February 2, 2025

“When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’ Again Jesus said, ‘Simon son of John, do you truly love me?’ He answered, ‘Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep.
The third time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ He said, ‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my sheep.’” ~ John 21:15-17 (NIV) ~
This is my article for the 1-9-15 e-Blast (the name formally used for our weekly News Letter here at First Southern.) I trot it out occasionally to remember and to recommit to the calling God has placed on me here in Prescott Valley.
Dear Church Family,
What a great six days we had with you in beautiful Prescott Valley! Barbara and I arrived back home in Stockton last evening (Tuesday) somewhat exhausted, still a little under the weather, but fully energized, excited and humbled by your call to be your Senior Pastor. We are so looking forward to beginning the middle of next month! So many of you we only had time to say hello to, or maybe did not get to meet at all. Please know that we will try to remedy that soon. We want to know each of you well.
In John 21:15-17 we see Jesus preparing theApostle Peter to move forward into new challenges of service to the church with correct motives. So too, when I consider the seriousness of the responsibility God places on me as your Senior Pastor, I want to share 3 promises I make with Jesus and with you as I prepare to serve both Him and you ...
First, I promise to FEED YOU WELL. I love the Word of God, and I know that you do also. Each week I will do my part to prepare you to face your life with a fresh, relevant message from God. We will not settle for "fast food" or "dessert" from the Word. We will dig into the meat.
Second, I promise to LEAD YOU WELL. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He never fails us. All others are Under-Shepherds. I am not perfect and I do make mistakes. However, I will maintain a close relationship with the Good Shepherd (and will encourage you to do so as well) so that we can go and grow as He leads.
Third, I promise to LOVE YOU WELL. This is perhaps the most important promise I will ever make to you as your Senior Pastor. I cannot love Jesus and not love His sheep! Barbara and I will love you in the good, the bad and even the ugly. Those times will be in store for all of us. Please know that it will be our heart's desire to do all of life with each of you at FSBCPV.
God's richest blessings on each of you as we prepare to serve together.
And now February 2, 2025: By God’s grace, my prayer is that three years from now on January 7, 2029 I will get to revisit this covenant with you yet again. Meanwhile, I look forward to being with you this Sunday morning as we look at ACrash Course onAsking and Receiving.
One year later in January 2016, a beautiful card and note arrived in our mailbox reminding me that I had written those words and expressing their thanks. Please hear me this is not a shout-out for more cards. Barbara and I know very well that we are loved here. This is to let you know that I have not forgotten these promises. They have been and will continue to be my guiding principles as I serve the body of Christ at First Southern. For the past ten years I have not wavered from these commitments nor do I ever intend to!

Register on your Connection Card.
Attend this Seminar taught by Pastor Terrell for a basic introduction to our church family.
All-in-One-Day Class February 16, 2025 beginning at 2:30 PM - dinner included.
Deacon of the Week: