPhone, and a little more time on making a FUNCTIONING INTERNET. I’m sorry, but my Internet STINKS! When I flip on a light switch, does it take anywhere from 10 to 45 seconds to turn on? NO! It comes on immediately. And yet, when I hit the Internet porn button on my Internet, I’m forced to wait … and wait … and wait — sometimes up to a full minute for it to come on! THAT AIN’T RIGHT, AND I’M TIRED OF WHAT AIN’T RIGHT! Example No. 2: Toaster ovens are the freaking WORST! Especially the Black & Decker Toast-ROven Classic™, which I recently purchased and am VERY disappointed with. Remember how

After all, if a bunch of 1860 yahoos could build a railroad spanning the country, certainly somebody can build a freaking easyto-use toaster oven that won’t incinerate my freaking breakfast!! (I’m looking at YOU, ghost of Steve Jobs!) old toaster ovens had one button and a dial with a choice of how toasty you wanted your toast to be? They don’t make those anymore! Now, there’s not a single button. Instead, you have to adjust three different incredibly confusing dials, and my toast comes out either cold and floppy (that’s what she said) or burned to a crisp! Thanks a pantload for making a technologically inferior toaster oven, Black & Decker! And thanks for dying before solving this vitally important problem, Steve Jobs!! Example No. 3: Ummmm … where exactly is my flying car, jetpack and/or transporter beam? Steve Jobs (and by “Steve Jobs,” I mean any lazy scientist) has been promising this stuff for decades — and yet? I don’t have my freaking flyingcarjetpacktransporterbeam! But I do have a phone that can play Angry Birds. Screw you, Steve Jobs. Posthumously. Anyway, technology always has and always will be a big deal — and to prove it, this week AMC debuts its newest show “Hell on Wheels” (Sunday, Nov. 6, 10 p.m.), depicting how technology completely changed America back in the olden days before people were too stupid to even imagine flyingcarjetpacktransporterbeams. The year? 1865! The place? America, just following the Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln! Gunslinger Cullen Bohannon (Anson Mount) is a former Confederate soldier who gets a job with Union Pacific — the builders of the first transcontinental railroad — but! It turns out Bohannon has ulterior motives, which primarily involve murderizing the Union

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soldiers who murdered his wife! However, “Hell on Wheels” is also a document of the time, portraying the uneasy tension between North and South, the treatment of supposedly freed black slaves, and how the one percent of the richy-riches screw over the 99 percent of folks constructing this burgeoning, gamechanging technology. (Sound familiar?) By all accounts, “Hell on Wheels” is a gorgeously shot, smart and gritty Western that’ll easily fill the hole left in your heart when HBO’s “Deadwood” got poop-canned. I also hope it’ll be inspiring. After all, if a bunch of 1860 yahoos could build a railroad spanning the country, certainly somebody can build a freaking easy-to-use toaster oven that won’t incinerate my freaking breakfast!! (I’m looking at YOU, ghost of Steve Jobs!)


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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 8:00 FOX GLEE A new Irish student comes to McKinley High, and naturally Brittany thinks he’s a leprechaun. 9:30 FOX RAISING HOPE Hope reveals a violent side at daycare, leading everyone to rightfully assume she’ll grow up to be a serial killer.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 9:00 CW AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODELThe models must write and sing a song about themselves. Heh … heh … hehhhh … yesssss. 10:00 FX AMERICAN HORROR STORY It’s Halloween night in the haunted house and … who keeps stealing all the freaking candy?!

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 8:30 NBC PARKS AND RECREATION Religious wackos predict the end of the world, which means another day of getting nothing productive done. 10:00 FX IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA The gang uses “Internet technology” to attract, stalk and harass their customers. In that order.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 9:00 NBC GRIMM Nick and Hank investigate a breaking-and-entering case involving bears and … let me guess, a nosy blonde kid?

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 6:00 MTV TRUE LIFE A young adult camps out with protesters and reports back on life inside the Occupy Wall Street camp. 11:30 NBC SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Hosted by Charlie Day of “Always Sunny,” with zombie musical guests Maroon 5. (Zombies, because they won’t die.)

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 9:00 AMC THE WALKING DEAD Shane makes a questionable sacrifice that may increase his appetite for “BRAAAAAAAINS.” 10:00 AMC HELL ON WHEELS Debut! A Confederate soldier vows revenge on the Union soldier who killed his wife! (Note: This show needs zombies.)

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 12:30 am TOON THE HEART, SHE HOLLER Debut! A hilariously demented parody of Southern gothic horror films from comedian Patton Oswalt! 10:00 NGC THE WITCH DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU NOW Debut! Seriously ill people visit shamans, mystics and (yes) witch doctors around the world searching for cures. NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 13

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Pills ’n’ Thrills

Florida has become the place where wrestlers come to die


ravis Tomko, aka “Tyson Tomko.” Unlike our editor, I never knew the guy, even in passing (Editor’s Note, Oct. 18, http://bit.ly/qgkBDE). Never saw him walking his dog, never got an autographed glamour shot. Like most wrestlers who faded from TV screens, I didn’t give the man much thought. Why would anyone? They’re wrestlers — simulacra of athletes who themselves are disposed of like carcasses this is a copyright protectedonce proof © has been exhausted and they their utility become so-called “programmatic non-fits.” I did watch him wrestle, though, and ons, please call your advertising representative at 260-9770. rUn dAte: 090611 always expected he would be more popular then he was. He had great size, solid muscular PROOF IF POSSIBLE AT 268-3655 definition, the buffness so inherent in Vince Produced by ab Checked by McMahon’s Sales Rep rl tableau. But he wasn’t of benefit sUpport Ask for Action televisual particularly memorable, except to the hardcore fans, the ones who still wax poetic about the departed Mike Awesome and Chris Benoit, the fans who so desperately need for wrestling to

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Wrestling is presented as a business now; the big-time outfits have corporate structures. But to ’roid up, to bump with abandon, to destroy one’s body telling the same old Manichean story with the same boring-ass moves to the same lard-assed marks — well, something non-corporate within you drives you to do that. Something dark. And the thing about wrestling is, it’s strip-club scuzzy, driven by coke and shame. And pills. And everything but weed, because, as ’90s great Kevin Nash sez, that’s the one they can really test for. Our government is a trip, a third-world Marxist joke. We have the drug laws of a banana republic on things that can be grown, yet we see hundreds of thousands killing themselves on patent poisons. Our state is the worst of the worst in that. So naturally, as obit after obit confirms, Florida is where wrestlers come to dose up and die. And we’ve

The thing about wrestling is, it’s strip-club scuzzy, driven by coke and shame. And pills. And everything but weed, because, as ’90s great Kevin Nash sez, that’s the one they can really test for.


14 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011

mean something like it once did, back in their shabby youths, when good things still seemed possible, but never materialized. A dime a dozen: Tyson Tomko. A musclehead midcarder. Dearly departed, we gathered every Monday to watch you do your same six big moves in some eight-minute match with some other washed-up tragedy, a Matt or Jeff Hardy, one might guess. Those two degenerate methhead Dukes of Hazzard highspot artists, whose T-shirts read (ironically enough), “Live For The Moment.” A slogan 2011 fit for what was called the “New Generation” of WWF “Superstars.” The Hardy boys were highspot artists; it was the job of juiced-up Limp Bizkit muscle boys like Tomko to catch them as they fell. Say this for Matt and Jeff — at least they’re still alive. Like Beavis and Butthead, or the dollar and insolvency, they are twained concepts. They might burn down the house cooking meth or waffles or something, but, damn it, at least it’s American jobs, amirate? Doesn’t that just make you feel great? Probably not. Not if you actually understand how messed up someone has to be to become a wrestler, to destroy your body for peanuts, going for that one shot at the big time, in which you discover what narcotic cocktail you will use to destroy your body and blur the grim visage of reality that’s chased you since your messedup, horrifying childhoods.


no shortage of licensed medical professionals who live in luxury in large part because they create addicts — desperadoes like Tomko who, once they can no longer get booked, turn to substance to haze out the fact that the good times are over forever. I think of someone like Dick Slater. One of the best wrestlers in the world in the 1980s, driven by substance abuse and madness into attacking an estranged former live-in lover. So many cautionary tales in the so-called sport of kings. Tomko? A footnote to a footnote. Who remembers that the aforementioned Mike Awesome, before his suicide or — if you lean that way — “suicide,” as a fifth-rate real estate monger in Tampa, selling hoodrat homes priced below $50,000? We don’t think of that. We think of how he broke tables in matches with Masato Tanaka. We don’t think of the last job. The Loser Leaves Earth match, that existential battle between persona and the real man, the flawed and broken person willing to shave and oil and Spandex up, all for a shot at being the next quasi-athlete processed by that very real sports entertainment machine. AG Gancarski themail@folioweekly.com

Listen to AG Gancarski every Friday on “First Coast Connect” with Melissa Ross on 89.9 FM WJCT.

The cough assist machine helps ALS patients clear their lungs when they aren’t strong enough to do so on their own.


hen my beloved 17-year-old Persian cat was in pain, suffering from multiple diseases, I gave him the ultimate gift of love. I had him put to sleep, euthanized or, I suppose — semantics be damned — you could say I asked the vet to kill him, and she did. He died peacefully in my and my husband’s arms, while the vet administered a lethal dose of medicine. Family and friends all exclaimed it was the right thing to do; it was a humane act, Silver Surfer Dude was no longer suffering. Fast-forward eight years or so, to last year, when two neurologists confirmed I had ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Often known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS is a fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly takes away your ability to walk, talk, eat, swallow and speak; your mind remains intact, however, which means you get to watch your body die piece by piece until, mercifully, your respiratory muscles go and you finally get to die; this after having lost your independence and your dignity as well. Oh, to be my beloved Persian! To be afforded a similarly peaceful, final exit from suffering. But the same folks who praise you for putting an animal out of its suffering have no qualms about forcing the rest of the animals — humans — to live to the bitter end with a disease as hideous as ALS. Somehow, that just doesn’t make sense to me. Even before I got my shocking second opinion, I began researching this horrid disease. And when I was done, my next step was to research death: Mine, on my own terms. I was going to die, period. The question was how: with some degree of dignity and control? Or a slow petering out of muscle, form and function? Because there is no mystery about death with ALS. It is slow starvation, suffocation and suffering. I had no intention of putting myself, or my family, through

such a despicable ending. And I certainly wasn’t depressed or suicidal — at least not at the time of my diagnosis. I wanted to live my life as much and as long as possible. But I also wanted to have control over my life, and part of life is death.


hose last words are the most important. The second sentence of the Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” So one of my unalienable rights is the right to life, which includes death, so I also have an unalienable right to die. Why, then, is American society (and law) so averse to this? I suspect

One person with end-stage ALS likened it to being buried alive. I am not looking forward to that. the reasons are many, from religion to fear. In the United States, death is feared in the same manner that youth and beauty are revered. Though it is a certitude that we all must deal with someday, we shy from discussing it, refuse to think about it, sometimes even avoid those who are facing it. We don’t know when we will die, or how, and it remains one of the few facets of life over which we have no control. But what if we had control? What if we knew that if we ever ended up with a dreaded disease, such as Alzheimer’s or

ALS, that we could ask to be put to sleep when we were ready? Wouldn’t that take away the fear, if we had control? My theory is that we are not afraid to die as much as we are afraid of how we will die, whether we will suffer or whether our family will suffer along with us for many years. So many people, usually starting around age 55-plus, say, “I just want to go fast” or “I hope I die in my sleep.” Those are words of fear. Fear of a horrible, slow, financially ruinous, bad death without recourse or control. When you’re dying, it is interesting how many of your friends want to talk about death. And what they tell you in confidence is equally fascinating. I guess they feel safe you will take their secrets to the grave, pun intended. One friend admitted administering a lethal dose of hoarded morphine to his wife during the final months of her battle with a horrific disease; another said he has been hoarding narcotics for years, with plans to take them all someday if he ever faced a fatal disease. Others have plans for Europe, still others contemplate suicide just on the off chance that they might contract some awful disease. It is amazing how much thought is given to something that hasn’t even happened! That’s fear. The West Coast, which as a rule tends to be more socially advanced than the rest of the U.S., has actually had public dialogue about death in its three states: Washington, Oregon and California. As a result, the forward-thinking citizens of Oregon and Washington approved physician-assisted suicide (something of a misnomer, since it simply allows a doctor to prescribe a lethal dose; it’s up to the person to administer it). Californians voted against it. Neighboring Montana is a little different, in that its legality resulted from a state supreme court case, Baxter v. Montana, in which the court ruled in 2009 that there is no law or legal precedent that precludes a physician from aiding a patient in dying. November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 15

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Oregon and Washington named their laws beautifully: Death With Dignity acts. Of course, they have measures in place to protect Johnnie from killing off Grandma so that he can inherit early, and to protect those who are suicidal. Not just anyone can off himself with the state’s seal of approval, either. You must meet certain criteria, such as having a terminal diagnosis. Most important, there is a residency requirement. (Wouldn’t look good for the chambers of commerce to have growth statistics like “3,000 moved here in July; 3,000 died here in July.”) Despite all the hype that attends these public initiatives, reality is much less dramatic. Since Oregon passed its humane act

they think their time is up, and are able to die on their own terms. For the rest of us, there are few options. There’s that age-old favorite of Socrates’ — suicide by hemlock — but where is the dignity? Suicide is always messy, carries a huge stigma and is painful to the survivors. Worse, it has to be done solo, lest your loved ones get charged with murder. Where are the loving arms that ought to surround you at this intensely personal moment? They can’t be there; it’s too dangerous. Yet for me, suicide is simply not an option. It is a pain I have lived with before; it is the route my husband took 31 years ago, the same one my schizophrenic daughter took 14 years

I love life. I love living so much that even while I contemplate my options for death, I cannot conceive of taking my own life; it is that foreign to me. in 1997, only 525 people have made use of it. The demographic makeup of the 65 people who availed themselves of it last year was older — 71 percent were over age 65 — and 79 percent had cancer. In August 2004, the American Medical Association reported in its online Journal of Ethics, Virtual Mentor, that requests for physician assisted suicide (PAS) aren’t uncommon. “Of 100 ALS patients surveyed in Oregon and southwest Washington, 56 percent would consider PAS … Compared to other terminal diseases, those with ALS use assisted suicide and euthanasia at higher rates, as reported from jurisdictions where it is legal and statistics are available.”


o, good for the residents of those three states, and those terminally ill nonresidents who have the foresight and wherewithal to uproot themselves and their families and head out west six months before

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ago, and the same way one of my oldest and dearest friends took a few years back. The pain their deaths left to those who loved them is incalculable. Suicide is a deliberate, selfish act I would not wish on anyone; an act of sheer desperation. It almost always results from a disease, known collectively as mental illness, in its many hideous forms. These are not people who were terminally ill with no hope for a cure, though I know their suffering was as great as that of a person dying of cancer. There is a very distinct difference between the cold, shocking, solo act of suicide and a planned, calm, rational death that takes place in a warm environment, surrounded by loved ones who support your decisions. There’s always Europe, where the respect for life and death is alive in dozens of countries, such as Belgium. Fly over, check into a lovely room, order your death and die peacefully on your own terms among loved ones. Well, it’s expensive, and it’s a long trip, plus you have to


Known as an augmentative alternative communication device, this keypad aids ALS patients when speech is hindered by difficulty in breathing.

16 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011


bitter end


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Despite thinking about and researching death for more than a year, I’ve made a surprising discovery: I don’t want to go. Neither tomorrow nor next Wednesday, nor some day in December seems a good day to die. be capable of the rigors of traveling there, as well as paying to ship your body back home. Then there is Final Exit Network, formerly known as the Hemlock Society, which will help you help yourself by providing pertinent information about a merciful, self-inflicted death. But even then, you have to be able to do the deed yourself. For many, especially those of us with ALS, you have to act early — while you still have use of your arms or legs. But at that stage, most of us aren’t hot on leaving so soon. Certainly not me — I love life. I love living so much that, even while I contemplate my options for death, I cannot conceive of taking my own life; it is that foreign to me. And yet, to die in the way that ALS has outlined for me is also inconceivable. How wonderful it would be to reach that stage when my quality of life is gone and say to my family and my doctor, “I’m ready now, please put me to sleep,” and die in the arms of my loved ones. But even talking about this, let alone trying to plan it, leads to suspicion. In a conversation with one social worker shortly after my diagnosis, my questions about end-of-life options were greeted with the narrowing of eyes, concerns about whether I was suicidal, and my understanding that a failure to convince her otherwise would lead to three days in the county mental health ward, courtesy of the Baker Act. Please, folks. We’re adults here. We have a fatal disease and we have every right to explore ALL of our options. And yet, despite thinking about and researching death for more than a year, I’ve made a surprising discovery: I don’t want to go. Neither tomorrow nor next Wednesday, nor some day in December seems a good day to die. Even as I lose more and more control of my body — and with that my independence —

I convince myself at each new loss that this isn’t so bad, I still have ________ (whatever it is I still have). What I’ve learned is that it’s easy to draw the line on what you will or won’t put up with, long before you get to that point. But as you get closer to that big day, the will to live is unbelievably strong. Not because you’re desperate for a cure, but simply because you want to wake up one more day and see the faces and hear the voices of those you love. Will I always feel this way? Probably not. One person with end-stage ALS likened it to being buried alive. I am not looking forward to that. What I do want, and what I think most people want, is choices and the ability to make them in the most humane way possible for themselves and for the benefit of their loved ones. Fortunately there is another way out, though not as neat and tidy. In 1990, in Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Public Health, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized for the first time a constitutional right to refuse treatment in extraordinary circumstances. And in 1997, in Washington v. Glucksberg, the court found a similar guarantee of the right to refuse medical treatment. That goes for tube feedings, vents and any other life-saving measures that we do not want, including food and water. All that is required is a living will. And free will. And the guts to call it quits — the latter being the hardest part.



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Anne M. Johnson

Anne Johnson is a longtime Jacksonville journalist — a former editor of Folio Weekly and former managing editor of the Jacksonville Business Journal, among other things. Her April 5 story about her diagnosis with ALS is available at http://bit.ly/tjSj7s. NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 17


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Reasons to leave the house this week CLASSICAL SIBELIUS

The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra presents Sibelius’ Symphony No. 2 on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. at the Times-Union Center’s Jacoby Symphony Hall, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. Jean Sibelius (pictured), a Finnish composer of the Romantic period, centered his acclaimed opus on a three-note figure that builds to a dramatic finale. The concert repeats at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5. Tickets range from $10-$70. 354-5547.


Good food for a healthier planet is the theme of the second annual Northeast Florida Veg Fest, a celebration of sustainable eating habits. In addition to cooking demonstrations, live music, speakers and a screening of the documentary “PLANEAT,” the event, held from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5 at Riverside Park in Five Points, features a kids’ corner and a celebrity cupcake-eating contest. For more info or to buy tickets online, go to http://bit.ly/pmODep.


Classic rocker Todd Rundgren first dropped his quirky pop stylings on the world with ’60s group Nazz. In the ’70s, Rundgren released definitive cuts like “I Saw the Light” and “Hello, It’s Me,” while being an on-call producer for musicians like New York Dolls and Meat Loaf. Todd Rundgren’s Utopia allowed him to explore his progressive rock side, and while the music was an acquired taste, fans still sunk their teeth into albums like the ’74 self-titled debut and the trippy, element-inspired “Ra” (1977). Todd Rundgren’s Utopia performs on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. at The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $30 and $35. 355-2787.

Chris Boarts Larson


Legendary hardcore punker Kevin Seconds (he of mid-’80s thrash band 7 Seconds, pictured) performs along with David Dondero, Jeff Rowel, Beau Crum and Joel Witgen on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. at Burro Bar, 100 E. Adams St., Jacksonville. 353-4692.


The dreamy indie pop ensemble Mister Heavenly is bringing the supergroup into the underground. Comprising rock stalwarts Nick Thorburn (Islands/The Unicorns), Ryan Kattner (Man Man) and Joe Plummer (Modest Mouse), as well as sometimes touring bassist Michael Cera (he of current Hollywood fame), the band has parlayed their collective fascination with ’50s-style vocal groups like the Platters and the Moonglows into what they half-jokingly call “doom-wop.” Their sub-pop debut, “Out of Love,” is a 12-track affair that shows Mister Heavenly has the skills to outlast the hype. They perform on Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. at Café Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. Tickets are $14. 460-9311.


The Artist Series presents the smash Broadway musical “Beauty and the Beast” on Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts’ Moran Theater, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. The show is staged daily, including matinee performances, through Nov. 13. Tickets range from $43-$70. 632-3373. artistseriesjax.org



Who was it who once said, “All’s fair in love and The Fair?” Why, we believe it was Bobo, the gluesniffing Folio Weekly staffer we keep locked in our warehouse. But everyone who loves cotton candy and careening around on the Tilt-A-Whirl can get their fair share at the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair, which runs from Wednesday, Nov. 2 through Sunday, Nov. 13 at the Fairgrounds, 510 Fairgrounds Place, downtown. This year’s cultural smorgasbord offers everything from the expected rides and culinary delights to topflight country acts like Little Big Town and more, uh, humble fare like Robinson’s Racing Pigs! 353-0535. Ticket prices vary. jacksonvillefair.com

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Thoroughly spooky at times — pale girls are always scary, and Julie’s levitating body near the climax is super-creepy — the new movie might just survive its pitfalls.

Tapes ’N’ Tapes

“Paranormal Activity 3” offers more scary backstory for the videotape horror franchise PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 **@@

Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd.


t’s 1988. Katie and Kristi are small children living with their mother and her boyfriend. He’s a videographer (thank God, else we’d not have this pre-pre-quel), and there are demons about, taunting the kids and breaking lots of perfectly good furniture. But you already knew that last part, because you’ve been following the “Paranormal Activity” franchise since the first release in 2007. Or you’ve seen the pseudoretrospective trailers, which blend sequences from the first two installments with outtakes from the new film. Or you’ve participated in the Twitter-based “Tweet your Scream” campaign. Capitalizing on viral marketing and the premise that “this really happened,” the “Paranormal Activity” series has enjoyed enormous — and unlikely — success, considering its indie roots. Paramount Pictures acquired the rights for a song and has made some serious bank over the past four years, mainly through Internet marketing and word-of-mouth. So far, all signs point to another blockbuster, but anecdote fatigue may be setting in. Throughout the series, we’ve been slowly moving backward in time as the storyline is retconned to detail how this whole mess got started. In “PA1” — as it’s come to be known — adult Katie (Katie Dianne Featherston) battles the forces of darkness with her husband, Micha, who tapes the good stuff with several cameras mounted around their suburban domicile. In “PA2,” which takes place a few years earlier, adult Kristi (Sprague Grayden) and her family (including her infant son) are the devil’s focus, and the action is captured by cameras set up to thwart a suspected burglar. In this one, we learn a little more about the hauntings’ origins, but not so much as to explain everything. Convenient enough, as we now have the “beginnings of the beginnings” story, which is set nearly two decades previous to “PA2.” In “PA3,” bubbly young Katie (Chloe Csengery) and Kristi (Jessica Tyler Brown) are quite fond of mom Julie’s newish boyfriend, Dennis (Christopher Nicholas Smith). Despite Julie’s mother’s misgivings, they all live together happily in a nice, two-story California home. Kristi speaks often of her imaginary friend, Toby, to Julie’s dismay. Dennis,

however, is fascinated: He’s been experiencing peculiar phenomena in the house. An out-of-work wedding videographer, Dennis busies himself with the task of capturing something — anything — on tape that might expose the malevolent entity, and in so doing, grows increasingly interested in the dark arts and their influence over the material world. Julie (Lauren Bittner), on the other hand, remains in denial until well into the film, which puts her daughters in increasingly perilous situations. And so the scene is set for 90 minutes teeming with what we’ve witnessed in parts 1 and 2: Moving household objects, flickering lights, floating bodies and long, tedious spans of silence. Is that a bad thing? Maybe not. It seems to have worked thus far, with few new devices tossed in. And the addition of two children to the mix opens the door for a few unexpected jolts, though most of them ring too familiar for fans of “Amityville Horror,” “The Shining” and “The Exorcist.” What really works here is the wise use of several red herrings and two genuinely frightening jump-scares. Thoroughly spooky at times — pale girls are always scary, and Julie’s levitating body near the climax is super-creepy — the new movie might just survive its pitfalls. Ultimately, for the discerning viewer anyway, “PA3” suffers from over-employment of what made the first installment so effective. The spaces in between the scares are just too long and, frankly, boring. What was once a progressive series of tension-filled gaps in action is now the cinematic equivalent of waiting for the next bus. A healthy willingness to suspend disbelief is required to watch any of the “PA” films. One must inquire not only as to why the forces of darkness have chosen several generations of this particular family to terrorize, but also: Why are the male members of this particular family so obsessed with video cameras? And how the heck did those two little girls move an entire bed frame and mattress back into place after Toby sent it flying? And most bewildering: How scary is the name Toby? And here’s one for the film industry: Why, after nearly 50 years of filmmaking, have demons remained so relatively powerless? Yeah, they can chuck kitchen tables across the room, twist little girls’ heads around, contort bodies and kill priests. Even much-loved M. Night Shyamalan shoved Satan into an elevator last time around, where he preyed on a few weak-willed losers. So, Hollywood, when is ol’ Beelzebub gonna go big? John E. Citrone themail@folioweekly.com NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 21

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Three The Hard Way

“The Three Musketeers” are more like the Three Stooges in this failed, inept retelling THE THREE MUSKETEERS G@@@

Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd.


here are luscious possibilities to be had in the notion of a gearpunk “Three Musketeers.” Da Vinci’s vault, for one. This movie posits a secret hiding place in Venice in which Leonardo Da Vinci hid all his plans for cool crap (stuff his contemporaries weren’t ready for). Did I mention it’s in Venice in the 17th century? And gorgeous guys with amazing accents and awesome facial hair, wearing sexy leather and wielding swords, have to bust in and steal the coolest of Da Vinci’s plans, like, say, for a dirigible warship. How is any of this a bad thing? From this apparently unf*ckupable beginning, which “The Three Musketeers” f*cks up — Da Vinci’s vault gets completely destroyed and no one even stops to wonder if hey, guys, this might be a bad idea (it’s, you know, Da Vinci’s vault) — said flick continues to f*ck up what should’ve been a no-brainer. It should’ve been the next “Pirates of the Caribbean”: A funny, sexy, raucous adventure with a wink and pinch, some flirting, neato adroit dueling and a buncha goofy nonsense. Instead it’s leaden where it should be light. It steals shamelessly from “The Princess Bride” and “The Empire Strikes Back” without understanding what makes those movies work so well. It is graceless and charmless. It reels from the painful banter. It’s the epitome of empty soulless corporate filmmaking. It’s directed by Paul W.S. Anderson as if he were crafting a theme-park ride instead of a story. It’s in 3D. If Alexandre Dumas wrote a “Resident Evil” movie, this is what it would look like. He’d kill himself afterward, but this is what it would look like. Holy crap, this is a terrible, terrible movie. It takes an hour to get itself into gear. It has the splendidness of the entire Renaissance as

its playground, plus the fantastical elements of gearpunk, and the best it can come up with is jokes about birdshit? (I blame this on screenwriter Alex Litvak, because he also wrote the pointless and charmless “Predators.” It’s hard to imagine the other credited screenwriter, Andrew Davies, had anything to do with this sucky movie: He’s the guy who writes all those breathless plummy BBC adaptations of classic novels. I bet his “Three Musketeers” would rock.) This film completely inverts the plot about the French queen (here played to little avail by Juno Temple), turning her into a dupe instead of an active player in her own life. It reduces the role of Milady de Winter (Milla Jovovich), making her sassy instead of dangerous. It wastes the delicious talents of both Christoph Waltz, as Cardinal Richelieu, and Orlando Bloom, as the Duke of Buckingham, as villains. It diminishes our iconic triumvirate of musketeers — Matthew Macfadyen as Athos, Luke Evans as Aramis and Ray Stevenson as Porthos — by turning them into the Three Stooges. In this sea of awfulness, Gabriella Wilde must be singled out for her slack-jawed, robotic faux hotness as Constance, the cardboard love interest for Lerman’s wannabe Musketeer D’Artagnan. The mind boggles at the notion that she was the best option for this role … or for any role in any film. Look: I don’t care if the movie tries to rewrite the entire history of the entire 17th century. I don’t care about the random accents. I don’t even care about the absurd coincidences; I know they’re in the book. I just want it all to have some spirit, some heart. Some damn fun. But there’s an entire third act that’s completely superfluous. There’s a heist planned for no reason, and then ends up not happening anyway, so we’re all, like, “What the f*ck?” and then “What the f*ck?” again, and finally, at the end of it all, “What the f*ck f*ck?” “The Three Musketeers” cheats. It’s flat and empty. It ends with the threat of a sequel. Sob.


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If Alexandre Dumas wrote a “Resident Evil” movie, this is what it would look like. He’d kill himself afterward, but this is what it would look like.

NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 23

FILM RATINGS **** ***@ **@@ *@@@


NOW SHOWING ABDUCTION **@@ Rated PG-13 • Carmike Fleming Island, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Teen hunk Taylor Lautner tries his adorable hand at an adult action thriller about a young man thrown into a world of intrigue and danger, after he learns he may have been kidnapped as a child. THE BIG YEAR **@@ Rated PG • Carmike Fleming Island, Regal Beach Blvd. Based on Mark Obmascik’s 2004 bestseller, “The Big Year: A Tale of Man, Nature and Fowl Obsession,” this film will delight birders the way “Sideways” tickled sommeliers. But unlike that engaging wine dramedy, “The Big Year” offers little substance to boost any mass appeal. With Steve Martin, Owen Wilson and Jack Black. CONTAGION **** Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Hollywood River City Steven Soderbergh’s film stars Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard and (briefly) Gwyneth Paltrow in a winning thriller about a deadly airborne pandemic sweeping the globe. COURAGEOUS **@@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. A faith-based film about four police officers navigating different stages of fatherhood. DOLPHIN TALE **@@ Rated PG • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. This family-geared tale, starring Harry Connick Jr., Morgan Freeman and Nathan Gamble, is about a young dolphin named Winter and her search for a life with “porpoise.” Pun alert! DREAM HOUSE ***@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square This creepy thriller stars Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz as a family who learn their new crib may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Naomi Watts co-stars in director Jim Sheridan’s inventive take on the haunted house tale. 50/50 ***@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Cinemark Tinseltown, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt give ace performances in this sweetly endearing comedy about two best pals who find their friendship tested when one of them is diagnosed with cancer. FOOTLOOSE **@@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. This remake of the ’80s film stars Kenny Wormald as a Boston teen who moves to the Deep South only to discover — egads! — that dancing is not only frowned upon but nay … dare we say it? … banned by the local killjoy clergyman Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid). We miss Kevin Bacon. THE HELP **G@ Rated PG-13 • Regal Avenues Emma Stone and Viola Davis star in this tale set in 1960s Mississippi, about a young woman who collects the stories

24 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011

Based on a novel by Hunter S. Thompson, “The Rum Diary” stars Johnny Depp as a journalist who encounters treachery, intrigue and — spoiler alert! — lots of rum during a freelance writing job in Puerto Rico.

AREA THEATERS AMELIA ISLAND Carmike Amelia Island 7, 1132 S. 14th St., 261-9867 ARLINGTON & REGENCY AMC Regency 24, 9451 Regency Square Blvd., 264-3888 BAYMEADOWS & MANDARIN Regal Avenues 20, 9525 Philips Highway, 538-3889 BEACHES Regal Beach Blvd. 18, 14051 Beach Blvd., 992-4398 FIVE POINTS 5 Points Theatre, 1028 Park St., 359-0047 NORTHSIDE Hollywood River City 14, River City Marketplace, 12884 City Center Blvd., 757-9880

ORANGE PARK AMC Orange Park 24, 1910 Wells Road, (888) AMC-4FUN Carmike Fleming Island 12, 1820 Town Center Blvd., 621-0221 SAN MARCO San Marco Theatre, 1996 San Marco Blvd., 396-4845 SOUTHSIDE Cinemark Tinseltown, 4535 Southside Blvd., 998-2122 ST. AUGUSTINE Epic Theatres, 112 Theatre Drive, 797-5757 IMAX Theater, World Golf Village, 940-IMAX Pot Belly’s, 36 Granada St., 829-3101

of African-American women in her town who’ve spent their lives working for white families — and publishes them in a sensational book.

