The leading driving instructor organisation of its kind.
Uniting local associations, groups and individuals.
We support, inform and represent our members.
Expert advice and information available from our Helpline: 0800 8202 444
Help from our talk line and business lines and unlimited ADI/PDI support
Help with items concerning the DVSA, your clients or the public
Specialist DVSA investigations and tribunal support
A network of instructors who can relocate pupils for training across the country
Direct Tier 1 representation with the DVSA
Discounts on selected ADINJC training courses
Special discounts and packages from our sponsors for training aids and services
You will be able to purchase PI/PL insurance from our ADINJC online shop
If you are a group, we offer a group membership with details found on our website.
Find out more at adinjc.org.uk, call 0800 8202 444 or email secretary@adinjc.org.uk
Welcome to the ADINJC & Intelligent Instructor National Conference & Expo '24 in association with AcciDON'T Driving School. We are delighted that you've found time in your busy diaries to attend, and we hope you enjoy the action-packed day we've lined up for you.
Firstly, we'd like to thank our headline sponsor, AcciDON'T Driving School, and our Gold sponsor, Pass N Go Driving School. Their support means we can provide a freeto-attend event on such a grand scale, so please go and chat with their friendly teams.
Today, there are 24 different seminars running, so please check out the full program in the brochure to make the most of our day. We have moved The Live Stage to its very own building, the Sheldon Building, across the way. Simply head out of the main entrance and turn left towards the EV display. We have a great speaker line-up with increased capacity, too.
The Lou Walsh PDI Zone, in association with FBTC Accountancy Services, has some of the industry's best trainers, offering valuable insights for those new to the industry. In Seminar Room 2, we have an eclectic mix of presentations that cater to a variety of interests and needs. From road safety to business advice, from dealing with mental health challenges to coping with students with special educational needs, there's something for everyone.
Over 50 industry suppliers are in our expanded expo area, all keen to talk to you about their tailored solutions to help make your business more efficient. Many have exclusive offers, deals, freebies, and prize draws running today, so do take time to go and speak to them. You can even win fantastic prizes by posting a hot lap on Pass N Go Driving School's fabulous driving simulator or on Drive.Day's giant Scalextric track.
We've really pushed the boat out in our outdoor activity area this year. AcciDON'T has provided three HGVs, so be sure to try out their reversing challenge. There's also a tyre pressure wheelbarrow challenge and a memorable VR road safety experience. You can test drive some of the 25 EVs in our display and chat with our specially adapted vehicle providers, too.
We are truly grateful for your efforts in attending today's event and hope you have a productive and enjoyable day. Thank you from all at the ADINJC and Intelligent Instructor for participating in this unique event.
Charles Moffat Chairman, ADINJC
Richard Storrs Founder, Intelligent Instructor
Welcome to the ADINJC & Intelligent Instructor National Conference & Expo ‘24. For the second year in a row, AcciDON’T is delighted to be the headline sponsor of this year’s conference.
I started AcciDON’T in 1999 and since then, the company has delivered more than 45,000 intensive driving courses. Typically, each year we teach more than 4,500 soldiers, sailors and those in the air force to drive. We employ eight full-time staff and over 100 self-employed instructors. Quite possibly, the largest driving school you might have never heard of!
AcciDON’T is one of a small number of specialised companies delivering licence acquisition training to the armed forces, and more recently civilians. Using a substantial team of instructors and a bespoke, web-based management system, we deliver ‘on demand’ training at a multitude of locations throughout the country. There well be a location near you.
Our MoD experience in delivering intensive driving courses, positions us perfectly to transfer this knowledge to the retail market. Intensive teaching has its own challenges and is not for everybody, but it does allow instructors more freedom with their diaries. If you would like to work with us, please do come and have a chat with myself, or any of our staff on the stand today.
Although car driver training is the mainstay of our contracts, a small proportion is in larger vehicles including Cat C+E and Cat D. For those of you wishing to ‘have a go’ at driving a full- size articulated lorry, please visit our stand at the front of the hall to arrange this, or pop outside to the outdoor activity area. You can’t miss us! Following the popularity of this last year, we have three vehicles available.
We hope that you enjoy the day.
Simon Johnston Managing Director, AcciDON’T Driving School
AcciDON'T offer a franchise that puts you in control of your earning potential.
