The Commercial & industrial manual of the Philippines (Part 4 of 4)

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ing in this, the Philippines' newest and most rapid. ly developing industry-Aviation-acknowledged the fastest , safest and most reliable means of transportation. T HE ENTIRE PF.RSONNEL of the school has recently completed a two-yenl' pel'jod of research and study in order to provide the student body with the most complete training possible. The AFESA is the first Aviation School to be l'ccogoni7.ed by both the Bureau of Aeronau tics a nd the Department of P ublic lnstmetion. 1' RAIN1NG


The Flying DCI>artment offers you foul' courses on any 01' aU of t he followi ng 01' equivalcn't airplanes: A11'l)lcwe




C-3 F-2 9000

2 ........ .




WACO (Cnhin \


FLY ING COU\lSES FLYING S1'Un~NTS .lH~limmn CI!}Ticllilllll Reqltircmcllts SOLO PILOT

Flyi)!g Timt':- Ten (10) hours dual and a minimum of ten (IO) hOUl'S solo. The student will be ~iven a written examination on Ail' Traffic Rules and Regulations before applyi ng' for the practical flight test.

Aviation, Theory of Flig ht, Nomenclature, Con struction, Rigging, Maintenance and Repai r.) RESUME

F lying Time .. Ground School

40 hours 25 h ou rs

Total ..


l<'fy illg Tim e :-Same a s f or Private Pilot. Growul School:-Minimum r equircd subjects

and division of time. 1. Ail' Commcl'ce Regulations 5 houl's 2. ~viation E ngincs (i ncludin g Principles of I nternal Combust:on, Lubrication and Cool ing Ca l'bUl'etion , Tgnition, Construction, Various types, Inspection, Mai ntenance, :lOll Hepair.) 15 hours :t Ai r planes (including History of A viation, Theory of Flight. Nomell'Clntul'."l, Ael'od~'namics Construction, Various types, Inspection, Ri ggi ng, Maintenance, a ne Repair.) 15 houl't' 4. Aerial Navillation and Meteol'ology 15 hours Sh(1) PJ'octice:-Fh'e (5) hOUI'S of each of the above required fifteen (IS) hours on Airplanes and on Engine!> may be Shop Practice on the basis of three (::I) h ours s hop 1)l'Rctice equivalent of one (1) hour of classroom instruction. Shop P r:lctice will he un(ler the direct supervision of n ground School instructor. RE SUME


Flt,jng 1'ime :_ A minimum of forty

lv haul'S

(40~ hours

total flyin g Lime of w hich not less th:n ten 110 ) hours no)' morc t han fifteen (15) hours shan be dual and check time, which may be credi ted as solo time. Each grad\lntc will be r-iven :l minimum -;>f two (2) hours solo experience in FLYl.\'~ one type ()~. airplane other tha n th ose used for primary dual instruction. Crt'Ollntl School :-Mini mum )'cquil'cd subjects and division of time. 1. Air Commel'cc Reb'Ulations ij hours 2. Aviation Engines (including Prin4 ciples of Intcrnal Combustion Cal'hul'ction , Ignition, Lubrica4 10 hou r s tion and Cooling,) 3. Ai r plane!> (including hi story of

4('1 hours 50 hours

Flying Time Ground School

90 hC"ul'l>

Total ..

PILOT Ffyi11U Time:-A minimum of one hundred and seventY4five (l76) hours total flying time, of which not less t h a.n twenty-five (25) hours nor more that. forty (40) hours sha ll be dual a nd cbeck time, which may be credited as solo time. Each graduate will be given a minimum of ten (10) h ours solo expel'路 ience in FLYI NG each of two d istinct types other t han those used for primary dual instruction, also ten (10) hours solo on at least one type of cabin plane which shall be not less t han a fou r (4) place type and which shall be loaded to normal capacity durin!! TRANSPCRT

PHILIPPINES these prescribed flights, also ten (10) . hours solo experience in night flying. Ground School :-Minimum required subjects and division of time. 1. Air Commerce Regulations

5 hours

2. Aviation Engir.'es (including Prin-

ciples of Internal


Carburetion, I gnition, Lubrication, Cooling, Various types, Con-


Inspecti ~ n.


ance, and Repair.)

4. Meteol'ology

25 hours

15 hours

5. Aerial Navigation (including the subject of Radio and its usc.) .. 15 hours

6 Aircraft I nstruments 7.


their care and use.

WACO Cabin with Radio and blind flight equlJlments-Dual ~5.00-SoI0 P57.00 Ground School instruction requir<!d for P r iva'i;e, Limited Commercial, and Transport Pi lots Licenses wdl be given by the Ground Scheol Ins tructol"s. at Pl'ivatc--I'lS.OO L. C.-P30.00 Transport+P50.00 Physical Examination 1'20.00 SO,OO Goggles Helmet 5.00 1'10,00 to 50,00 Textbooks to.O C Uniforms Flying Suit 7.50 MINIMU~1

7 hour:;

required twenty-five (25) hours on Aviation Engines, and ten (10) hours of the above required thaty (30) hours on Airp~anes may be Shop Practice, on the basis of three (3) hours Shop Practice eql!i. valent to one (1) hour of cias!l-l'oom instruction. Shop Practice will be undel' the direct supel'visi(':l of a ground school instruetol;. RESUME

175 hOUl'., 100 hotll':; 275 haUl's




Dual 1'25,00 25.00 35.00 4S.00

Solo P17.00 17.0e 27.00 37.00



Dual P4S.00 4S,OO


3 hom"); SOLO

Shop P,'act路ice:-Ten (10) hours of the above

Flying Time Ground Schoo!


Solo P37.00 " 3700


Dual Solo

10 hours 10 hours



Dual and Check Solo Ground School

10 hours 30 hourl' 25 hours



Dual and Check ...... , ... . Solo Gl'ound School

10 hours 30 hours 50 hours



Dual and Check Solo. , Ground School

2S hours 150 hours 100 hours


275 hours

THE AMERICAN SCHOOL, INC. HE AMERICAN SCHOOL, INC., was founded in 1920 by a f;I'OUP of American and British residents of Manila, to meet an existing school crisis which had been developing for several years. For a long time there had existed a need far a good private school at which Amer-


icnn and Bri tish children could receive instr uctian under influences a nd in sUrl'oundings similar to t hose t hey would experience in their home countries, but for one reason 01' nnother none of the many private schools which had bcen started by individual initiative to fill this need had been able to keep its doors open for very long, One school followed another and each



year t he parents of ch ildren it1 these two communi. ties were confronted with the recurring problems involved in this lack of school facilities. The situation became very acute in the spring of 1920. It appeared that private enterprise had made its last effort and was leaving the educational field for geod, when the school t hen operatin'g advised its patrons that it would permanently close at the end of the school year. Con fronted with this disquieting news several members of the two communities held a meeting for the purpose of making onc last effort to solve their mutual problem. The outcome of this meeting was a n idea from which, within a few weeks, the American School, Inc., was developed. The repeated failures of f ormer private schools showed that an institution of this kind could not be operated for Ilrofi\ under conditions existing in Manila. The alternative was to organize on a cooperative, nonprofit basis, by C!nli sting the support not only of the parents whose childre n wou ld attend the school, but also that of such bu siness and professiomJ men of t he AmC!rican and Bri tish communities as would help the schoo financially and also take an activE' part in its affairs, by giv ing it the benefit of their administrative and educational experience. A ~roup of men undertook to develop such a plan, and on March <1, i920, the articles of incorporation were filed. The incorporators were C. G. Wrentmore, T. D. Aitkcn, C. R. Zeiningel', R. Fairnie, and D. C. J oh nson, and the original members of the Board of Trustees, in whom was vested fu ll and exclusive control of the school's affairs, were t hese five together with W. R. Smith, William Yost, J. W. Ferrier, D. F. V,lebster and W. H . Taylor. The purpose of the founders, to quote from the articles of incorporation, was "to (lcquire, 01JIH'nte, 01td maintain (I school 10)' the ed!tcation of American amd, BritiFlh c/ri/chell ~'es icle)!t in the Orient. and 710 /. /0)' pro/';I." The work of organizing was divided among the several member s of the Board of Trustees, who, individau!ly and in ~TOUp~, took over various ph! of the prohlem. A faculty was selected and employed, and the initial financial r equirements were met by a gronp or men who agreed to guarantee the payment of expenses up to a total of PI0,OOO.00. It was the help of these guarantors and the generosity of Bi shop G. F'. Mosher of the Episcopal Church t hat made it possible for the school to open in June,

1920. Bishop Mosher pel'milted the school to occupy rent-free one of the Church's buildings, at 606 Taft Avenue. Not onl y was this a gift equivalent to sever a l thousand pesos but it actualLy allowed the school to open its doors, for t he trustees had 1I0t been able to find a suitable location elsewhere within the means nt their command. The first prineipal was Miss Leila Brown, who served for one year and was succeeded for the fol~ lowing year by Mrs. F . E. Henley. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Marshall t hen assumed the position in June , 1922, and the school was under her direction until the end of the school year in 1925, when Mrs. Beatrice M. Grove was appointed to take over the work. Mrs. Grove served continuously from that date, with one short vacation in 1934, until her retirement in March of HJ36, when Mr. Glenn C. Miller was appointed to fiJI the vacancy thus created. At the end of the school year in 1922, the free quarters theretofore made available by Bishop Mosher were required by the Church for other purposes, and it was consequently necessa ry to find another loc:ation. The building at lIS Padre Faura was f inally selected, and school was opened there in June. The school spent the next six years of its existence at that location, and it was there tha t a great many of its graduates of later years wel'e first enrolled . There was cons iderable regret on the part of both the staff and student body whe n changing conditions in the immediate neighborhood and a steady increase in enrollment forced the Board of Trustees to seel{ another location, during t he vacation months of 1928. Quarters were rented at 1259 M. H. del Pilar, and school opened there in June. By coincidence severn I of t he students were bhus nturned to the plaee t hey had begun their school days, for in this same location in ] 919 there ha d been a school which some of them had attended. This building was much better suited to the current requirements of the school than was the f ormer location. I t was the school's home for the ned eight and a haii yeu l·s. However, toward the end of that period it was very crowded and became inadequate and undesirable both on that account and for other r easons. Duri ng the Christmas vacation of 19::\6 a fi nal move WI:S made-this time tq th€' schonl's own building which was constructed durin~ the lattel· part of t hat year. Fina ncially, the school experienced some very discouraging periods, and except for girts of money and equipment from time to time from it!! larl!e

PHILIPPINES circle of friends and supporters it would have had to close its doors on several occasions. These difficulties al'e best illustrated by the fact that to the end of May, 1926, there was an operating loss of Pl9,SOO.OO which was partially covered by the donations and gifts l'efCl'red to, in a total amount of about rV;,500.00. Thus, at that date there was a deficit of P3,OOO.QO, and bills for a time that year were paid from an overdraft secured and guaranteed by individual members of the Board of Trustees. FOl'tnnatei.y, this point marked a favorable turning in the school's financial affairs, for shortly thereafter increasing enrollment brought a corresponding change in the balance sheets. W ithin a few years there was not only a substantial sur路 plus in actual cash, but in addition, the school had been equipped throughout with modern dcsks, the library had been co~iderably enlarged, and such essent.ials as laborat'o.l'y apparatus, playground equipment, and lighting fixtures had been installed, The school was, . after many difficult and trying years, a financial success. Apart from this period of financial hardship, the school prospered to a de&\ee even beyond that envisioned by its founders, for, scholastically, it was an immediate success and soon established an en路 \'iable record of accomplishment Responsible for this was the consistent policy followed by each administration of adhering strictly to the principal aim of the founders, which was to establish, at modest ra\2s of tuition, an' exclusive private school with courses based on those of the best schools in the United States, taught in surroundings identical to those which would be experienced in the homeland and which would, therefore, be conducive to the highest ideals of education, conduct, and citizenship. This insured a similarity in home language, atmosphere, and point of view, and established a uniformity of method in teaching and discipline, as well as a system of educational and social training for American and British children which had not been available since the early days of the Occupation, when the old American Public School, an institution similarly patterned, was in existence. W ith this tradition for service well established, growth and expansion were inevitable. Though the school ha ~ drawn its students primarily from the -'\.merican and British communilies -those of the former natur ally predominating- and is css;entially American in its customs, policies, and C'bjedives, it is significant in b'acing its history to


note that it has always exel'cised an appeal among other European nat:onalitle~ in Manila, as evidenced by the rolls of past years, which include the names of children from Fl'ench, German, Swiss. Spanish, Danish, Swedi sh, and Dutch familie s. Reciprocating the opportunities extended to them by the school, many members of these communities have beer. its most loyal and active supporters, Housed in its new building-the finest of its kind in Manila, the school at last achieved another major objective, The financial stress of its early years often made this goal seem unattainable, but, again, adherence to a definite plan, as nebulous as it was at times, finally brought success. An appraisal of the factors which led to this brings into sharp relief the assistance and cooperation which the American and othcr interested communities extended to the school during the past seventeen years, It is indeed rcgretable that there is not availabk~ a complete rostel' of the friend s and patrons who helped so generously dUring that period, Many of them had no direct interest in the school, but were acttmted solely by a desire to support such Worthy aims and purposes as those for which the school was operated, The other s were patrons who supported the school directly, by sendi ng their children to it and by giving unstinctedly of their time and money when their aid was sought. There were the guarantors and others whose original gifts and fi nancial a ssistance made it possible for the school to open; a group of members of the American Chamber of Commel'ce, some of whom were also in the guarantors group, who made a donation of several thousand pesos which tided the school over a very crucial period of its careel'; the members of the Philippine Society of Engineers who turned over to the tmstees the cash assets of theil' Ol'ganization when it was dissolved, a gift of nearly Pl,500.00; the patrons who successfully promoted a number of tea parties which brought severa l thousand pesos into the treasury; the principals and teachers of the school whose active interest and support extended far beyond the limits eX I)ected of staff members; and, finally, the patrons who acted as trustees and on whose shoulders fell the direct responsibility of carrying on the work which the founders and original board passed on to them. Today, the American School Building- a symbol of scholarship and service-stands as a monument to this host of men and women whose faith in an ideal made its acquisition possible.





ASSUMPTION CONVENT HE OBJECT of thi!; Insti tute is to offel' to young ladies the advantages of a thorough religious

T 'I


education combined with the intellectual culture which the pI'csent state of society I"cquiles. The plan of Studies, drawl'.' up by Reverend Mothel' Marie


Foundl'.2ss of the

Congregation, and actually in use in all the Assumption Houses both in EUrope Bnd America, has been adapted to s ui t the Government Pl'ognl.mme.


RELlGlOI'\ AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY, English, Spanish, French, Latin, History, Literature {English and Foreign} Geography. Mathematics, Physics and the Natural Sciences. Needlework (plain and ornamental) and Calisthenics IIrc obligntory throughout the entire eourse. A complete com~crcial Course extending over four ,years is also offered; at the end of this period lhe candidate is entitled 0 a Commercial Diploma. A Post Gl'a(luate Seeret.'l\iial Course is given for

tho~e who desire it. (Morning hours only). lish is the official language of the School.



Bntl'ance Fee... P20.00 Roard and Tuition P45.00 pel" month . Washing I' 5.00 'I Accounts should be paid in advance at the beginning of each month. No deduction is made for delay in returning at lhe beginning of the term or for absence after e ntering ot" fot" withdrawal before the end of the l1?"nll, ex('cpt in cri se of long sick nc!'s.




THE ATENEO DE MANILA HE ATENEO DE MANILA is conducted by the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. The College was established in 1859, when the municipal board entrusted to the Jesuit Father s the school kn'Own as the " Escuela Pia" or public school of Manila. The Fathers accordingly undertook the task, adopting courses of instruction that were modelled on the plan oi principles and methods followed in Europe. This plan of studies, with the assent of the municipal board, was approved by th2 highest authority in the Islands at the time, D.


Fernando de NOn:;ligtLTIlY, on D(ccmber 15, 1859.

WHILE THE SPANISH rule lasted, the primary department was maintained by funds which the city supplied. In 1865 the institution was approved by the Government at Madrid as a college of primary and saconda l'y instruction, the courses of study were fixed, and t he l\'ame "Ateneo Municipal de Manila" was given to the school. On March 31, 1870, the degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on tbirteen students who duly completed in that year the prescribed .studies. At the same time a certificate o~ expert accountant was given to a student who successfully finished the business course. The courses f Jlowed hitherto were modified in 1881 so as to bring them into complete accord with t he rules governing among Jesuits, embodied in a book known as the ')RATlO STUDIORUM." In 1901 the College took the name of "Ateneo de Manila" because, with the lapse of Spanish sovereignty, there ceased also the support of the city gover nment which had founded the school for the advancement of youth in virtue and knowledge. It lost likewise its official character in consequence of leg islation then obtaining in matters of public instruction. Change of circumstances, howeverJ made no change in the nature of the training given by the Ateneo. On the contrary, the College continued under the protection of the new government, with as much vigor as ever in its work of education according to sound principles, such as the circumstances of the times demanded. Since the beginning of American rule, the Ateneo has modified the character and amount of its instruction in English, and far-reaching changes have bean introduced. The College has repeatedly won the approval of t he American Government, and in 1906 it was empowered to confer academic degrees, though the document in which the concession is made bears the date of July 31, 1908. In 1909, the Ateneo celebr ated the fiftieth anniversalW of its founding with f itting solemnity.

The advent of twenty American Jesuits to the Philippine Islands on July 12, 1921, marks an epochmaking change in the history of the Ateneo. Aitel" sixty-three years of a useful and successful career under the influence of the Spanish Jesuits, the College changed its administration and staff and [lussed under the control of American Jesuits from the Mar~'land - New York Province. The assumption of direction by a new faculty so different in language and customs could not but involve vcry important changes in the collE:ge curriculum. When the Monroe Commission made a survey of the Educational System of the Philippine Islands they visited the Ateneo and made the following report. "'TIhe Ateneo has been transformed into one of the most successful institutions visited by the Commission. It is admirably equipped for its work in every respect. It has one of the finest working libraries in the Islands which is admirably administered. Its laboratories and apparatus arc so modern and adequate as to make the visiting educator rejoice to see them. The representative of the Commission listened to some of the best conducted recitations that he heard in the Archipelago. A remalikable spirit of alertness pervaded the institution. It ought to receive all the su pport n ecessary to maintain and expand its work." On August 1:1, 1932, a great confingmtion destroyed the entire building of the Ateneo. Classrooms, equipment, chapel, dining halls, auditorium, dormitories, and the famous museum and Rizal Library-all were reduced to ashes in a few hours. But the Ateneo and its haditions were not destroyed. After one month the school again opened in more spacious and even better surroundi ngs at the old Jesuit site of the College of San J ose, located in the heart of El'mitn, one of Manila's most select resillential sections. During December 1934 the Ateneo celebrated its Dinmon<d Jubilee. Thus after scventyfive years the Ateneo though located in new surroundings, with the latest modern equipment, con-



t.inues to fUl'n ish a complete education under the sume Jesuit traditions. SYSTEM OF EOUCATIO N

The Jesuit System of Education ha s certain definii.'2 pedagogical principles. The method and l-lll'pose that guide the COU I'SZ of studies at the A tcnco de Manila may be bl'iefly described ill" follows: Education, in its complete sense, is unclcl'sb")od by us as the full and harmonious development of th~ intellectual, mont! and physical powel's of man. H is not therefore mere iostl'uction or the acquisition of knowledge, al t hou g h inst.ruction and the acquisi. tioll of knowledge necessarily accompany a ny l'lght system of education. But the gain ing of knowledge is a secOndul'Y, or at any rate, a concomi tant, result of education. Learning is an instrument of edllcation, not its end. Th..e end is culture, and :nenta\ and moral developmenb H ence such instl'ume(Lts of education, that is, such studies, sciences, or )anguages, are cho!;en as will effectively further th~ end proposed. These studies are selected, moreovel onl y in such numbers as al·e suf ficient and helpful to enSlll'e a gradual

and nalural development of the student's powers, A who is to be educated will not be forced, in t he s hort period of his college coul'se and with hi s immature faculties, to study a mUltiplicity of the languages and sciences into which the vast world of modem knowledge has been divided. If two or more sciences, for insta nce, give s imilar training to some mental faculty, that one is chosen whieh combines the most effective training with the largest and most fundamental knowledge.

~lude nt

T he purpose of the mental t l'ainil.''; given is nut proximately to fit the student fOI· special employment 01· pNfession, but to give him such a gene)·al, vigorous and rounded development ns will enable him to cope successfully even with the unforeseen emergencies of lifc. While giving the mind stability, it tends to produce menta l elasticity, the lack of which is one of the most hopeless and disheartening results of specializa tion in students who have not brought to their studies the uniform mental tl·aining g iven by a systematic college course. The studies, therefore, are so chosen and communicat.ed th at the student may g radually and ha rmoniou sly reach as nea rl y as may be, that measure of culture of wH ich he is capable.



PHILIPPINES It is fundamental in the system of the Society of Jesus that different studies have distinct and peculiar educational values. Mathcmatics, the Natural Sciences, Language and History are complementar~ instruments of education to which the doctdne of equivalence cannot be applied. The specific training given by one cannot be supplied by another. Furthel路more, Language and History have always been held in esteem as leading factors in education. Mathematics and Natural Sciences bring the student into contact with the material aspects of nature, and exercise the inductive and deductive powers of reasoning. Language and History effect a higher union; they are manifestations of spirit to spirit, and by their study and for their acquirement the wholt! mind of man is brought into widest and subtlest pla.y. The acquisition of Language especially calls for delicac;y of judgment and fitness of perception, and for a constant, keen, and quick use of the reasoning powers. A special importance is attached to the classic ton~es of Rome and Greece. As these are languages with a stl"Ucture and idbm remote from the language or the student, the study of them lays bare before hin the laws of thought and logic, and requires attention, reflection and analysis of the fundamental relations between thought and grammar. In studying them the student is led to the fundamental recesses of language. They exercise him in exactness of conception in grasping the foreign thought, and in delicac.y of expression in clothing that thought in the dissimilar garb of the mother-tongue. While recognizing, then, in education the necessity and impol'tance of mathematics and the Natural Sciences, which unfold the interdependence and laws of the world of time and space, it has been the policy of Jesuit educators unwaveringly to keep Language in a position of honor as an instrument of culture. In order that the student may perfect hi!; study of the Sciences by a deeper insight into the fundamental causes and ultimate reality of things, a complete course of Philosophy is given. The pursuit of this course of philosophy leads to a broadening of intellectual visio.n and strengthening of moral training that are in accord with the universal principles of human knowledge and the established laws of human conduct. In this final stage of collegiate development the student is thtls enabled to exer{'ise thl"! powers of keen analysis and self-criticism. to apply to the practical problems of life the faculties


of memory and imagination which have been developed by the stud~' of Literature and History, and the methods of accurate and logical thinking which Mathematics and the Natural Seiences impart. Nor is this all. The Jesuit system of education aims, too, at de,reloping, side by side, the moral and intellectual faculties of the student, and sending fOI路th to the wodd men not only of sound judgment, of acute and rounded intellect, but also of Il]lright and manly conscience. And since men al路e not made better citizens by the mere accumulation of knowledge, without a guiding and contl'olling force, the principal faculties to be developed are the moral faculties. Moreover, mOl,;ality is to be taught continuously; it must be the vital force animating the whole organic structure of education. rt must be the atmosphere the student. breathes; it must suffuse with its light all that he reads, illuminate all that is noble, expose what is base, and give to the true and the false their relative light and shade. In a word, the purpose of Jesuit teaching is to lay a solid substructure in the whole mind and character for any superstructure of science, professional and sP1cial, as weB as fOl' the upbuilding of moral, civil, and religious life.

Ant The aim of the course is to give the student a complete liberal education, which will train and develop all the powers of the mind, and will cultivate no faculty to an exaggerated degree at the expense of the others. The college ideal is not to foster specialization, but to cultiv~te the mind, to build and strengthen true character, and to impart that accl1racy of thought and reasoning and that breadth of view which must ever be the foundation as well of more advanced scholarship as of eminence in the professions of other stations of life. ' RELIGION The Jesuit system of education docs not share the illusion of those who seem to think that education, understood as an enriching and stimulating of the intellectual faculties, has of itself a morally elevating influence in hum2.n life. While conceding the effects of educ:ltion in energizing Rnd refining imagination, taste, unde'路standing, and powers of observation it has always held that knowledge and intellectual rlevelopment of themselves have no moral efficacy. Religion alone can pmify the heart, guide and fltrengthen the will. The "RATIO STUnIORTlM" keeps ever before the mind of the teacher



the: fact he is dealing with immortal souls, fashion 路 ing them and influencing their eternal destiny. It holds that religion is a vital element in any system of education r eally worthy of the na me. It maintains and insists, as a fundamental principle of education. that the training of the mind and the body should be accompanied by the training of heart and will under religious influence. Hence the system provides, as one of its ess{:lltin\s, for well graded daily ins.truction in the theory of Joeligion by teach-

ing and lectures in Chris tian Doctrine in every class. It likewise fosters a spirit of piety and encourages a normal practice of religion by assisting the spontaneous formation of such rational habits of internal and external worship as a student may be expected to continue in after life. Students arc required to attend lectures in Christian Doctrine, to make the annual retreat and to present themselves to theil' confessors every month.

COLEGIO DE LA IN MACULADA CONCEPCION CONCORDIA N May 3, \.863 Colegio de la Inmaculada Conception Concordia was inaugul'uled and opened as i\ girls" school. This school is indebted f or its foundation to a wealthy lady of Manila named D'o~a Margarita Roxas de Ayala. This lady out of her gl'~a t genel'osity an'(i love for the poo donated her "La Concordia" es tate lor.ated in Paco district to the Sisters of Charity for vhom she professed admiration and sympathy, that they might open a girls' school to both nOOI' and well-to-do children.

O In

THE NAME OF THE SfHOOL is Colegio de Tnmaculada Concepcion Concol'dia after its

patroness, the Immaculate Conception, and Concordia after the numc of the estate in which it is


PHILIPPINES located. It is, however, often shortened and simply called Colegio de la Concordia. The Mother SUperior of all the Sisters of Charity in the Philippine Islands, called in their Congl'c"ation Vice-Visitatrix, has her residence here, and for this reason the institution is the central 01' mother house of their Congregation. There is a novitiate here where aspirants to the Sisterhood receive training before taking the habit. The building is the largest of all the schools under the charge of the Sisters of Charity in the Philippines, and is capable of accommodating 300 hoarding students. Its location and healthfulness is excellent.


The courses offered in this school nre recognized by the government. It operates the elementary, the secondal'Y, and the Junior Normal College Course. In the secondary course, the general, the commercial and the home economics courses are offered. Special courses in music, painting, needlework, cutting and dressmaking, artificial flower making, various kinds of embroidery, and others are also offered in this schooL The average yeady enrolment of t his school including pupils in the kindergarten and other special classes is 500. Of this number more than half are poor children who receive education free.

COLEGIO DEL BEATERIO DE LA COMPANIA HE COLEGIO DEL BEATERIO DE LA COMPAI'lIA, popularly known as the Reaterio College, is located 0,\157 Stn. Lucia Street, Walled City, ~IRnila, Philippine Islands. It occupies the very same site where its foundress, the Venerable Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, gave it its first existence in 1684. It is owned and managed by the Sisters of the Congregation of the Virgin Mary, the owly Relig ious Congl'egation of Filipino foundation enjoying the Canonical Approbation of the Hoi)' See.


THE COLEGIO DEL BEATERIO, since its foundation, three centuries now, has always been active in the education of young girls. Its aim is to produce industrious, cultured and virtuous women equipped with the moral strength based on the knowledge and practice of the Catholic Faith, and which will enable them to shoulder the social responsibilities awaiting them in later life. It also aims in retaining the best of the nation's traditions and customs while at the same time it imbibes all that is recommendable in the modern social progress. For admission:



appiieRnt mlUt pres~nt a trander eR rd from the to,cther with her baptiamnl and con_


any conta,ioul di~ea.e . Students upeUed from other sehool will not bo admitted.

.~hool· nU~nded. ~r""'tion l:ettifieBtea. 2. She mult be ft~e of

The discipline of the students is directly under the control of the Prefect of Discipline with the supervision of the Rev. Mother Directress. R08vders whose pal'<lnts live in the province mnst have a guardian in the city duly appointed by the parents. No student can go out of the College unless in company with her parents or guardian. The authority to give permission for

leaving the Co!lege is exclusively reserved to the Rev. Mother Directress. On(Jc a month, the third Sunday of the mon'fh, a generai permission is given to all boarders to leave the College. Only in matters of g ..~at importance are they allowed to go out on any other day. They are to ret'lrn to the College at th(> appointed time. Failure to do so will cause the student to 10$e the privilege of goi ng out. A lady-l ike behavior is expected of every student. Respect and dcference to the Sisters and lady teachers, and esteem to their companions are always insisted on. Prompt obedience to the rules and regUlations al'e required. Insubol'dination is nevel· tolerated. Several repititions of acts of insubordination cause suspension from classes. Insubordination in grievous matters is taken as a just cause for expulsion. COURSES OFFE RED : KindergArten. Prim"ry. Int ermediate. High School. Jun ior Nor"".1 College lind Junior NormAl H ome Economie•. SPEO IAI. COUHSES: Dr""" Culling. Interior DCCOtllli on. De cOrAt ivo PRinting. Cooki ng. Pinno. Voice Cul~uTe. I'en Pnint· inll Typewriting. SPAN IS H OLASSES: InfimB. Prepnntorin. Medin . Superior.

The Curriculum is in accordance to that recommended by the Secretary of Public Instruction and to the needs of the time and the locality.



The subjects under each academic course are the same as those of the public schools. History, literature and psychology texts, however, are those of Catholic authors. Religion keeps a prominent III ace and Spanish is given special attention. The Faculty is composed of Sisters and lad ... teachers, some possessing college degrees, othel:s possc!<sing university degr ees. To train the gi r ls for religious and social activities in later life thus rendering them of greater service to God and to Country, several organizations arc found well organized and active in t he school. Foremost is the Heavenward Society with which is fUSE'd the Catholic Action, Beaterio Unit, all'd which devotes itself to social work. The Bellarmine Club, an organization exclusively for the students of the

J unior Nor mal College, aims to encourage a further study in Religion by means of individual in. \'estisation, and by public speaking in defense of the articles of Our Faith, (Th is organization is under the direction of a J esu it Father,) T he purely rel igious societies are the Sodality of the Children of Mary, the Sodality of the Little Anl{els a nd the A postleship of Prayer. For literary trai ning, there are t he Beaterio Debati ng Club ~nd t he Training Department Association , A departmant entirely separated from that occupied by ' the s tudents, is reser ved fo l' students of other schools, and employees who wish to live in convents. Another department is also reserved for old ladies who wish to make theil' home ill a n ins. titution,


Originally an Orphanage Sc~ol, La Consolacion Now Is One of Manila's Best Private Convent Schools N epidemic is not


a curse. Sometimes it is productive of good results, Witness the foundation in this city afte" an epidemic 0 f an institution which developed int~ one of the best private cqlleges for girls in M~nila, and which celebrated its Golden Jubilee on th(' 2nd and 3rd of September of 1933. This is La Consobcion Convent, conducted by the Agustinian Sisters, which was founded in 1883, a yeaI' after the great cholera epid~mic which struck these islands, The cholem epidemic of 1882 was so tel"l"ib:e th2;t an infinite number of little children became orphans. The ' RLverenri Fathers of the Agustinian Orde,', seeing their plight, and pitying their miserable state, took step!; to found asylums, - one for girls and <.tllothel' fot" boys.


TWS BEKEVOLENT IDF.A met with the warm approval of His Grace, Pedro Pay<', then Archbishop of !\Ianila, and was also received with enthl',siasm by many distinguished women of Manila, who were equally prompt and generous with their contrihl:tiolls. To :>taJ,t the work, the Aguslinians opened the Convent of Guadalupe as an orphanage fOl" boys, and the building at Mandalo路 yong and the "Beaterio de Sta. Rita" in Pasig for girls. Wishing to entrust the e31'e of the orphan girls to the sisters of the Order, the Very Reverend PathCl' Provincial Salvador Font, of t he Agustinian Order, made a n urgent a p peal to t he Mother Stlperio,' of the Agustinian Sisters in Barcelona,

Spain, to send some of the members of theil' com路 munity to the Philippines to luke charge of th(' education of the g irls in the proposed coJlegeasylum. He also authorized those lIuns who should establish themseh路es here in the islands to permit !;uch pious and well instructed young women ae: might feel that t hey were called to n higher VOCIttion than the ordinary Christian life, to assume t.he Agtl~tinian habit. T hel'e was every renson to hope that the new institution would promptly bear rich f,"uits of charity and of scientific, social and religioull enlightenment, to the benefit of the country, as in truth has come to pass; :llld Mother Superior of the Agustinian Sisters gladly acceded to the requc!lt

PHILIPPINES of Father Font. And thus it came about that the very Reverend l'olother Supel'ior together with thre~ nuns, left Barcelona for the Philippines, arriving here on AP1'ii 6, 1883. Since the work was found to be too heavy for the four Sisters, four more of the Order came here on August 28 to help in the work. Fn,lPINO WOMEN PROFESSED

In 1888, three of the Spanish Sisters became ill and had to return to Spain, and three others also left later for the same reason. The two who were left continued the work with the help of the Filipino women who became members of the Order . On JuJ~' 2, 1889, a number of well educated and accomplished Filipino women coming from the bes ;; families of Manila some graduated from colleges in the neighboring English colony of Hongkong and some from governm,ent schools hel'e, donned the Agustinian robe!<-, T"cy helped the two original members of thc Sisterhood and mc-st of them are stiU connected with the Convent, On October 6, 1896, two mOI'e Spanish S~!.ters came here, but they had to l'eturn to Spain at the outbreak of the revolution, \ The Revet'end Mother Cor.suelo Barcelo, now Mother Gcneral of the Order in the Philippines, re-


tUl'ned here in 1904 to join her Filipino Sisters, It is undCl' her care, with thc help of the Filipino nuns, that the Colegio de La Consolacion has grown to its present size and fame, She is the only Spaniard in the government of the Convent and all her helpers are Filipino nuns, At an outcome of the revolutiOlr, the Convent orphanage had to be removed from Mandaloyong on June 8, 1898, with about 200 girls under the care of the Sisters, They were first housed in the Convent in Looban, later they moved to Sampaloc where they remained until December 27, 1909, when the building on San Rafael street, where the Convent now stands, was built, It was in 1900 that the COllvent took the name of "La Consolacion" because when the Spanish rule ended, the Agustinian Fathers ceased to contribute to the support of the childl'en who were then educated in Mandaloyong, The change of circumstances did not in any way alter the methods of instruction, On the contl'8ry, Ill"otected by the government, the school entered wi th renewed vigor upon its task of instructing and educating the young, accordi~g to the principles of religion, in sciences, in literature and the arts.

COl.rolO De l.<I. CONSOl. ... CION



Tho Colegio de La Consolacion ha s always, and justJy, enjoyed a high reputation. Under the Spanish regime, the young women who completed the course of study in this Convent, went to the Ayunta~ miento to be examined before n competent tribunal that granted the title of teacher to those wh~ proved their ability. Since the implantation of the American government here in 1900, the school was authorized to give courses of study and the right to g raduate its pupils with the title of "Macstl'8 Superior", equivalent to secondary school teachers. Since lfl05, many graduates of the school have taken CiviJ Service examinations in English to

qualify them for appointments as Insular teachers. In 1910, the Convent was authorized by the government to conduct full secondary courses and h;sue diplomas for the same. COURSES OF STUDY OFFERED BY COLEGlO DE LA CONSOLACION 260 SAN RAFAEL, MANILA

by the G()ve)'n1llent: Primary Course, Intermediate General Course, Secondary: General Course, Home Economics Courses; Collegiate: Jr. Normal College (E. T. C.); Special Courses: Kindergarten, Piano & Solfeggio, Flower Making, Stenography and Typewriting, Painting, Embroidery, Cutting and Dress Making. R (Jc()YI!ized


SANT4 ISABEL ACADEMY-COLEGIO DE SANTA ISABEL N THE YEAR 1591, A SPANISH secular priest, D. Juan Fernandez de Leon, n man of remarkable virtue, much inclined to piety and a great lover of the poor, arrived at the shores of Manila Ray. His sterling qualities opened for him the cloister of San Franci sco del Monte, which two years later saw h& prof-2ssion to the novitiate. An illness, however, forced him, upon medical prescription, to abandon his vocation and retire to the hospital of SlIn Juan de Dios. After horrible sufieril1gs, he regained his health, and though the illness left him lame for Hfe, he joined the Franciscans in their charitable wor k, taking care of the sick. In 1593 he shouldered the expenses for the erection of a hall which was a dded to the hospital, and for which maintenance he


begged alms from the neighborhood. BUT THE INSUFFICIENT ALMS could not ll1eet the overwhelming increase of the sick. Under these critical circumstances, this pious religious appealed to the r~ranc i scall' friars for help. And, Pl'. Marcos de Lisboa, a Portuguese, conceived the idea of founding in Manila "La Hermandad de la Sta. ]"Iisericordia" established in I.isbol? for the succor of the poor. D. Juan Fernandez, therefore, with his fiery tongue, moved the Spanish military officials to action. From these zealous Spaniards he obtained what became the nucleus of the beneficent institution called "La Hermandad de la Santa Misericordia de M?-Irila," which was erected April 6, 1594. This "La i}iermandad" was governed by II committee called "Mesa de la Santa Misericordia" composed of a president and twelve members. Though this new-born "Hermandad" had for its primary purpose the support of the hall founded

by D. Juan Fernandez, nevertheless, its spreading wings did not hover only over the inmates of the hospital but wl!re unselfishly extended to all those who feel the claws of destitution, especially the orphans and the abandoned children. On September, 1594, the "Mesa", in a ml'eting, resolved to help the Colegio de Sta. Potenciana, an institution founded in 1590 by Governor D. Gomez Perez Dasmariiias, for the purpose of housing poor orphan girls and the daughters of those who had served his Catholic Majesty and died without leaving anything for the support of the bereaved children. In this Institution, the inmates were reared in virtue and knowledge, in refinemel1t Bnd pious exercises. They were brought up in the fear nnd love of God, and were taught, too, the necessary knowledge that adorns womanhood until they canle to the "parting of the ways." Those who wanted to embrace the matrimonial life were found

PHILIPPINES husbands, and those who desired to dedicate their lives to God as religious were sent to the order to which they wanted to belong. Bnt thesewhether for matrimony or for the religious-received a generous dowry before entering their chosen state of life. According to reliable data, from lS!)4 to 1634, there wcre more than 7000 girls educated at the expense of "La Real Mesa en Sta. PoteIreiana," A considerable sum of money spent for their education and dowry was successfully met by the "Mesa" in spite of the great calamities and overwhelming difficulties of the time. The memucl's of "La Misericordia," either as ff:.thers or as miJital'Y officials, liable to lose their lives at any unexpected minute, realized the pitiful situation of those girls, whose inevitable misery was an accusing f,inger against those who had loved them dearly but had left them in such wretchedn'ess. Fearing that when the unavoidable crossing of the Great 'Beyond came, they might leave their daughters to a similar fate like that of those inmates, these far-seeing members planned a means to alleviate the pangs of orphanhood, and to insure the safety of their loved ones. This plan was to found a "colegio" similar to that of Sta . Potenciana, for the. purpose of housirrg and educating Spanish and halfbreed orphansdaughters of Spanish military officials who died in these Islands-so that these gh-ls would not be imperiled by the dangerous liberties of orphanhood aud poverty. This gl'eat plan, this beautiful dream became a tangible reality when, on October 4, 1632, there rose to its height a "COLEGIQ DE STA. ISABEL"-an undying monument of wedded Christian charity and Spanish altruism. This "Colegio" was named in memory of the pious Queen Elizabeth of Bourbon, first consort o'f King Philip V. And accordill'g to a royal decree of March 25, 1733, this Institution received a royal tItle and was known, henceforth, as "REAL COLEGIO DE STA. ISABEL." According to a writer of that epoch, the costly structures of the church and the "Colegio de Sta. Isabel" were erected between the .years 1631-1634, the expenses of which erection were met by the bounteous alms given by the illustrious benefactors of "La Real Mesa de In Sta. Misericordia"-the captains were D. Pedro Alvarez, D. Francisco Romanico and D. Gaspar Alvarez. And in accordance with the October 22, 1632 act of the session


of the "Mesa" the girls from Stu. Poten'Ciana transferrcd to the new Colegio, October 24, 1632, nnd were placed under the guardianship of Dna. Catalina de Aguirre, the first directress of the Institu tion. With the eml in view of drafting the rules and regulations with which the "Colegio" was to be governed, a special meeting was called which tOOh: place in the hall of " La Casa de la Santa Misericordia," 1\:Iay 25, 1639. The newly made rules made the presidcnt the governi ng head in all matters, while the directress saw to the administration of the "Colegio," concerning the education of the girls. Arl'd thoug h, t he primary object of the founding of the "Colegio de St8. I sabel" was the housing and education of SIJanish orphans, she nevertheless opened her doors to all seeking admittance. Christian Chal'ity and Spanish gener osity knew, and will forevel' know an'(l admit no limits. In the year 1852, the reigning majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, gave a royal decree ordering to the PhilipJ,line Islands the hel'oic and zealous "D aughters of St. Vincent de Pau!." Diverse obstacles, however, did not see the decree fulfilled until much later in the yea l' 1862, when Gerteral Echague became the Governor of the Phil ippines. General Echague, the valiant hero of Sorallo, had witnessed, to his great pleasure, the maternal soli citude with which the Sisters of Ch arity (as the Daughters of St. Vincent de Paul are often called) took care . of the wounded soldiers during the wal'S in Africa in the years 1859 an'(l 1860. He then urged the Spanish Government to reconside)' the Royal decree of 1852. A great help to General Echague was the new Archbishop of Manila, Hi s Excellency, Monsignor Gregorio Melit6n Martinez. He obtained from the Superior of the Religious Congregation of St. Vincent de Paul , the permission to send to the Philippine Islands a mission of Vincentian Fathers an'd Sisters of Chal"ity of the said Congregation. The permission g ranted, the Sisters, uporr theil' arrival, took charge of the Military Hospital, the Municipal School for Girls in Manila, and on Sept. 18, 1864, the management and education of the inmates of the "REAL COLEGIQ DE STA. ISABEL." The distinguished ladies who had been in charge of the "Colegio" for mauy years were l'equested to remain in the Institution for life. They were sol icitously attended by the benevolent Sisters of Charity.



A horrible earthquake of the year 1863 destroyed many magnificent buildings in Manila, the Chapel of the "Colcgio" not spat'cd. Amidst discouraging circulnstall'Ces and enormous difficulties, the Sisters of Charity put forth in the ordeal of reconstruction that zeal and heroism characteristic of their Congregation. In order to expand the boundaries of the Institution, the Sisters bought the ;Jdjacent Augustinian building, This I'CCOIl'$truction done, the Sisters took the harder tas\, of modernization. The antiquated method of instruction was utterly ddicient and hopelessly incapable of meeting the demands of model'll education. ']'he standard, therefore, was placed on a level with that of moclel'll times. The proof of the cure of the children, uml of the solid and excellent erlucabion which the Sisters of Charity gave to their ch:uges was clearly portrayed when the best families of th Philippines sought to have their daughters enrolled in the "Real Colegio de Sta. Isabel" in order to rtceive the best education that could be given in those times. In the Yl'ar Hl66 the "C.olegio de Sta. Potenciana," the oldest I nstitution in the Islands. and the "Colegio de Stn. Isabel" wel'e fused. Thus, the "Real Colegio de Sta. Isabel" has the proud distin('tion of being first among all t.hose at present I:xisting; the first that li j!'hted the bright torch or Catholic education to make of woman an ideal woman', modeling her so\ll, educating her spirit, fortifying her heart with the eternal Truths of Helig-ion, giving her a wide gl'asp of the sciences, and turning her over to the world-the glory of womanhood, the pride of Cr eation. Becau se of her efficient faculty ana excellent cUlTiculum which complied to the letter with the modern l'I~q\lisites of learning, th is "Colegio" was c1istir;'guished by the Govel'nmcnt when it granted her the neces!;al'Y permission to confer rlegrees :md titles. Ever si nce the management of this "Real Colegio de Sta. I sabel" was entrusted to the Sisters of Charity, many a Mother Superior-Sister Tibureia AYlln!;, Sister Sales Montoya, Sister Casimim Martinez, Sistel' Gaspara Melchor, Sister Maria Ocnl'iz, Si ster Concepcion Alnlennra , Sistel' .Tosefina Valcal'ce, artd Sister Pilar Julia-had come to accept the gl'eat responsibility of being a SUI>erior of a famous Community. had lingered h'n~ to add 1\ rung or two to thl! already towering ladder of fame of the Institution. " then, had gone,

to look back sadly and to see with holy satisf(Jction that she had left the "Colegio de Sta. Isabel" much better than she had found it. It was during the time of Sil:lter Maria Ocariz that great improvements were made. Her first and last concern was the upliftment of the "Colegio." She is gone to receive her reward from her Creator, ~'es, she is gone forever, ,yet her memory jives-an undying spark to inflame to gratitude Ihe heart!' of those who had the great pleasure of knowing her. On the 13th of August of the year 1933, a t enifying conflagration' converted almost a half of the "Colegio" and the whole of the Ateneo de Manila into a hUge funeral pyre. The hungry flames were mercilessly devoUl'ing the bu ildi ng when nbruptly they stopped nt the chapel. They cOllld not consume the House of God. Surei.v. they must have had to respect that; this halt saved the rest of the edifice. After the great fire, the helpless weariness and discourag ing sell~e of loss which usually accompany an exoitement caused by a terrible suspense and real destruction did not mean a cessation of labor. Though the fl'owning ruins alway!,; reminded them of the glory that was the "Colegio de Sta. Isabel," thc Si-;ters of Charity did not waver in their struggle for the continuation of the educational work and the immediate reconstruction of the building. This latter was accompl ished with the generous contributions rendered by bene\'olent souls and institutions. The present Mother Superior, Sistel' :'.1aria Sanjuan, like her most worthy predecessors, is t'ontinuing the labOl' of ages. Silen~ workel'S accomplish wondel's, and she is such. With the constant help of the Sisters, especially of her competent Directress, SOl' Socorro, atl'd the untiring, intellectual Principal. Sor Cand ida Ocampo, our Mother Superior has a bright hope of bringing back the substance fot' the shadow. Very well, indeed, can people say that the "ColegiQ de Stll.. Isabel" should be rated to belong to that epoch of the "glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome." Yet, who knows1 Who can eveL' tell? The pendulum of time swal'S incessantly, and the "Colegio" might live ovel' again her past glory. But, even in ruins the "Colegio de Sta. Isabel" retains her name. Of course, people may ask ~ "What is in a name, especiaJly in a )'Gyal name that hides nn illustrious hist<lry?" Such

PHILIPPINES a history belongs to the "Real Colegio de Sta. Isabel," the oldest monument of wedded Christian Charity and Span'ish altruism. It is the oldest College for girls in Manila. I t eOVel'5 the whole block of GraJ. Luna, Calle Real, Anda, and Al'zobispo, Walled City. It was established in 15D4 hy the Ro~'al Honse of Mercy, originally for the education of the orphan children of the Spanish soldien, employees of the Spanish Civil Government, and childnm with Spanish blood. The Colegio teaches Art, Manners, Conduct, and Religion. At present, it is a college for children of well-todo Filipino and Spanish parents. The College offers


courses from kindergarten to collegiate normal. The season of 1937-38 the school is accommodating 567 students. In 1932, the College celebrated the third century of its existence. One of the most intcresting relics in the College Chapel i<; thc Image of Christ known as "EI Tesoro del Santo Cristo." It is a black image carved by one of the famous Mexican Artists of the time out of the Pel'cgl'ina Wood of Mexico, (garni~ cida de oro). It was brought from Acapulco, Mexico, by GovCl'nor Juan Nino de 'l'abor3, the Govcrnor of the Philippincs at that time, and the Franciscan Friar Pedro de Arca, a Bi shop of Cebu in 1631.

THE COLEGIO DE SAN JUAN DE LETRAN HE COLEGlO DE SAN JUAN DE L ETRA ~ was established in the year 1630 and entrusted to the guidance of the Spanish Domirican Fathers who uninterruptcdly have managed and conducted it ever since. Highly recommenced by the King of Spain and ennobled with the title of "REAL" by His Catholic Majesty, the Colegio de San Juan de 1.et1'3n was very s~n in the limelight and became the one leading secondary institution for the education of the Filipino Youth. For. over three hundred years the Colegio de San Juan cie Letl'an has never ceased to form staunch cathollcs and spirited citizens. And the list of tho~e who with their exceptional talents and spirit of fortitude have brought honol' to the country is as long as





conveniences that a complete, sound, and catholic education may afford, presents its<!lf anew to thl' puhlic and pledges to do its very best for the propel' It i" the avowed purpose of this college religious and civic education of the youth o[ the to adapt itself to the constant progress of culland. The Colegio de San Juan de Letran is at ture and fully meet the ever increasing demun'd present locatell in the Walled City (lntramuros) for a th('l1'ongh christian education of the youth . occupying the whole block formed by Letl'an, Hence, its evel' up-to-date curriculum and unsul'Mural\,"" Anria, and Beaterio stl路eets. It is indeed Jla~scd educational facilities. The Colegio de San one of the most healthy and central locations in Juan (le Letran has a glorious and unparalleled Manila, facing Plaza Lawton and the Botanical tradition to maintain; over three hundred years of Gardens. Its building" is spaciou s and well unselfish and fruitful labor San Juan de Letran ventilated, with fu ll y equipped classrooms and justly looks back with pride, and in the inspiration laboratories and two inner gardens and two inner of their achievement it gathers strength to increase courts fOl' play and recreation. Adjoining the its efficiency and look forward to a future of still College are the mun'icipal grounds, giving greater service. ample facilities for all kinds of sports as well as That same College, under the very same for l'eglamentary military dl'ill. During the ]937/8 management and w\tih the last improvements and. season the college accommodated about 800 students. 'the '/ife of this tl'i-centenarian been.



THB "COLEGIO DE SANTA ROSA" T was in 1750, A. D., tha~a religious-wol'ker o~ the Third Order of St, Dominic,-Sister Paula de la Santi sima 'l'rinidad,---cl{TIe from Spain to the Philippine Islands with the sole and noble purpose of promoting the glory o'f God by teaching the Catholic faith to the poor girls of the Islands. Soon after her al'l'ival in the Philippines, she hired a l,louse and gathered marry poor grils in it, l;~颅 stl'llcting them in the Ch~'istian Doctt"ine and in all that she deemed necessary for an educated girl to know; such as, r eading, writing, sewing, embroidery, etc. This was the foundation of


the Institution known nowadays as "Colegio de Santa Rosa." ACCORDING TO DOCUMEN1'S still existing in the College, Sister Paula had, in H'64, a regulal' little school with over one hundred pOOl' girls inmates, and, as the building has improved, a Chapel constructed inside where a l\Iass was said everyday. She placed her school under the protection of St. Rose of Lima, being a saint of the Dominican Order, too, and named the Institution "Beaterio ~ Casa de Enscilanza" de Santa Rosa. In 1863, the name "Beaterio" was omitted, retaining, however, the name "Casa de Ensenanza" or "Colegio" which is the name it bears up to the present time. At the death of Sister Paula, the Institution was le.ft under the management of one of the several ladie!> who came to live with her to help her in her laudable works of mercy and who became Terciaries of St. Dominic, too. The school continued under thc dircction of tht'sc ladies until 1866, when the la st of them died. Therc being no more Terciury Sisters to take

the place of the last one, the Institution was placed under the care of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul who, from January 19, 1866, took possession of it up to the present time. Many improvements and changes were wl'ought by the Sisters of Charity s ince the time they took the Inst.itution under their chal路ge. The building became larger and the courses given in the school are recognized by the Government. The following courses are at present given under the instruction of well qualified and competent teachers:Cel.e)'al cQul'ses:-Kindergarten, Primary, Intermediate, High School-General and Home Economics,-Commerce, Secretarial Course, Junior Normal College Course--General and Home Economics. Special Co1trse~:-Special Home Economics, Spanish. Piano, Voice Culture, Stenography, Typewriting, Flowermaking, Fruitmaking, Dresscutting and Dressmaking, Interior Decoration, Painting, all'd Drawing.



MARYKNOLL NORMAL COLLEGE ARYKNOLL Normal College is conducted by the FOl~ig n Mi~sion Sist(>l"!; of St. Dominic, commonly known as the Ahlryknoll Sisters whose Mother House is locatel! at Maryknoll, New York. This is the only American Sisterhood in the Phi lippine IslulI'fls. This Institution was originally located at Malabon in the Pro vin'Cc of RizaJ, under the title of the Malabon Normal School, which was opened in .June, 1拢126. In June 1936 the collegiate depar t ment of this school was t\'ansferred to Manila anti is now opel'atin~ as the Maryknoll


Nomlal College,

THE DI STINCTIVE Al!\l of the collegz is to twin young women as teachcI's in the elementary schools. P articular attention is given' to the mor a! a nd religious formation of the student teachers, The cOllrr;es offered inrluile n Two-year Normal Course, n T h ree-year Normal Course and a Three~'ea r coun;(' iealting to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, The latter is given in cooperation with St, P a ul's Ho!<p ital Tl'aining School for Nurs<!s which is also ul~'({e r the c1h'ection of the Maryknoll Sisters. In r.onnpction witp the N(\\'mal depa r tment a model school is conducted ('omprising the entire clIrricniunl froll' the Kindel\rl't~n thl'ongh the high school.

The curriculum offel'ed by this schoo! conforms Lo the high standard required by the Bureau of Private:' Education in the Philippines. T he teachi ng staff is made up of Amercan Sisters specially trainThc olltsif nd路 ed in 1hr StMes for 1hei r work. ing fenhll'es of this institution are the courses offt!l'ed in E:lglish a nd the s pec ial training given for th~ teaching of Religion in the various catecheticnl centers in the Islands. The Maryknoll Normal College is established un'del' the auspices of the Most Reverend Michael J, O'Doherty, D. D., Archbishop of Manila, and is recognized as the Archdiocesan T eachql' Tmining Collcge of the Philippines.



THE COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY Located at No. 1556 Azcarraga Sc. corner Teodora Alonso St. District of Santa Cruz, Manila, Philippines. HE COMM ON WEALTH UNIVERSITY is the " Be njamin" of all local Universities. It started as the "CommonweAlth Institute, Inc." on Muy 12th, 1934, with only one student who took u p the Course in Typewriting, for which h e p aid Pl.OO p er month. One week after its inauguration, the number of students who had actually enroll ed was increased to seven. Other vocational courses had been opened anti new students were enrolled. At the end of tile second week fourteen students were attending seven different classes. Since then the institution has been growing steadily, Although the progl'C5S has been rather slow, due pl'incipaHy- to the monctary c l'i sis r eigl'ring in the Philippines at that time and ever s ince, yet the rcsu lts havc been vcry


~atisfnctor y.

W I TH T HE I NAU GURATIO N OF THE COMMONWEALTH of the Philippines on November 15th, 1935, a new imp~se was gi ven this Institution, and several new Courses, mostly vocational, were offered to the public. The latter responded by showing more interest for the vocational courses t han for the academic. This was natural, because all of th, othe< in,titution, of , imil\ nah".. in th, l"al-

ity had bcen offering nothing but academic subjects, whereas mature men, both industrial and professional, had been advocating that the youths or this countr y turn their attention to vocational callings and leave aside academic training. Articles on this su bject had been written and published in the daily papers throughout the country by men in


PtuLlPPINES all walks of life, inc]u<ling Government officials, with the result that mRny young men and young women turned their attention to vocational subjects and have thus helped to inerea~e the enrollment of this I nstitution. With the growth of the \'arious branches of the

Commonwealth Institute, Inc. came the just desire to convert same into a University, and thi!> was done just at the time of the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines on November 15th, 1935.


Since then this Institution has taken on the name of CQl\lMONWEALTH UN I VERSITY. Thi s is now t he only institution of its kir.'d where nothing but vocati.-:na! courses arc taught to young men and young women alike And anyone going for a white-eollal' job has no place illl this Institution, All men and women, young or aged, who wish to learn something practical, ul>-to-date and in short order are welcome to the COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY,

CONGREGACION DE LA MISION DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL T WAS IN OBEISANCE to a royal Decree of Queen Elizabeth II that the Spanish Vincentians came to the Fhilippines to ext'l'ci~e the ministry of their vocation, Tn October 19, 1852 the spani,sh Queen had written in' the tanth paragraph of her Decree" "To the end of procur, ing the best inslil'uction and formation in the spirit of the Chul'ch in' those Seminaries where the ends for which these Institutions were established by the H oly Council of TI'ent, cannot be dUlY obtained for want of rofessors and other means, we have ordered the opening in' the City af Manila of a house of Vineentian Fathers who, besides of the !'pil'itual direction of the Sisters of Charity intrusted to them by their own Rules, mny also take charge of the direction and teaching in those Seminaries in the terms and conditions agreed upon with the Rt, R-ev, Al'chbi!<hop and Rev, Bishops of the l'eSpeC~ive Dioceses of the Islands,"


BUT DIFFICULTIES ANID TRIALS not. infrequent against God's works delayed for ten long years the cal'l'ying on of this royal Decree; and it was due only to the courage and earnestness of Mons, McJiton Martinez, then Ar('hbishop of Manila, that on the 5th of April 18G2, two Vinc~ntian' Fathers, Gregorio Velasco and Jldcfonso Moral with two Lay BI,othel'S and 15 Sistcl's of Chal'itly took ship in Cadiz and arrived in Maniln.. on the 21 of July, It was only 13 day!; after their happy 2.rrival, or on the 2nd of August, that His Grace the Archbishop of Manila intrusted to our Fathers the direction of his Seminary. Foul', besides that of Manila, were the Dioceses existing in the Islands when OU1' Fathers came: the Dioceses of Cebu, Jaro, Nueva Caceres, and Nueva Segovia, In the course of a few years, as new Vincentians arrived, w('l'e given the direction of their l'espective 8eminal'ies: On 1865 that of the Seminary of Nueva Caceres by Mons, Fr, Francisco Gainza; on 1867 of the Seminary of Cebl/.

by Mons, Fr. Ronltlaldo Gimeno j on 1869' of the Seminary of Jaro by 1\Ions, Mariano CUal'tero; and on 1872 of the Seminary of Nueva Segovia by Mons, Juan Aragoncs, Since then all these Seminaries have remain_ ed Ul'alel' OUI' diref'tion, excep!. that of Nueva Segovia. left b~' om' Fnthel s ill 187G be('allse of some differcncE'S with !'IfOllS, A!'ag'oncs' immediate successor, and th~ interval of 18!HI-HH3 when we were tempol'l'Il'i1y relieved from the direction of the Archdiocesan Seminal'Y of 1\1,n11ila, On 1910 three new Diocescs wen!: created in the Philippines; Calba)tog, Lipa nnd Zamboanga, The Semiuades of the first two, Calbayog and Lipa, were, from its very starting, pJaced undel' our direction, After this rapid enumeration of data we deem it unnecessary to add that our Fathers have always done theil' best to discharge thei r very delicate duty following day after day the dispositions of St. Vincent de Paul and of I)ur Db'ectol'ies of Seminaries, ba,ving l}s. tbeh' s~red aim to in('ulcate in the souls




and minds of every cnrl'didnt:! the science and vil'tues, which arc the precious crown of Catholic Priesthood. Let us now set down SOUle very expressive figures, after only mentioning that the actual Dioceses in the Philippines being twelve with nine Seminaries, six of these Seminaries nre under the direction of Vincenti an Fathers. Fruits? Here they arc, although we have to regret the Joss of some very important documents because of fire and other mishaps. Directed by our The Seminary of Manila. Fathers in two different periods: during the first, 1862-1899 gave to the Al'chdiocesis 258 priests; in the second period, 1!)13-1936, gave 137 priests. On this ver.y year there arc 101 p riests formed by the Vineentians serving the different Pari shes of t h ", Al'chdiocesis and ~Iy ,J8 who w(,J'e not formed by us. The Seminary of N'ueva Caceres (Nag-a). From 1865-1866 gave 1]9 Pri<!{ts ,urd from 1901-1931.1 geve 165. Wc lack detads from 1887-1900; but assumin'g 5 priests for a year, as a result of the number of priests ordained ~t the two given pe)路iods. we may approximately e { mate in 350 priests

INDUSTRIAL MANUAL tht: total of those O1'd:Lined to Priesthood in this Seminary from 1866-1936. The Seminnry of Jal'o. Was reduced to ashes by a rapid conflagration in' October 7, 1906. Nothinp- could be saved. So we can not give exactly th"! number of priests ol'dained from this Seminary. We only remember the names of 192 of these priests; nut we dare say that a total of 330 formed here is not too far from the truth. To these we must add 2~ more from the new Dioeesil; of Bacolod formed here too. The Seminnl'y of Cebu. Gav~ from 1867-H136 208 Priests and Bishops, Mons. Pablo Sinr;zon nnd Mons. Juan Gorordo. The Seminal'Y of Cnlbayog. From its fnundation undel' the mnlla~en:tmt nf OU I' Fath(.'I'S, gnve sin!"e 1911 to 1936 90 Priests. The Seminnry of Lilla. Also from its beginning under the direction of Vincentian Fathers, notwithstanding the vici ssitudes it has had to pass through, has alJ'cady Itiven 43 priests actually in charge of the different paJ'ishes of this new Diocesis. Here we have, in a hurried sketch , the patient labor of Ollr Fathers who in !\ period of about 75 years have been able to present as the ripe fruit of thei r constnnt efforts for the glory of God and

PHILIPPINES His holy Chul'ch in these Islands, not less than 1500 Among them there are native Filipino Priests. sevcn native Bisho!,s, three already dead: Mons. Jo\'ge Badin, Mons. Pnblc Singzon and Mons. Juan Gorordo (; and foul' still happily living: Mons. Fl'ancisco Reyes, Mons. Santiago Sancho,


Mons. Gabriel M. RC~Tes :lnd Mons. Casimil'o Lladoc. In conclusion we may say that four fifths of the Filipino Clergy existing between 1862-1936 has been formed under the dl'cction of thl<! humble sons of St. Vincent de Paul, the Spanish Vincentian Fathers 01' PP. Paules.

GREGG BUSINESS COLLEGE N THE YEAR 1912, two years before the advent of the World War, pel'haps in anticipation of a forthcoming business boom, men with more fol'csight and IJcrhaps morc providence than their fellows conceived the embryo of an institution' that was destined yeaL'S later to provide employment for the needy who are financially incapable of securing a college education, and to supply big and small business concerns their much needed office helpers. most small bi!ginn'ings that had typewriters, the Institution developed, enlarged its Like later blossomed to bigger things, this Institution teaching facilities, provided for more efficient and started with insignificant capital. With a few painstaking instructors, multiplied its yearly extypewriters and one room to meet thc needs of its odus of well.prepared graduates. The word "wellfirst disciples, the facultr started to grind out prepared" fittingly applies to the products of this gradUates thoroughly prepared for the necessities Institution. The results of the examinations given of modern busin~ss life. F,om that small begin- by the Bureau of Civil Service, can testify to that ning, from a one-room COlleg\ and a few beggarly vb路tlle. For, it is almost, or all the time, an un-






occurrell'Ce for the graduates of the Institution to romp away with the honors every time such government examinationg are given. We now find the Institution's finished products carrying upon their shoulders. backed by the force, a systematic college instruction, the responsibilities entrusted to them with confidence in their abilities to perfonn such, by the heads of progressive business establishments. It is not only there that their presence is felt the most. We can find them employed in the Government Bureaus, where their skill in statistics and clerical work are mostly needed. They go all over the Phili p pine Islands, everywhere, where efficiency is the r equired standard of service. P el'haps into the inquiring mind the question would be propounded, as to why t he graduates of th is Institution should be remal'kably more sought after than others. The question can be answered simply. "Behind the efficiency of the graduates who had gone... out to seck positions for themselves lies principa!l~ with the inculcation in their minds the masterful influence of the faculty who had untiringly and unselfishly devoted themselves and their Iins to th p<:tablil'hment of a high standard of training. To them little was not enough and enough was still npt sufficient. For they were not merely instructo\'s who have specialized in their I':!spective lirres, but also students, men not content w ith the meagre information and general knowledge they had instilled in their minds. Ther, too, had delver! fOl' higher wisdom. cultured themseh'es into that ~uJ'<'I'ior state of mental proficiency, and imparted to their stUf\ents the significance of little and hig things they had discovcred through experience and research, Thus we see. why g r aduates of thc Gregg Bu siness College, cannot help but be compC'tent and why the public has vested so much tru!\t on these zealous young men and young women, It is, therefo r e, with a [justi fied but humble pride that the head and faculty members of this Institution bask in the 1'c;ilecled glory


that must perforce accrue to them, when the genel'al public comprehends and realizes the completeness of theil' methods of instruction. Systematical arrangement of thcir teaching policies, also the fmeness of the hundreds of graduates that are y:!arIy grinded out to meet the increasing dcmands of well known commercial firms and governmer.t 01'ganizations. This I nstitution, thel'efore, stands a tribute to the foresight and providence of its organizcl's,land-mark in the life of our slowly expanding business world, the Oldest, Biggest, and Leadin'g Business Institution in the Orient, The Gregg Business College.

Gregg Business Coll eg e M{lfriclI/afioll DayJ

Enrolment is open at all times of the ),eu, month, wed: and da.,·, except Sundays and Official Holidays, PRESCRIBED COURSES



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Length of Session From 7:30 (0 11 :30 a. m, I :30 to 8:)0 p. m. PATERNO BUILDING Sea. Cru~ Brid8c, Manila Td . 2-26·93

HOLY GHOST COLLEGE Holy Ghost College is situated in the district of San Miguel, corner Aviles a nd Mendiola streets, almost opposite Malacafiang P alace, whose spacious grounds together with those of the coll ege and of the neighhoring: institutions-San Beda, 'La Conso-

lncion, Centro Escolal'-securc the quiet, pleasant and healthful surroundings so essential for a first_ class school and residence. The institution was founned on June 17, 191:l, by the Missionary Sister s Servants of the Holy



Ghost, ~I Germun community with daughter-houses all over the wol'id, especially in North and South America and the Far Ea!lt. Holy Ghost College enjoys an excellent I'eputa~ tion and educates morc than eleven hundred students during the CUl'rent yea r . The following courses arc offered: Elementllry, including K indergarten and First and Second Gral.!c for boys i Secondary: General, Commercial and Home

Economics Collegiate: LIBERAL AR1'S: ASSOCJ.O\TE I N ARTS (A.A.), 11 two~yeal' course

GENERAL-emphasizes Literature, Languages, Philosophy PnEPARATORY


Foreig n



Government PREPARATORY MED{CINF..--emphasizes the Sciences BACIiELOR OF ARTS (A.B.), a four-year cultural course extending the worl, of the General A.A. course EDUCATION: JUNIOR NORMAL-for sdldents who have finis h ~ cd the Secondary Course. After 2 years, t h e Elemental'Y T eacher's Certificate (E.T. C.) is awarded,-after 3 years the E.T.C. for the Combined Course, i.e. the graduate is quali~ fied to teach the academic; subjects and Horne Economics in elementary schools. SENIOR NOR~IAL--for students who have completed 2 yeal'S of the Liberal Arts course. After 2 yea r5, the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. E.) is granted. A

'Mnjor' ar.d a ':'\finor' may be chosen in any of the suhjects taught in High School. POST-G RADUATE-2 years, for the M.A. Degl路ee. COMMERCE: SECRETARIAL CoURSF',--a one-yea I路 course in Shorthanci, Typewl'iting, Office-Training and Business English. COMMERCIAL COURSE-a cultural course, but introducing Bookkeeping, Accounting, Economics, etc., and leading in 2 years to the title of Associate in Commercial Science (A.C.S.) BUSINESS ADM INISTRATION-a four-year course lcad ing to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce (B .S.E.) HOME ECONO MICS: TWO路YEAR COURSE-fol' t he Title of Associate in Home Economics (A.H .E.) FOUR-YEAR COURSE-for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in H ome Economics (B.S.H.E .) SPECIAL COURSES-in< Cu linary Art, M'23,t and Fruit-Preserving; Dressmaking, Needlecraft, etc. FINE AND APPLI ED ARTS: FpUR-YEAR CouRsE-for the Mastersh ip Diploma. It leads to creative in dependence and includes Nature-stud y, Desig n ing, Composition, Atelitll', History of A I路t, etc. DILETTANTES CouR~E-in landscape and portrait painting, in various techniques of fabricwood-glass-china-and metal decoration; in embroidery, knitting, Smyrna rugmaking,

,to. MUSIC: Voice, Piano, Violin , Xylophonc, Guitar, etc.

INSTITUTO DE MUJERES Tayuman, Tondo, Mani la HE INSTITUTO DE !'.lUJERES was founded on August 1, 1900. It is the first secular pri vate school for girls founded in the Islands. T he founders were all Filipino yourtg ladies. Its aim is to form women efficient in the home and in the community. I ts motto is "for God and our Count ry." Its elemen tary Courses were r ecognized by the government in 1909. T he Hig h School Courscs in 1913. T he College of H ome Economics in J une 1936.


CoURSES RECOGNIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT Primary, Intermediate, Secondary General and ing to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Home Economics, Collegiate Home Economics, leadEconomics.



Al'ts: Voice Culture, Piano, Violin, Painting, Embroidery, Interior Decoration, Household, Arts, Flower Making, Vocational: Drcsscutting, Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Secretarial Work, Cooking, Food Preservation, Care of the sick lind childrCll.


m"~~rrvlcrillJ;~:. ~-.'~ .~~ ,I,',.~~n.'~~ '. . . V. VI Or VII 0<11<.10 ..... " " . Ria-h Sohool General Coural!. Biah School Corumorcc.... . Home goonl)mics.... Collegia te CulinRry Arta... .•. Pnintinl(... .... ...


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DreasClltting and Sewinll' . . . . . .




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Embr oidery •. , .•.•.. Flo ... ~r Milking ... . Typewriting ... .

Semillriol Werk


Mntrieulntion, Lib,ArY, Alhlelir a nd Ann,, ~ 1 FeO!$:


F1o .. ~r C',IIlfeetion ... 1I0mehoid ,\r ll (

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a group of fOl'esighted College-trained Filipinos, headed by Dean Viccnte Fabella, fi r st Filipino certified public accountant, the Jose Rizal College owC!s its birth, Sensing a widespread demand for scient!fic preparatiorr and training for business caree rs, they launched themsC!I"es into th pioneering work of organizing business courses fitted to Philippine economic problems. It is obvious, therefore, that the Jose Rizal College has a long and glorious mission to fulfill. A lapse of 19 fruitful yea I'S has oniy served to confirm the truth that the Jose Rizal College was built for permanence.


SUPPORTING ITS BID for permanence is the College's time-def)'ing credo that the economic8 0/ dU1'(Lble succeS8 in commercial education can only be realized by successfully bridging the gap between Theory and Practice, For years the Jose lRizal College has stuck to this creed by bringing to its classrooms only the finest inspiration born Ollt of clo~e contact with the realities of .modern business. Wl'iting a new conception of business education , the Jose Rizal College has, thus, become another brainchild of a gl'cat conflict: modem methods versus the old. As a disciple and precursor of modern systems, the Jose Rizal College dabbled in short-cuts and hypodermic methods. It has experimented, true enough, like many other human institutions, but only with an eye toward progress, and without overlooking the essentials. It has sustained both Theory and Practice not as two independent yardsticks of a successful commercial education, but as one solid pillar on which to build the permanence of its educational policies, It has diseardcd many of the old educational "notions" which had been shutting

college students inside college rooms, and has permitted the real business element to invade the college premises, Indeed, the Jose Rizal College has gone miles ahead of the present crop of commercial schools and colleges, Today, persons who have distinguished themselves in their chosen lines; bankers, taxation experts, public accountants, sales executives, insurance men, corporation lawyers, t.rade expert:,;, advertising counsellors, mining executives, stock brokers. and other figures prominent in the business world conduct classes at the College, So successfully has this method produced the expected results that the Jose Rizal College has made it special featUres of its yearly activities to introduce in its curriculum as many new subjects as business neC'.essities ma.y dictate, and to scout for the best talents that the local business world could offer. Out of this system h as emerged a robust group of young men and young women ever happily doing their bit to meet economic cl'oss-currents as they come. I t may seem like brushing modesty aside, but it cannot really be fal' from true that there is





n Jose Rizal College graduate in every commercial hOllse of importance in the Philippines today. The Jose Rizal College has distinguished itself not only in quantity. hut also in quality of gmduates. Known throughout the Far East as the "Premier CoUege of Commerce", it has for years been pOl'tl'ay~ ing the role of a great educational benefactor. It has provided ambitious people with the kind of training that commands big dividends in business. It has supplied Philippine business and industry with promising, depcmlable materials with which sta lwart executives are made. P erhaps one contributory factol' that could also be cl'eriited for the I'apid progress of the Jose Rizal College is its ideal location. Tact on the part of its foundel's was in a big way responsible for the happy choice, a spot close enough to the business centers of the metrol)Olis, and far enough from the daily congestion and noise ot; traffic. The advantage of this location is two-fold. It has permitted students

INDUSTRIAL MANUt';L to work wh ile stlldying, and has enabled prominent men in business to become instructors and lecturers at the Jose Rizal College. The Jose Rizal College is probably one of the hest equipped sC;hools of its kind in the Orient. It has t he facilities for specialized professional study along General Business, Accounting and Auditing, Banking and Finance, and Commerce and Trade, each course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Commer cial Science. So well known is the quality of its instruction that the graduates of the College are accorded due recognition by the Gover nment of the Philippine Commonwealth, and by New York University, Northwestern University, Harvard Uni"ersit~·, Michigan University and other leading American univcrsities. There is no doubt rhat today the Jose Rizal College occupies a first-rank position among schools and colleges, publie and private, engaged in the business of training young people to become lea(lcl's of industry.

PIONEERING zn 01 tho offioient. profill,ble in.truction lit • The bu~iueu of trainill!; )'OltUII: ",en the J m.e Hiul COUCK". nnll youn" \\'om~n I. 8 record of whieh • I~rorn t he alrnpl eptinc1plesor necounl[he Jose n;~"l Collclte iB ju"tly inll und lIuditinll. to the more oom l,lloalcd proud! p roble"" of h,,,,kj,," nn d finn nee. d<)",..,..... • For it i&n reeord [hnt has produced lie "lid roreign tmd e. J o!e Riul CollcKe ~rnti fying r lt.: nn e"enHul pe riod tmillin g is n sp<x-in lty. pT~,,'i3od on IS whj~h ho~ ~ec lI the tr,," «lormotion 01 YC3rs of ~y"tcmntic unnlysiR or Philippine hundro::<iII 01 ),o,,"g people ioto ~uer(!!lt flll bnsin CM conditions. nccountnnt& ""d uudiIOr! . in~ur:"'r" • There is II JOl e ni&lI! College Grndme". stotk brok enl. high_."Inried MiHmcn. unte in ,,\mO!lt 1111 of Ihe Ic:\ding bu.ineu ndverti3inll nnd husin(l;ll cxf'cutin... ~nd fi.1lU in the Philippin(!8 todllY . p.ogrCl'~;'·e indcl'en<lent hu .in~ men. • Wrile for " cOP)· of the ,\ lllhcse. plna tho alimuhninK {"" timoCalolo!:. or consult tI,e Cul1el/e rCllsrdln!: niall from "Mioua com mercinl firms lind your phtM {or your bu!inrl'! r1I.r«:r. well knowlI buainC!18 leudcl'II. ap!:3k higl,I)'

J ose R i'{al Coll ege 106) R. Hid«lgo

The Prrmitr College of COlmnffU




THE NATIONAL TEACHERS COLLEGE ATIQNAL Teachers College, as its name implies, is a school founded and conducted for the training of teachers. Its founders had seen a need for a school whose interest and ;ndeavors 3hould be concentrated in 00<' line of activity; whose aims should be to produce well-trained and adequately pr epared telchers, and a school which will stand for quality rathp.l' than qun!ltity. In this age of specialization, a teacher who is half-baked is no longer useful. The problems in the schools arc so val'icd as the pupils that at.tend them, and


ocnce there is the need for adequate preparation to nl'<!ct these problems wisely. With these aims iTt view, the National Teachers College was incorporatc..d on September 29, ]928, in accordance with Act No. 1459 , as amended, and being authorized by the Department of Public Instruction on April 17, 1929, its doors opened to the student public on the follo wing June 10, and it was granted government recognition on February 17, 1930. ITS FOUNDERS included a n umber of prominent eclucators whose records of service both in the government), and in other lines of activity speak favorably of 'their efficiency and devotion to promote the educational welfare of the country, and to them may be attributed the achievements of the College in being the first ~f its kind to be permitted by the government to operate a complete course in Education leading to the degree of Bachclor of Science in Education, a complete Preparatory Law Course leading to the title of Associate in Arts, and complete courses in General High School, Commercial High School and High School in Home Economics, all at once during the firstl year. All of these courses were permitted to be held in the morning anci evening which has never been done before the establishment of .this College. The College also holds the distinction of being the first to be authorized to offer General Secondary classes 'f01: teachers during the long vacntion of 1930 before it was granted it!; finnl t'ecognition by toe government,

The causes which have contributed to all these have been numerous, among them may be mentioned the pl"udent and efficient administration, the great care exercised in the selection of the facuity and students, the large working libmry and adec;.uatel~' equipped labol'atories and the spacious and wellvcntilaterl bl1ildings. The succcss during the first year has indeed exceeded the expectation of the foun ders, for the College at the end of the first academic yeaI' has Confel'l'ed the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education upon foul' students, the title of Associate in Arts upon one, and has granted the high school diploma to fourteen students. In the test given to the fourth year high sehool students by the Office of the Commissioner of Private Edu_ cation, the College has shown a remarkable showing. Course8 Offered: Gl'aduate School, School of Edur.ation, College of Liberal Arts, Normal College, General H igh School, Commercial High School. High School Home Economics, Elemenbl'Y Course,. Summ~l' School.



Ph~::~n:n Uv:il~i:u~o~~:g~r~:s 0:: t:: t\::r;~~te~hhoi:d i::ti!~ti~:v:::~~~:: :n~::,nt;~: :~~:~':~Sil:~ of the Board of Directors of which R. R. Figuhr, Chairman of the Board; L, 1\:1. Stump,. President of the College; and H. L, Dyer, T reasurer of the College are officers,

The Philippine Union College began as the Philippine Severtth-Day Adventist Academy in June, 1917, In 1925, it was authorized to carry foul'teen grades of school work. Two gr ades wel'e added in 1932, thus bringing the institution up to senior college standing, Today it is comprised of the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Education, and the School of Theology, In addition, junior college cours~s leading to the foUo wing titles arc offel'ed: Elementary Teacher's Certificate, Associate in Arts, and Associate in Comm~rcial Science, A good strong Pl'e-medical cOtlrse is, offered, Special work is also given in home economics,



SCHOO L HOMES untier the supervision of a dean of men and a dean of women afford opportunity for students Jiving a t a distance to have the advantage of careful home training and to make ca r eiu l social adjustment!'. LOCATION

The Philippine Union College was originally located in Pnsay, Rizal, but as time went on the school increased in s ize, and the Board found i t necessary to move the school to a more ample location. In 1930 the institution was moved to its present location which is College Place, Rizai, ncar the historic s ite of t he old Balintawak monument, where a tract of twenty-six hectares of Jand was purchased. The Coll ege is still in the process of construction in its new location. PURPOSE

The Philippine Union College is both unique and distinct in its putt.pose. The training of young men and women f or w~rthY citizenship is an important phase of t he work of the College, but it is not the only one. The cour es of study usually found in colleges are mnint2.ined; but more important sturlips offer (:d am those which teach of God

dil·ect!y. This fa rt. makes the study uf the Bible prominent in the institution. The slogan of the College is that of a balanced tl·a ining of t he physical, mental , soci al, and spiritual phases of the student's life. As an eXlimple of th is, the studen ts a rc all encouraged to learn SO Il~e practical occupation for life in addition to their mental tl·aining. In carrying out this idea practically, all of the buildings of the College have been constructed by the students and teachers. President L. M. Stump, himself, personally sllpervi !"es the studen ts in the building construction. A large woodwork and furnitul·e factory is a lso ol)erated by the school for the training of the student s. This affords them the op por tunity of <Iefr aying much of their expense while obtaining t heir education. The educational policy of this institution maintains that the practical training in the life of the students cannot be rCI)laced by any other course. A high stnndard of scholastio t raining is t he a im of the College also. lnasmuch ns the attendance is restricted, classes are small. This makes possible more careful supervision of individual students, and closer a sso('iation between students and faculty.

THE PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADES HE Philippine School of Al·ts and Trades becomes in June 1934 n technical and teache l· training vocational school for seconda ry graduates onl y. The present clnsscs en rolled in the


secondary curriculum, however, will be permitted to continue until graduation. It is believed that the special technical courses thus offered to secondary gmduates will r esult in g reater economy to the Government; more bzneficial results to the students concerned ami permit the placement o'f graduates to better advantnge in their respective

trades after completion of such courses. THE PHILIPPINE SCHOO L of Arts anti TI·ades is anxious to enroll only those secondary gl·aduutes who arc interested in and who have an aptit.ude for the cou r ses t hey r equest. This is t he ollly well equip ped school in the Philippine Islands offering cou l·ses for t he trairring of the intelligent and efficient automobile and sho» mechanics, elect ricians, builders, plumbers, stationary am.! marin..! cl1gineel's which the countr y needs f or its developm(·nt. TE.\CH£RS' COURSES

There will be two curricula fOI· teacher t raining: a two-year ClllTiculum above the secondary

level for those who arc to teach in the elementar~' school shops and a fOUl'-year cUl·ricu lum f or those who are to teach in the secondary schools. An effort will be made to an-ange the subjects in both these cu rri cula so t hat a student who prepnl·es for elementary teach ing in t.wo years may r eturn subsequently nnd, by taking the additional t.wo years, qual ify as a secondary teacher. Entrance tests f or t he Teachers' courses are given b)f the Director of E duca tion. These coul·ses arc bei ng prepared by t he Bureau of Education and are not at present available for publicntion.



QUISUMBING COLLEGE HE Qu isumbing College opened on Ju ne 10, 19:14 as the Qu isumbing School of I ndustrial Chemistry


and Engine"C!l"ing to students for the purJlose of instruction and training. It was founded by Dr. Fl"ancisco A . Quisumbing, gnduate of Columbia University, New York City, chemical engineer, and for 20 yea r s pt'Ofessor of industrial chemistry in the University of

the Philippines. In 1935 the name W.tS changed to Quisumbing School of Tech nology, and in 1937 to Quisumbing College with a view to offering cou r ses in arts and sciences. The enrollment has steadily increased from 13 in 1934 to 420 in 1937. The students nre enrolled in engineering (civil, mining, chemical, an'd industrial), high school (general academic and technical) and industrial chemistry,

ON November 17, 1936 the Depal'tment of Military Science & Tactics began to function as a result of the Government grant of the R. O. T. C. Chemical Wari3re Unit. The Armory is located at the Pari an Gate, and the drill grounds at the Sunken Gardens. The College is lorated in the heart of the business and industrial section of the city of :iI'lanila. It is accessi ble by all ki nds of transportat.ion facilities. Its strategic location affords the

students many opportunities to supplement their classroom and laboratory work with visits to nearby factories and contacts with commer cial houses. The following coul'ses will be offered in 1938: ENGINEERING: Chemical, Mining, Civil, Industrial; LI BERAL ARTS: Pre-Law, Pre-Medicine, Commerce; HIGH S CHOOL: General Academic, Commercial, Technical ; MI LI TARY SCIE NCE & TACTICS: R. O. T. C. ( Reserve Officers' Training Corp\> , Chemica! W'II路fare.







HE OBJECT of this college is to offer to children and young women the advantage of a course of study. religious in character and following closely the most approved modern' educational methods, as well as to promote their P hysical, Mental, MOl'al development. and thus to fit them to cnter the manifold avenues of thought a nd activity which today arc open to them in the Philippines. The language of the College is Engli sh, but Spanish is taught in all depnl'tmeli't.s. The curriculum follow s the Government l'cguiatiolls. During the sea son of H137-38 the College accom-


modated 760 stud-an ts.

GOVERNMENT Ki ndergarten fo r both Boys and Girls Primary Gen~'al Course In termediate General Course 1) General 芦ourse 2) Domestic Science COUl'se College oj Libeml Arts: Two years fo r t he Titl of COUR SES OF STUDY TIgCOGNIZED BY THE


FOllr years for the Degree of BACIIELOR I N ARTS


Col/ege of Educatioll: Four years for the Degree of BACm;1.0R OF' SCI ENCE IN EDUCATION (B.S. E.)

Home EI;On01llic8.' Two years fo r the Title of .\SSOCIATE I N HOME ECONOMICS ( A.H.E.)

FOllr years for t he Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIEN CE I N HOME ECON'OMICS (B.S.I路I .E.)

COlmnerce: Two yea l's for the Title of ASSOC IATE I N CO MMER CIAL SCI ENCE


Four years for the Degl'ee of RACHELOII OF SCIE NCE IN COMMERCE (a.s.c.)

Mu sic : Four years f or t he Degree of BACHE LOR IN MUSIC (B.M.) C OI,LECIATE COU II SES

Besides the Elementa l'y a nd Secondary Courses, St. THeresa's College offer s: A Four Year s Course Leading to the DeUI'ee 0/ Bache/or 0/ A rts (A.B.) with t he title of ..l ssom"ate ill A rts (A.A.) at t he end of the Second Year.--A F our Years Course Leading to the Degl'ee of Bachelor 0/ Scicnce ill Education (B. S.E.)r-A Four Years Cour!'>e Lea ding to the Degree of Bache/o)' 0/ Scitmce in H Ollie EC01101IIic8 (B.S.H. E.)-A Two Years Cour se leading to t he title of AS80ciate in Commercia/ Sciellce {A.C.S.)-A F OUl" Years Coul'se leading to the degree of Bach elor 0/ Music (B.M .) with the title of Mllsic Tea cher at the end oi the second yeal'.-All the> above mentioned eonrses have reeeived Government Recognition. The cUlTiculum is the sn me a s that adopted in the best Gatholic Amer ican and Philippine Uniyersities and Colleges. Open to women only.



AN BEDA COL LEGE, a boarding a nd day school for boys and young men, was founded in 1901 by the Father s of t hat Order wh ich f or ntany centuries was the greatest civilizing, edu路 eating, and Christianizing force of Europe. At the close of the last century a g roup of daring Benedictine monks set out from t he famous Abbey of Montserrat in Spain, to land on the shores of Manila. The country was then in n transitiona l period of political conditions. Out of the many fields of labor th3t offered themselves to the fresh and enterprising monks, nODe a ppeared so fruitful in practical re路

PHIL1PPINES suits as the Catholic education of the Filipino youth. 'The baginnings are .always difficult. The task undertaken could altogether easy for persons lrewly al'rived in this country. The result obtained out of hard wOI'k and incessant labor were al! but discoUl'aging, and th'~ foundation of the College soon got a footing that spelled happy and remarkable success. Though modest at first, the College early lined itself with the educational movement in the Philippines, in 1910 beill'g already recognized and authorized by the Government to confer th'<! Degrees of Associate in Al路ts and of Bachdor of Arts. The College throve b<!yond expectation, so that new additions had to be erected. But scarcely had the new additions been fully put to use when it was found agailr that space and accommodations were insufficient fpr the ever increasing numbar of students. Thus it was determined to construct another much larger and more durable college \,Ili lding. The corll'zr stone was laid in 1924 and two years later the Il~W San Beda College was ~olemnly inaugurated. It is located on a splendi<\. tl'<:'Ct of land of 70,000 square meters at the north o~ Mendiola street. With the handsomeness of its building, the thoroughnpss of its equipment and modern accommodations, the hcalthf~1 and pleasing locality, San Beda stands, second to none, of its kind. SYSTEM Of' EDUCATION

The purpose of San Beda College is to educate in the completest sense; that is, to develop Iull~' and hrll'moniously the faculties of the whole man--intelkctual, moml and physical. It assumes that upon


this harmonious development will depend thf' character of its students and the measure of their future utility to themselves and to the community. It aims to give that solid training of both mind and heart which will further their d(:velopment and will fit the student fOI" the just interpretation and use of life, To give the students an appreciation of the broadel' and fundamental purposes of such an ec!.ucation, a thorough course in Christian doch'ine is arranged for them, a kind but firm diSCipline is maintained, alld the b~sL pedc.~ogica! pi'inciples, th<! heritage of the Benedictines since the sixth century, are applied within the class-rooms and without. The social nature of the young men is cultivated by the val'iolls societies and clubs, which have been organized during the past years. Herein good fellowship, mutual politeness and Christian courtesy find theil' true expl'ession, And finally, that the mind might not gl'ow at the expense of the body, that mental growth might not occasion physical weakness, healthful athletics and exercise in the open are fully encollraged. RELIGIOUS I NSTRUCT IO N

The system of education that makes no provision for religious and moral tl'nin ing is to all evidences, incomplete, because it fails to give instruction to the student in his relation to God, the Creator of all. Knowledge by itself cannot make a man responsive to the I:nn: of order and good conduct. Graded classes of Chri stian doctrine o.l'e, tht'refore, given besides a(lditional instt'uctioll offered in the Sunday sermons. There is also a three-day retl'cat obl!gatory fOI' n!l students. Holy Mass and the Rosary are saici daily to which the Boarding students must be present.

UNION HIGH SCHOOL OF MANILA HE UNION HIGH SCHOOL OF MANILA, the onl.\' Protestant f!~Coll'dal'Y school in the city of Manila, was established in June, 1919, when the four-year high school course was opcned, though at the time it was generally reien'cd to as the High School Department of the Union Theological Seminary. It was given government recognition on January 7, 1920. A night departm:mt was opened in June, 1923; given' government l'ecognition on July 19. 1926; and was discontinued after March, 1931. On September 12, 1928, the school was officially incorporated under the name of "UNION HIGH SCHOOL OF MANILA". "OF l\"IAN ILA " was added in order to distinguish it from any other l<chool in the province of La Union. Although it continued to be U1rited in spirit with its mother, the Union Theological Scminary, it was thereafter under a separate board of trustees and administration, so that up to the present, it is an institution





by itself, hnving a dis tinct personn/ity of its own. Dr. George W. Wl'ig'ht, the first Presidenl of the board of trustees, more than any other one pel'son, was r espom:ible for sta rting the school. In June. 1932, the secondary home economics course was first offered, and was given governmen t ]'ccogn ition on February l:l, 1936. Jul1'e, 1937, marked a period of transition in the life of the school in that, unlike in aU previous years when the school was administered by American missionaries as pr incipals, it was placed , for the first time. under the administration of a FiJipin'O principal. Mr. Espiritu B. Cardenas, a pl' Cduct of Silliman University, is given the disti nction of being the fil'st Filipino principal of the school. The enroll ment has steadily grown from 67 students in 1919 to 406 in 1937, the biggest enrollment of the school so far, not including that of the night department in tln~ previous years. The school was founded for the p urpose of giving worth y students a place where they could attend high school and receive, in addition , a thorough training in citi'lJ21\'3 hip and in Christian ways of living. Character bUilding~S emphasized through th..:! Religious Education courses from the first to the fourth ~'ear, sUPplemente~ by weekly Chapel

INDUSTRIAL MANUAL services at which prominent Christian leaders address the s tuden ts on subjects that may help to awaken a keen' intel'est in Christian living and hell) students solve many of the problems of student life. The school is widely known for its HonOI- System. Thoug h the school is a Protestant, students of all beliefs are welcome and th.:!i r religious views are respected, as Showlf by the fa ct thnt Catholic students have always constituood a lal-ge part of the s tudent body, asking only that they come with an earnest desire to leam and to serve thc tl路uth. The school is housed in a t hree-stor y reinforced concrete building known as the Tooker Ha ll, situal2ll a t 709 Tennessee, Malate, just a block from Taft Avenu"2 and near to the ma in transportation lines. It is cl ose to the University of the Ph ilippines, Ulrion Theological Smninal'y, Union College of Manila, Philippine Women's Uni,,~rsity, the BUI'eau of Science, and other government bureaus and ho!>路 pital s, At present the school offer s t he secondnl'y general, home economics, and combirred home economics and g~ n e ral coul'ses, all fully accredited. It enjoys a hig h reputation as a privaba high school for boys and girls.



N JO N CO LLEGE OF MANILA opene,1 ib doors as a separate institution of hig her learn ing at the beginning of the school year in June, 1936. Its real inception, h owever , should be traced back to the establishment of a college of liberal arts as a depa r t ment of the Union The(llogicl"\l Seminary, an institution primarily devoted to the t ra ining of Christia n minister s, in 1920. A feeling has per!:isted among Evangelical educators of t he need of

an instit.ution of leal'n ing in Luzon, particularly in the capital city of the Phil ippines, which would (';01're5pond to Silliman University, and Centra l Philippine College in the South, This long-

felt need was answered when the Board of Trustees of the Union Theological Seminary in thei r meeting in :Mut'ch, ] 936, ap proved the tUrning over of the liberal arts classes of that institution to a sepa rate tollege upon its orga nization. The U nion Coll ege of Manila was s ubseq uently organized under a sepal'ate clwracter ancl registered with the Government April 1, ]936. Thus , though Union College of Manila officially came into being only in April, 19311, it cal'l'ies the benefits of t he experience, stability rnd l'cocognition of both the government and the p ublic, of almost two decades of existence under its fo r mer auspices, the impetus of whose influence mu st always be felt. THE UNION COLLEGE OF MANU~A is in the imposing three-slory Seminary Building on Ta ft Avenue between Herran and hO~l sed

Tennessee, It is ideally located in the midst of one of Manila's finest educational a nd residential centers, within a few minutes walk from impol'wnt


PHILIPPINES government buildings and offices. It is situated in the same district as the University of the Phi:ippines and the Philippine Women's University and is ea!:iiy accessible from all parts of the City. The college campus comprises the enti re length of onc large block between Henan and Tennessee streets, fl'lcing Taft Avenue with an approximate area of 7,000 square meters. The campus of the Union High School of Manila, which is affiliated with the Union College, occupies practically onc whole block on Tennessee street between I ndiana and Wright streets. Both of these campuses provide the students with ample space for phySIcal education . Courts for volleyball, basketball and tennis arc kept in good condition. In accordance with the objectives of the institution, scholal'f'hip is held up high before the students of this college. While wholesome social appointments are permitted, the students are made to understand that their main task in the school is the acquisition' of mental discipline and thorough training which can be secured only thl'u diligent and conscientious study. Consisten t with this policy, the school maintains the highest type of instruction. The size of eaeh class i~ limited to a number wi1ich permits the instructor to have personnl contnct with and to give individunl attention to every student. Every faculty member has been chosen on the basis of high academic ancl scholastic attainment, pl'O"en efficiency in teaching his assigned subjects, recognized leadership in his field of endeavor and amiability and helpfulness to stuJents. Union College offers a system of training designed to develop moral charade)'. It provides a splendid Christian a tmosphere, a fnculty composed of men and women possessed of sterling moral qualities, and chapel and convocation exercises which definitely aid in character development, Interesting and inspiring courses in character education al'e required. The first two years in college, especially in a city so full of snares, are exceedingly dangerous for young people. Union College besides giving the students a thorough acndemic pl'epa1'ation for their chosen careers provides them at the same time with every facility and aid for their development into excellent citizens imbued with the highest concepts of virtue and duty. Like Silliman Univl!rsity, Central Philippine College, and other 'e vangelical schools, the Union Co!Jege of Manila i!'i open to all students of whatever

sect or cl路eed. While fl'ee and untrammeled search f01' truth will in every way Ile encouraged, freedom of l'eligious convictions will be absolutely maintained, The Christian heritage common to all chilllr'!!n of God will be stressed. Intelliger:t and d('vout r eligious faith will be nurtured. No one who enb~l'S the doo r s of Union College will go out without having been confronted with the fact of the emptiness of life that is devoid of spiritual insight and moral virtues. Dr. Enrique C. Sobl'epena, D. D" Ll, D" an outstanding Filipino educator and preacher and one of the ablest delegates to the Seventh Conference of the "'odd F ederation of Education Associations hold in T okyo, Japan, in August, 1937, was elected the first president of the Union College. UN ION



Thl? begi nning of the Union Thcolog1cal Scminnr y goes back to two institutions which began eady in t he hi story of Evangelical work in the Phi!ippin('s, the Ellinwood Bible Tmining School f01' IHen organized by the Pl'csbytel'ian Mission.., in ] 904 and the Pl orence Nicholson Seminary, orgullized by the Methodist Episcopal Mission in the same ~'eal'. In 1f104 these two institutions were merged and in 1911 the United Brethren Mission joined the Union, the Disciples Mission followed in 1916 ann the American Board (Congregational) Mission in 1919. These five Missions under thc direction of their Boards in the United States and in cooperation wi t h the churches in the Philippines carried on their work in the old Ellinwood building until the construction of the pl'esent three-story concrete building on Taft Avenue and i1& occnl,ancy in 1927, The standard of t r aining was gradually m ised to meet the needs of an increa:;ingly large number of educated people in the congregations until there was Ol'gani!!crl as the most complete course offered, Bnch~lor of Divinity. n three-yeal' course )'c~llil'ing for entrance the comnl~tion of the Libera; Arts ('ourse of foul' years of college work, with the degrce of Bnchelo1' of AI路tS. A shorter course of foul' ,y eal's beyond high school is also offered, consisting of two years of college and two year s of theologicn! stud~' and leading to the degl'ee of Bache!or of Theology. The Seminary also J!ives a four-year course beyond hiJ!:h school leading to the deJ!re(' of Bnchelor of Religious 'Education for the benefit of those persons who wish to engage in social service, deaconess work or that of Religious





Chl~ISti ~Ice

Education or some form of ot hel" than that of the Christian minis In the absence Of~ . rl n evangelical cbllcge on the island of liZ , the Union Theolog ical Seminal'U' provo d taught the course of the Liberal Arts as pr eparatory to the study of theology young peopl e, both young while not looking toward to pursue their collegiate course pr ovided by the SemiTheological Seminary has been the institutions which are furni shing h igh school and collegiate opportunities to the Filipino youth. The first was the high school department which grew up within the Seminary and which has now bee,ome a sepa r ately incorporated institution known as the Union High School, occupying the concrete building situated on the property bounded by Tennessee, Wright and Indiana

Streets. The ot her institution which developed from the Union Theological Seminary is the Union College of Manila which was organized in 1936 by reprc!>cmtativcs of the Filipino churches, the Methodist Episcopnl, the United Evangelical and the Disciples. The Union Theological Seminary has committed to the lInian College of Manil a aU its coiiegiate work and has afforded space in it!; building fl)r the operation of the college classes. From t he Seminary a total of 23t graduates have been sent forth as having completed \'arious courses taught by the institution, these courses having been taken by 212 individual s. There are 74 Seminary alumni serving the chul'ches as pastors and mally others are engaged directly in full time Ch)'istian work. The present president of t he Seminary is Dr. Charles R. Hamilton who has served since 1932, The president of the Board of Tru stees is MI'. J. F . Boomer who has served in this capacit~·, sine::. 1926.

VALERIANO AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING COLLEGE HE VALERIANO AU TOMOTIVE ENGINEERINC COLLECE , the pi oneer technical school in the Philippines, was founded in the year 1925. Founded and managed by Mr. J ose A. Valeriano himsalf the college had turned out hundreds of graduates who a rc now employed in big automobile firms and shops thl'oughout the Philippi nes.


The establishment of the college, incidentalll y, has become a n answer to the challerrge of the constant progress undergone by motol' cal' transportation a nd the diferent types of en· gill'eS which at present are playing one of t he most important roles in the indus trial, commercial, and me· chanical development of the Far East which has created an uncrowded field for technically tl'a ined men. THE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE COURSE which covers such other courses as Automobile Mechanic, Automobile Electrician, Battery E xpel't, Armature Rewinder, Trouble Shooter, and Driving could be finished in approximately ten months of continuous study_ The complete course is paid PIOO in cash or P1 20 in installment of P20 upon enrolment and PIO monthly. The school is the biggest and acclaimed the best school of its kind in the Orient so far, Each depul'tillent is completely equipped and is undel' an ins tl'uetor who has specialized in his particular department. Euch subject study is supplemented by shop work practice. A thorough machine shop practice is r equired of applicants for graduation, A grade of 85 '10 is r equired to pass each subject. The school is located at 342 ,\lalabon street,

cOI'ner of Rizul few steps from cupying almost hy all kinds of

Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Ma nila, just a Lhe San T... azaro Hospi tal. It is ocone block ami is easil y accessibl(> city t ransportation,

Anybody o( good character, good health, who could speak and wl'ite oTllinary English, regardless of age und attainment, a nd who is mechanically incli ned and a willing worker is qu alified f or enrolment. The program of study is so n1Tanged as to make possihle the admittance of stu d en t.~ at any· time of the yeur without impairing the efficiency of instruction. There are summer classes, The school is valued P25,OOO. I ts average yenr· Iv enrolment is 130--composed of Japanese, Chinese, Americans, a nd Filipinos from every corner of Lhe Philippines.










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The Government of the

United States Of America FR AN KLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT . of New York JOHN NANCE GARNER . of T exas . CAB I NET OF l'lCERS Cor dell Hull, Seo: retary of Stllte, Ben ry MQrecntbou, Jr., ScerolDry of t-he Trc~ury. Hllrry H. WQQdring, SccrctBry Qf War. Romer S. Cummings, Attorney- Genera]. James A. F arley, POI'tmnne r General. Claude A. Swanll!:n, Secrctary of the Nn\'y. Harold L. I cku. &ecrelllry of the InteriQr. Henry A. Wallace. ~ccrctary of Agriculturc. Daniel C. Hoper, Secnltnry of Co mmerce. F rances Perkin~. Sccret~'bor.

President Vice-President

SU PRE M E COURT OF T H E UN ITED STATES Cb!!.rICl' Evan. Hughes, Chief Jwuice. Hugo I•. ShiCk, Asaocinte Justice. Jnme~ Clark Mc Re)"nold&. ,\uociate Justi ce. LQui .. O. Brandeis. AdQciatc Ju~tice. GeQrgo Sutherland. AnQoiato Justice. Picrce Butler, Auocialo Justi ce. Harlan Fi~ke SIQne. As.,_ociole J""tioo. Owen J. Roberta, As.sociate Jualiee. Benjamin Nathan C"rdoZQ. Al!.oci .. te Jualiee. CO URT OF CLAIM S Fenton W. DOQlh, Chief J uBliee. WiUin'" n. Green, Judge.



Tom .... S. \ \'illinlll!l, Judge.



P;~~~~~"?~i:~;:r~~ 1~~yGl~tt~';,;'~' b~rJ:~ada. Sec reta ry. Edwiu A. HaI8:)', D .• Virginia

ALABAMA VneRnt O. John H. Bankhead, D.

I LLINO IS J. HamiltQn L .. wil, D. WilliRm n. Dieterich, D .


~::ri!!yd~:~~t' D. ARKANSAS ( Vacnnt ) Mrs. HRttia W. CnrRway,

IOWA Clyde LII. V. Herring, D. Guy M. Gillette. D.

CALIFORNIA Hir .. m W . Joho.on. R. William Gibha McAddQ.D.

a~~~~~ ~1'J'8~1: ~:

COLORADO AJva B. Ada""" D. Edwin C. Johnson, D.

h"ENTUCKY AllH!n W. B"rkley. D. :\I .. r"el M. LOKlln. O.

CONNECTICUT Augustino Lonerg .. n, O. Francia T. Maloney. D.

LOUI SIANA J Qh n H. O"elton, O. Allen J. Ellender. D.

DELAWARE John G. Townleo d. J r. R. J nme. B. Bughee, D.

MAINE Frederick Hale, R. W .. II"ce H. White. Jr., R.

FLOnrDA CRlude PC1'lper, D. C. O. Andrew., D.

MAnV J..ANO Millard E. TydinlUl, D. GeorKe L. Rad elife, D.

:;:Lt:;IB~R:':~"Djr., D.


MASSAC H USETTS Ollvid I. Wal.h. D. Den ry C. Lodge. J r. R_

IDAnO Willi .. m E. Bor..h. n. J a m"" P. Pope. D.

:\II CB JGAN Arthur B . VandenberK R. Prcnliu 1II. Drown. 0:


MINNESOTA BCll r ik SlliJllltend. F. L. jEr nCilt LUlldcPII, F. L. l\IISSISSIPPl Pat HarrilQn, D. Tbeodore G. Bi,bo, D.

OREGON CllI.rlea L. M oNIl/"Y. R. Frederick Sleiwcr, n. PENNSYLVANIA Jame. J. Da,·i a. n. Joecph F. Guffe)", O.

M ISSOURI Bennett Cbamp Cluk, D. Barry S. Truman, D. MONTANA Bur tQn K. Whcel<!1". O. Jamee E. Murray, O. NEBRASKA George W . Norrie, J. Edward R. Burke. D. NEVADA Key, Pinm .. D, D. Patriok A. McCan an. D. NEW HAM PSHI RE Fred H . BrQwn. O. HeDTY S. Bridgu, R. NEW JERSEY A. Hury ~100TC. D. William H. Sm .. the .... D. NEW MEXICO Carl A. Hnt<:h. D. D ennie C h a\'eJ, D. NEW YORK

RHOOE ISLANDS Pcter Goelet Garry, O. TheodQrI' F. Green, D. SOOTH CAROLINA ElliJDn D. Smith, D. J amte F. Byr nCi. D. SOUTO DAKOTA Peter NorlH!ek. R. W. J. BulQw. D.

~~h:!tSF~~r:!~~~: K

NORTH CAROLINA Joei .. b W. Bllile)". D. RDbert R. ReynDlt\8. D. NORT H DAKOTA Lynn J. FrDn&i ..... R. Gerald P. N)·~. IL OnIO Robert J Bulkley. D. A... Vi<: DQnabe)'. D. OKLAUOMA Eimcr Thorn.." D. Joeb. Lee, D.

TENNESSEE KennCII, Me Kcllar, D. Nathan L. Onehman, D. TEXAS


UTAH Wil liam U. KinK. D. Elbert D. ThQm .... D. VERMONT Warren R. AU81in, n. E rn cet W. Giblnn, n. VIRGINIA Carter GI_. D. UJ.IT)· F. Byrd. D. WASHINCTON Homer T. BOD.,. D. Lewu B. SehwellenbtLCh, D. WEST VIRGINIA ~1:.t~h8':"';\~i.!rt~3': D. W ISCONS IN Rob ...., M. LaFollete,J,.. P.

F. Ryaa Duffy, D ,


~o:::}? f ~~~:~;~~15: D.


MA I NE James C. Oliver. R. Clyde H. Smith. R. Ralph O. Brew.ter. R.

Speakn, William B. Dllnkh~Rd, of Alabama. Clerk of the Houn, South Trimble. D .• Kentucky, ALABAMA Frank W. Boykin, D. Lister Bill. D. §I.,:rfI~bb~:~D~.II. D. JOIl StarnC3, D. Pete Ja r mllo, D. William B. n"nkhead, D. John J . Spllrkmlln. D. Luther Patrick , O. Jobn R.


~~:h~'k~~ iYa.~:~'h.R. 6r,~~~/.ph~;"~.ion. D.


ARKANSAS W iI1illm J, Driver. D. Jobn E. ~lilIcr, D. Claude A. Fulle r. D. Ben C.llvens . D. David D. Terry , D. J ohn L. MoCe ian, D. W~de

Le"~ s L. Boyer, D. E"efet~ M . Dirksen,

L. C. A rend~. R. JlIln<.'8 A. Moeh . D. n ugh M. Rigney. D. Scott W. T.uca•. D. Fronk W. Fried, D.

II . l{j , oilens. D.


t~~~;;n~!}.cX~~~1~. Ifi.

CI"lUde V. l>nr~onl, D. Kent Keller. D.


Clarence F . Lea. O.

¥r~~t: ~'. ~~~~~~~ht,

ILLINOIS Arthur H. Mitchell. D. R. S. i\I~KeoulCh. D. Edwllrd A. K elly. D. Hllrry P. Beam. D. Adalph J. SIIbath. D. Thomflll J. O·Brien. D. Leonard W. Schuet'. D. Len Koeialkow!'ki. D. Jamca McAndn"'s. D. Rlllpb E. Chureh. R.


Franck R. [Javenne., D. Richard J. Wei ..!>. R. Albert E. C ar te •• n. J. H. Tol nn. D. John J, McGrath. D. B. W. Ge. rhll.t. R. Henry E. St'ubbs. D.

John S. McGro •• ty, D. H. Jcrry Voo.hi8, D. Cha rll'S Krarnrr. D. Thomll.lJ F. Ford. D. John M. C ostello. D. John F. Dockweiler. D. Ch.rlea J. Colden. D. ~yron N. SeoU. D. H. rTY R, Sheppllrd. D. Ed. V. h.c. D. COLORADO Lawrence Lewis. D. Fred Cumming •• D. John A. Mllrtin. D. Ed ward T. Taylor. D. CONNECTICUT He rmlln P. Kopplemlln. D. Wm. J. Fiupe rald. D. J llmea A. Shanley, D. Al fred N. P hillips. Jr. , D . J. Joeeph Smith. D.

A T LARGE W . lIl . Cit r on, D. DELA WARE Willi"m F. Allen. D. FLORIDA J . Hardin Pete..on, D . R. A. G, een. D. Millllrd F. C.ldwell. D. J ames Mark Wilcox, D.

, IT I.ARGrt

L~\vis i\1. LonJ{. D. F. V. ChBm"ion, D .

INDIANA William T. Sch ulte. D. Chari ... A. HaHeck. R . SIImuel B. PeUenA;iIl. D. J.mea I . Farley. D. Ol enll Oriswold. D. "ir!tillia .Ienckes. D. Anhur H. Greenwood. D. John W. Boehnc. Jr .. D.

W~~:~1t~· G~~~~'b?'

William R. Lllrr.bee. D. Louia Ludl ow. D. IOWA Edword C. Eicher. D. Wm. S. Jacobsen. D. John W. Gwynne. R. Fred Bierznonn. D . Lloyd 'J1hW l ton. R. Caa!iul C. Dowell. R. Oht. D. Wear in. D . Fred C. Gilchrist. R. Vincent R nrrington , D. KA,NSAS W. B. L nmbe rtao n.



Edwllr d H . Ree~. R. John M . HOUl t on. D. Fr llnk Carllon. R . Clilfurd n. Hope, R.


KENTUCK Y Noble J. Gregory. D. Glover H. Cary. D. E,nme~ O'Neal, D . E. W. C rc&l , D.

~r;'n·t ~~~;~.~. D. Anf..ew J . Mly. D. Fr~d M. Vin.on. D. Jolm M. Rolnion. R.

LOUIS IA NA Joachim O. Fernllndcz. D . Pau l H. Maloney, D. Robert L. Moutoo. D. Overton Brooke. D. Nawt V. Mills. D. Jolm K Griffith. D. Rcne L. DeRouen. D . A. Leonord Ailen, D.

MARYI.AN D T. Alon Gold~borugh. D. William P. Cole, J r. D. Vicent L. Pllmi,"no, D. Ambrose J. Kennedy. D. Sleph~n W. Gambrill. D. David J. Lew;'. D. i\fASSACHUSETTS Allen T. Trea,\wBY. n. Charleo! n. CIMon. R. .Joseph E. Cnsey. D. Pehr G . Holme", R. Edith Nonrae ROllera. n. George J. 811.1 ..... n. Willi"", P. Connery. Jr. D. Ar thur D. neal ey. D. nobert J.ut~. I~. Georlle H. 'finkhnm. n. J ohn P. HigRi"s. D. J ohn W. McCormMk. D. /l ieh . 11 Wi" .. l.·~w"rlh. It . .rol~ ph W. Mart;n. Jr .• R. Chnrlea L. Gifford. R. MICHIGAN G eor!;c C . Slld ow~ki. O. ElIrl C. Mi~he"er. R. P au l W. Shafer. It. Cla re E. H olfm n. n. Carl E. i\bnu. n. And rew J. Tra nsue. D. J eue P. Wol.. o~t, n. Fre,] L. CrawfOld, R. Albert J. EnRel. R. Roy O. Woodruff. n.

~:~LLE~~\~P.· D. Geor le D. O·Brien. D. Loul. Rabllut. D. J oh n D. Dil'll"lI . D. J oh n Lcsinki. D. George A. Donero. R.

MIN,' ESOTA Augll!t H. And.C<! en. n. Elm er J. Ryan. D. Benry G. 'fei,llan. F. L. Melvin J. i\lau. R. Dew~y W. John80n. 10'. L. E n.old Knutaon. R . Paul J. Kvole. F . L. John T. Berna. d. F. L. R. T. Buekler. F. J•• MI SS ISS I PP I J ohn ElliOt nankin. D. Wall D o"cr. D . W. M . WluUington. D. A. L. FOld, D. Roaa A. Collina. D. Willia.m M. Colmer. D. Dan R. McGcboo. D. i\IISS0U Rl Milton A. Romjuc. O. Willia m 1. Nellon. D . Richard i\J. DunCln, D. C. JfIIIPtr Bell. D.

~i~~:n BT.S~~o"od~nb~·

D ewey ShOft. R. C lyde William~. D. Cluence Clnnon. D. Orville Zimmern,"nn. D. Thomaa C. Heening., Jr., D. C. Artbur Andcraon. D. Jobn J . Cochr"n. D. MONTANA J efTY J. O' Connell, D. J ame:. F. O·Connor. D.

3 NEBRASKA Henry C. Luckey. D. ChnrlealF. MeLaugblin. D. Karl Stefa n. n. C. G. Binderu". D. H OrTY B. Coffce. D. NBVADA Jllmee G. $torugha"". D. NEW HAMPSHIRE Arthur B. Jenka. R. Chnrlee W. Tobey. R. NEW JERSF'Y ChBrles A. Wolverton. R. Ehnu ~I . Wene. D. William U. Sutphin. D . D. LRnc Power •• R. Cha.lci A. Enton. n. Donald H. Me Le"n. R. J. Purnell Thorn ..... R. Georlle N. Selle r. R. Edwllrd A. I(clI"?, ' D.

fu~r~n~\i ~.R8!~~ill~·b~·

Frnnk W.1'owey. Jr .. D. " Iary T. Noreon. O. EdlVBrd J . Hort. D. NE:W ME:X1CO J obn J. Dem ]J!oy . D. NEW YORK Roben L. Da~on . H. WilliBm B. Borry. D. J Oti'll]' L. Pfeifer. D. ThOlnu H. Cull en. D. Mnre' lIui H. Evans. D. Andrew L. Somer!. D. John J. Deloney. D. Don.ld L. O·Toole. D. Eugene J. Keogh. D. ElIIlInuel CclI~r. D. J .", .... A. O·Leary. D. 8mmllel Diel'lIt~in. D. Cluis O. Sulliva n. D. WilliRm I . Si rovich. D.

1~::~ 1: 8?C~':.~·0~·D.

Theodore A. Payser. D . Ma't;n J. Kenn edy. D. Sol Bl oom. D. J"mes J. L"nzeUo. D. JOM"h A. Ga'·"g"n. D. F:dlVRrd W. Curley. D. Charlea A. Buckley. D.

~i::::i~'b.~~m:::-tk D. Homilton Fiah. J r .. R. Philill A. Goodwin. R. Willi"m T . Byrne. D . E. Un rold Clue~t. R. Fronk CrolVther. R. 8ertrond It. Suell. n. Ilrn neis D. Culkin. R. ~'r cd J. Ooulllns. n.


John Tober. R.


~~o~!~f\~~~(~11~~: ;J:

J"mea W. Wadsworth. R. IVnlter G. Andrewll . R. Alf""d F. Beiler, D. Ja",ea i\1. Me"d, D. D"niel A. Reed. n. ,IT I,AJtGE

i\]aUhew J. i\]erritt, D . Mra. Caroline O·D",... D. NORTH CAROLINA r~i.~U: ~·e~~"D~n. D. Grnhl\m A. Ba rden. D . HlIrold D. Cooley. D. 10'. W. Hllneock. Jr .. D. WiIIillm B. Umatead. D. J. Bayard Clark. D. J. Wlllter I.a m~~h. D. Robett L. Dou¥hton. D. Alfred L. Bul ...",kle. D. Zabulon Weaver, D.

4 NORTH D,\1\01'A AT LARGE U~htr L. Burdi .. k. R. William I,emke. R. OHIO Joseph A. Dixon, D.


•'rank T,. Klotb. D. Frmnk C. Kniffin. D. Jtlm ... O. P olk. D. Arthur W. AIClIhiro, D. I3rooh Fletcher, D. John F. Huntcr. D. Thomas A. Jcnkina , R. H. K Crn)'pnol. D. Arthur 1.Rmncek. D. Dudle~' ,\. White, n. Dow W. n "rter, D. J~obcrt T. Seorcet, D. Willi"", H. Thorn. D. Willi"", A. As hbrook, D. I,",wrenee }:. I",horr, D. M, .. III<,,1 J. "irwlln. D. ~Inrlin I,. Sweoncy. D. Robert Croa~or, D. Anthon)' A. Flc gor. D. ,IT LARGe John McSweeney, D. Harold G. \l.lolio •• D.

OJ{LAIIOMA Wuloy E. Di8noy. D. Jilek Nichola. D. ~~I~u~~ ~~~~~~i~.t. D. R. P. [Jill. D. Jed Jolt""on. D. Sam Mn!!ins;lc. D. Phil Fergu!on. D. , IT L ,IRGE Will Rogers, D.

OREGON J,unu W. MOll. H. Wnlter 1\1. Pier~c. D. Nnnny W. 11 0lle)''''lIn, D. PENNSYLVAN I A Leon Sncks , D. JamN I'. McOrnncry. D. iIIiel,oel .1. Brlldloy. D. J. Burrwood Dilly. D. Fmnk J . C. DOI 8e)', D. i\lichllol J. SlBok. D. 1.11 W. Drew, D. Jllmes WOlfende". n. Oli"o r W. Frey. D. J. Rolllnd I{i"~cr. n . Plltr;ck J. Bohu.. l. D. J. Hnrold .'humcr)" 0 Jnmc! H. Gildoll. D. Guy L. MOJer. D. Alben G. D. Robcn ,"'. Hieh. H. J. Will;'"" Diller. R Benj"min K. FOCht, H. Guy J. Swope. D. Denjnm;n J""ott. n. Fr""cis E. Wnl tcr. D. HIlny I,. Il ~ inee. D. Don Ginllct)'. D. J. O"ell Snvder. D. Ch".I"" I. Fllddis. D. ChllrlCli n. Eckert. D. J oecph Grll),. D. R obe rt C. Allen. D. ChlU'lce N. C."",hy. D. Peter J . D ~:'> I ... ~h. D.

'h"e~:I\;P~~,,~\'a~cr. D. ~1~~~tc;II~~bglC:~n. Dti.




RUODE ISLAND Aim" J. }'orand. D. Jobn :'>t. O'Connel1. D.

WISCONSIN Thomas R. Amlie, P. Harry S"' ... tholf. I'.

SOU TH CAROLINA Thomas S. M oM ilIan. D. Hnmpton P. Fulmer, D .. John C. Ta)· lor. D. G. Ho)"ard i\labon,Jr.. D. Jllmes P. meha,d!, D . Al1l1rd n. ClL3q ... e, D.

Thomas O'Malle)" D. Michllcl IC Reill)" D. Gerald J. Boilell .... I'. Georlte J . Schncider, P.

SOUTH DAKOTA Fred IIildeb randt, D. ~"rll"ei! C"IO, R.





S. D. i\lone},llold&, D.

.J. Hidley M,tchell. D. Iliohord )1. 1. Atkin,on. D. CluJe""" W. 'I'uTII~r, D. Herron I'onraon. D.



TEXAS Wright P"lman. D.

~:~~~i~~ ~~'SIl~;lou. D. Sa", nal·burn. D. IIl'tlOn W . $umrnen, D. l\'o.t Pl'tto", D. Alben Thom&.!. D. Jpseph J. Man!tie!d. D. Jilin,,! P. Buebnnnn. D. ~:W!aC. ~:a~h",;~.f.~· &.

w.~. McFarlane. D.

Itic rd:'>1. Ii:lcbcrg. D. Milt n H. West. D. n. Ewi"g Thomason. D Clydl I" Garrett, D. Mlln']n Jonc-e. D. G~ortO H. ~I"ho", D. :\I"ury M",·cridc". D. Charlea L. SOllt h. D. UTAH

,\be i\I"rdor.k. D. Norm .. n n. ll amilton, D. Vr:R~IONT



Pl"mle)'. R.

, ' maINIA fiehu)·lc. f)tiB m"nd. D. NQrmlln II. H"",ilton, D. ,\ndr.. w .1. Montngll", D. ~i,~~~ Ig.nr6·u~~~wl): D. Cm'()n A. Wood,,,,,,. D. A. Willia Robcr~"on. D. l10wnrd W. S",i(l •• D. J oh" w. 111"n"gn", Jr .• D. WASlnNGTON \\"II"e" C. :\III~nu.son. D. :'Ionrnd C. W"lIgrcn. D. :.rnrtin F. SIIIith, D. Klluto WH. D. Charles II . I,envy. D. J olon M. Coffee. D. WEST VIRG I N IA Roben L. R'"llJOIlY. D. .Iennin"" Handol,.h. D. ,\ndrew Edlllifton, D. Ccorlt~ W. Joh .... on. D. John nee, D. Joa I,. Smitl,. D.

AI,ASKA (DELEGATE) A. J . Dimond. D.

~:~~~~dRj. ~~t,I,',~~~'~:

fi~;~~~dl~~lIb~;rmann, p.

HAWAII (DELEGA TE) Samucl Wilder King. It. PlIlLlPPINE ISLANDS (lteeident Comm iuioncr) Quintin Pmredes, N. l'UERTO RICO (Reoident CommiuionNj Sa"till(l,O I gleeilL3, C.

WVOMING Gree" er, D.


OFFICE OF THE U. S . HIGH COMMISSIONER SOUT H BOUU:V,\R D, MA N II.A 1' ... 01,. V. MoNun, U. S. Hillh Commiuioncr. J. Weldon Jon~, l'i"nnai,,1 Ad"i!!!r. l~"ett D. Hc-etor, AuiAunt 11]nnnQiul Ad,·isor .

~...:~~o D~;n~1 ~:~O~{il~,~S~ir~~n~~e!:er~~,~JSti:W:, Hielmrd R. Ely, l'nS81)or~ Olfioor nncl Chief Clerk (AC1~.

Ad. AMt.) Cho r]c-e W. Frnnk8, Chief StMiAtician. Calltni" W. M. AII;ao". Con!ttClction Q. :'1. Mrs. Jnnct White. I'rivate Se~retllr)' to High Co",mi8aioner.


~f!~i~ I:1.'oy,:e:~I.M~I:r:i Z~~~1:,;;trnt;"e om~r. f~JI~' n':.~~.n'ggief~I~~;'f3~~"f)i~!i~fo,~~i"i~ion. v. V.

l{ovalo,·~ky. Aa"~lllnt

Chi ef. DruftlllJl. Div;5;on.

1'fica:~~P~I~~lOll, Act;ng Chief. Di\'i~io" of I'hotoJitho-

BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE (u.s. l'Un LI C HEALTH SE RVI CE) CUS1'0:,>1 II OUSE. PORT AREA 1'. O. BOX .12>i-Tgl,. 2-1J-28 Howllrd 1'. Smith. &luior S" rlleo", U. S. P. ll. S.. Chief Q"ntn"lino omc~r for th" P. J. A. B. Coyer. I'. A. Su rgeon. U. S. P. II. S. J. L. Wilson, I'. A. Su rlleo". U. S. P. II. S. C. 11. Mallo,)·. 1'. ,\ . SClflteO n, U. S. I'. fl . S. ~br\~t~kl'.'~;\.p S,:~ge~~',~"U'."s.Ui,.Sil ~ S.R. S. N. C. Comfo r t. I'hnTm"cist. U. S. I'. II. S. 1'. J. B. StevCIl$, Chief Cle r k nnd C""hicr.


&f~~~': n~riflnr~~~OW~~~~~r. Willinm lfil'!chtieldt. rnntino Stntion.

SCl pc,int elld~ nt.




MANU.A TE l,. 2-3(H13 C. II. Hunt, DiJb ..... IIlg Offieer.

U . S . BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE (Office of t h e Amer lcun Trud e Com mlas loner 410 HEACOCK O I. I)C.. OINONDO. ~IANII,A 1'. O. BOX 2!lS3-1'E I•. 2-3bo!la CADLE ADDRESS: "AMCO~IAT" J Bnrtlctt m eharda. Ameri~an Trade Commiuioner. llioard o H . Sobcllm. Cltrk to tho Ameriun Tradt C(ornmisaioncr . '\1eiandl'o Van. Ghief Clerk. Uonifllcio Lint"l!. Clerk. .'orcntino,. Clerk. Franci!co Schullbau, CINk.





420 N AT I ON,\L CI1' \' BANI{ 81,00 .. BlNONDQ p, O. BOX 750-TEI,. 2-18-97


Willon E. Well$.. Woodson W. Drrcilw. Franci. X. Colli""".

P. O. BOX -l aS-TE L. 2-12-27 Harr)' T. Herting. Mllnnger.


Lynn H. Brow n, Field Exam;ner. A. H. Roc!'", Fillld Enminer. Dr. Ju"" CBbreu, Junior )Iedicnl Officer E~I)Crt. Je.u. Sa rmicn~o. Field Examiner. l'&!Icul11 Trinidad. Finlln<:(! Oltice r. I'CIBgip i\Iopas. Clerk. GOllaro Almadavn., CJuk. Duennv"nlur3 Sorinno, Clerk. Frederick Semnn, Clerk. Dominador nicnrtc, Jr .. StOllo)g rnpher. r::~tebn n H. Su\m"n(), Chauffour,


NATiO;';.O\L C ITY DANK BLDG .• i\IM-HLA TEL. 2-30-0~ P. C. EngiC!br. :\Irs. Eli",beth HOlel'll.

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE O ffi ce of the American Vice Con su l 410 HEACOCK BI,no .. BINONDO. MAN ILA P. 0, BOX

l"IH-1' I~L


~~~r;c?o g"tlc{~;::~~ici::c}'iCy~~t'~U!.




H OL BROOK, C O MM AN O ING Jud~e Advocate Cener:ll·. Dep:lrlme nt Lieut. Col. ~lyrDn C. emmer. JUdRC ",h·~Me. l.i eu," Col. Itwsell II. Brenn"n. ,\Mia!o at.


Qunrtermaster Cor ps Col. Charles A. Clark, Quortcrm 'UI!Cc. !'icul. Col. John F. DILYC, I'. S. ,\ ui!la"t.

GENE R AL STAFIl Ch id of Sfall Colonel Raymond W. Briua, G. S, C.;n Caroll

Captain Frank C, Holb,ook, F. A.. Aide-de·Camp.

G· l P erson n e l o;,, ' .lon Da"id S. Rumbough. GSC. Cap!a,n LandDn J. Lockett, Inf., Aes;stanl. Captain Morton MeD. J (l nes, Ca."., Assistant. ~"'jor

C'll. J()hnGB~ M~~~~2'():,~ roM ~.ence Dlvlslon Capt. ChCllter H. "orllo, ,,' . A.. Aui.tnnl. Cnpt. Frnnklin L. RUlIh. I nf., A&siatnnt. Finl Liou~. Allan D. l\!neLean , Prell. Officer. G-3 Operation s nnd Tr:llnln~ 1l1Ylsion Col. Donnld A. H'lbin!OIl, GSC. CU I.L 'l'hco d orc E. Buochler. I'. A.. Al\ll iHtall\. Cnpt. John B. Sherman, Inr., ,\e. istnnl.

G-4 S u pply Dly ls lon Licu«'Illint C()lonci Nornlllu Itnndolph. GSC. T ECH NICAL

ADMIN IS TR ATIVE AND SU PPLY STAFF AdJu , ant Genora l's De partment C'll. Sa.nuel G. 'f"lbott. Adj"\Bat Cancrll!. l\Injot Rnlph Il. LDvett. Assi.tant. Cnpt. John C. Brt\Ckinridae. ~.i.ostRnt. Wa rmnt Offi cers Edwnrd W. Denni •. Chief Clerk. D eWitt T. SaI'P, Assistont. In.nes J. Au.slm Nelson W . Rnymond Thornns P. Churehill Rid,,!.,d R. ROhrbaeh Albert H. Eaalc,linl RiehB,d Smith Albr rt Grady Pntriek J. sumv"n " icree F. K ,mmctt JamCII :-.r. Thomplon RobcTt H. Lethcr mon James A. Yarhmy l.nfayctta Moody Jomee B. Oliyer I n~pectort

Genera l '. Deportment

~r~~~ee~a~~~ro~'e't' .fr~~e~ .. ~'ir.f3f:t~n.C~~fa~l~nt. I.lcutenant Colonel Edward J. Dwan. Aa~ilItRnt.

610~:r;inFrl~~~~' A~eli~y,,~~, ,c:!!~~:~. n. ilul ehi,,!. ,\ uis t flnt.

Majora: Theod", ... T. BnrrfeU N'lrmnn E. Waldron nolx-rt T. Willkin C,,(>u; .... : ,\Ibi" N. Caldwcll WnUn ee 1\1. ,\lIi~on Hobert S. Buud

Bruno W . Brookll Wnhcr L. Deneker HiciLlLnl n. Thornrll"

Warrant Officers CIL'I.enlcr ~Iclvillc B. Onkhnm ~yl\"Uler F. 1I"".' y It,,bcn I'. l{olofT Fln:l n ce Ocp" rtm enl Colonel Emmet R. Hnrri~. F;n"ncc l\Inj'lr H orntio C. CoykendlLll, " •• iotn"l. ;\ Injot lI enry 1\1. Dcnninll. '\5!LiSlnnt. ;\ l oJor Jo)hn I'. Tillrn, ... , A~. i' ln"t. Commodore O. ~rc~[lLlonn, Wnrnnt Officer. Col. MatiLew ,\ .i\hce<!:,~,lerl.)~~~.r~T~':.~gcon. -'lnjor Fr"ncis !\I. Fitu. (;\ I .C.) ,\ yi!lant. CIL[)ta;n Slonle)' i\1. Nevin, (V.C.) Vctednllry ,\:isiSlnnt C'lrp. of En jtl ncera Col. Chu~nce L. S~urde"II"t, Engineer. CaptlLin n o~cO<l Bonhnm, P. S., A~.ilItnnt. Che m lc:tl l Warfare Service Liene Col. Pnul X. EnSli'h. Officer. O rdn a n ce Depat lm e n( l.ieut. CDI. H arry n. I(ul •. Ordnonco Ollie~r. I\Injor Fred A. MeMohon, ,ua;.tnn\. }o'; .. t Li eutenan~ John H. Weber. A~ista"l. SllI. n \11 Cor p. Col. Goodwin Comptoa. S;lInal Ollie.,... Cnptll;n ~thur E. i\Iickleocn. Au'S!nnl. C.ptnin J an,u F,. MeGraw, ASIIilItnnt.



Air Corps Col. Alber t L. Sneed. Air Officer.

Liaiso n Offl <:cu

~~!~!inD,v:II!~C 11:~p'\I~j~~~~t({r.I .C. Ateneo d e M u nlla Mlljor nat.)' S. Robertaon, P.M.S. ami T. CllpUlin

Nllr~ra~ lu:t'!.u~:n~.e~-:r (~~~)~~l\1.S. lind T .

M ISCELL ANEOUS Veterinary Gcn era l il os pltal CIllll. Slanley M. Nel'in, V.C .• COlll"'D.ndinc. Philippine Medla.l Depot Captllin Thoma. ;\1. HC!ltor, M.A.C.• Commanding. J' hlllppine eer D ep ot ClIlluin ROicoc llonhllm, P.S., te.E, ), Commanding.


INDUSTR IAL MANUAL N ICHOLS FIELD, RIZAL, p, I. Lieutenant·Colonel : Thomo.e S. VOII. A.C. Mlljol'll:

~l;f..~ 'bn:~~~, ,t§:

Dllvid S. Senton, A.C. Roben l{. SiIl> I'IO II, M.C. Frank C. Venn. I\I.C. Harold R. Weill, A.C. Cilptallll: O. EIlITUd. (Ch.)


A.C. Fil'lll Lieutenant.: Charle. A. Clark, Jr .• A.C. Lilburn D. Fator, A.C. Juli ua T. Flock, A.C. Edwin n. lorencb, A.C. Hunter Harria, Jr., A.C.


John W. Ki rby. A.C. 'I'homlll n. L)'n~b. A.C. Hllrold L. Mace. A.C. Alfred n. Milltwell, A.C.




Philippi n e Chemll;:l.1 Warfare Depot Captain John A. MacLaughlin, C,W.S., Cornmllnding. Philippin e Air Depot Mnjo. Alber~ I). ritt~. ,\ .C .• Commllnding. l"iru Lieutenant 1:1 . Paul Delllng~r. A.C .. AUi.5tllllt.

~i;:t Iti~~,~~'~~~,lt 1r:;~il(/~~~'i/·fb.~~:!is~~n~.

OFFICE OF MILITARY ADV ISER TO CO MMO NWEALTH GOVERNMENrJ' OF P. I. M .. jot Gen Dougjas .\["cArthul, Mil. AdvUitr. Capt. Thomas J. Dn,;s A.G.D .• Aide-de-Camp. Lieuunlllnt Colonel Dwigbt D. Eiaenhower. tnf. A••iltant. Lieutenant Colonel Jamee B. Ord. Inf., Aalistant. Major Iloward J. ButteT, M.C .. Anistan!. Major 1:Iarvey W. ProllSer. A.C., ,\ uU!!allt. C"l'to Dorner F. Fellerl, C.A.C., AMisu,nt. Io)ra! Lieut. William L. LI'C, A.C .. AssU!tant. Jo'i rat Lieut. Hugh A. l'arker, A.C .• Assi,IIIInt.

CAMP JOHN HAY, MOUNTAIN PROVINCE ( 171 "'ilea 'rom '\[IIIniln)

Post H eadq u Dr lers Col. Uerlxn E. Taylo., CII'·alr)'. Commanding Officer. Mllljor Edwin B. Crabill, 4bth tn'antr)' (P.S.). Adj\lunt,


Quortennaster nnd Finance Office r Maiol Frederick A. Ward. Philippine S~O\ltl (Q.M.C.l Mllior Clnudo


Dotnc hment 45th I nfnnfT")' (P.S.)

Cnl't~t'lImr:an),\:: A~;",ek.

Captain nober~ R. Martin. Fintc!;:~U~n~l~!~l", E. Dot)'. Captain n. Dou&:hert)'.


~~r!~ b:~~: \~~\~~':Iv.aD~~


Fre:fcrick A. Pillet, A.C. Edward H. Porter, A.C, Thomas S. Power. A.C. Francia "-I. 7,<oigler. A.C. Second Lieutenant: S~anle)' J. Donavan, A.C.


g~I~~~crFI~:~el~a~~~.n ~~di~~~mC~';;:'

Commanding. Colonel John G . T ),ndllll, 24th Field Artiller), (P.S.). Lioutenlll\t Colonel Frllnk K. Roaa, 24th Field Artillery

J.J~~l~~~nt Colonel Edglllr M~fo~->C:la\lde D. Holme!,

W. Tnulboo, 26th Ca"alry

Medical Corpl. Malor Gor don J. F. Heron. 26th Cavally (P.S.). M~or Lo ... ;' A. Milne, Mcdiclll COIl,I. Malor Charlt8 L. MDlrwell, Medi~al Corp,ll. Malor Orlllndo J. POlley. Mcdi,al Corp.. Malor Ja." ... 11. A.!Ib~ra.ft. Medilal Corpa.

~I:l~~ i~th~~' iJ'~~~I·B;~~n.CD~~lt~ g;;~:

MI'lor Jum ea E. Noonan. \'cte!illllry CorPl. (On Leave) Mllbor I:Icrlwrt C. Holdridge, Adj\l!ant General'lI Del,t.

M~iO~ Helld. Chaplain, U, S. Army. Mill'" U~,n>l.n F. Rathj~ n . 26th Cllval ry (P.S.). Mnlor CornclioWl F. O'KL",'e. 26th CII'·I.lly (P.S.). I\lnlor John D. Cook. P.S. QUllrtunUiJltcr Corp,.


~l~l~~ ~~~l:;[ X: ?Jim~~~t~6~LcldC~~~LI:~rY(~~s~i) M~o~v~~lthnrd E. Tallant, 26th Cavalry l\I~:"'Y~mee Van V. Shufelt, 26th ea".lr),

Malor Mllolor M.lo. Malor Mnlor


(P .S.) (On

(P.S.). John H,liinll: J r .• Ordnanc:(l DepllrUQcnt. Alfred T. Wright, Quar~r",as\Cr Corpl!. Wim .. m A. R.y. 24th F,eld Attillcq' (P.S.), no)'c 1'. Gcrfrn, 26th Ca.'.lry (P.S., . John lItllDowall. 2-tth Field Attillcr~ (p.S.).

~l~~~ i~l:~ J: R~~!~4t16~e1~IlA~f'lc;:(~.5./,

:\l alor Henr! P. Olllntt, 2Ub F;~ld Artill~ry p.s.l, MILJor Llo)' Barnett. (Captain) Ai r Corpa. Cn Lltain Paul C. FebigCl. 2611, C.valr)· (P.S.). Ca]ltain n.y B. G roon. Qu.rlcrnu''''l'r 001]'" C.L1IRin Murra), C. WilII"n. Z-Itb Fil'ld AtLillcr), ~P,Sl CnlS~t,,~~,~\~m in B.. Ornbnn, 26lh Caval r)' P.S .. Captllin Oeor$.o Borer.l. Medical Cor ... Captain Burdette M. Fit<:b, 24th Field Artille r)' (P.S.). CapLain George D. Newtoo. Medin l CorJIII.

g:g~~ i~~fn?~~~';!baJ;~n~~~JP~~~t. Stu ...., 1\1. Bevan" A.G.D. Captl!.lD Neal B. :\len)" Quutu.....tu CoTpe.




Gouve r neur H.


:\1 .0.

Hnrriao n H . Fil hu, M.C.

M"".;.c /IIo'lIan, C.A.C. H'my H. T owler, M.C. Willinm R. St"wm~. a.A.C. Hoben /II, Cl\rswcll . C.A.C.

Nrc~~~~ t~·1~~~~c'il~on6. Rc.

Willi"", O. Clen,,",

Ch .• U.S.,\.

Dacnr w. Itcynnltli. Ch._U.S.A. ChriatiaR O. fo'olt~, o.A.C. Bnnj,,,,,in Bowering. C .A .C. Jamea J. Fir<.'lto"", Q.M.C. Ern .... t R. B"rrows. C.A.C. Fredcrill W. Cook. C.A.C. Joh .. 1I. 1I"l1'inl(tll". C.A.C. Norman I•. Bnld",;". S.C. In,,,.,. 1'. Campbell. C.A.C. Jl runc i. S. SWIIlt, C.A.C. MArvel 1I. I)A "'O~ , C.A.C. Wilfred II. Steward. C.A.C.


CI"II(I I,. Avern. Q.~I.C. JA"'C~ W. Smit h. C.A.C. Frllnci. "I. Wilson. C.A.C. Pl1IItor Mnrtcl;no. C.A.C. Chnrl<.'l 1I . Crim. C.A.C. F.D.

Fred J. Wootb, C.A.C. Edwtlrd ,\. l<1 einrnA". C.A.C. DOUlll111 O. I'amplin. C.A.C. Rua&ell E. Bat e.. C.A.C. DonAld C. Trodennick. C.A.C. Jos6 E. Olivefil.!l. C.A.C. Arthur B. Nicl" ,llIon. C.A.C.

t}l~rl:r. ~n~\:~~~C.A~~·

Willi"rn L. niehard!nn. C.A.C. ~rnc. t. A. Merkle. C. A.C. E. Young. C.A.C.


Gcorgo A. Tucker. C.A.C. Forre&L J . French, C.A.C. Sl\ mucl H. Morrow. C.A.C. D o"ald J. nniley. C.A.C. BIll",or G. M"rtin. C.A.C. ]Jurllo D. OHI. C.A.C. Hnrold A. nr""hcr. C.A.C.

!;~l':;:'~: t;~:~~~~:~l(j


Fil'llt Li~ULonant.s: !Jicnve"ido :-or. Alb". C.A.C. l\IMthow K. Deichelma,,", C.A.C. Ahrion C. Pohl. C.A.C. Allison R. Ilanman. C.A.C. Lc,garo K. 'I'arr"nt, C.A.C. Arthur R. Thorn""" C.A.C. J ohn C. Hnmp.on. D.C.

lirib~';tt \.~ 'A;~,~~~.t~6. f~: C. ~'l~j~~'i~11(ree~rc.X:8:C,

Preston Steelc. C.A.C. Un.old C. Donnelly. C.,\.C.

HARBOR DEFENSES OF MANILA AND SUBIC BAYS, FORT MILLS lI~ada~:!~eF!~:I~tM!. Dt!~~::rd~~ ~~~:~~, 1Ip'~ ~ uble Brigadier General: C010~:I~~Y p, 8ilohop, U .S.A. ThumM A . Tn • • )', C.A.C.

Liout:nr::~ ~;'I~n"o'i:iDghl\m, a.A.C. Wm . D. H erbert. 1"'1.0. Oaca. C. Warner. a.A.C. J oh n II . Hood. C.A.C.

Richard S. D od.!}n, C.A.C,

~da';;k'itn '~·cZ~ro~cc.f8:C.

OUo O. Pitl, C .A.C. Frederic V. Hemonway, A.G.D. Euebl\1l B. DalBo, C.A.C.

S:rbOe~~n~l.p~~~~~, Cc\~C.

Richmond T. Glhlon, C.A.C.

Riohard L. ~11I~tC!lon. C.A.C. Sid" ey F. Giffill, C.A.C. SlImuei ~loF. i\lcReynnl<b J r " C.A.C. Ave. y J. Coop~ r. C.A.C. Second J, iautenllnt.e: ThomlLS n. Jones. M.A.C. Edwaul W. Moore. C.A.C. PCLC' S. P~cn. C.A.C. f'rankJin l{cmblc J r" C .•\. C. Gc....,n L. Kluhnor. C.A.C. Georlle J . Wcit1el. C.A.C. Charh~.

W. H ill. C.A.C.

Dnvid B. Houth. C.A.C. Loui. L. IIIp;r"m. C. A.C. Bernnrd S. WMerman. C.A .C. Gentle n. Wilki~. C.A.C. Alvin D. Robbi,,~. C.A.C. Clifford W. Uildcb."nt. C.A.C. Ihrry It HlIlo, C.A.C. Willi "m H. Bnyn"". C.A.C. RUMell M. ~Iinc ., C.A.C. Alfred A,h man. C.A.C. Fra"k lin B. Reyuold. C.A.C.

R~~~~t ~. ~~i~hdljr.Cc~fC. ~l~rr'::c~ t ~~~c5:~~'



Anny N u rse Co rps Second Lieutenant., Hazel I. Bu rford, A.N.C.

~~b~nD c.!!Fti,;, t~1:. An"" COllI,hll>. A.N.C. "'lIude Dcn~on. ,\.N.C. Irene L. Miller. A.N.C.

Warr"nt Offiec",,:

~:r~nl',~ ~[';h~~~~~~' J.s~l· Anl\to]y J . ToufnllofJ, U.S.A.


g~~~: t$~Q ldf~:io:t~116~~/."1~:?;.·nlr)'.

Sitet Lieu t. T . D. EVIIM, 51tb Infanlry.


Cnp!. S. K Faille. ·151h I nlanlr)·. :'o l"i o. J. V. Flllia;, 121h Medic,,' lIegimcnt. :'011110. H. J. Farne •. 23rd Brillnde. Stllff Slill. C. M. Foote. S. B. nu d C. W. F. l·'ol'1'ldick. W.O. I'. Oi". (A.G.).


Tech Sgt. C. L. Frie drich. Q.M.C.

FORT Wm. McK INLEY, RIZAL , LUZON (!J Miln Frnno :'Ih"il".) II t<ld q Ull ftCrs I'hlllppi n e 1)1 ... 1510 11

Mnjor Genernl J. L. D e Will. Cornmnndcr. Caplll;n Julin" K Ruymond. p. b~7;,,~iCF.~iwT~''h'':L~~1~~~.S~r~~?~}Cs/:ii. Aide-de-Cum[. , Mlljor Arthur S. No\';TI.'j, I\ ~~ i~tll"~ Chief of Si na for Person nel. Lieut. Colonel COllrtney H . l'lodgcs. AB.i!tflnt Chief of St nff for Militnr)' l "tcllilJ;cncc.

Lie'lt. Colne! Courtney II. ILo<l.ll'-H, '\"~;8t O"t Chief of Stllff for OpcrlttionH lInd '1"";lIillg. IIlajor Arthur S. Nevin., ,hsiltnnt Chicf 01 Stnff 10.


CArl H Sea!a, A<ijuIDllt Genc.n). Major Jcas G. BOl'ki~~Al\Jinllllt ,\ djutDHt Cen~ra!. Mlljor Gllb!ie! T. ~hI~l,e"zir, Il>3peetor Genern!. Major Dcsmond O'keefe, Judlle Advocate. Lieut. Colonel Jllm ~ n. Hill, Qun.tcrmlUller. :\Iajor Albert E. Mc l ntOllh, ,\,..,i,IDnl. Major ]o'lo)'d D . Jonel. Au'~lItnl. Capt. Chn,li.;, Q. I.'f."y. A~"'8111"\. Capt. Cah rlu lI'ehnru.oll Smith. A!!>'i,tRnl. ~ I pjor A,tl",r O. W.d,h. l1;non¥ Officer. Colonel Chnrlcs W. nile)" SUTlt,on. :\lajor W,lliltm M. 1I 0ge. Enlli'tT,:.' Capt. John H. Brewer, (Aet,ng) Sill"'" Offi~'(:r. Cnpt. "a\lick F. Crllil(. Chemical Officer. Li eut. Colonel Aris leo V. Simoni. C hopIn,'" Mlljo. Willi. T. 1I0WIIT<I, ,\p';6lnn .

A Fitst I.;eut. R. F. Akl'l'1'l, J r .. 57t h 1"lunt.y. "lIIjo. F. E. ,\ nlbr Dlle, '15th Infnllt. y. Capln,,, CIII~' Anue.,on. Hlh EnllinceTS. M:l8tcr Slit. F. ,\senee, 57th Infalltry. Stllff 5,1. G. Aull. Dell\' Engincent. B

StRff 5111. 1". I~. Bnrlle$, S.B. IIlld C.

Te<'h. Sl;l. 1'. Ue;c;unua. S.B. ""d C. FiNt Li eu \. II. M. llhlchllrd. ·15th l ulpHlry. Mlljor F. A. Ol wc. 12th Medic •• 1 HCllimem.

Ki';;j~;~~u6·. ~('::ki~.0,~.O:lfW(]~'~f,:J~·bi'~8ion.

Mlljor O . Brunon, 12th M~IHc'" Hu:imen t. C"pt. J. H . Ihewer. 12th Med, c,,! HcWmenl.

~!;l~'d ;L!~;t.BJ~8;): 'h5'~!'k~ r~:t:~: rt~f unlry. g~r~,;Jli~~n~~~fce:'-'o~~~3.:I'I~I':tl':';;il. Oi ... ",.,,,,. C Major J. W. C"Ullh8n, 45th Infbnlry. Mlljo. C. D. ClIlIn.", 121h ;\Iedicnl negimenl. Capl. P. n. Cnrup. 571h Inl""lt)'.

frJj~r~: If;. <t:":,~~;. ~a~.i Brignde.

W~~rd!;.~lj.~,~~I~ih~~e~~fll: J;.~a~~a:·lnlantrY.

'fech. S.n. T. I . ClevenKer. S. B. and C. Lieut. Colonel T. K. Collin!. 51110 Inlnnt.y. Capt. :\1. J. Conway, 151h I "'anlr)·. Capt. W. P. Cordermnn, 12th Silln ..1 Co. Capt it. E. Coullhlin. 1~ lh Enlllinl'Cll5. Capt. P. F. Craig, 4th S. Cnll. Co.

;!;~~: ~tE~·c~il~~.o~~{i, ~~i~'~~l"

C"'pt. E. J. Curren. Jr .. 57 inh,nl.),.


M. K. Oa"lIb",)" SclHlol Tea cher. M"jor Cene. nl J Ohn I.. Dc Witt, Oiv. Co",",anue•. ~i~~·S~t. t;.;t~~i!ae~. f!p~~;~Zr"'2~~e·Q.M. itegimcllt.


1;."" John~on. W .O.. H.P. Oi,·i~ion. ).!llj or F. D. J Ol1f11, Q.:'oI.C.

Cllpt. H . C. Jone!. "Gth Tnf"",.), . Capt. M. MeO. Jonfll. 20th Cllvnlr)·. M. E. Jone~, ;\.D.C., CnvlIl.)'.

C~ I>t.

J'. Kellel.

n a.n~S!I



F irllt I,icut. F.. A. Kelt"y, 571h Ir,fnntr)·. First Lieut. C. W. I(ohla. ·Ililh Inlnlll.)' . :'o l Ajor K. n. Kmlowlk i. Q.M .C.

J. It. II. I.cthc.mon. W.O. H(I. 1". DOpL. CRpl. C. Q. Lilac), . 1~lh Q.M. lIeRi",e" \. Cn p\' I". Il . Li ndley. f.7th In luntry.

E;'~:i~: lr.· kitf!~;IJ:':~'5,;~~~rJ~r,;ltt.)'. StofT S~t. O. W. LO'·Nt . A.C. C"pl. Ju" B. Lovl~&, 57th Inlnntr), . :'olojor \\1. B. Lowery, .(i7th Inln ntry.


rr~j~r ~~'T.~~~~~e;iIl1g.tli.itfr:tl{:'I'. Di..;";on. :'o 18tr. 5111. I . :'oinnjnrCII, Q.M.C. T eeh. SKt. J. J. Marcul. A.C. Sc.:o nd LieUI. A. J. Mareun. 45th 1IlIIltllr)·. Fi".t Lieul. A. C. l\I"l'1'lhnll. J •. b7th In l .. u"y. It. n . :\l eCollllllrk, W.O. H,J'. Di"ieioll. :'o 18;or A. E. Mdnto.h. Q.:'oI.C. ~~~I~J.\d;u~ln~c8'.'eJ.~·c1ti~~,~~~";i~'· lnflll,lr)·.

Ca pt. W. It. :'o l e:'o I"'ler.15Ih Inill/ltt)·. Slall SKI. W. 1". MeQuinllnn. A.C. Cll pl. A. E. Mi ekch,NI, Siltlllll Corl"'.


r l\i'.:;:~~:. SJ!,~II:,~~~~:

Sloll Sgl. C. E. :\I)'mk, E.O. N

~l :j~~ t'l'N~!~~, ~2~i~!.I!!i~~~~::~~~~I. o

:\llIjor I). O· I{edc. J .;\.C.O.• II.P. DivWoll. Malor J. Qa"'lllt, 121h :\Icdital itCl;imeltt.


_________________________p~H~I~L~IP~P~I~N~E~S_______________________9 F;r~t

p Lieut. H. M. I'nh], 45th I n".nlt)'.


:\I .. jo. Arthur Piekens, 45th InhulIr),. Major J, J. Pirtle, 23.d Brigade.

Post Ihadqu:lrler8 Stnff· l'eJlonnel Second Lieut. Jo&c])h C. ""do"ol>, Co I Captain ThomM E. I'. n "rbour. Co. G' . S"eond Lieu\. Walter E. lIare. Jr .. Co. ·E. Firot Lieut. Geo. H. Biohol>. Jr., S.D .. H .I'.D. Captain C. mlZeli. Co. n.

~~~~. Jpr1.;~~w:6~,p~·~li~1;ion

CQ.M.e.). F. W. Pruitt. 12th Medlen! RegIment.


stBIJ Sgt. W. F. Quinn, Q.l\?C.

~~:tt~i~~~'i~;:'.a\~,. LUr~~~nJ~.mS~~,~~h~~in.

It Capt. J . E. nll)·mond. ,\ ,D.C" H.P. Di\'i~i(ln. Fi.. t Lieut. n. tI. Reed. 57th ["fantry. Capt. A. J. Regnier . 57110 Infnntry, Enl(l". Bun J. R eid. l ee Plant.

~l~i:~ ~Q;' J~eR~~kll~~~h 5~~~lIj~?~·ntry.

Lieut. Colonel C. W. Riley, 12th Mcdic,,] Regiment.

rie~~t. ~!io~crD.~~tr~ber~~~': g~I:\ledicnl

Second Liout. W. L. Itolu~. Hlh EUJ:;incera. Firat Lieut. R. O. Romero, Hth Enginec ... CIlPt. C. A, Rowlnn". Hlh Engineen.


Fint Lieut. Sewell M. Ihu,,,by, Co. K • Major Beni .. min F. Caffey. S.D .• ".H.C. Capt .. in I.uther G. C .. ull'lY. Co. M C"ptRin Grovene. ChrlC!l, Co. C.. Sec~",d l.ieu!. Wil.o n D. Colc", .. n. Co. C. .\In)or Allred £, Dedieke, S-3. Cnplnin A. J. Dombrow8k y. Co. K.

k!~~~'~ C{'ilcu~.l"D~~id\~·,. DJ!.f!:II!j~·c~~·C.

CapI"'" Fred E. G .. ill,,,,I. Hq . Co. fint I.ioul. Dnn Gilmer. Hq. Co. Cal>tflin C"rlton D. Goodiol, Surgeon. COlonel Clu.. lc5 S. Hnmilton. Co"""a"dinl{ CUpla!n Ch,,!les W. H"n"lI, Co. I. <lrd nIl: 9aptn", Dw, ,,lI t Ihn·"y. Co. I..

~.1::~nt~:~~'til,e~;j 'j~~,t! i~IY';r~~n;~~t. )!\.; M. Lieut. Col. Charlc! H. L"%I%. P.M.

~~e;I~1" L~~il~;'n~"l~~ J~·n;'a~~~)·I:I.Co.

.. F.

)'lnjor Ful ton W. "lnlOtill. Jr .. ,\dj. Cnpt"i" Tho,n8 8 F. i\leCnrth),. ,\,.,,1. ,\dj. Fint pent. nal~" D. i\lcKinney . Co. B. CaPISi';. '6'k~,ur ". i\liokel aon . 10th 8.S. und Aut D~pt. Lieu t .. COI.,I';III'Ott B. "liller. I. nnd S. Oli. CIl))la", W,llnu" W. O'Connor, Aut. $-3. Fint )..ieu.\. Willin", W. Qui,,,,. Sen'. Co. Clptn", Franklin L. 1t"!1o, S.O.. H.I'.O.

}l~ir!,)~'~t!tjo~~;~~~~CC~·. O. Capillin In-in A. 1I0binson. Co. E. Seeonll Lieul. Itol"nd J. Itulle. CO. A. Cnpt"in Cbarles n. $Il rl,tcnt. Co. A. "nd 1st lin. CaptRin J ohn B. Shumun. S.D .• 11.1'.0. Finn llieut. John B. Shinbcor;ec. ,\th. and 1'.1'. Onlcer.

~r.':~·tie~~~'~all~l, "¥::W~~:"C~:'I I~'

Fil'3t Lieut. Willinm V. Thomplon. Co. A C"pta;n IInrehl \\'. Uhrbrock. s.~. . Mn.jor Norman E. W"hI..,n. Q.M.C. Firn J.icul. GeQrJ;e F. Wells. Co. !'. S~ond Lieu!. Tho""", W. Woodya.rd. Jr .. Co. I..

STERNBERG GENERAL HOSPITAL 200 ARBOCER08. EIDU·f,\. MANIL,\. 1'. l. Colonel Willi"n, H . Allon, (i\ I.C.) Commundini: Lieut Cel. Edwllrd A. Coates, Jr., (i\1 C) . l.ieut. Col. Churl",! W. Lewi~. (D.C.) . . Lieut. Col. 0",,,. H. Q"fldo, (M.C.) Liout. Col. "dwIlrd Weidner. (~I.C.)


g:~:::~ }~~d~~"\'R~; g~~e!;:"i~';: i"Jiu~~:~~ma"di"g. QU3rtoerml1ster a nd Atl.ent Finan ce Officer Captain John W. Smith, I'.S. , (Q.i\I.C.) Cnptnin H onry

,~.°t::~r~e,D(~~g)en (



Hnrvey H. Livca"y,(.\I.C.)

~'rand. C. 1'):nl:, '("·I.C.)

Cnptnitl.'l Clarence 1'. Cnnby.(D.C.) ,\rm;" W. Lcll.d".cr.('\t.C.) Otto L. Churn('y. (M.C.) IInlpll y. I'[ew. (.\I.C.) Joseph n. I(och. (CI"'I*un) )O-ir~t l.icut~na"t

( 1'.)

C!'Ptlll,! Hownrd J. Edmanu., P.S. In!. F"'1t L,eut. Jobn N. Scoville, Inf. Compnny " D" 4 5t h In f. ( 1'.5)

..,~~:n~e~i~'v?ii;':)'~~'BI::ho. In l. f,rat L,eut. AI8ton GrimH. Inl.

Uobert II. Lowry. Jr .. (.\I.C.1 Jnm OJ D. ~Iockbce. (D.C.I

f;~~CC~I{l~cbr~~',I~h~~h.d.) W~~I;:. ~~;'n~al(b 8'l'C,)

ChfITlefI L. Oli.eoll, (:'>I.;\.C.)

Capta~n Fre~I'l>'. V:n n8~a~~'in}~f. (I'. S.) CUptllln MIU; H. Gooier. lnt.

Captu~n W~b~t~,"~{ ;~;';:;n~~~. li:i.

Mnio"" Rnlph I,. Cudli]>]).(i\I.C.) D .. uid Fr .. nklin. (~I.C'b

~ond !,;(!uten""~

Guy W. HlU'low. (M.A.C.) Eugen" G. Cool,er. pl.A.C.) ~'irllt Lieutenant n ue D. Landy. (A.N.C.). Chid N"rM'.

Second Lieutenants Dorcas C. "'''cry. (A.N.C.) F..atella Uaylor. (A. N.C.) Minnie M. BI .. e!;. (A.N.C.) Je»i" Drownlon. (A.N.C I





C. Elva Colliaon, (A.N.C.) Ad. Davia, (A.N.C.) Eliu.belh D,wene),. (A.N. C,) Ber tha Elanrr, (A.N.C .) Nora G. Freeman. (A.N.C.)

~~t?rioi ~i,,~~i'rc~n(11&.?·)

Lillinn P. !\liller, (A.N.C.) Eli ... bcth O. lIIilt&on, (A.N.C,) MinervlI l\lIWclmlln, (A.N C.) Charlot!I': P. Parham. (A.N.C.)

United States Navy ASIATIC FLEET AND STATION Adm iral H. E. Yarnell, U. S. Navy, Commander-in-Chief. ST AF F C hief of Staff Captain R. F. MoConnoll. U. S. NII"Y, Aidn,

Lieut. J. P . Walker (Naval Aviato r) (W. and JD .• V.) .. Lieul. 'l.I.! J . Rab)' eNavBI AviBtor) (W. mnd JD._V.) Licut. {).~. L. C. Simplo r (Naval Aviator) {W. and JD .• V •• L,eut ~W D. Colemnn (Wand 0 _2). L'eu~ II io'. Wol .,efTer ( W mnd 0.4) L.cut I g M. E. Dcnll ctt (W nnd 0 -F. ). L,eut II: I •• C H c, n, (Wand 0 _R.) L,eut ) I': R I.lIno (W mnd D -1 ) L.eub~!J!.? J W Koen,g (Elect r'cal Offi cer) (W. aDd


F lee l Maint e n nnce Officer Captain n. H. Ilruee. U. S. Navy, F leet Operat ion s Officer Commander M. L. Doyo. U. S. N1l\'Y. F leet Com.munlcntlo n Offi cer Lieut._Comnmndcr T . G. W. Settle, U. S. N,.,.)'. Fleet Gun n e ry


I'cuo n nel

Offl. .:~ r



Lieut .• Commander R. 1\1. livia:, U. S. Navy, Io' l eet In telligence Officer Lieutenalll H. 11. Smith-HuH II. Jr .. U. S. Na'·y.



}o' llig Ll eute n tlnt l.ieut('lID.nt J. Sylv"-'!t<:'r. U. S. Navy. Aide. "'sslstanl Fleet Commu n ication Officer LicUlcnllnt n. S. Lnmb. U. S. Nllv)'. Com munlC'tltl on Wtl u h Offi <:'c r i.!cutcnBnt 0..1':'1 H. W. S~ly. I). S. ;";''''Y. L,eutenant ().I:. E. S. "hUer. U. S. N",,·. Fleet MedlC'tl 1 Officer Capulin W. A. AII{;win. (M.C.). U. S. Navy. Caplaill E. D.

St~~~:)~. ~s.I(;~1.Y U~~c~~y.y.

Fleet l.fIIrlne Officer Colon('1 H. L. Par.o"-'l. (U.S.M.C.). Chief p,,),

~f:::tG~~~OH~~~~~ t~W'I~~CU


S. S. " A UGUST"''' (Fl ag.s hlp o f t h e Commnnd e r In C hi ef . "'slatlc Flee t) Captain n. V. !l.l di:ittrick (Commanding). Commander C. E. Braine (E~eeutive Officcr). Lieut. _Comdr. E. H. Kin"",id (N"",igato.). Lieut.·Comd,. A. C. J. Sabalot (ldt Lieut.) (Oomago Control Off.). Lieut.-Comdr. C. B. Mom.en (lot I.ioul. ) (D. C. 0.)

Lieu~~~~~ g~SJ~hindler (Gunnery Officer) . Lieut. O. I~. Grcgor (Engineer Office rl_ Lieut. R. G . Lockhart (Senior AviBlor .



r:I? ~: 1J!l:~g ~~~~~~nii.aJ~o(O~:cIT!S.). C. J ohMon (Hadio Officer).

~1~~~: It&~. ~II~'~·. ~:~~Ja~~r~!~:~~n~~~r6fW. Lt.). L, eut. W ..... Suthcrhllld. J •• (Nn.·al ."viato.) (W. lind JD '-Vd' t::~~:


Ell.!Ii&n Engian Ellsign Ell.!Iign

,\:~rBu"t~'r~~:i;:1 (~~~~OED~~e:'?i~~:-V')'

E. S. Powell. Jr. (W. and JD.-F.J. O. P. Oi"on, Jr. CW. and JO .• 4). G. S. Bullen (W. and JO.-:l). A. D. Kilmartin (Wand D .• B.).

I-:ns'l(n ·1'. It


F ltlg Secn a ty Licutenant A. H. Oswald. U. S. Nl\v~·. Aide. "'ulallint 10 F lcet Lieutenant G. n. Pholan. U. S. Navy_

~~s1~n (i·.gil. te!~y~SI~~~1(6i.c~~b 0.-3). ~~i:~ 1: fi.: g~!I~~~;('\\~~VO:ndnjn'._4).I). ,ine \ \I~~

'\'(""~ •• c.r).

r· F ~;"!~88r(\J.C;,~JOlDA).

Li eut .• Comdr. (M.C.) '1'. O. Summon (Senior Medical Officer). Liout. (M.C.) E. L. Caven)' (AsaL Medical Office.) · B .• Di .... ). Lieut. (D.C.) C. W. Schant' (Oonllll Ofli~r). Lieut. (j.g.) (~.C.) n. H. BD.!'JCtt (Dentnl Officer) (Ord. U.S.). Lieut.-Comdr. (S.C.) J. E. Wood (Supply Officer). Lieut. O.II;.):O;.C. O. P. L"Uu (Ant. for DisbuTaiug) (S .• ])i\'.). Comdr. (Ch.C.) R. L. Lewi. (Chaplain) (Add. duW l'lcot C I18p!aill). Ch. BOII~wain K. C. I Ufp'lIbam (Boato,,·D.'n) (1t .• Div.) (Ord. U.S.).

g~~~~~~ue;b~'L~~~~~rl': (r~~~~:~n6~~~~~iN:_oiv'l_

Electrici"n A. C. MD.nlove (Ae,t, Ellgin c~r) E .• Oh'.. Ch. Rlldio Eloc. A. T . 11 0011'" (AIIIlt. Comm. OfT.). Ch. i\lnohill iat J. M. Fluherty (Aut. EngiuOOI) (r.I._Div.) .

~1~cI~~a~~';*.a~!'sI~no SI.wt~Etn ~~~)~f._m~.·.p'iv.).

Carpenter J . A. AUlllill (Carrcnlc:) (R-D, .... ) (Ord. U.S.).

g~:'P:~eC~~kCO.D~.B~':f.ftt ~~~~~kJ~tl;iOioiti<:,er).

Captaill (U.S . .\1.C.) C.C. Coffman (Comd$., beta,hme tl Fir.t Liout. (U.S.M .C.) P. E. Wallace (~{arino Offictr).


S. S. " I S"' BEL"

t: ~";'.~:f;';~~ ~~~:;:,~t'l~~)illrka\'ig.tor). Lieut O.g.) E. J. FII5I<:r (Engincer) (Co,um.). ti~~::

ElL!!ign 1'. F. Boyle (GuDnCr)') (Fint !.ieul.).

u. S. S. "S ... C RAMENTO " B. F. PetTY (CommandiDc). Licut. G. K. O. nem, CE~ec. Off.) CNa"iitl.lor). Lieut. C. L. Weillle Itt Lieut. ) (Comm.. Lieut. (j.g.) W. W. itto (W. and D.) Aailtaot Gun. nerf)' Command~r

~::''t~;. ~'.II·b.~3ke~b'1~'ta:::dE~·)··


Lieut. ( M.C.) J. T. sYmith (Medical (ftiiccr). I.ieut. (j.~.) (ti.C.) T. L. Dtcknell. J r 'IS~lUy-Oilbur.ioa>

~i~~CLi~ut~' fu.~~f~c~~~·. L~.S¥J;t~D (~b. Dct&ebmeot).





Commander A. G, Quynn (Commanding) . Li eut. R. C. MO'TCBU (EKC<)utive) (Na'-iga tar) Licut. (t".I,) J. B. WceQ (Enllineu). En..ign . R. Nnville (Gunne ryl' E n,ign F. G, Pngcl ow (Corum .. En,ign C. Fadem (Fi ret Licut"nRn~).

Linllt. (M.C.) A. J. Pereyra (Medienl Officcrl.


u. S. S. " TUTUILA" Lieut.·Comdr. W . n. FeTgUllon (Commanding). Lieut. M. E. Thoma.. (E%ecutive) (Nnvigator) l.iel1t.).


~~e;l~'D (k~l. ~n~in~a~~~~i~~~r) (9c~;;~)~' D.A. ).


~~eyUb~~·~·b~S.EP.IA~at: i;:s~~;rY d~~~J:·DlSbuUU>I). Fi .. t Lieut. (U.S.M.C.) J. O. tfunmt.on (C.O. Marine Detachment).

Lieut. (j.g.) (M.C.) R . L. WnTe (Medical Officer) (S.S.). U. S. S. " PA NAY" Licut.·Comdr. J. J. Hughes (Commanding). Lieut. A. F. Andre. (E%er.) (Gun. (lu Lieut.).

~~'l~'n ~. SF/81ee~ n?~:~~ ~g~:~\(~AD~~:\~n/l;.).

.. Lieut. U.g.) (M.C.) I.. D . EkvaU (Medical Officer) (S.S.). U. S ~ S. "OAHU" Licut._Comdr. J. ~1. Sheehan (Comln/mding). (ht I.ieut.). Lieut. (j.g.) J. A. McGoldri tk (Gun.) bCem,.) (S.D. A.) .

ti~~t: ag.f·J'.lo~~e &~xr~') d~r~;:l

t!:~~: g~i) ~~I~c.f't~i'i5. ~;!~~".:')dlcdi.,::i·bfficer).'


(S bnn lt hal , C hi nn)

Captain (S.C.) J. E. /IIcDallBld (Office r in Chnrge).

Ch. Pay Clerk R. W. Unde, wood (Assi~tant). Pay Clerk G. D. Wood (~~iataDt). S PECIAL


Lieut._Comdr. (C.C.) W.

Lieuf.c~~d~~O(~.C.) a truetor).





H. Llltnc. (Super"ising CO".

SOUTH CHINA PATROL Capuin B. F. Glo\'cr (Comdr. South China PMrol). Lieut. (j.g.) (S.C.) C. T. Abbott (Patrol Supply Officer) (Add duty Dilburing Officer Mindanao) U. S. S. " MINDANAO " (FlagshIp) Liout. J. G. C,018 (Commanding) (E eeutive). Liaut. '1'. F. Fowler (Fi,.t Lieutenant) (Ord. U.S.). J,i~ut·. D. Lo~an (Enllinccr) (Comm.). Lieut. (j.g.) K. Tolley (lIt Lieut.) ( avigator) (S.S.). Lieut. (j.g.) A. 1<' Elpenas (Gunnery) (Stores) Elll!ign D.R. McMullen (Aut. Gunnery). Lieut. (M,C'I C. 1.. BOZ!lrth (Medical Officer) (Coma.). Lieut. (M.C. F. W. FalTar (Medinl Officer) (Con ... ). YANGTZE PATROL near Admiral E. J. illnrquart (Commandor YHngha Patrol). Commander H. H. Good (Aide; Flal): $ccretaf)·).


Condr. (D.C.) A. KnOK (Patrol Duntal Offiff!"). Licuij .~~:C,) E. O. Andenen (Patro. Dental Off.) (~d.

l.icutl1~:i~) d'J.·"c~:· E::J'n?«J[rihS(!,JjKw~~rf:~~'?'~t

nudio Etce. J. A. i\!~h (Patrol Radin Officer). Poy CICTk C. F. Uclt1cn (Godown Hankow). U. S. S. " LUZO N" (Flags h ip) Lieut.-Comdr. W. M. MOll!!:!! (Commanding).

ti~~~· (tg.)VC~~.laTn!~k~e~Clm:~n!~ri~~::~.).

I.iout. T. W. Rimer (Enll;incer) Add. duty Pat. Eng.). I.iout. U.g.) W. H. John.en (First Lieutenant) (Conu.).

DESTROYER SQUADRON F I VE Cnptain H. A. ~l cCl urc (ComD"dloll 5). Commnodct W. E. Cheadle (Senior Aide) . Liout. M. E. i'llil ... (Squadro" i\hterinl Officer). Lieut. E. L. Fryberger (Squad. Comm. Off.) (FlaR Sec.). Liout. F. D. l(ar"~, Jr. (Sqd. GUDner)' & Torp. Off.). EllIign R_ B. Kail

CI{g/W. Y?:cfollIIso n. Lieut. ).g) J. ,\. McG oJdriok. EllIign J. E. VOle. Jr. U. S. S. " BL AC K H AWK" (Tender) Cornmatlder H. D. Bode (Co!""1nnd;nRl. Lieut.·Comdr. C. i\L U olton (EK<'1:uti"e Officer). Lieut. C. J. BlIJlreich (Engineer Offi cer). Lieut. E. J. Mlill er (Na'·'gntorl. I.ieut. L. F. Connolly (First LicuteMllt).

ti~~~: ~. ~i. ~1~C~:~B~8':,~~,~~'i)h1~er)

Lieut. W. P. McCirr (Conlin. Ollieer).

U. S. S. "GUAM"

ASS IG NMENT L!eut. U.g .) A. S. Cllrter

(Ord. U.S.).

tj:~~:l~~dr.S"(~~(?') ('6~tE. ~~~~! ?~~f!~'

Medienl Offi"er) (Add. duty Sq,,~dron M~di"al Offieer). Lieut. (M.C.) H. W LtUllier (J unio r Medical Officerl. I.'eut. SD.C) C . N. ·W-enl\erberg I D en ~"1 Officer). Lieut. c}.g.) (D.C.) J. L. !'arker Junio! DClltnl Officer). J.i§~~~~~~:,dSuf)S·I~l. A. n. Clnrk (SUPi>J~') (Add. duty Lieu~. li.l:) ,S.(?,) .I. F. JliSt (A"Ist. rOt Oi , buning). Lieut. Ch.C.) E. B. Harp, Jr. (Chulllain). nont,sws;n J . C. Oatcr ~Bo~~wl\in) (W. Dnd 0 ..5).

g~~~:~ t'rc,;;~(A~~.!ni:~8'1~(?g;,e~r) COrd. U.S.). Gunner W. J Cole (Ass~. Gunno,,· Offieer). Smith (Aast. Rcpnir Officer). E lectrician II. L Electrida" L. V. StnTke~' (Au~. Engineer Offic",)

g. g:


Ward (A .. t. to RCI)Air Officer). Chief Milch ni.t W. E. DoFoor {AMI. Engineer Officer}. hhchiniat P. A. Duffy (Aasl. Repair 011.) (Ord. U.S.). Machinist H. H . Kinenid (Assista"t Rep ni r Officer). MDchinin J. E. Dopp (Asst. Repair Officer). MDchinist S. i\1. Brndy (A""t. Rel,air Officer). Machinist T. L. Wilson. Call1enter C. S. iIIaso n. Jr . (A""t. n epair Officer).


~!'y ~j:rfJ~f.k B1~1~~hI1;ti~\~70':~~~~'IYf.uPpIYJ.

U. S. Lieut. Li eut. Lieut.

ti~~~:-~~mi.r. S~;'~' fE~~~) ~~~~.ia0~t''£ieut.) (Ord. Lieu~·~~·B. ~Ia field. Jr.. (E%ce.) (Nnv.) (l8~ Lieut.). Liout. (j.g.) E.1!. Martin (Gunnerr) (Comm.) (CO" ... ). ti~~~: U::3 gl.~.rp'.tWnNoJ~r!t:cit:III(~Il~~~~·{S.S.}.




S . " P AU L J ONES" ('lJO) (S qulldron Lea d er) G. D. Lyon (CornmandinllC). B. M. a"te. (l~~ecutiye) (~aviglltor). p.g.~ C. B. SmIley (Fu'llt L,eutenant).

d.t) K l~:~~~~~~.t~g~r:!r;le(b'::~:y. (S.S.).



U . S. S," BARKER" (lU)

Liout.-Com dr . W. H. W,tl lncn (Comma nd ing).

l:t~~~: ~rg.~· Ife~v~ b~~~?8U?£~)gi~~~:)i~~~~~c'a). ~ir~~~'n {b~·h.Bcot~y B\.~~~LIf.~:p~~O)n(~~t Conlln'l.

Enlillll W. W. Ar m'tro"lS (h, Lieut.) (A~at. 1~"II .. L,c"~. (j.g.) (M.C.) M. h . (;urcton (D<'3Div.- 13 "'"dieal Officer). U . S. S." J OHN O. EDWARDS" (2 16) M, R. K el!,Y (CotnmllndillJr:).

LiClL~. - Cnm<lr.

~i~~t ~rg~!' ~'~"~~r~t:ac!~E(~~~:N~':!r)(~S~~)reW.rd.


(Gunnery) (5.S.). JroTedo) (CO""'';" In LieUl.) Aut .

E n (l:.).

I,;out. {po . .1. J ,



~ [ IlCor mflek

S. Be. loiol

EII.. i?CO~I.)~V'


U. S. S. " WIIIPPLE" (217) (Di visio n Flng) I.i~ut. Comdr. W. W. Paee (Commandi";)' LiellL G. W. Willcox (E~ecut i \'e) (N"vi,'Hor).

tt~~~: ut~

8: lri. 'ir~~rJ~r~G(A:~~') I!~·~·.hut.)


Torp.). En~ign K r..:. To.ylor IAUi!IDnt Engine~rl. E n.ign J. H . Parkor 'h,iHumt Gunucry .

DESTROYER DIVISION FO URTEEN Commll"der A. n. Ande ... on (ComDl'SDi\·. 14).

u. s. S. " P ARROTT " (2 18) Lieut._Comdr. R. E. "Jelling (Commanding). Lieu!. V. L. Pottle (E'ltccuti\,e) (N""igD~or)_ Lieut. (j .Il.) n. It. HOf&lt!unner y ). Ensign W. S. Mnd.cod 'irst Lie ut.). En~ign T. C. Edrinilion. rd (T ofj)cdQ) (CQII>!.). En.isn F. M . Price (Co",,,\.) (S.S.). ~i~s~r (j~. )G(i\tcsl l~~it'§=~i~~err6csDi,.. _I '1 OIllIC'),



u. s. S. " EO\A LI." (2 19) Lieut.·Comdr. 1'. n. I{jrllley {C;olllmnndinili. Lieut. W. S. Veeder (Execulh·~)\(N,"'igator .

~~'t~'n (~~·{v?,,,Pn:s~~'~~~~;'i~~~;f(~~~ri;11.';p's

5<:n·ice). Ensign L. H. Birthi. "l. Jr. (Aast. Gun.) (COI1lIl.). En!ign G. It l. ea (Conlin.) ('\dsL TO' lledo). Liaut. (j.g.) (S.C.) J . S. l\IeMec (Dh'i~ion Disbm~ i ng Oilit"r). . U. S. S. " BULMER" (221) Lieut.-Cnrudr. 1'. V. COOller (Commnndinll). Lieut. H. deC. Baker (Eleeuli"e) (l'\a\'igl1\or). L!eut. q.jl:.) W. J. Gil"". Jr. {Corum. (Com•. ). L,eut. (J.g 'llt. C. SCOtt (Gunnell') S.S.). Lieut. (j.g. C. H. Kretz. J r. (Co'nn •. ) (COll1l.). EMign D . E. Pugh (Encincer) (Stores).


U. S. S . "STEWAR T " ( 22-1) (Divis io n Fl nlt) Lieut. -Con"Jr. J. Il. !\!!l.llnrd (Comn'!l.nd' nll).


ti.;j ft~'(f.r!CI~~e(~I~~e~~:~~) ~~~:~~':tor).

Ensiso .\1. D.,1', l nrin (,I'oq >cdo) (Coulln.) (S.S.). E~iGn S. L. E r win (Gunnery) (Come.l." n. J. Iladge. (Aut. ht Lieu t .) (Aast. Ens.).





S . S . " PO I' E" (225)


Lieut . G.g'l F. J . Becton bEnf;ineer) (Slore.).

k~i~ Gs~i l. ~;n~;le %~~. b~:r[tlJ!:)1 (~S~)t:).

En!ign C. A. Hood. Jr. (Torpedo) (Comm.). Lieut. (j.g.) (S.C.) J. W. Boundy (Divi,ion Officer).


U. S. S. " I>EARY " (116) ( DI"ls lo n FI"il L!cut.-Comur. J . C. Ii ubbllr d (Com man di n",). Lleu~. 5. O. Fuqun (EKeeuli"e) (Nn" i~MO r). Lieu l. (j.g) N. 1::. Wnr mnn (G unn ery) ~i"'l LiuuIC'lan t ) Lieut. q.g.~ M. Il. O'Connor (To rpe do (Com •. ) 5.S.). ~i~~~'n 'k~. A?~I~~hJ;~i~~. 'rci,~;,,;)~.) (Aaat. Gun.).

U. S. S . " P I LLS BURY" (221) Lieut .·Co mdr. F. E . Venael. Jr. (Commandin g) COrd. U.S.). Lieut.-Com dr . A. J . Spti nga (Commlu Hll na). Lieut. J . W. nnulwnre ( EzeQuth'e) (Nn"i"nlo, ), Liaut. (j.g.) B. 1'. "' ie1<1. Jr. (GuDIU!l"Y) ( Fi.,t Lieu tennllt) Lieut. (j.g.) J . 1'. Smith (EnKineer) (:;tQrel). EfI'Iign L. L. Snidl!.T (AM t. )"'ngineer) (Torpodo) (8.8.). En!ign E. W. LOl::ldon (A'"t. Gunocr)') (Co, .... ) C(>mm.) U . S. S. " JOH N D. FORO" (228) l.ieut._Comd r. C. F . Walera (Comman ding). Lie ut. R. B. Van"lISe (E zeo utl"e) (Nn"iltntor). Lieu t ' l i.II.! It. D . l::1hrwood (Englllccr) (Slor"')' l.iou!. j.g. W . T . Vrooman. l.ieu t. J.g. H . C. Y <)!I I (Fil'llt Lieu!.) (1'or PCdOj'

~::f.1I (fg.f"(~I~g3rj~'I~. (ii:~ie~(lj!s~.~':6'" ~Iedicnl Officer).

SUBMARINE SQUADRON F IVE AND SUBMA.RINE DI VISION TEN Commnndcr A. C. l3ellncll (Com.Sub.Uon. (, Ilnd Co n•• Sub. D'".- I O). Lieu t. C. W. Gr ay (Sonior Ai de) (OMrM 'on~). Lieut. Ji .jJ:.) w. n. Curuthou (Squ"dron Co m l1l. O ffi cer). Lieul. C.C.) n . O. l3u rJynaki (Sqund ron M nlerill l



U. S. S . "CANO P US" ( FI,,!\s hlp) n nd (T e n der ) Commander B. S. liillmll.'ller (Command,ol!). Lieut._Comdr. W . II. Mny! (Elccuti"o Offiocr).

tt:~~: tl'i\?;\,~n r~':[~~~o~~')'

Lie ut. G. W. Sn)·d':;r. :hd {Mu. Fiul LieUI~nanq. Lieu!. F. S. Ho.ll (Com",. Officcr) (5'S'I. Lieu!. W. G. J.cbcgno (Enlrinccr Offie..r • Lciot. (j.g.) T. B. C h"Ulbet! (As5t. Tor p.) (,\ nt. Gun.). Licul.-Comdr. (I\ I. C.) n. W. Hoghes (Stmior Medienl Offieerj. I.ieut. (j.g. lM.c.) A. J. Ce rny (J unior ~lcuic,,1 Officrr) I.ien!. (j.g. M.C.) B. G. F ...oc'l (J unior lIIcdi~al Offioer). Lietll. (j.,.) D.C.) J . 8. Paul (Den",IOfficer).

tj:~~:-?t~rr(8~~:f\\·DE.i\kl;rll~l:r(A~~r~~r ?:'~te~~~inl)' 3~~I::;nirl. Et,:OFn~~~~t~:;:d:~;':?n~,!).nnd J D.). Ch. Electri cian J.:. W. Hermnnson (EIC<'lrieuJ Officer). ElQCl r,d ~ n L. C. Cinru (AMt. Hopair Offieerl. Ch. Ih,di o E loc. B. I~. Schmidt ( n udlo Om~or . n/nlio El ootricinn C. Slmlll"kc r (Aul. Rndio Officer).

g:: ~l :~l:l~~~ IJ:;(-,' J::.r(A~~~tlng'i~~~'~iO~~~r·)· lIInchi niet C. V"nee (AM •. En"ineer Offiecr). 11.

Cnrpcnter C. W. Dennen ( ,,,-.•1. First Lieulen!!.nt).

~!';. crc~t f.l~\~ ,f~~~n ?t~~~~~~~i}: gm~~1.


ASS I GN ME NT Lieu!. J . i\1. flicks

SUBMARI NE DIVISION T EN u. s. S. "5-16" Lioul. C. C. Durliol;ame (ComllllludinJl) CEzer.) (N.I\'.). Lieut. (j.,,) n. L. Gr058 CEOK.) (bl 1"~lIt'l (C(lIIun.). Lieut. (j.jI:.) N. J . Nid,Qb.!I (Gu"n~r)' (Torpedo) (Conu.). Lieu!. (j.g) I'. W. Ga r nell (ht Lieutenant).

u. S. S . "S-37" ( F ln1l.1 COUlfl\"ndc r A. C. D~noett (Co",SubDiv.-IO). Lio ul. R . W. CIl"en .g" (E nSineer SubDh·.-IO) Li~u!. n . R. Rp'llIQ'" (Conunnndin/i.l. Lieut. (i.g.) F. C. Aeke , (Enj:ilUwr) ( 1~ leetrie"I). Lieut. (j.g.) A. n. G"lbo.hct (To rp-ed!». Ensil n A . Ilnborn (Finlt Lieut.). U. S. S. "S-38" Lieut. C. E. DukoJCommandiog) (EKCC.) \N ... I,;cuh.?t~e~~\ . Perkin.a (Ouuncr)' (orpe<iQ)


J.iellt. (j.g.) H. M. nA)'mond (Com •. ). ED.!Iig n J. J . Stalcy (Comm.). J.ieu~. H .

U. S. S. "S-39" C. Burt on {Commllnd;nll.

~~i~n (~~·~.l\kl~~~rr[j:~nJj~:t~lD~~t.~:~r(~!·IllJ.).

Eo.iln F . W. Scnn h...,d. Jr. (Gun.) (Torp.) (Comm.).

PHILIPPINES u. S. S. "5---40" ~i:~t fi:g~~~ ~?~VO';:;~·~~dg1J~,~.)~(bi~~)i

Liou~o:k.g'b.~.).F. Brind upko (Eng.) 0::10",)

(Torp.l, Lt.)


I.i"ut. (j.II;.) O. H . I.!tittl, Jr. (Asst. EnIl1Mcr). ETL!;igD W. 1'. KiJ\llcllll (Comm.) (Corns.).

U. S. S. "5--41" Lieut. O. L. Shone (Commanding). • Lieut. (j.g.) J. H. Boubnd (Camm.) ~Ist LIeut.),


E~~t~~co~S';;e} ~i.J~.~I~c~t' °fDi:t)~ict Mnr;no Office.).

OFFICE OF HIGH C OM M I S IONF.R TO P . I . Licut. H . Wood, J •. (Nnv,,1 ,\ide). OFFI CE 011 CA P TA I N OF T il E YARD Liout.-Cnmdr. A. M. i:lintMn (Cnplnin of Ynrd) (Port DiTf'otor) (Di,t. 1'e .... o"ncl Office.). Lieut.-Comdr. R. O. Rhoton (A"-S!. Cllptnin YR,d) {Ord.

tl:,;i"(j~jllr~,,~pJ:~~ «~~:\!tL't~,liTdomm'.).


u. S. S. " PIG EO N" (Sal"Rae Vessd) Lieut. D. J. Sweeney (Commanding).


BOB!" "lIin C. E. PelT)' (1st Lieut.l. Ct.. M .. ehini~t V. ,\. Co ...... rt (EniPnecrl,

OFF I CE OF DIS TRI CT CIIA I' L AI N Lieut.·Comdr. (Ch. C.) C. A. Ne)'mnn (Chap1 .. in).


TRAIN, ASIATIC FLEET AUXILIARY u. S. S. " PECOS" T,icut.-Corudr. F. ,\, n"r (E""clItj,'o) (Ntwigntar). Lieut. It. I'. mclkR (Gunnery) (W, ond D.).

Lieut. J. W. DilJindcr (Fint I.ieuten"n!). Licut. R. M. Scrug~ (Eng. Off.) (Add. duty, Mnint.,.. nnncc orr.. Train. ",.. intie Fleet). L;eut. P. D. OrO&! (W•• nd D.). Lieut. (j.g'l (M.C.) R. M. McComlL& (;\Iedic"] Officer. ~~~w~;"~· C~~?i'n:;it:(~itz::t ~i~~fY Officer).

~~;. ~1~~ti~~V·s1~o]~rA~\~f.x~~t,a~j,]~n~~~~l: M I NE DIVI S I O T HR EE U. S. S. "BITTERN" (36)


Bonuwnin Bontllw; 1I1nehini"t Ma",,,ni8t

(Cemm.). C. J. Wicl"n"nn(Otlnner~):j(Con"n.) (S tore8). .1. n FInellI! (1s t Liout.) (S.S.). C. C. Jones (Engineer) (Ord. U.S.) . W. O. Bengel (Engineer).

U. S. S. " FINCI-I " ( ?) Lieut. W. C. Sohindler (Comdg.) (.\dd. duty Com· ;n,liv-3) Lieut. J. P. Rocklvell (Comdl'!.) (,I lid. duty Comindiv.·3)· Lieut. /i.Il.) F. S. Steinke (E1co.) (Nn .... ) (Comm.). Bootaw",n C. S. norner (1 s t I.ieut.) (W .. llnd D.) (S S). Bon bo",,,in J. N. Norwood (Ounnc.y) (Ceml.). Mnehini lt J. LoR. Johnsnn (EnJl;;necr Offieer) (Or U.S.) Mnchini,t P. E. Dignan (Engineer).

AIRCRAFT DETACHMENT, ASIATIC FLEET U. s. S . " H E RON " (TI':NDE lt ) Lieut. P. C. 'I'rcndwcll (Comdg.) (Add. duly C,"nAirdet A. I'.). I,ieut. ~Id E. E. Onroin (Exec.) (Nnv.~ (Olin.) (C,,,nlll.) ti:~~: fl~r~~ ~~~~l:::.nd;ng Uti ity U"i~). Ch. BOM8wnin J. L. Freese (bt Lieut.) (Cn no l.) . Bostawnin A. T. Terrio (Rndio .. nd Siltnnl OR.) (Storell) Bo.. tewni n E. R. Wenve'lU,,"in PAd SiJtl'ol orr.) ($tons) ;\IMh;ni,t W. B.inton (Enllinoor) (Onl. U.S.) M"ehini.~ M. S. Joh .... on (Ens:inee.).


SIXTEENTH NAVAL DISTRICT NAVY YARD. CAV ITt;; CO MM AN DAN T 'S OFFICE Rear AdmirRI C. J. Meyer8 (CommAndnnt Hlth NAV~] ~~r~l:cglL,.f;~~~;tion!l1 duty Commnndnnt, NII.\"Y CRptnin J. W . Ihnki" (Atdo: Chinf 01 St8rt). T.ielLt.-Co,nclr. J. F. Wnr, i. (Wnr PI,.". Officer) L;nu~. C. B. Price (Dial. IntelliJlence art.). I,iout. R.I>. E.dll1"n (,\ ide to C'olnmnndnnt). Lieut. P. J. Ncimn.<hsui,," OfT.) (A "-S t. D.C.O.). Ltou~. J. S. II n]tw,el<. J • . Captnin (I\I.C.) w. ChRlnbeTII (Med,ca] Offieu) (Add. duty C .O. U.S.N. H., CnilaCBo Bud Supply Depot,

Liouf"f~t.'t~~· E.



(Attend Navy Fami];es).

N~~l~wnin W. P. Arrowsmith (TUII"'lLItcr) (YRrd ~~~!w~?;dG. Vl"l::rnv .... (Aut. Cnpt. YRrd) (Ord. Bo"t~~~l;. W . S. H :.1I (,\~t. Cr.plr.;n Y" rdJ

ASS I CNMEN T Boatswn;n S. ,\. Siebenthul Doatewnin C. M. l 'n;:h. Ch. PRy Clerk W. L. A. Strnwb.idlle. I NDUST RIAL DEPARTME NT (CC) L . ;\1. Atkin. (M:lnr.~Cf) Lt·Comdr. J . II . Currier ( EnJ!iMer r.nd l'lnn"inll Officer) Lt·C"mdr. C. AnJrobu. (,\ "" t. Pl ,n 011. l·.ng) I,t· Com dr. II . J . Mene".tt; ('\SIIt. I'l"n 011.)( [t .. d. )(A dd."in

Lieuf.U\f,~ J . ltuucll (S.~fcly En~ineQ") (Su,,:ey orr.) Lieut. ,\. II. nU~lcr (.·\ >st. Sh~p Supt.) (Avm .. L,...o •. TiJle Z ) Lieut.·Comdr. (S.C.) W. E. Woods ('\renuntin~ Officer).

E~~:~~r:;::~lr~~b~d) ~. 'a" ?1~~c~~::lSb~~S~~)(1Sat. Lieu~:' (i::C~:IJ L. Dltd (A~st. Plnn OlT.) (C. And R. Lieuprrg~f\·. w. Snyder (Hull Supt.) (A .. I. P.orl . orr.)

Lieut.·Comdr. (C. E.C.) C.W. Coryell (Qi lt. I'.W .O.). Lieut.·Comdr. (C.E.C.) F. C. Bedell ("\ U I~\!"'t). l.icut. ~~.g,C'1 J . R. Perry (,\osi.t"nt).


*: i':;o~:'{{x~;'1~8Ki:~~t Sup~.)

Ch. l;;loctrici'ln T.


H~ ...lialy

(O.d'·. nee) (Aut. Shop Supt)

Ch. ~tti~~k:i"n E. S. Pellin!;: (A'!J5l. M~c" . SUJ'e) (Elee.). Ch. H.. dio EIee. T C. Thr""he. (A"-Sl. O.It.~1.0.). Ch. :\Inehinilt C. L. Prible (A""t. Mneh. Sup!.)

~,~~I~ni~~U~~·)it. Check (Aut. ;\IDCh. Supt.) (Eng. i\[,.c~~~;t UC~·}. (A.~t. :'tlneh. SUt'!.) (Ord. U.S.).


~::~tl~t:~ t~'l ~'il~~~ f.~:::: ~I~~~: ~~~1:l:

g:~~~~~:~ f~ ·C~VSt!~~~~~r(,~:'~~tD~~'tl~SkuBI«.) Otnnllq>n) I)I STR I CT I' UBI IC \1 OR KS nE I'AR'rJ\ ' I.NT

ti:~t::g~i,::l~: fg:l~:gi)

r g·l?;.r{IIIl/\~!i!i~:,t\~·O.).

Liou~. (C.KO) J. R. Perry ('\!I.~i81''''tl' r.ieut. (C.E.C) A. J. l'ny (,\~i.lnllt.

SUP PLY n E I'A R'l·~ IF.NT C"phin (S.C.) C. l'. Shnnlcr (SIl]>ply Officer). Lieut.-Comdr. (S.C.) E. F. U"rkcr (Aui.tnM).

ti:~~: ti~~::

H::j) (~~t~j) J:' I~' ~eirl,IC;~\(,~:!~~~)~tl.


H::») (~~&/ .f~. I'~~I~n~;~,~~lr~nIU;f;:,,~~»)'"

I)lS nURSING nF I.'] I':ER Lieut.-Comdr. (S.C.) W. H. Abbe)' (Offiter ,n IAdd. dut)·). Chid P"y Cl~rl< A. C. l.anen (A"""i&lnnt).


COMM I SSARY ST O R ES I.ieut. (j.fI.) (S.C.) S. A. Frctberg (Ollker in ChllTllfl). l'ny CIQrk C. A. llnlehclder (A~.ielnnl) (Ord. U.S.). DESTROY ER S TORE S OI'I'ICE Lieut. (j.II) (S.C) D. Tiesl"u (Office r in Chn,,,"e) (,\dd. duty). MOTION P IC T U R E EXC II ANGE I.ieut. R. E. Permut (Officer in (Add. duly). S HIP 'S SERVI CE S TOR E Lieut. n. E. Perlnut (OUirer in Charlle) (Add. duty) .



COMMUN I C: AT IO '>J OFFICE I.ieut.-Cotrdr H ..1. Mencnui (Die!. Radie> Mat. Officer). I.ieu!. }". J. Ba.den (A.C.O., D.C.O., C.O. Had. Sta. 16th N.D.). L;out. P. J. Neimo (Al!i!lt. D.C.O.) (Add. duty). I ,i~ut. C. A. Chappell (Ant. D.C.O.) (Add. duly Yd. Comm. Officer). CIl. ]ladie> Elee. J. E. DesrOlliore {OinC RIl<1. Stlltion, CaflllQaol. OJ.. HRdio F.lee. T. C. Thrnshe r (Ant. R.M.O.) (OinC Hadio Lab.) . nRdio Ele~. S. H. Foster (OinC FIt, Had. School). Hadio Elee. D. L. Dickeon (OinC Hndio Control Sta.. Ca\,ite). NAVAL At-'M UN ITI ON I' E POT ' .;eul. C. O. Glisson (In~p. Orr!. in Cbafl;~). Chid Gunner F. Clifford (ASliletanl). Chid Gunn er G. W. Woolwine (Aui,unt). Chid Gunner G. A. Ney (Auial1lnl) (O.d. U.S,), G"nn~r O. G. Urquhnrt (,\ a~illtmt). Gunner C. E. Conboy (A ... i8tnnt). Gunncr A. F. Sell~ (,\ssiatant). MEDICAL DEPARTMl-:NT L icut.-Comdr. OI'l.C.) J. F. Lanklord (YRrd Medical Offi~cr).

~::~::~: I~L8J

J: fH~~I:;no(tIY. j.g.} (D.C.) G. L. Parke (YlITd Dentnl Officer). Licut. ) .p:) (D.C.) A. R. Frechette ('\ sst. 'lard Dental Officer).

MED I CA L SU PPLY DEPOT, CARACAO. P . I. Cllpt"in (i\I,C.) W. Chambcra (Commandinll() (Add. dILty i\led. Off. I Gth N.D. and C.O. U.S.N.H., Call1l~ao).

Chief PII".m. E.

Fernquit;~ (E:lC~euli\'~


NAVA l. HOSPITAL , CA~ACAO. P. I. Cnl,tni" (M.C.) W. Cham~ra (Comm(\ndinll) (Add. duty Med. Olf. lGth /1..0. & C.O. S. D. Cafl(\caol. Comfir. IM.C.) W. W. lTarJ:;tM'e (Executive Officer. Comd r. i\LC) T. I,. MorrolV~ l.ieut .• Comdr. (i\I.C.) F. til. RnlTilon. Lieut'IM'C'1 W. E. Pinner. Lleut. M .C. J. P. Brady. LieHl. tlI.C. G. B. Ridout. I.;out. M.C.) F. W. Farrnr. I.iout. ~~LC'} I. E. Gilje. Licut. i\I,C'1 E. S. Lowe. Lieut. i\LC. G. W. Did<.inaon . Lieut. i\f.C. J. V. Land. I.ieu t .• omdr. (D.C) E. C. O·Connoll. l:i~::::-?t;;d(b~'(l ~. ~'oc~'i:::' (Ord . U.S.). Chief Pharmarilt '''. GrimCfl (Ord. U.S.). Chief Ph(\rma~;'t A. D Spauldinl (O.d. U.S). Cbief I'harn'n('ist C. J. Stommcl. Pharmnriu V. T. Pnlmer. Phllrmnei,t C. L. Crawford TREATMENT Lieut. (i.g.) F. A. Vnn Slykc.

NAVA L ST AT ION . OLONGAPO. P. J. Lieut.·Comdr. n. G. Eberhart (Caplain 01 Yard Com. manding).


PeE) CA~t~r. (t:i\;·nc(l)~ai:lo;~ar8Jr.cer).

ct.. BORtIwain R. B. McArthur (Aut. Captllin 01 Yard). Canlon er T . C. Stewart (AMt. Drydook Officer). SUPPLY . DISBURS I NG OFF IGES and COMMISSARY STOR E Li eut.-Comdr. ~S . C.) J. M. l.iober (Supply Office.) Pay <g~~tuc~n~. <S~','.'~i('X;;'i~~adnS.ccounta Office. ). MEDICAL DE I'ARTMENT Lieut. (M.C.) W. R. Whiteford {Med. Olf. (Por t Quar. antino OL). MARI NE BARRACKS Major G. R. Rowan (Commnnwng.). Fine Lieut. :\1. A. Cramer. First Lieut. O. C. Ledbetter. Fint Lieut. D. W. Fuller. U. S. NAVAL STATION, GUAM Commllnder B. V. McCandlish (Go\'crnor lind Com Tn(\ndlmt) Lieut.-Comdr. J. L. MeCre(\ (Exec. Off.) (Aidll lor Civil Adm.). I.ieul.-Comdr. J. A. Clllrk (Hend Elfecutive Dept.). Lieut. (j.It.) J. W. Chittenden (D.C.O. and n.M.O.). Lieut. (j.IIi.) H. S. Wyltant mea~l>ln""lcr). Lieut.·Comdr. (RC) T. S. Wylly (C",hlcr lind Comp-

Lieu~~_Otl!:.;la(~.c~) G~.nm,~... CheIlion (Supply and Accounting Offieer). . . I.ieut.-Comdr. (S.C.) P. W. McCord (O",C Comm..nry

I.ieuf~C:~dr. (S'<¥r n. H. LcTUlfm (l?iAbursinlt 9fficer). t!:~~:-b~!;;J;! (%.E.cfIG~fJ~~d h~~~n {1.~ml!,n#orka Ch. g~ri!~; I•. M. W .rmon (Chi ef of Illd".tri ....). Ch. Mnchinlu J. J. Ouwclnnt (DCII!. Agrirulture).

~~y ~f:'kCJ.~r~~ke~~A~~."~ ~~!b', ~1J;~l'ePGt'rr3~cer).

Cn])hin (\;.S.M.C.) '1.. C. Whitaker ( Aid e to Go\'cr nor). NAV AL HO S PITAL , GUAM Capt(\in (M.C.) S.L. BigKi na (Commanding\.

Ere~\~~od~d?l~T:b.~G.· faa~~t~"J~~i(~~QRrr)~dieal

Officer). Lieut. IM.c.! H. I, . .Pu!;h {Aul. Medi~al Offic~r}. Lieu!. M C. A. W. Loy {Aut. Medical Officer}. Lieut. (j.g·'l M.C.) H. L. WeM'er (mi. Medieal Offirer ) Lieut. {).g. (M.C.) P. V,urhn (Aul. Medieal Officer). Lieul. {j.g. (M.Cl F. B. Johmon (A ..t. Medieal nmo;oe.) Lieukl!~l~e ~~~~~k~·. W. McDaniel. Jr. (Med. OB'., Lieut. (D.C) F. K. Sullivan (Denial Officer). Ch. Phllrmariat i\1. Ruff (Acooun tin" Officer). Ch. Pharmnei.t R. W. Price (Pllarml1c;n). U. S. S. GOL D STAR

~'l:;:.,:,~~~e~d~: ~: ~rC~~::;i','.'andc'~~~uliVO


R ECE IVI NG STATION, CAVITE Lieut. n. L. I.ovejoy (Commnuding). Li out.-Comd .. (S.C.) H. N. Hill (Supply· Add . duty

I,ieut. G. B. Evnne (let Lieut.) rcunncry) .

P ay

tj~~L.~·:n~d~~I(~6lIH~Vct.r~..oll~G\~~1~I'i.s~~:;;)iDia_ Ch. ~¥~c~i~;~t C. J. P. Buekey (Aut. EnJdneer Officer).

~?cr~u~. g~~~rrott

(.4.lSi.tant Dilburllina;).

SU BM AR I NE BASE. CA VIT E. (Deco mmi ss ion ed Statui)

ti:~::.&m~r.L (S1r.) (g~N.r Jill~~~~~~)Y_Add. duty R.S.

r.i:~~: ~: ~'~~k(~~~i::lor ) (Comm.). I.ieut. C. r•. Carpenter (W. and D •• 2) (S.S.). Liout. {j.g) N. A. Lidatone (W. and D-:ll.


Pay Clerk D. E. Kellum (Aut. to SUP Officer).

Ca\,ite). PIlY Clerk R. C. Thurrott (Aasi.tnne Supply Officer).

U. S. S. "PENGUIN" Lieut. K. R. HlIlL (Commllnding).

U. S. S. "GENESEE" Chief Boat.wllin W. W. Dyer (Commnodlnl).

U. S. S. "R. L. BARNES " Lieut. K. A. Thleme (Comm(\nding).

U. S. S. "V AGA" Chief Bonll\wl1in F. Harder (Commnndina;).

C~~~I~~ ~~~~~~S~~~~'~II~J;r~~ION, GUAM

MARI NE BARRA CKS Lieut.-Colonel 1\1. n. TbRcher (Commanding). t-!(\jor f. W. Dennett (l'OIt Q.M.). F,n! I.,eul. R. 0 .Bowen. Chief Mnrine GUll W. O. Cor bin (Ord US) Chief Q.i\1. Clttk w. R. Ameck. . ... Pa), CI~rk L. B. Andru •.

Jr. (A.Q.M) (Ord. U.S.). CllpU;n R. M. Cutta. J r.

8~~!~:;nW~L ~11~~~~~n,

~i~!alie~i. A".~~~r.h~,::::

Fint Lieu!. G. COUlon.




~::l~~ }\?'·3:~r..t:,; tA:$:/lV.)~·)·

Caplllin Captain Cnptnin Cllolltnin Captain Captain

J. A. Bemi•. J. C. Burger. J. F. Hougb. K. H. Cornell. R. B. Luckey. J. S. Letch~ •.

~i~~ ti:~t iv. Jj . C/l~~~';nny. ~:~~~~ t::~~: W. AN~a~(fiil~r.

Second Liout. S. W. Tranhtn. Second Licu~. W. J. Vlln RNi Second Lieut. H. Hinkle. Second I.i~lIt. D. W. Sehllt1cl. Marine GUDner H. P. Crow~. Ch. Q.l\I. Clerk W. V. Hllrris. Ch. Pa)' Clerk C. W. Stahl. Commander (i\I.C.1 R. lIf. I.hllmon. U.S.N.

ti:~~::g~::~~: !~.g) El·G¥;i~a~~n~J:§:N.

Ch. Rndio Elco. 1\1, W. PlIlmer, U.S.N. (OinC Kad. SIn. Pciping).


ti~~~.~b£~~';lBH:rg.e ~9~r';'e~andin,). Lieut.-Colonel W. H. RUPfft1.ll. Lieu! Colonel R. Major M. J. Kelleher. Mr.ior M. B. Curti!. Major R. E. Weat. Major B. G. Jone!. Malor L. S. Swindler (A.Q.M'l' Captain P. A. J.~.u (A.Q.M. \ Captain F. 1. Fenlon. Captain R. A. Boone. Captain H. R. Hua (A.P.M.). Captain S. C. Zern. CRptain M. H. MileH. Captllin W. E. Burke. COlltoin I. M. Bnthol.


1: Rn. L~ri~~e~:

15 M. G. Brown. Fi.. t Li~ut. J. B. Hi!1. Firat Lieut. C. W. Johll!on. 1" ir.t Lieut. G. H. Cloud. Firat Lieut. H. C. Cooper. First Li eut. W. Almuth. Jr. Fi"t Lieut. J. C. Billie" Firat Lieut. E. R. SmOlik. Fi."t Lieut. S. S. Wade . Firet Lieut. N. L. Dollo.d. Firat Lieut. T. C. Tureoge. Jr. Fint Lieut. J. M. Ma.,ters. J •. Second Lieut. V. II. Krulnk. Sc!cond Lieut. R. E. Cu.hman. Second Lieut. C. W. Shelburne. Seeoll(l Lieut. C. O. Rierman. Seoond Lieut. C. A. I""ter. Second Lieut. B. T. Hemphill. Second Liout. J. W. Crowther. Second Ucut. E. E. BmokNt. Jr. Second I.ieut. W. C. Seo,,1I(1 Lieut ,\. A. Chid~tcr. Second L ieut G 1'. Groves Seccmd Lieut. n. I •. Ro"""r. Second Lieut. H. Nick~<lIon. Jr. Second Lieut. O. C. Funk. Secoed Lieut. 11. C. l\IcGlMhen. Mnr. Gunner V. H. CleRkll. Second Li eut C. O. Tntman. /I'lnrine Gunner T. Woody. Ch. Q.M. Clerk H. n. Co·,vcrdt e. Ch. Q.M. Clerk R. M •. O·Toole. Ch. Q.M. Clerk R. Ell ...

8i;rpf~c~le~k ~: lf~'Oi'~~i)' (Ord. U.S.). Ch. Pny Clerk J . J. neidy. Commonder (M.C.) V. H. Cu,,"on. U.S.N. (ne~. Surgeon). qcut.-Comdr. gi\ I, C) J. D. Rivca, U.S.N. (Ord. U.S.) L,aut"Comdr. M.C IE. M. H"m~ . U.S.N. Lieut. (i\I.C.) . L. fioSllr(h. U.S.N. Linut. IM.C.) F. J. Gillette. U.S.N. Lieut. "I.e) J. W. Chenoult. U.S.N. Lieu!. M.C.) C. D. n;&~. U.S.N. Lieut._Comdr. (D.C.1 H. G. Rolph. U.S.N. A. Richilloo. U.S.N. (Or d. U.S.) L!eut.,C.omdr. (D.C ~l~~~: ~U:l t?:g:~




r.. J'Il~o:i'~,~,~jt~;~·~:S.N.

Elec. n. PhilliP'!. U.S.N.

Trade Development The Commercial & Industrial Manua~ is compi led at the request of many of our Subscribers who express a need for a survey of business concerns to be prepared in such form that it can be used as a quick reference book on the leading concerns of all nationalities. The Manual is composed of perhaps the most unique collection of data, balance sheets, historical records, etc., from files, which have been developed over a period of some fifteen years. The Manual contains particulars on concerns of importance, such as their nationality, date of esta blishment, capital, organization, approximate volume of busi. ness, and any other fact of general interes~ which those in charge of the company's affairs wish to have published. Every item in rhe Manual is verified by personal call by representatives of the Manual and published with the knowledge of each concern, together with banking references for each of rhe many business houses included in the survey. AgmtJ and DiJlribulOrJ



Commonwealth of the Philippines MANUEL L. QUEZON SERGIO OS!\'I ENA


- President of the Philippines Vice President of the Philippines

THE CAB I NET I\I ANUEL L. QUEZON, Pres ident of the Philippines. Ser~ io

Osmeiia, Vice Presid ent and Secretary of Public Ins truc tion.

Elpidio Quirino, Secr etar y of the Interior. Ant"onio d e las Ala s, Secretary of Finnnce . .lose Yula, Secretary of Ju stice. I!:ulo ~i o Rodrigu ez. Secretary o f Agriculture and Commerce. 1\"1. J es u s Cu enco . Secre tary of Public Works and Communications . Ramon Torres , Secretary of La bor . J o rge B. Vargas, Secretary to the President.

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES l\'lalacaiian Pa lace Tel. 2-24-91

MANUEL L. QUEZON. y>r csidcnt. Sergio Os m ei'i a, Vicc-President. Gu ill ermo Cabrera, Technical Ass istant. Godofredo Dancel , Pardo!? Clerk. Fer nando B. Duran, TecHp ical Assistant. fra n cisco Ena~e, Assistant in the Office of the Pres ide nt . Captai n Bonner F. Fellers, U.S.A., Aid e.de路Camp. J ose G. Gen e roso. Technical Assistant. and Special Cou n se1. J ose G il , Actin ~ Assistant Secr etary. J ose In ~ l es, T echnical Assistant. N ick Kaminski, Caretaker of i\'l alaca llan Pa lace. E"aristo d e Lara, Administrative Ass istl.lllt. Apolinurio S. de Leon , Financial Assista nt. Lie ut . Command er M. R . Kelley, U. S . Navy, Tec hnical Assistant 011 Naval Matt e rs. Antonio R. de Luzurria~a, Assistant Domes ti c Su~ar Adm inistrator. Be rnabe Malvar, Assis tant Pri vate Sec retary. Lieut. Dom inl.ldor Mascardo. l~. A., Aide.de路Camp. i\lajo r Arsenio Natividad, 1' . A., Aide路de路Camp. ,\Ie jandro I\l ella , Cashier, Coll ecti n ~ and Di s burs in ~ Officer. Apolonio Navata, Socia l Cle rk . Manuel N ie to, Assistant Secretar y. Ben edicto R . de la Paz, Actin~ Chief . R ecord s Divis ion . I\ lscuai R . I)imentel, Le~isl ative Ass is ta n t. An~eJ Pulido, Chief Cle rk . Eduardo Quinte ro, Assis tant Chief ~lnd Law Clerk. Dr. Manuel L. Roxas, Technical Assistant. J' rimitivo Sa n Agusti n. Private Secretary. Luis Serrano, Assis tant in C h ar~e, Education and I~ress Relatio n s. Feliciano Tayng, Leg islati ve Clerk . Lui s P. Torres. Tec hnical Assistant. Jorge B. Vargas, Secreta ry to the President. Mrs. Sofia R . de Veyra, Ass is ta nt Private Secretary. Be n ito Razon , Tec hnica l Assistant. Fermin S. Torralba, Tec hnical Assistant.




NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Legislative Bldg., P. Bu rgos, Manila, P. I. Tel. 2·39-8G Gil \\Icmtillo.--5pCnkc r.

Nnrciso. Pimontol-Sccrctury. AURA:

Agnpito Gnrduqu(!. hGUSAN:

Apolonio D. Cu.

ALDAY, 111



Dil /ro'd- Pedro. Vern..


;~':f gi:i;I::=~~~~n"so.~i':l~~" ANT I QUE:

ILOCOS SU R : 11/ Dil/riel-Denito Soliven. 2nd Di. lrid-S'%IO DrillnntCl!. ILO ILO: 1ft D,', 'rid-J(n(' C. Zulucta. 2nd Di./rid-Ruperto "'ontinol,., 8,,1 Di., ric/-Tomna Confesor. 4'" D'.ITid-TornlllO Duennflor. filII Dil/ro'd-Victorlno:> M. Snlcedo. ISA UELA : l\fllllro


C"lixto O. Zaldivnr.


LAGU NA: 141 Di4/ric/- Tomns Dizon. 2mj Dil/dol-Arsenio. Bonifncio.

8ATANES: Vicento AgaR,

LA UNION, III Dillricl-Cl\milo O~i"". end Di.'ricl-'\'ll~on R. Ynranoo.

1'co.doro. Cnmacho.

B ATANGAS: 111 Di. /rid- Miguel Tolentino..

;~t gl:i:t:I'=~~'S:, ~r,*~l:Iw.

L ANA O , Tomas L. Cubiti. LEYT E, l i t Dillricl-J osl! "- Ill. $nd

\·~l"., o.


111. Tun.

!~t gl~::}~:=~~rl,O:rl~Pl~U31de~.

51h D;,(/ ;d-Rul)Cr~O Knpunnn.

nUKIDNO N , iII~n"cl Fcrtich. nULACAN, h/ Dil /rid-Nicol"" Bucndi"r e"d Di.,riel-A ntonio Vill:"aF"' CAGAYAN, hI Di. 'n'c/-)h rcelo Addu. u. end Dillriel-Regino Veridi.. "o. CAMA RI!'.'F.S NO RTE: (Vncun~)

CAMARINES SUR: hI Di.'ricl-Ftllnci~co Cclcurlldo. e"d Dir/r,'d- I,ltis N. dc Lccn.

MI NDORO , JU l\n L. Lltn .... MO UN TAI N I'ROV INC E, 1,1 Dil /r;cl-Snturnino Moldero.



STd D,',lricl-GeorJ:c

CAl' IZ:

1.1 D,', lrid-Manuel ROXM. Jl"d District-J os/; A. Dorndo.

Sr.I Di.,rid-Rafael Tumbukon.

CAV IT E, Justiniano S. Montnno. CEDU: ht Di. ln·cI-Cciestino Uodriguci. $ nd D'-Ilrid-H imrio Abellana. 3rd Di. triel-Agustin Y. K;nlanAr . .(11< Dillric/-Vicente Ua'n" 51h Di. 'rid-i\Iiguci Cuenc o. {Jlh Dif rrid-NicolM Unrol". 7/1, Di. /ricl-Buena,·cntura RodriluC~. COTADATO: Dn~1t Sirunmt

MASBATF.: Plo V. Corp u.s.


E. J ose . K. T "it.

NUEVA I::CIJA: hI Di, ldel- i\-Tn"u,,1 Aizntc. :!nd Di.u'cl- I··c lipe nucncami"o, Jr. NUEVA VIZCAYA: Bernardo L. Bucnu!c. OCCIDENTAL MtSAM I S: Jos/> O&lImi • . O CC ID ENTA L NECROS: hI Di, lric/-I':nrique D. ;\fagalonll. $,,,/ Dll/riot-Pedro C. Hcroaca. 3.d D'·~lro·"-Gil ~lontillR. ORrl::NTAL M ISAM IS, Loon DorTomoo.

DAVAO: Romunldo Quimpo.

ORrl::NTAL NEGROS, 1., Dif lrict-GuiHc Tmo Z. Villanueva . Jllld D,'l lrid-Jose E. Romere.

ILOCOS NORTE, III Dil /ric/-V icente T. Lno. $~d Dillricl-Ulpiano R. Anlldon.

PALAWAN : Claudio Sonde"nl.



P AM P ANGA: Ifl Di.,r,'c/-EliR;O LRlI:mlln. end Dillrio/-J036 P. P ANGAS I NAN:

hI Di,'rid-Anmcleto D. nllmos. I!mf Dil/riel-Eugenio Perol. 8rt! Di.,rid-Danie l Mn rambll. 4th D i.lri./-N. T. Rupi .R D.

/Jlh Di.'riel-Narciso Rumos.

R I ZAL , hI D ,'IITie/-Ped.o I\In~Rlin. tnd Di.,riet-Emilio dc I. 1'ClI.

RO MBLON: Gabriel }', Fabella. SAM AR hI Di.I';et-Antolin D. 1'1111,

inti Di."ie/-Paanu,,]



3rd Dillriel-Julu, J•• BoclI •.

SORSOGON: hi Di.lriel-Norherto A. RO'lIiC. £nll D,'sldel-Tomas S. C lem .. " te.


Onl.u Ombrn Amilbnngsll. SU RI GAO: NRvnrro. TAR L AC,

k!,'d DAi!~i~~~ni~~~~S~R~~'ui nO. TAYA DAS: 1ft Di.I,;d-Jo.6 A. AnO::"II. fb,,1 Di. 'r;eI-Fnllci9co r,n,·id el.


l'olcncillllO I.cane R. ZAM DOANGA: JUlin S . Alallo

OFF ICERS OF TH E NATIO NA L ASSEMBLY Julian Ln O. AMi!tont Seerclftr), and Offici". ;\Iayor. Antonio A. ZaclU'ia.s. $e(orcta,y to the Spt'akcr. J.aurcnle .1. top./!z, Pri.'at~ 5f,UCiR,)' 10 the Spellk er. N:uei. o Diokno,",s of Nationnl Allscmbly. Ignllcio Ro),t'S, Chid.,ing Divi!iotl. h::noeio Re)"l~'" Chid, D iBbu",i nl!: Divilrion. Julio Vil"trenl. Chier . .lournlll Divi, ioll. .• ~ dul ROSArio, Chief. Bill$ Divi~ioll. Jonquin Celi~. Chief, Trnll aln!ing Dlvi~i lln. JIl!e V. "'nrillo, Chief, Record!! Pi'·i~iQn. ,'oM; n. Teotieo, Chid. P,,'u-c1il'l'ing Divi.ion, etc. Jor/lc Snlud, Chief. I'roperty D,,·i.ion. JOM! Rnmitcz. Chid. Committee SICnollrnph eti Di,·i~illn. "iecnte Diokno, Clerk, Mlliling SOCII,on. RESIDENT COM MI SS IONER I N T H E UN IT ED ST ATES Qui nt in Pnred"". Con rlldo Benitez, Teehnielll AuiAlllnt.

GOVERNMENT SURVEY BOARD !tOOM 356. I,EGISLAT I VE IlI.DG., P. O. DOX 925 TELS. 2-32~1 ] nlld 2-29-9 '1 Miguel Un.on. Chni r mAn.

.1 0$6 SnnvictorCl!. Member.

J oW Pne>. Member. EIiIUO~~'cr~tm'illdo, Aeting Seerotnr)' nnd EJecuti,·o Ped ro Elinlde, TechniclIl Agilltllnt. C?<i0f,edo SII"'mnne... Stenoltt" phrr. V,ccntc S. Torralba, StenogtllJll,er.



L"EC ISLA1'I VE IlUILOING O....ICE 0 .. THE DIRECTOR TE I..s. 2-23-75. 2-23-69 Teodoro M. Knlaw, Director. Eulogio B. Rodriguez, Auiatll.nt Director.

FIII-'l-I~:~ n:r.7f_II~· l on I,uis MontiUn, Chier. Mnrirlno Santamnria. i\lPnu~ttipl Curllto,_ Dr. Pacifieo Vidoriano, Technlu.1 "uisuml for Hirrtorienl Publications. Joali Ma. Rj"<'I"Il. Technicnl ".8i$tlln~ for m.torie.1 Pub. lications. Anen io de la Roe&, Curator. Callery (If Art. Geronimo C. Cayton, I.ibrnry Auilll"'t. Lell.lsllI. t l ve Referen ce Dnd R Oll latry Ill vls!(l n TEL. 2.77_ 19 JolI6 L. del CIU!ilIo, Chicf. Bu,ItIlQuio C. Aquino, Legi. lnliv c RuclITcher, ( In Chugc U,bnc:,ro t~!..~~~T:;,hit~~·!r~CaeRrchcr, nnd Bill Drnft er. ,,'ulgencio Vincuilldo, Lcjti_lnt,,,,,, Hflll'urelrer lind In Clrllrge of Ci"it R~lPstcr nnd Regis ter of I'riesta nnd Minittcu. Ad mlnl str ll tl ve Dl vll ion TEL. 2-23-72 Dfl.nicl S, A)bnno, Chief of DiI'ilio ll lIud Chief A('('OUlltnnt.

~"~~~cY.c~~i~:,n~\~i~r: f,~~er~~rIlIC~~~nChU Section. I.coneio F. Cru~, In Chllrge, ClLllh nnd Collection. Sim plieio 8. Villnm,uin. Bookk""per. FcJiJ Sa nt o!!. p"",onnel lind R~ord Cluk. Alfredo F. Rey"",, St~nOlllllpher. Ce n em l Refere n ce a nd Readi n g Roo m . Olvlalo n TEL. 2.23-73 Joa{J Mundn, Chief. Junn Cllwllran, AetinK, [n ChRrg~, ReDding Iloom Seetion. , F. C jl~i{ee:oS~~~~~~Y Aaa;" tnnt nlld In OhllTf,(c, P~rio'll eol Felipe Rey COl , Libr"r), A",ist ant nnd In ChDrgc of Public Docurnonta. Cn lo loll. "T~f.t'g,~~I_t~ r DMs lon Tiburcio Tumllneng. Chief of Di''i~ion. PueulIl Buenal'enulrll, Cptnloguer nnd I n Chnrge of COPYli!!h", $cNio n. Federico Shcnkel, AMl!tllnl CalRloguer lind In Clrlltll:e of Stntistiu. Cl re u lallon ll nd EJunalon Olvilio n T[o; I,. 2-80-6~ :'.Ir•. R0311 Abliol, Chi .. f. JC:IIU611 G. FII,/l .... LihrlLr)" Auiatpnt nnd I" Clrnrl{c of Trll"~lillg I.ihraries. Arc hi Ves Di vis ion TEL. 2--82_27 E. B. Rodriguez. ActinR C hid. n llfa~l de 1."rll, Clerk. In Chnnce of Notnrinl Ih"l<i~ te ra. Clltnlino Tu ... on, C:~Jk, I n Chllrll:c of Ol d SpRlli H\' DO<'u. menla. Ll bro rln n a f o r Pro"Ineio l Brn nchu I ~nbclo C. Moran. BnlnnRIIII Brnnch Uhr",y. "Incllrio D. O/ipnll, nllll-uio Il r nneh l.ibrllr)'. Cirilo K. DlIl"UndllY Bohol Brllneh Vbrary. H. C. Ceneral. Carnarines Sur. Brllneh Li~IDt)". Fla.'ill S. MUIIIIIl. c..bu Drnneh I.ibrlll),. Emilio L. Alvare •. 11000. None IJrand, Libtary. ~'edl'Tieo l.Ia" C!!, DOCN Sur Ilrln eh I.,brlll)'. Pllulino Natino, 1I0ilt' Brandl LibrAry_ Crell\ll"io del ROSArio, /'OuevlI Eeijn Ih aneh Librllr)·. Pet ronilo de Caat ro, Pan_aainAn Branch LibrM)·. Eatubn" \'. SII"·an ..,p. TnYllb... Branch I.ibrar~· Ceorarco Medina, Za.mboanlfa B,unel! l.ibnry. Llbrari li n a for the Clly of Mll nll" Brn n c h ea

Wi~POd.!lo~Ce i\L~rle:,~~: C:,~~~~:"g';a:;!~ri:{,'rar)"

;\Ii .. Soledad T nnweo, Tondo Ibnneh Lihrnry . Llbro ry Offle.. 1I0un nelnllrn office hourI! obM-r ved: 8:00 11.10. to ] 2:00 n. nnd 1:00 p. m. to -1:00 1•. m.. on Saturday, from 7:30

:nd'J~IIJ~;OR~::',; D9~;~:~D/.;r~.~e~~,":I:~e~~~n~~

Sat urdaya from 7 :30 _.m. 10 8:00 p.m.





R am6n AvanccllQ, Chief JUBliee. Antonio Villa-Rul, Auoc'.!e Jutticc. Carioe A. Imp ...., ..1. Aaaociatc J\utiee. Jos(; Ab.d SalltOi. A8I""iat~ Just;ce. An.clcto Di .... Aaaociate Justice. Pedro Concepc;6n, Aaaociatll JUlltiee. JOSI! P. Laurel. Auooiato Juetice. Jo9i C. Zuluetn, I'r;vntc Seeretary. JoM L. Dayri!. Private SeenUry.

Mariano L. Mercado, prj""l" Sec retor)'. Mncario S. CalaYlli!:. Pr j,'"t" Seo rehr),.


Sal"ador Franco, Privato Seoretary. J OI~ B. Lawel J. " Pri"ate SOeTetary. Franci,eo Caveotany. I'. ivalll S... rOlBt)·. V. Albe.t. Clerk of Court.


BuellovCDtU." Ocha.n,co. Collector and Office r. Tranquilino Corth, Cbief Accountant. Domillodor F. Latullo. Pr operty Clerk. Ewrtoq"io Bumnnillag, Librarian.



GENERAL I,UNA, INTRAMUROS, MAN ILA Antonio Horillono. P,uidilllt Judge.


RicMdo Paras. AppellMe Judsc.

Officia l SmfJ Jaime HernAndez, Auditor Gcncral. l\lanue! Agregodo. Deputy Auditor Geneul.

~~r:;DD;:drN~, Al'g;!\i!~e Jj'~J:~

Law De pa r tment Pio Joven, Low Office'. Lui, O. Y"p. ,\Mi,t .. nt. Alfredo Lib or o. Supe rintondent, Central Dj,·;"ion. Agucdo Y. Gcpte. Superintendent. l'rovinci .. l D"·ia;on.

~~~"r.~!1 S~:~~~IIAp~~fl:~I:tJ\l~~~~C.

Domingo Imperial. APP"lIl1t~"dIlC. J0s6 M. HontivcrOll, Appclla Judge. Mari""o A. Albnt. App ellate udle. JOOI~ Lope~

Vito, Appellato Judgo.

~t:f~:fIA~p!~~nct~tt.pp elJatc J"d~c.

~'d"u~r~o ~f~:;~n~:o~tlJ.r~~'i~~or.

Man"cl do 1001 R eye.. Tral\lliatot. Pa"lino l\Iarq"CI, Reporter, Jo.i Concepci6n, Private S~.eta.y. lIIacario Za.mll eo. Priva.t" Stereta. y, Benito Ingtlll a.. Pri,'ate Seen:ta.y. Ramon O. Balan., Pri"ate 5eeretBry. G.Heano Ortiz, p.i"at e Seeret D.y. Antonio Estrada. Pri" ate Sec retary. Guido Ad"in~lIl a , Pri"atl Set>.t.tary. Pedro !\Ia. n ..... P,iv.te 5< o:etary. J"an C. Jimenez. Pri"ate Seeretary. Antonio lII. Aba.d, Pri"ate Seerota,)'. Pl!t.onlla B. Cabrl!.a. StenollrRpber-at.L..&e. Arturo Pa.tU. CRl enda.r Cle.k. Leon G. Ja.yme Collecting Dlul Di abura inlil: Officer. Lorenn Tiongaon. AMiltant Docket Clerk.


Fra.nciseo O. Oiu, Stcnol;rnpher. Arturo dol Prado, P ropony Clerk.


Ramon V. ROY I:II , Clerk. LorenlO S. Navarro, Clerk. Eugenio Malabana n. Clerk. Mariano A. Ca'pio, Clerk. SablLll T. CanonlZado. Clerk. Donato Y3mllCI, Clerk. Abundlo S. C'U, Clerk. Ger"asio A. Gulpco, Clerk. Enrique Alfon,o, Me!'Scnl(cr. Eduardo Badun, MCNong .... Pedr o BcldC'Tol, Meoaengcr. GelUllo Cll&tro. MC:lacn",e •. 5egi,mun.lo DaTlito, !\Icase ng ••. Lerum. Ml'8Ienllct. Ar"",,;o Lipana. Meut n,lt •. Marc,,", M .. ngubnt, Ml'8Itnlcr. Dominlo Prudencio. MCNcn",u. G'""ilno C. S .. nt .... MeMenger. Pacifico P. Tmbij e, MCMe"",~r. Vioente n .. ul Alm actn, Jnnit or. Amado Alovc1'P. Janitor. Gin1!8 Fernande~. J anitor. Lutcro Gatu" Janitor. Podro LaJl:leva. Janitor. Miguel Montl!8. Janitor. OIC'" 0 ...1",. Janitor. Joo6 Sam,nn, .Tanitor. Federico Ceruo, i.abore. Joo6 Luguo, LAborer.

R«Q r d, Oly lslo n Naz .. rio NBduralB . Suverint cndent. Depa r tment or


Elias :\1. Ata,·i Man,,,,e•.

and Municipal A"dlu

Modesto A. Ferrtr ... As,i,lan!. Benito Gui., Superintendent. S UTlervlslnll. Au dItors

~~lr..eo Jl';'z~'!r:~,SS~~~;~.'~i:.o: A;:~:Ni~r.

CefClino IbmOll. SUTle''';''n, Audit or. Severo de Unlria, Supcrvi~ing Auditor. ProYlncla l Au d l tora _at_Larlte Ladisl ao Palm.. Cirilo Torralb .. CIty Au ditors SanU"RO Ramos. CiLy "uditor. Ma"iln. Conudo ,\l cllra1. City Auditor, BOlluio. P roY lnc ln l A"dltors


Roman '1'. del Bondo, Bncolod. Negr O!! Occidental. Juan Coneon. T8~bi1ara", Boho1. Bartnlomo Fcrnn"doz, Toelobnn, Le)·!c. :\Iaria no SRlud. Cnbnnlltuan, Nuevil Beljn.

~~\':~~ ~i~~~~ fr';:ay~~~'l>a~:~si~A".

M .. rcelino G. Torre8, Snn F'ernftn.lo, Pampnnga. Roman F. TlIlI1on, Iloilo, Il oilo. JoMi A. Umali. Bat .."gM. BntangM. JUII" Villen ... Malo1oe, BIIIBCDn. Uomlln J. Andlll. L"ccna. Tayabaa. Loren,o V. E~guura, DumDlluete. Nc,r", Orient ..l. Vt" .. neio "I .. driil, 'ruguegllmo. Ca~ay"n. I'edto C. Palnf ox, BontOl'. Mounrnin Pro,·ince. C ... imi.o L. Dao .. nay, Lnong, 1l0cOOI Nortt>. J ~ D"" ... C .. tbal"la". Slim .... Pio Pedr",a. S .. nlll Crnz. 1.lIg"n ... Dalma.eio Ram .... Copiz, Cllpiz. Ricardo Santos. Davan. na"ao. C .... tor Sih·C.ltre, Zambolllllll, Zamboanlla. Juan Su,·... S .. n Fer nllndo. I.a Union. IblRel Uaon. Vila". 1J0e.... Sur. R .. mon E. Fern .. ndez. Ltg .... Tli. Alb .. )'. Itinen V. Anat";a. Su,ig"o, Surig"'" LiborralO E" .. ngclil!ta. San J Ole, Antique. L"po GUlmlln, C .."ite. C",·itt.

g~~i~ ~ . .~~~~"o~~'NCa~m~Y8~'m~~~",.;tr~.rinnlal.



Rllf .. cl Parcon. n1l1ll!1l1aD, I.anao.

NiCOl.nOT RcyC!!. Sorsogon, 80rsogoo,

Nicnllor Snrmicnto. Hasan, J!II.hchl,

Lor~nzo Tons;cD. COlabnla. COlaba.o. Nlc~io MIIT;n, Romblnn, Rombl()n, Zoz;rno J . Rreal. Bnng"cd, Abrn.


A ~enctn.

Daet, Cnmnrin"" Nort e.

Fortunato Alngnbnn, Oroquiet n, l\ !i~ nmi B Occidental. Si mcon D nmi(ln , Dn!co, Illl(lIncs.

Lcoondio OO%IIm. Cnlnp nn, Mindoro.

l\lrmtnno Il ignn , lIfllSbn\c. l\[lUIbRlc. J o8l: V. Parras. Blllnllll;n, BalRon. Amndco H. Qu inl08, BnYO;>lnbohJ: . Nuevll VizcaYII. Pct roni\o I. Vallejo. BOliO, ). \ nritld,,'luc. hidoro UosMc. Puerto I'rin e'-"lll, Pn1nwnn. :'I"u.ic;o SRlvador. I bn. Zllmblll'-"l.

Tiburdo Silverio. "lalllyb .. III)" l)ulUdn on. A"&I';IO Flor'-"l, JolI.>. Sulll. Nicoll" Ybllflcz, Butml.n, AgII"'... ,

Ins ular Aud it Departmen[ "A" J~6 Go ... nles. Manng~r. Por/irio i'ena. SUjM'rintendent. Buteau Auditors Lnurenno A. Ferrer. Bureau of ,\uinwl Jutlust ry.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Chiefs of Section s Rllmon F. Sn mllnicgo. Peteonnel Serv ice Sect'on. i'roncilco Snnl,ngo, I.CIIVO Section. Juno Rnmos. Stcnog:r" I)hc.~ Dod Mi,eellRnroWl Section. Mnthmo '\lIustin, Monthly lind Eflicienc), Repon. S"ctioo . Mllnue] Angeles. lteeords Secti on. Ezamlnlnll. Divis ion Lnlli slllo 1'01>. Chief E~,,,n;nor. Huben l,rdC!!mn. ASIIis\llnt C hief E~ .. mincr. Dr. JOlt. V. Glori ... Secretary, Board of EnmincTII, ElC,\) Romcro Pedro n evilln P aterno 1-(1)U ~'eder,eo Scmilln Ju nn SailnllOn Alipio L. Buelln\'enlurn

Jna(i Ver

Dlylslo" o f In vestiga tion Grellorio R,,~al"n. Chi ef. Mnnuel ARUdo. :Usiatont Chief. Metodio ;\Iendoln. Se rvice Eltuminer. Guillermo ue JeaWi. Attorney.

~ i~~in~'IZ. 'V:b;Lt?'li~~!~L~f ofiC~mSt~:e~~~~' b\~r~~~oD~~td:oBr.:~~~ ~?v.,~er~Ott;y.


~i~lIj~r\'~~o~~c~ ~'rLr~~~ $~c!i~~~t

Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr.

G ' Rcinllo RRPn1'Cll, In tondon~in.

Rllfllel M. RllmOS~lItionlll Auembl)·.

t;~~r:.~oo b~~°K'::eoa:!lilipr..i;: I/~d~:ir)"

C/O BOARDS OF EXAM INERS 49·1 HECOLET OS. I NTHAM unOS TEL, 2·73.40 Cupreo Stll. Anll. ChllirmR n. l hmon Maena"e~, Mcmbrr. '\UII~to J. D. Cort .... "'c,ubC!'. J0s6 V. Giona, Secretor},.

D omiuRO D. Rubi&!. Burcllu of }'risons.


i1 cr mencgild o V. Sllntos. D i\'i,ion of l'urchll.!o 8; Sup p!>'. :\ntl.C$ ....rl\n eia. B urenu of C~t"m •. Auenio C. Gonu!es. Burellu of I nternnl He\'c nuc. Martiu Quczadn. Durellu of\,BllnkiuR. hi neo C. Blnnco. Burellu"nll. Anllel Go".al~~ . Burellu of Justi ce. Bernn rdino Asu ncion. Publi o Sen'ice Co"'mis~io n. BriRido J. ND\'arro. LDnd H'8:lis(rll.tiOn O Hi oe.


Federico M. Dnvid. Buren\! of I'os!s. Emiliano D. Hiverll. BureRu of Public Wor].."!. Pedro Torner~. aureDu of Hef&lth. Atlndeto Cnccs. Philippine G<'!l!)ul lIospi ul. Luclla V,"on. Durenu of Edue!llion. Carlos ;>' l ened. Dept. of Intcrio. nnd Non.Chri,tian Tribe.. Fran cisco MlIli~. Go\' er nmen~ MII.ino Railw"y Ilnd Hel)llir Shnps.

4fl4 R ECOLE'I'OS. I NTRA:'>WR OS TEL. 2_73.40 Florc ncio GnvinQ. CIUlirmnn. Mnmcrto Munnlo, Member. Dr. Euge nio QUCSIIUll. :'Ilernbcr. D r. Jos~ V. Glori o. Sccretnry.



TEL. 2·73.~0 D r. Feli~ H OaIO n. Chlli.""n. D •. Antonio H. Boncan. Member. Dr. Joaquin Lauao. Member. Dr. J o.e V. Gloria. Secretary .

I nsu lar Au d it Depanme"t "8"

C i men~z . Mnnager. Mn~i'no E. I'c rn llndez. S" pcrinleude nl.



In s uhlr Audit Depar u ncn! "€ IemllcJ /l IM!.n),. MnURI\N. Eugeni o de Vero, '\ 8Jisto nt. I)epnrtme n t of Eu n' inat lon "nd St::uls t ;cs JUAn D. Quinl~. ;\I'InD!;Cr. Fisro l R ecords Dlvl, lo" :'I l lIrc;1I1 de Ocampi. A"'li~"H>t Superil,\end cnt. Fi e ld Accou n ll n l!, Dl yls lo n

~~n"~~,~:;;~~' 9t~rJr~~~~~~I~:';nt,

Pedro Clemente. Field Accountant. J'oncinno O. O)"yt". Field AccOu ntant Grellorio I.icnr~. Fi eld Accountnllt. D~lfill Dinngco, F,eld Aceoun tllnt.

~r:fo I~ .. 'J~n'8':;m~~~d Fi~IJo~\~~~~~;tllnt.

BUREAU "F CIVIL SERVJ('E H eCOl.ET OS DI,DG·. MURALLA. I N1'RAMUROS 1' ELS. 2.2<1.·65-2.2.1.(16 J""t. Gil. Commi,"io ner. Amndo del n osn rio, Dcput)· Commissioner. AdmlnlstrnllY e Dhillo n Mnrillno Gonzu les. Chief. Anl onio E. )'111\11. AM;",,,nt Chief.



Dr. Dr. Dr. D r.

T EL. 2.7 3·40 Ant onio SlIbll ter, Ch air ma n. Cipr inno LlITn, l\fcmb/,r. CarlO!! Volen cin. )'Icmbcr, J D!le V. Glorin. Secrorsr)·.



TEL. 2-73-",0 ;\In. Dam;lInn D. Ambrosio. Chair Dlll o. Miss Ccallrcn A. T nn. Member, :'>liM HaU1onll. Cllbrcr n, ;>.fember. Dr. J0e6 V. Gloria, Secr etn.y.




TEL. 2.73-10 Rulino Melo, Chair man. SantiDILO uo la Cnu. :'> Ien,ber. Don,jnlto T . Dikit. M ember. Dr. JI)Io(; V. Glon ... SeeJ'ctary.


2:~: rf~';'~~i'o d,\ .~~~n;f:nl~~GiTm.n.

Capt Manuel VitIRvi~NICio, Member. Dr. J0I6 V. Gloria, Secret •• )"

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR MARINE ENG INEERS C/O BOARDS OF EXAMINERS 494 RECOLETOS. I NTRAMUROS TEL. 2_73_40 V;eenlO MIl""!O, President. Vicento Conde, Membe •. Dr. Jos~ V. Glorin, Secrctnry.


Dr. Dr. D •. Dr.

41J4 RE CO LETOS, I NTRAMUROS TEL. 2-73-40 T eouulo T OPMio. Chlli.","n. Famtino F. Surln , Monlhor. P ed ro S. 5nles, lI lo"'bo •. J o56 V. Gloria, SeCTct• • y,


til. RECO¥U?~Nl'6"i\lUROS

,\ntonino " ' annhnn. ChairMan. JURn Coron~do, },[embe •.

JoR S\1&uitan. Member. Dr. J05" V. Gloria, Secretary.


c/o BOARDS OF EXA:\IIN"ERS 494 RECOLETOS. I NTItAMUItOS TElL. 2073-40 Domingo Guanio. Chalr.nan. Fernando E. V. Sison, i"liomber. Jacinto 0"")"")0. Member. Dr. JO!I~ V. Glori". Secretary.


BOARDS OF EXAMINERS INT RAi\lUROS TEL. 2-73-10 Clcmeuto F1idRlgo. Presidcut. Manu el r. 1Ieli~lIrdo, i"llnmuer. Aman do i\litnaol, Mcmbcr. Dr. JOlti V_ Gloria , SeerCtllry. 491


BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS C/O BOARDS OF EXAMINERS 494 RECOI~lfuTtS:l_n:rORAi\l(lItO S Henry Leopoldo Reich, Chairman. Albiuo Lara, Membu. Go.unlo T. Abay". Member. Dr. Jo.O V. G loria. Seeretnry.


~:r:!ISH:\~':~\~~: S~~L~~~n.

n"mon J. (o'cl;c;ano, Momber. D r. J0e6 V. Glorin, Su ret ... y.



~~~~Ct~ ~~ag~~;i1~::a~I~;:;l;er.

Franci,,,o G. JoalLuin, ;o.[embcr. D •. J 0s6 V. G loria, Secret".)·.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ARCHITECTS C / O DOAliDS O F EX,\i\lTNERS ItECOLETOS. I NT ItAi\I UnOS TEl,. 2_73-1.0 ,\ ndrc. Luna de Snu Pedro, Chlli r mnn. Carlos A. Ihrrcto, Mornbor. Pnblo S. Antonio. i\lo,,,OOr. Dr. J osli V. Glorin, Secretur)·. 4!l~


AYUNTAi"lIIEN 'I'O. rN~'nAi\lUROS 1'g L. 2- 14 ..11 Elpidio Qulriuo. SocretRr)". Lcon Guinto, Commi uioner of Public Snfoty. J unn C. Quimuno. Lt. Col. l'. A. Mnjor Alberto SIIUtOS, 1'. A .• A~st. Cou.",i~"ione r of Public SlIf",ty. L~ mbcrto Situio" IIcynR. TC<lhnionl Au"; sor lind De!etRle.

~1':.~~~nI;Ult~u~~~I;;:fl~~::rbi,·j~ion. ~\~~i,,:s:oR~~~~tC~io?lli'~~\'~:ei:IDb~,~i~~. ~~~Ont~~~~~'le:\C\~itc"r"~!~I~~1r~n~";,~-i'I~\~'\$I~::~.ion.

Anoenio nooo. Chief. !loear.l. Dh';sion. Leo I'ilcher. Chi"f. Trn".lntin.<e o"·;.'ion. Mauro i"I["ndcz. ;o.[ol>oller, Nation,,1 lnform atiou Bonrd. Tendo,.., E"nngelilla. ::iccrctary, Nationo\ Information Bqard.

OFFICE OF THE COMM ISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY AYUNTAMIENTO, MANILA Leon G. Guinto. Comm,u ioncr. 1I1t1jor Alberto JhmOi. 1'. A., A• • i.unt Cornmi""ioncr. Lieut. Colou el J. C. Quimbo. P. >\ .. Tech nical Ad"iser on Police ~lnttcr8. Major Tirao Coronado, 1'. A .. Police Inspector. Jose E. DC8iderio, I.ow Clerk. Pacifi co AI",,,,o, Lnw Clerk. Pedro K. Coronol. Lnw Clcrk. Cr'st inn C. An""co, Clcrk-StenOllrophcr. Alcjandrn VelMco, StcnOllrl.pher. Mllrco! P\bmantea, Clerk. AlIonao Grea:or.o. Clerk. Clcto Hi)>oli{o . .\[ ...... onget. Clemente do J eAu • • ~ [ e8Sc "'1cr.

Headquarters PHILIPPINE ARMY Manila C UI EF OF STAFI-' l\JojOt Gonernl Pnulino S .. "tOll. Chief of Stllff. A[ DES -DE-CA M I' Cnptnin Antonio N. Vmalobos, Scnior Aide-do Camp, Chid of StRff. Fi ... t Lieutenant Jnime C. Velasquez, Juni or Aide-de_ Csmp, Chid of Stoff. D El' UTY C IlI EF OF STAF I' MBjOr Genernl Busilio J. Valdt'S, Deputy Chief of Staff. A ID E-D E-CAMP First J,;cutcnsn.t Atulltiu G. Gabriel. Aide-de-Camp, Depu~y Ch,ef of Staff. SECRETARY. GENERAL STAFK Captain Rafael Jmlandoui. On uuty. Calltain Antonio N. ViIlRlobos. ~ rclllry of the Goneral StntT. Fil"8t Lieutenant Alojanuro B. Ac_ae (It.,..) On d u~y,



Brigadier Ccnerll! Vicente Lim, Auista nt Chief of Staff, G.1. Mn.j or Emmanuel A. Baja, Chief, El<ccutivo SeetioD. CapUlin JOII' E. Olivaros, P,S., U.S.A., ClUd, P rojoota Section.

f;rr~~8i~c~~~:lxat:~ ~r2~e;lICl'.ic~c~~~a~'bg,.S~~~.Il.

FiNlt Lioutenant Humbcrto Pice;o, Aide.dn-Camp, A$st.

Chief of Sull, G-1.

Fil1lt Lieutenant Alfonso


Dubu o




INTE LLI GENCE, OPERAT IONS AND T R AIN I NG DI VISION Maj or Fidel V. Segundo, 1'.8., U.S.A., Aui&tant Chief 01 StntT, C-2. Captlliu Elins DioquillO, Acti ng Chief, Orgnuizo.lion ami T raini"l1 Sectl ... Capui" Juan I'. viJ)nsanta ( Res.) On duty. First Lieutenant Ramon .Io:nriquc., On dilly, Training Sectio n, Fin'~ Lieutenant Jaime C, VcJlI.!Ique" On duty, Tu.ining Sec ti on. Firs~ LieutenRnt Ant onio Quirino (Re!.). On duty. Firat i.iouto,u.nt Fortunllto 1'. Cll~a l on (R~.), On dll~)·. Second i.ie1Ltcnant Adrian /) Villdn, 0" duty, Training Section.

~ti~~ ti:~~~~::~ rl:j~;,i~oCf,~t~cf(~;stlt~s. ~~~·U\)".

P HI L I PP I NE MIL ITARY ACA DEMY Captain I' ... tor M.. rt ~l iu o, p.S; .• U.S.A., SU(lerintcndont. Cllptllin Vicente J. PUllllnlunJl:. M.C.. i'Q1jt Surgeon ami A""i..\u nt Prol ....!or 0\ Military IIYQ;icno, Cnptalll AlojPlldro Melchor (nc~.) , Head ol Depart· mon ta of Engliah 'and of Mllthem atic3 and NplUrol l'hllo.oophy; COn:ltallplury Officer. Fint Li eutena nt Emman,uel S. Cepedll, 1'.5 .• U.S.A .. '\Clirlll Comma,.dant of Cadet"; Head. Deparlment of Tactics. First Liculenant Jose GorufllCl, Cadet MeR Offiecr and ",,!ruCIO' , l"int Li u n~enoM Simon GlIl in. ,\5, jatllnl Commlmdaut of CRdeta- Treasurer, C.C. A.P. find Iliit ru etor. Fi.~l Lieutenllnt F,]omeno ViU .. luz. lr. structOr (T.D., ROlli). Fi. u Lieutenant Tibutcio UaJleaterOll, Supe rintendent :~~ ft!:t~~~~o?fficer; AMi,t:"'1 Cnd ~! MellS Olliccr Fint Lieutonant Patri cio Borromeo, Acting Adjutnnt, l'n.t i,xchllngo Office. Ilu d lnstrllt,or. First Lieutcn ~ut AI.olin"r O. l-·Ilja,do, P ilat Provost /IIn ~h81; COII~olid"tcd !>Irss uffi~~r "nd ill3tructor . FiI~t Licutcnunt Joa6 l~. U C)CS (R<'I! .). A~li"g Helld,

Fi"'tDn:'~t~=~t ;[If~~ndnollu~~~ ~~~t:~"(h:'~t Tnctical Officer and Instructor. Firitt Lioutenunt . 'ra ncl.."o T. Roque (M.C. Rca.), ,u.iatllnt I'oat :."."eon. Second LieutcuaRt Enriqlle L. Jurado. lrlSl.uctor, 1\IU!lcr of the Sword . Second Lioutcnant Ti~1> G. Fajardo, Plnns lind T roin_ seco~;f 3!1~~~~';nJt~\1~~d~mh~r },~~k!~~:rul~~t';uetor.

Sc<:ond LioutcnflRt Raflle l 1'llrgllS. ,u~'~t""t Mutcr of the Swc rd ; ."'aiallt.l,t Tactic.. 1 Officer .. ud ""tructo, Second Lioulellallt Vive nd o D. DIlYo, (Rca.), IMttuC· tor. AniSlBnt Quarterll,utcr. Fin""ce and Construc. tion Officer. Second Liullte" .. n' AIIDni"" Diokn o, Jr. (Rca.). Ins· truct or. Third Liuntollflnt Mariuno 'I'. Hidnlgo ( H C/I,) , AS/lis tant 'ru ctical Officer and I''''r uctor. Third I.iQutenant J OIiI O. /IIontclillllno (ReII.), Instruc. tor. Third LieuleDant 81... Alejllndro (Rce.). Assil!tllnt Tfl.I::lical Officer lind IllI l rllctOr. Third Lieutenant S.. t-·ndor Allcedo (RN.). ,\ uil!tnn t !\Il1IIt"r of the Sword: '\ U'"'tllllt Tactical Ollicer lind lua,ruct"•. T hird Licnten.. ut Salvador T. VillII (ncl.) . AlI!:Iistll nt T llctic ..1 Omccr nnd I natruclor. Third Li~utenunt ltodoJfo C. MondoJ IL ( Rca.) . I nalmc. tor. Thi rd Li uutenBBt Francis R. Juan ( n al.). AaaiIlBnt to the. Sec..,t... y of tho ACBdcmic BoW"d andlnsuuclOr. I'rob. Third Lieuten a nt Ab<.!ludo B. Cumllo (Rca.), D0J.lartmellt of t::ugi,u,erinw: Bnd MsiliaUt Conatruclion Officcr. l>rob~aTIY:~tLiedjt~tDall~~ Citllo C. Dua en"".). AMis,",

P roll. Third Lioutenant Elpitlio P. Duque (Ree.) . On ~~,~ro..o~~~~rtment of MalhomlitiCil and Naturs l R .O.T.C" M AN IL A. !>1ajor Salv.dor F. Uoyes, 1'.8., U.S.A. , &up~riuten"dent, B:~::r ~yjllli~~igctDfte~' nt~1>'."A.ndant, R.O.T.C .• CBplaln niellrdo Poblete, P,S., U.S.A., Adjutllnt, R.O.T .C.. U.I' .. I'I.nll ILnd T rain;UK Officer. Captaiu Alfredo Rami rCi. CommandaBt. !l.O.T.C.,

U. S. T.

Fin! LicutenBnt Bienvenido M. Alba, P.S .• U.S.A .. IllItructor ill F.A., U.P. Fint I,ieutenllnt Anllelea n. Barrioe, lnatru~tor. R.O.T.C . Snn Bodll Collollu. Firat LioutUliant AnlColCII It. DlItriOl, l natructor.

Firstlti.?e~i~~n~a&cpo~t.~o C3.1I0t~cia, itlll tructor. R.O. T .C., U.S.T. l"i ... t I,ieutonant Franeil!co Sa ndieo. I nstruoLor. R.O.T .C.. Adll"",ou School of I ndUlitria\ Chomiatry. Fin! LieutenBnt Adolfo Eulemio. On duty. R.O.T.C., U. I'. Fit'llt Lieutenant E. aaftn ( Ree .) . On duty 1t.0.'I1.C.• U.P.

Second Ueuw nlln.t Nicol...

Gllbutiu .. ,


JllIIt r uctor.

Balao, Instructor. 1t.0.T.C .• U.I'. Scoond I.ioulenani AUlonio C. Aland)'. Commsndant. n.O.T.C .. De la Salle College. Second Licutcnalll MarcO!! G. Solilnan. Acting Com.


On d uty, R.O.T C .•

sceod~l LiR.~:;.~ .• '1J~f,~ldo

NiovCl1l (llOll.).




Sov~rlno M . Ob~ft" (Ree.). On dut)·, Thir~tg·;:~~a~iPjoM \'. n , Ban~on (It"".), On dut)·.

Second 1.ieutenllnt

ThirJ·g~:;':a~lPTom ... C. Bcnite~ (nee.) . On dul)'. R.O.T.C .. U.P. Third I.ioutonllnt Nicanor T. Jimcnn ( Ree .) . Ou duty. Thir:·3!i?;;a~tPFe1ix

S. I\JRllielj:o (ncs.) , On duty

1t.0.T.C .• U.1'.

Thi'i.5i.~\,.~:.a~~sS~:,~ ~~cOI8:,n~':du~~J:i)C~eRm~~~;': Third LieuteBan, Jorgo BIlrr<!IIClI£OIl


R.O.T.C. P.N.S. Third Lioutonnnt CORr"du


0 .. duty

Cmpili, Jr. ( lt ee.), au duty B.

U;chall co



Thir~utrc~c~j,~iCi-~Ja~i~o 1'. Oli,,",c.s (Ill".) On duty Thirf?i~~;;B~tS~fbenO O. Fenix (!tea.) On duty Thir.r-·P;·~t~;;B~LSj~';;nto T. Gavin" (Rea.) On duty TI';r~l·?;"~~na~i~'laeMrlo J'ernltB, J r. (ltC:l.), On duty Thir~t·?i~~·~~a!:i.Sn~~~o I'ercdo, J r. ( lI cs.) . On duty Thir:·?;"~~~a~i.NS~i\.odor J. Ca"'I)Q& (nee.). On dUlY R .O.T .C.. P.S,A.1'.

R.O.T.C . • LOS DA~OS. LACUNA Captain Pablo R. 8\'arel, Auill nnl Commandant. FiT\ll Lieutena nt Ri cardo BuhBY ( Ree.), On duty . R .O.T.C" CE BU. CE n U LicutChRnt Bo nigno A. AII.-Jand.c, lnattuetor. Junior College. Third I,icutenanl Scbulia n JII"elOliB (R<lOI.). Commandlint Sout b"," I n.olituw S~ol)(l

R .O.T.C .• S IL LI MAN UN I VERS IT Y, OUlt1AGUETE. NEO ROS O R. Fi~t Lieutenpnt Julian C. Aaplila. lnatru ClOt. R ESER VE OF FICE RS' SERVICE SCII OO L . DACU IQ CaptBin Euatnquio S. Oadie. I'.S, U.S.A .. Colnmandaot. Cal,tain Gabriel n. Glldo •. EU'Cutivo Adjutant. Captain Donato :'1. Halili (It ...), irUIru CtOr and P.X. Ollieer. Captain Amado B. !>hgtoto ( Rca.). !nouUtlor. Csptain Juan Salcedo. Jr. (M.C. n",.). l!ullIeGn an d Mesa. Officer. Fint l.i eutt:nBnt Filomono D. "illlllul, Telllllor.ry In5!rutlor.

PHILI PPINES First Lieutenll"t Juan C. Daven, Jr. (R~.) . IMIlllctnT. Fi rat Lieutenant M"riano S. Gonu!" (Ru.), I nstructor pod P"'t



First Lieutenant Leopolda C. l\IarteJino (Rea.). Acting



Seeond Lieutenant Oiopi8io S. Ojede, Tactical Officer lind PO!It !lanl. Offieer. Seeond Lieut ..".,,! J ...... L. Conul", (Ree.), Inat r uctor a nd Poat Utilltiu Offic~r.

Third "icu~n.nt V. N. Ayaay. On duty. Thi rd Lioutlienllnt J. A. Sane!lu, On duty, Third Lieutenant C. M. de CUITO. On duly. Thi rd Lieutcnftot G. M. Manik'III, O n duty. Third Lieu tenant E. B. ViUn hu, On duly. Third Lieut enant P. Q. Mo]ina, On duty. Third Lieu!enllnt J. Q. AJ(c, On duty. Third Lieutenant Jona. Victo.;n, On duty.


-'("jo r RafRe l L. Oarda, P.S., U.S.A" JUaist·aat Chid of Stnff, 0-3. ;\Iajor H ipolito Ourma, Exe.:utive Offioer lind Di redor of Supply. Fint Lieutenant Lauro D. Diaon, Director of P enonnel. Fin! Lie utenant Oregorio P. Bulo, Auistant Director of Supply. Third Liuutcnant Leonid"" de Ill. Linn .. (R ea.), ,\as;8taDt Director of Peraonnel. TH E ADJ UTANT OENER AL 'S SE RVI CE :.Illjor lo'ederico O. Obo'¥, Ad jutant Oener .. l. Captain Fclici&;mo I. TorH'll. A=islant Adjutant General and Chief. C.R.S. Fint Lieutenant Lui. Florentin, Central R eeordl! Sec_ tion (Reg. Di,·.). Fint Lieuten .. n! M .. ri"no C. Reyu, Central Record.. Section (Reg. Div.). Fin~~~.u~~~tH~~e~:.o ..~~iai.~;~r~n~R eg. En!. Div.). Fint Lieutenant Valeri a no E. Si,on. Centr..1 Records Section (Re.. Div.) . Fint Lieut enant ,\.ntonio V. Say&on, C.R.S. (Rei. Div.) and Properly Officer. nl'llt Lieuten"M Carlos Wei nbrenner, C .R.S. ( Reg. Di".) and J .O" Gen. Aq. Co. PHILIPPI NE AR M Y B AND nl'llt Lieutenant Alfonao J. FrCllnido, Comn".niling Officer lind Conductor. M ED I CAL SERV I CE Lieute",.nt Colonel Victoriano Luoa , Chief. M ..jor Emiliano :.I. Pania. ~.i.tant Chief. Captain Orcgorio Alolla. Dental Auiat ant. Firat Lieutenilnt JoMi C. Vmllnucva, On duty and In

g~r~~ ~o~h':ft're·oQY~n~le~~f~~nsS~~~~;i:.:eC~~:

nuttee. Fi rn Licutcnant To m" R. llano, On duty; Medical l napocto •. Fil'llt L'eutenant Auguato W. de loa Reyea (Rca.), On d uty.

~t~~ ti:~:~~:~t ~1."j.u3Ie LD~:11~tb~ ·lic!Y."{)n°.ru~~.ty.

Sl>(:o"d Lieutenant Anlonio E. Sorillno, Phllrmacist (lnd Chemist fo r tho Opium Cuatodian Committee. Lieutenant ~~~nn:~~S~~~R~E~h~::::E Major D. O. Vieloria. (Rn.). On duty. Captain R. Garcia (It "".) , On duty. Firat Lieutenant BeMdie~o Oalinato. Chief, Storage and haue Sf.ction. Fil'llt Lieutenant JBrdclu~ Eteeutivc Officer. Fil'llt Lieutenant NavlLrrete. On duty. Fine Lieuten"nt Cornelio T. Lopez. On duty. Firat Licutenant Roealio C. Saludaree, Poot EtehaDgc Officer. Firat I,ieutenant Ju~n Marquetll tRea.), On duty.

~:~~ ti:~~:~:~~ ~~:r~iS~ ~e",~~d(R:'.tO:d~i;:


Second Lieutenant J 0e6 A. BernalCIL (Ree.). Chief. Pl .. ru. Divi.ion. Second Lieutenant Pablo V . .Arev~l o (Ru.), Chid.


S. Almario (Rea.). On duty. Thi rd Lieutenant Carloe O. (Rea.) . .Msiatant Chief, PI"na Division. Thi rd Lieutenant ruCoherto Allen.. (Ree.). On duty. Thiro LieUlenant L. R. Itcluni.. (Res.). On duty. Operatio... Division. OR DN ANCE SE R VI CE Fint Lieuteollot Hueo V. Cunanan. ACli ng Chief. Fint Li eutenRnt Agustin B . DOllLondon ( Reo.), On duly. PRO VO ST M AR S H AL GENERAL'S OF FI CE ;\Iajor General Jon(; de Ion Rey", Prov ost i\lal'llhal Gener al, G-4. AI DES -DE-CAM P Captain Juan A. Uernllndc& (Ru.). Senior Aide-deCamp. Pro"ost M are h~l Ceneral. Second Lieutenant F lorontlno V. Carden .. , Junior Aide_de_Camp. P,ova.l /IIar.hlll Oeneral. CO NSTA B ULA RY DI VI S ION

gi:~tr~'i~J CJ~'d:~ f ~~t~~~:nB~el~i~:i:! ~~~cr.

Firat L ieutcnnnt Jo-' C. Polotnn, ,\&i"tanl to Elecutive Officer. Capt~i" PC<lr"o N. Jaminola (Ileo.), Chief. FireLlrml and ElPI. Section. FiT\\Lt L'eutena nt Fermin F. Pc,alta ( R t'S.), On duty.

REC R UITI NG DI VIS ION Major Irin co Bucn con~eio, Chief. ClIpta;n Juan A . Hcr,, "n d c~ (Rq.). On duty. Captain Ianac Capay... (nee.), On duty. Fint Lieutenant ~tnnucl I,. Ver~QIIL.c On duty, Member and Recorder, Pen';o n " Qard. I NS PEC'J'O R OEN" R AL'S DIV IS ION Lieutenant Colonel J"~11 C. Quimbo, Acting IlUpeetor General ('I'.D . D e]>1. of Interior). Lieutenant Colonel Al ejo Valdu. On duty.

~i:l:~ ~~~sX~oA\!:~:;::!o. ll~~~ft:~~t.

S IGN AL CORPS i\'fujor Pacinno T angco. Acting Chicf, 8i"n81 Officer. Captai n Junn Dlluti,ta (Rcl.), AMi.tant to Acting C hief Sicn~l Officcr and Eleou tLve Olfieer I~t n.. dio eompany. AIR CO RPS First LiauteOBnt William l.. Lee • .\.C .. U.S.A .. Chief. Majo. M~nuel O. Olfmpi~, M.C" Flight SUrgeon. Captain P. C. l'oteno"",o ( M.C. U....), Auisla nt Flight Surgeon. Firat Lieutenant Basilio }'tr nnndo. Anistant Cbief. (Stude nt Flying Officer). }'i.. t Lieutenant lIu"h A. i'arker, A.C., U.S.A., Operntions and Tuin,ng Officer. Fint Lieutenant B. lo'crnando, Cornmanding Officer.

FintTW~et!~;;'~mD:S.' ~~~~. i\I~~;;~nding Officer, Seco~dhi~feou::n~n.rt~<r.' J:aG~r;~~:"Y~~ior Officer. T ac_ Finttt'1lu~~.:~~nb: ~:l'::. l':~hb'fficer, Set"iee Com_ pany. Camp Murphy.

STUD"N 'I' }' L YI NG OFF I CE RS Fil'llt Lieutenant O. Sales. Fine Lieutenant E . D . AndraWII. Second l.ieuten.nt C. D. G arda. Second J,ieutcnant I'. A. CrLLt. Second Liculenant E. D. Orobie. Second Ucutonant l. J. i'ared .... Third Lieutenant It. Lnlon (n .... ).




Third LieutenaDt F. M. AC09ta. Third Lieutenant J. S. MIlll,1UYlln, Third J.;culen&nt S. M. Valdez (Res.). Third Lieutenant B. E. Frrrer. Th.i rd Lieutenant E. S. Mata. Thi rd }.icu!e ...... ! B. S. Ebuen. Third Licutcnunt C. n. Calvel. OFF I CE RS DETA ILED F ROM T HE P .A. i\lnj or Emmanuel A. Blljn, Aide-dc_Camp u> Hia Ex. cellency. the "ice-Prc,i d enl 01 the PhilippillCII. Major A",enio Natividad. Aide-tle-Cnmp to fl is E~­ celleRoy, the PrCII,den! of tho Philippines. Fin! Lieutenant Dominador T. i\lMcllrdo, Aide.deCamp to Hi, Excellency, the PrClidcllt of the Philippine/!.



DIJ1~~~r-:.f J'ilN~,Ut.rzltRS

CO M MANDE R Brigadier GOllcral GuiUermo B. Fnnei.eo. AI DE- DE-CA M P Flnt Li eutenant Aogel Oppua. C UI EF OF ST AFF Colonel Mntto M. Capinpin. ASS IST AN T CHI EF OF ST AFF FO R P ERSONNE L,


Capln;n LBuro ilernondu.


Colonel Wm. E. DOI~cr. On dill)', B.P.W .. Baguio, Denllll<:!. MI. Pro";nee. Colonel J., n. Steverlll, Speelnl AgeDt, Bu. of Non. Cbristillu Tribes. LieulerH,nt Colonel. J. C. Quimbo, On d\l~y, Depar t_ mont of tho Int orior. Maj or D. GutlcrIe~, PrO"illcinl Governor of Cohbato. I\hjor Alberto Ih,mo! , On du~y, OUI)llrtmont of the I nte rior. Major S. dc JeaWl , '1'. 0 " Oepnrtrnen~ of the Interior

i\1"j~~it~i~~·g~~·o~'"'d~,aT~'i; ..DD~·;~~tmellt of tho I nterior Capuin P. Guerrero, On duty, B.I'.W., Nagn, Camn·

cspt~f~E~uLrulRm, ~n

duty. D.I'.W., Cebu, Cehu. Cnplnin F. 1'. Doncsa,\Qn du ty. B.P. W., Iloilo, Iloilo. Ca pt si n Leon Angelo!, . -:roviucinl Governor. Sulu. Captsin R. F. Fernllndez, On duty, D.P.W., Legaspi, .'.. loIT d CIIPtl~~~I~~'inSlin:orralbll' '\ dut)·. D. p .W., Lingayen, Cllplnin 1\1. OI>J)US, On dnty, D.P.W" Sta. Cruz, La. gunll. Cllptllin C. I\lorter, Deputy Pro\'incinl Governor and SI>t'cill) T n CollC<:tor, Cot,\bato. CaPtt'~~er~';r, ~~it~illa~:ilo?tnin dT~~l.c~¥?:rl~~.cnt 01 the Fi"'t Lieutenant V. NunuJ!:. Ad juteriln, Er-offido

}O'irstJ't'i~~~c~!n~h~\.P~;'CCPi~::l:.noO;.rIl;:l~'''~. Dp~tiV~:

SlIn FUll ll ndo, PaUlpanga. First Lieutenant S. Nn"nrro, Deputy Govcrnor and Special Tn Collector. Duillan. Coubato nud POSI· m""ter of the Bu. of POSIS. First Lieutennnt J. N. JI\\'nlcrn, In eiln rgc, l\Iunidpnl Police Force, CllvilC, Cavitc. Fi",t Lioutennnt J. N. Esqucio, Deputy PrO"ineia] Go"erllor of GInn nlld BunYlln, Cotnb ~to. Firat l.icutcnllnt S. G. Vergn"l , Ou dllty with Cebu City Police. Firat LicUlell~nt D. A. A]\'Rrlldo, Deputy Pro,·inei .. ] G(I\'crnor "lid Specinl 'l'"x Collector. C. Ward, Bu"l. COlnbnto. Firat Lieutenant A. \'. BnrtalolUC, 011 duty, B. P. W. 1\1,,10](1.'1, Buh'enll. Fir~t LieulclIRIiL I•. C. Torrel, Aetiug Chief af Police. City of Zumbo,u.lla. Fi,,~ LioutCUllllt OaM r Sulca, On duty, B. 1'. W" Cn· b''''''(II"n. Nuc"11 Ecija.

Fira~ o~i~~~C:{~~~i~il)~iTb1!'tr?c~'U;f i~b'~tn~:~J ~;I:~~~~~

Cotnbnto. Fi",t Li eUlellllnt E. C. Viccnte, Deputy PrO"incinl Governor for Ki nmbn lind ]Wng, Cotnbnto. ~cond l.ieulenant A. S. Onle ( Res. Ex·P.C.), Acting Chief of I'oli ~e, City of DR'·no. OTH ER On' l CERS

~l~i~~ ~~~':~d~~~"(i1J~~"t~1 ~~t ~Ulti,.ltP.,\.

C~ptpin Tom ... Cnblli

(n Cl.) 011 IfUI)' H.P.A. Second LicutellRnt Leon 1'''"~nltl.lI, Oetnilcd st Ord. Field Se n 'ice School III Metuchen. U.S.A. Secoud LieUlellRIIL J. 1~'lIuciaco, O CIPi l,," at naDtoul,

IIIlnol8. U.S.A.

Flyinfl Clldc! J. A. Villnmor, Detlliled lit SPD AMOnio, 'r enll, U.S.A. Fint Fi nt Prob. Prob.


l.ielltcnn"l no~!';~St~~i~EO l.i .. utcnn1lt J(\ll~ \'. ,\"drlldn (n") Tb!rd 1.!"ul""''''1 Jose M. CII' (It';".). TI,!rd 1.!CUl c",,,,t I'ntri cio Fer,,,.,,d,,,,, (R CI .).

~~~t: i::t~~ ti~~~~:::~~ g~~~,,~~ ,l~.csn:,~:(rt~~~·) ·

ASS ISTANT C UI EF O f.' ST AFF FO R M ILITARY I NTE LLI GENGE, G-2 }-'il'lt Lieutenant Fidol N. CruJ. Second LieutenRnt I'. Mon,oll (Hea.), Auis tlln!. ASS IST ANT CHI EF O F ST AF F FOR O PER ATIONS AND T RAI NI NG, G -l First Lieulenllnt Fidel N. Cruz. FIl'lt Lieutonllnt n. O. Ti ronn (Res.), Au i!lBnl. ASS IST ANT





Jo'ir!t Licutcnnut Angel OpPWl. ADJ U'I'ANT G ENE R AL Captnn Lnuro Hcrnlllldel. Fint I.ieutennnt M. Ho","nld el, Jr., (nes.) , Auistllnt. ("acaDt)


JUDGE ADVOCATE Second LieutCnAlIl E. D. Me\'lIlo (Ilca.), Meinsn!. QUA RTERMAST ER First LicutennRt Manllel '1'. I'u. SU RGEON )fojor ) l noucl G. Olympia, ( )I.C.). !-'INANCE Firat Lieutenant Viveneio Orni8. Second Lieutenant A. A. J'menCI, (Ree.), Auietnnt. S I GNA L OFFI CE R C'plllin Junn Dnutialn ( Ree.), Acting. Fir~t


~~;~~J'i~r:~~cnnn~n;\!~~i~l~ k ~\:~~~:,,~ol~Sn C~~~ Bngincc.r.


P O LI CE AND ('RISON OF }o' I CER Gregorio Mnllnlo, (On S.D .• EI'I. Co.,


1' 0 5 1' VETE RI NA RI AN Firet Lieu tenRHt Mlllluel VRldcl (V.C. Rca.).


g:~~:i~ ErcA~~~II!dc!':lIjC~~~H~~:.r;,~g Officer, Dit·i. ioo Fir8tHEi~,~~~~tl~~8'E~'b~P A;-1~f~~Y(R ....) , Commandlnl

Officcr, Divisioo lI endqu llTtcr. Colnpllny, Camp Murphy. Tl'ird l.iout~I\!lDt J. Arr oyo (ncs). Comu,nnd,ng Officer, lat Signal Comp an), Camp )Iurphy F I RST SOUA DRON, F IRST CAVAL.R \, Fint Lieutenllnt J. "I. ... rrllb .... tcr, Commondinll Officer

ThirJrIT!ul~;III~~'C. ~!)I.~~,il~·nor ( R ....) . Junior Officer;rrIT~~lZ;'n~~ntr. g].)1.~.?~icro ( nea .), Junior Offi<;"cr, TlUrrrITrut'~;'a~~":.f. C~~dtt.lcrianQ, Junior Offi""r. Troop ,\ , Camp ClIludio.


M:J~rI.~I:I~~~ln~:'" ~.3~fo'I'u. (~'~:)'(~~~):"~~':'eotJll FintAi!~~::':-nt A. W. d" lOll Reyca ()I.C.R.), Acth'l ,\!tandiol SurIlCOn.



r.icuten .."t T. v. Dcrn(ll'do ("I.C.R.). D.D.• Camp


Ul>lIon (M.C.R.l, On duty.

Ti."t LicutcnD"~ M. M. JM'ie. ("LG.n.), On duty. Fi,."t Lieutenant C. M. Ong (D.C.R.), Dental Surgeon, Fint Liell\Cnllnt J. S.wiU .. (D.C.R.), On dut~. ..

Second Lieutenant A. F. 5 ..1110». (D.C.), -'cung D,,',. aion Dental SUlII.eon. Fi."t Lieutenant ,\. I) . Crlu. i"g Officer . Regimenu l Hq" C amp ~turph)'. . Firlt LieutenllRt A. D. Crill, Command,ng Officer. lst Oatallion, Cnmp Murphy. I'iut Licutennnt F. C. Un.oll, Junior Offictr, 1st Dn_

Cnptt:il~O'j;. ~~"lPot~~~i:,l:~"(~~~·'>·Comm ..nding Fir.tZL1eJ!~~a~~tkl~~I~IIJ~~·t::rr,t'rit~.) . Junior


Officer, 2nd BB\allion. Camp Murphy. Cnptnin R. T. Salaeup, Commnndin; Officer, 2nd BII_ Fi ... ~tol\':UDlC~':t~~\.!II\~~]l':l~ 10. Royu (Rea.) , Junior

Firs~°::l:~t~i~~~ J~l~.tO{)~On'er~o.r~~u'(J~:) ,



3rd Bau llion , C. !IImphy. FIR S T IN F ANTRY Colonel O\ l lIteo !II. Copinpin, Commanding. i\ l ojor lit. N. Cn,tm'ledll, E~ncut ivo Office r. Fi r.~ L ioutenont l\I II" . ·r. l'u, Rcgimcntlll SU]lply Officer (S. ~ ). Firats.LJ;O~~~"u~ Frnn),\;,co L unll, Regimontal Adjuta,,~;

.Firsts;~:~icR~~"~[:;~l'~r()'~il\n~~nwBnlleo (Rea.) . Fir1lt Lioutonont Eul .. lio


Fira~ Lioutcn"n~





,hl"'t .. "t


An .. nins Y. ROlIal (Reo.), Anistant Tomu C. Deriitu (Ru.), On dut)".

Sec0'b~':;;:~!~~:t O~eo~'!~did;?J::ru~~:-g) Oerc~~~ment:>l Third Lieuten:>nt l\IBcnrio I'crnltn (Het.), On


S PEC I AL UNIT B Ari~L I ON Firat Lieutenant W. A. Johmon, Commanding :md Acting Mesa Officer. Fir1lt I.ieutenant W. A. Johmon, Co,nmonding Officer,

seeo~dq'L~~~~~~r' C~oE;;'i~~~'t~~htnel;)' Junior FintH~;"e~::~~o~~. CA.mfoh~I.~';!:hC"'mmanding

Officer Officer,

SeT"iee Co. C. Mnrphy. First Lieuten on~ B. Monnio, (ReI.), Junior Officer. Sen'iee Coml,nn)', Comp Murphy. Third Licll!enaut D. En.iquCl (Ret.) • .Junior Officer, Scrviea Compeny, C. lIiurphy.

GU ARD OAT AL Li ON Mlljor 1I1".illno N. C,,,,tRnedn , Co"",,"nding. Fi,." t Lieutenant A. JIIOII'; .. , lIIeu Ofli"~r . Second Liou!~IlIl"t nn/llol de G,,~mpn (Hca.), AUjuLBn t "nd ;\88;8\II"t ~Ie.~ Offic.. r. Fintd;~~~~~~}?,"t~;,,;~~,ti:]~l; ~ommllnding Officer, ist F;r~~ L;euLcnll"~ M. Jool; J"n;or Oflicer, hI Cump,,"y CII''']' 1IIur],h}·. Fi ... t LicnlcIl""t A. J"cnria. Commnndinl: Officer, 2nd


Scco~J'rL~:~'t~n~n~mlt, ~~u8!~~~nn" ( He• .) . Junior Officer,

FiJ"llt 2rL1c~:::'.inllt"~. CB."'I:,,:~~~i~,h}CornmDndinll Officer. 3rd Con'pnny, Comp lIIu.phy, CASU AL DETA C nM ENT . ( Fo r t StolSe n b u r lt G roup) Seeond I,;cnlcn"nt S. J. Carlos (ltc,,), COmpRn}' COlllmonder. Third Lioulcnant C. Lintllg (Res.) , Junior Officer. Third I.i(!u\enllut It. Villnllor (lIu.), Jun;or Officer and l\I,," Officer, UNASS I GNE D Second i,;eutenn"t Eugonio D. Acnb. Frob. Th!rd Llcutc""nt Tcl esloro Almin;nn" (R"",). F rob. Tlurd LiculenBnt n.lncl G, Arcc ( R es.]. Frob. Third Licutcnnnt JUB" 111. Bncnlll\o. (Res.).

r.~~~: 1::i~~ ti~~~~~:~t t~~ijf~~o c?"~:b~~;: m~t



Prob. Third Lieutenant Pl,!lfeoto M. Cabr('TII (Rea.).

Prob. Prob. P rQb. I'rob. P,f)b. Prob.

Third Third Third Third Thl' r d Til rd

Lieute"",,,t BurgOOlino .'.11&(0 (Ree.). ],leutenant Flavio OoulII.le. (ltoe.). Lie\ltenAn~ Fnnciaco G rc&or io (ltea.). Lieutenant NcmOllio P. do Gu&man jRU." Liclltena nt Erne.t" ~ I UIl8")',,o'lnee .. Lieutenllnt Arcadio <t"' djUO Rfa ..

~~~~: ~I:j~g tj~~t:~:~t t._~~I~~i~~Oo I{~::: ~n::I:

J'rob . Thir d Lieule nllnt J Ulin D. n ~ye. (ltell.). I'rob. Third ].;eutennnt Lui", RoyI'!! (Rt'II.).

~~~~: ~~j~~ l:i:~t:~:~t ~~~~~e:ei~i1s~r~a~l~l'II(hcs.).

Prob. Thi rd Lillutcnant AnRei M . TUlllon (Res.). Prob. Tbird Licutena.nt Loro"lo Ver.os. ( It.... ).



Ca mp H enry T . Ail en , 8 nl1ulo, Denl1 u e t Colonel William E. Doaaer, Di8tri c~ Commander. DISTRI CT S T APF Mlljo. L. E. Qu intrro. AS$iBtlillt Disl ri ct Commllnder. BllniIlY. Hoooe Su•. Majo. L. C. Botlc~. (M.C.), Diatriot SUfltOon. Vignu. lI oeos S"r. Firet Licutcnaut .Iulian 01i"111I. Dietrict Adjutnnt. Fir.t Lieutenant A. ~l. Bautista (!tel.), Dis trict Engin eer. Bllguio. Second Li euu,naut F. P . Ja\'ier (!tI'S.), Auisl ant Dis. trkt Enjtinen-. BI,/l:uio. Firet Li~utcnant M. F e.nandini. Acting Provincial Commander. Bangued. Abra. Second Weutenant L. de 111 Cruz (P .Q.M .). Oaneue« Abra. . \ Captain V. S. Bilbao. P ro'<indal Commander. Tucuc. garao. CaRa?an.

~f:~!a~e~te~a~t 11~.mb\~cJ~lrf)('1!~~uac~i;:~:

Cagayan. Second 1.,,~utcnl1nt T. T. Pllrc ea ( D.C.) . Tuguognrno, Cnllaynn. Sp.contl L,cutcnn ut lIf. Alvinr. l(lVineial Commander. UU<)o. Oaun"". Cnptnin ·P. O. Rosas, Provin cial Commander. Laoag. 1IocOII Norte.

flll,.'j~~inL~·E~uQmui~~;ri~~':~~i~cf:.EI)t:~'~~~~'n~II:;'°h~(~;: ll O<:05


~~!II\Je~tc~a!u~~iF.(RDC:r?io O(P'.'Q~\I~l~~:n~~:

Il ocos Sur. Firet Lieuten allt J. D. ltod ri&uel. (D .C.·RC'II.). Vigall. Il oeOll SIU'. Captain A. D. Da mian, I'rovincial Commander. lIaB;!'lu, "nbeill.

t~~~a!,~o\,~enN~~t ~:;'~~;;:~!I (PC~;~~).ill~l:r~al13n~ia~~~~

nnndo. LI1 Union. Fir~t Liouten .. M C. Ga rcia ( P.Q . ~I.). Saa Fernando. I.n Vlli on. Firet Lieutenont!t. S. Nalll .. lon. Aet inu Previncial Com mander. Lubuagan KalinRa. ~It. l'rol-iMe. Fi rst Liemcnant G. Balbucn... ( P.Q.M.) , Lubuagllll. K~lin"n. ~It. Pr o\·inco. ~'i .at Li eutenant A. L. Gonnlo. Acting P .Q.M .. ](a-

Firatbi.~:~ie~r:tl~: ~~'l a~~ovl~~r~1t J'r ov inoilll Commandn-. Banaue. Hugao. Mt. Pr o\'in~. Tbird I.ieutcn"nl C. Oll n .. l. (itea.). 1'.Q . ~I.. Ki a ngan. Uugs<l. M t. Province. Cal'll lOi n T. Naid&.'!. PTo"i neial COllullllndcr. BOnlDe, Oontoc. Mt. Province. Second Li eutenant M. CapillttllllO P .Q.i\r., Bont oc. Mt. Pro,·ince. First LicutOllnnt J . N. Coneepci6n ( D.C .• Rea.), Oont oc, OOnlOO. Mt. Provin ce. Cnplni" E . Mont illn. I'rov ineilll Commllodcr. Trinidad. Donguet. Mt. Pro,·jMe. M"j":.'i~: ~~~~~~t. (B'?'~r::i~~~~c illl Commander. Bn. Firet Lieute nant S. F. DaiaKOt ( !tea.). Pro" incilll COin. Fir.t"'Li':.~~~·n;,:t'lii.adp. O~'!.~~~~a~~l. 1~~~r~I~~e'Tti nidad.

Capt~~:'!.·/~~~~1~~jlll Commander. Oayombong. Nuev. Vi.uya.

Seco 'N~:~:ut1:::;a?' C. Rllm.,., P .Q.M., Bayombong. l:le.eond Lieutenant L. d" la CrUB. Co mmanding Officer, bt Compllny, 811"&uoo. Ab. e .

DI STRI CT O P SO UTH ERN LUZON 758 L~lUdn, Sam pn loc, ~tpnll :a Lieutenant Colone l Benito D. Vale.iano, Dist ri ct Com.. ",ander. DISTRI CT ST AFP LieutenRut Colotlel Silvino GRlIardo. "Militant Din. icl Commande r.

~l:i~~ ~~:o !t~,';i:7ort'~r~8~',t 8ii:~;!~t ~~~~"o~~d¥,irlno.

'IIMlno. Mlljor "drlnno 'I'. Cru •. M.C., D;alri ot Surgcon. Leglll l); ' · Alba)'. Mnj or Luciano "'ernrcn, D.C.. Dotl tal SUrgeon. Captuil1 J oea I>. €aedo, M.C., Di~tri e ~ Surgeon. Ih\ang"". SalBngll8. Fi,..t Li euten ant Joe o A. Arnmbul o. Dj . trie ~ Adjutant.

~:~t ti:~:~~:~~ ~~~~ Cf~' ~~:'l ' 1ft~f."''b~~\~;

En!!;ncer. Seco nd Lieut ella nl Per f~to M. V""que. ( !tIW.),Aaoiltan~ Dilltrict Engin l!(!r. Cllptain n. P. Ferna ndco, I' , o"inala' Commandn wlt .... pi. Alba)'. Firet Li outenllnt J . Deloeo. P.Q.M ..;ePi. Alb.


b ~,~t"1.i~~et~~a":tG~·1. ZaF~~W~:C'Adi~':IIII'~~"i~'11I1 FiretC~~~~~~~~, 8~~~~QtI~~I(rt~.). P.Q. ~I .. Oallnaa .

Batann. Captlli n F . Bor bon. P rovindal Commander. B.tang.... Ultang"". Fint Lieutonllut G. n. MOnllod, I'.Q . ~1., Bmtanp&. BMnne&'!· Firet I.ieule n .. n! E. S. Pua:eda, D.C. ( lte..) , Omtana:as,

Capt~r~i.'n.·l mpmlli.

Pro"incl.1 Comm&ndcr, Dulaca n. Pint Lieule nanl A. V. Bartolome. I'.Q.~I., Bulacan.


~Ialoloa •.

PH ILI PPINES CIIPt~lInm.~"'O!OILeA:f~: P rovineilll Commander, Dact. Fint Lieuteuullt J, Villanuova p.Q.l\1 " DlIlIt, CnmarinC!!

Norte. Captnin P. Guerrero, Provinoini Commllndcr, Nasa Cllmp rin ea Sur. Firat Lioutonnnt J . CORrado ( 1l0lll.). P.Q.M., Nllsn, ClUlla rinea Su r . Clllnllin B. N ico\lI8, Pro"ineilll Commlln der , I mu." <:Il.,ito. Firllt Lieutenant L. T. JnvBteu, T. D., P r ovinoial

Commander, Ca"ito, Ca"ilo.

Fi rat



A. R. DeverlL8, P.Q.M., T .

Capllllll M. OppWl, Pro,-ineilll Commander,

La,,,",,, Firat Lloutenant




C. Bond.d, P.Q. M., Sta. Cr ill, LlIguna, •'i ~nd Rp.Q~ft(1.~z~oac~11Ii~~nd~~':.~i.nCial Captain M. Turingll, Pro"ineial Commll,u\pr. Maabatc. :>'f",bMC.

Firat I.ieutenant A. T. Tortillo, P.Q.M" MlL!Jbll(C, M""bllte. FirlL Lieutenant R. Alejanliff, Acting l'rovillc;al C<.>m-

Firatlllti~~1~'nn?,~!~~nn'p,,~,~:,~,1:":,;, P .Q.M., Cnlnpnn. MIndoro. Cnptfl;n S. C. Cr u., Pr ov,"c;al Commnn der, O!\banfltunn. Nuevn Eoiia. FiraL Lieutenant A. C. Di ano, Auil\nnL PrO"inoinl Command~ r lind P.Q.M.. Cabanntuan, NUIlva Edja. FiraL Li eute nant V. P.'sBnt03, D.C. (Re..), Cabanl\tuan, Nueva Ecijll. Fjrl~ Lieutenllnt A. E. Faweelt, Acting Provindat Commllllder nlld P.'l;~" Puerto Pfllllwall. Fj .. tm~~d~i," s~~ '}e!·.. ",l~~<ip~!~~~:a:rovll1cial Com_ Firat Li eutella"t P. DivlI ...P.Q.M .. Property a"d Detllch_ mcnt Officer, SlIn Fernando, Pampanlln. Firat Lieutonnnt S. ClLfit\o, D.C. (Rc..), San Forllando Pampanga. \, Firat Licutenattt P. G. Nlwnno , Ucs.). San Fernando,




Torrnlbo, Commnnde., Lin· gllYO n, PangMimln. Fint Lieutelll1nt J. R. l\I ondoln. P.Q.U., Lingnycn, PangMil1l\n. Fint Lieutenant F. G. Galvan, D.G. (Rea.), I,ingRycn, Pangllllimm. Captaill S. Jo'. Cacdac, Provincia l Commalldcr, Pllllig,

m.. l.

Fint Lieutenant D. Almagro, PIIII;g, Rin!. Fint Lieutella"t M. T. Jimenez, AaiBtIl1lt &lid P.Q.)I .. PllIig. Rint. Firlt Li eu lC,ulllt C. V. Buatillo, PMi" Rillli. Firlt Lieutenant L. T. Ayaon (Rc..) , Patil, JUnl. n. B. Alcala, Provincial Commander, ltorablon, nomblon. Firat Lieutenallt ,\. M. Paulmino (Res. E~.P.C.)·P.Q.M., Rombloa. Uombloo. Cnptail> V. A. !IIllla, Provincial Command~r, 60uogon. Soraogoll. Fint I.ieulCnant E. A. Abay , l'.Q.ll f., 80,aollol>, Sor. sogo n. CmT'tBin B. R. Sison, Provinei",l Commander, Tnrlnc Tarlac. • Firat Lioutonant I,. E. Littllua, AuiotDot and P.Q.M .. Tarlac, Tnrlac. Cnp~~~:l' ..~1. Vel.LICo, Proviocial Commander, Lucci'll!..

~~t tl:~~:~:~~ ~: ~.Brnec~~~~·A~C.I.(i':e~~),Tt~~:!:

Tayabllll. Firlt Licuteuallt S. lIfoli"a, Actinll Provincial ConI.. mandcr. Ibn, Zambal .... SccoZ~m~~~~n.nt V. H. ,\quillO (Rea.)_P.Q.III., Ibn, Fint Lieutenant J. Del~<.>, Co mmandinl Officcr, 2nd Conl. l.any, Lell,,",pi, Albay. ~'i l et Licutellnnt T. T. Asunoion, DOlnahmont Com. mander, 2nd Comp ally, VirRe, Albay.

~'intin~i08~~:r~t7n' go~~~~~, q:~J)~i~tiC:t~ROn,:,mnnd.

Fint8t1:0~~Oni~~~,y~' L~'a, J',ho~~on~....~ouunnnding Office r, Thlrd Licutonllnt E. F. lIfeai ... (R.". ·ElI.-P.C.), Junior Officer, 8th Company, Lipa. Batanl", Fif'ltc~::~~e,:~n~'1I7ik~,lIla~I~~II;:mmanding Offi"" r, 9th Third Lleut,mllnt A. E. Callardo, Junior Offictr, 9th CompallY, Paliko, Batalllllll.


Sccoud Licut~nllnt J. Maramba (Ree .. E •.• P.C.~, Com_

Firlt"'ti:,~it'~~R~~r.r, ~M:n~:v~~"&'rr~~:I~J~& otffi~~~: Ii1r1t6i~Q~t~'~'!':~~. D~!~a~~mari(ft'eII~~~t.~.C.) Oom.

manding Offieor, 4th Coml.nIlY, N"gu, Camn.incs 6ur , Firat Lieutenant J. I'. R uedn. Commnnding Officer, 10th Cnm pmn y, ImWl, Cnvite. Fint Li eutenR llt 1'. G. AlCllnt8ra (It"".) , JUllior Officer, 16th COn1POII:(, ImU5. Cnvitc. Fint I,icutcnant t:i. V. Sabin", Commandillg Officer


Officer 17th COmpBn)', Indanll, Cavite. ' Firlt Lieutewmt C. Hondad. Commanding Offieer, 28th Company, Sta. Cru., Laguna. Fi ... t LieutenBnt III. de Leon (Rc•.. E~ .. P.C.). Com . u).ndillg ulfieer. 29th COmpBIlY, LOOI nallOOl, Laauna. Second Lieutena"t 1\1. Bllutina, Junior Office r, Wt!, Co"'I'lIny. L"", Bali~. Laguna. Firltllt1:ec~~::~,~~y~' B~~~c,:>~~n:ri~'du~c:.~.ml1uding Officer, Fira~ Liout6uant A. T. Torritlo, <.:ommandlng Officer 3~th Company, l>I ... bllte, l\!/l.lJbato. Firat Licut on"n l:i. l'an8nniban, Commanding Officer, 3toth C\1mp"ny, Cnl"I"ln, Miudoro. Firat J.ioutonnnt U. Viduya, S.Q.l\I., Comn'anding Ollienr. 1;,:411> Comp"ny. San Jo!6. Mind oro. First l.ieutcnrUlt L. A. (;UUVCl. CommRuding Officer, -llltl> Compally, Cobanatuau, Nueva Edja. Fint Lieuto"a"t A. 1::. FawceH. Comm8ndillll Officer . 55t.1> Con'I'''ny. Puerto Prineeu" I'alawan. ' F.r6t L,eut enant A, Aree, S.Q.M., Dctad""ent ComI1mndillg Ufficer, 55th Company. Bnlabao, Yalawlln. Second Lieutenant J. B. e" lIe leta CRea.-E•. -l'.C.). l,... """"nding Officer. 6bt Company, San Fcruando, Paruplllllla. J.·irst Lieutenant M. Guballll, Commanding Offieer. 58th Compllny, Linllaycn, PauII~illlln. Firat Lieutem.nt U, I>. Tomas, Co"""nnding Officer, /illth C011>I,any, Linllayell. l'a ngMiu,l.n. Fi rl~ Lieu!"n,,"t::l. J ublln, Comma ndinl! Officer, 50th Corn"nny, Puig. !Unl. Fi rlt Lieule"uut F. ,\~;s , Commm"ding Officer, 62nd Ceruvuny, Caloocan, ltiul. Second LUlUtc"8nt A. G. VelOl.OlCO (Res.), Junior Officer, Il~nd ComT'IlIlY. Cnloo."", ltiul. ~'ir!lt Li oulmUlnt A. ~1. l'l\ulino (It.II.-EI .. I'.C.) , Com. muud;n; Officer, 63rd Compuny. It omblon, Ilom· bl"". Firat J..iautc1IBnt A. Ramllll, Detnohmcnt (Ammlluder nnd S.Q.,\I., 63rd Com po,,}.. RombJon. ltombl ... lI. Jo,nt L,eutena "t.l::. A. A<.>a}·, t..:ommanding Ollicer, 67th Compan)" Sor!lOI!:OIl. Sor~ogon. l-,rn Lieut enant 1-'. C. ,\Iejia, Gonl.1nandinl Offictr, 09th Company, San i\lillud. Tarlae. Firat I••• utnn.nt It . .s. 'ullih' 1. Cornmau diug Officer, 70th Company, Lueena, Tay.blLl.

Firltm~:~d'~:n:~j §:Q.iV~~~~~Ytom~~~~:'I~f':.tnt8~?r"~:

yabR3. Firat Lioutennnt L. S. Tan, Commandinll Officer, 713t (Jump,,,,y, CumaeR. Taynbr~.

Fin~ml~~ed~:1J~~~ lIs.J.lil.~nji~J~n'co~~~~;!I.,"'1J!lu~;an~~

1'aynb ...... Scconll Ll.eutenant V. H. Aquino (Rea. gx .. P.C.), Co",· maudiug Officer. 73rd CompIl"l'. lbo, Zambnlcs. Second l .icute nan~ S. R. J;m~Dca. Oct. Comdr .. 73rd Compouy, Villar, ZambaJI'II. DISTRI CT OF VIS A VAS CEBU, CE B U

Colonel Guy O. Fort,

Di"tr; c~


DISTRICT STAF F Licuten8ut Colonel T . Martillu, AAiatant Dia!rict Commnndcr. /I'l ajor K 1'II.ncdo, Au'atant DiBt riot Commnnder. MOJor J. P. nosale., ~I.C., Di9trjc~ SlI.r~eon. Cnl>t~i~t~t '~i a{,!~~~~o'\li,~~~~ctor, 1'raininll Codrea,

~!:~ t;:~~:~:~i ~:

it Viardo, ~b~\~n{zn~;~t8~t ·tt1f}.tnnt. DrUnct .l::ngincer.

Seeond L)eutc"nn~ E. Second Lieutcnnllt L. trict Engincer. Second Lieut enant N. CaptA~~i:~c~la ... ueto,

L. Itelli, (ltc.o.), ASI;ltmnt Dis .

O. Brelalla (Res.), On duly. Pr oviQeial Co"'mander , SII II Joso,



Firat Liolltcnnnt C. P. Vidnmo , 1'.Q.M .. San Jose, An_ tique.

Call1n;n F. Roskn, l'.o"inc;a\ CoJllmp.ndc r. Taghilaran. 001001. Fir,t I.i cU\CDlmt A. 1\-1. Gonznles, D.C. (Rca. Tagbi. inrlln. Uohol. Second LicuteBllnt S. Urbi!lll (R\'l!I.). }'.Q.M., Tagbihmm, Dohol.

Cnptllin E. V. David, Pro';ncinl Commllnde r, Capir, Cnpir. Firat LUlutennnt F. Villucno •. P.Q. M .• Clltliz, C .. pir. Firat J.iou\cnnnt E. S. CllIIt illo D.C. (nell.). Pllllitnn, Capiro Captnj n Ii:. LllSIIm. P ro,-incial Commnndcr. ecbu, Cobu. Captai n M. S. BilliOT; (Res.), Cebu, Cobu. FirBt I.ieulcnant J . i\I. Runy , P.Q.M., P.E .. M.O. and

0.0 .. Cebu, Cobu.

Second Liolllcntmt C. F. Hnwkina. D.C., Cobu. Colo n. Cnptain F. P. Don 081l, p.o\';n o;1I1 Commflmicr. Hoilo;>, Iloilo. ~ I /ljor J. Gonzmlu ROXM, :lLC., Il oi lo, Hoilo. FiNt l.ieutCDllnt R. RIIIJ)', P.Q.M., P.E. & D.O., Iloilo, Iloilo. Fil"lll LiclItCDIlDt J. ClIll!ing, Mo, 1I0ilD, Iloilo. Fil"llt l.ieutcn"Dt M. It. l' ernAndez, D.C., iloi lo, iloilo. F irHt LioutCDn Dt N. B. Mcninn. D.C. (Res.), Iloilo. Iloilo. CRptRin M. V. A(anllciD, Pro"incial Commn Ddor, Ta c_


CRpi~i~~lt 's.Y~~rD ndez. M.C .. Taelobo.n. Leyte. Co.plain :II. ReyenD.C. (Res.), Tadob"D. L'wlc. Co.ptain A. P. Ca ll~oei .. , Pro"intlnl Commander, BIl.· colod, Negr os OOl:i dcm:'Il. First I.iClitenRnt V, fb,llti stu, 1'.Q.M., BRcolod, Ncgr~ Ocoidental. Firat Lieutenant D . M . Dimayugn. D.C. ( Rea.), lsabelli, NelUO! Occiden~. Cllpuln r,. S. Reyes, I' r ·nei.l CDmmaDder, Dumn_ guete, Negro! Oriolltll\. First Lieuten .. nt "'I. E. Nol~co (fiel.), P.Q.M., Du"' .... 'Hlte. Negro, Orienta l, Cnptnin II. C. CnmhR1izn, l'rO~'nCinl Commnnd cr, Cnt bnlo!!Rn, SlImur. Fin! Licutcnam D . A. "iliMin ( Hes.- Ex.-P.C.), Cllt· blllognD. Snmllr. First l.ientenllnt S. Nolnaco D.Il. ( RC!l.), C8Ib,'I\oglln, SllmAr. Cllptnin A. MnMuctO T .C.O .. Co'lt ", .. nding Officer, 6th scco;3'1yg~?~'n~'~ s'.o!<iN~i;~~qu(ilcs.), Acting Com. Seco~':ttl~~~e~~n~eS. 1~:bi~~{Vt~~~:'~~~~~8.r·O'n B3~f~; 10th COmPIlII~' Tngbilnrnn, Bllhol.

Fil"lltoMie~~c~.~~J! Con;;nn~~r6i:t'i"~:%~:)1'~. ComlnllQding Fir~t

Li(lutennllt 1\[. E. ni vera. (Rea. Ex·P.C.) Acting Commnnding Offiller, 15th Compony, Clll1iz, Clll.iz. Fir~l Li(lutenllnt G. N. Caliednn. Co m,nnndillil Officer, 18th Company, Cchu. Cebu. Third Lieuten:lllt 1\1. J,. Gllllnrdo. Junior Officer, 18th Compnn)', Cebu . Cehn. FiT:!lt LioutclIDnt L. CnU.'lillg, CommDnding Officer, 23rd C01n p~n)" , iloilo, Iloilo. Fi r~t T,ieutenllllt A. Torr ..... ComUOllndiug Officer, 25t h Com pnny. Cnlinoll. Iloilo. FiTiit Lieutennnt A. E. Tejcr o ( Rt'S.·E~-P .C.), Commanding Officer, 31st Comp.. ny, 'rac\obllll, LCylo. gO,~j,D'~~. ~~~;o:'·~~~!t~. Com,nllndillg T hird Lioutennnt J. Arcs (Re,.) Aotlug Commmllllding Omcer nud S.Q.i\I., 33rd Com!" ",}" Mnlitbog. l,e)'le. Fir,t l.ieutclIllnt D. N. N""nrtCle, Commnlldiug Officer Hth Company, C"diz, NCgTos Occidentn\. Third Lieutenant R. :ll1lrquez, (Res., Ex· I'.C.) Com· mnndiug Officer, 4'1111 Compllny, Son Cllrl"'!, NCgr05 Occidenu\. First Lieutcnnnt 1'. CIl!til\o, ConnnRnding Officer, 45th Com!'un}', T ulll"y, Negro. Ocoidentnl. Firat Licllt"naDt J. D. Cr iaolojto. CommnndiolC Officer, 46th Com l.any, Isabeill. NegrOl Occidelltal. Fint LicutcllDnt I•. U. Eehi"llrrc, CommDnd'ng Officer, .\7Ih Co'nl'~IIY, Tunilly. NegrO>! Or iente\. Second l.iOll\CI1Ilnt i\1. E. NoltlSco, (It ..... Ex·I'.C.), 00 . dll~y, ·17th Com))I1" ),, Tn llj"y , NegroB Orielltnl.

F.rato~:~~:,lIa'i~~ gO~~R~~nC~~;'r~o~~~ISn~~:-:mnnding 5ecolld l.,cu~en"nt 1'. NUll (Reil. Ex.I'.C,), S.Q.1\[., . Commn.nd,ng Officer, 66th Company Borongnn, S!t.mlU". Sccongtl~(:~~~~,:~~,SC~tb~\,g~;:'~~SIl;~'~mandlpg Olliee r

DISTR ICT OF NO RTHERN MINDANAO Camp Keit hl ey, Lunno Lieut,,,,aut Colonel Miguel NiclIQ, Distri ct Comm .. uder DISTRI CT STAFF :lInjor J. A. Green, ,\Jtaist all ~ Diatri ot Cornmnnd cr. iliDJor E. Q. Bringua. M.C., District SW"geon nlld Athl~tic Olliecr. Fit ~ t l. ioutanllot D. U. 'l'enn18a, Di~trict Adjutant. Fir~t I,icutcnsut i\1. B. ltivCII', Di6triol Qm,ncrmlUllor. Sec.oud LioutclIsnt n. fi. & I,oio (RO)Il.), Dist rict I-:ntlincer Tlnrd Lieutennnt A. V. SIl"msOIl (R~.), Aui.otnnt D.atri ci E " giuecr. ClI lJlnin C. B. Lilllrdo, P r o" incilll Cornmllllder, Butuan, A!!Wlnn. Fil"lll Lieutennllt 1'. Al"i olr, 1'.Q. M. Butunll, Al(lL11an. Fir~t I, ioutcllll nt D. G. Sll nt OJ, D.C. (R('3.), Butulln, '\ l(lIBnn. CnPt:1,~ei~' C~;:''::!:~d~\~·~i3;.'),~~;n,~ B~t'rJ~a;~? Pro' F in! Lielitennnt E. Nil"", I'.Q.i\I., ~lalnybnJny, Uukid· nUll. Cnlltn'n n. Ram o., I'ro,'in~inl Com,naadcr. Dananla[), l. Rnno . Fint Licutelln nt T. D01l\ uoul, Naistunl, Dnnanlnn, Lo· nuo. Fil"llt J.icutenllnt M. E. nin'n, I'.Q.M.,I'.E.O. and D.O. D"llSllllI.lI, l.llnno. Fint I,;outtmnnt '1'. Apil, M .O., DII Mnla n, Lanao. Firet Lieutcollnt J. A. Sanchea, M.C. , Danalllu", Ln· nno.

~t~: I:l:~;:~:::~

a: ~.u~g~.~%(d~~·i::~DI~~jl."~a:~~I:~:

l."n80. Capt"," G Bay lnn, l' ro,,;ncl,,1 Commondcr, :lliumis. Minmis Oecidentnl. FiTtit l.ioutclIllnt L. 1'. 1.1111"', 1'.Q.M., i\ l i~lImi., Mi~amis Occido ntal. First Lieutenan t M.l. de Santoa M.G. (HO)Il.), Misa,";a, Mia .. mi ~ Oecidentu.l. Fires t I.ieutellnnt A. C. VilhtnllC"B, Acti ng l're"incial Commander, Cnllayan, ),I;lRm;~ Orientn\. l-Irat Lieulenallt It. BlU"gn.ll, l'.Q.M., Capyan, MUllmis Oriontal. Piril Lieuten .. nt E. N. Concepc ion, D.C. (Res.), Caga. y"n, i\ liaami. Oriepta l. Firat I,ioutennnt J . TClIIdo, Acting Provincia l COOl. ,nu.ndpl, Surij);ao, Surigao. ,se<;o nd Lieule",,,,t E. Adlo (Ues), T.P,Q.:lI .. Surigao, SUrif!"ao. Fi'll l.ieutena nt R. C. nod.iguca, Cornmll.lldillg Officer,

ThirJ4\~o~t~':;:t~. BllAl1~~t~g('rt~'.Olticer, 74th Compnn)', BI1.tUll n,

E:r-1'.C.l, Junior A~U.'Inp.

Fi.,tc~:~~:~~~:~~g'6ffi~:r~'~5et~1 ~~t::. D~)~:K;S~.l~~~:

S~ond l.ieutenant J. L. Bllyan, Junior ~fficcr, 75th CompAny, Wllloc, .... 'usnn. Sceood l.ieutenant N. DeuOl!tll, S.Q.~I .. Commllndillg

(N ...),

FiratOfi~i;';'o!~:l~~£°'W'IJ.~'~!" g:,~~:::;ili~:u~ffi'eer, 76th COIllIJRny, MlllRybnl ..}" IJlIkidnoll. Second Liautennnt B. Heyu, Junior Officer, 76th Co",· Fintt~~":lI~!:~~t~·.lnYSa~t~:~~~'OIS.Q.:lI., Comma nding OHi cer. b!lth CompllOY, :l1"ran'"Il, Bukldnou. 5eeond Lielltcnllnt B. 1-\ V;llt,,,i., Actinll Gommllndillg Officer an d S.Q.M, I02nd Corll pllny, Tt>luc"lI, Dukidnon. Fi t$t !.lout '1'. AI.;I, Commn nd ing Officer, .,\rtillcry Co ..

FiutCt:~~le!~~~h~t:' k:;::';n, Commanding Officer, 71lh COm plln)', C. I(dthley, LIl ... o. Fil"llt Li~utellRnt A. C. Alcnlltua, CommnndiuI: Officer, 881h Gompllny Camp Keithley, Lnnllo. Second Lieuteoant n. E. Luconieo, Junior Omcer, 88th F'T!tCf.l~~:oll:dnf,-",~(g~lt~.IC~,~~.a"tling

am eer, DOth CompallY. Tn mpllrnll, Lanno. l.i eutennnt I'. T. Brown ( lto)o.) , Junior Offico:r,


Firat!}«ti~uf::.'::~~"l': b~mt't:.':a"~. LC::~mllndillll Officer, DI.l Com pnll}', GanMi. l.BDIlO. Second Lieutenant M. T. Aquillo ( Res.), Junior OffieCt', D"I Compn ll GllnNtI , Lllnao. Fi .. toJ;:~n&.~~~DY: c~~i~i.~')', E!'~~,:.andlng om""r, Second Li eutenllot H. R. Franco ( Ree.) Juuior Offie er


Fint!}ti~u~,::~:nl. C·R~CiIWti;.'ot::.::;,

CommandiDI omcn, 95th Compan)', '1'uga)'Il, 1'110&0,

______________~_________ P~H~I~L~IP~P~IN~ES~____________________~ 29


Colonel L.


St.,ve"", Diatriet Commuuucr. DIS TR I CT S T AFF

Mnjor H. C. Pntl',

A!" istlln~

Di~ trie t


;\]0;0. G, G. Cft!tillo. M.e .. Di8l ri et Su rl!~on . Fi..,.l Lieutenant A. C. LalllD., District Q.;\1. and Di s_ bursing O fficer.

I!~;n~·ti~~~:~!n~·l·~.elEpe~~$tnl~1~j]gi~~~"ct ~'neet.



Maj1::o:-!i.~~~ier'N' Pro"',"ia! CO'tlI",n<.kr, Colabalo, C"plain C. Morteu ...h "i. t,mt l'rovinei .. l Commander, CalnbMo, Cotabato. CO]lhin 11'1. n. de Luna. M.C •. Cmnbalo, Co\nbnlo. Captain P. Jo', Sanchl'l, D.C .• COlnbnla. Co\nbn\o. F!ut !.!culeoRnt n. Ante. P'Q' j~ ' Co!nbnto, Cotnbato. FLret l,eut enant E. O. DalLtisln (lIco .• Ex_P.C.J. CO\".

boto. Colnhnto.

Fi, , 1."tenpnt J . N. EOllunjo, Aeting Coml1lpn<iing Offi ce r, GIAn, COIPbnto. 1\llljbll~~o~c J~us , Provineil1! , cl1ln,pnder, DIlVBO, Fint Lieutenant J. T eallo, AS3;3lpnt Pro,·ine;AI Com _ ",pnder, P.Q ..\I .. D.O., l'.E. O. pnd "1.0., Davao D avllo. Fint Lieutenant R. T. AltW'P. M.C .. D",·"o. D""lIo. Fi.. tD~~~~~~nant C. A. i'IIer<:ado. D.C. (Rei.), Dav!l.o, C~pll1in L. Aned"". Pro"inc;a) Commander. J olo, Su i".

I'irst Lieutenant E. Lornuntad, P.Q.M ., D.O. and Prop. 0 .. J olo. Su lu. Fir!lt Li e utenant H. Caltuinl, M .C, (Rc.•. ), Jolo. Suill. Fint !.;oulenant J. C. An;ecll1. M.C. (nel.), Anis tant. J olo, SUllL. l-'iTl~ 1.;nutenBnt D. Rodr;ltue~, F.B-O., Jolo, $d". l"il~t Lieutenant G. n. "I""nkn)'~n, Jolo. S ui". F'! .. t l..~eut cnBnt i\I. F. Ferare,. D.C., Join, 5,,111. FlIlst L,mi te!,,,nt V. Nunn~. A~ti"" BOH{tUP, Tllwi_f.!·nwi, I'ro",nc,nl Commnmler. Cnptniu A. C. Compo, Pro";neinl Commpnde r, Znmbonn/l:n. Znmbonlll;n. C.lll'tai!) It. ZB/l:oln, D.C .. Zombopn/l:n , Znmboon/l:l1. F,r~ t I,'~.ulenunt A. C. Lnn ~a r, 1'.Q.iII., Zllmuocnea, Z" mbnnnl;lI . Fif"'! LieutcnBnt S. N"n'·nrro. S.Q.i\I.. Comm anding .. O ffi.~~r. 78th Company. Buluan, Cotabato.

F~n'olii~~;.C'!,O':b ~o~pn~~~c~';r~S~i.~::' C~~:b~t~~ding

FITlt Lieutcnnnt L. Quial, Commnndinl Officer, Slat Complny, Cotablllo. Cotabnlo. Secon<i Lieutennnt T. S. Cal:rern, T .C.O" Commanding

Seeo~,fL'l~ut~~~~1! CL.m~~en;;: ~~~C~&, C3.tQ~{'r~· b~~~~ing Offiett, 93r<i Compnll)"

Comi\loilluoy, Cota-

DEPA.RTM.E~-T f'F L ABf' R "IUELLE DE LA IND USTR I,\. l\ IA NILA 2_20.77 TEI_S. 2.25·72 2.1-(_H H,uuon Toups, Sec retary. FaUlltino "R un"r. Under Secretary.


