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Southfork News “FOR THE RESIDENTS, BY THE RESIDENTS” Happy Father’s Day

June 2009 Hurricane season is Here!

What makes a Dad?

God took the strength of a mountain The majesty of a tree The warmth of the summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle’s flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew his masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it…..Dad!!!!

Hurricane season is upon us and officially starts on the st 1 of June. Before the wind starts to blow, there are a few items that you should stow. Once we get information from the weather bureau that a possible hurricane is nearing the Tampa area we should all be ready and follow the advice of the officials. It’s a good idea to put away any of your lawn decorations and or furniture that could become airborne missiles in a forceful wind. Don’t forget sidewalk lighting fixtures, wind chimes, flags and potted plants! These items along with any patio furniture are best moved to your shed/garage for the duration of the storm. Make sure you have items available to use and packed including can foods, medicines etc. that should be ready if any evacuation is necessary. Heed the warning!!!!!!!

Be safe, Not sorry((((((((

Newsletter 1

ewsletter Information Note, any information to be placed in the newsletter, must be submitted between the 1st and 20th of every month. Please contact the editor ( Phyllis Grossi) at 567-6105 or drop off the information at 11150 Mesquite Dr. All newsletters can be viewed in color on the web site at www.floridacommunities.com. (click on Southfork at bottom of page) Please contact Phyllis Grossi for any changes, deletions or additions to the calendar by the 15th of each month. Phone number is 567-6105


The Mirror The good you find in others is in you too. The faults you find in others are in your faults as well. After all, to recognize something you must know it. The possibilities you see in others are possible for you too. The beauty you see around you is your beauty. The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are. To change your world, you must change yourself. To blame and complain will only make matters worse. Whatever you care about is your responsibility. What you see in others shows you yourself. See the best in others and you will be your best. Give to others and you give to yourself. Appreciate beauty and you will be beautiful. Admire creativity and you will be creative. Love and you will be loved. Seek to understand and you will be understood.

This was taken from another community newsletter which I thought you would like.

Sick List Irene Schreier Carl Warschkow Shirlynn Collier

Pat Gaston Bob Gaston

Get well wishes to all! ____________________________________________________________________________________

I MEMORIAM Bill Burriss

Resident passed away

Our condolences to the family and friends! ____________________________________________________________________________________

ew Residents Norm & Sandie Spence

11140 Mesquite Dr

Welcome to our community! ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Compassionate Husband *The graveside service just barely finished, when there was massive* *clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, *accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance. The little old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, 'Well,....... she's there.'

from the Association President Are you prepared? Disasters come in many different shapes…….This time of year we think about possible Hurricanes and of course and tornadoes. Have you ever thought about the possibility of a fire happening here in the Park or your own home? If a fire occurred in one of our homes, the homes beside and in back of you could just as well catch on fire or worse. On May 18th, we had a disaster discussion and a speaker from the American Red Cross and our own Jim Morvatz who opened our eyes to the fact that we do not have a plan. Hopefully we will never need to use one but this discussion made it clear we need to be prepared. What are you willing to do? Have you a plan for the “WHAT IF” situation should it occur? Who would you like us to contact? Do you want a call from Southfork? How would we contact you or your family? The 1st step, we are asking that you fill out the form that was in our May newsletter and also in this current one. Return it to Phyllis Grossi who will maintain these information sheets. These filled out forms will only be used in an emergency and not shared with anyone. To date, Phyllis has only received 5 forms back from the residents. If you have given that information to Norm (office manager), please let Phyllis know that. Norm does not have everyone’s “Northern Contact” information and may not be available when the information is needed. If you are away, even for a short trip, wouldn’t you want to know if there is a problem at your house? The 2nd step is to take care of your friends and neighbors! On that form is information for the special needs residents. If you or your loved one has special needs such as: Oxygen, diabetic etc…….there is a shelter dedicated for those people. You must be pre-registered and have an assigned companion to be ready to go with you. You must be prepared to go and take what you need with you when you leave. The county will pick you up at your door and bring you back after the storm. We have a female resident who is on oxygen, who needs a companion to go to the shelter, if necessary. If no one is willing to go with her, she will not be eligible to go and be left behind. The companion will be picked up by a van with the resident, taken to a safe shelter, assured of a place to sleep, eat and given a ride home again….at no cost. These shelters are not the same ones that every other resident would be going. It is a win, win situation…….You are being a great neighbor and assured of a safe place to be in if there is an emergency situation. An important issue for many of us with animals, is what do we do with our pets. Each pet should have a special travel cage, large enough for food and a bed. Take along any medications and food for the animals. There are places listed that you must pre-register your pets and that is listed in one of the brochures or call the county. We have over 80 single family homes here in our park. That is a major concern !!!!!! If there is an emergency resulting from a storm or a tree landing on a home or a fire , we have to be aware of those single people and make sure that they are okay and not pinned underneath some rubble and moved to a shelter if necessary and not left alone. We are asking all of you to be your brother and neighbor’s keeper. With so many homes empty during the summer, we don’t want anyone missed if help is needed. If something doesn’t appear to be usual, example: lights left on all night long, draperies not opened, newspapers piling up daily and no movement in the home, STOP AND ASK IF HELP IS NEEDED. THIS IS A RED FLAG AND ASK FOR A COMPANION TO GO WITH YOU WHEN ENTERING A HOME TO CHECK ON THESE INDIVIUALS. It may be a case where 911 should be called. A smile and “Just checking on you” really means a lot to these individuals. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