We offer a standard franchise or a franchise with a Ford Puma or Focus.
What comes with your franchise:
• Delivery of pupils
• Manage diary bookings
• Full access to an online diary
• Call handling
• Customer support
• Marketing
• Social media coverage
• Business cards
• Integrated map technology
AcciDON'T also offer vocational training in Darlington.
We offer courses from car to articulated lorry and bus.
To get in touch please scan here
08.00 Registration opens
9:00 – 9:30
9:45 – 10:15
10:30 – 11:00 11:15 – 11:45 12:45 – 13:15 12:00 – 12:30 13:30 – 14:00 14:15 – 14:45
15:00 – 16:00
Ray Seagrave Thank you, I really enjoyed my lesson today!
Dave Mann & Colin Stewart Benefits of using your driving test analysis report and accompanying driving tests
Mike Fowler How can the teaching and learning style be suited to the examiner’s expectations?
Dave Leverton Changing lanes: New skills for a new world
Tracey & Kev Field Drive calm: Four key factors to help reduce driving anxiety
Bob Morton Delivering the goods!
Tom Stenson Gamification and making lessons fun
Lilian Greenwood MP Government update on the future of roads
Loveday Ryder DVSA industry update and Q&A
The Lou Walsh PDI Zone in association with
9:45 – 10:15
9:00 – 9:30 10:30 – 11:00 11:15 – 11:45 12:45 – 13:15 12:00 – 12:30 13:30 – 14:00 14:15 – 14:45
Dave Harvey Lesson planning: Problem to solution
Phillip Cowley & Diana Todd Adapting the lesson to succeed in the Part 3 and Standards Check
Jeff Lucas How to massively simplify the 17 competencies
Lynne Barrie How can I help my learners to use mirrors effectively?
Lee Jowett & Mick Knowles A top-down approach for PDIs, and understanding the G.D.E. matrix
Christopher Graham Why trainees fail the Part 3 test, and how to avoid this
Laura Morris & Deucalion McGregor-Sims Eight fundamental skills assessed in the Part 3 and Standards Check
Stewart Lochrie Identity coaching in driver training
Seminar room 2
Emma Cottington Human relationships, mental health and driver training
9:45 – 10:15
9:00 – 9:30 10:30 – 11:00
11:15 – 11:45 12:00 – 12:30 12:45– 13:15 13:30 – 14:00 14:15 – 14:45
Dr. Julia Malkin MBE Dyscalculia and the traffic lights
Dan Hill How to handle pricing
Alan Gott Making Tax Digital: Your warning sign
Vickie Ambrose & Kim Gibson Shhh....Our secret to running a successful business
Amanda Lane Ready to Pass? campaign update
Chris Bensted The theory illusion
James Hinkins Training drivers with medical conditions. Enhancing your career as a driving instructor
Kents Hill Park | Milton Keynes Sunday | 23 March 2025
9:00 – 9:30
9:45 – 10:15
Ray Seagrave
Trainer, Ray Seagrave Instructor Training
Thank you, I really enjoyed my lesson today!
What are the three essential goals to maintain high standards and ensure learning takes place every lesson. How to set clear, achievable lesson objectives that keep pupils engaged and motivated. The art of crafting effective coaching questions and the importance about lesson structure for maximum impact.
Dave Mann & Colin Stewart
Enforcement Delivery Manager ADI, DVSA
Assistant Chief Driving Examiner, DVSA
10:30 – 11:00
11:15 – 11:45
The benefits of using your driving test analysis report and sitting in on tests
Your driving test data, coupled with sitting in on tests, helps you self-analyse, ensuring consistency. This open and honest approach improves learner outcomes and promotes road safety through data-driven insights and real-time observations.
Mike Fowler
Senior Trainer, DRIVE Driving School
How can the teaching and learning style be suited to the examiner’s expectations?
The Part 3 test focuses heavily on lesson planning and risk management. Join us to discuss how teaching and learning strategies closely interlink the rest of the marking sheet and ensure you can deliver the best lessons possible!
Dave Leverton
Academy Director, Bill Plant Driving School
lanes: New skills for a new world
Driving instructors increasingly need to develop new skills to successfully manage the needs and expectations of Gen Z and Generation Alpha pupils. From reduced resilience and problem-solving skills to anxieties, neurodiversity, and learning difficulties, we look at the tools the modern instructor needs in their toolbox.