~~~~,r~~I>:J~r[!O,:.n~hei~~~rD~l;~~;~~~:[ l~~~~'

J oal) S .. nch~ •. Chief. Ruperto S. Criuobal, Private Senetary to tbe Secretary of Lah or. .\lamerto S. Solinap, A... isUnt {'ri,·ate Secret ary to the Sco renry of Labor. Antonio "Icndon, !.nw Clerk. Narcilo <lei Bnrrio, Stcno,::raphct .

~s'~~;:'o CI..... li~:o':'iX~t. ~hl':trcfcl;~~. Godofredo R. Iteyel . Stenographer. Ju"n B . O]mlcncin . Clerk. Molito" C. Parducho, l\! <:osenlc r. Franci." .. Ambito, Mes.enger.

Fillt i.jnut"nnnt D. CuyugBn. S.Q.i'lI., Commanding Offiee r, l).lth Cnmpany, Upi, COtabnlO. Fi rat Lieul~n .. nt 1. Cnrlos, Commo.ndin" Offieer , !l8tb Company. Lehnk, COlabato.


g~::b~t:'Oth Company, Glan, Satana"n; Dil trict

§f:!~o ~ill~;S:,"' gil~~~~~:"i~m:~:i,~a~ D~~1iOP~op~rty

F~t.tohl~~,;.cn(~3~lc:m A~~':.rll~~;nS'~J:.r;d,CC~!:' FITll !.le ulen"nt S. P. }.1~ndo18, ~.Q.M" Comtnnnding 7hird Lieutenant A. V. Janet ,CR .:..), Junior Officer. 80th Company, Olan, S .... nl.n; Diltrict, C ..

25] GRAT, . T,UN,\. I NTR""IUHOS

TELS. 2_24_]3, 2-24·].1 and Dr. Jo. l! Fabella. Acting Director.

Ad m inhtratl"e Dh illo n

Officer. Fla,<iBno Baut,s\n, Aeeoununt.




Dr. Alfredo flerrera , Medioa l Officor. Dr. DominadoT R. U/!YOII, M .. dical Officer. Socorro SaiamllM'" Dial, Superintendl!n~. Social Se"'icc Gcrtnuli& R. Officer.





'fec hn lcnl Work tn E r ll'1eto J . Carb. llo, Chief 01 Division.



P robation



S. M. hfantlldo. Dif{!ctn •. N. C. Quilon. Chi~1 Clerk. Amado AJ,0rri li ll. Ora.nia .... and TrallJ!lato r.


Ina tll utlo n $ a t Welf,uevlll e Adm;nu.lrllt;\'e

~~~~i~nttjv~~a~~~~~"'r S~~;~r~.\!~~ent of I natilutiolU! Tcodora



DC I}lt.Ttmcnt.




Carmen I. Tanadl!., Matron. DCII"rlme n!. "I)". Vicente del Carmen. Au ignmC lI t OUieer. Doys' Trlliuing School.

Amali .. M. Mtlrillo. MBtron Girls Trainin!; School. JOIIcf. T. II ngo.n, Mlilron, HOUle lor Mentnll )' Defeetive Children. Amllndo du Gut'unn. i\intron, Home lor the Aged IIml 1,,6rm. Ull ibino I. Dcanl!, Prineipnl of School!. D r. Dr. Dr . Dr.

263 GENERM) 1.UNA.

~~~~~~oEl~~i'L't~~: :r.~:~l:~~ ~~ ~~~~:l g~::a:



Mm!~ g~y;:;~~:;,(?II~~e~I.lIfk.

Eli&eo O. Ilernnndu. Clerk . Cor nelio Lalll'on. Clerk.

~1~~:I~o/'De~:~ii~~~'i\~!::c~;:~~h r. EduRrdo de la Rosa. Pri"atc Sectelnt)". Paulino M. TRninllco, I'harmR cy I n.. pcctor. Conrado '\ Clerk . "inudel, Clerk. ATI!!clmo 1\Iorler". Clerk.


~!':iJ' 2~1~~I!:Jo~"M~~~~;';::~~:J~,~: rtp~l~a~~S~:~~'I.; nnd CollcMe~. ~oui " E. Wdill.

Inl l)eclo r of Pri"nto ScilOola an d Col.

I ,,~pcctor

01 Privn\e Schools hlltl Collegcs.

{'i~:e~ir~~nc~'dl~~~~o;c~Jr 1'61 v~~rv~~~'s~j,:o'l~ :nOJle~61:

It l'l es. Joaclinn CUtmonn, ill.'lpeolor of Private Schools "nd COUCIICS. Ma ximo V. Hodtillo. l nel'cclor of ]'rivut<l Schools "nd CnUrl<I'OI. "F idel Colmennr. I "spector of Pri"nte School~ und Col. ICJ("". J m(j Mot'l mnl. Ill.'Ipector 01 I'ri,'a\c ScI,ool.!; nnd Colleges. Alberto S"" Pedro, Stcnollrnphrr. Fidel Gutierrez, Junior Stenographer. "irl:ilio D . Ro),o. Junior Slenogt"l'i,er. Daailio Gornu. Clerk. Jmcinto RodriAuc~. Cler);.Stenogrnpher.


ROOM 42. METROPOLITAN T H EATRE BLDG .. TEL. 2·80-30 illl,aC;:f:"~~' Dialrici Irllpteto. 01 PTh'ale School.!; "nd

<!. Qulmbo. COllell~""


Acade m ic Divisio n J. Scoll McCormick, Chief. Orv illo A. Bobcook, Aclilllt Chief.

1\'I I'IJ. Petronn RnmOll. Supcrvieor of Muaio. Snuoho I'nu lino, S",)Ct"i~or On Spcdnl Detni!.

Sergio OamenB ViceJr~td1r;: ·I~?~ Secrelnry of Public I nstruction. Gabri el R. Mannlnc. Unde Sc(r<!tary of Public I""truclion. Dr. JOI~ Fabella, Commiu io""r 01 Health aud WclllU'e.

lellea. hnnc. Decem'.

DlrK lor nte Dr. Luther U . Bewllw. Director. Ccledo nlo Snl\'ador, JUllal nnt Di rector.

r,~~tr~n Ai?:~~"'s,~~~~i~~;O~1 o~I~~~f~~~O kK~dc~~~!~n.

Medlenl Crialinn Cnbrcrn, Medicnl Officer. PereJ(tino U . Pnltlino, Medianl Officer. Allonao Pcdroche, Medicnl Ollicer. Hilario P. l '/ltCJ:, DOMin.


TEL. 2.10.84

Ill.'Ipcclo r of l"rivlltll ScI,oollJ and

DiclIO Qui.cbon, InepeolOt 01 I'.;"nlo SeI,ool! lind Col. lele-. Cl emc~fl~nt~: A~cnetn. Inll.eclor of I'rivllte Schooll and

P r udencio M. Lim. Lib rnrinn. Ooni to i.elltCriO, Ohief SIDti~licin n . Primo O. Lora. Stnlial;cian.

Men , ure m e n t nn d ' Resen rc h Dep:> rrm en t Dr. Manuel I,. Ca.r~on, CILiol.


habclo IIInm.lo, SUper\·ll or. Tomll8 Oalt" ..r, Teuehcr On Special Detail. WellCCIIlao Cnjipe. Teacher On Special Guillermo V. Jacob, Telleher on SI>etinl Delai!. C urric u lum Dllp nrrm e n t Cecilio Puton!;. Chicf. Dr. Tito Clemente, Supen'iaor on Spl'l'inl De.tM I. Santia!!:o Diaon, SUl'e"'i,or On Sptcial. Oelln\..

~:;1:'e~e~'~~~~r¥'en~~~~'t!~ak:~~i~tti~~~iPcta'l. r,it~'."i:!ltl~l~io:l>j:~G~Ii:~Il~I}-c:!~I,e~~t,;i!·P~iaJ Dctail, ~I...

n""ario L. Guerrero. Teacher 0" Special Detail. ErnelllO C. Crll~, 'I'~ncher on Spc<;inl O"lail. Com mill ce on T U lboo ka :'>1 .... Elel>nor G. Ri"". Sub·Chairmnn.

S u b-Co m mi ll ee on Ln n~u nl\e n nd R cn dl n ~ (Grod e. I nnd II)

~li:: ~,%:>~. J,~r~bc:;l<~~~~C¥'ell!:r,~rSg~o~~!~: a8ctail. !IIi&! T ril>idnd C . Sio l> , Tellcher on Sp~tial Mi~1 Nie"u A. AUl lria. Tenohar ou Spceinl Dotail.

S ub. Co mmi t tee o n Lll n l\u"p,c (G ru des III und I V) Denito T. Gnul. SupcrviAor 011 Spae'"l !)c,ni!. .

~l~: ~~[,~li'll'. ~~!:~~~;~ri;;e;~~~IS~~~i'~ISI)~I:;'I.Det"tl.

S ub_ Comml llee on Rend ln~ «; rod ea III :>nd I V)


Leandro Lumbn. SUlle..·isor on SI.""il>l Delail.

S ub _Co mmi t tee o n R en dl n~ (Gru d o. V. Vi a nd VII ) ]toque S. Albn. Supcrvisor 01> SpNinl Detail. . ;\1.... A"'l!aro de IWI Ue)" ...·A.ou"clon, Tellebe. On SpecIlI1 :"IIiM[~t.!!~;na d .. Leon. TCII"her on Specilll Detail. Fr.. ncu.eo G. TOQogbnnuA, I'rincipnl on S~illl Detail.

S ub. Co m m . nee o n Ln n ll unp,e (Grodu " nnd VI) Jo.o6 Fdicillno. PrinciplI:l on Specilli. Dctan .. Oumbay l'innlC. Supet''1.or on Spee,.1 Del., I. . ~li811 Dorn L. Kirwin. Te.rbrr on SpeciaJ Det.>\' S ub -Co n. mill et! on Ln n llulI\l.e (Gra de VI I) Miaa W;nnilred 1.Cl.....u. Teaehcr on Special Delail. Ricardo C. Tcaeher On Spceilll Detail.


Mis.! n",,~~f;ji~~r;:,,~~~.;!!~a~lt '.lJ~t,h~~~~t;on.. 1>1 .... ConOl'J)ti6n 8. cepedll. SuperVll'Ot Gf Uca.!,b Education_

PHILIPPINES DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Dr. Gilbert S. Peru, Chief. l\Ia..<;<!linno P. Snnt.oon. Super.-;.o. on S pec;ni Dohi!.


1I~r:afl'J~c~~n8!/§~~c~:·~~:ra lcJ",t~io~~~~~.1



t';::~to:,.ii~o lnl~i~~~~, l~~~~I'~~~:1 °s~:.r.~.i~~~. D ctRi!. Ccruino Vilianue-vA, Tcache. on Spcdnl Ocuil. Dcpa.rlmonl


T r ndu


Indu. tri ea

~~~r~C~L~~!~~ri~'TC;~!'~ling indWltrial Teacher. i'i::tR~!°'l::ji:':. t~!:,~Vi~~ ~~~:~~:\ i::~~:~:

Amnndo Ca.]uag, Junior Teache r of Drawinl!:.

De p a rtm en t of Home Eco n o m la Miu ElvCBIIfI A. Stewart. Chief. Mu. Cln,,, P. Carillo. Actin, Chid. MI'II. Francis".. M. Vega, Supcr\';sor 01 Horne EconomiC!!. M;$!1 Adelina AI"", ..... Superv isor of Hom e Eco llomici.

Mi u


Hardor. 5"p",,-;,o. of H ome Economics.

W:~ R~g~dnD. p~'p~~i.II~~pc~~·r,c,:-;~fH~fmf~t:n;:~n~~~i,:~i('8.

Dr. I!nbcl Ferr~r, Home Economi ca DemonstrMor. Miu I BBh~1 P. Rc),ca, Romo Eeonomica OcmOn~lrAlOr. PUBL ICAT IO NS DIV ISION Fred J. PD~Imore, Actin!\" Chief. 6nlvndor Fernandez, AS5'stnn~ Editor. OFFIC~: OF THE C H I EF CLERK Joae A. do KlllItro, Chief Clerk.

Senice Section Benito SlIntllrOmana, Acting Chi~f. Pelr onilo G. Oula)" Aasi.tnnt ~hid. PROPERTY DIVI SION Dnlusung, Property Olfieft-. SnntOll SaIlR),adlm. Chicf. Audit Seption. Poncinno VAldez, AuistBnt Properti~nd Au,lit Clerk. Celerino Nn"IITrO, Rcqui"itio ll Clcr,. Alb~rto


A. Mlnimiano :";~?~?~ef?IV ISIO'" 1\1. Camllcho, A~.i"tnnt Chief. Gnudoncio Laeson. Chief, I\Ii.cel!Bnco .... Seelion. JOII6 MCriIlO, Chief. Pen<onnel Scetioll. Juliall Villanueva, Chief. ;\lnilillB Section. P. :\lnticn10 Bay, Chief, Printing Section.



NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION 2ul OR,\ L. I.UNA, I NT RAMUIlOS TEl•. 2,72-27 RolMl Prolme.. Chnirmnu Gnbriel R. "'r.nnlne Mmillllo Y. do 10. S"" t.o• ~rnnci .oo R"nitCl .lorllO llucobo Luther R. IInwl"y 1\I1I"uol L. CRlreon Nicllnor R"yc.. Segundo M. I nflllllRdo Sofin R. dc VCYrIl

PHILIPPINE NAUTICAL SCHOOL ROBERT, PASAY, R1ZAL TEL. 5-13-08 CllSllll!.odll. Aoting Superintendent. Jo~~ Y. AndrAdn. Instructor. Agustin T illmpong, Properly Clerk. Frt,"ei~(o


'rAFT AV£NUE ERMITA 'rEL. 5-13-08 Gilmore, SU(lcri"tendc,,~.

~~i~R~' J.I~f,:;..CI,'~~1 ~~I(!r'CI~'k.

Soledad O. Sa IRlAr, ~lu:'Stcnograph~t. Ine. E. Crawford, R~lIialT&r.


Clare Jenlo n, Enillisb Supcr"iAor. Homob ono MaJ!l.ino, Al\&i!tan~ ncgi~lrllr. Relon J. IIluo. Su~visor , Trnininll Department. JURlla S. Ruperto, PrillQipnl, Training OCI)lU"tmen\. Geurdo J orge, LIbrarian. ,\ nll Cnbrilloe. DOlin, Normal IfIlli. 6obi"n A"i~, Ani!tnn~ Dean, Normlll Hall.

~~~IIl~~~ ~~I~'::lr';'Ij';;:,ism~rtk~eo"c.1.:k~o~:::.:u~~~~I'~1

T,:"c II EM: Bertha J. Andrew! l ubelln n ..... ter L()U~ VQaa Ekatrand Leonora Jonl'll Mamie I.autunhillCr AIi(c E. MalHI

~~~!. ~i!f.~;d!on ~·t!~~r~?R. Tllylor

J ane 1\. '\'l'II~ Nemelio I.. Aj(unnd LU1 AmbrQ4io· l)aja Alluni"" T . Ane"c!1l Filomenll C. ,\ngllnllco Jo~ ,\ri~o

Emilill B"ens Tibureio C. IJRja J os(i nnlnl{ol Bi binnll \'. IlnrhihAn Benitll C. Dondll Fl oreneio lluRllo U. BuenRscda Estel .. A. Calleja

{;r"1to~;"a Crt.rII~"'lro

Dati"11 Cr •• lobal Roasrio I. Cru~ Loutdc~ B. Cui.ill


Mttceae~ "I. SofiD E~ RIInlli


F. En dri~D . n cr",cjQ Tom"" 1'. ·l'nden .. nomc<.li~ \'. Tun~on


Fiorendo FCllno.. Alberla C. Fo",,,:ier Gcno"ev. Gutierru Benito GlltRl Vieenta A. Luaamana Primitivo Lar a Felisa C. Lardi.ab ..1 Obdulia C. Abelardo Luc.. GencrOlla T . M .. baki .. o Primili"a Manalo Juanito T . Mn rnmllrll FlordclitR F . Mendon Felip" F. NC/lRtla Franci.clI V. PBrc~ro Floreneio P. l'Med~ Co,,,,uclo I'. l'ieaon Lueiln S. Ih,,,ir C1 Luia F . HC),eI TarciBlln r. lle}'('8 Feli.1l N. llc),lIIulHl o Cllyetnn .. A. 1I0blc~ Maria Eo Rodrilluu C a. imiro C. Rome ro J O$(i D . !lOll"rio Juanll S. Ruperta J e.""n "I. SlIddalll


Feli ci.; mo A. S8ntOl' Se"e, inll P. Sa ntOll .n"rtolomo Sl-rnno Clemencia I . Sib.. y"n Bienv{'nido A. Si.o ll 1l0mRn C. TU010n Pedro Villafuerle

PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND T RADES SAN MARCELINO, ER"IITA TEL. 2·33_92 Gregorio J. Sevilla, Acting Supcri"tentlcnt. Remo VallejO, Clerk. Pedro 1'. Cru, Clerk. AC<l d emlc Oep:,rtment A. H. Ili ,". Principn!. TI;"on"n,., Pnnln!con He~nlll Mr~. Hollie O. E. Unden MiM L,,~ilR M. !.eNlltol'; Ma rcelino Y. F..-3PCiO Avelino G. GrClI:oroo E. \'. Schnj""n Jhm6n AI"""io T. dc 101 Tr;n"" Mu. Hucl Wood Kineheloc Fclict.imo Euriquc1 Iron Workln!!. Department -r&/oc,,>:Q' L. Vilh.nue'·R Eu.ttoquio Mapana,," n. nodr;f[ue1 Irineo "fendou Pedro H. de !.unn Joaquin I'alitoo .. Mtouri eio de I.imto Alfredo Sllntll),,,ua Mllnud II cr "and~a A. Hllmiru ]'a.tuftl Gntchlllipn Pablo \'i11lnuc"a

\VP~3ro'~i'er~~~.°H';:dtmen t J.ihcrnlo Guamllll Autonio RUt8quio

Atilnno MO"le. " E~cbio de l.imn

Drn w tll~ DepllrtmClnt Tcofi lo del ROSArio. H end

~[;:'c':~io ~el~;:

~,c::~:lin~ttr:~gn"liIllI B. Cllrlo. William WiI.on Alfred .. J;mtnu



UN IVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES ),{ A N {I. A TEL. 5-(1).21 Boards of Rell.e nt The

o~icl~u~riC:i1~[r~!Ii~~ f,:jUc~,i~l~t~~I,~ t~~'tl~;elf~:~a

of nallentS. Jorge Uocobo. P rCl!idenl of the Univcnilt of tbo Philip. 11. 8.inl~~J.d Member of the BQu.d of I cgOnts.

~':Jll~~m~' ~~",I~}lila~~:,~,:~r ~h~f~~~;,~tQCommittee

on Public ltut.uetion, Nalional A.~em bl)·. Ca.los I'. Romulo. Bepr""erllfttivc of the Alumni 01 the Uni,'e... il)· 01 the PhilippinCIF to lite Board of RoI:ents.

"I nn~~i~~~rr~'~,;(ll~Fl~fJj~~)~;,~i:'~o ~{,~ IDeo~~~U~ji~e~e,:~~ \,i co ttle Singson EnCArnacion. Jo!6 Gil. Vice litO )'lndriKal. I-;~ec urive

Los Bailos Pliblo R. Suarez, P r Of""80r of )'!iliIIU'Y Science, Ceb u Alojo.ndro Ocnt~no, ABllisl .. "l Pr ofCMor. Loonar do Dumlno, Corp oral, Phllitlllino Seouls, I llIItrue. lor in Charge. COLLEGE OF" AGR ICULTURE LOS BAfWS Bicnvenido i\I. Gonlal CIL, Denn lind I'rol<'Uo. nnd Hend 01 tlte Dcpartmcnt 01 Anirnnl H ll.OIbnndry. Rnfncl B. Espino, Prof~or of Plllnt Physiology, li nd Head of Department. NOlnCILiQ ),Icndioln, J'rolCMor 01 ,\gro nomy, find Head of Department. Frflncieco O. SantOOl" Pfofcuor of Chcmiatry, nnd Head

l.eQI'~1d~et~rtU'i~~;neo, Profl'!'80r of F.fltomolo~y and FielLd. DepRrtmcnt of Ent o"'oIQ~Y and Zolilosy. Antonio dc Leon. A""OOnle 1'.01(1l'lor of CIt~m'&try. Eh'ic Jo'rnzer. ,\ • •i8tPnt I'rolellior of F.nlllllh. Francisco '\1. ~·.onda, >\l!lIo"itLtc Prof~lor of Poultry HWLbl1ndry. C Orl1r.! 1I O. Ocfcmia AMooinlc ProfC!!lor of PIlIII' Pathelo~y.

Officers o f tho Unh"crslty TEL. 5·13(1·21 Jorgo Bocobo, I'resident of tho UniHrsit)· of tho Philippines. V. Lon,ok, Bn.sine." Direct(>t tlnd Sec.etary. "fclqnindc. J. Camboa. Regi!trar. Dant el Laurel, C<I,f"Ptrolk •.

Mnnucl ,\ . Bon, ANiist"ltl l'. ofce.!or of I'hYlie•. ""lonlo ViUClltLII, ASIIociu(1) I'rof,.... or 01 Ani",,,1 BIl.OI'

Office nf t h .. Presid ent J orvo Bocobo. Prl'Sident of the t;niversiIY. JOill G. GcnerOOlo. Secr~t:lry 10 the Prc";dent.

Emi1l!~b'Rn~~~·n. l rull r uoto. in Plnnt P/Ilholo~y. 1-',,1i~ B. Sn rao. Instructor in An; mn l HlL,bnndry. AILW!IMio Teodoro. ,""';51nlll Prol"",o. of Agriculturnl

Office o f Ih B us in ess J)lreclor V. Lonlok, Secrel ary Bon d of Regent., nud BU!liuea!t Di rector. Domingo Cen'Autes, Auistrilt~ to the Serrctnry. ReCisrr"r's Office Mclquindc8 G"mbOR. Bell"'trn~. Folipe Frnneisc/). A~~ist"nt to the ROlliatrn r. Tito DnllJl, Ex"",iner. \ Office of th e Comptroller Dllutel Lllurcl. Comptroller. Junn Fcli~. ABllistnnt 10 Coml,lrolicr nnd Chief Accoumant. Alf redo Nepomuceno. Bookkec~r. Pedro 80uli"a. Audit Clerk. Property DI\'h lo n EHIlS Mnnnlnm;. Prot'eny nnd SUIII,I)" Officer.

Grel:"or;o N. Sunt<», i'ropert)" Clerk. Vi ecn le Matialoc, Requis.tion Olerk. Lab or F"orce

FfuetU(H!O Aquino, S"pcrintendcn~ of G,ou"ds nnd Buildings. Univers ity Libra r y TEL. 5-!I(l·2Z Cabriel A. Bernllrdo. Librnrian 'OIl.! lI ea.l of Ihe Dcpnrt",,,nl of LibrlLfY Science (Wi,h nunk of A""i~tan~ l'rofessor). (sidor o Snui"l, Reference Libfl1rinn (Witl, Ibnk of AM;al· Ant Profceaor). I. V. ~In!lnri, Business Libr"r;an, (Rnnk of .... SI!;..tant ProfeA o. l. Nnti"idnd I'olinlan V"uozs, Loan;"n (wilb rnnl: 01 I ns.truetor in Li b,,,r)" Scicnce nnd in of lite C trcullLtinl!: nnd ncndinl!: naomI Niceta. Snntinp;o, F"i.~t Au ialnu, IQ 11.0 I.ibrntinn. Irineo Qui!lnnoln. AuiSlant CAtalolluer. D eparlme n f o f Physica l Educatio n TE L. 5-1l(l.2(J Snlvador Re)"cl, Ph)ll!ioal Direclor. Fun cia"a Re~'ce+Tolcntino, i'h)"sicnl Direclor for Womcn. Ihmo" P. Tolentino, {n"lruclor in J'hyaicn l Education. S .. IUllt'Bno \,ioland ... 1II5lructo. 'n I'lty~icnl Edue .. ,ion. Departme n t Qf ~U~~'AWIl.~\clence and Tacli cs TE L. &-6i1-27

~~~~~~. l!!tf:c, ~\:::;-..":~ 'W:!.I~!~ :: ~~~i~~aS!~:~:

Jow b~l~d8~ in[l'n. I nstrudo. ilL AllrOttorny. Eftlcba n Coll._do. I nstructor in Cltcrni. 'ry. Pedro A. D",,·id. Assis'Pttt Pr/)r~II.'o, in ,\ltronomy. JaM! P. Eu;ucftn, Junio. Animnl i·llLIIbnndry. Pablo N. Mnbbun. I nstructor in nur"l l~oonll ,niC:!L. ;"I1"riRno MondOtlcdo. As._"'tnnt Prolcuo. 01 Anima.l

I~ nltinperill".

Jo~ "eLmonte. A.~iHtnnl Pr ofCflll;or in EronomiClt. O I. Aqniuo, III.lrueto. in ,\gr ono",)'. $i[" erio Cendn!ln, A..,ilt"nl I'rofce.aor in I;:nt omolo/;y. :Roman )'. Eltioko. AJIl'ialnnt in 1'1",,1 Ph)'"'olol;)·. Leo" G. Conulez, A"";~t"nt 1'.QflNor in AII.onomy Engincerinll. Cotulio Guntt~o", Ani~\Rnt I' rolCMo r ill S Ullnr Tooh. nology.

}'~'~~Y~n~~ i~~',,~iH~~~~f~~~1 i~I~t'::::~ r~·il)..ioIO!U'. ), Iatocrt .. ;\Innaltan, ..u.i~lanl in Allricuiturttl ChenlI.!Lt ry. ,\rlcm;" ), Ianu. Aal!istl1n1 in PI""t I'b)~julol/.)·. ( \'n~nntl. AIlIi8taul ill \, h)·~i<"!t. . Frulld~co ),i. Suca),. A""i.lnn1 Rural Eeonom,,,,. I.copoldo "i11nnue"n. AMin"nt in CbNniatfY. Clemente E. Ya,,~co. ,\~istlln1 in ,\g.ronotny. Josli Sondee, ShOJI TNlchcr. )'{illuel )'Innren, .... l!!i!I~M Prof CIllO . 01 AnimLl] IlU!lbnndry. CO LLEGE OF EDUCATION TE l •. r... Ill)·23

~-r"nd.eo Benitez. Delln nnd I'rolruor 01 lCd.uclilion. Soledad Aguir.e, Auislnnl I'r or~or 01 F.ducnuoll .. Un", ln B. l lichnnco. ,,",;&lI,n1 I'rof~or 01 "dueallon.

I.ido~? ~:;!\~ro~'. '~C~~tt~~.i~~li~~~~l A.~.~iute I'roleMo r l\I eh]uilldct' M. 6B1!tro, I ""truno r in Edu culion Qud I:;ecretn.)· of the CollclI'" ),Inrcela IlInne;o, Instructor in Educatil)n. . Aurclio C. nnmOlL . .\MUlant I'r oleo<.oor '" EduCLlLLOn. Wilfrido )'laceda, Instructor in Educlltion. Anlonio Isidro, A!!,,;"tnut I'. oleao. ;n Educlltion. JUlin C.

C"nll,'e~AI;~%~I~rri!~\~~1 ~{:·~Lnh·" ru..b

cons~et:Oh .. r~ro AMi~tnnt J'.oleMor of Education. Juan I,. do In Cr~, Teacher;n GI>OII.OI,I,)'. COLLEGE 01'" ENGINEERING

Ed",nrd R. Hyde, D~I1~L;.::t6~;,~~('Uor lind ll ead, D.,. Jlnrl"'e n ~ 01 Ci,"iI Engineer;"". . I,. S. Eaton, ProfC!!;Sor of ~1~ehllninl l~n,tP.n<ll'r'n\l'

~ln~~6~11 t;n;~!:~u~~Oc::rl~fp~~I:'O~'V!} E;l~~h~~\~ 11c1i~u~{~'r~~~n. ~OOLlte Pr ofCMo, 01 ~ft)Ch.nical Ella~'~~~""Ai:el\'lS' Ast!ociate ProfONO' of EleclriC"! Anlo~!!!~~;:~Asaiat.n~ Prorc.or of Chil EllJIineerillJl


SC HOOL OF ~'INE ARTS TEL. 5-7-1_58 Fabinn de In n.,., .. , Director aud '\S5i5Inll~ Prof<'SSor of D ecorntivc Art... T . HertCT". Secretory and Instructo. in the History of ,\r(:o lind Perspective. Fernando C. Amo ..olo. ,l ast. Prof CSllor in Landscape Rnd

DtllWill/t from Life . Ambrosio ;\[orlltca, I".. trueto. in EnJ{rll.\"inlt. Ramon Pcrnltn, Ass t. ProfCMo. ill Elornentnr)' Dmwi"". Vicente Ri,·c.",. '\8St. Profcuor '" Drnwinp:. Guillermo Tolentino, ln$lructor ill Scuh,tu.e. Pablo Amol'lJo]o, ,\ piat,,"! ill Cartooning. lIJUl!trntion lind Comm... cin l DC5igninl(. Irincn r,_ Mi.nutin. Ass;&Un( in Pllintinl:. Cnndid .. A[onnIRm, Chief Clerk nnd Librllrian. Trondio Gnm" fiend Jnnitor.


Florenoio 'l'Ilmesia. Dcnn nnd Pro fc~50r of Lumbering Hnrold Cll~ncr. Profeuor of Silvieultllrc. Lu.i~ J. n,'\yc~, l'rofc .... o rinl Leelur~ r "" \\'ood Techno. lOllY Bnd Forc~ l Pro'luct~ (O Il lenve). Ph,eido DneaMy. Lecturer of S ilvi oulture. Antonio P. Hllcelis, A~aocintQ Prof",.or of Fo."'!t En. Jl;inl!<!rin.:. Felipe SnlvOIIn. ]ustrucl<!l: in Dendrology (on lea"o) . naflld Medinn, l..ectnr~r Olj Bnmnecrin.o: lind Land CR.'Ita. ~~~!i~~~ ~~~trT';'on~~~:'r~ i.nk.Sllllnish. Cnli~to ;\I"bean. Lccturu on \'\'ood T cehno:>logy. Hugh M. Cnrran, Prof,,"o, oi'Tropical ]'Olet try. COLLEGE OF" LAW

TEL. 5-60.zt

Josli A. F"'plritu, D c"n nnd Profe~r of MerCRntile Law. G"I"ardo F"lorendo. Professor of Ch'l Law nnd Secreta ry to thc L",," Faculty. Mel'lui ades J. Gsmboa, Profes..or o~ I,IIW. Erui~r",.eti~~t!~d\f~~~~,:;:.illl Lcctur,. on Lnnd negia. Frnnci.eo A. Dolilldo. Prof~orial l.tcturer on Remedial Law. Guillermo B. Guevnra, ProfC5&orinl Leet,,,er on Criminnl I.,.w. Mn,iano H. de Joyn. Profcuorinl Lecture. on Remedial Lnw. Jo86 P. I.nurel, P role.orinl Lecturer On Constitulional Law. Antonio Villnreal, Profel3orinl Lectu,er On Penology nnd Criminology. ,\nBdeto Dinz y Arbonen . ProfCMotinl Lncturt. on Crimin81 Lnw. Junn T. S8nto •• Profc.uorinl I.ect"re, On Trial Practice. Vicente G. Sineo, Profe.aor of Politicat Law. D~lfin JllrnniUn, Proleuorinl 1'c<)~lIrCr 0" PhilillPine Con.t itutinulI l Lnw. J 0Ij6 Yull). Prolc~~o riul L~ct"rer on P.ivnle CO'l)orntio"s. 1'10 Durnn, ,\"socin(~ Profcuor 01 !llcrennlile Lnw. Franaisco CRI)is!rn no, '\Moa;nto Proles~or C)[ Lnw. Vicente J.ontnk. As.i.tant I'rnf<WIor of LRW. Jo86 B. L. Rcyu. ,\ .. ooiato ProleMor of Cidl Law, Eu lo.:'o P. RevillR, P rOfe880.i,,f i.e(turcr on Crimina l l'rocodure. Vicento S8l)tiallO, Profel\3or;al Lecturer on ObHgnt ioru. Roberto Regnln, I'role,.or'nl Lecturer On Public Inter. nnt,onlll L ... ".. Fmnclsco Venturn. Proletaorinl l.edurer On Land Regis_ t rotinn Rnd Spanish Mortltoge. Leoneio B. Mon~on, Profeuorial I..o!eturer On Bailment. nnd Carriers. Silt\o de los Angolers, ProfeMorinl Leetlll"er on Legal Medicine. BIllS Celestino. StcnogUI.hrr. COL LE GE OF LIIlERAL ARTS TBL. (i·IlO.Z4 Leandro fl. Fernandez. Dcan. Profc.uor nnd Head 01

em: ~~::,rr~m~':.tfe:!,jI!~3rti·elld

y H. of the Department of Anthropology nnd Soo'ololO'. V. D. Gokhale, Pr of_or of Mathematics. Vidal A. Tnn, Prof...aao. and Head, Departmen~ 01 Mnthe. mlltiea. J G1me C. do Veyrn, PrO/CIOor nnd Rend, Depnllmont of


Assoc;ate Profetaor of MnthemBtico.


Leopoldo C leme"te, AModnte l'rolce.or nnd A etin~ Hend. D c"ortment 01 Z06logy. Emili" i\lnll\bnnlln·Vnlen~u~Jn, A.. i9Ian~ l'rofea!ror of En.:li.h. TomAs P. Abello, ,\~~i8Unt J'rof"C!!lor of Physits. Enenrnoci6n ,\tlona, A..ociate Prolceor 01 EllI"opCan lIinory. A. J.eynrs Corcu~tR. Auocillte Prolea.or of Physics. Winlred O'Connor Poblo, .\ .. o~illte ProfeMor of Engl'sh. Emilio Nnt;"idad, Aasoriate I'rol('8aor of G"I"man. Gnbriel ,\. Bernardo, Librar;,," and 1·l end. Department

~{I~W!I~~~~~~~e,\~:0~1~:~hpl:.;r~~: ~;'Sf~~r~g

Joa6 He"d of the D~1'8rt,n~nt of Ce<>logy. . Solronio Blllee, '\O~"'tant Proll'fl!or 01 Chemt!try. Cri~ tino Jnmin!. M,!odllte Pr ofe!!Sor 01 "'udiah. Serafin Mn~~rnhl. Au i!tnnt I',ofeuo. of So~iol"gy. Delfin de la 1'1\2, AMoriate I'rofe..or of Mnthetnll.tica. Jo86 K. Snnto!, I'rofe~.or Rnd lind, Department 01 Bot .. ".v. N"icoln~ ZlIfrn. ,\uiu""t I'rof<'!l~or of Ili! lory. Quirino '\'lStrin. th.i&Innt Profe.!or in "olitie~1 Sdence. Mnrin Al(nn"iHn, ,\ "~i.'tn"t I'rofCllllor in Engl",lo. Ernl'flto Mcndo~n. [n$tructor in I'hy~ ies. Jo!<"! Patprno. [n.trllctnr ;n ChQmistry. Nntividnd I'OIiHtlln Vcr.otn, Inslructor i" Librnry



RoaMin, ,\!,i.tnnt in I'hysie8. Mrs. Terllf,n Ortil\lI •. !lIlIlructnr in ~[Mhe"'nlica. Luis GO"'OI:~. A.. iatont ProleMor in Chcm;.try. Vicente lIilllri~, A.,i"IIIIt I'rnl"uo r 01 En!(lia h. Cecilio Lope&. A~.i"tnnt Prol'~lor lind Acting Head , Department nl OrientRI L ~nIt:UllI(e".

~~;'1~~~q~~:~ft~~l~t, A~:~'~:i~: " PI'~~~~~: i S~~~~~h.

n Marta P Rl!trllnn, ,h.'~tn nt I'rofeqor of Bo!any. POlerno SIInl"". ,,".i~tRnt Profo:"l.or of lI i.tory. M arcelo Tnnlleo, A.. i.tnnt Prole,"or of Anthropology Teles loro Ti ~n.o. ,\ uiMnn t l'rofCl' ~or of :\lnthcmMie •. Eulngio C. Tolentino, In$t ru"tor ;n I'hy~i et. . Enrique "iutn. ,\ ~O<"intc Profeuor of M",hcmRucs.

~t::i~t;~ ~~ 1~IC~~~: l,';;t:,~cCttg: ;:,np~~~!~~"'8liea.

Alfredo Euuetra. [ru!tltNOr in I'h)·., ....

~:;::: ~ "r.:T~~~r ~\:.i::~"~;'tl;r~g~rof' :.~~:~~~iHics.

Feli,,"no I.enuru On Sp""j~h. ArsenJo p. Di10n, In.tructor in !;p""i~h. Jod D omaD\B)·. In ,u"' tor in Zool o!(y. JIl"n .... io. lnotr"ctor of Bot"ny. F el ix V. Sant"", .\~~iltant Prolesso. of ZoOlog)·. "mlldo F e!'d"no. ''-lilt ant in Zo/Jlo~)· . Frane,,"o i\Tnnns, A ~!i~ t"nt [n Ch"tn,.try. Leopoldo A. FR(l.tino, Lect"rer in Geoltl"aph)·. Pura Ssntillnn, IMUlletor in Frcnrh. G'cp:orin Vrllll'!U~1. In.truetor in Botany. Plnton Cnllnnll"nn. IrISU,,",or in En"li~h. .lenn Gntrot·Edndet, ,\a.i!{"nt Proleuor 01 En~li.h.

Co ll olt" of Bu sr n ~a. Adnl lntstr"!"ltlo n Conmdo 13~"'lC~, D,·an. Proll'1!_or 01 Ero"o'n;.· •. /llBrinno D. Gnno. ,h~oeiRtD I'rofeuor of Finanee aud Bnnkinll. Jos6 I' . Apostol, ,\ ~~o,i "te Prole!sor 01 Eeon.r>mi~. Fermin Franci8eo, '\ &lti81nn~ I'roleuor of lhla,,,a;a !,Inn. ngcmm,t. P io G. de CRIltro. I nsLructor in Econom'C!!. Junior Co l l ~lte nf Iho Unlt'eu lt}" Clam. C.:DlJ J 036 S. n.y",. Dean and Prole..or of Politic.a! Science. Julio E. I'on.:nn. Auistn"t Profl'uor 01 IIt. tory nnd ph; IOIIoph)' lind Ucp:i. trAr. JeW Coniu. In .tr""'or in Econotnir •. noherta SRllllalo, Fileteo Inotr"et(;r in !llnlhcmotics. Clodovl'l! Sn.iono. IIl,trudo. in "'nthematie•. Nicsnor ZBrntan, Instructor in Library Sciencc nnd Li. bra.inn. En,il;o Vrlnt'!"tS, In.trllclOr in Biology.

~~cl~ ~e'lf'R~n~!'~;·~~~r~~t:~,,?~o~dueation.

Norlhe.n Luton Jun lo. Oo II"Jl.e V,nA:-.. I L(>C08 Son Agua\,n ,\I onlo, Dun nnrl A.aiu""t P rofessor of Edu. "Plion. VedllSto SRmr>nte. Regilltnr Ilnd ,\ ..i8tant Profcaaor of Politklll Srlenee. Economica "nd SocioloiY. Eulogio E.tnm".dor. In.tructo. ilt BiolollY. l\Ioi"~ K"law. I""tructor in Biolol')·. "icente En"ornn"i6n, Instruetor in Sp"nish and French. P erlecto Silon, Librarian. D avid E. Pern, ProperlY. Collecting "nd Di.blll'!!ing Officer.



COL LEGE OF M ED I CI NE TEL. 5-42-Z1 Antunio G. Sison. Delln. ProfCMor. JOlt! Alb~rl, l'rol('8Sor Ilnd Helld, Dcpnrtruent of Pc. uintri~s.



lOll AUllcies,


nnd nend, Dopn.!mont

01 I"'JI;n l ~Icdioinc. Dlluiel do hI I' nz, Proll'llllor n"d He ... d. Dopn.!mc!!! of

I'ho.nmcology. JOIItI Ed"quc, I'rolCSllo. nnd HClld, Dep"rtrnen! of SIlfRC·Y · Arturo Gnrrln. I'rolll!:<Sor 111\d Bcnd, Dcpllrtmont 01 AnMOm)·. I,ibo,;o Gomez. Professc r nnd HMd DcpB.trnent 01 I'nthololty "nd BncterioloJl;)·. Luiz Guerrero. ProfC>\3or nnd Helld, Depnrtment of TropiclIl ~led,cine nnd P"'lI..5itololt)·, U"ldom('ro HOX&3, l'col~oT "nd He"d. Depnrtme nt 01 O~tNries.

Aristeo n. Ubahl o, ProfCMo. and H elld, DcpBrtrnent 01

HiclI!~~(" tC~~;I1~~:~ ",~~Zil~t~at holcuo, of Phyaical Cntnr~~rn8~~ino. Prolt'!50rilll Lectllre. On Infcotious Di.clIses.

h"b~r 1~,~:r~I~~~~' I'rolCMo, "nd IIc.ld. Dcp"rLrnont

Emilio Bu)"tno, ~'.olessnr of ph)',ioto!,:)'. I[nnor,,, ACOlIt,,·Sison, A~~oci"te I'rofCll.or 01 Obatctries F"ustino anreln. I"rolC6/1c r of l'hB r m"eolollv. I'cq>ctuo Guticrrd'" A!I9ociatc I'rolCMor 01 ·Oe.mntolog)'


IC$l!or of Sur~ery Rnd Gynecology. Hc.mi"io Velnrdc, A~~intc I'r olll!:<Sor of Eye, Enr, No.e and Tt,roat. EIIM Dorninl;o, Assistn nt Prolenor of NOllfolog), nnd p,ych,"tr)', 1l6mulo Guo,·arR. Associat 1'.ef<.'S..'lor of Phnrmacology. Carhlfn~~:i'!~~~.t: AlISoeinu, frolllSllo. of 1'l\Ihology "nd Ant on io 0, V!l:IQucz, AS/lo~illt ~ Prolc..-~o. 01 Surge.)'.

~llb~~~~n?r,;~~~~Ot$i~~~~~"I"~S~~~~ r!c,I~~t~ti~:'y·

Jn$li I. AL",,·I, [rutructor in Surll¥l' ,,,!d Senior ReaidcnL Nnr,,;so Cor dero. As~i!tunL I'.ol<-..or >II I'hYlliology. Fid el Cunj u"co. AlIai. tun( l'rofc~or ill ,\ nntomy. J Rnunrio l<!strndn, As.istnl1t !'rol'ir0' 01 Surge'y. AIltol1io S. ~'c.nll"do, A~si.ln"t I roles.o. in Eye, En., No.e nnd Th ront. AuirNO y, ;\1"udonl15, A.~isl""t l'rol{'S![or cf Surgery ,,,,d (;ynecol()g),. nelj:'no J. N,watro, A...,.t"ut Professor in Patholol:")' .. nd Bactcriolog)'. Wenccalno I'lI..5cupl. Anistllnt Pr olCll.or of I'h)",iol og)·. Guillcrmo itll.'llin, A~"i~unt ProffOlSor in OlliltNrk,. Juan Z. Stn. Cruz, M.isunt Prof~.or in I'blho]og)'. Wen Cl'lliRo \'itug. AMi,lOnt I'rofellor in Mdlirine, ]'nbln Anzu.I'lI, Auist"n~ I'roleuo. in l.e~al :'Iledieine, ~1iI.illno Oc"mpo. I MtructOr in BiochcmiAtr)·. "icendo Alclimn.n. I!U\TUCtO, ,n Ey o. Enr. Noac nnd Throut. Con,ntlo '\I'uyllO, In.slructo. in O1'thnloll)" O\ology and Rhino:]Arynjto]oIl;Y. Pedro Couce])d6n. }II!I\.uctor in Ob$tetric~. Jo!I6 Enc"rn,,~i6n. Instructor in "nntorn)" ~Io'~~ n. ,\hnd, Itl!tructor in I'cuintri eB. Cecilio D, Frnnco, Instructor in SUtlOcry. JUIIII C, NII,;nIl;M, Prolessor 01 "" ... tonlY. 2:~~i~~loB~IRr.als'l~on~ n,~~~~~o:t~:\ i~''':~r!dr~'i nCo (No n. Itcsident). Albino N. ON""S)O. Instru cto. in I'edilllries. P"t.ieio IRU"cio. 1ll!llruetO' in :'I l l.'(licinc. ,\ndr~$ T, Zll\'"lIn, Instructor in Surlter),. "".eo F, Gutierrez. AMiuant in ;\Iedicine.


IN DUSTRI AL MANUA L ROIIit'" Snndcje.s, IlUIt r uctor in Pillno. DoloN'B Hcraa, AuistBnt Prolcuor 01 l'i.\IIo. Lucl" I~u.nciBco, A""i~t""t p . Git)U;o. Mul A~ti"J: 1I.·"d,

Eli8"D~I'~~;rCI~t~~c~!~ni~ Pill no. Seufin MIIII.neill. IMtrlloto r in I'inno. ROIInrio Lopel, 1n"uucto r in " inuo. Julio ElItcb"", InBtr ue'\or in I';nno. Auton io J. ~[ol inll, I nstructo . in 1I I'TlUOH),. Eugonill Altonoi1lo. I nltr uctor in 1';81\0. J Ulin S, Eic.nnndu. ITIlItructo r in Sdcncc lind Co"'IlIlCA!~li~ir;~errllt.

Instructo. in Voice Culture. dc Mon,e.r til, I nst.uctor in I'illno, Mntil15, lII!It.uetor in "oiec Culture. Autoniuo SUCluwentllfll. Secrctnry lind In5\fuClor iu Hn.mony lind CompOllitio".

M .. nu~!l\



CO LLEG E O F "ETER I NAR Y SC I ENC F. LOS 8Af~OS San AgWltin. Dean nnd PrOleMor 0: Veterina ry Annlomy, Angel K. Gomez. A",,'stant Dell n II"d ProlC'Mor 01 n.. ~tcr·

~h"i,;~i'RK"~'~lo~~:hAI~~inle l'roll~Bor

Alln\om)'. ZlIOnrinB de JCilu", .:\fIII;~trlnt


of " cter i"n.),

I'rolc!ll'o r ;n Votc rin .... ),

,\ uidlllnt Prol('8So, in \'e tcrinR.y ,\U81'


Arendio Gounga. In!lructor ill "ctcrino.y ~ll.'(licinc. Lope ~!. Yutuc. Auistnnt !,role...o r 01 Veterina.y I'hy. , iology "nd Bllcteriolo"y. SC HOO L O F HY G I ENE AND P UBLI C il EA LT il 1,IIrn, Prof"""o. of HYjr;icne nnd Pr",·ent"·c ~ I e_ tlieine nnd Hcad 01 Dcplll'tlllcnt, Tome.s Glln, Assi$tant Proleuor in H)'lIirnc. Wa1frido d~ Leon, P.ofcuor of Ullc,criolollY n"d 1m· mUllity lind Head of DCI,nrtmellt. Allredo Plo G. de Rodn. In.l .uctor in lItllicne. qum~t~~ll:;Cte';:~~~~~.I>rol~8aOr 01 I or!l:lltoloG)' and I'nblo I. do JCSWl, A8"i"tnu~ I'rofCIIBor of Ii ygicne nnd Aet;uR Hcnd of Dcpll.tmcnt. Vclino Z. "cgn. Cle rk-SlctlOJl;rP l,hcr, SC IIOOL OF p UOL I C ll EALT II NU RS ING Anlllltacin G. 'I'uP"!, Dircgtrl.'llll "",I ,h,'Bt"nt Profl.'llllOr CC:!\lIrcm Tnt>. Secretary ,md 1"" t r llcIO' (O n lA'a\'c),

BUREAU OF HEA LTH p , O. BOX Ol!l-TEI,. 2-39·8 1 WI C,\OIl.DO I NTRAMunOS, ~ I ANILA Or, Eu]{e nio Hcr nrmdo, Di.ecto.,

DI VIS ION OF ADM INIS1' RA'I' ION Dr, Fclipe Aronllll. Chicf. Ger on,mo Me.clldo. Chief Cl~.k. Joaii C. euer.e.o, Law Clerk. Pc.aonnc l Sec.,lo n J oa(, "i11ncorln. Chicf. See tlo n o f N u t r itio n Dr. Froilnn Eubantlll, Chicf. Foo d In spec.:tlo n See tlo n Dr, P"ulino K. NII"II.tTO, FO<)u In&"~lor. Re<;:ord s Sec.tlo n Vi \'ftbot, Chief. Pro 1'er ~' Seedon Eugenio "inna. Act ing Cluer,

PublicitY Sec.tlo n Dr, Jo!16 1'. Snntug, Chier, Cenn." S.


DI" IS IO N OF EPIU EM IO LOG V Dr. J OIIC Guidolc, Chief. Sec.llo n of "ltnl S lnl lll lc. Dr. ~ln"uc1 Mil.. Ayeardo. Chid. Tubercul osis Con lro l Sec tio n , Dr, 5i%to Fr.ncisco, Chief,

PHILIPPINES Mnl"rl ... Contro l Section Or. Alltollio Ejcrcito, Chief.


Or. Alfolllo C. Concel.ci6n. Chief. Hospital.

Or. Cnt"lino GLn~~~~~YC~r.tTOI Secllo n Dr. ~Inrdllno Cnrr~on, Re,ident Phy&ieilln, Bieol Trentment StMion. Dr. Fille] C. P]nntilln, Clinic Phyaidlln, Cebu Skill Di,_

Tnrla ~

g~: J~r~·l.'lIb~~~~~~, T~f.i~f~ i:r'~bionne~~~ H~~~t~~i Hospitlli.


ny Or. J~ "I~j~~~~n~:.r!>~r , Cullon Dr. Cnsimiro fl. I."rn, Chicf Phnlcian. Ern"!lo P"rllll, Junio. Chemist. Or. Criatobnl "'oMlnll!!. Chief Pnthologiat.

Dr. ifos,,:nB': T o]entino, Acting Chicf. Evenlcy Childs Trcntment Stntion. Dr. Armnndo Pnrn., n""idl'nt I'hYllicinn, Western Vi. "y M Trentmcnt StDlion. Or. Pellro A. nollril'tue~, In Chnrge, l\Iind"nno Contu] Trentmont Stillion.

Sa n Lau r o H os pita l , r.f:ln lla Dr. Cnln.ino C,,,"ino. Ct.lef. Or. Trinido.d Banucloo, Baeteriol!>(fist.

Sectio n of Ot h er Pre¥e n mble Or. 1'1'0(,10 Corl'UIl, Chicf.

Or. Gnbricl

D ise"ses

DI VIS ION OF MATER NA L AN D C HIL D II YC IE N E Dr. Sulpicio Chiyuto, Chicf. Sectio n Or.


of Sch oo l Il enlt h C. l ell:sim,o, Chief.

Or. For.~~Vi~~ii~ron~~ ncLet h ll drcn'$

SectIo n of Sanlt"llo n In ~f:lnlla Or. Rol.o~rto ]I. de LNlII. Chid. Dr. In.e T. S... ltR. Mcdi~nl Officer, Reo.lth Di,trict No. I, lI erm .. n~p:iltio S"rrRno. "Icdicnl Officer, 1I .. "lth DiudeL No.2. Sn n L,,~nro 1I08pit,,1 Grounds. Or. "[8corio C"crpoer,,~, ~Icdimol Offic~r. HC81t h DisIrict No.3. S""IR 1'0tcnoiOl'" Building. Or. 1~~Jipc Pcr81tR, Chi ..I, l.i,·c',"e Section. Col ... in S"IM, Chief SnnitUty Inspector, Rnt, Fly, "los. (Iuito ExtcrminnUnl; I3rill8de. Vmlent,n Cnt"J"n, Chief Di,infeelor. Di.infeeting Bri· gade. Dr.

1I0splm i

D IVIS I ON Oli" HOS P ITALS Or. S"II,ieio Chi~·ULO. ,\Ni",,- Chid. Or. Uicnrdo Jnra, Aoting Cl,,~r, Albn)' Pro"ineinl Rot-

r~~' A. do In Cruz. Chi.r, ,\ntique Provincial Dr. J~le~~j,do Esqui,'d, C hi ef. BlIllllio Hospital.



S u pe r yls[o n

Commu n ity Hea llh SOclnl Ce n ters Or. Jose J. Vcrftr", Chief. Or. II?'S'cf{~rcs. elmo~e. Chicf. P"rrieulturc Center



Section of Sa n itnr}' Engineering JOllquin l.Opel, C. K, CILid. Small pox Vaccinatio n and Or. Jo06 Sian, Chicf.


Sectio n


g~: §",to Rox~, Cticf, nCtnnll.1U ~ro\'indnl Hospitn!.

Or. P~CI~lld:lt~it;, 'Bhief ::::ifR!'la:~~~~.f:i,:,r.ih~l,ol Pro"incilll U""pitll!. ~ Or. Ar"enio B. Mou.lel!, Actins: Chic Bontne HOlIpiul. Or. Ans:el I. Reyes, Heaident Ph)·.ici n lind [II Chnrge, Bukidnon Public Ho.piln!. Or. MllI"cclo S. '\~lInll, Chief, Bulaean Provincial R OOlpital. Dr. Vietnte G. Berbll. Residenl Ph~·sicill.n nnd In Chnq:c. Butuan l'ubli c Hospital.

E~: ~i:,'~~~~ ~~jL:~o5~\,~f!1 ;:tuc;r3;~~"j.tly~~:~~~~r_

"ameli Emcrllcnoy H Olpitnl. Dr. Bernabe G. ,Ie [a Fuonte. Resident Physician Bnd


Dr. ~B~~;",:,~g· .f.°~'i~:~~.~~'~\~c~°(J: t.~1. H08pilal. Or. Benito "I. Pall1J8nibnn, Rcaidcnt ~hl'.ici"n and In Chnrge, Davao Public [[081'ito. l. Or. M8nuel V. Fernll"tlO. H",!,de nt Phyaieinn and In Ohnrf;:o, Elndim "'emorilll H03pilai. Dr. "[Arinno B. Fll,"ift, CI,;ef "nd Hesillent Ph)',ioinn. UOCOll Sur Proyinoinl H(3),itnl.

g~: G!~~~01(~~,~~:~;.,9Jl:~I.I~~::~~npJ!~~!\:I·H03pilal.

Dr. ,\ lipio R. Villncorta, R~Bidcnt Physicilln nnd In ChMge, i.8MO l'ublio lioa"ltnl. Or. CiriMo V. BnllRbaldo, Levte j'ro,-i.noial B <n pital.

g~: ~r:~~~e~n~to~:Y61~:f',efj,!1~~~~:Il6ri!~i'!ri}!'rlov;ncilll

Hospital. [lr. ~~~~1u~'~~'cI?oe~~1;iQ"'11~";,tta9.fficer in Chnrge, Nn_ Or. EJr>itlio \'~'P, CI,io!, NuevlI Eeijo. I'ro"inc;1I1 R OlIpiul. Or. Ddfin O. (ffdoncl, Ao!ing Clnef, Oceidentlll Negro. Provindal H 08pito\. Dr. Rafael L. Teop"oo, Chkf, Pampang" Pro"ineial Hoepila!. Or. Santiago U. Estrlldfl, Chief, Panltll;nnn Provincilll Hospitlll. Or. JOlII! T. l{1I.mhtoy, RCllident Phnidan lind in CharGe. Puerto PrinOl'U fl u.pitlLl. Or. Victor AbaniUu, Re.itlent Ph~·.ieillo lind In Cbolrge Riul "'emorio\ HOlpilal. Dr. Domin80 B. Ticzon. Reaidont Phy.i einD aotl In Chnrge, Snn Pllblo Rna1.illll. Dr. Enrique P. Ron,ulo, Chief, Sor,ogon Pro"ineie\ Hoopital. Or. Joail V. Agl1/llinc., Chief. Southern hlnnd, B"""iln!. Dr. Federico M. l.ontO(l, Residont Phniei"n nnd In Ch".go, Sulu I'ublio Hnapit,,1.

Secllo n of Sa"itatlo n In the Pro"lncn Dr. F'rnneisco A. Tolentino, Acting Ohief. District H ea l t h Officers Abra-Dr. "fnrtin Santi,,!!n.



.-\nti'lue-Dr. Fernnndo 5otMornno. Batnan-Dr.Anicio " "'CURl. BnI11on",,-Dr. Arturo B. Baltanr. B"tllnK ....-Dr. Ani~to P~11 .. 10lln. Bohel-D r. Vicente dl> ]n Serna. Bukidnon-Dr. JUlltO de la l.lnnn. Bul"~nn-Dr. Dnmingn II. ,'nbh",. CRgnynll-DI. Snt-·ado. Mnrllne>:. Cn,nnrin .., Norte-Dr. A,.olonio L. Perez. C"mnril,"! Sur-Donato :)nn Junn. Capl~-Dr. Clemente "I. Madllr""g. CM·ite-D r. Teodoro P. N"drcs. Ceh,,-Dr. hlnMI Villnrie". Cotobato-Dr. Dcmetri(> Lncunn. Da\"Ro-Dr. CrelenciRno H. Dele •. lloco~ Norte-Dr. J os<i de l.eon. 1l0~0" Sur-Dr. I'edro J. AI,"~rodo. Iloilo-Dr. Frnlld~ao Vclc~. lsabcln-Dr. Florcneio I"irlll o. L"o:nnn-Dr. Vi~elltc Hivcra.f\R.vo. I.RnRl>-Or. Pnblo S. Hnmoy. I.a Union-D .. Tino Coro"cI LOYlo-Dr. Adolfo ,\ld"l.olI. )\nrilldWluo-Dr. AUrelIo I-r.torrc. Maobato-Dr. Cnlldidl> F. G"rdm. MindQrn-Dr. J~ V. ""Iero. ~lountllin PTovin~-DT. Wlnry P. Clnpr>. Nue"" Ecijll-Dr. OOll9I"nti1lo Limjoeo. Nuel'a Vilul'lI-Dr. 1'el>doro Dychitnn. Octidcnlal Nellroe-Dr. JCII'" .... Nol..,co. Ori~nlr.l Miumil-Dr. Br,,"lio de Castro. Ori~mal NcgrOI-Dr. Pio l.,,,,cn~to. Puiawan-Dr. i\fllr;,,"o G. I.t'gnspi. Pllmp"ngn-Dr. Fr"ncilco Gomu. PanJUl.i"rm-Dr. JoMi ,\. Vidnl. Rilnl-Or. Hcg.ino C. PaduD. Hombloll-Dr. Flo.encio ,\rreol ... Sn lnnr-Dr. Anntolio DMmari!!.u. Sorsollon-Dr. "["nue! ArDmbulo. Sulu-Dr. "Inree.inl> A. Asuuol>. Suril!al>-Dr. Leor>oldo Puenles.


Z"mbnl es-Dr. A. ]"lenit"'. Zarnbollngn-Dr. l"lnviRno MednUe.




D r. AultWl!o P. Villalon. Encuti,'c OffecT and Supe. r;lltendNll. ~fiu l'cllIKill Fcrllll1HICl, StenGKf"phu.

Deparlment of Medicln ..

Dr. I.u;. Guerrero. Chief of DCllllrlll'cnt. Dr. An\on;o G . Si80n, J\ S.OciIllO t\ttc,,<lin~ Phy~ician. Dr. I'crpcluo Gutierrez ,\uocinte Att~ndi"s:: P h\'sirillll.

Dr. J'edro l.anlin, A~"i!tllnt Attcndins;: Phl'Bid;'". Dr. Wcnocatno Vitu/!:, A~~i!tll nt ,\ lIcndiou; Phyaici nn. Dr. All;crieo D. 1\1. Rison. Assi!tnnt '\tt~ndinl; l'hnie;1I1I.

Dr. Pnlric;o h:nncil), Senior Reside r" Physicinn. Dr. 001111110 F. AW!trill. A.sist on! n... idcnt Pby~ici(m. Dr. J<n6 n. Cruz. Aa!iallLlll neeiticn\ Plty.kin n. Department of S ur!tcry

2~: b"::"'~I~"~I.CRfl~~! ,~~Pcfrt~rL,\~~'~l'~;li"K Surgco n. B~: ~~~~~~~ ~'."1~~~in~~:a~n~'~~~~~t~\~\~~uft~~I:~~~i;con.

Or. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Dr.

J nnuurio E3Un(\u, ,\ s,i3!nnt Attcndiug Su rgeon. JOSO:; Abue]. A ui~lnnt Attendinlt Surllcon. Cccilio l~nnco. A~~i81"nt A!tcndi,,~ Su rlte on. Andr~s T. Z,,\',,116. So ni o, 11"8i<l"nt Surgeo n. Hinl ,\ 11R\'IUi, A~i stn"t 11 ,~ iurnt Surgeon. Bon\'ontlto lh Dii'lo. '\ !!.IIisw nt Resident 8uII:;eou. Benjumi n n. fnn ,ilinu!>, .,\!~i~IRnt n~idcnt gu rlOeon. D.rarlm ~1

o f Cynoco ln!l.Y Dr. Carmelo 1\. ne), , ,\nociUle Aucnding Gynecololti8t. Dr. Cecili o D. }'rnneo. AWlnnt Attendin!; Gynecologist. Depart m ent of Obstetrl<:s Or. Bnldornero Hons . C hi d~Dcpartnlcnt Ora. I~<?noria Acol\n_S;lon, sociDlI! Atteud;ng Obstet r,emn. Dr. Guillermo RU!tin. Jun ior .-\ttcndi'lJI; ObsletriciDn. Dr . .ufredo 8De .... Juni or All ding Ob.telncinn. Dr. JtlU S. Gnl"n,. Senior Ill$denl Obstelrici"n.

g~: ~~ ~n~;~~:n. '}~~i~~tne!}~~te'gb~~~ri~i~c~~n.

Dr. Oenjllmin La1l1ro, AuiSlllnt ne,idem ObstCirician. Departme n t o f Pedl:llrlcs Or. Jodi Albert. Chief of Dcpnrtmcnt. Or. ,\ lber lO Tu pPi. J unior ,\uendinl: l'.,di lU rieilln.

g~: ~l~!~~ ~.OAb~nrs:~i;:I~~~i~~~~n~~nd~;::I~\~t:.'einn

Dr. l'Jorencio Quin to!, Auocinte n ""ident Pediatricinn.

M,.,. Jo"id el" Sio n Ablld, I'bnrnmeist. J O'lCe 1',,,,liIio. I'hnrmncisl. SlIiud J. Durnil, l'hnrmndst. M ariano Cua'·lIrn. Phnrmnd8l. Dominndor G. T orres. Adminl Slrllll ve l)h'lsio n

A. S.. n ,\gUl>tin. ,\ ctinK. Chid of Di,·;!ion. Dominll:o OnIH •• CflIIhier lind DiBburoinJ;; Offie~r. Felipe S. Ferre r. SlenolU~pher. Antonio Perez. Chief. AccounLllnt. CarlO!! SanlOl<, Chi~r. StBli"ticl und nceord Section. Cn)·t I Rno Cnnl~. Chicf. Supply Seetio n, :\Inrtinipno l'nntnnil1l1. Auistnnt Pr operty Clerk. Geroueio :\1. I'inili, BookkN'pcr ~I~d~~~o T~' J:~~~~a'p?:~~;~;,Ni~~~tr)' Seetion. DeoR.ncilL8 Snnto!!, AMilt"", P<'I'IIonnlll Clerk. Savcal re G . OrcjllM. ,\dmilling C lerk . LeonArdo Jimenez. pO!Ittnnal~r. Luei,mo Niguiduln. Elcctri rinn nnd Chicl. :\!nrhir;ery n"pniring "lid 'l'rnn$portlltion Se<;,lio n. Gener,, 1 Service. Dh,ISlon lIugo \'onlOn. Chi,,! of l)i'·;Bion. Hnf" cl Bole, I nformntion Clerk. i\lII.oi .. no Recio, I nformation Clerk . Trond io nnlquicdrn. Inform tU ioll Clerk.

~out:~~i;t~i~~t~~O~n S~lt:'i~;'r~UB,~~~~v~~cr. ~\~~~6C~\~~~~. ·~~V~C)'l!~~,'~C O~~~~,':~~~' Cnli"to Carreon.


O pera tor.

Sc h OOl und Division of Nursi n g



Superintendent Cr<'llcencinn(l. Oll ri bay, PrincipII\. :\hr!:Caritn I,. Am iaol", ,\ ""i".nnl to the I'rincipa\. Inoccneia E. Di cholo. Nur~r, Sorinl Se r'·;ee. Nllrber\1l Faro lnn. ,\ ctinK Diclitinn.

DEPARTME T OF FINANCE I NTENDENCTA. i\lANH.A TEr•. 2-14-7f1 lion. ,\nt onio de IIIl! AI M. Secr~tury of Finnnee. T~l. 2-3 2_!lS. B on. Guiller mo Comez. Und~1"_SecN'u ry 01 Fin~nee. " 1'1. 2.H-63. Felis L. J.nzo, Chief Clerk. TI'I. 2_1I.3:J ,\ mnntlo Dolano, Chief. Locn l ,\dt oini&trMion Tel. 2-12_50 Puul o T abin!. T echniclIl ,\ l1li1. Tel. 2.12-il.

De(,artnlent of ..; ye. Enr. Nose. nnd T hrOM


Dr Her minio E. V~lnrlle. AS80tiU\" Attend ing Oculist "nd "uri.t. Dr. Antonio S. F~rnrllldo. Junior Attending Oculisl nnd

TN'I'ENDENC I" BLDG .. I NTRAi\lUROS TEL. 2-QS-fjO Scralin :\Inubut. COIl"niu;on{'r of the Bud!):"L Lorcnn COIC!lIO, Ani. t nnl to th o Co."",iu.oocr of the Otldgut. j .'nUllt ino S~·_Chnllgco. AN;"" Chief, ,\ dministrD{j,'c

Dr ATlsteo n. Ubllldn. Chid of

Dcp~ rtlnc n t.

Au ri~ t .

Or. Vi\'olloio C. Alc{IIllllT8. ,\ ui ~ tnnt Atlcml ing Oc "li~ t nud Auri .t. Or. Co nrndo D. '\ ),11),110 , Sonior n~!ident Oculist nnd Aur;~t.

Dr. Gomininno de Ocnmpo • .I" nior Il: c.• idcnt OC U1i YL nud "uriBt. De l.arlm CIII of Luboru. ories Or. w "lfrido de Leon. Chid of DcpnTUncnt.

g~3.1l:~~r':ro ,~: ~~'I~'~~rF?Jr:;~:,~'OhO!~~!~i010S::ie"l


1'0tenc;"" n

L. Cnbillcing-C h(wu.

'\s.'idn nt, Pntl'ologicnl


Dr. Jl)8(i Y. NM'nrrO, nll ctcriolol;i~nl Technician. Dr. Cn d "" S. Un"lj\'in. T cehnidnn. Dr. GUI>tn\'o U. no)'es. Chemiclil Technidnn. De p a rl mel\l of Ph ysl dal Therapy Dr. Jot6 L. Torrl'll. Apiotnnt Allendinll: Physicia n. Drll, !,?Iolinn Ibni'lCJ-Abtlcl. "Beillunt Attcndinll: Phy_ 8 . C.I\I. ,

Dr. Gcn.m n~c,~~liat~';'dc;,~tc1[;cP~rg~~~rtment. Dr. A,jTlnno Cru •• Aaocinta Dcnli8t. Dr. Felix

noc~~~.II't~t.,~n!1 °bi~il:ior"macy

~ir~ ~ma~lli':.Il'f;~lerll,~~rpl~~~~II".~iat~l,n;lIe.

Ol,· i ~ iotl .

ZlI cur ill. OnplU!nn, Chicf lJ"d!!.c~ Division. Cregorio de I.. T or ro! cilld, EXI)(IIl.a Ce nt ral Di,';.ioo. LOllo O. T"yno, Chic , Sen'iee In&pcc~i"n Dh·i~io n .

~~~n!ltl~~nif' g~i.~'·C~i-;:I~W~~~~~Y!~Y~n~ect;on.

Simeon Pined". Chief, I'rol,ert)· Eeclion. AmbrO!!io Gllun cl, Cmailicr nnd Di.!bUl"ll;nl> Officer. \'cnuncio P . S .. noy. ,\ ccoulliinc: Offie .... at Lnrlle. ~~Ii~~~d~~~i~ns~~.~:~nll,i,~~t~;.~r lit L..r lle. Dnvid G .. l1dn. &t\'ie~ InsprNor. Alejo Celi. Sen"C"C I ru.p<:ctOr A. G. OIy .nl)i... Acconnunll: Officer. Felis :\Icndllztl, Clerk. Benillmin Rcmollino. Aet;nK Scrvi co I l15peetor. Do min~o F. Cndn.inll. Aetinl': Accountinl Officer. JOIta T Orl'Cl\-CrilOIlomo, Timekeeper. Simco" ole JC8w>. Cltrk. Je.c I'n.nlau, Clerk. Cn,pin CcIOlto. Clerk. ,\ntlSt acio Z. Y.bul. C1!'Tk. JOII) T . Adi a. Clerk. Lncilo " . !'ill"I"', Cll.'!'k. Tdce.foro Llobrera, Clerk . E:rncalo JUKO. Clrrk "nltd 1'. :\lnndnc. Cler k. mlarion Ccica iC. DM ,·tT.

PHILIPPINES ;'111111'(> N. i\!o~·n. Clerk, Cal nJino CareH' , Clerk. A"~()nino B. Cruz . lI oRorio J'nb l1S~I1". L"borcr.

(Vac,, "~)

~',l~:,l,~r~:r~~~g~. %c?,;u~e'b~N~etor or C'L'ltomll. JosG .... vm .. llucvn. ,\ppmi .cr.

Leoncio i\lcrcnuo, Lnboru. :\ligncl CII"nYUrlllI. Lnborer.

Lnuruno C. Cl",v(!S, Lobo. cr.

J olo CUltom h ouse Mdecio FnbrOl!. Collector of CWlIO"UI.


Pedro de J CIWI, Bank Com",;.,;onc •. Felix de I" CO\!( n, '\ Nl. DOllk Commiuioncr. Olicctio Aboto, Jr., E~" 11I incr.

~I:;l~'!t~o guzL~~~i,JrExl~~~i~~~.~ r. Snntio.(;o Santo•.



Roltllcinno jM1n,,~~~~.iJ~~~!'r ~uC~:~~:~se Mn.inno del Routio. Cnshier. Clerk. !'cdro CO.pWl. App"';lIer, Z"n, bo" n Qn C u s to mh ou s e lI. l a.celo Mendozll. Col)ootor of CUlItom •. I,e~,, ~ pl C usto mhou se (VaCBnt) Collcctor of CII.I\<)n'5.

Virgi.llo Bennvidc., J::xaminu.

Eduardo Z. RomulIlUcz. Senior Eu.mincr.

Domimtdor R ualo. Jr .. A~"t. Enmincr. R .. ",6 n F. Re~'es, Ani,taut Exnmincr. Pntricin R. Gonnln. Chief C lerk. Nicol"" L. Lucido. Cler k. Mlllilde L. Monovno, Cle.k. Cleo. A. P ercz. C lerk.i\] ",,"UDgcr. A.... enio Dominguez, Lnbote •.

J)'IYAO C us t o mhou se Emilio "clez. Colleclor of C"1IIOm5.

I'ermane n t Bm,rd o f Marine In quiry Munllel del Villllr. CI".irmlln. "" .. DeItS; Al"/lro Pcyp<)ch :'Ilnnllel UOrHllndcz \ 'iccntc VcrzOaR J\I" ' ;llllO de 1:t C r llZ



l'onT AREA T 8L, 2·23·12

r:!ebb?e~~i~u,:r%~~~~~';;i,~f~:~tc~t;.:~o=. Ad m i n i.

tive Divis ion

¢~~:~~i~eG~~~h~{~:;:"1u~!~i;~ta~dhi~f.eeial A~cnt ASri iuo Villllnor. cf,1~1~' D~lslon TeoAto h;nncio. ,\ ee i8,"nl Chicf.

Admi n is trative

Ma r ine Divisio n IUllo Sayoc. Cbief. Timoteo Roj". AuI.tllnt CI.ief. Pio de Slln J05~. CU&lom District l 05pcotor, Apsrri. Alnnllllio


P. O. nOx :?302-'rEL.


"0",,," 1I1:)1I11;'UI ; -

Gui lL cro,o Gomez. ChDirmBII lind Vieente "1/ldri~Dl. Ykc·Chsirtrlnn. Plltiano Dizon. s.,crctary. Sc."Il" lI.lI""bllt. TrC"~ llr"r. WflI. J. Sh"w. :'Ilember.


j~ ~~~ltztrc~~~u1~1l~; ~bUrS in& Officnr.

Llqu ldu ti on Edilbcrto David.

110110 CU~lOmho use Colledor 01 Cll"tom8.


Chief Cle,k. Melteio Mllrz,,,,. Electtical ""d "'cchnnieal Inspector. J'ct1~o N. Dim"lunta. Clerk.




22!J JU,\N LUNA. IliNONDO TEl.. ·1·98-34



L. YlltCO. Collceter of [nternlll R evon ue. Vicente P. ,his. Special '\llellt.

Adnl lnill t.ative Division jllCilllo R. de Leon. Chid. F~'miD j. iIIartin. AMillRlll Cltie!. G enera l Se r ylce Sec tio n

~~b~'~! Drdie~cn~!~ rgtl~~k''S':CI~ot:''"Dc;!f,:;~her.

Law D"'lslon Eleuterio Capapllll. Chief.

Scbu\io.n BlltM. Cluk. l1c1i~ de Lllro.. Clerk,

StatistiC>l I I)Ivls lon .S implicio Mim'. Chid. RicB ruo AndBen. A",i.tant Chief. Hu ll and

Boller I n s pectors Dlv l! lo n

l';~i:~o ~:iiercr~.pX:;~~~glltJ~~~~?;~jOg


Pie rs 'Ill d In s pectors' Divisio n

~~\~i~l\·;?j~~~ldo~~~~\;"snt Chief

Ha r bo r La u nc h O ffice Junn B. Laco nieo. I?orernnn. Secret Service Dhl slo n

s~~~nn: 'li:~~ic: A~l';'~~' Chief.

Aparr! Cus t o m house

Re co rds Secl ion F rnllO;"eo Ca\l9on. Chief. ,"', Mina. ,h.i,tllll! Hccord Clerk. Fatricio Vdlon. M l\i linl: Clerk . ens h a n d Disburse m ent Section Ramon R. Avil es. Cll.Ihic' . Valeriano ill. " Inn i»ol. AuiUntlt Ctl.Shie • . Fclil.e A. Herllo.nd ez . Tcltu. Dnvid Baltaznr. 1',r~~~~r8ie~:.ctIOn Pedro D, 1\I1llI1lKcn. '~&~istllll~ Property Clerk. Vicen t e Clerk. T obacco I n dus try Sectio n



Estsni.1RO K .

FaUilillo Domingo. "l'prai,cr .

L"w I)lyls lon Bibiane L. Meer, Chief (DcIDiled in the DcpBrlmcnt of FinllMo). Jost. Leiria. Acting Chief. Arternio 1\1. Lobrin, 1""" Clerk. N. Roque. Ole.k.

Ce bu C uttomho use J ou Gallolln. Actg. Colleotor of C\I9101118.

·&:~~~fo ~~I~~~n~'Y'~~~oy~~1~1e~~r!m~~IOmB


T obneco " >spedor.



)ltuce!o C. Santiago, Clerk.


Andre. Ntlidll$, Allent.

Ub"ldo Tabin,!:, Clerk. Porfirio Lntorre, Lllw Clerk


BUILDING. "LAZA TE L. 2-20-37 Antonio R8tnOli. 1,""ln. 1'rc/lSurer.

Ramun M, UmuH, "gcul (La", Clerk),

Rl'e vc n ue Acco unt s and Statlst lc,,1

Di~ls l on

Tcodoro ile)'u, Chief.



A",unnl Chief. Sim~on Morales. Examiner. Gregorio VillnSl'1'nn. E"nmincr. Leon Reyes. Examiner. Apolou;o JUlLt, D.lllo: IMPCCIOt.

AI111C]O P"bnlntl. Drul!. Illspcctor. Potenciono nobles. Chief of $cClion.

Dominaclor G. Tor~l. Drug Inspector. Raymundo Bueta, Drug Inspector. Gr~"orio i.npelln, CierI:. Jos6 de Cuunnn, Clerk .

h~~:~!dXr~,?:1~: 2l~:t:

Paulino Dominguc1. Clerk. I n come Tn x DlYlslon

fi~~rj8~o LIF:;;.'::Sic~~'icbhicf. 'SCO~E




TAX Ex,UIISt;IIS; Bal""guc 1'~lIro

Quinlin C. R. DIIYll.o Joaquin E. )lont'{n~{;ro B~njllmill )hlol~~ Adclfo Josue SIIl\·lIdo. D. Rillo N. E\"nngcli~tl\ Simeon Tion!':co Cornelio Umnli F ortunnto Fcrnll.nd~~ Simeon E.trclln Fcli~ ;\Innubll.,. Pllblo de [Of! nc~'cs Victor Cabreza Jo.6 Gutier rez Donllto C. nodr'I;u~z Hcribcno G. Vila Zo.imo Castor AycrlLl JO>Iquin Romero "Felipe A\Lino Ciriaeo G. Bac~}' l'nblo C. Reycs I\aill/i ;\lillallo F[orcncio E. fIer'll MlIlLucl P"guio "leelllo ;\I. NaJ':~~i~~~'oS. L~~'X:.'~'o lIel ;\!unda

In s pection Dh'lslo n Ja cinto M. Kaman lil!:ue. Chief Agent (Dctniloll in tbe DCpllrtmeM of Finance). Sinforoao S(lnchc~. Acting Chicf AgcIlt.


Vicente OlLreng. ;\lac9rio Javie. Vicente Tagle Dionisio Ferllanllc. Josli ,\rbalcdn l~clino NnzII.cth Primo I,idro A]ejotndro Cu]uya Fermin Dallo Sull,ieio fInmireJ lrinco Torres Honornto R. de I.con Junn O. ltcyu ;\liIlLLc! J. lie 103 lte)'U FrlLndaco T~nlu;co ViNorit1nO

G,egorio I'. DomaIns Rilmon AgwlLa]do 1\Ianud A. Gonzuh'a 1\1. Beida .i\lc]ecio H. DomiuJ,;O Jo'awaino Lafont Simeon Gin'LI.n Bhu Vilhmuc\'l1 Pll..!lcacio Heeio Franci,eo Re)'cs Onofre ZlIblnlL J0a6 D. S'nto~ Dllnedicto ), 1. I mpcrial Pedro V, Jnv;cr Cirilo L. NlI\'area Arrio]a


Admlnlstratlye !)Ivl,lon Nieolns Ti,on \'i\'cncio n"facl Zacnnn5 M, SantiLtgo SMu."ino del BOIIario Marce]o Vicente ISLlae lIfo"te! George R. Winllote Seb8lLtinu ,""o]on J\Lnn '\UlLtrin Toribio B. l'''nKindinn Conrndo Diu Teodnro Sio Ser~o Do",non] Vicente Do.ilIo Filemon TnI]Llfer Tom ..... G4tduln Del6n Gcr",.Hn Victor Olon lrilleo lIfc"lIoz:l )luimo lIfnttiMJ ROIcndo S. Y OllzOn Bcnil(no Cuynb},nb Vicente G. Gell" GuillcrlLln Mulnnn JUlin Cutliznrcs Amndo V. eU!."!I" Emilinno A. In\'icr Fron~iaco , 'ol"n'i .. o Nicolll.8 E. ;\fe~t1 Ba}'nni 0, DU'''lLrllOII D omingo Mn[ogll Juan II. Aquino Ant onio VerzO$n Tomll.8 nca SnU[llg V"lerinno Abnd JQti(i Umali In s u rtL. n ee Dlv i8 lo n Puulino )lnjz,:!I\uoe Agnl'ito l\ l neapanpotn Cu~reo H, Grau T OIU8lL A. Reyc8 T otnll.8 G, MnrnmblL. Feli" "nllehaneo Lui, C. Fermmdez Ccforino Villnr GtCIiIOrio Lica.OOI Alejo H. Dnbu >\nt oni o H . POlillint1wnn EuloKio Ce.\'nnt("1L Cesor ;\!clla Junn Vi .. luen ens h Oh'1610 n

Gregorio I,eoncs COlnliuo nODLOO AmbrOlIio P. ;\lollguh8lL NlIJnrio :'>lBlI~ri

~Y~::u~ll it'~~!a E" nri~to

.... lfOllllo. 1'00n];lio Andr"" Alo.yu Felix Briones Teofiio Geronimo


Vcr Etudio 0, l'cJ\ul o~" NClIlcsio Luciano. Franci!eo MandonlllL Ja cimo E. Amiatooo Dln'id ;\Iendou ArlLll"o 1o'lorido l,nLlcio T, CILIU BMi]io F. Jlitin Mln{ P . F. >\\'clino Ceeilio ,\bna Y;enoio. ;\Iutincz J 046 Duran ;\Iartin :'>Iondejar Fe]ixherto de 10!l 5an1011 )[ucnr;o )!cndon Andrcs

Divis ion Ino.aC ncio Puglitlf(R)·cn El!tcbulL IlnW!tino Fl orcmino ;\Iclgnf Eu]ogio Torres DeoJ(rneilUl Tcmponko N'lI r~ito Soledad Vicentll Snnchu ROliulinlllL

Temporury Emp loye,"" Grejtorio Quiamullllo WencCIIlno Leoneio Sccundi no. Avecilla A'luilino )Icndon


PORT ABEA, p, O. nox 157, TELS. 2_17_8D, 2-23- 18 AND 2-23-08 Pablo LuclLS. Direetor of Printing. Manu e] CamU5, Auillaut Director 01 Printiog. Amado Jadnto. SuperintendelLt of Wor k, Pedro Snn Mnteo. Chief Clerk. Fe]ipe A. Largou, Chief Printer. Antonio Mag.!ayo. Acaouncinlt Officer.


J0iS6 Cont reras, .Ataistant Cbid 1I(Hlkbindcr,

~e~~ R.i'3:IL!~~: f!\~~,,~:"Cth;°:rm~etrotyp<1r'

Secret Ser vice Section Si h'er;o llllL'lue.Ll. Chief Secret Sen 'iee Agent. Fe<lcrico Nepon,ueeno. Agcnt'. Anittnnt. ZOlIimo 'l'ILL; O. AsenL'e A".iS\nnt Gregorio C. Banll"lI. Inspector of Wci\lht a lind ,",,~lL.8urC!l. ]lo","" d~.]00 ne}'c., I ""I,eclor of We,ght~ lLu ll ,""ell:lul"I, r eofil'.' ,"" lILli, ] .... I'e cto. of WciJthls nnd Menau •.,... ,\re~,',o ;\I(U,[4" ,.. " ector of WeiKhts lind MclLtiurcs, Cre!h~ F. Land ..... [1U"cclor of Wei,hta aod )'lell..!lUTt.'8.

~:{:c~~~~\S:;~i~n~~~~:~:ctO~t :;C{~~f:h~:~n~l ;t=cs.

CTi!pulo. F",plritu, Chief Elcctrician. Hulino Ub ulLgon. Chief Preas''''''), Pedro Cube, Auillnnt Chic! PreaomlL.n.

~fJ. PJ'!to"c'!:;p~:l~~~rF~;t~y;;e,;::,

Juan Velll..!lquea. AMittant Chief PI, oto-Engra .. t r. Rafael Arllujo.. Artitt.-En~a,'cr. Julio Igoacio. Employce'In·CbarJt ~ of Official GaaclLe.

~~A~~'i~~~ ;\?~,¥~lLg~~o~:':'~;r;ehi;I' ~'Z~~~ ~~'i~~~~ and Tra"" por tation.

~t~i:\T:'~~~~·. ~~~;C;n~l.etbul'I>in, Offief;r, Bu~Ua\·eDtW1L.

C. Quirit, A.t. Aceountin& Offio;-(!r.


I"or Mlcr office hours Tel. No.


Telephone Book)

Cil)r,U"O E. U".OIl. Pur~hn.i"g Allent. Bu)' lnll. Divi sio n

nurr. ~~lf~:iOL~:!~~io~8~~~?e~~ Chic Bu)·u.

Guiller mo Arcebnl. Chief

~~~C~~~OE.'sir,~;;o.n8~;·~·r. JURn Mariano. Bu)'cr. "Ielchor 'I'1I1150n, AI!;!!""t Buyer. Cueto, Buyer. ;\Ideeio Orpinno, Assistant Buyer Filcmon Gemil, Buyer. CcllIa Gllltilo, Assi1llant Buyer. "'Meillno MO. D, Clerk. '\ Il'lItin BUenR\'onturn. A9,'atllnt Bute •. Guillermo Cordero. Chid C. P. Scchon. Godofrcdo V. Sal .. ,nencn, StcnoKwl.hoT. Pantaloon SOl", Clerk. JoM! Rncela. AaSiStBM Buyer. Felipe Iln,an, Clerk.


Primit;\'o ConcepcIon, A..sllltaM Buyer.

~:t~~~ ~:c~.~n'bl~lk~k.


NATIONAL LOAN AND INVEST MENT BOARD 210 GENERAL sor,ANO. S AN ~ II GU I~ I, P. O. BOX 505, .\tAN H ,A 8"1",,dor Lagdnmoo. Cllllirm"" ""d Ge"~ru1 M""n~cr. Joa6 Gil. Viee_CIo,,'rmnn. Antunio I{<''''UI, lIIember. Ccleo.1onio SII]\,lIo.1or, lIIember. Pedro N. Moncayo, Member. Eugenio Buldamll. Secrel3ry. AHRllito O. Gan, lIIanllger, [n\,COItmcot ""d Credit Ocl'"rtmunt. J(;~" ... Comp\roller. Procopio F. Eleazar, .\Ia"ngcr, Apllr"iu.l ",,,I ,h.ct~ Acqnired Dcpllrtmcnt. Emili""o Qui jllno, Cashier.

GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSUR ANCE SYSTEM 210 GENERAL SOLANO, S,\N "IIGUEL Sal\'o dor Ln"d"meo, Cbnirman "nd Ge",'r,,1 ;\1"lIager. J 0t6 Gil, Vicc·Cll"irm .. ". Antonio RlllnO$, IIIe'nber. E~cquicJ $(wjlhl. ~Icrnbcr. Jam". B. Ord. Member. M. O. del nos"'io, Secretary and l)pcoi"l Agent . J.,. It Sa!\·O!>u. Actuary. BUlLenio '·.1I1d"",,,, Acting M ... ",,"cr, ,\Il,ninj,H nfi,'c Depn.ltnent.


Apolonio Laqui. Clerk. Gen'lIe;o Ocu]am. Clerk. Pedro A. Bragad o. Clerk.

~;::~~:o F6~~:ta~t'b~~~k.

E]p;dio 8'&on. Clerk. Marce]o Lucas. Cle rk. Niccto " ' arWlillnn, Clerk. SlInt;n"o M"riano, Clerk. I'nb]o ]'opuy uin. Clerk. Iu"" Sob Ilinn. C lerk. Numcriano 1'Rbio~. Cler k. Hono,;o Villndiello. C]crk. Dlvhlon of S u pp li es


Eutiquo F]orea, Acting Super;ntendent of Shipping. ;~1~ kj~~d::~.Sc~r!inlt~~o~r~ts~c~rdwm Oep"rttnenl. Fe]ipe Serafin, Clerk. .\Ieh!on Villu. Clerk.


Z ARZOBISPO, INTRAM unos Pedro Tu,,",on. Solicitor·GellCTDI. Sa]\'ador Abad SantO!>, Assillant Solicitor·Gc"~Lul. En,ilio Abello, Ani.t"nt So\icilor·G cncnl. Poten~inno l'C<"Son, A~$i8(.lLnt Sulidtur-GcLlerol . APIIl'AS"I' A"M'oRSCYS:

A,ntunio Cuyug"" }',del l ballu !tobe"o COILccpci611

Eleutcriu G~tilo Roque V. DC!<qui,,,'[" P. Letnr"o


~~~~.:!"Ii~~':[n ¥cuJ'ucri~~ ~~nt:~~I~" Jr. COlUtnllte Valern Mnrio \'illu""u"o Antonio Clllli,are. Leon Guinto .Jr. Ju"" p . E"riqu~. """,uel Barcelona Lucrr.s L"COIon Juan de Leon, Chief Clerk. Vicente [""UIL. Act1l" Fir""cinl Officer . Victorino I'as" .... io, Chief. Recorda Di vi.ion. JoiK\ A. Cont'l, Chi~f. Docket Di visioLl. Ambrosio RiUorll"', A"tiLlS: Chief, Stenoll raphcr. Dj"i_ sio n.


Emilo 1I18pn-1 Fcrnnndo Jugo- ll Ale~. Reyu - ]11


Marcelino Montemayor- I V Funcia"o ZIiLlducta-V Pedro !118. 5i,,)1,-VI Jose O. \'ero-VII

J 0!>6 Caaimiro, Clerk of Court. L>l.di~l"o P ... icolan, A... i,!a,,~ Cler k of Court. ~I""u~l]onp, Act;ng Chief Clerk.





STf;:'-OOIt.\ rn F;1I9;

Loren.a Tnlljululuio

J0»6 Mil. T.erma

A'Lgll3tO Rovilln

At UlIgtUO, !\Iount!).in Pro"illec. 011 tho finlt TlLcsd!).), of June hnd Decambcr of enth )'enr; lit I\:illllgllil. Mou nt _ lIin Pro'·i"ee. on Ibe lirat TIl{'IJdlly of Mltreh lind Novcmber of each ycar; at n ontoe, :\Iountain P.ovince. ou tho second TU (\IId llY of Mnr\lh "nd Navelnbcr of ~lIch yoar; "lid whellove r lha intcrCflt~ of jUillioU8 0 , c'luir e, 0 spodn\ term of CO\lrt 81)(\11 he held "t L"bulIgBn, aubprovince of I("liu~": "t SIIU I'cr_ u~ndo, Lu Union On tho fil'llt 'I'uCliday of J'ULunry nlld Se plember of eaoh year.

I'nhlo Snntinll'o

Santiago. Guisl,nui Vie~or NILIR';O J036 Leoglmlo

Rnmon Artillllll

Vieonte Antillnn

Paulino I!:yth:oy

J08(: ViJllmuovlI


ROllin(> 1\ l nlll18

Pedro 1\1 urilla Jo.I6 nm;c~Cl!

A",brocio d el Rosn rio Ramon ,\ I\'II.C.


Vicente A. niv en.

Aug~L C. Rickn ru T omAs y" Liu YOI>l1: :\Innuel C. dd R03nrio J<>'!il Cru% Herren.

JOl6 Co Ching Ylln

Pedro. Gom<!K 5 ..1\'''<'\0., d~l nio

(e) BATAAN AND ZAMIlALES Emi lio Aranda Diat, Judgo.

tl::::~~o ~:l!~o~,::ubc~~:: C\~:~t g!~:II(~·atallll).

n Oielldo EI&yda, Clerk of Court (Z~rnb .. la!). Til"lo nostratll, Deputy Clerk of Court (Za"'b .. l ..... j.

0);1'0'1'1' CLERKS:

Claro i\llI3iglin ;\udres Conccl,ci6n AmbroliQ BOrJll

Ilde/onso OMia Mncnrio M . 06l.. dn

COURT 51:11510S:

JoM! Rccll{'['co DominndQr ](;n"l8on P aneillno n. Jllcin~o. Chief, Cj,-il Dh·ilion.

At Iba. Pro,'ince of ZUDlbal c.. on the 61"1~ TUCl'lday of F'eurunry nnd October of eac h YCllr; III Baillnga. Province of Ullta .. II. On the lirn 'I'UCl'lday of JllnuuIY and JUlie of eneh yellI.

U odolfo D. SlIluM, A$!!istllnt Chief, Cj,·il Divi sion. Fnll.'ltiuo i\[nnnwi~. Chief, Crimin"l Divi$ioR. I' lluli.n> OliVer&.!. C""hicr lind Disbursing Office r. J o.w Y. N,wnrro, Actountunt.

F IRS T J UDIC I AL DIST RI CT C.\GAYAN, BATANES AND AI'AYAO, I'ROVINC£: Ccfcrino lIilnrio. Ju'dge. Guillerl»O Glllvez. Clerk of Court. BenilO U. Cn"'l!, Oepnty Cler k of Court. II)



At Apllni. litllt Tucsdll)·4)f JanUll ry . At Sallto OOlllinl1;o, fiut lI'uesdll.y of March. Specill l ttrm ahlln be held once" yc". in Ihe municip"lily of .'.ulllug lind TUllo. (h) ISABELA AND NUEVA VIZCAYA Simeou Hnrn&.!. Judge. \ i:Vocllntl .... Cle rk of Court of \Is nbc In.

j~::~i~I~~ilr~~~nb~tp~?YC~;~~k o1).:Cu~~~; ~~,~~n:(I~I". Alejo LurnicllO, Dcl'U!y Clerk of Court of Nuovll Vizcll)'n,

S')Ccirti~e:T ~~b~~~~ 1!~I:l ~~~~g~,t~~lIi;cI~L~tli~ic~:: crelion of Ihe judge. (c) l LOCOS NORTE Homnn A. CnLz. Judge. Nemlosio Segundo. Clc r k of Court. Victor R .. bllgo, Deputy Clerk of Court.

CounT SI:S8.0S:

Di ego I.ocain. Judj:e.



~~;~!:i!,~pi~~~~ gep~~~rb{'fk

of Court.

COURT Sl:ss. OS:


H crmngc nc.. neYCII~c~ud~;MP'\NGA :unznro O. l\IlIlig, Clerk of Cou. t. Soter o So nti"go. Deputy Clerk of Court, :rhroughout.

(d) BUL,\CAN PlUtor "1. ElldcIIc;&, I udl'le. Si meon An(ipnl". Clerk of Court. MlUeinllo de loa San tos, Deput)' Clerk of Cou rt. COURT SIl8SIOS:


COU n T Sus. OS!

~~~~~,J~ 0J~nio~j~~g! 1(~IIS·~~~I.',la·I').

Throughout. (d ) lLOCOS sun AND ,\BRA Mnrin"o do In n &.!n. Judgo. Allo'l!Io Ross i, Clerk of Court of 1I0cOli Sur. Co net""te Lillu OII. Deputy Cler k of Court of 1101:011 Sur, I'rocc.o Mllrtinez. Clerk of Court 01 Abril. FelilIC du III Vega, Deputy Clerk of Courl of Ahrll, COURT Sllll'lION!

Iloeoa Sur, Throughout. At Ilnugued. Ab rn. Fi",t TucsdllY of M".eh "nd October

SECOND J UD ICIAL DISTRICT (a) PANGA51NAN Allo""o Felix, Judlle. Brnulio BejllSlI. J udge. Jot(; Cri~OOItomo, Clerk of Court. Vicente N. Ungaon. Deputy Clerk of Cou rt, GCllllro I'errer. DCI>ILly Cle rk of COlU't.


JorMi 1\. ClI.rlOII, Judge.



Alox Heyc., Judge (3rd Brllnch). Mllrcelino )lontom"yor, Jud)l.e (" th Brl'n e!!). FrlLnlli~co Znuduetu. Judge (5th B,""ch). I'odro Mil , Sifto n. JudKe, (6th Urolleh). J&.!~ O. Vern. Judgo, (7th BInReIL), Joad C"";IIIir o. Clerk of COllrt. Ludi!IIIO PlI.!lieolu", AMillllut Clerk of Court. ,\udrM Coneepci611. Deputy Clerk of Court. Clru'o M ...ig .. u, Deputy Clerk of Courl. Amhroeio Borj". Deputy Clerk of Court. :\I .. cario M. 06l1ldll. Deputy Cle.k of Court. Joel! Heeuenco. Deputy Clerk of Court.

g~~Y~~30?a;t;~!~~u'be~~~~ ~lc~u~:. COUrl. Emilio Dicolongoll. Cler k of Court (I>"II\wlLn). CounT SI;$IIOS:

At Mllnil ... bll brllllchCl'l. Ihroughout. At Coroll. I'blnwlIlI on tho fil'lll Mon dllY of !\.Iaroh IIl1d

COUll'!' 8':8810S: 'I'h.oulh. At Tayu". PllnJl,llSiuan. fil'8t, 1'ucad b)' of FebrUllr)'. MOUNTA I N


Thr oughout.



At BnfomhOng. accond TuesdllY of JllnUllry Ilnd June.


TH I RI) JUD IC I AL DIST RI CT nomal\ O,neta. J~~ge~UEVA ECIJA Guiller mo F. I'nblo, Judgo. Bonifacio Gtamnu. Cler k of Court.


Aug'Ult of clloh year; nt Cuyo, mlLmO I",wince On the 8C(!ond Thundll.Y 01 :\1" f O" Illld AugWlt of elICit

rg: t;h °t\,1~~~I.rlly~f'e~~~>1I1~~d "Ao~~~~ e!1'b yelU',

t~c:.~~,d~o R~io~no%,~.e'~c;fte;kcf!.f!rbJ~rinf8:~guct). Nkol"", D. pu,.,g,,!).nnll. Clerk of COUrt ( 80nloo), Bernabe CIlSItO, Depuly Clerk 01 Coun ( 0011100).

ii~~~ae~ Wil~~~:: gl:~~t~·f 81~~1} n\~o~~~o(lj"






Jmto V. iln lleria], Clerk of Court


~~~i~~~Ol~i~l,dt"c~~~'Y D6rc~~YofJgo~t


Fa",,!o Mllllnlnllg, Clerk (l\lnrindu'luu). CounT SESSION: At Tllyllbll/,l, Th.r oughout.

At I nlllntll, Tnyabllll. Or the municipnlitiea of Infanta, CMillltllll, Baler lind Polillo, 00 the Ii,.,,! Tucaday

a~~ie~e o~f tt~C~J:T~e:~II~o:r'l\¥~;tn~1 :!():I;!~~: (b)


41 COO1<1' Sus.o,,:

Iloilo (2 Branches) , Throughout. At Snll JOlIo, AII\·l lIue. 011 the. 1st Tuctldoy of JUM and November of ench year; at Cu18ll;' provineo of An_ tique. on tho ht TuC:!dllY 01 December of ellch yenr. (h) OCCIDENTAL NECROS Dioni~io do Leon, Jud!,:o Oat Branch). Sotcro Rod"'!, Judgo (2nd Brancb). Rafnel C .. bnlfin, Clerk of Court. Segll.. do Hipolito, Doputy Clerk of COllrt. Agrillilio Mapuoi, DcpuW Clerk of Court. COURT S£II"IO,.-:


(0) CAP IZ AND ROMBLON Joa6 Gutierr ez Dln-id, JudKe. Juan L. Pa.atfllnjl, Clerk of Court (Cjl P

Muccio T. BODean, Judtc. Poncillno i\ln.tinu. Clerk of Court. Cornelin Din, Deputy Clerk of Court.


~!~~~?oIi~:f~'!:.,D8'~tr 3IC~~~ 1~':~~lo~)il).

COtlltT SES.'lION:

ThroIlShou!. (e) LAGUNA Mod",!o ClLlliUo, Judge. Cocilio M. Billlin, Clerk of Court. Domolrio 1(, Bernllrdino, DOl'uty Clerk of Court. CounT 5&8810N:

U1dorico GutierrCJ, Deputy CierI< of Court (RombJon). COUI<T SEU<O"-:

C8pil, Throughout. At Romblon, on the first Tllesdny of Moreh ""d No_ vember 01 each ye ....

Througlollut. Cd) BATAN,.GAS AND MINDOnO lIucn&venturn Oeampo",Judge.

p,,~?O s~ 11Ii~~;,A,hdJ:~ECROS AND Juan C. H ernllndo, Cle rk of Court. (V .. c.... t) .... , Dcp ut)· Clerk of Court.

Ane.uo E. Mercado. Clerk. of Court (Milldoro). Cmtillo PllrllS, Dcputy Clerk of Court (/ToU .. doro).

Oric .. ul NcI[I'O&. Throll.llh ont. At Luoujl, lub pr ovi .. ce of Siquijor, On the 6rst Tuesdoy of AUluat of each year.

~:~j~"l~~~l~'o?~~~u~y. g1~f ~nt:::r~(kjltllllllllS). COURT S o;~s:rOS:

BatjlOi"" Throu;hout. At ~~';y"llan~!iIIl~~':J Tnuis~"n:c~~"~e;t~:t~~ ~: ;:.,bb )·Clll"; nt San Jose, ",,"me provillec, On tbo &e<>olld Tuesd"y of MllI"cb 01 eacb Lubnng, Luhrmg I8I .. nd. province of l\liodoro, 0 tbo fourth Tue~d .. y of J'lh.roh of ench year . SI X TH J UDICI AL DISTR I CT (11.) CAMARINES NORTE Rnl,llon Quiaumbiog, Judge. Emmanuel Siguonu, Clerk of Court. Pablo Slloulo, Depllty Clerk of Court. COUIIT So;UION:

Daet, Cn",""; .. es Norte,

~I~~~~I ~:~::




EIGHT H JUDIC I AL DISTR ICT (I.) CEBU J oa6 de. I.. Ramn, Jndge (lot DraMb). Felix lIhrtincl. Judge, (2nd I3rancb) . Alejo Ll1brndor, Judgc (3rd Buncb). EugenJo Hodll, Clerk of COI1l"I. Vicente E. R. ZOIIn, DeIIU\Y Clerk of Court. Alberto B. Ylnyo, D eputy Clcrk ef COllTt. COUltT SUlI!ON:

Throll&bou!. (b)


~~~~gjlkoOtP~dr:d~eJud~df2nala~r~::I~.elkl~f~)~nll). Vicente Mllte, Clerk of Court (T"clobn ll). Con reo Velude. Dcpllty Clerk of COIlT! (Tadoha ..).


"bi:r'tol Court. Felix A. M"lay .. , Deputy Clerk of Court, COURT S£IIIIJON:

NOlin, Cjlrnlll"ines Sur, Througbout. (oj




fai~~~f"~~II~:~b~:':.'"t;. ~le~~u:;t ~J:.a:i~i."in). COORT SEUIO"':

Tjlclob"n, Throughout. At MO<lSi .. , Leytc, on the fino! TuesdRY of MRrch aod September of eRch ye...,.; at Ormoo, 81une province Oil the tho first Tllcsdny of December of each yeu. (c)

Court. LuiB Orlean, Deputy Clerk of Court.

~U~:~ ~j~'t81~c~~d~V~rk


of Court. Rnlmel Ybom, Dcpllty Clerk 01 Court.


Albay, Throua;hout. At VA~~<"otUEr:,~~':.o:doL~~~:,~~~r~ ..~c


~~~:.nt TIl~_

(d) SORSOCON AND MASBATE Atso.uo Loeoill, Judge. POIlCilollO Arandn, Clerk of Court (Soraogo ll). Pecito Roeb", Deputy Clerk of Court (SOraQ;OIl).

~~:a~ell§i~~'o~lg~~:y 9jj:t ~n.:~:!Cli.I"'bnte).

Cntbnlolla .. , Throughout. Boroil~jln, Snmar on the .econd Tue.doy ef of


~:~ .[~:jo:t of~\n:..~:"of ·::j, ~.~~~n~~. d~u~~~



Ojlng, ume [lrovinee, on first Tuesday of October of eacb ycnr. (d)


1~1)'!:bat!,~~u~~0~!;'ond TU<:ll d ..y

of j\lnreh ond Sep.

tember of eooh ye ....


~:~~~o s!ra!~r: ,J J~~~e(1t2tll:r~~::lb). Jllan J .. morl1, Clerk of Court (lloilo). Edilberto Roldllll, Deputy Clerk of Court (lloilo}. Tell:8foro Ged""g, Deputy Clerk of COllft (110.10). Altredo 1\I","ono., Clerk of Court IAIlUqUe). Oillaul" t, D~puty Cluk of Court Antique).


on the second Tuesdjly of Fehruary

:!c~:~ .f~:Jjl;t of~~~:~o~bc":~fe~r::'~'~~'; !~ L~~ BOHOL

1~1~~~~ 'Ii: ·E: ~\;j~: cieri. J:l{?ourl.

Baldomero j\1. Gon.n,,,, Deputy Clerk 01 Court. COURT S&8810":



t~tUZ,t~I1R.s:::: ~~~'Of Court Zambonn n) Ciril~ S. River .., Dcputy Clerk o~ Court (!a';'boallg&). V.tcnRno S. Concba, Deputy Clerk 01 Court (Dipolog).



COUIIT SUll.tON: Zamboanga, Throughout. At Dipolos. Z~lIIbu:angu, on the firlt Tuesday of January "nd June ot e"eh yeor: lit Jolo, Sulu, On the first TucsdllY of :'o l llrel> IlIld NO"emoor of eoch yellr. (b) DA\'AO AND COTADATO S. DllullsllI, Jud ge. 1Ii1l1l;0 C. nOOrisue"', CierI.; of Coun (Dn'·lIo).


g'i~d:3oCb~~l~ D6fc~~' 3It~u~~ ~g~~JPt:):ao).


INDUSTRI AL MANUAL Mllnuei Pilupil, Secret Service Asellt. Alfredo Chllneo, S«,rO\ Sen'ieo Asent, Alrr~do D. SUIl :'o l igllel, Secret Senic ... Agent. Sotcro Alon, Secret Sen'icc Alicllt. Simeoll Cutierrn, Secret Se r"lee Agent. Ariston de 1001 Re)'c., Seaet SU"ice Agent. Adml nlstrtt tive Divis ion

~~co~; go~~t~lt<;!;o~~II::~i(~nOt~~~il). Epifllnio \'ilIablaocn, Clerk.

JUllnil1l :'olopalu, Del'UtY Clerk of Court (Coillbato),

1~~eSi'c~atl:taSt?,',~g~a~~'~r .Detail).

Coo nT SUStOSJf: Dll\"au, Throus!Luut. At Cotnbato, 011 the first Tuesdll)' of March and No,ember .. f each )'cu; ut Gl~u . ~~me I)ro" ince, nnd 1\1

J osti O. Pern, Junito •. Conltancio TomlLl, Chauffeur. Julme ToleMino, !lr~en"cr . Joli6 H. Santos, Laborer.

~~~~n.~,o~t~e t~l~i'nlJ)[eO~illl:,c~f'l ~cu~~u~~ :g~daat~

10 be 6:1ed by the dillriot judge. (e)

OHIENTAL M LSA:'I[S, OCCI DENTAl, :\lISA_ :'IIS, LANAO A:-:D BUKIDNON Frnnciaeo E. Jo!06 Judge. Duena"eDwrll 11. ,\l~id, Clerk of Cou.rt (OrieatRi Mian_ mil). Leoncio Edmilao, Dcpu~y Clerk of Coun (Oriental i\lisn_ mis). Vicente D. Hon, Clerk of Cuun (Oocidcntol 1IIiaamis). Leoncio Acoatn, Dcpu~y Cler k of Court (Occident al "!illomia). Pedn.. Soncju, Qlcrk of Court (Lanllo). (\'IIcnnl) ....... "' ....... , DCl'ut)' Clerk of Court


Cler k of Cou.rt (Dukidno n).


Throughout. AI OrO<lwcla. Occidcntu\ "hum.i$. 011 the first Tucsdny of Decem ber and Jun.e of eoeh yea.&'; at :'Inmbajao, Oriental MilOmil, oll\.the tlrat Tucsday of :'Iarch of eaeb )'ur: a~ Mnlny~nlny. Dukidoon. On the firal Tucadn)" of December o~ cuch year. A . pcciailerm of court ~ h .,L l .. ~ ... ''', h~ "lice", yeur eLlher in the

~'lu(li~:~~~ ~:ie;~·~~j·~?:r.\·m~, "i~

:e: dl~~~~ro~i:;;

the diatrict juda;e; M Ua __ u. I",nao. 00 Ihe fir5t Tucadat; of ScflClllbcr cif each year, but the

~~I~C~ ga~r~i~n~rl~~:nti'~i~t..." o~il~~~ti~nm:(' I~:

disnict judie.

BOARD OF INDETERMINATE SENTENCE AND PROBATION OFFICE 2 AHZOniSrO, INTRA:.IUROS, MAN I LA TELS. 2_37_20 AND 2-21_70 HOIi. J 0a6 Yulo, li<'!crctnry of JWllicc, Choirman. Judge Luia P. 'forn"fl, Member. Prof. Se rafin Mncllrnig, i\le",bcr.

xti~. ~~~~en~;od1i'::t~itc~~r~~e~~orctnry ot Lbe Board P ltO'IIoTIOS OVVIOJ:: luoce llcio n O&tll, Acting Chiof. Att)'. Honorato B. Mlllnko),lI.n, Chief Clerk. Domingo M. CentenO, Hellord Clcrk and PrOllerl)' Officer


S"'I'EIt" ISOH-l'1101l,\TION OVPLet:lIs: Ally. Hilario Bernard o Att)'. Enrique E. Tatcnd Atty. ltafll.el David Dr, Pooro Q. PIIguio P"OU,\TlON Op~LeE:ll8: :'Ir,. l'Ul fOtinio :'1. Garcia Lt. Victorillo P. 1I0000on Dr. ncmigio B. itonqwUo LOf(!D.J;O n. Calderon Triunlo P. Ah'lIritO P rimo _'I. Bcndijo Ally. Gcminia"o Cap8gon Gnl80rio YlI.bea Aeiado TeClioli Nareiao Soberano Roque E. SII ntingo Simeon Fisalall Allllcleto Co"ec~' ~~~~~:~:ee C. Papa CLEnE_PHonAnos OVnCEI\JI: SOle ro U. Cacanindin Mi ... RemcdiOOl A. Dnyle

(d) SUnIGAO AND AGUSAN ( \'4Cllllt) ...... , .......... " Judlle. I,'elia ~'lIrollln. CierI.; of Court (su.i8no).

1'.IIYCmATRll,..: Dr. Rcmedi o \" Lusod

~~~~K,,0 6~~~~~'C?e~~u~r ge~~ (~Il~~~.(Su.rigoo).

1'\lycnoLOo l&T.II: Tomlll W. "' Ier",,

COURT SUSION: Surigau. Throughout. AI Cuntilun, SurillnO, 011 tho accond Tucsday of August 0/

CU:R",STtSOO IIAI'I\ EII!L: I'edro :'1. Almanaor Junn D. Dial

~f~A\%ie~~ ;R~~ ~~~~~~~;-\l\g:,~~iS~e~t;: !f;o~~e:g:ri

11110 be hcld once u YOllr ill eilher the municipal it )" of Tundtlt: or Ihe municipality of Hinat\lan. Surigno, in the dil~rCLioll ef the di~lric~ judge.


TE L. 2-32-03 Jos(: Yulo. Chnirmon.


ItnilLon 1"orrca, Member. :'llI.lll1el Cum .... Member. Hjlario A. Re),CI, Attinl Secrelnr)'-Tre:l.!lurer.

Admlniall-a.llon ModCllo Viliniobos, I£"",ellll\'o Officer. AdoUo N. Felicillno, ,\asiataJlt E:reeul;'·o Officer. Low Division Adolfo N. Feiieillno, Chief. :'Iuio C. DlilmlLlcdll. Tom... Q. Quctuiio. Secret Servi ce Oh' lslo D Muiano G. Almeda, Chief. Hiluri o A. Reycs, A... i"olll CI'ief. J osti V. Cabnlrn, Sec..... t ~vice .,\geut. Elni lio L. Siongco, SecreL SeTVicc .-\Item.

CLt:ltU." Pelrollilo n. Qwnonci Epi fnllio D. Menloro SuJpicio Mu nding



V. Oanle

Anuclcto Salltingo

Weueco lno Flluni MlIllucl P""nll:uilOIl SntUTIIO D. it aolirez

St:CH&T SJ: ltVICt: AC llST8:

~~~~'~rcl ~: ~~~~I,:all

JoSi.\ H . Cruz " i"ODeiO A"anudc

~~~~~~ ~~"~~~~ Vicente nllm oa Enrique Uobl ea

JANITOR_M&&IL&l<Ct.:IUI: Godofrcdo \' . ltehon Nico]1II Call1tO QuirillO Na\'mrro


~~~~~Ot~I':r:b~i g~::~~~\lember.

lD..Iul ... Colleclor of CWlIOID..I, Mewber. Chief of Polieo of the Cily of :'olanil.., Member.


P. O. BOX 012, TEL. 2-1$-25 EnriQl10 Allav .... Chief, Jl1an AI\II"IIl!, Chid Clerk.


PHILIPPINES If:~~~oC~:~~~~. c9:t!~~ 'I~~~~::Y D~'i~~~~~~. ~iic~~: ~:~"or:,e~~i:ie~f fI~~e~ia~~;~~ rg~nj!~:

Ap.oniaDD Coronlldo. Chief, EurninnUDn of Sue"en and PloDS Section. J oaqw n Rahlire~. Chid. C"d ... t'lIl Deeree Section. Bernto Domingue •. Chid. Draftill~ Section. Tcreso Clemente, Chief. Sectio n of Land Sub.Di"ision. Leon Olpindo. Chief, O,dina.)' Dcerrn Section. RomBII de GUlman. Chief... l'ubli",uion Section. Sulpido Coronlldo. Cbief, l'elllonnci Section. 5&011010 T. Mnsn",,,, Sur"e)'ot. ~~~c~t:oPG~fbu~~~~~le~~~!~rh~:. Deed•• City 01 Mnltiln. Domingo C. Gutierrez, Superi nt endent 01 Regi.!er of Deed ••


AZCARRAGA, STA. cnuz T€L. 2-17-06 /IIojor General Paulino Snnlns, Dire ctor. Cnptnin E,ibcrto B. MilD, Ani.lnnt Director.

Admlnl s trotlva Division Gencroao Cas t nnedn, Chief. Dr. i\'1ariano


DlIlbld I'rlson G. S. Peralta. Actin; Superintendent. Correctiona l Instit ution for Women i\hndaluyolI,ll. Rinl


DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL TURE AND COMMERCE AY UNTAMIENTO. INTR,\i\WnOS TELEP HONE 2.14-03 Hon. Eulogio Rodrisuc •• Seeretnry of ,\gri culturc lIn.i Commcrce. Hon. JOM: S. CamW!. Under.Secretary. Vicente -'liII •• Technicnl Advi.e r.

IT~~~~ ~~I~~~~"(jr.ieF~iCh~I!;k

Benillno A. Pid!!Lonn. I.a"d Attorney. Guillermo Romer\). Aut. Priv. Secretary. Cornelio V. CruriUo. Clerk. i\lariaoo E. ~lnreJJn. Ca.I,;c •• Di lb. Or. Lcoonrdo i\la]ab"nun. Clerk. Bicnvenido Evanl!:cliUlL. Clerk.


Isidro Ordn-SIILLlinIO. Clerk ,stenographer. Amado S. Lumen. Clerk. Ambrosio Tant;OnKCO. I.nborer Filer. Grcilorio LalHlo. L"borcr Filer.

g~~~~~L> lOC~;~ii~Ol;~!rox~~c~i,~::

Dcog.aciL'L!l O. DnYllo, l.and AUorncy.

~~~~r~' f.I";:~~~i;'n!~,";';;'1s~:~~eg'g[ Clerk. J os(l PMhcco. Pc ..onncJ Clerk. Jes .... de In nOlln. Clerk. Elculcrio Fcrnnnd o•. Clerk . Acevedo I'. S8n\0'. Clcrk-Stcnog.rnj)hcr. ~~~~n?'; ~1.lIgt\~:,'i.~'b£Jcc:'~i~~~.nOltl'nphn.

MH. Juana F. AdnmOI, Aotlng Matron.


Commonwealth Farm Ac!g. Supt.


F. B. Sant ....


San Romon I'rlson and I'tnal Farm i\houcl Liwaoag. Superinlendent. Dav:l.o Penal Co lonJ: Pablo J. Norolin, SuperintendeDt.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 8G STA. POTENCIANA. I NTRAMUROS TEL. 2-27_60 OOD. Viceote de Vera. Public Sen'ice Commiuioo~r. Hon. ¥e!iciflno Ocampo, Deputy Publie S~rvice Com_ mISSIone r. Bemgno VilIanu"vn. Secretary. Eroesto A. AI"ala, Deputy Secretary nod Chief of Recorda. T omlL.'! Caoohcln. Auditor.

X~:~~eo °i\:Ii~~~I~I"cl~~retn~~!~:,trina~~"'IDBli~~~n. Mr. Ev""ill o Sandoval. Chief Attorney.




B on. Ricudo Nepomut<lno Nicanor ROKas. Francisco L.a\·fI. i\!iJliuel Salvani. P~ro Lombruo. Firemon Cosio. Pe<:Iro A. Santiago.

f~~~ if:r!~uoeno.

Mariano G. Pine<:la. Restituto S. Santiaso. JlUtino V. AYlon. Rafael Tolentino. ROILendo San Mateo. O uilleTmo Dlt...nilaa. Albi no d .. 1011 Hey.... Andres F. Snn1011. Mariano rala.

DIVISION OF STATISTICS 732EVANGELIST A. CORNEH AZCARRAOA QU I ,\PO MANILA Allt on!o pe:~. W\)Z-TEL. 2-23-!li Pcrf.,."o n;'·era. ,\... i'IRn~ Ohicf. Juan RaUt.OIIjo, Auillant Statiltieiab. Rafael M. Pigwna:. "'...iu'll t StatiSlician. FOrlunlllO do Leon. Auistnnt Sindstician. '\[""i&.no Arce. A6sistant SUliaticimm. Timolco Morales. Priacipml Cler).:.



EVANGE~~{1~6.~~~~fL.~\ AZCARI~AGA

P. O.~OX -i77-TEL.. 2_3-1_13 CABLE ADDRESS NARIC DO"RO or DII<ECTORl!l: Vicentll Sinpon 8ncmrnaei6n. President nnd ChnirmRn. Dr. V. DuencnmiRo. Vicc-Prc8idenl Rnd Director. Manuel Rox M. Director. Mnximino Noel. Director. Cornelio Bahnnccdn. Director. Dr. Nicanor Jacinto. Director. MI'8. Nnrciu D. de Leon. DirecLor. Arsenio Pacz. Secretnry. O'-I'1CI"U:

Dr. V. BucnMmillO. i\innAaer. Al'8enio Pau. Secretory.Trcasurer. Rufino Melo, Comptroll er. Vio~or Pallulaynn. Aasiltan~ Mnnn gcr. Alfredo Ab .... Purohaainlr Asent. Duenmvcntura C. Lopu. Supt .• Field alld in" e!Ltigation Depar~mcnt.

Vicento n. ConcepciOn. Supt .. 'V""cho~e aad Shipping DepArtment. Narciso San ASllatin. Chief. Ocnrral Service Division. Anaatacio Salvador. Chief Accountnnt. Marcelo 8alMbnt, Chief. Salt"l Divi.ion. Pedro Amado. CulLier alld Dilburaing Oflicer. Maximo J. Cinco. Slfltistioian. AOENCIES: Edilbcrto Atlluolles, CmbnllaiUnn. NUllva &ija. Albay. Bcnito Samoote. San MiJliucl. Dulacnn. Feroando H. A~ulla. Cnpi&. Capi •. Ramon C. M orci. NaIR, Camarines Sur.




~~tlC:~Ci'c;:~:.nT~:::'O;Il~~tc~r~;~n;.c. EIfl.~iano S. Mongeal. 'i3scolod. ~ccidental Victorino Sllrol. Iloilo. noi lo. Francisco G .... c)a. Lcgaapi, AlbllY.



b~~£~Ci~':t'(;II~r~~:.c~,:::: 8:~~rn~ Su r T~~~~~~~~ ~."~r~~~.g'II~~~~!od, Occident"l NCIIT0.8.



~{~rj~~~~~'ii~Il~~~Il,~,g(f~~1 ~im,~~~on.

Crisoloao Atienza, Aut . Chief of DlviaiOD. CLER"e;

Pedro G. YUlnul UOOI picio Sarmiento Julinu M, Balboll


Nieoille MaTero l>nblo Garcia EUllcbio D. Morales

b~~~~~~n~1l0":::~c E,~ncjo JUlln D. Hondo l'r .. n'lul.lino Am8~~:nlo BoJ~!~'iliVO S. Perez lIIE!1SENGEns:

IIlnriano Rivera Angel V. Dizon Beojo.min Loyoln Ve terlnnry Researc h Division Teodulo Topacio, Chicf. Juao D. GencrO!lo, Assiltlln~ Chief. ZlIeuilU de Jesus, Veterinarian. Mallue] M. Robles • .As.iatant Veterinarian. Ramon A. ACf!vcdo. Auistllot VeterinnriliD. '\IUlcJcto B. Coronel. A.... i6tlln~ Veterinarian. AOll!ll ..eio Lauro.;oek I mpector. Miluricio !II. Delgado, Livestock Ill&llcctor. Vicente Fc~r~:' :l~h?clr:lS\ Co ntro l Divisio n EmiliSIlO Samson. Assiatnnt GiILief. '·ET>.lHlN"m"NS:

~~d~~~~O J!~l~';.~~~I~llt~~~~~IOrieotlll ~! iumiIJ. t~~~IlII3. Lti:a:tl: ~l~~'n::~~' Oecifentnl Mi~llmia.

Gavino L. S:Ul Gebricl. T\lI\lCl:nrnc. Cr.&lIya.ll. ",",Ull'''l<o''T "E1'1:IUN"Rl"NS !"

Nicol ... S. Se\illll, l\lalabon, mnl. JoUi B. ;\Ioral". Gapao, N\lc\'a Eeija. ~~~::;cbi!:.'~~bJ.\I~~~~~ao. Calilyao. VelltW'a GatchaliBo. CabBoat\llla. N\lCv. Ecija. Bnlt.llll' KlllgBnilla. Bayomhcug. Nueva. Vi1ea)'a.. Bienvcnido B. Belandrca. Bcntoc. l\1t. Province. Juan J. Bu.i1n. Uoilo. Iloi lo. l\InrciallO Echavarria, Luccnll. Ta)'abn:e. K~~II~I}~ ~:!l~~~·. ~¥::'jr2: Albay. Crls]lulo C. Sipin. Tn~udin. il0003 Sur. Angel C. Di~on. Ma nlln. l"nllcio V. AU!ltrin. Maniln.


~~~~e~1~I~al~~!.0s~. ~:;~..aCs~~~n~:l ~~~m;.,. Ilddoillo Gavilngs. Ba.colod. Occidentnl Negr .... ~WJjol\t; . ~,~C::SIl~:~\i~b';t~~t~il~t~t~iU!. .. UIST .. l<o"T .. "' .... L DOSIIANIUI .. N:

Dr. Lconllldo J. Palietc, l'>lahlbang. Lanao.



Guzrnnu. Lucann, T II}'8 baa.

h.,,:~.~.r~.C!'tl:,jd~:I, Ft::~~n°,j. l'8~7~~~,n. Miaamia.

l\[aW'lc.o :'o laolllalll;. CabllnDtunn, N\levlI Reijn. SItr"lludo L. Mendoza. Manilll. Jos6 OrtcllII. Manila. Pedro". Rc}'~. LIlOlIg, l locoa Norte. J0e6 LL. neyna. Dagami. Leytc. Vicente Roble!!. Bilrean. Bantangaa. J eoowo Ba.lICf1ter05. Mllnils. Crililulo S. Danaal L\I~na. TII)'abas lubclo Bote, Cabsnatuan. Nueva Ecijn. Alfredo JaVier, Manlln. Andrea R. Joac • Tarlllc" TllrillC. NUlllcriano de Lara, !IIaniill. Gabriol A. L ....iI.i.abnl, MlI&blltc, MWJbMe. Epifnnio MIIga),IlC. Dumalueto, Oriental Nel(l'ol. Ccyctllno Montalbo. Dc},(>rnbong. NUllv,. Vilenyll. Nicolue Pinc de. Mll iol08, Dulaelln. Se"crino P olintlln. Mnulla. Agapito Rclampagos. Cebu. Cebo. TclCflforo V. Sorin. TuguolCnrno. Cngnyan. Aniceto Tiamson. Iloilo. Iloilo. Andrea Vida, NIIga, Cillflarine& SW'. Ani m al Hus ban dry Di vi sIo n Pcdro S. Salea, Chief. ~gundo Alano, A8si.otl1nt Chief. AUI!>T.!.!'T "E1'EruXAIU"X$:

Pedro de Guia. Bongabon. NUI1"a Eoija. :'o [aria.o,=, R. MOlltema},or. ,\!lIbanH. Muntin!!II'a., mIni. 8cnmlllo A. BcrnWJ. La CarlOIIl, Oee. NclP'oa. Leon Snnchel, Alabanl, Muntinll:lupa, Hlln!. AN U '"" nQ"al"'=~' ''N:

Cnrloa Dillz. AlabllnG. Muntilllu]llI. Ri n!. AUlaT.. NT "SUL' "


Leonardo J. Paliete. Call:aynn, Oriental Miumia. Ca.rloa Diu, :'o l nnila. Gero nimo ~lillano, Alablln!!. l\!untinluplI. mla!.



Tomn:e V. Rigor, Alabang. l\!\lntin lupa. RisnJ. "'V&BTOCE INS I'&CToa: Frank Lombardo. C L ERK:

Nicolas Lapeflll. ADlm,,1 Prod ucta Dl vl! lon 81111tiallo Y. Rotell. Cwer.


P. o. BOX l4S I-TEL. 2-30-86 Cor nelio Bmlmaceda. Director. Tel. 2. 20-03.

Offi c e of Ihe Dkcctor TEL. 2-20-05 Bonifacio Quisoit. Chief Clerk. Fi lomcno Sill. Ana.. Aut. Chid Cluk. Mclanio Eapiritu. Chief. Genera l S<:rvi .... SeelioD. E.lcban Hernandel, Penoonel Clltrk. Alipio de In Cr Ul", Chief Property CI."k. Anll8 tacio Dumlao, Chief C .. h Section. Tolentino, Chief. Recorda Section. Trnd c Info rmat io n Ol vlllio n T EL. 2-20-00 SIIIW'nino n. Mendinucto. Chief. Perfecto ni vorll. AuiIJtnM Chief. Tr olldlo MiUora . Chief n ""ellrch Section. J CSU!l Z. VlIlonlueln. Chier. Commcrllill.l I nteUigencc Section. Arcadio de l'oleu. Chief. Trado Connection Section. MlU'ke[t Il Dd (A-c dl u Olvu lo n TEL. 2-77_36 Ane.ta.cio de CUlfO, Cblcf. Miguel Villanueva. .",cling Aut. Chid.

PHI LIPPI NES PIlbl0 F. Sul;t. Chief. Sfttcs nod Pu'chll.'lo


Ludllno 5 .. ]111111&, Chier. QUOllllione Section.

J OII6 A. Cnrpio, Cbicf Cooperl>tj,·c jlfnrkcling Bilellon. J 036 C. Tinio. Ch ief Bonded WnrphoW!c Section. Pio Espejo, Chid, Rural Credits Section.

Commercia' Law 0 lvl810n TEL. 2-2a.OO Ccledonio AlVavn, Chid. Dioni sio Guovllrrn. A,."iMnnt Chid. Uolne] J oe" . Chi,·f jl l cTCan til c R ov.i"t ry Section Miguel G. Lunn, Chief, III.pection Section.

Indu strl n l ]'roduets Dlvblon TEL. 2-13-70 Valerinno 1\. Lu ~, Ch ief. Dion;, ;o Reyes , Afts! . Chief.


Simeon i\lntulllk Recio, Cbier, Flli.e nnd Exposition Secti on.

Office Of The Auditor For The Buren u Of Cflmmer<;e TEL. 2-3(1·SG Nlcolll5 Z. Ynbut. Auditor.

Dionisio Reyes, Chief Mno;la Tending Ccnter lI,ul Ex_ cbnn,!o Sec tion.

Ac co un t ln ~

Office For The Bureau Of Comme r ce


TEl. , 2~29.02 Acoo uming Om~o r.

"!nnlln Trndln~ CeRlcr and £~chan ~e TELS. 2_13_70 and 2-3D-86 CorneliO BRlma~edn. Geneul :'Ilana!!.et. Val_rill"o Ii:. A",,;slsnt M"na!!.cr. Dionisio Re)·l'S. Chier. :'IllI.,ilR Trnding Center ,\lid E~d,nnge See. Simeon Ml'Itulak Recio. Chief Fait!! llnd E"P~itioa. Ramon Hernnnde~. Stock Clerk. Comme"",a! Field Sen'lce Di.ttiet No.'ct Commercial Agent 1 Nem~io P . Florcs . 2 Lconcio Martin . ...........••. 3 Ro.e ndo Gnnadcn .. . 4 Antonil R. Quinto •... . 5 A~u.tin V. Saturnino .. 6 Citao S. R onori o .. 7 Magno Toribio....... . 8 Fidel Non'a~ ...... . D Felipe /II . Fa,,,,tin .. . 10 Vi~ente F . Jac •..... 11 D ellin R. CamP1?O .. 12 Dellin R. Camp"' ...... .

l1entlquatters .. Ilng8n. b"b~ ln L30n~ . Il oc~ Norte S ... " F"rnn~do. La Uni on Dal!upan l'nnll/l./tinan T"rln e. TRrlac .. CnbnnllLunn. Nue\'a Ecijn . Lucenn. T R),ab"" Manil" Na~n. Csm"rin('S Sur T adoba.,. Le)·te

~~n~' l?o~I~~

~~ ~~6;ln~·A?:i"f.~\: ::·

15 16

Dum"J:uPtt'. Oriental NegrM . Cebu. Cebu .... ClI!:"),,,n. Orientlll Misnmi s Zambonngn. Zatnbonngn

Antonio M. Cui . .. , . Pedro Lagniton

FmER I NS PECTION SERV J(i:E 33 EL na GA R FILLP TNO BLDG .• llINONDO P . O. BOX 722- TELS. 2_22_8 1 nnd 2· 22_S3 Funeiloo B. A.·IIe. Proper~~' Clerk 6nd Actin, C""hler. D. O. Gonulo A. "lati,n",", Certificatel.

BUREAU OF MINES DEP ARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AN I) C OMMERCE BUREAU OF SCIENCE BLDG .. TAFT ... VEXUE CORNER BERRA N ST. TEL. 5-6(1.06 Qui t ieo A. AbadillR. Dir ector. Demetrio Andre •. AMiltent. Director, Ch ief. :\Iin. L6n<i5

And:orr: LScirb~:;'e~~~i~:rA~.istRnt. Erneato C. Den,zon. Asst. Chic( Mini ng ond Geolo,l.a! Dh·llion. RamOD A\)RrquCt, Ge ologiat lind Chief Minio; Di\,. M1I1i mo P. Oorcill. l\lehlurgiBt.

~!~i~iO. ~~b~d.GA~~?:ti:~t

Minernl Land Surv"yor . Antonio Loredo. A"'II),e r. N'col~ Mod"mbo. Clerk. Felipe Sant os. T opographiClI1 D r"fttman. Julian Lagman, A".iotRnt Land SUl',·e)'D/'. Irin.o Mnli:tin. Clerk. Ramiru. Stenographer. Roque E. He bron. Chief. Min~rnl Lands. J OII! V. Villodolid. Chief. Rcgullltioll$. Claim. lind Con_ flict Sec. Guillermo E. Torr('S, Minenl Land Att orney. lubelo Gabriel. Cnhier "nd Di.bUl'ling Offiecr. F'rnaci.eo Besn. Pr openy Clerk. Nemes,o Mining En~inecr. Eugenio ~ladlonl;boy8". A ... t. Min . Ln ndl Sur,·(\)'or. Conde l"'iR C. Ccner. Clerk Stenographer. Felix M. ROSA! Stenographer. Amodeo Rodrigue • . Record Clerk. Andres Sioni l. AB.i8l nnt Sut\,eyor. S,,\'ero Formento, A••,.lnnt Swve),or. JURn Viduy a. Junior Computer. MnnUcl V. E , po,o, Junior Computer. Serafin Villnnu"vR. Junior Compu ter. Pedro ~Icndou. Junior Computer. Prolirio Lop,,,,. Juninr Draruman. Alfredo Co....ol .... Junior Dr"ftsman. Carm~lo F. SilO." Juni~r DrafUln"n.





Ce ntr:li Office: F1orcncio Tameoi •• Direetor of Forcstr)'. Office of the Dire cto r Vicente C. Rnmo •• Chicf CI~rk (Chi~f of D" 'is;on). Plncido. Daeann),. Forester. Al(nl'ito L. Ccnnbrc. For~ucr - at_ Lnrl(e.

s\1~~~~~ ~:10~~~~~f~:'6Ct~!tfb~~~::ld$~r~~~~~~eefi"n. Melchor Enriqu~z. Cnshicr nnd Dilbursing OffiCllr. Pablo D. "ill~n". Prop~r~)' Clerk. R .. "'OERI!:

Eufracio MaHbiun B onornto n~jn Zollo B . A,i,

ConrAdio P. "erendia Ccnon ;\1. SalvoJ" JU5tino ,\. Ybnflu

FOnr..lT Gu .. nna: :'Ilelquiadl'S Suealdito Joaquino Tablol

Mnnucl V. Cenuafl a Francisco R. Trinidod

C1.ERXS: JUIln Aeogido Antonio A. Qucjlldo Demetrio S"lufl~ n ,\ gripino Vcl ... co Federico Jimenu Ccdnr V. Pnator Toribio de I" Cruz J,,"~ n. Luc". Manuel CRuret" F~lid"no R. luguirrc Anselmo Snnti R(,:o Fel':. Cabnoufl(,:Rn Jo"" Snl\'Rdor Ignllcio Fncunuo Cregorio Pu DominllO I. Guzman Julio de la Pu Ramon P. Lnpilla Pedro Monl"le MUa nNGERI :

Marinno ,\ Cninto Jaime C. MoperR J Ulin Cabrern



Division of Forut Stu dl", nnd Rcsenrch ( I,o.eRted al 1M Danos. Lagunll) Eugenio de III CrUll, Acting Chief of Division, Agricul_ tural College. l,aIlIlDa. Harold GUIDer. Technicol Emll!oycC, Agncwturlll Colh.'lIe, Lllll una,

HURh M . Currnll, Foreater. Agricultural College, Antonio P. Raedi.. Fotcatl'l', Agri cultural Laluna, Calixto Mabcs/l, Fo~tcr, Agrieultural College, Oorolco Sorillno, Forester. Agricultural College, Alcjnndro de 1IIean, 1o'O"'''I"r, AK.kulturnl

Fe1i;:~~i:on, guna.

r.a~un .. ,


r."lIuOIl. Lat::unB. College.

Dcndrologiat, Agr;cu]turP! College, Ln.

Grcllorio Z:t.muco. '\niatllnt Fore,tet, Agricultutll i Collue. 1.11/11101\.

JUlin DnprU14, Auiahnt Forester, Agricultural College, Lngunn.

I\I.ximo 0.0, Forest $upc,,;,or. AgrieultulI,1 Col1eg~. Laguna. Vicente Caguion. lo'orest Supu,·i,or. Agri,lUl turfll Col· !~ge, I,aguna. ,\ nK~1 r 1'IIn l h)lWI\.l'Innl<~r. ,\", icultuml r::nl1e~c L-..gunn. Ino<"cncio Rnmiru, finn A"riculc urnl College. Lnguna. Florcnoio A8iddllo. Rfln!(Cr. AlI:rie,lltural College, Ln gunll. I,lli , Aguilnr. Ilnn (j:cr. A"ri euiturnl COllCflO. Lus:unu.

g~~~\ tt~~ll~,RI~~~~~·r.A~r~~i\~I~~~~afC~I~~ge7al~~~;'a.

Frnnci&eo Siribnn. Rnnger, AKricullural College. 1"lIl!;unn, Demetrio Orilln ntCII, Rnnl:er. J\grieulturnl College, Lnllunn, Quirino Ruiz. Ran~er. AlI;riculturnl College. LlIl!;una. Ca)'etnno Maenrne", Ranger. Agricultural College. Laguna. }.

§~~tirac~~ Slcr~~~b~:o,,cli n~~ir~u1~~~~~I~~~f' ~~~I~~::

Laguna, Antonio Fabian, Hanger. Agriculturlll Coll~ge, Laguna. Vicente de III Cruz. Ranger, A.. riculturnl C"llege. Lagunn. AgU9tin Pnscua. !'Inn,~r. Al[iruhurnl Collcgc. Laguna. J~ Viado. !'lanKer, AgricultUl'DI Collcge, Laguna. Fed eri co N. Gatmeitnn. Rnn,:er, Agricultural College. r,aluna. :\ Fc!;': O. Chinte. R:lnlcr. AlI;riaultural College. Lngun:l. Tomns Mannlo. Ranger. Agriculturn l Coit~l!:e. Lall;una.

~;[,~:J~~ 'uo~~~c;: ~:~::~: ~~~~I~:r:1 g~ll~:~: t:~~~::

Mamerto D. Sullt. Hnnger. Agri~ul tural Coitege. Laguna. Teodoro Dolilo. Ranger. Agri cultural College. Lngunn. Juatino SeCueTra. RanlleT, Al!:ri cu \turnl College. Lngunn.

gj~~~o~' ~t~~~~~· N:~::~: ~~~rl~\,:;:l g~II:::: t:~~~::

Demetrio R. Mendou. Ranger, Agricul~ur ..1 I"agun ... Paciano Rimnndo, Rnnger AIlT,culturnl College, DominKo J. Mndrld. Ranger, AgrLcultural LaRunn. Nicomede, F. Pna. Ranger. Agriculturnl College, IIllefon!n Pnli,oe, Rnngcr. Agricultural College. Lo rCMo A. Gnrein. Bnnllcr. Aij:ricul~urnl Collego. E.tani!lno L nyoln. Mnni ln. Mnrtin J,ngrimns. Hanli:or. AgrioliJ~urnl College. Snlvadot S. San tol. Bnnger. Navol llll. niznl. Btlldomero Dtlvocol. Rnnger. Mnnila. Augusto Ruiz. do Arnnn. Rnnger. Aurelio S. i\'lcjia r RRrlger. Mnnila. Feli" Mcndioro, finnger. 1'Ilaniln. Emilio Velnsro. ltnngcr, ,\griculLural College, Patricio O. Cll.I'uling, Ihnger. i\Jrlni ln. Antonio SequcrTn. Rnnger. Allriculturnl College,


LaRUntl College. LDgunn. Lnguna. LnRuna.

Dl vilio n of Forest lind Rnnll.e Mn nnll.emilnt Carloa Sulit, Chiel 01 o;vieion. J ~ F. Nano, Acting AaJiltant CWe! of Diviaion. Valentin Snjor. Forl'Stcr. Juan Lopez. Chid. Specist UIC Permit Scetinn. Felil. 1'IIabuayag. ChLef. ClailM and ConRiels Section. Oraulio Cristobal. Acting Chief. Working Plalla Section. RIISOEIUI: ;\lagd .. lcno TUllade Jos6 Flore. Cenon 1'11. Cabrera J 0s6 1'11. Cortes Espiridion B. Vlste Hermcnegildo n. Ccpnio P .. blo A. Bolllnte Emeterio Edmilao Antonio Q. L.. cza Pcdr(l ,\gn.I008 Longinoa 1'11. Espinosa

J0a6 D. Aquino lo'elill'. Pu Dominftdor J. SanLoa Juan n. navelo Pio Salomon Celcetino Sabalo Juan Oblina nD.ymundo Dua Sellundino Regondola Daniel Evangeli.tll Paulo It. Vi ray

Fonts'\' GO"Rn~: COrnaljo Jorilln Geronimo Garcia Clomente Celao Grnciano Paeion Nemceio C. Pnrel Alfredo Rodriguez

Vicloriano U. AlIlLeimO Lton F. Agaton Domingo l'anfcrraun

CLERIC8: Lorenoo Siaon Constanto L. Hllllni Emeterio C. Ocayn bidoro lo'ranaiaco

Eligio Cordero 1'IInrec]a 1'. n onuilln Sinfor oso Caneda Roberto l\Inrcclo

Toouorico PlLJ'ungno

~~:~\:' 1'I1 ~~J~~~o

Dlvl, lon of Forest Conceulons Ramon J. Alvarez. Chicf. JlUtO )1. I'nscua!. Forcet SU I,on·ilor.

~~ci:,~ro ~~~ijia!.oC',~cfuri':C'~:· Section. Gregorio Pobl"ci6n. Chief, Sa,,·mHi.a end Sealing Sectio n. RAl'!(]CII8: Pedro Smo Pcdro LalU'eano Labauy Jo~ R. Andrnda Arternio O. Coaico Alfredo R. Aaunei6n Emmanuel Elayda Fort unato )Imnuel Oenigno Enriquc

Ramon Rondilla Nicolns Ulep ClLIrimiro P. Mercado Conccpci6 n B. Bello Cipriano S. Mariano FnU9tino A. Guerrero Pedro CSUIDWan Luia R. Fontanilla Lorouo Tu"lIo ~~;:~~i'll}{&:'~:: Eltnnillno Sstinllll Vh'llII AnBel P.

FORCST GOAnns: P"b]o Roquc Sinioroso Apnciblo CllIIiano I'reln Pantaleo n dc In Pella C1.EltKft:

Joeli V. 1'II0IIquito Amado C. Hoan Aninno C. SyJR ratc J 0e6 C. Oauliats


Dorotco AbcUn Oamunuo !'I. Walta Florendo U. Aqui liann J os.(; C. Ali"aruci F'nuato P e Bonito

)Ianiln. Lnguna.

Division of ForCal Delimitation and Improvemen t Felipe R. AmOll, AOling. Chid of Di,i.ion. Antonio Quiaoit, Acting Chiof. Foron Sur\'e)'lI .. nd TIn· provcmont Sectio n.

Vicenle Vnldu, Rnnger. Agriculturnl College. LallWla. Nicolaa Angc\CI. Forest Gunrd. Agricultural College La(l;una. Apolillllrio Mn.rquu. FnrCllt Guard. Manita. Feli" Columbu·s. ForCit Guard. Agricultut ..1 College. l"agunn. babdo ,\t ienn, ForCllt CUlLJ'd, Agricwtural College. Laguna. J~ C. Alcalm, ForCit Guard. AgriculLurnl College. Lae:una. Simplie,o n arbtl. Forcet Gunrd, Agricultural Coll~ge, Lnguna. Julian Re"elleln, NW'Scrymlln. ,\gricultutal College. Laguna. ;\In.:<;'no Pallgn, NUl'lleryman. Agricultural College. Laguna. I,orenoo T I ... nlican. Clerk. Al':riculturnl Collegc. Lagunll. Artu .... 8"nt~. Clerk. ;\lnniln. Fcli~bcrto Snnt~. Cle rk. Mnnila. Jovitn Snrncho. Clerk. M,ricuhunl ColleGe, L"guna.

nA:-:OEIUI: CnUzto Santoo Brigido Catindill Joaquin Eltrada I..eonnrdo Contreras Guillermo Pooro PrO«Olo Uamoao ;\Iarciano Dnseond lto Geno"e\'o Caftete Nieolaa P . Lansigan Antonio ) Iadanng Demetrio F. Almu"o CaliJ.lo Accnllll Ataoncio B. C"tambny Luit A. Uran~1\ Dalmaeio Reyea Fernando Pascua Benito L. Hoque Joaf M. Rico \'ictnriano B. AI'il[uclcro Leonardo n. T abion Rufino "-\. Sabado Vicente Yap·OjanR~o Berha~ Y. Tali"'lIg:1l R .. fael CrILcillo. Force~ Gnard. Pompe)'o C. Borj ... Forl'St Guard. E!enlar :\1. "illahue"a Foresl Guard. HcrmoaenCi RcYI'S. ~ietant Topographient Dro.ltsmao. C~yetllno Critoatomo. A.ialDn~ T opollTapb iu l Dnalta· milo.

~~~; ~ra~i:~{,i~. ~~'~~~'. ~~~~\~~~\ g~ll:~:: t:~~~::

Benh;no Ongcoy Gotrudi. B. FornrmdCl AtonMio Rey"" Clodoaldo Gamel Taidro T. Aimed ..

PHILIPPI NES Jo:,.,on TOPOOIt.\P IIICAL DIt.\ Vicente Pagtnlunan Gregorio Viccndo " Iareelino CrUl Di""dndo Ange]u JOI6 A. Domin!!:o Buenavenlu.a "Iorn]ea R nfncl Vic~ncio Agnlon "illnfucrt~ TomM " [ona. Jo.~ Snntos, Jr. AUNllio lie Glumn n Sernfin AleSlro I.nbolo Gnroin Vi~torino lIIcnC8ea Vi acnto D. lie ]0 Cru~ COIJ!tnllcio Snutiatebnn MnriRno Villnnu(lI'n Alejandr o Ortiz IIn""tino SRn liogo Simfllicio Soriano, Junior Comflut cr. Pedr o Merrero, J unior Co.npo.uer. )Ianucl R. Quuido. Junior Computer. Antonio 1'. CasipH, Cl~rk. GCTonimo Roque, CI~rk . Feli~ N. J c,nmillo. Clerk Af'1Ienio A. FormMi6n. CI~r:':. T omas R . Valenrin. Clerlt. Alfredo Sotelo, Cle.!.:. Antonio A. Are"nlo, C lerk. F IELD SERV ICE Fo.ut District No. 1 Provintu: aBtanc~, Cagoyan. lanbdn and Nuevn Vi.cayn. i\lunicipnlity 01 Pinapp n~anl Vioonte PnrrRS, Di.tnc~ Forester (Aoting), Forcat Stn tion, AfllITri, Cogoyo n. Martin Oue rrero. ,\dm inistrBtivc Officer. Foreat SIMion.


veria. Cagayan. Pedro /IIontero. ACling Echa;ue, I!Dbcla.

in Cha r Go, Foreat Stalion, C ia· Olli~ r

in Chllrge Forut Stalion,

Pedrr]n~::~"J~~;e] Offic~in ~hllrge.

FOJ"eal SIMion, Pedro n. L ay,,", Officer in Char;:o. Forest Slntion. Zi_ nUlldutilDU. GaUaran. Castayall.

~~3~:"0 faili::' N:,~;::: ~g;:: ~:::i~~: ;~r.:~1: g=:~~~:

"Ra mon Plla.


Forest Stalibn, Apnr, i. Cnllnynn. l'etIr:D~8n~!eob llr, Ranger, Forese \,Mion, Apartl. Cn.

Froi]an B. Pnrado, Ranger, Forcst StMion, AflRrri, n Luca?R#.nft"e ., Rllnger, Forest Station , ~'lItT;. CII~RYI\It. llcrnllr<lino TIIC~II, Ralt;:er, Forc~t ~tnliolt A"nrri, Cngny"n. GDud~ncio L. Feli x Rnngcr ForC.j! Sll\l iolt. CIRvcrin. C"gnynlt. Lcollcio Amon, R an,er, Forest StMion, l;;chn"u~. bll. bela. Francisc o O<lnllgn, Ranger, Forest Slll~ion, Eeba;ue. lube]a. Oom;!'a';.,If.' VclllSco, Ranger, Forut s)alion, Ilagan,


Trinidad A,lugub, Forest Gunr<l, F orest Slation. Aparri, CagaYlln. Antouio Aloba. Forest Guard, Forest Station, Aflarri,


Forcst Guar<l, Forest Stlltion, Aparti. CRgnya n. Oioui&io <Ie III Cruz, Forest Guard, Foreal StM ion, Aparri. CnI;RYRIt. V. Amparo lie niven, Forest Gunr<l, St ation. Apl1rri. Cngnynn. :"IlMeo C. Dumann, Forest Guar<l, Foreat Siniion, A]>lIrri. CngRynn. ~lariRllo Cellabr~, Fores t Guord, Forcat SIMion, Cw.veria. CagIlYl1I1. Severi no auell, Forest Guard, Fore. t SUtion, Baglln, Idabela. :"I[anuel Tarroja. Computer. Forest Station, Aflatti. Ca,,,yan. Forest Dlstrlet No. 2 (Provincea: Abra. Ilocos Nor te and !locos Sur) Eapi.itu Pntai.o, Acting Diatrict Fo . ... t~r, Fnreal St .. tion, Villnn, Jlocos Sur. Cayol ano B ........ , Admini.trative Offiee. (Acl ing). Jo!{. ~,'i~~h, SbiA~~~' i~iljh~~g~],ocFogr!~rStRiiOn, Bangued, Ab ra. Fle1~~i:~/og~~f!~~'II~~~~n~u~~cer in Char,o, Foreal T'llnqullino Cllohero, Aeling Office r in CharRO, Cn ninw ltoforCltnUon Projecl, \'in "igan, 11 000. ,sur. MUimo C. Folix. Officer in Chnrge, I'ereat SUlion, Laong, lloc~ Nor te. Emilill A. Sori ano, Officer ill CharKO. Tnngaoan ncforratatio n Projeot, Piddi g, 1I0eos Norte. Ciriaco Ariola, Rall,er, For""t SIMion, Vi,nn 1I0cos Su •• Pedr~~: V.. lern, Rnnger, ForC!lt SIMion, "iann, lloco.


G r~,orio

F. Na""no. Rllngcr. Forest SUlion, Bangu~<I. Abrn. CriS!>II;Ollo A . R .. mos, nanger. Caltiaw ReCorealali!>n Pr!>jcct. "ia Vrgall, 1I0cos Sur. Junn Bllibuenn, Ranger. Caninw Ref!>rC&IRlion Project, "ia Vigan, 1I0co! Su• . Santiago N. Pact, Rau ger . Forest St Mion. LRoag. 1I0eos Norte. Cnl alin o ,\u rcllado, Forest Guard, Forest Slntion, "i~n", JlocOll Sur. Hufin" CotJ>uz , For""t Guard. TIlngaon Rcf!> .... tntion Projecl. ,·ia Pi<ldiG, I\ OCOll Norte. For est Di s tri ct No. 3 (Pr!>,~neCII: La Union and :"Ilouniain P rovinee) Si"'to Lartl)·a. Dist rict Forester , FOTeat S tation, aaguio, MI. Pr o'~"cc. Edi]bcrto :"Il adrid. AaistDnt to Diatriet Forester, Foteat

R"fa~f"~~rdil?a~g~d;lt~i~tr~~r,~~ngffi.,.,r, Fotc&t Stati!>u, Bao:uio. Mt. Pro,·inoo. Junn " l nbC&/l, Officer in ChnrJl"c. Ambukl .. o Rdor~sta_ li!>n J'roi~et. "ia a"l:uio, Mt . I'r!>viuce. Abraham Tnubnng, Acting Officer in Ch~rllc, Fore.l Stlltion, Bontoc, Mt. Pr o"ince. J ack "I. Guyguyon, Officu in Charlie, Furcat Statio n. I{inngnu, 1/"0:60, Mt. Province. Mnrk Oaoey, Offi cer in Chnrgc, FOt('8t Sut ion, I.ubu .. ann. \(nlinl':a, i\lt. Pro,·inee. o.~udo Bueaycay. Officer in Charge, Fore!lt St ation, Pugo, La Uni!>n. ~llIllno l'llIig ne, Officer in Charge, (Actinll). For""t Stnti!>n, Suy"". :"lit. Pro'~lIcc. Leonor I.izardo. Hanger Forel ! Stalion, aaguio, :"1[1. I'rovinc.e. Jol6 B. Logan. Ranger . Forest Sution, B~guio, :\It. I'ro"inee. "I;n l,ilo Lardizabal. Rallger. Fore. t Station. n"guio. Pro";nce. Tcll",foro Pulillo, Ram;er. Foresl Slntion. Hagllio. :"1ft.



Antonio puento, Ranger, Foresl Stalion, Ba;uio, Mt.


Rnuger, Forest St"tion, 8nGuio, :"lit. I'royillce. FrAneiSC! I'. '\rRI:OIICS. R n!;cr, ForC!lt Still ion. Bngui/), ~I~ I'rol·i",..,. Bonir"ci I'nl o.., i{onger. Fore.t StM;on, Bnaui/), i\It. Province. JOI6 V. Berumitn. Rom,cr. Forest Station, a"1:"';o, :"lIt. Province. Juli~no Urquiola, nanj:cr. Forest SlGtio n. lIollllio. "h. Province. Valentin I). Gllillermo. Ibnger. Forut Stillion, Baluio. ~1t. Pro";nte. Hermo,enca Marque._ Rang~r, Forl'St Statio n, BlI,ui o, Mt. Pro,·in~e. Estell'Rio R. Ca.scro, n311ger, Ferest Stalion. nlllui<>. "'~. Pr o,·ince. Eleno CIII,il;, Rnnger. For est StBl;on, Baguio, "It. !'fo,·ince. Aqllilino anlb;n, RanGu. Forest StAtion. l14gui<>. Mt. Provin ce. FQli]te 8nroll,a, Rnnlle r, AmbukJno Reforesl nt;on Pro-

Mnrim:;C~Cl,::~,~~~'W;n~~~: f~~~~'SintiOR,

Su)'oo, " It. Pro"in ee. G"rei'l.. F/) rc!l Gunrd. FOrt st St r.I;O". a'lllll;O. ~[1. Pro'-;no:"e Timotco Lng,",cm. Forest Gu"rd. Forut Station, Bngllio. :"lit. Pro,·ince. Godolredo Costnle!, Forut GUllrd. Fo. ut Sintion. a"l:uio. Mt. I'ro,·ince. ElItefo nio Gnrth. Forest Guard, Forul Stalion, anl:uio, :"lIt. P,o,·inco. Alfredo Noreida, Forest Guard, For ost StMion, aall.llio, Mt. I'rovineo. Serlio D . 1'''l':n~ell. Forest Gu,-.r<l. Forclt Stnlion, BAguio. :'It. Pro,"i"c~ Ireneo Go e.. d, For est Guard, Forest St81ion, Baguio, ~fl. I'rovineo. Miguel C. a. Goroio. Clerk. Foreat Stotion, Baguio, :"lit. I'ro,·ince. Cipri~no

f.' or est District No.4. ( Pro,·incc.: NlLcI'n E eijn, Nue,"n "i~e"yO\ (All territori c~ not in cludcd in Foreat Di.trict No. I) I'nngnainnn ond Tnrlae) babclo AQhaeoao, Di.lrict Forester, F<>rel t SIRlion, CabnnotlLDn, Num'n E c;jn. :"Ir.. mcrto C. A~urin, AdminislrRdvo Officer. Forest Station, Cllbllnlllunn, Nuevil Ecija.



Ped ro Afnlln, Offi cer in ChBrgc, Forest SIMion, Doyom_ bong. Nucvll Vilto)'lI. Luia C. DOln. Offieer In Chnrgo, Forest Slntion. D n_ /lupnn. I'RnKlI$inBn. Domingo P . Rnmd, Officer in ChntJ{e, SalinR! Reforcstntion I'rojcc ~ ,·in Dnmbnnl!'. Nueva Vi. caY Il. Junn L. Utleg. Officer in Chure, fo'ores t Sinlioo. SaD JOlIe. Nue\'n Ecijo. Dominudor G, Fa u.slino Rnnger, ForCIII Stalio n. CnbanRtulln. Nuevn Ecija. Al'rOt'~:;~ ~~c~:Yfu"~ij~."ngcr, Fores~ Stntion CnbnoB' Romnn R. Aquino. Runger. Foreat Station, C,lblll\ntunn, Nue"n Eoija. So\'crino Tllny. Rllng er, Fores t Stnlion, CBbRDnlunn, Nucvll Eeija. &o rgio M. Bnutistn. Rnuger. Forcst StBlio u. CnbnnMunn, Nuov\l. BeU", J onqui n B. Borjn, ltnllger, Forest Station, Cllbllnnlunll, Nuc\'a Eeijn. CarJOI!I Yillnru~l. Rnnger, Forest Stillion, Co.bonlltullu, Nuovn Eeija, Itcneo C. ES1.inu. Hanger, For""t Stntion, Co.bnnlltUlln, Nue\'n I"~ija. Remillio P. Hivern, Rnnger, Fortst Stntion, Oll),ombong, Nu",·n VizCllyn. i'noifi co M:ljllr. Rllngcr, Fore~t Stntion, B8~'ombong, Nllevn VizrnYIl. T ori bio V. Mnnznno. HnnJ;:cr, Forest Station, Dnguplln,

Fnusri~l~gnA';Cna':;ili'!- Rnn,c:cr,

Forest Slll.\ion,


Pangllsinnn. An5clmo Agustin, nangcr, For""l Stlltion, DDguplln, PaugllSi On. Federico O. O\[Jeu, nouger, Forest Stll.\ion, DRllupnn, Pllngnsinnn. Pedro Milnn, RnnJ{cr. ~linll8 fieforCli tntion Project, via Bnrobnng, N"c\·o Viz cnyn. Primo P. Audred, RAnger, n!iollS, BeforCIIl8tiOll Proj ec~ , vill. Bamblln!:. NUllv" %zollyn. Dcof:(rn~ill.S J1Ini. Rllnger. !Wrest Stntion, Snn Jose, Nucva Bcljll. )1D.J:imo E, AbllDn, RanJ;:er, P.orcst SUtion. Slln Jose, NueVII EeijB. , fo'ilomc no V. Carboncl, Rnuger, ~rcst Stotion. Sn n Jose Nueva Edjn. Snl"odor IT. Snntos. For""t Gu rd. Fore:st Sto.tion, Cobnnntunn. Nue"n Ecijn. Apolinn. F. Tolentino, l'orcs! Gunrd, Forcat Stntion, Cnbenl\lunn, Nuc\'n Eoijn, Fidol A. Tllf:(uinm. For Cll t Ounrd, Forest StMion. Cllbn-

)locn~~tu,~~'O\~~~~~~n:cij;l'~rest dUllrd, Foreat Sinfion Cnbnnatulln, Nuevn Ecijo.. J ose A. Orti •• Forest Gunrd. fo"orcst Stll.\;on, Cnbnnntunn. Nuevn Eeija. Pedro V. Boy. Fornt Gut\rd, Forest Stotion. Cabanaluan, Nueva Brija. Grc/lorio Cnllllng, Forest Gunrd. Eoreat Slot;on, BllyomPedr~OC!·n£:~~~Fo~~~n(i~nrd. ForI'S! Stlltion,

Dngupnn, I'Bnl!:nsinn n, Benito Unnbin, Nnuery",nn, FOrcstSlIl.lion. C.bnnntuIln, Nueva r-:cijo. Norbe rto C;rioro. Computer, Forest Stntion, C"bunatunn, Nuc\'\I. Eciju.

Fo ren Dis tri ct No.5 (Pro\'inc~: Bllto nn. BlI.!angns, Bulauo. Clwitc, Loguna, PnmpanSln.. Bini nnd Znmb ft les) T omns N, Roque. Di! trict FOTesler, ) Innilo.. Cnrlo! Guerrero, ,\dminiatrnth'c o ffi ce r (Actin,d, O\1llnilll. Frnncisco A. P n)'umo. Acting Officer io ChnrgC, Forest Stilt ion, A,,,ynl. I'nml)angll. Aniceto Sullt, Offiec r in Chnrgc, FTc& ~ Sll\tioll , Po.g_ ennjnD, Lnl\unn. 11Ioro Solaonn, Offi~cr in ChnTKIl (Acting) Forest Station. ~ I nsinloc, Znlnbnlea. Adri I"" \' ,Idt>: Offi cer il\ cb "Ile, For est Sutio", Subie. Zllmb .10 •. Julio Bllldcmor. RlinSler. )[Ilniln, Euloltio Dr... , Ronger. ~Ioniln. Amado Sunt, Rnn~ er. :'o laniln. Ant?!,io \'. Prr .... RnnJ{er. Mnniln. C~c,ho RoIR. Rllolter. Mllnilll, ITln eo DuenB.II, Rllnlto r, ~Ionilll. O\ lannol yCt'llo~ll. Ihllger, Mnnilll. FU",,!Lo l' lor/:$, RllngeT, )[n nila, i\lllnli~~m~n~"Bn;,~~':n.n n"get. fo'orest Stntion, Almneco, Joan Rubinno. Rnngmo, ForCl~ Stillion, Almaccn, Her, IRaan. BnUIlD.

ElII!\rio Borromeo, RnnKcr, I~ort't~ Slation, Arnynl, Pa""pnnlCa. MamcrlO M. Villnnueva, Rangcr, Forest Shlion, I'al;.6II,ojo.n, Laguna. Jose B. njse~ rr". R'U'MC., l'oreal Stlltion. P"Kannj"n. L"J:u nll. Tuntn~~n~.IOng, Rnnger, Forest SIBtion, Papanjnn. C:cn"ro A. Pill, R,mgcr, For~t Stillion, Pn pn njnn. Lagunn. MneMio Ejnnd\l.. finnge r, Forest SI\l.t;on, )[ntllh'ia, Mo.sinloe. Z"mbuICII. 1,uis C. Geronimo, Forest Gunrd. Mnnilll. NicotRa Carpio, FOTe~t CURrd, M"niln. Florentino )[prnrton, For Cllt Gunrd Maniln. Sernfin Apolinnrio, 110rt'tt Gunrd. Mnniln.

~~~~I gut~fll~"\¥~~!~Gc.:,~r~~or$or~~nkllll~tiO",

Pnmrmnlla, Florentino V. I'Mcun, FOl'I!t GUllrd,


Forl'St Sution.

i\forc~~'ln~~II~:!~a~Orf!Oll Guard, ForClit Slo.l;on, )Intnl, ,oj" MQllnl oio, Z:>",bDI{'S. Severo E. Enervn, 110rl'flt Gunrd, Forca! Shtion, Ma_ tRivia, ;\Il>8inloo, Znrnbnles. J uon Lunn, Jr .. Clerk, Mo.niln.

,,' o re,t Dla u 'let No. 6 (Provinces: Marindu(IUC, Mindoro lind TnynbB.II) Sc\'ero Olh'I!rOl. Di.trict }o'orester, Fo~.~ Station. Lucenn. Tnyabu. ltalncl Son Pedro. Adminialrntivo Officer Forest Stntion, Luc"nll, TnYllbB.II. Pedro P. Luquete\'. Officer in Chlll'gc, Forest Stalion, CIlIRpnn. Mindoro. b'di" JU CllbnD. Offi cer in' Cblll'ge (Acting), F oreat StRtion Cnlnung, TIl)'llbDS. Brnulio Liblldia. Officer in Chnrge, Forcst Siulion, CM;/l.urnn . Toyllb .... ~~ G. Goia., Offi cer in Chnr"a (AClinIC), Forcat SIRtion, Knbib,hlln, Tn)·o bQII. llurtelo Mllnuel. Officcr in Chn,gll (ActiniU, Forl'St Sllllion, Polilio, Tornbas. Leonlltdo F. Grlltlnda, Officer ;n Chnrge. For~t Stntion. Snn J 05<l. Mindoro. E .... ngelino Mnlaeoco, Offi~r in Chnrgc, For~t Sution, Sumn!,:ui, Mindoro. Dernnbe Guieb, Hnner, For~t Slat ion, I.uecno. Ta_ ynbB.II. Primiti\'o do III VOgII, Ibnger. Forcst Stillion, LucenlL

Weni~r:~~or[pno, Ranger, ForC$t SlRdon, Taynblls, Noreiso C. ElIn.flr. RIIDger, Fore&~ Sution, TflynbB.II, JOlI(i D. WilInmBter, Honger. Forl'St SlllIion, TnYllbas. EdUllrdo M. n m. Hanger, Fotea t Stillion. TaYllbas. Bllluyot, Rnnger, Foreat Stntion, Tllynba.a, Eu~ebio l. vmanUQ\'a, RnnKer, FOrCllt Sintion Eler~~rg'd~'11l TllynbllS.

Lueenn. LuecnD, Lucen~,

Lueena, l.ucc"". I.UCCIID,

CUCBln, Rllngu, F orCllt Slntion. Luccn",

Mehk~i~~':.o~nmero, Rangcr,

Fr<!llt SutiOI!, CIIIllpnn

Lcopoldo Micinno. Rnnge r, Fores t SIMion, ClllapllD Mindoro. Alfredo L"gaya, Rllnger, Foteat Station, Cnllluag, T o:_

Lco%~;~~"'Anonue\'o, nanKcr, Fotca t SIMion, Cnlllu\I.~, Gcr,~~ront!l!lPllnnligon, Rnnger. l'-orClt Station, Cnlnullg,

T"ynbWl. Junn M. America, !tnnger, b'o rllllt Stitt ion. Polillo. TaYllbna, Teotimo S. Sevillll. Rllllger, For es t Stilt ion, SumllKui, )Iindoro. Godof redo Gollo, Ibngcr, }o'orest Sution, Sum"Cui, Mindoro. Ciriaco Diu, Foteat Guard, For~t Sution, Lueena. TnYllbM. Celao B. Florido, FOrNt GUlll'd, Foreat Stlll;on, Lutc "a. TarabllS. Colao Q. Laygo, FOte.1 Guard, Foreat Statioll, t. u~na , TnYRbas. Zoaimo Lerum, Forcal CunNi. For~t Stlltion, Ca]lIlUIl!, T o.y"ba... Filomo n A. SOttO, Foreat Guard. Forest StMion, CalaUB@. TnYllba... Pab lo AainorCl, FOrMt Guu.rd, Foroet Sution, ClI..!iiCllt&n. Tllyabu.


PHILIPPINES TomPa O. SUnllll1o, For.. t GUllrd, Forni SllItion, Casi -

Lcon~~"C: b~~~"lIb~~Clcrk. b~.

Forest Slllllan. Lueena. TII)'I\_

FortH Dl s trlCI No.1


Albay, Cllm"rine~ None. Cllmnrines Sur. "'a.shllte lind Sonoll:onl

n amo n A.

A ~ulln.

A cti ng

Di.trict FeTester, Forest

Stillion. Naga, CamDri n(l5 Sur. Jorge Mirand ... AiU;stnnt 10 Diatri ct Fores ter n.. tI Cheek ScalI!'!". Forest SUllion. Nagll, C"m"rin", Sur. S""era U. Nabl", Officer in Charlie. " orelt SIMian, C/I. tnbai1gan, viII Aioncr()lI. Tllynb1l.5 . Gregorio Ari~"bll.l. Offi Cl"r in Charlc, Fotell St nlion. D nhican. ClmnrinlJ Norte . ..1.1""'0 C. JlLiIt"'C. Officer in Chnu:c, Yoros! StMion. Del CantllO. Gllmannc! Nort e. S .. ntillgo FigurMion. Officer in ChRrI'[C. Forest Stlltion. LIl\Ilwi gnn, Dnet, Csmllrincs Sur. . Al"!!cnio B. Aller, Acting Officer in Charge, F'orcs~ Sutton, Legnw i, ,\I ba)'. J osl: G . Plleia, Omc~ r in Charge, llorcat St ll((Oll. Mnsbnte, M~Bb8te.

Rufino Z. Zamb",no, Officer in Clontgc, F'ort"St Stntion, Mereedca, Camnrine. Nortc. Gregorio J. Lnbit" li!". Office r in Chnrgc. For~U SlMio n. Soraogon. Soraogon. R"rnol de loa Hayes, O ffic~r in ChnrllB, Forest Stnt ion. '!landoc. Cnmnrine4 Norte. ,\nncleto B. Bspinn!, Office r in Chnrllc. Forest StCllion, Virae. Cntnndunne$, Albay. Ramon Mn'nyn, Rnnge", For",t StMion, Nngn , C"m-.rines Sllr . Pedro Adu"iso, Rnn"er. F,,\cst Sution, Naga. Camnrines SU]". . F Leon~~~: ~~ro, Ranger, 'fest StMion. Nagn, Cllm,,Eli"io Alojipan Rnoger, For.. 1< Stntion. Naga, Camarille. Sur. Domin"o A. de Leon. Rnnlu. F orcat Stat ion, NaGn. Camnrines Sur. B ern~~~ ~.:;:rnn. Rlln,~r. Forcat S\"tion, Naga. CnmaVi ctorio Galan, Raucer, Fol"t'S~ SUtio ll, N",a. Cnm"rinee Sur. Julio de Luna. R"ngu, For~t Station. NaGa, Cllma_ rinC!! Sur. Inoc~.i~eAr.:~~r~s, ¥:~!~~.Fore$t St ati,n, Cntllbllilgtltl. Cipriallodeh.. Vegn. itanger. ForestStlltion. CntnbaiiGan, vin Mhmeros. Tny.b..... H ipolito B. Marcelo, Rn"ger, Fo~t Station, Dnhiean, Camnrin"" Norte. H ermogenea Cnrdin"". Ranger, FOrCit Station, Daniean. Camllrines Norte. Florentino Ferrer, Ronger. FOrPSI Station. Dnhiean. CBmnrines Norte. Valentin Abing. Ron ger, Forest Stilli on, D aniean, Cnmarinps Nor te. Lui s N. Noblun. Rnnger, Foreat StMi on, Dnhican, Cama_ rinea Norte. Federleo F. Bnllabnn, Ranger, Fa ....'t StMion. Lellup;, Albay . Bernabe T . Borjn, Ranger, Fore. t Station, )'!lIsb"ta, ~Ia,bate.

Mareclino E. ]>unulnn, RanGer, ForeleSt"tion, Mercedes, Cnmurinea Norta. L ucio N. Souo. nanl/er, Forea! Stalion. Mercedes . Camnrinea Nortc. Felipe L. L lI3c ano, Ronller, Forest StMion, Sor.ogon. 50,"01l"0n. Jose V. Jimenez, Ra"gor, Forest StnLion, So"olo n, Sor· 8 011"0".

Vnlentin Fajardo. nanller, F ortlt Stati on, Tandoc, Camarines Su r . Fermin Sol, Foreat Guard. Fores t Sution. Nnga. Cnmn· . inee SU]", Seblltl ian B ,Jja, Fon.t Gunrd. Forest StM ion, Naga. Camarines Sur. Simeon Bermudo. Fore,t Guard, Foreot StMioD, Nlllla. CamBrincs Sur. Victorino Mariano, Forcat Guor,l, Foreat S tation. Catn. banun. vi n Alonoros, T nyn bll3. Emilio Abundo, Forcal Gunrd, Forest Stntion. Dnbicnn, Cnmarinea Norte. . PeU~ Vi ..... , Forea~ Gunrd, Forest Stillion, Dnhi ean, CnmariuC4 Notte. Zoilo E. Romn. For""t Guard. FOI"eat Station, Dahi ean. Cnmarineo Norte. Primitivo Daluyut , For",,! Gunrd, Forelt St ation . Del Gallego. Cama.;nea SU]". Valeriano N. Columnll, ForC4t Guard, ForcH Stntion , MlLSbnte, Mll.lbato.

Lorenz o Ibeps, Foreat Guard. For,,"! Stlltion, Mercede • • Cllm .rines Norte Alb erto G. Guillermo Forest Guard. Forcat Station. Tandoc. CnmRrin Cl! Sur . :'IlnrgMito d e Lora, Forest GlLard. Forcat Station. Tnn . doc, Cnmarinea SU]". Fclil,e N. Orlil. ForCiI Guard, ForCit Station. Tnndno. CRmarinCi SU]". Altwrto Vil1ducrte. Junior Computer. Forcat Stlltion, Na,a. Camarine, Sur. Filcmnn ),1. Bnrein", CIerI:. Forcat StMion, ~agn. C,"nari nC>ll SU]". .'orest Dl s lfl <;:! No. 8 (Pr n";ncCl: I,e>·te and Samnr) G regorio ;"I[irll1l. ,\ cting District Foreste •. Forest Stal;on. Tnciobou. Le)·te. J o~ T. Datoon, Act;n~ Officer;n Charge, F orca t Stillion, Calbnyog. Samnr. Franei.eo A. Acoot R, '\ C~i " K Officer, in ChRTge, Forest Station, Cntbnlo",~n, S"mnr. Euaebio A. Anulao . Ofllecr ;n C hnrs.e. Forcat Sut ion, CnlubiRn, I.eytc. Rafnc\ Bll yle, Offie~r in ChnrJ,tc, For est Station. Lalom", Ley tc. Nemc~io Gunbnun, Ac\il1Jt Office r in Charge, Foreat Station. CllL Rrmnn. SRmur. Domiciano D olendo , A aLi ,,~ Officer in Charge. Fore.t SlllLion, Orlnoc, I,cvtc. C;rilo I nciso, Acti nl: Officer in Ch"rJ,te, Forest Slot ion , CR ri gn"" Ley t c. Florcntino C. VenolR . Rnn~cr. Statio". T ncloban . Le>·te. Perfe cto Tomeldnn, Rnnger, Foreat StRtio", Tac\ob .. n. Leyle. ,\ mbr05io Biton;o, Range r. Forest Station, Tnclob nn, Leytc. Alber to Vmnnue,·n. Rnnller, Fores t Sution. Tneiob an , Leyle. Gnbino Montillo. Ranller, Fores~ Sl~tion, Tac1obnn. Leyte. Clem ente Colinnre", Rang~r. Forcat Stotion. Taclob .. n,

Rep~!yte';rin, nn"ger. Forcat Station. Taclobnn, LeYle. Atrndo{ilc los lIe)·cs. Ranger. FOrCllt Station, Tacioban, !..c,Yte. Feli~i~i mo R. ,\ guina ldo, Ra"g'" l'orest Station, TIl_

Sinro~~~"on'n~'CU~~~h,","e" Ranger, Forest Stnlion. TaTrnn~~t?~o 6"'.J;~: J r .. Ranger, Forest Station, Taeloban, :'I[ar~rnt,~" R . CllltrO. IhnlOer, Foreat Slation. Catb,,logan, Samar. Nicanot O. Sclgll, Ran;cr, Forest Stntion, Lagomn. ! te . Proc~r~bR~o~:~i~: Forest Gu"rd, Forest Stillion, T a_ Venancio Babida,

De"i!'Oelri~'cillo, Pnbl~C!i~dOY,


ForC>llI Stillion, T nclobnn,

Forcat Gunrd. Forest Station, Tnclobll", FOrCit GURrd. Fo.en Station, TlIclobnn.

Jo.6 kf!'.t(:ncc rc" ForcstGunrd. For"'t Stlll;on, T Rd obnn, Le~·tc.

Jos6 Pn"", Clerk. Forest StRtion. Tacloban, Leyte. Forest Di s lrl<;:[ No. 9 Antique, Cnpi •. Iloilo, Occidcntnl N egro5 nnd !tomblon) Vi eente ClLStillo, District For cstu, Foreat Stotion, Iloi lo, llo;lo. Epifllnio 13. Fcrnnndez. Officer in Charge, Forest Station. Fnbrlcn. Ncgroa Occident .. l. Federi co D. \'alern. Acting Officer ;n Charge, Forest S tnti o", Ilog. Negroa Occident"l. Ignndo C .. u""",", Actin!; Offioer in ChRrle. Forcot Station. New "'""hington. Cnpi •. Getardo B. Tnmnyo. Ib'''lJcr, Forest Station. Iloilo. Iloilo. (Pro";n ccs:

~r~~~ePL.n~tir~g."n~~~~r.~~~~~tS~:'!:?:n, V~N)o. n~iI~:

Vicente G. Gobuynn, nnnler , Forest Station. Iloilo, Iloilo. Cirllo Andrada. Rnn"er, Forcat StRtion. Iloilo. Iloilo. Hu6no P. OIIlY. Ran",cr. Foreat Sta t ion. Iloilo. Il oilo. Emmano Guzman, lInn(er, Forest Station. II<>ilo. Iloilo. P nblo D. Mcdcnilln. Hongcr, Forcot Station. Iloilo. Hoilo. Norberto OrbiKo. Ranger, Forest Stilt ion, Il oilo. Iloi lo. Norberta SoLor;ll, ltanger, FOJ cst Stnlion. Iloilo. Iloi lo. Vicente AllBEoos, Rnnller. Forcot 5t·n([on, Fabrica. Necros Oecidentnl.



Domingo CUlmon, RnDler. Forc~l StAtion, FnbriCIl. Ncgto~ OccidontaL Fmlllto P. '1:0<.180, Rnnf(cr, For('3t Statior •• Fubrioll, Ncgroe OccidoMlI1. J\[llriano !\Iilon. Ranger, Forc~ l Shtion. Fnbricll, Negro! OccideRlnl. Fcrn .. ndo ,\ttnOllfcra, Ranger, Forcat Stlltion, FBbri(a, NcglOl Ooddentnl. Lorenzo F. Vcn""ll. lhn gcr, ForC3t Statim" Fabricn, Ncgroe Oocidcntnl. Y;CC'iJ::Oa ~:%;d~~~nl.nnDgCr. ForClt Station, Fabric.. ,

JUJjoo~~i~~;.rt~tnnngcr, Force! SUlion, Fabricn, Negro! Mortin R. Rcyc!. Rangcr, Fore.! Stillion, Fnbricn. Negro" Occidentnl. Aracnio B. de los Reyca, Rnnger, Forest Shtion, Fabricll, NcgrOll Occidentnl. GIII0Jc~rd!~~~i. Ullage., For est Station, FllbriCII, Ncgros Sixto VillmHlo"n, Rllnge.. Forest Stntion, FnbriclI, Ncgros Occioentnl. ,"' rnn cisco Din, FOllll t GUllI"d, Forest Stlltion, Iloilo, Iloilo. Mariano S. lI .. harad as, FO'Cfit CURrO, Forest Station, Iloilo, Iloilo, Peclro O. LiMer, Forl'!lt GUlU"d, ,"'orcst Shtion, Iloilo, Iloilo. 'I'omrroi;~:on~o, Forest Cuutd, ForC'St Stllti on, iloi lo, Claudio Parreno, Forl'!lt Gunrd, Fores t StMion Iloilo, floilo. ' Bcrnnrdo ViUnt. Forl'!lt CURrO, Fore.. t Stntion, Fnbricll, Negro. O~eident~. Dnniel M. Eal'inosll.\t·orl'!t Cunrd, Fonst Sution New . WlI.'5hingt on, CIlp>~. ' SHneon GUlI.nlon, Clerk, Forest Station, Iloilo, 1\oilo. Forest District No, 10 (Provinco; Pllin",nn)

CO."i1~~, ~~g~;~~ ~;i~~:'n~~~~~'~~n~hnrgc,

Fore.. t StRAnuolei~ Vinal' ,!, Acting ~~er in Chllrge, Fotl'!lt S/Ruon, Bacwt. P"l"wan MnxiSi'~~i~n~'n!~~t~, p~1!~~:n. ffieer in Charge, Forest

Diegf> in Cho rge, Forl'St StM ion, Brook'a Bruno Abiog, Ranger, Fotest Station, Puelto Prineesa, Pnlawan. Ignncio Balrnonte, Rangcr, Forest Station Brook's Point. PlOin",un. . PnuIWr~~~~~u~:fn,,!~~l'!It GUllro, Forest Stntion, Pucrto ForeS( Districl No. 11 (Province.. : Bohol, C~bu, .. nd Orientn l Negr ... )

Tim~f~~, ' Di8ttiet ForCl!te r, Foreet St:!.Junn Corall'S , Administrati,'c Officer, Foreet Stntion . Cebu. Ccbu. p. Prin ei llC. Actin/! Officer, in Chllrge, Foreet Sbtlon. BRlamblln. Cehu Francisco Abljn)", Officer 'in Char,c, Foru~ Stntion, D"ma~"ct e , Orientnl Ncgroa. Pedro. L. ,\oedo. Actinfl Officer in Chargc, Forest Sta_ tJon, Cuijulfh:an. OrienjB] NegrOf'. J ot(: R. Culil'. ,\ eting Officer, in ChMge, Foreat Statio n, 'I'al!bi]nrnn. Bohol. Carlos Cunn"a", Officer in Cha rlie, Ccbu ReforClltntion Project. Callop 7. Cebu, Ccbu. Vicc1!:nj~~~r&~f~;"t3~~~~~: Charge, Forut Stalion, Mnreclino GenO"e, Offieer ill Clutrlle, Forest Stlltion, 'I'olong, Orienlll] Negr .... Vicente ZOfJa. RIIR/te r, Forest Stlllinn. Cebu. Cebu. J0s6

§-:~~i~~~ ~.eo£~~(~;~;~g~{'n~~o:r~I~F~~~!to~t~f~;: ~~~: Cebu.

R~~":I~doT D~~~~~~:irC~~W~n~:;~}.!~~ioSI~r~~: g:~~: Cebu. Nll'ciso Nacario, RnnllCt, Foreat Stnl;' n. Cebu, Cebu. I'edrnn?~]~\bcllcr". llnnger , F nr""t Stntion, Tngbilnrnn, VictOrillDO U.

BlllncRa. Rlln/!cr. Cebu Rcfol'Cltntion

Mnt';:~~'~;e~n~ir..:g~~C~~~es~e~tt;;lion, Tnnja)', NegtOll Onental.

EUIIl~~~~ ~lIri~?~~1. Rnngct, Forest Stmion, Tnnja),.

TihUC~~u~' Umbnc, Faron Gunld, For..." Stlltion, Cebu.

Sergio Mllgl lI.'5ang, Foroat GUllrd, Foreat StMion, Cebu. Cebu. Germnn Y!l.I>. Forest Gunro, FOt Cflt SlRtion, Ccbu. Cebu. M!l.rinno Ypil. Forest Gunrd, Forl.'Wt Stnlion, Cebu, Ccb\1. Felieiain,o AJipc, Forest Guard, Foreet Sintion, Ccbu, Ceb ... Luis Quibrnnlll, Foreat GUA rd, FOtel!t Slation, Cebu, Ccbu. Miguel R. Cortes, ForCIII Guoru, l~o rctlt Sutton, Cebu, Cebu. Celllo R. Vio"l, Foreet Guard. Forl'O!t Station, Cobu, Cebu. Gerardo H. LipRrdo, Fore!t Guard, ForOllt St!l.tio n, Ccbu Cebu. Serobabcl R. LlLatirn OllR, Comput'lr, ]~nrCllt Stntio n, Cebu, Ccbu. Foreat DIstrIct Il (Pro,-;neea: AgUSDn, Bukidnoo, Lllollo.-All Territoriea not included in Forest Dis trict No. 14, Oceidental :'oli."",is, Orient"! Misnmi. nnd Sur;lIno) E""risto Tobnt, Distri ct Forester, Forcst Stlltion, Cngnyan, Oriental Mi e"mis. Vicente J. Defonsor. AShistllnt 10 Distriet FOtC!l!lt~r, l~or­ ('lit Stntion. Cogo)'on, Oricnul "lisa mi •. Mauro Ablun, Actin!! Adrnioistrllt",c Officer, ForNt StMion, Cogllynn, Oricntnl Milamis. Vn]crillno Sua r ez, AMiatnnt 10 Dislrict F orcster nnd Chcck SeRler. ForcHt Sution, Cagoynn, Oriental Milamis. Gregorio L. SontOfJ, Offi~er in Clo.llrlle, Forest Stolion. Annknn. GlIIlJ:oog. Orientll! lIIiu",i8. Plltrieio VoleMuc!", Officer io Chorgc. Foreat Stlltion, Butuan, AgU!1lln. Gil M. AhamirAno, Officer in Chnrge, Forest StAtion, Cinchonn Flnntntion, IrnplllullIO, hnp1l8ugon, Bukidnon. E\"I.nllciiata B. Balnnon. Officer in CllllrgC, FOtC!l!lt Stn-

Luci~iOAb~I]~~n6J:c~~oin Charge, Forcat St!l.t;On, Ko.Inrnbugoll, Lnnllo. Loreto G. Morofln, Actin/l Officer in Chnlse, Forest Stnlion, Misamis, Oceidentul Misomis. Santiago Morno, Officcr ;n Chorge, Forest SUllon, )[jsnmia Ocddent1l.!' Bernardo Gllrouquc, Actin~ Offie~r in ChnTgc, FotCl!t Stntio n, ron L"mOIl. Surigno . Tom!\.'! Rnboy, Officer in Chllrgc, Fotetlt Stnlion, Surisno SUrigno. i\lagg~~:iafn~i~';'!':~'. !tanger, FO'"""t Stntion, Capynn, Oalmneio Zablun, Rllnser, Forest Slation, Calln),lIn, Orient"l Misa",i,.. Engtacio A. Cui~o, Rongcr. For('l!t Stnlion. CIIgnyan, OrientBl i\lisnmis. Vicente R. Mnrnbahol, HanllCt, Forca~ Stillion, Ca]ll:aY4n, Orientll] Miumis. Vicente Vcdnd, Rllnger, Forest St8tion, CaRnyan, Or_ ienta] Mi.ami •. bnbclo Milluel, Ranscr, l~orest SlPtion. C"ill)'an, Or_ iental Misn mia. EllIItncio S. "elueo. Ranger. Foreet Stntion, Cngayno, Orientnl :'>fisnmis. O or oteo D. Oatoon, Ranger, Foreet Stati on, Annkan. Gingoog, Orientn l Mias mi •. Honesto V. Torres, Rnn ~cr, Forest Stuli on, Annkan, Gingoo/!, Oriental M'Illmi •. Con.lnnlc Ber.-.m;n. Rlln~~r, F"ttst Slotiu". ,\onlt"n,

Btu"b?oi'C".,t'~o~R;'~~~T,l\~~:=I'-'sUtion. BU luon, Allmao , Jesus BringBII, Ranger, Forest Stnlion, Bulunn. Agusnn. Carlos O. VnrllDa, Ronger, ForNI Station, Dut\Jan, Agllllnn. J0s6 t';'p~~O:~~B':.\~~n~~~chonn Plnnt.nti on, Inll)alut1l.o, Miguti, Ranger, Forest Slation. IIig1l.n. I,anao. Francisco B. BartOl!;, Rlmger, Foreat Statio n, KO[lI.rn_ bugan, ),nnno. Enril~~!i: S"nIOll, Hnnger. Fon.! Station, l{o]nmhulla.n, Hcrmencld[do Ori1l01&, Ranger, Foreat Stolion, :'o[i.. am .. , Occidcntlll :';•. l\InTtin P. LOIJoel, Ranger, Forcot Stalion, Port Lamon, Surigao. . Fell ~i "no P. Madnmbo, Rnnger, Forl'lt Stnuon, Port

Alf~~rnt.nG~~~aKAnger, Foreoot StlltiOIl, Surill~, Su_ ripo. Oimna Ab ejero. FotC!l!lt GUlU"d, Fo~t Stalion, Capyan. Orientnl ~Ii$$mil. !ldefoMo Y. BIII&dn, For etJt Gunrd, ForetJt Statl"n. Cagnyan, Orient.ol MiIOmi,. Zoeimo J . J..,.aulll, Foreet. Guard, Foreet Siatlon, ('ea~· )'DO. Orieotnl ~r..a!lll",


PHILIPPI NES Ba!dll3 ~Iarcos. Fore.t Guard. Forest Station. Callayan. Onenta! Minmi ... Inoeencio ClI8tillo. Forest Guard. Fore.l Station. Cagn. yin. Orientl! Mi,amia. Serapioo I,. Pimentel. Forest Guard. Forea~ 5talion. Caltlyan. Oril'ntll "Ii, ami,. Florentino D. Pabia. Fo.est Guard. Forest Station. Caltayan, Oriental "li3ami•. Rufo Burnell. For",t Guard. Fores~ Stllion. Butuan. Agusan. 5era6n Jillo. Forest Gunrd. Forte! Statioo. Butuno. AgU!lao. Ceaab~ga~~lil:~'a~or"'t Gunrd. Forest Stalion. Kolam. IIIl1nuel Lnbitad. Forest Guard. Scaliog Station. 5nul: Harbor. Balianllao. Occidental ~liaamia. Juan Amat. Forest Guard. For",t Slnlion. Surigao. Su· ri/l:llo. Emet~rio P. JO&uc. Clerk, Cinchona Plnntntion. Impalu. t~o. Impn.sugon, Bukidnon. Fores t Dis tri ct No. 13 (Provinco: Da"ao) So.n ro S. Ponce. Oi.lrie! Fortetcr. Fore,t Stntio. n. Onvno., 0""110. Aonelclo A. Heronml .. ~. A eti,,~ Officer in Clonrge, Fo rC9~ Statioo. l\Inoo. Hijo. T"lIum. 08V1l0. Poliearpio Narci.o. Actinll Officer in Chnr!;c. Forest


Tibungko. nunauan. D~vao. 0'\\'110. Ambrosio Gn]i,im. Rnnler, Forest Stalion. Davao. Da"ao. Nicoln. ElItabillo. Ranger. For"'t Stlltion. Oavao. Da,·"o. Lorenzo Logao. R"nller. For .... t StMion, DIl"IlO. Davllo. JaR Calip. Ranl{er, Jo'ornt Stlltion, Dava o. 0"""0. CMalino Q. Ferreria. RanIer. Fortet Station. Da"ao. Oa"ao.

~~:l: AC;r,:!~iqU~~n'it~n:::'C3'F~~::!OnSt~ti~:~' ~:::~:

Oav"o. Luciano J"cinto. nanger. For~t Station. Dav"o. Davao. Pedro C. Saluar. Ranger. Foreat St"tion. Oavao. Davno. ,\ldBD:~:O~' CUIL!"Y. nan;e.. For~t St"tion, Mati.

Lore~luOn';u'a~.iat:,\,~:.nte:~.!:rest Stallon, Tamboligoo. Moi3ee Dabal",. Foreet Guard. Fore.t Station. Oa""o. D"vl1o. Nioo]"" N. Caliil, Forest Guard. Forest Station. Maeo,

.4.lej~:t?o e~~~~o. ~·~~':S°t Guard.

For<:!l t Station, Tam. bon;oo. Bunnunn. Davllo. 0"""0. Lum"ndn Sapar. Forest Guord. Tibungko. Bunnunn. Foreat Stotion. Dllvao. Dllvoo. Forest Dis trict No. 1<1 (Pro,oince., Cotab"lo. Sulu and Znmb oa ogn) Por6rio S"n Buenn"enlurn. District Foreate.. Forea~ Station Znmboangn. ZamboRllgB. A]berto Bnrr03. Aotinll A".islnnt to Di! trint FO,",,3Icr. Lumber Inspector ond Check Senler, Forest St"tioo, Znmboangll. Znmboanr;ta. Esteban S. Sim. Acting Officer in Chnrgc, For""t Sta!;on. Cotobnto, Cotnbnto. Pnmili"o D".rio,. Offioer in Chorgc. Foreet Statio n.

Abd3i~!~r;, 1f:~I~II~\~~ins Officer ;n Chor ge. For""t Slnlion. Jolo. Sulu. Grcgorio Sali n",. Acting Officer in Churg", Foreat Sto. tion. Lumnmo. Zamboonll'" • Tiburtio Simbojon. Office r io CbnTge. Foreat Station, Siokon. Zambo"o,a. Pedr o Auva. Offieu in Charge. Foreat Station. Margosn. Urb:i!'i~I::n~!:~n8'ffiecr

in Charge. Forest Station. i\lulbuk. Cotabll\o. LorenlO Din. Officer in Charge, Forest Stotion. Nago. NOl{a. Zamboanga. Anile] F. Milliucl, ACling Officer in Charge, Forest Sta· tion. Port Hollllnd. Zamboanga. Apolon,o AlinRbon, Acting Officer in Cborae. Foreet Station. Puoln Flechll. Zamboanlla. Nan:ilo C. Sant.,.. nanger. Foreet Statioo. Zambolllllll. Zambo.oga. Bernard Weinmano. nooger. For",t SIRtioo. Zamboanllo. Zamboanao. J0a6 R. SalvOa8, Ranier, Foreat Station. Z"mboaoga.


Ranaer. For",t Sialion. Zam·

boanga. ZamboBngn. Vitaliano Soledad. Rnngcr. Foree t Station, ZamboangR Znmboooga.

Libudo S. Sontill"no. Ranier. Foreet Statioo. Z.m. boaolln. Z~mboanga. Resurrc<:tlon E. Atalla. Rlloler. Forest Sution. Zorn. boonla. Zomboang'" Ebad U]Rngka>·a. Hongcr. FOTHt Stalion. Cot"bato. Cot"b&to. BMilio E"angel"ta. Ranier. ForH t Station. COI"bato. Cot"b"to. F, Yait. Ran ller. For"'t Stati on. Dipolol. Zam. boanga. Constante O. Doyaboa. Rnoger. FOl est Sta.tion. Dipolog. ZambonngR. Lucil:n:"Z~O;:bo~!n~~r. Forest Station. Inbdll de BlI8i. Sergio Itoenmora. ~aOgcr. Forest Station, Siokon. Za.m·

Adti~~~n&~Saurll. Rnnger. Forell Station. Siokoo. ZlIm· bonngo. JCSU5 C. Rui •• RDnser. l'oreat Stolion. NAIIR·Nago. ZambonngR. Cn.simiro C. Cuieadio. ForC!l t Gunrd. Forest Station. L"buuu. Znmb01lnllo. Pedro FctnRndcz. Force t Gunrd. Forest Statiol1. Luma. rno. Znm\)ORlIglI. C:lrlo~ Corn~l. ForC!lt Gaard. Jo'ore~t Station. MnrgOllR_ tubill. Z(lm\)o1lng1l. Manuel S .. n Lui •. I'orCit Guard. F<:>rest StRtion. N~gR' NagR. ZRmbo .. ngn . habclo Oslreo. Forest Guard. Forest Station. Port HoltRnd. Z1ImbOnllgR. ROlllnll Gucrr~r o. ForCllt Gunrd. ForCllt Station. Port HoJlnnd. Znmbonnga. O"o"ro S. Bubio. Fores t Guard. Forest Stotion. Port lIolland. Zamboaoga. Julio Brilla.utes. Clerk. Forest Station. ZOlnbonnga. ZnmbOROga. BUREAU OF LANDS ORIENcr'E BLDG .. PI,A ZA CALDERON BARC,I. IHNONDO TEL. <1.81.28


Office of the DI recto r: P I Dan!. Dire ctor of !.nnde. Hilino de Guin. AMilt"nt Direetor of Lande. Angel P. Miguel. Chid Clerk. Clodoaldo Garda. Aetlnlt ,Iuillaot Chief Clerk.


{?;I~,rli~' 1~~~e:~~~in~aaCia.\i:~·t GC~f:t' ~~r~~~:1 ss:::~~~

Section. Aoasta";o JW!to. Chief. R~ord. S~elio n. Juan Q. Ortiz. Auistaut Chief. Reenrda Section. habelo Gabriel. Cnshier and Dil\)u rBinl Officer . Iiligo GRm~ lo. Property Clerk. Publi c Lands I>1 vls lon Zoilo CutriUo. Chief of OJ,·i.ion. Vicenta Torde.illn • . Assis tnnt Chief of Divi.ion. Aguslin NnvaHo. Chief. UOlll<:slends nnd Free Patentl Se~tion.

Tiburcio Leonin. A •• i. lant Chief. Homestellds and Free Pnten u, Section. Andres UrrutiR. Chief. SRlel nnd LeBses Sention. Nienno. Jocaon. Aeling AQt. & J.e(l!cI Section. Jaime O·Hnrn. Chief. Clnim. nnd Counin[s Section. i\lcleeio Fortuno. AUI. Chid.C]oi"" nndConfliat. Scction Agopito 5a.bido. Supervilinll In, peetor. Feli])c Gal"n. Allent. . Leon P.Daenyo. ,Is!istant Chief. Fees nnd RenlB Scehoo. Law 1)lylslon Codos Nsr"n.". A 8sia tnll~ Ch'ef of Di,·iaion. Anatnlio C. Manaln e. Lnud AlIOrne)·. Agaton Fiel. Lnnd Auorue)'. Alfonso S. Borja, Land AtlofllC)·. MOlnO Cleme ot e. Land Attorney. Alfredo Fajardo. L"nd Attorney. Dl ylslon of Su r yey, JO$Il SOlnB llicgo. Chid of Division. Nieo]u E. de Ass"tBnl Chief of Divi. ion. Eli ... Ib"nel. Inspector.


JuliRn Sogu~eo. SUf\·cyor. Coyelano Enn,)u",. Au .. taDt Chief. Cad... tral Survry. Ma"" 5eelloo. Tomas Garda. Chief. I.olated Survey Computations SectioD.



;\Illmerto Jl!.cinto, Chief, Isolated Survey Plt\os Section.

..\nRei Tronqued. Surveyor· llUlruetor. ;\11l~mo Ln~hicll.. Sur,-c)'or· l nstructor.

Vicente Tolentino, Assistnnl Chief. lso111Ud SUT\'Il)" P1ILno Section, SIlI'crino Nito, Chief, CBdlllltrnl Sun'cy Sc<: lion. Di Olldtl(\o H. Nerit. A ~t. Chicf Sun'e)' inforrnlltion

Frillr L<lnd s D IYltii on

Jol4\ Bernardo. Chief of

lind Acc ta.

I,nnd Dis_


trict No.



, "


Fi el d Ser vi co De~ ig"n«ion a


Di st rict Lnnd Officer.

:~~:?r!~~o E6~~~l·.:::

.. :: Di~tritt. Irnlld Officer.. .. Felieinno Sunchez. Prov·1. Lnpd Officer.. . . Pedro C. RiCf" . . ..JosCl B. Sar~r""""" Pro,"1. Lnyd Officer... District Lnlld Officer.. . .SixIo Dnncct.... District Lo~d Offioer ......... . ... Junn Anloni o.... Pro,·'1. Lnni! Officer. .Clldes }o'erntl.lldu. Prov'1. L .. nd omccr ... .......... EBteban V. Aidann Su r ve)" I'u r tles Nllme





',-B 2>C


. ••..••• J056 I', ;\lojicn .......••...• TugucgQrBo. ClIgn)'nn

Distriot Ll'Inu. IrllIp crtt>r.. . .... Dnlmncio de ID Cruz ......... SoraoRon, SOl"llogon Di ~ !ri ct LBUd Officer...... . .... JUlln Justiniano. ... . ....... Cllbanstunn, Nuovn Eeija Diatrict T,anda llupcelor.. . . Gaudcncio Fonton)". .. Bllgui., :\11. I'ro,~,,(e D;"lric~ Lnnd Officer ............ Alejo Mnnnlanil . . Dngupnn. Panl;;uinnn D;,,\ric~ Lllnda InSI'ector. .Fidel Vergara...... . ..... B,,)"omboag, I'\uevn \'ilca)'" District I,nnd Officer. . ....... Conrado Santillan... . ..... :\Janiln . .Clemento Funt:r.nilla ..... Puerto Princesl!. Pah.wlln Pro\"1. Llln'" Inspector.. . Prov·1. Lllnds I MpectO r.. ZaCa.iM GntchaJian Tnrlae, Tllrh.c Prov'l. Lnnda I Mpeclor .......... Eseolo.slico Elcnrroga Balanga, Botnan .. Damet ria PitR.. ..Sto.. Crw:, Laguna P.o,··1. Lnnda ln~pector Dist ri ct LRll<i Officer ............. Pedro Ahnonte ............... llngnn, habcin District Lnnd Officer ............. Felipe Fer nando ....... .. .. ... Lueeon, T n)"aboa P rov'l. Lllnda ] n"l' co \or ........... itomnn S. Lomibno ........... LegM],i. Albn)" Prov'l. Lnuds I""peolor.. . .SlmpJicio Bnutlltn ......... . .. l\IMbnto, MlI8br.lo Distri ct Lpnd Omeer .. . . . . Pril1lo S. Arilnbn l ......... . .. lI uilo. IlpiLo. Prov·1. Lnnds I n~poctor .. . ... . . P rimitivo Pn l,n.. Bocolod. NCJ;tos Oecidcntul l'r(",·l. Lnnd IJUl>ector. . .. ... Sotcro Cardinc.... . ....... . Cal';I, COI,i. Di6uiet Lllnd Officer.. .... . .. . Pedro 1'u. ,\ scl\!l i. . ..... Nngll. Cnmnrjnes Sur District Lund. I ".,pcel<lr.. . .. Jo~~ Mo. PnrcdCi!l.. . ..... TaH~ay, Cebu District I,n nda I tUI'cCIOr \'iUumatio. . ........ Calnl'an, Mindoro District Lnnd Officer ............. GrclI:orio Abellcrll. . ...., District L~nd Offieer. "ielorimno Itchon. . ... Butuan. '\l;lI5an Di"stnet I.and OBicer.... . .... Clemente do In Crul.. . . Cmgll),nn, Oriental Mi!lIlni. District Lunda i\UpeelOr ......... Gr~II:OnO Alcu ru...... ..Dnnnllln. Lllnno Diat rict Land OffiU'r ............ NicotlLl E. de Cu~man. .Zllmboengn, ZlImbonnKIl Distri"-t Lnnd Officer... . ....... :\lBrtelo BcLll ndrCII. .. DIl"no, Onvllo


Party No. 'oA


Ini.:o Gilmelo, AlI.'lialnnt Chief of Di"i.;oo. Alll!.pilO SUllido. Superintendent, Snl! ESIMC.

cl;i~i '~i P~r't;

Chief Chief Chief Chief Chief

of of o. of of

.. Lorenzo Tordn. ..... Port)· .. Zncnri M Got ehn l,Q,, : P:lrl)·. . ........... . ... Demetrio Pita ... . ParI) .... Al;aplto .... . POrt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Romullldo '\flover., .. Pllrt) ................ ... Sih·cstIO Elo .. .

:i~~no~. \II~~: ~~rte

:::: . .. . .. Slln Fernsndo, I'aml,nngn . . I bn, Znmblllcw "" .. P net. Camari n"'" Norte . ..... T ndoban, Lc)'tc . . Tugbil>lTa n, llollOl . ... . . Surill:ao, Sutilloo ...... M;umi., Occidental Mlallmi~ Stotion . .... : :Slln Lui •• Pnmpllngll · . TllI"iac, TllrlQc .Sta. C.W:, Lpguna .... Sto.. Cr uz. Dnvpo T llgum, Dn"po ... Pontuklln, 011"110

Pll r ly No.



11-3 3(Sp)



loon 23_A

CJ;i~i' ~i Chief of Chid of Chicf of

ch;~i' ~i 'P;;t~:: Chiel of Pnrty

Chicf Chief Z2 • .-\. 24_A Chief I (S p) Chief 2{Sp) Chief I_A Chief Chief ~A Hi_A Chicf Z,1_D Chief


'I;~~\~;: .............. .... ~iig~~l' R~,;,bd\~~: Pnrt)"... . ........... Domingo Al cn rn P"'ty ..... . ..... .. .. Andre8 Tolentino ParI)"..... . ... AlfoIllo I gnncio

of of of of of of of of of

.. p'ed~~' G~b~'~~::'" ............... PolielU"po Fnbian ..... .

· ·.Pinftppn/l:nn. Nuc"n \'ilell)'n .. I_opoz. Ta)'lIb!lll . Rosario, Covita CnlaUllg, TaynbM · .SlIn JOII6, Mindoro .. :\l i11"ml., O~. :\Iw.

Cc.bual>Q BlI.I"rack.. ZlImba] cs PQrty ....... VielOnQnO hehon... .Butuan. A/l:lJun Lalll. Ko]ambullan, La"ao Part)· .. ................ Vie.,nte Coreuern....... Purty .. ...... Buenn\,enturn Anlanio.. . . . .. Pikit, COlabRto ............. H.!LS. ..Duel, CnmannCII Norte POrI)". .... Simp]ieio R. Pnnclo. ..Buguio, Mt. Provinco PllrI)". ... FCtrtlnndo Aveli no.. AU RenpRn, CIlgn)""n Purt) Party. ................. Bruno GUlldron .. M .. bini. Gomu, lubel .. ............... Junn Anlonio...... . .C.... men. Boho] PUrt)". PQrl)". ............. Ccfetitlo ,\linsod... . . Kidnpuw" n. Cotnbnto

Friar La nd s Age ncl e. ,\ gcnll :\lIIellno SUpIlO ...... . SIll\'.dar L<>eIII"'tln" .. J""" Lope.... ......... ...... .. Joo.6 :\111. P"l"('dea. Ti"'OI~O Arica),Ge.

Station .. Bocauc. Buluean .510. ROitIl. 1..II1\lnll . .. Rosario, CII,,;te . .. Tali... )', C.,bu . ... Cauayan,

PHILIPPINES BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY 692 SAN ANOnES, MAt.ATE TEL. 5_77_76 Hilw-ion S. Sila)'IID, Director o! PI" .. t Indun.)', Administrative Di vis ion :'>lsriGl.o Cbllvnrrin, Chief Cl~rk Emilio AchIlCOOO, Au i!!nnt Chief C1CTk. BTUIIO. N.H' J'enonnd CJ~rk. )ligucl Fer....... A etinll; CQhic. IIno.l. Diabuninr: Officer. Clemente G. Oli"n. Clerk. Fi]ol."cnll Garcia, Clerk.

~~~~~octn&:~:i'cl ~J~j~;k.

R03sriO A. SII.m;cnto, Clerk. Cenll.o Tan, Clerk. 0011"10 Daimau."", Clerk. CLl:nKS:

Petroni] .. A. G:lfeln L ui. LUTen

,\n<lrc. H. Dcnoso

Florenoio ..


Pedro Estnl ilill

Records Sec tion Rafllel Aaprer, Chief of Seclion. cLEIUtS:

"'a.;lIno Chenegu;n\'

GrCllo. io ,\ guirrc

AnUrl's ).lnbutM Ju lio Enllonio GOllzni<l Fc.mlndu ~IE!1SENOEn8;

N~lJ!:ri~ bll~l:rydc

I~~a~~ E'J::fi~o

Godolrcdo Derztl

DOmi~ge:'}~DJ~I~~o~2ic;k~~C~~!~;~on Sec llon PLANT rNVEST IGATION DIVIS ION


5<oclion. :'Ilariaoo :'IllIn"" Victorino Borj ... Ag.ronomis t. BlUilio R. Bnutistn, A,., illtnnt Aeron~misl. Teodoro D. Corpu•. A,..iunnt AlP'on<)!"ilt. Frnneiscn Zapanta, Clerk. Fiber R esetl r c: h Sec il on Vicente C. Aldnbn. Chid of Section. gl~dio Snblnn. Auistant A~ronomi"t. EUI;enio E. Cruz. AAillllnt AlP'onornist. Trondio T. Le,napi, Fiber Research Ani.tnnl. Hor tlcuhure Section Fralleiseo G. Galsng. A~li,,~ Chief 0/ Section. Juan M. Ej6teito, Aui.tllnt ,\gronomi.t. Pedro A. nodri,o, A"illanl ,\gronOll1;II.

~~ieid/.~. 'lfro~~'n~~\'!:~~a~r~~~~::~i5t. Emilio K. )Iorada , Assistant AglOllomiat.

Juan P. Torr~~a1!ti~~e~~~i~f o~e~!~~i:,n Junn O. UIl'te. ,\uist'''H Agronomist. Tiburcio G. Garrido, I,'ib~t !hlenrch '\. I'uoIlL Tobacco Res~rch Sec lion Domingo D. ]'oguiri,nn, Chief of Sec lion. Fernando de Pcraltn, AMiltnnl ,\,ronoll1'd. C. Rnm o&, A•• istnnl ,\ gronomilt.


~~~i~~i: i~'L2;~/~~~i~':t ,C:~~~%'1!~~.

Hcrrninio R. &pino, Junior Aaronomist.

Airlcullum l Engln te rln ll. Sec tion P rimo A. 1Ionrodo. Auilln"t Aglonomi. l. ~ l oilC.l S. Sanli",o, AAi.lnnl A,ronomis!. Los Bn nos Econon,lc Gnrden Niennor G. T eodoro, Plnnt Palhologist in Cbnrge. AGRICULTURAL E XTE NS ION D IVI S ION Frnllclloo, D. l\Inrquu, Chic! 01 Division. Juan Bunoan. A&r<>nOmial. :'Ill\rcclin o Co ... tanlino, Act;. AWliant Chief of Division.


AniallO Elnyda. A."tallt Agronomi. t. Adrinllo :'II. Orga., A"i"aM Agrollomiat. Gaudencio Zabclln, Asailla nt AlP'onomiu. SU:IO L. SiRon. Assiatanl Agronomill. :-.s"nuel R. CfUCefI , Clerk.


PLA NT PEST AND D ISEASE CONTROL DIVIS ION Gonulo :'Ile,;no, Chic! of Division. FnWltino Q. Otane.,. Auinnnt Chief of D"·i,ion. EntomoloQY Sec ti o n Pedro Sison. "".i!lalll AponomiSI. "'ni""to G. TOQuero, AUlIl nnl AJP"onomi!t. Feliciano ;\1. tll;r~,1 X;~:~':I~trefS:t"l~:c~ion. Tranquilino G. F .. jardo. "'"iSlaM 1'llInt Plllllologi81. ~Iclnnio R. Cnlillisnn, Asa iata"l Aflronomi.t. Gau,lencio :'If. RC),eI . l'lftnl 1'lIthologiu. :'Ihlenrio A. 1',,10. Plant Palhologi.t. l'lan l Qunrnnttne Seetlon

1';;~i'i~"~ITa1~~~;,, C,t'!~fBt~,,~e~:;:on~omi.l.

Simon ,\. Rey ..... ,\ .. i~I""t AGronomist.

PLANT PR OPAGATION DIV IS ION :'Iintiono D. RO"mundo, Chief of Divi.ion. Pedro L. Paulino, ACIIl. Auiau nt Chiel of Divi.ion. Frnllciseo Chllvez, Clerk. Seed n n d I' lant OblTlb",lon Sec llon Jo.6 C""IIIII. Juni or Agronomist. Cenlnll Elp erlment Station hidro \,ielorio, Superintcaucnt. PLANT UTILIZATION DIVIS IO N ~hria Y. Orozn, Chid of Divi.ion. l.ngrimos V. Abnlo •. Clerk. Plant UIJIIZa llon Sec llon Prncnlndou AI'enu. CI,ier of Seclion. Pntr...::i nio Sales. AAt. in Plant L'I, liulioo. Pneicneia E. Flor~4, ''-''II. in Planl lJliliutlon P,esenlaeion )1"r'lIo, AAI. '" Plant Uliliulion. Junniln F. ,\lIIonio, AMI. in Plnnl Utilintion. :'Ilori" C. S. Heyes. AUI. in Plul Utilization.


laoli na A . Bor,onin, ,\~t. in I'laot IJliliulion. Lourde., T . B""~o,,, Assi.t. in I'bnt IJtiliution.

Purn d,i:l Hotario, AQt. in Plnnl Ulali1lllion.

Carmen Adriano. Asst. in Plant Utiliution. :'I!ipcl Camn,onG, Laborlllory ,\Uilla m. An",,1l Lollioe. l.aborlltory Aui.tant. Nic'·e., Jo"en. LaborMon' AMi't ant. Fe :'Ifcdnlln. LlIbor.~or)' A,..i!,nm. Ampnro Cnnlos. L"borntOf)' AU;$lnUt. Leoneio dc los Re)· cs. L. boralor~· ASlietam. E"angel;nR ,\Ivnrcz. Lnborlltory A,,"ist nn~. Lue;la 1(. Ramirez. l.nborlllory A..iIlIlOi.

Ser vice Laboratory Section RuBoo A. bidro. AIls' . AlI.ron"'ni~ l. Severino D. Etormu, ,\an. AP"onom;&I. Em ili ana Y. Ya",!.>no. Aa. 1. In ,\gri. Chern;.,,),. Jo$6 Sulit. A:!oS lo in ,\gri. Cbrmi$Lr)·. Demctrio P. Tnbije. Ant. in Agri. Ch~mist ry. Luz Alonso, ABBt. in AlO"i. Chemistry. SH"i uo Hernandez . Junior Agronomi.t. I' IELD S i>R VICF. :'I[nri"no E. GUlierreo, AlVonomisl, O", ~[ountain Pro,·inco. Jo!ll\ de Leon. '\gronom;8t, 1.i]l'" Bntangna. Juan B. CnhnnQJ, ,'-'s"tnnt Aerouon,;,t. Ln Granjn, Occidental NCglo,. Fclipo I'lldoli,,", Aui.tnnt ,\gr onomilt, Lnmao Lima),. DalaDll. Fr"ncisco P. Ocluhrc. A'siltnnl Agronomist, lIaglln. laabela. ViceDte Allllley, Assiltant ,\!Uonomin, LUteD", Tayabllll. Domi"lI:o S. Bnyn)', AMinllnt Agronon,ist, Morion",! Pil!. Camnrin... Sur. Gaudcndo Palafo~. ,\",,,anl '\II:I"OnOm,", Su. :'Ilarill. 1]"'::0& Sur. Antonio D erecho. Auislan! Agronomist. Ccbu, Cebu. Leon ill. Romero. AmSl"n! Aeronomisi. Tarlae, Tarlmc. ~Iode'!lo Diri,c, Assistant Agronomiat, Bagllio, )Ioulluin I'rovine<'. Lconcio Dario, Assistnnt Aeronom;. t, !l 1>C0i0 SUI". Ambrosio M. Lontok, ,\saillallt Agronomist, Central EJ])1. Sialion. :o.laoila. :-Iarinno JUI"lIdo ••\I,ilunl A",ollomin, Lno"g. i1oc.,. Norte. lJIp,allo Y. :'Iladombn, Auiunnt Agronomist, TUI;UeII.m.IlO, Cllgnya".



PllIIeual A. Almllzlln, I&abelu.


Agronomilt. lIagan,

~~'!:3e~Ci~rEv,,~~:~~,! n,\!~ft~:~~o~~~n;,~~~.pi p~l~.n)c().

lPbnto. Rnmon V. :\Ianio, Ass;,tnll~ Agronomi~t, Mllliga)'D, 1\\0001, Nue\'a Ecija. Victorino i\ledrano. Auiu llnt Agronomilt, Cnillpnn, Mindoro. J0s6 A. Mendon, Aui~ lont Agronomiat, San Cllrlae, Pangllllinnn. Frllnci!~oR. Red, Assiltant Agronomist. J.egtlSpi. Albfl)'. Fclixberto Uclo\'n. Aa. isUmt Agronomist. l ,n l'u, lIoilo. Euatneio ViIlnnuevn. A"istn-nt ,\gr onomiet, Zllmbonngn,

\,iet;""C~oAl~:bD, '\IIII;"tanl. Agronom;sl., MUio!OII, Bulatan. Lcodegnrio E. Ha chero, Asail!llln~ Agronomist, Gandllra, Samar. Feli x D . Luo, AasiatDnt Agronomist, Lanao, Limny, Bntann. Valentin K. Linlt, AuiltBnt Agronomilt. Clllla),an, Orientnl MillRmia. Felix N. :\laCOOIl, Asailtallt Agronomist, Tall'bilarall, Bohol. TOIOIl.!I Ferrer, Auistallt Agronomist, Mnlil:nyll, MOOol',

Laur~n';,o;~,~~H:: A8Sil!tnn~ Agronomist, 1'...,ill, Ri znl. Cl1&lOr B. Cruz, Junior Agrollomiet, Mnrikim., Uizn!' Fltustino 1\lurfl)na, Junior AgronomiBt, 'ranDunn, Bn_ t an ll81. I,eo n R. Aquino. Juni or ,\groDomist, Dum llguete, OricII ' '\ntot,;'i~ ~fn::s. Junior J\gronomiot, Agriculturlll Ell. tc~ion D"'iaio ll. Fernando D. Luil t ro ,,'" istllnt Agronomist. Cornelio DAlanguc, ,~istn!lt Agronomilt. Joa~ D . Dallnrioo, J\ uiitnM Agronomist.

f:~~I~~eJo p~~~\f~;: ,\~!l'~i~~.~tA~;::,~;!isi~t.

Marin"o D. l'nd olin", Junior AgroDomiHe I\hrcOli de III Cruz. Junior J\gronornist. Leanili-o Rigon .. n. Junior AVonomist. Mnndauc, Cebu. Pedro ;\lodnranll' Junior A~on omiBt, IbR. Znmbnlt'll. Lnmberto H~rmoao, Junior A,onomist, L;pa, Batllngllll.

BUREAU OF SCIENCE 727 IIERRAN. ER;\lITA P. O. Dox 71-1, TEL. I)·OO·SIi A. S. Arllucllt'll, Director. Offic e o f



,~f:~~::o ,!~f~~r:: ~~ii~fta~tcr~ilief

Clerk. Mnrc.". Tuban&ui, Reseorch Zoiilollist. Dmnbcnuto Herrera. Propert)' Clerk. Gef\'llIIio Salvador. Cnabier. and DisbUl'3inlt Officer. Leoncio Mnnltubnt. Clerk . Mariono BIlIIOCIl. Ass.!. Bilcteriologist. Cotnclio C. Dlllena, Extlminer ond Sales Clerk. C. S. Anllbcngco, I'hotograph~r.

~i::::~f'n ~. ~?,~cr~', ~tl~~~~apber.

,\lfredo k HidAllIO, l'~raon nel Clerk. PUlItaleon A((uilll, Jr. Stieltli~t. Vi otoria !\!llIIilutll(nll, Jr. Bacteriologist. DiOlld"do ,\bri\. Timc Clcrk. J0s6 E. Santia"o, Record C lerk. Fauatinll Signo, StenolllDl,hcr. \·Illcnt;n It. Ten ono, TYI.;'t.


Junn A. de Torre.., Clerk. nenis,o Leonen, Prop~rator. Di vision of Tests a n d Sta ndu rd s I'rnn cisoo D. n"ycs. Chief.

~\~r"c~ ~·I.Al1r~~:'t/~~~~~~~2hief.

Pedro G. River8. Chemis.. I.ou rd~~ Ocorn l'O, Aui4IDnt ChemiS!. Quirino C. OIYUlpia. AuiOlIl Ot Sdent;u. Justi"" Rupcrlo. Junior, Chemist. Hobccto ll. Oliver, Juni or Chemist. Domi"ador Z. Hoacl1. Jun ior Sciemist. Sev(!fino M. CWlnn, Scientific """isunt. Elen" M. Co!(uie\Il, S~ientfic A~inant. I.aecelca PA8~ulll, J r. Scient;" t. Ricllrdo :l.1...lori. Jr . Chemist. J0lI6 Hoco, Jr . Chemist. G.,ojno Hnntll"". Scientiot A"''''tnnt. NapoleoD F. Mnnnio. Scientist AsaLotnnt.


Carlo.. N. Carreon. Sdontiflc A.si8tnn~. Valentin Pnllnt,.nun, Scientific A8IIistanl. Juan B. YOrTO, Sciolltific AuiB~nnt. lubel Bacabo, J unior Chcmlet. Division of C hemi cal Relea r c h A. P . WCSt. Chic£. Joaquin Mnnllon, P lant Chemist. Joe(i Espjno,", Chonl'u. Aurelio O. Cruz. Chcllliit. Fhwiano M. Yonko, A""istant Chemist. Simeon S. Tnnchicn, Allsistllnt Chemiet. LUI Bu,eIlll, A.,i.tnnt Chemist. Sn lvador dol Mundo, ChclIli.t. LorelUo Claravnll, Soientific Auiatllnl. Luz Ll. Scie ntifi c AMiatlm!. Glori" COrlel, Scientifio Allsilllan~. Alfredo :>'1. l\Inr~irOl. Scientifie AaiatDnt. Martin Bautilla, Jr. Prel.arntOr. i\!lU'c~lina "ilIanoa. Junior Chemiat. Fis h and Ca n,,, Admlnlau'lltio n Dlyislon Hilario A. ROlll1&. Chicf nnd lIlllular Carno Wnrdon. Feli ... FUneo, AniatRnt Chief. Herndio n. i\lolltulbuli. Teohnical ,\lIIIiatnnt. Deogrllcill.!l V. Villndolid, Tochnical A6Ii,mnt. Flo rellcio TIlIIl"ertl, So ien tist. Cauuto G. Mnnuel. Ornithologist. Joa(; n. 1I10ntillB, l-iahef)' Ichth)'ologist. Claro Mnrtin, Junior Se"lntiat. A&Wltin F. Urnsli. Junior Scientist, Guillermo L, Abilln, Techniclll DemoIllltrlltor. Fidel 8. Alonte. Technica l Demonstrator. Guiller mo J. Dionco, Teehnical DemOIllltrDtor. Domieinno "iUolln. Technical Demo~trlll or . l'a blo Dumllio. I n8pec!or. Alfredo H. ClIIl\i llo, I IlIlpeclor. Jo86 BWlquo, Gnmo WlU'dcn. Cel~8tino Lenno, Gnme Warden. Dilyllni Onlle illtng~o, Gnme Warden. Cornelio Alluto, Gome WllTden. Bernnrdo B. Sibumll, Gllm .. Warden. Criapin 1Il0nili-a&on, Garnu Wnrcl~n. Di"""oro S. nabor, Scientific Assi.tant. Mnranrito D~lando. TcchnicD l Dcmollatrntor. Fcli>: J . Arriol ... T echnical DemonatrBtor. Pedro Difl1lltoru m, Game Warden. Porfirio R. Mnnacop, Technical Oemonatrator. Sn ntos B. RlUI allln, Teehnicnl Demonstrator. Antonio VcrGozu, Game Warden. Antolin G. ~\aoo, Tcc bni Cll1 DcmOllll lrRtor. ll.omedioa Raeda , T ochnicill Demonlltrlllor. JUlln 111. R. NOVlcio, Teohnioll l Help er. J UD.D Mendo"" T eehnical Helper. S. iti,·crll. Gamo WlU'dco. Anlonio M. do 11111 AllIS, Clerk. Divisio n o f Indu stTla l Enl1lneerln~ Feli:< D. :\Iarllmbll, Ind uatria.! Enl{inccr. Francisco lIlnnllbM, AIlaiUllnt Enameer. Fl'lipe J oe(i, Auill\8l1t Engineer. Felipe Ancheta, A4!iiatllnt EoginC!l'r. Hcrmoyencs T~rllll, Aaaietll n~ Enllineer. tli~~~!~o : ..o~ri~n~~~!~~I~Il~~gineer. Division of Nat io nal Mu sou m Eduardo Quiloumbing, Chief lind Aaaiatnnt 10 th .. Dir ector. J 0s6 M . lIlendoza, Mycologist. F. a. Scmtno, lIl~·coIOIl;"t. ~c!~':"E~c;~~~~~a('u~~r.SYI!. BOlallLot.

~~e"s~ ~jb~:,IOSct~~t'1fc ~~~:~~.t. g~3~t~30Si•.:\~ri~~rJ. S~~?~~~r:c AA~~:~:~t.

Gen'asio n.-llaeillo, Jr. Entemolo&ilt. Divis ion of Scientific Library C. S. Perez. Chi~f. Cat/,Iiao S. $emilla. Chief. CatalOIl Section. Lconiln ll e.urr-eeci6n, Chief, Ref~nce and Circulation Secl ion.


LnurCtH11I " .. \·HI " nue'·<,;. Junior Librr.nan. Setllio P . Duquo, Junior Librariaa. ,'edro Comu, Stonogrllpber. I>edro Orina. Clerk. Juan Manal o. Clerk Ca.rmen Mad!anghayan, Clerk

PHILIPPINES DOMESTIC SUGAR ADMINISTRATION 155 AVILES, SAN' MIGUEL :\illnuel L, ROIna, T echnicnl Aui,tant. A. It. de Luzuringn. AMistant Admin~trati ... c. Fabian R. San Juan. CIU~f Clerk.

lubclo 111. Hern8Udc&. Clcrk-Stenogrnphcr.

~~'i~rJ'n:e8~' '~e'=~~,nt6!~!1e~f~~~C~~~hi~c~~3nT},lling

Section. Auto m Obil e Se~t l on SalWltillUo Rey"" Superintendell t Division of ).Iotor Vehides. Alfredo Lopc~ A... ial/lnt Superintendent. Dionisio l'n.Il.,oe Chief, I nspect ion Section. Pedro M. EspIritu. Dh-i.eio n Clerk. Franciaco Martinez. Alliltant Di,i. ion Clerk . Lle~rio Banetto, Chief, Drinr·, Li cense nnd COIl,-letion Section. n er mencgildo Lopez, Cbief. Information Section.


LRuro Gonulca. Permit AlI:o"t. Consoreio V. Manuel Permit Agcnt.

Ssh-ado. S. Marcelo. Clerk. Rufo. D. Reyes, Clerk.

Wcn et'Slao RodcnG.!l. Clerk.Typist. Prudelleio. Cink-Typist. Enrique Y. NlIlu~. Clerk-Typiu. Aldllndro Salunngco... Clerk-TyPist.

Cellulo COrCU\lrIl, ..... Ierk- TypISt.

p~6A:'~r:;, «;f.i~{, \\~gii~\r'y ~~~iii~~·.



Frllnci&co de lOll Snnto!, 8hief. Hegilltry Section. EdUllrdo Cnl"ynn, Motor Vehicle (nspeotor. AUredo "ilion. Cbief. Collection Section. J0II6 Gnnu.1es. Chief, 1'. U. ,,"d Statistics Sccti(>n.

~~lg~~11 F~\bJU~~I~I{lIIT A

TEL. 5-76-12 "u.lling Daya.-Tuetdaya from 2:00 to


p. m. 811._

:r:::.~~~:I~]li:i~r~~'red l;[~lif~~~~!.ti~~

of the or ~\'ing businC&s with the Ob_

my :. ~~I~oO~ot!';: dW~::1~50o:c,i'..b~;;u:~oo

W::ttflo p. m. Satw-dnys 8:00 II. m. to 1:00 p . m.

6~~rl~ ~e.lgbcpSp~~·m~,~~~C§~L 8Ili8tant Dimtot. 13crnnrd F. O:ouootto, S.J .. Chid, McteorololPcal Di· v;.ion. Wm. C. Repetti, S.J., Chief. Seismic and MIIIRct;c D;,-;.ion. Edmund J. NuttD.ll, S.J., Chic~, AStronomica] Divi.ion.


P klzil Lawlo n TC:L.


111, J CSU!l Cuenen, Secrc\llry of Public W'.lllrs and ComrnunicRtioll!l.

Vicente de In Cro.u, Under-Secretary of Public Woru and Communieatioll!l. Manuel K. TOrTcs, Chief Clerk. Nat.lio B. BaCilli", Priv ate Secretary. Ja.(, Paras, Ad.!oiatonl Chief Clerk. Arturo Soriono, Law Clerk. Franci8<'o Marcinl, Lllw Clerk . Fernando Mnrnjlla. Clerk. I> .. blo Dimogibo, MClllcnger (Clcrk.Typis~).

BUREA.U OF PUBLIC WORKS FOURTH AND F I FTH FLOORS, POST OFFICE BLDG. V. Fra&rnnte. Director of Public Worb. TEL. 2-39.66. Ad m ln lstrnt lve Divis ion

Primei.t~~~~o ~~c~i~~~~~'trati"e Division and All·

Viccf~: ~ic~~l;:'~d"~'!!'tC~itCC'g;~f~ ~d~"'~~r~t~e~liD~

vi,ion Frnnci,co Cruz. Law Clerk. Cri.pulo Pncquing. Water Right. I nspector. Reynern, Teehnielll Au illnnt. Floro C. Batae, Jun;or Stono&ropher.

2~~\~~o V~?cr~er, Cke!!'ier ~W!~~




W~~~~ Cot~i~n~a,Cl'!::~ta~it:eghi~r~rr!~)O":~~~· Payment

Section. An tonio A$l:uine. Chief Ini,ation Section.

Enriquo P. "Iedjon. C lerk.Stonographer. n"r.mundo C. Dum lao, SugAr Accountnnt. Gwllctmo A. Pi cacho, SUint Accountnnt. Demetrio A. Rodriguez, Sugnr Accountnnt. Alejandro Cainma. Sugur Aco/)untRn~.



Aeeo untl n*- Di visio n ~~t~o~~r:1~~'n.A1Jl1Iti~nt g~~c~: Bookkeeping Seclio n. E.eollL$tieo "'J?illdo, thitf, Pro"ineial i\Ii~ccllaneoua Pay,nen! l:iect.ion. Meloeio V;danes, Chief, PropcrW Section. F'lIncisco dd ROIari(>, J{ evenuo Section.

Clerk. Teodoro Camu. Cubier an:f Diabl.1Biug Officer. JOI, B. BUl"ee, Assiatnnt Cubicr. Euaebio Ro" .... , Payroll Clerk. Snh'ador Filnmor. Chief, Recor"" Section. IldefolUO Gonzolcs, As,iSlaM Reoord Clerk. ... tonaeio Villnllor, Proporty Clerk. Gregori o Moteo, As.;atont Prollcrly Clcrk. JODquin Lanot, Shipping Clerk.

g~~~~~mAe:~~~,naCl~!'i~f i(~:~r:tJ~o~~c;cRl~m~:'s.,ct ion. Mariano Daeanay, Bookkll<ll'cr.

J. C. Cookin'ham,~r,~!t,n&',;~I~;':~S~~';;;nCoCr,TcI. 2-39·6~. L. L. Vincem, Super",. in, Eleclric"l an d Mechanical E:nginccr, Tel. .... T . l:iyl"C8tcr, Supcn·;tiing Poriworks Engineer. T el. 2.21-132.

2·39.64 .

b"o~~i~>!~dG~a~~i~~i,,~~tE':,~nI:): ?~~~·J.11.77. ~!~i~~oSJ.gVili::,".:!!~n~~~'!i~~f!n~~~~c;:\!;7.72_21_62.

lo'ranqilco D. Santana, Ci"il Enginccr. Bernardo V. Gr~,orio. C,v;l En~neer. Ar"" rUo P. LUlla, Civil Enllineer. Cidaeo Corooel, Meehanic .. 1 nnd Eleelrical En,;lIccr. COIIme J. VcntUl"8. Electri ca l En;]ncer. Pnblo Ilagllll. Asaillnnt EleNrieal Encineer. Do,nlu.(l;o de In PIIZ. Ci"il En,inecr. Eugenio P. YJo, Ci"jJ Bnllinc~,. Ma.rcos C. Amponin, AlI.iy\"nt Mcchnnico l Enl;incer. Si mcon Alfonso. Civil Enginc~r. Nopolcon C. Cllrbonell. Auiatnnt Civil Engine~r. Cd"'ltino T.ono. Dh'iaion Clerk. To'uu lIertol, Properly Clerk. Lore""" Vari"'ll. Clerk.

~~~fi~aQ~~:o~~CI~~k.LibrnTilln. I>pblo Thuvcrn. Cl ... k. Mnrcinno Bella, Clerk.

Constru ct ion J)I "lslon Juiu Fcmondo, Ch;of, C''''atrucling: En,inecr "nd A.,.;S!ant Director. Tel. 6·(;1·3l. Alejo Aqwllo, Acting Hil:bwl1Y Engineer, Tel. 6-H·29. SatnrninoLopez. Second Di,,;,;on Engineer, Tel.6-(i(;..OO. Dnlmac;o Unula, Firat Db·;.ion En,ineer. Tel. 6-15-22.

Y':::n~!!"d':~·lo'~t~ D&i'!.i~~n~nt,,~~~r.

Vicente PuruggDnlln. Chief, Locllnu,. En&ineer. Tel. (;,83-90.


Cllmua, Sr.:;ial A.(I;cm. Tel. .;..s3-90.

E~VJ;;oF~i'il~I~~r~c~cm~.fY.,nICI~~r.or, Tel. (;"8~·u8. B u lldlne~n~~r'!.~~f~~ '6rv~~ro~ec Uon, l'Ihriano Jntengan, Gencrnl Superintendent. ADllS\ncio 1>.... 00, Mecha ni ca l Engineer. Mnnuel GallegO/!. Clo.icf Clerk. Herman Frllnco, Chief Elm:trieilln. Benjamin GaUego.., MUler l'llimber. Art esia n W~ lI s Section, Hydruulic Sec tio n

rab~ l'b~l'l:~n~, SC\j~ri'~V~1 WJ3~liIP.;~llcr.

Justo Cruz, Surccrvisinlo\ Well DriIL<>r. ~~ii~~nPI;~I!:n Dr~i;;'o~ul:f:;~:ing Well Driller Antonio "ol""ce, Clerk.



Dlvl.. \on o f Arc hil eC luro Allt onio T oledo, Architecr, Tel. 2.39-m~. Tcodnto P. Mllcllbulo$. Delli!:ning Engineer. Aurelio N. Cobnnltllnn~. Ch·n EIL~iue(tr. Ephrllim G. GO,,",'IIUI(OO, Civi l EnQ;inccr. AUQ;cl N. PlU;cuIII. Civil Engineer. Nicol"'! R. Jimenez. ('ivil Engineer. Jacinto S. Poinco, Civi l Ens:ineer. Elins V. Feli.:. Arcb-iteclurnl Draftsman. Gre~orio M. Pnredea. Architecturnl Dm£ LUOIO Frallciaco, Architectural Draft8mnn. Alfredo L. Pillol, Archirectural Drllftllnnu. llcruigio del nosario, Architccturnl Drn£r.nHln. Casto M. Nio"n, Arehilce~urnl Drllft!mnn. AnJ{cl B. Vc\u.'Iqucz, Arohitccturnl Draft.mnn. Eufrncio de In Roan, AssiBtnnt Archit"oturnl Drnftsmnn Sitn].licio Rivera, Auiatnnt ArohiteQ~urnl Drnftsmall. Orendo Gnllo, Junior Alollitecturnl Drnft.lnan. "ilRn. Ju nior Arcllitcctufnl Benit:;:no E. Mane.e, Junior Arclliteclurnl Serafin de Lnr •• Junior Arcllitecturlll DrnItaman. Mariano Pinl!"dn. ArchitecturA l Drnftaman. Al ..jnndro N ..... rellnno •. Iunior Arehitectttral Drnfumnn. J 0s6 ViUngfncia, Junior Architectural Drnftsmnn. Viecntc F. Millnn. Junior Stenogrnl)hrr.


Hy dflwUc Div is ion Gonulo Gnrcin, Acting Chicf Hydraulic EUQ;inecr, Tel. 2-3!l-59. Hilario S. Clcmeille. DCtlil,minl; Enllincer, Tcl. 2-22-68.

~~~~~eh~e~u.u~~c~rti~{ect ~~~~~~Tc;:~·2tgt.68. ~~~~;~r1. ~:~:~~I.n~iQ.i' ~!fcTCk?t6\j~8.

Roberto P. Villntuyn. ineer. Tel. 2-22-68. An~onio A. \,ilInnuevtl. 'neer, Tel. 2-22-68. TO"'1\3 T. Zita, Civil Engjnccr, Tel. 2·22.68.

~:~ar~~ltlp.P~~~~~~il.Cij!~\!~':;Cr~t t~\: tgA:~g:

Pcdr~i~~;~rI~~r~~TIo~I"C~~le?tj~~~~inla?~~er and SupuCriunto TUl1&on, A9i.[ant ~opoG.rnp]ucal Drnft.mnll. Pnblo Mercado, Anislnnt TOJl!)gJ"npluetll Drtlftamnn.

ii:~a~:~~uf:~r~~~:i~~n~;~~~~::~i;hleRr&~~g!";:on. ¢ic~~tcAl5~~i!·. 1:\!~~~~ ¥~~~t:~t\~:l g~:~~::;:~:

Jacinto Santinl;o. Junior Drnftamnn. I. idro AlIunci611, Junior Topographicnl Drttftamnn. D"nici Chnlll<!eul!~{>, Juuior ·roPOGr .. phictt] Drllfumau. Crfa ]>lt\o Asedillo, Junior Stenographer.


INDUSTRI AL MANUAL CLr;n"6: Lore nzo Punanl Rnmoh C. Bilimll.llcda Frllncisco FI~tna~ EWllnqllio IKnnci o JUlln D. Dizon Aure lin uo Trlllllljo JUIlU D. ney~ Tcodoro G. Landllll Fernando B. Monlcon Numerillno n. nou'luillo Filomcno Pnci. Melquindea J. ClllltiIJO C"'!iano AG.llc06coa I'(ovl o clo l Pe rs onnel Sec lio n 1'lIIItor Snmontc, Ch ief. BuenavCDtllrll Pa.eetns, Auiat"nt Chief. CLl:ttJ<S!

Marceliao Arnndo Se r"nDdo Aguilnr Tcodoro Molina Efidendo FlorCl!lcn

Mrs. Ignncin 1,. Fonlillns Simeon Ynmzon ErnClito Gui nto Julinn C. Silon

Misee llaneous Employees Gregorio Ssntos Antero FriginD I Frnncisco Snb""un Antonio Pllgdnngantln Jnime Tcodosio Epifnnio Espino... Pedro S. Angci..-a Francisco DllYUW, Jr. Bonifncio T. Chtlvez Leonnrdo Clcmcr' te llano Rivcrn R Ollair Shop Mnrtin Jugo . Chief. ll icardo Cntllncda Tiburcio do Ocnmpo Gcr6nimo OrdoDcz Pedro Pernltn Guillermo DnnQ;anan laaias Pedro Ju.linn M ... trili Fla,·iano CllItiIJO lsabelo Dnul l;dia P. "Belcbc, Rllymundo Sn n Juan RE CO RDS DIVIS ION Julian Cabrern, Superintendent. Flllo il. nnd lssul n ll. Scetlon Elpidio Clemente. Cllie!. Amndo C. Santos. A'.'Iistaut Cillef. CLI:R",., n:lvid ;\[:lnucl Espanol Alfoll.!o Pilayro. Mnriano C. Ftljardo Angell'. Bacllni .'.luredo M. l.lnltllO E r llellO Pillo!

r ... tor

Artcmio L. Escala ;\Iclquiadea UJ~ I' Jose ),. .I.f.. tn Paulino ;\Ianon"do Joel' erla

Teodulo L. Al bu F rnncisco N. Desiderio


Grncinno Lodc\'ico. Clerk. Law 01,,1.'1;00 1;rand8co Cru" Lnw Cler k. Tel. 2-65-37. CriSI)ulo PacquiDg. Water Hights l J13pector. lI ilnrio P. Reyncrn, Tcchnical .-I.ssisUllt. Catalino Reycs, Clerk. Gover n ment Marlnc Railwa y and Rcp;!lr S hops J. C. Cooki nghllm, Chief of the Division. M. I. Felizardo, S"I)Crvi .iag EDgineu. A. I'. Fojll.S, Worka Engineer. B. 1'. Ablcrn, Ynrd Enginee r. G. Y. Ocampo, Plnnrunl( EDgineer.





PLAZA L,\WTON, ;\ rAN I LA TEL. 2-23·81 Juun Huia, Director. Felil,e Cunderno, AlI!i!ttt,,! Direc tor.

ADM I NISTR ATIVE DIVIS ION itufino Tolentino. Superintendent. Flniano K. Abu~·an, Aaai8tant Superintendent. Ambrosio Snn Pedro. Stcnogrllpher. Genulll Service Se<;tlon FrllnciaCO Villa, Cllie!. C LI:IlQ'

E!lKTncio Alifl!tod Gabriel de Cu tro Vicente F. N.canor AI~cnio Celclli no Noniln M. ;\Iedino I'"blo Vclaaco. E"icr. ' OYmCn l Sec ll o n


~~c:i::! ~~Il~'~o


Ma"imiDo Pcllnr"ndn Celermo .\llldnd Nicolas Ojedn


Cabr~:~:"ctf-c1"hln~ Seetlo n


Joaquin Estabillo Antonio A. Reyea

Epifnnio Zuhlftn Antonio B. Castillo

INSPECTION DIVIS ION Blou.lio Do"c ra, SupcriDtendcnt. Po, t Office Inspe<: lora EuluUo PrudcDcio, Supcrm or. IN8I'EC'I'OIl.'l: AD ... t·ncio Mornlcs COll.'ltl!.neio Snut.,. TimOleo D. Sant.,. 1;lnnci.eo G. Aral'll!. J.,.., O. Gonull'll EllG.Cnio ;\1a!lare Ce n c", 1 Se...·lec Su tlo n Bclarmino P . Nnvarro, CWd. Emi lio P. Dizon, AasiuaDI Chid.


C LI:""S:

LOrenBO )1.

Jesus C. R:won

lI Crll~nde&

Dead Letter Office Aurelio Mogol. Chief. Hermencgildo Enriqun. A.. istnnt Chid. cU:U:II:


D ominll:"c~

:'I lonioo

Eu.tnquio nayal

Con'neio ltcposnr

MhCdbneOU~c~!"S!('f':''''~nlltos Gonc rO,O min., FlorontinCl Ibong

Bonifacio LnCOlon ,\111101 lII('-IlUc,

Pllci lico Me ndolll.

/II""uol I cnon

Wilfrido Diu

Alojlln<iro Nuenl'l

Beninmin v. Nutlc.

I.orcn~o ,\ri~

J0s6 8""0"0

Bcnedi cto Quiog ...e

~re~l~~:n:. ~~:ijio



Jes,,", AI""."o,

S up crimcndcn~.

Ju"n Rn . .. l .., Aaeiatant SUpNi ntondcnt . Ge n cr~1

Service Sl'Clio n

Celerino CILII.o, Chi,,!. :'IlIlltininno de In C.tu:, As-<iatllM CWd. CL£RI<II:

~~~~~oi\raA!~~~'zor Cnyetnno

f~~i'\V~ }:'mh~urct"


Vicente G o ~~l!~:nbS:rH se~ICc Section Pedro Y. E.pina, Aaaist nnt Cbi~1. CLEnKS: Sr.ntiago S. Soriano



C. Lim

~~r~to ¥~fe~tino

Al'olonio La gcrn Sikeatro Santo. AmlLUO Hi lon V,ocnte B. Sublny Antonio Ulat 1" eli:o: do Bitta Quirino Reyci \l.'abut Placiuo Rigona n

F r ee r.bll Delivery Servlce S ection Julian Oimaiatlla, Chief. Gracinno Sison, _oU!illant Cbief. CL£nK.!l: Juan R. Ramos Fcrnando Flores MIIiI Bont nnd Domestlc AIr.Mall Service Sec t ion Nem~io C. Lopu, Chief. Sirneo" Lampa. Actina: Aui.!tnn t Chief. Natal i" SalltOll, Clt rk . Money Order Dlvh ion l 'e<.iro Di magui la. 5u perintclldcmt. 'f copisto C. Bntungbacal, ~.i.t ant SU]lcrin tcmlent. Ceoerol Service Section Avclino Garcin, Chie£. 5aoliall:0 Manonado. AMi.hnt Chie£. C LERK":

El igio D ajno FidelOli"a


i\h1rlin Torres Dioni~io V"ldres Enrique San JUIIII ilaiM M"niquis

Manud Coli"". Jr. Ponciatlo Ramido D a rnaao S. Ona

Records Section AlojRn<.iro J oeo, Chic£. CLERK", Arietoll CariAo Ramon Vi.mallos Manuel Ram",


&I:~{:;~d~rl~:~~a JllcilllO Bonlleo Nie ... io S. RoUan llicllrdo Mendosa Ti ..o A. Baut illll Amado Inumerabl o Ricardo Balntbat

Dovid Ramirez Juan M. Valdu Manuel T. Travilln Tareila G. Pineda Mariano de Leon Simeon Gimenez trineo de Gu~mnn Feliz \,ioto.i"

Antonio d el R osario Emetcrio Huel gaa :'Ianuel A.etl. S91vador tle Guzman

Paymaster Sect ion Benito Menuoza Scrofin Z. Reyes Edi lherto ,\. Rivera E ml n,!u;o Franci eco Stamp Sectio n Felipe Ur toln, Chief. ,\tlemio Conanan, Auistant Chief. CLERKS:

I'orfirio A. GOO&Il1 es :'Iclecio de Guomnn Jow C. Bayanin I'hlhuellc Sectio n Amnndo :'larquez, Chief. Trinidad D. TobllS. A..sistanl Chief. Jaw H. Cuar esma. Duplica t e Mo o ey Ord er Sec tion

~'i~i~h:ru~i~J, ~~1~iallt



Aurora Sobllttian Cecilio R. !>Idosea Emiliano Simeon

.-\l3nnoio Tinneo Gemelo PfUtOr Vicente Bravo

LconlLrdo Pal'!lI.cell:;II\eoulo:m~\~r.~~~i8 Amando l\at'Gbac CelDt Romlln Quijano Restitulo Mendoza i\lIgu. l Mendioln F.. r ",in i\lnrifio J ~ Garcin Rnymunuo E,·angdi.ln Fernando E. C""lillo POSTAL SAV INGS BA.NK :\ledro Moncayo, Superintendent. Aurcli • .,o Bucnovenlura, A""ist""t Superintendent. Ltno Chnvez, Chid C lerk. J OI~ labnflero, Slcno~apher. Ge!;,era' Se r vice and Co r respo nd ence Sec tion

g~~:!~ ~i:i~~.

f:r:':~Ir. ~;:b~to

Depos it and Withdra wa l Sect ion Antonio Du, Cbief. ,\ngel Lnpuz, Assistllnt. Chief. CLER KS!

Dominndor Nn"Mro Zoilo Galang Simeon Dinn,ant o .F ortunato i\lanab»t Dam Mo Orallo Jotf S. Reeai do Ri cardo Camncho Gre(l;orio Araullo R"ymundo Diacayn EIiIlS T. Cru. Junna Luz Pedro S. Marcelo Amauo Mendiub al Avelino l .eyeo Dionisio C. Cr uz Herminia R . i\latillS Alfonso OrclUle Pedro S. Soriano Homualdo 1"iIIn ~

FlLusto Tolentino, Chief. C L I:nIt6:

Simeon Mar'lue1 Tibureio


Ambrosio l\!cndon Fr ... ncll eo Abulin Coruclio B.. ldcri~n Florcutino Calve]o Juan i\lndlRngbaynn Tcodoro ~Iendi llorin J oMi :'o. l Dtins ConsUneio ROta Fid~ l \,iuluRn UZdnrico Soril Pedro S. Marcelo Eroesto Bautista Antonio Bolafios :'o.lanuel Novieio

¥~~1fi'i!0 triJ~I::{'aa

nodolfo T i'luia Segundo Pnderon


Sect ion

Simeon B. Omietin Peru

Mnnila T elle rs Section Emilio Bernabe Jow Eacuadra Edunrdo Roque Junn Y. Lim Juan Cnlip Allonso Dei!>Dri"c SanohCl P on~r, Jan i tor n od Laborers l,uellS Ncquinto Dominador Baluyot Nilo Rieafrcnte Rnfncl de la 1',,1I.1L Julian Rivera i\!OntRnO SnlilDria Bonifacio OnapRn(l;eO Joe6 S. Amadora Ramon i\1 . Pantu ...



P RO PERTY DI VIS ION Constnncio Nllvnrr o, Superintendent. Ci.illco O. Reyes, Aaaiatllnt to Su!,crintcnaont li nd Chief

Tet e~rn l' h

Frnnciaco Lopez, i n.opcc\or.

E'l8cbio Lnillld .. Satur ni no D crjulI II


Se~tio n .

(:l. t: ""8:

CLERKS: Ern,.~to

N. Plld....

JoM C. Gutier rez

Francisco Btl.. Soller

Equip me nt Sec ti on Tirn"tco Mnt i M, ,\aai8tont Chid. Junn B. do Guamnn Jnrdiel Hamlin V. Sal\'ndor Luis Y. Sonto! Florentino Mara/l.on COI\/'ado Ylo!:oll Da lmatia Jtwicr "fa.iono Ordillano

J0a6 111. Delgado

AlfolUlO Tllbll1n Moi,lca J. Leus

Acco un' l n ~ Sec ti on Glludencio I ,onlok, Chid. Lucio A. Runio, A..i,laot Chief. (:I,.&RI;II:

Lu{'o Cinco Arturo V. Gumllbon balila D. NS"lIrro Leon F. Sol Schnalinn EacD]onn Atllt)lloio Manio Anllo i Snntinl:o Carmelo R. L91~~.e·8t,~!~~iOn Sectio n Trinidad T. Bartolome, .... ssistant Chief. Clol'III.8:

Pedro S. Segui

Nito Diokno

Tet e ~r.lph.r lind Radi o S up p ll illi Sec ti on Rafael S. ValencIa. ChIO[. Feliciano l\l. Gatano. Ad,istant Chief.

CIo>;RJI;S: Fe l i~



Providcncio Manco

Acco untable Jo'orm s G. Pedro. Acting Chief.

~::~~~~o 6.1"s~rl~:.u~I~~~~ing '\,iatnnl Chief. S mtlo nery S u ppli es Sectio n Vicent e Mnmnril. Chicf. Maunci A. Paez. Aui,tan t ClLiet. CIoDR"S:

Antonio Maos

Co n ll tru c tl on a n d M lll n(e n o. n ce Sec: r1on

Joe(: Ar ccllona, Chief.

Tcor.Jo Bella Ger onimo Punn lan

Cleto l"i C5t:~C~:~f. a n d S h l p p ln ~ Sec ti o n i'rudoneio P. Dautis(8. AssistRnt Chicf. CloI:K"S:

Jos' C. Cnlma Bicnvonido In,,i~r Apolonio Villa Carnello F'llicillno \'n[cntin Snmlmieeo Delfin A"eras Gr egorio Eugenio Riellrtc 'r. E~cbil) - C.m rado Hcrnniz Bla nk Form s Sec ti on

I~~~n\i'.liR1cX";1I~n~~i,~a~~fChici. <> IoI)III(S:

Ncme. io P. Libunao Cornelio "Ioreno Vicente L. Pncls Jo'"ulci!co Ar&ueUea Biznl Cruz Ra d io R e~ ul :Hl o n D hl,l on G onl/l.[o :\1. Kamnntigue. Superintendent. Santiago Cu.staflet1a, ,\ni~ tnnt SU I",rintendcnt. CloI:IU.S:

SCI'c rino i\l, Visi tu Florentino PlIn r l'crfccto Aril\u Te l c~ ra p h DiviSion PelToni lo Tatacatllc. Superimcnd"nt. Arcadio Z. ,\ol{~l;n. '\Miatant Superintendent Albino Lnrn. Engineer.

Ge n er:> 1 Se rv ice li n d " euonn e l S ec ti on Guillermo R. Rodi!. Chid. (:101: 1111,11;

Citiaco BDbicrll ."!fredo Rnl:Ddio Feliei,lmo Dizon SCI'erino Feri

NiclI.5io J)izon PII~ificio t'. namon Leonardo de 1011 St>nt"" :\llIreclo COMul

Andt~! Monti nola Edmundo T . Cnbal

Ra di O Con str u c tio n a nd AItOMO Sori.. no, Chid.

M .. l n te n n n ce


C I,EIlIi!:

Zncnr;1LII Aglugub Lauro J. C r u, Franeiaco Camarillo

Ernesto SinJlSon J uun Cuneta L uil M. Albn

Manila Tun l n ~ S ta ti on S. Hilario Ellcudcro. Chief. Ceenrio Obispo. AB.iltnnl Chiel. J0s6 1-". Ditnn Cirineo r.. ClI.5t ro Vicento Esouc ta L ul. Guunton Znlimo Daylo Panta leon Legaspi Augl).!to R. Royce Daniel Soli. Macnio Isidro J orgc Rodriguu Agmpito C ba,'e, M cssn llo Re co l vl n ~ Sec tion Ruym un do !I'fnndnpllt, Tellcr.i n,C hnrge. Cl.f:ItKII:

Cltilo Baylosis Dominndor ROIIII.lra h:nll.cio M . Faultino Nicanor F..,porlaa Estoban Fr ondoso Nionnor Buenavontut n Cil.";llno

Simon Dabuct Enrique Perez Araenil) Triaa Mod ... to Cad no EUlronio R(l.ZO V(doriano Agrn"io San JUlin

M esla Ae Delivery Sec tio n Canuto GCrBrdo. Chief. Joso F. Aleua •. '\fI8iatant Chief. Anll8tn~io Alonao J uua J, A,ell Eultllnlo Alindollun AI\x!no Alto nugn Joall Amonseo BIl.8i\iao Astorga Leon",do Bllnto Alejo Bernabe ;oominndnr Ber nardo )'rimili,·o Bernmrdo TomlLll Bar na r dn "atentin Cabl.tla Dal'id Cabi les AlfolLllo Calano Junn Caldernn Uien"enido Calleja Joao CnmnelLo Vicente CmminoJtIl! Snbaa Cnpi li JOIO Il. Cnoibea Ma"o Cccilio n~njamin CarpI).!



Tomna Oaquina Vicentc Delgado

John DaUII:[",h Conr"do li:btco

Ramon Fnjardo SDmucl Jo'unn AmbrOliio Galchalian Alfredo Gimcne~ Her umndeJi. Cccnrio Lafuento Victorino ~fnningdlng Alf redo Mariano Simplicio :\Icrctldo Jllcinlo Nati\~dad Emeterio Pac ulan Gabriel Pa"cual Romulo Perl... Simeon Pr udcnoio Angc l nacoma Snntillgo Mar. ilamOJt Fran cisco Roman JOIC SlIjluilUip Marce lo Sarmicnto O""ili,o A Silla Anuro So.ongon EUIl~nio T olentino CllrlOll Vmmnue"a Aucnio Viclo";" Dcnitn

Alberto Frnnco Spl"adof Gnrchitore"a Placida Gclncio SaM"" de Gu..mau Rnmon ilaga" GOllulo i\:l, Loronlo I~tlymundo i\hnucl Nnr brrto ~ I ... onll.long Antonio Muri lJ o JOIO Nal'al Ramon Panganib,ul Tranqwiino O. i· ... cu~ 1 Cirilo Pr udc"cio Andres Querijcro Alfredo ilaquiUl Amando itOIl Sincc;o de l l\OIIarlo :\Ianue! Sapt"" .v.cmo Satorre Dominadot 50.-ia,,0 I.... op Tampu)·... Haiael T o. r ... RomlltL "illarun Pedro 1', Zn.ldua Mendolll



PHILIPPINES Joat! Borja David dol Clllln. Pedro Ca.slllncdn


Juan Dumandnn Nj~OIrIIl €bido J oao It. Fante

Mania Ferrer C rc,!orio Fu[gcncio Aqwlillo Coho1 Vicente C .. rdon Pedro Gcrnrdo E.lbcrto ConnIe., Ce-nt Hene. II Alfredo l lano Priml\;\'o de Jcsus Ci,ilo Kintanat Ezequicl I.~ot.dio Domineo L\I~cna


Alfonso ~h.,llIya J acla!" lIIanplioan

C .. bricl t.lejir.

~:~:~ ~'~r~f~i!n


Fermin Nobfeza

ta]it~ g~a~~

Alejandro Padua.

Florenoio Panlaniban I..belo PArlan

~io1~~d~onf>':.~~ran t~~~ ~r.~~!nar

RafaelSlIlu ar Franci sco 5l1nlil,0 Simeon Simeon Amado Si.on Ro»e .. do Soriano Emilio Tibo Alber to do In T orre Jorgn Trio

Monico BumDnglD(I; Teodoro Cambia Delfin CavIf,ncyro C rilonto Diu Am,,·leto Dulay Silverio Duran Santiago FabilallQ Severino Feri Juan Floree Aurelia C. Gobriol Emiterio Oolono RaCod Gaeeon Moeario Go,nez Cesario Guerrero Apolonio OUlman Pablo Jazmin Franti,eo Kayas F."..naotio LaUTea P~dro Lubrin G,~,crio Lum .... ae Manolo Maddcla Quin,in Magolong Claro i\[anunzan "i'llitio A. Ml'nuel Pedro Mendoza Robcrto Menu Fruncisco i\lornlel F.H"" NDvnr"" Grr.a:or in Ni_dao Guillermo Noiuro Dominso A. OCaml'O Juan Ordona J"'IC Padua Victllte de Pano TTlloQui tino PMcuat Ignncio Perey VictoriaDtl Queaon M Ramos i\r\lluc! ruv~rII. Mnriono SRlonSa Jo.e V. SantOS V;cto~a A. Sitnuulan

~U~~d~~c~g~in oula

DominJo Tongco l\lanucl l' orrea Luis C. 'Ilrinidad Luis Utlulu Vallejo Juan Virina BMilio Villella. Pedro Narc ..

Franco Url"l no Calizto Valontf! Rufino Vkente

Juan de Zuni,,,, Emcsta Babin

M AN IL A PO ST OFFI CE J. A. Pil~pil, Superintendent. Alejandro CrUll, JU$;"tant Superintendent. C1.&R':,:

Analtaeio l\Iorlllea Pablo Buill; Corndio Reyea Claudia AI" .. lltnra.

Democrito BriUantca Fau.ti no Navnrru


Vicento Rnmos

Re~l srry Sec t io n BOlbino JO!ton, Cbief. Clomonte de Leon, Auietnnt Chief. Juan Alejnndrino Doniel Alc .. ntnrn

~~I;~ ~.liR~~lit

*~il~hT~ ~~\d~~Rn

Tom"" Ban .... ' Leonnrdo Bafon;" Gon ... lo Dorromeo Gr~sor;o Cabnlllla, Ricardo Bulnon Fe[ix de II Cr.... Amadeo DBlmacio Cenaro Delell a JOle C. Dom;ngo Joec M. Encarnacion E d,nundo do [n Fuente C ... eia Ramon Cavino

Petroniio Broe:l& Nazario Bernardo Harry Bcrnllrdino Felip ~ Camara Lee Ah Chaw Federi.o GIli Simplicio Cruz Mnr~in Diu Salv.dor C. Du Dionicio O. Martin A. Golit Rcmi,io O. Gllrcill Cirioeo i\l. Onyo

g~""n~;i~ ~f. 9l!~,:;:n ~a:~c?:c~uJ:BLibid

Petlro i\ l nflO Silveltre J'ongilinlln B onor ",o Pe reira Severino Quiollue Victoriano B. Ruote naf .. el San Pedro Teofilo S. Si.oo

~lr~~i~;J:~g~~~o r~'!be~tOLgr:du'nnl>

Aniceto Nal Ci , ilo ParrdcI Quinlin Quijano )Ioriono A. n .. moo Donalo Rillonlln Iltnllc;O S. Santos )[.,.imiono ,slow)g


Anenio R. TevCl E"gracio Trinid .. d Simplico Trocio FJorenc;o Ver&os .. Bartolome CllItO<iio Mare~lino l\Ian;ocz Doniel Pongillnan

Ernuto A. Tololllino SbiJcYO!lhi Tohosbimn Foh"arl)O Urbano loabelo R . Zapata


An ... laoio namol Go " zolo R. Vcl .... co ~~e~~~~:d~~!tOdiO EnriQuo Florcs Gregorio Gillvel Olicedo Montano Nudll Julian ~nlak P~dro Villanueva Vicente Parcdcs Vicente M. n.. n ....,

Fo rele D M nl1 Sectio n

Florcntino D. Bautina, CW~f. Ru.6no Bartolome, Auil t ant Chief. Muimo G. Adriano, Actio~ Cierk. Cirilo Aguilar Luil Apostol Manuel Ah'arado Emeterio Ayr.n nnctad Felix Cui.ia Benj.min P. Diooitio Juan Gooulu FcILI:.A. Gullin Napoleon Hcrrera Gregorio ~lommrc Ramon Rons Clemente San JOle Avcliou Tian gco Vi cen te Valmonto Ignacio Vill"gonulo Simc(}n Manalo Cipriano Bauti, ta Amado Cll/Itelton Pedro Mortcl CMimiro du Ocnmpo Joso Tnrdco Jell ... Carcin. C~il:r De livery Sectio n R amon de la CrUI, Assistant Cbid. AD~.tacio ,\b .. loa Grr.llorio Alcgado Saturoino Almojucla C'lrldad R. ArallM Federico Benitu Se rapio Bayani Fa... to Benito P edro Cati i. Graciano Costiniano Marcelo Cuuo JOle C. Cnu Emilio Dizon Nem""io Doming!' Benito Dung" Rut(} Elpinosa Sotero Eugenio G. GaJ1nrn~ Pedro Gimenel Feli pe Cor Ollpe Leonardo 1\1. CUlman Nicolu Lalie Lorenl o de Leon



Prudeneio Mnnaban Mamerto O. Natividad Braullo Prooda Pedro O. Hamirel Bonifacio Sarmiento Claudio Trinidad Timuteo Vil1~f!or JOlI~


FeliE 8arrientos Protllcio Loreto Oaudcn cio 1'. Osio Pa.eifico Albano Durnin .dur Calarll Eligio Encarnaeiun BoniCacio ~log[IIQui Laurellno Lcdrea


PCrt)ctu o i\htrcclo Braulio PabiHarc Fe[ipe Qui tolbe Eleut~rio San Juan Sinforosa R . Sy Froilan VellLSQuc& H oapieio Yonlon P ed ro San,ialo Polkarpo Carino FrlIuci5eO Ocampo Sabino L. P .... cu. Leocadiu BII~lImub.d Gerardo Cinco Angel S. Lova nu NemQio Tacderos Gaud encio U. Ordolla Demonte,·crda


Enrique Abundo E1Rdio M. Arnadof Maurioio Aquino


fJ::~~:~cl'1~~3:' marOO Emiliano Cawnn Iltnac;o de Ia. C.u~ Mourieio Edralin Donato E.guerra Moil"" GlUma" M;guel de Leon PUtOr LeQuic;,. Pedro Lum"bi Roberto i\lnltno Victor i\londozn Ulpiano Ohi. po E.tcb"n PRlIala Rufino Pidlaoan Felix Rivcra i\In rcolinD Santingo Lui. M. Senn Sa.utiallo T olentino Roman Umbnlin Voncfllndo Valenei .. Carlo» i\1, VUQueJt Ced lio Ventura Manucl YllIon

Emiterio Alvinr tog.1.,i;oA~~~oO Jose \lu.,<loc Pedro Calma Ricardo CRpllr. GM»a. ClOStro Cahuo Cristoba l Madano M . Dcquilla.


Artemio de Leon Ju[ian Libao Ar.ewo LOIIU Filomeu o ~laJlno

t'~r;'C~~~iJi~'idod 1~~~I~;;'o~C:j~ l'olln

Ma rciano Roycs T omas Rngojo Lueio SRMOI O regorio Simon Tel csforo Tolentino


Simcon VcllllQuCl SimpUdo "lllonucvn Remigio Mercado



Anton;o A. Are"olo J "6C Benlon Bernabe Cabolb(lG Pedro M. Cube ~ I ntins S. Empi nndo Sever ino Lee SerGio Ma.aido Clemente Simbulnn

IIJdullSo metn Gualbcllo Briones

,"'rucluO),So Colico ,\ raenio Cuatodio

Quirino FU\niin' All redo LiwIIII Leonnrdo re(ea Frnllcillco SUHlH J O!rc V".quez



Rufino DII.Cllmanto

Jc,\l.'I ,\ Idegu~ r Victoriuno '\"$('(:0 VCIl(lnoio Calde ron

8eb,"I;1I1l C r uz

J08C CUllnUIlU

JOle Escudero 5ah'lI do . Gntd uln

Gernrdo Euiogio Simcon Gunn


Antonio Honrn

I.orenlo Abnd Jose V. Arn),atn

Amado 1l\L!lri~imo l\Inrco» de Leon Ernesto ~ I crcader Rutino Oinc! Gu.iliw de 10. Reyes Arscnio Son " cdro

Hubeo de Jesus Inocencio Macunn Ne)'ra Francisco Quioguc Jose de l It,»nrio Federico Scbll5tian

~~~~~o \~~r:~:~o



TimOll'O C rua

SClun uo D. Co nun Dom;olo Diu. ;\Iaellr;o Ibnn JUlln Ku1ubn)'lIh

~ I atinno l~nlubaynn


l'nlrncinio I,u(er'l C ri, pino Medinn Nita nor ~ l acntun"O


C l uro MllclI!n""oll

Hllymundo M cdin" Victorio Naeion ;\!a.celo OlivlI

~:I:~i~ ZC;~ra~d" Fr lmei.eo SnngnJ nnG

VCnl\ ncio PuclIlll

"I'olonio S RnlOll

Felipe Snn tOI

V" nunclo Umcngull

~;:~~~ Jrc~'

Ml'iilln ~

Sec tio n

Sab"" G. Reyes. Chief. Sandci ..... ,\asistant Chid. Mn~imo C. Acostn Cn r melo Acosta Carlon G. AGI.L'! Iin Benjamin Albayald o Juan Arad " Tomas P. Andre.. Fr"neisco ,bpcriUn l l;:uacio naun FOttunlllo Baquial Juno Bnrlo.

Santi",go Dubnn Simeon G. FOl,raron 16"belo Forte!! Felipe Gellc. S""t"", C. I l;:nD.cio Eduardo n. 1IIagay BOlli/acio '\I"nalo Viccnlc Moile!! luoceute& Y. Fnbello Fr ancisco P~flnHorjdn Pa~ M. Quin'os Julin" R~lIalado Jua.n n. Rot"o SC" ero Samonte SnntiaGO S. Serrano Gcrmnn Soria Demetrio V"lcncil!. Hodrigo P. Vi11aromnn Luc ,o Znponta Gcneroao Z. Adriano Ciriaeo S. Cinco Nicol&.! R. Ger onim'l Eugenio Omnhoy nnmoo de In ROln Gregorio C. Tubo Libenndo UYCDCO Bernl!.rdo Znr.a Maximo Baltan r Guille. mo P. Doee nn Loreto £61,,"don Felipe Kiamco nermogenca Lcjarde Gregono Niespln :'Ilclquindcs Hnmircl Filemon Ilnlmnacd n Emilio Rica/rente :'I1 .. rin"o I'),odncl!. I·Mro Vic toriano Dnlmncio Alicnn Nam\':lio B ~ l tnnr Junn Corl\obn ~c r""."do H uao I el,,(o:,o de Jeel.L'! Isidro Mn ngabas Loreto Nivna Zncnri 8& PnnC3 ~ 1 1\.r""lo \'nrl8& J O!IC M",,"inpll.!

1~ llri(IU6 ,\ r'luizll AQ~lIp Clll1didO MILrigan

Cn!~o r

Gregorio "itcllyno flico,'enido Cll8tllnedn Jodie Lorcnzo I,uis Lu.istro Horcncio i\lacnlllniny Jose C. Hoyc. Lu;s SamOnte Uball<lo Jose M. Moralea Sinforiano \'clllrde Ruperto Felipe BiCllvenido Herllnndo Sixlo n"I'fltun

~~~ioDt~~~'~~no ~:,!:;~o G~oB:~id

Simeon Alca la Alcjnndro Ce lau d 5c"c,i no Callipit Donnto Da.auel Demetrio Domi nllucl Sanlingo Cat ipon ,\ n(l8t".,io lo' lor..,. Florenti no Ger Al' llonifncio NpngbAY

~~~~~"C~~~':a"n L~~ ?~Ifl~:ln

Juan, Fernando Gr"clnno C. Ferre Ju"n T rnnco Sabino de Guur,,' n Alfredo B. I n,ier Pedr o S. Malo"g Fa.Wttino MAllnre Antonio S. Mosen de Nicol,,! P". Eulemiano Posa.d811 Dino.ldo S. nega la Jeremiu Ro<lela, 1,lermog-mcs H. S"bndo 1'oodo. o R. Slllltingo Anaclmo I'. Se"iIIn Torr~ MnnuelP. VerGei Fidol Vinlu(ln Eulnlio Abln.n Pacifico F. A]\'nr"do ,\ndres V. Cabiling Dominador [('. Mo"tnlca Snntingo O,d" GelMio Y. Tecchinn Hereulanll Urbano Domingo B. L.... "m lo'ranciaco Abl!.yn '\IOr ipi"o n. CorpWt Joee Gomn Joae Jotnbelo Efren D. Limpin Pedro :\Iag,ibsy Joec "I. E. Pared"" Domingo SlIpuriDda Ma rcelo " I nhil alindllll Bonifacio·o Se\'erino D. Florea Guillermo Dcrn"be Primo Due n" Adrinno C"rloe Jose :'lI n. Covncha Benigno Gallero Salvador Li cup I'"blo Mcdin" ,\ nll~1 i'uritiencion Eugenio Ramos Tom .... Vitlavi lca Nicol ... Lun D

O>T'Ot: ItQU ItS Dd ivcty. from 7: 00 n. Ill . to 7:00 p. "" I nfor mmt;on Window. frOID 7:30 II. m. to 7:00 ]>. Ill. iteGiatr l' Se~tion, from 1:30 n. m. to 6:00 I'. m. CU$tom. Window. from 8,00 n. Ill. to 12;00 II. l",d from Gco~ra l

SlnIll2~~,r';d~~ }io~~~:&i m~·m. to 7.00 I'. tn. ~~i:r s~~,1~~O~~ck.ffi~ 88~0 n~.~.\oo ~iO~~;. I:~.

Telegra ph Recei'iua Window. from 7:00


m. lO 10:00

p. tn. SUNDAYS ANO It OLIIl"Y6 All wi ndows open except ~ I o nc y Or de r " li d 1'0>1\1,1 Siwi nl\b Bnnk. General Delivery. from 8:00 a. m. '0 12:00 n. I nformntion Window. fr om 8:00 III. tn. to 12:00 n. Relili~trl' Section from 9:00 a. m. t'l 12:00 n. ClUttom! Wi ndow, from 0:00 n. m. to 12:00 n. T clcgrf\ph Reech'inll Windnw, from 7:00 n. m. 10 10:00

St",!p {\!indow, from 8:00


m. to 6:00 p.



7:;5-159 R IZAL A VENUE. ST A. CRUZ TELS. 2-19·81. 2-1{l.82. Z_19.S3, 2. 19.S!, 2·HI·8& nnd 2· 19·86 DISTR I CT BOARD ChnirlllmnSeCICUry. DepBrtment of " uh lir WolI"I mud Com· muniea tion ("lnriano JeIIU!I Cue no'l). :\Icmbc,.:'I1 ~:~'d..f.itlr.j~ f M nnila-V iee Chai rm nn. (Jua n Pro"incia l


Gover nor





Commlu;oner of He"ltl. mnd Wcll""". (Dr. Joso Fnbcll"j. Director of Public Worka. (Vice.lle 1'''' gA nte). Secrchr~'. Budsct Commiqion. (Scr"tin ~h.rnbul). :\lanaget . ~ l elrorol itau Wllter Dlltrice (G resono Anonlll). EXECUTl vn DEPA RTMENT G rcgorio AnonCA. 1IIan",or. Eduudo R. ~ f ntute, Chemitt. JO!Ie D. Bau~i!tD. Chief. Sccre~ Service Secti'ln. Na rciao D. Dnrrern, StenOIP'D ll her. Admlnl&tr:l l h'e Dlvl l ion Jose C. C". pio, Chid Cll!rk mnd Chief of Di,·;,,;'lu. g!:;'il.~~~~e~1~~lOffice !ie.:tion. AnQlttnclo Domin"o. In.chnt,e. Filins Section. Jun o Babiera, Clcrk·StenolU'aphcr. :\lanuel

S ERV I CE DEPARTMENT Aasi4tan~ :'I l anmser.

~l ntlO!ln,

DIY I, lon o f Meter Read ln!/. "nd Co mpbln t. I&idro DuAm,. Chief of Dh'iJion.

PHILIPPINES Section of Meter Read ln~ Toma. do ~Ob. Acting Chid of Section. Section o f Complalnta lind Analli ae nOi!l"i, Chief' of Seeti on.

Inyeatl~'" lo o

Section of San J uan R ue r volr Enln.cio del Ro.",rio. In.peelor.

Division of Waurwo r ks. So wer works llnd Stor n.

Drai n s


Frnndsco Coquin, Chief of Di,"i,;on. Pcb,io :'otaul"wln. A'I;IIIIII~ Chid of Division.

I. Hernand o"


Seerlo n of NOVQilc h Cl R "se r voir Ncml':!lio ,hprer. I",poolor.

COMPT ROL LER'S OFF ICE del Ro. ,rio. Comptroller.

Acco un t ing. Di vis ion CMimiro P"'ClIanghan. Chid Aecountllnt.

Sectio n of Insllccto, In_charge.

Bookkeepln!! Sec ti on SantiDt:o de ]11 Crul, Bookkeeper.

R. Cipriano, Foremnn I n-char/:.".

Sec t ion of Sewe rwor ks Basilio Auetri .., For.. mllll Inochllrle.

Stnll5ticQ I Section Juall J. Cllrlo•• Actin!.: Chid Stnli"i... iRn.

Div isio n of M ech a n ics Junn T. Vilillnueva. Chief of Divi.; ... " Tea6lo Jimenn, Auiltnnt Chicf of Di,-i.ion.

Cost Accounting. SeC li on Gonlllio {.aun•• Chief t>f S"",ion. Abundio Romero. A.aillnn~ Cost AecounUnt.

Seerlo n of Sewe r of Pu mplnj). Station

Dionisio Flores. I". pector. Sectio n of T rnnsportntlo n , I',operly and G r ou nd s B. de 10. Sontol, In' llcctor.

Sec tion of Shops Emilio Regino. Mechanic In· chn'llC.

iJ;nacio BerURbc.



Accounting,. Property an d Lond l)o,,",lo n Audit Secllon Apolinor Abreu, Clnk In-chn..:e.

ENG I NEER ING DEI'ARTME NT Ambr...,io MnlUlnysIIY. Chief Engineer. A]pheus D. Willi''"t, C~l!Iultin!; En!;inccr.

TREASURY DEP ,\RTMENT )hrciano Guevnu. TreMurer.

Con$cr u etlo n Division Fr",ncilco Dom;nlO, Chicf 01 Di,i.ion.

Cnsh Divi sion Gener oso Rollo. Aasletnnt Treuuret nnd Cuhier

Section of I nvuti!!atlo n and Survey. Ci"il Enaiucu.


Section of Droftin~ and Mappln!! Roman Mercado, Chief Orahlman. Sectio n of DUI!! n and Cost Est lm:u es Antonio C. Kaya"an. Aslilt"'n~ Civil .EnIPtleer. Sectio n of Enen , lo n and I mproveme n u Leoneio G. PasCUII. Ontlee r.

Te llers nnd Di sbursement SeCllon ]'cdro SanlOI. Chitf Poym nstcr and C",hier. Alipio; Gregorio. AU'lIanl Cubier and Paym Mt er. A""otin TortQ. Ac\io" Auiatan~ CMbier. Co llection Sect ion Juan RicIO de Dins, Chief of Section. Property Reco r ds nnd In"eMory Section Hector dc In !tou, Chicf of Seetio n.

J"an l>f!Si~~~~;er~~t~n~!::~~~ift~~tY:;n DJI~~:~n JC8U8 Pul... Allli. tnn~ Superintendent. Jllcinto Enriquez. Chicr CI""k lind Property Cll.'ltexliao.

Slor e h ouse Sect ion C"","no Gutierre •• Fore"'"".

Sec tio n of Montalban Hea dwork. Quintin Cueto. I nlpeetOr.

Purchnse See ri on Resti!u!o Blluti.ln. Chief. Pur chuc Clerk.

For Printing, Engraving and Bookbinding


McCullough Printing Company 10 1 Escolta


Billin g, lind Meter Readin g, A.udll Secllo n Romeo Cristobol, Chief of Sectioo.

Des i !!ni n ~ Di vis ion Gregorio de Leon. Chief D eslgnin!; En,ineer.


Bi llin g, Divisio n Junn do 1'ornlt". Chid or Diviaion. Jose Mneeren, "",,.iau nt Chi'll 01 Oh'i,ioo.

T el . 2-18-01

Consular Representatives ARGEN TI NE R EP UBLI C I 09J UAN LUNA aINONDQ J, F. Fornandet. COll.'lu!. AUSTR AL IA (Not represented) BELG IUM 31 ESCOLTA P. O. BOX 123-1'E1.. 2-10-90-CA01.E ADDRESS;

"BELSULAT" M. Verlinden, COI15I1I. C HI NA ROOMS Z03·20-l CHINA BANK BLDG. BINONDO TEL. 1-90.23 Yuan Ttln Til. Con!ul·General. S. K. Chenl:. Viee.CoIIsul. K. Y. Mok. Vice-Consu l. C. Chang, Chancellor. Y. H. Loa, Chllll.cllor. J. C. Kung. SecToUry. W. 'I'. Wong. Secretnry.

S O. PF;



.61 ESCOLT A BlNONDO Tho. 2-30-16

~;~~~::t: E:eo~~~~:::.J,,~~~~)






G. P. Daternll, Roya] Dnnish C~'''II.


ROO!\! 32ll PEREZ_SAMAN ILLG BLDG. CABLE ADDRESS: "FRANSULAT" P. O. BOX 2981-TEL. 2.30-40 Gnston Willoquet. COlI.!Jul General. Miguel B. Zi akita, Attache. GER M AN Y 1670 ARLEGlJI EXTENSION, SAN M IGUEL .. P. O. BOX Hb-TEL. 2-26-60 CABLE ADDRESS: "CONSUGERMA" G. A. SlIko~ky, Coll.!ul. J . Bresan. Secretary. 1 Kl .. ~e, Typiat. C REAT BRITAI N FOURTH FLOOR WISE BLDG. 176JUAN LUNA, BI NONDO P. O. BOX 295-T EL. 4_81_11 W. P. W. Turner. C. M. G. , 0.11. E., H . n. M. COMul· Gcnernl. D . MncDNmot. H. B. M .. CO/lal,ll. G. Wnl£ord. Vice_Consul. (Cchu). F.. J. L. Phillip" Acting Viee-CoMul. (llo11ot

~; •Ee. ON.1~':;i~~~A~t~~~j!vY~!,CC~~~~I, (ir:~O).nllga). R. Kell)·.


Vicc-ConslLl. (i.epNpi).

J AP AN FIFTH FLOOR, S. J. WILSON BLDG., 143 JUAN LUNA. BINONOO P. O. BOX 293-TEL. 4_80·03 Kiyo»ki Uchiyama. Consul·Gcncr.. !' Jiuro l{ihata. Vicc-Con,l,Il.

~~I~!:~o KI'::a~':::' g~:~~~ll:~:

Bidoo Kihnra. ChancdlOT. Akinod Kot.uki. CIlllnccllot. J APA NES E CONSUL AT E AT D AVAO lehihro ShibRtll, COlL'lul. l{:ruji T s uehiy o.. Chn nccllor. ACitllfO Mntsumolo. Chllnccllor. L ATV I A AGU I N,\LDO BLDq;I:.t:n4~O~~ LUNA, BINONDO I.eopoldo R. AI ·~inaldo. Vi cc-Co lllul.

( V II,Call ~)



MEXI CO 203 7 AZCARRAGA. 1\[AN I LA P. O. BOX OOb-TE L. 2-33-31 Alfredo Carmeio 'l CILSM. Honornry Conaul. NETHERL ANDS 2nd FLOOR. W ISE BUILDING, 114 JUAN LUNA. 81NONDO P . O. BOX -I58-TEL. 4-97-92 E. Ho)·b rook. Conl"l Tel. ~-00-36. T. Bremer, Vice-Conlu l. A. F. D. Stecnltrn, TOU!'!llint Vice.Colllul. N ICA R AGUA 192 1 H EIlItAN. PACO TF:l .. 5-0 1·0 1 T dnirlnd E. La~nyo. Conlu[·(lcncrn l. Dr. Cnt loa Gc lnno. VL~e-Con.u l . NORW AY 3 PLAZA MORAGA, BI NONDO TEL. 2·10_26 '['horbjoru /II. Ho]rns\'n, COlL'lul . P ANAMA 99 CRIST08AL, PACO TEl.. . .5-7.5-25 E F Ito ..... COIll" I. P AR AG IJAY Ml' ELLE DEL B.\NCO NAC'IONAL. BINONDO TE L 2-10-70 (Vaennt) Conaul. PERU 33 COM. BUGAJ LON ciAI'I JUAN, R IZAL TRI... \1_111. 17 i\hnucl CnmU!. Acting }lonorllfY COll1lul. PORTU GA L !ill DAI{UTA. ERM ITA TI~ L. :!_t12-30 Angelo dn COOlIn. Car"lllbo, Conaul. ROYAL ITALI AN CONSU LATE 409 PEREZ. PACO P O. BOX S7b-TEL. 6-72-73 Count di San Mar.ano. Roya! Itnlian Conaul. SIAM SORIANO BUILDING. PLAZA CERVANTES, BI. NONOO P. O. BOX 760, TEL 2-2"_04 E. Arthur Pcrkina. COlUul. S P AIN CASA DE ESPA~A. TAFT AVENUE AN D SAN LUIS, ERl\ II TA TE l.. . .5-07-03 And rei Rodd,,"!'l Ramon, Acting Conlul nnd Vlce-

Fc~~~:d~ Rcguera. Acting ViN>-Con.·ul. ( Il oito). Joa6 Oquincna. Acting Vi ec-ColUlu l lCebU). El,Igcnio Pelion. Acting Vic .... Collllu . (Zarpbollnga). Jonquin Zulollgll. COlllulnr Allent (Legnspl. Albn'l). S W EDEN CHACO B I.DO .. PLAZA CERVANTES P. O. BOX 624-TELS. 2-16-21 AND 2- 1.5-22 A. O. Hcndl!J'1lon. Consul. H. A. Jall.!on. Vice-Conul. SW I TZE RLAND 027 R1ZAL AVENUE. SANTA ORUZ A. Sidler, Con.~ul. W. i\lnurcr. Chancellor. C. do /llean. A... l. Secrctllty. TU RK EY Con,u l for Spnln in Chnrgc. UN IT ED S T ATES OF AM ERI C A 410 8EACOCI, IJI.OO .. ESCOI..TA. OINONOO P. O. BOX I ~O~-TEL. 2-33-20 Henry B. 011'1. Viet! Consul. UN IT ED ST AT ES OF VENEZUEL A 60 F..$COI.TA, 8 1NONDO P. O. BOX 1309-1'I;L 2.211.38 Albert P. Dellino. CollIul.

Manila City Government City Hall, P. Burgos, Manila Hon . JUA N POSADAS, Muyor AGAPITO LOPEZ, Assis tan t Secretary to the Mayo r


MATEO llEnnllllA

TII,ao Eo.

REO"'W.~O MEM:;:;:~








OFFICERS AND EMPLO YEES Bartolome Gatlnai(an, ~cretary.

JOllquin de San Ajt\latin. Chief Clerk. GenlLl'D Santiaao, Aasiltan~ Chief Clerk. Lui. Gonule.. CICtk·Stcnop-apher. Lor enzo Simpao, Clerk. M. P. Ramirez de III. Vnell, Sp:f;iah Stenographer.

gi~~~ ~:~!.::ah~!~~~-S61~::. apber.

Juan -'h'Arcl. C]"rk.T)'pin. Grclorio Rui . , Cler-'<·T Y]I'.t. Pedro


Ricardo Centeno.



CITY HADL TEL. 2-25-00 JUGO Poudae, Mill'''.' Allapito Lopu, AflI;.1n n~ Secretary to tbe Mnyor. Filomeno B. PasculIl. Chief Clerk. Eulogio Rllfael. R ecord Ckrk. Miguel Loronte, Aasistant Rl!cord Cluk. Fidel SlIntos. Clerk_Stenographer. J046 Leone.. Clcrk-Stcnovnphcr. i\lnrcoiino B. J iao. Clcrk.Stenogrllpher. Alcjnn.uo Lim, Clerk.Stenographer.

~~l~: L~1ri~o:~n~ICf';rk_Messenaer. Antonino Lope., r.nborcr. Antonio Snn AIlWltin, Mea,enaer.

Unellluifled Emp loYllea Feiici.imo Gabri el. Ro.endo Cortea.

~~~~n d~.r~i~~ntos.

Jo.o SlIntingo. }''ilemon Cordero. I gnncio Merclldo. Hector Lumba. Nazario Jllvier. Felillbcrlo Loyva. J046 San Lorenzo. MaUl'O T. Ram os. Teu-onilo Lope.. Zoilo Cruz. Gennro del Roaatio. TimOleO Tnp' •. M ...:imo Cura Patri cio Tibro

C ITY OF MANILA CI TY HALL-TELS. 2_27.22 and 2_55_01 Jo.,o Garrido. City Enldnecr . Salome R . Lorn. In. ohn rg~. ,\d'n. Dh-;$'o n. lIIati .. no Zal\'ldcn. In"I,cctor I'oi ler. and lII11chinery Jo.,~ Connlo. Nune~, G"" I n"pertor. Cornelio Odvina, ! l\!Ipe~tor of PIll,,,billl;_ Vicente Guisn"'\e Aa \aln ll\ Bliler llUl'ectol. ElISlnqllio Snntinlto. Clerk. Di visio n of Drnh l n l! and S u ryeys T gL. 2·5ij·07 J O:!I'i A!;W!linu. Assisunl Slli>crintcnden~. l'edro Guevarra. Chi cf Computer. Bonifncio Ja";er, Surveyor. EVll ngelino L ... trnn. SllI'v~yor. Division of Bulldln!! In sp~cllon TEl,. 2.83-20 JoaJ. Gonules Salvndor. ANist,ult City En((ineer. Edilbello Cecilia. Chid Building I nspedor. An~lado Allan. Civil Engineer. Irilleo Ramos. Foreman. DI"ls[on o f Streets nnd Bddlles TEL. 2-72-03 JO!lio IJieuanan. Sis. & B.s. & In· charlle of Cllrpentry Shop. Miguel Monta..., •. C,,·jJ En~in~r . Jod "du, Civil EUlin~r . J~ Rocha, Street I nsp«tor.



of S"nll",lo n Tr<> n SI.o r fntlo n , Cemeter[oe,. lind Publie G rou nd s TEL. 2-MI-GI William D. Cheek Chief. Felipe R . Hip6Hto. Hend Clerk. SniM, Chief Snnitary ' ''''I)Cetnr. City Pound PALO~IAR

TEL. 4-76-80 Pedro P. Villa. Ve\ctinllry Surll:con. Joa(, M. Chi co, Forema n. Cement crlo doe l No rte 30 1 B I. UMENTRITT 'I'!:Jr.. 2-7S-W Pelallio R cy~ . Foreman in Chnrllo. Ccmenterlo d el Sur SAN PEDRO M,\I{ATI, RIZAL TEl,. 5-41_74 Dati,·o Bnrtolome, Actinll Foremnn in Charlie. Pnrk, nnd MonumcD,a Emiliano Bnrtolome. Foremnn.

CITY BEAUTIFUL COMMITTEE CITY OF MANILA Maj . Gen. Paulino Santoa, Ch.irmnn: Mra. Sofia R. de Vayu, A. D. WiIli.rna !'\imoon Ramos C. M. H oskin. ArthUl' F. Fi.cher lIInj. Phil. D. Carmnn Sanl,ngo Ar tinla. Dr Jacoho Fnj,udo W. D. ChCilk Ju~n Gonulo Puya\

SECRET SE RVICE DI VI S IO N LUNETA !'OLICE STATION T£I.5. 2-12.43-2-12-44 a nd 2-32·51 Fernando Forea, Chi~f, Secret Ser vice Div. Arcadio Y. Lllpcrlll. ChIef Clerk. EUIlCnio 0;1011.







Apolonio luda

1 11;R8~io

Emilio Arceo

Sol Cruz

Donillo Pacheeo Rufino Nori~gn

Ed"Brdo Quintol

DominIOO Cnl",bnquib

T rn ffi c Division LAWTON POLICE STATION TE LS. 2.15-136 Ilml 2-15·67 Silvcstre Nic\,ctll., Capulin, Chief, Traffic Di,·i~ion. Nicolms Gui"Il, '\6IIiIUM Chief. 81:<\O&.l.1<TS'

Severo Armada Pioquinto Berglldo

Eullliio Olllzo

Lu.i. CIII\;o Andnll Gaont Cirilo Abugn Frnnk C. Young

S30ENEHAL LUNA, INTRAMUROS TE L-S. 2-17-72-2_ 17_73_2_17_69 Gcrvllcio Din.. Cit)' Jo-i,clIl. Ftlipe Nati,·idnd. Ae,i.ltllnt, Rnfn~ 1 Ding]a.,un. '\lIIIi'lont Juan L. Dill!. Aalilt.nt Joi.olli. FrancilCO 8. Alb· tt. Auillnn! Fileal. GleKorio S. Nan·",a., Aaai,tant }o'i5CIII. EDli:J'lIeio A. Ah ... olo. Aasiltllnt l-'i,c"I, Pedro C. Mendioln. A",i,ta.nt Fisea.l. J ow del Prlldo. Chict Clerk lind Office Reporter. Alnnncio It. Ombnc. Sped",1 Dcpul}' Fi.elll.

~~~~~?oPVj~~~~~C:~: ~~~~~I Dti~~~r/'i~~~I~I.

Julio Villamor. Sllcdnf DCIIUt)' " i.cnl. JOM! C. dc VClln. Speciol Deputy Fisell\. Del6n A. \'ioln. Sllecial Dcyuty Filca\.


Frllucisco Geronimo, S lle~hll Deputy Filenl, Edilbcrto Bnrot. Speoilll DC lluty Fi,elli.

F Ir st

I' r~c l nc [

P o llcl! Stil lio n

LUNE'1'A POL ICE STATION TEI.S. 2·15.8 1. 2.15-81 lind 2-15-83 ;\guHtin Fiernando. Cnl'tllin, CO"''''nnding Officer. fn,; n O>:ANT$,

./ncoho DllI'io]om6 Cornelio Arreoln

!icrlflogcncs V. OC(lI11PO ZncnTins l'o.i\"'"11

Adrinno B. Velt\Squcz Q"bricl Lnincz Agustin


Nnrd30 Cabrera Julio 1'. Bnn"n;" RII} mundo Sin "1eI.rin Albino Pndilln Jow Hermnn Lorenzo RnUanka Trllllquilin'~I1f~~~;~liun

Seco nd Pr. net P o llee S tatio n MEIS IC POLICE ST ATION' TELS. "-DS·I4-"-Da,.I~4-98.IG 11[\(1 "·98-17 Grcilorio LUj;;tu. Cllpulin. Commanding Office r. III:IIGI:Al'>."Ta: Feliciano Chico Emiliano A. SlIntOI


Amado Crnz fumoD Vdnaco JaM! Mercado

~i~:;.r~ ~~r~:r

Sotero Reycs Feliz Cortey Esteban de III Cruz


Mllllucl F. Ilucncmmino AIf",doTogo"'i1 PRIlION£M GUAII06, Pllltor Enriquel Ililnrion Mnr tinez Josi: L. Quiro]gico "",LlY",: "lIIl1cl TionllCO Itttfino Fabuln :'lrttiM S.ntO,! Domingo Ouzmoll UNITO"':

Scbnstilln Colon



Mnrinno Nnble. Brnneh I. Doroteo Amlldor. Branch I I. Nntividnd ,\Imcdn-Lope•. Dranch II I. CLr:nK'1! OFFICE'

Pedro Cnrli]lio. Clerk of the Court.

t1:c~fo ~\~1~n~01b~tJu~ec7erk and C&3bier. Mllnuel BIIltnznr, Deputy CI~rk. Fcli3 O. Atnvde, Dcputy Clerk. Salvador C. ·DII)'alli. DopulY Clerk. Emilio Elilco EUliquio Ibquid Manucl Prnxedc. Filcmon Carlitos Jow \'icencio


POST IGO DUII,DlNO. I NTRA~IUROS P . O. DOX 789-TEL. 2.35.07 .11>86 Clllimiro. Sheliff . Jonquin Oorcln. Chiet DOllllty and C8Ihicr. DO:I'U'l'Y I UI'II!!YI'/I' Mllrtin C. Gonz"lcl Gctulio I'nntojll Antonio Simbulan Josii L. dc Leon Simeon D. Scrdonio Emiqllc S. Morale. Jow SlIrlabuo ;\lclnnlO 1'. Illlmo. l'nuhno I I~","r do EUl!ebio E. Montano Gontnlo Salmon JUllllll If Dlmllg_1JJII Ilnailio 1>lagaOll1bo] Iriuco Hc r mogonllll &t1l1l111ao GILrCCI

~1~~I~~ro~cr;onzon. OnilllJ J ow Falooni E.rolll3tico E.trcrn Jow Cuai Benjllmin Agulto

PnnmO ElcRloon l'io Dimacultlngan Moia.,. Joime Irinco A~o Coruclio C. Pougindian Grcgorio :'IMOSO Antonio Jurlldo Dcnigno Cllrpio Alberto Mcndo'li

SinlorOllo Jardininno ;\Inr;o :'Inn:clo

Wllonl!ll8' Antonio do I~ Cru~ Alfredo Chll\,ClI


Cirilo Solitario ,\m~nd o Lope Unmos

fi~~~~!~~c:tia~ VnrgWl

Jovcncio Fucnt~. Jorgc Gnrcln Alcj"n!lro nnnKII8. Ch"wrcur


C ITY HALL-T ElLS. 2·21-70 AND Z-2!i-2a Nnrcilo Pello. ncgi~ter 01 DtlCdi. J u"n A. Vilillmil. Actg, Deputy negilter of Deed nod Chief Blnminc r. Daniel I~. Tibnyan. Act«. Chief Clerk lind C ... hier. D ilDtlS Cnrmclo. B%lImincr. )'cdro n. Anlollio\ Exal"ine r.

~:f~~i:Il~~~~i,,~hC~ie~}'~i~~t l':~~r~;t gage g~::!~

2: E~C;:~~·cTi;,


rr~~:::cSe?afi~."~~r~I.Ttt~~tidi Se<:tion. Eugemo Nue"n, CLerk. La..IIIro Aetnita. Clerk. Felipe Goulile., Cler k. Fc]id><:rto S~ r miento. Cltrk-Slenoa;rapbcr Dionilio SliniOll. Clerk. F]oreneio D. Ponce. Examincr. Clemcllie P. Zamudo. Clerk. AmbrOllio Dollote. Cler k.

~~O:j~"~ii~ ~~~!':: ~~~~~~f~~o;c~~itor.

Andl'C:ll Abonodor. lAborer. Jo,·;tO C .... uoClld, Laborer. Hllwo" Kn llunan. :'leueolU.