from the Association President CO TI UED FROM THE PREVIOUS PAGE

We are asking that you volunteer………….it could be anything even if you think you can’t do something. It could be bringing a glass of water to a volunteer etc. Come to our June 1st planning meeting at 9am at the clubhouse to help give any support or ideas that you may have. Everyone who signed up to help during any emergency, (BLOCK CAPTAINS) and alternates and anyone else who is willing to help is invited to attend. This list must involve many people because there will be many different committees developed for this most important planning. Just think if we are prepared and we don’t need it, we can be happy. On the other hand, if we are not prepared and need it, we will wish we did. Tis better to be safe then sorry as the old saying goes! There is vital information in the local telephone directory for Dade City and it gives a lot of phone numbers and maps. Take a look and you might be surprised at what you find in all of the information it gives. Association Board Summer Plans According to our by-laws there are no meetings in June, July and August. If need be, I can be reached by email dotcady@lifesbigevents.com and by cell phone @ 207-730-0081 The following year round Officers and Directors may be contacted here in the park. Tony Trubiano, Vice President


Phyllis Grossi, Treasurer



Jim Morvatz,




Larry Ruffner,



Marti Whitham, Director


Any of the above can be contacted at any time!!!

Have a wonderful and safe summer, Dot Cady, President _____________________________________________________________________________________

Come and hear what we have to discuss on June 1st at 9am at the club house!!!

HURRICA E PREPARED ESS MEETI G On May 18, following the monthly Southfork Homeowners Association Board monthly meeting a presentation was given by Janet Maquire of the Red Cross concerning community preparedness for not only hurricanes and tornadoes but other community disasters also. The presentation concerned the role that the Red Cross plays in the event of a local disaster. The speaker covered topics such as how to prepare your property for a coming disaster if warnings are issued by local emergency officials and how to find the local disaster shelters. She also explained what to take to a shelter and what to expect during the stay at an established shelter. She also explained how to make plans for any pets that residents may have. The Red Cross representative left several pieces of literature covering the above subjects for anyone who did not attend the meeting. These items may be found on the bulletin board area of the clubhouse. Jim Morvatz also displayed an emergency kit that he had assembled for use in the event of an evacuation. Many folks examined that kit and were talking about preparing one for themselves. Hurricane Preparedness brochures can be picked up at Lowe's or Home Depot and have a list explaining what items you should include in your own emergency kit. After the meeting several attendees expressed an interest in attending a CPR/First Class which can be presented by the Red Cross. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board and the date of the upcoming class will be announced soon. As a result of the meeting an emergency preparedness committee has been established here at Southfork. This committee will work closely with the local fire, rescue and police departments to help make the Southfork community an asset to the local emergency forces rather than a liability to those officials. The responsibility of this committee will be to attend classes and seminars that will help to train the Southfork community to deal with emergency matters until officials can arrive to render professional aid. These courses will cover subjects like First aid, CPR, the Heimlich Manuever, in home safety and first aid and how to set up and maintain emergency procedures in a small community etc. If you would like to volunteer your time for this very valuable and worthwhile cause please contact any member of the Southfork Homeowners Board of Directors. Submitted by Jim Morvatz

