Rosenstock's Manila City directory 1941 (Part 1 of 3)

Page 1


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R. Io'. NAVARRO :iH.J)C.

Corner Dasmarifias & David SU ,


Tel. 2-12-01 P. O. Box 2201


Code Used:

Cable Address:





Directors & Officers



Ii, Board of Directors



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II, !I

Treasurer, Gen. Manager t;? Director

L. R. AGUINALDO Director

., , ,'





J. D. CORTES Director





R. F. PENA Cashi~r





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MAN Infor



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Comer laaac PeraI" MANILA, PHILmiJ1\








Branch Offtce: 54-56-58 N. Carmelo St. Cebu City

Head Office: 886-888-890 R1zal Avenue ManUa


and Chemicals Pharmaceutical Preparations Cosmetics and Raw Materials for Cosmeticians and Perfumers. Par BtUlltT,. Jt,prUtRtaUU' Por:

NUMOTIZINE - the Cataplasm Plus - for Fever, PnouJD,oDla. Broncho-Pneumonla, etc.


Cblcago, Illinole, U.S.A. , .



Banco Hipotecarlo Building 3-9 Plaza Cervantes, Manila MORTGAGE LOANS Short and long terms 1j'i~h o( without amortization, according to 'a'gi-e'elrieilt. Monthly, .. ., quarterly, half-yearly and yearly amortizatidns: •.


SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Accounts opened from P 1.00 up, with interest computed quarterly. FIXED DEPOSITS At rates which may be had on application. P. O. Box 302.

Telephone 2-20-15.


Founded in 1903



194 1 VOLUME



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Cantaining Alphabetical and Classified Lists of Fiirms / a Dire<:toryofResidents, a Directory of United , tat' ,4t~ ' ,-sular, and Other Government Officials, a ire ory-< / " of Consular Representatives, a Directory of eli s ''';U ~ Institutions, Masonic Bodies, Public and 'IY:jf ~ Schools, Clubs, Etc., and Other Miscella R~~ Information to the .


DONA'IEO BY AYA.lA TO f'ILHIINAS FOUND" ~ Price of lication in the Philippines, 1"10,00, After publication, 1"1 2,00, Price in the United States, 87,00 (U, S. currency), postage paid.


P. O. BOX 620




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Copyright, 194 1

By PHILIPPINE EDUCATION COMPANY, INC. The contents of Ma.nila City D irectory arc protected by copyright secured under the laws of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. All






prosecuted .


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PUBLISHER'S FOREWORD HILIPPINE EDUCATION COMPANY, INC., in presenting to the public the 1941 edition of the Manila City Directory, now in its 38th year, wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the general public, and especially to the business co=unity and government officials, for their cooperation in the work of compiling the publication, during the present year.


On the part of the Publishers, no effort has been or will be spared in the endeavor to make of the Directory not merely a book, but a public service. •

As an indication of the service the Directory performs and the need for such a publication because of the constant change in the make-up of the co=unity, it is of interest to note that from the Alphabetical List of Firm Names alone, which comprises some 7,490 entries, over 600 names of corporations, companies, partnerships, professionals, etc., were dropped as having gone out of business, and over 1,000 new entries were made. These figures do not include milior changes such as in staff personnel, addresses, Telephone Numbers, etc. The total number of names in the Directory are approximately as follows:

Miscellaneous Section (government officials, churches, schools and colleges, hospitals, clubs, etc.), 13,643; Alphabetical List of Firm Names, 7,490, Classified List of Firm Names, 13,017; Agency Section 1,009 names; Resident Section, 23,610, Baguio Section Alphabetical List of Firm Names 412, Classified List of Firm Names 880, Resident Section 769, a total of 60,830 names.

The task of compiling the Directory each year may be estimated from the fact that the Publishers employ some twenty canvassers for five or six months, and some ten compilers and proof readers who work the year around. There is not a page in anyone edition of the Directory that is the same as the page of the same number in the preceding edition. Not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of changes and corrections are made each year. All of this effort is aimed at producing a Directory that truly directs. In spite of all this effort, however, errors may have crept in. The publishers would consider it a great favor if such errors were called to their attention. PHILIPPINE EDUCATION COMPANY, INC.


HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY To get the maximum utility of such a volume as Manila City Directory, it is necessary to know in general just what the book contains. The Directory is divided into six sections, fam iliarity of which will greatly facilitate finding the desired information. (I) Miscellan.eom Section. This section contains a street directory" a postal and telegraph guide, duties on imports, weights and measures, the commerce of the Philippines, Ii census section, a directory oC United States, Insular, and Other Government Officials, Ii directory of consular representatives, a directory of boards of trade, clubs, churches and religious societies, hospitals and asylums, school,>, colleges, and convents, masonic bodies, etc.

(2) Alphabetical List OJ Fi'rm Names. This section contains the names of firms and professional persons in Manila arranged a lphabetically. The names o( the officials and most important employees are printed under each firm name. (3) Classj.jied List of Firm Names. This section contains firm names and addresses classified under 662 different trade heaqings, such as "Accountants and Auditors," II Brokers, General," ('Dressmakers," '(Hemp Dealers," '(Machinery Dealers," "Insurance Companies, Fire, " IIEngineers, Consulting," ((Lawyers", etc. (4) AgenFY S ection. This section cOIl:tains the names o( firms in U.S.A. and Foreign Countries, arranged Alphabetically with kind o( products export-ed t.o the Philippines and represent路ed by local firms. (5) Alphabet1'ool List of Local Residents. This section contains the names o( Manila residents, and their occupations and addresses. (6) Baguio City Directory-This sectio n contains the names of firms and professional persons in Baguio City arranged alphabetically; a Class.ified section with different tradc headings, and Residents Section arranged al路 phabetically.

In looking for names in the Directory, it should be remembered that names which S()und a like vary in spelling, as (or ins拢ance, Lopez and L'opis, Jimenez and G:imenez, Lacsamana and La::carnana, Valdes and Valdez and Brown and Braun. These exampl~ should show that one is not justified in concluding that a name is omitted because he cannot immediately find it. Names have been arranged alphabetically as they are usually given. Salvador Abad Santos, for instance, will be found under the "A's" because the name is usually given as Abad Sanws and not as SantQs. Chinese names are not trallEposed, like names such as White, J. G" but are printed as they are pronounced, such as Dee K. Cheonp;. If one were to look (or this name as Cheong, Dee K., he would not find it.





Economic Review of the Phlhppmc 181andll for the year 1940, by Paul P. Steintorf, American Trade Commissioner ............................. . Legal H o lidays f or 1941 ........... ........ . . T yp hoon Sig na ls. .. .. .. .. .. . . ....... . Bureau of Cc n:$US & StlLtis~ic8

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27 29

EJ:port. Tr

of the P hilippi,nc-s by Country of DClltlnatlOn: 19 路10 and 1939 .............. Value of Principal Philippine I mports D uring 1940.... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Quantity and Value of Philippine Principal Exporta D uring 1940 ............. "" ... . Bureau o f Custonls (Classification of Port!!) ... . Por t. Charges , l\'lani la (Pilotage Regulations and F ees).. ............. ........ Wharf or Pier C harges for the use of Port Fac ilities..... ..... . ...... ,.,., ...... Duties o n I mpor ts (A Table of Leading Articlcs I mported into the P hil ippines) . . .. . ..... . :\Ianila P o r t Terminal (i.\'lanila Hililrolld Co. ) .. . Bunkering, Trucking and StorRge }'aciliti cB .. . Free L ist (Articles in the free list in the U. S. Tariff a nd lIo t subject路 to quota res..ttr ictions) .. . .................. . Schcdule of Postage Rates and Conditionll .... . General Lil!t of AUl\lunicipaJitieli. l\lunici.pal Districts and I mpor tant 1)laces in the Pllllippinc Islands Showing Postal and E lectr ica l Communications Facilities. . . .. ............ .. Rates on Domestic Telegrams NatIOnal Treasury (Circ.ulation Statement) .. . Philippine lIdoney. .. ............ .. Weights a nd Measures .... . ................ .. Philippine Population by Provinces a n d l\'lunicipalitics-HI~!L .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Foreign Popu lation by Citizenship, by Provinccs, 1939 .......................... Next to page SPECIAL DIRECTORIES SECT I ON Street Director v for thl" City of Manila, 1941.. United State>! {Jovernml"nt U. S . Cabinet..... .. ............ .. U. S. Supr eme Court. .. .. . ......... . U. S. Hi gh Commissioner, Office of the ... . U. S. Bureau of F o reign and Domeetie Commerce ........................... ,.. . .. _ U. S. Depurtme llt of State (Offi ce o f the Amcriean Consul) ................ .... .. U. S. VeterlUls Administration ....... . Natio n a l Government-Commonwealth of the

Tbl:hg~~:ll~~~ ........................... .

rat.iona.1 As~em~ly ...................... . eg lslative Scrnce Office ............... .. Electoral Comlllis:iioll . ................... . . CommiS!i on on Appointments ............. . CommissiOIl 011 I mpeaehm en~ ............. . Supreme CourL of tbe Pbilippine b la nds .. Court of Appcals. . . . .. .. . . . . . . Office of the President o f the P bi lippilles ...... . B ureau of C i vil Service ..... ... .......... .. Civil Servi ce Board of Appeals... . ...... . ~o nr d of Ela~li~crs . ... . ........ . udgct CommlsslOIl ....... . . .............. . Bureau of the Census and Statistics ........ . Philippine Sugar Administration. .. ... . .... . Su/itar Advis9ry Committee ............... . Phl lippinc General H ospital. ............... . I nstitute of National Lang uage ........... .. Council of National D efense ............... . National Economic Council . ............... . National Research Cou ncil o f the Pbilippines. Bureau o f Im mig ration ................... .. D epar tmeot of thc In terior. ................ .. 1?~y/sio!l of Natio nal I nformation ... ........ . ) I IppIne Constabulary ............. ...... . I rovlllCial Govern ors and Members of t.hc Provincial Board .......................... .. Board of R evie w for 'Moving P ic(.urcs ...... . Board on Races .................. .... .... . Officials of Chart cr ed Citics in the Philippines ..



29 30 31 32

33 39

.0 路ll



68 69 70 70 71

76 77 89 89 89

89 89 89

90 90 91 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 94

.. 94 94 94 94 94

96 96 96 9.

9. 97 97 97

98 99 99 99

Page 101 Depa r t of Finance .................... . 101 Bureau of Customs ....... .............. .. 102 Bureau of Internal Rcvenue ...... . . 103 Burcau of the Treasury. Bureau of Banki ng.. . . .... , ............. . 103 103 Bureau of Priming .. .. ...... , ... . 103 Division o f Purch ase and S upply ......... . Gover nment Service Insurance System ...... . 103 103 Tobacco Board. . . .. . ............ , ... . Philippine G h arity SweepstakC8 .. . . . ........ . 10. Board of Accountaner, ................. . ... . 10. Board of Examiners or l\ l llrine Officers ..... . 10' Board of Examiners for i\larine Engilleers ... . 10' 10. Board of Marine Ioquiry ... " ........ .. Provincial and City T reasu r ers and Provincial Assellsor8. . ........ . 10. 105 Dcpartment of Justice ......... . 105 BureaU" of Justice. , Court of First Ins tance. . ...... . 105 Public Scn 'i ce Commissio n. . . ...... . lOS lOS Court of Industrial H elations, ..... . Securit ies and Exchaoge Commissio n 108 Corporate Counsf'l Divisio n .. . ... . 109 109 Bureau of PTi~ons .... ............ .. 109 Genera l Land Reg istr ation Office ....... . 109 Office of the Register of D eeds .. ...... . D ivision of I nvestigation . . . . . . .. . ........ . 109 Boar d of I ndeterminate Scntence and Parole Offire .. . .................... _ .......... . 109 109 Anti-Usury Board ................. . Office of the Distri ct Attorneys ............ . 110 Municiral Jud~cs. of Chartered C iti('s ... : . ... . 110 Liet 0 PrOVinCi al and D epu~y Provlllclal 110 Sh eriffs .. , .................... . Justice of t.he Peace Courts..... . ...... . III D cpar~me n t of Agricu)t,ure and COllllllerce .... . 120 Natu r a l History Mu~eum Dh'isioll .. ........ . 121 Division of Soil Surv ey .................... . 121 J21 Fiber Insrecti on Ser vice ............ .. Bureau 0 Plant I ndustry .............. . J21 Bureau of J\nima l Industry .... ........ . 122 Bureau of Forestry. . ...... .... ... . . . . 12. 124 Bureau of Lands... ... ....... . ... Bureau of ::Scicnce ....... ... . ........ ...... . 126 Bureau of Commerce ................ . 126 Nationa l Produce Lxchangll ........ . ....... . 127 Weathcr Burcau ........ ........ . 127 Bureau of Mines ................ . 127 I ndustrial Committee . . .. . ... ...... . 12 7 Vetcrinary Exumin ing Boaru .... . . . . 127 127 B Ollrd of Exami n crs lor burveyors .... . D epartmcnt of Public Work!; lUlu Comll!unication:i. .. .. . . ............... ... . 128 Bureau of P ublic Works ..... ..... ......... . 128 Gon:r nment Marino RaJiwllY and Hepair Shop. 129 Bureau of Pos ts .. . ...................... .. 129 .:\lctropolitan W atcr District .... .. ......... . 130 Toll lSridge Committce .................. . . . 132 Irrigation Council. ........................ . 132 BOllrd of Examiners for Civil Engineers .... .. 132 Board of Examillers for l\'lechanical Engineer.!! .. 1;12 Board of Bxaminers for Electrical Engineers ... 132 Board of Examincrs for Chemical Engineers .. 132 Bourd 01 Exllmincrs for Mining EnGineers .. . 132 Board of Examincrs for Architects ......... . 132 D epartmcnt o f Public I nstruction ......... .. 132 Bureau of Education ........... .......... .. 132 Divi sion Supcfllltclldcn t o f Schools in the Philippincs ......................... . 133 Philippine Norma.! Sebool. ............ . 13. Philippine School of Arts and Trades ... . 13. l)hilippinc Amateur Athletic F eder ation .. 135 Office o f Prjvllte Education ................ . 135 Office of Adult Education ..... ............ . 13S Nationul Libra ry" ........... ............ .. 135 National Council of Education .. " " ...... .. 136 Board on T extbooks ........ . . ............ . 136 J oin t Educlltional Sur vey COlllmittee ....... . 136 D~ a rtm ent of Labor .... .................. .. 136 dvisory Safcty Counscl. ................ .. 137 D~ar~mellt of National Defense ... ...... .... . 138 hiJiPlline Army ......................... .. 138 Bureau of Acronaut~c8" ...... " ........... .. 138 Bureau o f Coast and Geodetic Sruvey ...... . 139




Pog, 13. 13. 13. 13' 141 141

PhiUppine Nautical School. .. .. ........ . ... . National Radio Broadcasting Committee . ... . D epartme nt of H e liith and Public Welfare . .. .. Burea u of Health ........................ .. Bureau of Public Welfare . ...... . ...... . B ureau of Quarantine Service ...... . ...... . . Board of Food I ns pection . .. . ...... . . . . . . . . Biologic Products Board . . ........ ...... .. .. Board of Me dical Examiners .. .......... . . . . Board of l' harmaceutica l Examiners and I nspect ors . .. ...... . .... . .... . .. . ....... .. . . Board of D e ntal Examiners .. . ...... . ... . .. . Board of Opti cal Examincrs ............... . Board of E)(arniners for N uTllcs .. ... . ...... . G eneral Audi t ing_ Office ... . . ........ . ...... . . Commi.ssion o n Elections .. .................. . Office of t.he Philippine R~ide nt. Commissioner to t be United Sta tes, W as hington , D . ·C . . . . ... . Governme nt Corporations a nd other Indep endent Entitice N atio nal Socia l S ecurity Board ......... . N atio nal Land Settleme nt Adminis tratio n ... . Rura l Progress AdminiBtratio u .... ......... . Philippine Natio nal Bank . . . .. .. .. .. .

A,~~~~~:.a~ . a.~~. ~~~~~r.i ~~ . ~~~.k. .o.f. ~~~. ~.h.i~

14 1

141 141 141 14 1 141 141 142 14 3

14 3 143


143 143

14 3 M a nila Railroad Company .. . ........... . . . . 143

M a nila Hotel Company .. .. .............. .. National Development Compa ny . . ........ . . Cebu Por tland Cement. CompIlIlY ........... . Na tiona l Rice a nd Corn Corpora t io n .... . Nat io n a l F ood P roducts Co rporatio n ...... . Natio n al Warehousing Corpor atio n ....... . Insula r S ugar Refining Corporation ......... . P eol?le'e Homesite Corpor ation ..... . ....... . N a h ona l F ootwear n . ............ . Saba ni Estate ..... . ... ... .. ....... . N a tiona l Power Corporat ion ... .......... . N a.tional Abaca & ot.her Fibors Cor poratio n N a tional T radi ng Corporatio n . . ............ . National T oba cco Cor poration .. .. ... . Nat iona i Coconu t Corporation . ........... . Philip pine Ex posit ion Commissio n .. . . . ... . Flood Cont rol Co mmission ............... . Traffic Conuniseion .................... . Emergency Cont ro l Board ................. . Natio na l T ranapor tation Board ............. . Natio na l E I8Ctrical Commu nication Board . Salary Board .. _ ........................ . D ep or tation Board ...................... . Board on D ocume nt.!! ................... .. L ight house Board .. . . . .... . ......... . Board o n P e naions for Vetera ns La nded Estates Survey Co mmit t ee ... . Philippines H istorica l Commit.tee .. . ........ . Philippine Committee o n Geographic al Names . Commo nweal t b Anniversary Com mittce .. Univerait y of the Philippinea . .......... . Code Committee ..................... .. Manila Cit.y Govern men t Office of t.h e M ayor ...................... .. MuniCipal Board . ...... .. ................. . Department of E ngincering a nd Publio Wo rk8.. Office of t h e Fiscal.. .... . . . ... . ........... . Fire Departme nt .. .. . ... ..... . ...... . D ep artme nt of Fi na nce .......... . D epar tmen t of AS8~ 9me nt . . .. . . . .. . Board of T n Appea ls . . ..... . ..... . Mu nicipal Cour t ... .. ............ .. Sheriff's Office . .... . .. . ............ . . . . Office of t. ho C it y Audi to r .. .. . . .. .. .. .. Offi ce of the Cit y Physician ........ . . . ... . . Division of Cit.y Schools .............. . . . . . . Ara ullo High School. .... . ..... . . . ...... ..

143 143 14<

144 1<4

144 14' 14'

145 145 145 145

145 145



145 146


146 146

146 146 14 6

146 146 146 146

146 14 7 147

14. 149 149 149


152 152




153 153 153 153

MelIano H igh School. . ........ . . .••...... Mapa H igh School. .... .. ........ .... .. .. Torres High School . . .. . . ........ .. . . . .. . Har vey A. Bordne r School .. . . . .. . . . ... . . San La~aro H 08pital School ... ..... .. .. .. . School fo r t he D eaf and Blind . ... . . . . . .. . Office of P ublic Recreation . .... .... . . . .. . Primar y a nd E leme nta r y Schools .. Consular R eprC8entatives . . ... .. . .... .. . Churchcs a nd Re ligious Societies . .. ... ... . . . Manila Churc hes .......... .......... .. . . . . . Americ an Bib le Societ.y, . ............ . ... . . . Catho lic C h urch , Roman . . .. .......... . . .. . Aposto lic Prefect.ure of t.he Mou ntain Province . P refecture Ap ostolic of M i ndoro ........... . . Philip pine I ndependent. C h ur cb .. .......... . . l)hilippine Federation of Eva ngelical Churches. Congrega tio nal Ame rican Board M ission .... . E piscopa l Mission ...... .... .. ............ '. ' I gI ~ !a Evangelica Mctod ista en las Islas F l · h plnas . .. • ....... .. . ..... .. . . ..... ... . .. American Baptist F oreign M ission Socie ty ... . ASBociat.ion of Ba ptista ... .... ... ........ .. . Firs t Ba p tis t Church of Manila . .. . . Baptis t Mis8io na ries . . .... .. .... .. .. .. . .... . C hri ~ ti an a nd M issionar y Alliance . .. . Pr ~ by teria n Mission ..... .. .. .......... .. .. Phi lippine Union i\'lission of Sevent.h·Day Adve ntists . ......... .. .. .. .. .... .. Salva tion Army, T he . . . ................ . .. . Uni ted Brethre n in C hris t ... . . . ...... . . You ng M e o's C hristiao Associations ......... .. Youllg W o me n's C h ris tian Associ atioll . ... .... . Schoob. Coll eg ~ and Coo vents . . ... . ....... . . Hospita ls and As ylums . .............. .. Clubs a nd i\'i iscella ncou'!! Organizatiolls .. . C ha mbe r of Commercc and Ot-her Bus i ness Organiza tions ..... .... . .. . ........ .... .. . P rofessional, Scientific, Literary, Dramatic and Musica l Associations ... . . .............. .. C lubs li nd other chiefly Socill,l Or~lInizati on8 .. Wome n's C lu b . .. .. . . ............. .. .. .. Athletic C lubs .. .. . .. ... . ........... . . , . . . Scout Orga nizatio ns . ..................... .. C harita ble Associations . ................. ' Po litical Parties .. ............ .. .......... .. La bor Unio ns .. .. . . . .... . ................. . Veter a n Oq~ anizations . . ............... . ... . Be nefi t Societies . .... ..... . ............... . M uo nic D irect.ory of t.he Philippi ne9 . . ..... . II . ALP H ABETICAL LI ST OF F I RM NAMES Lis t of Manila Firms, Professional Me n, Etc. arra nged a lphabetically, giving names of Direc tors, Offi cers, Employees, Post Offi ce Box, Add reS9, Telcpho ne Nu mbers , Cable AddrC8s , Etc . . ... . ........ . . . ..... . . . (See ",ext to Mi8ce lla ll ~o ~'$ S ection\ Il l. CLASSI FIED LIST OF FillM N AMES Li9t of M a nila Fir ms, Etc., a rlllnged u nde r ma ny different T rade a nd P r of essio na l Head ings .. . ........................ . . . I V. AG ENCY S ECT ION Li9t. of }<' irms i n America and Foreign Cou nt r i~ , arranged a lphabetica lly, s bowing tile loc al Re prcsentatives and the products impor ted ... ...... . .. . .... . ... . .. .

Pog, 153 154

154 154 155 155 155 155 156 157 157 158 158 160 161 161 161 161 161 163 163

163 163 163

163 164 164


165 165

166 167 184 187 187



,.6 ,.7 ,.8

19' 201 201 202 204






LIST OF LOCAL RES I DENTS Lis t of Res idents arranged a lphabetically wi t h P rofessions , Occupations, Pos it ions, Etc., and Reaidence Addre8S . . . .... . .. . . . 57' VI. BAG UIO SECT ION ..... ... ......... .


INDEX TO MISCELLANEOUS SECTION Pa ge Accounta ncy. Boud of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . Adult Educa tio n, Office of. ................ . .. . . Advi30ry Safety C OIIDcii. .................... . . . Aeronautic".r., Bureau of. ........ .. .. . ... . ..... . . A&lipayan ,-",hurch . . . . ........ ' ............... . Agricultural and Industrial Ba nk of the Philippin~ . Agricul~ure a nd Commer ce. D epartme nt of . . .... . American Baptis t F ore ign MiesiOD Society ....... . Amm-iean Bible Society .. . ..................... . American Legion ..................... . ........ . American Trade Commisllioner. Office of the .... . Animal Industry, Bureau of ... .. . ... . ... . Anti-Usury Board ....... , ... . .. . .............. . Apostolic Prefecture of t he MI.. Province . .. . Appeals, Court of . . . . .............. . .......... . Appointments, Commission on ... . .............. . Araullo High School. .................... . . . Architects, Board of EJ.:aminers fo r . ............ . Arellano High School.. ............. .. ........ .. Army, Philippine ... . . . . ....................... . Artesian Wells, Public ....................... . . . AlIsembly, National .. . ........... .. ..... . .... . . Assessment.... D epartment of, City of 'Manila ..... . AelIessors, .t'rovlncia l a nd City .......... . ...... . AssociatiolUl. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... .. ASIIociatio n of Baptists ........................ . AsylulJl6 and H ospital3 . ............... . . . ..... . Athletic Clube . ............. . ................. . Attorneys, Office of the D istrict ... .. . ......... . Auditing Office, G eneral . ......... ~ ...... . ..... . Auditor, Office of the, Cit y of Manila .......... . Banking, Bureau of . . ................... . ..... . Baptiat Miss iona ries ........................... . Benefit Societies . . ...................... . ..... . Biologic Produc ts B oard ...................... .. Board!!, P .1. Gov't. (See under respectiv e headi ngs) . Bordner Sc hool, Harvey A ...... . ............ .. Boy S couts of America ....... . ... . ............ . Bridges and Culvert8, Cit y of Manila . ... . . .... . Budget Commission . ........... ..... . . ........ . Bunkering, Trucking and S torage Facilities ...... . Bureau, P .1. Gov't. (See under res pective headings). Cabinet of the Phllippines .. . ....... . ...... . .. . . Cabinet, U . S. A . . .. . ........................ . Canala, City of Manila .. ... . .. . ..... . . . ....... . Catholic Church.t Roman ... .......... . . . Cebu Portland l,;ement Company .. . ..... . Cemeteries, City of Manila . ............ .. .... .. Census Information . . , ... . ................... . . Census and Statistics, Burcau of the .. .. ... . Chambers of Commerce . . . , , ................ .. . Charitable AlIsociatione ...... . ... . ............. . Chartered Citic8 in the Philippines, Official! ... .. . Chemical Engineer!, Board of Examiners for . . . . . Christian and Missionary Alliance . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Church Holidays , 1941. .. .................... .. Churches and Religious Societiell . ... .. ......... . City Auditor, Office of the, City of Manila . .... . City Government, Manila .... ................ .. Cit y Physicia n, Office of the, City of Manila . .. . . City Schools, Division of, Cit y of M a nila . . ... . . . Civil Engineers , Board of Euminers for ....... .. Civil Service Board of Appeala .. .......... . .... . Civil Service, Bure au of ...................... . . Clubs and Miscellaneous Organizations . ......... . Clubs, Athletic . . " . . .. . ... . .................. . Clubs, Social .• , .. ............. : .... . ......... . Clubs, W omen's ... ... ... " ............. . .. . .. . Coast and Geodetic Survey, Bureau of . . . . .... . . Code Committee . .. ....... . ....... .. . . ........ . Coina in Local Circ ula tion ......... . .... .. .. ... . Colleges . . .. . . ............... -........ . . . ..... . . Commerce, Bureau of . ..... " ........ " ....... . Commerce, Chambers of .................. ... . . . Commerce, Department of Agriculture and ... ... . Commission, Budget . .. . ..... . ..... . . . ......... . Commi8sion, Elect oral . . ................... . .. . . gomm!ss!on on Af.PO!ntments . ........ .. ...... .. OmmlS810n on E ectlons ..... . . . ........ . . .... . Commission On Impcac hment ... .. . ........ . .. . . Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, Office of the United Stat(!'s High .. .. .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. C ommonwealth Annivers ary Committee . .. . ..... . Commonwealth of the Philippines .. "": . . ... ... . . . . Communications, Department of Public Works and.


13> 137 138


143 120


158 202




'.0 92 .2

153 132 153 138 88






184 197 110 142 153



204 141

155 198


9. .0

.0 81


158 144 86 7l


187 199

99 132


27 157 153 149 153 153


9' 93

187 197 19.

19. 139 149


'.7 12.

187 120


92 92 143




90 128


P age Congrcgatjo nal American Board Mission .... .. . Constabulary, Philippine . . .................... .. 97 Consular Representa ti ves .. ................... .. 15. Convents ..................................... . Corporate CO\lnsel Divi8 ion ................... .. 109 Counc il of Educ llt,ion, Na tional. . . ........ .. ... . 13. C ouncil of National Defe nse ................... · Court of Appe als ... . ........... . ......•....... 92 Court of First In~ tance ........................ . 105 Court of Indus trial Relations .. . ........•. • ..... 108 Court, Municipal. Cit y of Al;anila .. ... . ........ . 152 Court of P . I., Supre me .......... .. ........ .. .. 92 Cus toms, Bureau of ... . ..... ' .......... . ... . .. . 101 Customs, Bureau of (C lass ilicntion of P orte) .. . . . 29 Deaf and Blind, School for the . . . .. .. ........ .. 155 Dceds, Office of t he Register of .......... . ..... . 109 Defe nse, D epartment of National .. ........... .. 138 Democratic Territorial Ccntral Committee of tLe P. I. .. ........................ .. ...... .. .. 201 Dental ElII.amine", Board of , ................... 141 Depts. P .I. Gov·'t . (See under respective he adings) . Dcportation Board .... '" .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 146 Dis tlict Attorneys. Office of the ................. 110 Divis ion, of City Schools, Cit y of M a l!ila .. .... .. 153 Divisio n of Inv estigation ...... .. .............. 109 Division of N lLt~ oJi ,, 1 Informatjon .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 Divis ion of Purc hase and Suppl y ............... , 103 Diviiion of Soil Survey ....................... .. 12 1 Diviaion Supt. of Schools in t he Phi lippines ...... 133 Document.!!, Board on .......................... 146 D omestic T e legrams, Rates on . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 Drama tic Associa tions .......................... 19 1 Duties on Impor ts. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 33 E conomic R ev iew of t Le Philippine Isla nds for the Y ear 1940 ............... , , ........... 1 to 26 Education, Bureau of. .. . ...................... 1 32 Eleetoral Co mmission. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 Elections , Commiasion on ............ ' . . ....... . 143 Elee t!,ic~1 Co mmunicatio D Faciltties in the P hiIiPPlnes. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 E.Jectricai Engineers, B oard of Examiners for ..... 132 Elementary School. C it y of Manila ............. . 155 Emergency Control Board . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. U 6 Engineering & Public W orks, D epar t men t, City of of Manila .......... .. ......... . .. ' ........ 149 Episcopal Mission ...... .... .... .. .............. 161 Euminers, Boa rd of. . . .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . 94 Examiners, Board of Dental. . . . ......... . 141 Eumincrs, ' Board of M edic al .. ..... . . . ......... 141 Examiners, Board I)f Optical. .. ...... ' .. .. .. 141 Euminers for Architects, Board of .•........ .. .. 132 Elamincrs l or Chemic al Engineers, Board of .. . .. 132 Examiners for Civil Engineers, Board of ........ . 132 Examiners for Electrical Engineere, Board of ..... 132 Examinere for Marine E ngineers, Board of. ...... 104 Examiners f or M arine Officera, Board of ......... 104 Examiners for M echanical Engineers, B oard of ... 132 Exa minere for Mining Engineere, Board of ....... 132 E xaminere (or Nunes, Board of .. . ....... . ...... 141 Enminers for Surveyors, Board of .............. 127 Examiners &: Insp ecto rs, Board of Pharmaceut ical. . 14 1 EJ.:amining Board, Veterinary ................... 127 EJ.:change C o mmissio n, Securi t ies and ............ 108 Export Tra de of the P hilippines by Coun t ry of Des t ination : 1940 a nd 1939 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 Fiber Insl1ection Service .. .. ............... ' .... 121 Fina nce, Departme nt of. ....................... 101 Finance, D epartme nt of, City of Manila ......... 152 Fire Alarm Boxcs, List of. ................. .. .. 151 Fire D epartme nt, i\'1anila. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 150 First Baptis t C hurch of Manila ....... .. .. . ... .. 163 Fiscal, Office of the, City of !'obnila . .. .......... 150 Flood Control Co mmission . . ..... ' ........ . .. ' .' 145 Food Inspect ion, Board of ................. ' .... 141 Foot Bridges . . . • . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 7 Foreign Cons uls in Manila . ............. . ....... 156 Foreign &: Domeetic Comme rce, U. S. Bureau of . 89 Foreign Holidays, 1941. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. 27 Foreign Population by Citizens hip, by Provinces, 1939 . . . ... .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . .... ,. nut to page 76 Forestrr' Burenu of .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. 124; Genera Auditing Office ... , ..................... 142 General Land Registration ' Office . .. . .......... .. 109

,.7 9.



Government Corpomtions and nt-her Independent Entities. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . ....... 143 Government. Insular... .... .. .. ... ........... 90 Government, i\Janila City ...................... 149 Government Mllrine Railway and R epair Shop ... 129 Goyernment Service Insurance System ........ ... 103 Government of the United Statell of America.. ... 89 Governors and l\lembers of the Provincial Board. Provincial. .. ... ... . ........ 98 Grand Lodgc of P. I.. ... ... ........... . 206 Harvey A. Bordncr School.. ... ............ 155 H ealth, Bureau or. . . . . .. . . . . . ............ 139 Health nad Public Welfllre. Depllrlment of .. ..... 139 Hig h Commisl'ioner, Office of the U. S... .. .. .. . 8u High Schools. City of l\Janila.. ...... 155 History Museum Division, Nntural.. .. .. . 121 H olidays, Legal, Chu rc h and Foreign, 1941 ...... 27 H ospitul. Philippine Gene r nl . . . . .. . . . . .. 94 184 H ospitals and Asy lums. ..................... Iglcsill EVllngclicll l\letodisla ell Jas Isills Filipinus 163 I mmigration, Bureau of.. . .. .. .. .. .. 96 lmpeaehm('n' . Cornmisllion on... .. 92 Import Trnde of the Philippine'" by 'C o~;ll~Y' of Ori~in: 1940 nnd 1939.. .. .. .. .. 29 Importe, Duties 011.. . . . . . .. .• .. .. 33 Independent. C h urch, PhiliPI>ine ............... 161 Indeterminate Sentence & Parole Office, Board of.. 109 Industrial CommitLee... .. .. .. .. ............ 127 Industrial Re lations. Court of. .................. 108 Institute of National Language. .. ... .. .. .. 96 Instruction. Department of. . . .. .. .. f32 Insular Sugar Refining Corporation.. .. .. .. .. 144 Interior, Department of the.. 97 I nterna l Revenue, Bureau of. 102 Investigation. Division of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 109 Irrigation Council ....... , ...................... 132 Joint Educational Survey Committee.. ...... 136 Judges of Chnrtered Cities. :'IIunicipal. llO Justice, Bureau of..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 105 Justice, Department of ...... , .. .. .. 105 Justice of the Peace Court!!.. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 111 Labor. Department of.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 136 Labor Unions .................................. 201 Land Registration Office, General.. .. . 109 Landed Estates Survey Committee .... .......... 146 Lands. Bureau of. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 124 Law Department, City of Manila........... 150 Legal Holidays, 1941. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 Legislative Scrvice Office.. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 Library, National. ............................. 135 ],ighthouse Board ................... ........... 146 Literary Associations .............. . , .......... 191 )lanila City Government ....................... 149 ;\lanila }'ire Department..... . ............. ..... 150 i\Ianila Hotel COlllpl1.ny. . . . . ............. 143 Manila Parks.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 Manila Port Terminal (:\'l l1.nila Railroad Co.).. 39 Manila Railroad Company.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 143 Manila Street Directory. 1941... .. 77 Mapa High School... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 Marine Engineers, Board of Examiners for. . .. 104 i\Iarine Inquiry. Board of.... .. . ........ 104 Marine Officcrs. Board of Examlllers (or . 104 1Iiarkets Ilnd Slaughter Houses.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 Masonic Directory of the l)hilippinC9. . .. .. .. .. 206 Mayor, Office of the, City of Mani la.. .. .. .. . 149 Mec hanical Engineers, Board of Examiners for ... 132 Medical Examiners. Board of... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 Methodist Mission. . . .. .. .. .. . ................ 162 Metropolitan Water Dist rict .................... 130 :'IIines. Bureau of. ............................. 127 i\lining Engineers, Board of Examiners for. .. 132 :'IIissions (See under resl>ecti ve headings) ..... Moving Pictures, Board of Revicw. .. .. .. .. 99 Municipal Board, City of Manila..... .. .. .. 149 152 :'IIunicipal Court. City of )'lanila.. .. .. .. .. .. Muniripai Jud$es of Chllrtered Cities.. .. .. .. 110 Municipalities 11\ the Phi lippinC!!. . . . .. ... . 51 Musical Associations.... . .......... 191 85 Nan:'es of Parks and Plnltas. City of Manila. .. NatIOnal Abaca and other Fibers Corporation.. 145 National Assembly . .. ...... .... .......... .... 90 National Coconut Corporation.... .... 145 National Council of Education. .. ..... 136 National Defense. Council of. .... / . 96 National Defense, Depllrtment of.... .. .. .. .. 138 National Dcvelopment Company.. .. .. .. .. . 143 National Economic Council. ................ 96 Nlltionnl Electrical Com muni cntion Board.. 146 National Food l)roducts Corporation... 144. National .F ootwear Corporation.. .. .. .. 145

Page National Government-Commonwealth of the Philippines. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. gO National Informatio n, Divis ion of... .. .. .. 97 National Land ScM,lement Adminietrntion ........ 143 National Language, inSLit-ute of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 96 National Librn~y ... ... . ............. , ........ 135 Nutiollal Power Corporation. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 145 Nationa l Produce Exchange... .. .. ........ 127 Nationa l Radio Broadc!>.8ti ng Committee. 139 National Resenrch Counci l of the Philippines... .. 96 National Rice &. Corll Corporation. The ......... 144 National Sacinl Security Board .................. 143 N:3.tionnl Tobacco Corporation ............. ' " .. 145 National Trnding Corporation... .. .. 145 National Transportation Board.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14.6 National Treasury (Circulation Statement) . 69 National Warehousing Corporation.. . ....... 144 Natural History ~Juseull1 Division... .. .. .. 121 Normal School, Philippine.. .. .. .. .. 134 Nurscs, Board of Examincrs for... .. .. .. .. 141 Officc of (Sec u nder rcspective headings) ... Optical Examincrs, Board of... .. 141 Parks. City of i\'lanila.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 85 Parole OffiCe, Board of Indetermi nate Scntence. 109 P urties. Political. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 201 Peace Courts, J ustice of thc.. ......... III Pensions for Vetemns, Board on.... 146 People's Homesite Corporation. 144 Pharmaceutical Rxn.mincrs and Inspc'c'to~s: 'Board ~.... ......... ...... Phi lippine Amateur Athletic Federation .. 135 Philippine Army. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 138 Philippine Charity Sweepstakes... .. . .. 104 Philippine Committee o n Geographical Names .... 146 Philippine ConstabuMry. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 Philippine Expositon Commission.. .. .. .. . ...... 145 Philippine Fcderation of Evangelical Churches .... 161 Philippine General Hospital. ... ...... . 94 Phili ppine Government Departments and Bureaus (See und .. r respective headings) ............ . Philippine Independent Church.. .. .. . ....... 16 1 Philippine )'loney.. .. .. .. .. ........... 70 Philippine National Bank... .. .. .. .. .. .. 143 Philippine Nautical School.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 139 Philippine No r mal Srhoo1... ..... .. .. .. . .. 134 Philippine Population by ProviIlccs and Mumclpalities-1939 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 71


Philigr~:'e~ ..~~.i~~~~. ?~~.n~i.s~~~~~~ .~o.. t.~e.. ~.n.i~~~ 143 Philippinc School of Art!! and Trades.. .. 134 Philippine Sugar Administration. . . .. .. .. .. 94 Philippine Union Mission of Scventh-D ay Adventists. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 164 Philippi nes Historical Commission. . . .. .. 14 6 P hYSician, Officc of t.he. C i ~y of 1\r3.llila. 153 Plant Industry, Bureau of.. .. .. 121 Plazas, City of Manila. .. .. .. . 85 P olice, Department of, City of l\'lanila .. 150 Political Partics.. . .. .. 201 Population by Provinces and :'I-1unicipalities-1939 .. 71 Population, Fore ign ................. ne.xt to page 76 Port Cbarges, l\'i anila (Pilotage RegulatiOns and F ees). . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3t Post Offices in thc Philippines.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Postage Rates and Conditions. Schedule of.. . .. .. 46 Postal Rates.. . ... ........................ 46 Posts. Bureau of... . ........ .. ... 129 Prefecture Apostolic of Mindoro ................. 161 Presbyterian l\lission ........................... 164 President of the Philippines, Office of the.. .. .. .. 93 Primary Schools. City of l\ l anita ............... ' 155 Printing. Bureau of. . .. .. .. .. .. 103 l)risons, Bureau of. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 109 Private Education, Office of. . . . .. . 135 Produce Exchange. National. . 127 Professional Associations.... .. .. .. .. 191 Provincial Governors and )"Iembers of the Provi,ucial Board... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 98 Public Instruction, Department of... .. .. 132 Public Markets. . .. .. .. .. .. . ...... , .... 88 Public Recreatio n, Office of, City of Manila. . 155 Public Service Commission.. 108 Public Welfare, Bureau of.. .. .. .. .. .. 141 Public Welfare. Dcpartment of H ealth and. 139 Publ ic Works, Bureau of. .. .. .. .. ... 128 Public Works and Communications, D epartmen t of. 128 Public Wo r ks . Department. of Engineering and, C ity of l\¡lani la. ... ... . ... . ..... . ........ ..... 149 Purchase a nd Supply, Divis ion of .............. 103 Quantity and Value of l)hilippine Principal Exports D ur ing I WO ............................... 26


P"", 141

Quarantine Service, Bureau of ................. . Racee Board on ............................ .. . Rates' on Domelltic Telegrams .................. . Regie.ter of ~e~, Office of the ............. .. . . Religious SocletlCII and Churches ............... . Republican In8~la~ Committee ...... : .... : ...... . Reaident COmml8ll10ner to V.S .A., PhIlippine . . .. . Revenue. Bureau of Internal. .................. . Rcview {or Moving Pictures, Board of. •...... ... Rice and Corn Corporation, The National . .. ... . Riven and Canals, City of Manila ............. . Roman Catholic Church . . ..................... . Rural Progreae Administrotion ......... .... ..... . Sabani Estate ....... .. .... .... .............. . . Salary Board ... .... .................... ' ... .. . Salvation Army, The ........ .... ' ... ' ....... .. . San Lazaro Hospital School. . ........ . .... .. ... . Schedule of Postage Rates and Conditions ... ... . School for the Deaf and Blind ... .......... .... . School of Arts and Trades, Philippine .. . ....... . School, Philippine Nautical. . . ... ........ ' ..... . School, Philippine Normal. ....... .. .. . ... ..... . Schools, Collc~es and Convents .... ...... ...... . Schools, DivisIOn of City, City of Manila ... .... . Schoole, Manila Intermediate and Primary . ..... . Science, Bureau of .... .... ... .... ...... .. ... .. . Scientific Associations ......................... . Scout Organizations . .... .... .... ......... ..... . Secretaries, Department, P. I. Gov't. (See under respective heading8) ..... .... .......... . .... . . Securitiea and EJ:change Commi8sion ....... ..... . Semaphore Station ..................... .. . .... . Service Commission, Public ... ....... ... ....... . Seventh-Day Adventists, Philippine Union Miesion ~ ..........


68 109 157




99 144 86 158 143



165 155



13' 13. 13'

167 153

155 126 191 198

108 102 108

.... ...... ....... ........ ... . . 16.

Sheriffs, List of Provincial and Deputy Provincial .. Sheriff's Office, City of Manila .... ... . Signals, Typhoon .. . . Slaughter Houses ... . Social Organit.ations ................. . Societies, Benefit. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . ...... . Societies, Religious ...... ... ....... .... ..... . .. . Soil SUrvey. Division of .... .......... . ........ . Special Schools. City of Manila. .. ... . ........ . St. Paul's Mission ........... ....... ... . . ..... . Stati8tics, Bureau of the Census and ...... ..... .

110 152



194 204 157 121

155 161 94

Statilltic8 of Population ................. ..... . Street Directory, City of Manila, 1941 .... ..... . Sugar Administration, Phiippine ....... ......... . Sugar Advi&ory Committef: ........... ........ .. Supt. of Schools in the Philippines, Division ... .. Supreme Court of the P. I. ... .. ... ........... . Supreme Cour~ of the U. S. . ... . . .... .... . Surveyors, Board of Examinerll for ............. . TaJ: Appeals, Board of, Ci~y of Manila .. ... . Telegraph Officell, List of ....... ... .. ........... . T elegraph Ratee .......... ... . ................ . T extbookB, Board o n ... ..... . ................. . T obacco Board ...... ............. ... ......... . Toll Bridge Commi~tee ........................ . 'forres High School ........... ... .... ......... . Traffic Commi!lsion . . ..... ... ......... ......... . Treasurers, Provincial and City ........... ..... . Tre8.llury, Bureau of the ............... ....... .. Treaaury, National (Circulation Statement) ...... . Typhoon Signals .............................. . U nlonll, Labor .. ... ... _ . ... ................... . United Brethren in Chrjs~ ............. ........ . Vnited Spanish War Veterans .................. . U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domelltic Commcrce .. U. S . Department of State (Office of tne American Consul) .. . . . .......... . ......... ......... . U . S. Government ............................ . V. S. High Commissioner, Office o f the ......... . V. S. Supreme Court .......................... . V. S. Vet.eranll Administration ..... . . .......... . University of the Philippines ... .... ..... ....... . Va.lue of Prim,ipal Philippine Import-s During 1940. V C!se l~ exempted from Wharf or Pier cbarges for the • use of por~ f¥ilities .. ..................... . \ eteran OrganIzations ... ...................... . Vetcrinary Examining Board ....... _ ........... . Whar f .o~. Pier Charges for the ulle of Port FacllltIcs ... .... ...... .... . . .... . .. ....... . Water District, i\·lctropolitan . ............ . \Vcathe r Bureau .............................. . Weigh ts and Measures ........................ . Wells, Public Artesian.. .. .. . ............ . 'Vomen's Clubs .. .. .. .. ... . .... .. .......... . Works and Communications, Dept. of Public .. . Works, Bureau of Public .... ... ....... ...... . Y . M. C. A. Organizations .... .............. .