KILLER ELITE ***@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Hollywood River City, Regal Beach Blvd. Jason Statham and Robert De Niro star in this unoriginal film about a Special Ops agent forced out of retirement when his friend is kidnapped by a group of international bad guys. Co-starring Clive Owen and Dominic Purcell.

THE IDES OF MARCH ***@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Director and costar George Clooney’s Oscar-buzzworthy film is about an idealistic campaign manager (Ryan Gosling) who gets a reality check while working for a Democratic presidential hopeful, played by Clooney. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamatti deliver ballot-stuffing performances. IN TIME ***G Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Justin Timberlake stars in this dystopian film about a future in which time has become the ultimate currency, and immortality a luxury that only the rich can afford. Which is to say, the former ’N Sync frontman is part of the 99 percent. With Amanda Seyfried and Cillian Murphy. JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN **@@ Rated PG • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. The Brit comedy series about fumbling secret agent Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) brings him out of retirement from a Tibetan Buddhist monastery to help foil an evil plot threatening the entire planet — at least it’s a trifling menace to England.

LAUGH AT MY PAIN **@@ Rated R • AMC Regency Square This concert documentary about comedian Kevin Hart includes candid backstage and interview footage as well as scenes from Hart’s comedy tour that grossed a whopping $15 million. THE LION KING 3-D ***@ Rated G • AMC Orange Park, Regal Avenues Disney’s 1994 animated fave, remastered in 3-D, features the voices of Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Matthew Broderick, James Earl Jones, Whoopi Goldberg and Cheech Marin. MONEYBALL ***@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. This sports biopic, based on the true life story of Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane, hits a grand slam on the strength of an all-star script and trophy-worthy performance by Brad Pitt. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 **@@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown,

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Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Reviewed in this issue. PUSS IN BOOTS **@@ Rated PG • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Starring Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and Zach Galifianakis, this animated feature is the story of the swordfighting Puss, before he met Shrek. Puss searches for golden eggs with sidekick Humpty Dumpty (Galifianakis) while being pursued by an evil Jack and Jill … and hilarity ensues. Or at least that’s the aim. RA. ONE ***G Not Rated • AMC Regency Square, Regal Avenues It’s a sci-fi fantasy in Hindi! Bollywood movies may be tame as far as sex, drugs and the like, but this one has an edge. And it’s in 3-D! REAL STEEL *G@@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Hugh Jackman stars in this silly sci-fi story about boxing robots that should’ve been KO’d on the cutting-room floor. THE RUM DIARY ***@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd., San Marco Theatre Based on Hunter S. Thompson’s novel, “The Rum Diary” stars Johnny Depp as a journalist who encounters treachery, intrigue and — spoiler alert! — lots of rum during a freelance writing gig in Puerto Rico. With Giovanni Ribisi and Aaron Eckhart. THE THING ***@ Rated R • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. A remake of John Carpenter’s 1982 remake of the 1951 Christian Nyby/Howard Hawks classic, “The Thing from Another World,” this pre-prequel is no embarrassment, but it won’t make us forget the two that came before — or the old pros who made them. THE THREE MUSKETEERS **@@ Rated PG-13 • AMC Orange Park, AMC Regency Square, Carmike Amelia Island, Carmike Fleming Island, Cinemark

For questions, please call your advertising representative at 260-9770. rUn dAte: 053111 FAX YOUR PROOF IF POSSIBLE AT 268-3655 Tinseltown, Epic Theatre St. Augustine, Hollywood River City, Regal Avenues, Regal Beach Blvd. Reviewed in this issue.

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THE WAY ***G Rated PG-13 • Cinemark Tinseltown, Regal Beach Blvd. Martin Sheen stars as Tom, a grieving father whose son Daniel (Emilio Estevez, who also wrote and directed) was killed on a pilgrimage — hiking from France to Spain. To honor Daniel, Tom continues the trek and meets some interesting characters along the way. And no, the other Sheen/Estevez man is not on the trail.

OTHER FILMS ENVIRONMENTAL FILM SERIES The documentary “The Turning Point” is screened at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2487 A1A S., St. Augustine. “Forks Over Knives” runs on Nov. 10. $5 donation. 461-3541. IN ONE BROW OF WOE The Jacksonville University Film and Theater Programs screen their original feature film at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 and at 3 p.m. on Nov. 5 at the school’s Swisher Theater, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. 256-7677. POT BELLY’S CINEMA “Straw Dogs,” “The Guard,” “Sarah’s Key” and “Crazy, Stupid, Love” are shown at Pot Belly’s, 36 Granada St., St. Augustine. 829-3101. WGHOF IMAX THEATER “Puss In Boots 3D,” Space Station,” “Rescue 3D,” “Legends of Flight 3D,” “Born To Be Wild 3D,” “Hubble 3D” and “Under The Sea 3D” are shown at World Golf Hall of Fame Village, 1 World Golf Place, St. Augustine. 940-IMAX. worldgolfimax.com

NEW ON DVD & BLU-RAY SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN Based on the novel by Lisa See, this film tells the story of a friendship between two girls in repressive 19th Century China, and the means they found to communicate throughout their lives. With Gianna Jun, Li Bingbing, Archie Kao, Vivian Wu and Hugh Jackman. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART II The eighth and final installment in the Harry Potter film series continues Harry’s quest to find and destroy Lord Voldemort. If you haven’t seen one yet — is such a thing possible? — then this is the one to watch.

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Two decades later, dude’s still driving Kevin Bacon’s car. Miles Teller and Kenny Wormald star in the remake of the 1984 dance-classic “Footloose.”

November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 25

John Fogerty, the musical core of Creedence Clearwater Revival, continues to play centerfield in the classic rock pantheon JOHN FOGERTY Saturday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. St. Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340 A1A S. Tickets range from $39-$79.50 209-0367


26 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

t’s hard to believe that legendary swamp-rock outfit Creedence Clearwater Revival actually hailed from California. Songs like “Born on the Bayou,” “Proud Mary” and “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” celebrate the simple joys of Southern working-class life, even though brothers John and Tom Fogerty, Stu Cook and Doug Clifford started out performing in Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco as Tommy Fogerty & the Blue Velvets. In 1964, they changed their name to The Golliwogs, but after signing to SF-based jazz label Fantasy Records, they were encouraged to mix things up for their self-titled 1968 debut album. The newly christened Creedence Clearwater Revival exploded onto the music scene that year, with John Fogerty eclipsing his older brother as lead singer and guitarist, a decision that led the band to massive success — and eventually to an acrimonious split. The band relied on the strength of not only John Fogerty’s gruff, sexualized wail, but his legendary contributions to the American songwriting canon. “ ‘Suzie Q’ was a hit [in 1968], but then you’re basically a one-hit wonder, and we were the classic version,” Fogerty told Pitchfork.com in 2007. “I determined, we’re on the tiniest record label in the world, [with] no money behind us, so I said to myself, ‘I’m just going to have to do it with the music.’ I got very, very busy. Every night, I worked on writing songs from 9 at night until 4 in the morning. All the songs weren’t great … but the music was coming really quickly, and [much of] it was really good.” Snarling classics like “Fortunate Son” and “Run Through the Jungle” came to epitomize America’s widespread unrest over the Vietnam War, but the band offered good-time numbers,

too, like “Down on the Corner,” “Hey Tonight” and “Travelin’ Band,” and epic ballads including “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?,” “Someday Never Comes” and “Long as I Can See the Light.” If you’ve ever listened to classicrock radio, you’ve heard every single song. And unlike some FM staples, they never get old. But John Fogerty’s commanding presence in CCR did, at least for brother Tom, who quit the band for good in February 1971. John

“Years ago, I’d say, ‘Absolutely not!’ ” Fogerty says when asked about a CCR reunion. “Now it’s more like, ‘Well, I dunno.’ ” convinced Stu Cook and Doug Clifford to try a more democratic songwriting approach, but the rhythm section still questioned their frontman’s business decisions — especially excluding CCR’s iconic headlining Woodstock performance from the concert film and soundtrack because Fogerty thought his performance was “sub-par.” So by October 1972, one of American rock’s biggest bands was finished, leaving behind an unrivaled five-year span of commercial and critical success. Like any good frontman, Fogerty soldiered on, although he signed away all rights to the band’s material to escape from his Fantasy contract. Ensuing legal problems — intraband lawsuits, Fantasy suing Fogerty for sounding “too much like himself” — creatively hampered the singer/songwriter for decades, and he famously refused to perform CCR favorites live. 1985’s No. 1 album and single “Centerfield” put Fogerty back on top, though, and in 1987, Bob Dylan and George Harrison finally convinced him to play CCR material

again, lest the public think “Proud Mary” was a Tina Turner song, as Dylan famously admonished him. But the animosity didn’t end there. The band’s savings dissolved in a Fogertyengineered Bahamian bank scheme and, tragically, Tom Fogerty died in 1990 from AIDS complications, without having spoken to his brother in years. In 1993, CCR was inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, but John refused to perform with Stu Cook and Doug Clifford, angering Tom’s widow Tricia, who had even brought her husband’s ashes to the ceremony, anticipating a reunion. Yet John Fogerty reasserted himself artistically, winning a Grammy for 1997’s “Blue Moon Swamp” and ingratiating himself with a younger generation by pillorying the Iraq war and the Bush Administration on recent albums “Déjà Vu (All Over Again)” and “Revival.” In 2004, Fantasy Records was sold, allowing Fogerty to finally renegotiate his royalty rights and start the Fortunate Son Records imprint to handle CCR’s back catalog. After performing in St. Augustine on Nov. 12, Fogerty has a three-night run planned where he’ll perform classic CCR albums like “Cosmo’s Factory” and “Green River” in their entirety for the first time. Which means the famously hard-lined singer may have finally softened his view of CCR’s past. “Years ago, I looked at people and was so full emotion [that] I’d say, ‘Absolutely not!’ ” Fogerty told the Calgary Herald in July, when asked about a CCR reunion. “But I have to admit, even though I have no idea how such a series of events would come to pass, I can tell that there isn’t the bombast in my voice, in the denial, in the refusal. It’s more like, ‘Well, I dunno.’ Realizing that it doesn’t really kick up a big firestorm of emotion, it kind of suggests that at least if someone started talking, I’d sit still long enough to listen.” Nick McGregor themail@folioweekly.com

NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 27

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Heavenly Hams

Three indie rock stalwarts craft stripped-down “doom-wop” with supergroup cred MISTER HEAVENLY featuring MR. DREAM and BRETT GELMAN Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. Café Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach Tickets are $14, 460-9311


upergroups have come and gone in indie rock history, but few have gelled as organically as Mister Heavenly. Comprising hell-raising Man Man frontman Ryan Kattner (aka Honus Honus), Islands & the Unicorns singer/ songwriter Nick Thorburn, and tough-as-nails Modest Mouse (and The Shins) drummer Joe Plummer, the trio traffics in effortless 1950s pop tinged with a hint of ruined romance — hence the title of their debut album, “Out of Love” and their self-coined micro-genre “doom-wop.” (The band is occasionally joined on bass by actor Michael Cera, though he’s not expected to join this leg of the tour.) The back-andforth of Kattner’s deep, guttural growl and Thorburn’s nasally, high-pitched near-falsetto are the main draws of Mister Heavenly, a “balance/imbalance” Kattner told Folio Weekly has always fascinated him. The mustachioed madman also chatted about the easygoing formation of the band, the bodies in his closet and his abiding love for the Oldest City. Folio Weekly: All three of you come from successful bands. What brought you together to form Mister Heavenly? Ryan Kattner: Nick and I had been talking about it for years, but we happened to be on the same coast at the same time, and I happened to have some down time before recording the last Man Man record, so we were like, “Let’s do a 7-inch, keep it simple and if we end up choking each other to death during the process, then we’ll know it wouldn’t work.” But it was very chill.

with another songwriter, because I’d never done that before. I could trust his instincts. F.W.: I understand the perception among critics has been much different than that of listeners. R.K.: That’s the one unfortunate thing. Any negative reviews I’ve read don’t have anything to do with the record, like people have a beef with Nick and I, for whatever reason. One review said, “If it wasn’t these guys, this would be an amazing record.” What the hell’s that supposed to mean? Just enjoy it for what it is. F.W.: On the flip side, I’m sure you had Man Man, Islands and Modest Mouse fans who came in knowing it would be great. R.K.: All the positive feedback is from people who’ve actually listened to the album. It’s a great rock record. People who may have shied away from the more experimental sides of our other bands could definitely get into Mister Heavenly. It’s super poppy, but without sacrificing the integrity of what we’re about. F.W.: Have the live performances gone well? It can’t be easy for a new band to immediately slay it. R.K.: I think we sound killer. One thing that bears being mentioned is the songs and the way we came together. We didn’t do it as leftovers. Everything was created organically, with the only guideline being — and this is the only link to doo-wop — to keep it simple. But you can bury a lot into a simple structure. F.W.: Man Man has played some legendary shows at Café Eleven in St. Augustine. Are you excited to return? R.K.: Let’s just say that I was presented with a handful of cities in Florida to play and I had to pick one, and obviously I picked St. Augustine. I love playing there — I wish Man Man could get down there again.

F.W.: Did you and Nick hammer out songs and then bring them to Joe, or was he in the songwriting mix as well? Nick McGregor R.K.: I’d had the same conversation about themail@folioweekly.com collaborating with Joe, so I figured I We Three: Thorburn, Kattner (in box) and Plummer. might as well kill two birds with this project. But the songs came together between Nick and I pretty playfully; it was a lot of fun, and initially we were going to bullshit the drums, but I was like, “Why don’t we get Joe? He’s a badass.” It’s interesting how everything fell into place, and we’ve just been running with it since.

Jacqueline Di Milia

28 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

F.W.: You definitely hear that playfulness on “Out of Love,” though there are also a lot of darker themes hiding under the surface. R.K.: That was one of the draws to Nick and how he writes songs. I felt like we were kindred songwriters; we’re both kind of haunted, but we don’t try to dwell on it — we try to channel it, or at least disguise those haunted bodies and skeletons in our closet. I say playful, but we didn’t approach this any less seriously than our own bands. It was just fun to work

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SOCIAL DISTORTION with CHUCK RAGAN, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS Legendary punkers Social Distortion perform at 8 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Plush, 845 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. Tickets are $29.50. 743-1845. THE ULTIMATE GUITAR CROSSING Ernie Evans, Arvid Smith and Billy Bowers perform at 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at European Street CafĂŠ, 1704 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are $10. 398-9500. FREE CONCERT The J.B. Sessions Band performs from 6:307:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Fleming Island Library, 1895 Town Center Blvd., Orange Park. 278-3722. JACUZZI BOYS, ROSE CROSS, THE HOLY GHOSTS, DUNE PANTHER These indie allstars play at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2 at CafĂŠ Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. Tickets are $7. 460-9311. FISHBONE The legendary L.A. ska-punks play at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville. Tickets are $15. 398-7496. KEVIN SECONDS, DAVE DONDERO Hardcore punker Seconds performs with Dondero at 9 p.m. on Nov. 2 at Burro Bar, 100 E. Adams St., Jacksonville. 353-4692. NIGHT RANGER The classic rockers appear at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, 1050 A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach. Advance tickets are $37.50; $39.50 day of the show. 209-0399. THE IVEY BROTHERS The local Southern rockers Ivey Brothers play at 9 p.m. on Nov. 3 at The Roadhouse, 231 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park. 264-0611. MARCHFOURTH MARCHING BAND, BADA BING BABES With a 5-piece percussion corps and 7-part brass section, M4 parades on stage at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Freebird Live, 200 N. First St., Jax Beach. Tickets are $15 in advance. 246-2473. MOSE GIGANTICUS, ZEUS, WITH MY BEAR HANDS, LOKYATA The bands perform at 9 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Burro Bar, 100 E. Adams St., Jacksonville. 353-4692. STANLEY JORDAN Jazz guitar great Jordan appears at 7 and 10 p.m. on Nov. 4 at the Ritz Theatre & Museum, 829 N. Davis St., Jacksonville. Advance tickets are $21; $25 at the door. 632-5555. LIGHTNIN MALCOLM, CAMERON KIMBROUGH The great bluesmen perform at 10 p.m. on Nov. 4 at Mojo Kitchen, 1500 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. Tickets are $12. 247-6636.

GIANT GUERILLA DUB SQUAD and THE GREEN These dub STEPHEN ROBINSON Classical guitarist Robinson performs at groups appear at 8 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Jack Rabbits, 1528 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 at Friday Musicale, 645 Oak Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville. Tickets are $12. 398-7496. St., Jacksonville. 355-7584. ZACH MYERS Shinedown’s Myers plays at 7 p.m. on Nov. 6 at BLISTUR Rockin’ country with Blistur at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 Brewster’s Pit, 14003 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are $12. at The Roadhouse, 231 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park. 264-0611. 223-9850. BEAU KNOTT & THE BURNERS ROCKABILLY TRIO This NOT IN THE FACE! The East Texas band plays “dirty party rockabilly band plays at 6 p.m. on Nov. 4 at Billy’s Boathouse, musicâ€? at 9 p.m. on Nov. 7 at Burro Bar, 100 E. Adams St., 2321 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach. 241-9771. Jacksonville. 353-4692. AFROMAN Hip-hop hitmaker Afroman plays at 7 p.m. on Nov. 4 IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE, KILLER MIKE, DIABOLIC, AKIR, at Brewster’s Pit, 14003 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are DJ G.I. JOE These high-energy bands play at 8 p.m. on Nov. 7 $12. 223-9850. at Freebird Live, 200 N. First St., Jax Beach. Tickets are $15. SOUTHERN ROCK’S FINEST This Southern rock supergroup, 246-2473. including Bob Burns, Steven Calhoun Grisham, Charlie Hargrett, MISTER HEAVENLY, MR. DREAM, BRETT GELMAN These Dave Muse, Phil Stokes and Bret Wadams, performs at 7:30 bands play at 8 p.m. on Nov. 8 at CafĂŠ Eleven, 501 A1A Beach p.m. on Nov. 5 at Thrasher-Horne Center for the Arts, St. Johns Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. Tickets are $14. 460-9311. River State College, 283 College Drive, Orange Park. Tickets ALL TIME LOW, THE READY SET, HE IS WE, PARADISE start at $14. 276-6750. FEARS The Baltimore-based pop-punkers All Time Low hit the YOURJAX MUSIC FEST The second annual fest is held Nov. stage at 8 p.m. on Nov. 8 at Freebird Live, 200 N. First St., Jax 5 and 6 at the Greater Jacksonville Agricultural Fair, 510 Beach. Tickets are $21. 246-2473. Fairgrounds Place, downtown. Scheduled bands include Lady Daisey & Batsauce, Grandpa’s Cough Medicine, De Lions of Jah, Al Stone, Wes Cobb Band, Down Theory, Colton McKenna and Go Away Ghost. Admission is free with fair entry; $25 at the gate after 5 p.m. on Nov. 5. jacksonvillefair.com BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY Nov. 9, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JOY KILLS SORROW Indie-rock/new folkies Joy Kills Sorrow BANE, DEFEATER Nov. 9, Brewster’s Pit play at 8 p.m. on Nov. 5 at European Street CafĂŠ, 5500 Beach LOS LONELY BOYS Nov. 10, Freebird Live Blvd., Southside. Tickets are $12. 398-1717. QUEENSRYCHE Nov. 10, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET Braided Light Dance Project ALA REID, ROB VAN SANTE Nov. 10, European Street San appears at 10:30 a.m. and Sam Pacetti performs at 11:45 a.m. Marco on Nov. 5 at Riverside Arts Market, under the Fuller Warren KAKI KING Nov. 10, CafĂŠ Eleven Bridge at Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville. 554-6865. STEPHEN PEARCY (RATT) Nov. 11, Brewster’s Pit TODD RUNDGREN’S UTOPIA Hello, it’s him. Progressive rocker TAYLOR SWIFT Nov. 11, Veterans Memorial Arena Rundgren performs at 8 p.m. on Nov. 6 at The Florida Theatre, THE NIGHTHAWKS Nov. 11, Mojo Kitchen 128 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $30 and $35. BEAR CREEK MUSIC FEST Nov. 11-13, Spirit of Suwannee 355-2787. NNENNA FREELON & EARL KLUGH Nov. 11, Church of the AL STEWART, THE WOBBLY TOMS Accompanied by guitarist Good Shepherd Dave Nachmanoff, Stewart appears with local faves Wobbly Toms at 7 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, 1050 A1A ST. JOHNS RIVER BLUES FEST with TINSLEY ELLIS, WILLIE N., Ponte Vedra Beach. Tickets are $29. 209-0399. GREEN, FRAN ROBERT Nov. 12-13, Downtown Palatka THE WANDAS, SKEWD of The indie-pop bands play at Freebird JOHN FOGERTY Nov. 12, St. Augustine Amphitheatre Produced promise benefit sUpport Ask for Action Live, 200 N. First St., Jax Beach. Tickets are $8. 246-2473. RANDALL BRAMBLETT Nov. 12, European Street Southside LUNA MOTH, BLUE VALLEY FARMER Oakie-folkie musicians ATOM SMASH Nov. 12, Brewster’s Pit Luna Moth and Blue Valley Farmer appear at 9 p.m. on Nov. 6 at NORTH FLORIDA FOLKFEST Nov. 12, Florida Agricultural Burro Bar, 100 E. Adams St., Jacksonville. 353-4692. Museum



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November 4 & 5

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2 for 1 domestic drAfts, Wells And house Wine Al Naturale - 9:30pm 1/2 price Apps-fri (bAr only) 4-7pm deck music 5 p.m.-9 p.m. Al Naturale Acoustic Afternoons 5-9 p.m. Live Reggae Music 5-9 p.m.

Feat. al andeRSon JAh ElEct SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19

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11-25: Sevendust 12-2:    Boredom/Hurricane Guns 12-3:    Livewire Tattoo 10th Anniversary 12-9:    The Movement 12-10:   Big Sean 12-11:   The Skrillex Cell 12-15:   Protest the Hero 12-17:   Sidereal/Crazy Carls 12-23:   Inspection 12/Whaleface 12-31:   Nate Holley’s New Year’s Eve 1-5:     Galactic/Toubab Krewe 1-23:    August Burns Red/Silverstein

NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 29

AMERICAN ATTITUDE, BREAK RED, LEO & THE SUN, GEORGE BLACK Nov. 12, Jack Rabbits TOMMY CASTRO BAND Nov. 12, Café Eleven NOUVEAUX HONKIES Nov. 15, European Street San Marco RAIN: A TRIBUTE TO THE BEATLES Nov. 16, T-U Center’s Moran Theater JOSH RITTER, SARAH HARMER Nov. 16, Café Eleven THE FAB FOUR Nov. 17, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall THE KNUX, JORDY TOWERS & EVIL Nov. 17, Café Eleven THE QUEERS, KNOCKOUT, CAFFEINDS, POOR RICHARDS, THE RESONA Nov. 17, Nobby’s AGNOSTIC FRONT Nov. 17, Brewster’s Pit RIDERS IN THE SKY Nov. 18, The Florida Theatre DEEPWATER SOUL SOCIETY Nov. 18, Burro Bar SHE’S COUNTRY TOUR with HEIDI NEWFIELD, BRIDGETTE TATUM Nov. 18, Mavericks FUSEBOX FUNK Nov. 19, Mojo Kitchen KIDS ROCK THE NATION BANDFEST Nov. 19, St. Aug. Amphitheatre CRO-MAGS Nov. 19, Brewster’s Pit SKANKSGIVING 2011 with KONAMI CODE, WON’T BE ARSED, WAYLAY Nov. 21, Phoenix Tap Room TRAPPED UNDER ICE Nov. 22, Brewster’s Pit MAC MILLER, PAC DIV, CASEY VEGGIES Nov. 23, The Florida Theatre RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS, BURN HALO Nov. 23, Freebird COL. BRUCE HAMPTON Nov. 23, Mojo Kitchen UNDERHILL FAMILY ORCHESTRA Nov. 24, Burro Bar AVENGED SEVENFOLD, A7X, HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD, ASKING ALEXANDRIA, BLACK VEIL BRIDES Nov. 25, Veterans Memorial Arena STEVE BRANCH & MARLON DEAN, ANDY GRIGGS Nov. 25, Mavericks SCREAMIN’ EAGLE Nov. 25, Burro Bar PEYTON BROTHERS Nov. 26, European Street Southside CHIMAIRA Nov. 27, Freebird Live GEORGE THOROGOOD & THE DESTROYERS Nov. 28, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall PRINCE RAMA Nov. 28, Burro Bar DAVID BAZAN Nov. 29, Café Eleven THIN LIZZY Nov. 29, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JOE LOUIS WALKER Dec. 1, Mojo Kitchen THE WAILERS Dec. 2, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall ALEX BUGNON Dec. 3, Ritz Theatre

THE BIG TICKET featuring SUBLIME with ROME, A DAY TO REMEMBER, SURFER BLOOD Dec. 4, Metropolitan Park WILL PEARSALL Dec. 4, European Street Jax Beach DANCE GAVIN DANCE Dec. 4, Freebird Live COTTON JONES, QUIET LIFE, WETLANDS Dec. 4, Café Eleven MIDNIGHT CLEAR Dec. 6, European Street San Marco TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA Dec. 8, Veterans Memorial Arena PIERCE PETTIS Dec. 8, European Street San Marco LEE BRICE Dec. 9, Mavericks THE WOOD BROTHERS Dec. 10, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JIMMY THACKERY Dec. 10, Mojo Kitchen SKILLREX, 12th PLANET, TWO FRESH Dec. 11, Freebird Live HOLIDAY SOUL with RICHARD STREET Dec. 11, T-U Center A PETER WHITE CHRISTMAS with MINDI ABAIR & KIRK WHALUM Dec. 14, The Florida Theatre JAVIER COLON Dec. 20, The Florida Theatre STRAIGHT NO CHASER Dec. 21, The Florida Theatre TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND Dec. 28, The Florida Theatre JJ GREY & MOFRO, YANKEE SLICKERS Dec. 29, Mavericks CHERYL WHEELER Jan. 4, Café Eleven GREGG ALLMAN Jan. 13, The Florida Theatre RAT PACK REVUE Jan. 21, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall TRAVIS TRITT Jan. 29, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JIMMY BUFFETT Jan. 31, Veterans Memorial Arena MICHAEL FEINSTEIN Feb. 2, The Florida Theatre THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS Feb. 9, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall THE AHN TRIO Feb. 10, The Florida Theatre PABLO CRUISE Feb. 25, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall WYNTON MARSALIS March 4, The Florida Theatre TONY BENNETT March 20, St. Augustine Amphitheatre ANOUSHKA SHANKAR March 22, The Florida Theatre SUWANNEE SPRINGFEST with YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND, PETER ROWAN & TONY RICE, JUSTIN TOWNES EARLE March 23-25, Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park EDGAR WINTER BAND May 24, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall

CAFE KARIBO, 27 N. Third St., 277-5269 Live music in the courtyard at 6 p.m. every Fri. & Sat., at 5 p.m. every Sun. DOG STAR TAVERN, 10 N. Second St., 277-8010 Live music every weekend GENNARO’S ITALIANO SOUTH, 5472 First Coast Hwy., 491-1999 Live jazz from 7:30-9:30 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. GREEN TURTLE TAVERN, 14 S. Third St., 321-2324 Dan Voll from 7-10 p.m. every Fri. Live music every weekend INDIGO ALLEY, 316 Centre St., 261-7222 Dan Voll & the Alley Cats at 8 p.m. every Sat. Frankie’s Jazz Jam at 7:30 p.m. every Tue. Open mic at 7 p.m. every Thur. Live music every Fri. & Sat. O’KANE’S IRISH PUB, 318 Centre St., 261-1000 Dan Voll at 7:30 p.m. every Wed. Turner London Band at 8:30 p.m. every Thur., Fri. & Sat. THE PALACE SALOON & SHEFFIELD’S, 117 Centre St., 491-3332 BSP Unplugged every Tue. & Sun. Wes Cobb every Wed. DJ Heavy Hess, Hupp & Rob every Thur. Live music every Fri. & Sat. DJ Miguel Alvarez in Sheffield’s every Fri. DJ Heavy Hess every Sat. Cason every Mon. PLAE, 80 Amelia Circle, Amelia Island Plantation, 277-2132 Gary Ross from 7-11 p.m. every Thur.-Sat. SLIDERS SEASIDE GRILL, 1998 S. Fletcher Ave., 277-6990 Cason at 2 p.m. at the tiki bar every Sat. & Sun. THE SURF, 3199 S. Fletcher Ave., 261-5711 Live music Tue.Sun. DJ Roc at 5 p.m. every Wed.


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Tues. nov 1 • Ernie Evans • Arvid Smith • Billy Bowers

Thurs. Nov 3 • Phil Lee

Tue. nov 8

• The Kelly-Scott Sextet EUROPEAN ST.

BEAch BLvd. : (at University) Sat. Nov 5

• Joy Kills Sorrow

Mon. Nov 7

• Rebecca Zapen

JAx BEAch : Sun. Nov 6

• david Russell

30 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011


BRICK RESTAURANT, 3585 St. Johns Ave., 387-0606 Duet every Wed. Goliath Flores and Sam Rodriguez every Thur. Bush Doctors every 1st Fri. & Sat. Live jazz every Fri. & Sat. THE CASBAH CAFE, 3628 St. Johns Ave., 981-9966 Goliath Flores every Wed. 3rd Bass every Sun. Live music every Mon. ECLIPSE, 4219 St. Johns Ave., 387-3582 DJ Keith spins for Karaoke every Tue. DJ Free spins vintage every Fri. DJs SuZiRok, LowKill & Mowgli spin for Chillwave Madness every Mon. ELEVATED AVONDALE, 3551 St. Johns Ave., 387-0700 Karaoke with Dave Thrash every Wed. DJ 151 spins hip hop, R&B, old-school every Thur. DJ Catharsis spins lounge beats every 1st & 4th Sat. Patrick Evan & CoAlition every Industry Sun. MOJO NO. 4, 3572 St. Johns Ave., 381-6670 Live music on Nov. 4 & 5 TOM & BETTY’S, 4409 Roosevelt Blvd., 387-3311 Cloud 9 at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4. Live music every Fri. Karaoke at 8 p.m. every Sat.

AJ’S BAR & GRILLE, 10244 Atlantic Blvd., 805-9060 DJ Sheryl every Thur., Fri. & Sat. DJ Mike every Tue. & Wed. BAYMEADOWS Karaoke every Thur. THE COFFEE GRINDER, 9834 Old Baymeadows Rd., JAZZLAND CAFE, 1324 University Blvd. N., 924-2324 Jazz 642-7600 DJ Roy Luis spins new & vintage original house at 9 jam from 7 p.m.-mid. on Nov. 4. Live jazz from 7 p.m.-mid. on p.m. every Thur. Nov. 5 GATOR’S DOCKSIDE, 8650 Baymeadows Rd., 448-0500 MEEHAN’S TAVERN, 9119 Merrill Rd., Ste. 5, 551-7076 Comfort Zone Band at 9 p.m. every Fri. Karaoke every Wed. Live music every Fri. Open mic every Wed. MY PLACE BAR-N-GRILL, 9550 Baymeadows Rd., MVP’S SPORTS GRILLE, 12777 Atlantic Blvd., 221-1090 737-5299 Out of Hand every Mon. Rotating bands every other Live music at 9 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. Tue. & Wed. PLUSH, RAIN, LAVA, 845 University Blvd. N., 745-1845 Produced by ab Checked by Sales Rep dl promise of benefit sUpportSocial Distortion, Chuck AskRegan forandAction OASIS GRILL & CHILL, 9551 Baymeadows Rd., 748-9636 Off With Their Heads at 8 DJs Stan and Mike Bend spin every Feel Good Fri. p.m. on Nov. 1. DJ Massive spins top 40 in Rain every Wed., DJs AMELIA ISLAND, FERNANDINA BEACH TONY D’S NEW YORK PIZZA & RESTAURANT, 8358 Point spin Latin every Fri. BEECH STREET GRILL, 801 Beech St., 277-3662 John Meadows Dr., 322-7051 Live music from 6-9 p.m. every Fri. STARBUCKS, 9301 Atlantic Blvd., 724-4554 Open mic with Springer on Fri. & Sat., every other Thur. Barry Randolph on Sun. Starbucks Trio from 8-11 p.m. every other Fri.