Weather warning terms to know Tropical Depression---An organized system of clouds and thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 38 mph or less. Tropical Storm---An organized system of strong thunderstorms with a defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 39-73 mph Tornado Watch ----- Weather conditions favor the development of tornadoes. Stay home and be on alert for severe weather and prepare to take shelter. Tornado Warning ----- Funnel shaped clouds have been sighted nearby or detected by radar. Take shelter immediately! Don’t linger outside or go about everyday business. Hurricane---An intense tropical weather system of strong thunderstorms with a well-defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 mph Hurricane/Tropical Storm Watch---Hurricane/tropical storm conditions are possible in the specified area, usually within 36 hours. Tune in to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio or television for information. Hurricane/Tropical Storm Warning---Hurricane/Tropical storm conditions are expected in the area usually with in 24 hours Hurricane Scale Category 1 ----- Winds are 74 to 95 mph with no real damage to building structures. Category 2 ----- Winds are 95 to 110 mph. There might be moderate damage to roofing, doors and windows Category 3 ----- Winds are 111 to 120 mph. Damage can be extensive with some structural damage. Category 4 ----- Winds are 131 to 155 mph. Some extreme damage will take place. Massive evacuation of residential areas inland as far as 6 miles may be required Category 5 ----- Winds are greater than 155 mph. Damage can be devastating. Some buildings may be blown over or away. Massive evacuation may be required of residential areas on low ground within 5 to 10 miles of the shoreline. Eye of the Hurricane The eye of the hurricane is located inside the circular region of maximum winds and is in many ways the most spectacular part of the storm. Strong winds may extend as much as 200 miles from the eye of the hurricane and tornados often spin off from these storms. As the eye of a hurricane approaches, winds diminish with amazing rapidity, from extreme violence to 15 mph or less. Rain ceases, and the middle cloud vanishes, low clouds often remain, but with breaks through which the sun may shine. As the eye moves past - usually in about an hour, the sequence of events is reversed, and increasing winds blow from the opposite direction. It is very dangerous both before and after the eye hits.

Women’s Club On May 6th, the Women’s club held a fantastic “P.J.” party and you should have seen the outfits. At 10:00am the ALARM CLOCK went off and woke up the sleepy heads and we started our party with a Brunch. What a feast we had and all the food was brought and made by the ladies and it was delicious. We had the parade of ladies in the PJ’s and our judges selected 3 winners which was really hard to do. Carol Albers 1ST prize for the “Funniest” : nd 2 prize for the “Sexiest” : Mary Freund rd 3 prize for the “Most Original” : Colombe Remick There was lots of laughs and fun time. It was such a success that we will repeat this in January when all the ladies are back. We continued with the meeting and there was nothing much to discuss. Annual Bazaar has been changed to Saturday, December 12th.

The date of our

Shirley Rouer thanked the ladies for their support with the food drive for Day Star that is done on a monthly basis. We will buy a brick at “Hospice” with the name of Barb Seib, our first President. Our next meeting will be on June 3rd at 11:00am and we will meet at the Golden Corral. See you there, Marielle, President ________________________________________________________________________ F.A.T.H.E.R.S “F” aithful “A” lways there “T” rustworthy “H” onoring “E” ver-loving “R” righteous “S” supportive


My Granddaddy, My Best Friend Happy Fathers Day to all you Grandfathers The one that is my friend, The one that is my guide. How much I love, and how much I care, Is too much to describe. You’ve always been my hero, You’ve always been me pride. You’ve always given so much love, And shown what’s deep inside. My heart is full of love, And my soul is all delight. You’re the one who sang me to sleep, and whispered nighty night. And everyday I pray to God, I thank him for sending you, Because you’re the one who wrote me the song, And made all my dreams come true! _____________________________________________________________________________________