P"",77 74


93 131

.2 89

127 152 51



103 132

154 146 104 103 69 2?


165 202 80 89 89 89

8. 80



32 202

127 32

130 127 70 68 196 128 128 165


Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette ~lfg. Co, .. Bottom Edge ,\raneta, ln corpo ra ~ed , G regorio Back Cover At lantic, Gul f &, Pac ific Co, of IH a nila . . . .. Letter A l3aguio Trnding Co, - Bag uio C it y (Classified Section) , .. .. . . . .. .,.. .' .. .. .... WEI Banco Hipotecario d e Filipinns .... F rollt F ly Leaf Bank of Taiwan, Ltd" The . . .. ... ,... Letter B Bank of t.he C o mmo nwealt h . .. ... . Fro llt Cover Ba nk of t he Phih pPlIic Islands, The . . . . . . Lette r D G ebu P ortla nd C CllIc lll Co. . . .. . . . . . . . . Letter C C hartered Bank of India, Austral ia :uld Chinn Letter C Chinn B>l.nking Coq)oTal io n . .. . . . ... .... Lett er C Compaliia G e neral d e Tabacos de Filipi~all .. Le tter T Oy Chauco, J ose . . . . . . . . .... . .. [nSlde Front Cover Eas t As iat ic Compa ny, Inc . . ... .. .... .. . Letter E " EJ Ba rato" ( CI~ified Section) .. . . .. .. .. 433 473 " EI Brillo" (C IMsified Sect ion} ... . . .. .. .. EIi~ald e & Co .. Inc........ . .... , .. . . . . LeHer E Filipinas Compania d e Seguros . .. . . . . . . L e ~ter F-G First Tra d ing Enterpris e, The (Clasllificd Sec tio n) 477 Gochangeo, E phraim G. (Classified Section) . . ... 361 Gon~a lez and Sons, F . (Classified Section) ..... 362 ... Bac k Bone Heacock Co. , H . E . Heilbronn Co., J. P . . .. ........ .. _ . . . ... Le tter H J-iongkong and Shanghai Banking C o rpo ra~ion . L e ~ter H Ins ular Life Underwriters Association ... . Letter I-J-}( Ins ular Ve netia n Blind Illdex Edge "J ai-Alai " . . .. . .. . . T o p Edge La. N u ~ a. E c ijana . . Le tter L


Pagt Leung Y ee-Pan.dacan Slipwaya .. . Letter L L ulu's Qua lity Dresses (Classified Section).. 373 :o.l a nila Da ily Bulletin . . .. .... Letter B :o.Ianlla ElectrIC C ompa ny .. Fr o n~ Fly Leaf Malllia Trading Ce nter .. . .. . . . . ..... . . . Letter :\1 i\l ode rn Pharmacal ProductsCo.,lnc., The. Front Fly Leaf i\1ountain Supply Storc---Baguio City (C lassified Sectio n) . . .. .... . . ... .. . . ..... . ... . .... . . 1022 Natio nal Developme nt Compa ny . .. Letter ~ Nederla ndsch Indisehe HandcJsb a nk , N.V .. Letter N Letter A Nell Co ., The Edward J. PnmpanJ/ia Bus Co. , Inc. . . . . ..... Letter P-Q Peopies Bank & Trust Company . . .. . ... . . Letter P-Q Philippine Ai rlines , Inc .. . .. In sert (End of Alphabe~ical Section) Philippine Bank of Communications . . .. .. Letter P-Q Philippine Women's University (ClMsified Sectio n) 51(; Roxas y Co mpania ..... ... . . . . . . . ... . . . Letter R-S Sabater & Co. (Optometrists and Opt.iciane) .. Bottom pages of Alphabetical and Classified Sections Sa n l\Ug ue! Brewery, Inc. Letter S Sibug, Isidro P. .. ...... Letter S Letter T T olman Tire Store . . . . Varadero de San Mig uel . . . . .. .. .. LeLter U-V Vienna Bakery .... ...... . ........ ...... Letter U-V Villanueva Marble Works (Classified SecLion). .. 455 Warner, Barnes & Co" Ltd . . . . . Letter W Ycas iano, Dr. :\Iaximo-- Baguio City (Classified Section) . . .. . . ... ... ..... . . ......... . . .. 1024


ECONOMIC REVIEW OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS FOR THE YEAR 1940 CONTENTS Page General ......... .. ..........• • ...•... ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . .


Price Trend ............... . ...•....... •• ... • .. • . . ... ...•... .•...•


Public Works Program ....•...•............•......... . . . •. .... . ..


Government Finance . ... . .. . ................•...•........ . ...•....


foreign Exchange ....... . ...... • ... •.. ..... •. . . ... . ..•..•. .. ••....


Money Mark et and Banking ............. . ...•...•........•........


Stock l\larket

....................... \..... ....•........ • ..... . ..


Building and Construction....... . . ... . ........ . .. . . ....... . ... . ....


Labor and Wages................................ . ................


Transportation and Communications ...........•........ • ...•. ,......


Sugar ................... , ...................... " . ....... .. . ......


Coconut Products ..............................••...•. .. .... . •.. ..


Abaca (Ma nila Hemp) and Other Fibers .... . ............•...•....


Rice .. .. .... . ...................................•...•...• . . .. . . . ,



....... . •... •... . ... . ... . ... • . ... .. ......• .. ....... .•. .• •. ..


Tobacco ................•.... . . . .. . . ...• • .. ..... . .. . .•...•........


Lumber and Timber ............. . ....... . ............•.. ,....... ..


Foreign Trade ........ ,...........................................


.................... ......... .. ..... ..... . , ...... .. ...... .


Trade by Countries ....... ,.......................................


S umm ..y of Trade by Countries 1940 ..............................



...................................... .... ........... .......... ........ ..... .. ............... ........ .....


.............. .. ....... ..... .. .............. .......... ..


Import Trade Export Trade Re·Exports


Economic Review of the Philippine Islands for the Year 1940 By PAUL P . STEINTORF American Trade Commission er

GENERAL The year 1940 was a very difficult period. The European war a nd increased poli ti cal tension in the Far East adversely aHected all aspects of business activity and mad e it necessary to effect drastic adjustments in Philippi ne economy. During the first quarter, business showed a grad1lal downward tendency, particularly with respect to the prices of the leadi ng Philippine products, but volume was fai rly well maintained and trade with most of the world was affected only moderately by war conditions. Intensified war in Europe, with the ext ension of hostilities 10 many new areas and the closing of the Mediterranea n to traffic, accelerated the decline in business during the second quarter and caused a rather severe depression. This ten· dency conti nued through Ju ly and August, reach· ing a low point in the latter month. There was a slow but steady recovery during the last four months of the year, despite in· creased political tension in the Far East and con· tinued major war operati ons in Europe. This improvement during the latter part of the year appears to r eprcsent a successful adjustment of Philippine economy to war conditions. Possibly, a portion of the recovery may be attributed to a reaction from the too rapid decline during earlier months of the year. It is believed that the adverse effects of war condit.ions were minimized to a considerable ex· tent as a result of the Government spcnding program, particularly wi th respect to the very large amounts expended for public works. The prosperity of the local mining i ndustry also helped to maintain business at a satisfac tory level. It is believed that the volume of business was remarkably well maintai ned during the year, despite the preva iling adverse conditions. In· formation collected from many sources indicates that the total volume for the year was only about 10 percent helow 1939, which, however, was not a particularly prosperous year. Undoubtedly, the most important development during the year was the precipitous decline in the prices of the major Philippine products. This subject is treated in detail in another section of this report. Combined with the decli ne in prices of Phil· ippine products, there has been a considerable increase in prices of import commodities owing partly to higher prices in producing countries as a r esult of war demand and parlly to greatly increased transportation charges. The effect has

heen to creat e a sort of VICIOU S circle whereby the Philippi ne consumer has less 10 pay for commoditi es which cost morc. In the financial fjeld, the most important development was a considerab le declin e in Government revenu e as a result of adverse economi c conditions. Banking conditions also were somewhat less fa vorable, th e liquidity of the bank s being affected as a result of a marked increase in loans and a substantial decline in cash on ha nd. There was a substa ntial deteri ora tion also in credi t conditions, with collections becom ing vcry slow and cred its necessaril y restricted. .Tn the agri cultural fi eld, conditions were ver y unfavorable. Philippine huying power was markedly reduced as a res ult of the unprecedentedl y low prices of Phi lippine products. Also, there was a partial failure in the rice crop. wh ich is the leading agricultural product, whil e th e sugar crop was considerably below normal. Distressed conditions prevailed in a good many agricultural districts, but th er e were no serious social up· heavals. In the industrial fi eld, there were very few noteworthy developments, ex pansion bei ng con· fin ed in the main to existing industri es . Th e most important development s were in connection with the National Development Company, a Gov. ernment corporation. There was very consider· able expansion in vari ous subsidi ary undertak. ings, the expa nsion of the textile pl a nt being particularly noteworthy. This pla nt was operat. ing on a substantial volume basis a t the close of the yea r and was able to supply a very con· siderable percentage of tot al domesti c require· ments for colt on text iles . The foodstuffs factory of the Nati onal Development Company also in· creased its output very mat eriall y. Among the new private und ertakings, the most im por tant was the erecti on of a factory in Bais, Oriental Negros, to produ ce pulp from bagasse. Internal trade was somew hat unsati sfa ctor y during the greater part of 1940. Th e extremely low prices of Philippine products and the con· sequent r eduction in buyin g power curt ailed con· sumption to a very material ext ent. A large nu mber of dealers suffered from excessive stocks during much of the year and in consequ ence were for ced to sell at sacrifi ce prices. Althou gh no definite fi gures are availa bl e, it is certain that profits of dealers were very much lower th an in t he previous year. The total valu e of Philippine foreign trade for 1940 was slightly above the previous year. The value of imports increased by 10 p ercent,



out there was a decline of abo ut two percent in export s. ]n consequence, th e excess of exports was about 30 p ercent below the previolls year. The volume of trade during ]940 showed a somewhat different tendency than indicated by the vallie total, si nce the cost of impor ts was sub路 sta ntially higher while export prices were very much lower. Quantitative figures for the leading imports woul d appear to indicate that th e actual volume for the year was slightly helow 1939. A similar compari son for exports shows a fairly consi derable increase over the preced ing year. The effect of war cond it ions was clearly evident in trade by countries. Since comm unications with Europe were cut off or markedly restricted, trade with that area has declined very sharply. In the import fi eld, there was much greater dependence on the United States, 路which supplied 78 percent of total imports, against 68 percent in th e previous year. This is a new high both actually and relatively, the total valu e of imports from the U nited States exceeding P210,000,000, against a fo rmer high of about 1"'200,000,000. In the export field, the relative share of the United States was only slightly higher than in 1939, nam ely, 82 percent agai nst 81 percent, the sharp decline in shi pments to Europe being balanced by gains in exports to Orien tal countri es and miscellaneous areas. It should be pointed 0111 that the export trade figures include gold, while the comparisons of the import trade bc~wee n 1939 and 1940 are inexact, si nce in the latter year imports were reported on the basis of actual arrivals of merchandise whereas in the preceding year they were reported on the basis of li quidations of customs entries _ There was very littl e economic legislation during 1940_ Th ere were no important changes in taxes or in labor laws, the only r eally i mportant measures being those deali ng with the establishment of variou s enterpri ses, these laws being treated separately under the commodities affected_ There were various modifications o[ existing tax laws, all of -\vhi ch were quite _benef icial to business. Outlook for J941.- Th e exi sting chaotic world conditions make it impossible to off er any definite predictions concerning the comi ng year. There are a number of favorable fac tors in the present situation, including the fact that Philippine economy has been fa irl y well a djusted to war cond itions and the country is in a position to take full advan tage of any improvement in world condi ti ons. Another favorable factor is that the very heavy stocki of imported merchandi se have heen fai rly well cleared off and Cllfren t stocks are a pproximately normal and in most cases have been bought at very favorable pnces. A further favorable facto r is that financial conditions al'e generally so und and satisfaclory, the only adverse featur es being rather excessive bank loans and very slow collections. The United States national defense program and the consequent increase in general economic

acti vity shou ld favorab ly affect Philippin e economy. Finall y, pri ces of most of the maj or Philippin e products appeal' to have reached bottom and the future tendency shou ld be upward. The principal unfavorable influences are: 1. Sales to Europe are certain to be very markedly curtailed regardless of war developments. 2. Conditions in nearby Oriental countries are generally disturbed and in consequence the ou tl ook for trad e is not encouraging. 3. Export taxes on shipments of vari ous Philippine products to th e United States will be imposed beg innin g January 1, 1941, while United States quotas for several other important commodit ies will be lowered. 4. A very substan tial reduction in Government expenditures would appear to be highly probable. In view of th e foregoing factors, it is possible to suggest that the worst of the war's effects are past and that there is some basis for hope that the coming year will witness a measure of recovery. H owever, thi s assumes that th ere will be no extension of warfare and that th e United States will remain neutral.

PRICE TREND War conditions had a very unfavorable effect on prices of the major Philippine products duri ng 1940 . The downward trend in prices which commenced in November 1939 continued steadily throughout the month of A ugust 1940. The principal causes for the decline were : 1. War dislocation and consequent shutting off of many important mark ets_ 2. A very marked in crease in shippin g and other transportation costs. All of these added transportation costs came out of the local prices of Philippine ex port commoditi es, since prices in foreig n cons uming centers did not a dvance, 3. Various price control measures 路which were adopted by belligerent cou ntri es. 4. Ex cessive stocks of competin g products in consumin g markets. By the end of August, pri ces of practically all of the major products were at all,time lows, the general average being some 25 percent below 1939, whi ch was a year of low prices. It would be difficult to overemphasize the effect of these low prices on Philippine economy. Undoubtedly, buying power was so severely r educed that business in practically all lines was very materiall y restricted . If it had not been for th e very substantial Government expenditures for public 路works and ot her purposes and the prosperity of the local mining industry, there would probably have been an extremely severe depression. Prices began to recover in September and continued to gain throughout the remai nd er of the year. Actual gains, however, were very moderate. An analysis of prices of Ihe seven major Philippine commodities as of December 31, 1940, compared with the same date of the previous year, shows decli nes in six products ranging



£rom four percent for rice to 37 percent for copra, palay being the only exceptio~ and showing a gain of only one percent. A slDlple average shows a decline of 14 percent for these seven products, , There are no general price indexes published, but this offi ce compiles a simple ~nd.ex of a.v~r­ age monthly pri ces of the four pnncIpal PhIlippine commodities, based on the .years 1924.1928 as equal 10 100. The average mdex f?r II.lese four commodities for 1940 is 40.33, which IS a decline of 16.2 percent from 1939 and is 28 percent below the average for the five years 1935 to 1939 inclusive. Detai ls for 1939 and 1940 are given in the following table : Ri ce Copra Abac a (Macan Avc rage Cent. Sugar (E:r.port) (Resecada) (F & J ·2) No.2) Inde:r. 1939 1940 1939 1940 1939 ] 9401939 1940 1939 1940 56 Jan uary 56 F ebruary 56 "'preh 60 April 60 May 58 Jun e 59 luly 59 Augull September 60 57 OClober 57 Novembe r 57 Decem ber

54 55 53 53 50 47 44 43 43 43 49 48

26 26 26 29 30 29 27 25 33 34 30 29

26 26 25 23 19 17 17 14

14 15 16 16

32 30 31 30 30

29 29 27 32 46 42 3S

34 29 27 25 25 22 23 24 26 26 34 37

61 71 73

7,l 74 74-

7<\. 73 73 74 74 13

65 45.25 45.25 6545.1543.75 65 47.50 42 .50 66 46.25 41.75 65 46.50 39.75 6547.5037.75 6747.25 37.75 67 46.00 37.00 67 49.50 37.50 6752.7536.25 66 50.75 41.25 65 48.50 41.50

Averag(l for Year. ~!2£

PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM The extensive publi c works program of the Commonwealth Government is an important factor in Philippin e economy. The program involves substantial expenditures throughout the Islands, a very considerable part of th e total being paid as wages. This public works program has helped to minimize distress in rural districts, which otherwise might have been serious owing to the extremely low prices of the leading Philippine agricultural prod ucts. Furthermore. these expenditures have contributed rather materiall y toward the maintenance of general buyi ng power. A very large part of the public works program has consisted of construction and improvement of roads and bridges, this being the part of the work which is primarily r esponsible for the maintenance of buying power. In addition. the Commonwealth Government has a very extensive program of building construction which has materially benefited business in Manila and to a somewhat smaller extent in other cities. Certainl y, the Government building program has helped very materially to maintain building ac· tivity at a hi gh level in the City of Manila during the past year. Owing to changes in the Government statistical period. statistics covering expendit ures are available only for the fi scal year ended Jun e 30. 1940. Total expenditurE'S during that year amounted to P52,211.096. of which P41,406,471 was spent by the national government and the remainder by provincial and muni cipal govern · ments. This total undoubtedly represents a new aU-time high and compares with total expenditures of P18,470,367 during the fir st six months

of 1939 and with P 36,606,148 during the calendar year 1938. Th e following table shows th e principal features of the public works program : Calcnda r Year 1938

Filca l Year Firet Si:r. ended Jun e Mon ths 1939 30, 1940

R oads and B,id,esE:r.p en ditllrel (total) P 24,217,817 P17.1 56.799 P 28,90 1.790 1,9·11.60 1,843.8 R oads conatruc!ed. km9. 1,552.7 23 l 44b Bridg~ complet ed, n umb er 15 1.014.51 1,835.48 T otal length, meteu 1,109.27 POTt WOTksI' 3,364,943 J> 2,860,;68 rp 6.202.;08 E:r.penditllres 88 76 89 No. of projects B"ildi",.<E:r.p cnditures Number com pleted

Water WOTksE:r.pcnditures No. of projects P OI)lllation se rved :1.rusioll W cllsE:r.penditllres Number drill ed Popu lation sen'ed

P1 3.210,399 P' 3,951,418 655 516

~1l , 517 .6 19

P 769.549

P 52 1,427 26 60,300

" 397.065 28




P 201.01 1 127

P 9·1,123

116. '1O·~

67 50,6 16


P 236,366 !17 96,136

a/ Calelldar Year 1939. bl Includin g Culve rts.

Details of expenditures during th e first six months of 1939 and the fiscal year 1940 are gIven below : F j~cal Year Fir! t Six ended Jun e Mon ths 1939 30. 19<\0

Road!, bridges and ferries P 9,538,637 P28,507,487 Maint en ance, a lt eration and repair'! 638,927 325,590 of pu blic building~ ....... . .... . 3,625,827 10,876,758 Building! . .. . ........•........ Riv er and harbor works (i ncluding 6,202.708 2.860.768 lighthou!e!. buoys and beacons ) 1,654.716 An esi DIl well! and waler s upply M6 ,646 Regis tration and rej;lllalion 01 mOlor 245,348 115,478 vch icle tra ffi c ...•............... 182,229 4 i 9.342 Irrigalion projects ... ... ......... . 40,576 127.525 Lo, Banos Quarry ................. . Maintenan ce and repairs of Kenn on and Naguilian road s and for reftll ' lation Dnd IDfef:uardi ng o f traffic 1l0,9i8 61.610 and collection o f t o\]~ of sli me ... Dwellings ami equipment ior rent 82,839 106,143 in Baguio ..................... . 603,064 1,589.247 P erma nent Bridge Funds ........ . 89,572 193,419 Central Ga rage .... .. ............ . 1,499.802 Miscellaneous .... ................ .. 272,005 Grand Total .................. 1'18,470.367 1'52.211,096

GOVERNMENT FINANCE Government finance during 1940 was featured by a considerable decline in government revenue and by continued heavy government expenditures. It is noted that there was a defi nite trend toward an excess of current expenditures over current income. Another important feature was the very heavy governmental investment in Gov. ernment corporations or undertakings which placed an increasingly 1arge share of government assets in fix ed investments, effectin g a substan· tial reduction in liquid reserves and in unappro· priated surplus. Despite these somewhat unfavorable tendencies, government finance generally was in very good condition. Blldgel.- Th e fi scal peri od of the Common· wealth Government has been changed from tb e calendar year to the twelve months period end· ing with June, this change having come into



effect with the fi scal year ended June 30, 1940, there having been an interim budget coverin g the fi rst six months of 1939. Details of the budget fo r th e fi scal year 1940·1941, together wit h actual expend it ures for the first h alf of 1939, are summarized below (in thousand pesos) : Int erim Fiscal Yea r J an._J une end ing J une 30 1 939 19.t{) 1941 Ordinary in eo'nc-ReHnue frOln T aution ....... . Incidental Rev ,"-oue ........ . .. . Earnings Ilnd Other Credin . ... . Receipts automatically appro_ priated ............. . .. . .. .


..... J ••••• .

Ordinary ExpcnditurcsCeneral expendi tu res .. . . . . . . .. . From receip ts lIu\omn lically ap_ prOlninted

••.••.•. '" ...•• . • . '

F ixed expenditure•.........•. . .. T otal

41, 716



75,202 75,479 861 853 20. 126a 13,780









334 4,253

699 9,602

728 9,366



89,1 49


Exc ess of Ordinary Incom e over Or. dinary Exp en diture! . .. . ....... . Add: Accumulat ed surplus b egi n. ning of period ............. .







Total ....•......... . .... .. ........ Deduc l: Extraordinary e.lpendilUre.

75,455 24,028

56,969 47,296

)) ,703 1,872

Balance of Unappropriated Surplus




Dedu c t: Une:cpended balances of conti. nuin&: appropriations ....... . 20,312 Allocation 01 surplus rC!lerve 10: Continuin!: assets .......... . 5,700 A,h'anrt's to MOtlcy Order Funds ............ . ........ . 4,000 A,J,"uocu to Di~bur~ing Of. fice.. . . ........... . ........ . 4,000 Total NET

al bl

.................... .. .
















Coconut Oil Bud,el Jan. I, 1939 to July 1, 1940 to J Ullc30,1940 J une 30, 19·11

S" IJlJ,, ~

Tolal ... ...... . . .....


3'1,56 1



_•• • • • ••••• _. .

New or Additjore~1 A ppropri~lions: Office of the P resident .. Dcpartment of Apicu lt ure and Commerce _..... . . Government Corporations an d Other Enti lies .... T otai .. . . .. . • .. . ....


1,262 6.501 15,000 22,763 250




10, 900


11 ,975

Total Add : Estima ted un ap pro_ p cia tcd 8ur piu$ ••










51 ,741


Th e budget for the fi scal year endi ng June 30, 1942, has j ust been introduced to the National Assembly. Com plete detail s concerni ng this bud get are not available at present, but the pdn· cipal feat nres are summarized below : Rud,et lor Fiscal Year 19·H·1942 On!inary Ill come . . .. .. ....... _.. . . Estimated Unappropriated P lus Surplus on J uly 1, 1941, as adju5ted .......... . ..•... . .. . Proceeds from Sale of Bonds

P 82,310,000 . 20,672,082 10,000,000


It should be explai ned that the above figur es cover on ly the General Fu nd, excl uding Special and Bond Funds. The funds secured as a r esult of refunds of the United St ates excise tax on coconut oil have been budgeted a nd accou nted for separately beginni ng Ja nuar y I , 1931. Bu dgets covering these fun ds were draw n up for the eighteen mo nt hs ended J une 30, 1940, and for the fisca l year ending J une 30, 1941. Details are summarized below, toget her with actual ex penditures during the J a nua ry 1, 1939 to J une 30, 1940 ped od (i n thousand pesos) :




I ncludes 1'9,625,000 receivcd from the P hilip pin e Na. tional Bank, repaymen t of accounts previously wri tt en off, lor year 19·10 and only P 3,5OO.000 for 1941. Rev is ed by Admini stra tive Order No. 32 1 of January 2] , 19·11, to 1'88,533,000.

F.:s t;mat ed Collection • . .....

A ppropri~liores ~red E%p eredilu res For pu rposts previously ~ulhorized: Department of Agriculture and Commerce ....•.... 1,690 2,342 Department of Publle Work~ aod Communica· tion8 .......... .. .. . .. .. 1,312 10,051 Governmen t Corporat ionl . 31.550 31,550

Ava il able

....... . .. . ..

Ordinary Expenditures, nct Capital Expendi tures . .... . T ota l

Expend iturcs

... .. .... .

Unappro p ria ted SUTp]" , Availa ble On J une 30, 1942 .. . ..... . . ... .. Less Reservcd for Dep recintlun a nd Lou of Con ti nui ng Ane ts . .. .. . NE T TOTAL

.. . .. ........ .. .. . . ...

P 112,982,082

P 99,278,350 12,397, 130 Pl11 ,675,480 P

1,306,602 1,000,000



It will be noted that this r epresents a new departure in Philippin e Government finance, in that expendi tures are subdi vi ded into two headings, namely "ordinary expenditures" and "capi. tal expenditures". By "capital ex penditures" is meant permanent investment s or investments whicb are 10 be amortized over a long peri od, such ex penditures being fin anced by means of bond issues. T he bud get r epresents a new departure also, in th at there is a substantial excess of ordinary expenditures over ordinary income. A ctual Receipts and Ex penditures.- Actual recei pts of the Com monwealth Government for the fi scal year ended June 30, 1940, totaled PJ 58,029,869, while ex penditures during the peri od a mount ed to P' 1 83,6 1 6 ,27 3 . ~ These com· pare with J"Cceipt s of 1>'87,808,479 and expendi tures of P'84,795,162 duri ng the six months peri od end ed Ju ne 30, 1939. T hese figures in· cltlde all ex penditures from 1he General, Coconllt Oi l, Special and Bond F un ds. Delai ls are summarized below ;


ECONOM IC REVIEW OF THE l'HIl,IPI'INE S Six Months Fiscal Year ended ended June 30, 1939 June 30, 1940


Revenue from tn ation (net) .,. Incidental revenue (net) .,.," Earnings and other credill .... Repayments of lo ans and adunces Proceeds of loans for construction of permanent bridges ....... . Less adjustments ............. . Mi.cellaneous ................. .

P75,051,038 9121,187,793 2,272,803 4,273,394 9,918,955 22,065,073 199,800 9,460,654

Total Receipts ... , ........ .

P87,808,479 PI58,029,869


1,043,000 (45 )



Adminis trative expen. es ...... Contributions to local go\'crn, ments .... , . ... " ....... ,..... Pensions and gratuities ....... Outlays and iuve1tmcnt8 ...... Int erest an.d sinking fund, Public Debt .. "" .. "...... Public works ." ........ "..... Trande rs ., ............. ,.,... . Other Charges ......... " .... " T otal EX llenditure$ .. ,.... . ..

P34,572,907 9 85,778,859 13,260,258 1,069.847 20,526,883

9,380,721 1.738,387 44,446,349

3.250,595 11 .699.123 203,510 212,039

8,389,7ll 32,754,5 16 838,200 589,494

- --c--== ' >84.795.162 PI83,616,273

Tax Revenue During J940.- Tolal collections bv the Bureaus of Customs and Int ernal Reven ue during 1940 amoll nted to P93,065,695, which compares with 1>-94,665,236 for the previous year, or a decline during the current year of PI,599,541 or 1.7 percent. Internal r evenue collections during the year r ecorded a net increase of P2,178,912 or about five percent. The gains were principally in income taxes, li cense and business taxes, documentary stamp taxes and inheritance taxes. Increases were noted in all important tax items, wi th the sole except ion of domestic excise taxes. Collections by the Bureau of Customs for th e year showed a net decline of P3,778,453 or about eight percent compared with 1939. This was due to a drop of P6,440,053 or 24 percent in customs collecli ons owing ent irely ' to war conditions, which diverted imports from foreign countri es to the United States, such imports not being subject to duty. Special fund collections r ecorded a ga in of P2,661,600 or about 12 percent. Detai ls are as follows: 1939


Bur eau oj In/eTIIIII R evenueRevcnue from TuatioD , . . ..... . P41.482.400 P42,719.791 Incidcntal R el'enue ..•.......... 4,192.206 4,280,20~ Earnings and Other Credill ., .. 271,498 124,017 Refu nd, of previous year's collec. tions .... , ....... , ............ . (151,296) (150.292) Total........ ......

P45,79.1-,808 P47.973,720

Bureau oj Cu &tomJCustom, Collect ions ..... ,....... P27,236, 182 P20,796,129 Special Fund Collections ........ 21,634,246 24,295,846 Total ............ , .......... , 1>48,870,428 P45,Q91,975 GRAND TOTAL ....

" j ' ••••••••..••

P94.66S,236 '1'93,065,695

The Commonwealth Government anticipates a decline of approximately P lO,OOO 000 in revenue during the fi scal year ended June' 30, 1940, The dec~ine in total ordinary r evenue during the penod from .July to December 1940, which represent s the first half of the fi scal year, amounts to only Pl,539,438. It would appear doublful whether there will be a decline of about P8,500,OOO during the second half of th e fiscal

year period . However, a very marked drop in income tax colleclions may be anticipated and further declines in customs reven ue appear to be inevit able. Public Debt.- Th e Philippine public debt is comparatively small, amounling to only P4.55 per capita at the close of 1940. The debt has shown a grad ual downward tendency during recent years, with ample int erest and amortization provided for. Furthermore, the debt will be further reduced as a result of the imposition of ex port taxes beginn ing J anu ary 1, 1941. The proceeds of these taxes are to be used solely to reti re the publi c debt and it is calculated that by the time of independence in 1946, the pro· ceeds wiII be suffi cien t to completely retire the portion of the debt which is held in the United States. Details of the net amOllnt of pubJi c debt for th e past two fi scal years are sluomarized below (in th ousan d pesos): Fiscal Year cnded June 30 1939 1940 Nationa l Bonds .................... . Provincial Bonds ..... " .. , ..... , .... . Municipal ' Bonds .................. . City Bonds .................. , ..... . Mctropolit:1D Water Dis /ri ct Bonds .. Total ......... , .......... "...

58.767 54,053 6.398 6,169 1,166 518 4.754 5,557 8.497 8.670 79,583 74.967

Th ese figures represent the nel indebtedness, the sinking fund reserve having been deducted from the amount actually outstanding. Details concern ing the public debt as of December 31, 1940, are as follows (in thousand pesos) : Retired Author· or C~nilCd cclled National b(>nds 156,350 128,450 34,624 National collateral bonds .. 19,016 17,387 2,689 Bonds of direct issue ....... 10,4<10 2,920 166

Our. Nc/ Ju nd. SinL:mg indeht_ ing Fund ednns 93,826 34,309 59,517 14,698





37,479 111 .278 38.501



Total ...... 185 .806148.757


Balance Sheet.-Th e balance sheet of th e Commonwealth Government as of June 30, 1939 and 1940, is summarized below (in thousand pesos) : JUD e 30. ]939

ASSETS: Ceneral Fund Suecial Fund Bond Fund

......... " ...... .......... , .... ,. ................... T otal . .. . . , .. ... ...... .. Fiduc iary F und ............... Depository Fund .............. Redemption Fund ... " ....... Sinking Fund ................ Retiremen t gratui ti es ......... Contingent assets ......... Total ................... Permonent lou g· tcrm inves tment Real P roperty aruJ erluipmClll .. Total Craud Totnl



-." 162,817 74.957 10,166

134,45482,734 10,156



29,440 33.585 211.903 69,3541. 306 41,890

31,403 53,616 209,805 71,940 1,01432.288



H6,490 230.746

185,915 262,552



1,012,654 1,075,937


MANII,A C ITY D IR EC'TORY J un e 30, LIABI LI TI ES AN D SU RPLUS: Genera l Fund ... . . . ..... . ... . Speeial F und . . . ..... . .. . Bond Fund ........ . ........ . T Olal F id ueiary F und .............. . Dep <»itory Fund ............. . Coinage and currency obl iga· lions ............... . .... . . . Sinki ng F und rele rve ... . .... . R etiremenl gratui ties accrued .. Reserve for contingen t Duc ts . .. rI'o tal Bonded de bt . .......... . . Loans payable ...............• T otal Cu rrent Surpl us . ........ " .. . . Invened Su rplus .......... . ... .

Grand T otol

1 939


25.130 22,821 9

35,009 18,548



29, 440 33,565

31.403 53,616

211 .903 69.35" 1.306 41,890

209,805 11,940 1,014 32,288


400, 126

147.017 3,025

144,987 3,969

] 50.042


] 99.373 221, 194

]13,181 299,511



1,012.654 1.075;937

It will be noted that the fi gures show a very substantial increase in total assets, although this is confined to speciaJ funds and to long-term or fixed invest ments, there having been a con· siderable r educt ion bOlh in current assets a nd current surplus. Government Corporations.-T he Commonwealth Government operates a Jarge number of Government compan ies which are engaged in various economic activities. Complete detai ls concerning operations of these concerns during 1940 are not procurable, but information collected from var· ious sources shows th at lhe major enterprises real ized combined net profits of P 5,776,71B during the fiscal year ended. Ju ne 30, 1940, as shown in the following tab ulati on:

Na tional Developmen t Com pany•...... SubsidiariCll : Cebu P ortland Cement Company ... . . Natio nal Rice and Corn Co rporation .. National Food Produc t. Corporation . . In8ular Sugar Re fining Corpora tion .. Te:uile Mills ...................... .. Notional Footwea r Corpora tion ..... . Nationa l Warehousing Co rporation .. . Peoples HomC!ite Corpo ration ..... . Net Tota l

Fiscal Year en ded Jun e 30. 1940 P 128, 299

1,092.646 182.440 (128,697) 989, 184 ( 72,019) ( 79)

..................... . .

P 2, 191,i1ol.

Philippine National Bank ............ . and Indunrial Bank Agri cu l!ural (proper) .......................... . Agrieu l!urai and Indus trial BankTruu Fund ........................ . Manila Ra ilroad Company Buenavista Farmc.. Cooperative Auo· o::iati(fIl .... . ........... . ..... . Monila Hotel Company .......... . Na tional T rading Corporation . ..... . . . Natio nal Land Selliement Ad",iniUra· tion


Tota l Net


.. . .. . ........ . .

(131,892) 1.889.553 ( 39,863) ( 15,762) ( 53.4( 6) ( 15,86;) (259.8i4 )

Detailed information concerning the National Abaca and other fi bers corporati on, the National Tobacco Corporation and the National Coconut Corporation is not available, but it is probable that none of these compan ies will show any pro· fit on current operat ions. It is apparent from the foregoing tabulation ' that four Government en ter prises earned large profits during the period, while two others were fai rly successful. T he earnings of these six con· cerns more than balanced losses incurred by nine other undertaki ngs.

FOREIGN EXC HANGE Since the value of the Philippine monetary unit is fix ed by law at 'PI.OO equals US 50.50, fl uctuations in exchange a TC theor etically possible only with in the limits at whi ch the Insular Treasurer wi ll buy or sell United States dollars. These r ates are 7 / 8 percent premi um for telegraph ic transfcrs on New York and lh percent premium on 30 days draft s on New York, the reverse figures being 7/ 8 percent disco unt for telegraph ic transfers on Manila and lh percent discount on 30 days drafts on Manila. Actually, open market r ales show sli ght fl uct uations beyond these limi ts. Exchange against the Uni ted States do11ar was practically stationary throughout 1940. The demand for dollar exchange was v'ery much in excess of the supply of pesos with the r esult that the dollar was a t a premium throughout the year, the market rat e correspondi ng closely to that at whi ch the I nsular Treasurer will sell the United States doll ar. The open market telegraphi c tra nsfer selli ng rate on New York was 201.25 in Ja nu ary, but advanced to 201.50 in February a nd maintai ned this rate throughout the remai nder of the year. The market became slightly easier toward the close of 1940 owing to heavy shipments of sugar and to substanti al sales of dollars by ba nks to bolster their cash position. Excha nge transactions of local banks r ecorded a moderate increase during 1940 and continued to reflet a very mu ch oversold position. Details are as foll ows : 1939 1940 Spot Bought PI79,328,600 1"187,959,369 Sold ......... 269,206,310 211 ,876,245 F UfUre

Bough t ....... Sold . ........

113,868.9-W 142,808,804

In order to cover their very heavy saJes, banks fou n d it necessary to purchase very large quan· tities of demand drafts from the I nsular Treas· urer during 1940, the total of such transactions reaching the unprecedented amount of PB2,290,· 000. Complete details of exchange sales by the Insular Treasurer d uring 1939 and 1940 are as fo llows : 1939

1'5,776.71 8

(t) Ope rating in o::o me onl y, exduding cash d il'id end$ te. ceived f rom Cchu Port lan d Cement Company and oth er subsidiorie.. ( ) Rep reaent. Lou,

136,209,256 133,174,328


T elegra ph ic T ransfer, to Gover nm en t 1" 8,600,000 I' 7,850,000 266,318 356.888 Dc man<l Dra ft s to Gove rn me nt .. .. . 28,950,000 82,290.000 Dema nd Dra ft s to Bank, . . . . .... . . T otal

•......... . .. . . .. . •. . . . 1"37,906,888 P90,406,318



It will be noted that during the year bank sales of exchange were P1l2,856,740 in excess of purchases, This is partially balanced by purchases of demand drafts from the Insula.r Treasurer amounting to 1''82,290,000. The differenc~ ~f slightly over P30,OOO,OOO would appear to mdicate a net oversold position of this amount. It is probable that bank sales of forward exchange which has not been covered were considerably less than these figures indi cate. A possible explanation is that over-the-~ou nt er ~xchange transactions are not always mcluded In bank reports of exchange while some banks include interbank transactions in their exchange reports, It is difficult to account for the strength of the dollar in view of the very substantial excess of exports in foreign tradc. Insu fficient. data are avai lable to estimate the balance of mternational payment s. It is ccrtain that the favorable position with respect to "visibles" is offset by an unfavorabl e balance of "jnvisibles", such as payments for shippin g, insurance and other services interest and dividend payments and capital ;novement. Possible explanations for the situation apparent in the foregoing figures are as follows: 1. There has been an actual net outward movement of capital, this being apparent in: (a) an increase in bank loans, the proceeds of which were used for foreign remittances; (b) a reduction in bank deposits, representing transfers of peso accounts to dollar or other foreign currenci es ; (c) an actual direct outward movement of capital in other ways; and (d) increased investment in American securities owing to the inactivity of the local securities market. 2. Increased payments for occan freight and insurance, Ocean freight rates during 1940 were at least double those of 1939, while payments for war risk insurance was an added factor. This item has been partially balanced by increased Philippine shipping, but the net outgo during 1940 was certainly very much Jarger. 3. Remittances abroad of earnings of local branches of American and foreign companies. It is believed that such remittances have been very substantial, but no definite figures are procurable. 4. Payment of dividends on securities held abroad and interest and amortization charges on Philippine bonds held abroad. 5. Sales to countries with exchange restrictions resulting in temporary stoppage of return of proceeds which is equivalent to a temporary export of capital. Example would be the sale of tobacco and manufactures to Spain and of various commodities to Japan , 6. A very substantial reduction in income from tourists and travelers owing to war conditions. Present indications are that the balance of tourists' cxpenditures is definitely adverse to the Philippines. 7. War relief remittances. There have been fairly substantial remittances of this type by British and Chinese residents of the Philip-

pines, such remittances representing a net export of capital. 8. Non-retu rn of proceeds of exports of merchandise. 9. Substantial excess of payments for illsurance of all sorts.

MONEY MARKET AND BANKING Banking conditions during 1940 were featur~d by a gradual increase in bank loans a.nd diScounts, accompanied by a very su bstantial contraction in deposits and in banks' cash on hand. This trend was evident practically throu ghout the year. It is beli eved that th e increase in bank loans is a reflection of th e adverse economic conditions prevailing during the year, which made retirement of loans very difficult and necessitated extensions of existing loans, The de¡ cline in deposit s and in cash on hand would appear to indicate a net outward movement of capital, or perhaps a loss of capital due . to heavy import fin ancing. Th e principal ban~lO g statistics for the past two yea rs are summanzed below (in thousand pesos) : Dec. 29 1939 Investmena ............................ . Cuh on hand ... ... ............... .. . . .. . Loans, discoun ts and o~erdraft, ... : . . ... . Net ,moun t due Irom banks, agenCICS ,nd branche5 in the Phi lipp in es ........... . Net amount due from o ther ( foreign) banks .. .•.............. . ................ T otal Resourccs ......................... . Demand deposil. . . ....................... . Savings and time deposit s .............. . Ne t amount due Irmn Philip ])ine branc he, to foreign head offices ............... .. Cap ital o f dome5tic ba n k. . ............. . Surplu s, r""erves and "n<li"ided profiudomestic banks ...................... . . . Government Reserves-Total ........ .. ... . Currency Circulation- T otal . . .... .... . .. . " " - Net oelive ....... .

31,497 30,166 42,882 62,5a9 223,490 217,868 4,074


16, 176 22,113 377,105 354,636 97,629 89,536 131,557 125,571 36,776 27,573

32,947 28,741

25,824 27,246 223,296 214,784 200,456 189.908 170,106 158,737 1939

Balik clearings (M anil M) ................ . Import bills for collectioll .............. . Lett e rs of credit is. ue<l ................. . Dcb its 10 individulIl IIcco" nt a (wee kt y averages) ......... ...... .. . ........ .... .

Dec. 28 19.10


320,520 164,656 70,988

320,434 152,666 57,559



It should be pointed out that these figures are for all banks except the Agri cultural and Indus. trial Bank. The exclusion of figures for lhis bank affects the comparative value of the statistics, si nce this institution was functi oning on a very small scale dlUing 1939 but was very active in 1940. The figur es show a reduction of about 1"5,600,000 during 1940 in loans, discounts and overdrafts outstanding. This decline is due entirely to exclusion of the advances of the Agricultural and Industrial Bank which made "ery substantial loans during the year and also took over various Joans of other banks. At the cnd of 1939, the Agricultural and Industrial Bank had outstanding loans of P2,575,903, whi le th e corresponding fi gure for the close of 1940 was P'l7,808,902. Adding these figur es to those for other banks gives a tOLal of '(>'226,066,000 at the end of 1939 and 1.>'235,678,000 at the close of 1940. It is believed that the decline of some PI4,000,000 in total deposits during 1940 represents



a loss of capit al owing to various causes, including: (1) actual export of capi tal ; (2) financing of imports; and (3) a reduction in deposits of public funds. It is not believed that any part of the reduction in deposits was due to the withdrawal of fu nds as a result of lack of confidence in the stability of local banks. The redu ction of almost P20,OOO,OOO in banks' cash on hand during 1940 was an outstanding development of the year. It is probable that Ihe principal cause for this reduction was the vcry substantial purchases by banks of dollar drafts from the Insular Treasurer in order to finance exchange commitments. This matter is discussed in detail in the "Foreign Exchange" sect ion of this report. There was a net drop of almost f"4,000,000 dtuing 1940 in the net amount due from P hil· ippine branches to foreign head offices. This is a tendency which developed only during the latter part of the year, possibly due to the Jack of profitable outlet for foreign capital in this market. There was a decline of some 1>-8,500,000 in total Government r eserves. This was a result of a contraction of Pll,467,635 in the Treastuy Certificate Fund, partially offset by an increase of P2,955,796 in the Exchange Standard Fund. Banking operations were slight ly less favorable during 1940, as indicated in the following sum· mary: Dl!(:ember 31 , 1939

In percent Manila Provinces

Min. Mas. Min. Max. DCP05iu-

.... " ..... .......... ..................... ,. O"erdraft, ................. Demand Loans ............. Time Loans ............... . Mortgage Loan, ............ Crop Loan. ....... ..... ... Bili, Discontinued: Domestic .. ........ ....... Forcign . . . . .. ..... . . .. . ..

Current account Savings accou"t Time

It will he noted that there was a slight in· crease in gross income of banks, but that ope· rating costs were somewhat higher, causing a moderate decline i n net profit. There was a fair increase in cash reserves of domestic banks, but undivided profi ts were lower. Banking activity, as evidenced by bank clear· ings in Manila, was practically the same in 1940 as in the previolls year. The published figures would appear to indicate a decline during 1940 in banks import fi nanci ng, there being a con· traction of some P12,000,OOO in the valu e of import bills for collectio n and a reduction of more than P13,400,OOO in the val ue of letters of credit issued. Banks average weekly debits to indivi· dual accounts during 1940 were slightly below the previous year. The Banco Hipotecario de Filipinas commenced operations during 1940, while there were additions of two in the number of local banks but a con· traction in the number of local agencies. Detai ls are as follows: Number oj Banks and Th eir Branchu 1939 1940 Number of banks ............. . 16 17 Number of branchu .......... . 20 22 Number of al:enciea: Philippines .................. . 4B 47 Overseas .................... . 3 3 Number of building and loan nsoeialiona ................ .

, ,.