Pablo Marquez. Temporary Clerk. Euaebio RamirCl. Ilai lilf. Iltnaeio Sabino. Bailiff. Hipolito H. ~ultui. Laborer. Pedro Areva]o. Bud l.aborer. O,en";o Quijano. I."borer. Andtl'& O .... oia. Ja nitor. Juan Uey,,", Nilllht Wntchman. Dominlldor R. del Unsnrio. Clak.

Fi,::~r:;~o Si.a~~,::~lr!t·o;;~.ult.ktc'


PHILIPPINES MANIlA l"RF. nr.:Pft.RTMENT CITY HALL-TEL. 2_38.70 .!nointo Loren%o. Chicf.

Thorn.., F. Mcintyre. Depuw Chief. Ciprinllo Cruz. Chief Constr ue!;on pnd Rep";'" Tend oro GeMt, Clue! Clerk .. nd Tri .. t OffiCl!r. 1\Ia,g8.ito :;nrnnuio. Clerk. Antonio Angel"a, Clerk. E lceal(:3 1 Divis ion 166 ARROCEROS. ERIlIiTA

TEL. 2_16_74 Cbarica A. H. Schocndube, City Eleclrici .. ".

~ra~i~~! J~i'l~mc?:~.:-~~;~~dn 1~1P6~\~rdo


Apetonlo Cuiho, n el)ni Ter of Poliee Alarm S)'~tem. Candido F. Bilb:l.o, !tupector of Outside COn&uucHon. Sotero Mllglipon, H ead Clerk. Juao B. E.lrclla, Clerk. Sa" NIcola s Fire Stotlo n SAN FERNANDO AND MAOIUO, SA" NICOLAS E n ~lne Company No. 1 Chari ... A. B~ker. Captain. Fcli% namos. Li eut" .... "t. Alld,6! Mnrcelo, Second CIILS. E n~inC<.'r, T<'6filo ,\lnr mll. Second En~incer. Hook and L adder Co mpan y No. I Frandlco Sisoo. Capuin. Nuuio ROQne. Lieutenant. 1>lllrcdo HRmo •• Fireman-ChaufTcUf. Santa Cruz Flu Station HAON AND ONGPIN TEL. 242-I! EnClne Cotnpany No. 1

~iS~r~iS~i~;: B~~i~~nnnt.

Sabino Gnre;n. LiCUicnllllt. Modesto T,inidlld. ~cond Engin..,r. MlUcos Gardn. Second CIIlM En~lIeer. El.dio S.nto•• Second Class Enl'n~r. H ook a n d Ladder Company t"o. 2



Comb inatio n Co m pa n y No.2 Arsenio Fnbi ... n. Lieutenam. Julinn Tnbije. }"ircmRn"ChnulJeur. Plleo Fire Station


EnClne Company No. 3 Simplicio Pnilg:l.II. Cllptnin. VenRndo A,usto, Li eUlenant. FrancilCO GlIrcin, Second Clo.! 8 Eng'n""r. Eulogio SRmio. Seoond Clo.!s E"lIln""r. Combi nat ion Compan)' No. Doroteo E.gucrrn. I.ieutcnnnl. Pedro AI.ccinl, FiremRn"Chnu«eur. Intramuro! Fire St:!!ion 27 ADUANA. INTltAl\I UnOS E n ili n e Company No. " RoWrto Uooo.!, Caplain. Fa.,..t" URmnjo. Lientcnnnt. Amn'lo lIIedino, Second CluM En,ineer. lIIartin Lcon""do, Second CIIlII' Engineer, TR n du ay Fire Station TANDUA\' CORNER LEGAUDA Enllinc Company No.5 Jo.6 Reyu. Cnl'toi". Vicent .. Alin"", Lieu!cn"nt. Fcrnnndo Dnngnnnn, Second CI""I Engincu. Combination Co mp:> n y No. I GludiO:lo Villrgna, Lirutennut. Guillcrmo A'tnt"'. Firemnn·Chnrrour. Tondo Fire StR tlon PLAZA LEON XIII. TONDO E n !1l n e Co m pa n y No. 6 Brllulio Alona, Cllplll'n. B;I .... io Ig"ac,o, L,outc"nn~ Clemonte Gonnles, Second C ln" Enginee •. Be,nnrdlno \'1,I.10n, Second Clllll. Enl:inoor.

65 Sa n 1."""' 0 Fire StoUon 1537.\'')011 !lIZ,\I, /\VENUE, SANTA En Ci n o Compan y No.1


¥~:rbllo ~~!.~~c::arfea~~cnllnl .

1~~~b1;!::!~,ll!t;on~~~r;!s C~";:io~~f.'"cer. Santa M CII:> Fi r e Station SAN1'A MESA. SAMPA I.OC E niline Compa n y No. 8 Alejllndro Aogeles, Caplain. V,ctotino Vicente, Lieutennnt, Antonio Mendo,n. Second CI[\jj, Enginoo r.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. N!>.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No . No. No.


No . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. N ... No. No. Nn. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. N!>.

No. No. No.


No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.



Revised Li st of Fi re Alor m Bosts I2-Da.mnrinns ond T. Pinpin. 13-Escolta lind Dn"id. I4-F~cohll nnd PUllj n de I" l'u. IS-Plnn Morng'" IO-~ludlr de 10 Ind Wltrin "ud Junn:'L"o ... , 17-DllIImnrinal lind Junn I."oa. 18-fIo.nrio lind Gandorn. HI-T. Piopin lind Gnndnra. 21-0ntp,o nnd Te?do,a Alonso. 23-01lI:p;n nud Nue,'''' !!4-Salatnr ""d ~ill~d"lonn. 25-JUDn Lunu Dnd E,nadR, 2(1-Pln%1l Cnld rOil de I" ilnrea. 27-5 ... " Fernand o and El~nno. 28-Jaboneros lind A.,,"d6n. 29-BIlrcdonn and San Nieolu. 31-lIlucl1c do In IndWllrin Bud Numancill. 32-MueHe de In Ind'''!" n "nd Del PRn. 3·i-MueH .. de III Ind".tri~ nod "(,'u. 35-Madrid Dnd PMarr ubiD. 3(1-Asune,6o and L",·curl'1l. 37-5&n Ni~olllll "-nd Santo Cri.lO. 38-Asuo"'6n and ,\zcnrrDllo. 30-Foiguerno lIud Azcorrlllln. 11-$lInlo Criato nnd ~inrcclino de Sallt08. 042-Junn LunR Rnd 1I0yn. '3-Podre U~.rera Dnd Juan Luu a. ~b-IID)''' lind P. Rada. ,O-Azcllrr8g1 nnd JURn Luna. 47-IlnrrllCa nnd Da:JInoriftIlS. !lS-Nue"a lind DRSmurin8~. i10-AzcDrragll Ilud Antonio nh·e,lI. 51-Dnllupao lind AZNlITIIlla. 52-Reina neg~nte nod Soler. S3-Magdlllena and LUlon 54-BenR"id... lind '\,,'orrogll. 5tJ-AuRr rll{tn lIod Tcodorn ,\10.,,0. 67-~lisericordia Bnd Soler. 5S-A'·cnid.. RizlIl lind 59-,h~arrllgll No. ZOO6. 61-Aullnogn lIod £,'nnllclitID. 62-A'~lIrr1lJl'a snd i.el,nnto. 63-Alrllrrn)(11 nnd Le~nrdn . II'I-Alejllndro VI Dnd flDll '\nI6". 65-Ca.IIII1<>a and G. TU lllIon. 67-I."ga,<I" lind Pedro",. 68-I.elln.d .. "nd Bustillos. 69-SullL~an.

71-Tanduny lind Gencr,,1 SolDno. 72-/\Vil,,~ .. nd L'I·UIi. 73-,\"il .... And SRn Rofael. 74-A"ill'/l and NovalichCl. 75-Tandullv nnd E..trro. 76-G .. ncrllJ" 8al",,0 "nd Ecltaguc. 78-E"hoguo ... \ No. 701. 7!1-Erhngu~ ond PRdr" 1\11"'''0. 111-1' !'''lerno nnd ),1. OOllmpo. 8!!-No.. al<or".I' nnd Elilundo , 83-Arlel'ui "nd Duque dc Albll. 8"-R. Hidalgo lind ;\Icndola. 8~ PIn IR Miranda. 86-n. HidallO lIud Plua del C8r"'CI~ 87-Ver~o,,, Alejnndro Foroellio. 91-Plllln Goili . 92-EchBguc And P. Gomu. 03-1'. Paterno lind P . Gomu D4-Ronquilln And A"cnidll !linl !I1>-Solrr and A""'nidn l~it81. OtJ-EvOnl;l"li.ln nnd Rllon, 123-LcllRrdn I1nd SikBU,"". 12'I-Gui"it lIud G. TU"'lon. 125-Rotum\a. 126-NlIIItBb8" nellr Ri\'~r 127-~ntn !\loa" ond Eolero. 128-S"nlll Mcaa ond l'lip6dromo. 129-Sa11t8 M~la and Sn.ntol. 132-Viclorin aud Solan~.



66 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

134-5"lItn Potcn~inna lind Mngal1lllle&. 13~nnt ..

Potenc;nnll and Bnsco,

136-Gencrlll LUIlIl and Amb.

137-5nnta Clnfll lind Cnbildo. 13S-Ron lriO rond Cnb ildo . l3D-Rc al Imd Cnbildo. 14Z-Beatedo and Solana. 143-51111 Juan d .. Letran aDd And a. H5--Real Ilnd SolnnD. HG-G cncrnl Luna nnd Victorino 147--Geo<,ui Luna lind i\lurD.lIl1. H8-Fo •• Santiago. 149-0rdna neo Oel'ot. 152-Plllu Lawton. l53-Concopc iOn "nd Arroc~ro.s. ~=f:,;C~f;~~~', i ~~da ~,rg~~9 L~1a. ComiUns. 157-i\! orquc, de Comi ll!l3 onu billie P ernl.



~[lI rr('l;no

nnd Zobel.

ISD-Enero and i\lnrqul"t de Comill"" 16Z---Ccnual LUll" lind G >nu l..,. 163-Gencrlli Luna Bod P. Burgos. 164-0000.111 Luna ami Hcr.lIn. 165--H err,m and Pellarrancill. 167- Uerran nnd l'n. IOS-i\I~rced lind Sn n An tonio. IIl!l-Herrnn nml Gutie rrn . 172-Snn l\lnrc,·lin" nnd Cnlifornin. 173-Singalonll nnd Su n Andr~~. 174-PeOllllyh'anin nlld Herrnn. 175-A crrl\n nnd WrigLt. J76-Corn.6n de J cs", and Sing along. 17S-Philippl\le Gcn~.. l Hospital.


lS5--€eonomin tIf1d FirmeUl.. 18<1--0. TUllIon nnd Rnilroad Croaing.

:~b=~tn~i~~: Li~n~~~l' L~I:I~~~~no.

Hl2-lsnnc Pernl nn,~ Cri.tobn!' lil3- Ulilnng Cnunyn n nnd Pnl. ~g~=fi~e~ni~1l a~~{T~j~~n.D. Boulev"rd. 213- bRRe I'(.. nl nnd Alhnmbrn. ZH-Nebraska Strert anv Pernl. Zl5-Pndre Fnurll lind A. Mabini. ZI6-'\1. 1::1 . del Pilnr and Arqwl!\. ZI 7-P"dre Fau.,. Rnd Flor idll. 218- Snn Lui, n"d A. Mllbini. 21!l-A. i\ labini an d A. FIClrclI. 231 -

Andr ~, Rnd Wrigbt. :::3 ·I-VcrmCln~ Rml Wri hr. 235- ~!. II . del Pilnr und !;Rntn


1\16niu.. 23(1-A. i\labini nnd Henan. 237-/101. lI. de l Pilnr nnd Sinllgogn.

~~=~I~'I~~ .t~reml~ra~~d BS~:"1~j~~':: 2~3-A. ~Inbini

and Lc-on~. 24i)-M. H. del Pitar Ilnd A. !\IabinL 246247-Junn Luna. i\ln~l'njo. 248249-PRchrro nnd Frllnco. 2~1-"nlenz"c!R.

253-fihal Avenue nlld B!ltRng'u.

25~-I3"cna\'islR and SRnin Me-II. Z56-675 Vdn~q \lCJ. 251- Veluqu~z. corn",. H prb",".

35S-Pnrni~o nod VcllI.fQue~. 259-Vdnaqun, nt Phil. :\Innufnduring Co. 26 1-:\1. H. del Pilnr nnd Vito C r UK. 2f13-Pennsylv,.ni" ,,"d Vito Cruz. 26~-I04ij Antonio Ilb·ulI. 265267-~nntol nnd So~iello. 268-l'nbaQnlern Grounu.. 271 273274-&opnlln nnd EMn.haw. 275-A ndaluein and Z"rblU'nn. 276-0npi,an nnd GonTnor Forb~. 3 12-Juan l.un ll and Pll\in 314-Jun n 1,11011 and Co rCllera. 31S-Juo.n Lunn and LII/I"ulIII.. 3lG--.lunn Lun" lind Solis. 317-S"nln M" rill nnd Pn,in. 321-Snn " uaro Dnd mznl Avenue. 3Zo1-Avonida mllli lind Bnmbang. ~2S-Avcn!dn Hi"al lind Mnyhaligui. J26-Avl'" n,,11l 1l, ....1 lInd Lope do. V~"a.. ~~=~:~~~'~o::dIlO~D~n~~r. d o Vellll.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.


No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No .

341-:\lngdolenll ond So lct. 3~2-E8Ile!Nn .nd Miacrirl'lrdin. 345-Anlon io Rivern and To yum nn. 346-Dnpitnn ond 1'rllbnjo. 349-Blllment ritt nnd Cnvile. 35 1-1;'1,,] Pan "nd LIl\'l"l9.rcs. 352-Mnr~eJj no d~ SOnlOS nnd Climb .... 357-lli&ll! Avenue nnd C .. vite. 361-DlIllupan nnd P""]". 362-"Ia"dlll~na lin d F'-Illdo. ~ 1 2--Cnrricdo an d Plnteria. :

:~=~~~~~~hl'":~dnJ' ~~i:OBa.

~1 6-Snn Miguel Ilr~wery. ~17-A\'iJcl .nd Eltero.

418-0rol. Li ce rio Gcr6nimCl. 421-S1I0 Roruel "nd Wnlcr Moin. 42!l-1'1Irtuoao ood Alejnndro VI. 425-Lardizobal. 4!lI-Arr neer08. 43Z-R"drill"ra '\riaa. 512-Pc/\ 'ft lllll"in lind CIln6nigo. 513- H ~rrtln "nd Co n~nrdin. 5 14-T"j cron Il nd Herrnn. 516-Viaitn and J. 2amOI Il. 52 1-i.onrizll. 523-1'llboTII nt Ynn gcCl's "'orket. 524-Snntn ,\no. Church. 531S32-i\l<;Culiollgh Building. 617-7th St. nnd Atlam". 619-Bonifllcio and Stl"e<'t. 621-Eornshaw. O""kB. 625-2nd St. and Omaha. 6H-I',cr 1. 643-Picr 3. 045-Picr 5. 047-Picr 7. 712-OId C Ultom HO lll!c. 713- Urbizumd" nnd Elrollo. 714-City Stllbl ll\'l ,\z cnrregn. 7 15-StrrnberlC Genera l H o! pitol. 71G-BiHbid I'ris"n. 718-EnginN!r'e lelnnd. 721- 1 n!~ndcncill Building. 723-Bu1'C1IU of Prinling. 724-Orientc Build;ng. 8 12- Labor~ lind VictO riBnO. S13-Frntrrnidnd Ilnd JCSWl. S I4-Je,ul Illld fi R. Yard Pandll~n n . 8 1S-l.orenzo d~ 10 POI and hidro Cer tcl4. 816-Lo.borcs €lt~rution.

DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS BUREAU OF EDUCATIO N TEL. Z-Z';"24-P. O. BOX n2 M€IlAN GARDEN BUILDINe, PADRE BURGOS Prude nrio Languuon. Superintendent. Mnrc~linn n llu tistll, Aui.,nn! Superinten drn!. MI"'!. "iaits~;6n C. Gon.llla, SChlClr Superv,sor. o .... r c E FonCE :

Cirillco dc Lcon GrellOt io Ocnmpo GnudCllcio Sinfor O!lo Jercmillo Nuni lon Li m

Pl'<iro J noi ntn bmacl J . Sant08 AllIen;o Jooe Gn''!orio San JoMi EdUAfdCl AvelinCl


Elpidlo A. Scludo ROII"ndn S. PCn" Cllrlos Calimlinl Loren z" Gonn lo Fllil,ino Moouel Restit"to V. ,\ntlru

)II"'!. Victntll C. Ronoso "iiri" Obedlente :\Ira. :\lercrdt1l I. Quindo)' Miu I'ilo r U. Mnrllnez Mi u Cnn,HoIa 1'. fit)·". MiNI Caluli nll A. Norolin

~Ii ....

n:.~r~~~t~~el~llOfi~!do ~~~~a:3~n[:"gl!::n":.,IIl LA801l1:lU':

Ventur.. LegSi!lpi B. Bagt... Her mogenca Glrcia J .H.,TOR3 :

Dllmingo de Leon

R..... lleto ~f lU"ilnO Santilgo Panel Balta2llr J"rI!miUo

PHILIPPINES ;\1<3. Julinnn C. Pinedn. S Ull~r\'il(}r of Enllli~h for lho Intermediate GradOl, Pablo P. fleyes. SlIpcrvitor of Arithmetic, Gco,,"aphy and Gover nmenl for the Intcrnll'diatc GrIlU.,., M... Piln. N. de Dimnlnntn, Surcrvi~oror Grade IV. :»1;&8 Ritl!. GRClaln ". Supe. ,,;,o. of Grade Itl . :\Iiu J OIcfina $ih·... Supen-;so. of Grnde II. :\liM AluncioD J. Re)'e., Supervisor of Grade I.

lNDtlsTR1 ..... SOl'EIW ISOR8:

Elonorato namos. I ndustrial Arts nnd Gordoning Supen'iaor. Crio pin(\. UIlK:lb. Homo Ecnnomi "" Super vi.or,

~Ii ..




pcn<illor. Criopino Mines. Chief Clerk.

English Su·

~:~o~. rv!.clp~pe.~':lgl~~oneh. ~ Cirift~o Clfin 0 1Ilnd"mhn Ah~ l ardo S. AilJis Vicnn c M. Hnllnno .\f,... Remedios ~t. A,Q:bnyani J.:.u.. r, :'IInrtinc% Mrs. Honornt" E. All ante M;"" Ampn.o :,.1. Mondo." I'eroando E. A],Q:a.s ~li511 Filom .. nn M~;nn ;\Ilas \ntonia Alt ona!:n Lauro :.ljI30. Misl F elicisima A. Andsea M.s . Mnrip :'1. Ocampo TIl"CII&RS:

X;:,I:.;,,; j~r. (.!n~~:

Pal R. A",oldill o Mias Trinidnd 8Ma

g:~~~?::.,: ~~u~~:~on

lIir". Eleun. S. BQ.u!ist " .\Hn Mc",~dC8 B(mil"do MiM Rosnrio P. Bul"ong Jos6 Bunda MiloS Pu Cangco Alfredo S. Concepci6n M ,--"" I\c·.tri. Cris ,sto ruo I.adis]no ;\1. Cruz Mi.. JO!Iefll R. C.IIZ :'1,.. Feliridad E spiritu :'Iiu Gt..ria EU5cbio ;\1 ... Tlibiann A. Flarendo:> NClnraio Fran cis co:> :.1.... Rcsnrio:> B~lIn·Gnnn

~\~~ E,~~'"Il.n~~~

.\Hu COIU(lI. ~;on M. Ramos Edmidio !bmos

~~~b~'l~:'W,flRccto l\Il~. 8ncnrnnaion ~'lfrecci6u

C. Re·

Mn. Gre,;:or;,\ neyes "I,... Milagros C. Rey"" .\!iu EII.J:cniQ. Romero :'1(51 :'Inrgnritn del R0I3rio :'Ir~. Vir,pnia R. Rosario Proc ... o Runa.s Atilano Sn]omon :'1,511 Tlris:idn T. Sah-ador :'liu Libcula Samo:>utc :'lin Aurora L . Samo:>u to Sirn ou J. SamO:>nlo /IIiss illabini Snn AglUltin

~~~pi~nI8~~~"f.:s Garo:>ng ~~.niA~,!l~Clrt~ S~nidRd Guerrero /IIi ,s Rourio Pal SalltOS Enrique San Jose R!>bcrto Gu]iuno ;\I,... Co:>nrcpri6n :'Iolilln '\li511 Eliubelh C. Stmnn Gutierrez lII ... Paz G . S,IOII ;\Ii&ucl ne Gu~man /IIi",. Ern~tina Siso:>n :'liu He.minin Jimenu ~I,.. . .Herminin B. Sunieo :'Iisl J'Lttiun Jimencz ;\1,... Victorin K. Tnnjunkio :'1[81 Pilnr Kalu"~ :'II,... 1.0urdcB C. Tri,·i" o ~1i08 T(M)dnrn C. Valc n~IIe ln Ped.!> O. Lardi ubnl :'h•. Remigi n Carpio Lnus :'lr8. Antonin F. ViIlnnuO"A M". Antoniun B. Lnyug BucnnvrUt" ra Yo.son Antonio:> G. \.collar d o:> ) Iiu COlUllC]O R. Ylltco:> ;\fi.. Felion kono:>. ~Iin /IIaomi Znrnte :'Ii .. late. L l o T e l : ' l r s. Conauelo P. Zn,.."di ru


ARAULLO H IG II SCHOOL 172 VICTORIA, INTRA:.WnOS TEL. 2-8.1-55 Jame. P. BUr!lll. Princi " .. ]. JUnni!o C. Gclln. Cler k ;\1i08 Contordin Snnohei. Lib.a.ian. 1016 S. de Co.suo:>. Athlollc Conrh.

ni:~~1 PI'. ~~":n~~C~'nii~~;;Rr{IlII~~~~~~~o:>r.

M APA H IG H SCHOOL SAN RAFAE l•• SAN MIGUEL TEL. 2_1 ~_ 56 Mn. Sarah M. EDlI:lnnd. Principal. En riquo C. Cruz. Chief Clerk. T~ofilo Gnlvcz. Teacher.CINk. FI""iano:> ;\I. Peil~r.~. Aui~ln"~ C lerk. ;\Ii.. Josefa Flo:>rc~~R. Au·t. Librarian.

PAblo Bclmo:>nle. Atlrleti <l Co:>nell. ;\Iiu Alegre Abelardo :.tiss "ktoria Abe lnrdo Mr •. :'Iauricia D . Aco:>etn Elenn Africa Mile Eml]in Ah":lTez Min Fc]i~idad Balnaieo:> Pablo Belmonte 1\1 ... P"n"li" R. BC]lIlontll Min E~ilinnn Buzon Do:>miu Canto:>r;a ;\I iu P Icntil1n" Cntailed .. Miu ViUo:>rinna Cayetano


J0a6 J. Andres. Cler k.




Pedro E. S ala, Librnrilln.


E]oulcrio S. Abind ;\In. Mnrthrr. R. O ilmo:>rc :'Iin Snlo",o M. Alo",o:> Mis. Olelill R. Gorneo M ... Enriquetn O. Ar eino.s "lisa J ulinna S. Ouerrpro M,.". Riu.lina T . BuenAledn M,.". Lorenza U. Hcrnandez Pedro O. Bnlngot Am"aro Y. Lonto:>k Eulo:>ltio:> Calltoria lIIr!. Joaefn E. /IIarcoe DiOlldado:> G. C,,].ino :'I I,... Maria G. Millnrt Pastor Carrillo:> Vicente O, ia "In. ,\l ojandm Y. Ct1 z R. Potia] " ITI. Cril(linn B . Cuajunco:> Roq"e O. Pemltn MrI. Roclo R. Dumanal Min Adola Snlinclon Mrs . No]iv idnd Z. EIPn.leruo:> Sant iall:o rn.rilln Mi ,. Maritn de 10:>, SnntOI /IIr •. Prol cntari6n B. F er"andu Anll.o] Trinidad "Ir•. C r~eencia S. Vinluan

~~~~I ~~i~gr~ u,~~i~r~{o~I'g~rcf Ci:i~;nrian.

R. Cnr lso n, P rinripn!.

~:t:: ~~~~II 'k CS~ficr~h!l!t:~.Su,l':i;i~~i

67 'l'~Acn2ns ;

:'1,.. . •\ngrlina fl. MAnalo Ce.rari<l :'I~nft]o "liss babel "Iarquez A.J~i .. no:> "lauricio:> Mi .. \'i~ita"i6n ;\Icndo:>Z!\ "Ii u Jusli"a MeroRdo Feh" ld"d M N ,~pcrOfl M.s L!>reto B N,,]:\tcc, "frs. Paz B. Nuczcn Si'n"lieio N"uelen Miu Ucmedios Omar'in "Ii,... Amp ,r(l Orr iz


~?i~DC1'm~~gt~iemente ~H!.! i'!~:r.;~~n~l':

Mi u Celedo ni .. Custodio Ado:>lfo Pn6,;:ilinan :'fiu Ma,i .. Encarnaei6n Ceno:>n C. Perez :'Ir•. AuroTa C. Eu.cbio Mi u Cumcn Ponce lIIi n :'IlAGdalena Fcrnundo Mrs . Cn rmen Q. I'uliclo Andr~a Rallol" I,cocndio Flores ~'ii n Josefa F]orC3cn Pedro F. Sa monte Junu O. Fo:>.tC$ "lin Engraci" Sn]" ndo r :'Ii .., Autea Snmso:>n T co:>filo Gnh·e. "Itf. Ouada\u!>'! F. Gau· Mill. Mnrgnrila C. SnnIR_ zon Inarin Sol{d~'l Ga.etlS lIIi ss Libuda Sant... A!lui!' no:> Gari :.. 1IIr1. :'lnreeln I. ~"i1Ia Ant~n1 .. "';o:>doco:> Miu Concordill T"nr:;co Mrs. Socorro Conul"" v'lonrdo:> T e"","n M,... Felicid"d C'';lon :'Iu.. Cnrmen Tobill.ll " Irs. Rodo:> R. K:r.pun nn Frn" "isro G. Ton{1l!:bnnua Junn C. I.nyn "liu Bpnill:nll lIfiu Cnrmen Lciano 1IIr& ...\n gelu B. Unaon ~!iu Elvi . a Llnnes M, •• CO:>lI$ua lo:> ViHnro.n :'1i5a Co:>ntc!>ci6n I,;csi Mi •• Pnz VillnrO;lln Indnl ccio Mndnmba Min C",,,llhn. \'Illn%on :\I.s. C!\(alinn O. Ynp




~:~~I'i~<IJ ~1'~~,~c.:rbl~~~~1. Jos6 CII]inlto. Clerk. Frnnci.eo Cunnn"n. Pro:>petl)· Custodian. GrclI'o:>ri o SamGy. LibrRrinll. Miu Josefa Bautista. Librarinn. Arendio P. Ooso"'. Athlolio Conch. Vieontl' C. CarbajOl". Mililnt" l ruuuc tor. MiS!! Otilin Rue]a,. Teacher-Nur.e. TllAcB&R8:

Dio:rrdado:> U. Aganon lIIiS!! ROlla AgcOGili Mre. AglUltina S. Abona Aua:uato Allon" M ... Mercedes Asin",. Aquilino:> Ba~UIIgnD M ... Vi rginia :.r.BalatbRt Pablo Dernardo /II ... Filomcnn C. Bustamnnte

"Itt. Luisa Arrietn-Jos6 lIIrs. Co:>n,uclo:> R. Lum .. Miu J ulio Leone. :'!iss Do:>]or"" A. Lope. Ubnldo V. Lope~ ~h. Do lores S. Luco.s

~:r~ ~~~i~ra"~~jc!i~\lnniklln

Miss COMuc1o S. Pacqlli ug /IIi .. Adchuda Paterno



Porfirio Cabalu Hi\Il,ioll Cabo] ~Iiu Julin Cnlido MillS Sihinn del Carmen Min Pur;! .. Dance! JOM. T . Enrique. Mllau,,-l S, Eat.ndn

MiM Riulinn M. Prrcz l\.!rlI. 'rcOfidtll D. Quill'OD

Lenudro }'ernnndcz Tom!\.'! P. 1' 10.oncio

J 0&6 de In Puente i\liu Domini" S. Garon Jlllan Gnrt-in "!ilia Rita Card.. Iteetituto GoreuD Mi .... F"lorcnliml Hernandol Leandro Inocencio Miu C. iltCl8 Jllvi~r Mi ss I1dcfolUll J. de JClIWI

Mi..., Ampllro Rcyel Miss Cel". de tOI IIc~'e.


:\Irs. i\lntcclino G. SlllTlSon Min Jovitn Snlloilez Franci aco de loa Sllnt~1



:'1 .... Marciana C. A. Siojo Min R". .. 5 Castillo Miu Remt.lios Grau 1'endori~o B Ncyrll Joa~ R. Con1R lee Enrique ('orrotero 1\.1;u CnUllinn JO<'aon Tco610 R. AaUllcion, AMi,tnnt

Intrnmuroa J c/i"",on .. :'Imlate .......... , . Quimpo ..... . Somm Cru,. TOllolo.

.." .

\.. .... ...... :::\::

Pilor. Pio del. Riul. ... .

Snlvndor ... . Snmpn]oc ... . San Alldr~a .. Sail M iguel. San Nicolna ..... Sail ScbllJitinn .. Santn ADm .... Santn Mesa. Silll:010Ilg. Soler ........ . Branch ... .

Mre. Aniln V. Tinio Mr!I Trinidad D. Tonl!ko MiS! COWlolaci6n V. Villa_ nuevll Mrluhot ViIlIlIIUC\'1I Mias Adriana t •. Z"morn Mill/l Loono. L. Znllnntn


"""nCIOD ...

BODi£M:io. Burgos ........ . Earnshaw, T .. Ermitll .... Gag .. huigin Gome •..... Jneinto, E Lc;nrdn .. . Lieo .... . Lincoln .. . \ Lukban .. \ .... Mabini Mngdalcnn ... . ... Paeo. . ..... . ......... \. I'j]ar. G.. . ... \

l\In. Julhll K. Sanlos )\lin LourtlCII n . ~Ilntol

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Corner Tnyumnn nnd Ivil. Stn. Cruz. Cmllo Buenos Aires. Smmpnloa .. r2u7't~r9~r."no:'~r!i~i~. Ana .••.. 134 50],1. T Olldo .... ....... . 122·] :'Inngllholl, SlIn tm C r ul. Colle Ve]Ddqucz. 'l'ondo .................. . . . Calh, Lealtad. i"1'H "jlalom. 2560 Lico, Tondo ............. . .

Mrw. 5er!:ill I •. Mnniquil Proceso C. Cnat ro F'ranrisco Romcro Mi1!3 Pilar Barrera Auguslo A. l\"o,ofla \\Ira. Vi,gin;n M. Burnaflo. 1\.[ rl. Niev('!l G. A'IIOnl)) ~ ! i~8 SlIlcdod Gcmel Pedro A. St>rrno n Min GUlldn lupe A. Ut!migio

g:~1~e;W:'e~~'n 5:,~P~~;; iill·c~·.: . Calln Severino. qlllllpO ......... . 100~·102S Benm\"ldc.. , T ODdn .... .. ...... . 1 i6 Pn •• Pneo ................ .. Pinta Gml. Lachllmbre, Binolldo.


~~:~tt~ f.u~~i;lltilillO

Herminio Tul",nlll JolII\ T Ojlncio Rufino Al~j8ndro Mia Dolore. G. SiI"". Aui.tanl Min Conecpei6n D~lfin Fer nondu a.utietll Ellilllnio T. 6mnlos l.('o'·lI dio Shnohu Mi~8 Guillermo Sermno 11.1 .... Ciriln T. Enriqu<'1 Ealani. lno V. Sah'llno. M.~ Pllra C. Yia Mllriano 1' .... cuI11 1'1I"ro"l!O C. C""\ro 1\Ii"" Efiltcnin n. UichllncO Manuel a. $amos

PurcZl. Sta. Meaa ..... . . Calle 'l'lIyumnn. Tondo ......... .

~~~ {:~~~d~,ut~~;'l~ni:~~I.O.~::: ::: ~rN~v~icl,~."i~~: ~7i~u~;~~~I.'~.

61S Slln Fcrnlmuo. San NicollLS. C~lIc Cat .. luiin, Sllmpaloe ..... . Callc ;\I,,"uel !lOX,,!. S .. nta A" .... .

Tondo ... . Bunch ... . Wnlhingtoll. Zamora .. . ZsrnlloZll ... . Zurbarall .. .

f~-pSi:;~~f~~,S~I~~:l~~:::::::::: . ~32_9tS Bena,·idJ.'a. Billondo .. 612 Bellm"idea. Binondo ........... . Corner TayobllS lind Feli" fiuCttl\&. 12·16 Saade, Touuo .. 409 Biealort. T ondo.. .................... . Corner Marh, ClnTl\ and Go\"ernor Forbes .. C ..U" C"i£igi". P .. udncnn ...... . Cor nCr ASllllci6n lI"d ZarnI;O%a .. 1057 Miscricordia. 5anla CruK .. .. ........ .. .

Emi io F. !lomero Simeon Cunnnan 1\.1 ... 1'01 ,\. Vib~ •• Allialnnt Srrvillono DuoJ(lno, (Acting) 1Il1m;nlldo C. de CII~trO Mil. Vittnt·, A. Santiago Viecnte M. Ucyee

illlramllrO! .

INTERMEDIATE SCHOO LS 20·\ l\!n,ann nca, In tTllmllroa.

Mi"" Plncida G. GouolCii

HIGH SC HOO I.S 172 Vietorin, I nlrnmurOll ... . Calle T . Alonso. Sill. CrllZ .. .

JSlncs p . nUTlUl M .... :'Iabcl n. Ca.180n


Arllullo .. Ar~nallo .... B.anch. MOlIn ...... Broncll. Torres ..... . Branch ..

1223 Vcrgnrn. Qniapo. JURn 1.\UlII. T ondo . .. Cornu HcrbOlia lind Yangco, TOlldo ..

Cen tr ml ........ . Dcaf lind Blind .... . S .. n L.IIZlIro lI ~pitR l .

S I' EC IAL SC HOOLS Corn er Tafl Avenuc nad I'lldre Fnura. PllSny. IU.ol. .................. . 1712 Avcnida m...l. SlInts Cnu .•

gJttll~1 II~~~:cl~~<io~,t~'I~u~f:·······::::: ...•.. .


~:r,jll;~,i~ ~o~,nrE~~il.\:riS~~~~:isnr. TEACIII;IIS:

:.1 .... EthclGlellllonBobcoek :'Ira. :'I ... y H. El~' ;\1 .... Edna T. Sli"er M",. lril Dranaglln WlIlTing. M",. Mildnd A. Miles ton M!" Cindy. I;L Block ;\Iiu ROlla Knnpc ;\11118 MIIT!!:uerIlQ BIl,..ot Mr. John S. Killl elh. M'I. :\I"rgarct B .. yer ;\1 ... ~f('ne Obon ;\1'1. AguC& A. Villi Winkla Mig Eli&llb eth Ann C rOo!lby :'Ir. Harry L. Crmy :'1 ... J 'lUio :'1. W ella

1\.h ... Sarah 1\1. Englnnd RiclI.I'do Cnal.o

Roy V. Shl!.lrDlt Mil!ll Lue.elln B~lting Antnnio ~L n..rrllll :.liM p. ht l R. Cunnina;balll :'Iln ROlIn Medrano M",. Gcno" ieve Frnnk Mrl. Norn N. Syl ... euer

:'Ir. GNlrr;e nnnnct :.In. Msb<o l o...n MillCT ~Ir. II STT)' J Sluokey M ... Hillel Grill KreUl.


Juao V. Ampll.l'o


laidol"O A. Flltol."

5c\"c''I'o :'Iortcra



Agopito Lopez. , Secretnry to the Mayor and Supen'isor of l>loyground Ocpnrtmcn~.

Lucrctio Beltina. Principal.



Florcnrio CllStro

A. J. H. Cravotto


Mi u Fcl!cidnd 1'030110.,

Vntcnll" Snn!o.

t: ~:,~::,noe r~ir:nE,)~~~~~i: Tejadn

Mi lS Eliznooth Grccnold Junnoo V;tull "'TIl, G"illcrminn Cnlingo lIIr. CMim ir o Mnlliftllu :-OfT'S. Espcrnnu. Dayno 1\1"" Addine Bdiosko Snlud Fajardo

DEPARTM ENT CF FINANCE TEL. Z·2;>.21-CITY HALL \';etor Alfo" so. City TreMurCT. Aquilino. Coli~tI>. Assistant Cit)· Trc&l!urer. Zenon bllne, Cbief, Lieen!c and h15p"ection Dj"iaion. JUltino Y""Ungco, Chief Clerk. Vicente Almanzo', Cashier

~~gr:~ ~~~~'3'hi~r'p~~~~t;Cb~~~i~,~: DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT CITY HALL

Julio FrnndR. CiW Aneuor, Tel. 2_67_7l. Pllblo 8. Herrern, Aniatnnt City Autuor.


CITY BAL~TEL. 2-25.37 S. Ramos, City Auditor. Aurelio L. Pellll, Chief CICr1.\

Dr. Loten~Q C. Hoyes. City l'hY3ic inn in Chn,"o. Crep:orin V. Bnloi!", Nurse.

Bonif"do S. SRntingo,



Solronio V. Nullez, AUcII<lnDt.

O FF ICE O F T H E PL AYGROUN D Si["Clt rc Torres. PlnYJETound Director. G,mdencio Sta. '\1111, Chid Clcrk·Stcnog1'nphc •. PL,,1'ORO":''!> ll<STRUCTOHS:

Pllblo Aix'lIn ErIles!o Unut;.t"

Erni\inno I.cdca rna Baldomcro S. Calupitan Teleafo.o Cundcrca Felix B. Enriquu Lui. Znrnllolll, CU$imiro Cruz Mcleneio O. Orbuc Domi,,~o ,\1. Ong Francisco PR,"D8 Vicente Oyro, Chief Play- Benito Heyu grcm",\ Caretaker Manuel Zumorll I'edro Que Zantua RGmeo I.unt, I,nhorcr_/llossengcr. Quirino Q. LlIgnlRIl, Lahorer_Arti l L '\11I.inno 1'. Dominlo

1l0 ,\RD OF TAX AI'I'EALS CITY HALL-TEL. 2-(17-71 TomlUJ ,\!rOIUO, I'rnidcnl. Jo,/i E. 'I'olemino, Secrelllr)·. ).1&"".;R': JoeG ,\tllnNII TOlnl11 A."tclin Mmmci QUiGI;Ue

R,, "~oll J. Onpiako GII"IIIO Pobre Sim"lieio de los 51111101

Churches and Reli giou s Societies JAPAN~EtcllhItOH


136 L1PA. SAMP,\LOC TEL. 0_77_19 K. Azum~. HeRd Priest.


Ro", iknlon Benle Harvey, Cnnoll Mi.,ioncr.

T .. mp le E mil JEWISH S\""AGOGliE TAFT AVENUE NEAll S.\N ANDRES :\1. Goldstci". Act;n~ P~sidellt and Treuurer. ~Iortoll I. Netzorg. Secretary.

Ca tb edra l o f To nd o PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENT CHURCH 227 AZCARRAGA. TONDO TEL. 4-96-16 ~ I olt RC\". Dr . Cregorio Agli"ny, Bigbca! Bilho" 01 tho Church. Mona. Manuol Aluilnr, Rector.

Un lo o C h u r ch or Ma o lla P,\DIU; FAURA AND ,\ . ~lAlliNI TEL. 5_71_011 Itov. Wnltcr BroGh Foley. I'h. D., ~Ii"i~tu. J. F. BOOl"tr, Vicc_Chairman. V. E, ~Iiller. Secretary, C. S. SR lmo", FinRncial Secretnry. Fred S, COmi'"1.3. '\!S3ocinte F'inRnciRI Secretnry. Fl'nnk C. ;\Iilel . TrOllSurer.

ff~~~tJ~C~·~~IU~'ieC,~ J::t~~ !r[~~cr6&~I;J'~~1 W:~~r.:

He". V. H. Gowen, CIIIlOIl. :\Ino. Gouverneur Funk "IOII'e•. :'0118. BelUon Heale Huvey.

COCdW~ESJu~A'U L~~Srcl'N~rg~MUt~c~~u~n l)

Rev. Don W, Holter. Ph. D., Mini.ter. Rev. Vicente S. Cordero. M sociate Minillcr.

Chlfoe:~X~lJl'~, ~ola~~N~OPel Simon Meek. Preacher. Uutlt Chen. Bible Womn. Chua Bun Bin, TrelUJurer. H. S. Buang. M. D .. 5ecrotary. Ellin wood C hurch UNITED EVANGELICAL 710-716 WRIGHT, MALATE First C h u r (: h or C hri st. Scientist 620 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. EIt/lUTA (ChriatiRn Soi~nea Rending n GOm) 508 Phil. NlltionRI B"nk Did". (The Buddhi.t


in Maniln)

J " ,,"n"8e BuddbJat 841 LEPANTO. SAMPALOC H. Y"manouehi, P"""t. V. K. Y"manouchi, P ri..31....

Woma n 's Au~lIIary Mu. C. W. Edmunds. Pre.idcnl.

~:~:: ~: ~113.

{?', ~\'B~~J~,n§~;..,y!~~~Pr""idcnt.

A. K. SI)ielberser. Treasurer.

Un ion Church Hn ll . Inc. lSI PI~A (SANTA MESA) SAMI'ALOC W. B. lo'olel'. Chairman. MI"'!. w. MurrR)' Croshy. Vicc_Chairman. C. W. Edmunds, Sccrctaf)'-TrellSuret. ~liu Sadie Livinptone, TrclUJurer nnd Superintendent. Un ite d C hurch of Mll nll n, T he CORNEll AZCARRAGA AND [,EPANTO OFPIO&IllI:

Dr. Enrique C. SobrcpetlQ, PflStor nnd Ch"irman Ex. 06eio, Dr. Gumouindo G"rcia. Vic.,..Ch"irman, ~Ino. JOlcfo Ja.ra-Martinu. Finaneinl Secretary. Any. I nocenCIo Rosete. Jr. , Secretary, Anacleto Cllecs, Treasurer. Simplicio Javier. Auditor.


70 or I;LDElla: Dr. Guu'craindo Garda. DO .. RO

Aquilino BarullgaR. A'!y. Ca.10fl G. d~ Alvuf.

Prof. Gerardo Flonmdo. Atty. Zosimo Ri"a& .

De ... Gabino Tabutlnr. Rufino Martine1. Mateo F Occ~I\~. nn .. Gonrnla T . ""Ito!. Dominndof 8. COIUIITTI:!; OF IITEwAllDa: Anacl~to

Cates. Isaac Dana. /'.Iamerln But'nafe.

E l i.. i ., Rui" MI'!!. Jo.:cfa Jara-M".tine!. Jo~ A. Volerinno.

iS~~\,~~~~O<f l~,;:ra~fi:

Drn, Soll'dad ArrclIlI_ I·]orondo. WcncCIIlao A. Sao'....

Manu{'[ Arroyo,

Sinoplldl> Javier. l'edro M. BlnM<l, Cri8toba) de COltro.

Proyincea of Buillca n,

W est~rn



Rc\,. Tin,,;> Toma('ruz, Pulilan. Bulllcan.

n~!: ~rtc::r~\"11~lic~:.Imean.

R::: ¢i~~~ltOCT~~·o~nOJ::.OB~riltt~~o~\a~~~con. nc,'. E rique ReyeR. PaombooR, Bulacao.

EJe'luicl Mor('hlS. Hngonoy. Bulncan. l'cd r u DominQ:o, St ll. \'B abol. BulMan. JOn~ de Fie8tn. Bull1can, Bula('lIn. Candido d ol ROfInrio. Guigui nt o, Bulaean. Lucio Gllr.. ia. Billall. BulDPao. Elia/! Rc),('" Boen",c, Uulaclln. Roborto dc la Cru~ . Mnrilao, Bulnean.

Re\'. Rov. Rcv. Re". Ro\,. Rc,·. Rev.

EllatCr n Vlenrl:ue I'ARlIlIi I'nrUTS

CATHOLIC CH URCH, ROMAN AI'OSTOLl e DELEGJ\TION 1195 M. H. DEL PI LAn. MALATE, MANILA TEr;~ S-OS-53 Hi, Euellene)' tho MOIl Rev. William Piani, Apostoli c De]t'I;II.\c.

Re .... Lowl La Ravairt Mono\\,. Secret ar)',

05-~:<i'~~h~9~P5, ?J.f~~IIJHos

TEL. 2-11111:> (Elt ahlished a Dior ..... c in IMU: .... rrhdioee.e in 1585) (INCLUDING THE PIlOVINCES OF BATAAN. BULAC"N. CAV ITE. PART OF NUEVA ECJJA. PAMPANG ,\. RI Z,\L A~D PART OFTARLAC. AND ZAMBALES) ail Grat'<! th~ Moat Re'·. Michllel J. O'Doherty, D. D .• Ard,bi.llOp. Righ! Re'·. Magr. Jo!ili Duaumante. Vicar General. Re". Dr. Simeon Guticrru. Seerctar~' of the CIl1'II.. RIlv. Wm. A. Jo·lctchcr. M. M .. Private Se<:retD ry to tj,e Arcbbi l hop. Rev. Dr. Ru6no Santoa, Vice.Secretary of the Curia. Ad m lnlstTa llon of Ob ral P.1II.s Right Rev. Magr. Jow Duat .. mllntc. V. G .. Tlc"surc r. MOIIt Ro,·. Wm. Finn"mann. AdminiMflltor. Cilyetlmo 8l1rllhooll. Accountunt. CUr in Ecles lDstien 95 ARZODI SPO. INTRM.1UnOS Rev. Wm. Finncmllnn, D. D .. Vicnr Generlll n ight n OI'. rol agr. J08~ B",I>lIl1anto. Viea, Geocr ..l. Vcry Rcv. Alberto Snntlllll ..,i... U. J. D .. O. J> .. Fiscal Erlt'Oli a/!t ico. M. R. Dr. Simeon Gutierrez. Secretary de Cam. )' Gob. :'I1(l6~


His Grace Ihe i\l Ofl t Rov. Mid,ael J. O·Doherty. D. D ..


Finoemlnn. Au%iJiRry Bishol'.


Rt. Rev. J.0e6 B\IIIt.. mantc, Treaaurer. Rt. Rev. Hipolito }m·co. RI. Rev. JOfI~ Dimbla. Vcry Rll\'. Sinlcon Guticrru. Rt. ROI·. JOAf; N. J o\'ellonoa. " ICUUI ),OKAII<: Vcr y Rev. Mariano Sarili BotDan. V~ry ROI·. Gcrnrdo U"uliita. lm ua. Ca"itc. Vcry It.,,·. P('dro 5111110;. AOl\rll'&. Pampmoga. Vcry Rev. Prud ~ncio D .. ,·iJ ::ian Ferollndo Pamp.. nga VerYE~\1:: Narci,o Galpa),p.d. V. F .. Gaplln, Nue,'~ veryEc~~~~' ClUl,. inqllirnbo),. Cabon:l.tuon. Nucva Vcc)' l\ev. lluperto del Ro"".";o. IlnLi ...... Il. Bulac.. n.

Rc'·' Re\,. Re". Re\'. Rc\,.

Ruperto J.'. Ra.afio, Bali wlllZ. Bulacon. Ancllio Nicdnw, &n MilZuel de MnyumO, BuIBCRn. Sino Jurlldo. San lld elolllo, Buloun. J orge Cnpistrano. S.. n Rafad. Bul.. can. M.. reelino Fnjnrdo. BuatOfl. Bulacan.

R:~:: ~it~';.I~ gtf.!"~~~.~~~~8~::YJeIB~I:~~:: BulllCpn. Re\,. Cirilo Abclo, SID. Marin de P .. ndi. Bulac&n. Rc'·. Franri,co DomingO. Pondi, Bularnn.

l:~: ~~~!~cFon~~,i;';.,~~,anBU~..~I:~~11. Rc,·. Ricllrdo Pulido, Obandn, Bulacno.

Proylnee or Pllmpanaa. Nort h ern Vica rialI' "ARlfl.H pRI UT'II:

Re'·. Pedro Sant Ofl, Angeles, Pampll.nga. Re'·. Aodt"" Bituin, Bneolor. l'emponp. Rc'·. Cosmc Bitllin. GUIIgua. Pompanga.

R~~;: yo:gi~~:t~~~!~·B~~~~ci'n~~~I~~~~a.

Rc'·. Re\,. Rc\·. Rc\'.

Elillio Apllrido. Floridnbllln~a. PampBoKa. Poblo Camilo. S.. ntrt mta. Pomponga. Tom .. Dirn .. ('O li, Lub .. o. l'arnpp,nllll. Sixto Mllllniolo, Mngalallg., Pllmp""I1""

~:~: t::i~ ~,~i~~se~~~:!~ct~·m~!~J~usn.

Ro\,. Gctulio Inl\al. Calulu!. l'am jl.. ogP. Re,'. Joho DulTy, U. S. Army. Cbopl!uo. Fort StOt~ aenhurg. Pnmp"" IIIi. Ro". Fcliabcno Lozano, SIll. AOII, l' .. mpanga. So uthl'rn Vlcarlnlc r ... 1<1 611 rnn:!!.,",:

ltc\,. l>rude o ~io D.. ,';d, S.. n F ernando, Pnmpaoga. itc'·. Egm idio Tuflnl, Coodjulor. Sa n }'l'l'u.. ndo. l' .. m. pang" . .Re\,. N" poleon Paq uette, Coodjutor, S.. n FernBndn Pnmponl('" Hc'. Snnli .. go BIII.llco, SIO. TomM. Pampllng•. ltc\,. Vit't'olc de III Crua. Mexico, l'nmpanKa.

~~~:: ~!~)~oGn~~b)~:~i's::ol~f~, I;,~r;;,~a:n~~.

Rev. Tcodoro Tllntrnlt S,on Simon. P .. ,npaoKa. lte\'. 1'10 Sawnl. A,IO lil, Panlplloga. !le'·. G. Sozon. Cnndllba, Ppmpang... ltc,'. BII.rtolome Sabala, Son ~tiIUc\ d .. Maunlol. PampOllga. ltc\'. E.leboD Dli\'id. Minalin. p .. mponKa. Provi n ce o f !llul r"'D1~1I PIIII':8TII. Rc'·. Euaebio Carreon, \' .F.. Coloocao. ni~aL Rc,'. Dr. AUIIWIIO I gnaciO. ~hlabon (Tambobon,). Rin!. • Re,', Paator 80nlilgo, CooCf:1)1'i60, Malabon.· mllli Re'·. Toribio Mllealo, SIIII J~ de Na'·ot.... Ria,1 Re". Ni rol ... San J uao. No,·ali cbe.. Rila!. Rcy. Her mol{eDC'lI En.ando. Mo"ulb,,". Riaal. RoY. Simplic,a Fcro andea. SlIn MIII<'O. Ri . ..I.

PHILIPPINES ~:~: 5~~~U!~~ji~iJi!~.rlg~~nRI~~:Rkfacllti.

Riznl. D~ogJlldu Jllvi~r. San Felipe, Ncri. Hint Rov. Cd""tino NOTic~lI. Slla Juan del MoniC, Riul. Rev. P. <.Ie l(Jerk, PII,i~. Riul. nev. Juao de J CSWl, PlHeros. Ri.1I1.


~::: ~1':b~:nB!h!~~I:~~5iu~~;~TagWB' mall!. n"v. Egrniclio Trin idad. Puay. Rioal. Cdeolioo Rodrigue., Maliba),. Rlzal . AMonio Van Ovcrvcl\, Parad.que, mnl.

Rev. Rev. Rev. Ro>',

Pablo Bubau •• La. PinlUl, Rinl. Conrndo Arciain, TtlR"Y. Riul.

Rov. J~ n. Dimbl ... Baru, Riu.l. Rev. "€altbna David. Pilil ,n, Riui,

RIlY. Segundo Alto, Ang .no. lUul. Rev, J 0s6 T ahoR. Caima. Riul. R(\\'. Roberto Roque. Ta)'IIIY. Rinl.

~~:: ~':i1s~oaFte~ri~~'~~~°e.~iiti~aL. ~::: ~e:r~.J;~~·Cb::I~~~,gou~nS. R~~.y, Fort Wm. Rev.?ta~~oe);ill~~:.I·Mundlllupa, run], Provin ce o f CavHt, Nort h ern Vlcarllno ""RlSll PRIESTS,

Rov. R.. v. R"v. Hcv. Rev. Re".

~:~:: Rov. Rov. Rov.

Vicente Pingol, San Frnneisco de Malnoon, Ca"ite. Honorio RC!Ju.rrccci6n. I mus, Ca,itc. Paterno Bernabe, CIl,itc, Cn,·'t". GHardo Bautina, Sta. C!'IU, CIl,;te. p...uo Victoria, )tOlano. Cilvitc. Pedro Lerona, Ca.·ile Puerto, Cavitt. ~~d:~n~:::~osR.OII~J~~~:' 8:,iit~~ Pucrto, CMite. Francisco Avondailo. Blleoor, Cavile. Viconte Reyca, Perot Dasmari/llUl, C,,,,itt. Vicente Alarcon, Carmonn, Cnvit". Sout h er n Vlcu rl ale

P,,1lI8D PRn:,sTS'

Rev. Santiago Guonlno, IndDnK. Cavite.

R:~:: ~1~~~d:rg.L'Fi~~l::" ~~~~g~J.!~ej.

Cnite. Hn. JOIII! Ponce, Mende. NulIc%. Cn''lle.

R::: ~.,!:g~r~iI!~aiWolUI~~vC':''!;te. Rev. Bl" Rey .... Silang. Cnvit".

Cnl ll ed,.,.1 F ree School


(Boys Sehnol)

Blnondo Chu rch PLAZA D1NONDO n cv. P. JUlin Almnrio. Rev. Antonio R onquillo, AI.'.tllnt. He". AnlJfl Mil. Hodrisuez, O. P., Poriah of the CbinOtle CatboliC8.

~AV~r.\~~~ ~~"Jt;(1

M ... ROIB L. Se"j]]a dc AlvCTo, Directre"".

Errnlta Church 232 M. H. DEL PILAH, ERMITA TE L. 2_a7_45 (Coll"cnt.-138 A. Flores, Errnita) Ho\,. Flltbcr DIlLS de Gu~rniea, O.M.C., Pa,ioh Pricat. Erm lt a CathOlic Sch oo l 212 M. H. DEL PILAR, ER/liITA TEL. 2_17...18

Mill G,..,gorill AgontiUo, Principal.

Malate Church 1016 M. H. DEL PILAR, MAI.ATE Ite\'. Patri ck Kelly, S.S.C. Rov. John 8enBghnn, S.S.C. ile,·. JOIt-l)b Mooaghan, S.S.C.

R:~: 'k~h,!'B:aSlf~'r.1oSC~~thY,

R~:: ~~I~!~Os~~jnun~.n§:~, J~id~;~ :~~,~;" £cija. R:~: §!~rOo Ift:'~l~: i:ocb;'a~~~:"~C~:;'ja. R:~: ~ill~:S~%Od!'Y:~~~;. S;:n ALet::~~do~'iS::,.;CMci·ja.

Rn. Emilio Gutierrez, Peflaranda. Nueva Eoija. NOfl h ern Vlca rl:ne I'"Rtan PRIESTS,

Rov. Rov. Hov. Rov. Rev.

Carl"" In'IUimbo)', CabB' alunn. Nue"11 Edin. Pedro Abad, Coadjutor, Cabaoatuan, NUO"a Ecijn. Corneli" Salnmal. BonlOabong. Nucva Eoijn. Je.u. Ti son, Riu!, Nueva Ecija. RlN.rdo Montilla, Sto. Domingo. Nuc\'a Ecija.

R::.: ~:!f"~::.~ar.I:~d~:~,~A~:::: ~~~~:: ~~.\i::

~:~: 8!~~~d~~~:Ir.~:~b~~~!~.~BE~tR~n Eeija. ~::.: ~r:~i~i~~ci:lna"n~~id~n~j,r~~~:,a ~~~:a Eeijn. Province or Ta rl o.c '''iliaD PRI£lI1'8,

~:~: ~~~~indoes9~bn~r.°C~~lj~t~r,TT~~~~, Tarlne.

nev. Re". Rev. Uev.

Adolfo Gabriel, Lm PRI. Tarlno. Inne Marin do A.peiln, Snn Miguel, Tnrlnc JOH6 Bondo~, Ba11lbon, Tarlae. Marco. Punul. Capna, T arlae.

~:~: ~:~l':g~cr.~r:::o~~\,::&~~~Ta~l~r~~c. Pro"inco or Zo. mbo. les


['a co Ch urch 611 PAZ, PACO Rev. G. Aldenbuijstn, Pariah Pri est. Ro'·. R. Van Nieuwcnho\,e, Cu.rate.

Provi n ce of Nuova EclJa ""llIan PII.I ESTS,


Tile Cat ll cdr:il l (INMACULADA CONCEPCION CRURCH) PLAZA McKINLEY, INTRAMUROS (English Spuking Congregation) Ve ry Rev. Gabriel Salavcrri~, ParUih PriCtlI and Rector of the Cath~drn1. Very He". Fr. Patrick l \elly, PlllltO•.


P'mdacan Chu rch I'ANDACAN TEL. 6-76-30 lo'rnl)ciaco A. Teodoro.

Oulapo Ch urch PLAZA MIltANDA. QUJAPO TEl •. 2_ss, I S Very Rev. Magdalcno C.. tillo, Pariah Pri... t. Ou r Father Jesus Na:ta rene Sch oo l PLAZA MIRANDA, QUIAPO

Very Re\,. Magdalc~~'8:'~N~,Girl:';'tor. Ro,·. Dr. Vicente Catop .. ng, Principal.

Our Lady of Loreto Acad ~ m y (Formerl y Sampllioo Pnr""bi.l School) SSS LEG,\ItDA. SAMPALOC (Boys a nd GirlJl School) 281 GEJ.aSOt~toC.IS~'tt;:f~GUEL Very Re,·. Hip6lilo Arceo, PlLSlor. Sa n



(Supportcd by thc C~~:re~~!'~~l~t. Villccnl dc Paul) Mr. Antonio i\la. Opi ..", f'rcaidente de)a Confe,..,ndn de Son Vicente dc Paul. lIipolito Arceo, P'rroco.

R:~: ~:.~!t{&~~nSbanu,~,ali;~~z:~b~:!:·

S:l nln Ana ChUrch SANTA ANA TEL. S-42_7a lIo\,. Misuel Rodello Ito\,. EUgenio Delgado.

R~~: ~~;~jJon~I;~k;.,S~:~c:,;II~~~:bzl~balca.

Sa nt a Ana Sc h OO l TEL. 5-42_16 nc\'o Millucl Rodcno. Director.


Rov. Itodolfo DRdurczyk, Cobllna;nn, Zamoalel . Rov. Enrique StioRlort, Snit MIlrec!ino Z.. mbalca. H~v. Pedro Gwato, ClI!t til1d 05. Znmbnlca.



S ant u iA' u z C hu rc h lOS P LAZACOI1'l """t! Z08 pr,AZA SANTA CRUZ, I NT. (Un),s nod Girl. School) Re'-, JlUto Quendn, Pnrish Prieat.

Maximo del Rosmrio,


Antonio MlIlllnll.

S"n Vice n te d e )'nu l C h urch 213 SAN MARCE LI NO, ERMITA

TEL.2-:!I'J-O.s Rev. Jos6 F~rllhndc •• C. M .. l'o.;,h Priest. Rc'-, J0s6 Ag;uirrcebc, C.M., A&aiuanL


TEL. 5-06-9 1 ne". Father Floroncio de Lenun. Pnri8h Priest. 'fo nd o C hu r c h

TEL. 4_81_31 Rt. R.w. i\i9gr. Jo,O JOVCUIlUOS, Pnri,h l'rieat. J os6 Pinodn, )\[oyor. Francisco D. Iillrnos, Church Recorder. Rc". Hufino J. Felipe, Asaishllt Purish P rics t .


3~(rgn~\ t~ ?UN~~drN~I~A){8~os

TE L. 2-1-1_83 Very Rill'. Fnther Feli" de IIIU.qW.Il, Superior. Ver y Rill'. J-" nthcr E ..... ebio de AzpHoueta. Rev. Fathe r Joaquin de I nn. S AC RED ORDER O F SAN AGUST IN P. O. BOX ISS-T ElL. 2_23.30 (A,u.uinl'>l) VCr)' Re\". Vidnl Irlletll. " ie. Provincial. Very Rev. Mllue l D. Canacco, Supe rior. Rov. Emetcrio Pinedo, Vieo-SUp<lriQ r. Re'·. Victor Gon.ale~, Prorllrndor GOMral. Re ... Octn"io Cubrin. l',ocursdo r Con,·onlunl. ROll'. Pedro D . Ubic rOll, Slleriatnn. Ro\". Mn. illno ApRricio. Rev. Gcr vacio Percl. Rev. i\I u illlo Redondo. Dro. SRlIloa M Rrtin. 8 . 0. Sim6n del CRn lO. Bro. JUR n CllbnnDl. Bro. Ali t' io Frnnco. Bro. Fcll x do In HOln.

C" ll.a l n n ~ 1 1l C hu r c h O AGALANO I N. TON DO T E L.•1-88-32 Vcry Ro,'. Pedro Phjurillo, P Bri,h Priest.

(Semin~:;~s;:" ~Cu";1::~~romco)

390 CALIi:NTON, SAN FELII'E NER I, RrZAL Rov. Pedro Urdaniz, RectQr. Ro". Emilio NQtario, Vi _Beetor. Rev. JncintQ Villalnin, C. M. Re\". Aureli o Fcrnalldea, C. :'II. Bev. AlfQnso SaManll, C. M. Be". Cri'l,in GQmcz, C. M, Be,'. Lu'a Allitulo, C. M. Re\". ,\n(Qllio Mayoral. C. M. Rev. Manud Gareill, C. M. Re\". r""tc blln Iribllrren, C. M. nev. Samuel Martinez. C. M. Re\".lFafael ~ l artincl, C. M.

Sacred H eart 822 SANTA MESA TE L. 6-75-22 ltc,'. LIldi, lao de 8uaturla. De La Sall e Coll ell.e T ,\F"T AVENUE: TE L. 5-118-43 Rc'·. Brother XII\'icr, l'rclidc"t. CON G REGAC ION D E L A M IS ION 213 SAN MARCEL I NO, MAN I LA Vory Rov. JOl6 'l'ejadn, C. M .. Vj~itDtQr. Rev. Ped ro Ah!lulQ, C. M .. Superior. Re". Vicente A"!luIQ, C. M. It,w. FrnneilcO Snnchoz, C. ;\1. no,·. Estllni. lao ,\rcnll, C. 1>1. Rc". J0s6 Fornll"du, C. ;"II., PIl.i.h PriClt. Bo,-. Joafi Aguirreehc, C. "I. ASlidllnt. Brother Antolin ;"IhrcOll, C. M.

~~~t.h¥r. V~II:~~~o SJ'uni~~~~n6S:1 ~I .

Urothcr Alejllndro Gnrcia, C. M. Co le il o d ll Sa n tn isll b el 130 GENERAL LUNA. I NTR'\!'!UROS (Estllbli. loed l S96-Undcr the direction of tho Slsten of Charity of St. Vioccnt de Pnul) (For Girls) Ro'·. Si,le r Maria Sanjuan, SuperiQrl'8l. SACRED OR DER O F CA PUCH I NS 306 GBAL. LUNA, INTRA:\IU ROS Very Rev. Flltbcr Fdiz de IgU2quin. Superior. Vcry Rev. FMhcr Eusebio de Azpilcuc{a, Supcrior. Rev. Father Joaquin de I nu. Re,·. Father EVII.,,~~ l iull de Ochob i. Bro. S"nti""o do Zllndio. Brn. Elcellrio de SnrllaBlc. Bro. Valentin do A~coitill. Bro. Is(n""io de Bidn"in. Rev. Father Ra)" n'undo de Ln.binno Rov. Fathe r ROl[elio do Bodona, Labrlldor, P llnglLSi nlln.

18 1 GSit~ r,.AF.~~l~ 1 ~~w:.~~I UROS (Sec R('fIidentl of Snored Order of Snn A" ..... t.i n) ColClllo d e In Co n 801nd on 260 SAN I"L\FAEL,SAN M IGUEL T EL. 2-S0-00 (Under the Sieten of St. Augll5lino) (Eltobl'shed in 100 1) RI\\'. :'IlQthcr Consuclo Bnreelo, Motber Gcncrol. Re". Mothe r Catnlina de Jc.o ..... , Sub·Ge nerol Prio rea. SACR ED ORD ER O F SAN AGUSTI N (Rccolctos) SAN NICO I.AS CHURCH AN D CONVENT 380 CAB IL DO, l NTBAMUROS P . O. BOX IS6 TEL. 2-15-98 Re '·. Tomaa Cuov ... Prior. R,,,'. Marcelo S .. ntllfe, Sub·Prior. Re\". Her mnn. DiufTun. l'rocurlldor. Rc\". Apolonio Rnmirez. Rov. RU I>crto do BlM. He". Ctrillno T,ejnfTnlll.

R:~: i'tcl~.;-w~ei~~u.

Rev. Rev. Ro\". Ro\". Rov. Rev. Re'·. Ito\'. Rev. Ho' ·.

J llcinto Alhcrdi. MR nuel EehnUI. Pedro :\ro.ltllui. futeblln Tojct.ior. E.coh-atico AyealnTB n. J un n Mnohicole. Angel Ponn. Elnd io ,\ gui r ro. Be nito l."lono. lIurninndo Mo..,-a.

Sai n t N ico las C hur c h nnd Con vent 380 CAR II, DO, l NTItAMU IlOS P. O. 80X ISO-TEL. 2- 15-98 MOOIt Re'·. Flltber Pro". Leoncio n elll. MOOIt Hev. J-",uher !'rior TomM Cuo,·•. Rev. Fr. Aurelio 1.Ilc. u&. ItIlV. Fr . Feli" Abllltl'rc •. ROI·. Fr. J osquin Veubingll. Re\". Fr. Lenndro Nieto. Rev. Fr . Isid ro Senainin. Re\" . F r. ""'r('(llo Ssntl\fe. RCI'. Fr . He, nllu Ili rfU'" Re '·. Fr . Apo lQnio Barni rcz. Ro,.. Fr. Julio EspicfTcz. Re'·. Fr. Cipri llno l..cjarrflgll. Re,·. Fr . Liein'o Rui •. Re". Fr. Benito ,\ldna. Itc\". Manuel Echaua. Re\". F r. Jllcin to Ah·crdi. Re'·. Fr. Pedro Arn.tcjtui. Rev. Fr. Elteban Tejed or. Re". Fr. Gabriel Ur bina (Ablo"t). Rev. Fr. Gregorio EII)i, •. Fr. J uan l\tnebicole. Fr. El<:ollutico AyClltllrao.

PHILIPPI NES Snn Scblls tilln Ch urc h PLAZA OEL CAUi\ IEN Fnther Doming o Cnrcclier, Super ior. Father I,,,i. ReCII.te . Filth". Fel ix Alonso. Father ;\Is.tin f.cll~rr ... Fllth c. COIl.lancio Pel\n. Brotber LurM SflC~. Brothe. Pllblo Gu.vnI O!!.




de C. J Ol!n. GeneraL

SO T I'llulinn de] C. do II larin, Superiorn.

Sur AUIlUlloill.'l del Divino Amer. Directo.",

Sor Sor So. So. So. Sot

PUrilicllcion del Espiritu Snnlo. Pro ourndorn. Encnrnacion del C. SMrnmcnto, SoorctnriB. )llITtinn de In Smn. 'J',inidnd. Co"",,]'O.II. Amnnda T. del CDrmcn, CO""u!tofn. ",'~rnnnda del Piln •. Consu lt ora, F]otel"llin ll de III Purificncion, Co","uitora. SACRED ORDER OF PREACHERS

(Dominic ft ",,) CONV£NTO DE SANTO DOM I NGO 1'. O. BOX 15!l Itoy. Benito i\hrtin ez. Pro,·ineinl. Ite'·. Julio Viecnte, Prior, Itc\,. L"is Merino, Sub-prior. Itc\'. F8~her hime Mnrtin, Proottrlltio •. Ito\,. FOlher AnJtel Fcrntu,ticz, C~pelhm. Ito,'. FOlher Gnbriel Vi" nr , Re\,. Mllriaoo Vcla~co, Ito,'. Sabino "-£nrtin"•. Ro", E.tebao Nieto. Itov. Florentino Sanchez. Ito,'. Rienrdo Fuertcl . Ite'·. Fllther J CSu:l Fernand~"

Ito\,. Rov. ito,'. Itov. Ito,'. Itev.


Rov. Rov. Itov. Ito,'. Rov. Rov. Itcv. ncv. Ito\'. Rov.

S anto Do mln jto Chu r ch 7S SOLANA, I N'J'ItAl\WnOS P. O. BOX HiO - TEL. 2-11.50 Benito Mnrtine •. Provinei ...l. J"lio Vicente. Prior. Lui . Mer;no, Superior. Franciaco Solnun. J oae Barto]o. Jorg6 Bernandcz. J etUS FCrDBIldu. Gabriel Viva •. A" etino Vigil. Jnim e Mnrtin. Viconte Snnchez. Jo~o Gaviln". Sindico. J I.ermn, Organid n. Gonulo Alvarez. Snbinc l\t"rti"c •• Bibliotecario. Angel Fernandoz. S .criltan. ~· Sadobn, CaMor.

San Ju a. n do Lot t'''' Collejto 200BEATERIO,INTRAI\IUROS. MANILA p , O. BOX 146-TEL. 2-39-01 Very Rov. Fr. Junn Lnbudcr, O.P., Rector and Pr",,_ idont. Itcv. Fr. Pedro Mate o., P.O., Vice_Rector and Director 01 Boarders. Ro'·. Fr. Jow Cueatn, D. P .• Secrotory lind I'rineil,ol. (60::0 nbo Schools nnd Colleges) S3ntn C3tll lf n3 Co lledo 211 ANDA, INTRAi\IUROS TEl. , 2-12-61

(U nde(S~o ~~"!c~~bo~sSi:~~~ c;J:&~ominiO) University of S3 nto Tom38, M:>nllll 139 POSTIGO. INTRAMUROS AND CALLE ESI'A~,\. SAMPALOC P. O. BOX 1·17-TELS. 2_11_62 AND 2-29-31 Very It"v, Silv""tr" Soncbo 0. 1'., Rector Mognificu..l. It"", Eugonio Jordnn. D.P., Vice· Rector . (S .... alao School. and College.) SACRED ORDER O~- ST. BENED I CT E. l\rEND IO LA, SAN l\UCUEL P . O. BOX 2227-TEL. 2_27_00 Uillht Rov. Raymundo Salinflll. O.S.B .. Abbot. Vory Itav, E8tebno A... ai~, O.B.S .• Prior. R"v. Paulino Garcia, O.S.B. , Reotor 01 Church. Rov. Ildcfolllo Sne., O.S.B. n"v. Eladio do Juan, O.S.B .. M",tor 01 NovicC/l, ~:~'. ft~~a~' J~\o~oO;S.B:S.B .. Secretar}'.


Ro". Urbano Cl1I!nrCll, o.s.n Itev. r.c~IllC$ Lopes. O.s.n. Ito". T eodom lto :'IllIt,Un"y, 0 S B Hov, W,I/ndo Ro)o, 0 S B itc,'. Josb Urgell as 6 R",·. r::.mquo Guinnrt, O.S.II. Very n"". Bernardo LOI'e•• O.S.B R.... tor. lt c'" Leandro Gnldeano, O.S.B. no,'. ,\loorto Cqtcdo. O.S.B., Prefect. lt o,·. Gor" S8~tre, O,S.B.. Pro .."rntor. R o". SOtJtIO ;\Iartone., 0.S.6 .. ProfMt. R ov, Be, nardo Martin e. , O.s.B. Ito,'. Bonito Son Jua". O. S. B. Bro. ,\nltel I\r. At-'iro, O.S.B. lira. J oa6 MIL. Car rio, O.S.B.

R~~: ~C:::r!lo ,\~~t:~:


Bro. S al"nd or Alberich O.S.B. Bro, J os6 Tankilut, O.S.B. St. Sc h olaatlca 's Co ll eg" 1532 P ENNSYLV,\N IA, MALATE TEL. 5-67_9 ~ (Under tho Direction of the CUlllmunity of Benedict ine Mother

CJodesilllU~ Luk~;:,t"g~1.B.,



San Il cdll Co llejto E. MENDIOLA, S AN ;\HOUEL TEL. 2_32-02

n;lIh~ Re,·. Raym,~rid~Sa~~~~, 6~.§.1B., Abbot, PrClidont Rcv. Bernnrdo Lulie •. O.S.B .. necl or .

~:~: ~:r~~O~\I~~:inc~~'6.~.1~P.~;;~~.ur~"


Rev. ,\loono C8.I!tedo. O.S.U" Prelcet.

SACRED OR DER OF ST. F RANCI SCAN 2~0 so r,ANA , INTa ,\)lUROS P. O . BOX! IS-'rElL. 2-51.03 n,,\\,. Fllthtr C!pr!a"o Tabondn, Comiaa,;o I'rovincin1. lto" Father C''pr'ano I\li .. n~·n. GILllrdinn. Re"'I,~~:cr N,eotns Yeln, 'itario do V. O. T . de Sa m, He\,. Il'ather Marina o Montero, Vi Cll riode. S. Re\' . Father JoM; AJ:undez, Proc urador General. a,,\,. trot her A'.'ge l C. ;\late. Vi"".io de Santa Clo ra. Fath~~ Jose p.,eto, Rector. Cole!':io Seulico. Re"'d:D~!'~r F,:'a':::i~cO."illnlbn, l'rocurador Con"onlU"] San Fr nnclsco C hurch 24.0 SOLANA. IN'l'UA:'IlUHOS Cip.inno I\I;nll),II, OUQrdinn. I{ c\". rather Jo"" Agundc~, C cneral Procurator.

It c'·.


THE SOC IETY OF JESUS BALINTA l \' AK CALOOCAN, RIZAL TEL.C,\L-I.15 Very Rr ... Jol>n F. HUrlc).. Supt!ri or , Rc'·. ThomBS A. M. Shnnahn, Treasurer. R cv. Julio D;o, As.iun" urer.


Very t;/cv. Fr. John Un.lo}' , S.J., SUperiQr of the J ~.. "iL Miasion. RC"·Itt;;!id~~~~. A. ~Iorning. S.J., SUper ior of St. iIInal>,," Ro'·. Ro". Ro .... R ...... Rov.

Anthony L. Gampl'. S.J .. R ector. ViNoriano Pqcual. S.J " As.i$tant. J amC$ P. Moran. S.J " A,..,illanl. Ju.b :'II. Sh:.u;on, S.J., Aui"nnt. :'Ilarti .. L. ZiUig. S.J., A ..iltant. Ato n oo d o Manila ·1Q{; PADRE FAUllA. ERMITA

15~ -T E t. . 5_72_49 Ro\' Carroll I. FILSy. S.J., I're~idcnt. Ro,'. l'Ienry B. McCullou/:h, S.J" Vice_l'r~.;dont and Den" 01 Studios. nC"'D~ic~~; ~r;l~k~~:' S.J .• Deo n 01 Discipline lind

P. 0, BOX


nO"'u~~:~liam ~". J ordan. S.J., Administ rntor an d TrcM_

,1~v'S~~I?' PnCQwng. S.J" UeadmlLllter 01 thc Grado ito,'. John F. Trcub;g. S.J. , Librar; ... n. nov, Maurieo A. Mudd, S. J" Student Counselor.

1.~~I~R~g~~SFo\Vn~" ~~l~Y[;A

Very ne,'. John F. Hurloy {;:u l'~rio;'

M:~: ]~I?:H'Di~; "15.~~:~~~T;eqT.:;~~urer.



BEI.C IA N FATH ERS MI SS ION (Tho Delwan Catholic l\!iY;onaril'1l, Ine.) Pth STREET. NEW MANI L A

SAN J UAN DFL MONTE, nlZAL P. O. BOX J393-TEL. 6-88-36 Very Rev. M. De Dudandere, Pro,·jndll (Daguio), P. 0 Box 42. Ite", Cion. J. Deurma, Superior. Rev. C. Vromant. Rc ,', N. Flam'n:h. no", J. Anlceu"" Rov. Dr. C. HuI,bo.::h. THE LITTLE A I'OSTL E OF TH E MOUN T A I N



l\iI>nnger .

EL M IS ION ERO BACU I O, MT. PROV I NCE Re,'. Jo$6 Dc Sllmb~r. Eidtor. Bnd BWI;""I



Jom Dc

S°'1\~~rA~fA l ~eX¥~::SI 6~ord P. O. nox 3234- T EL. 6-SS.{l3 ,\n~pllch.

Hew . Michncl


~~~::: 1~~~c ~~~rr~~'lj;r ~I~~.ctDIY-Tr cnsurer .

Ho", HermAnn J{ondrinlf. TrWltcc.

Rev , Ignatio Heltollc" TrU:ltcc. CHRI ST Til E KI NG M ISS I ON MI S SI O NARY ESPA'RA EXTENSION P. O. BOX 323~-TE L. 6-88-63 Rev. ?lIi rh ...1 Anlphd,. llCrlor. Rc'·. I",nado H, t1"",,,,,r, r.tngilt~ No,·ie. JOR Dusemund. Re\,. JOI~ Hl"kamp. Re'·. Fd. Bu"r<·nk<'mpe r. R ..", Frnol'to Hondemnnn. Rev. L. Bun1eJ, Prefect of S\\ldiea. lIev, Joe(, Gr.".". Rev. A. ?lblin.


DI OCESE O F BACO LOD OCCIDENTAL. NECROS OR IENTAL AND ISLAND OF SIQUIJOR Mell Re'·. Dr. C ... imiro M. LIndo.:, Biaho}>. Bncolod, Negroa Oc cidenlnl. NECROS

Ee cl es l:lstl a l Cur ia Vcry Rev. Edunrdo N. CUlro, "ien r·Cepero!. ReI', JAc;nto Arrdo. Officialil. Rev. Jo,~ D. ClI3tDlledD. )'romoter of JUltiee. Rev. Prdro Timp, M. Ii .M .• Defender 01 the Mnrringt Bond. n.!". Victorin R. Abnllo, S.T.D., SeerelAry. DIQCI: ! .'N


Ve ry Rev. Edullr<lo N. Cnstro. Rcv. Fr . Ti .. o Rupnn. ,\.n. Rev. Pedro Timp. ?lI. H .M. n.w. Fr. F.... rm;n .<:;nmuMA. A.R. Ve r y He\". I, dunrdo N. eMt t O. Modernlo. of Dicceenn Crnle.e"r.., . Ve ry R ..,·. Jncinto Aredo, Dioceann Director of the Rc,.. PE~:~"gr~l~o'N~1 l~:,~~it~\pootOliO Direc tor of the ApOlltlcshill of I'rurer. Oloaeae. l'" lrs l Distr ic i lI.w. FJ,lI';nno n. J\Tiolh. Pori,b Priesl. Dneolod, NcgrOl! Ocr;dentnl. Ro'·. 8]81 I'nrcon. l'p r;l h Pri ... I. Dllgo. Negr O!! Oc~id~ntll1. Rcv. 5nntiall0) \'jldn, A.R., Poriah Pricat, Lp Cnrlotn. N~,rOl Orc;d e nt~1.

R,I\'. Julion Annneltui. ,\.It .. Pori. " Pricsi. Murcia. l'egro. O,·, ;clentfl1. Re,·. Roque Aeovrdo, I'nrid, P'ic~t, Pontevedro. Ncgroe ON;'.enla l. Rc,'. Vkent e Pon~, P ar; Bh l'rit'1ll, P\llupondlln, z.;egros Oee;dtnlnl. Re,·. Jod' P. Mirnnda, Suplenle, SlIn Ehr;que, Nel;l'OII Ocddtnlfll. He\". Amn"o LOllI!, A.H., Pliril h Priest. Sumog. z.;egrOli Oecidelliol. Rev. JOl!~ Pllt06B. Pnnth Pri<'llt, \"nllpdolid. Ne&,oo Oecidcntol. Vcry R(w. Adri .. nosc~m:,~:'b,~r~:: Forp;n and PIITi"b

Ro,.,P~~~:"eli~'¥~bj~~: It:.~~I,:?::td:3i'~:h,pgtln, NegrOll OecHlc olPI.

Rev'a Ann~,o n~e~~hCO~~'d:~i~:i\I., Pnn. b Pr iNt. CIiU' Rcv. lamet Jaeklo n, M. H.M .. P .. ri.h PriNt, HimamayInu NejO'Ga Occidental. ltc,'. Ped ro Timp. Pari.b l'IiNt. 110g. NcgrOll Oee;. d~nlal.

Rc,·. Fl"lipe ' .erena, A.R .. Pnrilh Priest, Kabankalan, N~gr oa Orcidcntlli. Ro", Manuel Echau., A.H., Coadjulor, Knbllnkalan, Negrol Occidental. He\··rie":o.0o~~ld'en~a'r' P .. riah P riest , La CllllteUlIJla. Ro\·. Paulino Jimenez. A.H.. Pnr;.b P riN I, La lubela. Negroo Occidental. Third Dlatrlc t Ve ry Re,' . Eduordo N. CUl ro, Vitpr Fortli n and Pflriah Pri<'lll Siltl).. Nep roo Oceidenln!' Re\". Boniamin Biponn, Cond jutor, Sil .. y, Nc gr Oll Occi· denta\. Rev. Ireneo Percz, Pnr;sh l' r iOlI, Cadiz, Negroa Occi· denial. Rev. T im oteo Ecubl", Puri sh Prical, Mpnalllli, NegrOll Occiden tol. Very Hey. Jncinto Ace do. I' oria h )' ricat, Snrn" in, Ncgros Occidcn lnl. Rev. Luil AIl'nr cz, A.H., P"rish I'r; <'III, T " liany , Ncgroe Occi dent " l. Fo urth Dl a trlo;: t Re'·. J oaquin Gonu lH. A.R .. " urish Pri cat , Cahll r hl'n . Negrol Occide ntal. Re\,. Juan IlIvllcn, A. H. , Pnrl.1I I'riCllt, E5cnlnn te . Negroe Occidcnlnl. ne\'. Antoio LPII,·ilo. I'm ish PriCllt, SIIgay, Negroo Oee idonlpl. Rev. Felix AbaurN'n, A.R .. Phri.h P rieel, San Carlos,

Rllv.N~FoO&S?nCt~W:~!~I. A.R .,

Condjutor, Sao CILlIOll. N .. grCIII Oce idenlP l. Ue\·. Tino nUllna ••\. A., Pntiah Pri<'llt, \'ilo, N.. uOll Occidontal. Plfth Dls tri c i Vcry ReI'. Joe(, D. C,..\aticd". "ieur Forain aud Pariah PIi<'llt, Tnnjny. NegrO!! Oriental. Rc,'. SilllCO II Gumboc, I'nmb. l'ric.l, Ambla n, Negros Ori~nta1.

R ev. Salvador GOlerP. Pnri~h Pri<'lll, Ayutillon, NegrOll Orie ntnL R ev. Andre. ll roll lillp, Paliah Prieet, Baia. NegrOll Ori~ntlil.

l Ie\". Filomeno PacalPoll, I'"ri,h I'ri<'lll, CuibulllSlln. NeW'Od Oriental. Ro\". Jupn Vcnlero, Pll r iah Pricat, Jimalalud. Negroo Or ienlP1. Rev. Ar!enio Secrcto, I'nri, h I'd""". t.hnjuyod, Negros Ode nl8l. 110". Simeon ,\rnu,o, 1'8ri." Pr;(lI, \'nU .. hcrmOllo, NegrOfJ Orient,,1. Rev, Rell;nnldo Pill~u, I'nrish P ric.t. Lp l.ib.., lad, Ncg, OII Or ioDlu1. S h;lh Dls tr lcl Ver y RII\'. l1erm;n S"""II"", A.R .. \';oll.r Forni n lind Pllr ish PnCllt, D umnguetc , N <glOII Or icntol. lt ov. Rufllci G~ teill, A.H .. Condjulor. Dl'mlllluet<:l, Nclll'OIi OriCfliD I. lI ov. J\lon Lorc n ~o, A.It .. P"ri.l, I'ri<'lli. n "Cong. Negrot O, illnt,,\. Ro' Antonio Ul lnl o, A. It .. I'ori~h Prieet, Oa,,;n, Negro. Oricntll!. nOI·. Mnimo LOlle~, A.H., Pari,h Pri<'llt, Lu.uriaga. N ..s::ros Oriemnl. lle'·. Fcli~ DUrlololllo A. It., Pal;.h I'rieel. S;aloll, Nelll'OI!


Arll'll:ndnri., A.A., Pllml, l' rieo!l. Sibulao, NegrOll Ori~lItnl. Re \·. P. Fr. J0.6 l.ilhrral&O. A.n., Copd,julor, Sibllian.

lIa' .....~~~~p~iili:;~:.I·A.n .. I'ari.h Prielt. Tolont::, Nuevo,


A.R .. Aclini: Pariah I'ricll, z",m· Orienu.1. Seve n t h Dll n ic i Vcry Re\·. Abundio F"&I, A.R .. "kat Forain alld Parish Pricat Siqllijor, N .. gJ'UII Oriental. ItcV. G regorio Sam""c&, A.n., I'amb I'riml, l.Iu'rcna, bO<II'f,wm,




Pariah Pl iml. Lui,

ne,.. N~t'fo'i..a°Sf:.I,aIA.n ., Pari..h Prieet, ~I .. ria, NegrOll Oriental. nO\', Sc" .. rino Careia. A.n., Pari.b Prie.t, 6ao Juao' Negro. OrioDta!.






MISAMIS )foet Re", Jamtll T. G. Hayco, S.J .. D.D .. Bi.bop, CmI:/Ioyan, Oriental Miumi •.

OIocuan Consu ll ora

~:~'. If:~~" 't. ~II~~:. ~~j.

Rcv, Andre." Bolmonn, S.J. Rev. George J. I';irabl(cs.nn, S.J., Seout ...}'. Very Re,', J. Lew •• O'Neill, S.L Din ..... an Director of tbe Pro pogati e>1I of the Faith. Orollule!II, Occiuental Mium"_

Very Rev. Antonio H. \'a" ,Odijk, 1II.S.q., Dior,"""" Director of tbe PropagatIon of the FaIth, 5unlao, Sungao. )'roylnce <'If Orie nt al Mi sa mi. nCY. Vincent 1. Kennall)" S.J" CIII:oyan, Orienta l Miumi•.

Rev. J. Edward Uagerly, S.J., Coadjutor, Cagayan, Otiental Mi,"m;., Rav. Frnneiaco X. Parlll!, S.J .. Coadjul"', Cogaynn, Orie ntal NeJO'ol, Rev, Martin O'ShnughneMY, S.J., Balingallae. Oriental Milami •. Rev. And.Qw Ceninl. S.J., Jllunn. Oriental lIlilll mi8.

~:;: }j:~\~r .~.aO!II~.nS.~·.~·Tr;~I~!.':: g~!~~:1


~:;y ·N~~~dJ!~~nICp~i~e\.:al~~t· ~{::~b~j~~~ROi~ental Milllmis. Rev. Calixto Yamba. Coadjutor, /IIambajao, Orienln l lIl iumL.. Rev. Vicenle /IIaglo. ClIIarm.. n, Oric,!lal /IIilB;mia .. Rev. Ortavio Gon,alv~., Mah'lIo/,:, Onenlal lIh~alIllll. Rev. Pedro Guburayan, Sagay, Oriental /IIiumi •. Rov, Teodo, n Aranll!!, Agojo, Mnmbajao, Oriental Miaami, <Retired). Rnv. Gregorio Ouano Gingooll". Oriental Miumi •. Pt"ovln ce of Occidenta l ltfls:"l m b Very Rev Jomcs G. Dalay R.J. , V.F. , Jimenel, Oc dentBl Miumi" Rev, Pl'<iro Dimuno, S,J. Coadiuto r, Jin,cnn, Occi, dental Miumil. Rev. Thorn .. Gallacher, S.J., MieRmil! OecidcDtal Mi·


1W" 'I;;"i~ ... ie O'Neill, S.I., Oroquicta , Occidental Mi·

Rev. E\Il!ebio Salvador, S.J.. Coadiu~r, Oroquieta, Occidenta l Mil!omia lto ... J "~n C, O'Connell, S.J. Tnnub. Oeddentr.l Mi· SI,mlll. Provi n ce o r Ag,uS:"In Rov. Juan Ruijler, M.S,C., p ..lor, Butuao. Aguenn. Rc,·. Guillermo A.i, M.S.C .. Coadjutor. Butuao, Aguean. Rev V. Celellte. /II.S.C .. CORdjutOJ. Butuan. Agusan.

R:;: ¢~·,f;~!a~IH:S:g:~&~~dj~:~:,d~:b~~·ba:"~~A;Usan. Provln co or Dukldnon Ro,'. Auetin Dowd, S.J .• Ma],.ybnlny. Bukidnon. no... Frederiok H anninga, S.J., 1$umilllO, Bukidnon. Provlnc o of LRnao Rov. Androw Hofmnn • S. J .. Ilignn, LBnno. Rev. Joeeph Reith, S.J., Dnn$lIlan. Lnnno.

Province of S orll).lIo Very Rov. Antonio "nn Odijk, M.S.C., Surieao. Surigao.

R:~: t·~""ltv~f3,0~~~s.~~:SS~~'il\~~~i~~;i:a~igao.

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

P. Juan Coondc ... lII.S.C .• Surigao, C. J, J. "nn R<>&~cll. M.S.C., Surigllo, Allon50 vnn Btet, M.S.D .. DinRgat. TCodoro Keet. M.S.C .. Nu mon cia.

Surigao. Surigmo. Surigl.o. Surigao.

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Adriano SI~iiJter, M.S.C .• Mninit. Surieao. Bernardo WiIlcmacn, M.S . . , Tnl"m,an, Surigao. Surigao. GuiU""mo /Ilea, /II.S,C" Juan "tnkking. "I.S.C.. G Surigao.

R~~: a~r~roiodB'l~..:~I~~~i\I.~~C.~'G~~~i.K,.n.unn, Surigao. ~:!: ~~ra{:t~.e~~j~i~s.8~:St~iT


Rev. Juan "nn Hallg .. n. /II.S.C..



~~!: ~er~arJoa'b~ce~tt.°'kI.~~J:.Cca~~N!~~'§U~i~~~o.

Rev . Juan voo Berkel, /II.S.C .. Madrid, SUrigllo. Rev, Teodoro vftn d~t /IIoor. M.S.C., I.anuu. !:urigao. Rev. Mnrtin vao' t Wcateinde, M.S .C. , Tigao, Surigllo.

Ro" .•\d.iano /IIulkcno. l\I.S.C .. Tandag, Surigno. Rev. Cornelio vnn Berkel. M.S.C .• TII~o. Swigno. Re\". L. C. M. Oooren. /II .S.C.. Taco, Suri~mo. Re\". Juan TrienckcDJI. M.S.C .. "Inrillatllg. Suriitao. Rev. Allo,,"o Brckelm.'I8. :-'I.S.C .• Marihatl,. Surieao. Ro\". /II. Sebollokon•• M.S.C .. Ot~ilD. Swigao. Re\". Guillermo lIIert. lII.S.C .. Lian,a, SurillBo. Re,'. Feli" van dc Pol. M.S.C .• lIi"aWon. Surigao. Ro\". "no de. Bouht. M.S.C .. Hinatunn. 8uligao. Ro'·. H. J. H. WWt~, M.S.C .. ninatunn, Surigao. Rc\". J. N. Ja,,"cn, M.S.C .. Billie. Su ri e''',>.

DIOCESE OF CALBAYOG (I SLANDS OF S AMAIt AND LEYTEj ("nca"t) Bishol" Calb.yoll. Samftr. Hight ne\". "lagr. Alhcrto Almarince. ,\polloli e Ad· minill.810r. Ec:c:lel i rs llcnl Curlll Itev. Fcderiro Monero, Promotor of JllItice. Right Re\". ViCenlC Figuu"n, Secrel8ry. R"d:Di(ll!l!San rureetor of the l'.opagllti"n.of the. Faith. ProYl n co or Sa m ar Rev. Jo.~ DilLllnea, I·ari .. h Pri.. l. Calbnyog, SRmar. HiJ,:ilt Rev. Vieenle FigueroR, Coadjutor. CatbRyog, Snnlor. Ro\". Simeon Deloloo. Coadjutor. Cal1.ln,Yog, Samsr. Rev, Domin@o I'ollero. Coadjulor. CnlbsyOIl. 8nmnr. He,·. D"IRao. PRris h l'riolt, Santa IIlarBsrilll, Sam"r. Rov. JBimo Flolel. l'ari".11 Plien, Gandors, SRmRr. ltcv. Petronilo Moranle. I'ari~h I'ri~u, Taungnao, SBnlar. .:III Rov. Federico Morrero, P~ri &h l'ri ~n . CRtbnloCBn, Simar. Rev. Tatbo. Coadjutor, Cal1.lnloa;Rn. Samar. Rev. Francileo Palome r .... Pariah l'ri t~I , Wrigbt (Pnn0"") Samn •. Ro", Bunardino DUIII. Pmriah Pri N t. CnlbigB. Samar, Re". Rufino de "eyra. Pllri l h Pri"lt. Villareal. Samar. Rev. Rufino de V,,)·rR. I'arilh I'rielt. ViUnrelll. SamlU". Rev_ Jo.~ PMoli. ZlImRtrll$:n. Samnr. nev. Sioioriano '\"el;no, l'nri, h Pri",l, SaolR Rita, SRmar. Re". C",ilio Acre. Pariah Pri l'lit, Dal e". Smmar. ne,". Gcrnrdo Ba.aodino, Coadjutor. B~oy. Samar. Rev. Pablo Lola. Pari l h p.ien, Balan;; .... Samar. Re". R~tituto Aide, Pari. h Priest. QuinRpondan, SRm~.

RiJ!ht R...... DonB\o Guim1.lftolibol, Viear Forni" and Pru ilh I'ricn. Guiuan, Samllt. Rev. ClimR"o FaelnRr. COBdjulor. Guillan. SRmar.

~:~:: ~IT':b::~; k:!'t~~~~, 'b°oa~djt.:t:;. ~~I~d~: §!::!:~:

Re'·. JO! Ma. Rodrieu ... O.F.lIt.. Pllrid, Pd ..lI, Hernmni !':amn •. Re". Angel del Pri.eo.O.F.M .. Pntish Ptical. 1.10rente. Snnlor. Rev. Lui. Avilca. O.F./II., Pari~h Pdt'St, noron~Rn. Snl~Rl.

R~~:: Cad>~;ille.~~:~ri°ibe~~n'&~r~i., n°'i~onr~:I~·p~:a":.RSlln Julinn, 5"111ar. Rev. Joaquin Gnroia. O.F."!.. PMi. h Pri es t. SuInt, Samar. n ...·. Ant onio Su,"bill, O.F.:'I .. Pmi, h Priesl. Tllft. 8amm., Rev. C Rndido /IIorono, O.F.i\I.. I'nriat.!St. Dolores, Snmn•. Re,·. JuliRn Toribio, O.I~."I., I>Rri,h I'rieal. OrllS. Sa· mAr.

Rev. Anu>nio VR1QUU. O.F.III.. Parish I',iest. PalRpng, SIIIn"" nev. Jo.c IIlnrtill!'jJ. O.F.lIl.. Parish Pd",t, Clltubig. Sarna •. Rev, Gregorio '\",ul, O.F./II., Pari,h Pri est. Lno('.ne. Sllma., Re". Julio Martin. 0.1-',111.. Pa.i.h Pdcst, PR",bllhan. SRma,. Re,'. Pedro Hierro. O.F.III.. l'nmh Pri ... t. CatarmRn. Sam .... R",'. h. Indnlieio CnrrBleo, Cor.dju!or, CMa.mM,. S.m .•. Ro". Angel Carl~,'iIla, O.I-'.M .. Parilb I·ri .... t, Bobon, Samar. Rc\". SohoniolllRcedn, "Rrish Prifllt. LR"UalM. Snm,... ne,·. COlll!lftncio Lntorre. Pftri,h Pricst.Allen, Samar. R"v. Fr. i'1i,,,d Seno, Pllr;"h Pricst Cnpul. Samar. Rev ..... naclelo G_lInno, Pftrilb I' ri cal. San ,\ntouio. Samar Rev. Mnrcial O"R. I'ari. h Pri .. BI. Tinam1.locnn. S"m • •. nev, J llan Joel. Pari,b I'riest. Oqll~l1do, Samar.



First Dlurict Vcry n.:",. Manuel YII I', Parish ,'ri \lllt nnd Vient Forain, MnudllUC. Cc,>bu.

Ruv. hll~lo n"Raon, Pnrish Pri .... !, COnllOlllci6n. Cebu. Re,'. V i ~Chto Rullol, I'II.ilh l'd""l, 1,;lonn, Cabu. Hc\', Jlrandleo MOMl!cillo, I)n.i.t. 1'.iclIl, Compoale!a, Cebu. ReV. Nioola, del Cnrmcn, Pa.iah P.i""t, Dllnno. Cobu.


:~~~: ¥~'~WI~ ~~j~.:.!~lt>ni:r~~!lp~;~~\::~~~~I~~'c;;;~~· n.).\'. Ruperto Gur.r(tro, Porish I'ri!'8t. SOl(od, Cehu.

Rev. Aproninuo Gnliain, I'nrish PriCIII, Sttn Fr(1ncilco, Cebu. Ru,·. Atilllno Her"eln, PRriBh Pri ellt, Poro, Cebu. Rev, Andre. OloriO, i'nrilh p.ieat, PiJnr, Cebu. Seco nd Dist rict

X~~~: n:lbi~!!l2~:n~:~ur::~~ur~~~~, Fa~;~l' 8::~:

Cebu. Re'·. AIIMOiio Villordon, pll.i,., p.i",,!, Dorboll. Cebu. !la,', Eugcninno D""nrnI'Rrudo. Pllri.h PriOilt. DnRn,

Re·i!~~;:-~~ ,?;;~~~, Pnri.h Pri ...I, BL\ML\YL\n, Cebu. Re .., ML\lco Monun, COllujutor, Illlmn~'lIn, C~bu. iRe,', GorgoniL\ Puebloa, I'nri,h Pril'at, Mauriucjos, Cebu.

R:~:: X\:j~~d~O 1f.rtY~n::!I,ril~:r!~~~c!'t!f:b~:~~~~bu.

T h ird District Very Rev. Torn"" DorcOil. Vitar Forain. B!l.inmbRn, Cebu. JU!to B. SIInehu, Parillo Priest, TOledo Cebu. Rcw. EotnnialRo VilIo.ill. Coadjutor, Toledo. Ccbu. Rew, lamllel Par lLl, n ot indo, rol<!do, Cebu. Rev. !\I"riRno Ruil, I'ariab p.iCOlI. PinL\mungajnn, Cebu, Rev . l:miliL\no SlIba ndlll. Pllmh PriCOlt,, Ccbu. Re". Emilinno Sahnndal, Pa.i,h Pr;""t, Aloguinllln. Ccbu, Ro,'. He.mcnegi ldo BonKad, pnrish Priest, Annri!l.ll,



Monteeillo. Puri.h Pri es t. Tuburan, Cebu.

Fourt h DI8Ulci Very Re,·. AnllStacio dol Corro, Vien. POTRin, Cnroa., Cebu. Re", Urbnno Quin!u"nt, Condj,,!or, ClltCRr, Cebll. Ih .... Pedro "'oulcbo", I'nrish Priest, Barili. Cobu.

~~:: f~:l~~>naJ~n~~ti·f,~~t~O~:;,~~~~:

Cobu. Rev. F randsco I'lI\lin,grno, Reti.nd o, DlIlRaujulf, Ccbu.

R:~: ft~~~~~ b~~~:~;~nPn~~1:8~.r~~~8k,~r~,:i". g:~~:

Hev. Angel C. JumaoL\n, Parilll> I'.il'llt, Dndi .. n, Ccbu.

DIOCESE OF CEBU ;\Iost Rc\', Dr. Cabriel M. H('yu. Bishop of Cebu. Cebu,

Cchu. Ecc:lcs \" u lc:n l CUTin Riill! Rcv, Jo~ Mn. Cuenca, "lell' Gcncrn1. Very He ... Dr. "'anue! Ynp, Official. Rcv. Bartolome Coftca, Promotor of JWlticc. Rc\,. F.aneuco Gonlnie&. C.M .• Defender of the :'>1"•• •ialte Bo·d Rev, DiOOldndo Cnn'omoi, Canciller-Sooretory. Re\'. Pedro d el Mar y Burtolome Co,ll'8, CCWlor Lihrorum,

Province of Ccbu , Cen t ra l VIC'II .!:>t.. n"" c~~':i~Qdro EspilU" "a.;'h Pri\lll! of tho Cathedral.

~:~:: Cebu. ~~~ill:n~"~{',I:r~:·dJA~~~.~O)i'~~\~1':!· ~~~illS.

Ver)' He". Rev. Ro,' , n ov.

Fifth Dis tri c t He,'. JURn Abnllc, VicII. Forain, Ginatile.n, Ccbu. Vi cente ~Inriblnutll, Parish !'Tiest, Alegria. Cebu, Ceci lio Sanol. e., I'n.ish Prien, Malnbll)'oe, Ccbu, ,'"lorencio Navnrro, Pori,h l'rifOll, Salllboan. Cebll, },'unei,eo Salin.... Parish Pril'll!. Sant.andn. Cebu.

S inh Dist ric t VCr)' Re'·. Julio Fer nandcl. Vicar Forain. ArKllo. Cebu,

R::: ~ii~~~~on:"J,~~', ~~~;~~d~~S'!~~~~~n~:b~bu. Ho'·. Ruperto Sarmiento. Pariah PriC6t. Osltgucte, Cebu.

Rev, Valentin A,'~lIana, Pariah I'riellt. Tab.aa, Cfobu. Hc'·. Irineo C!I.II1. O. Pan"h I'riCllt, Alcoy, Ccbu. Rev, Lennd.o MoraD, O.S.A .. Pa';'h PriC6t, Bolioon.

ncv.C;~· SllIIt re, O.S..", .. I'"rillb Prien, NlIcva-Cac..r. Rc,·.<f.~bio .Alava, O,S.A., p.m.h Priest, o.loh. Cebll.

Rc". Dcru,,,o Cano, O.B.A .. CompAiluo, Ollob. Cebu.


PH ILIPPINES Provi n ce of Uo ho l . Flnt DI. t r ier VU)' Rev. Cayetano nn't~. \'i~ar Fora;n, Loboo, Ilohol. R~\·. Criapino \" Cal. Pariah Prj ..... S.willa. Ilohol. Ho,' , Alejandro Pnlnrio. Pari.h I'r;"'I, Bilar, Bohol. Re". J~ B. R,,~· .... 1'3ri,h Pri<'llt. 8nhmn, Ilohol. RI\\', Marinno nUles. Pa"ah Carmon. Bohal. Re'-, N... ito MR~I"nnl:. Pnri,h I',ieet, Lila, Bohol It"", Cere,i"o Cana, Pa.i. h Pd .. t. DimillO. Uohol. n<! ... EUjI;oniano Ma"~o. " nrilh I'riest. V.lenda, Bohol. n.w. J<lI!4\ Bunlucla. I'ur;.h J >ril'8(, Onroill-Hunnndcl. Bohol. Re,', Felipe Lumain, Parish Pri est , Jallnn, Baho!. Rev. Cde.ino JOIIol. Parid, Prieat, LOll)" 80hol. Rcv. BuiJio NpvarCII. i'ori, h Prj"" . Blldll)'on, Bohol. nev. n;"lIrdo Lj'noOimot, Pariah I',iett. Albu'!J"c.quc, Bohol. Second D lslTlc t

Rcv. Grellorio Lolrunoo, Viear Forn;n, Dat,is, 13ohnl. Rc\', GelRsio RRmircz, 1'8ri. h Pric~ t. Loon, Bol'''l. Re\' , Genlininno Sin~o", Couujutor, I.oon, Bohnl. Re\', Gen'Mi" Cnrp~.", Pl.d, h .Pricst, Con~" Bohol. Rm', i\!nnud Mucurin"I, PR,,~h l'riCtlt. Tugbilnrun, Boho!. Re\', Quiterio Snrigumbll, .Pudah PriCtlt, Mnribojoe, Bohol. He", Filomeno Lucero, Pnrish PriCflt. 1""'lIlno, Bohol. ltc\', Peuro Toner",,,"IO, Purish Prieats . An!e,!,,~ra, Dohol.

R~::: ~~;i'lli!~/.ru~::~:~:;';, ~~~ra'i, 'f,~ii:!~a: J~~I~l1~~'~o~~l:OI. Rev, Felipe J"n"IOI1II, Jl:nTi.h Pril'll!, SikntllnR, Boh"1.

Very Re .., VenernnJohlR~~~:,tr~'~!lIr F orain. TubillOO, Dohol. Rev Eliaco JOlol, Po,i~h P.iu!, COlliI'll, Bohol. Rc". 13<'1,,10 L"un". Pnri.h I'ril'Sl, ('Iftrin, Bohol. Rc\', Vnl~riano CnbnntRn, Pn ish Prieat. InubRngu. 13(>1>01Re\, . Frunciaeo Posu, Pari,h PTl~~t, Gctofc, Bohol. Re,·. Rolnel TnmBmpo •. I'a,i,h Priest. TRlibon. Bohol. R,,,,'. Fermin Cajcl5, Pori, h P.iut, 'U b3Y. Bohol. Re'·. Joaquin Boiser. Hclirnuo, UDlY, Bohol. F" urth Di strict Sabino Elizondo. PRri.h l'riCOlt. Ouero. Bohol. Peuro EI Busto, PBri.h Priut. Guindu)mBn. So},o!. Joo(, Cucot3. Pnri.h Prjc~t , Candijo)". Sohol. Luia Lorentc. PB.i.h Priest. Andn. Boho!. Leandro PalBciol , Parish l'ril.'llt, Mllbi"i, Boho!.

Re,'. Re\,. Re". R",'. Rov.

DIOCESE OF lARO ILOILO, CAI'IZ. ANT IQUE, AND ROMBLON Mo.t Hev. Jnmea P. l\IeCJ""kc)', D.O" D., maho], of Jnro, Iloilo. Very Ro'·. Richntll ](night, p.i"Me Sccrctu.)·. Ecc leslustlcn l C url" Rc". 11l8l1r. lI'lDrreliuo Gunueo, Vienr-Gencrnl. Rcl'. Lui. CnJ,nlip. Vi('Dr G"uuul und Offici ..}i •. Oio.ullu .. Pnrre~ns, C"nncc ll or. He'·. Luid Cnp"l!'" OiOCCI"1l Director of the Pro· pn~Blion of tho !'"ilh.

\'ery Very Re'·. Very

l'r o~l n c~

0 1 110 110 VC'YC~;d~nr"~ ~r2afJ~n~: V.O., PIlriah l'ril'St. 19le. in Rov, Federico Velllaco, Co"djutor, 1,108in Cntc(l",I, Juro. 110;10. Rill·. S~b""ti"n I'nICunlnl n", p,ui. h priCOlI, ,\j"f. Iloilo. R",·. :'1lnri:>,no Perez. O,A.S .. l'''r;~h Prieat, Ahmouinn, Il oilo, Rc'·. Junn C"h'o, Conu,utor, Alimouinn, l1 .. ilo. n cv. John SWl'O!,e, III.J.lI!., p",i.h !',iost, Arel'nlo. lloil ... ne,· . J8"'" ~tnns'i<.lt1. M.!I.i\I.. ( Pr orurnuor), Aro .... lo, Iloilo. R'H' . Filemon Gnb",in". Pnri.h Pri est . Bnl,,!!!n, Iloilo. R",·, i\1"nuci Vncnu!e, P n.i.h !'riut. DnrolnC Viejo. 1I.. i\o, Ro,·. Vennnc;o PortillO. Pn r i. h Priel!. Bucn""isto, Iloilo, R,n'. Crellor;o ROIIald .. , I'"ri." Prio_t. BnnMe y ,\niIBo, Iloilo, ne\,. C~l.o He,,'u, Po.i.h 1'.ie.I. C:>,bllluan, Iloilo.

R:~: ~1!":;t'1~nl tcoe:j~~,,;U[',~!c.f."Ii3'ft~~~~IOll~iIO.

Ro", Fdix Geuirnu, I'".,&h !'.iCII!. O;n,le. Iloilo. Re", JOoK: h,,,,,..;,,n. COR,ljutor, Din~le. Iloilo. Re,'. "~ruRnuo lluennf\or. l'uri8h Prien. D"mnn~,,", HoBo.

Ro,'. D'Odeoro Floreft, COlldjutor Oum"nRu, Iloilo, Re". Sololluor Esmero, !'I1t1811 ""~I!' Du~tL""' Il oilo. Re,'. JCOI~ FTllndli n. I'nri$h Prirst, ClIi",bBI, Iloilo, Re\" R enry Fink, ~I.H."I.. I'nrill> Pric~l , Igb".lLS, Iloilo. Hev. J o~ Sinulcr, M.H.i\I., Condjutor IlIbMOS. U( ilo, Re\". 03"iu C~a8rCII, 0.5.,\ .. I'nrilh Print. Iloi lo (Sn " Jaw), Iloilo. Rov. Jcsua f\rnn"du, O,S.A., CORdjutor. Iloilo (San J ot~), Itoilo. Re\", Lorcn10 Ito~nn, M.H.M., P"riah Print. Iloilo (La !u,ueulnun), IInilo. Re"',,~~~I:~Ja~~rU:'~'lo~I.lDI., SUPl'rior, Iloilo (1.:\ In, Rcl'. John FoIIN. "I.I;I.~I., Pnri!h Print. Iloilo (S!n. T~r~.i tul. Iloilo. Rev. CadOI Schreine r, :\I.H.~I. Conuj",or, lI oilo (StB, TC'Cl!it"l. !loil(>, Rev. Cinnoo SeTr"no, Pa,ioh I'ri~5t. J,,"iuny, Iloilo, no ... !\Intima Boonon, 1I"'~I.i\I.. Coadjutor. Janiun~·. Iloilo. Re,'. Fund.on Horl .. dor, Pnriah Prir5t, Jord"n, (Nn_ gaba), Iloilo. Re\,. V"leriuno LntoriUo, I'".ilh .Pricat, Lnmbunao, !loilo. Ro'·. Ramon De,')"ro, j>R.i~h Prj(~t. Ln ),,,., Iloilo. Re,'. Evcrnd Vnn do I'nllll" /11.11.111.. Pori.h l'nelt, Leon. Iloilo. Ito\,. Simeon Vnn IJnnrl , i\1.I!.i\I., Coadjutor. Leon, Iloilo.

R:~;: ~i~\'~ri~~;: ~1~~::~",I;~~i·~o~Jj~~~r. L1~:;n~~c.~loi 1~;"10.

Itm'. Amouor T"nloKon. I'arioh I'ri c~t , L..,,,,ery. Iloilo. Re". Vicell!e Sillo'·"., I'ori.h I'ri.,.,. ]'"oeo", IJcilo. Re,·. i\lnteo R~imnn. i\1.I1.:'11., I'nrj ~h I'd esl , Mu-nsin. Iloilo. R"". Oi""d"uo PaTrCMI. PRri.h "riCOlt , ;\londurr'I1o, Iloilo. Rev. Peu'o M. TillnLPOn, I'Miah Pric.t, .i\Ii"lIoo. !loilo. ltc,' . .Primit'''O Cnrcerm. I'Bri .ll I'ri cot, ~hn". lIoHo. ito,-, t\\unud Alba, Pn.i. h !'riclt. ~Iolo, Iloilo.

R:~: ~t:m':n~·Bf,i~~..S~~."h I;:~':" ~~r~t, llot~;'Oguia. Ilo il o.

~!:;~: 1\~~~d11!'r~~~';0 1~~!::~~:ri~B .. P~:;,.I~I~~rCst,

Po10'.". !loi l". Rc\". P.terno '·III",lInn. COBujutor. l'ototBn. Iloilo. ReI' . Q,,"r Sonuo ... l. !'nri.h I'ril$l. I'/ll·io . Iloi lo. Re,'. JlI"n B, Ccrucil", I'ari lh I'riCOlt. San ~ionisio. iloilo. Re,·. Anlouio Wich,unun, :'11.H.~I .. I':>,rish Pri ut, San i\!i~uel. Iloilo. Re'·. Gcueon Soncuya. Parish Pri u t. Sa n JOB,!uin, Iloilo . Re\' Jos6 Ariete. I'nrish Priest. San J o~ (:\En,,,o), iloilo. He ... Clcto Soliuum. I'nri ~ h l'ri,·,1. S~nu 8nrbarn, Iloi!o. He\", Grego,io Snn!inguuo, Coadjutor, So Rtn 88rb8r". Il oilo, Rc ... Pedro VclRaeo. I'nrlob ]>,itsl, Sa Tn, Iloilo.

[~:~:: N;t;;?~,~oS;~~~~I\:~:,j,~h 1;~ji~h".I'if>~~i~j,n'p~\~I~,

Re,'. He".

bun~"", Iloilo. T~ouore N"nn;"I;, ~1.I'1.~1.,

Il oilo. Joa~

Gnrgnri",no. Pnri s h


COlulJutor , Tubungnu.




l'ro,·l nc .. of C"pl x VIC'<trl" do 'In}:! Very Rc". Solron;o B1l"'nun. V, F., Parish Priest, Cnlliz, Cop;z. Ito,'. Anton io Fromlou. Coadjutor. Capi •. Cnp; •.

~~~;: ~~~'Y~110J~~:ir~."~~~'iS'il~:i· .f,?,~':,tt,,~i~:iz.

He'·. Nicolo~ Albo. Pari,h !'ricII. DumnlllR. Ca~)iz. Rc\,. Mauro FJolilties. Co~uJutor. OU"'BIa~, ClIp'Z. Re,'. Macnri" I'a"ng"ilo". P"ri~h PriClt. Oumar"o.

Re\" .CCr~~cnte Albn, P"ri.1> Pril'St, h'i. ". Cnpi •. He", Quintin Snliuo, Parl¥h l'riO'Ot, Jnmindnng )' Jag, nayn, CJlliz. nc\'o Dot"innuo. Hinoill. PlIri,,, Prio~t, I,octug"n. CUpiz, Re\,. Cnainno M. utct~, I'''rish I'rie~t, i\lomb""Bo. Capiz, Re'·, He"oogcIlcs Elm;uo, Pnri.h P.ics t. 1'"""),, Capi.,

~~~:: ~:~l;~:~I~'\,)~f~~: Ir,~ri~'~' J;j~~~·I·l~~,,~t,~~drfac~~;i~.

Re,'. ~""iono I.. ,\][oro, Pnri~h I'rirat. P,lnr. Cn],;z. Re,'. Joo(, !tu.r~hle, I'"ri.h p,i~ht, Sill""I, CD1,i1. Re,'. Ju"n Rubrico. !'arloh Pri cst , TBI'''"' CII]li z.


78 Flo r~neio


V'C'II r !o ti e Aclan T ude. V.F.. I'lIr;sh Prl cllt . Ibujll),. Cllpi •.

~~~:: r~%n~efe~~:.lnb°';:':di:~~:.I'rfn~~~' 8:;i~ll, Cllpiz. ~:~: hC:~~I~,~~"I~o~:~':~. I'P~f;hB~~'i~~t~"~~ullngn,


Comez, 1'1I,;.h


C8I;,'o, Cn )i •.


Rc\', SIlJUingo Cll5to.;cdu, Po ri." Pri est, Lelo.

~:~:: r~{;~o~:~~f~~~CP~::;~~ri~~:t~:~J;:I~~II~°i.ib:r~~:

Cllpl • . ne\,. Juan kl'l8.Jpi. Parish Priest. ),l o.limto. C"PI" Re", l\IlI),olo Si lva. Parish Pocal, NIl"II.!, Cnp;., Hc" , Vkcnto GOO1a les. Pl1ri~h Priest, New W..., hinglon. Cnpi • .

Re", Vlll 0nle A!c/{ro, Plld8h Pri est, Nurn llll cin, C npl •. Rfl'" Totrm" N'IVnrr Gl<l, EncnTlladQ, '1'11"&010", Cnpi • . \'cry R e" , l.ui . ~~Oa~lti,~\r.fH\~.t,''\~.F" i'lIri! h Pri est. Antique, ,\nt ique. ReI'. Hit'hard K ~rnpcrmann, :'II.H.M., Pari. h I'rien, San JOlIi:, Anti(lue. Rey. R aYHlundo McMullcn , M.Il.?! .. Coadjut or, SlIn J Ol6, Antiquo. Re". Lu,,, Zot., /II.H.M., Puri ah Priest, Aniui_i, Antique. Rc,·. Philip l'i cck, :'ILIl.M., !'uri~h Pri ~~t , C RIIIlY, An · tique. Rev. Ant onio Oomen, M .H .ill .. Pa, i! h l'riOlllt Dao, An· tique. Re'·. JnmuTimmQn8, :'11 . 11.:'11., Pari~h Pr i.,.t, San Pedro, .... ntique. Re,·. I l;nndo Di onel'!:, PRri,h Priest, San Rcm igio y

He" . Alber to D. Zobaln, Pori.h Priest , Mal""iqui, P8ngO!.si no" , lie,' Al;ril)ino B~nCl, PII . i. h I' riest, Cah",iao, PBn gB.lli _ n8n. Re.', Evariato\.no., Pllrisb Priu t, D~(;upa n, Ponl:aai· II "n.

R~~: f~~:~i~3!~~~ri~', ~~v~j)~~0~o~8~~uF~~~tlm~)~,i~:~:

I'lI nJl,nHinnn. ReI'. Somue l Sheehan, S.S.C., P ori ah Pri e.t, Linllll),ell, Pall~lI.Iillal) ,

Re,·. Millu el D onohe., S.S.C" Coadjuto.r , !.inItD)'en, Pnn~lUinlln.

Ven, RCI· . .\Iontano D omi"ga, Pari!h Pric.l, Urdllncta, Pnn~o~i llon .

ROo". EU8111quio Ocam po. , Pnrish Pri eat, 81111111 Borhl\fll, 1>11 111101;1\011 ,

Re". JI><'6 Oe llrnl'O , Pllrish Prieat, Villu~il, Pllnl;nainlln. Re". Jo~ Vdllleo, P~ri~h PriCllt, San il h'II U~I, l'nng8_ sinau. R~,'. EUl!<)bi o Dovid, l'ari, 1I Pri eot, Mnll~alunn, PUga_ l i,,"n. Rev. J0t.6 Vaierio, Pariah l' riCllt, Snn Fabi811, Pan~l!l4i­ nllll , Re". Pm';eio Arzlldon, Pllri. h Prielt, Sun Jfleinto, Pung,,,,i unn . RCI·. Bosilio .\Inrtin. 0 .1'., Pllrish Prirst. i\ IIIlIa08S:, PanJl,Minan, Ver ), Ro'·. Fllbil.n Ablang, V.F .. Pllrish I'r ica t. liinlllollulI, PllnJ(1I8illon. Rc" Emili Ginc","c, Pnrillh I'rielt, .\laplllldlln, Panllll' sinll". Re,'. G Gllbrid . Pllriah l'riCIII, POlorrubio, Pangn . sinRn. ReI', J o.t6 TotTCfI, Coadjuto r, POlorrubi o., Ppngasina n, Re", Gregorio Gnbri e!. Pari s h l'ri~s t, SilOn, I'nnll,,~i nnn. Hcv. Euaebio Ucrmudc~, Parish Priesl, A ~i nQon, PanglU!innn. Vcr), Rol'. Mariano Co.tJ.UII, V,F., Pariah Pri Cllt, San NicollU!, I'nngll!!inll n. ReI'. It e)·tlo.ldo. Rola, Pllt;"" Pri"" t, Tayug, P Ptlllae.i noll. Re" , AglUlin Caballero., Parish Pri es t, SIIn Quinlin, l'angn.insn. Rev. Allnatin CllbBII~ro., Pll l i. h Prieat, Uminll:all, 1'lI nga_ sintlll. R.w. Al\lo.nio SIIlind ag. Pnri~h I'ricu, 1I<11!"ll'fI , I'lInlioai-

Re,·.S~~I,;eTicoAR~:?'rc~·iQ. :'II.H.:'I!., Parish Pri est , Tibiao, ,\"tiq"c. Rev. H ubert J onltcrgou\, i\I.FI. "!., Pnrish Pries t, Bllrb D.3I1, Antique . Re,·. M n~ Abler. M.H.'\I. , I'arish Priest, DUll1l80nl'.', Antique, Re", Enrique Vlln Amstel, i\ .A .M ., C ondjut or, Buga. 1I0ng. Antique. Re\,. Hen ry Suer. "I.H.M., , F" Pari s h l >riut, Culasi, Antiquo. Re'" Corneli o Kect, M ,H.:'IL, nriah Priest. I.aun_nn, Antique, ReI', Jos"l'h lI intcrhubcl'. '\1.1I.M.. Pnri ah Priest, PnndnNIR, Antique. Re,'. Adriano Aarta, Coadj utor. I'andan, Antique. Re" . Pedro G r OOt , .\1.11.,\1., Par.h Priest, 1'lII l1ongon. Antique. Re\,. F.. d~rieo Sloibrr, '\ I.H ,M .. 'PMisb Pri Cll t, SCbllslC, Antique, Re'" Cor,,~lio l~ oelman, M .Il .M., Pllrish Priest, VIII_ dcrmUll" ,\n liquc. Re '·. J o~ M cNicholl, ilI.B ."' .. C08 djutor, Vllld crrarna, Antique. Pro"lnce of Rom bl on Very R~I' , Tomas l'agulIIDian, V.F. ,I'uLsh Prie.t, Ro.m blon, Bornb lo.n.

Ra".!IE~ebio Bermudez, !' h Prieal, .... Icllln, l'II!lIIMi·

t;, Ro,·. Alfonso Tumonu", P"ri &h I', Su" I"~r "nndo, Rcl'. AlfonM> Tam o.l1ul1, Pllris h l'rles~. Sun Fernll ndo, Rornb]on. Rcl'. Fr .. nciseo. Carcesto, P ori.h Priest, Looe, It omblon.

R.w.1:'ii~~~o. Quiros, Par iah Pri efi l, euyflpo, Nuel'fI Eeijll. Ro.l'. Hi tri ll o Payoyo, Pllri l h PriCII1. Guimba, Nuel'II Ecijn

Diocesa n , Seminano

OP ~"s H I " " lI"lIT1 tiT"" '·c.y"tc"RI"TE ReI'. I'ablo E,'allgeli,ta, P ori.h Pri C:ll t, " Iangstl\fcm.


~~~lt~~~~'I'~~~\~hp~~~~tCa~;'d~~~~~', l:~~~I~~:

J . HtO. I LO I LO (D irected by the n. R. Pad r"" P aules) Hel' . .\IBrlano A \I~rnenu i, C . .\I., Recto.r,

DIOCESE OF LINGA YEN :'It""l ReI'. Dr. C eo or .\["ria Guerrero, Bishop, I' a "l,,,,,,,,on. Vcr), ne,·, ReI'. ReI'. Rev. Ver}'

Ling8)'~ II ,

ECcleS!:UHlc:tr. 1 Cu r!:.

Be" , Li c~tio B~rnorhNl. Vi car Genern\. E'L3(lbio Da,'ld, o rn ~ illli 8, Albcrto B. Z~bala, Secr etary. ,\"'onti o Eusebio, Pr omot or of J Ulltice. D r. 'romo. Chanco, Dcf~ndcr o.f the i\lnr,; ,,~e Bond, nel'. Mo. ntllno D o. minKo, Dioces an Di rector of the I'ropoKadon of thr Jo'ait h.

V.. r y Be". l:ie~:::,vWa~~,,~tc~~p~~~"'h:;'riest, Slln Carloa, 1'01111:"",n811. e ,'. lle)' nllld o n OIR , CORdjuto.r, SII n Cor l08, PllnR""i nan. eV'n8:tor MUY\lII1.>n. Condjutor. Sa n Co r iO!! , P"ngDdj.


nan , RI\\'. Pllstor :'IlllyUgbn. Panah Pri Cli l. 5alltll "larin, Panlllll!inoll. I'ro"ln ct! o f Tarln c , 'cry R(l\', Julian SIIntillgo., !'orilh Pri eat , Moncadn, Tar!IIc.

~~~~.: *:'':::IUl13~~~~~o~n!~I~sPri~;~I;url:~I~~uii.e:nrlllc. Rc". Tomna !:iflnt o. , Pnriah I' riest. Gero. nn, , 'arille,

Pro ,'loct! o r N UIW:J EclJp Vcr )' Rev. Amllndo Euubio, Pllriah I'riCII I. SII n J oeli ,


Pllrish PriC8t, MU/!ol. Nuel'a


Paris h Pri eal , C"m; lillll, Tarlae. Re ,'. Teotioro Gonia, COlulju t or, Cllrni1inll:, "uriac, RCI· . JUlin 1).11 0, P"ri&1I I'riC. I. BaYllmbonl<, PllnK.lI4man, I'll';!" I' ri l!ll t, Bautilltll, 1'lInllolllllll n. Ro". JUlin Clldi., Pari. h Pri~II, li r bilto.ndo.. " fl nIIllli 1l8t1. I'Ic"n' ... TC OP 5.\1< .. ' .... 1<(:IIICO Dr: " ~ I ~: n~,·. Frrnanuo de E"""un, O.:'I I. C .• " arisb Prin t, Sahas&, 13, gullon. I'nnllll.lillll", lIe'·'D~~iro.~ :~np!nell'U!I~~~~ya, O . .\I.C., Pamb Prieat. R eI', AlbertO do lirwain, O.M.C" Pmo ieh Prieal, Aguilar.

He". Juan il oil o,

ROI',pC~~~"d':; J..cgllria, O,.\ I .C" Plln. h Prieat, Lab... do, Re" ,Pp~a.~idaCn·'\ O. M.C" Pllri.!1 Pdt'll!. Sua!, Pllnga.i nan, I'IC .. " ."TI: 01' ,"" ~O~I: '

ReI'. T o.m"" Cbaneo. , Pamb Pri est.....lamiIlO',"a n. Rov, PlUltOr MeulI , Pllrieh Priest. And., Plln,..inllo, Rol', PlUt O. M er, ", Pllrith "ri N t. 8 0linao., Pan Jl,"";na n, Rol', Trini dau Ranjo, Pamh !>rieet . Agllo, Pangll!inan.


PHILIPPINES Rev. Bcrnnrdo Brl~"nu B .. ni. 1'''''~lIainll '' . Hev. Cuirnir o elUtlllo. BUrgoB, Panauiun. Rev. ClI4imi ro Cattillo, Enca . gado, Duol, Panlasinal!. ne.". Francisco Gago, Parish Pricat, Infantll, Panga_ sinnn. Re", Frandleo Gago, Pllri,h Pricat, Santa Cruz. Zambateo.



Valdez, Ent nrg,,<lo, Candp]arill. Zambaiee.

Rev. Joll! Va]dN. EncRrlltldo, MlllinlG<:, Zsmb .. l ...

DIO CESE OF LIPA COMPRISES T HE: PROV I NCES OF BATANGAS, LAGUNA AND TAYAB ,\ S AND T HE DISTRICTS OF I NFANTA AND PRI NC I PE. AND THE SU BPROVINCE OF MARINDUQUE Most Rov. Monl. AUredo Vcn osn, 0.0 .. Bi,hop of Lip n. Blltltn"u. Ri/l:ht Re". -'Ions. Alfredo ObviRr y Arandfl, Vicar Genera l, Pdrro"o de LiPfI, n.. t .. n"..... Rilht Rev. Antonio O, orio l'e..,i,n, Seeretnry , Lipa. Bntnnl1l8.

~:~: ~fri:r,\lre~;':dC,y 'L~e~~~~g~~ny~~~:~/l:a.a·

Ffllher Saint- Arn .. ud, S8n p"bl o J.Rlunn. flight Rc\". M61t1" . .... lfredo Obi"r, Dioccsa n Director of (.ho PropaKRtion of ~he Faith.


flilht nc".


t"n~n s.

Rev. Do,,,in,o BII.tRn~R! .


Pnri sh


BRu.. n, BaBnntnnlaa,

Rev. D ool':1"aci ... :\[cdrano, Coadjutor, BAtRnlli&, BB_ tAIU!M. R.w. :\lo'l~ LD'·Rr~ . Sto. ROSR, LngunR. Rev. E.enni . l"o CabreTl>, Pr;l'St, Balayan, Ba_


Rc", Leon Faraoo. Parish Pr;"!. Riul.

Ln~un", l\I .. jR~·j"y. l.ngun" .

Rev. Anietta Cord .... o, l'nri,h Print, Rc", Simeon E'''dente. Pariah PriPlt, i\lp,dalcnll, Ln_ gUlla. ";O:Tl1 '·ICARI.,TI:'

R ..,·, Nicola.. EndeneiR. P nri.h l'rit.L Snn p"b]o. LRlunn. Rev. S .. n,iago EspeiNa. Pari, ,, Prie. t, SIR. Cr111. Laluna . R .. v. Pacifico Lallul1!an, Pa.i.h pri ..... l, Pilo, l_aguna. Rev. Emilio Mcrehon, Pnri.h Pr.".t, Pnltuojon, La, guna. Re". Eleulerio I .• vRdor, Pari.h Pri~t, Ca,·inti. Laltuna. Re,'. Pedro dcl, Pariah PriCOlt, LHi li .. na. La guna. Rc". J .... /i Bn ell, Pa.i.h PriCII'. Lumbon. L"lIun~. Re,'. Nicomedea n ... al. C",..djUlor, LumbRn. LOl!!un ... Re". Vicenle Go~o, Pari sh I'rieal, J'aetc, Lasun". al:vESTII ,"CAal.<TI::

~:~:: ~'n~'i,;'j~~kiml~~~: ~:~!!~ r.~ii;::: J~~?~~.:: i~~:~::

Re\'. nnymundo Elquenet, Pari,h Priell. Candeloria. T .. yobll •. Vcry He,'. Nicoln. Gon ... I~ •. Parieh, Tillonll, TnYllbu. R e'·. Si •• nando M.d, .. no, Coodj " to •. Tiuong, TR)·nb"". Re'·. Abdon U ... t\n, p".ieh Priest, I'nllbil .. o, Tn}""b"". Rc\,. Nico]", Enuenoin. l'nri.h Priest. Lur bnn, 1'llynb"", Hc'·. Mnrinno de la Ros a, Dolore~, T"ynbna. EI(lnT" v.eA",A,.I::

Very He\". Antonio Contrer,,", Pnri~h Priest. TnynbH . Tnynbne. Re". Anlenio I.oreR. Pnrihh Priest. Uni.nn. 1'nya1)"". Re'·. Bnlbino Cnp.... ~, I'llri, h Pri('St. Pi' ogo. TnYAbll.l. ne\'. Bri,ido NR " I.I, I' Il.i~h Priest. 1I Inelllr]onll, Ta_ y .. b8l. RII\', -'hrillno AveriR. Pnri.h Pri l'S t, Cnt .. nau .. n, T .. _ yabnl. Re'·. Fundleo Aynla, ;\[ulonn)". Tnyabas.


Rev, Junn Coronel. Parish Prien. Alitall"" BntanKU, Rev. Jns~ CalnpBnlr, Condju l or, ~ilaRtRII' B .. tonla,. HII>'. ;"I",.in"o Las .. la. Pnrlsh P ric t. Tn"l, BntnbgllS. Rev, An""leto Encnrnnd6", 1>.." h Pric". Lem.".y, Bat"nllu. Rev, Silu.. ndo Rodn. Pn,i.h Prielt. Calae.. , BntangllS.

R:~: ~:1~';i'~I!~n~~~'R~)~,ri~l~rr:~etJ;;~\~'t~~~: ~:~:~::: Rev. Se,undo hipi". Parish

Pr i~lt,

Calata,no, B .. taDg....



Rev. babelo -'lnTli"el, Parilh Pr;e,t. At'mennn. Tn.

Vu/n~'An""tado Caparu. Pariah Priest. GumAea. Tn_

R.,•. y~'~~tc Ello. Pari.h Pri""t, Lo])u. Ta)·ab"". Re'·. Bonifacio Orejola. P~ ri.h Pri"t , C .. lau,,!;. Tn)·abaa. Re". Lorenzo -'leno.COI, P.. riall Pri"l, GWnlyangan. TaJ'nb&3.

6 1:CO,,"0 ,'lCARIATI::

Rev. ErnCOlto FornacR . Puri.h, !bu.n, Bat .. ngu. Rev . I,Hi s "'forter... Po ri~h Prit'lt. SAn J os(;, BMong"" Vcry n~v. Vieenle Prnudi, Pariah Prien, Cuenc .. , Bn_ tnn,,,,,. Rev. Jo.1l. "i"in tni,,~r, p"ri.h Pri(lt. Tan" n, Bat"n~"". Rev. El{ido Mortc.n, Pariah P,iCllt, Hosnrio-Tumbol, Bntnng"". lIev ..... ntonio FJ'1!.nehinc, Pari.h PriCllt. Ro,,,.io, BIl.Innga •. TmRn ,' ICARIATE :

RiGh~ nev. An gel Villtlruz, Pari,lo Prirat , Calamba, Ln1;tunn. lIev. God of.edo Mn.ino, Puris b Pri Cllt, T"naURn. DIl._ Innlltlll.

~:~: ~~!{i,~~t~OL~~:~;c~op~:i!\?rp;;:~~unr!i'a~~~:nlji::

l .. ngB" Rev. Leoll oldo Ol .."e, PlITi , h l'riut. Tnliony, BRlon!i.B8. Rev. Din18cul.. ngnn, Pariah Pri".t , Sto. Tomu. natnnK"., ]tev. Juuo do lei Reye., Pari.1I Pricat. Alaminos, Laguna.

R:~: h~C;:eaO'~:~al;:i, l~o::i~l" ~~i~:i: ~~~'lr:.~·, t:~~~::

ncv, Calixto Gue,·"rR. l'nri . h Prien. Binanl\. LOl\uno. nev. Irinro Lillnnll. Pa,i.h Priel t, San Pedro TunBlan, Lalunn. "OORTU ",CAB'ATC:

Rev. Florontino Delgado, Pari.l, Pri~.t , LOll Bail Ol!, Lngun o. Rev. RomRn Bnc., Pariah PriCOlt, BBY, La,.una. V~y Re,·. Ramon Ma,in, Pari.h PriCIII, CRI .. uang. Lalun .., Rev. Feder ico Diq_Pinea, PRri.h Prieat. PII!.:il. Laguna. Rev. J os(; Maria SRnchrl, Pnri.h P ri",,\, Pangil, I,ague.,

~~: g~~~rir;,°t\~::~~~' pl~:[~i,lp~~~7.t{;t~~n~:~r~, t:~~::: n!'T1I ",CA'UATC'

Rev. MulIo~, p ... i.h Pri •• t. Lilio, L"guna. Rev. Antonio Rndov .. n, Parilh PriCOlt. Nat;l:ear lan, L.. _ guoa,

EL£,'cSTIf "fCAR I AT>::

Rc\,. AndreI Marquez, Parilh Pri est , Stn. Cruz. 1IIn_ ri",lu'!ue. Rcv. Victorino J.R!i.umCn, Poriah Priest, Boac, Ma_ .induquc. Very Rev . B".nnvcnturro Cnl<lc.on, Pn.i.h Prie. t.


Gnlnn. 1IIII.induq1lO. Rc\,. £l..dio Lipnl. ['n.i. h Priest , 1'0.riJ ol. ilforinduquc, Rev . JOl6 de ACOltn, Pnril h [>ri COll . P"drc Burg os. Tn_ ynbllS. TW>:LMu V'CARlA"I):

~:~: ~~I::"~~n~~'f;c~:n,ril~~ri~[,i~l~~i~~~l~:.!j~~~1 ~nf1~d~~0. Re\,. R0'" ne" . Rc'·.

ino<:e nrio [''''''11. PRrish Priut, I'oln. Mindoro. Lu .. ro O~hug", I'nri.h PrieR!. S .. n J~ "'Iindoro. Benilo Ri~n"r. Pnr;~h, Lubnng, " l indoT<>. Matias M. Buend~en. Parish Pricst. Looe, "Iindo.o R~,-. J a"ier, I'nri.h Pri~lt, I'inamalmynn, Mindero.

DIOCESE OF NUE VA CACERES C .... M,\RIXES Sl' Il. C A-'IAR[NES NORT I~ , SORSOGON. M,,\SB .... T£ Most R~v. Dr. F'rnnti.eo S. Rey", Bi.hop, Nag ... C .. marinN Sur . Rcv. Catalino H. R eyel, J.C,D .. P,i\"at~ Secretary. Ec:du l n, lIcnl Cu r lll

Right Rev. 1IIalP'. Ceeilio Penilla, P .D .. J.C.L .. Vica,General. Very Rev. Lui . Dimorumba, Promotor of Juatice.


80 Hc'·. Ro", H,,\,. Ho\', Vcry

Porfirio Ramin, J .C. I, .• OffidnHa. '\nton;o Di\'inagrntia, OffidnJis MArinno SurridB, Secretary, ;\Iariano !>urlidu, Secretnry. HI'\' , Lorcn~o Ibancl, C.M" Defemle. of the r.lnrria~e Uond, Rc\,. Hemi"io Hey, COllaor l. ibrorum, T h e Cnthcdrn l F~Hd"nn Pucrtnlhmo, Puri.1I Pri est, the Cuth~dral. NUlln, Carnprines Sur. Ho". Felix Bll.neMo. Coudjuror. The Calhedn!. Ho\,. " 111I;nno Lprgo. Coadjutor, Th o ('ailledin i.


Pro"lnce of Ca nn, rln es Sm' !,JUT ,'ICARI"Tl: :

Re\', Franciscn Pureern, Pnriah Priest. Buh;, Cam" rince Sur. Re'·. lubelo N~tianzeRo. Coftdjutor. Bubi. CamnrillCS" S~.

Ri/i:ht Rc,·. Cecil'o P eRilla, Pariah Price!, higa. Cama·

rinn Sur. Bo\'. Julio Sa!c~d". Condjutor. IriKA. CAmari n~s Sur. Bo\,. Gregnrio Triunfante, Coadjutor. Iri"A. Cumarinc. Sur. He", 'l'rnuq uilino Su""",gid, Pariah I'riCilt. NabuR. Ca"Hlri"e~ Sur. Rel·. Origido Cnreillnllo.", Coudjutor, Nnbua, Camnrinea Sur. n o". AI' roninuo Rey, Coadjutor. Nabu". CnrnnrinesSur. ReI'. Dr. Bnfacl Quimpo. Pnrisll Prie8t. nlltn. C/una. rin e. Sur. Ro'·. Flor onein Gonulez. Pn r ieh P';CBt. Doao, Cnma· rines Sur. Rc\'. Mnriauo Inf:lnle. Comdjutnr. Bnno. Cnmnrinu Sur. Rc\'. Ni~omedu Refe. I'nrieh Priellt, 1'i1i. Camurinct' Sur. no\'. Rafael Gallego, P:>rish I'ricil. Buill., Camnrinoe Sur. 81:C01<"0 "'CHII"TE .

Ho'·. Cnnulo D.

,\ cant~iein.


C.l-' .. Pari6h Pr;""t. Goa.

Coa'djutor. Lil(nn Cumorincs Sur. Ho'·. Vid"l Hmnpi s, I'arieh l'ric8(. I.nIlOUO)'. Camnrincs Sur. \ He". Emiliann Arcjola. pnri~~ Price\, Sun Jose, Cnma. rillN! S"r. He ... Gn\'illo Abundo. I'ari~h 'rien. T ignoll. Cnmnrin c8

nOI,.Sf{;"~nrdo Sm'.

Cntorce, Coadj,hor, 'l'igooll. Camnrinc$


Delen. Pn,;ah p~ic.t. SaIlDl\),. Camariuos

n ",·. Domiciano Camu. Pariah Priest. Cammosn. Cnmnrin(1 Sur. Rcll'. ~,u,tial:o Dufete. Condjulor, Caratlloan, Cnmarine! Sur. RCl\". '\I'olonio Almonte. Copdln n. Pnmbuhan. Cama. ri n"" Sur. Hel'. F~I;pe COll!lulta , Parish Priest. ~ I obntoboto. Cnrna.;"", Sur. TIIIHD


Hev. Mnri"no Roldon. V.F .. J>/'riah Pricst. !.ibmonsll. C"",nrill(S Sur. Hflv. ,\ntonio Villon. Cnndjulor, t.ibmonnn. Camnri n c~ Sur. Hcl\'. C'n8i",iro llnbadolll. I'ari~h I'ri rn. Ilnga)'· rines Sur. He,'. JOI{ I'lorin, l'"dsh P.i",t Lup;. Cnmnrincs Sur. Re\,. Sc\'ero ,\bogndo. I'ari~h I'riC9t, Sipoco!, Cmna r'oC!! Su r He,'. ,Juan "iUnreal. P"ri~h I'ricat. Cllbw;ao. Cam"rines Sur. He". Demetrio ~rartin CII, Parish I'rieat. Pan'plonn. Cambri",,", !>ur. >,ounT" ,'ICAHIATl: ' Re,·. ~~rin ViU"renl. V.I ... I'nr;sh Priut. Colobongn,\~~ Sur. Il~,·. Coueordio S8nd.ez. Condjutor, Cnlab"nlOn. Camn. rinC'S Sur. B~v. \,i,·tor Feti!. Pnliah I'dell, MnnlOuirinll. Cnmnrince Sur. 110'" Donn(o Nillnr. l'uri8h I',i(·sl. Si rnmn, CnmarinCil Sur. He,·. JO'II" Propotente, P ,,,i8h I'ricet. Tinntubn c. Cama· rit",~ SlLr. n o,'. Oo rgo\)io Fel iJ, Pnris h i'riCllt, Quipnyo. Camarincs Sur. Rev. MII.c<>lI Requejo. Pnrish PdCllt. Bombnn. Cama. rinea Su r. Hev. y;cC'\)t~ M ... driga l. P,uial, pri ..... t. M~garao. Csmar"".., Sur. lIe'··S ~-;\dro Cedo. Pllr i.h I'rieat. Cana",IUl, Cnrnar;n""

Prov ince of Cu m arlne. Norte V,PTII "'C"RIATE:


Bc ... , Mart;" Aleua.r,


1"1\";lh Priest, D"OI,

CIlTllllri nCli NorfA'.

Bev. Agl.L!tin Pelaez, Coodjutor, Duct, CplUIlrinc. Norte. no,', L[\ZRfO Borda, Pnri~h Prie~l. Dn, ud, Cnmnri uCII Nort e. nul'. II]orenlino Quintc1n, I'nri!h I'riCllt, l.nbo, Call\l\. rillCII Norto.

fie", Sn]offlon DIl!nnc, P"'; 81> P ril'llt, i ndnn, Cl\m"rine~ Norte. Re\', Doroteo Salem, Coadjutor, l udon, Cnlnarincs Norte. Rev. DnlmlL!.;o Asia, p,,";.h Pritllt, Mnmbuillo. Camnrincs Norte.

Rov. AUf/:urio Guinto, PDria!> 1'.;Cllt. I'aracale, Cama. rincR Norte. H o\', I.{-oneio OUC"l\U, Condjutor, 1"arllo<l10, Cumarin.... Sur. Rc\', NicolM A"i., Pariai, Prieal, Cnl'ft!ongn, CaoollTinC!! Norte. 1l0l', Santiago Guinto, Pa r;eh J>rie.1, T ali&R)', CnmllTinU

Nortc. Hov . Dorninador Pll.du~, PR ri! 1o I'riellt. SI'H Vitento , CumRrine8 Norte. Prnvln ee n f Albny $IXT"

" l c"mATIl:

Vcry Hn,·. Mnnin Alcn¥nr. V.F .• Pnri ah l'riaH. GUi DObntnn, Albay. n c\'o ,\nRci Zsmudio. Condjutor. Guinobatall. A l h~r;'

~~~:: ~~~i::cinEIR~~~S.ond~~~~ill~.uiIlKf"n~~~o~Jo~~: Albo)·. Re' Sal\'ndor lIodriguez.


Albs},. He", "'allinez.


Pricet. Daragn,

Cabnlll'to. O."'.M. Coadjutor. Dllragll. Perez,

Rc,·.AIPJ'1ioIl!l0 MOle.

O. F.M..



D ara!,:D,

Pnriah pri""t, CamaHIC.

Hc,·.AI'~:~Qi800 del plitl:o . O.I·'.M., Coadjulo r. CIl/nolig. nc".'\\~~~jnio Hail oln. I' hri8h I'riCl!t. Jo\'~lInr, Alba)'.

H~~:: ~~~dI'tiza~~de;ri~~~t'll~'1~r~·i~!~~;,~\I~~Gn),. rr:~:: f~:O:W~~.a~o""i::~on~~'t~~~i~~/~t%l~y~fla. Albn},.

Ite'·. Leol'0ldn n~Il~. I'nri. h l'ri<'IIt. I'olnnllu!. Albn},.

ll~::: *i6~~~~n S;1~rE,~e~o·I,~rsi~j~:1%·t. P{~!b~~:".:\lC!~~y,


n~~,~·'t~'Di:';;:~~~nT~~. "I·· .• pari~h Pri('a(.}".

no".'\l'~~l~cto "nlcllzu~la. Cna~ljutor, Ba~any,

Albay. Ro,'. Frnnci~cn ncrmidn. CoadJutnr. Bn~prn~·. Albay. n"\,, Mnximn Escnn dor. Porid, "" NIt. Albn}·. Alba)'. B~", Pedro Pnehiro, Condjulo" ,\Ihl~}', AlbRY. ne". Allol1!o MoliM, Copellnn de ::inntn l uOll. ,\lba}"

He" ·\}.~:~;CiSC" l3illorniu . Pnriah I·rir~(. I..cJt""pi. Alb:).)'. Ho\': \' ico ntc numin. CORdj"t,!r. l ,c~!U!I'i. Albn)". ne" Tom~ Cnri'o'n. PDrish p,,/'! I. I.,boll. ,\ lbuy. Ho,': BW:!iHo Q"itnpo. I'nri~b I'ri<:"t. M,!lIiipol, .'\ lbD)·, Hili', J onquin 8 ...1am,. Pu"sh Prll'l!l. 1 nb"rn, AlbD), . He". \'; clo rino V.... pinue. Cnn.ljutor, 1'... ba~o, ,\lb~)'.

ll:~:: ~~~~y~ ~~;~Oll?~~~jy,~°.i81;r~bri:i. 1.~:)'~tilud, Rov.A~~:iOrinn


p<,lio. Parish Pri~t. ~I alinan, Alba)". Juan Carulln \,i eariWl ,\djutor. "t.lmao. Alba},.

ff:~:: ~~~I~~~n ~\i:~...r~~~IlJB1,Cl\I~~i;:::~·'iI O~~~r Albll},.

PHILIPPINES Province of Sorsoj!.on TclM11 ,' , C.. ,.."TC:

Very n,w, Dr. Joo(; O.


V.F .• Pmri8l, l'r;eIIl, Sor-

aOlon, Sor.o~on. Rov. Anlonio ViUn", Coadjutor. Sorlogoll. 50.logon. Ro>,_ Anlonio D;"inm!;l"lICill, Coadjutor, 50<30g01l, Sor.O~OTl.

R~'·. ~lnrinllO Clllinog. Parish. I'ricat. Puti"o, Soraogon. ItO\', AJUo]mo Olivil. Coadjutor, Pulino, Soua;on. Itc". nC8ti~"to Romoro, O.F."''!.. Pur;ah !'deat, 00",,01.


Rev, MIl,;,,"O Mon tero. O. F. M .. l'nri,1I I'ricat, Pilar, 80nolllo". Rov. Lnrnbprto Fu1ny. P~rish Pri."t, C"",iiJn, Souo!:o". Ho'-, J,*~ Fucntd>l'lIn, Pari~h 1'.;('8(. nacon. 50rlogon.

~:~: ~r.~~~ioc~f,~i.n{;n~:hdi'~~t. g~"bOn~: ~~~:~=~~:

Rov. Antonio Re):!lnit. Coadjutor, Cubll.l. Sorao",o". Rc\', Boni! .. rio BUllquclla. Parish Pril sl, Uarcr]onD, He,'. Uonifado Uuaqueila, Pllrid. Pric.t. Bar"e]ono, SoraoRon. H.", CINO R abu~', Parish Prie. t. Prieto· Diu, SorsoRon. Rnv. Rafnd Rllnees, Par,sh Priest, Mn~lIlIanes, Sa •. 10(;On.


Re ... Quinlin Donnto, Pari~h Priesl, SlInla Cftu]ina, Hoees Sur, Rev. Joaquin I.ontoc, Coadjutor. Sanln CMalinll, lIocOll S~.

~le]lIoio L II*O, Pori.h Priest, Son Viconte, 1I0eO!! Sur. Ro'·. Victoriono Pc Benito, Coadjuter, Snn \"iecnu, Iiocol Sur. Be\". Glicuio i\lnnznno, l'lIri $h P ric.I. B"ntIlY, floco. Su r. Ho'·. JCSlll1 Pe Benito, Pariah Priest , SRn II<l elon80. 1100"" Sur. Re\". Crilllnto I'"doronl, Po";"h Pricst, SlIntO Domingo, IloeOOl Sur. Re\" . Vietor;"no Se\"iIIa, PII".h Pd"lt, C.olly.n, lIocOOl Sur. n"". Jo$6 Brillllntcs. Pari.h Pri ~t . CaOll)'sn, lI ocoe Su r . Ile\". Mariano Sin,aon. Vicar Fonin lind Pari"h I'ri eat, Cab""ao, lI oc"" Sur, n e ... Quintin Velnzquez. PDri_h Prietol. Mpl:lingnl. 1I0e"" Sur.


n~~:: ~:)~~~:;'fo ~nc;~:"~~i~~T~~~D;i~r.°I~;i~~°S'i:B'i~; 1I0C03 Sur.

!le'·. Jncinto Gaffill, P..,.i gh PriC31. Bndoc, Hoc"" Norte.

~:~: ~~j!~Ll~~~;,"·p;"?:i,djp~i~t,IS':~"Fc~?'~~?3~,n·i\lftS_

!le\"o ""il Carte" (Juhilndo) . Bndoc. \loc O!! Norte . Ho\". Teod03io AI/cnoili. (fnrerlllo) Uadoe, lIoco, Norle. lie\'. Ansp]",o 1.lIZo, Vicnr Fo ... in an<l Puri. h Pri c" l, C .. mlon. 1I0e03 Sur. n ev. Juuo Bondo, Coadjutor. Cnnd"". lIoce" Sur. n e,'. FcrnRndo Abllyn. (Juhi]n(\o), CILlldeo, Iloc08 Sur. I{c\". Cat_Ii no RarcII. Pari.h Pd"'!t, SAntA. lIoc"" Sur. He.'. Marillno Singson, Pnriah I',ieat, NurvllCBn. 1l000if Su r. Re\". FrRnd leo Mibn. Nan·sean. lI ""os Sur. Re,·. Baltua. Luo, In Chnr/te, St ... ),Iaria. lIocOOl Sur. no,'. Niceu Blande. COII<ljutor. Stn. Morill, lIocos Sur. Re'· . AIIIII>ito CU" •• Pari.h Prie~l. BurgOll. Il ocoe Su •. H~\' Alejllndro Elefante, Pari"h I',icot, Sa n Esteban, IlocOll Sur. He\". Felil! Quevedo. Parish Pri.,.t. Snntiago. lIoco, Sur . ne\' , Enrique Dulo)" Pllri5h PT,ea t, Stb. I.ucia. IlGc~

bnte. Rev. Rllfael Rances, PllriBh Priest, Dul"",an, Soraogo",

nC\"'S~,~relio Moml .... , I'IIri5h I'ri est. Sla. Cru~, II QCD6

......:VESTl' ,· , e.,m"TC:

Very Hev. Anton,o Unyonn, P.D., V.F., Pnriah PriCllt, Bulnn. S~IlI"Ron. Be" . Cay"tnllo lIillnn, COlldjutor. lJulnn. SOf"llOROn. Rev. Ni ,· o]u. BNn u. Condjutor, 13\11"", Sorso!':o". Rev. F('!i,i8imo Nncio"zeno . Pn';.h l '.iut, Sa"to iIIn~.


Pllrish Prie.t. i\lalnog, Sor-


R:~: W~~~i:~~ D~~~~.pc~l~~;:,t·2aas,~gu~~~· ~~~~~~~.

He". Re ... Rev. Rev.

Clcto i\lorll]c-da, Pllri,h l ',;".t, Jub.n, SO'IOItOn. PMifieo Escuhnr", Co.!lj1.lto •. Jublln, Soraogon. EI6no Pticto. Pari.h Priest. Irt'lli .. , SOl$ogoll. I.uo .. de ]. Paz, Co"djuwr, h"""" SOllogoo.

Province of Ma $baa TWELI"TIt \",eAmAT>;:

Vcry HM·. Vicente i\Jnd.illa]. V.F.,



R:~: ~~~C~l~ ~~r'C~:~iio~p~,1~~ol;ri~~~b~~~.~:,~ki!:: de la Pu. Coadjulor. ,\rord',

)'I"abllte. Rev. Frandleo BIIOIIUll. PII,i.h Prieat. balrno, i\llLIbllt". Rev. (l<>rKIH i .. Fc\bo:. PII";"h Pri~.I, C",lai"lIl1n. i\1""ba~e. Ro,'. Justo COnBuha, Coadjutor. ClItllinlllln. -MubMr. Rev . •'dis RIlItOS, Enearglldo, i\lub1\lc. i\ln.batc. Re'·. Eugenio del ClLltillo. Pariah I'rieal, ..... 0.0)" Mill ' bate. Rc\". ~"C"nluir".. CMdjut"r. Cllt"'n"lIn. ~'D~bllt". Re\". Feli" Ra~ "", Pari ah Pri eat, Mobo. M .. blltc. He\". Nir,,11LI Eaenpe. Parieh Pri(S'. Pa]Rnal, M,,"bll~e, R.",. Bri!lido Villa" Pariah Pri("8t. J\Jandllon, J\JII!bllte.

R::: 6~l~~~,~?0 nR~co~,~"


J\J .. balc.


\'ICAN. ILOCOS sun ILOCOS SUR. I LOCOS NORTE. LA UNION, ADRA )'IOIIt Rev. Santiago C. Sancho, 0.0 .. Bi ahop of Num'" SClov ia, Vigan, llocOll Sur. Ecclcsbstlcal Curln HI. lIev . Mllriano I. . 1'II~i., P re\'iao' lind Vicllr·Gene,,". Rev. Crinnt<> 1'lId"roa], Promotor 01 J~tke. Re ... Bahllur Ad"ineulll, Delend .. 01 Ihe MII.riall" Boud. Rev. A""c!mo Lnto, Censor Librorum. Re'·. Joaquin Lontoc, Notary a"d C"l'cll"n do SoliD. Ro" -P~d ro Arrol!.anle. Secrclllry. Right Re ... i\hllr. Bonifncio BrillnnH~ , Dioe("8l1n, Di rector 01 the I'ropagll,inn of Iho F"ith. Province or lIoe08 Sur Rt. nil". Bonifncio Orillantel, Virnr For . "nd Pnriah P riut, 19leain Cnledul, ViGIIO, 1I0eo. Sur. AO SClIlTQft A IJ. C ATEDM!.:

Rt. Rev. VltIaoue'·D . He\', AURU.IO BelisnTio, Celldjuler. Rev. Pedro Arrogllnte.


Rc\". Aehil("l Dc Cyse, I.C. i\I.. Pllr i.h P,i.,.t, TUgudin. 11 0001 Sur . Itc>". Fel i~ i\lugnus, I. C.;\L, Coadjutor, T8Gudin. ll ocO!

ne .... SN~

Portcin,,!::e t.C.lIl.. Pllri~h Prieat , CC"'nnt~, Ilocos Sn • . O~ear i\lichacl. I.C.),,-, Pori.h Pri ~t , Ang"ki. IIoeO! Sur. He". it emigio Ad,,,Is]nete. Ceadjut or . ,\nllaki. iloco. Sor. Province of 1I0cos Norl e ne'·. Baailio Fortuna. \'icIlr For.ill ~nd Pa.iah Pri"'!t. Laonl:. lIocos Nort". He\". En,ilio Ponce, Coadj1.ltot, Laoll~. 1100 ... Norte. Re\" . AnOl.l!tado de Ocampo. A""istant, Lao.;. 1I0cO! Norte. nc\"o Fidel A]bllllO, Par'sh Pricst , S"n Nicolas. lIooos N<'lrle. R o'·. Bcrnordo Bntoon. Pari.h Pri est , B81M, 1I0cOll Nor te. Hev. Dioseoro Yoro, P"ri sh Pries l, I'aoa,·. 1101"0. Norte. Hov. Ccledonio Alhnno, 1'lIri. h Prie.t, !.Incb"'" lIoc01l. Nerte. Rov. Emigdio Albn"o, (Jubilndo). Baenrrn. Ilo ...,. No.te. Rev. i\lnmerto Beado, Pllri sh I',i ... t, Pasuq uin. lIecOli Norte. Ucv. Joa(; PurugGan"n. P"rish Priest, Bnnlui, lIoc"" Norte. Ite\". F"rnando Guerzon, Vi car Forai" aod I'lIr;,h Pri~t. 1I0c.,., Norle. Itev, Pomp.,.o Pi meDtc!. Co"djutor. Dingr"",,, 1I0cos Nor te. He'·. Melodio Quinte, Pa.ish Pri.,.l, Sobooa, 1I0eOll Norle. Rcv. C]omcote T .. hije, Par;.h Priest, Vinillr, lI QCo. Norte. ito ... Cipriane Sipi",::. I'IIri ~h P';c.1. 50 .... \.1100:011 Norte. Hev. Godolredo Albano, Pari~h Pri("lt, Piddi;, !locos Norte. Province of Ln UnIon Rev. Gnlu]io I'oredca, V;cllr Forai" "nd Puri.1! Prieat. Luon. 1.8 union. Hev. BMilio V,,]du. Coadjutor , LUnR, I." Union. Re .... ~hreo. Carmelo. Pa";"h Prielt. Bangar, LII Uoion. Rev. Juan Rubinll, Pllri.h Priest, 1J"looDn. L.. UDion. Re\,. AtanMio ,\Ibnno, Alsiatant, Luh .. , La Union. Re'··U~li~~.i.lllino CalltOrill, P Uri,h PriClI, U"cnollln. La H(..-.



Rev. ,Tacinto Rllpau"", Pari! h Priel!, Slln JUlln, La Union. Rev. lInD-do Cord~ro, Vicar 1-'orl1;n and PariBh Priest. SaD F<lrnnnuo, I... Union.

RI\\', Angel SOnD, Condjutor. San Fernando, La Union. Ro,', Arsenio PM;!. Parish Priut. BauaDIl. LII Union. Rev. Anfllltllcio Bilnrnin. Parish P riut, Na&uitian. LD Union. Ra,', J0s6 Fuion, Coadjutor, NnEwlian, La Union. Ra,', Urbano Pa~. Pari sh Priut. Aringay. LII Union. Rev. naltuar Ad" ineuln. Pari,h PrieM, Al:oo. La Union. Rev. CarlO!! Desmet, l.e.M .• Pllri, 1> Pri .... '. Tubao. L. Union. R<l'" Hector HDrle, l.e.M .. Coadjutor, Tubao, La Union. Rev. HeuBln de PIlUW, I.C.:\I" Parish Pri est , Pugo, La Union. Re'-' Domingo l'a 50U I1, Pari.h Priel t, Cab.. , La Union. Rov. i\ l igllc i Florent;n. Pariah Pri~21, 510. Tomll.S, La Union. R,l", JUlln Bello Florcndo, Pllri.. h l'r;e$t, Rosurio, Lu Union. Rev. Zoilo ,\((udD, 1'1l,;!h I'ri~a t, S. Gabriel . Lil Union. I'rovlnce of Abra Rc\". Teodoro Wimer. S.V.D .. Vicaf Forniu and ParisI, Pries t, nan~ucd, Abra. Re,'. Enrique Steinlort. S.Y.D .. Coadjutor, Bangued, ,\br a. Rev. Loreu.o, S.V.D., Ba'lI:ued. Abu. Re" . Aurelio GIlh'n n, S.V,D .. I'ariah Priest, Tayum, Almo. Re,'. Germnn Ville~a, S. V.D" Parish Print, LIl Pa t, Abril. , Re'·. E{(on Strotman. ~.V.D., Pllri~h Pri est. PilnT, Abra. Rev. CBrloa KrllUIWU'lI,l, S.\', D" PaTi"h Priest, San J~, Abra. Re'·. Ur\",.a Bronder. S, \( D .. Slln J0I;6, Abrn. Re ,·. Julio SIUl!aill, S.V.D., 1'81ish I'riut, Pidisan. Abra, ne" Ui"a,do Nidurny, S.V.D" l'lI-rish Priut, Lagan,

nn·.g~"t:lner;,~nOuschll-ek. ~, V. D.. Parish Priest, San JUlI-"" "bra. Rev, Pedr o Guiato, S. V,D .. P iah Pri est, Buu)'. Abra. Re'·. I,orenlo LeisTing. S. V.D, Pa,i.1I Priest, Peflarubin. Abra.







He". Dr. COmltancio JUTg~fl!I. D .D" Bi!hop, Tu_ guegaltl-O. C"l'myan. Re,·. Olear DeltouT, I.C.M ,. P,i,'a le Sccretnry to the Bishop, T uguegn'IlO. MOI!l

£cdes l<l Sl lclll Curl:t Very Re\' , Feli~ '1'. Domingo Viear "iear·General. Re", Simo", VilIalobOlt, Promotor of J ustice. Re". 5nl\'"do, Onllll Scc,etary. Rev. Ricaru.:; ,\ . JnmiR8 Dioc~8 nn Director of the Pro['Bllatioll of the l'nith. I'ro\'! n ee of Cngayn n Vcry Re'·. Felix T . Domi","o V,G ,. aad Parish Priest, [[l.I., .;a CMI,e.ha\. Ro". JURn Carreo n Condjutor JI(Ic~ in Cathcdrnl.

R~~: !~'tr:~~in~a¥-~~;lI_~?'~{~~~~Jiu:~~~~~~[~r~ht~W'~dral.

Rev, Domiltg o C, "liudu)'a. I'ariah P"cst, '\[coh_. Cn· '''yan. ]{o", entltlino Banllayan. l'adHh Prien, Arnulung. Cnllnynn. He". Froncisco Ik .. do. I'nriah Pric~t, BalUlao, Cllgn)'nn. Rev. Frnci&Co Uarco. I'llr;ah I'Ti~M. Igui~. Cll~n)"an. Rev. Joaquin Lorcnzpna. Pari.h I' ri ca t, Enrilc. Co~a}'Dn. Vc'ry n ov. Simon \,ill1o.1ol.>oa, \'ien r Forain and Pnlis!. P1-icat. Apnrri, CIl~"yan. Re'·. Euoebio ' ·n\;uinod. Co"djtltot, Aparri, Cognyan. R::,:

~:l~~o~l:llfil;;"o~;[nfo~"d~~~i~h AF~{:;t, C~~~:;:


fi:::Cngny"n J~nJd C~~I~~.pas~~I' J.:ie~~f~8r,'1l1f.·i£~r,gab'\':,:eriP'

R::.: R~~a:III~R~~d~~~I~r~dlt~~~~io~!~'·C~:;. ~~~ayan. Rev. f'wllcrrno s..hlombs, 5.".0" Pnrish ~tiQt. Sannev.cp';.bl~li~~h~~~ar'~~i~h l'ri.. Cllm"lnaiuglln, Ca. ltaYlln. Re,·. Juan Mal",,,ull, PDri.h I'rieat Lal.o Ca!,..ynn. Re\". Zenon Mallillin, Pa..,h I'ri Clt I,'Otulnr'nn, C.gnl·an.


Re\', Sah'ador SlI-quing, Encllfglluo, Cuma ..... Gaun rnn. Cagaynn. Very RI!\' !aaae Albano, "icar Forain .nd Pnri~h Pri""t, Tuao, Callayan. R,w, Vi~l!nte Sa~Tia, Coadjutor, TUllO, C8ltayan. Rev, !'a, lino Anllllngan, ['ariah Pri ell. Solann. Carayan. Re". JUltto i\lllnuel, Coadjutor, Solana, C."'llYan. Rcv. Greltorio BallcltCl'DfI, Puish PriC!lt, Fa)'Tc, Ca.


HigDfl, Pllri,1> Print, Piot. Ca,nynn.

Province of IsobcllI Re,', Ricnruo A. J amiaa, !lallRn. hobl!la.

R::,: ~~,lrcop~tt~'DI~~~d~at~~h I~~i~:;, 1~~~::;Uni, isabelli-, Rov. Estllnisillo Singaou, P nria h Print, Sa n Pablo, 188belll. !lev. Manuel APDfltO[, Pan.h PriC!lt. CahDgan, Inbcla.

R~~: ~;~i~;r'~:~\I~!r!~.' ~~~:l',' ~~i~~. ~:~~·. l::~::: R~;: ~~~u'tl~n~cIG~::,r!~~' t~;:lia~af~~i~~'d~O!ldbee1'Eian Antonio. hub,'III. Re\', Roque Fidel, Enoargnuo, lh cieadn do Siln Luis, hllbelu Vtry Rov. Alvllro In'l,miHo, Vicor FOlnin and Pariah Pri~at, Ecbaguo. hllbcla. He\,. ROltendo PDl':ulavan. Coadjutor, Echaltuc, l!Dbela. Rev . Eu~"bio A"iln. Pnri ~b l'ri""t, Anllndlluan, Ilnbel8. R e\". Pablo CRIIl r O, Juhnado. Anl(adnnllit. habl!la.

R:~:: ~;~li~on'~~~r,~.ri'~II~~;'~r~tt~a):~;'8~Si~~t!;ln.

Re" , Serafill Dc VeMe, I.C.M .. Parish Priellt, Santillgo, babcla. Province of NuevII Vlzcay" Vcr)' Rc". Joso:< WllfJdaert. I.C.M' I Pnriah PriC!lt and Viear FOTain, Solano Nuc~'11 VI~ca)'n. Re", Gcorge Gieben.!. I.C.:'II., Coadjutor. Sc\ano, Nuc,'n


\..n'nbrcoht. I.C. i\I .. Pari!l, PriC!!t, Bn_ YIlR,bong. N'ucn Vi&oa3'1l. He". Andrh MllrquC!!, I.C,:'I I., Coodjutor, Bayombonll,

lle".NA:~~1 ~~I;::"tcros, Coadjutor, Ullyombong, NuevlIVilclI)·.. . . , Ro", Enrique Vetbceck, I.C.:M .. l'alUlh Pr"lItt, Antao, Nue\'a "ilcllya, Re,' Ftnnria co Dc Sniek, I.C.M., Pan,h PriCllt, nll-m. bnnl':, Nue\'n \'iIOl1),n. Rev . Frauc;seo Anlo!,i eJIc lt, I.C.M., Pa,ish PriQt. BlI-' R('".g~~r~o Nb':'·,\,x~~Nn::'II.,

Pariah I'ril.'l!lt, Dup ....

Nuova ViICBYO. I'rov ln cc of g ,"nnca Very R",·. Emilio Romet, 0.1'.. Vieor FOToin and Pariah l'riCltt, Dnac o, B,,'allcl, l tc\', FIOfentinll ClUltnllon, 0.1'" Coadju tor, BWlCO,

Rev.B~l~:ne~.; Gonnte" O,P., Po rial, PriC!!t, I"nnn. Hev .DJ'~n~e~oItInICl, O. P., I'nri! h Pr;Clll, Mnitabo, Do. Re".tr~~io U" oo, 0,]>., PDtia!' l' ri e.l. Sn l.>tang, Bntance.

DIOCESE OF ZAMBOANGA PROVINCES OF COTAHNI'O, DA \'AO. SU Ll!, ZA:\I· nOANGA. AND A PORTION OF LANAO MO!I! Ro", I..,il uol ROliarill. S. J " Di.ahiop of Znmbllllnp, Re'·. Joso:< Cll.I!Inl3, S. J ., Bi.hop'. SeCNlttl-,y. aloe.,.,., C01<IiI1I1fOIUl: Very Rev. J0t6 B..,:lo. is. J . Rc'·. JOI!Il Caaal!. S.J. Re'·. Domingo PrTC2, S.J.

U:.; ~~~oJ:~ S~~~: ~:L Z"llIbOllnsa. Z... mbOlllt~. Rev JO!<\ S. J" Cosdjulor, C~U[.,


S.J .. lie'" W.ltet G. Dc



Z,.mboanp.. L:t, ...dCT, !:"'.J" Z:uubo"og". z",m-


itc". no". Ilo\', Ilc'·. Ro'·.

S.J .. Z... mboanlln" Zan,bonnp. DO",lingo PU('2, S. J .. Snntl! :'llano.. Zombo:u<p. Foli2 C. Chnv.,ria, Tetuan, 7.... mbo."'a. )Inriano Fctfft, S.J", Zaml.>o.nga. I n.ime Vallee. S.J. Dnp,Ut.n, ~mboanl.· Ignncio Vila, Cosdjudt or. Dng:,!tLn.,

n:~:: 1~,~'~~hr~'~·.J.~a81:!~.:n~m~:~i•.

PHILIPPINES Re,', Eduo.rdo v. ,\niceto. S.J .. Dipolog-. ZnmbOlln&ll,

R:~: ~~~~g~rsa!'t~~~!ls'5~: ~~~~~:3:a~' Z!':"b~~~~~'

lIev , Epi fo.nio B rl1e~r"". Kntipunnll, ZIImbOM'Kn. Pev. TomM Puill". S, J .. 0"V40. DII"ao. " IBriaRD Junn, S,J .• D~'·"o. Dn"no. Rc\\". Pedr o DimRt\no, S.J .. 0""/10, Dllvno. Ro", JUA n Robull. S.J .. Cnrnga, Davno. Rov. Rnmen Villi. S,J., CAmlln, D"vllo.


R!~: ~d~~c;'d"o° R~~~i.nst~ CR::,~nli~'vI!~V"O' R ~v. ~Rlvndor Ri~rl',



Oaenr D Qeneatecker, AMilitont. LubuBgnn, Mt. P ro,incc. Re\". Leon LindOlllnn •. Nnncnll, Mt. Province. He v. nennto Miohl elscna, Pn rilh-Pri cat, Knhugoo, Mt. Province. He.\". IIulllbcrto Ghruen. , ,u.i.tllnt. I<nbugno, Mt. Pre,;nce.

S,J .. Cotllbnto. COlabnto.

Rc", J oaqui n Lim, S.J .. Cot.nb·,{o. Cot./>bMO.

He", Aguatin Consllnj;. S.J .. Jo\o, Sulu.


Very He". F/lthu Victotillno Rom.. " y Zlrate, Prdecto

Re,·.Al.).~t~!~06nPI;~~Q~~~c.\.li ..p~fr'::I':,·r

ef the Propagatien ef the Fnith. Rev. Fn t her S~ntinge Nnffn. Pnrreoo, Puerto PrincCla, PRlRwon. Rev. Fntller Moises Lope~, Pnrroc o, Agutnl/n. p"IRwlln. Rev. Fntller J es u. Gonnl ez. CnpeUnn, i wnllig Pen ..1 Colony. Pnltlwnn. Re'·. F"lher SerR6n L4rniqu;%. P4rrooo, CU)·o. Palllwnn. R rv. Falher Fnustine Ugarte, :.Ii.ienere, Ceren, Pnl ...,.,nn. Rov. FaMer Federico TerNldillOll, i\l ia;enero, Agutara, P llin won.

R~:.: ~:!.~~~ ~~:~,o~~~n1~h·3.:~CIR'~R~i~~~r~~I"'Hlr~oke's

pni " t. Pnlaw"". Re"'C~r;~;~ ~,i\~~;~."[CNulty\ Capellnn, Cu'ion Leper Row. Futher Fr .. ne;.co J. R eUo. Gnpellnn, Culion Leper Co on)', PnLnwnn. ~ion Leper COIOII)',

Rev'p~l~~~~~ "rnriRllo Busque.


Rov. Fnther JClm Lenne. "'li"iOnere~Dncuit . P ninwnn. Rev. Fnther Fructu Ollo i\lRrin, :'I1i"i nero, Coren, PB_ Inwnn. Rev'r{~t~~.PRuline- LerenR. ;\!i.ioner<J, Brook,,'. Point,

APOSTOLIC PREFECTURE OFTHE MOUNTAIN PROVIiNCE P. O. BOX 8. BAGUIO. i\lT. i'ROVI NCE Ap,.", tolic Preltmt's Residence; P. O. BOl[ 8, Bnguio, P. I. Ill. Rev. Jo"oph Dilliot. Rev. JOIl! De Snmber, Stmrctnry. Rev. Jo..o(; Dc &. mbcr, C. I .C.M., Director of the Propll"ation 01 tho Fllith. Central Flou.o: P. O. BOl[42, BlIgWo. P. I. Ve.y Rev Maurico De Dra.b:md er. Rev. Aloi" P rooet. Reeter. nev. "burieio Vanoveri>ergh, C.I.C.M, .Rov. Rev. Rev. Rev. R.w.


Ro " Fmn Billit!, P nruh -Pri Cl t, Lu bungan, Mt. P,o,·ince. Re,·. Pablo Dc :'Irenter, J\Mialant. Lubuagnn. Mt.

Cntlled rnl: P. O. Del[ 8, Bnguio, P. I. Florimond Cnrlu, Pariah Priut. Alfon .o Cnnuc, A.""l"t""~. Valerio Vanderdonckt. Anlatnnt. George IInn(&OIl, Ani.blll. Felix M<4I:IIUI, Ani.tant .



Moat Rc'·. William Finnemonn, D.O., Prelect Apo.tolie, Bi. hop·. Houoc. Cnlnpnn. :'II indore. He,.. Fr . AlfoMe Gassmann, Pari, h PriMt, Cnl"pRn, :\[in,]oro. Rev.po!} ~~~~~~e~rbnn. A... iatnot P"ri.h Print, CnlnRe,·. Fr. :"Ilati .... :\[ueller, P nri.h Priest, Nouj:",. Mindoro. Itev. Denite nix ncr, Pnriah Print, PiWlma[aynn. Mindoro. Itc,·. F r. Enriquo OClllolld. P"ri. h Priut. I,ubnng. ~lindcro.

Ite,.. Fr. Junn Weber. P:lri.h Priest. I.eoc, :\li ndoro.


Iglesia FIII~\'¥'H'~~rr.~LdJFni'6 ~·god O. Manila

227 AZCARRAGA , TONDO TEL. 4-9 6· 16 Most Rc". Dr. GrCllorio Aglipay, HighClt Dillhop of the Church. Mens. Manuel N. ,\""ilnr, Hector, L~W}'er and Notary. Ambrosio Garcin. Secretary-Tre.'Illure •. Pa r is h of Mar la SANTA CRUZ. S AMPALOC AKD SAN LAZARO 2,] ,\LFIlED0. SAMl' AJ.OC ~[O!It Rev. !sobele do los ReyCli. Jr., Di'l lwp of "'oniln. J II.Il: hi(..~I, A•• i.t"nt to the Poriah. IInlnel de Je.ll.!. Seclolory. .llejalldre H. Bolb(l:l, Tcensurcr. Cat h o li c Reclor y " andaca n PANDACAN. ).!.\NILA Rev. Fra.ncillco T eodore, Rector.


g~~.t'j,\ ~fr~tT,~.rrt,\~~

!{e\". C. Aldenjuijacn, 1'",;..h I'ri est. He,·. R. Van Nicrubcnho\'c. Curfltc.


S~cr ctn ry.


" "I b id '" C hurch o r C hr lSl conNER GASTAillBlDE ,\ ND TOHTUOSA . SA:\ IPALOC

V~\"2S~Ei~A~~Vl'i~t~WD(f h Leon :"II Blliln, :\Iini'lter.

~~(;'b,f..N~e)r'fi\';;II~~IS,\'~llll~~tgcl 'rEL. 2-33-73 Dr. il i llrinno S. FLorcndo. Direct(oc. DrR. Jmefinll Fleretlde. Dr. Cleme nte Ver~nra. (Sec nL!;o H""pital. 3nd A,ylull1ll)


1'. O. BOX 1440, MANILA

"k~r~~ t"b~~o, fI.~~e~i~ct"\;ice-Pre8idcnt.

Lorcn10 P. 'l!'Offllll. Secend ViCf:.Prcaident. E. I{. Higdon, E~ceuti"o Socrctnry. SDmuel G. Calli, Soeretnry. Emiliono Quijuno, Trell3urcr.




ROO IllS 8-10 C. Y. BLDG .. 714 RIZAL AvENUE, ST A. CRUZ The Rov, J. P. Pab,cpae. lli,hop_Foundcr. Roy. Ju .. " P. '\""11:11, AuxiliM), Bishop. Rev. R. A. Brocka, Bi, Rev, R. M. COYllchn, Oi,hop-M·La."". Rev. J . B. OilIlllti"ril, Bi.hop.M.La,/::c.

722 RE~'NKt~~c~E~T~~uBf~ONDO (For Fukicn Chinese) n e\'. Henry Mattnek" Vicllr. Conlt.nee B. Ooldcnton, Piin eiplli (Girls' Sohoo\), :'It n. Henry MMtocka.

~~'. '~~'n L~I: SI;;m~~~~:' I~;:lng~':;:.eeUl;'·C.

Auy. A. C. Deccnn, Legal Officer. Tho Bro. Loren." A. Palijo. Crusade Executive. Mrt Vi~incion A. Ponce. Deaconess. Miu T codorn Bauti,tn, Auxiliary DeMonce,. Tho Bro. V.. len';" O. Dorin, Deacon. On•. Diego C. Dai lo, llIW1trlltor.

Churc h of the Re. urrectlo n BACUIO. BE NGU ET Re'·. George C. Oo.ruer, Pril.'llt-in·Charge. Re\". Robert F. Wilner, Pri""t.A""neillle. M...,. G. C. BaTtter Mn. R. F. Wiln cr MiN Elsie Sha'l)

CONGREGA.TIONA.L AMERICA.N BOARD MISSION Roy. Funk C. Lnubneh, I'h. D., Onn,,,1nn, Mr •. Emfl S. Laubnd., Dana,.]"", Lnn ... o.


Rov, Frnnk J, WOOllwnrd, Secretary, Oll'\$nlllll, I.anno. Mllrion W cJl~ Wo.odwllrd. Mra. PCBrI F. SI)eIlCCr, ORllellllln, Ll\nno.

"'Iill Minllie IC SC hlll u, On"snlnll, LRlln o. Rev. lind /I.·Ir.:l. Walter ClLrti~ '1'0111:. Rt.... lind Mrll. J.V'. i\-IeI'inley.


TEl •. 5·72·G7 Frank Mooher. Bi~hop of Ihe Philippine b landa. Elilllbcth Gordon Griffin, 1Ir~..urcr. Rev. J. C. W. Lin_l"y, SC<"ret.llr)' of COII"l><,lItion. Ollie"", SSS lUll" Pernl. Erm'tll. Itt. Rev.

Gou,'ern~\I r

CORNE~~tl~1rcl l?~~,~'Ll\1'k"b .'T~lI~:Dt'EnMITA nt. lle". Gouverneur F. :'.'osiler, 0.0., Bi.bop. Re,·. Re,'. Hev. :'.·Irl. :'Ifts.

V. lI. Gowen, Cllllon. 8. H. Harvey, Calion Miuion"r. J. C. W. tinslc)", Rcctor o( the Clllhcdllli Pnrieh. G. F. Mosher. D. II. Hn,,·c)·.

:'Iltl. i\-frll. :'lIre. :'."1n. :'lIra. :'.In.

The Womnn'. Au:IIU(uy J. S. WRddinqton, I'tClliden!. Wm. Dirt, Firn Vice·PrClident. C. P. Ontema. Second Vice.Pre.idcllt. W. S. Brunk, Scetetnry. W. G. Himmer, Trensurer. F. K. Ri cker, U. T. 0., TrclIlIurcr.

Brent Sc h oo l BACUIO. BENCUET nov. Arthw- B . Bicbnrdaon, A.B., A.M., Ucnd i\llI.8t(:r,

Hllrr~h~~!~::"II~~~I~i.~.~c~;.nmr. i.lltin. Don"ld A. Dumont, B.S., MRlhcmntif"ll; ni.. tory. Mrs. Edith E. Mllreh"nl, R. N .• Inurm"diMc; OrieuUI Hi .. IOrl'. MI'!!. Niln R. Shnffer. R.N., Nunc. Dictitinn, Writing;

:'I1;./~re~~~rll:~V;lkirllJOn. 13.5. Ed. Primllr . Miu Annie Kaminer, A. " .. Span; .. h; Frenc1.

~1.ia,V?I~~~ri8~cf;.. ~~";..~·.?·i~~eh:;;,nlll~~: Scic noo. Ricblltd H . Fogle. A. ., EnjtliBh; I... tin. 1\1n. Cllrol TowMCnd Comstock, M.~ie. 1\lu. Riohard C. SoOI\, M'II.on, Girl.' DormitoQ·. },Iin Anita Kane, Dlln~inll :'I1l1l Eli~abelh HIII~ema. D.awing.

~~'lJ5,tOOA~fi\fJ ~1-t;tJ ~ h~R~'~'~CE Rev. Lee L. Roo-c. Pr;·CharRO. Rev. Clifford E. D. Nobee. Allocinle Prieat. Rev. Timothy Wo.odwllrd.




H. A. SiddnlJ. E. II. WiteomL>c. Mrs. E. H. Dimnn.

St. Luk e's Ch urc h

01111-6 flC II OOL;

P. O. DOX 1627 Rav. E. C. Mullen. Vienr. :'Itr•. E. G. Mullen.

SiBton of St. " Inry. Florence CI~rkllon. OU'I'iITATtON flC lI OOIA AND C UA1' EL$;

~:~~:n: ~~: ~li~t~~'i"I.the


Robert G. Edward W.

IOI~t. i\~~~e~8A~~U',t~1l1 (~lfOfbi~en-t~*DO TEL. 4·98-97 BaYllrd Ste"'ar!, SUI'~rintendcnt. :'I1i~ Lilillll J. Weiler, R. N., Superintendent of Rev. E. G. Mullen. Chaplain.

Nur~e. •.

~U:: 1p:~il'~eG~\~~!IO~..::.,RS~i;c~~~:'iIOt. Mill Grace ERrle. n.N. Mill Ruth M .. nt1, H. N.

g~: }:teJ~o ~{~cn!~~;I~:Sitnt~ihl:~~ian. FI~tch~r.

Ancndinl!' Su rll.eon.

g~: ¢"I~~ii~n~\(~6i·c,Vi~N.ii~rll:h~hit~a,,'li.n, 0 •. FortunBto


C~m:~ ~!r $C17bcJ'I~I".

BAGUiO. BENGUET. MT. l~nOVINCE Rc\". AI·thu. H. niehardao n, Chnl)\nin.

E. S. Dimnn. I'rineipol.

1015 i\IAGD,\I.ENA. 'rONDO

Or. L. Z.

St. Peter'. Churc h 574 MISERiCOnOJ,\ (For Canton Cbinese) Re\,. Sham H on San, Vicar. Yip Yat l'ainll:, Catechiu lind I.ady Reader.



~h)'lIid .. n.

~: ftl=:d~n1~.HI~f!;';:~, Vt1i~i:i~g P'ah!~~~~dan.

Or. I,u";o D. Abnd, Ear. NOlIe .. nd Thr oat Specialilt Dr. Restituto Yu",on, HO(lIIIIlCnologi~t. Dr. J uan Sla. Crus, Pnthololl:iat.

Orent. Bila, ~t. John the Evnngelist'l. Dllla, St. Gubricl'a. Fidcli.llln, SI. i\flllhew' •. Lubo" g. St. Gnbriel·s. M Mla, St. Joacph'l.

~:!;':.d~r~~i.J 'g-N~:t~~'"

Tnnwong. Anun"ialio". Tawan. All Angela. MI ..lon o f St. Anne BESAO. :'.IOUNTA I N I'ROV I NCE Rcv. Vincent H. Gowen, Vicar. M.I. Vinc"nt II . Gowen. CIULORE:S;

Edward lI erbcrt Geoffrey. ADD Klltherine. S t. Jllmu Sc h oo l BESAO. :'.fOUNTAIN PHOVINCE Re'·. Vin ceot II. Gowen. Principal.

PHILIPPINES All SII Inl 8 C h urch SONTOe MOUNTAIN PROV I NCE Rev. William H . Wolfe, Prieal_in·ChaTgo.

Rev. B. H. H" r"ey. Rev. H. T. Burke.

Cell(!E~ E~~eY:J N ,f~\NtJ' S:~e['h°I~I.StR frM,~OP31 Rov. Don W. Holter, Ph.D.. Minister. Re'·. Vicente S. Corde.o. An<>einte Mini.ter. M a ry J ohn. to n M emo,lolliospitlli 101 QUESADA. TONDO :"IliA Bernice M. Hnoen, M.D .• Phy.ici.a.n in Cherge .

DCIlconeal 1\1110 S. Shaw. Mlsa M. Loi. Fredin. .\li08 Mmry E. S. 0""'1011.

S t , Fra n cis Assist UPI , COTABATO Re". Leo CO)' McAfee, Prie,st--in·Clmrge.

:\In. Leo Gil)' McAfee.

~li!: fi~~~taDO~:: ~~~~~c~~,::~~g~f·Nun~. Santa An a Methodllt E piscopa l C hurc h SANTA ANA Re\'. Carl"" Mlltlacop. Poutor.




St. Pa ul ', Mi n ion



5 1. Paul ', Me t h odi st Epi sco pal Ch urch 14.8SANTA :'IARIA, TONDO S. Gah·u. 1'''8\or.


Sa ola Meii'E~~M)~dJ~r".ftl'tg~al Ch urch Ro'·. Dllvid :'1 ., PI>.tor. lIataan·Zamba les Di strict Rov. Arendio de Ocer". District S uperintendent, Orani. Baillllll.




1\lrl . J. D. Mf\ClnrCII. R.N •• Superintendent. Dr. JOG~ C. T rotn,,•. Rev. Sydney W"ddin"ton, ChpLain.

Pampa n ga-Soulh '!'ari"c Dlatrlct Hev . Eu.ebio Mnnuel. Distriot Superintendent. San Fernnndo. P"",pnngll, Mi.s Rutb E. Joyce Atkins , W.F.M.S .. Dist rict Mi s_


Co rneli son. Auoo iMe Mi .. ion"r)'.

W.~'.M.S .•


Edoa Thom o$ Memoria l C lfl '" Do rmitory SAN FERNANDO. I'AMPANGA ,\Ii"" Rutb E. Joyce Atkina, Denn. Nue"a·Eclja Nor th T nri oc District

Ro" . Lorell1o T. Tamayo, District Superintendent. San

TRAls",n ,t.jJ818T.LST!I:

A&1Jcenn Luntayo

nOlil. Moran

Moro Settlem .. nl House and Girl', Do r mllory ZAMBOANGA, ZAMBO,\NGA Miu Anita Youna. In CharlO. Miss Winifred ;\Iann.


ISAAC PERAL Rev. E rntllt E. Tuck. D .O.• Mi n ion Superintendent and T reasurer.

M e 'hrgWG~rlStO£t'N9th urch :"IIANILA R.lY. Edwin F. Lee. D.O., Bi.hop, M ethodi s t nook Room 638 ISAAC PE R AI,

E. E. Tuok. Agent. MnnUo_Buiocon Di s tric t {lOI OROQUIETA Rev. E steball T. CrUl. District Super int ondont. Mi" ;\Inry A. Evnns. W.F.M.S, District "Ii"ionn ry. Harris Memorial Trnl nin ll. Sc hoo l ESPAR,\ AND I'. PAREDES. SAMPA LOC Min M. M. Decker, Principal. M iu M. A. EvaOll.

Knox Me m orlol Ch urch RIZALAVENUE ,\1'10 LOP£ DE VEGA STA. CRUZ Rev. E,tebnn T. Cru&. Pa,tor, Rev. Gregorio O. FernBndo. Anoc iate }' .. tor. Rev. Viecnte S. Cerdero, Auocinte P uto,. HUll.h Wilson Ha ll GENERAL LUNA AND ISAAC PERAL. ERM ITA Mi.. Mildred M. Blakely, Dean. Tbo burn lIa li 338 LOPE DE VEGA AND OROQUlETA. SANTA CRUZ MlU'oela M. Canaino, Dun.

J 0!6. Nueva E ei ja. Rc'·. B. O. Petenon. Dist.ict :\Ii... ioQ~ry, Linga.yeo. :"Ilistrtnfc:lioO':;vil . w.f'.M.S., :\Ii... io",,-.y. Linpyen. P''''I""inl\n.

:"lIn. Josef. Din, Deao ~fethoUiot Girl'. Dormitory,

CaOOnMua.n, Nueva. Eeij ... Pangasl n on D!1trlct Rc,·. Alej"ndro "id"l. DistnetSuperinteUdent. D"gupan. Pang""innn. Ro'·. n. O. I'ete..o n. District :"I1i... iona.ry. Ling"yen.

"'iuPi!~';;aiv~nbinlle, Lingnyen.

W.P.M.S .•



lIocos Sur !)Istrlct Rev . .Benito To"cra. Distriot SUI>c.i ntendcM. Vi,an. Ii oeOfl Sur. Rc,·. Joocph W. Mooro . D.D .. District Minionary. 909 Tennessee 5t .. "'nnil". ~ri .. Hn~cl Dnvio, W.F.M.S. . Dio t rict "liuional'Y. l,in8aycn, l'nngnainun. 1\li ll Snt'.. nina Ln.". Dcnn Methodist Girl~' Dormitory, Vigan.

M"Jrbl:r~~~o~~wf'rSu~~i~:~~i.'o~'ila l

P. O. BOX 20 LINCAYEN. PANCAS I N,\N Solomn" Edr"!i,,. Acting Pril>cipnl. Leila V. Dingle. Advisor.

Caltnya n -North habel" Di strict Rev. Ciripeo Ini •. Dist rict Superintendent. 1\lluegarllo,

Rev.CH~~G:::: J. Peral.

Riley. Distriet Mi SllionlU'Y, G3S rsno.c


MiS":.te'c'i:~\:t ~\~t:,Prr!~~o~' ~ITS~~~~~:o~a8'a'~':."'n~

Mi"" Anna C~flon. It. N .. WJ.M.S. SUpCrv~or. Mo.r}, J obllIon H OIII'ita\ utCllIion CUni~ •. N u ov" VlzC:lya-So u t h "abela DIs trict Rev. M" CincK. Djllrio~ Supcrintenden~, Bo.yom_ bong. Nueva Vi~caya. Re'·. H erbert J. Riley, Di.triet M..iuionllry, G3S huc P eral, Mnnila. ~li!lS Wibelmina E.bst, W.F.M.S .• DiUriet, Bayombon; Deon MetbodistG1rl.' D ormi(ory,MiSlliooa.y,Nueva Vi.cay","





14(1(1 SAi\"DE, TON DO, MANII,A TEL. 4·SI.22 Fra ncisco G rCliorio, Bishop "nd Gcneral


of the Church.

He", Matins Cuadrll,



SccrNnry. Gcucrnl TrcaJ!urer.

n"~'",umlo DUQu~,

R:~:: ~~~~ lTC?I;~S{'?r~~:~~'] ~Y:br,~5~lU

Re", .\[ptilUl B. ",,!du,


SlX'icty. of the Youth Mo,'(:·


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL IlOilo, iloilo, P. I. Ro\·. nnd M .... Ernl1O~ L. Ackloy. Mig RUlh L. HarT;a. Mi", Berlha L. Hnr,ia.

~~~ ~ncdlkil"ll~~~~.r·FOldmllnn. Ro\·. nml Mra. F. H. Rose. Dr. "nd Mra. H. F. Stunrt.

BOX 3'10 Dr. lind Mra. HOllry S. W 'll~u. Mi n Olh'e Buch"er. MiA Florll G. E r nst.


Rev. I,"'flro G. Trinidad. Prj"llte Secretary to the BiHhol' ,

R.w. Moi!cs L. Jim enez, AsalJcin\c Pf\!J ior-Cnlhedr nl


Nc~ ros


)'In)' A. Coggins. Fabrlca. Nel!.ros Occidental He,', DIU] Mrs. Henry W. Munger.

Dr. and Mrs. F. W .

Jennie ,\dn",•. Arcob I. Peuit.


Ca pl:.. Capl:., P. I. Ro\'. I\nd Mrs. Earle J.' . Rounds.

CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Znmbennlln, Z:lmbonnl!n Grace Soudd r •. Hev. and ~Ira. Robert Ul'U. (On ICDve) Rev. and M.... E. fo'- Gulbrallaon, ChDirmnn. MiN R C. Bohl<.'ClI. :"Ifin M. McMurray. ZamboRDga Rev. lind Mn. S. D. Lommaaoll.

Ro", ami Mrs. E. F:. Round •.

J aro, 110110. P. O. Addres s : 110 110, 110110 Mr. lind M re. H . F. S~urt. Re\". and i\lre. F. H. ROle (On LOII,·e). Rev. lind lIlra. Ernut Ackley. A. Bertba li ou!!;er. Ruth L. Annia. Mra. Hn.~l 1\1. Bigelow. Dr. (lnd Mu. Henry Wllt~J. Fl ofn ErlUll. (a ll leave). Oli,·., Snehner. Re\·. lind Mrs. S. S. Fddmnn (On Lcnvo). Dorolby ,\. Dowell. (On 1011\'0) Leonette Wnrburtoo. Sigoe Erickson.

Annetn Hoiste d.

~:~)'lIn~·l1~;·!i,,~. W.n ~~~:;:~<b.

J o lo , Sul u Re\'. nnd lIIl"11. A. M. 1.01l\.60n. Rev. 1111(1 !\Ira. R. M. 1."ndiB. Rov. 1\-1 •• lind Mn. Wti. Sullivnn.


Manlln StilliOn P. O. Box '137, i\[,\ NILA




Mnnlln Dr. and lIIra. Paul G. Clllley. i\1r •. I.illian G. Culley. Rev. nnd Mra. Edward C. Bomm. R'n·. nud lIlrd. Normnn S. lIIcI'her30n. lIIiu E&thcr n. Ycrg~r. lIIr. "l'1\0ll1n8 C. TlIggnrt.

Miss Evelyn Conglolon. Mi •• Ed"" B. A otcbkiN.

110110, Iloilo

Miss n elen V. Hinkle)" lIIi~ Elleo W.Fi\lnrli~n Mill BUlh Woodworth Min Slelln Mower i\li"., Eleonor Bnilo~'

C uyo. Pa]awnn Cllplni n "",\ Mr •. Eni. 1'. Sko Uield Min Beulnh Heawn. Mr. Bcrtmrd N. BnMroft.

BAPTIST MISSIONARIES C:l pl:.. Cn pl:.. BOI: 2t D r . nnd Mra. F. W. Meyer. Jennie C. Adllma. Arco]. I. Pettit.


O:l.oo]od. Oocld"nul.l Nell.r ol :"1111)' COII..:i..".

(lOX 100

Rev. lind Mn. Eri c F. Ilou"da. Fnbr lcn , Oecldcntn l Netl;roa Rev, lind M .... lienr)' W. Munger.

Cotabnto, Co tabnto

Ro,'. Wm. H. Crolho'8, D.D.

MrB. Ro". Mrs. Rev. Mrl. "In. Mis:! !\-lisa Mi sa Geo. Mrs.

Wm. 11 . Crothers. H . II. BO\Ulml\ll. H. H . BO\Ulman.

Chn rlCl!l R. Hnmiltop, D.D. Chnrles R. Hnmillon. J. Leon Hooper.

Ruth Swnnaon. M"o Chnpin. EUII;ro I .. Willinm • . S. Cunni ngham . D.O. G. S. CunninghRIU.

Lagu na Stat ion AGRICU I.TURAI.. COLLEGE, LAGUNA Rev. B. Eo Bullman. Mra. 6. E . Bollm.. ".

"l'Ryabal Sto rlon P . O. BOX 9.5. I,UCENA, TAYABA S Rev. Chnrl.... N. :"Iingill, D.D. "I ra. Charlca N. M .. eiU. ALBAY STATI ON

P O. BOX 173 LEGAS PI. A I..BA)' Re,·. Kenneth P. l\In~Do""ld. :"lIn. KeRnNh P. MacDona]d. Rov. Slephen 1... Smith.

~f:.I.,~.IC{\!~c~I~A~~t~i .D,

M .... W . W. :"IleAol io. Ro,'. O. P. D. La POrIO, ~llIl . O. P. D. WI. Porle.

Tnc:lobnn Statio n P. O. BOX 36, T ACLOBAN . LEY TE Rc". Ernest J. Frci. :"II .... Erneet J. Froi.



Ce b u StollO D P. O. BOX 188, CEBU, CEBU Rc\,. W. J. Smith. MrJ. W. J. Smith.

Soul h .Cen lrnl LU:P;on Minion LUC.;. NA. TAYABAS F. L. Jaboill. Dir ector . i\1. lit. Zam ora. Seerotnr)·-Ttcuurer.


Sout hnn LII'>:on lIUll lo n %j r~~~. 3Z. LEGASPI. ALB .... Y Candido BarMdo. Secrctary·Treasurer.

nC'", F. O. Appleton. F. O. Ap\lIcloll

80 ho l Smtlon TAGBILAUAN. BOUOL

Re,", Jam~ A. Grnbll. ol, M.D. ;\1;58 MetRe N. Grabam.

D~~n"&'~ttfE~t~~riiNTAL NECROS rln~f7. ::~. Bell.

P. O. BOX 18,

R.. ,-, Hoy H . Brown, 0 .0 .. Ll.D. i\lu. Roy H. Brown.

Miss Geraldine COle. Dr. J. W. Chll~m~". So. D.

J ...f. Em.ali:';.

Weat VI,,,yll n M in ion P. O. BOX 271. ILOII,O. PAXA Y E. 1II. Adame. Director. Z. B. Cnhi!ig. Secretary.Treasurer.

1939P~m~~:n~,&A~~·~IEt. ILoI7~:0

J. A. L~lpnd. /llana,er. F. A. Pratt. Editor.

~l~'~il~~' 3. "&.~~".

Mn. Leliyo M. COl<, Miu Alice J. llullerton. :'1 •. Charlet< A. Ghlnl. /II.." . Cborl •• A. Gluu. Mr. Clyde E. Hetli ... Mrs. C. E. HcHin. Mias Allby n. JMObl!. j\1i.. fo'rnnuca V. V. Houlers. ilk Rob~Tl B. Sillil;!,nn.

pnd IiMBno.

MI'!!. UGber! B . 5illi'''lIn.

(FORlIl EnL lhl~Witlli:'l,p~~onJ 8~'fg1f COLLEGE) B,\ESA. CALOOCAN. HIZAL- T£L. ~.!J1.22 P. O. !lOX 1712- MANIL /\ R. R. Fi gu"'. Pre$idcnt of Board. L . 1\.1. Stump. I' reeidont. O. A. mpke. T,cMurer.

T ondo Evn n~eUell l C h u rch CORNER FOLGUERAl\AND \', RADA, TONDO Rev. RomRn G. Arnorlllllo, PUIO •.

CORN Elr~/EI::~ISON!I~a~{N'O amIDll~~Wl~aIM /\ I.A TE '1'EI•. 5-76-.... Dr. H. A. E.ick!Jon. Superintendent. B. E. Fpiling. Mllnnllcr nnd Treasurer.

Mr. "lid /IIrl. L. C. Wi'Dtcrnilc;mer. Mi!lll Oli,·" Holub!>..,b,

M:llate EV:l n ~e ll'::l 1 Ch u r c h 710-714 WRIGHT, MALATE Rev. Catalino Pllulino, l'~tor_ Elli nwood EvnnlleUca.1 Ch urc h 710.714 WRIGIiT. ~~p LATE Rev. H. H. Bousmlln. Pastor. T he Un ited Churc h of M nnll "


Sevent h .dlly Adye n tl,.s Ch u rCh. Mll ulla I!J3Q I,UNA. PAS."Y. RIZAL T ro:p;o Ch urc h -Sue n th-dllY Ad n n t i$( CORNER BA1\.IBANG AND OrtOQUIETA. SANTA


Enr;~~ cf.~~~.~:e~~AP8~~~~l\ALOC

Elli nwood Bible Sc h OOl fo r Girls 605 TENNEs:,EE. MALATE JIG ... Rutb SWlI".on. Acting Principal.

¥cWl'¥'E~W~S~~~,o~lo,: l'1 ~III

Coll eQe Ch urc h BAESA. CALOOCAN. 11iZAI. Sa m"" lo': Ch urch-S"v"nth-d <lY Adventist P. LEONCIO. SAMPALOC Sl n cnlong Ch u.c h -Sevcnt h .dny Ad"e u rist SAN ,\NDnES ST.. P,\CO Cn looca n Church LERMA. CALOOCAN IHZAL

Mr. E. B. CllrdMlIII. Actinll Princ ipal.

SlIlImli n Unl urs l ty DUMAGUETE. NEGIlOS ORIENTA l, /IIr. L. C. Wintorhcimor. Ac ting PrCM;


~: ~: FJf{.~I~~, tc~~~~~r~~F~:~~~~on~. ~: At:I.MR~"p~r~~ ~~~~:ti~%ISC:~3taVo'ung

People Se. cretary. ROmlll> SollSon. Relillioll'. Libclrty Se~rctllry. /II. F. Wiedemann. Home Missionary IIl1d Sabbath Scbool Secretary. Cenua l Lu:p;o n Ml aslon

140Z OROQU I ETA. SANTA CR UZ. T EL. 2.10-64

~~lI~~'lfo!.~~"~·crc~!~~~¥':;","rer .


J nn l tnrlum Ch urch-S"vcnth.d:ly Ad ve n tis t CORNER V£R:\IONT AND I NDIANA. :\IAL,\TE

M a labo n Churc h CALLE GnAL. LUNA. ~IALABON, HIZ,\I,


Dr. nnd Mrs. H .. W. Widdoce. Snn I~c.nllndo. 1.11 Uniot! Re'·. nnd lilt •. C.C. Witmer. Lubung"n. Knlingn. lilt. Pruv incc. Min My.. l ~ 1\.ICtZIlCl, Kia"II""' HUllno. lilt. Province. lIli.1 Hur.iet Ibymond. Snn F~ ..'nndo. LII Union. 1\.Ii •• LOUie Speu~rd. Son Fcrll&ndo. I.a Union. R"," . lind 1I.Ir•. Alva W. I(noll. I<i""gnu. IfuG'ao. lilt. Province. Rev. nnd lIlrs. Corl n. Elchbao!,. naguio, Mt. Provillce. Uni on Th eo loA lea l Se m lntu y TAFT AVE':. AND Hi>itnAN. MALATE P. O. BOX 8U-TEL. 5-6S-50 Dr. Chnrle. R. Hamilton. Prrai<ient.

R::.: ~';,.~ill~ig:~;.;..V:\:;f:.~e.~f:;;~irllr.

J. F. Bootner, Chnirtn&n. Board of Tr .... te-es.

Re'·. J. L. Treuun:r. IJE.UU&III:

Ro'·. E. S. Turner


Dr. Enriquo C. Sobrcpeil&

Ellst Vlslly:ln MI." lon P. O. BOX IHI. CEBU, CEBU A. A. 001111 .... Director. A. Aqui. Sccrctllry.Trc ... urer.

J:::"';on ~::: ~~:b~~ ¥.o~~~~o Rov. Herbert Jb~~iIHeOriu 't~\I~:;td&"O E,'alllle!lsta.

Nor thern L uzo n Mi ssion ARTACHO. SISON, PANGASI NAN E. N. LUlionbu.l. Director. AIU i""ldo Balinno, Se<:rctary_Trc(\3ur."..

P. o. BOX Z16Q-TEL. S-BS-90 Mi... Mac Chapin. Principnl.

~~~: ~:.

Uni8:iM~~~~~~~. ~Ut~N~



YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Young M e n 's C hristian A$Socillllon of I\tnnlla AmerlC9n-Europenn Brnneh ]36 CONCEP CION. EUMI1'A p. O. BOX 447- T ELS. 2.30.o{l AND 2.!{1.52 H. B. 1'0nd, Pr..-sident. J. F. BGcmer, Vicl'-Pr..-sidonl, A. lI oyer, Treasurer. Mnrk N<.'Stle. Recording Seerotnr),. E. S. Turner, Senior Secretary. H. B. Pond E. K Hi~dou J. F. Boome r T. J,. Hall A. H o)'er C. S. Stock ing J. II . Aile)' G. W. Porter C. S. Sa lmon R. N. Miller J;)I;J;CO"l'lI'J; ST.. FF: ;\IlIrk H . Nestle, General Secretar y. Ho.rold W . Derner, Assoeiatc Seuetar)'. Young Men'6 Chris t ian Associatio n of the Philippine Is lnn d a ARROCEROS. II]AN I LA TEL. 2-30-35 IlOAnO 0 .. nIRECTORS: Teodoro R. Ylln~O' Honernry P rcside nt . Rnlael Corpua, ~~ident. lIIiguei Umoll, Vi President.

~~~eAb~J'''S:n;~e~er. J~


Frederic H. StcI'e"" \';('('nte "'adr;jfal V;etor Buencnmiuo Gumcraindo Gnro;n (IE~ERAt. STAFF: \ A. W. Adolfo, General ~\retary. Notiona l Committee. Y . M . C. A . of the Philippine h ln nd s C ALLE ARROCERO!\-TEL. 2-28-20 Teodor" n. Ynnl(Co. Honornry PrCllident. !\Innue! C,,,,,UlI, Presidcnt. Jol!6 Abnd Sa.ntos, Vice-Presiden . ;\liJ;ucJ Unaen, Treo.surer. Rafael Palmll n~fB~1 ?00~8U! J Ol!~ V. Bnl;tOl.!l Guillermo D)' Bunda Vernc l~. :'filler Vicente Lopu ,\nll:el Padillll I. V. Binamira Cc1 .... tino Rodriguez Juan P05adas Conrado Benitez John W. UIl ""serrnnnn S .. TIONAt. ST.. FF: E. S. Tllrn~r. H onornry Gener,,1 Secretar)'. Howard I,. nODI(, AS!Sociate Genetpl Secretllt)'. Junn C. AlllbllStro, .usooiat.e Gcncrn! Secr et ary. JUlin Fuentu. Office Secretary.

City Branch Y. M. C. A. 176 CONCEPC ION TELS. 2-28-58 AND 2-28-:;0 CO".\UT'I'EE os ~, .. l>'AGE>lI:ST: lIligud Un~on, Chlli .."nn. Guonimo Slintingo. Vicc-Chni,man. GOII%l1]O Vall'!! Toribio Teodoro Primili\'o LOI;n.. O. B. "",brOllio Eulnlio Cb",·cs S. Jtll'ict Jacinto Kamnnligue IlI:CRI:1'.. RI"t.

liT....': Dominlo C. Dascar ... E~ecuti\'e ScrrClllry. "iemue WcncC!l]&o. Phyaien\ Director. P. CcI .... liIlO, Bo>"!' Work Se<:r ctnry. G. F.etrcl1n, n""mcss Sccrctnry. Centr a l Student Brunch 350 AUROCEROS EX1'EN!:iION TEL. 2-2U-OS

U;CI'II:T.. llI .. t. eT.. FF: AI\'ar o L. J\lllJ'tiou. E~ee\ltil'e Sccr ctM),. ~'Iore"cio Antonie, BlUin<:llll oud Do ... utory J G.16 Gonulce, P byeical DirClctor. Su\'criue N. I.un ... 8 0)'11. Work Seerehry. Eugcnio Qui r oga, Office A"i~to"t,


C hln e$c Yount:!. Men'. C hri s tian Asso ciotlon 072 BENAVIDES, UI NON DO 1'. O. BOX 1034-1'EL. 4-115-4 ] CABLE ADDRESS-CHINVMCA. MAN I L A Dec C. C huao, Bonorary Prceident. Tee He", Kee, H onon.. y Vice_Preeidcnt. C. C. Lim. Honorary Vice_Prl'llid cnt. Guillermo Dy Buncio. Prceident. Vu Eng Phe. \lice_Pr eaidNIt. Li lI oo n Cblli, TreMwet. William C. H. Chen. Honorery Genera l Secretary . UONORAIIT A"V'SEIIS : M. C. S. 1'anunlioo!; Eduardo Co SeulOll Alrol1llo Z. Sycip Vu Yi 1'U"1I: Vu KI".. Tlli Tan Sam '1'0 Albino Syci]> DOAIIO 0 1' D1I1ECTOItll: Guiller mo D)' Buncio J . Lidio y" £lIg Pho Onll Cheo Kue Li Moan C bB; 1$. I'. Y,nll: Go Punn Senll: Ang Chnl Linn Kho ChC<l Seng Ty I~ollil 'I'm Tee Hon Eng SECRCTAIU .. t. STAFF: William C. H. Cbc.n, Genera l Secretary. ChenR Pins I •.4.l!lIi~u\nt Gencnl Secretory. JeW Lnguna, 5c<: retary. Go Till" l{inR. Secretary. Ting nOllg S;oog, 5ecrell1ry.

)' oU(frt~·f~'~ ~~~~t'~/';~~~~'C~~~ '/tm:t !N~ lN"'"

ADUANA STRlm T . I N1'H,\i\IUROS, MAN I A P. O. OOX 1034- T EL. 2-\0-04 Lun n. H nU, E~ccuti\"(l Secret llr)', Philippillu D i!t ric~ and "Ionilo Br aooh. C. W. Moormnn, Di8tric~ Activities Secrelllr)'. Fred S. ComiUg6, Di alri ct DWlinCM SeerelufY. B. E. Merrinm, Ret'd. EdUCl1lionli1 Secretary.

FT. ~~"n~tn:lItf~~II{:U'L~~n~tZAI, TEL. 5-69·11 (EXTENS ION 180) H. J. Scofield, E~e<:ulil'o Secretuf)·. L. n. Echeverrin. Re\igiou.s-Sociai Work SeCI'<)'nry. J. G. AII-iar, ph),siclil Oi r.-.:IOr. 'ro mns D. &ltllcio, CL'lhicr aDd Bookkc-eper.


~l~: fJ~rh. Y~~'t~':>c~:'tIl~:.j};OIidcn(.

.'.111!. Uraulll U. C lemellte, SeerelAr)'. .'.t ... Roh<:rt Gordoo, TrclLllurer. :'Ira. Dnminnn B. :.tra .....l1e Boru. Mra. bl1h<:1 W. Dudtey. MT'lI. Viaitacion Gen.ale!l. Mrl. Bele n E. GUlicrru. Mr•. J . P. U cilbroDD. ,\Ire. G. HoRmnll. Mra. Julu de Wllel dc Mu)·cr. Mre. Ver ne Miller. Mra. Gero nima l. J'CQon. Mra. John Pi ckelt. Mn. .. HlUl;o. Mra. 1-'lotOn<:c C .. dw..lI .. d ..... Mrs. Gcorgc D anl<.w\'.rth . .\1..... GeOl'llC Dee. :.1 ..... Thomru llru-ringtoo . .'.I ..... JOllda Ja.,._MIlrt;nleJl. Elccuth' , Se<-reta.r}, :'Uu Annc Guthrie, Advucry·Cc",ult ant

Schools, Colleges and Convents (SEE ALSO SCHOOLS AND BUREAU OF EDUCATION) Acad~my

of M liSle: of M a nil a

H A. MAB I NI. ERMITA AleXRnder Lippay, Dire.::tor.

Adamson School of Ind ustrlll i Chemistry a nd E n -

]01 5 GRAL.


Alo n eo de Manila .106 PAOnE FAunA, ER~II TA P. O. BOX 154- 'I' E LS. 5.12.40 AND 5·7-1·16


TEL. 2-33-63


Georg" Lucll.!J ,\dam'Oll George Athos AdQIll.oll Alolnndcr Athos ,\ d .. rna"n Jam"" Nicholas Dcm!lll



JOSI\ M. Albert

Angel S. Arll:uellcs B1anebe 1. Bonzo F ellI''' I'. LollaR Erncsto L. l\{n«I"lan.ll Bernardin. C. Maltllnnon Maxima C. Mnpanoo Rollin G. Myer. Pilar S. Noellm

~~~:\!~o I~fi~~l~a

Nicolo.s IC ,lei Hoaari o SnntillllO Y. Rotc"' Miguolfl Sahun. lUlU. I" Sanlaa


Trmid"d T. Jaucinn ChorD easa

n. Pntcdea Roberto P. Villatuyn Enrique MacalBlag J . MMa ••", A. P. Ylo Domillgo d .. Is paz Mariano P. Ramiro


QllC t~: ~~~"ttcid:o S~~~:eo Diego P. Rubio


Adelaida R. Montemayor. Di rectOl'. Adriano LindaYIIS, InstrllctOr, Lucila Siton. Instructor. Mariano Montomayor, Instructor . M18. Joaquina de Gu~man, T .. achcr,

ALL SA INT S MISS IO N DONTOC, ~IT. PROVINCE Rov. Benson HClilo Harvey. Re v. Harry T nylor Burko, Boy~' Dor mitory. Dcacnne~. K . S. Show. :\118. B(lD~on Hea]e Har\,ey. Girl. Dormitor~·. Mi "" M. Loie "'redin. Mi ," Mary E. S. DnIOOOn.

J,~~'1>~sl y~. R! ~A L 1'. O. UOX 8tO-TEI•. 5.1 1·85 (K indergarten, Primnry. Intermedinte lind Hig:h Sehool) Spnni. h in nil 8r11d ... oud French in High School. :\h. Glenn C. Miller. Prineipnl. CA

I,CElmS"bc;J A

Anll,lo·Chlncse Schoo l. Thc 1235 SANTA 8LI.':NA, DlNONDO TE l,. 4·80·18

¥:~ /!;~~, ~~:;"t'~~~~:Otnllli.h AnI! Tun You. Trenllurcr. Tan Cho Yin, P roctor.


Aa ll o-Co l"ll, lo de Sn n Vlce n I .. d .. P n u !lIO ISAAC rERAL TEL. 5-73-84 Sor P ilar Julin, Sul'crlor...... Oircclr~. T&ACII&1llI:

Sor Sor Sor Sor Sor

ClU"mcn de GU1man. Con""l'ei6n Pdae<.' SIIIvaci6n Ba/la ...... R"mona Fernllndo •. Victorill Pr"l3.

E;<EC IITI\'I: OHICElIlI : I~cv. Curroll l. Fosy. S.J" Pres ident. Rc\·. Hen.y B. ~l cCuliough, S.J .• Vicc-Pretident and Dean of S~udi~a. Rcy. George J. Willmann. S .J .. Dean of Di~dl'1inc nnd Director of AthINic • . Rc\'. William F, Jordan, S.J., Admini~ trRtor nnd TreMUter . Rev, Luis C. Pncquing, S.J .. HCRdm ll!lt cT of the Grade School. Rev . J ohn F , Treubi\l S. J, Ljbrftri ~ n . Re\'. illlluri ce A. Mudd . S.J. Student C ounaclor. Mllj or Horry S . Robert son. U.S. A., Co mmandant.


n:~:: f:;,~ci,1 ~?: ~r~~~: ~J

Re\'. Rov . Re\'. Re\'. Re'·. ItC\' Re\'.

Bugene ,\. Gisel. S .J . Jam.,. J . HcnnCMC~' , S.J Edwin G . )'l d \lan,,", S.J John A. Mo, nlnR. S.J Mauri ce A, :\ltldd. S.J. Franei. X, ReB.rdon. S,J . John F. Treubi g, S. J . J~ S.}'. Francisco Donat<.>. HonCltO F. Fllrol. Ern ... 1 O. Joly. Sgt. Henry 5, Jones , U.S .. \ . J~ Lukban. Jorr6 C . Olivl1/'e, Gregorio C. On\l. Nar ciso Pimentel. Jr. Softonio Quimoon. Prof. Hilarion ~'. nubio. Junn L. VilJ ... i• . Benjnmin ZiRleitn. Re\'. Re\'. Rov. ncv.

F"QQLT\'-IIT (IU &CIIOOt.: Brne.t B. Clemenl ~ . S .J.

Willi"m J. Dow, S .J, Edward J. Du"n.,. S.J. J{yrlln Eg"n, S.J.

~~::: Kf~tttOh~~ ' J.tfJ~i,'::~~·S~~·

Rev. Paul Hugcn<\obler, S.J, nev. Jamet G. Koller. S. J . Rev. Donia F. Lynch. S .J. Re\', Ralph E, I.ynd •. S .J. Re\'. Maurice ,\. ~Iudd, S. J. Ro\·. Luis O. Plloqu;"8. S.J . Rcv. Jo:o"ph I . SlOfT"l. S. J . Rc,·. Arthur A. \Vei n. 8.J. Or. Lorenzo L. C orpUl . Hon .... lo F. Faro] Teodoro J. F ernlln"o. l-'dicillno A. Jimen .... Sgt. lIenry S. JanCl, U.S. A. J~ Lukban. Pio I. ROll . Fraudeco A. Rodril!;o. Prof. Hilarion F. Uubi o Vicente n. iluiz RodoUo B. SO«:D .... Boojamin Zinlcitn.



90 .'.~ClILTY--COLI.}';{] I;


~ 1 "'lUel Lim, Dean. J, Antonio Arllno\ll CCS/lr Bcn~lon


Salvador ,\ro.n eln AnBdcto Dill t

t~~~~tj.I~~i~i;on. de Joya Bibinno L. Meet Dr. Ll-onoio B. Monzon ~hrcelinno n, Montemnyor Manuel V. Moun

l\~~0.r!:...;\1". °P~~~~e.

t~: &et~ Boyes

£~'t'~~~ir. PR~~lf'n

,l<5TItUCTO , I8,

Or. Balbino Cotth Min Ade]ej da A.llrin MiA Genove"11 DOllnlo Pedro Oneu. Mi.. Crunlldn Ubarri


Dr. Hamon B. Snn Joa6 Dr. Y. Sib,.1 Dr. A/l:eri co ll. ~L Si~on Donito Solh'on J csua do Voyrn Antonio Villuten] DomlnlOo Zn"nlln l'ACtlLTY--COLLEOE 01' I!<Oll$TJUAt. CUr-'' '$T 'I\':

Re\', Eugene A. Gise], S,J .. Dean. FIIl"iano M. Yonko, Ani.un! DOAn. Frandsco Agcnoili Leon A]~jo

fi~~~nj~n~~ur}'.\'~~nncS!Oy, ~ff~~JoOllKI'~~S~e. Eliazo,

S.J. Jose ~[cndoza OOI\IIIPO O,ogorio 0111; Hermene(:!i1do n. Boyol Juun L. Villnsi. Bober~ Ronner

Cugllyn n Vu ll ey Institute A!'AU IU, CAGAYAN ClLilimi r o T. COIItul"", Director. Candido Vnlera, HCII'~tr8r. Mrs. AUrorll l~. l'e(nltll, Cl18hier.

S.J. Re\,. John A. Morning, S.J. J0lI6 Oli\'nrcs Felix Pnguja Rm·. Frtllld, X. Heo.rdon, S. J . J o~ del Rosario Bcninmin Zinlcitn


Sgt. Henry S. Jone., U.S.A. Rc\'. Edwin G. Mclo1an~, S.J. Leonardo n. 0.0';0 Ambrosio Pndilln Narciso Pim entel, Jr. R,,\\'. J o.seph I. Stollel, S,J. Re\,. J ohn F. Treubh., S\ Josli I,. Torres Bapt ist Miss lonn r y Tra inin g Sc h oo l


Mias Dorothy A. Min Pcrpclun Bagllforo. Miss Ol i\' a Jo\'ero. Mi..,. E lorll G:Jrda. Miu Signe A. Erick$on. ltestituto Ortilll.!l.

Cat h od ra ] Fr ee Sehool (1'ondo Branch) 51 BEATEIUQ INTHAMUHOS lBoy~



Mia M. de ClllmnD. MiS!! Enri quel. Miu T. Levidol. ~nss Ami!tod. Mi&!l A. AC(!bcdo. Mi..,. N. Rrlmnigon. Joae FernondeJ Lumbn. Cat h oli C T rn de Sc ho~ 1 1010 OHOQUIETA. SANTA cnuz TEl" 2-52-:.:6 He". George Puder, I'reJ;,lant.


~nJ8'~ ~~II~lf£hltO~n~8fI.0

Harland Stuart, Ed. D., President. Urbano Nequin. Seoletar)·. Ruth L. ilnrr' J, Treasurer. Dr, L. P. ParrllS, C lmirmtln, Board of Truatcllli. Alfredo Q. Gonull'll. DCIln of Lib<lral Art •. Re'·. Ero.C8t Is. Ackley, Ph.D" Denn. &hool of Theology. Elcutctio D. Plultot!l, Principol 01 HiI;h Sohool. Epifanio S, Caba]fin. ProfC8Sor 01 l'h)·I;.,.. Anntolio Dira)'. AlIII1.tllnt TrcIISurer. Mnrinno M. Diol oan. Instructor 01 Splln;.II. Encarnacion Pal(Subcron, Asl!istllnt ~[ntron and Nun.:!.

~~to~\. ~i~:'ii~!: :f::;t:: OfH~g~pS~~::tlice.

A. Bertha Hou(:!cr. Librorinn and Prcocpt rcu. Mllrtho. ~Iilla Hill. Voico Teaober. Jesua J~t'ninni. Teacher, Automoti,·o Coune. Gregorio L. Militar Tellch.,... High School. Francisco M. ;\[OlIquete, Teacher Ii,~h Sohool. Juun n. I'lonlo, A~aiA!I"'t I'rofC!U()r of Cheln'str},. &trclla S. mo. 11I8!Tuutor ill Zol;lolt)·. Pedro E. Y. Hio l'rofeasor of Socinl Scic nce. Re'·. Flonei! H. HOlle Profcuor 01 Zoilloity. (On Leave;_ GcrJrudc H. Roec, !'rofeuor of LaIJlltw'S'. (O n l..ea\'e.

~~~~~IC1. BT~~~':;~~,Ssrc,.~n$~n;!';f.~t~~de~~~n~.

Br en. Sc h OOl BAG UfO, OENGUKT. :-IT. PROVINCE ne\'. Althur H . m~hllrd.. on. A.D .. A.~I., Hond MMter, Cbaplllin (libl,,: G reek, ~!fttty E. Shllller. A.O .. Burenr. Lntin. Donnld J\. Dllmont. B.S .. Mathemrtt; J:lI. Hiij(ory. M~. Edith I~. l\hrtlul1It, n.N .. Intermcdilltc; Oriontal History. M ... Nitn n. Shalle r. RN .. Nurse, Di etitian. Writing. Phy~iolot)'.

Mias EleRnor Wilkilllon. B.S. Ed .. PrimRry.

~~: ~~~~~~~~'~~go~~·l~ii~~:~~~t~~~~ch.

H. Wilmot DeGrnll, A.B .. Mlltbemolica. SciOllce. Ri chard H . Fog]e. A.M., English L:Jrin. ~rra. Cllrol T ownaend COlnatock. Mllgie. Mrs. Hichar d C. SCOtt. Mlllron Girle' Dorm itory. MiS!! Anitn 1(ano, Duncinll. ;\nSll EliMbcth H,,].. cmo., Drawing.

Cab u aao Inst l tuu, CABUGAO, ILOCOS SUit Atty. :-Iuimo J . Savellano, Director. Albeno Sunio. Principlll. Canuto s"lIcr, Trenlur.,... FOUl Snbio. Secretnry.

NDti"idad Sitcho n, Dean of Commerce. Pllb]o Oro. I nst ructor of Commerce. Pauline Ack]ey. inalru"' Or of TheoloCY. Dolores Alora, n .N., Collelle NUn'le. Restituto Orugl18, IMtruet!} r in Th~ololO'. lornnciBco Orllll""'"' Dining Hal] Mnnagcr, Ce ntro F.sco ]nr Un[ve ralt)' MANILA TEI.S. 2-16-08 ,\ND ~16-07 BO,\IUI OF t>lItECTOIlS: CaTmen do Luna, l'n'IIident.

~'ii~ ~: t~:eS!:;('~;:;-President.!:

~~~::;ci~:mK~ A::JI'~'.bc~iember.

PrlZ Pamintunn Fa\l3lino, Member. Encnrnaci6n I.i tnrea I'anlillo, Member. Valerio JrllIrling. Member.

C hll d re D"I&,~~~M~ ~di ~l. ;lN~uI d'Rtl~ d e l Pilar Rc,-. Justo Que.ll<Ia. DirC<!tor.

110,\= OP TnueTIlU :

PcrfC<lto Gabrie] Fortunato Pineda

Pedro de Proceeo Gabriel PedI'o Alomio

PH[LIPP[NES C h loUI! Musk" , Sc hoo l 524 T. ALONSO, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2-39-41 Unll Sill Wee, Prelident. C h inese National Schoo l 522 DENA VI DES, BINONDO TEL. 4-!l4_18 Wong Chunn Sang, Princip~1. To:..,.CIIDns: Ang Teng Kong

Amy IT. Dnildon



Ph",. 5u mal

Civil Serv ice Correspo n deflce Sellool 652 RIZAL AV 1\U1::, 5A.'\1',\ crn'z P. O. BOX 28S!)-TEr,. 2-23-02 D. A. SI'Ingalin. Director. C ivil Se .... lce Ed ucato r . I nc. '4 T. PINPIN, BINONDO

Coleglo d e S:lfttD. R ita I'I.AZA DEL CAH~JE;N AND SAN SEBAST IAN.

P. O. BOX 3131- TEL. 2-51-G8


(Ealllblislrcd IUOi-Uadcr Rccolet~) Sor I'relcntori6n de C. Jore. Gencral. SOt Paulinn del C. de !llarin, Superiorn. Sor Allll'ubilL!r del Di\'ino Arnor. Di, ectorn.

Cabin<) Tnbullnr. Presi dent. Dr. Vi cente C. Fc,in. Vic.... Pru ident. Jnvito PnlMtnn, Secretary. ZOSiffiO C. ElIn, TrC/I8urcr.

Atty. Aniect" B. Filbill, Legal Coullael.

COle~~~ dSA~eTlert'u~U~ ?~TK~~Vuf'btcsus T EL. 2.H_OS

ne", Mother E6gcllin. .\lvarez, R. V. perior ..",. Rc)\', ;\101111" Vc"ancia ""riOteM.



General Su-

R .V.M ..

\ 'ice-Su_


R.V.M.. Diteclres5, Rev. Sister Beatr iz Formoso, R.~M .. General Tronaurer. Rev. 5i. ltt Mercedes FlorQ. R. '.!lI .. Local TrtwlIlrer.

~:~: ~f::~~ ~~~~:l:r~ue¥;rc~i:' kf~I~~"¥rcgee.:~er~i

5tudiel. Rev. Siuet Clara Rami.ez. n.V.M., Member. Bonrdiof Coun ei l. Si.ter PrC3e ntaci6n dc Vera. Lib."ri n. T£.< OIlI:I\$!

Sister Sister Sialer Siller Silter Siner Si.ter Silter Sisler SiSler

Sister Dolor .... !lhucareU. SiBter FrD.nci~ca Salltiago. Silter \'iccnla PemUn. Si~ter Pilar JnrD.miUo. Siuer Vicentn OhillS. Sistu Jllnoo ZnbllIZll. Si"t~r Pilat Zcnarozn. Si!ler Paulin" Vul1ecillo. SiBter Cn.uJf<ln O~lImpo. Siatc r Pu Bo,bon. SUller Cotnlin" Led~ ma. Silter ilos!llin Gernlll'ino. Si5t~r Felism An&a. Sia tcr Conccpeion ,\bulenc in. Si' ln Concepcion HUlllanc... Siuer !IIaria Oond"lIn. Sister CRtolina ;\Ii, .. nd". Silter NIll;"idnd AbellD..

COIuolaci6a Eugenio. ft.V.i\I. " .. leriana Boutista,lt. \'.!l1. NaHiu Baudi,·B..!!. R .V.M. Tran(twlinp. Fer nandez. ft.".!I!' Maria So~a. R.V.!lL Lourd~ Erjc-!llejla. R.V.M. Damiana F rancia. R.V.!I!. ~Iartina AdrillS. R.V.,\!. Natci.a Nec('fl""';o. Cecilia Pelez.

de In Co n cord lll BERRAN. PACO TEL. 5-52_28 SOt Ctlrmen Reta. Mother Superior. So. Inoccn~in Snneriatob"l. Co h!~lo


~~~ fu~~.~~~a;~~J:. dd~1 E(rir~~~r~~;~i/'s~~1;:t~~r~:

Sor SOt SOt Sor

Mllrt.inn de III. Sm ... Trinidnd. CO'15ultorn. AnH\ndn T. <lel Curmen. COlllu llo.n. F~rnando del Pila,. Conl ul!orll. Florentina de 14 Purilieaei611. COlL!rulto,a.

Cole~;o de Sanea Rosa 19 SOJ.,,\NA. INTR.UIUROS TEL. 2-32-02 Si,tu !IInria J.,.~ Uua.te. Supcrioreu. SISter Concel>ci6n Na,·9.!r. D;rcclT~.


Pilnr '\rdll;~ !If," I",urdee Le<:aroz j}lilngro, L.icera !>fi~ Mar;a de I'ndutl Honorat " Mnrtinez Mi~, 1'1(,c;dll C~dnna Emilin Ca".in l\!i ... Belen KaluAjI: Carmen Frallcieco Miu Eulr~i"R Cnli:cto .MiM Andren Gcrnldcz ~j::~~ ~n~~e~l~~~nNa"llI ;\I;,.. Lourdes Seijo Siat'" MII1ild e Santer Mi u T olc..forn o;"inDgrllC;11 Sider :-'Iarcela Dioni. io "-liS!! Leonor Valdez Si.ter Vietoripna Santos Mi,s Anrorn COMtantino Miu Vititn~i6n "-"~uel !l1i5S Jose6ntl Lnmoreba :-'fillS Mary T. Tormey Miss ROIIalinR Medinn Sister Si.ter Sil ter Sister Siatcr

Collelle !l"rf3

'it~' ~0r8~~h6.nZ{;~APb Surlo1e ry

TEL. 2_2i_90 Dr. Norton J. Weingartcr. Dcnn.

~: ~B:l1~linAV:;:rnnChf)?mf;~:~I~~r.

Dr. R. C. Filnmor. Rcgi,trnr. PROFl:ISOIl8:

260 1~~WI¥tAdFA ~aL,CSr&OI~ICI~U £L TEL. 2-50-00

h~;.n~l~~~~r 1~~~~~~dB..~~:I~iSW:t~~~tG~~~::i.tine) Rc'·. Mother CRia lina de Je..U8, Sub. Gen. Priorasa.

Co lel1, ' o d o NHios Tlples d e la Il1, lfts la Caeedm l 73 GEN. LUNA, INTRA!lIUItOS TEL. 2-42-25 Rev. Dr. Si.neon Guti=cz. Direclor. Rev. D. Ru6no Santos. Vice_Director. JGS(, Lopez. Prolasaor of Piano. Conrado Mercado , Prof.,.or de SoJfeo. Cole$lo de Sa n l a Isabe l 130 GENERAL LUNA. INTnAMUnOS TEL. 2_2G-78 (Eatublilhcd 1 606-Und~r ~be di rection of tho Side.., of Chnrity of St. V;aeent <10 PBul) (I{indcrga.ten Bnd Primnry for BOYI !lnd Girl.) CODIUIE8 O"I:REO:

J Ullior Normal COUl'lrc. Higb School-Genertll. Hiah School-Home EconomiCd. lntermediate. Rev. Sister Mu;a Sanjuan. Superioreu.

E~: l;~~r: ,:,~e~r.~i~l~~z(,,-{n~:)·

Dr. Jos6 I. Abuel. ( M.D.) . Dr. N. J. WeingRrt cn. ( D.S.C.). "M iu Concepei6n Yal1tin cha)' (Pbnf. Chcm). MilS Clnudra Cruz. (B.S.E.). Dr. Lothar Liuner. (N. D.). CoUeile of Ora l a n d Deni al Surllery 1 1~0 R I ZAL AVENUE. ",\ . "1( Z P. O. BOX 2I>S3-TEL. 2_8lM3 Dr. EIBdio R. AldecoR, l're..ident lind Dean. Dr . J..u.o:enio O. r.nven. I{egi.tra • . Frnnk l'ennHor, TrellSu rer. Dr. L;omcdcs J'. de In '\lcrccd. Dr . C"" imiro Viclorinno. Dr. l'nator II. SlIpino,o. Dr. N;c .. nor Vic~orin"o. Dr. Dcogmoi11S U. Agu,tin. Dr. Schn"tin" i;iguen~". Mi$1l 'I 'rrmquilinn I)iul(co. ~I .... LnOl10r J igucron-I'Moun]. Or. ~Ieni Marcellllna. Delfiu Sllm'(ln. Dr. l-.:IIRe~Jo "m"nueva. Dr . DcrlUlrdino It. 1I0a. !llaj. l:.milinno Pam..


THE CO MMERCI AL & IN D USTRIAL MANUA L CO l umbi a n Anoein l e d 14 T . l' l Nl' l N TEL. 2-14-84



I. Ab"d Santos, President. Junn L. Lanling. "iee-Presidont. Mrs Eatr~lle. A. SuntOll·Vnldl'l, Seerclllry-TrcB.!Iurer.


Abad Samo•. Member. Perfecto E. Laguio, Memb<!r.

Co l um bia n I nsti t u t e I" T. P I NP I N. ESCOLTA TEL. 2"'1.84 O .... IC!:IUI 0 .. "DM I SIIITIUTION:

Justico JOl 6 Alnd SantOll, Educational Adviser . Perfecto E. l.agWo, Director. JUlin L. r,llnting. A5a ia tnnt Director.

Estrdln A. Santos·Valdes, S~rctnry.TrcB.!lurer. Eulollio Beet' li. negi,trot.


I: l~:r.n,:~,i~~i~lilln~ Registrar.

J o,,6 A. Vllld~8, I'hyaicpl Director. Ignacio i\l1If'lnlso. Aui'(lIl1t Physical Director.

AueRio S. Torru, Chid Clerk. I NSTRUCTORe:

Eu1oltio ,\, ncetr" Simplicio C. Cntreon


a.n)Gonnle, Viconta TnmilLl Gcronima Layul.f\n

Felioiaimn Jnvier Gcrntdo PUyno Eduardo:> P. Sanchez i'IIrs. J.'elicidnd Hizoo:>_Reeta Gcrlrude& Atejnndro-Vittano Catntina Zulnybnr

Col u mb Ian B UMi Dess Co 1J e~e

INIITnUCTolUl: lubel Alillnleo Francisea nnyo, Ped ro Abrenica Juan Pin~ ,n Mnria LL. Jovel1an08 Guadalul)C U. Ruh

Dc la Sall e Co ll c~e TAFT ,\VENUE. ~IALATE TE L. 5-llS-n Re". Brother Xavier, PrCllidcnt. Rev. Brother A. Peler, Viec--Prce.ident. R...... Brother William, T rCtlsurer. Rov. Rev. Rev. Rev. Hov. Hov. Rev. Rev. Bev.

Pntricia de Jca\18

Co l u m b ill n Nal lon,, 1 Fas b lo n Aca d e m y IN8T>lOCTORS '

M". Cornno. Abad $ant05-Lnguio. Mrs. Pilnr C. Bay ton. Columbl:'l n " o llco :'I n d Detec[ive Aca d e m y I!<STRQ"CTOR8: Mr. Jore A. "nldea Uy. Arcadio Lapern l MTI. E. Abad StlntoJ-"nld~ Atty. Perf«to E. Lnguio 1556

A<it~R'I~~Gl~I~O~~S~~8D~R!eAloNSO. SANTA cnul. P. O. BOX 1328-TEL. 2-31-78

~?~~. ~i:::~~t~·S~:~:~:rin~il~rr~ctrCl!'. Co m mo n wea lth Un lven l ry


AZ~:\~~ig~ 1~~'1\~ltJifLA/IlANJLA

TEL. 2-31-78 Hon. ViC<'!nte I,. Lellnrdn, Director. Antonio Fruncisco, HClli,tmr.


~'J\';~~ t tfll.\t l <;{~~gN~J~I;l~exi:-ENSION. MANILA P. O. Box 2!lIZ Tel. 2-20-5Z

Si. Si. Si. Si. Si. Si. Si. 5i. Si. Si.

M. of St. Alho",.

i\f. of St. Anselm. M. of St. Brendan.

Oro. Bro. Bro. Dro. :\1 • . 5. I•. Mr. J. L. Lt. A. C.

M. of of of of of M. of

~l: ~t ~~


coam~f?~~(~ ~~~rtlrldNgn~~~~~

Sc h OOl P. O. BOX Z22!l-T£L. &-02-36

C. Leiho"it~, Direetor.

~lme. L. Ad"II> t it. Prille i]l~l I ILIIlructrcaa.

DAglft,rN~ t~~~:L\§~NAN P. O. BOX

Estradn Eatrada Shotwell Ferriuioi Garrido J. Oucnconaejo Sonieo S. Ugnrto T. I. llfn

Mr. Mr. Mr. M r. Mr. Mr. Mr.

J. Medrnno J. Ollrr ;Cllt08 J. T tlteo D. :\firandn I . Nlltic. F. Darcelon D. Calvo


S. A. A. A. J. A. L.

R: ~~r~~~tl

Dloc.,.lI n Semi n a r y

39G CA~~~'t'gN.o~,~Nn ~~~nR°:!f'Rr)nIZA L H. P. Pedro Urdaniz, C.M., Reetor. R. P. Daniel Mmsn, C.M .. Viee-nector. R. P. Cri,tin Cornu, C.M.

~: ~: f~I\~ ~~~;i~~:,C'b.S·.M.

Eas le . Sc h oo l, l o c. BACUIO, OENGUET P. O. BOX 20 (Fo. 00)"' nnd Ci rb) Tbe ~ Rt. He". C. F. Moaher, D.O., Chai r man, Botl.d Tr""t~•. He". Robe r t F. Wilner, Reetor. Mre. Robert F. Wilntr, Principnl. T£AeUf:IUI' Gcorlle C. Dartter, Hel ilion.


~:r~ ~~d~::'~a7a~~~ar' Weaving.

Miu nOlo U,"o./'liul. II "nd III. Mi", E"lInllcline Puehi~ami, ,V nnd V. M •. Eugene Faw .. , VI. M r. Eugene 1'. PUCII)', VII . Mi", " lLrita Celn. Mi"" OlndY6 AI/a)' .e, IGndcrllntt(m. ;\I r•. ,\lieo C. Pucn),. R.N., Nune "lid :.rnlron.

~\4:~~O~,~:.:n1,1c:tB~ ~~li~;'Za.,jil~ ~i. ~:!.~!~~,lI{:;~:~~~;'r. J~ ~~m{:!if~nT1:~~~I,I~i n!~~~~~:~r.

St. I~r,'neia. John E"an!>eliat. John Eudee. St. Magdalen. St. i\lnrltlLcrite. St. Mnurice. ~t \li:~r Of Vielory.

DIM P. Ittly ... , Preooidont Leo Robe rt Hubert Prescolt Celeato Alandy

" Ir. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

~ I rs. Conlolnoion O. Diu. Direotor. nu li no G. Laude, ActinIC l'rin~il)" I .

M. of OoloMl.

M. M. M. i\1.

I'ROPEll8<)1<a: Bro. B. John Oro. D. Pete. Oro. Athall",i~ Oro. V. Norhe r ~ Oro, Dtlminn BrO. Lucinn Bro. Cni rn an Oro. Lewis ofGoonga Oro. Aloysius

R:~: 8;~: N!~:j"et

Itov. Hev. Rev. nev.


Cnepur M. Bitao

Fdi])e Tanopo Gregoria E~pin<) Dionisio M. Fro.llciaeo TOhlllll Villanueva Juao Tunsoll Aaucena Barrozo


~::,bD~o A,~~:~:~Otr~:!~,:~/rindpnl.

Ebe n ezt'r ntb le Sc h oo l ZA:'>IDOANGA. ZA:\IDOANGA Ro,·. S D. Lommaa.on. l'rt'aidellt. (On Lea"e)_ nov. R. n. Rcaa. Principal. (00 Leove). Mig R. C. Dohlefln. Sllp~rintendeDt of Women.

li'~~ ~: f: J~It,~~:"o~~~:':t~teDdeDt of Men.

:'>Irs. E. F. GlilbransOD.

£d u c::r. [ lonJ:t13T 'h~tl:I~~Aold8~ ~'l:I ~Cb"e ' ala nda TEL. 2-27_90 (Oentilltry Cour.e) Dr. Sovfrino B. Alberto, PrCllidcnt. Dr. G. N. A'f.:n1o[l. Dilall.

r[t/~~;: O·e?~~;.h.S'e.,.~:~UN'r.

PHI LIPPINES Ellinwood lHbl n Sc hool for Girls

93 IdI:~tu t:Il S


OF TH !: UO,,'U>



Mr. Ce lao 5. G ... n"oo . Pr e.ideM. ~h. 5. Monteblnoco, ~ [ cl"bct . Mr. O. Geplllle, Member. Dr. i\f. O ... 9.IICO, Membe r . Mr. M. Mnr ... bn)', Member.

605 TENNESSEF.. l\I,\LATE . P. O. BOX 437, TEL. 6-63-66 Eo..nice L. WiliiaTIlJl. ActioI!' Principal. Ermlla CathO liC School


1I0ey's K913sdH{ii:t:N."~rA~[~Eary Sc b oo l TEL. 5-69·50 ~h •. Rutb C. Hocy, Direetreu.

TEL. 2·\7.48 :\1,.. Greloria Agon cillo. 1 rineip" l. TC"CHE~:

Nicve.. Mnknlinno Nn(ividnd Noblez ..

Remcdioo ll oCj.uc Antoni ... D omIngo Dolonl Amado. Unula M~lcncio

J osefn Omin

~rr~~c~f1~r. ~~wnt

Remed,,,,, Moralce

Far Eastern Auto m otive E n llinurinl/; Co ll cl/;e

120-122 SOLE n, 61NOND O Pedro A. Ardell ... P resident. Roque A'baladcjo, SUI>er;ntcndcnl. n ... ti\ulo Pre-to , Sccrntn,y.

Fa r Easte rn BuSi ness Collc lle 700 R IZ AL AVENUE, STA. CRUZ J""~n

Garcin, CllIihicr.


Dominador Surio :\1,.., Fidc[a Samontc 1\1 .... Coo~pdon Plldillll :-01ariano ,\glLilmr Mi.u Je;sU$a Gm.cim

Ben. Aramb ... lo ;>'liu Amparo Ihueo G. T•. Abcsam~. I.eon Datan!:el Mig Geno"c" a Tr~]>ec~

Far !':"t tcrn University 2006 AZCA ]UlAGA" QOlAPO Nicnnor Reyctl, Prc..idcn~ nn<l .Chnirman. S~udie;s.


Clemente Vaon. Deao, I nstitute 0 x:'\ ccou nte, DU$ine.s and Finnn cc. r..cDne;D B. :-oron.on. Dran, I natitute f Lnw. Frllnciaco M. Alricll. Dun, I nstitutc o{ Aria nnd Science. Belen Emile-Gutierrez. D rlln. I ns lit ... t" of Educfttion. AntDnio A. Alcjan<irino, p,.i"ripal. Boys' !Jigh School and I ntermediate Dcpnrtml'"nl. LUI A. Zalra. Prinripa l. Girl.· High School. Cel.D ICMinn". TreM"r .....

~~~~~ieO T'."Benldd.n~~i~i~I~8Icrk.

JD&(, P. R Dchn.


~ir:na~· d~er:::'~~;et~;~~¥~:~aurcr.

J ... lian D. Dyuiro. Comlltroll~r. Lui. Pnb~],.n, Menlbet 01 Bonrd.

~~tr.: Kb~~;.,,~~cp~l~~~pR.;,cctor. :\1;..

Ho,t~... ~~t~s~~~,~~ro~\'N1~ '"IF TuU8T -, 8:


MOIII. I'edro P. SantOi. Gennal Add ser.


Filipin o Acadcmy, The 939JUAN LUNA, TONDO

H o ly GhoS! Co llcltc 163 MENI)IOLA. SAN ~lIGOEJ. TEL. 2.35-·15 (Estnblisheu June 17, 101~-UHdcr direotinn of the Mia· lionar), Siate". Sc ..·"nt. nl Ihe H oly Ghos~). Etc". Mothe. Provincinl Geroldine. 110". ;\[other Ann, Superi or.,... 1 , &Tt:RiI:


Go.conn Thoma.clln 1I0sabclln Edehvinn Andrcl\8i no Lurini ..


Silli.munda EdltRr;n



Cebtr"dis Mar"" Pauunnn !.ydin JOlJ('fina. P ..... ima Irmin ..arda

Pinoan AlphoTUIUS'n Aselln Acelis P etron ilill Perfectn Fidelllia..... Con.illn


I lihle!l.undi, I':otririana. Mcr~edes

Cru~; fc rfl


Go.briele " celin W"I\,urgio Frllnai.ccun Adolorata

Meriln Bernin Theol::;enin


MII.l],; .. n~


;'of;", CDn ....e]D Ad';/lo... I". Dircctress. 1I1i", Gloria Moral"", Prinripa l.



TEl •. 2-2G-93 Vi ctor Mcdinn. Direnlor. ~ranoilco Salnnr, Sccret ary·TreMu rer . 'N$1'n l;leTon8: Slsto Ctltchalinn Santee Jllurigue J OOM! Limkllko MllIiano Salazar Mias Iaidrll Abella ;\ EVRngeliatn 'romlls

T om,h Hernandez Ruben Salnznr F{'lipe Marque. J oa~ T. Bn ... ti!'a Celeltillo Betn9.b~ Juan Isidro ltieern

Horrls Memorln l Trnlnlnlt $c h oo l ESPAN'\ AND P. I'AHEDES, SAMPA LO C TEL. 2·41.87 Mar guerite ;\I. Decker, P rincipal. 1\111.1")' A. E"o.ns. Hlnl gn mn In s , I, ... ,e BINIGAIIAN, OCCIDENTA L NEOROS Air. Flnrenlino Nolido. Direotnr. M; .. Tcr"" ... Torrd.nncn, H~ ... d nf the Engli,h D ~pfttl ' mont. Mr. SClliam... ndo Oel\'ol8, Reg;atrmr. Mias SW!nn Nonato, TeMh~r. Mr. Andrl'S CnrdonCI, T nad'cr . Mias COllluclo Simnann, Trnr.hcr. Mr. Allonao M. Espino, 'l'cRellar.


Ib" J"y Inst llu[e IB ,\JAY . CAPIZ M. St-!alllr, ,\etin" Dir""tor.


Junn Conanan

Constnncin 'l'umboeo n Alfonso S"ll .. do.

In 5l1l ... t o Cer vn ntlno 1223 AVE. 1HZA!., SANTA CRUZ Mr •• 1IIarin F. "da. de Rt)'t'I, Prof('!.!lor.

:'1111. l\lu. Mi n Mrl.

I nttlluto de i\!uje rea TA\'U~[,\ N. '('ONDO TEL. ~_!)5-21 RoaR L. &"ilIn ole Al"ero, Dircct rCS!l. Cllridnd Z;r,lritn SO"illn. Sc,·retnry. Feli~idnd ~nn J"nn, Dc"n nf Discipline. Leonor Celie Adomblo, Trcaauter.


Mri. "lIwHin Pncquing aalbin Oc.trudls Medin .. Conaudo M .. nalo Bcnitia Ac·lI.c Eetela rin!;n] Ang~la Gnleln Dclcn de J .... us Trinidnd Sa nti ago AnllSlnoin i\ f. Coleol M". R III!nrio P. Tan

Consuelo Hcr td ano S~orr o S. C.U1 Marl .. de GU1I"lI.n A~npita AQ1I;IIo MH. J ... lie T. Hidalgo M .... Con~hitn Balbin Guerrrro Rita Vi llnnmil l\lu. JUlina T coticRde LinCH




i n u r nut lo" n l

Co~r ... apo n d e n ce

Sc hoo ls o f Scran ton.

300 UY YET 'BU ILDING 217 DASMAR l jilAS. BINQNDO I', O. BOX -I2{l-TEL. 2_21_45 CAIJ I.E: "INTERTEXT" J. D. :'1"n~arJni. l\IlIntllter for Ihe Philippi""", MllTeillnO M. RIIIIIIZIl, Chief Cle r k. Felix )llll\"IO. ClllIhi .....

lIIo. Pnnfiln A. Glo,i". Miu Gonc,OIIa SIl IRt(lndl~. "'[t, Alb-crto 1.lovn re.t, Juan K, Oo,..e%. OonnlO K. Demetrio. Mi.. JU!lilla Le)'llo n. Mr •. WencC>lIi" .. S. EI[>;nn "' Iiu Conc~])ci6n Pann i. Ranlon Gn rCH. :\Iiu COll.'l0lnci6n Tio.

I nt ern atio n a l Oesl!!." l"!/. Schoo l TUASON'S BUI LDING. ROO)l NO. 202 ESCOI,TA, BI NONDO P. O. BOX 23S·I-TEL. 2_57_70 Norberto TalUolI, Preaidcu~ lind Director.

lIInlate Cnt h oll c Sc hool COaNER ..... ;\IAUlNI AND SAN ANDHES, lilA LATE T EL. s.a4.72


Mother :\1. Bnra!, l'rineipnL. Feder ico DUlnntllna", l'llIyground I nsl ructor. T&,U;: II EJUI:




AmIU"" i\ln~no

'I'suro Naga; ¥ nyo Wntunnb c TOBh;" H!lync I:lhlcko Y~himurn


LONln1n Agontillo :\[iu Aurell CnrbnUo :\liu Ciprionn I.ucinno GOll!ltllncia Villllmorol


lool'fr H~t~Lg~~C~trIAPO

I'. O. BOX :"!-I02-T£L. 2-29-36 Vicente F~bclln, Dcnn,

~~;I'\~n~H~nn~Cfi'eg~i~c:.or. ~ro~rt~r Ei,. l~~~i~':.~~~' c~~~~tnnt. Leonor ,\grava ISlIbelo T. Aguillir TimotCll ,\kalltarR


El'\I"ique Kllligbak Cri,l)in Llllmlldo Junl! n. Dnlollkitn Mtlr.ano Nable

,\d olfo Fllbell" \' e ,ue I " Deogrlldma T. FlorH Ramon J. Oal\d;onco Cellireo II . Orau I.conor D. Gnu Cayetano Hami J~ V. Hernandez Jo!l<\ M. Hillirio

Amado P. Rimando Mllr;"no O. del ROSllrio JO!I(l Y. OrO!!"!! A. Tomaa n cmcdiOll R. VellUn Nieanor TornlLil Pa cifico L. Velilln Jo!l<\ D. Warren

I~:I~~~~I ;;,o,f;~llll

:::~ifJlI~' ?:~~~~Y:n

M:l lln dln~


K(l lI n lt" Ac"d pmy r.UDUAGAN, KAL!NGA, 111'1'. PROVINCE TIl ... C II IlA8:

Ite\'. and Mr•. C. C. Wilm er. Lnllro ,\rizaln. Mr. IIno.! :\[ ... Ju"nito ,\rreol ... 1\I:\(I$ln I n stitute l\[A,\S I N, I.EYTE UO"'''1> 01' THU8T1:E&:

Prof. Clyd.. E. lIeflin. Chairman. He,'. An~el C. EI])inn, Viee·Chnirmu", Auy. ConrAdo G. ,\biern, Secretnry, a .. ", Dr, I'nu] 00111. Eoteblln Fadullon. Ni('anor E SlInl"•. Re\', Fnn,';ISCO IblllnrrO!!n. Pedro Knn~lcon. Simpli~io Bnlliull. FIIUM;1I0 Cnlnpre, Tr-'C ltl:lll:

Re,·. A'II:el G. &I]);nn, Director. Mnrrdlllno \'. Anltcle., Dcan of 1""lruotion And Regillr:<r. ;\Ir. Mnnutl K"n"lcon. Trenaurer. ~Ir· JOoM O. E"lIrette, l ibulr'en.

~:~~ f:~f~t~·o~t:~'q,';n.

:\hu ;\lnll1.. Hafnnan. :\Ir. ,\"rillno ,\/roilnn. Mr. Delfin Sun,e•.

In s tltuto


~d~~~n~"aL~;'lr~,1Ic~;B~r£.j.'Mlor. Snbino acformn, Treasurer.

T"... Cln:ns: Ped ro L. i.icop M,guel PerC)'l'1I

Jom lIIalol e.t 11)orencio :\1. Cnslillo

S;\~~+An~~Jzu~~1~5&0~I1~f1N ILA Joa6 MII" ..10, Director. M n rnn nw Folk School D,\NSA I.AN, LAN ,\O Fra"k C. Laubach, D'rec~or, Denton, Penns),l""ni!!, U.S.A. Frank J. Woodwnrd. Anlinl/. DIrector, Mi .. Minnio K . Schuh., l.ibrllrilln,

~I~~' ,rr~:~LS~:~~i~la:d,t~:nlo~f I.L::~oPf,~~~. TE.\c n Ens:

~1~~!iJ~IITb~{.~os:,>~~~aw ~r~~I~!'nn~t~dF'I~n;c'!~an M ,m il(l Chinese I'atr lol!c Sc h oo l, The 051 sou: n, SANTA cauz TEL, 2.56--11


Emilill F. Wllr ..", :\[ariano M, de IO!! aeye!! Mil"gro~ III. Warr en Frnndlco Sanliago ModeBto Florr.


Dr. Rnnlon RnYll080, Dire ctor.

Josh D. Wllrren, Sccrctnry. !".lCOlor.-,


Jelln Wilson

l\InBntOtn lIIotohub. "'1"Bnnod Shihnrn Hidem; Sh int"

J8urlL Nogai FII.&M Tomotnki

Elelln LU.Urilllln Concol>ci6n So r te EX,)eC llld6n Pimping Cannen BnyoL

M~e~n ~1~~~o~'~~~li:l'; Prin Cillr\l. Ng Shih Sian, enshior, Tf'JlClt"It$,

S. 1'onl'l: Sin JCI!a; 1'('3tonicc Y. P. I( won Mnrcelino Pnyumo

Sik.lin 1'110 L. w. Kwok D. Gltnn F UIlII Lucy Nil

Moo ll n Conser.. atory o f MUBic

::!21 BARBOSA, coaNE Il R. HlDtH"GO, QUJ APO


FOUNDED- l !l3~,

oFnCEII 011' AD .... JNI8Tll,\TlOI<:

1"01. Bodolfo R, Gorltejo. Director. :\Ir. Fulgcnc;o Connlc.'l, Regietrrlr. uo ... ltO or TI\I1I1TCZ8: Judl:o Quirico Abelo, P.eaidcol. Pr ol. Uodolfo Cornejo, :\femlx-r, Dr. Alfredo Z, F",nllndel, ;\lclIlbcr. :\Iajor Vicente R. Darros, :\Iember. AUy. Iubel p, I'ndu ... Memb\!T. Dr. \'iccnt~ 81.l1!ta,nante, ~I~mber . :\Iiu I.eonor I.npcr .. l, Mcmber. F.lCUIoTT:

aodo]lo R, Cornejo Alfredo Z. Feruandu RilL Hcrrmann Serafin Pa)'lIw,,1 Mllrtin;nno EI~ucrrll

~:~~ l:a~~r p~"ar.d"Ja

SlIlu..tinno Robledo Lau reano G. \'ie.-ncio ,\otcro !toque



R~,·. N. S. M"Pherson Rev. and Mra. E.C.Bomm Rev. ThomM G. Tnggnr~

:'IIi .. Edna HotcbkilJl :\Ii" L. Evelyn Congleton Mi", E.ther Yerger

~~~& Z~t~:ii>'au~G.obull~Y

Ma nlln I n . thul e 88 1 DART , PACO TEL. 5-50-14 R. Tengco. President mnn Prineipal. N. G. Sanche•• T relLl!Urer. Rian . do Smn Pedro, Seereta ry. Vi~nl~

).I&).III&n& OF TlI& F"CtlLTY:

Felino L. GMpa.

~;s~r:lr; ~r':~lia

Claro Eatoiatn


R, Ubnldo Ouilte.n,o Jo&6 Ri e",do Snn Pedro Dcm~trio Si.on Norber to de In Ro.n Con.()lnd6n Yln gnn Pastor de G u.mnn Mnnlln Sartorln l SehoQI 3~7 EC H AOUE , ST A. CRU Z Lore nzo Belt rnn, D ir etto r.

84~IRYi~LI'Aa~~~tu,t J~eiJ~n,t'8"uz P. O. BOX. I 16 ·f EL. 2_10·701 TomAs M npun, President. G. T . VRlco, Denn. Mary Brown Town send M em o rln l Bible , Vo mun', Tralnln ~ School LI lfGAY"EN. PANGAS I NAN P. O. DOX ZO Solcma E. Ed. nlin, Actine P'incipal. Ma r y John sto n HOlp l tn l Sc hoo l of N u rs ing 101 QUESADA, T ONQO FACtlLTT:

r.fb~~a 0J~~eale.a

Margarita Paseua Eufronia A_Ac


f:~a n~V~C:Qngdo Frlmci.~n R~vern

In-nea de '<,\ Reyer

IITtln&I'<"T l<oRS&8:

Vielorin Andaya Lorenza BIlICo Nnth'idnd Bordn Rebeecn Famlnn Lucile Guieb Este. I balnrrOla Est1M' Mnc9gbn Purifieaei6n Pnacun Conchitn PlLlcunl :\In.;a Rob le Raquel .sova ngeo bn bel Ti,nbrczn Ienb.1 Velnaco Viec nt n Baz C.e.en(' in Ed wnr to Reme di os Oonu les C. Graapnr; 1 Alfi n I ~nncio Consoln ci6 n Rnm il Clnr" Perez llitcr :rutin ~ nn Joaefin" Vinlunn I1onorntn Aatudillo

Demtr;a Sn"niento Erniliana Tnbnmo Cnridnd TrirHdn d Padtn Valdu nebec~a de Vern Zenn Villn. iea Roanr;o V;n Lunn Leoner Acay Huth ,\ltam",o Libcr tad Ba rretto Floren!ina Cnnouiudo Nd lic Corrales Ada ln Dizon Lore!n Fajardo Lourdes Ilerrer Rotn Gnltnrin Olive I n;, Victorin Liquete Criulidn M,." ,ri eio Filipinns Sllnll Crist'll·n Uncinno Anita I.ammnwin Luisn C. iSOlltOmO


Viecntc He. moso. Preolident. Grelorio Cordero, Tru., urcr. Zacarias Ita, Member. Vieenle Ah·arcB. Membn. Cosn'e CariOll, Membe r. "IaTeO, HumtlSo, Mcmber. J~ Pd...,. Member. V.,nnnao Lim, Member.

~~b::;" o;l~'riB~: ~l~:::t:~:

>1&IoInl:lUI OF Till: FACtl LTY:

JWIIO lIumos. Di. eetor. Edua. do A. C ruz, Rell.tnr. Qui.ino BaTbo, I nat ruetor. Ad~lnidn :'>IMalinao SHVCst rR Iloy.

95 Mila m ls In Si l l ut e. The MISA;\ I IS, OCCI DENTAL :\[ 15AM I S

Monll " EVll n lle ll st lc: In s tlrut e PENNSYLVANIA AVE. AND PADRE FAURA ST.

P. O. BOX .\

Dr. Hilnrion T, Fellriano. PruidMl. Floren~io P. C r ill. Viee-I'rctidenl. MI'II. Marill M. F~lieillno. Trea'"Lrcr. Aur~lio ;\f. Mendon, Seerelnry. Kwnn Winl, T r wlIlee M o da, l I ns l lnll e LEG.o\SI' I. A[. BAY Rufina M. Rmtlorea. Directre,u. Manuel Dizon. RClliatrnr. Ntnita n. Dizon. TrellSurcr. JOB/i E'lrellado. Direeto •. Mul" T. Eatrcllndo, Di retto •. Moro Se ll ie m c nl Sc h OO l ZAMBOANGA. ZAMIJOANGA P. O. BOX 23~ "'!i~s Anitn Yonn!;. Princil,n1. /!oli O!! Winifred E. ~In"n . The nev. ~)'dney E. W"ddington. Nnl lo n nl Bu s l n~u Sc h oo l SECOND AND 'f li 11'1 D l'LOOIlS, P,\l'EHNO ULDG. STA. CRU Z mUDGE, MANIl.A, 1'. !. Jo&6 Conccpci6n. Director. . n~rmini" S. Coneep' i6n. Directreu , School of Fnsluon . hidoro LeT'nn, Jr .. Trro8urc,. Ilicardo G. Trinidad. SQc.ctar~·. II<6TRtlCTOM:

Pedro 1'. Colin" Frandseo Cabrnl


Tomas J. OrtcJn Rogerio QuiD!on Ben G. SISon Juan S. Bauti&h Eligio M. Lopea Nnila!j:aa Cornon D. Villa P.uent~~i6n V. Garein Cedlin T. Tillo,o Fdi~innn T. ~tnrcclo Fn~to A. Accro Puril" SDutistn ~fll!j:<I"le"n A. :\labotas E~lliritu

. N'Ll IQ n a l Rndlo Coll elte (ROO:'l! 3. Til III 0 FI,('Om mZAJ, ,\\·ENUE. SANTA CRUZ Enrique Lola.IotD. Dirertor. Teo610 D. Cnmacho, R ClI:i~tra r and Chief Clerk. Emilio :'If. A, e•. Chirf Instructor. Fred A. Carillo. CI"ef. TmininlZ Stat;Onl. Fran~i~o Anadon. J... bOTalory COJUultnnl. Fla,~ano ViJin real. Shop SU)ICrinccndent. Severino Villanlle,·n. ShOI' I'CCIIC'!'. P",.iano Eehave. Librn,i"". Siseotmdo Tnncl .. co, Athletic Mnnn,.r.


Nal lon a l Teac h cn Co llc~c (Rccol! nl zed b y t h e C ovcr nm enl ) 185~ AZCAHRAG ,\. SANTA CRUZ P. 0, BOX IOH T EL, 2_3G_39 Dr. Jos(\ 1'. I,aurel. Chancellor. ~~d,ao Ay. Y~'i~~~~,1::T~~~~:~~r~ccre!nr)" J ohn H. :'II. nut ler. Hend Normnl Department.

g~: r!~>r~:ov~it~:og~;,S~?·iein".

3J1°1~fl~,tl ~\'~i~~~L~c

'r E I•. 2·15_36 Florentino Cnyc"', P'esi,le"t. Florcncin J. Jnvier. Ae!in" Com p!roller, Fnustino BUIZ"ntc, HeltialtllT. Quintin J. ;\11l,ainnn. Sccrelnry to the President. ~'tr nando Peru, Aceounlnnt. ,,&.,1<8 Ricardo C. Arting Acting ActinIC

"NO u c..oB OF PErAnT).IE"'TS I.a",on. Denn. COllNt. of J,,,w. Dcon, College 01 EduCBlion. [',incil'nl, Jun'o. Normal College. l'rineipD!, Hijrh School D cpftrlment.


g~.nW~i,,~~b~!'c1i':i·a::,,~a[;"~~.llg:II~~cl.~~~PI~n;~:ey . Dr. Mnrcelino Be. nardo, Actin, D~an. Coll~lt" of Com. merco Ilnd D,,~ine.o Administration. D"'id i\ l a.~olo, D~Rn. Collell:~ of Enll:in!lerinlZ. M .... Lorenzn O. de JeslIs. I'rineipnl m(·.mUrtlS rnit. Bibiana C",nnnndo, HtRd, Home Economi.s Depart_ ment. Dr. )liluel Mnreclo, Director of Ihe National Unh'tr!il), D noar)'. Celer ino Pnluin, Physical Di'ector.





P. K. H uang

Corn G. r,ug"nb~ ..1. PTin~il)a1. A. llnng!o)' GrclI:orio CerCio J. A. DBngloy Alliin Quilulio Royl'll Abduliu Vijlilill J,OUJ"d~8 CnbnnBng Victor Cnbnneng Aguinn!do Bllliuuo, TrcWlUJ"cr.

P . Y. Tunl: T . C. HBieb

F. S. HWIlng C. II. Yen

i\1. Co I\. C. Chang

O ur Fll the. J esus Nn'l::Itc n e Se hao l P L AZA MInANDA, QU I AI'Q (Boya ond Gi r l, School) Ite", i\lal!dftl~no Cqtitlo, Dirc~tor. Re,', D . Vi ce nte Calnpllnl:. Auid·nnt Direct or.

S. H. Bu

w. I'. Yu S. H. Kung

PhW.P~I'~~A~S~I)l p<.i<'~~ee

MiBI i\lnUTII RcyCl!. Principnl.

TE l •. 2.10-.58


Miss Joa,,'" Centeno

l\Ii!! FcJin Cr.ndid"

(FORMEnp\~r s~~~f,,~f.O'-Cr~I%R'6catl~~'r.


Conducted b~' the Fra".-ie.-n n i\1ia!JiollnriC8 of MnTY 5S8 LEGARD ,\, SAMPALOC BOYS AND G I RLS SCHOOL Our Lad y o f Pl ln t 105 I'T.AZA GOIT I ANO 206 I'LAZA STA. CRUZ (BoyS lind Girl, Sohool)

Rc", Juato Quc!ui.d9. Dir('clor. Aurorn 5. Dyogi, ...Principal. TE.<CIIERi!I: Ener Moreno A\'e]inn Bllut;.t .. Sil"<'!Itr6 Plll:oyo Geno\'e\'n Samonte Remcdioa Villlleortll Pnciln C. Quinloa Paco Cath olic School Oil PAZ. I'ACO (1l0Y8 nnd Gir]s Schoo]) Be\,. G. A]denbuijacn. t>!lIltor. Dire ctor. Pact) Ca [h O Il ~ChOO ] 28 1'BECE DE AG 51'0. Pi\CO (BO~'8 8ud Girl School) i\lother M. Frnncois Mot tr i\1, £]euthere MOIher M. Llirrecill illoth;e r M. Johlllmn Mother i\1, Honorine ;\lothh ill. Hugo Jo~(: Pndilla ,\urou. Vllrillll Soh'dlld Duque PlI.ifi('nci6n Rono Gundclup(' Oben Cnrmen Lalllnn Amanda Clara\,n) Pu MOla l\I~r"rd<,. Caballero Gr('gorin Reyu Malldnlcnn Acui\a Cnrmen Ornnnigll" D olo.~, BQCO R ontio Kerr Niev<'!l Mercndo Fe]iridnd L~CIIon Brimn Cwollllledn Paoay No n h I ns U lufe, In c .. T hl: PAOAY. ILOCOS NOIt'rE Atty. Jo~ E. EVllnge!iUn. Director. 1:<8T m)CTOI\S : I\Ir,. PAcicn .. i" A. E"nngc]iah l\Ii u 'I'ul.'lln A. Umlly nm l\I is8 M"rgl1ritn E. Evangelis1a

~~],'I:~ %. SX~:nj~no

MiM Petra Galindo Min Simeo nll Clltuhay.

P e ii afraocla C," ho llc Sc h oOl To:.>CIII:II5' MiM J01!efa Bprnnrdioo. MiM E]i,cn Arri oln. Philippine Busi n ess Co llcge 833 DABT, l'ACO TEL . .5 • .51.02 D<'ol{rnciruJ V. Snlud, Di,,,"lcr A]fnn,o 1'. Dizon. Comptroller. Au<iN=s de III Ctliz. Bee-i8Im•. Joe6 L. T orrC'!! , Sccrctn.)·.Trell&nrcr. Philip p ine C h l n c$c lII ~ h Sch ool 3.5 FELlPE II , B I NONDO P. O. BOX 102ll-TEL. -1-88- 10 I1,in.·un 800. C. H. SU, D~nn. P. K. I-Iu" nl:. Proctor. K. U. Tlln. Lib."rillQ.

I. J>. WU G. C. Lim C. Ie Urn :'li~B 1'. K. Yn l' K T. Yui Miu ;\1. B. Chuntoeo T. K. Lim 1'. I'. Chun nl( S ]'. SI1 P. \'. Hwnng T. C. \ \'u C. C. Chen

C. H. Su


!'.lre. J UIl" 1\Ir8. Ned

Dr. GervMio dc Ocampo, I'rl'tlidCU1.

Dr. Vicente R . d .. OCllmpn,

\'i~·l'rf'l<i dcnl

Atty. Ambr~io V. Urnali, S~ .. retnr)' . Dr. 1,l1i. Antonio, ;\lemhI" and Denn. Dr. Aug\ll:lto de loa RoyCil. ""COLTT: D r. [,ui. Antonio Dr. Il(ulloio Antlrade D r. Mdecio Z. DolllilOll Dr. CnyolnnO EUIl\IIquio Dr. EVil Gonzml<'8·JamilUl Min Lucill Mauikia Dr. Lauro Pnll~nniban Dr. Glludcu";o R. Ocampo Miss Remedios Ocampo Philip p ine

und Trcl\(Iurer.

Dr. V. B. de O,,"mpo Dr. Ci]lrillllO O"hon Dr. Aurelio Rarnoa Dr. AUIl\Ulto II" 1011 Uoyca Dr. I rcne Hoe"t.B"Ilez Or. l'ran~ie .. o 1'o.. aon Dr. Ma"",,] D 1'1'11118 Auy. AlIlbrOliio ". Umllh Dr. J~ S. V!lltc

D,,~.~ n l n ~


"3kAiN~,~'(' ~rlEMt"'E~ISdT~~ttW'~Z

Gabriel E. Rcyes, Director.

I'h lll ppi n e Ihrva rd lu n In, fl t ul e Ill" JUAN LUN ,\, 1'ONDO TEL. 4-81-(;0 I1dolon80 D. YIlp, Di rector. (On Len\'e).

~~~~~!~o g.d~nfi.:,cH~'~l~~nil~~.r.

Co n"cpdon D. Yap, ASIIt. Compt.olle r. DoroleA SellA.YDp, Priuclll1.l. Simlllleio i\1, F lor~~. '\sSI. l'rincipIII. ( Bron c h No. I ) lI a " 'a rdl a n B Us in ess Coll ej!.e Ill!! JOAN L UNA. TON DO, MAN I LA Soledad i\I. l'ilnr, Stcrcll1:ty. ( 8ranch No.2 ] U a r vA.d lan Fas h ion an d Tu ilo rln~ Acnde m y 1118 JUAN I.UNA. TON DO, MAN I LA Edu"igis I,. Ser.Dno, Sfx,rC\tlr)'.. (B ron c h No.3) Los An ~l!l C$ Acade m y 1317 HE R RAN. I',\ CO, MAN IL A Ilarbnrtl Auge] ~ , I'rincip"l. ( Branc h No. 4)

l~f;H1.ifl~ ~~ ~~~::'~~raf,oNX~~

Mactlrio D. Y"p, Regi!lrnr.

(B ra n ch No.5.) Fas h ion nnd Tn ll orln ll Acn d ~ n. y 13t; H ERnAN. I'ACO, ;\IAN' II.A Gcrtruw. F. LUCM. Secrelllt)'. Lo,

A n ~cl el

Phili p pi n e L yti c Acade m y. I nc.

814 (~~\~~~'}d&tib.r.lrll~\ I.A TE l,. ~·83_I O Bra nc h es: Ca vi ll!. Cavl ' l: . SlI:n I'ub lo. Lull unll D r. Juan Noltl.!!co, ll Preludent. Antito T Aborll. '\!08i8tnnt Preoidenl. i\liM I.UI Cnvi l~8. St~rcill ry. n onorio I.OlltZ, "ice-I'rfllitl~nl.

*~do~~nc~~!i~e~.1 'l:s\~t~~~~~:ctn!l~~. Dir~tor. p~Jl'pd'lltR Sth~1 so.:A.BcWt~·

Pedro C. FabL Presideut. Dra. s.o.-orrn V. NOnllln.Fabi. D;re~t r ...... V. Norolla. ~rclllry.Tn:.. url'l'. MOIINtO \'. Norolla. Cler k.



DO\ll» OF OIRt:CTOIlft,

Wong Hoy San. Chairman.

Lee Ah Lim, V;oe-Ch.irman. Lee Yick Gllh. Sec,e,a.y.

Wong Se Fun, Tteaeuter. LeUR!!; Tak Cban, A•• iUllnt Chan Konn Mi,,~. Direo:tor.


WOOl!: Se Sin. Oirector. Ow Yang Pun Sek. Director. Ylln Sce Oie, Director, Wons: Fong W .. h. Director. Lee Kwon~ Tin. Director. Chang Wa, Lill, Director. Chung Yick Yao, Oire<:tor.

Sai nt J amu Arodemy (Prim ary. Elcment.r~ and Kindergart en.)


/IIALABON. RIZAL p"OVEnoM: Sister David /II(Orie. O.P" Superior, Sistor ~Iary AaumJlt n. O.P.


Ng FB~. Director. Chno Ming Chili, Dircetor.

~i:~~~ ~':8r: 3~~ti~. ~.~:i>.

Sister r,uricia Mttrie. O.P, /IIin Luoin Ililnrio Mi as Purifi cncion [lorj". /IIi n Leoncia Cnlloll;hcr. i\'Ii sl Purificaoion Se ntos.

f'hlllpyin a Unio n ColteJ!... (FORMERLY PH LII'PIJ,'1E .JUNIQlt COLLEGE) BAESA. CALO"QCAN. !UZAL P. O. BOX 1772. MANILA-TEl,. CAL. 548

kR. R.B~[:O~\~~~£;e~~e~~d~~:'C61Ieg of Education. SeWlon, Pastor, and Dcan 0''\1111 Collcle of Theology. ~~~18~~i~~V\~,::.~~,~t:;;'!~~.YT~~)e

(Philippin e Women' , Edu auionai Assod:1I10 n) T AFT ,'VENUE. ~IA'.'\·IE TELS. S-71-67 AND 1}.(l6.12 :'lIn. Conrado Btnite•. Pruiuent ~nu d,"ual :'Ibnage. ~I ... Raf"'cl P"hnn. Vioo-Pre.idcnt. Jo. e Ab"d S,,"tO •. Chai r man. BODrd of Tr ".atoo~. o .. ~,eEns; ~fisa F rntuniauad

:'Ilisa :'Ilia :'Iliss :'II .., :'Iliss :'lItH,

Gonn!",. Rillistur. Remtdi os NOl;uc,a. Rtl;iltnr. Aniteta Chonlt. Treuurer. Enrn.nadon }'rnllcill. Pita. A. C!~",ellte, Hell"n Benitu. Soledad B. Cabrera.

Qul,umblnll Sch OO l of Tec hno loll)' 43 5 DAS~!.-\III~,\S. BINONDO TEL. 2·1-1·55 F. A. Qui8umbing. Director. F. E. A. C.

1I0AnD OF TItU6TF.EII: A. Qui.umbin". I'r",idQnt, Qui.umbing, Vir~_l'rrlident. A. Alignon, RtRiltrnr. SYY"'P Quisumbing. Compt.oll~r. R adiO

E n 1:ntt rl n ~

Co ll eQ,e

3Di~~rH~~AeeG3. g'ul~\op8'~,rA~ILA First Lieut. MDnuct S. det Rosnrio. P. A.. Foundr •. R\1:a l In l i llute TAAI •. BATANG,\S :'II ... Ro,it'" P. Cabrera. Directr eu.

Tuell"". :

Severino A. aarcia TCU11& de Joy" Juliann M. hla BOARD OF DIRECTORS:


,-\gaton", C, S&ntOl, Fin a ncier. Saleado. Director of the Academy.

Yee Yeo Woo, D" Mlnr. Lee Yiek Kwoolt. Director ,

~l~II~:lmb':.t~e~:.i~I~~~r :re.i dellt, l'rimilivo 1I&,&n. Member. Vicente Montonegro. Memb<-r. (Vllcsnl) . Member. Tomll8 Cabrera. Seerctnry_Treaurer.

S:m Bed" Co llelle E. MENDIOLA. SAN ,\!lOURI. P. O. BOX 2227-TE r•. 2.32-112 (Established IOOI-Undrr the Di reetion.ol Bonediet ine Rt, Rev. Raynmndo

snt~~~~rt1.S.B ..

X~~~ M;t~h~ner,\~~~~'. 6-.'~;ll.: gi~~'.I"

,\bbot. I'r c!i dent.

Rector, Rev. Paulino Onrcin. O.S.B .. IIcctor of Church. Re\", Ilddon.o Sac•. O.S,B. R~~:: li~a~::n djut~~"6.~:~·.B.· MlllItct of No,·icl'O!.

R~~:: ~~~~ Eoa;:;.ea'o~s~il~·

Re\', Enrique Gui"art. O,S.B,

~ :~:: J.tdu7!~il.~b~g.5rl~ny. O.S.D Re". Rev, Rcv, R e\,. Rev, Rev. Re". Re,-. Bro. B,o. Bro. Bro. Br(l. Bro.

Garardo SUire. O.S.B .. Procurator. Alberto Cll8tedo. O.S.D .• Prefect. Wilrrido R ojo. O.S. B, Serll;io :'Ilartiu~I, O.S.D .. Prder!. l:.enndro Ollideano. O.S.B. Beda C. <lei lIoY(I, SeereUr~· . Bcrnllrdo "'!Rrtin.,.. O.S.B. Benito SlIn JUlin. O.S,O. An~ei ~1. Alvirn. O.S,B. Jo!l4i /lin. Carrio. 0.8.B. Antonio C8!as. O.S.D. S~rftfin Al;uilllT. O,S. B. SIIIVlldo. Alberid,. o,s.n, Jos(; Tnnkilut. O.S. B.

DALINT~~V'Afrt,~[~6c",{},. IIIZ,\L ~~~:: f.::~~~nlr. kio?na~:''s.j .~kol~~~~or';l Theolol:!.

Ro" Aen'i!io V. Arc"rrnlln. S.J .. I'rofes.aor of Rcred Scripture. Rc\', William C. FC8Y. S.J'l; Spirituel Dirccl,or'r of Rev'c~~~~Tntv'ando~'~~RI 4i;co~!~~ter. rO ~IOr lie\'. Vill,"n' de P. O·eeirnc. ~ . .r .• Prolonor of Phi!"soph~' . 200


P. O. BOX I·W-TEL, 2-39.9! (Founded 163()--Under the Direetioll 01 tho Dominiun Fnthcre) SC u OOL OF

"D'1TS' ~T""TIOS:

Very Rev. FT. JUB1l LabradnT. O.P .. Heetor and PrC6ident, Ro\'. FT. Pedro Mateoa. 0.1' .. Vice-Rcelor and Director of BoardCtB. Re,'. Fr. Mul\o •. O.p .. l R.!pe~tor of D ay S~udent8 and MRnllgeT of "Let ran News". Rev. Fr. Albe,to Lopez, 0. 1'., In chntlte of tile Letran Cadet COrpl, He". Fr. Bienvenido Turi~l, O.P., Delln of Ih~ Bieh Sehool DopDrlment. Rov. Fr. Tom811 Mnrtil1cz. O.P .. Direttor of AthirtiC5

Re".aF~. ~~:~i';o Aetivit;.,..

V"lbucI1R. o.r .. Director of ReiigioU.!





Ro,', 'F r. Loreuo Rodrigue" a.p., Dell" of the Colle-

Rev!!~~ R~lrlg:c::~:;

O.P" Secretary IlIld Prineipnl, llev. Fr. CiTlla Gutierrez. 0.1'., I.ib .... i .. n. Rill', FT. Fer"lIlIdo PCdCOSII, O.P .. Tre!lllurcr lind Pro. aurlllor.

ROI", Ii':. Jos6 DInneo. 0. ('., Director of the "Lei."" Scenic Club". R()\',


Honorio lIluf\ot, 0.1'" Director of the "Lclrllll


Rev , Dro. Pablo Martin. a.p., to ' the Treas_ urer,

Rev. Dro. Franciaco SaMh,,!, 0 .1'., Procurator.


to the

~~a;,':f;, 1~~l~t\r~::a~,~,r t~~h CI~~n;r.,c::::,1 B:"s~rt,..,,:~}~: Cornml>ndaut. Silt. D. O. Seale. U. S. Army, Auiaunt to the Command. nn\ , lIe IlOO!" " ... ellL""':

Very It.,v. Fr. J uan>roo(>1, a.p. Abrnillun Asis l~r. Jlonorio

Alberto Lo])u, O.P. Fr. Aurelio VlIlbuenu.O.I'. I' •. Bicn"eni<ioTurieI.O.l'. Drlluli" Alfllro Fr. Ciri]o Gutier rez, 0.1'. Elil!iO namoa

Mull o.,

Jo.einto Cruz Fr. JOI!~ Bh,nco, OJ'. J0s6 CCI~3tO Fr. J Od: Cuea!", 0.1'. Joo{i Fai" . Jns6 Luca,


~~l~i~e:~i!~~R~nnco. 0.1'. f~~6J~i11IR?~~en, 0 .)'.

}"aU4liRO Sale8 JUlm T"'rre~ ).'r. Fcrno.ndo PedrOwo, O.P. 11T. Lotelilo nourig"el, 0.1'. l'ranciaco AleJ:;re ;\111.celillo Surla I"r. Franeiac o Muiloz, 0 .1'. Fr. Pedro MII\~~ Gil Albano Ihfoel Llllll1nll numnn Abllu GtclI:orio Valenein namon Sunico Hilildon Recio Ricardo Dulll)' S\lInley l'rellcnU TOIOIu Taseon. 0.1'. [ r. Tom/1,3 Mlirtillcz.O.F. Fr. CIlPt. N. L. :'Inllillno, P.ofcs~or in :'Iilil",)' Science IInu Tactics. Sgt. n. O. Scale. Assi~tllnl nst.ue\or. Sltt. I~loy L. Curry. AliSis l"lI\ luat.uelOr.

~:t: lll~~~ f ~~~I~~·A'!:t;~,~:,~\,~~.t~~'t~~.r.

Sgl. Fred Sid:. AMis tnnt lnSlrllclo •.



1739 ~iz,t~~'~\?E~1'lt t~~\~~~~Qdnuz Antonio :'1. Derron. PrinciplIl. TI:AC II &RS:

lhidoro A, Fnrolan Se"ero MOrlerl\ Junn V. Ampllro

M';~ L1":"S:

Mona. Hip olito Arceo. Pnrish PrietO!. Vicente O. Romualdcz. ,'ttOmey_nt.lllw. Dr. LQurdc. A. R emun lu c~. I'hysioian. 8rll. Hcmediol T. de Itnmunldez. Mr. Frnnciaco A. de Rornualdel. Miss Victoria. A. Rornualdea. A.D. Mr. J0II6 \'i ctorino Jr .. Auorncy_IlI_law. :'Ir, F~teli to R. Adato. :'hs. Loraine Adato. SlInta Ana Catholic School SANTA ANA Madre Clara Ramires. SOt Zosimn ZlIpalltB.

SUli m nn

U n lY~rs[{)'

DU;\IAGUETE, O(UENTA I. NEOnoS Ht"" Roy H. Brown. 0 .0 .. 101•. D .. I'r~!iuc!lt "ACULTY,

JUlllln Abcllcrn. Ji'rundllco S. Dllnogon. Mllr;"no D. Dn\nlln. M.A. B6~1i. 1\ .S. Lorenn D. Bcrnardez. Nell 1'. Drown. Gernldine S. Cate. Jam"", \\' . Chapmlln. Sc. D. Ethel H. Chapman. I.cil)," :'1. Cox. C.P.A .. 1\I.Il.A. T.ollUle S. Cox. Primo Cr ul. Helcn C. Cunninghnm. COlllluclo Dnmnsn, !'tdro Dimll)·n. A. M. &1"c;6n. lo'tlix GnlluirL ChnrlCl[ A. G1U1I1. HOllrioltn Glunz. HerlOUlII Crellorio. Ph. D. no". Clyde B. Heflin. M.A. Joae ],hlno Hellin. An,~corita D. Horrj]] eno . L. S. Horrillcno. Gerardo A. Imperial. M .A.



LL.D .. S.J.D. NlIti,idad n. In''i~r. Aquilino L. Lnyt\gue. Cuillermo T . Mnll:d"mo. Ite ... Jam"", F. McKinley. B.D. Virginia :'lcKinley. Neatorio D. Mcloooton. VitCllln S. Mclocoton.

~roj~O~j~o Nil. ~~I!~;';no.

Serulin n. Perc~, CnrlOl! D. Hnymond. Frnnct'!j " . " . RougcTl. nQhcrl n. Sillimnn. Mettn J. Silliman. M.A. ;o.lnrin D. Siokon. McrcrdCOl SClil o, Re", w . J. Smith. Crace W. Smith. Franeiaco 1'. Somct'n. Crispin Tembre\'illa. Mllnuel O. Uuutrum . Bonjllmin N. Vilor;lI. Loui. C. Wintcrhe;mcr. :'I.C. Mnr)· S. Wiutcrh~imer. Lieut. Julinn C. Al!pillll. Uden ,\([n,"", Hugh B(l.lUImnn. Nonn Da uaman . Inocenl"" ClimpOll. Dominlto Cordova. Mnrllon Cunninllllalll. Federico DD'·nl-Snnt Ofl. Solcdn<l A. Delgado. Donllto Glllio. UOIInrio Grnnndll.

~~:t1:n GL!~~~o.

Cirilo Lllll$lue. Lamberto :'lnciM. Enri;aue Medina.


He\,. Proculo Rodriguca. Eleuterill Rodrill:uel. Dr. Pilul L. Stnugh . ill:na cie Labatlo. I'roccao Remollo. Ger"neio Miranda. S IUl mnn UnIversity. Co Ue!l:e of T h eo loil:J'

S~io~~~lNi[.rg's~1\tp~to~e P. O. BOX 2766-TEL. 2-6s.81 ne~:- .t:J-idco Yamanouehi. Dir~etor. ~c"cl" K.uroaawa. Inst r uctor, J ' t.eIlO Ok,. 1.... lrllctOr. Shuko Jlnrada. (""tfllet O,.

DUMAGUETE, ORIENTAL NEGROS lh,· . J,.mes )" . McKinley. Dean (On Furlough). Hc'·. I'ro<: ulo A. Rodrigues, Acting Dun.

ne'·. :'Ir,. :'In. :'1 ....

Donato Galia. Procmlo A. nodrigue.: Charles Glun. Goraldiue Cate.


St. Oo ml t lll o'. Vocntlonal $choo l (lnlcrmedlateand Hl Sl. h Sc hoon


P. O. BOX 291Z-TEL. 2-2!}'52 Si.tcr M. of St. ;\iBurice, Prineip"], T J: .. C H &Il8: Sj~ter M. of St. Sj~tcr M. of St.

Sieter Sisle.' Sister Sister


M. M. M. M.


Maurice. of St. j\blld.. lene. QI 51. John Eude •. of St. Albeua. (If St. FrllnciB.


St. Ther esa'. Collel!.c TH.E m:t.GI,\N M ISSIONA In' CANONESSES 212 SAN 1\IARCBLINO, ERM I1A TEl.. 2-11.10 ( Primar y for Boy. and Girl.-Collel~ of Educalion S.S.II.E-B.C.S)

R::,: ~~i:'~~'G~\i,~~:ni~ull~~i;I~: 1\1. Arnold", Mother M. Btrlhe MOlh~r

MOl her Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother ~IOlhtr

Mothr Mother Mother ;\Iother

Aurora SalL1O!. :'oli"" Josef,. de CllfWCI.

l\f. Adelaide Mother ;\1. Edmundo Mother M. 1\I0dCl'ta Moth~r M. JOlICpha ;\Iother ;\1. 'l'heophane Mother 1\1. Vi rgi ni o 1\lolhor M. DonMa Mother :\1. ;\1. Norbert ~Iother )1. \\1. Wilfri" Mother III. 1\1. ,\I ph omll "lot her \\1. ~1. Concepcion Mother M. Mother ;\1. VerCIlQ

M. M, l\I. 1\1. M. 1\1.

Mi sa Martine..

o~RtY~B'6. ~,>~~erJAN TE~.


St. Jose p h Acade m y (Conducted by the Siate .. of the Bl eaacd Sacrament of HoUnnd) CORNER ESPARA AND BROADWAY, NEW MANII,,\, SAN JUAN, IUZAL P. O. BOX 2447-TBL. 6-87-48

Motber M... lldephoac. Superior .....

1020 PLAZA I,EON XIII, T ONDO 'PE l •. ·1.01;,·17 Ho,' Mother ~1. Clement, Ho\'. Mother M. Bnnbelcmy. Mother 1\1. r,utgRrdo. !\Iolher 1\1. EmerantienM. Mother M. Erne.!otinc. Mother ;\1. E.leHe. Hother ~I. Guido, "[othe, III. Gustavinc .

~f~~~~~ ~L ~~.,"~Ii!,.e.

)Iother M. Adeltruda. ;\Iother M, lITiehaclu. Un derwood Bus[ n ess Co ll ejte iOSlI It. IIIDAI.GO, Q UIAPO Tel. Z.fj4-~2

SOt Ma. Lut,ardi.. Ditcctreu. T&ACR&"S:

Sor Ma. Alban" Sor Ma. Alice Sor ~h. AI"rd"

Sor ;\\11. Bonifll~ill Sor Mil. Ceci]i" Sor M". bldor" Sor :\In. Jouph

ST. Luke' , K intiertarle p iOia " ' AGDALENA, TONDO

St. PBu l'. I n s ti l u Tion SIO HEimAN, MALATE TE l •. 5-G7-GI St, Scholastka's Co UcAe 1532 PENNSYLVANIA 'J'EL. 5-G7.j)4 E!t"blish~d 1008-U nder the direction of the Commu, nity of Bonedi ctino Silters, Mothcr Clodesi",li~ Lukon, O.S.B., Prio rCM. Sialer Baptist" BBuig. O.S.B .. Diroolreu of lII U&icnl

Si'IC~W~ft\b:ld;, O.S.B., Dircclrcu of Sister WithburJl", Dean of Colloge.


St, Stephe n ', Chi n ese Gi r l'. Primary, In lermedlate

REINAdR'i~~Ji~~~INONDO TEL. 4_71_25

tH:Departmont. 't~tllSr:k B\1l~e~~~:~~i!~in3~l'~eao


T&ACH£ R8'

T"n Jin Tek Hu"n~ H.ia Kuo-en Tlln Deng Tek Cu Thian III Cu Tai III Mti. p, L. Shcrmtm Ong Siall Pek Mi ... n, BrYlln Chu Joe Ju 1l0fl Siok Ti Mrs, Kbo Tiu Chon~

Mre. ;\1 .... Mra, M .... MiN Mi ...

~\I "rio J .... on, Stenoltaph)·. Vid"l T. Rom"n. Stcno.v;rnphy. Lorcn~o Capalpd, Bookkeepin.v;. Victorino Sal!.>in. Spanilh. N . C, AlI;rcsor, Typewritin.v;. Miguu! Sujeeo, Typewriting. JC3us Miullea, Typewritinll. Fchx G, Luctu. Mcn'~ Tai!er;n\:. Mrs. Fcli~ula Goll)eo. Hllir Science. Miss Ri~a. Jnvicr, Dr~lmRki",~. Miu Bonifa.cia Gimeno, Drca~rnnkin~. Miss Lila ·I'R 'Qun l. I!:mbroid~ry. Alipio Renquillo, Cloth Paillti"~.

~o~tT~Wk~E~S\\"tf.1 ~:A~~~~·~a

P. 0, BOX 2160-TElL. 5-68-90 Mi u Mac Chapin. Principal. T"'\'CIJ"Re:

A. Cord~ro Alca.ntarn O. B.rndi "Ii... C ... lora V. Tuaton ;\Irs. R<lIIa!ia E. Hoop~r Mr. Elouterio Gamut

"'Mn. 1"8.




Mno. Tan Leo Gim Eog. Suptrmor ChlnClle Junior Hi,h Sehool DepartmeM.


O'· I' I C E". Of' AOIU1<leT"ATION,

,\tty. ,\!fredo S. ..., President. N. C. Agruor. Director. Vidal T , Roman. SerrttRr)·. !\lin ~[lU"i" A",da A,r ... or. Tre&lurer. Milluel Sujeco, Regi strar. P,,"C"OLTY >1£"1£0$'


M.!. \\lnnuel; B"rro.



Iltnati" Eli" IAlon Chant"l Felicie l\IiuJuwl1l Gcrma; n U"rnt


St. James Schoo l DESAO. ?lIT. PIIOV I NCE ReI'. Vincent H. Gowen. Prineipn].




L, Zenor S. nioker S. Lai JIIO Lim N" Siu Ong Khenlt Eng Yap Tek Kun ~i'G1::nfn;;: Kill Guiok M,e. Lim Ang Glok Kilen, Sil A. Li Ty Betty

Junnito T. Maghanu" i\hrillno S .. nling

~~d~i:~oi\?' B~=:~~


I\Irs. M. Rnbnnlll I\lr, Perfecto A. Taborn Mr. J .... IO V, Callen

U n ion Theolo~lclIl S~m l nllry P.O, BOX SH-TEL. 5-68-50 Dr. ChllTlta R. Hamihon. P'("Jident. Re". E. K, Hi ldon, Vite-Pr"idoo~. Re'·. Severino Sallto~, Acti". Relriltur. J, R Boomer, Chairman, Board of Trustee•. Re\', J, L. H ooptr, Trea.uur.







148 CABILDO. INTRAMUROS-TEI., 2.41_75. 8 CUAL. LUN,\, I NTRA MUBOS-TE I" 2-1l7.55. :'o f.riano V. de los SllnlO~, Proaident. Lcodcltllrio Alba, S«reta.y. Grego ri o n .. mirez, Trellourer 1\1,,\ Rcgi,lrRt. Pedr o Snbido. DCRn, CnHCICQ 01 Law. AndNl. V. Castillo, Dcnl), College of Busineu Admini, . trlltion. J 0$6 M. Aruu.o, DClln, Collellc 01 T.iberal Art... EnellTnaci6n n. LO~lIda, Dell". College of E"'ueation. Rev. Dr. Vicente

i\[I"$ .

n. Catll]lnng,

Director G rRdu.ta Studi1'3

nllli Dean of Men. Elena D . SRntos, Delln 01 Women.

Dom~~:!o~I1{ob~:.i~, AS3is(nnt !'rincipnl, SlImpllloc Unit. III1AS" "

EJ.Er. rENTARY AND FII G H SC HOO l. 1)I!:I'AHl'_ :-'£ENTS (I NTRA",fU HOS UN IT) JO<I6 R. C& ntOl, P rincipal. lNIlTRUCTOIU!:

Roquo A''1;80\1I, A".iR\llnt R c~i8tru r . n . CIl"toe. " rineilllll, H.igh Behunin,,!! ElemcnU ry, Intf8mur~ Unit. Albinll J SllntOS, !'rincilla). High School nnd Elementnr )', J o~



F ed eri co Abena Filc1ll0 n Lopu Vicente A]dab& Ene.Tnaei6n n. Loud" "tanuel Argui lin Paustino H. Lo.adll Jo&6 M . Ar lLe.110 In oce lloia H. l..oandm Muimino Bueno Mclq uindea P" pu Vice nte R. Clllapang Mareia"o C. Hh'cr" Gn brici Fabella Alblnn J. S&nIOlT Viccote Farro Hu lino Suinlt Mell& Lnrdinbal J"an S. Torl"Q Andres B, de Vern


Elouterio Bnzucl. Record Clerk. Tomll./J CaparlLS, Rceord Clerk. EusebiD Daiagall, Property Cu!todian. Manuel B. Ra)·&,!. Aui,tant I,ibrnlian, Main, Di ~coro "ira)". Aluiuant Librnrinn. Main, Anatfl\io Fernando A.!!~i8tant LibrPrian, Gcncral Luna Unit. Tomllll VnrgR3. ,\ ...,istan t Liurnrinn, Grnl. Lunn Drn nch. Romeo Ma/:hirnllll. A.iat"nt LiUurian. "hin Branch. Godofredo C. Loy,'a, Accountnnt and Cashier.

}~:rn S~I~:Rs!~io,~t'T~~~:i~~Ttl~:t

Santo, Mnrannn, Lnborntory. Pedro VnrglLS, Property nnT1,.Acoounting Cler k. ISTJV.MVROS nHAscn, RGtJuc Azn;soln, Auistnnl R~·8tra r . Teopiato de Vera. Account C rk. Romeo MaghiTlm~, Librarilln. 1~~~~i~aJ~b~. 'b~c~L~nt Librar\pn.

Eloutorio Bn.",,] Esperanzll Benjami n


Carmelo Jnmi lLS Munucl Madarung

~~~'~]':aa l~~~oa~=n

Eli.~o d~ lOOT He)'<'I! Stralia Romcro Apron;ano Cr u, Emilio dc Snnlos I nea Cruz 5nl"" dor Tadura n EUlle!.>io M. Da !" ~rm UrbnD" Tom,,'! Eh'ira Gareln

Jul iana Edralin CUl r o (lIfre.)

TRA I N I NG DE PAHTMENT (MAIN) Albina J, SanlOO!, P rincipal. Dominador Robledo, AMi6lant Principal. IN 8TR VCTon8:

Mnximu Andrce Gabriela 8a~n Clllalino Cad ay Geronimo G8limba AlfolUlo Gnrda " "Wltino R. Louda [ noten~ ia H. Londa

Maurici" L. Mn60 lllU!Onil Miltucl Il. l·nnll~ni!.>RIt Dominador Hobledo Antonio F. Runea Albinll J. SantGa ROIIa. io \" Serr ano Jo\'i t n T iburcio

Un iversity of lh e l>hlIlppln cs (Sce GO"crnmen~ In formaTion)

COLLEGE OF). I,A \\' Pcdro Sabido. Denn. Lcode&ario A]ba, Exceuli,'c Selll"etllry. I'ROFessoRS ASO I S5TRl1CTORS:

Emi]io ,\bello Jo$6 Aruelto

Ilibillno MC<' r RarneI Pa]mn Delgado Rarael DinJ~]a.snn "fanlle] V. G&lIc/:o Guillermo Guc\'arn Dclfin Jarnnilln

Jeronimo Snm80 ll Allcrieo B. M, Si.on Lorcn&o Tnflada

*~t~~:6 g~~~~~~i6n

1)~H~o ~aa~~mbo

Fran~i!eo Yen~urll

J0a6 O. "era

CO I, LEGES OF 1, IIlERAL ,\TITS AND nUS I NE SS ADMINISl'HATION INTnAMUR05 UN IT-S GENERA l, LUNA J0a6 M. Aruego, DClln, College of Lilx'ral Arl •. And rea \'. C~tillo, Deall, College of Bw.ineea Admini&trillion. Lope C. Qu;mbo, l'""out,"e S~'<) retaT~'. "ltOO'E sson6 AS ... tl<STFlVCTOIU!:

J 0a6 AdevII Santillgo Alcnntnrll Vicento Alindnd n J oo(, M, Arucgo Snlvador Austrin Cor neliu Iln]1II&0"da Eu!oiJio CMhero A]fol\50 C"I"lnng J olW! H. Cnntos Andrea V, C~tillo

Murdn] A. Joae Pio J o"cn ::" C. Lopet Pederico :-'Innguhas Snturnino Mcndinueto -Mclquiad", Pal'" JlLun Pllulino Lope C. Quimbu Enrique nimnlldo "illnuel R"lIIia

J0a6 ESlcblln

Pablo TobilLS



CO I,I,EGES OF 1. IB E RAl. ART S, EDUCAT ION AN D G HAD UATE ST UDmS AND J UNIOn NORMAL COL I.BGE SA"I1'A LOC UNI T J0e6 M. ~r ~lto, Denn, Collea;e of Liberal Ar~.

f,rc~a':-t~"eR~n d!t(l.~;:~,~~ab~::t~'" ,Cb]:~funOt~ ~(:~%,!!~n.

T fI EOLOG I CA I, FACU LTY Re". Frn nci8co del Rio, 0,1'., Dean. FROFE8IIORll: Sih'utrc Snn~ ho

Rc". Rc\,. HOI'. Hev. Hc\',

ReI'. '\gWltin Onreia Francisco del Hio H"v. TomM "Iattinu Cooilio de iI. Pinla !lc'·. N"rci.o I)ominltu~. Adolro G"re" HoI'. Emiliano Serrlln o '\gapio S"h'ador nov. \'idol Cle'ucnte Hc\', So,'crino Al"I11'"

FACUI.TY OF CANON LA\\, ReI", AgU'ltiu Rihuetc, O.P., Dcan. rn op essofUl: R o" , Agustin Rihuele nc\'o Scrnpio Tnmn)'o Re,', Junn YIlII

ReI', Alberl o Ralltamorill Hc\', T o nlTl.a T<T.ojr on Rc\', Se"erino All"8r('1

P ACULTY OF PB I LOSOPln ' Ro\,. Eugenio Jordan, O,P., Dcan. P I ~O Pl; s.olU!:

Rov, RCI", Rev. Re,'.

Eultcnio J ordall Rl\\', JOOWl Cqtanon Ser.pio Tnm.yo Re'·. An~el de 81 ... J ulio \'iocnto Rcl\', Yida! Clemente J uan Labrador JCIIUS V.Ibucna ncl". "'Ianuel FidaJa:o






Dean and Profea.or.


F. R. Feria

Rcv_ Agll-'tin Rihutte Rev. F. del Rio lIe\', Alberto Sontamllrin Gabriel La 0 Lui3 P. Torres )r.~ial P. Liehaueo Norbf!lto RomulIldn Nicolas Belmo nte ;\Ianuel V. de] Rosario ArlUTo Fanlo J os6 P. de

Ar..,oio Loeoio MRDuel V. MOrRn Ranlon R. San JOM! PomlMlYo Diu

Joaquin Ramirez

l\Inr~ el0 P. Kanan Anllcleto Diu

Joa(j P. Laurel

Jos(; Hontiver os Jacint o l\!. Kamantilue Norberta de RamO!! 1& Cruz-

FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND I,ETTERS Re\', Eugenio Jord .. n, Acting Delln.