House across the street On countless days I’d seen him in the sunshine and the rain, mowing his yard, going to work or driving down his lane. Not once had I stopped to say hello or give him the time of day. The man who lived next door to me whom I saw from day to day, I knew nothing of his family, vaguely aware he had a spouse. He was only just a neighbor who lived in the white house, perhaps, someday in the future, I’d take time to greet the man who shared the block with me in the house across the street. A couple of years had come and gone, I kept thinking that I might go over and say hello to him, but the time was never right. It wasn’t until tragedy struck that I even cared to meet the man who died so suddenly in the house across the street. I said a prayer for his family as I watched them drive away, wanting to bring them comfort but not knowing what to say. So let this be a lesson, please take the time to greet the ones who live next door or in the house across the street. All it takes is a smile, a wave or a kind gesture!!!!!!

From orm’s desk It sure is nice to see grass coming back, and thank the Lord for all the rain. We are finally catching up on our maintenance with the addition of a helper for Andrew. His name is Tommy Fuich and he will become a fixture (hopefully.) I have once again been talking with the postmaster about our mail boxes and he has assured me that he has been in constant contact with the USPS maintenance department and still has no results , he assured me that he will continue to press for the necessary repairs to our boxes. We have planted some trees in the hedge between Southfork and Blue Jay. These should fill in quickly during the rainy season and by fall it will be full and we will do our best to keep it trimmed properly. Thanks for your consideration. I realize that the hedge is a privacy issue and we are attempting to make it better. Again, thanks for your patience and understanding. If you go North for the summer, please remember to have someone pull weeds and trim shrubs. It is your responsibility, also do not leave loose articles around your house that would become missiles in high wind conditions. Recently, I have had to run off several solicitors and the worst offender is someone who hires students and offers to clean your carpet free. IT IS A SCAM, please call my office or cell phone and I will run them off. Remember, this is private property and is posted. Thanks again, Norm ________________________________________________________________________

Guaranteed Visits An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will and make her final requests. She told her rabbi she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Walmart’s. “WALMART”S” the rabbi exclaimed. “Why Walmart’s?” “Then I’ll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week.”


Summer is here!! It is warmer, wetter and quieter!! However your activities committee is still devoted to doing the best they can for you!! We are going to try a couple of new things out on you and as long as it works we will keep it going. First we have scheduled a Game "ight once a month on a Saturday at 7:00. We know that several of you play "65 " on Saturday night, but thought why can't there be other games going on also. Perhaps you can get together several people to play a board or card game of your choice at the clubhouse on the scheduled night. Each household bring snacks or sweets to share and your own beverages. Coffee and popcorn are available at the Clubhouse. If you prefer, there are some round tables available for your convenience. The first Game "ight is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th @ 7:00. So get a party together and join in on the fun!! It is a free evening out of the house!! Second we have scheduled a Second Sunday Sunset Social by the Pool!! For June this would be the 14th (Flag Day) at 6:00!! What is this?? This is a finger food buffet (everyone bring something to share) and your beverage. Remember no glass, please. The karaoke machine will be set up, so bring your favorite CD's. Bathing suits and fellowship are allowed!! We sure hope you take advantage of getting this chance to spend time with fellow residents. The Potluck is on June 18th at 5:30 with Don Saar and The Country Twilighters entertaining with fine country music and song!! Father's Day will be celebrated with making your own sundaes at the clubhouse from 6:00 to 7:00. We need volunteers to attend!! You know what they say "the more the merrier" !! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU DADS!! That's all for now folks! Keep Smilin!