, "-

, 'h


3'h 4'h

, I




5 5 5

12 12 12

6 6


5 5



5 5 5 7



12 12 12 7

5 5

12 9



Currency Circulation.-There was a very sub· stantial conlraction in currency circulation during 1940, this being a continuation of a trend which commenced in 1939... Monthly average total circulation amounted to 'P'182,374,304 in 1940 com pared wilh 'P'190,984,SSO in 1939, while net active circulation (excluding amounts in Treasury vault s ava'ilable for circulation) reo corded a net decrease of Pll,363,OOO during the year. Details of circulation as of December 31. 1939 and 1940 are given below (in pesos) :


Cron Income ... . ..•.•......• P 8,283,811 P8.411,058 Net Operatiug Profit ...... 3,640,864. 3,563,920 Surplus ... ..... . .•..... .•. 14.,4-76.995 14.74-2,491 Relervl:!! ............. ..... 9,998,646 10,832,538 Undivided Profits .•... .•.. 1,905,256 1,84.7,361


' "terest and Discount Rates.- Th ere were no changes in interest and discount rates dtuing 1940, rales for various classes of deposits and loans bein g maint a ined at Ihe following level throughout the year:

Net active

Total net



4.179,872 <1..179.658 Si],.er pesos ......... . ........... . 3,962,986 3,908,657 H all.,ilver PeliOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10,175,<1.49 10,4-88,672 Sub,ldiary coins ................. . 4,138,902 3,918,063 Minor coin. . .................... . . Treas ury certi ficatea ............. . 132.197.128 162,779,615 1.758,385 Bank of P. I. Dotea ............ .. 1,785,385 Phil. National Bank notet ........ ) 2,599,853 Phil. Nat ional Bank cmcrgency notes) 2,599,853 TOTAL DECEMBER 31, 19·10 TOTAL DECEMBER 31, 1939

158.737,193 liO, l 06,353

189,908,485 200,456.528

Capital Investm.clIts.-]nvestments in new cor· porations during 1940 recorded a n increase of 22 in the total number of compani es but a de· cl ine of 1"580,198 or six percent in total paid capital. It should be pointed oul 1)lat consider· a bly more than haH of total corporate invest· ments during 1940 was represented by Govern· ment corporations established during the year. It is believed, therefore, that private corporate investments were extremely small during the period. Total investments in new partnerships during 1940 showed an increase of P815,614 or 24 percent compared with the previous year. Comb ined paid capital of corporations a nd part· nershi ps in 1940 shows an increase of P234,416 or almost two percent com pared with 1939. However, this increase is largely nominal since the sole reason is the previously mentioned heavy jnvestment in new Government corporations. Analysis of stati sti cs for 1940 shows very pro· nounced changes in the character of undertakings, Investment in merchandising corporations ac· counted for nearly 60 percent of the 1940 total , against only about eight percent in 1939. Next

____________________________'_'C~O_N_OC'_'_'_C__R_E_V_'_E_" _V__O_F__'_ I' _H_"__P_,_,,_,_>,_,_',_',_N_,_JS_·___________________________D

in importance was an increase in manufacturin g concerns, representing 13 percent of the total during the current year aga inst seven percent in 1939. The only ot her ga ins in 1940 were in electric li ght and ice plant and transportation companies. Very substanti al declines were ap· parent with respect to investment in banking and r eal estate. Corresponding analysis of the partnershi p statistics shows an almost three·fold increase in brokerage companies and a moderate gain in merchandising and constru ction concerns, with manu fact uring and lumbering concerns showing substantial decreases. Corporate investment by nationali ties in 1940 shows a tr emendolls increase in F ilipino partici· pation, although thi s may be attribut ed largely to Government investments. Ameri can corpor ate investments gained moderately while there was an extremely large relative increase in J apanese investments. Investments by miscellaneous nationalit ies also increased fai rly materially, bu t Chinese corporate investments fell about 78 percent. Partnership investment by nati onalit ies shows an extremely large acl ual and relative increase in investmen ts by Ameri cans; a somewhat smaller gain in Filipino investments; and substantial de· clines in Chi nese, British-I nd ian and miscellaneous nationali ties. • Details of corporate and partnerships investments are given in the following com parative table : Corporations 1939 No. Paid Capital

By Tndu$trie$Agriculture. etc. 23 Mcrcl'anding ... . ..... . . 55 Manufacluring ........ . 21 MOlion piclures. amu~e· menu. etc. . ....... . 8 Lumberinl: ............ . 8 Ban king, in"eument, etc. T ransportation 8 Rea l eSlate . .......... . 7 Construction .......... . 8 Brokerage ............ . 4 Mining ............... . 9 Electric lighl and ice plants ............... 2 AU others ............ 21 T otal .. . ....... 198 By NalionalilieJFilipino ............. . 151 American ...........• 21 Chinese .............. . 16 Japanese ...... . 4 Others ................ . .. Total .......... . 198

M.058,840 628.584 328,02<1


P 340.870


5.392,775 1,330,020

536.615 566.352 2,582.077 123,756 1,849,122 59. 129 100.68<1 99,900

15 I. 4



fly IndustriesBrokerage Merchandising , . . . . Manu factu rins: Lum bering Construction All others Total By NlllionalifiesFilip ino . American Chinese Br it ish· l ndian All others T otal

........ . . . .. ......... ............ .......... .... ........ ............ . . . .. . . ... . . . .............. ... ........... ............ . .... .. ....

1940 No. Paid Capital



7 2 5 7



11 2,2~.

23 176

P 9,063,895

P5,949.605 1Z9 396.310 21 2.476.060 165.100 3 7 76,820 . P9,063,895 176


103,665 203,1 45 643,550 316,109 712.815 80.550 14.630 79, 150 239,600 187,214 t"9,644.093 P7,584,399 557.718 539,167 505.100 457. 709 "9.644.093


Partne rship 9 PI .331.500 1,956,359 65 1.965,541 474.069 18 3 10,180 228.000 3 192,000 18,000 9 11 3,700 307,220 33 351,002 P3,448,309 137 P 4,263.923



I' I.14, 78


2 64 20

15 147


P 464,661

705,089 58 115,000 3 1,775. 159 596,000 11 8 257.061 !i!,,448,309 137


Pl .221, 127 1,294,200 1.284,662 389,3 17 14,617 "'4,263.923

Credits and Colleclions,-Th ere was a gradual deterioration in the credi t situati on dur ing 1940, th e principal ca use being the extremely low pri ces of the major Ph iH ppine products with the conseq uent reduct ion in general purchasi ng power, Collections were progressively poor durin g the fi rst nine months but improved moderately during the last q uarter. Banks of necessity followed a very conservative pol icy with r espect to loans, but with the exception of a short period during J uly, there was no sudden contraction in bank· ing credit with consequent forced liquidations. The foll owing tabulation ,¥in indicate the trend during the year : Monthly Averas:es in P I ,OOO or

'/0 D,s. Dis· Ex. honor. Import honor. le n· and Ex· nab ed Dills . ions Icn"ed

March·Dccem bcr 1939 1" Quarter 1940

20d :lrd

4,h Year

" 1940

............. ............. ............ ...................




76 195

14. 450 12.792 9,203 12.722



210 214

63. 1.107 1.4(11 1.119 1,066

6.04 4.93 9 .01 13.90 14.43 10.06

STOCK MA RKET T rading on the Manila Slock Exchange during 1940 was restricted largely to select ive shares. The du ll character of the market throughout the year can be att ributed to the E uropean war and to general unsett led internationa1 affairs with accompanying dislocation of trade and industry. With market prices of listed stocks falli ng ra· nidly during the first quarter of the year regardless of favor ab1e reports of production of most min ing compa nies, the Government considered meth ods of haltin g th e downward trend of prices and attempted to attract new capital. Th e Securities and Exchange Commission annou nced on J une 11 , 1940, the peggi ng of prices on th e secur ities market, wh ich cont rol has been maintain ed th roughout the r emainder of the year. The Government's action in this regar d was hailed in most q uarters as h ighly necessary at that ti me, but has proved irksome to operators at the end of the year when they began agitating for removal of the "pegs" and retur n to free trading. T he following table of sales of mining stocks ind icates the normal r eact ion of the .Exchange insofar as high points at the beginning and end of the year are concern ed. I t also shows. how· ever, a substanti al decrease in total value of sales of listed mining shares . 1 9 3 9

January .. February Marc h April


P32.224.421 10.744.213 15.277,574 7.077,416 5.,162,958 5.249.720 4.760.453 5.4 18.7 16 5.798.807 3,639.02 1 7.188,772 7,858,775

.......... ............... Jnne ...... ......... Ju ly . . .. ..... .. . , . .. August ............ Seplember Octobcr ............ NovClnlJcr ......... Dcccmber ......... ---T olal ......... 1'110,700,8'16 May



P 7,148.898 3.637.767 2,240.433 1.950.785 1.469.3 10 872.941 175.7i7 375,264 762,583 602.982 995.15 1 995.151 P2I,477,839



The peak month of 1940 was 78 percent less than th e peak month of 1939 and the low month of 1940 was 95 percent below Ihe record low for 1939. T otal sal es were 80 percent lower than th ose r eport ed for tho previou s yCLlr. Increasing interest was displayed dur ing the year in commercial and indust ri al issues, with the value of transaclions in thi s field reported at P 2,687,766 for 1940, aga inst P 934,380 during 1939. Most of th e commercial a nd in dustrial stocks transferred were of large a nd well· known commercial and industrial entities a nd doubt· lessly many of the transfers were due to finan 1937 J anuary

Feb r" ary March A pril . ..... . . ... . .... . . . i\lay

J un e Jul y A UG ust

.. . ..

Septem b er . . . ... .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . • .. . Oc tober ...... .. . ... . . ... ..... .. . . . No"em b"'r ........ ... . . ......... .. . . Dece mb er . .. . ..... .... .. . ..... . . .. . Total .. . ... . . .

1,338,076 1,014,236 1,251,686 1,129,376 858,845 1,032,03<11,217,026 2,571,792 1,556,076 2,430,207 1,359,555 1,748,936 18,557,845

It will be not ed that the hi ghest monthly rec· ord was established in Ja nuary 1940, with sales amounting to 1>'6,289,667 or approxi mately 26 percent of total sales for the year 1940. T he decl ine in exports and other depressing factors appear to have increased int erest in real estate a nd operators cla im not only increases in speculat ive a nd investment sales but also a r evival of interest by foreig n capi tal in the local r eal estate market. Prices during the year were consistent ly upward but no sudden large increases were reported. I nt.erest in commercial real estate was normal, whil e residential properties r eceived increased int erest, wi th suburban properties, developed and cl ose to the city, enjoying preference. Interest in undeveloped suburban pro perty was reported as declini ng, No new large scale real estate developments were reported during the year, alt hough consideration a pparentl y had been given by both the Government and privat e capi tal to new develop· ments which were later a bandoned because of the unsettl ed internat ional si tuation. Operators were optimistic concerning the immedi ate fut ure, but expressed some concern for the latter future because of th e possibil ity of furt her decreases in local commodi ty prices due to high freight rates, loss of market and additi onal taxes. Building Permits,- Accordin g to build ing per· mi ts issued duri ng ] 940, there was a sli ght de· cl ine in privat e bu ilding activity duri ng the year, and lack of activi ty was apparent in the con· structi on of large homes and induslri al buildings. Constru ction of small homes was normal durin g the year. The largest pri vale conslructions were aparlm ent buildings, of whi ch four large ones wcre compleled dur ing the year, and three office buildi ngs. J anuary was the most import a nt month reported during the year, as well as a hi gh since

cial pressure on small holders of such stocks. In most cases, a ready market was fou nd for such sellers, BUILDI NG AND CONSTRUCTION

Real Estate Trans/ ers.- Tot al real estate sales for 1940 showed a substantial increase over sales dur in g 1939 and wer e slightly under those for ] 937, which was the highest total on record since 1919. T he foll owing table shows reported real estate sales during the past fi ve years (i n pesos) : 1938


1.444,729 1,315.939 2,383,287 3,025,256 4,126, 498 2,691,087 1,453,433 1,716,458 1,442,415 911 ,477 938,068 2,726,718 24.175,365



733,062 873,177 1,439,804 946,868 1,770,690 1,454, 41 3 3 ,302.679 1.372,869 1,224,550 3 ,890,646 1,099.658 1,414,105

2,210,025 1,525,730 1,336,860 1,181,237 1,402,045 1,710,123 2,006,615 2.075,983 2,606, 239 804,985 1,899,871 1,850,244



6,289,667 995,695 1,909, 177 1,346,866 940, 240 1,323,840 2,837,317 1,653,062 1.258,207 1,713,272 2,007,901 1,596,390 23,871 ,634

March 1938. Details of new construction du ro ing 1939 a nd 1940 are given below (i n pesos ): 1 -9 3 9

1 9 4 0

May . . . .... .. ... .. . . .. . J un e .. .. .. lul y .. ......... ... .. .. Augu s t . ... . . . .. .. . , ... . Se pt emb er ........ • .... Oc tob er . ...... . .. , . . Nove mb er ......... • .... December ... .. .... • . ..

447,350 1,048, 420 635,090 1,01 2,320 1,036,140 788,380 478,620 608, 430 536.1 70 628,320 437,410 1,089,670

1,1l 7,380 1,096,460 921,800 987,280 719,770 529,230 325,460 618,640 584,920 961,790 471 ,460 8,323,330

T otal ..... ..



J anua.ry . ....... . ..... . F eb m ary ....... . ..... . Mu c h .. ... .... .. .... . April

. ............ .. . ..

Repairs to existi ng structures increased during 1940 according to permits issued, which is a further evi dence of the lack of interest in new pri vate construction. Details during 1939 and 1940 are as follows (in pesos) : 93 91 9 40 J anu ary .. .... .. . . . r ebmary .......... .. . . . . March .. ................. .. .. . Apr il .. •.... . . ••••.•••••.•••••

May .. ........... . ..... . .. . J une ........ . ......... . J u ly .................. . A ugust

.•••• • ••.•• .

Sep temher ........ . .... . Oc tob er .. . .. . .. .... . . . . . .... . No"e mb er ......... ... ... ... . . Dece mber ........ . .... .. .... . .


14-, 050 12,710 25,290 13.000 18,950 17.890 15,700 ll ,939 15,330 15,440 23,230 13,950

15,930 12,710 14,150 23,210 27,560 17, 730 33,790 19,010 23, 210 21,040 13,540 13,640

-. 197,479


Government construction activities, on the other hand, were very much in evidence, T he n ew Ci ty Hall , Ihe Department of Agriculture and Commerce and the Department of Finance buildings were pract ically completed by the end of 1940 and should be ready for occupancy by March 1941. After some delay, construction



work was undertaken on the Unviersi ty of the PbiJippines buildin g in Quezon City, where it is planned to erect approximately fift een buildi ngs. The Government provincial hospital construction plan was also approved and constructi on a uthor· ized of three new hospitals immedi ately. The year witnessed continued activity in the construction of roads and bridges bot h in the provinces and in the cities. Building Materials.-Th e building materials market started off well at the beginning of 1940, but began to taper off about March due to Jow prices of local commodities at that lime. Some slight improvement was noted at the end of the year. The largest purchaser throu ghout the year was the Philippine Government. Pri ces incr eased throughout the year and at the end of 1940 had reached the limit permitted by the Government. Stocks were fairl y well maintained for the first three quarters of 1940, but r eached a low point at the end of the year, whi ch did not, however, cause any hardship as purchases were only made to meet immediate requirements.

LABOR AN D WAGES Labor conditions were more satisfactory during 1941 than during 1939 due to : (1) clarification through usage of the various Jaws enacted duro ing 1939 ; (2) the activities of the Department of Labor in making adjustments between workers and employers: and (3 ) the functi oning of the Court of Industri al Relations. The two form er were generally considered the more bene· fi cial of the three, in that they resulted in agree· ments between workers and employers and el im· inated the delay and expense incident to cases brought before the Court of Industrial Relati ons. The Court of Industri al Relations, on the other hand, had a definit e place in the labor picture during the year in clarifying the previously enacted laws and in settling those problems which could not be settled by arbitration. The outstanding legislation during 1940 was the enactment on Ju ne 7, 1940, of an amending law of the Court of Ind ustrial Rel at i on s~ and on August 22, 1940, of an act to r egulate the relations between land-owner and tenant and to provide for compulsory arbitration of any con· troversy arising between them. Other legislation affecting labor and wages indirectly was an act suspending the effects of action fo r ejectment against tenants which the Government might seek 10 acquire through purchase or expropriation proceedings ; an act authorizing the acquisition of private lands for r esale in small lots by the Government: an act to stabiHze the sugar industry; the National Emergency Act : and an act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the Philippines. Labor Disputes, Strikes and Threatened Strikes. - A total of 158 strikes or threatened strikes were registered in the Philippines during 1940, as compared wilh 222 reported during 1939. Of the total, 35 were actual strikes and 123 threatened strikes. There were 18,728 workers affected duro ing 1940, whereas 20,426 were affected during 1939. Of the cases settled by arbitration, 115

were substanti all y in favor of the workers and the remainin g 16 substantiall y in favor of th e employers. Durin g t.he year 1940, th ere were 27 cases submitted to th e Court of I ndu stria l Rela· tions. Of the disp utes declared, 139 involved unionists and the r emainin g 19 were declared by non·unionists. These statistics cover registered di sputes only as there is little information cover· ing unregistered di sputes which were settled be· tween workers and employers without necessity of an arbitrator. The causes whi ch gave rise to the r egistered di sputes were as foll ows : Num bu F or in cr ease ...... .. ................ ... . Aga in st de.: reasc ... . ......... . .. . . .... . .. R ead j ustm e nt of rat es ............ .... . .. Vaca ti on lea,-", ... ith p ay.. .... ... . . ••. ... S ic k leave with pa y .......... . ..... . . . . . . Standa r dization of . a lari e.'l .. .. . ..........


1 11

2 2 I

llour$ 0/ LaborFor redu c ti on o f ... orkin g h ou rs .........


Employment 0/ Particular Cl fUu$ 0/ PerJonsFor reins tat ement o f disc harg ed empl oyel. . Agl ins t empl oym ent of cert ain offieids . . Uni on Te.:ogn it ion , c oll e<: tive bargli n ing Ind c l08 ed s hop ...... . . .. . _. . ... .. . . . . Other qu es tions co nc ern ing empl oym ent ..

37 2 13 3

/Porkin l Conditions and DisciplineFo r ch a ng e .......................... . . . .

Oll' er Cau ses .. . . .. ..... . ......... . . .. .. . .. T otal

23 2


T he Department of Labor intervered and pro· vided solution for 1,270 tenancy disputes during 1940 whi ch involved 4,371 tenants. The disputes involved 740 unionists and 530 no n·unionists. Adj ustments were made in favor of 981 tenants and 289 landlords. The amount involved was P 167, l11 , of which P 138,364 was r ecovered. The causes giving rise to tenancy conflicts were as follows: Number Unfair liquidation .............. . NOD.payment of lervic es ...... _. . • .. .. . .. E je.:tion ........... . . . .. . ... . ..... . . . . . . . Demand for in crelled . hares . .. . .. .... .. . . Agl inst in crease o f cl nons ... .. . . . ...... Vi ola ti on of Ri ce T en l n cy Ac t . .......... Ret urn of mortgaged li n d ...... . . ....... Con fi sc ation o f ha rv C\l t .......... ........ Ot he r causes ....... . ........ . .. .. . .... Total




22 51 6 21 29

................. .. .... .. . .... ~

Wage Changes.- T here was a sli ght increase in wages during 1940 and increases made last year were maintained generally. Statistics are not r eadily available in thi s r egard, but informed sources are of the opini on that a slight im· provement in wages took place during 1940, this in the face of increased costs of transportation and lost markets in some instances due to the European war. Changes in L iving Conditions and Cost oj Living.- Living conditions and cost of living for the laboring classes were r eported as approxi. mately the same during 1940 as in 1939, with commodity prices sli ghtly lower in some instan· ces. Rice, fi sh and fru its showed a slight de. crease and meats and vegetables a slight increase.



Labor Unioll Developments and Changes.The growth of labor unions continued during 1940 but at a greatly decreased tempo, as can be seen in the following table of registered labor organizations during 1937 to 1940 inclusive: Central Unions

........... .............. ... . .. . .. ..... ..............

1937 . "

)938 1939 1940

I. 80 169 19<

Member. Branches


108 182 197


7,594 84,013 96,871

At the close of December 31, 1940, the permits issued to 46 independent unions and 39 branches with a total membership of 12,519 expired or were revoked. Under Commonwealth Act No. 213 enacted on November 21, 1936, labor unions are required to register with the Department of Labor. . Unem.ployment Conditions. - Unemployment statistics are not readily available in the Philip. pines and estimates vary widely. On the basis of estimates from various sources, it would ap· pear that there are approximately 500,000 un. employed in the Philippines between the ages of 20 and 65 years, of which approximately 35,000 are in the City of MaL lia. Th e increas· ing number of unemployed drifting to the City of l\'l anila has caused increasing alarm among local officials and every effort is being made to keep unemployed workers in their own locaHties and to provide emergency work for them there. Land Settlement Projecls.-The Government land settlement projects continued to be active during 1940, with increasing interest being shown in these endeavors. No new seulements were established during the year but substantial pro· gress was made in the development of already establ ished projects. According to the National Land Settlement Administration, there were 9,710 seulers on January 27, 1941, compared with 1,591 settlers on January 1, 1940.

TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUN ICATIONS Shipping.- The general dislocation of sh ipping which was apparent after the outbreak of the war in Europe continued throughout the year 1940, with both shippers and carri ers attempting to make readjustments to meet changing cond i. tions. Conditions during the first half of the year were less satisfactory than dur ing the latter half when market conditions improved, morc ships were made available and better utilization of space introduced. In particular, the unsettled condition of the sugar market in the early part of the year and the reluctance of mills to make shipments resulted in ships leaving the Philip· pines with only partial ca rgoes. This situation was cleared up after the first quarter of the year. Month by month statistics during 1940 fluctuated widely, hut the year's totals showed increases in tonnage over previous years in most instances, due largely to heavy shipments to the United Slates. With the exception of European ports, export tonnage was larger than reported dUTing any of the past four years.

The most important development during the yeal· was the increase in ocean freight rates, wilh further continued increases in 1941. The soar· ing rates have caused the gravest concern among shippers and importers who believe that the limit will soon be reached when it will no longer pay to export local commodities and when prices of imported articles become prohibitive. On the other hand , both shippers and carriers reaHze that l ucrative cargoes are waiting in Australia and Malaya and that unless similar cargoes are available in Manila, ships would have to be withdrawn thus jeopardizing the life line of the Philippines. There was a fair improvement in revenue tonnage during 1940 which, in view of the difficulties su rrounding overseas shipping, may be con· sidered very satisfactory. According to figures of the Associated Steamship Lines, there was a slight decrease in total sailings from the Phil. ippines, with 1,060 sailings reported for 1940 against 1,092 sailings for 1939. The J\,merican share of the trade was substantially higher, with 234 saiHngs in 1940 compared with 101 sailings report ed during 1939. Details are as follows (in tons) :


China and Japan Pncific Coast: Local delivery Overland delivery Attlalltic Gull Porta .... European Port~ ........... Miseellaneou. ort' .......

.......... . ......



...... .........

Saililll$ (in Numbe r) Total .. ... American

. .. .

... . . .






395,62 1 428,141 16,958 48,708 ],185,071 ] ,445,218 276,671 197,327 46,960 77,498 3,138.573






Export cargoes recorded gains in practically all instances during 1940. Details of shipments are summarized below: Unit

.. .......... .................. ............ .. '"'

Centrifugal / Ra,,' sugar Tons Refin ed l ugar Copra Co<; onut oil ,." Copra c ak e meal Des iccat ed co<;onut Abllca Bale. Logs and Lumber ...... 1000 bd. I,. Mineral orCJ T ons Leaf tobacco Cigar. "d cigarettes Cordnge

.... ..................

.......... ........... .. ................



777,145 49,459 304,632 151,477 11 2,040 79.862 ] ,365,200 124,856 1.088,721

917.345 48,655 314,271 172,701 103,903 79,074 1,405,40.' 155,969 1,408.727 23,232 10,901 9,567

26.091 8,927 9,200

Shipping OlLtlook for 1941.-Unless some drastic change takes place during the year, the reo adjustments made should assure the Philippines of sufficient space to meet all requirements during the year. It is understood that a sub· stantial amount of sugar will be shipped to Ihe United States during the first quart er of the year and that space has been booked for over 75 percent of the present quota during lhe firs t half of the year. Railways.-Freight carloadings of the Manila Railroad for the year 1940 amounted to 1,583,088



tons, which is an increase of si x pcrcent over the fi gure of 1,491,276 tons reportcd for 1939. Details are as foll ows (in tons) : 53 weeks ended December 28, 1939 194{) 96,972 19,404265.678 533.848 67.362 8.123 8,612 58,074 75,672 73,376 284,148

Rice ..................... . Palay ............ . Suga r .................... . Sugar eane ............. .. COPTa .................... . Coeonuts ................ .. i\! ola nes ................. . Mineral producli ......... . Lum ber and ti mbe r ..... . Manufactures ............. . All oth er. including L.C. L. . T otal .......... .... ...

89,395 17,799 245,872 637,154 77,207 1l.5M 4,785 46,127 96,777 53,858 302,530

1,491276 1,583,088

dicat es declin es in all items compared with 1939, except student pilots, airports and landin g fields and radio stations : 1940 1939 Airline Companies: 2 I Scheduled . .. ... 4 5 Non·scheduled P assengers Carried: 11,187 15,781 Paying 2,5064,876 Free 510,426735,930 Miles F lown 1,·Ul,140 1.013,901 P aueDger Mile. 3, 173,862 2,251,574 Air Exp r es~ (pounds) 14,958 15,737 Airmail (pounds) Numbe r of 19 15 Airplan es under li cense 14 18 Commercial pil ots 16 16 Non ' CODlmercial pilots 81 58 S tud cn t pilot! 85 78 Airports and landing field s Radio s tati ons ( Bureau of 15 Aero!lQutiea) (.) In comp le te-four ai rplIL"es have 00' r" reported.


.............. .. . . . .. .................. ............... ............... .......... ..... ......... .. ....... ... .......... ....... ...

No other statistics are ava ilable regarding frei ght movement s. Th ere were no Important developments in thi s fi eld during the year. It should be remembered that th e percentage of total freight carri ed by the railroad is small and Ihat the railroad serves a limited area. Malar TransporlatioTl.- "Motor transportation continued to improve and expand during 1940. Although no statistics are ava il able concerning the amount of freight or passengers carried, the followin g table of motor vehicles in operation at the end of 1940 based on official r eports, com· pared with 1938 and 1939, indicates the growth of the industry; . 1938 POUenKU$

End of 1939


Ca, s-

Private ..... ' ............ Government ............. Public (Taxi, H ire lind Aut ocalcsas) .. ........


518 3,389

28,735 29,640 799 789 3,38'~



32,301 32,9 18 33,895

Tru cks and BusseITr ucks: Private lin d commercial Gove rnm ent .......... . Bu uC!! ................•.

13,229 14,513 13,849 1,501 1,924 1,910 4,139 4.298 4,369

T otal

T otal


Gran d Total ........ ... ...

18,869 20,735




Aviation .- Trans·Pacific air service was the brightest elemenl in the transportation picture during the year 1940. There was an increase of more than 250 percent over 1939 in passenger and air express carried during the year and an increase of greater than 400 percent over the year 1937, which was the first full year of opera· tion . With difficuhies of other forms of trans· portation from the British East Indies to Europe, a substantial amount of such traffic is now routed throu gh Manila and transferred here to trans·Pacifjc air servi ce to the United States and Europe. The trans·Pacific air service has con. tributed great ly to the expeditious and efficient conduct of business between the Philippines and the United States, and all its fa ci lities are being used to an increasing extent, There was a decrease in domestic aviation activities during 1940. The foJlowing table in.


From this table, it would appear that facilit ies for domestic aviation are improving, but the local industry is not taking adva ntage of all its pos· sibilities. During the year, the Manila·Baguio flights were abandoned, but it has been r eported that this service would begin again sometime during 1941. Radio and Telcgraph.-Although few facilities or extentions of this service were reported duro ing 1940, business improved approximately 15 percent over the previous year. Due to over· stockiucY of merchandise during the latt er part of 1939~ telegraphic communications to the United States decreased during the early part of 1940, but as stocks became normal such communications increased substanti ally, bringing the year's total busin ess above th at reported last year. There were no new companies established during the year. One of th e outstand ing developments duro ing 1940 was the equalizing of rales by all com· panies. . Commercial Radio Broadcllsting.- General de· velopment and improvement took place in this industry during 1940. Power was increased in one station and a new station was placed in operation during the year. Telephones. - Telephone faci lit ies were im· proved during 1940. There was an incr ease of fr om 30,386 telephone stations in 1939 to 31,419 telephone stations in 1940. Additional r adiotelephone fa ciliti es were install ed in Luzon duro ing the year and a new service established bewteen the Philippines and Australia . The gross total revenue of the telephone company from operati ons during 1940 amounted to P3,463,071, or an increase of 1>'191,282 over 1939.

SUGAR Th e export sugar quota for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1940, was placed at 952,000 short tons commercial weight, of whi ch not more than 58,000 short tons might consist of refined sugar. This quota is in accordance with the provisions of the T yd ings.McDuffi e Act which establi shed a duty·free quota lor Phil ippine sugar entering the United States at the above figur e.



Since exports are confined 10 the duty-free quota, this quola in recent years was invariably been fix ed at th e slal ed amount. The domestic consumpti on quota for the currenl s ugar year was fix ed at 150,235 short tons which compares wilh onJy 94,838 short tons for the previolls year. Th e qu ola for the present period is abnormally high , being substantially in excess of actual domestic consumption which is estimated at from 110,000 10 ]20,000 short tons per year. It should be not ed that thi s fi gure excludes muscovado and paooeha production, consumption of whi ch amount s to about 12,000 short Ions annually. Th e reserve quota for Ihe current year was fix ed at 110,000 short tons, r epresentin g a slight reduction from the total of 115,425 short tons for the previous sugar year. In accordance with usual practice, the reserve quota is placed at approximately 10 percent of th e sum of the export and domestic quotas. Actual production of centrifu gal sugar during 1939-1940 sugar year amounted to 1,049,015 short tons from the current year's crop. In addition, mills were permitt ed to produce addhional quantiti es from the subseq uent year's crop against 1940 quotas and such produ ction to December 22, 194.0, amounted to 21,380 short tons, bringing total producti on against the quota to 1,070,395 short tons. T otal production fell somewhat be路 low th e 1.162,263 short tons for th e previous year but exceeded th e earlier estimate of 1,020,596 short tons. T he latest prod uction statistics for muscovado a nd pa nocha are for the fi scal year en ded Jun e 30, 1939, being reported as 4,763 metri c tons of mu scovado a nd 7,532 metri c tons of pallOcha. Export s are constant at 952,000 short tons, since as prev.i o u ~l y stat ed, shipments to the Unit ed States are co nfined 10 the duty-free qllota whil e export s to other countries are not permitt ed under th e London S ugar Agreement. Actua l shipment s durin g th e sugar year show minor variations fr om Ihi s fi gure, since the Unit ed S tates quola is on a calendar year basis whereas the eXJlort q uota is on th e basis of sugar years end ing w'ith October. Furth ermore, there are additi onal varia tions du e to loss of weight and damage. At one ti me, it was fea red that the ex port q uota for J940 would not be fill ed, but heavy shi pment s d uring September and October brought the total to the full quota amount. Shi pments for the twelve months ended October 31, 1940, amount ed to 810,356 long tons of cen路 trifu gal and 48,295 long tons of refin ed sugar, or a total of 858,651 Jong Ions. This compares with 803,034 long tons of centrifu gal and 49,584 long tons of refin ed for the previous fi scal year. The market for ex port sugar was governed entirely by conditi ons in the United States. During th e first qu art er of 1940, the New York market was weak and irregular iufluen ced by war uncert.ainti es and by heavy stocks r esulting from large arrivals of non-quota sugar during the latter part of 1939, when the United States quotas were temporaril y suspended. Prices in the New York mark et were fairly steady during

the quart er, ran ging from 2.80 to 2.90 cents per pound . During the secoud quarter, the market was s ubj ected to ver y sharp flu ctuations as a result of the i ntensified war in Europe, particularly the extension of hostilities to beet producing areas. Prices reached a peak in May of 3 cents per pound but subsequently declined in June to a low of 2.68 cent s. The weakness continued during the third quart er although there was a fa vorable reaction to a reduction of 136,383 short tons in the United States consumption quota, prices during the quart er ranging from 2.62 to 2.75 cents per pound . There was a gradual improvement during the last quarter of the year, the principal causes being the large domestic consumption; improved economic conditions in the Un ited States ; the extension of the Sugar Act throngh 1941; and the announcement of somewhat lower Uni ted States consumption quotas for the coming year. Prices gradually advanced to th e level of 2.90 cents, which is approximately the same as the price obtaining at the beginning of the year. Local prices for export sugar failed to follow the N ew York trend, since they were abnonnally depressed by ihe great increase in ocean freight rates a nd oth er transportation charges, the Co nference rat e to the east coast of the United States adva ncing to $]5.00 per short ton against an average of from $6.00 to 57.00 per short ton during 1939. Prices on the local market reached a peak of P 6.40 per pi cul in F ebruary, subsequently declining steadily to a low of P4.70 early in September. Th e market showed an upward tendency during October and November. but weak路 ened again in December owing to a further increase in fr eight rates. The average price of centrifu gal sugar for export was P5.49 per picul of 63',i kilos for th e year, whi ch is unquestionably an all-time low a nd compares with P6.58 for 1939. The domestic sugar market was influenced during 1940 by a potential shortage of suppl y owing to r educed producti on during 1938 and 1939. Pri ces were very strong during the first half of the year, averaging considerably above those for export sugar. Th e market weakened markedl y dur ing the second half of the year owing to abnormally low consumption and generally depressed economic conditions, quotations r eaching a low for the year during December. The average pri ce for the year was P5.67 per pi clil of 63% kilos, which compares with P5.95 per picul for 1939. 1\'fiI1 slocks of sugar at the end of the actual milling season on August 4, 1940, were reported as 274,629 short tons, representing a carry-over of reserve sugar from the previolls year amounl路 ing to 44,916 short tons plus mill production of 1,049,015 short tons less deliveries of 819,302 short tons. Commitment s and quotas for export and dom estic consumption sugar for the remainder of the sli gar year totaled 286,076 short tons, leaving a theoreti cal short age of supply of 11,447 short tons. However, actual deliveries of domestic consumption sugar were much less


than the 150,235 short tons provided in the quota. Act ually, the following tabulation re~res.ents. a fai r approximation of supply and dIstnbutlOn during the current sugar year: Short Tons SupplyStocks beginning of sugar year Mill production ................... ·. Total

..... . ................... .

Di~lrjbulionExport ~

........................... .

Domestic deliveries

Total S/(}ek~ end

0/ SUI'" Year... .......

44,916 l.M9,015 1,093,93 1 982,000 110,000 ) ,092,000 1.931

If we add to the above stock figure tbe addi· tional production of 21,380 short tons against the 1940 quota, we have an actual reserve of 23,311 short Ions, Quotas for the 1940-1941 sugar year have been placed at 952,000 short tons of export sugar; 150,455 short tons of domestic consu mption sugar; and 110,000 short tons of r eserve sugar, or a tOlal of 1,212,455 short tons. The latest estimate of production for the year is 1,035,000 short tons. The estimated carry-over of 23,311 short tons plus the estimated production of 1,035,000 short tons give a total supply for the comi ng fiscal year of 1,058,311 short tons, which is 154,· 144 short tons below the lolal quot a. Assuming that the export quota will be filled, the amount availa ble for domestic consumption and reserve will be 106,311 short tons. This will be barely sufficient to cover domestic consumpt ion and certainl y fails to provide for a reserve_ On June 7, 1940, President Quezon approved Commonwealt h Act No. 567. Th is law was designed to adjust and prepare for eventualities of loss of preferential posit ion in the United States market and the impositio n of export taxes. The law provides for a tax Oil sugar produced by sugar mills, the proceeds to be utilized for adjustment a nd improvement of the industry. A basic tax of two centavos per picul of sugar produced by sugar mills is provided with a progressive tax of from fi ve to ten centavos per picul for each picul in wh ich the miller's share is in excess of 40 percent. Th e bill provides also for a limit on rentals of leased sugar Jand at 12 percent of Ihe assessed val ue of the Jand, any r entals in excess of this amount to be paid by the landlords to the Commonwealth Government in the form of taxes. During 1940, enforcement of the Act was confined to coll ectio n of th e basic tax, acti on on Ihe progressive tax being deferred for further consideration. During this period, there were no ad justmen ts of th e industry in accordance with the provisions of the law. Outlook for 19-11.- The outlook for the sugar industry for 1941 is very unfavorable. Begin· ning l anaury I , 1941, shipments to the United States will be subject 10 export taxes equivalent to fi ve percent of the United States import duty. This export tax is ex tremely complex since the rates based on polariscope tests, but >it may be estimated roughl y that th e tax will amount to about 26 centavos per picul or about five percent

of the current price of export sugar. The amount of th e tax for 1941 will not be a serious burden to the indu stry, although it wiB depress prices to the full extent of the tax. Th e most unfavor· able featu re is with r espect to ocean freight rates. £t is faidy certain that there will be. a very serious shortage of shippi ng space durmg the coming year a nd that rates will be very high. Tn November 1940, the Conference rate to the United States Atlantic Coast was fixed at 814.00 per short Ion. Subsequently, there have been two advances namely to $15.00 on December 14, 1940, and to $17.00 on January 7, 1941. Very little space is available a t the Conference rate and shippers have entered into contracts r ecently at $18.50 per short ton, with numerous indications that the rat e may advance to $20.00 in the early future. It is cert ain that these added fre ight char"es will cause a corresponding reduction in locai'" prices for export sugar, with a consequent serious reduction in earnin!;:s of the industry. COCONUT PROD UCTS The coconut industry is very important in Philippine economy. Th is cou ntry is the largest producer of copra in the world. Coconuts are grown in every province and about one-third of the population is dependent directly or indirect. lyon the industry. Production of coconuts and primary products in recent years has amounted to approxi mately PI00,000,000 annually. The market for coconut products was adverse· Iy affected during 1940 by war conditions. Ac· cess to the important European markets was greatly curta il ed and finally almost completel y cut off. I n consequence, the in dustry was al· most entirely dependent on the United States market as an outlet and this market suffered from a heavy oversupply of oils and fats of all sorts, The sharp increase in ocean frei ght rates, war risk insurance and other charges adversely affected export shipments and depressed domes· tic prices. The depression in the local market which com· menced dur ing the latter part of 1939 was ac· celerated during the first quarter of 1940. Our· in g this period, th ere was a fair volume of shipment s to Europe despite the scarci ty of bottoms and the very high freight rates, but the Unit ed States market was fairly quiet . The extension of warfare in Europe duri ng the seco nd quarter practicaJiy sh ut off sales to the en lire continent of Europe, although a fair volume of business was maintained with Great Britain. The United States market continued to suffer from an over· supply of oil s and fats with consequent poor demand and low pri ces. Th e downward tendency cont inued through August, prices at that time havin g fallen to a newall-time low with volume extremely restricted . There was a moderate reo covery beginn ing with September, this continuing throughout th e remai nder of the year. The prin. cipal causes for improved conditions were: (1) a moderate increase in demand in th e United Stat es; (2) the wit hdrawal of local sellers in reaction to the ext reme ly low pri ces; a nd (3) a reduction in deliveries to pri mary markets which also may be attributed to low prices.



Copra prices moved downward stead ily during the first eight months of ] 940, reaching a record low of P2.7S per hundred kilos during August. The recovery during the latt er months of the year was vcry mod erate, copra being quoted at only 'P 3.2S per hundred kilos at the close of December. Monthly average prices for 1940 were 34 percen t below the previolls year and some 57 percent less thun the average for Ihe fi ve years 1935 to 1939 inclusive. Pri ces for COCOllut oil showed a corresponding tendency, r eaching a low point in August w ith a moderate recovery durin g th e Inli er months. Th e average price for the year was 19 percent below ]939 and 47 perce nt less th an th e average for the preceding fi ve yea rs. Und er !he provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 518, which was approved on May 7, 1940, a National Coconut Corporatio n has been organized. The announced purposes of this corporati on a re to improve the Quality of Philippine co pra and develop the utilization of coconut byproducts in order to adju st th e coconut industry to a position ind ependent of trade preferences in the United States . The corpora tion is author· ized to grant production loans to Phil ippi ne coco nut planters a nd copra producers but may not engage in actual marketing operations, its powers being limited to purchase and operation of copra dryin g plant s a nd the establishment of presses, warehouses and ol her fa cilities. The corporation was engaged prim aril y in preliminary or ganiza. tion work during 1940. It s activities included the establishment of a modern school a nd expe· ri mental stations in the province of Tayabas and the development of various types of modern dry. ers for the curing of copra. The corporation also mad e co nsiderable progress in th e development of by·products, particularly th e production of coconu t shell charcoal and the introduction of machinery for the production of tex til e materials from coir fiber. Experiment s were co nducted wi th a view to th e produ ction of wood preser . vatives a nd metal paints by the destructive dis. tillation of cocon ut shells. The corporati on also organized a campaign to encourage local con. sumption of coconuts. The principal sta tisti cs for the year are given below, together with com parative figures for



Un i t


Arrivnl$, Mann" and Cebtl 1000 la ck s 9,761 Exp oru- To lnl 1000 M. Tons

'" '"

United SIMClI ......... " Europe ... .... ..... . 135 SlaCks. cnd period A\'\~rage prices ............ Pcr 100 kil os " 5 .87 Coconut Oi/E" porls-Tola l . . ........ 1000 M.Ton! 168 United SIal", ......... " 157 Slack!, end pe riod ..... . 18 Av erage pri ces .... Pe r Kil o P O. ll o/t, Copra Cake and Mca[E~port s-T oIUl .... ...... . 1000 ill. Ton g II ' United SIMco ... .... . . . 49 Europ e .... .. .. . 42 Slac ks. end period .. ... . 8 Avcra{: e prj ce~ ...... ... . P er ~t. Ton 1>35. 38 Dniccatea Coconu t EJ:poru-Totlll ......... .. 1000 ~ I . T tl,,! 42 Uuit ed Stal .... ' ......... " Value-To/al Expo'/s oj Coconut Pr oducl • ........ 1000 PesOIl 60,174



1940 10,339 342

'" "


P 3.87

186 153 25


101 90 II





It will be noted that copra arrivals in Manila and Cehu increased nearly six percent duri ng 1940. This would appear to indi cate an increase in production during the year, but actually the gain may be attributed enti rely to diversion to the principal centers of substantial Quantities of copra which formerly had been exported directly .from various outports. Exports during 1940 showed a drop of some 56,000 tons or about 14 percent compared with the previous year. T his decline may be attributed en ti rely to war conditions, as evidenced by the very sharp drop in" ship. ments to Europe, which was partiall y balanced by a s ubstantial gain in exports to the United States. The figure of stocks at the close of the year shows a very heavy decline from lhe corresponding date of 1939. Th is may be attri buted partl y to curtailed prod uction as a result of very unsa tisfactory prices and partly to the withhold· ing of stocks in variou s producing centers. Coconut oil exports during 1940 showed a fair· ly substantial increase despite the extremely un· favorable conditions which obtained during the year. It wiIJ be not ed that this gain was entirely in shipments to miscellaneous countri es, -since exports to the United States declined moderately. This is a new development since norm all y practically the entire Philippine produc· tion is ship ped to the United States. Shipments to other countries du r ing 1940 were princi pally to various Briti sh colonies and possessions, but toward the close of the year th ere was a significant increase in shipm ent s to Japa n, China and Asiatic Russia. Despit e th e heavy shipments ouring 1940, local stocks at the end of the year were substantially higher, which would appear to indicate a very marked increase in producti on. Exports of copra cake and meat declined only 15,000 tons or about 14 percent dur ing 1940. Th is comparatively favorable showing may be attributed primarily to the tremendolls increase in exports to the United States which helped to offset the sharp dechne in shipm ents to Europe. Sotcks at the end of the year were substantially the same as those at the begi nning, despite smaller exports and probably much increased production. This may be attributed to the suc· cess atlained in securing local outlets for excess production, particularly to the use of the pro· ducts as a fertilizer and as a fuel. The desiccated coconut industry showed no cha nge in exports during 1940, but operations of local des iccators were more profitable since the cost of coco nuts was much lower whereas export pri ces were fairly well mai ntained. Oullook lor 1941.- The out rook for 1941 is somewhat obscure since it will depend primari1y upon war development.s. It would appear to be certain that sales to Europe of both copra and copra meal will be very small rega rdless of war development s. There are possibilities of increased sales to the Uni ted States of coconut produ cts owing to the r ed uction in excess slocks in that co nnlry an4 the possibility of substantial ship. ments of American food stu ffs to Great Bri tain and possibly to continental Europe. The basic problem of the industry is with reo


speet to shipping. It would appear to be inevit· able that there will be increasing scarcity of shipping facilities and very high ocean freight rates substantial increase ahove the present rates being highly probable. This undoubtedly will adversely affect sales durin g the year and probably will tend to depress local prices for those products. There appears to be some hope for increased returns from by-products, particularly coconut shell charcoal which has various war applications. Another development which may help the industry is the recent increase in sales to nearby Asiatic markets which, if continued, will help to compensate fOf the loss of sales to Europe. Shipments to the United Stales during 1941 will be influenced by th e provisions of the amendment to the Tydings·McDuffie Act which was passed by the United States Congress and approved on August 7, 1939. This Jaw provided for the establishment of quotas for certain Phil· ippine products and for the imposition of export taxes for other products. A quota of 200,000 long tons was established for coconut oil begin. ning with 1940, the quota being reduced by five percent for each subsequ ent year. The quota for 1941 would be 190,000 long tons, but this is very substantially above normal shipments and should not have any effect on total exports. Ex· port taxes equivalent to five percent of the United States import duties are imposed on de· siccated coconut and copra cake and meal begin· ning January 1, 1941, and increasing by five percent for subsequent years until 1946, when full United States import duties will be imposed. The rate on desiccated coconut for 1941 will amount to $0.0175 per pound, which may affect sales to some extent. On the basis of 1939 shipm en ts, this will mean that this product wiII have to pay export taxes during th e year of approximately $159,000. The tax on copra cake and meal is negligible and cannot materially af£ect sales to the United States si nce the rate for 1941 is only SO.0015 a pound. It would probably be too optimistic to predict that the coconut industry in 1941 wilJ be better ther marked declines in prices while the United States national defense program may possibly cause a substantial improvement in consumption during the year and result in higher prices for coconut products.