San Marco :


TONINO’S TRATTORIA, 7001 Merrill Rd., 743-3848 Alaina Colding every Thur. W. Harvey Williams at 6 p.m. every Fri. Signature String Quartet every Sat. VIP LOUNGE, 7707 Arlington Expressway, 619-8198 Karaoke at 9 p.m. every Tue. Live music every Wed. Reggae every Thur. Live music every Fri. Old school jams every Sat. A DJ spins every Sun.

217, 249-2337 Live music every Thur. EUROPEAN STREET, 992 Beach Blvd., 249-3001 David Russell from 5-8 p.m. on Nov. 6 FIONN MACCOOL’S IRISH PUB, 333 First St. N., 242-9499 Live music every Tue.-Sun. FLY’S TIE IRISH PUB, 177 E. Sailfish Dr., Atlantic Beach, 246-4293 Nate Holley every Mon. Wes Cobb every Thur. Live music every Fri. & Sat. King Eddie reggae every Sun. FREEBIRD LIVE, 200 N. First St., 246-2473 MarchFourth Marching Band and Bada Bing Babes on Nov. 3. Skewd and The Wandas on Nov. 4. Immortal Technique, Killer Mike, Diabolic, Akir and DJ G.I. Joe on Nov. 7. All Time Low, The Ready Set, He Is We and Paradise Fears on Nov. 8 ISLAND GIRL CIGAR BAR, 108 First St., Neptune Beach, 372-0943 Jimmy Solari on Nov. 2. Mark O’Quinn on Nov. 3. Evan Paluszynski on Nov. 4. Brady Reich on Nov. 5 LILLIE’S COFFEE BAR, 200 First St., Neptune Beach, 249-2922 Jazz at 7:30 p.m. every Sat. LYNCH’S IRISH PUB, 514 N. First St., 249-5181 Live music on Nov. 4 & 5. Split Tone at 10:30 p.m. every Tue. Nate Holley Band every Wed. Ryan Campbell every Thur. Wits End every Sun. Little Green Men every Mon. MAYPORT TAVERN, 2775 Old Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach, 270-0801 Live music at 3 p.m. every Sun. Open mic at 5 p.m. every Wed. DJ Jason hosts Karaoke at 9 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. Crime of the Century: Indie folksters Joy Kills Sorrow kick out a contemporary bluegrass sound at 8 p.m. on Nov. 5 MELLOW MUSHROOM, 1018 N. Third St., Ste. 2, 246-1500 A at European Street CafÊ, 5500 Beach Blvd., Southside. Tickets are $12. 398-1717. New Colour on Nov. 2. Darren Corlew Band on Nov. 3. Holidazed on Nov. 4. Live music every Wed.-Sat. For questions, please call your advertising representative at 260-9770. RUN DATE: MEZZA LUNA, 110 First St., Neptune Beach, 249-5573 Neil FAX YOUR PROOF IF POSSIBLE AT 268-3655 BEACHES Walker every Sun. Dixon at 6 p.m. every Tue. Mike Shackelford and Rick Johnson at (In Jax Beach unless otherwise noted) 6 p.m. every Thur. CARIBBEE KEY, 100 N. First St., Neptune Beach, 270-8940 Produced promise of benefit sUpport Ask forBlvd., Action THE ATLANTIC, 333 N. First St., 249-3338 The Infader spins MOJO KITCHEN, 1500 Beach 247-6636 Lightnin’ Mark O’Quinn on Nov. 2. Alex Seier on Nov. 3. Paul Lundgren every Wed. DJ Wes Reed spins every Thur. DJ Jade spins old Malcolm and Cameron Kimbrough on Nov. 4 Band on Nov. 4. Little Green Men on Nov. 5 PROMISE OF BENEFIT ab Checked by ____ Sales Rep ____ re SUPPORT ASK FOR ACTION Produced by ____ wave & ’80s retro, SilverStar spins hip hop every Fri. DJ Wes MONKEY’S UNCLE TAVERN, 1850 S. Third St., 246-1070 CASA MARINA, 691 First St. N., 270-0025 Live music on Reed spins ’80s, old school, remixes & mashups, Capone spins Wes Cobb at 10 p.m. every Tue. DJ Austin Williams spins dance Nov. 2 top 40 & dance faves every Sat. & for Karaoke at 9 p.m. every Wed., Sat. & Sun. DJ Papa Sugar COPPER TOP, 1712 Beach Blvd., 249-4776 Karaoke with Billy BEACHSIDE SEAFOOD, 120 S. Third St., 444-8862 Kurt spins dance music at 9 p.m. every Mon., Thur. & Fri. McMahan, 7-10 p.m. every Tue. Open mic every Wed. Lanham sings classical island music every Fri.-Sun. NIPPERS BEACH GRILLE, 2309 Beach Blvd., 247-3300 CRAB CAKE FACTORY, 1396 Beach Blvd., Beach Plaza, BILLY’S BOATHOUSE, 2321 Beach Blvd., 241-9771 Jimi Jammit on Nov. 1. Live music nightly 247-9880 Live jazz with Pierre & Co. every Wed. Graves at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 3. Beau Knott & the Burners at 6 NORTH BEACH BISTRO, 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 6, Atlantic CULHANE’S IRISH PUB, 967 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, p.m. on Nov. 4. Kurt Lanham at noon on Nov. 6 Beach, 372-4105 Billy Bowers at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3. Live music 249-9595 Dune Dogs at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4. Roy Peak and Ruby BLUES ROCK CAFE, 831 N. First St., 249-0007 Razor’s Edge every Thur.-Sat. Beach at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4. Live music every weekend OCEAN 60, 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 247-0060 Live EL POTRO MEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1553 Third St. N., BRIX TAPHOUSE, 300 N. Second St., 241-4668 DJ IBay every music every weekend 241-6910 Wilfredo Lopez every Wed. & Sat. Tue., Fri. & Sat. DJ Ginsu every Wed. DJ Jade every Thur. Charlie THE PIER RESTAURANT, 445 Eighth Ave. N., 246-6454 ENGINE 15 BREWING COMPANY, 1500 Beach Blvd., Ste.

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$1 Draft 18oz Cup Happy Hour Mon: 2-4-1 Selected Cans Tues: All U Can Drink Draft 1 Person $15, 2 people $20/Karaoke

BOOTS N Wed: Bike Night, Happy Hour All Day BOTTLES Thurs: Karaoke, Free Draft for Ladies


9pm-1am, Mix Drinks 2 for $5

Fri & Sat: Bite The Bullet Ladies $5 All U Can Drink Draft. Starts at 9pm Sun: Happy Hour All Day/Karaoke Come Knock Your Boots Off 12405-7 N. Main St. | 647-7798

Wednesday Dan Coady Thursday Mark Williams Band Friday & Saturday Oversized Load Sunday Ron Perry


*Complimentary Valet Parking Atlantic Blvd. at the Ocean "UMBOUJD #FBDI t

Š 2011


NOVEMBER 1-7, | FOLIO WEEKLY | 31 Š2011 2011

Darren Corlew from 2-7 p.m. every Sun. RAGTIME TAVERN, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 241-7877 Dan Coady on Nov. 2. Roy Peak and Mark Williams & Blue Horse at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3. Oversized Load on Nov. 4 & 5. Ron Perry on Nov. 6 RITZ LOUNGE, 139 Third Ave. N., 246-2255 DJ Jenn Azana every Tue.-Sat. DJ Ibay every Mon. DJ Ginsu every Sun. RUSH STREET/CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILL, 320 N. First St., 270-8565 A DJ spins at 10 p.m. every Wed., Fri. & Sat. SUN DOG, 207 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach, 241-8221 Buck Smith Project on Nov. 2. 3 the Band on Nov. 3. Live music on Nov. 4. Dune Dogs on Nov. 5. Bread & Butter on Nov. 6. Live music every Wed.-Mon. SWAY GRILLE & MARTINI BAR, 1312 Beach Blvd., 249-5800 Barrett Jockers on Nov. 4. Cloud 9 on Nov. 9 THE WINE BAR, 320 N. First St., 372-0211 Live music every Fri. & Sat.

353-1188 Battle of the Marching Bands at 5 p.m. on Nov. 2. Spanky the Band at 7 p.m. on Nov. 4. Joshua Adams at 7 p.m. on Nov. 5. Pili Pili at 4 p.m. on Nov. 6 THE IVY ULTRA BAR, 113 E. Bay St., 356-9200 DJs 151 The Experience & C-Lo spin every Rush Hour Wed. DJ E.L. spins top 40, South Beach & dance classics every Pure Sat. MARK’S DOWNTOWN, 315 E. Bay St., 355-5099 DJ Vinn spins top 40 for ladies nite every Thur. Ritmo y Sabor every Fiesta Fri. BayStreet mega party with DJ Shotgun every Sat. MAVERICKS, The Jacksonville Landing, 356-1110 Bobby Laredo spins every Thur. & Sat. Saddle Up every Sat. NORTHSTAR THE PIZZA BAR, 119 E. Bay St., 860-5451 Open mic night from 8:30-11:30 p.m. every Wed. THE PEARL, 1101 N. Main St., 791-4499 DJs Tom P. & Ian S. spin ’80s & indie dance every Fri. DJ Ricky spins indie rock, hip hop & electro every Sat. ZODIAC GRILL, 120 W. Adams St., 354-8283 Live music every Fri. & Sat.



BURRO BAR, 228 E. Forsyth St., 353-4692 Kevin Seconds, Dave Dander and Jason Lewis on Nov. 2. Mose Giganticus, Zeus, With My Bear Hands and Lokyata on Nov. 3. Luna Moth and Blue Valley Farmer on Nov. 6. Not In the Face on Nov. 7. DJ Tin Man spins reggae & dub every Tue. DJ SuZi-Rok spins synthpop, dance punk, neo-pyschedelia, dream pop, lo-fi, shoe-gaze, post-punk, emo, indie-electronica, glam electro, electro-punk, noise rock and garage every Thur. $Big Bucks DJ Crew$ every Sat. Bert No Shirt & Uncle Jesse every Sun. DJ Chef Rocc spins hip hop & soul every Sun. CITY HALL PUB, 234 Randolph Blvd., 356-6750 DJ Skillz spins Motown, hip hop & R&B every Wed. Live music every Tue. & Thur. Smooth Jazz Lunch at 11 a.m., Latin music at 9 p.m. every first Fri.; Ol’ Skool every last Fri. CLUB TSI, 333 E. Bay St. Live music every weekend DE REAL TING CAFE, 128 W. Adams St., 633-9738 DJs Mix Master Prince, Pete, Stylish, Big Bodie play reggae, calypso, R&B, hip hop and top 40 every Fri. & Sat. DIVE BAR, 331 E. Bay St., 359-9090 Live music every weekend DOS GATOS, 123 E. Forsyth, 354-0666 DJ Synsonic spins every Tue. & Fri. DJ Rockin’ Bones spins every Wed. DJ Scandalous spins every Sat. DJ Randall Karaoke every Mon. THE JACKSONVILLE LANDING, 2 Independent Dr.,


MELLOW MUSHROOM, 1800 Town Center Blvd., 541-1999 Wits End on Nov. 3. Rebecca Day on Nov. 4. Open mic every Tue. Live music every Fri. & Sat. MERCURY MOON, 2015 C.R. 220, 215-8999 DJ Ty spins for ladies’ nite every Thur. Live music every Fri. & Sat. Buck Smith Project every Mon. Blistur unplugged every Wed. RUSH STREET/CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILL, 406 Old Hard Rd., Ste. 106, 213-7779 A DJ spins at 10 p.m. every Wed., Fri. & Sat. WHITEY’S FISH CAMP, 2032 C.R. 220, 269-4198 Karaoke on Nov. 2. DJ BG at 9 p.m. on Nov. 3. Al Naturale at 9:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 & 5. Reggae on the deck at 5 p.m. on Nov. 6. DJ BG every Mon.


BREWSTER’S PIT, 14003 Beach Blvd., Ste. 3, 223-9850 Afroman at 7 p.m. on Nov. 4. Zach Myers at 7 p.m. on Nov. 6 BREWSTER’S PUB, 14003 Beach Blvd., Ste. 3, 223-9850 Open mic every Wed. Karaoke with DJ Randal & live music every Thur., Fri. & Sat. A DJ spins every Mon. BRUCCI’S PIZZA, 13500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 36, 223-6913 Mike Shackelford at 6:30 p.m. every Sat. and Mon.

CLIFF’S BAR & GRILL, 3033 Monument Rd., 645-5162 Boogie Freaks at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4 & 5. DJ Jack spins for Karaoke dance party every Tue. & Sun. DJ Two3 spins for ladies nite every Wed. DJ Two4 spins every Thur. JERRY’S SPORTS GRILLE & STEAKHOUSE, 13170 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 22, 220-6766 Live music every Fri.


HAPPY OURS SPORTS GRILLE, 116 Bartram Oaks Walk, Ste. 101, 683-1964 Live music at 7:30 p.m. every Fri. SHANNON’S IRISH PUB, 111 Bartram Oaks Walk, 230-9670 Live music every Fri. & Sat.


AW SHUCKS OYSTER BAR & GRILL, 9743 Old St. Augustine Rd., 240-0368 Open mic with John O’Connor from 7-10 p.m. every Wed. Cafe Groove Duo, Jay Terry & John O’Connor, from 8-11 p.m. every Sat. Live music every Sat. CHEERS BAR & GRILL, 11475 San Jose Blvd., 262-4337 Karaoke at 9:30 p.m. every Wed. HARMONIOUS MONKS, 10550 Old St. Augustine Rd., 880-3040 Karaoke from 9 p.m.-1 p.m. Mon.-Thur. Dennis Klee & the World’s Most Talented Waitstaff every Fri. & Sat. THE NEW ORLEANS CAFE, 12760 San Jose Blvd., 880-5155 Jazz on the Deck 7-10 p.m. with Sleepy’s Connection every Tue. Open mic with Biker Bob at 7:30 p.m. every Thur. Les B. Fine at 1 p.m. every Reggae Sun. Creekside Songwriters Showcase at 7 p.m. on the last Wed. each month RACK ’EM UP BILLIARDS, 4268 Oldfield Crossing, 262-4030 Craig Hand every Sat. Karaoke at 7 p.m. every Sun. SPECKLED HEN TAVERN & GRILLE, 9475 Philips Hwy., Ste. 16, 538-0811 Live music from 6-9 p.m. every Fri. TREE STEAKHOUSE, 11362 San Jose Blvd., 262-0006 Boril Ivanov Trio at 7 p.m. every Thur. David Gum at 7 p.m. every Fri.


CHEERS BAR & GRILL, 1580 Wells Rd., 269-4855 Karaoke at 9:30 p.m. every Wed. & Sat. CRACKERS LOUNGE, 1282 Blanding Blvd., 272-4620 Karaoke every Fri. & Sat. THE HILLTOP, 2030 Wells Rd., 272-5959 John Michael every

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Ask for Action BURRO BARProduced by

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32 | FOLIO WEEKLY | NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011

on Nov. 6. Open mic nite every Tue. SEVEN BRIDGES GRILLE & BREWERY, 9735 Gate Parkway N., 997-1999 Chuck Nash every Thur. Live music at 10 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. SUITE, 4880 Big Island Dr., 493-9305 John Earle Band at 9 p.m. on Nov. 3. Live music from 9 p.m.-mid. every Thur. and 6-9 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. URBAN FLATS, 9726 Touchton Rd., 642-1488 Live music every Fri. & Sat. WHISKY RIVER, 4850 Big Island Drive, 645-5571 A DJ spins every Fri. & Sat. WILD WING CAFE, 4555 Southside Blvd., 998-9464 Live music every Fri. & Sat. Karaoke every Mon.


Hot Tub Time Machine: Dubbed the “best sloppy racket-makers for your next drunken night” by SPIN magazine, the Jacuzzi Boys perform with openers Rose Cross, The Holy Ghosts and Dune Panther at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2 at Café Eleven, 501 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. Tickets are $7. 460-9311. Wed.-Sat. PARK AVENUE BILLIARDS, 714 Park Ave., 215-1557 Random Act from 7:30-11:30 p.m. every Mon. Bike Nite THE ROADHOUSE, 231 Blanding Blvd., 264-0611 The Ivey Brothers on Nov. 3. Blistur on Nov. 4 & 5. DJ Waldo every Tue. DJ Papa Sugar every Wed. Buck Smith Project every Mon.


DOWNTOWN BLUES BAR & GRILLE, 714 St. Johns Ave., (386) 325-5454 Local talent nite every Wed. Karaoke at 8 p.m. every Thur. Garage Band at 8 p.m. every Fri. Jam & open mic at 4 p.m. every Biker Sunday.


LULU’S WATERFRONT GRILLE, 301 N. Roscoe Blvd., 285-0139 Mike Shackelford & Rick Johnson from 7-10 p.m. every Fri. Tony Novelly from 6-10 p.m. every Mon. NINETEEN at Sawgrass, 110 Championship Way, 273-3235 Time2Swing at 6 p.m. every Thur. Strings of Fire every Sat. PUSSER’S CARIBBEAN GRILLE, 816 A1A N., Ste. 100, 280-7766 Neil Freestone on Nov. 4. Live music every Thur.-Sun. URBAN FLATS, 330 A1A N., 280-5515 High Tides of Jazz at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 3. Be Easy at 4 p.m., Evans Bros. at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4. Darren Corlew Band at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 5. Incognito at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 7. Darren Corlew every Tue. Soulo & Deron Baker at 6 p.m. every Wed.


HJ’S BAR & GRILL, 8540 Argyle Forest Blvd., 317-2783 Karaoke with DJ Ron at 8:30 p.m. every Tue. & DJ Richie at every Fri. Live music every Sat. Open mic at 8 p.m. every Wed. KICKBACKS, 910 King St., 388-9551 Ray & Taylor every Thur. Robby Shenk every Sun. LOMAX LODGE, 822 Lomax St., 634-8813 DJ Dots every Tue. Milan da Tin Man every Wed. DJ Christian every Sat. DJ Spencer every Sun. DJ Luminous every Mon. THE MURRAY HILL THEATRE, 932 Edgewood Ave., 388-7807 Hubbard House benefit show with J Collins at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4. Arlynn, The Lacks, Our Greatest Victory and Descendants of Shem on Nov. 5 PIZZA PALACE, 920 Margaret St., 598-1212 Jennifer Chase at 6:30 p.m. every Fri. WALKERS, 2692 Post St., 894-7465 Jax Arts Collaborative every Tue. Patrick & Burt every Wed. DJ Jeremiah every Thur. Acoustic every Thur.-Sat. Dr. Bill & His Solo Practice of Music at 5 p.m. every Fri.


A1A ALE WORKS, 1 King St., 829-2977 Billy Buchanan on Nov. 3. Billy Buchanan & Free Avenue on Nov. 4 & 5 AMICI ITALIAN RESTAURANT, 1915 A1A S., 461-0102 Fermin Spanish guitar from 6-8 p.m. every Thur. ANN O’MALLEY’S, 23 Orange St., 825-4040 Smokin Joe on Nov. 1. Doug Jordan on Nov. 2. Colton McKenna on Nov. 4. Adam Lee on Nov. 5. Karaoke at 8 p.m. on Nov. 6 THE BRITISH PUB, 213 Anastasia Blvd., 810-5111 Karaoke with Jimmy Jamez at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4. Songwriters open mic night with TJ Ward every Mon. CAFE ELEVEN, 540 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach, 460-9311 Jacuzzi Boys, Rose Cross,The Holy Ghosts and Dune Panther at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2 CELLAR UPSTAIRS, San Sebastian Winery, 157 King St., 826-1594 Humanzee at 7 p.m. on Nov. 4. Gary Douglas

Campbell at 2 p.m., The Committee at 7 p.m. on Nov. 5. Vinny Jacobs at 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 CHICAGO PIZZA & BAKERY, 107 Natures Walk Pkwy., Ste. 101, 230-9700 Greg Flowers hosts open-mic and jazz piano from 7-10 p.m. every Tue. Live music every Fri. CRUISERS GRILL, 3 St. George St., 824-6993 Live music every Fri. & Sat. Chelsea Saddler every Sun. FLORIDA CRACKER CAFE, 81 St. George St., 829-0397 Lonesome Bert & the Skinny Lizard at 5:30 p.m. every Wed. JACK’S BARBECUE, 691 A1A Beach Blvd., 460-8100 Jim Essery at 4 p.m. every Sat. Live music every Thur.-Sat. KING’S HEAD BRITISH PUB, 6460 U.S. 1, 823-9787 Mike Sweet from 6-8 p.m. every Thur. KOZMIC BLUZ PIZZA CAFE & ALE, 48 Spanish St., 825-4805 Live music every Fri., Sat. & Sun. MARDI GRAS SPORTS BAR, 123 San Marco Ave., 823-8806 Open jam nite with house band at 8 p.m. every Wed. Battle of the DJs with Josh Frazetta & Mardi Gras Mike every last Sun. MEEHAN’S IRISH PUB, 20 Avenida Menendez, 810-1923 Live music every Fri. & Sat. MI CASA CAFE, 69 St. George St., 824-9317 Chelsea Saddler noon-4 p.m. every Mon., Tue. & Thur. Elizabeth Roth at noon every Sun. MILL TOP TAVERN & LISTENING ROOM, 19 1/2 St. George St., 829-2329 David Russell at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4 & 5. AquaLung Unplugged at 1 p.m. on Nov. 6. Vinny Jacobs every Tue. Todd & Molly Jones every Wed. Colton McKenna at 9 p.m. every Thur. Will Pearsall at 9 p.m. every Mon. THE REEF, 4100 Coastal Hwy., Vilano Beach, 824-8008 Richard Kuncicky from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. every Sun. SANGRIAS PIANO BAR, 35 Hypolita St., 827-1947 Soul Searchers every Wed. Jim Asalta every Thur. Jazz every Fri. The Housecats every Sat. Sunny & the Flashbacks every Sun. SCARLETT O’HARA’S, 70 Hypolita St., 824-6535 Billy Bowers at 4 p.m. on Nov. 5. Lil Blaze & DJ Alex hosts Karaoke every Mon. SIRENS, 113 Anastasia Blvd., 460-2641 Silver Lake Drive at 9 p.m. on Nov. 4 SPY GLOBAL CUISINE, 21 Hypolita St., 819-5637 Live music every weekend THE TASTING ROOM, 25 Cuna St., 810-2400 Bossa nova with Monica da Silva & Chad Alger from 5-8 p.m. every Sun. TRADEWINDS, 124 Charlotte St., 829-9336 Hooch on Nov. 4 & 5. Mark Hart every Mon.-Wed. Open mic every Thur. Mark Hart & Jim Carrick every Fri. Elizabeth Roth at 1 p.m., Mark Hart at 5 p.m. every Sat. Keith Godwin at 1 p.m., Wade at 5 p.m. every Sun. Matanzas at 9 p.m. Sun.-Thur.


AROMAS CIGARS & WINE BAR, 4372 Southside Blvd., Ste. 101, 928-0515 Live jazz from 8-11 p.m. every Tue. Beer house rock every Wed. Live music every Thur. Bill Rice at 9 p.m. every Sat. Salsa every Sun. BLACKFINN AMERICAN GRILLE, 4840 Big Island Dr., 345-3466 Live music from 2-7 p.m. every Sun. THE GRAPE, 10281 Midtown Pkwy., 642-7111 Live music every Fri. & Sat. John Earle every Mon. DJ Mikeology every Thur. JOHNNY ANGELS, 3546 St. Johns Bluff Rd. S., Ste. 120, 997-9850 Karaoke from 7-10 p.m. every Sat. with Gimme the Mike DJs ISLAND GIRL CIGAR BAR, 7860 Gate Pkwy., Ste. 115, 854-6060 Billy Buchanan on Nov. 2. Aaron Sheeks on Nov. 3. Dave Massey on Nov. 4. The Druids for Rock Night on Nov. 5 MELLOW MUSHROOM, 9734 Deer Lake Court, Ste. 1, 997-1955 Grandpa’s Cough Medicine on Nov. 5. Barrett Jockers

ENDO EXO, 1224 Kings Ave., 396-7733 DJ J-Money spins jazz, soul, R&B, house every Fri. DJ Manus spins top 40 & dance every Sat. Open mic with King Ron & T-Roy every Mon. EUROPEAN STREET CAFE, 1704 San Marco Blvd., 398-9500 Ernie Evans, Billy Bowers and Arvid Smith at 8 p.m. on Nov. 1. Phil Lee at 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 3. The Kelly/Scott Sextet at 8 p.m. on Nov. 7. Shannon Whitworth at 8 p.m. on Nov. 9. Jazz every 2nd Tue. HAVANA-JAX CUBA LIBRE BAR LOUNGE, 2578 Atlantic Blvd., 399-0609 MVP Band from 6-9 p.m., DJs No Fame & Dr. Doom every Wed. Jazz every Thur. DJ Omar spins dance every Fri. DJs Harry, Rico & Nestor spin salsa every Sat. JACK RABBITS, 1528 Hendricks Ave., 398-7496 Fishbone on Nov. 2. Speaking Cursive, Shovels & Ropes and Look Mexico! on Nov. 3. Nappy Roots, Ivan, Robin Bankz and Strife on Nov. 4. Bastard Suns and Loyal Sidekick on Nov. 5. The Green, Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad and Cas Haley on Nov. 6. Big Tix Battle: Joeveritt, Hello Danger, Call It Captive and Magistrate on Nov. 7. Big Tix Battle: Down Theory, Bubbly Joe, Fix and Pilotwave on Nov. 8 MATTHEW’S, 2107 Hendricks Ave., 396-9922 Bossa nova with Monica da Silva & Chad Alger at 7 p.m. every Thur. PIZZA PALACE, 1959 San Marco Blvd., 399-8815 Jennifer Chase at 7:30 p.m. every Sat. SQUARE ONE, 1974 San Marco Blvd., 306-9004 Soul on the Square & Band of Destiny at 8 p.m. every Mon. John Earle Band every Tue. DJs Wes Reed & Matt Caulder spin indie dance & electro every Wed. Split Tone & DJ Comic every Thur.



AROMAS, 4372 Southside Blvd., Ste. 101, 928-0515 Live music from 8-11 p.m. every Tue., Wed. & Thur. Piano Bar with Will Hurley from 9 p.m.-1 a.m., a DJ spins till close every Fri. Bill Rice at 9 p.m. every Sat. Salsa every Sun. BOMBA’S, 8560 Beach Blvd., 997-2291 Open mic from 7-11 p.m. with Chris Hall every Tue. & every first Sun. Live music at 8 p.m. every Fri., at 6 p.m. every Sat. & at 5 p.m. every Sun. CORNER BISTRO & Wine Bar, 9823 Tapestry Park Cir., Ste. 1, 619-1931 Matt “Pianoman” Hall at 8 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. DAVE & BUSTER’S, 7025 Salisbury Rd. S., 296-1525 A DJ spins every Fri. EUROPEAN STREET CAFE, 5500 Beach Blvd., 398-1717 Joy Kills Sorrow at 8 p.m. on Nov. 5. Rebecca Zapen at 8 p.m. on Nov. 7 LATITUDE 30, 10370 Philips Hwy., 365-5555 Little Green Men at 8 p.m., VJ Shotgun at 11 p.m. on Nov. 4. Jamaru at 8 p.m., VJ Josh Franzetta at 11 p.m. on Nov. 5. Rockinaroake at 8 p.m. every Thur.


BLUE DINER CAFE, 5868 Norwood Ave., 766-7774 Jazz from 7-9 p.m. every first Thur. BOOTS-N-BOTTLES, 12405 N. Main St., Ste. 7, Oceanway, 647-7798 Bite the Bullet on Nov. 4 & 5. Karaoke every Tue., Thur. & Sun. with DJ Dave. Open mic every Wed. A DJ spins every Fri. & Sat. DAMES POINT MARINA, 4518 Irving Rd., 751-3043 Alex Affronti at 6 p.m. on Nov. 3. Cowford County from 7-11 p.m. on Nov. 4. Albert Lightbody at 3 p.m., Mr. Natural from 8 p.m.-mid. on Nov. 5. Mystic Vibes at 4 p.m. on Nov. 6. Live music every Thur.-Sun. FLIGHT 747 LOUNGE, 1500 Airport Rd., 741-4073 Big Engine every Thur. Live music every Fri. & Sat. ’70s every Tue. RIVERCITY ISLAND GRILL & CHILL, 13141 City Station Drive, 696-0802 Live music every weekend SKYLINE SPORTSBAR & LOUNGE, 5611 Norwood Ave., 517-6973 Bigga Rankin & Cool Running DJs every Tue. & 1st Sun. Fusion Band & DJ every Thur. DJ Scar spins every Sun. THREE LAYERS CAFE, 1602 Walnut St., 355-9791 Goliath Flores at 1 p.m. on Nov. 6 3 LIONS SPORTS PUB & GRILL, 2467 Faye Rd., 647-8625 Open mic at 8 p.m. every Thur. Woodie & Wyatt C. every Fri. Live music at 8 p.m. every Sat. To be included in the live music listing, send all the vitals — time, date, location with street address, city, admission price and contact number — to Dan Brown, 9456 Philips Hwy., Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email events@folioweekly.com. Live music listings are included on a space-available basis.

November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 33

Actors Kenny Rogers and Mikki Marbra on the set with director Gerald Jackson Jr.