12:00 – 12:30
12:45 – 13:15
13:30 – 14:00
14:15 – 14:45
15:00 – 16:00
What are the four key factors for instructors to consider when working with pupils with driving anxiety. Get equipped with the tools to confidently support your nervous and anxious pupils.
Bob Morton
Director of Training, Client Centred Learning
This session will guide you in developing effective training sessions geared around learner needs and goals. Bob will explain when to adapt the lesson plan to ensure success in the real world and on exams.
Tom Stenson
Head of Training, ADINJC
Get ready for an interactive and engaging session on gamification. What is gamification, the benefits, and barriers you need to consider? Hear real-life examples of how gamification can be incorporated into lessons to make them more enjoyable and effective.
Lilian Greenwood MP Minister for the Future of Roads,
for Transport
Keynote speaker
The newly appointed Minister for the Future of Roads will offer a government update, including an insight into the new government’s plans for the future of our roads.
Loveday Ryder
Keynote speaker
Loveday will deliver an industry update in an extended one-hour session. She will also take questions from the floor, which is always a lively Q&A session to conclude the day’s event.
in association with
9:00 – 9:30
9:45 – 10:15
Dave Harvey
Driving Instructor Training Lead, AA Driving School
Lesson planning: Problem to solution
The key to success is to identify the problem that needs solving, support pupils in becoming problem solvers, and determine the skills and abilities they must help them achieve their goals. Dave reveals all!
Phillip Cowley & Diana Todd
Driving instructor Trainers, Inspire Instructor Training
10:30 – 11:00
11:15 – 11:45
Adapting the lesson to succeed in the Part 3 and Standards Check
This comprehensive session is designed specifically for driving instructors eager to refine their teaching approach by acquiring skills in adaptive instruction. It will cover how to do it, why we do it, and how this can help boost your score in the Part 3 / Standards Check.
Jeff Lucas
ADI Trainer, AAT (Advanced ADI Training)
How to massively simplify the 17 competencies
Jeff is a no-nonsense trainer who cuts through the BS around Part 3 and the Standards Check. In this session, you will learn how using three simple words can massively simplify passing these tests.
Lynne Barrie President, ADINJC
How can I help my learners to use mirrors effectively?
Sometimes we need a different approach than “check your mirrors”. In this session we look at five ways to improve mirror use with pupils. How to effectively teach mirror use with different approaches. If you have ever thought to yourself “why don’t they use their mirrors properly?” come and find out!
12:00 – 12:30
Directors, Knowledgeablee Instructor Training
12:45 – 13:15
13:30 – 14:00
A top-down approach for PDIs, and understanding the G.D.E. matrix
Understand what is meant by our ‘Top-Down’ approach to driver training, how understanding the G.D.E. matrix and applying a topdown approach can help develop safer drivers, and learn tips and simple techniques to ensure you can do this from the very first lesson.
Christopher Graham
Training Course Advisor, PNG Instructor Training
Why trainees fail the Part 3 test, and how to avoid this
The Part 3 test, with its low 36% pass rate, can have significant financial and personal consequences if failed. Failing three times can be both expensive and life-altering. Christopher will guide you through the main pitfalls that often lead to trainees failing the Part 3 test. His insights will equip you with the best strategies to succeed.
Driving Instructor Trainers, Go Green Driving Instructor Training
14:15 – 14:45
In this session, we delve into the eight fundamental instructor skills crucial for your real lessons and what you’ll be assessed against during your part 3 and Standards Check. We’ll equip you with five practical tips to implement immediately!
Stewart Lochrie
Founder, Bright Coaching
When ADIs progress beyond the basic requirements of Part 3 and the Standards Check, once we’ve mastered our ability to impart skills and knowledge in a safe and structured way, we free ourselves to start learning about the real causes of death and injury on our roads. Are you ready?
9:00 – 9:30
9:45 – 10:15
10:30 – 11:00
11:15 – 11:45
Emma Cottington
ADI, Trainer and Mental Health First Aider, UP Driving School
Human relationships, mental health and driver training
Discover how human relationships influence our interactions, particularly in the context of driver training. This session offers practical insights into managing our mental health, navigating its fluctuations, and recognising early signs that may require additional support.