ABACA (MANILA HEMP) AND OTHER FIBERS The abaca market was adversely affected by war conditions during 1940. Access to a large number of market s was completely cut off while sales to other areas were considerably restricted. Increased transportation and other costs had an adverse effect on local prices. During the first quarter, the market was gen~a~y very weak. United States buying was !tmlted Jargely to government purchases in small lots and generally at rather Jow prices. The London market was very quiet with the controller buying in small quantities at fixed prices


which generaIly were rather low. Japanese buying also was light durin g this period owing to exchange and other restrictions. The depression in the market was greatly in· creased during the second quarter as a result. of the intensified war in Europe and the extensIOn of host iliti es to various countries. The London market was practi cally stagnant with almost no buying during the quarter. Sales to the entire continent of Europe were almost completely halted while United States buying continued to be somewhat limited . The Japanese market also was very quiet. The local market improved gradually during lhe third quarter, an important influencing factor being the reluctance of sellers to dispose of their holdings at the extremely low prices pre· vailing at that time. Production also was very materially cu rtailed with the result that the sta· tistical position of the market improved very materially. There was a fairly substantial volume of buying by Uni ted States Government en tities, largely for the purpose of building up reserves . London also again entered the market particularly dUIing the latt er part of the quarter. Buying by Japan was somewhat restricted during Ju ly and August, but increased tremendously in September. Th e improvement of the market was accelerated during the fOUIth quarter, the principal influencing factors being extremely heavy purchases by Japan, substantial United States Government buying and continued active purchases by London. During October and November, the market became highly speculative with prices moving upward very sharply. However, the market eased very considerably during December and was fairly quiet at the close of the year. Prices on the local market moved downward steadily during the first haH of 1940, reaching the lowest level in many years at the close of June. Prices began to move upward slowly duro ing the second half of the year, the trend being accelerated during the fourth quarter 'with a peak attained in November and a moderate reactional decl ine noted in December. Although prices at the end of the year were substantially above those at the beginning, the average for the period was extremely low, being some 15 percent below 1939 and 41 percent less than the average for the years 1936·1939 inclusive. These prices estimates are based on published nominal quotations for grades F and J-2, representing monthly averages. Balings during 194-0 were considerably smaller owing to the unsatisfactory price situation. The total for the year shows a decl ine of some 56,000 bales or nearly three percent compared with 1939. The effect of prices on production is clearly apparent in monthly baling statistics, the peak out· put occurring during October and November which coincides with the peak in prices. Output duri ng th ese two months accounted for slightly over 21 percent of th e total for the year. It is noted that tuere was a definite trend to. ward greater production of the grades used 10 the United States market. The dominance of

18 ·


the Davao di strict was somewhat less pronounced in 1940, th is area accounting for onl y 51 percent of the lotal output. Exports of abaca during 1940 were only sli ghtly below th e previous year, although th ere were very marked cha nges in desti nations. Shipment s 10 the United States reached a new high for recent years, gaining 76,000 bales or 19 percent com pared with 1939. Ex port s to J a pan also increased very sharply, being 111,000 bales or nearly 39 percent greater th an in 1939. Off icia l figures show a drop of some 52,000 hales or 13 percent in sh ipments to the Uni ted Kingdom, but actua lly Ihe decli ne was somewhat less, since there were fairly substantial shipments to In dia, Ceylon and vari OIl S other dest in at ions wh ich were destined for eventual transhipment to the U nited Kingdom. Shipments to E urope naturally decli ned very sharply, t.he total show. ing a drop of ] 83,000 ba les or 78 per cent compared with 1939. Stocks were generally very hi gh duri ng th e earl ier months of 1940 but decli ned very sharply in Ju ne and conti n ued at a rather low level during the remai nder of the year, the figure fo r December 31, 1940, showi ng a drop of some 42,000 bales or 20 percent compared with the corresponding date of last yea r. T he principal stati stics for the years 1939 and 1940 are su mmari zed below (i n thousand bal es ) : Balings • . . . ......... .. ............. E"port.-T otai .............. . United States ........ . . United Kingdom .. . ........... . Europe ....................... . Japan .................. ....... . Stocks, end period ... . ........ ... . A"erage pri<:e5, F and J· 2, I'er pieui ....... . . .......... .



1,418 1,405

1,362 1,403 470

'" 384


234 286 207

51 397 165


P 7,62

It shoul d be noted that the fo regoing fi gures include decort icated abaca. The fi gures have been taken fro m official sources, wi th the excep· tion of those for stocks, whi ch were t aken from the reports of the l\-lanila Chamber of Commerce. Export s of cordage d uri ng 1940 amounted to 8,883,561 ki los, showi ng a decline of 703,298 ki. los compared with 1939. T his decline may be attributed to war cond itions. S hipments to the United States during 1940 were officially reported as 3,270,208 kilos, which is a gai n of 239,870 ki los or nearl y eight per cent compa red with the prevoius year. Bal ings of maguey during 1940 amounted to 23,359 bales, with ex ports durn ig the year of 34,251 bales and stocks on December 3] , 1940, of 8,125 bales. Figures for ot her minor fib ers show bali ngs of 6,150 bales of canton and 526 bales of sisal. Exports of canton for th e year totaled 7,229 bales, while at the end of the year there were stocks of 707 bales of cant on, 657 ba les of sisal and 141 bales of paco l. Th e National Abaca and Oth er F ibers Corpo· ration was organ ized on November 9, 1939, in accord ance with Commonwealth Act No. 518 of May 7, 1938. The corporation has a n authorized capitalization of P20,OOO,OOO, but commenced

operati ons with an init ial capital of P2,500,OOO. The purposes of the corporation are : (1) to establ ish a permanent balanced production of abaca a nd other fib ers : (2) to control specula· tion a nd stabilize prices at a fa ir level ; (3) to reg ulate supply and distrib ution. To accomplish th ese purposes, the corporation was granted authori ty to: ( 1) buy, sell, export, barter a nd deal in abaca a nd oth er fib ers; (2) own and opera te transportati on and warehousing faciliti es, and processin g and ma nufacturing eq uipment ; (3 ) act as agents, brokers a nd commission mercha nts; (4) grant loans to prod ucers ; (5) bor· row a nd issue bonds or otherwise raise funds ; a nd (6) establish foreign offi ces. The corporation set up an operati ng budget, expenses of which were estimated at P200,OOO ann ually. Ac· tual ex penses of the corporation amounted to a pproxhnately P77,OOO in 1940. This excl udes adva nces to cooperative producers' associations aggregati ng a bout P300,000. Duri ng the year, th e cor poration established pur chasi ng and wareho usi ng agencies in various prod ucing di stri cts and set u p baling presses in two di stricts. Sub· stantial qua ntities of abaca were pur chased and stored a nd moderate q uantiti es sold . Outlook lor 1941.- The outlook for the abaca ind ustry for 1941 is very uncerta in. The preval. ence of warfare in many sect ions of the world is certain to adversely affect sal es vario us mar· kets. Continental Europe, which normally takes about 15 percene of local prod ucti on may be expected to be largely out of the market d uring the year, although th ere are possibilt ies of some shipments through Asiatic Russia. Great Britai n, whi ch account s for about 21 per· cent of normal exports, probably will be unable to purchase in full volume. Owing to extremely heavy purchases during the latter part of 191-0, stocks in Japan are believed to be quite large, which may cause a reduction in th at country's purchases d uring the coming year. Purchases by the United States during 1940 also were somewhat above normal, but a continuation of heavy pu rchases for stock or reserve may be anticipated du ring the coming year. I t would ap pea r to be ver y doubtful whether the United States and j apan can absorb th e Joss resulting from smaller shipments to other markets, so that present ind ications are that shipments dur ing the year will be somewhat redu ced. On the other hand , the extremely beavy shi p-buil ding program in th e United States a nd several other countries should greatl y stim ulate the consumption of abaca. Another adverse fa ctor is the very high ocean fr eight a nd insurance charges. Th ~e hi gher costs may be parti all y absorbed in con· sumi ng markets but certain will tend to depress the local pr ice of abaca to some extent. Another di sturbi ng factor is the r ecent marked expansion in domest ic production, a conti nuation of which will result in excess ive 10cal stocks a nd conse· quent low pri ces.

RICE Ri ce is the pr incipal foodstuff and the most impor tant crop in the Ph ilipp ines, the anllual value of production in recent years being some·



what in excess of that for sugar. Production nucluates very sharply, havin g ranged during recent years from a low of 42,219,600 cavans of palay (rough rice) in 1936 to a high of 55,015,730 cavans in 1937. (A cavan of palay equals 43 kilos.) Area under cultivation was fairly constant, ranging during the past five years from a low of 1,%4,000 hectares in 1939 to a high of 2,060,960 hectares in 1937. Average production during the first years 1935 to 1939 incl usive has been at the rate of 50,000,970 cavans per year. The figures given are for crop years ending with June of the years menti oned. Production during the 1939-1940 crop year established a new record high of 56,571,000 cavans, which is some 13 percent above the average for the preceding five years. Detans concerning the 1940·1941 crop arc not yet avai lable, but present ind ications are I hat production will be substa ntially below the previous year. A very severe drought prevailed in the important Central Luzon producing district during the maturing season in the latter part of 1940, with the result that production in that area was very mu ch reduced. However, the crop in Minda nao and other sout hern produci ng districts was unusually large, which will partially offset the loss in Central Luzon. Jt is probable that production for the year will be some 52,000,000-53,000,000 cavans of palay. The Philippines mi ght be se1f-sufficient with respect to rice production, but actually is not. The principal difficulties are the lack of irrigalion in many important producing districts with consequent wide variations in production as a result of irregular rainfall. It appears that even in good crop years there is a slight shortage of supply which necessitates imports from other nearby producing countries. Du ri ng the five years 1935 to 1939 inclusive, imports averaged some 53,000 metric tons annually, while there were imports of 38,261 metric tons during 1940, despi te the fact that the domestic crop was very large. Imports normall y are made principally from Thai land and French Indo·China, with occasional small purchases made from t he United Stat~ . Of the amount s imported in 1940, 20,046 metric tons came from Thailand, 9,937 metric Ions £rom French Indo·Ch ina and 369 tons from the United States. Production and imports during recent years are summarized in the following table: Produc ti on Crop Year eoded June 30

Area Palay Equal basis Cultivated (Rough Rice) Cleaned Rice Imports (Hectare, ) (Cavan!) .(M.ToD!) (M. Toos)

1935 .........• 1936 ........ .. 1937 ......... . 1938 .......... . 1939 .......... . Five-Year Average

1.96....070 2.048.700 2,060.960 1,912,050 1.964,000 1,989,956

45,825,100 42,219,600 55,015,730 52.345,210 54,599,000 50,000,970

1,317,473 1,213.813 1,581.702 1,504,925 1,569,721 1,437,527

19·10 .. . ....... .



1,626,416 ~

7,220 91,574 74,001 9,379 83,633 53,161

Methods of distribution of rice are rather unsat!sfactory, with returns to producers inadequate, owmg to control of marketing by dealers and speculators. F urthermore, prices are subject to

very sharp fluctuations, dependi ng on variations in the domestic crop. Some years ago, the Commonwealth Government organized Ihe National Rice and Corn Corporation in order to stabilize the ..rice market by maintaining a balance between supply and di stribution and stabilizing prices at a level that would insure a fair return to the producers and which at the same time would protect consumers, Th e organization appears to have been quite successful in maintaining prices at a stable and reasonable level. Owing to the cluonic shortage of supply, its operations have consisted principally of the purchase and local distribution of foreign r ice. The corporation also has bought some quantities of domestic rice and palay. The rice market during 1940 was influenced by confl icting reports concern ing the quantity and quality of the domest ic crop. Certain authorities reported Ihat th e crop was extremely large while ot hers contended that the actual net yield would be very small owing to damage incurred dlUing the harvesting season. Des pite this uncertainty, prices were fairly steady throughout 1940. Monthly average quotations for domestic Macan No. 2 ran ged from a low of P5.62 per sack of 56% kilos in June to a high. of P'5 .79 per sack in October, the average for the year bein g P5.69 per sack against P6.30 per sack in 1939, or a decline of almost ten percent. Palay or rough rice showed a correspo nding trend, with a low of P'2.56 per sack of 44 kilos in July and a high of P2.72 per sack in October. The aver· age for the year was P2.65 per sack which compares with 1>2.94 per sack for 1939, or a decline of ten percent. Both prices are the lowest since 1937, wh ich was a bumper crop year. It may be noted, how ever, that rice prices compare favorably wi th those for other Philpipine crops, all of which were extremely depressed during 1940.

MINING The mllllllg industry continued to advance during 1940, with gold produ ction again establishing an all-time high and with base metal output in· creasing very sharply und er the stimulus of war demand. The industry has attained a very important place in Philippin e economy, ranking third in importance, th e value of annual production being only slightly below that of rice and sugar. Gold and Silver.- Production of gold amounted to 1>78,375,384, ga in ing P'4,437,529 or seven percent over 1939, according to preliminary figures based partly on mine assays. Details are as follows: 1 939 F . Oz. Cold Silver Platinum Total

1 9 4 0


F. Oz.


1,0-10,625 1,350,100 6

72,]84.491 1.753.112


1.095.939 1,395.731 6

76.499,481 1,875,629






Output per ton milled dlUing 1940 amounted to P I6.79, whcih is a moderate increase over the figure of P16.39 for the previous year. This is an extremely creditable showing in view of the




fac t that man y of the more important producers were operating on s('co ndary orc reserves of lower quality. During ]940, a total of 42 companies were engaged in regular mining of gold while 15 compani es were produ cing irregularly and eight were inactive. Thi s compares wilh 23 regular, 23 irregular and two inacti \'c producers during 1939. Complete details arc not available concerning tolal earnings of gold mining compani es for 1940. The best available tabulation indi cates that 21 companies paid cash dividends during the

yea r totaling P 20,156,OOO. Comparative figures for 1939 show 2J co mpani es wi lh cash dividends of [>-24,120,700. Jt is apparent that operations of the gold mjning co mpanies were somewhat less profitabl e durin g t940, owing probably to higher cost of materials and increased laxes and other operating charges. Both fi gures include dividends paid by mine management companies_ Base Meta/s.-Produ ction of base metals increased very sharply during 1940, under the stimulus of war demand. Production of the princi pal base metals has been as follow s : 1 939

1 9 " 0




....... ,..... " ............ L. T on t MaTlgaTl ese ore .......... . .. . ...... . Iron ore ....... .............. .... . Copper orc ............••.......... Pounds Lead ................ ..... ........ .

130,969 28,593 1,175.707 16,525,517 88,901

2,150,651 559,2 15 5,162,283 2,958,600 6,781

ChrOfnit e


During 1940, 17 companies were actively engaged in the mini ng of base metals, whi ch is a co nsiderable decline from the figure of 22 compa nies for the previous year. Complete figures concerning earnings are not available, but during 1940 four compan ies declared cash dividends aggregating Pl,231,000, whi ch compares very favorably with div idends of 1)'639,535 by four compan ies during th e previo us year. Ontlook for 1941.-It is believed that gold production has reached its peak and probably will continue to be fairly stable for several years at the level of about P"80,000,000 per year. There are no extensive new developments under consideration and there is very little inducement for new projects owi ng to the existing mining laws which provide for Government leases at indefinite rates . A large number of th e more importa nt mines have reached their peak of productivity and in the future must show a declining yield, as lower grade ores are developed . Operating costs have increased very materially and are expected to advance even more owing to the advancing cost of supplies and the upward trend of labor, transportation, taxes a nd other charges. Under these conditions, operations of the gold mining industry will probably be somewhat less profitable during the coming year, although there should be no d ifficulty in attaining a pro· ductio n of approximately P80,OOO,OOO. Potentially, there is an excellent demand for Philippine base metals. The United States nalional defense and wnr reserve programs should absorb very substant ial quantities of most of the more important metals during the coming year. Unfortunately, the industry is faced with increasing shipping scarcity and hi gh and steadily advancing ocean freight rates. This already is affecti ng di stribution and if these conditions continue, it will be impossible to ship in full volume. If the shipping problem can be solved, 1941 should be a banner year for the Philippin e base metal industry. ]f not, production probably will fall below 1940.


189,919 57,256 1,2 15,7 18 20,413,236 1,422,471



2,518,3'75 1,275,110 5,633,727 3,488,986 78,029 12.994,222

TOBACCO T obacco is one of the important Philippine crops while the manufacture of cigars and ciga rettes is a leading domestic indu stry. Tobacco is grown to some extent in many sections of th e Islands, but the leading producing districts are the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela and Pangasinan, in northern Luzon. This area normally accounts for 55 to 60 percent of total production. Production during recent years has ranged from a lllillimwn of 622,660 quintals (1 quintal equals 46 kilos) in the crop year ended with June 1935 to a maximum of 781,382 quintals in 1938. Area under cultivation ranged from 61,520 hectares (1935) to 74,796 hect ares (1938). The average for the fiv e crop years 1935 to 1939 incl usive is 712,635 quintals from 69,167 hectares. Complete d etails concerning production during the 1939·1940 crop year are not available, but the Bureau of the Census and Statistics has suppli ed a preliminary estimate. This places the area under cultivat ion at 72,000 hectares, with production totaling 34,406,000 kilos (747,956 quintals). Compared with the average for the preceding five years, there were gains of 4.3 percent and 5.2 percent in acreage and production respectively_ The quality of the crop was reported to be very good in the important Cagayan and IsabeJa districts but only fair in other areas. Th e change in Government stati stics from th e cal endar year to a fi scal year endin g with Jun e makes it impossible to supply complete 1940 fi gures for production of cigars and cigarettes. Production during the fi scal year ended with June 1940 totaled 329,064,201 cigars and 3,275,378,000 cigarettes. This compares with 322,796914 cigars a nd 3,379,932,000 cigarettes produced during the calendar year 1939. Exports of leaf, scrap and fill er tobacco dnring 1940 amounted to 2,081,629 kilos to the United Slates and 10,722,098 kilos to other countries, according to unofficial statistics. Shipments to the United States fell nearly 70 percent below 1939, this being caused by the imposition of a


quota of 4,500,000 pounds for the year. Expor! s to other countri es also declined 13 percent, ,tlu s being attributed to reduced purchases of various European countries as a result of the war. Shipments to Spain, the leadin g market, were only a little smaller than in 1939. Cigar exports during 1940 are reported as 210 285 096 to the United States and 14,560,931 to ~th~r countri es . The figure for the United States is a high for recent years and compares with a total of 196,481,233 in 1939. During 1940, shipments to the United States were o.n a quota basis which limited duty.fre~ entry I~tO the United States to 200,000,000 CIgars durlllg the calendar year. The quota is on an arrival basis and compares rou ghly with shipments from the Philippines during the twelve months ended with November 1940. Shipments during this period amounted to 198,581,561 ci gars, indicating that the quota was fill ed. An important development durin g 1940 was the passage of a law (Commonwealth Act No. 519 of May 17, 1940) providing for t.he orga~ 颅 ization of a National Tobacco CorporatlOn_ TIns law was designed to rehabilitate and stabilize the Philippine tobacco industry. The corporation was duly organized on July 20, 1940, and was granted very extensive powers, including theright to purchase, sell, import, export, transport and store tobacco and manufactures ; to extend credit facilities to tobacco planters; and to act as agents, brokers or commission merchants. The activiti es of the corporati on were largely exploratory during 1940, but it may become a very important facto r in the industry during th e coming year. Outlook lor 1941.-The out look for the tobacco industry for 1941 is rat.her unfavorable. Quotas for shipment to the United States will be reduced by five percent to 190,000,000 cigars and 4,275,000 pounds of scrap and fill er tobacco. Since both of these figures are below actual shipments during either of th e past two years, the local tobacco indust ry probably will be adversely affected. Ordinarily, substantial quanti. ties of cigars and of scrap and fill er tobacco are shipped to var ious European countries and such shipments are certain to be reduced during 1941, owing to war conditions. Spain, the leading market, may find it impossible to purchase in full volume while J apan, another important market, probably will curtail its buying during the year. Other adverse influences are the certainty of higher ocea n freight and other transportation charges and a possible reducti on in domest ic consumption owing to reduced purchasi ng power.

LUMBER AND TIMBER The lumber and timber industry was subjected to a number of unusual factors during 1940, from which it finally emerged in a favorable position. Monthly statistics of the industry, i.e., production, exports, deliveries and inventories, indicate a co nstant effort of the industry to readjust itself to changing conditions. As in most other local industries, the primary factor


upsettin g th e lumber ,and timbe~ industry was Ih e European war, whIch factor rn . lhe end accounted for the recovery of the mdustry and placed the year's bus iness on a f~vorab!e plane with previous years. Low commodity prtces and general unsett led conditi ons tended to decrease local consumption of lumber produtcs. The year 1940 opened with surpluses in the industry which resulted in the leading produ ~ers a!ITeeing to limit their production. Th e WIth路 d~awal of two produ cers during that period also lowered producti on. Shortly after th e ~egin~ng of the year, production was brought mto Ime with demand, which was largely for export. Domestic consumption was ]ow during the very earl,r part of the year but increased in March, Apnl and May. The export demand continued throughout the year and althou gh individual months fluctuat ed widely durin g the year, final export fi gures show increases in exports to most co untries_ At the end of the year, there were 151 sawmills and 12 machine logging operations 'without sawmills wi th a total ca pital of P30,581,840, compared with 147 sawmi lls and 11 machine loggi ng operations witho ut sawmills capitalized at P 30,658,556 at the end of 1939. Incomplete figures for 1940 show that a total of 947,171,459 board feet of lumber and ti mber was cut from public forests during the year, which compares with 1,097,366,111 board feet for 1939. Official figures show Ihat total production for th e year 1940 amounted to 244,638,801 board feet, compared with 266,392,725 board feet for 1939. Domestic consumption of sawn lumber based on th e period from 1936 to 1939 averaged 274,924,715 board feet ann ually. Exports of logs and timber amounted to 131,. 219,571 board feet in 1940 as against 159,151,792 hoard feet in 1939. Exports of sawn lumber in 1940. A total of 26,436,229 board feet was with 44,018,832 board feet in 1939. The decline in log and timber exports was du e to greater control meas ures adopled by the Japanese Go\'路 ernment over the importati on of logs in Japan. However, shipments of unsawn timber to Japan constituted 68 percent of total log and timber exports of the Philippines during 1940. China rank ed second to J apa n in the importation of unsawn timber from the Ph ilippines, shipments to the former being 30,527,654 board feet during 1940 as against 89,429,310 board feet shipped to the latter. As long as th e Sino-Japanese confli ct continu es, there is no bright prospect for Philippine timber ex ports, in view of th e fa ct that Japan and China are the only active markets for this product. Exports of sawn lumber to the United Kingdom amount ed to 16,918,121 board feet during 1940 as against 6,589,384 board feet in the previous year, or a substan tial in crease of 10,328,737 board feet or 157 percent. Demand for sawn lumber in the United States improved during 1940. A total of 26,436,229 board feet was shipped to this market during Ihe year, compared with 22,905,752 board feet in the previous year, or an increase of 3,530,477 board feet or 15



percent. If adequate bottoms become availabl e, export s of sawn lumber to the United SLates may have bri ght prospects. Shipments by countrj es during 1939 and 1940, according to official trade fi gm es, were as follow s (in board feet) : 1939


an d T ;mberUll il eJ Slat cs .. .. .. . Japa n . . . . . ..... .. .. . Chi na . ..... . .. . .... . Aus tr ali a . .... . Ot her coun tries .. . ..

829,768 11 7. 494,640 29,7>14,024 1.182,112 9.901 ,248

1,620,693 89,429,310 30,527,654 896.311 8,745,603

To ta l .. ..... ", . ,

159, 151 ,192

131,21 9,571

22,905,752 6,589.384. 3,058,3 12 3,61 9,688 53,848 3,848,224 1,389,024 2,554,600 44,018,832

26,436,229 16, 918,1 21 2,210,423 3,336,041 1.041,141 5.823,094 1,947,552 888,917 58,601,590


Suwn Lu mberUlli teJ States Grea t Bri tain " . .. .. . Aus t ra li a .. . ... , . . Chinn . . . . . . .... . . . . Hong Kong ... . .. . Briti s h Af rica Portug uese Afri ca . . . Ot her coun tri es .. . . . T otal Grand


. .. ..... . • • , ... . ...

203, 170,624 189,827,161

OutLook fo r 1941.- Due to unsettled interna· tional conditi ons, very little can be said about the possibility of the industry during 1941. There will probably be a curtailm ent ill private construction. It is believed that imports of wood produ cts will decrease during th e year, as com· modity pri ces in the Philippines may show liUle or no improvement. Th e export market w:ill probably continue to improve. In that regard, the qu estion of available bottoms to make ship. ments and increased freight and insurance rates wi1l doubtlessly lower th e income of the Philip· pines from such trade.

FOREIGN TRADE Before proceedin g with th e di scllssion of Phil· ipp ine foreign trad e stati stics, it is necessary to outline the method used by the Commonwealth Government in compiling these stati stics and to ex plain the vari ous changes which have been affected in th e method of compilation during the past year. Begi nning with January 1940, import stati stics have been reported on the basis of arrivals of merchandise, displacing the former method of reporting on the basis of liquidati on of custom entries. By liquidati on, it is meant that an article is considered to be offi cially imported only after customs entries and all other formalities have been completed. Sin ce a period of up to twen· ty four months is a uthorized for liquidation of customs entries and th e usual time between actual arri val and liquidation of from four to six months, it is evident that the liquidati on fi gurse bear little direct rel ation to actual ar· rivals during any gi ven period. It is obvi ous that the change in method of compilation makes comparison of 1940 figures with those for previolls years extrem ely inexact and mi sleading. For example, imports of spe· cifi ed commoditi es may show an increase where the reverse is actually true. Equally, the figures may show a decline whereas arrivals may have

actnally increased. Perhaps, a few examples will help to make this clear. The official trade figures show a total of 4,741 motor vehicles imported during 1940 gaainst 3,884 during 1939. A census of dealers shows that actual imports during 1940 totaled 5,252 vehicles against 6,003 vehicles actually imported during the previous year. The official figur e shows an increase in 1940 or 857 vehicles, whereas on an actual arrivel basis there was a decline during the year of 751 vehicles. Similar. ly, the official figures show that flour imports of 102,085 metric otns during 1940 against 100,264 metric tons during the previous year, whereas actual arrivals based on unofficial statistics amounted to 4,887,000 sacks during 1940 against 6,050,000 sacks in 1939. The official figure shows a gain of nearly two percent whereas actual arrivals fell 19 percent. On making the chance from a liquidation to an arrival basis, no provision was made for the listing of merchandise Which had been pre· viou sly imported but not liquidated. In con· sequence, a total of nearly 80,000 customs entries have been dropped from the trade figuers in this manner, possibly reperesenti ng imports to the value of at least P50,000.000. Beginning with July 1, 1940, the compilation of trade statistics was taken over by the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, whereas they had previously been compiled by the Bureau of Customs. The Bureau of the Census and Statistics effect ed numerous changes in classifications and in methods of r eporting. The necessary adjustments have been made by this Bureau in the figures for the year 1939 as reported here, but comparison with years prior to 1939 is impossible. Furthermore, most of the 1939 figures will not agree with those publi shed in our report for last year, since these were secured from the Bureau of Customs. Finally, exports of gold and silver have been listed as a regular commodity beginning with 1940, displacing the former system of reporting such shipments separately. This is a proper change since exports of gold and silver from the Philippines consist almost exclusively of newly mined metals, shipments of specie being negli· gible. The necessary adjustments have been made in this report in the figures for earlier years, but it must be pointed out that these figures will not agree with earlier reports from this office.

GENERAL Philippine fCl,reign trade in 1940 was affected by wal' conditions which caused marked changes in the character and direction of trade. Despite war difficulties, the total trade for the year amounted to P581,311,589 in 1940, an increase of 3.6 percent over last year's figure of P560,. 914,120, and 26.6 percent greater than the average for the last ten years (1930 to 1939) of 1~459,108,130. The 1940 figure is the highest on record since the peak in 1939, when the total was P629,847,669. The only two other years better than 1940 were 1920, when the figure was



P'603,468,162, and 1928, when it amounted to 1"583,175,156. The small increse in 1940 was due entirely to imports whi ch were up 9.9 percent, ex ports havi ng declined by 1.3 per cent. I mports have been in· creasing steadily since 1933, the 1930·1939 aver· age amounting to only 1"200,715,347. Exports have shown a similar tendency, due no doubt in a large measure to the increasing importance of gold and silver as an export commodity, particu· larly noticeable after the increase in the price of gold. The average of exports for the past ten years is P 258,392,783. TRA DE BY COUNTRIES The biggest bulk of P hilip pine overseas trade is with the United States and possessions, ac· counting for 80.6 percent of the total in 1940, compared with 76 percent in 1939 and 74.9 per· cent during the 1930·1939 period Europe's share was only 5.2 percent in 1940 on account of the war, compared to 10.4 percent in 1939 and 10.5 percent duri ng the ten·year period. Asia and Oceania accounted for 12.7 percent in 1940, com· pared to 11.9 percent in 1939 and 13.6 percent during the past ten years.

The Phili ppi ne has heen ver y fo rtunate in find· ing a ready market for its export commodities in the United States. This merchandise trade has always favored the P hi lippines with an ex· port balance, wh ich has been maintained con· tinuously since 1921. T he favorable balance of total merchandise trade has always been due en· tir ely to trade with the Unhed States, since trade with all other areas has consistently resulted in an import balance, partly reducing the export balance with th e United States. Asia and Oceani a has always been responsible for the largest portion of the unfavorable balance of merchandise trade, more particularly commerce with Japan, the Phili ppines' second best market. Japan for the first time last year favored the Phili ppines with an export balance and this fig ure has increased considerably in 1940. E urope, on the other hand, has managed to favor the P hili ppines now and then with a small ex· port balance, although the 1940 figure was par· ticularly large due to the big drop in imports from the couritries directly affected by the war. Details of total trade by countries are given below:

SUMMARY OF TRADE BY COUNTRIES- 1940 (Pl.OO cquals US SO.50) Unil~d

Slates and Territories ...... . .................• ••• . ................. Asia and OCl':aniaAustralia ...........•.. . . . . . ........ . • • ..... .. .......... Brit. East In d ies .. . ......... . .... ... • .• . .... . ......... China ... . .... .. . ..... . ..... . ...... . . • . •• • .......... . .. F rench Eas t Indies ........ ... ... . ...... .. • . . .. .. ... .. . Hong Kong ........... . ... . .............• . •.. .. ........ lo dia ........ . ....... .. ................ • •• • ............ Japan .............. . .. . .......... . ... . . •.• ~ ........... . . . ..... • • ........ . . . .. . .. . • . .... . Kwantung .. . .. .......... . ... ... .......... •••. .... . .... . Ko rea Malaya ... . . . ........... . ..... . ......... . . . •• • .... . ... . Netherland Indies .. ... .•• • ......... . . . ... ..• • . .... . . . .. Thailand . ..... . ... _... .• • •..... . ... ... ......• • ...... . .. Others .......... .. ...... • • • . T otal ...... .. ..... . •••...... . .... . ...... • • •• ....... EUTapeBelgium ............ . .............................. .. . . Denmark .......... .. ........• • •......... .. ....... • • ••.. Fran<:e ......... . ........... . . . •• • • ... . ........... • •• • . Cerma ny .. . .... . ....... ... . . .. . • • . ...... . ....... . . . • ' " Creal Britain ..... .. .... . ....... • ••••. , ...... .. ......• • Ireland ........... . ......... . ..•• ••• ......... . ...... ••. Ita ly . ............ . .•........ . ... ••• • .... . ........... •• • Netherlands . .. . . ......... . ... . . . ••.•.... .. .. . . .... . ..• • Norway •..... . ............ .. ...... • ••.... . ..... . .. . .. . . Spain .... . ...... . ..... . ..... . ... .. .•• •• .... . ... .. ...... Sweden . .. ........... . ........ . . . . . • ••..... . .... . ..... .

~;~~~r1a.~~ ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::

T otal .. . . . ..... .. ......... . .........• • ........ . .... Olher Arells-


Central Ameri<:a and West Indies ... . ............. . .. . South Am<:ri <:a ..... . . . .... . ......... .. . • •• ......... . ..


:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


.......• . ..... . ... .. ............. . .....•......

GRAND T OTAL ......... . ......... .

IMPORT TRADE Philippi ne imports in 1940 amounted to P269. 68.1,627,. the highest fig ure si nce the peak a;. talned In 1929. T his represents a 10 percent Over last year's fig ure of P 245,129,974. It is

E xports


~58 ,353.9 16


786,088 561.682 3,683,397 322,186 3,703,980 1.048.825 17,582,630 176,859 151.184 934.384 I,I67.532 377.713 535,056 31,029.516


140,548 758,281 3.117,665

.05 .24 1.00

7,205.851 1,896 B15,367 43,069 95.563 2.997.336 1.539,187 174,404 1,542,426 18,43 1,593

.25 .18 l.l8 .10 1.10


5 .64

.06 .05 .30

.37 .12



.26 .01 .03


." .06 .50 5.91

1,269,558 522,747 644,238 1.597,479

.20 .5 1

4.034,022 311.849,047

1.29 100.00







3,60;;.036 3.366.097 6,200,535 1,161,986 2,028,051 24,230,630 12.068,508 50,420 17,374 222.158 8.132,538 1,482,995 69,054 42,635,382 838,675 11,008 555,435 156,767 3.758,235 238.108 621.310 2,572,754 528.163 414.5 18 711 ,446 1,002,346 211,4741l ,620,239 3,162,875 46,681 840,609 736.220 4,828 4,791,213 "269,462.542

1.34 1.25 2.30 .43 .75 1.57 4.48 .02 .01 .08 3.02 .55

.02 15.82

Balance 47.938,20B -

2,818,948 2.804.415 2,517.138 839,800 1,675.929 - 3,183,805 5.514,122 126,439 133,810 712.226 - 6,965,006 - 1, 105.282 466.002 11,605.866

.31 .21

.06 1.39 .09 .23



.20 .15


.,n .08 4.31


.02 .31 .27 1.78 100.00


698.127 747,273 2,562,230 156.767 3,447,616 236,212 194.057 2,529,685 432,600 2.582.818 827.741 827.942 1.330,952 6,811 ,354 1,893,317 476.066 196.3 71 861,259 4,828 757,191 42.386.505

bel ieved that on a quantity basis there was some decline in actual arrivals of im'ported merchan. di~e. during 1940. Allowing fo r the differences an smg. from the change in reporting imports to an arn val from a liq uidation basis, it is certain


that quantities of the leadin g import items 'were substanti ally smaller during 1940. For example, on a quantity basis, there were declines of 24 percent in colton textiles; 19 percent in wheat flour; 14 percent in motor vehicl es ; and 30 percent in sardin es and pilchards. Th e much higher prices prevailin g during 1940 naturally tend ed to increase imports on a value basis, this increase being r epresented partly by higher first costs and partly by mu ch higher transportation and insurance charges. Makin g full allowance for all factors, it may be estimat ed roughly that actual arrivals showed a quantitative decline of approximat ely 10 percent during 1940. An an alysis of imports by principal divisions showed increases in all classifications, with the exceptio n of Vegetable Food Products and Beverages, and Mi scellaneolls, with showed fractional decreases from last year. T he heaviest peso increases were in Non-Metalic Minerals, up 26 percent ; Metal s and Manufactures, up 20 percent; Chemicals and Related Product s, lip 29 percent; a nd In edi ble Pl ant Products, up 17 percent.

EXPORT TRADE E xport s of Philippine merchandise, including gold and silver (but not including re-exports of merchandise previously import ed) were valued at '(>'305,320,153 in 1940, a drop of P8,264,810 or 2.6 percent from the 1939 fi gure of P 313,584,963. There is very lillIe doubt that on a quantity basis. 1940 exports were greater than in 1939, with nearly all important commoditi es showin g qu anti ty increases over last year, with the exception of a few it ems like peanuts, desiccated coconut , co pra, copra cake and meal, lea f tobacco, scrap and fill er tobacco and logs and timber. Accordin g to the Associated Steamship Lines, Ihe tonnage of exports cargoes in 1940 showed an increase of 19 percent over 1939. The valu e of exports of Vegetable Products and Preparations (not includin g "Fibers and Manufactures" ) , th e largest and most importan t group classifi cation of domesti c exports, declined some nine percent from the previous year and made up only 53.4 percent of total domesti c exports as compared with 57.3 percent in 1939. The drop of nearly P'16,650,000 in this classification is due to a drop of five percent in sugar and related produ cts, 16 percent in coconut products and 29 percent in tobacco products, which were partly offset by increases in minor products, namely, 43 percent in fru its and preparations and 159 percent in rubb('r and manufactures . T he incl usion of gold and sil ver export s as a r egular com modi ty increased the importance of the Mineral Proc!ncls group whi ch now occupies second place . Thi s cl assi fi cation showed an increase of eigh t percent and mad e up 30.2 percent of total domesti c ex ports in 1940, compared with onl y 27.2 percent in ]939. Th e bi ggest increase was in th e base metal group, \thi ch was probably accelerat ed by dema nds of war indu stri es, while gold and sil ver ex port l'! al so increased by six percent. E xport <:. of oth er metal s a nd minerals also showed a moderat e in('reasc over last year. The third important classification, Fibers an.d 111anlllactures, showed a two percent i.ncrease

over last year and made up 13 percent of total domestic exports, compared with 12.4 percent in 1939. The bi ggest single item in this group is abaca and manufactures which increased by seven percent, while emhroideries, the next im路 portan t group, showed a decli ne of 14 percent. All other fib er exports, tak en as a whole, showed a substantial increase over last year, particularly ramie fib er which is showing indications of becoming an important export commodi ty. The last group, Miscellan eous, is composed of aU other items not included in the three classificati ons above. This showed an increase of six percent over 1939 and made up 3 .4 percent of total dom estic exports, compared with 3.1 pcrcent in 1939. Th e largest sin gle item in this group is wood and manufactures, which showed an in路 crease of 12 percent over last year. Oth er important it ems are canned tuna, hides and skins, pearl bullons and rattan furniture. There has been no change in arrangement except in the case of tobacco products and base metal s in which their positi ons were reversed, th e latter obt ainin g pr iority position over tobacco produ cts. The r eason for the increase in exports of base metals was the accelerated demand occasioned by war, while th e decl ine in tobacco products is probably due to a lack of export market s, Spain and th e United States being the only two import a nt markets in 1940. P eanuts occupi ed tenth place in ]939, but rubber and manufactures took this place in 1940, export s of crude r ubber being nearly double last year's, while exports of canvas rubber-soled shoes were more th an ten times the 1939 fi gure. Of the ten principal export s, the United States took 83 percent in 1939, whereas in 1940, her purchases amounted to 85 percent of the total. indicating increasing reliance on the United Stat es market. . Su,gar and Related ProdILcls.-Sugar has for the past several years always occupied vremi er position as an export commodity. With the a11ocati on of quotas by the United States, which is oUT only market for this item, exports have rema ined practically stationary from year to year, although , of course, actual shipments will show some chan ges . This is tru e of 1940, when exports of centrifugal sugar showed an increase of 12 percent in quantity over 1939, although values registered a decline of fi ve percent. Exports of refined sugar increased somewhat although values wer e a shade lower. The other items under this group are molasses and candies, export s of the form er declining fr om 16,355,424 kilos valued at P'155,766 in 1939 to ] ,596,840 kilos valued at P27,875 in 1940. Candies were exported to the vallie of 'P]6,169 in 1939, compared with P17,836 in 1940. Gold and Silver.- Wi th the increase in the number of Philippine producing mines and increased production of old mines, apparently attracted by the high price of gold in add ition to being unaffected by general business depression in th at there is always a bllyer for it , gold and silver export s have increased considerably in the past few years and now occupy second honors. The principal item is gold , silver being only a


by-product. Gold is exported ,!,?stir in the fo~m of bullion, although ncw classifICatIOns were 1Ileluded in 1940. In 1939, 1,040,454 fine ounces of gold were exported, compared with 916,557 fine ounces in 1940. This year, 150,951 fine ounces were reported in the (orm of concentrates and 13,222 was said to be from lead bullion. Small quantities of ore were also exported in both years. Sauer from gold bullion was export· ed to the amount of 1,360,762 fine ounces in 1939, compared with 858,838 fine ounces in 1940. Another important source in 1940 was gold con· centrates which accounted for 473,162 (ine ounces. Coconut Prodllcts.-Thi s is the PhHippin es' third largest item of export and the principal commodities under this heading, in the order of imporlance, are coconut oil (edible and in· cdible), copra, desiccatcd or shredded coconut, copra cake and meal, vegetable bUllcr and lard and coconut shell charcoal. Exports of desiccated coconut declined some three percent in quantity although values were nearly 18 percent under 1939. Nearly all of this item went to the United States. Inedible coconut oil increased by eight percent in quantity but values were only three percent greater than in 1939. Shipments to the United States increased slightly over the previous year, while exports to Canada, Sweden, Italy and France showed con· siderable increases. Exports of edible coconut oil showed a very substantial increase over last year, with Hong Kon g, 8S in the previous year, taking most of the shipments. Malaya and China also took large quantities in 1940. Copra is the biggest item in this group. Exports, however, declined considerably, being ]5 percent below 1939 in quantity. Th.e drop in value was more abrupt, being 30 percent below last year. As usual, the United States obtained the largest portion of the copra exports. Russia became a market for the first time in several years, and exports in 1940 represent shipments made during the last quarter of the year. Other new markets were Great Britain and Spanish Africa, although Germany and the Netherlands did not make any purchases in 1940 on account of the war. Sh.ipments to Sweden, Denmark and Mexico declined very considerably during the year, in the case of the first lwo due also to the political situation. The war pract ically closed the European mar· ket for copra cake, shipments of which declined eight percent in quantity, while value was nearly halved, being only 64 percent of the 1939 value. Exports of copra meal to the United States were nearly doubled although value increased by only 21 percent. There were no sh ipments of copra cake to Germany and the Netherlands, while Denmark and Sweden took only small quantiti es in 1940. There was a sma ll drop in exports of uegetable butter, while vegetable lard showed a small increase over last year. A large part of the shipments to the United States probably represented shipments to territories, notably Puerto Rico. The war revived world interest in coconut shell charcoal and exports of this item increased over 400 percent. The United States took most of


our export s in ]940, although Great Britain and France also accounted (or substantial quanti ties. Abaca and Jllaflll./actures.- Exporis of abaca (Manila Hemp ) were only a shade higher Lh an last year ahhough values were seven percent higher. As usual, the three largest markets for this product werc Ihe United States, Great Britain and Japan, although in 1940 Japan look more than Great Britain. 1ndia, not heretofore a market fOIi abaca, ranked fourth in ]940, while exports to other European markets were very adversely affected by the war. Manila rope exports increased some eight per· cent in quantity and nine percent in value in 1940. The United States purchased larger quantities in 1940, as did the Net herlands Indies, Malaya and China. One important item which was relegated to a minor position in 1940 is Icnolled abaca, due to the fact that the largest buyer of this item is Italy. Exports declined from 70,010 kilos valued at P137,363 in 1939 to only 13,9]2 kilos valued at P'25,943 in 1940. Base Metals.- This classification jumped [rom sixth place in 1939 to fifth place in 1940 since demand for the items under this classification has been greatly accelerated by demands of war industries. Exports of chrome ore were 53 percent greater than in 1939 in quanttty, while value was 80 percent greater. The United States got most of the exports, although Japan also purchased in· creased quantities in ]940. There was a decline of 38 percent in the quantity of copper concen· trates exported in 1940, although value was up nine percent. J apan continued to be the biggest buyer of this item, witb the United States ranking second. Iron ore shipment s increased in 1940, all of which went to Japan. Manganese ore exports showed a very marked increase, quantity being 61 percent greater while value was nearly double last year's. The United States obtained most of the export s in 1940, Japan's purchases declining considerably during the year. Toba cco Products.-Exports of tobacco pro· ducts dropped to sixth place in 1940, due to reduced takings by the Uni ted States and to lack of other markets, Spain being the only country buying large quantities in 1940. Leaf Tobacco exports declined considerably, quantity being 26 percent under 1939, while value was trimmed down to Jess than half. Exports to the United States were greatly reduced in 1940, 'while shipments to the Netherlands, the largest market in 1939, was reduced to practically nil in 1940. Wilh the sett lement of the civil war in Spain, that country again became tbe largest market for Philippine leaf tobacco, taking nearly 88 percent of the total quantity exported in 1940. There was a small decline in the number of cigars exported in 1940, although value was a shade higher. A5 usual, the United States con· stituted the greatest market, although Spain showed a very great increase in her purchases in 1940. Exports of cigarettes increased appre· ciably in 1940, with Spain as lhe largest purchaser.



Embroideries.- Embl'oid eries ranked seventh as an export group, alt hou gh strictly speaking, the value of ex ports shou ld be reduced by the va lue of cloth used, si nce all the materials arc import ed into the Philippines a nd only labor is added here. Most of the shipments consists of colton embroi deries, atl hough some silk embroideries are also exported. The only market is the United States. Wood and Manufaclilres .- Thi s is represented by logs and hewn timber and lumber, although there is a small q uantity of furniture and pl ywood ex port ed. Exports of logs and timber declined by nearl y 18 percent in quantit y, while val ue was dow n eight percenl. The largest market for this item is Japan, but her purchases in 1940 dropped 25 percent from 1939, due probably to djffi cul1ies in obt a ining for eign exchange. Exports to the United Stales were practically doubled, while Korea also look Jarge quantiti es. In· cidentally, 1here were no exports to Kwa ntung in 1940, thi s probab ly bei ng supplied from Korea. A new market was added in 1940, Iraq , which 100k fairly su bstantial quan1it ies d uring the year. Lumber ex ports showed an entirely opposi1e 1rend, quantit y increasing by 33 percent whi le value was increased by an equal percentage. The Uni1ed States continued to be the largest buyer, although Great Britai n and British Africa took conside~ably larger quantiti es than in 1939.