A Family Affair

Jacksonville-based romance novelist Brenda Jackson teams up with her filmmaking son to produce big-screen amour BRENDA JACKSON’S “TRULY EVERLASTING” Reception at 5 p.m., film at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5 Tickets are $53.50 The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville 355-5661 floridatheatre.com


34 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

renda Jackson has made a career of writing romance novels with titles like “Slow Burn” and “Ravished by Desire.” Though she’s written dozens of novels — literally, more than 80 (bit. ly/n8frbP) — her recent partnership with her filmmaking son is the first time she’s put any of her romantic visions on the big screen. The collaboration yielded the featurelength film, “Truly Everlasting,” produced by Gerald Jackson Jr.’s Five Alive Films. The film’s premiere is held at The Florida Theatre this Saturday, Nov. 5, and includes an opening reception and an after-party catered by Chef Andre, with proceeds benefiting the Josephine Threatt Scholarship Foundation at Florida Memorial University. Brenda Jackson, a Jacksonville native and bestselling author, began publishing in the mid-’90s, breaking ground as the first AfricanAmerican author to have a book published by the Harlequin/Silhouette Desire line, and the first black writer to make USA Today’s and The New York Times’ bestseller lists in the romance genre. She currently has more than three million books in print, and owns her own publishing company, Madaris Publishing, which she started in 2009. Jackson has had some prior experience with screenplays. In 2002, BET produced a made-for-TV movie of her book “One Special Moment,” with mixed results. Jackson wasn’t happy with the outcome, and vowed not to let something similar happen again. “I wanted the movie adaptation to be as close to the actual book as possible,” she says. “My loyal readers deserved that.” So Jackson and her husband used their life savings to finance “Truly Everlasting,” with son Gerald Jackson Jr.’s Jacksonville-based production company. The

Jackson agrees there were some “trials and 33-year-old filmmaker has a master’s degree in errors” along the way, but is confident she made film production from Florida State University the right decision. “I knew the only way for me and a bachelor’s in film studies from New York’s to get a movie based solely on my book was for Columbia University. Jackson Jr. established me to do it myself. I believed in my capabilities Five Alive Films in 2007, and has directed and as a businesswoman and my son’s as a director. produced several music videos and book trailers I think when others see how successful this for his mother’s publishing company. For him, venture is, then they will want to be included shooting in Jacksonville is both familiar and the next time.” rewarding. “The constant amount of support Jackson Jr. says he would definitely work from the residents is amazing,” he says. “We’ve filmed all over the city, in homes and businesses, with his mother again. “Although she was a with little or no problem.” tough producer, I can honestly say that she had “Truly Everlasting” is a holiday film about a the best interests of the whole crew at heart. If boy who wants a father for Christmas and the she wants to do another film, then I’m all up mother who vows to fulfill that wish. Jackson for it.” Jr. says this particular novel was chosen above For her part, Brenda Jackson seems certain the others because “out of all of her books, it’s another film will follow. “If this proves to be a probably the most doable cinematically on a profitable venture for my husband and I, then manageable, ‘independent-style’ film budget.” a definite yes,” she says when asked. “I want to Jackson Jr. wrote the screenplay, but his mother bring more romantic stories out for ladies and first elicited input from her loyal readers. “I gents to enjoy.” took a survey and asked them, if the book was Damian K. Lahey made into a movie, to identify eight scenes in themail@folioweekly.com the book that they felt had to be in the movie. I took their responses to Gerald and told him to make it happen. He did an outstanding job.” Jackson Jr. admits that having a part-time job while shooting the film was difficult and “proved to be a learning experience for the better, and sometimes for the worse.” As for having his mother as executive producer? “It was fun and challenging at the same time,” he admits. “At times, it was cool to show the parents your passions and talents. On the other hand, it could Love connection: Rogers, as Trask Maxwell, romances Marbra, as Felicia Madaris. prove to be testing.”

© 2011


The Mustard Seed Cafe

Located inside Nassau Health Foods,The Mustard Seed is Amelia Island’s only organic eatery and juice bar, with an extensive, eclectic menu featuring vegetarian and vegan items. Daily specials include local seafood, free-range chicken and fresh organic produce. Salads, wraps, sandwiches and soups are available — all prepared with Lisa Harter’s impeccable style. Popular items are ginger chicken salad, falafel pitas, black bean burgers and Asian noodles with tuna. Open for breakfast and lunch, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Mon.-Sat. nassauhealthfoods.net 833 T.J. Courson Road 904-277-3141

Lulu’s at The Thompson House

Lulu’s owners, Brian and Melanie Grimley, offer an innovative lunch menu, including po’boys, salads and seafood “little plates” served in the gardens of the historic Thompson House. Dinner features fresh local seafood (Fernandina shrimp is the focus every Thursday), and nightly specials. An extensive wine list and beer are available. Open for lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat., brunch on Sun. Reservations are recommended. 11 S. Seventh Street 904-432-8394

PLAE Restaurant & Lounge

Located in the Spa & Shops at Amelia Island Plantation, PLAE serves bistro style cuisine. The full bar lounge at PLAE has become an instant classic, with artistic décor and live entertainment nightly. Now you can PLAE during the day, too! Open for lunch Tue.-Sat. 11:30 a.m.-2:30p.m. Open at 5:30 p.m. for dinner daily; reservations accepted. 80 Amelia Village Cir. 904-277-2132

Moon River Pizza

Moon River Pizza treats customers like family. Cooked in a brick oven, the pizza is custom-made by the slice (or, of course, by the pie). Set up like an Atlanta-style pizza joint, Moon River also offers an eclectic selection of wine and beers. Open for lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. Dine in or take it with you. 925 S. 14th Street 904-321-3400

The Surf

Enjoy a casual beach atmosphere in the full-service restaurant, bar and huge oceanview deck. Extensive menu features delicious steaks, fresh seafood and nightly specials. Also featuring salads, wraps, burgers, seafood baskets and our famous all-you-can-eat wing specials (Wed. & Sun.). Take-out available. Open at 11 a.m. daily for lunch, dinner and late-night menu. Entertainment nightly and 29 TVs throughout. 3199 S. Fletcher Ave. 904-261-5711

The Palace Saloon

It’s been the cornerstone of downtown Fernandina Beach since 1903. Florida’s oldest continually operating bar serves great bar food, including 10-oz. burgers, gourmet hot dogs, New York-style pizza and our famous Fernandina Fish & Chips. And you never know when Uncle Charlie’s ghost will join you for lunch and a cocktail! Pirates Punch, full liquor bar and over 100 craft beers to choose. Catch all the games on 13 giant screens every Sunday. Open daily noon-2. thepalacesaloon.com 117 Centre Street 904-491-3332

Cafe Karibo

Homemade sandwiches, salads and soups are served in a relaxed atmosphere in this charming building in the historic district. Delicious fresh fish specials and theme nights (Pad Thai and curry), plus vegetarian dishes, are also featured. Karibrew Brew Pub & Grub — the only one on the island — offers on-site beers and great burgers and sandwiches. 27 N. Third Street 904-277-5269

29 South Eats

This chic, neighborhood bistro has it all — great ambience, fantastic food, an extensive wine list and reasonable prices.The eclectic menu offers traditional world cuisine with a modern whimsical twist and Chef Scotty Schwartz won Best Chef in Folio Weekly’s 2007 Best of Jax readers poll. Open for lunch Tues.-Sat., 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., for dinner 5:30-9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thur., till 10 p.m. Fri. and Sat. Brunch is 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sun. 29southrestaurant.com 29 S. Third Street 904-277-7919

Brett’s Waterway Café

Overlooking Fernandina Harbor Marina, Brett’s offers an upscale atmosphere with outstanding food.The extensive luncheon and dinner menus feature daily specials, fresh Florida seafood, chicken and aged beef. Cocktails, beer and wine. Casual resort wear. Open at 11:30 a.m. daily. Fernandina Harbor Marina at the foot of Centre Street 904-261-2660

T-Ray’s Burger Station

T-Ray’s offers a variety of breakfast and lunch items. In addition to an outstanding breakfast menu, you’ll find some of the best burgers you’ve ever put in your mouth. The Burger Station offers a grilled portabello mushroom burger, grilled or fried chicken salad and much more. The spot where locals grab a bite and go! Now serving Beer & Wine. Open Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Sundays. 202 S. Eighth Street 904-261-6310

Jack & Diane’s

The locals’ favorite hangout! Dine inside or on the patio of this cozy, renovated 1887 shotgun home in historic downtown Fernandina. From the crab & shrimp omelet to the steak & tomato pie, “The tastiest spot on Centre” offers food with attitude and unexpected flair. Live music elevates your dining experience to a new level. Come for breakfast, stay for dinner! You’ll love every bite! 708 Centre Street 904-321-1444

Sliders Seaside Grill

Oceanfront dining at its finest. Award-winning crab cakes, fresh daily seafood specials and homemade desserts. Sliders has Amelia Island’s only waterfront Tiki Bar, as well as a children’s playground and live music every weekend. The dining experience is complete with brand-new second-story banquet facilities, bar and verandah. Open at 11 a.m. daily, with happy hour from 4-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Make Sliders Seaside Grill your place to be for friends and family, entertainment and the best food on the East Coast. Call for your next special event. 1998 S. Fletcher Ave. 904-277-6652

Amelia Island is 13 miles of unspoiled beaches, quaint shops, antique treasures and superb dining in a 50-block historic district less than one hour north of Jacksonville November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 35


BRAIDED LIGHT DANCE PROJECT This aerial dance company performs at 6, 7 and 8 p.m. on Nov. 2 at Snyder Memorial Church, 226 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. 634-0303. REVENGE OF THE SPACE PANDAS DramaWorks stages David Mamet’s sci-fi comedy at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 3, 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 and 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Wilson Center for the Arts, FSCJ South Campus, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are $12. 646-2222. SUPERIOR DONUTS Chicago playwright Tracy Letts’ comedy about a young man intent on success is staged at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 on the Studio Stage, Players by the Sea, 106 N. Sixth St., Jax Beach. Tickets are $20; $17 for students, seniors and military. The play runs at 8 p.m. on Nov. 10-12 and 17-19; at 2 p.m. on Nov. 13. 249-0289. AN AFTERNOON OF BLUEGRASS Jacksonville Children’s Chorus perform with bluegrass musician David Holt at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Atlantic Coast High School Performing Arts Center, 9735 Skinner Parkway, Jacksonville. Tickets are $18 and $25. Proceeds benefit JCC programs. 353-1636. jaxchildrenschorus.com SPLENDORS OF THE BAROQUE Jacksonville University’s Opera Theatre and Dance Departments present scenes and dances of the Baroque Era at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 5 and at 3 p.m. on Nov. 6 at JU’s Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. Tickets are $10; $7 for seniors and military; $5 for students. 256-7677. TRULY EVERLASTING The locally produced film is debuted with a gala première at 5 p.m. on Nov. 5 at The Florida Theatre, 128 E. Forsyth St., Jacksonville. The event features a wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres and live music. Tickets are $53.50. 355-2787. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST The Artist Series of FSCJ presents this classic favorite at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 8 at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. The smash Broadway musical comedy runs through Nov. 13. Tickets range from $43-$70. 632-3373. artistseriesjax.org NANA’S NAUGHTY KNICKERS Orange Park Community Theatre stages Katherine DiSavino’s raucous comedy about a lingerie business at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 and at 3 p.m. on Nov. 6 at 2900 Moody Ave., Orange Park. Tickets are $15. The show runs through Nov. 19. 276-2599. THE CHILDREN’S HOUR Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre and Jacksonville University present Lillian Hellman’s drama about a scandal at a girls’ school at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12 and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Tickets are $15; $12 for seniors, military and students. 249-7177. LETTERS HOME The Artist Series presents the play, about actual letters written by soldiers serving in the Middle East, at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 9 at Wilson Center for the Arts, FSCJ South Campus, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. Tickets are $36. 632-3373. artistseriesjax.org MY FAIR LADY This classic musical about the importance of enunciation is staged at 8 p.m. Nov. 1-6 and Nov. 8, at 1:15 p.m. on Nov. 5 and 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Alhambra Theatre & Dining, 12000 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. The show runs through Nov. 27. Tickets range from $42-$49. 641-1212. THE ART OF POETRY Lawanda Purdy hosts from 7-9 p.m. on the first Wed. of every month at The Jacksonville Landing’s Adrian Pickett Gallery, 2 Independent Drive, Ste. 112, Jacksonville. 962-2540. SHIPWRECK THEATRE The opening gala kicks off the 20112012 inaugural season for the theater, at 7 p.m. on Nov. 5 at 200 Vilano Road, Vilano Beach. Live music by Goliath Flores, dancing, swordfights, a cannon salute, food, beer and wine are featured. Tickets are $25. Pirate dress optional. 274-1565. shipwrecktheatre.com


EVERGLADES TALK AT CUMMER Dr. Jack E. Davis, University of Florida Professor of History, discusses his book, “An Everglades Providence: Marjory Stoneman Douglas and the American Environmental Century,” at 7 p.m. on Nov. 8 at the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, 829 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville. A book signing follows the talk. 899-6007, 356-6857. NAME A JIA ART GALLERY Jacksonville International Airport central courtyard gallery is accepting submissions (18 letters max, including spaces) through Nov. 1. Entries can be mailed to 2400 Yankee Clipper Drive, Jacksonville FL 32218. ATTN: JAX Gallery Name. Submissions can also be sent via Twitter (@JAXairport), Facebook (Facebook.com/goflyjax) and e-mail (Greg.Willis@Flyjacksonville.com). 525-3368. HASTINGS FEST SEEKS ARTISTS The Historic Hastings Art Festival is accepting paintings in all mediums representing the artist’s view toward the life and work of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings for a jury show during the Dec. 3 event. No entry fee. 692-2031. NORTH FLORIDA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC This school invites musicians of all skill levels and any instrument to join the community orchestra every Mon. at 6:30 p.m. and concert band every Tue. at 6:30 p.m. at 11363 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville. 374-8639.

36 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

CALL TO ARTISTS Jacksonville Fine Arts Festival seeks original poster artwork for its festival held in Avondale’s Boone Park on March 24 and 25. The winning submission gets a free 10x10 exhibitor’s space. Send 300 dpi submissions, including name and media, to cookied@ ix.netcom.com ARTS AND CRAFTS VENDORS NEEDED Midtown Family Art Fest seeks arts and crafts vendors for its Nov. 12 event held at Midtown Centre Office Park, 4417 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville. A 10x10 pad rental is $25. midtownfest.org HAND DRUMMING CLASSES Midnight Sun offers classes from 7:30-8:30 p.m. every Fri. at 1055 Park St., Jacksonville. Class fee is $10. 358-3869.


JAZZ FUNDRAISER Durkeeville Historical Society presents “Me & Mr. B,” a tribute to jazz vocalist and bandleader Billy Eckstine, at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 at Faith Zone Theater, 1409 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. Admission is $30. Senior matinee is held at 11 a.m. on Nov. 3; admission is $12. Proceeds benefit the Society. 379-3337, 647-5226. durkeevillehistoricalsociety.org JAZZLAND CAFE A jazz jam is held from 7 p.m.-midnight on Nov. 4 at Jazzland Cafe, 1324 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. Live jazz is presented from 7 p.m.-midnight on Nov. 5. 924-2324. jazzlandcafe.com CHORAL PERFORMANCE The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd presents Gabriel Fauré’s “Requiem in D Minor” and David Popper’s “Requiem” at 6 p.m. on Nov. 6 at 1100 Stockton St., Jacksonville. Performers include Dr. Robert W. Tudor, Timothy Edwards, Shannon Gallier, Joseph Engel, Linda Minke, Brittany Maroney and Rodney Cleveland. A reception follows in Craig Hall. Admission is free. 387-5691. STANLEY JORDAN Inventive jazz guitarist Jordan plays at 7 and 10 p.m. on Nov. 5 at The Ritz Theatre & Museum, 829 N. Davis St., Jacksonville. Advance tickets are $21; $25 at the door. 632-5555. SIBELIUS’ SECOND SYMPHONY The Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra performs Jean Sibelius’ work at 8 p.m. on Nov. 3, 4 and 5 at the Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts’ Jacoby Hall, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. Tickets range from $10-$70. 354-5547. CONDUCTING SYMPOSIUM Dr. Gordon Brock, Allan McMurray and Paula Thornton hold a conducting symposium from 1-9 p.m. on Nov. 3 and from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. on Nov. 4 at University of North Florida’s Lazzara Performance Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville. 620-2961. CHAMBER ENSEMBLES The Jacksonville University ensembles, including the Honors group, perform at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 6 at JU’s Terry Concert Hall, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. 256-7677. CONTEMPORARY CHAMBER MUSIC The Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville hosts Sound Effects, userfriendly contemporary chamber music, at 2 p.m. on Nov. 6 at MOCA, 333 N. Laura St., downtown. Tickets are $9 for members; $12 for non-members. 366-6911. FACULTY VOICE RECITAL This performance is featured at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 7 at University of North Florida’s Recital Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville. Admission is free. 620-2878. RAGTIME CONCERT Dr. Marc Dickman and Dr. Gary Smart present “Ragtime Ramblings: Past, Present & Future” at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 8 at University of North Florida’s Recital Hall, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville. 620-2878. LATIN JAZZ AT LIBRARY The Latin jazz ensemble J.B. Sessions Band performs at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Fleming Island Library, 1895 Town Center Blvd., Orange Park. 278-3720. JAZZ IN RIVERSIDE Trumpeter Ray Callender and guitarist Taylor Roberts appear at 7 p.m. every Thur. at Kickbacks Gastropub, 910 King St., Jacksonville. 388-9551. JAZZ AT TREE STEAKHOUSE Boril Ivanov Trio plays at 7 p.m. every Thur. and pianist David Gum plays at 7 p.m. every Fri. at 11362 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville. 262-0006. JAZZ IN ST. AUGUSTINE Rhett’s Piano Bar & Brasserie features live jazz nightly at 7 p.m. at 66 Hypolita St., St. Augustine. 825-0502.


FIRST WEDNESDAY ART WALK This self-guided tour, themed “Battle of the Marching Bands,” is held from 5-9 p.m. on Nov. 2 in downtown Jacksonville, spanning a 15-block radius of galleries, museums, bars and eateries. 634-0303 ext. 230. FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK This self-guided tour, featuring 25 participating galleries, is held from 5-9 p.m. on Nov. 4 in downtown St. Augustine. 829-0065. DOWNTOWN FRIDAY MARKET Arts & crafts and local produce are offered every Fri. from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Drive. 353-1188. RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET Braided Light Dance Project performs to live music by jam band Chroma at 10:30 a.m. on Nov. 5. The Arts Market is held from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. every Sat. beneath the Fuller Warren Bridge on Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville and features local and regional artists, strolling

The 200-piece photographic collection “Shared Vision: The Sondra and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography” (including the piece, “Patrick, Palm Sunday, Baton Rouge, LA, 2002” by Alec Soth, pictured) is on display through Jan. 8 at Museum Of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, 333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. Larry Clark’s “No Place in Particular: Images of the American Landscape” displays in the UNF Gallery through Nov. 6. 366-6911. mocajacksonville.org

performers, bands and a farmers market. Admission is free. 554-6865, 389-2449. riversideartsmarket.com


CRISP-ELLERT ART MUSEUM 48 Sevilla St., St. Augustine, 826-8530. Julie Lequin’s installation “Top 30” is on display through Nov. 24. CUMMER MUSEUM OF ART & GARDENS 829 Riverside Ave., Jacksonville, 356-6857. Muralist Eugene Savage’s Native American-themed work, “Eugene Savage: The Seminole Paintings,” is on display through Nov. 2. The educationthemed exhibit “One in Three: Let’s Solve Our Dropout Crisis” is displayed through Dec. 20. KARPELES MANUSCRIPT MUSEUM 101 W. First St., Jacksonville, 356-2992. “Window to Halloween Past: A Collection of Vintage Photographs” is on exhibit through Nov. 4. “Darwin: The Origin of Species” is on display through Dec. 27. The permanent collection includes a variety of rare manuscripts. Open Tue.-Fri., 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART JACKSONVILLE 333 N. Laura St., Jacksonville, 366-6911. The 200-piece photographic collection “Shared Vision: The Sondra and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography” and “Larry Clark: The Tulsa Series” are displayed through Jan. 8. “No Place in Particular: Images of the American Landscape” is on display in the UNF Gallery through Nov. 6. mocajacksonville.org RITZ THEATRE & MUSEUM 829 N. Davis St., Jacksonville, 632-5555. An exhibit of works by African-American photographer E.L. Weems is on display through Dec. 30. An exhibit celebrating local African-American athletes and sports figures, “More Than a Game: African-American Sports in Jacksonville, 1900-1975,” is currently on display. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for children, students and seniors. Open Tue.-Sun.


ALEXANDER BREAST MUSEUM & GALLERY Jacksonville University, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville, 256-7677. The Dia De Los Muertos/All Saints Day show is held from 5-6 p.m. on Nov. 1. The opening reception for the Annual Juried Student Exhibition is held from 5-7 p.m. on Nov. 3. The exhibit runs through Dec. 7. ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 247-5828. Laura Dailey’s “Out of the Woods” is on display through Nov. 11. ARCHWAY GALLERY AND FRAMING 363 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 249-2222. The steampunk art of Jim Smith is featured through Nov. 11. THE ART CENTER PREMIER GALLERY Bank of America Tower, 50 N. Laura St., Jacksonville, 355-1757. An Abstract Art Exhibit by TAC members is on display through Nov. 29. AVONDALE ARTWORKS 3568 St. Johns Ave., Jacksonville, 384-8797. Lyn Asselta’s “Quiet Visions: The Landscape in Pastel” is on display through Nov. 3. Milt Shirley’s “Florida Wetlands” is featured through Nov. 17. BEE GALLERY & DESIGN STUDIO The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Dr., Ste. 108, 419-8016. A body paint art show is held on Nov. 2. The erotic photography of Neal Rue is featured through Nov.; a reception is held at 6 p.m. on Nov. 5. BETHEL GALLERY Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church, 4510 Palm Valley Road, Ponte Vedra, 285-7241. Acrylic artist Ellen

Jones religious-themed “Nehemiah, Servant & Leader” exhibit is on display through Jan. 3. DOUGLAS ANDERSON SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2445 San Diego Road, Jacksonville, 346-5620. Students’ work, in various media, is featured in the exhibit “New Beginnings” on display through Dec. 2. FIRST STREET GALLERY 216-B First St., Neptune Beach, 241-6928. Photographer Mark Kowal’s exhibit “Say It With Photography” runs through Jan. 3. FLORIDA MINING GALLERY 5300 Shad Road, Jacksonville. 535-7252. The exhibit “cphace,” a series of photographs by Laird, is on display through Nov. 1. GALLERY 1037 Reddi-Arts, 1037 Hendricks Ave., Jacksonville, 398-3161. The Jacksonville Artists Guild presents the juried exhibit “Presence” through Dec. An artists’ reception is held from 2-4 p.m. on Nov. 13. HASKELL GALLERY Jax International Airport, 14201 Pecan Park Road, 741-3546. Recent paintings by Ginny Elliot and Suzi Berg are on display through Jan. 9. JAXPORT GALLERY 2831 Talleyrand Ave., Jacksonville, 357-3052. Nadine Terk’s “Gilded Landscapes” is displayed through Nov. 18. J.J. JOHNSON GALLERY 177 Fourth Ave. N., Jax Beach, 435-3200. A photo exhibit, “Contemporary Complexities,” is on display through Nov. 5. NULLSPACE GALLERY 109 E. Bay St., Jacksonville, 716-4202. Tony Rodrigues’ exhibit “The Sweet Mundane” is on display through Nov. 13. P.A.ST.A FINE ARTS GALLERY 214 Charlotte St., St. Augustine, 824-0251. Oil painter Sandra Pierce shows her work, in the exhibit “Color Encounter,” through Nov. PLUM ART & DESIGN 9 Aviles St., St. Augustine, 825-0069. Mary Lou Gibson, Robert Renwick, Sara Pedigo and David Engdahl are the featured artists through Dec. 31. SOUTH GALLERY FSCJ’s South Campus, 11901 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, 646-2023. The exhibit “The Sherwin Series: Works by Joelle Dietrick” runs through Nov. 23. SOUTHLIGHT GALLERY 6 E. Bay St., Jacksonville, 438-4358. The gallery celebrates its second anniversary during First Wednesday Artwalk on Nov. 2. SPACE:EIGHT GALLERY Screen Arts, 228 W. King St., St. Augustine. 829-2838. An exhibit of painter Scott Dupree’s work is on display through Dec. 2. ST. AUGUSTINE ART ASSOCIATION 22 Marine St., St. Augustine, 824-2310. The Jacksonville Watercolor Society Exhibit runs through Nov. 27. STUDIO 121 121 W. Forsyth St., Ste. 100, Jacksonville, 292-9303. This artist-run gallery features works by Joyce Gabiou, Paul Ladnier, Robert Leedy and others. VAULT GALLERY + ARTSPACE 121 W. Forsyth St., Jacksonville, 608-1590. Comedian Jake Head hosts the Alternative Comedy Showcase at 9 and 10:30 p.m. on Nov. 2. Admission is $5. VANDROFF ART GALLERY Jewish Community Alliance, 8505 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville, 730-2100. Paintings by Ann McGlade are on display through Nov. 23. W.B. TATTER STUDIO GALLERY 76 A San Marco Ave., St. Augustine, 823-9263. Wendy Tatter’s works are featured. For a complete list of galleries, log on to folioweekly.com. To list your event, send time, date, location (street address, city), admission price and contact number to print to Dan Brown, 9456 Philips Hwy., Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256 or email dbrown@folioweekly.com. Events are included on a spaceavailable basis.


GREATER JACKSONVILLE AGRICULTURAL FAIR Arts and crafts, culinary contests, quilts, racing pigs, clowns shows, dogs, dairy and beef shows – what more could you want? Oh, well there’s also a chocolate championship, Brahman and Brangus cattle rides, lots of fried food and a NovemBEER Fest (on Nov. 4) at the fair, held Nov. 2-13 at the Fairgrounds, 510 Fairgrounds Place, downtown. Live music by The JaneDear Girls, Little Big Town, Phil Vassar, James Wesley, Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels, Josh Kelly, The Georgia Satellites and more than 30 local bands are scheduled, too. Ticket prices vary. 353-0535. jacksonvillefair.com FLAGLER FORUM The Flagler College Forum on Government and Public Policy Series continues with Margaret Talev, White House correspondent, at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Flagler College Auditorium, 14 Granada St., St. Augustine. Talev discusses “Hitting the Ceiling: The Economy and the 2012 Election.” Admission is free. 819-6400. flagler.edu ARTISTIC HERITAGE LECTURES The St. Augustine Art Association launches its fourth season of art history lectures from 7-9 p.m. on Nov. 3 at St. Augustine Art Association, 22 Marine St., St. Augustine. Architect Herschel Shepard discusses “The Art Around Us,” regarding the streets and structures of St. Augustine. Admission is free; however, reservations are required. 824-2310. staaa.org AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE RITZ Amateur Night is held at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 at Ritz Theatre & Museum, 829 N. Davis St., Jacksonville. Tickets are $5.50. 632-5555. COSMIC CONCERTS First Friday Floyd laser shows are The Wall (family-friendly) at 5 p.m., Wish You Were Here at 6 p.m., Dark Side of the Moon at 7 p.m. and The Wall at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 in Bryan-Gooding Planetarium, at Museum of Science & History, 1025 Museum Circle, Jacksonville. Online tickets are $5 for non-members, $2.50 for members. 396-7062. moshplanetarium.org RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET Braided Light Dance Project performs to live music by jam band Chroma at 10:30 a.m., Sam Pacetti plays at 11:45 a.m. and Bravo School of Dance appears at 2:45 p.m. on Nov. 5 at the market, held under the Fuller Warren Bridge at Riverside Avenue, downtown. Local and regional art and a farmers market are also featured from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. every Sat. Admission is free. 554-6865. For a complete entertainment lineup, go to riversideartsmarket.com FAMILY NIGHT ON BROADWAY The 10th annual Family Night on Broadway is held at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 8, with the opening of “Beauty and the Beast,” at the Times-Union Performing Arts Center, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. The event includes kid-friendly foods and a chat-back with the cast after the show. Tickets start at $27. 632-3373. artistseriesjax.org. FLAGLER TOURS The tours are offered at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily at Flagler College, located in downtown St. Augustine. Admission is $7

for adults, $5 for St. Augustine residents and $1 for children younger than 12. 819-6400. FLORIDA WWII EXHIBIT The exhibit “Victory Begins at Home: Florida During World War II” shows Floridians in service, military recruitment and training, the German U-boat threat and rationing, at Museum of Science and History, 1025 Museum Circle, Jacksonville. The exhibit runs through Jan. 1. 396-7062. themosh.org ASK-A-LAWYER The Jacksonville Bar Association offers this free event from 9 a.m.-noon on Nov. 5 at Johnson Family YMCA, 5700 Cleveland Road, Jacksonville. Licensed attorney volunteers answer questions in areas of law including contracts, real estate, employment, worker’s compensation, personal injury, criminal law, bankruptcy, family law, foreclosure, immigration, probate and wills. 356-8371.


ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMIT The Northeast Florida Environmental Summit is held from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Florida Coastal School of Law, 8787 Baypine Road, Jacksonville. Ken Feinberg, administrator of the BP Oil Spill Cleanup Fund, is the featured speaker. Panels discuss dredging in the St. Johns River, protection of the Timucuan Preserve, air quality, biodiversity, climate change and protecting natural resources. Admission is free. 680-7700. fcsl.edu REPUBLICAN LIBERTY CAUCUS OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA This group holds a chili cook-off at 6 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Fairfield Inn, 4888 Lenoir Avenue, Jacksonville. Sheriff John Rutherford and Mike Austell of Oath Keepers are the featured speakers. 854-6200. rlcnef.org DOWNTOWN VISION promise of benefit Downtown Vision Inc. holds its 11th annual meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 3 at River City Brewing Company, 835 Museum Circle, Jacksonville. Mayor Alvin Brown is the featured speaker. Tickets are $20 and include full buffet breakfast. 634-0303 ext. 221. OCCUPY ST. AUGUSTINE The 99 percent demonstrate from 1-5 p.m. on Nov. 5 in the Plaza de la Constitución, St. Augustine. Occupystaugustine@ gmail.com. facebook.com/pages/Occupy-St-Augustine INTERVENE SCHOOLS COMMUNITY MEETING Duval County Public Schools and Florida Department of Education hold public meetings to review models for improved student learning, from 6-8:30 p.m. on Nov. 14 at Andrew Jackson High School, 3816 Main St. and on Dec. 8 at Ribault High School, 3701 Winton Dr., Jacksonville. 924-3722. duvalschools.org/intervene JACKSONVILLE JOURNEY The oversight committee of this crime-fighting initiative meets at 4 p.m. on Nov. 17 in Eighth Floor Conference Room 851, Ed Ball Building, 214 N. Hogan St., Jacksonville. 630-1273. TED HIRES LEGACY DINNER The annual dinner is held from 6:30-9 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Morocco Shrine Center, 3800 St. Johns Bluff Road N.,

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When it comes to managing politically freighted payouts, Ken Feinberg is your man. The high-profile lawyer was the man in charge of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, served as special master for TARP Executive Compensation (the so-called pay czar, tasked with putting limits on executives’ pay) and is currently the chief administrator of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation Fund. Feinberg is the featured speaker at the Northeast Florida Environmental Summit, held from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Nov. 3 at Florida Coastal School of Law, 8787 Baypine Road, Jacksonville. 680-7700. fcsl.edu


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NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 37


Jacksonville. The event is a tribute to Hires, who worked to assist victims of crime. Tickets are $25. 783-6312. justicecoalition.org URBAN LEAGUE LUNCHEON The Jacksonville Urban League’s 38th annual Equal Opportunity Luncheon is held at noon on Nov. 2 at Hyatt Regency Riverfront, 225 E. Coastline Drive, Jacksonville. 366-3461.


THE OVERDUE BOOK CLUB Less James Patterson and more Jonathan Safran Foer, this free meeting is held every third Thur. of the month at Willowbranch Library, 2875 Park Ave., Jacksonville. A veg-friendly potluck is featured. 381-8490. BOOK FESTIVAL The 15th annual Jewish Book Festival is held at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Jewish Community Alliance, 8505 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville. Marc Agronin, author of “How We Age – A Doctor’s Journey into the Heart of Growing Old,” is the featured speaker. Admission is free. Author Kathy Kacer, “Restitution – A Family’s Fight for Their Heritage Lost in the Holocaust,” is the featured speaker at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 3. Additional authors include Myla Goldberg, Kenneth Ginsburg, Jenny Anderson and Paula Szuchman. The book fest runs through Nov. 13. 730-2100 ext. 227. SISTERS IN CRIME The Florida Sisters in Crime get together from 10:30 a.m.-noon on Nov. 5 at Southeast Regional Library, 10599 Deerwood Park Blvd., Jacksonville. Author and Jax Beach Police Chief Bruce Thomason is the featured speaker. Admission is free. floridasistersincrime.com CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP Local freelance writer Nancy Lee Bethea hosts a creative writing workshop from 6:15-8 p.m. on Nov. 1 and every Tue. at Callahan Branch Library, 450077 S.R. 200, Ste. 15, Callahan. 879-5337.