Dr. Julia Malkin MBE
Special Needs Consultant, Excel Academy
Dyscalculia and the traffic lights
Dyscalculia is common but not often diagnosed. Learn how it affects road decoding - knowing and using the language of the road. Dyscalculia often affects how we learn about junctions, especially traffic lights. This session will enable you, the instructor, to support pupils with this condition.
Dan Hill Founder, MyDriveTime
How to handle pricing
Being a great instructor is one thing but knowing how to set a price for that can be the source of anxiety and lost earnings for many. We’ll discuss why that happens and learn how to flip the coin and earn more.
Alan Gott Manager, FBTC Accountancy Services
Making Tax Digital is a key part of the government’s plans to make it easier for individuals and businesses to get their tax right and keep on top of their affairs. It is the most significant change to tax since the introduction of self-assessment in the 1990’s. This will impact your business, and you need to be aware of what’s coming. Alan reveals all.
12:00 – 12:30
12:45– 13:15
Business Support Managers, Gates & Gibson
Shhh....Our secret to running a successful business
PPE - Post Point of Enquiry. We will discuss the importance of PPE and how it can make your daily working life stress-free. Follow these steps to work smarter, not harder, in managing your learners, reduce time wasting, and build a better working relationship.
Amanda Lane
Deputy Chief Driving Examiner & Head of Driver Testing and Training Policy, DVSA
Ready to Pass? campaign update
Amanda will discuss the content and benefits of the Ready to Pass? campaign, including the importance of mock tests, advice on conducting them, and the benefits they bring to the learner. There will be time at the end for some Q&A.
Chris Bensted
Specialist Theory Trainer, Theory Test Explained
13:30 – 14:00 14:15 – 14:45
Chris will reveal some previously unseen insights into the mind’s eye of learner drivers, including those with autism, ADHD and dyslexia. Discover what works and, most importantly, what doesn’t. Take a unique look into how different people see it differently.
James Hinkins
Lead Assessor, Driving Mobility
James will introduce the Driving Mobility Disability Awareness course, which benefits driving instructors by enhancing their knowledge and skills whilst promoting a new opportunity from Motability to bring ADIs into driver training for disabled people.
Intelligent Instructor + the exclusive members club for driving instructors.
Improve your skills with unique access to videos, features, webinars & newsletters. Plus prize draws, special discounts & offers, with fresh content added every month.
As one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the industry, there’s no one better placed to help you shape the drivers of tomorrow.
Contact: Rebecca Luton
E: rebecca.luton@theaa.com
W: theaa.com/driving-school
ADINJC is a well-established, leading national association run by ADIs on a not-for-profit basis, we work tirelessly to inform, represent, and support our members. Join us and become part of our national association with over 8,500 other ADI and PDI members. We have one simple membership price, including a free membership option to get you started quickly. Groups of ADIs are also welcomed to join us.
Contact: Sue Duncan T: 07855 453 414
E: secretary@adinjc.org.uk
W: adinjc.org.
AcciDON’T was formed 22 years ago delivering fleet driver training nationwide. In the last 15 years AcciDON’T has been involved in delivering license acquisition training on several national contracts, and currently teach over 3,500 students each year for the Army, Navy and RAF.
Contact: Simon Johnston T: 0115 704 3283
E: simon.johnston@accidont.co.uk
W: info@accidont.co.uk
Manage your diary, request & track payments from your learners, and take your business to the next level. ADI Network is the only app a successful driving instructor needs to organise and grow their business — ADI Network puts you at the wheel and your business in your pocket.
Contact: Louise Bruchez T: 07903 855 973
E: louise@adinetwork.co.uk
W: adinetwork.co.uk
The leading driving instructor organisation of its kind. Uniting local associations, groups and individuals.
We support, inform and represent our members.
What our members say:
May I just say that I am proud to be a member of such a caring society. A big “well done” to all you.
Your work is relentless, just wanted simply to say THANK YOU for being there for us. I don’t know what I would have done without ADINJC. - Dave Clark ADI
- Susan Speight ADI
Find out more at adinjc.org.uk, call 0800 8202 444 or email secretary@adinjc.org.uk @ADINJC
AAT offers modern, simplified online driving instructor training with expert guidance from a seasoned Grade A instructor. This training helps you pass exams and save on fees.