Fruits and Preparations.-Th is item is made u p mainly 0/ canned pineapple. exports of which increased 32 percent in quantity and 46 percent in val ue. Practica ll y all of th is went to the United Stat es. Fresh mangoes are also exported in fairly large quantities, most of which goes to Hong Kong and China. Rubber and Manufactures.- Peanut exports, which ranked tent h in 1939, was replaced in 1940 by rubber and manufactures, exports of which increased by 159 percent in 1940. This is made up mostly of crude rubber in wh ich 1939 exports were nearly doubled in 1940. Another very remarkable increase was made in canvas rubbersoled shoes, ex ports of which were up 1,481 per· cent in 1940. Neraly all of the exports of r ubber and man ufacture s went to the United States. HE·EXPOHTS Du e probably to disr upti on of shipping fac iliti es on accou nt of the war and to some other factors, the Philippines is showing signs of becoming a transhipment point , as hown by t he fa ct that r e-exporlS in 1939 amounted to only P2,199,183, as compared with P'6,528,894 in 1940, on increase of 197 percent. T he increase was very evident in the last half of 1940, when shipments tOlaled 1"4,799,566, as compared with 1"1,729,328 in the first six months of the year.

Details of the most important commodit ies re ·exported from the Philippines in 1939 and 1940 are as foll ows : 1 940

1 939 Q uantity Kilo. Me~ t p roducta ..... . .. • ....... . ............. ...• •• •• •...... Conden.ed milk .........•. . .... . ....... ... .. ... ••. . . Raw coffee ..............• • . ................. . .. • • •• .

Aut omobile casing, ............................. •••••. A ut omobilc t ubcI ...... . Tobacco p roducu . ... .. . Cotton cloth

1,265, 13.632 Num b er 3,538 3,215,

PeSOt 37,840 402 5,7749,~,539

10,896 1011 .586 61,748

Sq. Yard s Burlaps and hagging ..... •• ••...... .. ....... ... ..... • . .... Woolen cl .. th ... .........••••• .... .. ................•..... Rayoo cloth ..................•.................. .. . • • ..... Hat s (wool or felt) ......... .. .. .. ...................... . O t her rayon manufactnres ....• •• •••. . . ............... .. Paper l)roduCII ...............••••.............. ......... .. Kero!ene Ore!

...................................... . ... .. ..... .

8,167 203, 710 Number

14,960 101,445


KilO!! 1.519,467


Sq. Yards 921,006 875, 162 725,932 Number 175.8 12


Kil Oi 4,159,327 1,616.000'

59,501 10. 170 50,076 337.782

Iron :md s teel se mi-manu fac t ures Oth e r iron and Bteel produc ts .......... . ....... .... . Minin g machinery ................................... .... . . All other machinery ........................ . Electrical machinery ~nd apparatus .......... ......... .


420,730 760,586 Number 15,347 17,400

180 57,530

...................... . ............ • .•... ... ..........

Autom obiles Trucks ... .. . Automobil e part! .... . ...... . ..... .. ..................••. .. . Oth er vchiclc, and I,arts . ... ... .. ..... ....•• • •. . ........ . .. Non .ferrou, metal s ........... • • ••• • ........ . ... . Miscel laneous metal l11~n"faClurcs Ch emicals, drugs and mcdic incs .. All oth er rc.exports

Qu a otity Kil os

80,580 Num ber 142


Nu mb er 77



210.321 174, 171 209,936 546,236 55,508 60,892 147,602 168,1741,004,211 372,989 89,329 161,316 166,660 135.924 176,000 212,479 121,173 164.475 415,277 172,700 M,256 1If10,858 231 ,961 210,091 95,185

53,3M 68.267 4.403 120,603 68.067 563,299

89,12·1 622,620







LEGAL HOLIDAYS All nOl es, draft . checks, Sel u ide b y Ihe Guvernment. or othe r co mm ercial or negotiable pa pcrl falling due or maluring on a lega l holiday . hall be deemed as havin!: matured o n Ihe day previoul; wben Ih e preceding day i5 aLlo a lecal huliday Ihe paper shall be dee med ..,. having matured on the la~t praeding day not a holiday. L ~a l holiday. falling: on a Suoday sha ll be oblen>ed on Ihe foll owing day. 3nd all nut c!!, drafu chab. ur olhcr commercial or necoliable papers falling du e or mSluriD, uo Ihal day sh all be deemed u havi ng matured Ibe preyiou. Salurday. Gencral Election. (Jun e 3) Ind epcndence Day (July 4) Occu pation Day (Aug. 13) T hanhgiving Day (Nov. 21)

Sunday. New Yea r (J an. IJ W... hinglon'. Birlhd.y (Feb.

22) Bonifacio Day ( Dec. I) Christmu Day (Dcc. 25) Riul Da y (Dec. 30)

Holy Thuud.y (April 10) Good Friday (April 11) Labor Day (May 1) Memorial Day (May 30)

(Obserycd by the Roman Catholic Church in Ihe Philippines) Saint I'ele r an d Sain t Paul All Sunday. (J"" e 29) Circumc is ion (J an. 1) Auumplion (Aug. IS) Epiphany (J an. 6) AU Saint. (Noy. 1) Saint J Ole ph (Mar ch 19) immaculnte Conception Asce nsion ( May 2) (Dec. 8) Corpus Christi (May 23) Nalil'ily of J esu a Chrilt (Dec. 25)

FOREIGN HOLIDAYS Marc h l1-lreland. St. Patrick'. D.y ' une 3-Creat 8ritain, King'~ Birthday ' une 5-Denmark. Natiunal Holid ay J uly 14-France. Pri!e de la Butille (Fall of Ihe Bastill e) J uly 25-Spain. (Dia de Sa nti ago) (51. James is Ih e pat ron n inl 01 Spain) Augus t I-Swi I2erland. Le JOll r d e I'in dependence (Iode· pendence Day) April 29-Japan. T enc ho Se tsu (Mikado 's Birthday) Augusl 31-Nelherlan,J., Queen's Birthday Seplcmber 26--Denmark, K ing', Bi rl hday Octobe r S-Portug:al. National Holid ay Octobe r 10-China. Nalional H oliday November 3-Belgium, Annivernry of King Leopold III November II- holy. King's Birlhday Noyember I S-Belgium, Feul Day of King Novembe r 30-5colland. SI. Andr e ... •• Day

Typhoon Signals System Adopted by Hongkong and the Philippines, Effective After February 28. 1935











FIRST SIGNAL Symbols,-Day Iymbol. a black T-Night aym bol, three lighls. white.... hite. white. Meani",.-Th it .ignal may ,ignily: (a)

Ind leatiooa of a diltant typhoon. the directioD of whOle movement is still unknown. changed in cue th e typhoon becomes more threatening.


T yp hoon who.e direction or dist ance is at pre.e nl such, Ihal it Ih e Archipelago.

The lignal will be

mar pan off wilhout serio""ly affecting

(c) Deprcssion o f Iinie importance, th oug h il may develop lat cr into a typhoon. Use.- F reque ntl y used in Ih e Ph ili ppi nes ; seld o m. if ever. in H ongkong. Relatian 10 the old spum.-h is the same a, Ih e old signal No. I. Precaution~.-Ves.e I5 prepare to strenglh en their moorings. Steamers prepare tu light C!!pec iaUy open launchcs. Ihould nOI ril k far from Ihe coul, port, or s teamers.


fire •.


yessel ••






bar--N ighl symbol. Ihree lig:hts. while , green,


Melln,·n,.- Center of lyphoOD will pus or i. 10 Ihe north ( northeas t or nurth or northweu) at a consider. able dis tao ce. St rong winds from Ihe louthwest quadranl (WClt tn south) , ... hich may acqui re considerable force and continue for several daya. U$e.-U.ed bOlh in R elation 10 Ih e old Precllutian$.-Vesleh an4 lle read y '0

H ongkong system.-h strengthen use eD~iocs

and in the Philippines. is Ihe lame as Ihe old signal No.2. their mooring. and send d o ... n Iighl yard. and mnl.. S tea mers OD , hurt pOlic e. DaD.l erou. for 'Jllall vcuel. 10 pe und e r war.






THIRD S IGNAL SymuoIJ.- DIl.Y ,y mhal, It black inver ted T-Night symbol, th ree lights, green, while, green . Meonin,o:.-C c nlcr oI typh oo n will pall! or is passing 10 the so uth at II considerable: dis tance. S lrong winds frOIQ the eatl quadrant (northeas l to lou lhent), whic h may acquire considerable force. Use.-Uaed both in H ougkang and in the Philippine'!. ReiD/ion 10 tlte old ,ysum.- I! is Ihe ume u the old signal No. J. P recoufiolu.- Thc ume .. for aecond ai!:na!.

FOURTH SI GNAL Symbo13.-Day ,ymbal, II. black diamond-Nigh t symbol, three lights. wbite. whi le. red. MeDnin,.- Typhoon dangerou s, though the danger is not yet imminent. Look out lor the De:;! sigDaJ. Use.-Used in the Philippine. 81 a transitional aignal : se ldom, if ever, used in H ongkong. R el(Jliora to the old sy&lem.-1t is th e lame lIS the old s ignal No.4. Prec6uti6ns.-\'euel. .trengthen their mooring, as mu ch 8$ possi ble, and acnd down topsail yards and top masts. Lower and accure all gear. Steamera must be :ready hI uae enGine, in cue 01 an emergency. Small veuel. remain at thei r moorings.

F IFTH S IG NAL Symbols.-Dny aymbol, black cone point upward-N ight aymbol, thrpe liGh ts. whi te, green, g rec n. Me.lllin,(.-Win d , of gole force expec ted from the nort hwest (from north to welt). Use.-Used in Hongkong, but seldom, if ever, in tbe Philippines. Relation to the old sysum.-It ia a new signa l. PrectJutiara s.- The umc as for fourth siGnal. Use Bteam to au ist tho anehora if n eces9ary . No v e~s els way while this signal it li p.

un der

S IXTH S I GNAL Symbo13.-Day symbol, a black cones point downward -Night sy mbol , th ree lights, green, white, white. Meanin«.-Gale expected from the SW (west to aouth)-Center of typhoon will pus or is passing to the n orth at a Iho rt diuance. Strong gales from the northwest and Cllpecially f rom the louthweat quadrants (north over wes t to lou th), which may reAch hurricane force. In rare east':ll of typhoons coming f rom the China Sea and moving northeastward. the windl will veer from louthelst over wes t to northwest. U~ e .-Ul ed b oth in Honekong nnd in the Philippines. R eiotion 10 the old &y&lem.-h corresponds to lignal No.5 in the old Iytlem. Pr~c(lution&. -The same as for fourth .ignal. Use steam to a!si51 the an chOIl if n ecenary. No vesae" und e r way while th b signal is up.

SEVENTH S I GNAL Symbols.-Day Iy mbol, two cones poin t upward-Night sym bol, three lights, green, ,reen . wh ite . Me(Jnin«. -Wind. of gale force may be e:rpected from the Dorth east ( from north to eut). Use. - Uled in H ongk ong; seldom. if ever. in the Philippines. Rdation to the old $ysum.-It is a new signt!. Precautions. -Th e lime as for fourth signal. Use steam to assist the anchora if neC Clsa ry. No vessels under way while thi s l ignal is UI).

EIGHTH S I GNAL Symbols.-Day Iymbo!, two conel point dowDward-Nil:h t sy mbol, three Jig hts , whi te. white , green. lII eanin« . - Gale expected hom th e southeas t (eaBt to 80uth)-Center of typhoon will pan or is paui ng to sou th at a ahort diUance. Strong gales from the n ortheast and ..specially from the lou thelst q uadra n t' ( n orth cast to louth). which may reach Imrriclne fo rce. I n rare cases o f t YI)hoons coming from the Ch in a Sea moving northea stw ard, the winds will back from s outheast. over cas t 10 n orth. Use. -Used both in Hongkong and in the P hilippines. Relatia" to th e old system.-It co rreaponda to lignal No. 6 io the old syatem. PrC(:outions. - The s ame aa for fourth signal. Use stea m to assist the Inchon if necena ry. No veuels un der while thia aignal ia up.

the ovel and


NINTH SIGNAL Symbol$. -Day symhol, black ight symbol, three lights, green, green, green. lIIeanin«. -Gale is e" p ec ted to in crease. U&e . -Used in Hongkong only. Relation to the old syllem .- It is a new l ignal.

TENTH S I GNAL Symbol$. -DIY Iymbol. a black etoss-Night symbol, three lighu, red, ,reen, red. ilIe"n in«. -Center of typhoon will pasa or is paning over or very nur the p lace. It mUl l be remembered tb at il the rul center of the typhoon panes oyer the place, then alter the Ibsohne or r elative 11111. due to the actual pan in, 01 th e center, the winds will suddenly ehange to a direction opposite the one from which they came before the calm ; allO Ihat they may be fiercer than before. U~e . - Used both in 1I 0ngkong and in the Philippines. Relation to the old system.-It corres p on ds to sig nal No. 7 in th e old system. Precautio,u.-Tbe nme as for fourth lignal. Vessels mll,t not euter the riven o r fin f rom them wh il e this ",il:ual it up; it is forbidden also to moye abollt in blncas or cascos. RE)IARKS. - 1. Th e above trphoon signals are Imisted in accordance wi th advicel fro m the Wea the r Burea u. melning is th e eame wllerever th ey arc shown in the Archipelago.

Th eir

2. While the precau tion s indicate d above to be taken 011 board sh ips must to Bome degree he left to th e judgment of the mau en th ereo f. all mu tcra of yenels are required to noti l)· the collector of customs or t he harbormaste r H. wh ile IYI.hoon signnls ",re displayed, any ve sse l fails to t3ke suit~hle precautions for its ufe ty. thu5 endanger in!: othcr ahi ps. (Sce Paragraph 181 of Cus toms Marine Circula r No. 53, issued on J anuary 1, 1 91~.) 3. T he precautions to lie laken on land ca n be in ferred from those indicated for vessd$. Secure movah le or loosely fastened objects which presen t Jurge surfaces 10 the wind . Door~ a nd windows ~hould be securely d oseJ. B1I Hdingt of light mat eriab shou ld b e b raced on the sides Ol)posile to the direction from whi c h the wind blows. an d the b rlcea !hould be .hifted according to the shihi ng of the wind . tha Jailer especially when l igna l No. 10 h hoisted .




Country of origin



Per cent increll..!le(z) 1939 to 1940

1939 P 245,S59,992

167,577,688 210,630,854 Unit ed Statel and ler. 2,450,957 3,162,875 Clnada. Austria 1,528 72,403 Belgium 841,082 2,966.137 11 ,006 Denmark 105.140 574,555 France 1.573,437 154,200 Germany 8,576.461 Great Britain 3,760,291 5,961,200 238,108 Ireland 445,459 628,647 Ital y 659.696 Netherlands 2,557,217 5,901.905 Norway 527,569 112,934 Spain 415,397 110,763 711,869 Sweden 1,038,502 Switzerland 1,002,346 1.690,480 6,211 ,560 China 5,287,146 Britiah Ent In dica 4,516.409 3,443,867 Dutch Ent Indies 8,134,342 5,954,850 French Eut Indi ca 1,162.093 3,876,896 Hongkong 2,047,761 1,792,156 ]2,063.121 Japan 15.227.484 Kwantung 50.420 177,052 Thailand (Siam) 1,483,015 ] ,575,513 Au!tralia 3.605.148 4.0M.662 All other countriea 6,301.564 3,776,800 (z) A minus sign indic ates a d ecrene.


25,7 29.0 97.9 71.6 89.6 63.5 96.2 36.9 46.5


56.7 205 .1 143.3 31.5 40.7 17.5 23.7 36.6 70.0 14.2 20.6 71.5 5.' 10.0




"309,579,644 1)316,105,606

United States a nd ter. Clnlda Au!tri. Belgium DeQmark Fnnce Germ.ny Great Britain Ireland Italy

256,065,439 1,269,918

259,335,320 786,634

146,018 752.611 3,1l7.665

Per cent increase(x) 1939 to 1940

2.1 1.3 61.4

821,416 62.2 2,667,729 72.0 11.6 3,525,59" 1,983,565 - 100.0 7,205.651 6,MS,924 1,696 10,634 62.5 615,561 490,663 66.1 Netherland~ 43,069 6,520,034 99.3 Norway 94,876 513,261 63.5 Spain 3,000,036 2,109,276 42.2 Sweden 1,539,161 1,906,457 19.3 Swit~erland 114,434 33,773 416.5 China 3,667,494 2,029,411 81.7 Britisb EOl t Indi es 683,007 1,629,864 - 45.8 Dutch Ent Ind ies 1,173,379 663,416 35.9 French Eut Indies 322,207 111,107 88.3 Hongkong 3,719,348 1,718,236 116.5 J.pan 17,592, 199 15,923,039 10.5 Kwantung 116,966 244,963 26.9 Thailand (Siant) 351,513 305,226 15.2 Au stralia 761,968 633,661 5.5 AU other (:ountrie. 6,656,172 4,955,663 34.3 (z) A minus l ign! indic ates a d ecrellse,


VALUE OF PRINCIPAL PHILIPPINE IMPORTS DURING 1940 Art i e I e .................... . ............... . Meat producIJ ................... .. ......... . D.iry product. . ..... .. .............. , ... .... . Fish and fish produ cts ................ .. . ... . Other edibl e animal products .......... " .... . Animal produc ts, Inedible ...............•.... Other ;lledible lIuimal p roduct. . ........•...• Grllins and prep:tr:ttions ..... ............. . Vegeta bles and preplITDtions ............. .... . Fruits and IIuts ........................ . Vegetable oils IInti fats, edible .... .......... . Cocoa, co He e, tea ........................... . Spice. " ............. . .............. •...•....

1,48],6]4 1,325,419 5,291,520 792,790 820.666 14,154,598 105,582 243,006 47,390 51,663,743 9,651,070 1,426,056 13,007,502 2,0]3,306 3,069,098 71,660,345 27.259,914

Semi·manufaetures •••..••. . .......••. Steel mill products ...•.............. Advsnc e d manufactures ............. . Machinery •..•...........................

12,622,173 6,359,296 6,076,443 23,060,943

Agricultural machinery and implements E lect ri ca l machinery and apparntul .... Other machiner.y except agricultural e lectrical .......... . ............... . Chemicals, drugs, dyes and medicin e• . . . ..... F erti 1i~eT3 ................................... . Pigments, paints, and varnishes .... 1 ••••••••••

442,342 1,591,327 15,047,274 6,137,901 6.966.119 1,941,674



Sugar>, molauel and syrups ......•........... Bcverages, wines and liqnors ......... . • , .... . Rubber and mannfactnres of ................ . Gums, retina, o ib , .......................... . Roots, herbs, barb, etc ............. ........ . Tobacco a nd manuf:tcture. ..............•..... Seeds (except oil seeds) and nuracry ,tock ... . scellan eou. vegetable products ., .......... . Straws, rushes nnd pnlm Jeaf .... . .......... . Textile fibers and mllnnfac~ures .. .... ...... . Manufactures of TDyon snd s ilk ......... . Wool nnd manufacturCll ................. . Pape," and mannfactures .................... . Non.metallic mineralsClay, clay prodncts and other non.meta llic mineral. . .......................... . Coal a nd coke .......................... . Metal• •nd manufacture!! ............... ..... . Iron alld tleel manufac tur C1l ...... , ••.....

Value ( P esos)

118,096 2,751,142 9,265,51I 3,045,613 522,666 3,225,603 494,330 14.337,679 4.161,003 3,467,643 507.865 2,710,597 73,274



Value (Pesos)


Abaca, unmanufac lured B 1,402,720 25,396,129 Sugar •..••....•.... K 976,473,774 94,466,636 Copra Cake ................ K 105,026,363 2,741,261 Rubber and manufactu res .. . 1,022,506 K 10,468,735 Cordag e ...... . ............. 3,496,917 Timher and lumb er ......... Bd. It. 169,626,430 7.Ii7,109 9,162,407 Embroideries, ,ilk and eOllon Gums and resins . .. ... .... . 466,745 Tobacco and manufactures .. . 10,292,061 Hals .......•.......... . .... N ]10,366 ] 26,021 Sheila and Manubeture!! •..... 489,493 Vegtable lard ................ K 1,9·19,377 416,589 Chemical~ .................. . 272,524Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations .............. . 16,062 160,652 Non·metallic mineral. . ..... . 166.21 3 Soap and toilet preparations .. Metal,: .................... . 92, 165,318 Ores,


Chromite ........... Copper ore .•....... Copper from gold cOn· centrates ... . . . . . . . Ir on ................ Ni c kel .............. Manganese . ... . ... . . Lend ............... . Bulli on From concentrates

13,742,9-14 T


4,017,613 13,086

3,664,121 303,657


6,215,696 1,191,641

2,493,196 5,529,480



1,499.609 32.361


Il3,972 30,601

25,525 6.836 75.600.161

9U09 916,557 30,601

101,686 64,307,467 6,836 1,665 925,509 1.953,335

Gold Oro . ......... K Bullion ............. F.Oz. From conccntrates K Matte ............... F .Oz. From lead bullion ... F.Oz. Silver ................. . From gold bullion ......•. From concen trat es . .....~ From preeipitntes ........ From lead bullion ........ Frout mali c ............. Ore ..................... . Coconut oil, inedible ... .... . COCOllut oil, edible ....... Muuufllcturel .......... . Brass



F.Oz. F.Oz. F.Oz. F.Or.. F.O z. K K

161 13,222 656,638 473,162

SOS 15,255 13,703 177,456,663 8,443.Z9-l

1,161.530 610,595 5,981 21,6942,011 71,5 24 16,525,329 1,198,352 668,6i8 261,886



.. ........... ..............

Slide l:Ulcne rs ' Other Copper Iron !teel Miscellaneous m cln] manuiactlucS (gOllgS, ,-alves, kr;s, Cle.) .. Sl:rap metal s Brass Coppe r


........ ........... ..........


216, 135



43 62,918


31,547 502

99, 373,9-17 K K

141,327 172,450

43.503 65,079


Iron 81ee l Aluminum linc other m et al •



6,287,957 34,097

245,241 9,235




B-Bale Bd. ft.- Board feel F. Oz.-FiDe OUDce. K-Kilo T-Too N-Number

Bureau of Customs MANILA

CLASSIFICATION OF PORTS "EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 254 (As amended by Executive Order No. 289)


OF PORTS "FQT th e purpose of Ibing the responsibility lor tile proper admini.tratLon, operation and maintenonce of porlS, and upon the recommendation of Ihe Naliona l Transportalion Boa rd crealed by [:leclltlve Ord e r No. 45, I, MANUEL L. QUEZON, Pre!ident 01 Ihe Philippines, do hereby eslabli!h Ihe following classification of pOrI!; "I. Natianal ParlS.-Nali ona l Porh shall compri~e all POrlS Ilrimarily of imp ortance 10 forei gn, interisland and inlerprO"jncial comme rce. Other poru which, on accounl of their geog raphica l loca tionl, are necesury for enlorcin.: CU l loml regulalions or for nalional defense, may also be classified aa National Poru. The improvement and main· lenance of !\'aliona[ PorI. ,hall be financed by Ihe Nalional Government. and Iheir administration and operation sha ll be under th e direct lu p ervi , ;on and conlrol 01 the Insular Collec tor of Cusloms. "2. Purs uant 10 th e abo"e c lassi ficalion and the pro· "i.ionl of Seelion 1145 01 the Revi led Adminis trative Code and Common ... ealt h Act No. 175, th e follo ... in g po rtl are hereby designaled a. National Poru,

J. (a) PORTS OF ENTRY OPEN TO OVERSEAS SH IP. P ING: Provinces POIU Albay Legaspi Cagayan AparTi Camarines NOrle J ose Panganiban (Formerly M""bulao) Ccbu Cebu Da"ao Da"ao I[ oilo Iloilo J\hnib Mani[a Sulu Jolo Zamboanga Zamboan;a (b) PORTS OF ENTRY W ITHOUT CUSTOMS FACILITIES AND OPEN TO OVERSEAS SH IPPI NG UPON IS· SUANCE OF SPECIAL PERMITS BY THE INSULAR COLLECTOU OF CUSTOMS;

Pravillce& Albay Occinenlal Negr08 I>anguinan Taral;lq


T abaco l>u lup3nd an Suai Hondaguu

II . PORTS OPEN TO COAS'tWISE TRADE ONLY ; Provinces Agu la n Albay Anlique Bataon Batane. Balan ~

BalDng.. Batangas Bohol Capiz COlabalo Cotabato linens Norte 1I0cos Sur 1I0cos Sur Lanao La Union Leyle Marinduque Muba le Mindoro Occidenlal l\lisamis Occidenlal Negros Orie nla l Milamil Oricnlal Neg rOI Pillawan Palawan Pal a"'lln Romblon Samar Sam .. Soraogon Sorsogon Sulu Su iu Sll[U SllrigllO

Zamboanga Zamboanga

Nasipil Virac (Calanduanes) San JOle de Buena~isla l\Iari"elca Basco Con Ira Costa Balangas Nasugbu Tagbilaran Capi~

Makar Paran g Ga·an Bay San II defonso Solveo lligan San F erna ndo Tacloban Balanacan Masbate Calapan J imenez San Carlol Cagayan Dumaguete Billabae Culion P uerto Prin cesa Romblon Borongan Catbalogan Magallanea Bulan Sitankai Siasi Balobalo Surigao Pulunn i\labngu

"3. Municipal P oru.-Munid pal Ports shall comprise all olher ports nol classified as Nalional Ports. The adminis tra. lion a nd operation of Municipal P orts . hall be unde r the Municipal Councils concerned, s ubjec i to th e general reg. u[ation s thai may b e issued by the I nRula r Collector of Cuuoms , pursuanl to the provision. 0 1 Chapler 39 of Ih e Admini slrative Code. The mainl enan ce and improvement o f Ihese porlS shall be financed by Ihe municipalities coneerned and from appropriations authorized by the Nalional Covernment and ."ch work . hall be carried oUI ... ith the ad"ice and under the general supervision of the Director of Public Work • . " ,~, Auy niunicip:l1 port may hereafter be declared a nationa l pon Or any nll.lional port declared a municipa l l'ort, when it is conside red necessary 10 do 10 in Ihe interen of CQmnleTCe, for Ihe enforcemeOI 01 Cusloms re;uialionl, II' for uational defense purposes,



Port Charges, Manila PILOTAGE REGULATIONS AND FEES (Cust oms Administra t ive -Order No. 304) PaTa!;rn"h I. Dy nuthority of ae~ ti.on 5.51 and in pur· suance of se<.: tioll 1415 of the AdmlDl.tralJv~ Code of the Philippine 1~I8.nd ~ of 1917, the following s pec isl regu lation. Bnd lee ,chedulel lor pilolage in Ihe Philippine Islands are hereby promulgaled to take effeet on Feb ruary I, 1934. P ••. II. The employment of a pilot for coastwise urvice in Philippine waters oUl9ide of pilotage diuricts Or be· tween pi lotMge "istrict! shall be optionsl, but "'hen reques led and rendered Ihe pilol performing Ihe ,arne shoJi receive aa compensation therefor not to cxceed thi rly pesos (1'30.00) pe r day and upenaes until hi , return to Sla' tion by fint available transportation. lu bject to private contract in cac h case. Par. II I. Any velsel employing II collStwi!e pilot be· twecn pilouge district s s hall pay the prescribed compul. sory or optional Ililotage fee to the pilot's auodation within whose juri. diclional wateu any parI 01 uid lervice may be rende red and any vessel emplo y ins: a districl pilot from ooe pilolllle dil trict 10 another, in addition 10 the compen· ution provided lor in par<lgraph II, sha ll pay to the auo, C,II.on III the district in which said vetsel ia piloted the compulsory pilotage or berthing fee of ui d distri ct. l'ar. IV. Any ven'" employing a district pilot from one pilolage dil trict to anothe r, in addi.tion to Ihe comp ensation provided for in paragraph II hereo f, s hall pay 10 the a~soe iation in th e districl to which s uch ve lse l i, piloted. th·, c(.mpul~()ry pilotage fce provided lor sai d district. Par. V. When a pilot i. kept on boa rd a vesse l thru quaralltine or othe r causes beyoud hi s con trol, he shaH 10" entitled to sub$iuence snd to pay at tho nle or eight pesos (P8.00) per day: Provided, That all tim c leu than Iwentylour (24) houTfl and over six (6) hours shall be counted u one day. Plr. VI. Wh en pilotage service is rend ered at any port between .u n ~ et and 5:00 a. m., an additionsl c harge 01 50% over the regn lar pilolage lees .hall b e paid. Thi. sdditional charge 0:- overtime fcc .haH like"'ise b e paid ... hen pi lotage ,erviee i. commenced before and finish ed aher Bunset or commcnced before and fini sh ed aftcr 5:00 s. m. Par. VII. Public vess els and Ihole in the service of the F ederal or Insular Government ; al80 IIOgs. lorchu , lRunchCll, and other vC!!seis engaged so lely in river or harbor work. I hall be exempt from Ihe compul80ry pilot· age provis ions of these regulation,; but .. hen a pilot '~ aerviee ia requ ea ted and rend ered, such vease ls sha ll pay the fees specified for other vessels. Par. VII I. The pilotage fees hereinafter authorized to be collected for and on account of Ihc respective pilol" aSiociltions, in th e manner and at Ihe rSlel presc ribed, .hall be known u "Entrance and Clearance F eu," "B er/h. in,", Feel "Unmoorint Fees" and "Shiltin, Fees"; Prov_ ided, lhat when shifting is ordered by cu,toma or other pOri authority, pilotage fo r such chang~ of loerth shall be rendered free o f charge. Par, I X. All p ilolage f eC!! provided for herein are stated in Ihc currency of the Philipp inc blonds and shall he paid in tha t currcncy or its equivalcnt. MANILA P ILOT'S ASSOC IAT ION Par. X. The Pilot's Association at th e Po ri o f Manila, subject to the provisions of paragraph II of Customa Ad· minislTllive Order No. llS, shall consist of l~""'11 pilots, one of wbom sha ll be lrnown as th e chief pilot. who shall hAVe gene ra f lupervision over the Manila Pilot'a As,ociation Ind its operations and receiv e u Compenlltion for luch extra service. one hundred (P l oo.OO) pesO$ per month, which amount shall he cons idered as a current ex· pense 01 the anoeialion , to be deductcd, will, other ex· penses. from Ihe gron receipts prior 10 th e division of Ihc net carnings amongsl the membeT8 thereof. PAT. XI. All fees herein prcsc ribed for th e Manila pilotsge diatric t shall be collecled by, and paid to the Treasurer of Ihe Manila Pilot'. Auociation no t later than tbe . lut day of the month du ricg which the pilotage teHlcel are rendered. No clearance shall be gr''''ted to

any vess cl on aceoun t of which said Ices are payabl"" unleu payment has been made or (l:uaranteed in a manner sa ti s fac tory to th e Insular Collector of Customs. Par. XII. Upon presen talion of prope rl y certified \'ouehen cove rin g the expenses of Ihe Au ocialion, paym ent ~han b e made for same from cas h on hand: s nd Ihe ne ' receipts thall be equally divided amon(l:, and paid to, Ihe membe r. of the Auocia lion monlhly by the Chief Pilot. Par. XIII. At Ihe close of each month, and al the end of each ea lcndar year, the Manila Pilot's Associa tion s hall render to the fnsular Collec tor of Custom, repo rts in ac· cord"nco with the provisions of Cus toms Marine Circular No . 97, uate<i November 30. 1915. the la id reports to bc mad e 01lt Oil the forms prescribe d and provided by the Burcau of Clls tonu.

FEES Par. XIV. Th e following fees , hall be paid to and on accou nt of th e Manila Pilot', Anocillion, .ubjeet to Ihe provisiona and in the manner bereioafter prncribed: DOCKING OR LEAVING PIERS Par. XV. Pil otage shall be compulsory for foreign ves· s~ ls o f five hundred gross lona or over doc king <It or leaving any In sular Government Pier and Ih e following fees s hall be pnid: Vessels IIlIder 1,000 tons nel ............ . ... P I8.90 each Venels of 1,000 to 3,000 tons net ... ...•... 31.50 each Vesle l. over 3,000 Ions net •.............. 47.25 eac h H owev er, pilolage s1,all be optional for any vessel anchor· ing or leav i"(I: an aocho rage bchind the breakwater. but sho ul d pilotage , erv icC!! be requesled and reodered, th e followin, lees shall be paid: Vessels und er 1,000 Ions nel , • . .•. .• . .. •. . •• ,. "12.60 each. Veuels 01 1,000 to 3,000 tons net ........• . 18.90 eac h Velsels over 3,000 tOllS net ......... .•.... 25.20 each PILOTAGE. PA SIG RIVE R Par. XV I. Pil otag e .hall be compulaory for vessels of 60 rcg is ter net Ions, or over, entering or clearing from the Puig River; snd such vess els shall be required to pay for uid se n 'ices at Ihe following rates p er each three dcc imetert (one foot) draft UpOIi en trsnc e or clearance: Vessels under 250 Ions. gross regiuer ......... . PO.60 Of 250 lind under 500 ton s, gr055 re(l:ister ..... . 0.75 Of 500 lOn" gross regis ter. or over .....•...•. 0.95 SHIFTI NG IN THE PASIG R IVER P a r, XV II. Pilotage lor vessels shifting be rth in the Pasig River, wh en done withont letting go aU moorings. shall he optiona l. Pi lotage for vessels of 60 regist e r net tons or ovcr, ",bj ec i 10 compulsory pilotage upon entrance or d eara nce. 8h ilting berth or anchora&e und e r s team or by tow'ng •• holl b e compul90ry, and fees therefor ahall be paid at the rate 01 forty centavos (PO.40) per each three decimet er, (one foot) dra ft: I'rovided, ThaI ve.,el. ":0:' empled from compulsory pilotage by Ihe preceding para· graph , hall not be required to tak e a pilol in shifting ber th. but, , hould pilol 's serviCH be requHl ed and rende red, Ihe ume rll~ as for otbe r vessel. ~all bl! paid. Par. XVIII. Any pi lotage service nOI olherwise s peci. fically provided for hereic. rendered wilhin Ihe limits of the Manila Pilotage Di9lrict. shall be oplio nal , but if requestcd and rend e red. shall be performed by a regu larly licensed pilol of the Man ila Pi lot's Auoeiation, and a fee of one pe. o and I ... enty·five centavOi ( Pl.25) p er each Ihree d eci mete rs (one foot) draft . ha ll be paid Ihere for. To/mat e ChOTKu.-V"",els arriving from or sailing for "orts outside the territory of th e Philippinel are charged tonnage due. III II. e nte of 1'0.125 Il er nel r egistered ton or 1>.35 per 1,000 k ilograms of cargo discharged and or lad en in Philippine port,. The rale of charge is 01" lional wilh the mllSler or con,ignee. If Ihe tonnage charge is paid on a n e t registered 10llnage b uis , same is mad e only once and at the first Philippine port of e ntry enlered on thai voyage.



Wharf or Pier Charges for the use of Port Facilities (Executive order No. 255 as amended by executive order No. 270) " ( I ) Veuds in For eign T,ade.-a . Ev e ry vencl engag ed in foreign.carrying trade which bert h, al 11 pi er, wharf, bulkhead.wharf, river or channel marg inal wharf al Ilny Na tional port in the Philippi".,. provided wilb cargo sheds, or make. fas l to any vessel lying at . uch wba rf or pier, for th e purp ose of discharging and/or loading cargo shall pay a berthing fee of two centavos (1' 0.02) per registered gron ton of vcsse l for the first twenty·four (24) hours, or pari thereo f, lind for each succeeding twenty-four (24) hOUT:!, or pari th e reof. ex eceeding three (3) hOIl Ill, th e same berthing fee shall be paid; Provided. Thai the maximum charge ,hall not exceed two hundred peso. (P200.00) per day. "b. Every vessel engaged in foreign·carrying trade wbieh b erths at a p ier, wharf, bulkh ea d-wharf, river or chan nel marginal wharf at any Na ti onal port in tho Philippines with ou t carto shcds, or make~ fast to any vessel lying at ,uch wharf or ]Iier, for the purpose of di sc harging and/or l o~ding cargo ahall pay a b erthing fee of one and one_half eenlaYOS (PO.OIS) pe r registered grosa Ion of ~e5Sel lor the li rst twenty- four (24) hours, or part ther eo f, and for each succeedin/: twenty· lour (N) hou~, or lIar! th ereo l. exceedin, three (3) houn, the same herthin/: fee .hall be paid: Provided. That the maximum charge $hall n ot exceed one hundred fift y pesos ( PlSO.OO) per day. "(2) Non·Car~o Yesseh- E~ery vessel engaged in foreign. carrying trad!! which berths at D pier, wharf, bulkhead. wharf, river or channel marginal whar f at uny Nationa l port in the Philippines, or makes fut to any vessel lying at such wl'ar l or pier, for the sole purllose o f landing and/or taking panengers, or for taking fresh wa ter nr fu el for bunker•• hall pay a benhing fee of one centavo (PO.Ol) p er registered gron ton of "es~el : Pr ovided. That ... ch vesse l remains a t s ucb berth n ot to exceed eight (8) houu, hut if suc h vessel remains at such berth more than eight (8) hours, tho same berthing fee shall he p~id, a, is provided in the preced ing paragraph for cargo vessels; And provided also, That the maximum charge sha ll not exceed on e hundred pesOll (Ploo,OO) p er day.

"(3) Y eueIs in the Philippine Coastwille Trade .- Il,. Every veuel p ropelled hy steam or internal co mb us tion engi n es and engag ed in the Philipp ine coastwise trade, e:reepting hoats of f ive tonI grou Or leu or pleasu re or non·eom. mercia! craft, which b erths at a pier, WllllTf, bulkhead·wharf, river or chan ne l marginal whar f at any National port in the l'hilippines Ilrovi ded with cargo sheda o r makes fast til, any vessel lying at such wharf or pi en, for the purpose of loadin, or discharging cargo or lor any other purpose, excep t when in di~tress, sha ll pay a b erthing fee of one' half cen tavo ( PO. ooS) per regis tered grolS Ion fOll the lirst twenty. four (24) hours or part thereof, an d one·fourth centavo ( 1'0.002S) per regi s tered gron ton lor each 8uc· ceeding twenty·four (24) hours or part th ereo f : Provided, That the maximum charge shall not exceed f1ity pesos (I'SO.OO) lor the firs t day and twen ty- fiv e pelos (P2S.00) for eueh succeedi ng day or part thcl'Cof, nor shall th e mini mum charge be less than li ve pesos ( P S.OO) for tbe first day and two pesos and filty centavOll ( P2.S0) for each &IIceeeding day or part ther eo f. "b. Evcry vesse l prDpelled by steam or internal eom· bustion engi n es and engaged in eoalllwile trade which berths at a pi er. whar f. bulkhead· wharf, river or c hann el marginal wharf without a cargo shed a t any National port or makes fast to any "essel lying at sueh pier, Whlrf, bulkhead·wharf, river or channel marginal wharf fD r any purpOlle, ex cept thOle specifically exempted in th e preceding lu b·paragraph. s hall pay a herthing fee of Dne_fourth centavo ( PO.002S) per reg is tered gross ton of veuel for tbe first twent y·fDur (24) hou rs Dr part thereof, and Dne·eigh th ecutavo (PO.0012S) p er regbtered gron ton of vessel for eac h succeeding twent)·four (24) hours or part thereof; Provided, That the maxim um charge shall no t exceed twelve peso. and fifty e enta,'os (P12.50) for the fiTSt day and aix pesos (P6.00) for each suceeeding day or part thereof, no r shall Ihe minimnm charge he less than fifty centavos (PO.SO) for the first day and twenll'·fi~e centav~ ( 1~0.25) for each luceeed ing day Or part thereof."

Vessels exempted from Wharf or Pier charges for the use of port facilities T he following elasses of vesse l. are exemp t hDm their paym ent of berthing feC!! prescribed by Executive Order No. 25S: 1. MDtor or steam vessels of fi ve (S) gross tDn, Oll less engated in Philippine e03JItwise trade. 2. PlelSure or non_comme rcial craft of Phili ppine registry. 3. Vessels of P hilippine registry in distress. 4. Vend, owned by the Governments of the United States or the Philippine., or by foreign gDvernmcnts not engaged in carryini ca rgo Or passengers for hire, 5. Sail ~euels, or vesseis not prDpelled by steam or internal combus tion enginc, of Philippine regi~try.

MARINE DIVISION IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION Imported merchandise are cleared by importeu themselves Or by custom. brokers whose servicC!l are eon tracled b y them regularly by means of import entries. Each such entry mU l t he lupported by all the .hipping dDcuments pertaining to the .hipment being cleared. If tbe value o f the merchandi.e covered thereby is over P50.00, a customs s tamp to the value of P1.00 must be aflilled to the impDrt entry. If the importer desires immediate delivery of pac k. agCll not auigned for exami nation, he shou ld h ave on file general imp ortcrs' bond in the amount of at Icasl 1'3,000.00 and CU8l0mi stamps to the amount of 1'1.00 and inter.n al revenue Itamp of I'O,SO mus t also be affixed to th e individua l bond print ed at the back of the form fDr import entry. If th e v~lue of the impDrts exceeds P200.OO and the imporler has not received the corresponding consular in_ voice, he mDy fi le the import e ntry by filing bond for

th e prOdUClion o f laid invoi ce in a ccordance with th e provis ions of SectiDn 1270 o f th e Re"ised Administrative Code. To this bDnd tbere must be affixed custom.. s tamp s Ill, the amount of Pl.OO and inlernal revenue , tamp of 1'0.50. BUI if the imPDrtation consius of American goods and free entry thereo f is claimed under Section 12 of th e Philippine Tariff ACI of 1909, as amended, provid ed the value of th e consignment is OVer P20.00 and the importer hu nO I reo ceived th e corres ponding bill of lading and/o r properly accomp lished certificate o f origin, h e may nevertheless fil e his import entry accompanied by b ond in the p enal 8um o f double the amount of duty nuesuble on th e merchand ise were it proceeding from count ri es other th oll the United Stales, guarantee ing t he prDdu c tiDn of .ueh lacking d ocuments ; snid bond must have affixed thereo n customs sta mp s to the amount of 1~1. 00 and internal ~eve "ue stam p of 1'0.50. Every exportalion must be covered by export entry. If the value of the export exceeds P SO.OO, there must be affixed on .aid entry custDms s tamps to Ihe amoun t o f Pl.OO, If the export is of P h ili ppine products or manu· facture and is destined for the United Statc!! snd the exporter des ires to avoid payment of full customs dut y in the United States. he must sec ure cer tificate 01 o rigin covering Illch Philippine prDduct. or manu facture to which document custo ms stamp. til, the amonn t o f P 2.00 a nd in. t erna l revenue stamp of 1'0.20 mU Bt b e. affixed, but if the ""llIe o f the merc handise does not exceed P 50.00 on ly internnl revcnue s tam p to th e amount o f 1'0 .20 is req uired. Bes id es said ecrtifi cate of origi n. the export er mu s t secure expDrl lax certifica te and pay the export tax provided in Ih!! T ydings·McDuffie Act, as amended. which is 5% during 1941, 10% in 19~2, J5 % in 1 9~3, elC. 01 th e full amount


DUTIES ON I MPORTS of Uniled Slate5 cu,tom. dUlies assellable in th e United Statu on importation proceeding from other count ries. ENTER INC DUES Entering P4.00, Olficial Oatb! admiobtered Free. CLEARINC DUES Clearauc"", P4.00 on ori,inal mani fests. Bill of Health Pl.OO lta mp. PUlenge r Ligt of Pl.OO sUm p. Tonntlgc dU e! if vessel load. DDd. (or) dilcharges cargo 12% cenlaYoa per registered nel ton of the veslel or 35 centav~ per 1000 Kilo,ranl$ of merchandise discharged Or laden at th e ol'tioo 01 the mas ter Or consig ne e of the ,·esse!.

WhaTla,e Char,e$ (m EltpoTu.-A whar fage charge ia coUecled, from the cx]'orte r. on all good., wares or mer· cbandise. e;<cept coal. loren product., cement, guano, the mineral. and ore. of copper. lead, >;illo. iron ond ateel

metala, re lractory gold orel. and lugor molasses. produ ct of the Philippine blands. .hipped or exported from the Philippines at the rat e of P2.00 per 1,000 kiloa gr06ll. Customs Mani/est and Bill 01 Il ealth Chllr,e.-The CUItoma Ic es on entrance and clearance manifest of veaselg engaged in forcig n trade are P8.00 (P4.00 lor entrance and P4.00 c1carance). On outward bill of health Pl.00. Tonnage dn cs if vessel loads 12y'! centavo! per regiuered centa"O$ per 1000 Kilogralll$ laden at the oplioll of Ih e ,·cne!.

and. (or) diacharges cargo net ton of the vessel or 35 of merchandise discharged o r muter or consigoee of th e

RECISTRATION OF VESSELS All Philippine ve•• eb of more than Ihree (3) Ions grou and not transien t of foreign registry mUa! be registered in th", Bureau of CUSlOlll8 U prelcribed by A~tide III of Ih e Revi scd Adminiurative Code. The fee$ lor suc h registra· tion, documentation and licensing are prescribcd in Seclions 1414 and 1415. 0 1 amended. of the Revi.ed Administrative Code and reguliltiolls promulgated thcreunder.

