The Philippine-American_February 1946

Page 34



leader.hip. The struggl~ is not between "loyalists" and "puppet collaborators" but simply between those who believe that Osmena will make a better president than Roxas and those who believe the contrar y. LET the American people hear you say so, sir. Today America has faith in our integrity and loyalty, and we deserve it. Let this f ait h be impaired, and our relations with America will suffer a serious setback. You have influential friends in Ameri ca-and a reputation. When you speak f or us, your voice is heared not only in Capitol Hill but in all the forty-eight stat es. Explain, then, to America the true situation that prevails in the Philippines. Speak up, not f or Roxas' sake, but for all of us who love America and

are anxious to keep her affection. Say it now, against the day when all explana.j,ions, no matter how true, may be too late. Perhaps you are constrained from doing so lest your action be construed as disloyalty to President Osmena. There is a way out of that difficulty. Let President Osmena know your purpose. SeCUl'e his permission if you think it necessary to do so. He has shown himself to be a just and reasonable man. Out of his deep concern for our people, he cannot but see that this vit al service must be performed and will give you leave to speak. I cannot believe that he would press a doubt ful per sonal advant age at the expen se of his people's future. Very sincerely, RENATO D. TAYAG


by GERSON M. MALLILLIN Communion T he bullet s(~id to the hea1·t: From now on we shall neve1- part, I sought you--you only in the pastNow- l am with you at last. Feast Th e worms said to the roots of the tTees : This is the age of plenty and peace, W e have the best to drink and eatHuman blood and human meat. Problem The fields that once were clea?' of stones A1-e clutte1-ed now with bones And broken implements amd a1'mg That make it difficult to till the farms.

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