Contact: Jeff Lucas
T: 07500 500 420
E: jeff@advancedadi.co.uk
W: advancedadi.co.uk
Advisors4me Financial Services is run by a former driving instructor and offers advice on and arranges income protection, life insurance and mortgages.
Contact: Mark Pazik
T: 0208 163 5992
E: mark@advisors4me.co.uk
W: advisors4me.co.uk
Creating services and resources for learner drivers, supervisors and for ADIs and PDIs.
Contact: Suleman Javed
T: 07969 871 274
E: assistthelearnerdriver@gmail.com
W: assistthelearnerdriver.co.uk
Bill Plant Driving School is one the UK’s largest nationwide driving schools– offering driving lessons, driving instructor training, corporate fleet management and ADI/PDI franchises.
Contact: Tom Hixon
T: 01765 643 374
E: join@billplant.co.uk
W: billplant.co.uk
Bright Coaching delivers the PDA Level 7 in Coaching, Behavioural Change, and Driver Psychology. The only professional, accredited qualification of its kind for ADIs.
Contact: Stewart Lochrie
T: 07791 559 318
E: hello@brightcoaching.net
W: brightcoaching.net
Collingwood Learner Driver Insurance offers you a fantastic way of earning extra income whilst saving your students money with our annual or short- term policies.
Contact: Jonathan Brougham
T: 07596 868 748
E: jonathan.brougham@collingwood.co.uk
W: collingwood.co.uk
Confident Drivers is an ADI training provider and website offering techniques and resources to help manage driving stress and anxiety, supported by The Driving Confidence podcast.
Contact: Tracey Field
T: 07963 797 613
E: admin@confidentdrivers.co.uk
W: confidentdrivers.co.uk
Disability Driving Instructors offer independent information and advice for disabled people wanting to learn to drive; we also support ADIs by providing a postcode-searchable instructor register.
Contact: John Rogers
T: 01773 852 198 / 07775 810 852
E: john@disabilitydrivinginstructors.com
W: disabilitydrivinginstructors.com
Drive.Day is a brand-new effortless app, that intelligently supports the running of your business. Plan lessons, manage pupils, track your finances and more in just a few taps.
Contact: Darren Mitchell
T: 0773 936 3961
E: hello@drive.day
W: drive.day
STAND 20 & 21
DRIVE Driving School is the UK’s fastestgrowing driving school, and as part of the same family as ‘SmartDriving’, we have been training driving instructors for over 40 years.
Contact: Adam Bragg
T: 0800 368 9215
E: adam.bragg@just-drive.co.uk
W: just-drive.co.uk
DriverAssist.ME is a B2B business that organises live driver experiences and training events, helping the end-user to understand ADAS features and to confidently use them in the real-world.
Contact: Steve Boyle
T: 0794 976 2820
E: steve@driverassist.me
W: driverassist.me
Drivetech is a proven leader in the provision of quality driver risk management, driver training and education for businesses and professionals in the training community.
Contact: Steve Appleby T: 07814 006 514
E: stephen.appleby@drivetech.co.uk
W: drivetech.co.uk
Driving Mobility ensures that there are common standards, promotes good practice and offers training and education to centre staff and related external individuals and organisations, whilst working closely with associated national bodies.
Contact: Stephen Perry T: 0800 559 3636
E: info@drivingmobility.org.uk
W: drivingmobility.org.uk
Our policies are designed to suit each customer's unique wants and needs. We offer flexible and competitive quotes for all circumstances, sourcing the best available driving instructors insurance scheme from among the many offered by a wide panel of insurers. We know which insurers offer the best policies and the best prices for driving instructors. We’ll calculate your driving instructor insurance premium individually, using knowledge of the various instructor insurance schemes on offer.
Our driving instructor policies can include:
Comprehensive instructor insurance cover included while driving other cars under tuition
Cover when providing lessons in pupils' own cars
Cover for off road tuition and under-age learner driver tuition
Any driver over the age of 25 covered for social, domestic & pleasure use, in addition to students
Legal protection and recovery of uninsured losses
Dual control courtesy vehicle supplied and delivered following non fault accidents
Automatic cover for banned or convicted drivers re-sitting their test included as standard
Optional 21-day dual control replacement car on fire, theft & total loss
Up to 70% no claims bonus discount.