Duties on Imports A Table of Leading Art icles Im ported into the Philippines NOTE :-o.e.s. io dicates, "not else"here specified"; a.", iudicales "ad valo rem" duty. Rates quot ed are U. S. Currency. AcidJ. n,e.a.: Inorganic acids: (a) Hyd rochloric. boric. nitric and lu lphuric. and mixturea of two more of the ,ame . . $0.35 per 100 b. C ross Weight (b) Carboo dioxide li· quid (urbolic acid) an d .ulpbur diollide. 20% a." , (0) Nol otherwiae pro· vided for, .••..•. 25 % a.v. (d) All inorganic acid •• when chemically pure 30% a.v. Organic acida: (a) Carholic .. .... .. .. .. I O% a.v. ( b) Other ... .... .. ... . 25% a.v. (c) All orgauic acida, when chemically pu re, 30% a.v. Agri cult ura l I mplemcnts: (a) Of iron. steci, or wood 15% a.v. (b) Olhe r ................ 20% a.v. Agua Amouia ........ .. .... . .. 15% a.v. A.lcohol. . . .. . ....... . .. . . . ... SO.50 pe r proof liter Alcohol. Amylic . . ••.. . .•... . 25% •. v. Alcohol. Me thyl •• . •......•.. 25% a.v. Animals for breeding purpOlel F. E. Registe red ••••••... Fr..e Anyi" ....... . .. ... .......... 1 50/~ D.V. Arms. Fire .......... .. .. . .... 40% a.v. Automobil es : Detached partt and accessories, panenger a.v. reo and tranl ... .. ..... .. ....... 25%. 20% /lnd 15 Ipe<:tively Animal products (100 ka) .... S7.00 Asbeslos ...... . .............. 15% a.v. Buley in grain .. ..... .. ..... $0.25 for 100 Its. C. W. Bead•• glul ....•.........•. •350/0 a.v. Bead" porcelain in strings •.• 40% and 25% a.v. Beef. MUllon and Pork: (fresh) .................... 55.00 for 100 b. C.W. (canned) ........ .. ........ 15% a.v., 20% a.Y. an d 25% a.v. Beer. in receptacle ove r 2 11· ters .............. . ........ S4.OO hectoliter Biological and pharmaceulical products: (a) An ti toxiu, ¥leeme-, vi. ruses, se rum, and bac. teri n., wh en importcd in caplulCl, pHI, tab. le1ll, Imen,es, troch es, ampoulea. tube.. or in other equivalent r e. cep tac les ••••.• . ..•.•• 20% a.v.


Pharmaceul ical pro. ductl, medicinal p re· parationa. plaste rs an.' Ilou ltices Ind capaulef empty ................ . 300/0 B.V. Birds. including poultry ... . 25% a .•·. BOD es 01 all kinds wrou!.:bl n.o.p.f. . ....•............ .. 51.50 or 30% a.v. unwrought ................. 50.30 b Bricks •. . ....•..••...•.•••••• 15% a .... Bromiu o .......•.....••.••.• . 20% S.V. Bru ~ b es, hridle .....•..•..•• 30% a.v. Bulla, Cowa. Oxen •.......•• S7.00 per head Buller. pure ............•..• 50.06 ko .• incl. w. of 1m. m. cont. Buttcr imitation ...•..•...• ··50.10 ko. ind o w. of im. m. con I. Button., peart. (kilo) •.... . • $2 .50 or 50% a.v. Bultons. bonos, porcelain, compOlition. wood. ftecl, iron or similar matcrials ..•. SO.30 a kilo or 25% a.v. Buttons, other material • ..... $0.50 a kilo or 25% a.v. Bulton5. platinum anu olloy, or gold ................. .. $ 12.50 hec togram Or 25% a.v. Buttons, ailver and alloy. . . $1.00 hec togram or 25% a.Y . Buttons, sleeve and collar silver or gold plated ..... $2.40 ko. or 25% I.V. Cacao unground (100 kl •• gron weight) ......... . ... 57.20 Canvas for sails cotton ...... 50. 10 to 50.14 ko. CDJlI'U for sails flax ........ $0.07 to 50.15 ko. plus 15% .urtax Caps . .•...•....... , ......... 500/0 I.V. Carbou Dioxide •.....• . . .. . •• 20% a.v. Carbolic Aeid ............... 10% a.v. Carborundum •.......•......• 15% a.v. Carpell>. COltOn .•.•...... . .•• •30% a.v. Csrpel9. wooleo ......... . .... 35% a.v. Cub Regbler ............... 25% a.v. Cement ..................... $0.65 per 100 b. gross weight Ceramic til n. Ylmithed uade<:orated •.•... . ...•..•• • $0.45 pcr 100 b. grO!9 weight Ceramic tilel, gla~ed. wheth. ~r vitrified or not, enam. eled, ornamentcd or d~. orated .. .................. $1.20 pcr 100 b. C.W. Chalks, (100 b.) ......• . ••• $0.40 per 100 ka. C. W. Charts. mspa ......... . ....... 30% a.v. CheC!le. ali kind8. common .. 15% II.V. Cheese. all kinds. finc ...••. 15% I.". Chocolate. in form of lump. (100 kls. incl. w. of 1m. COlLI. • •.......•••....• • ••• . 510.00 Chocolale. in form of cake powders (I k!.) incl. w. of iID. cont. . ...•.•...•..•.. . IS ce nt s or 25% a.v. Cigan and Cigarettes ........ $9.93 ko. lind 25% /I.V. Clay, li re . .... . ............. $0.65 per 100 b. C.W.



Clay. common and cemen t in bricn. li les, and pipes .. 15% a.v. Clocks, D.c.a. walb, tables . . . 25% a ..... Clothing, read)' nUHlc, ailk a nd woolen ........ , ..•..• 50% Rn d 40% a,v. Coal . •••...•........... . ... . SO.25 per 1,000 };•• Coffee, ..",roasled ....... . .... 55.30 per 100 kt. C.W. roUled ground or Coffee, not ................ . . ... . . $7.00 per 100 I... C.W. Coffee, in pkgs. len 3 b . • . 59.00 per 100 b., incl. w. o f im. conI. Confec tionery • ••••.........• . 25% a.\', Copper and alloy~ thereof. in ba n, pip es, alld . heell, or alloya of cOllper, in lump, aod ingot8, any of th e foregoiug including MUniZ melal • . .... .. ....•. 10% a ..... Copper, gauzed ••. . ... .. ... .• 20% .1.'1. Copper, manuracturel of, plain . . ..••.......... . .• ••• 200/0 a.". Copper. Dlanufucture o f. nickeled ... . .••. .. ...• . .••. 25% a.". Colton Cloves. k nilled ., .•• . 35% a.v. Colton H andkerc hicb hem· med up \0 •••.•••••••••••• SO. 14 t o SO.60 "Ius au rtox COllon Hosie ry ..........•.•• 25% a.l'. Colton Drawcl"3. knitted •..• 25% a.l'. Cation Shirrs. knitted .... , •• 35% a .l'. (polo) Cation Plushes and Velvet •• SO.50 kilo Cation. Raw •.....•......••• f ree Cotton, Curtain, lace .....•• , $0.50 ki lo and 60% a. l'. Cutlery, pCH:ket, and razo ..... 30% a.". Cutl ery, b u tcher'II , allOe, maker's, saddler's, plumb· c r',. pain ter's, pru ni ng, lind budding kni,'e, ; grUI, lard en, hedge. pruning an d I beep Iheau; filh· hook. . . . . . . ... . . ....... , • • 15% a.v. Cutlery, awo rds cines and limHar articles Ind "'eap· on. with concealed blades.80% 0.1'. Cutlery, table ... , .... . ...•• 20% n.l'. Diamonds, cut a nd le t ...... 25% n.V, Diamonds, cut but not set •• 15% n.V. Drug • • c rude animal •....... 84.00 p er 100 kJ, or 25% a,v, Dno/l:l, veg. • .. ,., .. . " .....• 83.00 pe r 100 k" or 25% a.v. Dyet. artificial .,., ... . ....... 30% a.v. Dye...oodl F ree Dycwooo Extract. ., .• , .. ,., .• . " ••. 10% and J5% relpectively Dynamite ..... . ....•. "", .• 100/" a.v. EartheDware, painted , . .. . . , ,40% a.v. Eanh enwar e. porceillin, plain.25% a.". Earth enware, porcelaIn, etc. for uccoratillg •.....•...••• 50% 11.1'. Egea. not otherwise proviued for: (II) Fre!lb or presened, ;11 lIatural form •• , .• . $8.00 per 100 h . , ron ...·ei,ht (b) Powder. and othe r preparation not other. wise provided for ., .•• 100% n,v. Engroyings ... . . . ............ 30% o,v. Extracts, meat .. , .... .... .•• 25% 11.1', Fanl, aU kinds •. " . ......••. 35% 11,1'. Feathe... lind down,: (a) Nol advanced in con· dition tban cleaned ... 20% a.v. (b) Fnrther advanced, and manufactures in whicb fcathera and dnwn. lire tbe component mate. rilll of chief valuo ." .40% a.v. f eather lor ornamenl, •.. , .•• 60% a.v. Feltl, wool .,., ..... . .....•• 400/0 a.v. Fe rtiliz eu, artificial or chern. ical .... ..•..••.•.•. ", .. .. 5% 0.1'. Fertilizera. gUlioo manur e . .. • Free fibera, rllW or hackled •.. , •• }O% a.v. Fibera, nol otherwile provided for. yarns . ......••• 15% •.1'. Firearm. . . ... .. ..•.. ", ..... 40% a,v. Fire, Crockers, kilo ••.• ", .•. 20 cents F iab, canned, plaio •...•.•. . • 15% a.v. Fllb, canned, other ... .. , .. ,,20% II.V. Filh, canned. d elicate eUCD.25% a.v. Fiab. IlOoked, dried. Dot cllnoed • ..•.....••.• . , ..... S3. 75 per 100 Jr. ••• C. W. Flanneb, woolen in pieee •. .. 35% a,v.

Flayoring edrac t (witbout alcohol) o r Dot more Ihan 101% ........ , ...... .. ... ,. SO.25 per ki lo extracta (with F hlyoring IIlcohol more th an 101% •.•• SO.35 pe r kilo, or 50% a.y. F lax textile!, manufa ctures 01 n. e.s. to •••• , ....• , .••• $0,01 ko. 10 $0.90 ko . plul iurla:let or 20% a.v. 30% 11 .1'. Flowers. artificial . .... " ••••• 50% Fruill. pregen'ed in canl . •• . S2,00 p er 100 b. or 15% a." Fr uits, Appl es, drange., fr elh ...................... 51.25 per 100 ka. C. W. F ura .................... .... 250/0 a nd 35% :1.1'. Furniture, wood , lin e earved.50 % 11.1'. Gin seng root •.•............• 85.00 IleT kilo o r 25% a.r. Glu.; (.) Siahs, conea o r priams for paving, o r roofi ng. I: r 0 8 • we igh t, one hundred kiloa . .•. . , •.•. $1.65 (b) Roll e d. cylinde r, crown, lind aheet gIllS, not plate gla .., for window. li nd ,i mil ar purposes. n e i the r ponnd, polished , beveled, engraved. acid· e tched. decorated. or· nament ed, annealed . act in lead, Dor Iros ted,25% a,v. (c) Th e 9 a m e . grou nd. poH!hed, beveled . en_ graved. aci d. etched, d e_ corat ed. ornamented. annealed. aet In lead. or frosted plain or in de a ; g n, plate· elua. poliahed, beveled, or nnt ...... .......... ... 40% II,Y. (d) Clasa of 1111 kind., enlrllved or e nameled •• 50% a.v. Cloves, cotton, knitted ••. . .• 35% •. 1'. Golf Stick!! ... , ... , .. ....... 25% a.y. Clucose .. . .................. 51.60 p er 100 b., C .W. Clue .................... . .. . 250/0 a.Y. Cold, manufactures 01, not jewelry ., . ........... " .. , $ 12.50 hectogram or 25% a.Y. Coid, manufacture. 01 let, with pearb, predoul or .emi·precious . tonet •....•• $25.00 heclosrllm or 25% a.". Coid, lame let, wi tb imita· tion pearls, or prec ioUl (lr aem i.precious Iton es , ... . .. $ 17.50 hectolTDm or 25% a.,. Coh!o or pla tinum, manu lac· tu ro of, (e:rcept jewelry) co mp osed in part nf other materiah, not otherwise provided for, pellell for u,e in denti stry, ,older and foila .. , .. ", ..•..••• ,S3,00 hectogram or 25% •.•• Covernmen t Supplies ., .••••• Dutiable if foreign . Crindstones ... , ............. 15% a.v. Hair, of hogl, curled for matt resses , ............... . 10% a.v, Hair, mlnulaclurers. n.e.I •• ,. 300/0 a.", Ha ir, human, unmonu fac· tured ...................... 50% I.V. R amI aod BaeOD, Dot can· ned ........... .. .......... S4.50 per 100 k!!. incl. th e w. of im. m. cont. lI arness . .... , ... . " •. " ..... 25% 11.1'. lIa ll. complete, not trim· med, other materials . ..... SO.35 each or 35% a.v, Ha ll, complete, not trim. med . ....... .. .. .. ........ 50.20 eac h or 35% a.v. Ha lt, complete aa d trimmed, st raw and anillogou. material .,.,.", •. . , ... . ... SO.60 each or 60% .,v. Ha ta, complete but n ot trim· med "." ........ " ....... $0.35 eac h or 60% a.v. Hay ................. " ..... 50/., a.y. lI emp. Cordage ••••• ,., ••• •• 20% to 30% 11.1'. T ex tjJ e~ of hemp, flu aloe, jute a nd vegetable fibu, n ot otherwil e provided for, pl ai n. twill ed. or dam· asked wei;hing thirty. fiv e kilos, or more per one hundre Iquare met e rs hnin,(II) Up to ten threa ds, used for ba"ing aod ba ilinl' weighing forty· five kilol, or more per one hundred s qu are meterl, kilo. one cent.


• 35


( b)

Tho lime. weighin; frOIll Ihin y·fivo to forty.lil'O per one hundred equarel mCIOll, kilo, two


ceDII .

Up to len' tbread~. for other purposu, kilo, eeYen cenll. (d) From oleven to eiG'bteen threads, kilo, ICD cenls (0) Nineleen threads or more, kilo, fift een cenls. Provid~d. That any le'llile classified under tbi' paragraph, bleached, half bleached , stamped, (or printed, ahall be dutiable as ILlCh, with II su rtax of fift een per centum; Provided, furlher, That '1 "Y te:llile c1anificd under Ihil paragraph, manufactured with dyed yaml, aha ll be dutiable I t lIuch , with a lurlax of twenty-five per cenlum; and PrOl)ided, /u,ther_ That no artic le classified ander c1aule. (0), (d). and (e) of thi , paragraph shall pay a Ie.. rille o f duty than twenty per centum ad .,.Iorem. Th. same weighing from twenty to thirty·five kilo. per hund red squa re meters, having(.) Up to ten threads , us ed for ballillg and bnlillg, kilo, two cen t•. (h) Up to ten thrends, for other porpose., kilo, nine cent,. From eit!yen to eighteen threads, kilo fourteen (0) cent,. (d) From nineteen to twenty·four thread., kilo, eighteen eent,. (.) From twenty.fiye to thirty thread., kilo, twenty. two cent•. (I) From thirt y. one to thjrty·eight threads, lcilo, thirt y cent,. (,) Thirty·nine thread. Or more, kilo, forty cents. P10l;lided. Th at any tel'tile claujfied under this paragraph, Illeached, half bleached, atamped or printed, .hall b e dutiable a, luch, with a l uuax of twenty· liv e p er centum; P10vided, JunheT, That any textile e1a..n ilied und e r thi s para grap h, manufactured with dyed yarnl, . hall be dutiable a. ncb, with a aurtu: of forty per centum; and P'0llided, Ju.nhe1, Th at no article c1 u.ified under clauea (b). (c), (d), (eL (f). and (g) of this paragraph ahan pay a len rate of duty thin twenty·fiye per centum ad va lorem. The same, wei,hing from ten to twenty kilol, per one hundred square meters, havingh) Up to eig ht een thread. , kilo, twelye cenu. (b) From nin e teen to twenty. four thre.d" kilo, twellty cen ... (c) From tw enty· live to thirty tbreads, kilo, twenty. eight cenl!. (d) F rom thirty-one to thirty· eight threads, kilo, thlrty·aix cellll. (e) ThirtY'llin e threads or more, kilo, 'ifty-six centa. Provid ed , Th at any textile clauified under this pa~.graph. bleached, hall bleached, uamped, or prmted sh.ll be dutiable AI luc h, with a .urtu of thirty per centum; Provid~d. fu.rther, That any !e>:tile elu.ilied under thia p...graph. manufactured wit h dyed, .h.ll be d u ti ahle I I .uch, with a .u rtn , "f fift y per centum: Provid~d, /luther, That no ITticl e clauified under thi. paragraph Ihall p ay a Ie.. rate of duty t~lan thirty p er centum ad va lorem, and Prov.ded, Jurth er. That no embro id ered textil.., clou ified under this paragraph ahall pay less ra te of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem, and any embroidered textile so ela n ifi ed shall be lubject to all the aurtax applicable thereto ullder thia Act, computed upon the ascertai n ed amount of duty, whether th e rate found applica bl e ahall he Ipecifie or .01 valorem. The lime, weighing len than ten kilo. p e r one hundred • quare meten, havingUp to twelve threads, kilo, eigh teen cent •. (h F rom thirteen to twenty·two thr e.ds, kilo, thirty . two cenls. (c) From twenty. three to thirty thread., kilo, lorty. live ce nts. (d) From thirty· one to thirty·eight thread., kilo, fifty. lix cent,. (e) Thirty·nine th reads or more kilo 90 cenl!. Hidet •.....•.•..............•• 10% '15 % to 25% a.v. Hollow",..e (Sec Clan, Ear. • tben"lTe and Porcelain). Honey, retail pkg•••••• •• . •. 53.00 p er 100 b. incl. w. of im. m. contalnen. (0)



Honey, In hulk •••.•..••• • ••• S2.00 per 100 k •• grosl. HOOPI, Iron o r .teei, uncu ••. $1.00 per 100 k •• C.W. Hom, manufacture. of .. . ..... 81.50 100. or 30% I.y. HorlCS (Itallionl) ......... . . SIO.OO ",ach Hors et (mulc.) .............. $10.00 H os iery, cotton •••••.••••••• . 25% a.y. Hydrochlori c (100 kilos ) .... 3~ cent. C.W. India. Ruhb cr,'aclurea of, n.e.' ........... '" ..... 25% and 30% India, Rubbe r, vulcani~ed •••• 30% a.v. Ink, printing •.••.•••••..•••• 15% lI.y. Ink, writing .. •. . .........•. . 25% •. v. Inurum..,nts, bra" musical • . 25% a.y. h on , Cast: Bart. belmt, platee (100 kilol grou) .. . .......... SO.35 Iron, wrought and I tee l rlil., "nigbt or hent (100 ka.) ............... 40 cent. Iron finished: (a) Whee ls, axlea. sprillg, br.keshoel, drawbara, break, heam. bUll'1pera, coupling (100 Idlol) •. 45 cent. (b) Whcc ls weighing 100 kilos or leu ........... $1.05 Iron, manufacturcs of, n. e.l. . . ...... .. .. . .......... 15% to 20% a.y. Iron Screws . .............. . .. 15% •. y. Irou·tin ned Platea in Sheetl • $1.20 per 100 Itt. C. W. Tin plat",s m.nufactured •.• 15% Ind 20% I.y. Ir on. wrough t in theet.: (a) P I a j D (100 kilos) groll ..•.•..•••...•.• 50 eenlt (b) Polithed (100 kilos) gron .•..•.•....•.. . • 51.00 (.) Not Polilhed (100 kilos) gron ...•..... 65 cenlt (h) Rou gh turn ed (100 kilos ) ,rOil •..•.•..• $1.00 Ivory, manufactures oJ n.o . p.f..... .. .. . ............... 40% a.y. horl' (. Unwrought ........ . .. 15% (b) Wrought ............ 40% J ewelry, gold . .....•..••..... $12.50 hectoa:ram or 25% a.v. J ewe lry . lold, let wit h pearll, preciOUI or aemi·preciou, .tonel . . ....•. . •...•..• ..• 525.00 heCloa:ram or 25% a.Y . Jewelry, gold, set .... ith imi. tation purls, precious or semi·p recious Slones •....... 317.50 hectogra m or 25% a.v. J ewelry, .Uyer .•.•••••....... $1.00 hectogram or 25% a.y. Jew elry, Inve r, aet with pearl., precioul or 8emi. precious s tones or imita. tion pearls, precious or aemi.precioul IIonea •...•.• $5.00 hectogram or 25% ...... l e we lry·gold or I ilyer plated. $2.40 a lcilo or 25% a.v. Knit, Goods, wool, to ...•. .. 40% •. v. Knit Cood •••ilk, t o •... ...• 50% 8.V. Laces, collon .. ............. 60% a.v: Lead ......... . . ... .......... 10. 15 and 25% a.y. Lead type ••.• . •. . .•...•.•... 10% a.v. Leather Manufacture, n.e .•.•. 35% a.v. Liquor. (Alcoholic) •••••...• $0.65 per proof liter Lin e n T exli]et Manufactures n.c.s. • •.••.•.•• . ...• . ••..• SO.OI to 30.90 R kilo plu. • urtal'es or 20% to 30% a.Y . Lithograph., pap er ••••••••••• 400/0 a.v. Lithograph a for Advertiaillg forei!:n product ....•.•...• F'ree Lith ographs: foreign pro· dnctl, Jorela:n busineu hou s es, firm., offic"",. el. loeiationl. corp oratione • trad et, or profetaion. . ..•• h ee Advenisinll: local pro· du cu, local bu.inesl firm., anoclltions. corpo. rations, trades or pro'us ions . . .• . .•••..... . .•••• 400/0 Lumher p laned. common •.•.• 20% and 30% •. v. Lumber planed, £jlle .....••••. 40% a.v. Macaroni •....•..•.......••. . 32.50 per 100 kl. Machinery, hu u ............ 20% a.v. Macbinery, iron •..... . ...... 15% a. v. Machinery: (.) Dynamos, generaton, generating let •• alter.



MAN I LA CITY DIRECTORY nat 0 r a. molors, and .imilar mac hin ery, not otherw;'e pro\'ided for, Irllllsformen and storage batteri es, 'Wilch boarda, and swi tc hes, are telephone and telegraph inurumenla, fana, b uzzers , oDd annunciators, am me ters, voh·melenl, wllttmetcn. an d simila r meo . urinr ' ppanlu" dry and we i batteries, and detached paris for a 01 of th e foregoing, • n d a rt icles II ! e d ex_ elll,;ve!, in the inaul. latioD there of, iun!al. on lind insu la ting com· pound, and maleri,b II • e d Ci<clU$ively f (I r electrical purposes, carbon ani! iDcandellcen! bulb i and tube • • • ••• ,15% Cooking, rcfri gen lin g, and healing IIrpar'IU ! n n d uleMib, Cfl:>ndeli er., desk ann table lamp. , fl uh light!, flaliron., loldering IIDd cu rling, ironl, thermu. cau leri ea and cauterizi n g instrumen ts, su r· ,ical, dcntal. and thera. peutic appliances, in. cluding so·call ed elec. Itie bell S, X-ray rna_ chlnu , vibratory ap. paratus, electro· plating eutfits, c i g n r ligh lels. et he r inllrUmen!!, im. plemen ta, u tenai ls, an d artlel es used in con· nection witb, for, or by th e application or produetion of electrolec:h. nlcal, tbermoelectTic, galunic, o r gahano. m'gnelic force, and detached parI! for any o f the fo regoi ng, not other. wlsc provided lor ...... 25% a.v. R a d i 0 appartttu5, and p arts a pp urtenttneea, and Accessories t he r~ . for . .•...........•...•• 300/e> a.v. .. . ... ... ....... . ... .. .. F rce Beverages .•......•. .... 54.00 to $5.50 Hec tol. •••••...........•...... $4.90 H ectolit er


( b)


Malt Malt Cider

Mubles : (a )

Tn block rough or • quared ...... •..•.• • 20% 5.V. (b) In ,labs, plates or "ept ................ 300/e> a.,. (c) Any of th eae Iionea (lette red) .. • ........ 40% a.v. Sionel, Natu ral or Artificial -C.W. (' \ In bl ock (100 kilos) . . 10 ccnts (b Crulll ed, .awn, hewn or d reaacd (100 kilos) 50 cen ts (c) Manufac tured (100 ki. los) ........ " .. ..... 51.00 or 30% a.v. Matchea, friction boxed ..... 50.20 ko. Matting , cocoa ...... _....... 35% •. v. Matti ng, nUan ...........••• 35% a.v. Meertchaum Pipe. .........• • 40% II.V . Mercu ry, gross weight .... . •• 10 cents per Sollo Mica and Ian ..............• 25% a.". Millstone . . •............. . •. 15% a.v. Milk, condensed .......... .. 10% a.v. Milk, h elh ... . ... ......... .. 10% a.v. Milk .ud creams. compou nd ed with other lu b. lanc es, milk powder an d tablets ........ 20% D.v. Mineral pigmen ts ... ...•.•. •. 10% D.v. MolallU, n.e.s ••....... ... •. . 53.00 per 100 n. H in retail con tainera. Money ... . ...........•...... Free Motion Pictu res Films .. ... . 35% 3.V.

Motion pletures films : Subject to Int ernal Revenue T ax at 3 cenl avos per lin ea l meter betides tbe CU ltOIlll duty. Muffs. fur ............ . ..... 25% •. ,.. Mu sical Inst rum ent., bran .. 25% II.". Nails, Iron brassed •••..•• . •• 10% •. v. Nails, b ran wire .. ••••.•••• 25% a.v. Naill, hran, plain . . .•. • •••• • 20% a.v. NewspapeT8. Periodica la •..•• Frce Nickel, aluminum, bars, s heet s. pipes, and wire ...... . .••• 15% a.v. Old Newspllpell used (or wrapping .......... .. .. .. ...... 10% a.v. Niekel, manufactured ••.• .. .• 25% Oile1oth in th e piec e and Manufselured •....•••••. . •• 15% an d 25% ••" . Oil, Olive, in tubes or tin s weighing ever 2 n . . .. .. .. 15% a.". Oil, Oli ve, in bottles ....... 25% a.•• on, "hsle and seu!, refined. n.e..... .. ....... . ... ... .... 25% D.V. Oilstones ........... .. ....... 15% a.v. Onion t, fr esh ........ .... . .. . 11.00 pe r 100 kilos G. W. Opium, liquid preparation . •• 35% a.v. Opium, crude and unadult er. ated ............ . ........ .. 35% a.v. O.lides and bydroxides 01 po· taniu m, sodium, barium and other caustic commercial alkalies, nOI othe rwi se pro· .ided for and eoda ash ... . SO.50 pe r 100 n. C.WI. con t. (a ) ChemieaUy pure • .. •. 30% a.v. Paints .................. ... . 15%, 20% aod 25% a.v. Painti nr' and Marble Statua· ry for public inllitutiona .. . F ree Pape r 01 all kinds, pasteboard, cardboard, bristol board, 8t rawboard, and pulp board: (a) Rul ed, and printed or lithographed m u s i e . houn d or in sheets, with or wilhout word • . 20% a.v. (b) Aerographed wall poe. ke t and cu touts •. . •• 25% a. v. (c ) Prin ted, engraved, li. thographed, su rface COiled, etched, emboned, or otherwise e labo raled , not other. wise pr ov ided fo r, in , hee t, ............... 350/e> a.v. (d) Th e sa me manufac· tnred into Drticlcs not otherwile pro .. ide d •..••.•.....••.•• 40% a.v. for Paper, printing. su itable for hoon or n ewspaper., not printed or elaborated. and land, II lan. emery, carbo. rundu m, and similar papers, aheatinll an d roofing paper .. 10% a.v . Paper, p.steboa rd, cardboard, bristol boa rd , s traw board a nd pulp board: (a) Not prinled or elab or. lied, and writing pa· per. plain, ruled or padded, bu t not print. e d .. . .... . ........... 15% a.Y. (b) The nme, manufacturcd into a rticlea, in· cluding confetti aod serpentine, and enve· lopes 01 all kinds, withou t printing • •• •• 200/0 a.v. Pa per Stocb, crude • .. ••• •• F ree Paprika, ground .• ••. . ••••••• 50.80 ko. P a tent Medicines less 14% Alcohol ............. .. .... 50% a.V. Palen t Medicinea over 14% Alcohol ....... . ........... 75% a.v. Pearl. . ........... . ... . . . .... 15% and 30% a.v. Pens not covered with gold or Silv er •.....•..••..•. . •..•• 25% a.v. P epper unground ••.•...•.•• • $4.00 per 100 kat Pepper ",rou nd .. ...... .... .. 50. 15 ko. Perfumery alcoholi c for toil et.40% a.Y. Photogra ph Albums ...•....•• 40% a.v. Phototrap hic Cameras • •..••• 20% I.V.

a." .


DU'I'IES ON 1M PORTS Pholog'rapb Slides •..•. . ••••• 35% •. v. Pickles, in glass ..egetahles •. • $0.03 ko., 20% ..... Pinl, metallic iron •••••••• .• 25% •.•.

Pipes of day •..•••. . .•.• .. • 15% •.•. Pitcher. •.•••.••.••....••..•• 25% and 50% '.". Porcelain, (_) Tn flll era and articles for unitllry construc_ tion ............ . _••. 10% a.v. (b) In common bottles •• 15% n.v. (,) In dil hes, Inblewares painted •.••.••••..•• .40% a.v. (d) In fino d ecora ted wares . •..•.•.. ..••• •• 50% I.", Polo mallei! . .............. . 25% .... . Poultry. drened, or not ..••.• '5.00 per 100 kI. G. W. Potatoes, lrisll, fresh . ••. •. • $1.00 per 100 b. C. W. Potatoes, ,"eel, lresh • . .•• . '2.00 per 100 kI. G. W. Pulp. lor p aper, making .. .• Free Quicbilver ....•.• .. " •. .. •• . 50.10 ko. C. W. Quinine, sulphate and salts . • Free Resina and gums common •.• 10% II.V. Rope, Ilemp ••.•..•........•. 20% II.V. Rugs, Oriental (Wool) • .. ... 40% II.Y. Rubber Crude ••...• .•. •...•• 10% a.Y. Rubber In ,hecta, abetting or packing . ...•.••• .... •....• 10% a.Y. Rubber, manufacture of 80ft •• 25% a.Y. Rubb er, manufacture of hard.30% a.v. Salmon in c.ns •.....••.•. .. 15% a.". Salt., inorg anic ••....• ... .•. . (a) Sulphales of ammonium and potassium. chloride of potauium, pbosph.tes and superphosphates of lime, nitrates of potassium and lodium and o th er chemical and artificial fertilizers ...••...•.. 5% a.". (b) Calcium hypochlorite (chlorid e o f lime) .. 10% a.Y. (c) Common salt and salts not otherwise provided for ......... .. .... . . 25% a.Y. (d) All inorganic !lilts. when chemically pure. 30% a.". Organic salts: (.) Commercial •. , . .. .•. 25% a .... (b) Chemically pure . .... 30% •. v. Salt. refined for tabl e ul e .. . 25% a.v. Sauces, n.e.s. . •...........•. 350/0 a.v. Sausaget, bologna, not in cans or in exceeding 10 Irs. $ 4.50 per 100 ks. Sauugea, canned ••. ........• 20% a.v. Sealskin SlcqUe!! .•... . ..•.• . 25% a.Y. Seeds, garden ...••. , .. . ..... $1.00 per 100 k •• Se"ing machi nes ....... . .... 15% a.". Shell. .. ............... _..... 15% and 35% ...... Shoes $0.25, $0.50, $0.75, $1.00 • pair or .. . .•... ..• 20%, 40%, 45%, and 50% ...... Silk., cocoona ....... . ...... . Free Silk ,.,.. te, spun silk, flols. Ind !Ilreada: (a) Silk waste ........... 20% a.Y. (h) Spun ailk, not twisted, including, weight if ;10' mediat e contniner, ki. 10 ................ .. 51.50 or 250k a.Y. (0) Floss and twisted silk.30% a.y. (d) Yarn and threads for • e win g, crocbeting, d arning, or embroide r. ing .. ...... ... .. .... .. 35% a.Y. Provided, That no article clusified under clause ( b) 01 ,hi. paragraph ~hall pay a lest rate of duty than ,wen ty·five per centum ad valorem. Te:llllea. and manu. f.clures of . i1k Silk, in the piece, lony per cen tum ad ..alorem Manufactures : (Il) Laces, whate,er be tbe proportion of silk ... 60% n.". (b) Other, Wholly or in ch ief valu e of .i1k .. 50% a.y. Manufactures of rayon and otlle r .ynthetic lC:r til es Fibcrs, yarns and shects: ( .) Filaments. lib e r 8. urip,. bands. sheel! .. 30% II.". (b) Yam, .nd th reads .. 50% a.v.

Textiles and manufac· tures of rayon and othe r Iynthetic la· til et : (a) WOyen and knitted te][ti les. tulles, and pile fabrics, in th e piece •.•... .. . , . ••.• 60% (b) Manufnctures, wh~lly or In chief val ue &1 rayon aud othe r 8yn· thetic textiles ....... 65% n.v. Provided, That textil ea contillmng threads d rayon or other synthetic tatiles. in which the uumber o f luch threads, counted in the warp and weft exceeds one· fifth of the totai number of Ihre~ds composing the textiles, .hall be dutiable under thb paragraph, an)' pro'l'i.ion of th e Philip. pines. Tariff Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Skins, uncured, raW" •• , ••• . • Free Skins, tann ed and dressed .. 10%, 15% and 25% a.v. Slates, manufactures, of D.e.8. $0.10, $0.50 nnd '1.00 100 ks. C.W. Smoken' Articles, wooden .• 35%, 45 % an d 50% a.Y. Soap, Castile •...•. . .•.....• 15% a,v. Soap, Toilet, perfumed •.... 15% a.v. Spices: Unl:Tonnd .. ...... .. .. 58.00 per 100 les. or 25% a ... . Cround ................... 110.00 per 100 b. or 25% a.v. Sponges . ........ . .......... . 25% and "% a .... Spiri~ of turpentine •...•..• 10% •. v. Starch (100 kilograms) . .. .. S2.00 Steel. manufactures . •. . ...•• 15% an d 20% a ..... Stones : (a) N.tural or artificial, in block. rougb or Iquared only .. ...... $0. 10 per 100 k,. (b) Crushed, $Own, hewn, or dressed, whether )loli,hed or nol, or II in , plates, or steps, one hundred ki. los •••... . ..•.......• $0.50 (c) Mannfactured j n I 0 articles not otherwise provided for, one hun. dred kilos ........... $ 1.00 Str...... mauufactures, n. e.•••• 35% a ..... StOYes ............• . ........ 15% to 25% a.Y. Cast, Iron sto'e if ro"gh ... 50.75 per 100 ks. C.W. Cast Iron poli, hcd ••..•... 15% a.". Bran ........... , .. ..... .. 20% and 25% a.Y. S"l:ar, refined ...•.• .. .•.•.. $4.22 pcr 100 Irs. from 50 10 75 polariscope de&-ree •.... 80.017J25 per lb. and lor eve r y polariscope d eg rea aboye 75° ' 0.000375 addition· al per lb. Sulphur (JOO kilos) C. Wt . . . 50 cents Tar C.Wt . . . · ............... $0.25 per 100 k • . or 10% a.v. Tea .............. . .......... 50.17 ko. incl. w o f im. coni. T enni. rack et ...... , ... .. ... 25% a.v. Tiles, Ceramic .............. $0.45 and Sl.20 per 100 \:S. C.W. Tin Metal, lumps in pigs Or ingol. . . . . .... . .... . .. . .... . Free Tin·plates (Iron) .. .. .. ..... . 15% and 20% a.",. Tin, in sheeta .... .. ... ..... 10% II.Y. Tohacco leaf, unstemmed ... 54.08 kilo Tob acco, leaf, stcmmed •...•• $5.52 kilo Tohacco, manulacturcd (I ki_ lo) •..•••..•.. , . . , . •....•• 81.25 Toy. and gam es ............ 50.15 ko. Or 25% ...... Trinkets .nd omameDts .•. •40% a.Y. or $1.75 pcr ko. Typewriters ........ .•..•.•.. 15% a.Y. Umbrella!, .ilk ..... . ........ $0.75 each o r 25% •. v. Umbrellas, paper ... . •...•..• 15 cents each o r 25% Umhrella, cotton •..•.••...• SO.30 each or 25% a.v. Vanilla (beana) incl. w. of im. com. cont. . ..... . .. .. .... $2.50 per kilo Vamishet . .................. 15% a.y. Vegetab les. pickled, in reta il package!! ............. ..... $0.03 ko. or 20% •• v. Vegetables, fruh .......•... . 81.00 and $2.00 per 100 h. C .W. Vegetable., n8tural, n. e.~. dried ..................... $ 1.50 per 100 ka. & $2.50 per 100 Irs. Vcgetablca, preten'ed in cans. 51.50 pe r 100 ks. or 15% •. ". Vel .. ets. ,ilk .ny proportion of ,ilk in pieces .. .. ...... 40% '.v.




Vlne,u, in receptacles contD.lnlng mOT" thin 2 Iiler ••• 2 ceo!s per liter Vinegar, other receptacle, ••• 3 cenla per liter

ineluding v e Dee r, p lywood, and bUlchel~ block. . . .. .. .. ...... 4il% a ....

W.tchc., and parta of •••••• 25% • . .,.


Wheat in Grain ............. $0.25 per 100 b. C.W. WhclBlone.

,., ••••••••••• • ••• 15% •. Y,

Willow for bukelmaketl •••• Unm ' f'd 10% •. v. Willow, manufactuTea, n.c.' . • 35% a.Y. Willow Furniture • . .... . . . , . 25% a.V. Wine •• champagne In bottlca •• SI.OO liter Winea, .t ill in cuk. cont.inIng 14 to 24% alcohol . . . SO.15 liter or 50% Wood s: Common wood: (.) Ac ac ia, alder, black poplar, chestnut elder fir, l.reh, hemlock, linden, oak, pca., pine. planlPin, poplar. redwood, Iprucc, yew. leaved lig. ,.d wood.


si milar cllU equivalen t quality

"•• ••• "

log. pole., h,rlher advanced ;. manufacture than hewn timber, cubic m,dollar ter, lift y cents : ;. boardl form manufactured further th .. n lawn Iplit in. on rough boards, , " dol· bic meter, lau; ,.d H planned, d ovetailed, lite. ineluding ahin· gles, lath •• veneer; plywood, butcher.' blocks, ,.d fenclng .. 20% a.y. ,.d (b) Apitong, la ua n wood, sim il a r cln .. equivalent quality ;, poles, further advanced ;. manufacture than hewn timbe r. cubic meter, three dollarl; the form of board., furth er manufac· lured than lawn into aplil rough board., cu bic meier, three dollar. Dnd iii. ceDt.; ,.d H planned, doyelailed, .i.e, ineluding <DO plywood, butehert' blocks ,.d fencing . •• 30% a.v. (0) Alpen match apli nt. ., ............ $1.00 P" cubic meier Fine wood: <a) Amaranth. apple. &lh. beech. bircb. bird',· eye maple, camphor, cherry, cypre.. , huel, holly,. ironwood, j&l' mine, juniper. laurel, lemon, maple. medlar, olive, orange, (prone· panate) plun., undll wood, Spanish cedar. yew, walnut, and wood of ,imilar cia.. or equivalent quality In 10fl' or poles, or 001 furlher: adnnced in mnnulacture thin hewn Or timber, twenty· liy e per centum ad valorem; in til e form of board. nOI furth e r advanced in manufaclure than IIwn or Iplil inlO rough boardl, lhirly per centum ad valorem: and if plan ed, dove. Iailer!. or cui to .i.e.









. .. •• ••• ,,

.. ..,.. ""' .' ••

•• .,







'og' I.,


Akle, bilian, ebony, gu ijo. ipil, narra, lig. num vitae. mahogany, narra, rOlewood. teak., tindalo. ,..hl, uri wood. 01 .imila!" elan or equiulent quality in loga or polea, or not further advanced in manufacture thau hewn or timbcr, thir· ty per centum ad va· lorem; in the lorm of boards not further manufactured t baD a awn or split into rough boards. thirty· live per cen tum ad valorem, and if planed dovetailed or cut 10 si1.e, including veneer, pl ywood , lind butchers blocks .... . ..... . . ... 40 % a.v. Shooks. ataves. heading, hoopa. ,.d bunga: (.) F" cigar bDO ...... 100/" a.v. (b) Other . .•..••....••.. 150/" a.v • Manufacturea .1 wood: Manufacturel .1 com mon wood. otherwlle provided for. ....hether fini shed, turned, painted, vami.hed • not, b .. neither in· laid. "eneered, caned, uphoilic red, covered lin ed with uuffs leathcr. Vienna. orle nt.wood furniture . ........ . ... 35% a.v. i\lannfacture!! fine otherwile .... ood. provided for, wheth. turned. plinted. vllrnishe..J. polilhed, or upholstered cove red, lined with .tu ffs, ( except sill< lcath· er), or not, n"faetures . 1 common· otherwise wood. provided for, veneered with other wood, I1phoI5ler~d, cove red, lined witb lIuff• (except aUk or leath· e r) .................. 45% a.'I' . ManufaClure • com· m •• or fin e wood, otherwise providcd for, gilt, iulaiJ, venecred with metal. orna· mented with metal ea ....·ing. or uphobtered, covered. or Un ed, with sil k or leather .....•.. 50% Wool, combed prepared •. 10% a.v. Wool, wasbcd .... . .... . . .... Free Wool. unwashed ......... .. .. Frce Wool ' Worst ed Yarne• bleached .................. 30% a.v . Wool Wonted Yam., dyed ........ . .............. 30% W~. Wonted Yarns, unbleacbed .. . ..... . ........ 30% a.",. Woolen WOTiled Cloth· ing •..•..• : .•.•. .. ••• .. ••• 40% a.v. Yarn, cotton, bleached •.•. . • 15% 25% •• 1'. Yarn, cotton, dyed ••••••••• • 150/0 25% a.v. Zlne, bars aheet ....•.•••• 100/" a.v. Zinc in pl ain arlicle!! . . .•..••• 15% a.v. Zinc, ;. gilt, nickel ed .. . .. . . 25% a.v. Zinc. manufacturea .1 plain ••• 15% a.". Zinc. manufactures of nlckelcd.25% a.",.













",., m,·














,.d ,.,



PHILIPPINE PRODUCTS I NCLUDED I N THE UN ITED STATES FREE LIST AND PRODUCTS SUBJECT TO QUOTA LIMITATIONS No arlicle Ihipped from Ihe Phili ppines 10 Ihe Uniled SUIe!! on or after January I. 1 9~1, lubj"'::l 10 an uport In prm'id"d for in Ihis lec li on , shali be admined 10 en n y In Ihe Uniled Slales unlil Ihe imporler 01 ~uch article shall prcsenl to Ih e Unil ed Sta tes collector of cus· toms a " ... rtilicat e. s ign ed by a c nmp elent aulhorit)" of Ih e Philippine Governm ent. se lling forth the value a nd quantil)" of Ihe article and Ihe rate and :lIllount of Ih e exporl8 In paid, Or s hall gh'e a bond Inr the produClion of such eerti li cate within ~i:l months from the dale of entry." Allention is dire<:tcd 10 Commonwea lth Act No. 511. It'clion 4, which read. as lollows: " The uporl lax herein imposed iha11 be assessed and collected by th e Bureau 01 CUllonu in conformity wi th

suc h law. an,l regulati onl governing Ihe coHec tion 01 import d utie!! u may be appli",ble thereto and are not COnlrary to th e provi,io", of the Act o f Congrea. of March Iwenty-four. nineteen hundr..,d and thirt)"-four, a. amended. a nd, subject to thl, 51me limitation, under luch other rule. and regu lolions u the Inlular Collector 01 Cusloms, with the a l'pronl of Ih e Secrelary of Fiua.oce. ma y prelcribe. All penal provisioDl in respeel 10 Ihe collecll on of import dUlin. In 10 far as Ihe lame rna,. be appliclO hle and are con l i.tent with the provis ions of th is Act and of Ihe afornaid ACI of Congreu of March twenty·four, nineteen hundred and thirtyfour, as amended. are utended a nd made applicable in rellpeCI 10 Ihe coll e<:tion o f th e exporl lax", impoBed herein U ..... e ll 3~ 10 violaliona (If the rules and regul a. lion! promulgated under Ihe authori ty 6f thil .ection. The Insular C611ector 61 CUllOm! or Ihe Cnlleclor of Customs al porta of entry tha ll, for each exp6rllli6n to the United Slaies on or after January firsl, nineteen hundred and f6rt)"·one. of articles lu bjecl 10 Ih e ex · port tu. iuue and lign a cerlificate letting forth tbe "alue and quanti ty of luch article! Bnd the rate lind amount of the c:<port IU paid Ihereon."

Manila Port Terminal (MANILA RAILROAD CO.) SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR SERVI CES The Company ,hall charge the public for labor and len'ices it may render III the following rales: IMPORTED CARGO fOR RECE I VI NG IMP ORTED MERCHANDISE fROM SHIPS TACKLE OR EX LIGHTERS. DIS· TRIBUTING AND STACK ING SMIE ON SA ID PIERS AND WHARVES. AND REHANDLING SAME FROM SAID PIERS OR WHARVES ONTO CON. SIGNEE'S OR AGENT'S TRANSPORTATION FUR. NISHED BY BONDED WAREHOUSES: (a) General eati0. UCC pl IS Ipecifically menlioned hereunder. lle r Ion of 40 cubic feet or 1,000 kilo!, .t Ih e rat e of ........................•. . .•......... PI.I5 (b) PrOYided, that any lingle COD1iGomenl weigh_ iog 250 kilos or less. the charge for I8me .hall b e .. 0.50 (c) PrO" ided, thllt any l ingle consignmen l weigh· log 375 kilo. or leu, and more than 250 kilos, the charge shall b e .. .. •..•• ,., ..•... , ....••. , .•........ 0.65 (d) Provi ded, thot Bnr lingle co nl ignm ent weighing 500 kilos or leu, an d more than 375 kiloi, the charge Ihall b e ............. . ......... , ..• " ••••.• , 0.80 (c) And provid ed, th ol any consignment conliSlin!! of a lingle pickage weighing leu than 10 ki lol . hall nOI be .uhjecl 10 any charge.