KEM Kem headlines the Love & Laughter Tour, with Nephew Tommy and Joy Dennis, at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 6 at the T-U Center’s Moran Theater, 300 W. Water St., downtown. Tickets range from $45.10-$76.55. 630-3900. jaxevents.com ORNY ADAMS All Stars appear at 8 p.m. on Nov. 1. Orny Adams appears at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2-4 and at 8 and 10 p.m. on Nov. 5 at The Comedy Zone, 3130 Hartley Road, Ramada Inn, Jacksonville. Tickets are $10-$17. 292-4242. JACKIE KNIGHT’S COMEDY CLUB Ricky Reyes and Stephen Netta appear at 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 at 3009 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd., St. Augustine. Tickets are $12. 461-8843. LATITUDE 30 COMEDY James Yon and John Charles are featured at 8 p.m. on Nov. 4 and 5 at Latitude 30, 10370 Philips Highway, Southside. Tickets are $13. 365-5555. FIRST SUNDAY COMEDY BET and HBO comedians appearing at 8 p.m. on Nov. 6 at Skyline, 5611 Norwood Ave., Jacksonville, are Rod Man, Arnesto and Tight Mike. Tickets are $15 in advance. 365-8816. FocusedOnComedy.net COMEDY CRUISE Josh Asencio, Nick Costanzo, Bob Lauver, Jessica Mears, Orlando Sadsarin, Jeff Zenisek and MC Keary McCutchen are featured at 7 and 11 p.m. on Nov. 4, docking at 4378 Ocean St., Mayport Village. Tickets are $19.99. 374-6358. ORLANDO SADSARIN Sadsarin appears at 9 p.m. every Sun. at The Norm, 2952 Roosevelt Blvd., Jacksonville. 384-9929.


BEAUTY & THE BEAST Nov. 9-13, T-U Center FOLIO WEEKLY’S MARTINIFEST Nov. 18, Touchdown Club West JAGS VS. TEXANS Nov. 27, EverBank Field BEARDS OF COMEDY TOUR Dec. 2, Jack Rabbits GARRISON KEILLOR Dec. 6, T-U Moran Theater COMMUNITY NUTCRACKER BALLET Dec. 9 & 10, The Florida Theatre TIM CONWAY & FRIENDS Jan. 19, Thrasher-Horne Center for the Arts RON WHITE: MORAL COMPASS TOUR Jan. 26, T-U Moran Theater SECOND CITY TOURING COMPANY Feb. 5, Ponte Vedra Concert Hall JEFF DUNHAM CONTROLLED CHAOS Feb. 10, Veterans Memorial Arena HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS March 2, Veterans Memorial Arena PEKING ACROBATS March 24, Thrasher-Horne Center for the Arts

38 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011


BIRDS OF ANASTASIA ISLAND The Audubon Society’s Monique Borboen discusses “Anastasia Island & Its Special Birds: Birds of the Shore” at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Anastasia Island Branch Library, 124 Seagrove Main St., 209-3730. BROWN BAG LUNCH LECTURE Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve holds a free brown bag lunch lecture at noon on Nov. 4 at GTM Environmental Education Center, 505 Guana River Road, Ponte Vedra. Artist David Montgomery discuss his hope that his work can influence others to protect and conserve the environment. Bring your lunch. Reservations required. call 823-4500. KEEP JACKSONVILLE BEAUTIFUL Pride on the Northside cleanup and beautification project is held from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Nov. 5 at The Church Fellowship parking lot, 8808 Lem Turner Road, Jacksonville. 630-3420. coj.net ANIMAL SIGNS A park ranger leads a guided hike through different Florida ecosystems on a quest to characterize tracks left by an assortment of critters at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Ft. George Island Cultural State Park, 11241 Ft. George Road, Ft. George Island. The program is free. 251-2320. floridastateparks.org PLAY PETANQUE Play the popular European game (pronounced “pay-tonk”) from 1-4 p.m. every Sun. at the J. Edward “Red” Cox Recreational Facility, on Red Cox Drive near the lighthouse, St. Augustine. All equipment and instructions provided. 537-1999. boulesdeleon@yahoo.com

Roll ’em if you got ’em! Learn how to play the popular European game of petanque (pronounced “pay-tonk”) from 1-4 p.m. every Sun. at the J. Edward “Red” Cox Recreational Facility, on Red Cox Drive near the lighthouse, St. Augustine. All equipment and instructions provided. 537-1999. boulesdeleon@yahoo.com


CHAMBER BEFORE HOURS The Ponte Vedra Chamber of Commerce gets together at 7:30 a.m. on Nov. 2 at Elizabeth’s Café, 1500 Sawgrass Village Drive, Ponte Vedra. Admission is $7.50 for members, $10 for non-members. 285-2004. SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHOP Where’s the Money? And How Do I Get It? is offered from 6-9 p.m. on Nov. 8 at a fee of $40 in advance, $50 day of workshop. How to S-T-A-R-T-U-P Your Own Business is held from 6-9 p.m. on Nov. 15 at UNF University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Jacksonville. Cost is $40 in advance or $50 at the door. 620-2476. sbdc.unf.edu SOUTHSIDE BUSINESS MEN’S CLUB Architect Taylor Hardwick (designer of the old Main Library, among other local buildings) is the featured speaker at noon on Nov. 2 at San Jose Country Club, 7529 San Jose Blvd., Jacksonville. Admission is $20. For reservations, call 396-5559.


STORY HOUR Kidgits Club story hour is held at 10 a.m. on Nov. 15 and Dec. 13 at Orange Park Mall, 1910 Wells Road, Orange Park. Activities and raffle drawings are featured. Admission is free. 269-9413. TEEN FASHION A DIY fashion series for teens continues with a flowered headband class at 2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at the Main Library’s teen study room, 303 N. Laura St., downtown. Check out more fashion DIY classes through Dec. 3 at jaxpubliclibrary.org. Register by calling 630-0673. DANCE CLASSES Kidz Street Dance (8-12) classes are held at Dance Trance Studio, 214 Orange St., Neptune Beach, 246-4600. Call for fees and schedules. dancetrancefitness.com

COMMUNITY INTEREST BETTY GRIFFIN HOUSE BENEFIT Food, live music, shopping, raffles and fashion are featured at this red carpet event held from 6-9 p.m. on Nov. 4 at The Palencia Club, 600 Palencia Club Drive, St. Augustine. 599-9040 ext. 110. FREE CONCERT The J.B. Sessions Band performs from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Fleming Island Library, 1895 Town Center Blvd., Orange Park. 278-3722. HALLOWEEN CANDY BUY BACKS Krantz Dental Care pays children $1 for each pound of candy brought in from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Nov. 1-4 at 12058 San Jose Blvd., Ste 102, Jacksonville and donates the candy to soldiers. Children may bring in letters to soldiers who are receiving the candy. 880-3131. krantzdentalacre. com Cypress Point Family Dentistry’s Dr. Franklin Ross also pays $1 for each pound of candy kids bring in from 4-6:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 to 8130 Baymeadows Circle W., Ste. 103, Jacksonville. 448-8688. riosmiles.com AUTISM OPEN HOUSE A free lecture and autism open house are held at 6 p.m. on Nov.

1 at the new integrative treatment center Sensory Connections, 6653 Powers Ave., Ste. 133, Jacksonville. Learn how combining modern neurology and Eastern theories is improving outcomes with autistic children. Seating is limited. 524-1752. LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s two-mile evening walk is held at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 starting at The Jacksonville Landing, 2 Independent Drive, downtown. Proceeds benefit the LLS. 353-1188. JacksonvilleLanding.com HOLIDAY WINE TASTING The Holiday Warm Up Wine and Food Tasting is held from 6-8 p.m. on Nov. 4 at Whole Foods, 10601 San Jose Blvd., Mandarin. Tickets are $25. Proceeds benefit Mandarin Community Club programs. 268-1622. mandarincommunityclub.org FESTIVAL D’VINE Catholic Charities Jacksonville hosts its eighth annual Festival d’Vine, featuring a wine tasting, food and live music by Freudian Slip, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. on Nov. 5 in San Marco Square, Jacksonville. Tickets are $75; $50 for ages 21-35. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities. 354-4846 ext. 227. FREE TO BREATHE 5K The third annual Free to Breathe 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Walk for Lung Cancer Research is held at 8 a.m. (registration at 6:30 a.m.) on Nov. 5 at Nocatee Community Park, 245 Little River Road, Ponte Vedra. The walk raises funds to support the Partnership’s research, education and awareness programs. Registration is $30. freetobreathe.org SIGNATURE CHEFS AUCTION The 21st annual Signature Chefs Auction is held at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 8 at Florida Yacht Club, 5210 Florida Yacht Club Drive, Jacksonville. Local chefs present their signature dishes and a live and silent auction are held. Proceeds benefit March of Dimes. 398-2821. marchofdimes.com/florida WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S The Alzheimer’s Association holds its Walk to End Alzheimer’s at 8 a.m. on Nov. 5 behind the Times-Union Performing Arts Center, 300 W. Water St., Jacksonville. Proceeds benefit The Alzheimer’s Association. Join a team or start a team at alz.org/walk. 281-9077. SOCIAL SERVICES MARKET DAY Lutheran Social Services Market Day is held from 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at 4615 Philips Highway, Southside. Shopping, clowns, face painting, crafts, a bounce house and food are featured. 730-8247. CELEBRATION OF LIFE The fifth annual benefit is held at 7 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Main Public Library’s atrium and courtyard, 303 N. Laura St., Jacksonville. Pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson is the featured speaker. Tickets are $35. Proceeds benefit All About HealthCARE Advocates. 632-0800. allabouthealthcareadvocates.com SAVE THE CHAPEL Plans are unveiled for the relocation of the chapel (formerly

St. Paul’s By the Sea Episcopal Church), to be moved to the Beaches Museum, at 3 p.m. on Nov. 6 at 610 Florida Blvd., Neptune Beach. Admission is free. 571-9528. www.bm-hc.com


PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB The beaches club gathers at 6 p.m. on Nov. 7, to present photos from a recent New Orleans club trip, at Beaches Library, 600 Third St., Neptune Beach. Admission is free. 240-8835. POW WOW NOW Drumming, sharing, song, dance, friendship, and socializing from 6-8:30 p.m. on Nov. 1 at Adele Grage Cultural Center, 716 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. Bring a small snack. Some drums available. 334-5290. Q-GROUP ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS This free, open discussion is held at 5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. at Quality Life Center, 11265 Alumni Way, Jacksonville. alcoholicanonymous.org HERBAL COOKING Cooking with Herbs class is held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Nov. 5 at Maggie’s Herb Farm, 11400 C.R. 13, St. Augustine. The $55 fee includes all materials. Bring an apron. 829-0722. maggiesherbfarm.com ORIOLES ST. JOHNS RIVER NEST 324 This adult, smoke-free community organization is open daily offering games, food, live music and sports appreciation events at 9155 C.R. 13, St. Johns. Proceeds benefit charitable programs. 669-8905. URBAN BALLET FITNESS A free community class is held at 5:45 p.m. on the first Fri. of the month at Dance Trance Studio, 214 Orange St., Neptune Beach, 246-4600. dancetrancefitness.com DEPRESSION/BI-POLAR SUPPORT ALLIANCE This support group meets from 6-7:30 p.m. every Tue. at Baptist Medical Center, 800 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville. For more information, call 616-6264 or 356-6081. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Do you have a drug problem? Maybe they can help. 3586262, 723-5683. serenitycoastna.org, firstcoastna.org NICOTINE ANONYMOUS (NIC-A) Want to quit smoking or using other forms of nicotine? Nic-A is free, and you don’t have to quit to attend the meetings, held at 6:30 p.m. every Tue. at Quality Life Center, 11265 Alumni Way, Southside. 378-6849. nicotineanonymous.org NAR-A-NON This group meets at 8 p.m. every Tue. and Thur. at 4172 Shirley Ave., Avondale. 945-7168. To get in this listing, email the time, date, location (street address, city) admission price and contact number to events@folioweekly.com or click the link in our Happenings section at folioweekly.com. Events are included on a space-available basis.




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It Had To Be Brew T 11

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Chelsea Gross, Katie Hodges and Jessica Watson Sheila Wilde, Jeremiah Whitlow and Brianna Staff Christina and Christopher White Charles and Zoe Santana Aftan Sparkman and Kristy Scarborough Kenneth Dulaney and Brandon Carter Troy Blevins David “Batman” Losey and Brynn Richter Liz and Sean Bielman Brena Burnardo and Brandon B John Tree and Chelsey Davies Dan Abelson and Kathy Murray Rob and Donna McGee Sam Mains and Elias Hertzel Chelsea Hastings and Mac Mattingly Sauly Rorrick, Jayne Deslaney, Kathy Drake and Ingrid Holstrum

he beer flowed, the lederhosen were rocked, and Oktober was fully fested when some 2,000 ale-loving fans came together for the third annual Folio Weekly Oktoberfest. Held in the friendly confines of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre last Saturday night, the event featured more than 100 beers (courtesy of Burkhardt Distributing Company), from the toker-friendly Sweetwater 420 Extra Pale Ale to the, well, toker-friendly Blue Point RastafaRye Ale, to the 12 percent Belgian ale we were just too sloshed to remember the name of (thanks, Victory Brewing Company!). By the end of the night, designated drivers and Folio Weekly-sponsored free cab rides home were in order. Many folks chose to spend the night at the nearby Holiday Isle hotel, which offered special rates to Oktoberfest fans, and where they slept like babies. Or logs. Or baby logs. Seen catching the seasonal buzz were Cheryl and Mike O’Steen, Dorothy Shanley, JoAnne Guerra, Zak Clarke and Jessamyn McTwigan. Photos by Dustin Hegedus

For more photos from this and other events, check out the Eye link at folioweekly.com. November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 39


Average Entrée Cost: $ = Less than $8 $$ = $8-$14 $$$ = $15-$22 $$$$ = $23 & up BW = Beer, Wine FB = Full Bar CM = Children’s Menu TO = Take Out B = Breakfast L = Lunch D = Dinner F = Folio Weekly distribution point Send changes to mdryden@folioweekly.com


40 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

Dustin Hegedus

(In Fernandina Beach unless otherwise noted.) THE BEECH STREET GRILL Fine dining in a casual atmosphere. The menu includes fresh local seafood, steaks and pasta dishes created with a variety of ethnic influences. Award-winning wine list. FB. L, Wed.-Fri.; D, nightly; Sun. brunch. 801 Beech St. 277-3662. $$$ BRETT’S WATERWAY CAFÉ F At the foot of Centre Street, the upscale restaurant overlooks the Harbor Marina. The menu includes daily specials, fresh Florida seafood and an extensive wine list. FB. L & D, daily. 1 S. Front St. 261-2660. $$$ BRIGHT MORNINGS The small café offers freshly baked goods. B & L daily. 105 S. Third St. 491-1771. $$ CAFÉ 4750 At the Italian kitchen and wine bar, Chef de Cuisine Garrett Gooch offers roasted sea bass, frutti di mare soup, clam linguini, panatela bruschetta and fresh gelatos. Dine indoors or on the terrace. FB. B, L & D, daily. The Ritz-Carlton, 4750 Amelia Island Pkwy., Amelia Island. 277-1100. $$$ CAFÉ KARIBO F Eclectic cuisine, served under the oaks in historic Fernandina, features sandwiches and chef’s specials. Alfresco dining. FB. L & D, Tue.-Sat.; L, Sun. & Mon. 27 N. Third St. 277-5269. $$ CHEZ LEZAN BAKERY F European-style breads, pastries, croissants, muffins and pies baked daily. 1014 Atlantic Ave. 491-4663. $ EIGHT Contemporary sports lounge offers burgers, sandwiches, wings and nachos. FB. D, Mon.-Fri.; L & D, Fri. & Sat. The RitzCarlton, 4750 Amelia Island Pkwy., Amelia Island. 277-1100. $$ ESPAÑA RESTAURANT & TAPAS Traditional Spanish and Portuguese dishes, tapas and paella served in a cozy atmosphere. BW, CM. D nightly. 22 S. Fourth St. 261-7700. $$$ FERNANDELI F Classics with a Southern touch, like a onethird-pound devil dog, Reubens and pulled pork. Sandwiches and wraps built to order from fresh cold cuts, tuna, egg and turkey salads. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 17B S. Eighth St. 261-0008. $ GENNARO’S RISTORANTE ITALIANO F Southern Italian cuisine: pasta, gourmet ravioli, hand-tossed pizzas. Specialties are margharita pizza and shrimp feast. Bread is baked on-site. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 5 S. Second St., 261-9400. 5472 First Coast Highway, Amelia Island, 491-1999. $$ HAPPY TOMATO COURTYARD CAFE & BBQ Pulled pork sandwich, chicken salad and walnut chocolate chunk cookie, served in a laid-back atmosphere. BW. CM. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 7 S. Third St. 321-0707. $$ JACK & DIANE’S F Casual cafe offers steak & eggs, pancakes, Cajun scampi, etouffée, curry pizza, vegan black bean cakes, shrimp & grits, hand-carved steaks. FB. B, L & D, daily. 708 Centre St. 321-1444. $$ JOE’S 2ND STREET BISTRO Elegant island atmosphere. NY strip steak with sauces, Maine crab cakes, seafood fricassee and roast chicken penne pasta. BW. CM. D, nightly. 14 S. Second St. 321-2558. $$$ KABUKI JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE & SUSHI BAR F Teppanyaki masters create your meal; plus a 37-item sushi bar. BW. D, Tue.-Sun. Amelia Plaza. 277-8782. $$ KELLEY’S COURTYARD CAFE F She crab soup, salads, fried green tomatoes, sandwiches and wraps are served indoors or out on the patio. Vegetarian dishes are also offered. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 19 S. Third St. 432-8213. $ LULU’S AT THE THOMPSON HOUSE F An innovative lunch menu includes po’boys and seafood “little plates” served in a historic house. Dinner features fresh local seafood. Nightly specials. BW. L & D, Tue.-Sat., brunch on Sun. Reservations recommended. 11 S. Seventh St. 432-8394. $$ MONTEGO BAY COFFEE CAFE Locally owned and operated, with specialty coffees, fruit smoothies. Dine in or hit the drivethru. B & L, Mon.-Sat. 463363 S.R. 200, Yulee. 225-3600. $ MOON RIVER PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Northernstyle pizza by the pie or the slice. Choose from more than 20 toppings. Owner-selected wines and a large beer selection. BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 925 S. 14th St. 321-3400. $ THE MUSTARD SEED CAFE Organic eatery, juice bar. Extensive menu features vegetarian, vegan items. Daily specials: local seafood, free-range chicken, fresh organic produce. CM. B & L, Mon.-Sat. 833 TJ Courson Rd. 277-3141. $$ O’KANE’S IRISH PUB F Rustic, genuine Irish pub up front, eatery in back, featuring daily specials, fish-n-chips, and soups served in a sourdough bread bowl. FB. L & D, Mon.-Sun. 318 Centre St. 261-1000. $$ PEPPER’S MEXICAN GRILL & CANTINA F The family restaurant offers authentic Mexican cuisine. BW, CM. L & D, daily. 520 Centre St. 272-2011. $$ PICANTE GRILL ROTISSERIE BAR F Flavors of Peru and Latin America, served in a modern atmosphere. The menu includes authentic Peruvian cebiche and homestyle empanadas. BW, CM, TO. B, L & D daily. 464073 S.R. 200, Ste. 2, Yulee. 310-9222. $$

PLAE In Spa & Shops at Omni Amelia Island Plantation, the cozy venue offers an innovative and PLAEful dining experience. L, Tue.-Sat.; D, nightly. 277-2132. $$$ SALT, THE GRILL Best of Jax 2011 winner. Elegant dining featuring local seafood and produce, served in a contemporary coastal setting. FB. D, Tue.-Sat. The Ritz-Carlton, 4750 Amelia Island Pkwy., Amelia Island. 491-6746. $$$$ SANDOLLAR RESTAURANT & MARINA F Dine inside or on the deck. Snow crab legs, fresh fish, shellfish dishes. FB. L & D, daily. 9716 Heckscher Dr., Ft. George Island. 251-2449. $$ SLIDERS SEASIDE GRILL F Oceanfront dining; local seafood, shrimp, crab cakes, outdoor beachfront tiki & raw bar, covered deck and kids’ playground. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 1998 S. Fletcher Ave. 277-6652. $$ THE SURF F Dine inside or on large oceanview deck. Steaks, fresh fish, shrimp and nightly specials. Late-night menu. FB. L & D, daily. 3199 S. Fletcher Ave. 261-5711. $$ T-RAY’S BURGER STATION F A favorite local spot; Best of Jax 2011 winner. Grilled or blackened fish sandwiches, homemade burgers. BW, TO. B & L, Mon.-Sat. 202 S. Eighth St. A genuine churrascaria (Portuguese for steakhouse), Espeto Brazilian Steakhouse features gauchos who carve meat onto your plate 261-6310. $ straight from their serving carts, on St. Johns Avenue in Avondale. 29 SOUTH EATS F Part of historic Fernandina Beach’s downtown scene. Award-winning Chef Scotty serves St. Johns Ave. 381-6670. $$ NATIVE SUN NATURAL FOODS MARKET F Best of Jax traditional world cuisine with a modern ORSAY Best of Jax 2011 winner. The French/American bistro 2011 winner. The organic supermarket offers a full deli and a twist. L, Tue.-Sat.; D, Mon.-Sat.; Sun. brunch. 29 S. Third St. focuses on craftsmanship and service. FB. D, Tues.-Sat.; Brunch hot bar with fresh soups, quesadillas, rotisserie chicken and 277-7919. $$ & D, Sun. 3630 Park St. 381-0909. $$$ vegan sushi, as well as a fresh juice and smoothie bar. 11030 TOM & BETTY’S F A Jacksonville tradition for more than 30 Baymeadows Rd. 260-2791. $ years, Tom & Betty’s serves hefty sandwiches with classic car OMAHA STEAKHOUSE Center-cut beef, seafood, sandwiches EAST COAST BUFFET F A 160+ item Chinese, Japanese, themes, along with homemade-style dishes. CM, FB. L & D, served in an English tavern atmosphere. The signature dish American and Italian buffet. Dine in, take out. FB. L & D, Mon.Mon.-Sat. 4409 Roosevelt Blvd. 387-3311. $$ is a 16-ounce bone-in ribeye. Desserts include crème brûlée. Sat.; Sun. brunch. 9569 Regency Sq. Blvd. N. 726-9888. $$ ’town F Owner Meghan Purcell and Executive Chef Scott FB. L & D, daily. 9300 Baymeadows Rd., Embassy Suites Hotel. KABUTO JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE & SUSHI BAR Steak & Ostrander bring farm-to-table to Northeast Florida, offering 739-6633. $$ shrimp, filet mignon & lobster, shrimp & scallops, a sushi bar, American fare with an emphasis on sustainability. FB. L & D, ORANGE TREE HOT DOGS F Hot dogs with slaw, chili teppanyaki grill and traditional Japanese cuisine. CM, FB. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 3611 St. Johns Ave. 345-2596. $$ cheese, sauerkraut; and small pizzas. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 8380 daily. 10055 Atlantic Blvd. 724-8883. $$$ Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 4. 733-0588. orangetreehotdogs.com $ LA NOPALERA Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Intracoastal. 8818 PATTAYA THAI GRILLE F Traditional Thai and vegetarian items Atlantic Blvd. 720-0106. $$ and a 40-plus item vegetarian menu served in a contemporary AL’S PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 8060 MEEHAN’S TAVERN F The Irish pub and restaurant serves atmosphere. B/W. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 9551 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. Philips Hwy. 731-4300. $ beef and Guinness stew, Philly cheesesteak sandwiches, 1. 646-9506. $$ BROADWAY RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA F Family-ownedtraditional lamb stew, jalapeño poppers, in a comfy atmosphere. PIZZA PALACE F See San Marco. 3928 Baymeadows Rd. &-operated New York-style pizzeria serves hand-tossed, BW. L & D, Wed.-Sun. 9119 Merrill Rd., Ste. 5. 551-7076. $$ 527-8649. $$ brick-oven-baked pizza, traditional Italian dinners, wings, subs. NERO’S CAFE F Nero’s serves traditional Italian fare, including STICKY FINGERS F Memphis-style rib house specializes in Delivery. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 10920 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 3. seafood, veal, beef, chicken and pasta dishes. Weekly specials barbecue ribs served several ways. FB. L & D, daily. 8129 Point 519-8000. $$ are lasagna, 2-for-1 pizza and AYCE spaghetti. CM, FB. L, Sun.; Meadows Way. 493-7427. $$ CAFE CONFLUENCE F The European coffeehouse serves D, daily. 3607 University Blvd. N. 743-3141. $$ UDIPI CAFE Authentic South Indian vegetarian cuisine. L & D, Italian specialty coffees and smoothies, along with paninis, REGENCY ALE HOUSE & RAW BAR Generous portions and Tue.-Fri. 8642 Baymeadows Rd. 402-8084. $ friendly service in a nautical atmosphere. Fresh fish, specialty salads and European chocolates. Outdoor dining. BW. L & D, VINO’S PIZZA F See Julington. L & D, daily. 9910 Old pastas, fresh oysters and clams. BW. L & D, daily. 9541 Regency Tue.-Sun. 8612 Baymeadows Rd. 733-7840. $ Baymeadows Rd. 641-7171. $ Square Blvd. S. 720-0551. $$ CHA-CHA’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT F Owner Celso Alvarado TREY’S DELI & GRILL F Fresh food served in a relaxed offers authentic Mexican fare with 26 combo dinners and atmosphere. Burgers, Trey’s Reuben, deli sandwiches, pork, specialty dishes including chalupas, enchiladas, burritos. FB. L (In Jax Beach unless otherwise noted.) steaks, seafood, pies. Prime rib specials every Fri. night. CM, & D, Mon.-Sat. 9551 Baymeadows Rd. 737-9903. $$ A LA CARTE Authentic New England fare like Maine lobster BW. L & D, Mon.-Fri. 2044 Rogero Rd. 744-3690. $$ CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILLE F Chicago-style deep-dish pizzas, hot dogs, Italian beef dishes from the Comastro family, rolls, fried Ipswich clams, crab or clam cake sandwich, fried UNIVERSITY DINER F The popular diner serves familiar serving authentic Windy City favorites for 25+ years. CM, FB. L shrimp basket, haddock sandwich, clam chowdah, birch beer breakfast fare and lunch items like meatloaf, burgers, & D, daily. 8206 Philips Hwy. 731-9797. $$ and blueberry soda. Dine inside or on the deck. TO. L, Fri.-Tue. sandwiches: wraps, BLTs, clubs, melts. Daily specials. BW. B & DEERWOOD DELI & DINER F The ’50s-style diner serves 331 First Ave. N. 241-2005. $$ L, Sat. & Sun.; B, L & D, Mon.-Fri. 5959 Merrill Rd. 762-3433. $ malts, shakes, Reubens, Cubans, burgers, and traditional AL’S PIZZA F Serving hand-tossed gourmet pizzas, calzones breakfast items. CM. B & L, daily. 9934 Old Baymeadows Rd. and Italian entrees for more than 21 years. Voted Best Pizza by 641-4877. $$ Folio Weekly readers from 1996-2011. BW. L & D, daily. 303 BISCOTTIS F Mozzarella bruschetta, Avondale pizza, THE FIFTH ELEMENT F Authentic Indian, South Indian and Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. 249-0002. $ sandwiches, espresso, cappuccino. Revolving daily specials. B, Indochinese dishes made with artistic flair. Lunch buffet ANGIE’S SUBS F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Subs are made-toTue.-Sun.; L & D, daily. 3556 St. Johns Ave. 387-2060. $$$ includes lamb, goat, chicken, tandoori and biryani items. CM. L order fresh. Serious casual. Wicked good iced tea. 1436 Beach THE BLUE FISH RESTAURANT & OYSTER BAR Fresh seafood, & D, daily. 9485 Baymeadows Rd. 448-8265. $$ Blvd. 246-2519. $ steaks and more are served in a casual atmosphere. HalfGATOR’S DOCKSIDE F See Orange Park. 8650 Baymeadows BEACH BUDS CHICKEN F The family-owned place serves portions are available. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 3551 St. Johns Ave., Rd. 448-0500. $$ marinated fried or baked chicken: family meals (kids like Shoppes of Avondale. 387-0700. $$$ INDIA RESTAURANT F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Extensive Peruvian nuggets), giant tenders, in box lunches and as Mini-Me sandwiches, along with gizzards, livers, 15 sides and fried or BRICK RESTAURANT F Creative all-American fare like tuna menu of entrées, clay-oven grilled Tandoori specialties and blackened shrimp, fish, conch fritters, deviled crabs. TO. L & D, tartare, seaweed salad and Kobe burger. Outside dining. FB. L & chicken tandoor, fish, seafood and korma. L, Mon.-Sat., D, daily. daily. 1289 Penman Road. 247-2828. $ D, daily. 3585 St. Johns Ave. 387-0606. $$$ 9802 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 8. 620-0777. $$ BEACHSIDE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT & MARKET F The full THE CASBAH F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Middle Eastern LARRY’S GIANT SUBS F With locations all over Northeast fresh seafood market serves seafood baskets, fish tacos, oyster cuisine is served in a friendly atmosphere. BW. L & D, daily. Florida, Larry’s piles subs up with fresh fixins and serves ’em baskets and Philly cheesesteaks. Dine indoors or outside. Beach 3628 St. Johns Ave. 981-9966. $$ fast. Some Larry’s Subs offer B & W and/or serve breakfast. CM. delivery. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 120 S. Third St. 444-8862. $$ ESPETO BRAZILIAN STEAK HOUSE F Gauchos carve the meat L & D, daily. 3928 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 9 (Goodby’s Creek), BLUES ROCK CAFE Oceanfront dining experience, featuring an onto your plate from serving tables. FB. D, Tue.-Sun., closed 737-7740; 8616 Baymeadows Rd. 739-2498. larryssubs.com $ all-American menu, including crab cakes and wings, served in Mon. 4000 St. Johns Ave., Ste. 40. 388-4884. $$$ LEMONGRASS F Upscale Thai cuisine in a metropolitan a relaxed atmosphere in the heart of the Beaches. L & D, daily. THE FOX RESTAURANT F The Fox has been a Jacksonville atmosphere. Chef Aphayasane’s innovative creations include CM, FB. 831 N. First St. 249-0007. $$ landmark for 50-plus years. Owners Ian & Mary Chase serve roast duckling and fried snapper. BW. R. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, Mon.BONGIORNO’S PHILLY STEAK SHOP F South Philly’s classic diner-style fare, homemade desserts. B & L daily. 3580 Sat. 9846 Old Baymeadows Rd. 645-9911. $$ Bongiorno clan imports Amoroso rolls for Real Deal cheeseSt. Johns Ave. 387-2669. $ MANDALOUN MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE F The Lebanese steak, Original Gobbler, clubs, wraps, burgers, dogs. BW, CM. L GREEN MAN GOURMET Organic and natural products, spices, restaurant offers authentic cuisine: lahm meshwe, kafta & D, daily. 2294 Mayport Rd., Atlantic Beach. 246-3278. $$ teas, salts, BW. Open daily. 3543 St. Johns Ave. 384-0002. $ khoshkhas and baked filet of red snapper. CM, FB. L & D, daily. BONO’S PIT BAR-B-Q F Baby back ribs, fried corn, sweet MOJO NO. 4 F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 3572 9862 Old Baymeadows Rd. 646-1881. $$