Or. Felipe Carreon r,~.J~r~~~aK,. Belmonte Anadeto H. Pelillo Or. Pablo T. Anido MiM Benita NavlUTo Dr. Florentino PnaoD ~liB' Emma V. del R oeario Mi"",, Josefn Medina M~. Juuina Evangelilta Felix PneD' Caml·ol Dr. JesUl! P. Celi! MiM Lonrdet Leearos Miu l'ns I,,,t ,rena Dr. J"nquin Murnnon Dr. R '!11 SevillR de Alvoro Dr. J <lo(i 1\1. AlleJe Sag. ",; ClaravaU Dr. Eduardo Qui.umbing Paz Faj nrdo Or. J oli l. del Rosnn o Bernardita Ala onll. Ambroaio Uma]" Leetur@< Catalina Alienu Do]or"" del Gallego Piedad Bernardino Pilar Mir~ol Dr. ADtonio Cllaal R osario Puno FACULTY OF ENG I NEER]NG ,\lbcrto GuevarB, AMi!tone Dcan. (In Chorge). PROFESSOR!:! ... 1<0 ISIiTRIICTOM;


IIc\,. Aogel de Btu

now. J«oa Castllllon Rev. C"cilio de ]& Pinta Dr. B. SevilJ"

Joi!6 l\f. Hcrnnndcz E. Fcrnmndn Lumba Dr. Eufr onio Alip Dr. Joaquin Luella

Dr. CQIIlIUC]O R. Delmonte Albuto Obeo

Dr. Joser .. Gonulu Dr. Remedi os de Oumpo Rev. Eugeoio Jordllo

Rn·. Emilimno Serrano Rev. Vidal Clemente Re\·. Je! .... Valbu~na Dr. J. MRurer J. ViII" PanlOanibo.n Clemcnein J. ColllYco Dr. P"z Latorcna Lourdce de Veyr" D r . Elvira Cambon

f~crc~eo J!'eHr~UE

Dr. Leti ~i& Antonio p", P. Mende&

FACULTY OF :t-.lEDICINE Dr. Jo.6 Lui! de C1I$tro, De"n. Dr. Booifacio Mcl'cias, AMi.tant Denn. f"ROF£!I80Rll AND IN8TII1JCTOIIS :

Dr. Luis Guerrero, Sr. Dr. Rica:rdo FcroRndu Dr. Josl> S. HiI"no

Dr. Paulino Garcia Dr. Gerardo ValQuel Dr. Ni08.oor Jacinto

Dr. Dr. Or. Dr.

Feli. Ira Alfredo Jocson Ratn6n Lopu Jo., Genlllo

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

DOl'ih.cio Meocina Vicenw Delfin JoK ,\bad, Jr. Pro.::cao Arenas

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

A"""lin Liboro Co..stor Surl, Alejandro l..elllrda Febpe Torree Ham6n Eleaur Geronimo E. Tilneo Tri.tan Guerrero Rafael V. Gu~man Jo~ JoK Gregor io Lr.:r:amaoa Alfredo LellasP; JOII.quin Tinio Pedro Dnnllo &lve rino B. Albe rto DominllO Fer onndez Luia Guerrero, Jr. R l!Stiluto Yu.son Jol6 Allele Antonio J. Gabriel Pu Santillan.Bwna Josli Rodri,ue, Veloso Eduardo Marillo Rafnel Enrile Tcofi lo !IInlno 811nll810 Ort>,a Cnrl ... Zinlait a

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Lilo Celedonio FTallciKO Emilio Cortez Hipolito Gatchalilln Ram6n Cnsal Hcrm6genes SnntOll Frandseo VilJsrommn Alioni o AYe.!a Rodolfo Goonle. Renato Ma. Guerrero Artemio Lejano Arturo Quintos Fdipe ViII.roman Ern cato 1\ledina Cue Teleefo ro 1\1"cndozR Perfecto Mendozn Edmundo A. Reyet Clemerate Cnlmn Aurelio Dayrit Aurelio Santna Anto"io Lo.mbioo Aodrh Cruz AntDnio GOD.lmies Domicgo Antonio, Jr. Antonio Jo~ Gnbino l\IOlldotn Scvuino Alb~rto. Jr.

B~: ~~;~~~ro Ld°.,P~nmpo B~: i~~e1ts C~as B~: ~~~~~emG~~~e

8~: e~:ldB,a~:rndO

B~: ~:g'lt~R~~;""

g~: Pard~~nj.~~:ier:::v"

Dr. C~tor Surla Dr. Gregorio Gabriel Dr. Vicente Alv"ru Dr. Belen Eapino Dr. Salvador Bononn Dr. Romedio. Go.Quiolay Dr. AnlDllio Cnul Dr. Rnmon Andin Or. Antonio Rodriguez FACULTY OF PIIARMACY Rev. Eufrnaio Dominguez, Denn. paOF£!I8<)II8:

Dr. Angel RCY I!!! Mrs. Co,,"uclo Belmonte AIf«do Diy D •. PedrD Limcnco

Dr. Geronimo E. Tianco Dr. Erncalo Medina Cne Dr. T;moteo Dar JUAn;an S"ncbu

Alberto Gu evorn S:lntiago ArtiDIJ,a (On

J oK G. Cort"" Jnuo N. Lopez

J o;er({onzlll ca(O nLenve) I>lnnue] ~I"'l ... a Dr. TimOICO DII. Junn He\". Ciri~eo Pod r ... u Monucl GOMBle. (On Leave)

Felill-ll Jimenez Alfredo Au-tria AUM",to SnntRmarin Enrique Diel Arturo F.. nlo

~a!~\~~ ~~~.~::

ar.::it~\~:dge'ba~O.:! Len"e) ~~Ct~~~ ~~!!

Vittorio C. Ed. des J oK Medin .. Cue

Pllblo Guevarll Gonu]u (On Leave)


COLLEGE OF EDUCA TION Hev. Eugenio Jordlln, O.P., DClln. PKOP£8l!Ona: Re\·. Juan Labrador, O.P. Enrique Fernandu Lumba Rev. Giriaeo Pedr ... a Mu. gonccpei6n 1\1. Gil

:\1 ... Pu G. de Pas;tolan

Rev. An~cI de Bla. Rev. Vidnl Clemente Or. J eaus P . Celia

~1~:: §~:::~~I~ R:R~l~~:~ ~1~~UI~~B~~~~~';R~~:a

Mra. ¥ereedes G. Sant .. mnria

1\1 ... Cecilin Reyes·Domm,,_ toy

Mri. iZlnrmoll G. Ledesma 8",nandea ~I ... Clemcnein Joven Colnyo Mrs. R~a Sovilla Alvuo

Mi .. H~ono Monreal MiM Remedios de Ocampo l\Irt . Antonia P. Gabriel E. perallln Pllhati Ah'endia i\ln. Coneepei6n V. Mos.

M ... J~efn noyel Hivun Leticia Antonio Valeriano Miss Eloi8a de Gula Miss Pn LatorenR Eufronio Alip neslituto R. de Rivera Mila Piednd Bernllrdo

Gorcio. Jo.cfina Ocll!:ndo Elcueto Miss Mn~im'na C .... todio Joanne. Mnurer Josefll Gonnle. Estrada Miss Belen Locoin. 1\1i.. Consue]o Pcrdice. Mi!oll Lourdes de "eyra

~~~: &:.~!~ L~S,!l~:~~~o fl~~r ..Cg~c:,t;;:Dl\I':.~~~r


~:~; Jrtf;frl~~eS?.i~<;errano l\Ir:st:~~lino.

COLLEGE OF LlBER;\{, ARTS nov. Modesto Matn, O.p .. Dean. pRo.·£IIaoRa: It",·. Cinaeo Pedr ... a, O.P. Anac]eto R. Pelino

Rev. EufrMio Domiogues O.P. Dr. Timoteo Dor Juan Dr. Jes .... P. Celis Dr. Jomu H . a .... a Or. Pedro LimoRco ERri<luo FernaudeB I,umbfl Florentino Poson Dr. Jo~ Lugay Atrredo Diy Dr. Pablo T . AlIldo Carina Brandes Anlel Centeno... Dr. Jo..:l Mcdin!l Cuo Dr. Hcrmcoegi]do Sovilln Jo,,6 1\1. Hernandez Jonnnes Mau,er Jea", Urbin .. J 0s6 I. del HOIItuio Rosario Diokno EncarnBd6D Gonn]u EsperalU" Reyca Celeslino Floreneia Coronado Cccilio Conalantino

Dr. Eufrooio Alip Vidal Dr. Ramon Donlllo DI". Gabino 1\lendo... lkrno.rdo Merehlln Fcli~ Pmcn JD..:I V. Paftganibnn Dr. Vicente del R... ario Antonia P . Gabriel Arturo Fanlo Dr. Claro Gu .. Dr. Vieenle Alvarez Conc~p ci6n V. 1\losaess1I~ld

Alfredo AUllrio. Dr. Snlvo.dor d.] Mundo Tom flll ~I. Barbo. Conecpei6n Leono. Emma U""OR Lourd .. de Veyrll Jooli Gasto n Dolorca del GaU"lIO





COL I,EGE OF RELIGION AND ItEr.IOIOUS AC TIVITIES nay. Cecilia de 1& Pinta, Dean. l'IIOI'E8BOll':

Rev. JC&UI! Castailon

Rev. Eugenio Jordan

Rev. Vidal Clomente Ito,', l1'rancilco del Rio lie\'. JC$UlI ""lImonn Hc\', AIl,,,tin Rihueto Rov. Emili""o Serrano IN"Tl\UCTOIl~:

;\Iios JOllquinn Luena 1\liu CaUlion Fabrcg1l5 ;\1.8. Elv;m Gamboll Mo. Mi63 Encnrllllcion Perdie""



G, de


EloiiJ1 de Guill

i\lifl Mercedes Gonulel )olin Roaario Monreal i\li ... Coruouclo Perdie,," )'Iiu Loreto Sunieo

i\liu ClIlolinll Atienu.

Gregor io llcrn(l."uu

CllrlO!l Zinlci tll Juan '\llOvindo nllman Obc>n

Augusto '\1l10llio Mnnrique del Ito!lIri/)


¥ir:.::~f\~e~~~rCdo1c:f:;:,~~c:r;,~;: R~~'I'tJ~~~~\l~e Officer.

'rh,rd J.icut. Jorge Bortencngoll, P.A .. (nCB.) Adjutan~ and PIons ond Training Oflicu. Third UcuL Alberto O. Fcnix, P .A., ( Rea.) Tl1ctic~1 Officer nnd Conlmandant. lhgh School Dep ortment.

Thi rd Lieut. F lavillDo P.

Ol i~'nrCfl.

P.A., (Re •. ) Tattieal

P,·t.OEffi~~~it!UR~Jb.i~~II,O~~~~~~s2~~~· l n1trUQtor.

SCROOL OF ARCH I TJ~CTURE AND 111NE ARTS (Under Facu]ty of Enllinecriug) ViQlorio C. l!:dndC!l, Directo r. l'nOI"r.UOII8 ANo


,\lbcr Hl CUO"lI rn J o!6 C. Cor te'!! Fcr llllndo O~ompo Viconto J . del Rosario Victorio C. Edlldes Joaun"" :'Iaurcr JUlin F Nakpil Ricardo Ou]ay "'anue] Mllllosll Sovcrino Fllbie Cheri Mandelbaum Josii L. de Ocnmpo Jo!i6 :'1lodina Cue CO I.LEGE OF COMMERCE (Under College or Education) Stnn]cy L. PrC8tott, Director. rROl'ESIIORS ...:'m ISIIYIII1C'1"ONl:

Staulcy L. PrCllcoH Aqui le. F. Mosses.gdd namon L. Sunieo Jo!16 Cclea!e PilI Oflm;lIn Mercede8 Gon!o]c8 :'[lIry Betta de Sil"a

ROITfI SlIntos Carlos Brandes

J<n6 I'. Snudejns

Ccn'/U!io de OCllmpo. Jr. De]finll SOli Ag~(i " Gon. IlIlel LUI Diokno

Va le n z u ela Sc h ool of Jo u rn ll lla m


Prof. J uua Z. Voleu,uc]".

Hospitals and Asylums C h ln eae Gene ral Hosp l la l

286 BLUMENTR I T~S '\NTA CRUZ YELS. 2-30-43 A 0 2.29·93

Or, 1'~e li ll n Kea, Director. Or. Nubla.l{o. AaaistBut m re~ or. Dr, Hipolito Gatchalian. Sr . He~~ont Physician.

g~: i~~~:~0~~~]0~~~~~~urI1r1ieife~idelLt

Physician. Drn. A. Bernabe, Au iatsnt Sr. nc.iden~ Physici"'n. Or. Prudencio del Mundo, A ~iaunt J r. Heaide nt Phy. .i~i 8n.

Dr. MaTce lino Mo r al~, l utcru. Or. Denito Percz, H«idcnt Ph)''''oilln. Hev. Sr. St. Pierre Claver, M.I.C .• Superior, n.N. §~: ~!~rf~;I~c~i!,eBc~bre~:ri~I~T.~:,1l.I~~e of Nur!ing. Sr. St. Gabrie]. M.1.C.. R.N.

~~: ~~'m~hKii!~!~e~i.t[d.:cil.~,.N.

AII..,tac;o 5allt05. Phsrmacist, Or. Alberto T ee llan Kee, Asftiataut Miu Antonia Mcjl .. , R.N. :.Ii. ViTll-in;" Mllllzano. R.N. :'[;.a J>tlUln Budllf'lo, R.N. :'! is. So]cdlld Onndll50n, n.N.

Gen e ral Lun a 1I0spltn i (Formerly Bngnio Maternity Houall and Children'! Clinic) DAGUIO, DENG UET, MT. PROVINCE Ol'''C Il I<ll

01' "D.,nS'$Y""'I'(ON:

Or. Emiliano N. Ramires, M.O" Directo r.

g~: ~~rus:at~OI;~iier~~·~i:D~,C8I~~rje~~'f>j:~~~illn.

M r., Soeorr o H. 1IIi,..,0], RN .. Superintendent 1I0"RD OF DIRECTORS'

Ex·SeMtor JUlin GllCr]lIlL. Prcaidcnt.

~~~'. ~:{~~f~OR?,;,~:3:,b~~ct";~;.~~~:~cr.

Mr•. Maria R. Gorwpe, Member.

:'1",. l ubel n, Zarate. Member.

Jj~~YE!fli~~~dc:....Llf:~i;~~~~'~:~'ber. De]fin Mirnao] , Member.

n~idcllt I)hy~ic;on.

Harri son Ho. plla l 1338-636 F. D. H AnnI SON, PASAY, RIZAI. T E L. 6-18-$2 Or, D. Tllmbuatco, Re.ide ut SlI r geon. REIITDE)<Y p UVa(ClASII'

Or. J0$6 Mndllmba

Cllnka S ln ilia n



Laboratory. Or. Ramon CIlS"I. Clinic..1 Laborator)'. Or. E. Reyes, Eye, Ear. Noee ond Throat.

Or, Fred Ortllli.


Or. nodrigo A. Guieo Or. Joao Are"alo D r. triueD Sill.

f;~te~·B~[le~o~~'6.i~t~~:~~ :rh}1:~~~:

Siller Aaund6n Siater Mi]"grw :o.liel Mori .. ViIRcion MiM '\\'iguetero .\Iisl Fe QuilL" MANUGU I1' Or. Dr. Dr. Dr.

~'ND~rNT\M·W)I, I~ITA.

T EL, 4·03·70 Redro J . Archilln, Superintend"nt. D. T. Bu:olI. Hawthorno Oorby. lo' ioro S"""illln. RC!lident I'hyaiciun, SUlt!I£a:

M ra. m"." 1\ TotTca. Chief Nurse. lilt•. LcodeQari ... B. MaliCili. Miaa Edilbf.rta \lira)', Resi dent Nunc.

~n: Y.~Zd~: ~{'::t~·o~W'~Wne~n~N:de.

:'hu A..,cnill ;\1""IlOII:, nesiden~ N ....... e ;\1;"" Hc"'n Wilk, n...,incaa Mllnalcr, .


IIO"IUI 01" oIREC'I"OI<ll:

lI is G rnce, Mon.,. Michael J . O'Doher ty. Arahbi.I'OI' "f Manila P reside nt !lnd Patron. Rev. J os" Tel'a dn;,. C.M., Seeret .. r y. Atty. Gobrie Ln u , Leg ..1 Ad"il er. J080 Mil. de Moreto, T rc o"urer. . Atty. J oeli Mil.. Ca\'nnnn, Aceounllua nnd Auditor, Or. Con r!ld o I'oteoclano, :'Icmber, O"I'IOI:u.a "SO EWYLOTEEII:

Sister Maria GUlicrre~, S"periortu !lnd Dlteclr<'M of the

Si,te~~ty!~o';\rbi~U, Dircclrtu of (I.e Sellool. Siater ~'raoeia<:a 1IIcdalle, Cqhi.. r. Gi]da L, SalindoD, Principal.


PHLLIPPINES Hos pirn l E8(1a"01 de Sant ln!!o

TAFT AVE.l~ef~Ycb'R'W~tn l LmERTAD TEL. 6-10.09 Dr. Madmno ~l. Luatin, Direelor.

SAN PEDRO MAli ATI , RIZAL TEl" .5-IlQ.7.5 :o.hnuel h:ucl. President. Eude.rdo Y.nnbnl, Seenla.y. Jose Trill. Treaaurer. EXBCUT" 'C co.nIlTT!:E' ;\In. J. J. EJiulde. J. D. Menearini. Santia!!;o Frei:n.s. RtI.", Father Fernlmdu.


Dr. Pu E. Lorenzo

Dr. Man"eI Gmlvcz

E:<:Tcas P/cY8IC ... SS: Dr. Dionieio J. Rivera. ,"BIT,NO rlIYSICI .. S&:


Dr. JU811 Tu aaon. (SulII.eon). Dr. Cdc. ino A)'l\Jde, (lntermiM, logist). .u».u"wIT..... Ton: f'rlllleiaco Sierra.



Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.


Jr~'::~e ~&l.\eN~s.~kC:\\:;I&IB"BL

TEL. 2-33-3~ Dr. Jesu.s A_con .., Direotor.

Luia Guerrero A. Gue"ero Jnnunrlo £otradll A. Y. M .. ndnnna


Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr .


Dr. R. It, Llam ... D,. Guillermo R, .. li .. Dr. A. N. Or~mpo

Rennlo /\10 . Guerrero 5!",vlluor G. E ilt rodn Joa(, E.trllUn JOldn Ilnno Conrauo Lorenza Tomb E.l18d" Teotlorlco Santos Gcncr o.o Soriono Joa(, Abud

P h ilippi n e Gcnern ill oa pltll i TEl •. 5.119-91 (5eo under I nau!ar Govcrmnent)

t3·t'l.~~~~ ~to~rS',t ~:~~\~~b~ TIn. 2-\11-00

Dr. J, Dr. C.

R"y~,. Director. ~!Ulo l os. Assiu,wt

S~~n~f~1m~:aQIJr;t~hll l


K. Amnno, iIInnnger_Ledy Meueur. CORNEJ'f

vEl:f~f6'N¥o1ND ~NdD~~&"lta~1 A LATE

TELS. 5.76.\4 AND 5-;6-45 Or. H. A. Erick&on. M~dicnl Director. B.ue., Fam"g, Busineu Manager.

'l'EL. 2-17·02 Dr. Fernnndo 1'. C brtalrolo. Director. Sister Vcrolli'llIC, SupCriOrl'&l. )'£;DIC"" 1>t:~"HT"EI<T:

Si.ter Frllnci., In Charge.

Bertha Parker, Supt. of NUr3e1.

M~':\i~):~~\'¥: :8U'b~' TEL. -1.-72-64

.\IIl,till R. Crul, 135


~~StA~~~lfl,i,{~A~~llpi i,OC

TELS. 2-33-73 AND 2.33-74 Dr . .\lariQno S. Flonndo. M .D.. DirectA.-. Drll. J osclin ... Florendo, RClident PhYlioian. Dr. Clemente V"rlllrll, Resident I'h,rl ieinll. '\flu l..eonll.rd... Utehinlco, PhlirmllcISt. .\Iiu PlIul ... Mmln o, Supervi.or NuuC3. G ..... DU .. TC

;\Ii.., :'Ii" Mi llS Mi"" .\ti.1IS .\!i!1 .\Ii""


P. Mlllno n. GuelTcro J. !.uiz H . Domingo M. Bil\~ Quind ip an narRnl




Miu N. Ri.-erll 1\1i.., M. Guerrero "liII Duldlao Mil. Romiro .\liss Mabeu Mi •• Arzadon lIIi .... Bnle.OII Mi ,. Culig


Dr. 0 •. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr .

F. Abena C. Bonean G. L. del ClI.!ti!io J. Enrique~ I,. Guetrero 'r. H'llili 10'. Herrern A. ) •. Lejllno F. 01lvar .... Rieohcrmolo A. T rinidlld T. Yabc Dr. R. WenccI!ao

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

F. Aruglt A. BU!t nlno.utu V. de Dio. O. Garcia P. Sin. ~18ri" Dr. E. Htt.nnndCI Or. L. Louchengco Or. ~rnnowi" Dr. F. Reye. D •. B. nOR Dr. T. Yn"'luRn Dr. B. VlItdel Dr. J. Singoon

M nry J . J ohn sto n Memor ia l H Olp lln l 101 QUESADA, TONDO TE l•. 4-95-04 (Fo. Womell and Children)

~~;tf:ro~:e HIf:.~ns';~[tt~:~~ln:?:~~e~rrN"nee.

Josefa Laurallte. M.D. :\Iary L. Delllll, BU5incao :'lanage', A. Maclliintal. M.D.

~:!l~~~tll JA~~~!~lI.n.~·.N.

MlIrgllrita PlllIcua, R.N. Feliu Monongdo, U.N. Febo Reyn, It.N. ROIl" AV CII, Phrmaci.t.

OaI!l'I:TRIC.... I>CP.\RT1J"ST: Sieler \'(!ronique. Supervi.or. ....'DpR.\TORY IlEPART.n:>IT:

Dr. J uan M. Tlllon, [n Char,c. PHYSICAl, TIIF.II .. PY IlCP"'''T>J''ST:

Sister Veronique, I n Char,o Technician. ",O''''''STII,\TJ\'C DI\'1810S;

RamoR Conue, Chid-Clerk.

i1!~~"ari~;. r;~~~~eC!hfc~-~~d{jilbll... ihlt Officer. SUPERV ISal",:

P reeios .. Olarb.r. II.N. Siater Frederick. n .N. Sisler Fran ci. , R .N . IIE810CST rIlYdICJ.\SS:

Dr. Juan 1\1. Tulon. Or. ClIdos ClISn,. ISf"O" .... TIOl\·:

Bctnurdo S. Perc •. Sonior Clerk. Sergio AlvRrRd!), Clerk. Vicento Ca"aHdn. Clerk. rrulUl .. CY !)"r"IITM':ST'

Agri!>ill!) S. O"vid. Phnrmllei l i.



f.. AVb",i'~uCZ

Dr. R. Moreta Dr. C. Aloorto Dr. J. A. BlItlolom6 Or. W. Burke Dr. L. Linner Dr.:'.1. C ...... Dr. A. CorMs Dr. 10'. W. Dudley Dr. E. Euhlu Or. L. Z. Flctcher Dr. C. 1\[. HM!clma" Dr. E. S. HcrrUlndn Dr. F. Herre .... Or. F. Irll COnCCI)don Dr. N. Jacinlo Or. J. J~ Dr. M. I\bUfts Dr. J. EUmdn

Dr. n. 1.!Rln"" Dr. B V"ldc> Dr. L. Guerrero Dr. W. H. WlOIero,," Dr. V. Sevilla Dr. R. O" .... illko Or. J. B. Cftbarruz Dr. C. !'otenciano Dr. V. fillhlO, 0 •. G. RcyC3 Dr. B. Ito""" Dr. G. nUlltin Dr. J. Salimla Dr. C. Surlll Dr . N. Tnktdn Dr. II. J . VlIh!CR Or. G. Vnsquu Or. P. Vel ... co Dr. A. VillarnmR Dr. P. G. l{inK


THE COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Dc. Jo"" V. I'uMaluug, PhYB;cian· l'lIlholoG;ll. l.nbO-

8'1"",1'1' l'IUIUIC9:

Prlmltiva. 1'lIp .. Benita Florea

g'~~!(;n~epl~~U:;::~;O-I'atdO, n ...ident Physicillll, ContllgiolUl Depllrtment. Dr. ,\Ilton; o P. de Lcon, Jr. n6CIteriolo~at, I.abnralory Department. Dr. J0$6 S. Snn Jo"", Jr. Resident PhYlieian, Leper Depnrtmont. Dr. JUlin ". do Jeaus, Supernu n, crnry I'hy~icillo, Tuber. culolia Department. Dr. "ieentc C. LopeJ. Interne, I.abor alory Depllrtmant. Dr. JOIIc6oa n. Ti c~oo, Int er ne. ContllgioUi DepMlment. Dr. Felipe GomeJ. Jn terne, I~~r Dep ... tment. i\Liaa I.ourd... L. Manuel, I'harmao;"I. Miss Soledad B. de Leon. Phn r maey Clerk. Eugenio Viann. Admiuial rntive Offic~r. Pablo C. 11C\ieiano, Record lind Corre&pondcnM Clerk. Ludialno I. . Dimaliunl, Cal hi er and Property Cll-rk. l'Ifra. Elisa R. Ochoa, Chief Nunc. Mn. Dominga D . Hombrcbucno. Supervilina: Nurae. M.,.. Clolilde n. Brlllan,l'S, SupeT\-jaillg Nurae. -'fra. A.lenia ~1. Eseallo, SUJ>eT\'i"ing Nur"",. -'Ira. Brigidll .,. Eugenio, D,etitilln. Dr.

Rita MaDay

Trinid"d Cuatodio Pctron;ln Buen"r~ Eh·irB .. !IIontilin Sa in t Paul 's H ns pltal

{IS ORAL. LUNA, INTRAIIIUROS TEL. 2-1S-M Siater M. Rcdcmptll, Q,P" Supcriotue. Dr. Boward ~-. Smith, Chid U.S.I',H.S, Dr. J-I. Schmid Dr. C. Frnnciaco Dr. W. W. Wntcroua Dr. L. Guerrero Dr. F. W. Dudley

Dr. L, Lil!o! ner

Dr. A. Lillo.o D r. O. Wil aon Dr. P. La tin Dr, R. Fernandez Dr. E. S. II crnandu

Dr, Bnldomcro Ro~D.8 Dr. C. Potcncinno Dr. Nicnnor Bidlllr,:o

Dr. n, Abriol Dr. K. Bulnu

Or. A. "~quez • Dr. F. S. Gueruro

Dr. J'-'IIUI M. Tan

Dr. L. Z. Fletcher

0 • . J, 8. aMS"]

Dr. P. Co rdn

Sa llL e Long

Dr. Rl'IItituto C. Y\Ulon

S" n tol Tubere ul Ol l, Sn nniorium (Phil iPI)inc hlamb Anti.1'ubercuIO!!il Society)

Dr. M. N. TUllSon Dr. F. Oli,'u,cl R ~lld

Me m oria l Hospl m l

LAOAG, ILOCOS NORTE Dr. Dominl.dor T. Samontc, Dire~lor, REliIDENT I'U'r!JIOJA:<S:

Dr. Gregorio S. MRtli.

Dr. Rlllnon de III. CU<1et!!.

San Juan d e Dl os Hospit al 2H REAL.lNT HA MUROS TEL.\ 2.2f>..6 1 Dr. JQl;e )f. Dcll':ado, \'oelll and Director. D r. Alfredo ,\I. JOCO!on, A&I!i~tllnt to tbe Dircdo •. Vicente M. dd Ca.,tiUo, Admilfltrator. Sister Tereu "ilMc!n, -'Iother Supcriore$!l!!.nd Superin· tendent. Sister Tlldlln!!. Trillsnes, Principal Trnining School for Nuraes.

~~No~~o~'1kP~¥~r: Cl~g~k

Dc. Andreal TrellP, l\Icwe(l.1 Direotor (Oil t..·ave). Dr. -, Iiguei Calli.,ue1l, Allililtanl Mewcal Dirc<:tor ( Act. ing -,redical Dir<:<:tor).

s~.r"S'0"v:;~'~1':~e~~~~~1~r:~nl6n Dr. Pilllr n. Mable, Ph ~ic"lD.


Dr. D r. Dr. D r.

Fidel NepumocDllo, PhYlieian. Letiein J. Sa ln.s, Phyaidau. Cirilo SnntOl!!, I'''y"i"i.. ". Fcr"nndo B. Dura". Mediep ] l~e\low (On Special D entill. D r. Conrado E. Lorenzo, Medicnl Fellow. Dr. Co.rmclo P. Jacinto, Medieal Fellow.

g~: b~c~r ~~t~fi~.f."~~~le~le$~H:1w:ellow.

M ed;~n l FeUow. Ilr. Jo56 do loa n oyes, MtdiCIIl Fellow. I( r. CrClloriQ Farcalea, Eye, EDt, Noso (l.u d

l:ik Nntal;o Sn nt;ago,

'l'h ron~


Enriqun , Phnrmaei~L Miss ,\urorll T. Llleoamaml, Phormacist. )[iss PrudcMiu ~r. Rnna, ,\ cli"g Chief Nllnlc.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr .



Aurelio SnntOl!!, Surgeon. Jneinto i.evilte. Surlleon. MnilCli Diaz. Ou.tctridan. Dominador N,e"a, Internist. Luis Torres, Jr. , Pedintrieian. Vicente Scrrll. Surgeon. Dom;n,o Antonio. Surgcou. .:\",,,"udo SlIntos, Eye, Ear, No.e. nnd Th. o""t.

g~: ~fl~~~op:~'~Wca:.. OI~~tte:t':t~l~n.

Dr. lIInnu .. l Pena."

Path ologist.


Lorenz .. C .. linMO Cristina DUlLe nin Uufinp Ritualo Soli .. ArilUl Quintin Cortn

AvelinR Calla rd o AJ$unei6n Arnullo lIIo.rlm Guerrero 1II11ria Mnrigmen Arunldn Demontevet do

San Lazaro Hosp lt ,, 1 1739 IHZAL AVENUE. SJ\NTA CRUZ MAN I LA, 1'. I. TEL.2.17.'fl H~~B~t"~ll:6 g~!~~:~.' °Dlr~~~~r~ommunicnblO Di leNles) Dr. JO:I6 £uI:I"uio, R""ido"t I' h)"Bieian. CootngioWl Dr. Depll ronent. de P .

~~~~~~o\UB8;~~.;.,~~~:~'J'i!l ~:;,.:rg:~f tb:V~::f~

Vener. I Clinic .. nd Ward. F~lix VeI,, Pb)""i. ian In Cbnrge, Leper Depart. menlo . Dr. Trinidnd 1.I"lIuelOll, n nclc,iolollillt In Cha rg(), I.abo'!>lory Dcpnnmcnl. Dr.

Antonio F.. Cnluh, Property Clerk. Siner Murie, Lioen.;n.Chargc. nu 6no N. Nilea. Mechani c 11l1d EledriciPD.

gYd~~n'i>~n~c:.~fb~~.uta~!!~lr:.r~!~t:~j:::;n. :<UIl6"a:

Oonlll.lo n. Yanen J0s6 L. Villanueva Tar"c!n Z. I.edda Juana -'I. -'[agl~yp. ~farin RonulU Marin Yn dll O Si~ter Bartbolcm)' Siater LUtill8 Dola..,. Sister Rapitad Ro:o'to. L . Espin""a Anaelet" Salul lI n o:oim Benita C. Cllbncuilll:un

:\Iau.n Clltboncll l.or<:n •• GonulCll Cri88iniana Ibnllu


Glludioea OriJ{ .·\Iberta Ja"ier El\'ira Mnntilla Saud" liandonl{ nooulina Tanchico JOo!I!rn L. neyeo !\'"poleon L. VilianUllva "Iarill D . Curpu..

Settle ment lIo use (A.od"ci6n d o Dam llll do Filipinu) CANONIGO, )',\CO TEL. 0-47.04 Dr. i\llIttin".n. Cnu Pb)·aiciltn.[o.Chlll"ge. -'liAs Autorn .. l'. Sevilla. ~latron. S t. LUKe's Jl o.pltal 1015 ~IAGDALENA. TONDO P. O. BOX 1IJ27-TEL. ~.98-97 MAN I LA !Jay".d Stowart, Su perinte nden t. Uevercnd -,Iullen, St. Lukc', I'ri"",t. Actio. Superintcndent. -'lisa ,Lillian W;caer, Supo;rintendcnt of Nuru... -'in: Vitaliana lJt:ltran, Principal. Scbool or Nuuea. Misa Crace Elltl, Privat e floor Supetviaor.

~ll: ~~~1t~:~~[i~';'°att~~R~:crS~",=~i&Or. . -'fra. A. Caritoo, Asailt-ant Operat;nll Room Supet\'llor

PHILIPPINES ~~:: ~IRi~j~'~i!~,:~~itt~u~Y::f' N",,"e.

:0.1 .... :\1..... ;'Ilia Miea :\, .... :\In."", :\Ii"" :\li45 :\Ii""

Mnrta Auaejo. Dietit;an, V. Alie"''', Superv'so. X'rOoY D epllrtment. Doris RobilUlon, Au;a!""1 Floor Supervisor. Corn~]jll Limuaeo, AlIIi.taM Floor Sup",v;.or. Cornelia M aced., Hu.d Nurse. M. Arlo!. Hud Nurae. Emcldll Tinllwin, lI e.. d l'<ut8<l. Maureen O"dl, Head NUra<!. Asunci6n Pnrrenll&, Hcad NUfU. Eufcrnill Vrluco, Fi ead Nu •• e. :\Ii"" Albina Cnraet .. , F10<)r NU.III. )Ii. Emili. Bnlla.o:a", Fl oor Nur.l. :\Ii ... Concepcion Zolctll. Floor Nllu~.

:o.tiu Rebecca Slllvnci6n, Floor N"","" Min Mnrgarct Pond, Office Nouu.

Mi M Gcnovcva Lnrm, Offi~e Nu ..", Dr. L. Z. Jo'lctchcr, Attendin!; SUrRell". D r . A. M. S ..leeby, Attendin!;: Phyoic;AIl, Dr. R. Lllltnll.ll. Attending Ob.letTie;nll.

Dr. J. St". Cruz,


Dr, n . Y~on. HocntgcnogolilL Dr. J. Forel, Rc.sidcnt J'hy,ici&n. Dr. P lmfi lo Castro. Intern. Dr. J0II6 Ojeda. I ntern. "h8. n, Clnudio I'hllrmn~ilt. " Ii ls L . Rey"o. Pharmnci. t. IT .....I K "·S DI S PEN$ ~ K)' :


~{~jJ:'IT~:b~~~it'A!W DSr~i~f 9J~?~c·CliDic.

Dr. F. Gin'CDC%. Vililj,:1; Physicinn Pedil!.(rie. Clinic. Dr. O. Fnrralu. Visi tinl( Ph),.ieion Eye Clinic. Dr. L. Ab"d. Vililin& l'hy.,einn Ear. No.e, Tbroat Clinic. Dr. P . FUnco, ViailinG: Ph~cian Ear. Nose. Throat Clinic.


g~: tl~~:iti~~R.~n~!~lill .

"Iilll Feliln Felipe, Supen'i,or Ollt Pali ent Deplrlment

3~~ ~~cB~sL:n~~~~'IL~b TEL. 6-74-1-1


CONC~~,&~eNg A1iDe~~I:1f~~lrt~s, TEL. 2_31}_55


(Se. "Iillury Informl!.(ion) T. B. Fre.


li nd Laboralory

COn(~ll:'kp~rZA~IAn\1k~li~- A~g~~~~,'u~IT~Y1TA.

CltUZ ' TEL. 2·88-13 (Office HOlln: From 8,00 a. Ill. 10 12:00 D.· 1:00 p , m. 10 ~:OO and 6;00 p. m. to 1):00 p. m, Dr. S~~~d'~rc~~:~l-~~~~jo. Dr. Joa(: J. Ar6\'Rlo. Dr. Franei oco A)'cllnno. LSI l'I~A~rsl'~~I I?'{\~b~~ W'rl,\ . MESA) TEL. 6.76-53 n e,' W. U. Fol ey, Chairmnn. Mr • . W. Mllrrny Cr(H!by, Vice-Chairman. C. " '. Edmll"d., Sccrctllry.TreA8l1 r~r. MilS Sadie I_i\'i ng.toll~, Sup~ri"tcndell~. OTHER II1RECTOIIS:

J. F . Boomer M". Geo. W. Porter T. G. Hender.on

Frank C. Miles

C. S. S"lmon

W. A. Chittick

Clubs and Miscellaneous Organizations CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND OTHER BUSINESS ORGA1'lIZATIONS Al ba)' l"I ernatlonll l C hllmber of Comm er ce LEGASPI, ALBAY Julian Orliz, Pre.identa. Esteblln V. Anl~. Vic~-PrClido nte. Eoriqu~ noquetli, Seerotnr;o. M"'Duel Fernandez, To,ororo. \'()(:"LE~:

Jaci nto C. de In Vl\rll Seglrndo P. Cobnobn Cipriono Scrn6CII. Lim_!{oti",m. .. mo:


Sb"'n"on Riohmond (Sc~don I"gle s"). Lu.i'aE.p;nOlIl (S~tclo" &r l,~nol"). A merlmn C h n m bc r of Comme rce of t h e Phlllppine Is la n ds :\IEMBER~CHAi\IBER OF COMi\lERCE OF THE UNITED STATES ISO DAVID. B1NONDO TE L. 2-11-56 DlnIXToR3:

P. A. Moyer . PrceidCM. C. S. Salmoll Vi co-I'ruident. J. L , Headi" to", TreD<lurer. C. G. Clilf~rd, SecNttary. H. O. Bnuman. AClin. 5<:crctBfY. E. E. Selph, G~neral Counsel. J. C. ltockwcll. S. F. Gaabee. Vern~ E, Miller. E. M. Grimm. H. M. Cavender . E. Schradiock. .. ~TII"N .. TE DlRIOCTOR3:

L. K. CO\lermlln H. DOlin H elli.

L. D. Loekwood E. M. BflIlhl'Bei,

Asocl:u:lon de


Na~ l oro s

d o Jo'lIl p lnns


P. O. BOX 1283-TEL. 2_27_09 Il'oruo.a del Rio. P reBident. Frllnci.llo Ferrer v Glili ene., Secretnry. Juan MannIno y Fernandez. ,\ uiliRnt Secretary. Marcelo B. i\bkili"il. L~ocndio Flores. GWI 000. Joh""on. Bart.olomc Poblotc. Domingo Snn BIICllnycntuu. Ruataquio Cnrrcon. Charles E. Cull. Anic~to V. i\innnynll. Asoclndon d e Pr op lcta rlo. de Ma nUa ROOM 35 EL HOGAn BLDG" DINONDO A. n. Ubaldo. TrcBaurcr. A. G. Escamilla. Secretnry, Ton,as Argllell .... Director. C. M. H",kina. Director. J(IIi, Aronet .., Dil'C<ltor. L eon III. llerall, D;rect~r. Rafne! Perea y n O&a l.,., Direct or. Gabriel Ll"m ..., Director. BaR ul o Chnmber of Co mm er ce BAOIJIO. BENGUET. MT. PROVINCE J. W. nllulllerm"nn. President. ~: ~~io~~~es~~;:~~~~~Tr~Ba\lfer .• Pedro U. Bal"d"d, Clerk. DIRECTOR!;

D . W. Uutnrr B. C. Benld Major E. Slloth

J, W. HlllUorm.nn Josh Pau J. E. Ste\'cno~

J. II. i\!nl"lmllll



c,fs,~&~ ~~I~W;:;C+;\f.~;1?~NteE~IM&';\i~TA

P. O. BOX 75~-TEL. 5-75-75 Zobel, President. Gerardo Cll,c(n, Vioo_Prcsidcnt. J~ F. de In \'a.lI. Treaourcr. Joaquin Orio, General Secretary. "h.nue! Pellie"r, Vocal. Iaidoro de Mora, "~a1. ,\olonio Porn, Vocal. EnriQu~


Sib Se, Sceretery. Lim Po, Trequrer. Philippine

Ch inen Sa ri -Sa r i S iore Allsoclatio n 268 JUAN l.UNA. OINONDO TE L. 4-58-35 A. Tiongco, President. Tan Tong, TreUllrcr.

Gerardo Gl\rcia, Vocal. Epriquo Conule. Dinl, Vocal.

Cl'lb u C h u m b"r of Co m mer ce


M. E. Brink. PrC!idcnt. ~tllnucl GOlilll)\I)', Vice_Prcaidcnt. 1uhela V. Ilinomirn. Secretary. W. R. GibcrGon, TreILS ... ror. OIR\,;CTonll:

C h ln qe Second lI a nd Merc h a n ts Associa tion HO GANDARA 81NONDO Yu Ay . Pruide ni.

Guy Walford Criapin Ocnmpo

LcD Schmin

AgUlltin Duran

S. O. DE

N. Noyn

Go SiallK Mit

~tlldrjgR ! ,


BI NONDO P . O. BOX 1607-'I'EL. 2-30-70 Vice nte T . Fer nnudet. Pr ellldcnt. T ito Sil verio, ViC(l- l'ree idenl. FraucilCO \'aron n. SecrCIR r )'-TrClIlIurcr.

OI' ~ JCl:1I8:


C h ln elle FrUit M er c h a nt '. Au ocla ll on 502 ELCANO, SAN N ICO LAS TEL. 4_73-38

Pruido nt.

Pedro J . CllnlllDII, Vicc.Ptc$i(]cnL Pedro J. OCllmpo, Sccrc!nry-T,clLSurcr.

M"nuel Urquico Jo"rPneilco Boniln


Vicente Madrigal Toribio Tcadoro Pedro J. C8oI1\])08 Hnmon J. FCUlIl ndez Domlnndor B. Ambro$\o Vicente Villanueva Leopoldo R. Alluinnldo Jnaquln M Eh,alde Gonnlo Fllyat ArsenIo N Luz Ci riaco Tu",nn

nOOMc~~m~t,{T~h~,ti:sci~{,h'hr~WPRt'M: ..

Co. mo. Club CH I NA BAN I{ BU II,D I NG. B1NON DO TEl •. '1-1lG-51 OIRECTORiJ:


NON DO P. O. BOX nllt-TEL. 2_34_7(;

~~llt ~11I~~,:~rVi~~_nPr!:i~~:1t.

Jor ge B. Va'IOlII, 1'rCf,ident. AI[oIUO Z. By Cip, Vicc-Prcsident. C. S. 5«, TrelLllurer. CDbriel LII O. Secretary. 1'eOOoro n. Yangco Dco C. Cbulln H. B. Pond Albino Z. Sy Ci p C boog Su Se-a

Andr~ 50rillno. Vice-President. P A. M..lycr Trcuurer. It J. Fernl\nde1, DircClor. Gon'uio Gnrcill, Secretary.

G erma n C hnrnber o f Co mm erce o f th e Philippine h ]a od s

(D~~~1;'I~Rtt.~n~tltkEx!}I!:J~lodtS~ lI'~~f~:ten)

C ha mb er of Co m merce. ,,"N.ncnise Au :< Iles SO ESJJ'LIif:f.l'i;I~"ONDO CABr,E ADDRESS: "co:.rALFRANC·· 1'. O. BOX 51l7-1'EL. 2_72_08 Ltnpoldo Knbn , Sr., Prc,i dcni. Ren6 Lcvy, Vicc-Pre. idonl. Paul D ubo'l, Secreior)·. Henry Levy, 'l'rC!\Sllrer. blRr:aTOI<ij:

l.eo1>oldo I'nh n Jr. AltwclIlI

B ,,~ ulo

Chln ne Chamber o f Comme r ce 30 SESSiON ROA D, BAGU IO P.O. BOX 110 Chin Pong, Pr es ident. J)O"ICl> OF


L. K. Ling Lam Ping 1,00 Shin IIing Ie Wonl( Cheung 1'0)" Chaollg 1'0 You Go Fook

_ Lea .Yunll Ting Loui. Wong Leu,,!!: Lee r-cnnll I,wong T ni Leung 1,0;lh Leung Sh""k CIolln Sing

Chi nese Gr~fr 's A$sochili on 5H) ELCANO. SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4_SG-20 I.i", Tui Ti, Prtaidenl. Chln elll! ll a rd watl! Mercha nt s' Anoda l lo n 207 nOS '\IUOT~~t~l:o'i.~I~), 81NONDO Cham SII"'''O & SOI1", I'rCllident. Co I. u So, Vice-I're8ident. Char]ee C. Aknnn, Se<>retar)·. Simeon O. Su..... TrNllIllter. Chill Sinl Co. ll00kk<Xlpcr. DIKo:cTOI",:

Occideallli Unrdwllre Co. Ong Yet :'I lla Pc Cbll"co & Co.

:\I"';"no Oy Cbaco So .... & Co .. I nc. Ch"n Cllon & Co.

A. H. E. 1'.

P .. 0. BOX 1327-TEL. 2_20-61l "On Arend, Prcside nt. 1(lock. Vicc-1'rcsident. I( robo, 1'reUlltcr. nall"'lInn, Secrcta ry. DIIIECTOIlft:

Erl1st Berg

.\1. Bergmlln n

1\I,u: Ziegler

E. H uoncfc1d W . ZoILcnkol'

G r eater Ma nila Civi c Len Q,u e I'. O. Box O~8-MAN ILA Mu"uul Com"", l'rCflidcnL

*OI~~·IIU:t'QJ~~~~~nZ;.;BI Bllt


l'Ioilil'pinc T "",t Co .• 1·rcD.llurcn. £:<F.<.lIST"·C cO,oU.. ITl)C: :'o.l unllel C(Un"" "i!lente rerllllnde& C. M. ll ... k.ios I' io Corl'lUI Wm. J. ShAW 110110 C hin ese Chnrn l>er of Co mm cr ce 11.011.0. ILO I LO P. O. BOX 210

PHILIPPINES Inl <!cno. tl ODn l

C h:unb er of Com merce of

110 11 0

I LOILO, ILOILO Frlmoi!clI R. Sallto!. President.

r. W. Kcrr. Vice-President.

R. P. Ooug illa, 'Vie,,-Pr~aide nt. J. Mil. Roules. Vicc-Pre.ideo t. 1'. ¥all Chunn, Vice.President. T ho •. N. Powell. Hon. Sec.etary. V. J. Jimcnc" TrellllutCr . I)!RJ;CTOIUI;

W. E. M. &lui Enri"D 1'i,(I\'oOO Lui Shin Yan P. Pllloia 2ND

J . FlemiOJt E. J. L. Phi l i~. P. Marquez Lu" Lui. LaCllmbra

iL8b'i:·nSO$ft~~.onELf ~fim~~


Mn nll" T ob" cco Assodn tl o n nOOM 36 EL HaGAR BLDG., BI NONDO Monuc l V. Gallego, Pr""ident. Ioidoro F. d e Mora, Vice-Pre.oidenL J OI/(; Sanche.. Barrio, Trc~llI"cr. A. G. EBcnmil!a, SecretRT)·. J. C. Wunderlich. Director . rr. J . Wid'ner. Director. J. Snm.on, Director. Antonio ROIIO le.o, Director. H. Klock, Dircctor. Lim 'fiIlO, Pill, Director.

P71:~Ig',f~n.;O %'Nr~b~~~If.r~I::6t:~Ocl"llon TEL. 4·8l_83 Ch a llll: Iiink Binll. Preaident. Wee non Pin. Vice_Prc5jdcn~. Ang Chan, Treasurer.

' F,<::j, IPIKO BLDG. JUAN I,UNA. BINONDO P. O. BOX 335, TEL. 2.15.13 Y. Mo rokuma. Pre.ident. N. NIII""l\Urll, Vice.P resident. F. Suzuki. Vice-Pruidcnt. S. MiYl\illlki, Vicc-President. O. Moohizuki, \'icc-PrcaidcM. S. OgllWII, Auditor. S . MRtalli, TrcO$urcr. Adolfo Scheerer, Secretary.

'1'0 liong Tin. Secretnry. Ynng &iponK, Executi,'c Secretnry.

J a panese C hamber of Comme rce of Ma nil" ROOM 18, EL HOGAR F I LIPINO BLDG., JUAN

Dec liona Lue Na }o' ""

P. O.


Sholo DU"i, P~ident. :O'1 .... jiro Kllwa muro, Vice-P~ia.,nt. Seiei Mfltelti, Treasurer. EX~O"TIVE

;"\lllallo Nilihino Seita ro KlInegllO

CO ... lltT>:>::

Swg<!/"u Mutaoe Shigeji Harn

M nnlla C h.nmber of Co mm erce 407 NATIONAL CI TY BANK BLDG.\ JUAN LUNA, BI NON DO TE L. 2-6!)-60~P. O. BOX 2623 CABLE ADDRESS: ·'MANCH A~ I CO:o.I·' H. C. Whitt ..U, Pre,ident. E. O. Cogan. Vice-I're'ident . .... llln Howell, Secretp.r)'. (On Lellv e). T. H. Harrington, Acting Secretary. Ma nU p. Fir e rns u ra n <:e Auodatlon 174 JUA N LUNA, BIN"ONDO TEL. 4-75-17 Man il a Lumber Me r cha nts' Assoda tl on 90 ~ _9l8 JUAN LUNA, BINONDO TELS. 4-87-89, 4-93-89 (lll ...

,n.,. . s

OF "l"n>: <1-S80C",""I"I OS:

Dec Kee Chong.

PbIlW8bn",~sC~S-5$1"o 'b)if!J'l ~~aNl~e~8rl~rNGerce CABLE


¢~oE~oll 1;0~~~1:CIl3~~~idcnt.

>!., .. oeM


Kui lioa San Yu Khe Thlli NK Su Tam

.. >: .. IIEU OF EX1:CQT"'>: BO.\Jlo:

A]foWlO Z. Syeip Tan Samto C. S. Sec Yu Ene Poh Lim Shui Ty

James Woo J . Lidi o Edu .. rdo Co SC~u(; Gltillermo Oy Bundo Cham Sameo '1')' lIall Eng

Philippine Chln ese Ri ce Anodn tlo n 915·917 DAGUPAN, TONDO TEL. 4·85.72 Tnn Cio, Prl'aidont. Crisp"lo J. Co Co, Vicc-President. Cheng Sit, Vic,,·Presidut. Cheng Lilloco, Tre","urer.

Phu~~~~ns,8rIN!C'bt~al. K~~O~lf~$t~~ln'lon P. O. BOX 2154-'1'EL. 4-83_76 MAK I LA, P. I. Co Chien, Preoi deot. Yu Yek Huy. Vicc-President. P. Kow Chuan, Tre .. urer.

~~"¥i~n;'ru,cltSi~:~"tta~~retary .

Joaquin Co Sio, Auditor. Yao Boj Tio. ,usist .. nt Auditor. nJll1:C'J"Oll8:

Co Su Tenl': Ifin Ko Suy

Co Chi T inn Chna ChURn Hang


TlIn Yok So

D y PM CoSetcng 0".101:118:

Al""Sonio Escudero, Prl'aident. !>Iuimo M. Kalaw, Vicc -Pr ....sidcnt. D. Marquca. Secretary. MlIQuel Calul,itDn, TrctlO llI"cr. aO .. RD OF DIIlCC'J"OIlS:


Go Tiong K .. y.

OIlA""• ...:'I" ON THe OOIo/MltT>:E OS FI:SANeE:

Go I.ang.

e H A.II"AS OF TIlC (lO>lllltT>:>: ON 80CIAL •• r.·Altl8:

Joh n F . GotoUto.

<:H AllU'AS OF TH e

Dec C. Chuon.

800Il£"l"AI" ... "I":

<: IIAIII.IoIA,.. 0" "1"111: .SV1:STHMTISO <:0 .... 11"'I"CI:: l'ioo.

Yc liok

<: II AU<"Al< 0 .. TU>: <:0"'/l1"'I"£E os ""1"/11.£"1"'<:6:

Dy Chly.

K. Gronke J. Agudo Ihunon Soriano Kenneth B. Ony Pedro do Vera Delfin Mnhinay

Honorio Roxas Silverio G",ti", J .. cinto Valcn~"cl" Gregorio Ma"I"ea M4ximo Rodri,uc~ Jos6 Too.oj" ;"\f lordnno Princi"e

I.I.AC1rl.-'mr.£:{~A"c~rr:ftl~tth.¥',~i, EUM ITA P. O. BOX 1I4!l-TEI,S. 2-38-91-2_38.92 CABLE ADDRESS: "PH ILEX" Arsenio N. Lu., Director_General. WA

~i.ld~v;;~o, §~~:'::::


108 lI£IoIIiEU




Till; 1,10,\.80 OP DIRECTORS :

M~~: ¢~O~i':,~~~ f1::::n"aci:~.el~~:. Vie&-PresiWlui.

Mr. ThomBa J . Wo lff, Second Vioo- Prl'4idClit. Hoo. Felipe Bucncsmino, Jr., M~ moor . H OIi. Jorge B. Varalla. M ember. Hon. Juno POlIadlla, Member. Hon. Eulagia nodri,ue~. Member. Hon. JO$\ E . Romero, Momber. Hon. Fnnc;.co ScwiJIa, Member.

~:~: ~~~g':°D~~II~~·e~r.;r:.!:~bcr. ",LT&RN,\TE OIRECTORS'

),1 • . "ioontc Madrigal. Judge M. V. del Rosario. Mr. John R. ShllW, H on. Le opolda n. Aguinoldo. H on. Gregori o Perrecto. Mr. Hownrd M, C .. vendcr. EXECIlTI\'E COl/lot l 'I'Tll&:

!II •. Tbomu J. Wolff, C hllirm an. Hon. Felipe BucnCflmmo, Jr .. Momber. Hon. Jo,"e D. VnelllS, J\-Ic mbcr.

Philippine Motor An ocl::.llon iIIANILA HOTE l. P. O. BOX 1326-T EL. 2-23-11 Benito F. Lcgru-dn, P'Clidcnt. Herbert BrullgiUftT, Vi cc- Prnide nt. O. M. ShuuHm, S,cretllry-TrcIl8u rcr. J'cdro CRmus, l\IllllRgcr. El\'i rll Jllnusakicwiu,\Stcnoarllphcr. 'IO .. RD O F DIII£(;Ton.,

P D. Cllr mlln Ar.cnio N. Luz Leonllrd C. Moore Antonio :\1. Opillo

Dr. NiclIonor JD.cinto. P resi dent. Dr. Jos6 T. Ramoa, Firat Vice-I'rc.!lideDt. J os6 Cordo"lI. Seco nd Vice-Preaidc nt. Tom,,- Conf<)tor, Third Vice-Prt'Olldcnt. Eulokio llodrilllCZ. Jr .. SccrctRry_Trca/il urcr. HilRrion SilRYRn. El<eeuti\,e Secr eta ry . Emiliano Villa Mnnuel Alute )[anllel Urquico LuiJ de Lcon T. David Philippine S h ipowner AS8llclarlon

Ira71~lIa?~ C~~.\'i!':''ji~~~~Iollt.

"Fr aneiaco Ferrer y Gu tJerru . Seero tllry. I •. Everett , lo c. , Trc ,.. urer. ~ n:M Blllla'


Cin. G rnl de Tnbneoa d e FilipinD.II

3 f.t~JIlSPW~Gsl¥11r ~~~i:b'Wtrf,

MANILA P. O. BOX H93 of t he Pr<'Sident ..... . .. 2-43-D$ TELS. SeerN nry.TrelUurcr ........... 2- 19-33 General Office ............... 2-26-90 Rntae] n. A unan. I'rctidcnt. ,",unuel Eli.n]dc. Firat Vicc-PrCllident L. Wcln.hcimer. Second Vicc- I'resi dent. Geo. U. fo'nir ehild, Sceretnry.Trenauter. G. G. Cordoo. Ahernllte S« rct ary_TrclUurcr.


Rotu ry Clu b of Mu nlll!. P. O. BOX 2172 TELS. 2-23-0S-6.88-70 negular Luncheons mt tho Mllni\a Hotel c."cry


Ge"o~~::~~ fja~'k:~~tcr, ~~:idci~: ~~ciglre:lno~~uoced. ~~IIRf ~\'H~r.:;~htse~;~~~;~~e~nst"..~~~ Dircctor. Willard C. Guliok,'\ rnll. nlnl:CTOIl8 :

Arsenio N. LUI L. l\f . n nUSml!.n Edwnrd L . HlIll Thco. L. Hall Cnrlol P. Romulo Templo de Salomon (Sikalunm Corporation 1001 1311.8'\0. TONDO T E L. 4-80-37 Dr. bidoro de Snntos, Prcaiuu]lt. Dr. Sanlingo Bnroc \ona, Sco relD.ry_T rca.urcr. P ll8e uul COneC IJoi6 n. Dircetor. Timotco I'n CI, Di rector . l'nse llol Lintna. Director.

~r~108. . 17j~\IRl/IU~~~1~8

P. O. BOX 26(H TEL. 4- 82-~O 1(lIon Low, l' reside nt.


O ...·ICl:RS

COUlpaflfa Mnritima

o . n.:.cTona:

T. N. M eKi nnllY D. A. Brulln Manuel Mndrillt.1 Vi e~lltc Lellllrdt. Arclull Gunn


Philippine "'11m Corporation


T. N. McKinney, ]'r.,.ide nt E. ~ . McKi.nn .. y, ~crctRT)'_Ttea.urer. JnclIl\O Vnh ellte, Dlrect .. r.

Am erl cu n Bar Au odutlon 209 NATiONAL CITY B,\NK BLDG .• TEL. 2-20-3& J. A. Wolr-on. Pre.ident. ).Innuel Camus. Vice_ I'rClli <l ent. John n. MoFic, Scc retar)·_Treaaurcr. lollarBEIUI' Joho It. M cFio E. A. Per kins Claro M. !tecto L . D. l..oekwoo<l J . A. WolflOn Moelodon Mu s lenl de FilipinOS


M re. ROSllrio L. do Vald ol j'rcl idont. l\lra. Alfredo ROOIlBO h, Vice- Prclidcnt. l\fra. RO Bn A. de Alenna, Tret!.il urcr. A. V. H . H nrtcnd oTl" Scerctllt)', Miu Gundnlupo R€)u, Vicc·$cc retary. 101"'>1 0 1<11,,:

Mi!8 Vielorin" I.Cgll! pD, E. Vi Olel mllnn Ham on Vnld.,. t iOIl J esua l.i tonjun Julio Eetobnn Anauilll Blnn Hllp 110 ""$Iodatlo n 200 ROSA JIIO. BlNONDO TEL. 01-76-23 Lin SiODg Till. P •.,.idcnl. F. Chlln ~o. Trct!.ilurcr. G o Tio<:o. Scerctllr),. Broken "n d Llln dto rd l Alloc:\alioo 19&1 IUZAL AYE., SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2-58-401 Horaeio C. Chuidi"n. Prtllident . Mllleo Auatr;lI. \,io»-Presid ent.

~I~~!~O ~1I~r:,iAluoJi~r"taTY.

Anlonio A. Gonlalel, Lellll Ad,·iler.

f.c~o a':' ~:&n~~r,r~:~!!~Vnetlllh.e.

Por6rio Capu!e, RC1>rt$t!ntati,·e.

Onp~rg. ~~~ ~IJ~e ~rl'M~oe8 Bonilo.cio S. Araullo. Prf'aidc llI. Dr. Al ejlodro LIllard •• See.retary.Treaau. cr.



Zoilo D. T . Sou AndreJ. SectCury. Geronim. T. PeesoD, Tl1!lLSllrer. Pablo P. Reyca, Auditor. 522C:~nN~VI'bE~~nll ~b~~ DO TEL. 4.04. 18 Dr. Tee RIlD Ktoo. P,..,.ideut. Go QuiolllV, Viee-Fro::eidcnt. Lim An, T .eaIIUltr.

Co I"~18f:"t~P:N~O~·t~~I{;AtJ~"pln .. s D r. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

TEL. 2-59-31 Baaili" J. V"ld~~. Preaidcnt. Bonifacio Mcnciaa. Vice- ' resident. Patroc.inio Valcn~ucllo. Vice_Prtllidcnt. Jua .. Z. SIR. Cruz, Sccrct"r~·. 5,>:to A. Fun.;."o. Treasurer. J056 E. Jimenez, Member ""d Librnrilln. AgUltin Libor ... Mcmber. C ullon M e d ica l Socie ty

CULION PAI,t\WAN Dr. Jo06 M. llll)'mundn, PrC!Jidcn~. D r . Dom ingo Vioc_l'residcnt. D r. MIld""o n. Lnt .. , Sccrctary-Trcaaurcr. Dr. Dr. Dr. D r. D r. Dr.


Cae;m; r n B. Lor .. Manuct Logtooa Jo!lli C. Mannlllne JO$(: M. Alomo Bonifacio de Vera H. Winlbof Wade Mr.

Dr. JOI~ O. Nolasco Dr. J 056 C. SafllJlo" Dr. JosoS L. IlI.uacio \Dr. Jesus C. Puno Dr. Pilomeno Ccrilles 01\. Alejandro F. L"urcob Erl\csto Paras

Fili pI n o Nursu' AHocin ti on 710 K,\NSAS AVENUe, iIIANILA TE L. 5·66-76

~H= ~~D~!~n~: J~"..~':~'!io.pF;~~\~f~e-Pr~idcnt.

:'oh,. Vitaliana G. Del"an, Second V'ee-Prcaident. Mrs. Concepcion S. de Cepeda. Treu\lrcr. :\frs. Eli.a n. Ochoa. A"iU Dn~ Treuurcr. :'o lilla frene ill. Abellll.ll, Secretary. >I""BI:"S BOAI\O 01' Ol"E:(:TO"$'

:\h•. SGtorro Salamanca Diu. :'of art a M. Obafta. Lillian We;"er Bertha Odee. Doroteo Martin. :\Irs. EnriQueta M. Adrillno. :\11"11. Rosario M. Delgado. :\fi ~ CClarea 1'nn. M'&8 Rufina m~ualo. Miu ViTllinia Manzano. Mrs. Emilia L. Sanl"lnnll. M .... Dnmiann D. Ambrosio.

i09 oWtTpf~,J81~~rJDO TEL. 2·074 1 Kiak Sionll. Pr.,.idcnt. Lim Tiao Po, Viec.Pre.ident. Lim Ho Sun. SeeretRry. Lim Shuili, Trea..urer .

L os Bnnol Blo lolllcn i C lu b Dr. L. G. GOnU[CI, President. ,\ltI"iculturn[ Collcge, LIlllun".

E . F. Ho[dnn, Secreta.y, Agri cu ltural Collego, Laguna. Ma nU" Me d lcn l Socie t y 541 H[RItAN, II I ALAT I~ TEL. 5_'12_31 Dr. BoniFllcio Mencia.., Pre~idcnt. D r . WcnCe/l[ao Vit\l (l:, Vice·PrCfidcnt. Dr. JUlin Z. SIll. Cruz, S~crctllr)·_Trc .... urer. COIII<CIt.OAS;

Dr. D r. D r. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Candido III. Afr ica. JC!lu, P. Celis. Nnrci.o Cordero. Jaw S. Hi[ario. Agustin Libor o. Junn C. NntlngM.

M an Un l'Uo l. Associatio n SOl IIIUELLE DE \,,\ iNDU STRIA, SAN N ICOI,AS P. O. BOX 83·I-TEL. ·1_93_97 Vicente, VenNn. Chief Pihlt. EnriQu, Ruon. Secrctnry.Trcosurer. llEIIIIEIIS' J0s6 Artiaga John Hennin"

Enrique Bi el Juan ,\enyn" Mauri cio G, GaUa,n

Ma n U" I'rus Cl ub Abel.rdo L. "nlencia, PrC!liMnl.

~~:~~i:~o ~~nfc~i:no~S~~~t~~i)~~-Pruidcnt.

Joro Giron, Tressurer.

J\I:4n 1t


:"lit•• Benito }o'. 1..... l!.ardn. I>rc~idellt. MiM. Mn'guc'i!e Wolfso n, Viee-Preaidc"l. Rnmon Valdes I'ien. Tr ~l\Su r~r.

ti ...':.~ra·n~ir~~d'?\~~o~c~i~~t·cr.

FOrl nl ~ lul )'

Club CATHEDRAL ROOM OVE-H Y. W. C.A. 573 ISAAC I' E ltA I,. ERM I1'A Mrs. J . F. Wil,o n, I' rl~iden~. Mro. A. D. E. Elt,,~ r. Filat "i~c-PrC!lident. W , B. Pole)', Second Vicc.PrC!lident. M i ~ EHtnbeth Anno Secret"ry. Mrs. S. L. Burkhol der, Trenlurer. Gdd lron C l u b of th e P hilippines ~IAN[I,A

Dnvid T. Bo~usln", Prcaidenl. Pedro D. Villanuevn, Executive Seerctnr)·.

(LMA)'6tAL~8~~{J'6~ h&lW:t!ifNU1S)

6 10 HEACOCK BUILDING ESCOLT ,\ MANII.A P. O. BOX 2CI!l8 Guillermo B. Guc>"nrra, Pre.i dent. Alfonso Pone<) Enrile, Vice_l're!idcnt.

h~n:if",copal:;::,[").):Sistnn~es~~~~~~~y ,

Salvador Barn"", Tr~ lI.$urer. Antonio M. Sanehc&, AMi,tant

LARoE, Pnntaleon Regala Pedro T. Manllo

BOA"O 01' D ln £CTOI"I/J AT

M arc"," R. Ola.o


Leall u o of Philippine l' ubll c Sc h oo l Tea cheu Ano clnt lon s, Th o Ricardo C~tro, P re.ident. U .... Juliann C. Pinedn, ~',tlt Vice-President. J0t6 Katinding, Third V'ce-Pre. ident.



N"tlo nal R esearc h Co unci l of

~! usi~nl Ih ~


Phlllpp lne

191" ".1 $

MAN I LA Dr. Antonio G. Sigon. Chairmlln, Di,·;.• ion of 1II00licai Sciences. Dr. Manuel L. Rnxaa OILI-gninli: Chairman "nd Member.t.-[nrgc. Dr . .H i[orion Si[ayon. Chnir,"n", OJ''iaion of Agriculturc

trl~'"~d~~IQ'ui!urnbi"J:' Chail","n, Divi. ion of Biolo/tical S~icncu. D r . l'nt,otinio V.. lcnIILQ[n, Executive S~eretary-Tre!l..li_ urer. Dr . Angel S. ArotILcllca. Ch .. ir",,,n o! the Cou,:,c!l, D r . Hcrmonel!ildo R. Rcyca, Cha."nan, D'\" $lo n of En&inecrinot nnd IndIL~trll' [ Itesurch. Quirieo Abadilla, Chair"'''n, D,vi~ion of Ph)'Aical :lnd Mnthcmatical Sde"" .... J 0s6 S. Camus, Mcmber_at_hulle. Dr. Arturo Gsrda1 Chll;,mnn, Di"ilion of GO"ernmenl, Foreign and EdueaTions[ Uclations. Dean BianV"Cnido Gonlnlcl, Mom"",_.t_lsrge. Dr.

Optometr iC Aasocln llon of th e P hili pp ines ARIAS BLDG ., :\IANILA TEL. 2_ti7_~2 Gregorio Est rada. I'rC8idcnt. Antonio Sabater. Firat Viee. Pre5ident. Jorge Inocenoio, Second Vico-President. Psblo C. }o' clieiano Sec retnry.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.



F~li l)O


Dr. Ju/!to GOllzalez Or. Vi~e llt o C. Bernardo

Dr. Jomquin dol Altlllllr D r . i\[8'CC\O Montejo

D,. Cipriano Lllr"

Phlllr>pine AssociatIon o r Civil Engineers DASiIIAR I NAS, (T HIRD FLOOR). IHNONDQ P. O . .BOX 1414.-TEL. 2_]4_75


"o .~no

OF DIRECTORS' St~. Tomas, P,,,,,idcnt.

Enrique C. FCrllnndo de In Canter.. , First "ice- Prcsident. A]lolinRrio ijaituill', Second "lee-Presidc nt . Amadeo R. de Alban, Secretory.

Antonio Ta}'KOn, Treasurer. JOM G. Corles, Auditor. DIRECTons:




J...,IO Arr ut io.

A"It~1 Marlinez Ped.o Scrvillll$ Emilio Quisumbinl

"IO~,~~I*~~nSumcte~~~,a61~FI CI': Eu]ogio P. Revilla. President. J. C. Vicker!. Fir! t Vir.c.Prc~ idont. J086 A. Eepiritu. Second Vite·Preaidcnt. nienrdo C. ].nC>!o l1, Trenaurcr. Frnl1cisco Do]up!l", ASliistl1t1L'l'rcllSurcr. Lcol1cio Monzrln, SerrNnr)". ]gm.cio Fernantlloz. A8IIistnnt SeeretllrY. IOOAnD 0.' DIRECTORS:

EuloSio P . Re"illa J. C. Viekcu ,\. Espiritu Riurdo C. Lacson I.~oneio B. Monzon Homan O~ClCt .. Ma.nucl Lim Antonio Opi""o \ Jos6 B. L. Royu Sa.l\'ndor ArnnOltn Marinn,\, H. de Joy .. J~

Conce pci on. Sec relary.

Lualhati Aldabll, Sub-Secreta,)", Pedro C. Batallones. Trcaaurcr. ),Ii.. Lourd es S. TRIRIl, Sub.Tr cMurcr.

;\ liall

llIRIlCTOR3: Apo]onio R. CIIIl,'c, Antonio G. Llamllll Dr. J056 V. Glor;n Pedro T. :'hgialang CAllE O F

Dr. Pntroeinio V" I~lIKucln Dr. Felix Hoc.IIon Floren"io G'I"I';111) Dr. Anl:"\ llo)'c&


THE PHI LI PP I NE ISLANDS Dr. Arturo Gordll, P.eaidcot. Dr. HHuion Si]oyan, Vieo-Presi dent. Dr. Plltrocinio Vlllen_uelll, Seercl"ry.Tru.eurcr. ).Il11"ERlI;

Dr. Edunrdo Quisumbing Dr. TcoduJo Topllcio


Dr. F.. lipn Adriano Dr. ~hrcos Aticnnte

Phlllp~~no. tr'&~tr~~:" ~t{IN~L~lncera TEL. 2_10-14 Gonulo T. Volc8, Preside nt. Teodnto Mllcabu.los. Viec- I'rc!id cnt. lui48 Fernando, T.caaurer. ~'. E. V. Siaon, Secretary. DIRECTORS; Vi cente Frllgnnte

P. F. Elcn.Ilr Juli a n Bucndill

Philippine Eco n ; mic Associatio n Eipidio Quiriuo, President. Cornelio Bn]ruaceda, Secretary. Philippine Ilardwoo d M~ nufn ct ur es E'lporr Assodatlbn nOOM 306 PEllEZ·SAMAN II, LO BLDG. P. O. nox 456, 'M AN IT,A H . C. Popc, Pre~ident. A. M. Amend. Vice-Presid~nt. J. W. Cairns, Trell..!!urer. ,\. F. Dendrr, Secrelor)·. Philippine Insll!ute of CenUled PubliC AccOu n tnnl8, The O'ItI;CTOIUI:

W. W. Lorkil1, Pre.idenl. Dr. Niconor ItC)'es, Vice-Presi dent. Enrique C"guiot. Sccrcta.ry_Treo.~ure r . Vicente }o'nbello. Frnncisco D"\up,,n Junn D. QuinLOS 'r irlo Garcia J"imc HClnnndcz J05l> L. Torrell Frnnei. SIl nlingo Alfon!o Cn\ninng

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Philippine Islands M edlclI! Association M7 HERRAN, MALATE JUIIll C. Na./lng~, Pres ident. HRmon L. llhmco, Vice-PrNlideDt. Six to A., Vi cc- President. )\"I onio S. F~rnando, Secreu.y_Trensurer. TilE COtll<C IL:

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Juan C. NIl/lllgns, Chllirmlln. Wilrtido de Leon. AMon;o Villllrilmll. Gumer!indo Gnrcin. Jos6 Fnbcli ll nufino Abrio!. Philippine Num i$m atlcs lind An t l<luarllln

270-27!! G. TJJ~§~U: SAM l'Al.OC Dr. J OIiI 1'. Bnotu.ll, Presidont. Gilben S. P~ru, Vico-Prcaident. Inocencio M. Delgndo, Scc rctn,y_T rcnau rcr.

~'iC~~~n '\:;i:~!'..n\ftrix~,e~t,~·ber.

Phlll!,Pl n co Phllrmnc.. udcn l .....oclatJo n


D~. 'J~R~."ji~:,~r.°Fi~~\?i~:~PrC8idcnt.

Dr. EUlemo C. Q"e,uwll, Socond Viet-l'residCllt.

/oI., ... nEIUI:

,\utonio :'huuhnn Victorino Gonules Juan Coronado EHI)i,itu Bunnltnn C .... ll)s Frnnciaco

4SI2mi",t'8~ S~:.l n~~U'~

TEL. 2_85-52 Dr. Antonio Vmaramn, Prcaidcnt. Dr. E.mcil) V. de DiOll, Vi"",Preo.idcnt. Ger6nimo Gntmo.itan, Secretllty. Amnndo ~fllgbitnng, Sub-Seerctn ry . Forluflnto Capi~ trll"o, Trell3urcr. Dr. Gcnllro Snntiago. Sub-Treaaurcr. Rnm6n B. Cruz. Auditor. )IE~III£R8




Hep. J056 de Leon Jr. ~~~io I~~:~:~.;Y De\glldo Arubra&io Pablo

\, i c~ nl o


+~~~~oG~~crL<lon Pedro Lim

Society fo~ the AdYnncement o f Resenrcb Dr. MilUe] M.. nrClo, Preaident, Agricultlual CoIlCIOl, Dr.


Julinno, Secret ....}" AlUicultural Collrle,


Tan Club


TEL. 01_00_87 Eduardo dol Roanrio Tnn KillDS, I'~idcnt. Tan Un Vions , Vice-Prcaide nt. J OM Tan,yOnIlQuip, Secrctll.Y. Tnn Cho."o, Trco8urcr. DIRECTOIUI:

Tnn Dok Co Yno TUlln Cam "l'no Tuan I'i ao Tiln Tun Bile Tan Cha)'co Tan Chin Dok Tan CIHU Hiok T"n Chi o Chunn

Tnn Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan "l'ao

Boc Tay Liftn Tin. Chin Teo Chiong Pun 1\,. Cha)' BUll 1.1 1lY

Cbui Din.g I bon



CLUBS AND OTHER CHIEFLY SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS AlIi nnc::e F .... n c:al.e 50 ESCOLTA, 81NONDO P. O. BOX 597, TEL. 2·72·08 ' .'rcncl, Librnr)') R~n .. Lev),. Presi dent.

~~(lB~I~~i.~~I~~c~!~)·':';eC. l'rUidenl. l:I~nry I.o"Y. TrefL!lurer.

BAGUI~~g.~:gu~-t~i~ ~:tUObVINCE

Benj. S. Obui.k. Praiden!. Dr. R. H. W.. lker. V;ce.Pre.!ident. R. A. Ottiger, Secre!II.'Y'

A. D elph in .. , D irector. Qsear AI~we":ll;. Oi,""'lo •. Migue] Zi ti],,;I., Directo•.


Oscar BII;er, Director. A m er ican

5~i,~p,\:ai:lr::'7;.Q.s~ :.t~11~oc!·

I. . Inc.

P. O. BOX 114\ Capt. T. N. lII oKinney , President.

Archi e Cunn, Viec-PrC!!idcnl. D. A. Bruon, Scerc\n rr·Tr cll.lurcr, JuliWl C. Willi s. Jacob M cAl!i3\Cr.

n OUSE .. No OHOU-ND'" (:O'l>l1'I'TI:I::

Dr. R. H . Walker, ChRin"an.


t: Pi\~i,gi'{er~te~~.ber.

E. E. Littlewood, Member . R. W . Cro~by. Member. Worren Gilki.on. Member. E. E. Crout er, Member. DOlo" .. NO 8POIIT8 C (lM)lrTT~~ : E. E. Crollte r. Cboi r man.

Moses Rey nold,.


Capt. W. Cb"mbe..... P I. ~~U.S.N. Lt. Comdr. C. W. l,;orydl, C.E.C.) U.S.N. Comdr. F. G. Crisp. (e.c.) .S.N.


U. ,A,

Col. Cha.lC!I S. Hamillon, I nl., \: cS.N. Lt. Cornd. H . J, Mencrntti. U.S.IIi.

f~.p~ot: i';~n~aK~ilt!;~·rA., U.S.A. Lt. Col. ThOlnns A. Terry. C.A.C., U.S.A LL Col. Thorna.s S. VOSI, A.C., U.S .•\. OFFICER3:

g:ec'·. . 1~ 1§~n~~;n~t~j,~·'I~t.!i~~S~.,

H~t Vicc_ President. Lt. Comdr. C. W. Cor~'ell (C.E.C.), U.S.N., Secon d "ice-l'r•• ident. LL Co mdr. R . B. OnueU (C.C.). U.S.N., Trell.l urct. Capt. J ohn B. Sher", .. n, Inf., U.S.A., Scl;tc t"ry. 8 011$& COId Iol'TT CC :

Col. Chilli. S. Hllmilton, I "r., Chair""'n.


Beni. S. Ohniek, Chuirm"". C. M. Co~termnn. Member. J. O. Enberg, Membo r. J. B. Find!ey. Member. ;\iRjor E. SI'Clh. Member.

mal: iJ.~l:.

Lt. Comdr. R. B . t>lIlIIICH (C.C.), U.S.N. Cllpt. John B. Shermnn , I nf., U.S.A.

t':IIE.eti?N~~·~o'd. ~lf~~:~:;. E"TIlRT,\ll<ME"T

COM" I TT~~:

H . A. Ottigcr. Ch.irmR".

R. W. Crosby, Member. R. L. Lile. Member.

Ba n cl on C l ub 363 YLANG·YI.ANG. SAN TEL. -I-SS-SO Sy Sinll Sui. Pr~ideM. Frandseo Guevarll I,;n., Seere\Bry. Phi Po Ti e. S.. ~r otllr~·. Chull Yu Si .. , T


Cantonue "'ssoclallo n

459 DASi\lARlfhs. BlNONOO TEL. 2_51_01

Yllp "J.lnk Wing, President. Yee Fun. Vi ..... Pr!:!;d..,nt . Fou/.: Sin" Trell.lurer. J. K. SiB. SeCtetB ry.

g'R;:" l~::r; ~~:.:~t;r!·ceu,;,·e,

Louil e lro. Ij ir ccto r. Cho rlie Corn. Director. Go lIang, Directo r. L"o Sh ing. Director. Gregorio N. Fang, Director. Won g Fai, Dir celor. ~1. T. Peng, Directo r. Cbeng Will g yo ..... , Director.

Sec re'"ry.

r~n~h~~~gbi?~~~~;~r. Liang Bun. Oir eetor.

"''' 0 1110 UII .. NC" .,EMElIl1l8 HJr CO), .. , TTB' ::

Commanding Offieer , Cam p John H a~·. Major Frederick A . Ward, I'.S ., (Q.M.C.). D r. H . E. Sta lford. L t. Ralph E. D oty, In£., U.S.A., Secretll ry . Bachelou C lub P. O. BOX 1502 Pedro M. Sy_Qui ... PrC!lid ent. J0s6 L. I' .. tcmo, Viec-PrC!li dont. Anlllltado Agan, Sccreury. E duardo Pa~ Hidnlgo. Trell.!lurcr. Seve.o TU MOn. Sub_Tn ... ur ••. Miaa Conehing Sunieo, M use. nlnECToR8:

Edwin Andrew. " icento Mills

Ramon de Sa ut o! Litonju" Ca.loa Fernandn

Casi n o Elpnilo l de 110 110 ILOILO. ILOILO Victor J. Jimenci. I'resideM. Pll.!eual Pogol", Vice .• I'rc$idcnt. Francil!<:o de P. MRrtl. Tre B~urer. Emilio O arri ., Viet ._Tr ellllure •. Alberto F. dc "illlI-Abrille, Sec retary. RamOD Pili. Viee_S<!crclary. Genora BllrberRn. Librnri .. n. Fernondo ReguCtIl, Membe •. Fr ancisco Lopel. Member. Jo!M! Mo. R OIIal .. l, Member.

P . O. BOX 4~'bADSI~S"~~~fRJt~'¥laFT AVENUE TE I..S: OFFICE OF T U B SECRETAHY. 5-15-15; C L UB ROOMS. 5-75-741 AND 5-75-78: LAD I ES ANNEX, S-15-77 FRONTON S·15-8C D. ,\n\on;o de I" Ri,·a. Praidenl. D. Jos(: F. de I" v .... , Vic.,.Pr<'aidenl. D. Juli o de Caltro, TrcMurcr. D . J aime d o Cutelh'i, Secretary. D. O on l"lo de Beaun'on!, Vice-Scorchry. D. Manuel Ma. IUneon, Li b""ian.



baf~~v~~eTlr.~~b'!A~:\,n~aT ~;a~C:lrtt:::CAo,fM~Nr[l~ 1oI"'lIaCR1IIIlP eOll)l!TT(.C:

D. Guillermo Gareia B~Que D. Alfredo nool\$oh

Leonoio Jara'"

II ECHE"I\ .. nv 0 .. TI", eo,,~onATIOS; D. Antonio R. Mcreedo.

C blnese S in Klae Auoc:l,lt io n o f the P hi lipp ine Is la nd e DA SM Ant~AS. (U PST AIRS) DlNONDO I'. O. 60X WOS-TEL. 4-82-05 So Pit Huy, President. Antonio Sulam"t, Secretnry. !.im Hok, '{'reMurer.

fr7InEtcI~o~I~KNA~~gor~~ TEL. -1-04--1.1

Chl'C~~~N\fSE\~UO~II_ Adt~~.tlon

P. O. OOX to-TELS. ".06.33 AND ".06.00 S. :\turll.lle, ' >r«idenL M. SugiYllme. Vice_Preaident. Direetor, Culturel DepartmeM. Osewll. Vice.-Pre~ident, Director, I>hyaienl DCl'llrtmem. T. liitukuni, Treasurer. 230 SAN

Lee Yok Man Chan Tal' Lee Yiek Chone

Kam Yuen Jeek Goo Wey Yec Chmn Lcuil! Kny Ming

102 1 RIZAL ~~~Jtl1r.IS~\NTA CRUZ TELS. 2-75-t3 AND 2-28-701 Jod Ruon, Presi dcnt. .o\rscnio LUI, \'iee-Pr~id(lnL J~~ A. lli eka r<b, Trc l.!lur~r. Joaquin n. Borj a, Seeretllr)·. DIRJ;CTOIl8:

Gn. Paulino Sant~ R~non Zan.g on Doroteo Bermudez Ih 1Ie1 F. Roec. Juus Cllcho

';3lC6NbG~luN ~ru1°cf.~DO TEL. 4-00-87 Deut.che r Club. I nc:o r POr:lIe d 671 SAN LUIS. ERMlTA P. O. BOX 280-TEIt. 5-65_78 :\L Kummer. Preaidcnt.


i\f. OhIUI.!!. Trensurer. H. Bu..oholT. Fiut Mnnllger. Chr. Bopen, Sceond Manaller. John W,lFnrlh, Third Mllm.ger. J. lVllr ll!l. Aceountllnt . .... Bergner, l.ibrnrilln.

El ks Cl u b

SOUT H BOULI~\'AI~D. ERM IT,\ P. O. BOX ]81. TEL. 2-13_1)] (Sec Secret Societies) Frnle rn a l Ordu of Ea~ l es :'Illnilll /\erie No . .';00 ISLA DE nOMERO. (3r<l FLOOR) SANTA CRU Z I'. O. BOX 355, TEl,. 2_14_7-1 Thom as WIlltonsipel. Worthy I'resident. Frank Bmh". Worthy Scrrct"ry . John .10'. Fh'nn, Worlhy TreWlurer. (l:ieo Ailio Secret So.-icti ea, palC 1112)

IIOI 1 18frl~6. l il~g'jr.orn ted

~: ~'. tp':'~~11~r~;ic~.r~~~rJ~;,t.

J. F. C. Kin "llcy. Hon. Secretary . J . W. I. Cownll, Director. E. K. Bramwell. Di reotor. Ke1l.cldub J_ C. !Iohmll nn . p~:;'?J~n~: ILO I LO P. MeIer, Secretary. P. Lam!'",C"I. Trc"",,u",r n. Vonlo~ l , Fir.t Stew~rd H. M. Men ,i, Second Stew~rd. 110110


2-Z0-73-P. O. BOX 30S

Manila Club-Tiffin E I. BOGAR F I LIPINO BLDG .

I'. O. BOX 301i-TEL. 2_11-81 Presiden~

G. G. Gordon,


g: K~~tUW~~.\,~~:-';~:';t¥r~~urcr. DllIIICTOIl3;

G. M. 8ridgeferd F. L. Thomas J. G. Tait

H. C. D. Davie, H. C. Whittall L. T. Watty

Ma nll n Polo Clu b PASA y, Il.IZ,\L P. O. BOX 11)!J1-·f EL. 5_17_31


M ,t~"m~'I~,~h~b,;lcg~~Et~~dZ_20_12

UO ... l<n 01" DlllEQrOIl":

:\r. M. Slllceby. Prcliidont. J. C. Littig, Viee.-PrC8idont.


%. ~a1!':liiffe.

Cllpt. L. J. Loekett. W_ E. Murrll)·. H . B. Pond. Roy S. Springer. JIlcobo Zobel. G. R. HUl ohiaon, Honorllry Soeret!l.r)·-Tr~a!urer . F. C. Bailey, A~istant Treaaurcr . :\1. A. HllyCII, :\fanBgcr. Ma rl ncr. · Cl u b DERHAM BUILDING. PORT AnEA 1'. O. BOX 2>511 TEL_ 2_13_2-1 John H. l.onK, Prc..idcnt. R. 1'. l'itlimonna, Vicc_Prceidcnt. D. D_ Gildow, Seerctllry_Trcnaurer. TRUIITEU:

T. O. :\Iycu



J. L. l.lo.rlholomCl!

SJf'fi~J~, Srilu r1~b

non. J OI!ll G . Geucr~o, PrC8i.l~nt. Francisco Sc,·itil., Vicc_Preaident. Domingo SRIlIO!!, Secretary. Gregorio ZIllvidcn, Vice_Scerctary. Enrique T...stieo, Trell!lurcr. Jllan del n ~ario. Viec.-TrcllIurcr. An"I~O"V


Lntli aillo Corro E. dcl HOlIn rio Dr. A. A. SI"'tO~

Jo!16 nllutiate llItnrdo San Asuattn !\Iereilll Gnrcin

Nip pO n Clu b, T h e TAFI' AVENUE, :'I.~N I LA :\1. Kllwamurll, PreaidClll. S. Dan,. Vice-President. F. Sumki. Treasurer. Adolfo A. Schecrer, Secretll')·. T. Daid oji, Mnnnger. I>o ... nD OF DIRECTOIIS: S. Kilajim" Y. Morok uma S. Mi>' S. lienclCIle :.t. N,~hino :.r. Sawllmatmu J. Kihllta N. Nllkamura Ori e n ta l Cl ub oos RE~IED I OS (CO~~.fl~\~~NNSYI."AN I A AVE. Dec C. Chunn, Prc.,dcnt . Li SenIE 0;,,1" TrclI.5urcr. Ty Konl TIn, Secretllry. DIIIIICTOIl3:

C&I"IOO!I 1'"IBncII Li 5<! ng Giap Dec C. Chunn

:\.Ifon.o 5)' Cil' Uy Yet Dy Buncio Uy Sinl



CA ~ii~~fiAt A~fl~ttl°OV'URU~oj~mrB}~\om6LUB,

Sy En. Preside nt. Sy Scng Toog, Vice-Pre"idon~. Sy Chi Ong, Treaaurcr.

572 ISAAC PERAL, ERM t TA Mr.. C. D. E'-.IlI, Preoid~M. !llrs. J uli" Hayes , "ic~_Preaidcnt .

Ant<;ln io Gaw. SeCrlltary.

P¥~l'M-'~\V~I{Jir.bAi~!\~1~~~'~~'L" Carlo. P. Romulo. President. Brig. Con. Vicenta Lim. Vice.President. Bienvcnido A. Tan, Secretnry. Julin 1' .llno''''' Trc~urcr. BOARD 01' DIRl:CTOM: J~

D. Vflrl;.as Dr. Antonio G. Si,o n Antonio de lu ,\ 18.11 Dr. H . Velarde Pio Durnn

Phll~KH~~~~C I; ZD~.. S;;IN'gi?/~b In c. P. O. BOX 1-1. MANILA J 0.6 Sllm"niego. President. Eli as, Ibailu, Viee_Pr~"ident. Julian SOllueeo, S«retary. Sabu de la R~p. A."i.II"nt Secretllry.

(j~loSP~:i'nn~~~::i~~:~ T reasurer. Tom llS Garcia, Comm iUee On Admi ... ion. Conrado Sant illan, Commit on Finnnec. Severino N ico. Committee on Publiclltion. Rufino Gnlang, Com m't tee On Cooperl\li\'e Work. Niconor Gorge, Committeo on Info,n,,>!ion. Smiles Clut>..


Conehitn S,mien. Presidont. Paeltn Roxa~. Vice_·('r~idcnt. Lily nllqui ..... Secretary.

~~'!:i~a Sfi-"~~:: ~~~~Sue;:r~lnry. Jns~

" s ool:u:16n d e Damas de Flllpln ll5 CANONICO. PACQ TEL. 6_ 47_1).\

:'111"3. Glori" B. TUMon. Preoident. "Irs. S"lud F . Ul1llon. Firlt Vice-Prcaidcnt. :'lIT!!. J.nvimll.S de Icasi.Do,Se.::ond Vicc.Pr<':!idcnt. Mr• . CORauelo T. Velnrdo, TrCll.llurcr . Mr8. ;\n,Q:eln de L""adill, ;\!!a iatan! TrOllSu,er. ~Irs. ,\ndrea. M. Abreu . Secreta,y )Irs. Daaili.a. Domingo, Auiatont SecrctRry. OIRECTORS,

Mr •. Natividad Almcd,,- i'II ..... LOl,el iI [u )1<., I.oreto de A'tlmbulo "[rs. )Iu. F uncisco T. Be. Mra. nitu i'IIrs. M,.". polorc. ,\. Buen· i'IIra. Mr •. "Ira. CBrmen F. Hoeson i'IIr!. "r,s. I.tonor D. Catho li c )Ii"" Mra. i'IIrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs.

Johnny C'hui'l!.inu COlLlltnnl i no )Inn llhnn Allred RGn Vieenle Mirnnd" Paul H eredia.

the Philipp in es. In c.


ChRirm~ n. Dio<:c~Rn

Zuluetn, Chnirman, Soc;al Committee, Mrs. Junnc D. de Prida. Chnirm"". ln1ltruct;ons and W'or.hip.

U~ ~~:!~l!,; ~~")dC:' J~~~:"Cf,~ir;"~,~I:C\W;ili""

Con,· miuce. )Irs. L...; .... R. Lorenzo, Ch"irm"n. "lnr,,1 WeUn.o. )1 ..... AIi ~;" S. QuirinG, Chftirmnn Cirl'. WeUa,e. )1 ..... Feliddad A. Sth''', Chnirman, Inte.nRt·;Gual CGr· respondence. N'lti ona ' Fcde f(ltlon or Womcn' . C l ub" of thc



Un i te d Se r vice Country C l u b , In c. CEBU,CEBU Capt. C. J. Mnrtin. Preyitlcnl. E. S. Richard •• · Pre.idenl. J. F. '"",ulin a, Secretnry. A. ,\. BrGwn, TreMmer.


A. CIU"pbell

Unlvcn ily Club IZ SAN LUIS, ER~IITA 1'. O. BOX 188-TEL. 2·2J.13

X: iie~~:rl:~~C\!ic~~~:!13~nt.




)[i u Bessie Dwyer M,s. Aliri .. Quirino Rosari o Ocampn " I ... Laurn f.indle)· Sh". Nnti"idlld AI"'eda_ man !,oprz ~lr8. no. a S. AI,,~ro Mu. Pllrn K nlow Mrs. Jo.dn Jarn ~[nrliM' Mr •. COnCC1,ciGn F Uodrillucz

~I;u ~Iu.

UOARD 0 .. nlll&CTO ..... :

C. Pn?gOU


TEL. 6.G(l·41 Manucln Gn)·. Nlltlonal Prffident Generll]. l..cona rda L. dc Uboldo, Fir. t Vicc·Prc.ident. Snl'in R. de Veyrn. Sc~on d \,i~e·l'rC! ide"~. Fcli ~n C. Ddllndo. Nnti~nnl T ren.aurer General. Flor dc Lia F. Samimgo. Nntion .. l Serrenr)' Genernl. nOln S. AI\'~ro, Cbairmnn ••\r~hdio<:~an ("Gpn.

J. Waber. Presiden t. 8. Graber. Vi~c.Prcsident. H. WolHisberll. Senotn,y. W. Dictikc •• Trcosurcr. G . Aln"n, Aeeountnnl. F. 8 0rmBnn, Steward . F. Schue r, Librarilln.





Swlu C lub 1361 GENERAL LUNA, I' ,\CO P. O. BOX lOG I-TEL. 5·67·51

G. E. Gentry

Women '~

Anacnreta Kuhn I~. Von Knuff", .. " UOllnrio A. Roensch Soledad Zuluel ll Nona D. Alberto Dlnndinn Il ilndo ~[cr ccd~ Hiln,io Cuidn U""' M Unson

Mu. Concepcion Feli" BOII,iguc.,

Paterno, Sub-TrclJ.!",.or.

BOARD OF nlnl:CTons: Paeita Gnnn J osefinfl Dayol LGUI'd('JI Alunan Adclizn Diy F.!oi. n Burgo.

Mr • . Ihrry Sch roe der. J';Qcrct~ 'y. i\ fr • . Henry Ml\ttock.o!, Trcaaurcr.

A. L. Dwy,c, Secretary. Sam J. Wil.on. T reum c•. WiUinm Doug! n.a. Chni r mmn. Bo"oa Commi~tel'. Wm . J. Shnw, Ch ni.m"", Nominntin , CGnunittce. Benj. S. Ohnick, Librnrian.

)'hlllppincs Ch:l p tct, Dau g hters 01 Ih e Amcrlcnn ReVO!"llon C. S. Salmnn, Regent. II. O. naun'''nn, Vi ec.Regen t. C. E. Beckers. Sccrct~ry . Mnhel n. Cnrl"on. Trensurer. Omnr M. Shumoll, ReJ;i81t1". E. Stn l"\tOl1 Tmller. Chnpln'n. T. II. Ko~k. 1Ii.torinn. Ituth B. Schel don. State Re~cnL Mnbel R. C.r1son, State Vice.Rell-ellt. ~1 iu Clara R. Donnld!lnn . StA te Trrll811rcr. Mrs, Verne E. /I·lill er. StIltl) molorinn. Om. Itcbcecn Pori.b, SI"IO Ch"plmin.

Mrs. Mr•. Mn. Mra. Mr •. M ..... M ..... Miu M" .


THE COMMERCIAL &' INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Womnn'. C l u b o f Ma nila (hcorporlltcd 11110)

OFFICE AND MEET I NGS AT 1132 C,\I,I FORNIA, PACQ, MANILA MectihP: l-'inlt l'ue.dny of Each Month




l\1~•. Francisco D elgado, Sl'i'rcln r)' and Vlee-President.

MIl! ,\""'" Guthrie . Secret".), :\Iu ..... C. Cadwallader, Treasurer. DO"RD 01' 1II1U:Cl'OIlS:

Mu. F rnn cillco Ortil:ll3 Mn!. O. lIf. ShumRn

Mfa. J llmcR C. Vickers Mfa. Mabel R. enri.o n j\1T•. J.P. Hcilbronn

i\\I1I. PIIZ 5ih'" Vcr

Yo un ll. Wome n 's Ch ri st ian Assocl:ltlo n MAIN BUiLDING AND DORMITORY 573 IS\AC PEIlAI., E]UIITA TEl •. 2.135-313 R('8 t Room for Il usl n eu G ir ls fi nd Employ nHmt Office S02 E STEHO C '~C AOO, ST,\. cnuz 110"111) OF I)l!tI:<lTOHS:


i\lrs. i\I,s. Mra. Mrs. i'lln. ).Iu.



:\lr8. Mrs. i'lfrl. ]\118.

Mrs. Misa

Flot" Ylol(on, PrO'llidont. w. It. l3"o~J!!!rk, \" cu.Pre~idelll. Ursu]n U. Clo\11e"te, SeereLn ry. Hobertll Cordon, TrellSur"r. Dntrlil",n B. AmbrO!lio. bl"'~ Bnrzn. bnbel W . Dudl ey. Vi.iLnciOIl COl)lnl~ Be]on E. GULierrez\ J .P. Heilorolln. G. Hoff n"'n. Jules de Wad de M"yer. Verne Millcr. Geronimn I . " ecaon. John ,'iokelt. Joscfn Ruslia. Florence Cndwnlladcr. Georlte Dnnkwcrlh. Dce. Thomas Urtrrinll tou. Josefa Jl\.n·Mnrtinu, EXCCULi"f! Scc.ctnry. Anne Guthri e, Ad"i,or)·-C.;mstlltnnt.

ATHLETI C CLU BS 4Ili{,r()N~'S~~~'AC~kuz

TEL. 2-85-52 Pcdro ),im, Presiden t.

Al unn n T e nn Is C lub POnT AltF,A, i\lANI1.A Jos(, Sicrt ... President. Apoliunr HunR O, "irc_I'rc.idcnt. Ccrvndo Borjll. Scere(.L!.r)·. hane Blnnco, Trensurcr. POAnn OF OIl!£CTORS:

V. D ..... ""bron

R. A Thorson O. M. Shuman ~iff~n Ueed)'k

IoIE""Zll!!lI ll' COll",TTEI:·

O. I'. I(ear ney


W~OI~L~C~oFi Ele8.n~l.fkitA

TEL. 2·3G-26 a en. JorAO B. VatltM, P.clident. Ernelto D. Rufin o, Vice-Pruident.

~~tb·a,~i.~~~:o A~~rtn~~cS~~~~r~r)"

FaUlillo Burodo, Trclll!u rer. Mauricio Zamorn. Athletic Manl\Acr. Capl .. in E. B. Mi .... Aaalltnnt Albicti" Manager. ",nECTons: S. Da~l\i Captnin C. Joaquin

g~~~nU=i1~e J~\'~(I'Ye~·

Lui s A. FernnndC& :f.' r On ill"', Jr. Altrooo Ong E. W. Horton

i . B.

D. W. Fry

l;>jdel 1\Ii'llnd .., Atbletic Mllnnl(er and ,\uditor. RllfnoJ Voho. Athletio Mallage r ,md Auditor. i'llDnuol Doming<), Auditor. H ONOIIA"\" .uC.IIlIlM:

Felis Ampon

Rodrigo Dia.

F... Bell es

COR:Ji\n~~Lu\~h'lz TXN~' O~h"d'NNELI"

SANTA CRUZ TEl •. 2·8 1-19 Dr. "iotor Buenc"mino. Prcaidcnt. Grcllorio Nan'AS", Vi co-Prcaidc nt. Tcodoro V. $antOl, Se<;tttl\r)·.Treaaurcr. Joe(i Manuel • .Assi~tant Seerc tary-Trellllurer. Ma:rimo S[l.nd,c., Al.litt,"t Manaller.


J . I •.

Jose Rlzn l M e nl orln l Fi eld VITO C IWZ, MANILA P.O. DOX !OOS-TEL. 5-6~90 Rcgino It. Ylnnan, Cenernl i'liRnalCcr. JO!l! n. MaCa l)in. In Charg(', Management Scotion. Simeon G. Toribio. Engineer. k~~~doAR~l~n!~~'AI~~i~~~~ion Dire ctor. 8rigido Oia~, Bookkeeper. Nnlario n. GonZR les , C.."lIior. Conlluncio Abreu. SwimminlC Pool Atlcud""L. G.aci .. no de Cuunoll, Sw immillg Pool A~tendnnt. Juan M. Cer", Store Attcndnll~. C laro E slardo, SlO.o Altulld,.nt. Fede rico Gonznles, Tcnui8 Cour~ ,\!\cnd .. nt. Fall.nino /{ocrt"cr te , Tell"i. Cou rt Attendant. Emilinno Bonn)'og. Attcndl\nt-CIl.ct~kcr. IIc.mogenes Decena, BMcbn ll ,\tt cn dolll. Vicellte n"yu, Trnck.Foolbatl AU~ndllnt. Salvador Luna. P]a),gr ou nd Attendunt . PIlnt illcon Orf .. nc], BOI'II& IIlId Wrestlilll!. I'avilion ,\ttendant.



D . Hilcmm". P'elide n!. C. S wnn , Vice-President. Cortca. Secretnr)'. .... Thelflon. T rellSu rer.

A. D. H ileman F. C. Swan F. Co.t""

110110 Co U li nd Cou n try C l ub P .O. BOX 134 li,O IL.O, ILO I LO D . A. Bri.bnne, PrCflidcnt. Colin ~".rshal1, Vice-Presideut. J. S. Curtis, Secrctar)·. Whit e. Pago & Co., Iloi lo. TrellSurer.

~~I~~O J~J1~ir~n~'iS~~:~~:~~~:"';ell.Burcr.

A. l\'1ngbitnnR, Mmnbcr. It. S. tobnl, Momber.

Si:lto Esqui"ins

G. A. ReedYK

M. Flom.'.

Lor c t o T e nn l. C lu b LOnETO, SAMI'AI_OC JOIl! de ]n n OlIn , I'rCllid cnt.


A. F. F. R.

F(NANOE \)0 .. 11'''''1':£:

F. Corte,., CI,ft ;rmall

CRrl.!lon. Pr esident.

"h58 BCllSul Dwyer, H onorM), Vic~.PretidcnL Mta. Hitton Cllraon. fI'ir.! Vitc-Prcaid~nt.

i'liu. i'l1T!. Mrs. Mrs. i'IIrs. lIIrs. i'llts.

UOUfJE (lO .... ITTEO:'

F. B. J.' Joyd, C hnlrman . .'. Corte.. G. A. Rectlyk

,,' Ioyd, Chairman.

Man il a 80al Clu b HAVANA, S "'~"1'A ANA TEL. ~.08-0 1 H . B. FDIIIlcr, Pre.idcnt J. G. H. Lander. Cal>!ain. J. B. nanki .. , Hono,ar)' Secretar')'. T. W, Farnell, HonerlU'Y Treaaurff. I'. S. P"lIe, Member. JM S. Craw, Alund ~Il, Mcn,brr. ),1. Polloek. Member.

PH iLIPPiNES Ma n U" Golf Club. Tn e.



P. O. BOX 1005 TEL. 5-65-00 Pres. Manuel L. Quelon, H onorary Pre.ident.

J. n . Mer;e, Jr .. Vice-President. F. M. ChaEmcn, Hon. Se<:,·T,,,,,",urcr.

f·:· ~~:tic,l\~;~~i';e-Prcaidcnt. F. H. St<lV"JIlI, Member J.

C:U:CtlTI\""!; C(\)dIH-rrCC:

n. H. Mason. Member.

A. C. Hnll, Member.

F. V. Clmmberlin, Momber .

S. J. Wilson, Membor.



TEl" 2.28.18 V. Singson Encamaeion. P,eoidcnt. S. A'''MIII, ViC<!·Pr,," dent.

S. Herrero, Secretary. "'I .... M"uro Prieto, Trell3urcr. M.

""'''8':118: Torrc~

E. Lopez

R. Fernandez

J. Albert F. W. Pri.;n ..

M a n ila Po lo C lub l'ASA Y, RIZAL P. O. BOX lOlli-TEL. 5_17_31 80ARO OF DIRECTORS;

M. M. Saleeby. President. J. C. Littilf. Viee-Pruiden~


pm~~t'nr.eI E\T6'ht~r,.AJ:~rb~ ~1~~'1'C~"

BOX 1500

TEL. 4-11-13 Prctid~nt.

W. Machy.


Jo.,e B. VDr,lIS. P, ,,"i<lent. Antonio de II\lJ AtllS, Vice·Pre. i<leot. "Iajor O,wid S. RLLmboujl:h, Viec.Pr"-ident. Dr. Gnbriel ft. l'o1allalLl<l. Vicc.P, ... i<lcnt. Dr. nCKino R. 'tlannn. SccretBry_TrclISurer. Dr. Vi cto r )3ucncRrnino. Membor. H. J. Scofield, Member. IIro. C. John. /I·lerober. Dr. Antonio G. Sison. Member. C~milu O~il\lJ, :'Ilember. JO$6 Oumi •. :'Ilembcr. C. ParlOUS, :'Ilembcr. EX&CUTI\'C IIT.n'v:

Relino n. ),laoDn, NDtiollft1 Ph)·~ieaIDireetor.Sceretpry· TrelL.urer. Simeon G. T oribio, Engineer. l ,uis I'. Apolinuio, Rc~reation Director. JOl6 D. ?lincnpifl, In charKe, Mnnngcmcnt Seotion. Edunrdo A. Cruz, Chid Clerk. Nnvnrio B. Gon.ales. C!I.Ihi~r. no.e ndo Rcinoso. Auditor. E.piridion Lamboion, Clerk.

~1~:~~lcf-D~Vg~iilr:,0~1~~t ~1~~~clIgcr.

Cinaco EspinOlla. Janitor.

%. t~~~[f(e.

P h8:¥~ln.r ~\'.C(1. ~.Ub

Capt. L. J. Lockett. W. E. Murrny,

H. D. Pond Roy S. ~pringor. Jacobo Zobel. G. ll. Hutchi.ou, IIonou.• y SccreU,}·-TTc!I.!urcr. F. C. Bnile}·. A.... lRn~ Tr~(Uurcr. ;\1. A. Hnn~. Manalter.

hm ncl Amado, Prc.idcnt. ,\h'"h 1':. John90n, Vioe_Prc.idont. Alvah Ii!. Johnson. Treat\lrer. Rufino !J'olcntioo, Secretary.

Ma nila Ten n is C lu b WALLACE FIELD, ER,\ ITA TEL. 2-21·51 P. H. Trimble. Preaident. F. imann, Vicc.Preaidcnt. EiU".,1 Baumann, Secrclnry.Trel\Surer. ])0.111[> OF [>IIlECTOIIS:

E. W. Horton

E. Bllumllnn F. Hocrnlimann P. H . Trimble F. L. Merritt F. A. McCarthy J. W. Osborn E. Boi •• y Capt. N. E. Cook r.fnn llll Ypcht C lub P. O. BOX 1113 Jnm ea C. Rockwell, Commodore. A. S. He,rward. Vicc.Commodore. ~: ~?hAam~~~Se!~~~r~~";::'~~~~. alld F leet Caphin. TnusTllE3:

J. C. Rockwell John Can.on. Sr. E. Schra dieck


~'. 1J:?~hard

E. E. Wing

Nat ion a l Ri ffl e nnd Pilto! AssodatioD of th e Philip _ 428



/linjor J. E. H. Stevenot, I'rl)!lidenL ,\ nenio N. LUI, First Viee-Pre. idcII1. Honorio Poblador. Second Vi~.President. I.ino Cnstillejos. Third Viee·Pr«ident. Rc". Fr. Ed. Dunne. S.J .. I-'ourth Viee.PreILident. H on. Manuel Cnnl~, Scout COnlmiu ioner.



Rev. Father Hnglleny. S.J. Rov. Father Hughes , 111./11.

ErnC:;n~ti~e°""of ~~~ioD~~~Ct~;nf"~rU8;:rn~'iglllJ~oR~c; SCOU t. of America in New York.

Ph ilipp Ine Isln n ds Lawn Tennis Assoelal lon

~~~n?';~" d~'f~oR~~~~I;~~::'i~ent. Dr. Regino R. Ylannn, Secreta ry. Or. Vietor Buenenmino, Trealure •.

JudJl.\l Delfin Jaranill,,\ Pre.ident. V. I)altaur, Vieo.Pre.,dcnt. A. N. Flor"Oca. Trca.aurcr. J. de LnniC. SeoretRry. Or. J. C. Alberto, Member. M. F. FlorC!L, Member. O. Trinidad, Member.

Dr. Herminio Velarde Dr. Vicente Jnpson

Nomlld Sport. C l ub P. O. BOX 305 MANILA J. W. CairlllJ, Prcaident. J. n. Herridge, L. r.I. McClure, Hon. S""retary. G. D. l(yd, Hon. Trcnlurer. J . H . Forr",-. Grollnd Offioe •. A. I. ~yan, CapUl in of H ookoy.

Ste""m rt Tait, Pre~idenl. John Cnnlon. Vi~e-PreaidctLt. U. J. Bolden, Tres·.urer.

~v.~. W~,ke~,"~:;~ar! ~{i~~c:by.

J. M, ClelAnd, Cni:-/ain of






Junn L. TJI)<.\""mn /IInrllial P. Lichauco Pldcido L. lIrapa Chic Pnuo n~ Y. S. Dny. Mannger.

Rc\". Fr. Juno. Lnbrndor Norbcrlo Quisumbing


116 8TEW,.n08:

nOO$1!I CO .... !TTEE:

Stewa rt, Chairman. Or. Victor Bueneamino J UUII Caeho .lohn enlleOD li d. Co&colluelll J086 J ..."cll nllll :'Ilaca rio A. Lim Chic P"I1Ions Emilio Rodriguez "kenl/! del n ou ri o Y. S. Oil)', S tipcDdinry.

J 0s6 Filbella. Chairman. Albino Sy Cip, Member. O R OtJl< lI 1J CO:UU J'l'l'EC:

R<Jnry J . Beld en, Chainnan. ll onori o Poblador. Member. e <' ollTS ANl> O<\"C$ CO " ~H T'l'!:C:

Enrique RllIon. Chairma". T. Kajiyama. l\'\ember. Filemon I'ern. Memb er. ;\1. J . J(ri ak. Me mber. J. E. TU Mon, Member.


E. D. DoileDt/!, Chief Accountant.



l). Garmu~·.

TOT"Ll sAron:

Frank Jef(cl'!lon, Engineer. n"(:INO DEPART).It: 1<T:

J0!I6 B. EnriqueJ, Ste nogrllJ>bcr. Joail M. Socorro, Drafl!!mnll lind Recorder 01 Franciaco Hucrgns. Time-Kee]ler.

n or~es .

"'''''''ER8IlJ<' CO~'''J'l'l' E e:

Albino Sy Cip. Chai rma". S. Dua'. Member.



Dr. V. Uuencllmi no.

I~nrique Razon, Ch"' r ma". Henry J. nelden, Member. S. Duni. l\I embcr. Alb'no S), Cip. Member.

Rlcarte Alh letlc C lu b SAMPALOC, MANILA

t,':;f.li3~O ~~~~otf~~~~~i~~~::


Teodoro Poliearpo. ~erejary. Connlo ni"ero, Au~nnt Seetctflr~·. Constuncio Zumora. T reuaurer.

f,~S!~n~~~~r~~: 1~~~~Y~t

Sixto M. SII.nto•. Coach.

CO~ ~J'M'I!I! :

JOrlle D. Varl':a.IJ. Chnirman, Mcmb ..... ;\Iar,n"o A. Albert . Member. J . E. TU Mon. Memb er. Victor Buenenmino, Member.

B. Hellman. Chi ef Steward .


Able rt as 1I0 u se o f Prl e nd s h lp SAN JUAN. R IZAL


r::,~ci~~ p~·!n~1:::'.!oR'cp~r9i:r~nt Cosch. nO"IlD OF DIIl!;CTOns:

f~~:,~t ~';i~n~)~.t;!!o I' Rb!o Aaunci6n

Gor6ni1ll0 Antu.o Francisco S"n tot DRI Hldo P. 8,,,,tol

Ale.IIIEa,: J,..,tico JosO Abnd S .. nIOli. :'II " . LCfllie W olfe, :'Itn. Jo.efn J . Marline •. M ... B. E. Merriam. Dr. Gumereindo GardD.

Sllang,~RnA'b~p~~\~i.~ C lub

~~/tr{\,.HS:~i;: /I:·U.S.A.). :'lite. Edith Allilon. Nie\'CfI TuMOn. :'I I... I I. Il . Sieinmeu.

J. ~l~~fl\n.:'o ~e ~::t~~~II~;eaidenl. ;\Ipjor ~ l nriDno N. Cuatailcda. Vice.l'reaidcnt. Vieente Cruz. Secretar)'. Viclo riDo d e DiO!!. Trell9urcr. :UE .. B"RlI:

Filcmon ,\aune;on PlI.l!cun l PAblo C. "!oriAno



Sociednd d e Ti ro <II m <l n co d e Mu n llt. 19 1 VICTORINO MA.I'A. SAM PAt.OC P. O. DOX :l41-TELS. 6-76-09 ANO 6_76_6'; DOAlm OF DIRECT01<II: J. C. ZuluetD. ]'rC9idelU. Julinn Suhmdo. Vicc-President. ~ I urinno DrlDs. Ser re\sr y. Flo,entino Bcyl1'l. Treasure,. .Iuan T. Snnto•. V.cc_T,ell9urer. Toma~ Sunieo. CDI)uin 01 Sporll. Lu'a CQton. Jud!!:e T,,,,. Shoot'nl=. J r. ... M. Dnyot. Judge Target Shooting. The Two Hundred T hl r ty.Slzt h


01 the

C h ln ese6~"~ENn1 \~'B'E~~OBUI{N~~'l8~u<lrte rs.

1'. O. BOX 2690 Go Chong Bok. Scout :'Ilo.ater.

Wnc k -W'l~~~8~[LUn\~O~GU(i:[~SI Ub. I nc. I'. O. BOX 129. MANIL.\ . TEL. (1·7 1· 11 O F I'JC£ Ug:

Wm . J . Sh .. \\,. I'r!l5'dent.

Joe6 F " bell ... \'icc-Prl1'l'dcnt . SCllado. SecrctRry ,,,,d A~ "lBnt Treo.aurcr. 1I0norio I'oblador. Tr enaure, and AlI5ialDnl Secretury . IIIIlECTOllll:

lI enry J. Belden S.Dua' J ~ "'ab"lla

Am c rlcu n Guard l" n Assocl"l lo n , I nc .. T h e ROOM .JIO-124 T. I' I N I'I N. "'EUN ANDEZ DUII. D. l NG, D1 NONDO TE L. 2.16.S8 nON o "A"\' 01'rtCE11B:

Pnul V. McNu tt. Presid ont. U. S. Hig h Co mmi asioncr lor P. I. OI'P I C£ 'III:

I'residcnl M,.nud J•• QueKon. Honorary Pr""idc"t . Co l. I.oui. J. V"n Sehaitk. I',,,,,idcnt.

;\Ir. ;\. Ie Sp'elberger, \'icc- I'rcaidcnL

;\Ir,. W . J. M .. uion. Sccoud Vico- l' rCflldcnl. C. S. Salmon. Treo.eurcr. :'Ilrs. Flor .. N. Gregg, Secretary. 8 0"RO 0'" DIRECTO.e:

Co]ollcl Louis J. \' .. n Sehniek. Ch .. irm Ru. A. K. Sll'dberller. :'lIra. C. F. Lh-ioplon. C. S. SRlmon. Georgo W. Porter. J ohn CDnllon. :'I1r~. I'll ul Gulick. J . P . H ci lbronn. ;\frl. W. J. l\hll'on. F,ank Mil\lll. B. n. Bctk ~nk(lttCJ. Fr ..ok U. Uale.

PH ILI PPINES Auodllted C h aritle. of rth.nUa 160 LEGAR DA, SAMPALOC P. O. BOX lW7- T£LS. 2-\2-93, 2- 12-94 AND 2··11·83 M••. Paul V. McNult. Honorary Pruideht.

~:;:: ~:~~d O~m~~:,B0i'io~~~~;"r~i!~r::!~d~'nt.

.\Ira. Juan P osad ll3, Honorary Vic.,..Prc.itlcnt. OP'(01)R8:

M... Hilton Cal'8on. p.""ident. Dr. Jo...:I Falx:lIll. Vice-President. MI'8. Geronim .. T. PeesOR. TrctUurcr . .\1 ... Asuncion A. Pcre!, Executive ~c"' tar}'. .. ElIaER$:

Or. Victor Buenell.mino Dr . AugUl!t·Q Cortes

Konneth B. nay Mre. Juan EliznJdo Chnrles H. Foratcr

Mu. Concepcion GlI.rda Mra. Trinidad F. LCljartin

Mr1I, Pila. Hidalgo-L.m

Dr. CIITloo P. Romul n Mr._ PacilaV".


M... As uncion A. Perc!, E"ecutive Secret".y.

:\1... Nieves St8. Ana. TUMOD, A," is la .. t E"ecuti,-c See-

retary,! i\1. Reyes, Chicf Clerk. Ruill. CMe Super .. isor. Antonio P. 1\Inbnlot, Diabuninl; Officer. I'nulino 1\1. AllbuloB, Ilomo Vi a,tor. Domingo Quinmbn o, Home Viaitor. Dr. "Frnnciseo Tionko, Home Vi.itor. MTt. Virginin A. Pel\n. Hom e Viaitor. :'Iu. Mereedee Btllco. Home Vi,;tor. Mu. Sustlnn Froilnn, Nune. ~'rlix C.lderon, Reeord Clerk. JUlin 1\1.

La Pro tecclo n d e I" I nfancla

851 L~~At~T'l). §A~I'iJALOC (Depoeitario Banco de In,;\!:. lu Filipinas)


Hon Teedoro R. Ynncco, Treuurt'l". Dr. J * Mn . Deh;ndo, Interventor. Dr. Alb;no N. Ocampo, Secretary. Or. Joe~ Fabclln, Councilor. Or. Trnnquilino Elicnilo, Councilor. cO)UTO: TEcN1CO:

Or. Fernaado G. Cnlderon. Chairman. Dr. Albino N. Ocampo, Member. Dr. Trnnquilino Elic .. llo, Member. Oriental Benefi l Relief Association of the P . I. , I nc . 423 BAMBANG. SANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 11-11 T. N. MoKinn ey, l'rcaident. D. A. Bruen. Sco rctury. Jneinto Valient e. Treasurer. l\n;e1 Frago, Director. NOW oPllt:~¥'~GeA~nlls'EeKvi3'ESI3~~ZRTMENT OF TRE PHILIPPINE RED CROSS (Ai\-IERtCAN

6~~§!a~~/p'gN,fP. gNB~~A

P. O. BOX 1303-TE-L. 5-76_01 CAB LE ADDRESS "AMCltOSS" Philip pi n e Alp h a Chapte r Pan X e nia FOllernlly COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADM1NISTRATIOM. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES JOIC F. CMtro, Go"ernor. J caWl del Prndo, Vice_Goveruor.


Jaeob Ro,enth.l, Second Viee-Pr""ident. The Insular,er, Trea.surer BE·Officio. S r. Aegel B. Trinidad. Exeeuti"e Secretary. )1£"S£R8,

Judge Marcelo T. Deuoao Alcjllndro RocCli. Sr . Mayor Juau Poudll3 Dr. Carl08 P. Romulo ",conte T. Fcrnnnuu Junn F. Nil"!" Sn l,,"uor La~dnm eo Mn. Lui,n . "da. de :'In. Soleda R. ~,~~~e6~lor"" ~,~i.}~~:on P hilip pi n e

AcnvE "£10100:0$'

Dnvid Igoneio Napoleon &Iutll


George bhibaehi Neuor Pemul "Erneeto LeRlI3pi


J .. Pe ·M .. rio Vm. nue"n Mnnucl Plicheco Evnr~to 8cro~be

Julio Montilcbnno Airreuo Jovellaon Tomp9 PI\(Uldunn PeUr" SilIca

Ph ilippi n e h l::l nd. Anrl -Tuberc u los l5 SocleQ' 11193 R IZAL AVENUE, S ANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 281, MANILA TEL. 2-87-13

~:.I·J~iiaF~b~fii. V~~itdeV?::!~~~i~~c::~ent.

Cross (America" National Red

GRAL. LUNA, EHlIllTA P. O. BOX 1303-'rELS. 5_7(1_01 AND 5-76-02 CABLE ADDRESS: "AMCROSS" Thomtl!l J. Wolff. Chni rman . C. 1\1. Cotterman. Tre .... urer. BC3.!ie .A. Dwyer. Sc<:retary. Ce ledo nio Salvador. Acting Chairm"n. Junior Red Cron. Judge Manuel Car""~, Chairman. Di~a.e tcr Relief Committee. Chnr!es H. Foreter, Mnnager. P h ilippi n e Society f or I h e Preve n llon of Crue l ty Ani m a ls 22 12 AZCARRAGA. QUIAPO TEL. 2-15-10 Hon . Manuel L. QUC1on. Honornt)' Preeide nt. Hon . Frnnk 1Ilurphy, H onorar)' V' ce_ Pr""ident.


U~~: ~~!gklo~~m:~al:io~~~:;;TVi~:i_)J~~lif~~~.nt.

~[ ol~!~~i;ie~~~ hlJi.hOp;\1. J. O'Dohe rty. li onornr), Vi ce -

;\[".1'. S. Pa ge. PrClident. :\[ra. J ohn Hair. Firat Vicc-Pre:!lide nt. Or. Vi ctor Buencam ino, Second Viec-Preeidem. E. E. Wio;-. Treasurer. _\[Tt. Julia Hicks, Secreta ry. ;\I n . .R. J . Baker. Ass~t ont Secretary. /IIrs. Jo.cln LI. Escoda Col. Jos. N. Wolflon Or. 1,. B. Bewley III rs. N. S. W"lSon :'1r5. II. It . Wells I,. C. Moore lIIrs. C. C rl'lmer Mrs. J. R H ~rridgo


g: £: g.:t~

111,.". ,\. L. BrYlln

~~: ~: ~i.. lV:'~I~~:

,\In . N. Rnnd.,lph !IIrs. L. ·r. Watt)" :'Ira. G. S. Brown IIIn . A. S. Wells ZIt,.,.. J . O. F~rg .... on Mrs. ~'. ~1. Chulmers !lira. L. D. Loekwood H on. T. R. \'angco

Welfare Worke r 's C l ub of Ih .. Phlllp pin... CORNER POSTIGO AND /IIAGALLANES, INTHA)IUltOS Dr. Jos~ Fabelln. President. Churles B. Forsttr, Vicc-1'r""i<ient. Mrs. Aouuci6n A. Peru. Secr etary. !lin. EnriquetR !IIacataig Adriauo, Treasurer. !II ... Sofill do' Y~~• .&, Chairman. !IIemlx: .. rnp Committee.



r.~~f~'''~:'!i·., L¥{?~~;c~~~~e~d~.J:r~nsurer.


600·604 ISAA C

C h inese Nationa l Party ( Ku om lnlnnQ) H8ADQUAltT!iJRS: 502 BENAVIDES. BINONDO Go Quiol"y. Stund;nll: Commiss ioner. Wonl! Chu"n Son", Sc~retl'lry. Soy Koc, Trcll!Iurcr. BRANCHE!!:

Branch, Ngo Hong Cbiong, Stan<iinll Comm;,IIOner. iloilo Buoch, Ong Kim. Cebu Drnncb. Lim ChunK Hok. Zombonngn Br"nch. Lim Seng Am. Lu.o~

C h l n ele Nndo o allst Pa rty CHINESE SC HOOL BLDG., BAGUIO 1..0\1;. Woog. Pre.ideM. &X£COT,,·£ cO)1 .. I"I"I"O:£-

'1','; Kien

I,ee Yok lIIali

Y.n La", Chin Tnn




Dem ocrlul c T errllorln l Centro l Com mln ee of the


P. O. BOX C, M. H o-kill.!,




Wm. II. ,\nd cl1lon John Dumas Carler D. Johll.!lon A. S. Heyward J. L. Headinjl:\on C. ;\1. Jio! kins D. H. Berkenkotter :'I[on1l\l'\uo I,o rd Ilnrold Va" Winklo SATIONAL CO).lMI'l'TI:I:)dAS 181.oAND8; nobcr~ E. Manly.



IlIl\ECTOJlS' Lop .. O. Tay40 Pedro S.



SATIONA L COlUll'l'l·£ t;WO).lAN ,'110)d THE l' uI Llr"JNt;S:

:'Iliu Beuio A. Dwyor. I'u rtld o Nuc\ona ll stl·Domoc,"t·lco No. 167 GRAL. SOLANO, co n NER TANDUAY g,\N ~IICUEL Hon. tlhllilol L. Quezon. I'residont. li on. Quintin "pr udes , 18~ Vice.Preaidont. Hon . Junn Sumu lon (t, 2nd ViQe· l'reaidont. 1·lon. MMiano J. Cuenco, lrd Vice·P rc!ident. li on. Guillermo Z. Villnnue\·n. GIlIIer"\ Sccretnry nnd Trcn,urcr. Ropubll co n In8ul" r Com mit tee 210 'W~'~~ 2~2~!JiPING C. :'II. Cottermnn, Chairmnn. G. H. Fairchild, Vice·Glhairmnn. I'. D. Carman, Sec retary aud Trca!ur~r.

LABOR UNIONS Cun ton ue Employees U n ion 65·1 GANDARA, D I NONDO TEL. 82."'0

L_ S. Moon, Pr~ident. Lo Ching, Vice- I'resident. Lllm To, Trenaurcr. Chlln CI1t!.1I Ye"·. Seeretllr}".

20~;a8~~nICEnLdO'rJ':.Ost~s~:cgt~s TEL. 4-72·89 Eugenio AuolI,ante. l'reaidenl. Ell.'Itllquio Oh·on". "iee-I'resident.


Primiti\"o Arrogante. 1'rcR!\lrer. Hoque Arrog Bnte. Sub·Trolls ure!. ~ 1l 'Il)EItB:

Antonio Dinn$

".f~~~pl ~t fcrJ ~ ~~~vlg83 E¥,l'ko&~el'r~W,f:~ ~gn 'l'E L. 2-l)7·~1 Primo Villu. Pre"idclLt. Emililmo Ql1ijnllo, Viee-Presidcnt.


Timoloo Esc urlau tlloilcll San Juan

EI Gremio d e Morlnoll Mcn; an(e$ d e Flllpln"8 2017 D,\ nCBLONA, SAN NICO LAS Grcgorio Pedeelo, Ho norary Prellidon~. ~llU"ce\o A. Cnrcin. I'r<lllido nt . )[arciano Aeojo, Viee-I'resident. Jos(: .\. l~ornicr , ::lce.·Trcafturcr. no""o 0>" DIIIECTOIl8' ,\ jl:1.LOdn Arcruit.ns Anncleto Dnnny Maleo Quillo Calnlino M""gila)'" Hermencllildo Cabnles, Conrado Elcnznr. 1,,\"eali':lIlor '\l1dilor nomualdo Bustillo Federlldon del Tr:abaJo de FlIlpln:u 131 ,\I, H AMBRA, E IDllTA JonQu;n Bllimori. I'resident. Dionieio NII\"arro, Seeret"ry. I nternl1tlQn,,1 MII.lne Contnl CtOT$, Phili ppin e and AUHn.II;!.. M an il a, I'. I. I HI NEI'OMUCENO. TON DO ~Innucl Cll.!>tillo Jo-uc, PrClliden\. Nat lo n ;!.1 Labor Unio n, In c.

~;':~~~~oD V~'~~;~:d:UWi~~~~'~;"~~~~t. ?;~'::.1:~~ ~I: ~r,~:: g:~~::: .f.~~~~~~;:

Alejo Celi Hil ario P. noyncrll Int ongan

"hlll ppino Elect r ica l Co n trac tors Association 5!l PLAZA DEL CAn~ I EN, QU IAI'D 1'eodoro Gllretn, Preaiden~. D. A. Sevilill. Set relnry . !lufino Fillcon, Trc88\1rer. Jn oi nto Onejtl\, llon..1 Membe r.

I'hn/8r~!'r~,~~b~~ ?8r3ro Hon. Frnnk i\lUrYhY1l!onerllry Preaident (New Gover. nOr e f 1', li olugllll Rupcrlu S. Cristobu, President. n

~~;Wi'~G~/~;~:"Se~~~~J ~::~~:~~~lj~::t

Aurelio Inter t .... Ce neral Seorotury. i\lnxin)o Efttrcllr., Vice Secrelnr)·. PnMo l'ell'llo, Trequrer.

~~~~nj~CX~~I~~;o.T,\~"3i'~~ .

PhlllpplnO Lllbo r Co n ~reu. In c. Antoni o O. Paguia. I'resident. Dominlto l'onco, "ioe·President. Pedro L. Jlleinto, Secretary. D olorea Elenar, Tre"Ufer.

~/:t~uR~Ive~r;p~tsa~~~hW,~~'ILAC. UOA"O 01' v tll lo:CTOns:

1'elronilo Tarnclltac, l'rClSident. nutino Tolentino, Vi(l{l-Presidcnt. Areadio Augustia. Sec retary. Nieqio Di~(lu, Treuurcr. Guillermo R. Rodil Aleja"dro C rul Alejandro J oco Snuliallo Ca.Slalleda Sab... neyes Sea m en'. Unio n 15 SAN GAIlU IEiL, BINONDO JUlin TOrcuRtor. Cecilio A. Toledo. Vieo·l'r C8id~nl. Pnaoun\ dc I,eon, Seerot·ar)·, Gllbr iel AlbR. Jr., 'I'toll$urer. (nocontel Torlluator , 001cllllt O. Fcl icillno Albinol. l)elcgnto_ 167 GR~~~~:O"L,~~O,~~I~O![IGUEL I.nmberto Hoque, Prea ident . J aM: de In Cm,. Vicc·President. Mar. C. Anllci<!'!, SecretRty. A ndrt!s l'i/\lol, V;ce·$ceretllry_ Esteban Jo'''uato. TrCluW"er. Cirinco SlllltOS. Viec-1'rcMurer. 101I:JolI'ERS'

Bonifllcio Gnbricl Zaearh", Sllh'ado r Grncinno Sah'lIdot

~rr~~~t~ 9~{~~0 Ro",a" E4pir itu


lI etlllogen<ll!l Diaon Dorotea Callue. Cipriano Ablull Vicenlc San Jos(:

PHILIPPINES VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS TH" Al\U: RICAN LEGION oePll r t m en~~~.t'i:o~h~A8r Lne h l<lnd s MANILA, I'. I. ;\1. J. Thompson, Commander. J. Weldon Jones. 11; 'H~ Vicc·Commander. Courtney Whitney, Sucond Vicc_Commnndur. Hflny J. lIIor"R". (P.D.C.), Adjulnnt.

Nn)~in~!d~OJ~;Y ;.,;::."~i~iorinn.

08,,8, C. Smitr.. !krll""nt-at.Ar nu. :'h.j. Gen. Funk Parker. (P.D.C.), National Committee ~lnn.

n. P. Flood, Ahcrnnte Nntionnl Committee :'olan, Mrmlln Post No. I TUB AMER ICAN LEG tON P . O. BOX 15211 E. Byron Ford. Commllnder. D. L. Brout. Adjutunt. Wm. R. BndfoId, Finance Office r. Cebu Pos t No. l



E. C lclnnd. Jr ., Commander. R. R. Landon. Adjuta nt .

M!l<;:1 bebe.Masnntol Post No. ;\[ACABEBE. PAMPANCA R llymundo L"gman. qommll"dcr . J O"<lui" Dali61il, Adjuynt.

United SeroJce P ost No.5 Fon T SANT lAGO, ~IAN I LA Col. Rllym ond W. I3rill1':9, COlnmlllld~r. C 8p ~. L. J. Lockett, Adjut,,"~. OUver Davis Po.[ No.


Oaear C. S!R~,TC~~~;~de~.Ol~EGIOOH Thomas Borelli, Adjutant.


CW!illno Knrgn niU n. Commllnde r. Ro.nnrico Nallulon, AdjutuDe.

VETERANS OF TU £ WORLD W AR 1000 ElEnn.-\N, PACO .r. O. BOX 1530 N. A. SiMon, Commander. Junn AlfolllO, Vicc-Commander. Pablo C. Hilario, Seerelory. Valentin Lising, Treasurer. Alejandro nolo~, Sergeant·at·Arm!. I~ ILIPI NO


!f~~t: ~:Ji:~~ayon& Juan Catalan J ulinn Macabeo

Lui~ Dorio T. Belcnbin Sonlingo Tumblao Julian Cubaba

LE GION DE VET ERANOS OE LA REVOLUC ION 923 JUAN LUNA. T ONDO .\[ANILA Col. Teodoro Gon."[.,., Comllll.llder General. Col. Felix S. Salas. Sub·Commander Gcneral. g~\: ~~S~'i~~ ~:ta~1;ie~u~iCS~~,raOdcr Genml. Col. Felipe T opaeio, Advoeate General.

~~.I)~[i~:~url ~,jri~'~~~o~ eG~~~el.! Insc:~~~5"ary. I.t. Joal: Ma. Rivera. Ceneral Seeretary. Capt. Victorio LaDuZIl, Gcneral Treasurer. .,urST",:'"TS:

Cnpt. Mariano Ye nko, Auiatant Chie[ of Stnff. Lt. Leopoldo 1II. Atba, ,\uistanl Advocate. Lt. Co\. Andre.. Truj,llo. A:SSl5tnnl I ntendant. Lt. J~ Buha),. Aaiat .. nt I ""pector.

t~: ~i!{~ii~oC~~bv\lra..~i~~:~,tC8~"n~·::t·S~';retary. L~.

Frll.neisco Doyaw, Aaaistant Treasurer. P. C. VETERA NS C/O P HI LI PP I NE A[t;..[y

~~~'::".ipel:::1 b~~~eg~~!. nF>;'~l ,\?;~~t~~~~%·~~d~~.ii~;:

Asoclado n de lo s Vc!ernnos de la Revoludon P. O. BOX 240') General E.nilio Aguinaldo, P.eeidc nt. Hon. Felipe Alloncillo, Firs! Vice·Preeidcnl. Gene,.,.1 Anllel Cortela. Second Vi ce·President. General An tonio Montenegro. General "Seerauu)" Fcli:w; Cajulis , Aul,j tnnt Secretnry. Ten. Lu cio Torr"", A""jstlln~ GClleral Tren.urer.

Chier. Colonel Feli~ J.lorcntc, Second Viee· Chief. "'aj. Alejandro Yance. Quorte.mW!lcr Genenl. Funei8eo P. de GUlman, Judl(e Advocote General. Slit. Francisco Polotan. Grund Chn ])lain . r,r~~ Lieut. J OIl: C. Villanueva, SUrleon Gcneul.

DtIlECTOIl8: Gen. Fernando Canon Ten. Cor. Timotco Anzures Gen. Troadio Galieano Com. J"cobo F"jardo Gen. Antonio Mon!encll'o C"pt. ,\ntonio G. ucamil]n Cor. Julinn lit . .f!~.~ci;:'smas~a~':m~;,:.iano Serrano

couse. I. Of" AD.UN18T ..... TIOS: Capt. Bernab(: Nicolas , Norlhern LUlon. "I. Domingo V.lmore8. Centml Luaon. Comrade n. Lorenuea, Southern "ulon. Lt. Nazario SOIa. Visayaa. Lt. ,\ngd D. Labaycn, ~Iindauao nnd Sulu.

Op.· ' CE £);EClIT,Vt::


Gen. Emilio Al{uinn ldo. PrCl!idcllt. Gen. Anton io Montenegro. General Secretnr)". 1-'cli~ Caiulis, Auialan! Secretary. Salome AguiMldo.

IITAP" O)·F tF.ns: COI.t. Juan A. Hunandez, Deputy Commander·in·Chief. ............ , Department Commander for U. S. . ............. , Chief or StafT. Copt. Manuel PRlmn, Adjutnnt General. CII.I,t. Juan A. Hernandez. ["stallinlt Officer. Comrade R. LOtonnna, t\Mi~lant Adi"I"nt GenerQI. Com rade JuslO A. 131l[0, t\Mistan1 QUArtermqtcrGeuernl.

UNI1"E I) S PA N I S H WAR VETERANS I) aPll rrmcp'.t 8~ ~~Ie2[~:~,nI\1ANl l~'{ ,t1p~ r .h lllppl n e"

~~. ~~. J:;1b~~~.~e~l:~it~~e\\t.J'b"!~:r~~~:;'t Commander FRU!lto Frond .... Junior Vico Dep~.~ment Commander. T. G. Hend ,,",on, De])artment Chief of Stall. Hiainio Pacia. Deportment Adjutnnt . 3j,';·te;~t,:~dCr~e£:~~';!C~~n~i%:~:~~;.ler .

Willinm 1-'. Muoller, Departmont Judr,to Advocnte. Dr. H. 1::. Stntfortl. De])artmont Surlleon. 13. n. Hunter. DepRrtmcn t lJ i.. t o';an. ErIW8\ Crin. Department Pension Officer. :\Iatins Lobo. Department Senior Colo, Sergeant. Faustino Venturn. Depa r tment J\loio. Color SeriUnt. CeRon Iiernand o. Department Chier or Muoician. Santo, MIguel, Aa~iatant DCI.arl." ellt Adjut3nt. II. Gi1hou~e., O;"lric~ In,!.ector.



}-'. ,\. Whitoey, District Inspector. Philip Sinuenicb. District In~peelor.

~~~~~~i~oS:1::d'piBr!~~,1tnar~~t::tor . LouIs J. Va" Schaie'-. District lnapcetor. Juan }'onsccn. District. I llIjpcclo r. itodr'''o VlIllejo. District I nsllcolor. Ciriaeo Bnccay. Di.trict I nspeotor. C. S. Sulmo n, District Ins peotor. JUlin Snednlnn. District l ll! poctor. JUDn CUnaunn, Dcpartmcmt Aidc·dc,CIlmp. Se\'e rino Goln, Depllrtment Aide·dc·C Rml',

X~::te pO~~~~~~PD~~".:~t'~:~itAtJ~~~~J~mp.

GENERA L LAWTON-EGBERT CAMP NO. I P. O. BOX lGS-:lIANILA, P. t. TEL. 2·06.30 Frc,"'-'i" }-' . Mauger. Commander. Marion E. :llartin, Senior Vice·Commllmler. C. H. Hoff. Juuior Vice·Comnulnder. Wm. A. Hubbard. Adjutant. Edw O . " '. St. Clllire, Quartermaster. Martin B. Anderson. Trustee. Orlie Jnok.!on, Trustee. B. H . Brown. Patri otic In5tructer.

f'Jucob 8: R,~~~~t~R~~[i;I~~'OI the DR . :lleDonnlU, Officer of the (fullrd.


P ~~'.t~o~~~~1~1~~'N rf~~'1'~SI. 1'. Heilbronn, Commander. C. E. Ri ee. Adjutnnt. E . I. TOllen, QUllrte'm~ MAJOR EDWARD r.kCO"NVILLE CAMP NO.6 CEBU, <1\EBU Em'~, Commllndlll'. Adjulllnt and Quarter·

Edu\'igio 1\1. Inllater.

MAJOR OLIVER B. W ARWI CK CA MI'. No. Veterlm Army of the J'hlllppinea Un it ed - S panis h WAr Veterans P. O. Bo,. 65, ILOILO, ILO I LO Louis Murphy. P.C., Commlll..dc~. H. "'causlen. I' .C ..!. Adjutllnt. Hoy O'Dell, P.C., \,/u&rt~cr. GENERAL GUY V. HE NRY CAMP No. 19 DEPARTMENT VETERAN Ani\IY OF THE PHIL[PPINES UNITED SPANISH WA il VeTERANS P. O. BOX ZOIS-i\IANILA. P. I. John Mitchell. Commander.

~~a;~tI!\~:~~~ , AQdJ~;~c~;~nater.

J UDGE JOHN W. II AUSSE RM ANN CAMP No. 24 VETERAN ARMY OF TH E 1'lHLII'l'INES UNI T ED SPAN ISH WAR VE'I'ERANS CAllANATUAN, NUEVA ECIJA Cirillco "ernn.te, Gnmp Commander. llu)'mU'ndo Velnrde. Senior Vice·Com,nnndcr. T eledor o Tabio~. Junior Viee-Comn"",der. i\ln"'mininno Villilmin. Adjutllnt . Eugenio Relotn, QUIlrterm .... ter. FIlUlltino Oli,·ero!. Trustee. GelDcio DutntlR. Tru.!ltee. Gc.omo SII n CCllente. T r Ulltec. T omtl5 Niccao, P . lIl!Inuetor. Vicente YlIllllclO, Historinn.


Oily. llillOlito MUlni, Officer of the Gunrd . ElI.Oubio 'l"ullliba)" Sergetlnt "'Rjor. Teodoro i\lRllnre. Quurtcrrnlllltc r Sergeunl. l.ui s I>lnc"bio, Son;o r Color Serge"nt. Alil)IO V;llone~. Junie. Color Sergeanl. JUlln IInfRQI, Chief Musie;nn. SAN FELIPE CA MP No. 15 SAN FE LIP E, ZA:-.tBALES Cele.tino ".bilo. Comm"nder. ";ctor, Adjutn .. t. llnnuel Trnpai. Qunrter mll5ter.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL VALERIANO BRITO N CA MP NO. 11 ILOILO, ILOILO Ricllrdo Mondejnr. Commander. $c"erino Golu, Adjutnnt. I.ucu CDJ?aqUC, QUIlrtcrmutcr. Cir;nco Dl l'nn, Senior Vice.Commander. Anton;no Silltong, J unior Vi ce·Commander. FRANCISCO MADRIGAL CAMP No. 18 BAYOM BONC, NUEVA VI ZCAYA


Marcoa Suarez. Junior Viee·Commander. Ma.iano Daran, Quarterm""tcr. F rand,eo d e la Cruz, Quartermaatcr. Pablo Lllntion, ChAplain. J os6 Duens:. Trustee for 1 Yeat. Martin dc loa Royes, TrUlllcc lor 2 YUri Fund,eo Bulosan, Offiecr 01 thll Day. Euios:io No';al. Officer 01 the Guard. Andres Remi/tio. Sergeant Major. Simeon I'Crel;r,nO, QUarte'IOlllItcr Sergennt. Pablo Castillo. Senior Color Ser/teant. "cdro AJrnalllu, Junio r Celo. Sergeant. MAJOR MATHEW A. BATSO N GA MP No. 19 MASANTOL. I'AMPANCA Teodoro Peru, Commander. l~aUllto i\lnnnn!lllI~, Vice·Commllnder. Pedro de Leon, Jr .• Vice·ComlO"nder. Mureeio Mannll!lnla, Adjutant. Ambrosio Floru. Qun.te,mllau!r. Pablo :llallari, Officer 01 the Da),. I'cdro Yabut, Officer 01 th,. Guard. CBlnlino Mnnan5nla, Chnplain. Cirinco Bcmilacio, Pat I nlJ\ruetor. SAN QUINTIN CAM P No. 30 SAN QUINTIN, PANGAS I NAN J l A. Bunch. Commander. Ralnel Ot"ne&, C. V. Cornmllnder. Fernando Mnnnng, J. V. Cemmllnder. Petronilo Ul"nirQz, Adjutnnt. , Iiete.iano .. nonn lnle, Q.M. !'tilleari" MAlinl, TrUlltc". Marcelo nodolfo, CllIlplain. Sinloro!o Cllril\o Officer 01 the 011),.

~~a:!~, 'ri~fto:;:~: ~~~t~fiaj. Cipriane Colh"do.

E. T. TOTTEN CAMP No. 3 1 P. O. BOX 28 SAN FEUNANOO, LA UNION Juau Fonseca. Commnude r. Pedro Dulani, Senior Vice-Commllnder. Urbnno Onus, Jnnior Vice-Commllndcr. Antenio Ahen"". Adjutant. Vnlentin Guibllrra, Quartcrrnnate r. !tufino Vclll8co, Officer of the Day. Mnuro, DaUB, Officer 01 the Gu""1.

ErS::c~nl~~~~lIi1 ~:':f;~a~~.

Angele Nnre •. Senior Co lor Sergeant. JUlln Arieln. JuniOr Color Sergeant.

~C:r'::i~~ \l:r~;~' ~~~~~~~!~~::oSergca"t

Nicolas Dllto. Muslciu. Victoriano Sarmiento, Tr ua\Cfl (3). Elial Mn),o, Trustee (ZJ. Elino Elido, Trustee (I).



SAN FERNANDO CAMP No. 33 SAN FERN,\NDO, PAMPANGA Alejandro de 1" Cnu, Commander . Andres Mnnnuln, Senior Vi "e·Commo.nde•.

~~~i:~~~\t~jr.~~', ~\rj~[ Tnm"" Nuqui, QUDrtc r mnelcr.

IIOtlSf: CO),t),tlT'1'EE:

~o:!if~~~"'oft~~, C;=~t~~~nndcr.

),1. M. Morgan. Chnirman. A. G . Henderson. P.E.R. Albert H . Terry.

'I'on,1LS Dllutistl\, Pnst Commnnder.

Plte:~~ro ~:~I::fo;,~tr6gc:: ~~~h~nb~nrd.

ClotlD 1ot.\SAOI:":

Hugo Gnlang, lkrgcllnt Major.

Bro. H . Chandler. Regulnr Lodge Meotings; Firat and Third Wednesdny, nf e"'oh montha.

Donato LllRtn. Quarterm".!e. Sergeant.

Apolon;o Mcrqucrme, Color Sergeant. Enrique Tubi!:, Junior Color nt. Anlonio Tolentino, IIUItru clor. Luis Guibolo}', Chief Musi .inn.

C III N 1'00 TO NG


(~J:ncfA~~I:JJtt.FB1~tl~S'3) P. O. BOX 2528-TE I•. 4.70.311 Co P Re. Prnident. Co S~· Teng. Tre8.$urer . .:I13"a no Oog. Secretary. .... ntonio Oarel". Suh-Secrotnry.


P. O.

~8xnf4e]~ ~n~Il,A

Jllmes H. Do».!. Commnm!or. John P. Flynn. Adjut o.nt.


~~~nc}o~~~" p~II":t~r::.e. 2~~re~i~~_~~~:;:~~~~.~~ti.9;i.~f.

Alejandro Yan cc. Quarte.mllate r 'Gencral. Frllnciaco P. d e Ou~man. Judgc G eneral. .:I laj or Eribcrto B. Mi~a. Gund Chaplain. JnM C. Villanueva. Surgeon General. DAUGH TER S OF A MERICA N VETERANS MA N ILA C H APTER Nn. I P. O. BOX 26U. MANIllA (Meet" ",t VetcunlI Hall on Call nf P relildent) .:Iii" Gertrude BILM. Preside nt. .:Il isa Genrude Nelson. Viee-Pr<'3ident. MISS Anna B. Nelson. Secretar)·. .:Ilia Flora B. Benderaon. Treasurer. Mi.., Connie Andcrsnn. Chaplain. ).Irs. J\·li nnio .uhbor n. Tr~tce. Mre. Eli .... Butler. Tr~tee. ).Ire. Thereu Ruaaell. Adviatr.

CHINESE COMMUNITY . THE 222 ";OLER. llINONDO P. O. BOX U9 1- TEL. 4.95.9(; Co Pint. Pre,idenl. Lim Sionl!' Tiu. Vice-Prc.ident. Vu Engling. Trensurer.

~~i~~e D;.~nA!ilct'ae~~r~~cret"ry.

T"n Chu Un. Executi"e Seeretary.


Lim Siono: Tiu Coy.eo Co Pj "t~ Yu Eng Tins Ti Sion Ti"" Go K R\\:C \"u Siu !J'ek

John Tan Chin Ens:



Lo Chun


Bcnito Dy Chu" Cho Ching

FRATF.RNAL ORD E R OF EA CLES Milni ia Aerie No. 500 li ISLA DB ROMERO. SANTA C R UZ P. O. nox 35S-TEL. 2-14-74 (1IIect. every Smturd"y at 8 I). m.) DErUTI' "'... so I'Qf:SlnE1<T.I""loU·I'I1<E Ullo.\:.-n&:

G. C. Schlobohm. IIlanila Actie No. 500. F. O. E.

BESSIE COLEMAN CAM I' Nn. ::I: Daujl. h ters of ~: I~~dBM!~~~ W:!. Vete,.,.ns

l\le\~!!r:':n~~n~!fl.ofI1~chE~::~~c~t ~t~: Q.~~jhe Pila r Caroonn. l'r<!Sidemt. Julia Chambers. SeninT Vi ce-President. Socn.,o I'edr",j "". Ju nior Vice-p,.~idenl. J <>scfin" B. Pcdral ..... "errelary. Anton:i. Page. Treasurer. Elaut cri", Page. TrWltco. BeTth Grilt.. 0haplain. Carrio John.s~Il. S~rll:cant-at-'\rms. Benicna Menaniel •• Officer of the Gua rd.

GRAN C R UZADA DEL ORIENTt: 24 AU'nE DO S'l' .• SA.:III'ALOC J ",~. Supreme !lead.

Rafael da



PROTECTI VE ORDER ELKS M a nn:! Lod~e No. 76 1 DEWEY BOULEVARD. ERMITA E. B. Ford. Exnlted Ruler. L"", Fi~che r. Esteemed Lendilllt Knight . Huber t MacGowa". Eat ecmed Loyal K night. •\. J. Bruce. Secretary. S. A. Warner, Tre8.$urer. ~1~:~ld:~n~~.rrfllo~~teemed Lecturi nll ]("illht. Thnl. I . Chap man. Or ganist.

~in~Ol;S~nGii"~hi.r~~!~fa". ~: R: ~:~~~:~?'i~~o~a~~:d.


Bishop luhelo de los Rc)·e•• Jr .• Suprama Chal>lnin. Emilinnn Tunno. Grnnd E~J)crt. Jost:. I nt"l. Second Grand f.~perL Adriano Rivera. !\IMler of the I ndilln and Egyptian Hiu . Cran

Lo~ta Nilclo n n i d e FlIJpln"8 1001 BII.B.\ O. TONDO

TEL. ·1-80-3 7 P .. b1o B. HetTera. GMln Mn elltc . IbYlnundn R. IInmO!l. Gran Secretario. IMPRon~o



,~r1c~eE Tn~~1 fi~o I P. O. BOX 471

(Meeta every second 'l'hu.."dllY at 8 p. m.)

J. E. I.eitch. Chief nf Records.



P. O. BOX 51O-1'EL. 2-37-2[ Dr. Ram on

n. !?""


Grnnd Knight.

~~'iit·i~tcA'."''j):~~I.dC~'':n~cc,r~:: Deput)' Grand Knight. Dr. Tit C

, Itccordcr. nanei .. 1 Sec,ctnn', T re,uurcr. •



J'e<!ro D. "

Alt}"- F abio

Po.elfieo M. C rlJ&, T r e!Ulurer. Epifanio T aea.. Auditor. Dr. Jeso.u SII1"sdo, Direotor. Jacillto Bautiatll, Director. Benedicto Nlltiv,dad. Dir ector. J uan R. Fernando, Director. LIO C KUI FRATERNITY dO SALAZAR. B I NONDO TEL. ~·84·92 An" Wnn Dian. PresidclIl. An!; Chicnl( Kce. Seeretllr)'. Ang Bnn Chun, Trc/La\1rcr.



Fehciano A. Juneno1, Warden. ;.J.minez. I nside Gunrd. Dr. Geronimo TinneD. Out,idc Cumrd. Ataenio "ento~n, Outsido GUllrtl. Vicente 1" Legnrdll, Trustee. Junn C. Caun"c, T r ustee. JO!I~ Gol,.n BIt.nco. TrWltce. Rev. Honry C. Avery. S. J. Chlll)lo;n.

NAM SUY ON ASSOC I ATION (107 G,\NDARA, BI NONDO An Liln Jini, I'rcaidcM. Yee lion MinM. Scer~ t nry, liok H n Tni, TrC!lS\

LAONG NASA. I NC. LAONG NASA BLDG .. TON DO, MANILA, P. I. TEL. "·88· 13 Gregorio C. O;IIIl\l\no, Preaidont. COl\nto S. Nndurntll. Vi oe- PresidonL lIicnrdo C. Rob le.. Secretary, Attorney .

S upre mo Co n seJo del Grudo 33 (lam Fillplmh 1001 IJI LB ,\ O, TONDO TEL. 4·S0.0S Timotell Pun, G ran Como ndador . }'rudoncio A. RomilCio, GrillO Cnndllcr. Pllblo B. Iicrrcrll, Crun Sucr<:lurio·Cell crlll.


Masonic Directory of the Philippines GRAND LODGE . & A. M. OF THE PHILIPPI~E ISLANDS GRM·m SECltET,\ ltY'S OFFICE 520 SAN :'.IARCELINO, ERi\UT,\ .' osl:rn U . A~~.:Y (02), G'OIll/ M ,"I~r. JOllY. AII"o S .. ,..TO& (.1) , DcplIly Gr" ..d M(J'I~r. CL.\nK J.'ll>:S (56), Se"ior G,a"d lJ'.. rd~ ... J OllE OE LOS REYI:lI. J,,",O' G,.""d Wllrdell V'CE"TY. C"HMO"" (22), G'u"d TEOOOHO lIf. " "1..,,\' (12 ) , Gr""d Sec,tllI'Y. lIu ...·C u u.\ " :'.,,:, (106). D"l,iel Gra"d M" .le, fa, Chill". F'Lom;"o G,\L"''''O (82), Gr""d Chal,/uin. A"'OCL S. AILGUELLY.8 (22) . G'altd O,,,lor. VICTom ... xo \· ... MZOS (27), G'alld M."da/. AlITn:;lo C. PCll>:7. (5 7), G"",d Sla"'/a,d B~or"" DO"l~",cln T .\ul-lu (70). G,a"d Swo,d Bta,c,. CON$T .. ",C l 0 S .. " JO~1l ( Ill), Grand 8ib/~ Be.,'t'. JOII>: C. \' c"o H}. 8MiD' GI"(I,,,/ Lee/" ,.r. C. ;\1. 110810:;8 0) , Junio, 0,..,,,,1 Ltclwru. G',!;lI" C. ;\11101.1:11 (0), Gr,,"d Stnio, Dtaum. JO .. QUIS C.\lIcr .. (12). Grand Jun;o,. Deacon. Ihc ... "oo C. 5 .. :,.,.1.1, (SO). G'and Sen,'o, 8Ie",,,,d. DO'"",nn 5"'10:'1'1: (71), Oralld Jl",io' Slc1I'o,.d. FOKTU" ... TO i\1. BUL .. '" (00), G,ond O'ao,,;.'. V,CE:'.,.C OItO~" (53), O,.""d l'a'.Il' ..",I. .\LUIlR"f J. OR .. zeC, he . (8), G'a"d Tlllc,.


nOSTI:" 01' CO",,,T,TUI::''' LOOGU,


•lf a~i/o No. I.-(ht Tut~dnY)-"'1I8tcr. nerll1l.nd H. S,len; Senior Warden. Colin i\lnclla.., Husk;o!' Junior W ~rdcn, !lnr old 'r . Gcwnld; TrMBu r~r, ,\Iben K. ~f~~~:~II:~r: Secrctnry. Au"u.t Schipull. Dox -IOi, Ca.ile No. 1!.-(2nd. WedIL Cllda)·)-i'.IlUItc •. Frnnk D e J~n"B: Se,,,nr Wnrden, O."" r Gleno Urquha rt; IIn.or W"'<!Cb, Jcuo O. nlll.ton; Tre,"u rer, l 'nmo'.

V. G\1ittard: Socretn r)", Henry D. Riloy, Box 1G, Cllvite, Cavile. Cotrtllido,· So .. ,bcrn C'D" No. 3.-(20d Thursd",y ) -

i~~~~~r \J:~J:! ,Dj, \{f~o;~.~fe~';o;,~~~~:;, ~v~i;;::;'lW:

Lllrkin. P.M .. P.G.M.; Secretnry. John M. Ao ",". 1'.:'.1., Oox 270, M"," il o.


Juninr '\'",dol', F ..", Deuitn; Treasu rer, Lin o. ~n~~~:ior~,e'Ki~~Il~'. Joeli A. de I{Miro, Ourenu ..,f

r.I",rd No.

6.-(2,'d Wcdnclulny) -:'o l usler, Lelnod A. Brielol; Scnior ' \'", dclI. J ohn n. Luullhl,nj Juuior Wn.uen. Wade 11 . I ngle; TrelU" r~r. Enrique n. '\Ia ... linn; Scorot.ll ry, James i\I. Co.-ingtor', DOl< 3, Carregidor. 8iok·Na./lala NIJ. 7.-(2nd Snlurdny)-;\ Iu stcr, Rcmijj:ilJ de l Ros'lfio; Seni". Wurden. lauu.el S. Znpat.u; Junror Wl'rdcn, i\lnrcOII G. G'lrelll; Tr ellau rer, I,;no GUlier"'.; Secreta.)', SllI,ti"ICO du Di oa , !J20 San LUllro, :'.In,,iIR. Con,o. No. S.-llAt ' \'OOnC8d"y)- i\loetcr. Alber: J . Bruce, J,.: Somor W",ucn. WlIliom E. J en~en i Junior

~;r~?eS~c;c~~~·I.' 1-~~1'~f~"I~'~lr;~~B~r'41~:iI~I;~i~:

80'''/ Jo/",', No. 9.-{2nd I'rid,,\')-;\l lllIter, Glenn C,

~~~ek;S~eOi'~r~~:~:'<~;c-..!~r~r~ S~'~f~"l/.rr'i~-;:: W.d~,cl~;

Secretn ry, :'o lark Neatle, DOl< 147, )I .. niln . floi!" ,\"0. 1I.-(J8~ ','Imradny)-i\!aetet, 1-'ortunato R. Ybicrll3B; Senior W"rdc". J oeli I'"li on ; J unior Warden , 1-:duArdo HibiooRd .. ; Trenaurcr, Ricl\rdo A. I,una; Secrcury, J0e6 L. Zcrrudo, DOl: Btl, Iloilo, Iloilo. X.buJ No. I.!.-(tal Selurday)-"J..!ler. Aotoll;o U.. moe; Senior Warden. GrCll;or,o A. Vicente; Junior Warden , Nieo'.. S. Cr .... : Tr~ur er, Dn"id 1':1l\'4tTO; ~c· tory, Cir ilo Aall·o rill",. Il) :'.Iode!. St"'. AnIl. "tAnil", . Tl'olano So. 13.-0al S"Wrdn~·)- M "Btcr. Lean d"

r:lln.~~~,nb~~il°lj.ll~'~r~lIec"o: !r~:!e~::'. ~:':ie:"ll~~~

moeu ... ; SeercU\ ry. DionlS'O 1-'. Alejandro, DOl< 2901. Manila. Da/i'lJlI No. I.{.-(Ial TuesdAy)-MlWlter , lI armogeneo. Alonao: Senior W... dcn, AT1Icnio TO",,,.. tlll)·' Junior

PHILIPPINES Wurden. Severo do JC$us; Tre",urcr, M~rtin T,ontok; Secreta.ry, Domillllo Sa"t08, 521 Regider. Maoil ... Pil~r No. 16'.-{1n S"~lIrd .. y)-i\l .. lter. Hip61ito Gnrmtl Sellior Wllrden, Mn"llno S. RcmnUn: Junior Wnrdcn. Mauro Mondez: Treasurer, "lariano Domillguct; Seorotluy. MoHton Dan;n, lmU8. Cf... ilc. Sinukunn No. 1I1.-(211r1 Friday) - 1I!utcr, Cona tnneio SnnJos6;Scnior W".d,m.J o,so\. 1'. I~ox~ ; Ju,,;or W,ndell. Wnl frido do Lo!)"; TtC:UUfor. Arendi.;> Arovalo; Se~re. lII.ry, El;"eo AlnmpA}', LOBal Dept. ~lnnil", R.R. Co .. :'Ifnniia. BOQong-Buholl No. 17.-(3rd Slitn.d ny) -M".ter, Gcr"Min Pang;!;nnn; Senior Wlltdcn. Agustin GlIlnng; Jucior Wllrden, Ucnito \,;lInreol: Tr"" ~urer. Rum an C. O..",idN;C; Seoretnry, fo',"noiJl<)o Advinculn, S'UI Roque. Cavite. ,I rSe"'ni~~ o'V !:(i~~ 18h~l:u~~~~}';;i~~a~~~;d~~~~ha~Oj{~~:

Treasurer. Kui Pili; Secretary. Yu Nue-vn.. 1'-bniln.. S"/anQ'anan No. ttl-(lat




Elpidio I,. Cruz; Sc!nior Warden. Eleno (1e loa Re)'''''; Junior W!lrden. Floreneio lIngl1n; TrelUurer. Pedro C. Jobaon: Secret;).ry. Jw.6 M. Santos. P!laig. ltiul.


B":,".:1:f:o:Vsc!fo;--\~~r~:~.urt~~~~'ail\:due!·: A!un~f::;

" 'IOrdN'. JOIO n. \"eluquel; Treasurer. Gel1lruo AgII"do; Secret"r)". Quintin L. MRglino, B:H!lngu. BIO\nnglO8.


~{i~":~,~ n~~~' Se.'J~o-;:-{~\~~ru~~~u~~~~~~i;;-i\J:Mf~: R,',~~!~

Warden. AlejRndro Mnll"ri; Tre"s urcr. Federico II I. Un ion: Secret",y. Julinn G",dn. I,IIcenu. Tay"b~l.

B'~~:;~n';~;' S!~i;;;:(\t'~rJ:~'}:~nYd~~h'jf~~'. J~~1~~

Wnrden. E'''iliRno E. "idn; Treu"rcr. Leon j.·· Serretnry. Mbi/llo Berif,a. SO"O/I:o n. SOMlogon. . Mabiui No . •~tI.-{2nd Snturd"y)-Mnstcr. Baldo'''cro Pcrc~; Scmor ~V"rdcn. :'Ilcliton To",,,neng; Junior Wn rdon. Ignnc,o Qlounh Pit; Trcu urer. \ ·" ciJio N. A3cn,10; SecretMY. Ct.ndido V"lero. ,\pa"i. Cngnynn.

,\{Jun; (J.i"tt~~~n;'" "s.,~7;;;(~\~~r~!',~."''l)fc/~i~'~tt· ~~:i~n~~ or Wmrden. Julio Pacnnn; TrellSur('r. Go An .. : ~IT::~~~"

Alfredo p, Shn lHt, Caglly"n.

Orie ntRl

M,'"trta No. 41 -(let Thu.,.d"Yl-lIIu ~ ter. Albert E.


r~'~t~;; \'~:r"J:i.. 't1~~,~f;3' ,{~n li~,I~k;;I:'r¥'r~';"~~r~er~R5~1!~

~a~Y~al1ts~fi::iarY:·v;~;o,:<ggiefi;~~Rt~~~·. ,.'"!~~~~~ D ..C;~~~ ~~io~I'W;:d!n~vEli:b~r~~)"i"(~lt~~~~o~i)~~i~~

raJ:!I:,'. 'ri~'a:~~~,~~jtc~~~9~":J;;-~~~~::;' D~~j:,,~\:¥~fI~

Warden. Floren(.; no V. ViIlRcortn. Tre .... urcr. MRcnr; o

~'~n L1~~~: ~~c:.l:tar)·, ,~onio Jonlon. 3 F. Itomnll.

£2.-( 1 1~ Wedne.dny l -Mnster Loui ~ Jl,[uur: Sea;or Wn rden. Dn,,\el Albnl;lO; Junior Warde". Lui s

nir,,/ No .

R::~ot~~~ 6'~~in~~~: 7~~nR'l~ X~.e~.n~t~~iJ~:cretn.)·,

W. Jo""; SeeretRr}", Jam es E. Leitch. Box 471. Monila.


Trensurer. PDbio Peru: Sc-crctnr~', Emeterio E cluin. Tnynba,. Tay"bu. No .. 4..j.-{2nd T"·)-M .... ter. Vicenle l~ o~~ rzo: Scmor Wa,dcn. Rober~ I'owe.. Cnrl~ ; Junior \\':\r~en. Ferd,nand George E. Sohnrff: TreM"re •• Wllhnm JOIHl5tOIl; SeerClnr)". lI obert Clyde Gibson. Agnlla. Guam.

ChMlul<! ~

Torrez; ScniorWnrden. David B .. lInnr;Junior W"rdoll.

.11 ~i:~d~::: '~:~it~ ·",~~'Je;;'hl'{~~:!·!il,~I~t~ci;e~1~~f!~ Wnrden. Rosnlio ;>"ncrohon; Trensurer. E,tebso ~,~,~~~~g~~reta.).• Aroenio Sebaltinn, Z3mb onngn.

Bonoh<l'" No, S~.-(I~t Sfltu,dny)-JI,[nslcr. FT~neiloo Or~iz ; Senior Wnrden. Vicente O. Ordl'; Juni"r Wnrdcn.

.1("/0/03 No. 46.-0~~ Mondny )- ~I nsle r. Dr. Do",ingo

Solidaridod NI1: S!.-{3rd Tbu",d .. yl-;\Ioster. IlIn"eio


~~~~::;ry ~~~,i~r~~c 1'.ea~~;I'~o. X;1::~pa~~' T~.~' Jf~lt::hira~; S~~'i~?'V~rd~~t,u'i~b~~~~ti~r~It;~~~':i:~

Warden. M eh.nin Vnldelloo: Treas urer. EUltaquio "'ule; Secret~r)·. Julio A. Alvero. S~n l'ablo. Lacuna.

PiC'::~i!!f:~/·Osa~ro;-~~r~~~~rd~rn).:ci;!.~'t~: GDiB~:

Junior Wnrden. Exequie l E,'idenl.,; TrenSUfcr. Wcrnor Sohetelig; SecretarY. Juan C"lcctaa. SlI"ta Cru%. I,agu"n. 8aJ.on~B .. hnll No. S1.-(2nd Th\U"Sd .. yl-M""tcr. Cirilo Lim; Senior Wllrdcn. Du Hunting; Juaior. Wnrden. Anllel Mootes; Treasu rer. Eugc"io Di~on; Sc-crel-ar)·. Enrique Gaerlnn. 1320 1\1. N"ti,·id:o.d, Mllnil ... IlnJinlnwak No. £8.-(2nd $a.turdBy)-\\Iaster. Grfgorio Vnlcncerion: 8()nio. Warden. l'edro A. LuoR; Junior Wl\fdon. I, idro BIna: Trensurcr. Lim Hnll; Secretar)'. Romun ldo LibrnndR. GUlnnen. Tnynbns.

Z(J-8~~'fn":;"o; ££c;;-J:~hw~~~~~Y6~~!~~.!er·M~::S";S~~~

J unior Wardon. Sebsuinn Alamnru; T reasurer. Jncinto Belt ..... n; Secre!.nry. Miguel Bonifaci(J, Box 23·t3. ;\fanil.. .

Af~~!~~ 1!~:,~2..~~e~~idrli~~~~n.~~r' S~I:[:~1 ~~i.ig; 'Varden . Maro"s \\Iore lo.; Trensurer. I"eoncio YII Liong.iu; Secretar)', Sofronio A. SnvcUon. Mambnling. Cebu, Cebu. IbnNn No. 31.-(2nd Saturdny)-\\In.ter. Andr~s Po-

\W!~d~n.SAn~~!ni~Yj{~Riel~:ln+%n.~~er~'A~~~\ Jsu;~':.

ton; Secretary. Francisco Roldnn, c/o E. E. Eller. Manil ... lfllroo No. 33.-{2nd Satu,Uny)-lI.faster. Silveatre III. Tnn Clonuco: Sonio. Wnrdon. O"rOIOO Federi.: Junior Wardon. Jo.6 T. Dr-Ly"cco: Dy Cinco; Secrctnry, Pa.ulo Eh%ao. Box iii. Naga.. CRmnrinC3 Su •.


S~~::t!~/V.:1e~!:'oOSt.~~8J:~j7Gn:~~'l~ ~~~ ~.IO~I~~~ Inpo Zn.mbnll)!.


Tnbln"i Senior Warden. l'edr" U. Ponco; Junior Wo rden. C,rinoo Cn"'lnng: Treuure •. Jo.6 B. Lib"n~(); Heflno'legiJdo l'''.cunl. :\lnlo1os, llulRenn. ,lIokobuo"''''' No. 47.-{h t SMurd"y' -l\!""ter .•\d ollo Ald_bll; Senior W"den, Frsntisc" T~ntuico; Junior \Varden. G'~lorio Miros: Treasurer. Plo V. Ad"ineula; Secretary. Gr~g orio J. Mariano. T,,~loban. Le)·t~ . l'n Q 'pnn9a No. 48.-(2nd Snt"rd~yl-:\fHte,. PclnlCio O. N",'orro: Sen'or Wo rden. Apoli n"'io S. do I,eon; See,et~ry.

if~~~b3~,,:~r~~~;!d'ro ~\I~k~Lnlrr~snurF~'rn~~i~~~

Pompnngn. NO""1 Mainnm Na. 4t1. - (2nd Sstu,dll)')-MBSler. Pio Vnlenzuel,,: Senior Wa.d en. Ocogrnciu Ib.,lI el; Junio, 'Vardcn. Antonio Papa; Tre,,"ure •. Cornelio B. lIIadgnhns; Seerelnr)'. AlcJ und.n Joeo. c/o Burenu of 1'0lj1., l\!llnilo.

Sn~::c~~~: NS~af~~\~2~~~eo~n~HI~~rj.:-l::lnab::;U; Vj~";:1~~ ~:{~;' Se~~~~~~oF cli::t~ic~tu~~~SD~~~no. }j:~,~~~ Pinlonu-Bate No. 61.-(ht Snturd:1yl - Mo stcr. Teod orico B. BOYllS; Senior WRrden. I'cdr o Gimenu; Juaior Warden. Juau Z. Bngllun; TreMurer. Gnudic.; Soerat",)". Hono,;o n. Cuevae, Bae"or. Cavilc.

Pi~f.lut~ie~'g; S!~;;;;qV~rd~~.tsj~~.~>t;;¥.~~tt'lfe... ;I'~~f~~ ' Vnrden. MaIno PnmpR; Treasurer. lIEnnuel Arkolle! Secret.ory. Pedro IIlo<lnrnng. Snn Antonio. Znmbalet.

C°f;'.,~~~:enn/;;:~: 6~-;;;~~r~,,~~~~~~IO,~;m~I~stif: JB"::'Il~;

Junior Wnrden. Doroteo ;\1. Josnn: Trcn~urer. SlmW~o~~2~ncijf.o: Socret ... )· IIlil:uel Jnrdicl, Cnbnnnt"~I\,

No. 86.-(3rd Sn~urdRy)-l\!nster. J os6 AltRv~s ; Senior Wnrdeo. Sulvndor ViI1sruz: Junior ' Varden. Felix G.IIIBrtirez; Trenaure r. Lul$:'It. Siriln1l" Secretary. Meleeio Pnlmn. Cnpi •. C(l.piz. •


PnG:::i:~~ ~:~i:~·W(;r'!t~~tA~~~~-ll,.t:;'o~rJ~~i~~

Warden. FRul tino Oviedo; Trenlu ror. Viccatc de Leon;Soerolnry . Luis S. VnUojo •• Dngupnn. PnnI:D.innn.




67.- (Znd Srlt urdo.y)-Master. An . tonio G. Peru: Senior W .. n1en. Fclo( inno n"ling;t; Junior Wnrden. Juan G. Corcs: Trea,u. er. Antonio R . D uenl\ventu rll ; Secre t ~ry. Vicente P. Flcehcro, 0./0 Plnridcl Temple. Mlln;l ... No.

Lubo"p- Nfl. 69.-(ls~ SlItu rd"y)-Mnatet, Ju linn 801111<:00 ;

Sotllor \Vnr den. Candido Pe re. ; J""ior Wa rden , FilcIllOIl de G"z"'lIn, TrC:lsurer, A"I;el C. Laur o; Seerel"ty. Vicente QUI ja no, 1\1 1\ 1111.>011,


No. 6Q.-(ht Sntllrdfl,fI-MlUter. Fortuna t o

1\1, DullLn: Senior War den, E'mquc A. Tabalon: Ju nior Warden, Fidel C. Quer ubin; T rellaurcr , Vicente Knnoy: Seeretny, Mnull'll AJindllYu. Illignn, lubela. Jf(l/lo" No. t11.--{ht Tuesdll!')-Mnatcr. Stephen L. Sn,ilio: Senior Wa rd en. Vietor O. Pineda: J utUor

Wnrde n , Domingo L. Cruz; T rMIUrer. I.eon



uy; Secretar}', So"ero G. Din, Lella.pi. Alba},. Tt<p<I~

No. 6li'.-(2nd T"csdll)·)-).Iruter. J . L. Schmitt; Senior W"rden. J. L. Parrott; J "nior Warden. J . H. ItC'lner; Trel\llurer, C. E. Ol! ... ,,; Secret"ry, 1. V. Dina mir". Box 15ij, Ceb", C ... bu. ..L"(I~lo No. 68.-(3rd S .. turdn)·)-MII!tcr. Lucus T orrnno Senior Wa rden, Cornelio D llto J ulian; J u" ior Wllrden . Vnlente Uu r/CoB; Treaftu rer, Jodi Lnho.; Secreta ry, Grncinnv P. Padn, Vil:o n, Hoeos Sur. K,,"lo.(m No. 64.-(20d Sntu rdny)-MfI.!\er , Ansel Villnaor ; Senior Wllrden. M""ud Buma.:II; Jun 'or Wnrden. Vic~" t e Bailon; Treasurer. "It,"uel Garclll; Secretory. Irineo Ferrariz, MII .. o Central, Oco. N~gros. Tomaro", lOa. 66.-(I~S!ltu rdaYl-;<' ''tI , er , Eladio G .


Bugarin; Secretar},. Doro\eo Joeob, Culo pall. M indoro. Go'u"l'o No. 66.-{3rd Salur'd.a.y)-"Iuter. Pedro Perez; Semor Warden. Benito L. Roye.; J unior Wllrd en. Bonifacio Mequ i: TrMeu rer, M"reelo Paguyu; SecretrlTY, l3ern .. rdi no PangahlouaD, TUlLuegnrno, Cng"y"n. O"O"io No. 67.-(2nd i\!ondnY)T:'lInster, Junn Resur,ecci6n ; Senior Wurden. WiUin,m J. Wi1&on; J u nio r

~~:;~Itc,:~y. ~~~r J3~''jf:!ha~notca~~r~ri'l . Jrt:~ui:·redinn:

Jfd~~! ~~~;i~~'W~:Je~~t'g~M1~~ I ~~~e'i);;~o'i~r~~ ~~;~i~; ~~:;~~'~).~'~f:!':o;oe~~'U~~.~C:;~~~~~~~~~~J~~~ ~~~~J "i.e:.yn.

pri~~rt~t<Pu"~~!r~'~~ S~~·i:/W~:j~~:R.~1:3~~·)-;j~:~e[:, J unior \ \'I\.de", FrnDciseo Bnnnga; Treasurer, Fiorentino Bnutistn; Sec. et" ry. Felil: C"ju!ie. Binllkoynn, ":.wit. C:,,·ite. Union No. 7Q.-(lst Sntu.d"y)-MMtcr. Cntnlino Ilodrigun; Senior Wa. den. Rnmon C. CI\luyn; J un ior". M" rcelino T . ViduYIl; 'r.enSllrcr. Andr6s f.~ri:'];i~~.ecret" ry, Andr &a n. Rivera, San Fernando.

/.noao No. 71.-(3rd Snturdn y )-M Il~ ter. Dom in"o J. SlIIllollla; Senior Wll rden . Vicente Ol. on; J unior W"rdeu, ,\ulonio P . Cid; T renell.e r. Bnlh. ur Ag uir.e; Secretno', Alberto Suguit.... n, Lno",. 1I0eae Nor te. .I/nhl;"o No. 7li'.-(ht Sntu rdny)-" " uter, Enltrl\cio L . Vllhnontc; Senior Warden. M"ernio R. Ab~d; JUDior Wn.den, C"yetnno R. Jncinto; 'I'rcnaurer, LorenJ:o Oarcl~; Secretar)', Espiridion D, Luo. C"III",b". L"gnna. N",no P.dja No. 73.-(lst S",tu.dny)-:'Iusttr. Leoncio '1'. Ju"n; Senior Wn . den. Oregotlo D. Roble.: Junior Wa.deD. Fr uto S. GMcin; Trt~""rer. Mnrtin ViliUlln; SccrMnry. Ca.l.,. S. Domingo, Queaoll , Nue"" Ecijn . .1 0S:.,~~·\~!~d.,<;.r~'~:r\~~~Dll.\~;,~~e;;· ~~~~~ ~Y::;~r:~ : JUIII) N. i(nflaoon; Trc.~~ure r. Eu~ebio Medin,,: Seeretn ry. Pedr o Romnsoc. Nntivid~d, P"ugn~iu"n. Ko~r"la,eo.~ No. 77.-(18t T uesdny)-Mnator. Qui ntin

~y~'rd~:,'~t~~i8 ~~nl~: S~~~:!~i'.;~!'~rO~~~~li!;'~~n JA8nJ~~ R'16nn~il~.e~rutnr)· , Delfin C. :\I edcl, 123 DWllnn rifi[U,

,\ ""ria N'!. 7S.-(2nd Wedncsdny)-Ml\lIttr. Frnneioco ~\t Hor lliln.: Sen.tor War den. LendeRllTio Celis; J un ior n . ~..... b'o C. Sonnl"n; TrelUUrtr, Vieenle J . G 1I.ill~t, °i' oila.c retaT)·. Fernnndo Ramirez. nOI: 559


T(lo.."-l lfJo

No. 79.-(3rd s"tu rd"y)- Maatc r, Pnblo f cl tct"no: Scmor Wordell, nomunld o Sntor : J unior

~~~f:d~:crrt~r:':.8 J!!tK~~~er6a;~~~~r~e62 ~1)~::A~~~~~ Mau ll" .

.I/~r;~hn~t~~ld~nb'~r~; teOnt;,.( \Vnt(~~:~~~~rJclW'~~I~ ;~; ~t~~;l'6Q~i~~~:~s~~~:;'~r~': R\~~I:~~t C~~~';I~~'h~~r4e6: Maru ln. .lld~~!~-Si~~~~o~:1;~~dCgref..~!\V;.~!~, SrJ~~: ce.lno Sallto.s: JUDior Warden, Tomb Al(on,o; TrllRllurer,.Jo~6 C8rmOn,, ; Se. el8ry. l' ed.o Lope_. DOl: I<tH. lIIa,"'la. /filth T""llrc No. SS.-(2nd Snlur dllyJ-Maele r. P r isto N ..E'·nnlleli.t,,: Senior " 'a rden, G rtlCotio Zamuco; Juntor Wardeo . Joe(i B. Sa n tos; T rcllIurer, M"u ro I3Ilrn.rli; Secreta.y. Fide! T. Mlln .. to. BOI 1605. " Ianiln. D(lflQholi No. 1!4.-(2nd Saturday)-MfI.!ter. Cm Cnatillo; Sentor WAIdeD , Jo.s6 Mo. Pnrcd <'ll'[ J UDlo r Wn rd en, Eugen io d e J (!!I\1!I; Secreto ry, Scrvil nno \' . Diriki l o ; Setrelnn·. J Ulln P . Lumn lll , T 8gbi ln rnn, Bohol. Oun"icQ No. 85.-(ht Sn t urdnyJ-MlUte. , Estnn illIllo M. J 080 (Doecnaed); Senior Wu.den, And r6e Filoteo; .I"nior Wnrdcn, Chun Sy Quiat; 1'.cnau rct. 1I0nor io 1'C<l; Seorot H Y. J o.s6 See Yok Peng. 0 15 1'. Alonzo, Mnniln.


Ab.o .No. SG.-(2 nd Satu. d"y)-Mnsll!r, Fjdol Soli"on: Sen,or \", ..dCD. C~yetaoo Bnrrae; Juntor \\'".ncn. Joso FarinM; T re"",,urc r. Esteban Buen ..,·;'tn; Secretary . Agnpilo L. Pnrndo, L~ganll_Hnllg, Abrn. /firom No. 6S.-(ht Fridny) r. Franciaeo Rab ino; Scnic r WMden. Anncleto Cmces; Junior W"r den. Romulo ). 1. O""id; Trea8ure •. Eurnquio Ahu"brm; Score"<I'Y. n.umon Rum""' . DOl MS . ;\Im"ll,. No. 89.-(2nd S .. tu rdny)-;\IllIIlcr, Is.. i... Cllr c;"; Senior Wn rden, D ..,·id We'8-!lmn n ; J un ior Wnrd ell. l' rnnoiaco Ca tig; Treusu rer. De rn nrdino Degrncin: 1uerc(.o. y, Agripi no Pn,cunl, I'nrnnlltLUC. ni.,,1.


.II ff7,~~~;;

t.:~io~f;':~~~~ n~,~~~~~\n,!icl~:'~~~{~r $~~~:~~

t~~~c~~~c~~'L~;~::Sd;;;'~C::'~~~~nuirefr:~orCl; Sccro-

.I/0''''! KutodiCl' No. 81.-(2nd TUeI!dAy}-" huter. Jua.n G. Pnrl\;'o; Senio r Warden. Lorenoo D. Ber nnrdel: Junior W .. r den. Leityn M . COl:; 1'rcnsu rcr, Sc""fi" To"cs l"ec: reta ry . Alf redo :'1. Estmci6n, Duutnguete. Negros O.icnI81. ,l/d_Ou_Ti Na. Oli'.-{ht l\!ondny)-Maller. MOUl"O O. I lign,,; Senior Warden, Flo.en t lDo M. Se.... no; Junior Wnrden, And r ~s H. Tendo.o; Tr uaurc •• F""ncisco Lim 'ino Giok; Secre(.mry , Cirine(l L. Lo~o nero, M ..... bnle. """,bnte. ,II

~Ii~~~. ~;i'i~~'Vn~~S:", bl:,~':~i?;tSi~~;'J~~io~{'\l~r~!~

Ga.\\' p" ,,,,o; Tr cnau. er. Ong Yen G o~n; Sccret" ry. Luia Li lli Dillinn. 70 7 A(I;uilar. M a nH ...

Be~:~;: l.S~t'~;:inZ~Se!1o-;:-\~~~dc~'irod,,~!:dS~f{\~J~f:~ ~.rciv1b~i:~ ~~~~~;)~e;~~t ~~.'h\~il~!~~'Ar~1:11~9~~~ :'I"nil... SeT.iee No. 9S.-(ht Fr id ayl-). Iaster. Guy Randol p h Strickland; Senior WordeD . Lou is Linton Dnker; J unior W llrden. nUl!!elt Carltoo C"ml:bell; T r rc•. ~[, :~.o~S~C'S~au ~~~~~~~ic~~are~~~tj. ~I.t~~ C. E.nael.



F rancisco C. Dom ingo: T reaau rer. Sixta Ouianll; Searctn ry. A.e"dio E " angel4!tn, Anao, T ",I"c. 01000"0 I/o.'" No. n.-(1al Snl"tday)-:.illlltcr. J osep l. n,u nos; Senior " 'n rdeD, nm",on nl n; J UD ,or Wnrdo " . Bonifncio C. BerMI; T . cna urc r, JOII6 A. Alvare.; Secrotn r}', ':'figuel G. Luna, Huretou of Com. m rce, :'Ion il". Mo~n' Hurn", ."0'0. 08.- {l11 Frida)·)-:', Gilberto C. Roaa.les; Seoior Ward en, In ocencio 1'aD.ima; Junior

~:::~~).~tJl;ec~:;;:n:N~b~ur~~I:" i::~tC~lb~:~:


PHILIPPINES P,,/o.ID(l.n NO), 99.-(h t Satu.dnyJ-Muter, B. S.. ntos; Senior Warden, Gaud .. n"io E. Abordo; J un;O)r Warden, Sebastian Eu,laqu;<r, Trl!f\IUTcr. JUB"

B""tilI8: Sccrota.y. Valentin Mil.,.",,!. Puerto l'r in_ ecaR, 1'"lI,,,,,,n.

K ·&~i ~~n~; °S:~Q;-{$:~de;i.'uE~~t>B-; ~13::,.\~rio/\'J"~:f~~


Warden. l'nbl o L. EdTOZO: Trella" rCT, 1II11.;llno D . Un tllilln; Secretnry. Amado Eelew, Co rrcllidor , Cavilc. 11",' D,,~o No. LOB. - (hl Tucadny)-Muter. A'luilea D. Gon ... lea: Senio. Warden. Petronil" I. Vallejo; Jun ior Warden, Jo.6 Mallino; Tr e..,u rer, Simeon Ob,clluio; Se~rdll ry Cnrl o. M. E,do. J ol". Suill. Z"rnbo/u N., I OS. - (ht Salu,de.y)-i\!""ter, J Ulin Arbi&o: Senior W ... den, T om" Ael".cOIIo: Junior Wa .den, Mat eo E. Perez; TreMurer. Uy Cbu~' Lnng. SecrotD'Y, Placido Farin, loo, Znmbf\l el. n"lann No. 104 .-(3.d S,,~urda)·)-M"ate •. A mando B"nson; Senior Warden, Tomh Fe.nando; Junior Warden. J~(j J uinio; T re:>l urer. :'Ibrcol Jorge; Seer t".y. Norbe rto Gnll"rdo, Balnngfl, n"tunn.

J"'~:~;: ~~~le~QSc~~~~-~J~~d~~~ndrS~~1~~Iti~~bn~;

J unio. Wnrdcn , Benigno Cnlnn~lIuu; TreRsurer, B""mn Clllngun. ; Sec retn ry, Ge orgo SHtcr, Fort Stot8onblLrg PampRO,,,. ,\",ill/ No. 106 -(2nd TlLCl!dBY1-MR,tu, Dn.,,";"


Seere-tn ry. Funk J .... R.z>.wli~on. 1(10 Yucn Ming Yutn Rd., Shnnghni. Cam"ri"t~ N".le No. 107.-(20d Wedn ced .. y)-i\IILIter. J OI(j San t os See Peng; SenIor Warden. Bartolome Orte,a; Juni or '''arden. Andr~ Marq"e~; Tr ctUu rcr. Elme. O. WOfTick; Secret",·, Manuel "Iorcno, Dnel, Camnrines Norle.

NF.'I:-;:r ~:[o:O~~~~~t. i:~'!..i: {l~;;'j~~~f~/\~~Sde~; D"vid Ki"nll:: Trea aurer. T. T. Zee; Secrctnry, lblph A. Wnrd. 37 Hwnng Li H,wng. ~oking. ni.~r No. 109.-(2nd TlLced"y)-:'Il nsler . T. Kni Uan ~; Se"ior Warden. K H,."nlt: Junior WRrden. H . Ii . S nu gl!S; 'rrell,"rer. E. H. LO!y<wond: SecrcIII.y, D. W. 1(. Au, (I dl).'! Voeu" Rd .. lill"gkong. Kulo"Q B'lIo No. IIO. -(ht SntlL,dlly)...lMnsle,. Loren.o Pnlileo: SelLior Warden. Edilberto MelLdou: Junior W... de", Albino R. B"rl.... n: SlIlu. nino Alva.u: Secrel ar~' , Bernardo Bagnm n ~pllu. Cot4bnto. Cot"bRtO. .1fnra,,'"'' No. 111 -{2nd 5Murdnyl-M", ler. Ihfncl


W'R~dO:~. ~~n~~~ i~:;i~~nTr~qJ:~::e~i.a~.I\~r..":I;: ~~~~~~

t4'ty, Ubnldo O.

L~y .. .

O .. """lan. T"Inao.

Suc}"""" No. 111!.-(2nd Wedn COldny)-Muter. ThomA$



k;~j!;nl~~~n~~~'.C'ii n~i~.l S~~~~;r\~!:~r:~caiden~.

Li eut . Hobert Roo.ev c\t Pe/lee, Scoretmry_ Tre/leurer.

111:,,01:8 01" '7(1: C& l)la;n Joseph O. Enarud. Commande • . Lien\. Rebert Roo.eveZt Pe/lee, Auju\"lLt.

YORK RITE, MA.SONIC BODIES FAR EAST COMMANDERY No. I KN IG HTS T EMPLAR (Stated ConcZnv<!& ~'j rB t :'Ionda)' of Each Month at 8:00 PUiLNABANK lSL~b.. 90 ESCOLTA P. O. BOX (188

O~~I C!: Il. FO"


Georgo It. HRrvey . Commander. Geo'l(o W. Port~r. Generali "imo. Hn rold T . Gewllld, Cllpta; n OenernL Josel.h II . Alley. Senior Warden. TerrRnco 1I. Ecker.on. unier Wnruen . Hev. E. S. Turn er , Prelate. V~rne F. ,\Ii Ifr. I'. (' .. '>.,oeillie Prolnle. lIn,.y I. S hoemaker. P. C., George n. Obca,. P . C., Recorder. J ohn G. Owen, Siandard Bellrer. R oncoe Bonham. Sword Da"id G . CUnllell, Worden. Benj a min 11 . Dlai. dell. Sentinel. Henry H . Wnrd, Captain 01 OU8rd~. Alva J. Hill , Second ( .. ~rd. Tho •. N. nardisly. Third Gunrd.

A'.:id'lJ JW~ g!'8~i~'~.k~ :t.:'ii'e~~~r'.~:!I~t\.~C;rt'~:i~ost Ef" AG. rllnd "huler. ... a$llell, 1'. C .. Stercepticollist.



1·'U.TI:I:$: Jo~el'h P . Heill>ronn

Se ld on W. O'ilrian I' .C. Verne E. :'Ilille• . I'.C.

Luzo n C hapt er No. I. R . A. M . (S u bo r dlnl'te to the Genernl G r olnd Chl'{ller , R . A. M. of the U. S. A. I PlIII.NABANK BLDG .. 90 ESCOL,-" (Staled C"n\'ocndolL Sc<-ond '\'ednC1!dfty of Eflch "Ionll.) P. O. BOX (ISS. :>'IANII..\ OF~le E:Il S FOR

H137: H illh P.i,,"\.

Henry WiUinml: Senior Ward en. Robert A. Pnteuon'

ErnC1!t Enrl

Chenlltu. S.echuen . China.

Seldo" W. O'Urcn. I'. 1I . P ..

~~~C'i,u,::r*~~~:FS~re.,';i!~)'.FDn!i·d 't~~~k~~t(f::I~!:'~:

W•• t f,ake No. IIS.-(1at S!lturdny)-i\Instc•. Elbert

w".rl~~ n¥.rn~,"k'io~cerclr~ICT're~~,;~!~~ S:ObB~; d~~1,~;~

Seeretnry. J. C. Oliver. H nngcho,,', ChilLn.

LOD GE PERLA OEL ORIENTE No. 1034. S .G. (U nder Ihe Jurisdiction of the Grnnd Lodl!e of Seo d nnd) I'LARIDEI, TEMPLE. 520 SAN i\I ,\RCEL I NO, P ,\CO P. O. BOX 238, MANILA (Stnlc-d i\IC!!tinp Fil"St Mond~~· 01 eneh Monlh) Henry Shirllly JonC1!. lIf.uler.


,\rthur N. FInmmond, Secret"ry. J nmea Stavo""o lL. Tren.ur er. Bur t Juli nn Reid, (P.M.) , Ch nplaiu . B. 1\In"ele, Sonior Deneon.

monic.. B afTY M. FIclekiah, Slcwn rd. Chili. Burl\ll, Stewnrd. Tbel1llLS. H . ~'enslermacbcr, I nner Gunrd. D . A. Heminler, Tiler.

;r.;~~fd ~1.i~r,.nroG~~:n:j~n~~ribe.

TrCl\~urer .

l\~~~:t I ~~'isl:~~,~~t~~I.n8i;"l>llIi".

John Oriffith Owcn. Cllptnin 01 the Fioot. Joscph H en.y AlIc~', Pr,"cipal SojOll,ner. Oll",d Gnrfleld Gunnell. Roynl ,\rrh Cllptnin. Tormnee linrold I~e ker"on. " In.ter 0/ Thml Veil. Henry H"n~lley Wnrd, iIIn!ter or Second Vcil. R obert Nel.on Miller, )Inster 0/ Fi l"St ' ·eil. Percy ThomM Spicer. Senlinel. J ~ell l.Francia Boomer, P.H.P., Poe~Lnurcntll ( H onor~ry.) O r le nt o1 Cou n ci l No. I , Royll l n nd Selecled M". t ers (Suberd innte t o the Cenersl Grand Council, R. and

I'HI LNAsBi~lfr~tb8:, ~o''E)SCOLTA

P. O. BOX (188. MAN IL A (Sln led ,\uambly Second Wedn esday 0/ Eneh Month)

§~E-:a ~l·:kl~rn.1 'j\~i~[o~e'\::;d~~~'dcn.

~:~~ t':;;~:Q Tlr~~:~rtl;~i(;'.W)~cli;'reetor

VOS! .

OF "IC I'''' POll 1037: Joaoph F. Boomo., Ill UlltrlOU5 Mns1e r .



Vif~li:~ ~: X~g:k~~e~;!~~il;:'\~~~ductor

of tho Work. DRvid G. Gu"n~ll. Treasurer. SchipuU. Recorder. Joseph 1:1. Alley. Cnplain of the Guard. H arold '1'. Gewnld, Conductor or the Counell. John C. O"'en. Steward. Harry I. Shoemnker. I'. I. M., Chaplnin. Henry H. Wa.d. Sentinel. AURlll!~



Key s tone Royal A." h Chuptc r No. 354, S. C.

(l'uder the Juri.9dietion (If the ;)uprcmo Grnud nO),nl ,\rch Ch" plcr of Scothlnd l 520 SAN MAnCELlNO, I'ACO P. O. BOX 238 (Slntcd Conv ocation, Second !\Ionday of c"cry )'fonth) Arthur N. HAmmond, First Prindpal "Z".

'ti'~~~; ~~eJ~~!~~'T~~~~n~ri~~i~)~I'~·IJ::.U '"

Benito Mane1e. Scribe "F". Burl J. Reid ( P.)'LE.Z.). Scribo "N". Emer), Villc~ . ( I" "'.B.Z.). Trellaurer. Snmuel 1':. "leK"in. First Sojourner. n. G. EI~worth. (P."LF.Z.l. Secoud Sojourne r. T. H . lo'enstenmache r. Third Sojourner. Duwnhl A. Heming~r. Janitor. Jnmc! T. Irwin , 1. P. l'rineipal "Z". Keys tone Lod~c a n d Counc il No. 35•• S. C. (U nder tho JUrisdictioll of the Supreme Graud Ro)'al Arch CI".ptcr of Sootland) 520 SAN MAnCELINO. I'ACO P. O. BOX 238 • .MANILA Arthur N. Hammond. Noah and Chio!. Fred Stcwart. 1. I>. N. C. J"mca Stc'·eMon. JnJ)hot and Sr. Genor"L lIonry S. JOUO! , Shem und Jr. Genernl Bonito ),[nneze. Hcoordcr lind ChonccllQr. Emery \,iues <P.N. and C.). 'rreo!lIrer. S'"nllct i\ l ol(uJlJ. ~9o ndu"tor.

1;;'r~[J.Fft~1:{{WN~:~dCC'S~a~~c~~r~':IL~L':.dQf Gu.ud. Duwold ..... Hcminl:e\.. Inner G. of Tower. Horry G. EII~worth ( 1t.N. and C.), O. G. Or Sentinel.

ANCIEl'<l' AND CCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY (Sout h g~ I lN1'-s~F.t~~ EOlp 1\ ~ ~ 1 ~p: :.f~s S ta tll$) MANILA BODIES A. & A. S. ft. OF FREEMASONRY I' IHLN,\ BANK BLDG .. 00 ESCOLTA 1'. O. BOX 1331't-'lIf1,. 2-15-05

Fredf.~i~I~'!n~I:11i~~i~:"i;I~:&.U.l)' of the Supreme Council W.


Chnl)mnn. Secretnry. Mr. Arayat Lod ge o f Perfectio n

~(;~t:nI~~::;.eSc~\~~W~rr:~.~raijle 1\11I5ter. ~~I~'l :::!le~~c C{.JCft:~~c~u8~~~0~~·'\r(lcn. Fred Meek Uolmea. Almon~r . Wil1.iam nUll" CIUlpman. Seoret"r)·.

1,0ulS jI,[]chnel Hausmon. TrcaaurCT. I~rank d c Unl'en Jonll •. M&.!Itllr of Ceremoniea. Wnlter HelmnT Branen. EKpcrl. J\lbeTt John Bruce. Jr .. A8!l!Itnnt E:ljle r t. " 'alter Henry Schoening. Cnl)tniu of the Gunrd. Judllo Henr), Oswnld, Sentin"l.


AloXRndtfS~:'I';~"~{'~;c RI\~ ::t:;~Oh:

]>'ml ~'rederic Whitacre. Senior WBrd on.

Reubell Lo,·y. Junior Ward en. Albert John Br"zee. Jr., OrntO"r. Fred Meek Holm"". Almoller. William UUlIe ChnPlllan. S~eretnT)·. Lawl :\fiebnel Hnu!'tnan. Treasurer. i~!do:~r~~lie~~0l:~~~~t~,qter of Ceremoniel. John William Femer. AMlstllnt E:IfJlert. ?:J~~W~n"~~hO~~!~'j~~Bi-1ie?uardinn of the Templl1. Co nfu c:i u s Council o f Kni ghts Kodo sh John Robert Houfe Mnaoll. Co.n,"under. Carl MaK UlJS:lelmalln. Firlt Lielltennnt Commandor. P.",l Frederio Whitacre, Second l-ieut onnnt Commnnder. Verne Emilu,. Miller. Chancellor.


};;~I~nmr;~II ~~ 911~~::~. ~~~~~~~~'.

John Albert BTlltCe, Jr .• Bnrer of the White Sta ndard. J oh n Arthur CroP~Ct. Bcarer 01 tho Black Su.nda rd.

f~~~n~~c~::r6~wllid~s~~t~c::inutcn"ll \'0'1\0

Emi1:.n~m~~ 3~t~lra~~rt:,,~~~:S.

Walter Helma. BmUcn, Prelate.

Gcorllc Ernl!5t WiIliluIla. MlL'llc. of Ccrcrnonil'l. John Albert Brllzee. Jr ., E:rpcrt. O.,-ill Garfield Gunnell, Ar./J;"tllnt. John William Ferricr. Caplain of the Guard. Judge Henry Oswald, Steward.

PHILIPPIN E 800lES PH I LNABANKBLOG, FIFTH lo"Loon P. O. BOX 12Sol-TI!:L. 2.15·07 Miguel Bonifncio. Seerel&r~'. I,o kandolo Lod ge of Pe rfec tion

~8It~~ ant N'}rWI~ola~.coit~~~\\r) l~!t~~ I'. O. BOX 12S1-TEL. 2-15·07 (neKula r meetings Fourth Frida)' of ellch month) Joa(i 1'. Guido, Vencrnble Muter. JO!~ C. Velo. Se nior Warden. Bonifacio S. Araulio. Junio r Wmrdcn. J~(i Ma. E. Leon, Jr .. Or"tor.

i~u~flln~~rr~~fo. ~~':~~:~y,

Joaquin Gardn, TreMurer. Honorio l\IU.!Ini. M.lner of Cllremonict. Aurelio D. Rourio. E~PCTt. Romigio Abello. Assistant E:ljJcrt. Dom inad or Gallardo. Cuptain of the Gunrd. Mariano M. Chico. Sent"tcl. Aurelio I,. C~~cr~~:, q~ra~t~~;,s~.:'r~o Crol.: Bonifncio S. Arnltlfo. Senior Wnrd CIi. E, Leon. Jr .• Juni or Wllrden.

Jo~~ ~ I ....

S!~~hS~~ ~&~~e~:.e~1~~~~~~r.

Miguel ~o'''fado. SecN:!tnr),. J oaquin aarcla. TTe""ltI"er. J. Guman. :\Iaster of Ceremoniel.

' Joa~


E" crt . Honorio Muani. Guardi"D of the ¥'emple. :\la,i&1I0 1\1. Chico, Tiler.

Malc:ampo Co un c il o f Kn l4hta Kadoi h Bonifneio S. Arnullo, Commander. Aurelio I,. Corcucrll. Firtlt Lieutenant Commondcr. Emilio 1'. Virnta, Second J,ieutenant Com mnnder. Jos(; C. Vclo. Chn ll cellor. liollorio !\Iuani. Orntof.

i~t:u~rfi~~n:~Fo. ~~~~~d~~.

Jonquin Gnrcln. Tre""urer. Do.uinador Gnllardo. M.... tcr of

~:bi~'s~n.J~~' Jr~c;r.ilier.



Georfte W. Edgtl.r, Ducon. JOI(i )'rn. E. Leon. Jr., S~tond Deacon. Lino Guticrt1'~. Br"nlr 01 the Betl.WI~ant. Dllniel Limho. Beonlr or tho White Standard. "i~torino Floro, B""r<lT 01 the Blat''' Standard. Tcodorico B. Bay"". Lieutcn"Dl of the Guard. Mariano :\1. Chico. Sentinel. Rlnl Con i li tory Jo.6 P. Guido. MllJJter of J(ndOlb. Emilio I'. Vi ratn. Prio r. Aurelio D. Rosario. P~eeptor. Bonorio MUlIni. Cbanccllor. JOI~ !\In. E. Leon. J r., Minilter of State.

i~t:,,~ag~r.:~o. ~:'~~r.

Ricllrdo C. S" nlOli. rreDllurcr. de 10. Re),e l, P r<'.latc. Micbncl Goldeoberg. Maater of Ceretnonie.. Mariano Gonzalu. &ltp(!rt.


~d!t::d "~~c~~c~~t!J)~' S~Z;d Drl::~~D.

1:~~~ ~~~~I~!;-t!\DEoTth~

Jerr)' Alc:r.ander Stewart. Durn of lh~ Detl.\1lIunt.

the Gunrd

CIlT! Mn~ U~olmnnn, l'riOT. John l tobnn lloule MILSon. PreCQI,tOr. Paul Frodcrie WhitacrQ. ClUlIlccltor. Frnnk d o Il avell Jonl!ll. ~Iini.tcr of Stllte. Frcu /IIt'<.lk Uolm ea, Almoner. WiIIiRm lluM. Chl1pman Registrar. Loui$ MichllCl HalUrn,m. 'rrc/LSurcr.

~'ruy ItNe:rton Robrer. M""ler of Ce remoni CII.

C~~lts tan?~i"L':,o,;1e~n'B~ap~~.rcopi1ier.


Mu'ano M. Chico, Steward.


PHILIPPINES ILO I L O BO DI ES .\[ASONIC TE;i\'PLE, ILOILO, ILOILO Lo pez-J ac o R Lo d ~c o f Perfec( Lon No.1 (il oilo , )' , I.) ~ll\nllQl Garcia, 32", Yenerable Mnster. ''''II''''C;O '1'3dill.. , 32", Senior Warden. . ,ineo Ferrari!, 32". Junior W.rden. E. Znldi".r. 1-\", Orator. }•• nesto Sal"", 14", Almoner. :\[nu.o G. Hodri.;ucz. :J~o. Seereta.)', O. Mag&t. l~·. TrcRaurer. .1086 GRretn, 32", /IIn .ter 01 CCTCm(ln;Ca, Wm. (,udw;!:. 14°, Expert.

f~~!r~~rnLu~~~: t~:: :5!~:~~'1~tof~b~rbuflrd. N. SOlO. U·, Sentinel.


.\IASONIC TEMPLE, CEnU, Cl::BU P. O. BOX 4f11 I. \'. Dinnmi rn, Secretary.

Cc hu Lodll.e of Perfectton Constituted Mlly 23, 1923 (Hegu!" . mentinR: F~.t Frida.y of each mCRih) Vnleril\no SeltUrn, Vcnc,nble ;'Ir... tcr. Clarence E. McAdam , Senior Warden. Severo Fuentebl'lh•. Ju nior Warden. :\In.iano Rodriguez. Oralor. :'\ !IInreinl Berromeo. Almencr. hnbclo v . Bil'\nmiu.• Secrotn.y J onqllin Antere .A1i~. Treasurer. {,im Yok Suo :\f!l!lcT 01 Ceremo nies. Al fonso Lecar09. E;qlert. A. S. Flort.!!. A u istant Expert. Law Kionlt Sieng, Cap,tain 01 the Guard. S" turnino Ramirez. T.ler. Del Pl hu Co n s istory (ColUtitlltcd November 25, 1925) (Rellulnr meeting: Firat Fridoy of Jun'c and Dcccmber)

!\11~~0 J~~n%~~I~~a~1~tlortl~: ¥e~~~i!':


M AYO N C H A I'T~; R No. 1 . 0 . E.8 . Subordinnte 10 Cenc rnl Grand Chal)I"r . In. tiluled October 29. 190~ I'HILNkl)ANK BLDG .. SIXTH FLOOR ( Regular meetings On Fi nlt ~nd Third Fridny. of each month) OFrIOER/! FOR 1937: :\I)'rtle n. Porter. Worlhy ),[&t ron. On,·id Innis . Worthy Pal ron. l\!nude. H. Kidder. Aa!ocinto MI\I.on. Soldon W. O'Bricn, AI500inlo Pntron . SRrnh 1\/. En~lnnd. Secrota,y. Ve.a Snnp),>. "l're""... or. Ha.ol E. Mood)·. Conduo~reu. F,nnee8 B. Inn) • • Auoc int o Conductre., .

g~i:~ ~~. OI?B~r..~~11>. ~~Ry'I.nifiar.hal.

Mablo M. Croshy, P .W.M .. Organ;"t. Nancy E. Bruee. Admh. ,\lethea C. Smith, Ruth. ~labd O. Miller. I::.thor. H erminia Roche. Mnr!hl!. . Lillian E. Tabol. El cot". Knth"rinn Zwon"che~k. Worder.


"6: B'd~~~~.sp~{~~KL

Acting Secrelary.

Bo •• no OF 'I'RQSTEES: J ose ph 1". Boomer. P.W.P. Geor,,, W. Porter. P.W.P. lillrley :\1"Va),. P.W.P.

BAM BOO OASIS A.A.O.N.M.S .. I NCORPORAT E D pleel3 at Time al1d PIneo Designated by lIigh Shcree! ) (8a'n~oo 0 ... ,•• In corporat~d. i. contpo.<d .;:cl u lI·,~lu oJ

i;:r~~~ ~~'~~~:! ~; tk~~ ,/~~t~~p;r::bl':~&rd~~~ ,v~;;:t~i the JIII.lic


oJ th e U.S.A.)

b. ~: ~!r~.:~nKa~i~.h Sheree!. ~\·m!. 'glob'c.l'E!~aoi:~~tor

and R epresent n!i,'e of Islam Temple. Capt. J. E. Adamaon. Diroetor. Lee Hobbs. Direcl0r. Fl. 1;1. Riley. Director. RO]1Tt'lIe ntalive of Nile <I'cmple. Seldon W. O·Brien. Hcp rt'llentQ(i"e of Affi Temple.

i:,n ~?'if:en~!~~t:~;~. ~:~!n~;CLli~C:t~~~3°8~~~~,~~der.'f~:~Q";:hT~~~~~iiiet . SOILUOIl o Cineo. Drapper. Go Cban. Firat Deaco n. Vicloriano Reyea. Second Dencon. Go Sion Milt. Bearer of Beau.cant. TimolC-O Vu Tiong, Bearer of Wbite Standnrd.

OTHER MASONIC ORDERS R O Y AL O R DE R OF SCOTL AND PHILNABANK BI,DG .. ESCOLT A :\fembe",hip Quali6ealio~ in tho Philippino Islan<b A Scottish Rito 32" Mason n .. d a Roy"l Aroh M ... on of the York Rito Frederio Harper Stovens, Provincial G.n"d 1\fnator. W. Hu. o Chapman. Pro,·lncin ] Grnnd Scerelnry. ORD ER OF TH E AM AR ANTH Fa r Eas t Court No. 1 (~Ieet' F iltb Floor. Philn .. b.. nk Bldg .• Eacohm. S~eond Tue-d .. y of e&O h montb) TEL. 2-36·53 ),1 ... Belen Clegg, Royal Mntron.

~ff4e 1!~e~etT..: ,~~~'i~~eAM~~r.:'t~ ~,~;:~~n.

Mr . Charl es Bce K er. Auoci"le P atton. :\1 ... Lila A. 1'yi'''' Trct\lJurcr . MI1I. Nora Sylv~ter. SU relar y.

NE W M ASON IC T EMP L E ASSOC I ATION. I NCO R PORAT ED (Bonrd Meeting! Fir s t Mond,,~' 01 Eseh MOllth) P. O. BOX 39S-TEI•. 2·15·0!> OVfleEBS:

C. i\I. Cottcrmnn, Pr~ident. J . II. Alloy. Vice·Presidcnt. W. W. I.arkin. Seoretnry·Trc..... tcr. C.

"",,:cuTn·E CO'""I1'1"1'I:&: CotteTlnan L. [\1. nn""mnn Steve~ W. W. Lnrkin


F. H. J.




G. A. Clegg

C. AI. Colterman S. H. Deebal G. n. Ihrvey

E. E. Winl,(


l\[. Bausman W. W. Larkin "~rne E. Miller G. W. Porler ~'. H. Steven.

PL ARIO EL TE M PLE ASSO C IAT I ON , INCOR PO R ATE D 520 SAN ~IARCEI, I NO Conrado Benite~. President. Joeeph H. Alle~·. Vie.,.I're.ident.

S!:~'~tnO 8B':Icl~~IT;!:~~:~B~~~·d Chai r man, BOUie Com. mittee. E,lobDn MUnllrri,.. Dire<>tor. Orestc:!!' H . Direotor. E. dol Roul' io Tan l{ianJ{. Director. Edlvard M. M ... tenmn. Directo,. Antonio Gonule! , Director.

Customs and Postal Guide Port Charges, Manila Customs Administrllti\'o-Ordcr No. 30·1. PilotJgo lind "iloillge fcea; Special regulntious and .lItes; .e\,o"Inll: CUlIloms A'lministmt i"e Orde !'1l Nos. 143, 144, !Gfi, 182, 107, 2M. 2.55. 277, 283, 289 lind :}O1.

p..!:~~~:p~} s~ti~~' l~r~h~!itK(l :td::,~~\i:t':alt~~ c~:ll' ~7

the Philippine 1.IItDda of 1917. Ihe follo"'i ng Ipeoial .egul"tions IIlld fee sohedllies for pilotallo in t ho Phi lip-pine Islllnd. "ro Ilereby promulKuted to tnko ofToct .m Februllry I, 10;).1. Pnr. II. The Clnployment of. n pilot fnr coastwiae !c,,·ice ill Phi lippine ~Aters of pilotage tl islri~te o. betwcon pilotnge dj$tri~\.!I shltJl bc option"l, but when lequO!.tcd lind rendercd th o pilot periormin!; the 811me .hnn rccoi"e ns oompo",,, t ion thc. efor not to eJc~ed

~~~~~~ r!'~:at~:r;lOb~)6~:\,~:;r8~~dtr~~~,';;;:'ti~r~~iI8l~ jcc~

to pri'·lIte eontrllct in ~ch ellSC. Par. II I. An)' "eucl Orn \)]oyin g " coo8t\\"iao pilot bctwl"cn pilolnge tlis\ riclS altll I I'll)' tho \).escribcd comIllIller)' or optional pilet·~lIo fe~~o thc pi ots' \l.!tSOciAtion withill wh"s ... jurisdi ... i·,nll! I\" ~t\rs .1,,' l,un "r ~",d a8"'-

~~fc:,,;r,O~f~,;;;d~~~d pil~~R:on~;5t~-:1 t:n~~~~,',~~~ i':, ~t

dition to tho compensA ti on pro\'i~cd for in pUrRllmph If, shn lL pAy to tho ""Ocilll;on in tIle di.lrict in whiehuid ~;s::Ull;:~itc~ tho compu!,o.y pilolllllO or berth;n;: fec

Pnr. IV. AllY \,8, cmpl yi ng n di~tric~ pil(lt from onc pilotage district to nno her, in nddlli en to tho com -

r~~j;",:i~~~J:,~~~'I~~di~o~h~n Jlslr;:~"r~' '~:'i!'I~t:~~'b s~~~~i'\)~

piloted, the eom pubory pjl(t~;o fec I" c"ided for 811id district. PM. V. When" I)ilol i~ "ellt On bonrd "e&!Iclthru '1llornntino Or other ClIllSe5 be)'ond hie control, he ~hllU be elltitlcd to subsistencc nnd to pny lit tho ",to of eight JX'sos ( rs.oo) JX" d,,}'; 1'.0"id8d. Ij'h"t lin timo less th~1l twenty-four (2 1) holU s Rnd O,'er 11;" (6) hou .. ~hBIl be counted as ona dny. P"r. VI. When p;!otllge I cr"ice is rendered nt IIny pan betwfen I"",sct lind 5;00 a. m .. lin addit i ~"D ! chorl!e 01 50% ovc. Ihe . egulnr pilot" Kc fc~ sb,,11 h" ,"'id. Till. ","Iitionnl eha'lto Or o,·ertilne leo sh"l1 li"o"·ilie be paid when pilot~r;;.e servico is commcncc,1 bofore nnd 6 ni ~hcd "fter s" nset or cor",,>n"~cd bolore ,,,,,I finished "ftcr 5:00




1'.... VI I. Public "es!efa and those in tho sen'ieo ef Iho Federal or Insulnr Govcrnment; nl~o IU1;". 10f~bns. lll"nch,,", ""d othor ,',,""cis cn""gcd soleI)' ;n fi"c r or

~:!b~~o~~~~~h:p &~"Or~~~I,~~r~~~h6,~t::'VI~J~<l:')' m~i!; lel\i~o is rcqu""ted llnd rendered, such "C.a!eb !h,,\l p~)'

the fe", Ipccified for othcr "~ela. I'M. VIII. T ho pilet nKe fcea hc.eiMfter "uthori~cd to be collectcd for II"d 011 "CCOUllt of the r",pteti,'c Ililou' ...... ocilltions. in t he "'''''''er nnd "t Iho rntCII pre-scribed. sl1nll be known l1li .. lilTl"'u "",/ Clc""1r!(e p((~," "DvIM"/I," F~ •• "U"",oo.-i"o Peu" Dnd "Shifli .. ~ Peu": 1'.o,idad, Th llt wlion shifti nJ': is ord rrcd by cu.. lO",. o r ~~~i{ l~or:e~d~~~i~~;'ep~tt:r.:r~~~ auch change of be.lh l'n r .. I X.

AU pilotnlte fees r..o,· idc:d for ilcrcin ft.o shll ll

tlc"~~dinl~l~,,~".,~~~c~rc;ro~l\'i. ~'~\,!;'l~~,~alnnda uud 12$

Pa,. X.

MANH.A PILO'l"S ASSOCL\ TION The l'ilot8' Aasocillt;ou fit tho ]>or~ 01-

~;:,~il'Ad~~~i~tr:'~i :,~e E~~~~8iO~~. of\ ~~~:f,~vl' ~!l~!$f"!r

Urt" pilot",. onc of whoIn ,iLn ll be known lUI tho chief

f>W;,tl"w~~~~r~~i~:\:n~ei~~~~~~~i~~(t:~e:cit~.,: ~~I ~:~~

peIl.'llltion for suoh Cltrn 5Cn'i~eo one hund rNl 1"\00.00) pes~ pcr month, which umo... ul shull ho 00115;( crcd !~ n current expenao 01 the us.,oc",tion, 10 ba deducted. w,th

:f~~rofW::'~~' ::~~n::nn:::~t~t~~~::~.!°tl~~;e:.Lt.ViPa •. X I.

All leC/l horei n ]Ires<lribed for th .. Maniln

IJJ~~~~~c~li~~tii~'Ctih~I~T~r!l C~ill~it,~d Ab~o.,i:t1o~lI~ottoln\1~~

than tho ]"st day of the mCIIlth d u,in g whieh th pi!Ot,'l1\1I service. 11.0 rendered. No ciclI,,,nec ah ..11 Ix! "ron led 10

~~~;C~:':n:~t ho:,.c~b~;n O~Lnd~j~~ ge,:'~~o l~~~dni~~ IIp,~,)~~~~; s~~isflloto r)' t o tho [uIIU[IIr Co[[cctor of CUlItO Ill I.

Par. X I I.

Upon pr(!5entation of prnpcr~)' .ccrtified

;;'°c~eth:I~!ln~c~!'~~ot~~r ~~~~:,' c~j, !:,~~,tO~l~.i~~·~

~I~! r~~~~~r:h:p ~o el:~I%iIt~l~~d~~::u;j~l!b~n~h~ll~hl~i

Pilot. Pllr XIII At the cLoso of Mcll month, li nd lit tho end oi 0:1<1h ell[cndllr Yell., tho MnniLlI Pilot's A!<IO(:illlion shll[[ fo",[or 10 tho I nsu!II' CuUoctor of Customs repo! Ur i n IICQ,,-:luuco wilh Ihe pro"iaion~ of Cll.'Itoml M,,,,"o Ci rcnlll; No. 97. dated NO"(lmbe r 39, I~H;. t ho !\.!lid rcpnrt9 to be mlldo out on the for"'11 prescTlbed lind 1"0"ided by Ihe Bureau of Cll.'Itonll.


"e~~~~t ~}~he !r:n~f!I1>'rl~t-lf~~~~~i=. PB~gj~t n;"d tf,~ pro"isionl and in tho mnnncr hc.cinuftcr pteSCub('(l:

DOCR I NG o n U :AVI NG PI ERS PII •. XV. Pil otago 111 .. 11 bo com[lu\lot)' 10' foreigll \"essel. of Ih'e hundred lIrou lOIUl ,!r o\"er doekllllC lit. or lelwing "n)' Illslllnr Go\'crnment P,c. find tha lollow,"" feos Ih" U h(l Imi ... : "cMoll undor 1.000 t ona ne~ ......... " :.~:l: ~::::l: ~~'e~'~oot° t!;!~~~~1UI net.... H 2.5 ~ch H owe,·cr pilotage Illall bo op t ionn] fa. on)' \'CNlol "nchoring Or ledv;lIg nn nneho",I'I:e behind lila brc.~k ... ntcr, but a houlu pilo\1l1l0 acr";cea iK! re(JIlClltoo lind . cnde.ed. tbo following leO!! 81"111 be [In,tI: 1"1 2 00 e.~eh Vcael, under 1.000 10M net. .... · 18 . 00 cn~1t Ves..cll of 1.000 t o 3.000 l OllS nct ... 2&.20 e/lab Veucb o,·cr 3,000 tons neL PILOTAGE. I'AS IO RI\'E R Pnr. XVI. P ilota e 1IhllU bo ~"",!Pllll"r)' ro~ of 60 regiatcr ne~ tOtl!t, or 1I,'e" cntenll.!; (lr clc:nnll.!; fro'" tho 1'Ilaig mvc.; and lucl, "eMl"f.e fth,.ll ho ' c-tJUI.ed t o Pll)' lor lII i" set\'icM lit tbo follOWing "'tea per ""ah th ree! dceimetelll (ono foet) drtl ft upon 8nl1'1lnce or eleannee: \'"""ell under 2.50 toIlS. groat "'&latcr: ..•... t"g .~ Of 2:;0 nnd under 600 to .... grou rcpsler. . ,6 Of 500 to"', grOloll .eeislc., o. o,·c,... . 0 {l:::;


PHliLIPPINES SHIFT I NG I N THE P ASIG RIVER PIIT. XV II. P,lotllll:f! for v_el. ,hiftill\; be rt h ;11 Ihe PAS'1t Rivror, wh~1I dOllo ,,·;tboul letting ~o "U mOOr;11118. Iball be optiollo\. Pilotage for ve&IIeb of 60 regisler nel tons Or o>'er•• ubjco~ 10 compulsory pllot"ge UPOll enlmnoe or olenrnllte. ,hiftinll be,th Or nnehornlle under I tellm Or by towing. ,hn]] be COm l)ubory. elld fcee tberofor .hBU be p"ill nt th o tato of forty centn.v~ ( !"0.4.0) per lMeh thr/!<! dl!<lim~tc"' (Olle foot) drnft: Pro,·ided. Thnt >'C9d. e~cn,pted from oompuloory pilotllgo by the preeedinl; p~rn~rngh .hnll not be rI!lIui rod 10 Inke II pilot

~~,lh;!~d:.~.r~I';e .~~:l:.;::~ ~~I,;~': :~r.~~c~~~I~e!b.!Wb!

p"id PM. XVl li. Any pilotngo len·;co not olhen.·iso IPecitiea]]y provided for herein. rend~red within the I,mits of the 1II11nilll Pilotago Di.lriOI •• hnll be oplionlli. but if , cllull'!ted nnd rendered. shall be perfnrm~d by 1\ rellulllrl)' licensed pilnt of Iho Mnniln Pilnl5 AMocilltion. lind n fee 01 ono Pe!!O nnd Iwellt)'-tive centllvos ( I'1 .2S) pc. cnch Ihree dedmete ... (one loot) drnlt $hnll be pllid tI.e.efor.

lo.t'';n~~e o;~id~etth;V~;;lt~r~rr~f;':f,o fWI':ili"o;i,,:il~~~

chnTged tonnngc dues nt th~ Tn'o ol f>O.I Z& pcr !let r~gi8tcrcd ton or 1'.35 i?or ]'000 'kilnll:Tnms of anrgo dischnrged nnd Or Indon ,n l 'hilip pin o porh. The rntr

r~cc~:~~~~: ~h!~O~ftl. '~~ld t~~ ~m~l:i'r~0:i6~~:::jgr~~~II~! bMis. 9n me is mn~e onl}-·onco and nt tho ti l'llt Philippine port 01 onl.y entered on \J'M >,oyagl!.


Pi,... Ckorue, l'uu~¥!s"d;no Of Tak;no 0" Pa ... 0' 1'ok;nu Water o;.J f·lId.-VCMOI eng"f,ed in



their b'llIllllle. or to tllke on w.. ter OT fuel fOT bunken. chnr)ted 0'" eM/oro pcr gTOIII ton if remllin'lIg nt pier or ",h",! not mOre th"n g hOUT5\ If for mOre Ihan 8 hoW'll the regul~r pier eh".ge lor \'~ellln"di"g Or 1000dinil a rgo i. mllde. Who./Rue Churou 0 " EI<porl, . -A whr fng., chMlLc is colleclell. ITom the nporte •• on all gOod •. wn ret or mcrehandi~. cJcept 0011. forC!l I producu. tement. gusno. the minernls nnd oret 01 coppe •. Ic"d. zine. iron "nd steel mcl-lll •. rettnclnr)" lold OTCS. "nd IU.t,;IIT molnner. prOll"et 01 the Philippine hlnnds. Ihipped Or expOTted fTOm the Philippine. M tho Inle of 1"2.00 pel' 1.000 kil~ gross. C,,~/oml .Ifani/cil and Bill 0/ 1/.01/1. CI,o.~.-The C""loml feel On entrRnee nnd oleanmeo manif""ts of vessels engn~ed in l oroiln Irllde "re 1'8.00 ( N.OO fOf en\tRnee lind 1'4..00 elenrllneo). On outwIITd bill of b~1th 1'1.00.



Pi~. Ch~rfl~' for

I' ..,d, Di,~·hortl;"'f1 o. LoaiJinll Carlld.-

VI!!I!el. c"gn({cd in forcign Irnd~ !>erthing lit Go'·ernment pie.s o. ",hllT" cs for Ihe I'urpoee 01 d;~chRr&ing Or lead-

109 CIITgO. "'e ohll'l{ed on, ond one-hlf em/a co. pcr


ton f"t the tiru 24 hou ... OT pft.t the.eof; lind for !!IIch luee.,.,.]ing 24. hou ... , o. P"tt thereof eJee~ing 6 hounl. the II1me ehn'(lo io IOldo; ;>ro.idcJ. that the m .. rimum ehsTlLe .h .. l1 not "",eeed f>2oo pcr d"y: ,,"d ",orn'ded f"rlher, thBt R "1!MI!1 whi<!l' relurllJl from ""other Philippine porI without louching lit n forei,n port. shnll only be eharged one-half the Tell"IRr rato. , I,.a. lre Cb<lrutl on Imporl CtJ'O'o.-,\rr ... tro eharller fo' rece;\';ng i"'polt clltgo from .hip·1 lukle. di liTibulinll nnd !tRcking on pie~ or whn,,·~. rehnndHn!l; onln cnn_ sign~es tmn!port:olion or On trnn! port5lion 10 bondod wn.ehou.e. >'nrio~ nocl>rd ing to eI".. of mer<:hllndise. l ellT,o i. "LIS I}er Ion 01 1.000 kilo.. ;;~'~O!~b~~


,·I, ... ~t,. Cha'Uti Oil EI<po,/ CO'Qo.-ArrMtrc chllll;U for 'ecei"ing export c"rgo on the pie ... nnd wlo",,·c. Irom eXpoTtOI'll' tr"n~pO!tntion. nnd 1}llteing scme in . hips· .Iing "Brill'! Aoewdi.,,; 10 cln.. of merchllndise. Thc rllte on 110110."1 CMIIO 11 1'0.00 peT 1.000 kilos or 10 cubic fcet.

oh~:~':~~;:O" Ift~~g6~t f:~TI~~~~I\~'~T~rl~~c:~.;;;~~d:,h~~~~'~~

coni "nd lu",ber. i. ",,,de III tho mte or f'0. I tr; per ton of ~O cubic feot Or 1.000 kil os. Crude nil. k~roMnc nnd g"~olino in lot ~ of ov~r Ion I·ho".nnd CMOS or it~ ~q";v~I~M muy be CtC.llptC(] 'ro'" the d.ceking d,",~~: "bo "c..'"ela II ... iYing "'ith n eonoiljnmonl of One cnmmo<iily only eoneilln ... l to One con".It"ce and ddi>'cred "t shipside, mAy be c~oln pted 'r on. tho cheeki"" eI'''I'I~e "pon apl.lie,,t ion to The ~I"nil" lInrbnr Doard. l ubjcct to the IIpprovlll of the Collector 01 CUllolns. 1I'<l1t. CI,arl/<I.-FrClb wntcr i. 1I>'lIibble lit each tner "nd ",hllrf f''Im pipe connectio". "I l'O .Z5 pc. ton. 'VAtet i, delivered by water pu"'p. boot, to veg I. lit onehor Itt 1'1.00 pet ton. Distilled waleI' ftom the GO'·Cl nment lae l'lnnt i. furni.hed nt 1'10.00 per ton plWl 1' 1.00 lor !illlte.""a.

eit~~~t~ ~~~::I o~t~:~~i:~Il:~;..~\·~~n,,~:::;- ::3c~hl~~

the CoUecler of Custom!. " ohorgo for Ihil . ",viee i. mn<le

~~"~~ :b~~.df v~elJO"'h~'n ~'l~r.·od ~~u~Koll~~ I~~~. f~

du.ter. $IUMorinll ChnrOU.-5ta>,odorinc eharcr:er VnT)' ne,,"rding to the dR" 0' OMgo handled. A rnl e of I'0.37r; per ton i, the chnrga on cr:enerel I!8T~O. Liflhl"'oO~ Chn.O<'•• -Li[lhternr,:c 01""1,," <lepend upon the clan. ond quanlity of the commodity. time in "Clvice. etc. The rllte chATged on Ilenerlll earl!;O ITo'lI "e<I!'cl nt anchor to lIiel'll or whan'u is 1"Z.OO pc. Ion.

Duties on Imports A Table of Leadin!! Articles Imported in to the Philippines NO'PE: - n.c.'!I. indic.t~.. "n ot elsewhere opooified": "-'•. indi eQte. " nd valorem" duty . nates quoted n.e U. S. Cur rcncy. Aeidl, n.e.1 : Inorllllnle IIdlll: (II) Hydrochloric, boric, nitrie nnd s"lphuric. And mi~tn re!! of two more of Ihe IIIme .. '0,35 I'or 100 k,. (hI Carbon dioK;de li<I"i<l ~nrboni~ noid) nnd .ulphur dioJide. 20'70 n.\·. (c) Not olhcnvise provided for, .••.•.•.• 2li% II.\'. (d) All inorllBnic neid •• whcnehemicnllypu re.30% •. v. O,lIni" neidt: (al Cllrbolic.. , 10'70 II.V. (b) Other.. .25% n.V. (c) All orlPn'" pcida. whenchomi ..lIypur<:.30% B.>'. AI.ionlln.,,1 lrnplement.IJ .11i% n.>'. Altun Am oni" ••. ,....... 15% ~.>'. Ako\.ol •. , •.•......... . .. '0.60 peT proof liter Alcohol. Amylic.... . ... . 26% II ' •. . 1l6% a .... Alcohol. Methyl...

Anim"ls for brced inll purPOSe!! F. E, Rc,istcrcd .. , F. ee

~~';;;~~·Fi;e,-:,-:,-,-,-,-,-,-,-::,- .-~grt


Aulomobil t'll P"IIIC"II:C' mllU Irnn~ ................... 20 And 15% a.,', Ani",,,ls I"o<iucls (100 k,). 34.00 Asbestos .................. 11;% a.v. Ibrlcy in gen'n .•..•.•.••. $0.~6 lor 100 ks G.W. Bud~. gl""" ........ , ..•.• 35% II .". Bead•• !.oreoll\;n in .lri"II' .. 4.0% lind 25% II.V. Bccf. ,Iuttoll and Prok:


.,.':: ::~r n~~:. ~~ k::>,.G~~~;·Z5%

a.v. ).leer. alo in rc<:cplBde OVat 2 liten., ............... $.1.00 hectoliler Iliolol!ieal lind phm.m aceu, ticnl products: (I» Antito~'~. ,·"eo;nOl. vi"Il'e._, laru", . lind bMt<!l'int. when in,port~d in eap. IIIOI. pilla. t"bl et5. 1000an_ ges. Iroehe!!. Ilmpoul_ cs. lube., Ot in 011.1'1' cllu;>,alcnt reeep. tllcl~ ......•.•. ,.,20<;:' a.v.


130 (b)

Pharma~eut ic,,1 duct~. me<iiQinBl

prop rl!plMters

Cutlery, pocket. and UIOTII.30% II.", Clltlery, butohc,'s, shooIflBkcr's. s"ddler's, plumb-cr's I)Binte,'s pmni,.,g, nnd building kn;,'ca: grnU

Ile,"t.on!. and poultices and C"[,,,ulce empty .... :lO~ II.",

~~r~:~ ~;o ,~r'kfn£O~!~';KLgi)~ 25 ~



n.G. p.f .•.... .. ....••..•• 81.50

unwrought .... . ... ... ... SO.30 );8.

R~~~1;ic·.:::::::··::::::::~~ ~:~::


CJ~~r"-: ·a·,;'o;J.; '~~I;';a' '~nJ 11>% R.I'.

30% B.v.

DrUlha!, bri.llo ..... " .... 30% n.I'.

ll~~Il'cr,C;:."ra~.?>;cn ...... :~~:~ ~:~, Ji'r~~I~1

w. of im. m. cant. Butter. imiIPtion ......... SO.IO ko. indo w, of im. m.

cont. Uuttonl, pc:>..]. (kilo) •.•••. $2.50 Or 50% 11.\',

"lluon.. bones, porcelain,

COIllI,osition, wood. stool,

iron. o.similar m .. t .. clab .. SO.30 .. kilo or 25% a.v. Buttons. other !Ontennl •.... SO.IiO n kilo or 25% n.,', Buttons. platinum and "lIoy or gold............. 512.50 hectogram Or 25 % a.v.

13\1tto"~. eih'cr B"uu110),9 .. 51.00 IocotollT'OII) or 25% u.v. nuttons porcelain (kilo) ... SO.:JO or 2;;% n.,·. Buttons. elee,·o 9nu colin. Cn~~I~1 '~~~~~nd' (ioo' ki;.·S2AO kQ. or 21i% II.".

C:':~ {';,~gsha\~~ \O·tl~;'::. :~b:?g

Cun"M for sails ftlu:.

to 50.1-1 ko. ..£0.70 to 50.15 ko. pillS 15%

g:r~'n' 'Di~~idc:"". .." \ .... '" ·3OIsnrl:'~. CArbolic Acid.. 20 A.".


Ca.borundum :::: \.:: ::~:: Caq.els, CQUQn 30 n ,. CArl'CIS, woolen :::::::::35~ A:V: Cas. Heg.slcr ......... . 2510 A.V. Cement .................. ~'il5 pcr tOO ks. gros. wcidlt Cernmic lill101, "Arnishcu (;cTn,~:~~Ctll'::I~tR:'CJ; ;v·tie't.h: 5 45 por 100 ka. grom lV~illhl cr vitrilied Qr tlot, ennm· el~I, or namented or dec·

Ct~:lt~~d(IOO' kS:)~:::::::: :~ho II: :: Charla. 'nAp:! ...... . ...... 30z.: A.". Choole, all ki!lili. common .. 15 ~ n.,·. g:~~i.I~~] i~'r~~ ~'rl;,·mi.i IS,. I1.V. (100 kls.) incl. w. of im. Chc:e~~4te.· j;" for';"~ 'of' c4kc510.00 pOlVdere (I kJ.) incl. w. of

:88 ~:. g. \~,'.

~~~,~~~'~·n'u··,;emc;'t50.051)Cr 100 k~. G.W.

Ioor Il.'·.

r.1:::: cC:~r~::l: d~U~C:t~ '~';ri j~?t ~.~::

&~~: 1~~~~~edG:;ou~.i" ·0~55.30 "er 100 \:e.


C~:f:e,·i~·pkgi.·b;'·3·i.;::~J:~ ::~~ \~ k:~.. Gi·~~'l. of im. eont. lI.v.


Frllits. Apple~ , Olllng~, . ........ $1.25 fTI1OIIo .•. .., .. 25 % F'lTs. 1~\Irlliturc, wood, line enr'·· cd, ...... ...... 50% . ..... $5.00 Ginscng root Ghw: (Il)

g::::,.t'~~~YBllOH 'dIC;~oi,25'70

per 100 kI. C. W, nud 35% !l.V.

n.". Ilt'r kito or 25%n.v.

Slltb" ~OIlU Or prilms for p{wing. or r006n;.

ruo:.lT(!dw~f!t: .. o~~St.6.5

(b) nollcd, e.o\\"n.

cylinder. !lnd ah<ll!t gl::,sJ

fl~' :.r~IoI!~O

R.I'. n.V.

simitnr purpOllC!il, neither ground. pol· ished, be"cled, ~n





C~~~~I '!~ry: :: :::: :::: ~~~ ~~v,(lO%

].cr 100 k•. Qr 15%


Co~~~. ~~~I~~':: . ::::::::: :~~;~5 "';~r .lr;OO'·k·~.

pll15 SlIrtax

g:~~:~ Z~~~~'tn~~~~:::5i~ ::~: (polo) Bnd Velvcl..$O.50 kilo

COHon PL",bca

g::::~: ~~;;a;'n·.·lB·ee::::::~


~~~,i~~~p:~~i~~L;.; ·';R';';::~.'&

in brick!!, lil~, nnd 1)'pl1Ol.15% n.v. CIQ-(lks , n.e.1 wRI18, Inb]~ .. 25% II.V. Clothing. ready m~dc, silk

In bnu. I)lpel, Bnd BhcClt~. or nlloys of cop""r, in lumpa Bnd inlots, Bny of ~hCl foregoing induding Muut~ nlet,.,l. , . . ....... 10% Copper, gRulcd ........... 20 % Copper, manufactures Qr, d~~~~:" ·ni.i.n;,r~~tu'.~·· 'Of: 20 % nickeled ..... . ... . ...... 25 % COttOIl Glov"s, knit ted .... 31>% Cotton Ihnd ke.nhicfs hem.

D~:;~.. ~~.u... ~.):C.'~~IO~ all<\ 15% rcapect i"cly Dyno.mile ................ ]O R.•·. Eo.nhenwllrc, plliuted... ,. AO 0 n.I·. poreelR,n, EnnhcnwRrc, pillill .......... , ........ 26 % II.". EarthenwArc, poreeln'''' etc. E for dccotl\l'ng .. .. ..... .. 50~ II.". n'¥.r~\:'C~;i~r~~~~:~~~d or: ;n for m .... 58.00 per 100 I:r(>q \\"n'g ht (b) "owders nnd other I"operation not olhcrwi~c provided n.I·. for ................ En;rll.,ings ............... 30 E~tracl!!. melll. ........... 26 a.l'. Fans, nil kinili ... . . , . . .... 35~ B.", n.,·. Fel\lher for ornaments..... 00 Fell!!, wool. ............. AO 0 II.". Ferlil'ler ~. IIl1i6"is\ or "ltom;cul.. .............. 5% n.V. Ferli l i%~TB, gUllno manure ... Frco FibeTII, rnw Or Lnckled .... 10% Il.V. t~i"er!, IIOt otcrhwisc 11T00Fi;~,~:~/o.r:: ........... : :lZ~ ::~:: Firo, Cn~ke'B , kilo........ 20 ~enla Fill. , cn"ucd, pl ll~n ........ 16 ~ II.".

fuh, Imokod. dried, no~ ellnned .. , .............. $3.75 100 k!!., C.W. Flannel!, ,,"oolen in piece ... 3fi% II.". Finvorilll'; e~l rll"~ (wilhou~ 8100hol) Or not more tloo.lI 14 %, ...... , ........... $0.25 ])ef kilo Flo."orins:: ~~trnel!! (with olcohol mOfe Ihlln 14 % ... 50.35 pcr kilo, Of 50% n.v. Flu tUlill1Ol, manura~tures of n.c .•. 10 ...... . ... . .. 50.09 ko. to SO.OO ko plus lurluca Or 20% n.I·.

C;~'~'.:sr~~~i·cig~;ctt~:::: :~~.()~enk~. 0!n35 fS%·:.v.


.""Jor urtiele!! nnd wenJl' OIlS wi th concellied bIRuell.,.... 80~ n.v, Cutlery. tnble...... ,. . .20 B.". p.'·. DiBmonds.eut an.\ 8~t ..... 2.5 DiRmopds, cut but no~ aet .. II> 0 0..". DTup, crude animo.l .. , .... $>1.00 per 100 kl. or 25% a.v. D,u"", I'cg .••• , ••.••..••.• !3.00 100 Ita. Or 25% R.\', D)'ca, Brtilicilll. .... , ...... 30% n.\'.

kilo nnd 00 %



ed, nnncli led, Bet in 1~l\d, nOr [u" ted. . 26% n.'·. The .... me. gTound, polishN!, beveled. engrnved, aoid.f!teb· ed, d<ll!ort'lted. ...... nnmenled, snnu.lod, ac t in le:ad, nt [rOlt.!<l



pbin Dr in deeign.

cd Or printed. ~h"ll be dutiable as .uc h, with a .urlU of ~"·cnty-fi .. e Jl(lr centum: Proo"I.d, ju"he,. "hnt nny t"dilo el",,~ilic<l und~r this pnrnpnph. mnnufMturc<i \Vith dyod )''''''S . Il1n l1 be dutiabl(l n8 ~uch, with" 9u rt .. "

c~~vt~!l~~ .r:~~S.h.~:40% n.,'.

(d) GI"". M nll kin(l~. onlfl'n\'od Or e",,"nci-

Glovee~~oti~t;: j,,·n·ittcd:.: :i~~ ::~: Golf S~iak8. . ... . . 25% n .... GlttaO!le . . ••.. $1.00 par 100 k,., C.W. Gino .......•.•..•......•. 25% II.V. Gold, mnnurM~uru of, no, jewalry .......•......... 512.50 heotogrnm or 25% Gold, nH"nufll.ctUl"c. of set, with pcnrt., prceious Dr _ami·prccio"" 8ton~ ..... $2;;.00 hocto,,"lIm Dr 25%


Gold, 8Rmo ad, with imitation l>end.. , Or preeio"" Dr lemi-l1ro:<'io"" uones .•... $17.50 hectolrnnl

Dr 25%


Gold, or I.blinum, ntnnufoc_ Lurc of. (except iewelry) oompOted in pllrL of other mnterin!a, not othorwige provided ror, pelld. for mo in dentistry, solder nud foila •....•.•....... $3.00 he<ltolfrollt Or 25% n.v. Goveroment Supplie. .•.... DtitiRblo if forci!: lI. Grindaton\lll .••............ 15% II .". HRir. or hog., curled for

nllir~t~rll~Ji.·O·tu~c;;,·~.~\~ ::lg~ ~:~:

Hni.. humnn. Untn~uu£oettlred ............ , ..... ~O% II.". Ham. nnd Bncon, not ellnned. • .... 54.50 l>er 100 klI. incl. the w. Of im m. cont. rr~~~""-"!O~;PI~ic:' ~o~· i~im:25<;'<V' ,',

HII7sC.'I·c~~~'ie~~t~~~I" trim~SO.3;j \ch or 35% II.". moo .........•........ ,.50.20 or 35% II .... Hilt.!!, complete lind Irim_ med, atrllw lind IInlllo;o"" mRtoriRI ....••.......... 500.60 CI\OI\r 00% 0. .... ntlt., COmplolo llUt not trint_ mod .................. , .$0.35 o".h r 00% n.'·.


ll:rnj;,'bo~d~ia::"'::::: :~6%lIl~' 30% 11.'-.

Te~~~I~t~!r~':l1i,,~~id:J~;,j,·: t~,?;~r;!i~b~e 6J:~~

nakoo, l1"eillling thir')'_Ii e kilos. or lIIote per ono hundred squa.e mctel"ll hnvingUp to teo ,I"c.,ds, used for b"l;"Jinll; Rnd bailing. wcip:lting foeW-Iive kilos, or more per One hundred squllre metOI"ll. I;ilo, ono eent.


(b) (~)

r.~~ :n:~'p:~o~";~n{u~d~:!J ~~~~~~fi;;'~t~;I"lI~om;,

two cent.!!. Up to ten thrClld~. for other [lurpOlle~. kilo. ~~ .. en ~cnl~.

!~l ~i~~te~~V~I~r!~J:,igoh,te;,~t~~'kil(~~' t,i\I~O~o~~~~:.t&. thi~r;~':a·:;n~II';:~~lc~~r.c,r1tt~lr b~~~t~~] stu::~~:

cd. Or I><intcd, slollll b(l dUli"ble n. suah, with " "IIrt"" of Iifteen pcr centum; />ro."d.d Iwrlh." Thllt any textile dR$sHicd under thi. l1aragraph. mllnufnotured with dyed yll ..... Ihllil bo dutiable .... " eh . with II a.. tt.n~ of,'o per centum; lind Proridr<1, j .. rlher. ThoL no artiele eln~ified under elnU5C3 (c), (d), and (e) of this p'''lIlt1" .hllll pay II Ie:$! rate of duty tl1I,n twenty l1er centum ad ,"alorem, The ~nmo "'ei¥hing from t,,'cnty to thirty-livo kilo. Jl(lr O"e hundred Mjuare meters. Ioavioll"_ (a) ~fo,tOt!~n ::::.ds, used for bllggi"Q: nnd bnlinr. (b) U.p to ton thread., fe. other Pllf" kilo, ntno oents. (0) fo'rom elov(ln to eighteen lhrClld a, kilo, fourtoen eont ... (d) P rotn ninoteon to twcnl)'-Iour thrends , kilo, oighteen cont.ll. (0) From twonty-6ve to thirtv threads, kilo, twontytwo eent.ll. (I) From thirty-onc to thirh'-eight threads, kilo. thirty cellt.a. (g)

TIJ!:..~.;:d!d~ ¥'~~n~ ~~fie k~\~N~~t:x ~.':.d~;

thi.o l1arnlr"ph, bleachoo, half bleached, ~l11mp.

fi~~~;,!~':J. j.~ W;: "TI~nt

'if .. nO IlrtiQle obuiliod "ndc. obluse. (b), (0). (d). (a). (f), nnd (g) or this pnrngmph shnll pay n 11!.Il8 "'to of dut~· thR n ~ ... enty-li,·e pcr eentum .. d vlllor~ln. Tho SDlnc, weighing from tcn to t,,'cnt)· kil(),!, per OnO hundrcd squ,," o meteT!. hn .. i,,!:-

~b~ W,.';.,~o n'i~~:~':tn [;r~'!..~~t~!}~~rl'W,lr6d~~n~ilo,

twellt)· cent~. (e) Front twenty-livo to thirty tlllC.. d. , kilo, twelltyeiclt t COllt •. (d) I',om thirty-nno Lo thirty·eight thre"d. , 1<ilo, thirW~i~ oon'9. (e) Thitt)'-nine th ....." d. or morc, kilo, lilt)·-. ix eent •. 1',odd,d, Th:1l Rn)' textile ohiO,ilied nnd er till. pnm~mph, hlc:.ohed. hnlf blc.'1ohcd. se"mped. (lr printed, ~ hnll be duti"blo "" " ueh. with II . urlAX of ft~~~tJ.,ye/"~~'~';'~"¥lmt nny toxtile eJlI""iliod ut1,I~r this p" ..... !:,,,ph. mo""lueture<i with dyed be dutinblc 0 • • uch, with (1 '"rtnx, of fifty lIer cont"",: 1"OOiriNI. further, Thllt nO IIrticle clll •• ilied

Yllr"~ .•I".ll

:l:::~rt'~!'~· t~i~~.g;~~~e~~~l,~ I~~r V~I~:~,!:r~~~1 01

/"ori,le<1. I"rlh .... Thllt nO. embroidered te~tile dn.~ir.('(\ n"der this pnn;uph .1t,,11 pa)' I",," ral~ of d .. I)· Ih"n thirty centu", nd valorem, "nd RI')' embroidered tntil~ so dousllied .han be suhjeet t o nil ,he ~urta", npplicnble thereto under !hl~ ,\ ct. computed upon the ... ~ert"ined Rmou nt 01 "ut~· . whcther t h~ rnte fouod applicable .hall be sJ>e~ific d. lid ,·"Iorem, The .,.m~. wei ;!. inl; I~~s tban ten kilo. l1~r (Inc hundred ~t re ittNer.> h""inl;(.. Up to tweh'e threllds. ki lo. eil;ltlcctt COllt~. (b 1"rotH thirt een to twenty-two thrends, kilo,




fony-li"0 cents.

(q) Kf~'~~~i!lt~~~~~nc to



thirty-eight thr~nd.,


to tl,iny

Thirty-nine threads or more, kilo flO cen~. UidM! .....•.• " ... ....... \0% , 15% to 25 % a.". Hollowware (S~, Glan , Ea,," thenwDre "od Poreelnin) H oney, retail pkg.. 53,00 per 100 4. indo w. of In. cOll,ntncu. Hone)" in bUlk •..••.•.... S2.00 per 100 k4. ",o.s.


n~~.s',~:;"r~c~~e;~ "..,;c~. ::~ : :gg f~: ~~30"% ~)~. M~~:~ ~~~\~>"I) :::~:g:~ ~:~l: HOt 'cry, eotton •• 25 % n." H )'tlrllCltlnrt ~


(loo ktl os) •.. 35 cr.",.



lltrc.s of, n. C. S.•.•.•.. 25%


I~~~ttj,r~~t;~~:.~' .v.u.I:~~t~'.C.d::n~ ::~::

30% a.".

Inl;. writin!:, .........•.•• 25Z: ~.". !nllrument.s, brlllS musica!..25 'io a.". Iron, C/lltt, nun, bcnm8. plntcs ( 100 kilOi '"r"".J., . • . • •.••. SO.35 iron. wrOllltht and .lec! rnil" atraight or !>ent (100 lout.)... . ... 40 cent.ll Iron lini~hcd: (n) Wheels, ,,:r1"9, "prinl!, brakeeh<>CII, dr .. wb"r~, b e .k. beam , bumpor' , "oupltnlJ (100 kilo.).A5 cent. (b) Wheels weighing 100 kilos or lCM .... 51.05 Iron, ntRllufncturcs of, tt.e. ~. . .... 15% to 20% ".v. Iron SerOw8....•.......... 15% a.v. Iron-tinnoo Pintos in Shocts.51.20 per 100 h. G.W. Tin plates m.nulactured .. 15% and 20 % II .... Iro n, wroullilt in sheCI., (0) J>]ain \ 100 kilo.) !lroes............ so cents (b) Poli.hed (100 kilOll) arron .•.• U.OO


132 Not Polished



an I. deat"'\. and the'Ilpeutio oppl inll~CII. iacluding ao-called el~t r ia belts. X·r ny nHlol,inC!!. vibl"8tOTY "r,])Urlltn8. elentro-

kilos) gi"OM ...•... (1.') cent!

(b) tdr~'\r~~~~~ ..(~??SI.OO mnnllrMtures of ".<l.p.£........ . ..... .40%

h OT),.

Jewolry, ,"old..

JO;;~~f~,~ol~~ a~~:i~~~~i~~ ! tonCi


1:~;,t~~.ou~~~C'T Oi~~~

. .SI2.50 hcctolo'Ttun or 25%


.......... 825.00 heMogram

.tr nmentH. imp lomenh. utenails. nnd II r tidea used in cnnnC()\ion wit h. for. or by the npplicatiop Or production of el«· troteehnieol. lhc r_ moelaeuio. gJ\lvnnie, Or glllvnno-mngnetio forre, /lnd detached

Or 25 %


told, wt ,,1th imi_ tllli on JM!Rrb, preeioUll or !omi-precioWi stones ... 517.50 hcctogrnlD Or 25%


Jewelry, s ilver. lI..",

Jewelry. !ih'cr, !ct with penrl!, precious or !cmj· I.reciou! stone! Or imitMion llearla, precious Or 8emi-predoWl stones.. .. S5.00

rea::o~~~."~~; ~:h~~




R. \' .

J ewel ry - gold or IIi Iver plated .... " ...... " ... $2.40 n kilo Or 25 % n, ", Jowo!ry I;old, tQ. . ...•.. 512.60 heetog rlHII 11m] 517.50 heot~lP"l\zn \0 525.00 hocto(O.nm Or 25% n.\'. J ewelry, sih'er, ~o ......•• 51.00 hOOtO/O'lI111 lind $5.00 hcoto,rllm or 205 % a.v. I~nit. Good!. wool, to . . . . 30~ t o 40% a.,'. Kait Goode •• ilk. fa •• 050 II.V. L:>.ces. cotton ............ 00 " n.\'. I.e!ld ...... .... .. ... .y .... 10. 15 lind 25% ~.". l~~ill!;·pe~ia~~~~iure~' ~.. IO% 11.'-. a.8 ................. .\:.35% II.". LiqUOri CAlcoholio) ..... :'\ .$0.65 ]~r ])roof liler Linen Tcxtlle! M:>.nwllc. turc.l n.e.! .............. 50.10 to 50.90. plu s su rtnxes Or 20% a.". LithoKrll])ha. pllper ........ 1Q.% n.\,. I.ithogmpha for Ad\"crtis-. , in~ foreign I),oduct. ..... Fr~ Lur"bo, pInned. common ... 20 lind 30% II .\" . ].. "",bor planed. fine ...... ..10 ", II.\'.


:'>Iachincr)'; (n)

OYllnmoa. goner_ ml Orl. gellerlltingset.., nitcrnntOnl. motors. nnd timi]"r machinery. not other"iae ~rovided for. rr1l1l5-

bO;t~~c:i~~nd !~~rt~f.~


boards. and switches. Ure lamps. telephono nu,j l olollr:lph jaat rumont"", fnns . bllzto ••• nnd nl~nunoin­ tor •• nmmctcts. "oltmotera. wattmeters. a nd simi]aT mea.!nring apparatus. dry "ad wet bllttcr;ClI. I\nd detMhed paTt! fOT nny of the forI!loi ng . lind lIt(icles used cxo ].,.,i,·e!y in the inst"IlAtion th~re of. insulators and in. !UlMing compound! nnd materilll! UlIed eulluively fe r el«. t rical pu rpo.ea, OIlTbon IIl1d inc~ndea­ aent bulb. and tubell ............. 15% ".". Cooking. rcfrignr f\l' ina:. nnd he.~tina: npp:m'tu. nnd ute n· •• la.chRlldelien!. dlUk "nd thblQ I"mps. lI""hH"hl3. OatiTonl, ~olde.J n,,,nd cur lilU:". !.ono. thc. mOOl\ute. _ ~IIS nnd c.~uteri.ia, lnatr niDcals. l<lT1li.



wi aa provided for ... 26% a.". Rndio appa, a(" •• and parI::!. apllnrt(>nnnoO!!. a nd aC0I!80rriea therefor ....... 30% n.v. :,>ralt.. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 1~rC() J\ l nlt Do,'erngea. . . . ...... $4.00 to 55.60 Ci der .... ....... . ... S~.90 ll oetOlilel :'> f J\tblc.: (lI) I n block Teugh Or ~qu"red .......... 20% n.,·. ( b) In I lab. . plntea or . tep ... .......... .. 30% n.V. (0) Any of lll.,,;e .tonca (e)


StonC,f. v:c~:~~~1\;; ·A~iii;-"i~~. \~;~. (Il) I n bh)(:k (100 kiIOll). IO centl (b) Crullhed. 8l\wn. hewn OT dres:5od ( 100 kilos) ......... 50 conti (e) Mnllu fnetnted (100 kilos) ............. $1.00 Or 30% a v :'> If\lchell. frietion , bO~Qd ... 80.20 ko. MIIUing. cooon .. . . .. .. . .. . :l5 ~ n.v.

~I~~~~r,n~::,tl~'i'P;';::::::: ::5¥t


MCToury. I:"'O:OS woight . . . . 10 conUi I)Of kilo Mien find h!.Va ........... 25;g. n.,·. MilIHtolleJ........ ..IS,g n.V.

~Iil~: ~;~~:~.c.~'....

:: :g<;~ ::~:

Mi lk /lnd Cl"eAlIlS. eOlllpounded wilh other IIUbstante!!. milk po ....dc. nnd tablets. . .... 20% II.". Mlncml l)JgmC!Dte ..... 10% II.V. Mol lUSu. n!!.l! ..... $3.00 PC! 100 U. if in reLail oontalDDtII. MollO)·........ . ...... .Free Motioa PicturC!!l Fi lm!. .35$ a. v. M,,/f8. fut' .... ........... :!5;C; n.v.

~1~~~~"ilr!~8~:::.:~~lt~:~~":"s : ~~~ :.~:

.. :~~ ~:~:: .. Free NIckel nlumlllum ......... 16% a.v. No"'.p~pors U!l!d fcr Old wmp"j"a: ..... .......... IO% Niekel. mnnufnetured...... 25 % II.". Oi ldcloth in the pioco and :'>llInufnctUloo ........... 16 ",nd 26% •.". Oil. Olive. in tubes or tina Nulla, btlLM "'ira .

~~~~p~;~::: ~~~:~hoaia


Oj~C~li:·':: i~"~~t~I~!::::: :~~ ::~:

Oil. "'hnlo and &elll. refined.

Ojb·;;;~·e;: .. :: .... ·:::::::~g;t ::~:

Onion •• frellh ............. $ 1.00 per 100 kjlne G. \\' Opium. liquid prepuntion .. 35% II.V. Opium. crude lI"d unnd "lterMed ................. 35% a..v. Oxidea nnd hydro~i des of pO\-lwium. aodium . bnrium ond OtllO T caua tie l a]kn]it!S. nOI othorwillC provided fO T and Bodn Mh....... .......... SO.!iO peT 100 0. ,,,),,, (a) Chemiaally pun!.... 30% a.". PILWtll .................... 16%. 20% aDd 25<;< '" PlLintinga Slid Msrblo St-at"ilr)' for publie institutio ..... ............... f'nlC!



P'J::'rl t:~b~::!f: eri~tt~l hoard, alr"wboard, and

$1.00 n poir or ......... 20%. 4.0%, 45% "lid 50%


Silk, coeno"....... . .. Free Silk Wll!te, 'Imn 8iJk, t1u55, .od thread..: Silk wMie ...... ... 20% II..V. b) ~S,ui~~j~~i~:,t ,:.cii:~ if immediate container, !tilu ........ SI.50 or 25% n.V, (c) FiOllll and twilltcd Iilk ............... 30% Il.V. (d) YIlN! and tbreads for .eWinl, c.ocbeting. dB,ninr, or cm-


etched, om -

bosnd. Or othe rwiAo olabDrBted, not ntherw;8/! provided for ...•.•.•..•. , . ..... 35% 11.'-, (d) Tho .amc. manufac-

tured into 'lrtie[cs not othcrwiae prodoed for . . . , ......... AO'lo a.", Paper Stock,. etude.,., ... Free ~:r:~~'\f:3i~r~es 'les~ . i4~; SO.80 ko,

broi<},",.'~~',~~d: Th~l~;~icic~ill.Uified undcrc1auae (b) ofthispnrnl;l"9.pb Ihall pny II, leu rale of duty thlln tw~My-fi\"e per centum fld '·Illerem. Toxtile•. nnd mllnu· factu.ea of silk

Alcohol.. ............ , .. 50% a,",

Patent Medi cines O"or H%

Pc~;~~~~l::."., ........ :: I~~ :~d

POD' not covered with gold

or Silver." ............ 25%



........ 54.00 ~~fl.',e.:,r.;undaieohoii.Q.. ·r,j~0.15



30% U,\', 100 ks.


Ph~!~!iaph' ·,\ib';~·.:::: :.184t ::~: Pho~olll"flphic CflmI'TILS ..... 2D% fl.".

Photogrflph Slides ......... 35~ P!"klcs. in ~I~s Vtltlables.$0,03 P, .... metalhe Iron. ..2:.% PipCII of c!IlY. 15% Pit"he,.... . .... 25% Po.celai n: (II) In filten flnd Ilrtiell!!! for unilary construction ....... 10~


}~ co:n~)~~. bO~~hl;,:15


wo'<:e "ninted ..... .40% In fin o decornted


a.,'. ko .• 20% n.,·


a.v. lind 50% fl.".


pcr MllnufMtutee: (n) LacC!II. whatever be the proportion of .ilk ............. 60%




~.v .

~~:::::: !~:!'i,ff::.hh::'-'- .-~J:82 ::: :~::~ 8: ~':. ~~I~Ir.W~ef~~~~·..~:~~~~·.~s~f8 ko. o. W. Quinine. sulphate and "fll!.!l.Frea RCllinsflnd/ilUln&common .. 10'l"o a.v.

M~~: 8ri':~l"i·{ ::~':

Rubber Crude ............ 10% a.v. Rubber in .ireel., ahetting

Ruobb~:'.":~:~;'·firctli~o· ,jf:i~ft' ~2;t ::~:

nubber, mnnufflctur of hnrd. 30% P.\". Snlmon in cans.... . ... 15% n.V. Snit.!. inO.lll1niQ: .......... . (a) ~ulpirat~... of nmmonium lind lIut.",,;um. chloride "r potauium, phOllphntH lind suo

R:te~~rt~~~t:fa po,; t""ium lind lodium and other ebemical an d a.ti6eial fertili~ ................... 5% fl.v.


limo) .............. 10% II.V. Common .alt Bnd • all.!! not othenvilO p,uvided fo •....... 25% n.v. (d) All ino.gnnic 8111t.., whonobemicallypure30% n.V. Orllllnie ult.a: Co)

!b~ g&::-'.:3~~li:[·pU;c:::ig~ ::~:

Sa[t, refined fur table uao ... 25 a.v. SIIUCC!II, n.e.I......... ..... 35 0 n.V. BllusaaC8. bololna, not in cllna or in calIS ucefliing 10 b.. . ... $4..511 per tOO ks.


Manufactures of rayon nnd other ayllthetie tutile!l Fib"ra. yarn, and , b«lS: (a) FiJamcnl.S, 6bcn, (b)



1'010 m~ll:Is~.-::::::::::::~~ ::~:: Poultry, dressed .......... S5.00 per 100 h. O. W.



~='gg~::c~~n~::"""::~l~,r.~~ 100 k•. ~I:~' $O.2i.:· Sb:60.· '$0.75. 15% nnd ~O% Il.\".

IlUlp bonrd: (Ill nuted, lind prillt<!d Or lilholUfll'hod muaic, llound Or in ahoot .. , with or without word8 .. , .. ,20% n.\', Ib) Aorognphod willi poakc~ ,,"d ou\-outa •... 25% 11,\', 0) Printed, cngrn,'ed, li'hographcd, lIurfflce





Te~li1cs Ilnd mlln_ ufnotllrCII of rnyon and other synthetic lutiles:


~!~~fe~. Il~jl!.nit:~~ pile fflbnea. in !'he

~\~e;Ja~t·U:r~.~bOi:·60% n.v. Iy or ;n chid \"alue ef .Ilyon nnd otber I)'nthelio te~til ...... 65% fl.\·. P,.oridfd,T bllt te:<tiles eonla;oillll: threads of rllyen or other 3ynthetic ICX ilel. in which the numbllr of uch thread... counted in thll warp and wcft, execed.!l one-fifth of tha <otal number of thrcllds cempos;ng the tutiles, .hall bIl dutiable ~nder lbi, pnrll&Tllph. ooy provillion of the Philippine. Tllriff Act 10 the euntrary ootwithItRoding. SkiDa. uncured, raw ....... Free Ski"" tnnneu IIl1d drC9lled.lO%, 15% nnd 25% a.,'. SIMe!, m"n"r"cturl)!, of m.C.I.. . .SO.IO, SO.50 lind SI.OO $100 1>8. C.W. Smokers' Artigles, wuoden .35~. 45% mnd 50% II.". SO~II, C,,,,~ile......... ..15 II.". Soap, Tuilot, pcrfum~d .... 15 0 n.V. SP~~~n~~ground ...... :: :~&&f~~~~~'~. 2;~2~'% (bl


~~~';'flea~r"i~pe~li-"-"::. :::ig~ :.'!,~ ~O% Il.V. (Ioo kilogrflllU) .... S2.00 Steel, mftnufnetucea.. . .15% and 20% II.V. Stun",: (11,) Nnturlll Or IlHilicilll, in block, .eulh or '<tunfod only ....... SO.IO per 100 b . (b) Crushed, , ,,wn, he,v", or drCS$cd, (.J

;:~i~h~r rtlt~lh~18b~~ 1:::'~~'Q3r kir::r.': . ~~~ SO.50

l\f8l1ufnctured into 8rtie lea not other""."

~~~~~~".11 kil:,... ~~~ $1.00 Straw, mllnufncturCII, n.o., .• 35% n.V.



Stoves ... " . _ .. " .. " " ,,15 % 10 25% n.'·. CIUII. Ir on 8toveil rougb.SO.75 per 100 kt. C.W.

~~~I.r~~. ~~~i~~'~~.-: . ::: :~g~ :;~d

25'7. . ... $1.22 Iler 100

SUllnr, refined..

Or equivalent quality in h..~ Or I)olea, m not further lid·


"anced ;n mu"..,fDCLuro lhnn hewn lIf

L. Irom 50 10

timber. cubic ",etcr. thrcQ do!! ..,,; in the form of bORT<b. not furLher U1nllufocwred til .." lawn C>r bplit into rough

~8.of?II;;i~~;'f~. ~,~5rl~~ ~b~~~ i6~1$~:o88;75d~!i~~

tio,,,,l I>er lb . 50 cent~ . .. 150.2.') Iler 100 k•. or 10% Il.V. Tell .. " . . . . . . . .. SO.17 ko incl. w. 01 im. coni. Tenni. rRcket.. . .25% n.,·. Til~. Cerllmic.... . ... S0,45 nnd &1..')0 per 100 ka. Tin, lumP'! in ]liga .... _... Frell or iUIlO~

Sulphur (100 kilos) Tnr .... .


.... :::::: 19~ ::~~1.

bloclu! nnd fenoing .. 30% "'.

20% •. V.

Tobllcco len{, ul\&tcmmed ... S·U 0 kiLo T obacco, lelli. stcmmed .... S4.52 ko. Tobac~o, mnnufactured



ko. or 2.')% II.". 40 % a.\'. or $1.76 per ko.


\·~~~~~fei·ir~i.:'- .-.;.-::: ::?:~ :~ ~2.o7>°'fr~ro.iOO G.W.

cherry, eYPTe!I', hazel. holly, ;,(lnwood. jasmine,

juniper. Inurel. lern-

on, rllnple, medln •. oli,·c, orflngc, PO"'<Iwlln ,lo,plum,!Il.mlIl1 wood. Spo.nil!h ccdlU'. yew, walnut. and wood of similar elM/! or equivalent quoli!)' in logs Or polC!!. or notfurthcr ad"allred in manUr"ClU.e than hewn Or limber. ,wenty-five per centum nd ,·.. lorem; in ,he for'" of bonrd~ II0t further nd\'nnced in ",nllllfnCIIJre thnn


~~~~l b~n:~~\.tii~;

100 k5. C.W.

Whetstones ............ . .. 15% n.v. Willow (or blL'lkctmnkorl. _Unm'f'd 10% a..".

W~.]:.~.: .. ,~.a.n.~f~~~~~: .. ~:;}5~ R.\'. Willow Furniture.......... 2':'y" o..v. Wines. Chamllngnc in bottlC!! .................... 151.00 Liter WinCII. Itill in Clli!i<s oontllining H to 24% alcobo].. . ... liter or .;0% WoO{II: Commn" ",nod; (n) Aco.ciR. nlder, black ')0 ' In., chestn"t cIder fir. lnrch. homlock. linden, ollk, penr, 1>,IIe, IIlo.ntllin. ]lopinr, redw ood. ap ru ce. yewlcnvcd fill;".anuwoods of 8imi1n. elIIS!' Or o<lui'·o.leml qUlIlil), in lo~ Or p oles. Or nOI further Ild\'allced in mnnuInclure than hewn 0. timber. cubic

g:~~"'d~~~~~~~:20% Apile>nll. l"ullo nnd wood!oof 'irnilnrdllU



]le r centum a.d \,,,10rem; und if I.lnned. <i,wetaHed, Or cut to 1Ii,e. ineludinll; "('mler, plywood. and bulci'eta' blD<:k~ .... 40% a.v. Akle, bilian. ebnny, guijo. ipil. mlUn. tillnum ,'lille. mllholI"nv. IIl1lTa. rOllt-"00:1. teak. tindlilo. yn~nl, and wo<><ill of aimilnr clllSSnr cqui"nlont qunlity in l o~ Or ]lolca. Or nOt furthcr ndvo-neoo in mnnuf"c~uro thnn h~wn Or timber. ,hirly per ecnlum nd vnlorc,n: in the form nf bO!1rd!! not (uri her mllnufO-clu roo IllIln ,nw n or ~plil inlo rough board!!, Ihirl )'five per centum ud

;~I~~~e!:~I~J·!n:; ~'~~!:r ~i;i'~?~~~l

bUldlera bl00:k8 .... 10'1<0 n.'·. SIIO<)k,. Bln,'C:!. bMdinp hO<)I>I. nnd bun l<!!: For cillo.r bo~. . .. IOn 11..". (b Olher . . . ... 15,"" n" l\InnufllOturCl of wood: of eommOil wood. nOt olhcrwil<l

the form 01 bnnrdl not further "'lIoufnetured thno eaWD or splil into rough bo",ds. (:ubi<l metcr, two d oUR": and if t.IIIDnOO, dovetailed. Or cut to oi%e, indudinl! .hin ~1<!8. lntbs, ,'onCl'r. (b)

~'1:~rnb!!~h, atrr~g: cflm ll h(lf,

VC3:i~~~~':': ..~~t.u:.a~,.. ~.'f·~:SI.50 per 100 h. & S2.50 100 ka. Vegelablca, I're!ler\'ed In Cllnl ..... .............. $150po. l ookl Or 15% n" \'e]vC\8, eilk any proportion ~ of silk in pieces........ .4 % II.\'. Vinegar. in rcceptRe1ca eontnining mOrC tbo.n 2 litota................... 2 c nls por liler VinCllnr. other rcceplneica .. ;} Ole IS por litu



bird's-cye maplc,

.. __ ...... ~~'¥5 n';~oh or 25% n.V. Umb.ellas, limper.. • .. 15 centa cad, or 25 % Umbrella. cotton.. . ... 150.30 ellch Or 26% 8.". Vnmllo. (bcnll.!l) i"el. w. of im. C"'''. co 'I ....... _....... S2.1)(} Vllrniahos.... _ .. _~....... U:.% II.V. VCl;elllble. pickled, 'n retnil

~~r.~~I:~ri ~~!i~~r.I~.~I::::: :i~~d'~~;

~1~fi~~81~~~~~~~~~~S I.OO

F ine wood:

TOYI.~~l~).::::::::::::: . Jk~~

Trlnketa lind ornllmenls.

bonrlh. cubic meLer. three dollnrs and

lifty ccnt.s; lind if planned. dovetailed , or eu~ to sile, in., ding "hinglu, IMh!, veneer. ply· wood, buto h en'


r.~i;i~~1 1U:~~. ;II~~~'.:Y

vnrnished, 0. 1I0t. but neill,er inlaid. ,·enecnd. a.v

~!~"~,.('~r or uf;~~I';ri~h


leal her,


c ubic


PHILIPPINES Vienna, Or ellt-wood furnilur~ •...•..•. 35% n.", Manufacture. of fine wood. not O,bcfwiac

;tl~o~~::-~~~ p:'lf:.i~~: :rb~"!,,~yt~[~~:~:~~~!,,aiIS'

pfovi<led for. wheth er turned, pllinted.

l""'ato oltcct, of nominal Yaluo.


(ucept Bilk Or lMlller), Or not. Ilnd

P"n. ilL

written, typewritten or ,tamped tbereon:



mOil Or fine wood. not

f~;':~r~i;~.e inr:i~~i~~

n«red with metal Or ornnmcnloo with mBlnl Or cnrving. or upholstered, covered, Or lined. with ,ilk o. leather ..... 50% n.V, Wool. cembed nnd, prepared .....•.••.• ...... . 10% II. ,', Wool. wa..hed ....•.•..•... Free

Thi, certili cate ,hall bo , igned on hoth original ond duplicate ;nvoic<\/( by the manufacturer. "eller. or eon-

~iJ!;nor of the merchandise. ()r by " duly auth()ri,ed "gent

of alIoh "cller. Jnanufacturer. Or c()nsignor ond both in"oices (ucept for ,hipment. by .PO$t) .h~ 1I be .m!!.iled to tho eon.ignee of the merchll nd,se for lihn(l; WIth the customs entry pert :li ning to tbe importlllion.

~:t· ~~wwho~t';i · ...,~I~F, e<!

an~"f~r:;~~ P;~~~I:ht;g;':r~t~I:'!"" bnO!!' .~~%it~i;' invoiced. b~ aegtClCllled and their origin c1~ar1.r indicated on the invoice: 1hc A/TI[ERICAN by the C<'rl1ficllte pre~h~b~t~l;i~~e.PFbRijr~~ag06£::~.,~hC 110REIGN by

blellched ......•.••.•.... 30% •. v. in"


Yarn ~ .

W ~~led;;.." i,v~;;te;.l· Ya;';!',30~

n.v. unbluched ..• .......... 30~ a.v. W oolen or W orsted Cloth-

y~~~: e~ilO';: bicaoi;.,d .:: :12~ :;""rl ~6%

Yarn, cotton, dyed.. . ... 15 ~% Zinc, in bars eheet .. . . . . . 10 Zio c in 11lllin ...rticl.,. .•.•.. 15 Zille, in gilt, nickeled ...... 25 0 Zin c, manufactures of plain .................. 15% Zinc, manufaeturea of nickeled .... ........... ~5%

fl.". and 25% a.\'. n.v \ n.v. a.v.

P"n. V. Merchandise o( thc I;fowth. product. Or manufacture of the Uni ted Statet "TId it. 11"',,"io", may lie admitted to immediate free entry in e..... o "'here the ccr~ified commercial invoiCe! prcocribed herein hava been ddoyed in tr"nsit Or lire not a"oih,hle at the time

~~ne,n~~~;.I)r:~n dt~ub~~i~teofa~~~~'~ ~r J~'(i~o'~ii::,e'~~~ld


"CrUe upon II. lil.;.o imporution of foreign merchandi.e. with lureties acecptnble to the collector of cUltoma, conditioned on the production of the rorrespondinll: certified i''''oi~ts within 120 dllY'! from the dote of filing the entr~' for tb ~ merchllndise.


ENTER I NG D UES Entering: 1>·1.00. Official OatM administered Free.


P"". InvoicCl io duplicate. certified II.S 'pTo"ided in I'liragraph t II hereof. arc required for ..II 1IrtlciU .. nd merchandisc rcecive through the mllil. (rem the United Stlltea (exeept for eonsignmenl3 of one or mOre paekll,es the vlIlue of which dOf!S not execcd ten (to) dollars United

CLEARING DUES Clcar!!.nc,"" P~ .OO on ori!rinfll manif.,.t •. Bill of B u.l!h ,.1.00 . tllmp. PllJ.stn(l;er Lin ,.1.00 stllmp. Tcnna(l;O dues if vessel load. !!.nd. (or) dilchargea cargo 12 Ii centllvos p ..r registered net ton o( the "enel or

~~a::~J'''~~' r:dc~~~ !{~~O~l~:l~n Ofol"~r~~"I;:~~~rdi~~ ~oMi~nee

Tho ori""inol and duplicate invoicClj for

U~~~~s~~";I!, t~~1ojl'~w~~gmc!~~~acC;t~~:i~t~d~

mnnurao~u r ca of commonwood, nne otherwise ".n,-ided for. \'cn«red with other wood. Or "1'_ hol.tered. cn,'ued, or lined with Bluffs (u_



~;~~i~~,r~~:a~l!at\)~~~~';l::ci ;~! ~f'i~,~\'c:ar.;~ 1~~u!~\;~ldli:;


co,-cred.or lined with



i5 required to eltecl customs dearllnce of ill,-portatio", into the !'hilipCine blalloU from tho United Stat"" and

of the v=el.

mn.ter3 Or nj!ents of Foreij!n v""",el. ,"",,1 fotwnr,\ A0,rJlt~~.lnwRrd !!.nd OutwRrd l'oIRnifeat. to the l lUubr


CV5TOlol8 AbMt"r.$TIlATIVE Cmeuu,n



Ctr,iliealU 01 (JTiu,'n ",ay be plaud on "'''"'''trciai i"taice. Stp<Jrale or indtptndenl eerlilica'e. bearing nolaria/ ua/ no lo"uer required J(JT custom. purpo.... P "llAOIUPII I. In lieu of certificat... of origin required under former relnllationa to i""un uemption from Cl13toml dutil'8 in tho Pbilippine Islonds of ,bipment, from lho Uniled State.. of aU artiel"". lh~ newth. product. or manufacture of the United SlBte. and it . poueuio", to which th e eunom. tllriff in force in the United SlMI'8 is npplied. and upon ",hicb no drnwbaok of customa dutil'8 IIllJ boun .. Howed in the United Stntca. , i"nod commercial invoicCII will ofter dille bercof be necepted for (roll-""t,y l'urpOllI'8 upOIl full compllnnce with the foUowing condltioaa: P"". II. Commercial invoicl'8 .hall be furn;shed in dupli ca te and ahot! conta;n an accurate dClcrit.tion of the mcrcbandi'e itemi.ed therein, sbewing the q Ullntity. "IIlue, lind we;gbt, marks and number. of pll ckages and 1.lace of d Clt ination. Their prcocotation by co""ignees

~~~~e°r:;-:~~7~ "hi~;:,~~~r:b~~~:rb~ dn~l~rl,;:;r t'~'~ l~:i~~~~

m ..... ter. /TIlanilo. whether the corr<\llponding pMkalte i. addreued to Moniln Or to some other point in lhe l'hHippino hhlllcli: the duplicate invoice ~hould bo mailed to the

~~~g:C~f p~~k~~C:~::ri~:iih:l~rl~~'~lJd~'~; B~r~~O~~~'

011 the ""nc date.

dir~~t~ t~lfl~~il~!)~~~r.~n::'le~'!trT'::~ o;~t";~ :~d d~i'{ye~~

to consignees of imporutio", from th e. United States in every WilY co""istent with theso .~guilltion •. P" ". "I If. Customs Adminiu rati\'e Circulo,," Nos. 575 lind 685 are modified a<:cordinaly and .u~b uistinll regulati01l5 and portions thereof lIS arc in conflict with 'he term. of th" circultu" nrC reyoked. NOT&.-Custon>a clCllrance of moil paekngce will b~ fllCilitllted if merohandise of ~he Unitcd States lind articles of (oreign mllnufacture are pa cked ill .ep!!.rgto I)nckllg~a and prol.mly ~~I:I"Clnted in the invDicu. IM P ORTANT NOTc.-C01l5iK nments cootlli"i"l1 fort;gn merehnl1dilC to the value of $100 Or mOre must bo covcred by 011 officilll certified invoice under the heading, "Invoice of merchandise utuIIUy purebll.'lCd for tho Philipl,ino Islond. ," ",hieh 'nllY be obl11;aed from tbc coll~ctor of customs at point of shipment.





Internal Revenue Taxes CE DULA TAX

~~;i~e:r~ :e~~i~~~ ~h~~J:t"~a ~,~~Cr(n~'!!~i!:i~nOfp~?:


of exceod".', .10 centllV(l,o. (CIIl"'(I~l w04lth At. No. 128.) 1'rop"elo(8 of c;rcuaes J::i"iUt Qd'ibil;o,~ ill 0110 or

Q!.\\lUCY, except thot in the provinces of COKnynll and ls"bell1, the ced ula Ill,>: ahull bo ,"Iyuhle without pellnlt" ulllil 1M tiJirty·6.r4\ of AugUl't of endl yenr. (As nmended by ' \ C\ No. 3904~. If pnid therMftcr but not orter Junn

~O~:e:l~;~~~~ 1~8~~::nrv~~~thif :~tnl~~~ol~~)o

AU ma.le ;nh8bitnnl~ of the l'hilipJ)inc ial(lhd!. (I\'~r the of 18 nud ulld~r 00 yenrs, with \lertnin cxccptio"~. lire

:'~~bl~n!~ ~~o I~:i(~ul~n t~~ ~c~~r~ iAJ~rl)'~WOwft~~~~~' dJil~~

~h!r~~~~, ~fC;c%'~8t~':t~~\·~~"TI,:ft~:."II~'~~~n~~t~~~:~e

MItt Juno thirtidb ate subj ect 10 II surtn x of 100%.

BUSI NESS TAXES 1\!\?rchllnts. 1'4,00 yeul)' and l~% of grOU snlu.

(Seetlon. 1457 lIod 1459, A. C" the hItter $cction in rela.. tion 10 Ad 3243). also nmcnded by Commonwealth Act No. 215:)

Prj"tcra. I,ublishers. lithogrllphers. "4.00 }'CRrIy IIn,\ 1% of I:;rou r4eil)ta. (Soctiotls 1457. I4tll. A. C. al! o uIIlcntlcd by C<.>mmollwealth Ant No. 216.) Hond. buildillg, irrigation. aTletilln well. wlltcrworks lind <.>.hcr cOll3tTuntion work contrllct<.>fa. anti pcn<'>1l9 engaged in the .ill!!lnHnLi<.>n of gtlS, Or eleotrio light. hellt.

~~,~ri,,1:~~~~8 6~~rt~~i.n~e3pe~~:nl~~d:~~ ~rg'% ~"':\~~

exceed.! f'ropnctorl of billiard r{)(l"'s, for eReh ta'-'Io. tell II",nl OW""I"II of fnco track •• for e40h day on which rIIC~1 nr<)

~~~,~:r 6~~5 I'::.C~ ;c~rc':nt~~:l~c~ of1% Of8~~1:SJ::~~ rece'pls .hould be paid. if ndlDi&,ion prieo ru:cl'cd& 40 ecntll'·OlI. (Commo nwenlth ,\et No. 128.) l'llwnbrokcrs. follJ' hundred P~"" Stock broke~. reel CIlIate brokell. commcreio.l brokers OUSloms brokeno nnd imrnilU'ation b'okcrJ, oight)· p",,"'; and ~ % of gr0ll3 eompellSlltion roeeivod in oKeeu of ,.SOU per qUllrtcr. (Sec sections HiJl and 1400 A. C. l1li 1I'1~~~~;'~:Yi:\?~~:;5~ lind Commollwcnllh ,\ot No. 211;.)

~1Ibl~~~ct~III~~0~':~i~f!; bfo~~~orkll~~~~~~;;!:~:1 °der,~fc:!:

I. In ehmtarcd citi~s an;! Ilrtt-clll.i!ls muniolJllllili", • two hundrou JI~OlI. 2. In aecood-c1l1.$S munioipalitice. OliO hundred_fifty peaOll. 3. I" lhlld-cl asa mUllle'pahtlQII, one hundred pCSOll 4. In fourth and 6flh dll.Sa ,",ullle,pllhl,... Inwllsh'pa lind munICIpal d' Slrlct•. filly peaOll. "Provided. Th"t lending in\'e.ltor~, wbo do hUlin. . as Bueh in more Ih"n olle pro"jllce shall I'".)' II I!IX of Iwo

!,:!'J' ~~th'f~J;~~b:~~oO~~~:~iyhoa':~ y%il:~fP;:~

ation." Ropllckonl of wines Or di!tiHed .piril" IlIrCII hundred petO!!. (Section 146~, A. C .• u amended by Acl~ 2836 and 2{l25.) (Sec. 146~ (>"1 as nmendcd by Act No. 3903.)

~~ ~~I~';~~&~OR~':,too1\~~::"c~:!!~b~~~!7tfri~so:c~f.~~~

s.l ntion.., stC!'m

IlIun~~ .

dryolcaning or


.... t~b-

i'~\trnm('ot'. sp.p"ratU5. br furnitu,e of IIny kind .• ugar centrals, IllId r'ce mill!: nenlolU _cHing h,ht. hwt Or power: keeper! <.>f hotels, reil\aUfanjs, eaf...", or reirCllblllent 1)11110. . ; and warehousemell., stevedorea. d'CMlmnk('n;,

receipts. But thOlle "'hose gr",s rcceipTS do not oxcced :1'200 pcr quarter {no exempt hom thc 1% tax. (So:<:tioll!! H57 ~nd 1462. A. C. tho IIIU er section ns "IIIolld(!d by the ,\ct 3082. also aroon ~d b)' Com"IOIIWeidth Act No. 216.) J(eepcl"ll of livory stable! and g ragu. transportillion onllUllotOr!l. peTSn"! who trllnspon IJlIS/(cnge ... Or freight for hiro, "nd eomn,,')n c.~rriel"ll by lpnd or wntor. oxoept Own"... of bOM4I tnxC<l under the 1/1 .... admiuiatered by Ihe Hurenu nf Cu.slom,. owuer!l of a ainglo bonell "'ho hnbitulllly opemle Ihe ,Ilme Ihemaci"es. nn<l own~rs of a ai ugle ''''o-whecled "ohicle who hBbitunUy dri.'o Bame Ihemael 1"4.00 yearly and 1% of gr~ receipts. (Sec t inn, 1457 and 1463. A, C. alao nmended b)' Com'nonwealth Act No. 215.) Di, .illen of I pirit" . IhrCII hundred pesos. Orowers, four huudrcd peoo•. Reclifiers of dislilled SpITiIS. threo hundred peao!. i\hllufaet"re... nf tohBCCO. twenty p~.oa . ManufllQturen of cig,u". twcIII,! 1' ... 01. Wholamlo liqUo r dealers-I. Cn City of Manilp-. four hundred peao.. 2. 10 p-ny other Ill"ec. one hundred twenty p es~ .

*~~:\i I!.(!~~r J~~~~~~~' :.~~\~:~=Oa.

Wholesalo denlc ... in fermented liqu or•• 0110 hUlldred Iwenty Iluoa. HelRil dealeT3 in fermentw liquora. thirty p eoO!. Uctuil denlcr!J ill tuba. bll.'li. nnd Inpuy. ton I,U05. 1'obncoo deniers. eight pes~. RCtBil lenf lobBeco denIers. thirt), p es~ and 1~% on grOWl an lu. buI if tho Gross .ales do not excoed 1"200 per ~~:;::;~n~:e~ittal~c:u~~~e2C&~) from Iho pcreenlnge tllX. Whol0&1I10 peddle... of mnnufllctured tobncco. eighlY pUOl. Wh oletlilo pcddlera of di.9tilled. manufnctured. or fer_ mented Jj(,uor. ono hundred twenly pcaos. Retail pcddlera of manufp-otured tobacco. • i~tcen rei'':''IItc~O\~:~o~~de1~~~ pO~o~.illtillcd. manufaotur~d. Or f~u8illeu agenlS (Agentet do oegoe;ol) . ferly pUllS. Proprietors of cockpite. twO hundred 1''''01; lind for e80h eo~kf"cht (Iolladll). II la" of twenty-fh'o cOII I""OI.

~~;;~~~': ~c':i;~ 6:~ut~xh: ~~~~ni~n~~:';~sr!n 5~<;'i~!

oxceed;. ~o CCOII\V05. (Commonwealth Act No. 12.S.) .. n~.~~~~e!:'t"~h.fl.. theaten. mUMluml, oiocnll.togropilll I. 2.

In the City of "h.oilll, two bund~d PCIIOll.. In IIny oth.,.. pillee, OliO hundred Pr&OII' o~ in thia

c ...... b)' the montb, len PellOII..

::rul~~!tn:I'j~:cst~d s~~1t i~:dcl~~,~~erio:h~~u~~i~i~~1i:',~



ie"l. ",nriIlO, Or mining onSineo.... fifty 1>0'101. Dcnt~l surilcollll, opticinn., photogrDphcl"ll. onKrn.·o ... , .nd profCMIlonll1 IIpprlljaers or OoI)IIOI"OU'" of tobllcco nnd other dOIDettie or foreign product". forty pCIIOll. l'rocurodores judieinles, in"urllneo nllcnt. nnd sul>IIgonUl Rnd vetoriDllrillDs. fOri)' petos. Pharm"e;"ls. ohiropodiau. IIllll)ieurillf , III\tOOC .... nlld mll...",5our. t"'ollty pesoe. :\lid ... iI·cs "nd cirujanoa miniatl'llnles in medicine or denliur}·. len PC!05. (S~otio n 1473. A. C. or "',,clUled by Commonwealth Ac~ No. 2 16.) S PECI FIC TAXES Dj,tm~d .pirit •. -If produced from BRp of Iha "ipn. coconut. or bllJ'i palm. Or from tho juice. ai rup. Or lilli'" of tho o"no. pcr proof liter. thirty-olllht ceOIIl.\·OO. If producod from nny other mnloriol, pcr proof lite r, oight}· COnlnl'03. (Se<I.·io n 1481. ;\. C .. 119 amQndcd hy ,\et 2926.) 1I',"c' ""d Imilalion Jl'int •. --oo win.. nnd imillllion

;:~~'6T. l~~laf~lro~'e~i~;~~lj~u:i~:'~Po~!t~~~~J~z~;'


cOlltn,·OlI: aIm wines oonlllinlllg fOllJ'loon ller contum of twoot)' Cenll\,\'OII; elill wines con\.ainiog olcohol or more Ihnn fourteen per centum of "Ieobol. forly aent .....

r,~. I'~ni;:!~~':n ~t:lc::~II~~1r b:'i:~~b~ j~~m:d


(Soot;on 1486, A. C. lUI amendtld by Aet 2925) II''1uo...)On beer. l'lcr beer. llle, porler.


::j ~~1'I~!il~~~\~ 1!~i!~~tJtiie:S!,,\~b:i, =~ I~~~ru~ "olullle eft plleit)' , twch'c-and one-hnlt acntav.,.. (S/!C.

1487. A. C. l1II omcnded by Act 2925 nud (Com mouwenlth Aot No. 136.) i'rO/lud. 0/ lobacco.--on manufuetllJ'ed prodncl.l of lobueco. exee!'t cigara, eilarettcs, olld tobnoco .tpeciall)' ,(fel,ared for ahewing aD l1IIlO ~e unauila'-'Io for COllllumption in nny ocher "",oner. bu~ ,ncludinll Nl olh.,.. tobaeoo tw;"tC<l ll)' h"nd or reduced into a condition to be eon· sumed ;n 00)' manlier other Ihao by ordinary mode 01 dr)·in,. lind curing; IlDd on III toiJa«:o prepued or pw-

!,:rtl:~~r~~i~f~r~; :e~hi~~~ti;tt:~~~:f~~

out bewg prcaecd or eweet.cDl!d; tUld Oil aU tino-cut 11101'1.1 aud rdust', "",,,pe. ctippiD./illl. cuttinp. and p'eepinp 01

PHILIPPINES tohaceo. then allnll bo cGUe"t..,). on each kilogram, lixll' centlWGs. On lobneeG apecilllly prepared for chcwinK 00 as to be umui\nhle for usc in an}' other manner. on each kilogrnm, forty-ei,ht ccnta\'~. (Section 1490. A. C.) "See. 1-192 lIS "m"nded by (Act No. 40(4), Speoific tn:. on cills"" lind oig"rcu~. On cilliU'S lind dgnretll'. there shJl bo coll«tcd the follow;"" tll:l"" (..) CigartlL When tho mllnufllcturor', Of importe. 's whole'lIle I,rice. I~ the !lIIIGUM of the tax, is tbirty p""05 pcr (homand. Or IC&!, on each thousand. I\\''' pClIOIIllnd tbirW ffntlWo. . 2. When the manufactunor'a oc importer'. wholcellle tho .. mount of tbe tu, ;. mOre than thirty

,,,ic<:. ["""

~~l:" t?6~:~~, r~~~ ~~"! !~~ta' .1:;- c~~~n~!:~"d. ou

3. When the n\llDufllc~urer·. O. importer', whol!,:!!nlc l•• ice. [eM tho Ilmount of the ta.:, a.tcee(b si~ty pesos pcr tboU!land, on ca"h th",,-,and •• c,'cn pClO8. (b) Cigarettca1. When tbe maoufacturer's or importer's wholClale price, Ie. tho amount of th e tn, i. four petlO!l Or leo. per thousand, 00 each tbo,,-,and. one PClO and Ibirt)' (Cntll"os. 2. WI'eo the maoufaetUl'cr's Or importer's ",holcule grice, less tho amount cf the tn. i~ mOre thnn four P !!llGa 1:':-d~o:n~~:.!l~~~daiei,&~."!!n~~!:::.LUnnd, on "ach thou3.

W"beD the mflnu(acturu's or importu's wholesnl ..

~~~'t~~~~<t t:;.;, ~"~o~Et~~ c:';a~:~flnd.

On The m ..:cimum price at ~hich the "flr,oW! c1ltMes of cigars aod cil'tnfcttes ftrC s0.l(l"at wholesale in the factory Ol" in the establi.hment of the \mporter to !lny member of the public sb all dctermine tho i",le of the ta.t oppliooblo to au"h tigors and cilo. eues, a", ;f the maoufacturcr Or importer a,,"o &1011.1, Or allow\! to be sold. his cigars and ~iglU"ettes at wholesBle in another establillhment of which he Is the OwnCr Or io the pr05ts of which he hM an inte""t. the ma:cimum aalc pflee in .uch C!ltlIblishmeot ahall dct~rmioe the tIIte of the tn applicable to the cigars and cillarettes therein aold .

ettE.,;~''finlitieuf,~N:r~t,eorC~It~e~r;:ror\~~~~~1 nR~'~~~~: :t"IlI~l::e~~ i~ed;'~~~~~:~~es~re ~:rc~t~rr~i:n:''';~d

cigareu"".a nd il ,hall be unlaw{u1lo uU said cillD.tS and ci,arettfS at wbolessle a~ a price is uceu of the one . peeilied in the statemeo t requin::d by tbls Law withou~ f{:;~:~ :YTitten notice to ~ "id Colleclor of Internnl


Sec. Z. This Act shall take effect On J&.OUIUY firat , nineteeo hundred nnu thitty-three. Approved. December 5, 1!l3Z. M<lIchu.-On each 1\l"0!IS of botes contnining not more than e;,hty sticka to I·he bot. forty centa,·os. On each grOU of botetl containi", over e~hty uicka 10 the bo,," a pr oportionate &.dd ,llonal tu. (Seetioo 1493. A. C. M amended by Act 2i75.) Skimmu milk.-Opon all condenled akimmed milk and upon all .kimmed milk in whate"er form. from which

~k: 'if~:p~:: ~:ta':,J; :C~\It'e °c~A~er:Jtro~ol~~h

kilogram of th e 1P"08!I weillht of uid milk nnd conlainefl. twenty ccntaVDIII. (Section 10191. A. C.) JfdRu/ad"r~ <>ih.-KulI$lne or petroleum. pcr liter of volume capacity, one and ooe-half centnv~.

ce;t~~.::.atiN~p~t~;'. P,,:J~\i:;e. of n~~lu~W ~~c::itri'S,~~ I'roduct.a of diuillatioo, per lite r of "olume capacity, five eontn" OII. (SC<ltio n 10195, A. C .. 118 nmended by Aots 3248. 3274, 35Z0 ond Commonwenlth ,\CI No. 122.) 'Vhcnevcr the abo"e mentionl!<!. oil, are ""cd in avin_ tion the apecific tOJ< thueoo shnl l be ...,fuodcd by the Coll",,!o. of I ntcrnal Re"eouo upco the submission of a twOr n certificate utWactory to him pro"ing IhM the ~aid oils were aeluaU~' US<.'<l. in av;alion (Act No. 40$8).


S",,"harillc._One ucchnrine, .;xt~· pe,;os per kilogrom Secli.;n 1~98 (a) . A. C .. Act No. 3S67). FIREARMS TAX (l'leascsee'Commenwealth .'\ct No. 1\15. effecti"e Jul~' ht. Hl38 which d~crCBSI!3 the bond dep~it a"d inereM"" tho initiml nnd monuml fce~ Oil. firenrlll3.1 Deniers scUiog one thouaanu or mora tircBrlll3 of ,,11 kin(b in " yeor, two hundred pCl"'. Dealer9 sellinll leu than one thoW!and fire"r"" of aU kinds in "year. one hundred Iwent)· pel;0!I. Dealers &tiling or mnnufnetur;n¥ one million Or mOr" roun(b of ammunitien of all kind, In a yen., one hundrl!<!. fifty pc,O!I. Deniers im]>or\irn:: Or selling lCOla than one million roullds- of ammunition of nll kina. in II. l'cat, one hundred peaos. D c"len ;n Or mllouflloturera of ex!,l.,.ives. two hundred ""~ .

•.\ny per!on holding a lice-nfe to POillless n 5 rea.m in nccordanee "itll acetioo cight hundred and eil;hty-e;l;ht of the Administ rat"·" Code, M omended, .10,,11 psy th " following initiol "nd "onu"l fce,;: For e"ch shotgun held on lieco.,c: Initiftl fcc, five pelO\!: "nnunl fec. twO p"'<>lI. For e9ch high-power air rifle beld 00 liee""e: Init,al fee. five pesos: annual fee. t,,·o pu.,.. For e"ch re" ol\'et held on License: I nit;ol fee, 5"e pesos; ,ooual fce. two "",OIl . For each rifle h~ld on lieco.,c. <'.tC<'I,t uliber twenty~~~l r~~9'i.)lniti"l fcc. 5ve petO!l , "nou"l fcc. two 1' C8D111 I NCOME TAX E"ery ;odi"idunl, eiti¥cn Or resident of the P. I .• whether mnrried Or ,ingle, who reeei" ed in the preccdihlt calendar yer gro", iocome of 1"2,000 Or more from all .oure~ ;" required to 51e "n income tax return for .sid

~.:i~h· tfe~OII~~~ or~!e!':nr~~'·:~'t1:~nb~~~r.:iI;lo~r;,~tl~

the locrl trell.!lurc,. ;11 thll provinces. Every pnrtnership. corporn!ion. rI.!..Ioeiotion Or firm however oTj,lmni1ed. is re'luired to file no income tB" return eover;o, ita eperatio,," durioll: tllo prl!<'edio, y,·or. ",hether it e"rned nn)' profit or incurred I"", ,,.. The return mW!~ be filed on or before MClTell bt follonin, the tusble yenr with the CoUector of I ntcroal Re"cnuc in Mnoil". Or ,vith the treasurer of the :'.lunicip"I'ty in which

~liti~~n~P~r~~c~ j~Pn'!~<\':,er:~~: r:£~~·~~:o~, ;i;::i ;,i:~tl,er~~e~f t\~~~"j)~~~':;~!rc~t~f ~,~h~c~":t d~rll~fn~!'.i r:CII~~e :r""r~t~~~~:1 ]~~~?;'n~~t1~h~~e, ~~,~~:~~f :;'':Js?tl~ filed "ithin 00 da)" niter tbe dose of the menl )' eor


P ENALTI ES Tho pennlty for fnilurc to file a rclurn 00 or before Mnreh t. ran I"'! from 1'40 to !"Z.OOO or imprisonment for not mO re than SiE month!, or both io addilion to the followi ng: I. A sUfchnrlOc of 50% when the return is filed upon demand. 2. A surchClTlle of 100% for fili0l: fr"udulcnt or false return. Fot riling retur"" "ftet :'of arch I. or "fter tbe upintion of 60 d,,)'a followioll the d~e of tbe fiscal yeo •• M the clUe mny be. corpoTBtio,,", nnd partnu3hip~ nrc uhj""t to " ],cn"lty of oot more thon 1'20.000. Besides such ,renRIll', the following will he colleetl!<!.: I A aurchorge of 50% on wbMe"er t"" tbnt mBY be fouod to ho due. Z. Fot lilin" fabe or raudulent return. II. sureharge of 100% on ",hato"cr t"'" thnt mny bo found to be due. PA \'MENT O F" INCOME T AXES Under Iho law. income tn~es lire pa~'able 00 Or bdote June 15 of ""cry yenr. But corporMiona Or pnr(ne.ships (excep ting duly regil!~ercd !:enernl copnrtnet~hi]rs). filing

Coal and Coke-On nil coal and coke there ah"l1 be collected per mot. i" ton. fifty centQ'·DIII. (Section 14911, A. C. nod Act No. 2719.) Cinematogrnphic Iilma, 3 cent"vos pcr linenr moter (Section 1497, A. C.) Pial/ORr! ca,th-On pad,: contlliniog nol mOte than 58 carda. ono peao. 00 each I'ack, cClntnininK mOre than 58 car(b. one

for tbe 51ill, of returos. Failure to pBY such tues on Or bdo. e the Inn due date

Acta 2835 and 3UIl).

of 1% per month.

rnM:xc~d ofrgg~rtlS=:io:dt1~~n~. \)~



:!.'lth';nfisl~ a;~ ~f~i:'th~el:..etqd:;<'c}~h~n;d::,~o~r"o~ide"ci

~e~i'"~f ",.""':ur:b'~::c; ft~ ~"Jc:ft ~:?.~~:::t t~t \~Ce ~:r;



Schedule of Postage Rates and Conditions ON MA IL M A'1'£R .... D DRESSE D FOR Ut: LI\'ERY I N T il E PIIILI PJ> I !'.'ES

Cia" F I RST-CI.ASS-lcHcrs (hnnd Or typewritten find letterpress copic$ or mani£QId eopiu of eiiher, mutter

PDI/ooe in Philipp,·n.

e" ...tnt/l

centav05 for each 20 grllll)8 or fr".,. tioll thereof.

~~b~~~e~ri~)~:~~Y ~:n~~\;~


QJ II'tiu"t



No Hmit of weight. Limit of site. 1 mctrr 80 celltimeter&. length and girth combined.

or lypcwriHcn (Opy when nol accompanied by printeU

proof ,hetls. IInu all paok_

SENDER KNOWN Short-I'llid domllllti e mail nllltier of nil elll8lCII will be marked with tho amount

ngCill and other mattcr sealed ngain,t inn'cellon. For letten mailed in hulk (not Ie.!! t\lIm 100 pieeu) without n permit is

~' 8r~~~~~,~~i t:int~~:

~tllmp. nffixcd, mMlCIIUlty.



-(PO!It card,.)

SECOND _ cLAsS.-News""r.(:rs. llcriodi,ci'l.\a lind I cgu fir publitp.tion. entered as BcconU·dfLall mattcr at PDI' t office. in the Phili,l-

contn"OS for elloh kilo or fraction thereof.

~~~~I!:!I' O~ddi;c.u~c loUbi!:!

No limit of weight. Limit of size. I motcr 80 rentimcters. 10l\lltll ond girth combined.

peT cent of the number Gent to luch subscribe!'!!. mailed by th~ publishc!'!! or br nC"'1 agenll duly nu· thoTl%cd II! such by tho Director of I'osts.

~~~:rby ~~,e ~::rt~rfro~;~;

For third-clll5l matter mailed in bulk (1l0( ICM tl,nn 250 1,iccn) without stnmpa affixed. II permit is neccaury.

6endcr. if known. or if not elpedient to return the article ilnll. tll6 aOllder will be notified by the Clrd forlll pro\"ided for the " urpose.

SENDE R NOT I{NOWN If the aender il unknown nnd tbemail mlltter is short.]l8id in 8n ""'OUllt / •• 1

~;'J~~!~e (I~~II~~~),O~t

tho rate lor the daIS 10 whicb tho ortido pertains. the IIrticio will be forwarded to the Philippine POIIt oflieo of deednlltion

fide ~ublcriber', and sample copiel not l'xccedillJt 10

THJRD·CLA$3.-;\l1 other maillbl~ mmter not illcluned in tbc uho\'''' c11S5e8. It should bear thc name and addrcu of sender on the

All c\1I891l11 of dom/.ll'tic mllil matter 8110uld bc fu lly ,lropaid. b ut such msil matter "'lIdvertently mailed deficient in p08tll~e. will be Ireat ed IlS follows:

::;~~~,~ p~~t': ~I"~ i~e~~

cicn~)". which bmouut will be collected Iho ndd.CSIlco by Iho pOlJlml\lJlCr at destination. e~nts"05 for e"ch 60 grams Or f.lotion Ihereof for nrtic1e11 oot exceed ina: GOO grnms in ",eia:ht: 12 eentIlVO. lor (lacb I,alf kilo (600 graml) Or fraction there.. of on the wholll weight for artide. exceeding 600 grnms in weight.

Wci,ht-20 kilos betw"'!n most of the

:~"~n~·~!Indt pt~~




~~I,~':n:bjrfal;~o ~~

[, kilos between all olherl !I~~ordinl: to tho method of trllllllportation used. (SolO liGt of Po~t ofli~CII by pro\"ineCil in Postnl and TelegTtl.llh Guid~ for ..I.,.. tDiled informillion.) Sizc-2 melelll and 10 cem;mctcr 8. lengtb and "irth combined.