EXCEPTIONS (a) Automobiles IUld motor Iruen, boxed or unbond, c rated or unorated, per t on of 40 cnbic feet, or 1.000 kilo. . ..................•.......•.......... (b) Collee and cocoa beans in IIcb, p er Ion of 1.000 kil os •..•...........•........................• (c) Egg, in bukets, per ton of 40 cub ic lee t ... . (d) Flour in uck.. per ton 01 1.000 kilos ....... . (e) Wood furniture and empty con lainers, per ton of 40 cubic fee l ................ , ••.• , ............. . (f) Bamboo and wickerware furniture, per ton o f 40 cubic feet ...... .. .... . ......•.............••... (g) Newa prinl paper in roll!, n ot less than 34" io length a.od 24" in circumference, per ton of 1.000 kilos ..... . ........................................•. (h) Ray io bal.,., pe r ton of 40 cubie Ieet ...... . f i) Hemp. nOI in balel, pcr ton of 1.000 kilo •... (j) Honea, clltle and carabaol. per head ..... . (k) P ig., sheep. I:oall, elc., per hea d .•••....... ( I) On any .ingle pa ckage. excepl automohiles and moto r lrucks, weighing more Ihan t wo (2) Ions, handled on a pier or wharf, the charge ,hall b e p er Ion of 40 cu bi c fee l or 1.000 k il o. ........... .... .. (m) tufu lorial eartb a nd Al bestol cement, per ton of 1,000 kil o., or 40 cubic feet ••.• , .. •... ..•..•

MERCIIANDISE FOR EXPORT F or the handling o f merchandi se for c:<porl hom eonsigoor'. tr:ln l portalion upon Ihe pie rs or wharf 10 the slings of the exporline "esse!:


l.I5 1.15 0.90 0.65

OAO 1.15 0.90 1.15 0.40 0.20



(.) Ge ne ral cargo. except It Ipecificall)· menlion ed hereunder, per Ion of 40 cubie feet, or 1.000 kilO!! ( b) Provided, tbat th ere ,hall be a minimum charg e of .•.• , ....•............•................•. ,.

0.60 0.60

eXCEPTIONS (a) Autom ob il e. and mOlor trucks , b osed or Un· bosed . craled or uncrlled, per IUU of 40 cubic feel or 1,000 kilos .... . ...... .. . . ....... . .. . ........... . "0.60 (b) Collee in lOcks, per Ion of 1,000 kilol •...... 0.60 (e) fl ou r in I&cks. pe r ton of 1,000 kilos ...•.... 0.60 (d) Wood furniture and emply conlain e rs, per too of 40 cubic feet ..• . . , • • , . •.•••• , •• , ..... . ,." .. 0.60 (e) Baro boo and wickerware furnit ure, per ton of 40 cubic feet ... . ....... . ... . ..... .. ... . .........••. 0.40 (f) He mp. nOI in bale. p er 100 of 1.000 kilos .. . 0.65 (g) H onet. callie and carabaos. per h ead ........ . 0. 40 (h) P igl. ,heep. goats. etc .• p er helld ..... .. ... . 0.20 (i) On any s in gle package, except automobiles an d motor tru cks. wcighiug more th an tw o (2 ) lon l. handl ed on a pie r or wharf. the c horge sha ll he, per Ion of 40 cubic feet, or 1,000 kiloB ... " ..... .. .. .. 4.51}

TRA.NSIT CA RGO Tranlit cargo ~hn ll include all merchandise hand led Uf er th e pie .. an d whar l which i, mDnifelled for other p orls th an Manila. Th e charge for handling transit ca,",o Ihall be Ihe ume .. Iha l for imported cargo, except u s hown be low: (al When transil Cl reo i. la.oded on one pier of wharf and il loaded onlO forwarding Irnnipor lation or onto a forwardin g ves.el b erth ed at the lOme pier or wharf. the Company .han place the same onto forwarding tra.o aportolion or inlO the dings of the forwarding veslel at Ihe rate o f. p er Ion of 40 cuhic: feet or 1.000 kilo. ..........................•....... (b) Wheo lran,it Clrgo i. landed on one pier or wharf and is Iller transferred to another pier or wharf for loading onto forward ing "e5lel, tbe Com. pany .hall place the lime onlO lunsfer transporia. tiOD. rec e ive Ib e from luch trander IrlDsporta. lion and ploce the I8me inlO Ihe aling. of the for. warding ves.el at luc h other pier or wharf a l Ihe rote of, p er ton of 40 cubic leet. or 1,000 kilo ••.•.•. INTER·ISLAND CARGO F or handling Inler·bland careD broughl to the pien or wharves for s hipment on inter· ,·""sel. 10 in ler-illand poru: Per Ion of 40 cub ic feet, or 1,000 kilos ... , •.. , •• HANDLING OF BAGGAGE No chltie ah a lJ b e made by the company for the handliog o f th e ban~ age of incoming or outgoiog pUleogerl escepl .. follow. : Ca) For baggage regularly manifesl ed IS cargo. the charge shall be th e ume 8.1 for geoeral import or export cargo.






(b) For animals accompanying plL!~enger.. tile charge .hall be tbe Bame al for aolmaIs rerularly im· ported or cxponed. (c) For BUlomobilet o f incoming or outgoing PIS' • engen, Ibe charge . hall bo the Bame a, for auto· mobile. regularly imported or c:rported.

SPECIAL SERYICE For any apecial lerviee on the pi el"ll Ind wharves or ill tbe imm ediate vicinity th ereof in cODnec tion w;lh the handlini: of merchandise, and for th e use of electric trucks; trac lorl and other a"lStre equ ip· ment. Special lervice, per ton of 40 cu bic feet, or J,OOO kilos •..............••.•...•......•......... . ....••. PO.80 Thil .e ....·ice charge , h, 1I not apply to mercha n. dise on which arrlStre charge has been paid or ~ecured, or when the .ervice is performed for tl,.., con venien ce of th e Compa ny. CIIARGES FOR lJIR£ OF CRANES (a) For Ih e usc of powe r cranea inst alled on the aprons of th o piers lind wharves tn perform any service in connection wilh handling 01 merchandiae in lieu 01 ship' l J;eRf. lor loadi ng or unloading mer· chandi.e !com lilip or light er 10 pie r or wharf, per hour or fra c tion th ereofSleam or smllll power c un es, per hour ....•...... 4 Ion. eleelric gautry crllne., per 11Ou r ........... . IS ton . electric ganlry cranes, per hour .........•... Provid ed, that s ingl e package. weigh ing two (2) lonl or more .ha ll be charged th e rales Ilrovided for heavI lift. a. below. (b For the use of power cranes, in lieu of ship' s gear, for loading or unloading merchandise from ahip 10 lighter. or vice·veraa, wl,en a ch~king charee only h .. been paid thereon, per hour or fraCl ion tJ, c reol 4. Ions elec tric ga ntr y eranea. per hour •..••••..••. IS IOn! eleclri c gan try cranes. per hour ..••........ Provided, that lingle packages weigl>ing Iwo (2) lonl or more shall be charged th e ratea provided for j,cavy lilt. 51 below. (c) F or Ihe usc of power •• in lieu of sl,ip'8 gear. for loading or nnloading single packages or heavy lilts weighing two (2) lonl or more, Ihe charge al,all b e per shi p'a revenue Ion lU foUow.; Single packaees weigl'in, from 2 10 5 tQns, per ton ••.............................•................. Single packages weigbing from 5 to 10 tons, per ton . . ..................••....••............. . ...•.•• Single packagel weighing from 10 to 15 tons, per ton . . ..............••.................•.•••....•.... Provid ed, Ihat lor th e purp ose of classification, Ihe weight of each package shall /lovern; while the e!,arge lor the service ,hall b o made as per .hip'. revenue ton. CHECKING CHARGES For checking all cargo d elive red III Bhip·sidc; Per ton of 40 cubic feel, or 1,000 kil 09 ....... . ... . Tbl. charge .hall be xnowll a. a "checking e!large". and thall he made aGlli nst import cs rgo only. PIER LlGllTING SERYICE For ligl'ls furni shed 00 pieri or wharf lor tl'e purpo.e of working cargo, when loading or unloading venel or veasela at night(a ) For pier Iightin;;- service, per I, ou r...... ••••• ( b) F or cluster lighll furni.hed, per cluJler..... For frCllh waler pie r o r wharf Per ton

WATER SERYICE furni shed to venel



3.00 5.00 12.00

OPERTIME RA.TES (Charged against Vessels) PU8 Foremen .............•...........••.• 0.46 Timekeep ers .............•... ........•.. 1.03 Clltekeep era ............. '" ...... . .... . 0.43 Sorters .....................•..• • _.•.... 0.42 Checkers (Monthly) , .......•••......... 0.30 (Temporary) ................. . 0.39 Elec trician. . ........................•.. 0.31 Special Walcbmcll ........• .• ........... 0.26 Electric Tru ckm en .................... . 0.26 Electrie Hoiumen .....••.•. . ...••.....• 0.20 ht Bon .. , ..... . ' ......... ' " ......... . 0. 15 2nd Bou .... ....... .. ........ .... . 0.10 Men ................................ . 0.23 Monthly Laborer, .......... . Pier Lights : ......... .. ..... @ P Clu$ler Li ghl s; ......••...... @ Rat.Guarda; ................. n ent nat.Guarda ; ................. COSI

3.00 per bour. 0.60 pet },our. of I Piece @ Pl.00 5.00 of 1 Piece @

DISCHARGING OR LOADING FROM SHIP TO PIER OR VICE VERSA; Crane Hire: ............... @ P 5.00 per hour--4 Ton s Elec trie Go nt r)' Crane or fraction thereof Crane Hire ; .............•. @ 12.00 per hour-IS Ton s Elce tric Ganl ry Cran e or Frac tion th ereof Skid·Hire: ................• @ 10.00 per skid LOADING FROM SHIP TO LIGHTER OR VICE VERSA: PI O.oo P" I,our .1 fraction thereol I" 4 tons electrie gantry crane P15.oo P" hour .1 fraction Ih ereol I" 15 lon, electric gantry crane

10.0& 15.00

HEA VY LIFTS; I Single Package from 2 to 5 ton. 1 Single Package Irom 5 10 10 ton s 1 Single Package from 10 10 15 Ions

@ P2.00 per ton @ 3.00 per Ion @ 5.00 per Ion


P2.00 3.00

WEIGHING CARGO ....... .... ................... @ PI.OO PER 1000 KILOS WATER ............................................ @ 0.25 PER TON MAKING FAST AND LETTING GO LINES ........ PIO.OO

5.00 SPECIAL RATE FOR STANDBY PO.63 per hr. Boss 0.49 .. " 2nd BOSR 0.39 Slingmen 0.26 Ordinar y Laborer.





O1'ERTIME S ERVICE) For all work performed by the Comlls ny out· lide of regular houn of labor on government pier. in Ihe working of cargo on Ihe piers and whane •• and during all hours nn Snndays and holidllYs. Ihe aClual e~lra or additional COli 01 the Isbo r employed, which lahor shall Inelude that 01 all foremen. cheekers, hoistmen, winchmcn. policemen and all Olher nec es· sary em pl oyees working in connection with th e partic· ular overtime work rcquel led to b e perlormed. OTHER SERYICES For any ,eryice rende red by Ih e Company which is not Ipeelliully provided lor hcrein, such reasonable charle whi ch may be li:led by th e Company wilh tbe approval 01 the Insular CollcClor oj CUU oms.

The Asiatic Petroleum Co. (P. 1.), Lid. hM bnnkering facililies for supplyinl Und e rboiler Fuel and Diesel Fu el in bulk 10 ocean'loinll: and interisland vessels III any time of the day ,u bjeet to 24 hOUri prior noti ce. Storage tankag e ca pacity, ca rri es over 30,000 tons. Thr ee lighters of appro:lima tely 230 ton . capacity with ael i·contained pumpin;: unils ca pable o f delivering over 100 lon l per bou r are maintained for Ibis aervic e. In addition, Iwo small li ghle rs a re maintained for making deliveries 01 small quantilie. between 5 t ou and 40 tons. Th e A.iatic Petrolenm Co. (P. t.), Lid. also carriea ade· quate suppli es 01 Marine Lubricsting Oil. for all purpo~es which can be delivered al 24 I, oura nolice. Lubri cating Oi!, are u.ually packed in exporl lanks containing 53 American ga ll ons. The Standard·Vacuum Oil Company also carry Buppliel QI Bunker Fuel in their tanka at Port Area Terminal, Ma· nila, and have lacilitiea for bunkering V!)l;seis while Bt berth alongside the piers loading or discharging cargo. Vessel, anch ored in the bay desiring to take Bunker Fuel Or DieBel Oil csn be lerved by meana of pumping barges. AI Opon, Cehu . the Standllrd-Vacuum Oil Company cao also supply vcue ls witb their requiremenls of petroleum products. The trucking fa cil ities in ti,e P ort of Manila outside Ihe Custom, premises ate being operated by privale concerns.

41 Thera is al$o available s pace for aloring ca rgoe~ in the private-owned bonded warehouses. A cerlain and reliable private entily operating in the Pori of Manila maintains three (3) bonded warehouses lind three (3) wareholues covering an area of 4,500 square met e rs and 3,000 square meten re.pectively. Ita service charges for trucking and Ilorage facilities are lU follows: DELIVERY From the piera 10 IIny bode,. in the Port Arca, or vice. verla (piling not included):

Per ton of 40 Cll, ft. .............•.... Pl.OO Per ton 01 1,000 kilos .......... _...•.. 1.40 1.0<) Minimum From tho pion to any bodega in the Wa ll ed City or Ermita, el'cepling the lnaubr Cold Stouge Plan t, or vice'feru (piling DOt included): Per Ion of 40 ClI, flo .•....•••••••.•.• ,. P 1.2S 2.00 Per t on of 1,000 kilos ............... .. Minimum ................... . .....•..... 1.00

F rOID th e picrs to (In y office or 8ny bodega on or near the [,colta, Rizal Aycnue as far u Azcarrag8, Santa Cruz Diatrict, and to the Cold Stores , yicc-yersa (piling not included ) : Pe r ton of 40 cu. ft. ..........•....... P2.00 Per ton of 1,000 kilos ................. . 2.75 Minimum .•....... '" ....... . .......... . 1.50 FrOID the pien to on board int er· island ateame rs, or loaded on board railroad can at Manila Railroad Station, or vice·ver!a: Pe r ton of 40 cu. It .... , ............ . . . P2.25 P er ton o f 1,000 kilos ................. . 3.00 Minimum .......... ,. '" .......... . 2.00 Tbe above ratel apply on the deliv ery of shipments, no aing le package of which exceeds 500 kilos in we ight. At any single packaGe excecdinll 500 kilos in weight shal1 come under the "Heayy Lift Scbedule" and b e s ubject to an additional "Heayy Lift" charlle, as quoted below: "HEAVY LIFTS" SOO kilos to 1,000 ki los, each ............. ,.,. P5.00 Oyer 1,000 ki los not excceding 2,500 kilo!. each 10.00 Oyer 2.500 ki los no t e:rccedinG 3,000 kilol, each 15.00 Oyer 3,000 kiios - ActulIl COlt plus 10 per centum.


Article , Asphalt rock, asphaltum ................. . .. . ... . Beeewax, unhleached • . •• . . ....................... Books and pamphlets, Fu r ul e of the United States ur for use of the Lihrary of Conllreu ................. . Prin ted more than 20 yean •••.•............. In languages othe r than English ............. . For societies and institutionl ............... . BelonginG to penon, from forcign countries and used by them not less than 1 year ... Bread, yea.u leayened .......•.........•......... Bullion: Cold or silye r ... . ..••.•...........•........ Coppe r (tee Copp er Mu te ) COCOt or cocoa betn5, and .hells thereof ..... . Coffee ....•...................................... Coir and coir yarn ............... . ............. . Copper matte ..................... . Copra ... . .. , ......... . ............. . Derris root, crude ............... . . FibeJ"B not dressed or m~nufllCtur~d: Ab aca, canton. kapok. 1n3guey, ramie, sisal Bnd all othe rs n.s.p. f.. . ......... . .......... . • . Fish Ii yen M crude drulls ..................... . Cum an d rC$ in" Copal or a lmaciga. elem! ......... , ......... . Hide., carab ao, r.,v .................. • • • ........ Hom, u nmaoufactured ..............•• ••. •..... .

US Tariff Para,raph 1710 1796 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1623 1638 1635 )65' 1656 )658 1727 1669 16M 1669 1686 1691 1694

Logs ....................... .. ............ .. .... . Lumber and timber, .. wcd, no r further manufac. tured than planned. and tongued and grooved n.s.p.!. ............ " ....... " " .. Newspapenl snd periodic al., blued regularly, un· bound ..................... .. ............ .. Ore: Chrome •..• . ............ , .•.....• . .......•... . Copper ......••......•......••.••.•••. , ...... . Gold ....... , ........•...........•..........• , Jron .. ....................................... . Silver ........••..............•................ Paintings. original .............................. . Quinine lulphue, ex ce pt in ampoul C$ .......... . Rattan, unmanufac tured ••..•.••.................. Ruhber, crude ...•.........•..•.............•.•.. Scrap: Bra,. ••.....•.......••.......•...... . ......... Copper Seeds: Rubber, kapok, hcmps eed , palmnuts, a nd oi l hearing nuts n. , .p.f. when the oils derived therefro m arc frco of duty •••.• " .•.. . ••.. shclls, unmanufactured .......•.•.• , •............ ShrimpI , salted or in aallce, n .•. p.f. ...•........• Ylang·Ylang, not containi ng alcoho l •............ · - n.8.p.f.- not specially proyided for.

1803(2) 1803(1) 1726 1647 1658 1134 1700 1134 1801 1748 1806 1691

1634 ) 658

1127 1738 116 1 1131

ARTIC L ES SUBJECT TO DI MI NISHING QUOTA P ltQVISIQNS AND NOT SUBJECT TO EXPORT TAX ButtoD of pearl or Ihell ..... . Cocontlt Oil Cigars Scrap tohacco. and stem. med and fill er tobacco. ARTICLES. SUBJECT TO US Trm"/l EXPORT TAX Pa,af,aph Rate 0/ DUlY ABACA. manufactures of: Bags and ........... . 1023 40 % adY. Braids (,ee BRAIDS) •• , ••. Cordage, cable compOied of three or more strand l , e3ch I trand eompol ed of two or more yarn. or more in diameter •. 1005a(l) 2 ¢ P"~ Leu than in dia. . .. 1005a(l) 2 ,p6lltd __ • 15% Door mats •.............. , 1023 40 % adv. Fabric, woven (s inamay) 4 oz. or more per Iq. yd. 1010 20% adv. Fabric, plain (sinamay) LC$s than 4 oz. p er Iq. yd. l Oll 20 % adv . Handbags, cigarette CMe, purses ...... , ........... . 1023 40% adv . Hat., helm ets Ind other headg ear (s ee HATS) .... Mab (floor coyeriog ruis 1021 40% adY. shoel , s lipp e rs. landals (s ee SHOES) ......... .. Table cloth ......•........ 1023 40% ady. Twin e , cords .... , .••.•.... 1005 b 20% ad,' . Wearing apparel, in chief value of aba CI, n. s.p.f. . . 1017 35% ady. ALCOHOL: Ethyl for heyeralle pur· poses .........•.......... 802 S5.00/ proof gal. Denatured Ethyl for non. h e"erag e purposes SO. IS / gallon ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: .-\\0, po rter, Iiout. aDd beer 805 50.50 per gall"" Brandy ...........•........ 802 52.50/ proof gal. Cordials .................. . 802 52.S0/proof gal. Gin 802 52.50 / proof gl\. Liqueurs .................. . 802 52.50/ proof gal. Rum in containe,. )'oldinll more than 1 gallo n 802 S5.00/proof ga\. Rum in con taine rs of I gallon or l"as .......... . 802 52.S0/proof gal. Spirits not specificall y proyid ed for ......•........ 802 5S.00/proof gal. Still wi n e frum gmpel con. taining 14% or le u of absolute alcoho l in con. tainers not oyer I gallon .. 80. 50.75 p e r gallon If containing 14% o r leu absolute alcohol ;n c on •





MANII,A CITY DIRECTORY .aine rs of more than 1 gal . .....•.. . . . ..... , . . If ove r 14% but Dot ove r 24% of abl olutc .kobol If 24% or more, clanified as spirill ....... •....•

Vermuth in eon tainers holdinll' each 1 gallon or less .. H in eonlBin era of over 1 ga ll on ............. . Whi sky of a ll types and cll uea not over 4 years old prior to date entered .. If more than 4 years old. ANIMALS: Cattl eWeighing len th aD 200


. .•...•...•.•• ' ••..

Weighing 200 lb •. or more hut len than 700 lb .... Wei,hing from 700 Ibs. or more ..•• " .•....•... ,. {In ablc nce 01 information apply minimum rate) . . . Live animals, D, B.p. l ...... . Live bird. If nil/cd at IS each or Jell ......... . ..... . ... . II .. alued mot ll than 5S each ••••..•.•.•.•..•••• PouhryChicken., live ........... . Baby chicb. liv e BASKETS: Bamboo-If for othe r lI, e, than 11Oui ehoid •..••....•.. .. II for household naes . ... Fishing baskets •.......... Rattan for household uses .. Rattan for olher uses tban hou sehold ............ . R eed for household use .. . Reed for other uses tban houl ehold ...... . ... . ... . BEANS, dri ed n. s.p.f. . . . • ••• BEESWAX: Bleac)led ............. • .... ~h.n Jfa~u(ies of .......... . BEVERAGES: Non·alcoho li c. aerat ed, gin· ge r llie. ging er beer. Ie· monade, . oda wale r and similar beverages conlaining 10" than % 01 1% of alcohol, 1I.,.p.f. BOOKS: (a) If of bona Iide foreign a uth or.hip1. Prayer boob and "heets or prioud pages 01 prayer boob ... ....... . 2. T ouri st literature con· tainin , hiltorical, geo· graphic, time table , hot el or similar- infor. "lluion chiefly with re o Ipee t to place! or travel facilities outside U.S .......... .. ..... .. 3. Otber (except diaries) (b) II of olh,r th an bans fide {ordCIi authouhip1. Prayer book, and . heels or printed paces of prayer booh 2. Tourbt literature eon_ taiDinc hiltorical, ieo· craphlc, time table, ho· lei or limnar information chiefly with respec t 10 place, or travel facilities outside U.S... 3. Ol he r (except diari es) Dia riell, note hook.. and lid· d rellboolu. n .l.p.!. • . . •••


$}.25 per gl Uon


11.25 p er (lallon


$5.00/p roof ga l. 50.62% per cal.


$ 1.25 per gallon

802 802

52.50/proof (Ill. 55.00 / prool gal.

70 1

l*~ per lb.


21ht per lb.


}lht per lb.


15% odv.


50¢ each


20% adv.

71 1 711

411 0109 1535

409 409


.., 765

1556 1536


4~ 4~

per lb. n ch

50% 60% 45% 60%

adv. adv. adv. adv.

45% adv . 60% adv.

45% adv. 3~

per lb.

30% adv. 20% adv.

10¢ per gallon


1410 1410

7'h% adv. 71,6% adv.


1410 1410

12%% adv. 20% adv.


25% adv.

Drawings, en gravings, photo· (lrDph. . sketching! , maps charts, containing addi. tional text conveying hinorical, geographic, time table. travel, ho tel o~ sim ilar information chiefly with rcspecl to places or travel facilitics outside th e co nt inc ntal U.S. Blank bo()ks. slate, books, engruings, maps and chart. not specially pro. vidcd lor (except diari es. not e boo lul, and addr ess book l ) . ............... . . Book bindings wholly Or in part of leather not spe· cially provided for for c hildren - all Boob Iallgungee and all autho rs hips nor ezceeding weight 24 oz . .... .......... . ... . BOTTLES, un fillcd: If holding more than I pint If holding not more than 1 I'int and not len than % pint ............ ... ..... . If holding under 1,4 pint .. BOTTLES, used IS containers of .piTits, wines and other bcve rac esIf holding mo re tban 1 pint

If holding not mor e than 1 pint and not len than % pint •........... _.... ... . If holdin, under % pint ...


12'h% adv.


20% ad\".


] 5% 3dv.


15% ndv.

217 217 217

l y~¢ per Ih. 50¢ per gr055

217'" 810

1/ 3¢ per lb.

217 &. 810 217 & 810

1/2¢ per lb.

RAIDS: Abaca, buriNot bleached, colored, dyed or . tained 1504- a Bleach ed. dyed, colored or "ained .. _............ . 1504 a Any 01 the forecoing con· tainlng a , ub stantia! part of rayon o r other syn. tbetic tcztile ( but not in c hief va lu e th ereof) 150·' D

SLIDE FASTENER S, . .....•.....•••• (Zippe rs) •.....•.....••.... BREAD: (Not yelll t leavened) &. bis· cuits ...•.....•.....•... BUNTAL HATS (see HATS) BUTTER SUBSTITUTES BUTTONS: Coconut s hell, n. s.p.L ..... H orn Dnd composition horn. CANDIES: Sugar, valued at 6¢ or marc per lh. . .... . ... .... _... . Sugar, valued leu than 6¢ per lb. . ............... ~ CANES, walking: II und e r S5 per dozen .... If not und e r 55 per dozen CANNED PINEAPPLES .....• CANVASS SHOES (5ee SHOES) •.. .. .. . ...... CHOCOLATE: Un l weetened ...• . _.... • ..• SweetenedIn bars or blocks weigh. ing 10 lb. or 1D0re .... In Iny othe r form, whether or not p repared, valued It I O¢ or more per Ih. CIGARETTES

1¢ per lb.

16·2!3¢ pe r gross

15% ad\". 25% adv.

24-¢ per lb. but not len than 221.6% nor more than 45% adv.


n ••. p. f.


66% adv.


15% adv.


14¢ pe r lb.

1510 1510

45% adv. 35% adv .


20% adv.


4-0% adv.



40% adv. 25% adv. Jlh¢ per lb.

777(.) 777 (b) 777(h) 6<15


pe r lb.

20% adv. 52.25 per lb. 12%% adv.





HONEY (Coeonu t rup, Coco-Hon·ee): Confectionery n.,.p.f. "a' lued al 6¢ or more pcr lh. Couietlionery n.s.p.f. va· lued at len than 61 per lb. .,' .................. . COCONUTS-whole nul .... . COCONUT-dQiccaICd . .....• COCONUT SHELL CIIAR ... COl\'FECTIONERY (see CAN· DIES) COPRA CAKE OR COPRA MEAL, D,I.p.f, COTTON. manufacturers: Bathrobes, plain, valued al $2.50 or more each Bathrobes, plain, valued at 1ell than $2.50 each .... Pile labrie, if terry woven. Bed Ipread" plain •....... II Ja cquard figured •..... Blankel8, plain .• . • , ...... .

II J acquard figured ..... . Dolliell, plain ....•....•... Pillow cues .........••.... Tablecloth" na pkins, run· ners •..•................ T owe\s, terry wovenIf va lued at $0.45 or mOTe each ..•.•.............•.. If valued at lell than 50.45 each ............. . CUTCH II mangrove product •..... EMBROIDER IES: Aniclel not specifically p ro· vided for • •• . • . ••.••.••. Embroid ered jusi (,ee S ILK ) Embroid ered pi;;a clolh in the pi ece •.••........... Embroidered pi;;a cloth "'ell'ing appa re l (made up) •.• Pina clolh-(Handke rchiefs) If fini~hed and ¥alued at 80; or more per dozcn. If uohemmed and without any finish ed ed,e and valu ed al 45~ or more per dozen (Sce neitt page) ................ . Handkerchief. if VAlued at not more than 70¢ per doz. if with handrollcd or llltndmade hems are su bjecl 10 an additional duty of 1~ each ...... SioamayIn the piece; wearing apparel ......•.. , •.•..• Wea ring apparel (cotton or silk) ... , ... , ...... , .... , FILMS: Motion picture fiiln negative ezposed or developed fea· lun~s and new. reelt Posit iv e print or duplicate . . (For other film'-Iee Tariff ACI 01 1930 as amended) FIRECRACKERS: More than S/16 of I" OUI, s ide d iameter or more Ihan 1*" in len,t h ...•• All olher fir ecrackeu ••..• Bomb., racket., romsn can· dies, and fircworks 01 all d escription l n.l.p.f. ,., . , (Weight of all ioregoinl]: to all coverings, include wrapping and packing rna, t eri al) . . . ,', ...•..•.•.. , FISH AND FISH PRODUCTS: Dried lilh n, l.p. 1. (un. salted) ., .............. ,'

,06 '06 758 758


20% adv. 40% adv, %~ each 3th¢ per lb. 45% adv.

11' per lh,~


3/ 10 of


20% adv.


911 a 911 b 911 b

37lh% adv. 40% ad,'. 25% adv. 40 % adv. 30% but not leu than 14% ; per lb. 45 % ad\', 30% adv . 25% adv,

911 h

30% adv.

909 911 a 9Il a 9Il a

923 923



7lh% adv.

IS29 a

90% ad,'.

1529 a

90% adv,

1529 a

90% adv.

Salted o r p ickled fi ah (bag· oong) n. l.p.f. in bulk or in immediate containen weighing wilh their con, tents more th an 15 Iba. each •..••......•.•.•.. , .. In immediate container, (not air.tight) weighing with their co ntent. no t more than 15 lb. . each .... . . , Fish pregerved in tin n .•. p.f. Fish pregerved in oil (Tuna) Oth er wh en of a ... Iue not eltceedi ng 9¢ pe r lb. in· cluding the weight of the immediate container •. , ... When the ...Iu e i, mo re than 9¢ per lb. ineludin, the weigh of the imme· diate container ... . .. . .. , Fiah liven ed ible •..•..••• Fish pute an d fiah Ulice .. FOOTWEAR (aee SHOES, SLIPPER) F R UITS: Jelly, jama, ma" nalade. and fruit butle rs .......... .. FURNITURE: Bamboo. rattan ....• . •••••. Chain 01 wood, n. s.p. f. Wood (other than c hairs) wholly or partl y finished n.s.p.f. • •.•... , .. ,....... GAMES: (seo TOYS) GLOVES, knit: Colton mode on wrap·knitti ng machine ...... ,',... Colton made on other Ihan a wup·knitting machine,. Cotton made of wo.,en fabric Silk .......... , ....... , •..• Rayon ., ..•.....•. ,., ......


l %~

719(5) 718 b 718 a

25% adv. 25% ad,'.


718 a

4-l% adv.

718 a 7I7b 721 c

30% adv. 2lh¢ per lb. 20% ad v.


20% a dv.

409 412

60% adv. 40% adv.


915 915 915 1208 1309

WoolNot over $1.75 p cr dozen pain 1114 b

Over $l,75 and not over $3.50 per dozen pain .. 1114 h Over $3 .50 per dozen pairs 11 14 b 1529 b

2; each

p er lb. net

30% ad v.

60% adv, SO% ad ... 60% adv. 60% sdv. 45¢ per lb. 65% adv.

40¢ per lb. 35% adv, baaed on American .elling price, SO¢ 50% 50¢ 40 %

per lb. adv. per lb, odv,

+ +

GLUE-n. ~.p. f.

1529 b

1528 a IS29 a

1551 1551

Fish glue valued a t len than 40¢ per lb . . . ".".. F ish glue valued at 40¢ or more per lb, ... "...... Gelatin & Ij: lu e of anim:li. valued at lell thin 40¢ per lb, ••.•..............





20% lb.

Gelatin & glue of an im a ls valued at 40~ or more per lb .............. , .. ,. GLYCERINE, crude . " .. . ,.. GLYCERINE, refined .......

41 42 42

HATS: Abaca hat••..... , .. , .... ,. Blocked or tr.immed ,....

25% 8~ per lb. 0.8¢ per lb. 2/ 3¢ 8¢ per lb. but nO I more tban \ .2/ 3¢ per lb.


90% adv. 75% adv.

3¢ per linea r foot I¢ per linear foot

1515 1515

25¢ per lb. 8¢ per lb.



per lb,

If Icwed (whe lhe r or nOI blocked or trimmed) •. 1504b·4

Bamboo n. a. p. f. . .... . . , 469 Buntal hats .............. .. 1537 a Buri hatl, blocked & tdm· med , ...... , ...• , •.. , . . ,. 1504b.3 Straw hotsBlocker or trimmed •. , .. ,.

717 c

l %,¢ per lb.

+ l ~ per lb. + 8¢ per lb. + 2%¢ per



NO I blocked or trimmed. nOI bleached dyed. co lor_ ed, or .tained •.••.• . •. 1504b·l

+ +

S3.50 per doz. 25% adv. 13.00 per doz, 50% adv. 45% adv . 25% ad,'. $3.50 per d02. 25% adv. 83.50 pe r doz. 25% lIdv, 25% adv.

+ + + +




Carabao leather, D.I.p.I.... 1530b·7 Reptile leatber lor ,hoes, boola 01' footweu •....... 1530 c Reptile akins D. I. p. f ••• • • 1530 c WUlel n. I. p. f. (scrap) 1555 HORN, bUllons (see DUT· TONS) HORN, monufactures, n.s.p.f.

1537 a 301

IRON AND STEEL. scrap LACE: Hand-m ade over 2 inches in width, valued at mOre than S50 and less than $150 per lb ..••...... _....... . 1529 a n and. made o~er 2 inches in width, valued at $150 Or moro per lb ............. . 1529 a n.,.p.l ......... . 1529 a 103 LARD LARD SUBSTITUTE & LARD i03 COMPOUNDS • • _..•.••••••• LEATHERS, manufac tures of: Bags, buketl, latc b el~ . jewel bOlliel , pocketbooks, port· lolilll •.•................. If 001 permanently fined and furnished with travelin, bOllle, drinking. dinoiD, Or IUDcbeon, sewing, manicure of aimilar seta ___ .... .. _.... _.•... 1531 If permanently fined and furni.hed with traveling boule, drinking, dining, or luncheon, aewing, mnnicure or 8imilar set 153 1 Baseball gloves from horse. Ilid e or cowhide ., _.. _... 1532 b Bel... and bu c kles, designed to be worn on Ihe person 1531 BOIIDIl ,loves ............. 1502 COiD purses, change pUrtl CS, billfold.. bill eases, bill roll, bill PUlles, bank.note cues, card eases, li cens e cues, pau eases, leu er euca, and aimilar flat leather 'GOde ........... 1531 Lealher handbage .......... 153 1 Leather ,hoel & other footwear (see SHOES) ..... MACARONI & VERMICELLI: Containing no eggs or egg products . .•••....•....••. 725 Containing egg or egg product. . ............ __ • 725 MALT LIQUORS: (See ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES) MATCHES: FriclioD or lu cifer of all deacripli,,,,. p e r gross 01 144 bOIes cOlltniuing not more than 100 matcioes per hox .,............... 1516 !\IEAT PRODUCTS: Fresh, chilled, In,zen pre_ pared or preserved, n.s.p.1. 706 Dried ..... •.•.. ..... .. .....


Edible animal li\' er, kidney, tripe, tongue. , hearn, sweet bread., brains, ({rCllh, eJ,illcd Or frozen)


MEDICINES : Prepantions n.l .p.f. (no al. cohol) ................... Medicinal prC I,aratiotl9 not over 20% alcohol ........ Medidnd preparations o\'er 20% and Dot aVe!) 50% a l. cohol . .... ...... .........

10% adv. 25% adv. 71h'70 T. D. 28448 Abat. 169<17.

25% adv. 75~ per lOll.

45% ad,'. 90% aelv. 3~ p e r lb. 5¢ per lb.

25% ad\'.

35% adv. 15% adv.

111h% ad\'. 30% adv,

35% ad\'. 25% ad,'.


per lb.

3f per lb.

l1lj.a¢ per gro!!


»r lb. but leal than 20% 6~ per lb. bUI leu than 20%

not adv. not ad,'.

3¢ per Ih. bUI DOt leu than 15% adv.


25% adv.


20¢ per 25% adv.


Medicinal preparations over 50% alcohol. ............ .

10% ad,',

per 25% adv.




+ +

SOt per 25% adv.


25% adv.


45% allv.

761 761 761


Sf per lb.

759 759

4%; per lb. 7; per lb.


7; per lb.

703 53 53 51

5¢ per lb. 20% ad,'. 20% pd,·. 31' per lb.


Mnngnnese are or concentra_ te. containing in exccss. 01 )0% of metallic manganese

1 'h¢ per lb. on the lead can · tuin ed therein.

302 a

%~ p er lb. on the metallic manganese contained therein.

OYSTERS: Oyater juice, or OYSteJ"5, or cither, in com bin ation with other ,u bslance , packcd in air·light contai ner

721 e

8¢ p er lb. includ. ing wI. 01 imme. diate con tainer.

Medicinal ,ub$lances when imported in capsules, pills, tablets, lo~cngel, \roellea, ampoules, jubes or similar forme, including powder put up in medicina l dosCll METAL; Manufactures 01 (n. s.p. f.) .. NUTS; Coconuts (see COCONUTS) Edible nuuCashew, shelled or UIl· .helled ..•............. Pili nuts, not she ll ed .... Pili nUI 8, shelled •....... I'eanul.Not ,hclled ........... . .. Shelled .......... .. Blanched, salted, prepued or preserved, n.s.».f. OIL; Edible coconut oil (i f refined and labeled lard ~llb8tilute) ....•...•...• , Grain oil, n.,.p.1. .......... Lumbn ag oil, n.s.p.f. ...... Sesame oil, edible ......... OLEOMARCARI NE (See BUT· TER SUBSTITUTES ORCHIDS; (See PLANTS) OIlE: Lead bearing ores ........

PALM LEAF: lings, baske ts, chair gealS, shadee, curtains or screens 411 Mal a and other manufactu· rea of (u.,.p.f.) •..•.•••.• 1537 a PAINTINCS; Copiea, replica s, or repro. ductionl of ............. 1541 a PEARLS; I'eatl. and pana th ereof, drilled or undrilled but nOI act or strung (except temp orarily) ... ... ...•. 1528 PERFUMERY; Pomade (110 alcollOl) 61 Perfumery including col ogne and other toilet walers, elc. . ................ . •.. If containing alcohol 61 If Dot containing nlcnhol.. 61 PILI N UT S (see NUTS, Edib le) . ..•................. I'LANTS, Orc hid a ...•....... 574 RATTAN FURNITURE (,ee FUHNITURE) .... . ...... . Baske ts (aee BASKETS) Rattan r eedl, split .,.... ~09 IIICE: Brown, h"lls rellloved ... 727 Milled ricc, bran removed 727 'SA LT : Salt in bulk 81 Salt in bagl, saeu, baueh, and oth er packages . ....





2; per lb. per lb.

50% ad,'. 25% ad\'.

15% adv.

10% adv. 37%% ad\'.

40; per lb. 37%«/« odv.

20% adv. 11f~~ per lb. 2%¢ pcr lb. ~~

per 100 lbs. net weich t

7¢ p er 100 lb,. n el weigbt


F REE LIST SHELL, maD ulactures of : Lam p,had es ILDd oth eD maD1538 ufactures n_s_p.f. In trinket.s or jewel..,.All other of whltever materiab composed valued above $5 per doz. • . .. 1527s-2 All othe r oyer 20¢ and not oyer $5 p e r dOl. . . . •.. 15271-2

Silk wearing apparel, embro idered , ...... . . .. . . .. . 35% adv.



110% ad".


SPONGES : Hard head or reef ..... .


Rubber sole an d fabric uppers ......... " .. _.. . . Leatber sole and fabric uppen .... _....•... . .. Leather-Boota, . b o,.,. or other footwear, in cluding ath letic or sporting booa and • hofl9, wholly or in chief Yllue o f leatber, D.•. p.f. Sewed or stitched b y the p rocel 0 1 metbod known .. McKay ...... ,." . . _. Tum an d turned booa and &hOfl9 _..... _.. Mde hy th e procfl9ll or method known as welt .............. .

SandBb and SlippenAbaca ............... _.. _ Lelthe r uppe.-. and wooden • olcs (ch ief value) _.. .. _. Leathe r u ppen (chid value au d woode n sole$ . . . Colton, rayon or silk Yel· veteen uppell, chief va· lue, whethe r or Dot the 101,.,. are composed of leatber, wood or othe r materials " .. . ....... . . Ru bber footwear, chief value of I ndian rub b er ... SILK ; J Uli Clot"If the vaJue o f .i1k ex· ceeds 20% not lubjecl 10 Export T n (no ce .... tilicD te ahou ld be issued ) . .... .... . I( value of silk is 20% or less in the wooven fabric, piiia fiber chief value, n.a.p. f. _....... . Wearing appare l ( n ot embroidered) ......... .. . Weari ng ap p arel (em broi· dered ) .. """ ' _" " " Plai n wooven fabric p iiia f iber, cbid value, weighing lets tban 4 oz. per sq. yd .

SOA P : Laundry 80ap and industrial aoap n.s.p. l . . . . . . . . ___ __ Toilel valued al mo re tbau 20t per lb. , ........... , Toilet valued at leu than 20¢ pe r lb ....... .. .... .


1530 e


1530 e

35% ady,

1530 e

30% adv.

1530 e

]0% adv.

1530 e

50¢ per pair but not leu thsn 10% nor more than 20% ad,'.

1530 e

35% ad,'.

1530 e

35% ad" .

1530 e

20% adY.

1530 e

35% adv.

1537 b

25% adv,

SUGAR: Candy (see CANDIES) Cane suga r, lesting by polariscopic te8\ not oyer 75 sugar degrees ....... _... . F or each additional augar degree shown by the pol . ariscopie Icst ......... . _.

1529 a

75% adv.


15% ad."


20% adv.


30% ady,


20% ady.


35% ad\',

1529 a

90% adv.


20% adv,



1.284375¢ per lb.


0.028125¢ per lb. addilional and f ractions of degree in proportion.




ll j60¢ additional f or each pel cent of total suo sar and fractions of a per centum in proporlion.

Note: The rate on 96" Dugar thus becmoes 1,875¢ per

lb. Molasses and lugar syrups 11.5. 1) f. testillg not above 48% lotal sugars ....... . T « ling above 48% total au(:a.r for each additional p er centu m of total sugar and fra ctions of a per een lUD' in proporlion ........... .

TOBACCO: Cigarette (see CIGARET. TES) Wrapper tobacco unstemmed Wrapper tobac co stemmed .. TOYS, n.s.p.l. . . . . . . . . . _.. " 1513 VEGETABLES, n. l.p.f. (na. turo!}. ....... , ......... . Beans, n .l.p .l. (see BEANS) ............... . VENEER: ( lee WOOD) VERMICELLI: (tee MACA. RONI ) WOOD; Furni lur e (see FUHNITURE) Plywood ................ .. 405 Veneer _........ _.. _...... . Wooden Yenelian hlind s, n.s.p.f. ............ , .. .





per sallon.

S 1.50 per lb. S2.15 per Ib_ 70% adv. 50% adv.


40% ad \'.


50% adv,

20% ad,,_

MANILA CITY DIRECTORY A Public Service Publication



TEL . 2-2 1-31



Schedule of Postage Rates and Conditions ON MAIL MATTER ADDRESSED FOR DELIVERY IN THE PHILIPPINES PImple ill Philippine



Limit 0/ JP' eigh t dna Sire No limit 01 wel,bt. limit of ai~e , 1 meter 80 ccntimetera. lenglh and girth combined.

FIRST CLASS-leller. (band or typewritten and letter. pres. copie. or manifold copie. 01 either). matter wholly or partly in writiog or typewritleu, manuscript or typewTiUeD copy when DOt accompa nied by printed prool ahee t. , and aU paeka,es and other matter aealed against ilupeel;on. For leiters mailed in bulk (oat 1ell than 250 pieces) without .Iamps alliKed, a permit I, Dceena ry.




eeotuo. eaeb.

SECOND.CLASS. - New.papen, periodicals and regular pubU· cationt entered as leeond·elaSi maner at post oUieet in the PhiHppioeJ or io the Uolted SllIleI, addrencd til booa fide lubleribcI'll, lind umple eopil'!l not ueeeding 10 per cent 01 the number aeot to tue h l ub· Icrlbeu, mailed by tbe pub· lisheu or by new. agentt duly authorized as lueb by the Di. rei: tor 01 Posts.


cenlllVOt lor each kj. 10 or Iractioo there· of.

No limit of weight. Limit of .ize, 1 meter 80 centime teu. leng th and girth combined_

THIRD·CLASS.-All olher mall. able miller not included in the above classel. It Ihou ld beu the name and addretol of lender on the outlide of wrlp. pen prcceded by the word "From." For third· clan mit· ler mliled in bulk (not lesl than 250 piecell) without atampa affixed, a permit ;1 n ecent ry.

2 centavo, for each 60 g ram, or fraction thereof for artielu not ezceeding 600 gram. in weight: 12 cenlno, for each hdf kilo (500 gram,) or fraction thereof on th e whole weight for artidet exceeding 600 gram. in weigI1!.

Weight-20 kilos between mot t of the important port town s and placell 00 railroads Ind those lupplied by automo· bilell; 10 or 5 kiiOi between all other. IC' cording to th e me· thod of transportation uled_ Size-2 meters and 10 centimeters, lengt h and girth combined.

centavol for each 20 I or fraction thereof. g ram

Sile-Same as foreip.