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this is a copyright protected proo potatoes. BW. L & D, daily. 1307 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach. 270-2666. 1266 S. Third St. 249-8704. bonosbarbq.com $ BUDDHA’S BELLY F Authentic Thai dishes made with fresh ingredients using tried-and-true recipes. FB, TO. L & D, daily. 301 10th Ave. N. 372-9149. $$ BURRITO GALLERY EXPRESS F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The Gallery’s kid sister at the beach each is mostly take-out; same great chow, fast service. 1333 Third St. N. 242-8226. $ CAMPECHE BAY CANTINA F Homemade-style Mexican items are fajitas, enchiladas and fried ice cream, plus margaritas. FB. D, nightly. 127 First Ave. N. 249-3322. $$ CARIBBEE KEY F The island-themed menu of tasty AmeriCaribbean cuisine includes seafood, steaks and sandwiches. Open-air deck bar upstairs; outdoor dining downstairs. FB. L & D, daily. 100 N. First St., Neptune Beach. 270-8940. $$ CASA MARIA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Springfield. 2429 S. 3rd St. 372-9000. $ CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILLE F See Baymeadows. 320 N. First St. 270-8565. $$ COPPER TOP SOUTHERN AMERICAN CUISINE F (Formerly The Homestead) The menu features Southern favorites like fried chicken, collards, biscuits and cornbread, as well as fresh seafood, steaks, burgers and chops, served in a family atmosphere inside a cozy log cabin. CM, FB. Sunday brunch; L & D, Tue.-Sun. 1712 Beach Blvd. 249-4776. $$ CRAB CAKE FACTORY JAX F Chef Khan Vongdara presents an innovative menu of seafood dishes and seasonal favorites. FB. L & D daily. 1396 Beach Blvd., Beach Plaza. 247-9880. $$ CRUISERS GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner, serving burgers, sandwiches, nachos, tacos, quesadillas and cheese fries. 319 23rd Ave. S. 270-0356. $ CULHANE’S IRISH PUB Four Culhane sisters own and operate the authentic Irish pub, featuring faves — Guinness stew, lamb sliders and fish pie. L, Fri.-Sun.; D, Tue.-Sun.; weekend brunch. FB, CM. 967 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. 249-9595. $$ CYCLONES TEX-MEX CANTINA F The place has freshly made Tex-Mex favorites, including fajitas, enchiladas, tacos, burritos, tamales and taco salad. Lunch combos include Mexican rice and beans. FB. L & D, daily. 1222 Third St. S. 694-0488. $$ DICK’S WINGS F The NASCAR-themed place serves 365 varieties of wings. The menu also features half-pound burgers, ribs and salads. BW, TO. L & D daily. 2434 Mayport Road, Atlantic Beach, 372-0298. 311 N. Third St., 853-5004. $ DWIGHT’S The Mediterranean-style bistro features fresh local seafood, filet mignon, mixed grill and an extensive wine list. D, Tue.-Sat. 1527 Penman Rd. 241-4496. $$$$ ENGINE 15 BREWING COMPANY F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The Jax Beach restaurant serves gastropub fare like soups, salads, flatbreads and specialty sandwiches, including BarBeCuban and beer dip. Daily specials, too. CM, BW. L & D, Tue.Sun. 1500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 217. 249-2337. $ EUROPEAN STREET F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See San Marco. 992 Beach Blvd. 249-3001. $ FIONN MACCOOL’S IRISH PUB & RESTAURANT Casual dining with uptown Irish flair, including fish and chips, Guinness beef stew and black-and-tan brownies. FB, CM. L & D, daily. 333 N. First St. 242-9499. $$ THE FISH COMPANY F Fresh, local seafood is served, including Mayport shrimp, fish baskets, grilled tuna and an oyster bar. L & D, daily. CM, FB. 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 12, Atlantic Beach. 246-0123. $$ HALA SANDWICH SHOP & BAKERY Authentic Middle Eastern favorites include gyros, shwarma, pita bread, made fresh daily. BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 1451 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach. 249-2212. $$ HOT DOG HUT F Best of Jax 2011 winner. All-beef hot dogs, sausages, hamburgers, crab cakes, beer-battered onion rings and French fries. B. L, daily. 1439 Third St. S. 247-8886. $ ICHIBAN F Three dining areas: teppan or hibachi tables (watch a chef prepare your food), a sushi bar and Western-style seating offering tempura and teriyaki. FB, Japanese plum wine. L & D, daily. 675 N. Third St. 247-4688. $$ IGUANA’S CANTINA The Mexican place offers traditional favorites at moderate prices. CM, FB. Outdoor dining. L & D, daily. 1266 Beach Blvd. 853-6356. $$ LYNCH’S IRISH PUB The full-service restaurant offers corned beef and cabbage, Shepherd’s pie and fish-n-chips. 30+ beers on tap. FB. L, Sat. & Sun., D, daily. 514 N. First St. 249-5181. $$ MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See St. Johns Town Center. 1080 Third St. N. 241-5600. $ MEZZA LUNA F A Beaches tradition for 20+ years. Great food, from gourmet wood-fired pizzas to contemporary American cuisine. Inside or patio dining. Extensive wine list. CM, FB. D, Mon.-Sat. 110 First St., Neptune Beach. 249-5573. $$$ MOJO KITCHEN BBQ PIT & BLUES BAR F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Traditional slow-cooked Southern barbecue served in a blues bar atmosphere. Favorites are pulled pork, Texas brisket and slow-cooked ribs. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 1500 Beach Blvd. 247-6636. $$ MONKEY’S UNCLE TAVERN F For 25-plus years, Monkey’s has served pub grub, burgers, sandwiches, seafood and wings. Dine inside or out on the patio. FB. L & D, daily. 1850 S. Third St. 246-1070. $ NIPPERS BEACH GRILLE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Executive Chef Kenny Gilbert’s cuisine features local fare and innovative dishes, served in an island atmosphere. Dine inside or out on the tiki deck. FB. L & D, Wed.-Sun.; D, nightly. 2309 Beach Blvd.

247-3300. $$ NORTH BEACH BISTRO Casual dining with an elegant touch, like slow-cooked veal osso buco; calypso crusted mahi mahi with spiced plantain chips. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 6, Atlantic Beach. 372-4105. $$$ Produced by jw Checked by Sale promise of benefit sUpport Ask for Action OCEAN 60 A prix fixe menu is offered. Continental cuisine, with fresh seafood, nightly specials and a changing seasonal menu. Dine in a formal dining room or casual Martini Room. D, Mon.Sat. 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach. 247-0060. $$$ PACO’S MEXICAN GRILL Serving Baja-style Mexican cuisine, featuring carne asada, tacos, burritos, fish tacos and shrimp burritos. CM, FB. B, L & D, daily. 333 First St. N. 208-5097. $ PARSONS SEAFOOD RESTAURANT F The family-style restaurant has an outdoor patio and an extensive menu, including the mariner’s platter and the Original Dreamboat. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 904 Sixth Ave. S. 249-0608. $$ THE PIER RESTAURANT F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The oceanfront restaurant offers fresh, local fare served on two floors — upstairs, it’s Chef’s Menu, with stuffed flounder, pork tenderloin, appetizers. Downstairs bar and patio offer casual items, daily drink specials. CM, FB. D, daily; L & D, weekends; brunch, Sun. 412 First St. N. 246-6454. $$ PHILLY’S FINEST F Authentic Philly-style cheesesteaks are made with imported Amorosa rolls. Hoagies, wings and pizza ... cold beer, too. FB. L & D, daily. 1527 N. Third St. 241-7188. $$ RAGTIME TAVERN SEAFOOD GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The Beaches landmark serves grilled seafood with a Cajun/Creole accent. Hand-crafted cold beer. FB. L & D, daily. 207 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach. 241-7877. $$ SALT LIFE FOOD SHACK F Best of Jax 2011 winner. An array of specialty menu items, including signature tuna poke bowl, fresh rolled sushi, Ensenada tacos and local fried shrimp, in a casual, trendy open-air space. FB, TO, CM. L & D, daily. 1018 Third St. N. 372-4456. $$ SNEAKERS SPORTS GRILLE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. 111 Beach Blvd. 482-1000. $$ SUN DOG STEAK & SEAFOOD F Eclectic American fare, art For questions, please call your advertising representative at 260-9770. RU deco décor with an authenticplease diner feel. FB.call L & D, daily; Sun.advertising representative at 260-9770. RUN DATE: 071211 For questions, your FAX YOUR PROOF IF POSSIBLE AT 268-3655 brunch. 207 Atlantic Blvd., Neptune Beach. 241-8221. $$ FAX PROOF IFBaja-style POSSIBLE F Fresh, TACOLUYOUR BAJA MEXICANA Mexican fare,AT 268-3655 Produced by jw with a focus on fish tacos and tequila, as well as fried cheese, PROMISE OF BENEFIT SUPPORT ASK FOR ACTION Produced by mm Checked by Sales Rep rl bangin’ shrimp and verde chicken tacos. L & D, Tue.-Sun. 1183 PROMISE OF BENEFIT SUPPORT ASK FOR ACTION Beach Blvd. 249-8226. $$ THAI ROOM RESTAURANT F Dine in an intimate setting as Chef Thepsouvanh prepares Thai cuisine like crispy duck or pan-seared Chilean sea bass. BW. L, Mon.-Fri. D, Mon.-Sat. 1286 S. Third St. 249-8444. $$$ TROPICAL SMOOTHIE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. With 12 locations in Northeast Florida, Tropical Smoothie’s got us covered. Serving breakfast, wraps, sandwiches, flatbreads and smoothies — lowfat, fruity, coffees, supplements. CM. Open daily. 1230 Beach Blvd., 242-4940. 251 Third St., Neptune Beach, 247-8323. $ THE WINE BAR The casual neighborhood place has a tapasstyle menu, fire-baked flatbreads and a wine selection. Tue.Sun. 320 N. First St. 372-0211. $$

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(The Jacksonville Landing venues are at 2 Independent Drive) ADAMS STREET DELI & GRILL The lunch spot serves wraps, including grilled chicken, and salads, including Greek salad. L, Mon.-Fri. 126 W. Adams St. 475-1400. $$ BURRITO GALLERY & BAR F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Southwest cuisine, traditional American salads. Burritos and more burritos. Onsite art gallery. FB. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 21 E. Adams St. 598-2922. $ CAFÉ NOLA AT MOCA JAX On the first floor of Museum of Contemporary Art, Cafe Nola serves shrimp and grits, gourmet sandwiches, fresh fish tacos, homemade desserts. FB. L, Mon.Fri.; D, Thur. 333 N. Laura St. 366-6911 ext. 231. $$ CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILLE F See Baymeadows. The Jacksonville Landing. 354-7747. $$$ CITY HALL PUB A sports bar vibe: 16 big-screen HDTVs. Angus burgers, dogs, sandwiches, AYCE wings buffet. FB. Free downtown area lunch delivery. L & D, daily. 234 Randolph Blvd. 356-6750. $$ DE REAL TING CAFE F The popular restaurant offers a Caribbean lunch buffet Tue.-Fri. FB. L & D, Tue.-Sun. 128 W. Adams St. 633-9738. $ INDOCHINE Best of Jax 2011 winner. Serving Thai and Southeast Asian cuisine in the core of downtown. Signature dishes include favorites like chicken Satay, soft shell crab, and mango and sticky rice for dessert. BW, FB, TO. L, Mon.-Fri., D, Tue.-Sat. 21 E. Adams St. 598-5303. $$ JENKINS QUALITY BARBECUE Family-owned-and-operated. Jenkins offers beef, pork, chicken, homemade desserts. L & D, daily. 830 N. Pearl St. 353-6388. $ JULIETTE’S & J-BAR Serving dinner before (or dessert after) a show. Breakfast buffet. J-Bar serves bistro-inspired small plates. FB. Daily. Omni Hotel, 245 W. Water St. 355-6664. $$$ KOJA SUSHI F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Sushi, Japanese, Asian and Korean cuisine. Indoor and outdoor dining and bar. FB. L & D, daily. The Jacksonville Landing. 350-9911. $$ NORTHSTAR SUBSTATION F This place features brick-ovenbaked pizzas, grinders, wings, Philly cheesesteaks, custom sandwiches and fries served in a laid-back setting. FB, 27 beers on draft. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 119 E. Bay St. 860-5451. $

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CHICAGO PIZZA & SPORTS GRILLE F See Baymeadows. 406 Old Hard Road, Ste. 106. 213-7779. $$ GRASSROOTS NATURAL MARKET F See Riverside. B, L & D, Mon.-Sat.; L, Sun. 1915 East West Pkwy., 541-0009. $ HONEY B’S CAFE Breakfast includes omelets, pancakes, French toast. Lunch offers entrée salads, quiches, build-your-own burgers. Peanut butter pie is a favorite. Tea parties every Sat. B & L, daily. 3535 U.S. 17, Ste. 8. 264-7325. $$ LA NOPALERA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Intracoastal. 1571 C.R. 220, Ste. 100. 215-2223. $ MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See St. Johns Town Center. 1800 Town Center Pkwy. 541-1999. $ MOJO SMOKEHOUSE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. FB. L & D, daily. 1810 Town Ctr. Blvd. 264-0636. $$ WHITEY’S FISH CAMP F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The renowned seafood place, family-owned since 1963, specializes in AYCE freshwater catfish. Also steaks, pastas. Outdoor waterfront dining. Come by car, boat or bike. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 2032 C.R. 220. 269-4198. $


AL’S PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 14286 Beach Blvd. (at San Pablo Rd.) 223-0991. $ BRUCCI’S PIZZA, PASTA, PANINIS F Brucci’s offers authentic New York-style pizza, Italian pastas and desserts in a family atmosphere. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 13500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 36. 223-6913. $ CLIFF’S ROCKIN’ BAR-N-GRILL F Cliff’s features 8-ounce burgers, wings, steak, seafood, homemade pizza and daily specials. FB. L & D, daily. Smoking permitted. 3033 Monument Rd., Ste. 2, Cobblestone Plaza. 645-5162. $$ ISTANBUL MEDITERRANEAN & ITALIAN CUISINE F A varied menu offers European cuisine including lamb, beef and chicken dishes, as well as pizza and wraps. BW. L & D, daily. 13170 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 26. 220-9192. $$ JERRY’S SPORTS GRILLE & STEAKHOUSE F The menu includes wings, hamburgers, Ahi tuna and handcut steaks. CM, FB. Daily. 13170 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 22. 220-6766. $ LA NOPALERA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Family-ownedand-operated, serving authentic Mexican cuisine, like tamales, fajitas, pork tacos, in a casual family atmosphere. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 14333 Beach Blvd. 992-1666. $ MILANO’S RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA Homemade Italian cuisine, breads, pizzas, calzones and specialty dishes. BW, CM. L & D, daily. 12620 Beach Blvd., Ste. 4. 646-9119. $$ THAI ORCHID F The restaurant serves authentic Thai cuisine made with fresh ingredients, including pad Thai, Thai curry dishes and rice dishes. BW. L & D, daily. 12620 Beach Blvd., Ste. 4. 683-1286. $$ TIME OUT SPORTS GRILL F Wings, gourmet pizza, fresh seafood and specialty wraps. FB. D, Mon.-Fri.; L & D, Sat. & Sun. 13799 Beach Blvd., Ste. 5. 223-6999. $$ TKO’S THAI HUT F The menu offers Thai fusion dishes, curry dishes, chef’s specials, healthy options and sushi. Dine inside or on the covered patio. FB. L & D, daily. 13500 Beach Blvd., Ste. 46. 647-7546. $$


BLACKSTONE GRILLE The menu blends flavors from a variety of cultures and influences for modern American fusion cuisine, served in a bistro-style setting. FB. L & D, Mon.-Fri., D, Sat.; Sun. brunch. 112 Bartram Oaks Walk, Ste. 102. 287-0766. $$$ BRUCCI’S PIZZA F See Intracoastal. 540 S.R. 13, Ste. 10, Fruit Cove. 287-8317. $$ HAPPY OURS SPORTS GRILLE F Wings, big salads, burgers, wraps and sandwiches. Sports events on HDTVs. CM, FB. 116 Bartram Oaks Walk, Ste. 101. 683-1964. $ PIZZA PALACE F See San Marco. 116 Bartram Oaks Walk. 230-2171. $ VINO’S PIZZA Vino’s Pizza – with four Jacksonville locations – makes all their Italian and American dishes with fresh ingredients. L & D, daily. 605 S.R. 13, Ste. 103. 230-6966. $ WAKAME JAPANESE & THAI CUISINE F The fine dining restaurant offers authentic Japanese and Thai cuisine, including a full sushi menu, curries and pad dishes. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 104 Bartram Oaks Walk, Ste. 108. 230-6688. $$

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AL’S PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 11190 San Jose Blvd. 260-4115. $ AW SHUCKS F The seafood place features an oyster bar, steaks, seafood, wings and pasta. Favorites are ahi tuna, shrimp & grits, oysters Rockefeller, pitas and kabobs. Sweet potato puffs are the signature side. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 9743 Old St. Augustine Rd. 240-0368. $$ THE BLUE CRAB CRABHOUSE F A Maryland-style crabhouse featuring fresh blue crabs, garlic crabs, and king, snow and Dungeness crab legs. FB, CM. D, Tue.-Sat.; L & D, Sun. 3057 Julington Creek Rd. 260-2722. $$ BROOKLYN PIZZA F The traditional pizzeria serves New Yorkstyle pizza, specialty pies, and subs, strombolis and calzones. BW. L & D, daily. 11406 San Jose Blvd. 288-9211. 13820 St. Augustine Rd. 880-0020. $ CASA MARIA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Springfield. L & D, daily. 14965 Old St. Augustine Rd. 619-8186. $$ CLARK’S FISH CAMP F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Clark’s has steak, ribs, AYCE catfish dinners, 3-pound prime rib. Dine in, out or in a creek-view glass-enclosed room. FB. D, Mon.-Fri.; L & D, Sat. & Sun. 12903 Hood Landing Rd. 268-3474. $$ DON JUAN’S RESTAURANT F Authentic Mexican dishes prepared daily from scratch, served in a casual atmosphere. FB, CM. L & D, daily. 12373 San Jose Blvd. 268-8722. $$ GIGI’S RESTAURANT Breakfast buffet daily, lunch buffet weekdays. The Comedy Zone (Best of Jax 2011 winner) has an appetizer menu. FB. B, L & D, daily. I-295 & San Jose Blvd. (Ramada Inn). 268-8080. $$ (Fri. & Sat. buffet, $$$) GOLDEN CORRAL Family-friendly place; legendary buffet featuring familiar favorites and new items. B, L & D, daily. 11470 San Jose Blvd. 886-9699. $$ HALA CAFE & BAKERY F See Southside. 9735 Old St. Augustine Rd. 288-8890. $$ HARMONIOUS MONKS The American-style steakhouse features a 9-oz. choice Angus center-cut filet topped with gorgonzola shiitake mushroom cream sauce, 8-oz. gourmet burgers, fall-off-the-bone ribs, wraps, sandwiches. FB. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 10550 Old St. Augustine Rd., Ste. 30. 880-3040. $$ KOBE JAPANESE RESTAURANT The fusion-style sushi restaurant offers oyster shooters, kobe beef shabu-shabu, Chilean sea bass and filet mignon. BW & sake. L & D, daily. 11362 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 8. 288-7999. $$ LET’S NOSH F The authentic Jewish deli offers a full breakfast, lunch, brunch and full-service deli counter. Real New York water bagels, bread baked on site and desserts. CM. B & L, daily. 9850 San Jose Blvd. 683-8346. $ MAMA FU’S ASIAN HOUSE MSG-free pan-Asian cuisine prepared to order in woks using fresh ingredients. Authentic Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai dishes. BW, CM. L & D, daily. 11105 San Jose Blvd. 260-1727. $$ MANDARIN ALE HOUSE Laid-back atmosphere; 30-plus beers on tap. FB. L & D, daily. 11112 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 19. 292-0003. $$ METRO DINER F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See San Marco. 12807 San Jose Blvd. 638-6185. $$ NATIVE SUN NATURAL FOODS MARKET F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Organic supermarket with full deli and salad bar serving wraps, quesadillas, chopped salads, vegetarian dishes. Fresh juice and smoothie bar. Indoor and outdoor seating. Mon.-Sat. 10000 San Jose Blvd. 260-6950. $ PICASSO’S PIZZERIA F Specializes in hand-tossed gourmet pizza, calzones, homemade New York-style cheesecake and handmade pasta. Fresh local seafood and steaks. BW, CM, TO. L & D daily. 10503 San Jose Blvd. 880-0811. $$ SIMPLE FAIRE F Breakfast and lunch favorites, featuring Boar’s Head meats and cheeses served on fresh bread. Daily specials. B & L, Mon.-Fri. 3020 Hartley Rd. 683-2542. $$ TANK’S FAMILY BAR-B-Q Owned and operated by the Tankersley family, the barbecue place offers made-from-scratch Southern-style fare, featuring their own sauces. CM, BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 11701 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 23. 351-8265. $$ VINO’S PIZZA F See Julington. L & D, daily. 4268 Oldfield Crossing Dr. 268-6660. $ WHOLE FOODS MARKET F 100+ prepared items at a fullservice and self-service hot bar, soup bar, dessert bar. Made-toorder Italian specialties from a brick oven pizza hearth. L & D, daily. 10601 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 22. 288-1100. $$


ARON’S PIZZA F The family-owned restaurant offers eggplant dishes, manicotti and New York-style pizza. BW, CM, TO. L & D daily. 650 Park Ave. 269-1007. $$ BLU TAVERN F The restaurant, serving global cuisine, has an upscale feel with a casual atmosphere. Favorites include bread pudding and specialty appetizers. Blu also serves pasta dishes, burgers, seafood, pork, beef and steaks. CM, FB. L & D, daily; B, Sat. & Sun. only. 1635 Wells Rd. 644-7731. $$ GATOR’S DOCKSIDE F For 18-plus years, the sports-themed family restaurant has served wings, ribs, entrees, sandwiches. FB. L & D, daily. 9680 Argyle Forest Blvd. 425-6466. $$ THE HILLTOP CLUB She-crab soup, scallops, prime beef, wagyu beef, chicken Florentine, stuffed grouper. Chef Nick’s salmon is a favorite. FB. D, Tue.-Sat. 2030 Wells Rd. 272-5959. $$ JOEY MOZARELLAS The Italian restaurant’s specialty is a 24-slice pizza: 18”x26” of fresh ingredients and sauces made

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OLIO MARKET F Freshly prepared sandwiches, salads, soups and entrées. In the Churchwell Lofts building, Olio partners eclectic tastes with Old World ambiance in a casual renovated space. L, Mon.-Fri.; late Art Walk. 301 E. Bay St. 356-7100. $$ THE SKYLINE DINING & CONFERENCE CENTER Weekday lunch includes salad bar, hot meals and a carving station. L, Mon.-Fri.; L, Sun. upon request. FB. 50 N. Laura St., Ste. 3550. 791-9797. $$ VITO’S ITALIAN CAFE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Vito’s serves authentic Italian oven-baked pasta dishes, pizza, veal, chicken and seafood items made with fresh ingredients. CM, FB. L & D, daily. The Jacksonville Landing, Ste. 174. 355-0064. $$ ZODIAC GRILL F Serving Mediterranean cuisine and American favorites, with a popular lunch buffet. FB. L & D, daily. 120 W. Adams St. 354-8283. $

Mossfire Grill serves up a varied menu of Southwestern cuisine, including goat cheese enchiladas, fresh fish tacos and gouda quesadillas on Margaret Street, a stone’s throw from the Five Points intersection. daily. CM, TO. L & D, daily. 930 Blanding Blvd. 579-4748. $$ PASTA MARKET & CLAM BAR F Family-owned-and-operated. Gourmet pizza, veal, chicken, mussels, shrimp, grouper. The pastas: spaghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, calzones, linguini, ravioli, made with fresh ingredients, homemade-style. Daily specials. CM, BW, sangria. 1930 Kingsley Ave. 276-9551. D, nightly. $$ POMPEII COAL-FIRED PIZZA F Pizzas are baked in coal-fired ovens. Popular pizzas include Health Choice and Mozzarella. Coal-fired sandwiches and wings, too. BW. L & D, daily. 2134 Park Ave. 264-6116. $$ THE ROADHOUSE F Burgers, wings, deli sandwiches and popular lunches are served. FB. L & D, daily. 231 Blanding Blvd. 264-0611. $ THAI GARDEN F Traditional Thai cuisine made with fresh ingredients, served in a relaxed atmosphere. Curry dishes and specialty selections with authentic Thai flavors. BW. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, nightly. 10 Blanding Blvd., Ste. A. 272-8434. $$


AL’S PIZZA F Homemade breads, pizza, white pizza, Homemade breads, pizza, white pizza, calzones and Italian entrees. Voted Best Pizza in Jax by Folio Weekly readers from 1996-2011. BW. L & D, daily. 635 A1A. 543-1494. $ AQUA GRILL Upscale cuisine includes fresh seafood, Angus steaks, Maine lobster and vegetarian dishes. Outdoor patio seating. FB. L, Mon.-Sat.; D, nightly. 950 Sawgrass Village Dr. 285-3017. $$$ BRUCCI’S PIZZA F Authentic New York-style pizza, Italian pastas, paninis, desserts. Family atmosphere. CM. L & D, daily. 880 A1A, Ste. 8. 280-7677. $$ CAFFE ANDIAMO Traditional Italian cuisine features fresh seafood, veal, homemade pastas and wood-fired pizza prepared in a copper clad oven. An extensive wine list is offered in a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Dine indoors or Out on the terrace. L & D, daily. 500 Sawgrass Village. 280-2299. $$$ LULU’S WATERFRONT GRILLE F On the Intracoastal Waterway, LuLu’s can be reached by car or by boat. Seafood, steaks and pasta dishes with a sophisticated flair. FB. L & D, daily; Sun. brunch. 301 N. Roscoe Blvd. 285-0139. $$ NINETEEN AT TPC SAWGRASS In Sawgrass’ Tournament Players Club, Nineteen features more than 230 wines and freshly prepared American and Continental cuisine, including local seafood, served inside or al fresco on the verandah. L & D, daily. 110 Championship Way. 273-3235. $$$ PUSSER’S BAR & GRILLE F Freshly prepared Caribbean cuisine, including red snapper Ponte Vedra Jamaican grilled pork ribs and barbecued salmon tower. Tropical rum drinks feature Pusser’s Painkiller. FB. L & D, daily. 816 A1A N., Ste. 100. 280-7766. L, $$; D, $$ RESTAURANT MEDURE Chef Matthew Medure offers his eclectic cuisine featuring local and imported seafood with Southern and Asian influences. F/B. D, Mon.-Sat. 818 A1A N. 543-3797. $$$ RUTH’S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE Best of Jax 2011 winner. See San Marco. 8141 A1A. 285-0014. $$$$ 619 OCEAN VIEW Dining with a Mediterranean touch, featuring fresh seafood, steaks and nightly specials. FB, CM. D, Wed.-Sun. 619 Ponte Vedra Blvd., Cabana Beach Club. 285-6198. $$$ URBAN FLATS Ancient world-style flatbread is paired with fresh

regional and seasonal ingredients in wraps, flatwiches and entrées, served in a casual, urban atmosphere. An international wine list is offered. FB. L & D, daily. 330 A1A N. 280-5515. $$


AJ’S ON PARK STREET F AJ’s is a casual barbecue spot serving smoked St. Louis-style ribs, pulled pork, smoked brisket, seafood and dishes made with a Latin touch. L & D, Mon.-Fri. 630 Park St. 359-0035. $$ AL’S PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 1620 Margaret St. 388-8384. $ BAKERY MODERNE F The neighborhood bakery offers classic pastries, artisanal breads, seasonal favorites, all made from scratch, including popular petit fours and custom cakes. B & L, daily. 869 Stockton St., Ste. 6, Riverside. 389-7117. $ CARMINE’S PIE HOUSE F The Italian eatery serves pizza by the slice, gourmet pizzas, appetizers, classic Italian dishes — calzone, stromboli, subs, panini — wings, and microbrews in a casual atmosphere. BW, CM, TO. 2677 Forbes St. 387-1400. $$ COOL MOOSE F Classic sandwiches, eclectic wraps and desserts. An extensive gourmet coffee menu with Green Mountain coffees and frozen coffee drinks. B & L, daily. Brunch, Sun. 2708 Park St. 381-4242. $ CROSS CREEK See Springfield. 850 S. Lane Ave. 783-9579. $$ EUROPEAN STREET CAFÉ F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See San Marco. 2753 Park St. 384-9999. $ GATOR’S DOCKSIDE F See Orange Park. 6677 103rd St., Westside, 777-6135. $$ GRASSROOTS NATURAL MARKET F A deli, organic and natural grocery, and juice & smoothie bar offers teas, coffees, gourmet cheeses; natural, organic and raw items. Grab-and-go sandwiches, salads and sides. Craft beers, organic wines. B, L & D, Mon.-Sat.; L, Sun. 2007 Park St. 384-4474. $ HJ’S BAR & GRILL Traditional American fare: burgers, sandwiches, wraps and platters of ribs, shrimp and fish. CM, FB. L & D, Sat. & Sun., D, Mon.-Fri. 8540 Argyle Forest Blvd., Ste. 1. 317-2783. $$ HOVAN MEDITERRANEAN GOURMET F Dine inside or on the patio. Mediterranean entrées include lamb, and beef gyros. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 2005-1 Park St. 381-9394. $ JACKSONS GRILL The locally owned spot’s original menu has fried pickle chips, Rockin’ Ranch burgers, gumbo, sandwiches. BW, TO. B, L & D, daily. 1522 King St. 384-8984. $$ JOHNNY’S DELI & GRILL F A Riverside tradition, serving 60+ fresh deli and grill items, including hot sandwiches. L, Mon.-Fri. 474 Riverside Ave. 356-8055. $ KICKBACKS GASTROPUB F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The neighborhood hot spot serves pub favorites 20 hours a day, every day. The full bar has over 655 bottled beers, 84 on tap. Outdoor seating. CM. 910 King St. 388-9551. $$ MONROE’S SMOKEHOUSE BBQ Smoked meats include wings, pulled pork, brisket, turkey and ribs. Homemade-style sides include green beans, baked beans, red cole slaw, collards. BW, CM. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 4838 Highway Ave., 389-5551. $$ MOON RIVER PIZZA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Amelia Island. 1176 Edgewood Ave. S. 389-4442. $ MOSSFIRE GRILL F Southwestern menu with ahi tuna tacos,

goat cheese enchiladas and gouda quesadillas. Dine inside or on the patio. FB. L & D, daily. 1537 Margaret St. 355-4434. $$ O’BROTHERS IRISH PUB F Innovative Irish fare and traditional faves are offered, like lambburger with Stilton crust, Guinness mac & cheese, Shepherd’s pie and fish-n-chips — plus 18 beers on tap. L, daily except Mon.; D, daily. CM, FB. 1521 Margaret St. 854-9300. $$ PERARD’S PIZZA & ITALIAN CUISINE F Traditional Italian fare is prepared with fresh sauces and dough made from scratch daily, along with a large selection of gourmet pizza toppings. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 11043 Crystal Springs Rd., Ste. 2. 378-8131. $ PERFECT RACK BILLIARDS F Upscale billiards hall has burgers, steak, deli sandwiches, wings. Family-friendly, nonsmoking. BW, CM. L & D, daily. 1186 Edgewood Ave. S., Murray Hill. 738-7645. $ PIZZA PALACE ON PARK F See San Marco. Outdoor seating. 920 Margaret St., 5 Points. 598-1212. $$ SAKE HOUSE F Japanese grill and sushi bar features sushi, sashimi, katsu, tempura, hibachi and specialty rolls. CM, BW, sake. L & D, daily. 824 Lomax St. 301-1188. $$ SUMO SUSHI F Authentic Japanese fare, traditional to entrees and sushi rolls, spicy sashimi salad, gyoza (pork dumpling), tobiko (flying fish roe), Rainbow roll (tuna, salmon, yellowtail, Calif. roll). BW, CM. L & D, daily. 2726 Park St. 388-8838. $$ SUSHI CAFÉ The café in Riverside Publix Plaza features a variety of sushi, including the popular Monster Roll and the Jimmy Smith Roll, along with faves like Rock-n-Roll and Dynamite Roll. Sushi Café also offers hibachi, tempura, katsu and teriyaki. BW. Dine indoors or on the patio. L & D, daily. 2025 Riverside Ave. 384-2888. $$ TASTI D-LITE Health-conscious desserts include smoothies, shakes, sundaes, cakes and pies, made with fresh ingredients with fewer calories and less fat. More than 100 flavors. Open daily. 1024 Park St. 900-3040. $ 13 GYPSIES F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The neighborhood eatery is intimate and casual, serving tapas, shrimp dishes, salads and pressed sandwiches made from scratch. BW. L & D, Tue.-Sat. 887 Stockton St. 389-0330. $$ TWO DOORS DOWN F Former Tad’s owner offers traditional faves: hotcakes, omelets, burgers, pork chops, liver & onions, fried chicken, sides and desserts. CM, TO. B & L, Mon.-Fri. 436 Park St. 598-0032. $ WALKERS The nightspot has a tapas menu plus a wide variety of wines, served in a rustic, intimate atmosphere. BW. Tue.-Sat. 2692 Post St. 894-7465. $ WASABI JAPANESE BUFFET F AYCE buffet. Sushi bar, sashimi, hibachi, teriyaki, tempura, steak, seafood. BW. L & D, daily. 1014 Margaret St., Ste. 1, 5 Points. 301-1199. $$