Information calls My compliments to Google! Just leave it up to Google to come up with something like this!!! Here's a number worth putting in your your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411. This is an awesome service from Google, and it's free -- great when you are on the road.. Don't waste your money on information calls and don't waste your time manually dialing the number. I am driving along in my car and I need to call the golf course and I don't know the number. I hit the speed dial for information that I have programmed. The voice at the other end says, "City & State." I say, " Garland , Texas ." He says, "Business Name or Type of Service." I say, "Firewheel Golf Course." He says, "Connecting" and Firewheel answers the phone. How great

is that? This is nationwide and it is absolutely free! Click on the link on the web site below and watch the short clip for a quick demonstration. demonstration. http://www.google.com/goog411/ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Sign Up Sheet Dear Friends and Neighbors, IMAGINE you plan to have a lovely dinner………………. You send invitations and receive an answer that they are coming……………….. You purchase the food, set a pretty table and arrange for Entertainment………………… Having not received a call from anyone that they were not coming……………….. You prepared the dinner and were happily awaiting for everyone to arrive…………………… Wouldn’t you be upset if a large number of those people did not come? They told you they would!!!!!! Would you be anxious to do it again? Activity plans have been made for June, July and August!!!!! Please be kind to our wonderful volunteers……….if you sign up for activities, please let them know as soon as possible that you will not be able to attend. Better yet, make plans to go and have a wonderful time! Dot Cady

Association Board Meeting Highlights May 18th, 2009 1.

All officers and directors were present except for 1 director who is a snowbird and left already.


Secretary’s Minutes were read & approved.


Treasurer’s report read & approved.

4. Committee report’s read: Need for more volunteers to sign up for Monday morning coffee. If none come forward, this Monday morning activity with no host sign up could have a week with no coffee hour. 5. Hot Dogs by the Pool : The season was successful and the group is looking forward to the fall when it will start up again. 6. Security : If anyone sees a security sign it has come up missing. It has a magnetic back that goes on the car doors for the Neighborhood watch. Tony noted that the doors of the clubhouse are frequently left unlocked and urged everyone from Maintenance to Residents, that in the evenings when the last person leaves to make sure all doors are locked. A plea for more people to sign up for these patrols are needed and if anyone is interested, please contact Tony Trubiano. 7. Activities : Jim Morvatz will be taking care of activities during the summer months. There is something planned for each month during the summer. June 6th, which is on a Saturday will now be called a game night. There is “65� played on Saturday but anyone who wants to bring up a group can use the hall the same night and play cards etc. at 7pm. This game night will be held once a month during the summer months. 8. With all suggestions given from the last board meeting, we had an additional 7 more that were given as topics for the Fall meeting with Park owner.. ew Business: 1. Car port Sale was discussed and it seems in the spring there are just a few homes who sale anything. At the November Association meeting there will be a discussion if the residents think we should have carport sales twice a year. Please think of any ideas you may have on this and bring them to the November meeting. The meeting was adjourned and then a Hurricane Disaster was held with a guest speaker. There were many brochures passed out with all the do’s and do not’s. Please heed the warnings of all disasters that may occur in this area and read the newsletter for any important information.

Hurricane meeting lasted until 11:15am and look for future updates.

Submitted by Phyllis Grossi

Bacon-Cheese Biscuit Pull Aparts 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk 1 (16.3oz) can Pillsbury Grands Flaky Refrigerated Original Biscuits 1 (2.1 oz) pkg precooked bacon, cut into ½ inch pieces 3 oz (¾ cup) shredded Cheddar cheese Options: add a little syrup or honey with the above mixture. Directions: 1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 11x7 or 12x8 glass baking dish with cooking spray. In large bowl, beat egg and milk until smooth. 2. Separate dough into 8 biscuits, cut each into quarters. Gently stir biscuit pieces into egg mixture to coat evenly. Fold in bacon and cheese. Spoon mixture into sprayed dish, arrange biscuit pieces in single layer. 3. Bake at 350 degrees for 23 to 28 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with a little butter spread/jam or cream cheese. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Dad’s Special Sunshine Breakfast Casserole 6 eggs 1 cup milk 6 oz grated cheddar cheese 1 lb crumbled bacon or sausage ½ teaspoon dry mustard (optional)

4 Hash brown frozen patties 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper ½ cup chopped onion

Directions: Line an 8x8 baking dish with frozen hash browns. Sprinkle hash browns with crumbled bacon or sausage. Mix together eggs, milk, salt, pepper and dry mustard. Pour over meat and hash browns. Top with grated cheddar cheese. Refrigerate overnight. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 45 min to 1 hour. Serve with love!