Does our driving instructor insurance sound like a good deal?
On top of those benefits we can guarantee:
No forms to complete
No hidden excesses
No excesses on some total loss claims *Intelligent
call back.
Driving Test Success has helped over 14 million learners prepare for their tests and named Apple’s no.1 paid iPhone app for four consecutive years.
Contact: Boyd Ingram T: 07970 692 515
E: boyd.ingram@drivingtestsuccess.com
W: drivingtestsuccess.com
ORDIT registered trainers since 2007 providing driving instructor training, ADI Part 2, ADI Part 3 and Standards Check Training, producers of industry leading driving instructor books.
Contact: Chris T: 07783 525 841
E: drivertrainingoffice@gmail.com
W: drivertrainingltd.com
STAND 12 & 62
A lifetime of safe driving. Ensuring the vehicles and drivers that use our roads are safe.
Contact: Abigail Holland T: 07870 893 528
E: abigail.holland@dvsa.gov.uk
W: dvsa.gov.uk
EzLicence is an online platform connecting learners with driving instructors. Students use learner reviews to choose, book and pay for lessons with local driving instructors.
Contact: Joe Parry T: 07934 204 303
E: joe.parry@ezlicence.co.uk
W: ezlicence.co.uk
Accredited Driving Mobility Centres provide fitness to drive assessments for people with restricted mobility. Their ADIs also provide specialist training for driving professionals so they can teach pupils with disabilities in the most supportive and appropriate way.
Driving Mobility courses provide ADIs with:
• Disability awareness
• Medical condition awareness
• Discussion on experiences and techniques
• Familiarisation with adapted vehicles and specialist controls
Learn new techniques or improve your current skill set. Contact your local Driving Mobility Centre: drivingmobility.org.uk/ find-a-centre
Email: info@drivingmobility.org.uk
FBTC Accountancy Services is a knowledgeable and friendly team supporting all clients with their selfemployment and helping them get to grips with tax changes such as making tax digital.
Contact: Alan Gott T: 0344 984 4445
E: info@fbtc.co.uk
W: fbtc.co.uk
We provide bespoke business management support for driving instructors. We will establish how you are currently operating your business, we will provide strategies for you to action, to improve, utilise and to grow.
Contact: Vickie Ambrose and Kim Gibson
T: 0203 576 3243
E: gatesandgibson@gmail.com
W: gatesandgibson.com
GoRoadie Pro is the diary manager designed to give ADIs more freedom and less stress, in a fast, modern and easy to use app.
Contact: Michael Carr T: 07784 593 518
E: michael@goroadie.com
W: goroadie.com/pro
DVSA Accredited fleet trainer courses for ADIs. Currently recruiting ADIs in many areas of the country for ongoing assessment and training work
Contact: Andew O’Donnell
T: 0330 1117 230
E: info@greenpenny.co.uk
W: greenpenny.co.uk
Unlimited Accountancy and Tax Support
Smart software and expert advice for all self-employed driver trainers
Self-Employment Registration
Tax Planning Advice
Compilation of Annual Accounts
Annual Tax Return completion and submission to HMRC
All communications with HM Revenue & Customs
Low cost monthly fee allows you to spread the cost over the year
Be Ready for Making Tax Digital
Compliant software is provided by fbtc, along with ongoing guidance and support
The UK’s leading independent road safety charity, providing skills development courses for business drivers and DVSAapproved drink-drive courses, via a nationwide network of ADIs.
Contact: Kieran Cornwell T: 020 8996 9600
E: kieran.cornwell@iam.org.uk
W: iamroadsmart.com/business
Our mentorship package uses a holistic approach, providing actionable tasks to improve your lessons, in turn bringing them in line and beyond the DVSA’s standards.
Contact: Diana Todd T: 07786 241 331
E: info@inspireinstructortraining.com
W: inspireinstructortraining.com
For the past 20 years InstructorcoverPlus has worked with underwriters to ensure our ADI and PDI cover meets the demands of the modern driving instructor.
Contact: Natalie Charles T: 02920 629 413
E: insurance@instructorcoverplus.com
W: instructorcoverplus.com
Intelligent Instructor+ is a brand new, exclusive members club for driving instructors. This new subscription service is designed for driving instructors who want to continue learning and developing. Subscribers gain exclusive access to a vast library of tailored content, both written and video, with fresh content added regularly. All for just £5 per month.