A1A ALE WORKS F The Ancient City’s only brew pub taps seven hand-crafted ales and lagers. A1A specializes in innovative New World cuisine. FB. L & D, daily. 1 King St. 829-2977. $$ AMICI ITALIAN RESTAURANT F A family-owned-andoperated Italian restaurant offers traditional pasta, veal, steak and seafood dishes. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 1915B A1A S., St. Augustine Beach. 461-0102. $$ ANN O’MALLEY’S F Fresh handmade sandwiches, soups, salads and perfectly poured Guinness. Favorites include Reubens and chicken salad. CM, BW, Irish beers on tap. L & D, daily. 23 Orange St. 825-4040. $$ BARNACLE BILL’S F For 30 years, the family restaurant has

served seafood, oysters, gator tail, steak and the popular fried shrimp. FB, CM, TO. L & D daily; 14 Castillo Drive, 824-3663. $$ THE BLACK MOLLY BAR & GRILL Fresh, local seafood, steaks and pasta dishes in a casual atmosphere. FB, CM. L & D daily. 504 Geoffrey St., Cobblestone Plaza. 547-2723. $$ BORRILLO’S PIZZA & SUBS F Specialty pizzas are Borrillo’s Supreme (extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage), white and vegetarian pizzas. Subs and pasta dinners. L & D, daily. 88 San Marco Ave. 829-1133. $ CAFÉ ATLANTICO Traditional and new Italian dishes served in an intimate space. Master Chef Paolo Pece prepares risotto alla pescatora, with shrimp, scallops and seasonal shellfish, in a parmesan cheese basket. BW. D, nightly. 647 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach. 471-7332. $$$ CAFÉ ELEVEN F Serving eclectic cuisine like feta spinach egg croissant, apple turkey sandwich, pear-berry salad. Daily chef creations. BW. B, L & D, daily. 501 A1A Beach Blvd. 460-9311. B, $; L & D, $$ CAP’S ON THE WATER F The Vilano Beach mainstay offers coastal cuisine – tapas platters, cioppino, fresh local shrimp, raw oyster bar – indoors or on an oak-shaded deck. Boat access. FB. L, Fri.-Sun., D, nightly. 4325 Myrtle St., Vilano Beach. 824-8794. $$ CARMELO’S PIZZERIA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Authentic New York style brick-oven-baked pizza, fresh baked sub rolls, Boars Head meats and cheeses, fresh salads, calzones, strombolis and sliced pizza specials. BW. L & D, daily. 146 King St. 494-6658. $$ CELLAR 6 ART GALLERY & WINE BAR Wolfgang Puck coffees, handmade desserts and light bistro-style fare amid local art. BW. Mon.-Sat. 6 Aviles St. 827-9055. $$ CREEKSIDE DINERY Creekside serves beef, chicken and seafood, with an emphasis on low-country cooking. Outdoor deck with a fire pit. FB. D, nightly. 160 Nix Boatyard Rd. 829-6113. $$ CRUISERS GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 3 St. George St. 824-6993. $ THE FLORIDIAN The downtown restaurant serves innovative Southern fare, made with local farmers’ local food. Signature items: fried green tomato bruschetta, ’N’grits with shrimp, fish or tofu. L & D, Wed.-Mon. 39 Cordova St. 829-0655. $$ GYPSY CAB COMPANY F Best of Jax 2011 winner. International menu features large portions, reasonable prices. FB. L & D, daily. 828 Anastasia Blvd. 824-8244. $$ HARRY’S SEAFOOD BAR & GRILLE F In a historic, two-story house, the New Orleans-style eatery has fresh seafood, steaks, jambalaya, etouffée and shrimp. FB. L & D, daily. 46 Avenida Menendez. 824-7765. $$ KINGFISH GRILL At Vilano Bridge’s west end, Kingfish Grill offers casual waterside dining indoors and on the deck, featuring fresh daily catch, house specialties and sushi. FB, CM. L & D, daily. 252 Yacht Club Drive. 824-2111. $$ KINGS HEAD BRITISH PUB F Authentic Brit pub serves fish & chips, Cornish pastie and steak & kidney pie. Tap beers are Guinness, Newcastle and Bass. BW. L & D, Wed.-Sun. 6460 U.S. 1 (4 miles N. of St. Augustine Airport.) 823-9787. $$ THE MANATEE CAFÉ F Serving healthful cuisine using organically grown fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. B & L, daily. 525 S.R. 16, Ste. 106, Westgate Plaza. 826-0210. $ MANGO MANGO’S BEACHSIDE BAR & GRILL F Caribbean kitchen has comfort food with a tropical twist: coconut shrimp and fried plantains. BW, CM. Outdoor dining. 700 A1A Beach Blvd., (A Street access) St. Augustine Beach. 461-1077. $$ MILL TOP TAVERN F A St. Auggie institution housed in an 1884 building, serving nachos, soups, sandwiches and daily

WINE TASTINGS ANJO LIQUORS 5-8 p.m. every Thur. 9928 Old Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 1, 646-2656 AROMAS CIGAR & WINE BAR Call for schedule. 4372 Southside Blvd., 928-0515 BLUE BAMBOO 5:30-7:30 p.m., every first Thur. 3820 Southside Blvd., 646-1478 BLU TAVERN 6-8 p.m. every last Tue. 1635 Wells Rd., Orange Park, 644-7731 COPPER TOP SOUTHERN AMERICAN CUISINE 6-8 p.m. every Wed. 1712 Beach Blvd., Jax Beach, 249-4776 DAMES POINT MARINA Every 3rd Wed. 4518 Irving Rd., Northside, 751-3043 THE GIFTED CORK Tastings daily. 64 Hypolita St., St. Augustine, 810-1083 THE GRAPE 5-7:30 p.m. every Wed.; 1-4 p.m. every Sat. 10281 Midtown Pkwy., Ste. 119, SJTC, 642-7111 THE GROTTO 6-8 p.m. every Thur. 2012 San Marco Blvd., 398-0726 MONKEY’S UNCLE LIQUORS 5-8 p.m. every Fri. 1850 S. Third St., Jax Beach, 246-1070 NORTH BEACH BISTRO 6-8 p.m. every Tue. 725 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 6, Atlantic Beach, 372-4105 OCEAN 60 6-8 p.m every Mon. 60 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 247-0060 O’KANE’S IRISH PUB 6:30 p.m. every 3rd Tue. 318 Centre

St., Fernandina Beach, 261-1000 PUSSERS CARIBBEAN GRILL 6 p.m. every second Fri. 816 A1A N., Ste. 100, Ponte Vedra Beach, 280-7766 RIVERSIDE LIQUORS 5-8 p.m. every Fri. 1035 Park St., Five Points, 356-4517 THE TASTING ROOM 6-8 p.m. every first Tue. 25 Cuna St., St. Augustine, 810-2400 TASTE OF WINE Daily. 363 Atlantic Blvd., Ste. 9, Atlantic Beach, 246-5080 III FORKS PRIME STEAKHOUSE 5-6:30 p.m. every Mon. 9822 Tapestry Circle, Ste. 111, SJTC, 928-9277 TOTAL WINE & MORE Noon-6 p.m. every Fri. & Sat. 4413 Town Center Pkwy., Ste. 300, 998-1740 URBAN FLATS 5-8 p.m. every Wed. 330 A1A N., Ponte Vedra Beach, 280-5515 WHOLE FOODS MARKET 6 p.m. every Thur. 10601 San Jose Blvd., Mandarin, 288-1100 THE WINE BAR 6-8 p.m. every Thur. 320 First St. N., Jax Beach, 372-0211 WINE WAREHOUSE 4-7 p.m. every Fri. 665 Atlantic Blvd., Atlantic Beach, 246-6450 4434 Hendricks Ave., San Marco, 448-6782 1188 Edgewood Ave. S., Riverside, 389-9997 4085 A1A S., St. Augustine Beach, 471-9900

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NAME: Rocco Russo RESTAURANT: Spy Global Cuisine & Lounge, 21 Hypolita St., St. Augustine BIRTHPLACE: Brooklyn, New York YEARS IN THE BUSINESS: 22 FAVORITE RESTAURANT (OTHER THAN MY OWN): La Mellas, New York City FAVORITE COOKING STYLE: Italian, French, Mediterranean. FAVORITE INGREDIENTS: Basil, tomatoes, olives. IDEAL MEAL: Clams on the half-shell and cold beer on the Jersey shore.

Walter Coker

WOULDN’T EAT IF YOU PAID ME: Rocky Mountain oysters. CRAZIEST RESTAURANT EXPERIENCE: All memorable, all crazy, love this job. INSIDER’S SECRET: If you can’t hustle, find a new career. CELEBRITY SIGHTINGS: Joe Pesci CULINARY GUILTY PLEASURE: Chocolate

specials. Dine inside or on open-air decks. At the big mill wheel. FB. L & D, daily. 19 1/2 St. George St. 829-2329. $$ OASIS RESTAURANT & DECK F Just a block from the ocean, with a tropical atmosphere and open-air deck. Steamed oysters, crab legs, burgers. CM, FB. B, L & D, daily. 4000 A1A & Ocean Trace Rd., St. Augustine Beach. 471-3424. $ THE PRESENT MOMENT CAFÉ Best of Jax 2011 winner. The cozy café serves organic, vegan and vegetarian dishes, pizza, pastas, hummus and milkshakes — all prepared without meat, dairy, wheat or an oven. Organic BW. TO. B, L & D, Mon.-Sat. 224 W. King St. 827-4499. $ PURPLE OLIVE INTERNATIONAL BISTRO F Family-ownedand-operated, offering specials, fresh artisan breads. Soups, salad dressings and desserts made from scratch. BW. D, Tue.Sat. 4255 A1A S., Ste. 6, St. Augustine Beach. 461-1250. $$ RAINTREE In a Victorian home, Raintree offers a menu with contemporary and traditional international influences. Extensive wine list. FB. D, daily. 102 San Marco Ave. 824-7211. $$$ THE REEF RESTAURANT F Casual oceanfront place has an ocean view from every table. Fresh local seafood, steak, pasta dishes and daily chef specials. Outdoor dining. FB, CM, TO. L & D daily. 4100 Coastal Hwy. A1A, Vilano Beach. 824-8008. $$ SOUTH BEACH GRILL Located off A1A, south of the S.R. 206 bridge, the two-story beachy destination offers casual oceanfront dining and fresh local seafood. Dine indoors or out on a beachfront deck. FB. B, L & D daily. 45 Cubbedge Road, Crescent Beach. 471-8700. $ SPY GLOBAL CUISINE & LOUNGE In the historic district, Spy features James Bond-themed sushi and Mediterraneaninfluenced global cuisine on the seasonal menu, including fresh — never frozen — Hawaiian seafood. Dine indoors or out on the patio. Upstairs lounge, too. Great selection of chilled sakes. BW, CM. D, nightly. 21 Hypolita St. 819-5637. $$$ SUNSET GRILLE Casual Key West style and a seafood-heavy menu — it’s a consistent Great Chowder Debate winner. Specialties include baby back ribs, lobster ravioli, coconut shrimp and datil pepper wings with bleu cheese dressing. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 421 A1A Beach Blvd. 471-5555. $$$ THE TASTING ROOM, WINE & TAPAS Owned by Michael Lugo, the upscale contemporary Spanish restaurant fuses innovative tapas with an extensive wine list. L, Wed.-Sun.; D, nightly. 25 Cuna St. 810-2400. $$


BLACKFINN AMERICAN GRILLE With four dining rooms, BlackFinn offers classic American fare: beef, seafood, pasta, chicken, flatbread sandwiches. Dine indoors or on the patio. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 4840 Big Island Dr. 345-3466. $$ CORNER BISTRO & WINE BAR F Casual fine dining. The menu blends modern American favorites served with international flair. The Fresh Bar offers fine wine, cocktails, martinis. FB. L & D, Tue.-Sun. 9823 Tapestry Park Circle, Ste. 1. 619-1931. $$$ CRUISERS GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 9734 Deer Lake Ct., Ste. 11. 646-2874. $ FIVE GUYS BURGERS & FRIES Best of Jax 2011 winner. 13249 City Square Dr. 751-9711. 9039 Southside Blvd., 538-9100. 4413 Town Center Pkwy., Ste. 401. 996-6900. fiveguys.com $ THE FLAME BROILER Serving food with no transfat, MSG, frying, or skin on meat. Fresh veggies, steamed brown or white rice along with grilled beef, chicken and Korean short ribs are featured. CM, TO. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 9822 Tapestry Park Circle, Ste. 103. 619-2786. $ THE GRAPE BISTRO & WINE BAR F More than 145 wines,

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and gourmet tapas for pairing. Wide beer selection. L & D, daily. 10281 Midtown Parkway, Ste. 119. 642-7111. $$ ISLAND GIRL WINE & CIGAR BAR F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Upscale tropical vibe. Walk-in humidor, pairing apps and desserts with 25 wines, ports by the glass. 220+ wines by the bottle; draft, bottled beer. L & D, daily. 7860 Gate Pkwy., Ste. 115. 854-6060. $$ JOHNNY ANGELS F The menu reflects its ’50s-style décor, including Blueberry Hill pancakes, Fats Domino omelet, Elvis special combo platter. Shakes, malts. B, L & D, daily. 3546 St. Johns Bluff Rd. S., Ste. 120. 997-9850. $ LIBRETTO’S PIZZERIA & ITALIAN KITCHEN F Authentic NYC pizzeria serves Big Apple crust, cheese and sauce, along with third-generation family-style Italian classics, fresh-from-theoven calzones, and desserts in a casual, comfy setting. L & D, daily. 4880 Big Island Dr., Ste. 1. 402-8888. $$ LIME LEAF F Authentic Thai cuisine: fresh papaya salad, pad Thai, mango sweet rice. BW. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, Mon.-Sat. 9822 Tapestry Park Cir., Stes. 108 & 109. 645-8568. $$ MELLOW MUSHROOM PIZZA BAKERS F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Tossed spring water dough, lean meats, veggies and vegetarian choices make up specialty pizzas, hoagies and calzones. FB. L & D, daily. 9734 Deer Lake Court (at Tinseltown). 997-1955. mellowmushroom.com $ MITCHELL’S FISH MARKET F Featuring seafood, an everchanging menu of more than 180 items includes cedar-roasted Atlantic salmon and seared salt-and-pepper tuna. FB, CM. L & D, daily. 5205 Big Island Dr., St. Johns Town Ctr. 645-3474. $$$ MOCHI FROZEN YOGURT Best of Jax 2011 winner. Non-fat, low-calorie, cholesterol-free frozen yogurt is served in flavors that change weekly. Toppings include a variety of fruit and nuts. 4860 Big Island Dr. 807-9292. $ THE ORIGINAL PANCAKE HOUSE F The recipes, unique to the Pancake House, call for only the freshest ingredients. CM. B, L & D, daily. 10208 Buckhead Branch Dr. 997-6088. $$ OTAKI JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE F Family-owned steakhouse has an open sushi bar, hibachi grill tables and an open kitchen. Dine indoor or out. FB, CM, TO. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, nightly. 7860 Gate Parkway, Stes. 119-122. 854-0485. $$$ RENNA’S PIZZA F Renna’s serves up New York-style pizza, calzones, subs and lasagna made from authentic Italian recipes. Delivery, CM, BW. 4624 Town Crossing Dr., Ste. 125, St. Johns Town Center. 565-1299. rennaspizza.com $$ SEVEN BRIDGES GRILLE & BREWERY F Innovative menu of fresh local grilled seafood, sesame tuna, grouper Oscar, chicken, steak and pizza. Microbrewed ales and lagers. FB. L & D, daily. 9735 Gate Pkwy. N. 997-1999. $$ SOUTHSIDE ALE HOUSE F Steaks, seafood, sandwiches. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 9711 Deer Lake Court. 565-2882. $$ STEAMERS CAFE F Steamers’ menu has all-natural and organic items, including wraps, sandwiches, subs, soups, steamer bowls, smoothies and fresh juices. Daily lunch specials. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 4320 Deerwood Lake Parkway, Ste. 106. 646-4527. $ SUITE Best of Jax 2011 winner. The St. Johns Town Center premium lounge and restaurant offers chef-driven small plates and an extensive list of specialty cocktails, served in a sophisticated atmosphere. FB. D & late-nite, nightly. 4880 Big Island Dr., Ste. 1. 493-9305. $$ TAVERNA YAMAS The Greek restaurant serves char-broiled kabobs, seafood and traditional Greek wines and desserts. FB. L & D daily. 9753 Deer Lake Court. 854-0426. $$ URBAN FLATS F See Ponte Vedra. CM. FB. L & D, daily. 9726 Touchton Road. 642-1488. $$ WASABI JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE & SUSHI BAR F Authentic Japanese cuisine, teppanyaki shows and a full sushi menu. CM.

L & D, daily. 10206 River Coast Dr. 997-6528. $$ WHISKY RIVER F Best of Jax 2011 winner. At St. Johns Town Center’s Plaza, Whisky River features wings, pizza, wraps, sandwiches and burgers served in a lively car racing-themed atmosphere (Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s the owner). FB. CM. L & D, daily. 4850 Big Island Drive. 645-5571. $$ WILD WING CAFÉ F Serving up 33 flavors of wings, as well as soups, sandwiches, wraps, ribs, platters and burgers. FB. 4555 Southside Blvd. 998-9464. $$ YUMMY SUSHI F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Teriyaki, tempura, hibachi-style dinners, sushi & sashimi. Sushi lunch roll special. BW, sake. L & D, daily. 4372 Southside Blvd. 998-8806. $$


ATHENS CAFÉ F Serving authentic Greek cuisine: lamb, seafood, veal and pasta dishes. BW. L & D, daily. 6271 St. Augustine Rd., Ste. 7. 733-1199. $$ CRUISERS GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Beaches. 5613 San Jose Blvd., Ste. 1. 737-2874. $ DICK’S WINGS F NASCAR-themed family style sports place serves wings, buffalo tenders, burgers and chicken sandwiches. CM. BW. L & D, daily. 1610 University Blvd. W. 448-2110. dickswingsandgrill.com $ MOJO BAR-B-QUE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The Southern Blues kitchen serves pulled pork, brisket and North Carolinastyle barbecue. TO, BW. L & D, daily. 1607 University Blvd. W. 732-7200. $$


BASIL THAI & SUSHI F Offering Thai cuisine, including pad Thai and curry dishes, and sushi in a relaxing atmosphere. L & D, Mon.-Sat. BW. 1004 Hendricks Ave. 674-0190. $$ b.b.’s F Best of Jax 2011 winner. A bistro menu is served in an upscale atmosphere, featuring almond-crusted calamari, tuna tartare and wild mushroom pizza. FB. L & D, Mon.-Fri.; brunch & D, Sat. 1019 Hendricks Ave. 306-0100. $$$ BISTRO AIX F French, Mediterranean-inspired fare, awardwinning wines, wood-fired pizzas, house-made pastas, steaks, seafood. Indoor, outdoor dining. FB. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, nightly. 1440 San Marco Blvd. 398-1949. $$$ CHECKER BBQ & SEAFOOD F Chef Art Jennette serves barbecue, seafood and comfort food, including pulled-pork, fried white shrimp and fried green tomatoes. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 3566 St. Augustine Rd. 398-9206. $ EUROPEAN STREET F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Big sandwiches, soups, desserts and more than 100 bottled and ontap beers. BW. L & D, daily. 1704 San Marco Blvd. 398-9500. $ THE GROTTO F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Wine by the glass. Tapas-style menu offers a cheese plate, empanadas bruschetta, chocolate fondue. BW. 2012 San Marco Blvd. 398-0726. $$ HAVANA-JAX CAFÉ/CUBA LIBRE BAR LOUNGE F Authentic Latin American fine dining: picadillo, ropa vieja, churrasco tenderloin steak, Cuban sandwiches. L & D, Mon.-Sat. CM, FB. 2578 Atlantic Blvd. 399-0609. $ LAYLA’S OF SAN MARCO Fine dining in the heart of San Marco. Traditional Middle Eastern cuisine, served inside or outside on the hookah and cigar patio. BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat.; D, Sun. 2016 Hendricks Ave. 398-4610. $$ MATTHEW’S Chef’s tasting menu or seasonal à la carte menu featuring an eclectic mix of Mediterranean ingredients. Dress is business casual, jackets optional. FB. D, Mon.-Sat. 2107 Hendricks Ave. 396-9922. $$$$ METRO DINER F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Historic 1930s diner offers award-winning breakfast and lunch. Fresh seafood and Southern cooking. Bring your own wine. B & L, daily. 3302 Hendricks Ave. 398-3701. $$ MORTON’S, THE STEAKHOUSE Morton’s specializes in generous portions of USDA prime aged beef as well as fresh fish and lobster. The tableside menu presentation features every item described by the server. FB, TO. D, nightly. 1510 Riverplace Blvd. 399-3933. $$$ THE OLIVE TREE MEDITERRANEAN GRILL F Mediterranean homestyle healthy plates: hummus, tebouleh, grape leaves, gyros, potato salad, kibbeh, spinach pie, Greek salad, daily specials. L & D, Mon.-Fri. 1705 Hendricks Ave. 396-2250. $$ PIZZA PALACE F At Pizza Palace, it’s all homemade from Mama’s award-winning recipes: spinach pizza and chickenspinach calzones. BW. L & D, daily. 1959 San Marco Blvd. 399-8815. $$ PULP F The juice bar offers fresh juices, frozen yogurt, teas, coffees; 30 kinds of smoothies, with flavored soy milks, organic frozen yogurt, granola. Daily. 1962 San Marco Blvd. 396-9222. $ RUTH’S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE Consistent Best of Jax winner. Midwestern prime beef, fresh seafood, upscale atmosphere. FB. D, daily. 1201 Riverplace Blvd. 396-6200. $$$$ SAKE HOUSE See Riverside. 1478 Riverplace Blvd. 306-2188. $$ SAN MARCO DELI F Independently owned & operated classic diner serves grilled fish, turkey burgers. Vegetarian options, including tempeh. Mon.-Sat. 1965 San Marco Blvd. 399-1306. $ TAVERNA Tapas, small-plate items, Neapolitan-style wood-fired pizzas and entrées are served in a rustic yet upscale interior. BW, TO. L & D, Tue.-Sat. 1986 San Marco Blvd. 398-3005. $$$ VINO’S PIZZA F See Julington. The San Marco location offers a lunch buffet. L & D, daily. 1430 San Marco Blvd. 683-2444. $


AROMAS BEER HOUSE Offers customer favorites like ahi tuna with a sweet soy sauce reduction, backyard burger, triple-meat French dip. FB. L & D, daily. 4372 Southside Blvd. 928-0515. $$ BISTRO 41° F Casual dining features fresh, homemade breakfast and lunch dishes in a relaxing atmosphere. TO. B & L, Mon.-Fri. 3563 Philips Hwy., Ste. 104. 446-9738. $ BLUE BAMBOO Contemporary Asian-inspired cuisine includes rice-flour calamari, seared Ahi tuna, pad Thai. Street eats: barbecue duck, wonton crisps. BW. L, Mon.-Fri.; D, Mon.-Sat. 3820 Southside Blvd. 646-1478. $$ BOMBA’S SOUTHERN HOME COOKING F The neighborhood comfort spot offers Southern homestyle fare, featuring fresh veggies. Outside dining is available. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 8560 Beach Blvd. 997-2291. $$ BUCA DI BEPPO Italian dishes served family-style in an eclectic, vintage setting. Half-pound meatballs are a specialty. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 10334 Southside Blvd. 363-9090. $$$ CITY BUFFET CHINESE RESTAURANT F An extensive selection of Chinese fare, including beef, fish, crabs, chicken, pork, desserts, ice cream, at its all-you-can-eat buffet. BW, CM. L & D, daily. 5601 Beach Blvd. 345-2507. $ EL POTRO F Family-friendly, casual, El Potro cooks it fresh, made-to-order – fast, hot, simple. Daily specials and buffet at most locations. BW. L & D, daily. 5871 University Blvd. W., 7330844. 11380 Beach Blvd., 564-9977. elpotrorestaurant.com $ EUROPEAN STREET F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See San Marco. 5500 Beach Blvd. 398-1717. $ GENE’S SEAFOOD F Serving fresh Mayport shrimp, fish, oysters, scallops, gator tail, steaks and combos. L & D, daily. 11702 Beach Blvd. 997-9738. $$ HALA CAFE & BAKERY F A local institution since 1975 serving house-baked pita bread, kabobs, falafel and daily lunch buffet. TO, BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 4323 University Blvd. S. 733-5141. $$ JENKINS QUALITY BARBECUE See Downtown. 2025 Emerson St. 346-3770. $ LA NOPALERA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. See Intracoastal. 8206 Philips Hwy. 732-9433. $ SPECKLED HEN TAVERN & GRILLE F The stylish gastropub has Southern-style cuisine made with a modern twist: Dishes are paired with international wines and beers, including a large selection of craft and IPA brews. FB. L & D, daily. 9475 Philips Hwy., Ste. 16. 538-0811. $$ SUNSET 30 TAVERN & GRILL F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Located in Latitude 30, Sunset 30 serves familiar favorites, including seafood, steaks, sandwiches, burgers, chicken, pasta and pizza. Dine inside or on the patio. FB. L & D, daily. 10370 Philips Hwy. 365-5555. $$ TOMMY’S BRICK OVEN PIZZA F Premium New York-style pizza from a brick-oven — the area’s original gluten-free pizzeria. Plus calzones, soups and salads; Thumann’s no-MSG meats, Grande cheeses and Boylan soda. BW. L & D, Mon.-Sat. 4160 Southside Blvd., Ste. 2. 565-1999. $$ URBAN ORGANICS The local produce co-op offers seasonal fresh organic vegetables and fruit. Open Mon.-Sat. 5325 Fairmont St. 398-8012. WASABI JAPANESE BUFFET F AYCE sushi and two teppanyaki grill items are included in buffet price. FB. L & D, daily. 9041 Southside Blvd., Ste. 138C. 363-9888. $$


BOSTON’S RESTAURANT & SPORTSBAR F A full menu of sportsbar faves; pizzas till 2 a.m. Dine inside or on the patio. FB, TO. L & D, daily. 13070 City Station Dr., River City Marketplace. 751-7499. $$ CASA MARIA F Best of Jax 2011 winner. The family-owned restaurant serves authentic Mexican fare, including fajitas and seafood. The specialty is tacos de azada. CM, FB. L & D, daily. 12961 N. Main St., Ste. 104. 757-6411. $$ JENKINS QUALITY BARBECUE See Downtown. 5945 New Kings Rd. 765-8515. $ JOSEPH’S PIZZA & ITALIAN RESTAURANT F Gourmet pizzas, pastas. Authentic Italian entrees like eggplant parmigiana, shrimp scampi. BW. L & D, daily. 7316 N. Main St. 765-0335. $$ MILLHOUSE STEAKHOUSE F A locally-owned-and-operated steakhouse with choice steaks from the signature broiler, and seafood, pasta, Millhouse gorgonzola, homemade desserts. CM, FB. D, nightly. 1341 Airport Rd. 741-8722. $$ RIVERCITY ISLAND GRILL & CHILL F Casual fare: seafood, wings, burgers. 10 hi-def TVs, drink specials, club nights. L & D, daily. 13141 City Station Dr. 696-0802. $$ SALSARITA’S FRESH CANTINA F Southwest cuisine made from scratch; family atmosphere. CM, BW. L & D, daily. 840 Nautica Dr., Ste. 131, River City Marketplace. 696-4001. $ THREE LAYERS CAFE F Best of Jax 2011 winner. Lunch, bagels, desserts, and the adjacent Cellar serves fine wines. Inside and courtyard dining. BW. B, L & D, daily. 1602 Walnut St., Springfield. 355-9791. $ 3 LIONS SPORTS PUB & GRILL F The menu features popular favorites: salads, sandwiches and pizza, as well as fine European cuisine. Nightly specials. 2467 Faye Rd., Northside. 647-8625. $$ UPTOWN MARKET F In the 1300 Building at the corner of Third & Main, Uptown serves fresh fare made with the same élan that rules Burrito Gallery. Innovative breakfast, lunch and deli selections. BW, TO. 1303 Main St. N. 355-0734. $$

Flightless Fantasy

“My ultimate dream is to be buried in a deep ocean close to where penguins live,” explained the former Alfred David, 79, otherwise known in his native Belgium as “Monsieur Pingouin” (Mr. Penguin), so named because a 1968 car accident left him with a waddle in his walk which he embraced with gusto. (His wife abandoned the marriage when he made the name change official; evidently, being “Mrs. Penguin” wasn’t what she’d signed up for.) Mr. Pingouin started a penguin-item museum, ultimately totaling 3,500 items, and he created a hooded, full-body black-and-white penguin outfit that, according to a September Reuters dispatch, he wears daily waddling in his Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek.

Inscrutable Asians

Though South Korean children score among the highest in the world on standardized reading and math tests, their success comes at a price, according to Time magazine in October. They supposedly suffer “educational masochism” — punishing themselves by overstudy, especially in high school preparing for university admissions tests (it’s so competitive, even test-coaching schools are picky about accepting students). Earlier this year, to curb the “masochism,” the government began enforcing a 10 p.m. curfew on coaching-school activities, and in Seoul, a six-man team holds nightly after-hours raids on late-night classes behind shuttered windows. Ironically, Time acknowledged, American educational reformers want U.S. students to study harder like Asians do, but Asian reformers want their students to relax, like U.S. students. In America, the quest for perfectly straight teeth can lead to orthodontia bills of thousands of dollars, but in Japan, a dental “defect” — slightly crooked canine teeth — makes young women more fetching, even “adorable,” say many men. Women with the “yaeba” look have canines pushed slightly forward by molars behind them, so the canines develop a fang-like look. One Tokyo dental salon, the Plaisir, recently began offering non-permanent fixtures to replicate the look among straight-toothed women.

Latest Religious Messages

Polls report as many as 57 percent of Russians “notice” signs of a “cult” surrounding Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, according to a Sept. Spiegel Online dispatch, and a chief cult leader is “Mother Fotina,” 62, with a following of thousands among Russian Orthodox practitioners. She believes she’s the reincarnation of Joan of Arc and Putin is St. Paul. “God,” she said, “has appointed Putin to Russia to prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.” Mother Fotina was a convicted embezzler in the ’90s, and critics suspect her devotion to Putin is a ruse to deflect law-enforcement attention. Sheriff ’s deputies in Bergholz, Ohio, arrested three Amish men in October, charging them in home invasions in which other Amish men and women had their beards and hair cut off — supposedly grave insults. The three are part of an 18-family breakaway sect of Amish said to be exacting revenge upon mainstream Amish for insufficiently pious behavior. The “bishop” of the breakaways, Sam Mullet, 65, denied the arrestees acted under his authority.