My Good eighbors I started early in the morning to beat the heat. Had my long-handled pole saw to cut several large limbs from my big oak tree. I had just started when along came Good Neighbor #1 who was taking his morning walk. He asked if I could use some help and before I could answer he started right in. He soon realized I really needed a chain saw so he walked home and returned with his saw and his extension ladder. We were just setting things up when along comes Good Neighbor #2 and asked if he could help. Again without really waiting for an answer he parks his truck and starts in. We had trouble with Good Neighbor #1’s chain saw so Good Neighbor #2 goes to get his. The three of us soon bring down three large limbs, about 6” or 8” in diameter. We begin chopping them up and create a pile of logs a couple feet high and a pile of brush about four feet high and five or six feet in diameter. A lot of stuff to get rid of. As we discussed what to do with this mess along comes, (you guessed it) Good Neighbor #3 driving his BIG pickup truck. He sees our problem and solves it immediately by ordering us to put the brush in his pickup so he can dispose of it. Good Neighbor #2 takes the logs to the fire pit for future hot dog roasts. I could not thank my Good Neighbors enough but I think they were not looking for any thanks. They all just did what came naturally to them. To me, they are the epitome of what a Good Neighbor is and what Mankind can be. Submitted by, Jim Barnett ________________________________________________________________________

I want to thank everyone for all the get well wishes, prayers, cards and delicious food that was given to me after both of my surgeries. What an awesome neighborhood we live in!!!!!! Love, Peggy Lare

Special Poem For All of Us Seniors A row of bottles on my shelf Caused me to analyze myself. One yellow pill I have to pop, goes to my heart so it won’t stop. A little white one that I take, goes to my hands so they won’t shake. The blue ones that I use a lot , tell me I’m happy when I’m not. The purple pill goes to my brain, and tells me that I have no pain. The capsules tell me not to wheeze or cough or choke or even sneeze. The red ones, smallest of them all, go to my blood so I won’t fall. The orange ones, very big and bright, prevent my leg cramps in the night. Such an array of brilliant pills, helping to cure all kinds of ills. But what I’d really like to know………… Is what tells each one where to go!!!! Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass………. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain. ________________________________________________________________________

Breakfast Special We went to breakfast at a restaurant where the “seniors” special was two eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast for $1.99. “Sounds good,” my wife said, “But I don’t want the eggs.” “Then I’ll have to charge you two dollars and forty-nine cents, because you’re ordering a la carte the waitress warned her.” “You mean I’d have to pay for not taking the eggs?”, my wife asked Incredulously. “Yes!!” stated the waitress. “I’ll take the special then, my wife said. How do you want your eggs, the waitress asked. “Raw and in the shell”, my wife replied. Moral, don’t mess with us seniors!!!!!!


For Sale

Technic Organ for sale. Asking $800 OBO, was over $2,000.00 new. Includes foot pedals and bench. In very good condition. If interested, experienced in giving beginner’s lessons, have background in music theory. Call

Colombe Remick

@ 352-567-5665.

For Sale

Panasonic upright vacuum cleaner. condition.

Retractable cord, all attachments, Extra filter bags. Very good

Asking $75.00

Emley residence, 11105 Ewing Dr.

@352- 518-0992



IS THERE ANYONE INTERESTED IN TEACHING BASIC COMPUTER LESSONS HERE AT SOUTHFORK? There are many people who would like to know the basics from turning on the computer to being able to find things and using the internet. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN TEACHING PLEASE PUT UP A SIGN UP SHEET WITH TIMES AND DATES

On the bulletin board at the clubhouse List dates and times etc when available..

Shuffleboard Looking for new and old shuffleboard players…. Join us everyday, Monday through Saturday mornings at 9:00AM. Note there will be time changes when all the snowbirds get back and it starts to get cooler. It’s an easy activity to

learn for anyone who has never played, and an old favorite for those of you that used to burn up the court. So, come one come all, good exercise and good fun!

Southfork Community Disaster Information needed in case of emergency

Date __________________________ Home Address

____ ______________________

Last Name ______________________________ First Name _____________________________ Spouse/Other Occupants: Last Name___________________ First Name__________________

Special Needs



If yes please register with:

(Pre-Register is a must with the county) Pasco County Emergency Management 7530 Little Road New Port Richey, Fl 34654

727-847-8137 They will have someone pick you up in case of evacuations.


Emergency contact:

Name ___________________________________________ Phone# _______ If any others please list:

Full time resident

Y or N

If you do not live in Florida all year as a full time resident, what is your alternate address and phone number in case of an emergency with your home.

Please deposit these forms in the suggestion box at the clubhouse. They can also be mailed to: 10852 Tumbleweed Dr, Dade City, Fl 33525

1S SF Tony Trubiano

22 BJ Bob & Pat Minford

29 SF Pat & Phyllis Grossi

21 SF Jim Stevens

28 BJ Ellie Jacobs & Donna Johnson

8BJ John & Pam Van Orman

Tony Trubiano

Monday 1 SF Tuesday

14 BJ Sandy Conier & Betty Hinks

Jim Stevens



30 BJ Jill Rand .,

23 SF Willie Morris

16 BJ Bertha Starbird

9 SF Willie Morris

2 BJ Bob Cochran

Non-91 1 emergencies Call Tony Trubiano 813-992-0844 At Southfork

24 BJ Pepe Formoso

17 SF Ted Sternhardt

10 BJ Don Weston

3 SF Ted Sternhardt



Check all doors at Southfork and Pelican Hall at BJ. Make sure they are locked.

25 SF Jim Morvatz

18 BJ Jackie & Bob Jackson

11 SF Ed Bellnier

If Pelican hall at BJ is unlocked, call Joyce Hudak at 567-5826 and she will bring a key to lock the door,

26 BJ Steve See

19 SF Ed Bellnier

12 BJ Jack Eastin

5 SF Jim MOrvatz


June 2009

4BJ John Michaud

Neighborhood Watch Patrol

27 SF Jim Stevens

20 BJ Garden Bell

13 SF Pat & Phyllis Grossi

6BJ Joyce & Gladys Hudak



June 2009

Weekly Calendar of Events

Sunday : Church Of Your Choice … Softball @ 6pm _____________________________________________________________________________________ Monday:

Coffee @ 8am…… Line Dance @ 10am…… Women’s Poker @ 12:30 Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am…… Hand/Foot @6pm……Euchre, 6:30pm _____________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday:

Mixed Shuffleboard 9am……Exercise @ 10am……Sequence @1pm Men’s Shuffleboard @9am……Ladies Shuffleboard @ 3pm Men’s Poker @ 4:30pm ……Dbl Pinochle @ 6:30pm _____________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday:

Men’s Golf……Quilting@ 9AM…… Horseshoe’s @1pm Men’s shuffleboard @ 9am……Burgers and Dogs @4:30pm to 6pm Bingo @ 6:50pm TRASH PICKUP @ AM ____________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday:

Ladies Golf……Hand & Foot @ 9am……Water Aerobics @9:45am Dominoes @1pm……Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am Horseshoes @3pm……Ladies Shuffle @ 3pm……Men’s Poker @ 4:30pm Yarn Hookers @ 6:30pm _____________________________________________________________________________________


Mixed Shuffleboard @ 9am……Exercise @ 10am……Women’s Poker @ 12:30 Men’s Shuffleboard @ 9am……Bid Euchre @ 7pm _____________________________________________________________________________________ Saturday: “65” (Card Game) @ 7pm TRASH PICKUP @ am _____________________________________________________________________________________ Special Monthly Events June 1st:


Emergency Disaster Brain Storming Planning Session 9am (Urge all to attend)

June 3rd:


Women’s Club @ 11am @Golden Corral. (PS everyone pays for their own)

June 6th:



June 6th:


Gew Game night along with “65” (Play any card game etc. you would like)

June 14th:


June 14th


June 18th:


Potluck Dinner @5:30pm (entertainment/music following)

June 18th


Yarn Hookers cancelled this week

June 20th:



June 21st:


Father’s Day (6pm-7pm) Make your own Sundaes at clubhouse

Flag Day


Fly the flag

Sunset Social by the pool 6pm (Wear your bathing suits)

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