Contact: info@intelligentinstructor.co.uk
W: intelligentinstructor.co.uk/ii
Intelligent Instructor Driving Instructor Insurance
Intelligent Instructor Driving Instructor
Insurance offers affordable cover for fully qualified instructors and for those who are still in training. It offers flexible and inexpensive cover which is feature-packed driving instructor insurance that won’t break the bank.
Contact: Gavin Hawes
T: 0800 181 4552
E: gavin.hawes@adrianflux.co.uk
W: intelligentinstructor.co.uk/insurance
Mick Knowles and Lee Jowett own and run the award- winning Knowledgeablee Instructor Training. They have over 20 years of experience running driving instructor courses, training, and development.
Contact: Lee Jowett
T: 0779 5279 916
E: Lee@adikit.co.uk
W: adikit.co.uk
Learn to Drive Pro specialise in developing digital and print driver training resources. We supply a range of books tailored for learners and for driving instructors. Our resources are developed by leading driving instructors and an experienced team of developers and illustrators.
Contact: Richard Rawden T: 07904 396 281
E: richard.rawden@btinternet.com
W: learntodrivepro.co.uk
Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service delivers an educational road safety message, through the medium of 360-degree virtual reality films, to our inexperienced, young road users. Try our unique road safety experience in our VR van, in the outside activity area.
Contact: Kate Garrigan T: 07815 491 533
E: kate.garrigan@leics-fire.gov.uk W: leics-fire.gov.uk
Your branded driving school with all the support of a brilliant franchise, the best of both worlds. A better, fairer, more ethical deal for you!
Contact: Andrew Love
T: 07812 537 562
E: andrew@lidiaondemand.co.uk
W: lidiaondemand.co.uk
The UK’s lowest-cost, highest-rate payment app. There’s no contract, and the 0.79% all-in rate can be offset to 0% with the free ‘Expense and Reward Card’.
Contact: Simon Howell
T: 0754 504 4926
E: simon@lopay.com
W: lopay.com
A supportive community group, aimed at supporting PDIs, offering a safe place to seek help, share ideas, ask questions, with expert support.
Contact: Laura Morris
T: 0798 2493 422
E: hello@gogreendrivinginstructortraining .co.uk
W: facebook.com/groups/LousPDIgroup
MSA GB offers regional centres of activity providing information, representation, services and support. Wholly owned by and run entirely for the benefit of its members.
Contact: Peter Harvey
T: 07774 139 080 / 01787 221 020
E: info@msagb.com
W: msagb.com
MSA GB is the longest established trade association for driver trainers in the UK. We pride ourselves in providing the most up-to-date Information, Representation, Services and Support to our members, distributed through our interactive monthly magazine Newslink, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and our new exclusive MSA
GB App – all the industry and association news you need at your ngertips.
■ Up-to-date information
■ Representation at the DVSA
■ Many discounted services and products, exclusive to members
■ Public Liability insurance and Professional Indemnity insurance totalling £15 million included free with membership
■ Local & Area representatives across the country, there to offer expert guidance and advice Let us help you take your ADI career to the next
SPECIAL OFFER : Come and visit us to receive a today-only special offer- Join for as little as £20 Show this add at our stand and collect a free gift. PDIs Welcome More details at www.msagb.com or via 01787 221020
Launched in 2014, MyDriveTime provide the industry’s premium diary and admin management tool to professional instructors and schools looking to enhance their business performance.
Contact: Daniel Hill
T: 01252 757 314
E: support@mydrivetime.co.uk
W: mydrivetime.co.uk
Onlinedrivinglessons provides theory, practical and instructor training (technical and business), through videos, theory software and Zoom training. We also support Hope into Action charity.
Contact: James Cornwell
T: 07411 315 169
E: jamesc17@hotmail.co.uk
W: onlinedrivinglessons.co.uk
Find Your Happy with Pass N Go - a national driving school that maintains its family feel! We support our students, instructors and trainees in their pursuit of happiness; and with a part 3 success rate of 78% (over double the national average) we really do have a proven track record of success. Operating everywhere in the UK, you truly can become a driving instructor in your local area with PNG and Find Your Happy.