Questionable Judgments

“Snakeman” Raymond Hoser, of Park

Orchards, Australia, was about to be fined in August for violating his Commercial Wildlife Demonstrator License — by failing to keep at least three meters’ distance between his venomous snakes and the public — when he hit upon a defense: He’d prove he had devenomized the deadly taipan and death adder snakes by letting them bite his 10-year-old daughter on the arm. Though both bites drew blood, the girl was otherwise unhurt. Said Hoser, “[I]f they’d been venomous, she’d have been dead in two minutes.” For the 10-year remembrances of Sept. 11 this year, many cities recalled the tragedy with monuments and public events, including Washington Township, N.J., about 20 miles from Ground Zero. A large commemorative plaque was unveiled, provoking immediate outrage because the only names on it were not of victims, but only the mayor’s and the five councilmembers who approved the plaque. Said one retired police officer, “It made my blood boil.” Mayor Samir Elbassiouny later apologized and ordered a steel overlay to obscure the politicians’ names.

Fine Points of the Law

A judge in Nice, France, ruled in September that Article 215 of the French civil code (defining marriage as a “shared communal life”) in fact requires that husband and wife have sex. A husband identified only as Jean-Louis B. had evidently lost interest years earlier, and his wife was granted a divorce. Apparently emboldened by her victory, she filed a monetary claim against the husband for the 21-year-long lack of sex. The judge awarded her $13,710. It may well be “excessive force” if a sheriff ’s deputy beats and pepper-sprays a black motorist, stopped only because the deputy saw the driver without a fastened seatbelt. A district court judge concluded the force was surely justified, but in August the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit said excessiveness of force was for a jury to evaluate. The deputy’s explanation: The motorist, waiting for the deputy to finish his report, was sitting on a curb eating a bowl of broccoli, and the deputy had to beat him down, he said, out of fear the driver would throw the broccoli at him and then attack him.

People Different from Us

“Urban farming” is growing more popular among city-dwelling progressives committed to eating local foods, but that usually involves gardens in backyards. For Robert McMinn and Jules Corkery, it means raising two chickens in their one-bedroom apartment in New York City, to have a supply of fresh eggs. “I don’t think it’s the ideal situation,” McMinn told the New York Daily News in October. However, he said, the hens are “cute. They’re fun to [watch] run around. They’re excited when we come home.” On the other hand, he said, “[T]hey poop everywhere.”

Least Competent Criminals

Bank Robbers Not Ready for Prime Time: Thomas Love, 40, was arrested in New Castle County, Del., in October after he’d left a WSFS Bank empty-handed. According to police, Love showed a demand note to a teller, who couldn’t make out the writing and handed it back, provoking Love to flee. Chuck Shepherd WeirdNews@earthlink.net NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 45

AUBURN BEAUTY You: short cut-off jean shorts and black shirt with the shoulder straps. Beautiful auburn hair. You came into my work and got a sub. Me: Dark hair with eyebrow pierced. I was making your sub. You are a true beauty and I would like to take you out and see if there’s a spark. Hope to hear from you ;) When: Oct. 25, 2011. Where: Fleming Island. #1213-1101 WHITEY’S FISH CAMP & PATRON SHOTS We met at Whitey’s and had some shots and then I lost you and never got your number. I guess the shots got to me, but not as much as you got to me. Hope you find this; I would like to see you again. When: Oct. 24, 2011. Where: Whitey’s Fish Camp. #1212-1101 MY BROWN EYE GIRL… It was that special night I cannot forget. Looking into your soft brown eyes it made my heart skip a beat and wanted to freeze time so I could forever cherish that moment. When: Oct. 20, 2011. Where: Fresh Off The Bus. #1211-1101 QUIET HANDSOME BARTENDER You: Polite, no frills bartender, working in the front taproom. Just want you to know that you have a nice smile. When: Oct. 20, 2011. Where: Ragtime. #1210-1101 NINJA WENCH… You approached with a hello, several adult beverages later, a misguided GPS, and a night I’ll never forget. Breakfast again soon? And many convos... You know how to find me :) When: Oct. 7, 2011. Where: United States. #1209-1025 WATER BOY! You: Hard-working Zephyr Water boy with light eyes carrying empty water barrels to your truck with a handy sidekick. Me: Blue eyes, dressed up in all black, completely in your way, making light jokes with the older receptionist. We made eye contact more than once in halls. Special delivery! You could be my water boy anytime... :) When: Oct. 18, 2011. Where: C. Serv. Off St. Johns. #1208-1025 SPEED RACER We were running a 5k prediction race. I was with a friend and he was talking a lot during the beginning of the race. He was talking to you and asking you questions. I was standing next to him just listening. You sound like a cool girl. Let’s get dinner some time. When: Sept. 20, 2011. Where: Starbucks parking lot. #1207-1025 LOOKING PRETTY IN THE LIBRARY You were carrying your toddler, looking for a book with a boot on the cover. Things seemed to click with us. I hope I get a chance to see a lot more of you. When: Friday. Where: Library north of JU. #1206-1025 BREW AT THE ZOO You were sampling a piece of aged sirloin as I was saying that “I highly recommended it.” Me: Blonde hair, was wearing a blue polo w/ orange horse, jeans, flip flops. You, Beautiful/natural blonde, brown leg boots and dark jeans. Would love to meet you for real instead of just passing. When: Oct. 7, 2011. Where: Brew at the Zoo. #1205-1018 HOTTIE IN BLUE NIRVANA SHIRT Saw you there, the row behind me singing the words to every song. Smiled at you but was too nervous to do anything. I was in the dark pink tank top the row in front and to your right. When: Oct. 7, 2011. Where: Florida Theatre Death Cab Concert. #1204-1018

but you were alone the last time I saw you. You’re so gorgeous, EXACTLY my type. Hoping you notice me one day. You: handsome, long, curly haired, lean, fit customer at Publix. Me: tall, thin, model chick CASHIER at Publix. When: Sept. 2011. Where: Publix at Southside and Touchton Rd. #1200-1011 BEAUTIFUL LASS IN A 350Z I saw U driving that silver 350Z like it should be driven! Very impressed with your semi-aggressive driving and impressive looks! You turned off Baymeadows onto Western Way around 8 am. I was behind you in a blue Chevy Silverado. When: Sept. 27, 2011. Where: Baymeadows & Western Way. #1199-1004 PRETTIEST GIRL AT THE WEDDING You: Wearing black and white dress, brown hair and hazel eyes. Me: Working event, with brown hair. You caught my eye when you walked in the door. Later we shared a smile as you walked by me. I wish the setting was different. Wasn’t the right time to talk. I wish it was different. So badly wanted to say hi. When: Sept. 24, 2011. Where: Ponte Vedra. #1198-1004 MY FAVORITE BARKEEP You approached me outside Cool Moose. Long time no see. I thought you were gone forever. I have been anxiously waiting your return. Let us drink beer in the park sometime. You pour the beers and I will bring the goblets. You are the man of my daydreams. When: Sept. 14, 2011. Where: Cool Moose Café. #1197-1004 OH OFFICER SCRUMPTIOUS, THANK YOU! Officer B, you took us seriously and we love you for it! Us: Porch-sittin’ women in fear of scary misinformed repo man. You: Pretty blue-eyed MIU who responded and resolved it all. Feel free to stop and share stories anytime. We know we can’t have you but we feel safe and all goosepimply just knowing you’re nearby... When: Sept. 18, 2011. Where: Curbside in my ‘hood. #1196-0927 BE MY PIANO MAN! Me: Working behind the bar. You: Sexy one going to fire school. We talked about me studying religion and you said I should study you while your GF was in the bathroom. Came back to your house and sang Billy Joel all night. Should have tried to kiss you when your GF wasn’t looking. Maybe next time I won’t be scared. When: July 9, 2011. Where: Jax Sports Bar & Grill. #1195-0927

Petite Redhead with a tattoo sleeve. Love that Mario tattoo :) Let’s get together and maybe it will be less awkward without my parents there. When: Sept. 12, 2011. Where: Biscottis. #1193-0927

tion of dark hair and blue eyes, nothing but smiles... I couldn’t dare ask for your number while you were working. Maybe next time ;) When: Sept. 9, 2011. Where: Salt Life. #1185-0920

JERSEY SHORE ROBBERY La première fois! When: Last Winter. Where: UNF library with my ex-girlfriend. So sorry it didn’t work out with her, but so happy it’s working with me! You are a walking piece of artwork, a real Greek Goddess. The best part is that you have the brains to match. Let’s make like atoms and bond! Sincerely yours, nomadic pastry chef. When: Last winter. Where: With my ex-girlfriend. #1192-0927

THIS DAMSEL SAVED BY HERO You came out of nowhere. I wasn’t sure if you were a second mugger trying to take my purse after you floored the first one, but you ran off immediately. Was that a sword on your back? Maybe next time you save me you can leave a number. I thought you were pretty cute ;) When: August 22, 2011. Where: Downtown St. Augustine. #1184-0913

ACHOO AND LOLA Sexy Asian and a monkey with a mohawk, you two drove me crazy. Can’t wait to see you again, lol. When: Sept. 14, 2011. Where: Beach. #1191-0927 U.S. COAST GUARD HOTTIE You were waiting patiently, dressed in uniform looking mighty fine, your half-sleeve tattoo slightly visible. I was with my co-workers learning the iPad2, and I couldn’t focus because you gave me butterflies. I am not sure if you are down with the ladies but I would let you rescue me any day. When: Sept. 9, 2011. Where: Apple Store, St. Johns Town Center. #1190-0920 123 HOTTIE SUPREME! U tattooed my bf, felt an instant connection & been watchin’ longingly from afar ever since. Me: avid gun collector, amateur stalker, want to spend the rest of my life searchin’ for manatees with you! I heart u 747! When: Sept. 11, 2011. Where: Black Anchor Tattoo. #1189-0920 NASCAR CHICK SEEKS EMEDIA NERD You: blond sweet smart shy. Me: brunette bombastic smart fun... can I meet u at DD sometime? I know it is closed but that shouldn’t matter. When: Dec. 2010. Where: That sports-tech company. #1188-0920 SHELL PENDANT GIFT, FLORIDIAN RESTAURANT We were at the Floridian restaurant anniversary show. You: curly blond bob hairdo, vintage floral cottage dress, I couldn’t see your shoes, are you Swedish? I’m the tall long hair.. You gave me a shell necklace and left, I tried to look but you had vanished. I want to see you again and talk... When: Sept. 3, 2011. Where: The Floridian Restaurant. #1187-0920

4-RUNNER HOTTIE In the parking lot at work getting out of your old body 4-Runner but that wasn’t the body I was looking at! You: Blonde curly hair. Me: Guy in white truck. You make me want to come to work early just so I can see you walk up. Maybe one day I will actually walk up with you. When: Sept. 12, 2011. Where: At work. #1194-0927

THE MEXICAN CUISINE SLANGIN’ QUEEN I see the way you treat people in the friendliest ways while you work. I asked you if that was a dinosaur necklace. I had one too but I didn’t have the balls see if you wanted to trade. You are a true beauty. When: Sept. 4, 2011. Where: Downtown. #1186-0920

COMEDIAN WITH TATTOOS You: light-eyed, brown-haired gorgeous server at Biscottis, covered in tattoos. I was with my parents so I was too shy to ask for your number. Me:

BABY, IT’S NOT MY CHILD You kept looking at me holding my best friend’s baby, as if it were mine, grey shirt with a beard that I don’t normally have. You... the perfect combina-

DICK’S WINGS BEAUTIFUL GIRL You were working at Dick’s Wings. You have dark hair and are stunningly beautiful. You were wearing Florida Gators clothes which makes you even better. Let’s have a drink together, I will buy all the Natty you want forever. When: Sept. 3, 2011. Where: Dick’s Wings. #1183-0913 THOSE HANDCUFFS DROVE ME CRAZY You: pulled me over on my way back from the Jags game. Me: missing my shoe and a purse. We talked for a little and I told you to watch “Bridesmaids.” I meant together. I’ll bring my license, you bring flowers and the handcuffs. Stay sweet, officer. When: Sept. 1, 2011. Where: Exit ramp, Highway 202 to Kernan Blvd. #1182-0913 BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS You: Gorgeous blonde/brunette wearing purple shorts, yellow Pauly Shore T-shirt, I am thrilled every time I see you! Me: Ginger guy who wears running shirts. I think it’s time for another adventure? When: Weekly. Where: Commander. #1181-0906 JEEP, VIPER & UVA HAT Although I only see you once a month, you never fail to bring a smile to my face. I think about you often and I hope you feel the same way. I am a petite, tattooed hair-stylist with short platinum hair. I hope to hear from you ;) PS Your quads are great and you sing like an angel. When: Late August. Where: All over Jax. #1180-0906 I’M YOUR VILANO BEACH HERO I pulled your car out of the sand at Vilano Beach on Saturday 8-27-11. I wanted to get your number, but I was on the phone with someone from work and you left too quick. Don’t know why I didn’t ask sooner. When: August 27, 2011. Where: Vilano Beach. #1179-0906 SAX APPEAL You: Blonde, possibly with your parents, wasn’t quite sure. Me: Guy dressed in a blazer playing a saxophone. I felt like you kept trying to make eye contact, and I kept looking away — I really need to work on my confidence at these things. So, if you see this, I’d like to take you out for a coffee sometime. When: August 26, 2011. Where: Mi Casa Café. #1178-0906

To place your free I Saw U love connection, go to folioweekly.com/isawu.php fax 904.260.9773 or snail mail ATTN: I Saw U Folio Weekly, 9456 Philips Hwy., Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256


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BOX # OF LISTING_____________________________


GRAY SWEATPANTS AT LIFESTYLE FITNESS To the short buff guy in a black “gym life” tank top and gray shorts at Lifestyle Fitness. You were looking so hot. You were on the treadmill next to me talking about your time in the Navy, I hope next time you will ask me out. When: Oct. 6, 2011. Where: Lifestyle Fitness. #1203-1018

D.O.B. (NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN YOUR I SAW U)______________________



EMAIL ______________________________________

INSANELY ATTRACTIVE BARTENDER You were the bartender at Burro Bar. I had no idea what to order but you found me something tasty! Then I saw you at ShantyTown once again tending bar but this time I knew what was up and got a root beer. P.S. I liked your glasses! When: Oct. 5, 2011. Where: Burro Bar/ ShantyTown. #1202-1018


DARK & STORMY IN BLACK APRON Was that whiskey on your lips? How delectable. I saw a smile under that beard. Feeling invincible? I’ll introduce myself next time. You: menacing. Me: caught in the storm. When: Sept. 2011. Where: Mojo. #1201-1011 GORGEOUS DUDE LONG CURLY HAIR I see you only once in a while, you hardly ever shop there. You’re usually with friends

46 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

HEADLINE________________________________________________________________________________ SIGHTING LOCATION________________________________________________SIGHTING DATE________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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MESSAGE (OPTIONAL) FOR I SAW U LISTER —15 WORD MAX ___________________________________________





MINIMUM OF 4 WEEKS TO FIND YOUR MISSED LOVE CONNECTION. I Saw U Policies: Folio Weekly reserves the right to edit or refuse any listing or introduction. One listing per person. Listings are for individuals seeking monogamous relationships. I Saw U ads are only for people who have seen someone they’d like to meet. You must be single and 18 years of age or older. Explicit sexual or anatomical wording is prohibited, along with offers of money, trips, employment, living arrangements or gifts in exchange for companionship. No names in ads, please. Listings are printed on a space-available basis.





ARIES (March 21-April 19): Here’s Malcolm Gladwell, writing in “The Tipping Point”: “We need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events, and that sometimes these changes can happen quickly … Look at the world around you. It may seem an immovable, implacable place. It is not. With the slightest push — in just the right place — it can be tipped.” You’re now within shouting distance of your own tipping point. Follow your gut wisdom to decide where to do a firm little push. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Welcome to the autumnal garden of earthly delights. It’s a brooding, fermenting paradise, full of the kind of dark beauty that wouldn’t be caught dead in a spring garden. There’s smoldering joy amid this riotous flowering of moody colors, but you won’t appreciate it if you’re too intent on seeking bright serenity and pristine comfort. Be willing to dirty your hands and your mind. Feel the moss on your back, leaves in your hair and mist on your bare legs. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Here’s a vignette described by columnist Thomas Friedman: “Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked that if you ask a man how much is 2 plus 2 and he tells you 5, that’s a mistake. But if you ask a man how much is 2 plus 2 and he tells you 97, that’s no longer a mistake. The man you’re talking with is operating with a wholly different logic from your own.” For you right now the whole world’s like the man who swears 2 plus 2 is 97. At least temporarily, you’re on a different wavelength from your surroundings. To understand what’s coming toward you, you’ll have to do the equivalent of standing on your head, crossing your eyes and opening your mind as wide as it’ll go. CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you want to grow vanilla beans, you have to pollinate the plant’s flowers within 12 hours after they bloom. In nature, the only insect that can do that is the Melipona, a Mexican bee. Luckily, humans can also be pollinators, on commercial vanilla farms. They use thin wood splinters or stems of grass to perform the delicate magic. I’m thinking you resemble a vanilla bean now. It’s the season when you’re extra receptive to fertilization, but all the conditions have to be just right for it to be successful. Figure out exactly what those conditions are, then call on all your resourcefulness to create them. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Even our most sophisticated drilling machines have barely made pinpricks in the earth’s surface. The deepest hole ever dug was 40,000 feet, which is just 0.2 percent of the planet’s 20-million-foot radius. I offer this to spur your imagination. The weeks ahead are an excellent time to plumb further into the depths of anyplace or anything you’re intrigued by — whether that’s a subject you’ve always wondered about, a person you care for, the mysteries of life or your psyche’s secrets. You may reach the equivalent of five million feet into the Earth’s innards. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): National Geographic speculates most of the species on Earth are still unknown and unnamed (tinyurl.com/UnknownLife). While 1.2 million life forms have been identified, there may be as many as 7.5 million that aren’t, or 86 percent of the total. I suspect this breakdown is like your life. You know about 14 percent of what you need to know, but there’s still a big frontier to explore. The months ahead are prime time to cover a lot of new ground — and now’s a perfect moment to set the stage for that grand experiment. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I suspect you’ll have a minor form of good luck going for you this week. It probably

won’t be enough to score a winning lottery ticket or earn a chance to get the answer to your most fervent prayers, but it may bring you in close proximity to a financial opportunity, a good helper or a resource to subtly boost your stability over the long haul. For best results, don’t invoke your mild blessings to assist in trivial matters like finding parking places or avoiding long check-out lines. Use them for important stuff. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Try to be surprised by something every day,” advises Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book “Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention.” That’s an inspirational idea for everyone all the time, but especially for you now. This is the week of all weeks when you have the best chance of tinkering with your rhythm so it’ll thrive on delightful unpredictability. Are you brave enough to capitalize on the opportunity? I think so. Concentrate on cultivating changes that feel exciting and life-enhancing. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Dear Rob: I was born on Nov. 30, and am quite attached to having it as a birthdate. But there’s a complication. While in Iraq in 2006, I was half-blown up by a bomb, and had a near-death experience. When I returned from my excursion to the land of the dead, I felt I’d been born anew. Which is why I now also celebrate Sept. 24, the date of the bombing, as my second birthday. What do you think? — Two-Way Tamara.” Dear Two-Way: We’d all benefit from having at least one dramatic rebirth in the course of our lives, though hopefully not in such a wrenching way as yours. In fact, a fresh rebirth every few years or so would be quite healthy. If it means adding additional astrological identities to our repertoire, so much the better. Thanks for bringing this up, as it’s an excellent time for Sagittarians everywhere to seek an exhilarating renewal. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Social climbers are people focused on gaining higher status in whatever circle of people they regard as cool, even to the point of engaging in fawning or ingratiating behavior. Soul climbers, on the other hand, foster the power of their imagination, keep deepening their connection with life’s intriguing enigmas and explore the intersection of self-interest and generosity toward others. According to my astrological omen-reading, you could go far in either direction during the weeks ahead — but not both. Which will you choose? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Daniel Fowler is an Australian who has more giraffe tattoos on his shoulders than any other human on the planet. So says the Universal Record Database at Recordsetter.com. Meanwhile, Darryl Learie is now the only person to ever insert three steak knives into an inflated balloon and Billy Disney managed to inject a world-record 31 sexual innuendoes into a rap song about potatoes. What could or should be your claim to fame? This is an excellent time to try to establish your reputation as the best at your specific talent. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “You have to know how far to go too far,” said poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau. I reckon that’s good advice. You’re at a phase of your astrological cycle when you really can’t afford to keep playing by all the rules and staying inside the proper boundaries. For the sake of your physical, psychological and spiritual health, you need to wander out beyond the limits that you’ve been so faithfully respecting. And yet, on the other hand, it’d be a mistake to claim you have a right to stop at nothing. Know how far to go too far. Rob Brezsny freewillastrology@freewillastrology.com NOVEMBER 1-7, 2011 | FOLIO WEEKLY | 47

FOLIO WEEKLY PUZZLER by Merl Reagle. Presented by

Florida’s Finest Jeweler SAN MARCO 2044 SAN MARCO BLVD. 398-9741



330 A1A NORTH 280-1202

10300 SOUTHSIDE BLVD. 394-1390


Another Lovin’ Spooner-ful ACROSS Plastic alternative Anesthetized Bridge coup “Stouthearted Men,” e.g. 1952 Olympics host Grasping distance Kiva builder Hi on an island Good day’s work for a termite? Zenith’s opposite Gave in on Taoism founder, ___tzu Rub the wrong way Varnish ingredient Acetyl addition Half of the ropes? “Vous ___” Where Stein does his calculations? Silent stage star Depart by jet (with “of”) Soup kitchen snoop? Harbor deepener Seemingly forever “Peace ___ time” 401 Dawn goddess Betray, in a way Wt. or vol. Your one-stop sinus shop? It’s game Root used in perfume Detest Classification Best way to deal with life’s frustrations, to a badminton coach? Noted No. 2 son To ___ phrase Omelet option Glass part Globe Theatre’s nickname? In the past Unconnected Espectador’s reaction Fiery feeling

1 5 10 14 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 36 39 41 42 47 51 52 53 54 55 60 61 63 64 66 68 69 74 76 77 78 81 84 86 88 89 1




90 92 93 95 100 102

103 108 109 112 113 114 115 116 118 120 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5


Kitchen gadget Gillette razor Thingamajig Symbols of Jimmy Buffett’s Florida? Puts forth, as a case Secret (and potentially cataclysmic) substance in Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle” Fat Albert? Crazy about “So it was you!” In demand Hosp. units Potter of “M*A*S*H,” for ex. Sioux Falls to Sioux City: abbr. Nixon’s undoing Value system “Greet” women, sailorstyle? “Choppers” Bruins legend and family Film splices Beach washer Brass or pewter, e.g. Baby’s word Aspect Frigg’s husband DOWN Strep throat bacteria Pasty-faced Iditarod needs Sewing machine inventor Museum-niche piece It may be benign Collection of records for computer processing Stairwell sound Baseball-stat trio: abbr. Trimmed of wool Tries to find 1 of 4 with 30: abbr. Lose Film candidate’s home? St. where “To Kill A Mockingbird” takes place Show with clowns Work-clothes cloth 6



37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 53 56 57 58 59 61 62 65 67 70 71 72 C O S B Y

Sultan’s retreat Best possible Tool’s partner Quarreling Plex preceder Disney’s ___ Vista Studios Dr. with a dream Main drag, for ex. Blockbuster computer game that debuted in 1993 Poetic pugilist Where the chicks are Chaplin, nee O’Neill Laughed derisively Supervision-sharing job “He was ___ a mile!” Remove water from Ascend Compass point, in Cadiz King’s first novel Moon jumper of rhyme Monarch’s three-wd. title Delphi seer Actor Williamson Flotsam and jetsam, for example? A, B, or C: abbr. Enjoy 111 Down Boris Badenov expression, “___ boy!” From way back Broadcasting Hit on the head A S S H N A EW R S















64 69














87 92





102 106 107





103 104 105 112







68 72



















60 65







52 57



















73 ___ tizzy 74 Take ___ (thank the crowd) 75 Vacation isle 79 Modest acknowledgment 80 Qt. or oz., e.g. 82 Pecking order 83 Sketcher’s eraser 85 Egg-shaped 87 Leaf blower alternative 90 Weighted rope that helps open a window 91 And rel. stuff 94 Area between fielders 95 Chest muscle, briefly 96 Quake-related 97 Beloved Mouseketeer 98 Future louse 99 Part of a G major chord 101 Sans footwear 103 Greek letter 104 Monopoly buy 105 Role for Vivian 106 “___ luck!” 107 TV alien 109 Ladybug’s lunch 110 Noted Swiss miss 111 City near Snowmass Village 115 Club or cream, e.g. 117 Regarding 119 “Am ___ believe ...” 121 Hour, in Italian 122 Fight stopper, maybe 123 FDR / ___ / DDE

Solution to “Witch-ful Thinking”


39 43

18 24 25 31 35 36

AVONDALE 3617 ST. JOHNS AVE. 388-5406
















109 110 111


116 117

120 121










48 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011



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November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 49




School of Hard Knocks

A former Duval County public school teacher believes some rules are meant to be broken


Folio Weekly welcomes

Backpage Editorials on topics ranging from education, crime, mental illness and substance abuse to personal and political experiences of every stripe. Submissions should be 1,200 to 1,400 length and topics of local interest words in length, take precendence. Get your word out! Email your Backpage submissions to Editor Anne Schindler at themail@folioweekly.com

hen I began teaching, I kept my mouth shut. Well, most of the time. I didn’t know enough about the “system” to be able to speak for it or against it, and I remembered the words of a poetry professor of mine who once said, “You have to know the rules before you can break them.” He was, of course, speaking about how to break the rules of grammar, not the rules of the conventional public educational system. However, being one prone to question the status quo, I set my efforts to learning the system, knowing that at some point in the future, I would be required to break its convention. In looking back over the last seven years, perhaps the most chaotic and influential of any of the quarters of my life thus far, I have come to deduce that there are several rules of public education that can be stretched, molded, twisted and bent and, with the careful attention and precision of a surgeon and his scalpel, broken. But like the breaking of anything — a bone, an electronic device, a habit — there is a particular discomfort one must experience through the break. These are some of the rules I discovered, and then broke, in order to master the art of teaching:

1. It is OK to have concern for one’s students, but it is not OK to love them. Teachers are required to call a state hotline when they suspect abuse or other illegal activities surrounding a student. So, to play it safe, many teachers avoid getting to know their students for fear that they might have to make the call. But I know of one teacher who saved one student’s life because she cared. She still called the state hotline. But she truly loved her student. And who knows how many other students were saved (or not) because they chose to love their students — even when it made them uncomfortable. Teachers are afraid that if they show their students that they love them, they will become vulnerable to abuse of that love. This is sometimes true, and it happens. And a teacher who loves their students is subject to scrutiny from jealous colleagues and administrators. But great teachers will choose love over concern for their students. 2. A teacher must separate their person from their profession. A student once asked me where in my classroom I slept. And when I laughed, the student took offense and actually told me that they thought I lived at school. I made it a point then to let my students know enough about my life to see me as both a person and their teacher. I started to tell them of my dreams and convince them that I was just as eager to conquer the world as they were. After all, what was the use in telling students that they could be anything they put their minds to if I was not committed as well? I kept a professional distance, but learned to share my life’s experience and most of my students learned far more about themselves in the process than they ever learned of any of my subject matter. 3. There is always more curriculum to be taught. I once added up the number of standardized tests that the average high school student in

DCPS would take over the course of a year. Then I multiplied that number by four years. Then I shook my head. I learned to assess when necessary, and to take a break to talk with my students in between. I was hard and pushed my students when needed, and we stopped to reward ourselves in between. Every teacher knows that they will never catch their tail, nor will they ever jump through the last hoop. A great teacher will find ways to know their students as more than a number, while still meeting the great demands on them for data. 4. If you are not taking work home with you, you are not putting forth enough effort. Someone once said, “Work smarter, not harder.”

impact elsewhere. But there is no set formula for the advancement of a teacher. I saw a shirt once that had on it, “Teachers teach because they can. Administrators administer because they can’t.” There are plenty of effective administrators within the system. It should be noted that leaders are born, not dragged up ladders. 7. What happens in the school (or school district) stays in the school (or school district). Teachers are encouraged to keep their thoughts to themselves, particularly if those thoughts are critical. Speaking out at any level, or encouraging their colleagues to do the same, will put a teacher in the crosshairs as fast as if they were to strike a student on camera. But

Public schools belong to the public, and it sometimes takes a loud, firm voice to tell the public what is taking place within their schools. The school system seems to equate numbers of papers to success. Some of the best teachers I ever had as a student, and some of the best teachers I ever taught beside, gave the fewest assignments. But the assignments they gave had higher expectations than those of their colleagues, and students tended to meet those expectations because the teacher developed rapport with their students (See Rules No. 1, 2 and 3). A focus on efficiency, not redundancy, might reduce the paperwork across the county and all the way up to the Superintendent’s office. 5. Follow the leader. There is no established chain of command within a public school. A teacher is accountable first to his or her students, second to the parents of those students, third to the community taxpayers supporting the schools financially and, last, to the administration of the school (and county). Teachers should not blatantly disobey fair administrative guidelines. However, they should not compromise their duty, “in loco parentis” (“in place of the parent”) and forsake the best interest of a child for the interest of an adult. I was the center of many controversial subjects because my conscience would not permit me to let them be swept under the rug. I regret none of the stress this created, and have always encouraged my colleagues to serve their students first. 6. It’s not what you know, but who you know. I was once approached by a principal who told me they thought it was time for me to leave the classroom to become an administrator. They recommended that I begin the process because my résumé was shaping up rather nicely. “Why would I want your job?” I asked with a straight face. The truth is, in this system you can go pretty far up just by knowing the right people and by following Rules No. 1-6 above. As a colleague once said, “It’s a game of coattails and ladders. Latch on to a coattail, and wait to get pulled up the ladder.” But a great teacher will never feel the need to leave the classroom. They can choose to leave, if they think they can have a greater

public schools belong to the public and until the public begins to step back into the public schools, it sometimes takes a loud, firm voice to tell the public what is taking place within their schools. I spoke loudly (and sometimes used a computer) because there were things occurring within my school that were not right. After trying unsuccessfully to address an issue within the school, it becomes necessary to expose the issue to the public — one way or another. Thankfully, the First Amendment allows people to say what is on their minds. Unfortunately, the First Amendment is sometimes not perceived to apply to teachers. Still, the truth in public schools belongs to the public, so if the public won’t go into the schools to find it, then the schools will have to project the truth into the public. There is a fine line in education that teachers should all aspire to reach with their students. It occurs at that moment when something becomes so evident that it’s accepted as truth, stored in memory, and forever becomes a part of who we are. But at that moment of understanding — of acceptance — there is no way to look the other way and return to an ignorant life. I left Duval County Public Schools because, in the process of learning how the system worked, I also learned that there were many “rules” that I could not, in good conscience, follow. I became aware of many things that I could not let rest without speaking out against, and I became an example of what happens to someone who decides that some rules are meant to be questioned, and perhaps broken at times. Christopher Harvey

Harvey is a Nationally Board-Certified Teacher and a former Teacher of the Year at Edward H. White High School. After seven years of teaching within Duval County Public Schools, he recently resigned to direct the documentary “Educating US,” which will be released in the spring of 2013.

Folio Weekly welcomes Backpage Editorial submissions. Essays should be at least 1,200 words and on a topic of local interest or concern. Email your Backpage to themail@folioweekly. com or snail mail it to Anne Schindler, Editor, Folio Weekly, 9456 Philips Highway, Ste. 11, Jacksonville FL 32256. Opinions expressed on the Backpage are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or management of Folio Weekly. 50 | folio weekly | November 1-7, 2011

November 1-7, 2011 | folio weekly | 51

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