Wh ell tin nrticle is sl.ortI'tlid ill nn amount equlll to or mor. Ihnn the "III"C for one kiloKl"I1D1 1000 jp"nm.), at the ."tu for tho e1nu to whieh tho "rtide pennin •• Iho ".tiel" will be held at tho l' o'H office of m"illng nud the nddrCSIII!f! roqueliled. by Form 1543, to send tho tlmount of deficiellt p08t· Ige. singlc rMC. 10 the pOlltmaster at th ~ Illl.eo of maiting.



dutinal;on without h",·jll.l( beell rBted at tho om~e of mamnll witl be raled liP with double lhe deticicney nnd the deticien cy will be collected before dolh·cry.

Tho fo.cgoinlt only npplie. to IU"li~leII which arc inadvertenlly ,"ailed wilhoUl auftident ~OIIla/l:e. U artiri s

~:ir!f't'!:f:t ori~\~tJ:!~

,'OIItllll;e, rlid artirlllll with " full re)lor l .hould be forwarded to lho Direetor of P"'te.


Schedule of Postage Rates and PO.lilfI~ i"





Conditions ~ (Conti1lued) L""il ~/lrd~1<I 11"'/ S;z~


F l nST-CLASS.-(See "bo"e DUCTip!''''')




nbove DeSQription)

'rR I RD-C LASS.-(See "bo\'" Dl'5cription )

IS ccn"... os for UtI> '10 Grnm! Or frnction th~"of.

No limit of Weicht. Limit of ni,e, lRmC II.!I

70 ccntRvos ror ench kilollr"111 or fraction Ihereof.

No limit of Wci~ht. Limit of Sile, urnc

40 ceRtIl\-oa ror Qllch 11'1 kilo",""", or fraction thereof.

Weight-S amcaathird clau legulDr rn8il. Limit of .iu~. 75 centimet er. ,n length, 35 centimeter, in width lind 20 centimeters in depth

Full 1",),,",,"1 required.

liut clnu regulnr

", .. ,I.

"" Beeo nd rellulfU' m"il

Full pRyrnc,,!



ON MAIL MATTER ADDRESSED FOR DELI VERY IN THE UNITED STATES ( Includin g Hawaii , Porto Rico, Canal Zone, Virgin Islands, Guam , Turuil a and adjacent islands of t he Samoan G roup wh ich a r e possession s of the United Sta res) PD.tDg~

CI"" - OL'\ SS ...2Lctlc~ f!~~~~p~~ ~J;,'f~r~l~7th~~)~


nnd 'all motter wholly or partly writ'nr;:. ",hetber sealed o.r unJenled. e~e.,.t manmtrJpt copy IIceOUlpnnying proof .hecla .:"~ conecled proof .hC<!u; of i nnd the ",riting n"thor;~ed





G ecnta,'o. for eDch ounco Or 'rnctio" or II" OU"tc.

!I'~iohl MH/.")iu

Li",U "I

Wcight--Stlmc fourth_dll!s.

Payme nt ,,' Po.falle

P rcpayment 01 one f,,11 rnte {(i cenln"o,) r«luired, Any defici ency will be collected on dclivcrf. lI owever, on mntter welg";n~ not more than 2 Ountefl. IlrcpilYment of 2 ccnta" os io nl · lowed , do"blc thc deli_ ci"nc~' to be ~lIceted On delivery. •

~~o~~~~t~;~f ~~h~~ cf!:~

?>inttcr aemled or othcrwi. c closed nllni"~t in~pccl ion i. nl.o of the fi rll clun. P OST CAHDS.SECOND -


C I ,A!lS.-Ne~-

for each pound or f.netion thereof on that porlion d~voled to ad,·crt;acmcnIB.

~~r..,,:\sbri~\~~: ~~~crr:i


second-clllll:l matter,


T H I RD - CLASS.-ThirdCIIlSS mntter cmbrftcca drculnrs, Boob Onduding Clllalogues) havinl':. indudiag tho cO\'c~ 2·1 (,oges or more, nnd other Imn!ed mnt l tr on pill,cr toot hU"inl'( t he nnt"rll of a" nctun l pe,,"onnl Clll rO' l' ondcnco (ex-

~~~!18ne":.r~~~~d nnto pc~\~ oocond clau), proof.heets. correeted pr(H){,bcct , nnd mfinuseripLcop), aceompan¥iOIt the ,nmc, mntter In poiat print Or raind char_ nr.tcra used byl ho blind, drnwi nga, merchnndise, leeds b ulb • . cu ttings, root8, ,dom.

~nn1Ifl~1~nt~iI:t~~ ~,l!~ Q~h~~






centDvos cllch. ccnlll\'O~


Weighr-).Io limil .



rc«u ircd.


I'r cpn ymcn t

r"'llli re,\.




eentnvOll fo r tach pound or frBet ion thereor On (liB! portion dovotcd to ndvcreiscmollts. eenl, for cnch Z o~. Or fraction thereof

W ";lIht-Snme 10unh-dllM.

ccnlsvOOl foe each Z OUn~aI or rrnction. up to nnd indudin.,; 8 lIunecs in weil'hl. except thilt booke, catn10ga, lcedl, Ontli nlll, bulb •. r ool s, ooionl, lu,,1 \,lan\8, not cxcced ' "fI S ouncr, ,n wc,ght ,hall be 2 eC"lav,," for cvcry 2 ouncca Or frnetion. T ho 2-eenulVo t ntc dOal nOL apply to blank book. Or to IbOllo mainl~' blnnk.

We"bl-?>IU!lt "Ole,,(ted 8 o unces.



ON MA I L MATTER ADDRESSED, ETC.- (Conrinued) POI/(Jq. in Philippi"e

Clo .. ~(!CORd


L,'m,t 0/ Il'ciuh.! and Si ••


dassel, when

~'!,g~ci~~f~i;::jg~inKo~.ree~~ The .",me COMIC. when .ent in pnTccla e:rcccdinll; S ouncea in wcijl:ht i. embraced in fourth-clll.l' or paroel-pollt IIlllil. prcpp)'men~

~ntPvos for the lirat p(lund or fral>lion thereof. an d 22 cenuwos f(lr each ndditioDal pound or frllc.tion thereof.

Limit of W"illht-10 pounda. Siz&-IOO inebtl/l, )cnsth and gir th



I,eao for cach 1/2 ounce. or fraclion th ereof.

Limit of Welsh! 70 IIOURdt. Limit of ~ i. a 100 inches, IC"l'th IIRd lIirth combLned.

Full l>repllyment required.



ce Rtll"OS for e/lch 1/2 ounee Or fraetion thereof.




eentll"OS for eneh 1/2 ounce or frae1ioR thereof.


110URTH C I.ASS.-rncluuCII


nil Inch mllltcr Cllumcrn\cd unde. d ';ru-clau weigh ing more Ih ..11 8 Ollneel!. This dl\!$ of mRttcr ""lat be ucpo,ilod at tho ",(WIt office or nt " POltnl Still ion Ilnd



shnll not 1>0 doposited in u SiTCH loUer-bolO. It would I1lso





/lddrcn of lender on the

~~J~~dty O[ile '~;:rJ'~!:'ro~~~:





(OilIe r d _ . of mail not

Rccepte<! ror ttalllmw",m by .ir lIlail to U. S. !

fo'ull prcpP)'ment required. Full prClIPyment rcqu;rt'd.


in Philippine




12 centavos foe the first 20 STllm" Or leu, and (I eeu!pVO!! for each odditional 2{1 ),,'1'nJJlll Or frnction thereof.


PRINTED MATTER.NCWII>/lper, /Iud periodi· eal •. ba.oh. pllmphletl. photogrpphs, IlJetUrH, 10111". ePllllop. Or noticel of "Mio... kinds, pnd. in senerlll, nil imptC$!ioR' or fepro<iuctiolUJ obtlliRcd OR


ment Or On Cllpboflrd. hy mell'" of printins, enK.a\,inl{. lithogrpphy. putog.a· phl' nT any other euily reeolRiuble mechanical proet':II •• with the esccption of lhe copyin R prea. Itampe with "'o\'obla Or inmo\'able type, ",,,d tho typewriter.

centllvos epch foe ti ngle c(lrdll. Ilnd for ellch of the tWO hlllvcs of .eply POIt cllrda.

Limil 0/ TVei~hl and .sOH Limit of weight-2 kilos. Li mitof .ile-LeD!):!h, sirth nnd tb.i~ k­ Il CSS comb int'd. {l0 centimeter!; but greatest lells!h. 00 ceD~imet~rl . II) roll.., IOIlIC!h aDd t wico th o dill",ot~r, l OOcentimotcrl; bu t gfellt<!5! length, 80 ccntiltlctcllI.

A·o~ :oC~~~~~d~e~c~ll'::~~be:

Sil&-Maximum. 15 by 10.5 oelltimetCI'1l. " Iin imum. 10 by 1 c~ntimcter4.






1l~~;-ob·:rfo:'~'!:.d~J t~\1~ \i~~~~~t '~ftl~J.:~~~:,1 J~~

Cle th e dcfideooy 10 collected on d eliver )',


NOTE:·"he minimum IlTUount of deficient p a.ULge to bo rllted Or collected it ' "' ) ccn IIIVOi!l. II.


gcncrlll rule. ,,11 IltliclOil cor.eellondcllco IDU!t

~:nl:~~y tf~c:!!!, b~n~~: post carob with p .... ual 1"C1lllyrneILt Or without

:~:f."~~"7~:wa~ed ~:~~

linmtlon. double th e dolicienoy 10 be colleoted on d elivery. .... "'

centll"OS for ellch

50 I:rlllM or fr llction thereof. E%-

cept printed milL-te. for the U!e of tl,e blind. the rnte on which ill 2 eentll"011 for .,uh 1000 grams or fraction thereof.


the nmit for ,,-hieh i.J 3' kilo.ltl'lInta. Tho limit of weight

~~~ r:;n:i:~g WI~II!f

Ihe blind ;a 6 IdlogJ'lImt. Siz&-The all"'e ... that ror teuCCl.



required .




Poda(J( in Philippi,,! C1. rrn rcy

COM;\IERCIAL PAPEIlS.The follow;nJl are conaidcrl.'d

16 centa>,o.. for the

:nd7t.~:'·"'th!~l t~::"d;j n~~ h .."" the chDTActcr <or (lctunl rorr"'lpon<lo ceo nil




fo.1t 20Q gram. or IC'aII, and" centa"OS for each additional SO grIn.", Or fraction thereof.

Limit of ",dq~t "lid S,'u Weight-2 kilO\>Tamr. Sile--The lame M printed lette..

Full Ilrellnyment requin,u.


wholly Or pnrtl)' written Or .Irn"'n; lueh III oll\_of-dtl.(e Mlid... of cOTreepondcnco (QJlened ldt~rs lind l' '51

cards) which h""" alrcady rcached their origi"al dcatination, lind copie. thereof; papers of iIIeglll proCOOUTCII,

dOlmmcnl. of nil kinds d.IlwII up by mini~tcrilll oflicers; wo)'bills or billa of IndinK : invoicc~; "ertain documen ts of inSUTllnco comI,nnies; tep;", of iu ~~lrnNft from documents under Ilrivnte !eQI IVritten on aUmll or unstnmped pRpcr; score, Or .hccta of m,,,ic ;n m"'I\" 8erill~; "'nnU"Cn~Of 1V0rki or new'"l'npcf' ~ ~ 801''''ntcly; o,,"innl nnd orrected excerds", of .tudc II bul ",i~hout any nOlc~ no~ relntin, directly to the, execution of the work. SAi\IPI,E$ OF MEROHA'\l". DISE.-)iun pOl!llI'S' If<> nlable >'nlue. nor benr nny wr;tin): CJ<ccr~ nam/! nnd add.CdS of .ender and address,' c, manufac~U1"er'" trade


~ent"\'0!1 fnr the lint 100 grams or leu. and .j cellta"OS ra. caol> "ddition!ll 50 grams

I'ull p'''l'a)' nlent required.

or;on thereof.

dimollsion. Or .ueb u nrO DrCCII .. ry to determine tho origin nnd nnture of the good!. NOTE;-For rIItes nnd conditi'ms r egarding "Tnicrn .. iionBI Parcel POlit" (Su Intest Buremu of Po, I" "INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN PARCEL POST")


AIR MAIL VIA SI NGA PORE (By St~amer from 1\["nil" to Sin gnporel (By I'ln"e from Sinl,lllllOre to t1O$tinntion (For evcry 1> grnma Or ~~~i!~~) in "dditioll t o otdinnry Ndhcrlnnda ElI.9t Indi ca" Sinm . ... Burmn... A""tmtin ... , Btiti.h India, , " .. "., Irn" (ruciuding"" Egypt {Indudina; Pall'Stine).......... ..... Europ.c (;neludina; ElIglRnd nnd the Iri.1I Ftee Stll\e) " ................•......... , ..•.

'1'0.0" 0.0&

h:~;;~;':' i:;"o~~'~,' K~~~~ .. U~":~.i~· ~~d 'T~~:


O. iO

0,12 0.16 0.2"0.21l 0,30

N:~~~~~· ~~d' fi~';th'';'~ "ril;.;d;~;~::·


0.42 0.46

South Aftiu .••. ,.".,"',.".".,

1> pound! Me .epr«ented on the

6 7 8 o 10 II 15 20 30

iy>ounda nro rCpl' eaented pounds !'IrO repre~ented )IOund! are rcpr","enttd pound! B'e rcprCllented pound. "'0 .ep,coentcd rcprC.Jcnted Iloun<l. pre rcprClent~d l)oun,l, (\to repre.ented pounds .. rO repr,,"cn tcd ~o pound. "re rCI"","cnted 60 poullds arc rCl'rcaented

on on on on on on on on on on on

tho the the the the the the the tho the the

VI A HONG KO NG (By Stellmer frcm ,\Inuitll to 1I0ngkong) (By 1'lallO from Uoru:kon\l to destination) (For overy 5 grnms or (motion, '" ntldition to ordinnry po.tllgo) i\t:.ln}'nJ ...•.. ".,., ., .• 1'0 , 06 Netherland. EI\S~ I ndiu. 0 , 10 Si/lm.,. 0.12 Durm .... O. \G >\UI.,,[il\ .. ,., , 0.18 Britioh fn<ii 'L ........... .. 0 . 18 Iraq (Including Penia),.". 0.30 0 .32

~~'g;e (~i~~I~<\i'~g p~~)~n:a' ~~d' '!i,o" i~ish

F",o Sta t e), .....••. , .. , , Sudn n..... , ... ,'" .... , ." ............. . Bel!!;an ConlO, Kcn~'a. Ugnndll nnd Tangnn_ )',kn"" ...............•.• , •.•.. ,"" • N.Jrthcrn lind Southern Uhodesin, South Afr;ca ..

EQ UIV}.L ENTS metric .(Ble by 22<>0 metric scale by 2700 metrio acalo b)' 3150 metric ~cale by 3600 mClrio scale by ~050 mcnic ~ca[o by 4500 metric .cale by ~950 rn~tric !cale by 6750 metric semle by 0000 metric ec nl e by 13&00 metr ic •• ale by 18000 metric 8e..lo by 22500

or Or Or or or or or or or or Or Or

"5 54 63 72 81 90 9!l

135 ISO 270 360 "50

6fty·grnm fiftY·IV .. m fiftY-glam fift)'-gram li fw·gnm fifty·gram fifty·grnm fifty·lftnm lift)·p-e.'m fofty-vnm

.ate.. rnt"'"' ratel, rntll:!. rflt.,.. rates rates rate. Utes. rnte.!. fif~)'-gram tRtee, fift)'-gram rat"'".

0.36 0.38 0.44 O.4S O.S~




From From From




From "rom





2.51 5.01 10.01 20.0 1 30.0 1 40. 01 50.01

(U.S. Cu. )

S. Currenoy) $2.00 . •.

1.0 to to to

to 10 to

Paynbla in U. $" CanB dll, Cuba, ete

PIIYllblo iu Philippi nee

For Orden




5.00 .................... ..• 10.00 .. 20.00 ... 30.00 .. 40. 00 ... . 50.00 ... . 60.00 .. .






. III .24


." . 20

to 60.01 to 75.00 ... 75.01 to 100.00 ...


:~~ • :12

. If,

.58 .75

NO;~~;-~~~ti,~~'J~c~r,fJ11~~~, ,ul,~;~r~t~~;~cc~r~~;::o:~~~ot :;~~~~'~8;~;rn~~1I1[~i~e':~,~lo~~nif;:~(:,:.o:eWi;;~~! t~:~:: ten money orller. in onc uny to ono pnrty pD.y~ble 10 tho ~'LTn\! por~on.

FEES C II ARGE FOR TELEGRAI'I-II C TRA NS F lm Pnr IImo"l\!~ For amOum fo'or amount" fo'o. ntnOuntll

not .. ~"redinll "20.00 .......... ' .. o,·e. 1'20.00 not exceeoing 1'50.00 ............ . over 1'"50.00 no~ e%ceeoinl: 1'100.00. •........... b,cr 1" 100.00 (for each "50) or fraction thereof.

1'0.20 0.30



INDEM N ITY SYSTEM Tho Bendrr or O'Vller of " registered mntter nmy be indomoifi ...1 for the 10M, rillinll. Ot dnmnKO tl,creof in the ~'1".~th:nf:II~~vi~~ 1~~~~nlcnt to ita IIclulll villuo, but not to cloer 100 peao! for ncb reli,tered article On paYUlcnt

~~\ ~~i i~ ~~~~ r.h~ ~~ ~!~.':'n~~~ '::f ~~ ~ ~~.:~~~..;~n~e:i!·vos.


~~~~: :~~~~ ~ffio°:nP ..~~,!;~~tofo/1~co~ft~~tt~~~~~~~~~·0 •. ~ p,cpaid by " osloge 5111m ll.l IIffixed to

HeguJIIr l' ost llJle a",1 f~ mU3t ia in clu ded in tbo (ec.

the "rlielo

The COi!I t of ng;;,lrntlon


~:~ ~ ~:ll~~~[:~ :~~r o~~~Sd~~~ ~~? ~~~~'ini:' '"SO:: :................ .

For" collection o,'or " 1iO "nd not ercoeding 1"100. For n collecti'1o O,'ct 1'100 and not exceeding I'ZOO .....••....••..••. Tho nmou"t 10 be collected upon II single pllrcel i, limited to 1' 200.

1'0.20 .40



:. I. 20

SPEC I AL I'ROVISIONS UN ITED STATE S AIR ~ IAI L.--OII lctter mnil for tho United StMco " fro of 12 eontllvo~for enolt ounce or frnclion Lhcrc of. will be collected. ONJ,Y PH I LI PP I NE STA"IPS VAL ID. -PostogC 8t:""II' of Lite United Stlltes Or of foreiKo cou ntries oro no' "<l for POi!lto"o in the l'hilippinc I.lnnds but 8in"lo postnl enrds. tho, halt·C!\ of d oub le 1l0000tai cnrda, nnd b~~:-.'o~u~t\~il~~,t~~~f~°r.'i!noJ~~\~o~v~;\~1--~:f~~i~~O ~~"~~lc(go~::rlzg~e~Y .on adtlreued t'1 the United SWtCl!, coun~~C ,~~;'~h ~~I,~;S (oreign double postal cards are volid for PO.IOIlO when nd drcaaed for delivory in l he


poslti';D~':i,~C~'I~~~";,~~dll~~I~~~f!lf~~~ftr:~~1. ~~r~to~!~~t~vn~~11cf,tr~~eJht~.~~lru~r~~I~! ~~I~:i~hc~eoou"b\:

paid with PhiliP lline jlO510«0 UII'n~) and nrlidco found in tl.e moils benrin!! inlcrnD" revenu~ stnmp~, or pOlt.oge sumps of lh~ United S'"IC:II Or of any fereign coun trr. will be treated 00II unpaid maltcr. The embOl..-,ed

~!~:;:'P d~~:eC~~~'~o f1:3.G~~';~ ~~t~hWi~~i~~ ttlll~~I.ipP\no lIIlnnds life villid for pOltnllo in tho Uni ted Slntea

~PE~~~kio~ElI~1 rh~ ~r;,-;;;:;~~:u~e:~ °lo;n~!)~eet~~roit~~t:/ 0: tph~~!;~~~iS~~i!JbcD~~ivher:;:o I~~~~c~b~~:~;J; rl:~~ :~~m:~r~ ~~~p~~t'~e~r,.~~)~,~n~~~~;ir ~~[~~ieo:[ ::.:ttf:e s~ra'rrR~ ~,;;~::t ~~ rh.ri~d~~ccili~~~'·~h! artirfe t'1 be spccially ddi,·ered. (Sp~ial delivery moil is no safer thao oniinOlY mlli!.) Tho uun fee ill for Quick delivcl)" III deetination onl)·. UN ITED STATES SOI,DrERS' SAILORS ANO )IARINES' LETTERS.-United Statta Icldiers' .ailor,' and marinu I~tle .., whcn properl)' indorud Ill! audio may be ecnt t'1 dealin.tion in tbe Unitecl Stilt'" without prepayment '1f IIny p Oltagc. nnd only aiogle rlllO will be collccted on dcli,·cry. REG I STRATION

R:i:~~~ ~:: ~~ ~:~: ':~:~:r a:dddi:.~ f?6r dJ!li~~~~ i~u:!i~e \~!i~r~ilf;i,li.;';::::::::::::::::.

1"0. !O




General List of All Municipalities, Municipal Districts and Important Places in the Philippine Islands Showing Postal and Electrical Comm unication Facilities "roylne". l\1unlclpullt}' . Municipal OIslrlct

Or ilnnlo


Nearest Money Ortl cr Office

Nearest Telegraph Office

LImit of Wcl{lht In Kll08


Bucay, .. Dllngl l\S.

Ooloree ...•.. '-ILi"n~ilnnK •.

'-"gllf lln ", ..

spaD-IT ...


PO 8-2 F ...... Dolor<!S ..• PO 6-2 F ...... Ban&ued .•

:..""mbo .....

PO 1'0 PO 1'0

Pellnrrubin .. !'j,ligMl .. Pilot, ....... .

Villn";,,;.,.,, . An ... yan., Baa)· .....


Boliney.... Budoc .•• Buncg ..... . ClIla a)·an .. .. Dalluioman. D:l.nlU:.•• LIIQllb .. •. Lim,,,n ....•

Ma1ibeonJ ..• Ma' .. r"~,,n .. N"gliba" .. n.

Tiempo .• T ineR.

8-2 D_2 B-!! 8-2

}' .. , •.. Bu~,,~· ••. F ...... Rueny., .. II ..... . 8nIlI;UI:'\I, F, . Bnngueu ..

B""I':·)c{i. ..

Nan·IIenn .. Bano:uctl. D""RUC.t .. nnno:ncd. Dnnltucd ... Nn,,·n~nn ..

1'0 D-!! II.. .. Blleny .. . 1'0 1).2 F ....... Dolorcs .. . PO B-2 F.. . .•. B~llgucd.


~g g:~ ~::: :::N~,',:;t""n':.'

Dolores . Dolor~•..••


Bucal' .. . Bucay ... .

Dolores. Dolores ......••.•....•• •• . Bue.. )' .......... ....... . nueay ..



T:l.Y"nI. Tny,,,,, .


...... ·1· ..

......... ... .


Dolores. n,.~

.." ...........................

j ••

Dolores .•


S 1'0 D-I TR. S

~g N:~ ~·:: .... Cab3db..T!ln. 1'0 D-2 F . ..... Butunn ..

$ PO D-1.

Munlclprol Ol st ·s .,

~~f,~~L: ... n~C\ . .

Bakingking. B"yl o ... Borbon .•••


BUII .. wan .. Buena";ata Coneordin. Cue'·..... . Ebro ....... . &l1)(,'lln." .. Guad .. lupe .• H"I .. pit .. n .• JohlUon •... 1.l\narusimn.

La Pnz ......

Lilli Ni""C!I. l,ibcrtnd .. . l.oreto ...... . Lo. Arcos . . ]\1"I\II;n •... Manlb ..lili .... MaY~Ml\llnn . . N.,"cle ....... . NUllVn Grnoin .. Nuevo Sjba~nt •. Nuevo T,abnio.

Patrodnio ..... Pr"""...tidlld Remedl"" ..

C"'b"db~r""'n :

BUlutl.n .•. autuan ..

Dutllnn ....

. ...... . {

, PO B-t.

But"nn •... Tnl.eolton. Bun .. wlul ...

::::\.: . ,.

.::::::t:: .

TAiarolloll. But" ... n .... Tnh,coilon. WaIO(' .. .

Waloe ........... . . . Wllloe .•.

WlllDe . • Dutua" .•......•.•• ••• _ n"na,. .. n .. Wnloe..... 't·" lncoilon. autn"n .... nnnawAn.. . ......... , •• _ . • .

Duw.. n .... . Tm1",,010n.


nangued .. Bnn;ued.

nu(uan ..

Tnlacolton ..


Ilutunn ... . . n"nllwnn .. 1· ... Tnh...·o,:con. nuu .... u ..• , .

Btl.nlued. Ban;u~" .. 8t1.lIo::ued. nangued ... B ... ngu~d • . Ban!';ued •.. Bangncd. nnnqned ••. Dtl.Rl(llo.t .. Dnnl;ued •. aanl;llcd .. ll:ln G"cd. ann gucd ..


Sueny ..



;;~~~~,~.:: : .


C:l.b3.tbarnn .. JaOOllo:n .. N:lI!ipit ...•... Talaco;on .•


PO 13-2 F ....... Nnrvnc"n .•

~:~"r~~~:~':: .

Municipa l DI$t'3.: •\taw:l. ....

nnngllcd .. n"ngue.t .. I)"ngued. B"ngue.l .. nangne.l. l)anRnOO .• n"no::ncd. nangul'1l •.

PO 8-2 F ...... Doloros ..

L8 I'no. Lubn ..•.

Slln Quinlin. Toy,,,,, ..... .

S··..:eJ::: .

~g g:~ ~:: .. :::jjOlo;..;,;:· s ~g r~~ L .... :Tn~:,;m·.: $

Wnloo •.•. Butunn .. .. T"llIeollon. nunaw ... n.,. . ...... ...•..•• • •• Talnr.oilon. . ......... •• Dntu"" .•.

Jlutulln .•. nu("an ....

n"\""n .. But"nn ..... Butuan ...• antu"n .•. Butlltl.n ... nntn"n .. Bu~nan ... . Butu ....... . Outuan ...• Dutu"n ... Butu"n ... ]Jutu"n .. Butu"n . .. • Butnan •.. Bu~nan ..•. Bntnan .. . nutun" .. .. . nutu an .. nntunn .. Butunn .• , 8n\ulI.n .... nnlunn .•. Dutunn .... Butu .. n .•.

But unn .. nntunn ••. Dutunn .... . Butulln ...... .


None None NOlie None NOlie N{mo None None None None Nono None None None None None Nonn None

"", "" Non~

Nona Nono NOlla None Nnnc None


Nnnc None NOM None None None Noue None None None None None None No"e Nono None None None None Nnno None Nono !'lona !'lono



I'rovl n ce. M u nl cl(ln illy. Mu nicipa l Oistr lct Or Barrio n ~"rio ....


Nearest M o n oy O rd er O ffi ce

Informat ion

Nen r es t Tele~rDp h Offi ce

')'alacogon. W"loe..... BunIHvnn. 'I'11lneogon •• Tnlacogon. I3l1nn\\'11l1 Wsloe ....

S"lllLnlo ...•



I ~idro.

Snn Luis .. . Santa TnCII.. . San tll Jo~ern .. . S'lnlO Tom n.,. Trcnto.

Bu~unn .. Dutua" ... . Du!uall .. .

l}uII .. wall ... Bunaw"n .. WlIloe . .. .. . S PO B·1.

' liolllntll .. Waloo ..


Non ,'


None None NOlie

ButuRn .•••

Buluah ... . Butuan ... . BuluRO .. ..



g:~:~IIJ(::ni';';d~n;';';): .

Dat a (CsumdUIIOl'S . ..... . Cnlolbon (Cntllnduancs) .. Cllmlllig ..... .

g~L~~~ni~;,: .

Jovcll11r .... LEGAS PI . I.iboll;. I,ibon. 1,11;11" .••..•.. • \: .••.... , ••...••.. Mnlili(loL .. .. .. '\: .......... ... ..

~l:~rt~~:: ::::::: ~ : .. . ~~di.~; ·(Cali.;'·d';';~ei)·.·


POlrlhj;llLi. ..••


........ ".

T,w, ............. .

V'1;8 (Catllndl1"n cs) ::::: \ . : :: : : .


(CalRo d\llln c~)

s ~g RJT"'::'.:na'lo'.: S PO B-1. PO B-2 ........ . Virile.

Virnc ... VirM ••




RJ .... :: :i,cgi.,;P"'''

SPOB-2T. PO B-2 ......... GuinobRtnn.

SPO f,g g:tTR: ... :j,e~Mpi: .. fl-2... . .... Pol11 ngui . Spa B-1 T. PO 0-2 ......... Tllbnco

PO B-2. . .. . Tllbaeo.... PO B-2 ... ' ..... Legn.,pi .•• SPOB-IT ... $ PO 8-1 R ... S PO B-1 R .. S PO B-1 T ........... . S PO B-I. .. .. SPOB- IT .. S PO B·\. •••••••••J•••• PO B-2 ... •• Psnga,"bll11 S 1'0 B-1 R ........... ....... ..





In Kilo,

None None None Nann NOlie

Outllnn .•. Butunn ..•• Dutu'ln ... DU~Ulln .. DU~URn ••


~i~~~\!: ... '

Lim it o f Wel~ b t






b·.;i~~b i~;.·.·

i:"gi.,;pi·: .. Peolnngui.

20 20 20


T'nb''':",o:::: .


Tabnco. LegRllpl ........... . .


iin~~n: :



"'" IQ IQ


T'Pllngllnlb811 "b'neo:: ....



20 20





... "::: L'


.. ::::::::::::::::: :::;: ],a",,-nn.. . . .......•..•• 1"mdnn ....... ..... ........... . Pathonrron ......... , .. " . . . . . . SAN JOSE DE DUENAV IS T A. SlIn Ilemlcio ...... ' ........ . Sibalom .. . Tibiao ........ . V"lderrama .. . DATAAN Abucn), .. UlIglI"' •..... P AL ANGA .. D'l1/1h' l)ih811. II CtmO:!/I ...

l ,irnay ... " ............ , • "Inrive]e,. :\Ioton .. Orllni •• Orion. PHsr ..

Samlll BATAl'\"ES RASCO. hbayllt •• ]vana . ... Mnhllt"o .. SlIbtRnll: •• UYlIgan ...•........••. .••..••.•.

PO B-2 F ..•. •• . IlUII: 1I.50nll •.

S ~g g:~ T .. S PO \3·1 T .. S

~g R:~ ~

:::::: B'u'Iiw,~'l1~

S PO B-\ T PO B.2 F. SPOB-IT ... P O B-2 F



San Jose de Buenn,·iI!n.

• •Siba\om.

l ... ::i::'ui~;::. PO B-2 F ...... Dugaaong ~g l~

PO B-2.

1'0 B-2. . . .. S 1'0 0- 1


. .0,dallg" ... . . Dnlnnga.

.. ......... .. s~g gJ~: .. ::::(irA;.l:




SM'j~e'de jj~c~~,:(.t~

20 20 20


S;"D·j(,.o·de jj~';~~,:j~ t~

s ~g g:~.~.:::'.::bio;,'

$ PO B-1 R. .. P O B-2 R ..

PO B_2.

]'0 n-2.

. : :B·";' ~o: .. ..BMeo . .

. .. BWlco

]'0 B-2. 1'0 B-2.

. BRlleo BWleo

20 20



, ,



B11I11ngl1 . bi.ii.g~p~::


B·,,::. Balangn .


BR11an .. enlses ... Onlmt1l/tn1\ . Cuenc .....

Baaeo .•. BBllco ... D1lIIco.

l bnsn .•.. 1.Iemcry•.

lJisn ... LiPll .•

T ...

F... .. ........ . F ....... Bnlnyan .. F ....... Dnuso .... . F ....... BlllnngRII .. . F ....... TaaI .... .. PO B-2 F. . .. Nuugbu. $POD- l T.





. . 20

PO B-2.. . ... . . Bnu,,". $ PO B-1 '1' .. .. $POB-ITR. $PO0-1 $.p0 B-1 PO B-2 PO 8-2 PO B-2

20 20 Nona Nono 20 20 20 20 20

B·":"c.;: ..


D"I")·"" ...... . B AT ANGAS ..

, ,

t'u·lui·.: .... Dugaaong.


SPOB·IT. S PO 'B-1 T. PO B-2 .. .Baillng". $ PO 0-1. ......... ..


sir;"jQH'de jj\i~~~\~ip


Balayan ••••

:Ostang/la .••

Batnnaaa .. . Tsal ........ . Nuugbu •.•...

..'" 20

.20 NOlie



PHILIPPI NES P .-ovl n c;e. Munld rn Ul y, Municipal DI , ulct

Or Oa rrl o


N ear es t Money O r der I nformatio n


Neault T elegraph Offi ce

P O B-2 F .. •... .BDtaDgM. PO 8-2 ,.... .••• BaURU .... . Tan,,"uDII . PO 8-2 F ..

Lobo •.• Mabin;' . Maivllr •........ i\!ataQnakahoy Nuugb u .•. Rollllrio .. .

• Lip.. .

. ..• " " " . , , .

Bata'!#&II. Baull.ll .. 'raununn • Lipa .

San Luis ... . . Snntn Tom ... . Te.a1. . . .

T·n~i: ..... Tannunn. T'a',,''':u~'';:


Tnnnuan .••



Til)' . .


Taliuy .... .


BOHOL AnteQucrn .... .

g:~llil::: ::.


~g ~:~ ~·,·::::1:~~!~r~.~·

D atu nn . .

PO 8-2 F ....... LQay •..

Bilar .. " . .•.

g:~lmny::' .


. .



Clari o ••


Corell ....

Cortes. ,

gi~!o::' : ~::. g~!i,;'H;';riillide~:":::::::: \ :. Guindulman. }::~:~~8.

...... ": :::::: :\ :

J etafe. Lila .. . LOlly .... .

Loboc •. LoOD •••

Mabin;, •.•. Maribojoo.

Talibon . .. Tllbignll.

Ubny .• .. .

Valencia ..... ... . Carmen Colony. BUKIDNO N

~tA..;({IJ'fi: ...y.-

l\'luluko ... Tala"o.g.

Munldpa l DI U' s ., Baungon .. Kibo.w" .. Lib"na ••. Malitbo/l ....•........•. MlU'1ImRg •..

r~~i.!~~~~: ...... "" ..



~t"1l6l6s·.: .

MILI'iI .. Q.... 'lI1"yca UllYan NorulIlllllY ObandQ .• " PaQmbQng ••• PQIQ •• PuliJaD.

. .::'

~g R:~ ~: .. :: ::G·ui~;lui;.;~~ : s ~g g:~ L. :::T·ubiR~~·.: ...

T'niib'iin'r'n;; Lony....... . 'rallbilarnn .. 1'nllbilllrn" Tn~bilarnn .•. Tm"billlran .• Tagbilarnn .. ... Tn~billlran .• • . Tmllbil arnn . , . TRKbHarnll .. Tubigo" .


PO 1l·2 F . . . .. 'ragbiIRUII .. PO 8·2 F ..... . . T"!:Ibnar,," .. . PO B·2 F .. ..TngbiJnrnn .•

~ ~g

t : ~::'.:::j~~~~: :." F .......

P O B-2 SPOR·IF .. SPOB-I F .. S

Vnlenein ..

~g t~ ~::· .: :j~~b~~G-~::


PO 8-2 F ...... Loay .. Sp08-IT .. S PO 8-2 F ... SP08-1T. . ............. Span-IF ... Sp08-1T . .

P and"D.

Sevill •••.•.•.... Sien a-BunoDe. . Sikatun .......... . TAGBILARAN .

BULACAN An!lat. BBlIullfl Big ..... . BOt: ..u~ .. . BullicaD. B",I08 ..•

"rnllbilnrnll ..• , •. TngbilnulI .... Mnr'bojoe .. Tngh'I"T,\II .• . TallbilR rll" .. I,ony, ., Loay ..

PO B-2 F. . .8 .. da~·Qn ....• PO 13·2 F. . ... . Guinduh nan, ]'0 13·2 F. . .. M"ribojQc •.

Albuquu'luo. Anda ..... .


,. .

~g i:~ !::·::::~:~i~~: .... PO B-2 F ....... Tagbi h.un ..

S Pa ll-IT .. spa 8-1 F ... SpOB-I T .............•. S Pall- IF .. S


N:: ~:·:·:::c~~;,;~ri:·

PO 8-2. S PO B-1.

PO B-2 .. PO B.2 !.

. MnlllYbRlny .• .:c~g~y~,,;::

. ..C"II"yan.

PO B-2 F ... ... Baliua.,

S ~g ~:~

'$.::: . ::B;'~~;'~·.:· SPOB-IT . . . . . ........... . . $ ~g ~:~ J:: ..... n aiiuRC. $ ~g ::~ '$.::. ·:::BGc:~;;e·:.· SPOB-IT .. S ~g t~ J::" .. Meye .. uaynn .• $ PO B·l T ~g t~ ~ ::::::~~~~~~:

PO B-2 F

S PO B-1 F ...


T'a·l:"bii~;D"'·. : .

Ta,bilarnll . .

Lo;,;:.: . T""bilarall . . fai!:biin'''a-'': .: . Loay.... . .... .

!fa:hiia",,~·:•. Tnlb'lnrn" ...

T...:~bli~r;....·.:: :. Ta~bil"ran ..

Loay ..•

Call1yall, . Cllgayan. Cagllyall ...• CRgnyn", . CR.IIny"" .. Cagayn1l. Cngaylln. , T,,~oloall ... CURYlln .. CIK"yn" •• Cagnya1l.

Cas"ynn ..... M al"ybn\ny .. Ca.ny"n .••... . Tn~oloRn ..... Mnl"yhalay .. Mnlaybah.y ... ~Ia]aybnlny •.

• Mo.lolos.

, '"" '"'", ",


iint~~i;';:: .

San Jose .. . SlIn Ju an ..

Limit of Weight In Kil os

aaliunl .• B·o·c~i.·c·:..

B'aifu~R: il"o(,;'i.·e·.:

""" 23"

", "" "" "" "" "" " 20 20 20 20 20

'" '"'" '" 20 20




'" ", " 20 20





"'"'" '" None None None None Non" None None

, '"", ", "" "" ",, 20

l\!c)·caunya1l ..




)'rovince. Municipalit y ,

Municipal Dlurlct o r Ba rriO

CAGAYAN Abulug ..

AlDulung. As,"ni. ....

llnlip.!!lcro.s .•.• llug"o)' •..•••. Cnm"lllniugRu Calnynn ...••...• •....••. Cla'·cri".


il'ai f';~i: . lloellue .•


Lo rllp (J. Ponllanii>lln) .. Pllmpl ollll .. ........ \ .. . Peflablllncn. .. .. .

hji~~C: ........... ..,.

. ...•. :\: •.. ::\

+~GUEGARA6 :::::::: :.~::::'

Muni ci p a l Dlu·s.: Allacnp an.. . ..••..•.... '. , ....• Lagan"an. CAMARINES NO RTE BL1ud ...... . Captllongll ..

gZlj~.';·j: 'PnnKnj,ib~,;:"'" .. : r:


...... ::::

Labo ........... . Mercedes .. . l'llra""le ... . San Vieenle .................•. Taliaay .. CAM AR I NES S UR Bano ... . na~n ............ . ......... .. .

ll uhi

n ul" .....

C Bbu88n .•.. Colllbnnllll. CPlDllligan Conompn .. Cnfamonn ..... Cnlnbanln".• • Cninn . ••..• Gna .. . iril(a ..... . Lagonoy... .

Libmannn •. Lupi.... . ............ . Mnl'arao


..... :: .. :T·u·a·';:. :" S ~g &1' S ~g tL ....... Tuguc"· .. SPOD-IT .. .

Limit of Weight In Kil os

NabHII. NAGA ... Pamplona. l'aaIlcao •...••..••••.••• Pili. ... . ......... . . Ibg ay


Abulug ... . .. TUllucgllfno. • Aloala .. Ap·8·r~i· :

... .

T U!lllcgnrno 1'lITa~lIl e ..

Abulull ••.•..•• Tugucgar(\o ... Tuno Tu(\o ... .

Ab"lug .... .


..DllcL ...

.. .. Dllet ....


DD C~ ...

b.i~I·: Dllet


S PO B-1 F .. SPall-IF ...

&:i ~::.·:::Nui.i.:: .. ... . Libman nl1 • .




l;g R:i f.::: ...... :Nu,i~:. PO D-2 F ....... Nngn.

P O B-2 F..

Ir i/ln .. . l figl' .. . NnlCn .. . .

J.jbmunan. NIIIII'. Nnlln ... Nngn ..

S 1'0 13-1 R ..



R:i l::. :: :N.ii.i ." sit;,' j~~::



L' .. :: tlb;,;.intio: :.

P O B-2 F .... ... Naga. P O B-2 F .. Nagl!. PO D-2 F ...... Nagn .•

spa D-I S PO D_I )'0 D-2 S P O D-I SPOD-I SPOB-I

T .. .. TR F ...... Nagll. T. F .. F.

PO B-2 F... PO B-2 F .. S


lti l'

. Ti"aon ... .t-.lIgtl. •.

:ilbin.inoo: ...

PO B-2 ....... . . CI!.]lIbllnga •••••




"" • " 20 20

5 20



I.,. 5

~g ltr::::::::C'ai;'b~ng~::: ::::

20 20 20 20 20 20 20


5 20 None

,., I.,i


S PO D-I T ... S PO n-l T ... SPO D-IF ..

~g &:~

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


S~g tt~: .. ·:·. b.i~t·... S ~g g:i.l.l::.::::bact·.: .. P O D-2.



None None

.. · ...... 1

P O B-2.... S P O D-IT ... S P OR-- ITR. S PO D-l TR . S PO D_1. S 1'0 B-1 .....



DaIlClltuo.s ..•



Sl1n Jose .. . ... . .... .


A]lllrri ... All nrri ..

S PO D-I T ..

:'Ililanr •••


~g M:i:::::::::l:;,;g~~ia·ri.o·. ·

SPOD· I ...... SPOD-IT . . PO D-2. .. .. Buguey .....• PO D-2.. . . .. Tugu~larno .. SPOD- I T. S ~g ~:L A'b';l~g·:...... PO D-2. . Tugucgl1rao ..

I,al-Io ............. ..... .

Siromll •.. Til .. on ... Tinl1mbllC

~g R:~ f..::··:::Baii';~i ..

P O B-2 F ....... BOI:ouc .. S 1'0 B-1 T ..

S~g R:~.:. "':::Apnr~i::'

Galll'TII!! .. . Gunzaga. [ 1; ui lt .•

Sip .... o l .


B ..Hull~ ..... SlIn Migud .. Docau(j ...

S PO B-1. S PO D-I. ..

W!li~jl~:: .... .


Nea rest T elell;rnph

SPa D- I F .... S 1'0 D-I F .. 1'0 B-2 F ..

S ~g lU.~~"" :XI~nl;": .

BlIl(gllo •••..



S PO B-1 R ... SPOD-IT .. SPOB-IT ...

Alcala ..... .

Solana ..


Nea r est Money Ord!:"f

I nfo r ma llon

I'lafidel ..••.. Slln Ildcl'oNJo. S.. n JOIIG de) Monto .. San MilCuel. Slln Rllf .."I .. Sanl .. Maria ..... Sibul Spring!... . .••....••..••.


NIIS(I'. Nallll ..••• NIlIII1 •.•

i-,'.;,g.i:: :



I.., !




NasD ...... .


Al onttOll. Tl1yablL&, (if by n ...m or Libmanl!.n (if by te1cploon l!. Tilaon ... .. .


Nas ....

Naa.: :::: ..

'", , ,





Nearest Money Order

I nfo rm (l i io n

Nea r nr'l'c leQ; rtlph


Offic e

Llmll or Wellt ll[ In kiln ,

I m "ormnl P[nce: ClltabanglUl $ PO D-I TR.



CA I'IZ AltnvM .•


New W,..hillgto n .•• Cnlivo .•. ••.•.... Clllivo ........... . Ne'" W"'!o'nelon ..

8,,1.te.. .

Ban!!.... . lIaUo ••••...

"Nolm.• . ..........

Coli,·o. Cn1i\'o . Copi •.•.. Ib"jll), .•

." ."




Pi1nr ....... .

g:::::: .


n nf1l8ngll ..



Dno •... ..

riao: .

I)umn[llg •.

DumRTRO. Ibmll}',. lui,nn ...... . J,nn;ndnll .•. ";bllello.

Nnw \\'lL'Ihi"",tol) ..

.......... '\"


.\lfon'G, .. Amndeo.



s ~g R:~ ~::'''::j~d;~g::'

(lnilen .....

Cnrmonll. CAVITE ...


Genual T r ias .. Imus ... l(aw;t .•.... :\la.. allDncs .. l\IlIrnnonliOIl •..•. ;\lell<ie& Nu/lc~ .• Nnic .••.•.



11 0,,,r;0 .. Silon!: .. .

Tl\n.lI .. . .

Te.note. Impo rtant I'la ""5'


A'l(lIo .•.. A8~\lTi," . Bodia" ... . nal o.mboll .. . BOlltoyoll .. narili. BOlio •.•.•. Corell ••• Cortnen. C"-Imon. CEBU ....... . Cotnposte1a •. Conooh:.don. • • Cordova ( /ll attan IIhmd) .• naanbantc.ylln ...•....... Dlllo~ct.,


OUtna.,jng •. Cinotilan .. l.ilion .••.•.

Mn<lridejos ... Maltl.buyoc ..



~g R:~

~in~il~:: /llIIIIiI,. ..

........... .

Indong ..




Noic . .

~g R~~ ~

/IIonilo ..


S PO 8-t T ...

S PO 8-1. .•. PO 8-2 F.. 1'0 B-2 F..

Uondll . .D"lo:og1l010.

Cobn ... Cobn ..

S PO B-1 T .. S PO B_1 T .. . SpOB- \n. .. .


spa n-I T ..

$1'0 D.1 1' .. .

L "::citim';~: ' SpOD-IT... S

~g R:~

ccbil.:· .

s pa 8-1 F .. S PO 8-1 T ..


~g R:~?R··:::L;io·o..,,·.::

PO 8-2.

1'0 n-2.....

S PO 8-\ T ... S PO D_l T ..

.. .. .." ."", .."



" ' 1' "

spa D-I T. S 1'0 &.1 T. s PO n-I T.. s PO 8-1 T ...



5 5

No'o .•

N .. io ....

L· ... :S;.~· ROQu';:'

..'"", ." .""" 5

Bit.n". Lngu",. ..

~i~~il;'::······· · · · ·

~g t~ L····:k~i~::.


Indlllll: ... Indllnl: .. i\llInilll .. [lIdan(;.

"13"iln .• " l an,III ...

,\ l~lInUl rll ..

,'Alcoy ,eW,n....... . Aloguinslln •.


PO B-2 F ....... Tanza.. SPOB-IF ..




PO 8-2 F ..•.•.. N~ie ..... 1'0 n·2 E. ...... Indong ..



r,g R:~ ~:: ... ::im·Ua::::· 1'0 8·2 F.. . .. Ton%<l...

S I'D 8-1 1' ... S I'D B-1 T ..


"" "" "" "

011(> .

1'0 8-2 F .. Knwit ... 1'0 8-2 F ....•. Alfoll$O .. P O B-2 F ...... Biilnn ..•

DtlIImnrin"" ...•.




.... ::::::::::\:






Sa" Roque.


g:n~~,;::' .

f,~~rt~~'~:""" '::::::: :~:::.



b~pi~: : ....

Mnmh,,~no •.

;;;!!.rna T"I'II4·. ·



Mnknto .. :\1nlinuo .....



. ............ ... . .

. .. Cf:bu ...

S PO 8-1 T .... . S PO 8-\ T .. .. S PO n-I T .. . spa 8- 11'.. sPOB-IF ... . s PO 8-1 T ..




Ccbu. Opon.


"" 2. " ""

5 20 20 20 20



Pro¥in ce. l'tf u nl ci pa lhy , Mu nici pa l Dl s ttl c t , Or Dnr r lo Mundl\UC. Modelin .....

I n f orm :lIlo n $

~Iinlll"nili n .


M o.. lbaul. Nogn.... Opon ••. 08Iob .. . Pilar .... , .... Pin"m1.lngnj .. n.

S $


B-2 .... .

8-1 T .. 13· 1 1' ...

Near es t M on ey Ord et Offi ce

Cd,u ..

Nea r es l T elel1ruph Offi ce Ccbu . .

W 20

D·I 1'.. B·I 1' ..

1'0 D· I To.. $ 1'0 B· I T ..




Para .. . Rond ............................. . SambOlln. , .... . San Fern .. odo,. S .. II Jorllnciseo.. . S.. n nemicio .. . SlIntll Fc .... . Sanlnllder. Sibon!!II" ............ ,. Sop::od .. , . TuboIlOIl .. T~liaa~' .. Toltdo ........... . .... , .. Tubura o .. Tud ela.

PO $ PO 1'0 $ 1'0

D·2 ...... 8·\ T .. B·2 . .. . . B- 1 T .. . $ 1'0 B-1 T .. $ PO B.I T .... $ 1'0 B·I R". S PO B-1 T ... $POS· I F .. S PO R-I 1' ... $POD· I T .. PO ))·2 ... . spa D· I T .. ..

~ ~g

~i;,~id~: :


Sa~' Fr ..~eiICO ..

Sa~' Fro~·ci!~o.:



W 20 W 20 NOM W

,., 20


COtllblll O. Co.lllbo.l o Paran!!: .... COUl.b"ln. Paranll ..... Cottlbaln .. COlabato P araag P ...ang .... Cotabalo .. COlabnto.

No.lll" None Nonl" None None No ne

D';lo~nn : Pikit .. , .. Cotnb .. to. Cotabato. P ikit .. . l'ikit ... . COlabnto ... . DulawIln ... .

Co'l ~b~;o: Co.tnbato ... . C o\ab nto .. . CotabaLo . COlabntn ... COl nbnto .. COlnbalo. COlabato. CotnbalO ... CotabnlO Cotabato COl8bato Cnto.b810

C',;tBbato: .

C<;toboto: .

Cotnbnto .. pikit ...... . Pnr""g ... . Pnkit .. I'nrang

..., ..

G'l a~ ' Parang .. Parallg .... Dulnwan. P ikit

g~~~";:;: ...... :::: ::: :::\



ri';I~~~';~ :

Dngumn .. Dillo;g, ... Dul"","n.

gr;~~~~: ..... ..::: :::: :: .... ~..


buIRn ... . ... ... .. T{abakun ... . Kulnllgnnnn. ] {i .. mbn .... l(i<inpnwan. .... ](ilub1.ld 1{ling ...................•. Korollndal. l.ebnk ... . Libung"n ............. . LigwuIln .. MIIJ::""0Y. Mulillll" Pnrnng. PikiL ......... . nci nn Rcgcn\c .. Snlnmnn ...... . Sabu. Silik ....... . Sul pallgan .. .

,. ,.

s·p(j'D:i. s'j'o'D:i," P O D.2.

Cot . i::·oi.j,i" ot~:



nulo.wo.n. D uln",Il" .. Cotnbnl o.



JJeh ak . .... Dulawan.

Pi kit ......

Cotahato. Dulnwan .... COtabalo ..

~~l~,t~~::: .

COlnbe t o. Cotabato .. Cot abllto .. Cotabnto. Cotabnto .. Cotaba \o .. Leb~k . ... Cotabato. Cotabnt o .. Co\n bato. Cotabllto ... Cota bato ..

I mport:ml P laces,





, ,

No n ~


None No ne



Non.. Non.. None




Nonc None 20



Non o None None Nnne Nnne Nnne

$ PO B- 1 It...

None None

B'~B~;~~I nllgllngn

1'0 13-2 F ...

$ 1'0 8· 1 F .. . .. $ ~g g:~ ~ R . . S PO 8. 1 It .. Span- I F ..

~ i ~ i C:::

i\la t i ..

Da:,:,;,;. Ml\lila .•. !\fl\lit a. Dav.o .. D a,·an ...

,, ,. ,,, ,. ,.l


G·l~n ...... Zamboan!:a.

M u nici pa l Ob rri cts.-

8:~u.::n".!"····· · ········:·· . Cam.Of":::·· .... . ............. .


None Nona None None None


CMifni):: :.............. ..

MIlknr {Duayall ..... . i\lilbuk (Kiambll) .. . Panguinn (Glan) .. SIl"b (l{;nmba) ...... . Upi (Awen!:. Co\ .. bato .. I3 Dngll'lGn ... .... .. . .... . .. . Cn rulla . . . . C fltccl .. . I)AVAO ........... .. Mnnuy. .................... . SIUl\a Cru~




g:l r.:·

8nlut. .. , .. Bllniailan", Bnrir .................... . DuaL .... . Dun)·Iln .. . B UlltUan.. . ......... . Buldun ..


2Q 2Q

$POB·IT ... $Pon·I F ..

~~l!~iton:: .


!\fl\lit.a •.• M al ita .. . D avao ... . D a ... ao ..


NnDc None None



1.lmlt o f Prov lnc". Mun icipa li ty. Mun ici p a l Di stri ct, or Ba rrio

I n fo rmation

PO 8-2.

Guisngll. Knplliong Lupon .. l falit .... . Moncayo ............. .

"PO ·O::?"iC.

S PO B-1 R .. PO D·2 .. PO B·l.


SamaL ..•••

~?~..~,;y: :'

jj,,:,:a~:: jj":~'a~

Near .... T e]elilra ph Office

... ......... .



n ...vllo .• OOXIIO.

,, ,, ,


D":,:":';." . OWM<>'

None Nona

Oa'·IIO. OBvao. DBvao. O",,·ao.




Importa n t P lacu,

But,,]nn (8atulski) .•.

Oa,:';'; ............ .

C"lam"" (Cabman) .... MlIllllag (Santa Cnn). ILOCOS NORTE Bacarrll. Badon •.......•.•••.....•.


Banna.. . . .

. ................ • .

Baellc, •••


. ... .

C urr;mll(> .......•.•......•.• • . D inlttllll ..•

LA-OAC .•. N uev Il E rll.

~:;~~;Jn : ' :::::::::~~\~~: :. ~i~1l~::.....

.),. ..

San Nicolas .............. . Sanal ... 5015GOII ••


D-J T ..

Munici pal DI't'. , Ad ..m .••• Dum ..lner; ..............•...••••

BurgOll . ..•. Cabug&O .•. CandOR .••

Caoayan... Cervall!.,. .•• Gal lmuyod.

tf£fSda::: .......... .. tl::~':.f~( : ...• NnrVB~aU

SlIn Eatd.>Bn. SBn Itdefoll.!lo SlIntll . . . ..... . Santo Cat alina ...... . .•.•.

Santa Cruz . •... . San tR Lucie. .. •. Sanln Me.ri a •. SnntilLflO Santo O ominlo •. Sa n Vicente SinBit . ••••.

Tns:u din .•. VIC AN.

Municipal Di l l' •• ,

Alilcm ................ . Angaki .•..


Sigay ...... Sugpon ..• Suyo ..••

ILOILO Ajuy •.... Alimod iln.

Arevllio. Dala.aan .

Danlto •......

Darnt..., Nuevo Barot"" Viejo DUC'lflVi.ta .••.


L... o~g·.: .

SPOB-I T .. I'OD·2F ... SpOD·IT .. spa D·I T .. . $ PO B-1 Tn •.. PO B-1! F ... S PO B-1 F .. S 1'0 D_I F .... SPOB-IF .. SPOD-IF ... PO B-1! Fo. S POD-I F .. S POD-I F ... SPOD-IF ..

Cnr..,i. .................. . ILOCO S SUR Banayoyo ... Bllntay ..•• Bauguen..

i,""on.g ....

D- I F . .

:8-1 F ...


B·I! Y .. B·I! F .. D-I! F ...

B-1! F .. D·I T ... SPOD-I T .. PO B_1! F ..• SPOD-IT .. PO D·2 F ... spa D·I F .. PO D·2 F .... S 1'0 D·I T . . PO D-2 F ... SPOD· I T . . spa D·I F ... PO D·I! F . . SP0B.IF . . PO B_2 F ... SP0 D-IT ..


spa SPO spa

20 20 20

LlloIIS.· I.nOIlg ....

, ,,

1.11.01111; •••

IlBd oe ..•

20 20

1,11011.11; ••

Lao"lt .. DinJl:l"RII. r,lIoag .. Ban gui .. BanJrui ••• P iddig .• . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


~~:J'o,;: ....... .

Snnta Maria ... .

Candon. Vig.n •... Candon ..... S.nta ",.ria

viga':'::: .


L.o!I.C .• L.oag ........... . .

c·.:ri,ion." ..

t"";'"don: .

Vigan .... Candon.

N":"·v·":c"';'·.: .


V'iga':': .

t1::~: Vign" ..•




Vi~nn ..

8 - 1 T . ..

D-IT . .

v'igBn: . V"isRn:

D-i F . . ..


SPO D·IT .. D-I T ... SPOD·IT ..

spa F ... F ... ~'

... .

F •.

F ... F ..

SPOD-IF .. PO D·2 F ... PO 8-2 F .. $ PO B_1 T .. . :. PO D- l T ... . PO B-2 F .. .


T agudin .•.. Cervantes. Candon ...

T(\lludin .... Cer vantea. Cantlon.

Tagudin •.• Tagudin . .

TBll:udin ..•• TBlIudin .•.

Cllndon •. Clludon ..

F .. .



~on·'Iloilo ..

poi.oi~'; I I0i]0 • •

Candon • ... CaDdon •.•.

S.r............. .. Iloilo .. . iloilO .•. iloilo.::: Iloilo Iloilo




c-,,;",io":: .

None None

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

S PO B_1 T

spa s pa spa

W ~ht h t

In Kil os 20

Oa\'ao •• naYBO. Mati ..

Oa"ao Oa'·lIo •. ~rati ..

0 ...'· ... 0 ...

"j'o'iI:i: "PO'S:!!:'

Sump ..• T agum.

N Mon ey Order Offi ce

None None None

,,, ,


", 20 20 20


20 20 20


20 20 20 20 20 20


20 20 20

None None None None None None None

" "'"'" " 20 20





info rm n tlo n

Ne!lrUb~{~: CY Order



--~--~----------------~------~~------C"b"luon.. ...••..••...•.

P O 1l-2 10' ...

Cnlinog.. Cnrlca...... ConcCI.cion.

1'0 B-2 F .. PO 8-2 ..... PO B-2 F ..

Duef\M.... .. .........•.

1'0 1).2

Dingl...... .. . . .. . . • . . . .• . • .


Guimbal.. II(0n.I'II... ILOILO .. Janinny . Jnro...

Jordan...... Lamb"nno.. Ln Paz. Leon.... ;\1"Il5;n... .\iingllo..



l'ou.>tnn .. ".. Snn Dioni!io . .. Snn JOllquin.. Snn ;\li"ue1.... Sftnla a"Tbn.". 511.,......

Tigb,.nlltl .......... \.. ISA BE LA

Ans;lIdllnnn ..........., _.. C"b,~t.n •..

ClIllllynn •• Edmgue .....•. • .... • ..

fLAC;.:N:···········:::: :~: ..

•Ione!. ... .. \ Noguilil111. . X" 1'111111>111> ••••••• : : : : : : : : : : : : . ' : : : : Rein,. Mercedes ..•...•...••..... SlIn MII,i"no ................ . SDn l'nblo .....................• Sl1nlll l\Itlri:l .. Snnliullo .•... Turnauini •. ······· T

1'0 U-2 F ...

}<' ••••

~ ~g ~:l

L:. S 1'0 D- ! T ...

PO (1.2 Fo. .. S 1'0 D-I 'l'IL 1'0 B-2 F


B-1 'r .. II·2 ..... B-2 F ..

n-2 ... . n_1 F .. . D-:! F ..




eM'illli. Famy. Lili o •.•.. Lougos. Loa DlldO!! .• Lui 6;nnn .• Lumbllll ••• i\I"biIIlC ••. ;\lulldaleno ;\!njnyjny ... NRg~n rJ nn.

pnole •.•••. 1'''l;'Iulljlln .. Pllk il" ...• Pangil •.• Pilll ....


I'olotlu •. l'lI!ai .... Iloi lo .•.


,. :!O

2. 2Q

i'oioin,;: . iloilo·.·.... POlolllu. Iloilo .•.

S;'~in' 8u~b;'j.;':

$ ]:gR:~L"


. .,,. ,. ,... 20



Iloilo •.•• Iloilo ... Iloilo .. Iloilo ..

,. S

20 20 ~1fI

............... .

S 1'0 D-L T .. .. . S 1'0 B-1 T .. . S 1'0 B-) 'r .. . 1'0 B-2 To •. S PO B-1 F .. S 1'0 Jl-l T S PO B- 1 1' ..

SPOB-IT ... S PO D-t 1'.. SPOB-I T .. . . S 1'0 0- 1 T .. . S 1'0 B-\ T ... . S 1'0 B- 1 1' ... S 1'0 B-ll' .. SPOn-IT ... PO n-2 n .. PO B-2.

. jicrU:i: PO 0_2 ...•. S 1'0 B-1 1' . . SPOD-IT.

..'". 20 :!O

i"t~i io.: .. Iloilo ....









il"".iuil...•... Nag.!ililln .. ilaltlln" ••. Cablll;:1n •. . CabllSlln ..




NIIIIUilian .. IlllgnO).

NOn() ,~'1••••••




CllutlYlln. Gllmu. Gamu .....

PO B-2 F .. spa 11-1 1' ......




1·lIu;. ..... BIIIllJ!lIn •• ~'.rll .....


B- L T ....

CIIIIII)'(ln . . Grunu Gllmu •...



Snn Pnblo ..

Tllnllum n .

NOll O




iSpan-IT ~g R:: ~:: .. ... s


n_ \

T ..

SPOD· IF .. 1'0 ll-Z F ..... . 1'0 )]-2 F . .. . .

s· PO ·n·T;'::· '"i>o·n:.i F ..

S PO B-1 F S 1'0 spa S PO spa spa S

0- 1 0-1 Jl- I 0_1 H-I

~g R:~

1' ...

gi~iioi.i.: ... NUllenrlnu .. pncl(! •.•.. i>i-i:&j.~i~~:



SlInln Cruz ••••. SlIn Pllblo ..•••. Sanlll Crn ..

i'""'l~~ .



Slim" Crul ..


sj.~ii.· C~ ~~. lSlln l n CrUl. Snntn Cruz .. S"" I'nblo ••

T. l' '\'

'1' .....


Sal> 1'llblo .. glln 1'edro ....• S ANT A C R UZ. SIIIl!1l Marill ..•...••..•• Suutl1 UOOI1 Sinilolln . •

SPOD-IF .. PO B-2 F ... S 1'0 8- 1 T" PO B-2 F ... SPall-IT .. POD-2F ... s p a 0 _1 1' " s 1'0 1)- 1 l'

Imporlnnt l' I\l CC8, Agr i,"lluTIII CollrllC (I.. . Bullos).. Cnnlu\)lInlt IC ..111111\)n).

S 1'0 0 - 1 1' ...... .


II"iln ..

D-l T ..

Mun ici pal J)l s l' ~.: Anlnlet •.••. Ollllllsgao.. DRlig" Sili ....••...••..••.....• Im po r m n l 1'1:11'1': Cordon (Sl1ntiago)

Buy .... B illllll .••..••..••......••. Cnbuy,.o ... C"l"mb~ ..

Snnlll Ilurbmu. 1'&116; ••• Bllhuum. Suru ..... . POlOllln. Pnui ...

S PO D_I T ".

gi.;,: i>dblo::'




Sin ilOlln.

s:~~i~ 'cn.~


PHILIPPI NES Province. Mun lclpallly. MunIcipal Dl s t rlcI. or Ba rrio L ANAO DANS AL AN ... Wlllln Malabllng .••.•..•..•.••.•.•.• . f\ l u n lclpa' Dl It's.: aakulud ..............••.

infor ma tion

Ol1n.alnn .. OunuIRn ... O"lloull1" .. Duu!olnll .. DUllaa l,," . 11;l:nn .... . DUDulnn .. . Oun!ulun .. Dl1ml1lnn .•

~:ra~"bi.~'~~: . L.umb"'an. "Iad"lum .. . Mndamb .. . MRII;nll .. .

Mnlllndn .. Mnn<\ulug .. ~ I .. rnntnll .. MlI4in ...... . Munll; ......

~~n::~~~:~n~:;~; ~:: ~ ~\;:: ..

~~f~~.n ................ ::::::: : \

Tnbno ..

Municipal 0Ist·8.' Anllllin .•. Burllos. PUgo .•.•••.• . Sn n Cnbriel. . Sanlol ... SlItlipen ....••••••.•.•......•.

Dpmlo~~I:.°(~~~.t 101::,~). LEYTE Abuyoll ...... Aln"lIl1lnn g ••

,\Ibuetn ... Annh ..wnn .. Bnbnlngon. Bnru go. Bnto ••.•.•


BUtlluen Cnbalilln .....•.•.•.• • • • • •• •.. Cnibiran Cnlubian. CIIPooc .. n •.................•. CIIMKn,n

Ol\llnmi. Onl .. I1 ..•.. H i1ollll:o~

.. .

Ilin 'lnng . ..... . IIinunmngan •.•

ii.i,;;"-I;':,· .

Dnnaal"n .••.•. S PO Il-J T ... SPOB-I T .. S 1'0 a-I 'r ... S 1'0 B-1 T .. S PO B-1 F .. .. S 1'0 11-1 T .. . ...s 1'0 B_t fo' .. . S 1'0 B-1 1' .. . S POll-IT .. S POB-IF .. S PO D-I ·r .. . S PO D-I F .. .. SpOD-IF ... S PO 1)·1 F .. F .. P ........... . 1'0 B-2 P .. 1'0 B-2 II.

PO D_2 11 ... PO 8-2 F ..

Dunanlnn .•

ii";';!·R·I~i, .. DalUnlnn ... On".sR\nu .. Dansnln" ... Dnusnlun .. llignn ....... . Dnn~n!an .. . Dnllo!ulnll Ilig"n ........ . Jo(olnmbugnll ..

g~".::i::::: ::C g:::'::I:~:: .. :!::·


IIlIl"n .... . Dllnuhm .... . Dlln."t"n .. . 0 .. II5nll.......

Dn"ulnn .. lJigall .•.... Dan.,lnn •.. Oall~nlnn .. Dananlan .•. Dnnulnn • • Dnnonlnu ..

!~~~~~~\~~: Tntnrik"n ... :::::::::::::::~~~::.

Oannll'm •• DORanlnn ... Da"6"lnn .• D>l1I8>llnll ... DnuSIll nn ..

1)"""31"" .. KoJnmbnKan ..

Dnna,.)pn ..

pualas ...... . Ullmp;" ... .

Aringny .. . Baenotan. B"llIonu. B"ngnr ... . BRUnn!;.. . Cllba .. Luna ...... . Nag"ili .. n .. Rosar;o............ . SAN FERNAN DO . San Ju an ...•. .. Santo TomM.



C .. In ... . I{",>~i •.. ••..•.

,\goo ... .

Neare81 T elellroph Office

S 1'0 B·l T .. S 1'08-1 1' ..

IlRlut .•• B .. yang ..... . Bini<!lIynn .. Bubllllg •. .. B,,,u,,og.. But;g ...... . CnnA.,.i ... .


Ne:lrest Mo n e), Order Offi cI!


Kolambug'''' •. Dun"",)pn .... Dllnu)nn .. OnIl SDlnn ... ))D"~D!Dn .. llignn ..... . l)"n~nlnn .••• Dnn~nlnl1 ... lligan ••.• .. OP"~" lan •••••• Kolnmbllian .. Onnulftn .. Ilig"" .... . Dnnura" .. . Onllu 'nn .. Dnnulnn .. 0Illl 5"lon ... Dnll5ntnn .. l)n"sulnn .. D"nsnl"n .... D""o"lnn ..

Oononl"" ... O .. " ... I"n ..




Nonc N"no None Non(' None Non" None N"ne



NOlle N'mo N''''e None Non(> Nnn~

20 None None None Non" No"" Nono Non" None


Nono Nonu N",,<, None None

,. 10 10

5;,,',' jic~;,~;'dn':

20 20



'" '","," '" :10



S~~· Fc~ni.;"("o·.:· "1(00 •••• :\1(00..•

Nag"ilipu .. N"ll;uili"n . . Tubuo ..... Bacllot .. ". Blllllo ,II ...



Nnguilia1l •• NUllLilinn . .. . ,\goo...... . Bacnotlln.

Balno .n •.

Ba",,,• •..


O~;';O~: .. CnboJinn. D~rugo ••

br;~o~: Cobolinn. Surugo . .

S PO 0-1 T S 1'0 n-I 1' ... . S PO 8- 1 1' .. . PO B-2.

PO ..... PO B-2 •.. .. SP08-IT .... . S 1'0 8-1 " ... . S PO D·l Tn. ... S 1'0 B-1 1' ... . S PO B- 1 T .. . S PO B-1 Tn.. SPOB-IT ... S PO D- l. .... PO D.2 ... S PO B_1 T .. SI'Oll-IT . . S PO 8-1 l' S 1'0 13-1 T

1'0 B.2 •••••


20 :10







'" '"" eo 20


iii io~i~:


20 20 10




Lim it of Provi n ce, M u n ici pa lity, ;\1 u n lclpa l D is tri c t , Or n ardo


In apoean .... Jato, .... Kauayan.

La Pn5 ............ . Lcytc .. . Lib..lj:on, ..••...•.••..••.

I.iloan .•• ;\Ial1ll;n .....

:\Iflttrohon .• :'18Iith"jI. :'>1nripip. , il1f1tnlom. ;\tcrida .••. Nav,,]. ••• arm"", .•.

P alo ...... .

Pnloml)On .. Pp.strnnn .. I'intuyall, .......... . SlIn Isidro .. . Slln Miguel. Sogod .......•. T AC LO BAN .• TllnIlUo.n .. TolOf!II. ••..•

Near u t M on ey Ord er Office

Inform ation

S PO D-l. ... . ............... . S PO 8-1.... . .......... . S PO B-1 T PO 8-2 . .... .. .. Na'·a1 S PO B-1. ..... . ............. . S PO D-I T .... . ........... . S PO B-1. ... . S PO B-1 TR .

S ~g tt~:: ::::~j ~;.;i~::· SPOD- I T. PO B-2 ..... . .. Na"a1. .. S PO D- I T. SPOD·I T .. SPOR-IT ............. . SPOD-I T .. . SPOD-I T . .


S ~g t~ .:.::::: p~i~ .............. .

F ..

:'ohmil .. Hotel Station .•.

~::~~~ l~ta~\~~ippi~e . i::~~r~i Hospital) •••..•.••..••..••.• • •

~{IlI~~a~t:~iO;al~;,e.::.".":::::::: i::' MA RI ND UQ UE BOAC .... . llucnlL"'at ... . G~lIn .......... .

~~~~o~ru~: :: : . TOlfijos.

M AS DAT E Aroroy ...... . C8tllinglln ................. . Dlmasn!8nR .. . MA S BATE ..

~Ii!lIlUos ..........•...••....••.•.

S8n Fernpndo .. . SlIn JncintQ ... . Sn" PlUQuo] ••

Imp Or ltl nt Plnce'

~r!C~lI!~~b~~~~' {A'roroyj: .

Looc •••

1,lIbnn/l ... M",nbur"o ..

:\1 ..n....1 .. y .•.. !'I ..uj ..n ••..••

Pal" .. n . ..... . Pim"n"l .. y .. n .. 1'01 .......... .

Pllerto Gnler.............. .

~:~!nl~:::: ............ . S..n Teodoro

PhlCU, P .. ndllruc.... (S,," Jon) Ti!lk. (LllbllnJU ..... .

None NOllo


2Q 20 20

~iaa,;i;' Nn';~I·.::



20 20

pili,,: .

)0 )0

20 20 \0


Ormoc .


None None

S PO B-I. .. . SPOB-1 T .. . SPOD-iT ..


S PO :B-t T PO B-2 F ...... Gllun. SPOB-I T .. S PO D-l F .. SPOB-I T .. SPOB- IF . .

':iNao·.: jill·...Il·




20 20 Nona

:,; P O D-I T ... S POD.IT .. B-2. . . BIlllnn •.•• . B-2 . ..Cal ..pall ..... 8-2. . . P ina",a18ylllL .. B-2 ......... Pinamaillyan ..

PO B-2.... PO B-2...


, , .,,, ,., 20

SPO ~g ttT~: .... Tilik·.. B-I. ... S

None Nono Nonc


S PO B- 1 TR . SPOB-iT ... . S POD- I T ... . SPOR- I T. S PO B- l.T . .. . . S PO 8 -1 T ••. . S PO B-I T . . S P O B-1 TR


"", " "", " " Nono

. Blllllln ...... . ..Pi.nllmalllyan ..

S ~g .:iia"ua.:;.". S PO B-1 T S ~g g:~.T ::::::iia-';...ri:. PO B-2 ........ Ballnn .. S PO B-1 R .... Calnplln ...

I mpOr ~ nt

Sumllgll' f' ,""m"l"Y'n)


SPOB- IT ... S PO B-1 TR. S PO B-1 T ... S PO 8-t T ..


.-\br8 de Hog .... Dneo. BonI(8bon . ... Buhdncno .. CALM'AN.

.. . . . Ormoc.



DI,I]II& ••

S PO B-1 TR.

I mpor tn nt Pl ace: Port Delio (Ormoo) .. I~Jti!llItive S~ation .... M AN IL A .••..••..••.•.

Hinunan/lon. HilonlOd.



SPOD- IT. PO B-2 ... .. .. .. TIlnallnn .. S P O B-1 R.. .

We l~h t

In Kilos


S~g R:r'n: :' ::: ::.~·la~K:n]a~g: :

VilJnbll ..•.


NeorU I T eleQ,n> ph

PO B-2 . . .SILlI Jose ...... . PO ............ Pinllmal .. y .. n .. . $ PO B-1 R. ... .

DRl,lon .. Clllnpnn .......... . Pin.. mlllllynn ..... . P in"",a1ayllll .. .


Tilik. O .. lIan ............. . Pinam&]"y..n•••. iia;"·,,·n ............ .

O"'taogu·..... ::

iillilll'ri,' O""l1n ........... .

C'"iapan:'" . San Joee.

i J20






PHILIPPINES Pro,lnee, MunicipalitY. Municipal Di s tTlct. or 8 ,urlo

I nfo r mlltton

MOUNTAI N PROVI NCE BAGUIO .•. MUnicipa l Dltt',.,

span-IT ..

!~k(~~:~etr.o.n.t~~~:: . BlIlbPlan (Kalwlll).

~:~~: m~~~~):.·


~~r~~ (W~::Jt'>:::' ~~~dc:,,~AmK:~~j: .

F... . .. . .

LUBUAG t.N (Kfllingll) .;.,.. Lu np. (ApRy&O) ", ....

. \.

~1:~~r~u~~r(1~O~y.o). . . . : \ .. Natoma (800to<:) .•. S&baogao (80Iltoo).

.. : : :: :: \

ff~fa~Z~arB~~i~)': .

Trinidad (Denguet) .. Tuba (Benguet) •.•. Tublay (Benguet). Importa nt Pl ace; Cntnp Jobn Hay (Baeuio) . . NUEVA ECIJA AH",a..•

DonRabon ..••.... CABANATUAN •. Cab;~o

Carranglnn. Cuyapo. Jnen . .•. Lllur .... Lieab •. Lupno••. Mullo • • . ..• Nllmpicunn . .... . Pnntllblll'g.m ... . Pllpnyn •...... Pcllnrnndn .. Quezon .. Ri.Ill ..••....... San Antonio .. Snn bidro •• Snn J ... o .. . ... . San Leonllrdo .• Santa RO.II .•... Santo Domingo •....•••.•••• ...• . tTalaytrll.. ..... . Im pOrtant Place, Mullo. Stbool. .•. NUEVA VIZCAYA AritllO •.• Baga.bllg .•••.•....

=Ay':r~fBONG : .

Dupax... Solano..

s' i'o'li:j'F ::·.·.::B·,,"iuio: ·

.. PO 'n::i ·F::. '.:: :g;~~~~~. PO 8-2 F..

.K;e.nge.n . . .

Jf:~~~~: ..

" Po'H::i::

F .............. Lubuagan. F... . .... Bontoo.

Pinukpok (Kaling" ...


. ... Ceryantes.

spa B·\ F

~!~;~~J~~~~~~~: ... \. .


F.: .... :B.lIg"u:;o:: ...

s ~?.".1

l{Ilpangllo CEea;u"t) .. K"yRD (Rontoe) .••.•.

t~~"n~,,(~~nol!n~~i: .. .


~OB~:2ioF·.: .... : R~:~t~:: .

[ togon (Benguet) ...•....

~:g~~:~ f~O~~~~~)..:::.

Sagada (80ntGt) •... Tabuk (Kalioga) .. Talubin (DontGt) •... Tanudan (Kalinga) •..

i,{;o:: .. .

··f.: ....... ::.":: :~:~~~: .... .... i ·· S ~O 13·1 T :::'.::i"u:b,;.;g:Ui:' .......... F ...... 80ntoe ...• . • ••..• Lubungan.

· 'PO 'n::i ·F:."·:: ::r:~~:::.;:. . . Baguio.

. F ..

.. F ..... . Dngu;o .. .. F ...... Bagu;o ..

, ,."

ROllloc ....


. B8guio •........ S ~~. 13-1 T .... : .. B,.. F .............. Kinngnn .. . F ............ .. Tullo .•.... F.. ....... . ... Kiangnn •.

NOM None None


8-2 F ..


01\100) •••

Bnko<! (Beol!:uet) •..• SONTO e (Bonlee)" ..

Nearest T elearaph Omce

Cer\"lIntu. Oall:u io ..•

. .. Dnntoe .. F ............ . . Bonto<: .... . PO D·2 F. . ... Cernntes.

Apo.yao" ..

i\lankayan (Bontoo).


'F :.".".".".".".":.":::: :~:~f:~~.". po

Barlig (Bontoo) •.•... 8,."ko ~OMO"I" ... Besilo (

Nearest Money Ord er

·'PFO............... '8:2:::::::: :~b~~~t;::. CCJ"\"Rllles.

Bakun (80ntoo) •....



Cer\"lIntes .. 80"too .•..


BOllloc ....••


Cer.·ante•.. Tuao .•.. Sagadll .... DIIgu;o •..

None None None


ilaiiu';o:: .-

80ntoe .. TUllO .•.. Ilontoo .. Bng uio .. BlIlI:u;o. TUllO .• . . Bnguio .•.• Ce r Yl\n t el .... . 8e.yombon" .. . BII"u;o .. 30utoe Tuao .•..... CNY .. ntea. Bontoc .. . TU llO .•• Dontoo .. Bonto<: ..•. Dontoe ••• Ba,uio ... Bontoe ••


.Cabanlltunn .• • Cllbane.tuan.



~8 ~:~ ~ :: :::: Cab&';';t·u·a,; : . ~g ~U ~::":::s~o'JOSe:

i§ i:~·t·::::::~~iT~~: . .·. PO 802 F ...... Pe~,.,.andn . .

S PO B-1 T .•.


S t~ ~:: S PO B·\ F .. spa B·\ T ... S

::i::"'i;n~'~'tU~l: '

~8 R:~ ~::. '::p~iI"'~~oda::'

S PO B.\ F.

s ~8 t~ ~·.:::::Cllb,,:,,:atu,,~:,


CnbllnRtunn .. Cllbanatu an.

""",, " "" "" "", " """,

PO B-2 F ...... Cllbllllatunn.

Sa~' ·I~;"dro·.:



CnbnnRtuan .. Cnbnnntuan. San J080 ...•. CabanatuRn.

~.::rn.r~e::: . Peftarnnde...


Cab,;,;at,;a.i: . Cllbe.nMuan. Snn h;dro .•

"", """

PtilD.~;';'d~: .CabanMUan. Cabanat"au. Cabanalu au .. Cabanatuan.



s ~g tt~:: ::::Soi~~~: ..... . PO B·2 F...

~8 I:~

.. Bayombong ..

i:: :::."s~~i~·F''-:· S PO B-1 F . .. S


None NOM None None


t: f::.



NOlie None

~g t~ f,:::.·:,-,-s~~·jOiO:·

S PO .D.\ T ..


" ",, ,



I'D D·2 F. PO B-2 "F spa D-I T ...

~ ~g


No ne Nonn

Nonn Non" None Nooe

BonlGt Bonlo<: Tuno.... Bonlo<: .. Bal;ulO 8a,..;0 .. . anluio ..

........ . T ..


Nono None None None No nn

ill1'yo~boi;,::: Bayolllbong.•

S"y·o·.obong:. Bllyornbong ••




I'roylnce, Municipali ty, Munklpa l Di s trict Or Bnttlo Municipal Distrlcrs: Im ul\:an .. Kl\I!ibu .... Knl'npa .. P'ngkinn ... . l';nnppRgnn ... ....... . . . Imp orronr !'\oces: SRa L"'8 \na~obng) ... Stlntn Fb IllIuglll1) ..

Tnfo rnm t io n

........ ::F·.: PO B-Z.


Nea r est Money Order Offi ca

PO 1'0 PO PO

n.l 8·1 8·1 8.1


Offi ce

Sallia F6 •• Sunlfl FO •• Santu ]~O ... SalUn FO •. Jon<'!!.

. ................ T .. 1'0 8-2.

OCCiDENTAL MI SA MI S AlOln l1 ..... ........... ........... S .S 8 nliangao.. CIRr'n..... . ............ ....... S . ..... S .Iim cnel......

LImit o r

Neare.H T eleQruph

In Kilo,"

Son t" .'tI .•. Bayombong .. Dnyomb <mll ... . BayolllIJong .. . Jones .

Nont' NOllu Nunc Nunc

Xr i'·Il·o· ............ • •



T .. .

T ..

,.'"2., ,. ,.,. ,.", "

T .. . T .. . .......•.... F ... . . ... S PO B·\ TR. ..S PO n·1 T .. . .... S 1'0 n·1 T ...


i\li.ami, ...... OROOUIETA. Plndd,,1. ...

.. S


Non e


~g R:~.T ..


O IU .:NTAL MISAM IS URlinltn.!R!; ....... .. ............... S PO 8-1 T ..



......... j f,g R:l ~ii:

Cnlar",n". .

. ..... S 1'0 D·1 T ...

. ..... S PO


InitllO.... .S Mnmbnjno.. ..S Quinoluiun ......\,. . S Sngal·... . ............. S Sn lay. .... . ...... Tnltoloan. • •..••.•.. S 'I"nlipaynn ............•........... S


n·\ T ..

6·1 T ... D·1 TH.

n·1 T. B·' T. B.2 F. B·L T ... B· 1 T ..

MUNICIPAL D IST RI CTS O F ORIENTAL MI SA MI S Cllwer;o.. . .......... .




:::::::::::.:F" .. S "0 6-1 T ... . . . . S 1'0 1)-] '1' .. ... S PO D·I T ...

g:f~~rll'II ................... ! .. ::~

f,g R:l f::' CllullYlln. ... ... .................. S 1'0 n· ] T .. . .



TUllllloan .. Cngll)'lln .• CUIIO)'''l)" ..


Tag"lon" ...

Nono Nonc Non ..

,.. ,. '"..'"

Cagnynll .•


.1. .



.. ::T .. .-/-- .

20 20

E3clllnntc .... .................. ... S lIimo"'R}·I"n.. . .... S lIiniJ;urRI1 .................•..••.. S 1I1.11l.... . ....................... S

1'0 D·] T .. . I'D B-1 T .. . 1'0 D-I T .. 1'0 8·1 T •. S PO 8·\ T.

l ~ah<JIII.......

l~:b~~~t~\~~·: .. ::: :::: ::::::::::::~ ~g «:~

L" Castdlnnn.. . ......... S Mnnnpln.. . ...... S i\\lIrcin..... ........ .. .. .. ....... I'ont.wcdra.. . ............... S ['"IUPllndau.. . .••..••.... S





PO D·l T .. 1'08-1 T .. PO n·2 ... . PO n·] T .. . PO D-l T ..


,.,.,.'" 20

t~~IIC,;ri,;;.: .. ··············:::::J ~g

R:l t::· Snll f.;lItiqlle ..................... S PO H-I. ... . Saral'; n... Si]r.,Y.... Ta"!")"... . \'nI1HI1"li<l. Victorins..


. .............. S PO H-] '1' •• ..S 1'0 D-l T .. ..S 1'0 D-l T ....

,.'"'" '" '"

S 1'0 B- 1 T_ ..

. ...... $ 1'0 D_l T

Impor':l nt l'I " ..e$:-

)"r.briea {Sal:ny).. . .. . ... S PO 8-1 T . "hao Cenuol (Bago)............. S PO 8-1 T .. .


Silny lInwn,illn Central (Silny) ..... S 1'0 D_] '1'.• OR I ENTAL N EGROS A)·lIn~on. . . .... Ayuqu'lllu.... ..S Iln~I)IIg... .. . ............. [)ai!....... . ............... $ Da"'"........... ............ I)UM AGUETE ... .. .. .$ I':II.i<I,,(I Villanueya.. . .

PO PO PO PO 1'0 1'0 1'0

B-2. B-1. 6·2 .... . 8-1 T . . D-2 .... ..

B-1 '1'.•. 6-2 .... .

T;:~:~l:l~d~:::::::::: ............ :J ~g g::.~..

Tnya.aan ..


D';lnit·llu·cte. titrcnn:.




DlImnJr;ueto Dumn.guele .. Dumallu"te .. OUlllallueto ... i.;'i-~no

Dumng·u·ct e.: .. . Oumaaucto ... .

La Liberto<l..... . .. 1'0 8-2 .... t,a,cna (Si~lIil·or) ................. S PO 8-1 R .. tn~i (SiquilW" .... . .... .......... S )'0 8-1.


, ,.

i_i.~n;. ::::"··

O";""l;u·cte .. B.oJ!.

Dum~~to. Dum~!:llet ..........


PHILIPPI NES Nellrest Money Order O ffi ce

P r ovince. !\tunlcl p n ll ty

Mu ni cipa l District, or S arrlo i\luritl {Slquijor) ..... . :;nll JU8n (Siquijor).

I nformallon



f,g g:L .. .':::siq,;;)o;:'


S;n!on ...

s ~g 3:t T ... ,:::Ou,;,',.g'ue'te::'

Tllnj8y ... .

S PO B. I. ., .. S PO B-1 T .. S PO B-1 R..

Sibula"" .......... . Siquijor ($iquijOT)",.


Neare8t Telegraph Office

S PO B-1.

... .

Vlll1~h~r"' o.o ..

. ZRmbnnnguitn ..


Larena ..


gue"te:: .

D';';" .. LaTenn ...... . Dumaluet" ..

.,."., ... ... , .. .

~g ~J?: ...... Sinton, ..







eIlYo •.... O" "'nTlln ......... " ... .

p~'c;'io ' l";i";ce~~::'

" "ylll)'. ,

il;'cuii: .

Bacu;t ....... .

Coron .•.




Mu n icipa l Dlstrlcl$:-

Aborlnu. Bu!nb"c ....... . Brookcs l'o;nl ..


PO B-2 ...•.••.• Puerto !'r;ncCUI .. S PO B-1 R. .. .

Imporlnnt Places:(Scat of Dumuun) CurRmay (I'. Prin~""R) .. CuliolL ~LCI'Cr Colon)') •. ,\ruc~Ji

. ~iiuii·I~:: ........ . ~i;~il~~:

Dunlip; Tnytuy) ..... . . Iwuhi; enn l C<)lony (I>. i;;i~~';;R\: :

PAMPANCA ,\u llclca ...... . . . ................•

Apnlit .. ,\raynt. .

Bnl:Olo•... Cnnunbn •... ....•.•• .•.•.•. Floriu .. blnuca .• Cuaf;un.. Lubao..••••• . Mnbalaeo.t ... :\Inrnbcbe.

Pueno Pri"CeslL ..





spa fi..l T •. ~ ~g f,- ............. spa B.I F S PO B·I T ... . S PO B·I T .. . S PO B-1 'I' . . . S PO B· I F .. S PO B·I F ... S ~g It~

~~~ L~r;~~~NOO.

S PO B-1 T ..

San Simon .. SnuI" Ana .. . S"nt" Rit .. . Sumoun ..

s~;" Fe;.;,j,~(I"'·.:

L. ..: Xn'rie'Ie;: : .


~g R:~


spa B·I Ii"

PO B-2 F PO B-2 F

::::A'palit:: GURgun .. GURf;UU.

Ai;;I;t·.: . AI'alil. ........ .

S..n Fern""uo .• Cuag"R ... Guu,,,,, ..

S PO B-1 T .

BnUI;.t ....... . Bnynmban, .• Binnlonnn Binm nley. Bolino.o•.• BUllaUon.. . Burg"" .•. Cal,.i.o OB,Up,,"

D lLao] lnfnntn .•. Labrador ..... L I NGAYEN. MabinL .. Mal nai'lui ~ranaoall •...•.............•.• · .



PO B-2 F ••..... BnnL ..• PO fi..2 F •.•.... Lingo.yen 1'0 B-1 l' PO B·I T PO B·2 F ...... Alan,;".,. .. PO B·] T .. . PO B-] F ..

S PO D·] F S PO B-1 T ....................... . .


j,g U:l :L'

s ~g R:~ f,::. ::::i:ialii: ..... PO B·2 F •.•.... Ling.yen ..

$ PO B-1 1'.. $ PO B-1 T .. . $

~g t~

l: .... :B·U·.g~: .... __

P O B·2 F •..... SaRla Cruz .• PO B·2 F .... .. Liugay~n ••..•.•••.•.

S ~g R:~ ~::::::: B'Urgo;:: $ PO a·] T spa 8·1 T

Nono None


,.,, " ,."""" ,.",



~j~~Rb';b.i: ..... . Sun Fern"nuo •. Apalil. ... . An,el .... .

, ,.'"" '"'"",,


spa D-I T .. PANCAS INAN Agno ..... '\II,,;ln•.... Alluni""' .............•..•• • • _. Akata .. Anu"...... . A~;"lIa" .•. BDlunaao. Buni. ... .

... .

Sun Fern anuo ... .

S Pa B· I F .. . spa B·I T ..


Musnnto!. i\!exico .... i\!iuDlin. po'nc .•.. ..........

I'u~rlo l>riuc~", ..

spa fi..1 T .. .

Dagupun .•.

Liugaycn ..

Ai~';li~o;,:: p;';,i;l ~ i :


Dngupnn. D;i';I;~~:


Dngl,pan ••• Lingnycn .•


Dqupan .. Dngupan. .


156 Prodnce. Mun lclp<lUty,

M u n ldp:11 D1s ttlc t, Or BllottEo


Mapnndnn, ..• Nf\t;,·id"d ...


l',l1orrubio .. R08/11cs .. •••... San Cllt!(/!!, •. SOli J.' abia.n ..

5 .. " Jnc'nto.. . San Manuel ... . San NicoIM .. San Quintin ...•. Santa Dllrbartt••. Santa Maria ....

Santo TornlLl .. Silon .. SUIlI. •••..••..


Urnin"Rn ..•

Ur b'llando. . ................ . Urdanclll .. \'iIl "-is .. R I ZAL Amil'olo .. B".aa ..... . Bina.ngOU,Q ••• A.•


Calooun, .



Las Pil'i.lLS.

Makali .... Mnlabon .•••. Mandlliuyon.

M.,ikina. ................\.. Monlalblln.. . .. >..... Morong .... Muntinlupa. Nllv OI[lS .. .

Paranaqu e ... .


Pateroa .. .


................ .

r~!~II'j~i,.n· d~i ·;\io~t';.:· .... ::: l:'

Sail Matco ................... •. T agi, ... . TanR)·... , Taytay .. . Teresa .. . Im portnnt Places:Fort WmMcKinley (Army Reaef\'alion~ .......................... . Camp Murplly (Army Rellcrvation) .. Camp Nichols (A rmy Reservation) ...

B-2 B-2 B-2 8·1 B.I B-1 B-1 B.I




T ..... . ............ .

T .. F Too. F ..

TayUg .. Rosalee .. D ... gupan. Dllgupan.

S~n' Ca:ri~.


~g t~.~::·... ::Bin:"ngon'a'n',: .


B-2 ......... Tanay .... .. B-2. . .... Parllll llq ul' .. B-2 ........ Monila .. B-1 T. B-2 ...... Manila .. B-1 T.


13·2 ......... 8inan. lAIguna 8.2. . Malabon .. B-1. ..... B-1 TR.

.. :::~~~.~.I~f.~::.

tt:··: ... .:p~ig. PO B-2. Tana)

Man;III .. . Manila ... . Manila .. . Manila .. ~[~ni1;'::

.$t ... MllDiln ..•••

Man;l ..... ..

i.iani"I.:::: : :p~ip; ..

Manila ......... . Dinan. Lagunll .. "'alabon. Mllnilo .. p;'~ig'

PMj~ ....

S PO B-1. .. S PO B-1.. S PO B-1.

. Mllnila ... . Pasig ... . Puill .... .

S PO B-2 .... . .... Paaig .... . PO B.2. .. .... ,\nlipolo ...

Manila ...

S PO B-l. ........ MOTong.

SAMAR Allen ................ .. . ,\Ima"ro ... . 8alan&iga ..

S P O Jl.l T 1'0 B-2.. . ..... Calba),og .. S PO D-I R .. .

. .P;nalnlliayan.. . PO 13·2. .:::lj~i~~~~'~·.: PO D_2 ......... nomblon ... .

.. .

r.g tt~::: .... Clljidio~an .. .

S f,g t~?:: .. :::C·B·l;,~;,;nn:·

g:~~f~:: .

S f,g tt~: .:XII·c·n'.::::: S PO B-1 T ...

g~r:aa:~: HcrlUlnj 1.1I0llnll:

............ .

S f,g tt~:. SPOS-IT ..




"" " "", 2<l


20 20 20

'" 20




Rombloa .... Odioo/l:,m .. Romblon


C'aiba}'og:::: :.


SPOS-IT .. . SPOB-IT .... . S PO B-1 T .. .




Noae 20

, '", 20 20 20



S PO B-1 Tn. S 1'0 B-1 T ...

S 1'0 B-1 Tn.



Nona Nona



"", ,



SPO B-1 T .. .. SPOB-IT S PO D-1.

Ctt.tubig. Dolote..

5 5

20 2<l

MllDila .•


Barongan ............. . . Cllibayog.



2<l 20 20

P~ ............. :.~i~;'il;".'·

g:TI~ji~~n;':, . Concepcion. Corcuera ............... . Despujol .. Jones ................••. LODe ...... . MlItIdiwang Odionjtall ... . . ROMBLON .. . San Fernando


" "

20 20

;\lIInila •••

SPOB- I T .. . S


20 20


Dagupll.ll .. Tal'ug ....

.... ::::PN[i: .......... ..

S r.g

~i:a~g~id~l; TaYUK.


F .... Roaal", .... F. Pozorrubio. F ...... LingaycIl .. .

S~g «:i:

graph Office


S PO B·1. PO D·2 ......... Morong. S ~g t~: S

Cardona .. Jel.jaln...

i :: ::: :~in;'i:j,id~,;'

~g ~:~ ~:::::::T:..y~g::::

PO PO PO PO 1'0 PO PO 1'0

Nea r Cllt Tela.

.. ......... .

SPOB-IF .. S PO B-1 T ... S 1'0 B-1 T .. S PO B-1 T ... S 1'0 lJ.-l T .. S PO B-1 F ... SPO 8-1 F .. SPOB-IF ... S PO B- 1 T .. S


~g R:~

I NDUSTRI AL MANUAL Nea r ut Money Orde r Office


S PO B_1 T..

Mllngllldllll .•.


2<l 20


20 20


••, ,

20 20 20

PHILIPPINES Province, Munlclpa ll ry. Mu ni cipa l Dhtrlct, Or Barrio




~g t~.~..".::::Ca't;';;';~";:"

PO B-1 T ... SPOB-IT. S PO B-1 T ..................... ..

Oras .....



Sakcdo ...... . SOli Antonio.

San Julian ....... . Santa i\largllrita . Santa Rilll , ........ ..... . .. .

Santo Nino .. Suh!.t .... .

T.ft ................... . . . Tarangnall ... . TinllmbBcnn.

Villareal. .. . Wright ... . ZumalTagB.



~}f~f:g~',: :..

MBtuIUinao ...... .

SIlD J os6 do Buan

Important P laCet,: \ ,

Lope de Vega (CntnrlOtln) • . . .

.... ':::::::: :.::\:: . ........ \.

. ..... : :: : ~

Cll.!ltilla Donsol ••

Gubat ..

IrOllin .. Juban ..••...!,

"IIHOlal ..

Pitlll" .•••.... Prieto Dia1 ...•.•.•. Santa lIIal!.doleno •.. SORSOGON ..

Im porta nt P lacePunto" (Pila.) .•


JOLO .............. .

S ~g


C'"thi.iogan:: . Oquendo.

W.ilhe,. Wright ..

. ..... "OrBS. ..... .. 0rM ..... ...... ... .. Gandara ••

Oras . OrBII .....

GRIlI]nrn .•

W.ilhl .•

spa D_I T .................... .. S PO B-1 T ....................... .

·t ~g t~.::

GJ ~ ... :: :b·Ub~i.: ..

PO B-2. •..• SPOB-IT ..






NOlle Nonc None

" """ ", ,.""'" '" 20


SPOD-IT ................... .. spa B-1 T... ...t.

S ~g

5 5


It::: .. :~:b.ub~t.:.-

~g GJ~::

. . ... . ". 5




" "'" "

S PO B-1 T T ......... ........ Cata.",.n.



AIl<ln ......


. .......... Wright • .

..•.•. .. WriG:hl ..

CarBII!:nitm (Bobon)....... . ...


in KIIQ"

B-1 T ..

S PO B-1 T PO B-2 ......... Allen .... PO B-2. . ..... Bo.onaan••. PO B-2.. , .... Calbayng .. PO B-2. . ... Tac10ban .•. PO B-2. .. . .•. Calbayog .. SPOn-IT ......................... . T .... :::C.a.thaiot~,.;:. S ~g PO n- 2 ......... Oquendo. SPOB-IT .. . SPOD-IT ... spa D-I R ..

Munici pal 01 8Irll:l$'Conoord .....• H;lInbllllgall .•


Neareal TeleI1ra plt Office

PO B·2 ........ AlIen ...

Llorente .... Mondngon •. OQuendo ••••

Bulan ... Bulman....

Nea r est Mon ey Order Office

I nfo r matlon

IS7 Li mi t of

.8ulu..... n.

8...·IU;n~: . (;"II·bo~.::

BuiUlIan .



5 5





Municipal DI$trict, , -

g~~:n~i~.~~:::::::: ... :::::: ..... .

COllioyan de Sulu .. i ndanBn .• l:;apllI"on. Luuk ...... . Mnimbuna .• Ma. unI>llBII .............•...•.•. PanBmnu .... Pangutaran. Parana.

Patll ...... . Patth!. .. .

SiBlli ... .

Simunul .. Silanakai ..... . Soutb Ubian .. Talipau... . Tandub....... . Tandu-Luuk. Tapul .. TungkiJ.


.Bongao .•

$ PO B-1 R.

•........... Jolo ...... ....... ........• . Bong"o .. . ,' .. Jolo .. .. ...........1010 .. . .......... Jolo ... .

.................. Jolo .. .

......•.•.•••••••• Jolo .... Jolo ... ..... Jolo .. S'PO Jolo ..

'u:i 'n: .....

. 'PO 'n:i:": ':::: :gi~~:i:·:.············· .... Bougao .. ... Jolo .... ...•.•. Bongao ........•.• , •.•

............... :::~r~C .......... Jolo .............. .

I mportant Place,Balobato Bonaao) ••......•

n ..


io(,;:.:: ..

Donllno .. Joto . JOlo. Jolo .. J010 .. . Jolo .. . Joto .. Jolo ... . Jolo .. .

Bo·,.·g·..·o·.· . Bongao. Donl"O" J010 .... Bongao Jolo ... Siaai. • J olo ....

......... Bongao ..

NOlle 5 5 None None !:'lone None None None None None NOll" None


None 5 None None Nooe None None None None


:~1~·.g::: :.

Cantilan. CIlI"'rBllcB1

PO B-2. . ... GigaQuit. PO B-2. ... ..,. Bin .. tuan


~g 1:~?"'::::C. ..;til'a:u

GilaquiL •..

Hin .. tll .......

C'lIllti1;';" .......... "

'"~ ;



l' r o,·lnc.,. Municipality . M Uni cipa l 1)lstrlct or B"rr io Dnpa .... DinllgM ........... . ••.....•.•• Ccnerlll Lunn Ne"re&t. G ignqui t. Hinll ~u .. n

Linnllil .. Lingig •••..••.••.••..••.•. Loreto .. i\hiniL .... Num an eia. PIIl('<!r .••••

SUR1GAO. Tago ..•. T"nd"g

Infor m.atio n


~g g:~.~ ... :::sui-;8~o:



PO ...• Dllp". S 1'0 S-1 T .. .

S ~g ~:~.R. ..... :c. . rilli...D•• :. PO B-Z .... .... . Sw-igao ... . PO B-2 •••..••.• FiinIltUlln .. 1'0 B-2 ......... Sw-illno . ..... Placer "PO '0:2:.. ..Dnpa. S PO B-1 T .............. .. .. S


c·ai;tilllil.:: S uriltllo .... llinillunn . SurigllO •. .. Suril($o •. •


DnYlltAgon ....•....•.•. Jllvier LiblLS .................. . i\Jnyng: . ... . Pngtilolln . . . . . ...

....... .:::. .:~i'n~~~.~'.' .. . RinlltUII".

. .•.. Hinll ~ulln . .. ..... . 5util:"0 .. . ........ TnnU<\& .. Hinlltulln . ••..••....•. HinllUinn .

§:r',nm:I~~~~. '. :.... '..\ . .

S:1n i\liguel. SorillIlO .. Union .

.. ........ ".

Im.ponan t

I' l aces~


20 20 20 S urilfClo .. Cllllulll1l .. . . Cllutilllll .. Tnr,dal( ••. Eiinlltulln . S uriliIlO .. Surillao .... 'randall .. Pincer.... . H 'lIntulIlI •• Hinlltulln .. . 5uri,,"o ... . Tandflll •.•• Il 'nRtunn .• IliuRtu'lIl


.. ........... .

Dalllbnn .......••••..••.•••. Camiling .•. CnplQ .......................... . Coneepeion •. Geronll .. Ln I'll' .... i\ll\ynnt~ •..•..•.....•. 1I10"end .... . I'o niq ui ........... .

'i'wn .. . RnmO$ ....... ..

PO B-2 F.. Pllniqui . PO B-2 F •• .... Ccntnll-u~o" .. SPOS-1T ... .......... .. S POB-IT .. SPOB-IT ...

S ~:g

~:~ ~::.


PO B·Z F . . . . . Cllmi\ing •. S PO S·I T


PO B-2 F .. Cnmilillg .. 1'0 D·Z F ..... . :-OlonClldn •.. PO B-Z F ••.... Cnmilins .. SPOB·IT ... SPOS·IT.

InlilOrtnnt PI" c"", Celll tni J.uzon (Hllrnb"n) .• SB n lIiiguel (Tntlnc).


g~:~:~':~~~~:: In(."tll .•


1.01'1'1 ••

Lueblln .. LUCENA .. :-01..... lclo n . ~~.ubnn .......... . pn':l"na~

....... ..


~~!~~~:::: ........ ........... .

S P O n·1 R .. SPO S-IT .. S PO B·' R. .. S POB- IT .. S PO B_1 T SPOB· I R .. S

I'lIlIiqui ..••..• Ccmrnl l.\l~on.

~g t~ ~::

, ,

10 20 10 10 20

TII~i~c .. Tllrillc.


,, ,., 20

f,g ~:~ ~::.·.:::Gcroo~·.::· 1'0 B-2 F.. •• Pnniqui ..

::iBn Clame nt e .. Snn II l nnuel •... Sullto IlIo .. e' .... TA RL AC .. Vietorin .... ... ... .•.

'l'AYA BA5 Al llbBt ....•..•• .•.. •..........•.. .\drnonan .••. UlIlet ••• .. CII]""ng •.•..•••.• .. ......••. Candeilltill ... . C~igurlln .. . . ClltllnBu lln .• Dolores•.....••. Gencnl Lunll ...

None None Nono Nono Nono Nono Nonc Nonc Nono Nonc NOllc Nonc Nonc Non" Nono

NOlle Non" Nonc None N'onc Nonc

Borbollnon (Disli!;) ...•. \, .. ;\["eopll (Surigao) .••.....• I',iLl (Buri lnO).: ...•...... \: . Slbubay {C .. "ul·"'l ........ r.:~~il::~o~M{i1i,;,~t~~~:: : .: .:

Anao. ...

!!() !!()

~g g:~.:~: .... T'un d"g.

•... .. .. .. .... . . Suri8110.•.• . ...... Cllntillln .. . . •• C llntilan .. ........... .• Tnudllg ...•. ............. . HinatuIIII .. .••..•..•.... SuriKIIO .. . ...... Sur;~no ... .

g:b~~~~'I;Qn . g~r~~~~:~~




S PO B· l R .. .

Mu n Icipa l i)iurlcu, Balli ..•••..

, ,,


,. 20 20

,, ,., , , 2Q

10 10

.. :: i"i';'o~,g

S PO S-I F ... . SPOB-IT .. . SPO B-1 T .. S P O B-1 R ... SPOB-IT .. SPOB-IT ... S PO S·I TR. S PO B-1 T ... ... . S PO B-1 T .... .. SPOS-IF .. . SPOB-IT .. . SPOD-IT .. S PO B-1 n ... . SPOB-IT .. . S PO B- 1 R. .. S PO B-1 It ..


T·i';'o~~:: :-O l lleaMon ••




10 10


1ll 20

'" !!Q




PHILIPPINES I'roylnc ... Munlclpallty , Muni cipal Dis trict or Barrio

Informnt lon

159 Limit or

Nea rest Mon ey Order Offi"e

grap h Offi ce

Lukban. _

PO B-2 )0•••••••• l,ukbtln. S PO B·I II .. SpOB-IT .... SpOB·IT .. SPOB- I T .. SpOB-IT.

Sam pato\! ..•.

Ssn Narciso ...


Tisonl': .... Unisnn ..

Welll h t In Kil os

Neareat 1'"1,,.

,.,.'"'" ,.,

Imporront Placu:-

.A~dnnK nll (Un'!"") .....




A.JoMro (Gu'nnynngnn) •• CnlnbKnn (Reservation).


Hontl.., .... {Lopu) .••••• :$an Roque (Cnlnusg).

ZAMB:\LES Botolao .•.... Csbaok"n •••. C.."deinris, . C~tillcjO!l ........•.•..•....• • • ID A •..•.•... :<'lll5inloo ••.

f,g f,g


S ubic ................... \ .

S B:~ ~::":::Subic::' SPOB·IT ..... S g:~ ': ibn::' SPOD.IT .. SPO B-1 T ... SPOB-IT .. SPOB-IT., PO B-1 T .. .. SPOD-IT .. .

I mpOrtant Pl nce:Olonaapo (Naval n""cn'nrion) '\,.


Palau;): ..... .

~:~ ~~I\~~~~::: ~:: ~::~~~~~~::::::::\: ..

S.nls Cru..

~:I;i~~n : ... ""

. .. \ .

..... ··: :::::: \:

~~~~!I~g de''nn:: .

Kllbllllllnn.. . Kalillunnn ... .. :\larIlG.llllubig. Sindanrlln. Siocon•..........



. .... )". . .. \


PO B_2 P ....... ZBmboanlla. S PO 8-1 'I'R. SPOD.IT .. $ PO B-1 II ..

S'PO'S;j'F:." ::: z~~bon;'i~ S P O B-I. .... , S PO D-J TR_




20 20 20 20 20 20 20





::::: 1: :'

-:zit~boa;'g;". " ,", ', I',"

MunklpaIOls tTtcl s:I(utna\amn ...•.••.•.....••. Lamilnn ..... Palladian •.. PanubillGn. Sakul. ..•• Tukurnn.


Dipololl· .. __ ZamboRng".


20 20 W None 20 20 W

None 20 ZRmboangn ........ . habeln do Bn!tilnn. COIRbaLo .. .. ZamboangB. ZRmbnanRR .. Zamboanlla.


Non" W Non" None Notto

None None None None None None None Notte

Familiarize Yourself WITH




It is well worth your while and will save you time In the end .1



Rates on Domestic Telegrams Scll~dult 11/ Rate. on D omUh'c Tcl~rllm. between Mllnilo. Hn d nQ)' telell'lIph office i n the followin&: pr ovi!'\Ou, for tbe finl t 10

word. Or less.

The charllO for ench woru over 10 i! one-twentieth of the 10-word rate, ahown bclow.

Dille, IIddrcal lind ai gn .. ture

are not chnraed for :

Plain ordi-

Abr il.


AJl:III111.n ••

Alba.y ..... , .....••..••......

(a) Catandllan~ 1s1&nds .. Antique .. natll,n.,

n aUnC!" .. na\flnl:lIS.

Bohol. .. Dulacnn ............. . .......... .

CIlf,.iya\b~I~i::: : : : .


g:r.t~o::::::::: \ ::::::::::::::::: Ce(~i'" S: 'p,:4ri~;;~ri\c~;';oieS' i~la·JiJ:. .... \ .. D~!lo kb ..k.. . ... ... .

(..) il..illl...·ga·.:·


n ds. Suy.oc.. . .......... . Nucl\'a E cIJa ........ .

1.40 .60 .60 1.60 .00


.so •<0 .<0

.80 .80 1.20 .60 1.60 1.60


2.00 2.60 2.60 2.60


... :'I ::.. l ube!n .. .: ::: :\: .. Logunll .. t:nu~io,;: ...... ...... ... ::~:



..::::: ::::::.

Manilll "Citygram' Marinduque. Mubat~ .. En ... pt (a) Rio Guinobatan.. . (b) Balete.......... . Mind oro ..

............. ... ...

~b~ ~ti:k J~~: ... ............. .

M ilAm;" .... . Mountain .... .


M ,ditll. (0) Mati. ... ll ocO!! Norte . . [l ocO!! Sur . . (h)




CD-matinee Norte .. (a) Dahienn ......... .•..••..•. •• . (b) P araCAie.. Camntlnea Sur .. .. (II)


PlniD o rdi-



.80 l.40 .80 .60 1.80 .80 1.60 1.60


.80 1.20 •60 .60 .80



~~c~d:n~;r~~Oe".·.: .

a) B illabll<: .... . ..... . b) Cuyo....... .. ... 0) PUClto Prineesll .. Pampanllll .... Panlluinan ..

. .......... • .


CajidiO<!lln ..

lA O

lA O lAO


2.00 2.60


' .00 LSO LSO

Su(~~ao·D.i';.i: :: ::: . b)

iiinntuan ... .

T nndag . . .. .



~ce ]>L

(d Port Lamon . TRrlRo ... . . .. ..... .


1.60 1.80 1.80 1.80 ].80 .60 .60


Rombloo .......... .

Samar. (a) B allllll'/Ia (b) ZumDrraga Sonolon. Sulu ................... . (a) Dongao........... . (b) Caga)' an de Sulu.. . (e) Siui . .. . .... . ... . .

.60 .80 1.60


Rinl.. .. .




pa~:)wanSi~~I~~~t:~.I~~~:: .. .

. c)

.80 1.80


B OMO<!.

Orientlll NeJP."0! ........ .



e) .. . () II) el CRtnnauan (b) d) Infanta Za mbnll!ll .. . ZlImboanga ............. . (a) habela de DlI5i]an .


Caai,,';"lln . Pol iho... . Quelon...... . San Narei.o.

.00 .00 .60 .00


.60 .00




NOTE:-A t e]egum addrened to any plll(:e witbin Ibe li mit. of thl! City of Manill! mn)' be filed in tho l\[ll.niln Cenlrlll Te]('grnpb Office for del"'ery by bieyde menengcr. Such telegram will be copied by a t(']egraph O]M.'flllor in th o OperBl ng Offi co on the rogulnr tel egraph blank. (Form No. 468). The rat CIIllre 30 oeo tll" 01 for the lint 40 WOlds and 1/2 oenuvo for eaoh additionnl 4 word~ or fmetion thereof. No r UJIb or repcll.t b ack chargo. Thi~ i. culled "Ci ~ygTum".

General Information I . The rat~ ,hown are for eaeh domntic tel~gTam of no~ excteding ten worda, addrC!lS and .illnahue, excluded. 2. For each word o,'cr ten in II domeltie tclegram, tho charge i.I one-twentieth of the t en-wor d lone rate. 3. For radiogratll!! end cablegram. ori ginating nt . Or deatin&Uo, ,hip .tationa .. nd poinLil OULilido of lhe Pbilippine Jalanda, t ho B ureau of PD.!t'l land-]ine cbarge for each work ioduding-addrcu and ,illtlatut"e of the IO-word loneflll.<:!o between the two terminal officl'a of the Burcllu of Poat.a which bandle the rfl.diogmm. Or oab]egra m.. For cab]a-]ettera or r adiolNtcra of 20 wOlda or leu, the charge .hnll bo tho ordioary r lllO for II. domestic telegram of t en worw.: for caeh additionlll word, the ehll. ge .. one-twentieth of t h~ ten-word rOt a. 4. Fa. rush m_ agc. , doubl e tho ordinory rllll'a. 5. Fer code. cipher, nnd other rcpelll hnek me&!llget, an addiliORfll thnr!;o of 50 per cent i8 coU""ted. 6. The Bureau of Poat. radio untion coaatal rat c on , ndiogram. for Or f, om . hip atntiona iI 1"0.16 • wgrd, io addition t o hond·line chnlg\llll and to tho .hip'. t ate. 7. The charge (gr 0 pr~. m .... age of fifty woreb Or I"",,;" equivlll ent t o thlll (01 0 commercial mcuago of un wordl: for eaeb additional five wot<b gr fractioD th er eor, th ... chlllge iI one-twen tieth of the ten.word tone r ate. The pl"(Sl ... to per word 011 preaa radiogram. to or from the .hi~ iI onC!-"fou,rlb gf 12 « nla'·Ooo. Our cOAl l al ,ate, 1l1\l8 onC!-fourlh of one-&l:rt .... ntb of Ibe tOllt t ate, ph.. ollC!-fourth of tb e .hip'. rate.



Values of Foreign Mon eys 1(137 DI:I'.ut'l"ldl:"'I" C'"(;IH_'''

TREASUIH' OEPART~IENT. On'lCE 01' THE SECRET,Un·. Ji'a,M"olo" . D.C .. April J, J{)S7.

:-"0. I

DrnE(:Ton OF 'Tn!': ~II"T

PUllluont 10 Section 522. Title 1\', of the Torill Act of 1030, lecMcliu): Seetion 25 of the Aetof Augu..t27, 1804, "s·.mended. ~ho following estimates by the Direolo, of the :'Iint of tho vnlues of (oreiJn manelar y UnilS nro hreby praelnimcd to be the values of ~uch unilS ill terms of the mOIlC)" 01 oecount of tho United States that nre to be fnllowed in (31ilJl8tiog Iho ,·.. lue of "II lo,ei /tn me.rehandise uportcd to the Uniled Slntes duriu~ the Quarter be!rianill~ April. 1937, CEP,=ed in ony ."c h foreign monet"rY

:itn~::' f;:~"~"~~I~:"'::;;;;~3 tb~ :\~c ab~~'i~;I~~t~li~ ~~:n~r,,~~~~~~C*oOA!~ ~l~en~~~~~Ot~:~~~i';;f~;'"::f!t~:n, r~~en!'ee:ai~~na\~nil g~

mndo II~ a \"01,,0 mensored by ""ch hn)"n~ rlltc. liS delcrmincd "'nu ccrtified by tho FCUClnl nc~crve mnnk of NolV York ~od p"bIisl1eu by the Secretnry 01 thc T,ca!ury pllTlUnnt to Ihe pro,'ision! of Section 522. Title, IV, of the Tnliff ,\at of 1930. W ,HSE C. TAYLOR . ..I<I;"~ Stcrrla'il oflh~ Tr~".u 'll.


COUNTRY ,\.",emino

n~public ..

G:~f~~I;:h~~~:e~,iibl~f ,,~01~'1 f:~f f~:r:r\II~~!-

Peso .•.



,\uBtr;n, .. nclgium.

Schilling. . Delga.

.2382 .101)5


noli,·i,mo ..



~Iil.ei •.


Dol~r ..


Briti, h Hond"r!» .. Bull!;orin .• Clln~ulI ..


L~"·:'\ .... Dallll\ ..



Chile •.. Chin".

. ~OOO

HQngkon& ......... •.

Dolin •..

Colombia .... CQ<Jts mca,

P~a .•. Colon.



C"ba ..•......... ClcchOlllo\· ..kj ... Denmnrk.

Peso .•.. l{Qruno. Krone ..

1.0000 .0351

Dominican Republic .. , F.cuBdor .........•...

D olin ••.•. •.....••••• Sucre .•

1.6031 .338(1

EIl),pt .•.

Pound 1100

E.stonin ..

I,.oon ..

. 1537

Finlnnd ..



France •.

Frnnco.· .•.••. , GreBl Britain.

Rdohsma.k ..... . !'ound Sle.ling ..

Greeco • .









Uondurl>ll .•.



l'enIl6 •. Rupee ..





. t033 8.2397 .0220 1.60:11



Con"orsion Bu.pemlcd D~e. 16. 1920. Control of \told stod.! and e~ports author;1ed D ec. 17. 1020, E~chnnllo contr,,1 ""Inbl;~hrd Oct. (I, 103!' By dccrco of ;'II or. 31, HI311. I beg",l o(luols 5 Bclgian froliCS. Con"cr~ion of Dotes into ;old Buspended Sept 23, 103!.

B"tI~; d~n~~ ~r::~~!~:~tr,~, ~lli!rB~~~ ~tB~!ta~

Con"~r~ion of St"bilint;f)1I-0ffiec notes illlO gold .u81IC,,<1cd NQ", 22, 1030. Convcl"$;On of nOI~ ~ll!pelldcd. Exeh~ngc ,·ont.ol ~Slnb"8hcd Oct. Iii. 1931. Embargo on export of gold, Oc t. 19, 1931 ;rCllc",!" tion (If Dominion Dotea ill lI:old s"~]leuded April 10. 1933. Conve..ioll or not~. ausI.cnMd Jllir 30. )(l31 SH ... c. slanda.d nbliudonCd by oceree of No\,. 3. 1935: bank nOtc!! m~de le!:1I1 tcndor lIndM" Currenc)' Boald control; u ehange rate for nriti~h currency pri"''''ril~' fixed nt "bouu. 2'1 d .. 0\ nboul29).-!1o U.S., !,er )"unn. T.eftSu.)' notes ""d not ... of the three blLl!k8 of '.sue mntle legal lend er by ~ilvcr nolionulinlion or<1innnrc of Dec. 5. 1935: el<cb.nj!e fund creatcd to conlrol e"cb .. n~e ute. Oblillnlion to ,ell gold a'l!p~"dClI Sept. 24. 1031. Con.-el"$ion Qf noles imo I'old lu..pcndCd S~l't. l :i, t(I\4: e"changc control cSlabliil'cd Jan. 16. 1932.

R;: ~a~~rc';[ ~)IKI~5!i, I?~;G. of DOtcs into gold 8113pe"dcd


SOI.t. 20, 1(l3!. U. S. ",on~y i$ l>rinciplll circulating mcdium. Con,·c.. ion of notes inlo ;old ~lUpeodcd Feb. 9. 1932. Con,· ... ",ion of nOles inlO ,old $ml.cndcd Scl,t. 21, mal. CO',,"Cr!lion of notcs imo gold .,,"pended Junc 2S. Wil3. Co"\"cr~io" of nol,.,. into ",old suspended Oct. 12, 103t. ;"IlonNa.)' I"IV of ON. I. 1930. l"O\';dOO for new j!old contenl of fn.. nc to bc fi,,~d within the limits of 43 and 49 milli"r"m. of gold .900 fine, Exd,anltc control estabH,hcd Jul)' 13. 1931. Oblignlion to. 5rll gold at legal ",onelnry pAr 5"'lp~udcd SeP I. 21, 1931. C02nij~c';'l;a~. of nol es inlo gold 8ml.eDtlcd Apr. Cou"c.~ion

of nOles ;nlO ~old .\l81, ... IId ... d Mnr. 0, 19:13. Nmionul b""k notes redeemable on demand in U. S. dollar~ .

G~i~c~i~t":,tlar~Oh~k~~f~n~~Yh;k ~nl.kld~Ft::;'~

E"ch"ftgA com r.;J cltablilhed J"I)' 17, 1931. Obligation to !eU gold nl l... gll1 monet"ry pnr slU peno,]cd SC1'1. 21. 11)31.







" .. lue ill tcrm~ of






I ndo-China.


hiah F ree St" to.

Freo StiliI.' Pound .


I.i rn.

I,aw;" .. .


Liberia .... .


I,ithnlll'; ... .

.suo l.G03 1 .1603

Litll,!l ..• 1''''0 ..




Yen ..

Japan ... .


colonie~ ..


Gulhlrr (f1orill).


Ncwfoumllnnd .. New Zealand.

Dolin •... I>ound .

I. (l031 S.23117

NicaraguA. No,u'ny. : : : : \. :',\,

Cordoba .. I',one ..

I. (l1l33 .4537

Panama ... PnrJguay.


Balbo............ . 1'('30 (A rgentine).

(Iran) : : : : : : : \ : '


F~i~~t~~ .I."~~~~I~: :: : : :: \ Portugol...

: ::\



(l033 G335 .082·\


.~ H O

1'('110 •••••••••••• • •••


Zlo!)' .. E~eudo

.... , •• "., ••.

Leu ..... .

. 1899 .0148 .0101 .&lGO


Colon ••.


DQhl (T icQl) ..

. H 91

Spain ..........•..•

Slmitli Settlements.


•. Doll .....

.3267 .9013

Sweden ..

K rOllR ..





Union of South Aidell,. Uni on of So,·jet




Chen·oll eIZ .

S.7 123

P~o .

Venezueln .•






l'i""t~r 11~1I~~d

to }"rench frone M the ratc of I pitl!tcr - 10 Frl'nch franc4. Information witb rCIlMd u. the rellliionahip of pi .... l<'< to franc ~~.~1~b!~~'t to ScptNnber :U.i. 11130. not )'et


of note! into lIold BlI8lwnde!l Sellt. 21. 10:". New 11010.1 co ntent of 4.077 l(rlll11a of 1i11O lIold pH lir" ~tt,b1i,hed by Ulonetory lI.w of Orl. 5. 19:16. Embllrgo on gold cxport. De~. 13. 1031. Cunt'''''y peRged to sterling Sr.l't. 28. 11I3(). Ot 2,522 IlIli -£100. hun p,;~is~~~~~:'~t' ~:lsr~:::N~~,~~::~:~~ i:,.g . Deuea of Aug. 28. 11136. left the monetary unit. tho IUlIO. to be lDter defined by I..w. SllB I' on8ion of oo nverti bility of note! into gold nnd ...... tdetiona 1>ID eed Oil frec gol d CZPOrl8-


N~.:;r:~n~8Bulg~~d CllnQdiun notea lelClIltender.

Cocn~~:~o~f o:ol.:t~:t~?~t0ed~o~ru:~,~:c~i~~; IL~~~

change regulation ... Dec. 11131. Embargo on Kold Clq>ort. Nov. 13. 103 1. Convcl'll ion of notea into "old IWlpended Sept. 29. 1113 1. U. S. mone)' i~ principlll circuillting medium. I'QrIlKUIIYlln l'IIPcr CUHcne)' Us ,..,cd: exchange cont rol eatablishcd J une 28. 1032. Obligut ion to ]lilY out lIold defr. rrcd "'nr . 13, 11132; uehnngc cO lll1 01 c3 t llbli.hc d "'nr. I. 1036. Con,·cr.ioll of nol~ in l O gold $1I~pellded ~ID~' 18. 1032. By IIct IIP I>rO"ed .\Iorcl> 16. 103S. Exchllnge cont rol eatllblilhed ,\pr. 27. 1!l3(). Gold clcl>lIngc stllndard !u~"l'nded Dc<:. 31. 1031 Exehllnae cont rol eatllblishcd :0.111), IS. 11132. Co""crsion of nOtes into gold ,Wlpen ded OCI. 7. 11131. COnVl'T8ion of notea into gol d 'WlI,cnded '\I a)' I I. 11132. EXc lulIIKC oo ntrol es t Llh! i8hed "'oy 18. 163 1. Uri l i.h 1,0uLL d Mell; ng (\n d St. (\i t4 dollnr lin d half dOllo r Jeglll ten der . Conver!)ion of nOl l'S illto gold !lupended Sepl. :?!l. 1931. Order of Fedc'lIl Council enacted ScI>I. 27. 11130. in8l r ucted the $wi"" NlltioulLl Bank to main" tain the lIold I'Llnt)' of the franc III II "lIlue r ang" illK betwI!Cn 1110 lind 215 onilLigrlluli of 6nc aold. IOU ]li .... ters cqulIl to the Tu.kish £: eo""cn!ion O ~~t:;~~i'~;~!~I~~~~ ·~I:~t~~~'<i ; mhunge Cor"'Cl'lliOLL of 1I0tC~ into lIold ~u&pe"dcd Dee.



1930. the Coun~il of People'. Com" mi~!IIn! L"Aucd " dcer"" lil;ng the "WUII of tb~ r uble il) fordJ:n el~hanlCCI lit four a"d onequarter F.eneh franca.

Co:~vI4~i~~c1rll~:~C!e~~\~:,01~taatir;:lt.~1.'dS,!~,~· ~: p,!~~'m on foreigll eurrend..". l'I!,"blisbl.'d '\ul.

211 10:H. by nKrCC rnen~ of hanl". Exeh'nnlle control eatDblithed Oct. 7. 1031.

Philippine Money Philippine PesO!. hulf I'e$OOI. snd gold coin! of the United Sutea 11,. uulimitcd legol tender in the Philippine ,"Inntl!! ullieu otherwisc arA!ci6cnlly pro"ided b)' o:ont r(\~t. The un;~ of "uluo in the Philipp ine l~t8n,"'i!lho theo reti" c ,I gold I'CIIO. eontniuingl2.9 g.nin! or gold. nin.,..tcnth fine. r Cl'r~~entiull" gohl vnlno exn~ t ly cqui,·"lcul tl) oue-twen· tieth or t hr. Uniled ~htCl gold Engle. or. in other worda. c'.uivIIleu, to lilly ('(lnll United StnlCIL CUrN'M)·. PetiOlI.

Philippine Currenc),. 1I.rt'! de!illl:n all'<i b~' ,he follt.",·ioC mMk. (1'). The Philippine Curun~y Ih'ttem i. that commonl)' ImO""n M the Gold"EzchanlC Standard. The p!lrit)' ;1 rnsintll;noo b)' Ihe uJe of drtU'y in Ihe I'h;lippines by I he GO"crnmenl on lUI Esohan"e St.mdMd lund in New York lind the ule of dr aft. in Now York by the sgen~ of the Phml'pin~ Government ou lhe GO"crn" melll·. Exd,ange Standllrd fuod in :ll anila. The Gf;j,·.... o.


163 Tho Blink of the Philippine Isln.lldl, )'1,,!lilB. in\le~

rnenfs rRt ..~ of uehnnge ftre fixed, ami r .. p~ent ILi!I nearl)' u prllcticable the COlt nf fbippitll! 1I0id b .. r~ belw"""

b"nk not"'l for five. t en. twenty. fif~~.. onc hundred "nd two hundred l'esO! Philippine Currency. Tile. Philippi ne. Nntional BBI,k iu ues notel! for OllC. ~"'o. fi"e, ten, ~wc"~y. fif~y and ono hundred r'CJ<)~. Philippine Curroncy. All notes i..,,,ed by eilher hllnk nre on ll"r with tho GCl\'crnment Sil"CT Ccttificntc.

New Yor k nnd Mnniln, The Philipp."" G",·cmnwnt. 'HI oplion. nchllng~ Philippin" Currency ror United StRtCll CUTrency nnd vice vcr~". d"'Tlljn~ ror the 110M eo; n fI. alight ]>rcmium ~ufficic"t to J)n~' trnnSl>Qrtntio " upon.e.. No "",,rllt! is mnde ror uchnngo in U. S. lit

Currency ror Philippine Currency in 'ltI"llnmQllms.

I'hilippine 5il" •• Ccnificate! while not legal tender. are nebangcllblc on demand for leg .. ] tender eoin, aN!

GOLD CO I NS (No gold co ins i n c lrc "latl on)

.""eivllble in pAyment (or nil GovcrunlMt dn"", Bnd mn~' b" helll b)' bnnks 1101 pnrt of their IOKIII ,,,oeTve. United Stota p ape r curre ncy though not leg,.1 lender;~ received by the Government "nd '<'IiI"lnrly p" cur rent in Ih~


trntle. of the bland" The :ollowing denominmtions of Philippine CUrlency are ;n cireulation!

~ I cdio Peso One P<'!Ieln. Medi:t Peseh.

S IL VE R CERTI~' I CATE Fh'c hund red 500.00 Exehnngcnblc on t1emnnd for One hundred .. 100.00 ~ilvcr 1't'S0~ Or U. S. Gold J.'if~y P<'S~ .... 60.00 Coin of equivalent ""Iue at +~v~'j}~;:':"::". the ol'ti~n of,.the Go~:t. Five Pe.!oa.. 6.00 Two Peso... Z.oo One Pno.. 1.00

P~... o.

S IL VE R CO INS Leglll tender for .SO .20



(""ount 1"20.00 20,00


Fh'e Cent/wO!o

N I C KE L CO INS ]' 0.50 Legal tcnder for 2 Pes04

One Centavo. Medio Cenl:>"o..

COP PER COI NS 1'0.01 Lellal tender for Z peso. .005 No lonll~r wined


Bureau of the Treasury Man i I a CIRCULATION STATEM ENT

April 30, 1937 April 30, 1937 Pmurp,sl: CmNiI;

Philippine peso. and h"lf_ li lver pesos ..... Sub.idi"ry coins .• :o. l inor coin • •

PIIILi~or":~~ ~~:::$a;,~ ·6~~: T IP'C"T&$,. , BAS"' NOT\'!3:

Dank of Ihe Philippine Island.,' nOl a, •.• , .•.•• Philippine Nlltional nank !)otcs •.

(a) (~)

7,8-10.732.00 9.422,936.40 3.487,300.00 20,751,007.40 • 116.570.(la2.00

~ I Drch

31. 1937


7,894,000.50 0,299,973.(10 3,440,711.54


Mill' 31,1920(1l)



7,581,889.50 8.050,439.90 3.125,O7l.17

10,(139,461.00 12,071,227.50 1,811.002.24

Feb. 28,1933(b) p~~

7,698.693.50 7,481,70·1,80 2.752,409.00

20,643,775.6 4











3,748,720.00 8.017,231.57



141),090,832.2 1




..!1>Til 30. 1936


9.901.227 17

C mOUUT'ON. (lmount L ESS-EstimDlc d destroyed. unknown (c) .



652.800.00 148 ..138,032.21

Date of maximum circulnlion had in the Phili \lpinc. Date of minimum ci rcuintion bnd in tho l'hilipJlincs 8i"oe 1920 Di8t ributcd "" foll owd! PcsO! P hilip pi M coin, .. 102,000.00 l'hilip pinQ trcuury c~rtilio~teo., 357,000.00 Bank of the l'hilippine 1~la"d!' nDle;, 40.800.00 Philippine NntiOl>nl Bank notes. 153,000.00 1152.S00,OO


127,108,012.3'1 1'140,000.00 12646<1;.012.34

13,438,016.80 163,.128.6a7.5·1

0,9 40,081.97 80.700.640.77 640,000.00

640,000.00 1Il:!.788.637.5~


CERT I FIED CO lut8C 'l': (Sgd.) V'<'I!I<TI! G. G&LL.\. Chir!. Dirifia n 0/ Admoni,u~li"". Currtnt, «lid P~~/;c Orbl.



Weights and Measures CON VER SION






Collceled and Computed by

D .:.\lo' B. 111. GO:<~.\I:t:Z nud A. T. T •• LEol< College of AIITlc"hllr~. Un;"cr~il)' of the PhiliM,ine! 1 I 1 1

~.~~~~ ~~~~:m

kilog.s", pound

ounce 28.34953 gram. 0.20.118 gaHoll 0.03G2 7



1 Hter I Il"UOil

:l. 78.~33

lit er>

J.2t.{~g a~::l!

I IilOr

I qanrt


I cculiznolN I i"r.h

2,1\ 1000

3.28083 0.30480 1.0036 1 25.00 l:l

I ".clcr I foot I meier



3 2.411 0 3ii77.0000

1 hcclnrc



c~n t imetcrs

feel (3!).37 in.) mel t . yn rds gll ll tM


elmp"s liteu

ncrc.~ (Engl i~hl

ImnlL!l cund.lldns 1000nC:':l

:"1.5770 bal itns 0.3577 quillon I cn""n~eed (R I)proximately)

~s!~'1;,0c~~,,~·u~~'~:.tcnr.:] ~~r~~U] O,~r} 1~~r,"~°ci~n~fJ~"~~ ~;~~~ wi~r.

l':ILoc n A)1 is the ~rcfcrred form.


ell,"lIn 1,,,ln)"


(A {> I' r o li m" .. Filtu r l's)









Clenns een~


I e",'nl1 rico

.. 1"eoJ



I ..",·u"


brnn I ..."'Im eoru on \ I I I P


57.;; 2.0"


OO A ~





kilos "'<Iter Ini le

",ilo hOCI ~r c acre Centi,::.,ndc

(j';; per P r odue<.'! k. elen"ed


O.!ll·H O

0.02 1:17 1.00936

F/) hrenh~it

, ,,

CO MM ON l' IIII..IP P I N£ MEAS URE S 2.20 102 lI,"oi rdup oisor Eo!!· kilo' lith pou nds 2. 17100 Sv.nnis h PQUods picul 03.2ii kllo~nml Sp'llni.h pounds utrobn 2& klloll.tahU 11.6 ".r ohns I <Iui.anl kilogrnll'8 S ll nnil h pound. 1000.00 kdogrn nl' ' ''ot r;e ton p ounlls 220 1.62 2.20 -1 02 ("'~~~~s...o i' li t er


, , , , , , ,, , , , ,

" '''''

?:8~~02 ~iiuia"~;I;rts 7r;.00 200

en,"un M,'n ll COT"


lil-etB ""fS oo rn


~1l\",\ 11

l li l er I"o]ny d"Il"n" I Ji.t"r ri ce


kn Oll 001VU ll8 cor n on ellh k il Oll kilo

58.6 2. -17



ki lo

0. 78


0.3 1


0.Q3 1.1Z

kilo kilos




lite r corn li~cr

pcn"ut (SI",lIc.t) coconut I liter oil "nutn pII III)" Knnt" denneu rice gnntn ~heUc<l eOr " II~nllul I Kllnln (shelled ) ~lInlA n)"nIlO 100 cur! corn cun l~c.o ..



bale IIbllcn


'" ,

S hells 80 pcr eunt

s loClkd

1 ""inUtI tobncco I l'irul snlt"r


k i l~

1.10 Z.3 1

kilO!'! kilos kilos ~hclll'<l



:!b 2 Izn.r.

icul • Cilo~

kIlo. kiloo



II 0US EII01..]) M ~: "' S U lt~: S I ''''''. kl- ro.euc 20 Htcr, lull)


.j K"II,,"~

I lIon Ie, \ ',ch)" bee. I bnule. (ln r Ko) I bouh', 1 ~," Ul ,


nc . ef 0.40 ~ f~O heet n.e 9 /5 delHcCI! heit 6/9 (F"-:12)



2.·171 0 1

Fnlor .. n-


I l-I b. en n. """1)')"'!"oJ ",il k I I-lb. e"", Inlilion 1 enn, "otl<I ~ I I!!'d ",ilk

1)00 ec. 100




ISO cC. ~1i0


ce. e~.

Philippine Population Statistics From tile Philippill e CeT/ SUS oj 1918 PRO VI NC ES AN D S UB I'ROV INCES T ota] Pop ulll~ion Philippine Is l,,,,d a. 10,350.640 Aut a .•.• AlI:usnn ....•..•...•..•...

~~~~;r;'''~~' No;te' ;'~d s·,;;.:· AntiQ.ue ............. . Apayao, Sub provi nce .. .


71 .721


2S8. 770 27 1,3H IW.OH 11. 123 58,350 8.2 ].1


,14 ,1) 1; 31>9,600 33,58 1

Oukid no n n "lacn n ... Cnllaylln .. Capit... ••••..•.••.•.. .. Cutund"nncs. S" bpro,· in Ol'. CII,·il e .. Ccb u ...... Cotahllto •• 0 ""110.. . Ifu ~uo. SUb tlt OI·lnce .• IlocOOl Nort e .•. I locOll Su r •.• Iloilo ....... . Isabel............... .. Knli ngll, Subl"o,·;nc" .. . Lagu nll ...... Ln nO-o •.•••• .

~7, 8 11

248.863 I OD.9~

29 2.400 62.015 167.3-11 &!I7,4 10

169, 101

II O.8CM 00.674 2 18,1)51 217.4 10 608,272


IQ5,371 9,.IU G

PHI LIPPINES Ls Union ............ ......... '". kpanto-Atnuurnynh. S"bl"'''\''''~e ..

kg~?IA::: ....... ......... .

;>olnr;nd"quc, Subprovince .• ;\ [ ~bntc, Subpro,·jnce. ~lindoro ..

~l~~~'~ihij~·.:: ... :-<"0"0 Vi.cO\'/I, •.

Occidcntnl N~lIr05 Orientnl NOgToa ..

Pnlllwnn ..•

73,S:!2 108.081 227.636 :l5,81" 3ll7.3::m O",O'H

P~n~lI5in8" . Riul.. .... 1I0rnblon. Samnr ...•....•........

Si'l,,;jor. S"bpro,·jncc .. SOl1!ogon.


S\lti~no .. . Torino .. . Tnynb"" ..• Zn",bnlc~ .... ZomboAnlln.




Pnrnpnnll"" .


IOO.57JJ 08.204 597,005 283.0 13 .56,876

2';7.041 Ml7.0H 230.20S ,,a.57G 380,211

5Il,1I!l;; 17b.:!G2 \o7.!l7.5 122.022 172.022 211.596 S~.(l20


IMPORTANT C ITIE S ,\RR "'N G~:1) AI, I'U AnETI CA LL Y l'ro\"inl;f) l'o puh.,ion

T ow"

Alnminm. •


;~~::i.;j:· .:::::::: :~:r~·,~·,~~:j.j~:·.::· ~~:~ir\·:. . ,\rnYnl..


. ."'Umano". . A~in~nn..


..: :t:~~~n,;.\: .... . .

.!'oml'n"!;", \{".. .

. .Ceh" . ., ....•.•

.. Panl1"";""".. .. . . TII~·"bll5... . .. .

.. :: :~:~;~n~:~:" \..

Bneon... .Sorsogo". BRcoor .•..•••.•..... en,·ite ...•... Bngo.... . ... Ne .... os Oe~ . . Hnguio.. . .... I}onl':uc~ .. DnIRn,,,. . BMllnn .•... Bnlnonn. . .......... l,n Union. Blllinn!:;.. . ......... Bulncnn ...... . Bnmbllll!:; ........... Nne.." Vi,ellyn.


..... :: :~~b~::

Bllru!:o.. . ... LeyIC.. B""'y ..•........... Samllr ..•• BntangllS. . .• BMaRgM Bft"an. . • . .....• llatn"gllS. DII)·bn)· ............ I.oyte,. ..•.• B"ynmbllur,: ••.•.•.•.. Pnng ...;n"n ....• Bftyombong ......... Nueva V;zcayn B;on.lonnn. •. . . PR"~~innn .•. Binmnley... . .... l'nngllSinnn .. nOR<) ................ T llynb,... ..


.::: :t"ul~~~·~: ..

14.410 12,;01 17,019 II.SSS 20.601 12.311 3l).IH iG.7S0 1:j.098 10,350 15.224 H.4 IS II,OSO 25,600 .; •• \02 8,1~1

11.21)8 18,403 2.517 13.l)l)5 33,!)IS IS.IS7 IS. 1I1 41.182 " 77"7 :io:l)SI 1';.3 10 5.(;85 17 ..100

18.2£,5 17.1140 11.,120


"Bul nn... . . . ...•... SOr$ogon. Hurll"on ............. J.cyte . . •. Cnblltun"... . ...•. lIoilo ........ . Cnd,.. . . . . . . . NcJtros Oec .. Cnlnl",n... . ....... Mindoro ...•.... CI11...,ino .••. ::::::::~:~~":i.~~~:: •. g:l~~:.o~::.. C"pi •. CnIOOCIlIi. . ......... Ri,al. ... . C"lumpit .........• BulaCllo. Cnmi ling ...•......•. T nrlllC .....• Cnnd"b". • .•... Pamplmgn ... Cnndon. . ......... 1locos Sur .. Cantilno. :::::::::: :~~~f.ll.o::. Lcytc .. Cl1Ib"lolI"n .••...... SRmnr . . . . Cnvi IC•...........• C avi t l! .. Ccbu ....... . ..... Cebu ..•.• . •. Ccn ·a nlCII ..•...••.•. Mou"t "i n. Concepcion.. . •..... rrnrh.o ........ .

1fl.260 25.617 1,1,784 21,730

C""t ................ Ca",nrinc, Nor te.

14.2 18 17.802 22,612 26.8l)1I 21.320 10,600




g~~:~~ ... :... :: :: :: ~'~:::nn~~~j~....... . g~::;~~:.

..... :::: ~:{~~i~~~ : . . .. Ccbu .•....•...

Dnllgnete. Din fUaa .•.•......... 1l0cO!! Norte .. 0 01>301. ... So""ogoll .



2£',4 11"> 1;1.985

11l.361) 1-1,502 23.31.1 1.j.31)~


18.507 21,!I!l6 17.100 13.803 22. 163 S5,JOO VB:! 17,483 11),25 1 1 ~.7I1S


Dulllg .............. Leytc ..... . Dum .. gu~'o. • •...... Ncgros Or. Dumllnjug.. . .. Ccbu ... , ..• , . . ~!~~J~~!~:' ~cgr03 Occ •. Gup"". . ,:~~~~~··E~ij~·:.·'


g~'i,°u~~:. ..



g::i;~'.~: ...

... :::.:J~""'~~:~r;: .:. NcgrO!! Or.

. •... Albn)' ....... .

:::: :§:~:fr~'.'~~: :· . ...... n"h,c"n.

Uallonoy. lIilon/lO.. . . . . •• LeYle ...... . lIimllmllyl"" Nfl,':'OS Occ. liin.gnr"" ........... NCgJ"<);S Occ .. [bll .... • •••. ,.~"mbal"", .. lInllQn. • .... Isabel ... . [[oilo ............... Iloilo ... , 1m...... . •..... CII,·ilo. Indnng.. . ....... C ...·itc .. . Illfant"... . .1'nyabll.!r . ...... .


::~~"I:~~ g~~:~rinc•.

J""i", .. y.. .lloilo,. Jnro. ... . .... lIoilo ... JRr o .• , •. Loytc. Jolo .... .... . .Jolo .•........ Kabanknlnn •........ NclUOS Occ .• Ln. C!lTIOla. . ...• Ncgros Oec, •.. , L~oDIt ... ,. [locO! Norte .. Lclt"'WL. • ...... Alb,,), .......• •• , •


.... :: t~':;::i~~n S~·. :.

Liltno. . ...•.. Albny .•••• Lipn ......••.•....•. Bntnnt.... . • ..... Lagunn .. . J,05 Bo ,lo.1.. Lub"n ll.. . ....... ;>'hndoro •• [,ucbau ..... ..1'''},lIbftS•.. LnC<'na .• ~. . ....... 1'ny:ob..., .. :\ft\Rl' iu., •.......•.. Lc~·tc ..•.•• :\[acnb~b .....•.•... I'amp~ngll ... .u""l:nl,11I ...... l'ungftSinnn. :\InIUbo" l' ., ....... lHu1. .. :'\IantbQg •.. ,.", •.. LcYI" ... ;>. l nlolos. . ., •...... aulacan .. ;Io1 nmbnjn .......•••. /IIisnmis .•• , ;>.ft\nnong! .... , ••. , .. Pa"~o.sinnn .. ;Io1 .. np;atnrc." .. , •..... Pa"ga~in"n. ;Iol"'>lln •••.• ,. ;Io[""illl ... , /II""b"to ............ ;Iof:lsbate .. ;Iolnnb""... •• , •.... 1'n)'nbns ..... ~Ie:rito .•.. , .l'nmpllnga .. :'< I i~amis.. . •.••. ;IoIlsnmi!., :'<1010 .. ,... . .... Iloilo ... ;\lontnd" ..••........ Tarlnc. . . ..• . . ~"bUl'. . ..•.•. "Cnmarints Sur., Nnir ....•..•. , ..... CllVite. Nn"otns.. .. •...... [{i,nl. ......... . NUlIn. . . .. . ..... , .. Cnmnrines Sur .. 0Iong"1I0.. . . Zambnle.. .. Orns, ••. , .,., ...... Samllr. Ormoe. . . . Leyte ........ . Ort>tluietn . . ...• , •. , :\Ii.nmi" Oec •• Pulo .. ,., ........... Leytc. PllIO"'pon. . ... Ley.c . . Pana)·. . ......... ,. C"pi*. Pl\S;g .... , .......... Riul.. 1'0tOI"n... . ...... l loilo ....... . Pozor '"bio ......... I'nngnsiDnu. Romblon. . ..•..•.•. RornblOD ••.•. R osalts........ l'onl:","i"3n. SlInt" Bnrbar•....... I'ang...,in"n ... S8n Carlos .....•...• NegrO!! Oce .. S""10 Cruz ..•...... La(unn .. , •. , Sn" Curios. . ....... Plln~ll!Iinfln. 5 .."tn Cruz" , ..... TuyabM.... Sa" Fabiflt'.... . ..•. I'nngo.sinan ..

~:~ ~~~~::3~::"":: t:ma~io~n:: .

5nn Luil . .. • .•• , ... l'ampnog ... . Snn ;>.[n.tco,. . . Ri~al.. .. . San Migu.l ...•..... BulneRn .. . . S" n Nn ro;eO). . ...... Znrnbnles., Sa" Pnblo ......• • .. Lngunn San Pedro />InoMi ... Iti,n! . . ...... . Snm"ia.. . ..... NegrO! Oee •. SII,iMya.. • .....•.• TRynb~ .. , .... $il"y.... . •.• ,. Ncgros Occ .•. Si'tuijor. ,. Negros Or Sonogo", . , ..... SOllogOIl •• Subie ... , . .. Z"mb8IC!l .. Sufil"O.... . .Surilllo

!!2.550 lO.n7 23.G~5

2ll.3111l H.!!:ll II . I H

H ,aM IllAS:l 31,U7[. 21.fl30 15.ll1lS 15.~3r,

.• '. 501 iii:i.tS 15.510 10.001l ij.~M

2:!.2r.!l ~!l.I>OS 13.0~0

13.222 11.103 23.S0S H),IIH 25.075 2'1,(,07 17.1701 5.71111 Ill.S07 20. 1 2~

!!8.29t 53.100 22.731.1 IZ,~7i

21.·155 ~0.1l7i




11.039 n.314 Ill.OS2 111.17.5 21.(l0tl 1(•. 7t.l 20, 1'101

21.3S~ 22.:16.~

\6,,,82 2$3,613 10.779 1~,4l) l)

IG.02.1 23.370 8.5(; 1 10,303 10.~~0

0.789 13.300 ll.468 8.020 12.01">5

38, 247 17.!HlO 20.611:\ \6,220 13.411 111.1701 20,900 15.308 IO,~~7

1!l.001 13.n7

~1.S20 1~,151

38.012 16.350 15,998 21.002 10.8S5 9.7Bli

.1,8017 18.H7 8.775 31,2U 7.2S7 13.9$~

14.0·15 23.0115


11.01l) 13.7311 11i.7112


166 Talll.. . .

• .. BR(nngl!.!.

Tabneo.. .

• ...... Albay ........ .


::: :: :: ~~)~~~;. i:ic~·.', .

TflnllllPn . . . . . . . . . . . BMnn~I"',

... ..:T"rluc ~~~~~~. Or:: :. .. .

:~:~i~~~~" 'rllrl,,~.


·r"~·I"Y. Tny,,~.....

. Pnlrl\vnn, ... . .. ,1'''''<;11.;1''''',

'fUI(Il"Knrno ......... CDIlII)''''' .. .


. ..... 1'lIl1glll;;II,,,, •••


. •••. Ncgros Oce.


. TarlM\. .....

~;tfi~~i~:: . ..... : :: ~~:,~~~:,;: i:;n~t~~~~~:· .... ::: ~~~,~r;O~nMft'

21,155 23,00{\ 1.5,475 H,B7

San :'Iigucl.. . .. BulllCan. n~e)" ............... Sumn r ....... . Oroquictn. . .. :'Ii!ami. Occ .. An~clee. . .. Pnmpa.nla

10,074 20, 119

Cnriltnrn ....

2U70 23.SSG





15.662 17,i6~

14,24<1, 12,-150 31,000



.. ;\I,mi1" ..


.Cell" ...


. .,\Ibny ..

Iluilo .............. .. 110ilo ........ . Lip". . . . . . . . .. Bnl"ngns ... . SIIII Carl'll. . ... NegrO! Oce.

~~~:~~~:.::: :\::: :g:t~~~~:: ...

L~oag... . .1loeQI None Ormoe. . .. . . .. .. Le)'te ...... . SliD CarlO! .......... P llngllll ionn .


. ..... ::: :~h~o.:: .. .


::: :~~b"o~r~n:

Escalllnte............ Negro! Oce Blluun. . . .. B81l1ngas. POlot"".. . . . ...... Iloilo .... . Onlnl(uete. . .. Cebu .. . Malolos. .. . ....... Bula.cllo .... .


...... ::~~~. cic·c·.:

CalbnyOK. ... . .... Samn< .. J"niuny .......... . .. 110ilo. Ouiuobntan. .Alba), ....... . l:nlatletn ........... Pn"gMinnll. JaTO ..... . .... 1I0ilo ... Tllbllco.. . .. Albll),. T,.dac. . .. . . .... Tllrlae. DI.HnnniuII... . .. Cebu . !riga.... . Cllmuflnes SUT .. Camiling ............ Ta,hlc .. Ilaga.o.. . .. laabela ..... . Silll)'..... . ....... ~egros Oce. Linl(nycn.. . .. Pangllllinan .. DagulltJII. Pa.ngn~inlln. Oulng.... . .. . .. Leyle .... . Hnllonoy ........... Duhu:an .... .

Tr.:~nu.;~~: .

..: :: ~~~~~t::Rli: .

M",II-in.. . . Ln),le .. Cn"itc.. . ......... Ca'·ite ..... .

2:si:: ..... ::::::: ::~~~~. o.,·c·':'lnlubotl. Rital ....... . Ligllo....... . .. Albay ..... . :.lambajao........... lI.liaamia Ot .. . Oin/tfu.... . Jlocos None. Taal ................ Bonlanll""

f,!l~ ~~c.r~~.n.d.~ .. : : : :: f!;;~~~~~.

,\pard ...... Ln Carlotn. Cllndon. . .. .. Snn J.'ertl"ndo.


Cnlooeun. Gl.lbat.. Nnbun..

CallAYlln .. Negr'll Oce .... . .Ilocos Sur .. Ln Union

.. :::::: k~~';,$' O·cc·.:· Rizpl..

. ..... SOlllollon ........ . . .. Camnrillt'll SU T.. .

!:'~~~~~~~rn(; .::::::: :~~::;~IlI~C.e::. Bul"n ......... :.-:: ::~~~~~0l'!:'cijn' ~~~:~~t;'.l.e),le ..... lIo.II1<!a. . . I'""iuun Cantillln .. Surigno. Bnliunlt. . Bulllcan Bi"mllley ......... Paull.... ina".



65.300 53,105 49,808 46,677 H. 820 41.182 39,114 38,29-1 38,247 38.012 36,9J4 J3,918 31,21 4 31,000 29,396 27,727 26.000 26.896 26,4.44 25,6-17 25,60l.J 25, 41 5 25.075 24,930 24,562 24.507 23,999 23,886 23.635 23.598 23,3;3 23.259 23.005 22, 730 22,612 22.550 22.504 22.470 22.3(;5 22.314 22, 163 21.096 21.730 21,696 21,4;;5 2 1,882 21,320 2 1, 155 21,092 20,618 20.601 20.424 19,950 10,885 10,748 10,644 19,569 10,483 19,440 19.350 10,284 19.206 10.25 1 10.014 1(1,004 18.507 18,403 18.255

~i~~~:~'~:::::::::::. ..::~~~'5~~:' Le)'le .... Con('(ll'~ion.

