Worship and weave : towards Filipino liturgical vestments

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may be used for liturgy just because i t is beautiful , in the

Trapp ist Mona ste ry is well known for i ts Holy Rood Guild

same way that not every beautiful indigenous container

whi ch has been produ cin g litu rgical vessels and vestments

may be used for the wine and bread to be used for the

and all ki nds of religious art for so many years now. Fr. James,

Holy Eucharist. Aesthet ic considerations should not be the

the chief designer, we lcom ed me to thei r workshops where

only gauge . Otherwise , the possibility of the liturgy being

I ob served eve ry single pha se of vest ment making, from the

submerged or even sup pressed becomes too great, as what

designing and cutting of patterns to the final putting together

happened in the Baroque Mass . 8s One has to have first a

of the garm ents i n a mans ion just outside t he mon astery

deep understanding of the nature of these materials , their

ground s wh ere 25 sea mstresses worked fu ll time to finish

use in the particular ethnolinguistic group from which they

the orders com in g in from all over th e world.

came . A good background on the symbolism found in the

From Spence r, I proceeded to New York where I continued

woven fabric is very important. The meaning of the

my research work at the Anton io Ra tti Textile Center of the

particular color, if any, should be understood before one

Metropol i tan Museu m of Art. Be in g able to have a private

can proceed to use these materials . One has to be sure ,

viewi ng of 18th and 19th century ves tmen ts the very next

first of all , that there is nothing in the material that is

day after I had requ ested for it was in Itse l f one of the

incompatible with the liturgical celebration . Elements of

many mi racles t ha t I experienced during this project. I found

culture that cannot be made to harmonize with the rule of

out th at i t wou ld ordin arily take a fe w days before the

the Christian faith , morality, and worship have QO place i n

sign atures required for approving such requests could be

liturgical celebrations . As Fr. Anscar Chupungco so succintly

gathered . The magic of prayer, indeed!

puts it: " Inculturation obviously has its risks. The bottom line

The priVate viewing granted to me was quite an experience.

is to take the necessary risk with prudence . And prudence

It wa s like entering an operating room where everything

is a virtue that grows on sound tradition and pastoral

was sterili zed. The attendants wore wh i te aprons and gloves

circumspection , while it ensures the legitimacy of progress. "86

and ea ch vestm ent was wrapped in non -acidic white paper. As I vi ewed t he vest ments one by one , I carefully noted


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ev ery si ngle det ail and could not help but marvel at the experti se of the weave rs and embro iderers who did these

Aside from following the guidelines for vestment s found

vestments cen t uri es ago .

in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and visiting

Instead of going home straight from New York, I asked

20 weaving centers and ethnic groups all over the country

perm iSSion to go home via Europe to make the most out of

to observe their weaving traditions , studying the vestment collections in the great museums of the world was something that I felt was necessary. I was able to do this right after


my visit to St. Joseph's Abbey in Spencer in November of 1997 for my monastic exposure, a chance given to solemnly professed monks to observe and be nourished by the experience of living in another monastic community. At St . Joseph's Abbey, I was welcomed by Fr. Prior Joseph Chukong , OCSD, who was formerly the abbot of the Trappist Monastery of Our Lady of the Philippines i n Guimaras . Thi s


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