Contact: Christopher Graham T: 0333 207 0663
E: findyourhappy@passngo.net
W: passngo.com
An accessible and collaborative online learning platform that optimizes learning and convenience.
Contact: Sam Aspden
E: sam@pecodo.com
W: pecodo.com
Prosper2 is a membership-based business club catering exclusively to UK businesses. It provides the perfect environment for like-minded entrepreneurial and influential business owners, innovators, and founders – helping them collaborate, share opportunities and promote their businesses to a much wider audience.
Contact: Marc Edwards
T: 07518 869 034
E: marc@prosper2.co.uk
W: prosper2.co.uk
Expert driving instructor training, coaching and mentoring, helping ADIs and PDIs to develop essential teaching skills and prepare for DVSA assessments to be the best they can be. Workshops, 1:2:1 one sessions and ADI association training days.
Contact: Ray Seagrave
T: 0787 086 1572
E: ray@rayseagraveaditraining.com
W: rayseagraveaditraining.com
RED understands what it takes to be a successful instructor. Safe driving and customer care are at the heart of everything we do.
Contact: Colin Paterson T: 07774 828 942
E: colin.paterson@redtraining.com
W: reddrivingschool.com
British designed and engineered connected technology for motor vehicles, making Britain’s roads safer by educating and empowering motorists to make better decisions about their driving.
Contact: Andrew Digva T: 0330 320 3030
E: andrew.digva@roadangelgroup.com
W: roadangelgroup.com
Speed of Sight is a unique, automotive charity that offers less able people aged from six to 90 the opportunity to have a life enhancing driving experience they previously believed to be beyond their reach. Inspired by nine times Guinness world record holder Mike Newman, Speed of Sight make the impossible, possible for anyone with any kind of disability. There are no passengers at Speed of Sight!
Contact: Mike Newman
T: 0777 962 5185
E: mike@speedofsight.org
W: speedofsight.org
The Honest Truth is a road safety campaign delivered through driving instructors across the UK. Our mission is to deliver no-nonsense, straight-talking road safety education.
Contact: Olly Tayler QPM
T: 020 3468 1339
E: info@thehonesttruth.co.uk
W: thehonesttruth.co.uk
Right Fuel Card is an independent distributor of fuel cards.
We understand our customers are looking for cost and time efficient options with ultimate convenience.
Contact: Matthew Dodds T: 0798 558 7316
E: matthew.dodds@rightfuelcard.co.uk
W: rightfuelcard.co.uk/intelligent
TSO is proud to be the official publisher of the DVSA. Producing all the official learning material and the website safedrivingforlife.info
Contact: Lisa Daniels T: 01603 985 955
E: tso_marketing@wlt.com
W: safedrivingforlife.info
The UK’s leading authority on tyre safety, TyreSafe aims to reduce the number of tyre-related incidents on Britain’s roads by raising awareness of the importance of tyre maintenance.
Contact: Jason Simms
T: 07753 433 007
E: jsimms@tyresafe.org
W: tyresafe.org
Varium is a free app for driving instructors and pupils, offering automatic calendar synchronisation, pupil management, cloud storage and payment platform with automatic tracking.
Contact: Ehsan Hoseini
E: info@varium.app
W: varium.app
Viz-Ovalz, Direct Vizion System, - Affordable, retrofittable lenses that attach to your windscreen. Alerting you to pedestrians, cyclists and other road users hidden in your blind spots.
Contact: Jock Boyle T: 07708 091 511
E: jock@viz-ovalz.scot
W: oisinventions.co
Offering franchises from as low as £9 +vat per week, with guaranteed hours. With or without car, manual or electric (automatic) at excellent rates! Instructor training provided.
Contact: Ruedi Preiss T: 0330 330 7717
E: contact@yesdriving.co.uk
W: yesdriving.co.uk
AcciDON'T offer intensive courses at locations across the country.
We are always looking for instructors who want to specialise in delivering intensives for our MoD (Army) contract or the growing number of civilian enquiries.
What do we do:
• Delivery of pupils
• Manage diary bookings
• Test booking
• Customer support
• Marketing
• Social media coverage
• Business cards
• Integrated map technology
• We only book courses with confirmed tests
AcciDON'T also offer vocational training in Darlington.
We offer courses from car to articulated lorry and bus.
To get in touch please scan here