. . .. TarInI' .. 1l0TO"IIQn.. . . Snmnr ....... . ))in"lon".. . ....... rn"ltllSinl1l1. ..

~~~~o~o~: .- ::

.: :: :: ~~:~(:RO';: ...

Knbnnllldnn ......... Negro:>s Oce. ;\1'111111"1, ...''''' ...•• 1'"ngll8iul' '' .. C.laaiBo... .. PnnlllLlinnn .. D"mDltuctc. NCRTn. Or .. ralompo". . . ..... !.e}·ta ... . BaTugo .............. J~)'(a ..... . ~Iangaldlln .......... Pnugasinan. P",ill ............. . Ri ••1. •••••. llini!; ... a" ........... Negro, Oce .. . Macabl'bc. . ...... Pllmpnngll .. ~l~xico.... . . . . Pa,n[Jnnlla. Sn" Fnbiuu. Pnngll!;n8n GUPIlI.",. . .. . .... Pnmpn""I.O .. :'lnlitboll.. . ..... I..o)·(e .. Victorin. .. Turlno .... Si'luijor. . . . . .. . . Negro3 Or .... J-H mnmnylnn. . ..... NCIlTOJ Occ . .... Leytc ..... . T nclobnn... Potorrubio... . . . Pllngllllinll.n. IlIlYllmb""It.. .. Pnngo.eilliln BncoIOT. . ...... Pnml,angn .. Geronn.... . Tarlac ...


Tt~r;:~.::.- ....

2~t~Ompil:: ... : : : :: : : &~II~~:~'::: .. ~inC::'~~~::' .:::: :~~~;~~an ..

C"ndabll. . .... Pnmpnnlla .. . Villnaia.. . ....... i'lltlKnainnu ....... . Oaet ................ Cllmnrinee Norte .. Snntll Cruz. '"I/I.\lnll ..


......... :::. .TnYllba.a :~~~~ J~;iJ",·. ...

Infnnl".. .. Sarinyll...

~:~~~~n... Imu........


...... ::2~~~a' b:cc·.:·

. .. Cnvilo. nanguc<l. . . AbrA.. Catbnlognn ......... Samar ..... . Tayug. . . ... PanltllSinnn. Panay... . .CapiK .. NavCII1!l ............ Rillll. .... . Santl.O Barbllra ...... PanFaaillan Indllnlt... . .... Ca,,"Ite .... Luaba"... . Ta),nbna.


trb~~~~~n: ..

.:::::?~;~~~....... .

..... :g::~~i~~' S'u',::

Orns..... Lucenn..

.Samnr .... Tny"bns.

~~r~~~~:::::::::::: :r!mO'~~~~:.

B ncoor . . . .. C'I\"ilo .... :.l lII!bPlc.... ..Mllllbatc .. )\.Ianc"dn. . Tnrlac ... . BuIIlCIIU ............ Bulacan ... . Valladolid. . ..... Negrt>8 Oce. Naic. . ... Ca"itc ......... . Nags. . ... CamarineB Su r

18,147 18.111 17,060 17,019 17.S02 17.764 17,700 17,483 17,.120 17.400 17,114 17,049 16,807 lfl.bS2 Hl,438 16.227 16,220 10,187 111.175 IO,IN

16.096 16,082 16,023 IS.90." 15,968 IS,723 15,662 I S,6 20 15,540 IS,478 15,368 15.310 Hi,22~

14.856 14,833 14.784 14.768 14.502 14,418 14,410 14.304 14,244 14,218 H,151 14,l-I7 14,14'-1 14.103 1-I.04/> 13,086 13.984 13,940 13.S9!; 13.863 13,541 13.411 13,309 13.227 13,222 12,868 12.684 12,499 12,311 12,277 12,058 11,030 11,888 1I ,2I'l8 11,089 10.773 10.000 10,4 10 10.213 9.789 9.408

NAT I ONAL IT I ES I N MAN ILA (8u U~~in IMue, ~Iareh 2, 1034) .-\ mcri~ul\.'l.

Ch inese. SpRninr<iB .. Jllpoueac ... BriHsh Btili.b I ndil!S. Oeunmn

Swiu ..... . FrtMIt.. Oth~r Europ~ ..

7,725 71,638 5, 463 3,927



..... '"".


NA.MES OF PA.RKS Ai'iD PLAZAS ~~~a:.l;:j:.;~~ji~ol:\?:i::l)~~ii~~:r ~~~":JIlII. de! Pil ar 1:I"rbolD, Ph....

(Quinpo) DntblA..., neM

Botanical Gardena (SeC

)I~h .. n


E!~81 .. do

B.aulio Riv~rlI. Plnu. (,rondo) SlInto C.iato lind ZnrngnzlI Burham Gr~cn (Erln;t .. ) bctw~cn Old lind New Lun el"

C"ld.".on do III Bnle.., (DinaRdo) Ho.ario .. nd San Fernando

g!r~~i:.op?~~~ldIr(Q~t.~a:tit.Pi{i~lnrl!nOd . ~3n&nit?d Ccr\'ant~,

Viejo Plu .. (Binondo) Uosario ,,"lid JUlin Lun ..


·Senlldor FN'IIcis('o Vil1anuevn (l'ln~,,) I'ftCo. Zuluct" Sunken Gardell' (Su tTound'ng Intm",ur(s) A. Bonil... io p, Burll"" lind .\Ingnllnn... Drivo. ' ·Tul~ Circle (Mn ]nte) A"cnue nnd SlIn Andre. T. ~ ..I R~rio, Plnn (T ondo) ~Iorl'l'" Snndo nnd Queand" Tc)cron C orde (SnntB Ann) IIctTnn nnd Tejeron Victorino Correon (Ermita), n public ]'III~" at enlle Collj:nnte nil,] ArroeerOll in front of tho -'letropolitnn Thellt re. Vi.,,:~n. I'ln~n de b (P aco) J. Znmom. Visit" nnd Gomu W"llnec Field (Ermitn) Snn Lui., I'. Bu'g"" nnd Genctnl Lunn WilIBrd, Plua (IntrnmurOl) POlItico lind Auobispo


Conde, Piau del (San Nicoll.s) San Fcrnllndo, S.. nto and Muelle Binondo City Hill! Plltk (Erm;ta) Concepcion, p, DU'"05. Aero-cCrOS and Taft

DitllO, " Inn (Pnco)


and H"tlia"n Bouhwnrd

E. Jaoir.o, Pln.a (Tondll) Mori onc•• Slln!" ~llIIill Morga lind Qucandn Espnlln, Piau de ( rnirnmuT03) M"l(oll"uea Olive, Solonn 8nd AUUBn .. FergU!,,"on, ]'18'" (I!:rmit,,) ~1. II. del Pilnr, A. 1'10"'3 anu "IBUilo Blly


Cru" Bridl(o Gacoia. Plan de (Ermitn) "'. II. dol l'il~r, S"U(" M6n;." lind L. GUNrero Genc ral Lachnmbre, Pinzi' (a;ncnd ...) Mc;aie Bridge 011.1 Sant" Elenn Guipit. Pin,,, (SlImpnloc) North 01 Culle Guipit Ha,riaon Pllrk (:\Iaillto) Est 0 ~lnytubig. "I. H. del Pilllr lind Vito Cruz ISIIbel II, Plnn, (Intramuro.) ."' l urIl1l8. San Juan de Lelrlln lind Benler;o J. Hugo, pt..zuelll (S9nltl Anll) ~tween lIovnnll .. nd Lama)·.n JDat. A. n~moa Ya;knwB (Pnndnctl n) Talundon to J""u~ Lawlon, Pia,,,, (Ermita) I'. UUTI OS to\ Arroterol, in front 01 old P OlIt Office lind I~e l'lnnt Leon XIII, Plu" (Tomlo) Ylny", Qu",""d", lind Snnde Lill" Anti-impenn lial". PilnR (Snn ~ I i,bel ) Snn Ra lael Liga n;;1il!t:~~e;la ... de III (Tonuo) YIRYII, 'lome r Mllland" Lunela. Old (Erm itr.) San I.uis, P. Burgl'll a nd -'I. H. del Pilnr

~I",,,,?t;~,:i~~~t~!~n.:!~rn~:o~~ ~::ti~:: t~r~h~ I ntenden~in

Mllgolinnes, plu" (Intramuro!) Mngnlt..JliU Drive to Pn!i,\>R;ver, to the Brid"e of Sr.ain Mtlla~i': H.lnJ:l ~t~~late) Ren'ediOll, San All( rlos and

~[CK~~~;1doP~Bn": ~~~r;:ur(5) Genm! Lun", ,\ dullna, Mchlln Gardens (Ennll") P. D,"g~! , Anoce.~ , P18o" Lawton to Cnlle Hospital ;\[etcado, Pinon (SlIn NiaolOlll) Snnt!) Cristo , Muccliuo de SlIntos nnd Tnhorn ~lili~ririt!:n!~d(~r:)~nto) M. H. dol PiI ... r Cuurtelc., ~liTnnd".

Pili ... (S8nt'" Cruz) E"Mlgelisln ,

M<mtn41~of~~~' Sunken


OBSOLETE NAMES OF PARKS AN D PLA.ZA.S '\",Iel, Pinon (Snn Miguel) I.i~n An[j.lmperialista Botllnienl GnT<]"ns ( E.m'tn) "Io,hlll! Gnrdena Pll1ln (lnt",muro.) S""'pnlucQn



Bo"il"oio. 1'1"." ('I'ond o) E. J"cinto Carlos IV, 1'1",,, (IIntnmur03) [>1",,, Me"i"I~~' l'uO"II. Ph"" ( InlrM"u,o,) I'ln,n i\lori O"~1 l11ton<lC"cil1, 1'1"." ( Intrnmu ro.) 1'1".",nll )Inllll e Park ( i\lalnte) Harti.on I'lIrk Murlir es. PI"." Jntn.muroa) Pie ... F.,pI.n .. Padre -'Io"'l'" pl .... n (Bino",lo) PI" u i\lorr.II:n P"I "e;o. I'l~,~n (lntr"murn,) 1'1"." ;\Icl~inl~y S.~n G"b,ie! ( Bin Dnd o) Plu8 Cerv"nLea s.,n JUlin do'!.etmll. rlun (I"tmllluros) Plr_.~ I .~, bcl II SOlltn Ann, PI"%II (Sam paloc) Cnllc l,cgatdn (p-. rt) Santn f !~!){oJ. PI ,,"n (Irl(rllmu rOI) 1'1".",.lue~n Triangl e, Th~ (Ermi"") Oli\'i" Su la'n""",,

CEM ET ERIES Br.lie-Baliq, C. Tu ... on. Slunpaloc (dOllc<I) Binondo, alld of Dlumentritt. L" Loma Chine .... and of Dlumentritl, L. Lomr. La Lon,a. and of t-tatllndanc Sora ~Ialnte, ",,,late (dosed) Norte. end of Blum ent rin, Ln Lorna Paco, Pnw (doltd) Panda~nn, (Spanilh), randaenn (Filip;no) . Pandacan , Bl.l!ttillOll. Snmpaloc {dOlled} ,~:~~~i l~~"I;"h), Slln Pcd,o Macati Cru, Avenida flinl San Lnuro (elo.ed) San Ped ro M"eati Tondo. Tondo (closed)



Gnrdena) PlllzlI (Binondo) E,aolt" , ROlIn rio IIIll1 ~1. do Itl induotrin ~ l orionCll, Pin." (intrnmuTos) S"ntn Clam 8nd Fot~


~Ior~~~i,o~~nzn (1'ondo) Cnlle Morion"" Olivin Snlnmnnon, PlnlU (Ermitn) San t.ui~, '['alt Avenue and Gl'nerol Oametl" (Santo Cruz) Mnagnhnn, I,ape do Veg'" to Dom_ ban, rato Cirele (Plleo) Endr1"" Paco Cemct('ry Pneo Tenni ... Cowta (Paeol 5"n Antonio, nen r Can6nigo H... mlln Padm .. , Plnll (Tondo) H.. rbos R ~nd Sn.nde -Remedios Ci rcle p l nlMo) Surrou"ding Cemetery. Remed;oa and Dakotn HRizal Gnrdcn (lJ'ondo) Ellero Vita., Dn)'ao nnd I. de Snntos Rotonda (Samp"loc) Ler:n rdn A,';lea, Nng\.nhnn nnd Santa !<Ieso Salvador Rueda PInIR (Erm;I,,) earner TIIII Annue, General Lun" and 1.,..11 .. Pcrlll ~::'t~a~~:~'~~I1~~ g~~~"',~~~l ~:~:d~~!~Hn::r~nl.~~~

Lamayan Santn Crla. Plull (8.~nln Crul) l'lun Coiti, Tetuon, Ronquillo lind DuotOl s.~nt" ;\I es" Ci rdc (SlIntn )ICln) Tere." nnd Snntn Mco " Snnto Tomb, Plu" (Intramuroa) POI(igo, ~Ipgnllnnes nnd Solaon

..\'liKt-\~n~\)nIOe) F..tero do Quillpo to


do Slln

Avile! rSnn Migucl) Snn Miguel Eltero to Colic Nag. tahan BRlete (E'111it") G~nernl Luno to P R!tilL' Hiver

~r~~~~~1'(Di'..°~nJrit:~~1 ~!~8Nl~OI~n~I~'b~?jg~\r~).lL&ig R.ver Coneord'. (Paoo nnd Pnnd"cnn) of Eate.o de Pandacan


r".tero to JUlletion

~:~:t~a~SN'l~c,!!f~Jii\~h~~~v;~ k'tn~~~e8~~.IiK

RoxR!t 1'",,;; fI,ver Southe&uerly ( Binondo and 1'011,[0) E.!tcro dc In lIeina to Calle Sol;" MBrques (Snn -'liluel) E.t ~ro SlIn Mil'lud 10 Calle E.



~ I agd"len"



Limils Paeo (Pneo) Junction E.tero T'ipa de Gallion to PR!tig H,ver P,,[omar (Tondo) Magdnlcnll Eatcro 10 Calle Tayurnnn Pandacan ( !'andr.ean nlld I'aeo) PlUilL' Ri"er olound P"ndBUn Di.tri ct to JuncI;Oll Paaig Hiver City l.imit8 to Maniln Oaf P coquerill.'l (1'ondo) Eat~ro do I" nc",,, to Rnihond at

Plov~~~e (~:~~>"\"'!tcro

de Tnn'tuc to Jun clion E$tcro


168 de Onlcte

Qu.inr: t~;t~II'Z~:b~~,,~""Ul. Crull) E5lcro de SilO .\liguc! Dc In ('1'onoo, Dinondo and Sllntn ClUj Prel ll Bridge lind PM;" Ilh'cr (nenr SlIntll Cruz BriUllcl Snmpnloo (5,\lnpnI00) Estero de Snn :.tigue1 to Rinl R~inl1.

l'nlk SIIIl Antonio :\blld (Ma1I1.te) Snu





g"11 l.uI\.o (Ton do. Binondo nnd Sllntn Cruz) E,tcro de h. Rei,,,. to Colic Bumllnn"

San Mi,uel (San ;\ Iigucl, Q"jllllO Rnd Snm~1I100) I'nsig k~~I:rClllion bridgll) to ~ig ni\"cr Son Ih.fllci (San Mi,;ucl) 1~!ICrO de SlIn :\lil;Ucl RUled),

f:,i:"C; cl.dr:'

co CIIlle Snn nurnel

San Scbf\.!linn (Qujll]lo) Ederl.> de Quinpn 10 Piau del

Cnrmcn 8l\nlll Clars (5llnln Anll) Ju nction PIlSIII River and City


Sntnelln (Sampa10c) utero do .-I.lir 10 narr;O,J of Suluel\n nnd ;\lnlumh"n Sunog AI)ol: (1'olldo) ;\1/1nil" Ony to Eslero M "ypnjO Tnn~,cle~~nco) ESlero de Paeo to J unClion of sco T enerin (Tondo) slong North Side of Palom", 181n",1 from E~tcro do Tutuban (old) In &ite.o Ssn 1.l\Za.o Tril'a d~ Gumna. (I'neo, ;\Illiotc. S"nln An" "nd Pnn. dllC/m) F..dICr O de Pllnd~~an to Cily l.iU\its

r.:f;:~:i~ (~~~:::~~~r1;~::io";.1n~~i,i~_'8h,~I1~~ r~:;':]~~;~.~~ VilM (Ton<lo) P.etil Utid)Co 10

3. .1.

M A R K ETS AN I) SL AUG I·ITE R 110 USES Arrnnquc ).lnrl;cl (SlInt:l CruB) '\l""rr:"c~ nnd Toodo ...


Bnmhnnl!: :I]".lcrt, n"",!.>,,,,.:, Diz<)", nnd :\]"lId"I.."n St~ . Del I'll" IIln,I:N. CnUo D~l I' lln. Snn Xieolns Di"i~o,i" ;\hrl:~1 (:',," "'koln~) :'innl,", CriS!O l'lower ;\Inrket (Ermitn)CnU.., Colll"nnl<' Flow!" ;\[,,,1:,. \ (UinOlLdo) Co"d"~n, a~ Billondo Church ;'Ilnlnl~ ;'I[ml:N :\[.,l"tc) ~'tll ..\11<1.63 nud I.evc,i." ;\lnt"dc.o (::inn ,'icolnaJ A.cnUII!:" nnd ~ I n";lo, nny Obrero lI[nrk..,\ (Snll{" CruI) Corne, of OIOquictn ,mel B1umcnlritl " Pn~o :'>h.l:e\ ( I'"co) Cor~l~r of Dnn nud Herron Pnndnca" ~ l nrkct (Plluil'lrlln) CoUe F'rillernida<l Quinta ;\llIrket (Snntn Cr~) I::chng"e 8aml'n[6C IIInrl:et (88mI'0109) Calle Lc~3rdn Tondo ;'Ilnrket (Tondo) Snnde and IlcrbOSB I.


P UB L IC AR T " S I AN VELLS (Saml,nloc) C. TUflllon " d Guipit (Tondo) Sl\nde and ;\ l or;o~e.os (Clo$<.'d)


7. S.

9, 10. II. I" 1:1. [.I.

Hi. 10. 17.

IS. 10. 20. 21.

'!!2. 23.



(i>o.utn Ann) PJlllllel1i J. Hugo (~ I unlinl:!"]>n) Sile of RdornlOlor)" (Pando.efl n) CnU... d~ J •.,tI~ (Qui,,])o) I'llIz!l ;\Ii.ll"dn ('1'.0.,,) E!tudo and ;\ l "~dnlc,,n (8utltu Cruz) I)]u"",,,t , ;tl lind A>"raid" lIizo.l (8I1nt" :\ICHII) 8"111,, ;\ l ~~" ;\1",kcI {Gnl!o.lan~inJ .],uon l.un", nenr ::ioli~ (Cloled) (Snn Nicol",,) O~l I'"" (Snml'Rloo) nU$lillOl! (in front of Chnrd,1 (;\ Illh\lo) Su" ..\n<lr~! (ut Mnlll\C ;\hrkcl) ( Pnco) Dart (ut Pn~o ;\tatketl (Tond o) Antonio H"'cra., nCR' Tny"",,,n (Hiul PIt,k) 1111111" Clh l " (Cl",~dl (Snn Lnlllru) Cnlle O'Oonncll neal Sehnol (Tondo) Hcrbosll nnd "dnlque. (Clckd) (SnmplI]oc) G. Tutlllcn Ilnd D. So.ntio.lCo (Tondol I::'f!:ucrn. nell r Xo. :! IO (Intramu.oa) ;\Itl.alla, near Vitlorill ( Pncol Pilln d~ b \'irl:~n (Clo.iCd) (Tondo) Plnzo. B.auUo n;"~rII





.\rella .. " Mlcj<u;


..\ "ite, ..\~·"lt,

;\lil:lI(.d und Sum. ludoc ;\ Inlolc (Singnlolllt) ;\lil:u~l

Son l>liJ!;u~1 Sn" ;'I I il:ucl. Ermlta nnd I'neo Uinondo

Dinondo Lift (",,1";11 Canoni!:o Clandio Colgllllte Ot;H Cri&lobl\1 DIlI,itlln OMUlnr;,11l.t1 E~P8til\

l'4undl\ Gencr'll Blonco G, Ttl .... ""





Ilillondo Shntn Ann I'RcO l'nndncnn SUnt" Cruz. QUiallO and Ermitn Pnco Poco ::inlnpnloo mn"ndo-St". C r uz Slln,p~loe

;\Ialalc (8inl:(1[onlO) Ilinond" nnd San Ni · col,,!


Quiapo tillntn Crul nnd Qui"po

Lell'lnl" nCttT CU 'lliL Vito Arle!:u; CRlIe A,'ilc~

Estero Sfunpnloc Tripa do Gnllinn Sa.n ;\Iil:ud E!tero

l':la;g ni"er

Crnl. Sol'lno to de Comilll",

Azen , rugn. bClw~en Juan Lun'l and Dagnp,," Culle Dn~mnrin:l! C. CIlt-'in ba"e I'e. al Tom ..... Cln"dio



Co " ~'ct .. Won. lell Co ucrclo' Conc rete

:\ I nr qnl~

Eatcr" d e I" n elna Binon<lo Cnnal T.i l''l <Ie GOUiM PtlCO E,te ro E"t('!o da Pnco

Conc rete 1Ste"1 Wond Cnnucte C"ncrete


Puig niH' CQnco , din Estero Ettc. o COllcotdi~ &.Itero SIln".aloo Canl\l dn III Re;lll\ &rter o <lc Snmpllioc'n de Gallinn

S""l'cruion Ho"'c Tro"'l i!t~l Tro... Wond Concrele Conertte Wooden

Calle S~n Fernando G. T U!L6on. nCar Curdenio Cl\Ue Arlng"i Cnlle ,-\ zca rr:>1I1l

Rinondo Canal

l·beIlm. aod

Ealero de Sltnpaln-c: Eatero do QUinl'" Eatero de Quin!,o

I·bu.m. and concrete Conet"cle Concreto ,1uidc and

~cu.iz to Colgtlnte C'lllc Otis Callc Cr utob'll Dnpitnn OIlll,narii\1l5 Economin






Jones BridJ:c

1ntrllllluros "nd BinORdo

J. Znm ou Lacoste

P"ndllMn nnd Pnco ninondo nnd SIO.

La LomB Lahnduln ]."" O lln.M






:\ln~dBl chn

~""'I"f~ :'>ht}1,nj o

Ppco nnll



Cr "~



Snlll" Cruz Quinuo D'H\ Snn





:\[c;" e

8(l1o ndo




Quinl'o lIinondo Bnd SIn. Cruz




Sn"ch~" !'Ilnd,,~nn 1'",110 P. ll,,~n . l'<lnrinTl" lI~l'~'

Mn!MP And Pnen S" ntn ~Ic.n Pnm1",."" TI;no udo Ilin ondu


Stn. Cru. 'I'~".1o





Qninpo S"n,l1 AnB S""t,, Cruz "n,\ Ef"';t~

~"~1~~;~~'~"1 S~n ~jilt,,~1

Oontint;o Smntio)l:o Tandumy, ncar "o,·nl;_

I'aco Tnndo lIinond " Snmpn[(>C Er"" t u Su n ~Ii~ud Snnll'nloo Ilinondo "nd Stn. Cruz

nen. Tnn,,11e Tnyurnmn lIeRt Yoeml Onl!:pin, n on. T. Pilll,in T ,nbaio ;\h"'<lu~ de Co"'iII~ C .. lle A... ilc. Cnne Smntll ~ ( "" .. E!co1(n.. ncn. I'lnz n Snntn Cruz \" ito Crll~ , Donndn C"U c Zobel Eut End Zu r bnr:m

IJin~:~ o

~~:;'ia: un.1 Snn )Ii..:ucl

;>nn Al!'Htin

Dinond'\.nt1<\ Snrnpnl", )[n1n!c

Sa" nlU San I'elil,e Xcd

Quinpo ::>nr>IR ,\nn SnntB ,\nn SBmpal(>C J:lnmn Cruz E"nitA

n~i"n He~"Il1"

SOli 1" .1,0

S. Juan del )I(lntc i'nn




San )t:.,ee\ino


S"ntl\ Crnz ;>nntiftlto

Tnnd""y 'l'nnquc

TsyumM' Tetllnn T .... b"jo Trinid nd Uli-Uti ""Ioneill V;si tl\

Vito Cruz


Zobel ( Prl" Rto)







,h~ I l oma P~.,,!.


Sa llln Cn..

Es tero dc Jolo


PIl..~;"; n;,'e r PondaeRn E ,tc ro SIln Lazaro E!tero Cil)" I.irlliu Cannl dc In R~inn Euuo Tripn d~ Oulli"" Estero de :;;nllll)ol<><: E..tcro d e lII n)'tubig S. Antonio F..5lero ;\ l llldnlcnll E"t~ro San Mi,,"et

Concrete Strel Trll,-' ;\Itl-wnrr )I .... o nr)" Co".rele Conc. cte Wooden COMlctc C'.IIl.r~te

Wood I-beD"" And eOl1erHc ;\IIULOnr)·

r.; ~ tcro

de 1m Reinn


Snn )lillu~l Estero QUinl)O EUei o

Concrete 1I 0we Trun

F.~tNO Snn J.mtnro E, tero do ['nco liiver Pandnrnn r~stc'o de hI ndnn SRn I.lIzn,,,

Wood "tn"ollr}" Rnd oonrret" Co ncrote Steel Concreto

:;8 11 Juan E~t~ro do E~tcro

.henrr"!;" Junn LIIlln. nemr 1'nyu· IIlmn ,\tea rrmcm nc", Snnohe> C "tle Eohngue PalOnlnr Cnndar" nnd Tetunn CuHe Sn" Anton )1. H . del Pilar, n~nr l-'ort Snn Antonio Abad ;\ [ ~I1(\ nZ8 . ReM )Iorillo Cntle Felix R oxns ':mn Al1(lr~5 ("nlle SmMn ~[ C'ln Cmtl.;: Sol~r )lmreelil1o, neft. Cnrl "" IV n . Hidalgo ncnr Elizondo Clllle n",·ana I'luzB Coiti to 1'10.." Lo\\"-


S"" Am"" Sa" Antonio ..\1)11'\


JUAn r,una P. )lorngn-)IBglllln"~$ Drive Call~ J. Zamora Calle Ongpin Calle Blumentri)t ~[orion "". nUr O"P11'Rn Calle Herran LNdtnd Calle Leverin A. )Inbini Calle Soler Cnlle San Rafoel CAlle Junn Lllnn, between Ab,n ond Vi.eoy o Cnlle Rcinn Regent e. n~mr Cn\Ucron d e I~ D~rea C . lIIci~ i c and rlaz~ del Crill. Lnelu\lnb.e ..\zc~rrng" and E. ;\[ en d;oln Clille Rmon Cand~n. north of Smcrist;n Cnlle J[~r.n n Cntle P. Sl\.l1~hct Cntlc de Jesus Cnlle Echn!;\lC

E.tero Es tcro F.... tcro E!lNO E!Uro E, t~ro

Concrete "ill15 M ;\[,,~dnle"n de l'~n ~1;l;:ucI de Palompr d~ In !leinn ,\lix

;\Inytuhi", ESI~ro de Quinl'O Cnll{,nil:O TripR dc (";nlli,,~ ::;Ml Junn Ri,·c. Estero 8mn I.~ZR'" E~ tero E~tcro



~~::roo J:"t~:()CIRIR Pl18ill


I~Urro \'nl~n~b E~ t~ro

de S,," ).[illucl


do In R.~inm da Snm l, nloc

~:~~~~ ~::l.L'~ZRro Est~ro

B~lete E~tcro Snn )lil!(llcl I,~tcro

'· nlcn ein &trro d e In Rrinn ~[n )'tllbi~ E~t •."r() B .. letc ESI~'o E>lcro Qui"!, ,,

Concrete Concrete Concrete I-beAms Gnd conrrN" [-ben", s nnd concrNI'" ) [uon r y ~1R!Jonr)·

Wood ~[n IO"r)·

Wood ;\Iaso n .)" !'o ny TIll.., ;\t~o" ry ~Inoo"r)'

;\[uo".y "nd \\" 00(\


)11\!Ionry_ W ood

;\Inson ry-Wr.n<! I_bcarns and eOnerN~ ;\tQ ~omy


r-b eB""


Dnd cO"c rCt~

;\tR,on ry

)Insonrr ;\\ Moll"·

Woot! nnd



CIITter Doroteo Jo,6 El Dondo

Gardcnin GetOR ..

La Torro :\["ndOII\


Tondo Qu;npn Snntn Crnz Quinpo


Tnndo QUinl'O 1'/leO





8",,00<1 Brid,,,

Sonln Ann



s.,"'pa]nclln .::inntn Elenn



Colle Duknllcl;: Cnrc~r

g?r&~~~jo0s6 Gnrdenin C. Gerono LIl Totre i\london Oregon-S .. n Grejl"orio Pen"l",n Dcl. 1.(I\"c'; n :md C nr<.>lin .. Santa "lc&A Punt" Pingkimn San Andr~s Santm Elcno



Cnoll\ de I" Rdnn E~t"ro de 8nn Sebflllti,," San Ln.nro E ltero E~ t ero d,· Quinpo E!tcro de Snlnl)oloc Estero ,",tns E,t~ro de QuiAl'o Poco Botero CAn,,! de 10 RdnR

Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood \\'ood Wood Wood Wood Wood

E..tcro de Snll ,\nlon;o ,\bn<i


Esi~.o )lm~d~lenB

Snn Junn n iv~r Estero do nnxnb"so TrillR dc Gmllino r,:.tero O,·cr Estero d~ J olo

C.~o! oted


Wood W<XId





) , ,


I '

Classified List Of Firm Names A --AB ACA DEALERS

(Sec Hemp Deniers) Babcock & Co., I nc., w. R., 14 El Hagar Bldg., Juan LUlla, Binondo. Gutierrez Hermanos, 116路122 Renterio, Intrnmuros. Mit.~ui Bussnn Knisha, T.. td., Second Floor, N ntionnl City Bank Bldg., Binondo, Maniln. Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shanghai

Bnnk Bldg.,




Yu Ghu, Domingo, 356 Elc:mo, San Nicolas.

"ABOGAD,OS (See Lawycn;)


Abastillas, .Pedro U., Room 205, Cu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Escoita, Binondo. Alberto V. Garcia & Co., Gu Unjicng Bldg., Cor. T . Pinpin and Escolla, Rinondo. Alcantara, S. F. & Co., 221-223 Nntionnl City Bank Bldg., JUIIIl Luna, Binondo. Aldabn, Num. S., 219-A Francisco, Tondo. Alfonso, Tomas, 1417 Enriquez, Pnco. A~icnza, S. L., 1773 (Int.) M. Hizon, Stn. Cnu:. Bnyne & Co., Hemy Hunter, 228 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Oinondo. Buellafe, Cecilio B., 246 Acasia, San Miguel. Caguiat &:: Co., Enriquc, 213-217 Crystal Arcadc, Escoltu, Binondo, Manila. Carrern &:: Company, Edward G., 112 Romero Salns, Ermitn. Clarke & Larkin, Third Floor, Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 Escolta, Binondo, Manila, P. 1. Cook, Edward, 412 Fc)"nandc7. 111dg., 124. T. Pinpin, Binondo. Cunnnan, Juaquin, c/o Ellis, Edgar & Co., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dnlupnn &: Torres, Room 208, CII Unjieng B ldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Eseolta, Binondo. Eeeta &: Company, l AAllC S., Room 507, Chaco Bldg., Pluza Cervantes, Billondo

Emi(IUeZ, CorneliO, c/ o Philippine E~position, llle., 'Vallacc Field, Ennita. E scmm &: Co., Jose L., 822 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo, Manila. Fabella & Compauy, Vicente, 207 Regin:1 Bldg., Escolta and David, Binondo. Flemi ng & Williamson, Fourth b'lool', Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Floro, Exequiel, Rooms 19, 21 and 22, Paterno Bldg., Stll. Cruz BI'idgc, Stu. Cruz. Gl'egorio & Associates, Q. G., State Bldg., 504 Rizal Avenlle, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Gregorio, Quirino, 502 Rizal Ave., Stll. Cruz. Guidote, Euge nia, c/ o Ciue Moderno, l.JCgarda, Sampaloc. GUZlpilll, Fcmandez & Company, 61 5 Tcodora Alyn80, Sta. Cruz., Pascual, 1537 Washi ngton, Samp:I!oc. M a nuel, GOllza!o L., 1203 ,\Iisericordia, St!\. Cruz. Mapile, GnudCllcio C., 2262 Azcarl'llgu, Sampaloc. Monks, A. C., 2326 J uan I .. \lnn lInt.), Tondo. M USll, Eufemio N., 311 Crystal Arcade, Escoitn, Binondo. Ong, Juan S., 210 ArillS Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Cruz. P acz, T imoteo, 312 RlIxn Mnt-andll, T ondo. Pay, William L., 614 Gandara, Binondo. Reyes, Auturo A., 40 A!)artmen~, Ermita. Reyes, Arturo A., 40 Miramar Apal路tment Ermita. Saill, Chns. G., Room 401, Philnnbnnk Bldg., 90 . Escolt.a, Biuondo. San Jose, AbastillllS &:: Co., Room 205, Cu Unjicng llIdg., T. Pinpill, Cornel' Escolttl, Binondo, Mnnila. San Jose, Manuel, Room 205, Ou Unjiellg Bldg. , T. Pinpin, Corner E scolt-a, Binondo. SaJl(lrjas & MuSIl, 311 -313 Crystal Arcade, Escoltu, Binondo. Sautiago and Company, Fr:\Ilcisco, Room 201, Cortes Bldg., 242 RosariO, 13i1l0Ildo. Soriano &- Co., C. C., 10 Ansn[do Building. Stivcr, J. A., 121 Real, Intramuros. White Page & Co., Third Floor, N!ltioutll CiLy Bunk Bldg., Juan LUlllI, Binoudo. 1


2 '1::11117.011,


.J r., Jonquin, c'o Pnrammmt Films

of P hilippines, I nc., Scwmtll Floor, Cu Unjif'llg Bldg .. T. Pinpin, COl', E"colt:l, Binondo. · ACCOUNT I NG l\ I ACH INES Burroughs, Inc .. ~2.) Perez Samu nillo Bldg., 6 19 E ~colb\, 13inondo. ACETYLEN E G AS S U I~ P LY DEA LERS American Oxygen nnd Acetylene Co., 529 Aviles, Sun i'i'I igucL P hilip[}inc Acctyicll(' Co., 281 C'ristohnl, P aCQ.

· t\ DOI NG MAC I-I INES (SeC' Onioe' Ap p linnccll :llId S u pply D (!ltlCI'S) BUlTOUl.(hs, I lIc .. '125 Percz SiullImi lio Bldg.,



13i nondo.

El'lnngC'r & Gn1in~cr,lnc., R eginn Bldg. , D nvid und Mudlc d ~l Ronco l'\nciowd, Rinondo. :"k']soll Buies Co., 1 10 Escolhl., Comel'T. P inpin, Dinondo. L'ndcl'lI"ood, Blliot ishcr Sales Agoncy , 30-32 r.~colt(\, Binondo. Victor Add ing Mnehine", Cnlle Soda and !'.I uelle del Balleo Kacional, Binondo. ~

· ADOB E ST ON E ('on:;truclion Agcney, The, ~n Frnncill("O del :'I lorltc, Ri znl. A DVERTI S I NG AGENC IES Adver tising, Inc., 423 National CiLy Bank Bldg., Junn Luna, Billondo, Advc r'Using Art Co., 15 12 Riznl Ave., Sfn. Crull. Advcr·tising ilurea u, I nc., The, S31 R . Hidalgo, QUinpo. Chanco Advcrti:;ing Arts, Ros. M., Third Floor, Guetu:s Bldg., Escoltn, Binondo. ('hur'chill and T uit, 17!) In vcrness, Sta. Ana. Bxport Adve rtisi ng Ag-ency, '1'. V. T. B ldg" Florrntino Torre!;, Rln . Crm;. Jean Bisso n A dve r t isi ng, 76 E scolta, Bi~ no n do. J';:I'!I\\I l\: Abt,' r·. !)·1,3~E Hnon, QUin l)O. Manila Electl'ic COmpa ll )', 134 Sa n Mal'ee~ li no, E rm ita. Mnl'tin, Bc,.-;s:e, 126 Cry~tlll Areflde, Eseoltn , Binondo. ::'flitiolllll Adver tising Company, 143 G uipit, Sampnloc, Nepa (Natioilul Econom ic P roleclio n.ism As'ioeiation), 318 Crystal Arcade, Escoltll., ni ~ nondo. Ocampo Advertisi ng Ar t Stud io, Lu. R. , 334 Miscrioordi!l., Stn. Cru z. P hili ppine Advertisi ng Corporation, Pn~cuJlI Cu..<:Jl.I, Sun Mig uel. P hilippine Agency Sen-icc, Inc.. T , V. T . Bldg., Florentino T orres, Sta. Crul, Advnnc~

· ADVERTI S ING CONSULTANT S Is.'lnc.~, 1. R. C., 6,'; .J ua n LUlLlI, Dinondo.

-AD VERTIS I NG S ER VICE DIRECT BY M AIL Ma nila Lette)' S hop, Office: l Ol~103 E sco l ~ ta Bi nondo, Pl an t : 11 04 Castillejos, Quiapo. AERAT ED WATER j\'I ANUFACT UR ERS Adelantc Wuter I~nctory, 1338 ,Juun Luna, 'fondo. Idenl ACTlltcd Wnter Fuctory, 5,10 SIO. Scpulcro, Pnco. Isuan , Inc., 47 C I'is tobal, P aco. Factory: H ot S pri ngs, Los Banos, Lag una. La I!;legnncill Ae raicd W!llcr Pnetor)' Co., 673 Berm vide;;, B inondo. Luzon Aemtcd Watel' COI'I)o!'I"ttion, 165 G. Tuul;on, Sa mpnloc. ~1 n llil a Ae r·ated WaLC!' I~nclory, 730 M i!<Cri ~ cord ill, Stu . Cruz. Xn t ionnl Sort D rink;; Pncto ry, 5 13 Lcveriza, P US:IY, Ri zu l. P . B . Artesiun WlIter Co., Tne., 111 ),'. D omingo, S. .Junn dd nfonte, H iw l. P hilippine A"l'lItcd Wnter Co" 71 2-720 M i'iC~ rieord iu, St!l.. Cr·u1.. " P lne<,r" Aerated \YlIter F acto ry JOO-JO·L T . Pinpin, Binondo, Royal Soft Drinks (San M iguel Brewery), 57~75 Gell . Soln no, S!l.n i\ l igucl. .M ain Office: 132 Aviles, S'm ). l if,! IU'1. San l\lig uel B rewery, nIa i n Office: 132 A viles, Sa n M iguel. San itan' A rtesinn Watel·, 2 44 Ba m bang, StH. C .'uz. SillUkuu ll Al'rated Wnter Fnetor)" 415 i\ forioncs, T ondo. WatSOll & Co., I nc., T he A. S., 50-1·5 12 A"i!e5, S:lll i\f ip:u('l. · AGENT S, COMM ISSION (See Co mm is.~ion J\!erchun ts) "AGENT S f ORWARDI NG (Sec FOl'Wnrding AgellLS) "AGENT S, LA ND, HOUS E AND Il:ST AT Il: (Sec Ren l Ji:<;taie: Agents) "AGENT S , M ANUFACT UR ERS' (Sec l\'I nllufucturcrs' Agents) · AGENT S, S IUPP ING (Sec Sh ipping Agrnt.':!) AGR ICULT URAL I!\ IPLE)1 ENT S DEALERS Honolul u fron Work.. Co., eond St. , Port Area, M a nilo. fn terlHltional H aT\·"~ter Co of Philippines (Formerly Mnclcod & Co.), Chuoo Bldg., P lllzlI Ccr\'antc~, Dinondo und 15-1 Mllrques de Comillas, E rmi tn. Lnmi T rading Corpomtion, I nc. , SJ.3-S63 Heinll RcgClltl', TOlldo. :'II :milll Trnd ing and SIII)I)I), Co., Showroom and :'lIni n Office, POrL Aren. ~Ii u;ui BUl<.Qtu! J( n i ~ l lU, Ltd.. Second Floor, .\':I tio nlll City Uunk Bldg .. i\ Inniln, P. 1.

PHILIPPINES Pacific Commerciul Compnny, National City Bank Dldlf., Juan LUlla, Binondo. P hilippine Enp:inecring Corporation, 109 P]:I:li3

Stu. Cruz, Sta . Cruz. Reyes & Co., Flol'cncio, 424 AZclIl'raga, Sun


Santa Monica Court, .'.JO Dewe)' Boulcl'nrd, Ermitn. Office: 185 Duvid, Binondo. Unil'ersi~y Club, 12 San Luis, Ermita.

Nicolus. Uy Chaco Sons & Co., Inc., MIll'jano, Clmeo l3Idg., 25·37 Plaza Cervuntes find 49-53 RoSIlrio. Binondo. Vicgcimunll, E., 460-466 Dusmarilins, Binondo. Wilson & Co., Inc., Fred, 55 Barmen, San Nicolas. Yutivo Sons Hnrdll':lrc Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg., Corner Nueva and Dasmnl'i llaS, Binondo, Mnnitn.

AQUATIC S UPPLY Chillll Bird St.orc, 474-476 DnsnlllriJias, Binondo. [df'ol Gold Fish and Bird Store, 1647 Azcanagll, SUl. Cruz. Kim Long, 136 Villalohos, Quiupo. 1.'1 Sircna, 1414 Herran, Paca. 1'1anila Aquarium Supply, 1118 Tenncsscc, Malate. Tropical Aquarium, The, 111-1 Tcnnesscc, l\Iaiutc.

-AGRIC ULTURAL RI<:SEARC II ER BiSSinger, George, Ii., 316 Regina Bldg., DIl.\'id, Dinondo.

ARC HIT ECTS Antonio, Publo S., 622 Soles, Sta. Cruz. Al'lIgon, Felipe, 26-10 Horrnn, Paco. At·ellano,.T. M., Focll Ave., San Juan, Riza!. Aq:!;uctles und Ocampo, Third Floor, Ysmacl Bldg., 101 Echaguc, Sta. C!·uz. Asp, George D.," Otis, PIlCO. Barretto, Jo~e S., 720 EchHgUC, S!l.1l i\ l iguc!. Banetto Sons, Inc., Pio, 720 I!:ehague, San i\ligur1. Bautista, Xicanor i\I. -128 Avenue, Pndilla Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Cnbrcla, Ccrerino, Haig, l'Iandaluvong, Riza!. Enrn~hllws Docks & Honolul u Iron 'Yorks, The, Second Street. Port Area, l\i,miiu. /<'enlandez, Sabino, 525 A\'ilc~, San Miguel. Gapl{'I·-Gumber t. A., Room 712, JnSlllnr Life Bldg., Pla~!l Cervantes, Binondo. Karalchuck, Marion l'd., Cor. Pn~ and Trece 4e Agos to, Paco. I\t:ys, H. H., Third Floor, lSI David, Binondo. L,;miio, I~elix J.,., 2624 I~cl ix HUl!rtlls BXlension, Stu. Cruz. LeJl:llrda, Vicente 1,., 1556 Ar.cnn!lgu, Sta. Cruz. Bntnch Office: 2nd Floor, Brias Roxus Bldg., 75 l!:~coltn, Binondo. LUlI!l de San Pedro, Andres :md Cort(>s, J ose G., Third Floor, Crvstal Arcade, El'Colta, Dinondo. . l\lal1uloto, Antonio C., 885 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. l\ l l~pun & Vales, S43 Avc., Stu. Cruz. i\ Jorctl\'S Consulting, D esigning lind .E:nginecring Oflice, 37 Floridu, E)·mitn. :-Xakpil, JUlin F., 61 \ -615 Dukota, 1~!'In ita, l\'I llniln, P . r. &mta Clam Lumber Co., Inc., 901-003 Dugup:m, Tondo.

-AIR TRA NSPORTATION COJI,'IPAN IES Enstcrn & PhiliJlpi nes Shippinp: AgenCies, Ltd., 8-12 Escolta (Gorner Pluz:\ i\l orngn and Jones Brid~c), Binon'do, Manila. Iloilo.Negros Air E,::"!\ress: Co., Inc., Room C, !\Ie· tropolit:m Theater Bldg., Phl1;a Lawton, Er· mita, Manila. I mperial Airways, Ltd., Warner, B:unes & Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. K. L. M. Royal Dutch Airlines, Eastern & Philippines Shi l)ping Ag(~eics, Ltd., Agcnts, 8·12 Escolta (Come)' Plaza\ Mor1\ga and Jones Bddgc), Binoudo, Manila. K N. L L. M . Royal Ncthe~l,and~. I !tdics Air~ lines, Eustcr-n & philippines 3!lipping Agcneies Ltd., Agents, 8-12 Escoltll (Corner Plazu Moraga and Jones Bridge), Dinondo, Manila. PllIl American Airways Company, Manila Hotel, J\·Jnnila. Philippine Aerial Taxi Co., Grace P ark Airport, Rizal Ave nue Extension, Caloocan, Rizal. · ALCOHOL DISTILLERS (Sec Distilleri('s) Dn. Roza,

ANTIQUE DEALERS 234 G!·al. Solano, San Miguel.

l~. I~ . ,

APARTMENT HOUS ES Ambussador Apartments, 827 M. H. del Pilar, Malute. Arlinglon Apartments, 501 Dnkota, Ermitu. Assumption Ladies Hall, Moret, Sampaloe. Belvedere, Apartments, 610·620 l\'f. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Boulevard Apurtment Hotel, 114·J Dewey Boulevard, Malate. Dakota Court Apartments, 11 23-1127 Dakota, Mntntc. Dewer Arms Apnrtmcnts, 870 Dewey Bouleva rd, M il ute. I ndian!l Apurtments, 1031 I ndianu, J\·Ialnte. I{ necdler Realty Co., BllY Vic\\' Hotol, Brmitn. Lunctu. Hotel Annex, 25 Alhnmbrn, Ermila. Pntio dn PustIy, Cor. Ortigas lind F. B. Hurrison, Pustly. Ri7.U1. Rosilrio Apartments, Dakota and Vermont, l'InIntc.

ARMS AND AM MUN ITION DEA LERS " Jjnviera Gun Storc, Inc., " 238 Plaza Stu. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Brins Roxus, Inc., Bria.s RoxlIs llldg., 71 E~colta, i\!uniln. Gencml Sparling Company, I nc., 55>! Rizal Ave., Stl\. Cruz. Hencock Co., H. E ., 120-] 30 Escolta and Cnlle David, Binondo. Hisp!U10 Philippine l mp. & Exp., T he, 14-]8 Gral. Luna, I ntramuros. Hunter~' Heudquurtcrs, 307 Bustos, Stn. Cruz. Ledda Co" Inc., F. Z., 303 Bustos, Stu. Cnn :lI1d 951-053 Ongpin, 8t:1. Cruz.




i\Iatutc, Antonio, 339 JUlin LUlm Uinondo. Philippine Athletic Munufuct ul"CI'S Co., 230 Plnzll. 8tn. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. Philij)l)inc Equipment Co. , The, 61'1 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila. Philil)pinc Teuding Co., 230 P!azil Stu. Cruz Stu. Cruz. ' SgUil'CS l3ingham Co., 15 Plal,u Goiti, SkI. Cruz. VLsayan Commercial Exchange, 714 Rizal Avenue, Sm, Cruz. *ART G LASS D EAL ER S Kraut , M. , 943 ilion, Quinpo. La Ciudnd de TokiO, 343 Hidnlgo, Quinpo.


ARTISTS, COM M ERCIAL (See Jliustrntors) Amor!;O\o, ~crnal\do, 2132 Azcnrraga, Quiapo.

Amo~",oln:, 1 ablo, 1229 Lcnitnd, (I nt.) Snmpu[oc.

DlIlTIOqUlllto, C. C., 257 IHol'ioIlCS, Tondo.

Chnnco Advel-tisillg Arts, ROll. M., Third Floor,

Gnches Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Federated Al'tists, Room 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Santos, D. B., 307">J3ui tOS, Sta. Cruz. ARTIST 'S SUPPLY DEALERS Arto , 978 R. HidaJgQ., Quiapo. <tEl 82" 96-98 RosariO, Binondo. ~:I anilfl Graficn, Inc., 112 Escolta, Binondo. I::ilmcon. O. Suan, 324-326 Echnguc, Stu. Croz, 1'lfuuln. *ASPH ALT Mnnila Rock Asphalt Co., Nugtnhalland Aceitc (Sta. Mesa), Sampnloc. ' *ASSAYERS As.:;ay Laboratory of Federnttxl Management & Investment Syndicate, 502 Estero Cegado Sta. Cruz, Manila. ' *ASSOC IATION I NSUR.(\,.NCE

Ol"ient Protective Assurance Ass'n. 200 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pillpin, Binondo. *ATHLETIC GOODS (See Sporting Goods) Ath!ctic Supply Company, Inc., 114. T. Pinpin, BUlondo. Genl'mi Sporting Co., Inc., 55'1 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. H eacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Binondo. Hunters' H eadquarters, 307 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. Lcdda Co., Inc., F. Z., 303 Bu ~tos Sttl. Cruz and 951-953 Ongpin. Stn. Cruz.' *ATTORNEYS -AT -LA W (Sec Lawyers) *AUD ITORS (Sec Accountants and Auditors) AUTOMOBILE ACCESSO RY DEA LER S Dnchrnch Motor Co., Inc. 25th Street - Port Area. , .

Curo Electrical Sen'icc, 110 Padre Fuum, Ermita. C[~;:al, E. (Successor of Julian La 0 ), 212-216 Tetuan, Sta. Cl"Uz. CenLI'al Auto Supply, Cor. Azcfll'!"agn and R izal Ave., Sta. Cruz. City Auto Supply, 211-213 A7.cun路np:n Tondo Co Lu So & Sons Co., Inc., 112-1 1'1 plaza Cal~ del'oll de III Baren, Binondo. Cru7. Auto Supply, Taft Avenue Extension und F. B. Harrison, P[lSfiy, R iznl. Eastern Auto Supph'. 629 T. Al()11~o. Stn. Cruz. Estrella Auto P alace, 536 to 568 Gandara, Sta. Cruz. Fircstone Tin' and Rubber Co. of the Philippine rslunds, 207-209 13th Strect, Por~ Area. Goodl"ich I nternational Rubber Co., Cor. Peiinfrllnci!l and Canonigo, Paco. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ex\:or~ Co., Ltd ., The, Mucondray Bldg., Mugn Innes Landing, I nlrnmUI"OS. Gutierrez Vulcnnizing Plant and Au to Supply 218 Mabini, Cnlooclln, Rizlli. ' !lIies & Co., C. , 550-55'1 San Luis, Etmittl.. I ndependent Auto Supply Co., 1418 Herrnn, PIICO. Johnson & Reyes Service Station and Auto Supply, 3481 Taft Avc. Extension and Libertad, Pasu)", Rizal. Loyal Auto Supply, 414 Azcurraga, Sun Kicolus. Luncta Motor Co., 54 San Luis, Ermita. uzon Auto Supply zmd Vulcanizing Plant, 351 Juan Luna, Binondo. ~Iunlllo's Auto Service, 1871 Azcal"l'nga, Sta. Cl"llz. Manalo's Auto Supply, I no., 508-510 Azcnrraga San Nicolas. ' Manigbas Auto SuPpJy and Battery Station, 615-A Azenrraga, Tondo. Manila Auto Supply, n'lain Store: 633-637 Azcurraga. Branch: 500-502 Azenrraga, Tondo. Manila Motor Co., I nc., 937-947 Ongpill, Sta. Cruz and b06 Tanduay, Quiupo. Manila Trading and Supply Co., Showroom and Mnin Officc, Port Area. Maniln Vulcanizing Plant and Auto Supply Co. , 1605 AZcllrrllgfl, Stu. Cl"llz. Mit"ui Bussnn K llisha, Ltd., Sccond Floor, National Cit)' Bank Bldg., J\oJ nnilu, P. r. Motor Service Co., I nc., Cornet Atlanta & 13th Streets, Port Area . Bmnches : Rizal A\'e., Cor. Azcnrrnga, Sw. Cruz nnd P. FUUfll, Cor. Dnkota. Ermita. Moturi:!ls Supply (A)., The, 820 Rizal A\路c., Sw.. Cruz. National \"ulcanizing Plant and Aut.o Supply, 923 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. Occidental Hardware Compnny, IIIC., 636 Azcarraga, Sun "ieolas. Pacifi c Auto Supply & H ardware Co., Inc., 8 19-821 Corner Azcarraga nnd Oagu pan, Tando, Manila . Plicifie Commercial Company, XntiOllnl City Bluzk Bldg., J unn Lunn, Dinondo. Panuncio Brothcrs Auto Supply, 1011 Azcurragfl, Tondo. Philippine Auto Supply Co., 720 Rizul A\'c.. Stu. Cruz. Branch: 514 Azearragll, Tondo.

PHILIPPINES Red Star Aulomoti\'e Supply Corp., GGG Riznl Ave., Stn. Cruz. Reyes i\'Iotol" Supply, Baclnrnn, Parmiaque, Rizul. Ri.znl Elce~l"ic Service, 321 Doroteo Jose and Ol"oquictn, St.u. Cruz. Sotelo Elec~ric Service und Auto Supplies, 18·12 AzcurJ"aga, Stu. Cnll:. AUTOl\'IOB ILE DEA LERS Bnchrach Motor Co., Inc., 25t.h Street, Port Area. Estrella Auto Palace, 536 to 568 Gandara, Sta. Cruz. Estrella Second Hand Cars, 109·113 Espcietu, Stn. Cruz. French Motor Co., 111 E spelct-ll, Sta. Cruz. Insular Motors, Incorporated, 1-7 David, fiiIlondo. Lcvy Hermanos, I nc. (La Estrelln del Norte), 46·50 Escoltn, Binondo. LUlletn Motor Co., 54 San LuiS, Ermita. Manila. Motor Co., Inc., 937·947 Ollgpin, Sta. Cruz. Manila Trading and Supply Co., Showroom and Main Office, Port Area. Pacific Commercial CQmpuny, Katio nal City Bank Bldg., Juan LUna, Binolldo. Pnrsons Hardware Co., tne., 805 Echague, San Miguel. AUTOMOB[LES FOR HIRE (See Garages) Arco T axicab Company,21I Se\-illa, San Nicolas. Good Luck T axi-Cab, 436 Pcnalosa, Tondo. Malate Taxicab·Garage, 767 Dakota, Malate, Manila. ?lbnila Yellow Taxi·Cab Co., Inc., 477 A. Ma· bini, Ermita. Rainoow Garage, 157 Legarda, Ssmpaloc. AUTOM OB ILE REP AIRERS Alpha Automotive Co., Inc., JOZ2 R. H ~dalgo, Qui1!llO. Auto Service Co., The, 344 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Bn{'hrnch Motor Co., I nc., 25t.h Btr'cct, Paz'!' ArCIl. Beech's Carriage Factory and Motor, 2G7 &tn Marcclino, Ermita. Caro Electrical Service, 110 Padre Faura, Ermita.. "Ciso" Auto Repair Shop, 1460 Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. El Inventor, I 100 Narra, (Palomar PIII'k), Tondo. EI Sildo, 2132 Rizal Avc., Sta. ('I'\l~ Estrella Auto Palace, 536 to 5G8 Gandara, Sta. Cruz. Fnlcon's Auto Repair Shop, 59 Pla~a del Carmen, Quinpo. Flores Auto Rel>lIir Shop, 1518 Mangnhan, Stn. Cruz. Guuro.nty Auto Rcpail' Shop, 1120 Azcal"J"nga, Binondo. Ideal Auto Repair Shop, 1424. A1.carfugH, Hi· 1I0ndo. lilies k Co., C., 550-554 San J,ui~, Ennitn.



Jimcncz H ome Service ~Icchanic and Auto Rcpniring, 707 Tayum!lll, Stn. CI·UZ. Joll's Auto Repair Shop, 437 1\'Iiscricordia, St9. . Cmz. Kansas Motol' Works, l\nllsas and California, E ,·mitn. Legnspi Auto Rcpair Shop, 85 Stu. Me~lI, S!lmpuloe. Lunetn Motor Co., 54 San LuiS, Ermitn. Mtllatc Taxicab, Garage and Auto Repair, 767 Dakota, Mulatc, Manila. . Mannlo, Agustin D., 967 Juan I,una, T ondo. i\Ianila 1\lotor Co., Inc., 937·947 Ongpin, Sta . Cruz. Shop: 506 Tanduay, Quinpo. Maniln Motor Works, 2815 Rizal Avc. Exten!iion, Stu. Cruz. Mallilu Trading and Supply Co., Showroom and Mnill Office, Port Area. l\"ionsennt Entel"J)rises Co., Ltd., 477 A. i\'iabini, Ermitn. Nichols Field Auto Repairing, 22 Real, Pnrniin· <Iue, Rizal. O. de Jesus & Sons Auto Repair Shop, 2212 Hcrran, Pnco. l'acific Commercial CompullY, Kational Cit)· Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binolldo. Ram Car, Inc., 110 P. Faurn, Ermita. Reyes Auto Works, 2209 Azcarraga, &tmpaloc. R iza\ Elcctrical Service. 321 Dorotco JOse and Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Rizal Motor & Auto Service, 321 D oroteo Jose, Cqr. Oroguicta, Sta. Cruz. Sanchez & Go., Vicente D. , 360 Aviles, San Mi· guel. Sargnn Molar Works, 2558 Tuft. AveilUC Ext Plisay, Rizal. Sison Auto R epair SrlOp, 1520 Mllngahlln, Sta. Oru1.. Socony Oil Stntion and Auto Repair Shop, 84.9 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. SUIl Automotive Shop and Electrical Works, 103 F. B. Hnrrison, Pasny, Rizal. United Auto Supply, 578 Reina Regente, Binondo. Vix Auto Repair Shop, JIll Tayabas, Stn. Cru~. Zuluetll., Jose J., 249 Lopc dc Yegn, Stu . Cruz. AUTOMOBILE TI RE DEALERS E., (Successor of Juliau La 0), 212·216 Tetunn Stll. Cruz. Daido Hardware Store, 680 Dasma rifias, Binondo. Dunlop Rubber Co., (F.E.), Ltd., 477 A. Mnbini, Ermita. Estrella Auto Palace, 53G to 568 Gandara, Sta. Cruz. Firestone Tire and Rubbcr Co. of the Philippine Islnnds, 207·209 13th Street, PorI Area. Fisk Til'e Co., Inc., Of The Philippines, 122 Novaliches, San Miguel. Gooch'ieh International Rubber Co., Cor. Peiiafl'anciu and Cunonigo, Paca. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Export Co., Ltd., The, Macondray Bldg., l\Iagallanes Land· ing, Intntmuros. Ca~al,




H QUliton Rubber Co., 548 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Isnrdus &: Co., T ., 194 JUlin Luna, Binondo. Lunata Motor Co., 54 Sun Lui!!, Ermita. l"Inniln Auto SUPI)])" Main Store: 633-637 AZCHl'mgn. Brane 1: 500-502 Azcul'rngn, Tondo. Mllnilu Trading find Suppl y Co., S holl'l'oom and Mnin Office, P orL Al'Cfl, Mon~elTut Enterprises Co., Ltd., Muill Office: 477 A. i\'l nbi ni, EE'mitn.

Xichols Field Auto Rcplli!'ing, 22 Renl, PnrnIlnquc, Riznl.

Pacific Auto S\lpply & Hardware Co., Inc., 819-821


AzcllrI'flgn find Dngupnn,

Tondo Manila. Pacific Commercial Compnny, National City Bnnk Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Pnri'ons H nrdwnre Co., 1110., S05 Eohnguc, Sun i\'Iigucl.

Phili ppine Auto Supply Co., 720 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cl'u%.. Branch: ':> 14 A?cflrraga, '1'ondo. R ed Slal' Automotivc Supply Coq)., 666 Ri?1I1 Ave., Stu. Cru?. SchwAni & Co ., B. T., 490 Junn Luna, Binondo. Sm;!.h, Bell <'I.: Co., Ltd., 8 0n~kong find SllIlnghni Bank Bldg. , 'Juan LUlUI, Bin(mdo. United States Rubbt!l' Export Co., Ltd., 314 13th Street, P ert Area.

\--AV IATION ' COM PAN (ES Iloilo Ncgros Ail' Expr~' s Co., I nc., R oom C, M etropolitan T hellter ldg., PbZR Lnll·ton, EI'ffiitn. P an American Airll"llYs Company, M unila Hot.el, I\l l1nilll . Philippinc Aerinl Taxi Co .. Orncc Park Air port, Hiznl Ave. Extcn~ i on, Cn}ooelln, Riza!. Phil ippi ne l\Iodei Engineeri ng COmpllllY, 892 Uiznl Avenue, Sta. Cnl?. . AWN ING AND SA IL


DIH/ue, P., 342 Ruon, Stll. Cruz. Guzman T ents, Sails and Awnings, 358 R ao n, Stn. enl? .

B "BA DGES FJ"ank & Co., Offiee; Second Floor , 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Fnctory: 1104 Castillcj o~, Quiapo.

BAG AND SACK DEALERS Chi Song, 408 YlallJ!-Ylnng. San Niooln.:. Gnn Lill n Po. 32."1 Ylun~ j "]ang, San Nicolas. Kian!! SinJl:. 926-1)30 .Jaholloro!;, Sun Nicolas. 1 im [(i Chon & Co., 70-1 Ylnvl\, Snn Kicolne. 1\'lil <;u; Bu ~~!\ n Klli5hn. Ltd., S("co nd Floor, Nutionnl Cit\" Bank Bid!!., Mnniln. P. T. l\/!:lIn P in Suck·Storf'. 337 Elcnno, Sun Nicolas. Oll~ Hili Su('k S tore. 229 Sio. Cri~to, Snn Nicolas, On!! 1'ung Sacks Store, 1022 Lnvezarcs, Sail XicolliS. T iu I)i, 130-132 TH unn, SIn. Cruz.

BAG AND SACK MANUFACTURERS Ong Pung Sacks Store, 1022 Lilvczarcs, San Nicolas. Philippine Sacks Fnotor)" lOla Azcurrngn, Dinondo. Sin Cui HUllt, 336 Sto. Cri!!to, Sun Kicola5.

" BAG (PAP ER) MANUFACTURERS & Co .. Inc., 180- 182 .JUIIII LUlIlI. ] Philippine Education Co., Inc ., 101-103 Es-

i\'l cn~i

colta, Binondo.

"BAGGAGE T RANSFER AND FUHN ITURE MOVER Gutiel'rt·z Bros., ,119 Dfl smuri I1 a~, 13il\olldo, "BAKERY P RODUCTS Slnndlll'd Brnnds of the Plrili\'Pi ll (,~ , Inc., Illl!ulur lco Plallt Dldg., Plnzn .JlIwtorr, El'mitn. BAKERIES Bonifacio Bakery, 1381 Junn tUM, T ondo. Central Bilkcry, 615 Sto. CI'iSlO, SUIL Nicolas. Dilint-y Bakery, The, 317-321 Echugue, Stu. Cruz. Dnint-y Bilkery, (Ermitil llronch ), 355 A. M :'Ibini, Corner P adre Fama , E rmi l:l. Dnpitun Bilkery, 1197 T rilbnjo, Snmpnloc. El Fil ipi no, 1053-1055 i\lngciulellll, Tondo, El Gusto, 1849 A~ earragil, Stll. Cruz. El P nn de San Anton io, 43 1 Cilmba, &\1) Xi-

colas. EI Pun do Sunliugo, 2015 R iznl Aw .. Stu. Cruz. El Pavo R eal, 438 Padre Rndll, TQl\do. E l Tesoro Bukery, 8 17 Rizul Ave" Stn. Cruz. Golden Stat.e Bakery, -127 Ylnng-Ylung, Sun Nicolas. La Buena Failla, 13 'HerhOl'a, T ondo. Ln E~perllnza Bnkery, 631-633 Sun I~lIz!!ro, St~1. Cruz. 1.11 Estrella, 733 Dnrt, PilCO. La MlIgdalenu, 1635-1641 Azcarrngn , Stu. Cruz. LII Mu[aguciia Bakery, 377-38.3 R . Hidalgo, Quinpo.

La Pllcita Panadoria, 25 ])rog rol"O, Snn J uall, Ri r,n!. I ,ll P nlmll de Mnltol'en, 15·1 R elll, IlllrUlll uroS. 1~ n Putl'i :l, 631-633 LcglLrdu, SlIlllpaloc. Bfll.nclms: 635-637 Legarda, SUI\IJlilloe fwd 706


St~l. CI· UZ.

" Ln Porlu", Inc., 228-234 Plazn SI:1. Cru1., Sl a, Cruz. I,ll Sucrte Bukery, 746 Onrt, Paco, " La Suizn", 173 Real, IntrtHnuro ..... La Sultullu B(lkerv, 653-B-C-O DUrt, Puco. Los Blu)os Baken:, 1175 F. i\lUl1m:, i\lalate. :\llI lnl'a Bakery, i050 Rizul Ave" Stu. Cruz. 1\lnni n nnd St. Lo uis Bukery and GfQcery, 358-362 Legardu, &lInpn]oc. lI'[odcl'l\ Bakery, J30-111-1-13 Bu.. tiJI o~, Snmpilloc. Pnnaderin BlumentriU , 205 Dlulllcntritt, Sw.

Cruz. Pnnndcria Ce rvunte.!', SO-I-806 'l'uy ullla ll , Stu. Cruz. Palladerin La Fuvorita, 763 Sto. Cri..,to, 8:111 Xicolns. Punnderia LII Francia, 823 M agdAlcnn, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Pllll3dcrio. La Jlang-llung, 425 Ylllng-Y[ang, Sun Nicolas. Pllnlldcrin La Sucrtc 746 Dart, Paco. Panaderia "Lu. TondcI1n," 1305 Juan Luna, Tondo. Pannderin Popular, 507 San Andres, Malnte. Panaderia Rizal, 1632 HelTan, Paco. Pnnndc ria S. Scbtlstinn, Primitivll Santoian, 688 Tunduny, Plm~n del Carmen, Quinpo. Pllnndcria T ondoiitl, 1305 Juan Luna, Cor. Pavin, Tondo. Pnonderin Vicnn, 322 Echngue, Sta. Cruz. Bnlnchcs: 131 M . COinillus, El'mita and r.,.1. H. del Pilar, Manila. Panlldel'in Virginia, 46 N. Domingo, Snn Juan,



Nederlandseh Indisehe Handelsbank, N. V. (Netherlands India Commercial Bank), 21 Plaza Moraga, Binoncio, M.:tnila. Peoples Bank and Tl'ust Company, Peoples Bank Bldg., Corner David and Dasmarifias, Binondo. Philippine National Bank, Philnabank Bldg., 90 Eseolta, Binondo, Manila. Philippine Trust Co., Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Stu. Cl'uz. Savings Bank of the Commonwealth, The, 105 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Yokohama, Specie Bank, Ltd., The, 34 Plaza Cervantes, Binon<io, Manila.


Paris Bakery nod Confectionery, 405 PluZIl l\'Iirnnda, Quiapo. Pcrfec~ion Bakel'Y, 2197-2199 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Purity Bukery nnd <{roc{'!'y Store, 349 Chioa, Stn. Cruz. St. Louis Bakery, 358 :bcgnrda, Snmpaioc. Sin. Ana Bnkery, 44 Pink J. Hugo, Sta. AM. Tokyodo Bakery, 341 R. Eq,dnlgo, Sta. Cmz. Universal Bakery, 1300 :..rana, Tondo. Venetian Bakery and Cafe, 509 Evangelist.a, Quiapo. Vienna Bakery, 322 Echaguc, St•. Cruz. Branches: 131 Marques de Comilln's and Cor. M. H. del Pilar and Padre Faura, Ermitll. Walled City Bakery, 148 Solana~ Intramuros. -BAK ING POWDER DEALERS Standard Brands of the Philippines, Inc., Insular Ice Plallt nldg., Plaza. Lawton, Emlita. BANK EXCHANGE Go Kim Pab, 241 Ongpill, Binondo. Tan Bun Pin, 1014 Comercio, San Nicolas. Tay An Exchange, 530 T. Pin pin, Binondo. BANKS

Bank of the Philippine I slands, The, 10 Plaza de Cervantes, BinO:ldo. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Ground Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. China Banking Corporation, China Bank Bldg., Cor. Dasmarifias and 108 Juan Luna, Binondo. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Corner Juan Luna and San Gabriel, Binondo. Monte de Piedad and Snvings Blink, Plllzs. Sta. Cruz alld Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. National City Bank of New York, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna and M. de la Industria, Binondo.

*BARBER SU PPLY DEALERS Ramos, Clura, [09 8(.1l. Potcncinna, Tntramuros. BARBERS

Au-Fait Barbel' Shop, 1526 Azcanagn, Sta. Cmz. Burberia Espmio!:t, 101 P lu?,a Goiti, Stn. Cruz. Ermita Barber Shop, 253 M. H. del Pilur, Ermita. ESPllll:l. Bnrber Shop. 1210 ESpfllh, Sampnloe. Fujimoto, K ., Barber Shop, 319 P. Gomez, Sta. Cruz. , Ideal Bnrber Shop, 2i40 Hertnn, Sta. Ana. J ap.:tnese Barber Shop, 344 Carriedo, 81..'\. Cruz. Koken's Barber Shop, 104 Echngue, Sta. Cruz. i\'Ianiln Barber Shop, 130 Cryst.ul Arcade, F..sooltn, Billondo. Mnniln Hotel BliTber Shop, Maniln. Hotel, Ennita. l\1ctropolitflll Barber Shop, 161 Rcal, Intrnmuros. Moheng's Barber Shop, 1841 Azenl'raga, Sta. Cruz. Nt..tionnl Barber Shop, IIi Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Oregon llnl'bel' Shop, The, 142 BusWlos, Sampaloe. Oriental llnrbcl' Shop, 3[4 Rizal Ave., 8tn. Cruz. Plnz:l Barber Shop, 101 Plu1.:l GoiU, Sta. Cruz. Prospcrit}, llul'ber Shop, 60 Echngue, 8tn. Cruz. Quiapo Barber Shop, 134 Regidor, Quiupo. San Lui" Barber Shop, G., 07 San RlIfael, Sampaloc. Sal\itury Barber Shop, 75 Bustillos, Sampaloe. Santos Barber Shop, 1016 Azcluraga, Binondo. Smokey's Barbcr Shop, 5[ Eehague, Sta. Cru z. St. Tomy's Barber Shop, 400 Espnl1n, Snmpaloe. Syyap Barber Shop, HI30 Herran, Puco. Vogue, 321 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Yamnto Barber Shop, 326-328 P. Gomez, Stn. Cru z. ·BARS (See Snloons)




"BAS I R crnuudo Bros. Company, 624 EV!Lngelistn, Quinpo . BKn 'ERY R EPA IRERS Cnro Electricnl Service, 110 Pudl'c 'Faura, EI'mita. Duen nay Elcctricnl Works, 91,,\ Azcl\l'rnga, Bi/londo. Dilsnnn Buttery Station, 617 A7.cul'l'Ilgn, Tondo. Loyal Auto Suppl y, 4 14 Azcnrl'ugn, Stln Nicolns. N utio na l u nttery Service, 542 P. PUl'cdcs, Snmpnlae. Homcro';; E lcctricn l SCl'viCC, 13<17 R bml Avenue, 8tH, Cru z.

Sotelo Blcctricn l Sl'l'vicC' ~md Aulo Supplies, 1842 Al'.CUITago., S~!l. C rull, Uni ted Auto Supply, 578 Hcinn R l:gent.c, Binondo. BAY AN D R IVER FREI G HT ERS Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Mue~ c de In Industria, San Nicolas. \ Bllile), Stevedoring Co.,Jnc., The, Derham Bldg .. Port District. Bartolome & J avier, In~ 67 Da~mariflas, B i· nondo. Chua Ya\\', Leon, 107 Da maril1as, B inondo. Dijiongeo, Mareosa S., 157 l\lucllc de llinondo, Binondo . Flores, C., 19 Snn Gnbriel! Binolldo. Guison, L., J06 1\1. de Binondo. Gui:;on l\b!'iano, J06 l\1. de Binondo. H errer:! Grnl. 'i'rnnspt" rtation Co., I nc., 217 Dusmnriiia!;, B inondo. H encra, l\11~teo, 19 San G ~lbrjel, Binondo. Lim Chumbuquc, Jo~c, 20-1 Slwilhl, Manila . l~i m, l\Inl"inno lL. , 829 Urbizlondo, San 1'\ieo);I<:. Luzon S tevedo ,.illA" Co., Inc., Pier No.5, Mue))c San Francisco, Port District. Phili[)pine lirokcI"Hg(', 37'1-379 JUllI\ Lunll, Binondo. R iverside 'i'mllspC!·tlltion, 101( Bslel'O de BilIondo, Binondo. Se!'l"allO, Vh'encio, 139 MueJ1e de Binondo B inondo. ' TiUlIOCO, I nc., FIilurion, 106 Muelle de Binondo, lJinondo. Tionloc , IIIC., fldefonso, 123 D asm:lrilias, Binondo. Viudn c Hijoll de . Angel Jo~c, Room 8, 1'\0. 9 1)lnzn l\loragH, Binondo. Yangco, TeOOol"o R ., -121 M. de In Industria, Snn :'\icolas. BAZAARS Aik 9 UHIl BUZUM, 167 Reill, Intrnmuros. Asnhl Bn-;:nllr H 'I Villulobos, Quiapo. Mnnmal &. Co., G ., 775-777 Tllbora, San Kicolas. Branch: 737-739 Tnborn Snn :-1"icola$ Blln JUllt, 1703 Hcrrlln, Paco. ' . . Bnzllr Lc~ ns p i, 137 HCIII, I ntrnmuros.

Bazar Siglo XX, Central Office, 101-113 Plaza del Conde, Binondo. Branch: 542544 Azcal'raga, COl'ncr 798 Tabora, Tondo. Beck, Inc., 1., 89-91 Escoita, Binondo. C h ~ nn Bnzatlr, 366 Echaguo, Sin. Cruz. Chllla Bazar. 237 R osnl"io, Binondo. Chu GUllO, 339 N ueva, Binolldo. Chua HillP Sun Baznr, 352 lierbosa, Tondo. Chun,e: Jluo Btlzar, 045 Rizal Ave., Sla. Cruz. City Dozar, 132 Rell l, Intrnmuros. Cooperative Sy!;tcm Snlc!'. Co., Tnc., 600 Dnsmarit11\:;, COTllcr DllVid, B·n?ndo. Cosmos Buzullr, Inc., 211-217 Ros!lrio, Binondo. D.\' Siu 13l1zor, 147-1 5 1 HOllnrio, Rinondo. "El 96", 3 12 Bu ~to!l, Stll. Cruz. El Sol N:tcientc, 1010-1012 Comcrcio, Snn Nico(nil. Escoltn BlIZn1l1" IUld Book Store, I no., 8 T. Pinpin, Hinondo. Espcl"!l 13az:mr, 1709 Gl"ol. Lunn, Cor. l, crron, PIICO. Filipinas 13l1 znar, 531 R izal Ave., Sin. Cruz. GonCil l 13l1za l', 331 Echugue, St ll. Cruz. Habuhl BUZlIur', ·!OS J~(l huguo, Sin. Cruz. IdclIlllnznnr, H ead Oflicc: 415 R izn i Avo., Stn. Cruz. Bmllches: -125 Hiznl Ave., Sla. Cruz and 113 E~COltll, Cu Unj iellg l3Idg. , B inomio. Inada Bro~. 1749 Azcnrrllgn, Sla. Cruz. Brnnches : 635 R i?!!1 Ave. , Stu. Cruz and 790 Tlluorn, San Nicoio..". I\:urm: Sh irt Fnclon', 60 1 Rizal Ave., Stn. Crm:. K obe Bnzanr, 3Hi-320 Eclmgue, St:l. ('ruz. Bmrleh· 1029 lH. de Sa nto!'. Snn Xicola". J\u!iumi XcII' Ym'k 13:1zllr,, Intrnmuro.... lcga<;pi Bnznr, 137 HCld, rnlramuro~. t ontok, ;\Iul"lin, 27 P hl-;:II Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. L~Ti c Bllzuar, 1638 Azcurrn~n, Stn. Cruz. Mnniln I1l1znr, 2 16 Ro~ario, Binondo. i\'fnyon Bazar, 503 Rizal Ave., Sl:l. Cruz. l\lit~ui Buzaar, 807 Foll!;ucru", Tondo. l\ J it..~ui Bu"-"un K ili ~ llu , Ltd., Second Floor, Xutiollul City Bank Bllhr., ;\f1Uliltl, P. I. ?\ukulllur:l Bnz:mr, 1\ ., 767-769 Tubora, San N icohlS. N"llnyo Bmlllur, 7,13 Tabol"IL, San Xicolus. :\":0\\ Wl,~hirlll;\.on Buzur, IS J-1 83 Hen.!. Tntl"nmuros. New Yor'k BUZ!lI', 1·11 Relll, l ntl·alllu ro~. X ikko Buz:u, 556 A1.currng:,. Snn ;;: icola". Nil)POIl 13u?lIr, The, Cor. Pluzn ;\Jorngn nnd E '('ol ln, Binondo. Oes BII'llr, 200 N neVil, Binondo. Qricnt:d I3nzlIlIl", 76-1-706 D nrt. PII("l. Osuka Bnzar, (Retail Dept. of Osnka Boeki Kai sha , Inc.), 4·16·45·' Dasmarifi3s, Binondo, Mani la. Palacc BnzlI:lr, AriM' Gldg., Carricdo, Sl.a. Cruz. Puris Bnzllllr, 517 Rizl,l Avc., Sta. Cruz. People'>' B:IZM, 631 Hizul Ave., Rt!l.. C ruz. Persinn Cnrpl't Housc, -19 E,ocolta , ;\inniia. Pohoomull Bro!'. (lndiu) (Bombll~' B:I-;:I!.r) 7937971'abont,tiJ.n Nicolas, 13nillchcs: 37 E!>COltII , Binolldo, 241 PI!.::Iillo 7., Yllngco }''larkt't, T aborn, Snn l\icoluiol, l\lrilliia :U\d -16 A. D. Scs.~ion Roud, BII~io , i\'h. Province. R clinhle Bl,zar lind Book Slore, 645 Ri -;:al Ave., S tll. Cruz.

PH[LlPP[NES ':;'akllt' 13J1?;'Ir, ,79 Tabor3, &L11 Nicolas. S.'1kurn 13az!Vlr, 171 5 Herran, Paco. SI:I. enl?; Bllzllr, 27 Plaza Sta. Crur.. St!\.. Cnl1.. State BlIzar, 647 Rizal Avenue, Sill. Cruz. Taborn 13ur.!lnr, 789-793 Taborn, San Nicolas. Taisho BII7.!mr, 113 Junn Lunn , l3inondo. Taiyo BIl7.!lflr, 431-439 Ri7. o1 Avenue', Stu. C ruz. Branch: 722 DUrt, Puco. Taknra Bnzuar, 1709 Herran , Paco. Taknhns hi & Compuny, Tnc., 753 Tubora, San ).'icolus. Takemoto's Buzanr, 78.5 T nborn, San Nicol:ls. Tokyo 13!I?;:I:tr. 305 l\1. H. del Pilil r, Ermit3. 1'0)'0 Bazar, 547 Rizal Aye., Stll. C ru 7.. Up To D llte BazlIr, 362 E ehaguc, Stro.. Cruz. Univcr~ llU1ll1r, 707 R izal Ayc., Stu. Cnl7.. Yamn(o BazlIJ\1', 112 Villalobos, QUifll>O. · BEAD MA NUF ACTUR ER S Rnli p .\; 'l'al'i Compnny, 714...718 Rizlll Avenue, Sla . Cruz. BEAUTY P ARLO RS ArJ!;o"ino Beauty Pnrlor and Equipment, 126 Bu,;tillos, Sampaloe. Ari~locrat BcnuLy P urlor, 259 Concepcion, 'ErmihL Artistic BelluLy P llrlor, 721 \~iuya, T(')ndo. Ballecer Belluty Pm'lor, 351 R O I~UillO' Cor.Rlzul Avc. , Stu . C ruz. Celia Beauty Pm'lor, 1028 Rizal l V('., Sill. Cruz. Central Bllw Printing: Co., F ashi 11 li nd ilca uty Parior, 700-702 Misel'icol'difl , C'~r . Soler, Sta. Cru?, l\lflniia . Collegian Style Beanty Pa rl m', 1~31 H erran , PliCa. Collej{iutc Beaui y S!llon, 2278 Azcprragfl, Sum... puloe. Collcgiate Pcrmanent 'Wave, 2278 AZe'lrrflgll, Sflm paloe. COnCf'I)cion, :\I ary, J.l3 Guipit, S'Impuloc. D!lbganl; Bukid Beauty Parlor, 33.j C. 'L'ua"<()II, Srllnpaloe. De Luxe BCllu[y Parlor, ..J2() G. T\I ~~son, Snm pulnc. Del Ro~nrio' ~ Ren llLy PMlor, 1228 O'Donnell, SIll. Cl·II):. DunrtBf'a uly Snlon, 30 Plllza F('fgn~ol\, Ennit:l. DurlllOnt Beauty Shoppf', ),]3 Isallc Peral, £rmita. Elretroh'"is Treatment". 512 8:m Luis, Ermit,'l.. EliSl1'~ 'Reauty Parlo r, 909 Yluya, Cor. Padre Rndn, 'I'ol'\do. Erm ita Bell\lty Parlor, 253 :'II. H . del P iIM, Ermit:l. EVt'rgrcc n Beauty SlIloon, 1021 i\If'\ehor CUIlO, Tondo . .Famous Beauty Shop, 670 Rizal Ave., Stll. Crllz. Fe's Beauty Shol1pe; 259 Arquir.1I l~ rmita. Videlll's H~lil' " ndng P urior, 564 'l'ayuman, Tondo. FilipinM Beauty P nrior, 204 i'l L Ellrnshlll\, Sumpuloe. Holly-Vogue Fashion and BCI\uty Salon, 1281 Arlcgui , QUiapo. Hollywood l3enutr Culturc Studio, 560 Tuft Avell uc, Ermitn.



Imddns ]JCH ut y Par;or, 231 Ayab DoulC\'lIrd, Ermilll. La Petite, 823 Vermont, l\Inlntc. LOJlez Bcnuty P llrlor, P. V. , 898 Rizal Ave., Sta. Crllz. L.yric Beull!.y Parlor, 505 AzcUrl'llga, '1'o ndo. Lyrie FMhion and Beau ty P1I1'Ior, The, 837 Ri zll l Ave., Sta. Cruz. :'IInlaynn Belluty Shoppc, I lO6 Vergar:l, Quiapo . :'I'larcel:I's Beauty P arlor, 709 Rizal Ave., Stfl. Cruz. :\farC't SalOll, JI6 Alhnmbra. E rml\:!.. :'Ifnrvelous Be!mty Shop, 201 Cnbildo, Tntram\ll'O~.

:'IInr,. Alice Beauty Shoppc, 1145 l\L If. del Pilar, l\l alllte. i'l Ic Doll'ell School of Fashion :Ind D e la nosn'~ Benuly Parlor, 180 Cllbildo, Jntnlll\ urol:', Muni la. l\ l rdiutl!l 's B('llULy P arlor, 1312 DOli Quij otc-, SUnlpllloc. i'llorCIlO UMuty P urlor, 1208 Hizal A\'c Stu. Crur.. Muyot, Cntnlina, W5 Azearragu, 1'ondo. Orirllt:d Bcnuty P:ll'ior, SI8 O'Donnell, Stu. Crull. Paq\l it41'~ Beauty Parlor. 652 Rizul A\·e .. Br:llleh: 628 Haon, St.'I. Cruz. " P hilil)pillf' Aeudemy of Hai r Science, D ressmuki,nl:' und Ballroom Dancing," 70 Bustillos, Sampnloc. Populu]' Beuuty Pm'lor, The, 572 Burgos, Pa ~ay, Rir.ul. Poplllu,h ly Bcullty Shop, 134 Libel·tad, P nsIIY, Hizu.l. Rllmir(,z, i'l L, 139 Regidor, Quiapo. R enlu rt Beauty S:tiOIl, ·126 San Luis, i!;rmitn. RClllislic BClluty Sulon, 730 A. Mabin!, l\i alntc-. Sally's-Permunent \\':'I\'ing. F:lcial and Object D ':lrt ShoPI>C, 2227 Azcarragn, S:\Inpaloe. Sa!Jy'~ Bc:luty Shoppc. 2227 Ar.carral;ll, Sampaloe. Salnllior nt'nuty Parlor, 1611-D Henan (l'p!>tairs). P:ll'o. S:1!vlldor'~ BeH ut)' Parlor, 29 4 A. :\lnhini, l~ '·m~ta.

Snnchez ilcllu/,\' Parlor, Anselma, 1330 O'Donnell, Sta. Cl'·uz. Soliman. Ro~a, 18 Carcer, Qlliapo. Sun l3 ('a ut ~' P~lrlor, 512 D:lsmarifms, B~nondo: Srlvia'~ American Be:luty Salon, LlI1vcl'~1ty . Club l3Idg., Sun Luis, Ermit:l. T res Chic, 1308 Ri7.ul Ave., Stll. C I'UZ. T rining BClIllty P arlor, 863 Folg\lel'll~, 'rondo. \ -oguc. 32 1 i'li. H . del Pilar, Ermita . . Zamorn'!i Beauty P arlo r, H ., 1128 ..\\.('. Sill. Cruz. · nEAUTY PARLORS' EQUI PME NT SUPPLIES Aguinaldo & Co., I nc., L. R., Aguinllldo Bldg., 500 Juan L una, 8illondo. " El Odellte," 709 Rizal A\'cn lle, StH. CIU):. Goldcrnbcrg & Co., Inc., P lllzl\ CervHnte$, CO\'lwr Juan Luna, Binondo. :'Il lIrecla'!> Benuty Parlor, 709 Rizal Aven ue, Stn. Cmt.




BED MANUFACTURERS (Sec Furniture 1..'Innuincturers) Germann & Co., LW., 156 Junn Lunn, Dinando. Leon & Co., Inc., 13. R. dc, 335-337 Carriedo,

Shl. Cruz. People's Bcd





Philippine Bed Factory, 630-632-634 Soler, Sta. Cruz, Store: 706-708 Rizal Ave., Sta.

Cruz. Puyat. Branch, 624-628 Rizal Ave., 8ta. Cruz.

Restwcll Mattress Co., 698 Rizal, Sta. Cruz. Rizal Bed Fll.Clory und Furniture Slom, The, (Sy To Chill Co., Ltd.) Factor\' and DiiOplay Room 738·746 Echnguc, San j\.I igucl. Office

and Snlcs Room, 731 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Steel Products & Quiroga Furniture Co., 220 Tanduay, San Miguel. *UE.DS, SI MMONS

Cadwallader Brothers, I nc., "The Simmons Bed Store,''' Plaza Sta. Cruz, Manila. Phone



II Plnzn Moraga, Bi ~

nondo. · BELT MAKERS )few People Munufacturing Co., 550-.552 T. Pillpin, Dinondo. Republic Belts l\fanufac,.turing, 115 Rosario, Binondo. · BELT ING Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. · BENEFIT COR PORATIONS Peoples l\'l utunl Aid Association, Inc., Room 4016, Arins Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Cruz. Philippine jI,'Iutunl Denefit Association, Inc., Room 2, Lack &; Davis Bldg., 1 IO Echague, Sta. Cruz. BICYC LE DEA IJER S At'cachc, Cesnr, 335 Echnguc, Stn. Cruz. Asnhi Bicycle Store, 19iG !Hcrran, Phco. Auto Cycle & Rndio Supply, 335 Ecilague, Sta. Cruz. Brins Roxas, Inc., Brias Roxas Bldg., 7 1 Escoita, M nnihl. Cadwallader Brothers, Inc., !vel' Johnson Bicycles -Exclusive Distributors, Plaza Santa Cruz, Manila. Phone 2~11~07. Clidwaliader~Cochran's, 11 Plaza Moraga, Bi~ nondo. Cross Bicycle Store, The, 1825 Azcnrraga, Sro. Cruz. General Cycle Stor!!, 239~243 Lcgarda, Sampaioc. Guaranty Cycle Supply, 622 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Insula r Mercantile, 471 Juan Luna, Binondo. I sardll.8 & Go., T., 194 Junn Luna, Binondo. LII Constructora 309.311 Gandara Binondo l\·Ia n i l a . ' "

Luzon Dicylc Store, 769 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Riznl. Mits ui Bussan l(aisila, Ltd., Second Floor, National Ci~y Blmk Bldg., Manila, P. r. Mori Bicycle Store, Inc., 713~715~717~7 1 9 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Speedy Bicyole Supply, 1607 Azenrrnga, Sta. Cruz. Standard Cycle Supply, The, 522~524 Azcarrngn, Tondo. Star Bicyclo StOI'{!, 751 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. YllSudu Bicyole Supply, S., 696 Rizal Ave., Sta, Cruz. BI CYCLE R EPAIRERS Clldwnllnder Brothers, Inc., Plnz!l Stn. Cruz, Mnniln. Cross Bicycle Store, T he, 1825 Azcnrraga, St.a.. Cruz. El Tiempo, 726 T. Alonzo, Stn. Cruz. Guaranty Cycle Supply, 622 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. La COllstructol"ll, 309~311 Gandnra, Binondo. Luzon Bicycle Store, 769 F. B. Harrisull, Pasay, Rizni. Mori Bicycle Store, Inc., 713~719 Riznl Ave., Sta. Cruz. Star Bicycle Store, 75.1 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cnu:. Taller de Rcparaciolles y Alquiler de Bieicletas de Patrico Pnntaleon, 726 'feodora, Alonso, Stn. Cruz. .B ILLi AR D, BOWLING AND BARB ER C HAm MANUFACTUR ER S Puyal & Sons, Inc., Gonzalo, Puyat Bldg., 219.229 Solana, Walled City, Manila. B IR D AND PET DEALERS Chinn Bird Store, 474-476 Dnsmnrh1ns, Binondo. Ideal Gold Fish and Bird St.ore, 1647 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. New Asia Birds Store, 2·10 Plnzll Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. · BI SCUIT M ANUFACTUR ERS La Pn lma de Mnllorea, 154 Ren l, Intrnmuros. La Pa~rin, 631· 633 LeA"ardn, Snmpa[oc. "La Perla", Jnc., 228~23" P luza Stn. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. M. Y. Sun & Co., Inc., 69 Escolta, Billondo. Factory: 29 Valenzucln, San Juan, Riznl. O'Rncca Confectionery Co., I nc., 67 BalTaca, San Nicolas. BLACKSMIT HS An§ Sioe & Co., S. en C., 348·350 Camba, &m Nicolas. Ang Tamco, Corner Cnvitc and Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Chim Yellg, 611 Juboneros, San Nicolas. C llOn 'fit, 730 Soler, Stu. Cruz. Chun~l\ee, C. S., 552· 560 Elcano, San );icolas. Chua ]{ua, 738 Soler, Stn. Cruz. Chuan Hing, 930 Azcarragn, Binondo. Diun Junt, 722 Soler, Stu. Cruz. Gosim e Hijos, ~. K, 510-.512 Elcallo, San Nicolas.

PHILIPPINES Cui Seng, Taller de Rerrorin, 1055路1057 Azcar raga, Tondo. Herrcria Chou, 730-732 Soler, Stu. Cruz. Hoc Chunll Be, 613 Jabollcros, Sail Nicolas. Kium Du Sing, 926 Azcnl'rnga, Tondo. La Import.ante (Chua Sing &; Co.), 720-728 Soler, Stu. Cruz. Lao Than, SOl San Nicolas, San Nicolas. Mabuhay Iron Works, 820 Ongpin, Sm. Cruz. "National Iron Works", 1037 Dagupnll. Tondo. Ngo Chinm-Taller de H erreria, 1049 Az.carraga, Tondo. Pabilol1a, D ionisio, 711 Elc8no, &n Nicolas. Po Chunn, 1082 Nurm, T ondo. So Put Co., 519-525 Jaboncros, San Nicolas. Taller de Fundicion de Gelacio Rctucio, 615 Jaboncros, San Nicolas. Taller de Herrerin. de Hiap Seng, 960-962 Allcarraga Manila, P. r. Taller de Hcrreria de Saw Peng, 625 Azcarraga, Tondo. Taller de Herrcria de Sy Chong, '12 1 Elcano, San Nicolus. BLUE PRINTING Central Blue Printing Go. Fashion and Beauty Parlor, 700-702 Misericordia, Cor. Soler, Stu. Cruz, Manila. Manila Bluc Printing Co., Inc., Room.s 19-21-22, Paterno Bldg., Sm. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. BOARDING HOOSES Canton Lodging House and Bar\ 732 Ave., Stu. Cruz. Che Len Pet Sui, 663 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Countrl Home, "Tugatog, Malabon, Rizal. Gibson s Boarding House, 522 A. Mabini, Ermitu. rnternational Lodging H ouse, 205 Plaza Stu. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. San Francisco Lodging House, 553 Trinidad, Sta. Cruz. San Kong Lodging House, 817 Aguilar, Tondo. Smile Lodging House, 341 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. BOILER MAKERS "Vulcano Engineering Co.," 521 M. de In. Industria, Sun Nicolas. Main Entrancc: 211 Sevilla, San Nicolas. -BOND PAPER MANUFACTURERS Oriental Papcr Manufacturing Co., 885 R izal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. - BONDS SURETY (Sec Surety Companics) Fidelity and Surety Co. of the Philippine Islands, Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. United Investments, Inc., 310 Snmunillo Bldg., 619 Escoltu, Binondo, Manila. - BONDED WAREHOUSES (See Warehouses)



BOOKBINDERS (See Printers and Publishers) Associated Publishers, The, 428-432 Rizul Ave., Sta. Oruz. "Benipuyo Pl"cS!:!" and P hoto Engraving, 536538-540 Misericordia, Stu . Cruz. Calderon's Bookbinder, 841-B O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Carmelo &; Blluermann, Inc., 2057 Azcarrnga, Sampaioc, Manila. Curraseo Pre.;>s Co. , 305 Isabel, 8ampnloc. Catholic Trade School, 1916-1926 Oroquieta, Stu. Cruz. Cccilio Press, 720 Calero, Sta. CrUll. Chioa Woo Prcss, 62! Ollgpin, Binondo. Chung Hua PreS!:! Co., Inc., 4 Soler, Tondo. Commonwcalth Press, Inc., (Sucec.;>sors to El Progreso , Ille.), 821 Oroquieta, Stn. Cruz. Corcuerlt Press, 1410 Rizal Ave., Sill. Cruz. Cruftsman Printing Co., The, 304 Rnon, Sta. CrUll. Cribe, L., 717 R. H idalgo, Quinpo. DimMno Press, 428 Florentino Torres, 8t3. Cruz. Economic Pr('!'s, 1087 R. Hidalgo, Quillpo. EI Rctof'iO, 95 San Rafael, Quiapo. Eusebia's l'rc;;s, 621 Ongpin, Binondo. Fajardo PrcS!:! & Litho Co., 520 Raon, 8ta. Cruz. Filip\!tiana Press, 14 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Frarik & Company, Office: Second Floor, 10i-l03 Escolta, Binondo. Factory: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. "Germllnin" Clleho Henntl.nos, (172 Legurda, Sampliloe. Impfent.rl Guzman, 422 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Imprent.rl de Manuel Zamora, 928 R. Hidalgo, (,!uiapo, Manila. Tmprent.a Manila 735 Calcro, St.rI. Cruz. 1{ricdt P rinting Co., Bulletin Bldg., 550 Evangelista, Cor. Raon, St:l.. Cruz. Liongsin Press, 1044 Azearrnga, llinondo. Branch: 275-281 JUlin Lunll, Binondo. Manila Filatclica, l\'Iain PlanL: 1318-1322 Oroquieta. Bnl.lleh und Office: 318-320 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Manila Gmfica, Inc., 112 Eseoltll, Rinondo. Manila Press, rnc., 438-440 Nueva, 13inoll<lo. McCullough Printing Company, Office; Second Plool', 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Plant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Methodist Book Room, Methodist Bldg., 638 Isaac Peral, Ermit:l. Nnm Shing Press, 324 Dnsmnrifills, Binondo. Nem Prcsu , C., 809 Oroquietn, Shl. Cruz. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Eseoita, Binondo. Republic Press, The, 904 O'Donncll, Sta. Cruz. Rivem Brothers, I nc., 422 Rnon, Stn. Cruz, Manila. Riznl l)rinting Company, 1000 Rizal AVCllur, Cornel' Lope de Vega, Sta. Onl1. Mnnila "San .Juan Prcss," The, 103 Real, C~I" . Cubildo, Intramuros. Santos Printing Prcss, 82!) Miserieordill, Sta. Cruz. Shllllghlli Press, 437 A'Iisericordia, Stu. Cruz. Stalldnrd Press, 425 Estero Cegudo, Stn. Cruz.




Sugar News Press, fne., The, Sugar Kcws Bldg., 671 Dnsmnrilin>'. Binondo. Tui Shins: Company, 529·531-533 Snles, Stu. Cruz. Tny Tiollg PrcllS, 1011 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Tong Cheong Son Company, 321 BnrbolO:l., Quiupo, Tong Hillg Press, ·124-126 Florentino Torre;;, St~1. Cruz. Tong Nam Press, 2-1S l!:spcictll, Stll. Cr'uz. United Printers, ·123 Florentino Torres, Stu. Cruz.

Cnivcl'snl Pl'e"~' fn e., 9,10 T. Alonso, 8111,. Cruz. Cnivcrsity of the PhiiippirlC8 Prcs>l, 405 Pndre Fnura, El'lnitn.

Wighlillun Printing Co., Cor. ClImbn, Snn Nicolns.



"'n OOK ING AG ENT S TI IEATRICAL (Sec 'l'h{'u t ric:d Agents) "' BOO K KEE P I NG M AC I·I I NES Inc., -125 Lui..; Perez Snmunillo Dldg.,


619 E~co lt!L, )~jnondo. Underwood, Elliol~ Fi~eb('r Sules Agency, 30-32 E!'eoltn, Binondd-.



East Publishing Com~ny, Inc. , 1181 Penn!wlva uiu, i\illlate. Gloria Book Co., The lorencio, Rooms 401 und <102, Padilla Bldg. ·128 Riznl Avcnue, Stn. Cruz. Internutional PlIhli!;'lwrs, Th ,502E~teroC('gado, Sta. Cruz. Manila Publishing Co., Foul'th Floor, 115 T. Pinpin and 101-103 E scolta, Binondo. Mirand ll & Co" Jose, Iloilo. Slate Puh1i!;'hing Company, 2nd Floor, Wi>:c BId!::., 178 Juan Luna , ·,r ondo. BOOKSELLER S AN D ST ATIONERS, RETAIL American Dible Society, (j3(j 1 ~!lac Perul, Ennitll. At'I'lluno & Son~, E. C., 628 JUlin Luna, Dinon/la. A ~~ociatcd Publishers, The, -128 ....132 Rizlll Ave., Stll. Ct·ll1.. Cu lholic Trade School, 1916-1926 Oroquictn, Sin. Cl·UZ. Chung llwa Book Compnny, 325-329 Juan Luml. ilinondo. Community Pllblishen, Inc., <105 P adrc FaUl'a, ElIlHtn, ;'I.1.lIl1ln EducatlOnul Supply, The, 70J Rlzlll Ave Sta Cruz. F.scoll:t BnZn!lI' and Book Storc, I nc., 8 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Fnustino & Sons, Hoom 322, Cry.~tal Arcade, Eseolw., Binondo. Frank & Company, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escoltn, B inondo. Grateful Store 1341 Hcrran, Paco. Insulnr Book Co., The, 430 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cru~.

Internutionul Dook DepOSitory, Room 507, Chaco Bldg., P lnzn Cervantes, Dinondo. Kek Sin Book Store, 243 Ongpin, Binondo.

Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Co., T he, 428-432 Ri~al Ave. , Sta. Cruz. Libt'crin del ROSlll"io, 550 Azcurl"fil!:a, Sun Nico l a.~. Mnnila Book Company, Inc., 121 Escolw, BinOlldo. Manila Filntclica, Main Plun t: 131S-1322 Oro· quieta. llranch and Oflice: 3l8-32O Carriedo Sta. Cruz. MUlli l!! GrnfiCfl. Tne., 112 E~eoltfl., B'M"dt). Manila Publishing Company, Fourth Floor, 115 T. Pinpin and 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Mnrtincl(, J., Librcrin 6 Imprctlta dc, 108 Plnw Calderon de In Unrcll, Rinondo and 253 Cnbildo. IntrumlU"os. Methodist Book Room, Methodist Bldg., G38 Isaac Peral, Ermitu. l\'i imndu, Gencroso, 327 Flol"idn flail, Ermitll. COIllIllOl'cial Compllny, I nc., 97- 10 1 Mngallun c~ , rnt.mmul"OS. Phil ippinc-Amcricllll Snlc~ & Book Compllny, HI.') ROltW". intrflmUl"Os. Philippine Education Co., I nc., 101-103 Escolta, Bil}ondo. Phi lippine Encyclopedia, '.1'he, ·133 F. Torn!!:, Stu. Cl"lt1.. Poc BOil Book Co., ,162 Nuevn, Dinondo. Hdiable UU7.ur lind nook Storc, 645 Hizal Ave., St,a. Cnt7-. Reliable Store, The, 14[6 Hcrran, Paco. Rizal Book Store, ·12·' Hizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Sam Gunn Book Store, 2,}1) Ongpin Binondo. "SUIl Juun Press", The, 103 Renl, Cor. Cubildo, 1Iltrall\uro~.

Snyo, P. Soriano Vda. dc, 225 Ro~nrio , Binando. Tiu J(iut, 535 On!!:pill, Uinondo. Vflricty Stor(', 391 n. Hidalgo, Quiupo. UOOKSE LLERS AND STATIONERS. WI'IOLESA LE Amcrican Bible Society, 636lSfllle Peml, Ermil:l. A"sociated Pulllitihcl"s, 1'hc-, '128-432 Hiz!tl An'., Stu. Cruz. Frank & Company, Second F loor, 101-103 Escolta, B inondo. Lawyers Co-operutivc Publisbing Co., 'l'hc-. 428--132 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. i\'lanila Book CompolI)" Inc., 121 E.~COIt{l, BinOtldo. Mnnilu Crufica. fne., 112 E-coha, Bil\ondu. Manila P ublishing Co., Fourth F loor, 115 T. Pinpin and 101-103 Esco l ~, Binond~. " MethodIst Book Room, i\iclhocill;t Uld~., 63toi TAAllC Perlll, Ermitll. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escoltn, Binondo. "OOOTS AND S I-I O£S, WHO LESAL E (Sec Shoe Dealers, WholeSllle) "BOTTLE MA NUFACTUR ERS Fallrica de Dotcllns, 27 King Albert, San Juan. Rizal. Sy J np Seng, 352 Camba, S:m Nicolllf.

PH ILIPPINES BOTTLE SE LLERS Ohun Liang, 31.4 Asuncion, Snn Nicolas. Flores, Pnntuicon, ,10 R. A. Rcyc-", Tondo. Gdz Bro~. & Co., Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg.,

P!uza Ccrvnntcs, Binando . Ho Hing, 3l-1 Cn mbu, Sun Nicolu!;. i\Ian San Bo ttlc Tradi ng, 1106 JUlin Lunll, Tondo. Sy Chu, 313 l\1i~crjcordin, Stu. Oruz. Sy J ap Seng, 352 Cnmb:l, San Nico!:I.!'. Sy Koh, 314 Camba. Sun Nicu]ns. Sy Say, 306 As uncion, Sun Nicolas. ),' u Chio Co, 528 Gandara, 13illondo. Blumcn ~)'i tt

BO WLI NG ALLEYS Bowling All~yl), 35 BlUlUcntri tt,

San JU li n , Riznl.

Center Bowling lInl1, 925 Ongpin, Slit. Cruz. Col'vuntcs Bowling H [\1I, J 13\ · \ ];;13 R iznl Avo.,

Stn. Cruz.

Employees Club, I nc., The, 'I HI Dnsm::u"ili n:;, Binand o. lfcfmll Bowling AI!cys, 202·1-2026 H Cl'rnn, Puce. ]L of C. Bow!!ng AUey, 629 l'ulII.luay, Quiapo. Palace Bowling .\: Billard's Hnll, 326 HOllquiJ[o, St.n. Cruz. Snmpaioc Recreation Hull, 321 Legarda, Sampaloc. San Miguel Bowling n :tl\ 800 Echag ue, San ~Iiguel.

· nox (FOR J EWELRY ) l\ IANUFACTUR ERS 'finng Sui ,I,:. Compnny, b36 T . A'ton:;o (l 'pstnins), Stu. Cruz. BOX (PAPER) MANUFA URERS Be.x!cr. Ouil!ermo, 93 GI!.Sw mbidl\l Samp2ioc. Bin Hing 130:>; Flle t or~· . 90 RO~ltrio, I3i nondo. Carmelo & Buuel"munn. Inc., 2057 Azcal'l'uga, Sampaloc, l\Ia nila. Liongsin Prc$s, 10·14 A~CluTagH, 13inol1do. Branch: 275-281 Junn Luna, Binondo. Lltogl'a fia 1\l olltes, fne., 40 i\Iagulluoes, Jntramuros. Modcrn Box Factot·y, The, 603 i\l agd nlena, Biuondo. Papcr Box MUl1ufnot\ll'crs-Hikq Shoc Palace (United Stntes Shoe Co.), 286 Sun Murceiillo, Brmila . Sill Hap Li, 881-0 I saac Perul , P nco. uo x (WOODEN) MAN UF ACT URERS Chua J.(ian & Co., Antonio R. 540 Kucvu, Binondo. Co Kun Box F nctory. 458 N uevu, Bi no ndo. Co Seteng & Co., Eduardo, 602-612 Tanduay, Quiapo. Cosmos Lumber-(Tan Hong & Co.), 623-625-627 Soler, Sta. Cruz. E ng Sing Box Factory, 121 FIormiga, Binondo. ]{ing Oing Box Factory, 125 Hormiga, Binondo. Lee Chnt, 458 Nueva, Binondo. Lim Law Box Factory, 697 Ylayn, San Nicolas. Ly Kue, 913 San Nicolas, Sa n Nicolw;. Mnbuhay Box Factory, 714 Magdalena , Tondo. Manila Box Factory, 334 Eleano, San Nicolus. Ong Kim Liong Box Facto ry, [21 P laza del Conde, Binondo.



P. P. Gooheco & Co., Inc., 12 19 Azcllrrngll, To ndo. Pole, Felix, 237 F.speleta, Stn. Cruz. Sing Juat Box I~nctory, 237 Espl'ieta, S ta. Cruz. Sy Lian Junt, 11 8-120 Es pclet~L, Stll. Cruz. Sy Pino &.: Co., Ltd., 766-782 Echngue, San i\li[llel. Sin Hia p Seng Box Fnctory, 1 [7 Phu:lI del Conde, San Nicolas. Sin Selig Peoples Box I~actory, 218 Espelet8, 8t,'I. Cruz. Tnn Sioc OUIIII Box Filctory Co., 5 15 Ongpin, Binondo.

· I3RASS AND CO Pl~E R F OUN DR1 ~S (Sec I"oulldrics) Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Maniln, 71-77 l\lucllc de la Industria, San Nicolas. · ORASS S IGNS COllllnel'ci:L1 I::lt'cbrotype Co., Inc., 415 P. P nte rno, 81n. Cruz. Tel. 230()1. F rank & Company, Office: Second Floor, 101- 103 E seoltn, Binondo. F actory : 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Pllilippinc Eduenlion Co.. Inc., 101 4103 Eseolut, Binondo. Zamop, C ri~pulo, (Viuda c llijos de), 351 R. H idalgo, Quinpo. Zamoru, LUi;:, 3J.l-316 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. BREWER I ES Damo, H . C., 1560 "\ze:wrnga, Sta. Cruz, " Inniln. Facton" PU~!'" Hilal San i\[ig~lC!1 - Bl~ewe;'~': Main Office: 132 Aviles, San i'.liguel. BR ICK AND T I LE ~ J A N UFACTUnEnS Henry, 1\1., 373 Lum.L ( fnt.), Pa!.<lIY, Hiza!. Honolulu I ron Woz·k.; Co., Second Strect, Port Ar('a, M anila. Mnh uh uy Tiles Factory, .sa6 T ny ulllnn, 'r ondo. Maniht llume Pipe Imd Tile Works, I nc., 1003 Conl('lerin, (Sn nUl. Mcsn) , Snmpuloc. Par.'lllllquc Lime Fuctory and Tile \VO!'k~, C:llnp Chrudio, Parlllinquc, R izu l. TImson e Hijos, Inc., C., 1174-[ 188 Agno, i\Jnla te. · BRIDGE OUi LDEltS (Sec Enginecl"S) Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of 1\l auila, 71-77 l\Inelle de In I ndus tria, San Nicol as. BROKERS, BUSI NESS AN D COMMER CIAL Alegre & Compan y, 3·' Escolta, Hoom 12, Binondo. Berl!ludez &. Bautista, Inc., 5 Sail Gab riel, Bmondo. Felix &: Co., Jose, 36 Eseolta, Binondo, Malliln_ Getz Bros. & Co., Sixth Fl oor, Soriano Bldg .~ Plazn Cervnntcs, Binondo, Mnniln. Go Qui Cheng, 5t7 Bcnuvides, Binondo.




](on King LUll, 116 'l'ctuan, Stu. Cruz. Muniln Commercinl Agency, 217 Ongpin, Bi~ Ilondo. Menzi & Co., Tnc., 180- 182 Juan Luno., Binondo. Mitsubishi Shoji j{llishn, Ltd., Fourth Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Bi!lando. Montenegro, Cipriano, 609 1\'1. de Ill. Tndustria, San N icolas. Morclos & Company, M., 420 Rillal Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Philippine Brokerage, 377-379 Junn Luna, Bi!lando. Po Yck Business Agency, 607 T. Alonso, Stu . Cruz. Rocllsch & Vnldcs, 465 San Vicente, Binondo. Roxas y Campania, 719 Echague, San Miguel. Rubio, Jos6, 552 Rizal A vellue, StlI.. Cruz. Suntamal'ill & Co., E., Seventh Floor, S. J . Wilson BldS,,:. 143 Juan Luna, Rinoudo. Tny Thong Exchange, 440 810. Cristo, Snn Nicoltls. Tin BUll TinK, 74 \. Ongpin, Binondo. Trnns.Pncific T I'ading Company, 130 T. Pinpin, Fernandez Bldg., Jl:\anila. Wise & Company, Inc., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Yap Bun Oan, 421 D asm&rifins, Binonclo. Zuellig, Inc., F. E., 55-63 Rosario, Dinondo, Mnnila.

BROKERS, CUSTOMS Bartolome & Javier, I nc./ 67 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Cnnsipit, Inc., Gregorio M., 51 E~colta, Room 202, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., Binondo. Chaves, Salinas &- Co., Uy Yet Bldg .. 217 Oas路 marinas, llinondo. COllllllerciul BI'okernge Co., Inc., 456 Dasmarilins, Binondo. Foz Broker!lge, Inc., 206 llilon, Sta. Cruz. Geneml Trfln~portlltioll Company, 206 Raon, Stu. Cruz. Gfuet, Alfredo, 357 JUlin Lunn, Binondo. H errel"!l Grnl. Tran s p01-tH~ion Co., 'Inc., 21 7 Dasmarilias, Binondo. Luzon B r okerage Co., Inc. , Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Francisco, Port Distr ict. I\'lanilll Lighter Tmnsportntion, Tnc., 129 OIlSlllurilillS, Uinondo. Philippine Jjrokerage, 377-379 Juan I,una, Binondo. Rapid Brokerage Co., Inc., 500 Da.smarinas, Binondo. Serrano Transportation, 456 Du;,marwas, BiIlondo. Tan Chong Pin, 92 1-923 San Fernando, San Nicolns. Tantoco, Inc., Hilarion, i06 j\'L de Binondo, Rinondo. Ticnzo, T., III DlIsmariilns, Dinondo. Tionloc, Inc., I1defonso, 123 Dasmariiias, Binondo. Viudll c Hijos de Angel Josc, Room 8, No.9 Plaza Moraga, Binondo.

BROKER S. EXCHANGE Alegre & Company, 34 Escoltn, Room 12, Bi路 noudo. Ban Lee, 917 Clavel, San Nicolas. Chiat Chun, 505 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chiat Hong & Co Peng Co., 1125 Sln. E lena, San Nicolas. Chin An, 132 Hormiga, Dinondo. Eastern Invest.ment. Company, 路Inc., 324 San Vicente, Dinondo. Felix & Co., Jose, 36 Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Go Kim Pah, 24 1 Onttpin, Binondo. Gui Hong, 1114 Sto. Elena, San Nicolas. H o Guan, 246 Carvajal, Binondo. H oyog, Henry Q., 123 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Hull. All Exchange. 409 Nueva, Binondo. Hull. Chiong, 130 ViUalobos, Quill]>O. I nternational Stock Exchange, Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Kling Lam 'fy ](ong Tck, 1119 Santa E lena, San Nicolas. K iang Lam (Go Kim Pab), 24 1 Ongpin, Binondo. L im P ee, 104 Dnsmarit1as Dinondo. Lim SlIe Gim, 103 Junn Luna (Upstairs), Bi路 nondo. Lim T ino Po, 565 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ling Tong Exchange, 540 Nueva, Binondo. LUll Tiao Po, 565 Sto. Cristo, &n NicolllS. Manila. Stock Exchange, Fourth FloOT, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, llinondo. Ong BUll Kim, 373 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Onge, Crisnn to, 336 Ylang.Ylang, San Nicolas. PUll. Shill Ring, 647 Ylnyll, Tondo. Sun Chiong Exchllllge, 528 Sto. Cristo, San NicolllS. Sun Yck Exchangc~ 510 Echaguc, Quiapo. Sy Siao (Kong Hun. Exchange), 340 Sto. Cristo, San Nicoln.s. Tan Bun Pin, tO I4 Comercio, San Nicoln.s. Tay )(00 Exchange, 125 Espcicta, Stn. Cruz. Thay Thong Exchange, 440 Sto. Cristo, San Nicoln.s. Willi Tai & Co., 505 Santo Cristo, San Nicoln.s. Woo Seng Exchange Co., 545 N ueva, Binondo.

BROKERS, GENERAL Alegl'e & Company, 34 Eseolta, Room 12, Binondo. Alvarcz, Bonifacio P ., 208 Sevilla, &n Nicolas. ATIllicta y Zarngo1.a, Jose, Third F loor, Soriano Bldg. P laza Cervantes, Binondo. Bermudez & Bautista, Inc., 5 San Gabriel, Binondo. Calinog, Vidal, 2553 Juan Luna, Tondo. Camahort & Jimenez, 34 Escoltll, Binondo, Manila. Commonwcalth Commercial Agency, 351 Elcano, San Nicolas. Connor, J. A., Fifth Floor, Wise Bldg., 174 Juan Luna Binondo. CUll. Oh & 119 Cryst.'1 l Arende, Escolta, Binondo. Felix ,\; Co., Jose, 36 &Colla, Binondo, Manila. Garcia, N. A., 929 Benavides, Trozo. Hair &; Piconlcll, Fifth Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, llinondo. Kang Chun, 565 Soo. Cristo, San NicolflS.


PHILIPPINES Lu Songha!>, Fernandez R., 406 Ongpin, Ei· nondo. j\.'I nrtincz & Co., Marin, 4044 Rosario, Binondo. i\'litsui Busan Kaishn, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Maniln, P. I. Montenegro, Jos6 A., 308 eu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Escoll1l, Binondo, Manila. Moreno Securities Co., 307-313 Cryst-ai Arcade,

Escolta, Binondo. Navarro, Carriedo Syndicate & Investment Co., Inc., Santos Bldg., 105 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz.

Ocampo, Roman dc, 12(1 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Ovejcro & Hall, Sixth Flool', S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Philippine Brokcrngc, 377·379 JUlIll Luna, Binaudo. Protzen, Mux, 42 Dasmnrilins, Blnondo. Reyes, FrancIsco, 20 Plu?!\. Morngn, Binondo. Rodriguez, Elias, 1042 P. Alguc, Tondo. Rodriguez, NiCllnor, U., 869 Dagupan (Int.), Tondo. Roensch & Valdes, 46~ Slln Vicente, Binondo. Roxas y Compania, 719 Echaguc, San Mi~ guel. Sagun, Florcneio, 341 DnsmllrillaS, Binondo. Santamaria & Co., B., 8C¥en~h Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan DunR, Dinondo. Schnitzler Sons, 519 Es tero Ocgado, Sta. Cruz. Schnurmacher, Inc., Leo, No.2, EI Hogllr Fili~ pino Bldg., Junn LUIIIl, Bill(\lldo. Securities Service Corporntiort 72 Escoltn, Binondo, Mnnila. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shang~ hai Bank Bldg., JutU\ Luna, Binondo. States Steamship Compnny, Soriano Bldg., 15 Plaza Cervantes, Rinondo. Sy Tiong Peck, 248 Tetu8n, Stu:. Cruz. United Investments, Inc., 310 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Velilla, P. L., 115 Cry:.tnl Arcndc, Escoltl.l, Binondo. Wong Ban Ho, 116 Eteano, San Nicolas. Zeitlin, Wm., 130 Crystal Arcadc, Escolta, Binondo. BROKERS, IMM IGRATION Alindogun Office, 241 Dasmarifills, Binondo. Co Yit Ki, 742 Sto. Cristo Stln Nicolas. Cruz-J. Canuto, 553 Santo Cl·isto, SI\.II Nicolas. Du bng Siu, 743 Ongpin Sta. Cruz. Foz Brokerage ]nc., 206 &on, Stu. Cruz. General Transportation Company, 206 Huon, Sta. Cruz. Gruet, AUrcdo & Yu Ho Snn, 357 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lee Cheng Poe, Port Area. Lim Chiong Hua, 491 JUI\.II Luna, Dinondo. Manila Commcrcinl Agency, 217 Ongpin, Binondo. Sia, Mariano, 116 Elcano, San Nicolas. Sy Tiong Peck, 248 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Tall Che Han, 435 Salazar, Binolldo. Tan Tillg SUIl, 509 Ongpin, Binondo. Tanyongquill, Jose, 233 Cnrvtljtll, Binondo. Yang Pno Wang, 734 OnSI>in, Binondo.



BROKERS, REAL ESTATE Alcantara, Eduardo, 31G Arias Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ambrosio &. Co., D. B., 315-317 Crystal Arcade, Escoita, Binoudo. Araneta Realty Company, 'fhe V. A., 465 San Vicente, Corner T . Pinpin, Binondo. Bilog, G. M., 837 Tayunum, Sta. Cruz. Chuidian k Co., H. C., H151- 1953 R illal Avenue, Stll. Cruz. Hess & Zeitlin, Inc., 108-110 Crystal Arcade, E~colta, Manila. Hoskins &. Co., C. M., 185 David, Binondo. l\'l anila Associated Brokers, 1!)51~1953 Rizal Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Ocampo..!. Jos(i M., Room 204, 723 Riznl Ave., St:1. \.;I"UZ. Quimson~Tuason Realty and InvesLment Co., 34 Escoita, Binondo. Subido & Co., R. 0., Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Unitcd Brokers Co)"pora~ion, 348 Echague, Sta. Cl'uz. Velasco, Harry C., 421 Dasmarinas, Binondo, Manila. Xavier, Narciso, 1060 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. BROKERS, SHIPPING Que T iong Sin, Jose, c/ o Manila Steamship Co., Elizalde Bldg., Sail Nicolas. BROKERS , STOCK AND SHARES Aguinaldo & Aguinaldo, 465 San Vicente, Binondo, Manila. Aldanese & COI·tes, 116 Juan Luna, Binondo. Aldecoa & Co., C., 40 Plaza Moraga, Corner ~osario, Binondo. Alegre & Company, 34 Escolta, Room 12, Binondo. Ambrosio ~t: Co., D. B., 315-31 1 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Aranetn & Company, Inc., Third Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnza Cervantes, Binondo. Bennett k Co .. H. Eo, 34 Escolta, llinondo. Bermudez & Bautista, Inc. Bouffard Hll08., 12 Escolla, llinondo. Camll.hort & Jimenez, 34 Eseol w, Binondo, Manila. Cente!" de Luxe, Inc., 80-82 E ~coltn, Binondo. Central Exchange of the Philippincs, Inc., 122 Juan Lunn, Binoudo. Chuidian, Conrndo, 124 Crystal Arcade, E~~ colta, Binondo. Coopera.tive Brokeragc, fIlC., 301 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, COrncr Escolta, Binondo. Coscollueln &. Co., lid., Fourth Floor, Briu~ Roxas Bldg., ;5 E"coltu., Binondo. Cosmopolitall Inveslment Co., lac., 316 San Vicente, Dinondo. CUll. Oh & Co., 119 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Dllnon, J. J., Third Floor, Ysmncl Bldg., 101 Echague Sin. Cruz. Dclgado, Corte:. nnd Co., Inc., 101 Echague, Santa Cruz.




Eastern In vest ment Company, Inc. , 32·' San Vicente, Binondo. Ellis, Edgar and Company, 123 Juan Luna, llinondo, Mnniln. Escuno, 1\1orcno, F crll undcz & Co., F ernandez B ldg., 124 T. P inpin, Binolldo. felix &, Co., F'clix, 31\ I!:scolhl, Binondo. 1lunilo.

Fin ance and Mining Investment Corporation, 205-207 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Ourteiz, L. dc, .J-G Pluza l\ lornga, Binondo. Great. EMlcrn l\ J i ni n~ Promotion Compuny, Room B-3, PMemo Bldg., 8ta. Cruz Bridge, Santa Cl'lIz. Gutierl'ez, Guttl'idgc & ilrlmo, 106 N ueva, Binondo. H a il' & Picol'llcll, Fifth Floor, S. J. Wil son Bldg. , J43 Juan Luna, Binondo . Hashi m nnd Vml'ooll;; 1Il vc~ 'nlf' 1I l1; , Inc., 443 San Vic pnl(', Binondo, l\hln:j 'l. H eise, L u r son & Co., 417· 435 Snn Vicente, Binondo. Hess. Jr .. Cu{l, 108-1 10 Crystn l Arcnde, E~­ eollil. B'non<lo. Hess &. Z 'i tl in , Jnc., 10S·1I0 Grys~nl Arcade, g~eo i tu, Billol\}\,o. Hill , R, C rystal .:\rcade I nternutiOll:11 JII\'C:;tl:\lIts, I nc., 441 D allmnrif\!\!<. B lIon<lo. International Stock xchange, Crystal Arcade, E scoitu, BinOl1do. l\:lnr &. AI" car, ·H I San Vicente, Binondo, l\[:lIliill. Kummer &. Company, l\~ ax, 712 S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lcd c~ mu & Co., Ground FloQl', P hilippine Xational B:mk Bldg .. 90 fE~colt'l. 13inondo. Levy & Co., S. E., Filipjnas Bldg., P laza l\'1oraga, Binondo. i\Jackuy l\: i\ lcGormick, 30 E~COlt!l , BillOndo. i\Iafllllnc, 1~ IQI'e" Investment Company, Third Floor, Leybn BId!!:., 227 David, l3inolldo. ;\lurtincz .\: Co., j\L, ·'0-1-1 HO~:lI'io, B inondo. Montt'negr'o, Jo~c A., 30S CU Unjieng Bldg., '1'. Pill])in, Corner' 1~~ coIL!l, Binondo, M:mi la . Montinola ,\.: Co., A., ]2Z Jlml, Luna, Bjnondo, Manila. Moretos &. Compnny, 1\'1. , 420 RizllI Aven ue, Stu. Cruz, j"lnnil11. . i\10)'('I\O Securities Co., 307-313 Arc:lde, E scoitu, Binondo. Mulcu!.,)', Li tton & Co., 30 Plnza Moraga, Binondo. i\'fullen & Go., N. E., 609 E scoltll , Rinondo. i\luritlo Ir\\'estme nt ~, '143 San Vicente, llinondo. Xie!:;on & Company, L. R., eOl Escolta, Dinondl). Olondriz y Gin., Marino, 115·A Crystal Arcadc, E seolw, Btno ndo, Manila. Ovcjcro & Hall, Sixth Floor, S. J. Wilsou Bldg .. 143 Juan Luna, llinondo, i\Ianil1l. Padilla &: Co., Angel, Third Floor, Burke Bldg. , 125 E seoltn, Binondo. l'arellll.da y Compu l1ia, R oom 2 18 , National Cily Dank Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. Pnrsons, C., 304 Cryst-ul Arcnde, Escoltn, B inondo. Pascual & Syj uco, 465 Snn Vicent-c, Binondo.

Payne & Co., Brin s Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binondo. Pefia & Linciognn, Uy Yet Building. Perez y Cia., Lui s, Rooms 3 11.312, Lui s Perl'z SalJlanil10 Bld/-,., 619 Escolla, liinoudo. Phil ippinc-A mcricnn ln vcstmcnts, Inc., 440 Ef>tero CC~:ldo, Stu . Onlz. Pineda Promotions nnd In vestment.;; Company, Inc., Room B·3, P aterno Bldg., Santa Cruz Bridge, Stn. Cruz, l\oJllniin. Prats & Co., A. E., 502 E stero Ccgado, St:t. Cruz. Quisumbilll-!; & Co., N., Ground rloor, Or),stal AI'cade, E,collu, Binondo. Heyes, i!raneiseo, 20 Plnz!l i\.JOI·uga, Binondo. H.oensch & Vn!dt·~, ·165 Su n Vicente, Binondo. Rosenstock, C. W., Fel'llnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Rosenthal, I nc., Rooms 204·208, Crystal Arcade, E scolta, Binondo. Suill, Cllas G., R oom 401, Philnuh:LIlk Bldg., Bscoltll, Binondo. SantamUI'ia & Co., E., Seventh Floor, S. J. Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Schedler, Denn, 21 ·1 CI]',,1:I1 Arcade, bscolt:l. B inondo. Schnurnlllehcl", Inc., Leo, Xo. 2, El H ognr Filipino Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. SchulzI.'. Otto, 12 CrHI. 1.\lIlH, Intrnmul'os. Securities Service Corporation, 72 Eseolta, Binondo, i\>laniln. Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, Si~th Fl oor, S. J. Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. :=)ynu ieHte [ nvcstmclll-;, Inc., FiJipHla~ Buuu u\f . T oda y Toledo, Benigno, '128-430 D usmariiiru<. Binondo. Toepfer. Fmnz, 76 Escolta, Dinondo. Trinidnd, Ccle;;tC' & Compnny, YsmacIl3ld!!: .. 101 J~c hal!:u"", Rt~l. Cruz. 'ruells, L. P., 64 Escoltn. United Invest!llr llts, JII<:., 3 10 S:lmnniJlo BId!!:., 1I19 E-colh', Bino ndo, ]\'II'lIilu. Universal InvC'stmen t Co. , Inc., P aterno· Building. Woo, Ur-Tioco & Karluly, 332 Su n Vicente, Binondo. Zeitlin, Wrn ., 108· 110 Crylltnl Arcade, Binond n. BU ILDI NG AN D LOA N ASSOCIATIONS " EI Ahorro Insulllr", R oom 502. Luil:! P erez Snmanillo Bldg. , 619 E~colt.'l, Binondo. £ 1 Hogar Filipino, EI B ogar Bldg., J uall Luna, Binondo. " LIl P revisoru F'ilipinn," 22 Dn vid , Binondo, ;\·Illnila. " La Urbana", Paterllo Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge and Helios Street, Sm. Cruz. Mani la Bui lding !\nd Loan As;;:ocilltion, Ground Floor, Kneedler Bldg., Carric<io, Stu. Cruz, Manila, P. l. Za mboanga Mutual Building & Loan A ssociation , Zamboanga. BUILDING SUP P LY D EALERS American Hardwure und Plumbing Co., 125 Eseolta, Binondo. . Bautista & IgnaciO, 621 Echague, San MIguel.

PHI LI PPINES Buzllr Siglo XX. 101· 113 PllLza det Conde, 8ftu

Nicolns. Cu.~tillo's

Gnwd lim] Sand, 4.;0 Prudellciu,

Tondo. Gentrlll Hardwure Co. (ry ],inlll H IIU & Co. ), 79-A Rosario, BinOlldo. ('h:lln-Snmco & Sol\~, 300-308 Sto. Cristo, San Xicolus. Chnmorro, M:IX, .j P. Duco~, Qlli:q>o, Co Lu So <\: 80m; Co., Tne., 112-114 PhlZIl ClIlderon de hi Barcn. Binondo. Construction Agency, Till', Sun Fr:U1ci~co del Montc, R iza!. Cruz, Agnpito, 96-1 DlIl't, Pacl), Cruz, C:lrlo~, 18 Apdn Cruz, Pill-U.'". Ri;ml. Crull, Dcogrncins, 1732 Junn Llmu, Tondo. Onido H ardware Store, 680 Dasmilrifias, Binondo. Dnrt Hn.l'dll'!\l'c, 7·17-A D UI'!. PalY'_ Day MOll Glass Store. 707 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. ]'igUCI'IIS Grnvcl lIud Snnd, A" PIICO.

J.j-JS l\Jindol'o,

Findley Ellginr(,l':ng ~~d C:Oll~tl"uction Co" Inc., 32 I;'i~cher Av(> .. PI~:IV. HJllll Go Chan & Co., Lt.d., Cebu. GokicQ, K. B., 187 Xf'Jl()muc('no, 'rondo. 00nz111cz & Company, Tne., A. ('., 213-221 CI}';,tnl Arcnd(>, Jo:~coltu, l3in<>ndo, 1\'lanilu. Hnshim, X. T., SS[ Hizul Ih,.,., Stu. Crul, illnnila. Hashim's KnlinllWUl1 Stone Q'tturry, SSt U iZlli Ave., St:l. ('I'UZ, [?lIllcio, Tc reso, 621 Echuvuc, \QUiH llO. Ki!l n OUUII Gravel alld SlInd, .12~26 Oanduru Stu, ('1'117" • Lim Kiok, -121 i\luf'llc de llinolldo, Binondo, I,im Ling &. Co., 1019 ,/nholtl'ro:o, portier 1\1. de Binondo, SlIn Xicolns LUis, Marcoi'. S" 712 Azcor!'ng:1 (Tllt,-3), Binondo. Luzon Grpyell'. nd S~ nd Co., Il\e. lonG T~\'llm:'.J\, ~tl!.. Cruz. XuvlIrro, Leon, 961 l ,nac Pt'l'ul, Pneo. ;\Torton &. He rl'ison Co., ,I [0- 120 I{needler Bldg., Cnrrledo, Stn. Gru7.. Ohllnda, .Jo~6 C" 812 Dnrl , 1'1100, Occidental HUl'dwure COlI\pllny, Inc" 636 AzCllrrnA'lI, Sun Kicolns. Perez Samanillo, R afael, 122 Juall Luna, Binondo, Manila, P hilippine Builders AW'l1cy, f uc., Stllte Thcater Bldg.,504 Hiznl Ave., Stll, Crll?, Mllllilu, Hamos, D o rotea, Riversiue Drive, San Junn , RizlIl. R eycs & Co., 1;'lorelicio, ·J2·1 Azcarraga , &n Xicolas. San JUlin Minc, 40 X. Domingo, Snn JUUIl del Monte, Hizul. Suntiago, Daniel, 111 N. Domingo, Sail Juan, Rizal. Santos, Montano, 565 Echugul.', Quinpo, Simeon O. Suan, 324-326 C;chnguc, Sta. Cruz. Sy Chiong, 947 Jaboneros, Sun :'>,'icolus, Uy Chaco Sons &. Co., Maritlllo, Chaco Bldg., 25 to 37 Plaza Ccrvunt(:l; and 49 to 53 RosariO, Binond o.



Verlindell, M ., 31 Escolt!!, Sccond Floor Cnpitol Bldg., 13illolldo. ' Yabot Bro~., 106 Trece de Ago!>to, Puea. y~ EllA' Kno, 602-6(1.1 Azcllrragll, Cor, YiaYII, Tondo, Yutivo Sonl; Hnrdll':lrc Co., inc., Yuti\'o Bldg., XU('Vll und Da:.:muriflU", 13illondo, i\lallliu. · OUNTA L FillER EXPOnTERS Dec Dilln GUUIl &. Co., ·137 Xucva, Oinondo,

RUS INESS COLLEGES (See- SchooJ~ , P l'ivute) ColiCIN S~udio (Rehool of Photogmphy), 700 Riznl Avcnur, Stu. C nl7., :\>ianiJa. ConHnonwenlth 111111'cl'.$it)', 1.35G f\zeUI'l'llgll, Cor· ncr' T(!odol'H Alon:-;o, Stll. Cr'lIz. Fal' Euslcl'l\ B\l~inc ~s CoJ]cgt', 700 Hizul Aw'" Stu . Cr·II?, Manila. Gre-g):!; Bu~inc~s (;olll'~(" Paterno Bldg., ' Slu. Cruz Bddge, Sla. Cl'tlz. Los 1\lIg('11.'1; Ollsi rll'~ ~ UoJ]q~c , 1317 lIcrrnn rDolI'nslair~), P :ICO.

;'o.l lInulo Bu~ines." College, 5fI Stn. CI'II7. Bridge, Stu. Crtl?, Br'(jllches: 710 A7.cnrl'lI!;:I and Juan tunn, TOllcio, 1100 Hrlal Ave., and Zurb:lrlln, Stu. Cruz, l\ff.'tJ'opolitan Bu~i n e~s ('oli!'I;(', 300 Legard:l, S,nl)Uioe, Xlltio al Bu ~inc>,s School, Second lind Third Flo n', PlIterno Bldg., Stu, Crllz Bridge, Muntla, Oricn bl Business College, 1139 i\lugullane.<:, Intl'amuI'O_~.

Philippine Chemical Illsli tlltf', 1107 Hizal Avenuf.', Stn. C.'IIZ. P hilippine Institute of Commerce, Fashion & Arts, 523 Echaguc, Quiapo, Manila. Philippine- School of BII~irwss, 30-1 Clirric<io, $t:l. Cruz. Branch: 5;j(j Akul'U<io, Binondo, Plrilippine Stenotype, '1'1)(' 3Ci) Philippinc Nationni Bank Bldg., 00 Eseoltu, Binondo. Undel'wood I3l1sine~s ColI('A'(', 1086 R. nidnleo, Quiapo. · B UT C I-Ilms (Sel' Cold Slorugc) · BUTTER FACTORY Ideal l\'hrgnrine, 62G ~'lorelil ilio Torres, Sta. Cruz, Internatioilltl Oil I;'aetory, .325 j\'1. dc 13inondo, Sun Xicolas. Plant: 1\ Hivcrside, S:l.1I Jua n, Rizal. Manilll Butter Factory, 9·16 Misericol'diu, Stu. Cruz. BUTTON l\'IANUFA('TURERS Mrlnila nuttoll Factory, Inc., -158--160 Du"mn· riilns, Binondo. P hilippine Button Corporution, 82S-840 l\lise· ricordill., Stn. Cruz, Ehilippille PCl.Irl Button Works, 2-13 Otis, P!lco.

CAD~__~T~H~E~C~O~~~E~R~C~[~A~L~&~ll{D~~U~S~ T~~~A~L~MA~N~U~A~L~____________



Mitsui Bussull Kaisha, Ltd" Second Floor, National Cit.y Bank Bldg., Manila, P. L

CABARETS Centro Cabaret, Sangandaan, Caioocan, Riza!. Galus Cabaret, Gains, CaioocllJl, Riza!. La Lorna Recreation Hrll, La Lorna, Caloocan, Rizal. Luzon Cabaret, Roxns. Barrio Olympia, Makati, Rita!' Malnbon Recrclltion H all, Mlllaholl, Riza!' Mnypajo Cabaret, Maypajo, CalooeRo, Riza!' Navotas Recreation Hall, Nnvotns, Mlllnbon, Riz!!l. Olympia Cabaret, Olympin, San Pedro Makl1ti, Riz!~1.

San Junn Cabnret, N. Domingo, San Juan del Monte, Rizn1.

Santa Ana Cabaret, Tejeron , Sta Ana. Whoopee Cabaret, David, Pasay, Rlzal. CABINET MAKERS P. P . Oocheca & Co., Tnc., 1219 Azcarrnga, Tondo. Puyat & Sons, fne" Commlo, Puynt Bldg., 219229 Solana, WalJ~ City, Manila. CABLE C MPANIES Commercial Pacific €able Co., EI H ogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co., Ltd., The, Associated with Cable and Wirel ess Ltd., EI Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. R. C. A. Communications, Inc., Sixth Floor, Insula l' Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.

·CAFES (See Restaurants or Saloons) • CALENDARS AND ADVflRTISING NOVELTIES [saacs, LRC., 65 Juan Luna, Binondo. Vera & Sons Co., P., 134-140 Solana, Intramuros. ·CALENDARS AND NOVELTIES Carmelo & Bnuermann, Inc., 2057 Azcarraga, Sampaloc, Manila. Isaacs, LR.C., 65 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lopez, M., 529 Echague, Quiapo. Maniroldo Stationery ~\:; Supply Co., 165 r.avanderos, Sl.Impaloc. -CAM ERA DEALERS (Sec Photographic Supply D ealers) CanleNl. SUllply Co., 138 Escoltn, Binondo, Man iln. Kodak Philippines, Ltd., 434. Dasmariiias Binondo.

CANDLE MAKERS Ban Seng, 365 Sto. C risto, San ~ icolas. Chi Seng, 130 Vilhl!ooos, Quiapo. Co Cha & Co., Manuel G., 567 Sto. Cristo, San NicohlS. Go Han Tuan, 407 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Jap Bo, 121 Espelero, Santa Cruz. La Luna Clara, 538 T. Pinpin, Binondo. "La t>.Hlagrosn," 520-522 Clavel, San Nicolas. Recuerdo a la Virgen Stu. Ana, 32 Lnmnyan. Sta. Ana. Sum Kong, 817 Jaboneros, San N icolas. Volcano Candles Factory, 509 Magdalena, Binondo. · CANDY IMPORTERS Ah Gong SoliS & Co., 389-391 Eclmgue, Quiapo. Commonwealth Sules Co., Inc., Second Floor, Fernandez Bldg., 124 '1'. Pinpin, Binondo. CANDY MANUFACTURERS Centrol Ca ndy Factory, 68 MueUe de Divisoria, Binondo. Coco-Hon-ee, Pureza, Snmpaloc. Columbia Candy Factory, 718 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. EI Aguila, 357 Caballeros, San Nicolas. Guall Hing Hong, 625 n aya, San Nicolas. Hong 1(ong Candy Factory, 421-423 Junn Luna, Binoudo. I deal Candy Factory, 316 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Joe Chuan Liong, 1222 Sta. Elena, BinOlldo. I(apaillron Caudy Factory, 1927-1030 Divisoria Market, San Nicolas. La Oriental Candy Factory, 468 Junn Luna, Binolldo, La Patria, 631-633 Legarda, Sampaloc. "La Perin," Tnc., 228-234 Plaza Stu. Cruz, Stu . Crull. Malabon Sugar Company, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., General Manager'S, Hongkollg & Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Lunn, BJn~ndo. Dispiay and Salesroom: 301-302 !\ah onal City Bank Bldg., JUlln LUlla, Binondo. Malayan Candy Factory, 939 Folgueras, Tondo. Nestle and Allglo-Swiss Milk Products, Ltd., 974 Azcarnlga, Binondo, Mlllliin. Nevcs, Antone M., 231 Espcleta, Manila. O'Raeca Confectionery Co., Inc., 67 Barraca, San Nicolas. Oriental Candy Factory, 290 Libertad, Pasa)" Rizlli. Purity Candy ]{itchen, 527 Pefiarrubi:l., San Nicolas. Smith, Bell Co., Ltd., Ho n~ko ng and Shanghai Bauk Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Standard Manuracturillg Co., Inc., 125-127 Plaza del Conde, San ~icolas. Star Candy Factory, 420 Burgos, Pasa)" Rita!.


PHILIPPINES Tropic Products ComlIllIlY, Pureza, Snmpnloc. Walker, Herbert, PUr(!Zll, Snmpnloc. Washington Cundy Fnctory, 721 Junn Luna, Tondo. ·CANN~ RI ES

:\rguz Food Pnrking Co., 1427 Washington, Sampa!oc. ''Bnnnhaw'', 326-330 Cnrriedo, Sm. Cruz. "I~mJ\r" Dc Santos Packing, Jne., 1963 .Juan

Luna, '1ondo. CAP l\'IAKERS

Cobarrubia's Hat Store and Tailoring, 332 R. Hidalgo, Stn, Cru z. Rim Lam Chong, 404 Ongpin, Binondo. New People MallUfncturing Co., 550-552 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Sun Guan Heng, 408 Ongpin, Binondo.

"The Sun Cap Factory," 1210 Binondo, Manila, P. 7.



Philippine Exposition, Inc., (Successors to Philippine Carnival Association), WalJace Field (Facing" Luneta), El'mita. CAR PEN1ZERS

Chang Kot, 919 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Cheng Chieng Phino, 21 Estrella, Binondo. Go Lee Siollg Bio, 9-10 San Rernando, Sail Ni· coIns. Hirotani, K, 166 Lcgardn, Sampaloe. Lim Soon, 522 T. Alonso, Sta. So Eng Suy, 521 i\hgdnlella, Bil,ondo. Zapall1a's Furni~ure, 1808 Herran, Paco.


CARRIAGE MAK.ERS Auto Service Co., The, 344 .M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Beech Carriage Factory and Motor, 267 Sail Marcelino Ermita. Carroceria Castell tort, 1134 Misericordia, Sm. Cruz. Carroceria de E. Enriquez, 527 Martin Ocampo, Quiapo. Carrocerin Tangkilikin, 59 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizn!. E l Inventor, 1100 Narrn, (Pnlomal' Park), Tondo. Legaspi's Auto Repair Shop, 85 Stu. Mesa, Sampnloc. O. De Jesus & Sons Auto Repair Shop, 2212 Herran, Paco. Sanchez & Co., Vicente D., 360 Aviles, San .Miguel. CAS H REGISTER DEALERS Burroughs, Jnc., 425 Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Erlanger & Galinger, Inc., Regina Bldg., David and Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Nielson Sales Co., 110 Escolta, Cor. T. Pinpin, Binondo. 'CASTINGS (See Foundries) Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71·77 Muelle de la Industria, San Nicolas.



CA.TERi::RS "Banallllw", 326-330 Carriedo. Sla. Cruz Carbungco, Ambrosio, 163·165 l\'Jarill Clara, Sampaloc. Chua, Jose, 715 Magdalena, Binondo. La Palma de Mallorca, 154 Renl, Jntramuros. La Perla, Inc., 228-234 Plaza Sla. Cruz, 8ta. Cru;>;. Legaspi Garden, Bet.ween l\·Janila Hotel and Pier Seven. Manila Hotel Company, Lunetn. Extension, Ermita. Tom's Dixie Kitchen, Inc., 120-126 Pla7.11 GOiti, Sta. Cruz. 'CEMENT ASBESTOS BUILDI NG S HEETS Perez Samanillo, Raftlcl, 122 .' unn Luna, Binondo, i"lnnila. CEMENT DEALERS Bazar Siglo XX, Central Office: 101·113 Plaza del Conde, Binondo. Brnnch: 542 · 544 Azcarrnga, COI'ner 798 Tabol'a, Tondo. Cebu PO I·tland Cement Co., 732 Evangelista, Cornel' Azcal'l'aga, Quiapo. Cham-Samco &: Sons, 300-308 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Kian Gunn Gravel and Sand, 4N-.J26 Gandara, Stu, Cruz. MadrIgal & Co., 8 i\'luelle del Banco Nacional, Manila. Mitsui Bus..c:nn l';:aishn, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Mnnilll, P. L Reyes &: Co., Florencio, 424 A7.carraga, San hicolas. Rizal Cement. Company, Inc., &: Muelle del Banco Kaeional, Maniln. Simeon O. Suan, 324-320 Echague, 8tl!.. Cruz. Yutivo Sons Hardware Co., Tnc., Ylltivo Bldg .. Corner N ueva and Dnsmariiius, Binondo, l\laniia. CEi\'I ENT j\'I ANUFACTURERS Cebu Portland Cement Co., 732 Evangelista, Corner AZCRl'ragn, Quinpo. Madrigal & Co., 8 l'IL del Banco Nucional, Maniln. Rizal Cement Company, Inc. , 8 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo, Manila. ·CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (See Accountants and Auditors) Alberto V. Garcia & Co., Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. 1'. Pinpin nnd Escoita, Binondo. i\lcantarn, S. F. &: Co., 221-223 NatL01UI1 City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binoudo. Clarke & Larkin, Third Floor, Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 Escoita, Binondo, Manila, P. l. Dnlupan & Torres, Room 208, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner E scoita, Binondo. Escnsa &: Co., Jose L., 822 R Hidnlgo Quiapo Manila. ' , Fleming & Williamson, Fourth Floor Soriauo Bldg., Plnza Cervantes, Binondo. '




Gregorio & A~ociutcsJ Q. G., Stnte I3ldg., 50-1

Riznl Avenue. Stu. Oru?.

ncyes, DUIllIlSO '1'., 256 Aynla Boulevurd, Ermit..'l. . San J ose, Abuslillns & Co., Room 205, eu Unjiellg Bldg., T. Pinpill, COI'ncr Escoita, Binondo, l\Iuni lll.



Albay Internatiollul Chamber of Commerce, Legaspi, Albny, P. 1. American Chnmbcr of Commerce, 180 DUYid. Clmmbcz' of Commcl'('c BId!!: .• i\ ]unil'l. P. I. Cnmurn de Comcl'cio de Filipinas,

Casino E S}lnnoi, Taft Avenue, El'mita. Ccbu ChnmbC'J' of GOIllIIWI'CC. Ccbu, Cebu. Chtlmbcl' of Commerce of ~hc Philippine Islands, MnJ.!:nHnncs Dl"ivc, inlrnmUl'os. French Chumhcl' of Gammel'co, 50 Escoitn, Binondo. i\inniln, P . 1. German Chamber of COlllmerce of t he Philippine Islands, Inc., 1570 Arlegui Extension, Salt Miguel, Manila. /loilo Chinc;;(' O~ambcl' of Cornmct'ce, Iloilo, Iloilo. /nter!!ntionnl ChnmQ<"r of Commcrce of Tloilo, 110ilo, lJoilo. Jnpanese Chmnb('r 0 Commerce of lHflni la . R oom 18. El H~g~ . Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo, i\bnila, P. i\Jnniln Chnmber of C nmercc, Room 407, )\ational CiLy 1l!lIIk Bldg .. Juan Luna, Uinondo. Philippine ChiJle~e C('of'm\ Chamber of Commcrce, China Bnnk Bldg. , Cor. Juan Luna and Da~mat'itia~, Binondo. CHARCOAL DEALERS i\litsui llll~;:an h:ai"hu. lAd .. Second Floor, X:ltiomd City Bank Bldg., i\ianilit, P. r. CHAR IT I\ BLE O RGAN IZATIONS PhiliPI)ine Red Cro!'s (America n Nntion1l1 R ed Gro~:;), ('ornCt· ]"nnc PCI'al unt! Oral. Luna, 1~ I·mitu.

·CII ECK WRIT IW.S AND C H ECK PROTECTORS Xif'i!'on Snlel<. Co., 110 i~~eoll:l, Corncr T. Pinpin, Binondo. · CHEi\I ICA I. ASSAYERS AND MANUFACTURERS Cent!'nl Chemicnl Co., 1011 H. Hidalgo, Quiapo. · CHEi\I ICAL PRODUCTS Excello Product ~ (Elias Zaragozn), 1022 R. HidulfCO, Quinpo. C('tz Bros. ,',: Co .. Sixth }cloor, Soriano Bldg., • Plazn Cervnntc~, Binondo. hucnzle & Strciff, fnc., 343-347 T. Pinpin, 13lnOI\<1o. Nntionnl J ndu~ t rinl C()f(>orntion 502 Estero Cegndo, Stn. Cruz. '

C H Ii:M ISTS, ~'IANUFACT un I NC Abobrook, A. L., 635 Sal('s. Sin. Cruz. Amlllhulo P roducts, Tnc., Boticn Insular y LnbOr.:ltorio I nsulnr, ( III~uln l' Drug Store), Plaza Leon X III , Cor. Quesada, Tondo. Berry's Chcmical Co., 211 Barbosn, Quinpo. Botien Boie-(Philippine.American Drug Co.), 96 Eseolt:l, Binondo. nu ~ h Ch(lmicnl Co., jnc., J Ot·, ·1·13 ROllquiJlo. Stn. Cruz. Cnstman, Inc., Derh!!.m Bldg., POlt .\ren. Coroll!l Phnrmnccuticnl L:illOratorics, 105 Plazn Calderon dt' I:t Burell, Binondo. Flu'mncin de Dulore" Putcl'no y Zlllllora, 913-915 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. rnnnncin i\IlIn ucl Znmor:l, 928 R. H idalgo, Quiapo, Manilu. Ful'tnnein Snn F'cl'nnndo, 833·83n Snn Fct'ltllndo, Binondo. Ji'1'llno Chcmicnl Lnbomtol'Y, 212!l Rizlll Ave., Santu C I·UZ. Classy Luborutorif's, 83.1) San Fernando, Binondo. Gonzalez Lnbol·ntorie.~, 1626- 1628 Ri'iltll Ave., Stn. Cruz. Hi'ilon Labor:ltot·y, 549 P. Pntcrl\o, Stll. Cruz. Insutnr UJ'u,t::. Co., Inc., 1.')3 .Junn Lunn, Binondo. l(nmak Lnbonltoril'!;, 13,10 O'Donnell, Stll. Cruz. Kock Lnbomtory, 2].17 O'DOIll1('II, Stn. Cruz. :\1. D. Cllrmical Lnbor!ltories. 31·1 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolu". "i\Ing,impnn," 617·619 Sto. Cri~to, Snit ?\,icolas. :\)('I\'ili ,\: Co., I nc., 180-\82 Juun Luna, Binondo. :\Ietro Drug Corponltioll, 880·882 Hiwl Ave .. At:t. Cruz. Nalmshima. S., 411 Reina Regente. Pltlll]lPIIW S" l'nt,hc L:li)matury (;0., Inc., 379 Libcrtad. Pa~lI )' , Riz!l1. Ro~e[ Lnbor:Jtori l'.~, I nc .. Gunllo, Cor. Arlcgui, Quinpo. WinLhrOI) Chemical Compauy, f nc., ~. Y., Cihb~ Bid;,;., G70 D !tsm·lI't I11~, BiuonJo . CHEW I NG GUi\l i\lANurACTURlmS AmcriClin SIl'('I,t~, Inc" all Sotcr. Bil\ont!o. O'Rnccn Confectionery Co., Inc., 67 Bat'I'u, en, San N icolas. Wri,t::.'ley'!< (PbilippiIWS) , Inc., EI Hog:l!' Filipino Bldg., .hum LU IlIl, Binuudo. CH I NA GLASS AND EART II ENWARE DEALERS Chi Sin~ .I:: Co., 358 8t<l: Cri;.to, Siln ::\icola,;. Chin Cuan, 339 Sio. CTisto, S:m Xicoills. Ou\· Star, 437 Sto. Cristo, S:1It Xicolas. DychilUCO, Ro:;('ndu, ,(I-Ioe 1:10 B(.-c), 3 1 320 Sto. Cristo, S:ln ?\'!co]u!>. r.~nrd:U\ ,\: Co .. 1'., 191 .JU'1Il Lllntl, Binondo. I{cllel' & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. :\Iitsui Bu~~n n Kai;:hu. Ltd .. $t."Cond Floor, ::\ntional City Bunk BldJ; .. :\Innila, P. I.. O;:;:kn Bocki Klli~lllL, fIL e. , ·146 .... 54 Dnsm!l.rulll.~, Uinoncio. T:!n Cuiumco & Co .. 237 San \'ic~nte, Binondo. We:;t & \V'hit,uker, 227 DM'id, Binondo, :\'Ia nil:!.

PHILIPPINES · CHI NESE AN D J APAN[SE G OODS ISce Japunes(', Chil1C'sC' and Cndinn Good ;.) ··CH I NES E Sh lOK I NG TO BACCO Kun):!: K ilL Lung, 15 i::str'l\udc, Rinoudo. CH IRO POD IST S Sunti(lgo, 01'. Brigido. 427 O. Tuason, Snmpnloc. [J~chold,

01' ../. A .• Hoom 3 12, Fcrll!lndc7. Bldg.,

12-4 1'. Pinpin, Binnnclo. C IIOCOLAT E i\ IANUFACT U RE RS Co Chun Hunt, 712 DUl't. l)l\Co.

Bl CnmclJo, 210 GrnL lJUIlIl,


HI Fl'ulo de ClIClIO, (j22 i\iu,;dlllcnu, 13inon<lo. F,I P;m de Santiago, 2015 ni ~1I1 Ave., Stu. C I'U7.,

l,lt Estrella Chocolate FnctOl'Y, 559 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. La rnbilllln F ll bl'ien de Chocohltc, 77 i\l ugrd ln-

nes, Intmmuros.

La I ndu:>tI'ial, 278 CI'i ~tohn l, Puco.

La P:dmn de Mnllm'cll, Hi'l llcn l, fntrnrnuros. La P fltr'ia, 631-633 T.cgMdu, Sarnpnlor. L'l Resurreccion C h ob~late Factory, tll-I Soler, Binondo. Lim Ohi n~ C hin Chocolate Factory, 21 8 Ruon, Stn. Crur.. Lim r.n~ 1100 Chocolate Vactol'Y, 210 R non, Sin. Crur.. 1(0 Tong Chocohte F llc ory, 504 Arlegui, QUiupn. Lim Sun Lin~, 1823 Herrnn. Puco. XC5llc and AnlZ"lo-Swis.'1 Milk I;'l'oducts, Ltd .. 914 !\7.cnrrnga, Rinondo, i\ianilu. On Sen Chocolnte Fnctory, 828 Ongpin, Stu. Crur.. O'rocca Confectionery ('0., Inc., 67 Burmeu, Sun Nicolus. Orienttll Chocolate FUctory, GG·~ i\lngdulenn, BinOllllo. Pumintmul, reli()inno :\1., SO·] DtI1"t. P uco. Sinhochnnp:, .;0-1 Arlegui, Quinpo. Sm ith, Bell & Co., Ltd., H o n~kong and ShunglUi! Ban);: Blelg., .hllll1 Luna, Binondn. Su Hoc H CIl. 828 Ong])in, Slu. Cmr.. Tropica l Produ cts Compa ll~" Pllrcza, SUPlpldoc. Wnlkm', iIerbcrt, Purcr.n, Stlm pn loc. CIGAR AN D C I GAR ETTE DeAL ERS RETA IL Alhambm. Cigur lind C igarctte ManufnctUr-Lllg: Co., 31 Tnyumnn. ' I'ondo. Alhnmb ra eigu l' Store, 25 l ':~colla , Cor. ]\"ueva, Blnondo. B. B. y l...ll Tdeal, Tnc., 5.J2 Echn~ue, Quinpo. Chinp; Chay Pin ~\: Co., 1016-1018 Comercio, 8.'111 Nicolus. Chuu T en/; & Company, ;)1 ·1 Sto. Cl;~tO , 8nn Xicola",. Co Che, 563 8to. Cri~to, San Nicola!'. Co Yaeo & Co K eng, .J34 Sto. Cl'isto, 8..'In Kicoins. Cosmopolitun C ignr Store, 2,,) 8 ~eo l tn, Binondo. Cun Bollg Co, ·128 Sto. Cristo, San Xicohs. EI Ponen;r 8tol"C, 702-704 &in Fernnudo, San Nicolas. Ring Leong Co., .i60 Soo. Cristo, San N icolns. Kntub usno, 5(JI Clnvcl, COl'. Onl'celolla, San ::.I" icolns.


(' 1(;


Lu fslu de LU7.on, -13.1 T. Pinpin, Binnndo. Lim lOam & Co., 1036 Comercio. Sun Xicolns. Lim Tun TUII C igar Store, 102.1 Comercio, Snn Xicolns. ~faniln Hotel Cigal' Sta nd, Mnnila H otcl, Pori Al·ca. ;\lim Hermano~, Tile., 19 Cnlle Banqucro (R eginn Dldg. \, B;nolldo, i\Illuiln. Pri~ing. F. W ., 25 E~col t n, Binondo. Quin,!!; T ongco Sons Tobacco Co., .J I P. Ducos, Quinpo. Si Jinp Sin.!!:, 228 ' I'etll nn, 8tn. Cruz. Sin Hiap I'fun t, 1024 Comel'cio), Snn Nicolns. Sy Hiok Cip;llr !l nd C igarcttes ;:;torc, 640 Tnbora, San :'.ricola!:i. 1'abncnlCfIL C ignrs Store, (;r)',;tul Arcade, Escoltn. Binondo. Toh Kim Cuay &: Co., .laOS Comcl'cio, Snn )[icoln5. Ton,!!; Seng Ciga r S tol"e, 1120 M. dc Snnto~, Snn Xieolas. C IG /\R AN D C1G,\ RETn: D EALERS. WHOL ESALE Alh nmbm Cip:nl' nnd Cigarette i\lfg. Co., 31 T aY llman, Tondo. ll. B. ll. Y Lfl. r elenl, Inc., .)·12 EcIHl,t\:ue, Quiapo. Co 1'nco &: Co J\:CllP;, ·13-1 Slo. ('ri~to. Stl.n Xicola~.

('osmopolitnn CiI~ar Storc, 25 Fscolt:., Bint:lndo. EI OrJtule Ji':ibrica de Tahu('Os, Tne .. 167 Ge· neml SOkUlO, San :\Ii,t\:ucl. "Gcl'~i nnl", Silngandllnn, ('aiu{)('nn. Ri ta l. Katlll)u~nn, ."01 C lu\'(:I, Cor. Bun·elmHl., 8,111 :"(icqlns. 1 :1. E$trclln de F ilipinlL~, 7.5'2 Magda leno, Bi-


I_a rn ~ulnr ('igar and C'i~nr('ttc F:Ldol"Y, Tnc., 20 Plar.!~ Cnlderon de In Rar('ll. Binondo. L a Xohlcr.tI C'ie:1U' Hnd Cie::IreLte i\Hg. Co., .J09 'l'nyuman, ']'ondo. Ln Ycb'llla Co., Tnc., ;W Gu~tLlmhid(', Stlmpnloc, M anilfi. Mirn ji prmanol;, In(·., 19 ('nile Bunquel"o, ( Rcgilla Bldg.), Bimmdo. i\lllnilu. Philippine Aronmtic C ip:nrcltc i\lnnurncturing Co., .')5.'1 F. 13. lI ulTi~on, PU ~lly, Hi?:.!. Qlling Tnngco Sons ' I'o h n('~'o Co .. ·1 1 P. 1)\lC05, Quiapn. CI GA R A N ]} C I G /\R ETTE t\ \ ANU FACT URE RS Alhnmhrn Cip:al' ond CignreLtc i\lfg. Co., 31 'l'aYU lllnn , 'I'ondo. B. 13. B. y Ln Idenl, I nc., 5-12 E chngue, Qu;npo. E I Aguila Ji'!lbl'icn de 'i'nha('o8 y ('igarrillo~, Tnc .. 80 Plar.a Oilno, P ueo. " Ccrmilml," Snngundnnn, CaIOOC!lU, Hizul. I';: tltub ll ~un, 501 ('In vel, Cor. Barcelonn, Sn n ::\icolas. Ln Dntulla. 522-;)24 Elcano, 81m Xicolus. L'I Dicha, .J29 A·mnl"ion, San :-iicolns. La Estl'clla d e Filipinu~, 752 i\lngdnlcna, Binoudo. La 1;'lor de In I snheln, 85 1 hnnc Peml, Pnco. 1..'1 Grunde1.n-Yu So & Co., 735-739 He ina R egentc. Dinoudo. 1..'1 rn ~ lIlnr Cie:ar and Cigarette Factory, 111(' •• 20 PIIllm Col d cron tI" In Barca. Binoodo.




La Noblczll Cigar and Cig:l.I'cttc Mfg. Co., 409 Tayumnn, Tondo.

La Pnz y Buell Vinje, 42{1 Asuncion, San Nicolas.

La Ychunn Co., Inc., 57 Gnstambidc, Sampnioe, Manila. Viva In Sucrlc y III Pure:..:!., 555 Misericordia,

Stn. Cruz. 路CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS (Sec Box Mnnufact.urers) Co S~tcng & Co., Eduardo. 602-6\2 Tnnduny, QUlllpO.

Cosmos Lumber (Tun Hong &; Co.), 623-625-627 S01er, Sta. Oruz. On~ nue Sam Jap Hing & Co., 881-D Isnac PCl'ul, Paco. Sy Pino & Co., Ltd., 766-782 Echll.guc, San fo,'ligucl.

Tnblcl'in elm Bin 1639 HCITan, Cor. Santiago, Pace. CIGAR EXPORTERS Aguado Hcrmnno~, 103 Balmes, Quinp"l. Alhambra Ci):l:flr flll~ Cigarette .Mfg. Co., 31 Tayumnn, Tondo. ). B. B. n. y La Idcnl. I1\c" 542 Echague, Quiapo. CompniHu Grncrnl de T-ubacos de Filipinils, 212 j\'Iarqucs de Comilla S\ Paco, Manila. EI Aguila Fabrica de Taliocos y Cigarillos, Inc., 86 Plnza Dilao. Poco. El 011cnte Fabrica dc Tailncos, I nc., 167 Gencrnl Soillno, Snn Miguel. El Sol de Filipinos, 443 San Lllzllro , Sta. Cruz. " Germinal", Snngandaan, Cilloocan, Riza\. Hrlrna Cigar Company. 36 Novnlichcs, San Miguel. T{atubusnn, 501 Clavel, Cor. Bnrcelonn., San ~icoln;; .

La Bntnlln, 522-524 Elenno, San Nicolas. I.a Conchita, 2009 Juan LUlln, Tondo. IAl. Dicha, '129 Asuncion, San Nicolas. I n Flor de Intal, 31 Tayuman, Tondo. In FloI' de la Isabela, 851 1 S8M Penli, Paco. Ln 1"101' de Luzon, 701 Olavel, San Nicolas. La Grnndezn-Yu So & Co., 735-739 Reina Rcgcntc, 13inondo. )~a Insular Ci.l(ur and Cigarette iF!lctOl'Y, Inc., 20 Plaza Cnlderon de In Darea, Binondo. La Noblcza Cigar nnd Cigaret.te Mfg. Co., 409 Tayumnn, Tondo. La. y Duen Viaje, 429 J\ suneion, San Nicolas. La ): ebann Co., Inc., 57 Gastambide, Sampilloc, Manilp. " Mnriza" Oigilr Factory, 125 Grnl. LUnIl, !\'Ialabon, Rizal. Minervn Oigar Corporation, 2219 Azcnrragn, Sampaloc. l\:Iitsui Dussnn Kaishn. Ltd., Second Floor, National City Dank Bldg., Manila, P. J. Snmwn Hcrmnnos y Cia, Inc., 2009 Juan Luna, Tondo. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Alh:\mbru Ci~ar and Cigarette Mfg Co 31 Tayumnn, Tondo. . .,


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, 212 Marques de Comillas, Paco, Manila. Daybreak Cigar Manu(acturing Co., 1000-1006 N Mra, Tondo. El Aguiln Fabric;n de Tabacos y Cigarillos, Inc., 86 Plaza Dilao, Pnco. El Orientc Fabrica de Tllbaeos, Inc., 167 Geneml Solano, San Miguel. EI Sol de Filipinas, 443 San Lazaro, Sta. Cruz. "Germinal," Sangandaan, Calooean, Rizal. Helena Cigar Company, 36 Novaliches, San Miguel. Katubusan, 501 Clavel, Cor. Barcelona, San Nieolns. La natalia, 522-524 Elenno, San Nicolas. La Conchita, 2009 Juan Luna, Tondo. La Estrelln de Filipinas, 752 Mngdalcna, Binondo. Lu. Flor de In. lsubela, 851 Isanc Peral, Paco. La Flor de Luzon Cigar FaetOl")" 701 Clavel, San Nicolns. La Grandeza-Yu So & Co., 735-739 Reino. Regente" Binoudo. Ln Insulnr Cign!' nnd Cignret.te Factory, 1110., 20 Plazn Calderon do la Barcn, ninondo. La Nobleza Cigar & Cignrett.c Mfg. Co., 409 Tayuman, Tondo. La Ycbana Co., Inc., 57 Gnst.ambide, Snmpaloe, Manila. "i\'Iariza" Cignr Factory, 125 Grnl. Luna, Malo.bon, Rizal. Vivn In. Suertc y la Pureza, 555 Misericordia, Stn. Cruz. CIGARETTE EXPORTERS Alhambra Ci.e:ar and Cigaretoo Mfg. Co., 31 Tayumnn, Tondo. ll. B. D. Y La Ideal, Inc.t....542 Echague, QUillPO路 Compal1ia General de Tnbncos de Filipinas, 212 Mnrquez de Comillas, Paco, Manila. El Aguila Fflbrica de Tnbacos y Cigarillos, Inc., 86 Plnza Dilao, Paco. EI Oriente Fabrica de Tnbneos, Inc., 167 Genernl Solano, San MigueL Katubusnn, 501 Clnvel, Cor. Barcelona, San Nicolas. La Ciudad dc Nnnkin, 414 Salazar, Binondo. La Flor de h Isabeln, 851 Isnac Peral, Paco. La Insulnr Cigar and Cigarret.te Factory, Inc., 20 Plaza Calderon de In Barca, Binondo. La Noblcza Cigar and Cigarette Mrg. Co., 409 Tayuman, Tondo. Ln Yeballll Co., Inc., 57 Gnstnmbido, Sampaloc, Mani ln. Ph~ippillc A.romatic Cjga~ttc Mfg. Co., 555 I,. B. Hamson, Pasny, Rlza\. C IGARETI'E IMPORTERS Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette AUg. Co., 31 Tayuman, Tondo. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., 191-211 MucUe dc Rinondo Sun NicolilS. La Insular Cigar and Cigarette Factory, Toe., 20 Pla7.a Calderon de la Barca, Binondo_ Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., Inc., Corner Ronquillo and Estero Cegado, Sln. Cruz.

PHILIPPINES )Iicn Hcrmnnos, Inc., 19 Guile 13anqucro, (Regina Bldg.), Binondo, i\'Ianiln. Spud und Commander Co., Room :j 17, [Il ~ ul!lr Life Bldg., l'luza Moraga, Binondo. CI GA R ETT E MANUFACTURER S Alh nmbm Ci$CilI' nnd M fg. Co,) 3 1

Tay ulllall Tondo. B. n. n. y La Jdeal, Inc., 542 Echllguc, Quinpo. Compnl1ln Gcnenll de Tabacl,Js de Filipinlls, 212 Marques de Comillus, PUeo, MIlilill1. EI Aguila F:ibrica de Tabncos y Cignrri llos, f ne. , SO Plaz/\ DilllO, P ueo.

"Gcrminnl", Sa n~flnd:l8n, 00 1000[111, R izal. J\utubUSltIl, 501 Chi vel, Cor. Bnfcclonn, San Niool1l5. I"n Alejnndl'in Cig~rette Factory, 5'13 1\Ingdnleila, Binondo. La Bntalln, 522-524 EICllno, 8nn Nicolas. La Ciudnd de Na nkin, 414 Sa]azlII', Binondo. LIt Dlaha, 路129 Asuncion, San Nicolus. La Estrel la de Filipinas, 752 Mllgdulcna, Binondo. La Flor de Intul, 31 Taruman, T ondo. La Flor de In Jsnbela, S5l Isaac Peral, Paco. La Grnndcla-Yu So & Cb., 735-739 Reina Rcgcntc, Binondo. La lnllulal' Cigar and CigllrC<ttc Factory, I nc., 20 Plnza Caldcron de In BII~CH, Binondo. La Nobleza. Cignr lind CigHI路 Mfg. Co., .JOg Tnyuman, Tondo. L~I Paz y Bucll Viuje, 429 Asuncio,ll, San Nicolns. La Ychana Co., Inc., 57 Gastllmb'idc, SlImpaloc, Muni!n. Philippine Aromatic Cigarcttc Manufacturing Co. 555 1". B. H arrison, P nsny, Ri zal. Viva La Suerte y La Pnreztl, 555 Misericordia, Stll. Cruz.

CIGA R ETTE PAPER MANUFACTURERS La Estrella Del ;.lorte, 46-50 E.\;coita, 13i)londo. C INEl\'IATOGRAPH F ILM EXCH ANGE AND SUPPLY DEALERS Acme }ci llllS, Incorporated, 22.15-22HI Azctlrrugn, Sumpaloc. Culumbia Pictures of Philippines Inc., Fourth Floor, Stale l3ldg., 504 Ri7.:!1 Avenue, St:l. Cr\lz, Man ila. Commercial Film Exchangc, 456 DUllmaril1:ll', Binondo. Ea stem Theat rical Compa ny, Tnc., Th ird Floor, Capitol Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Everett., H. S., 419 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Four Film Co., 409-417 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Fox Film Export Company, Inc., .')18-.'>20 Reina Regenlc, Binondo. Goodwill Film Exchange, 326 l\Ii ~erico ..difl, Stu. Cnlz. lIn!!;un Film Corporation, 343-345 J uan Luna, Binondo. LU7.ol1 Theatres, Inc. (Opcrating the State and Grund Theatres), Fourth Floor, St.ate Bldg., 504. Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lyric Theatre Co., Lyric Thcutrc Bldg., San Vicente. Binondo.


Mllnila i\lolion Picturl!s, Inc., 456 D U~l1\:lfifl'l~, Binondo. Metro-Goldwyn-Mnyer Mnnila, Inc., 30!) Bustos, Stn. Cruz. Mctropolitnll ThelLter Company, Mchan Gurdon, Plu1.a I.ILwton, Ermita. Pa1"!lrnount Films of Philippines, fn c., Sevent.h F loor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. Eseolta, Binondo. Pnrlatone HiSpllno.Filipino, I nc., Corncr Plaza St.a. Cru1. and DusmnriliHS, Sta. Cruz. Theatres Supply Corporation, Suite 508, Fcrnande7. Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Dinondo, ~1aniln. t'nite<! Artists Corporation, Cu Dni ieng Bldg., T. Pin pin, Corner Escolta, Binondo. liniver.<:al Pictu res Corporation of the Far East, 2262 Azenrm.L:fl, Sa mpaloc. WarnC1' Bros. First National Pict.uI路os (P. I .), Inc...5th Floor, Cu Unjicng Bldg., Escoltn, Binondo.

C INEMATOG RAPH F ILM P RO DUCTI ON COil-lPA NIES Filippine Film Productions, Inc., 179 Invernc.."S. Sta. Ana. Tlugan Film Corporation, 343-345 Juan Luna, Binondo. Liberty Cinema Corporation, -10-1 Isabel, Sampuloc. Luzon Theatres, Inc., (Operating the Statl' and IG1"!Ind Theatres), Fourth Floor, St.nte Bldg . , !JO'I Rizal Ave., Sta. Cmz. Lyric 1'hentl"C Co., Lyric Thcatre Bldg., S:lll Vi cente, Binondo. Paramo un t Films of Philippines, Inc., Seventh }<'Ioot, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. PinlJin, Cor. Escolta, Binondo. H ispano-f!'ilipino, Tne., Corner Plaza Sta. Cruz and Dasmarillas, St:!.. Cruz. T ria ngle Pictures Corporation, 71-1 Ri7.1I1 ,\ venue, Stu. Cruz. CINEro.l AT OGRAPHS Asia Theatre, 724 Ongpin, Rinondo. Bellevue Theatre, 1425 Herrnn, Paeo. Capitol Theatre, Eseolta, Rinondo. Cine Acme, Sande, Corner l\1oriones, Tondo. Cine Alcgria, 184.2 Rilal Ave., Stn. Cruz.' Cine Apolo, 1348 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Cine Dart, 727 Dart, Pnco. Cine Eden, Dnrt, Cor. San Andres, Paco. Cine Ew., tlerh-osa, Tondo. Cine Gloria, Culle Sunde, (Near Calle Hel'bosa ) Tondo. Cine rdilio, 164 Liherlud, Pnsay, R Cille Madrid, Madrid, Corner &In XiC(lla<:, San ~ieolllS. Cine, Plaza Mi1"!lllda, Quial>O. Cine Moderno, 358 Legnrdn, Snmpuloc. Cine Noli , 2262 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cru7.. Cine Paco, 713 Dnrt, Paco. Cine Paz, 1720~ 1722 Herrnn, Puco. Cine Plm'idel, Madrid, San Nicolus. Cine Riz1l.l, 806 Ylaya, Tondo. Cine Star, 1721 Azcurrnga, St.a. Cruz. Cine Venus, 1195 Sande. Tondo. Elitc Thcntre, 932 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Fox T he1l.tre, 619 R i7.a t Ave., Sla. Cruz. Gaiet.y Theatre, 630 j\.'I. H . del Pilar, Ermiiu.




Grand Thcntl'C, 522 Hizal Ave., SU!.. Cruz. Hollywood Theatre, 119 St.a. Potenciann, 111tmmuros.

Iden l, 417-421 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. Lyric Thetltrc, 81-87 Escoltn, Binondo. Metropolitan Theatre Company, Mehan Garden, P laza Lawton, Ermita. Pnlace T hcntrc, 325 Ronquillo. Sta. Cruz. Plaza Theatre, 2 12 Echngue, Sm. Cruz. Prince Theatre, I..cgnrdn, Cor. Alejand ro VI , Snmpn\oc. Queen's, 49 Plaza St.'!. . Cruz, Btl\.. Cruz. R ex Theatre, 521 Ongpin, Binondo. Savoy Theatre, 57 Il:chngue, Stn. Cruz. Tivoli Cine, Phut\ 8ta. Cruz, 81-n. e l'Uz.

CIRCUS T ait Shows, 179 Tn verness, 8ta. Ann. *C I VIL ENGINEERS (S, Engineers, Civil) ·C LUBS Army and Nay? Club. South Bou levard, LUllcta, Ermita.

Casino Espanoi de jI, anilu, Taft Ave., and San Luis, El'mita. Manila J ockcy Club, Hi.l!0dromo de San Lazaro, Stu. C l'UZ, Man'il a. Manila Polo Clu b, Pasay, Rizal. I'h ilippine R'lcilll; Cluo, Inc., C.1lJe Tejeron, San Pedro l\'IncRti, Ri;.;ui. Pioneers Club of l\ ian ila, The, 224 Chiea, Santa Cruz, ?lIanila. Rotary Club of Manila, 320 National City Bank I3ldg., Binondo. Santa Ana Turf Club, Inc., Calle Tejeron, San Pedro j\'!ukuti, Rizai. U ni versity Club, San Luis, Ermitn. COAL DEALERS Ampi! & Co., 997 1\'1. de In Industria, Sun N icolas. Chull )(ia, H illll'ioll '1'., 45 1?IllZU Gml. !Ln Ohumbre, Mcisic, Binondo .. Chua Po, 128 Vi lla lobos, Quinpo. Fcrnandez .'\-: Co., V. T., S. O. de rernllndez Bldg., 51 Escolta, Binondo. Lip:unn Cool Mincs, I nc., 315 National City Bunk Dldg., JuUIl Lunn, Binondo. Lim Chumbuque, Jo56, 204 Sevilla, Maniln. .[\·Jadrignl & Co., S i\IueUe del Bunco Nncionsl, Muniln. M nd riglll Oil Mills. Maniln Officc: 8 Muelle del Banco Kacional, Mlmila. Mitsui Bussnn l(aisha, Ltd. , Second Floor, Na tionnl City Dnnk Dldg., Manila, P. 1. Suntos Chua H ong, 67 Muelle de J olo, Dinondo. COAL MINING COMPANY Liguan Coal Mines, Inc., 3 15 Nntionnl City Bank Dldg .• Jmlll Luna, Binondo.

· COCONlIT O IL EXPORTERS (Sec Oil, Vegetable, Exporters) Madrigal & Co., 8 Muelle del Ba nco Nncional, Manila. .1'l'Iadrigul Oil Mills, Manila Office: S Muelle del Bnneo Kncionnl, Mnnila . · COCONUT OIL lV1ANUFACTURERS (Sec Oil Man ufacturer:;, Coconuts) IHadrigai & Co., 8 i\1uello del Banco Nacionnl, Muniln. Madrigal Oil Mills, Manila Office: 8 Muelle del Danco Nacional, Maniln. COFFEE DEALERS All Gong Sons & Co ., 389-391 Echague, Quiapo. " Bllnahaw" , 326-330 Curriedo, Sta. Cruz. Co Ohun HUllt, 712 Dart, P aco. E I Cumello, 210 Gml. Luna, Intramuros. F:l Pun de Snntiago, 201 5 Ave., Sis. Cruz. Eng Bce & Co., 492 N UCVll, llinondo. Gan E ng Dcc & Co. '1{)2 N ueva, Binondo. Get,z Bros. & Co., Sixth 1~loor, Soriano Bldg., PI{ll1!l Ccrvantes, Binondo. L a Isln de Luzon, 435 'f . Pin pin, Dinondo. La Union Store, SOO Arlcgui, Quinpo. Lim K o 'rong, 50'1 Arleglli, QUiZll>O. Lion D'Or, 738 R. Hidalgo, QlIinpo. Brunch: Ides Bldg., M. de Santos, San Nicolns. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bunk Bldg., Mnnilu, P. 1. Ong Chiang, 1024 Lnve1.nre~, Sun Nicolas. Seng J(cc & Co., 622 N uevu, Rinondo: Standard Brnnds of the Philippines, ]nc., I nsular Ice P lant Bldg., Plnza LUlI"tOIl, Ermitll. Wise & Company, ]nc., 174-1 76 Juan Luna, Dinondo. COFFEE PACKERS Ah Gong Sons & Co., 3S9-391 .Echague, Quinpo. Co Chun Hunt, 712 Dart, Puco. EI Cnmello, 210 Grnl. I~u nn , Intrurnuros. EI Fruto de Caczlo, 622 M ngdnlenu, Binondo. Eng Bee & Co., 492 N ueva , Binondo. La Industrinl, 278 Cristobnl, Puco. Ln Putrin, 631-633 Legllrdzl, Sampllioc. La R c:;urrcccion C hocolnte Factory, -114 Solcr, Binondo. La Union Store, 800 Adegui , Quiaj>f). Lim 1(0 'fong, 504 Arlegui, iUinpo. Lioll D 'Or, 738 R. Hidulgo, uiupo. BTllllch: Idcs Bldg., M. de Snntos, nn Nicolns. · COKE DEALERS Agusan Coconut. Company, 1053 I "aae P eml, Philip~in e R efining Bldg., Pnco. i\·Jnniin Gus Corl>orntion, Oli:" Plica. Menzi &. Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Binondo . Mitsui Bus..«un 1\aishn, Ltd ., Second Floor, Ka tional City Bnnk Bldg., Manila, P. ]. COLD STORAGE PLANTS (See reo Plan Ls) Import Meat and Produce Company, 133135-137 Padre Faurn, Ermilll.. Interlllltional Cold Siorel', 116-120 Echnguc, St.a. Cru7.. Phi lippines Cold Stores (G. S. Yuill & Co., Ltd.), 503-51 J Eclingue, Quiapo.



Rizal Groccry find Cold Stores, 600 F. Hflrrison, Pa'.ny, Rizal. State Grocery find Cold Stores (Woo, Lo Bros. & Company), 1424-1·126 H crrflll, P nco, fo.'lulIila. CO LLECT I NG AGENC IES Credit lind Collection, 1105 Felix liuertns,Corner

Zurbaran, Stlt. Cruz.

·COLLEGES (Sce Schools, Private) · COMB I\..JA N UFACT URER S Uy Pa, 321 Nuevn, Binolldo.

' COl\'IM ERCIAL AN D IN DUSTRIAL FAIR Philippi ne Exposition, Inc. , Wnllace Fiel d (F aci ng Luneta ), El'mitu. · COl\.l MERCIAL AND IN DUSTR IAL PROMOTIONS Prats & Co., A. E., 502 El>lero Cegndo, Sta. Cruz. ·COMMISS ION AG ENT S Haw E. Hcng, 1 iO 1 Sun Fe~nando, Binondo. Philippine Net nnd Braid Ml'nufncturing Co., IIIC., The, 367-369 .Juan Luna, Dinolldo. Yu Ay & Company, ·112-414 GuVdurft, Binondo. COi\J)IISSION MERC HANTS AN D AG ENT S (Sec Merchants, Gcneral ) Anderson & Co., Wm. 11., 84 MuguUunes, lntrnmuro~.

Campos R\leda H('rmullo~, Inc., 2205 Al,carrltga, Sampuloc. Chall Bonn & Co., Simon A., 843 Urbiztondo, Snn Nicolas. Chua Sy Quiat & Co., S. ell C., (E. Santos), 1107-1 J09 San Fernnntio, Dinondo. Davies & Co., Lid., '£h(,'O. H., Perez Samnnillo Bldg., E~co l ta, Bi llondo, Manila.. Davis & Company, P.I'd ., 541 M uelle del Bnnco No.ciona l, Dinondo. Dodge & Seymour Manila, I nc., Metropolitan Bldg., Plnzn Lawton, Fl'Inita. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., 19 1-211 Mu('lle de Binondo, San 1\icolus. "Elektra UV," J~lectL'{l-Medical Equipment, 403 Fernandez BldJ!:., 124 T. PiIlJ?in, Binondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., M. de 10. I nd ustria, San Nicolas. n orcs, Roberta, 56 Snn Mnrcelino, Errnitu. Glaiserman, Inc.,.r. i\I. , 104 Sulnnn, Intrnmul'os. Hanson, Orth &. Stevenson, I nc., Chaco Bldg., P laza Cervnntes, Dinondo. Hashi m, N. T ., 881 Rizal Ave., Sta . Cruz. H aw E. Heng, 1101 Snn Fernando, Binondo. B eaco Trading Co., 181 David, Binondo. Herrera, Simplicio C., U08 San Fernando, Binondo. International H arvester Co. of Phili ppines (Formerly Macleod & Co.), Chaco Bldg., Plazn Cervantes, Di nondo. 1\oa T<ing Lun, J 16 T etuan, Sta. Cruz.



Luzon Indent Company, 206 Raon, Stu. Cruz Macondrny & Co., Tnc., Third F loor, China Bank Bldg., Dasmarilias and J uan LUna, Binondo. Ong Siu Gee & Co" 239 Soler, Binondo. Oriental-American I ndent Compa ny, Room 5, L:1ck &. Dnvis Bldg., I 10 Echaguc" Sta. Cruz, Manila. Pe Chuaco \t-: Co., 909 San :F ernando, Sun Xicolas. Peh Can Check, 540 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Pons y Pons, Bartolomc, 208 Gml. Luna, Intramul'OS. Porta, Puca y Cia., 212 Magallanes, IntmInul·os. Pujalte Lumoer Co" 3 PiaU!. Moraga, Binondo. Roxas y Compania, 7 19 Eehague, Sal) Miguel. Ruiz, Manuel, 6!3 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. R ussell & Company, 8 M. del Bnnco Nacional, Binondo. Santos, Leon C., 837 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Siy Cong Bicng & Co., Jnc., 129 Juan Luna, Binondo. Smith, Dell & Co., Ltd., Hon~kong and Shallghai Bank Bldg., Juan Lunn, Binondo. Tun Pho, 812 J!loonel'Os, &1II Nicolas. Tan Suy Co., 828 .Jnbonel'Os, San K icolas. Tnllls-Pacific Trading Comwmy, 130 T. Pinpin, Fernandc7. Bldg., Manila. Viegeir'(lann, E., 460-466 Da~m ariiins, Binolldo. Wise &: Compnny, Inc., 174-176 Juan Luna, Billondo. Wolff & Company, 'I'. J., 25 Plaza Goiti, l\Ian,iI!l. 'Yek Hun Tradillg Corporation, 129 Juan Luna, Binondo. Yu Ay & Comp:my, 412-41 ·1 Gandara, BillOndo. Yu Teck Jiap, 607 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. ·COM i\'iUNICATI ONS Stock Quotntions Co., I nc., S. J. Wilson Bldg., ].)3 Juan Lunu, Binoncio. CONFECTIO NERS Americnn 8\\'eets, I nc., 3 11 Soler, Binondo. "Bnuahall''', 326·330 Cn"riedo, St.n. Cmz. Dainty Bakery, 317-32 1 P;chugue, Sill. Cruz. ''LII F rut.n Filipina", 650 Rizal Ave" Sta. Cruz. La Putda, 631-633 I.egal'du, Snmpaloc. ''La Perla," rnc" 228-234 Plaz!I Stu. Crul, Stn.. Cru?. ''La Sui1D.", 173 Rcal, Tntrnmul'O;;. Malabon Sugar Comp:I.I1Y, Sllli~h, Bell ~t-: Co., Ltd., Genenll i\lnnagers, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., JU:lll Luna, Binondo. Display and Salesroom: 301-302 !'\lltional Cit.y Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. O'Ruccll. Conrectioncry Co., Inc., 67 Barraca, Sun Nicolas. Orientnl Candy Factory, 290, PaSily, . Rizal. Paris Bakery and COnrCf.ltionery, 405 PJazn Miranda, QuiA.po. P urity Candy J';:itchen, 527 Pcnal'rubin, San N icolas.





Findley Engineering and Conskuction Co., Inc., 32 Fischer A\·c., P asay, H.iza!' ~C ONS TRUCTION

Chnm ..&unco &: Sons, &n Ni(,'oills.

IHATERIALS 300 ..308 St~. Cristo,


CONTRACTORS, BUILDI NG AjustJlr &: Co., Fidel R, 56 Manrique, Sampa[oc. Allllmul'fl, S., 931 Lepanto, Snmpaioc. Aquino, Jose, 901 Dart, Plica. Arellano Choa Siong, S., 811 O'Donnell, Stu. CI'II)!;.

ArL COlls~ruction , 811 O'Donnell, Stn. Cruz. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Ma-

nila, 71-77 Muclle de In Industria, San Nicolas. Bnrrcdo, Fausto, c/ o Malate G!lrngc, 767 Dakota, Malate. Dnrrctlo SOliS, 1nc\ PIo, 720 Echaguc, San Miguel.

Co Sctcng & Co., Eduardo, 602-612 Tanduay,

Quinpo. Commonwealth Lumbcf\ The, 740-752 Juan Luna, Binondo. Cosmos Lumber (Tan Rong & Co.), 623-625-627 Soler, Stu. Cruz. David Engineel'ing and C!fonstruction Works, 101 DaVid, Dinondo. Domingo and Navoa Engineering " 'ork and Contrnctor, 911 Bilbao, 'rondo. " EI Ahorro Insular", Room 502, Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 E scolta, Binondo. Enriques, R., 340 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Findley Engineering and Construction Co., Inc., 32 Fischer Ave., Pasay, Rizal. Gonzulez & Company, Tnc., A. C., 217-219 Crystal Arcnde, Escoltn, Binondo, IIdnniia. Gordon, John, Third Floor, TJeyba :Bldg.. 227 David, Binondo. OotlllTICO Hennanos, Vicente, 430 1'nnduay, Quinpo. Cotauco & Company, Inc., 214 Soler, Binondo. H ashim. N. T., 88 1 Hiza! Ave., Stn. Cruz, Manila. Hashim's Kalinawan Slone Quarry, 88 1 Hizal Ave., Sin. Cruz. Him, N. C., 21 Cruzadll, Cor. 1'llnduuy, Quiapo. Ignacio 'I'er'cso, 621 Echaguc, Sun Miguel. ](ujita, 246 Oral. Soirmo, San A·l igue!. Karolchuck, Marion i\'J., Cor. Pnz lind 'rre<:e de Agosto, Paeo. l{uwnta. '1'., 4 Ramon Papa, Snmpaloc. T..acsamuna, Irineo, 1895 Juan Luna. Tondo. Ledesma und Pantoja, 230 Dnsmariria"s, Binondo. Luna de San Pedro, Andre!s & Cortes, Jo~ G., Third Floor, Crystal Arcade, Escoit.:l, Binondo. Obnndo, Jose! C., 812 Dnrt, Pnco.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Oriental Saw Mill, 313 l'anduay, San Miguel. P . P. Gocheco & Co., Inc., 1219 Azcarraga, Tondo. PaSfi.y R ealty, 3467 Tuft Avenuo Extension, PaSllY, Riza\. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sin. Cruz. Sunta Clara Lumber Co., Inc. , 901-903 Dngupall, Tondo. Snsu ki, Oensuke, 925 Snn Marcelino, Malute. Soliman, GUvino, 232 Azcnrmgu, Sun Nicolas. By Hnm Lumber, 792 Echngltc, Sun Miguel. Tnbleria Chu Bio, 1639 Hernlll, Cor. Snntiago, P3CO. Tablerin La Fuerzu, 69G Juuu Lunn, Binondo. Taknhnshi Furniture, 730 Juun Lunu, Binondo. TlLy.Jny Company, 730-734. Echngllc, San l\<Iiguel. Ul'ukumi, Y., 530-5-10 San Luis, Ermitfl. Yll.rllns hitn Construction Works, 237 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Yee Wing, 100 1 VelnsquC!z, Tondo.

CONTRACTORS. ELECTRICAL An{!.e1es Electrical und Hou'iC Pninting Contractor, 826 Echngue, Sun Miguel. Arce Electric, 2019 Hiznl AvenlleJ..Sta. Cru?. Cacho & Hidalgo, 314 Carriedo, (U I)Stuirs) Stll . Cruz. Custodia Electric Supply, 9·19 Bennvidcs, Tondo. Eleetrus. The, 8 1 N. Domingo, Snn Junn, Riza l. Elmac, Inc., 627 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Fu lcan Electrical Supply and Conlmeto r, 1310 Hizal Ave., Shl. C ruz. l\'Inniln Supply, 2054-2056 Riznl Avellue, Stn. Cruz. Mauricio, Vicente, 512 Evnngelista, Quiapo. Melteo Electric, 1050 Solei', Sta. Cl·UZ. Mora Electric Co., Inc. , 284 Ayala Boulevard Ermita. :\-Ioreno Electric nnd Enfllllcermg Works Co., 1059 A7.carrnga , Dmondo. l)h ili~h t, Inc., 489 Juan Lunu, Dinondo. Philippine Electric Supply Co., 120 Teluall, Stu. Cruz. Phihppine Enginooring Corpomtioll, 100 Plnz:1 St.u. C ruz, Sin. Cruz. Rodellns. Maximo, G08 G. TUl'ISon. Sumpnloc. Homero Emilio L., 196 Murin Payo. Tondo. Romero's Electricnl Service, 1347 Hizul Ave. , Sin. C ru z. Rosario, Cecilio del, 145 Lcgarda, Snm l)aloc. Rosario Electric Co., 145 Lcl-rnrdu, Snmpaloc. Rosurio, Emilio del, 1138 l\Iiscricon:lin, Sta. Cruz. Rosa rio, Emilio del, 19G Murin Payo, Tondo. St.erte, Prof. J ., 15 Conrado Lermll, SlIInpnloc. Western EqUipment and SUPJlly Co., 11 7- 125 T. Pin pin, Binondo. CONTRACTORS. F ILLING BautISta & IgnaCIO, 62 1 Echugue, &In Miguel. Construcllon Agency, The, San Frnncisco del :\fontc, Rizal. Cruz, Agnpito, 9G4 Dnrt, Paco. . Cruz Carlos 18 Apclo Cruz, Pa.!ill),. H!za.l Fip:u~ms G~vel nnd Suml, A., 15.fS Mindoro. Pnco.

PH ILlPPINES Has him, N. T., SS t Rltal Ave., Sin. Cruz, Mnnila. Hashim's Kalinnwnn Stone Quarry, SSt Riz:ll Ave., Stn. Cruz. Ignncio, Tereso 621 Echngue, Silll Miguel. Lun Ling: & Co., 1019 Jnboneros, Cor. l\f. de Binondo, Snn Nicolull. Luis, Mnreos S., 114.0 Azcnrrnga, Binondo. LUZOD Gnlvel und Snnd Co., Inc., 1096 TnyumaD, Stn. Cruz. Philippine Dredging Corporation, lWom 206, Arias Rid!!., Curriedo, Stn. Cruz. San Junn Mine, '10 N. Domingo, Sim Juan del l\'font{', RiM!. Santos, Montano, !jG5 E chngue, QUlnpo ViIlega", S. H ., VIto Cruz and Tn-tl, l'nsa), Rizo.L ·CONTRACTORS, FUR N ITURE I nsular Furn it.ul'e-Chua Linn 5un, 355-359 T. Pinpin, Binondo. ,eLa COllfianza" Furniture, 372 '1'. Pinpin, Binondo. Orientlll Furniture, I ne;,342 '1'. Pinpin, Bint}ndo. White H ouse Furniture Co., 364-368 T. Pinpin , Binondo. YnmllShita Construction Works, 237 Cnrriedo, Stn. Cruz. Zapantll'<: Furniture, ISOS Uernm , Paco . CONTRACTOR S. GENERAL Agoodo Hermanos, 103 Ralmcs, Qlliapo. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 i\lueIIe de la I ndustria, San Nicolas. Cacho &: Hidalgo, 314 C,lTriedo\ (Upstairs) Sta. Cruz. Domin{!o, Santi3go, 17 San Gabriel, Binondo. Gotnueo &: Compnny, [ne., 214 Soler, Bino::do. Ha~him, N. '1'., S81 Rizo.\ I\ve., Sw.. Cruz, Manila. Rttshim '~ Kalinawnn Slone QU:"LrT)" 88 1 Riu\ Ave., Sla. Cruz. Mann\o10, Antonio C., 8S5 Rizll\ Avenue, S"tn . Cruz. Mnpun &: Vules, S43 Rizal Ave., Slo.. Cruz. Russell , C., Nllgtnhnll lll\d Aceilo, Sampaloc. &"Ier, Cipriano, l wom 502, Luis l)ol"Oz Snmanillo Bldg., E~co lln, Binondo. Sy Pino & Co., Ltd. , 766-782 Eehngue, San Miguel. Umkn mi , Y., 530-54.0 San Luis, Ermi1n. Yao Ab Pino ~(:; Co., 3 Aviles, Sun Miguel. ·CONTRACTORS , PA INT ING Canulong, i\Iaxlmiano N., 1535 Azenrrngn, Sw. Cruz. Conznlez &: Sons, F., 1208 Azcllrrngn, Binondo. Guzman, Jos6 dc, 419 Dasmuriiias, Binondo. "Kaferens," 313 Raon, S1a. Cruz, Muniln. Rcyno~o &: Sons, E., 12 E<coitu, Binondo, Manilu. Branch: Baguio, MI. Vrovinee. CONTRACTORS PLUI\·IBING Brothcl"', 243 Biuf1Ientritl, S1a.


Cruz. Gareia, C. R., 2163 Oroquiela, Santa Cruz.



Guuaon Plumbing, Ed., 430 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. .Javier, Ignacio R., 2029 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. La Higicne, 54 Orozco, Sta. CruT.. Luzon Metal and Plumbing Works Co, Inc., 521-523 Solcr, Cor. Gandara, Binondo. Ortiz Bros., 5·1 Orozco. Quiapo. United Plumbing Company, Inc., Offi.ce and Show Room: 652-676 Juan Luna, Manila. ~CONTRACTORS, SALVAGE Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of l\1anila, 71-77 Muolle de la Industria, San Nicolas. "Vuleano Engineering Co.", 521 M. de ]a Industria, Main Entrance: 211 Sevilla, San ~icolas.

"CONTRACTORS, STRUCTURAL ST EEL "Vulcano Engineering Co.", 52 1 M. dc 10. I ndustria, l\"fain Entrance: 2[ 1 Sevilla, San Nicolas. ·COP PER STEEL , BU ILD INGS MA NUFACT URERS Philippine Stcclhousc, Inc., Otis, Paco. ·COPRA BUY ERS El Dorado Oil Works, 318 National Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.



COPRA DEALERS Agu.sa1} Coconut Company, 1053 Is..1ac Pm'al, Philippi ne Refining Bldg .. Paco. Aro, Macario, 631-B Union, Paeo. Babcock &: Co .. Inc., W. R., Room 14, El Hogar Bldg., Juan LUlln, Binondo. Bermudez & Bautista, Inc. , 5 San Gabriel. Binondo. Bio & Chuan, Inc., GS3 Benavides, Binondo. Cm? & Co., Inc., M ., 302 Perez Samnnillo Bldg., GI9 Escolta, Binondo. D u HUll Ting, 342 Camba, San Nicolas. Dy 13uncio & Co., I nc., 191-211 Muelle de Binondo, Sun Nicolas. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., 801 M. de In Industria, Maniln. GutiCl"fe? Hermanos, 116-122 Bca.lerio, I ntrlllIluro.,. HilI\' E. Heng, 1101 San Fernando. Binondo. Li Seng Ginp & Co., 129 M . de Binondo, San Nicolns. Lim Scam Sons, 912 ~lIn Nicolas, San Nicolas. Lu Tny &: Co., 644-650 Junn Luna, Binondo. Luzon Industrial Corporation, Chaco Bldg., PlaZ!l Cerv3ntcs Binondo. LU1.on Industriul Corportltion, 720 Magdalena, Binondo, Maniln. i\Jenzi & Co., Ine~ lSO-182 Junll Lunn, Binondo. l\'Iitsui Bussnn J{aishn, Ltd., Second Floor, Nation31 City Bank Bldg., i\Janiln, P. r. ;':atiOIlIlI Products Merehant-s Corporation 618-624 Echague, Quiapo. ' Siy .Cong Bieng & Co., Inc., 129 Juan Luna, Bmondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shanghai Ba.nk Bldg., JUlin Luna, Binondo.




Spencer I\cllog & Sons (Philippinc..;), Inc., Tomns Claudio, Pandncan. 'r ull 800 Hunt, 12 Pcrciru, Dinondo. Wise & Company, Inc., 174-176 Junn TJunn, Rinondo. l'U Ohn, Domingo, 356 Elcl\no, San Nicolas.

Metcalf, Misses, 678 A. Mnbini, Ermita. Persian Carpet House, 49 Escoltn, Binondo. Rummage Sales Room, 542 San Luis, Ermita. "San Junn P ress," The, 103 Real, Cor. Cabildo, Intramuros. T aj Mahal , The, 40 Isaac Peral, Ermita.


. CURTAIN MANUFACTURERS Cabrera & Co., S. F., 953 Bilibid Viejo, Quinpo. La Frcseura Venetian Blind Manufacturing Co., 340 Trnbajo, Sumpa loe, Manila. Bro nch: 16 Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo.

Calumba Sugar Estate, Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza CCl'vuntcs, B inondo. CORK l\'IANUF'ACTURERS AND DEALERS Philippine Crown Cork Factory, 86 1 R. H idalgo, Quiapo. Orio, J oaquin, 857 Stn . Mesa, Snmpnioc. · CORRUGATED AN D FIBRE CONTA I NERS ]'vIANU I?ACTURERS Phi lippine P !tpel' Products Co., Inc., 14 Cris-

tobnl, Paco. "COSMETICS Lami Tmdinp; c;:;.ol'pol'ntion, Inc., 853-863 Rcinn. Rcgcntc, TOIl<t,o. West, Inc., T. j'1'I . , Room 50·1, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . P inpi n, B i~~~..:....

· COTTON MILLS Philippine Cotton 1\'liII$, Inc., 8 1\L del Banco :\Taciollal, Binondo, l ' anila. Mills at.: 1059 Dngupan, Tondo. ·CREDIT ASSOC IAT IONS :hsociation of Credit Mcb, I nc., P . I., Sixth I'loor, S. J. Wilson 131dg., 143 Junll Luna, Dinondo. Ledger I nterchange Bureau, Sixth Floor, S. ,J. Wilson Bldg., 1-1 3 Junn l~u na , Binondo. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE DEALERS RETAIL American Hardware and Plumbing Co., 125 EStolta, llinondo. BaSil). Carios, 322-324 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Dy ;:jiu Bazar, \47-1 5 1 Rosario, Binondo. Dychnuco, Rosendo (Hoc H o Bee), 31 8-320 8 to. C l'i ~ to Sa n Nicolns. La Bada de 01'0, 702 Tahora, San Nicolas. CRO CKERY AND GLASSWARE DEALERS WI'IOLESALE CURIO DEALERS ($ce B:lzaars) Baguio a nd Mountnin 1'ribul Novelties, 319 1\1. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Baguio Store, 335 M. H. del Pilar, Em\ita .. C hina Drawn Work Co., 8'1 M. H. del PllM, Muniln. C ruz, Peliza 'I'., 326 A. Muhini, Ermitn. Da ROZfi, F . L. , Antique Furniture, 234 Ornl. Soluno, San Miguel. DMlcy's J ewelry Store, 83 Reu~. Intrn muros. Fung Tai Curio Store, 72 Real, I...!or. Oral. Luna, Int.rnmuros, Helen's, 227 Isnnc Pc-ral, Ermlta Isu.rdas & Co., T ., 194 Juan Luna, Blllondo Long Life Curio Storc-, 320 M. H. del Pllnr, E rmitn.

· CUSTOMS BROKERS (Sec Brokers, Customs) T nntoco, Inc., Hilarion, 106 IH. de Binondo, Binolldo. . CUTLERY DEALERS, WHOLESALE (Sec Hardwnrc) Viegelmnnn, E ., 460-466 DnsmllriiillS, Binoudo.

D DAIRY PRODUCE DEALERS Causip Dairy Fo.rm, 964 R. Hidlllgo, Qui~I)O. Golden State Milk 00., Ltd., San li'r-.lnclseo, Menzi & Co., Inc. , A.I!en~, l SO-184 J uan Luna, Binondo. HaeMin Duiry Fnrm, 465 Sun Vicente, Cor. 1'. Pinpin, Binondo. International Cold Slaros, 116-120 Echaguc, Sta. Cruz. La Lama Dairy Fnrm, S6 A. Bonifacio, L~ Lomu, CIIIOQCan, Rizal. ~ la gnol ill Dairy Products, 660 Echaguc, San Mi/!\lel. I\lain Office: 132 j\\'ilcs, &m i\lif':uel. :\lanilu City Dniry, 1026 F. HuertJl$, Stll. Cmz. Nestle ami Anglo··,'3wiss :\Iilk Proc!uct,.", Ltd., 974 Aze:lrl"llgll, Binondo i\'hnila. Philippines Cold Slores (G. S. Yuill and Co., Ltd.) 503-5 11 EehuAue, Quial)O. Royal Sterilized Milk, 16 VIIlellzucla, Sa mpu loe. . . 8111l l\-1igucl Dniry Fnrm, S6 ..\. BolllfnclO, La Lornu, Culooenll, Rizfl i. Sunta l\<lesn Dairy Furm, 902 Cordclerill (Sant.:l. Nlesu.) Sampaloe. Santol OUlry Furm, 1166 8..'1 ntol ([nL), Sampaloe. DANCI NG PAVILIONS Lc~aspi Gurden, Betwccn Munila Hotd ami

l>ier Seven. i\'Iullihi HOlel Oompnnr, LuneUl Extension, Ermitn. :\llIypajo Cabaret, i\[nYPlljo, Caloocnn, Ri zal. Santa Ann Cabaret, Tejeron, Stn. Ana. Tom's Oriental Grill , 64 Eehague, Sla. CI"Uz. -DECORATORS LUM de San Pedro, Andr(!s &: Cortes, J~ G., '(hird F loor, Crystnl Arcade, &cohn, Oi· nondo.

PH II.lPPINES - DECORATORS , I NTERIOR Rnttan Al·t & Decoration s, Inc., 2957 rran, Sta. Ana, Manila.

H e~

DEHYDRATED PRODUCT MANUFACTURERS Blue Ba r Coconut Co., I nc., 30 1 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Factory; Png;;nnjan Ll.guna. Fra nklin Baker Co. of the Philippines, l'llreZa, Sampnloe. Philippine Desiccated Coconu~ Corporation, Room 301, FerMndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Red V Coconut Products, Ltd., Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Geneml i\'bnngert;:, Hong-kong and Shan~hai Bank Bldg., J WlIl Lun.'l, Binondo. Smit.h, BeH It: Co., Ltd., Hongkong :lnd Shllnghni Bank Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. - DENTAL LABORATOR Y J imenell Deutlll Laboratory, Room 22, Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal .~~1anil!\.

- DENTAL PROSTHETIST S Fabi, Pedro C., 556 AlvarWIo, BinOlldo. J1menell Dental LaboratOry, Room 22, Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal ;(ve., St.a. Cruz. Santo!:!, Simon de los, 501 ~gur(ln, Col'. i\llInrique, Sllmpnloe. DENTAL S UPPL Y D E~L E R S Botica Boie- ( Philipp ine-Ameriean Drug Co.), 95 E~co l tu, Binondo. Condl\ DClllal Supply, 427 LcgnrcLl, &lmpaloc. Dentists' Co-OpCl'..ltivc Supply Co., 'fhe, 838 Riza l Ave., SUI. Cruz. l\'Iitsui DIL"San Kaisha, !"~d., Second Floor, NatioMI City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. L l\'lodd & Co., Inc., L., 1907-UH 1 Azcnnugn, St.II. Cnlz. i\'! o<!crn ehnrmacal Prod\leis Company, Inc., T he, 8Sfi.S90 Rizal Avcnue, Sla. CT\IZ. Nntional Dcntal Supply, Inc., Room 426, Luis Percz SlIrntlnillo Bldg., (ilO EscoIlu, Binondo. Neves, Antone i\r., 23 1 Espcletn, Mnniln. SlIb.'lIlUO Dcntu l Supply, 679 R izil l Avo., Sllt. Cruz. DENTISTS Ablaza, D r. E. E., 334 P. Rudn, TOlldo. Alcaln, Dr. Alejandro B, 1702 :\zearr:lga, Stll. Cmz. Alcalde, Dr. Jose R. , 1017 Hermn, Paeo. Aldccoa, Dr. El.o.dio R., 1740 Riz(li Ave., Sta. Cruz. Allado, Dr. Mllreelino R., Room 300, Ides Bldg., M. de Santos, Snn Nicolas. Almeda, D r. Leon, !(l09 Henan, 1)lIeo. A1onn, G. &; Delfin, J ., Drs., 154 Villnlobos, Quiapo. Alto, Drn. Denib~ C., 32 1 Legnrdn, SlImpaloll. Andaya, D r. Filomeno, 72 1 YIiLya, Tondo. Andrade, Dr. Ignacio, 154 Vl ll.o.lobos, Quiapo. Andrade, Dr. Manuel M., 154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Angeles, Dm. Leonor de los, Room 39, Metropolitan Theatre Bldg., Pla1la L!Lwlon, Ermita.



Antilloll, Dr. Francisco, 324 P. Gomez, St(l. Cmz. Antonio M. Nicolas & Tomas Tobias, Drs., 324 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Arec and Aree, Drs., 312 P\!11la Mirandll, Stll. Cruz. Arel\!\.!i, Dr. Munuel, 357 i\L H . del Pilnl', Ermit.a. Arevalo, D r. BOllifacio, Jr., 302 Plaza :\Iirnndn, Quiapo. Arive, Dr. Porfirio R., 700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Arrcea, Dr. S. A., 312 Rizill Ave., Stu. Cruz. A.sidao, Dr. Domingo C., 1·17 Real, Intmmuros. Bngta..<;, Om. E};ter R., 529 P. Herrern, Ton{!o. Balaglas, Dr. Roman A., 1236 JUI\I\ Lun:I, 'r ondo. Bniicz, Dr. Jos6 S., 426 Snll l\'Inreclino, Ennita. Blliiez, Pedro &; Nejnl-Baijez, I,\lZ, Drs., 1207 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Bartolome & Sevilla, 525 Echugue, Quial>O. Bosa, Dr. Jes us, 136-138 A. Mabini, CnloOC:Ill, Rizal. nasa, Dr'. Victol"iano C., 553 Ri7.:11 Ave., Sta. Cruz. Bau ~ista , Ora. Isabel M., 156 Xareiso. Pandaenn. n~lulistll, Dr. Jose L., Pnrnl1aque, Riza1. Baulista, Dr. Poneiano .i\l., 986 Azcarruga, Tondo. Bomboll, Dr. L. A., 1U6 Tubel'in~, Quiapo. BOil Sil-ntillan, Dr. Alfredo, Clinic: 218 l\lagnllanes, [ntramul·O!:!. nonea n Dr. Ant~)Ilio H., Room 40, Metropolitan Theatl'c Bldg., Plaza Lawton, El"mit!l. Borja, 01'. Jose S., 32 Plaza J. Hugo, Stn. Anu. Bringlls,. Dr. Luis P., 311 CUTI"iedo, Sla. Cruz. nust()..~, Dr. F. O. 363 Legnrd:!, Sampaloe. Cabale, Dr. Eduardo G., Room 24, Santos Bldg., Plaza Sta. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. Cnno, Dr. Mnximino, 547 AZeaftllgll, Tondo. Carillo, Dr. Santiago A., 700 RiMI Avc., St.'!. Cruz. CIl1"lllelO, Dr. Snnto~, -109 Evangetista, Room 2, QUial)O. Carpell:!, 01'. Luis F., 1706 Ornl. tUlia, Paeo. Coneepei6n, D!·. Miguct de la, Singson Bldg., I Phl7,ll l\'IoragH, Binondo. Cornles, Dr. Leandl"o, 82 Leg:t~pi, [ntl·am\ll·os. Cds6togo, Dr. Jesus A., 2·1-1 Bumbnng, Stn. Cruz. Crisoiop;o, Dr. Menn E., 24·1 BUmbang, 8ta. Cruz. Cross, Dr. C. T., 34 Eseolta, Uinondo. Cruces, 0 1'. Alvaro R., 7 12 Riznl Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Cru1l, Dr. Daniel I~., 440 Pingkian, Tondo. CrU1l, Dr. Epitacio M. 390 F. B. [{unison, Pnsay, Rizn!' Cruz, Dr. SergiO D., 371 Rnon, Sta. Cruz. Dnnao, Dr. Artemio M., Room 200, Kneedler Bldg., Cnrriedo, St.'I.. Cruz. David, Dr. Alejalldro T., 1060 Azcnrrtlgn, llinondo. lJ in7., Dr. M. A., 202 E le1l1l0, Stili Nicolns. Dinz, Dr. Malluct D ., 428 R izal Avenue, Pndilla Bldg., Stll. Cruz. Dimaliwat, Ora. Salome, 779 Lcgarda, SarnJlllloe. Dirrur.yugn, Dr. Delfin, 2017 R izat Avc., Stn. Cruz.




D omingo, Dr. D elfin A" Second Floor, Gunnzon Bldg., Cor. Eehnguc and Villalobos, Quinpo. Donato, Dr. RUffion C., 1600 Slln Andres, M nlnle. Doyle, D r. J oseph D ., Fifth Floor, 500 Fernnnde)'; Bldg., 124 '1'. P inpin, Binondo. Durango, Dr. Jose A" 113 R osario, Binonclo. Enrile's Dental Lahomtory, Godofredo, 363 Legn rda Sampnioc. Enriquez, Dr. OOllzl\lo, 441 M erced, P aca. Enriquez, Dr. Pedro, 1541 Azenrmg8, Stn. Cruz.

Enriquez, Dr. Ricardo, 747-A Dart, Paca.

Ern~1nJ Dr. G., Room 203, R egina Bldg. , E scolta nnd Dnvid, Rinando. Escnrtc, Dr. Ccfcrino A" 839 Velasquez. Tondo. Espinosa, Drn. M CIH~ C., 304 Cu rricdo, Room

J, Stu. CI'UZ. Esqui v<"l, Dr. Enl'iquc F., 444 Riza] Ave., Sta. CI' UZ.

E strcZ'll, DI', Leon L., 73 Ulilt\ng Cnwnyan, Puco . Eustllquio, 01". E. C., 1307 Stu. Mesa , Snrnpaloc. Fanton, Dr. C. A. , 3'1 E scolhl, 13illondo. Fcliciano, Dr. F . L., 420 Rizal Avcnue, Sta. Cruz. fe lilmrdo. Dr. M'l.,:,Melropolitan Theatre Bldg., PJaz!I Luwton, 4rmiUt. Fermin, Dr. D elfin · F., 47 Antipolo, Sta. Cruz. Fernandez, Dr. Victor S., Laong Nasa B ldg., 850 Antonio Rivcnl, Tondo. francil'co, Dr. J. R., Third :Floor, Room 312, Heucock Bldg., Esc01ta, Binondo. F rancisco, Jr., D r. MunUfl M ., 9 ~. Domingo, San JUlin , Rizal. , Francisco, Dr. Ricardo A., 565 Azcarraga, TOlldo. Galban, Dr. Tmnquil ino B., 700 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Galvcz, 01'. ill'uno H., 670 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Garcia, Dr. Conrndo S., Luong Nasa B ldg. , 850 Antonio Ri vera, Tondo. Garcin, Dr. Prancisco G., 420 Riml Ave., Sta. Cruz, Manila. Gelera, D r. Gaudioso, 147 Real, Intramuros, Manilll. Gomez, Dr. Celesti no, 7 Dnvid, Rinondo. Gomez, Dz·. ,JOfi<luin S., 971 Ylnya, T ondo. Gonzal es, Dl·. Juan A., 20 Alejandro V I , Sam])aloe. Gr3U!Hta, Dr. P edro, 115 T . Pinpill, (Third Floor), Binondo. Guidot.c, Dr. P ed ro M ., 316 Crystal Arcade, "Eseolta, Binondo. Guzmnn, Dr. Domingo 1\'1. dc, 838 Echngue, San i\IigUl·1. Intengan, Dr. Gabriel, 1572 Gral. Luna, Ermita. l shizu, D r. 0., 1221 Tubcrias, QUillpO. J amorn, Dr. Ricardo B., R oom 206, Kneedler B ldg., Cnrricdo and Rilml Avenue, Sm. Cruz. Jesus, D r. J ow S. dc, 520 Riznl Ave., R oom 5, Sta. Cruz. Jimcnez Dental Luborfltorr, R oom 22, Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal Ave., Stfl. Cruz. Jimcnez, Dr. J ose, 425 T. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. J(l n~soll, Dr. J . C., Rooms 404-406, Fernandez llldg., 124 T . Pinpin, Binondo. l.achicn. Dr. C., 317 Rnon, Stfl. Cruz. \.,adl\o, Dr . .1., 208-2 10 Kneedler Bldg., Cnrricdo, Stu. Cruz.

Lagdamco, Dr. IgnaCiO, 35 A. Flores, Ermita. Lilurel, Dr. F ubiu n M., 1629 Hcrran, Paco. Legaspi, Dr. Ruperto A., Third Floor, 226 R egidor, Quiapo . l..con, Dr. Elcuterio dc, 26 Sagat, Puca. I,concio, Dr. Potcncinno, 565 Azcnrmgn, Tondo. Lerma, Dr. J o~e N., Room 300, Snmanillo Bldg., 619 EscollU, Binondo. Liwanng, Dr. Felipe!, 830 Ylaya, Tondo. Lleander, Dr. l~. V., 542 Rizal Ave., Cor. Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz. Mngdungul , Dr. Arsenio F., 1101 Juun Luna, Cor. Morgu, TonOo. Mannhnn, Drn. Bentriz, 135 Castafios, Sampuloc. Mnramba, Dr. P. C., 751 Dart, Paco. Marcos, Ora. G., 823 O'Donnell, Santa Cruz. Mnz-quez, Dr. Fidel J ., 520 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mnrtincz, Dr. l,udis!ao B., 321 Legnrda, Sampaloc. Mnsfinkay, D I·a . Luni ngning, 1408 Snnde, Tondo. MlIloto, Dr. Honorio A., 1623 Herran, Paco. Mayor, Dr. Higino M., 749 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Medico D entnl Clinic of Drs. J. A. nnd i\'L F. Crisologo, 244 Bambang, Santn Cruz. Medina, Dr. Buenaventurtl, 1310 Juan Luna, T ondo. :M cjia, Dr. Ra y mundo C., 870 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Mcni nll., Dr. Korbcrto D., 424 Azcnrmgu, Cor. Foiguems, T ondo. Merchant, Dr. E. S. D., 316-317 Xutional City Dank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Montalvo, D r. Moises P., 804 Juun Lunu, T ondn. Moscaira, Dr. X. Reycs, 1102 San Fernundo, Cor. M. de Binondo, Binondo. Muyot, Dr. JOSe G., 154 Vilinlobo:., Ouiapo. ]\Tepomuceno, Dr. P . J., 9 P nraiso (Stu.J!.IeSfl), Snmpaloc. Nicoln", Dr. Antonio M., 324 R. Hidnlgo, Sta. Cruz. Noblezn, Dr. F eliz M., '101 Sales, Stn. Cruz. Noroiln-Fnbi, Dm. Socorro V., 556 Alvurudo, Rinondo. Ocnmpo, Dr. Gnudencio R., 1050 Annk fig Bayan (Int.), Puco. Ochon , Dr. Miguel, ·103 RaOl~. Sm. CI·UZ. Ong, D r. Fermin C., 1705 Gml. Lunn, P aco. Ortcgn, Dr. Francisco P., 700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Puredes, Dr. Tomas, 154 Vil1nlobos, Quiapo. Paterno, ])r. F ernnndo B ., 226 Regidor, Quinpo. P az e Hidalgo, Dr. Eduurdo, 1258 Magdalena, Tondo. Perez, Dr. Adol(o, 353 Juan Luna, Binondo. P ingol, Dr. S. K., 75 1 Reinn Regente, Dinondo. Pob re, Dr. Cipri :lno L., 267 SolaM, IntrnmuroS. Pobre, D r. Gabillo A., 267 Solnna, Jntr.lmuros. Pobre, Dr. Juan I.., 267 Solan3, l ntrnmuros. Quej adn, Dr. J. S., Room 212, Reginn Bldg., Eseolw, Cor. Dnvid, Binondo. RAmirez, Dr. L. , Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal Ave., Sla. Cruz. Ramos, Dr. Aurelio, 838 Rizal A\·c., SU!.. Cruz.

PHILIPPINES Ranieses, Dr. Potencinno R, 162 Escoita,

Binondo. Recto Vdn. de Ramirez, Dra. Josefinn, 23 Blumentritt, Stu, Cruz. Reyes, Dr. Augusto W. de los, 231 A. Mabinl, E rmitn.

Reyes, Dr. Engracio i\'I ., 941 Dagupall, Tondo. Reyes, Dr. Fausti no H., 2 18 l\{agallanes, 1olromuros.

Reyes, Dr. Romuli, Room 412, Filipinos Bldg.,

Plaza 1\-Iornga, Birwndo. Reyes Castor, Dr. Jose, 1482 Andlliucia, SlImpaloe.

Ron, Dr. Dernnrdino, Rooms 23-24, Arguelles Bldg., 519 Hizal Ave., Stn. Grm. Ronq\liIlo, Dr. Ricurdo A" 414 Legnrdu, Snmpuloc. Ro~nrio,

Dr. Custo del, Second Floor, State


Bldg., 504 Ri;ml Ave., 81-a. Cruz. Rosario, D I', Jaime A" 143 !'uscuHI Cnsal, San Miguel.

DES ICCAT RD PROD Ucr MANU FACT URERS (Sec Dchydrllted Products)

Rustia, Dr. Fit Sison, Room 2H, ArillS Bldg.,

Cnrl'icdo, Sin, Cru~. Sabnndo, Dr. DiOs d!\~o, 079 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. San Juall, Dr. Ricllrdo,520 Riznl Ave., Sta. Cruz. Sallta Alia, Drn. Felisn, 779~.cgardll, Snmpnloe. Santos, Dr. Jesus de los, 501 Legarda, Sampaloc. Santos, Dr. Jose R., Room 202, Arias Bldg., , Carriedo, Sro. Cru1.. Santos,-Drn. Josefina J. de los) Padilla Bldg., 428 ttizal Ave., SIt!.. Cruz. Serrano, Dr. Simeon, 420 H.i1.~1 Ave., Sta. Cruz. Sian, Dr. Jo~, Room 331, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Stn. Cruz. Siojo, Dr. Vicente J., Room 525, Insular Life Bldg., Plnza Moraga, Binondo. Tapiador, Dr. Fausto, 190 Antipolo, Stn. Cruz. Tempongko, Dr. Osenr I.., Second I"loor, Ouunzon B ldg., Cor. Eehague unrl Villalobos, Quiapo. Tigno, Dr. Amado C., Clinic: Laong Nasa. Bldg., 850 A. Rivera and 1273 NUITIl., (Palomar Pal'k), TOlldo. Tiongson, Dr. Godofrecio, 406 ,Estero CegadQ, Sta. Cruz. Tobias, Dr. T omns, 324 R. Hidulgo, Stn. Cruz. Trinidnd, Dr. Jacinto H, Cor. TabOrll. und Azeurragu, Tondo. TurIn, Dra. FcliSfi Sta. Ann, 779 Legarda, Sampaloc. • Ubaldo, Dr. Jose C., 1702 Herran (Upstairs), Pneo. Ubaldo, Dr. Silvestre, 723 l\'Iiscricordia, Stn. Cruz. Ustaris, Dr. Arsenio, 101 I Herran, Pnco. Vnzques-Colet, Dra. Ann, 1510 Taft Ave. Extension, Malnte. Veladn, Dr. Potencinno, 1065 Plu~!I I,con XlII, 'r ondo. Vclasco, Dr. R. Abcllern, 1800 Algeciras, Corner Dimnsalnng, Snmpaloc. Vera, Dr. Lorenzo O. dc, Seeond Hoor, Guanzon Bldg. , Cor. Echague and Villalobos, Quiapo. Vergel, Dr. Emilio, 805 O'Donncll, Sta. Oruz. Vergcl de D ios, Dr. Ermelo, 447 EVllngelista, Quio.po.


'"ictoria, Dr. Jose S., Clinics: 1018 Azcnrragll, Binondo. Viliunuevn, Dr. E., 310 Crystal Arcnde, ESCOitll, Binondo. Villanueva, Dr. Jose, 6 Buynni (Int.), Cnlooenn, Rh:al. Villariea, Dr. Artemio, 1302 Rizul Ave., Stn. Cruz. Virata, Dm. Rufina, Cor. Folgueras and Azcnrrnga, Tondo. Wright, Dr. H.. N., 578 Taf~ Ave., (Infront of Philippine General Hospital), Ermitn. ·Yanc7.n, Dr. Oonzn]o, 4 Santol, Culooean, Hiza!' Yngson, Dr. A. n., Zumom I3ldg., Second Floor, 700 Riznl Avenuc, Sta. Cruz. Zamora, Dr. Pedl'o, 81-13 Legns pi, I nlramuros. Zapata, Dr. Cnsinno G., 1513 Azcurraga, Stu. Cruz.

DET ECT IVES. PR IVAT E Intcrnll Lional Intelligence ."'gency, 321 Snmnnillo Bldg., Escoltn, Rinondo. Velazquez, r-,·iaj. Jo~e, 321 Samnnillo Bldg., Escoltu, Binondo. Yndllll's Private Detective Agency, 2722 Hi~al Ave" Sin. Cruz. Zervotilllkos, A., 28 Conc('pcion , Pasay, Riznl. DIAM ON D AND P EAR L DEALERS /tEl Barnto" , 300 Cllrriedo, Sen. Cruz, i\Ianiin. Garcia, Z6simn G. dc, 827-83:3 Jlizul Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ipckdjin.n Brothers, Ltd., '112 Ri:1ml Avenue, Sta. Cruz. La Estrella del Norte, 46·50 Escolta, Binondo. Ln\Xlrnl, Vietorim~ C. de, L:qX'ral Bldg., 853-855 Bizlll Ave., Sla. Cruz. Lapernl de Guzman, Mnxima, 850-S52 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Levy & Blum, Inc., 35 .Plazn Stn. Cru~, Stn. Cruz. Levy Hermanos, I nl!., 46-50 Escolta, Rinondo. DIAMON D DRILL CONTRACTORS n. Phili ppine Drilling Co., Room 313, In_ sular Life Bldg., PInta l'...foraga, Binondo. Opisso & COmp!lIIY, Inc., Third Floor, S. J. . Wilson Dldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. B.

DIn ECT ORY PU BLIS HERS Manila City Directory, 1104 Castillejos, Ql.<iapo. "DISTILLED WAT ER (See Water, Artesian Wcll)

DISTILLERIES, ALCOHO L AND liQUORS Ang Tunay, i30 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. 80£,0. Distilling Cor]>omtion, 61s-G24 Echague, {"luIIlI)()·

CompaiHn General de Tnbacos dc Filipinas 212 Murquer. de Comillns, Paco, i\-Ianilu. '




Damo, H . C., 1560 AzcIIl'l'nga, S ta. Cl'UZ, Manila. F actor y: Pasay, Rizal. Dasti lerin Gonzn lo, 407 1\1. de Rinondo, SiLn Nicolas. Destilcl'ias Ayala Incorporada, 630-652 Echague, San l\.'riguel. EI Occidental-Chu Yick & Co., -1 14 T . P ill l)in a nd ·105 Oanda l'lL, Binondo. E lizalde & Co., Inc., E liznlde llldg., Muelle de III l ndus t rin, r-,·Inniln . L'l Clement ina, 240 Marques de Comillas Pnco. L a Copa (Lo Siong & Co.), 929 Magdalena , TOIHio. . L~ Fortuna, -1·15 MOl'iones, Tondo. I Jl\ Fuerztl, Office ·IH, PHetory 410-116 Fun.. didoI', Sun Nicolns. "La Grnnjn" IIL(;., 332 Cnrriedl), Stn. Cruz. " f At llcfinerin" T a ll T tly & Co., I nc., . H ead Oniec: 405 Junn L(.na . Fnctory; 407 Juan Luntl, Binondo. La Hosnrio Distillery, 1001-1023 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Lil Suerte Dest ilcl'ia, 530 Ah':lrndo, Binondo. La T ondcfin , fnc., 6t8-624 Echague, QUinl)O. Lim Tuneo & Co., Inc., 527-5-13 Gandara, Sla. Cruz. Loynl Drink, /.1. de Stlnt05, Cor. Folgucrus, Sun Nicolas. Philippine Motol' Alcohol Corporation, 618-624 Echngue, Quinpo. Tanduny Distillery, fnc., 3 Tnnduuy, Quinpo. · DISTILLERS , YLANG- YLANG (Sec Ybng-Yl:~ng) · DOC K AI.">;fD PATENT SLI P PROPR IETOR S (Sec Dry Docks) Atlantic, Gulf and P acific Compan y of i\-Ianila, 71 -77 1\[. de Ia Indust.ria, San Nico· las. Earn shaws Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Str oet, P or t Area, Manila. DORMITORI ES A:;:;umption 1...:ldies Hall, i\Ioret, Sa mpaloc. College T..adie.'J Dormi1ory, 218 Concepcion, Ennitn. Cosmopolitnn 1[1111, 10()4 Oregon, Ermitn. De Luxe Ladie;; Home, 339 Lcgarda, Stlml)lLioc. Donne Dormitory, -120 Penn"ylvnnin, ErmitlL. Dorothy Dix Dormitory, 32 Alejandro vr, &lmpilloc. Ellinwood Dormitory fo r 1\'[en, 709 Tennessee, Malnte. li'ilipillas Ha ll, 502 T tlft Ave., Ermitn. Genera l Luna Hall, 1351 eml. Lun.'l Ennitn. Gi rls' Natiorut. 1 Hull, 387 Osmciia, &Impnloc. Hoiy Cross LlLdies Home, 2168 Azcllrmgn, Quinpo. Hugh Wilson Hall, 126 1 OnL!. Lun.'l , Ennitu. lmmaculu.te Collccpcion Lndic!! Hall, Espana a nd I.sfIbcl, S:Lmlm loc.

Jeannc'd Arc Home Ladies Dormitory, 110 MUb'llllnnes, l ntmmuros. I{wong Yoo Kwock,J.. 433 Bermuda, Stu. Cruz. La Nueva E cijtl lill v ormitory, 312 Lipu., Sampalce. Lukumbini H all , 4-12-A T uft. Ave., Ermit.a. Muniln College Ladies Dormitory, 111 3 :\1. H izon SIn. Cruz. Ma nila Ladies HIIII, 28 San Anton, Sll mpnioc. Nllm SUY On , 007 Candnrn, Binondo. Norrrud Ha ll Girls' Dormitory, Tuft Ave. and Ayaiu Boulevard, ErmitlL Notre Dame Hull, Cor. Espana 8ml Moret, Snmpllioc. Nuestro. Sm. del Carmen Ladies H a ll , 209 Lcgarda, Sampaloc. Nucslm Sm. del Rosu rio Dormitory, 2241 Azcarrago., Saml~!l l oc. Oriclltlll Ladies Dormitory, 2235 A1.onrrnga, SnmJ)fLloc.

P hilippine Lndics' D ormitory, 81 San Rafael, Sun l\'l igucl. P hilippine Women's College H nll, 324 A. Flores, Ermita. Rhodorn's Home, 34.1 .u:gllrdn, Silmpuloc. Riznl Dormitory 337 F loridu, E rmila. Saint. Teresita's Dormitory, 12 1 F loridu, Ermif1L. Santa Catalinu Girls Donnitory, Gov. Porbes, Sampa loc. St. Cecilia's Hall, 204 Nebraska, Ermita. 8t. Francis Home, 588 Lcgurda, Sn mpnioc, S~, Joseph's Hull , -11 9-B Dnkotu, Ermita. $~, Mary's HaIl, 610 Pennsylvania, Ermilll. St. Hita's Hall, TjLft Ave., E rmita. SUL. CiLtalirut.'s Dormitory, Governor Forbes, Sampaioc. U. P. Bachelor's Hall, 173 F lorida, ErmiLa. U niversit.y Quarter, ·134 Isanc Pera l, ErmiLa . Univer.;ity Womall's Dormitory, 323 Florida, Ermita. Van:.ity Ladies' Ib ll, -130 Taft Ave., E rmilfL. Yictory Hall, 218-222 Sylvin, E rmit:L. Wo Sing Tong, 526 Mil'ericon lilL, St:L. Cruz. DRAYAGE AN D TRANSF ER COMPAN IES (Sec Transport-ation Companic!;) Atlantic, Gulf and P acific Company of Man ila, 71-77 Muelle de la Indust ria, San Nicolas. Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc., Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Frll;'tcisco, Port Di strict. DRESS PATTERNS Agui naldo & Co., Tnc., L. H., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 J unn Luna, Binondo. DRESSMAKERS de Arlcs dei Hogar, 81-1 D nkota, Mn[llle. ACll.demin de y Moda, 330 P. Ctlmp:L, Samp!l.loe. Act.uel Shoppe, -140 Esp!l.ilu, Sampaioc. Adriennc's Le Revuc D es Modes, 830 F. D. RlLrrison, Pn.sny, Hizni. AlanIS, Mercedes, 947 MngdalcllA, Tondo. Atencio, J uanita S. de. 663 MlLbolo, Sta. Cruz. Bngtas , Ztlcaria8 Z., 827 Ylnya , T('Indo. A CIldemil~

PHILIPPINES Dll.Ltcrick Dressmaker, The, 87 Mago.llancs.

Intramuros. Buttcrick, The, 448 Evangelista, Quiapo.

Cll.tnlhu~ Dress Shop, 415-417 A. M abini, Er~ mitn. Central Blue P rinting Co. Fashion lind B cnu ~y

Parlor, 700-702 Misericordin, Cor . Soler, Stn. Cru ll, M nuilil. CObnl'fUbins, Ampnro, 567 I.cgnrdo., Sampaioc. Cnlvir Store and Shop, 159 Lcgnl'dn, Cor. AJ:;carrogll., Sampnioc.

Dc Luxe Fashion, 1320 Herr/ln, P! Dc Luxe Modiste, 2306 Azcnrrngn, Snmpnloc. Dc Vern's Social Fashion, 106 Lope de Vega ,

Stu. Cruz.

Durall's, I nc., 89 Real, Intrnmul'o;;. Escurdin, C., 2272 AZCIlr!'llga, Snmpnloc. Estrada, Ri znl ino., 203 (rnt.) Gel'Ono., Tondo. Fnnchon, 440 San Luis, Emlita. Fnshioll Academy of Women, 1033 H Cl'ran, Paeo. Fc[j~jng Modes, 339 F . B . Harrison, Pruia)', Femenine Modes, The,2017 Riza\ Ave., Stu . CrUl. Gala Fruihion Academy., 815 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. GIlS~ell, i\'frs. A. P., 64. S~\: E.scolas~ioa, Pasay, Rlza!' GOI\'l1 Salon, The, Peralta v\partments, Isaac Pend and M. H. del Pila,\ Erfilita Grand Fash ion DressJrulker, 10 Custnmbidc, Snmpuloc. C ranfil, Tnes, 2G8 M. H. del Pilul', Ennita . Guzman, A., III I Singaloll.l!, M:llnte. Holly-Vogue Fashion and Beauty Su[on, 1281 Ar[egui, Quiapo. Ida's Novelty Shop, Manila Hotel Lobby, EI·mitn. Ideal Fnshion ..\cndemy, 513-515 Zurbnrall, Stn. Cruz. Ines Dressmaker, 313 BarhoM, Qu iapo. Instituto de Modus y Artes Deconltivos, 7(H So[er, Stll. Cruz. .Jardin de l\'Iodus, 2272 AzcuITagn Sumpn!oe . .1unette's Shoppe, 211 Alhnmbrn, Ermitn. Juv(:nile Sehool or Fashion, LI26 Rizul Avenuc, Stn.. Cruz. 1.,1\ Modo. Nnciona [, 196 Cnhildo, rntrnmuros. La. Mode Favorite, 150 Libertlld, Pasa.v , R izl1l. La. Mode ParisiemlO, 155 Suter, Stn.. Ann. La Mujer Ideal, 1230 Azclu'raga, Binondo. LII. Nueva Eeijnna, 604. Ri1.a[ Ave., Stu. CI·UZ. La. Petite Paree, 531 A. Mabini, Ermita. Ladies Favorite Styles, 323 Requcscl\s, Sta. Cruz. Ladies Institute of F asllion and Beauty, 898 R illa\ AYe., Stll. Cruz. J..adies Modes, 1215 RiZll.I Avenue, Sta. Cruz . Landieho, Mn,. E. G., 257 M. II. del P ilnr Ennitu. ' I.e Bon 1'on, 1037 Arlegui , Quiapo. Lougos, Paz, 604 Sales, Sta. Cru1-. Luy, D., P~ i1lo f'I..", Tabora, San Nicolas. Lyric Fashion a nd Beauty Parlor, The, 837 Riza l Ave. Sta. Cruz. Madame E. ]{ollerman French School o( Costume Dcsigningand D rcsslllllking, 2 Nebraska, Corner San LUis, Ermit,n.



Mnniln Chic, 1104 A. i\'fniJini Maillte. M1\11~ln Coeds, The, 545 EVU:lgclista, QuiallO. Mllmln Elcgfl.nte, 251 A. Mabini , Ermita . ManiJu Mode, 621 Echugue, San Miguel. " Munilu Modes." 1737 Azcurruga, Stn. CrUl,. Mnni ln Social, 910 Benavides, Binondo. Mayfair Mode~, 836 R izal Ave., Stn. CrUz. Mediuna's Institute of Costume Dcsil,,'1ling Hnd Dressmaking, (Kollerman's Method) 1312 Don QUijotc, Sampaloc. Brunch Ht 723 M isericordia, Sla. Cruz. Miludy Modes, 9-I3-L Raon, Quinpo i\1itzie's Style Shop, S7S Ri u.l Ave., StB. Cruz. Model Style, 228 ISIIHe Pernl, Ermita. Modest Tail?ring and Dressmaking, The, -I.11 SnlaMr, B1I1ondo. Navarro, Alejandro.. 1313 Azcarl"agu, Binondo. Nell' Women Modiste, The, 1427 RizaJ Ave., Sta. Cruz. Nicoln." & Co .. E., 827 Ylayu, Tondo. Normundie's Fa;hion Shop, 2156 HelTan, Pl'eo. Olmos, MatiJde dc, 224 Aynln Boulevard l':rmita. ' Oricntlll Fnshion, 818 O'Donnell. Stn. Cruz. PaeHa's School of Fashion, 455 Legarda &impaloo, Manila. ' Pams, Roberta T., 859 Rizill Ave., Sin. Cruz. Paulita's Fa~hion Acndclll\', 912 Benavides Bi nondo. . , P eucoek Shoppe, The, 1161 Taft. Ave., i\Jnlnte. PclnVlo Modiste Shoppe, ·108 Ta(t AVl'nue E,·mila. ' P iJ:U"ls D l"es.~mllking Shop, ,117 Dllkotlt, EI'mita. Prh'qih~ Dress Shop, 322 Al vllre1-, S tu. CI·UZ. RellOll, MlIl"eelo, 142 Regidor, Quillpo. Reily's Fa!;'hioll, 906 R izni Ave., St~1. Cruz. Revue Des Modes, 142 R egidor, Quinpo. Ro-Luz Modes, 373 R.. Ridni Ao. Quiapo. ROSllrio's Modc!'. 2130 Ri zal Av('., Sill. Cruz. Ruby's, ·123 A. i\[ahini, Ermila. Sison, Mrs. Libra.d:l., 225 Aynln. Boul('\'lIrd, Ermihl.. Smiles Dr('ss Shop nnd F a..qhion Art School, 31 .. Ib.on, Sta. Cruz. 'fllft. Avenue l~ashion, 404 T aft AvenuC', Ennita . T uller de Bordados de J UlIna MacJan, ;jOS !laxa Matundu, Tondo. T heo's School of Fas hion lind Arts, IG3 Bl~~!illo~, Sampn Joc. Tinay's Fas hion, 1451 R iznl Ave., 8«11. Cru1-. T res Chic, 1308 Hizal Ave., Shl. Cruz. Tres-Chic Fashion Snlol1, 2010 Rizill .\venlll', S(lI. Cruz. Triple G. l?ushion Lane, 769 Echngul', San Miguel. Venus Fas hion, 1172 Sande, Tondo. Wah Sing, 112 San Luis, Ermitn. " roman's Fashion, 175 Bmiti!tos, &unpaJoe. Women's Dress Shop, 442 Evangeli:;tn, QUillPO. Yuhum Fns hion, 1214 Rizal Ave., Stu . Cruz. Zll lllom's Modes, 920 Raon, Quiapo.

DRUGG ISTS , RETA I L Alcanlarll 's Drug Slore, 503 R. Hidlllgo, Quinpo. Arumbuio Products, I nc., BoHcn Insular y J..abomlorio Ins ular (Insular Dnlg Store) ' 1'18z8 Leon XIII, Cor. Quesada, T ondo.





An Tong, 343 810. C risto, S:m NicollLS. Ban San, 1107 Stn. Elena, Dinondo. ~l1cvllc Drug Store, 1428 HeHlln, PaCQ. Bmk·Nzl.-Bnto Drug Store, 325 Tnyumfl.n, Tondo. BOI!C!l An~clcs, 288 Libcrtlld, Prumy, Rizal. Botlen AntIgun de 1:rozo, 1340- 1342 AZCnrrllgl, Dinondo. BOlie:l Belen, 31 Alejundro VT, S~mpaloc. Botiea Boie- ( Philippine-Amel'ican Drug Co.), 95 E scolta, Binondo. Bolien Excelsior, HO-742 RC'in:\ Rcgentc, Binondo. Botiea Gurcin, 525 Madrid, San Nicolns. Botien H Cllsoninu, 97 Henl, Cor. Cubildo, Int.mmuros. Botien Intramuros, 136 Renl, Intramuras. Botien de Luxe, 389 F. B. Harrison Pnsuy Rizut. Botieu de Quinpo dc Perez, A r~val o Cia. 4?3-409 Plazu Mirnnda, Quinpo. J DotJen de SUI.. Cruz, 106 Plazu GOit-i, Stn. Cruz. \\:holesnte and Buying: : 635 S:dcs, Stu. Cruz. Bot~cu del Nnzareno, 536 M. Ocnmpo, Quiapo. Bo llca La 1nmulOliindn, 686 SIn. MeSH, S!lm~ pnloc. Bolica IAlIIlnkn, 036 Ylllya, '1'ondo. BOlica Nnrnuiiga, 1'42-146 S!l.n Anton, Sampaloc. BOlica Kuesiru Sciiom de los Angeles 174 P. B. lInrrison, Pn"uy, Riznt. ' Doticn Hcyes, 474 F. B. Harrison Pasav Rizal. Boticn Heynado, 1650 Alcarmga, Sln~ Cruz. Bolica SIll. Teresitu, 500 :¥n Andres, l'/[lilate. Cada Drug Store, 431 Tavuman 1'ondo. Chc(' Woo TOlig Drug Store\. 41 i D asma riiill." Binondo. " Ch~llesc, Drul! Store, 220 Hosario, Binondo. Clung 'i ce, 7-14 Ongpin, Binpndo. C~ua Chu Drug Store, 220 Ro..-'<&rio, Binondo. CJ~.Y Drug Store, ·146 Lcgllrdll, Sampuloc. CTistobal, !?rug StON', 409 iHalubon, SII\. Cruz. Cu yek flOll!?:, 1130 Sin. Elenn, 8.'l.n Nicolas. DJ.vlCI Drug Slore, Cor. P. Gomez and Ronqunto, Stn. Cruz. D~ Luxe Plmrr,llncy, 2303 Herrnn, Puco. DUlIIa Drug Store, 129 CnSlaiios Sampaioc. I!:ng Clum TOllg Drug Store, 509' Nucvu, Binondo. EI\£ 1'ck 1(ey, 1514 Herrnn Paco. Ennita Drug Store, 233 M: H. del })ilnr, Ermila. Escolta Drug Store Comp!~nr, Inc., EscoHa nnd Nucva, Rinoudo. Fnrmacia Adornci6n, 997 Velusquez, 1'ondo. F!I~mncill Andnlllciu, 1333-1335 Andulucin, l')1:1. Cruz. Furmacia Angclinu, 321-323 L~vc zares, San Nicolas. Farmncill AIUUlciat:l, 2048 Hizal ·\ve Stn. Cruz. . ., Farmacin AuroNl, 28 F. D. Harrison, Pasay, Riza!' Fnrmacia Avelino, 20i wbores, Pundaenn. FI!.CrmaCi:l. Dalintawak, 1144 Riznl Ave., 81a. ruz. FnC~z~ i n Ihnahnw, 1301-1305 Riza! Avc., 81n.


Farmacia D:ltullonc9, 141 0-1412 Hermn, Paeo. F!lrmaeia BIUltistu, 358 Hetbosu, Tondo.

Farmucia Blnllen Nieve, 1642 nizal Avc., Stn. Cruz. l~armuc ia Blumentritl, 21-23 Blumentrilt, Stn. Cruz. Fllrmacia Borjn, 102 Gral. Luna, Malabon, Rizal. Fnrmne~a Dustnmalltc, 300 Trnbajo, S!lmpaloc. Fnrmucln Carolina, 1250 Antonio Rivero Tondo. ' I~a rmac i!l Casas. I t5 wbores, Pnndacall. l'armacia Centrul, Inc., 242-248 Rosario, Binondo. Fnrmncia Centro, Dart, Corner, San Andres, Paco. Farmaein Concepci6n, 107 Gral. Lllna, Malnbou, RizaL Farmlwia Conslielo, Cor. Sun Nicolas and Del Pnn, San Nicolas. Fnrrnncin de Dolores Paterno y Zamora 913-015 R. Hidalgo, Quinl)o. ' Farmll.cin de ~hnllel J. Diy, 60 1 Lcgardll, Samllaloc. Farmacia de Ntrn. Sm. de Ins Desu mpnrados 12 L!lmayan, Sin. Anu. ' Furmacia de H.einnldo, 2603 Hermn, Stu. Anu. FnrmaCUI de Snn Luis, 112 A. Mubini, Cnloocan Riznl. ' Furrnacia de Sanln r-,'lcsa, i89 Lcgurda, Sampaloc. fannacin del Ldo. Ortega, 4 L3mayiln, 8ta. Ana. Farma('iu del Rosario, 136 Tnyuman, Tondo. Fnrmnciu del Sa nlo Nino Jesus de Prn@a, 448 Misericordia and 901 Ongpi~ Sin. Cruz. Fannucia del Socorro, Cor. u'Donnell and Zurburan, Sin. Cruz. Farmacin Divina, 503-A 8:m Andr(s, Malate. Farmucin Divisoria, l!O3 :\1arcclino de Santos S:m Nicolas. ' Farmacia Dizon, 1643 Azcnrroga, Stu. Cruz. Farmucia Dolar, 841 Elcano, San Nicolas. Fnrmncin Excelsior, 135 L'lbores, Punducun. Furmucia F. Gnnn, 1601 Oroquictll, Slil. Cruz. Furmncia Fcrmin, 515 Tnndllny, QlIiapo. furmaci!l Fmncisco, 78-80 SI.U. r.,·, Sumpaloo Fnrmacin Francisco, £145 Ylnyn, 'fondo. Furmacill Gnbriel nnd Lc Monde Pharmacal L:lboratoire, 808 Dart, Puco. Fnrrnucia Galvez, 254-256 Libcrtud, PaSi\y. Riznl. Fnrmnciu Germinal, 733 Tabom, San Nicolas. Farmacia Gomez. 971 Ylnya, Tondo. Furmneia Ibnllcz, 1403 Azcurmga, 'fondo. Fnrmncill J. VCllcraci6n, 506 Legnrdn, Sumpaloc. Fllrmucin Jacinto L:u:uro, 223 Azcnrmga, Tondo. Fnrmucin J em, 647 Rnon, Quiapo. I~nrmncin Joscfi nu, 179- 181 Berboss, Tondo. Farmncin Ln. Esperunza. 1720 Juan Luna, Tondo. FarOlacia " Lu F6", 246 Padre Rnda, Tondo. Fnrmacia L:I Felicidad, 835 Trnbajo, Sampaloe. Farmaciu LIt. Salud, 545 Cambn., San Nicolas. Fnrmnciu Lukambini, 1403 Juan Luna , Tondo. Furm.acia Lalana, 612 Paz, Puco. Farmaciu Laxamann, 347-349 Madrid, Sun :-ficolas. Fsrmaoia. Leal, Tnvuman, Cor. Oroquieta, Sm. Cruz. .

PHILIPPINES Fn.rmnoia Lediza, 2050 H.izal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Fnrmncul Legns pi, 100 Dimnsnlang. Snmpnloc. Fnrmncin Leiva, Cor. Havana and Calderon. Su. Alln. Farmacia Ligcrnlde, 310-312 M. H. dcl Pilnt', ErmiU. Ji'urmacia Liwnywuy, 526-528 AZearmgn, Tondo. Farmacia, Lopez, 247-255 Lep,urdu, Snmpaioc. Farmacin Los Obrcro~, 120-122 Cnstai1os, Sampilloc. Farmaein Mabini, 1321 Rillal Avc., StD.. Cruz. Farmncia MukD.buhuy, 1401 Misericordia and 133-135 Rambung, Stn. Cruz. Farmneia Mnlimhull, 530 G. Tunson, Smnpnloc. Fnrmncin MalJari, 1257 Juan Lu na. Tondo. Farmncia Munikis, 1351 Dngupan, Tondo. Fal路ms.cia Manuel Zamora, 928 R. Hid:>.Igo, Quiapo, Manila. Farmncin Mapnlnd, 414 Legnrdll, Snrllpuloc. Farmacia Mnrcelo, 220-222 Oral. Luna, Mulabon, Riza!' Farmacia A'larinn, 213 Plaza Santa Cruz, Sta. Cruz. '-_ Farmacia Mariposa, l;:S95 Junn Luna, T ondo. Farmacia l\b.rqucz, 1137 Herrau, Paco. Fnrmncin Mcndoza, 1016 Junll LUlln, Tondo. Fnrmncilt Milngro~a , 563 'Madrid, Snnl\'icola". Fnrmacia Mil', 50路1 Dapitan, Sampaloc. Farmacia Modema, 834 Clavel, Snn Nieolns. Farmacia Molina, Andnlucia and P. Campa, Snmpnloc. Farmacin. Morales, 1707 H enan, Paco. Farmncia Noli, 1313-1315 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Farmneia Ktra. Sra. de Cuia and Laboratorio Casas, 113 A. Mabini, Ermita. Farmacia Nuestra Sm. del Pilar, 1233 H enan, Paeo. Fal'rnacia Nueva de Paco, 1703 Ornl. Luna, Pace. Furmncin Nucva de Sarnpnloc, lOG Manriquc, Snmpnloc. Fnrmneia N ucva de Sto. Cristo, 448 Sto. Cristo, Sun Kicolas. Farmncia Oricntnl, 234-236 Rosario, Rinoudo. Farmacia Patl'ia, 1702 H Cl'l"Un, Puco. Fnrrnacia Pineda, COl". Velnsquez IIl1d H(,roosa, T ondo. Farrnacia Pot.enciano, 249 Solana, Intramuros. Farlnllcia ProceSfl, 167 Blurnentl'itt, S(..'l. Cruz. Farmacin Pupalo, 2246 Hcrran, P aco. Farmacia R. Santos, 1032-1034 Rizal Ave., Sta. C ruz. Farmacia Rabe-MiI, lUI7 Azcarraga, S(..'l. Cruz. Farmacia Raymundo, 200 Hel"bo~n, TOlldo. Farmacia Renacimiento, 1100 A1.cturagn, Tondo. Farmacia Ricafort, 342 Madrid, San Nicolns. Farmtlcia Ritcr1a, 194 H.eal, Intramurcs. Farlnllcia R ivera, G35 Su. Mesa., Sumpuloc. Farmncin Rizalinn, 5133 Azcnl'rnga. 'rondo. Farmncin Roque Sofronio, 2328 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Farmacin Rosa, 1919 Avellue, St.n. Cnlz. Farmncia Rosalinn, 704. BJumentl'itL, Stn. Cruz. Farmacin S. N. Roque, 2328 Rizul Ave., SU. Cruz.



Farmucin Slilud, 1500 Rilml Avt'., Stn. Cruz. Farmacin Snlvudor, 138 N. Domingo, San JUl\n Riza\. Farmncia San Antonio, 1089 Dm路t, Pnco. Farmncin Sall Antonio de Plldua, 198 Cabildo, Intrnmuros. Farmacia SIIII Fcrnando, 833-839 San Fernando, llinondo. Farmaeia San Jose, 282 J..ibcrtad, PIlSUY, Farmacia San t ar-arc, 2L04 R iz:1l Ave., Stn. Cruz. Farmllcia Sarlta Clara, 553 Burgos, PIl>'lLy, Ri7.ul. Farrnucia Scn Long, 412-414 Sto. Cristo, Sm Nicola .... Farmacia Scrr;LIIo, 1771-1173 Singalong, Malate. ]<~arrnllcia Socorro, 111 B\I ~ti1los . Sampaloc. F armllcin Soledad, 2311 Rizal Ave., Sin. Cruz. Farmllcia Velasquez, 915 San i\'Iarcclino, Paco. Fnrmacill Victorino 652 Tl"lIbajo, S!lInpaloc. Farmncia Vidal, 1382 Sun Andr63. l\lalatc. FnL"rlUlcin Villa, 931 San Andres. l\>}ulnte. li'armacin Villacortn, 815 Dart, Paco. Fnrlllncin Virgiuia, 737 Dart, Paco. Fidelino, A. A., 1323 Sarl Andrbl, l\lalatc. Filipinns Dr'ug Stor'C, 37 l3IuHLent.rit.t, Stll. Cru1.. Frnnfo's Pharmacy, 501 B:l.lllban~, Stn. Cruz. Garcia, Mayoralgo A., 1002 A. MabillL, i\lalatc. Glorious Drug Store, 653-Ii Dart, Pl\co. Olos~y Laboratories, 835 San Fe!'LLando, 13inondo. GonJuga Drug Store, JOG Ecilaguc, Quinpo. Gon,1.!Lles Ln boratories, 1626-1628 Hizal Avc. , Stll. Cruz. He rmosa Drug Storf', 13<113 TuhoTn, Comer I lOS-I I 10 M. de Santo~, San :\'icol:LS. He rnandez Pharmacy, 172 Maria Clnrll, Sampaloe. H en'an Pharmacy. 1902 Henan, Paco. H it'lIg Fook Tong, 5IG T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Hizon Laboratory, 549 P. Putcrno, Sta. Cruz. Insula!' Drug Co., IIIC., 153 JUlin Luna. International Drug Store, 125 Bustillos, S:I111paine. Japallese Pharmncy, 612 R. Hidnl~o, Quiapo. Japson Drug Store, 309 1\lorione5, Tondo. Kllenzle &:; StreilT, lIlC., 343-3<17 '1'. P inpin, 13inondo. Kwong Chai T ong Drug Store, 425 DaSffillrirll1", llinolldo. Kwong Chi Tong, <125 Dusrnari rlns, Rinondo. J{wong Ong Tong, 4.23 T. Pinpin, Binondo Lllm Chilli Drug Stol"e, 5135 Sto. Cristo, SIIU :\'icolas. Lao Kiem HUll, 946 Jllbolleros, Snn Xicolns. Lny Ping, 423 T. Pi)lpin, Bil1ondo. Lim TillO Po, 565 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Limson &:; Sons Drug Store, 110-1-1110 A. l\labini, Cor. 8.'l1l Andre!>. l\lulnte. Lin Uo Drug Store, 379 Sto. Cr'isto, Snn N icola... Luzoll Drug Slore, 1913 Rizal Ave., Stn. CIIlZ. Luz 's Pharmacy. 240 Cnrriedo, Stn. Cruz.




),J. D. Chemica l Laboratories, 314 Sto. Cristo,

Sail Nicolns. Mabuhny Dispensary, 118 Tayumnn, Tondo. Mnbuhay Drug Store. 56 N. Domingo, Sun Juan, Rizal. ".Mngsimpnn", 621 Soo. Cristo, San Nicolas. Mnngatimull Bros. Pharmncy, 4 Valenzuela, San Juan, Hiza!. Manila Dispensary, 1919 Hcrran, Paco. l\-Innila Drug Store, 720 Calero, Stn. Cruz. l\'laniln Pharmacy . 32i-32!J Dnsmnriiins Binondo. 1\<18yon Drug Store, 908 Tmhnjo, Sampuloc. i\'Ietl'o Drug Corporntioll, SSO-882 RizlIl Ave.,

Sta. Cruz. Metropolitan Drug Store, 6 San Marcelino, Ermitn.

Nnkatsuknsn Drug Store, 94 1 Lepanto, Sampaloe. Xaknshimn, S., 411 R eina R cgcn te, Ncar Oriente Dldg., Billondo. ~iltionaJ Dl'llJ!:

Store, 530-541 Riza! Ave., Cor. Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz. Ne\\' Drug StON:, 242 Ayala Boulevard, Ermit.'l.. Nigaki, G., 612 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. ~olru;eo's Dispcns'iu-y, 9 Quesadn, Tondo. );ol'th Dru~ Stol'e, 1559 Azciu'rnga, Sta. Cruz. Orcjana's Pharmnceuticnl Laborntoq· and Drug Store, 122-124 Alejahflro VI. Sampnloe. Pek Siu T ong Dmg S~o1;e, 340 Nueva, BinOlldo. Philippine-American Drug Co. (BOtiCR Boie), 95 Eseolta, Binondo. Phi lippine Nutional Phurmacy, Cor. Cabildo and Victoria, Intrnmuros. ~ Plaza Drug Store, Cor. Cllrr\cdo and Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Poo Chai Tong, 860 Ongpin, ~tn. Cmz. Po\\' Sin Tong, 245 Ongpin, ~inondo. Radio Dmg Store, 635-637 Dnl·t, Paco. Real Dmg Store, 172 Rcal, rntramul'OS, Remedios Drug Store, 1002-1004 A. Mabini, i\lalate. ReilY's P harmacy, 930 Sun i\Iarcciino, Malate. Rex Dmg Store, 131 Qucsada, Tondo. Rexal Dnlg StOI'C, 1 J 19 Riza l Avenue, Sta . Cruz. Ritz Drug $tOI'C, 401 T mb:\jo, S[lInpu loc. Hizal A\fcnue P hfll'ln!ley, 711 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cl'lIz. RosariO, C. O. del, Azcal'J'nga, CornCI' l\'Icscrieordia, Stn. CI'IIZ, Maniln. Rosel Laborillories, Tnc., GUlino nnd ArlC{,,'Ui, Quinpo. Rusti:1 Drug Store, 14 36 Herrnn, P nco. Samp:lloc Drug Store. 137 Sun Anton, Samp:IJoc. Snn Buennventurn DispcnSllry, 44·J Isabel, Sampaloe. &1Il Miguel Drug Stol'e, 80S Eehague, S:m Miguel. 8:mla Elena Drug Slore, 205 G. Tutl.son, Sam1:»lloc. Stl.lltos Dispcnsnry, 2125 Hernlll, P uco. &mtos Drug Store, fl. , 100-1 Riznl Ave., Sta . Cruz. Stl.ntos Ocampo, Inc., 507-51 3 Rizal Avenue, Sttl.. Cruz. ~o P it lIuy Drug Store, 221-223 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Sooll Ching Pitl.O, 2-15 Ongpin, Dinondo.

Southeastcnl D rug Store, 102·106 Plaza Calderon de Ill. Baretl., Uinondo, St. Cecilia's D rug Store, 1303 Oroquieta, Stn. Cruz. St. Scholustictl.'s,.,I20 Vito Cruz, Malale. Standard Drug Store, 1329 Herralt, P aco. Ttl.boro's Drug Store, 1909 Juan Luna, T ondo. T8i TionK Bua Drug Co., 734 Ongpin, Stu. Cruz. T an Bio Drug Store. 329 Nucva, Binondo. T an Hong An, 2.,11 Cnrvnjal, Binondo. T8n YStl.C &. Sons, 329 Nuevn, Binondo. T n)' An T ong, .,155 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Tee An Tong D rug Store, 451 Sto. Cristo, San Nicollls. Tomtl.s Claudio, Tumbo, Purtl. uaque, Rizu.1. T ong Hong Drug StOI'C. 645 Durt, Pueo. T ong Hoo, 1141 Sta. E lenu., Uinondo. Univel'suJ Drug Store. (Ref. Stl.ntos Ocu.mpo, Inc.), 507·513 R ilm l Avc., Stn. Cruz. Yang Mun Ghoo, 734 Ongpin, SU1. Cruz. Yang F£lo WUllg, 73'1 OJ11!.1)in, DinOll(io. Yucuansch Drug Co., Inc., 436 D asmari11n'S, Binondo. Zetn, 397 jHif:llldu, Quiapo.

DRUGG ISTS, WHOLESALE Aboitiz & Co., I IIC., (i\ltl.niltl. Bmnch), 2W·214 Geneml Luna, fntramuros. Arnmbulo Products, I nc., Botien Insulur r I~'1bor£ltorio In ~ uJ tl.r (rnsuJar Drug Store), Plaza Leon X nf, Cor. Que&lda, Tondo. As.."OCioted Agencies, Tne., III Mcndo7.ft, Quinpo. Berry's Chemictl.l Co., 211 Btl.rbostl.. Quitl.l>O· Botica BoiG--(Philippine-Amcrican Drug Co.), 9G Escoita, B incndo. Dotien de Sallt:l Cruz, 106 PlazlI Goiti, St:}. Cm7.. Wholcgtl.le :lnd Buying: 635 S:lles, St!}. Cruz. Botien H t'nsoninll, 97 Retl.l, Cor. Cllbildo, Intra· muros. Doticll Ntl.m \ll1 ~n, 1·(2· 14 6 Sun Anton, Stl.lllpuloc. Christern, Huenefeld & Co., I no., 71 1 Hom:lIl, Binondo. Davis & Compllny, P. M., 501 1 Muelle dul Bunco Naeionnl, Uillondo. E scolta Drug Store Company, Inc., E scol· ta and Nueva, Binondo. Flirmlleia Ccntrtll, IIIC., 242-2·18 Ro~tl.fiO , Binondo. FnnnBcitl. D olores Pnlerno y Z!lmom, 913-915 R. Hidnlgo, Quitl.l>O· FlIrlllacitl. i\InllucI Zftl110rn, 928 R . H idnlgo, Quitl.)lO, r-,·Itl.niJa. Ftl.rmaeitl. Oriental, 23·1-236 Rosario, Binondo. FlIrmtl.Citl. SlIn Fenllmcio, 833-839 Sun Fernando, Binondo. G l o~\' Lllbonltorics, 835 Sun FcnuliIdo, Binondo. l:Iern;oso Drug Store, 6.,16 Tlibonl, Comer 110S1110 j\'L de Sallto..~, Sun Xicolas. HC' rttl.col Company , Oroquieta, Cor. Lope de Vega, Stt!.. Cruz. H izon iAlOOnltory, 5.,1n P. Paterno, Sta. Crut,

PHILIPPINES I nheldel', Walch Co., Ltd., China Bank Bldg., Corner Juan Luna and Dasmarinas, Binondo. rnsular Drug Co., rnc., 153 .Juan Luna, Binondo. Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. Kucnzle & Streiff, Inc., 343-347 T. Pin pin, Binondo. I,a Estrella dcl Norte, <16-50 Eseolta , Binondo. Levy & Blum, Inc., 35 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Luephar's Drug Dis pensatory and COlllpany, Room 31, Lack & Dnvis Bldg., 110 Eehague, Sla. Cruz. i\l. D. Chemical Lnborntorics, 314 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Metro Drug Coq)Oration, 880-882 Rizal Ave.. Stu. Cruz. Model'll Pharmacal Produots Co., Inc., The, 886-890 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Nakagawa, M .. 540 Salcs, Sta. Cruz. Nakashima, S., 411 Reina Regente, Ncar Oriente Bldg., Binondo. ~ational Drug Store, 539-541 Rizal Ave., Cor. Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz. OSllka Boeki Kaisha, Inc., '446-454 Dusmuri11ns, Binondo. Philippine American Dnlg 6:0. (Botica Boie), 95 Esoolta, Binondo. Plaza Drug Store, Cor. Carriedo and Riz!ll Ave., Sta. Cmz. Remedios Drug Store, 1002-1004 A. i\'Iubini, Malate. Rcnnolds Company, Wm. H., 84 Magllllnncs, Intramuros. Rosar'io, C. O. del, AzenlTngn, Corner' II路I iserieordia, Stn. Cruz, Maniln. Rosel Laborator'ies, ]ne., 142 Gunao, Cor. Arlegui, Quiapo. Santos Ocampo, Inc., 507-513 Rizal Avenue, Sla. Cruz. Sterling Prod\rcts E~ports, Inc. , N. Y., Gibbs Bldg., 670 Dasmarili!1S, l3inondo. Universal Drug Store, (R~f. Snn,tos Oeampo, Inc.), 507-513 Riuli Ave., Stn . Cnl?. Upiohn CompllnY, The, Room E, Metropolitnll Thc:llr路 Bldg., Lawton, Ermiul. Yucuanseh Drug Co., Inc., 436 Dal!muri r'i as, Binondo. DRY CLEANERS BunnI]]],\\, Dry Clenning, 199 Cnbildo, Intmmuros. Bay Vie\\' Laundry, Tlw, 1339 Trnbujo, SlImpnloc. Brondwny Dry Cleaning, 139 Tayumnn, T ondo. Bulukeli1 Dry Cleaning, 840 l>'olgueras, Tondo. Bush, Joe, 129 PIIl1.a Sin. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. Calzada's Laundry, 198 i\Ipndoza, Quinpo. Community Dry Clcnning lind Laundry, 84 Biumt'ntritt, Sta. Cruz. Dc Dios Dry Clenning, 147 Maria C!ru'a, &l1npuloc. De Luxe Dry Cleaning and Tailoring, 826 Riznl Ave., Sla. Cruz.



Di1.oll's Dry OlcllnUlg Hlld Lnundry, 223 Bamhang, Stu. Cruz Economic Dry Clenning And Laundry, 490 San Andres, i\'lalnte. El Centro de Lujo, 10 17 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. E~guerrn Dry Cleaning Co., 1528 AZCllrragn, SI-n. Cruz. Far Enstcm SI.:II' Lnundry, 523 Mayhaligue, Stn. Cruz. Fraternity Dry Clenlling, 2195 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Friend's Dry Cleaning nnd Snllitary Laundry, 100 Cabildo, Intrnmurol'. Garcia's Dry Cleaning nnd Laundry, 74 1\ofnnrique, Sampaloc. fdeal Dry Cleaning, 2900 Herrlln, St.u. Ann. Ideal Lllltndry, 21101 A1.ellrrngll, Quiapo. Imperial Dry Cleaning lind Laundry, 109.3 O'Dollllel1, Stu. Cruz. Inte1'11ational Dry Clcnning. 411-H3 P. Gome1., Stn. Cruz. Jonn Dry Cleaning nnd I aundr)", 200 Mllgallanes, Inlrnmuros. Joe Bush Dyeing and Cleaning E"tablishment, 129 Plaza Stu. Cruz, 811. Cruz. "Juall de In Cruz" Dr'? Cleaning, 123 Hcgidor, QUi!lpO. La l!:strcllu D ry Cleaning, 2119 Herl1ll1, P ueo. 1"as Primas Dry Clenning llnd Laundry, 120 Bus~illos SamJ)llloc. i\lnlayan Dry Clcaning, 311 R!l.on, Sta. Cruz. Malign'ya Dry Clenning, 805 luon, Stl1. Cr\l1,. MllnnUllll Bros. Dry Clellning, 635 Norzagarny, Quillpo. i\Ialldhnas Dry C leaning and Laundry, 609 1\1. H . del Pilar, Malate. Manila Dry Clcaninp;, 1611 HClTllll, Pnco. Maniln Stcum Laundry, 65\-653 Magdalenu l3inondo. MetroJlolibll Dry Cleaning, 2010 Ave., Sta. Cruz. i\IohcnJl;'s Laundry. 1801 1 Azearrngu, Sta. Cruz. l\Iont1Ivo's Dry Clcaning, 2665 Herrllll, P nco. ?I'Ior'nles European Dr.\' Cleaning and Hnnd Lnundry, 10011 Georgia, i\Ialate. ~lltionn l Dry Cleaning and Laundry 1936 Hcrrnn, Paeo. Kavarm Dry Cleaning, 92路' Mn!?,"dnlena, TOl1do. Nell' Laundry, 507 Lara, San ~icolns . Nell'Standnrd Dr}, (,Icaning, 01-15 Misericordia, Stll. C ruz. Kolusco's Dry Cleaning nlld Llundry, 1003 Sun Andres, Malate. 1\"ortdu1. Dry Cleaning nnd Laundry, 2056 Azcnrrngn, Quinpo. OClImpo's Dry Clenning, 609 H. Hidlllgo, Quiapo. Oliver's Dry Clcuning, 1035-1037 Dart, Puco. Ol'icnlnl Dry Clcaning nnd Laundry, 615 AzCal'l'1lg11, Tondo. O\'CI' the Hill Dry Clenning, 173 Mnria Clarn. Snml)llioe. Palace Dry Cleaning, 1228 A1.cnrrngn, Binondo. Puris Dl路.\' Cleaning, 1205- 1207 R Ave., Stu. Cruz. Pt!dro Dry Clenning nnd J,llundJ'Y, 1063 Dart, Pnen. Philippine Dry Cll'IUling, IGS2 Juan Luna, Tondo.




Pineda's OJ1' Clclllling, ll., 1539-E Azcnrrnga, Stn. Cru z. Pluridcl Dry Clclllling, 1682 JlUlll Luna , Tondo. P olo Dry Cleaning, 621 AllCnrrngfl, T ondo. Popular Dry Cleaning Ilnd l.:mllth-y, 357 Raon,

Stu. Omz.

" Pul ido Dry Clcnning and l.aundry," 1859 JUlin Luna, Tondo. Rio's Dry Cleaning and Luund ry , J.tOS Oroquictn, Sta. Cru ll. Riznlinu Dry Cleaning, 131 T Zamom, Paco Rosete's Dry Cleuning olld Laundl) , J, 314 Al va rez, Stu. CrU ll.

Rosie's D ry Cleaning alld Lnundry, 701-B G. TUUSOll, Sampn]oc. Hoyn! DI'.\' Clcilnin~. (ll·j R. Hidalgo, Quiflpo. San Antonio Dry Cleaning, 161 Ancta, Intramuros. Sun Marcel ino Dr'), Clean ing, 74-76 &ll\ Mllrcelino, El'llIitn. Sunitury Steam Luundry Co., Tne., The, 'J08·918 Adcgui, Quiupo. Service Dry Glcaning and Lawldry, 439 Raon, , Stn. Cruz. Silvcr Cross Ste1l1n Laundry (Owned and Operated by l\·IollsCrrn t. Bnterpriscs Co., J~td .), Main Office: 477 A. Mabini, Ermitll. l.illundry: 1346 Arlegui. Quiapo. Silverton's French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, 37 A. Mabini, Ermitn. Specinl Service, 1917 H'~rtlln, Paco. St·a. 1\'lesn DI'Y ClelHli l~, 799-A Stll. 1\l e5.'\, Sampaloc. _, Star Dry Cleaning, The, 50S Legarda, Ssmp.<Jloc. Sunlight Dry Cleaning and Laundry, 2647 H crrn n, St.:!. Ana. T nga- n og's Lnundry and Dry C h~illling, 818 G1avcl, San N icolas. " Timbullln" Dry Cleaning nnd T.Al.und ry, 266 LoI'eto, Snmpaloc. Trinidad Dry Cleaning and Laundry, 970 Antonio RiveI'll, T ondo. Univcrs ity Dry Olenning, 207 M . E arns huw, Snmpnloc. Up To Date Dry Cleaning, 'J28 Rcgidor, Quillpo. Victory Dry Olenn ing nnd Laundry, 1015 San Andres, i\<lnlnte. Von toe's Dry Cleaning tllld Laundry, 1022 Azcarmga, Binond o. Wclcollle D ry Clenning lind Laundry, 157 Mugnll ullcs, Jnt.ramuros. Well-Worth Laundry, 323 R cquesens, Sta. Cruz. Yntco's T",'Hmdry, Tnyulllnn, XClIr Ipil, St.'!. Cruz. York Dry e lcnning, Tho, 1823 AzcarNlg::, Stu . Cruz. · DRY DOCKS Eal"nshaws Docks and Honolulu Iron " 'orks, Tho, Second St.reet, P or t Area, Manila. EI Vnrlldcro ell.) i\'lnni lll . J09 ./·'Jln Luna, Binondo. Le ung Yee-Pandaca n Sil pways, Pureza, Beyond t he lust Bodeg a of the P V. 0, 8tu. MCStl, 8ampaloe.

PhiliPI)illC Slipw!IYs lind Engin()Cring Co., Inc., 540 Eclmguc, Quinpo. Val'adel'o de San Miguel, (L. A. Chee & Co., Props.), 745 Echnguc, San Miguel. Yungco, T eodoro R, ·121 M. de hi Jndu~triu. Sun Xicolns.

DRY CO ODS DEALERS. RE.TA IL Abolufiu, fn c., 1\1. &. C., 122 :\u('VlI, Binondo. A~uinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R. , Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, 8il1ondo. Ailmnl &. Co., P . C., 7-1 I nne! 723 Tahoni, San Nicolas. Ang C hill ]\(,Ilg, ·\01 K u()va, Biuondo . Aug LlIll\ HUll, 135 Vitlulobo~, Quillpo. Ang TUlill Knl & Co., ·185 N ueva, Billondo. .Bngong SHung, 470-4.74 JUIUl Lutl1l, Binoudo. Dec LUll, 226 Snn Vicente, 8inolldo. Drimo, Alitonio A., ·112 Rcinll Ucgl.)nte, Binondo. BUCllllvent.urll, J\.'Intco, 1068 P . ChllW'1., 8:m NicolliS. Cnmiscrin POI>ular (Tong Yek & Co.), 20·1-206 RO~llrio, Binondo. Chincse Trading Co. , Inc., 439 Nue va, iliJ1l}ndo. Ching Guan &. Co., 21 .J-21~ Gandaru, B ~nond o. Chua R ia p Sun Bn 1.lIr, 3;)2 He rbosll, fondo. Chun Hong, 731 8 to. Cristo, San 1'icolll:>., Chuan TlIy Dry Goods, 360 Echnguc, 8t3. Cru7,. ei!,.y Bnzni\r 132-134 Rcnl, Tntramurol>. Co 'Choe Bdk 338 Di\smllri llu.~ . Binondo. C ru z Cil.ta li n~ L . dl.), 68-1 Tlaya, T ondo. Cru z, Fdizn T., 326 A. Mubini, Brmitn. Cu .loco, 620 Camba, Sun Nicoilis. . Cu UII Jieng &. Co., Ltd., 60-64 Rosn,no, BilIondo. .. I Cua T in &. Co., 209-2 11 &lJI Viccnte, Hmont o. D()C Dian Gunn &. Co., ·137 XUCVll, Oinondo. Dcen's, (lOS Rilal Av('nuc, 8~. Cruz.. DiHn Si ng & Co., 222 Sun Vlccnlc, Bmond(): D\' Cuiton &: Co., 119-A Ilnd 11 9-B R O..,M IO, ·Binondo. ' 'EI Mundo", ..] 10 Lcgnrda, Sampuloc. E'Ipcr1IlI1.lI BU1.iIHl", 1709 Gen. Lunn, Cor. Hc rrall, PliCO. EspinoJ<!I Compa ny, M. C., 668-672 YlnYlI, Sun K icolns. FUll CUll & Co., 108 Rosn rio, Binondo. Go Quiola\', JOfiC, 101-lll Yangco l\.'lnrket, Tnboru, Sun N icol!it<. Go Quioluy, P. F. dc, 212 Ro~HriO, 3inond~. Go T iun Gce &. Co., 180-182 Cnlle RosarIO, Binondo. Goldenberg &. Co., Tnc., Plaln Ccn'!l.ntes. Corner Juan Lunll, Binondo. Guall Chiong, 196 Rosario, . 3ino.lldo. Guan Ki &:. Co., 18-1 RoAArlo, Bmondo. Gui Hing Co (Y u Sing l(ui &:. Co.). 234 San Viccnte, Binondo. H HP Huat. On' Goods, 113 Xuevn, Di~ondo. Heng Hoa & Co., Inc., ·12!) Xue\'u, BUlondo. . Hoc C hunn Seng, 218 Ro!<U!io, _Binondo.. Hoc Cunng Seng & Co., 1;)2-1 ;,4 RosariO, Blnondo. DO d Hock l3illn Uinn, 103-109 :\"uc\'u, mon o.

PHILIPPINES Hock Chuan Liong, 220·A Rosario, Binondo. Hock Guan Guan, 119 N ue\'a, Binondo. Hua Tong, 224-226 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. fndiun Commerciul Co., 328-332 DusmarlJ1ns, Binolldo. Jsardas & Co., T., 19-1 Junn Luna, Binondo. Jao Con San, 207 San Vicente, Binondo. J css\\'uni & Co., C. D.-Bombay Beauty Pulaee, 541l Reina Regente, Binondo. Jose Lamel, Tiong Chui Giong, 121-123 Nueva, Binondo. Branches: 110 Nueva and 644 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Kiun Bec, 224 Rosario, 13inondo. Kienl': Guan, 535 Nueva, B1nondo. Kin Sing, Tan Chaco & Co., 52 Rosl.Irio. Binondo. La Ciudad de Oro, 21.5-21.7 San Vicente, Binomlo. La Conf'nnzn, 1456 R ClTan, Paeo. T_a Collfianza, 87 Rosado, Dinondo. LA Mercancia. 57 Bu.~til1os, Sampu loc. La Popular (Co Yuk ]\uon), 225 Sail Vicent e, Dinondo. 1-'1. Vcrdad, 82.5 Folgu..crns , Tondo. Lu Villa. de jI,'lodns, 2O{i-205 San Vicente, Binondo. Lam Bce Co., 240 Roserio, Binondo. Lam Tong Co., 453-455 Nu,\,!l., Binondo. Lce Chiu, Sixto P., 308 N u('\'!l, Binondo. Leyba, Asuncion, 5 Yanp:co Market, Tabol'll, San Nicolas. Leyba, Pilur, 116 Yangco Market, T aborn, Sun Nicolns. Liun Guan, III Villalobos, Quiapo. Lim Chay 8eng,222 Rosnrio. Bindndn. Lim, Fnlnciscn, Yangco Mal'ket, i20-A Taborn, San Nicolas. Lim Tuico, Widow and Sons of F. 1\'1., 208 Carvajal, Binondo. Litton & Co., 530-540 JlIIm Luna, Binondo. Liwag & Sons V., (''I(alahi Rcmntluts" ), 551 Azcarmga, Tondo. Lyric BozMr, 1638 Azetlrraga, StiI.. Cruz. l\Ianila·New York, Ground Floor,CrystnIArcade, Escolta, Binondo. i\bnila Remuilnt Co., Inc., The, -151-453 JUlin Luna, Binoudo. Manila Shirt Factory and Dr) G()od~ Store, H Escoltn, Binoudo. Manila Silk Supply-Po C. Ailmal & Co., 7-11 & 723 Tnbom, San XicolllS and 188-100 Rostlrio, Binondo. i\oJnnuel P ellieer y Co., Inc., .w Escolta. Rinondo. Ne\\' Chinn, 702, Durt, Pnco. Nell' People MHnufacturing Co., 550-552 T. Pin pin, Binondo. New Washington Buzar, 181-183 RelLl, Intl'lImuros. ~g Chu Ai, 882, Reina Rcgente Ext., T ondo. Ong Due Lay, 115-117 Nuc\'a, Binondo. Ong Chiu & Co .. 453 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Ong Hong Clmy & Co., 311-313 D!l..Smarilin..~, Binondo. Ong Tny Knn, III Nueva, Rinondo. Ong Tay 1'u & Soil:; 125 Nueva, Binondo. Ong T eng Ham, 311 bnsnuu'iliM', Binondo. Ong Teng U & Co., 215 San Vicente, Binondo. Ong Ti Bu Sons, 127 Nue\'u, Binondo.



Osaka Boeki Knishu, Tnc., 446-454 Da!;mal'iiins, Binondo. Palomo, Gaudencio, lGO I Azcarragu, Sta. Cruz. Pcc Ltlm 112 Rosario, Binondo. Persian Carpet House, 49 Escolta, Manila. Pnilippine Cotton Mills, [nc. , 8 MueUe del Banco ~acionaJ. Manila.. Pill01 & Co., Ltd., 104 N ueva. Binondo. Po Huat Suy, 710 Tnboru., Sun Nicolas. Poa en Sim & Co., 315-317 Dasmal"ilins , Hi110ndo. Prcmier Dcp.!lrtmen~ Stol'e, 155 Liberttld, Pasny, Rizal. Raymundo's Dry Goods Store, 6i2 Yluya., So.n Nieolns. Ro..~nrio, C. O. del, Azearraga. Corller Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Maniln. Suy ((jm Chicng & Bros., 46-48 Rosario, Binoudo. SehwlLlli & Co., B. r., 400 Juan Luna, Binondo. Seng Bee & Co., Inc., -IG!) Nueva, Binando. 8crra, 13. (SucesOI" de Soler) 153 Juan Luna. Hinondo. Sin Hun Lun Co., -1-13 Nuevtl, Binondo. So Din Guan, 240 Ce.l"vllj nl, Binondo. Star Btlzar, 1652-1654 ..hcarraga. Sta. Cruz. Sy-Juco, So.nti3go, Nos. 102. 103, 112 :lI1d 113 Yllngco J\'Iarket, PlI..~iJio E and D, Taborn, Sun Nicoltls. Sy Po Co, 356 Echal;uc. Stn. Cruz. Tan Ilon Liong &. B ro~., 129-131 NUCV3 Bi· nonrlo. Tan C~aco & Co., .12 Ro~nrio, Binoudo. Tan Cbny Cue &. Co., Josc V., 206 Son \'icenle, Binondo. Tun Chitlll, Josc, 1\-128 Ynngco Market, TaborH, Sun Kicolas. Tan Chico, 133 ~uevn, Binondo. Tnn Chui Cay &: Co., !O5 Nuevn, Binondo. Tun l~ng HOllg Domingo, 216-218 San Vicente, Binondo. Tan l<eh Valdez, Eusebio, 12·' Yangco Mnrkf't, Taborn, San Nicolas. Tall Tun Bnc &. Co., 208 8.'ln Vicente, Binondo. Tan Yin Lay, 228-232 San Vicente, Binondo. Tani, l\Ioiscs, 420 Juun Lunn, Binondo. 'J'anlnyco, Victorino, 216 Ilornrio. Binoudo. Tny seng Co., '177 NUe\'o, Binondo. ore Go Tong. Yangco Market, T aborn, Sun Nicola!>. The, 222 &111 ViCf'nte, Binondo. Tic Chiong, 140 Rosario, BinOlldo. l'iollg Chuy GionJ,t 110 Nue\'a, Binondo. "fiong Lam Co., 539 Nueva, Binoudo. Tong Bee &. Co., 485 Nueva, Binondo. Tong Hong Trading Corporation, 148-150 ROsario, Binondo. TOIl!( Hun. 539 Nueva, Binondo. Tong Yck & Co., 204-206 Ro:orio, Binondo. Uy Go Guan 141 Rosurio, 13inondo. Yup Chioeo &ns, Cecilio & O£CIU·, 762 Tabora, San Nicolas. Yayang Remnant,.; Sale, Pasillo K, ~o. 109, Yangco J\II nrket, TatlOrn, Sun Nicolu!<. Yu Sing Kai & Co., 234 Stln Vicente, BinOlldo. DRY GOODS DEALERS, WHOLESALE Abolnfin. Inc., M. & C., 122 Nueva, Binondo.




Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R., Ag-uinnldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Ang Chill Keng, 49 1 Nueva, Binondo. Ang TU(\II 1((li &- Co., 485 Nueva, 13illon<lo. Brimo, Antonio A., 412 Reinn RCl!;cntc, 13inoodo, Chinc~c Trading Co., Jl1e., The, 439 Nuevn, Binonelo.

e u Un Jicng & Co., Ltd., GO-G·l R08nrio, Bi!Iondo.

Dnido Bocki Knisha, Ltd., Third Floor, Hongkong and Shnnghai Blink Bid):!:., Juan Luna,

Binondo, i\Ianiin. Dllvis &- Compnn~', P. :\1., J.JI i\lucllc del Bnneo Nnciontll. l3inolldo. Dee Dian Gnan &- Co., -137 Xucvn, Binondo. Dy Culton ,\:; Co., 119-A-II0-13 R cr.;nrio, Sinondo. Espino~ Comp.'1ny, 1\'1. C., 6(iS-670 Ylayll, San Nicola,,_ Go Quiolny, P. F. de, 212 n.o~nt'io, BinOlldo. Go Tilln Gce & Co., 180- 182 nO~lIl'io, Rinondo. Goldenberg &: Co., Inc., P lu7.a Cel'vnntel', Corner Junn Luna, Binondo. Heng HOIl &: Co. I nc., -129 Xuevn, Binondo. Hock Binn Binn ('tan Chill Eng & Co.), 103-109 ?\ueva, Binondo. H ock Guan Gunn, I IV Xueva, Binondo. Indian Commercial <S\o., 328-332 Dru;mariiias, Binondo. Isn rdns & Co., T., 194 funll Luna, Binondo. .Jesswnni & Co., C. D.- nombn), Beauty Pnluee, 546 Reina Regente, BilJondo. .Jo~e I ~\ u l'Cl, Tiong Chili GionJ!:, 121-123 Nueva, Binonclo. Kellel' & Co., Ltd., Ed. 1\., Wi se Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. Kieng Gunn, 535 Nueva, lli Jondo. Kummer & Comins, 189 .hllln luna, Binondo. La Ciudnd de Oro, 215-217 &\1\ Viecntc, Rinondo. Lee Chiu, SixtoP., 308 Kucvll. BinOl\do. Lim Tuico, 'Vidow and Sons of F. 1\L, 208 Carvajal, Binondo. Lill'llg &: Sons, V., ("J\alnhi Rcmnants"), 551 AZclll'J"Hgn, Tondo. Lyl"ic Uu?aur, 1638 A7.cnlTngn, Stn. Cru~. Maniln-NCII York,Gl"ound Flool', Crystnl Arendc Escolla, Binondo. ' Mnnila RcnUlant Co., Inc., The, 41> 1-4.53 Juan tunll, Binondo. l\'Ianila Shirt Facto!"y and Dr." GOOdll Store, ·14 Esco1tn, Binond·o. l\'!nnila Si lk Supply-P.C. Ailnml & Co., 741 & 723 T aborn, San Nicolas and 188-100 Rosnrio, BinOlJ(lo. MIlIHICI Pclliccr r Co., In ~., 4-1 E~colta, llinondo. MCI12ii & Co., I nc., 180-182 JUlin Luna, Binondo. Mitsui Bussnn K aishn, Ltd ., Second Floor, NatiOllul Ci~y Bnnk Bldg'., Mnnilll, P. r. Neus.~, H esslein Company, lncorpornlt·d, 144 Juan Lunu, Binondo. New People M an ufucLuring Co., 550-552 T. Pin l>in, Binondo. OSflka Boeki Knishu, Inc., 446454 Dnsmnrii'ias, Bil\ondo. Pacific Commcrcial Compnny, Nntiollili City Blink Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.

Pnlolllo, G., 1601 Azenrrogn. Sin. Cruz. Persiu n Curpet House, 49 E~col b, l\ !nnilu. Philippine Cotton M ills, Inc., 8l\'l uellc del Banco Nncionul, Maniln. Rostlrio, C. O. del, Azcarragn, (orncr i\fi!lcl'ieordin, Muniln. Suy Ki m Chicng& Brop.,46-48 Rosario. Binondo. Schll'oni & Co .. U. T., 490 .hllln 1.1I1I1l, 13inOlldo. ScngBec& Co, Jnc., 6,11) N ucva, Binondo. Seng l(cc & Co., 622 Nuc"a, Uinondo. Smith. Dell & Co .. Ltd., H ongkonJ.: and Slmnghni Dank Bldg., JUlln Luna, Binondo. Sy-.luco, &ntingo, Xos. 102, !O3, 112 and 113, Yangeo Market, P usillo E llnd D , T aborn, San Nicolas. Tan Chuco & Co., 52 RO~l\rio, '1'Im Tun Bne & Co .. 20S $.'111 Viccntc, Binondo. Tong Bee &. Co., 485 N ucvn, Bi nondo. T ong Hong 'l'mding CorpOI'llLion, H S- LiO Rosluio, Uinondo. T ong H.UII, 539 N ucva, Binondo. Wi ~e &. Complluy, I nc .. 17·1-176 Juu n luna, Binondo. Yu Sing Kni ~\( Co .. 33·1 S:1Il Vicellil', Binondo. " DRY SEA LS

FI'nnk & Company, Factor)': 1104 Castitl ejos, Quiapo. Main Offiee: Second F loor, 101·103 Escoltn, Binondo. "DUPLICATI NG AND PRINT ING Cnpitol Lettcr Shup, 200 FCl1\llnd('z Bldg., 12"T. Pin pin, Binondo . Manila Letter Shop, Main Office: Second Floor, 101·103 Escolta, Binondo. Plant: 11 04 CastiJIejos, Quiapo. *DUPLICATORS AN D SUP PLI ES Gc;;tctncr, Ltd. , D., 108 Bscolta, Binondo, M a nila. · DYERS AND CLEANERS (See DJ)' Cleancrs)

M:miia Stcvm Laundry, 651-6.';'3 l\lngdulcna, 13illondo. Bw,il , Joc, 129 Plaza Stn. C ru z, Sln. Cruz. SaniuLry Stcnm Laundry Co., Jnc., 'J'he, 908-91 8 Arlcgui, Qu inpo.


Aionalon, Fnbian, 1028 Arlcgui, Quiupo. Jok Dinn Chon (Yu In ), ·123 Misericordin, Sta. Cru z. M . T a n Konn, 110 Villalobos, Quiapo. Nngoya Poultry and Suppl)' Co., Office: n.O I Olld:~, &unpnloc. Farm: 779 Legllrdu, Samp:lloc. Tan Liao, JOG Gunao, Quiapo.

ELECfR IC LIGHT AND POW ER COM PAN IES Culion Icc, Fish and Elcctric Co., Inc., 717 IAAuluf l ,ife Bldg., Plaza Ccr\"lllltcs. Binondo. lAguna Watcr Powcr Co., Jnc., 31-1 Curriedo, Sta. Cruz.




Manila Electric Company, 134 San Marcelino, Ermita.

Pulilun Electric Co., Town Served: Pulilnn. Suntingo, Pedro Mos.~e!>geld.!. Towns Served: Bustos, San Iidefolll;o nnd ;:)tIn R.'1ftlel.

E(, ECTRIC LIG HT PLANT S I N OPERATION IN T H E Il HT L IPPlNES (As per revitiQII made by Ille Public Service Com-

CAGAYAN Cngaynn Illdu<;trial Co., Inc., To\\'n Served: Ballesteros. Hebro Electric Plant, Inc., T own Served : Apnrri. Red LillI;' Trans portation CO., Tne., Town Ser\'cd: T uguegnrno.


ABRA Baficz, Urunno, Town Sen'cd:


AGl'SAK Butunl\ Sawmill, Tnr., 1'owII Scn'cd:


AI,BAY Benito, Saturnino. 'l'Olm" SCrvf'd : Dnragn. Legaspi and '1'nbnoo. i\'bniln Elcctdc Co .. TOlm!\ S(']'\'cd: haUm, r~ i gno find Ous.

Cfltnalig. Guino-

A:I"TIQUE Perez, Isidro, TOIm Served: 8ftrl



Bnlungn Powel' Plnnt Co., I IIC., Towns Scn'cd: Abuc.'w. Bnlllnga, Pil11t; find SIlIMI. Bnt.:HUl 'Electric Light Co., Inc., Town Served: Oraui. Orion Electric Light Co., Tnc" Towli Served: Orion. B ATA:.lGAS llalnyall Electric Light & Power Co., fne., TaWil Served: BnJaynn. Central Azucnrent Don Pedro, 1fpWIl>i Served: Liun und NlISuV;bu. :'I1(lnill1. Electric Co., Towns Served: Bolbok alld Li\". l\Iunicipa ity of Butnngas, T owlI $crw'd: Batanga.s. Municipnlity of Bnunn'rTowll Set'\'Cd: Bnunn. :'IJl unicipulity of Tnal, owns Served' Lemery nnd Tnal. R osnrio Electric Light Co., I nc., T own Served : Rosnl'io. s''\nto T omus Electric nnd Developmcnt Co., T owlI Set'ved : Santo T omas. TUllnuun T!:lectric and Development Co., I nc., Towns ScTl'cn: MnlvlI l' und '.fmuumn. Vel;;tsqlle? , LUCiO, T owns Served: Alitugl:lg, Cutung-Cu unYlln (1'11111). BOHOl, Jug nn E lectl'ie Scrviee Co., I nc., 1'011'11 Set'ved: J agnn . P rovince of Bohol, 1'011'11 Served: Tngbilnrnn. T ubigon Electric Set'viee Co. , I nc., TOII'II Served: T ubigon. Valio, Jose, 1'011'11 Served: Dnwis. Zarraga, J ose C., Town Served: Lony. BULACAK Andres, Amb rosio, Towns Served: Angat nnd Norzngnrny. Jose dc Leon Electric Light, 1'011'11 Served : San Miguel. Manila. Electric Co, TOIl ns Served Bahung, Biglla, Bocaue, Bu lucan, CnLUlllplt, GUIguinto, Hngonoy, Maiolo!'., MtlTllao, MeyC!l.ullyan, Ohando, Pnomhong, Polo, Quingun and Sta . JI,!nrin.

CAi\IARISES:--10RT E Cncho & Hidnlgo, T owlls Served: and Dnc~.


C/\ i\IARINI1S SU R Centenenl, .lose, TnI\'11 Served: Gml. Gpl\ol'n, Pntrieio, 1'0\\'11 Served: r,ibmannn. 10s BU llos Bro~hers IJ:lcctrie Scrvicc, '1'011'11 Served: Il'igli. J\I:lniln Blcctl'ie Co., Towns Scrvcd: Cllrnalignn, Gunnmun, ill:1p;nrno and N:l~:l. Toml, Benito, T owil Served: Tigaon. CAPrz Cnlivo Electric l.ight nnd POWCI' Co., Town Serl'ed: Cull"o. Hermmdez, Jo~e, Town St-'I'veo: C'iI)!Z. Vcnu~, BIIl'tololllC, Towl\ Served: J:\CI\' 'Vnshinglop. rm\l..~ EJec~ric

CAVITE Co., Inc., 1'011'1\ .... Served:

Baeoor and [mus. l\Innila Electric Co., Towns Served: Cavite, Gelleral Trin~, I\awit, Kaic, Novcicta, Rosnrid lind '!"lllza. Naval Ydn. de Pnz, Elena, Town Served: Silang. Vries, F. dc, TOII'Ii Served: Silang. CEBU Carenr E lectric Co., Inc., '1'011'11 Served: Carcnr. t Ollez, Bd unrdo, Towns Served: Monlboal nnd Sibonga. l\'Iunici\mlity of Argao, T own Served: Argao. Opon Elcc~rie Scrvice Co., Ille., Town Served: Opon. Rucnza. Vicente A., Towns Served: Darili nnd Dumnn jug. Visnyan E lectric Co., 'r owns Served: BOJ!;o, Cebu, Composteln, Co n ~olneion, Danno, Liloan, Manchuu" Minglunilla, Nngu, Slin Fernn ndo and 'l':llisny. Cnrter, C. B.,


T OWil


DAVAO Davno Light.:l.Ild Power Co., Inc., Towns Sen路ed: Ouianga, Sta. Cruz and Dnvno. lLOCOS NORTE Bacnrrn Electric POlI'cr Co., Inc., Town Served : Bnearrn. Batnc Electric Light Co., Inc., T O\\,11 Served: Batne. nocos Norte LigM Co., I nc., Towns Served: Laong and San Nicolas.



1L0008 SUR Donato, Tcodorll and Filomcllll, Town Served: Vignn. TnlnvcnI, l\'l nria A. Vda. dc, Town Served:


ILOILO Aka l, Claudio H., Town Served: l\Iillgao. Btiot, Crcsccncillllo, 1'0\\,11 Served: Alimodinn. Gomire, Alfonso, Town Served: Estancia. Iturrnldc, ['!'Ioiscs, Town Served: Pnssi. JllninllY Electric Light Co., Town Served: Janiuay. Lcdesmn, Mercedes, Isubel, Angeles and Concepcion, 1'011'11 Scrved: Stu. Barbai'll. j\'Iil'llsol, Jose, Towll Scrved: Leon. Oton Eledric Co., Inc., '1'01\"n Served: Oton. Pnnuy Electric Co., Towns Served: Arevalo, Iloilo, .faro and La PHI'.. Pototllll Elcctl'ic Co., Inc., '1'011'11 Served: Pot.otun.

SAlcedo, Victorinno 1\1., 1'0\\,11 Served: Sura. Sinotllng, Cloclunldo, Town $cl'ved: Barotac Xucvo. Jln~an


Electric &Jcc Plant, Inc., Towll Served: Ilngan. Lnhoz, Rllfllel, Tow Served: Echngue Penllta, i\1nrgarita A. dc, Town Served: IIagan LAQUXA Cacho & Hidalgo', To~.rlS Served : Lumball and Pagsanjnn. CajijX', Eli!m, R., Towll \'e<l: Paete. Escudero Electric Service Co., Towlls Served: Alamillos, ClIllluan and Sun Pedro. Gomez de Ollg, Gloriu, Town Served: Sinilonn. Manila Electric Co., 1'011'115 Served: Binan, Cabuyno, Luisianll, San Pedro and Santa Rosa. Philil)pinc Power & Development Co., Towns Served: Bny, Calumba, Lilio, I 路os Bauos, IHngdn[enn, Mnjnyjny, Nagcarlnn, Pilar :md Riznl. Stll. Cruz Electric Ligh~ Co., Inc., Town Served: Stu. Cruz. I~AXAO

Borjn, Consuelo, TOII"n Served: Ilignn. Lnnno Electric Light and POWeI' SU I)]>ly Co., Tow n Served: Dnnsulllll. LA l'XJOX i\Ianiln Electric Co., TO\\'l1s Served: San Fernando und J3l\unn~. Rimnndo, Pucinllo, f own Served: Naguiliall. 1'lIlllVIIr'n, Mnrin A. Vda. de, 1'011'11 Served: Agoo. r~E YTE

Aboitiz & Co., Inc., T OII"1l Sen路ed: Palompon. Carigara l~lectrie Co., 1'0\\'11 Served: Carignrn. Hijos de F. ESClU10, Inc., Towns Served: BalO lllld i\la!itbog. I-Iou~e , J. V., 1'011'11 Se"ved: Tacloban. Moruza, Manuel, Town Served : Baybay. i\lunicipnlity of Tnlluunn, Town Scrved: 1'11nawm. Ormoc Electric Light Co., Town Served: Ormoo.

Palo E lectric Light Plant Co., TOII"n Scrvcd: Pulo.

MANILA Manilu Electric Co., I nc., City Served: i\'lanila. i\tAR I NDUQUE Bouo Eleotl'ic Co" Inc., Town Servt'd: Bouc. Province of l\-lIlrillduque, 1'0\\'11 Served: 818. Cl'Uz. MI~DORO

Culupnn Electric Co., fnc., TOII"n Scn'cd: Cnlapfin. Encarnacion, trineo, Town Served: Poln. MOUNTAlN PROYINCI!: City of Baguio, City Served: Baguio. Mountain PI'ovince, To\\'n Served: Bontoe. XUEVA ElCIJA Belmonte, Aniccto, Town Sc"ved: Znl'ngozl1. Cabiao-Aruyat TIllectric Light & Powe.路 Co., I nc., Town Scl'ved: Cnbiao. David, Ruymundo, Town Scrved: Talavera. Dionicio, YieLo"io C., TOWill; Served: Lnur lind Bongnbon. Gnrcin, Roman, TowlI Served: PCl1rrrrandu. Lamson, Mnrinno R. Town Served: Still Antonio. Manila Electric Co., Towns Served: Cuyapo, Gapnn, Jllell, Sun Isidro und San J ose. Marin Sevilla, Jose Venturina, nnd Raymundo Oa vid, 1'011'11 Served: St.'l. Rosu. Snmuhang Magsu.snku, Inc., Town Served: Cubanutuan. Vergnrzt, Domingo L., 1'011'11 Served: Guimbll.

NUEVA VrZCAYA Solnllo-Bnyornbong Electric Light Co., Jnc" TowliS Served: Bayombong and OCCIDENTAL i\IfSAi\ II S Oignl, Nntalio, Town Served: Oroquietn. i\Iismnis Lumber Co., 1'011'11 Served: i\lisarnis. Pereyra, Tcomo, TaWil Scrved: 'l'ungob. ORIENTAL i\ll SAi\ IJS 13olTomco, Leon, Town Sc"vcd: ;\'Inmbajno. CUKuyan Electric POIVor & Light Co., Inc., Town Be"ved: CugaYllIl. OCCIDENTAl, KEGHOS Alvllrcz, Manuel, '1'oll'n SC'rvcd: I'::ubanknlnll. Camon, Deogrneiul;l, Town Served: Ln Curloln. Campo.;, Adrinno, Towll Served: Hinignron. Cuu)"cong, i\lnnuel, TOII'n Sen'cd: Surnbin. DinT., Ansclmo S., Towlls Served: Blloolod and TuUsny. Ferin, Felix, Town Serwd: Lu Cu.:."tcIl1ll1a. GClllora, Ricllrdo, Towll Servt,'(I: . Jlog. Guillen, Fnusto, Town Served: Esculanlc. Gustilo, Gregorio 11., Towll Sen'cd: ;\1nlloplli. .Jayme, Carlos G., Town Scn'ed: HUgo. i\Iirasol Electric Plunt, Town Scn'cd: Billolbllgan. i\lunicipality of Isnbeln, 'r own Scrn:-d: Isubclu. l\l urcill Electric Plant, Inc., TO\\'n $cn'cd: ;\Iurcin. Perez ). Tejido, i\IiguC'l, Town Scn'cd: Pontevedrn. PulupuJldnn Electric Light, Power & [ee Plnnt Co., Tne., Town Scn路t,-d: s.'ll! Carlos.

PHllJ PPINES RegiS;. Marinno, Town Served: Vnllndolid. San carlos Electrical Light Co., Inc. , TowlI Served: Sun Carlos. Silay Electric Light and Ice Plant Co., Inc.,

Town Scrved~ Sila\. TDngco, Bnllilio, Towns Served: Cadiz and Victorias. Velmontc, Hcrmcncgildo, TOII'Ii SOl'Ved: Snn

Enrique. Zaycc, Hector, TOII'II Served: Hinmmnylnn.

ORIENTAL NEGROS Teves, Julian, Towns 8crved: Bais, Guiinlngull, Tanjny. Vi511yan Electric Co., TOWI\ Served:

D umn-


P AI'vl PANGA Bniuyot, Roman, Towns Served:

Apalit, Ma-

cabcba, Musantol, Snn Luis and San Simon. Cabino-Al'nynt glectl'ic Light & Powel' Co., I nc., T O\\,I1 Served: Amynt. Genuino, Jnointo, Tow'Il3 Served: CUlldaba and Santn Ann. GUngUR I cc & Electric Light Plant Co., Inc., Towns Served: Gu),gua lind Sexmonn. J.. ubao Electric Co., J'W., TOWIli'! Served: F lorida Blanca and LuhlJo. Mabalaeat Hydro-Electrl\Co., Town SeI'\'OO: Mabalo.ent. Nepomuceno, Teresa O. dc, Towns Served: Angeles, IHngnlang, and POI路ne. San Fernnndo Electric Light ~ Power Co., Jnc., Towns Served: Bneolor, Mexico, Minalin, San Fernando and Santa RIta. PANOASJ NAN ManilA. E lectric Co., Towns Served: Asingan, Balungao, Bautista, Bayambnng, Binnlonan, Calasiao, Dagupan, Ma[asiqui, i\'ianaong, Mangaldnn, Mnngatnrem, P67,orrubio, Rosales, San Carlos, Siln Jacinto, Santa Barbara, Urbiztondo, Urdaneta and Villas is. P hilippine Engineering Corp., Town Served: T ayug. Province of Pangasinnn, Towns Served: Binmaley nnd Lingllycn. RIZAL A[ varcz , Manue[ Crm:, Town SeI'ved: Tanny. Borjn, Jose de, Town Served: Morong. F [orencio, Esteban, T own Served: San Mateo. Manila Blectric Co., Towns Served: Ant.ipo[o, Binnn~onnn, Cnintn, Cu[oocan, Fort. Mc]Gn[ey, Las P n'ins, Mncnti, Mn,labon, Muntinglul)a, Nnvotns, Pnrafinquc, Pasa Y P asig, Pateros, San Felipe Ncry, San J unn cI Monte, Tagig and Taylay. Mariquinn E[ectric-Light, Inc., Town Served: Mariquina. SAMAR Catnrmnn Electric Light Co., Town Served: Catarman. Guiwan Electric Plnnt Co., Town Served: Ouiwan. Municipulity of Catbnlognn, Town Served: Catbalogan. Municipality of Wright, Town Served: Wright. Sumar Electric I~ight k Power Dcvelopment Co. , I nc., T own Served: Culbllyog.




SOHSOGON" Bulan Electric Light. Co., Town Served: Bu[an. Manila Electric Co., Towns Served: Gubnt, and Isarin. 1\Il1rtine:l;, Luis, TO\\'I\ Served: Sorsogon. Municipality of Bacon, Towll Served: Bacon. l\1unicipu[ity of Casigurnll, T own SeI'ved: Co.>iiguran. Municipality of Donsol, Town Served: DOllsa!. Municipnlity of Juhan, Town Served: Juball. Municipality of Magallanes, To\\'n Scrvoo:l\!Jngnllnnes. Municipality of Pilar, To\\'n Served: Pilar.


Jolo Power Co., Towll Served: Jolo SURrOAQ SmigllO Electric Co., '1'0\\'11 S("rved: Surigao. TAR-LAC Compllliia Luz Electrica, I nc., TOII'1l Served: Conccpci6n. Mabalncat Hydro-Electric Co., Town Sm'ved: Bnmbnn. M a niln Electric Co., T OII'ns Served: Camiling, Tar[ac und Victol路in . 8.'1n Jose, Lucila, Town~ Served: Pnniqui and Gerona. TAYABAS Candelaria Electric Co., Tue., Towll Sel'\,oo: Canddaria. ]danila Electric Co., Towlls & 1'vOO: Atimonnn, Dolores, OUIl\llCll, Lopez, Lucban, Luccna, Pagbilao, Tiaong and L"nisan. Mor~lo, Tomas, TO\m Served: Calrnmg. M~llIcipality or SarinYII, Town Scrved: &1nnyn. Tayabos I .. ight and Powel' Co., T aWil Served : Taynbas. ZAi\lBOAKGA Province of Zamboltngn, '1'011'11 Served: Zamhoanp:a. Trota, Jol'ie C., Towll Served : Lnrnitnn. Visuyan Electric Co., TOII'Il &l'vO([: Dipolog. "ELECTRIC TOOLS Illies & Co., C., 550-554 Sau Luis, Ermitll. *ELECTRICAL APPLI ANCES AND RADIO R EPAIRS Rndio Owne rs' COl'poration of the Philippines, ,165 Dasmm'ii'ills, Binomlo. EU:CTIUCAL SER VICE STATIONS Dacanay Electl'iCIl[ Works, 914 Azcurrnga, Binondo. Loya[ Auto Supply, 414 Azcnrrnga, Sun Kicolas. Oes Bazar, 200 NuevII, 13inondo. Olan's Elcctrienl Shop, The, 93 Dorotco Jose, Stn. Cruz. Romero's Electrical Service, 1347 Riznl Avellue, Stll. Cruz. Sotelo E[ectricnl Service and Auto Supplies. 1842 Azcarraga, Stll. Cru?. SUll Automotive Shop nnd Electrical Works, 103 F. B. Hllrrison. Pnsay, Rizn1. t;nitcd Auto Supply, 578 Reinn Regelltc, Binondo. Visaynn Electr ic Co., S. A., Cebu.





Art Neon Signs, 943 Rnon, Quiapo. .oro!;.!; Neon Lights, 6\0 Dart, Paca. J\r:H1~, .M:J 943 Raon, Quinpo. Manila Neon Lights, aOO-3! 1-313 PlmlR Mil'!mda, Quiapo. PaCDI' Neoll FI\.ctOI'Y, Ayala Br'idl{c, Ermitn. Phi li ppine Advcl't.i sing COl'pol'n~ionJ Pascual

Casnl, San Miguel. Philippine Neon Light, IOS9 R. Hidnlgo, Quinpo. ELECTR ICAL SUPPLY DEALERS

Aguado Hormonos, 103 Butmes, Quinpo. American Hardware and Plumbing Co., 125

Escoita, Binondo. Angeles Etcctricnl and House Painting COl1trnotor, 82G Echaguc, San !\ligueL Arcll Blcctric, 2019 Riznl Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Atkins, 1\1"011 & Co., Inc., 6th Floor, I nsular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, 13inondo. Cadwnllndcr Brothers, Inc., Plnza Stu. Cruz, Manila. Central Electric Service, 248 Ongpin, Binondo. Chua Chong I~ng, 408-412 Tcodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Custodio Electric upply, 9·19 Bcnuvides. Tondo. Daido Hardware Stol'e, 680 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Eastern Auto Supply, ~29 T . Aloll!:lO, Sta . Cruz. E8l!tem Electrical ScrV\,ee, 1013 Lnvezares, San Nicolas. Electrica l Supply Co., 1_lle., 518 Miscl'icorwn, Stn. CrUll. \ Elcctrus, The, 81 N. Domlll~o, San Juan. Rilla\. Elmac, I nc., 627 Rizal :Ave., Sta . Cruz. Falc~m Electrical SUJ~ply 8)ld Contriletor, 1310 Rnal Avl'., Stn. Cl'UlI . General Electric Co. (P. 1.), I nc., 13th & Atlanta Sts., Port Area, Manila. Globe Electricfil Supply, The, 4 iO 'l'. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Go Soc & Sons, Inc., 618-620 Riznl Avenue, Ste. Ha Dcc Ha rdware Co., 632 Azcurrog3., Binondo. La Puz "Rleetric, 2023llizn.I Avenuf:, Stn. Cruz. Lin 80 Blectl'ical Supply, 939 Juboncl'os, Sun Nicolns. LUlWII H:U'dwure ilnd Elcctl'ical Supply, 1714 Grn l. LUIlII, Ermit.a. MUlliln Electric Compnny, 13·1 San Murcelino, £I'mita. Manila Sup])ly Co., 2OM-2OOO Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. i\ layon Electric, 2056 Rizal Avc., Stu. Cruz. l\Icltro Electric, 1050 Soler, St.n. Cruz. Mi tsui Bussan I(uisha. Ltd ., Second Floor, Nationul City Bank BldJ:;., Manilu, P. I . Mora Elcct.ric Co., Inc., 284 Ayala. Doulevard, Ermitu. Neves, Antone 1\01., 231 Espcleta, i\oJnniln. Oes Bazar, 200 Nuevn, ]3inOllc10. Ohm's Elect rical Shop, The, 93 Dorotco Jose, Sin. Cruz. QUA: Electric Compuny, 907 San Fernando, San Nicolns. P:lcifie Commercial Compnny, National City Dank Dldg., Juan Luna, Dinondo.


INDUSTRlAL MANUAL Philight. Inc., 489 Junn Luna, Binondo. Pnilippine E lectric Supply Co. , 120 Tctuan, Sta. Cruz . Philippine E.nginecring Coq)or!ltioll, 109 Plnza Sta. Cruz, St.n. Cruz. Radio Su ppl y & Service Co., Inc. , 698 Rizul A venue, Stu. Cruz, Manila. Reyes & Co., Florcncio, 'J2·l Azcarragu, Sun NicohtS. Romero's Electricnl Sen'ice, 1317 Rizal Ave., Sta. Crur. Rosario Electric Co., 145 Legarda, Sumpnloc. Sic Jinp Sing, 228 'retunD, S\lI. Cruz. Simcon Q. Sunn, 324-326 Eehag\lC', Sta. Cruz. Tn\' Shins: Hardware Co., 102 1-1023 I.lIvczarcs, Sun Nicola!'. Thompson Stevenson, Inc., 312 C:uTicdo, Stn. Cru1. Uy Hoo & Company, 629 Qngpin, 1\'1anila. Visuyan Electrical Supply Co., Inc., Cebu. Westel'll Equipment and Supply Co., 117-125 T. Pinpin , Binondo. Westel'll Telephone Co., Inc., 514 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Westinghou&c Electric Intcl'I\utional Co., 1 T. Pinpin. BinOlldo. Wolff & Co., T. J., Manila. 1'u Eng lbo, f,02-604 AzcDrrn~n.. Cor. Ylayn, TOl1do. ELECTRICIANS (Sce E ngineers, E lectrical) Curo E lectrical Scrvice, 110 Padre Fuufa, Erni~a.

Custodio Electric Supply, 949 Benavides, Tondo. E lectrical Supply Co., I nc., ·133 F. Torres, Stll. Cruz. Elcetrus, The, 81 X. Domi ngo, Snn JUIlIl. Rizul. Elmnc, Inc., 627 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Maniln Electric Company, 134 Sun i\lnre<'iino, Ermit.'1. Mcltoo Electric, 1050 Soler, Sta. Cruz. j\'! orn Electric Co., IIIC., 28·' Aynln. Boulevard, Ermita. Morcno E lectric and Engin<lerillg Works Co., 1059 Azcurruga, Binondo. Ohm's E lcctriClIl Shop, The, 93 Doroteo J o!;6. Stu. Cruz. Philight, Inc., 489 JUDIl Luna, llinondo. Philippine Electric Supply Co., 120 Tclunn, SUI. Cruz. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Stn. Cruz, Sts. Cruz. Romero's Elcctrical Service, 1347 Rizal .'\\'C11Ue, Sta. Cruz. RosDrio, emilio dcl, 196 Mnrin Pa,Yo, Tondo. Rosurio, Emilio del, 113S Misericordia, Stn. Cruz. "Super" Seientific Rudio Service Co., 723 Severino, Quiflpo. Uy 1100 &. Compnny, 629 Ongpiu, Uillolldo. · ELECTROPLATERS Frank & Company, Officc: Second F loor, 101-103 EscoJta, Binondo. Factory: 1104 Casti \J ejos, Quiapo.

PH ILI PPINES *ELECTROT YP E Commcl'cinl Electrotype Co., Inc., Paterno, Sta. Cruz, Tel. 23091.





OUs Elevator Company, 15 Bunqucro (Regina Bldg.), Binondo, i\·Ianilll. *EM BALMERS Undertakers)


EMBROID ERY DEALERS Annn's, 330 i\'1. R. del Pilnr, Errnita. :\waci & Co., E ., -135-437 Juan Luna, llinondo. Bndill o'~ Embroidery Store, 25 COl'tnt1u, Ermitn. BnrdwiIJ 8rothrrs, 252 Plaza Guipit., Sampnioc.

"Blllllca NiCyc", 422 M. H. del Pilllr, Hl'mitu. Brown Shop, Loui~c, UnivcrJ.<ity Club Bldg., 12 &m Luis, EI"mitn. Cacho, 1\<1., 233 Gral. Luna, Intrnmul'os. China Druwn Work Co., 84 i\'1. H . del PilnT, Ermitll. Domingo, M rs. C. F. 1209 Carolina, Malate. Eastel'll Isle>; Impor~Corp., 92 Balmes, Quinpo. El Artc, 1353 Morran, Paco. Eseurdia, Pura, 1094 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Feltman Bros. Juvenile !.mpol·t Co., 1445 California, Cor. Dart, Pac'q. Fung Tai Curio Store, 72 Rcal, Cor. Gm.!. Lunll, Illtrnmuros. Howi(! Tnful\t's Wear, 310 A. FloreR, Ermita. I da's Novel".Y Shop,Manila HO~ Lobby, Ermita. I sal'das &. Co., T., 194JUlln L\I a, Binondo. I serson, Jne., A. S., 209 Gmt. Sol no, Sun Miguel. La Nueva Bcijnna, (l04 lliznl A\;c., Sta. Cruz. LambcrtSnlesCo., Inc., 1453Gml. Lunll, Ermita. ]"Ilurilsen Co., 1ne., n. i\L, 612 hallC Pernl, Ermitn. Leslie's Infants' Wear, 38 De\\ley Boulevard, Ermita. Little Home Shop, The, 678 A. l\Inbini, Ermit:l.. Lyric Fnshion and Beauty Parlor, The, 837 Ri7.ul Avenue, Sta. Cruz. :Mandanas l!:mbroidery Store, The, 605 M. H. del P ilar, Ermita. Manila Bll'gantc, 251 A. Mabini, Er.m itu. Manih~ SOcLul, 910 Benuvidcs, Binondo. Marshall, Field & Co., 901 Lepllnto, Sumpn]oc. Oestreicher, Albert, 131 Lamayan, SlntlL Ana. Oriental Fnshion, 818 O'Donnell. Sta. Per.;inn Car~t House. 49 Eseolta, Mallllu . .. Philippine Embroidery Corp., 910 A. JI.'labml, Mulate. }'hililipine Hand Embroidery and Dress Mnking 64 1\'1. H. del Pilur, Ermitn. Salamay Bros. 104 GUlino, QuiuJ?O. Snntiugo, Victorino, 94 Lumayan, ~la .. Ana. Toi Mahnl The 40 Isaac Perlll, Erlmtll. Thomas F~cri~o 851 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. 'fironn, 'Mrs. M~ A. 1245 Singalong, (Int.), Malate. United P h ilippine llI1pol'ls Co., U6-12th Street, P or t A1·ea . Vidalou Shop 404 A. Mabini. l~rmiLa. Wood, Mrs. ~11lc C., 1 18 A. Mabini, Malate. EMBROIDERY M ANUFACTUREn S AU!neio, Juanita S. de, 663 Maoolo, Sta. Cruz.



Awud & Co., Eo, 435 JUl\1I Luna. Binondo. Bordwil Brothers, 252 Plaza. Guipit. Snmpaloc. " Blanca Nieve," 422 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Cncho, M., 233 Gml. T.. una, Inl rnmuros. Candclnriu &; Calixtn. Conet.a, 254 Aynla Boulevard, .IDrmita . EngleI'll l!lles Import Corp" 92 Balmes, Quinpo. Feltmull Bros. Juvenile ImpCll't Co., H45 CnlifornitL, Cor. Dnrt, Pnco. Filipino Hand Embroidery Co., Tne., 28 Aviles, . San i\lib'llel. Howie Jnfnnt's Wenr, 310 A. Flores}, Erml.ta. Isersonlne .• A. S., 209 Gral. Sola no, ;::)jilL Mll!;Uel. La Nucv:l. Ecijnna, fi04 Hi Ave., S\..'I. Cruz, Lumhel't Sales Co., Inc., 1453 Oral. Luna, ErmiLa. Lauritsen Co., Tnc., B. M., 612 ]:;afle Peral. Rl'mit n. LyriC l~ashioll and Bauty Parior, The, 837 Rizal Ave. , Stu. CI'UZ. MlLllouk. mittS &. Brothcr. 35 Mllrtin Delgado, Snmpnloc. 1\'lulloy Co., Tnc., J . E., 2973 HClTan, Stn. Ana. Marshall, Field & Co .. 901 Lcpnillo. Slimpaloc. Modiste I\ollerman, 451 A. Mabini, Ermita. Pen;ian Carpet Hou,o;e, .19 £Scolta, i\Janilu. Philippinc Embroidery Corporntion, !HO A. Mnbini, i\Jalatc. . Phililipine H and Embroidery and D r('~~ :\i akmg, 64 i\I. H. del Pil.'Lr, Ermita. Shalom &. Co., 446 Legarda, S:llnpaloe. Sout~ Seas T rading Corp., 17·?9 Adlcs, San MI,guel. Triplr., G. Fn<:hion Lane, 169 Echague, Sfln .. ~ . MJgue1. Vid!llou ShOI). ·\04 A. MflbLIII. b l'mlta, Wood, Mrs. r-.Jne C.• 718 A. Mubini, i\inlale. Ei\lPLOYi\I ENT AGENCI ES American Employment. Agency. 131 Pad re Fuur:l. El'lnitn. Bueneamino's Employment Agency. 4.J.(l P . Pfl.Ted('s, S.'Impaloc. Em1)loynwnt Agency (.If Gregoria :\1':1I11.l\n:;o, 152·1 Ri 7A'l1 Ave., Stu. Cruz. LU7.o11 Employment Agency, 1672 Jilall Luna, Tondo. Manila Employment Agency, 15 10 R Ave., Stn. Cruz. ENAM ELLI NG Zamora Luis, 314-316 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Zamorn: Crispulo, (Viuda Ii Hljos de), 351 H. Hidalgo, Quiapo. ENG INEER ING ELECTR ICAL WORKS Moske. Charles F., 723 Severino, Quia1)(). "Super" Scientific R.-utio Service Co., 723 Severino, Quinpo. ENG INEERI NG (G EOPH YS ICA L l'ROS PECTING) Developments, Tnc., Fifth l~loor, Filipinas Bldg., P la7.n Moraga, Binondo . ENGl NEERS, C IVIL Aquino, Aurelio B., 251 7 S. del Rosario, JUAO Lunu Subdivision, Tondo. Asp, George B., 4, Paeo.




Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de In Indusfria, San Nicolas. 13ancdo, .Jose M., 767 Dakota, .Malatl'. Bnrrf'tto Sons, Inc., Pio, 720 Echaguc, Sun Miguel.

Cacho & Hidalgo, 314 Cnnicdo (Upstairs), Sin. Cruz. CanteriL, F. de la, 324 Perez Snmanillo Bldg. Escolto, Binondo. ' Cru;;talicdu. Vcnnncio, 886 Elcnno, T ondo. Castro, Mariano A. dc, 91-95 DOl'oteo Jose,

Stu. Cruz. Cecilio, Antonio, 72{; Calero, Stn. Cruz. Dimsoll, Mnximo, 552 Hb:ui Ave., Stu. Cruz. Domingo und Nnvon En~in('cl'ing Work and Contractor, 911 Bilhao, Tondo. Engineering & Survcys-(Cnsimiro Panlljon ). 137 MCl'ccdc)o, Ermita. Fenllllldc?-Lavndin, Vicente, Room 8. Lack and Drwis Bldg., J 10 Echnguc, Slit. Crm", Gotnuco & CofQpnny, Inc., 214 Soler, Binondo. Gre~', M. F.., 303 Philnnbnllk Bldg., 90 Escolt.n, Emondo. Guevara, Alberto, 6'41 P. Naval, Snmpaloc. Haley, A. E. , Third 1"100]', Leyba Bldg., 227 D:lvid, Rinondo. Jgnneio, Tereso, 621 Ecbuguc, Sun Miguel. Lc<le~tnu nnd Pnntoja, 230 Daslnariii8s, Binondo. Lcgnrdo So, Roman, 720 F..phaguc, San Mif;ucl. Luna. de San Pedro, Andrrs & Cortes, J ose G., Third Flool', Crystnl Arcadc, Escoltn , Binondo. ;\1tutincz, Angel, 1403 Eslradn (Singulong), 1\'lnlntl'. }I~retn'f; Consulting, Dcsij:!:n,ing and EngineerIng Office, 37 Flol'idn, E~mitu . Mycr~, Buck Co., Inc., 68'1 Rizal Ave.. Stn. Cruz, Mnniln. Nakl)il, Junn l?, 611-61.'; Dakotu, Ermib. Philippine" AS.~OCi!ltioll of Civil Enginccrs, Third Floor, .')09 Dnsmnrifins, 13inondo. Quisnmhing, E., Room 51 I, Filipinus Bldg. Plnllll Momgtl, Binondo ' Russell, C., I\'llgtahan and Accite, Sam l)aioc. Snge, W. C., 145 Gml. Solano, SUI) Migucl. Santo Tomuf;, l:nl'iquc C. , Third Floor, ,;09 DUJ;mlll'iiins, Binondo. Suzon, Florentino 0 .. 900 Pndrc Algue, Tondo. Siochi & Co., Inc., Ped l'o, 347 San Marcelino, Enni la. Soler, Cipl'iuno, Room 502, Luis Percz Sam::anillo Bldg., Escoltn, Binondo. Tnyzon, An tonio, Third Floor. 509 Dasmariiias, Binondo nnd 40 Blumcntritt, &11 Juan, Rizal. Tolentino, S.M., 229 Espaliil., Snmpaloc. Torre.", Alfredo D., 719 P . Lconcio, Snmpnioc. Villalon, Elll'iquc, 2507 Andnade, Stu. Cru;o;. "Vuleano Engineering: Co.," 521 ?\L de In Industrill, &Ui Nicolns. Main Entrance: 211 Sevilla , Snn N ieolns. ENG I NEERS, CONSULT ING

Alyir & Co., Inc. , Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., Das nmrinas, Binondo.

Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de la Industria, San Nicolas. Daltuzar, A., 3rd Floor, Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Dinondo. Bedford, Earle \V., 303 National City Bank Bldg., .Juan Luna, Binondo. Cacho & Hidalgo, 314 Carriedo, (Upstnirsi Sta. Cruz. Cantero, F. de lu, 324 Perez Sumanillo Bldg., Escoltu, Binondo. Earnshn\\'s Docks and Honolulu Tron 'Vorks, The, Second Street, Port Arca, Manila. Fedcruted Minemls, Inc., 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Uinondo. Findley Engineerinp: and Construction Co., Inc., 32 Fisher Ave., Pusny, Rb'iHl. Honolulu Iron Works Co., Second Street, P ort Area, Manila. Lcdcsmaand Pnntojn, 230 Dnsmuri]iflS, Binondo. Marsffian & Compuny, Inc., Insulul' Life Bldg., Plnzu Moraga, ilinolldo, Manila. Minamls & Mctals, Inc., 12 Derham Bldg .. M. de 8I1Il Francisco, Port Area. Mining and Mctallurgienl Engineers, Inc., 422 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Uinondo. Montero, Luis B., Room 313, Cu Unjicng Bldg., 1'. Pinpin, Corner Escolta, Rinondo. i\Iorctn's Con."ulting, Designing and Engineering Officc, 37 F lorida, Ermitn. Murillo, Santos C., 507 Fernnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Kakpil, Juan 'P., 611-615 Dakota, Ermitn. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Stn. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Quisumbing, E., Room 511, Filipillas Bldg., Plaza Momgtl, Binondo. Santo TomAS, Enrique C., 509 Dnsmnriiltl$, 3rd Floor, llinondo. Sidler, Albcrt, 627 Rizal Ave., Sla. Cruz. Soler, Cipritlllo, Room 502, Luis Perez Sumanillo Bldg., Escoltll, Binondo. South wester n Engineering Co. of P. 1., Inc., Filipinas Building. Yengco, JI.-InriUllo, 544 Merced, Paco. ENG INF.ERS, CONT RACT ING Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company of Ma路 nila, 71-77 Muelle de In Industria, San Nicolas. Cacho &: Hidalgo, 314. Carriedo (U~ lairs) , St.'I. Cruz. Cant.cra, F. de la, 324 Perez Samtmillo Bldg., Escoltu, Binoudo. CllStro, i\'[nrinno A. dc, 91-95 Dorotco Jo~, Sta. C ruz. Cecilio, Antonio, 726 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Domingo und NtlVOl~ Engineering Work :md Contractor, 911 Bi lbao, Tondo. Earnshaws Docks nnd Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Street, Port Area, Manila. Engineering Equipment & SUpply Company, 13th Street, Port Area, Manila.

PHILIPPINES Engineering & Surveys-(Cnsimiro Panajon ), 137 j\'lercedes, [I路mita. Findley Engineerin~ and Construction Co., Inc., 32 Fischer Ave., Pasay, Rizal. Gotnuco & Company, Inc., 214 Soler, Binondo. Honolulu Iron Works Co., Second Str eet, Port Area, Manila. T"cdes ma and Pantoja, 230 D:Ismarifins, Binondo. i\'Inpun & Vnll!S, 843 Rizal Ave., Stft. Cruz. Philippine Engineering Coporation, 109 Pln1.:l. Sta. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. Sunta Clara Lumber Co., Inc., 901-903 Dnguptlll, Tondo. Santo TomfLS. Enrique C., Third Floor, 509 DfLSmnriiUls, llinondo. Siochi & Co., Tnc., Pedro, 3<17 Sfln ?-o'Inrcclino, Ermitn. SoleI', Cil)riano, Room 502, Luis P el'ez SUIllun illo Dldg., E scoltn, Binondo. Standurd Tron \Vorks, 713 AZ<'Ul'l'U,I.!:Il. 'Pondo. Urakami, Y., 530-540 San Luis, El'mita. Wilson &, Co., Inm\ I~rcd., 55 BnrrllcrL, Snn Nicolns. ENG INEERS, ELECTR ICAL Elmae, Inc" 627 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. l\Innila Mnchinery and SupplX Co., inc., 075-081 Dasmnrilins, Binondo. 'nln Boulevard, Morn Electric Co., Inc., 28<1 Erznit!l. MOl'etn's Consulting, Designing flld Engineering Office, 37 Florida, Emlita. 'Nell Co., The Edward .1., Nell BI g., 'I'. Pin pin, and M. del Banco Nacional, Bpondo. Philight, fn e., 路189 Juan Luna, Binondo. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Pln1.1l Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. ROSilrio, Ceeilio del, 145 Legarda, Snmpaloc. Western Equipment and Supply Co., 117- 125 '1', Pin pin , Binondo.

ENGINEERS, MARI NE Eal'nshaws Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Street, Port Area, Manila. EI Varadcro de Manila, 109 Juan Luna, Binondo. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. "Yuleano Engineering Co." 521 M. de la Tndu!;tria, i\'lain Entrance: 211 S<'villa, San Nicola.,. ENG INEERS , MECHANICAL Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de In Industria, San Nicolas. Cacho & Hidalgo, 3 14 CUl'ricdo, (Upstnir3) Sta. CrUl. Eal'nshaws Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Street, Port Area, Manila. Floro, Martiniano, Rooms 19, 21 and 22, Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz.



Muniln i\llIchinery and Supply Co., I nc., 675-681 Dasnmrifms, Binondo. Nell Co., The Edward J., Nell Bldg., T. Pin pin und M. del Banco Kacional, Binondo. P. 1. Mining-Machinery & Electrical Supply Co.) Inc., 433 Dasmariiias, Binondo, Manila. Philight, Inc., 489 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Philippine Engineering COrpollltion, 109 PlnzlI Stu. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. "Vulcano Engineering Co.," 521 1\'1. de lu IndU!:ltriu, San ;..'icolas. Muin Entrance: 21 1 Sevilla, San ;..'ioolas. ENG I NEERS , M IN I NG Alvir & Co., I nc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dasmuriilas. Bedford, Earle W., 363 Natio nal City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. DeVelopments, Inc., Fifth Flcor, Filipinas Bldg" Plaza Moraga, Binondo, ElicaJ1o, Victoriano, Derhflm Bldg .. Port Aren. Geologists & Engineers Syndicate, Inc., 459461 San Vicente Street. MOlltero, Luis B., Room 313, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpill. Corner Eseolta, Binondo. Murillo, Santos, Room 507, Fernandez Bldg., 12路' {l', Pillpin, Binondo. OVeJ'b~k, I nc., S. J. Wilson BldlZ., 143 Juan Lunll. Binondo. Reyno lds, Arthur L, Sarrumi1lo Bldg., Eseoltu, Bin ndo. SCfi)'fe Enginceriug Corporat.ion, Derluun Bldg., Pont Area. Suthorland, Milton, 936 R..'Ion, Quinpo. YaptinciHLY & Co., Inc., I., Rooms 705-707 , ins ular tifo Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. ENG INEERS' SUPPLY DEALERS Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., 6th Floor, Insular Life I3Idg., Pluzu l\Iorul!;a. Binondo. Eal'nshaws Docks and Hono!ulu Iron \Vol'ks, The, Second Street, Port Areu, Manila. Bngincel'ing Equipment find Supply Compnny, 13th Street, Port Area, Manib. JI.'Innilu MachinCl'y and Supply Co., Inc., 675-681 Dasmnrilills, BLllondo. Philippine Engineering Corporntion, 109 Plaza Sta. CrUll, Sin. Cruz. Wilson & Co., Inc., Fred, 55 Barraen, San Nic:ol]\~.

ENGRAVERS , GENERAL Acme Engraving and Electrotyping Plnnt., 715721 Calero, Stn.. CI路UZ. Alfilcr, Tomas C., 82 San Rafael, Snn Miguel. Aquino & Sons, F. H., 1416 Oroquie.t,a, Sta. Cruz . "Benipayo Press" and Photo Engraving, 548-552 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Carmelo & Bnuerrnunn, Inc., 2057 Azcarrugtl, Manilu. Frank & Company, Office: Second Floot', ]01-103 Escolta, Binondo. Factory: 1104 Cnsti1lejos, Quiapo,




Free Press Phot.o Ell~J'n\'ing. Tnc., Third Floor, Free PI'($S Bid"., 680 Riznl Avenue, Stu. CrUZ.

Garcia, A., 32 Stu. P otenciana, Intl'amul'OS. Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta and CaBe David, Binonclo. Kricdt Printing Co., Bulletin Dldg., 5,:;0 EVlIlI-

gelista, Cor. Raon, Sta, Cruz.

Manila Photo Engraving, 814 S01el', Stu.. Cruz.





Second FloO I', ]01-103 Escoltn, Binondo. Plant: 1] 04 Cal';tillejos, QuiaJlo.

Philippine Education Co., lnc., ]01-103 EscoHa, Binondo. Riz:d Printing COrnl)!lIlY, 1000 Hi:wl Avenue, Cornel' Lope dr Vl'~n . St:!. Crm:, i\luniiu. Star En~rnving. 670 Riz!!! Ave., Stt!.. Cruz. Sugar News PI'CSll, fne., Tilp, Sugar Ncw~ Bldg., 671 Da~mnrii'!tI~, Binondo. Znmorn, Crispu!o, (Viuda c I1ijo!! dr), 351 R. Hidalgo. Quin[)!). Zamol'n, Luis, 3 1'1-316 U. Hifln!go, Quiapo.

路 E$SENCE FRUITS ::\utiollnl Indushia l Corporation, 502 Estero Crgado, Strl. Cnuz. "'EXCHA NGE BROKERS (Sec ~rokerlj) "'EXCH ANG ltS International Stock E~change, Cr ystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. 1\Ianila Stock Exchange, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Dinonc'lo. National Produce Exchange Philippine Curb Exchange, Crystal Arcade. EX PORTE RS Aboitiz & Co., llle., (NIalliia Branch), 210-214 Gencral Luna, Intr~murO;;. Aguado Herm:lIlo~, 103 B.:J.lmes, Quia])o. Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Andcrnon & Co., W1I1. R., 84 i\'Jngllllnm'l<, 111Lrnmm'os, Ang: Chin Kellg, 491 K UOVfl, Billondo. Ar.:J.lletu Trading, Inc., L., MOllte de Piednd Bldg., P lazn SIn. Cruz Manila. Asintic Commcrci.Il.J (x;rporatiOIl. (ReithcrAkerman Co.), 13_ .Juan LUlln, Blllondo. Assnnmal & Co., G., 775-777 Taborn, S.'lll KicoIns. Bmneh: 737-739 Tnborn, Sun Nicolas. Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc., Sixth Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plnxn Mor:lgu, Binondo. Atlas Supply Cornpnny, 42G Evnll~e l i s tn, Quiapo . 13nheock ~~ Co .. Inc., W. R., 14 B I H ognr Bldg., Ju nn LUniI, 13inondo. Behn, 1\'leyer & Co., H. 1\lij., 59 Rosnrio, Dinondo. Berger & Co., Inc., S. 1\1., 2219 }\1.cltrraga, Sumpnloc. Boquer, Jr. D., 9 Plaza Morllbrfl, Binondo. BUnning & Co., Inc., 135-165 Felil>C II, Binondo. Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co., Room 203, Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dusm!l.rinRS, Binondo, l\1ani ln. Bazar Siglo XX, 101 Plaza del Conde.

Cnmpos Rueda H ennllllos, IIIC., 2205 AZCHrt"llg!l, Sumpnloo. Chu n Bona & Co., Simon A., 843 Urbizlondo, Snu Nicolas. Chan Chico & Co.,, Jonquin, 941-943 i\1agdalen:l, ('1'I'OZO\ , T ondo. Cheng Bnn Yek & Co., 523-525 l\'r. de 13inondo, San ?\icollll.,. China Drawn Work Co., B-1 M. H. dd Pilur, M:lIliia. Chong: '1'og & Co., ZOG Sto. Cristo, San Nicolu$. Choolnrum & Son~, 27 Esco\tu, Binondo. Christern, Hucllcfcld & Co., Inc., 71 I Homan, Binondo. Chua Boon Pen, 221 Ongpin, Dinondo. Chun Chiaeo & Co., 253 Juan Luna, Binondo_ Chua Luan & Co., Inc., 310-312 Sunto Cristo, San Xieolus. Chuan Seng, 531 N uevu, Binondo. Commollwenlth Salcs Co., Tne., Second Floor. Fcrnandez Bldg., J24 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Connell Bros. Company, Ltd., R oom,.; 623-624, rnsular Life Bldg., 1'Iuza Morngn, Binondo. Consumers 'I'mding Corporation, 2156 Azcarrngn, Quinpo. Coton, Lllis, 347 Tnmbucall, Stn. Cruz. Daido Bocki 1\ui$I18, Ltd., Third Floor, Hongkong !lnd ShlUlf!;hai Bunk Bldg., Junn Lunu, 13il)oodo, Manilu. David, D. n., 189 Juan Luna, Binondo. Davis & Compuny, P. i\1. , 541 i\luellc del Banco Nacional, 13inondo. De LUlie Commercinl Company, 329 .Juun LUlla, Binondo. Dc LUlie Trading, 11G "Nueva, Binondo. Dec Dian Guan & Co., 437 Nueva, Uinondo. Diu Po 1\inn, 327 Sto. Cristo, SUlI Ni('oIM. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., 191-211 Muclle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Dychuuco, Hosendo (Hoc Ho Bce), 318-320 8to. Cristo, San NicoltlS. East Supply Co., rnc., 700 Rizal Ave., St.'l. Cruz. Eastern Islcs Import Corp., 92 Bulmes, Quiapo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elizulde Bldg., 8路15 i\'Iuelle de la Industria, f\Iunilu. Eng Bio Junt, Inc., 724 Magdalena, Billondo. Enkee Tmding Agency, 321 Dll.llmaririas, Bi!londo. Erlangcr & Gnlin.L(er, Tnc., Reginu Bldg., David, Cor. Muelle del Bunco ::\ncionul, Binondo. Erquiaga, ]nc., 11. dc, 909 Indianu, Mulute. Fernandez & Co. , V. '1'. , S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 E~colta, Binondo. Forbes, Munn & Co., Ltd., 112- 113 l\J. de Binondo, Sun Kicol.lS . .l'!lanila. Foz Brokerage Inc. 206 Raon Stu. Cruz. li'resh F ood Co, Inc., T he, 117 Dasrnnrifl:lS, Binondo. Frieder and Sons Co., S., 36 I\ova liclies, Sun Migucl. Fukuvuma & Co., Tnc., 820 Folgucrtl8, Tondo. Furukawa Plnnt.ution Co., Inc., Third .Floor, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Lunu, Binondo. Gcnato Commercial Corporation, 1075-10i9 R . Hidalgo, Quiupo. Germun n & Co., Ltd., 156 Juan Luna, Binondo. Gctz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor, Sori:lUo Bldg. , Pistil Cervant-cs, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Gillespie, A. T .. 180 DRvid, llinondo. Gmu r, Inc.,, 90 Rosa rio, Binondo. Go COllgdio, 839 ])o!!:upun, T ondo. Go Foy & Co., Inc., H3-445 Salazar. Hinondo. Gonzalez &- Co .. A. C., 213-221 Crvsb l Arcade, Estolla, Rinondo. Goodwill Commercial Corponltion, 326 Misericordia, S tR. Cruz. Gotauoo & Company, Tne .. 21·1 Soler, Binondo. Gulr Trading Co., Io('., 527 Alvarado, Binondo. Gut.ierrez Hez'manos, 116-[22 lienterio, Intramuros. HHIISOO, Orth & Stevenson, Tne., FOllrth Floor, Chaco Bldg., Pl a~a Cel'vnntes, Binondo. H a p Liongco, 333 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Haw E. Heng, IIO[ Snn Fel'l1nndu, Binondo. Hercules Lumber Company, Inc., 155 P uz, Paco. Eispano Philil)pine Imp. und Exp. The, 14-18 Gral. Luna, In Lrumuros. Hoc Ho Tny & Co., fn c" 179 M. de 13inolldo, BinOlldo. Hull. Lam, 441 N uev\!, 13inondo. Hull. LUll, 221 R osllrid, BinOlldo. Inhelder, Walch Co., Ltd., China Bank Bldg .. Cor. Juan Luna lind ')n$mnrijul~, Binondo. Insular M ercantile, 471 .Juan L un n, Hinondo. I nternational Harvester Co. of Philippines (Formerly Macleod & Gq.), Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo and 154 Mar~ quez de ComiJIas, Ermita. Isla de Cubu, rne., 321 Es tel"O C ...,ndo, Su. Cruz. Jao Cui Peng, 419 J uan Luna, Hiz1ondo. J oc Guan Bi, Ang Kim Tiong I,3 ros. Co., .'l34. N ueva, Binondo. J(nw Tong, 513 ~ueva, ninondo. K er « Co., Ltd., 10 Cullcjon Slln Gubriel, Bi· nondo. l\ ish imoto & Co., S., 787 Tabora, Snn Nicolas. Koou Tek Chan, 527 Nueva, Hinondo. Kuan Low « Co., '117 Poblete, Binondo. Kllenllle k S~reitT, Inc. , 343-347 T. Pinpin, BinonJo. l ';:wlln Go &; Co. , 501-507 Dllsmm'ilias, Binondo. K wong Ah Phoy & Co., Inc., 849 Dagupan, T ondo. Kwong Chui Yucn, 417 P oblctc, Binondo. Kwo ng Suy Teung (Luy Lun & Co.) 452 T, Pinpin , Binondo. Lam Tong Co., 453-455 ;':uevn, Binondo. Li ChEL'y Too, 489 N ueva, Uinondo . Lim Bon Ping Hnos, Inc., 22 1 R o.«nrio, Binondo. Lizarraga Hnos., 32 EI H ogu!" Filipino Bldg., J ua n Luna, Binondo. Lorcnzana Sons, P ., 480 JUILII LUnll, B inondo. Luzon Tudent Compuny, 206 R aon, St.u. Cruz. i\'l nchuca & Co., J .. 21 Bulmes, QUillpo. Man Lec Loong, 320 '1'. P inpin , 13inondo. Manila Taisho Bn~nr, 113·115 Junn Luna, l3i. nondo. Mapa, Cirilo, 329 Laveznrell, &111 Nicolas. Marubishi-Yoko, 9 19 JUlin Luna, Tondo. Menzi &. Co., l nc., 180- 182 Juan T.una, Binondo. Mindanao Lumber Co., Tnc., 600 Alvarado, Binondo, Manila.



i\li~~ u~i s hi SI~ojiKaisha, lAd.,

Fourth F loor, i\atzonnl Czty Bunk Bldg., Juan Luna, Hi· !londo. M itsui BussnnKais ha , Ltd., &>COIlJ Floor, Nationn l City Bunk BId"., Manil:t, P. r. Model &. Co., r ne., L., 1907· 1911 Azcarrngn, Sta. Cruz. Modem Phormncnl Products Co., I nc., The, 88()"S90 Rizal Av .... , St:!. Cruz. Morgan Sales Co., l'hilnabank Bldg., 90 Escolta, Binondo. Xakagllll"a, i\Jonji. 5·10 Raon. Sta. Cruz. ::\'a~ionn l Exdlllnli;e Co., fn e., Phili ppine XaI'lollal Bank Bldg., 90 E sco l t~t, Binondo. Xntionul Indus triul Cm'porution, 502 Estero Cegndo, Stn. CI'U;\. :'feves, An tone M ., 231 E~p('!etn, Manila. Ng Chin Beng !-fmnos., 36! Jua n Luna, Binondo . N ippon liMal', The, Cor. Plu ~n. i'I'/magn nnd i!:scoita, Binondo, Ohb Developmcnt Co., In ~., Second Floor, £ 1 Hob'tt l' Filipino Bldg., .Juun Luna, Binondo. On Yu, 2·19 Mnl'quina, "Binondo. Ong: Chiu, -153 'f . Pinpin, Binondo. Osaka Boeki Knisha, Inc., 446-454 Dasma ri nas, Binondo, Mani la. Ow Yang ~un Shck-Yu Xllm Loong, -I2-! Poblett', Bmondo. Oil' Yong S:d 1';:;un, 2·HI Marquinn., Binondo. P;lcifiq Commcrcinl Company, Xationai City Blink Bid!;., JUlin LWIR, Billondo. P:lrs~:l! lS HarclwlIre Co., Inc., 805 Echague, &m l\h~\z eL

Pc CI}uaco & Co., 909 S:11l I;crnondo, Sun Xicoins. Philippine Athlc!ic i\J:uHlf:tcturers Co .. 230 Plaza Stu. Cr u ~, St:l. Cruz. Philippine Cabinet 'fimOcr Co., 2 19 13th S!rcet, PorI ArCll. Philippine Fish Company, 601 Echague, &n Migucl. Phil ippine Ne t and Braid i'llnnllfnet urillg Co., Inc., The, 367-369 .Juan LUlln, Bi uondo, Philippine 1'mdiug Co., 230 Pb~u Stu . Cruz. Stn. CI'U;\. Philippi Ill'S Compnny, Ltd .. TIll', 55 Rosario. Binoudo. Pineda & Ampil, 91)7 M . de In I nd ustria San Nicolns. ' Polish T mding Co. for A ~i:L Ltd., Philippi ne Agency, The, ( B rodet~ & J:ll1us;\kiewiez). Room 302, COrles-Oehon Bid)!:.. 240 Dao,mnrillns. Binondo. Poon J(u & Co., -147 Nueva, Binondo. Popular Trading Co., 555...')57 Mngdalenu, Billondo. Protzen, l\lax, ·12 DU!JmnriilOs, Binondo, Pu jaltc Lumber Co., 3 Plnzn i\Jorngn, Binondo. Pure Cnne j\'lolasscs Co. (P. r.), Inc.. The, -134 Perez Sall1nnillo Bldg., 6 19 Escolt:. Binondo. . Qua Chcc Gun. 3-13 Flcnno, SUII Nicol!\!'. Quail Kce CIIlIu.k & Co., 41 1 Poblete, Billolvlo. Rcnnolds Company, Will. H ., 8·1 fo.'lagnIlUllb, Intrnm Ui·os. Rosenstock & Compnuy, Inc., Second Floor Fernandel: Bldg., 12<1 T . Pin l)in, Binolldo.

EX 1)


Roxas y Compaiiia, 719 Echague, Sun Miguel. S,'l.bater SnICil Co., 76 Esc01tu, Binolldo. Sabi n O'~a & Son, R., Third Floor', Room 3, 4511 Dasmari flfls, Billondo. Seng ]{ee & Co., 622 Nucvn, Binondo. Shioji &. Asano, 35-A 1~ 1 Hoga r Fitipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Sie Jiap Sing, 228 T etunn , Sta. Gnu:. Sin 'Ving .& Co., (Kwong Wha Loong), 321 ('lnv(wia, Binolldo. Siy Con" Bieng & Co., IIIC., 129 Juan Luna, Binondo. Smith, Bell &. Co., lAd., flongkong & Shllnghai Bank Dldg., Juan Luna, Dinondo. Soo Chow, 463-465 Nuevn, Dinondo. Sy Cip, AUonso Z. , 129 Juan Luna, Billondo. Sy Yoco &. SonsJ Inc., 6 lngrcso, Dinondo. Taihci Yoko, 449-451 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Taknlllls hi & Co., ]nc., 753 Taborn, San Nicolas. Tan Chiong Pun, 505 Magdalena fInt-20 ), Binondo. Te Chcng Tiong, 223 Ongpin, Binondo. 1'io Que Suy, 92~ J aboncros, San Kicolas. Tiong L:l.ffi Com pany, 539 N lLeva, Dinondo. Tong Chui Tai &. ~., 31'<) Claveria , Binondo. Tong Hong Tr'ading '01'1'., <127 Nueva, Binondo. Trans-Pacific Trading Company, 130 T. Pin pin, Femu ndez Bldg., 1ani la. Tunson & Sampcdro, I ,\C., 81 7 Globo de Oro, Quiapo. Ty Chuaco & Co., I nc., 33 Elcano, San Nicolas . Vda. cFIijos de Juan P . Pellicel', Cor. F . B. Harri SO Ii nn(l Fisher Ave., PII ~IIY, Rizn]. Victoria.!' l\'lillin~ Co., Inc. U'hird Floor, Chac!) Blelg., Pb7,u Cervantes, Rinoudo. Viegcimalln, E., 460-466 Dn,m:.tril1nr, Binondo . Wnrner, Bnrnes & Co., LUI., Soriano Rldg., Plaza Cervantcs, Binondo, Mani la Tel. 22304. Watanubc, K ., 1221 Tubel'ins, Qlliapo. Werrler & Co., Ltd., (j Ingrcso, Binondo. Wilbur, Ellis Co., Rooms 623-624, I nsul ar Life Bldg .. Plu;o:a Moraga, Dinondo. Winl! Woo C hon!!;, 411 Poblct e, Dinondo. Wolff & Co., Inc., T. J., 25 Ploza Goiti, Sta. Cruz, Mnniln, P. I . Y. C. Lim S. ell C., 479 Junn LUM, Billondo. Yang Kong & Co., 319 Cluvcl'ia, Dinondo. YapallyolI, Antonio, 308 Madrid , San NicolM- . Yck Hua Trading Corporation, 129 Juan Luna, Rinondo. Yick On, 410 Poblcte, Billondo. Ysrael, Miguel J ., 711 T nbot'a, Sail Nicolns, Ysracl, Pedl'o, J., 711 Tubora, San Nicolns. Yu Ay, & Company, 412-414 Gnndarn, Binondo. Yut Woo Loong, III Hormign, Dinondo. Zuellig, Inc., F. E., 55-63 Rosnrio, Dinondo, Mnniln . · EXPORTERS OF MOLASSES North American Trading lI.nd Tmpot·t Co., The, 308 National City Bnnk Bldg., Juan LUIlI!, Binondo ~ EXPOS ITlONS AND FAIRS Philippine Exposition, Inc., Wallace Field (Facing L unetn), E l·mita.

EXPRESS COM PANY Amcrican Exprcss Company, Inc., TIII.~ , 95 Plaza Morogtl, rn~ular Life Bid"., Bmondo Canadian Pacific Express Company, 14-16 David, Binondo. Manila Ruilroad Compuny, 943 Azcarrnga, Tondo.

F · F ANCY GOODS DEALERS (Sec Notions) Tsal·dns & Co., T. , 194 Juon Lunn, Binoudo. Persian (Jnrpct Housc, 49 Escolta, Mllni 1:l. · FARM MACHINERY (See Agricultural and Machinery) ·FAR~'IA C IAS

(See Drug Stores) FERTILIZER DEALERS Botica Boie-(Philippine-American Drug Co.), 95 Escolta, Binondo. l\Ienzi & Co., I nc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Binondo. l\'I it~u i BU5.<;l.l n Kuishll( Ltd., Second Floor, 1\ational City Dank bldg., Manila, P . 1. P UrsOIlS H nrdware Co., 1nc" 805 Echab"lle, S11n Miguel. Sia y 1(ong Lumbang Oil and Fertilizer Faclory. 1131 1\1. de Santos, Tondo. Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Sorinno Bldg., Plnza (:('rvantes, Binondo. *FILMS EXCHANGE (See Cinematograph ) *FILTERS Perez Samnlllllo, Rafael, 122 Juon Luna, Bi!londo, Mnnil11. FINANCI NG AND INVESTl\·t ENT Financing Corporation of the Phil ippines , Soriano Building. · FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 'Vatson Busi ness Machines Corporation of the Philip pines, 510 Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 E scoltn, Binondo. · FtREARMS AGENCY General Luna Licc.nsed Firearm Agency, 659 T . Pinpin, Dinondo. FIREARMS DEALERS (Set> Arms and Ammunitions)

________________________~P~H~I~L~IP~P~I~N~E~S__________________~F~O~ R __~S I · FIREARMS REPAIRERS FireArms Repair, 848 Ongpi n, S ta. CI·UZ. t FIREWOOD DEALERS (See Wood ) t FISH NETS AND TWINgS Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L . R , Aguina ldo Bldg., 500 Juan Lu na, Binondo. Dychauco, Roscndo, (Hoc Ho Bee), 318-320 Sto. Cristo, San Nicoln.s. Lorenzana Sons, F., 480 Juan Luna, Binondo. Manila Mercnntile Co., I nc., 5 11 Azcnrraga, T ondo. · FI S H . DRIED Chunn Heng- Sen P roducts, 11 3S i\I. de Sautos, San Nicolas. Snbadisto, Demetrio, 12 11 San(.l~ E lena, San Nieolns. Sy Bun T ing, 64·1 Y lnyn, San Nicolns. Sy So Chen, 644 Ylaya, San Nieolus. FISl,[ PACK ER S (&-e ~ld Storngl') Abuig, R osalia. 1 P. DueO!!, Quiapo. Doncza, Santiago, :) P . D ucos, Quiapo. Francisco, Juan, 86 M . de Dlvisoria, San XicoIns. Philippine F ish Compan)\ 601 Eehague, San l\'Iiguel , Manila . T ondo Japanese Fishermcn':\ Union and Supply Store, 708-712 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. t FISHING COMI~ANTE S Eastem Deep-Sea Fi:,hing COI'JlOnttion, 3 12 Cu Unjiellg Bldg., T. P inpin, Cor. Escolt.n, Binondo. Guz nmn F ishing Corpomtion, 679 Echag\l£ (Tnt.-SI), &n M iguel. · FLAVORING EXTRACT i\'lAN UFACTURItRS "l"i-i'\'Ia", 465 Lcveriza, Pusay, Rizal. Murray r ille Flavoring Extl'ncts, 332 i\Iis('l'icordin, Sin. Cruz. · FLORAL OILS Nn~iollal rnd u.. ~ri t\ 1 Corpm'atioll, 502 ESlcl'O Cegado, St,lI. Cruz. FLOR ISTS Aimce'to. 455 A. Mabini, Ermiln. Bechavt'S, Benito, Cotgn ntc l<'lower j'I'Inrket, Ennit..'l. Binondo Flower Market, Condcsn.. Binondo. Bouq uet Shop, Till', Crystal, Escolta. Binondo. Carlos, L., ('olgllntc, Ermitn. Fermi n. Regino, 11 5 1 Sina:alon~. Malate. Flo\\,{'1' Bu .. ket (1. 0. Aguilar), 923 Pndl'e Fllum , Ermita. Helen's, 227 Tsanc Peral, Ermitn. !denl F lora l Ga rde n, 11 91 Singalong, Malate. rns u~ al' G nrd e l~ 1239 Singalong, Malate. Inter nat.ional i'loral Co., 412-41 4 Taft Ave., Ermi t.n. Luzoll Flora l Co., Crystnl Arcade, Escoltn, Bi nondo.

Manila Cent.ral Gm'den, 25 Mend iola, San Miguel. Munilu Gnrden, 719 Singnlong. l\1nlnt(' . Mnrivllux Florists, 721 An tipolo, Stll . Cruz. Martinez, Ida Deivin dc, 72 1 Ant.ipoio, Stu.. Cruz. Mnyedn. N urSC1''y, 12J.'i Sit'l!nlolll!, l\·Jnlnl..... Mi yasaki NUrser y, 1261 Singal ong, Malate. Nakaztl.wn N ursery, H ., 1122 Sun Andres, Ma late. Orion Garden, 239 Marquez de Comillas, Ermita. Pasay Garden, 2911 T aft· Avenue Ext.., Pasny, Riznl. Santos, Nene, Colgante, Ermitn. · FLOUR DEALE RS (Sec Grocery and Provision Dcn!e r~) B. S. BrOS. F lour M ills. 162 Paz. Paco. Dy Buncio & Co., lnc., 191-2 11 Muelle de Binondo, San N icolas. E I Buell ..he nso, 537-539 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Go l<im, 746 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Go T iong H eng T an Chiao & Co., 511 Muelle dc Rinondo. San Xicoln... P acific Commercia l Compnny, ?\,"ationnl Cit.y Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Sperry I'lour Co., 'Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Agent.;, Soriano Bldg., PIIl1;a Cervantes,


Stllr Hlndo. Groel'l'Y, 757 Sto. Cristo, Sun Nicoln<l. Sy {ey H in~. 724 Sto . Crit-to, Arm Nieolns. l'UlI$OIl e H ijos, I nc., C., 11 74-1188 Agno, ,Mnlu.t('. FLOW ER MAKERS ARTIFIC IAL Arias, Joscfa, 300 Cabildo, Intmmuro!l. E I Arle Filipino. 543 Evang('lista, Quillpo. Flower l.n nd, 535 EVlIngclistn, QUlllpD. Tnglc.&, Gcnoveva C., 31 G. Rcy('~, Sail Juan, Riz~11.

Lim, Trinidad, 316 Cnbildo, Illtramurof. FOOD PROD UCTS Slandard Brand.. of the Philippines. fne., I nsulaI' Icc Plant Bldg., Plaz:l. Utwton, EI'llliln. · FOOTWEAR S UPPLIES Aguinnldo & Co., Tnc., L. R., Aguinu.ltlo Bldg. , 500 J uan Luna, Bi nondo. "FORM LETTER AD VERTI S ING Manila Lettel' Shop, Office: Second Floor , 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Plant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. · FORWARDING AGENTS Americnn Expres.~ Co., I nc., T he, 95 P luzn MOl'llgn. Tns ull\r Life Bldg., llinondo. CL'nsipit, f(le., Gregorio. 5 1 E~colta, Room 202, S. O. de F'crnundez Bldg., Binondo. ChlIVCS, Su lings & Co., Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dnsmarnias, Binondo. Foz Brokcroge Inc., 206 llilon. Stn. Cruz.




General Tr!\Il~porlfitioll Co., 200 Rnon, St.n. Cruz. Gutierrez Bl'o~., ·11 9 Dn~mfll'ilill!:, Uinonclo.

Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc., Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Francisco, Port District. Tion[oc, Tne., lldcfonso. 123 na."lllnrilins, Bi. nondo.


" Bunahuw", 320·33(1 Curriedo, Sta. Cruz. "l smnr"-Dc Snntos }'neking, Inc., 1963 Juan Lunn, Tondo. "La Fruta Filipino," 650 Rizu\ Avenue, Sta. Cruz. FURN I TURE D EALERS

FOUNDR IES Ans: Sioe, 3·18 Cfllnhn, Snn Nicolns.

Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila. 71-77 l\'! uclic de In Industria , San Nicolas. Eal'lls haws Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second St.rcet, Port Area, l\'Ianiia . H crcdcl"O~ dc Hilnrio SUllieo, 503 .Jabollcros Sall Nicolns. Hiup Selll{ Poundt,,\,. 960 A~cnrJ'l\gn , Binondo. ,10k Tf'k J~ound l'Y Co., 013 Elcnllo, Sun Nicolas. l\im Bee, 226 Ar.cnlTllglI, 81111 Nicolas. Kim TOIll.( Hene: & Co .•.529 Blcnllo, SlIn XicoJns. Kim Y('k Fouil.~ry Shop, 32:) Gamba, &n NIcola!:'. '\ Lno Sn.r FO lll\dl'ie~, 228 Azcarmga, San 1\'icolt\£. " Lee Tack," 515 Juboncrm:, Sun Nicolas. "Natiooul Iron Wor" ". 1037 Dngup..'lO, Tondo. K):!o Cbinn Foundry Shop, 1049 AZCD.rrnga, Tondo. Po Chunn Found!'}" 10821\nrra, Cor. Alcarrnga, Tondo. Sam Hap Cui, ·121 Fundi( or, San Nicola!". Sin):! Ycnk Foundr')', lOG !flcuno. Sa.n Xieoln~. So Put Co .• 519-525 Jnbonqros, SUI ::\'ieolas. Sunieo, Vnlcn~ill, 2IG Azca rragn, San Nicolas. Tal[('r de Furdicion de Gelaeio Rclueio, 615 Jaboncros, San :l\'i('olus. Tcng Chi Limn, (Fnbrien de Cnwn, Cn-wale, Lipiu y Sudsud), 421 Fundidor, &n Nicolas. " VulCllno Enp:inccring Co.," 521 ,M . de In Industrin. Main Entrnnce; 211 Sevllln, &'111 Nicolas. FR EI G HT I NG, BAY AN,D RI VER (Sec Dny and River Frcighting,) F R U IT D EA L EHS

Alonnlon. Fnbian, I028 Ar[cgui, QUilt()(). Chi ng He, 892 Divisorin MnJ'kct, San Nicolas. Donc~n, &lntinp:0J. 5 P. Ducos. Quinpo. GnrciH, Claro. 72u I~o lgucrru;, Tondo. .Jurado, Nieve~, G94 Quintfl Market., Quinpo. Li Eng Hu:! , ·13 1 :\'UCVIl, Binondo. i\·llltCOS Fruit Store, 35::; 1:'ehuJ;ue, Sin. Cruz. Philippines Cold StOI'CS (G. S. ) ' uill and Co., Ltd.) 503-511 Eehngue, Quiapo. Que HUll Hcng, 579 Quinta l\'I:Irket, Quiapo. l';:cc & Co., (122 N"uevlI. Dinondo. SilvlI, Agnpito, 734 Folgtieras. Tondo. Yang l(ong, 73;; Folguerus, Tondo. "FRUlT EXTR ACTS

"Fi-Mu," 405 Leverizu, PnsllY, Riz(ll. National I ndustrinl Corporntion, 502 Este."o Cegndo, Stn. Cruz.

Angeles FUl'llitul'(" 27G O. TUlll'on, S..'IInpnloc. Associated Furniture fo.'1allufact uring Corp' (Norte FlII'niture Co.), 1036· 1058 Kana· '1'ondo. Denuty Furniture House, 240 T. Pillpin. Dinondo. Cndwnt1nder Brothers, Tne., PlnZll Stu. Cruz. Manila. Cent!'al Fu)"niturl', 329 '1'. Pinpin, Binondo. Chuun An, 624 On)!pin, Stu. Cruz. City FlU'nitul"c, 1508 Rizul Ave., Stll. Cruz. Cosmos FUl'llitll1'e, 333-337 T. P inpin, BinOlldo. Da Rozu, 1~. T .-Antiqm~ Furniture, 234 Oral. Sol:lllo, Sun IVl ip:ucl. EI Inventor, 1100 Nurrn, (Pnlomnr Pnl'k ), 'fondo. Eng Bio FlII'nitU!'e Co., 437 Slllu?nr, Binondo. French Reed l~ul'lliture Store, 57 M. H. del Pilul', Ermita. Gnhiola , Pllulinn A. Vdn. d(', 1.547 Azcllrrago, Stn. Cruz. Gutierrez, Li ~ardo, SGt R. Hidnlgo, Quinpo. !-IiJ'Otnni , K., tOO Legardn. Snmpaloc. :Rollywood Furniture. 52:'i-529 Paler. Stu. Cru?. Jnstallment S:dcs Co., Inc., 508 F'vangclista, Quinpo. Jmmlflr Furniture-Clul!I Linn Sun, 355-359 T. Pin pin. Binondo. Isardnl> & Co., T .. 194 Junn Luna, Binondo. .JupYnk. 310 '1'. AloIISO, Stn. Cruz. Jarillas Furniture Store nnd Sni t Making, 317 Liber·tnd, Pasa)" RiznL Knnaoll"ll, T., 325 Cnrrie<io, Sta. Cruz. Kunnokn's Fine Furnilure Store, 325 Cnrriedo , Stn. Crll?. Kwong Hing Lung, 512 Dnsmariiill.S, Dinondo. Kwong Mee Woo, 533 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. l\wong TOllg Chong l~u l'nilure, 594-596 Gan· dnn', Sta. C/,u?. L & P Co., The, 875-877 Sanchez Extension, (Palomnr Parkl' Tondo. "La Confianza" i'urniture, 372 T. Pinpin, Bi110n<10. L.'1 Eeonomin, 207 T. Pin pin , Billondo. La Nue\'n Fortunu Furniture Store, 884 Rizal A\'o., Sin. Cruz . Lee Yau Furniturc, 352 Rllon, Stu. Cruz. Leon & Co., J nc., D. R. dc, 335-337 Curriooo, Sin. Cruz. Leolleio Mns Furniture, G09 SoleI), Stu. Cruz. Levett, A., 325 Eohague, St.n.. "'TUZ. Li Chiong & Son Co., 1055 Nnrrn, Tondo. Li Ho Nntiona l Fumiturc Store, 371 T. Pinpin, Dinondo. Liu Fong & Co., ·142 Bermudn, Binondo. Lo Mun Kwok & Co., 301-305 T. Pillpin, Dinondo. Loehun & Co., 317 T. Pillpin, llinondo. LUzon Furniture, 250 T . Piopin, Binondo. Mnnil!!. InsWllment. Company, Inc., 407-111 P lateria!<, Sw. Cruz.

PH[LIPPINES i\llIniltl. Swing i\I llllufncturl'rs, 19 S. Expcditll> &i n JUllll del :'Ilont<', R

:'Ilodcrn Furniture, 932 l\I:II;::dnicnn, Tondo. :'oIucblcrin Enrique Il:Irrucco, 640-644 F. Tor res,

li' l' H


Your Home Flll'nit.ure, lEi2 Libertad, Pasa)", Rizal. l"rure S. en C .• Adolfo, 187 Rcnl, rntrnmuroS. YUkioka, K , 641 Pat, Paco.

8t[l.. C r ull.

:'.Iucblcs Fnlllci,co. 331 Regidor, QIli!q)O. ?Iucblcs Gubioln, 15H AZC'lrTrlJ!:Il, Sin. Xntionnl FUl'llitul"c Storr, 3il-375 T . Uinondo. XCI\' ](11'0111; Chuu, 43! T. Alon ,'O, St.:L XCIV St,ylc \i'ul'lIilul"c (Lim lIo lIio), P inpin. 13inon1l0.

C'm?. Pin pin, Cruz . 321 T.

OJ'iental FUl'nittu'c Inc., 342 '1'. P inpin, Hi110ndo. Branches: 333 and 324-328 T. P inpi n, Binondo. Pllm{>llllga FUl'l1itul'c Co., ;j{) X. Domingo, &1\ Juftn, RizlIl. PasculI] , Morcy u., 1723 Ol'OqUictfl, Cm', Sun Lnzul'O, Stn. Crm...

Perez Samunil1o, Rufael, 122 Binondo, Manila.



Persian Carpet. Hb!Jl';c, ·I!) E~coltn. i\ llIn1l11

Philippinc Bed F:lel~ry, Stor(,: 706-708 Rilal Avcnue, Stu. Cruz. ,P hilippi Ill' F urniturc Fatllory, 352-356 T. Pillpin, B inonJo. Philippinc Installmcnt, 7.59 Reina Regcntc, Binondo. Po On Chcung, 9-13 Baham\,-, SI:!. Cruz. Popubr FurnitUl'c FnetOl'Y, 69 A. )'hbini, )'IaYJ).'!jo, Caloacan. Hi?al. Pop~lal' Furnitul'f' Fnctory. .j7 T. Pinpin, Bmondo. Puat Yu, 208 Sto. Cri"to, San :\·icolns. Puyat & Sons, Inc., Gonzalo, P uyat Bldg., 219-229 Solana, Walled City, Manila. Qua1it~' Jewe[ry Store, The, 870-$72 Rizal Avc., Stll. Crll? Rat tan Al·t and Dccomtions, [nc., 2957 Hel'l"an, Sta. Ana, Manila. Show Rooms: 242 A. l\-1lIbini, El"mita. Roxa<; FUl'nitUl'l" Hou~c. 376 T. Pinpin, Hinondo R oya l FUI'niLul'c, 360 '1'. Pill pin, ]3inondo. Sam BOll FurniturC', 559 jI,'fag<!nlcna, Binondo. Sn mpaloc (,'u rnitul'C' Storc, 3·12 O. T un~on, Sampaloe. Shanghui FUl'Ilitul'e Stol'e, 032 F. TOITes, Sin. Cru z. Siy ({iok's Furniturc, 372 'J'. Pinpill, Binondo. So Eng Suy. 521 i\'fngdalcnn. 13inOl\do. Soller, Rnymunda L., 529 Da pitlln, Sllmpaloc, Manila. Sy Sin & Co. , 1-10 A. i\'iflbini, C:I!OOCllJl. Rizal. Tnkuhnshi lo\jmit.ure. 730 JUlin Luna, Binondo. Takeuchi Furniture, 808 Echnguc, Snit i\ligucl. Tay Heng F'urn iture, 52:l T . Alonso. Sta. Cruz. Tink iliy Furniturc, 532 T. Pinpin, Uinondo. White house FUl'nitUI'C Co., l\I ain Office: 364-368 T. Pinpin, Bi nondo. Branch: 367 T. Pinpin , Binondo, Manila, P . 1. Wright l"urni[.u I'C Co., (Puyat Br:lllch), 628 Rizal AVellllt', Stn. Cruz. Ynmllsltita OOMtructioll \VorYs, 237 C:lfrieJe, Stu. Cruz. Yo~hiDflIm, K., 100-1 R. Hid algo, Quinpo.


eSct:' Cabinct Make!,>;) Associated Furniturc i\ Ial\ufacturing: Corp.. (Xorte Furniture Co. ), 1036-1058 Nann, Tondo. Centrlll Furniturc 329 T . l'inpin. 13inondo. Chen Puck, 521-=-23 Soll'r. COl'. Gandara, Sta. Cru~.

Cosmos F'Urni ture, 333-337 T. Pinpin. T3inondo. Dc Luxe Furnit.urc l'ac1ory, 5,39 Magdnlcnn, Binondo . ''El Cl'ecirntr." Laong, Cnloocan, Rizal. EI rn ventor, 1100 Nul't'a, T ondo. "~ I Molavc," 117-110 A. i\ lahini, l\'Iaypajo, Cn!oocnn, R i?ul. Eng: Bio FUI'niturc Co., ,137 Snlnzur, Binondo. Fujihnru )i'umiturc and COtJ'ih':leling, 834 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Hap Bee, 717 li'. B. Ha!Ti~on" Pn~ay, Riza!. Hap Sen!!", 308 T. Alonso, ;:;tll. Cruz. Hirotani Ii'UI'nitul'C Store, Ji:., 16u Lcgardn, Sampuloc. Hol1\"lI"ood FUl'llilUt'(", 525~)29 Soler, Sla. Cruz. IIlSlu1ar Furnitul'e-Chuu 1.. inn SUIl, 3-3u-3-59 T. Pin])in, I3inondo. Jap Yak, 310 T . Alonso, Sla. Crll7.. JariIJas Furn iture Store ~llld Sail l\Iaking, 317 Libcrtad, Pa.~ur, R :zn!. I\nnnok:t, T., 325 Cnrdcd o, St.'!. Cn L ~. I\anaoka's Fine Furniture Store, 325-327 CarrlOOO, Stu. Cruz. Kwong i\Iee Woo, 533 l\l isericordin tn. Cruz . J\wongTong Chong Flll'nitlLre', 59·1- ~ nndanl, Sw. Cru7.. ,~M G "ut ConfilLll1:n" FurnitlLl'r, 372 1'. Pin pin, Binondo. La Economin, 207 T . Fin pin, Binondo. Liun Sing, 5>l6 B1cnno, &m Nicoln$. Lim Soon, 522 T. Alonso, Stll. Cruz. Lochun &; Co., 317 T. Pin pill, Binondo. MUlliln SII'ing MUllufaeturcI'S, 19 S. I!;xpcdito, 8:1lI .Juan drl Monte, Ri7.ul. Model'll Fut'Zliturr, 032 Magdlllclll\, 'rondo. Nell' l \\\"ong Ohllll, 43 1 'r. Alonso, S[,a. Cmz. Norte PUl'tlitlLl'(' Co., 8·12 £\nn'lI, 'I'ondo. On Yick Furnit ure Fnctory, 657 SulcI', Binondo. Orientul FurnilUrc, fne .. 342 T. Pin pin, Binondo. B!'a nches: 333 und 321-328 T. Pinpin, Rinondo. Pampanga Purnitwc Co., 59 K. Domingo. San Junn, Pascunl, Morcy B., 17?3 Ol'oquietll. Cor. Slln Lazaro, 8ta. Cruz. P erez Snmanillo, Rafael, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo, l\lanilu. P hilippine Furniture Fnciory 3-'12-3':'6 T. Pillpin, Binondo. Popular Furniture FUClo!'Y, 69 A. Muhini, ;\l!wpujo, Cnloocan, Hi?al. . Popular Furniture factory, .J 57 T. P inpin, Binondo. Puynt & &ms, Inc., Gonzalo, Puynt Bldg., 219229 SolUM, Walled City, Manila.



Hnttan Art and Decorations, Inc., 2957 Henan, Stu, Ana, Manila. Roxus Furniture ROlL'lC, 376 T. Pinpin, Binoudo. Shn ugh ui l~urniturc Store, 632 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. Sin Hap 1,i, 881-(' Isnac Peml, Paco. Soller, Raymundn L' I ,;29 Dapitan, Sampuloc. Sy Sin & Co., 140 A. Mn.bini, Cnioocan, Rilai. Tnknhtl.<:ihiFumiturc, 730 Junn Luna, Binondo. Takeuchi Furniture, 808 Echnguc, San Miguel. Tay Hcng FUl'llit.UTC, 523 T. Alonso, Stu. Cruz. 'rink iliy Furniture, 532 T. Pinpin, Rinondo. '1'unson & SnmpcdJ"o, Inc., 8 17 Globo de Oro, Quiapo. White House Furniture Co., Muin Office: 364368 T. Pinpin, Binondo: Branch: 367 T. Pin pin, Binondo, Manila, P.


Ynmnsllitn Construction Works, 237 Cnrricdo, Stu. Cruz. Yocn Jan Fmniturc Fnctor'y, 619 T . Alonso, 8t1\. Cruz. Yoshinnlut, K, IQ04 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Yrure S. en C., Adolfo, 187 Henl, rntrnmuros. Zltpnnt,n's Furniture, 1808 Herrnn, Pneo. *FmtN ITURE



Hirotnni, K, 166 lcgard\,-, Sampnloc. Tnsulnr Furniture-Chua l.ian Sun, 355-359 T. Pinpin, Binondo. , Oriental Furniture, Tnc., 3421'J'. Pinpin, Rinondo. Brunches: 333 and 32·1-328 T. Pinpin, Binondo. White House Fumiturc Co., A'bin Office: 364368 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Branch: 367 T. Pin pin, Binondo, Manila, P. r. · FURNITURE RATTAN DEALER AND MANUFACTURER (Sec Rnttnn Fumiture Dealers)

G *GALVAN rZED IRON DEALERS (See Hnrdwnre Dealers) Atlantic, Cui f and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de In Industria, San Nicolas. Bazllr Siglo ~'X, 101-103 Pluzll del Conde, San Nicolns. Chnm-Samco & Sons, 300-30S Sio. Cristo, Sail ~icoJns.

Pacific Comrnrrcini Compnny, Xnlionnl City Bnnk Bldg., ,Junn Lunn, Binondo. Perez SamaniJIo, Rafael, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Rcyc.~ &. Co., Floreneio, 424 Azcnrragn, San Nicolas. Simeon O. Suan, 324-326 Ecitague, St.n. Cru.z. Uy Chaco Sons & (:Q., Tne., l\'Inriano, Chaco Bldg., 25-37 PlaZ:I Cervantt-s anti 4£1-53 Rosn rio, Binondo.

GARAGES (&0 Automobiles for Hire und

Tronsportntion Companies) Antipolo Garage, 528 Avc. , Stn. Cruz. Auto Trucking Co., Inc., 195.) Azcarrogu, Sta. Cruz. Bartolome & Javier, 113 J\<lorgu, Tondo. Legardn Guragc, 688 Lcgnrda, Snmpaloc. AIn buhny Garngc, Inc. , 1824 Rizal Avc., Stu. Cruz. Muknbuhay Gamge, 1940 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Malate Taxi cflb-Gam.~e nnd Auto Repair, 767 Dakota, Mutate, Manitfl. Molina Truck, 2158 A~Mrrug!!., Quiapo. New Pekin C!ll'!l~C, 510 Ongpin, Binondo. Ongpin Glu'age, 409 Ongpin, Stu. Cruz. Rainbow Garnge, 157 u.gnrdn, Snmpnloc. Reyes Gurugc, 474 F. D. Harrison, Pasn.)'. Riza!. Snmpaloc Gamge, Main Office: 2119 rucarroga, Sampnlor.. Branoh Ofllcc: 1257 Santu :M csn, Sampnloc. San Juan Gnrage, 40 N. Domingo, Sun Juan, Riza!. Sima's Gnragc, 1515 Onal. Luna, Ermita. Tin Dun Ting, 7-11 Ongpill, Binondo. · GAS COM PANIES Manila Gas COI'pol'ution, Main Office: Otis Paco. Retail Store: 138 T. Pinpin, Binon do. Tide Water Associated Oil Company. Fifth Flool', S. J. Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. · GAS RANGES J\'fnnila Gas Corporation, Main Officc: Otis, Paco. Retail Store: 13S T. Pinpin, BiI\ondo. GASOLI NE DEA LERS (Sec a lso Oil Compunics) Casll, E .. (Successor of Julinn La 0 ), 21.2-216 Tetuan, St.a. Cruz. Cheng Pi ~, II!) Meisi!.:, Binondo. Dy Buncio & Co., Tnc., 1!)1·211 Muelle de Binondo. San Kicoll\S. GArcia, Alberto, 1-1-17 GraL Lunn, Ermitn. "Gastn rla" L. de Gtlrleiz, 240 1'11. dc Comilla", Ermitl1. Manila Auto Supply, i\Inin Store.: 633-637 Azcnrmgll. Branch 500-502 AzCtlrrl1gu, Tondo. Rotonda Texaco and Oil Sen'icc Station nlld Auto Laundry. 421 Rotonda, Sampaloc. Standard· Vacuum Oil Company, (Formerly named Soeolly-Vacu um ('orpomtion ) :\Jetrol>olitan Thcater Bldg., Callc ArrocCJl)S, Mnnila.

PHILIPPINES Texas Co., (P.L), Inc.. The, 91 Phtza Moraga, Binondo. Thc Asiatic Petroleum Compuny (P. L ), Ltd., Hongkong and Sililnghni Ihnk melg., Juan Luna. Binondo. Tide Watel' Associated Oil Company. Fifth Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Jua n Luna, Binondo. Union Distributing Corporation, 13th and Atlanta Sts., Port Area. GASOLINE ) t\IPORTE RS Babcock & Co., Inc .. W. R., Room I~ , El Rognr Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. "Gastarla" L. de Garteiz, 240 M. de Comillus, Ermita. Richfield Oil Compnrl), of California, Room 14, El Hogar Filipino Bldg., JU:1Il Luna. Binoudo. TexllS Co., (P. 1.) , tnc., The, 91 PIaM i\Joragn, Binondo. 'ride Watel' Associated Oil Company, Fifth Floor, S. J. Wilsol\.Bldg., 143 ,Juan Luna, Binondo. \. Union D istributing Corporation, 13th nnd Atlanta Sts., Port Area\ GASOL.INE SUPPLY STATIONS Agcaoi!i, Leonor de, Cor. Riza Ave. and An· lipolo, Sta. Cruz. Albo's Gasoline Station, Doro Jose, Sta. Cruz. Asiatic P etroleum Compnny Gasoline Sta~ion, Corner H erran and T ejeron. Stn. Ana. Aviles Shell Service Station, Avile:;lUId Arlegui, San Miguel. Ayala Bridge Shell Service Station, Cor. Echague and Pascual Casul, San Miguel. Azcarragn Service Station, Cor. A?carraga and ,Juan Luna, Tondo. Boquiren, M. P. , Rizal Avenue, Corner Antipolo, St.a. Cruz. Cheng Pit, 119 .lHeisic, Binondo. Garcia, Alberto, 1447 Gral. LUlla, E~mitll. Gutierrez, Evaristo D., Cor. HeTl'an :1I\.t! Tejeron, St.a. Ana. Johnson & Reyes Service Station and Auto Supply, 3481 Taft Ave. Exten:>ion and Lihert-ad, Pasuy, ManihL Auto Supply, Main Store: 633·637 Azcarrnga. Brnnch: 500-502 Azcarraga, Tondo. Mci~ic Service Station, Cor. Reina Regente and Soler, Binondo. Morn J~illinp; St.ntion, Gral. Lunn and Padre Faurtl., Ermita. Morn Service Station, 8 1 Sm. MeSll., Sumpaloc. Motorist.'3 Filling Station, Conce/Jcion, Cor. Aynla Boulevard, Ermita. Ongpin Shell Service Station, Cor. Ongpin and Nueva. Binondo. Pacific Commercial Company, National City Bank Bldg., Juan T,una, Blnoudo. Ram Car, Tnc., I!O P . Fnura, Ermita. Rodriguez, Ruperto S., 61 P laza del Carmen, Quiapo.



Rotonda Texlico and Oil Service Station lind Auto Laundry, 421 Rotonda, Sampaloc. Sn.rgan Motol' Works, 2558 Taft Ave. Extension, Pasay, Rizal. Shcll Service Station, Snn Luis and M. H. det Pilar, Ermitn. Soeony Oil St~tion and Auto :ncpair Shop, &Hl F. B. HnlTlson, PUSllY, Rlzal. Bacon), Service Stution, Corner Sande and Juan Luna, T ondo. Square Auto Supply, Juan Luna, Cor. I layn, I3inondo. St.andard Vacuum Service Station, Herran and Taft A vellue, I\'llllatc. Taft Avenue Shell Service Station, Taft Avenue and lI errnn, :.\.J!llnte. Texas Co., (P. 1.) Inc. , The, 91 P ln?a. Moraga Rinondo. Texaco Sen 'ice Station, Soler and Reinn. Re· gente, 13inondo. Tinc Selig Soeon.... Service Station , 1 Plaza del Condc. &'In X kolas. Tide Water Associated Qil Company, Fifth Floo!', S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Servi('e Stution Xo. 6-Corner Cortabitnrte and A. Mabini, Malnte. Sen'ice Station !'Io. 7-Corner Gral. Luna and Oregon, Paco. Servke Stlltioll No.8-Corner Rizal Ave. jnnd Azcllrraga, St-:1.. Cruz. S4!'vice Station No.9-Plaza Sm. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Service Station IO-Tnft ..he. Exten· s~on and Vito Cruz, Malate. Try i)Ic Service St:l.tion, 'I'.!lft Ave. Extension and Libel'tud, PUSIY, Rizal. Un ion Distributing ('orporat.ion, 13th & At,.. lantn Rts., Port Aren.


*GENERAL BROKERS (See Brokers, General) -GENERAL j\'I ERCH ANTS (Sec i''''f er('hunL~, Gencral) Elizalde & Co., fnc., Elizalde Bldg., M. de la Industria, i\lanila. GEO LOGIST. CONSULTI NG Alvir & Co., Inc., Thil'd Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dasmnriiias, Binondo. Federated i\lmerllls, Inc., 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. GLASS DEALERS Bchn, Meyer k Co., H. 1\.·Iij., 59 Rosario, Billondo. Chua I.conp; & Co., 305 Gandara, Binondo. Chua Sing Juat Mirror Factory, 325-327 Nueva, Binondo. Chua Ynp (Philippine l\'Iirror Factory), 716-718 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Branch Store: 421-125 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns.




Day Mon Glass Store, 707 R. H idalgo, Quia . po.

Gctz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plo,ztl Cervallles, Binoudo.

Hap Leong and Co., 362·364 8to. ('risto, San Nicolas. Hok Siong Yak, 745 Tcodorll. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. l{im vng, 136 Vilhl]obos, Quinpo. Ring Hinp H ing Mirror Fnctory, 403-1.05 Sa· lazar, Binondo. La Ciudnd de Tokio, 3'13 n. H idal~o, Quinpo. Leh Lin Ngui, 379 Eclmguc, 8tll. Cruz. Menzi & Co., Inc., 180-182 Juun Luna, Dinondo. Mitsui DUS-<;jlll Knishu, Ltd., Second Floor, NntiOJllli City lhnk 11ld~., Mallila, P. L Oricntnl 011\$.<; Palnce, 433-435 8to. Cristo, Binondo. Sill &ml:: Junt & Co., ·12J ..423 Nueva, Dinondo. Squirc.~ Bingham Co., 15 Plu?!\ GOiti. Stn. Cruz. Suy Kee, .JO'I 8to. Cri~lo, San Nicolas. Vcrlindcll, IVI., Capitol BJd~., 31 E~colta, Binondo. ·C LASS ANp M IRROR DEALERS Chun Sing Junt l\-l ilTOI' FHctOI'Y . 325-327 N"uc\'a, Binondo. Chua Yap (Philippfuc Mirror Factory), 7 16718 Riznl Ave., StD.. Cruz. Branch Store: -121-425 8to. CI'i<;to, ~UI Nicolas. I{ing Ri np Hing Mirro,\Factory, 405 Salnznr, BinOlldo. jI.·Iodern Glru:sware Store, 510 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. '-. Oriental Glass Pnlace, -133--,135 Sto. Cristo, Binondo. Squires Bingham Co., 15 PIllZU Goiti, Sta. Cruz.

· GLASSWARE DEALERS (Sec Cllinn, Glvl'>', fi nd ElIl'thell\\'fU'e Dealers) Chong I-Ieng, 370-381 Eohague, Sta. Cruz. Chua Ohunll HUllt, 378 Sto. Cdlsto, San Nicolas. Co Chi Tong, -138 Sto. CI'isto, San Nicolas. Concepcion, Vicente (Tan Guinmco &. 00.), 235-237 S:\II Vicente, Binondo. Dychauco, Hoscndo (Hoc '-10 Bec) 3[8-320 Sto. Cl'it>to, San Nicolas. Co Poco .Juun Sons, 205 "Nueva, Binondo. Gui ChionA' National Olu!'lOlI"lIl'e, -!.·12-4-;l4 Sto. Cl'iMo, Sun Nicoln8. 1(110 Chce &'ncc. 217 Nueva Binondo. ](iam Tek &- Co. , 222 Slo. Cri~to, $..'1n Nicolns. Kobe BnZ!lllt", 3 16-320 Echaguc, Stu. Cruz. Brnneh: 1029 1\1. de Snllto~, Snn Kicolas. La Doda de 01'0, 702 Taborn, Sun Xicolns. LI Suerle & Co., 506 Sto. Cri!;tCl. San Kicolns. tim Tua Tun, 102,1 Comcrcio, Snn Xicolas. i\'lodern Glnsswnre Store, 510 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Des Dnzar, 200 Nueva, Binondo. Ong Chun~ 322 Slo. Cristojl $..'I.1l Nicolas. Ong Gui ;":ling. 705 Dnrt, nco. Sy Chunn Stor(', 1026 Comcrcio, San Nicolas. Tan Guinmo & Co .. 237 &In Vicente).. Binondo. Tnni, Shotell, 1037 1\ 1. de Santos. ;:;an Nicol9.S. Wan Kwong, 134 Villalobos, Quil\po. Weinst(lin Bros., 619-621 Riznl Ave., Sta. Cruz.

·GLAZ ED AND CERAMIC TILES Perez SumanilJo, Rafael, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo, 1\-II\I\ila. Verlindcn. M., Capitol Bldg., 31 Escolta, Binondo. GOLD AND S ILVERSl\IITHS Alfiler, Tomas C .. 82 Snn Rafl\el, San r.,·Iiguel. "Ang Buti", 528 Allti lmlo, Sta. Cruz. Aug Uri, 62 San Junn ..001>, San Juan, Rizai. Co Tian, 479 Nu('va, Binondo. Dealn, T:). 721-725 R. Hido.lgo, Quiapo. Dizon ,t· ::ion, 1002 Dart, Pnco. EI Arte Modemo, 829 San Murcclino, Mslute. EI Oro, }42O Herrnn, Paco. ' 'Fl Oro Blunco," 1184 Sandc, Tondo. EI Sardonix, 814 T..nvcznres, $nil NicoJtl$. Faustino, Dionicio. dc, 269 Cnbildo. Inlrnmur08. H eacock Co., H . E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Bin ondo. La Estrelln de! Nort.c, 45-50 E scolta, Binond Ln Gallllltia" 56-A Sn.n J unn loop, &n Juan, Rizvl. In Proteccion Nncional, 612 Ar.cnrrnga, S:1n N'icolru;. Muniln "C.O.D.," 725 Rizal Ave., Manila, P . r. Ogawn, S., 117 I~~colt n, Dinondo. Per ez Samanillo, Rafael, 132 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Lunn, Binondo, Mnniln. Po Guan Pisteriu. 210 Sto. Cristo. 8:111 XicolllS. QU!llity Jewclry Store, Th ~, 870-872 Rlza! Ave., Sta. CI·UZ. ReYCll, Rufino , 617 l\luyha:igue, Sta. Cruz. Tn]] Lay Gold Smith, 369 )'lnng- \lang, San 1\'"icolns. Zamonl, Cl"i;;pulo, (Vi udl) e Hijoi' de), 351 R. Hidalgo, Quiulm. Z:l.mol'lt, IAli.. , 3 14-316 R. Hidalgo, Quiapcl. G ROCERY AN D PROV IS ION DEA LERS, RET AIL Ah Gong Sons & Co., 389-391 Echague, Quiapo. Americul"I Grocory, The. 21.,)-217 Eclll:lgul', Stn. Cruz. Asnhi Deer KCPR Groccl,)" GOI oonto Cristo, Sun NiIJoln-;J. As ia Grocery Store, 709 On!?,pill, Stn. Cruz. D. S. firos. 1r]01U" Mills, lfi2 Paz, Paco. Dan "ray Grocer), 1118 M. de Santos, Sull Nicolns. Dio Gunn Chun Chong, 1022 Coll"U'rcio, San Nicolus. B lnnco Co Tun, Fnlaeiseo, 517 Sto. Crir<to, 8.'1n Nicola". Calderon SiolY'. 503 M. d(' Billondo, 8.'1n :Nicolas. Cheng Ban H cng. 1110 Stn. Elena, San Nicolas. Chen~ Bnn Sieng, 632 T!loora. &n N"icolus. Cheng Chay & Co., 42·' fito. Cristo, 81m Kicola.s. Chcng Chin fieng Grocery, 536 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Chiat Just Grocery, 553 Sto. Cristo, Son Nicolas. Chiat . Liong, 736 Dart. Paco. Chim Hong, 1118 Sta. Elena, Binondo. Chin Lam J:. Co., 230 Car\'lIja\, Binoudo.

PHILIPPINES Chin Yek &: Co., 1115 M. de Santos, San Ni· colas. Ching Ban Guan, 1123·B i\'t. de Santos, San Nicolas. Ching Ghay Pin &: Co., 101&-1018 Cornercio, San Nicolas. Ching C lman Hunt, 1028 Comcrcio, San Nicolas. Ching Chuan Sin)!;, 531 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Ching Guan Hen!!:, 1034 Comcrci0J. San Nicolas. Ching Sing, 720 T. Alonso, Stu. 'Veuz. Ching Sing Grocery, liS P. Blnneo, Quiapo. Chua Chi Sons &: 0,., 1106 Sta. Eleno., San Nieolns. Chua Oh King, 105 Bustillos, Sumpnloc. Chun Wilt Hap Yck, 1[06 Stu. Elena, SaIl

N icolll.S. Chuan GUUl}, 1653 A7.cnr'l'n~n, Stu. CrUll .

Chunn Lee. 625·E DUl't, Plleo. Chuan Lu, lGll Ar.cnn'ul!:iI, 81n. Cl'U~. Co Chip & Compul,lY, 553-555 Sto. Cristo, 8..'1U Nicolns. Co Goiap Grocery Store, 1112 Sta. EICnil, San Nicolas. Co Sinu, 258 Tetnnn, 8t.fl. Grm:. Co Tin Grocery, \04 Sta.. Potenciana, Intra· muros. El Consuelo, 1045 M. de 8.\ntos, San Nicolas. El Filipino, \053· 1055 Mn,l!:dalenn, Tondo. E l J.. ucero de Alb!!., 3001·306 N'11f"a. Binondo. EI P rogreso Grocery, 807 Folgu,ras, Tondo. E I P rogreso Store, J06 Villalobo~, Quiapo. Eng Hong Grocery, 63G Tubora, San 'Kicolas. Ermita Grocery &: Cold Stores IH6ng Ta; & Co.), 96-98 M. H. del Pilar, J<':rmit:l.. Europe:l1l-Americnn Grocm'Y (Woo, La & Company), 430 Echngue, Stn. Cruz'. Farmers' Produce and Commercial Co., 234 Chicn, Sin. Cruz. Genalo Commercinl Corporation. 1075-\079 R. Hidalgo, QUi1lpO. Go Bio Guan, 503 l\L de Dinondo, S:111 Nioolas. Go Kim GI'OCel'Y, 746 Sto. (I'isto, Tondo. Go Tiong Heng Tan Chiao &. Co., 511 M. de Binondo, SlIn Nicolll';. Co To Gl"ocel'\'. 533 8to. Cl'isu>, Snn Nicolns. Go Yen, 5St ))Ul't, Puco. Copoeo CrocCl'Y, 410 Echa/1:ue, Stn. CrUl . GUlLn Chunn, :,26 Sto.. Cl'is to, San Nieolof'. Guan Liun Chiong Crocery, 5<15 Sto. Cristo, Sun Kieolm'. Reng Liang Grocery, 569 SlO. Cl'i,;to, 81L11 :-iIicolls. Hillg Leon.'!: Co., 569 Sio. Cristo, Sun NicolltS. Hoc Liun Bee, 10H ComNcio, Snn Nicolns. Hoc Linn Hing, 535 Sio. C ri,;lo, 8.'ln Nicolu5. Hong Du, ·122 Eclnl~le, Stu. Cruz. Hop Oh J ong, 862 Omwin, Stn. Cru7.. I~ln de Cuba, I nc., 321 El'tero Ccgado, StD.. Cruz. I{eh It, 65 N. Domingo, 8.'l1l Juan, Ri?1I1. }(jan Ulln, GOG Dart, Paco. K im K i, 122 Villalobos, Quinpo. ](0 Pao, 322 Nue\,(L, Binond o. Kun lice Grocery, 533 Hiznl Ave .. Stn. Cruz. Kwong Chay, 709 Ja)xllleroJ>, Sim Nicolas. Kwong Chlrong Lun, 2 Orozco, Stn. Cruz. Kwong Fook Yucn, 737 T. Alonso, Sm. Cruz.



Kwong Hing (Ko Pool, 322-324 Nuevn, Rinondo. Kwong Me Chan, 321 i\'I . NovaJ, Caloocan, Rizlu. Kwong On Tai, 5 17-5 19 T. Alonso. Stu. Cru1, Kwong Wing Lung Groccr~·-(Wong Choc & Co.), 1443-1447 Hf'rrnn, Paco. Kwong Yucn Fong, 489 DnsmuriJias, Binondo. La Alcgrfn, 435 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. La Buena Suerte, 1047 M, de Santos, San Nicola,.... Ln Ccntral Grocer~ 118 ViIlnlnbos, Quiapo. l.a Copn, 520 Sto. vristo, &111 Nicolas. L'l Economin, 653-J Dart, Paco. La Estrella, 733 Dart, Paco. La Ji'avorita Grocery, 39-·15 Blumentrit~, SWl. Cru7.. La Filipinn, 524 Echague, Quinpo. Ln FOltuna, I nc., 360 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. I..'l Grllciosa, 407- M. de Binondo, Snn Nicolas. L:l Libcrtad, 314 l .. ibertnd. Pusayo Riznl. La Lulu, 530·532 Azcanagn, 8an Nicolas. La Pntria, G31-633 l.cgnl'da, Sampaloc. La Ven\ad, 520 810. Cristo, Siln Nicolns. Ln!!;Ulln Groccry (Kim Sing), 5-19 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolns. Lno Cheng GlUlI\, 563-A Dart, Lce ChulI~. 71 5 T. Alon'iO, Sla. Cruz. Lee Song Gror:cry. 1630 Herron, PIICO. Linn Selig k Co., 10·131\1. de Bunlos, San Nicolns. Liu E{oc Sing. 400 Sto. Cristo, San :\'icolas. Los H'ilipino~, 102 Vilblobos, Quinpo. Los Obrcro5 Personeros, 10J5 ~I. de Buntos, San Nicolas. I,u Slllg GrocCI'y, 616 Taborn, San :\"'icolas. M. 1,' >ln K oan, 110 Villalob08, Quiapo. .1\blate Grocery, 951 Dakoln, 1\lnlnt1" Mlln Sun Woo Co., 230 T, Pillpin, Binondo. Man Woo Loong, 21 P. Dueos, Stll. Cru7., 1\-lnnilll lind St. LO\li~ Ihkcry lind Grocery, 338-362 i..cgMdn, 811mp1110c. Modern Groccr}" 509 Snn Andres, 1\lalnte. N:ltion:ll Grocery, (Hnp Yek), 124 Vilblobos, Quiapo. ~ew Chicnp:o Holel & R c,,;tlllu'nnt, 613 Rizlll A venue, StH. CrUZ. Kg Hn.t, 704 SoICl·. SIn. Crlm. Ong 0hu:1I1 & Co., '132 Slo. Cl'i~to, Sail 'Xicolns. Orio, .TonCiuin 8';7 Sill. l'desa, ~Hmp!lloc. Osnkll Beoki 1<llj"hn, I nc. , .J4645<l Dns mnriil:ls, Binondo. Plleo Grocery, 671 Dllrl. Paco. People'!!. Grocery, lOS Villn!obo!i, Quinpo. Phili ppine Grocer,I', 1101 VillIl10bo., Quiapo. Productos Txdnill, 857 SUI. i\I e!'.'l, Samp:llof'. Purity Bllkery and Grocery Stol'e, 3019 Chica, SIn. Cruz. H.elll Luck Grocery, 163 RClll, f ntrallluros. RizlIl Grocery und Cold Stores, 6Of' F. B. Harrison, Pa..."lly, H.i7.ul. Sam Hill Tan Lin!!;, 431 XUCV!l. Binondo. 8.'lnlo Crbto Grocel'Y, 7-15 810, Cristo, San ?\'icolas. Seng Hong, T, R. Lo Chio Tao, 387 Echngue, StD. Cruz. Sin Hap Bio, 1131 Stll. Elenn, 81m Nicollls. Sin Hllp 8rng, 24 PhlZll Hugo, Stu. Ann. Sill Hep Son Grocery, 322 Legurdn, S:l.mpuloc. Sing Lee, 661 Dnrt, PaCQ,




Son Cunn Grocery. 1111 1\'1. de Suntos, San Kicolns. St. Anthony's Grocery, 739 Sto. Cristo, San Nicoll\~.

Star Grocery, 757 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. State Grocery &: Cold Storer> (Woo, 1.0 Bros. & Company) 1424-1426 Herrnn PUco, j\路Innill1. Sue l{cc Grocery, 534 Rizt11 Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Sue Sing, 1307 AZCflrr!lAU, 'fondo. Sweepstake Grocery, 508 8:'111to edsto, San NicolllS. Sy Cuun Juat &, Co., 543 8to. Cristo, Snn NicoIns. Sy Hillg Juat, 551 Stu. Cristo, San Nicolas. Sy Ho Junt, 60路1 Dart Paco. Sy l(ium Song Grocery Storo, 11131\1. de Santo!', San Nicolas. Sy Kicu, 5<13 Sto. Cristo, &tn Nicoln;,. Sy,\'onping's Grocery StOfil, ,Jose, J307 AZCIII'fUgll, Tondo. 'ran Cho.y Sing, 732 Ongpin, Binonclo. 1'11.11 Cun Chuy Co., 1043 M. de Santos, Sun .. Nicolas. Tan Ho, 503 Cd,to, Sail Nicolas. Tnn ]eoan's GI'OCCIY, 1\'1., 110 Villalobos. Quiupo. Tan Seng & Co., 730 Onl!,:pin, Dinonrlo. Tiong An Groccry, ]23 P. Blnnco, Quinpo. Tioll!!, Tomas, 314 Libertnd, Pasay, Rizal. Tokyo Grocery, 625 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Tong Seng Cignr Storc" 1120 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Un Hong Grocery, 620 Tapora. San Nicolas. Unl\'en;al Grocery, 305-301\ NueV3, Binondo. Washington Grocery, 203-205 Ecbague, Stn. Cru7. Walihington Groc('ry, (Ermitn Branch), 355 A. J'o'lnhini, Corner Padre Faura, Ermita. Yea Sing Grocc!'y, 202 Tchmn, Sta . Cruz.

GROCERY AND PROV IS ION DEALERS, WHOLESALE Aboitiz & Co., Inc., (l\路Ianiln 13ranch), 210-214 Generul Luna, Intrumuros. Ah GOllg Sonli & Co., 389-391 Echob'1.le, Quiapo. American Grocery, The, 215-21 7 Echngue, 8ta. Cruz. Atkins, I<roU & Co., I nc., Sixth Floor, I nsular Life Bldg., Plaza MoraKa, Dinondo. Calderon Store. 503 M. dc Binondo, San Nicolas. Cheng Chny & Co., <1 24 Sto. Cristo. San Nicolas. Ching Sing, 720 T. Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Co Till Grocery, 104 Stu. Potcnciana, I ntramUTOS. Daido Bocki Kaisila, Ltd., Third Floor, Hongkong and Shanghai Dank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., 191-21 1 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. El Progreso Store, ' 106 Vil1alobos. Quiapo. Ermita Grocery and Cold Sto l'es (Hong Tai & Co.), 96-98 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Europcnn American Grocery (Woo, Lo & Compnn),), <130 Echngue. 81.11.. Cruz. Genato Commercinl Corporation, 1075-1079 R. Bidnlgo, Quinpo.

Geh BrOS. &. Co., Sixth Floor, Soriano Dldg. Plazn Ccrvrmws, Binondo. Go ]{im Groccry, 740 Sto. Cristo, Tondo. Go T iong Heng Tnn Chino & Co., 511 Muellc de Binondo, San Nicolas. Gopoco Groccry, 410 Eclmguc, QUillPO. Hong Du, 422 Eehaguc, Stn. Cruz. Islfl de Cuba, Inc., 321 Estero Ceg-ado. Sta. Cruz. Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Wise Bldg., 178 Junn Luna, Dinondo. l{im ]G, 122 Vi1Ill.lobos, QUinpo. I{o Pno, 322 Nueva, Binoudo. ]{wong Fook Yu('n, 737 '1'. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Kwong Hing (1<0 Poo), 322-324 ~uevu, Binolldo. Kwong Wing ].. unJ?; Grocery (Wong Choe & Co.), 1443-1447 Hcrrll.n, Paeo. la Verdad, 520 Sto. Cri!<t.o, San Nicolns. Lnndnhl, I nc., John, 132 J urlll Luna, Binondo, MH nila. P. r. Man Sun Woo Co., 230 T. Pin pin, Dinondo. Mcnzi & Co., Inc., 180- 182 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Mitsui UUSl!nll ]{nisllll, Ltd., Second Floor, Nntion!li City Dnnk Dldg., 1\1nnila, P. 1. Neves, Antone M., 23 1 Espelctn, Manila. Ong Chunn & Q;., 432 Sto . Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Pacific Commercial Company, Nlltionni City Bnnk Bldg., JUlin I .. unn, Binondo. Portn, Puco y Cia., 212 lo.'1 ngal1nncs, fntramuros. Productos Ixdnin, 857 Sta. MC;;l\, Sampuloc. Rcnnolds CompnllY, Will. M., 8-t- Magnllancs, lntramuros. Rizlll Groc('ry and Cold Stores, 600 F. B. Burrison. Pasny, Riznl. Seng !Cee & Co., 622 Kucva, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd.~ Hongkong nnr! Shnnghai Bnnk Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. St. Anthony's Groccry, 739 Sto. Cristo, San Kicolas. Standard Br ands of the P hil ip pines, Inc., Plaza La wton. Star Grocery, 757 Sto. Cristo, San ?\'icolas. Stnte Groccry & Cold Stores (Woo, Lo Bros. & Compnny, Jll24-1426 Herran, PlICo, Maniln. Tall Chay Sing, 732 OUAPin. Binondo. Tnn Cua Chuy Co., 1043 M. de Santos, &n Nicolas. Tokyo Grocery, 625 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Washington Groccr~', 203-205 E!'chague, Sta. Cruz. Washington Grocerv, (Ermitll Branch), 355 A. Mabini, Corner Padre Fautn, E rmihl. G UARANTEE COMPAN IES (Sec Surely Compnnies) 路 GUM DEALERS AND EX PORTERS (Sec Native Products) Aguado Hcrmanos, 103 Balmes, Quiapo. GUNSi\IITHS Bnviera Gun Store, Inc., 238 Plaza Sta. Stn. Cruz. Hun lers' Hcadquarters, 307 Bust.os, Sta. Lcdda Co., Inc., F. Z., 303 Bustos, Stu a nd 951-953 Ongpin, Sla. Cruz, Squires Bingham Co., 15 PhZ.B Goiti, St.".

Cruz., Cruz. Cruz Cruz.



Brins Roxus, Inc., Brias Roxns Bldg., 71 Es-

calM, Maniln. Center de Luxe, Ina" 80-82 Escolt.n, Binondo. EI Centro de Modas, 16 Escaltn. 13inondo. Esc.oltll BazAAr and Bookstore, Inc.) 8 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Hamilton Brown Shoe Store, Inc., ]09-111 Escalta. DinondQ. Pcrsinll Carpet 49 E~coltn, Maniln. SYYIlP &. Co., 21 Escoita, Binondo. Syyap Tailoring Co., Inc., Crystal Arcade, Es-

cotta Binondo.

Villar, L. R., 514 Ave., 8tn. Cruz. Yap's Tailoring, 823 Rizrd Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Yatco's, f nc" 627 &o.Olt11, Snmani1!o Bldg., Binondo, Manila. (-tAM AND BACON M ANUFACTURERS Elite Ham Fact,ory, 2666 Herran, St.'I. Ann.

Mnnila Ham Factory Co., Inc., 11 Orozco, Stn.

Cruz. Philippine Ham Fac';Rry, Office and Snlcs Room: .jOG Carriedo, Sta:" Cruz: Factory: 1201 Agno, Malate. Rose Packing Company, 400 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. HARDWARE DEALER S, R ET AIL American Hardware and Plumbing Co., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Ang Guan H ing, 41 7 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz . Aranque Hardware and Plumbing Supplies, 420-422 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz.\ Asia H ardware, 1637 H crrarl, Paco. Bazar Siglo XX, Cen tral Office: 101-103 Plaza del Conde, Binondo. Branch: 542544 AZClll'raga, Corner 798 Tabora, Tondo. Central Hardware Co., (Uy Liam Hun & Co.), 79-A Rosario, Binondo. Cham-8amco &: Sons, 300-308 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chan Lin Cuon &: Co., 93 Rosario, Dinondo. Chin Sing & Co., 207 RosariO, Binondo. Chong Heng, 379-381 Echaguc, Stn. Cruz. Chua Chan!;sl.': H ardwa re, 1625 Herran, PRCO. Chua Lay, 203 ROSllrio, Binondo. Chua 'Iin, 1476 Herran, Par.o. City Grocery-Chin P ong, Baguio. Co Ban Ling & Co Ban Kiat, Hll-163-165 Rosario, Binondo. Co Lu So & Sons Co., Inc., 112-11 4 Plaza Calderon de la Baren, Binondo. Cookum Sons H ardware Co., Iloilo. Day MOil Glass Stor~_ 707 R. Hidalgo, Qui~po. Dychauco, Roscndo (HOC Ho Dee), 318-320 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. ''EI 82", 96-98 Rosario, Binondo. Filipinas Hardware Store, 774 Folguerru.., Tondo. Gcnato Conunercial Corporation, 1075-1079 R. Hidalgo, QUiapo. Gcb Bro~. & Co., Sixth F loor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Ccrvantes. Binondo. Go Chan & Co., I nc., Cebu . Go Kiao Hnrdware, 373 Echngue, Sta. Cruz. Go Lamco H ardwaN", 306 Tctuan and 301 Tambacan, Sla. Cru;o;.



Go Soc & Sons, Inc., 618-620 Rizn! A~路c., Sta , Cruz. Guru. Liang, 60S Azcllrrllga, San Nicolas. lin Bee Hurdwnre Co., 632 Azcarrnga, Dinondo. Hap Hong Hnrdware & Co., 101-103 Juan Luna, Cor. Dnsmnrilias, Binondo. H on H in Co., Ltd., Cebu. Jun Hong Hnrdwarc, 1035 LavcZ:lrcs. San Nicola~ . 1(0 Li Hardware Co., 159 Rosurio, Binondo. Ln Gran<icza Hardware, 700 Rizal Avenuc, St..'!.. Cruz. Luzon and Electrical Supply, 1714 Cral. Luna, Ermita. Manalad Hardware, 1237 Magdalcna, Trozo, Mnnila. l\Iariano & Co., Enriquez, 679 Rizal Avenue, St:l. Cruz. New Enstern Hardwnre, 366 HcrboS!l, Tondo. Occidental Hardwl\re Comp:lOY, Inc., 636 Azcnrrt'gn, SlIn Nicolas. Ong Yet Mua, 251-253 Rosario, Binondo. Pacific Auto Supply & H ardware Co., Inc., 819-821 Cornel' Azcarraga and Dngupan , Tondo, Manila . Pl\I'~nn.~ Hurdware Co., Inc., 805 Echaguc, San l\路ligue]. Reyes & Co., Florencio, 424 Azcarraga, San Nicolas. Shurdut Mill Supply Co., Inc., 31S Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Simcpn O. Suan, 324--326 Echague, Sin. Cruz. Sing & Cuall Hardware Co., Inc., 516-520 Azca~rHga, Tondo. Siy Tit, 411 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Suy Guall H ing Hardware, 452-454 Sto. CriSto, S.'Ul Nico!!!!'.. Suy Hock, 609 T. Alonso, St.a. Cruz. Sy Chiuco, 358 Echa~c. 8ta. Cruz. Sy HOK Huat, 411-415 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Sy J,ing Chong Hardware, 357 Gandara, Bi. nondo. Sy Tong Lu Hardware, 1438 Gcrran, Paco. Tahleria BananaI\' and Hardware, 2427 Rizal Ave., St.'l.. Cruz. Tart Avenue Lumber & Hardware, 3492 Cor. Libertad und Tart Avenue, Pasay, Rim!. Tay Shillg Hard ware Co., 1021-1023 L:lVezares, San Nico l a~. TOllg An Hardware, 512810. Cristo, San Nicolas . Tong Yck, '11 1 Teodora Alonso, SI.a. Cruz. Uy Chaco Sons & Co., I nc., Mariano, Chaco Bldg., 25-37 Plaza Ccrvantes and 49-53 RoSllrio, Binondo. Uy E ng J(ui Hardware, 122 Dasmarillas, Binondo, l\oJanila. U.v Keh Yong Hardware, 316 Herbosa, Tondo. Uy T it &. Co., 65--67 Rosario, Binondo. Vicgelmalln, E., 460-466 DasmarifillS, Binondo. Yu Chan, 205 Rowrio, Binondo. Yu Ching &: Co., 365 Gandara, Binondo. Yu E ng Kao, 602-604 Azca.rraga., Cor. Ylaya, Tondo. Y u T it HardwlIrc, 632 Azcarraga., San Nicolas. Yutivn Sons Hardware CC?" Inc.! Yu~ivo Bldg., Cor. Nucva and Dnsmarnlas, Bmondo, Mallila . HARDWARE DEALERS. WHOLESALE American Hardwl\re and Plumbing Co., 125 Escoltn, Binondo.




Bazar Siglo XX, Central Office: 101-103 Plaza del Conde, Binondo. Bl'anch: 542544 AzclllTaga, Corner 798 Tabora, Tondo. Dehn, Meyer & Co., H. Mij., 59 R osn rio, llinondo. DcLhlchcm Sleel Expor~ Corporll.~ion of New York, 320 Nntional City Bank llldg., Juan l.una, 13inolldo. Ccntrnl Hnrdware Co. (Uy Linm Hun & Co.) 79·A RoS!lrio, Dinondo. Chnm-SamC'o & Sons, 300-30S Sto. Cristo. Siln Nicolas. Co Dall Ling a nd Co Bon }Gat. l61-lO3-165 Rosa rio, Binondo. Co Lu So &, Sons Co., Inc., 112-114 l'iu';m CalderOil (Ie In Bar('ll., ninondo.

Dnido H:u'dw:u'e Store, 680 Dasmariilas, Binondo.

DIIY J\'lon Glass Store. 707 R. Hidalgo. Quiapo . Dy Buncio & Co., I nc., 191-211 MueIJe de Binondo, San Nicolas. "EI 82", 96-98 BDsnrio, Binondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., (Founded 1854)-General Managers.. for Elizalde Merchandis· ing Dept., Distributors of Coolerator Refrigerators, Patterson Radios, Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Etc.-Elizalde Bldg., l\luelle de In I ndustria, Manila. Germa nn & Co., Ltd., 156 Juan Luna, Binonclo. Getz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnzn Cervnnt-cs, Binon~o. Rlip Hong Hnrdware & Co., 101·103 Juan Luna, COl'. Dnsmarifms, Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A' Wise Bldg., 178 J uan Luna, Binondo. l{o Li Hardware Co., 159 Ros!, Dinondo. Lnndal~l, Inc., John, 132 Juan Luna, Dinondo, l\'lflmla, P. 1. Menzl & Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Dinondo. .M etal Commission Co., Inc., 55 Rosario, Dinondo. :Mitsui Russan Kaish~ Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank tlldg., Manila, P. I. Norton & Harrison Co., 410-4.20 Kneedler RId.,.., Carriedo, 8ta. Cruz. 0 Occidental Hardware Company, I nc., 636 Azcnrrnga, Sun Nieolns. Osnkn. Bocki KnisiJa, Inc., 446-45<1 Dasmarifins, Dinondo. Pacific Auto Supply & Hardware Co., fnc., 819821 Corner Azcarrnga and Dngupiln, Tondo, Manila. Pacific Commercial Co., National City Bank Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo, 125 '.r~oltl'l, Binondo. Pnrsons Hardware Co., Inc., 805 Echague, San Miguel. Red Star Automotive Supply Corp. 666 Rizal Avcnue, St,a. Cruz. Renllolds Compauy, Wm. H., 84 Mngnllnncs, Intrnmuros. Reyes & Co., Florencio, 424 Azcnrrnga, Snn Nicolas. Sll\~rdut.l\-lill Supply Company, ] nc., 318 MiseTleOrdla, Sta. Cruz. Simeon O. Suan, 324-326 Echnguc, St.'1. Cruz. Sing « Cuan Hardware Co., Inc., 516-.520 Azcnrraga, Tondo.


INDUSTRlAL MANUAL Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shanghai Bunk Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Solex Tool Corp., 17" Juan LUIHI, Rinondo. Suy GUilll Ring Hardware, -152-454 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolnl!. Sy Ling Chong Hnrdwnre, 357 Gnndarn , Bi1I01ldo. Uy Chaco Sons & Co., IIIC., Marinno, Chaco Bldg., 25-37 Plazn Ccrvnntes und 4!)-53 Ro!>ario, llinondo. Uy Eng Kui Hardware, 122 Dasmnrii"lns, DiIlondo, Manila. Uy Til & Co., 65-67 Rosa rio, llinondo. ViegclmclIlll, E., 460-466 Dnsmarii"lfi", Rinondo. Wise & Compfiny, Inc., 174-176 Juan Luna, BinOlldo. Ymivl) Sons Hardware Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg., Cor. Nueva and Dnsmnrii"lns, Dinondo, IHanila. H ARNESS AND SADDLERY DEALERS An,;:: Tuna!>', 627 Stl\. M esa, Snmpa1oc. Binondo Harness Fnctory, 365·369 Gandara, Blllondo. hnrdns & Co. , T., 194 Juan Luna. Binoudo. l{in~ Scng Harness Factory, ·105 T. Pinpin, Rinondo. La Fortuna Harness, 322 Rcquescn", Sw. Cruz. Maniln Harness Co., Tnc. , 19 Escolt:l, Binondo. Pnrsons Co., Inc.. 805 Echague, San Miguel. Prospero Hnrness, The, 81 1 RaO Il, Quinpo. Riu Hermnnos, I nc., 623 E scoltn, Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., Binondo. Sun Ihwt, 328 Gnndarn, Dinondo. HAT DEALERS. R ETA IL Ada Bats and Dresses, 300 Dewey Boulevard, Ermit.a. Alonso, fl., 105-107 Escolta, Binondo. Andaya, Feliciano, 730 R. Hidalgo. Quiapo. Ang Lukas, 936 Dart, Pnco. Ang Manggngawa, 477 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Ang Tibay, 710-7 14. YlaYll, Tondo, Manila, P. r. Angelo. A. C., 154 Libertad , PaMY, Rizal. Apolonio, Fortunato, 433 Mubini, SangandllD. n, Caloocun, Riza!. Army & Navy Hat Store, The, 4.70 1\-1. H . del Pilnr, Ermita. Aurelia's, 80-84 Real , Tntramuros. Austriu, P., 345 C:l.rricdo, Sw,. Cruz. Bagong Aknla, 620 Azcnrrllgl"l, Tondo. Ragoog Ar!l\\:' 735 Lcgurda, Snmpllloc. B:mung lit; Nalaya..<ln, 809 Ylayn, Tondo. Bernnbe, D .• 238 Lcgardn, Snmpflloc. Eio Hong Hat. Store, 249 Rosaril'), Binod. BriM RoXllS, Inc., Brlas Roxns Bldg., 71 Escolt.a, Dinondo, Manila. Brown Shop, Louise, University Club Bldg., 12 San LUiS, Ermit.a. Bucnnventura, H., 465 Juan Lt. nn, Dinondo. Bunw,l Hnt AAency, 504 Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz. CUIl\!Icho, N. T., 681 1'1uya, llinondo. Center de Luxe,) Inc., SO-S2 Escolta, Bi~ondo_ Chua Chia Co, lOC)! S:m Fernando, BlIlondo. Chlln Luan & Co., I nc., 310-3 12 Sto. CriM, San Nicolas.


PHILIPPINES Chua T cng &. Company, 514 Sto. ('risto, San Nicolas. Chunti nnluy. B., 177-179 Rosario, BinOlldo. Cobarrubills Bat Store and Tailoring, 332 R. Hidalgo, Stu. Cruz. El Sombrero de Cop~ .. 34.7 Junn Lunn, Binondo. Elias, Joaquin, 917 Ylilya Tondo. Espiritu nnd Sons, A., 813 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Fely's Bat Store, 73 Real, Jntrnmmos. First Orientnl Style, The, 711 Juan Luna, Binondo. HernandC'z H at Store, 131 Ro~nrio, Binondo. Isardos &. Co., r., 194 Junn Luna, Binondo. Jnhso n, E., 1613 Sandt', Tondo. Kim Lnm Chong, 404 Ong-pin, Binondo. Liwnnng, Vicente, 1835 Azcarrnga, Sta. Cruz. Lueban H at Store, 1704 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Manila Hat Store, 1701 Grnl. Lunn, Pnco. Manila H nt Store, 320 j\-1. H. dol Pilnr, EI·mita. Manila Shirb Factory and Dry Goods Store, 44 E seolta, Binondo. Manuol Pcllicer y qo., Inc., 44 Escoltn, Binondo. Mapa, CiTilo, 329 Lavezares, 8..'11l Nicolas. Medina, Tcofilo, lZ85 Santa Musn, S.'1rnpnloc. Orient Ellt Store, The, 223 Rosurio, Binondo. Paw Pin Chi, 313 Std' Cri~to, Snn Nicolns. Philippine Buntal Ea~, 1030 Bilibid Viejo, Quinpo. Pineda &. Co., :M., 105-107 Real, Intrnmuros. Po Seng Rat Store, 315 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Portillo B3t Fnctory, 415-4~ A. Mlibilli, Ermita. Reyes Hat Store, 532 Rizal ~ve., Stn. Cruz. Sing Ewa & Co., 680 A-B Ylartl, San Nicolas. Sipag at Tiyagn, 1092 Juao Lunn, Tondo. Sombrerill. de A. Nolnsco, 817 Ylnyn, Tondo. Sombreriu de Bartolome de k on, 1731 Herran, Paco. Sombreria de Feliciano Andaya, 730 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Sombrerin de Filemon Prins, 005 Y1nyn~ Tondo. Sombrerill de J. C. Hipolito, 343 LCgmda, Sampaloc. Sombrcria de Pedro E. Anday:!., 812 R. Hidnlgo, Quiapo. Son GUlln Heng, 408 Ongpin, Biuondo. Su Hop Sing, 218 Sto. Cristo, Sun Nicolas. Sun Guan Heng, 40g Ongpiu, Dmondo. Syyo.p & Co., 21 E.icolta, Bmondfl. Syya.p Tllilorlng Co, I nc., Crystal Arcade, Escolto., Binondo. Taguibno's Hats and Reptile Factory, G., 1106-A Tcnncssee, Malate. Store: 73 Renl, I ntramuros. The Orient Hut. Ston::, 223 Rosario, Binondo. Tolosn. J., 520 R. Hidalgo, QuiUllO. T ong Reh, 533 Ongpin, Rinoudo. T orres Fnshion nnd Hntter, 510 Evangelista, Quin.po. Vcloso's Bat, Store, 71 Real, InlmffillTo,;. Vicente & Co., R., 393 R. I:Iidnlgo, Quin.po. Vicente, Dorotco, 262 Moriones, Tondo. Yaleo's, Inc., 627 E<>coHn, Samnnillo Dldg., Binondo, Mnnila. Zacaria.s, Antonio, f!!l kOllor Privudo, SU!.. Cruz.


HAT DEA LERS. WHOLESALE Aguado Hermanos, 103 Bulllle~. Qllin.po. Alonso, H., 105-107 Escolla, Binondo. Andu\'ll, FeliCiano, 730 R. Hidnlgo, Quin.po. Ang 'j\oIangllgnwu, '}77 Jmln Luna, Binondo. AI\~ Tibu.y, 710-714 Ylayu, Tondo, Mnniln, P. 1. Duntvl TIn.t Agency, 50·1 Ronqui1lo, Stll. Cruz. Chri1tcl"n, Hllcncfc1d & Co., inc., 71 t Roman, Binon·lo. OhllunLlInn & Co., Inc., 310·312 Sto. C risto, 80n Nicolns. GOIIl:nlez, J~ 322 l\-!isericol'din, Stn. C~u1.. hardas & co., T., 19·1 Ju un Lunn, Binondo. ]{im L'Im Chong, 40·1 Ongpin, Binondo. Liwnnnp:, Vicente, 1835 Azenrrngu. Stl!. Cruz. Lllebun Hnt Store, 170·\ Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. 1\'InniliL Hal Store, 320 M. H. del Pilar, Errnita. Mnnuci Pcllic{,1" y Co., InC'., 44 E:;coitn, Binondo. Mapa, Cirilo, 329 Lnvc7.f're~, S.'111 Nicolas. Neves, Antone M., 231 E~pclcta, Mllnila. Philippine Buntal H ats. 1030 Bilibid Viejo, QuiRllO. Philippine R ats, W:nner, B:!.rnes &. Co., Ltd., A~ents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Pineda & Co., M., 105-107 Real, IntrnlllUros. Portillo Hnt Factory, 415-417 A. Mnhini, Ermita. Reyes Hut Store, 532 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. S.\'ynp TRiJoring Co. , Inc., Crystal ,\ reade, Escqltu, Binondo. T u).!;uibllo's Ha ts nnd Reptile F~ctory. G., 1106-A T~nne.-.see, Malatc. Store: 73 R eal, Tntra-



Vic Itt & Co., R., 393 R. Hidalgo: Quiapo. Vi nte, Doroteo, 262 Moriones, r ondo. Weroer & Co., Ltd., 6 Tngreso, Binondo. 4HAT EXPORTERS. NATIVE H., 105-107 Esco!ta, Binondo. Germann &. Co., Ltd., 156 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Sy Yoeo &. Sons, Inc., 6 Ing re~o, Binondo. Alon~o,

HAT MANUFACTURERS Ang T ibny~7iO-7 14 Ylaya, Tomlo, Mnniln, P. I. Aurqlill's 1)0-84 Rcal, I ntrarnul"os. Buntal Bn.t Agency. 504 Ronquillo, Stu. Cruz. First Oriental Style, The, 711 Junn Lunn, Rinondo. Hns him, N. T., 881 Rizal Ave., St~l.. Cruz. Liwanag, Vicente, 1835 Azcarroga, Sta. Cruz. Luobnn H at Store, 1704 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. 11nniln Hnt Store, 320 i\I. H. del Pilnr, Ermita. 1\lapn, Oirilo, 329 Lnvezares, San Nicolns. Medina, Tcofilo, 1285 Sta. Mcsa, Sallll)llloc. Pbilippine Buntnl Hats, 1030 Bilibi< Viejo, Quiupo. Portillo Hilt Factory, 415417 A. Mabin;. Jo~l"mitn.

Shokui, DlIimnru, 10 Grnllnu:, Quinpo. Sing FIlI'll &. Co., 680-A-B YIIlYIl, 8all Nicolos. Tun Bee l{im, 7 Renta, Binondo. Vcloso's Hat Store, 71 Heul, Intrnmuros. Vicente, Doroteo, 262 Moriolles, Tondo. YuP. Yee Rock Hnt Fnctory, I JG B ormiga, 13l11olldo.




· '·!A'n 'J<;RS ' SU I~ I' I , I ES Aguinaldo & Co. , fne., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo.

- HOS IERY DEALERS Esco. Shoe Emporium, 615 E~(:oltll, Binondo. HamI lton Brown Shoe Store, Inc., Cor. T. Pinpin a nd )09-1 11 E,colta, Binondo.


- HOS I ER Y l\IANU FACTURERS P hilippine Ho~iery Mill!s, I nc., 451-153 Junn Luna, Billondo.

Philippine Shelt Croft CorpoI1\tioo, 2-13 Otis, PacD. 8hol\foo01: [24 81111 Luis, Ermita.


Bio &: Chunll, Inc., G83 Bcnnl·ides, Binondo.

Du Hun Ting. 344 Camba, San Nicolas. Dy BUllcLo &: Co., Tne., 1!)1-211 MutUc de Bi!londo, San Nicolns. Elill:lldc &: Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., M. de Ill.

Industz'i:l, Manila. Fiber Co., H. 1.,311 Nntionnl City Bunk Bldg., JWlIl lonna, Billondo. International Hal'vcstCl' Co. of Philippines (Formerly Mnclcod & Co.), Ch!lco Bldg., P lnll!! CCI'Vllnt0ll, Bi llondo and 154 Marques de Comillus, El'mit.u. Li Seng Gif\.p & Co., 12!) M. de Binondo, San Nicolas . .Mitsui Bussan ](Hi~llfI, Ltd., Second F loor, NII/jonal City Ban~ Bldg., Manila, P. 1. National products Merchants Corporation , 618-624 Echague, QuiallO. Ohta Developmcnt Co., Inc., Second Floor, EI Hogar Fihpiao Bldg., ,)uan Luna, Binondo. &ueeby Fiber Co., Tnc., 310 NatiOn9.l City Bank Bldg. , Juan Lunll, llinonijo. Siy Cong Dieng & Co., Inc., 129 Juan L una, Binondo. Smith, Ben & Co., Md., Hongl\oDg and Shangh!li BanK Bldg., J uan Luna, Binondo. Tan Soo Huat, 12 Pereira, Binondo. Hca~h

HEl\·f P EX PORTERS Babcock & Co., Inc., W. R., Roo m 14, El Hogar Bldg., Juan Lu na, Binondo. Duido Bocki Kaisha, L td., T hird F loor, HOn!!> kong and Snnnghai Bank llldg., JUCLn Luna , Rinondo, MlIllilil. Eli7.alde (to Co., I nc., E lizalde Rldg., M ucllc de la I ndustrin, Mnni ln . Mitsui BUSSl\II ](aislm, Ltd ., Second F loor. Nntionnl City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. 1. Salecby Fiber Co., I nc., 310 Nutionnl City Bnnk Uldg., J uan I .una, Binondo, Siy Cong Bieng & Co., Inc., 129 Juan Luna, Binondo. Smith, Rrll & Co., Ltd., HOllgkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., J uan Luna, Binondo. Sy Yoco & Son:<, Inc., 6 l ngreso, Binondo. - HORS E. RAC ING Manila Jockey Club, Hi podl"omo de San Lazaro, Stu. Cruz. P hilippifle R:\cing' Club, Inc., Cnlle Tejeron, Snn Pedro IHakati, R iza l.

HORS ESHOERS Estublccimiento de Berrar, Cor. Azenrraga and Aguilnr. Tondo.

Bambang Maternity, :l48 Bnmbnng, SIll. CrUll. Emmnnuel Hospihl l, !\'lnnuguit nnd Antipoio, Stn. Cruz. Institu lo de TerullCuticn Fisicn. 21 GmL S,,Ian,), SUlI Mil!;ucl. J ll.pancl>C GC'llcrnl Hospitnl, 83 1 4 punto, folampaloc. Mnnila Heights Hospital, Manila R cight.s, Sun ,JUli n, R illll !. M ~ry Cldics }, 135 Gnstnmhidc, Sam. paloc. & mpnloe l\'Iaternity Ho u~e, 1184 j\1 . Earnshaw, Sampn!oc. St. Pa ul's, 98 Gral. L UIlII, I ntr!lllluros.

H OTELS a nd Kavy Club, South Boulevard , Lunetn, Ermita. Asahi Hotel, 506 Sales, St.n. CrUll. A...ia Botel and Restaurant, Ronquillo and Florentino Torres, Stn. Cruz. &lnres Hotel, 278 Oral. Luna, fn trumuros. Buy View Hotel, Cor. Isaac Pern l !llld Dewey BO..Jlevard, Ermita. Bo;.ton Hotel and Restaurant, 200 Eehague. Sta. Cruz. Bou lcvard Apnrtmcnt Hotel, 1144 Dewey Boulevard, Malote. Cnntabrin Tlotel, 2flS Oral. Luna, Tntrnmuros. Columbia Hotel, 60·52 M. H . del P ilar, a nd 106-108 San L uis, E l'mita. Congress Hotel, .')5 1 M. H . del Pilar, E rmita . Eiget.sll Hotel , 86 1 R. R idalKo, Quiapo. El'mita H otel a nd Restaurant, 97·99 M. H. del Pilar, E r mita. O ra nd Hotel a nd H.cstllurant., 135 Pln7.a Sta . Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Oreal. Eastern Hotel, 199 Echague, Stu. Cruz. H elen 's Hotel, D nva o. Hotel Cant.nb ria, 268 Oml. LUlla, Intramur(ls. Hotel Suntu Cruz, 74 1 Misericordia, Stu . Cruz. Impcrinl Hotel, 11 8 Real, I ntra muros. I{enwood Hotel, 1099 U. H idnlb'O, Quiapo. La Palma de Mnllorcn, 154 &31 and 187 Solana, I ntramuros. Leonard Wood Hotel, 625 Dakota, Ermita. Loyal Hotel, 9·18 Azcumlgtl, Tondo. Luneta Hotel, 3840 Snn I.uh;, Ermitu. Manila Hotcl Company, Lunetn Extension, E rmitn. Mapalad Hotcl and RcstaUl1lllt, 1060 Azcarragn, Binondo. Montnnn Hotel, Olympia, Muk:lti, Rizai. Ncw Chicago Hotel a nd Rct;taurtlllt, 613 R izal A\'e., Stu. CrUll. New Engla nd Hotel and R('Sf..U.uront, T he, Hotel Entrnnce: 3<16 RoDquillo. Restaurant: 525--529 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Arm.v

PHILIPPINES New l\1ctropoic Hotel, 249-251 Curric<io, Cor. 323-329 P. Gomez, ~tll. Crill'.. Nc\\ Oricntn\ Hotel, 85 1\1. H. dci Pilaf, Ermitn. New Plnzu Hotel find Ronda Grill, Plaza Goiti, COrller Rb:n! Avenuf', Stn. Cruz. New Plozll ~tnurollt & Hotel, -19 Plnzu McI{in-

ley, Intrnmuros. New " 'nshington Hotel und Rc"tuumnt, The, 207-209 und 211-215 Echuguc, Sin. Cruz. New York Hotel, i06-IOS Rclll, In trnmuros. Nishikawa Hotel. 74 LEchnguc. &~n Miguel. Oriente H otel. .121 Real, Tntrnmmos. Punci tcri!~ New A:;in und Hotel, 252 Plazn Sta. Cruz, St.u. CI'I1Z. Quinpo Hotel, 106 l\lcndozll, Quiapo. Restuurant. de Paris, Inc., Comer of Isaac Pernl and Dewev Boulevard, Ermitu, Seaside Hotel, Cuvitc, Cnyitc. Shigcmnl-l:ill Hutel, '146 Plulcl'im', Stu. Cruz. Sibul Hotel, Siblll fipl'ings, BulnClin. Toyo Hotel, 520 ]~vnn~c1i$hl. , QUhqlO. U. S. ChicaJ!:o Hotel, 70 M. H. del Pilal', Ennitfl. Universal Hotel lind RestnUrllJlt, ThCJ.. 553-555 Rizal Avenue, SM. Cruz. Hotel .t.:ntrllncc: 372 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Valhalla Hotel, Thc, 93o...F. B. Harrison, Pasny, Rizal. Yamato Hotel, 550 P. G0l'f\Cz, Stll. Cruz. . Yap Tak Wing &: Company, Inc., (\11-613 Rlz nl Ave., SLa. Cruz. HOUSEHOLD SUP,. PLIES Americnn Hardwarc lind Plumbing Co., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Cooperative System Sales Co., Inc., 600 DasIl\8riIias, Corner David, Binondo. Feliciano & Sons, J. B., 229-231 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. ~ Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., 805 I!:Chague, San Migu('l. 路 HUNTING AN D FISHING OlTfF ITS Brins Roxl\.!!, Inc., Bring Roxas Bldg., it Escolta, Manila.

I ICE CREAM CUP AND CONEMANUFACTURERS Icc Cream Cup lind Cone Manufacturer, 843 Folguerus, Tondo. ICE CREAM l\-rANUFACTU,RERS ''Banahaw'' 326-330 Carricdo, Stn. Cruz. Hoc Chunn 'Ho., (\'?6 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. Liberty ree Crcam Co., Inc., 426 Bermuda, Cor. Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Magno[ia Dniry Productl!, 660 Echaguc, San Miguel. Main Office: 132 Avilc~, San Miguel. Manila Icc Crenm Plunl, The. 892 F. Guerrcro, Tondo. San Miguel Brewery, Main Office: 132 Aviles, ~nn Miguc'. ICE CR EAM PARLORS American Tcr CrcllmCo.,110 T. Pinpin, B!nnndo. Astoria Ten Room, 106 Escoltll, Binondo. "BalUlhaw", 32(\-330 Curriwo, Sla. Cruz.

f CE


Botica Boic-CPhilippine-Amcriean Drug Company), 95 Escolta, Binondo. Esco[ta Drug St<>re COlllpuny, Inc., E~eolta a nd Nueva, Binolldo. Escolta Ice CrclI1ll. Purlor, 69 E~colta, Binondo. Espruia lwfreshment Parlor, <104 E~pn.lia, Sampalaeo Floridll Tee Drop Parlor, 319 Flori(ln. Ermil:\. Go Guat. Ikfreshment Parlof, 519 Sail Andre~, 1\fnlatl'. International Icc Creum Pnrlor, 220 Ll'garda, Sampllioc. Kashi\\"lI.hara, Yoshino, 1723 HerrRu, Plleo. Klltnynrnn, Kaiji, 2005 Herran, PIICO. l\ioshi H nshimotn, 101 GlIStHlllbidc, Sflmpa!oc. I~iy oso, Moriklllni, .j16 Vit.o Cruz, i\hbt('. hobc Refrcshment, (\03 Ri7n[ Ave., S~lI. Cruz. l\Iaurcne's Coff('e Shop, Perez Samnni!Jo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binonr1o. Minnmi, Riotllro, 2195 HeI"TlHl, Paco. Nag-iii, Tokujiro, ()路II M. H. del Pilar, Erm;ta. Naklltsuknsa, T., 56 1 Azcnrn.l/!;:l 'londo. Nirc, 1.'., 220 l .cgnrdn, Sampalod. Noznki, S., 80.'1 G. 'rUlison, Snmpilloc. Ohuchi, O'J.. 713 RIll.. Mesa, RIIIllJlllloc., ~., 71 Bu:.tillos, Sampll.[oc. lkndezvolts Soda Fountain Hnd Ten Room, i\'letropolitan Theater Bldg., P[llza '_111路ton, Ermitn. Saiki, )"o~hito, 990 Ma;..'tllllcna, 'rondo. Sasaki, Gensuke, 925 San 1\1:Ircelino, Mal!lte. Selecta l ce erea", and F resh Milk P!lrlor.713 Lepanto, Quinpo. Star fcc Crcam Pnr[or, 609 Rizlll Ave., St~"l. Cruz. Student's fu.."tnur:mt, 247 F[oridn, Erm :ta. Takahashi, Z., 1057 Mflgdulenil, Tondo. Takas..1ki, T., 1441 Hcrrnll, Puco. Takauki, Tsunajiro, 813 San Mare('lino, Malate. T an Chuy Refrcshmrnt Ptll"lor, 527 Ran Andres, Malate. Tall:lktl, S., 1717 Herrllll, Paco. Ueno, T., 525 Azcarrngn, Tondn. Wa.tnnahc, MflSIItoshi, !O8 Auda, JntramurOS. Yallo, Heichi, II Calderon, St:!. Ann. Yokolll.i70, S~t.~1I0, 1007 DlIl"t, Paeo.

ICE DEALERS AND DI ST IUI3UTORS Bermudez & BJlutista, Tnc., 5 8.'\1\ Ollbricl, Binondo. FranCiSCO, 8ixto, 61 Zurbllrnn, Sta. Cruz. Rubio, Sabino, 625 San Nicolas, San Nico::ls. ICE DROP MANUFACTU RERS Balintul\nk Jce Drop, Il-iO Rizal Ave., St.a. Cruz. Congre~s Tce Drop, 425 Evangelista, Quinpo. Kenkoy Tcc Drop, 295 'l':IYUllUlll, Tondo. La Sucrte, 745 Dart, PIICO. Loyal l ee Drop, 1028 Oroquirt!l, Strt. Cruz. Popular rcc Drop, 970 Bilihid Vicjo, Quinl)(). Purity I('e Drop, 62路1 Florentino Tnrres, St!l. Cruz. ICE DROP SUPPLIES RoSflrio, C. O. dl'[, Azcarraga, Corn('r Misericordin, Stn. Cruz, Manila.




ICE MAi'lUFACTURERS LnA"Ullfi 'Vnt('r Power Co., fn e., 3 1路' Cnrri cdo,

SUI. Cruz. Mnlnbon Icc Plunt, 390 Juion,l!; Duhnt, l\'ialnbon, Ri1.lIi.

Pld lippincs Cold Stores (G. S. )',)ill and Co., Ltd.), 503-511 Ectmguc, Quinpo.

Snn jI,'l igl1cl Bl'cwcr'y, 132 Av i l c~, Sun M iguel. Bm nchcs: 060 Echllb'UC Hnd 57-75 Gen. Solano, S:lI\ Miguel.

ICE PLANTS IN Tl-I[ PHILIPPINE ISLANDS AOO;liz, R , Iloilo, Iloilo. Ae:cnoili, }\ , G., Laong, 110eos ),forl e. AIHrlls, Anastllsio, B:llnYUIl, Batnngas. Albnr, rr!lllci~coJ Culivo, Cnpi z. Angeles Ice Plant, Angeles, Pampa ngiL. An1l, Leon, Butuun, Agusun .

Unguio Electric Lightand Icc Plnnt, Unguia, P,I. Hal1('z, Urballo, BUIlp;ucd , AbrIl. nnquirllll , Antonio, Laoug, lloeos NO I'!.c. nntllllgns Tcc Plant Co., Bntnn~ll!' , Dntangas. Dnyot, Antonio M., Znmbonngn, ZnmbotLngn. Uieol E lcf'h-ie Co., Nnga, Cnrn:lrines Sur. Bohol lec Plnnt Corp., Tn~bilarnr!t Bohol. Bohol, T. &. T. Co./ Tagbilllrrln, vohot. fl orja, Jo!'c dc, T aytay and J\'IorollJ;::, Riml. Borromeo, Sevcra R. dc, Mambnjno, Oricntal l\'Iisamis. Bula n l~lcctric Light Co., Bulan, Sorsogon. CahanatUlln Icc Co., Inc., Cnbrmntua n, N . Eeiia. ("abigting, J. &. Paras, R mon, &111 Quintin, P nngMiJUIIl. Cn brcr-n. Tomas, Lcmery, llatalll!:as. CII I/11l1I 1l Flcctl'ic Co., CaJnpAn . Mindoro. Camnrincs Sur Jnd. Corp., I\oIagnrao, Camarines Sur. Campos, Adrilln, La Castellana nnd Hinignran, OccidcnUl1 Negro;,. Cnndelaria, P., Caloocan, Rizal and Ga pnll, N. Eeija. Cnvitc Jee P lant Co;1. Inc., Caridad, Cavite. Cebu Icc and Cold t)torcs, Ccbu, Cebu. Centcnern, Jose, Goa, Camnrincs Sur. Clemente, .1o!-e, Domol, Sorilogon. Consi ns, Rufllcl, Surigao.. &urigno. Cot~lbat0.l rrlVc!-.tment Co., COlllbat.o. Cot~\bnto. Cmoks. \Viliinm, Sogod, Cebu. Cruz, Pedro B. Mnlnbon R izal. D ilCt Electric Pl:mt, Dact, Cnmnrines Norte. Dllgupun l ee Plnnt Co. , D ag upan, Pangasinan. Dnliloan l ee Plant, Inc., D nlilon n, Davno. Dnvzto Commercial Co. Davao, Davno, Dnvao Light and Power Co., Inc. , Davuo, Davao. Oinz, Anselmo S. , Bncolod, Occ. NeJ;::ros. l~lmlle, Incorporated, Cab:mutu:lll, N. Ecija and Vignn, Ilocos Sur nnd Lnoag, Ilocos Norte. Espiritu, E stcmln C., Cilloocnn, Rizal and Hosnrio, Cnvite. Fujurdo, Mflrcial, Oroquict:l, Occ. Ncgr05. FloTrs, CI'ispulo, S:11l Narciso, Zllmbilies. rlorcs, .1os6, P nsig. R izal. 1,'lorcll, Nicola'!, Daroga, Albay. .Frnncj~eo, Jacinto, Santn Rosa, Lnbrunn. Garcin, S. r., G ubat, Sorsogon. Gelluino, Jncinto, Anlyat Macnbcbe and Candnml, Pnmp., and Slm .~ntonio, N. ECijn, and Cnlulnpit, Bulac.'ln.

Go, Ana, RuriJ;::(lo, Surigno. GOllzu lc!', Aurelio, San ro,.'!i.L,'Ucl, Bulacnn. Gungun. I cc A'lnking, Guuguu, Pamp..'lnga. Guticrrc1f. J onquin, Ln Carlota nnd Pulupnndnn, Occ. Ncgros. H ZIIISNI & Co., L,>guspi, Albay. H awniin n Philippine Co., Silny, Occidental Neg-ros. H idlilgo, Clcmente, Calrnmg, 'l'nynbns and Dllot, Cum. No rte. House. J. V., Taelobnn, T..(>yte. IharoJa I<',c Plant, D aet., Cam. Norte. Ignlleio, Pablo, Sibul Springs, Lugunn . J/ngan Electrie and I cc Plant Co., llugan, rSAbclu. Insulnr I,umber Co., rubrica, Oce. Ncgros. II'i p, Fidel & MuUnri, Domiciuno, Rosales, P angasinnn . .Jumortl, L\li ~, Pototnn, Iloilo. J llvcllnna, Elpidio, Iloilo, nnd S. Dionisio, Iloilo. Jolo P ow/'r Co., Tnc., .Tolo, Sulu. Jnson, Joaquin, Orani and Samnl, Batllnn. La Paz Icc Plant, La Paz, Iloilo. Laguna 'Vater Power Co., Inc., S:m Juan, I 011~S, L.'lguna. Maniln Officc: 314 Carr iedo, Sta. Cruz. Lnpid, P., P arno!lque, Rizal and San Roque, Cavitc. l clmo, Pedro M., Ib3, Zambnles. Lemery Ice Plant Co., Lemery, Dntnngns. ] con, Aniceto de, Cu ta nuan, 'fnynbus. J!..evcs, Julian, Uni!', Orient1l1 Misnmis. r~ imjuco, G., Lemery, Blltnngns and P n..sacno, Cam. Sur. .lantino, Bcnito, Vir-ac, Alb.'!". Lozano de Valcnzuela, P ilar, Aparri, CngnYlln. Luccro, Consuela A. de, Uuullllg und Sun Fernundo, La Union. Mack Long Feng, Cnnlubung. Lliguno. l\1olferrnri, Ccsur, Cagayun, Oricnta l l\'liso.mis. Marikinn Icc P lant, l\larikinB, Rizal. Mnrinduque Ice P lant, Boac. l\IBrinduquc. Marquez. Crisnnto, Lucellil, 'j'aynba<:. Mathe<;On, R. S., Dumnbruete, Or. Ncgros. M era lco, Naga, Camnrines Sur. Micpi, Manila, P. I. Mirasol, Roman, Binulbagun, Occ. Negros. Navavng Co., Inc. , The, Cnndoll, I1ocos Sur. Negros Icc nnd Cold Stornge, Bacolod, Oce. Ncgros. Olcugu Hnos. y Connl, Apurri, Cngnyan . Ormoc Icc Plunt, OrrnOC, Ley tC'. PampaTlga Sugar D cvclopmcnL Co., San Fernando Pampallg[l. Pardo, Antollio~ Isnbcla, 7..amboanga. Perez, Isidro :;;nn Jo>'c, Antique. P ilares, T<'Odorn S. Vda. dc, MeyCllUJlyaa, DuIIIC:1n. P incd o, Emilio, Bnyombong, N. Vizc.'lya. Pined a, GeOIlTll, UrdancLn, PangZl..eilUlIl. Red Line 'I. Co., 1ugu"gllrno, ClIgnY!ln. RPv('..!I, Fidel, Vigan, 1Ioeos Sur t1nd lAoag, ilocos N orte. R oque, Ru perto, M nlolo~ Bulaca n. Sa1b"tldo. J ose A., Cnpiz, lJapiz . Siunnr l ee Plant Co., Catbnlogan, SUIl1ill". Samson, JofiC, '1 url[\c and Conccpcion, 'farlac. S'ln ClITlos Electric l~ight Co., &111 Carlos, Oee. Ncgros.

PHILIPPINES Snll Carlos Milling Co., L~d., San CurIos ILnd Calatrava, Occidental Negros, nnd Sun PR· blo, Laguna. 8.'ln "Fernando Electric Light & Power Co., Tile., Sail Ferna ndo, Pampungn. San Miguel Brewery, 132 Aviles, l\'!allilll, and Untiwllg, Bulacan. 8.'111 Pablo I cc and Oil Co., &\11 Pablo, Lliguna. Santos, Isidoro dc, P. ClulVes, Manila. Shekel' Miguel, Iligllll, Lanno. 5i lny Electric lind Ice PlAnt Co., 5 ilay, Occ. Negros. Silva, Eliseo, Lipa, Batangn~. Sobrcpefla. Anieeto C., &111 Jose, N. Eeija. Strittmatter, J., I\llgn, C[IIllllrines Sur. 5uguimoto, Motozo, Duli3on, Davao. 5urigno Electric Light Co., Surig:lo, Surigao. Tliclobnn Electric and Icc Plant, Ltd., Tuclobun, Leyte. Tnli$y Silay Milling, Icc Plant, Tlilisay, Occ. Negros. Tall Sun, Gubat, SOl'sogon. Unzon, Oel'\', Lucena, Tllyabas :IlId San Publo Lligumi. Velez, COllstancia, Cebu. Cebu. Vi1lnrnmll, Antonio}. Angnt, Bulacnn. Villongco, Teofilo. ::Siain, Tnyaba!'. Visayan Electric Co., Dipolog, ZlImbo:lIlga. VisuyAII Ibpid TI·ullsit. Co.\ Victorias, Occ. Negros. YII Chua, Nusugbu, Bawngoti. Yu bien~co Est('b nn, Naic, Cavite. Yum, Y. S., 503-511 Echnguc,\l\oI nniia. Zambouuga Cold Stores Co., In~., Z:unbonngn, Znmbonnga. ILLUSTRATORS, DESIGNERS AND CARTOON ISTS Amorsolo, Fernando, 2 132 AZC!lrt'ilgn Quinpo. Amorsolo, Pablo, 1227 (Int. ) Lcaltad, Sampnloc. Chanco, Ros. M., 'fhird 'F loor, G:lehcs Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Fedemtcd Artists, Room 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Santos, D. B., 307 Bustos, 5t.'1.. Cruz. "IMMIGRATIO N AGENTS (See Brokers, Immigration) I1\'IPORTERS Aooitiz & Co., I nc., (l\I3nila Branch), 210-21·' Geneml Luna, 1l1tromU1'05. Abolaflll, Inc., 1\'1. & C., 122 Nuevn, Binondo. Aguado Hermanos, 103 Bnlmes, Quinpo. Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R. , Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Ah Gong Sous & Co., 389-39 1 Echug uc, Quinpo. American Grocery, 'l'lIe, 215-217 Echngue, Sm. Cruz. American Importer Co., 1644 Azcnrrnga, Sta. Cruz. Andcrson &: Co., Wm. 1:1., 84 Magallnlles, 111tmmuros. Ang Chin l(eng 491 Nueva, Binondo. AnS l(alian & Co., 203 Rosnrio, Binondo. Aug Tibay, 710-714 Ylnya, Tondo, Mnnila, P .L Ang TUlln l(lIi &: Co., 485 Nueva, Binondo. Allg Zu, 475 Nueva, Dinondo.



ATllllcta T rn-ding, Inc., L, Monte de Piednd Bldg. Pbro Sta. Cruz, Moniln. ArbmlJl, K , Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Dlnondo. Armour & Company, 322 13th Street, Port Aren, i\ lonilo. A3intic Commercial Corporntion (Reither-Akerman Co.), 132 .Julln Lunn, Binondo. As,."'llnnllli &. CI)., G., 775-777 Tnbora, Sfln NicoIns. Bl'nnch: 737-7:m Tabol'fl, Son Nicolns. Atkin!', Kroll & Co., I nc., Sixth Floor, Insular Lifc Bldg ., PlnZIl Morfl.J!:n, Biuondo. Atlas Supply Company, 426 I~vnngclisln, Quinpo. Avena & Son~, V., 1540 Azcarraga, Stu. Cruz. Bah~ock &. Co., Inc., W. R .• Uoom 14, 1<:1 Hogar Bldg., Ju:'\n Luna , ilinondo. Ban Tal Chioug, 503 Nuevn. Binonc!o. "Baviera Gun Store," I nc., 238 Plnn Stu. Cruz, Rtll. Critz. Bllzar Sigio XX, Cell tl'nl Office: 101-103 Pl azn del Conde, Binondo. Brnnch: 542544 Azcal'raga, Cornel' 798 Tabora, Tondo. Beck, lnr.., 1., 89-91 Esco!ta, Binondo. Bc!1n, Mcyer & Co., H . i\lij., 59 Ro~a ri o, Rinoudo. Hrrger &. Co., I nCl., S. 1\1., 2219 Azcarrngn, Snmpaloc. Boquer, Jr., 9 Plaza r-,'Iorng:l, Binondo. BOlllhrd El nos., 648 Ri1.!li Ave., Stl1. Cruz. Brin!; R )XM, I nc., BJ'ias Hox!!s Dldg., 71 gscolta, Mnniln. Bdmo r Antonio A., 4 12 Rein:1. Hcgcnte, Binondo. BI'ltish India Buzar, 121 Bscoltn, Binondo. llilnning &. Co., Inc.. 135-16J Felipe H , Dinondo. Burt ,subscription Agcncy, 305 Riznl A\'enuc, Conller Echague, St.II. Cruz. CUrllllos Ruedn Hnos., I nc., 2205 Azcllrrngn, Sumpnloc. Cham-SRmco & SOilS, 300-308 Sto. Cristo, & 111 NicohL". Chan Bonll &. Co., Simon A., 843,udo, Sun Nicolas. (Jlmu Chico & Co., Ltd ., Joaquin, 941-943 Magd:llenn, (Trozo), T ondo. Cheng Ban Yek &. Co., 523-525 M. de Binoudo, San Nicolns. Chin Guan, 339 Sto. Cri:)LO, Snn Nicol[lS. China D rawn Work Co., 84 M. H. del Pilar, Maniln. Chinese Trading Co., I nc., T he, 439 Nueva, Billondo. Chonn Hunt Pomade Factory, 462 Juan Lunn, ilinondo. Chong Tog & Co., 206 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas, Rinondo. Choolaram & Sons, 27 E~colta, Rinondo. Christern, Hucncfeld &. Co., I nc., 711 HOllllln, Uillondo. Chun. Boon Pen, 221 OnJ;pin, Binondo. Chua Chilleo & Co., 253 Juan Luna, Billondo. Chun Lunn & Co., I nc., 310-312 Santo Cristo. &in Nicolas. Chua Seeo &. Co., Cornelio, 521 Santo Crblo, Sun Nicolt1!:. Chun Sy Quint & Co. , S. en C. (Santos, E.). 1107·IL09 San Fernando, Oinondo. Chunn Hiap Sellg, 387 .Juan Luna, Binondo. Chuan Seng, 531 Nuovn, Rinondo. Chuck Sin & Co., 328 CJnverin, Binondo.



Commonwealth Sales Co., I nc., Second Floor, Fernandc? Bldg., 124 T. Pinpifl, Dinondo. Comptll1in General de 'l'abliCos de FiJipinne, 212 1\1nrq\lCs de Comillas, Paco, l\bnila. Connell Bros. Company, L td., Rooms, 623-82-4, 1nsular Life Bldg., P lnzll Morngn. Binondo. Consumers T rnding Corporation, 2156 Azcnrragn, Quia!",. Coronn Supp y Co .• 402 Juan Luna, Binondo. Cosmos Buzaar, Tne., 211-21 7 Rosario, BinOlldo. Coton, Luis, 3:17 Tnmb:l.Cnn, 8UL Cruz. Cu Un .Jicng & Co. Ltd., 60-64 Rosnrio, Dinondo. Duido Bocki T{uisilU, I td., Third Floor, Hongkong und Shan.'!:hni Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. l\'Ianiin. David, D. n., 189 Jwm LunD, llinondo. Davis & Comp:IIlY, P . M., 5·1\ Mucltc del Bunco Nuciann1,13illondo.

Day MOil Ghles Store, 707 R. H idn lgo, Quinpo. Dc Luxe Commercial Com pany, 329 J Ulln Luna, Binondo. De Luxe Trading, 116 Nueva, Binondo. Dee Diun Guan & Co., 4a7 Kueva, Binondo. Diu Po Kian, 327 Slo. Cristo, San Nicolas. Dod~e & Se)'m'onr Manila, fnc., l\'Ietropolitnn Bldg., P lnzn L I"ton. E I'mitn. Dy Buncio & Co I nc., 191-211 Mu elle d e Bi nondo, San Nicolas. Dyclltluco. RoSClldo, ~ H oc Ho Bee), 318-320 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Earnshaws Docks and H onolulu Iron " 'orks, The, Second Street, Port Area , Manila. Ea<;t. Supply Co .. Inc., 700 Wzal Ave .. Sta. Cruz. Educational Distributor. The, 765 J uan Luna, Binondo. F. l Dorado Oil Works, 318 National Cit.y Bank Bldg., Jllnn LUlla, Billolldo. EI Zafiro, flS2 Rillal Ave., St-a. Cruz. ''Elrktrn UV" Electro-Medicnl Equ ipment, 403 Fernundez Bldg .. 124 T. P inpin, Rinondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc .. E lizalde Bldg., 845 MueHe de' la I ndustrin, Mallila . Eng Bio J unt, Inc., 724 .M agdalena , Binondo. Eng Nam H ing,925 San Fernando, Sail Nicolns. Enkce Trading Agency, 321 D nsmarilius, BinOlldo. Erlnnger & GnlinJ,:er, Inc. , HcgilJfl Bldg., David and MueJ Ie del Banco Kncionnl, Binondo. Erquiag:l, Inc. , 13. dc, 909 I ndiana, Malute. Eseolta Novelt.y Store, li S Eseolta, BiM ndo. Espinosn Company, M. C., 668-670 Ylnyn, San Nicolas. EUl"oj)('un Americn n Grocery (W"oo, Lo &. Company), 430 Eclm.e:ue, Stn. Cruz. Excello Prod\ICts (EliM Zaragoza), 1022 n. H idalgo, Quinpo. Farmncia Central, Inc., 242~248 Rosario, Binondo. Fnrl1l1lcin Orientn l, 23 1-236 Rosnrio, Dinonrlo. F<'rnandcz &; Co., V. 'r., S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Escoltn, Binondo. Forbes, Munn & Co., Ltd., 11 2-11 3 lo.'f. de Binondo. San Nicolas, Manila. Foz Brokerage, I nc., 206 Raon, Stu. Cruz. F ra n k & Company, Second Floor 101-103 Escolta , Binondo. ' Fresh Food Co., Inc .. T he, 117 D nsmaril1ns, BilIon<lo.

Frieder nnd Sons Co., S., 36 Novaliches, Sim Miguel. Fuh."Uynom &. Co., I nc., 820 Folguerns, T ondo. Gabriel Bros., 222 Chica, Stn. Cruz. Genato Commcreia\ Corporation, 1075·1079 R. Hidalgo, Quin l>O. Germnnn &. Co., L td .. 156 Juan Luna, Binondo. Getz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor , Sor iano Bldg. ' P laza Cervantes, B inon do. Gillespie, A. T., 180 David, Binondo. Gmur, I nc., O~to, 00 HOSilrio, Dinondo. Go Cnngdio. 839 Dagupan, Tondo. Go Colay &. Co., 31·1 Nucvn, Bi nondo. Go ray &: Co .. Inc .. '[43-4·15 Snlnzar, Binondo . Go Occo & Co., Cebu. Go T ilUl G('e & Co .• 180·1 82 Rosa rio, B inondo. Goldenberg & Co., Inc. , Plnza Ccl'vulltes, Corner J uan Luna , Binondo. Gonzn lf'z &. Co., A. C. , 213·221 Crysbli Arcade E~eoltn, Binondf) , ' Gon zalez, J. , 322 Misericordia. Goodwill Commereiul Corporation, 326 Miseri· cordia, SIn . Cruz. Gulf Trading Co. , I nc., 527 Alvarado, Binondo. Gut-ierrez Hermanos, 116- 122 BCIlterio, l ntramuros. Hanson, Ort.h & St.evenson, Inc., Fourth F loor Chaco Bldg., P laza Cervan~, Binondo. ' Hap Liongco, 33:J Sto. Cristo, San N icolas. Raw E. Heng, 1 \01 San Fernando, Binondo. H eilbronn Co., J . P., 233 David, Binondo. Heng Hon &. Co., Jnc. , 429 Nueva, Binondo. H i!!pano Philippine Tmp. :l.nd Exp., T he, 14-1 8 Oral. Lun:'!, Intrumuros. Ho Chiu &; Co., 349 Mariquina, Binondo. Hoc Chunn Ho, 626 F. T orres, Stu. Cruz. Hoc Ho Ta)' &. Co., Inc., 179 M. de Binondo, Binondo. H ock Bian DiM, 103-109 Nueva, Dinondo. Hun. Lnm, " ·ll Nueva, Dinondo. Hun. Lun. 22 1 Rosa. rio, Binondo. H ua T ong, 224-226 Snnto Cristo, 8..'ln Kicol!ls. H un T oo & Co., 1102 San Fernando, San Nicolas. lilies &. Co., C., 550-554 &111 Lui::., Ermit.n. Im port Meat nnd Produce Company, 133-135137 P adre F aurn, E rmita . J nhclder, Wnlch Co., Ltd ., C hilla Bunk Dldg. , Cor. Junn Lunn lind Dn.&mnri iiM, Binondo. I nsular Mercantile, '17 1 J un n Luna, Binondo. Insular Tradin~ Co., 401 J uu n I.. uu8, Binondo. ] nternationni Cold St.ore.!l, 11 6· 120 Ecilnguc, Stu . Cruz. Int.crnntiollnl HnTVCl'tcr Co. of Philippines (Formerl y Macleod l~ Co.), Chaco Bldg .• P laza Ccrvnntcs, Dinondo and 154. i\Inrquf'S dll ComillllS, E rmit.u. ISllrda.~ & Co., T., 194. JU!ln Luna ninondo. Isla. de Cub!! , Jnc.. 321 ~st-cro CCgndo.....~tn. Cruz. JnClllto & Co., J. C., 4_~ Juan Lunn, UlIlondo. JC's..':wnni &; Co., C. D.-Bombay Beauty Palace, 546 Ikinn Rc(tent.c, Binondl). Joe Guan TIi, Ang l\:im T iong Bros. Co., 534 Nueva, Binondo. J os6 Lau rel, T iong Chu i Giong, 121-123 Nueva, Binondo. Kashmir Silk St.ore, Pn..~ ill o Z, Xo. 3, Yongco Market. T aborn, San Nit-olns. R a.w T ong. 513 r\ uevn, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A" Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. K(>Jling, I nc., C., 路12 Da:;marii~as, Binondo. Ker & Co., Ltd., 10 aullcjoll San Gabriel, BIlIondo. L(iong Guall, 535 Nucw, Rinondo. I(inkwn ,McnyaslI Co" P. I., Inc., 525-543 Azea rraga, Tondo. J{ishimoto &. Co., S .. 787 Tubom, San Nicolas. Habe Da7.aar, 316.:320 Ecnngue, Sta. Cruz. ]{obc i\'lnrinc Products Traders' Ass'JI" 564-566 Ech(t~ue, Quinpo. Koon Tel; ChIt'), 527 Nueva, Binondo. Kunn Low .(:

Cn .. ,117 Pohl{"t(', 13inonoo.

Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., 343-347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Kwnn Go &. Co., 501-507 Dosmarilias, Binondo. Kwong Ab Phoy &. Co., Inc., 8<19 Da9:upnn, Tondo . Kwong Chili Yucn (1{UIlIl Low & Co.), 417 Poblde, Dinondo. Kwong Suy T('ung (Ly un &. Co.), 452 T . Pillpin, Binondo.

Kwong Yuen Fong, 4&9 DnsmnriIias, Binondo. La Ciudad de Oro, 215-217 S:ln Vicentl',Binondo. La Oonstr uctorn., 309-3) 1 Gnndllrll, Binondo. La E!:'trelln df'l Nortc, 4648-50 Rscolta, Binondo. Pctite, 53 1 A. Mtlbini, J~rmita. Lam Tong ('0., 453-4))5 NUP'(ll, Binondo. Lami T rading Corporation, Inc., 853-863 Reina Regente, TOlldo. Landahl, A., 417-421 Azcllrrng:l\ Tondo. Lnndnhl, I nc., John, 132 Junn Luna, BiIlOlldo, Manila, P . r. Levy & Blum, Inc., 35 Plaza 8t\. Cruz, 8ta. Crul. Levy Hermanos, Inc., 46-50 E;;col~, Binondo. l,i Chay Too, 489 Nueva, Binondo. Libby, MeKeiIJ & Libby (plulippines), Inc., 13th &. Atlanta St., Port Arca, J\oraniln. Lim Bon Fing HIIOS., Inc .. 221 Rosa rio, Binondo. Li ll'jap, Pedro, aOI Cu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corncr Escoita, Binondo. LiongJin Press, IOU A?ctlrfaga, Binondo. Branch; 275-281 Juan J,una, Binolldo. Litton & Co., 530-510 Junn Lunll, Binondo. Liwag & Sons V., ("Kalahi Remnants") 551 Azcarragn, Tondo. Lopc;." M., 529 Echague, Quinpo. Lorcnznnn Sons, F' 480 Junn LImn, Binondo. Loren1.ann Sports Supply, 180 Juan Luna. Binondo. Lucphnr's Drug Dispensstory nnd Company, Room 31, Lnck &. Davis Dldg., 110 Eehague, Sts. Cruz. Luzon Indent Company, 206 Rnon, Stu. Crur.. Luzon Trading Agency, 1136 Hizal Avenue, Sta.. Cruz. Machuca &. Co .. J., 21 Balmes, Quiapo. Mllcondrny &. Co., Inc., Third Floor, China Bnnk Bldg., Dasmarifins and Juan Luna, Dinondo. Mndrigni & Co. , 8 M. del Bllnco Nacional, Binondo. Magnnni, B., 610-621 Raon, Stn. Cruz. Man Lee Long, 320 T. Pinpin, DhlOndo. Mnnifolrlo Stationcr~' & Supply Co., 165 La路 vnnderos, Sampaloc. Manila Blue Printing Co., I nc., Rooms 19, 21, 22, Paterno Dldg., Sto.. Cruz Bridge, 8ta . Cruz.


l\oJanila l\lMhinery lind Supply Co., [nc.. 675路681 Dnsmarifiw;, Binondo, Manila. Muniln. Mail Order Company, 513 Florentino Torres, Santa Cruz. ]\'Illniln Mercuntile Co. Inc., 51 [ A7.carmga, 'rondo. J\.'lnlliin Remnunt Co., Inc., The, 451-453 Juan Luna, Billondo. Maniln Taisho BazM, 113-115 JulUl Luna, DinOlldo. l\'lanila Wine Merchants, Ltd., The, 174 Juan Luna, Binondo. Murlini, G., 65 Domingo SlIlItiUgO. S:unpaloc. l\'Iarubishi-Yoko, 919 Junn LUIl'l.. Tondo. Menzi & Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Binondo. Mira HCrlllflU OS, Inc., 19 Cnlle Banqucro (Regina Dldg.), Dinondo, Mnniln. Mltsuhishi Shoji I(nishn, Ltd., Fourth FloOf, Nn lional City Dank Dldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. j\'Iits ui Dussan Klli.~ha, Ltd., Second Floor, Nutional City Bank Bldg.. Manila, P. I. Model &. Co., Inc., L., 1907-1911 Azearragn, Stn. Cruz. Modcrn Phnrrnncnl Product.s Co., fnc., The, 886-890 Rizal Avc., Stn. Cruz. J\.:forglln Sales Co., 305 Philnabank Bldg., 90 Escolta, Binondo. Nakaga,\'n, Monji, 54{l R'l.on. Stn. Cruz. Nakashima S., 411 Rcin(l Regcntc, Kear Oriente B[rl~., Binonr[o. Num Shing Cheong, 418 Pohlcle, Dil\Ondo. Nm.soor, Incorporated, K., 132 JUlin Luna, llinoado. Nutional Industrinl Corpomtion, 502 Estero C('glldo, SUi. Cruz. National Stationery Go., 520 Echnglle, Quiapo. Ncstle (lnd Anglo-SlI'iss Milk Products, Ltd., 974 Azcarrnga, Binondo, Mnnila. Neves, Antone M., 231 E spclctn, l\Ianila. Ng Chin Beng Hermanos, 31ll Juno Luna, Dinondo. Nippi Yoko, Thc, 761 Juan Luna, Tondo. Nippon, The, Cor. P. l\Iornga and E scolta, Binondo. North Am er ican Trading and Import Co., 306 National City Bank Building. Oecidentnl Hllrdwarc Company, Inc., 636 Azcarragn, Snn Nicoln~. Ognll':\, S., 117 Escoltn, Binolldo. Ohtn Deve\oprne1lt Co., Inc., 8ccond Floor, El Bogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. On Yu, 249 Marquina, Binondo. Dng Chiu, 453 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Ong Jan Chuan Co., 467 Nucva, Binondo. O'rncc(l Confectionery Co., Inc., 67 Barraca, S'ln Nicolas. Oricntal-AmeriClln Indent Compsny, Room 5, Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echngue, Stn. Cruz, Mlinila. Oriental Glass Palnee, 433-435 Sto. Cristo, San N icolll3. Orio, JOllquin. 857 SUi. Mcsn, Stlmpalor.. Osaka Boeki Kaishu, Inc., 446路454 Dasmarinas, Binondo, Manila. Ow Yonp; Pun Shek-Yu Nam Loong. 424 Pob[etc, Binondo.




Ow Yong Sai T sun, 249 Marquinu, llinondn, Pacific Auto Supply &. Hardware Co., Inc., 819-821 Comer AZCllrrugn and Dagupan, Tondo Manila.

Pacific Q;mmcrciai Co., National City Dank Bldg., Juan LUIlR, Binondo. Pnlnce, Arius Bldg., Carricdo, Stu. Cruz. Palomo, Gnudoncio. 1601 Azcurrugn, St.a. Cruz. Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., 805 Echaguc, San Miguel. Pe &. Co., 009 S:11l Fcrnnndo, S'l.1I Nicoins.

Perez Samnnillo, Rnf:lcl, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo. Pl'rlmnn's, 132 Nueva, BinOlldo. P ersian Caz'pct House. -19 F..sco1tn, lVIonila,

Philippine Athletic l\'Innufncturci'S Co., 230 Plaza StJ\. Cruz, Sta. Oruz . Philippine ~uildcrs Agency).. Inc., Stllt~ Theater Bldg., Rlzal Ave., Stn. \.j rll:!. , Mamla. Philippine Cnbinet Timb('r Co., 219 3th SLreet, Por~ Area. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Eseolta, Bin6ndo. Philippine EJ\gil1eerin~ Corporation, 109 Plaza Stn. Cruz, SU\. Cruz. Philippine Fish Company, 601 Echague, San Miguel, 1\路laI1iln. Philippine Model Engineering Company, 892 Riz:l.1 Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Philippine Net and Bruid Manufacturing Co., Inc., The, 367-369 Juan Luna, ilinondo. Philippine Truding Co., 230 PlnzR Stu. Cruz, Stll. Cruz. \.. Philippines Company, Ltd.., The, 55 Rosario, Binondo. Pineda & Ampil, 997 i\'L d{' la Industria, San Nicolns. Polb,h T rading Co. for Asin Ltd., Philippine Ag('ncy, Th ~. ffirodeLt & JUIHL<.zkiewicz) Room 302, L'ortes-Oehoa Bldg., 240 Dns mlll'iila!o, Binon<lo. Poon 1\11. & Co., 447 N uev!\., Dinondo. Productos Ixdnin, 857 Sla. r.,路Iesu . Sampnloc. Protzen, MHX, 42 Diismorillos, Uinondo. Quality Jewelry Store, The, 870-872 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. QUllIl J{ee Chouk & Co., 411 Pobl"te} Binonao. Quin8on, C. & Co. , rne., 338 n AO n , Stn. Cru?. Hed Automotive Supply Corp., G6G Rlzal Avc., SUI. Cl'lw.. R(.'l1nolds Compllny, Wm. E. , 84 Magai!nnes, lntramuro~.

Reyes & Co., Flon:ncio, 424 Azcarrngll, San Nicolns. Ros.'1t'io, C. O. del, A?earrnga, Cornet ;\OIiscticordia, Stn. Cruz, 1\Inniln. R osenstock & Comp:ln.\路.lne., Sc('onu Floor, Fernanue7. Bldg., 12路1 T. Pinpin. Binonuo. Roxns Y Compania, 719 Echague, San Miguel. RubiO, ,lose, 552 Riznl A venue, St.'l. Cruz. Sabatcr &Ies Co., 7G Escolta, Binondo. Sabinosa &: Son. R .. Third Floor, Room 3, 456 Dtl.smariftns, llinonuo. SeIi\l1lni & Co., n. I., 490 Juan LU[lu, Rinondo. Scibolh, Jua~ 132 Juan Lunu, Binondo. Scng J(ee &: "':0., 622 Nueva, Binondo. Shioji ~\-; A.~1Il0. :J5-A El Hogu r Fi lipino IJldg., ,Juan Luna, Binondo.

Shurdut Mill Su.pply CompanY, Inc., 318 Misericordia, St.a. Cruz, . Sic Jinp Sing, 228 Tctuan, 8t.a. Cruz. Simeon O. Suan, 324-326 Eehague, Sta. Cruz. Sin Wing &: Co. (Kwong \Vba Loong), 321 Claverill, Binonuo. Sing &: Cuan Hardware Co., Inc., 516-520 Azcarragu, Tondo. Siy Cong Bieng &: Co., Jnc., 129 Juan Luna, Binonuo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Soo Chow, 463-465 Nuevn, Binonuo. Spirig & Co. , John, Zamboanga. Squires Bingha.m Co., 15 Plazn Goiti, Sta. Cruz . St. Luke's Rummnge Sales, 542 Snn Luis, Ermitn. State Grocery & Cold Storc~ (Woo, La Bros. &: Company, 1,124-1426 Herran, Paco, Maniln. Swiss Oriental Commercial Co., 153 Juan Luna, Binon<lo. Sy Cip, Alfonzo Z., 129 Junn Luna, Rinondo. Sy Yoco & Sons, Jnc., 6 Jngreso, Binondo. Taihei, Yoko, 449-451 Juan Luna, Binondo. Taknhnshi &: Co., Inc.,.}53 Ta1>orn, San Nicolas. Talambiras Bros., 42 lJasmariil:ls, San Nicolns. Tlln Chiong Pun, 505 Mugdalentl., (Int.-20), Binondo. Tan Yin Lay, 228-232 Snn Vic('nte, Binondo. Tny &ng Co" 477 :Kueva, Binondo. T e Cheng Tiong, 223 Ongpin, J3inondo. Ti Tiong Ho, 445 Nueva, Binonuo. Tian Gunn-Ong Clliam, 1024 LaVeZ!Ire5, Sail Nicolas. Tio Que Suy, 921 Jaboneros, Sail Nicolas. Tiong Lom Company, 539 i\ueva, Binondo. " Tokyodo," 341 R. Hidnlgo, SUI. Cruz. Tong Bee &, Co., 485 ;.iueva. Binondo. TOllg Chill Tni &: Co., 31(1 CJuv~rin, Bil'c:m do. Tong Hong 'l'radin~ COrl>., 427 I\UCVZl, Bmoudo. Toyo Ba7llr, 5>17 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cru~ . . TranR-Pacific Tradill~ COIllPUIIY, 130 T. Pmpm, Fernandez Bldg., J\<InniltL .. Ty Chu!leo & Co., I nc., 333 Elcnno, San ~lColi\s. United Plumbing Co., Inc., 652-676 Junn Luna, Muniln. U nited St!llcs nubbcr Export Co., Ltd., 314 13th Str('cL, Port. ArCl\. . ~ Vda. e Bijos de .luun P. Polhccr, C~ r. 1'. B. Harrisoll, 211 fo'i ~c her Ave., Pn.sny, Rlzal. Vern & Sons Co., P., 134-140 Solnllll, I ntra--


J. B., 155 Mnrqucs de COllliilllS, Ermita. Vicente, Dorotco, 262 i\lorione~,.Tonuo: Vief::clmlllln, E., 460-166 DfLtoimlltll'ins, B~nondo. Walters & Co., S. !C, 162-168 Solcr, BlIlondo. Warncr, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Sori~1l0 Bldg., Plar.a Cervllntes, Binondo, i\Iomia. Tel. S 22304. WMhingtoll Grocery, 203-20J Echllgue, tao Cruz. Watanabe, K., 1221 Tuberius, Quinpo. . Werder & Co., Ltd., 6 Ingrcso, Binondo. West & Wllitakcr, IA::yba Bldg., 227 DaVid, Binondo, l\Innila. West, Tne., 1. 1\1., Room 504, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Wilbur, Ellis Co., RoODI.S 623-624, Insular Life Bldg., Plu:I;R Moraga, Binondo. Wing Woo Chong, 411 Poblctc, Binondo. Wise & Company, Inc., 174-176 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Wolff & Co. Tne., T. J., 25 Piaul Goiti, Stu. Cruz. Manila, P. 1. Y. C. Lim, S. ell C., 470 Juan I_unn, Binondo. Yang ROllg & Co., 319 011wolin, Rinondo. Ynpnnyon. Antoni21 308 l\'lndrid, San Nicolas, Yek Hun Trading I.;orporlltion, 129 Junn I.. unn, Binondo. Yick Bing, 234-238 T. Pinpiu, Binondo. Yick Gil, 410 Poblctc, Binondo.

Yokohama, The, Ground Floor, Paterno Bldg., Stn. Cruz. Ylirnel Miguel J., 711 T ubo1'l\, San Nicolas. Ysrnel, Pedro J' I 711 Tubara, Sun Kicolus. Yu Ay & Compnny, 4 12-<114 Ganeinrll, Rinand o. Yu Chu, DomiJ~go, 356 E ICl\llO, SUII Nicobs. Yu JORquin & Compflny-(Succcs~f}rs to Gre~orio Yu-Chuco y HcredcT'Os), 219-211 S'-1Il Vicente, Rinondo. Yu Nnm Loon~, 424 PQblrtc, Binondo. Yupangco, Felipe, 1337 O'Th.mnrll, Stn. Cruz. \'ut Nam Loong, 329-331. Chvcl"ia, 131nondo. Yut Woo Loong, III HOl"lnigu, Binondo. Yutivo SoliS Hardware Co.;" Inc., Y\ltivO Bldg., Corner Nuc\'u and DnSnmri l1ns. Binondo, l\-[uni13. Zuellig, Inc., F. E. 55-63 Rnsnrio, Binondo, Manila. --\ "Ii\'IPORT ERS. HARDWAR E Reye.'i .t: Co., FJorcncio, 424 Ar.earrllga, Sun ~icolas.

" II\-'IPORT ERS. RADI O SUP PLI ES Radio Supply and Scl"\'il'e Co., Tnc., 69S Rizal Ave., Sta. Cru1.. INDENT O R$ (Sec Importers) Anderson &. Co., Wm. H .. 84 i\lngalluncs, Tntramurns. Beck, Inc., 89-91 E scoltn, Billondo. Brins Roxas, Inc., Bl"ins RoXllS Bldg., it 'ESCOItIl, Maniln. Dodge &: Sc~Crnoul" l\oJunila, Inc., i\Jetl"opolitnn Bldg., Plain. Lnwton. };z·mitn. Fo? Brokerage, Tnc., 206 Raon. Stn. Cruz. Libby, i\lc~eill & Libby, (Philippine.~), Inc., 13 & Atlanta St. Port Aren, Manila. Luzon Indent Comp!l1w, 206 Huon, Sln. Cruz. Modern Phnrmacnl p i·oducts Co., Tnc., The, 886-890 Rizal Ave., 81:1. Cru1. Muller & Phipps (l\'Jnniln), Ltd., 322-324-326 and 328 :\'ntion1l1 City 13nnk I31dg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Neuss, Hessleill Con\Jn!IlY, Jneorpornted, 1-1-1 Juan LUIlll, Binondo. Neves, Antone i\L, 23 1 l~s{?(' le tn, Manila. Oriental-Americnn Indent Company, Room 5, T.ack .t: Davis Bld~., 110 EchUbrt/C, St:!. Cruz, Mnnilil. P hili pp ine Education Co., Inc., 101-l03 Eseolm, Binondo. P hilippine E(\R:inccrin~ COI'JJOrlltion, 1O~ Plllzn. Sta. Cruz, Stll. Cruz.




Rennolds Compan)" Wm. H., 84 Magallanes, Intram\lro.:;. Stevens & Co., F. H ., 227 David, Corner Dasmarinas, Rinondo. Trans-Pacific 'Irading, 130 T. Pinpin, Fernandez Bldg., Company, Jl.bnila. West &. Whitaker, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Rinondo, Maniln. 'Vesl, Inc., T. i\'L , Room 504, Ferllandez Bldg., 124 T. P inpin, Binondo. Y. C. Lim S. en C., 471 Junn Luna, Binondo. Yek Hua Trading Corporation, 129 Juan Luna, Billondo. Ysmflel &. Co., Inc., Juan, 348 Eehngue, Sw. Cruz. · I NDUST R IAL PROMOTERS Escueta, A.L., 507 Philippine Nntional Bank Bldg., 00 Escoltu, Binondo. I N K MAl\TUFACTURERS Ault & Wibol"g Co., (Far Eust) The, 176 Soler, Rinondo. Chunn Hunt Pomllde Factory, ,162 Junn Luna, Binondo. Feliciano & Sons, J. 8., 229-231 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. Over the Hill Ink ProducL~, 229-231 RcqueselJs, Stn. Cruz. Quesada's Ink, 1118 Rb;nl AVf'., St.n. Cruz. Qui su moin~ Ink ProoucU, 21 £ ;;colt;I. (Syyap & 00.) Binondo. I NSU RANCE AGENT S Ambrbsio &. Co., D. 8.,315-317 Crystal Arcade, E;;co!t~, Binondo. Americnn-Asintic t:ndcl'Il"titer>i, Tnc., Luis Perez Samnnillo llIdg., 6"\ 9 E~colta, Binondo. American Intcrnntionnl Underll1"itcrs for the Philippines, Inc., Samanillo l3ldg., 619 E:;colta, 13inolldo. J).rnneta y Znrngozn. Jose, Third Floor, Soriano Dldg., Plnza Cervantes, ilinondo. As('~urndoz'cs de Ins Isln.s Filipinus, Kneedler Bldg .. CnlTiedo, Sta. Cmil. n. C. F . P. Rc pn'SClll;..'ltivc, 723 Rizul Avenue, Stu.. Cruz. Bohn, Meyer & Co., H. i\'lij., 59 Hosario, Binondo. China fnsul"llllee lind SUl"e~y Cn., Inc., 614 Gnndnru, Rt.u. CI"Uil. Chri~tern, Huencfc!d & Co., fne., 711 Roman, Binondo. Compnflia Genel"nl de T!lba eo~ de Filipinlls, 2 12 i\lnrquc.'i de Comil1a~. Pnco, j\·Jnniln. Cooperative Helllty & Inve~lment COl"porntion, 51 Eseolw, S. O. de Fernll ndcz Bldg., 13inondo. Crown Life III<;urnnce Co., 7tn Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldp:., Cor. Esco!tiI and T. Pinpin, Binondo. DIlIlon, J . .I .. Third Floor, Y:::'Il\Uel l3!dg., 101 Echngue, St'l. Cruz. Davies &. Co., Ltd., Theo. H., Perez Sall\lInillo Bldg., F.~coltll. Billon<lo, i\ lnniln. Dy Buncio & Co., fne., 191-211 !\hlelle de BilIondo, Binondo. E. E. EI~er, I nc., ·\00 Kneedler Bldg.• Cnrricdo, Stn. Cruz. Evangelista, M. C., Third Floor, S. J. Wilson I3!dg., 143 .Juan Luna. Dinondo.




Fnr Enstcrn Surety nnd Insurance Co., Inc., 615 T. Alonso, Stn. Crll~. Fidelity nnd Surety Co. of t he Philippine Islnnds, Monte de Picdnd Bldg., PJazfI Goiti, 8tn . Cruz. "Filipinas Campania de Seguros," Second Floor, Filipinas Bldg., 21 Plaza Momga, Binondo.

Fili»inas Life Agenc~', Inc. , P. O. Box 1485, Tets. 2-22-42 and 2-15-39. 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Filipinas L ife Assurance Company, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Finllncc and MininA" I nvcstmcnt.s Corporation, 205-207 Crystal Arcade. Escoltn, Binando. Findlay Millar Timber Co., Fourth Floor, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Forbes, Munn & Co., Ltd., 112- 113 M. de Rinondo, San N icolus, Mo.niln.

Ccrmlln & Co., Ltd., 156 Juan Luna, Binondo. Cren~ Ensterll Minin!!: Promotion Compnny, Room B·3, Paterno Bldg., Snntn. Cruz Bridge, Sl'l.. Cruz. Guttridge& Chnmbers, Tnc., 108 NuC'vn, Binondo. Hnnson, O. 0., 1 Plaza Mornga, Rinondo. Hanson, Orth & Stev~nson, Inc., Fourth Floor, Chnco Bldg., PI:l7,IL' Cervantes, Ri nondo. Hyndmnn, F. Julius, TIlird Floor, S. J. Wilson nldg., 143 Juan Lunn, "<iMndo. In sular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., The, I n· sula r Life Bldg., 90 Plaza Moraga, Binon• . do, Manila. I nsurnnee Company of North Americn, E. E. Elser, Tnc., Geneml Agonts, 431 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, St.a . Cru%. Ynternstional Harvester eo. of Philippines (Formerly Macleod & Co.), Chaco Bldg., Plazn Cervantes, Binondo and 154 Marq.ues d(' Comillns, Ermit.a. Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. J(clling, IIIC., C. 42 D nsmnrh1QS, Binondo. Rer & Co., Ltd., 10 Cnllejon Sa'll GnhrioJ, Bi· 110ndo. J< & Strciff, Inc., 343--347 T . Pinpin Binonclo. ' Luzon Investment Co. , Inc., Second Floor, Regi. nu Bldg., M. del Banco Nueionnl, Rinondo . Martini, G., G5 Domingo Santiago, Sampaloc. l\'l enzi & Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Lunn, Dinondo. IVIC'tro»olitan Insurance Co., Elizalde &: Co., Inc., Gcneral ManaJ!(!rs, Eliznlde 13ldg. , Muelle de In Illdustrin, Manila. Mitsui BUSSllIl l{uisila, Ltd ., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. 1. Natioonl Exclmnge Co., Inc., Philippine Na· tional Bank Bldg., 00 Eseulw, Billondo. Pacific Commercial Company, National City Bank Bldg., Juan LUlla, Binondo. P('riquct, Aurelio, Samnnillo Bldg., 619 EseoltA, llinondo. P in(!r\a Promotions and Inv(!stments Company, In?, Room B--3, Paterno Bldg., Santa Cruz BrJdge, Sta. Cruz, Mauila.

Ramirez, J. V., Patcrno Hnos. Bldg., No.5, Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Roxas Y Compafi ia, 7Hl E chaguc, San Mi· g uol. Snlmon, C. S., Second Floor, T'nsUlnr Life Bldg., Plnzn MOl'l1ga, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong & Shnnghni Bnnk Bldg .. JUlin Luna. llmondo. Soriano y Cia., Fifth Floor, Edificio Soriano, Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Spielberger, A. ]C, Third Floor, S. J . Wilson Dlrlg., Juan Luna, Rinondo. 'funson, AuglU'to, 1001 n. H idJ\I~o. Quinpo. Union Insurance Society of Canton; Ltd., Wi se Bldg., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. U nited Stntes Life Insurnncc Co., l~ lizJl ld o &; Co,) I nc., GonOl'al Managers, Mucllc de lu In dustri!l, Manila. Vera, 1'0ffio.s dc, 3467 Taft Avenue Ext., Pnsny, Uil,al. VCff'in Hnmburger Assekurndeure, Hamburg, l\'1cnzi &: Co., I nc., Agents, 180·184 Juan LWla, Binondo. Warner, Barnes &: Co., Ltd., &>rinno Bldg., P laza Cervantes, Binondo, l\'Inniln, Tel. 22304. Wise &- Compnny, I nc .. 174-176 Jun!J Luna, Bi!Jondo. 7.uellig., Tnc., F. Eo, 55-63 Ro~ario, Binonclo, Mn· nil n.

·FIDELlTY AND GUARANTEE INSURANCE DaviC's &: Co., Ltd., Thea Ho, Perez Sarrumi\lo Dld~., 619 Escoltu, 13inonllo, Mnniltl. Yek Tong Lin Fire and Marine Insurance Co., L td., 320 Dasmarifias, Binondo. INSURANCE COMPAN IES Aseguradores .de las Islns Fil ipinn.'l) Knecdlc! Bldg:., Carnedo, Stn. Cm ?. AssurnnC<' and ThrilL As.<'ociJlt.ion, Ltd., of Sydney , Au~ t ra lin (La Economicn), 228 Nn· tional City Bank Bldg., Junn LunJl, Binondo. B. C. F. P. Represenwtive, 723 RizlIl Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Crown Life Insurance Co. , 7th Floor, Cu-Unjieng Bldg., Cor. £seolta and T. Piupin. Rinoudo. Fur Ellstcrn Surcty and l ru;urnnee Co., Inc., 615 T. Aloll!!o, Sta. Cruz. "Filipinns Compafiia de Seguros," Sccond Floor, Filipinos Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jo'JIi I)inns Li{p Assurance Comp..'lny, FilipinftS Bldg. , Plaza Moragn, Rinondo. Insurnnce Comp:.lnv of North Americn, 431 Kneedler Bldg., CarriC'd o, St.'\.. Cruz. Philippine Guaranty Co' Inc., T he. Second Floor, Insular Life n1dg., Plaw Moraga. Rinondo, Manila. Providcnt I nsurance Co., T hird Floor, Regina Bldg., David Corner Escolt.a, Binondo, Manila.

PHILIPPINES United Stall'S Life Inslltanc(" Co., Elizalde & Co., I nc., General Managers, Muc.le de In Industria, Mnniln. Vir,aynn Surety and Insurance Corporation, Second Floor, Cu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Ilnd Escolta, Binonclo, Manila. INSURANCE COMPAN[ES. ACCIDENT American Internatiollal Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc., Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Asia Life I nsurance Co., Perez Snman illo Bldg., 619 E5<'oltn, Binolldo. B. C. F. P . ReprcsentMivc, 723 Riznl Avenue,

Stu. Cruz. Cochran & Co., (Annun ) I t'l., Findlny Millar Timher Co., Agents, Chaco Bldg., P laza Cervllntes, Binondo. CommCl'cinl Union Assurancc Co., Ltd., 8mH,}}, B('l1 & Co., Ltd., Representativel;, Honc;kong nnd Shanghai Bank Bldg., Ju pn Lunn, Bi· nondo. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., Findlay Millllr T imber Co., Agent", Ch:\co Bldg., Plazll Ccrvnntc;<, Binon,do. Commonwealth Insuran'he Company, Soriano Bldg.; Plaza Cel'vafttes, Binondo. Davies &: Co., Ltd., 'l11f(). H., Perez Samnnillo Bldg., Eseolla, Binondo. 1't1fnila. Employers' Liability ASS\Il'.'!.!lce Corp., ltd., (London), E. E. Elser, In c., Ge neral Agents, .JOO "KllI'edlcr Bldg., Carricdo, Stn. eru?. "Fi lipinas Compania de Seguros", Second Floor, Filipinas Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, B inondo. Filipinas Life Assurance Company, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Ha nson, O. 0 ., 1 Plaza j\'l oraga, Binonrlo. Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., The, I nsular Life Bldg., 90 Plaza Moraga, Binondo, Manila. Law Union and Rock Ins. Co., Ltd., Wnrner, Bnrll<'s & Co., Ltd., Agents, Sorin.lo Bldg., P lnzn Cervantes, Binondo. Metropolitnn Insurance Co., Elizalde &: Co., Inc., Ge neral Mnnng:ers, Elizalde 13ldg., Muelie de In rndu~tria, Manila. Mit.sui Bussnn Kaishn. Ltd .. Second Floor, National City B:mk Bldg., Mllniln, P. I . Nntional Life Insurnnce, Co., Room 303, Regina Bldg., David, (,01'. E!:coltn, Binoudo. North British and J\'lercantile InsurnnC{! Co., Ltd., The, Fin(!lny Millar '] imber Co., Agents, Chuco Bldg., Plnz:!. Ccrva nt.cs, Binondo. NorLhrrn As..~urnnce Co., Ltd., '1'h('o. H. Dnvies Co .• Lt.d., General Agents. Perez SamalliJIo Blog., (jIg Escolt.'!., Rinondo. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd., Tho, Findlay Millnr Timbcr Go., Agcnts, Ohaco Bldg., Pluza Cervantes, Di.lOndo. Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd., of London. Ed. A. ](... Uer & (0., Ltd., Agents, Wise Bldg., 178 J uon I.una, Binondo.



Provident Ins urance Co., Third Floor, Regina I3Idg., David, Cor. Escolta, Binondo, MAnila. S..mlllrang Sell Ilnd Fire Ins urance Co., Ltd., Ed. A. Keller &, Co., Ltd., Agents, Wise Bldg., J uan L.m.'!., Binondo. Smith , Btlll & Co., Ltd., H ongkong &: Shanghai BanK Blde:., Juan Luna, Rinondo. Sun Ins urance Office, Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Age nts, 343-347 T. P inpin, Binondo. Union Insurance Society of Canton, Ltd., W ise Bldg., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Visayan Surety anrl Insurance Corpomtion, Second Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. T. P in· pin and Escolt:l, Binondo, Manilu. Wll.mer, Barnes & Co., LW .. Soriono Bldg., l'IM:! ('ervnntcs, Binondo, Maniln. Tel 22304. West Coast Life Insurance Company of San Francisco, Metropolitan Theater Bldg., ( Facing P . Bu rgos), El"mita. Wbe &. Company, Inc., 174.-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Yek T ong Lin Fire and Marine I nsurance Co., Ltd ., 320 Dasmarinas, Binondo. I NSURANCE COMPANIES, AUTOMOBILE Alliance Assurance Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell & Co., LtQ,., Representntives, Hongkong .'lIId Shallgha ~ Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Ame~can-Asiatic Underwrit.ers, I nc., Luis Perez Samnnillo Bldg., 619 EseoltJJ., Binondo . American I nternational Underwriters for the Pl,iilippines, Inc., Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. AscguraJ ores de las Islas Filipinas, J{necdler Bldg., Clmic<io, Sta. Cruz. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell &: Co., Ltd., Repr(>.sentntives, Hongkong Rnd Shanghai Dank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd., Findlay MilIurTimber Co./ Agents, Chnco Bldg., Plaza Ccrv!\nlcs, Binoni:lo. Commonwealth Insurance Company, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. D llvics & Co., Ltd., Theo. H., Perez Samanillo Bldg., Eseolta, Binondo, Manila. Employers' Liabilit.y A..'''sUrance Corp. Ltd., (London) E. F.. Elser, Inc., General Agents, .Joo l \needler Dldg., Carrirdo, Sta. Cruz. Fidelity and Surety Co. of the Philippine Islands, J"Ionte de Pi>"'dad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, 8t3. Cruz. "Filipinas CompnI1ia de Seguros", Second Floor, Filipinlls Bldg., 21 P laza MOl'8gn., Binondo. Intcrnntional Assurance Co., American I nternationnl Undt'rwriters for the Philirpines, I nc., Agents, Samanillo Bldg., 610 Escolta, Binondo. Jn ternational Assurance Co., Hongkong, Menzi &. Co., IIIC., Agents, 180-184 Juan Luna, Binondo.




Lnw Union und Rock JII~urRIIl·.c Co., Ltd., Wnrnt'l', Burnes & Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Pl n:/in CcrvlIlltcs, llinondo. Mctropolit..'ln Insurunce Co., Eliznldc & Co., Inc" GenCl'lL) ManllJ!;cr, Elbmldc Bldg., MucUe dr la Industria, Mnniln. Northern ASSlll'nnce Co., Ltd" Thea. H. D flVics Co., Ltd., Gencml AgC'uts, PorN! Samunillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Rinoudo. Nort lu.'1'1\ A;:9url1nce Co" Ltd., The, Findlay

Millar 'l'imber Co., Agents, Cllflco Bldg., Pln;m Cervantes, Binondo. Ins ul'llucc Co" Th ird Floor. Regina

Pro\' i dcn~

Bldg., Dllvid, Corner Escoltn, Binoudo, JI.·l nniln. Smith, Bdl & Co., tt£L, HOlljtkong: and Shanghni

lhnk Bldg., ,JUUIl LUIlIl, Binondo. Sun IIl>;llI'!lncc Oflir.cs,- K\lenzlc &; Streiff, Inc., AJ;cllis, 3<13-347 '1',

l~il\pin ,


Wllmcl', Barnes & Co., Lt d., Soriano Bldg., Plmm Cervllntcs, Dinondo, Mnnih\. T f' l. 2230·1.

WiS(' & Compllny, I nc., 174·176 Junn Luna, Binondo. INSURANCE CO'I PAt""'IES, F I DELITY GUARANT EE Americn n Tnternntionat"S for the P hilij)pine~, Tnc., Luir. \Pcrez Snmnni1lo Bldg., /j 19 ::scolta, Binondo. A sr~ urndo~es .de Ins Islns FiJipinns, KnccdJcr Bldg., Cnrnc<io, Stn. Cruz. China lnsurnnce and Surcty \Jo., I nc., 014 Gan· dara, SI.lL. Cruz. Commonwealth Insu!'ance Company, Soria no Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Davies & Co., Ltd., Thea. IT. , "Perez Sunumillo Bldg., Escoita, Binondo, Mnnila. Eml)loyers' linbility Assurancfl Corporntion, Ltd., (London) E. E. Elser, I nc., Genernl Agrnts. "\00 Kneedler HldJ.;., Cl1rricdo, St.a. Cnlz. Far' En<;tel"ll Surety [lnd Jnsurnnce Co., In c., GI5 T . Alonso, Stu . Cruz. Fidel ity nnd St;l"ety Co. o'f the Philippine Islands, Monte de Pi edad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Stn. Cruz. "Fi lipinus Compniiia de Scguros", Second Floor, FilipillllS Bldg., 2l Plnza l\foragn, llinvndo. i\IC'tropol itnll Insurance Co., Elizalde & Co., Inc., G('lIerlll Mnnagers, Elizalde Bldg., Muellc rlr In l ndw;:tria, ~'h\n i lll , Phil ippine Guaranty Co" Tnc., The, Second Floor, Insu lal' Life Bldg., P laza Moraga, Binondo, Mar.ila. Provident i mHlrunce Co., Thil-d Floor, Regina Bldg., Duvid Cor. Escolta, Binondo, Mani la. Visayan Slirety and Ins ur'uncc Corpora.tion, Second Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. T. Pin· pin and Escolta, Hinondo, Manila. Wise & Company, Inc" 174-176 JutHl Luna, Binondo. Yck Tong Lin Fire and Ma rine Insurance Co .. Ltd., 320 Das marifias, Binondo.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES, FIRE Anchen & Munich Fire fnsunmcc Co. of Anehen (Cermany), Ed. A, J{eller & Co., Ltd., Agents, Wise Bldg. , 178 Juan Luna, Rinondo. Alliance Assurnncc Co., Ud .. Smith, Bell & Co" Lt.d., Representatives, Hon~konl( & Shanghni Bnnk Bldg., Juan Lunu, 13l1londo. Americnn-Asi!ltic, Inc" Luis Perez Srunanillo Dldg., 019 E~coltl.l. Binondo. AmeriCAn E'(luitnole Assurance Co., J\mericnn 1nternutional Underwriters for the Philijlpines, Inc., Agent;l, &m18 nitlo Bldg" 619 Escolta, llinondo, American Tntcrna.tiollnl Underwriters for the Philippincs, Inc., Luis Perez S:amanillo Bldg., 619 l!:>;eoltn , Binolldo. Ascgurndores de Ius Illltill Filipinn.s, Kneedler Bldg" Cnrric:<io, Stu. Cruz. Atlus Assurnnec Co., Thc, Internnt.iOlUll Harvestor Co ., of Philippines-Formerly Mnclead & Co., Agent-s, Chaco Bldg., Plnzll Ccrvuntcs, Binondo, Atlns Assura.nce Co., Ltd., (London) E. E. Elser, I nc., Gencrnl Agents, 400 j{nccdlcr Bldg., Cnrriedo, SI.lL . Cruz. Baloise Fire Insura nc(' Co., Kucnzle & Streiff, Inc., Agent.<;, 343-3-17 T . Pin pin, Binondo. Board of Undenvriters or NC'w York, The, E. E. Elser, I nc., Rc>prcscnt..'lt,ives, 400 I(nccdlcr B1d~" Carriedo, Stn, Cruz. Clllcdonian !nsuroncc Co., Guttridp;e & Chambers, Inc., General Agcnts, 108 Nueva, Binondo. Chinn. Fire Insurance Co., l .. td., The, Wnmer, Bnmes &: Co., Ltd., Agents, Sorinno Bldg" Plnzll. Cc rvnnte~, Binondo. Commcreinl Union Assurance Co .• Ltd" Findlay Millar Timber Co., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Plaza CerwlIltcs, Binondo, Commercial Union Assurancc Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Representatives, Hongkong a nd Shanghai Bank Bldg., JUlin Luna, Binondo. Commonwealth Insurance Company, Soriano Bldg" Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. <Con necticut Fire Insurance Co. or Hnrtrord, \Varner, "Snmes &. Co., Ltd., Agonts, Soriano ntdg., Plaza CcrvllntCl':, IJinondo. Contil\cnt:ll Insurance Co., The, (New York) E, E. £ Iscr, Inc., Gen('rol t\j.:cnts, ·,00 Kneedler llidg., Carricdo. SUi. Cruz, DfLvies & Co" Ltd .. Thea. fl., PC'rez &maniJ[o nld ~" Escolta, llinondu, l\'lnnila. Dy Buncio &. Co., Tnc. , 191-211 M. de Binondo, San ~icolus. Far Eustcrn Surety a l1(1 ]lIlmranec Co., Inc., 615 T. Alon.,o, StH. Cruz. Fidelity and Surety Co. of the Philippine Island s. Monte de Pied=td Bldg., Plaza Goiti , Stu. Cruz. "F'ilipinas ('omplliifa (IC Scguro!\" , Second Floor, Filipinns Bldg., 21 Plaza Morngll, Dinondo. Firemnn's Insurance Co. of Newurk ~. J" Americnn Inwmntional Undcnl'riter3 fo r the Philippines, Inc" Agents, Snmnnillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, llinondo.

PH ILIPPINES Fran klin Fire InsUT1lnt'c Co. of PhiladC!lp,hia, Ed. A,Kelier &. Co., Ltd., Agents, Wise Bldg., ]78 Junn Luna, Rinando.

Fuse Marine and Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., The. Warner, Barnes &. Co., Ltd .. Agents,

Soriano B1de;., Plaza Cervanws, Rinando. Guardian Assurance Co., Ltd" of London, Ed. A. I{cllcr &. Co., Ltd., Agents, Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. Hanover Fire Insurnnce Co., MCIl1.i &. Co., I nc., ~ Agl'll t..'l, l SO-184 Junn luno, llinollflo. Hanover Fire In~lIr!l.ncc Co. of New York, Amrricnn Intcrnationo.l Underwriters for the Philippinc~, Inc., Agents, Samnnillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binoudo. Home InSlirance Co. of New York, International Harvester Co. of Philippines Wormerly Mac· [cod &. Co.,), Agents, 154 Marques do Comi\]ns, Ermitn.

Ins urance Company of Nor~h Americn, E. E. Elser, Inc., Gencral Agents, 431 Kneedler Bldg., CUlTicdo! Stll.. Cruz. I nternational .As3o.!~llce Co., American Inter· nationnl Underw ·ter.; for the Philippines, Inc., Agents, Sa illo Bldg. , 619 Eseolta, Binondo. Internationnl Harvester Co. of Philippines (Formerly Macleod &.. Co.), Chaco Bldg., :Plaza Cervnnte!', Dinondo und 154 Mnrques de ComiJlns, Ermit..'1. Keller &: Co., Ud., Ed. A. \ Wise Bldg., 178 Junn Luna, Binondo. Kelling. Inc.. C., 4.2 DnsmlLrifias, Dinondo. Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., 3431.347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Law Union and Rock Insurance Co. Ltd., Warner, Barne!' &. Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plnzn Cervantes, Binondo. Legal and Glncral k suranee Society, Ltd., Guttridge & Chnmbers, Inc., Agents, 108 N uevn, Binondo. Liverpool and London and G)obe Insurance Co., Ltd., The, Wise & Co., Agents, 176 Juan Ll1na, Binondo. London Assurance, T he. Findlny Mill~r Timber Co., Agenl<;, Chaco Bldg., Plaza. C;eTvantl.'S, Binondo. London and Scottish Assurnnce Corp., Ltd., Thco . B. Davies & Co., T"td., General Agents, .Perez Snmallillo Bldg., 619 Escolt.'l, Binondo. Luzon Surety Co., Inc., Second Floor, lliigiun Bldg., M. dcl Bnllco NUclonnl, Binondo. Manila Fire Insurance Ass'n., 174 Junn Luna, Dillondo. Metropolitan Insurance Co., Elizalde &. Co., Inc., Cenel'lll Mnnagers, Blizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Industria, Manila. Natior.a! Union Fire I nsurance Compan y, Samanilio Bldg., 619 Escolts., Binondo. Netherlandli Jnsurance Company, The, l\'Ienzi & Co.. Inc., Ag(,lIts, 18()..184 Juan Luna, Binondo. New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company (Established 1869) Manchester, New Hampshire, Ascguradores de las Islns Filipinns (philippine Und('n\'Tite~), Gen('ral Age.nts, 400 Kneedle r BIng., Carriedo, St.a. Cruz.



New Indin A.'\~u ran cc Co., Ltd., Wise ,~ Com. pany. Inc., A!(cnts, 176 Junn Luna, Dinondo. Nord·Deul~che Versicherungs - Gesellschart Menzi & Co., Inc., Agents, 180·182 Jun~ Luno, Dinondo. North British nnd Mcreantile Insurance Co. ltd. , The, Findlay Millar T imber Co., Agcnts: Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. North China Insurance Co., Ud., Wise &. Co., Age nt.~ , l7G .Juan Lunn, Binondo. Northcrn A ~s\ITn llce Co., I"{d., 'fhco. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., General Agents, Luis Perez Samanillo Bldg., 51!) Escolta, Rinondo. Northern Assurauce Co., Ltd., The, Find/nv Millar Timber Co., Agents, Chaco Bldg:, Plazn Cervantes, Dinondo. Norwich Ullion Fire Insurnllee SOCiety Ltd Gutt.ridgc & Chambers, ]nc., Agents, Nuevu, Binondo. Oricnt InsUl"nnec Go. of Hartford , E. E. Elser, I ',l('., . Gencrnl Agellts, '100 Kneedler Bldg., Gamcdo, Stn. Cru7.. P ea rl Assura nce Co., Ltd ., 'Varner, Barnes &. Co., Ltd .. Agents, Sorinnn Bldg., Plaza Cer. vllntos, Rinondo. Perique-t, Aurclio, SlIIlla nilio Bldg .. 619 E~coltn, Dinondo. Philippine Gual'llllty Co., Inc., The, Second Floor, Ins ular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo, Ma l!ila. Provident InsUl'ance Co., Third Floor, Re· gina Bldg., David, Corn~r Escolta, Bi· nrlndo, Manila. Ramirez, .f. V., Paterno 1-1 nos. Bldg.. No.5, Plaza Cervan1Ps, Binondo. Roynl Insurance Co., Ltd" (Liverpool) Forbes Munn &. Co., Ltd., Agents, 112·113 M. de Binondo, 8.'ln Nief)/ns. Snmarnng &n &. Fire InSUl'lInce Co., Ltd., Ed. A. Keller&' Co., ttd ., Agent.., Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Lunn, 13inondo. Sea rn~u rnnee Co., Ltd., Thc, 'Wnrncr, Bnrnes & Co., ttd., Agenlq, SOri:UI() Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, mnondo. Smith, Bel! & Co., Ltd., Hongkong ,I;: Shunghoi 'Dank Bldg., Juun Luna, 13in0l1do. Springfield r ire nnd . i\'larinc ]ns urance Co., Kuenzle. & Streiff, Inc., Ag('nts, 343-347 T . Pin pin, Binondo. St. Paul Fire & J\lI:irine Insurance Co., Thco. H. Dnvics & Co., Ltd., Gene!"'.!l Agents, Perez &manillo Bldg., 619 Escolt:!, Binondo. Union Ins urance Society of Canton, Ltd., Wise Bldg., 174-176 Juan Luna, Bincndo. United StAtrs Fire Insmunce Co., 'l'h()O. H. Davics & Co., Ltd., General At;cnts, Perez Snmanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Visayan Surety nnd Insurnnce Corporation, Second Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. PiDpin and Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Wise & Company, Inc., 174·176 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Ynngt!;ze I nsum-nce A~sociation, Ltd., Theo. H. Davies &. Co., Ltd., General AAen tS, Perc;>; Samanillo Bldg., 6 19 Eseolta, Binondo.



l NS


Yokohama F ire :md Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., Wisc & Co., Agents, 176 J uan LUlla, Binonclo. Yorkshire F ire Im'urance Co., Dy B uncio & Co., I nCl" Sub·Agents, 191-21 1 Mucllc de Bino ndo , Snn Nicol~. INSUHA NCE COMPANIES. F IRE AND MAR I NE American-Asiatic Underwriters, Inc., Luis Pc~ez Samrtnillo B ldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. American International Underwriters for the Philippines, I nc., Perez 8.'1munillo Bldg., 61 9 Escoltn, Binondo. A ~egur8dores de In." Islns Fiiipinns, Kneedler Bldg., Cnrl'iedo, Stn. Cruz. Atlas Assurfincc c..., The, Jnternationnl HaTvesler Co. of P nilippi nes-Formcrly Macleod & Co., Agents, Chnco Bldg., P laZA Cervantes, n inondo. Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd., (London), E. E. Elser, I nc., ~cncrnl Agents, 400 K needler Bldg., Cnrriedo, 8tfl. Cruz. British & Foreign 'Marine In..'lurance Co. , Ltd ., Smith, )X'1i & QQ., Ltd ., Representatives, Hongkong & Shanglhii Bank Dldg., J uan Luna, Binondo. Briti~h Traders' Insura nce Co., Ltd .. Smit h, Dell & Co., Ltd., Rcprb>entativC9, Rongkong and Shanghai Bank Blllg., Bi nondo. Caledonian I nsurance Co., Guttridge & Chnm~ bers, 1ne., Genera l Agen " 108 Nueva, BinOlldo. China Fire Insurnnee Co., L d., The, ' Varner, Barnes & Co .. Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., P lnzll Cervantes, Rinoudo. Chill'n I nsurnnce & Suret.y Co., Inc., 614 GaudMa, Stu. Cruz. Commercial Un ion Assurance Co., Ltd ., Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Representatives, and Shanghai Ba nk Bldg., J Ulln LWlII, BinOlldo. CommerCial Union A.."SuTftnce Co., Lt d., Findlny M it/ur Timber Co., Agents, Chuco Bldg., P ltu;n eel'vunles, B inondo. Commonwenlth I nSUl'anee Company, 80riClno Bldg., Pl a za Cervantes, Binon do. Continentul I nsurancc Co., T he, (~T('W York) E. E. Elser, Inc., Gcncral Agenl!;, 400 Kneed .. ler Bldg .. Carriedo. Stu. Cruz. Dflvie.!i & Cn., Ltd., Thea. H ., Perez Sam.nnillo Bldg., Esco[tn, Dinondo, j\'Ianila. Employers' l.inbility Assurtmce Corporation, Ltd., (London), E. E. FI.!iCr, I nc. . Generol Agents, ·100 K needler Bldg., Cnrriedo, SIll. Cruz. F ar E!~qtem Surety and InSllrtlnce Co., Inc., 615 'f. A[onso, Sta. CrU7.. F idel ity and St; r ety Co. of the Phili p pine Is lands, Monte de P iedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti , Stu. Cruz. " Irilipinus COmpfll) (o. de Seguras," Second Floor, F ilipinas Bldg., 21 P laza Moraga, DilIondo. F uso Marine Fire I nsunmcc Co., L td., TIle, Wa rn£'r, Barnes &- Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Dinondo.

Guardian Assurance Co .• Ltd., of Londo n, Ed. A. Ke ller & Co., Ltd., Agent.'!, Will(! Bldg., 178 .Juan Luna, Binoudo. Hll.nson, O. 0 ., I Plaza M oraga, B inondo. Insurance Company of North America, E. E. E lser, Inc., Generlli Agents, 431 Kneedler Bldg., Cnrriedo, Stn.. Cruz. In t.ernational Assurance Co., American Intcrnntional Underwriter's for the Philip pines,Inc .• Agent, Samanillo Dldg., 619 Eseoltn, Binondo. K t>lling, I nc., Co.• 42 Dasmnriiins, Sa n Nicolas. ](u('nzle & Streiff, Inc., 343..34 7 T . Pinpin, DinOlldo. Law Union and Rock Ins. Co., Ltd., Warner, Barncs & Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg. , Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. L iverpool & London & Globe Inl,lIrn nce Co., Ltd., The, Wise & Company, Agents, 176 J unn Luna, Binonrio. London Assurance The, F indlay Milla r Timber Co., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Plazu Cl'"rvantcs, Binoudo. Luzon Surety Co., Inc. Second F loor, Rcginfl B[dg., IH. del Banco Naeional, Di nondo. Metropoliwn I nsurance Co., E[iza[de & Co., I nc., Generlll Managers, Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de la I ndustria, Mnni!a. Netherlands I ns urance Company, T he, Menzi & Co., I nc. , Agents, l SO-184 Juan Luna, Bi110ndo. Ne\\" India Assurancc Co. ,,. Wisc & Company, I nc., Agents, 176 Juan LU IlU, Binondo. Nord-D e ll tsc h e Ve r s icher u ngs-Gescl[schaft, H Hmburg, Menzi & Co., I nc., Agent.. , lSO.. 18 t J uan Luna Binondo. NorMI BI"i ~isf) and Mercnnble Insura nce Co., Ltd ., lhc, Findlay Millar l imher Co.,Agent..s, Chaco Bldll;., P laza, Binondo. North China I nsurance Compnny, Wise & ComJ"IIln)r, Agents, i76 Juan Luna, Bi nondo. Philippine Guarant y Co., Inc., The, Second F loor, Insular Lffe Bl dg., Pl az3. Moraga , Binondo. Ma nil a. Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd., of Lo ndon, Ed. A. J{eller It: Co., Ltd., Agents, Wisc Bldg., 178 Juan L una, Binondo. Provident Insurance Co., Third F loor\ Regina Bldg' Corner David and Escolttl , 3inondo. IUani la . Samnrnng Sen and Fi re Insurance Co. , Ltd ., E d . A. J\:el\er & Co., Ltd., Agents, WiSe Bldg.• 178 J uan Luna, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Ho n gkon~ tlnd Shanghai Dank Bldg., J uan Lunn, Ri nondo. South Briti... h I nsurance Co., Ltd., Smi th, Bell & Co., Lt.d., Re presentative..., Hongkong &: Shllnghai Bank Bldg., J ua n LUIlII, Binondo. Springfield Fi re and Marine Ir~~UTflnC<' Co., I\ llen~J e & Streiff, Inc., Agenl.o!, 3·13 .. 347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. St.. Pa ul "Fi re and Marine l nsurnnce Co., Thea.. H . D uvics & Co., Ltd., Gcnerol Agents, Perez Samanillo Bldg., 61 9 E...-.ooltl.l, Binonuo. Sun Insura nce Officc l{ucnzle, &: Streiff, l ne., Agents, 3'13-347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. T ais!lo ~·I a.rinc and .Fire J nsurance Co"l. Ltd. MitsUI BUSSlm Kalsha, Ltd., Agent.e, ~nd Floor, Nationa l City Bank Bldg., Manila, P.I .




THE INSULAR LIFE ASSURAN CE COMPANY, LTD. BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31, 19)6 ASSETS Mortgage Loans .. Policy Loans,. Invcstmcnts:In Stocks and Bonds 1'3,911,188.95 Less Reserve for Inn~$t· meots 1»100,000.00. .. 1" ),811 .188.95


P 1,942,46).74 2,763,975.54

In Real

Est;HC:. 689,000.00 Propcny b)' Foreclosure .. Net Deferred and Outstanding Premiums. Sundry Debtors ... . ... " ..... . . B.ank Balances & C:.lsh on Hand.

(*-a) iO(fCas<: in Lc:gal\cservc ...

C--b) Incrc:ue in Reserve for Dip. Policyholders ..

4,500,288.95 12,543.94 3:;4,084 .86 108,207.62 2,040,047.64

I' 867.978.00 to


RESERVES:_ ("-2.) Legal Reserve computed in accordancewich che Laws of [he Philippine Islands. l' 6,911.383.00 1" 6,968,790.00 C·-b) Rescrve for Dividends [0 Poli1,290,035.88 cyholdm.. Employees' Pension Fund .. ~ath Claims Unpaid, Pending Completion of Documents ............ . Annuities, Ma[ured Policies and Dividend Pending .. Dividends and Claims Lefl with the Company 10 Earn Interest. Premiums Paid in Advance .. Sundry Credicors... . .. Provision for Dividends to Shattholders ... Capiul Fully Paid ......... ' ... Surplus as of Decembtr 31, 1936

1' 11,721,612.29

Total amouo ! of insurance in force as of December 31., 1936 ...... . TOtal benefits paid bi the cornpiW)' since its organ izatiof\ in 1910.

U nio n Insurance Society of danton. Ltd., Wise Bldg., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binon do. Visayan Surety and Insurance Corporation, Second Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin and Escolrn, Binondo, Manila. Wnrnt.r, Barnes &. Co., Ltd., Soriano Bldg., P laza Cervantes, Rinondo, Manila. Te:!. 2230':1:. WL~e k Company, Inc., 17'1-176 Juan Luna , R inondo. World Auxiliary I nsurance Corp., Ltd., Wise & Co., Agents, 176 Juan Luna, Rinoudo. Ynngtsze Ins urance Association, Ltd., T he, 'r heo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Genel'l\\ Agents, Perez &lmanilJo Bld~., 619 Eicoltn, Rinondo. Yek Tong Lin hre &. Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., 320 Dasmnrifins, Binondo. Yokohama Fi re &. Marine I nsurnnce Comp9ny, I,teI., Wise Company, Agents, 176 Juan Luna, Dinondo.

INSURANCE COMPAN IES , LIFE American-Asiatic Underwriters, Inc., Lllis Percz &lmanillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. American I ntcrnntional Underwriters for t he P hilippines, I nc., Luis Perez Samnnillo Bldg. , 6 19 Escolta, Binando. Asia Life lllljurancc Co., Luis Perez Samnnillo Dld~., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Assurance and Thrift Assoeilltion\ Ltd., of Sydney, Australia (La Economica, 228 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.

t> 8,258,825.88 211,478.23 32,4 15.38 31,343.96 15,1l9.89 261,159.}4 239,456.98 3Q,(X)().00 1,(X)(),OOO.00

1,641,812.6} ·I~II ,711 ,612.29



Crown Life Insu/'flnce Co., 7th Floor, Cu Unjieng Hldg., 'f. Pin pin and E~colta. Binondo. Dllnon, J. J., Third Floor, Ysmael Bldg., 101 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Davies & Co., Ltd., Perez &lmanillo Bldg., 6 19 £Scolta, Binondo. "Filipinas Compania de Seguros," Secor.d Floo~', Filipinas Bldg., 21 P laza Moraga, Binondo. Filipi nns Life Agency, Tnc., Four~h l~loor, Ji'ilipinlls Bldg., 21 P lfl7,a r,·toraga, Filipinas Life Assurance Company, FiJipinas Bldg., P laza l'lol'aga, Binondo. Ranson, O. 0., 1 Plaza IH olllgn, Billolldo. Hyndman, g. Julius, 'fhird Floor, S. J. Wilsoll Bldg., 1-13 Juao Luna, Binon<io. I nsu laI' Life Assurance Co., Ltd., The, Insular L ife Bldg., 90 Plaza Moraga, Binondo, Manila . J"incol n National Life Insurance Co., Thco. H. Davie9 & Co., Ltd., General Agents, Pcrez Snmnnillo Bldg., GI 9 E scoltll, Binondo. MUllufncturcrs Life Insurance Co:). International Harvlls ter Co. of P hilippines-l'ormllriy Macleod & Co. Agcni.s, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervl\lltes, Binondo. Manufacturers Life I nsurance Co., of Toronto, Canada,Chief Office for ~he Philippines, E. E. Elser Agency, ({needier Bldg., Gllrrie90, Stn. Cruz.




National Life Insurance Co., Room 303, Regina Bldg., David, COl'. E scoita, Rinando. Occidenta l Life Insurnnce Co., of California, c/ o Philippine Trust Co., Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Stn. Cruz. Snhnon, C. S., Second F!oor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Momgll, Binando. Spielberger, A. 1\:,} Third FlooT, S. J. Wilson Dldg. , 1-13 Juan Luna, BinorHlo.

Sun Life Assurance Com pany of Canada, A. F . Peters, Manager fol' Philippine Island ~, Third Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. United States Life Insumllcc Co., The, Elizalde k Co., Inc., General Manlll!;cl'S, Elizalde Bldg., Mllcl1e de Ill. Indmtrin, Munila. Vcra, Tomus dc, 3467 Taft Avenue Ext., Pasay, Riznl.

West Coast Life Insurance Compa,ny of Sun Francisco, Metropolitan Theat er Bldg., (F::tcing P. Burgos ), Ermita. Wise &: Comnnny, Inc. , 174-176 Jua n Luna, Dinondo. I Nsu n Aj~CE CO"MPANIE$, MAR I NE Atlinnce Assurance Go., Ltd., Smith, Dell &; Co., lAd ., Repre5entnti,"cs, Hongkong &: Shanghai Da nk Bldg., Juan B.pna, Dinondo. American-A siatic Underwriters, Inc., Luis Perez Snmanillo Bldg., 619 E~coltn, ninondo. Amcricnn fnternationnl Undel'llTitcrs for the Philippines, Inc. , Luis P~I'ez Snmnnillo Bldg ., 619 El:'coltn, Binondo. \

If it's Insurance, CALL


Fire- 1\1arine-Earrhquake Acci den t -

Automobi l e

Specie - Fidelity & Su rety



Aseguradores de las Islas Filipinns, I(need1er Bldg., Carriedo, Sln. Cruz. Atlas Assurance Co., The, Jnternntional Harvester Co. of Philippines--Formerly Macleod &: Co., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd., O. ondon ) E. E. El!!cr, Inc., Generul Agents, 400 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Cruz. Caledonian Insurance Co., Guttridge &; Chambers, Inc., Genernl Agents, lOS Nuevn, Binondo. Canton Insurance Office, Ltd., Smith, Bdl &: Co., Ltd., Representatives, Hongkong and Shan~hai Bank Bldg. , Juan Luna, Binondo. C hinn Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., The, 'Varner, Barnes & Co., Ltd. , Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Com mo~wealth Insurance Company, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Connectiout Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., AKents, Soriano Bldg., Pinza Cervantes, Binondo. Continental I nsurance Co., The, (Kew York) E. E. Elser, Inc. , Cenernl Agents, 400 Kneedler Bldg., Cnrriedu, 5t8. Cruz. Dn vies & Co., TAd., Theo. n., Perez Samanillo Bldg., EscoltD., Binondo, Manila. Employers' Liability Assurunce Corporation, Ltd., (London) E. E. Elser, Inc., General Agents, 400 Kneedler Bldg. , Cnrriedo, Sta. C ruz. ' fir E:LStorn Surety and l nsurnnce Co., Tno. , 615 '1'. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. FidcliLY and Surety 00. of th<l PhiliPI)ino Islands, l\'lonto de Piedad llidg., P lnzo GOiti, Stn. Cruz. " Filipinns Compa iifu de ~eg uros," Second Floor, Fili])inas Bldg., 21 Pla1.11 MOTnga, Dinondo. Fuse Marine and Firo Insurnnce Co., lAd. , The, WlI.rner, Barnes & Co., .. Agent.. , Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. HUllovor Fire Insurance Co. of Kel\' York, Ameri can Intcrmltional L"nderwritcrs for the Philippines, Agents, Samll. nillo Bldg. , 6 19 Escelta, Dinondo. Immrnnce COml)uO\' of Nort.h AmericlI., E. E. BIser, Tnc., General Agents, 路131 J(ncedler Bldg., Cnrriedo, SUi. Cruz. International Asurrnnce Co., American I nternntional Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc., Agents, Sumunillo nIdg., 619 Eseolw, Binondo. ((elling, Inc., C., 42 Dnsmnriiins, San Xicolas. Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., 343-347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Lnll" Un ion and Rock Ins. Co., Ltd ., Warner, Bnrnes &: Co., Ltd., Agents, Soria no Dldg., Piau l Cervantes, Binondo. l\'Ietropoli wlI I nsurance Co., Elizolde & Co., Tnc.. General Mllnngcrs, Elizulde llJdg., i\l uello de III Tndustria, 1\-1anilo. Netherlands Insurance Compuny, The, .~'fen:ti &, Co., Inc., Agents, ISO-I 路1 Juan J. una, Binondo.: Xorth River Fire lnsurance Co., American Internntional Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc., Agents,. Rnmnnillo llIdg., 619 E'lcolta, Dinondo.


Insurance Co., Third Floor, R egina. Bldg., David Corner Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Sea lnsurnnce Co., Ltd., The, 'Varner, Barnes &; Co., Lt<L, Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plazn Cervantes, Binondo.

Smith, Dell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong aud Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan l.una, Binondo. Springfield Fire and l\liIrine Insurance Co., Kuenzle Streiff, Inc., Agents, 343-347 T. Pinpin, 13ioondo. St. Paul Fire and Mnrine [ns. Co., Thco. H. Davies & Co., Ltd" Genom! Agents, Luis Perez Samnnillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. Union Ir.:;ul'ance Society of Canton, Ltd., Wise Bldg., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Visnyan Surety nne! Insurance Corporation, Second Floor, Gu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin and l<;scolta, Binondo. Manila. Wise & Company. Inc., 174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Yck Tong Lin 1"i(c Ilnd l\<Iarine Insurance Co., Ltd., 320 Dasmhrii1us, Binondo.

'-I NSURANCE COMRANIES, TYPHOON, FLOOD AND eARTHQUAK.E American International :Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc" l_uis Pcre? Snmnnillo Bldg., 619 Eseoltn, Binondo. Commonw:!a!th lnSUl'ance Company, 50ri~no Bldg., Plaza Ce:'vantes, Binondo. Fidelity and Surety Co. of lhe philippine Islands, Monte dc Picdnd Bldg., Plaza GOiti, Sta. Cruz. Pearl Assurance Co., Ltd., WUnler, Barnes & Co., Ltd. , Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Provident Insurance Co., Thil'd Floor, Regina Bldg., David , Cornel' Escoltn, Binondo, Manila. Samarang Sen and Firc Insurance Co., Ltd., Ed. A. K eller & Co., I.ld., Agents, Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Sea Insurance Co., Ltd., The, Warnel', Barnes & Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Honp;kong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, 13inondo. Wise & Company, Inc., 174-176 Juan I_unn, Binondo. Yek Tong I_i n Fire and !\'[arine Insurance Co., Ltd., 320 Dasmaril111.S, Binondo. INSURANCE COMPANIF:S, WORKMEN'S COM PENSATION Alliance Assu rance Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd .. R epresentatives, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan LunA, Binondo. American Tnternationnl Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc., Luis PereT. SamaniIJo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Rinondo. Commonwealth Insurance Company, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervar.tes, 8inondo.


77 GenerAl de 'I'UbllCOS de Filipinas, Agents, 212 Marques de Comillus, Puco. Employer's Liability Assurance Corr" Ltd., (London) K E. Elser, Inc., Gencrn Agents, 400 Kneedler Bldg., ClIrriedo, Sta. Cruz. Law Union a nd Rock Insurance Co., Ltd., Warner, Dames &; Co., Ltd., Agenw, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervntcs, Dinondo. Liverpool and I.ondon and Globe Insurance Co., Ltd., Wise &: Co. , Agents, 176 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Metropolit.nn Insuranee Co., Elizolde &; Co., Inc., Gf'llcral MnMgefl>, Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Indust-rin, Manila. NOI-th Brit-ish &: Mercantile, American TnternationHI Underwriters for the Philippines, Inc., Agents, Snmnni[lo Bldg., 131!) Escolta., Binondo. P earl A""surancc Co., Ltd., \Vnrner, Burnes <~ Co., Ltd., A!!:cnts, Sorillno Bldg., PlaZA Cervantes, Binondo. PhOenix ASsurnnee Co., Ltd. of London, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ltd., Agent.:., Wisc Bldg., 178 Juan LUlln, Binondo. Sea InsurfUlce Co., Ltd., The, W:lrner, Barnes &; Co., Ltd., AJ,;ellts, Sol'i:lIlo Bldg., Plnzn CerV:Hlte~ , Bil1ondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., H ongkong and Shanghai funk Bldg., Juan L llIIll. Binondo. 路 INVESTMENTS Agf'ncies, Inc., Sixth Floor, S. J. \Varon Bldg., 143 J. Lunu, Binondo. Ambrosio &: Co., D. D., 315-31 7 Cryst3.1 Arcade, Eseolt.a, Dinond'l. Benipnyo, Dc los R{~yes & Co .. AI~aldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Capital In vestment CompnllY, Inc., Room B-18, Paterno BldK., 8tH. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Cooper.:ttive Investment Syndicate, 310-312 Rizal Avenue, Sta. C I路UZ. Cooperutive Realty & 1I\v(>~tment Corporation, 5l Escolta, S.O. de Fl'rn:lndez Bldg., Binondo. EllStcrn InvesLment Compttny, Inc., 32-1 8.'ln Vicente, Binondo. Ells~rn Syndicate Inves~nlent Compllny, Hoom 401 , Philnnbank Bldg., 90 EscoHlI, 13inOlldo. Eq\lit.nble Investment Corporlltion, 225 MCZl.nlIinc Floor, CI'ystnl Arcade, Escoltn, Binondo. Escueta, A. L., 507 Phili l)pine Nntionnl Bnnk Bldg., 00 Eseoitu, Rinondo. ;Federatcd l\[n\Ulp:emcnt und Investment Syndicate, Suite '108, Philnnbank Bldg., 90 Escoltn Binondo. Finnnce !U\d Mining Investments Corporation, 205-207 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Rinondo, l\'bniltl. FinnneiJl~ Corporntion of the PhiJippincr, Suit.1i' "A". Fifth Floor, Sori:u\(l Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Bil\ondo, iH!Lliilu. Great Eastern Mininl': Promotion Compnny, Room B-3, Pilterno Bldg., Santa Cnu; Bridge, St.'!. Cruz. Hill, Robert., 12l Crystnl Arcnde, Escolta, Rinondo. Insular Investments, Incorporntcd, Thir<! Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnzo. Cervantes, Binondo.


l NV



Investment Compnny. Ground Floor, Insular Life: Bldg., Plnza MOrllgll., Binonclo. Jarnmillo, Valder. & Co., Suite 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binoudo. }(tlnlnon Mnnllg:cmcnt Corp., l\'Iontc de Picdad Bldg., Plazn Stn. Crtl1., Sla. Cruz. I~gardu Em~)Orium, Room 201, Brias Roxus

- INVES1'l\'I ENT BANKERS Aldanese &, Cortes, 11 6 Juan Luna, Binondo. Swan Culbertson & Fritz, Sixth Floor, S. J. \Vi lson Bldg., 14 3 Juan Luna, Binondo. Vera Reyes & Salgado, Inc., Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo, Manila.

Bldg., 75 1<.500Itn, Binondo.

l\Ianiin 1\-lllIlng


Tne., State Bldg.,

50·1 Rizlll Avonue, 8tn. vruz. Manila Realty & Investment Co., Tne., 306-310

Kneedler Bldg., Garricdo, Stn. Cruz. Mnrsman Investments Limited, Fifth Floor, Insular Lite Bldg:. Plazn i\;lornga, Binondo. MorCIlO Sccuitics (Jo., 307-313 Crystal At'cade, Ji'JScolta, Binondo. Mullen & Go., N. E" 60!) Escoltn, Binondo. Murillo Investments, -143 8..'ltl Vicentc, Binondo. Oriental In ve~Lment Corporation, 6.1-1 Gandara, SLa. Crul,. Overton, E. Monroe, 124 CI'ystal AI'cade, Es· col tn, Binondo. Pcoples Mm·jgnge and Investment Co., 605 Dnsmnrifins, /Siomcl' David, Binondo. Philippine-American Investmelll-s, Inc., 440 Estero C{'gndo, ~tfi. Crul,. Philippine Securities & Investment Corporation, Suite "A", l~ifth Floor, Sorinno Bldg., Piazn Cervantes, Binondo, Manila. Pineda Promotions & fnvf!stments Company, Inc., Room B-3),. Paterno Bldg., Santa Cruz Bridge, Sanln Vruz. Prnts & Co., A. E., 502 Est('r~ Ccgado, Sta. Cruz. Quimson-Tuason Realty ana Tnvc!itment Co., 34 Escoltn, Binondo, Realty Investments Inc., 185 David, Binondo. Rosenthal & 0:1., Inc., .Jac:;ob, Rooms 32>J326-328, CrY1ltnl Arcn(\c, E'iCo\t.'l, Binondo. Roy Investm:mts & S~cul'i£ics Corporation, Third Flool', Ysmae! Bl dg., 101 Eehague, Sta. Cruz. S:mto!' IlIvcstment.., Inc.. 303-305-334 Arcade, Escoltn, Binondo, Munila. Southel'll Tnvestments & Mnnngemcnt Corpo111tioll, 101 Eclmgue, S1.:1.. Crul,. Syndicate Investments, Inc., lfifth Flool" Filipinus :aldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Union lVlnnngelllent Company, 9 Plazn Morngn, Binolldo. United In ve1-ltmentli, Inc., 310 Samnnillo Bldg., Bldg., 619 E~eoltn, Dinondo, l\'Inni ln. Yangeo ar-.d Company, Third Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Yaptinchay & Co., Inc., I ., Rooms 705-707, Insular Life Bldg., Plnza Cervantes, Binondo, Manila.

- INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENTS Dc los lWyes, Benipuyo & Uy, An:;ll ido J31dg. 250 Du vid, Billolldo. - IRON AND STEEL OISTlunUTORS Bethlehem Steel Export COl'j)Orntion of New York, 320 NatiOllul eiLy ] llnk RId!;., .Ju:tn Luna, BinOlldo. ·IRON FOUNDRIES (See Foundl'ics) · IRON PIPE FITTINGS Pcrez Samonillo, Ro{acl, 122 Juan Luna, Binondv, Mad i a.

I JAPANESE, C HINESE AND I ND IAN GOODS Isardas &: Co., '1'., 194 JUIlIl Luna, Dinondo. ~itsui Dussnn 1{aishll, Ltd., Second Floor. )(atiOllul City Bnnk Bldg., i\'lanila, P. 1. Nippon Baznr, The, Cor. Plazu MOr1\ga and Escolta, Binondo. Osnkn Backi l\uisha, Tnc., 4·16-45,\ Dasmarilias, Binondo. Persiun Curpe~ House, ·19 Escolw, Mnnila. - J ELtY MANUFACTURERS

EI Mundo Jelly Fnetory, 2 11 Espcletn, SI.:'!.. Cruz. J EWELERS. RETAIL Abolnfia, Inc., M. &, C .• 122 Nue"n, Dinondo. ",A ng Arnw", 816 Ylnyn, Tondo. <tAng Uri Plulcrin", 1236 Sande, Tondo. Bernardo Optical, 85 Rosmio, Binondo. Bernardo &, Sons, 012 Azoilrl'lIA"n, Tondo. Brighten DI)licnl, 1105 Sun li'crnnndo, Binondo. Casaje Optionl CompllllY, 440 Riznl .-he .• St.u. Cruz. Cnsnjo 'I'oh and Comp:my, Inc., 135 Ro.snrio, Binondo. Darley's Jewelry Store, 83 Real, Tntnunuros. Denla, T., 72 1-72'; R. Hi~lnlgo, Quinpo. Dizon & Son, 1002 Durt, PU CQ. "EI Baroto", 300 Cal"riedo, Sm. Cruz, Ma· nila.



PH ILIPPINES El Dinmuntc, (r"'fuiinlue Bros. ), -102--104 ('Ilrriedo, Sin. Cruz. tiEl Opalo", 11\)5 StLlldc. Tondo. BI Oro, 1420 H erm.n, i\l lll:lte. <lEI Oro Blnnco", 11 801 Sande, TOl1do. E l Piutino, 233 Lc!;(mlu, Sumpuioc. E I Tesoro de O. Snrnngtlya, NG CurriOOo, Sta. Cruz. El Znfiro, 682 Rizul 1\ VC., Stn. el'Uz. E l Zenith Jewelry Store, 33-35 1';5coll[l, Binondo . Faus ~ino. Dionicin dc, 269 Cnbildo, ]ntramul'os, Filipino Expert, j nc., The, 314 E ('hllguc, SUl. Cruz. }']oro, Doroteo. 1534 AzelllTngn, Sta. Cruz. Fortis Jewelry Storc, 208-210 Echugue, Stn. Cruz. GIl.reill, Z6simn O. dc, 827-833 Ri zal A vc .. Stn. Cm)';. Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escoltu, und Calle David, Binondo. Ipekdji[ln Brothe r,;, Ltd., -112 Riznl Avcnue, 8tn. Cruz. Japanese \VatchmnkCI' Mid Jeweler, 313 Echllgue, Sta. Crull. Josephine's, 169 Eseolt~, Cornel' Plllzn Stll. CI'UZ, l\laniln. Joyerin de Mnximll Lallernl dc Guzmnn, 3S Phl?a l\Joragn, Dinondo.\. Joyeriu Nllkpil, COl'. Bu'tboSll. R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. ,Joyerin.Plllteria y Agenein .de Empm10s de 1)OOro Cruz, 3 10 Echague, Sla. C ru~ . 1,a Amistnd, 530 Riznl Ave., Sta.. Cruz. La Centra!. 29 Escolt:l, 13illoll<1o. La Estrella del Norte. 46-50 Eseo~tll. Dillondo. La Fortuna J cwelry Store, -137 Dnsilluriiills, Binondo. La Tnsulu.r, 163-16;; E scol1!l, Bin?ndo. La N uevlI E cijal1u, 604 ni~nl Ave~ue~ Sta. {JI'II ~. La Prolccci6n Ka<'ionHI, 612 Az('[u'I'agn, Tondo. 1.1\. Pucrtu del Sol, 52-;;01 Escolw, Binondo. Ltl Sampnguila, 305 i\ 1i ~ericordi n, Sm. Cruz. La Segul'id[ld, ).')38 Azcnrrnga. Slu. ('nl?. La Verdad. 825 Foll!;uel'l\~. TOlldo. L apel'al, Victorina G. de, Lapcl'al Bldg., 853-855 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lnpernl de Guzmlln, i\'l:L xi 850-852 zn.l Ave., Stu . CI'U~ . LII,~ J oyas de Filipinas, 1G19. Hcrran, P aeo. Levy Hermanos, Tile. (1.11 Estrclla del Norte), -IG-';O Escolta, llinol1do. I,iclluco, Maximo, 1026 Soler, Stn. CrUll. i\1:lbuhay Jewelry Store and Watches, 91 R osario, Binondo. Manila C. O. D., 725 Rilnl Ave., Maniln, P. L Mnl'thenis, A. D. , 18015 A?Cllrraga, Stu. Cruz. " Meridinn," 26 Escoltu, Dinondo. Non Plus Ultl'!\, Inc., III Mnrques de Com illas, Corner AYllln Boulevurd, EI路mila. Ogawa, S., 11 7 I~sco l tll, Biuondo. P allid, Pablo, 170路' Herrnn, Paco. Perrenoud , Ed., 19 Escolta, Binondo. Persian Carpet H OUIiC, -19 Escoita, Manila. Ph ilippine Optical Compuny, lG7 Eseolla, Binondo. PIllteria Amudor, -127-,129 Madrid, San NicolzlS. Po Hunt J ewelry Store, 23<1 Carvajal, Binondo.


QUZLli~y Jewelry S torc, The, 870-872 Rizal Ave., Stu. C I路U~. Rnincs, Ie V., 3'12 Carriedo. Stu. Cruz. Reyes, J uan C., 732 Mi ~erieordin, Sw.. Cruz. HOSllrio, C. O. del. A1.earragn, Corner Misericordia, Stn. Cru?, i\lnni ln. Shibuya Brothers, 313 Echngue, Stu. Cru~. The Tiffany, or Agapito Frnncis(,'o, [ne. , Carriedo, Cor. PluZR Minznda, Quial)O, Manila,

P. J.

Vnlenc1n Optical Co., 87 Bscoltn, Binondo. J EWELEns, W H OLESALE I\bohfiu, Inc., J\l. &. C.. 122 :\ue\,lI. Binonrlo. "El Barato", 300 CalTiedo, Sta. Cl'UZ, Manila. EI Oro, 1-120 Hl'ITlUI, Pnco. El Z:lfil'O, 682 Rizul An'., Sta . Cmz. EI Zenith Je .....elry Store, 33-35 Escolta, Dinondo. J cwelry Store, 208-210 Echaglle, Stu. Cruz. Garcia, Zo~i mll G. de, 827-833 Ri?al Avc., Sta. Cruz. H eacock Co., H. E. , 120-130 Escoita and Calle David, Binondo. Ipckdjinn Brothers, Ltd., 01 12 Hiz:11 Avenue, Stn. Cruz. JQs<>phine's, log Escolttl, Corner PhlZtl S(a. Cruz, i\bnil:J.. Joycria de l'\illxiznn l ,up拢'ral dc Guzman, 38 Plflzil i\f o rn~a , Uinoudo. La Crnlral, 29 E scolta, Binoudo. La r ,tr'elln del Karle, -16-50 F..scolta, Binondo. 1"1 Pucrta del Sol, 52-54 E~eoltn, Dinolldo. loll Rtlmpa~lIit..'l, 30,') l\fi~cricordi:l, Stn. Crllz. Laperal, Victodlla G. de, Lapel'al Bldg., 85;J-855 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Lupcrnl de Guzman, MI\)(ima, 850-852 Hi?nl Ave., S tu. Cl'lIz. Levy & BlUm, Inc., 35 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta . Cruz. Levy Hf'rmnnos, I nc. ( Ln E~lrclla del Norte), -16-50 E scolt~'l., Binondo. Manib "C. O. D.", 72;; Ri?al Ave., i\ f:l1liln, P.L " i\'leridinn," 26 Escoll~Z, Dinondo. Pcrsiu1\ Carpct HOII~C, -10 Escoltu, Maniln. 'rhe T ifTnny, or Agallito Frnncisco, Inc .. Cnrri{'(lo, Cor. Plaza Mil1H1du, Quial>O, Manila, P . I.


Manila K apok Fllctory, 40 1 Elcnno, Sun 1'\1coIns. Memi & Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Uinondo. S .....c 1'[lInt, 63G T. Pinpin, Rinondo. - K NOTTED H EMP EXPORTERS (3 fngJ'{'SO. Uinondo.

Werdcr It Co., Ltd.,


Wove.n Lllbcl i\Hg. Cu., Ltd., 8[8 H . H idalgo, Qumpo.

80 __~L~A~B____~T~H~E~CO~~~~R~C~~~ L~&~'~lN~ D~U~ST~R~J~A~L~M~AN~U~A~L~___________ LABORAT ORI ES, C LI NICAL Arguelles Lnliorntory, (Lnborfttorio Arguelles Inc.), 800-806 Raon, Quinl)O· Gonzalez Lnoorntorics, 1626-\628 Riml Ave.,

Stu. Crtlz, GI\?mnn PnthologiCllI Laboratories, 325-327 Kneedler Bldg., Cnrric<io, Stu.. Cruz. Hizon Lnborutory, 549 P. Paterno, Quiapo. Kock Luborntory, 2157 O'Donnell, St.u. emz. Laborntorio Arp:ucllcs Inc., (Arguelles Laboratory), 800-8(16 fulOIl, Stu. Cruz. Lnborntorio Dcrmotcrapico QUilltos, 176 Real, lntrnmuros. Lucphnr's Drug Dispensatory nnd Company, Room 31, Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echngue, Stn. Cruz. J\'lnniln Laboratory, 208 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. MonSCl'rllt Lnborn(,ory, 680 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Naknshinm, S., oil! H.cinn Rcgentc (Ncar Oriente Bldg.), 13inOlldo. . p yol'r-c-tinc Laborat.ory, Room 214, Arms Bldg., Carriedo, Stn.. Cruz.


Aguina ldo & Co., I nc. , L. R., Agui naldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Behn, Meyer l~ Co., H" Mij. 59 Rosn rio, BilIondo. Bouffard Hnos., 6-18 Rizol Ave., Sm. Cruz. Dychauco, Roscnclo (lIoc Ho Bec), 318-320 Sto. C'rbto, Sun Nicolas. Gift Shop, Inc., 40 Miramnr Apartm<-nls, Dewcy Boulevard, Ermitn. I nsulnr Mercantile, -17 1 J uan Luna, Binondo. Manila Mercanti le Co., Inc., 511 Azearrngll., Tondo. Osaku Boeki Kaisho, I nc., 446-454 DosmnrifitlS, Binondo. Pacific Commercial Compnny, Nationnl City Bank Bldg., .Junn LUIIII, Rino udo. Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Hongkong Ilnd Shanghai Bank Bldg., J uan ]..u na, Binondo. · LAMP SHADES MAN UFACTURER Phzilppme Shell CJllft CorporatlOlI, 243 Otis, Paco. Showroom 124 Szm LuiS, EZ'lnit.u. · LANTERNS


Botiea Boie_(Philippine_Ameriean Drug Co.), 95 Eseolta, Binondo. jI,'Iodern Pharmacal Producl.~ Comp~Uly Inc., The, 886-890 Rizul Av~nue, Stn. Cruz. LACE D EALERS

(Sec Embroider)~ Denlers) Lao, Al>oionio K., 112 Nueva, Dinondo. Tnn Tull. Ihc & Co., 208 Snn Vicente, Binondo. Viegelmann, E., 460-466 Da,$marifi!ls, Binondo. LADIES' FURN I SI-II NG GOODS DEALER S Aboinfiu, Tnc., M. & C., 122 Nueva, Binondo.

Albino's LlIdies' Wear, 230 Rosario, Binondo. Gown Salon, The, Pernlt!l AI)f1rtments, I!'ll!lc Perlll and M. H. del Pilar, Ermitll. Kay-Dore Gown ShOI)PC, 399 A. j\'Iabini, El'mita. L:I ·Petit.c Paree, 53 1 A. Mabini, Ermitn. Maizee's Lndies Wen 1', 309 Isanc Pernl, Ermita. Manila Shirt Fnctol'Y and Dz'Y Goods Store, 44 ]o;scoltn, Binondo. Mzlnuel Pollieer) Co., Tne., 44 E~coIWl, Binondo. Rosenbaum, Rose Bay View H otel . Ermitn. Stylerit.c ShOPI)(), ~l'he, 441 A. Mz\bini, Ermit.o.. V. &. O. Tne., 269 A. Mabini, Rrmit.a. Vidalou Shop, 40-1 A. Mnbini, Ermita. Wcinsten Bros., 619-62 1 Rizal Ave., SUI. Cruz. Whitacre's, '110 Colorndo, Malate. · L ADIES FUR N ISIU NG GOODS, W H OLESALE

Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Eseolta and Calle David, Binondo. Ne\'e~, Antone M., 231 Es pcleta, Manila. · LADI ES R EADY T O W EAR

Il:\miltoll Brown Shoe Store, Inc., lO9-IlI Escolta, DinOlldo.

Aguinaldo &. Co., fIlC., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan LUIIZl, Binondo. · L AR D MANUFACT UR ER S

,ndustritlS Consolidadas, I nc., 57 Gustnmbide, Sam l)aloc. I nternntionnl Oil Factory, .525 M. de Binoudo, $an Nicolas. Plnnt: II River:;ide, San Junn. Rizal. ·LAUNCH ES

(Sec Bny and River Freighting) LA UNDRI ES

Ang T,aundry Natin, 1095 Arlegui, Quiapo. Associated L,lUndry, 1407 Rizal Avenue, Sl3. Cruz. Calzada's Laundry, HIS Mendoza, Quia]lo. Carlos' l.aundry, 966 r.,·Ingdulenn, 'I'ondo. Carolina's Laundry, 14 34 Rizz\1 Ave., Stu. Cruz. Choy I(ec Laundry 509 Rnon, Stn. Cruz. Communit.y Dz'Y CleHlI ing zmd Luundry, 84 BiumentriLt., Stu. Cruz. Doriz~'s J.. aundry, 1037 Soler, Sw.. Cruz. Family I,aund ,'Y, 11 23 Soler, Sl.n. Cruz. Far Eastern Stllr LJUllldry, 523 Mayhaligue, Sw.. Oruz. Hap Woo, 171 Andu, I nlrumuros. Home Laundry, 827 Misericordia, Sm. Cruz. Hongkollg Lnundry, 630 Paz, PIlCO. Hongkong Luu ndry, 1319 Azcorragn, Tondo. [denl Luundry, 21 1·1 Azcarrngn, Quiupo. International D IT Clcn.ning, ·111-413 I'. Gomez, Sw.. Cruz. Joan Dry Cle.o.ning and Lllundry, 200 Msgnllancs, Jntrnmuros. J{wong Cheong Lee Luundry, 296 l.ibertad, Pussy, Rizlli. Luzminda Laundry, 235 Stu. Mesa, S:unpnloc. Lyric Lnundry, 630 Raon , OUinl>O. Mnbuhny Laundry, 2228 Ri1.Bi Ave., Stu Cruz. J\'I nbuhuv Saniturv Laundry, 2557 'foma.s Ellrnsflow, Tondo.

PHILIPPINES Makabnynn Laundry, 502-504 Madrid, San Nicolas. i\Ialigo.ya. Dry Clcuning, 805 Ruon, Stu.. Cruz. Manila Steam Laundry, 651-653 Magdalena, Binondo. Martin's Laundry, 205 Isabel, Sllmpllloc. MetropolitAn Dry Cleaning, 2110 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Milord Laundry, 1023 O'Donnell, Stn. Cruz. Moheng's Laundry, [841 Azcnrrngn, Stu. Cruz. Montalvo's Dry Cleaning, 2665 Hcrran, Paco. Nll.tionai Dry Clennillg and Laundry, 1936

Herran, Paco. Nena's Lnundry, 638 Evangelista, Quiapo. New T,uundry, 507 Lam, San Kicoills. Nortcluz D ry Cleaning and Laundry, 2056 Azcarrugll. Stu. Cruz. Over the H ill Dry Clcu.ning, 173 Murin Clara, SumplIloc. Pagsnnjnn Falls Laundry. 916 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Paris Dry Clcaning, 1205-1207 Rhml Ave., Stu. Cruz. Pekin Laundry, 1OJ.8 Hizal Ave., Stu.. Cruz. Ramon's Laundry, 280 G. Tunson, Sampnloe. Rio's Dry Cleaning und Laundry, 1468 Oroquietu., Stu.. Cl'llz. &lnitary Steam Laundry Co., Inc., The, 908-9 18 Arlegui, Quiapo. Service Dry Cleaning and JAlIlOdry, 4.39 Raon, Sta. Cnu:. Shing On Laundry, 219 SoII\I·. Binondo. Silver Cross Steam Laundry, (Owned and Operated by Monsel'fut Enterprises Co., Ltd). Main Office: 477 4. l\Jabini, Ermila. Laundry: 1346 Arlegui, Quiapo. Sing Chong Sam, 49 Mngllibn/:.-;, Intramuros. Social Laundry, 921 Mnrin Clara, Sampnloe. Square Deal Laundry, The, 1306 Ri z::..1 Ave., St.a. Cruz. Sunrise Laundry, !)02 Rnon, Quiapo. Taga-lIog's Laundry and Dry Cleaning, 818 Clavel, San Nicolas. "Tim bulan" Dry Cleaning nnd Laundry, 266 Loreto, Sampaloc. Tropical Laundry, 2759 Hernm, Sta. Ana. T uck Lee Laundry, 207 M. Ocnmpo, Quiapo. Well-Worth Laundry, 323 Requesens; Stu. Cruz. Woo Long Laundry, 088 Benavides. Binondo. X-3-X Laundry, 20:n Rizal Avenue. Sta. Cruz . Yatco's Laundry, Tayumnn, Neur I pil,Sta. Cruz. L AWYERS Abeleda. Felipe S., 322 Cry~tlll Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Abesames, Abalos & Ponce de Leon, 700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Crllz. Abeto, Sevu, Gullali and Seva, Fifth Floor, Heacock Bldg.. El5collu, Rinondo, ~·Ianila. Abistndo, Heraclio, 1098 R. Hidnlgo. Quinpo. Abola, Lconnrdo, Room ·10 I, &lJnallillo Bldg. , 619 Escolta, l3inondo. Abordo, Gaudencio Eo, 700 Riznl Ave., St.a. Cruz. Abrera, Sofronio, 501 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin~ l3inol1<1o. Abrera, rnnsinl'in & Mnrq uez, 501 Fcrnandez Bldg., 12'1 T. Pinpin, Binondo.



Advillcula, JOSe G., 150 Sta. PotelUJiana, 1ntramuros. Agcaoili, Felix D., 3 10 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Agloro, Jnime n.., Chaco llidg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Aguilar, Oscar S., Room 300, Fernalldez I31dg., 124 T. Pinpin, Dinondo. Alafriz, Arturo A., Second Floor. S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Jua n LUlla, l3inondo. Aleid, Lim &: Agbayani, 9 Pla1-a Moraga, B inondo. Alcoba, Anatolio C .• 501 Fernande1- Bldg., 124 T. Pinpil1, Binondo. Alindada, Vicente R., 2325 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. AlmllTio, Marciano, Third Floor, Padilla Bldg., 428 Riz(l.l Ave., Sta. Cru1-. Almazan, P edro G., 007 Teodom Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Alonso, Benjamin C., Room 8. Lack & Davis Bldg., Eehngue, Snnta Cruz. Alvendia, Curmelino G., 932 Padre Fnurn, I~ rlllitn.

Amacio, Federico, 153 Juan Luna, Binondo. Amlldor, Constantino, 1100 O'Donnell, Sta. Crllz. Ansnldo, Angel A., Easy St., SrLn Juan, Rizal. Aq\lino, AntoniO, 303 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pin pin. Corner F~colJn. Binolldo. Aquino, Benigno S., Brias Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binondo. Araneta, Zaragoza k Amneta. Third Floor, In!?ubr Life Bldg. , Plaza l\1or:lga, 13inondo. Aree, Fernando, 302 Urias Rons Bldg., 75 Escolta. Binondo. ArCIlQ, Felicinno, ](3 Arias Bldg., Carriooo, St.3.. Cruz. AsUlIn. Francisco, 55 RosariO, Binondo. Atencio, GregoriO i'I'l . , 003 Mabolo, Stu. Cruz. Atienza &: Umali. R oom 213, Gil Unjieng Bldg., Cor. Escoltn and T. Pin pin. Binondo. Avelino & Yntco. Rooms 30-1-306, I~ern(l. ndez Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin. Binondo. Azarragn, Leodcgario, 920 Sml f crnnndo, San Nicolas. Balonkita, J. R., Pe rez S:llI\nnillo Bldg., OJ!) Escoltn, Binondo. Balon1.O, Antonio, 917 Alburqucrqu(', 'rondo. Balta?!lr, Joaquin, 1001 Tuft AV('lluc, Mulate. Banzuli, E. 11'1.. 371 Huon nnd 601 Riza! Avenue, Stn. Cru1. Barneli, Jose 0., 75 Villllrucl, PaSflY, Riza\. Barndl, l\'Iauro, 7.1 Villarucl, Pusny, Ri?aJ. Bnl"fI.'rn, ,Jec<;IIS C., Second Floor, S. 'J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juun Lunu, l3illondo. Barrern & Reyes, Second Floor, S. J. WLison Bldg., 143 JUUII 1.ulln Hinondo. nllrrio~, 8.'1lvador, 302 S. O. de Fernundez Bldg., 51 Escoltn, Binondo. Bausa, Honesto le, Room cIOI, Cu Ulljieng Bldg., T . Pin pin, Cor. Escolt..'l, 13inondo. Buuti s t.~, Antonio i'll.. ](300 Sandeins, Mlilute. Bnutista, Vicente, 1330 Juan Luna, Tondo. Ralmonte, Feliciano, 320 Dnlimariilns Binondo. Bcrn.'lrdo, Irinc:o V., (j.j Jual\ Luna, Billondo. Bilog, C. 1\1., 837 Tayumnll, Stn. Cruz. Bilog, ?I:Junuel E., Free Pres.~ Bldg:., 680 Riz.'11 Avenue, Sw. Cruz.




Dill nco, Jesus E., Room 41 3, Cu Ulljieng Bldg., T. Pinpin. Cor. Escolta, Binondo. Boomer, J. F., 3IG Cnrricdo, StH. Crll7. Buencumino, .Jr., Felipe, Second Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binolldo. Dufete C:\Vunnu, No.5, Plnz!!. Gel'vullle:>, Binondo. Cnjucolll, J. Mu., GOO San l\'Inreelino. Rrmita. Culupitnn, Alfredo B., Room 303, Padilla B[dg., 428 Riznl Ave., Stn. Crllz. Calilu, D. Teodoro, 304 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin, BinOndo. Cnm\IJl. Pedro, Third Floor, S. J. Wilsoll Bldg., 1·13 Jurm LunA, Binondo. Cnmus & Zllvnllu, 3.) El Ho~al" Fili pino Bldg., J Ulin Luna, Binondo Mnniln. Canillas, Fclipe, 1359 ~.evcl"iza, Mulate. Cal1iza, Rnfud, 309 Philippine NntiOllld Bunk Bldg., 90 Esco[ta, Dinondo. Cmiizlll'C'S, P nh[o, Tunzan Bldg., .12 Escolta, B inondo. Capule, Simeon C., Sccond FloOI', Fel'llancicz Bldp;., 124 T. P inpin, Binondo. Carbllllo, ConmdQ~I07 HlIvnllu, St..'L. Ann. Cnrdl'llas, J ose P~'l'z, Second Floor, Ysmncl Bldg. , IO l Echng4e, St!!.. Cruz. Cnrillo, Mnrcos D., r~23 Bnmbnng, St.n. Cruz. Cilrill~lll, HonoriO,·10 Fernll.uciez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Cados & Cados, 12 Escoltn, Binoudo. Caq)io, Victorio D., Roon\ 312, ]{necdler Bldg., Cllrricdo, Stn. Cruz. Castillo Tirol, RUllCrto del, 519 Lara, SUII ~i· coins. Cnvnnnn, Jo~e i\-I n., 1\0. 5, Plazll Cervantes, Binoudo. Chavc~, Apolonio R., Fonrth Floor, L-cyb!l. Dldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo. Chuvcs, Cm? & Pefilllo7.n, FOUl·th Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Dinondo. Mnnilu. Chaves, Eulalio, Second Floo!', Hencock Bldg., Escoltu, 13inondo. Chicole & Escudcro, P!llcrno Bldg., Stn. Cruz Bridgl', SIn. Cruz. Clara vall, Ji'l"nncisco, B-19 Pnlrrno Bldg., Stu. Cmz Bridge, Stn. Cmz. Clnrflvull, .1. V., 9 Lnck & Duvis Bldg., 110 Eclmgue, St..'L. Cruz. ClaudiQ, l!;duurdo L., ·107 P hilippine Nationnl Bank Bldg., 00 ESCOltll, Binolldo. Clcmcii:l, l~ngrncio F., Free Press Bldg., G8G Ri7.ul Ave., Stf1. Cmz. Conchu, Agllpito, <i9-A Pluzl1. McKinley, IntnlIInlroo. Constllnlino, Amndor, 310 Aria!> Bldg., enrriedo, Stll. Crill'.. Cordero, Murcinl, 667 Bcnllvidcs, Dinondo. Corporate Counsel (Ramon Diokno), RDom 208, P hilippine Nntional Bank Bldg., 00 Escolta, Binondo. Corpus, Enrique J. BOO Orof]uictu, Corner Azcnrrngn, St{\. Cruz. Cortes, Jose D., 16 Bscolta, Binondo. Cortes & L eynes, 16 Escolta, Binondo. Crudo, Mnll\lcl .Ma.iingo, 304-30G Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . Pi npin, Uinolldo. C ruz, ·AlIgl'1 n., Fourth floor, Lcyvn Bldg., 227 DI\\'id, fiino ndo.

Cruz, Fortunnto D., Leybn Bldg., 227 David , Binondo.

Cruz. Jose. P. de In, 305 Snmllnilto Bldg., 6 19 Escolta, Binondo. Cruz, Roman A'J 2032 Herron, Plica. D:lsi~, ;{icodcmu~ L. t 408 Cu Unjielll; Bldg., T . Pillpin, Corner &"Coltn, Binondo. Duyrit, PlltroCinio, 3<17 Crystal Arcade,


coltn, Binondo. Dc In PII?' & Vicentc, Room 21), Regina Bldg., E~coltfl, Cor. DlIvid, Bi nollclo. DeWitt, P erkins & Ponce 'Enril e, Seventh Floor, Sodano Bldg., Plaza Cer vantes, Bi1I0ndo, Ma nila. Diaz, F'ilomcllo, Z09 Elizondo, Quinpn. Diaz, Pom.peya, Second Floor, Arguelles Dldt;., ·156 Dusmlll'iflns, Bi nondo.

Diokno, Rumon, Room 208, P hiJil)Pilll' Kntional Bunk Bld~., 90 Escoit-t, llinonc o. Domingo, Gliccl'io C, 30·1 Cun icdo, Slfl. Crull. D uran & Lim, l~oUl't h I~JoorJ Roo ms -101-407, eu Unjienp; Bldg., COl". T. P in pin, li nd E~ ­ co[tn, Uinondo. Durllll, Pio, Fourth F[oor, Cu Unjicllg Bldg. , Cor. T . Pinpiu nnd £5co[tn, Dinondo. E~cudcro, Mn nucJ, Room 13-19, Puterno Bldg., Stll. Cruz Bridge, Stu. Cruz. Esguerra lAw Office, E. A., Ylimne[ Bldg., Second F lnor, 101 Echnglle, Stn. Cruz. Ef'piritu, J. Scrrnno, 409 Snmnnillo Dld~., 619 Escolta, Binondo. J~vnnl!;c1ist:L & Santos, 3-17 Cry:;t~LI Arcade, EsColtn, 13inonrlo. J?ubillll, Berullnlo, 1072 Arlegui , Quinpo. Falllo, Arturo, Room.~ 50 1--.)02, Chaco B[dg., P laza Cervnntes, Binondo. Ferin, Feliclsimo R., Room 502, Chinn Bank Bldg., DllSmnriil!LS, Binondt). Fel'i:l & 1.:1. 0', Room 502, Chiml Bank Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Fernundc7.-Lavadill, L., 789 Vito Cruz, .Mllltlte. Verrier, ,/. W., lWoms 702-70G, Insui:.r Life Bldg., Plnz:l IVlorngn, Binondo. F jdelino, ,Jesus, 7 Duvid , Dinondo. F ilnmQ[. Bnr-ique V., 313 lwginn Bldg., Escolta und David . Binondo. l~inezn, Jo~c S., Second Floor, S. J. Wilsoll, 143 J uu n l ,una, Binondo. Florencio, CurIos f..'IlIrillllo, 526 Azcurrnga, 'r oncio. Foz, Mnrinno A ., 206 R.'Lon, Stn. Cruz. Fruncisco, Basilio, Bnchrnch Motor Co. , Por~ Area. Francisco, Vicente J., 121 7 Pcnm,vlvnnia Ave. , lVIalutc. Frnnco and Rcinoso I.lIw Offices, SUIte 16, Lnck & Duvis Bldg" 110 Echugue, Sta. Cruz. Gabriel, Claudio, 890 Lcpunto, Sampaloc. Gabriel, Perfecto, 612 Trinidad). Sta. Cruz. Galan Blanco, J ose, 302 Perez ::;:nnnnillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. Gullcl!;o, C., 40G Estero Ccgado, Stu. Cruz. Galll'go & Dc los 1w\'C>'i, Room 502, Perez &I111\IIil10 ,BldJ.!:., 6.19 tscolU1J.. BinC?J1?o, :\Jnnila. Garciu, E. , roltlurc, 605 I...-u linJleng Bldg., E'icoltu u.nd T. Pinpin , Binondo. . GllTciu, Euliquiuno, 819 Reina Regcnt-c, BUlondo. Carcill & Tolenti llo, 31 l ..u.gullU, Sw. Cruz.

PHILIPPINES Garcin de III Vegn-Incll\'l, J ose, Room 428, Perez Samallillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. GnTcln Roxns, Simeon, 357 Rnn Marcelino, Ermitn. Gatbon/on, Patricio G., 420 Asuncion, SlIn Nicolas. Gcneroso, JoSe G., 623 R.'Ion, Sta. Cruz. Gibbs & McDonough, Second Floor, Peoples Bank Bldg., Cor. David nnd Dnsmll.rii'ins, Rinondo. Gonznlcs, Antonio A., 456 Dasmaril1ns, Binondo. GonzalCl>, J acobo Z., Philnnbank Bldg., 90 I3scolta, Dinondo. Gonzalez, Antonio, Rooms 12 nnd 14, Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Stn. Cruz. Gon zalez, Pedro fl. , Kalaw "rcnde, 443 San Vicente, Binondo. Goyenn, !\'I. G., 115 Crystal Arcade, Eseolul, Binondo. Gozon & Sibug, 600 Heneock Dldg., Escolta., Binondo. Grey & Enr.urnncion. 145 Solano., IntrnJl\ urOS. Guerrero, ilcrnardino, 210 lli:gina Dldg., Escolta, Cor. D:l.vid, Binondo. Guevara, David, Suite 407, Philnnbank Bldg., 90 Escoltn, Binondo. Guevara, Domingo A., Seventh Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes. Binondo. Gue\'arn, Donato M. , 12 E1i;colta, Binondo. Guevara & Guevnrn, 188 Clinet-a, P nsny, Riza!' Guevam, Guillermo B., 188 CUlIetn, Pasny, IGzul. Gui1fLTlln , Amndo B., 211 Uv Y'{tBldlt, 217 Dnsmnrifias, Binondo. , G \I ~ t.ilo, Josue H., Second Floqr, Insular Ufe Bldg., Pluza Moraga, Binondd. Guzman, Francisco P . dc, 1098 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. GUll/linn, Prudencio de, R oom 312, Arias nldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. GUZIlUln, TomR~ de, 700 Ri ?nl Ave., St.1. Cr u~. Bali li Migu('1 T. , 679 R i?lll Ave., Stn. Cru z. Harv'ey & O'Brien, Suite 513, Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 E scolta, Binondo. Hcfn Saenz, Ramon, Second Floor, Perez Samanillo Bldg., 610 Escoltn, Binondo. H i d l~lgo Rizal,, 232 Vnlen?l!ela, Sampaloc. H ilado & H ilndo, Fourth Floor, negina Bldg., Dnvid, Cor. Eseo1t~I , Binondo. l:Iilado!... Vicente, Room 316, S(UlIHnillo Bldg., 619 I';scoltll, Bi('ondo. H ill, Alva J., 302 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Hipolito, Grrgorio, Fourth Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo, M nnil:l. Ignacio & Leut.crio, 408 Cli Unjieng Bldg., T. Pin pin and E"colt:l, Binondo. llustre, Jonquin, 335 Martin Ocampo, QU!~PO路 Jmperiul, Salvador E., Room 200,. Cu lIn Jleng Bldg., T. Pin pin, Cor. Esco.l.ta, BUlondo. . l neioog, Oefr.rino, 60.') Cli Un)leng Bldg., T. Pmpin, Corner lrSCOltll, Binondo. rngersoll Frank B., Fifth F loor, R oom 514, Chaco'Bldg., Plaza CerVallt('l-<, Dinondo. Jnmora, Cclso B., 670 Dns marifius, Second Floor, 13inondo. Javicr, Benedicto M., 303 Cu Unjieng Dldg., T . Pin pin Cor. Escolta, Binondo.



Javier , Jose A., 208 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T, Pinpin, Corner Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Javillonnr, Lucio, 134 Arzobi!lpo, lntralll uros. Jazmillcs, Jorgc V., No.5, Plnzn Cervantes, 3inondo. JeSUS, Federico B. dc, Third F ]oor, Peol>]e's Bank Bldg., DflSma rii'ins and David, Binondo. J cous, Romnn dc, 532 Union, Paco. Joyn, Mariano H. de, Third Floor, Ins ular Life I3Idg., PlllZIl Moraga, Binondo. l{nrnan, Marce]o P., Fifth Floor, China Bank J31dl?;., Cor. Juan Luna and Dasmn ri11as. Binondo. Koh & Koh, 266 Juan Luna, Bino ndo. La. 0 , Gahriel, Room 502, China 3unk Bldg., Oor. JUlin Luna and Dns nUlri fill S, 3inondo. J..ncson, Ricardo, S. 0. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Eseolta, Binondo. Lndaw, .Juan ""1., Chaco Bldg., Pln~a Cervantes, Binondo. Lnput, C. V., Comer Dnsmariiias :lIld Juan Lunn, 3inondo. I..('nfio, Rladio C., 9 Plaza Moraga...! Binondo. Leon, Jo~c P. dc, 65 Junn Luna, u inondo. Leon. !\Iigurl de. 113.'5 Hi2nl Ave., Stn. Cruz. Leon Petlro de. 14M !\'Iisericoroiu, Rtll. Cruz. Leynes, Alberto M., 16 E seolta, BinOAdo. Liehnueo, Marcial P. , B rias Ro xas Bldg., 75 Escolta, B inondo. Lieu, R icardo S., 931 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Lim, Cidlo, 456 Dasm.9.riiinS, Binondo. Lim, Mamlel, Fourth Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg.. Co~. T. Pinpin and E scotta, Binondo. Lockwood , L. D., 324 I{necdl{'I' Bldg., Carricdo, Stn,.. Om ? Lontok Law Office, 317 Kneedler Bldg., Ca rriedo, Sta. CI"UZ. Lopez, Agnton V., I"eyhn Bldg., 227 DaVId, Binondo. T"ojlC7" Juan G., Room 312, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Lope?.!.. Ped ro, Room 507, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . .l"'inpin, 3inondo. l Qrenzo & .Joven, Suitc 16, BI Hogur Filipino Bldg ., .Juun Lunn, Binondo. Luccnn, Leonardo R. , No.5. Pluza Cervantes, Binondo. TAunfl, Ceci lio B., 601 Cu Unjicng Bldg., E;;colta, Corner T. Pin pin, Binondo, l\.'i:Jnila. LYllch, Th oma~ A., 404 Samnni1lo Bldg., 619 Escnltn, Binondo. M nbnnag, Alejo, 97 Grn!. Luna, Intramuros. Maccren, C. C., 22 &ntos Bldg., PllIZ.'I Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. !\hg~an!lc, Ciriaco C., 87 Gral. J.unn, Intramurol'. Muka tangay, Jose G., R oom 7, 465 San Vicente, 3inondo. Malong, Mnrcelino (., 723 Hizal Ave. , St.1. Cruz. Mannhnn, ;-'o!ariano, Jr., 242 RO~!lrio, Dinondo. ManlLlnng, Luis, 700 Rizal Ave., Stn. ('nl7,. MnnlH\, Dominndor E., Second Floor, S. J. Wilsoll Bldg. , 43 Junl! Luna, Binondo. Mancja, Cecilio 1.. , 25 8nntos Bldg., Plazil Sill. Cruz, St a. C r u~.




Mnnikan. Eliezer Antonio, 723 Rizal Avenue, Sm. Cl'UZ. Marcnidn <'.: Ocampo, Palomo Bldg., Skl. Cruz

Bridge, Stn. Cruz. Martin, Tcodorico C., 700 Riznl Avenue, 8ta. Cruz. 312 Kneedler Bldg., CarMcFic, Jr., J ohn riedo, Stu, Cruz. Meer, PabloL., <101 eu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin lind &coltn, Binondo.


Mejia, Manuel M., Brins Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binondo. Mclcndrcs, Mariano, 101 :NUCVIl, Binondo,

Mendoza, Alfollzo K, 1147 Governor Forhes, Sllmpn loc. M endoza, Jose D., 121 Fllltcrnidad, Pllnclacan. IHendoul., Pedro B., Fourth FloQl', Leyva Bldg., 227 Dnvid, 13inonclo. Mendoza, T cotilo. Room 200, l(nccdlcr Bldg., Can·jodo, Stu. enlZ. Mercado, Homoo, 7 David, 13illondo. Mouzon & Sunico, Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binonclo. Morales, Jose E., Room 1, J.nck nnd Davis Bldg., 110 Echuguc, S~. Cmz. MorCIlO Law Offices, Rooms 307.313, Orystul Arcade, Escolta, R\llondo. Mucller, Will. F ., 502,. China Bank Bldg., Cor. Juall Lunn and D a$lrll,irilias, Binondo. Nnbong, ,11111n, Room 310, Ou Unjieng Bldg., E><coltll, Corner T. Pin pin, Binondo. Natividad, Grneinno T., \Rooms 302·303, Ou Unjieng Bldg., Cor. T. \pin pin and Escolta, Binondo. Nava, Jesus S., Third Floor, Samnnillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Naval, Virgilio, 504 Dapitao" Sampaloc. Nnvarro, Francisco S., Room D·3, Pnterno Bldg., E!tn. Cruz Bridge, Sin. Cruz, Munila. Navia, Maenrio C., 923·A .Julin Luna Tondo. Nicolns, Andrcs S.. Third F loor, Mont~ de Piednd Bldg., Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Nicolas, N icllnol" P., 301 Kncedler Bldg., Cnr~ ricdo, Sta. Cruz. Nicva, Anton io S., 1524 Oalixto Dyyeo, Paco. NOCI, Alfredo L., No. Ii, Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Nonnto, Mateo M., Ansnldo Dlog., 250 David, Binondo. Nubln, I\lllrcelo~Fifth Floor, Chinn Bnllk Bid.,.., Dn;-lmnri lins, ljinondo. <> Obcll, Crispin, 312 Bustos, Sta. Oruz. Ong, Junn S., 210 Arias Bldg., Carricdo, Stu. Gruz. Opinion, Glicerio, 310 Aria:, Bldg., Carriroo, Sta. Cruz. OrCilsc, EU5COio, 932 P. Fnurll, Ermitn. Oreta & Ru fino, Stut<> Bldg., 504 Rizal Ave., St.a. Cruz. Orlinn, S. B., &venth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cer\,nntes, Binondo. Ortegn, Juan, Suite 407, Philnnbnnk Bldg., 90 EscolLa, Binondo. Ortega T...'lw Offices. 407 Philnaoonk Bldg., 90 [scolt-'l, Binondo. Ortega, Ricnrdo L .• 700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Owrio, Jose P., Vourth Floor Lcyb:t. Bldg 2'>7 David, Dinondo. ' ., -


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Padilla, Mariano R, 520 Riznl Ave., SUL. Cruz. Pagdnll{1;allan, NiC(lIlor T., 501 Clavel, Corncr Barcelona, $nn Nicolas. Palma & Guevara. 727 Florida, Mala\.c. Pnlmn, Rodolfo, 188 Cuneta, Pasay, Riza!' Pamintunn, Emiliano, 456 D nsmn rilillS, Binondo. Panis, Alejllndro M., 920 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Pnrdo, Jose G., ':IN SamnnilJo Bldg., 6 19 &coltl\, Rinondo. Paredes, J esus, Room 301, S. O. de FerMndez Bldg., 51 &colta, Dinondo. Pnrcdes, Lucas, 55 Alfredo, SnmpUloc. Pllynwnl, Ossorio & MClldoz!L, Fourth Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Dinondo. PaYllwal, Pcdro C., Fourth Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo. Peng, Jose S. Y., 870 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. PenulozLL, Felix A., Leybn Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Perez, Junn R, 87 Grol. LunD Tntromuros. Perfccto, Gre~orio, 389 8uII lwfacJ, San Miguel. Pido, Antonio, Third Floor, S. C. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Escolt.n, Rinondo, Mnniln. P imentel, J. MauriCiO, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Dinondo. Plllntilln, Vn.II·rinno G., 407 Phi1l\abunk Bldg., 90 Escoltn, Binondo. Puyat Law Offic(>, Suite 212, Arins Bldg., Olll"ricdo, Sm. Cruz, Mnniln. Qut1tulio, Melencio B., Ansaldo Bldg., 250 Dnvid, Binondo. Quetulio, Tomas Q., 421 Junn Luna, Binondo. Quijano & Espcletll, 400-402 Fernnndcz Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Mnnilll. Quijnno, Junn G., 400 Fernnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Rinondo. Quiogue, l\'Icnandro, 723 Ri7al Ave .. SUt. Cruz. Quirino Law Office, 41 Metropolitan Bldg., Plaza Lawton, Ermitn. Ramirez & GI'ligas, Room 408, Filipinas Bldg., Plazll Moraga, Binondo. Ramos, Ccicstlllo P., 1551 1\1. Natividad, Sta. Oruz. Ramos, !sabelo, 885 Riza! Avenu e, Sta. Cruz. Rllmos .... Plncido C., 519 Ave., Stn. Cruz. Recto LaW Officc, Third lrloor, Soriuno Bldg., Plu7.n Cervantcs, BinOlldo. Reich, George E., Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal Avc., St.n. Cruz. Rcinoi'oJ,.. Jose, 26 Lack & Davis Bldg., I JO Echa· guc, :::it.II. Cruz. Remigio, Prudencio A., iOO Rizul Avc., St.a. Cruz. ReviJIn, Eulogio P., Room 316, Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolt.n, Binondo. Reyes, AllBtolia. 86 Rivel"liide, S:m Juan, RizaL Reyes, Antonino de los, Leyb.'! Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Reyes, Ciprinno de los, 242 RosariO, Binondo. Reyes, Claro, 86 Riversidc, Sau Juan, U.iz..u.J. Reyes, CriMnta, 86 Riverside, SnJl Juan, Riza!. Reyes, Dco. T., Second Floor, S. J. Wilsol' Bldg .• 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Reyes, Faustino, 310 Regina Bldg., Escolt& and Da vid, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Reyes, Felipe Lim, 13Z2 O'Donnell, Sta . Cruz. Rcyc!!, Hilario A" Cor. CntnlUlin and J. Barlin, Sam paloc. Reyes, Jose n. L., Second Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Reyes, R.'lmoll d e [os, Philnabank Uldg., 00 Escolta, Dinondo. Reyes & lwycs, 86 Rive~id c, Sun .Juan, R il,ul. Reyes Bautista, J ose, Room 316, &mnnillo Dldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. R ivl'rtl, Ariston r.. 422 Raon, Stn. Cru z. R ivera & Bonifacio, 4.2 2 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Rivera Yap, Jose, 456 Dusmnrifins, 13lllolldo. Rivero, Snlvador, 705 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Robiclo~, C. C., 700 Riz.'ll Ave ., Stn. Crllz. Robles. Ricardo G., 305 Laong NnlSn Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. R odriguez Bcrriz, Augu~to V., 313 R egina Bldg., E~colta

and Dn vid, Billondo.

Rohde, Wm. J. t 764 San Scbnst,inn, Quiupo. Romunldcz L'lw Offices, Suite No.2, 16 Escolta,

Bincndo. Rosnrio, Pablo del) 700 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Rosario, Teofilo dc)\ 690 Z:\mor:l, Pasny, Rizal. Rosario, Vicente del, 601 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Es~ eolta And T. Pinpin, Binondo. Ross, Lawrence, Selph &. Carrnseoso, Fourth Floorl,.Room 414, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Dinondo. Rotea, Marcos J., J098 R. .ll,idalgo, Quinpo. Roy Jose J ., Third Floor, o/smael Bldg., lOt Echaguc, Sta. Cruz. Rufino, Erncsto, State Bldg., 50'1Rizal Ave., Sla. Cruz. Rufino, Vicente A., State Bldg. , 004 Riznl Ave., St...'I. Cruz. Sabido Law Officcs, 604 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. P inpin, Corner Escolt.a, Binondo. Sahido, Pedro, 604 Cu Unjieng Bldg. , F seolta and T. Pinpin, Binondo. Salazar, Agustin Alvarez, 229 Zurbnrtlll, Stn.. Cru1. Salcedo, Juo.n, 15& Libcrtad, Pa.--a)" Rizal. Salinas, Ramon, 311 CahHdo, Tntrnmllros. Samo.niego, Jo~e & Claravall, Luck &. Dovis Bldg., 110 Echaguc, Stu. Crllz. Samanicgo, Simon, Lack &. Dewis Bldg., 110 Eohague, Stl' . CrUll. Samin, Mariano E., 700 Rizal Ave., SI,!! . Cruz. San Jos~, Ramon R, China Bnnk Bldg., Cor. Juan Luna and Dasmarifiw, Binondo. San Jo~(', l\'Ianuel S., Room 205, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Escolta, Binondo. Sanchez, Conrado, Room 316, Samllnillo Bldg., 619 Escoita, B inolldo. Sandiko &. S.'lIldiko, 1052 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Sandoval, Domingo, 50 Pavia, Tondo. Santiago, Apololiio V., SeCQnd Floor, Perez 8amo.nillQ Bldg., 619 Eseolta, BinQndQ. Santiago, MarcelQ, 1323 G. Tunso n, 8nmpaloc. Santingo, Vicente, 579 Peiiafrullcia, Paco. 8anti11o.n, Leonilo B., Ansnldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Santos, Claro n., 224 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Santos, DamaEccno, 347 Crystal Arcadc, Escoltu, Binondo. Santos Jose M., Room I, SecQnd FIQor, Lack and Davis Dldg., 1I0 Echague, Sta. Cruz.



Sanlos, ,Iunn T ., 314~316 Arius Bldg., Curriedo, Sin. Cru7,. Salito~, Puscual, Ansaldo Bid!!., 250 Do.vid, TIinondo. Santos & Quetulio Law Office, Room II, Third Floor, Am;nldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Santos & Solidum, 314 Arias Bldg., Co.rriedo, Stu. Cruz. Sayoc, lHo.rctano, 247 Espcl!"ta, Sta. Cru z. Sch('el"Cr, Adolfo A., Room 2 1, 8.'lntos Bldg., Pluza Sill. Cruz, l\'I aniin. Serra Rodriguez, J., 202 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpm and &colta, Binondo. ScviJIn, CaLlllino, 632 BarcelonA, &tn Nicolns. Sevilla, Paulino J., 720 EcllIIguc, SUIl i\li~ucl. Sevilla, S:llvndoT, 456 Dasmarilills, I3inondo. Si~ucnzll, Seba~tia n R. , I nsular Lifc Bldg., Plaza I\Joragu, Binondo. Silvn, Erihcrto (\(', 225 Sali\!tnil!o Bldg., 619 F:~ 颅 coltll, Binondo. Silverio. Cnlixto C., Fourth FIQor, Leyba Bldg., 227 DIn'id, BinQndo. Si~o n, Nkanor S., Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Bi~ nondo. Sobral, C . .4. ., 308 S3m.:llullo Bldg., F scoltn, ilinQndo. ~lidum, Ar!'('nio, 314-316 Arias Bldg., C:\rriedo, Stn. Cruz. Soiisa, Uni~imo RoS:lS, 36 Legardn, Quiapo, Manila. Sotelo, Rumon, 404 Arias Bldg., CarricnQ, Stn. Crull. Sot~lo l\btti, .Josc, Room -10路1 , Arias .l3lelg., Cnr~ 1"c,tJO, Stn. CJ"u~ . 80tt6, VicenL(', 1098 R. Hidalgo, Qu;al>O. Stiver . .T. A., 121 Real, Jn tr:ltnuros. SuaT!"z, Delfin S., 307 Fi!ipinflS Dldg., PIR7,:l MQnLg-fl., Binondo .. Suck, AbumJio G., Wilson Bldg., 1-13 Junn Luna, Rinondo. Suerte~Felipc, J\lIIn, 602 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T . Pillpin, Cor. Escolta, BinQndo. Sumulong, Lavidc>: and Sumulong, Room 201, Rcginn Bldg., David, Cor. E~r,olta, B;nondo. SUllico, Lorcnzo, 65 Juan Luna, Binonelo. Tagle, 8.'llvauQr Perez d(', 3'15 Crystal Arcnde, Escolla, Binondo. Tnn, lli(,lIv('lliuo A., Cortes-Oehon Bldg., 2<10 Das mnriI1n.s, BinondQ. Tan Torrc~, GellMo, 129 Das ln!lriI1aS, Binolido. Tanchoco, Filemoll, 315 Alvare1" Sta. Cruz. Tnverfl, Jouquin Pardo dc, 219 Crysl...'ll Arcade, ESCQ\tn, Binondo. Teodoro, Josc, 310-312 Arias Bldg., Carricdo, Stu. Cnl7,. TC!Odoro, LuiS, 11路17 Govcrnor Forbes, Snmpuloc. Tianco, L. M., 456 Dasmo.rilias, llinondo. Tolentino, Arturo IH., 229 E~pai\lI, Snmpnloc. Tole1ltino, Mateo P., 552 Rizal Avenue, 8ta. Cruz. T rinidnd, Jo~(' M., 1331 Herran, Paeo. Tunson, .ro~~ Ma., c /o Eustern Thcatri('al Co., Capitol Dldg.. 31 E scoita, Binondo. T y KOllg Tin, 242 ROf;!lI"io, BillOndo. Ugarte, Sebastian, 502 Estero CcgadQ, Sta. Cruz. Urbina, Jesus, 308 Samo.ni1lo Bldg., E拢coltn, Binondo. Uy, Jos6 A., Room 301, Kncedler Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Crul.




Uy & Quijano, 351 Elr.nno, San Nicolas. Vnll Hoven, Ap3cible & Dc In Cruz, 304 PhilipPine> National Bank Bldg., 00 Escoitn, Binondo.

V,/'unea, I sidro, 87 Oral. Luna, Ve

Hll q UCZ

In ~rnmuros.

Lopt>z , Hugo, 470 .Jun n Lllnn, Ri-

Jloudo. "oHlin, A. L .. Second F loor, Perc? SnmanilJo Bldg., 619 E~COltjl, Rinondo. Vern, Pedro, 13-1 Solnna, Intnlmm'os. Vickers, Velilla & Bnlonkitll, Pccond Floor, Perm: Villagonza!o, I gnacio C., 429 Florentino To-

rres, Stn. Cruz. Vcr~nr:l.. Quinpo. Villanueva Jr'!,Francisco, ?Col BrillS Roxns Bldg. 75 Escoltn, .uinolldo. '

Vi\lomor, Florcncio, 1030

Villnnucvfl, M. B., Rooms 310-312, Arins Bldg., Cnrricclo, Stu. Cruz.

ViJ]arosn, Fernnndo C., Free Press Bldg., Riznl Ave., Stn. Crm:. Vi Il ZO Il ~

Law Office, 304 Ou Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Escolta. Rinondo. Viola, Fernandp G., 4.:;9 Dasmarifial1, Rinondo. Virft1a, E. P ., 217 ReSina llldg., Fseolta and David, BinondQ". Virnta, 1\'1. G., Comer Escolul and Jones Bridge, Binondo. Whitney, Courtney. E)erham llldS., POI·t Area. Wijnnseo, Felix P., 'Room 312, Arias BidS., <Jnrriedo, Stn. Cruz. Wolfson. Barrion & Baradi. 209 National City Bank ntdS., Juan LUlla'~inondo, Wolf~on, Jos. N., 209 Nuti nal Ci t.y Btmk Bldg .. ,Juan Luna, Binondo. Ynl11zOI1 , Victori:lno, 309 R~gina Bldg., Eseoltn. find David, Binondo. Ylugan, Pedro Y., 510 M:\r{n. Clara, Sampaloc. Ym7.0n, Flisco. 466 Nncvn, Binoudo. Yuseco, I barra & Artechc, 12 EsC<lita, Binoudo. Zarate, Aunstncio M .• 65 Juan Lunn, Biuondo. Zarzadins, Sofia, 823 Rizal .'\"e., Stn. Cruz. Zorrilla, Felix 0., J330 Magdalena, (Trozo) 'fondo.

LEATH ER AND LEATH ER GOODS DEALERS Gctz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor, 8oriUIlO Bid!!:., Plnza Cervnntes Binondo. Hno Chu Bo. 464 ].,.Tuevn, Rinondo. Hoc Sun Hing, 548 T. Pill pin, Binondo. l sardns & Co., T., 194 Juan Luna, 'Binondo. ]{im Hoc Hin, 524 K'uevfl, Binondo. Lce Chal, 420 1\u(>\'n, Binondo. Liebman & Cuming. 510 Chaco BIdS., P laza Cervantes, Binondo. Lucky Shoes Supply, 338 ~ ueva, Rinaudo. l\·ltmiln Hnrness Co., Inc., 19 E~colt:\, Bi nondo. Mitsui Bussan ]{aisha, Ltd., Second ]~l oor, ~al ional City Bank Bldg., l\'Iani la, P. I . Ncw People Manufacturing, Co., 550-552 T. Pi n pin, Rinondo. Osaka BOCKi Knisha, I nc., 445-154 DnsmarififlS, Binondo. P hilippine Tannery Co., Ino., 431-433 Misericordia, Stu. Cruz. Pickett Harness Co., 300 Tel unn, (Cor. 300 M isericordia), Sla. Cruz.

P rospero Harness, T he, 81 1 RAon, Quinpo. Riu Hermanos, Inc., 623 Escolta, )~uis Perez Samanil1o, Bldg., Binondo. Siong Hing Lc!lther StorE', [>4 7 N ueva, Binondo. Sh~tc Leather Su:pply, 41 3 Nueva, BiriOndo. Tan Li ~nther Store, 472 Nueva, Rinondo. Tiu Way y Dy Ku, 306 Ongpi n, Binondo. Trans-Pacific Tl'8 di n ~ Company, Ground Floor, Fernandez Bldg., T . Pinpin, Manila. Yu bnS Sin, 334 Nueva, Dinondo. Yu Joaquin & Company (Successors to Gregorio Yu-Chuco y Eerederoll), 219-22 1 Sun Vicente, llinondo. Yu Guioc La & Co, 312-316 Dasmariftns, Binondo. LEATHER GOODS MANUFACTURERS Rino ndo Harnes.<; Faotory, 365-369 Cnndnrn, Binondo. ]{[ng Scng Hnrness Factory, 405 T . Pinpin, Rinondo. Maniln Harness Co., Tne., lOS Esc(, Dinondo. M itsui Bussnn Kaishil, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank BId!::., Manila, P. I. Ne\\, People Manufacturing Co., 550-552 T. P in pin, Binondo. Philippine Tannery Co., Inc., 431-·133 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Piokett Harness Co., 300 Tetunn (Cor. 300 M iscriC<lrdia), Sta . Cruz. iPl'ospcro Harness. The, 811 Raon, Quia.po. R iu Hermanos, Inc., 623 Escol w, Luis Perez Snmanillo Bldg., Binondo. Sions H ing Lenther Store, 547 Nuevn. Ri nondo. United States Shoe Co. , 286 San Mnrcelino, Ermita. Yu Joaquin & Company, 219-221 San Vicente, Billondo. -LEITER SERV ICE Commercial E lectrot/'re Co., I nc., 415 P . Pater110, Sta. Cruz. Te. 23091. *LIGHTERAG E Bny and R iver FI'('ighting) Luzon S tevedoring Co., lnc., Pier No.5, Muell e San Francisco, P or t District, (~

-LIME D EALERS Construction, Asency, The, San Froncisco del Mont(!, llizal. LIME MANUFACTURERS Lime J.;:itm;, Jnc., 99 Cristobal, PilCO. Malabon Lime and Son p Faotory, 228 Grot. Luua, Mlllnbon. Rizn1. Muniln Lime Factory, 928 Ve!t\.<;quez, (Jnt.) Tondo. PnrUl1n.que T"im(' Factor" And Tile \Vorks, Camp Clnudio, Pa!1l.finquc, l tiza1. Snn J uan Mi ne, 40 N. Domingo, &111 J lU\D del Monte, Rizal. Sy j(imC<l, J . Viudll dc, 910 Velnsquez, Tondo. -LIQUOR DEALERS. WHOLESALE (See Winet; Ilnd Liquors)

PHILIPPINES · LIOUOR MA NUFACTURERS " Fi-Mn", 46;; Lnvf'rizu, i'n!':lY, Ri:r,ul. Hornn.ndo D ro~. Compnn.\', 62-1 Evnngclista, QUJopo. LIT HOGRAPH ERS Ca rmelo & B auermann, I nc. , 2057 AzcRl'I'nga, Sampaloc. Manila. Cri!)r., L., 7 17 R. H idal~o, QUiallO. Fa jardo P ress & Litho Co., 520 RnOIl, 8ota. CrUll. "'Germanin" (Cncho Hermanos), 6 i~ Lcgurda Samp:1[oc.

Guzman, Pedro clc, -122 Riznl Av(' .• Stu. Cruz. Litog l'afi a D om inga Nubia, (Antes J ua Ying & Co.), 41 0 Juan L un a, Binondo. Litogl'afia l'...IUniln, 207 PHd!",.. UMh, Tondo.

Litogra fi a J\.'Iontes, Inc., 40 Magalla nes, Intl'amul'os. LI VE ST OCK DEALERS Buc ncamino, Dr. VictOI', \026 Felix H uertas, StIl . Crill,.

La Lomn St ock Yard . J~'l. Lorna, Calooca n, R izal. Livestock MUl'kctin,e: ,\",sociatlon, 721 Calero,

St.'!. . Cruz.

Soriano. R., 400 Pnm p~n/(8., 1'on<lo. Vete ri nary Hospital (i\·l el·o..h ant-Tur!n ), 779 Legarda, Samp(lloe. VillnnuevlI, V., 9 Tnyuman, Tondo.

LOAN CO~ IPAN lES Corporaci6n Agu~tininnn, IS GJ"~II. Lllna, I ntramuros. D anon, J. J., T hird F loor, YiS ael Bldg., 101 Ecllilguc, Sta. C ru7,. "EI Ahorro l ll'mlnr" Room 502, Luil' Pel'C';!; &'Imanillo Bldg., 61 9 E~colta, 13inondo. E I H agar Fi1ipillO, El Hognr Dld~., Junn Luna, Dinon c1o. Finance a nd M ining Invest.mcnl;; COI·pol"/l.t ion , 205- 107 CrYiStni Arcu d C', E~co l ta, Dinondo, Ma nila. F innnoi n,!!; Co q~ornlioll of t.he P hilippi nes, Suite " A", Fift,h Flool', Soria no Bldg., Plar.:L Cervnnte~, 13inondo, M uniln . " L a P roviso I'll. I~il ipi nu," 22 D ILVid, 13i1l0Ildo, M a nil n. " La Urbn~!I", P ntorno Bldg., Stn. Cnm I3rid ge und H elLos Street, Sta. Cr\l?. LU7,on ln vest.mcnt Co., fnc., Room 2 [5, R eginn Bldg., [·0 D !wid, 13il1olldo. .Mnni la B uild ine: und Lonn Associa t ion, Ground F loor, Kneedler Bldg., Curriedo, Stn. Cruz, M aniin, P. I. i\Jnniln Renlty &. rnvestm('nt. Co .. Inc., 306-310 I{need ler Bldg., Cnniedo, Stn . CrU7:. Orie ntal Safe Deposit, Ground F loo!', K need l('r Bldg., Carrie<to, Stn. Cru?, M:milll, P. I. Peo ples M ortp:nge and Invcstm('nt Company, 605 DllSmar:fi~~, Corlll:!" David, Binondo. U nited I nvestmc nts, I nc., 3 10 Snmnnillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo, !l.l uniln. Yck T onI' Li n Pirc lind Murine r n~ lL !"ILnCe Co., Ltd. , 320 D:l.~mariI1ns, B inond o.

L L' i\I


· LU BRICATI NG 011. AN D GREASE DEA LERS (Sec Oil", Lubricuting) Standard -Vncuum Oil Company (pormerly named. Socony-Vncli um Corporation), Metropolitnn Thrnter AJdg., Calle Arrocl'ros, M nn ilil. LUM I1ANC Oi l. DEA LEn s Ong Siong Lumi>nllg Oil Fnctory, 812 Ongpin, 8ta. Cruz. Po M an fl ing Lumbnng Oil Manufacturcr, 731 8to. Cristo, San Nicoln~. Po Sen,!!; Hnt Store. 3 15 Sto. Cristo, San \"ico l ~<' . Sin y K ong Lumbnng Oi1 nnd Fertiliz!'r Factory, 1131 M . d c Snn tos, 1'ondo. IJUjI,'I IlER D EA L ERS Anaimn Lum ber Co., I~ li uil de fl! dg., 80 [ M . dc la rnLillstrin, jI,·! :l11iln. An Lipolo Lu m ber Co., 2·135 H.i?ul Ave. Extension, Stn. Cruz. Bnbeock & Co., Inc., W. H., Room H, EI Hagar Bldg., J uan Luna, l3inondo. B:lrrf'tto Sons, fn c., Pio, 7:<'0 Echagu(', Sun Miguel. Cad\\'nllnder-Gib~on L umber Co., Room 203, l ly YctBldg., 2 I 7 D IL.smllL"iria.'l, l3illondo, Mutlila.. Cnmnri nes Lumher Co., Inc., -137 i\ l i~ericol"din, Stu. Cruz. CUpitpl T rnd ing Co., The, Dn\·no. Chill Jo, 2 Hiverside Drive, Sun Juan, Ri?,al. Choy & Compnny S. C., 672 .Julln Luna, Sail Xicolas. jl,l ill :I nd Y!lrd: 1811-1825 Juan Lu nn, 1'ondo. Chu Bio Lumber (Chon 1.0:1.';: Co. ), IG39 Herran , Cor. 8:l.ntingo, P uco. City Lumher. 706 Junn Lu na, Binondo. Co Scteng & Co., gdulL!'do, 602-612 T :mdu!LY, Quinpo. Commonwcal t h Lumher, The. 7·10-7.';2 Junn Luna, Sllll Nicola~. Co!<mos Lumbcl-(T nn Hon,!!; & Co. ), Office and Yard : 623-625-627 Soler, Stu. Cruz. D ee 13. Chu nn, 8SS Dnrt., Pnco. D ec Q. C hun n .';: Son", ToC'., 14-30 Soler, l3inondo. Dee Hong Lue & Co., Inc., 920-950 J uan Luna. T ondo. Dec T illn &. Co., t5 1S :\1.cnrrllgn, St.n. Cruz. D y P ac & Co., Inc., 1032 J uan Lu na, 1'ondo. Brnnch W n~hinglol1 Lumtlf"r Co .. 808-8IS .Juan LU nll, "fondo . Dy Sim Siong, 240 ,,~. n. J-I ul"riso n, Pu.~ay, R i?,nl. F ilipinn!; Lumht' r Compllny, I nc., [29 Juan Cunn, Binondo. Pindlay Millu}' T im ber Co., City Office: 4th Floor, Chnco Bld g., P lalm Cef\'a n tc~, Binondo nnd M llill Office: 1000 Cord('k·l"ia. (St.,,,. M esn), SlImpnloc. Go TlIco, 626 Soler, Stn. Cruz. Gotnmco H..,rmnnos, Vicente, 430 Tlllldull.Y, Quinpo, M nniln. Bmnch Offices: 297-299 F. D. J-I nrrisoll, P nsny, 5[3 T . Alonso, St:!. Cru;!; ,md 74 Hegidor, Sta e nl ?" ] ,uguna.




Gotauco & Company, Inc., 214 Soler, Binondo. Hap BCt', 717 F. 13. TInl'fisoll, Pnsny, Rizal. Hercules Lumber Company, lIlC., 155 Puz, Pace. Holm~cn, Inc., T. M ., 3 Plaza l\-Iornga, Binondo. Hong &m Lumber Co., 834-8<10 Junn Luna, Tondo.

Insular Lumber Company. 306 Perez Samanillo Bide:" Escolta. Rinondo. Insular Saw Mill, Inc., 330-340 Canonigo, Pace. Jnrniz j'\'lisut y Cin., 706 S:m li'crnanclo, San Nicoi[ls. JUllction Lumber' Company, 2610-2618 HOlTan, SIn. Ann. La Loma Lumber Co., 5 Andl'('~ Bonifacio, Riz.'ll Ave. ExtclI!lion, La Lema, Cn[oocflll, Rb:ni. Lee Tny & Lee Cha~', 533 T. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Luzon Lumber Co., SOG-DO·I Junn Luna, Tondo. M[lbuha}' Lumber Ylll'd, 938 AzcRnngn, Binondo. Madrigal & ~., 8 Mucllc del Bnneo Nneionni, f\'lnniln. M nlaYlin Snw l\;BIJ, Inc., 538 Aviles, Siln Miguel. Manila Lumber C~., 910-916 JUlin Luna, Tondo. Manila Sash Foeto~"y, 786-788 Echngue, Snn i\'Iil!;uel. l\Iindanao Lumber Co., Inc., 660 Alvarado, Binondo, Manila. Nntionnl Lumber, 317 Llpcrtad, Pwny, Ri1.ol: Notionnl Lumber Co., PfSig Boulevard and Knlinglong, Mnndaiuyong, Ri711L New Port Lumber and Window Mallufncturing Co., 804, Juan Luna, Tohdo. North Luzon Red Lumber Co., 222 Perez Samanillo Bldg., GI!) Escolta, Binondo, Manila. Korton & Harrison Co., 41n..420 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Stn. Cruz. Oriental Sow .Mill, 313 TlllldlHlY, San Mil,'1.ICJ. P. P. Goeheeo & Co., Inc., 1219 Azearraga, Tondo. Philippine Cabinet Timber Company, 219 13th Street, Port Area . Philippine Lumbcr Exportation Co., Ltd., ln Officc; People's Bank Bldg. 665 DasmOl"ilins, Rinondo., Cnmp and Sow Mill; Cm;il-'1.u·oll, TII."nbn~, P. r. Philippine Lumber Manufacturing Co" Inc" 14-30 Soler, Binondo. Philippine Red Lumber Co" Inc., 920 Juan Luna, Tondo, P ort Bung:!. Lumlx-r Co., Sixth Floor, TIl!'ular Life Bldg., Plaza .i\lorngo, Billl)n;lo. P ort Lamon Lumbel' Co" 8 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo, Manila. Pujalte Lumbel' Co., 3 Plaza Moraga, 8inondo, Manila. Rio y Olubufrietn, 701-7(13 San Fernundo, Sun N"ieolus. Riznl Lumber Co., 532 F. D. R nrrisoll, Pns.'ly, Rizul. Sampaloc I.umber, 770-787 Trnbnjo, Snmpalor.

Santa Clam Lumbel' Co., Inc., 901-903 Dagupan, Tondo. SUlltO~, Agntonll C., 411 F. B. Fbrrison, Pasny, Ri?a!. Schmidt, Hubert, 15 £1 Hogar Bldg., Juan Luns, Binondo. Siy Conft Bieng & Co., Jnc., 129 Junn LUnll, Binondo. Sumn~'1li Timber Comtmny, Inc., Ysmnel Bldg., 101 Eehol!;ue, Stn. Cruz. Lumber Yard; Sull1nglli, Mindoro. Sy Hnm Lumber, 792 Echogue, SM j\·Jigue!. R..'l Juco, Pilar, 62 Rb>;r1. Mnlnbon, Riza!. Sy Pino & Co., Ltd. 766·782 Ecllllgue, Son l\·ligue!. Tahleriu A!'in, 001 Durt, Pl!.('o. Tnblerio Bannhow, 2427 R~701 Ave. , Stu. Cruz. 'l'o.bleria Chin Jo &. Co" 2 Hivcrsidr, San Juan, Ri~al.

Toblel"ia Chu !Jio, 1639 HCI'J"all, Cor. Suntiago, Plleo. Tablcl"ill de Froncis{~o Sy Siong, 11 Oral. Luna, Malnhon, RizaJ. Tnbleria de Go Po Co, 758-768 ,Juoll luna, &In r\icol!ls. Tuhleri:!. de Go TReo, 624-£26 Soler, Dinondo. TobJeria de lo!; H el"('tieros de l\lanuel Sy-J uceo, 78 Hi?ul St" Mnlaboll, Rb:aJ. Tableria de Selig Lim, 1070 Dort, Paco. Tnblerin Eden, 1070 Dart, Poco. Tnhleria Filipinns, 41-47 Tcjeron, Sla. Ana. Tnblerin 1..11 Confiamm, 92Q..930 Azcnrrn~o, Tondo. Tnblerin La Fuerza (YII Cong Eng &. Co.), 600 Juan Lunu, Binondo, J\Ianiio. l'ableria L..'1. Suerte, 630 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz, Tnblerin Malaya, 2044 H errun, Poco. Taft Avenue Lumber lind Hardware, 3492 Taft Avenue, Cor. Libertad, Posny, Ri?ul. Tan H ong & Co., 627 Paler, Binondo. Tay Jay Company, 730-734 Eehague, San Miguel. Tuason &. Sampe<ifo, Inc., 817 Globo de Oro, (~uiopo.

United Lumbe)', 633·637 Sole!", St. . l. C)'lll. Wn~hi ngton Lumber Co., 808-S18 Juan Luna, Tondo. Yu l (ong Eng &. Co., 606 Juan Lunll, San Nicohls Znmhnles Lumber Co., 92()"950 Juon Luna, Tondo. LUI\·I BER MANUFACTURERS

Asintic-Philippine Timber Co., Inc., nOOnl 15, El HogsI' Filipino Bldg" Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila, Burretto Sons, Inc. , Pia, 720 Echaguc, San Miguel. Clldwulludcr-Gibson Lumber Co., Room 203, Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmuriiills, Binolldo, MuIllll. Co Sctcng ~(;. Co., Eduardo, 602 . .612 'ffUldus.y, Quinpo. Dee C. Chunn & Sons, Inc" 14-30 Soler. Binondo. Dee Hong Lue & Co" Inc., !)2()..950 Jwm Luna, Tondo.



Pac & Co" I nc., 1032 Juan Luna, Tondo Branch Office: Washington Lumber Co., 808-818 Juan Luna, Tondo. Hercules Lumber Company, jnc., 155 Paz, Pnco. Insular Lumbcr Comprmy, 306 Pcrez Samanillo Bldg. , 619 Escoitu, Binondo. Ins ular Saw i\ml, lI1C., 330-340 Ca nonig-o, Paco. Mabuhny Lumbcr Yard, 93S .Juan Luna, Binondo. Madrigal & Co., S l\luellc del Bnnco NUcional, i\lnnila. P. P. Gocheco & Co., Jnc., 1219 t\ zcarmgn, Tondo. Philippine Lumber Exportfltion Co., Ltd., Manila Office : People's Ban" Bldll:., 665 D asmarii"lns, Binondo. Camp and Saw i\Iill: Cnsigumn, Tayabas. Philippine L\lmber Manufact uring Co" Inc., 14-30 Solei', Binondo. Philippine Red Lumber Co., fn c., 920 .Iuon Luna, Tondo. Port lAlmon Lumber Co. , 8 Muelle dcl Banco Nacionul. 1'danihl. Sumall:ui T imber Co"mp.1ny, Inc., Ysmael Bldg., 10 1 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Lumber Yard: Sumagui, Mindoro. Tunsl) n &: Sampedro, In ~, 8 17 Globo de Oro, Quinpo. Zambales Lumber Co., 920-950 Junn Luna, Tondo. LUMBER i\HLLS (See Saw Millst.. Anakan Lumber Co., Elizalde stdg., 801 1\-1. de Ill. Tlidustrin, Manila. \ Asiatic-Philippine Timber Co., J11c., Room 15, El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Junn Limn, Binondo, Manila. Barretto Sons, Jnc., Pio, 720 Echague, San Miguel. Choy & Co., S. C., 672 Juan Luna, San Nicolas. Mill and Yard: 1811-1825 Juan Luna, 'f onuo. Co Seicng ~t: Co., Eduardo, 602-612 Tandooy, Quio.po. Gotnuco & Company, Inc., 214 So[('r, I3inonclo. Insular Lumber Company, 306 Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. i nsular Sail" Mill, Tnc., 330-340 Canonigo, P aco. P hilippine Red Lumber Co., Inc., 920 Juan Luna, TOl\do. Port Lumon Lumber Co., 8 Muelle del Banco Kaeional, Manila. Sumagui Timbcr Company, Inc .• Ysmael Bldg., 10 1 E chag ue, Sta. Cruz. Lumber Yard: Sumngui, ~Iind oro.

M MACARON I AND VERM IC ELLI MANUFACTURERS Ching Piao, 719 Soo. Cristo, San Nicolas. Dhulln Dec, 328 M. Naval, Caloocall, Rillal. EI Pavo Real, -:138 Pad re Rada, Tondo. Go Hin, 1875 Juan Luna, Tondo. Guibce Fubricn de Yijon, 1135 Sangnndaan, Caloocan, Rilllil.



Sam Hup Ho, 415 Teodorn Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Sin I{cc :\,Iacoroni Factorv, 240 Chien, Stu. Cruz. Sing Kiong Hoo, 426 T. Alon~o, Stn. Cruz. Sing: Sicng Heng, 688 Ylayu, Tondo. Tlln HOK Shiong, 502 Asuncion, Sun Nicolas. j\'IAC HI NERY DEALERS Aguado Hermunos, 103 Balmes, Quiapo. Atkins, 1\1"Q1l & Co., Inc., Sb,;th ,,'Ioor, Ins ular Lifl." Bid!!;., Plaz:) MOrlllltl. Binondo. Babcock & Co., Tnc., W. R., 14 El Hogar Bui lding. Duido Hardwal'e Store, 680 Dasmarifia s, Binondo. Da\'80 LiJ.;ht und POW!;,f Co., lnc., 15$9 Taft ,\ vc., Mnlate. Davao Lumber Co., Davao. Earnshaws Docks and Honolulu rron 'W orks, The, Second Street, Port Aren, IHanila. Elmac, Inc., 627 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Ene:inf'CI'ing E(~uipmen(, ,~ SU\lply Compuny, 13th Street, 1 0rt Area, Moni II . Gestctncr, Ltd., D., 108 Escoltu. Rinondo. H arris, Meyer Machinery Co., 20 Nngtnhan, Sampnioc. Hausman & Co., L. :\1. , 440 Dru:mariJiQ<;, Binondo. Hongkong and Whampoll Dock Co., Ltd., Wllrncr, Barlles & Co., Ltd., A!!;cnt<:, Soriano Bid.;., Plaza CerVll.ntes, Binolldo. rnh.·~tiona l Hl11'vestcr Co. of Philippin~ (For.mcriy fo,-Iaeleod & Co.), Chaco Bldg" Plal,l1 Cervantcs, Binondo and 1M Marques de Comillus, Ermit~. J ohn fI'holllp..on Wotcr Tuhe Boilcrs, Ltd., Wlll'ncr, Barnes & Co., Ltd. , Agcnt~, Sorillno Bldg., Plllzn Cervallt<:>s, Binondo. l\oppel (Philippines), Inc., 75 D~mnriii!l..'\ San Nicolns. L:lndahl, Inc., John, 132 Junn Luna, Binondo, 1\lanila, P. 1. L:lVsted & Co., (Manila), Ltd., C. 1\1., 21 5 13th Street, Port Area. Mnnila Machinery and Supply Co., Inc., 675-631 D as mariiitl.:i, Binondo, i\IlIniln.. l\[('lIl1i & Co., Inc. , 180-182 Juan Lunn, Binonuo, Mil'rlccs, Biekcrton & DIlY, Ltd., Wnrner, Bal'ncs, & Co., Ltd., Agents, Bldg., PIU7.a Ccrvuntes, Binondo. Mirrlees \Yut-son Co., Ltd., T he, \Val'l1er, Bamcs & Co., Ltd., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Piaz!}. Cervantes, Rinondo. Mitsui Bussnn ICnishll Ltd., Second Floor, Nntiollai City Bnnk Bldg., ~llInila, P. r. Mountain Supply Store, Market Plaza, Buguio. Nell & Co .. The Edward J., :\cll Bldg., T . Pinpin and M. del Banco !\llCionai, Binonclo. P. I. iHining-l\fachinery & Electrical Supply Co., Inc., -:133 Dasmariiias, Binondo, Manila. Pacific Commercial Company, Nn~ionfll City Bnnk Bldg., ,Tunn Luna, Binondo. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Ph; ippine 1\'Iil l SUPl)I), Co., 2557 T. Enrnshaw, Tondo.



Pol t Cus:>cls & Williutnson, Wnrner, Barnes &. Co., L td .• A!"!:ents , Sor;uno Bldf:., Plnza Cel"vantes, 13[nondo. Santa Mesa Machincry Depot, 10 P UI"Cl:l, Sampnloc. Schmid & Oberl}'. rno .. 1114~1l]6 Azcrmngn, Rinondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd .. Hongkong nnd Shnnghai Bank Bldg., Junn LIIIW, Binoudo. Uy Bng Hui Hur<iwull', In Dllsmnrilia.s, Bi· nondo, j\·Ia.nilll. Wilmer, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Soriano Bldg., Phlza Ccrvnnt{'s, Binondo, Mlinilll. Tel. 2230-1. Wilson &Co., I nc., Fr"d, 55 Ban·ncn, S3n N"icolni'.



El Oriental, 758 Rcilll~ R('A:rnte, Binondv.

MACHINIST S Aguilat· M3{lilillc Rhon. ? 15 TJlLkando]a, 'I'olldo. Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila, 71-77 Muclle de la Induslria, San Nicolas. Chua-Hee, C. S, 5n2-5Il0 Blcnn!), &In Nicd!:"t:;. DaguImn fl"on \Vqr.kli, 942 Azmtrraga, Rinondo. Dy Rong Un, 80:; ~:In Nieol:l.", Ran Nicolas. &rni'hnws Doc ks 1\1\(1 Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second't) Port Area, Manila. Fl Orien!...'ll, 758 fu·jnn Ik~elltc, Binondo. Gosim c H ijos, N. K., 510-512 Flc:mo, S:m Nicolas. , H('redcl"os de Hilnl'lO Sunioo, 503 .r~lbon(,l"os, San Yicoln:,. "Lee T uc,.;," .;15 Jahollero,(i:' S..m Nicoln:::. Mayon fron Works, 1020 }\(zcn rrngtl, 'rondo. "Natlon:li Iroll \Vo rk<' 1~7 Dag\llxm. Tondo. NpU Co., The Edwalll J., toll Bld~., T. Pinpin and Muelle del Bnnco ~:I('ionlll, 13illondo. Pllrpnll:-l j\'Iachinen' and Wclding, 808 Antonio Rivera, Tondo, },·Inniln. Picac he, E.. 1956 O'Donlloll, Stn. Cruz. San Juan Engince ring Work", 1.J.23 AZCIIITagu, St:t. CruJl. So Put Co., ;)JO~.;25 .Inhoncros, San Nicolas. [-;o!iongko & Co .. Dnhnncio, 341-3-15 IhrceJonn. 811-11 Nieolus. Stlllldard Iron Works, 713 A7.cnrragn, 'rondo . Sulit Jino!'., 813 Fnlc;uem,>, 1'ondo. Tallcr de Fundioion de Grlacio R elucio, 61.; .ll\honel·o~, SUIl Nicoll!.:;. T ullpr de MlIquinlll"ill d e AI('jandro Vinllr:LO, 815 Magdnlenu, 'rondo. Taller d(' Mnquinnl"i!l de EstchlUl R.'lmi r·e1., 330 MOl"iQlle!', 'I'ondo. Ta1[er de i\lnquinnrin de Jo~e S'lIlohcz, 927·920 Daguplln. '1'Olldo. Taller de i\1aquinnl"ill FUlldicion y Herrt'ria de Doroteo ('('I i!:l. 806 A. Ri"erl~, Tondo. Vinnrno, Alejandro. 84.; j\ln~alc nn. Binondo. " VulCllno En~inecl"int!; Co.," 52 1 i\'1. de In I ndustria, l\bin Entrancc: 211 Sevilla, San :\"icohs.

· MAG A1. INES. ILI .USTRAT ED National Economic Security Entel·pl'ise, I nc., (Nose, I nc.) 422,428 Bamba n g, Sta . Cruz. Philippine ).'IUj..\lIJllI\P, Fourth Fluor, Uy Y" r, Bld~.,


Da ~ mflrilll\!'<,


MAGAZIN ES AND NEWSPAPERS STAND Ln Pano:!tcln, 207 Cabildo, Jntramuros. Philippine Suhscri ption Agency, f no., 3Ui Cnrricdo, Stu. Crul!:. -~'I A IL ORDER HOUS ES Educfitiollfil Distributor, Thl', 76.', .hUIlI 1..U!1:1,

&tl' ~ico ]as.

-M AILI NG LISTS Manilay City

Directory, 1 10-1 Castillejos,

Quia po. Manila L ette r Shop, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 EscoIta, Bi n ondo. P lant: Jl04 CastiIlejos, Quiapo.

· MANIFEST SERVICE AND T RADE: STATISTICS (INWARD AND OUTWARD FOREIGN) "M!ln ifest Service o[ the Phili l)piIlC~", Gcnpnd Officc: 307-309 P«Ilurubia, &til Nioolas. B,·nnch O[ficc: IC6 M. d~· 13i llondo, BinOl\do. MANUFACTUR ERS' AG E!\' TS Ahoitiz & Co ., Tnc., (M uniln Branch ), 210-214 Ceneral 1.,unll, rntrumuros. Agundo HernUlIlOf\, 10:1 Bnlm"S, O' rillpn. Aguinaldo & Co., I nc., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan L u na, Binondo. AMUlct!1 'f mding, fnc .. L . l\.l ont(' de P iedad Bldf!:., P lazll St~r. Cru1., M:llliln. Asiatio Commercilll Corporation (&ith I·-Akerman Co. ), 132 JUlin Lunn. Binondo. Buker Company, F.. K, T hc, 821 OI'Oqui('l!\, Cruz.

Brimo, Antonio A., 412IWinn n.c~('nle. Binondo. Chrln Chico &. Co., I.d., Joaquin. 0·11-943 Mugdulcnn (1'1'(11.0), Tondo. .C l u~rt(' r Bl"UIl Il Cr, Inc .. Fourih Floor. Co rte~~ Ochon Bldg., 2,10 Du.. n"l.nrifulS, 13inondo. Coigntc-Pnlmo]ivc-Pcc\, Co., 58 Dn...:rnnrili!I', Dinond o. COl11 l11onwcalt.h Snll's Co., Inc., Second Floor, FernandeJl Bld~ .. 12:1 T. Pin pin, Binolldo. Consu mel'i:l Tflifling Corporl,\,iol1 , 2 1.')6 AZClll"l111!tl, Quiapo. . . Cu U n j i c n ~ & Co., Ltd" t30-64 R O::f\ I·IO, BlIlOnd l) . Davis oX, Comp!my, P. M., 54 1 :'Il uel le d cl Bunco Nncionnl. Binondo. D(!() Dian G uan & Co., ·137 XU(>V:l, Binondo. ])od~c & Seymour i\IunHu, f nc .. :'I lctropoliwll 131dg., Plnm Luwt.on, Dy BUllcio & Co., I nc., 191-211 :'I1,lCllc d" Binondo. &'l0 N"i::oln~ Enke(' '1'r:ldin~ Agency, 321 D:l.~mrill !L", BinOlldo. _ 229-231 R.cquc,, · n~. l:Il.!l. Feliciano & Son~. J. Cruz. G('~l('tn('r, Lu\., D., 1('18 E.~COhll. Binondf), Mnnilu. Gen nro~. & ('0., Sixth Floor, Soriullo BId!!: .. Plnzn Ccr\'anl~"', ninO/1I10. Gillr'.'! pic, A. T ., ISC Da"id, Binondo. Glni"Crmtm I nc ...J. M .. 104 So[ana, Intnllllul'O:;'. GoJdenbr. rg' & Co., Inc .. Pla1..11 Ccn·llllte-. C/Jrtwr Juan Luna, BinOllf[,'.


PH ILIPPINES IdC'[l1 Furnishing Co., 312 BU.~IO~, Sta. Cruz. Illips & Co., C., 550-f154 San Luis, Ermita, Libby McNeill &. Libby, (philippine), JIIC., 13th and Atlanta ~ts .. Port Aren, Manila. Liebman & Cummilll!;, 510 Chaco Bldg., Plll1.lI Cervantes, Dillondo. Limjnp, Pedro, Room 301, Gu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. E!'Colta, Binondo. l.iongsin P ress, 104-] AZCllrnlgtl, Billondo. Brunch: 275-281 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lopez. M., 529 Ecllllgue, Quinpo.

lomnzunu SoliS, P. , 480 Junn Luna, Binonclo. L\11.o11 Indent Camplmy, 20G Rnan, 8111, Cruz. ;\1I1nifoldo Stationery Supply Co., 1G5 L8vnndcros, Snlllpn1oc. Manila Machinery and Supply Co., Tnc., 67.'i-681 D lHlmnl'ii'illS, 13illondo, Mnniln. Manila Mnil Order Company, 513 Florentino Tones, Stu. Cruz. Mitsui BUSMIl J{aishil, Ltd., Seconr! Floor, NatiOlllll City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. r. Muller & Phipps (M:11I[11\), Ltd., 322, 324, 326 lind 328 National City Blink Bldg., ,Juun Lunll., Binondo. :Jakng!lwa. M., 5010 Sale Stfi. CI"U1,. ~ntiollnl StatiollNY 0,., 529 I~chuguc, Quinpo. Neves, Antone M., 2:l1 E~Jl!)letn, Mnniln, P. I. Qriental-American Jmlent ComrullY, Room 5, Lack & Davjs Bldg., 110 EC)lngue, Stn. CnlZ, 1\hnilfl. Phi1ippin~ nl\i1~CI-'; Agcncv, fn c., Stule ';1'hc.atcr Bldg., ,,04 R lzal Ave., St'l. Crur;, Mamln. Philippine Enginccring .COJ·PO"'ti~' 109 Plnzll Sla. Cruz, St:!.. C ruz Philippine 1\.'l odel Engineering Co, 892 Rizal A venue, Sto.. Cruz. Presby, S. A., Rooms 703-705, Insular Lire Blrlg., P lnza MOnlgu, Dillondo. Protzen, Mnx, 42 D nsmnriiilll<, Binondo. Quality J ewelry Slo~, The, 870-$72 Rillal Aventle, Sf-n. Crm.. Reflnolds Company, Wm. H. , 8'1 Mngn!lnnc.s, Intramuros. Reyes & Co., l~lorcllci o, '124 A1.carmgn, San Nicolas. RubiO, Jo~c, 552 Riznl AVCIl\le, Stn. Cru1.. Squires BinJ!:ham Co., l :j P la1.11 GOiti, Stll. Cl"uz. Suria, M. M., 42 Dasmariiias. Tem[)lcton. GeO. D., \.1.'; Hcmln, Malule. Thompson, I? A. 205 Philllub:mk Bldg., DO l';scolta, BinomIo. Tn11ls-Pncific Trading Compan.v, 130 T . Pin]>in, Fcrnnndc;>; Bldg., M~miln. Tra~'nor, Jnmcs 174 ,Juun Lunn Billondo. Vcrlinden, M .. Sc~olld Ii'loor, Capitol Bldg., 3\ E scoltn, Binondo. Vicente, Dorotco, 262 Morioll('s, Toudo. Villa-Abrillc, Cnrlos F. d el Room .102, SamaniJIo Bldg., E!lcoltn, BinOI\{ o. "Vulcallo Engineering Co.", 521 1\1. dc In Industria, Muin EntranCI': 21 [ Sevilm, &ln Nicolns. Waltcrs & Co., In('., S. 1\., 158-1 68 801('r, Rinondo. 'Yarrington, R. 0., 153 Juan LUlln, Binondo. Wes~, Inc., T. M., Roo'll 50-1, Fernundcz Bldg., \24 T. Pinpin, Binondo. W(';It & Whitnker, Leybn 13Id~. , 227 D:1vid, Bil1onclo, Maniln.





k ComplIlI)" Inc., 17-1·176 Juan Luna, Rinondo. Ysmael & Co., Inc., JutUl, Jol8 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Yutivo Sons Hurdwure Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg. , COrner l'\ue\'u und Dasmurii\J1S, Dinondo, Maniln.

MAl'lUFACT UR ERS' R EPRESENTATI YES Araneta Trudin(l;, Inc., L., i\·Ionte d e Picdad BIClg., Plazu Sill. C.·uz, Manila. Brimo, Antonio A., 412 Heinl! Regente, 13iuondo. Davis & .Company, P. M., 541 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Dodge O! Seymour Manuu, lnc., Metropolitan Bldg., Pla1.u Lawton, Ermita. i?nrmncill. 0,·Lentll1, 23'1-236 RosariO, Rinondo. Lo pez, M., 529 P':chugllc, Quiapo. Luzon Indent Compall.\', 206 RlIon, Stu.. CrUll. 1..117.0 11 Trnding Age ncy, 1135 Rizu! Avc1\Uc, Sw. Cruz. i\Ianifoldo St.ntioncry,~ Supply Co., 165 LnvalldcfOs, Sampnloc. l\Iod('rn Pharmaca l Product~ Co., Inc., The, 886-800 Riznl Ave., St.:l.. CrUll. 1\Iurphy, Co., J. A., Room 219, Perez Bum.anillo Bldg., 6\9 Escolt:\., Binondo. National Stationcry Co., 529 Bchngllc, Quiapo. !\cves, Antone M ., 231 E!'ol>clet-a, Mauil!!., P. J. Philippi?: Bui!ders Agency, Inc., State ~hcntcr Bldg.ISO"! Rlznl Ave., Sta. CrUl':, l\o1all1ln. Philippillc M odel Engineering Co., 892 Ave n~ c, Sta. CrU1:. Sab:lte r &llcs Co., 76 E.>COltn, Binondo. · MANUFACTURERS OF BROOMS, BRUS H ES AND DUST lmS lR Perez Co., Ltd., Seeond Floor, Fernandez .Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin. Binondo, Manila. · M ANUFACTlIR ERS OF COPPER ST EEL BU ILD INGS Phili ppine Steclhollsc, Inc., OLis, Pncn. - MANUFACTUR ERS OF STATI ONER Y Frank & Company, Fnctory: 1104 Ca stillejos, QuinlJo. Muin Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escoltu, 81non do. n,fcCul\oug-n Printing Company, Office: Second FloOt', 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. PlanL: lJ(J·1 Cu.,ti)!cjoll. QUHLPO. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101·103 Escolta, Binondo. · tl.1AN UFACT URI NG CHEM IST CJlstm.n.c, I l'lr., D crhll1n Bldg., Po.·t Arell · MARBLE l\IERCI-L\NT i\-Jngnani, B. , 6\9-521 R'lon, QuiUIJO. MAR IlLE WORKERS A!cunnr Marble WOI·ks, 2226 Riznl Avenue, St:l. Cruz. Ang Batollg BlI~illlk, 380 R. Hidalgo, St.!!. Cruz. Art!' y Tmbajo, 651 Florentino Torll'i', Stu. Crllz. Cast.illo & Hij<.ls, 313 R. Hidnlgo, St.a. Cruz




E! 1\'I:\u50100 Mnrblc WOIks, 319 Bustos, St.'l . Cruz. " £1 Obrcro" (1'alll'f Ii(' E~cult.uril, Marmoleria y CIlI'I)intcrin de Aniano de In Cruz), 2383 H crNlIl, Paco.

Esteban Sculpture Works Co., 1109 Rizal Ave"

Stn. Cruz.

Jc!:us, Clemente dc, (Successor of Pedro de Jesus c Hijo), 704 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo La Fi!ipinllJ 109 San l?crllllndo, San Nicolm;. Mnrmolcria de Canuto n. Almeida, 283 j\'Inrqucs de Camilins, Ermitll. Murmolcrin y Esculturn de Benito Pllnlaquc, 399 A. Mabini, Culoocnn. Mnrmolcrin Naciolllli, 008 Riznl Ave., SU. Cru;~.

l'vhlltincz l'dnrblc Works, 935 Misericordia, Stu. Cru~.

Klltional 1\-lclI'b10 WOl'k~> 003 R iza! Ave., Skl . Cruz. Orio) Marble Works, 830 Rizn l Ave., StH. . 011.1.1.. lwrnos Mable Works, C., 858 Riznl Ave., Sta . Cruz. T uller de Escultnra de Angel Tampinco. 340 R. Hidalgo, 8,a. Cruz. T allcr dc Escultura y l\'l!Jrmolerin de Fiorencio l\IUl'tincz H nos. , 443-D Martin Ocnmpo, Quiapo. Taller de Escult.ura )' Pinturn de Juan Castillo, 514 Evan.e:elistn, QUlaPo. Tnlleres de F scultur:I, l\larmolrrin y Platel'ia de Emilio Castillo, 1312 4zcnrragR, Sta. Cruz. Tolentino, Petronilo, 314 Bambang, Sm. Cruz. Vicente, IVlb.ximo, 812 R. ~idnlJ!o, Quinpo. Villanucva 1\lurl>le Works, \876 Ttiz!}l Ave., St!!. Cruz.

· MARI NE CONTRACTORS International 1\larine Contrnctol"S, Philippine and Australian, Maniln, P. 1., 119 'Kepomoceno, Tondo. . MA RI NE ENG INES Wilsoll ,\:. Co., Inc., Fred., 55 linn'nc!!, SIlIl Nico-

las. ·l\-It\ R IN E SURVEYORS (Sec SIII'VCY01'$, Mnl"ine) MA RKE.T P UBLIC (Sec Puge 168) · MASON ITE PRODUCT S Gonzalez & Co., A. C., 213-221 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. MASSEURS Cho Kaito, 706 Reina Regente, Binondo. DelikellU, 1\'1. le, Room 12, 700 Riz!1I Avenue Sta. Cruz. ' Gonzalez, Prof. F. N., 663 Lcgardn, Sampaioc. Hnda, prof.]e 191 1 Azenrragn, Stn. Cruz. H ny:l.Shi, Mrs. i:I .. ,134 P. Pnterno 8t3. Cruz. Ishibnshi, P rof. Y., ,120 Estero 'Cegado Sw. CrU7. ' . J(~milllura, K, 222 JU.gidor, Quia l)(). M~su , MlltsUO, 324-B P. Paterno, Stn. Cruz. Mltu, Mrs. Talll\kll, 32,1 P. PnterllO, Quinpo.


G., 44.6 Estero Cegado, Sm, Cruz. Sa!to, Pror. Y., 211 Mnrtin Ocnmpo, Quiapo. Sluzll, Mrs. ASllno, 432 P. Gomez, Quial"" Tamura, G., 4 San Marcelino, Cor. Aya a Bou· levaI'd, Ermitn. Yamamoto, Mrs., I(ono, 419 P. Gomez, Stn. Cruz. MATC H DEALERS, WHOLESALE Chua Scco & Co., Cornelio, 521 St.o, Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Sy Quiat & Co., S. en C., (E. 8.'lntos), 1107-1109 &111 Fernando, Binondo. Mira Hernmno.'l, Inc., 19 Calle Bunquero, (Regina Bldg.), Binondo, Manila. Mitsui BUSSlln l(aisha, Ltd., Second Floor Nntiomd City Bank Bldg., Mfllliia, P. 1. ' Philippi ne Mntch Company, Ltd., 625 P. Paterno, Quiapo, Factory: Mnlldaloyoll, R bml. Seng J(ee & Co., 622 Nuevn, Binondo. MATCH MA NUFACTURERS P hilippine Mutoh Company, Ltd., 625 P. Pntemo, Quia1>o, Factory: l\b.ndaloyon, Rizal. MATTR ESS M ANUFACTUR ERS Cndwnllader Brothers, Inc., Pluza Stu. Cruz, Manila. Lcvn & Co., Inc" B. R. dc, 335-337 Carrie-do, Stn. Cruz. l\'lark's Store, 462-':168 M. H. del PiIM, Ermitn. Puynt Branch, 62·Hj28 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. Restwell Mattress Co., 698 Hiznl Ave.). St.'l. Cruz. Rizal lkd Fnctory und Furniture ;:;tOI'C, T he, (Sy To Chin Co., Ltd.), Factory nnd Display ttOOIll; 738-7,16 1£0hngue, San Miguel. Officc and Snles Room: 731 Rizlll Ave., 8t:l.. Cruz. SW<J Huat, 636 T, Pin pin, Binondo. T hompson Stevenson, Ino., 312 Cnrried.o, SUI . Uruz. . M EAT DEALERS (See Mnrket>", Public, or Cold Stores) £Strem, Gervasio, 'lIO Quintu Mnrket, Quinpo. Lopez, K., Quintn Murket, Quiapo. H.nmos, Crispin P., Quinta Murket, Quiapo Salazar ~ Co.! Mnrinno, Room 311, Pud ill!\ Bldg., '128 Hlznl Avenue, Stn. Cruz. 1'0 Gia p Linn H ap Chiong Hue, 517 ElcnJlo, San Nicolas. . MEC H AN ICAL ENG INEER lNG WORKS Mnske, Chudes t ., 723 Scverino, Quiapo. "Super" Scientific Radio Service Co., 723 Severino, QUin.po. ·!\'IEDICAL APPAR AT US "Electra Uv" Electr o-Medicnl Equ ipment, 403 Fernandez Bldg" 124 T. Pinpin , Binondo. .l\l EDICAL PROTECTION Philippine Medical Protection, Inc., The, }'lelro· 1)OIlwn Thcntre Bldg., Shop D, ~ Ieb.ll.n Gardell, Manila. · MEDI C INES



He-rt.acol Comp.'lny, OroquietA, Cor. Lope dl! Vcgu, Stn. Cru7..

PHILIPPINES 1\'1. D. Chemical L.... borntories, 314 Sto. CI'h"to, Sun Nicolns. -MEDICO-CHEMICAL I{ock Laboratory, 2157 O'Donnell, Sln . Cruz. MEN'S FlJRl"'lISUfNG GOODS DEALERS, RETAIL Alonso, H., 105-107 Escoltn, Binondu. Beck, Inc., I., 89-91 Escoltn, Dinondo.



Inc., Brins Roxns Bldg., 71 Es-

coltA, iHnniln.

Center de Luxe, Inc., SO-82 Escolta, Binondo. Hamilton Brown Shoe Store, In c., 109-111 &COltll, Binondo. Isardas & Co., '1'., HI·' Juan Luna, Hinondo. Mngpoc Tailoring, 923 RiuLl Ave., Stu.. Cruz. l\Inni!fL Shirt FMtOI'Y and DI'Y Goods Store, 44 Escoltn, Dinondo. Mnnuel Pclliccr y Co., Inc., 44 E scoltu) Rinando. Nillg & Co., W., 86-00 Rcul, In~T!l.mU!'oS. Pe~.inll. Carpet H OIl\<!. ,19 E scolt.lI, l\'Iunila. Phlhppme GcntlCmttll) H39 Bustillos, &unpnloe. Philippine Hosiery Mills, [nc., 4.31-453 Juall Luna, Mnnilo.. Poon !{a & Co., 4017 Kueva, Binondo. Syyap & Co .. 21 Escolta, Rinondo. Syyop T ailoring Co., I nc., OrvstAI Arcade, E,.,colta, Biuondo. . Weinstein Bros., 619-621 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz . Yalco's, Tne., 627 E~eo[ta, &manillo Bldg., Binondo, Manila.

l\'lEN'S FURNISHING GOOD DEALERS, WHOLESALE Alonso, H., 105-107 Fscoltn, Binondo. Beck, Inc., L, 89-91 E scolta, 13inol1do. Urias Roxas, Inc., Brins RoXM, llidg., 71 Escolla, Mallila. Dnvis & Company, P. 1\'1., 5,11 Muol1e del Banco Kneional, Binondo. Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Binondo. Is.1rdas & Co., T ., 19·1 ,luaa Luna, Binolldo. Neves, Antone 1"'1., 231 Espclct!~, i\;lanila. Philippin(.' Hosiery Milts, jIlC., ',l5 1..453 Junn LUlla, Mallilll. Syyap Tailoring Co., Tnc., Crystal Arcade, Es· colta, 13inOlldo. Weinstein Bros., 619·621 Hiznl Ave., Sta. Cruz. MERCHANTS, GENERAL A. & P. Co., I nc., The, 10 T. Pin pin, 13inondo. Aguado HeTllUlnos, 103 nulmes, (luinl>o. Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. fl. , Agu inaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Allmon &. COml>3ny, 503-505 Chneo Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Uinondo. Alunan, HerMez &. Co., 401 Bnmanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. American I mporter Co., 1644 AZearmga, Sla. Cruz. Anderson & Co., Wm. H., 84 Magallanes, Intramuros. Ang Eng Siu, 1106 Sn.n Fernnndo, Binondo. Ang Tinn Su, 117 Rosnrio, 13inondo.

l\I ElR


Ayaln & Co., Third rloOl', Jiilipi n!lS Bldg, Dan lIong Sin Quint, 955 Dagupan, '1'ondo. Plnm Momg!l, Dillondo. Bartolomc, Su nti ngo, 33 Plazll Dilao, Puco. Bazi'-r Siglo x.,X, Cenlr:li Officc : 10 1-1 [3 Plaza del Conde, Dinondo. llrnnch: 5-12·544 Azcnrrnga, Cor. 798 Tnborn, '1'ondo. B!lzar Su Sec &. Co., 227 Rosario, Dinondo. Beck, Jnc., L, 89-91 Escoltu, Biuondo. Bermudez ,\-; Bautista, Jne., 5 Su n Gabricl, Rinondo. Bio ~t: elman, Inc., 683 Benavides, Binondo. Boh:, Francisco, 24'1 Anda, Jntrnmuros. Bowcn .'\: Co., 10'1 Solnna, Jn tmmuros. Butler Bros., 310 Dnsmnriilas, Cor. R osario, Binondo. Campos, Ii\ J., Iloilo. Capitlll Investment COnlpllny, Inc., R oom B-18. P aterno Bldg., Stll. Cm z Bridge, Stn. Cruz. Ca rri edo, P. S., Davao. Ching Chin, 753 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Chun, Ar~cn i o , 102 Bustillos, Sampnloc. Ch ull Kec, 638 '['aborll, Sun ],\ieol0.5. Chua Luan & Co., Inc., 310·312 Sto. Cri~w, San ]'\ieolas. Chua 8cco & Co., Cornelio (Chua Seco, r rancisco Viuda y Hcrederos), 521 Sto. Cristo, Sn.n Kicolas. Chua 'fu, 809 Jaboneros, Snn Kioolas. Chunn Riap 8cng, 387 Juan Lunu, Binondo. Chun;Lu Company, 925 Sun Fernando, San Xicoins. Chung Woo Hong, 745 Ongpin, Stu . Cruz. Co CHeong & Co Ho Sny, 366-368 Sunto Cristo, Sail N icolns. Co Tao Co, 368 Sto. Cristo, Sun Xico[as. Coleol .\-; Co., 1\1. , !H2 T. Alonso, Stu. Cruz. Comereio de Ii'ilipinas, 326Dasmarhias, Binondo. Commonwealth Commercinl Agency, 351 Etcano, Sun Nicolns. Commonwealth Snles Co., Inc., Second Floor, Fernandez BId/{ .. 12·l T. P inpin, Binondo. Compania Genernl de Tnbacos de Filipinas, 212 Marques de Comillas, Paeo, Manila. Concepcion, Vicente (Tun Guia!1leo & Co 235-237 San Vicente, Dinondo. Co-operative System Sules Co., Inc., 000 DasIllnl'irlns, Cornel' Dn vid. Binondo. Cosmos BIl7.Ut', Tn(!., 211~217 Rosul'io, Binondo. Cru7. & Co .. Inc., Mnuricio, 302 SIIZllnnitlo Bldg. 619 Escoltn, Binondo. ' X>avies & Co., Ltd., Thea. }[., Perez Salllllnillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo, Mnniln. Davis & Company, P. i\I., 541 J1,'l uetle del Banco ~ncional, Rinondo. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc ., 191-211 Muelle de Binondo, Snn Nicolas. El Naval Kian Kee Co., Iloilo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Eli1.ulde Bldg., 1\luelle de Ln Industrin, Mnniln. Eng Bio Juat, Inc., 724 MlIgdulena, Binondo. Espinosa Com puny, M. C., 66&670 Yla),a San Nicolas. ' Facundo, Trinea, 20·1 Sevilla, San Nicolns. Fallio &: Co., I nc., 518 R izal Ave., St1\. Cruz. Faustino & Sons, Room 322, Crystal Arcnde, Esuolta, Binondo. Feliciano &: Sonll, J. D., 229·231 Requesens Sta Cruz. ' .



FCl'Ilnndez & Co., V. '1' .. S. O. de Fernnndez Bldg., .j] E SCOitll, llillondo. F'cfllundcz Hcrmflnos, Inc., 109 JUIIII LUIlIl , Binondo, Funlo &: Cin., In<:., 518 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Forbe~ . .:\IUlin & Co., Ltd" 112- 1\3 M. de Binondo, S:ln Nicol!lS, Manila. FUnlknWfi P]nntation Co., I nc., Third F loor. Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., JUI\I\

Luna, Binondo. Gulling, Pedro L., 821


Lunn, Tondo.

Gnrcin. Gerardo G., \·1-16 GmL Lunu, Intrnmut'O:;,



Co., I~td., 239-241 linrcelonu, San

Xicolfl!:i. Go Chan (,. Co., 273 Juun Luna, Binondo. Go CO!:IY ,\; Co., 3 14 :\'ucvn, J3inondo.

Go Kim , 746 Stn. Cristo, Tondo, Go Punt, 56 M. de Divisol'itl, Binondo. Go Singeo Sons & Co., 120 Rosario. Binondo.

Go Thou, 258 Tctllnn, Snntn Cruz.

Go U Sill, HI IH. de 13il1ondo, Sun Nicolas. Goki co, X. 13., {l28 VcIHl-iquez, 1'ondo. Gonzales, J., 322 Misericordia. Ounn Bee & Co., )\ll c., 130 Hormiga, l3inondo. Hnn!:'on, Orlh & Sbeven~on, Inc., Fourth FloO!", C hnco Bldg., Phlza Cen'nntes, Binondo. Hashim. 1\ .'1' .• 88 1 Ri ~~l Ave., Stn. Cruz, ~:Inniln. Heacock Co., H. E. ~ 120-130 Escolta and David, Binondo. Heidcnia Salc,:; Store, 6':;" 1.egnrl)i, Tl1tmmuros. Heng Sun & Co., fnc., 129't'unn Luna, Binondo. Hoc Chuan Ho, 626 F. 1'orl;es. Stn. Cruz. Rope Manufacturing Co., l'4th and .:;th Streets, Caloocan. Riznl. lIuan HOllg. 428 Legnrdn, g.·llnpaloc. HUll 1'on~, 224-226 Sto. C risto. San Kicolas. Hynson & Sons, J. B., 921 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Ideal 13au19r, Head Office: -113-<1 15 Hizal Avenue, Stn. C ruz. Ideal Fumi,.hing Co., 312 Bustos, Stu. Cruz. Hlies..l.: Co., C., 550-554 Snn Luis, Ermitn. Tn TiulI1, 1 \09 Sta. Elena, Snll N~col as. I nsulllr i\'iCl'cantile, 417 Juan Luna, J3inondo. Insuhu' 1\'icl'cn ntile, 1171 Junn Lunu, Binondo. Insuhll' Trnding Co .. ·10 1 Juan Luna, Binondo. Inter-Island Sules Co., 935 Ylnyn, '1'ondo. Intemntionai Hut'vester Co., of Philippines (I~o t' merly Mnc!cod & Co.), Chaco Bldg., Pln zn Cervantes, Binondo nnd )54 Mat·quc.s de Comillus, E;rmita. Jacinto ,\: Co., J. C., 425 Junn Luna, Binondo. .IesslI'/lni & Co .. C. D.-Bomb!~y Beaut.y Pnlace, 546 Roinn Regente, Binondo. .Joc Linn Jlmt, ·120 Sto. Ct'isto, Sun NicolM. Kee Chinn, 83 Ro.-;urio. Binondo. Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A., Wise Bldg., 178 Junn Luna , Binondo. Ki nn HinJ!: Co., Inc .. " end Office: Borongllll. Smnnr. ).lllnill1 Office: 231 Soler. Dillondo. Kinna, J. G .. Room 15, EI Hogal' Filipino Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. I\wan Go.\.: (;0 .. 501-507 UnsmariilllS, Binondo. KwonJ.: Whn Loong. 321 Ciaverill, Binondo. L. & P. Co., Thc, 875-877 Sanchez Extension (Paloma I' Park), Tondo. Armonia, 689 Yluya, Tondo. Branch: 14~16 Pln zn Stn. C ruz. Stn. Cru7..

La Fortunn Store, 248 Lihertud, Pasay, " La Granja", Inc. , 332 Carriedo, Stu. C ruz. I .. /l Puertu dcl Sol, 52-54 Escoltn, Binondo. La Villu de ModBS, 203-205 g.'1Il Vicente, Bi· 1I0ndo. Lam Lion~ Company, Inc., 825 Dagupan, 'fondo. Lami Tradillg Corporation. Inc., 8b3-863 Reinn Regcntc, 'rondo. I~no Cheng.Guan, 653-A Dnrt, Paco. Lao Hoo & Compnny, Catbn l o~nll, Snnmr. Manila Brnncll :605 Ylayn, 'I'ondo. Cebu Branch: 123 Plll.ridcl, Ccbu, Cebu. Li Teh & Co., Inc., 719 Azcarrnga, TOlldo. Li Yiam, 314 Gnndnrn, Binondo. Lim Bon Fing Hnos., rne., 221 Rosario, Binondo. Lim BUll Lay, 1040 Comel'cio, San N icolas. 1,im Siong: Tiu & Co., ISJ Rosario, Binondo. Lorellzana Sons, P., 480 J\lun Luna, Binondo. Lorenzo, Mnri(t, 202-206 AZcnrl'U!!:n, Tondo. Los Dos Amigo,..;, 2612 Lieo, Stn. Cruz. Luzoll Indent Com pany 206 Rllon, Stu. Cruz Mnbuhay P oultry lind S u])])ly Co., 1619 Azcnrmgn, Stn. ('ru?, Mnniln. Madrignl & Co., 8 MuC'llc del Bunco Nacional, Manila. Mnnac!;!l $tores, I nc., Stores at Cnniubung, 1.agunn. Manila Onice: 315 Perez Snmlluillo Bldg., 619 gscolt.a, Binondo. Mannlao Rndio Sales, M., -165 DllSmurit1ns, Binondo. l\Innih\ l\'Inchillcry & Supply Co., inc., 675-681 Dasmaril1ns, Binondo, Manila. l\'Inllihl Mercantile Co.. Inc., 511 Azcnrmgn, Tondo. ::\I nnufacturer's Trnding Corporation, 552 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Maiieru & Co., Inc., 1067 1\1. fi c I!i. Industria, Binondo. 1\inrsmlln & COlllp..'lny, Inc., Insular Life Bldg .. Plnza l\'lorngn. Binondo, Manila. Martini, G., 65 Domingo Slintingo, 8.'lmpnloc. Mnrubishi-Yoko, 919 .lu:tn Luna, Tondo. Menzi &. Co .. Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Mits ubishi Shoji Kuishn, Ltd., Fourth Floor, Nntionnl City D:Hlk Bldg., .Julin Lunll, Binondo. 'M itsui llus.<:.lln Kuis hfl, Ltd ., Second Floor, Nationnl City Bunk Bldg., Manila, P. 1. 1'\ntiollal E:cclllwge Co., Inc., Puilippine National Bunk Bldg., 00 E seoltn, 13illondo. Nation:!1 Money Furse FncLory, 265 Sol{'r, Billondo . )..'ntionnl ProducLs Merchants Corporotion, 618-624 Eciu'lgtle, Quiapo. National Sporting Center, Inc. XntiOllli1 StOrf"-S, Inc., 200 Ff'rnan(\cz Bldg., 124 T. Pinpill, B inond o. l\'Iuniia. Xevcs. Antone l\I., 231 E!>pclcta, Maniln. Okn, G .. SI8 Echngue, &11 Miguel. Oka Shotcn, 825 Eclmgu{', San Mib'''lel. Ong Gui Sing, 705 Dnrt , Plica. Ong .Inn Clnmn Co., 467 Xuevu, Binondo. On/!; .Iuy Jon. Oup: .If·gKim. 527-529 Sto. Cri.·to, &m Xicolj\~. Orientlli-A mcriczl!l Jnde nt Comp:Uly, Room 5, Lnck &. Dnvis Bldg, 110 Echague, Fta. Cruz, i\lnniln.

PHILIPPINES O:nkn Bocki K..'1ishn. Tne.. 4·10-45·' Dnsrnnrili!lS, Binondo. OsSOrio, ill. J., Third Floor, Glmco Bldg., Plllza C<,rv:mtcs, Binoudo. O;;,;orio, Mrs., P. Y. d(', 15 l'uclTe Filum, El'mitll.

Palace BOlonr, Arb!;! Bld~., (arricdo, St~. Cruz. p(lrson~ HardwllrC Co., Inc., 805 F.chugue. San M iguel. Pascual & Co., Inc., E. G., Cebu. PedcriJ!"lul, MiM ]';miliann, Ol:'! ill. de 10 Industria, San Nicola". Perez Sumanillo, R a fa el, 122 Juan Luna , Binando. Manila. Philippine Amel'ican Trade Association.

Philippine Education Co., Inc" 101-103 E scolta, Binondo. Philippine EllId l\('crin~ COl'lXl]':tCOn, 109 PJa:m St~L Oru1-, Stll.. C'r\l7.. Philippine Foreign 'fmding Co., 2,')3 Es p(')utu,

Stn. Cruz.

PhiJipl>ine Ho~icr.Y i\<Jil]s, 1111' .• 451-453 Juan LUllU , M nnila. Philippines Compan.I', Ltd., T h('. j:j R osario, Binondo. Pincdll &. Ampil, 997 iVL de la Tndu~triu, San I\lco!lIs. Poon ](1I &. Co., ·147 K~v:'\ Binondo. Populul' T rlldi ng Co., 5,j5-;j57 i\lagdnlena. Binondo. PuC'o, J. 1\1.. 108 So!nnt1. IntrmnUl'OS. Qua CIlC'e Glill, 343 Elcuno, SUII Nicola~. Riu y Sob.rino, 2~4 Andu, Int.~muros~. Ros.1.lcs, V. D., .; 17 Jubonero~, S!l.n ~lcol9s. Rosario, C. O. del, Arcnrrnga, Corncr Miiiericordia. St11. Cru1., Manila. Ro~en~tock ,\ COmp'lI1I'. [nc., Second Floor. F'erllllll/]('Z nld~" 12-1 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Roxas y Campan ia, 719 Echague, San Miguel. Schechter, S. K., 541 ;'.·Iuc1le del B:mco Kacionnl, BLoooclo. Schni t1.ler Sons, :j 19 Estero C('!{ndo, Santa Cruz. Schu lze, Otto, 12 Ccncrn.IT,unu., I ntr.1muI'Os. Scccrio, Antonio, 116 M n.1II'iqu(', Sampu[oc. Seng l(ce & Co., (j22 Nucva, BLnondo. Shau, Chade~ C., 613 i\'fllgdalcnu, llinondo. Sibunko & E~ pil·itu. 222 Ol'ystnl Arcade, E~col tn, llinolldo. Sin Tiong Yck, 119 Meisic, Binondo. Sin Yek Chiollg, 125 iV>Slll'io, Binondo. Smith, Ben & Co .. Lt.d., FIongkong and Shanghni Bank Dldg., Juun LUlla, Binondo. ~limun Cnvino, 232 A1.clll'rHgn, San Nicol!iS. 8r.1imun & Snmontc. 7!;::I Elcuno. Sun Nil-alas. Soriano y CiA., Fifth Floor, Edificio Soriano, Pln1.tL OcrvnnlC'<l. l3inondo. SoriQ!l<>, R umon, 203 JU1ln Luna, Bil\('ondo. Stevens &. Co., !i'. H ., Leybll Bldg., 227 DlIl'id, Corncr D1lSIl\U!'iiinl<, Binondo. SUIICO & 00., Ltd., A. 1'., 1111 'J'nyabas, Sta. Cruz. Sun!!; Lu ng Co., 731 T. Alonso, St~L Crur.. Sy Dingco, :j23 Sto, Cristo, San Nicobs. Sy Oip, Alfoll~O Z., 129 Junn 1.,[nn, Binondo. Sy H oc G('n!!; Store, 118 'fetuQn, Stn. Cruz. Sy Sin Cui, M8 Durt, Pnco. 8y T!lo & Co., .534 Sto. CI'islo, S.'H1 Kicobs. Tnkn hMhi & Co" rIlC., 753 T ubora, San Nicolns. T lln elmy Co., 61 9 San Nicola!!, Rnn Nicolas,



Tun Galt\!', Alejnndro P" .538 But~U1gns, Sl:t Crut. Tan Riok, 91 I So'!n 1'\icola~, S.·UI Kicolns. Tan Ko, 511-513 Sto. Cristo, Sllll Nicoln" Tani, l\ ioi!«'s, -120 .Iulln LU IlU, Binondo. Tlulyo.IYgquip! ,101<6, 233 Cnrl'njul, BinOlldo. Tay \ IW, 017.) M. de Uinondo, Snn Nicola~. 1 io Quc Suy, 921 Ja boncms, San Nicolas. Tobes & Co., Inc., E. E. To, Ciap. Lillll Hap Chio n ~ Hue . .51 7 Elcano, San XlcolfL\<. Toyo Shirt F'[wtory 1M., .]51 .Junn J.UlUl, 131nondo. 'l'rnns Pacific Tr:ldinK Company, 130 T . Pinpill. F'erflUnde1. nJdg., Munila. " T rianon", .',18 Riya l AI'c., SI..'1. Cru1.. l'y Clmco Sons & Co., Inc. , Murinno, Chnco Bldg .. 2.')-37 Plu1.!t C('rva lltc~ lind '19-53 Rosnrio, Dillondo. try Iloo '~' Comp.HI),. 029 Ongpin, Manila. Uy Su Bl 1 & Co., rn e., 137-139 Rus .... rio, llinon do. Vis.~yall Commcrcial ExcJlilllge, 714 Ri Aven ue. StJt.. Cruz. W adhumal R:un chand & Co. Zamboanga. \V:lllllce, 'l'hOllUI'l A., 213 Ihrcc'lona, San "Icoln>.. Wi."e &. Company, 174-170 Jm\ll LUllft. Binondo. WollT &. Co., Inc., T. J" 25 Phll/:n Goiti, Sta. CrU1., Mnnilll, P. I. Ynk Sing, 100·1 l\nn!O.'I.S Avc. Eldells ion, Mnl:1.te. Yaogoo, Teodoro R., 121 ;'II. dc la Ind ustria S:1Il NicolliS. -, Y:lP Sulan, 843 ,Jnhonl"ro~. Sun KicolllJ<. Yek Hua Trad ing Corp., 129 Juan Luna. Yick fiill!!:, 23-1-23~ 1'. P'npin i3in"n(!u. Yick On, .] 10 Poilicte, Binoll{lo. Y u @uioc J.o So: Co., 3 12-310 DaSillarifias, Bi_ noncio. Yu Joaquin & Com1>any, 219-221 San Vicente, Bi n ondo. Zucllig, I nc., J<'. E" 5 ·5-0:3 R081U" O Binondo, i\'bniln. ' L


"'METAL S IGNS Philippine Education Co., Inc., Man ufactul'_ ing' Pla n t: 1104 Ca stillejos, Quiapo. Main Office: 101-103 E scolta, Binondo. M IDW I VES M . Padilla, 500 I~. B. Hnl'l'ison, P nsay, RI1.oL Escudel'o, F eli!;,'!, 1339 DM Cal<tilll1'>, Sampaioe. Jaime, Fortllllnt:l S., 117 Reten, Sumpnloc. I~~111pitoc, JVlarcianu POIICC, 765 BCI1:\\'ides. T ondo. Llorente, Cirilo TInsco dc, J 10 Zurbllrnn, Sla. Cruz . Neponlllceno, Par., 1M') J\IIIZI I una, Tondo. S:H1~iago. M rs. Rosario, A., 258 Dcccna, P asay, RI1.nL - M ILITARY INS IGN IA AND SUPPLI ES Brio!:> llox!ls, Tne., BrhlS Rexns Dldg., 71 Escoitn, Monila. __ nllh~nSl1t,

"'.M IL K FRES H (Sec Dniry Produce Dealers) H ncnrin Dairy Farni, .]65 S.~n Vicente COl'. T . Pinpin, Dinondo. ' ,'ie"nte, P('(lro, 872 Antonio Rivcro, TOI\do.


96 · ~n L I TARY

SUPPLY DEALERS (Sc<! i\Inchincl'Y DenIers)

Atlnntic, Gulf and Pacific

Manila, '/1-77 Muellc de In

Company :)f I ndu~tria,


Kicolas. Mo.niln i\lnchincry and Supply Co., I nc. , 675-681 Dasmnriiilli', Binoncio, Manila. ).Tcll & Co., 'rhe Edward J., Nell Bldg .• T. P illpin and M. del Bnnco Nacion»!, Binondo. P. I. Mining-l\'l:lchi ncI'Y & Electrica l Supply Co., Inc., 433 Dasmnl'ifHlS, Binondo,

Union Management COmpnllY, 9 Pla7Al M Onlga Binondo. . , Vern Reyes & Salgado, Inc., Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo, Maniln. Ynptinchay & Co., Inc., 1., Rooms 705-707, Insu[ar Lire Bldg., Pluza Cervllntes, Binondo, Manila. -MINERAL WATERS Isuan, Inc., 47 Cristobal, Paco. Factory: H ot Springs, Los Banos, L aguna.

Manila. Parsons HardwlLl'c Co., Inc., 805 Echngllc, &n Miguel. Philippine j\'lill Supply Co., 2557 T. E:wllshaw, Tondo. Shul'du~ i\<Iill Supply Compnny, Inc., 3 18 Misc-

ricol'din, Stu. Cru)'" MnnilH. Simeon O. Sunn, 324-326 Echnguc, St.u . Cruz. Uy Eng Kui H an[wurc 122 D Il!lmul'ifias, ilinondo

JI.'l nni1u.

Yutivo SOilS H n"lwl\l'c Co., I nc., Yutivo Bldg., Cornel' !\uevn, and Dasmaril1ns, Binondo, l\·IfLniln.


M ILLI NERS Cobarrubias, Ampnro, i)67 Lep;ardn, 8.'l.mpaloc. Eseurdia, Purn, le9·1 R\ Hidalgo, Quiapo. Cranfil, Tnes, 268 M. H. del Pilar. El'lnit.'\. I.e Don Ton, 1037 Arlegui, Quinpo. Longos, Pal.. 50·' &lIes, st.'l~cruz. Standard Plenting C~~~4 Dakota, Mnlate. -l\'IIl\'IEOGRAP HI NG AND l\IULTIGRAPHI NG RIBBON WORK . I ~HTATION TYPEWR IT ING Capitnl Letter Shop, 200 Fernandez Bldg., 12.( T. Pin pin, Binondo. Manila Letter Shop, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escoita, Binondo. Plant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. - M IN E AN D M I LL SUPI'I!.IES Engineering Equipment & Suppl y Company, 13th Stl'eet, Port Area, Manila. Marsma n & Company, Inc., Insultul Li fe Bldg., Plll1.a l\'I Ol"Ugll, Binolldo, Mllni ln. Mullen & Co., N. K, 609 E::<colta, Binondo. - l\II NE MANAGERS Agrncic!<, Inc., Sixth 1~loor, S. J. Wil~on Bldg., 1<13 Juan :Lun:t, Binolldo. Ambrosio & Co., D. B., 107 & 315-31 7 Crystal A l'eade. Federated l\Ianll,{t"('ment, and Investment 8,'ndi::ate, Suite ·108, Philnllbnnk Bldg., 90 Escoita, Dinondo. Federated Minerals, In c., 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. P inpin, Binondo. }!arsm.,\n & Compan\', Inc., Insular Life Bldg., Plaza l\lorngn, Dillondo, Munilu. Minerals &. ?"Ietllls, I nc., 12 D erham Bldg., M. de 8.'1.11 Fmnciseo, Port Aren. Opisso & Comp~Uly, I nc., Third Floor, S. J. Wi lson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Roy 1nvestmrnts &. Securities Corporntion, 'Cl'hird Floor, Ysmnel Bldg., 101 Echnguc, Stn .


MIN I NG COMPAN IES Abru ConsolidAted Milles Co., IIlC., 310 Kneedler BId!,:., Cnrficclo, Sta. CI·UZ. Abril. ]!;xp[orntioll Co., I·' T . Pin pin, Binondo. Abm Mining Co., DerhAm Bldg., Port Area. Acoje Milling Co., Inc., 315 Perez Snmnnil\o Bldg., 619 r~sco ltH , Binondo. Acupnn Gold M inillg Co., Inc., 456 D usmurlfias, Binondo. Agno Consolidnted Go[d Dredg-ing Co., I IIC., -III CU Unjicng Bldg., '1'. P ipnpin, COrner E scolta, Dinondo. Agno Dalto. PlfH'('I"S, Incorporated, Fourth Floor, Yutivo Bldg., Dnsmnril1l1!o:, Bill(lndo, Munila. Agno i\'l inernls, inc., Third Floor, Ysmacl Bldg., 10 11~c hn.e:uc, Slil. Cruz. Agno-P laridel Placer M in ing Co., Inc., 124 T. Pillpin. Agustin Trust, 302 Phili ppine Nll.tionn! Bank Bldg., 90 Escolt::l, Binondo. Albay IIltt-ruationul Consolidated A'l ining Association, Room 332, Crystal Arcade, E«oll:l, Binondo. Alvir & Co., Inc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dasm3riilas, Binondo. Amnlgnmatcd Gold Mines, 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., J24 T. Pillpin. Dinondo. i\1nllilll.. Ama lgamated l\.Iinemis, Inc., 118 T . P inpin. Ambassador Gold Mining Company, 3'15 Crystn.l AI'cilde, Escoltu, Binondo. Ang Go Mining Syndicate, 615 T coclorll Alonzo, Stu. CI·U,Z. Antamok Goldfields Mining Co., fIl C., 4th Floor, Soriano B ldg., Plo.zn Ccrvnntcs, J3inondo. Associoted Utilities & Service Co., 3 10 Bldg., 6J9 EscollA} Binondo. Atlas-Gold and Copper Mines, fnc., 440 F'.,;tcro Cegado, Stu. Cruz. Atok Cel\trn l Mines, Inc., 4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cer\'flntcs, Biuondo. Atok Gold Mining Co., 3rd F loor, American ChAmber of Commerce Bldg., 180 Duvid, BinOl1do, Mnnila. B-P-l\I Consolidated Mill('s, Inc., T hird Floor, YSlllael Bldg., 101 Echague, Stn. Cruz. Baguio Aloha Mining ~oeiatioll, 16-20 Eseoltll, 13illondo. Baguio Gold Mining Co., 3rd Floor, Americnll Chamber or Commerce B ldg., ISO Duvid, Binondo. &guio Mllllkfiyan (;Qld :\Iinin,c: Co., Jil t' .. IOJ Y!'mac\ Bldg., Echngue, Stn. Cruz. Dakod-Benguct l\Iinernls, 200-202 Fernundf'1) Bldg., 124 T . P inpill, Binondo, l\Junila. Bu.llltoc i\lining Compa ny, 6 10-6 16 l'\ationnl City Bunk Bldg., Juan Luun, RinOlldo.

PHILIPPINES Bnler Syndicnte l\<lin ing Co .. Inc., 723 RizaJ Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Bnlungkot l\'Iining A..oosocintloll, "fhird Floor, S. J. Wilson, Bldg. , Junn Luna, Binondo. Bllnao Gold Mining Co., Jnc., R oom 7, 465 &m Vicente, Binontlo. Batangtls l\'1inernl ('0., /nc., 33') Crystnl Arcudc, Escoltn, Rinoucio.

Bntong-Buhny Gold

l\'I ill"~, lIlt"

5t Eseolb,

S. O. de l<'crnnndcz Bldg., Binondo. Bntong-Guinto j\'lining Corporation, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Escoltn, 13inondo. Benguot Consohdntccl l\ l ining Co. 6W-616 N!ttionnl City Bunk Bldg., .Juan t unn, Bi!londo,

Bcnguet Exploration, fnc., 4th l~loo l', Sodano Bldg., Phlzn Cervantes, Binondo. Bcnguet l~cdcmted Minos, 200-202 Fernandez llIdg., . 124 T. Pinpin, 13inondo, l\tlanihl. Benguet Gold Cave Mines, Inc., T hird Floor, Ylitivo Bldg., 246 Dasmal'iilas, Binondo. Benguet Gold Center Mining COIrlPUIlY, Kulaw Arcade, 443 San Vicente, 13inol1do, i\lanila. Benguet Gold Mines, Tnc., Tum;on Bldg., IZ Escoltu, Binondo. Benguet Goldfields l\;~.!ning Co.. 4th Floor, So· riuno Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Rinondo. Benguet l\'Iountnin Goldoy'Jines, I nc., Hoom B·3, Paterno Bldg., Santa Cruz Bridge, Santa Cruz, Manila. Benguet Pampanga Min'ing Syndicate, 308 Fernandez Building, 124 T. Pinpin. Benipayo, De los Heyes & An:;uldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Big Wedge Mining Company, Bachrach Bldg. , Port Area, i\lanila. Bonnnza l\Jincs, Inc., 309 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, 13inol1do. Bonifacio Mining Association, 180 David, Bi· nondo. Bontoc·Dlluglln Mines, Corner Dasmarilias and Juan Luna, Binondo. Bontoc Explorntion Co., Third reloor, Soriano Bldg., . Plnzo. Cervnntes, Binondu. Bontoc Federated Mines, 200-202 FerIHmde1. Bldg., 12·1 T. Piupin, llinondo, Mnniln. Bosoc Gold Mining COml)Uny, Fourth Floor, Room 405, Fernundez Bldg., t2<1 T. Pinpin, 13inoudo. Botolan Mineral Co., Trw., 335 C l'y~tal Arcnde, Escoltu, Binondo. Bued Mining Company, Tnc., 5·11 i\luelle del Bunco Nacionnl, 13inondo. Bued Valley I\'Jining COI'pornlion, 401-402 Burke Bldg., 125 E scolta, Binondo. Bulacun Mining Co., Inc., Rooms 224·226, Kneedler Bldg., Cor. Cnrriedo and Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Bumalayok Mining Explorntion Co., Inc., San Fernando, Pampanga. Buneg Mining Co., Inc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., Dasmarinas, Binondo. Cadig.Mambulno Mines, 200-202 Fcrnnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Rinondo, Manila. Cagayan de Oro, Inc., 16 Escolw, Rinondo, Manila. Camarines Centml Milling Co., Inc., 312 ilustos, Sta. Cruz, l\lnniln.



Camarines Consolidated Mines, Inc. , H.oorn 208, China Bank J31dg., Dasmarilias, Rinoudo. Candelaria Mineruls, 200-202 Fcrnnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Mnnilu. Capalongo.-Mamblilao i\lincs, Inc., 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 '1'. Pinpin, Binondo, Manila. Caramoan Mineral Fields, Inc., 502 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escoltu, Binondo. Cnstro Mining Venture, Room 402, Philnnbnnk Bldg., 90 Escoltn, Binondo. Central LU1.on Minerals, Inc., 315-317 Crystul Arcade, Esco1tu, Binondo. Central Parncale Mining Co., 226-227 Samanil10 Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. CervantCll Explol"Uton Co., Fourth Floor Soriano Dldg., Plu?u Cervantes, Binondo~ Chn;>mite Dcvelopmen~ Co., 443 San Vicente, Bwondo. Coco Grove, Inc., Firth Floo!', I nsular Life Bldg., Plnzll MOl'Uge Binondo. Colorado Gold Mines, People's Bank Bldg., Dasmarifras and David, Binoudo. Consolidated Mines, Inc., Derham Bldg., Port Area. Cooperative InvCl'tment SynJicutc, 310-312 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz.. Cooperative Milles, i ncorporated, 302 S. o. de Fernandez. Bldg., 51 E seolta, Binondo, Manila. Corrillera Explorution i\linillg Com pany Inc. , 61'5 Tcoclora Alon!iO, Stn. (;ruz. ' Corona i\hngunesc Mines, Inc., 200-202 Ferrmndez Bldg., 1201 T. Pinpin, Binondo, l\Innila. Cosmopolitan Lode, fll C., 3[9·321 CrystulArcude. Eseolta, Binondo, l\luniln. Dall'lI Mining Syndicate, 315 P erez 8umanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, BinonJo. Demonstrntion Gold i\Jilles, Ltd., 675 Dusmariflas, l3inondo. Divine Mining & Dredging Co., Inc., 401-4.02 Burke Bldg., 125 Escoltu, Binondo. Dulangan Mining Interest Co., Inc., Third Floor, Ysmuel Bldg., 101 Echague Stu. Cfll7., Manila. Dulong Mining Company, Room 21 8, Regina Bldg. , I~sco ltu, Binondo, i\fanifu. Dumn.yop Mines, Inc., Third 1"1001", YSlllacl Bldg., 101 r~c hllg\le, Stn. Cnl?. Enst AgUsnll Goldhelds, Inc., Thild Floor, Ysmacll3ldg., IOJ Echague, Stu. Cruz. East Surigao Gol<lf;eld.~, inc., Third Floor, )'smael Bldg., 101 l!:chngue, Stu. Cruz. EI TesOl'o Mines, 1nc., Room 220, Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. EIi1.abeth Anaconda Mining Syndicate, Cu Unjieng Building. Equitable Bxploration Co., Inc .. 315 Pere:: Snmanillo Bldg., 619 T~scolta, Binondo. E~pcrttnzn Goldfields, 200-202 Fernandez Bldg. 124 T. Pinpill, Binondo, i\lanlln. ' Far Enstern Copper i\'line~, Inc., 440 Estero Ce~ndo, Sta. Cruz. Fa!" Eastcrn Mining Operntions, Inc., 4IG Rizal A venue, St.n. Cruz. Federated Coppe.!" ~Jine.> 200-202 Fernandell Bldg., 1241. PIllPIII, Bmondo, l\lanilu. Federated Gold ?o.·line~, 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 12·1 '1'. Pinpin, Binondo, Manila.



Fedemtcd l\Iangalle5f> Mines, 20()..202 l~erll!\ nde7. Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin. Binondo, Mnniln. li'ilipinns Millin~ Coq)orn.ti(lII, Uoom 306, Rcginu Bldg., Eseoltn and DIH'iel, Binondo, Manila . Flomnnie l\>lining Co., 31G Kational City Dallk llIdg., Junn Luna, BinOlldo. Gllven-Intermltional Chromite Co., fne ., 440 Estero Ccgudo, St~. Cruz. Gny:lng Mining Compnny, Inc., 303-305 CO'-slal Arcnde, Escoltn., Binondo. Golconda. Mining Co., Inc., Hoom 207, Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmari iin..~, llinondo. Gold Creek Mining Corporation, Bn.chrnch Bldg., Port Area. l\Ianila. Gold Rock Mill ing Co., Kalal\" AI·c(\(le, 443 San Vicente, Dinondo. Cold 81m· Mining Company, Inc., 31·1 Carriedo. Sta. Cruz. Gold Wave l'h:pioration Co., 4th Floor, Sol"inno Bldg., Pln.zn Cervnntes, Binondo. Goldrll Enl:lc l\'(ining Co., 'Ith [;'loor, Soriano Bldg., Pbza. Ce.rvantes, Dinondo. Golden Gate Mininy; A !;~ocitltio n, Third Floor, Y~lllael Bldg., 101 Echngue, Stll. Cruz, Manila. GUlllaos Goldfields. Inc., Ree<md I?loor, S. J. Wilsoll Bldg., l ·i3 Juan Luna, Rinondo. Gllysi, B. W., Derham Bldg., Port Aren. Homcstake Gold Mines, I nc., 335-A AI·cncle, Escolta, Binon40· Ibn-Znn\bllios Chromite Milles, Tnc., 440 E~ ­ lefO Cegado, Sta. CfU7,. \ Hugllo Feder:lted Mines, 200-202 Fernnndez Bldg., 12·[ T. Pinpin, Bino~ldo, Manila. 11>0 Gold Mincr" Tnc .. 4th FloOr, Sorinno Bldg., Pln7.a Ccrvllntc;;:, Rinondo. 1togon de Oro Mining" Compan~·. I neorporat(><i, People's Bank Blrlg., D<!ovid ~mcl Dnsmarin:"!s, Binondo. Itogon Federated Mine.~, 200-202 .Fernnndez Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin, Binondo, l\1anilll. Hogon l\ lining Co., Finh Floor, Insular Life Bldg., PlazA. MOI·llga, Binondo. IXI.-Ar/!;os 8yndicnte, 4th Floo!", Soriano Bldg. PIHza Cervantes, Binondo. IXL l\lining Compnny, 4~h Floor, Bldg., PIIl?:1 Cer\'antc~ . Binoudo. Ka baY::lIl Central Mines, Inc., Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dnsmarinas, Binondo. J\alinj.:u Federated Mines, 200-202 Fernflnd('z Bld~., 124 T. Pinpin. I3inondo, Maniln. Kalinga-Puyao Goldfields Mining Co. , Inc., 310-312 Rizai Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Km. 73 Mining COml)any, Third Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binoudo. I.n Prudcncial. Inc., Third F loor, S. J. Wilson Dldg. , Juan Lunn, Binondo. Mother Lode Corporation, SamnniJIo Bldg., 619 Escoll1l, Binondo. Li~u nn Colli Minc~ , Inc., 315 Nntional Cit\" Dank Bldg., Juan Lunn, Binondo. Luellb Abril. Gold R U$h Co., Inc. , 29 and DII\'is Bldg., 110 Eehngue, Stu. Cru7,.

Luzon Consolidated Mines Co., Inc J Rooms 318.320, Kneedler Bld~., Cal', Carl'iedo nnd Rizal A venue, Stu. Cruz, Maniln. Tel. 2-43-08. Lu)\ol\ COpPf'1' ~'Iin(l.5, JnC OI'()OI'l llcd, 13'1 N uevl"

Binondo. r-,'[aknbibiluig Gold Mille COI'ponltioll, 203 Fernnndcz Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Malayan E;t.;plorntion and Promotion Compa ny, 310-312 CrY3tni Arcnde. Eseolta, Binoudl), Manila. . Malinno Gold Mine<.i, Inc., Room 208, Chinll il:lnk Bldg., DaSJlUlfll18s. Rinolldo, M:mil'L

l\Iambulao Central Mining Co., Inc., Yut iVQ Bldg., 426 Dasmarifias, Dinondo, Manila. l'I'Inmbulno Fcdemtcd Mille«. 200-202 Fcrnandc~ Bldg., 124 1'. Pin pin, Binondo, l\1f1niin. l\'inmbulno Gold Minillp: Company, Room 400. Fcrnnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binoncio,

Mumbulno-Pul'ncnle Mincs, Tne., Ruite 400-A, Philnabam. Bldg., 90 F..scolta, Binondo, M~nila.

i\ lamhulao Tayanas Mines, Inc., 200-202 Fer· Iltlndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Maniln. l\Iandnymoll .Minim!; Explorat ion Co., Rlmto..:: Bld'.(., 105 Plaz.."1 Sta. Cruz, Sl~l. Cruz. l\Innilu Gold Mining Ass'n., 305 Crystnl Arcnde, Eseolta, Rinondo. Mnnlelung Minin!!; Associntion, Second Floor, YSlllllcl B!d~., Fch:\gue, Stu. Crllz. IHnnukatok Mining Company. InO.,3 1'1 Pudilla Rldg., 428 Rizal A,'e., Stll. Cru7,. Goldfield"" Inc., &.'Cond Floor, S. J. Wilson B <1g., 143 Juan Lynn, Binondo. l\-lasbut.c Con!ol idatcd Mining Company, Fourth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Phlza CCrvantes. Dinondo. i\lnsbate Goldfields, Inc., Ground F loor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Morllga, Billondo. l\'IlIyon Mining Corp. 31G N:\tiollul Cil y Bank Bld~., J unn LUIlII, Binondo. Mindanao HamanlRli Mines, Inc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dnsmarinas, Binondo, Manila. i\Iindllnao NIin in~ Cornp:any, Fifth Floor, fnsular Li re Bldg .. PI!1Z11 Morugn., Uinondo. Mindoro 'i'ru!';t, 3('2 Philnahanl.: B[dg., 9(' Escolta. Rinondo. Mine Opel·ations, Inc., Fifth F loor , Filipinas Bldg., 21 P laza, Binondo. i\finl'r:l1 Exploration and Dcvelopment Co., Fourth Floor, Soria no Bldg., Plaza Cen<, Binondo. l\-linernl Rcsourcl's, Inc., Second F loor, ~65 San Vicente, Binondo. j\'I inillg Promotions, Brokefllgt- &; Enp:inecring Comp1my, 312 Bustos, SIn. Cruz, Mnnils. Mit-sui l\'I ining Co., Ll.d., Second FlOor, :--;rntiollill City Dnnk Dldg., l\1aniln. P. J. l\!onlczuma Consolidated Mining Co., ·It h Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnzn Cervllnl-cs, Binondo. Mother lode Mining Go., In c., Suite -IOO--A, Philnabnnk Bldg. , 90 Escoltll, Binondo, Manila.

PHiL1PP1NES Mountain Gold Field», Trw., 3rd Floor, Sori!lllO Bldg., Plnzll Cervantes, Binondo. Mountain Mines, Jnc., Al'ias Building. Ka lusbitan l\lil1e~. In$uinr l Arc Bldg., P]UZ:l J\1ornga, Binondo. ;..ontiolllll Mining ComplIny, GI5 Tcodonl Alotl$o.

Sta. Cruz.

:\lew PaTaca!c Mines, Inr. Room 208 ell t'lljienp; B1d/,::., 1'. Pinpin. Cor. F.s('olta 'Uinondo. )'!orth. East Mind~lllno Mining Co.rpo;~tion, 211 Regma Bldg. , Escolta and DavId, Blllondo . .North Mindnllno Minlllg Comp:Hw. fnc .. ·143 Sfm Vice nte, Binondo. . l\"orthcrn Agusun i\'lIning: Oc"c\opmf'ut Co., Inc., Suite No. 329, C.'ystu! Arend(" E~coltl\, Rinando, i\-fanih. No~tl\{'rll F.quita~lc Gold Min c_~J Third FlOOl', • 'h,l1UIcl Uldg., T~hnP:\lc. Stu. Cruz. Northern llocos l\'fininp: F)(pJol'ation. Inc., ,il Escol1:l, S. O. de I~('''!lnndcz Bid!!;., Dinondo. Nort.hern Mining und D llV()lopmellt Co., Inc., Manila Office: lwoms 40f>-40S, Burke Bldg., 125 E~coltll, Jlinondo, l\Innila. Ophir Gold Miniug Co., Comel' .Juan J.unll, ami DIl..<; mnrilius,\ Binondo. Origasu Mining A!I1loci3tion, -I2S ~umllnillo Bldg. , 619 E~colta J3inondo. Pllinuig Chromite & COlUlCl' Mine". Inc .. Second FIO?r, Yutivo OJdg., -I2&., Dlismariflus. Binondo. Pnlnlllg-7.fllnblilell UhrOlllll(' l\Iinc", Inc., HO Estcro Ce~:ldt), Sta. Cruz. Pnlidan-8uyoe Decp Level Tunnel COIllP:UI,\', Fifl h Floor, /nSl\llIr urc n Ig .. P[II7.3 MOI~lglI, Binondo. PnnngnUL Suyoe Mining Co., 1'hil'd Floor, i..('yhll Bldg., 22; Duvid, Binondo. Pamenle AI>eX Mining Co., Trw. , Tlmd Floor, S. J. Wilson B[d~., JUlin Luna, Binondo. PIlTaenie Consolidiltcd Venture, Third Floor S. ,/. Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Parac31e-Dup;uit Gold :-"line~, Inc.. 4-13 San Vicente, Binondo. Pllraenle F ederntcd Mines. 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin 13inondo, Muniln, ParnClilc Gold i\'i ining Co., Inc., F('rnundez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Pnracale Gumllu,; COll.~olidllt('(1 Mining Cornpuny, 3rd FloOI', Am. Ch11mbcr of'Comlllel'ce Bldg., 180 DIIVid, Binondo. Pal'acaie Mining Development Co., Inc., Third Floor, People's Bank Bldg., David, Cornel' Dasmariflas, BinOlJdo. Pal"lIcllk'-o'5ul"i!;,1U Gllldnel(LS J IIC., Third Floor, YSffiac! mill! .. 101 Edl!lg"lIc, S·u. Cruz. Paracale.Tigbi Mining Co., Inc., Room 407, Fcrnandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Manila. Pnracale Ullioll Cold l\'1ine:" Inc .. 401 ell Vnjieng Bldg. , T. Pinpin BinOllrio. Payas Manganese Mining Company, Inc., 445 San Vicente, Binondo, Manila. Philippine AmulgIHIl!ltt'(\ Mill" !)' Inc., 303-305 CrystJlI Arcadc, E~olt'\. Uinondo. Philippine Iron l\linr~, InCQrporntl'd, 51 1 Chaco J31d~ ., Phl7.1\ Cer\'nn\('~, ijinond ... Philippine Manganese Mincs, 323 CI'ystal Arcade. Philippine Mineral Trading Co .. Manila.


Philippine Mining Corporation, Room ..J()'I, 8umanillo Bldg., (jl!) Escoltn, Binondo. Philippine-Nippon Mining Co'). Inc., Cu Unji('ng md~., T. Pinpin, L"orner Esco\t:\, Binondo, Manila. Phiiippin... Sm('lting ('ompan~, Fifth Floor, In~ lIll\r Lifc nJdg., P1n7,'1 Mornp;a, Dinondo. Provident Minerllls, 2O()"202 Fernandez Bldg .. 124 T. Pinpill, llillontio, Maniln. Prudential Mining Comp,\Tw, fIl C., 3rd Floor ::l. J. Wil ~on Bldg., Juun ·I.unll, Billondo. ' Pugo Mining Compa ny, Inc .. 221 Reginn Bldg., David, ('01'. E-"eoltu, Dinondo. Putinn:IY Mines A;:"oocintion, 203 F('l"nandez Bldg., 12·1 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Qunrtz Hill Mining ('oml)Uny, Thil'd Floor, People's Bunk Dldl,:., D:lsmnriims and D:lvid, Binondo . R!ldi Gold find Coppcr Mincs Compuny, -122 naOll, St;). Cnlz. Roy [nvestments & Securities Corporation, Thir'd Floor, Y smael Bldg" 101 Ecnague, Stil. Cruz. Hoyal Pnrncnl(' Min e~, fn ('., S. J. Wilson Bldg., 139-143 JU:ln Lunn, BinQnclo. Ra,l!;allll MininJ!; As,!iOcilltion, Arguelles Bldg., 519 Ri zn l Avenue, Rta. CI·UZ. S,\lncot Mininp, CO~P:IriY, 31'd Floor, People's Blink llId~., DaVId, CfI!"IIN Da>:'ffiOrilins, Binondo, ;\lllnik S:Ilt:m-I(nlingn Consolidated Gold l\Iining ,-\s. sb(·intion. Room 330, ('n·>:,t:11 Arcllde, ":~l'olta Binondo. . Sarnu~' Gold M in ... ~, IIlC., -1-10 r.~tero Ccgodo. $1:1. ('1'\11..

San Agustin l\lincs, Inc., 226·227 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. San Antonio Pal'acale Gold Mines, inc., 420 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, i'l'lanila. Sun ,/lleinto Mining Corporation, Stllt(: B!dg .. ;')0·' Riz:l1 A\'cnul', Stu. Cruz, i\/aniln . S,m Mauricio Luklukan MiniU!~ Co., Inc., Third Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldl!;., Juan Luna, Dinondo. Sun Mnuricio Minim; Co., Firth Fioor, lll,su!tu' tire Bldu;., Pluzn l\lol":l~n, Binondo. San R'.l£lIcl Gold i\lining t\:,;soe:ntion, 222-22-1 Kn ccclier Bldg., COl". CarriedIJ und Ri?:11 .o\v('r\\l(', Stu. CI'lI~. S:m R..'lfl\(,1 Mamhulao i\lininp; Co., Inc., .')02 SUIl1llllillo Bldg., (jJ!) ESCOitll , Hinrmdo. San 8cbllstillrl Minin!!: Co., Inc., Kalall ,.\ rcnde, 443 &tn Vicenle, Binondo. Santa r.lonica Gold Mines, 226·227 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. Snntn RoM l\linint:" CVII'puny, Inc., 9 P:,\za l\'lorllgn, Binondo. Sflntllrnnl"iu lrWI'>:'trllcnt Comptmy. F r.H ICiFCO, Room ,10':;, Arius Bldl!; .. Cllrriedo, Stu. Cruz. Security Mining Associntion, 206 Cn'stul Arcnde Escott-'l, Binondo. • , Scll'ction Mining S\'lulicllte. fri(' _, -106 Philnuhunk Btd~ ., 90 E~eoltn, Dinonrlo. Sicrr!! i\ofadrc Gold illinillt:" A~;:oeitai ::n , 120 ('ry~wl ,'rcnde. E ...... nll.n. BinOlldo. Sillio Gold Mining Syndic~ I (', 3lG K n<'Cdle1' "Clrlg., Cor. Cun';edo nnd R iz:-Ii A\'cnuc, Sta. ruz. South B(l.r~gu('t Hogon Gold l\!ininl:t S~'ndiclltc, Room 33 C ...\'stlll Arendc, beolta. Binondo

I ?J



Southr>rIl Cross Mining Co., Derham Bldg., Por~ Area. Southern Iron i\'Iim~5, 200-202 Fernandc1. Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binando, Manila, Southern IHllngunese Mines, 200·202 Fernundez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Rinoudo Manila. Southern Minerals, 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binoudo, Manila. Southern Pumonle Milling Co., Inc., Suite <lOO-A,

Philnubnnk Bldg., 00 Es(!o!t,'1, Binondo. Southem 73 Gold Hills, Inc., Fourth ]~loor, Leyba D!dQ., 227 D avid, llinondo. St. Expectito Mining Co., Inc., Regina Building. Stu. Catalina Gold Mincs. 502 Estero Cegado,

Stn. Crut.

Sto. Nil10 Mining Company, [ne. , 502 Snmanillo Hldg" (j19 Escoltn, Rinondo. Surigflo Iron Minos, Inc., Third Floor, Ysmnel Bldg., WI Echague, Stn. Cru7,. SUl'igao Tngnnllll Mining C01'pOl'fltion, 315-317 Cl'ystnl Arendc, Eseoltn, Binolldo. Suyo-Mnrapudo Mining Explol'ntioll, Inc., Room '108, Arius Bld}!;., Carriedo, Sta. Cru7,. Suyoc-Biluko l\lllning Company, Jnc., Suites 212-21-1, Ysmael & Sons Bldg., 101 Echaguc, Stll. ('ruz. Suyoc Consolidated .Minin!!: Co., Fifth Floor, lnsulllr Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Suyoc-]{ayan Gold Mining Co., Inc., 322 Crystal Arcade, Eseoltn, Binondo. Suyoe-]{uln Mines, Inc., Suites 406-40G-A, Philnabank Bldg., 9U ESOfIt..'l., Billondo. Suyoe Slide Syndicate, Thir(l Floor, S. J. Wilson B1d~., .Juan Luna, Binondb. Tighi Explorntion Co., S. J. Wilson Bldg., 139143 Juan Lunfl, Binondo. Tiyll~a Mining Company, Inc., 303-305 Crystal Arende, Escoit.'1, Binondo. Toledo Gold Mines Association, 203 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Trensure Mines, 200-202 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Mnnilll. Tuban Minin~ Compnny, Room 702, lnsulnr Life Bldg., Plnza l\forngn, Binondo. Ukub jI,'Iining 00., 174 Juan Luna, Binondo. United Balitoe Mines, Inc., Room 11, Third Floor, Amh.ldo Bldg., 250 David, Biuondo. Uniled Mindanao Milling Assoeintion, Third, Floor, S. J. Wilsoll Bldg., JUlln LUllo., Binondo. United l\1indo.uo.o Mining & Development Co., Third Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. United Mind:lIlao Ventur:>, Third Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., Juan LUIlll, Binonrlo. Uniled Mining Promotion!... JI'~, ~.oom 322. Crystnl Arende, Eseolta, llinondo. United Paracalc Mining Co., Fifth Floor, I nsulr Life Bldg., Plnza Mornga, Binondo. Universnl Ex}?lorntion nnd Mining Co., Leyba Bldg, 227 DaVid, Binonclo, Manila. Valencin Mining Investments Co., 87 Escolh, Binondo. Vi me Exploration Co., 4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Pln1.a OJrvantes. Binondn. West Bontoe Gold Mines, 200-202 Fernandez I3ldg., 124 T. Pinpin. Binondo, Mnniln. Zambal<$ Chromite Mining Co., S. J. Wilson BJd(l;., 139-143 Juan Luna, Binondo.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL Zumbnles Minerals, 200-202 Fernnndez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Mnnilll. Zambnlc£-Snn Juan Cnromitc Co., AnMldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Zamblll(l~-Sunta Fe Chromite Co., AILSfIldo Bldg., 2.30 DaVid, Binondo Zi(l;-~ag Gold Mining Co., Inc., -156 Dasmnrifills, Binondo. · M JNING CONSULTA NT S Alvil' & Co., Inc., Thil'd Flool', Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Fedprntcd l\Iunugclll.('nt. and Investment. Svndiente, Suit-e -108, Philllubnnk Bldg., 00 EseoJt1l., Binondo. · ~ II N [NG ENG INEERS Alvir & Co., Inc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426, Binondo. Montero, Luis B., Room 313, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pin pin, Comer Escolu\, Rinondo. M INI NG MANAGEMENT Alvil' & Co., Inc., Third Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 Dasma l'ifias, Binondo. Agencies, Inc., 6th Floor, S. J. Wilson Building. Mine Factors, Inc., 201-4 National City Bank Building. Southern Investl!lcnt & Management Corporation. Union Management Co., 9 Moraga. Wendt & Co., Ltd ., H. A., 118 T. Pinpin. ·M INING P ROMOTIONS Aquino & Murphy. 406-406-A. P hilnab!lnk Bldg., 00 Eseoll.a. Binondo. Benreg Promotions Compnn,', 3rd Floor, Lopez Bldg., 714 Riilal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. B'scuetn, A. L.~ 507 Philippine Nntional Bank Bldg., 90 Eseolta, Binondo. Manila Mining Enwrpriscs.J.. Inc., Slate Bldg. , 50-1 Rizlll Avenue, Stn. uruz. Precilln and Company, 306-310 Kneedler Bldg. Onrriroo, Stn. Cruz, Maniln. -MINING P ROS P ECTORS Rosario, L. del, 723 Riznl Avenue, Sta. Cruz. · MINING STOC KS AND PROMOTIONS Ambrosio & Co., D. B., 315-317 Crysu\l Arcnde Eseolla, Binondo. Bosque, Juan Garcia, 228 Crystal Arcade, Es· ('oltn, Muniln. Botelho, lne., Second Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Castro & Co., Jose, 402-404 Pbilnabank Building. JaramiUo, Vnldcz & Co., Suite J08, Fern.'lndez Bldg., 12-1 T. Pinpin1...Binondo. Lcgnrdn, Viconte L., ltoom 20 1, Brius Roxa:! Bldg., 75 E~oltll.., Binondo. l\fnl1alnc Flores Investment Compnny, l 'hjrd Floor, 'Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo:. Medina, J. V., Sixth Floor, Cu l..!nJleng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Corner Eseolla, Bmondo, Mani la. Timoteo Cel'teza, 208 China Bank Building. VnlClIcin Milling Investments Co., 87 E.."-COIw., Billondo, Manila.

PHILIPPINES l\URROR DEA LERS Chua Loong, 300 l'\u('vu, Binondo. Chua l...eol1~ & Co., 305 Gandara, Rinondo. Chun Siog Junt Mirror Factory, 325-327 NuevA, Binondo. Chua Yap (philippine l\'firror Factory), 7 16718 Rizul Avr" 8t3. Crnl'. Branch Store: 421 425 8.'Into Cristo. &'11 Kicolns. Co Chi Tong, 4~8 Sto. Cristo, San Nicol~.

Hap Leong and Co., 362-364 8to. Cristo, San Kicolns.

Kim J.eng, 136 Villatobos, Quinl)(). King Hillp Ring l\Cirror Factory, 403-105 Snltl.znr, Binondo. La Ciudud de Tokio, 343 R Hidalgo, Quinpo. Lnterin Lim, 1624 H errnn, Paca. Lim Hiup Qui, 743 DUrt, Plica. New Nanking, 4iG Santo Cristo, Siln Nicolas. Oriental Glass P lIluce, 433-435 Sto. Cristo, SUIl N icolns. MrRROR MANUFACTURERS Chua Lcoll~ & CQ., 305 Gumlnrn, Binnndo. Chun Sing Junt Mirror F:lclory , 325-327 NUCV3, Rinolldo. Chun Yllp (Pnilippin~ Mirror Fnctory), 716-718 Rizal A v~ .. Stn . Cruz,. Brllnch Storl": 421425 Sto. Cristo. &.n Nicolas. King Hiap Ring Mirror Factory, 403405 SalaMr, Binondo. Veriinden,M., Capitol Bldg., 3 1 Escoltll, Binondo. *MOTION PICTURES EQUIPMENT Wcstcrn Electric Comi>~ny of Agin, Rooms 611-612, eu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor Eseoltn, B inoudo, *MOTION PICTURES PRODUCTION Filippine Filrns, 101"., 179 Inverness, Sin. An3 *MOTOR BOATS Bachrach Mot.or Co., I nc., 25th Area.



MOVING PICTUlU~S Mnbuhay Pir.turc Co., (Rcx The3trc), Ongpin, Binondo.


*MULTIGRAPHING RIBnO N WORK, IMITATION TYPEWRITI NG Manila Letter Shop, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escoltn, Binondo. P lant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. -MUSIC TEACHERS ($ce Teuchers, Music) MUSICAL I NSTRUMENT DEALERS Beck's 89-91 EscoJtn, Binondo. El Sol Mayor, 546 Riznl Avc., Sla. Cruz. FlLjurdo Music Serv iee, 412 Ronquillo, Sin. Cruz. Ide!ll Music Stor~ Co., fnc., 238 Csmiroo, Stn. Cruz. I1ava Music Store Co., Inc., 600 R izal Ave., Sin. Cru7. La Armonia, 689 Yluva, Tondo. Branch: 14-16 P lnza Stn. Crnz, Stn. Cruz. LlI Concha Music Store, 751 Ongpin, Stu. Cruz.



Ln Lirn, 303-309 Cnrri('do, Sta. Cruz. Lit Luna Mm:ic Storc, 4 11 Qngpin, Bi nondo. Lyric Music H ouse, Inc., 633 EscoJta, Binondo, Manila. Oliv('r SUCCC:;l!ors Co., Jo~c, 317 Carrictio, Stu. Cruz. Philippine Music Store, Tnc., Tllc, 241 Carriroo, 8ta. Cruz. "Popular Music Store," 8 14 Ongpin, Sla. Cruz. Puvut Music Flow'c, 628 Ril';al Ave., Stn. Cru?;. Branch Oflice: 219-227 Solann, fntmmuros. Quinson, C. & Co., lnc., 338 Riton, St.n. Cruz. Romonuch & Co., IIIC., A.. 232 Cnrriroo. SIn. Cruz. 'l'rovatorc Music Storc, The, 8-17 Ongpin, 8ta. Cruz. Vic('ntc, DOI'OtCO, 262 l\1orir)tles, Tondo. MUSICAL ] NSTRU ~'I ENT REPAIRERS Romanaeh &; Co., I nc., A., 232 Cnl'l'iedo, Sta . Cruz. Zomera's Orehestro. o.nd St.ring Band, 353 San i\'lal"cciino, Ennit!l. l\IUTUAL BENEFIT CORPORATIONS Nlllionnl .Mutuo.l Sceuril.", Inc., 2H-A I{needler Bldg., Cnrriroo, Stu. en!7.. OriCllt Protective Assllr:lnce 1\ 5.,,'n. 200 Fcrrurndcz BId!!:., 124 T. Pinpin, Binoncio. PeonIes l\futunl Aid A<S.'<Ot:iation. Inc., Room 4iu, Arin~ llldg., Cnrriroo, SIll.. Cruz. Phil ippine Mutual Bcnefit Association, Inr., ~om 2, L!lck &; Da vis Bldg., 110 Echugue, Sta. Cruz. Universal Rcliei A s~('cintion, rnc., Suite 42, Santos Bldg., 105 Plr,la Sin. Crul, Stu. Cruz.

N NATI VE PRODUCTS Ol-: ALERS Alonnlon, Fabi:m, 1028 Adegui, Quiapo. "Bo.nahaw", 326-330 COl"riedo, Sla. Cruz. Furmcrs' Produce lind Commercial Co., 23路) Chicn, Sta. Cruz. FukuyamlL &; Co., Inc., 820 Folguerlls, Tondo. Go CnngdiCl. 839 Dngupnl1 , Tondo. Conzulez. J., 322 Misc!'ieordia, Stn. Cruz. Hull' E. Heng, 1101 San Fcrllnndo, Binoudo. Kinu Hing Co., Jnc., Head Office: Borongnn, Samur. Mo.nila. Office: 231 Soler, Binondo. IJU Tay &; Co., 6路14-050 .Juun Luna, Binondo. Mere('lo, S. (Ang Kapalaran), 272 GraL L una, l\'lnlabon , Rizu1. Ong Lun Cui Co., i09 Junn Luna, Tondo. Paw Pia Chi, 313 Sto. Cristo, San Kico lns. Peh G!lll Chck, 540 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Poon Kn & Co., 4'17 Nueva, Binondo. Reyes &; Co., Florcneio, 42'1 Azenrrngn, San Nicolas. Siy Cong Bieng &; Co., Inc., 129 Juan Luna, Binondo. Sy Sinck, 629 Azcnrrnga, Tondo. Sy So Chen, 64.'1 Ylayn, ~nn Nieolns. Tropical P roducts Company, Purczn, Sampaloc. Walker, H crbert, Purezn, Sampaloe. Wntson &; WnLson, 732 Znentero.<l, Stn. Cruz. Werder & Co., Ltd., 6 Ingrcso, Billondo. Yapnnyon, Antonia, 308 Mad rid, Snn Nicobs.




NATIVE TEXTILE DEALERS (See also Dry Good~) Angeles. Eustacia S., YBllgeo Market, Tobom, San Nicolns. Bngula llnd Mountain Tribal Xovcltics, 319 M. H . del Pillu', l<~lmiu!'. Dnguio Store, 335 M Ii del Pilnr. Ermita. Cacho. M., 233 Grnl. Lun8, TntrlllnUI'Ol;. CrW';, Feli~n '1'., 326 A. Mnbini. F.I'mit:t. C rUl':, Lu?itu, P n.qillo-H, YangeQ !Hnrkct, 1'nbora, Snn NIcolas, Domjn~uc)\, Cecilia dc, Tabora, Pasillo-E, SlIn Xicolns. Go Quiolny, Jose. 101 - 111 Yangro Mnrkct, Taborn, Snn Nicoltls. Go Quiolny. P. F. dc, 212 Rosurio, 13inondo. LA. Silmpnguila, 305 i\'Iiscri cordia, $tu. Cruz. Lno, Marcela, 2! [ Cn l'vlljnl, Dinondo. i\1llniJn Remnant Co., Tne., The, 4;;1--153 Juan Luna, Mnnila. Oug Ti Bu Sons. 127 N ueva, B inondo. T e Go Tong, Ylltl/!:ca j\'Iarket, T aborn, San Nicolas. l:ylnngco, NaUvi ad, 210 Carvajal, Ri nondo . NECTIE S MANU FACTURER

Be(,: Hua & Co., 42!) l\;,ucva, Rinondo. Castro , Cristobal NJ. <l.e, 335 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Castro, T. C., 345 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. "The SUII Cap Factory" 1210 A1.cS!.i'faga , Binondo . l\lanila, P. J. "N EON LIGHTS

Art Xeon Signs. !J.i3 Raon, Quiapo. Cross Neon LiA:ht,:, (llO Dart, Paco. I\1"aut, 1\'1., 9..\3 Ruon, Quinpo. Manila Neon Lights, 309-313 Phl7.a "lir:l.Ildn, QUiapo. Pacor 1\"'eoll I~a(:tory, Ayala Bridge, El'nlita. P hilippinc Adverti ... ing Corporation, Pal'CU:II Casa l, Snn MiJ!;ucl. Philippine Neon Lights Co., 1089 R. H idalgo, Quiapo. NEWSPAPERS




Agrieult ul"IIl & Jndustrilll lo.'Jonthly, 71;3-721 Calero. Sta. C ruz. Manila. "Agl'ieultuJ"al Life" Magazine, 1\lonthly, 12 Escolta, Rinondo, M3nib. Americnn Chnrllbel' of Commerce J oumal, Enp:lish l\ lonthly, 180 David, Binondo. Amer.icun Old timer, English :'IJonthly, 226 CIIICIl., Sta. Cruz. Amigo del Pueblo. Spa nish-nocano-T agalog: Montilly, 191G Oroquieta, 5ta. Cruz. Ang f.~ilil)inas, T agalog lo. lonth1y, P. O. Box 230, Manila. • Ang SlIlo ng I\ristiuno, Tngalog-Eugli;,h:'llonthly, P. O. Box 1-111, l\laniln. Ang Tanglu\\', 'J'agulog Monthly, P. O. Box 813, Mnllila. Assoeiatcd Press, Bulletin Bldg., and T. V. T. Bldg., 8tll. Crm;. Bag.llio 1I0eos Press, English-llocano 1", P. O. Box 2'18 1, i\ln nila.

Baguio-Pnrtl.cale H erald, A Fort ni ~h tl y Tnbloid ::'\'cwspaper, 52(l Florentino 1orres, Sallta e mz. Bnnnawag, 715-721 Culero, St.u. emz, l\lanilu. " Bayani" (Formerly Rizal Dny Rc\'iew), SemiAnnual Publication in English, Spanish & Tagalog, -131 F lorent.ino Torres, Stu. Cruz. Bi col Bulletin, The, Suite 308, Fcrnandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinl)in, Binondo, Manila. Bisayn, Visayan Weekly, 715-721 Calero, S I ll.. Cruz, Manilu. Boletin de la Cl1mnrtl de Comercio E"I)lllioln de Filipinns, Spanish Monthly, Cnsu de Espnfill, Taft., Avc, E rmitn. Bolctin Ec1esifL~tica l de Filipina~ , Spanish Mont.hly, P. O. Box 1-17, Manila. Bulletin of Sun Juan de Dios HO~ I)i t.n. l, The, l~ng1ish -Spnnis h -1'agulog, Bvery Two l\'IQnLhs, 2 1·1 Rent. Tntl·nmUrOq. Bullet in" Manila Dai ly, AmCI'!('fln Daily, COl'. Raon ::md Evangelista, Quiapo. Cablctow, '1'he, Englil; h alld Spanish Mont.hly, Pluridel Temple, 520 San Marcelino, Ermitn. Catandul(nnllon, P.ngHsh, nicol, Twice 1I )"I ooth, P. O. Box 36, f\·Iani la. Catimuwan, Pamp!Ulgo Fortnightly,300 Legarda, Snmpaloc. ChiCilgo Daily News, 180 D avid, Binondo. Chinese Commercial Xew!O, Chinese Dail.... , 2 , Soler (I\:eal' ..hcarrtl.J,":n Brid(tc). Tf"ldo. Civ il Service Examiner (Joul'nal), The, Magazine (Monthly, 523 E('hague, Quiapo. Columbian, The, Monthly, H T . Pinpin, !ilIiondo. Commerce, The (EI Comercio) D:lily, 1\:0011, Filipino K'cw,;paper in English, 65 Juan Lunn , Binondo. Commcrce :lnd r-ndustrl' J ournal, I~ ngli sh Monthly, c/ o BurCflu 0 Commerce. Commollll'(lll l, The Philil)pincs, Weckly Magazine, St. Rittl 's H a ll, Tltf~ Avcnue, Ermitn. Commonwclllth Fortni"htly, 300 Cu L'njieng O1dg., lLscolta a nd T. Piupin , Binondo. Cultu ral SOcilll, Spanish Mon~hly, P. O. Box 15'1, Ma ni]n . Dnngadnng (Fomedy La Lueha ), 81)llni8hn ocano, P. O. Box !)!'I6, Mnnila. Dinrio de Se.<>siones de la Legislatura fo'i lipinn, English-Spanitlh Duil,)', c/ o t cgi:;]uti ve Bldg. Diocesan Chronicle, ]~ nglis h Monthly, 5.')5 Isaac Peral, Ermitn. Eeos, Engli»h-Spanish ;\Jonthly, E. i\lelldinlu. Snn Migue!. BJ Debate, Morning Daily in Spa.nish, 61 Muralla, Intramuros, Manila. Exc('l~io r, SI)anish Monthly, 32 S::1. Poteneiann, Intr:)II1Uro.'l. Fur Eusl.crn FreemR.:;On. Eng1i~h :'Ilonthly, Philippine Kotionu] Bunk Bldg., 90 E.colt:l, Binondo. Filipinas, WCl1kly, P. O. Box :l39, l\1:1niI3. f'ilipino N u/"SC, The, Engli ... h Qunrterly, Philip." pine Generlll Ho~pit1l1. Fookien Timcs, The, Chi n c~ Afl.comoon Da ily, 197 Juon I"unn, Uinondo.


PH TLIPPINES F oto News, Suit<> 329, Nationnl City Balik Bldg., Jusn Luna, Binondo. Free P ress (Philippine!», English Rnd Spnnish

W("ok!y, tree P rcss Bldg., 684-686 R iull Av enue, 81,n . Crlll,.

Gnston-Roccs Publishing Company, Inc., 928 R. Hidal go, Quiapo. COVCl'nrllcnt ,r::.mp1o)'ee.. T h~, E!!,glish-Spnnish l\Ionth ly, 8_0 Oroqrneta, Stn. \..irur.. Graphic, English Weekly, 71 5-721 Culero, ~tn. Cruz, M,miln, Grecn and White, Eng1i:!h QURI'terly, 01' In. Salle College. Guidon. T he, English Fortnightly, P. O. Box 154, i\l:miln. Hiligurnan, lIonga Vi~aY:1I1 Weck1r . 71 5-721 Cn lero, Stu. Cruz, :M aniln. Hiwagn, T agalog Weekl y, 715-721 Cnhm), St!~. Cruz, Manila . Rojas de Catccisrno, Spanish Weekly, P . O· Box [H, Manila. Home, English M Oflthly, 358 ClImarin£'$, StlL. Cruz. I1ocos Time~, no('uno-En)!lish...sPllni~h Biweekly, .'i1G-A Tayuman. Sw. CrUz. Mllnilll. Tndustrial lind Machinery Journal, 671 Dasma+ riJ1M, Binondo. Tnterll ntional.lournal of Lc prosy, English :M onth · lv, P. O. Box 606, Mani l ~. Japan Tnformation Bur<":au, Sli I Lcpunto, SUI\1+ plLloc. \ .Toul"nnl of the Philippine Island!j; ~kJicll l As~o+ ('intion, Enp;lis h Monthly , 54q Ffc l"l"Iln, hl'mita. JUl"isPI'udcnoe, Tliweekly M :lg!lzine, ·122 Rnon lind Trinidnd, Rta . Cruz. Khaki & Red, English Monthl~' , P hilippine Arm\·. T(ong Li Po, The, Chinese Duily, 4:JO Salazar. Binonrlo. La ODinion, Dili]y, Noo n, F ilipino Newsparcl" in Rpnnish, G"i J urm Luna, Binondo, l\lalllln, La Vaneual'din, Afternoo!"! Dail y in Spa nish, T-V-T Bid!!., Florentino Tones, Sta. Cruz. taM llite, Th(', English Fortnightly, I n Snllc College. Lnwvers Lengue .loU! nnl, EnlZhsh~"panlsh Monthly, 1181 PennsylvllnLlI, Jl.f.llllte Lctrnn News, 'fhe, English ....'5punish Monthb', P . O. Box 146, Manila. Literary Song Movie Magazine, 13·' Solana, Intramuros. LiI\llyway, TaWilo)! Weekly, 715·721 Calero, Sw. Cru?, Manila. Mnbuha\', Morning Dail y in T agalog, 61 Calle JI."Iul·alla, Intl'amuros, Manila. Manila Cily Directory, English Annuai!y, 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Manila Daily Bulletin, Ame ri can Daily, Cornel' Raon and Evangelista, Quiapo. Munila Maritime Messenge r, Fortnightly Maritima Publication, 401 Sales, Stu. Cruz. Manifa Nie hi-Nichi Shimbuu, Japanase New.sp:lpcr, Daily, 841 Lepanto, Sampnloe.


Mining & E:':ehange Review, English Monthly, Fourth Floor, Yutivo Bldg., 426 DnsmariilJls" Binondo, ;\f·\I1iI1l. Mo nda y :\Iail, The, English Weekly, 61 Calle l\[unilla, int ramul"os, Manila. i\'u!iona l I~co no mi e Secu ri t.y JO\ll"lla l, l~d ito["ial: A.m;lIldo Bldg., 250 David , Binondo. Circulation Dep~.: ·122-428 Barnbnn~, Sta. Cruz. I\lltional Revie\\ Co., Inc., 'l'he, En!!:li~h-Spanish Weekly, -136 Rizal Avcnue, Sin . Cruz. Xatio n'!; Health Journal , 200 Ferm\ndez Bldg., 12·' T . Pinpin, Binondo, Manila. New Chinn Hemld, 568 Miscri cordi:l, St(l. Cru7.. Officinl GU7.ctte-GaCl'ta Oficial, Em;lish nnd Spanish, T hrice a " reek, Bureau or P rinting. Orient Di/{e~t, 200 Fernandez Bldft., 12·' T. Pinpin, Binondo. :'<{an ila. Pnnommn, Monthly Magazine, -105 Padre lcaum, Et·mita. Philippine Colleginn, The, English Weeki), Univel"sity of the Philip pin('s Philippine Bvangelist, Eng-lis h Monthly, P. O. Bo:.: 1·11 ·', i\Ianila. Philipnill(' industrial Review, Th£', Q.S.T. Bldg., -133 Dnsmariila", Binondo. Philippine IntercoJleJ!i3te P reF, Engli ~n PortIIIgh!!y, P. O. Box 135, :'<faniJa. Philippine Journal of Agriculture, e. o Bureau of Plant lndu~try , l\laniia. P hilippine ,Journal of Commerce, l~n(Clis h l\IonLhly, J3\L1"('a\1 of Commerce, l\'iuniJu. P hilipj>ine Journal of Education, Engli~h ~ ronth­ lv, <III Ark.'1Ill"IIS, Ermit~ . Phil ippine ,/oul"m,l of Science, The, English Monthly, Bureau of Science, 727 He lTan, EnnitH . Philil>pinc Lall' .TournaI. The, English Monthl.\' Co\1('/{c of r 1\11', U. P. Phil ippine ;'! [ag-a zine, En{!Ji sh Jl.lonthly, Fourth FloOl', Uy Ye t Bldg., 217 Dnsma+ riims, Binondo. Philippine Mining Eonan?:! , English l\fonthly, 33'1 Misericordia, Sta. CrU7-. Ph ili ppine ;\Iining News, 110 E>coita , Binondo. P hilip pine !\ fissionnry, English Bi-monthly, 1916 Oroquieta, Su.. Cruz. Philippine Motot· Review, 32 SIll. Poteneiana, fntl·ll.muro~.

Philippin e Poul tl")' Journa l, English Monthly, 357 R. Hidalgo, Q<linpo. Philippine Progress Mng:l.zine, English Monthly, (Ph ilippine P rogress Publicu~ions Co., I nc., Publishers), 853-863 !Wina Iv.gente (P:Ilomllr) Tondo, Mn nil!l. Philippin(' Public Schools, English Monthly, Burenu or Educntlon. Philippine Radio Digest, English Monthly, P. O. Box 1lS6, Manila. Philippine &.cilll Science Review, English Qunrteriy, 105 R izal Ha n, U. P. Philippine TeMher's Digest, 711-3 Florentino Torres, St(l. Ct·uz. Philippine T ohncco JOUl1lal. The, Fourt.h Floor, Pndi\!11 Bldg., -128 Rizal Av('. , Stu. CrUZ. Philippine WOI~'.en '~ Mngllzine, English-SplmishTngnlog, PluhpPllle Wo men's Univen.ity. Ph ilippines Commonwealth , The, 320 P. Cl\mp.'1, Snmpnloo.




Philippines Free Press. English nnd Spanish, Weekly, Free Press Dldg., 684-686 Rizal Ave.,

Stn. CrU1:. Philippines Herald, The, English, Afternoon Daily except Sunday, 61 Muralla, Intramuros, Manila. Priman' Educntor, 711-B Florentino Torres. Stll. ·Cruz. Pro Ccn'nntes, Monthly Magazine in Spanish, 1389 Lcrerizll, l\'lnlnte. Pl'omCI\udc, 928 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Readers, T he, j\'lonth ly, P. O. Box 182, J\·Inniln. Recorder l\tIngazinc, An Englis:h Journa\l\'I onthly, 334 l\Iisericorclin, Stn. eru". Reuters, Limited, 607 Insulill' Life Bldg. , Pln)r,8 MOI'agB, Uinondo. Rc\'ista I~jlipi llll de jVicciicina y Fal'mncin, Spanish Monthly, 879 Lepanto, Sllmpllioc. Hising Filipino., The. Bn~lisb nnd Spnni!'h 1\'l ol1tbly, c/ o CQll tl'O Escolnr 'Univel'sity, A7.('nt'l'agn, Munila. S.'Ikdnl, Tap:nlog Weekly, 629 Quidcadu, Sen. CI'lIZ.

Scnndai, Ncwspill?el', c/ o I'. O. Box 1978, Maniln. School KCII'8 Rcvt!S.\~" Thc, English Semi-Monthly, Bureau of I~tt.uciltion. Screcn Rudio Magu~il\c, 219 Ct·yst.'ll Arcade, Es('olta, Binondo. See Philippines Joumuh 29 Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 E:ehague, Stu. CrUll, Manila. Song nnd Shows, l\Ionthly Song l\bgazine, 712 Riz:ll Avenue, 8111. Cruz. Sparks nnd P ostm:lrks, ~!'Iglish B i-Monthly, c/ o P ostnl .\: Telegmpll, Associ.'lti()n, I nc., Manila. Sl>orts Spotlight, 928 n. HidnJgo, Quiapo. Sugar "Xell's, English and Spnnish ~I onthly, Sugnr ;.icw;;; Bldg., 671 Du ~marj[inl'. Binondo, T-V-T Publishing Corporation, T-V-T Bldg., Florentino Tones, St., Sta. Cruz. Taliba, Afternoon Daily in Tagalog, T-V-T Bldg., Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. The Vnngunrd, Chincse Evening Daily, 1230 Azcnrrngu, Binondo. Ti Dnmllg ti Pngnrinn, Ilocnno :\lonthly, P. O. Dox 8 1? , Muniln. Today News Mng:nzine, Room 208, China Bank Bldg., Dn.smll!·i!ln:J, 13inondo. Tribune, The, 1'I'Ioming Daily in English, except Monday, T-V-T Bldg., FlOl'cntino Torres, Stn.. Cl'tlz. Unitu8. Enp:li!>h-Spnn ish Monthly, T.:nivel'isty of Santo T omas. United Pre:ss Association, fnsu!lIr L ife Bldg., Plllza i\Iorng:n, 13inondo. University Alumnus, The, English Quarterly, University of the Phil ippines. Welfnre Advocnte,English ai-Monthly, c/ o Bureau of Publie Welfare. Womnn's Home J ournal, The, English jI,'Ionthly, 1132 Cn lifornin, Ermib. NEWSPAPERS AND PUBLICATIONS PROVINCIAL Advance, The, English Monthly, &in Fernando, La T.:nion.

Advertiser, The, Engli..,h, Spanis.h and Vi:>RYlu\ Daily, 198 JUlin L . . . lla, Cebu, Cebu. Agno Val!ey News, English Weekly, L ingaycn, PenguslllRn. Agustininn Mirror. The, English-Spanish Monthly, IlOIlo, Iloilo. Annman, Fortnightly, Sinait, I1oeos Sur. Ang Along ](nbilin, Visnyan Weekly, Cehu, Cebu. Ang Cllbugnson, Visnyan Weekly, Pnnglno, Bnh...,l. Ang Dnkung Dahnndi, Visnynn Weekly, Oroquieta, ace. Misamis. Ang 1\ntnrungnn, Spunilih and VisaYlln \Vcek ly, CngaYlln, 01'. Misnmis. Angl{uttu, Visnyan, T \\'icen Week, Cebu, Cebu. Ang Pnllaholl , Visllynn Daily, Iloilo, TloHo. Bnbnyc, ViSllYl\1l Weekly, Cebu, Ceb\\. Bfigong 1\ m,og, Villtl.YI\1l Weekly, P. O. 130x 12 L, Cebu, Cehu. llllguio-Pn!'flcnie H erald, A 'F'OItlligh~l y Tnbloid Ne\\'lipnpN', 526 1~lorelitino TOrres, St.'l.. Cruz. Bnli~aw, Visllynn, T wice II Month, Iloi lo, Tloilo. Banang, Viffiynll Weckly, Occidental Negros. Bnnaag Nin Lnngit, Hicol Monthly, Nuga, CIImllrine~ Sur. Bnnuwad l.etllknn, P/llIgtl>"jnllll Weekly, ;'o,'lnnnong:, Pnngn~ innn . "Bnyani" (Formerly R iza! Day Revicw), SemiAnnunl Publication in English, Spllnish and Tagalog. ·13 1 Flor('lltino Torres. Sta. Cruz. Bieol Bulletin, The, Suite 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo, Manila. l)3i('ol I'ioll('er, Weekh', Xa~n, lnmnne:s SUI'. nicol StUI', The, En~(i:<h Bicol Weekly, Xag:l. Camnrines Sur. Bicolnndin, En~li~ h , Spnnish lind Bieol, Twu Times tI \Veck, NUJ.(II Cllmnri nes, Sur. Binulong :\~II A~taynb, lIor-n no Weekly, Bnnwy. r!ocos: SUI'. Boletin Catolieo, Enp:! i ;oh-Spnlli ~h Weekly, P. O. Box 48, Cebu, Cebu. Bolotin ZllmbongueilO, Spnlliiih Fortnightly, ZumbonnJ!:ll, Zumhonngu, Bulletin of tile Contml Philip\>inc College, Eng1i;oh, Bi-Monthly, .JIlI'O, 1I0i o. Chimcs, The, I!:ngJish l\'lonthly, Bacoloti, ace. N(~gro!l.

Ohi nn Echo Weekly, The, Chine~c Weekly, Cebu, Cebu. Civismo, Spnnish , Vb.inyun, T hrice !l Week, Bncolod, Occ-identlu Negros. DlIgiti Xnimbup; .'I D llJlllIg: Kcn T i Dnlllll, Ti C!lppin, En,Ldillh ulid l locnno Weekly, San Fernando, I.n Union. Dumnguete P r~, 8pnnish und Visnynn Weekly, Dumnp;uete, Orientlll Xegro~. Eco dc Snnmr y Leyte, Spanish Weekly, CnlbIlYOJ.(, Samnr. . . 1!;1 Centenario de In ),IiIuJ.:ro~, Rpnm~h-DI{'()1 Monthly, Xugn, Cnnlnri nes Sur. . El Ccntinelu, Spnnil'h Doily , 2-1 h;nurt. [10110. Tloilo. El Criterio, Spn nilih-EngJish, 2 Times u Week. Zumbonnga, Znmbonngn. E I "'enix, Spnni!!h, Tw i(~ 11 Week, Zambollnga, Znmbonngs. EI J\.fenS:l jcro, HOClino Wrekly, Vigan, Ilocos Sur.


i\ 1i ~i"'IICI'O,

Spnni!.h i\lonthly, B:lgllio, 1\1t..

Pnwince. 0. \Veek, Gebu. Ccbu. El Pueblo, Spllni~h Duily, 6 Ornl Luno., Iloilo, Iloilo. El Ticmpo. Spanish Daily, lloilo, rloilo. Fi~hter, The, English Mo nthly. Cnbnnntunn. X. Eciin. Freel1ml1, The, English-ViN"lJ'nll Weekly, 139 Juan LUlla, Cehu , Cebu. Gmnnry, The, F.nglish i\lonthly, Gnbanntunn , X. Edjn Huynkny. Visayan Weekly, Bncolod, ace. ?\'"cgl"os. Hcrnldo Bi('ol, Spnnish nnd Bicol, Thl"('c Times n Weekly, Legnspi, Albay. fdenles, SplLllis h Bi-Weekly, Dngllpnn, Pnllgnsirlfill. 110 l{alldi:l New!'", EII~li sh-S[lnni sh-Tlocnno, Every 10 Dnys, Vignn, Jloeos SlIr. Ilocos Times, Tlocullo-English-SpJUlish, Hi-weekly, 5!6-A 'l'nyunlnn, Sta. 01"117.. i\lnniln. Ing Oabbling, Pu pungo Weekly, Angeles, Pnmpnngn. Tng C,tla!a, Parllpfllll!: \VCf"kly, &n Fernnndo, Pnmpnnga. Ing Dnclat Xing catut.uu~. Pnmpnngo Weekly. San Fernando, P ampan n. Ing Kntipunnn , P1I!npnilgo Weeklr, Snn Fernnndo, Pam])an~a. Tnl!: Kntiwllln, Pam)lllngo wec~" San Fernando, Pampangll. Ing Mi::>ionel"o , P Uml)llngo MOl thly, P. O. Box 42, Bnguio, i\It. J)rovince, P. O. Box 1393, i\Ianilll. Journul of the: Southern Society of Engineer;; and Architcct-;, Enc:li~h ?lIonthlv . Ceoll, Cehu. Junior Colleginn, The, English Fortnightly, Cehll, Geou. J(llbisuyn-lln. Vi"lly:tn, Three Times 1I Month, Iloilo, Iloilo. l{abuhi Sun Bnnun, Visllynn-Spnnish Mon!.hl)" Juro, Hoi lo. Kabunt-utalu, Pangnsinnn Monthly, tingllyen,

1:.:1 Precursor, Spllnish Twiec

Pal1ga ~i nnn .

Knyumnngfli , '['Ilgulo!:, Weekly, Lipa. DI~tangas. l{usog Sit I\ntlll'un ~IHI, I';n~ li sh-Spl\ni~ h find Yi~Il.yan, Th ree Times It Month, P. 0. Box 3, Dumaguete. Oriental Negros. La Antem del Vnlle, English Spllnish, llocano, Ibnlllig Week ly, llugan , ISllhein. La Alltorehu, 'I'hrice II 'Veck, Zllmboanga, ZmnbOllnga. La Atalaya, Spanish, Yisnyan, Pnla, Lcytc. La Rcvolucioll , Spnnish Dllily, Ceou, Ccbu. Ln 'l"rihunll. f:;pllnish Dnily, 14 Mllrinll St.., 1Ioi lo, Iloilo. I .. ~ Vistll. lloenno Weekly, Unguio, Mt Provmee. Lanno Progl"ess,ElIg1i~h F'ortnightly, Dnnsnlllll, J.. nnao. Lcyte News, The. l!:nglish Monthly, Tnclobnn.


Linllntip, Visaynn Weekly, Ccbu, Ccbn. Lionoa, PangnsiruUl Dialect Weekly, Mnnnoag, Pangn.sinnn. Apostle of the l\.·Iounttlin Province, English Monthly, Dnguio, Mt. Provinee.



i\fnhinilln, The, Ente"li" h ViMyan Monthly, Oroquif'lll, Occidentnl i\Iis.'1mis. MakinlLu,ll;aliiigon, VisaYlln, Twice a Week, P. O. Box 167. Iloilo, Iloilo. i\Ianogitonton, Pangn.sinan, Twice a W€ilk, Dn.l!"upnll, Pang:asinnn. i\Ielting Pot, The. Englb,h Monthly, T n.rlac, Tnrlu(". MindullllO Hemld, T he, English Weekly, ZllmbOllnga, Znmboanj:l;n. Nasud, ViSllynn Weekly, C'ehll, Gebu. Orientlll ~egros Clll"Qnicle, Vi<;!lynn, English \VC('kly, P . O. Box 41 , Dumaguete , Oriental Negros. Pnrnpangan, The, 1;;IlJl:li ~h , 'J\\'iee n i\[onth, San Fernando l:Iigh School, Pnrnptlnga. Pnngnsinlln n eviell", l];ng:1ish, Twice a Month, Dngu]JlIn, Pungn~inan. Pearl of the Orient, I~ ngli~h Quarterly, Iloilo, Iloilo. People's Opinion, English Weekly, Dagupan, Pangll.sin:Ul. l 'hilnle1i(' BullcLin, Engli ~h-Spllni-"h Quarterly, Bacolocl, ace. Ne)l;ros. P hilippine Ap:riculturilit, The, English j\,·!onthly. Agrieu!tul"1l1 College, !,ngulln. Philippine ./ournn! of ":dlu'ation, EnJl"li ~h i\ lonthly, ·111 Arkan !in~, Ennitn. P hIlippine PrelibyteriHIl. Engli~h Quartf'rly, DUlllllgUf' te, Orientnl ~egros. Pioneer, The, Enl;'lish i\lonthl.\', ('Ilt::armnn, Snnmr. Prcns.1. Librc. Spllni~h Daily, P . O. Box 272, IIQilo. Iloilo. Progrel':>, En,ll;lish Weekly, I). O. B')x 121, Cebu, Cqhu. Rcdencion Onrero, Vi"-lIYllrl, Spani",h, 'l\\'icc a ?lIonth. ("('1m, ('elm. Refleetor. The, Eng1i~h Monthly, Dnyambang, P~ngu~i nfln.

Rising Tide, The, Engli ~h-Vi"nYlln Weekly, CUb:l, Cehll. Rostrum, The, En~li$h-Spllni~h-Taglliog Fortnightly, LIl{,cna, TIl),:lbn.'<. Sadiri, i1o('uno Weekly. Tnl"ine, 'l'arlac. Snmnrii"i:Hl, Thc, Engli~h Monthly, Cathulogan, SarHflr. SiI!lW 'J'i lli. llocnno, Twice a Month, Vigan, Uocos SUI'. Sillimanian, The, I';nglish fj'oltnightly, Silliman fn stitllte, DUma,ll;lIcte, Negros. Suddom, Englis:!t-ViMyan Weekly, Dumuguete, 01". Ncgl"os. Timcs The, gnglish Dnily, Iloilo, noilo. Tingug San l . . ungsod, Vis.'Iynn Weekly, Mllmbnjao, Oriental Mi:mmis. 'l'Ollllllg, Pnngasinlln \Vcekly, Dllgllrllln, Pangnsinnn. Vcrdud, Spnnish and Tbllnng Weekly, Tuguegarno, Gllgnyan. Visnyanitln, I;;np:liiih Monthly, Ccbu. Gebu. Vocntional OhseT\'er, English Monthly, Lillgayen, Pllng!lsinlln. Weekly Vi~itor, The, Eng1isll-Spanish Weekly, Cllpiz, Cnl>i?;. Ylnng-Ylllng, Visnyan, Week ly, Iloilo, noilo. N ICKEL PLATERS "Ang Buti," 528 Antipolo, Sant.'l Cruz. El Nickel, 59 l'laza del Carmen, Qllinpo.




''"£! Oriente." 709 Rizal Ave., Sh. Cruz. Frank & Company, Office: Second Floor, JOI-\(!3 E~eoltH, Binondo. Plant; 1104 CIlStillejos, Qui1tl)O. GU!lrflnty Kickel Pluting, 668 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. P lnteria de C. S. Arevnlo, 1884 Juan Luna, Tondo. Pln.terin de J os(> Cuevnrfl, 749 Soler, Binondo. Relojerill .\' Plnlcrin de Bonifneio Polienrpio, 728 T. Alonso, SI.'I. Cruz. Volcnno Meta !. 333 Reque~ens, Sin. Cruz. Zlll1lOriL , Crispulo, (Viuda c Hijos de), 351 R. Hidnlgo, Quinpo. ZmnoJ'll, Lui ... , 311-316 R. lIidalgo, Quinpo. NOTA RIES, PUBLIC (Sec Lnwyers) NOTIONS AND FA NCY GOODS DEALERS, R ETA IL Allg Kalian & Go., 203 R OSilI'io, Binondo. 13a~lU' 1\fodel'llo) 2-1L ROllnrio, Binondo. Chu Gunn, 339 r ueva, Binondo. Cosmo,:> Buzal', rn 'J 211-217 Rosario. Binondo. El Rubi de Ong TiO\lg Guan Yek, 105 Rosnrio, Binondo. Co Bingeo Sons & Co., 29 Rosario, Binondo. ls.'Irdl\$ &- Co., '1'., 194 Juan Luna, Binondo. L im Che Chuy, 239 R OSAI'io, 13inondo. Per~ian Carpet Hous(>, 49 li:seoltn, Manila. Tiu Yno & (;0., 74·1-746 Taborn, &1Il Nicolas. L'y Su Bin ,\: Co., Inc., 37-139 Roml'io, Bi!londo. NOTIONS AN D FANCY GOODS DE ..\.1-ERS, WHOLESALE Da\'is & C'ompnny, P. M., 541 Muelle del BallCO ~ucionn[. Binondo. l sardns & Co. , T. , 19·1.lunn T~unll., Dinondo. Keves. Antone 1\1. , 231 Espeietll, Binondo. P ersian Oll'pet House, 49 Escolla, l\Inniln. R ennolds Compnny, Wm. H., 84 Magnllnnes, Intmm uros. Uy Su Bin & Co., I nc., 137-139 R osariO, Binondo. · NOVELTIES AND CALEN DARS Unguio :'\'ovc)Ly Store, 326 A. Mubini, Ermita. Commonwcnlth Snles Co., inc., Second F loor, Fernandez Bldg., 12·1 T. Pin pin, Binondo. :-,ron Plus Uhm, [ ne., 111 Mnrques de Comillas, Cornel' Aynla Boulevnrd, Ermitn. NU R SE, PRIVAT E .Jnime, Fortunatn S., 117 R eten, &lm pnloe. Pico, Luis A., 2 i\l onte de Piednd Bldg., Plaza SIn.. Cruz, St.'I.. Cruz. Rebosu, Denigna, SKnvnrrn, Snmpaloc. Verules, M ri!. Manuela 1\ .. c/ o i\ledical Dept., Maniln Railroad Co., Caloocan, Riza!'

o · OFFI CE APPLIA NCES REPAIRERS Villasin Repnir Shop, 2278 Azca rrngn, Sampaloc.

OFFICE APPLIANCES SU PPLIES Durroup:hs, Tile., 425 Luis Perez Snmzl.nillo Bldg., 619 ESCOitJI, Dinondo. Erlunger & Gnlinger, Inc., Rcginn Dldp:., Duvid lind ~'lucll c d('\ Onllen Nnrionnl. Bi" ....' rio

Gcslctncr, Ltd., D., 108 Escoltn, Binondo, Manila.

Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta and Ca lle David, 8inondo. H cilbron n Co., J. P., 233 Ollvid, Binnndo. Liong"in P ress. 10-14 AZCHrl'flll.:U , Binondo. Brnnch: 275-281 .1UlIll LUTla, Oil1ondo. l\'lnni lu GrMirll, Inc., 112 Escoltll, Binondo. jI,-l nniia Office Equipment Co., 2·l David, Bi· lIondo. Nielson Sales Co., 110 IEscoltn, Cor. '('.Pinpin. Binondo. O. A. C. Steel Filing Cabinet>:, ClIlIe Soda and j'd ucllc del Bnnco Nllciolla\, Binondo. O. A. C. Steel SAfes, Culle Soda nlld l\1ucllc del Banco Nncionfli Ailln'" II). Office Appliance Co., Ltd., The, Calle Soda and IHucJtc del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-10:3 Escoltn, Binondo. Royal Typewriter Agency, Calle Soda and I\ Juelle del BallCo Nneional, Binondo. Smith, Dell & Co., Ltd., i-Iongkong nnd Shanghai Bank Bldg., .Iunn Luna, Binondo. Sy Sales Co., 335 Dn.~ nul.rilln s, Binondo. 'l'remblay's Guaranteed Service, <1-14 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Cnderwood, Elliott Fisher &lIes Agency, 30-32 Escoltn , Binondo. Victor Adding i\ lachines, Calle Soda and roo-lucile dl'l Bn"flN'l Xl\('i(llllll. Hi>')ondo. Watson Rusincss Machines Corporation of the Philippines, 510 Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 Eseolta, Binondo.

OFFICE BUILDI NGS Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, 13inondo. Alhel·to Bldg. , Pln?u Mirullda, Quinpo. American Chnmbcl' of Com merce Uldg. , 180 David, Cor. Da ~ mal'iilns, Binondo. Ansaldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Arcnde Bldg., ·134 Rizal Ave., Stn. ('ruz. Arguelles Bldg., 456 D nsmarillas, Uinondo. Arguelles Dldg., 519 Riznl Avc., Sta. Cruz. Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Cor. F.stcro Ccgado, Stll.. Cruz. Army & Navy Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Culle Aduann, Intrilmuros . .>\ YIIln Bldg., Dasmarii\!1.5, Cor. PlaM Sts. Cruz, 8ta. Cruz. Ayunlamienoo Bldg., Plazs i\! cK inley, Intramures. Brias Ro~a8 Bldg., 75 Escolw, Binondo. Burke Bldg., 125 Escoita, Binondo. Capitol Theatre Bldg., 31 Escolta, Binondo. Chaco Bldg., Plll.?n Cervllntes, Binondo. . China Bunk Bldg. Juan I.una, Cor. DnsmJlru'illS, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES COlL~lidnt(!d rnve.~tments Bldg., Plaza GOiti, Stn. Cru:!;. ('ortes Bldg., 242 RoSiLrio, Cor. Ongpin, Binondo Cortes-Oehon Bldg., Rosal'io, Cor. DII'>llll\l'iJias, Binondo. Crysl:tl Arcade, E~co!tll., HinQndo. eu Unjicng Bldg., E~lta. Cor. T. Pinpin, Binondo. D. M. n. M. Bldg., 61 i\I uralll\, Tntramuros. DeC' HQng J.uc Bldg., 940 Juan Luna, Tondo.

Derham Bldg., Port Area. DoUnr Bld~ .. 1\1. de San Frnnciiico, POI't ArM £1 Hogar Filipino Bldg., Junn Luna, Cor. 1\1. de In. Industrill, Binondo. El RolanD llldg. , San Hafac], Cor. Lcgnrdu, San Miguel. Elizalde Bldg., 801 A'f. de In Industdn, San

Nicolas. Fcrnllndcz Bldg., 124 T. Pinpill, CDI'. San Vicente, Dinondo. ]" crnlllldcz Hnos. Bldg., 109 Juan tUl\a, Rinondo. Filipinn.s Bldg., 21..,plaza Mornga, Binondo. Free Press Bldg., 684;:686 R izal Ave .. SIll.. Cruz. Gnches Bldg., 115 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Gonzl\lcz-Sanlingo Bldg., 425-435 M. de Binondo, San -:\I[coll\s. Graphic Bldg., 721 Cale~ Sta. Cruz. Guison Bldg., 755 R inl A~fl" SIn. Crllz. H cacock Bldg., Escoltn, Co~. David, Binondo. Herrern's Bldg., 207 Solalla, I ntrumuros. Rongkong & Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Cor. San Gabriel, Billondo,~ Ides Bldg., l\'Iarcctino de Sa ~os, (Opposite the DivisorilL Market) San I icolas. Insular Life Bldg., Plaza i\'Ioraga and Plaza Cervalllrs, Binondo. Intcndencia Bldg., Plazn McKinley, Int.rn.muros. Il'.uan Bld.!!:., 47 Cristobal, Pnco. Kala\\" Arcade, 443 San Vicente, Binondo. Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo. Cor. Rilml Ave., Stu. Cruz. Kodak Philippines Bldg., 434 Dasmal'iollS, Binondo. La. Perlll. Bldg., Bwtos, Cor. Plfl"I;a. Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Lack & Davies Bldg., 110 lfc hllgue r Sta. Cruz. Laong Nasu Bldg., 850 A. Rivcrn, 'rondo. Lapcml Bldg., 851 Ri~at Avc., SIn. Cruz. ugi'ilativc Bldg., P. Bur~os, J!:rmita. Leyva Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo. Lopez Bldg 714 Rizal Avenue, Stn. Cruz Mneondrny 'Bldg., Magallanes Drive, Intr3mums. Mcrolco Bldg., 134 San Marcelino, Ermita. Metropolitan Thenlrc Bldg., Mehnn Garden, Plaza luwton, Ermits. Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plnn Sta. Cru1., Stn. Cruz. Nationo.l City Bank Building Company, 329 No.tiono.l Citv Bnnk Bldg., Junn LuuD, Cor. M. de In Ind'u>!tria, Binondo. Nell Bldg., Edwnrd J., 1 . Pinl>in . Cor. Muelle drl BnllCo Nncional, Binondo. Oriente Bldg., Calderon de In BarM, Binondo. Padilla Bldg. 428 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Pnlnncn Bldg., Calle Barraen, San Nicolas. Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, St.II. Cruz.



Paterno Hermanos Bldg, No . .;, Plaza Ccrvantc.~, Binondo. Peoples Bank Bldg., DlIsmariii<l~ . Cor. DIIVirl, Binondo. PCI"C~ Sarnnnillo Bulp:., 619 Escoltn, Binondo. Philippine National Bnnk Bldg., 90 Escoltn, BiI\on<lo. Pilnr Uldg., 109 Plaza Stu. Cruz, SIll.. Cru1.. Pilob Station Bldg., 1'\'1. de In Iuduslrin, Cor. Mlldl"id, S'ln Kicolu.". Puyat Bldg., Solann, Cor. Sin. Potcncitlllfi, fnlmmuro~.


Bldg. (Formerly Roxa!», Dnvid, Cor. Escolta, Binondo. S. O. de Fernundez Bldg., ';1 Escolta, Rinondo. &'1ntQs Bldg .• 105 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. l;mgson Bldg., 9 P lo.zo. Mornga, Binondo. Si~' COllg l3i.-ng Bldg., 129 Juun Lunn,Binondo SoleI" Bld~., 2 Soler, COl". AzCIIl"rngll., 'rondo. Sorinno Bldg., PluzlI Cel'vfinles, Binoncio. Stntl' Thcntre Bldg., 50-1 Ri1.:ll Ave., Sla. Cruz. Sugar i'\ew.i I3ldg .• 671 D n8rnarifi!ls, Binondo. T. V. T. nIdg., Florcntino l'orre~, Sttl. Cruz. Tu!\son Rlelg., 12 Escolta, Binondo. Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Da..m'lrifuls IN.-ar Chinn Bank Bldg.), Binondo. Wilson nIdg., S. J., 139-1-13 Juo.n LunlI, Rinondo. Wise Building Comp!lny, 17·1-176 Junn tuno., Binondo. Y.sln~el & Sons Bldg., 101 Fcho.gue, Stu. Cruz . Yu Singco Bldg., 197 JUIUl I..UIIo.. Binondo. Yutivo Bldg., Dllsmo.rifl'lS, Cor. Nueva, Binohdo .

. OFFICE CLEANERS Office Clean-Dilinfect Co., The, 399 Tnmbacnn. Slo.. Cruz. · OlL COMPANrES Bahcock & Co., fne., W. R., Room 14 , El Hogar Bldg., Juun Luna, Binondo. Cottabato Petrolcam ('0 .. fnc., 203 ~~(' !'nllildez Bldg., 12-1. T. Pinpin, Binolldo. Pennsylvania Oil Company of the Philippines, Inc., The, 502 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Piclllbtil Pet.roleum Co., fllc., 203 I~eJ"l\nndez Bldg., 12-1 T . Pinpin, Billondo. Richfield Oil Comp:lny of California, ~om 14 , EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., .JUfln Lunl\, Blllondo. Standard-Vncuum Oil Company, (Formerly named Socony-Vncuum Corporation). Metropolitan Theater Rldg., Calle Arroceros, Manila. Texas Co., (P.r.), Inc., The, 91 Plaza Mor uga, Binondo. The Asiatic Petroleum Compuny (P.r.), Ltd., H ongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Tide Water Associated Oil Company, Fifth Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 J uan Luna, Binondo. Union Distrihuting Corporation, 13th &. At· lantn Sts., Port Area.






Vidul .t- Co., fne .. 228 Samnni llo Bldg..

GI!) ~SCOlt8, Binondo.

· 0 11 . FACTOR IES (COCONUT) (Scc Oil. Vc~ct~'1ble) OIL IMPORTERS (MINERAL) Babcock & Co., Tne., W. n., Room 14. El Mogul' Bldg., Jmm LUIlIl , Binondo. Blue Dinlnond PI'Lrolculll Co., Inc., 53-55 Barmell, Sail Nicolns, Manilo. Chcll/i Siang Lam & Co., 1001 Dngupnn, Tondo Lim Eng Chinng, 811 Dngpin, Stlt. em?. P r. nnsyIvnnin Oil Complluy of t.he Philippines, Inc., The. 502 Estero Gcgudo, Stn. Cruz. Pbilippin{l Enp:inccl'ing COl'porntioll, 109 Plaza. Stn, Ct'U1-, Stn. ('l'Uz.

Philippine Refining Company, Inc., 1035 Jsnnc Peral, Puco. Richfield Oil Company of California, Room H, El H0gar Fil i P~I O Uld~. , .Juan Luna, Dinondo. Standard-Vacuum Oil Company, (Formerly named Socony-V<llcuum Corporation), Metropolitan Theate\ Bldg., Cal le Arroceros, Manila. T('Xl1 ~ Co. , (P.l.). fnc., TllC', 01 P''ll.U Moraga, Rinondo T idf' Water Associated Qil Company, Fifth Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Usmoil Petrol('ulfi Products Co., III Tnyabas, :-:ita. Crul. Union Distributing Coq>orntion, 13th & AIIHnlu Sis., POlt Aren. OIL LUBRICAT ING AND GREASE DEALERS Blue Dinmond Petroleum Co .. Inc., 53-5;'1 Bal"mcn, Snn !'ticl)Jas, Morliln. Co Pak & Cl)., 42f) Sunto C'risto, San Nicolas. Pnl'solls Hardware Co., Inc., 805 Echagu(', S:w Miguel. Philippine Enginccrin,l!. Corporat.ion, 109 Plaza St·o. C r' uz~ St.'L. Cru7.. Philippine lwfining Compony. Inc., 1035 Perol, Paco. Reyes & Co., Florencio, 424 Azc!lrrnga~ Sail Nicolns. Standal'd-Vaeuum Oil Company, (Fol'merly nnmed Soeony.Vaeuum Corporation), Metropolitan Theater Slag., Calle Anoceros, Manila. Texas Co., (P.l.), Inc., The, 91 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. The Asiatic Petrolcum Company (p. 1.), lAd .. Hongkong and Shanghai Dnn k 13!dg., .Junn Luna, Hinondo. Tide Water Associated Oil Company, F ifth Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Union Dj ~tr ibutine; Cor»Orntioll, 13th & Atlallt~\ 81$., Port Aren. Usmoil Petrolcum Products Co .. 111 1 T:I\"llba..". Stn. Cruz. .

Valvoline Sales Departmcnt---c/o Hijos de I. de Ia Rama & Co., 1011 Muelle de la Industria, Binondo. -OIL MANUFACTURERS, COCONUf (Sec Oil Companies and Oil Facto)ries) Mndrigal & Co., 8 Muc'lle del Bunco Nacionnl, .Mnniln. Madrigal Oil Mills, Mann Office: 8 Muelle de! Banco Nncional, Manila. "OIl. M INERAL (EX PLORATION) T.cyte Tayahas Petroleum Ass'n., 123 Crystal AI'cade, Escolta, Dinondo. Peninsuln Oil t\ ssocint,ion, Stnte Bldg., 5011 Rizal Avenul', Sta. Cmz, Manila. Peninsulnr' ExplOl'ation Association, Sllite Bldg .. 50<1 Riznl Avenue, Stn. Cruz, Maniln. O IL VEGETABLE EXPORTERS Luzon fn dustl'ial Coq)Q!'ntion, 720 MUbr(lnlell!l, Sinondo, Mnniln Mndrigni & Co., 8 Muelle del Banco Xncionnl, Mnnih. MudrigDI Oil Mills, Mnnila Ollicc: 8 Muclle del Ennco Nncionnl, Maniln. Mif.!;ui Bussnn Kai!;IHL, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank B!d~., Mnniln, P. r. Philippine Manufacturing Co., 2<14 David, Bi!londo. OIL VEGETABLE MANUFACTUR ERS 4gu..<:an Coconut Co., 1035 fsnnc Pernl, Philippin(' Refining Bldl'., Paco. Carrero. Vidol & Co., Inc., 228 SamsnilJo Bldg., fil9 E~C(ltta, Binolldo. lnt.crnationol Oil Factory, 525 IH. dc Binond() San ?\icols ~ . Plant.: II Rivcr.;ide. S:1I1 JWln, Ri:wl. Jav Cui P(,IlI', ·119 Junn [ulla, Rinondo. Factorr J.'j Cristobal, Paco. Luzon Indu ~tl"ial Corporat.ion, Chnco Bldg.• PI:I7.n Cervantes, Binondo. Luzon IndUl>trin! CorpOl'ntion, 720 Magdalena, Dinondo, Muniln. Madrigal & Co., 8 Muellc del Banco NncioD(lJ, Manila. Mitsui Bussnn Kaisha Ltd., Second Floor, Nalional City Bnnk BldC!;., Manila, P. T. Philippine l\"fanufacturing Co .. General Office: 244 David Binondo, Factory: 11 20 Velasquez, Tondo. Philippinc Refining Compnny. Cnc., 1035 f~·:t:l(' Pcru!, PII CO. Philippinf' Vegc!nb[c Oil COm[)ilny, fne., Purez'l, Sumpltloc. Spencer l( I'llo~ &. Son~ CPHlippincs), Inc .. TamilS Clltudio, Pnncl:l.can. Zucllig, Inc., F. M. 55..f>3 Ro~rio . Binondo. Mn.niln.


K ("(.l

ONION rMPORTERS &: Co., 622 Nuevu. Binondo.

OPTIC IAN AND OPTICAL GOODS Optical Company, OrounJ Floor. Paflilln Bldg.. 428 Ayc., Stu. Cruz.

~\ cebc<lo


PHILIPPINES B..'lutists. D r. Rcmigio .0\., .'lIt Burgos, PiIlY ; Riza1.

Bernardo Opticnl. 85 Ro!«lrio. Binolldo. Botien Boie~(Philippine-Amel'ican D r ug Co.)' 95 Escolta, Binando. Brighten Optical, 1105 Sun l" crlI:llldo, i3i nondo. Casajc, Dr. Appito A. '14u H.iza! Ave" Stn. Cruz. Casaje OpticoJ Company, 440 Rilal Ave., Sro.


Casaje Toh and Comp!lny, I nc., 135 Rosario, Rinoudo. Casoje Toh, Dr. Luis, 135 Ro~arjo, Binondo and ';40 Rizfll Ave., Stn. Cruz. Cl ark & Compp.ny, 205 Phili ppine National Bank Bldg., 90 Escolta, Binondo. Estrndll, Dr. GregoriO G., 406 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Cru?. Garcia, Dr. Nemesio G., !O3 Plaza Goiti, Stn. C1'U1••

Cruz. C(L~uje

Toh and Company, Inc., J3.) RoSb~!O, llinondo. CIL.."lljc Toh, D r. Lui!', 135 RoS:lrio. Binonrlo and 4,10 Ri1.u1 Ave., Stints Cruz. Clnl'k & Company, 205 Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 E scolta, Binondo. Garcia, DI', Ncmesio G., 103 Plaza Goiti, St.a . Cruz.

CommIes, Dr. Justo, Fourth Floof, Room" \<I,

Aria« md!t., (', :';I'l. r'!'II~ . . Heacock Co., H. E ., 120*130 Escoltn and Calle David, Blnondo. Hernllndrz &. Comp::my, 845 YJaya , 'fondo. Inocencio, Dr. Jorge.,. 679 RLzlll Ave., Sta. Cruz. Jllocenmo, Dr. M iguel, 167 Escoltn, Binondo. Jesus, Dr. Emetcrio M. dc, 933 Ylayll, T ondo. J os6, D r. Pedro .}.,306 T...'\ong :\fnS3 Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. JURchon l~ Co., J. B. 434 ,Juan Luna, Binondo. Lara Optical CompRny, 356 Ruon, Stn. Cruz. Muyot, D r'. Vedll.l3to, 505 A::l.carrnga, Tondo. Ogawa, S., 117 Escoltn, Bin\lIIdo. Ortiz, Dr. Cilr1os~...Il.ooms 105-\.06, Tua~on Bldg., 12 E~coltlt, tlinondo. \ ParaS Opticnl Co., 809 Azearraga, Tondo. Philippine Optical Comp:lnY, 167 Escolt:l, Binondn. .Reyes Bros. Optic.:).1 Co., 7 12 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. Reyes Opt. Co., A. P., Fr<>e Pres:> Bldg., 684 RiZ!!! Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Rosales, Dr. Valcntin, 554 JURn tUIiR, Binondo. Sabater, Dr ..o\ntonio, 2fl( Alberto Bldg., P laza Miranrlll, Cor. 1::;4 Vi1Ial n bo~, QUI1lPO· Saba tel' and Co. (Optometrists and Opticians), 76 Eseolta, Binondo, Sabater Dr. Manuel 76 Escolta, 13inOI\(\o. Snrabin'Opticlll Co., 14 T , Pinpin).. Binondn, Sh,ibnyn Brothers, 313 Echngue. ::ita. Cruz. Stunda rd Opticnl Co., 416 R LzaL .'\\·CI1I1C, Sta. Cruz. Torres Ol>tica] Co., 554 Junn Luna .Binondo. Valencia Optical Co., 87 E$coll<L, Omon(\o.


Acebcdo, Dr. F. B., Ground Floor, Padilla Bldg., 42R Ri zfll Awmuc, Sta. Cruz. BautLstn, Dr. Remigio Z., 5 1 I Burgos, Pn~n)' . Rizal. Bcrnurdo, Drn. Lconiln C., 85 RoSlLrio, Binondo. Bernardo, Dr. Vicente C., 85 Ro~ll.l'io, Binondo. Casaje, Dr. AglI.pito A., 440 Ri ?ul Avc., Stu. Cruz. C' Optic!!l Comprmy, 440 Ri ?!l1 Ave., SL'l. Cruz.

Gonzales, Dr. Justo, Fourth Floor, Room 414, Arias BldR:., Carriedo, Stu. Cruz. Hernandcz, Dr. Felino N., 8'15 Ylnya, Tondo. I nocencio, Dr. Jorgp, 679 R izal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Inocencio, Dr. Miguel, 167 Escolt.a, Binondo. Jesul>, Dr. Emeterio l\L dC 933 Ylayn, Tondo. Jose, D r'. Pc.:I.rn J., 306 t,aong Nnsa BMg., 850 Antonio Rivcra, Tondo. Junchon, 01'..ros6 B., 434 Juan T.. unn, Dinondo. Lam. Optical Compauy, 356 Raon, Sta. OI'Uz. Muyot, Dr. ,Jos6 G., 154 Villalobos, Quial>o. Muyo~, D r. Vcdusto, 505 A1.CnLTa~a, Tondo. Omana, Dr. V. Benitez, 10'44 F. Munoz, Malate. Ortigns Lim, D r. Emiterio, IG7 E~coltn, Rinondo. Ortiz, 01'. Carlos, Rooms I05-ICG, Tua~on Bldg 12 E~coltu, Rinondo. Pflrns, Dr. Com'ado, 609 Azcnrragn, Tondo. Rcycs, Dr. F rllilcisco P., 712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.'s, Dr. V:Ilcntin A., 408 Ri}llli Avenue Stu . Orll1. nnd 55·1 Juan Luna, Binondo. Sabatm', Dr. Antonio, 201 Albcrto Bldg., Plaza ilfIil'll.ndn, Col'. 154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Su~atel' and Co., (Optometrists and Optieians), 76 E "colta, Binondo. Snrnbin, Dr. f . B., 14. T . P inpin. Binondo. Slfllldnrd Optienl Co., 416 Riznl Avclllle, St:l. . Cl'uz. T!ln, Dr. E. T., 1105 San Fernando, Binondo. Torrc~, Dr. Bonifacio, 554 Juan Luna, Binondo. Valencin OptiCliL Co., 87 Escoltll, Binondo. Z'Imorn, 01'. Pedro, 81-B Lcgns pi, j ntrnlnIlL'O:;. ORCH ESTRAS AN D BANDS

Mabuhlly Orchestra (Tirso'lS Unit), 656 Rizlll Avc., Stn . Crllz. Mllniln Ol'chcstrn, 238 Cnrricdo, 81.'1. Cr·u1.. MOlillll OL'Chcstrll, ·132 Evnngelista, QUial>O. Northern Orchestrn, 91 (Int.) Quesada, T ondo. "0. K." Orchestra, 1478 i\'I . H.izon IInd 1511 AZCllrrngu, Sta. CI·UZ. PllqUC'S Orchestra, 20 A. Duneel, Pusa)" Riz!ll. Sowlo Orchestra, 2679 (Int.) Felix, Cor. Henan Stu. Anfl. Ylnya Orchestra, 1104. Sto. Ctisto ExtcLlson. Tondo. Zabnt Orchestrn, 1867 Azcnrraga, St.u. CnI?.


Dy BULlcio.t: Co., Inc., 191 -21 1 i\1ucllede Binolldo, Snn Nicolas. Elizaldc & Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., Muclle dc la Indudria, Manila.




FurbcnfnhrikclI Berger & Wirth, Lei pzig, Menzi & Co., Inc. , Agents, 180-184 JUfm Luna, Rinondo.

Yutivo Sons Fhtrdwnre Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg., Cor. Dnsmnriflnl'; und Nue\'u, Binondo, Maniln.

PAINT AN D O IL DEA LERS Amcl"iclln Hnrdwnrc & Plumbing Co., J25 Escolla, Binondo. Bazar Sigle XX, Ccntl'al Office: 101-113 Plaza dd Condc, 13illondo. Brunch: 542-5<14 Azcan'nga, Comer 798 Taborn, Tondo. Central Hardware Co, ( Uy L[lIm Hun &. Co.)

··PAINT AND OIL i\'lANUFACl'URERS ElizaldE" PainL and Oil Factory, Inc., Yco Paints, Oil, F loor Wax, Auto Polish-34$ Tanduay- Tcl. 2-27-50-P. O. Box 121Owned and operated by Elizalde & Co., Inc. Genel'a l Paint Corporation (Philippines), Inc., 12th-13th & Atlanta Streets, Port AI'I.!a, Manila.

79-.'\ ROSlIl'io, Uinondo.

Clltiln-8:lmco & Sons, 300-308 8to. Cristo, San Nicolas.

Ch:m Lin e uon & Co., 93 HO$llrio, Binondo. Co Ban L ing lind Co 13l1nl\int, 161-165 ROSll l'jO,

Binondo. Co Lu So & Sons Co., Itlc., 112-\ J.I Plaut Calderon de In Burcn, Binondo.


Hardware Store, G80 Dasmal'iflas,

Rinclldo. ''El 82", 96-98 Rosario, 13inondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Eliwldc Bldg., M. de In Industria, Maniln. Genera l Paint. CO'"J?Ol'ntion (Philippines), Inc., 12th-13th and A'f.,lnnt.n Streets, Port Area, i\'laniln. Germann & Co., Ltd., 156 Juan Luna, Binondo. Getz Bros. &. Co., Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervnntes, Bino}ldo. Go Soc & SoliS, Inc., 619-620 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Hap Hong Hardwilre .& Co., JOI-103 Juan Luna, Cor. Dasmariilas, Binol\do. Heibronn Co., J. P., 233 Dav~d, Binondo. A'Ienzi &. Co., Inc., 180-182 Juan Luna, Binondo. ]o,'Iitsui Bussan Kuisha, Ltd. Second Floor, Kational Cit.y Bank Bldg., MaQ.iln, P. I. Korton &. Hnrrison Co., -110-120 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Stu. Cruz. Occidentnl1:lal'dware Comp1H1Y, Inc., 636 Azcnrrngn, Sun Nicolas. Pacific Commcrcial Company, Nntional City Bank Bldg., .Juan Luna. Binondo. Perez Semanillo, Rafael, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Philippine Builders Agency, Inc., State Theater Rldg., 504 Riznl Ave., Stn. CI'llZ, Mnniln. Red Star Autolllotive Supply Corp., 666 Hiznl Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Rell lloids Company, Wm. H., 84 1\'Iagnllanes, IntruIllUl·Os. Reyes & Co., Florencio, 424 Azcarragn, San Nicolas. Simeon O. Suan, 32·1-326 Echnguc, 8ta. Cruz. Sing &. Cuan Hardware Co., Inc., 516-520 Azcarrugn, Tondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., llongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Suy Guan Hing Hardwnre, 452-45-1 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Uy Chaco Son~ & Co., Inc., Chnco Bldg., 25-37 Plaza Cervantes, Binondo and -19-53 Rosario, Binondo. Uy 'fit & Co., 65-67 ROSilrio, Binondo. VilIRl\ucvu. & Sons, A. B., 616 Rizul Ave., Sta. Cruz.

· PAINl' ERS Federated AI'tists, Room 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Binondo. P AINTERS, HOUSE AND SIGN Ajustar & Co., Fidel R, 56 .M nnrique, 8!.mpaloc. Andayn, Diego, 1109 Tennessee, r..hlate. Amnn, G., 709 Azcnrragn, Tondo. Barrioquinto, C. C., 257 Moriones, Tondo. C. P. Stewart Painting Co., Inc., 14 EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Capulong, Maximiano N., 1535 Azearraga, 8ta. Cruz. "Celis Fine Arts" 515 Ruon, Stu. Cruz. Domingo, P edro 6., 310 Pcrdigon, Paco. Jfedemtcd Artists, Room 308, Fernnndez Bldg., 12-1 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Fernando and Mesina, 1016 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Gonzales & Sons, F., 1208 Azcnrraga, Dinrmdo. Guzman, Jose Dc, 419 Dasmal'illas, Billondo. Hipolito, K. Z., 109 Manrique, &Impaloc. " Kufercas," 313 Rnoll, Stn. Cruz, J\·Jn nilu. Kraut, 1\1., 943 Raon, Quiapo. Leon & Co., J. de, 158 RosariO, Binondo. Muniln Advertising Co., 506 Reina Regente, Binondo. Modern Pai nter, The, 1004 Soler, Cor. Rizal Ave., Suntu Cru~. Nationnl Advertising Compnny, 1'13 Guipi!., Snmpaloc. Ocampo, P ..'{\ro F., 1006 RemediOS, Mnlaw. Ochoa, A. P., 36 1 Legnrda, Enlrance: J6 Guidote, Snmpaloc. Philippine Advertising Coq>ora!.ioll, Pascual Casal, San Miguel. Polintan, C" 653 Evangelista, Quiapo., A. C., SZ1-A Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Reynoso &. Sons, B., 12 Escoila., Room 107, Binondo, Mani la. Brunch: Baguio, Mt. Province. Santo, L. E., 421 Padre Gomez, Stmta Cruz. Sik!lt, Estehu.ll, 143 Guipit. Snmpnloc. Suerta, Pror. J., 15 Conrndo Lerma Sampnloc. Tantcngeo, Alejandro, ·137 Fujardo, Tondo. ·PAP ER BOX MANUFACTURERS Baxter, Guillermo, 93 Gnsmmbide, Sampnloc. Bin Hing Box Factory, 90 ROMrio, Binondo. Carmelo, &. Bauc.rmnnn, lnc., 2057 .\.zcnrrnga., 8..'1mpaloc, Munila.

PHILIPPINES J.iongsin Pre:;s, 10·14 A1.CIlI'fngn, Binondo. Bmnch: 275-281 ,Juun Lunn, Binoudo. Litogrllfitl Montel', Inc., 40 J\IuguLlane5, Int rlLmuros. Modcrn Box I'actory, The, 603 i\Iagdalena, Binondo. P:lpcr Box i\InnllfllctuL'er~, Hike Shoe Fuctory (l'nited State". Shoe Co.), 286 San i\larcelino, Ermitn. PAPER i\I ANUFACTURERS National Paper Mills, Foul'lh Floor, Wis(! Bldg., 174-178 Juan Luna, Binolldo. Tels. 48142 and 48702. Oriental P aper Manufacturing Co., 885 Rizal Avenue, Stu. CI·UZ. Philil)p: n ~ P:IPCl' Product" Co., I nc., 14 Cristob!I , Paco. P APER DEA LERS, WHOLESA LE


C. Ransom Philippine Corporation, 'il7-721 Florentino TorJ'es, Sta . Cruz.

Aun & WibOJ'g Co. (Fur Bust), The, 176 Soler, Binondo. Coronu Suppb' Co., 402 J./.UIll Luna, BinOl\do. Eduentionnl Distdbutor, The, 765 .Juun Luna, 8:1Il Nicolas. Genato Commel'eial Corpor1\tion, 1075-1079 R. H idalgo, QUiapo. Getz Bros. & Co., Sixt.h FIOO) Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Gomba & H ermosul'a, 541-5 ~ Sales. Heilbronn Co., J. P .. 233 David, ~inondo. Liongsin Press, 1044 Azcllrragn, Binondo. Branch: 2 75-281 Juan L UIIU, BJllondo. Manila Blue Prinlinl: Co., Inc .. R ooms 19-2122, Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Menzi & Co., Inc., 180-1 82 J uan Luna, B iMndo. Mitsui Bussan l\ais.ha, Ltd., Second Floor, NatiOZlul City Balik Bldg., Mnnilu, P. r. Oriental Pnper M llllurnctul'ing: Co., 8~5 R izn l Avenue, 81.11. Cru~. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. P hilirr>ine l~lIlier Products Co., Tnc., I !I. Cristoi.lll, Paco. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong &. 8hanghni Bank Bldg .. Ju nn Luna, Binondo. · PARASO L MAKERS (Sec Umbrd lu J\Jrlkel's) · PAV ING J\Ianila Rock Asphalt Co., Xugtnhnll and Aceite, (Stn. l\'! esa), Sampnloc. PAW N BROKERS AgencLR de Empcflos de Angeles MendLola, Soil-A O'Do n neli,Sta Cruz Agencm de Empcilos de Antollio Lc)nrde, 1351 RL zal Ave, Sta Cruz Agcncia de Empcu08 de E. Patorno y Co., 1056 Ri~ al Ave., Sta. Cruz.



Agencill de Empel10s de F. O. Raymundo, 640 Yillya, San Nicolas. Agcnein de Empcflos de Lol'Cnzo Lcrmll, 2251 Hizal Ave., Sin. Crull,. Agencia de Empcfios de i\ 1. L. de 13nsa, 212 Libertnd, Pa"a)" Rizul. Agencin de Eml>C110s lie i\1. Villamnrin, 155 Villalobos, QUinpo. Branchc.~: 29·1 Legardn, Sumpaloe, 709 DUrt, Paoo, 5 17 Azellrrnga, Tondo nnd 383 .Junn Luna, Binondo. Agcneia de EmpcJ10s dl' Manucl Pcijn, 1609 Azcarm,l!;a, Rta. Cruz. Agencill de EmpCJ10~ de Homan Ronquillo, 137 Vill:1lohos, Qllinpo. Agcncin de r~m l>Clio~ de T. R. de Jo~6, 783 1'11born, Sail Nieolu~. Ag(,ncin de l~iloml'nll ConcepCion, 1400 Azcarl'IIga, Binolldo. Ag:cncill de H.. 80101lgn. 3 19 Juan 1.unn, Binondo. Arugon, Y" 1460 Her!'lln, Pncn. Gonel']Jcion, FilomClln Vdn. dr Tmnbullting, 100e; Al.c:\i'J'ngn, Tondo, 1334 Aze!LlTagn. Binondo, 244 Lcg:u'du, Sampaloc :Ind 272 G. Tua~o[\, SamplLloc. EI Dillmllntc, ,102-204 Cnl'ricdo, SIll. Cruz. Flores, Hobcl'ja, 56 San Marcelino, Ermita. Joyeria-Platc!'in y A{l:cncill d(.' EmpcflOS de Pedro Cruz, 3\0 Echaguc, Sta. Cruz. l .. n Prcnda, 259 Cnhildo, [ntr:ulluros. Lopel, R i\1., lOOS Ri7.ul Ave., Stu. Cruz. Mar9,lIcz, Eugenio, 366 F. B. Harrison, PasllY, RiZ;llI. J\I!ltute, S. cn C., Antonio, 335-339 Juan LUII'\ Binhndo. Raimundo, FlllIstO 0., 640 Ylul'a, San Xicolns. Ronquillo, Roman, 137 VilhLlo lOS, QUillpO. Ruiz, 1'eodorien A., 1512 Herrml, Paco. S)'-Quin, Vicente, ·t09 Juan Luna, BinOlldo. Viclorio, FeJizll. R. dc, 846-8'18 Cln vel, S!lll Nieoln!>. Villnmnrht., J\Ioi!:'es, 399 H. Hidnlgo, Cor. Villalobos, Stn. Cruz. P ERFUME JI,'I ANUFACTURERS Choan HUIlt. Pomnde Fnclory, 462 Junn Lunll, BinOlldo. Glossy LnboJ'lltories, 835 Sun Fe rnando, Binondo. Gonzalez, J. 322 Misericordia, 811L. Crull,. Tndustrills (;onsoJidadns, Inc., 57 Gustu mbide, S:lmpuloe. LissaI' Compania TncoJ'poJ'ada, Calle Roxas, San P edro Maknti, Rizal. Manila Ylang-Ylnng D i~tillel'Y, lAd., 456 Dasmllrilias Binondo. National i\l nnufnctul"ers, 555 A. l\'l ubini, Ermita. Halip & T ad Compllny, 7].1-718 Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Rosco Lnborntories, Fernandez llldg., 124 T. Pin pin. Binondo. · PERFUMERY AND TOILET ART IC LES (~ ntso Druggist:;) Aramhulo Products, I nc., noticn Insular y l..aborntorio InsuhLr (lnsulllr Drug Store) 'Plaza LCQn X IfT, COrllcr Quesada, Tondo. Ba~ar Su Sec & Co., 227 Rosario, Binondo. Club Beauty Produots, Ground Floor State Bldg., Rizul Ave., Sm. Cruz. '




Co\gtltc-Pnimolivc-Pect Co., 58 Dnsmari l1ns, Dinondo. Cosmos Bllzllr, Inc., 21 1-217 Ro~nl"io. Dinondo. Funlo & Cin., I nc., 518 R iznl Avellue, Stll. Cruz. I?nrmncill Ccntr'nl, Inc., 242-248 Ro.~ rio, Bi!londo. Glossy Laboratories, 835 Sun F er'undo, Binondo. Gonznlez, J. , 322 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. fsarda!': & Co., T., 1!)4 Juan Luna, Rinondo. Keller & Co., Ltd., Ed. A" Wise Bldg., 178 Junn Luna. Dinondo. Lno ]Cicm Hun, 946 Jnboncros, San Kicotns. Levy & filum, Inc., 35 Plnza Stn. Cruz. Stn, Cruz. l\ lani ln Ylnng-Ylnng Distillery, Ud., 456 DnsIllIU'iJiflS, Binonclo. :\'ntionnl Industrial Corporat.ion, 502 Estero Ccgllclo, Stu . CrUll . Orio, ,JOUfjUill, 857 Stll. M esa, Sumpntoc. Pari'll, Pilar, 81 Real, I ntmmuro$. P rccilla Products Co., 30G !(nccdlCI' BId!!; .• Carricdo, Sta. Cruz. R.!Irnos, Claro, 109~ta. Potcllciann, Intr!lmuro~. Vela. (' Hijos de Juan P. PeWeeI'. Comer F. B Ha!Tison and Fischer Avenuc, PltSn)', ni:wl.

· PERSIAN RUGS Per:>ian Cflrpet House, 49 Escolta, J\hlllila. · PETROLE'1ll.M (Sec Oil Dealers, alsa Groce!'!;) PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS Berty's Chemical Co., 211 Barbosa, QuinpQ. Botiea Boie-(Philippine-Ameriean Drug Co.), 95 Escolta, Binondo. Corona Phannnccutieal Laborato ric~) 105 !Plaz:! Caldcron de la Burca, Dinondo. Dr Buncio & Co., Tnc., 191 -211 .Muellc de Binondo, San Nicolas. FUl'IllflCiu Gabl'icl and Le Monde Phul'mncal Lnuoratoil'C, 898 Durt, Paco. Furmaeia San F ernando, 833-339 San Fernando, Binondo. GOllr.alcz Laboratories, 1626-1828 Rizal A\·e., Sta. Crur.. Hertacol Compa ny, Oroquietu, Cornel' Lope de Vegn, Sl-a. Cruz. Hizon Laboratory, 5,19 P. Paterno, Sta. Cruz. Kock Laboratory, 2157 O'Donnell, Stn. Cruz. Luel)hnr's Drug Db;pensatol',\' and Oom pnny, Room 31, T,nck & Davis Bldg., 110 Eehuguc, Stu. Cruz. Metro Drug COI'porntion, 880-882 Rizal Avc., Stll. Cruz. Orcj!Ula'S Pharmaceutical Laboratory a nd Drug Store, 122-124 Alcjandro VI, Sampnloc. Philippine Americnn Drug Co. (Botiea Boie), 95 Escolt.a, Binondo.


INDUSTR IAL MANUAL Rosel Laboratori('s, Inc., 142 Gunno. Cor. AI'le~ui, Quinpo. Squibb & Sons, E. R., New YOl'k, Ed. A. Keller & Co., Ltd., Agents, 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. SI.c:u·nll & Co .• Predurick, H3S Sale!';, Strt. Cruz. Upjohn Company, The, H. R. Hoskins Resenl'ch Represcntative, Room E, j\'Ietropoli: tu n Theu~re Bldg., Plnza Lawton, Ermita. Vda. e Hijos de Juan P. Pcllicer, Corncr F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. · PHARMACISTS (Sec Druggists) P HONOGRAPH AND PHONOGRAPH RE CORD DEALERS A. & P. Co., Tnc. , The, 10 T . Pin pin, Binondo. Beck's, 89-9 1 Escolta, Binondo. Erlnnger & GI1.1ingcr, Inc., Reginn Bldg., Du vid und M ueHe del Bunco Nncionnl, Binondo. !sardns & Co., T ., 194 Juan Llllln, Binondo. Lu Armonin, 689 Ylayn, Tondo. Branch: 14-16 Plazn Stn. Cruz, Stu. Cruz. Lyric Music House, Inc., 633 Escoltll, Binondo. Muebleria Enrique Blirrueco, 640-644 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. On~ Ti Bu Sonl<, 127 Nuevll, Binondo. Puyut Music House, 628 Rizal Avc., Sill. Cruz. '~h,?mpson Stevenson I ncol'pol'!ltcd, 312 Curl'ledo, Stn. Cruz. · PHOTO ENGRAVERS (Sec t! lso Engravers, General)

Acmc Engrnving :md Elcot!'otyping Plant. 715-72 1 CalerQ, 8tn. Cruz. "Beni payo Press" and Photo Engraving,. 648-552 Misericordia, Sm. Cruz. Filipininnn Press, 14. T. Pinpin, Binondo. Free Prcs.~ P hoto Engfllvin~, I nc" Third Floor, Free Pre",,, Bldp:., 680 Riz!l1 Avenuc, Slu. Cruz. Garcia, A., 32 Sm. Potenciana, Intramu ros. j'\'I nni h Photo Engraving, SI4 Solf'r, SIll. ('ruz. PHOTOGRAPHERS Ail' Port Studio, 2 Solcr (Thi rd Floor). Corncl Azcarraga. Tondo. Br:mch Offic(': 47 BlumclItritt, Stl'. Cruz. Amor Studio, 2 Soler, Corner AzcnrnLgn, Tondo. Arcllllno Art. StudiO, 2098 Azcurnlgn, Quiapo. Artistic Studio, 933 Snn Femnndo, San Sicol:!,;. Bnyot Bros. Studio, 1331 Herra n, PlICO. BmudwL\Y Studio, 1792 Rizal Avcnue, Sw. CI'UZ_ Camara Supply Co., 138 E~co l tl\, BLlLondo. Maniln. Cnpitol Photo Senicc, 151 BUlitillos, Sam paloe_ Ccntnll Art StudiO, 906 Dart, Puco. 1~llvo l'it.n Studio, 926 Ylnyu, Tondo. Filipino Sludio. Cor. Lcgardu lind Gllstli mbidt·, (Upstairs), Sampnloc. Five Stars Studio. 466 i'\ucvn. Binondo. Fox Stud:o. 2041 Hcrrun. Puco. Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Hollywood Studio. 001 Ylayu, Tondo. Juan de In Cruz Studio, Pudilln. Bldg., -128 Rizul Ave., Sta. Cruz. Kahirup Studio, 678 Rizul Ave., Stu. Cruz. Luna Studio, Azeurruga, Cor. Lc gnrdu, 81111\-

p:l.loc. Luzon Studio, 1802 l-IeI'nUl, 1'1100. Lvric Studio, 339 Da~ mnrii'i \l.~. Binondo. Manila Photo Supply, fll c. , 159-161 Escolb, Binondo, Munila. Miranda. Studio, 379 A. l\'lubini, Caloocan, Riznl.

Modem Photo, 227 Tsulle Pem!, EI'mitu. New Ideal Studio, 304 Cnrricdo, Stn. Cruz. Nolasco D' Art Studio, 817 ¥luyu, Tondo. Nuevo. St.udio, 605 Nueva, Uinondo. Palace StudiO, 189 R en l, rnt1'l\muro~. People's Studio, 327 Junn Lunu, Dinondo. P hilippinll Fine Arts Studio, 807 Snn Fernando, Still Nicolas. Rialto Studio, 456 DU$ lnU.riJi'l8, Binondo. Stirn Studio, 242 R OHurio, 13inOlldo. Smart Set Studio, L6M Ri?nl Ave., Sta. Cruz. Sun Studio, 665 Du ;mnl"iu'l.s. Binondo. United Art Studio, 103 Plaza Calderon de la Bal'ca, Binondo. Triangulo StudiO, 7-t9 Riz~l Ave., Stn. Cruz. Victoria Studio, 657 Dnr[, Pnco. Vito CI·U? StudiO, 178 Libel'\ad, Pa..~ar, Rizu1.

PHOTOGRAPH ERS. CO I MERC IAL Abelardo Scenic Studios, 703 'nrumnn, Sta. Cruz. Artistic StudiO, 933 San Femandq, Sun Kicolas. Arzadon Bros. Art, 1346 Herran, Puco. Californht Art Studio, Monte de 'piedad Bldg., Plaza Sill. Cruz, Stn. Cru)';. Central Art Studio, 006 Durt, Chicago Portrait Co., 931 R. Hidnlgo. Quiapo. Collegian Photo Studio, 325 M. H. d('"1 Pilar, Ermita. Federated Artists, Room 308, FC!ll!Ul(\e? Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Hollywood Studio, 901 \'1l1ya,. T ondo. . Mikado Photo Shop, 329 R. Hldaip;o, QUUlpO . . Modern Kodak Finishing, The, 74 SoleI', 01nOl1do. Nationul Studio, 132 Bustillos, Snmpuloe. Navarro, J. Alm!LI', 234 A. ~-rabini, Ermitn. NolR!;cO D'Art Studio, 8 17 Ylnyn, T ondo. Philippine Fine Arts Studio, 807 Sun Fernllndo. San NieohL8. Sun Studio, 665 Oasmnriflas, Binondo. Tinsay Art Studio, Monte de Picdad Bldg., Pln7.!1 Sta. Cruz, Sm. Cruz. United Art Studio, 103 PluzlI Cnldl'l"Onn de In Barcu, Binondo. PHOTOGRAPHI C SUPPLY DEALERS Botica Boia_(Philiplline_American Drug Co.), 95 Eseolt.a, Binondo. Brias Roxas Inc., Brias Roxas Bldg. 71 E.<;co\tn, Binondo. Camera Supply Co., 138 Escoitn, Binondo, Manila. Classic Photo Finishing, 937 JURn Lunn, TOl1do.



Heacock Co., H . E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Binondo. Kodak Philippmcs, Ltd., -t34 Ous muril1as Binondo. Manila Photo Supply, Inc., 159-161 Escoltu, Binoudo, Manilu. :\litsui BUSSlln Knisha, Ltd., Second Floor, Natiollul City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. 1. Modcrn Kodak Pini ~h ing, The, 74 Solcr, BilIondo. Sun Photo Sup]lly, 667 Dasmnl'ifills, Binondo. · PHYS ICAL CU LTURE McElvain's, Bob, 478 A. Mabini, Ermita. PI·IYSIC IANS AND SURGEONS Abad, Dr. Lucio D., 1145 i\'Iagdalenn, (Tro7.o) 1'ondo. Abotiz y Pinaga, Dr. Jose A. dc, A. i\1!tbini, COl'. A. Flores, Ermitn. Ah rio l, Dr. Rufino, Room 200, J{n('C{).[cr Bldg. Curricdo, Stn. C ruz. Abuel, O z'. Jo ~e, Room 2." Santos Bldg., P laza. Stn. Cnl?, 8tH. C ru?. Afablc, O m. Pilar B., 348 B:l.lnbang, Stu. Cru7.. Arnblc, Ora. Trinidud n., 348 Bnmbnng, 8ta. Cruz. Ag-uila)', Dr Fnrilrue, 313 Barbosa, Quiapo. Alandy Dy, Dr. Manuel 224 SoleI', Binondo. Albert, Dr. Jo>!C. 000 Zurbarnn, Sta Cruz. Albert.o, Dr. J . C., 61 S Tdnidad, Stu. Cruz. Alberto, Dr. Scverino, Jr., 302 P ra7.n )"liranda, Quiapo. Alberoto, Dr. Sevcdno B., Sr., 302 Plaza Mirandu, Quia]>o. Alcantam, D,·. V. C., Rooms 2 and 3.1. 1\-Iontc d0" Piedud Bldg., PlnUI Stu. Cruz, ::;tu. CrUll. Alomia, Dr. Angel. 1319 i\Jnng:nhflJl, ~tn. Cruz. Alzonn. Orn. 0c1cI1n, S., 1131; Singa[on~. l\1alntc. Ancnjas, Dr. An~cl, 711 R Ave., Stn. Cru1.. AlldllYa, ol". Jo~e, Second Floor, Illsular LifeBldg., Phl?n Morngn, BinOlldo. Angel!,!.':!, 1)1"11. Adclllidn de lo.':!, 404. Mlu-tin Oenmpo, Quiupo. Angc!<:~, 01'. Alrl"e-do S., Second Floor, Stnte' Bldg , fic" Ri~ul Ave., Sin. Cr\l1.. AII,I(c!es, 01". Si:I:to df' los, ·104 MUI·tin Oenml>O, Quin.po. Antonio, 01'. Domingo. 889 NlII"l"!I.,.1'ondo.,., Aree und AI"Cc, D I"I'., 3 12 Plaza .Mmmda., :::;tu. Cruz. Arcillu, Dr. Pedro J., 1·131 Juan l.unu, Tondo. Arcvil10, Dr. J. S., 364 F. B. l:Iurri~o n , Pasay. Rizal. Arguelles. Df. M. V., 800-800 RnOIl, QUi:lPO. Arzrgn, D r. l~rullcisco D., 783 Gov. Forbe::, Sllmpuloc. Austria, Dr. C. T , ·120 Rlza! Avcnut', Sin Cruz Avccilla, Dr. Pedro. 815 Reina Rcgcnlc. Blnondo. Avelhma, Dr. FmnciS(lo, 437 Raxa J\laland6, Tondo. AyCSll, Dr. Alfonso, 410 Cu Unjicng Bldg., T. Pillpin, Cor. Eseolta Binondo. :\7.COlla, DI·. Jesus, 21 Gnll. 8016110, Slln l\ligucL




Bncn~, Dz', Alfredo, 2215 Hill!ll !h'c., Stu. Cruz. Baltnzar, Ora. Migucla G., 208 Andu, rntrumuros. Barrio, Dr. Lus dell 2\0·1 Ril"ul Ave., S~IL. Cruz. Bnrscl, Dr. J. B., loom!; 611-613, Insular Life

13Id/;., Plu:m l\'iOl'1lg:!I, Binondo.

Bnrtolomc, Dr. J. A" 180 David, Binondo and 23 Ol'tc~ll, SllIl Junn, !lizu!. BaSil, Dr. C., 1263 Tubcrias, Quillpo. I3atoy, Dr. Al":'lcnio, 8 15 Foigucrtll', '1'011(10. B:lutisl!l, Dr. Gregoz'io 1\1., 156 :\nro;;;o, Pandacnn.

BuutistH, Dr. Pncil1]lO, R oom 23, Arguelles Bldg, 519 HilmI Avenue, ~tu. Gz'uz. Bnylon, Dr. CurIos, 542 Hizul Avenue', Sta. Crill. Benitoll, Dr. Eugenio, 106 Mnmiquc, Snmpaloc. Bertol, Dr. Ruruel, C1I100CfLII, Riza!. Berzin, Dl'. A" Suites 310-312, Philippine Kationul Bank Bldu;., 90 Escolta, Binondo. Boncnn, Dr. Catulino D, 325 S!lmaniHo Bldg., 6! 9 1~i<Col ta, Dinondo. Borja, Dr. Daniel, Room 200, Kneedlcr Bldg., Cnrricdo, St!\ Cru~. Bueneonsejo, Dr).,.A., 90S Trnbajo, Samllaloe. Buendia, Dr. Florentino, 1919 Riznl Avellue, Stu. Cnlz. \ Bustamante, Dr. Vic~,~.te, 315 RaoI"!' 8,ta. Cruz. BU7.0II, Dr. Castro L.~"y20 St.a. Mana, rondo. Cabnrrus, Dr. Juan n., 713 Le!!:nrdu, Sampaloe. Cabrezu, D!·. Juan, B uig, Manduluyon, R izal. OajayoJl, Dr. Domingo, 002 Clnvel, San Nicolas. Calilong, 01'. Victorinno ., 1257 Juan Luna, Tondo. Campos, Dr. Ramon l?, ,\03 Samanillo Bldg., 61!) Escoltn, Binondo. Onnizarcs, Dr. JI,'liguel, 805 morida, Malate. Carrnscmio, Dr. Fernando T., 67 13I\lm"'s, Qlliapo. Carrillo, Dr. Tomas C., ,15 \ Camba, San Nicolas. Casn, Dr. Antonio, 239 Mendozll, Quiapo. Cn.;:ul, DI". Ram6n, 27 Del Paso, Quin/". Cnsns, Dr. Manuel J., 297 Sun Ra ael, San !'I'Iiguel. Casimiro, Dr. Jovito, 422 l\1nrtin Ocnmpo, Quiapo. Castillo, Dr. G. L. del, 320 Plaza Leon XIII, Tondo. Castillo Recto, 0,'. Mi!!:ucl, 226 R IlLddoJ", Quiapo. Ceeilio, 1)1'. Agaton, 726 Cnlel"o, Stn. Cruz. Celis, Dr. J. P., 515 Rao n, Sta. Cmz. Chanco-Sison, Dr. F. N., 1501 Esguerra, Tondo. Chce Woo T ong, Dr., 411 Dnsmnril1as, Binondo. Chun, Dr. Ceo. G., 202 Elcnno, Sun 1\""ieolo..s. Concepcion, Dr. Tsabelo, 54.7 Herrul1, l\'lalnte. Concepei6n, Dr. Pncifico A., 1825 Azcarrngn, ConlCr Oroquieta, Stn. Cruz. Concepcion, Dr. Pedro, 143 Guipit, Sampaloc. Cordoba, Dr. Jose, 110 SilO Rafael, San Miguel. Coronado, Drn. J ovita, 542 Rizal Avenue, Corner Ronquillo, Sta. Cru1.. Cortes, Dr. Agusto J. D., 242 Rosario, Dinondo. Crisologo, OJ". Jesus A., 244 Bambang, Stn. Cruz. Cruz, Dr. Junn de la, 2166 Oroquieta, St-!\.. Cruz. Cruzcosa, Dr. Catalino, 284 St.a. Mnria, Cor. Pavia, Tondo. Cruz-Fidelino, Ora. Pilar V:,I. Room 4, Monte de Picdad Bldg., PlazlL Sm. vruz, Sta. Cruz. Damian Dr. Luis, 1436 H()rran, Paeo. Dnyco, br. Silvi no, 72 1 IVlnhnligue, Stu. Cruz. Dnyrit, Dr. Aurelio, 302 Plaza Mirnnda, Quinpo.

Delelh, Dr. Federico D., 1135 SingnlonJ;, Malate. Delfin, Dr. Vicente, Padilla Bldg., 428 Hizal Ave., Stll. Cruz. Delgado, Dr. Grcgorio G., 428 F. Harrison, PasIIY, Riznl. Dcl~ado, Dr. Jose M., 2305 E. l\'icndioln, San lHigue1. D in!>o, Dr. Bernardo 1\""., 525 Madrid, San Ni-



Di-G\lIII1/o:co, 01". Primo, 10-1 Guipit, Snmpaloc Dionicio, Dr. S. Ador, 563 :\zc!trraga, Tondo. Dios, OJ'. PJdrieio do, 189·1 Juan Luna, '1'ondo. Dios, Dr. Vict.orino dc, 189-1 JULIn Lnnn, Tondo. Diy, Dr. Salvador J., 601 Legadn, Snmpnloe. Dudley, 0,'. F. W., '110 ;\'iarques de Comillns, Paeo. Eduquc, Dr. J., 312 Regina Bldg., E~colta, Oor. David, Binondo. Elchico, Dr. Jose, 513 LavezaJ"cs, San Nicolas. Emile, Dr. Rnfnel R., 5-12 Hizal Ave. , 8tn. Cru~. Enriquez, Dr. Jose A., A'"guelles Bldg., 519 Hiz!!.1 A,·e., Sta. Cruz. Estrada, 0,'. Januario, 1105 Tuft Ave. Extension, Pasay, Rizlli. Estrada, Dr. Salvador G., 1019 Lepanto, Snmpaloe. Estmdn, Dr. Tomas G ., 658 Suula Mesa, Samp!lloc. Euluu, OJ". ]<., 301 R cgillt\ Uldg., E~coltn, Cor. Da\'id, Binondo. Fnrrales, Dr. Gregorio, Room 200, Knccdlcr Bldg., Cnrriedo, Sta. Cruz. Fnvis, Dr. G. F., 2324 O'Donnell, Sm. Cruz. 11'c"nnndcz, Dr. A. Z., 1037 O'Donnell, St!!. Cruz. Femnndo, Dr. Antonio S., 817 Taft Ave., 1\1:1late. Fernnlldo, Dr. F. S., 16 Escoit!!., Binondo. Fernnndo, Dr. Mllnucl V., !)20 Trnbnjo, S!lmpIIloe. Fidclino, DI". Francisco A., Monte de PiI.'<iad Bldg., Plaza Stn. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Fidelino, Dr. Valentin A., 1207 Junn Lunll, Tondo. Fletcher, Dr. L. Z., 1375 Oregon, Ermita. Florendo, Dr. Mariano, 135 G!I~t!\lIlbide, &mpaloc. Francill, Dr. H ilario, 632 Bnrcclonn, San Xicolas. Francisco y Santos, Dr. Celedonio, 336 RieLLfort, Tondo. Gabriel, Dr. Francisco, 898 Dart, Paco. Gabriel, Dr. Proceso, 731 Cnlera, Stu. Cruz. Galnurnn, Dr. Fnusto J., 297 A. Mubini, Calooclln, Rizal. GuHun, Dr. t>.'Inriuno A. J r., 401 Pnz, Puco. Garcia, Dr. Arturo, 619 Colorado, Mulnte. Gareln, Dr. Faustino., 915 San i\'l nrelliino, Malnte. Garcia, Dr. Gumersindo, 1101 LcpillltO, Sampaloc. G!lrduiio, Dr. D. M., 17-1 M. de Comilllll', EnniUl. Gatchnlinn, Dr. H. R., ·185 Antipolo, Stn. Cruz. Galchnlinn, Dr. H ipolito, 286 Blumcntritl, Sta. Cruz. Gntchnlinn, Dr. S., 266 Suerte, Pnsay, Rizal. Gavino, Dr. Ca,alino, 722 Tayumll.lI, Stn. Cruz. Celano, Dr. Carlos, 1!)21 H ermn, Paco. Gemil, Om. Migucla, 374 Looban, PRCO. Gonato, Dr. ,Jose, 1302 Rizal Avenue, SUI. Cruz. Gil, Dr. Pedro, 1902 HernUl, Paco,

PHILIPPINES Qim('ncz. Dr. !Cedcl'ico, 30S Kneedler Bldg., Cnr-

riedo, Sh. CruT.. Go Tiong Num, Dr. J., 205 Soler, Binondo. Gonzales, Dr. F. L. A., 307 F{'nlUlldc7. Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Gon1.llies, Dr. l.ui~ Z., 305 :'\'cbrnskn, Ermita. Gonzalez, Dr. A" 542 R i:7,iLl Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Gonzlllc?, Dr. .Jo.e A., 1626 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. Guerrero, Dr. Alfredo L. , 117 A. Mahini. Ermitn.

Guerrero, Dr. Augusto Mil., 156 l."uac Peral, Ermiw.. Guerrero, D,', FOl'lunnto S., Room,; 2 and 3, l\'fonte de Picdad Bldg., P\Il7,1l Stll. Oruz, Stn. Cruz. Oucrrero, Dr. Luil', 1·18-.156 fsane Peru!, J!irmitll. Cllen'era, Dr. Renata i\lurin, 176 Renl, fntmffi \l l'OS.

Guidotc, Dr. Jo~l:, 515 Perez, Puco. GuHcncz, DJ'. P . D ., Room 204, Kn eedler Bldg., Cnl'riedo, Sin. Cruz. Guzman, 0,', R. V" 553 Rizlll Ave., Room .;I, 8tft. Cr·uz. Hlllili, Dm. Tomasn )'., G79 Riznl Aveuuc, 8tll. Cruz. Hallarc, Dr. Marcclino, 604 Reftidor, QuiUI>O, Htl...'<Sclmunn, DI'. C. M., 400 Philippin~ ?\alional Bank Bldg., 90 Escalla, ~inondo. Hn..,,-~elmann-I( ahlcrt, Dr. l\·tu rgnrct, Suite 400, P hilippine Xationni Bank Bldg., 90 Escolta, Dinondo, Hernnndez, Dr. E. S., --109 C~r. Cnrriedo and Evangelista, Quiapo. B crnnndCl:, Dr. :\IlInuel A" 233 San Anton, Slimpliioc. Hernnndo, Dr. EUgcnio, 211 Sail An tollio, Pnco. Bemando, Dr. T., 9·13 Ylllyn, T ondo, Herrer:l, Dr. Florentino, 1264 Tuberins, Quiapo. Herrer:l, Dr. T eodoro U. ,r., 4321 i\Ii ~('rico rd ill, Sta. Cruz. Herrera, D r. T oribio, 533 P. Herrern, Tondo. H errero, Dr. S., 209 Kneedler Bldg., Carricdo, Stn. Cruz. H linrio, Dt,. Jo~e S .. 9012 i\'J. H. del Pilrtr, Malate, Hi1.on, Dr. Jose S., Room 23, Santos Bldg., Plnza 8tn. Cruz, 8ln. Cruz. H o Seng H UIl I)g, Dr, 882 Heina R cgcnte, Binondo. Ira Conecpei6n, Dr. I?" Alberto nldg., Pluza l\'Iirandn, Quil\po. Jacinto, 1)1'. N,cunor, 1020 Plazn Leon X IIT, Tondo. Jnpson, Dr. Vicente, 300 Morione", Tondo, Joscon, Dr. Alfredo, 311 A. Flores, Ermitn. Jose y SantiaKO. Dr. Josc, 379 Aviles, S1In i\ Ii ~\lel. Kin g, Dr. Tieng, 459 Dasmariiias, Binondo, Ln 0, Dra. Dolores G., 211 Ongpill, Second Floor, Room 2001, Dinondo. Lao. Dr, Marcos Reyes, 7·15 Elcano, T ondo. Lam, Dr. Florencio. 260 Sw. Mesn, Sllmpilloc. Lnuchengeo, DI'. L uis, Lack & Dnvis Bldg., 110 Echllgue, Sta, Cruz. Lazatin, Dr. M. i\1., Room 202, R egina Bldg., Escolw, Cor, David, Binondo, Lee, Dr. Victor G., 803 OnJ!;pin, Sta, Onlz. LegllTdn, Dr, Alejandro, 456 DnsmnrillfiS, Bi· nondo.



Leiva, Dr, Lllmbcrto, Corner H:1V1Ina and Cnlderon, Stn. Ann. Lcjllno, Dr. A. L., 700 Evangeli~tll. Quiapo. Leon, Dr. Wilfrido de. G09 Knnsns, Paco. Levi~te, Dr. J., ,H2 Rizlll Ave., Cor. Ronquillo, Sta.. Cruz, Leyne!', Dr. Ricardo, G·!,'} Evan~elista, Quial>O, Liboro, Dr. Agustin, 1119 RizlIl Av('., Slll. Cruz. Lim Chong I(an~, Dr. 30a ,/untl Luna, Binondo. Lim, Dr. Domingo, 56 l 1~lclu\O, San Kicolfls. Limwll, Dr. :\[Ill'cinno, 1063 Singalong, i\lalah>. Liplltlfl. 01'. Mllrco.~, :H5 Cumb". San Xicoln~. Llamas, 01'. Ro!;endo R" Office; Rooms 205-207-209, Kneedler Bldg., Cal'l'iedo, Sta. Cruz, Loo, Dr. r~u~ebio, 246 Rosut'io, Binondo. Lop('1., Dr. Enriquc, 8 15 A. !\'[ abini, Mfliate. Lopez, Dr. R'In)OIl, 165 iHugul1utll'!I Tntramuros. T..oI)CZ Li1.O, 01'. L conidc~, 1384. T aft Ave" 1\Iulale. Luectlu, Dr. Pio n., 135.'5 Cnllejon Anacleto, Stll. Cmz. MacIlsnt:l, Dr. RattlO~, 3,16 G. 'rUlison, Snmj)lIloc. !\IllgJlllnng, Dr. Gil L., ! 103 M. de Sanl08, San Nicolll~.

:\'fllkalinL!lI, Dr. A..1., 823 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. !\£llkllpUgIlY, Dr. ridel, Ij5 Luong L:l1I1I, Sampnloc. !\Iatimbnn, Dr, A, H., 530 G. TUllson, Sampuloc. l\1niu'lIlV, Or. Leoti C .. 226 H('gidor, Quiupo, !\[antn'paz. Dr, p. r~ ., 609 huiwl, SumpalQ('. M:1tinf, Dr. i\laria, 1035 Bilibid Viejo, Qui1lpo. Mendo?Il, Dr. Teodulfo, 119 Frntcrnidad, PandaCAn. Mcrcado, Dr, :\19rinno L., Padilla Bldg., 0128 Ri7.tL1 .'\\.t' .. SIn. Cru1.. Mil1arc, Dr. U. D., 3013 San l\lnt'ccJino, Ermitn. l\[Olillll, Dr. Ricnrdo D., 57 1 P('i'Ulfnlncin, P uco. l\Ionserrnl, Dr. C., 680 Avclluc, Sb. Cruz. Montf..,;, 01'. ,ro~6 E., GO--I RcgidOl', Quinpo. MOI'ales, DI'. Bullnz(lr, 1707 Hcrmll, Paco. Momles, Dr. JO$6, "·1 Soler, Binondo, Morcllo, Dr. Jo"c, CO!'llzon de JC!iUS, San Juan, Ri1.aL Moreln, Dr. n. M" 508 Filipina~ Bldg., P lllza IHornga, Binondo. MU8tigi, Dr. Cri~ plllo, 3629 Tllft. Avc. Extension, P nsay, Riznl. Nnliagns, Dt·. Junn C., 719 F'loridn, Mnl ntc. Navllrro, Dr. IWgino, 208 Reginn Bldg., Escoltn, Binondo. Nicolns, Dra. r.cli~n, 8 17 T tlft Ave" l\Inlnte. Nolusco, Dr..JUlln, 9 Qu~.M dll, T ondo. Nubln-Ko, 01', A" 327-329 Dllsnl!lrilins, Dinondo. OCllml>O, Dr. Vicente R. de, 925 Rizill Ave" Stu. Cruz. Ocampo y Reyes, Dr, Gervasio dc, 1047 Arlcgui, Quiupo. Ong, Dr. Ernesto, !G58 Oroquieta, St1l.. Cruz. Ong, Dr. Rarael 8., 1323 Sun Andre8, Malate. Ongjoco, Dr. Jo~e S., 689 Zamoru, Pasll)" Rizll!. On~iako, Dr. Augusto V., 725 Taborn, San Nicolns. Ongsillko, Dr. Herna ndo V., 725 Taborn, San Nicolas. Ongsinko, Dr. Rnmon J., 725 Taborn, Sun Nieolus.




Ol'OU'f1, 01'. .Jos(' D ., Argllc llc~ Bldg., 519 R~1.[\1 AV(,lIue , Stn. Cruz. OrtcgH. Dr. Frnl\ci~co G., 246 Snncho PallZu, SUlll pnloc. P ndilln, 01'. ;';al'ciso A. , 39 Gnstllmbidc, Sll.mpaloe. PadU!\, Dr. R egino G ., 84 1 Leverizu, Pasay, R i1:nl. PlIli!!;all, Dr. Pacifico A., 700 R iznl Ave., Stn. Cru z. P aredes, Dr. Alfredo S., 225 Rc~ idor, Quinpo. P:ttnngco, DI ', TdIlCO, 39-45 Blumcntritt, SIll. CI'U?'.

P nu!ino, Dr. Pf'rcgrino H .. R oom;; 23-24, Santos bldlt. , 1)]IIZ1I St:l. Cruz, Stn. C"\lz. Pciianol', Dr. CU l'Ilw]o, 2157 O'Donnell, Stn. Gm z. Pi11("d ll,

Dr. On,,10, 851

Folll,\Icrn ~,


Pincdn, ])1', FortUlIllto , 10:19 Oroquieta, Stu. Cruz . }'otcncinno, Dr. Conmdo, 249 Solnnn, In tl'Umuro ~.

P ote-ueiuno, D.r. P('lngio, 313 eu Unjieng Blelg. T. Pinpin, Cl:w. Escoltn, 13inondo. ' Prosprro, Dr. .Jd\e, 906 T uyu mnn, Sin. Cruz. PU~lgs"hl11 , 0,1" .I ~e .1., 63} T~)':\I~:t", Tondo. QUllntan y (tUrChi, D r. I'ermm, :>60 Eehaguc, l. Quiupo. Quinto~. Dr. :\I'turo n, 176 R eal, Jntramuros. QIl~t!lzol\ 0 1'. Zoilo, ll.oom 5, 420 Rizul Ave. , ~t:l. C!'lIz. R nduhlln, Dr. Antonio, n o,pitlll San R 'lmon, 60 A. 1\ 1:ll)in i, Calooean, Riznl. Rnm inn, Dr. Pedro G., Third Floor, Arguc]]('" BId!!;., .j 19 Avcnut, Stn. Cruz. R an~o~, Dr. S:Ilvador L., ~IO Burgos, Pasay, R lznl. Rllmo~. D I·. Virj!;ilio, 313 C\~ Ulljieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. r.~colln, Binondo. R uym u(l<lo, Dr. Amndor. 160 Stu. i\'l esa, Samp:llo<'. Heilz, Dr. J ohn, ·100 AI'ins Bldg., Ca rl'jedo, Sla. Cru%. R eyes, Dr. Angel 1., gVil1lgelistl1, Quiapo. R eycs, 1\11'. ClJrmelo, 923 Indiana, Malate. R e),rs, Dr. Dominador, 40'l S!l n~I' Mesll, Sampaloe. Reyes, DI'. Edmundo A., 277 Gen. SolmlO, San i\·ligurl. Reyes, Dr. ~1'Ilc;;to, 717 R Hidulgo, R es. 341 Mal'lin Oellm!>o, Quill l)O. Reyes, Dr. .Jo~e n.., 83 1 Lepanto, Snmpaloc. Reyes, 01'. 1..01'en1.0 C., 405 Slln Lazaro, St:l. Cl'Uz. Rcye;;, Dr. Lorenzo P. 1755 AzcIII'raga, Sta, Cru z, R on, 01'. 11t rllllrdillo, R ooms 23-2.!, Arguelles Bldg., ;) 19 R izlll Ave.. Stu. Cruz. Rodrigucz4Velo:;o, Dr..)., 413 Sto. Scpulcro, Paco. Roque, D.'. Frnneillco N., 2328 R izul Ave., Cor. Antipolo, Stu. Crul. . RoSilles, Dr. Juun, 500 Pnz, Pnco. H.os,,'lr;o. Dr. Tirso del, 321 T ayuman, T ondo. Roxas, Dr. Baldomero, 1244 Cortabitnrte, Cor. A. Mabini, MIIJllte. Rustin, Dr. Guillermo, Belnords Apartment, 719 Dukotn, Mlllute. SalliS. Rodriguez, Dr. Felix S., 2147 Azenrraga, Qllllll>O.

8ulccdo Jr., Dr. Juan, 158 Libertad, PIISlI~·. Rizal. SIIJip:um bll, DI·. S. R , 542 Rizlll Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Salinn~, Dr . .J. l\'lu., 311 Cllbildo, Tntramuros. SlIlvtUlol', Dr. \Vencc.slao, 70 N. Domingo, S:m .J UO II , R iznl. SJlmin, Dr. Leon, 5381.aguna. Stn. Cruz. SlIn Gllhriel, D r. Mllrinno. Clinic: Lnong Nasa Dldp:., 8.'iO An1onio Rivera, T Olldo. Residence: 203 Reqlle~ens , Stu. Cruz. SZlIlcinngeQ, Dr. Dlos<indo, 2063 Oro<luictu, Stn. Cruz. Santn Ann, 01'. Cesat"eo, 205 G. Tunson, Snmp!lloe. SlIntll Ann, 01'11. Mflrin Tironu, 205 G. TUnson, SampJlloe. SzIn1n Cruz, Dr, J. Z., 323 l .. nvezare,:, SlIn KicoIns. Snntnm nl'ill, DI·. Pedro, 420 R;znl AVe., St,lI. Cruz. Snnlingo, 0 ... D ominndOl' M ., 67 Hnlmcs, Quiopo. Snnti1lnll, 0 ... .lose, Office and Rc~ ;dence : 167 Blumentl'itt, Sta. Cruz. Suntil1nn Bn e ll ~, Orll, Paz, 2215 Riznl Avc., Stu. Cruz. Stlnto;;, DI'. Hcrmogcnell A., 320 P. Cllmpn, SlImpllloe. SZ\lItos, Dr. fsidoro dc, S<,cond Floor. Room., 201, 203, 205 nnd 207, Ides Bld~ .. (Ol)po~it c Divisoritl 2\I:u'ket) ;\'llI rcclino de &lIItos, San Nicola;;. Santos, Dr..Jorge dc, &>cond Floor, Room 203, Ides Bldg., 1\1. de Slintos, SlIn :\ioolao:, Mallila. Santo~, Dr. l\hutin , 680 Hizlll Avc. , Slll. Cruz. Sapinoso, Dr. Pm;tor fl., 975 Dakota, :\illiate. Schmid , Dr. H., 310 Philippinc Xntionnl Bank B\d~., 90 Escoltu, l3inondo. Scpu\vcda, 01'. G., 176 R"al Tntrllnmro". 8crl'a, Dr. Vicen1e P. , 542 Rizal Avcnue, 8 1:1. Cnlz. Scvilb , 0 ... Vietol', 1537 Azeu rrnl!;u, Stu. C ruz. Sill. Dr. fr iueo P., 765 F. B, Flurrison, (Jnt.) PII~lr, Hi7.!l1. Siusoeo, Dr. Sev<:ro, 202 nt'gina Dldg., Escolta llnd D!l\fid, Binondo. Sing;;on, Dr. Jose S., Room 304, Padilln Bldg., ,128 Ri;w l Ave., Stu. Cn!)';. Sison, 0 ... Agerico B. 1\'1., r-,'ietropolitnn Theatre Bldg., Pl!lzu Luwton, El'lnito. Stult, Dr. Hemy A., Lack nnd Davis Bldg., 110 Echllglle, S1a. Cru1.. Steinmet1., Dr. H. H., Suite 300, 1i'cmnndcz Bldg. , 12.! T. Pinpin, (Ncar E5Co lt~I), Uinondo, 1\lanilll. Suria, Dr, Cu"lor, 1930 Riznl Ave., SI!I. Cruz. T al>ll1ntc, Dr. Juan, 1052 Oroquieta, Comcr Zurbnrnn, Stu. Oruz. Tnjnn, Dr. H. M., Oroquietll, Comer Lope de Vega, SIB. Cruz. T llkedn, Dr. K., 420 Ri zul Avc., StlI. Cruz. T nmb ulltco, Dr. Domingo, 525 F. B. H arriron. P ll&ly, Rizal. Clinic: Room 212, Kneedler Bldg., CZlrriooo, Stu. Cruz. Tcc Hun Kce, Dr. Alberto, 72l Reina R.cgente, Binondo. Tillnco, Dr. G. E., Arguelles Bldg., 519 R iu.1 Avc., Stn. Cruz. T irollll, Dr. Josli I'., 29·1 Fortuna, Pasuy, RizBI.


Dr. Felipe, 1302 R":nl Ave., ::itt. Cruz. Tl'inidnd, Dr. Angel, 2667 Lico, Sta. Cruz. Tunson, Dr. Junn, 410 Cu Un jieng l3ldg., Cor. T. Pinpin lind E;;colta, Binondo. T UllSOll, Dr. 1 1nnucl N., MI6 TZlrt Av('., Cor. Cnlifornin, Erlllitil. TUiLSon, Dr. Vicente E., 1617 AzclIrrnga, Stn. Cruz. TlIpas, Dr. Alberto V., 413 Pcnn~rh-nnio. Ave., Ermitn. T upns, D rn. Allostaein G., 413 P"nn'lylvnnia Ave., Ermitn. [holdo, Dr. A. R, Hoom 212, Rng-inn l3ldg., Dllvid, Cor. E~eoltn, Binondo. 1:II:;on, Dr. .Julin R, \678 F('lix Hucrtns, Stn. ClUZ. tifi!llivin Medical Clinic, 702 Nflbm'ikn, Malnte. l"rrutill, Dr. Ct'simiro 1<'., 91 Morionei, Trmdo. \'alde~, Dr. Benito R , 2J7 \\l1('cdlcr Bldg., Cnrricdo, S\'o. Om)';. Vnlcncin, Dr. V. C., 107 Soli~, Tondo. Vazquez, Dr. Anto nio, 212 R"p:inn Bldg., EsCOitAl, Cor. David, Binondo. Vn7.qucz, Dr. Gemrdo, 540 r-. L H. del Pilnl" Ermiln. Velurde, Dr. Hcrminib~ Uooms 202-204, Arias Bldg., ClllTiedo, Sta. Cruz. 12 Rizal Ave., COl" Vellll'de, Dr. i\ Iiguel A., &-. Ronquillo, Stu. Crull. \'ela~e(), Dr. PC'dro .r.. 20 Ht'giml Bldg., Escoll:l, Cor. Ddvid, nillon . Veloso, D r. MUllucl H., 520 iz:!1 Ayellue, Sta. Cruz. VietorinllO, Of. Xic:tnor, ·16" San Anlonio, S:IIHI)aloc. \ Villneorla, Dr. Arturo D., 8\.:; Tihl't. Pnco. Villneort.ll, Dr. Olimpio, 8SG Hiz'll Av('., St'l. Cruz. Yillaeorta, Dr. Victoriano R., p[ldn~ Gomez, COfl}{"r R. Hidnlp:o, St:\. Cl'll". Vitlnpnncio, Dr. 13. i\'I., 15>1 ViI1L1loho~. Quinpo. \'illummLl, Dr. Antonio, ,112 Per('z S!lm'lllillo Bldg., 619 E'icoltn, Binondo. ViIlnroman, DJ'. Prnncisco n., 239 Reqllc;sen~, St-n. Cruz. Villegas, Ora. Anlls t:ICin, H2 R cin,l Rcgente, Binolldo. Viloria, D ... Dnniel V.. 138 Real, Intrnmuros. Virutn, Dr. M. G., Conlel' J!:sco\tn lind J OllC'S Bl'idge, Binondo., Dr. 'Vcnce~lno, .557 PcnnsylVHllin, )!;rmitn. Wntel'Ous, Dr. W. H .. Amcricnn Chambcr or Commercc Bldg., 180 David, Binondo. Wee, 01'. G. C., 429 Solcr, Sta. Cruz. Weingarten, 305 li'crnnnde7. Bldg., 124 T. Pillpin, Billondo. WencC$lao, 01'. Rafnel, 458 I >mbcl, Sn.mpnloe. Yube, Dr. Tndw;hi, 106 Alejandro VI. Sampnloc. Ynp, Dr. Roque D., >110 Solcr, Bin~tndo. Zn.vall n, Dr. Leon, 403 RtlOn, Cor. R iznl AV(l., Stn. Cruz. Zlbut, D r. Jose V., 810 YlnVd, T ondo. Zftrngoza, OJ'. E., 2225 O'Donnell, St.a. Cruz.

P IANO AND ORGAN RE PAIRERS Fajardo, AUf,"Urio, 150 Lurdi?llbul, SlImpuloc. :\!Inrinno, Mucnrio 5., 1075 Arlegui, Quinpo.



P IANO DEALERS Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Eseolta and Calle David, Binondo. TIayn i\lu.ic Store, Jnc., 600 Ri li;!l! Av£'., Sta. Cnlz. Ln Estrcl1n del Korte, ·16-50 E~coltl1, Binondo. La Lim, 303-309 Carriedo, Sb. Cruz. Lyric Mu~ie Hou~e, fnc., 633 E.:co!b, Binondo. Menzi & Co .. [nc., 180-182 JUlin Luna Billondo. Philippinc MlIiic Storc, f ile., The, 241' Carric<io, Sm. Cruz. Quinson, C. &: Co., [lie., 338 RliOll, Stu. Cru7.. Romnli!lch &- Company, file ., A., 232 Clll'riedo, Stu. CI·\llI. Ro~ario, C. O. del, AzcllrrnP:lI, Corner i\liserieor(\ia, Sill. Cruz, Manila. VilhlCOTtll, Fau~tillo, ·1·16 Mi ~cri(lordill, 81.11. CI'U7.. PI ANO REPAIRERS li'ujllrdo, AugUl'io, 150 L"\l'<ii?ltbal, SlImpllloc. r-.lnl'illnO, MnC'Ll'iQ 5., 107r) Al'1ep:ui, Quinpo. l\fartillell. 1'. Vdll. d£' 520 BLLmLllng, Sl:l. C ruz. QuiasQI\, C. &: Co., Tnc., 33$ Raon, Stu. Cruz. Trinidad, MlLximo, 1703 Wa~hinp:lon, Sampaloc. Tunson, I~edel'ieo, 110 Lrp:u rdn, Sampaloc. TU!\.~Oll, .IO~I·, 13:1f, i\Inn!(l.IhUil, St1. Cmz. T\la~Oil, Roman , 110 I. rgu rciu, Samplloc. PIANO TU N ~: R S Fajnrdo. AUl?;urio, 1.30 J.lI'(li~:lb:ll, Snlll p:lloc . .Jncin\o, ;\1., 216 B..Lmh:Lnjl;. SI'!. Cruz. Lyric i\Iu~ic H OLl~£'. Inc., 633 l>:.'co11\. Billondo. Mnrillno, Mac!lrio S., 107.1 Arlell:lli, Quinpo. ;\Iartine7., T. V(llI. dc, 520 BUlIlb'In,!!, Sta. Cruz. Pintp, Jo.e, 282 O. 'i'ulI'on. 8:IIHI):lloc. QlIia.~on, C. l\:. Co., I nc., 33S R:IOII, SI:\. Crllll. Sioson, Juii'\lI, 961 Ylnya, Tondo. 'J'riniclnd, :\f1,):imo, 1703 Wll~hilll!;ton, Slimpaloc. TlIa~OIl, .Jo~c, 13ii(j i\ 1:mgnllllll, ::;b. Cruz. Tuason, Romnn, 110 I.e:;!: Irdn, Snmpaloc. Villucortll, F:IILStino, 4>1(j i\[i ~ericordi u, Stn. Cru?. P ICTURES AND PICTURE FRAME DEALERS Arlc, 978 R. Hidlilp:0, QUhll)O. Ghun Yap (P hilippi1\(! Minol' I"nclory), 7IU-il i; R Avenue, Stn. emz. Co BUll, 50i Sto. C!'lsto, San N'icoIJl~. Kim Le n ~, 136 VillilloboJ;., QUinpo. I{ing Hinp Hing-i\I irrol' Factory, ·103-405 S:Ilazar, Liinondo. TAlten!1 Lim Lio, 1024 Ht'I'l'IIn, Pnco. Lim Hinp Qlli, 743 Dnrt, PIICO. Mikado P hoto Shop, 329 R. Hidn1tto. Quiupo. Neves, Antone i\J., 231 Eipclctu. 1lunila, XcII' Nnnkill/!. 416 Slo. Cri~lo, San Klcola~. Philippine Education Co., Inc. , 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Wntson &: Wulson, 732 ZIIClltCI'O.'.i, Sta. Cruz. PLANTAT ION C01\'I PANIES Ab"USlln Coconu t Compuny, 1053 Isaac Pernl, P hilippi ne Hcfining Bldg" llnco. Bnlnbngan Coconut Estutes, 702 In.. ular Lire Bldg., Plllzu MOl'!lga, Binondo.


1'1 A


Dnsilnn Plantntion Co., Inc., Menzi &; Co., Inc .. Agent!!, lBO-184 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Calnmba SU~lIr Estate, Sixth Floor, Soriullo Bldg., Plaza Cervnntes, Rinondo. Cnnas Plantation Co., 2158 AzcfU'rngn, Quinpo. Comp..'1flia Genernl de TnbaC<ls de Filipinas, 212 Marquez dc Com illns, Paeo, Manila. Furukn\\'n Plantntioll Co., Inc., Third Floor, Hongkong nnd Shnnghni Bank Bldg., Junn Lunn, Blnondo. Hacienda Calam\l\, 5th Floor, Edificio Soriano, PInZI\. Cervantes, J3inondo. Hneiencla Cnrmclitn, Inc., Thil'd Floor, Soriuno Bldg., Plnzn CCl'vnntes, Binondo. Hnciendn de San Pedro l\lnkati, Plaza Trece de Agosto, Sun Pech'O Mllkllti, Ri?nl. H Hwaiinll Sug!lr Planler!; A%ociution, 12·16 A\'le~ g:ui, Quinpo. Ollia Development Co., Inc., Second Floor, EI HogHI' Filipino Dldg., .JuI\n LUnil, BinOlldo. ROXHS, Vdn. de SOri:UlO, Margarita, 5t-h Floor, Edifu:io, Plaza Cel'Vllntes, Binondo. "PLAYGROUND APPARATUS EduCtLtional Di!o1.ributol', The, 765 Juan Luna, Binondo. Geneml Compnny, Inc., 554. Rizn! Ave., Stu.. C!'!l~.


PLUMBERS Blossom & Co., 4 Otis, Pnco. Casupnnlln Brothers, 243 Blumentritt, Sta. Cr~lZ. , CIUCIII, C. R, 2163 Oroquu~tu, Stn. Crllz. Geronimo, Francisco, 2306 n.izul Ave., Stll. Cruz. Gonzales, D. A., 120 T etuat;l. Stu. Cmz. Gmnja Avicoln Aurrern, 217 N. Domingo, Sun JUlln, Ri1.ul. Guazon Plumbing, Ed., 430 1I.-lisericol'dia, St:l. Cruz. J:wier, fgnncio R 2029 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Jonc~, J. W., 312 l\Iiscl'icordin, Sta.. Cruz. La Higiene, 54 OI'OZCO, St[\. Cruz. Lnznl'o, Gl'cgOl'io, 245 Mol'iones, Tondo. Luzon 1\'loln1 nnd Plumbing Works Co., Inc., 521-523 SoleI', COl'. Gandnrn, Binondo. Or·tiz 131'05., 50l Orozco, Quiapo. United Plumbing Compa ny, Inc., 652-675 Juan Luna, Mnnilll. Zsilorn:lck, E. A. L., Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Binondo. PLUl\'IBERS' SUPPLY DEALERS American Hard\\'nl'e nnd Plumbing Co., 125 Escolta, Billondo. Aranquc Hardwarc nnd Plumbing Supplies, 420-422 T. Alonso, Stu. Cruz. Central HurdwnrC' Co. (Uy Linm Hun & Co.), 79-A Rosnrio, Binondo. Chum-Sumco & Sons, 300-308 :-5to. Cristo, San Nicolas. Drwis & Comp,'Ln)" P. 1\'1., 5-11 Muelle del Banco Nncionnl, BinOlldo. Germnnn & Co" Ltd., 156 .Juan Luna, Binondo. Gctz Bros. & Co., Sixth Floor, Sorinno Bldg., Plaza Cen'antes, Binondo. Go Soc & Sons, fnc., 61S-620 Riznl Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Ln Higicllc, 5-1 Orozco, Stn. Cruz.

Mitsui nussan Kaishn,, Second Floor, Nntiono.l City Bank Bldg., !o.·lanila, P. T. Pacific Commercial Company, )Jationnl City Bnnk Bldg., JUlin l.una, Binondo. Philippine BuildeJ'$ Agency, Tne., SUite Theater Bldg.,504. Rizul Ave., Stn. Cruz, Manila. Reves & Co., Florencio, 42-1 Azearmga, Sun KieolfL'i. Simeon O. Suall 32·1-326 Echague, Sts. Cruz. 8v Gui Huat, 440 T. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. T ny Shing Hardwure Co., 1021-1023 La,'czares, 8ml Nicola;;. United Plumbing Company, Inc., 652-676 Juan Luna, Manila. L"y Chnco Sons & Co., Inc., l\Inriano, Chaco Bldg.,25-37 Pla1.a Ocrvuntes, Binondo and 49-39 Ro~ario, Binondo. Uy Eng I<ui Hardware, I~ Dasmariflas, Binondo. Yu I~ng Kno, 602-60,1 Azcarmga, 001'. Yhlyn, Tondo. Yutivo Sons Hurdwal'e Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg., Co!'. Dns mnrilhs and Nuevn, Binondo, :\<lanila. · PLY WOOD DEALERS Dny Mon Glass Stol'e, 707 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. HOl'itn's Plywoods Supply, 7-11 Echngue, San l\Iiguel. POl\'IADE MAI'H1FACTURERS Chua Ah Lce, 427 Uermudn, Stll. Cruz. Chuun Chiang POlllnde Fllctory, -178 :\'ue\'a, Binondo. Chunn Hunt Pomndc Fnctory, -162 Junn Luna, Binondo. Hoc Chunn Ho, 626 F. TorrCr!;, Stu. Cruz. :\Jatsumoto Pomnde Factory, 830-836 Tcodoru Alonso, Sta. Cruz. . .. Paris Laboratory, '107 :\1. de BUlondo, Snn 1'\1coins. PhiliPI)ine Industrial Works, 1466 Oroquictn, Stn. Cruz. Tan Tiong Chuy & Co., 462 JUZll! Luan, Binondo. "POST CARDS, P ICTOR IAL Philippine Educntion Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. "POULTRY SUPPLIES Arguelles, I fii.c:o, 2206 Hcrl'l.ln, Paoo. _ . Fuji Poultry Farm, The, 1602 F. B. Hamson, Pasay, Riznl. Josd Poultry Farm, 59 ~. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. !o.labuhn).· Poultry and Supply Co., 1619 AzcnrI'flgn, Stn. Cruz, l\Iunila. Nn.c:oyu Poultf',' and Supply Co., Office: Rotonda. S3mpaloc. Farm: 779 Lc~;urdn, Snmp.'1lo:c. Xovnliches Poultry Products, 705 Evnngchst.'1. Quiapo. Philippine Poultry Producta. Inc., 3-17-357-3-')9 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Tannka Poultry Farm, San Juan del :\101lt,(', Rlzal.

PHILI PPINES 路 PR ESS CLIPPI NG Philippine Pre.芦s Clipping Bmcuu, rncorpomtcd T he, 316 Cnrricdo, Stn. Cruz. P R L"lTEH.S

Agu;;t in & Sons, J. S., 183 Concepcion, Ermitu. Asill Pl'jnting Co., -108 Sun Vicente, Binondo. BmllUlg PI'(!SS, 723 Calero, SIn. Oru?.

"Benipayo Press" and Photo Engraving, 548-552 Misericordia, Santa Cruz.

Carmelo & Bauermann, Inc., 2057 Azcanagn, Sampa ioc, l\Ianila. Cnrro.sco Pre.."s Co., 305 fsabel, SnmpuJoc. Cntholic, Trlldc School, 1916-1926 Oroquicta, StJL. Cl'Uz.

Cecilia P ress, 720 Calero, Stu, Cruz.

Ghion Woo P ress, 62 1 Ongpin, Binondo. Chung H un Press Co" I nc., 4 Sob路, T ondo. Commonwealth P ress, I nc., (Succe,;sor3 10 I!:l Progreso, Inc.), 8?t OroquiClli, Stn. Cruz. Communi!,y Publishcr:s, I nc., 405 P. Vaurn. Ermitll, Maniln. Corcucm Press, 1410 Rizal Ave., Stn. Oruz. Cmftsman P rinter Co., T he, 304 RtIOn, Stn.

Cru z.

Cribc, L., 7 17 R. Hidalgo, Q!.Iiapo. Di maano Press, 428 Florentino Tones, St.'I. Cruz. Economic P ress, 1082 R. H idalgo, Quiapo. El Relofio, 95 San Rafne l, Qui\~o. Eusebilt's Press, 621 Ongpin, Bill mlo. Faj ardo P ress & Li~ho Co., 520 R on, Stll. Cruz. Filipiniana P ress, 14 T . Pinpin, B~nondo. F rank & Compa ny, Office: Second Floor, 101 -103 Escoltu, Binondo. Pmnt: 1104 C:l5tillejos, Quiapo. Gc neml Printing Pres,;;, -121 Flore ntino Torres, Sm. Cruz. " Germania" Cacho Hermanoi', 672 1~p:lu'd3 , SlIm}XIloc. . Good Shephcrd P ress, R izal Ave. Extens ion, Grace Pa rk, Caloocan, R izal. HUll Yung Press, 940 T. Alonso, Stu. Oruz. Ideal Press, 1925 Juan Luna, Unt.) Tondo. Imprentu de F. Nllrciso, 51 1 R.. Hidalgo, Quinpo. I mFre ntu de MlIlluel Znmora, 028 R. Hitlnlgo, quinpo, Manila. l mprentll Guzman, 422 Rizal Ave., St.'!. Cruz. lm prenta I1agan y Sanga , 343-345 Juan Luna, Binondo. l mprenhl i\bniln, 735 Cllll'l"o, 81:1. Cruz. Tmprentu Modemista, -110 Ronquillo, SlIl. Cruz. I mprclltn Sevilla, 470 Vito Cruz, (Tilt.) 1\'lul"te. Jua n de la Cruz Press, (Operated by the Ju an de In Cruz Studio), 1129 R izal Avenue, St,l. Cruz. l\ried t P l"inti n,l!; Co., Bul!etin Bldg., 550 Evungc1isln, Cor. Rnon, Sla. Cruz. Li hel-ty P ress, 0 15 Echugue, SlIn Miguel. Liongsin P ress, 1044 Azcnrragn, Binondo. Bmnch: 275-281 JUlin LWlll, llinondo. Lopez, M ., 529 Echague, QllillPO. Loyal Press, 029 Quiricndn, Stll. Cruz.


11 9

i\ofnbulmy PI'inting Pre&', 538 P. Burgos, Pu.>;ay, Riznl. l\'l anila Grnfiell, Inc., 11 2 E$colta, Dinondo. Mnniln Press (Gnn Dunyfl.w, Ltd.), 路138--140 Nueva, 13inondo. Martin & Yulo, 430 Salazar, Dinondo. Murtinez, J., 108 P laza Calderon de la l3a rca ' Binondo lmd 253 Cabildo, rntmmuros. McCullough Printing COIllQany, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escolta, Hinondo_ Plnnt: 1104 Custillejos, Quinl>O. l\lodern Printing Co., Inc., The, 568 Misericordia, Stu. Cruz. Nam Shing Press, 324 Dasmarinas, Binondo. !CHctory: 327 Martin Ocnmpo, Quiapo. National Economic Securit}' .Jouma l, & litori:1l: AnSllldo Bldg., 250 David, 13inondo. CireulaUon Dept.: 422-428 Bnmhang", SIn. Cruz. NCI":t P ress, ClaudiO, 809 Oroquictll, S(.a. Cruz. Or"icntlll Printing, 605 Snl{'s, Stu. Cruz. Pangnniban Bros., 1773 Mangahnn, Sta. Cruz. Philippine Education Co., Inc., Manufacturing P lant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Mnill Ofliec: 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Pobre'!; Press, 267 Solana, l ntmmuros. Republic P ress, The, 904 O'Donnell, Stn. Cruz. Rivcr-a Brolher:;;, I nc., 422 R..'lon, Sin. CI'UZ, i\IaIliln. Riznl P rinting" Comp.1ny, 1000 Rizal Ave., Cor1H"ll" Lope de Vega, Sta. Crllz. "Snn tJuan Press", T he, 103 Ileal, Cor. Cabildo, Tntrornuros. Santos y Bernal, 320 P. Campa, Snmpaloc. SflntO$ Printing Press, 829 i\'lis(~ l'ioordill, Stn. Cnlz. Snyo, P. Soriano Vda. de, 255 Ro~ario, Binondo. Shunghni Press, 43i Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Social and Commel'ciai Press, 611 Aacnrr:lga, Tondo. Stundllrd Press, 425 Estero Cegado, Sla. Cnl?'. Stnte Publishing Company, 2nd Floor, Wise Bldg., 178 ,Jufln Luna, Binondo. Sligar News Press, I nc., The, S\lgnr News Bl dg., 671 Dasma r inas, Bi nondo. Tili $hing Company, 52()-53l-533 Sllle~, Sta. Cruz. Tn), T iong Pre..">,, lOll Sun Fernando, Snn Nicolas. Tong Cheong Son Company, 321 B:ubow, Quinj>O. Tong Hinp; Press, 424-426 l~lorentino Torres, Stn. Cruz. Tonp: Knill Press, 248 Espcleln, Stu. Cnlz. T uit{', i'I'l ntins, 403 Onf(pill, Binondo. United P rinters, 425 F lorentino Tones, Stll. CI1IZ. Univen;.al Press, Inc., 940 T. Alonso, Stn. Gl1Iz. UniVel"l,ity of the Phili ppines P ress, 405 P:1cire Fa um, l';rmitn. Vnldezco & Co., 1728 Azcllnugu, St.a. CI1IZ. Vem & Sons Co., P., 13'1 -140 Solana, Tntmmuros. V('yra Printing Press, 1344 Gml. Lunfl, Ermita. Wll!;htlllllll Printing Co., Cor. Lavezarcs nnd Cnmba, Sllll ~ icolllS. Ylnyu Prc~, i O() Ylayn, S:1II ~icol:\S.




PRINTERS' I NK MANUFACTURERS A. C. Ransom Philippine Corporutioll, 717-721 Florc-ntino Torres, SI-n. Cruz. Ault & Wiborg (Fill' East) Co., The, 176 Soler, Stu. Cruz. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. PRINTERS' SUPPLY DEALERS A. C. Ransom Philippine Corporation, 717-721 fo'iorclltino Torres, SI..n. Cruz. Ault &. Wibol'g (Fnr East) Co., The, 176 Soler, Binondo. Hcilbronn Co., J. P., 233 David, Binondo. Liongsin PI'~SS, 1044 Azcarrngn, Rinoudo. BI'unell: 275-281 .Iuall Luna, l3inondo. McCullough Pl'inting Company, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Plant: 1104 Cnstillejos, Quiapo. Menzi & Co., Inc., 180-182 JUIIIl Luna, Binondo. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolla, Binondo. Rcnnold.:< Comp!luy, Will. H., 84 Magallanes, In tl'ilm llI·os. PRIVA·(tE SCHOOLS (Sec ge 89) · PROMOTERS Borck, \Y., 224 Cryst9.1 rc:tde, Escolt:t, Binondo. Capital Investment Compan '. Tile., Room B-18, Paterno Bldg., Stu. Cruz ridge, Stu. Cruz. Mord os & Comp.:my, M., 420 Rizal Avenue, Stn. Cruz, Mllllila. P hilippine-Americ!lll Tnvestme!lts, Inc., 440 Estero Cegildo, Stll. Cntz. R')senstock, C. W., Fenmndez131dg., 124 T. Pillpin, Binondo. Touthern 73 Investors Associntion, Fourth Floor, Leyb:t Bldg:,.t.. 227 David, Binoudo. Su~le, Roy v., 335 CI,),stal Arcade, Eseolta, 13inon<lo. PROVISION CONTRACTORS Alonnlon, Fabiun, 1028 Al'lcgui, Quinpo. 1)ol1cza, SIlIl~iago, [) P. Ducos, Quiapo. F!\rrncrs Produce and Commercial Co., 234 Chien, Stn. Cruz. M. Tun KOnJI, 110 Villalobos, Quiapo. Rnphuel, }'idcln dc, 9, Stu. Cruz. PROVISION AND GROCERY DEALERS (Sec Groceries fi nd Provisions) PUBLIC ACCOUNTAl\'TS (See Accountants nnd Auditors)

PUBLIC SCHOOLS ·(Sce Page 67) ·PUBLICITY Nepa (Kfltional Economic Protectionism Association) 318-320 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo.

PUBLISHERS Acme Publishing Co., 229 Espul1a, Sampaloc. Americall llook Co., Inc., 220 Menlo Road, Pasay. Rizal. Associated Publishers, The, -128-432 Rizal Ave"

Sta. Cruz. Blanco, Pedro M., 309


Unjicng Bldg., T.

Pinpin, Corner Esooltn, Dinoudo.

Carlos, Vicente, 307 Pciinrrubia, San Nicolas. Catholic Trade School, 19 16 Oroquicta, Stn. Cruz. Cecilio Press, 720 Calero, Sin. Cruz.

Commercial Service, Tnc., 200 Fernandez Bldg .. 124 T. Pinl>in, Binondo.

Commonwealth Press, Inc., (Successors to El Pl'Ogrc.'<o, Jnc.), 821 Oroquictll, Stu. Cruz. Community Publi!>ilcl'!,!, Inc., -l05 P. Faurn, El'mitn, Mnnilu. East Publishing Company, Inc., J 181 Pcnnsy l~ vuniu, Mulate. Educational Supply, The, 704 Rizal Ave. , Sta. Cruz.

Fato News Publi shing Co., Suite 329. National City Bani, Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Gaston-Roces Publishing Company, Inc., !J28 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Genl"ml Printing Prc!;!;, 42 1 Florentino Torres, Stn. Cruz. Ginn &. Company, j\·Ianilll. Hotel, Ermita. Glorin Book Co., The F'lorcncio, Rooms 401-402, Padillu Bldg., 428 Riznl Avenue, Sill. Cruz. Govemment Employee Publishing Co., Inc. , The, 825 Oroquieul, Stu. Cruz. H:t"nson &. Sons, J . B., 92 1 Riznl Avenue,Sta. Cruz. J mpl'enta llagllll r Sanga, 343-345 Juan Luna, Binondo. Independent Publishing Co., Inc., 65 Juan Luna. lutemutionnl Educational Publishing Co., Third Floor, tTy Yct Bldg., 217 Dnsmllrili!ls, Binondo. Internationul Publishetli, The, 502 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Lawyers Co:-operutive Publishing Co., The, 428-432 Rlzal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Liongsin Press, 1044 Azenrrugll, Binondo. Branch: 275-28 1 JUlia Luna, Binondo. r-,·Incmilhm Co., 1111 M. H. del Pilar, Mulat.e. Manila Grafioa, Inc., 112 E~co l tl\, BinQndo. :Manila Pub!ishing Company, Fourth Floor, 115 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Nnm Shing &. Co., 324 Dns muril11lS, Binondo. Kational Economic Security Enterprise, Tnc., 422-428 B:~mballg (Nose Bldg.), Sta. Cruz. Orientul Commercial Co., Tne., 97-101 MligallanC3, Jntrnmuros. Peoples Press, Inc., 61 Muralla, Intramuros, Manila. Philippine - American Publi"hing, 652 Rlzs l Avclluc, 8tl!. Cruz. Philippine-American Sales & Book Comp.any, 165 Solana, Tntramul'O$. Philippine Education Co., Tnc., IOl-10~ Escolta, Binondo. Philippine Financial News, 601 Escolta.

PHILIPPINES Philippine Magazine, 217 Dasmariiias. Philippinu Encyclopcd ia, The, 433 Ii'. Torres, Stll. Cruz. Publishers I nco rporated, Fourth Floor, 115 T. P inpin, Binondo. Purilio Service Publishing, 523 Echugue, QUial>O. Rivero Brothers, Inc., 422 RUon, Stu. Cru?, Malliln. Riz'll Printing Company, 1000 Hizal Ave., Comer Lope de Vegn, Sta. Cru?. Roces Publications, IIlC., RUlllon, 715-721 Calero, Sta. Cru?. State Publishing Compull)', 2nd Floor, Wise Bldg., 178 Juan LUlla, Binondo. Sugur Nuws Company, The, Sugu!" News Bldg., (j71 D asmarii\'lS, Binondo. T-V-T Publishing Corporation, The, T_V_T Bldg., F lorentino Torres, Sla. Cruz. United Printers, 425 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Universit.y of the Philippines Press, 405 Pndre Fnum, Ernlita. Vnrias Publishing Co., 20,,) Crystnl Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Vern & Sons Co., P., 1:X.4-140 Solano., rn~l"amuros. Vib!l.r, Mrs. Maria K., 7 F. Ro;ms, Snn Junn, Riznl.

R RADIO BROADCASTING STATIONS Beck, r. , Inc., Crystal Arc\de, E~colta, Dinondo. Erlnngi!r & Galingcr, Inc., fnsuIJIl' Life Dldg., Pla?a Moragn, 13inondo. v('nth Floor, Radio Manila, E. &- G., fnc., Insular Life Bldg., Plnz!! i\Iora~n, Binondo. RADIO COMMUNICATION COMPAr"HES Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co. , Ltd., The, associated with Cable and Wireless, Ltd., EI Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Globe Wireless Ltd., 211 Crystal Arcade, E"colh, Bino,do, Manila. :Mackay Radio and Telegraph Company, 20 Escolta, Binondo. R. C. A. Communications, Inc., Sixth F loor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Momga, Binondo. 路 RADIO COLLEGES Nationul R~dio Collep:e, 700 R iz!!l Ave., Third Floor, St-a. Cruz, Manila. Radio Enginccring Collegc, 395 n.. Hidalgo, Quiapo. State R'ldio Engineering College, 1105 RizRl Avcnue, Sta. Cruz, Muniln. RADIO COMPANIES Mackay Radio and Tclegrnph Company, 20 Escolta, llinondo. R. C. A. Communica~ions, Inc., Six~h Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaz/!, Moraga, Binondo.



RAD IO D EA LERS A. k P. Co., I nc., The, 10 1'. Pinpin, Binondo. Cadwullnder Brothers, IIIC., Plfl?!1 Sta. Cru?. i\l nnila. Commnll's ' R<ldio Store, 3 12 Cllrrledo, 8ta. Cl"Uz. Eliz!l.lde & Co., Tnc., E lizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Indu~tria, Maniln. Erlnllger & Gnlingtlr, fnc., R{:ginn Bldg., David and to.'iucll{: dcl B'IllCo Nnc:onal, Binondo. Heacock Co., H. E., 12'0-130 E scolta and Calle David, Binondo. filius ~I.: Co., C., 550-554 8nn I.ul.s, Ermita. r><urdns & Co., 1'., 194 J unn Lunn, Bi nondo. Mannlo Rudio Snles, 1H., 465 Dasmn ril1as, Binondo. i\letropolitan Rndio Corporntion, i\fctropoli~an Bldg., PIMa Lall路ton, Ermitn. Radio Supply & Service Co., Inc., 698 Rizal Avenue. Sta. Cruz, Manila. Radio Wealth, [nc., 131 Lcgurda, Sampnloc. Thompson Stcl'enson Incoq)oTlltcd, 312 Carriedo, Stn. Cru?. Westerll Te!epholle Co., Inc., 51-1 Miscl"icordia. 8t:1.. Onlz. Wolff & Co., Inc., T. J., 25 Pl:Jza Goiti, Sta. ("ruz, Maniln. RAD IO REPAIRERS Beni楼1., :\lariano, 326 P. Patcmo, Sta. Cruz. Cadwnl1nder Brothers, Inc., Pla?a Stn. Cru?, Mi!nilll. Cosmol>olitlln Radio und ElcetriclIl Service, 332 )art, Paeo. E. 11. Rndio Sen'ice & Supplies, 321 P. Gomez, Stu. Cru?. ETlllitll Radio nnd Eleetriclll Serl'ice, 139 A. l\1lLbini, Ermitn. Ideal R :ldio Supply & S(')'\'ice, 1932 Herran, Paco. Licnuco Rlldio Supply, .1028 Soler, St'l. Crll?. Maske, Charl e..~ F., 723 Severino, Qui!l.I)O路 Mctropolitan R!ldio Coq)Oratioll, Metropolitun Bldg., Plaza l.uII'ton, Ermita. Oriental Radio Service, 984 Magdalena (Trozo), 'l'ondo. Radio i\'lcrchandiscr & Service, li22 A1.Cfirmgn, COl1ler Florenti no Torres, Sta. Cru?. Radio Owners Association, 229-A Reqllcscn!<, Sla. Cruz. Rudio Supply & Scrl'ice Co., Inc., 698 Rizll[ Ave., Stu. Oru?. Radio Wealth, Inc., 131 Lcgar da, Sampaloe. Romcro's Elcctrical Service, 1347 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Scrvice Ccntcr R'ldio Shop, 437 l\'liscricor<iia, Sta. Cruz. Star It>l.dio Scrvice, 331 Echngut<, Sta. Cru?. Stntc R lldio Service, 1105 Riznl Avenue, Stn. Cru?, l\'iulliln. "Super" Scientific Radio Service Co., 723 Severillo, Quiapo. Supremc Radio Service, 726 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. TC1"co Radio Scrvice nnd Transformer Rewound, 1352 Hermn, Paco.




Thompson Stevenson Incorpomtcd , 312 Carriooo, 8t:I, C ruz. · RADIO REPAIRERS AND ELECTRICA L APPLiANCES

Radio Owners' Corporation of the Philippi nes, 465 D asmal'inas, Binondo. RADIO SUPPLY DEALERS A. &: P. Co., Inc., The, 10 T . P inpin, Binondo. Auto Cyclc & Radio Supply, 335 Echnguc, Stu. Gm?,

Cadwallader Brothers, Inc., Plnzn Stn . Cruz, i\·laniln . E. H. Radio Service mId Supplies, 32 1 P. Gomez, Shl. Cm z. EI'1!ll1gcl' &: Glllingcl', fll c.! R egiJlII Bldg., Dnvid, und Muclle del Balleo Nnciomll, Billondo. Enniw Radio & Electrical Service, 139 A. Mabini, Ermita. Idcal RIldio Sup ly ~~ Scrvice, 1932 Hen a n, PII CO.

LIl Armonia, 689 naya, Tondo. DrIII1Ch: 1·1-16 Pln zn SIll.. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Licnuco Radio Supply;\J,028 Soler, Sta. Cruz. l\'lnskc, Charles F., 723 Severino, Quinpo. Metropolitan Radio Corporation, Metropolitan Bldg., Piaza L..awton, Ennita. Ollg Ti Bu Son;;, 127 NUC~l' B.nonoo. Radio Service, 984 1ngdnlenn. (Trozo), '1'ondo. Philippine Engineering Corporation, 109 Plaza Stn. Cr'uz, Stn. Orm:. Radio Merchandiser & Service, 1722 Azcarrago, Corner Fiorentino Ton-es, Sta. Cruz. Radio Supply ~~ Service Co., Inc., 698 Rizal , Sta. Cru:l;. R.'1dio Wenlt h, Inc ., 131 Lcgarda.r. SamplIloc. Star Radio Service, 331 Echn.gue, ::ita. Cru7r. "Super" Scientific Radio Service Co., 723 Severino, Quiapo. Suprcme Rndio Service, 726 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. 'rereo Radio Service and Trn.nsformer Rcwound, 1352 Herran, P nco. Thompson Stevenson lucorporn.ted, 312 Carriooo, Sta. Cruz. Western Equipment and Supply Co., 117-125 T. P in pin, Binondo.

Glent Northcm RmhHl\", Ohnco Bldg., Mezzanme, Plnza Cervantes, Binonclo. M!llliln lliliir(lad Coml)UIlY, 943 Azcnrmgo., Tondo. Philippine Rni lwl\y Co., Iloilo, P. I. · RAILWAY EQUIPMENT

Gregg Car Company, Ltd., Railway Car Manufacturers - Railway Equipmen t l\Iine Cars and Parts, CaUe Tomas Claudio, Pandacan. · RATTAN DEALERS

Rattan Art & Decorations, Inc., 2957 Her~ r'an, Sta. Ana, Manila. RlIttnn Products Manufucturing Co., Inc., 95 P allndcros, Sm. Ana. RATTAN FURNITURE DEALERS

I(wong Hing Cheong, (1...0 Mun I(wok & Co.), 309-311-313 T. Pinpin, Bintmdo. l(wonp: Hing Lung, 512 Dnsmnrirhs, Dinondo. L. & P. Co., The, 87~77 Sallchcl Extension, Pa lomar Park, Sta. Cruz. . to Mun J\wok & Co., 301-305 T . Pinllin, Brnondo. Ril.ttllil Adjustable Fumiturc HOlL.~e, -t71-'li3 Dusmuril1!1s, Binondo. ,Rattan Art & Decoration s, I nc., 2957 Herran, Sta. Ana, Manila. Show Rooms : 242 A. Mabini, Ermita. Rattan Products Manufacturing Co., Jnc., 95 Panaderos, Sta. Ana. RATTAN FURN ITURE MANUFACTURERS Gonzalo Puyat & Sons, Inc. , 219 Solana. l{wong Hillg C heong, (Lo l\'IWI KlI'ok c\: Co.),

309-311-313 T. Pinpin, Binondo. l{wong Hing Lung, 5 12 DUl!mnrij\!ls, Binondo. Lo MUll Kwok & (kJ., 301-305 '1'. Pillpill , Bi, nondo. Rattfin Adjustable Fumiturc HouS!"!, -171-473 DusmariiltlS, Binondo. Rattan Art & Decorations , Inc., 2957 Herran, Sta. Ana, Manila. Rattan Products Manufacturing Co., Inc., 95 Panaderos, Sta. Ana. ·RA YON DEALERS


Diwn Filtro-Radiumetor, 1127 Ri Ave., Sta. Cruz. "RAILING EQUIPl\,IENT J(oppcl (Philippines), Inc., 75 Dnsmari lias, Sail 1\icolns. RAILROADCOMPAN JES

Canadia n Pacific Railway Company, 14-16 Dnvid, Binondo.

Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. n. Aguinuldo Dldg., 500 Juan Luna, 13inondo. REAL ESTATE AGENTS

Addition Hills- P. D. Curmlln Co., Ltd., 210 Arins Dld~., Curricdo, St~l. Cruz. Aieuntnru., Eduardo, 3 1B Arins Bldg., R i:l;fli Ave., Stn. Cruz. Ambrosio & Co., D. B., 315-317 Cryt;t:ll Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Artmcta, Incorporated , Gregorio, Third Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plazu Cervantes, Binondo. Amnctn lWnity Compnny, The V. A., .j65 San Vicente, Comcr T . P inpin, Binondo.

PHILI PPINES AronctA y Zaragoza, Jo.~, Third Floor, Soriano Bldg., Phl7.!l Ccrvnl\tc~, llinondo. Ari:llj, V., Arias Bid.!!:., Cnrricdo. Stn. Cruz. Ayala & Co., Third Floor, Filipinas Btdg., PJa7.!'L

l\Ioraga, Binondo.

Balintnwnk Estate, Cnc., (Subdivision), 9 Plm~1l. l\[orngn, Binondo., (lnd 2nd Street, Ri zol Extcnsioll, Caiooenn, Riznl. Boulevard Height..~, 210 Arias Bldg., Curriooo, Stn. Cruz. Calero & Co., F., Room 7, Ground Floor, El H ogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Lunn, 13illolldo. Caridlld Estates of Cavitc, Inc., Third Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 Dnvid, Rinoudo. Carman Co., Ltd., P. D., 210 Arins Bldg.,

Cnrriedo, 8t.1\. Cruz. Centrol Renwl Service, -148 A. M nbini, Ermit..a. Chull Tee, 525 Gandara, Binondo. Chuidinn &; Con~pnny, H. C., 1951- 1953 Riml Avenue, Sbl. Crut. eu Unjicng, Leopoldo, Cu Unjicng Bldg., T . Pinpin Cor. Eseoitu., Dinondo. Cuyugan, Margarita, 230 Dasmn rili tlS, Binondo. Danon, J. J., Third Floor, Ysmnel Bldg., 10l Echague, 8t..'\. Cruz. Dee Chian Hong & ~ons, Inc., 360 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Farrl: H crmanos, 97 Cri,stobnl, Pnco. Gagalangin~Maypajo, Sui,rdivision, J. P . Rizal, Maypajo, CalooClln, Rizal. Harrison Subdivision, 430 T anduay, Quiapo. Hoskins &: Co., C. M., 185 David, Binondo. Jaramillo, Valdez ~l:; Co., Su\te 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Juan Lunn Subdivision, Inc., 185 David, Oinondo. Lim Tuieo, Widow and Sons of F. M., 208 Carvajal, Billondo. Mabuhay Sub-Division, Office: ,")05 Magdalena, Binondo. :\lngdalenn. Estate, Tne., 3,18 Echaguc, Sta. Cruz. Brunch Office: 20 Brondway, ~e\\" Manila. Mnniln Associated Brokers, 1951-1953 Riznl Ave., Sta. Cruz. Maniia D evc\opmenL, Room 306, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, St.'L. Cruz. Manila Home Subdivisions, c/ o Macondrlly &, Co. , Inc., China Bank Bldg .. Dasmal"ii\US, Binondo. Mnnila Realty & Investmr.nL Co., Inc., 306-310 I{needler Bld$"" Carriedo, Sta. Cmz. Manotok, Sevenno, 2318 Juan Luna, Tondo. "New l\'Ianila," 348 Echaguc, Sta. Cruz and 20 Broadway, Ncw Manila. Ocampo, Jose M., 723 Riznl Ave., Sta; Gru~. Pasay Realty, 3467 Taft Avenue bxtenSIOn, Pasay, Riza1. P!l.Sig Boulevard Development Co., fne., 210 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, St.a. Cruz. Philippine La.nd J mlJrovement Co!l'pany, Thi~ Floor, Soriano n dg., Plaza Cervantes, BInOl\do. Philippine Realty Corporation, Th~, c/ o Philippine Trust Co., Monte de Plcclau Bldg., Plaza GOiti, Sta. Cruz. QUimson, Lui!!, 34 ESCOltll, Binondo. Quim so n~Tuason Realty lind Investment Co., 34 Escolta, Billondo.



Ramircz, J. V., Patemo Hnos. Bldg., Plaza Cel'vantes, Binondo. Reyt'S, Jo~e T., 543 Rizal Avcnue, Sill. CrII?. Reves y del Rosario, V., 543 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Roxas y Compania, 719 E eha.gue, San Miguel. Sain t Mark Subdivisions, 1951-1953 Hizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Snmanillo, fne., Luis Perc:ll, Room 308, PNCZ Samanillo Bldg., 619 &eoltn, Binondo. San I~raneisco del Monte, Inc., (Del Monte Suh-divi!<ion), Third rloor, Leyba Bldg., 227 Dllv;d. B'''''''H{''. San Juan Heights Co., Inc., Free Press Bldg. , 680 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Santn Ana Estate, I R. del Pan, Santa Ana. Santa Ana Subdivision, 356 Tejcron , Stll. Ana. Sllllta Monica Subdivision, 932 P. Fau nE, Ermita. Sellnm', George C., 34 Escolta, Binondo. Sing Yee & Cuan, fne., 404 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Solis and Hi~nl Avenue Extension Suh-division, 635 Raon, Quiapo. Solocan Development Co., Ltd., The, Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Stll. Cru?. Sori:mo y Cia., Fifth Floor, Edifieio Soriano, PInZIl Cervantes, Binondo. Sy Quia, Pedro M., 1151 1\1. H . del Pilar, Mnla~e.

TaWlytay Development Co. , Third Floor. Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Oinondo. Tagaytay Hemp CompflllY, T hird Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David. l3inondo. Tmbajo Sub-Division, 329 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. TuaOOIl R ealty. Tne ,6th Floor, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza MOTflga, Binondo. REAL ESTATE PROPR IET ORS Co-operatlve Rculty & Inve~tment Corp .. 51 Escoita, S 0 de Fernandez Bldg., Binondo. eu Unjieng e Hijos, 320 Dasmnl"inas, BinOlldo. Got.amco Hcrmnnos, Viecnte, 430 1'andUllY, Quiapo. Kneedler Re.'Ll~y Co., B.lY View Hotel, Erm itn. Madrigal & Co., 8 Muelle del Bt\llcO KaeionnL i\b.niln. Rcyes, Jose T., 543 R iZ!l1 Avenuc, St,. Cruz. Sy Quia, Pcclro M., 1151 M. H. del Pilllr, Malate. Y!lugeo. Teodoro R., 路121 ,\.1. de In fndustria, Sun Kicolns. REAL ESTATE SUBDI VIS ION Boniracio Park Subdi\'ision, Room 7. GrOWld Floor, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan LW\:I.. Binondo. Consuelo Subdi vision. Room 7, Ground Floor. EI Hogur Filil)ino Bldg...Iunn Luna ,Binondo.




Co-opcmtivc Realty & Investment Corp., 51 Escolw, S. O. de Fcmandcz Uldg., Binondo. Cristobal Subdivision, Room 7, Ground Floor, EJ Hogar Filipino Bldg., J uan Luna, I3inondo. Grorin Subdivision, Room 7, Ground Floor, EI l'logaf Filipino Bldg. , Junn LUlIlI, Binondo. Gotamco Hcrmunos, Vicente', 430 Tonduny, QUillpO. Hnrrison Subdivision, 430 Tnllduny, Quiapo. Mnbuhay S\lbdivision, Office: 505 Magdalena, Binomlo. :\'Inknti Obrcro SubdiviSion, Room 7, Ground

Floor, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg.,



Binolldo. l\'111101os Subdivision, Room 7, Ground l~loorJ EI

Hogar Filipino Bldg., Junn Luna, Binaudo. i\lanila H ome i:iubdivi.'lions, l\'lacondrn~' & Co., Inc., Chinn Bank 13ldg., Dns mal'illns, l3inondo. OJimpia Subdivision, Room 7, Ground Floor. El !:loga!' Pilipino Bldg., JUHn LUnil, Binondo. PaMY Exwll~ionf:.lubdivision , Room 7, Ground Floor, El Hoga~ Filipino Bldg., J U:l1l Luna, Binondo. Reyes, Jose T., 543 RiZtll Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Sui nt l\bl'k Subdivision, 1951-1953 Rizal Avenue, Stu. Cruz. San Andres "A" " ll" "()/' "0 " "E" " F" und "0" Subdivision. Room 7, Ground Floor, El Hognr Filipino mdg., J uan Lunn, Binondo. Sing Yec & Cunn, Inc., 404 DllSmltri!1l1~, Bi!londo. Sin~nlong Subdivision, Room 7, Ground Floor, El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. Tagaytay Central Subdivision, 51 Escolt.a, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., Binondo. T agayta.y Land SubdiviSion. 315-317 Crystal Arcnde, Escalta, Binondo. " REFRIGERATORS J\{ a nil a Gas Corporation, Main Office: Otis, Paeo. Retail Store: 138 1'. P in pin, Binondo. REFRIGERATOR DEALERS, ELECTR IC A. & P. Co., Inc., The, 10 T. Pinpin, Binondo路 Eliz3lde & Co., Inc., Eliza lde Bldg., Muelle de In I ndustria, Manila. Erlanger & Galinger, Inc., Reginu Bldg., David a nd Muelle del Banco Naeional, Binondo. Floro, Martiniallo, Rooms 19,2 1 nnd 22, Paterno Dldg., St.n. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Heacock Co., H. E. , 120-130 Escolta and Ca lle David, Binondo. !Hies & Co., C'. , 55C-554 San Luis, Ermit:l. Manila Electric Company, 134 San Marcelino, Ermita. Ro~rio,. C. O. del, Azcarmgu, COnler Miscncordm, Sin. Cnu, Maniln.

路 REFIUGERATOR MANUFACTURERS Luzon Melal and P lumbing Works Co" Inc" 521-523 Soler, Cor. Gandara, Binondo. - RELIGIOUS BOOKS Methodist Book Room, 638 Isaac Pe!1l1, Ermitn.. REPAIRERS. GENERAL Aguilar Machine Shop, 215 Lakandola, Tondo. Dy Hong Un, 805 San Nicolus, San Nicolas. Engle Repair Shop, 834 Rizal Avenue, Stn.. Cruz. E! Tiempo, 726 T . Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Ennita Rn.dio und Electricul Service, 139 A. Mnbini, Ennita. FirCiLnns Repair, 848 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. Herredn Antigua de Jose C. CUrcra (Sueesor de) Murin Vda. de Curcin, 22 Percym, Billondo. Honolulu Tron Works Co., Second StI'Cet, Port. Area, Maniln. Mabulmy Iron Works, 820 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. " Mnpalad", 1532 Azcarmgn, SIn.. Cruz. Soliongko &.. Co., D:zlmacio, 341-345 Barcelonil, Sun Nicolas. ~'unico. Vnlen!in, 216 Azcnrrnga, Sun ~ico l ns. ';rrozo General Repair Shop, 1313 Azcarraga, Tondo. ViJln.sin Repall' Shop, 2278 A1.elll'l'Hga, SamI)aloc. REPTILE STORE Reptile Store, The, 34 fsaM Peml, E rmita. Snlduiln's Reptile P roducts, 79 Renl. Intmmuros. Taguibao's R ats :lnd Reptile Factory, G., I I06-A Tennt'SScc, Malate. Store: 73 Real, [ntrtlmuros. Weidnumn Reptile StOTe, 28 Dewey Boulevard, Ermitn.. RESTAURANTS A. B. K. Hall, 412 Raon, Stll. Cruz. Akudamll Rcstaunlllt, 366 R. Hidulgo, Quiapo. Ambos MWldos Rcstnumnt, 423 Evangelista,

Quinpo. American Cafe and RcsWUNlllt, 732 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Antigua. Punciwria, 271 Can'lljal, Rinondo. Antigua Paneitcria, 231 Carvajal, Binondo. Asia Holel and Rcst.路lUmnt, Ronqui llo and (i'lorcntillo Torres, Stu. Cruz. Astoria Ten. Room, 106 Esooltu Rinondo. " Blinn haw" , 326-330 Carricdo, Stn. Cruz. lloston Hold and Restaurant, 200 EclulgUC., Stll. Cruz. California Restaurant, 路103 G. TWllion, Snmpaloe. CUllton Paneiteris, 732 Riznl A vcnu~ Stu. Cruz. Chan HOIl YUIl RcstnUrtlllt, 235 u n.smnriful.s, BtnOlldo. Chicnp:o Cufe, 409 Rizal A,'c., Sta. Cruz. Chin Yck, 111 5 M. de Snnt05.J San Nicol~. Chu Sing tio, 428 Echngue, Quinpo.

PHILIP PINES Chua Gun Lio, 35 1 \'lung- Y[ang, San Nicolas. Chui Qng R ian, 1137 SUi. Elena, Rinondo. Co Hong - Rcsl..t!.umnt, 90S Luvczares, Snn Ni-

colas. Co Sec Cunt Restaurant, 424 Echaguc, Quinpo.

Columbia Hotel, 50-52 i\'r. H. del Pihlr and 106108 Sun Luis, Ermitn. Cosmos Cafe, 26-28 Plnza l\'Ioragn, Binondo. De Luxe Cafe. 75 Rosario, Binondo. Down Town Cafe, Comer Dasrutlrllias and J uan LWlR, Binondo. El Pnrvcnir, 53 MnIr1\I1Rn('~. rntrnm ll m~.

Errnita H otel and Restal.!rant, 97-99 M. H. del P il ar, Erml tn . Exchange Cafe, San Vicente, COl" Marq uinu, Binoudo. Far Eastem Pancitcria, 48 1-483 Dasmnri!IIlS, Corner T . Pinpill, Rinoudo. Gaiti Lunch, 95-97 P in?!!' COiti, Stn. Oruz. GOllza!C7., E milio, 667 Echngull, San Miguel. Grfllld Hotel & Restaurant, 135 P hlZll Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Great Eastern Ho~[, 199 Echuguc, St7.. Cruz. Hap J uat Pallcitcria, 326 Ylllng '{lung, San Nicolas. Ho Heng, 242 T . Pin pi~, Binondo. Hoeson Lunch, 191 Rcal, ...Tntrllmuros. Ideal Cnfe, 379 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Idea! Sand\dch Shop, 418 Ri7.a! Avenue, Su. Cruz. "I ris" H ung!LTiall R.cstnur~t, Metropolitan T heater Bldg., Plaza L9\\10 , Ermita. La Pamp:mgueila, 192 Real, trnmuros. "La Perla", Inc., 228-23<1. PIau", Sta. Cruz, Sw. Cruz. La Suene Pancitcrin, 428 Ech~ue, Quiapo. Legaspi Garden, Between i\luIIlla Hotel and Pier Seven. Leong Ay Whay, 810 G. Tuason, Sllmpaloc. Lim Lim T anto ng, 7080ngpin, Binol1do. Liong Wali Hop, 244 T . P inpiu, Binondo. Liong Yu, 430 T . Alonso, Stn. Cn l1.. Loyal Rcstn.urIlnt, !)48 A?eima!!:ll, Tondo. Magallancs Restaurant, 207 Mngallancs, Intrumuros. Mapatad Hotel and Rcsmurnnt. 1060 Azcill"raga, Binondo. Maurcne's Coffee Shop, Samnnillo Bldg., 61 9 Esooltll, Binondo. Merendero Rcstuura nt, 321 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cru;... Moonlight Cafe, 109 Henl, I ntramuJ"o~. Nam Hian , 703 Soo. Cristo, San Nicolo..s. Nepa's R cstaurant, 406 Tuft Avenue, Ermita. New Cnnoon Rcstau rfIJlt, 2625 H ermn, Stoll. Ann. New Chicago Hotel and Rcstnumnt, 613 Ri zal Ave., Sm. Cruz. New England Hotd & RestnUrllllt, The, Hotel Entrance: 346 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Restaura nt : 525-529 R izal Ave., Sta. Cruz. New Mct ropole R otel, 249路251 Cllrriedo, Cor. 323-329 P . Gomez, Stn. Cru7.. New Philippine Cafe, 218 Echaguc, Sta. Cruz. New Washington Hotel and RestnlU"il.nt, T he, 207-209 and 2 11-215 Eehague, Sta. Cru?. Ngan See Cafeteria, 247 Ongpin, Binondo. Ngo T ian, 107 Rcgidor, Quiapo. Palace Restaurant, 3 19 Ronquilto, Stu. Cruz.



Paneiteria Antigua, 217-221 Pluza Stu.. Cruz, Cor. Ronq uillo, Sta. Cruz. Pancitcria Chinn, 701 Ongpin, Binondo. Paneiteria Ching Kce, 239 Carvajal, Rinondo. Panciteria Economia, 232 T. Pin pin, Billondo. Panciteria F. Chan, 1355 Rizal Ave., SUI. Cruz. Panciteria Heng Hund Dyo, 913 Lave7.!'lr<:s, San Kicolas. Paneiterin Hoc J(iall Ring, 749 T. Alonso, Stn. Cruz. Pancitcrill. Honl;kollg, 519 Azcarraga, Tondo. Panciteria La Moderl\a, 118 Sant!\. Pott'nciann, Intramuros. Pancitcria Luncta, tOS M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Panciteria lH!lmi, 432-43" Snitl7.llr, Binondo. Pnnclteria Mni\oso, 43u SUIIlZllf, Binondo. Panciteria Modem!!, 726 Ongpin, Stu. CI路UZ. PUncitcrill Ne\\' Asia and FIotel, 252 PIIl1.u Sta. Cruz, St.Il. Cruz. Pancitel'ia Nueva, 13 Pluza. Stu. eru?, Stu. Cruz. Pancitcria O. 1\., 900 Ollgpin, St3. Cru7. Panciterin Pinl)in, 459-161 T. Pin pin, Binonc!o. Plllicitcrin R. Lee, 322 Ronquillo, Stoll. Cruz. Panciterin Sec Kee, 7200ngj>in, Binondo. Pancitcrin So Till, 561 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Pancitcria Sin JUI> Son, 72 i\Iagal1l1ncs, Intra路 muros. Puncitcria Sing 'fiong Junt, ISS Relll Intramuras. Panciteria Sta. Ana, 7 Calderon, Stu. Ana. Pancitcriu Union, 4-17 Bermuda, Binondo. ParQqUel Restaurant, T he, 7 Plnz!\. i\Iorngll, Bjnondo. Peoples' I.uneh, 100 .Julln LW1l1, Binond Pin~ Tree. Restaurllnt, 82 Ro!Slrio, Binondo. Plaza Caf~ and Hestuurant, 203 Plaza Sro. Cruz, Stoll. Cnlz. 1>ln7.a Lunch, 56 Phuu Goiti, Comer I::chague, Stu. COIZ. Plaza McKinley RcstnUrllnt & Hotel, 49 Plaza McKinley, rntmmufOs. Poodle Dog Cn{~ lind Rcstaul1lnt, 306-308-3\0 Carriooo, St,,!. CI"IJ7.. Real Restaurflnt, I to-II路' Real. I ntramuros. Rest.'I.urnnt de Pal';s, Inc., Corner of Isaac P eral and Dewey Bou levard, Ermita. Ri7.f1.1 Cn{~ and Rest.n.urant, 701 R i7.ul Ave., Stu. CI1I?. Rir,al Restaurant, 337 Florida, 1~l"Inita. Russian Eagle, Tnc., Metropolitlln Theater Bldg., Pla?/l Lnwton, Ermitll. San Hay Tin, 1138 Santa Elcnll, San Kioolns. Sanitary Cafs. Lnck & Davis Bldg., 1JO Eehsguc, Sta. Cru?. Santa. Cruz Restuurant, 15-17 Plu?o. Sla. Cmz, Sta. Cru7.. Sec Kee Pllnciteria, 720 Ongpin, SUI. Cruz. See Suy, 11 28 M. de SnntQS, Sun Nicoln8. Shanghai Panciteria, 503 Estero Ccgndo, 8ta. Cruz. Siemprc Vivo Restaurant, 823 Ylaya, Tondo. Silver Dollar Bar lind R.cstaumnt, 7-9 Plaza St3. Cruz, Stn. Crut. Silver Swan, The, 263 Florida, Ermitu. Sin~ Ching Nnm Rcstaumnt, 708 Ongpin, Stn. Uru 7.. So Oc, 231 Carvajal, Binondo.




Star Cufe lind Restaurant, 10-12-14 Plaza Stll..

Cruz, Stu. Cruz, Manila. "Btudent.s Restaurant, 247 Floridu, Ermitil. Sukiyaki Cherry 1Gtoholl, 430 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Tum Too H:ee, Q35 Sun Fernundo, San Nicolas. Tan Cillam, 239 Carvajal. Binondo. Taxi Cafennd Restaurant, 303 Rcgidor, Quiap!), To Ho Restaurant (AntigUJJ.), 2·12 T. Pinpill, Binondo.

Tok Tun. 239 Cnrvnjai, Binondo. Tom's Dixie Kitchen, Inc., 120-126 Plaza

Goiti, Sta. Cruz.

Tsukimi, Shokudo, 210 M. de Quintil, Quinpo. Universal Hotel and Restaurant, The, 553-555 Rizul Avenue, Sm. Cruz. Venetian Bakery lind Cafe, 509 Evangclist:l., Quinpo.

Walled City Restaurnnt, 205 Real, Jntrnmuros. YnpTnk .Willg,~ Company, IIlC., 611-613 Rizal Ave., Stu. ClUll.

Yong Ynn Pnllcitcl'in, 602 T. Alonso, Stu. Cruz. RI CE IM PORTERS AND DEALERS Milts, 162 Pa)';, Paco. Bin Rang, 1029-1031 Lnveznres, San Nicolas. Buny, Fortunata, 823 Dagupnn, Tondo. Cheng Ban Yek & Co., 523-525 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. ""'\ Chcng Siong Lam & CO~1001 Dagupan, Tondo. n Nicolas. Chip Bo, 144 Elcano, Chua Chiaco & Co., 253 Juan LWla, Binondo. Chua Chin, 202 Tetuan, ~ta. Cruz. Chua Cho Ching, 59 Soler, llinondo. Chuakay & Co., 1\'1., 267 Juan Luna, Binondo. Co Cha & Co., Manuel G./ 567 Sto. Cristo San Nicolas. Co Hap, 1029 Lnvezarcs, San Nicolas. Co King Jap, 1029 Lavc?ares, San Nicolas. Co IGngpee & Co., Zacarias, 443-445 Juan Luna, Binondo. Co Tuy, Juan, 413 Eleano, San NicolaS. Colcco & Co., 863 Dagupan, Tondo. Compania Gencrol de Tabacos de Filipinas, 212 Marque)'; de Comillas, Paeo, Mnnila, Dy nuncio & Co., Inc., 191~2 11 M. de Binondo, Sun Nicolas. Dy Liong & Co., lOS Meisie BillOndo. Go Cungdio, 839 Dagupan, Tondo. Go Roc Sun, 502 EchuJ!;ue, Quiapo. Go Licngco, Lorclll':o, 502 Echague, <Quiapo. Go Pinn & Co., 1125 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Hang Lean, 1125 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Reng Kee, 725 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. lleto Cooperative Marketing Ass., Tnc., 911 Dagupml, Tondo. Kwong Ah Phoy Co., Inc., 849 Dagupull, Tondo. Lao Jillp Sheng, 514 Echague, Quiapo. Lapuz, M. S., 941 Dagupan, Tondo. Lim An, 833 Dagupan, Tondo. Liok Yiu, 465 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Mitsui Bussan Knishll, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., lIdanila, P. 1. Poa Ngullnco & Co., 606-608 Tabora, San Nicolas. Roxns y Compania, 719 Echague, San Miguel. Sec Tion!(. 110 Telunn. Sin. Cruz. B. S. Bros. Flou


Sin Tec Chiong Tcc Guan, 271 Juan Luna. Binondo. Sim Kcng & Co., 922 Jaboncros, San Xioolru<. Sin Liun Hoo, 106 Tctuan. St!!. Cruz. Siy Cong Bieng & Co., fnc., 129 Juan Luna Binondo. . Smith. Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong ilIld Shanghai Bank Blrlg., Juan Luna, Rinondo. Sy Chut & Co., 701 Jaboneors, San Xicolus. Sy Ta, 248 Tetuall, Sta. Cruz. Tnn Chong ]\uan & Co., 925 Dagupan, Tondo. Tnn Scnguan & Co., fnc., 865 Dagupsn, Tondo. Tan Sio ~~ Co., S. cn C .. 855 Dagupan, Tondo. "fay Yi\\", ·175 M. dc Binondo, San Nicolas. Tiao An, .107 Ongpin, Binondo. Ting Sin Co., 925 Dnbrupan, Tondo. Tioscco PUmintuun, Gerardo, 859-B D!lgupall. Tondo. T iu Tcc Sum, 61!) Zacatcros (Int.), SlfI . Cl'U?. Verdc. Emilio, 943 Dagupan, Tondo. Vi jundrc, R. F., 943 Dabrupan, Tondo. Yap Ticcio, 114 E lcano. Snn Nicolas;. Yu Chcngco, E. 1'., 614-616 Gandurtl, Sta. Cnl?. R ICE MILLS Aguado Hermanos, 103 Balmcs, Quiapo. Chcng Ban Yek & Co .• 523-525 M. de. Binondo, Snn Nicolas. Chcng Siong Lam & Co., 1001 Dllgupan, Tondo. Chua Chiaco & Co., 253 Juan Luna, Binondo. Chua Kay & Co., M., 267 Juan Luna, Binondo. COmptll11a General de Tabacos de Filipinas, 212 Marquez de ComilJas, Paco, Manila. Go Cangdio, 839 Dagupan, Tondo. Hong Scng Rice Mill Co., 506 Benavidcs, Bi~ nondo. Kwong Ah Phoy & Co., Inc., 849 Dagupan, Tondo. Munila Rice Mill Corporntion, 817-819 Dagupan, Tondo. Philippine Enginccring COTJ)(nation, 109 P Jilza Sta. Cruz, St.'I. Cruz. Philippine Rice Mill, Inc., Manila Officc: 315 Perez Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Mill at Santo Domingo, Nucva Ecijn. Siy Cong Bicng & Co., Inc., 129 J uan Luna, Binolldo. Sy Yoco & Sons, Tnc., 6 fngrcso, Binondo. Tnn Cua Rice Mill, 801 Dllb'Upan, Tondo. Tnn Sio & Co .• S. cn C., 855 Dngupan, Tondo. Tecsoll Rice Mill Co .• 926-0 A. Rivera, Tondo. Yu Chcngco, E. T., 61-l,-{i 16 Gandara, Stu. Cruz. . ROOFING MAT ERI ALS IMPORTERS Norton & Harrison Co., 410-420 Kneedler Bldg., Carricclo, Stu. Cruz. Pcrez Sumanillo. Rafael, 122 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. ROPE AND TWINE DEALERS Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., M. de la fndustria, Manila. Feliciano, Juun y Hermann, 115 Dasmll.ritias, Binondo. General Manufucturing Co., I nc., Office : 129 Juan Luna, Binondo, Fnetory: 900 Invemes:;, Stll. Ann.




Heath J.'jbc.r Co., R. L., 311, ?\I1tional City Bunk Bldg., Juan Luna, Bil1ondo~ Johnson-Pickett Rope Co., No.2, Galle Cristobal, Paco. Po Scng, 315 Ste. Cristo, San Nicolas Tubbs Cordugc Co., 311 ;.;ratiollill City Bank Bldg., Juun Luno, Binondo.

Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Tong Cheong Son Company, 321 Barbosa, Quiapo. Valde1.Co &. Co., 1728 Azcnrmga, Stl!. Cruz.

ROP E AN D TWI NE MANUFACTURERS Elizalde Rope Factol'Y, Inc., Owned and operated by Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de III Industria, Manila. Tel. 22792-P. O. Box 121-Cable Address: "ELIZALDE". Feliciano, JUlin y Herlllllnn, 115 DlLsmarifllls, Binondo. Geneml MlIllufnetlll'illg Co., fllc. Office: 129 Juall Luna, Binollcio, Factol')': 900 fnvcI', Stn. Ann. Johnson-Pickett Rope Co., ~o. 2, Calle CI'istobu!, Paco. Manila Cordage Cb." COnlcr Cristobal and Otis, Paco, Mnnila. -',--

·RUGS Persinn Carpet House, 49 Escoita, Munila.

-tR unnER GOODS DEALERS, WHOLESALE United States Rubbel' Export Co., Ltd., 314 13th Street, Part Aren. RUBBER M ECHANICAL GOODS Houston Rubber Co., [ n~, 548 Rizal Avenue. Goodrich Intemational Rubber Co., Corner Pel'iafrnncia and Cllnonigo, Paco. Goodyear Tire and Rubbcr Export Co., Ltd., The, Macondrny Bldg., Mngnl1nnes Landing, Intmmuros. Manila Rubber Co., Comcr Bentu and J. Certcza, Pnndncan. RUBBER S HOES MANUFACTURERS El Porvenir Ru bbel' Co., Store: 427 Azcllrl'llgu, Tondo. Factory: 2059 HelTan, Stll. Alia. Mabuhay Rubbel' Shoe Factory, 188 CunclHI Pnsay R Nationu! Rubber Goods Mfg., Co., 20lJ Lunu, Pasay, R iznl. Navoa Rubber Products, Inc., 905 Sto. Cristo, Tondo. RUBBER STAM P MA NUFACTURERS Durbin Cross &. Co., Room 200, P ernandez Bldg.. 124 T . Pinpin. Binondo. Maniln. F eliciano & Sons, J. B., 229-231 Requesens, Sta. Cru z. Frank & Company, Office: Second Floor, 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Factory: 11 04 Castillejos, Quiapo. 1mprcnta Manilu, 735 Calero, SUi. ..Oru?. Liongsin Press 1044 Azcurrngn , Bmondo. Branch: 27S:281 JUflll Luna, Binon<.io. Manila Grafica, Inc., 112 Escoltn, Blllondo. Manila Ru bber Co., Cor. BelLta fllld J. CClte'l:fI. Pandacan.

RUBBER TIRE DEALERS (Sec Automobile Tire)

s SAC K l\o(A NUFACTURERS Chi Seng, ·108 YllLnl!:-Ylnng, Sun Nicolas. Chua Bing Seh, 407 M. de Binondo, l3inondo. Chuakny, J'\'I., [010\rl'llgn. l3inondo. Gan Lian Po, . 325 Ylallg Ylang, Sun Nicolu..~. Gall Tan, 370 Y[an~.Yll1ng, San Nicolils. Goodyenr SacklS hlctory, 1044 Azearl'llga, Binondo. Kiflng Sing, 926-930 Jaboncro~, Siln Nicolns. Lim J\i Chua &. Co., ;0·[ YIII.YII, San ?\icolas. Mitsui Bussnn Kuishn. Ltd., Second Floor, NaUOllll1 City Blllik Bldg., Manila. P. 1. Ollg Hni Sack Store, 229 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ong Puag Sacks SIOrt" 1022 Lnvczares, Sun Kicoln:,;. Philippine Sncks Factory, 1010 Azcnrrnga, Bi'londo. Sin Glli Hunt, 336 Sto. Cristo, San :\'icolns. Siy 0)" I';:ianft Sing, 930 Juboneros, San Nicolas. Tiln ).iong, 324 AsunCion, Sau ?\icolas. Tee Hong, 704 Ylayn, 'rondo. Till Pi, Snck DenIer, 130·132 Tetunn, SlA. Crm:. SAFE DEPOS IT VAULT S Bank of the Philippine f ~l:i.llds, The, 10 Plaza de Cervantes, Dinondo. i\·'it.~lIi Bu..-.snn Knish!!, Ltd., Second Floor. Kalion:11 City lhnk Bldg .. lI'funiiu, P. r. O. A. C. Swcl Safes, Calle Soda und !\lucile del Banco Nucional, Binondo. Ol'iental Slife Depo~it, Ground Floor, Kneed!er Bldg., Carriedo, Sin. CI'UZ, i\'Ianiln, P . r. SAIL MAKERS (Sec A\\'ning IllId Sailmakers) Duque, P., 342 RnOIl, Stn. Cruz. GenCl'll1 Sail J\·Jukcl', 1I51 Antonio Rivct"J, Tondo. Guzmnn's Tents, Snils and Awnings, 358 Haon, St.Il. Cruz. Jaril!as Furniture Storc :md Sail Mnking, 3li Libert.a.d, PitStL)" Riznl. ~ationul Snil Maker, 422 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Trinidad, l\'lnrcdino, 510-5 12 Barcelona, San Nicolas. SALOONS Arcnde Cafe, 43.\ Riznl Avc., Sta. Cruz. Asia Bar, 704 Ongpin, Binondo. Broo klyn Dnr, 1020-1022 Hemin, Pnoo. Canton Lodging nnd Bur. 732 Riz!ll Ave., Sw. Cruz.




CiLScudc Bar, 40 1 Cnrrieclo. Sm. Cruz. Cleveland Cafe, 339 Cnrricdo, Sta. Cruz. Dixie Dar, 126 P laza Goi~i, StIl. Cruz. Exclumgc Cafli, San Vicente, Co,". rVlarquinn, Binondo. H ole ill The Wnli Bur, 53 1-533 Echaguc, Quiapo. H ub, The, 137 T. Pinpin, Binondo. " rris" American Bar, Metl'opolitull Theater Bldg., Plaza Lawton, Ermit.n. " Tris h" H ungarian Rcsw.unUlt, f..<fctropoiitAn Theater Bldg., Plaza Lawton, Ermitn. Kentucky Cafe, 318 Estero Cegndo, Stn. Cruz. Lcltnspi Garden, Betwccn Maniln Hotel and Pier Seven. LOllc Star Bur, 55 Tejcros, San Pedro Makati, RizuL Louis Place, 95 A. Mabini, CnioocRn, Hizal. Loyal Drink, M. de Santos, COt. Folgucras, Sail Nicolas. MCl"chfl11t'S Cafe, 126 D I\Smnz-111as, 13inondo. Milwaukee Cafe, 4009 Taft. Ave. Extension, Pnsay, Rizn1. New Metropolo, Hotel, 249-251 Cnrriedo, Cor. 323-329 P. Gomez, Sta. Cruz. Pablito's P lace, 3'\ 2-31-1 P lazll Miranda, Stn. Cnlz. Paco Cnfc, 1708 Gen. LunD, Paco. Poodle Dog Cafe and Heslaurant, 306-308-310 Carricdo, SIs. Cruz. Service Bur, 203-207 R aI, Intl"Umuros. Silvel' Dollar Bar and staurant, 7-9 P laza Stn. Cmz, Sta. Cruz. Tom's Oriental Grill, 64 chague, Cruz. Victory Bar, 227 P laza Stn CI uz, Stu Cl uz Wonder Bm', 301 R. H idalg , COl'. P . Gomez, Sta. Cruz. SALT DEALER S

Bermudez & Bautista, Tne., 5 Snn Gabriel, Binondo. Dy H ap Selig & Co., 719 Azearraga, T ondo. Lu Tay & Co., 644-650 J unn Lunn, Binondo. T iu Pi, 132 Tetuan, Stn. Cru z. Yek Yeu, 1005 San Femando, Sail Nicolas. SAW MILLS AlIlIkan Lumber Co., E lizalde Bldg., SO l M . de Ifl. flldll'ltrin. Man'I:,. Asiatic-Philippine T imber Co., rnc., Room 15, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Ju;m Luna, Binondo, Manila. Barretto Sons, ] nc., P io, 720 Echngue, San fo,-Iiguel. Co Seteng & Co., Eduardo, 602-612 Tanduay, Quial>O· 000 C. Chunn & Sons, Tnc., 14-30 Soler, 13inondo. Dec Hong, Luc & Co., I nc., 920-9.'}() .Junn Luna, T ondo. Dec Tinn & Co., 1518 AzcnrJ"nga, St:l. Cruz. Fil ipinas Lumbcr Company, I nc., 129 Juan LUna, Binondo. Findhty M il1nr Lumber Co., City Offi ce: 4th Floor, Chaco B ldg., Plazn Cervnntes, Binondo, and Main Office: 1000 Cordeleria. (Sta. Mcsn), Sampnloc. Gotamco Hermanos, Vicente, 430 Tanuuay, QUiapo. Gotauco &. Company, Inc., 214 Soler, Binondo.

Hercules Lumber Company, Inc., 155 Paz, Paco. Insular Lumber Company, 306 Pcrez Snmanillo Bldg., 61 9 Escoltn, Binondo. Insulllr Saw Mill, I nc., 330-340 Can6uigo. Pnco. Mndl'ignl & Co., 8 M uellc del Banco Nncional. Mnnila. Mnlnynn Saw M ill, fne., 538 Aviles. SlIn Miguel. Mindnnuo l~umber Co., Inc., 660 Alvarado, Binondo, Maniln. Mitsui Bussnn Knisha, Ltd., Second Floor, Nntional City Bank, Bldg., Maniln, P . I. Oriental Saw Mill, 313 Tanduay, Snn Miguel. P . P . Oocheco & Co., I nc., 1219 Azcarrnga. 1'ondo. P hilippine Engincering COl"]>orlltioll, 109 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Stn. Cruz;. P hilippine Lumber Exportation Co., Ltd., Ma nila Office: People's Blink, Bldg., 665 Dns mari1111S, Binondo. Camp and Saw M ill : Cusignmil T uyabas. POI·t Lamon Lumber Co., 8 M uelle del Banco Nacional, i\<Ianila. SUIIlllgui T imber Company, Inc., Third F loor, YBmncl Bldg., 101 Echague, St.'l. Cruz. tumber Yard: Sumagui, Mi ndoro. SA WM ILLS

AND j\.·lAC I-lINE LOGGI NG OPERATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES Cl"urnishcd by t he B urenu of Forestry) Name of mill, capacity per day on boa rd feet, location of mill, and office of the company. Abaga Lumbel' Company, fl1c.-8,Ooo (A hagll. M nlllUl1ga n, Linno) Il!\gan, Lunno. AbCS!lmis, M nrcelo (Visuyan SnwmiJI)-i),OOQ (T nelobnn, l eyte) Same. Ar::aton, Dalmacio (Abuyog Sowmill)-5,OOO (Abuyog, Leyte) T acloball, LCt.·lc. Alvare?, Manuel Perez (South Ncgros Snll"mill) -2,000 (I{abanknlnn, Occ.:-..rcgros) Snme. Annkan Lumber Co.-3,OOO (Ginl,toog, Qrient:u Misamis), E lizalde Bldg. , M . de In fndustrin, Manilll. At luntic, Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila --60,000 (De Leon. J osc, Pnl1b'llllibnn, Cnmllrines j\'OI·tC) 77-79 M. de la IndustriAl, ManilA. Balatoc M ining Co. (Acupnn Sall'mill)- 10,000 (Acupnn, H ogon, M t. P rovi nce) Bllguio 1\H. Proviuce. Bllintoc Mini ng Co. (Endcnl SawmiIJ)-8,OOO (Padcn! l togon, Bcnguet, M t. Prov ince) Bnguio, 1\H. P rovi ncc. Bnsilan Lumber Co.- 55,000 (Port Holland, Zambozmgu) Zamboanga, Znml>oauJ.,'"Il. Bccha Lumber Co., Inc.-IO,ooo (Apnni, CIlguyan) Snme. Bell, W. C. (Talocul1ga SawmiJI)-2,ooo (T nlocul1ga, MIIlita, D avllO) MlIHta, Davao. Bened iclo. E milio A. (Sw. R ita Sawmill)1,000 (Cabagn n~an , La Cast.ellnufI, Oce. Negros) La Cnrlotn. Oce. !\"cgros. Bcnguet COn....,<olidat-c<i Mining Compmw, (Nnl!seh Sawmill)-20.000 (K m. 27 Am buklno Iwad, M t·. Province) Bn.guio. fo,ft,. P rovince. Bcm zlrdo, l\fariano-2,OOO (Salcedo, Samar) Gui unn, Samllr. Dleibcl Sawmill ffien jamin l31eibcl)-3,OOO (Catbalogun, Samar) Same,

PHILIPPINES Bob:, Francisco-15,OOO (Lnlall'igan, Oact, Cnmarines Norte), 244 Andu, Intrnmuros, Manila. Bringns, Cristctn V. (Plllridei SlIwmill)-2,OOO (Plnridel, Occ. Misamis) Ccbu, Ccbu. Butuan Snwmill, Inc.-50,000 (ButUlIll, Ab'1.lsa.n) Sume. Cndwullnder Gibson Lumber Co.-70,OOO (Tal1doc, ButAuanan, Siruma, Cllnmrincs SUt·) 63 Nllgtahan, Sampa~ rc, l\bl1iln. Cagnyan So.wmill Lumber Co., fnc.-IO,OOO (Zinundung!lIl, Gatt.arun. Cilgaynn) 343-3-15 Jwm Luna, Dinolldo, Munila. ClIgaynn Sawmill Lwnbcr Co., Tnc., (Bral\ch)5,000 (Eehaguc, lsabcla) c / o Paulino 1\J . Snmpedro, 347 Juan LWlll, Binondo, i\Iuniia. Cnlubinll Sawmill, 1ne.,-5,000 (Calubilln, J..crt!!) Same. Chacon, Rnfael (Pafigasihan Suwmill)-I,OOO (p1\l1gnsihflll, Odioilgan, Gingoog, OJ·. Misamis) Gingoog Or. Misamis. Chaves, Nemesio (Dipolog JJumbcr Co., Tnc.) -5,000 (Dipoiog ZlImbounga) Cagayan, 01". MiSllmis. Clark, John T.-2,{)((l (Taghuros, Puerto PrinCCSII, Palnwnu ) puerQtrinccsa, PUIIlW:\Il. Cmne, Snmuel Bemard ioncer Lumber Manufllcturc rs)-3,OOO (Kn iguhan, SnJ;!:IIY, Occ. Nc~os) P. O. Box 14, Sagay, Occ. ~t!gros. Dnvid, Moiscs-i,OOO (Colo\ H('rmosn, Bntnan) Dinniupihan, Batnan. Dec HOII.'!; Luc & Co., Tllc.---"IO,Ooo (port Matalvis, l\1nsinloc, Zambales) ~O Juan Luna, Tondo, Manila. Diaz, Miguci (Amaiz Bros. wnbcr Co.)5,000 (pinalaynan, Tanjay, N gros Orient!!l) Tnnjay, Negros Orienta1. Digmaln Lumber Co., Inc.,~8 ,OOO (ClIlaanan. Bongllhon, Nueva Ecija), Stu. Rosa, NuevlI Ecija. Dy Liaeco, Pedro E. (Naga Lumlkr S~\\'mill)4,000 maloi1gay, CsJnbanb'U, Camunn~ Sur) Nngn, Cnmarine!l Sur. . Enriquez, Ciriaeo (Mmdanao Snwlfllll Co.)4,000 (Surigao, Surigao) Snme. . Estate of Mariano G. Veloso, Inc., (Gmgoog, Oriental Misamis) Cebu, Cebu (Logging Operations Only.) Eureka Sawmill & Co., Inc. -5,000 ('llncloban, Leytc) Slime. . Filipinas Lumber Co., Inc.. (Calaung SawmLiI)20,000 (Calaung, Taynbas) 129 Juan LwUI, Dinondo, Manila. Filipinns Lumber Co., Inc., (Kabihihnn Su\\'mill) -5000 (I(abibihan, Guinnynngnn, Tnyabas), 123' Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. . Fiilpinn." Lumber Co., rnc., (pnt:.. g Sawmill) -4,000 (Patag, Calauag, Tn)':lbas) 129 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Filipina5 Lumber Co., Inc.-IO,OOO . (Sou~hcm Luzon Sawmill) (AloMroB, Gumnyangnn, TayabM) 129 Juan Luna, Binondo, Manila. Findlay-Millar Timber Co.-25,OOO (Milbuk, Cotabnto) P. O. Box 307, Manila. Findlay-Millar T imber Co.-120.000 (I(olllmDugan Lanao), P. O. Box 307, Manila. Gallego, 'Juan- 25,000 (Dallawin Sawmill) (Dunnwin, RngllY, Camnrines Sur), P. O. l30x 286, Manila.



Gallego, )1anuel U. del-15,OOO (Subunll, San Teodoro. Mindoro) 24-l Dllrt Paco, Maniln. Gamboa, Ccsar S. (Oriental Negro!> Sawmill Co., Inc.)----'\,OOO (Pnmplonn, Tanjay, Or. Ne~ro~) H acienchl Conchita, Fabrica, Occ. i\c,ll;rol>. Gnrces, Emili1L (Layauan Sawmill)-2,OOO 1.11yaunn, T.oreto, SUl'igao) 204 1I.l artires, Cchu, Ccbu. Garcia, Simeon (Stu. Rosa Lumbcr)-3,OOO (Culaannn, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija) Stn. Rosa, N ucvn Ecija. Gomez, Mntilde A. de,-2,OOO (Cnlhnyog, Samnr) Same. Gulf Lumbcr Co., Inc. (pantuknn und Tngum ) 5 14 JWtn Luna, Dinondo, Manila (I...o~rjn!{ 0l>ernlionl> Ollly.) Rco d Lumi>er Company-15,OOO (Sto. Tomn.. Snwrnill) (Sto. Tomas, Mt. Province) i3oguio, Mt. P rovillCC. Heald Lumbet· Com l}any,-15,000 (Tllba Sawmill) (T uba, IHt. P rovince) Baguio, Mc Province. Heald Lumbel' Company, (Kill. 26 SawmHl)10,000 ( Km. 26, Dag\lio-Bontoc Road, Mt. Province) I3n,ll;uio, l\H. Province. Uenld Lumber COlllpany, ( Km. 32. &'LII'fllill)10,000 (117m. 32, Bnguio-Bontoc Road, l\1t. Province) Bnguio, l\It. Province. Heald LumbcrCompany (Tub!:lY Sawmill).5,000 (Kill. 29, Tublay - Kap:lIlgun Road. Mt. Provincc) Baguio, J\H. Provinc{'. Heald Lumber Company m:m. 52 S:l\\'IlIiJl )7,000 (Kill, 52, Atok, I{apal1~all und Tllblny ), Mt. Province. Heald ' Lumbet· Company (8l1Yoc Snwmill )lO,qoO (Km. 06, Buguio--Bontoc Road, 1\-IL Province), Baguio, Mt. Province. Heald Lllmbcr Company (Km. 42 Snll'mill)·1,000 (Atok, Knp:liignn and Tublay, Bellb'Uet. Ml. P rovince) I3nguio, Mt. Provine('. Hercules Lumber Co., Inc. ,-25,000 (Lumarno. Zambonnga) 155 Paz, P aco, J\-tun ilu. Hijos de }o'. EscufiO. Tne. (Dinngnt SuwmilJ)4\000 (Tagabncu Dinagnt Surigno) P. O. Box 29, Ccbu. Cebu. Ido, Francisco (Samar Lumber)-2,Ooo (Cipol'los, Balungign, Samar) Tacloban, T.cyte. Ilignll Lumber Company, (Tncub, Sall'lllill)2,000 (Tncub, Iligon, Lanao) Iligan, Lanao. Higllll Lumber Co. (Larapan Sawmill)- 5,000 (Lnrapnn, lliJ;!:Ull Lanno) nigan , LnnHo. fligan Lumber Co. (Tligan S:IWlllill)-4,OOO (Ilignn, Lanno) Same. Tnsular Lunlber Co.-I25,ooo (Fabricn, N{gro.' Occidental) Office: Percz-$lInlllnillo Bldg. , Manila. Intcmational R llrdwood and Vcneer (Pnnguil, I,alt;Una) cl o Mr. H. C. Henld, Baguio, I\'lt. Province. Hogon Milling Co., (8afigilo Sawmill)-7.000 (i:;OI1gilo, Hogon, Mt. Province) Duguio, i\'It. Province. Johnston, Jos. S. (Labuull Camp No. I Mil')10,000 (l .lLbuan, Zomboangu) ZnmbO!l.l·g.l, Zamboungn. Johnston, Jos. S. (Baliw!\.SIln SUlI'mill)-1O.000 (Daiiwasan, Znmboanga) Zamboangn, Zilmboang!'.




Johnston, Jos. S. (Siokon Mill)-5,OOO (Siokon, Zamboallga) Zamboanga, Znmboallga. Johnston, J os. S. (Bato--Bnto SawmiU)-I,ooO (Bnto--bato, Balimbing, Sulu)-Zumbonllga, Zamboangll. Lcyte Sawmill, Inc.-S,OOO (ffnelobnn, Lcyte) Same. Ma),on Sawmill and Lumber Co., Inc.-3,000 (Legaspi, Albay) Same. Miller, F. R. (Snug HIII'bor Sawmill)- 10,000 (Snug Harbor, Baliangao, Oec. Misamis) Same. Mindnnno Lumber Co., Ine.--40,OOO (Chinka llg Snwmill) (Naga, Naga, Zamhonnga) 21 -1 Soler, Binondo, Manila. Mindanao Lumber Co., Inc., (l)umanguilns Sawmill) - 25,000 (M!lrgoSlltubig, Zamho-nnga) 21 -1 Soler, Binondo, 1\1nnilli. . . Mismnis Lumber Co., ] nc.-20,OOO (Mlsamls, Occidental Misamis) Sume. NnyIOl', R. C. (Lagoma Stlwmill)-S,OOO (Lagoma, HinullaJ!;an, Leytc) Same. Ong Hing Lilln (Pacific l .. umber Dcvelopment)2,000 (Surigao, Surigao) ~ame. . Orientnl Lumber & SnwIlHJ1, Tnc.-2,Ooo (Ca rl* gam, Leyte) Same. Ormoe Lumber MiU-2,OOO (Ormac Leytc) Same. Perez, l\-largarit.n L. (Aserradorn N1.!cstra Sciiorn del Rosario)-S,OOO (Magoong Ih~~n , Lanao) l\1illlgros, San Juan del Monte, Rlznl. Philippine Hardwood Coml)IIIlY, Inc.-5,000 (Santa Maria Bay, Sirawa)', Znmbounga) 320 TomllS Earnshaw, ~1lIlila. J'hilippine Lumber Exp rtntion Co., Ltd.20,000 (Casiguran, Til ~btls) 7s8 Lcgarda, SlIm pul oc~ Manila. Philippine Lumber Manufacturing Co.-60,Ooo (C/lt~'lbnllgall, Ragay, Call1llrines Sur)16 Soler, Binondo, Manila. Philippine National PlllnLatioll Compnny10,000 (Pilllgasalllm, l sabela, Zamboanga) 6 Salud, Pasa)" Rizlli. P hilippine Red Lumber Compnny, Inc.-25,OOO (Pllta, Claveria, Cagaynn). P. O. Box 2978, Manila. Port Lamon Lumber Co.--I5,000 (Pod Lamon, Hiniltuall, Surigno) 8 M. del Banco ),fucional, Billondo, Manilli. RegaJlldo, Luis (San Bemandino Lumber Co.)1,500 (So. Mantuhod, Bo. Cilbacongan, L :\ CasteJ1/lna, Oec. Negros) Ln Custcllilml., Dce. Negros. Rivera, Hilario (pnp..'l)'a Lumber}-2.0oo (Pu* pUyll, X ucva Ecijll) Same. Romillo's Snwmill and Lumber Co.--6,OOO (Am<r lIitan, Gonzaga, Cagayan) Gonzaga, Cagayun. Saluzar, Luis (Masbate Sawmill)-I,OOO ( 0 (\[\11 longsod, l\bsbate, Masbaw) 1\'las batc, Mas* bnt.c. SlIl ud, ElillCO (La R<;pernllza SlIwmill COTj)., Ltd.}-2,OOO (Himat.agon, Cabnlinn, Leyte) Smne. Santo Nilio Sawmill, Jnc.- 5,000 (l\'luntivo, Sibuco, Zumboanga) ZUmooungn, Zambonngl1. Sheker, Miguel (Mumuiigzl!\ Lumb[!r)-2,OOO ( Munl\uigl~1I Lanno) Iligil n, l.anno. 8o.';u, F.stch.'ln- I,OOO (Boac, Murinduquc) Sanlf'. South C'atanduancs Lumber Co., Inc.-2,OOO ( Vi me: Albay) SUnlt'.





fll o.-7,000

(Rook Bay, Polilio, Tnynbas) 155 Paz, Paeo, Manila. Stu. Clnro Lumber Co., Inc.-25,OOO (Punta I~Jcchn, Mnrgosutubig, Zllmbollllgll) 903-905 Dugupnn, Tondo, Mnnilll. Stu. Clura Lumber Co., Inc., (Ginp:oog and Tn!isuynll, Or. Misu mis) 003-905 DngupulI, Tondo, Manila. CLogging Opcmtions Only), Strong, J. W. (Latunn Snwmill)-15,OOO (Ln~ LUllu Isabcln, Zamboullga) l sabclu, Z!HIlbORllga. Su Roque L. (Cavitc Snwmill)-:i,OOO (Cavitc. Dnpitllll, Zamhoangn) Dllpitnn, Z9.mhollnga. SUlllllgui Timber Co.- I8,OOO (Sumngui, Mill-

doro) P. O. Box 3104, Maniln. Tngum Trnding Co., IlIc.- 15,OOO (Tamboilgnll, Bunnunn, Dnvno) P. O. Box 路161, Manila. Turt Cinco Sawmill, Inc. - 2,OOO (Subnng, Cnlbllyog, Samar) Cnlbu.yog, Snmur. Tnynblls Lumber Co., I nc., Tha- lO,ooO(Malia* bny, Pngbilno, Tnyabus). Sarna. Tnyabn.s Sawmill, Inc. (Polillo Snwmill)-IO,OOO (Polil\o, Tnyabns) c/ o Mr. Federico M. Unson, Lucena, Tnyabns. Tibungeo Lumber Co. , Ine.- 15,ooO (Tibungco, DWlauan, Davno), P. O. Box 322, D:wno. Davao. Triplitt, F. i\.1. (Sinubong Sawmill)-3,500 (Sillubong, Patalon, Zambonnga) Zamboanga, Zamboanga. TripJitt, F. M. (Pulnnglupa Snwmill)-3,500 (Pulnnglupn, Patalon, Zomboangn) Zamboangll, Zambollllga. Vllldernma, Tranquilillo (Vnldcrarna Lumber Manufaeturer)--6,OOO (SIlI~g(l.y, Barrio Cnduhan, Cadiz, Oce. Ncgros) Cadiz, Oec. Negro!!. Vlllcncill, Cllndelaria-1,OOO (Santa Maria, L:I* guna) Same. Vasquez, Antonio (Bongabon & wmiU)--I,OOO (Baong, Bon.,,"8bon, Nucva Eeija) Stu. Rosa, Xuevn Ecija. Viudn e Rijos de J esus Sallz (Philippine I.. umbcr Co.)-5,OOO (Abuyog, Leyte) Tllcloban, Leyte-. Wallace, Thos. A.-3,000 (Binalunn, Tayt!lY, Plllnwnn) 213 Bllrcclonn, Sun Nicolas, Manila. Worrick & Payne-8,OOO (Mercedes, Camnrine:s Norte) Sallle. Yllbot, Yldcfonsa-1,Ooo (Pnidu, Pulungi, Silik, Cotnb[\to) Pikit, Cotab:llo. SCALE REPAIRING SHOP Herrcrin Antigua de J ose C. Cureia (Suecsor d r) Mnrin Cntis Vda. de Garcia, Z2 PercyrJ., Binondo. SC HOOL SUPPLY DEALERS

Arellano & Sons, E. C., 628 JUlln LunD, Binondo_ Bazar Su Sec & Co., 227 RoSMio, Binondo. Colcol & Co., M., 942 T . Alonso, Stu. Cruz. Comercio Bazaar, 1026 Comercio, Snn Nicolos. Corona Supply Co., ,102 JUlin Lunu, llinondo. Cosmos BaZ'lM, Inc., 21 1*217 Rosario, Binondo. Dodge & Seymour Mauilo, Inc., Metropolitun Bldg., Pluza Lawton, Ermil.a. Educational Distributor, The, 765 JU.'lll Luna. Binondo. Educational Supply, The, 704 Hiz!!1 Ave., SI:J.. Cruz.

PHILIPPINES "EI 82'" 96-98 Rosmio, 11illollllo. E I Porvcnir Store, 702-704 Snn F('l1lando, 81111 i\icolns. F'rlicinno & Sons. J. B., 229-23 1 RCqll~CII", Stu.


Grntcful Store, 134 1 Hcrmn, Puca. Quan J{cc & Co., 347 SOO. Cristo, San Nicolns. Heilbronn Co., J . P .. 233 David, Binondo. Lim !(jam & Co., 1036 Colllcrcio, Sun Kicolns. Lim T un T un Cigar Store, 1024 Camercio, San Nicol!l!3. Lux Cigar StOl'C and School SUppliCii, 1191 Sunde, T ondo. l\lnn ila Oraticn, Tnc.. 112 E~coltn, Binondo. Menzi ' & Co., I nc., 180- 182 J uan Luna, Bi!londo. Neves, Antone 1',[', 231 Espc\t'tn, t.lanila. Oriental Sporting Goods, 303 Juan Lunll, Hino nao. OSl\kn B ocki Knis ha, I nc., -1.46-154 Dm;mnl'ifills, Binondo. P eerless T rading & Supply Co., 712 Rizal A venue, Sta. (;(1'u:I:. P hil ippine Education Co., Inc., 101·103 E scolta , Binondo. Sin Riap H Ullt, 1024 Comercio, San Nieolm<. Sy Chuan Store, 1026 Cqmcl'cio. SIUI Nicol!\!l. Toh IGm Cuay &, Co., lQOS Comercio, Slm Ni· colas. \ Uy Su Bin & Co., Inc., 137·139 Rosario, Rinondo. Variety Store, 391 R. H idalgo, Quiapo. · SC HOOLS, AVIA'l\I 0N American Far Eastern School of Aeronautics, I nc., 267 San Marcelino, Ermita. SCHOOLS , CORRESPONDENCE Civil Service Corl'cspondel\c ~ School, 652 Riznl Avenue, Stu. Cruz. Civil Service Educator, Inc., 14 T. Pinpin, ilinondo. I nternational Correspondence School~, Third Floor, U.r Yet Bldg., 2 17 Dasmarifias. Binondo. La SlIlIe E:o.tcIIsi9n University, 305 Philnabank Bldg., 90 Escoltn, Bino ndo. Philippine Correspondence School, 523 E chague, Quiapo, Mani la. Philippine Stenotype, T he, 305 P hilmlb:mk Bldg., 90 Escoltn, Binondo. Standard Teclmicul I nstij,ute, 200 Fernandel Bldg., 124 T. Pinpill, Bi nondo, Mnnilu. SCHOOLS , DANCING Academy of jI,'l us ic of i\'Ianiln, T hc, H A. l\'I:lbini, E rmita. Aris tocrnt Ballroom Dancing StudiOS, 329 Echaguc, Stu. Cruz. Aristocrat Bull room Studio, 65 Legardu, El Rctoilo Bldg., Snmpaloe. Cosmopolitan Ballet & Dancing School, 727 San Marcelino, Paco. l{acthe H auscr School of Crcntive Dancing. Phili ppine Columbinn, T aft Avc., Ermit~\ .



Phili ppine AClIdcnw of l-Iuir Science, Dl'C.o,;making lind Ballroom Dnnci ng, 70 Bllliti1l0S, SlImpaloe. Premier Academy of Bnllroom D:LIlcing, 1068 H. H idlll~o, Quinpo. SCHOOLS, DESIGN ING Central Designing School, Branch Ko. 2, -I·I!) Raon, SU!.. Cruz. Clarita's School of Drc..'<Smnking and Cutting, 2203 A7.cnrl'ugn, Sampnloc. 1i'l'lIllt.son li'ushion Aeademy, 3 1 P luz:) Stu. CI'UZ, SI:I. Cruz. Internationnl D esigning School, 12 Eseolt!l, l3inondo. Los AngelC!l Fashion & Tailoring Academy, 1317 Herran , (Upstair.s), Paco. i\laniln Designing School, Inc., 162 Esoolw.. Binondo. l\'ianila Snrtorinl School, 3'17 E chngue, Stn. Cru;~. Philippine Schoo! of Fashion, J{oom 6, 556 Hiza! Avenue, Entrance: 406 Rnon, Sta. Cruz. Snrtorial Acndemy of the Philippines, Percz SamaniUo I3Idg., 619 Escolul, Dinondo. SCHOOLS, DR £SS!\UKI NG AN D DR ESSMAKERS Acndemia de Aries del Hogar, 814 Dnkota, i\Thlnte. Acndcmia dc Aries y l\loda, 330 P. Cllmpa, Sa mpaloc. Agu inaldo's F ashion School, Aguinaldo B~dg., 500 Juan Lu na, Binondo. Arguelles French School of Cuthng, 615 Echnguc, QUillpO. Armnr I nstitue of Fas hion & Art.s, 4-13 Evangelista, Quinpo. Clnriw.'s School of Dr(,s,<;mllking and Cutting, 2203 A7.CI\rl'lI!!!I. Sl1mpnloc. Escucln de ModistM, 920 finon, Quiapo. Fn.shion Acadcmy of Women , J633 Herr!lll, (Upstnil's), P!lco. Fnmt.soll F'a;::;hion Ac.'1demy, 31 P la;m Sw.. Cruz, Stll. Cruz. F'reneh Drc.."-~ mnking School, 1040~A (Upstnirs) Dnrt, Pacn. Gu ru Fashion Academy, 815 O'Donnell, St~l. Cruz. h lea l Fa.~hion AClldemy, 513-.3 15 ZUrbUt'llll, Sta. Cruz. fnstituto de !\Iodlls y Artes Decorativo;;. 76-1 Soler, Stn. Cru?" rntcrnationll l VOCll~ional School, 138 Dustillos, Snmpnloc. Juvenile School of Fashion, 1126 R iznl Ave., Stn. Cnlz. 1.:1 j\'IOOn Nllcionlll, 196 Cabildo, IlItrnm\lro~. Ll\ i\'Iuj('r Tdenl, 1230 AzcBrragB, Stn. Cruz. Lndies lns ti~ul e of Fashion nnd Beauty, 898 Hiznl Ave., Stn. Cl'llz. Ladies Illstit,ute of lcrench I~l\shioll, 1613 H el'rllll, (Upstnil's). Pnco. l.m Angel e~ I~nshion & Tniloring Academy, 1317 Herrnn (Upsinirs), Paeo. ) Iadnlllc E. I\ollcrlll!ln French School of Costmne, Designing and Dl'Csslllllking, 2 Ncb!1ISka, Comcr Snn Luis, El'mita.




}"Iannie Business College, 50 Sm. Cruz Bridge, Stn. Cruz. Branches: 710 Azcllrrogll, Tondo and ItOO Riznl Ave., Sm. Cruz. McDowell School of Fashion and Dc In Rosa's Beaut.y Parlor, 180 Cnbildo, I ntramuros, l\'laniln.

J\'lcdinna's fnsti tute of Costume D esigning and Dressmaking, (Kollermun's Methods) 1312 Don Quijotc, Snmpnloc. Branch at 723 Misericordia, Stn. Cruz. Madart Institute, Legnspi, Albay. National 'Voman's Institute of Fashion. 444 Adelinn, Smnpilioc. ~cw Fnshioll Academy, 813 Escnldo, Quiapo. PaeiLa's School of Fo.shion, 455 Lcgardu, Sampuloe, Muniln. Ptlris-Manila Fashion Academy, 723 Rizal AVOll u e, StlL. Cruz. Paulita's Fashion Academy, 912 Benavides, Binondo. Phil011tropllic Fushion School, 300 Legnrda, Sampaloc. Philippine Ac14lemy of Hair Science, Dressmaking: and Ballroom DfLllcing, 70 Bustillos, Snmpnloc. Philippinc Tnstitu\e of Commerce, Fashion & Arts , 523 Echaguc, Quiapo, Manila. Philipl)inc School of Arts and Fashion, 721 Ylaya, Tondo. Philippine School of Fnshion, Room 6, 556 Rizal Avcnuc, Entrans.406 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Philippine Service Acad 'y, 4 12 Ronquillo, Stu. Cruz, Manila. Scenit Fashion School, 1218 Azc:nrragn, Binondo. Smiles Dress Shop & Fashion Art School, 317 Raon, St:l. Cruz. Thea's School of Fashion nnd Arts, 163 Bustillos, Snmpaloe. Vogue School, 785 San Sebnstian, Corner Azcarrnga, Quiapo.

' SCHOOLS, HAIRDRESS ING AND BEAUTY C ULTURE Aguinaldo Institute of Hair-Dressing and Beauty Culture, Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan JUlla, Binondo. Philippine Academy of Hair Science, Dressmaking and Ballroom DanCing, 70 Bw.,tillos, S:lmtmloc. SCHOOLS, MUSI C Academy of Music of Manila, The, 44 A. Mnbini. Ermita. Philippine Service Academy, 412 Ronquillo, 8ta. Cruz. SCHOOLS, P RI VAT E Adamson School of I ndustrial Chemistry and Engineering, 145 Gral. Solano, San Miguel. Afable College of Medicine, Cor. Espafia and P. Paredes, Sampaloc. A.'•.swnptioll College, Corner Bermn and Dakota, Malate. Ateneo de Manila, 406 P adre Faura, E r mila.

Central University of Commr:rce, 714-718 Riz!!.l Avcnuc, Stn. Cruz. Centro Escolal" University, 2265 Azc8.l··

raga. Centro &colnr U nh'crsity, E. Mendiola, Sun Miguel. Colegio de Sta. Catalina, 211 Anda, Intra· muros. Col(lgio del BeaU:rio dc 10. Campania de Jcsus, 157 Santa Lucia, I ntromuros. College of Chiropodist an~ Foot Surgery, 963 R. Hidnlgo, Quiupo. College of Oral and Dental Surgery, 1740 Ri?al Avenue, Stn. Cm?. College SLudio (School of Photogmphy), 700 Rizal Avc., Stn. Cruz, Mnnilll. Columhian Police and Detective Academy, 14 T. P inpin, 13inondo. Commonwenlth U niversity, 1556 Azcarraga, Cor. Teodoru Alonso. Stu. Cruz. De L a Salle College, Taft A venue Extension, Malate. Fur Eastern Automotive Enginccring College, 120-122 Soler, 13inondo. Far Enstom Busincss College, 700 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz, Mnniln. GeneTHI Dental Hospital of the Post Graduate, 1740 RizlIl Avenue, SI.11. Cruz. Gregg 13usincss College, PutetllO Bldg., Stn.. Cruz Bridge, Stn. Cruz. I nstituto de l'\Iujercs, Tllyuman. Tondo. Intemutionnl Correspondence Schools (Philippine Branch), 'l'hird Floor, Uy Yet Bldg., 217 DnsmnriIillS, Binoudo. Jose Rizal College, 1063 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. l .a Salle Extension University, 305 Philnubank Bldg., 90 Eseoltu, Binondo. Lnurint. Cooking School, 5ll Pennsylvllnill, l\·lalnt.c. 1.0s Angeles Aendemy, 131 7 H erran, Pnco. Los Angcles Business Collcge, J317 Herran O)own stu irs), P aw. I\1l1nlllo Busincss Collcgc, 50 Sro. Cruz Bridge, Stn. Cru7.. Branches: 710 A7.cnrraga, T ondo. 1100 Riznl Ave., Sta. Cruz. Munitll Collegc of P hnrmacy and Dcn tistry, Comer I~cl i x H uertas nnd Mnyhai iguc~ Sta. Cruz. Manila Music School, 119 Marques de Comilias, Ermita. l\"letropolitun Business College, 300 Lcgarda, Sampaloc. . l'\ntionul Business School, Second and Third FlOOrs, Paterno Bldg., Stu. Cruz Bridge, Manila. l'\ational Military Academy, The, 885 Riznl Ave., Stn. Cruz. KaHonal Rudio College, 700 Riza\ Avc., Third Floor, St.u. Cruz, Mnnila. Xational Teacher's College, The, 185<1. Azcnrrnga, Sta. Cruz. Kntional University, 385 Lipn, Sampuioc. Oriental Business College, 1139 Mngallnnes, l.ntramuros. PaLomo Institute of Applied Chemistry, Room C-l 1, Pnt.cmo Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cnlz.


PHILI PPINES "Philippine Academy of Huir Science" 70 Bustillos, Snmpnioc. I Philip pine C hemical r nstitutc, 1107 Riznl Avenue, Stn. Cnl7.. Philip pine Chinese Honkwong Institute, 522 Alvarado, Binonclo. Philippine Cohc~c of Industrial Chemistry find Engineering, 292 Dorotpo Jose, Sm. Cruz. Philippine Dcntnl College, Ramon Papa, Sam-


ValeriullO Automotive nnd Electricnl School, 342 l\'lnillbon, Stn. Crul,. Veloso Soap Enterprise Institutc, 325 M. H . del Pilnr. Ermita. "Villamor University" (Philippine College of Sciences), 138 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Women's Pmctical School in Home Industries, 407 P. Rndn, Cor. Ylayn, Tondo.

paloe. Philippine Lyric Academy, Tne., 814 11ayll, Tondo. Philippine School of 13u'lincss, 304. Cnrriedo, St.a. Cruz. Branch: 556 Alvlml.(io, Binondo. P hilippine School of Fns hioJl, Room 6, 556 H iMl Avenue. Entrance: 406 Huon, Stn. CI'U~. P hilippine School of Militnry Nmsing, 138 B ustillos, Smnpn\llc. P hilippine Stenotype, T he, 305 PhilmlbankBldg., 90 Escoltn, Binondo.

Philippine Theater Stock Co., T he, 1377 Ornl. Luna, Ermita. P hilippine Vocntionnl College, RetoI1o Bldg., 65 I"egnrdn, Sampa)Qe. P hilippine Women's t{niversity, The, (The P hilippine Women's College), Taft Ave., Between T ennessee and Vermont, Malate. Quisumbing School of Technology, 433--439 DllSmnrii\~s, Binondo. Radio Engineering College, '\395 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. San Boon College, E. i\'Iendioln Sun Miguel. San Junn de Lctran College, 200 Bc:lwrio, Intramuros. School of Japanese Langunge, 841 Lcpnnto, Sampaloc. Sprmish nnd English School, 'l43 tor. P. Pntcrno alld Salcs, Stu. Crul,. St. Joseph's Academy, Espal1l1, Cor. Broadwny Ave., New Manila. S!. Paul's Institution, 510 Hermn, i\路{alate. St. Scholastica's Collcg<:, 1532 PClllisyluvllia, Mnlatc. St. Theresa's College, 212 San Mat'celino, Brmita. Sta. Catalina College, 211 Allda, Jntrtllnuros. Stale Radio Engineering College, 1105 Riz!!J Avenue, Stu. Cruz, Manila. Underwood Business College, 1086 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Union T heological Seminary, Corner Herran and Taft Ave., MlIlate. Un iversi ty of Manila, Main: 107 Alejandro VI, Sampaloc. Bmnches: 148 Cabildo and Gr al. Luna, Inh路amur os. University of Santo Tomas, New Bldg., Calle Espafia, Sampaloc and Old Bldg., Calle Postigo, Intl'amul'os.

SC HOOLS, P UBLIC (Sec Page 67) 路SCREEN MANUFACTURERS La Frcscum Venetian Blind Mallltfncturing Co., 340 Tmblljo, SamplIloe, Manila. Branch: 16 Luna St., Ln Pur., Iloilo. l"ayoln, R., 1038 Hnrnlll, Plleo.

路SCULPTO RS (Scc Mnrble Worker;;) Alcunur l\1nrble Works, 2226 Rizal Avenue, Sta . Cruz. An,!!; Bntong B\I ~il!lk, 380 n. Hidalgo, Stn. ('rul,. Arlo y T rabajo, 651 Florentino Torres, Sta. Crul,. Cllstillo & Hijos, 313 R. Hidlllgo, SIn. Cruz. EI Maul<Oieo, 319 Busto8, Stu. Cruz. "El Obrero" Taller de EscultuTll, i\Iarmoleria )' CarpintC'rin de Antnno de In CI'U1., 2383 Hqrran, Pneo. Estcbun Sculpture Works Co., 1109 Rizal Ave., St."l. Cruz. i\[lIgealeng Statunry, 2687 Hernlll, Stn. Ana. i\Iarmoleria de Canulo B. Almooin, 283 i\1. dc Commilas, Ermiln. l\1armoleria NnciOnlll, 008 Hizal Ave., SIll. Cnl?'. l\'iartincz l\'lnl'ble Works, 035 Misericordia, Stn. Cruz. Nntional Marble Works, 008 Ri?lIl Ave., Stu. Cml,. Oriol Mnl'ble Wo rks, 830 Rizlll Ave., St.'!. Cruz. Romos l\ Inrble Works , 858 Rizal Avenue, Stn. Cruz. Tnller de Escultul'll de Angel T nmpillco. 340 R. Hidalgo, Stll. Cruz. Tallcr dc Escultura de Irineo C ristobal, 431 Evangelistl\. Quipl\o. Taller de Pinturn y Esculturl\ de Anaelcto de Leon, 630 Evangelista, Quinpo. T alleres de Escultura. Mllrmolerin y Plnterin de Emilio Cnstillo, 1312 Azcnrraga, Sta. Cruz. Tolentino, Pctronilo. 314 Bllmbnng, Stu. Cruz. Vicente, Maximo, 812 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Villnnueva Mnrble Works, 876 Riznl Ave., Stn. Cruz.





SECOND HAND DEALERS Cheng Mayct. 316 Gandara, Dinondo. Ching J{ce Roo, 400 Gandara, Rinondo. Ching Linn Teng, 413-421 Gnndnra, Dinondo. Chollg, Ttl & Co., 125 Espelctll , Stn. Cruz. Estrella Second Hand Cars, 109-113 Espclcta, Stn. Cruz. Grn.teful Store, 1341 Herrall, Pace. Gunll Yick, 436 T. Pinpin, Binonclo. Lao To Co, 509 T. P inpin, Binondo. Levett. A., 325 Echngue, Stu. Cruz. T,iong HillA, 400 Gandara, Binondo. Ng ehet Hunt Second Hund Store, 828 Lave7.ares, Sail Nicolas. Kg Sing, 434 T. P in pin, Binondo. Oll~ Che, Jo~ e Saez, 507-511 Gandara, Bl· lIondo. Ong Tn, 213 Elcnno, Sun Nicolas. Po Chun, 321 Gandara, Binonclo. Qunley's Second Hand Store, 328 Echugue, St.a. Cruz. Sec Tong, 361 Camba, San Nicolas. So Tium Ticng, 320 Gandara, Binondo. Sy Guan, 426 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Sy Jnp Seng, 352 Camba, San Nicolas. Sy Kay Song See~d Hand Store and Machinc Shop, 708-710 Ja13Qneros, San Nicolas. Sy Tap, 629 Jaooneros, San Nicolas. Tan Ju, 353 Gandara. Binondo. Yu Ay & Company, 412·414 Gandara, Binondo. )"u I{e Scng, 427 T. Pinpin, Binondo.

SEED DEALERS Durbin Cross & Co., Room 200, Fernandez Bldg .• 124. T. Pinpin, Binando, Manila. LU7.0n Floral Co.~ Crystal Arcade, Escolta, 3inondo. Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., 8(),j Echngue, Snn Miguel. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101·103 Escolta, Binondo. Ti Tiong Ho, 445 Nueva Binondo. ·SERV ICE BUREAU International Intelligence Ap:enoy, 321 Samani· 110 Bldg., Escolla, Binondo. tSER VICE STATIONS (See Gasoline Supply Stations) Ayaln Bridge Shell Service Station, Ecbague, Cor. Pascual Casal, San i\·Jiguel. Azcarro';8 Sen'ice Station , Comer Azenrraga and J uan Luna, Tondo. Pacific Commercial Company, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Square Auto Supply, Cor. Juan Lunn and Ylnya, Tondo. SEWI NG MACHINE DEALERS Singer Sewing Machine Co., 703·7 13 Reina Re.Rente, Cor. Soler, Dinondo. Main Office: 34 tscolta, Manila. 'SEWING MACHINE REPAIRERS Guamntee Store, 1239 Rizal Avenue. Sw. Cruz. "Mflpnlnd," 1532 AZC!l.rraga, Sw.. Cruz.

·S HEET METAL WORKS Chull Chin Lee. 463 Dnsmuril18i1, Dinondo. Isidoro Sheet Metal, Ant.()nio, 431 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Luzon J\'letnl end Plumbing Works Co., Tnc., 521·523 Soler, Cor. Gnndarn, Binondo. Sun MiRuel Sheet Metal Works, 2 11 Tanduay, San Miguel. SHELL CRAFT MANUFACTURERS Manila Button Factory, Inc., 458-460 Dasma· riflas, Binondo. Manila Shell Art Works, 245 M. R. del Pilar, Ermita. Philippine Shell·Craft Corporation, 243 Otis, Paeo. Showroom: 124 San Luis, Ermita. Vicgclmann, E., 460-466 Dasmariilna, Rinondo. ·SHELL DEALERS Hall' E. Heng, 1101 San Fernando, Binondo. SHELL NOVELTI ES Plllhppme Shell Craft CorporatIon. 243 Otis. Paco Showroom' 124 San LU1s, Ermitll. S HIP AND BOAT BUILDERS Chee &. Co., L. A., 745 Echngue, Snn Miguel. Earnshaws Docks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Street, Port A r ea, Manila. El Varndero de Manila, 100 Jun.n Lunn, B nondo. Honolulu Iron Works Co., Second Street., Por~ Area, Manila. Lno Shinp: & Co. , 115 I..nvezares, San Nicolns. Leung Yee-Pandacan Slipways, Pureza, (Beyond the last Bodega of the P. V. 0.), (Santa Mesa), Sampaloc. Liong Yong, 507 San Fernando, San Nicolas, Philippine Slipways &. Engineering Co., Inc., The, 549 Echngue, Quiapo. Varndcro de Manila, 109 Juon Luna, Binondo. Varadero de San Miguel, (L. A. Chee & Co., Props.), 745 Echague, San Miguel. SHIP CHANDLERS Bazar Siglo XX, Central Office: 101-113 Plaza del Conde, Binondo, Branch: 542-5401 Azenrraga, Cor. 798 Taborn. Tondo. Centrol Hardware Co. roy Liom Hun &. Co), 79-A Rosario, Binondo. Cham Samco &. Sons, 300-308 SOO. Cristo, San Nicolas. Elizalde &. Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de Ill. Industria, Manila. Go Lamco Hardware, 306 Tetuoll, Comer 301 Tambaenn, Stu. Cruz. Hap Hong Hardware. & Co., 101· 103 Juan Luna, Cor. Dasmarifl!\S, Uinondo. Luzon Stevedoring Co., Inc., Pier No.5, Muelle San Francisco. Port Di strict. Parsons Hardware Co., Inc., 805 Ecbague, Stln Miguel. Reyes & Co., Florencio, 424 Azcarl1lgll, San Nicolns.

PHILIPPINES Schulze, Otto, 12 Ornl. Luna, Jn tnI.IUUI'OS. Sy Ling Chong Hardware, 357 Gandnl'll, Bi路 nondo. Uy Chaco Sons & Co., Tnc., Mariano, Chaco Bldg., 25 to 37 PIOllfL Cervantes :\IlU 49 to 53 Rosnrio, Binondo. Uy Eng Kui Hardware, 122 D usmuri iii\.S, Rinondo, Manila. Yoshida, K, 619 Echague, Quiapo. Yutivo Sons Hardware Co., Inc., Yutivo Bldg'" Cor. Nueva and Dllsmarii'iM, Rinondo, j\'IalIila.

路SHIP OWNERS (Sec Also Steamship Companies)

Behn, Meyer & Co., H. MiL 59 Rosnrio, 13inondo. Compu!1in General de Tnbncos de FilipinllS, 212 Marquez de Camillus, Paco, Mnllila. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Elilmldc Bldg., Muclle

de In.

Ind us~rLll,


GutierI'Cz Hcrmunos, 11 6-122 Bcutcrio, Intl-a-

<rL:\G~~ill" fne., 332 Cnrricdo, Sta. Cruz. La Naviera Filipina"lnc., Cebu. Madrigal & Co., 8 Muelle del Banco Xll.cionru, Mnniln. Rio y Olabnrricta, 701~703 San FCl'llnndo, San Nicolas. States Steamship CompanYI Sorinno Bldg., 15 Plazn Cervantes, BinondQ. Yangoo, Tcodoro R., 421 M.' dc 11'1 Industria, San Nicolas. 路SHIP REPAIRERS Varadel'O de San Miguel, (L. A. Chee & Co., P rops.), 745 Echague, San i\liguel. S HIPPI NG AGENTS AJindogall Office, 421 Dasmnril1as, Binondo. American Express Company, Tile., The, 95 Plaza Moraga, r nsulnr Life Bldg., Binondo. American Mail LiM, Dollar Bldg., M. de Snn Francisco, P ort Aren. American Steamship Agencies. Tnc .. 511 Phil~ ippinc Na tional Bank Bldg., 00 iEscoltn, Binondo. Behn, Meyer &, Co., H . Mij.,59 Rosnl'io, Bi~ nondo. Cnnadinn Pacific Steamship, Limited, 1<1-16 David, Billondo. Compania General de Tahacos de Filipinas, 212 Marques de Comitlas, P aco, Alanila. Compfllila Maritima, 109 ,JU lin Luna, 13il1ondo. Co-operative Realty &, Investment COfp., 51 Escoltn, S. Q de Fenullldcz, mdg., Binondo. Cunurd~Whit.c Star, Ltd., Warnef, Barnes &, Co., Ltd., Agcnts, Snrinno Bldg., Plaza Cer~ VRlltes Billondo. Dollar Stenlllship Line, TIIC., lAd., Dollar Bldg., M. de Sun Pranci~oo, Port Area. Eastern &, Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., 8-12 &colla, (Cor. Plaza Moraga und Jones Bridge.), Binondo. Eli~alde &, Co., Inc., Eli1.nldc Uldg., j\'! uelle de la Industrin, Munila. European Shipping Agencies, 307 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Lunn, Binondo.



Everett Steamshi\? Corporlltion, 233 Dasmariiills, Binondo, Manila. Hanson, Orth &, Stevenson, I nc., Fourth Floor, Chaco Bldg., Pla~a Cervantes, Binondo. Tnternationru Hnrvester Co. of Philippines, (Formerly Macleod &, Co.), Chaco Bldg.. Plaza Cervantes, Binondo and 154. Marquez de Comillas, Ermita. ~ ! abuhay Commercial Corp., 301 Muelle de la Industria, Sun Nieolns. Mncondray & Co., rnc., Third Floor, Chill1l Bank Bldg. , Dasmaril1ns, Cor. JUlin Lunn, Binondo. Manila Shipping Company, Tnc., 321 -323 Na~ tiollnl City Blink Bldg., .Juan LUnIl, Binondo. Men~i & Co., Tnc., 1 80~ 1 82 Juan LlLllll, Bi110ndo. Mitsui Bussan ]{nisho., Ltd., Second Floor, N!L~iollal City Bunk Bldg., tI'Il111ilu. P. J. Nippon Yusen J(aishn, Wilmer, Bflrnes & Co., Ltd., Agcnts, Soria no Bldg., Plaza Cervan~ tes, Dinondo. Qsnka Shoscll Kaisha, Ltd., Room 3\01. l\ntional City Bank Bldl!;., JUlin LUlla, Binondo. Philippine Travel Burcau, 115 Cl'ystrtl Arcade, E~colta, Uinondo. Que Tiong Sin, J ose, c/ o M:mila St.calllship Co., ElizlIlde Bldl(., Muelle de 111 Industria. Manila. Robert Dollar Co., The, Dollal' Bldg" i\J. de San ] FraJlcisco, Port Are3. R()();!'eveltStellmship Agency, fIl C., Chnco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Russell & Co., S., 1\1. del Banco Naciol1nl, Bi110ndo. Siy Cong Bieng & Co., Inc., 129 Junn Luna, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldlt., Juan Luna, Binondo. Sprecktes Philippine Comrlllny, Room "\, 16 Escoltfl, Binondo. States Steamship Company, Soriano Bldg., 15 Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Tan Chong Pin, 921~923 San Fernando, Bi110ndo. Tan Pho, 812 Jniloneros, Snu Nicolns. Tien Rec Chan Navigation Agency, 132 Hor~ miga, Binondo. United Navigation, Tnc., 11 7 Dasmill'ii'iflS, Binondo. Uy Matiao & Co., Inc., Cebu. Wal1lcr, Bal'nes & Co., Ltd., Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervlllltes, Binondo, Munil!!. Tel. 2230路1. Yuill &: Co., Ltd., C. S., 503-511 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Zucllig & Von KnobclsdorfJ, 55 Ro~nrio, Bi~ nondo. SHIPPI NG REGISTERS American Bureau of Shipping, Upa Bldg., 13th and Atlanta Sts .. Port Area. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. 2-10 DaslIIarillns, l3inondo. Morton & Ericksen, D erhalll Bldg., Port Area. SH IRT DEALERS Camiscria La Fortuna, i200 Rosario, Binondo. COmisellll Mum. 198 Rosario. Binondo.




Ceutcr de Luxe, Inc., 80-82 Escolta, Binondo. Cua Ye y HilOl;i., 312 Gandara, Binondo. Imperial ShirtFnctory, 515 Rillnl Ave., Stu. Cruz. l sardas & Co., T ., 19-1 Junn Luna, Binoudo. Kairuz Shirt Factory, 601 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Kim Lam Chong, 404 Ongpill, Binondo. Manila Shirt Factory and Dry Goods Store, 44 Escoltn, Binondo. Ong Rong Chay l~ Co., 311~313 Dnsmnr;I1'lS, Binoudo. Royal Shirt Factory, 521~523 Rizal Ave., Stn . Cruz. Main Officc: 165 Marques de Comill!lS, Ermitn. Syynp & Co., 21 Escoltn, Binondo. Syynp Tailoring Co., fnc. , Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Ynp Chioco Sons, Cccilio & Oscar, 763 T:lborn, Snu Nicol!lS. Yalco's I nc., 627 Escolta, Snmallillo Bldg., Binondo, Mnnila. S HIRT\MANUFACTURERS Ang Tibay Shirt }~actoI"Y, 906 13ilbao, Tondo. Bcc Hua & Co., 42ij Nueva Biuondo. Camiscrin Mura, 198 Rosario, Binondo. Cenler de Luxe, Inc., 80-82 Escolta, Binondo. Cu Un Jieng & Co., td., 60-64 Rosario, Bi~ nondo. Cun L it Sun Sing, 308 GnlldnT[L, Binondo. Dealers Co-operative, 16S 1\1. de Comillas, Paco. Gnndhi Shirt Fuctory, 123 Rosario, Dinondo. Imperial Shirt Factol'Y, Si 5 Riznl Avenuc, Stn. Cruz. Index Shirt Fllclory, 729 R. R:id al~o, Quiapo. Isardns & Co., T ., I M Juan LUlla. Binondo. ](airull Shirt Fnctory, 601 Ri.:al Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Liong Gui & Co., 500 N ueva, Binondo. Loyal Shirt Factory, 194 ,Juan LWla, Binondo. Luzon Shirt Factory, 451~453 Juan Luna, B i~ nondo. Magat Shil·t Fnctory, 241 Sta. Mesn, Sampflloc. roo'Iuniln Shirt F actory and Dry Goods Store, 4-1 Escoltn, Binondo. Manuel Pellicer y Co., Inc., 44 Escolta., TIinondo. Ng Tiong, 504 Nucvn, Binondo. Noguch i, Je, 55 Gen. T/. Geronimo, Samp..'lloc. Ol'ion Shirt and Pllnts l~netory, The, 735 Ong~ pin, Stu. Cl"Uz. P!lris Shi rt Foclory, 186 Rosnrio, Binondo. Perfect Shirt Factory, 201 Rosnrio, Binondo. Priscilln's Mode, 1527 P . Lconcio, Sump.'lloc. Rex Shirt Fnctory, 345 Palma, Stu. Cruz. Royal Shirt Facto!.)', 521 ~523 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Main Ofhce: 165 lIo'1arqucs de Comi~ nas, E rmitu. Sport Shirts und Pnni.!! Co., 511 Ongpin, Bi· !londo. SWl Shirts Fllctory, 15 Sun Gabriel, Binondo. Syyap & Co., 21 Escoita , Dinondo. Syynp Tniloring Co., Inc., Crystal Arcade, Escoltn, Binondo. Tomonnga Shirt Factory, 133 Mnnrique, Sum~ paloc. Toyo Shil·t l~nc tory, IIIC., 451 Junn Luna, Uinondo.

Victoria Shirl factory, 470 Ilondo. Washington Shirt Factory, Binondo. Yatco's, Inc. , 627 Esoolta, Binondo, Manila. Y. lVI. C. A. Shirt Factory, N icolas.

JUIlIl 311



Juan LWla,

Sll.mflnillo Bldg., 763 Taborn, San

·SHOES AND SLIPPERS SUPPLIES Aguinnldo & Co., fn c., L . R., Aguinnldo Bldg., 500 Junn Luna, Binondo.

SHOE DEALERS, RETAIL Abolnfia, Inc., .M. & C., 122 Nuevn, Binondo, Alonso, R "). 105~107 Eseoitn, 13inondo. American ::;hoe Storc, 122 Rosario, Cor. Gan~ dnl"U, Binondo. "Ang Bnlit.a.", 1 7 .I O~ 1 7 1 2 HCI'fnn, Paco. Ang Butts, 1902 .Juan Luna Tondo. Allg Tibay, 710~714 Ylaya, Tondo. Bl"an ~ ches: 407 Rizal Ave., (Below New Plaza Hotel), 2200 Rizal Ave., and 1742 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Apo Shoe, The, 211 Gandara, 13inondo. Assnnmal & Co., G., 775-777 Tabora, San Nicolas. Brnnch: 737~739 T !lhora, San Xi~ colas. Bagonll; Siknt, -105 San Xicolas, Sun Nicola... Bias Shoe Store, 8,'>-87 Real, Intnlmuros. Brins RoXIlS, Tnc., Brias RoXM Bldg. , 71 Es~ coltn, Binondo. Brilliant Shoe Store, Tile, 610 Rizul Ave., Stu. Stn. Cru?,. Casey's Shoe Store, 31 5 i\L H. del Pilar, Er~ mita. Centcr dc Luxe, Inc., 80-82 Eseoltn, Rinondo. Chu Gunn, 339 N ueva, Binondo. Chua Tno Shoe Store, 239 Gnndartt, Binondo. Citizen Shoe Store, The, 242 Gandara, Bi~ nondo. Cosmopolitan Shoe Siore, 251~253 G:mdarn, Binondo. Crul, Shoe Storc, 355 Mudrid, Snn Nicolns. Douglas, "'l. L ., EI. Alonso, Agents, 105-107 Esealtn, 13inondo. E1lit.u Sho<' Store, 2·16~2·1 8 Gnndnra, 13inondo. Esea Shoe J~mporium, 615 Esealtu, Binondo. Everlustin.l( Shoe Store, 226 Go.ndUnl, Binondo. Filipin!lS Shoe St.ore, 716 Ylnya, San Nicoln:;:. Florsheim Shoes, H. Aloll8o, Agents , 105-107 Esoolta, Binondo. Golden Shoe, The, 223~225 Gnndnra, Dinondo. Gonzalez Shoe Store, 696 Ylnyn, To ndo. Hule Shoe Company, Inc., Esco Bldg., -197 CUnonigo, Paco. Hamilton Broln! Shoe Store, fne., 109-111 Escoltn, 13inondo. Hikc Shoe Palncc, Tlu::, 1-14 &coltll , Regins Bldg., Esoolta, Binondo. Hollywood Shoe Siore, 222-22-1 Gandllrn, Di~ nondo. Tdcal Shoe Storc, 2;)7 Gandnrn, Binoudo. Independent Shoe Shop, The, 112~IH Echsguc, Sto. Cruz. r ~ardns &: Co., T., 194 Junn tuna , Binondo. Ku.sarinlan, 749 Dsrt, Paco. LIl BoUI de Oro, 387 Juan Lun/l., Binondo.

PH ILIPPINES Store (Son en Juat &: Co), 207-209 Gandara, Binonclo. Lhl'uyway Shoe Store, 685 Ylaya, Tondo. Manila Shirt Factory and Dry Goods Store

La Comcrcill.l Shoe

44 Esco\ta, Binoodo.

N"avnrrete, F., 1691 am!. J.\lno., PaCD. New Fii.~ hion Shoe Store, The, 234-236 Gtmdam, Binondo. "Obreros" l\-Iariquciios" , 230-232 Gnndnm, Binondo. Oriental Shoe Supply Store, 473 l'rucva, Binon<lo. Palace Baznr, Ground Floor, Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sbl. Cruz. Peoples' Shoe Co,) Factory: DS-IIS Soler, Binondo. Stores: Cor. K uom and Gandara and 123 Escolta, Binondo. Philadelphia Shoe Store, 132 XUCV(I, Binondo. Philippino Style Shoe Store, (Ch Uli 1'110 &

Co.), 239 Gandara, Binondo. Pol! Pm"rot Shoes for Boys & Girls, H. Alonso, Agents, 105-107 Escoltn, Binondo. Preserver Shoe Co., T he, 133 Magllllnnes, IntramUr05. Queen Quality Sh~, H . Alonso, Agents, 105· 107 Eseolta, Binoni:io. Rosario, Esteban del, Lnbores, Pnndaean . Seng Cui Shen Shoes, Co., The, 120 Villa· lobos, Quiapo. So Lip Peng, 313 Gandara, Rinondo. St.andard Shoe, The, 313 Gnlldara, Dinondo. Sto.ncUlrd Shoe Makers, 1 H}·B Victoria. rntrtl.~ muros. Star Shoe Store, The, 317 ~undara, Binondo. Stylish, The, 21&-220 Gundul'!l\ Binondo. SumapitrNa, 116 Bustillos, Sampaloe. Tan Bec Shoe Store, 308 Juan Lun!l, Binondc>. Tun Lineo & Co., 170 Rosnrio, Binondo. The Citizen Shoe Store, 2-12-244 Gandara, Bi· nondo. Tiu Chion~ Seng, 206 Gandam, Dinondo. Trinidad Shoe Store, 133 Legarda. Sampaloc . Un Guan, 3 17 Gandara, Binondo. United States Shoe Co., 286 Sun i\'Ilu'Cclino, Ermito.. Up-to.Date Shoe Store & 13inondo Shoe Store, 2O()"212 Gandara, Binondo. Up·TOWll Shoes, 124 Rosario, Dinondo. Vnrsity Shoe Maker mld Repairing, 97 Vic· torin, Tntramuros. Vito.lil.y Shoes, H. Alonso, Agent'>, 105--107 E$colm, Dinondo. Walk·Over Shoe Store, The, Ground Floor, Philippine Bank Bldg., r~o ! tn, 13illondo. White H ouse Shoe Store. 102 Eseo!tn, Binondo. Williams' Shoe Store, 238-240 Gandara, Dinondo. Wintrop Shoes, H. AJonso, Agents, 10&-107 Esoolto., Dinondo. Yalco's fn e., 627 Eseolta, Snmani!lo Bldg., Dinondo, MAnila. Yu .Ie Co Collegian Shoes, 221 GandA ra, DinOlldo. Yu Jouquin & Compnny, 21!}-221 San Vicente, Binoudo. Yu Seeo, 261 Gandara, Binondo.


S HOE DEALERS, WHOLESALE Abolafin, Inc., M. & C., 122 Nueva. I3inondo. Alon ~,

n .,

10&-107 Eseolb, Binondo.



Ang Tiblly, 710-714 Ylaya, Tondo, ~1Ilnila, P. I. Assllnmlll l~ Co., G., 775--777 Taborn, San Nicoins. Branch: 737-739 T nbors, Sun Nicolas. Brilliant Shoe Store, 'l'he, 610 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Cnsey's Shoe Store, 315 M. H. del Pilar, El'nlita. Douglas, Wl L., H. Alonso, Agents, 105--107 Eseolta, Binondo. Dy Buncio & Co., Inc., HII~211 Muclle de Binondo, Sun Nieolns. Elite Shoe Store, 246-248 Gandara, Dinondo. Eseo Shoe Emporium, 615 Escolta, Binondo. Florsheim Shoes, H. AlonS(), Agents, 105--107 Escolta, Binondo. GOIll:alel: Shoe Store, 696 Ylaya, Tondo. H Ale Shoe Company, Tne., Esco Bldg., 497 Cunolligo, Puco. Hnmilton BrO\\ll Shoe Store, Inc., 10!}-111 Escoltn, Dinondo. H ike Shoe Fnetory, 286 San MIII'celino, Er· mita. H ollywood Shoe Store, 222·22·1 Gandara, Dinondo. I ndependent Shoe Shop, The, 11 2-11 .J. Eehngue, Stn. Cruz. Liwllywny Shoe Store, 685 Ylnya, Tondo. New Fashion Shoe Store, 234-236 Gandara, Binondo. "Obreros Mnriquellos," 230--232 Gandnro, Dinondo. O<>uku Boeki [(aisha, Inc., 4.J.6-I54 Dasmarilhs, B~nondo.

People's Shoe Co., Factol·Y : 98-118 Soler, B)nondo. Stores: Cor. Nueva and Gandara nnd 123 Escolta, Dinondo. Poll Parrot Shoes for Boys &; Girls, H . Alonso, AgCllts, 105--.107 Escolta Binoudo. Queen Quality Shoes, H. Alonso, Agents, 105--107 Escolta, Rinondo. Tun Bec Shoe Store, 398 Juan Luna, Rinondo. The Citizen Shoe Store, 242-244 Gandara, Binondo. United Stales Shoe Co., 286 San i\'larecJino, Ermita. Vitality Shoes, H. Alonso, Agents, 105--107 Esoolw, Binondo. Winlrop Shoes, H. Alonso, Agents, 105- 107 &colUl, Binondo. Yu Joaquin & Company, 219-221 Sau Vicente, Rinondo. · S HOE F INDINGS Hamil ton Brown Shoe Store, Inc., 109-111 Escolta, BinOlldo. S HOE l\'IA NUFACTURERS "Ang Balila", 1710-1712 Herron, Paeo. Ang Tibay, 710·714 Ylaya, T ondo, Manila,

P. L

Ang Tunlly, 627 Sta. Mesa, Sampaioc. Bagong Sikat, 405 Sun Nicolas, SUIl Nicolas. " Bellevuo" Shoemake)', 1355 Hel'ran, PIICO. Bins Shoe Store, 85-87 Rcal, Intram uros. Brilliant Shoe Store, The, 610 Rizal Ave., Sro. Cruz. Casey's Shoe Store, 3!5 i\I. H. del Pilar, Er~ mit.l\.




Cruz Shoe Store, 355 Madrid, San ::\'"icolas. Erns' Fashion, 24-26 F. B. Harrison, Pasu.y, Rizal. Fernandez, Ciriaco, 124 Real, I ntrnmuros. Filipinus Shoe Store, 716 Ylaya, San Nicolas. Gonzalez Shoe Store, 696 Ylavn, Tondo. H ale Shoe 8ompany, I nc., Esco Bldg., 497 Cnnonigo, Paco. Bike Shoe Factory, 286 Sail Mnrcclino, Er-

Standard Shoe Makers, II9-B Victoria, Intramuros. Trinidad Shoe Store, 133 Le~ardn, Sampaloc. TU!l7.0n, E. T., 1685-1687-1689 Grol. LuM, Puco. Varsity Shoe Mamer and Repairing, 97 Vic!.oriu, Intramul"os. Zupal.cria de Emigdio Dillon, Tondo.

131 5 Azcafrnga,


Hike Shoe Palnce, The, R eginn Bldg., 144 Escoitn, Binondo. Independent Shoe Shop, The, 112-11,,\ EehagUll 8tn. Cruz. Knsurinlnn, 749 Dart, Paco. L'l Botll de Oro, 387 Juan Luna, Binondo. La Economia, 102 Nebraska, Ermita. " La Espera nza del 96", 610-612 Evangelista, Quinpo. La Modcma, 74-76 San Marcelino, Ermita. Mllgullunes Shoemaker, 117 Rca! nnd 131 MlIgnJ1u..IIes, TntT1lmuros. Mutya Sa l{isil\' 556 M. H . del Pilar, E rmita. Pooples' Shoe Co., Factory: 98-118 Soler, Binondo. Sto~ : Cor. Nueva and Gundara and 123 Escoita, Binondo .. P rescrver Shoe Cd't\ The, 133 1o.路lagal\anes, Intrnmuros. Rosnrio, Esteban del, 1.62 Laborcg, Pandacnn. St.nndard Shoe M akc~ ... 119-B Victoria, I ntr9muros. T nn Bec Shoe Store, 398 ~an Luna, Binondo. gnrdu, Sampnloc. Trinidad Shoe Store, 133 'fuazon, E. T . 1685- 1689 Gml. Luna, Paco. 86 Snn Mnrcclino, United Stutes Shoe Co., El"lllit.a. V:Lrsit.y Shoe Milker find R epai ring, 97 Victorin , Intramuros. Yu Ak C hi Sing & Co., 245 Gandara, Binondo. ZlIpaterin de E migdio D izon, 1315 Atcarrngn, Tondo. Zllpaterill. de 1\1. David, 1路121 Oagupnn, Tondo. SHOE REPA IRERS (See Shoe j\'lakers) " Ang Huti", 528 Ant.ipolo, Stn. Cruz. Ang Tibay, 710-7\<1 Ylnya, Tondo, Manila, P. 1Brillinnt. Shoe Store, The, 610 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Cnsey's Shoe Store, 315 1\1. H . del Pilar, Ermitn. Cruz Shoe Store, 365 Madrid, Snn Xicolns. El Lucero, 316 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Eseo Shoe Emporium, 61 5 Escolta, Binondo. Fenmndez, Ciriaeo, 124 Rcal, Tntrnmuros. Hnle Shoe Com pany, Inc., Esea Bldg.. 497 Canonigo, Paeo. Hike Shoe Factory, 2S6 San Marcelino, Ermitu . Hike Shoe Palace, The, 144 Escolta, RcgiM Bldg., Binondo. IndcIlcndent Shoe Shop, The, 11 2-1 14 Echague, Stu. Cruz. LA. Modernll, 74-76 San Marcelino, Ermitil. Ma/!:all:mcs Shoemaker, The, J 17 Rcal and 131 l\1agalhUics, I ntramuros.

*S IGN P AINTERS (Sec Painters, House, Sign and Ornamental) SILK DEALERS RETAIL (See Bazaars also Japane!'IC Goods) Aboinfia, Tne., l\1. & C., 122 Nueva, Binondo. Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. Assanmal & Co., G., 775-777 Tabora, 13an Nicolas. Branch: 737-739 Taborn, San !\icolas. Bombay Silk Store, 337 Lcgarda, Salllpnioe. Bombay Silk Supply (Sobhrai Jhnmnlmal & Co.), 128 Nueva Binondo. Brnnchcs: 765 Taborn, San Xicolu.s and 73 Bscolta, Binondo. Crown Silk Store, 27 Escolta, Binondo. Dee Dilln Gwm & Co., 437 NuevlL, Binondo. Gurdnsmal Gchimal & Co., 676 Ynlya, San NieoilLS. Indiun Commercial Co., 328-332 Da5marifl!l.s, Binondo. TSlLrdns & Co., T., 194 Juon Lunn , Rinoudo. Jesswani & Co., C. D. -BombILY Beauty Palace, 546 Reina Rcgcntc, 13inondo, !\"Iauiln. Kashm ir Silk Store, Pasillo Z, No. 3, Ynngco Market, TnborlL, San Nicolns. K rishnll Silk Store, Pnsillo E, 62 Yangea Mnrket. Branch: 729 Tnborn, San Xicolus. La Perla de Ill. India, 676 Ylnya, Sail Xicola..~. Liwag &. Sons, Inc., V., (lrI<alahi Remnnnts" ), 551 Azcnrrngn, Tondo. Manila Pulzl.ce, 79-E llicoita, BinOlldo. Manila RcmnlLnt Co., Inc., The, 路151-153 Juan Lunn, Binondo. M!Illih\ Silk Supply-Po C. Ailmal &: Co., 741 & 723 Taborn, San Nicolas and 188- 190 Rosario, BinOlldo. Qsaku Boeki Kaisha, Tnc. , 4>16--10-1 Oasmnrinns, Rinondo. . Persian Carpet House, 49 Escoltu, Mamla . Pohoomull Bros. (Tndio.) (Bombuy BIl:wnr), 793-797 Taborn. San ~icolu.~. Brn nchcs: 37 Escoltn, Binondo, 241 Pasillo Z, Ynngco Market, Tabora, San ~icollL\l, l\fILlliln and 46 A. B. Session Road, Bnguio. Populnr Silk Store. 33 Ynngco Mnrket, Tuborn Sun Niealu.s. Uosnrio, C. O. del, Azcnrrngu, COnler Misericordin St.:l. Cruz, Mnnilu. Royul Silk Store, 737 T Ui>OMI, Sun Nicoh~g. Solm'lUli & Co., B. 1., 490 Junn Lunu, Dmondo. Sobhraj Jhnmalmal & Co., 128 Dinondo. Tnj Mallnl, The, 40 fsanc Peml, Ermitn. Tong Hong Trading Corporation, 14.8- 150 RO~Ii 颅 rio, Binondo.


PHILIPPINES SILK DEALERS, WHOLESALE Aboiafin, Inc., M. & C.. 122 Nueva, Binondo. Assnnmn\ & Co., G., 775-777 Tnoom, Snll Nicoln~. Broncll: 797-739 Taborn, 81111 N inolns. Bombay Silk Supply (Sobhmj Jhnmntmul & Co.), 128 Nueva, llinondo. Branches: 765 Tnbnm , San Nicol(lS and 73 E scott-a, Binondo. Crol111 Silk Store, 27 Escoltn, Bil\ondo. Gurdnsmlll Gchimnl & Co., 676 ):lo.YIl, San Nicoins. Indian Commercial Co., 328-330-332 Dnsmllrilias, Binondo.

Tsardns « Co., T .. 194 Juan Luna, Binondo. .1c.."'Swani & Co., C. D.- Bombay Beauty Palnce, 546 Reina Rcgcntc, Binondo, Maniln. K!l!;hmir Silk Store, Pusillo Z, No. 3, Ynngco Market, Tubara, San Nicolas. Krishna Silk Store, Pllsilio E, 62 Yllngco Market. Branch: 729 Taborn, San Nicolas. La Perllt de In India, 676 Yillyn, San NicolllS. Liwug &. Sons, Inc., V., (''l{nlnhi Remnant,,"), 55 1 Azcnrrngn, ~ondo. i\'inniln Palace, 7\)..E Escolta, Binondo. l\b.l1iln Rcmnant CO., Inc., T he, 451-453 Juan Luna, Binondo. Manila Silk Suppl~'-1.' . C. Ailmal &. Co., 741 &. 723 Tabora, San Nicolas and 188-190 Rosario,. Binondo. Mitsui Bussnn I{aisha, Ltd., Second Floor, Na .. tiollal City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. 1. Osaka Boeki Knisha, Inc., 446-454 Dasma .. t·hiaa, Binondo. Persian Carpet House, 49 E~coJtn, Milnila. Pohoomull Bros. (India) (Bo'nhll.), Ba1.aar), 793--797 T abo ra, Sun Nicdlils. Branches: 37 Escolla, Rinondo. 241 Pusillo Z, Yangco Market, Taborn, Sun Nicolus, i\'lnnila and -16 A. n. Session Road, Bliguio. Rosario, C. O. del, Azcarragn, Comer l\'l iscricoruia, Stu. Cruz, Mnnilll. Royal Silk Store, 737 T aborn, San N'icolas. · SILK RAYON, WOOL AND COTTON DEALERS Aguinaldo &. Co., IllC., L. R., Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Junn Luna, Binondo. ·SILVERSM IT HS (See Gold and Silversmith) · S ILVERWARE DEALERS La Estrella del Norte, 4.6-50 Esc<:ilta, Binondo. SLIPPER DEALERS, RETA IL AlIg Bagong Sibul, 1019 Bilibid Viejo, Quill.po. "Ang Balita", 1710-1712 Herron, Paco. "Ang J(alasng," Sine!asnn, 622 San Lazaro, S18. Cruz. Ang Laguna, 691-693 Ylll.ya, T ondo. Ang: Ligaya, 628-630 Azcnrraga, T ondo. Branches: 616 and 1309-1311 Azcal'Tllga, T ondo. Ang Tibay, 710..714 Ylaya, Tondo. Branches; 4.07 Rizal Ave., (Below New Plaza Hotel) 2200 Rizal Ave., and 1742 Azcarl'nga, Sta. Cruz. Dagong Sikat 405 San Nicolas, San N icolas. "EI Tondei\o," 1448 Sande, Tondo. Guan Seng, 314-316 Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz.


Hole Shoe Company. I nc., Esco Bldg .. 497 Canonigo, PMO. l sal'dus &: Co., T ., 194 Junn Luna, Binondo. I<usarinlan, 749 Dart, Paeo. La SirnpnticfL, 2270ngpin, Binondo. Miss Philippines, 420 Elcano, San Nicolas. Ncpomuccllo, M., 159 Mngnlilines, InlTIIllluros. Dllg Chay Slipper Factory, 239 Ongpin, Binondo. Persian Carpet House, 49 Escoltn, i\'ianiln. Rosario, Esteban del, 162 Labores, Pnndacan. Sipag at Tiagn, 1232 Juan Lunll, Tondo. Branch: 618 Atcarraga, Tondo. Sumapit-Xn, 116 Bustillos, Sampaloc . Tan Bok, ·109 Nueva, Binondo. Uy Chun]] Yek, 330 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. SLIPPER DEALERS, W HOLESALE An):;: Tibay, 710..714 Ylaya, Tondo, i\'laniln, P. r. Hale Shoc Company, Inc., Esco DlUg., 497 Cunonigo, Paco. :Veve~, Antone M., 231 Espcleta, Manila. Y" Jonquin & Company, 219-221 San Vicente, Binondo. SLIPPER · MANUFACTURERS Ang Ba){ong Sibul, 1019 Dilibid Viejo, Quiapo. "AIIIl Halita", lilO-1712 Herran, Paco. Ang 13ntikan, 1007 Trabajo, Sampaloe. Ang 'Batts, 1902 Juan Llllltl., Tondo. Ang Dayani, 1215 Rizal Ave., St{\. Cnt?. " Ang Buti", 528 Antipolo, Slinta Crllz. Ang Cho.y, 209-211 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. Ang 'Comela, 1053 Soler, Stn. Clut. Ang Hanap Ko, 308 Lnkandola, Tomlo. "Ang: KnluslIg" SinelnSlII, 622 Snu Lazaro, Sin. Cruz. Ang Kisig, 2255 Hizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ang Lnguml, 691-693 'Ylnyn, Tondo. Ang Lip:aya, 628-630 Azcnrrn~a, Tondo. Bmnchos: 616 and 1309-1311 AZCIlrragn, Tondo. "Ang i\'Iutyn" Chineleria, 204 Suter, Sin. AlIa. Ang Nnis. 134 CllStanes, Samp:lloc. Ang Sibul, 1059 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. AnI!; Tiho.y, 710..71-1. Ylaya, Tondo, Maniht.

P. r.

Ang Tunny Chiueleria, 627 St..:1. Mesn, Sampaloc. Ang Uri Chine\cl'ia, 208 Novaliches, San M iguel. Bilgong: Sika~ 405 San 1\icolru;, San Nicoills. Batong Buha}" 2249 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Chinclcria Bisig Marnlit{\, 2605 Herran, St:l. Anll. Chinell"ria Bisig Paterno, 2820 Bermll, St.n. Ana. Chinclcl'ia "Constantia," 1885 Juan Lllna, Tondo. Chinelerin Dulis!I)", 533 Asuncion, Sail Nicolaa. Chinclcria de A. Pachceo, 359 Cumlm, Snn Nicolas. Chincleria dc E. Espiritu, 758 Echngue, San Migucl. Chincleria de Felipe Roman, 1846 Juan Luna. Tondo. Chine\eria de M. Reyes, 9GO-B Mngdalena, Tondo.




Chinclcriu dt, Segundo Mendoz!!, J 124 JUlIll Lun!!, T ondo. GhinclerinKnsnrinlnn, 749-A Dart, l)aco. Chinclcrin J{lltllglliugan, 1472 Hcrrnll, P aro. Chinclcria Mabini, 284 A. l\'lttbini, Cnlooenn, Rizal. Chinelcria. Simpntikn, 283 i\'Inrqucs de C('Imi· Jlas, Ermitn. Chinclcrin Sinukunn. 1656 Riznl Avo., Stn. Rizn1. Cinco, Nicola.';, ·153 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolas. "g] TondeM" 1-148 Sunde, Tondo. 1::1 Toro, 565 Dnpitnn, Snmpnloc.

Ern's Fashion, 2'1-26


B. Harrisoll, Pasuy,


Espiritu, l\'lrlltin, GIl C1IIVc\, SUIl Nicolru;. Guan Scng, 314-316 Ronquillo, Stu. Ol'll?.

Hale Shoe Company, fne., Esco 13I<lg., 497 Ca110nigo, Puco. Hoc Po Hong, 312 Ronquillo, Stu. Oru?.

Kllsm'iniun, 7<19 Dllr'~, PUCQ.

La Bot.fL de 01'0, 387 Junn Luna, llinondo. "Ln Espcmnza del 96," 610-612 Evungelistll, QlIiflpO. La PlIrez!l. Chinel&hl, 541 Evungelistn, QUi3pO. Ln Simpalicn, 227 Ongpin, Binolldo. Liwa)'way Sinelasllll, 1256 Juan Luna, Tondo. Miss Philippine~, '120 1;::c'\no, Sun Kicolas. Mutyn Sa Kisig, 556 i\oO. H . del P ilnr, Ermita. Ong Chn)' Slipper Factory. 239 Ongpin, lliuondo. Ong Chill 110, 314 Ronquillo, Stn. Cruz. Rosario, Esteban del, 162 'Lnbores, Pandncnn. Sipng at Tioga, 1232 Juan Lunn, Tondo. Dmnch: 618 Azcll.rmgn, T ondo. SUlllnpit-Nn, 116 Bustillos, Sampaloc.

"SLIPWAYS (Sec Dry Docks) SOA P ~,iA NUFACrURERS Ang TnAumpl1y Sonp Fuctory, 370 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolns. Chun Lim & Co., 609-fj ll St(). Cristo, Sun Nicolas. Co Chunn Ynn Soap Facto)·y. 1030 Comercio, Sllll Nicolas. Co Pltk & Co., ·126 Sto. Cl"isto, Sl1ll Nicolas. ColA:ltc-Pulmolivc-P eeL Co., 58 Dasmllrifias, 13inOlldo. Filipino SOll!) Munufuctllring Co., 550 Burgos, PII._~l\y, Riz!\l. 1"lornl Soap Factory, 80 T ejeros, Sun Pedl"o 1\1:1.bU, Riza!. Go Sun GUll]}, 5\0 Echnglle, Quinpo. Gunn Jun t SOilP .Mn nufncluring Co., 913-919 JlIboncro~, Snn Nicoln.."-, Muniln. fndustrins Consolidadns, Inc. , 57 Gnstlllnbide, Sampnloc. fnlenllltion31 Oil Factory, 525 i\I. de Binondo. Plnnt: I I Riverside, San Juan, Rizal. ](no Chunn Soap Fllctory, 1020 Comercio, S3n Nicoln.s. Ko Chunn Yek, 505 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolo.!:!. LissaI' Compania Incorporadn, Calle Roxas, San Pedro Makati, Rizal. i\hlnbon I~imc and Sonp Fnctory, 228 Gro!. Lunn, Malnbon, Riznl. i\1'mila SOIiP Factory, 313 Burgos, PaMy, Ri zul.

Philippine Manufacturing Co., Geneml Office: 244 David, Binondo. Factory: 11 20 Velasquez, Tondo. Tin ](uy l.ay Soup Faclory, 82 1-923 Jaboneros, San Nicolas . Zuellig, fn c., F. E., 55-63 Rosario, Binondo, Manilu.

·SOC IETIES. PROFESSIONAL AND SCIENTIF IC (Sce Page lOS) · SODA FOUNTAINS Boticn Boie-(Philippine-Amel'ican Drug Company) J 95 Escolta, Binondo . R endezvous Sodu Fountain lind TCII Room, i\l(;:· tropoiitan Bldg., Pluzl\ l.fl.wton, Ermitu. · SOY SAUCE FACTORY Seng Kce &- Co., 622 Nuevn, Uinondo. · SPALDING Urias Roxns, Inc., Urias RoXIlS Bldg., 71 Eseoltn, Muniln. SPORTING GOODS DEALERS Athletic Supply ComPllOy, Tnc., 114 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Avena & Sons, V., 1540 Azcarrll.!,!:u , Stu. Cruz. Brins Roxus, fIlC. , Brins Roxns Bldg., 7 1 Escolla, Manila. Commonwenlth Commerciul Co., (SuccCSSQrs to Aragon Brothers), 305 Bustos, Stn. Cruz. Educutiollal Distributor, The, 765 Juan LUIlU , Binondo. Geneml Sl>orting Company, Inc., 554 Rizal Avc., Stu.. Cruz. Heacock Co. , H. E., 120-130 Escolta and Calle David, Binondo. Hunters' HeadqlllLrlers, 307 Bustos, Stu. Cruz. Idenl Sporting Goods Company, 321 Bustos, Sin. Cmz. Isardus & Co., T . , 194 Juan l.unn, Rinondo. Lnmi 'l'rndi ng Corporation, TIlC., 853-863 Heiml Rcgcnw, T ondo. Lcdd!L Co., Inc., F. Z., 303 Bustos, St:L Cruz lllld 951-953 Ongpin, St~). Cruz. LorcnziLlll\ Sl>orts Supply, 480 JUlm Lunll, Binondo. Manila Athlet.ic Goods Co . , 320 Bustos, Stn. emz. Neves, Antone i\l., 231 Espdclu, ?\lunila. Olympian Sl>orling Goods Store, 17 E..~lnJud(·, Binondo. Oricnt:LI Sp( GoodE', 303 Jwm LUIlIl, Bi· nondo. Osukn Docki ]\o.i8hll, fne., 44&-1.:;·1 Dasmnril1tt.."', Binondo, Manila . Os-'lwn, 1\., Office: SUite Bldg., R iz:ll A\·c., Sw. Cruz. Store: 314-318 Busto~, Stll. Cmt. PhiliPI)ille Athletic i\lnlluflLcturcl'l! 0, ... 230 Plnzn StA. Cruz, Stn. Cruz. Roccs & Co., fn c., 129 Plaza Goiti, SI.:l. Cruz. Squires Binglmm Co., 16 Pin t!! GOlti, SUI. Cruz. Villar, L. R., 5 14 Rizill A\'enu(', Sw.. Cruz. Wimbledon, Thc, 318 BWftO!!-, St1L. Cruz.




路STATIONERS, WHOLESALE AND R ETAIL (Sec Booksellers IIl1d S tntioners) Philippine Education Co., I nc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo.

La Panctela, 207 Cnbildo, Intrnmuros. 路STAMPS. R UBBER (Sec Rubber Stamps) STARCH MANUFACTURER

Ln Campana Hoe Suy Hunt, 31 i\'Inrtin Delgado, Snmpnloc.

Ong Chiam, 710 i\bgdnlcnn, Binondo. STATIONERS (Sec Booksellers nnd Stationers) Chincse News Papcr Agent, The, 706 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz-. ChWlg Hun Press Cq., Tnc., 4 Soler, Tondo. Coleo] &; Co., i'd., 942 T. Alonso, St.:l. Cru:Il.

Dinuumo P ress, 428 Florentino Torl'CS, Bta. Cruz. Educational Distributor\ T hC, 765 Juan Luna, Binonclo. Fnjardo Press & Litho Co., 520 Rnon, SUi. Cruz. Felicinno & SOllS, J. B., 229,.231 RcqucsclIs, SUt. Cruz. \ Frank & Company, Mairr~ Office; Second

Floor, 101-103 Escolta, Bmondo. Factory: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Heacock Co., H. E., 120-130 Escolta, and Calle David, Binondo. Liongsin Prcs.s, 1044 Azcurroga, Binondo. Branch: 275-281 Juan Luna, Dinondo. Ma11ifoldo Stationery & Supply Co., 165 I..avnnderot', Snmpaloc. Mnnila. Filntelicu, Main Plant : 1318-1322 Oroquieta. Branch and Office: 3 18-320 Cnrricdo, Stn. Cruz. Manila Oraticn, Inc., 112 Escoltn., Binondo. Methodist Book Room, Methodis ~ Bldg., 638 Isaac Penll, Ermita.. Nam Shing Prcs.s, 324 Dasmarilias, BinoJ)do. Nntional Stationery Co., 529 Echngue, Quillpo. Offiee Appliance Co., Ltd., The, Cnlle Soda and Muelle del BallCO Nneional, lliI\Olldo. Peerless Trading & Supply Compmly, 712 R izaL Ave., Sta. Cruz. Philippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escol'ta, Binondo. Rizal Printing Company, 1000 Ri7.{\.] Avellue, Cor. Lope de Vega, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Sirius Troding Corporation, 519 Estero Ccgado, Sla. Cruz. Ta; Shillg Company, 529-531-533 Sales, Sta. Cru1.. Tay Tiong Pross, 1011 San FCl'l\lIndo, Sail Nicolas. 1'ong Cheong SOli Compfllly, 321 Bnrbosn, Quinpo. Tong Hing Press, 424-426 Florentino Torres, Stll. Cruz. Tong Nllm Press, 248 Es pclela, Sla. Cruz. Vem & Sons Co., P., 134-HO Solana, fl1tmnllll'Os.

路STEAM S HIP AGENCIES (See Steamship Companies) ST EAMSHIP COMPANIES Arcar Line, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Agent.s, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. AmeriClllI Gulf-0rient Line, Everctt Stenmship Coq}()fIltiofl, Agcnt.s, 223 Das muriiins, BilIondo. Amcricnn Mail Line, The Robert Dollnr Co., Gcncrnl A~enls, Dollar Bldg., M. de San Francisco, Port Area. Americnn and MunchUJ'ian Line, Smith, Bell &. Co., I.. td ., Agent.s, H onp:kong & Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, llinondo. Amerielln und Orielltal Line, Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Agcnts, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Lun8, Binondo. Amerieun P ioneer Linc, States Steamship Co., Agent.s, Sorinllo Bldg., 15 P13ZA. Ccrvuntes, Binondo. Apear Line, Smith, Bell &: Co.,, Agcnt.s, t(ongkong n11d Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Lunn, lli110ndo. Aus.trnlinn OrientnL Line, Ltd., Philippincs Cold Stores, Agents, 503-511 Echllgue, Quillpo. Behn, Meyer & Co., H. Mij., 59 Rosnrio, Binondo. Bibby Line, Warner, Barnes &. Co., Ltd ., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Pla:l;a Cervantes, Binondo. Britis h India Stetlm Navigation Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell &: Co., Ltd., Agents , Hongkong and Shllnghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Canadian Pacific Steamship, Limited, 14-16 David, Binondo. Cehu-Bohol l~e l'I'Y Co., I nc., Eve rett Stenmship COr(lomtion, Agent.s, 223 Dlls mnriiias, Bi1Iondo. China Mutual Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., (Blue Funnel) Smith, Bell &. Co., I.. td., Agents, Hongkong a11(\ Shanglmi Bank Bldg., Juan LIIIIII, Binondo. China Navigation Co., Ltd., Smith, Bell &: Co., Ltd" A~ents, Hongkong and Shanghui Bunk Bldg., .Iutln LUlla, Binondo. Compagnie i\lnritime Beige (Lloyd Roynl), Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Agents, HOllgkong nnd Shllllghlii Bunk Bldg.. Junn Lllnn, Binondo. Compnflla Genel'lll de Tub..'lcOS de li'ilipinas, 2 [2 M. de Comillas, Puco, Manila. COIllPllliltl Mnritimtl, Fel1lllnde1. Hnos., Ge:llernl Mflllllge l'S, \09 Junll Lunn, Binondo. Co~uLich Line, Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongko]],!!; nnd Shm1ghni BlIllk Bldg., Juan LUlln, Binondo. Cunard-White Star Line, Smith, nell & Co., Ltd., Agents, Hon,!!;kong and Slulllghai Balik Bldg., Jmln !-unn, Binondo.





Cunard-White Star, Ltd., Warne Ltd, Agents, Sommo B1~g.I

& Co., crvant-cs,


De III Rama SteamshIp Co , , The, c/ o 1011 Muelle de If! Illdust ru~o ndO Doillu Stcamsillp L~ ~ ,Ltd, Dollul Bldg > l n Cl~ ort Area M de sall~' Dutch Mmis, & Phlhppmcs ShIPPing AgencLes, I presentntlve, 8-12 Escolta, Bmondo. ElLSt AS~' tic Ltd:, The, Mcma & Co., Inc., Agilt ~ ~ 84. Jua,n Luna, Binondo. E~" d Australian Steamship Co., Ltd" ~t~ ell & Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongkong & ~""h.!li Bank Bldg., Juan LUIII1, Binolldo. tern ' and Philippines Shipping Agencies, ,t.d~ 8-12 Escolta, (Corncl" Plaza Moraga ,aTHI J ones Bridge), Binondo. . '- Eljr-uldc & Co., 1110., Elizalde llldg., MucHa de In Indus tl'ia, Manila. Everett Steamshfp Corporation, 223 DasmariiillS, Binondo, Manila. Fern Line (Feamley and Eger. Oslo), Everett Stealllship Corpomtion, Agents, 223 Dusmari jias, Binondo. Germanischcr Lloyd, Bcrlin, H . Mij . Bchn Meyer & Co., Agents, 5~ RosariO, BiIlOlldo. Glen l~i ne, Limit-ed, The, Jl\ternntional Harvester Co. of Philippines (FOrmB~IY Maclcod & Co.), Agents, Chnco Bldg., PI za Ccrvantes, Rinondo. Gutiel"l'Cz Hermanos, 116-12 Dcntcrio, Intramuros. Hnmburl?-Amerika-Linic, Behn Meyer & Co., H. Mil., Agents, 59 Rosario, Binondo. Holl:md-East Asia Line, Eastern & Philipp in~ Ship Agencies, Ltd., Agents, 8-12 Escolta, Dinondo. Indo-Chinn Steam Kavigation Co., Ltd;, Smith , Dcll &. Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongkong and Shanghai Dank Bldg., JUlln, Luna, Binondo. l stlunian Steamship Compnny, Illtcrna tional Hlu'vcster Co. of Philippillcs (Formerly Macleod &. Co.), Agents, Chaco 13Idg., Plaza Cel'vnnles, Dinondo. Halin Line, Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongkong llnd Shanghni Bank Bldg., Juan i.ul1n, Binondo. Javn-Chillll-Japan I-ijn, Eastem and Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents, 8-12 Eseolta, Binondo. Ie P. i\'L- Line---Royal Packet Nnvigntioll Co., of Batnvin, Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents, 8-12 Escolta, Binondo. Kawasaki I<isen Knisha, Roosevelt Stcnmship Agency, Inc., Agents, Chaco Bldg. , Plazn Cervantes, Binondo. J{err Steamship Company, Inc., Roosevelt Stcllmship Agency, Inc., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Uinondo. Kiaven($S Line, Smith, Bell &:. Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongkong nnd Shnnghai Bank Bldg., Juan LWUl, Binondo. I<oku....<>ni Kisen Kaisha (Tokyo, Japtln), American Stcnmship Agencics, Inc., Agents, 511 'j



INDUSTRIAL MANU AL Philippine Natio.llal Bank Bldg., 00 Escoha, llinondo. La Naviera FilipilUl Inc., Everett Steamship Corporation, Agents 223 Drumlllrij\us, Binondo. Lloyd TricsLino, Smitll, Bell & Co., Ltd., Agents, Hongkollg and Shanghai Bunk Bldg., Juan Lunll, Binoudo. Lykes Bros. Ripley Stenmship Co., Everett Steamship Corporation, 223 Dnsmll.riJ1as. Binondo. Macondray & Co., IIIC., Third Floor, China Blink Bldg., Dnsmarii'ias, Cor. J uan Luna, Binondo. Madrignl & Co., 8 Muelle del Banco N(lcional, Mnnila. .Manila Sllipping Company, Tne., 321-323 National City Bank Dldg., .hum Luna, Binondo. Manila Sl;(>amship Co., Elizalde & Co., I nc., Cene l'al Managers, Eliznlde Bldg., Muelle de la Industria, Manila "Bisnyas"~"Viz­ caya"-"Venus"-"Sorsogon". Mcs.sngeries Maritimes (French Mail I,inc) Everett Steamship Corporation, Agcnt.s, 223 D asmarifias, Binondo. Mitsui Buss.'m l(aishll, Ltd., Second Floor, Nationnl Cily Bank Bldg., MlIlliln, P. J. Nederland Line, Royal Dutch l\'lnil, Eastern &:. Philippines Shipping AgenCies, Ltd., Represental i\le, 8-12 Escolta, Billondo. ~iJ}pon Yuscn Kaisha, ' Vamer, Da mes & Co., ,W., Agents, Soriano Bldg., Plaza CcrV(llltcs, Binondo. Norddcutseher Lloyd Bremen, Zuellig & von Knobelsdorff, Agents, 55-63 RoSllrio, Binondo. Ocean Stenmship Co., Ltd., (Blue rWlOel) Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Agent:., Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan LWHI, 13inondo. Oceanic (llId Oriental Navigation Compony of Snn Frnncisco, States Steamship Comptlny, Agents, Soriano Bldg., 15 Plllza Ccrvnntc::;, Binondo. Osaka Shoscn I<aisha , Y. T<it.sui , Representative, 314 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Manila. Philippine lnler-Island SteamHhip Co., c/ o RobClt Dollar Bldg., M. de Sun Fnlllcisco, Port Area. Philippine Steam Navigation Co., Inc., E \'ereU Stcnmship Corporation, Agent8, 223 Dnsmarinas, Binondo. Philippine Tmvel BIll"CBU, 151 Crystal Arcade, £Scolla, Binondo. Philippines-Atlantic Gulf Service, Maniln Shipping Co., Inc., Agents, 321-323 Nntional City Bnnk Bldg. , Juan Luna, B in~nd o. Prince Line, Ltd., Roosevelt Stcam!llu&Agcncy , l~td., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Plaza n'antes, BinonUo. Reardon Smith Line, Munilu Shipping Co., Tne. , 321-323 National City BaTik Bldg., JUll1l, Luna, Dinondo. Red Stnr Line, Smith, Bell &: Co., Ltd ., Agcnts, HOllgkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Rinolldo. Rickmcl"S Linie, Hnmburg, Men:.;i & Co., Inc., Agents, 180-184 Juun J.. unn, 13inondo.

", • .• /~:~; l-





Robert Dollar Co I Tho, Do11f11 Bldg, M de ·STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS San FrullCISCO, Port. Area Gnudinez, Simeon, 605 eu Unjicng Bldg. , Roosevelt Steamship Co. of New York, St1ltc~ T. Pillpin, Cor. Escolla" Binondo. Steamship Co., Agents, Soriano Bldg., 15 P1azff4ll'If"h Palacio, Jesus :;I ,,:~8 Rizal Avenue, Stu. CI'UZ. Cervantes, Binondo. W Rotterdam Lloyd, ROYlll Dutch ~'fail, Eastern ... ~ " · STEREOTYPES & Philippines Ship~illg Agc~cics, Ltd" Rc· t:. Commercial Electrotype Go., Inc., -115 P . PapresentatLve, 8-12 bscol~!lJ Bmondo. ~oG- tcrnQ'lo Stu Cruz Tel 23091 Silvcr-Jnva-Pucific Line, Roosevelt Stcrunship ~ ' ...., . . _ _. _, 1- " Agency, [nc., Agents, Chaco Bldg., Pla7.11 ~. . "'STER IWTYi.:ING'·, Cervantes, Binondo. C 1 r~ 's' 2' . Silver Line, Ltd., Roo~cvelt Steamship Agency, at ~o lC ..'Ide chool, 191.0-19 OpooqUlcta, Stn. fne., Agents, CllfIco .Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, ClUll. Binondo. STEVEOt>R.,ES \0 Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Hongkong !Lnd Shanghai llailey Stevedoring Co., Inc. , Thc, Derham ~., Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Port District. '. ...; States Steamship Co., Soriano Bldg., 15 Plazu Cebu Stevedoring Co., Inc., \Cebu. ~ ", _: Cel'Vantes, BillOndo. J(oh & Sons, E. L., 206 Juan Lima, Bf~do: ' ' . Slickstoff-Syndiknt G. m. b. H., Berlin, Menzi Luzon Stevedoring Co., I nc., Pier"-N'J!lo 5, & Co., Inc., Agents, 180-182 JUlln Luna, Muelle de San Francisco, Port Jjis~'1E~ Binondo. Manila Terminal Co., Inc., Pier No.5, r;;lleI ~~~ Swedish East Asintic Co., Ltd., InteOlational de s.'1Il FranciSCO, Port Area. ~. Harvester Co. of Philippines (Formerly Macleod & Co.), J\szents, Chaco Bldg., Plaza ·STOCK BROKERS Cervnntcs, Binon"do. (See Brokers, Sharc) Tacoma Oricntal SteamlShip Co., The, Robert Doll.'lr Company, Agents, Dollar Bldg., M. dc STOVE DEALERS San FranCiSCO, Port ~rea, Manila. ''pntsUlulla I(is~n l{aomhiki ICaisha, Manila A. & P. Co., Inc., The, 10 1'. Pinpin, l3inoncio. Shipping Company, tnc., Agents, 321 -323 Bouffard Hnos., 64.8 Riz:ll Ave., Sla. Cm)!. National City Bunk Blag., Juan Luna, BiFar Eastern Rangc Co., The, 529 Aviles, Sail nondo. \ !VIigueL U. S. Shipping Board, St.o.tes Steamship Co., Eeidenia Kerosene Gas Stoves, 132 Juan LUII ;1, Agents, Soriano Bldg., 15 Plaza Cervantes, Dinondo. Binondo. HcJdenia. Sales Store, 65 Legaspi, IntrnmUl"os United Navigation, Inc., 117 Dasmarifllls, BiInsular Mercalltile, 47.1 Juan Luna, Binolldo. nondo. Manila Gas Corporation, Main Office; Otis, United States Salvage Association, Everett Paco. Retail Store; 138 T. Pinpin, Bi.Steamship Corporation, Agcnts, 223 Dnsnondo. mariiias, Binondo. Mayon Cook-Stoves-C. Tuason E Hijos, Vercin Hamburger Assekuradeure, Hamburg, fnc., 1174-1188 Agno, :Malate. Menzi & Co., Inc., Agents, 180-182 JUIIIl Tuason e Hijos, Inc., Manila. LWlIl, Binondo. Yamashita Steamship Co., Ltd., 405 National STREET -CAR ADVERTISING City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Manila Electric Company, 134 San MarceYangco, Teodoro R., 42l M. dc la Industria, lino, Ermita. Snn Nicolas.


· STEEL FURN ITURE MANUFACTURER Philippine Steel Furniture. 504 Dapit811, SlImpaloe. ·STEEL MERCHANTS Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co. of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de la Industria, San Nicolas. Bcthlchem Stcel Bxport Corporation of NCII" York, 320 Nntionni City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, 13inondo. Bmtten W. H., Correspondcnt, United States Steel Products CO.t.,. 22l Perez Samnnillo Bldg., 619 Estolta, llinondo, Manila. ,Verlinden, M., Capitol Bldg., 31 Escoltn, Dinondo. "STENCIL MANUFACTURERS Excelsior Stencil Manufacturing Co., 530 Juan Lunn. Binondo.


·STRUCTURAL STEEL DEALERS Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co. of Manila, 71-77 Muelle de la Industria, San Nicolas. ·STUCCO PRODUCTS Findley Engineering lind Construction Co., fne., 32 Fischer Ave., Pasay, Ri zuL ·SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Faustino and SOilS, Room 322, Crystal Arcndc-. Escolt-II, Binondo. Manila Publishing ComlJany, Fourth Floor, ]01-103 Escolta and 115 T. Pinpin, Binondo. ·SUBSCRIPTION MAGAZINES National Mngazinc Cil"eulation Ap:cncy, Room 31, Lack &: Davis Bldg .. 110 Eehnl;l1c. Stn Cruz.




SUGAR CENT RAL S (CENTRIFUGALS) Ai;turifLS Sugnr Central, Inc., Dumalng, Capiz.

13ncolod-Murci:l Milling Co., Inc., i311co!od, Negros Occidclltlll. l\'Innila OAicc (purchasing Dcpflr~ment) Sui(.C "A", F ifth 1"1001', SOl'inllo 131<1g., Plaza Ccrvlllltcs, 13inondo, 1\1l1l1iln. Blltann SugAr Co., Balnngn, Dnlllll.ll, 16 Escolt.:I, 13inolldo. Binnlbngnn Est-iltc, Tnc., Binnlbllgnn, Ncgros Occidental. Mlmil:. Officc: Nationnl I!:xchungc Co,) Inc., (S ugnr D ept.), Rooms 305-306, PhilJl!lbnnk 131dg., 90 Bscoltn, llinondo. Bogo-i\ledclli'l Milling Co., Inc., 1'hoo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., J\'bnnging Agents, Perez Snmnnillo 13Idg., 619 Escolta, Binondo and

Boga, Cebu. Calamba Sugar Estate, Manila Office : Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., P laza Cer· vantcs, Bi llOndo. Factory: Cnnluba n g, Laguna. Cebu Sup;nr Co., Inc., Thco. H. Davi(!S & Co., Ltd. j\'Ianuging Agcnts, Pcrcz Snmanillo Bldg., GIg Esoofw., Rinoudo. Central Azuenrcl'l\ de Bais, B!lis, Oricntal Ke· grOs, Central Office) 212 Marques de Comillas, Paeo, Manila.\ Central Azucnrerll de ~nlatagnn, Cnlll.t.ngan. Blltnngns. Central Azucal'era de Don Pedro, Nasugbu , Batangas. Centlal Office: '119 Ech ague Sa n Miguel. Centrnl AZlleareru de la Carlol· , E lizalde & Co., I nc., Gcncrnl Managers, Elizlllde Bldg., M. de Itt Industria, Manila and Ln Cndotn, Nc-gros Occidental. Central Azucnrcrn de P ilnr, E lizalde &, Co., f nc., Gelleral } Ianagers, Eli1.aldc Bldg., M. de In Industria, i\-Iuniln nnd Pilar, Capiz. Central Azuearcra de T arlac, San l\'I iguel, Tarlne, Central Office, 212 M. de Comil1a.s, Paeo, !\Iuniln. Cc>ntral Azucurel"lI. del Danao, Escalante, l'\e)(ros Occidental. Manila Office (Purchasing D~)artmc n t), Suite itA", Fifth Floor, Soriano Bl g., P laza CervantCll, BinoJldo. Central Azuenrera del Norte, 203-204 Cu Unjiellg Bldp;. , Cor. T. Pinpin und Escolt~\, Binondo Ilnd Caodoll, 1I000s Sm. Central Leonol", Iloilo, Iloilo. Central Lourdes, Dingle, Tloilo. Cc.ntml Luzon Milling Comp!UlY, Inc., l\ lanila Office: PatenlO Hllos. Bldg., Ko. 5, Plaz:\ Cer· \'nnte~, Binondo. !\rill nt Bnmbun, T:lflac. Centrul Palma, rlog, Xegros Occidentnl lind c 0 l\.'Ir. Salvador Serra, 1\-I:\I1ill\. Ccntml San I sidro, 110i[0, n oilo. Central Snntos-Lopcz, Barotnc Nuevo, I loilo. Celltrul Sara-Ajuy, Elizaldc & Co., fnc., Gcncml Managers, Ajuy, Iloilo. Mnniln Oflice: 1~li~uldc Bldg., M. dc la I ndustria, Mnnill!. 1~ liz:dde & Co., I nc., Eli~lllde Bldg., M. de ]a r lldlt.~trin. Manila. li uwuiinn Philippinc Co., Siluy-H!lwfliiun Celltnll, Ncgros Occidental und 321 Heginu Bldg., 10 Da.vid, Binondo. II!lll'uiinn Sugnr Plunt~r.;; A..;~ociution, The, 12-16 Arlo!."li, Qui!loo. H ijos de I. de 111. Rama & Co., I nc., Iloilo.

Isabcln Sugar Co., Inc., Jsnbclll, Negros Occident~ll find Philnabnnk Bldg., 90 J!:;;col tn, Binondo. J{ nhnnkalnn Sultur Co., I nc., 32 liogur Bldg., .hum Luna, Binond o (K ul)llllkalan, Negro!:; La. Cadota Sugar Centl'al, La Cari ota, OcCidental Negl'os. Lagum~ Sup;ar Corporation, 5th Floor, Edificio ~OI;uno, Plaza Cervantes, Binondo; Cnlauan, T..nguna. Leonor Sugar Central, Hijos de L de In Rmnn & Co., Gcneral Manager, 1011 Muelle de la Industria, Bi.nondo. Lizarraga Hno.... , 32 E I Hogar Fili l)ino Bldg., J unn Luna, Rinondo. I..oI>01. Sugar Ccntral, Fahricll, Negros Occidenta l and c /o Mr. Salvador Arallet.a, j\'Inuila. Lourdes Sugar Ccntm l, H ijos de L d e l a Ruma & Co., Geneml M anager, 1011 Muolle d e la I ndustria, Binondo. L uzon Sugar Co., 53 P lnUL McKinley, [ 111111· mums and Calumpit, Bulacall. Mll-ao Sugar Centml Co., fnc., Ma-ao Central, Negros Occidental. M:U1ila Office: 407 Sumnnillo Bldg., 619 E!:'coltn, Binondo. Mnbalacat Sugar Mills, eu Un jieng B ldg., Esooltn, Bin ondo. MQ unt An\)'at Sugar Co., 31 E1 Ho.c;ar Bldg., J uan Lu na, Binondo un d Am),at, Pnmpnnga. North Negros Sugnr Co. , I nc. , T h ird F loor, C hnco Bldg., P lazn CC.l'Vnntes, Bin olldo nnd Ma nupla. Ncgros Occidcntnl. Nueva ECijn S ugar Mills, I nc., Second 1"1001', S. J. Wi lson Bldg., 14 3 J unn L UlIIl, Dinondo and Cabiao, Nueva Ecijll . Ormoc Sugar Co., Ormoc, T...cyte. P ampanga Sugar Development Co., Inc., Sto. Nino, San Fernando, Pampanga. Mnnila Office: Nutional Exchange Co., I nc., (Sugar Dept.) Rooms 305-306, P hilnnbunk Bldg., 00 Esooltn, B inondo. Pllmpanga Sugar Mills, Mu n ila Office: Sixth Floor, Soriano Bld g., Plaza Cervllntt::l:!, Binon do. F nctOl'Y : Dcl Cllrmen, Pn m pu,ngu. P nniq u i S ugar j\'Iills, P llIliqui, Turlac. P hilippine Milling Compnny, 109 Sw.. Cruz, Muniln and San J ose, Mindoro. Philip pine Sugar Association, 3 1-1-3 16 Hcgim\ Bldg., Dnvid, Cor. Esooh...'l, Oinondo. Philippine Sugar Estatc>! Devclopment Co. Ltd., The, 2·16 And!!., flltmmu1O~. Rosario Sugar Mills, c / o V. GOllznlez, Cebu. San Carlos l\'IiIlillg Co., Ltd., Third Floor, Chaco Bldg., P laza CervaotCll, Binondo and Sun Carlos, !"regros OecidentnL Still I sidro, c / o E. de In Rmnn, Iloilo, I loilo. Siern, Snlvador, Dog, Negros Occidclltnl. St.a. Anicctn, c/ o E. d e In Rzlmn, Iloilo, n oilo. Tnlilmy-Silay M illing Co., f ne., Tali~'y, Neg-roll Occidcntul. Mnnihl. Office (Purchfl~ m K DClmrt,.. mont) Suite "A", Fifth F loor, Sori[1I10 Bldg., Plnza Ccn'untes, Binondo, Mnnihl. Victorias Milling Co., I nc., Third 1~loor, Chuco Bldg., Pla~n Cervantes, Rinondo and VICtoriu..~, N~ros OccidenWI. Welch- Fuirchild, Ltd., 321 Regina Bldg., JO D!l\'id, Binondo.

PHIUPPlNES SUGAR DEALERS Bncolod-Murcill i\'Iilling Co., rnc., Bncolod, Ncgros Occidental. Maniln Office (Purchasing Department) Suite " A", Fifth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnza Ccrvnntc,,;, Binondo, Munitu. Cnlambn Sugar Est.nte, Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, 8inolldo. Centro! AzuCil r<:r..L de Bais, 212 Marques de Comillas, Pneo, l\laniin. Central Azucllrura de Ta rlnc, 212 i\'lllrqucs de Comillll.~J Paco, Manila. Central Azucllrcrn dcJ Danllo, l::Scuhmlc, :\'cgl'OS Occidentnl. l\'I aniio. Office (Purchasing D epartment Suite " A", Fifth moor, SOl'juno BId!::. , PlfIza Ccrv::lI1tcs, 13inondo, MUlliia. Central Luzon j\<IiJling Company, fIlC., Manila Office : PntcnlO Hnos. Uldg., No.5, PJuz9 CcrYnntc..~, Dinondo. Cheng Linoco, 1001 Dngupan, Ton(io. Co ,Jiap Fling, 537 Sto. Cristo, 8ml Nicolas. Cooper, Alfred D., Third Floor, C haco Bldg., PIU1.11 Cervnnt~ Binondo. Dy Buneio !i Co.,\Jnc., 191-211 Mucl1e de Rnondo, Sun :>ncorM. Elizalde k Co., Inc., Elizalde Bldg., M. de ]a Ind ustrin, !'\lanila. Fernalldcz & Co., v. '1>\, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 5 1 Escoltn, Binolldo. Guerlnn, Bcnito, 326 Nu~'n, Binondo. Hal\" E. Hellg, 1101 Snll Filmundo, 13illondo. Hllw:l.iian-Philippine Co., 321 Rcgina Bldg., 10 David, BinOlldo. H awaiian Sugar Plnnters Associution, T he, 1246 Arlegui , Quinpo. Lizarrnga Hnos., 32 EI HogfLr Filipino Bldg., Juan LUlla, Binondo. Mnbnlacat Suga r i\mls, eu Unjieng Bldg., &colt.n, Uinondo. Mount Amyal Sugar Co., 31 El Hogar Bldg. , Juan Lunn, Binolldo. North Americnn Trad ing UJld Import Co., The, 308 Nn tiOllnl Cj~y Bunk Bldg., Jun n Lunn, Binondo. North Negros S\I~nr Co., Inc., Third Floor, C huco Bldg., Pht1.1l Cel"VuJt te~, BinOlldo. Pampllngll Sugt\r DeVelopment Co., c/o Nutional ExchnnJ;\! Co., Inc., (Sugnr D ept.), Room!! 305-306, Philnnbunk Bldg., 90 E,,colta, 13inondo. Pnm pllnga Sugar i\'fill s, Sixth Floor, Soriano .I3ldg., Plazll Cervantes, 13inondo. Philippine Milling Compllny, 109 PIll1.a Stll. Cruz, Man ila. Philippinc Sugar E~lates D{"velopment Co., Ltd., The, 246 Anda, I ntrum\lro~. PUTC Cane i\lolu-"-~e.s Co. (Po I. ), Inc., T he, 432 Pel"l'z &lm:millo mdg., 619 &00It3, Manila. Roxas y Compaflia, 719 E ehague, San Miguel. Siy Cong Bieng & Co., Inc., 129 Juan LUtlll, Binoudo. Smith, Bell ,~Co.,, Hongkong lind S hanghai Ihnk Bldg., Juan Lunu, Binondo. Spl"cckles Philippine Company, Room 4, 16 E scolta, Binondo.


145 Anice.w Sugnr Ccntnll, H ijos de L de la Rnma & Co., Genera l i\l anager, lOll Muelle de In Ind ustria, Binondo. Sun H illg Sugar Fac tory Co., 1126 Sta. Elena, Binondo. T alisay-5iluy Milling Co., Inc., Tnlis.'Ly, Ne~ gros Occidental. Mnniln Office (Purchasing Dcpartment) Suite " A", Fifth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plnza Cervantes, Binondo, M nlIillI.

Victorias Milling Co., Inc., Third Flool', Chaco Bldg., Plnzn Cervantes, Binondo. · SUGA Il. EXPORTERS Kalionul Bxchanp:c Co., [nc., Philippine Katiollul Bunk Bldg., 90 Escoltll., Binondo. · SUGAR FACTORS Cooper, Alfrcd D., Third Floor, Chnco llIdg., PIII?ll. Cervantes, l3inondo. D:wics & Co., Ltd., T heo. H. Perez, SamaniHo Dlug., Escolta, 13inon([o, Ma nila. Reither, E., 456 D asrnnrillns, 13illondo. Sprccklcs Philippine Comptlny, l(oom 4, 16 Esoolta, Binondo. Welch-Fairchild, Ltd., 321 R egina Bldg., iO Da vid, Binondo. · SUGAR HACI EN DA H a..siellda Snl~ J osc, Mindoro, 109 Plaza Sta . l¥uz, Manila. ·SUGAR fl,IACHT NERY fl,TANUFACTURERS (Sec i\!uehinery Dealers) Earns haws Doeks and Honolulu Iron Works, The, Second Sh'eet, Port Area, Manila. H Ollolulu fron Works Co., Second Street, Port th ea, Maniln. SUGAR !\'IANUFACTURERS Ayala & Co., Third Floor, Filil)i nas Bldg., Plu?11 Morngn, Binondo. Bnoolod-Mureia MiJling Co., fnc ., Bneolod Ncgros Oceidentnl. Manila Offiee (Pu r~ cha.sing Department) Suite " A", Fift h Floor Sot'iano Bldg. , Phl 1.11 Cervnntcs, Binondo' Mnnila. ' Culllmbll Sugar Esta te, Manila Office: Sixth l<1oor, SorimlO md~., Plaza Cervnnles Binondo. Fnctory: Canlubnng, Laguna. ' Centnll Allucarenl dc Bllis, Bllis, Oricnhll Nep:ros, Centrlll Ofllce: 212 Mnrqucs de Comil1n$, PlICO, i\!mlniln. Centml Azucllrcrll de T a1'1nc, SUIl J\'Iiguel, Tnrlae. Centrnl OfficI': 212 i\'1arq ucs de Comill:I;<, Pnco, Munitn. Centrnl A1.uellrCrfl del DUllno, Escnlllllte, :>.rep:ros Occidcntal. i\Jnniltl Office (Pu rehn...~ing Depllrinwnt) S uite " A", Fifth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plazll CcrVllllt('S, 13inolldo, ~ l lIniln. Central A)luctll"cr:l del Norte, 203-204 Cu L"njicllp: Bldg., Cor. T . Pin pin IIl1d Escoitn, BiI1(mdo. Centrnl LU1.on i\Tilling Company, Inc., Mnniln Office: P nwmo Hn o~. I31dg., :-lo . 5, PllIZ:I Cf.'rvn nt c~, Billondo.

146 ____S_U_G_____T_H_E~C~O~M~ME~R~C=I=A=L=&=路~LN~D~U=S=T=RI=A=L~M~A~N=U=A~L~___________ Cheng Linoco, 1001 Dngupnn, Tondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., El izuldc Bldg., Mucl1e de In Industria, Manila. Hawaiian-Philippine Co., 321 Rcginu Bldg., 10 D [I\.jd, liinoudo. Hawaiian Sugar Planters As.'\ocilltiol1, The, 1246 Arlcgui, Quinpo. Lizarraga Hnos., 32 EI Hogar Fili pino Bldg., Juan Luna, Rinondo. Luzon Sugnr Co., 53 Plnzn j\-! cKinlcy, IntramUJ"Os; Cnlumpit, I3ulncnn. Mnlnbon Sultar Co., Smit.h, Bell & Co., Ltd., General Mnllngcrs, Hongkong lind Shnnghai Bnnk Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. Di>play nnd Salesroom: 301-302 Nutiona l City Bnn k Bldg., JUIIJl Luna, 13inondo. jI,'[ount AI-uynt Sugm' Co., 31 E l Hogar Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo and Arnynt, Pnmpunga. North Negros Sugar Co., I nc., Third Floor, Chaco Bldg .. Plnz!l Cervantes, BillOndo and Manapla, Negros Occidcmtal. Pampnllga Sugar Development Co., Inc., c/o National T~xchunge Co., Inc., (Sugar Dep.t .) Rooms 305-306, Philnnbnuk Bldg., 90 Escotta, Binondo. Pampang a Sugal' 'lIs, (Factory: Del Carmen, Pampanga Province), Sixth Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Philippine l\iJilling Company, 109 Phlzn Sta . Cruz, l\'Innilli. Philippine Suga r Estates , D evelopment Co Ltd .. The, 246 Anda, I ntramuros. Pure Cane Molasses Co. (p. I. ) Inc., The, 432 Perez Sumanillo Bldg., 619 Escoita, Binondo, Manila. San Carlos Milling Co., Ltd., Third Floor, Pla7.a Cervantes, Binondo find San Cados, Negros Occidental. Smith, B cll & Co., Ltd., Hongkong & Shunghni Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Spreckels Philippine Company, R oom 4, Hi Escoltn, Binondo. Talisny-SilllY Milling Co., Inc., T alisuy, Negro!' Occidental. Mnnilll Office (Purchasing D epartmcnt) Suite " A", Fifth Floor, Soriuno I3ldg., Pln7.a Ce!'vant cs, Binondo, Maniln. Victorins Millinp: Co., Inc., Thi rd ;Floor, Chaco Bldg., Plnzfl Ccrvflntcs, Binondo. Welch-Fairchild Ltd., 321 R egina Bldg., 10 David, Rinondo. 路 SUGAR MERCHANT Elizalde & Co., I nc., (Founded 1854) Tel. 22792, P. O. Box 121-Muel1e de 10. Industl'ia . Man il a. Manllgel's for La CarIota, Pilar and Sar a-Ajuy Sugar Centrals.

Mnlabon Sugnr COIll I)lIll)" Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Geneml Managers, H ongkong and Shanghni Bank Bldg., JUlIn LWlR, Binondo. Display lind Salesroom: 301-302 National City Bank Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. SURETY COMPANI ES (Sec Insurnnce Com])''lllies, Fidelit.y and Guar-

a nt.y) Ascgurndores .de Ins Islns F ilipinos, Kneedler Bldg., Cnmcdo, Sta. Cru z. Fidelit.y and Surety Co. of the Philippine Islands, Monte de Picdad Bldg., Plaza GOiti, Stu. Cruz. T. . uzoll Surety Co., Tile., Second Floor, Regina Bldg., M. dcl Bnneo Nncional, Binondo. Visayan Suret.y and Insurance Corporation. Second Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. T. Pinpin lind Eseo\tn, Dinondo, Manila. *SURGICAL INSTRUMENT S AND DRESS INGS Botiea Boie-( Philippine-Amel'ican Drug Co.), 95 Eseolta, Binondo. SURVEYORS Cacnio, Ceferino, 1039 Dagupnn , Tondo. Certezn Surveyi ng Compnny, Inc., Room 208, China Bank Bldg., Dn<:mariiills. Binondo CQronndo, Junn, 2634 H errnn, Sta. Ana. Developments, Inc., FiJipinas Building. Engineering & Sunreys- (C:u;imiro Panajon), 137 Mercedes, E rm ita. Floro, Victorino, Rooms B-1!)"21 and 22, Patemo Bldg., Stn. Cro7. Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Francisco, Carlo.'> X., 2636 Herron, SI.8.. Ana. Ganeayco & Co., Inc., S., 520 Pennsylvania, Ermita. Gonzales, Victorino, 349 Felina, Paeo. hon, Severino P., 1041 PlazlI Leon XIJI, Tondo. Kagnhnstian & Co., Inc., R, R ooms 318-320, Kneedler Bldg., Cllrricdo, Stll. Cruz. Manahan, Antonino, 242 ROSilrio, Binondo. Mannhnn & F eliciano, 242 RosariO, Di nondo. Myers Buek Co., Inc., 684 Riznt Ave., SL!\ . Cruz, Mmlila. Reyes, Romnn S., IOIO Melchor Cano, Tondo. Sa!vlldoT, Santiago, 30 l\. Domingo, Sun Juuu, Riznl. Snlltos, Norberto, .J29 Stu. Mesa, Sampaioe. Solisn, Unisimo Rosus, 36 Legardn, Quiapo, Munila. Sta. Muria, Francisco, 1320 O'Dounell, Sta. Cruz. Tobtlr, I. G. de, 1020 Mngdalenn, (T rezo) Tondo.

路 SUGAR REF INED Victorins 11,lilling Co., Inc., Third Floor, Chaco Bldg., P la7.a Cervantes, Dinondo.

'SURVEYORS, CARGO Associated Stcnmship Lincs, 714-7 15 Insular Life Bldg., Pln7.a Moraga, Uinondo. Kielso n & Co., C. B., 240 Dasmllrinas, Binondo.

路 SUGAR REF INERS Insular Sugar Refining Corporntion, Barrio Jolo, Mnndaluyong, Rizn!' Manila Office: Room 325, National Cit.y Bank Bldg., J uan LWla, Dinondo.

SURVEYORS, l\-IAR INE Morton & E riek..!cn, fn c., D erluun Bldg., Port Area . Kelso n &.: Co., C. B., 240 Dasmarilias, Binondo. Yenko, Ma riano, 5014. Merced, Puco.

PHILIPPINES 路SURVEYORS, MINING Alvir & Co., I nc., Thi rd Floor, YutivQ Bldg., 426 Dasmnriftas, Binondo. l{ne:ahnstiun & Co., Inc., R.. Rooms 318-320, Kneedler Bldg., CaLTicdo, Stu. Cruz.

SURVEYORS' SUPPLIES Aguado H crmanos, 103 Balmes, Quiapo. S WEEPSTAKES CHARITY Philippine Charity Swccpstakes, 1803 Ri7,l\1 Avenue, 8t!!.. Cruz, jl,.I:uuln.


Watson Business Machines Corporation of the Philippines, 510 Philippine National

Bank Bldg., 9,0 Escolta, Billondo. TAILORS AND SHIRT !\'I AKERS A. Fong Tailoring, 1~-122 Real, Intmmuros. Al>elln's T ailoring, 645 Echnguc, San Miguel. Ah Hong, 98 Real, Tntramums. Ah J(cc, 76-78 RPJlI, Tntl"/l.Vlu ros.

Ah Lee, 100 Real, Intramuros. Ah Whun, 74 Real Street, fntrnmuros. Ah Wong, 272 Grnl. Luna, r,ltrumuros. Albert's Tailoring, 159 Bustillps, Sampaloc. Alhambra, P., 157 Libertad, Riza1. Alvamn's Tailoring, 810 Juan Luna, Tondo. Alviz' Toiloring, 1117 Rizal Av'c., Sta. Cruz. Amor Moderno, 1301 Bustillo~, Sampaloe. Ampon, Carlos B., 18 Tayabas, Tondo. Angel's Fashion, 2206 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz . Aquino, Alejandro, 430 Honan, Malate. Aranda, Patl'ioio, 438 Rizal Avenue, (Upstairs) Sta. Cruz. Areilla Brothers, 637 i\f. H. del Pilar, Ermitn. Atienza, Cristobal, 552 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Austria, P., 345 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Avenue Models, The, 904 Ri:/lal Ave., Sm. Cruz. Bugong oupling, 908 Ongpill, Stu. Cruz. Balais Tailoring, 125 Regidor, Quiapo. Banayad Tai\orin~, E., 838 Folguems, Toudo. Beall\: Tailoring Co., 822 H. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Bee Hua, 932 Lavezares, San Nicol:l..S. Bellevue" Tailoring, 1355 Hermn, Paco. Beltran's Fashion, 347 Echngue, (In front of Osaka. Bazar), Sta . Cruz. Bemardo, Vicente, 329 Ca!'l'iedo (Upstairs), Stu. Cruz. Bohemian Tailoring, 1949 Azcarrnga, Quiapo. Boss Well Tailoring, 737 Santa Mesa, Sampuloe. Brias RoXfIS, Inc., Brias RoXl\s Bldg., 71 Eseolt.'l, Manila. Brotherhood Tailoring, The, 741 Stu. Mesa, Sampaloo. Bunn, Jose, 143 Lcgardn, Snmpaloc. Buennventnrn. H., 465 .hlUn Luna, Rinondo. Cadiz Tailoring, 716 San Bernardo, Stn. CI路UZ. Canary's Tailoring, T he, 882 Ylaya, Tondo.



Castillo, F. del, 235 Legarda, Sampaloe. Castillo, Jose, 158 Labores, P!l.lldacan. Castro's Fashion, Room 101, 12 Eseoita, Binondo. Cebu Tailoring, The, 729 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Ceguerrn, O. V., 405 Regidor, Quiapo. Center de Luxe, Inc., 80-82 Eseolt.:l, Binondo. City Tailoring 1306 Juan Luna, Tondo. Cobnrrubias Hat Store and Tniloring, 332 R. Hidalgo, Stn. Cruz. Collegian li'nshiou, 187 G. TUn.;;Oll, Sampaloc. Commander Ta.iloring, The, 214 Lcgarda, Sampaloc. Concepcion, Hermogcnes, 154 Laborcs, Pandacan. Cris ti's Fashion, 1868 Azcarragu, 8ta. Cruz. Crown Fashion, 536 i\Iagdnlcnu, Binondo. Cruz Bros. Tailoring, 822 Sande, Tondo. Cruz Tniloring, Severo, 559 Asuncion. San Nicol~.

Cum's Tailoring, 1414 Rizal .Ave., Sta. Cru z. Dandy Fashion, 48 N. Dommgo, San Juan, Ri za!' Dc los Reyes Tailoring, BonifaciO, 2226 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz . De 105 Reyes Tailoring, Delfin, 1718 Ri zal Avo., Sta . Cruz. Dc. Luxc Fas hion, 392 Junn Luna, Binondo. Dc Lu.xe Tailoring. 826 R izui Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dclurias' Fashion, J., 1090 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Dino's Tailoring, Juan P., 1120 Junn Luna. Tpndo. . . Dungan, AntoniO, 25 Escoltn, (U psta!l~) Binondo. Dungca, Pablo V., 818 Dart, Paco. Duran's IIlC., 89 Rc.'lI, Intramuros. El Centro de Lujo, 1017 Antonio Ri vern, Tondo. E! Centro de i\'IooliS, 16 gseoita, Binondo. El Elegantc T ailoring, \019 Dart, Paco. uEI 1915", 260 Concepcion. El路mita. Elite Tailoring, Inc., 87-89 Victorin, Intrnmlll'OS. Espiritu and SoliS, A., 813 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. E!spiritu, Martin, 611 Clavel, Snll Xicolns. Fashion Center Tailoring, 3 12 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. " Fercan" Men's Wenr,I832 Hermn, Paco. Fit;."Well Fashion, 1236 Sande, Tondo. Fox Model, 527 Madrid, Sun Nicolus. Francisco Tuilorillg, Jose, 1413 Azeal'rngn, Binondo. Frock Shop The, Bay Vic\\' Hotel, Isaac Pernl, Errnitn. Garcia, Arsenio, 122 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Garrido's Tailoring, B., 903 Yla),a, Tondo. Gatchalian, N. L., 1727-1729 H crran, Paeo. Gents T ailor Shop, 2392 H enan, Paco. Gim Siu Tailoring Shop, 625 T . Alonso, St.'!. Cru:/l. Gold Star Fashion Tailoring, 323 Legarda, Sampaloe. Gome:/l Tailoring, D. G., 1370 Kalimbas (Int. 15), Stu.. Cruz. GOIl2;alcs' Fashion, F. L .. 1038 R izal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Gonzales, F., Tailoring. 1034 Azcarr!lgtl, Dinondo. Gonzales Tailoring, ~55 Madrid, San Nieoills.




Grnjo's Tailoring, G. H'J Tel. 28983, 654 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Guia Tlliloring, Vcnancio dc, 208 Moriones, Tondo. Gutierrez Bros. Tailoring, 1792 Rilml Avenue,

Stn. Cruz. Baba~'s

Tniioring, J . H., 649 Evnngclistu, QUlO.PO. HabaJlIl'S Tailoring, 653 EVlln(tclista, QWfll)O. Hulubcr Tailoring, F" 31 N. Domingo San Juan, Rizal. ' Hamilton Drown Shoe Store Inc., 109·1 11 Escoltn, Dinondo. ' H nshim, N. '1'., 881 Rizal Ave.) Stn. Cruz. Hayashi, Y., 321 P. Gomez. Slll. Cruz. Hernandez Fashion, I. B., 75 Juan Luna, Corner Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. RollY,wood Fashion, T he, 909 R. Hidnlgo, Quutpo. Hollywood Smart Fashioll, 131 1 Ascarraga, Tondo. Jlaya Fashion, 980 Ylnyu, Tondo. Illustrated Fushion, 1404 Azcarraga Binondo. Impcrinl Tailoring, 207 Rcnl, Intr;mur.)s. Index Tailoring aoo Shirt Fnctory, 729 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. International Designing School, 12 E scolta. Binondo. Intemntionnl Tailoring, 112 Sta. Potcnciann, Intrnmuros. Isla Herrnnnos, 982 Juan L\lna, Tondo. Jime~ez.' ~l1rtil\, 724 ~. Hidalp:o, Quiapo. Jose rnLionng, PrudellClo, 1424 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. \ Juson Tailoring, F., 1020 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. 1{al~Yllan F ashion, 83 N. Domingo, Snn Juan. Rlzal. Kayser Tailoring, The, 737 Stn. Mcsn, Sam· 1)l1loc. Kwong On \Vo, 808 San Fcrnando. San Nicolns. La Filipina, 512 Jaboncros r SAn Nicolas. In to.'l oda 1lundial, 1.\15 Azcarmga, Stn. Cruz. La Moderna, 74-76 San Mnrcelino, Ermita. La Nueva Ern, 1021 San Marcelino, Malate. La P1Lrisico, 614 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Lnbnn's Tailoring, 62S Evnogelistn, QUillJlO. J...npid Tailoring, 192 Cabildo, Int.rnmuros. lUUIl, A., 96 Rcal. Jntramuros. Lcon 13ros., D c, ]912 H errall, Paco. L~ Il, DamRSO dc, 552 Regidor. Quiapo. Lm'llllag, A., 1386 Juan Luna Tondo. Liwanng Fashion, Thc, 606 'Riznl Ave., Sin. C ruz. T..o ~z Tailoring, The, Room I, 76 Escoltn, ilinondo. Lu(,tud, Leon, 356 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. l\lubuhny Tailoring, 15.) Moriones, Tondo. Mndlnllg~Awa's Tailoring, 5J3 Azeamlgn. '1'ondo. Magat Ccf<:rin?, 2.) I Sta. Mcsn, Sampnloc. Mngpoc Tnllorm~, 923 Rilml Ave. Stu. Cruz. M~gtoto's Tailorillg, J., 20 Plaza Oruz, Stn. Cruz. Majestic Tailoring, 237 Stn. Mesa Samp:l.loc. Mal~y~n r-:asl!ion, 118 Bustillos, Snmpnloe. MahkSI Tnllorn~g •.A., 708. R. Hidnlgo, Quiapo. !\"ill~nal~ws Tal lormg, Felmo, 106 Is..'I.Il.C Pernl. ErmltR.


Mannlo, Alfonso, 406 Eetero Ccgado, Gor. Car· riedo (Upstairs Room 3), St.B. Cruz. Mnl~olo's Tniioring, 339 F. B. Harrison,, Rlznl. Manila Eguia's Tailoring, 135 B crran Puco. Mnnihl Shirt. Factory Il.lId D ry Good; Store 44 Escoita, Binondo. ' Ma~uc1 Pdll ic~r y' Co., Ilk, 44 Escoltn, Binondo. Manalae's Talioring, 2246 Riznl Ave., Stn. Cruz. Mcndoza's Tniloring, V. D., 1224 Azcnrrnga Binondo. · ' M~guc l , Alejandro, 238 Lcgarda, Sampnloc. Milan, C., 548 F. B. Harrison, Pusny, Rizal. Modem Style FAshion, 1003 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Modenl Tailoring, of O. T. Santos, The, 2318 Rizal Ave., Stll.. Cruz. Mol!na's Tailoring, 312 Sagan-Daan, Cnloocnn, R lzal. Nutionnl Fashion, T he, 436 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. "Ncw Good Fit", 280 Dorotea Jose, Stn. Cruz. NCII'St.yle Tailoring, T he, 252 F. B. Hnrrison, Pnsny, Riza1. Nick's Fashion, 853 On~pill, Stn. Cruz. Nillg & Co., \V., S6-9O Real, I nt.rnmuros. Olaes FlUlhion, C. 709 T..avczsr<lS, San Nicolas. Ople & Son, M., 417 Misericordin, Sta. Cruz. Oriental Fashion, 182 Real, Intramuros. 0xford Models, 917 Ylaya, TOlldo. Pnlo's Tailoring, C., 1096 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Ptull.mount Fashion, 1064 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Peoplc's Tailoring, 502 Misoricord ia, Stn. Cruz. P hilippine Gentleman, 160 Bustillos, Sampaloc. P hilippine Style, T he, 1400 Sande, Tondo. Philippine T ailoring, 956 Ongpill, Sta. Cruz. Pili, Juan, Room 414, Luis Percz S:untUl.ilIo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Punsahm's Tailo rin~, 60S Rizal Ave., St.'!. Cruz. Qualit.y Tailoring & Fashion, 223 Ongpin, Rinondo. Regain's Fashion, 137 T.cgnrdn., Snmpaloc. Reyes, Domingo, 1049 Rizal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Revcs, Hipolito L .t 430 Juan LunR, Rinondo. Ro~ndo's Fashion, The, 6 16 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. Rofi o, D., Gent's Fashion, 554 Regidor, Quinpo. Rosnrio, Cenon del, 91 Cnlderon, Stn. Ana. Rosario. Jorge del, 840 Rizal Avenue, Sl-n. Cruz. Roynl Tailors, The, 525 Echngue, Quiapo. Salvador Tniloring, Ab'UStin, 1417 Riznl Ave., St..!L. Cruz. Sflll Pedro T ailoring, Diosclndo, 1047 Antonio Rivern, Tondo. Sastreria de Elcuterio Mendez, l06-IOS Maga· ilnnes, I ntramuros. Sflstreria de H. Reycs, 430 Lcgarda, &mpnloe. Sastrcria de la Moda dc Lucio Flores, 317 He· gidor, Quillpo. Snslrcrill dc Pedro l{aguintUlln, 307 Azenrrogn, Tondo. Snstrcrin do Pedro Santos, 627 Azenrrogn, Tondo. Snstrcria Vigan, 563 G. TuRSOn, Snmp:lloc. Snst.rcrill y Cllmiscrin. do Hipolito L. Reyes, 430 Juan Lunn, Rinoudo. Shiraishi, T., 335 R. Hidaip;o, Quinpo. Sin Hap Sen,\!: Tailoring, 470 Nueva, Binondo. Sing \Va Be Tailoring, 613 T. AlolI"O, Sio. Cruz.

PHILIPPINES Smart Brothers Tniioring, 840 0'001111011, 8ta. Cnlz. Smart. Models Tailori ng, 1229 Junn LUlla, Tondo. Somcm, Eusebio. Vdu. dc, 1258 Antonio Rivera, 1'ondo. Sport Fashion, The, 126 Bustillos, Snmpnloc. Sport Models Tailoring, 1653 Juan Luna, T Olld o. Sportsmen's T ailoring. The, 835 YJllyll, 1'ondo. State Tailoring, 1339 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Syyap &. Co., 21 Escolta, Binondo. Syyap Tailoring Co., I nc., Crystal Arcade, &1colta, Binoudo. T lIbnranzlI's Tailoring, 707 AguiUlI', 1'ondo. T nck Hing, 75 Real, Intrnmuros. Tnkeuchi, M., 127 Rcgidor, Quinpo. Tnliba Tailoring and Shirt Maker, 022 AZCIII'raga, 1'ondo. Tan, Castor B., 90 Mn~allnncs , Intl'nllluros. 1'<.'Odoro'9 Fashion, 805 Magdalena, Tondo. Tiese's Tailoring, G., 957 R. Hidalgo, Quinpo. T iong Bi Tailor Shop, 50 1 Gmldara, Binondo. Torres' Fashion and Hatters, 510 Evangelista, Quiapo. Up-T o-Date Fashion, 2116 Herron, Paoo. Up-To-Date Style Tail'iOing, 174 Anda, I ntramuros. .,-Up-T o-Date Tailoring of Hellito Estrcllado, Sr., ISO G. TUllSOn, Sampaloc.. Valentin, l\'iunuel, 244 Plaza Sta. Cmt, Stu. Cruz. Vl\l'si~y Models Tailoring, Thejl107 ,Iuan LUIlIl, T ondo. Ventura's Tailoring, G., 902 layn, T ondo. Vicente & Co., R., 393 R. Hi algo, Quinpo. Villalobos T lliloring, rsabelo, 440 Evungelista Quiapo. ' Villegas Tniloring, The, (Successor to Juan Villegas Tlliloring,) 325 Bust03, StB. Cruz. Viri nn ,\: Co., 177 Renl, Intromuros. Vitaliano's Tlliloring, 406 Mad rid, &111 Nicolns. Wah Sing, 112 San Luis, Ermitn. Yap's Tlliloring, 823 Rizal Ave. Stu. CruT.. Yatco's, Inc., 627 Escolta, &nllmiUo Bldg., J3inondo, Manila. Yearly Style, The, 324 Rnon, Stu. Cruz. Y(!C J(OIl1 Tailor, 837 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. Young Men Tailoring, The, 23 G!路a!. Luna, Mala bon, Riza!' Yutuc Tailoring, Jose, 1334 R i7.ol Ave., Sta. CruT.. Zoldua's Fashioll, 431 Sales, Sta. Cru z. Z:lpata's Tuiloring, i\'L A., 1736 R iznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. "TAILORS' TR IMM INGS, 1i\'I PORTERS (Sec Dry Goods) "TALKING PI CTURES PRODUCERS F'ilippine Film Productions, Inc., 179 Inve!1!C.."-S Stu. Ann. ' T ANK MA KERS Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Co. of Manila, 71-77 lIoJuelle de la I ndustria, San Nicolas. TANN I NG i\UTER IALS P hili l)pillc Cutch Corporat ioll, Zamboungu. 路 TAITOERS



路TAXI COM PANlES, CAB Aero Taxicabs Company, Inc., 521 Muelle de In Industria, San Nico!:lS. Antipolo Taxi, 528 Rizal Ave., Stu. CruT.. Cood Luck Taxi Cab, 430 P ciialosu. T ondo. Hnlili Trallsit and Taxicab, 814-816 Folguerns, Tondo. Makabnyan Taxi Cab, 723 l(ansa.~, Pnco. Malnte T axi Cab, 767 Dnkou., Malate, Maniln. Manila Yellow Taxi Cab Co., Inc., 477 A. Mabini, Ermita. 路 TAX I DERM ISTS Tnguibao, Guillcrmo, 11OG-A Tcnncs;;ee, MaInte. TEA I MPORT ERS La Isla de Luzon, 435 T. Pin pin. Dinondo. Scng Kce & Co., 022 Nueva, Binondo. TEA ROOMS A"toria Tea Room, lOG Escolu., Dinondo. "l3annhnw", 326-330 Caricdo, Stn. Cruz. Boic's FOWltaill, 95 Escoita, Billondo. l\oJnUl'(!nc's Coffee Shop, 01!) EsCOitll, Perez Snmanillo Bldg., Binondo. ParQquet Restaurant, 7 Plnza i\Iora/l:ll, Binondo. R en<;leT.vous Sodn Fountain and Tea Room, Mptropolitnn Thcntre, P ln1.1l Luwto n, l~r !mtn. T om's Dixie Kitchen, Inc., 120-126 Plaza d<' Ooiti , St.'I. Cruz. TEACHERS. DANCI NG Acndem;t: of Music of MUnila, The, 44 A. i\bbini, Ermita. TEACH Ii:RS , i\IUSIC Acadcmy of Music of l\'Iunila, The, 4-1 A. Mabini, Ermita. Hermnnas I bniicT., 803 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Mnnila Music School, 119 Marques de Comillas, Ermit.ll. Mnximinno, Cm'men C., 1028 Tllyabas,Sta . Cruz. Saluzl\l', Consuelo, 1013 Ol'Oquictl~, St.fl. Cruz. "TELIi:GRA PH COMPAN I ES (8cc Cubic Companies) Commercial Pacific Cable Co., EI H ogat' Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Co., Ltd., T he, associated with Cable and Wireless, Ltd., E l Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. R. C. A. Communications, Tne., Sixth Floor, Tnsulnr Life Bldg., Pl uz\l Mom!,':'n, Binondo. TELIi:PHONE COi\I PANI ES P hiliPI)ine Long Dilltanec Telcphonc Comp.'Iny, GenemlOffice: 109 Plnza St~l. OnlZ, Ma niln.




-T ELEPHONE S UPPLI ES Western Equipment and Supply Co., 117-125 T. Pinpin, Binondo. - T ERM IT E EXT ERM I NATORS Cowan and Company, Thomas (White Ant Experts,) NatiOllul City Bank Bldg., Junn Luna, Binondo. T EXTILE D EAL ERS

(Sec Drygoods Deniers)

Davis & Company, P. M., 541 1\'l uelle del Bnnco Nacional, Binondo. Gcnato Commercial Corporation, 1075-1079

R H idalgo, Quinpo. I\inkwlI McriYI\.S u Co., P. L, Inc., 525-543 Azcnrrngn, T ondo. Kuenzlc & SLreiff, Inc., 3'13-347 T . P in pill, Bi110ndo. Kummer & Comins, 189 Juan Luna, Bi!lando. T.nndll hl, A" 417-421 AZCIl.1TIlgO, Tondo. Landahl, Inc., JOIIll, 132 Jwm LUlln, Binoudo,

Manila, P. r. Litton & Co., 530-540 Juan Luna, Binondo.

Mitsui Bazar, 807 FoigucrtLS, Tondo. Mitsui BUSSIl.ll ]{aish'll., Ltd., Second Floor, National City Blink Bldg., Mllnilu, P. L ::\'euss, Hcsslein Company, Incorporated, 1-1-1 Juan Lunll, Binondo. Palomo, G., 1601 Azearnlg S1.a. Cruz. Philippine Cotton r.,'Ii\ls, Jnc\ 8 Muelle del Banco Xaeionnl, Mnnila. Rosario, C. O. del, Azcarw U, Comer l\'Iisericordia, Stn. Cnlz. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Bongkong lind Shanghai Bank Bldg., JUlin Luna, Binondo. THEATRE COMPAN IES (Sec Cincmntogrnphs) Community Players, Inc., 440 DllsmariJ1ns, Binondo. Eastern Theatrical Comp any I nc" Thi r d Floor, Capitol Bldg. , 31 Escolta, B inon do. LU1.on 'l'lwatrcs, Inc., State Bldg., 504 Ri1.III Ave., Stu. Cruz. Lyric Thcatre, 81-87 E scolta, Binoudo. ~'I :Jniln Gwnd Opera HOlLSC, SSt Rizal Ave. , Sta. Cl"tlz. i"letropolital\ Theater Compnny, Mehnn Gardell, Phll':!t T"lIl1'tOI1, Ermita. Pnillee Thentrc, 325 Ronquillo, StH. Cruz. Theat res Supply Corporntion, Suite 508, FerIltllldez Bldg., 12·1 T. Pin pill, i\!lIni ]u. · TH EATRES SUPPLY Thentrcs Supply COl"llOnltion, Suite 508, Fernnndcz Bldg., 124 T. Pin pin, Manila. T ILE AND BRIC K DEALERS Da ido Hardware Store, 680 Dasmariiias, B ino ndo. Fabrica de Bllld0511, T ubas y i\fojoncs, Lndrillos, Etc., 373 Lunu (Int.), P/lStl.y, Uizlli. Henry, 1\'r., 373 Luna (Int.), PIIS.'ly, Rizal.


INDUSTRIAL MANUAL MachuC/\ & C6., J., 2 1 Bllimes, Quiapo. Manila H ume Pipe and T ilc Works, Jnc., 1003 Cordelerill, (Sro. Me;a), Snmpaloc. Mitsui Bussnn l<aisha, Ltd., Second F loor, National City Blink Bldg., Manila, P. I. Pal1looquc Limc Factory and Tile Works, Camp ClaudiO, Parallnque, Rizal. San Juan Minc, 40 N. Domingo, San Juan del Monte, Rizal. Serrano's Tiles and Works, 31 Ca· Uejon D. Reyes, Pnsay, Rizai. Simeon O. Suan, 324·326 Echague, Stu. Cruz. Tua.son IS Hijos, Inc., C., 1174-11 88 Agno, Malate. Unitcd P lumbing Co., Inc., 652-676 J uan Luna, l\·! l\nila. Verlindcn, M., Capitol Bldg., 31 Escoltn, Bi!londo. TILE AND BR IC K MA NUFACTUR ERS Fllbriou de BnldoSll, Tubos y Mojone.';, Lndrillos, Etc., 373 Luna, (Int.) P asuy, Hcnry, M. 373 Luna . an_t.), Pa.sny, Ri7.~. MllbuhllY Tiles Fnotory, 036 T nyuOl.a n. 1 0ndo. JH achuca & Co., J., 2 1 Bnlmcs, QUlapo. MlIllila B umc Pipe and Tile Works, Inc., 1003 Cordeieria, (Stll. Mesa), Snmpilloc. Pan1l111que Lime Faotory and Tile Works, Camp Claudio, PaTtL11nquc, Rizal. . Philippine Spuncrctc, Inc., 412 Rizu] Avenue, Stn. Cruz. d I San Junn l\-linc, 40 N. Domingo, &m Juan e Monte, Rizlli. Serrllno's Tiles nnd Omllfficntal Works, 31 CalIejon D. Reyes, Pnsny, Rizal. TutlSOn IS Hijos, Inc., C., 1174-1188 Agno, Malate, ~ IM E R ECORDI NG EQUIPM ENTS Watson Business Machines Corporatio.n of the P hilip p incs, 510 Phi]i~pi ne National Bank Bldg., 90 Eseolta, Bmon do.

TI NSM IT HS Ang Silangllll, 76 S(.II. Mesa, Sum l)uloc. Bec Gue, 1621 Azcnrrngn, Stll: Cruz .. Chull. Chill Lee, 463 DU.t>marl)1ns, BJllon~o. Chun Tint To & Co., 373-379 M . de Bmondo, Snll N icolas, , Co Bun, 507 Sto. Cristo, Snll Nicolas. Co H unt T insmith, 006 T. Alonso, SUl. Cruz. flok Siang Yak, 745 Tcodon.L AlollSO, 8';3. Cruz. "l\ll[crcas", 3 13 RnOIl, Stll. Cruz, MlIIlIln. I.,nterill Lim Lio, 1024 fl crran, Paoo. Lim Riap Qui, 743 DlIrt, Poco. . Nlltiontll Tins mith Co., )009 Rltnl A\·c., SU!.. Cruz. Tinsmith, M., 620 R. HI'd n.Igo. Qumpo. ' Sugitn.lli Sulit Hmnos., 813 Folgucrns, Tondo. -TIRES AUTOM O BIL ES (Sec Automobile Tires) TOBACCO DEALERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alhambra Ci~r nnd Cigl.lrcttc MIg. Co., 31 Tilyumnn , Tondo. AngChin MUll Co., SI9Juall LUIlil, T ondo.

PHILIPPINES Dagons Siknt, 361 Elcano, Sun Nieolns.

Cnstclcyn, L. V'j 305 Hcncock Bldg., Escolt.a, Binondo. CompafUn Gelleml df! Tflbncos de Filipinas, 212 Ma rques de Comillns, 1'aoo, i\'Ianiln. El Oriente Fllbricn de '1'lIbllc05, Tnc., 167 "Gencrnl Solano, San i\JigucL Enrique Lew Chan Ch\UlII Sons Co., 403 Jaboncros, San Nicola::. Fcmllndez & Co., V. '1'., S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 "&scolta Binondo. Frieder nnd SoliS Co., S., 36 KOVlllichcs, San

Miguel. Go Fay & Co., Tnc., 4..13-4.:15 Sn![l?,ar, Binondo. R eidcnia Salc.~ Store, 65 Lcgn..~piJ Intrallluros, HeleM Oigar Company, 36 Novnlichcs, San Miguel. Hong Bie, 523 JUlin L una, Dinondo.

Lu FloI' de lntal, 31 Tnyullmll, Tondo. Liggett & lVl ycn; Tobncco Co., J ne., Coz', Ronquillo nnd Estero Ccgado, St.'I. Cruz. Lim Genco & Co., Vdn, de Antonio, H. M., 716 Luvc7.nrcs, Snn Nicolns. Mirn Hel'mnnos, I1IC., 19 Cnlle Danqucl'o (Re· Gina Bldg.), BinouPo, l\'fanila. Mitsui Bussan ](nisna, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Mnnila, P . L Ong Su Gce &. Co., 830 Soler, Stn. Cruz. Philippine Tobacco Co.,\1nc., 2215 Azcnrragn, Sampnloc. Po.r~incula, Bl'ig~d?.1 308 AZClprrattn, Ton~o. Prlsmg, F. W., 2;) J~sooIWl, COl'. N uevn, Bmondo. Quillg Tongco Sons Tobncco Co., 41 P. Ducos, Quinpo. Sin Chi Than, 16 Estraude, Binbndo. Tee Bi & Co., Tnc., 401 Elcano, San Nicolas. Tink Li Co., 313 Eleano, Snn Nioolns. Uy Quioco, Quirino, 401 Elcnno, Sun Kicolas. Uy Seco, Miguel. 523 Juall LUM, ilinondo. Yu Chengco, E. T., Ol·I·OW Ganijnra, Sto. Cruz.

· TOBACCO EXPORTERS Agundo Hermanos, 103 Balmes. Quiupo. Alhambra Ci~nr and Cignrette Mfg., Co., 31 Tllyuman, Tondo. Helena. Cigl'lr Company, 36 Novnlichc.s, SUIl Miguel. TOILET ARTICLES , WHOLESALE (Sec Perfumery and Toilet AI·ticles) Anderson & Co., Wm. H., 8'11VlHga!lallcs, Intramuro.'j. Colgntc-Pnlmolive Peet Co., 58 Duslllll.riflus, Binondo. Commoll\\'enlth Snles Co., Inc., Second Floor, Femnndcz Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Billondo. Cosmos Bazaar, Inc., 211-217 Rosario, Binondo. Davis &. Company, P. i\/., 541 Mucllc del Banco Nneionnl, Binondo. EscolWl D rug Store Company, I nc., Escolt.a and Kueva, Binondo. Farmacia Central, Inc., 242-24$ Rosario, Bi. nondo. Frano Ohemical Laborotory, 2125 Ri7.!l1 Ave., Sunta Cruz. M. D. Ohemical Laboratories, 31·' Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolos. Prc<:illn Products Co., 300 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sla. Cruz.



-TOILET PREPARATIONS West fn e., T. M., Room ;')04, Fermmdez Hldg., 12'1 T. Pinpin, Binondo. TOOL GR IN DER S KtlJlularnn VneilldOI' (mel Oxy-Acc~ylenc Welding, 90.+-966 Azcarrngu, Binondo. · TORNER IA. TALLER DE ('runlin~ l .athe Shop)

EI AlI1ol' 11.1 Trnb:ljo, 734 .hum Lunu. Billondo. La Model'lla Pilipino, 757 Junn '-unn, 'rondo. · TOUIU ST AGE NCY Phi lippi!w TOllI'iS~ As:;ocintioJl, !\'innila !-1otcl, Lunctn Ext., POI't Areu. · TOWEL AND LI N EN SUPPLY I~(.rdus &. Co., T ., 19>1 JUlin Lunu, Binondu. Sunil.ur)' Stenm Lnund r), Co., Inc., Tile, 008-!J1S Arleglli, Quil1.])O. · TOY BALLOON DEALERS Antonio Bros. &. Co., 1209 Vcrgnrn, Quiapu. TOY DEALERS Beck',;::, 89-91 Eseolta, Binomlo. hardl1.S & Co., '1'., 19 ·1.1\Hln Lunn, 13inondo. Osuka Bocki J\uisha, Inc., 446-4.54 Dasmurifias, Binondo. Phil ippine Education Co., Inc., 101-103 Escolta, Binondo. Philippine i\lodel Engiuccl'ing Comp:JnY, 892 Rizal Avenlle, Sts. Cruz. Wcs~ &. Whitnkcl', l..cybn Bldg., 227 David, Bi· nondo, i\Innila. TOYO SAUCE MANUFACTURERS Chinese Snnce Manufucturing, 1361 L :I Lorna, Cnloocnn, Ri1.ul. Kwong l';:ian Chan, 13 Hivcl':;ide, San Junn, Riznl. K wong t ee Chan, A. Bonifncio, Riznl .Ih ·e. Extension, Caloocnl1, ni~nl. . l{wong Me Clmn, 4·10-<1'12 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Kwong Siling Yucn, 17 Riverside, Snn JUlin, RiM!. Seng Krc &. Co., 022 Nuevn, Uinondo. -TRACTORS AN I) TRACTOR ACCESSORIES (Sec Mnohinel'Y Deniers) Maniln Trading :md Supply Co., Show Room nnd Main Ofllee: Port. Aren. Philippine Engineering Corpomtion, 109 Phl7.u Sta. Oruz, Sla. Cruz. TRANSPORTATION COi\IPAN IES American Expre:;s Comrlilny, Inc., The, 95 Plaza Moraga, Cnsulnr Life Bldg., Binondo. Ammen Transportation Co., A., L., 32·' J(lleedlcr Bldg., C:lrrie<lo, Stn. Cnlz. Main Officc: Iriga, C/lmurines Sur. An~nt i\bnila Tt'lIlisporllllion, :w5 A7.c9rrllgn, Tondo. An tipolo Bus Co. Mnniln Office: 303 AzCnrr:l.gll, Tondo. Central Office: Antipolo, Rizal. Auto Tl'Ucking, fne., 1955 AZcnrraga, Stn. Cruz.




Baggage Express Co., l .. unctn Hotel, Sun Luis, Ermitn. Bniley Stevedoring Co" fIlC., The, Derham Bldg., P orL District. Dllrlolomc & Javier, TIIO., 67 Dnsmnrilills, Rinondo.

Bartolome Trnll'lportaUoll, 33 Plaza Dilno, Paco. llntllngns Trnnsportntion Co., 313 Azcnrmga, Tondo. Bulncnn Bus Co., rnc. , 515 Azeur'raga, Tondo. Bulan, Angel, 700 San F crnondo, San Nicolas. Cit.y &ggngc Transfer Co., 219 Cnbildo, Intmmuros. Commonwcnlth'l'run-spor'tntioll, 19 San Gabriel, Dinondo. Dngupnn Transportation, 19 San Gabriel, Binondo.

Dc In Cruz T r'llnspoI'IALion, M. de Binondo (Ncnr Dnslllul'ilins), 13inolldo. Dc Leon Truoking, 65 Pllelr!! RadII, Tondo. Enstern Taynbns Dus Co., 620 Azenrrtlga, Sun Nirolus.

Flores, C., 19 Silll Gnbriel, Binondo. Foz B!'Okemgc Tne., 206 RIlOII, StA. Cruz. Gencm! Trnnsportatioll Co., 206 RaOIl, St.n . Cruz. Hnlili TrflJlsit alld Taxicab, 81·i-816 Folgucms, Tondo. Hcrt-cnl Gml. Transportation Co., Inc., 217 DasmarifillS, Binondo. Iloilo.Kcgros Air Express eo., Inc., Room C, r..'letropolitnn Theater Bld~., Plazil L.'1\\·ton, Ermita, Manila. LlIguna.Taynbns Bus Co., 313 Azcal'mgn, Tondo. Lee, Pablo D., 68 Soler, Binondo. Lilll Chumbuque, JOSe, 204 Se~iIlll, San Nicolas. Lim, l\lnrinllo 11., 829 Urbizlondo, San Nicolas. Luzon Brokerage Co., Inc., Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Francisco, Port District. Malatc Tnxicab·Gamgc & Auto Repairs, 767 Dnkotn, Malute. Manila Electric Company, il34 San Marce· lino, Ermita. i\'inniln L:l1ld nnt! Wuter Trnnsportntion, 111D nsmnl'i!ins, Binomlo. Maniln lUlilrond Company, 943 A7.cnrrogn, Tondo. Maleo, 1\'1. R., 749 Sto. Cristo, Tondo. Overlund Express, 605 Echngue, (Int.) Sun l\·Iigucl. Pampanga Bus Co., Inc., 324 Kneedler Bldg., Cnrriedo, Stn. Cruz. Manila Sta· tion and Operat,ing Offices: COl'. Mcar· raga and Santo C·!·isto. Main Offices and Work Shop: San Fernando, Pam· panga. Pan Amcrican Airways Company, Manila Ho· tel, Mnniln. Pann Transl)Q!-tntion, 528 Cnbulleros, San Nicolas. Pangasinnll Tmnsportation CompalIY, 217 Rc-ginn Bldg., Escolta and Dlwid, Binondo. Pll$ily Transportntion Co., Inc., 136 RCBI, Pal'afiaque, Rizal. Philippine Aerinl Tnxi Company, Grace P ark Airport, Riza! Extension, Caloocan, Riza!.

Raymundo Transportation Co., Inc., Central or· fice: Morong, Ri,.u.1. Manila Branch Office: 634 i'\oJ"lagaray, Quinpo. Reyes Transportation, Antonio, 209 Rosario, Binondo. River Side Tronsportntioll, 104 Estero de Di· nondo, Binondo. Robles Transportation, 54.3 Sto. Sepulcro, PaCQ. Rural Tmnsit Co., c/ o Bnohl1lch Motor Co., Inc., 25th Street, Port Aron. Serrano Tnlllsportatioll, 456 Dnsmnril1as, Bi· 1I0ndo. Scrrono, Vivcnc!o, 139 1\1. de Billondo, Binondo. Sibug, Isidro P., 104 l~tero de Binondo, Binondo. Silang Traffio, Inc., 309 Azcarnlga, Tondo. Silvn, Elisoo, 70 I Sto. Cristo, San Nicoilis. Main Office: I .. ipn, UntaugHs. Tnntoco, Inc., Hilnrion, 106 M. de Binondo, Binondo. T i01l10c, Ino., JJdefolll;o, 123 DlIllllltU'lJ1flS, Hi· nondo. Toledo Tra1l81)Qrtation, 722 Sto. Cri8t,o, Snn Nicolas. Tranco, Ino., M. P., ]i'ifth Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plnza Moraga, Binondo. Trinidad Garage Freight Service Co., 225 M. Ocampo, QuiR-po. T'l'·Tran, 540 Azcarraga, Tondo. Vn lcs, Ramon, 659 EchilgUO, Quiapo. Viuda 6 Hijos dc Angcl Jose, Room 8. No.9 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. -TRAVEL BUREAU A,lllcriean Express Company, Inc., The, 95 P laza Moraga, Insular Life Bldg., Binondo. Philippine Travel Durenu, 11 5 Crystal Arcade. Escolta, Billondo.

-TRUCKING AND TRANSFER CO. Luzon Brokel'age Co., Inc., Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Fl'nncisco, Port District. t TRUNK DEALERS Isnrdlls & Co., T., 194 JUlin Luna, Billo.1do. Pickett HH11Ie.'lS Co., 300 Tetunn (Cor. 300 .. IHisericordia). St.II. CrUlL Suy Hcng, 945 Snll Fe11lando, Sun N !oolas. -TRUST COMPANIES People's Bank nnd Trust Company, Cor. David and Dasmarifias, Binon(lo. Philippine Trust Co., ~onte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz.

-TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES DEALERS (See Office Applianocs and Supplies) Avena &, Sa.lS V., 1540 Azcnrmga, Sta. Cruz. Burroughs, Inc. 42.') P{'rez: SamaniIlo Bldg., 619 Escolln, Binondo. Erlanger & Gslinger, Iuc., lWgina Bldg., David and Muellc del Bnnco Nncional, Binoado. Heacock Co., II. £., J20-130 Esoolta and Calle David, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Nielson SalCil Co., 110 Escoltn, Cor. T. Pinpin, Binondo. Office Appliance Co., Ltd .. The, Calle Soda and MueUa del Banco Nncional, Binondo. Roval Typewriter Agency, Calle Soda nnd MuelIe del Banco Nacionsl, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., Bongkong llnd Shanghai Dank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Underwood, Elliot Fisher Sales Ageney, 30-32 Escolta, Binondo. Watson Business Mochines Corporation of the Philippines, 510 Philippine National Bank Bldg., 90 Escoita, Binondo.

T YPEWRITER REPA1RERS Black and White, 651-653 Echaguc, San Miguel. F ir'eUms ItQpair, 848 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz.

Gold Ribbon, The, 1016 Riznl Ave., Stu. Cruz. GuarAnty T)1)(!Wl'itcl' Sl!rviec, 66S' RizII.i Ave., Stn. ern)';, Repair Shop: 1002 Soler, Cor.

Riznl Ave., 8tth Cruz. Quiazon Repair SI}qp, J., 1311 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cru z. Smith, Bell &. Co., Ltd., Hongkonl!: and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Trozo General Repair Shop, 1313 Azcarragn, Tondo. Typewriter Service Co., 1540Azcarroga, Sta. Cruz. VLllasin Repair Shop, 2278 Arcarrnga, Sampaloc. Metal, 333 Requcsens, Sta. Cruz. 路TYPISTS Banyea, Mrs. Anna B., 28 San Luis, Pasay, R izal. Gaudinez, Simeon, 605 eu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Binondo.

u U1\'1BRELLA AND PARASOL DEALER S' R ET AIL Chua. Luall &: Co., Jnc., 31O-3~2 Sto. Cristo, Sun N icolas. Ho To & Co., 323-325 DasmnriliaS, Binondo. ISlIrdus &: Co., T" 19:1 Juan Luna, Binondo. Jao Tiaoco &. Co., 222-226 Carvajal, Bino.ndo. O,;nka Bocki ]{aisho, Inc., 446-454 Dasmnrifias, Binondo. Persian Carpet House, 49 Escolta, Manila. Su Hap Sing, 218 Sto. Cristo, Son Nicolas. UMBRELLA AND PARASOL DEALERS. WHOLESALE Ho To &: Co., 323-325 DflSmarifins, Binondo. JIlO Tiaoco &: Co., 222--226 Carvajal, Binondo. Mitsui BUSSlln J<aisha, ltd., Second Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Manila, P. 1. Osaka Booki }{aisha, Inc., 446-454 Dnsmoriflns, Binondo. Seng Kee & Co., GZ2 Nueva, Binondo.



UMBRELLA AN D PARASOL MANUFAC_ T URER S Ho To l~ Co., 323-325 DfLSmarilias, Binondo. Joo T~aoco &: Co., 222-22G Carvajal, Binondo. Seng hee & Co., 622 Nueva, Binondo. Sing Hwa &: Co., 680 A-B Ylaya, San Kicolas. Tan Bee Kim, 7 Renta, Binoodo. UN DERT AKERS City Morge, 547 HerNlll, Malate. FuncmriaAlIx, 404 Legardo, Sampaloc. Branchcs' J655 Sande, Tondo & 1732 Ave., Sta. Cruz: Funernriu. Camba, 551 Camba, San NicolllS. Fullcroria Gloria, 595 G. TUllSon, Sampaloc. F uncrnria Ideal, 708 Georgia, j\'llllnte. Flinernria Iris, 213 1 Azcarmga, S!lmpaloc. F unerarin. Libcrtnd, 52 1 Burgos, Pllsay, Riza1. Funcmria Lux, 1219-1221 Juan Luna, COl". Meriones, Tondo. FWlCr::tl"in Malaya, 141 Libcrtad, Pn.."lIY, Rizal. Funemria Nacional, 917 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Funcruria Pangilimtn, 1710 Gml. Luna, Paco. Funemria Paruiso, 1192 Sande, Tondo. Funcraria Paz, 1701-1703 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. FWlemrin. Popular, 2137-2139 Riza! Ave., St.a. Cruz and San Pablo, Laguna. Funernria Real, Ino Gral. Luna, Paco. Funernria Rizal, 535 G. Tunson, Salllp3loc. Funemria Trcs Amigos, 1906 Herran, Paco. Funemria Tupnz, 713 Singnlong, Malate. Quiogue's Funeral Pnrlors, 1329 Azcarraga Binoodo. '

v VEGETABLE AND FRUIT DEALERS AlOllnlon, Fabian, 1028 Arlegui, Quiapo. Buguio Store, 129 Plldre Faum, Ermitn. Doneza, Santiago, 5 P. Ducos, Quiapo. M. Tan KOlin, 110 Villalobos, Quinpo. Mitsui Bussnn ](aisha, Ltd., Second Floor, National City Bunk Bldg., Mllniln, P. 1. Philippines Cold Store, (0. S. Yuill lind 00., Ltd.), 503-5\l Echngue, Quiapo. Tan Scng Hoo, Chflrles, 628 NOl"1.ugamy, Quinpo. 路VEHICLE SUPPLY DEALERS Marilno Vehicle Supply, 1258 Felix Hucd.llS, Sta. Cruz. -VENETIAN BLI NDS MANUFACT UR ERS Findley Enginccring and Construct.ion Co., Inc., 32 Fischer Ave., Pasny, Riza!. La Frcscum Venetinn Blind Manufacturing Co., 340 Trobaj0.l Simlpnloc, i\-Ianila. Branch: 16 Luna St., La PIIZ, noilo. Manila Venetian Blind Mfg. Co., 865 Canonigo, Paeo.




VET ER I NARY S URG EONS Buonmlmi no, Dr. Victor, 1026 Felix H uer~ns, Stn . Cruz. Carlos, Dr. Sixto, 185 1\Inrquos de Comillns, Er01i1:1. Turla, Of. I~. F., 779 Legnrdn, Snmpnloc. Merchant-Turin Pet Hospitnl, 4-'>0 Rotonda, Samp310c. Vcterinnry Hospital, 779 Legnrda, Sn01paloe. VIN EGAR D EALERS H nng Lenn, 1125 l\'1. de Santos, San Nicolns. Henmndo Bros. Compnnr, 624 Evnngelistn, Quillpo. Kwong Me Clulll, 4,10-442 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Kwong Shillg Yuen, 17 Riverside, San J unn, R izlI!. VULCA N I.z ING PLANTS GuticIT('r. VulclIlIizing P lunt lind Auto Supply, 2 18 A. i\'l uhini, Cnlooenll, Rilml. LU1.On Auto Supply and Vulc:lnizing P lnnt, 351 Juun [J UIIlI, l~iI\Ol\d o. Malliln Vulcnnizing~ l nllt imel Auto Supp!y Co., 1605 AZcllrt"lIgn, St",. Cruz. i\lodel"ll Vulcanizing P lant, 432 Pndrc Gomez, Stil. Cruz. ~ational Vulcanizing P htnt and Auto Supply, 923 Ongpin, Stn. Cruz. PhiliPl)ine Auto Supply Co., 720 R izal Ave., Stn. Cruz. Branch: 514 Azcnrraga, Tondo.

w WARE H O USES P UBL IC AN D BONDED L uzon Brokerage Co., I nc., Der ham Bldg., Muell e de San F rancisco, P or t D istrict. l\iacondrfl.y nnd Com l)f1.ny, Tnc., T hird Floor, China Blink Bldg., DnsmariI1us and Junn Lunll, Binondo. SmiLh, Bell & Co., T~td., llongkong and Sllunghili Bank Bldg., Juan Lunll, 13inondo. WAT CH MAKERS Ang Uri, 62 San J Ulin Loop, Snu Juan, Rizul. Benlllnio DpLicnl, 85 ROS/II'io, Uinondo . 13cmlll"(lo &. Sons, 6 12 Ar.cnr·rugn, Tondo. Durley's Jewelry Store, 83 Real, f nLrnmui·o.:;:. Dcaln, '1'., 72 1-725 R. Hidulgo, QuitLpo. Di1.On & Son, 1002 D!\r~, Pnct!. "Do.llar 1l1iel Peso" (5 and 'I», H7 i\i ngdalc rm, BUiondo. El Artc l\ lodcrno, 829 Sun l\Inrcelino, l\Iulutc. ",El Bnntto," ~O Cllrricdo, Stu. Cruz, Mnniln... I'~I Exneto, 181D HCrl'/lIl, Puco. E I "93" 6 17 Cluve!, 8.'111 Xicolas. "EI Opfl.lo", 1195 Snnde, T ondo. EI Oro, 1420 H elTRn, Mnliltc. "EI Oro Blanco," 11M Slinde, Tondo. El Platino, 233 Lcgarda, Snmpnloc. El Snrdonix, 814 Luvcznrcs, San NicohlS. El Tesoro de G. Sarnngoyn, 2·16 Cnriroo, Slu. Cruz. E I Znfiro, 682 Hiznl Ave., St:l. Cruz. EI Zenith Jewerly Store. 33-35 E<:colla BinOlldo FilCiPino Expert, Tnc., The, 31 4- Ech;gue, Sw: rl.lz.

Flo!? Doroteo, 15013 Azcurruga, Sw. Cruz. GutIerrez, Eugon io, 932 Ylnya, Tondo.

Hc:\cock Co., II. E., 120-130 E~colt~ lind Call e David, Binondo. Jnpnnc~c Watchmaker and Jeweler, 313 Echaguo, St.a. Cruz. Kodak Re pairer nnd Watch Repairer, 1529 Azcarroga, SUi. Cruz.

La F..stl'Cila del N ortc, 4G-50

E~ool ta,


La Gnrnntin, 5G-A San JUlln Loop San J uan Rizal. " La P roteccion Nacionni, 612 t\ zcarrnga T ondo. La P unt uulidnd, 11 08 Ri znl Ave., Sta. Cruz. LI.I Scguridad , 1538 Azcnrral(a, Stll . Cru z. La Vcrdnd , 825 Folgucros, T ondo. Manila "C. O. D." 715 R izal A,·c., .M nnila, P. r. " M eridiZlIl," 26 ESCOlt~l , Binondo. i\'l igucl, 1~llI'i q uc, 391 Juan l~ unn, 3 inondo. Ognwn, S., II ? E scolt.n, Dillondo.

P ntawaran, Pedro V., 103 Pl aza Goit i, Stu. Cruz. People's Wntchlll!lkm', T he, 335 Echnb'llC, SIn. Cmz. Pcrrcnoud, Ed., 19 Escoltn, R inondo. PJateria Amador, 427-129 Madrid , San Nicolns. Platcria de C. S. Arevalo, 1884 Jua n Luna, T onc\o. P lateris. de T...orenza T rinidad 6 Flijos, 360 G. T UMon, Snmpa 1oe. Qunlit.y J ell'dry Store, T ile, 870-872 R iznl Ave., St.'1. Cmz. Rclojcria 13ulakeiia de Angel C. Patawamn, 1866-A .hULn Luna, Tondo. R.ql~jeria y Plntcrin, de Cenaro Teotico, 10 12 )llznl Ave., Stn. Cruz. Shibuyn Brothers, 313 Echaguc, Stn. Cnlz. 1?he Tiffnny, or Agullito Francisco, Tnc., Carriroo, Cor. P l:um l\I irtiudn, Quinpo. WELDER'S ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE Ag uilnr Machine ShOll, 215 Lnknlldoln, Tondo. Ea l"llshilws Dock;j nnd Honolulu Iron Works, 'rhe, Second Street, P ort Aroll, Mnnilu. li:l OI·ient.'1l, 758 Rei n!l H.cgentc, BinOlldo. Fel"llllndcr. Welding lind CuWng Company, 529 Aviles, Sun 1\I igm11. "Nutionnl I ron 'Vorks" , 1037 DnguPIlII, T oudo. Purpullu Mnchi nery (md Welding, 808 Antonio Rivero, T ondo. Quinl)O Weldi ng WOl"k~, 735 Clobo de Oro, Qui!lpo. Sulit Hno~., 8 13 Folb'l.ler;:lS, 'rondo. Sunico, V!llcnti n, 216 AllCo'1rrtiga, San Nicolas. T aller de i\I!lquinliriu de Jo!<C Sanchez, 027-929 J)agupull, Tonoo. "Vulcnno Engineering Co." 521 :'II. de In Tndustrh\, l\ l uin E ntmncc: 2 11 $£,villu, Slln Nieola..~.

W I NDOW , S AS I-l AN D DOOR MA NUFACTURERS (Sec also L umber Deniers) Aquino, .Jose, 001 Dnrt, Puoo. Gotamco Ilermanos, Vicente, 430 Tandull)" QuiIlPO. Jacinto & \' nllJ"el., 1259 Wn.shington, Sampaloc.. l\fnbuhny S:J.Sh Factory, 912 AZCi\rrngn, Binondo.

PHILIPPINES Manila Sash Factory (Rufino Co & Co., Props.), 786-788 Eehague, San Miguel. New Port I"umber and \Vindow l\innufaeturing Co., SO·, Junn Luna, Tondo. Rizal Window & D oor Sash Factory, 543 Lcveliza, Pamy, Rizll1. Tay Jay Company, 730-734. Eehague, San Miguel. · WINDOW,

SASH AND DOORS STEEL I!\.<JPORTERS Philippine Buildcrs A~(mcy, fne., State Theater Bldg., 50·1 Riz!ll Ave., Sta. Cruz, l\'lnnila. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. RETAIL (Sec also Grocers) Ah Gonp; Sons & Co., 389-391 Eehng-ue, Quiapo. Ang Tunny. 730 Soo. Cristo, San N icolas. Compniiia G<l!lI'rnl de Tabncos de Filipinlls, 212 l'vbrquc.s de Comilllls, PIICO, Manila. Damo, Fl. C., 15GO AZelm'ngn, Sta. Cruz, Manila. DesWerins Aynill Incorporada, 630-652 Eclm, gue, Snn Mip;llql. F,l Globo, 405-409 M. H. del P ilar, Ermit.·'l. El Occidental-Chu Yiek &: Co., 414 T. P inpin snd 405 Gl\ndarn, .Binondo. European American G~cery (Woo, Lo & Company), 430 Eehague, Stu. Cruz. Gopoco Grocery, 41O Eeilague, Stn. Cruz. Hernando Bros. Comp.'1ny, 624 Evangelist-'1, Quiapo. Isla de Cuba, Tne., 321 I!4tero Cegado, St..'l. Cruz. \ 1\wong Wing Lung Groccr~' (Wong Choe & Co.), 1443-).147 FIerr.m, Paeo. Ln 0,p.'1 (La Siong &: Co.), 929 Mngdalen:l, Tondo. Ll nocano, 15GO Azearmgn, St-'1. Cruz. 1_'1 Filipina, 52-l Eclu\gue, Qlliapo. " La Refincria"-Tan Tay & Co., Inc., Head Office: 405 Juan Luna and Factory: 497 Juan Luna, Binondo. La Rosllrio Di~tmcry, 1001-1023 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. La. Vcrdad, 520 Soo. Cristo, Stili Nicolns. Lim Tuaco &. Co., Inc., 527-50\3 Gandnra, Sta. Cru:>;. Los Obrcros l)e l~oncros, 1035 M. de Santos, Stln Nicolu!I. l\'Ianila \Vine Merchants, Ltd., T he, 174 Juan Luna, 13inondo. Branch Office: 39 Alhambra, Ermitn. i\Iercllllnt's Cllfc, 126 Dnsnmriiins, 13illondo. Purity Bnkcry lind Grocery Stol'C, 340 Chica, Sta. CI'U7.. Tnnduay Distillery I nc.,-Wines and Liquors-P. O. Box 121-Tel. 21419-Cable Address: "ELIZALDE"--348 T anduay, Quiapo. Elizaldc & Co., Inc., Proprietors. Tong, S"ntingo, 231 Solcr, Binondo. AND LIQUOR DEALEns, W HOLESALE (See also Distillers) Aboiti7. k Co., fne., (Mnniln Branch), 210-21 4 Gellcml Luna, Intl·ntlluroS. Ah Gong Sons &. Co., 3S0·3!)! Eclmgue, Quiapo. WINE



Chua Yu Sing, 300-304 Lii>crtad, Ptlsay, R izal. Compaiiia General de Tabacos de Filipinns, 212 Marquez de Comillas, Paco, Maniltl. D amo, H . C., 15GO Azc..'uNlga, Stu. Cruz, 1\[anila. DOl;tiIerias Aynla Illcorpomdn, 630-652 Echague, San Miguel. EI Occidclltal--chll Yick &: Co., 4 14 T. Pinpin nnd 405 Gnndnrn, Binondo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Eli7.nlde Bldg., Muelle de la Indus tria, Manila. European Amcricnn Grocery (Woo, Lo & Company), 430 Echnglle, Sta. CrU7.. H ernando Bros. Compnny, 62-1 Evangelista, Quinpo. IsIn de Cubn, Inc., 321 Estero Ccgado, St3. Cruz. Kucnzlc &. Stl'ciff, Inc .. 343-3<17 1'. P inpin. Binondo. K lI'onp; Wing Lung Grocery, (Wong Choc & Co.) 1443-1447 Herrnn, Pnoo. La COI):l (Lo Siong & Co.), 920 Magdalena, Tondo. 1a Iloellna, 1560 Azcnrrnga, St.!l. Cruz. " Ln Rufincrin," Tnn Tny &: Co., I nc., Hend Offiee: ·195 ./ unn Luna and Factory: 497 Ju:m I " III1>I, llinondo. L'I RoSfll'io Di s ~ille l'Y, 1001-1023 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. l.a Tondeii.'1, Inc. , 618-624 Echaguc, Quinpo. TAl. Vcrc\ad, 520 Sto. Cristo, Snn Nicolns. Lim Tuaco & Co., rne., 527-543 Gandara, St..'l. Cruz. i\·I!I.nila Winc i\'ierchnnts, Ltd., The, 1/4 Juan Lunn, Binondo. Port-'I, Puco y Cin., 212 l\l:\gallancs, Tntr3muros. Tanduny Distillery, Inc., Elizalde &. Co., rne., Geneml i\·IlIlIa!!:('r.>, 348 T nnduay, Quiapo. Vicente Cosin, J. 13., 155 M:\rqucs de Comillas, Ermitn. WOOD FUEL DEALERS BI1UtiSt.!l, Curmelo, 972 Dnrt, Paco. Hcng ilio, 1032 Dart, PIICO. · WOOD WORKI NG AND TURNING El Amol' nl 'i'rnbnjo, 734 Juan LunD, Binondo. I,n Modema Filipina, 757 JUlin Luna, Tondo. · WOODEN WINDOW CURTAI N MAKERS Cnbrcm & Co., S. F., 953 Hilibid Vicjo, Quinpo. I.e Perc~ Co., TAd., Second Flool', Fernnndez Bldg., 12·1 T. Pin l~nondo. X-RAY LABORATORIES

Lollis X-Ray l.nbornt.ory, A. M., 305 Regina Bldg., David, Cor. Escolta, llinondo. Rustin, Dr. Sison, Dental X-R:IY Laborntory, Room 21-1, Al'ilLoi Bldg., Carriooo, S(.n. Cruz.

y · YEAST FLEISCITl\IANN Standard Brllnd;! or the Philippines, Inc., Insular Icc P lant Bldg., P laza Lawton, Ermitn. YLANG-YLANG DISTILLERS l\ianiln Y1ang-Y!nng D i~tillery, Ltd., .j,j6 Dnsmnriiins. Binondo,

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