All claUI of dom e.uic mail maner should be fully pre. paid, but ,ueh mail maner inadv ertent ly Illailed deficient in postage, will be treated I I follow$ :

SENDER KNOWN Short· paid d omes tic mail matter 01 all cTallel will be marked with the amount of th e allort· age, single rale, and returned to the .ender, if known, or if not expedient 10 return th e anicle it.df, the .ender will be notified by the eard form provided for the purpose.

SENDER NOT KNOWN If the sender is unknown and the mail matter il short,plid in an amount leu than the for one kilogram (1000 grlml), at the rite for tbe clus to which the IInicle pertaina, the article will be Illrwarded 10 Ih Philippine POBt office of deatination marked postage du e in an IImount double the deficiency, which amount will be collect. ed from the addreatee by tbe pos tma! !er at destination.

When an article Is . hort-paid in an 111", unt equal 10 or more than Ihe postage for one kilo· gram (1000 gralll.), at the rate for the clau to which the article pertlinl, the article will be l.t.ld It the post ofii. e " I luailing and the IddreaJ!e req ,ested, by Form 1543, 1-) lend the amount of deficient postlge, l ingle rate, to the postmaster at the place of mail· in~_

Any shott.p. id matter which thru inadvertence reaches dell_ tio alion without h aving been rat ed at the olfice of DlIiling will be raled up with double th e deficiency and the deli. eiency will b e collected before delivery_ Tile foregoing only a ppli es to artiel"" which are inl dvertcntly mailed "hhout lufficient postage_ if articles are l.abit,,~lJy or k~owingly mailed with in. IlIfficienl pOll age "Id articles with a full report should be forwarded to the Director of Posts.

. 47


Schedule of


Limit 0/ Wei,h'

'n Philippine



Rates and Conditions- ( Continued)







SECOi"m .CLASS.-(See above


No limit o ' Weight. Limit o ' sizo, tame u firll class reenla r ma il. No limit o' Weight. Limit o ' Size, lame Q leflan d clBu regular mail. Weight-Same .. third dau regular mail. Limit o' eizt, 75 cCDli· mcteu io length, centimeter! in width •n' 20 ccnli meten i• depth.

each 20

'ractio n 0' regarolen




THIRD.CLASS.-(See Description)

Payment oj POJta,e

1I1Id Siztl

C.. "ency



paym enl



pa yment


Full pa.yment





February 24, 1940 Books consisting wholly o' reading matter ad dressed delivery in the United Sutee, Special rate o' postage onAdminiurati¥e Orde r No. until July 1, dated F ebruary 14, 1940, provid~ th at effective immediately 1941, boou address ed delivery i. ,ho United States its posses.ion •• cODliuing wholly o ' reading mailer Md containing no advenising matter othe r than incidental announcements o' boon. io parcels exceeding s rams ; n pos tage rate o' four centavo, p" parcel where suc h rale i, leu than weish t (third.e1ass), may be mailed books und er paragraph (.) o' Section reg ular third ·e lan rat e each 55 grams p re.eribed 'wo ccntavos amended. o' ,ho Manual, the ume ch ..acler addreued for delivery in the Un iled Slites or ils pone&lionl, in parcel, weighing Boob grams boO more than in excess o' 32 kilograms (fourth.clan), sh.1I be charged at the ,Ue of four centavos each ''is KraDl5 frac t ion t he reof. wo rd "Book" "Books ." A book, All luc h parcel. o' books Ihall b. indoned by .end ers with cloth. pape r, bound volume having within contemplation , I this circular, sha ll b. more p'Ses, o ' reco rd , leut 22 prin ted, .nd shall ruled blank p ogu intended memoranda which enclosures with fourthclau mltter fonh Section purpose •. Th. permiss ible .dditions o' provbions o' this c ircu lar . Attenti on M.nuai sblll .t.o b. permiasibl e case hoou mai led under which this special ;. called Unnumbe red Circul •• dated April 25. 1939, which conllins li lls o' .rliclcs which i, does apply. rate appli".. on' thOle This ci rcu lar su percede! penu ltimate paragraph Circula r No. 32 dated August 16, 1939. which made tbis special rate applicable only books exceediug 22' graml in weisht. P ostmuters s b.n make necessa ry notation. o. their co pie, o' printed Schedulc o' Postage Rates .n' Jailer', information ConditioDl, They sball likewi.e refer this circu lar guidance, th eir ,uhordi nat es properly io th en fil e p~' office, J UAN RUI Z



,.22' "









no' '0,h..0'


,h. ,h. " ,h.










.. ,h.'0'















'4 0'

.. ...




." ,.













May 27, Books con.i,ling wholly o' read inS mailer Ido.l rened '0' d e livt'ry i. the Philippin es. Special rate o' postagc deliv ery in th e Philippines, consis tins Beginnins luly 1, 1940, and until June 30, 1941, books addr essed wholly boou. Iha ll b. readi ng matter .n' containing no adve r ti~ins mail er other than incidental announcements charged rate o' centavos eac h \', kilog ram frac ti on thereof. io accordance with Administrat ive Order 1940, No. 6 dlled Mlrch cloth, paper·bound volume ha"inS A boole:, within ,ho contemplati on o' th il CirClllar. shall b. contain ruled bl anle: pagel intended reeords more pages. whic h leu t 22 p rinted. .n' shall memorand a purposes. permi ni ble addjtion~ .n' enclosures with domeltic third·c1an mail mailer provided io ellisli ng regulations sh all abo be' per missi ble in case o' hooks mailed under ,ho provi.ionl o' Ihi8 mailinp; this .pedal rate ahali b. plainly endorsed by scnder Ci rcular. P ackase. o ' boou int cn d ed with word "Boob." Such plckiges shall b. sealed aga ins t in.pection contain 'Of mailer o ' ,ho first enclolure,). otherwise Ih ey shall c harged first·c1ass rate o' e1au (escept ,ho perminib!e addi ti ons pOll age. same their .ubordinate!! Before filin g this Circular io th ei r respective offices. pOllm .. le r, shall refer printed laller's informa tion .n' guidance, ,n' make notation o' thi s apec ial rat e .n th e ir copies o' schedule o' postagc rate, conditi ons. J UAN RUIZ Director oj POtU SUBJECT :

••. ,h.

o. "




.. Th.


















h. 0'



.. ,h.,.






ON MAIL MATTER ADDRESSED FOR DELIVERY IN THE UNITED STATES (Including Hawaii, Porto Rico, Canal Zone, Virg,in Islands, Guam. TutuiIa and ad jacent islands of the Samoan Group which are possessions of the United States) Class FIRST-CLASS.-Letten (hand typewritten .n' leller·prus copies or man ilold copies o' e ither), and .11 mailer wholly partly in writing, whether sealed unsealed. ClIcept manu script copy accompanying proof sheets or co rrected proof sheel s o' ,ho same




.., ,h.


Limit oj Weitht ond She

P 05/IJte in Ph ilippine Cu.rrency centavos grams


each '0' fraction.


Weight-Same clan.


10uMh .

Paymen t


of PostlJte

Prepayment o' full rau cenlnol) required. A., defici ency wi II b. collec ted d elivery. H owever, on m.tter wefghing more than 50 grams prep.yment cen tavos i. allowed, doub le de lielency b. collectt:d delivery.



,,h, '0




, 48

MAN II~.o\


ON M AI L MATTER ADDRESSED. ETC.-( Continll ed) Clrus


in Philippine Curuncy

wri ting 8ulllori~ed by regulation to be placed upon matter of other elaue!. MOiler seaJed or otheTWise elosed against in· s pection i, also 01 the first clul.


Newspapefl, periodical! and regular pub. Iications entered 8 5 sccond. clan maUer.

When mailed by others. THlRD·CLASS.-T h i r d CIa.. mllter embraces eircularl. booh (IncludinG c8talogues) hoving, including th e co,·crs. 24 page. or mo re, Ind Olher prinled mailer on paper not hIVing the nUure 01 an ac tu al personal correspondence (ex· cept n ewspa pen Ind perio. dicals admined to the s~ond class), proo lsheets, corrected proofsheelt lind manu script copy aecomponying the lOme. matter in point prinl or railed ebaracten uled by the blind, drawings. merchandise, seeds. bulbs, cullings. roots, acions. anCl plant., lind all oth e r mail. able matter not embraced in the first and second cla~ln, packages weighing up to and includ ing 220 grams. Th e nme mailer when aent in parcels ClIceeding 220 graml In weight i. embraced in fourth· class or parcel·pos t mail. FOURTH CLASS-Includes all such matter enumerated under third·elass weighing more than 220 grams. This elan 01 matter mu st be deposi ted at the POlt offiee or at a POltal Station and .hall nOI be de· posil ed in a street letter·bOl!;. It would abo bear th e name and addr«t 01 .ender on the outside of wnppen preceded by the word "From". AIR MAIL.fIRST·CLASS. - (See abo \' e Description) UNITED STATES HAWAII CUAi\1 (Other clo nes 01 mail "0, accep ted for transmission hy air mail to U. S.

Cir 17, dated 8·5·40 New Celedonia- Pl.14 for every IS gram, or 'raction thereof, in a ddition 10 ordinary postage. New Zealand-Pl.4tl for every 15 grams or fra ction th ereof, in addition to ordin ary P03!·


2 c entavO!! each. 3 cenlnOt for eaell oIS5 grams or fraction t hereo f on that portion devoted to mailer other than ad· vertisements , 14 centavos for each 45S g ram I or fraction thereo f on that pot. tion devoted to ad· verti s ements. 2 centavos for each 55 g ram, or lraelion the reof. 4 centavo. for elch 55 grams or fraction, up to and including 220 gram$ in weight , ell:· ce p t that the rate on boob, (incl uding ca· talogues) having 24 PIOl:"e5 or more, seed., cultinGs, bulbs, roots , scions, and plant ~, not ex ce eding 220 grams in weigh t, il 2 centavos for each 55 grams or frac. tion thertof. On each individually addreued piece or package. The 2~centnvo rllt e does not app ly to blank books or to those mainly hlank.


I., ,h. "'

centu,·os filllt 4SS grams frac tion th ereof. "d 22 centavos each additional 455 grams frac· tion thereof.



Limil 0/ Weit'" and Silt

5il_Same .. foreign. Wei,ht-No lim it.

Full prepay men t r equired. Fu ll prepayment , .. qui red.

Weight-Same u dau.

.-u ll pre payment required.


Weight-Must not ceed 220 grams.


Fu ll prepayment req u ired.

L. imi t .1 Weight-32 KilogrllllUl. Size-254 centime ten, length •• d cirth com· bin .. d.

Fu ll prepar ment required.


•.. o

J peso

for each 15 gram! ur Irac tion thereof. 60 eentavol each hac· IS grams lion thereof. 20 centavo, each 15 , r, m , fraction thereof.





Limit o f WeiGht 32 kilograms. cen li. Limit o f s ize 254 meters, length .. d girth co mbined.

d• • d••

Full juepaymcllt requ ired .

I• ~

fu ll prep ayment requ ired . F u ll prepay ment require d.






----,------==-- - Class



Postale 12

in Philippine Cu.rrency

centavos for the first 20 pams or len, and 6 centa· vos for each addi. ti onal 20 grams or fra<: ti on thereof.

6 centa¥os ea ch ior aingle c/lTd s, and for each of th e two halves of reply p os t cards.

Limir oj Wei,hl and Si:e Limit of weighl-2 kilo· (lrnm, . Limit of si!e-Length, girth lind thiekneu combined, 90 <:enli. meters; hut greate.t length, 60 <:entim elers. In rolls, length and twi e e the diamete r, 100 <:enlim etera; but greate!t length, 80 ce ntim eters. Si!e-Muimum, 15 by 10.5 c entimeters. Mi . nimum, 10 by 7 centi. me ters.

As a general fu le, ,II articles of eorrespondence lll11lt he fully prepaid by the Bender. However, ordinary lellera may be forwarded to dealimllion with partial prepayment or without prepayment 01 PO!I. age. double the deficiency to be collected on delivery.

NOTE :--The min imum amount of deficien t postage to be rated and collected i. " ce ntavo,. A. • geDe ral rule. 111 articles of correspondence mUll be fully prepaid by the &ender. However, tingle poet carda with pUliat p repayment o r without prepayment of postage may be forwarded to d estina. tion, double the def iciency to be collected on ddh·cry.

PRINTED MATTER. Net... · papetl and periodicals , booka, pamph leu, sheet·musi c, yi ait. ing cards , add re.. carda, p rinting proob, engravings, photographs and albums con· taining photographs, pi<:tllrcs, drawing5, plan!, map s, cut-out patterns , <:ata[ ogs. pros p e<: tu. " ce nt avol lo r eac h Limit 01 Weight- 2 kil o· f ull prepayment r equired. 50 gram s or frac· IU, Idy erti sem enlt, and print· gra m. , except s in gle tion thereof. Ex· ed. engraved, lith ographed, or bookt. the limit for cept printed mailer autographed notic e! of variou s whi ch is 3 kilogram s. for the li s e of the The limit of weight for kinds. and, in geoeral, all im· blind, th e rale on prenions or reprodu<:tion a ob. printed matters for th e which is 2 centavos use of the blind is 5 tain ed on paper or other rna· for each ]000 grams terial assimilable to pap er, nn kilograms. or Ira<: ti on thereof. Limit of Sile-The sa me parchment or on cardboard. by melna of printing, engrava. th a t lor len e rs. ing. lithography, autograph)· or any other easily recogniz. able mechanical proc".., with the exception of the e opyin g prets. stamps with movable or immOVible type, and the type· writer. for the Limit 01 Wcight-2 kilo· Full p repayment required. COMMERCIAL PAPERS- The 16 c entavos fi rs t 200 grams or gram s. following are considered as less, and 4 centa. Limit of Size-The sa me commer<:ial papen, on condi· vos for ea ch addi. II thaI for leuers. tion that they do not have lional 50 grams or the chsracter of actual p er. fra ction th ereof. l on al correspondence: all papen and documenll, wholly or partly written or drawn; such as out·of·date articl~ of correspondence (opened let· ten and post card.) which have already reached their original d ~ tination, and eopi ~ thereof; papers of legal pro. cedure : docum en ts of all kinds drawn up by minist erial of£lcers; waybills or billa of lading; invoices; certain do· cnmen ts of insuran ce com· pani es: copies of or extracts from documents und er private aeal wrillen on s tamp or un · . tamped paper; s co res or sheeIS of mus ic jn manuscript; msnu l cript of works or n ew, · papen .ent separately ; orig. inal and corrected exe rci.". of .tudents b ut without any notes not relating dir ectly to the execlllion of the work. 8 centavos f., Limit .f Weight-SOO Full prepayment required . SAMPLES OF MER CHAN. fi n t 100 grams g ram,. DISE.-Must po!Sess no sal . let • • •• d cen· Limit ' of Size-The same able valuc, nor hear &.D,. tavo. f.. each .dth a t f.. lette... Wl'iting except n ame and ad· b ditional SO grams drcss of lender and addre!ll ee. fraction thereo f. m~nufacturer's trad e mark, pne"., and indication. relative to weigllt and dime nsion. or ,"eh as are necessary to de· termine the origin and nature of the goods. NOTE.-For rat ea and conditions regarding "International Parcel Post" (See Ii test Bureau of P<'SII p amphlet "INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN PARCEL POST"






AIR MAIL RATE OF POSTAGE ON AIRMA ILS SE NT TO EUROPE VIA U. S. (Circ1Ilar, 36 Septe mb er 8, 1939) Pl.60 for every 15 grams or fraction thereo l plu8 t he ordinary postage of P O.12 for th e first 20 gram s or less and P O.06 for each addit ional 20 grams of frn ctioll thereof. VIA HONGKONC VIA SINGAPORE (By Steamer from Manila to Hoogkong) (B, Steamer from Manila to Sini:apore) ( By Pl ane from Hongkong to destination) (B, Plane from S in!;apore to destination) (For every 5 gra ms or fraction, in ad dition to ordinary (For every 5 grams or fraction, in add ition to ord inary pos tag e ) p 09ta l:e) French I ndo China ........... . .. ............ Neth erlands Ea~t Indies .... . ..• .. ................. Th ai .............. . .............................. . Burma ............................... .. ..... . ... . Thai .......... ", . .. .. ... ....• . ... ' .............. ~ _.2' Australia ............ . ..•..... .......•. •.•..• ..... Bu rma .... . ............... . ...••.•.•••...... • •••••• "'0) British Indi a .. .. ... .. . ................. .. ....... . Australia ............ . ......... . .......•••••.... . . Iraq (Includ ini: P enial ........................ . Briti$h Indi a .. .. ........ .. ...•...........•••..... Egypt (Inclu<iing P alesti ne) ........•............ Iraq ( In cluding Penial .... . ............•.••... . Europe (Incl uding England and the Iri~h Free Egypt (Inclu di ng Palestine) •..•..... . .......•••• State) .................................. . 0. 28 Europe (In cluding England and the Irish Free .~ .. .. . ............................ . 0.32 0.24 -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . Beli:ian Congo, Kenya, Uganda and T anganyi ka .. . 0.24 Sudan .. . .. .............. ....... . ... . . .......... . 0.32 Northern and Southern Rhod esia ............... . 0.36 Bel!;ian Congo, Kenya, Ug anda and Tan ganyik a 0.36 Sout h Africa ............ ... ...... .. .... ... ..... . 0.40 0.42 Northern and Sou th ern Rh odesia ........ . 0.44 South Africa .. ........... ...... .. ... . ........ .

~:~~~~la~ci~' E~;I" i~d;;~" ':::::::. ::::::::::::::::.




EQUIVALENTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 15 20 30

pounds pou nds pounds pound. pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds pounds 40 pounds 50 pou nd s

arc are are are


." " '" '"" '" '" '"


represented r epresen ted represented represcnt ed repr esen ted represented represented repres ented rep resented represented represented represented

tIle me tric by 2250 or 45 fifty·gram rat es. " the me tric scale by 2700 or 54 filty ,pam rates. " the scale by 3150 63 fifty·gram nles. " ' h< metric scale by 3600 " 72 fifty.gram rates. " ,h. metric scale by 4050 " 81 fifty·gram rat cs. "" the metric metric scale by 4500 " 90 fifty·!;ram rates . th e metric scale by 4950 " 99 filt Y'i: ram rates. " ,h. tri c scale by 6750 " 135 fifty·gram rate8. " ,h. me metric scale by 9000 " 180 fift y·gra m rates . " ,h. metric 13500 " 270 fifty·gra m rates. " ,h. metric scale by ,. by 18000 " 360 [[fly·gram rates. by 22500 "' 450 fifty· gram ral es. '" ,h. metric " ~cal e




From From From From From From From From From From

(U. S. Currency) 80.01 10 82.50 2.51 5.00 5.01 10.00 10.01 20.00 20.01 30.00 30.Ql 40.01 50.00 50 .01 60.00 60.01 75,00 75.01 100.00

""" " ,<>.0,

Payable in Philippines

Payable in U. S ., C::tnada. Cuba. e tc.

(U.S. Cur.) 80.05 .01

(U.S. Cu r.) '0.05 .01

.10 .12

.14 .17 .20 .22

"" "" "

.1 ' .1' .24








NOTE :-Section 1968 of the administ rative Code Provides that n o money order 8halJ be iss ued for greater s um thaI! "ne hundred dollars, Unit ed Sutes currency, and no poslml!llier shall di rectly or indirectly sell more than ten money orders in one day to on e party payable to tb e same person.

FEES CHARGED FOR TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER For .mounts not ""ceeding P20.00 . .... ........ . .•.....•..•••••........ , .... , .... , ....•........••.••.••••••. For amounts over P20.00 not e"ceediJl!; P50.00 .. .. ,. ......... ,. . .. , ... " ... ,. ....... ,. . . ..... . .. ,. ... . ... . . For amounts over P50.00 not e"ceeding PI OO.OO ... .. . .. , ...... " . . .......... " ... •• • ,. .................. .. For .mount~ over PI00.00 (for each P50) or frac tion th ereof ............... . ...... ... .................. . .. .


.30 .40


INDEMNITY SYSTEM The sender Or owner of a reg i9tered m311e r may be ind emn ifi ed for loss. rilling, or damage thereof in the main in an amount equivalent to iu actual value, but no~ to exceed 100 pesos for each registered article on payment of the following fees: (a) Not to e"ceed "10 on payment of fee of twenty cen tavos . (h) Not to exceed P25 on payment of lee of tw enty ·six cent avos. (c) Not HI exceed P50 on paymelll of fee of thirty·six cenl n os. (d) Not 10 exceed PIOO on payment of fee of forty c entavos . Regular postage and fee must be prepaid by postage s tamp s afii:.;ed to the artieJe. The cost of regi stration is included in the fee .






DOMESTIC C.O.D. SER VICE In .ddition to the regul.r .nd the registry fee of 16 centa1'Os, a commi.. ion in .ecordance with the 'o11o"inl' .chedule will be ch arg ed: P<l.20 For a collection not cxceeding P20 • . ............ . .•....•....•..•..•••.•••••••••••••• .. For • collection over 1>20 .nd not exceeding PSO .. . ............ .. ................ .. For a collection over P50 .nd not ex cecding PIOO ••....•..•.... . .• . .. ... • .. •. . .. . •• .70 For a collection over Ploo .nd not exceeding P200 ..•...•..•......•.....••• .. • .. • . • 1.20 The aIDount to be collected upon a l ingle parcel is limited to 1>2110.



SPECIAL PROVISIONS ONLY PHILIPPINE STAMPS VALID.- P09tage ,tampa of the United Statet or of foreign count riel .re not valid for poltage in the Philippine. but l ing le pOltal cards, the reply h. lvet of doubl e Jloatd c arda, and cmboued ltamped envelopes 01 th e United State. are valid lor pOl tage wh en addrened to the United States. Guam. Tu tuila, Virgin hland. , Hawaii. Porto Rico or tbe Canal Zoue. Prep.yment of all other postage additional to th.t on the emhou ed Itamped e nvelope must be made with Philippine pOltage . tamp'. Tho reply h.lve. 01 foreign douhle postsl cards are valid for pOl tage "'hen addreued for delivery in the country which hilled it. Embol led , tamped envelopes and postal cards 01 the United Statu, the reply halvu of foreign double pOltal card •• ",hen not .ddressed for delivery in the country which iu ued them (unlen the postage thereon il with Philip pine poltage l tamps) and art icles found in the maila bearing internal·revenue Ilampe. or po!uge stamps of th e Uniled States or of any foreign country, will be treated n uupaid matter. The emboued _tamped envelopes and 2·centaYo pOltal card, of thtl Philippines are valid I(lr pOIUge in the United States when di rected to addre llel in the Philippinu. SPECiAL DELIVERY.-Each piece of mail matter intended for apecial delivery .hould have affixed ther elo. in add ilion to tho ,tampi required for payment of pO.'ltage. a Phi lippine Sp ecial De livery "amp or ordinary postage Itamps to the amount of 20 ce ntavos. II ordinary postage lIampl ar e ued fo r pllying . peeial delivery ch."e. the word. "Special Delivery" or thei r equinlent mn. 1 be plainly written on the addren lid e of tbe articie to be Ipedally delive red. Special delivery mail is n.a saler lila" ordinary moil. Th e e:'ttra fee is for quick delifery .t dUlin.tlon ollly. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS', SAILORS' AND MARINES' LETTERS.- Unit ed Slates loldi er, ·. tailofll' and marine8' leneft, wben properly indofted II lueb. may be lent 10 deatinuion in the United Statet ",ilhonl prepayment of a ny pottage. and only ting le rate ",ill be collected 00 deliv ery. SPECIAL DELIVERY TO U. S. A.- Philippine I pecial delivery s tamp c an be ul ed for .pedal deliv ery servic e in tbe United Stltel.


Reel.try Fee 011 m.tter .ddreued for d eli1'ory in the Philippines •...•.•• . • • . .••••••••••••••.••.•• Rq:iury Fee on man m.tter .ddren ed for delivery outaide the Philippines •••••.•••••••••••••••.• . •. . ••

"0.16 1"0.20


P,ooi"ce, JUunicipaliey, M"nicipol District or Barrio

R -For Radio Station. F -For a non·t e legraph town to which and f rom 'w hieh telegrams may be lent by tel ephone under the combined Telegraph·Telephone Syelem.

N~ a,est


JI1o,, ~y



Nearest Tele"0ph Office


ABRA BANGUED ...... . .... ... .. . ... .. .. .. .... S PO B·l T •...•..........•............................... . •...•.••.. Ducay ....... . .. .. .... . ................... $ Danglu . . ................. . ... .. .. . ....... Dolores . ...•••...••... . •. . • . .• . ..• . ••••• . S Lagangilang . . ............ .. .. .. .... . ...... I.agayan ....... .. . ....... .. ... . ............ idcn ........... . ......... . .... . ..... . $ La Pu •... . .••. . •• •.....•..•.. . ..•. . ... .. • Luba . ....... .. ..... .... .. ... .. . ... . ... ... . Manabo ......... . .. ... ... . . .... . .... . ... . . Pcii. rrubia . .... .. .... .. ............ ... .... Pidigln •.•.•.••• . ••• . • .• .• .. ••••••• ••••• . 5 Pilar . ........... . .... .. . .. . . ... . .......... S.llap.ndm • . •...• •. .••. . . . •.. .. .•• . •••••• Sin Ju.n ............ ... .... . ....... . ... . . Sill QUi1lt11i ••...•... . . .• •.. .. •.•••• . •.. . • Tayum .....•.••.... . ......... . ... • .•.•.... $ Villniciosa ..................... .... .... . ..


B·} B·l B·I B·l D·l D·l B·l B·} B·l B·l B·1 B.2 B·l B·l B·l B·l D· l

F ... . ........... .. . .. .. . .. . .. . Banlned F ............................. Banlued F ••• . .•......... . ...• • ...••.•• Bulued F .................. . ... . ...... Bulued F . . ................ . .......... Banlued F ............................. Bangued F •••..•.............•••..••.•• Bangued F ................... . .. . ..... . B.nlued F ............................. B.nIlUed F .................. .. ......... Bangued F ••••••.............••....... . B.ngued F ............................ . N.n.c.n F •••.•••........•.. ••••. . .•.•• Bancued F . . . . .. . ...................... D(I.IIgu ed F •••• . •.......•..... . • ......•• B.ngued F ..... ~ ............. . .......•• Dangued F ............................. Narv.ean


If'ei,ile in Kilos

......... . ......... . ....... . ........... . •••••••..•••••••. • • . ... . ....... . ... . ... . ............ . ...... . . ...... . ........... . • .. • . ..••••••..••••• ...... . ............ . ................... . ..... . ............. . •. . •...•••• • ••••..• . .................. . ••••• . •• . ••• . ••• • ••• ............. . ..... . •........ . •• • ••••.•• ...•.....•••• . •••••• .................. .

20 20 5 20 20

5 5 5 5 5 20 20 5 5 20 20 20 20

M unIcipal Dht ' s.:

~Iawa ............ . ... . . . .. ... ........ . .... . .................. Dolores .• . ..••....... Danrued

nayall ... ... ............ .. .................................. Dolo rel ....••••..•.. . Banrued .................. .. Buy. • ...................................................... . Tayum ... ........ . .. Ban8ued ............ .. . ... .. Bangllo .. .............. . . . ................................... Dolores .. . .•••••••..• Ballgued .. .. .............. .. BoHlley •• . : . • ••••. . . . ••. . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . Rucay • . ........ . ..• BaolUed •• . •••.•••.•••••• •• • Bueloc ..... . ................. . ... . .............. . ............ Bucay . . ......... . •• Banlued .. .. ... . .......... .. Buner ...... .. ....... .. ........................ . .............. Dolore5 ...••.•.....•. Bugued ••.... . .•. . •••••. • •• CaglO ayln .......................... . ....... . ................ Dolores ..•.•.... . ..•• Bansued .................. . . DlSuiomln ... .. ...... . ......... . . . ........................... Bucay ..... . ... . .... B.ogued . . .. . . . . .... . .. . ... .

None None None None None None None Noel Nore




Municipalit y.

Municipal. Dutri d or Barrio


Neilresl MOMy Order

Nure$l Tele,raph

Limit 01



Wei,h' in KUfu None None None None NODe None None None NODe None

Danae ....... . ..•. . ..• . •• , ••• . • . • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bucay .. . ... . ......• BaDgued Lacub . .. . ..... . •.. . .•••••••••••• . • . • . •••. . •••••••• .. •.•••• •. Dolores . ............. Ban,ued Lance . •..... ... • • . .. • . •••.••.••.• .. •••••••••••• •. •. . ••• • . •••. Dolores .......••••••• Bangued Li cuaD ............ ... ... . ... . ..... .. . .. . ...... .. ... . . ....... . T ayum ...• , •...•.•.• n.0i:ued MaUbcoDII: ••••. .. •••.••.•••••••••••• •• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tayum •...•••....••• B.ngued Ma taragan •..••.• • • •• . •••• .. • . .••• ••. • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Dolore-s .............. Bl.nlued Noglibl.eln ......... . ... .. ......... . ... . ... . .... . ... . .... .. . .. Dolores .......... . ... Bl.nIlUed Tiempo ................... . .. .. . ... . ........ .. ............... Bueay .............. Bangued Tin es: ................... ... .. ... ... .............. ....... . .... Dolores •......•...... Bangued 'Cubo .................. ... ........................ .. .... . .... Bucay .............. Ban,ued

AGUSAN BUTUAN ............................... 1 PO Buenoviata • . .......... • ••......•..•...... $ PO Caba<ibaun •.........•........ . .......... $ PO Ja bonga •.•..•............•.•...••........ 1 ·PO Nasipit •..•...•....... .. ....... . ••..... .. . 8 PO Talaeogon ••...•.•. .. .. . •.•....•••• . .••.•. $ PO

B· I TR ...................................................... .. B-1 F ............................ Buluan ...........•.... • • . . .. B-1 T . ......... . . . ................ . .. . .. .. ................ .. . . . B-1 F .............•.•••......... . . Cabl.dbaran • . •.••••...•.•.. • B·l F ......................•...... Buluan •..•.. . •.•• . • •• •... • B·1 •••••• , .... , ... .......•. . ...• . 1lulUan ..........•••.•• , .••

20 20 20

S 10 10

MuniclpaIDls t'S,: A~pltia

•• , ••••• , ••••••••••••••..•..••••..•.•••• . ..••• . •••.•••. Talacogon •.•... . .. .. Butuan Bahbah •••.•• , • •• • . ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • •••.•. •• •.•••. . ••. Talacogou ..••...... . But uan lta kins:king ........... . ............................... . ...... Butuan •............. Butuan lIau ..................... . ......... ..... .... ...... .. ........ Bunawan ......... . .. Buluan Baylo ................................................... . .... Ta laeogon .........•. Buluan Borbon .................. .. . . ................................. Talacogon ..........• Buluall BUDBguil .............. . . . .... . .. .. .. ... .... . ................ Butuan ..... _........ Butuan Dunawan .••..•..••...........•. . •.....•. $ PO B·1. ..... ..... ..................... Duluan Concordia ......... . ... , .......... .. .. . ............... . ...... . T alaeogon ........... Butuan Cueva~ ................. . ...... . .. . ... .. ........... ......... .. Bunawan ............ Butuan Ebro .•.•........••.••••..••.... . .• .. ••.•••••••••••• , .•... . •.. T alaeogon ........... Butu an E.!Iperanu. .......... . .... . . .... . . .. .. . .. . . PO D·2 ...... . ...... Duluan .....• . ....... BlUuan Guadalupe . . ....... • ..•••.•. . ..... . ..• .. .. ....••. ••• •• •• • •••.. Talacogon ........... Butuan H llapilln •..•....••..•• •. ...... . ..........•...•.•• . •.• •. ••••. WaIoe ... . ........... Buluan Jobnson ............... .. .......... . ... .. ..... . ............... Waloe .. ....•........ BulUan Laugasian ......................... ... .. ....... .... ......... .. Wa10e ............. .. Bulua.l1 La Pat. .................. . ...... . ... . . .. . ............... . .... Bululn ....... . .. . ..• BUIUl.n Laa NievCll ............ . .................................... Bunawan .........•.. Bulul.n Libt:rtad ...................... . ... .. .. . . . . ... . .............. Bunl.wan .. . ........ . Buluan Lorelo ...................... .. .. . .... . .. PO B-2 .• _..... . .... Waloe •.. . .•. . ..•.... Butuan 1.05 Arca. .•. • ••.•••••••.••••.•.••••••••.•••.••••.•••••.•• . •• Tl.lacogon •.......... Buluan lolaaain ... .. ........... . _. . . ... . .............. . ....... ........ Butuan .............. Bulum Mambalili .. . ........... . ............................. ..... . .. Buol.wau ............ Bulul.n MI.YII:lltuan ........... ... . . .... . ... . ...... .... ........ . . . ..... Bululn . . ............ Butulo Novele •.• . ... . .... .. .• • • • . . ... . •..... . • . • •• •.•.•••..• . ••..••. T alacogon ..........• 8utuan Nueva Gracia .•.......•...........••........•.•.....•. . ..••. Waloe ... . ......... . . 8UIUOn Nuevo Siba, at ............ . ........ . ............... . . . ....... Buluan ............•. Butuan Nuevo Trabajo ...... . • • ••• . •. . . . ••.....•.•.••.•..•••..... '" Talaeogon ... ........ Butuan PalrociDio . .. •...... . .•.•.......... . .•.. . ...••.•..........•••. BUDawau ............ BUlu l.D Pr09 peridad •........•.. • . • .• .•.. . ... . ... PO J1.2 •••••••• •• ••• Talacogon .......... . Bul ua n Remediol . .............. . ... . ................................ Buluan .............. BulUan Rourio •.... . ..•..••.•.•.• • ••. .•••••..•..••. ... .. ....... . •.. T alacogoD ...... ... . . BUluan Sagun to ........... . ...................... . ...... .. .. ......... Waloe ............... Butuan San hidro . ............................ ................... .. Bunawan ............ Butuan San Lui. . •..........••• .. . •. . •.... ... ••••...•••..• .••. • .•••. Talacogon ........... BUluan S8.lI1& Inel . ... . ..•. •• .• • •.•. •• .••. . ••••• •••• •.••.•.• . . •.••• . T alacogon ........... BUIUOO Santa lOlef,,- ......... . ............................... ....... Bunawan ............ BuluaD San to TOlDas ........................... ..... ............... Waloe ............... Butuan Trento ..... ' . . ........................... . .................. Bunawan •........... Buluon Tud ela ...... . ............. . . ............ . .............. . ..... Bunawan ............ BuluaD Viruela .............. . .. ............. . .. ... .......... ........ Buoawan . ......•..•. Butuao Violaol a ............................................. . ... . ... Waloe •.............• Butuan Waloe .......................... , •.•••.• , ............. ..... ..... . ................. BUluan

.............••. ••• ••.

NODe Non e None None Nooe None None None NODe NODe NODe NODe None None NODe None None Nona None

10 None None NODe NODe Non e None Non e

N=. None

10 NODe None None NODe None None None None NODe "'l'oDe N"'Ue None N..oa

ALDA Y Dacaeay ................................. $ Baras (C alaodul.llel) . ............. .. .... $ Balo (CatanduI.Dea) ..................... $ Calolboo (Calanduonea) ........ .. ......... 5 CalDl.lig ..... . .... . ...................... S Daraga ........ , ......................... 8 GuiDobalan ................... . .......... 8 lovellar .......... . ...................... 1

LEGASPI .. . ........ . . ... ...... . . ...... 1

Lib og .... ... ............................. $ Libon ..... . ............................. $ Lis:ao ................................... 1 Malilipot •••••...• • . • .. . . . .••.••••• •. ••• •• $ Malinao ..•.....• . . . . . •..••••••••.••••.•• $ Manilo ... ........ . ... . .................. $ Oas ..• . •..•...••••.•••.•. . ... . •• • •••••••• 8 Pandan (Calanduanes) ..... . ...... . ....... 1 Paogani ban (CalaDduanca) .... . .... . ..... 1 Polangui ... ... ............... . . . . ........ $ Rapu·Rapu . . . ........... . ............... 8 Tabaeo .... . ...................... . . . ..... $ Tiwi . . .... . ... . . ........ .... ... . . ....... . $


B·l B·} B·} B-1 B·l

B·} B·} B·} B.1 B·I B·} B·l B.l B·2 B·I B·I B.1 B·l B.l B.1 B.l 8·1

T ................................. . ................... .. . ..


...... .... ....... .. ............ Virae ....... . .. . ..... . ..... . ............................. . . VifAe ...... . .. .. .... . ... .. .. ............................... Virae . .............. . .. ... ..

20 20

T •.••............• _...................... . ............. . . .. T .................................................. . .. .... . T ............... . .. .. ............... .... .............. .... . .. ...... . .. ... .. .. . ........ . ... Guinobo lan . .... . ... ... .. .. . TR .. . .. ......................................... ... ..... . . . ............................... Legaspi . ......... .. .. ...... . ...... .. ....................... l'o llll1(1: ui .................. . T ............... . ... .... . ........ ... .. ... , ................ . ••.•••.•.... .... . •.•..... ....•• Tabaco ••••.••.•• • • • .••• • .•• ••••••••.........•.•.......•.•• T ab aco ••••• • •••••• • • ••••••• ........... ... ........... ...... Lcgupi .... .. .......... . .. . T ••••••......... .•. •........••..••...... . .•......•••..•• • •. R .. ... . ........................ . ........ . ... . .... . ........ . R .......... . ................... . ... . ..... . .......... , .. . .. . T ............... ... ................... . .... . ..... . .... . .. . . ............................... Baeo u ..................... . T ................. . ... . . ... . . .. . ........ . .... . ............ . ... .... . .............. .. ..... . . Tl.baco ..................... .


10 10 20 20 20


10 10



10 10 10 10 10





Municipfdity. Municipal DiJtrict or Barrw


Nlarest Money Order OJ/ice

Nl(lrlJl Tele,'(l ph Olfie.

Limit 01

Fei,h, if! Kil(lJ

Viga (Cllanduanee) ....... . . . .... . ... . ... 1 PO B.1 ............................... Plnglnlbu . .... . . .... . . .. . . . Virae (C.landuuH) ...................... 1 PO B.l R . ... . ............................................... . ... . .


Barbua ••••••••• • ••••. .. • •• ••••.••••• . •• 1 PO BU(:ISODg ...... ........ . ...... . ....... . .. 1 PO ClluYI ... .. ................ . ...... . ..... 1 PO Cului ................ . .... . . . .... . ...... 1 PO DIO ........ .. ............... .. ... . .... . . 1 PO !..&U3.-an ••. ... .. . .•..•••...•. . ..• .. ••••••• 1 PO Plodan ... . . ................ . .. . . . . . . .. . . 1 PO PllDOngOD • ••.• •• ... ••••.•••••••.• . ••••• . • 1 PO SAN JOSE DE BUENA.V ISTA .. . ... .. $ PO San Remigio ......................... ... . 1 PO Sihllom .. .. ...... ........... . ........... 1 PO Tihi3.o •...•••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 PO Viiderrama .... ...... ... ................. $ PO

5 20

B.1 F •• •••• .. • .........•..•••.•••• Bu, .. onl •••••••••••••.••••• D·l T ................... . .......... . ... . ...... . ............... . D·l .... . ............ . .. .. ......... Cul..l ..................... .

20 20

B·1 T ............... . ............... . .. . ....... . .............. . B.1 F ......... . ...... . .... .... .. .. San loa. d. Duenlvinl . • . •• •


F . ....... . .................. .. BuIISOOI ....... . ..... .. .. . . T .... . ....................... . ................. . .. ... ... . . . F • •. ••.. .....••..•.•••••..•••. S.n J OIO do BUl Olvittl ••..• .

20 20 20

B·l D·l B·l B·l B-1 B·l

T ..... . . ................... .. . ... . .. .. ..... . .............. . F ............................. SID JOIO do ..... .

T ............................ . ... . ...... . .... . ............ .

B. 1 F ••••••..• • ••... . •... . .•..•••• Cului •• . ••••• .• ••••••••• . • . B.2 F .......... .. ......... . . . . . . .. 8UI&50n'

................. ..

10 5


5 20 20 5

BA.TAAN Ahucay . •• ••. • . . ............... . ....•..... $ Dagae ...... •............ ... ••••...... .... 1 BALANGA .................. . .. ...... 1 Dinaiupihan ..... ............ .. ......... .. 1 Hermosa ••..... ... •. ...•.•.......... . .... 1 Limay . .......... ........................ 1 Marivelea . ..... .......................... 1 Moron ......................... . ......... S Orani .................................... 1 Orion .. . ................................. $ Pillr .................. ............. ...... $ Sama! •. .. ..................... ........... $


8.1 B·l D·1 B.l B-1 B·1 B·1

F ...••••............. . •.....•• Balan,. • •.•..•••.••••••••••• F ...••••..• •• ... . .....••.••.•• Balan' ••.. . .. • . • •••• • •• ••••• TR ..... . .................. . ... .... . .. . ... ... . . .. . ... . ... . .

T ........ . ... ............ . ...... . .... . ................... ..

F . ••• . . . .. • •• .. . • . ......• • •••• n.langa . • ••••.•. .•.. ••• . •• •• T ............ ... ........ . .. . .... . .. . ...... . .... . . .. .. . .. . .. T .................... . ...... . ............. . ... .. . . ... .... . . 8·1 TR ........................... . ........................ ... . 8-1 T .......... . ........................................... . .. . 8·1 T ......... ... ................................... . ...... ... . B·l F ....... . .... . ................ B.I.nga .. .......... . ..... . . . B·l F ....••...•••...•......••••... BaJln;a .. . ... . .. . ... . •• •••••

BATANES BASCO . ........... . ... . ...... . .......... 1 PO n·1 R . .............................. . .............. . .. . .... .. .. . hhlyal ....... . ............. . .......... . . $ IVlDa . ............. . ...... . ... .. .. . ..... . 1 Mabalao ................................. 1 Sablang ..............•... . .•....... . ..... 1 Uyugao .................. . ............... $


5 20 5 20 20 Non~

Non. 20 2Q


20 2Q


B.2 8.1 8·1 B.1 8·1

R ......... .. .......... .. . . .. ..... . ..... . .. . .. ........ .. . .. . ...... .. ............... ... . .... .. . ............. . ..... . ................. . ... . . ... . .. . . n uco ...................... . ...... . .... ........ . ... . ....... Da.eo ............ . ........ . ...... .. ........... . ........... Bueo ............... . .. . ... .



B·l F ...•.•....•..... •• .......... •8alall'• • ....••.•.•..•••••••• B.1 T . ... ........................................... . ......... . B·l TR ....................... .. ............ . .... .. .......... . . B·l T . ............ . . .............. ............. .. ........... .. . B·l F ...•••.........•••. , •........ Bllan'al ••......•..••. . ••.•• B·l F .. . •••.........•••.......•. .. Bllay.n ••.•.•. . .. . ..•. . ••• •• B·2 F .•.• •• ..... ... . • •••.......••• BatlJlg . . . . . . .. . .. .. ... . ... . . B·l F •• . •.•........ . • • • •..•....••• Batang ..................... . B·l F ............................. . ......... ........... .. B.1 F ...•••....... . ..•• .........• • Nllug bu .......•••••..•••.•• D.l T . ........ ...... ....... ................. ... .. . ... . ........ . B.1 F .• . •• •...... ' " ......... '" .. DatanllS ......•••..• . . ••• •• . B. l F ••.•••......•••........•.•.•. Bauan ....•.•••... . •. . .. .. • • B·l F .............. . ......... . .. .. Tanauan ................ .. .. B·l ............................... Lip • • . ' •........ . •. .....•••• 8.1 TR ..... ...... . ..... . .......... ... ......... .... .. .......... . B·l T ....... . .... . .. ... ........... . ........... . .. .... ...... . . .. B.1 F ..••• ... .......•............. Bat.nglS . •....•.••.••• ••• ••• B·l T . . •••. ....... . .• •. ..........•.••.. . .•........•.••.•...• . .. 8·1 F .• . • ••........ . • . •..........• TI.I ••...•••.•..... . . ..••••• B·1 F ... . ... . ...... .... ........... TlJllu.u ..•••.••..•. . ..•..• • B·l T ... .................... . .............. . ....... . .. . . ...... . B·l F ............................. T.nlul n ........ . . .. . ...... . B.1 T ........................ ........... . ..................... . 8_1 }•••• •••. •.......•............. RO$ario •..... . ••..••... . .... 8·1 F ................ .. ........... N.,ugbu .... . . ......... .. .. .

2Q 2Q 2Q

5 5

10 5

BATANGAS Ali llgl", •••••••••••.....•..••••••••••... 1 Balayan .......................... . ....... 1 BA'fANGA S ............................ I Bauan . .................................. 1 C.laci ........••.....•••• • .•••••.•••••••• $ Calatagao .•..•••.•••..•••••••••.•.••• • .•• $ Cucnca ............••.• • •• ••• ••••.••••• • • 1 Iblan . •. .. . ..••....•.••••••..••••..••..•• $ Lamery ........ ....... ..... ............... 1

t!an .............................. ....... $ IpH. •.. . •.........• •.•••• ..••• •....•• . ... $

Lobo .... . ............ • •• • •.••••••••• . ••. $ Mabini •..•... ..... . .••. •• ••••.•.•••••• .•. $ ~hlvar ..... . .................. . ....... .. $ Malaaanakaboy ... . ........................ 1 Nuugbu ................................. . $ R08ario .. ....... . ....... . ............... . $ San Jose •.............. • • •• ••.... .. .••. . • 1 Sao Juan .. ..........••.••.. . .•.....••. . .. $ San Lu is .. ..........••.•• • •. •.... . .... . . 1 ~IlIIIO Tomas ....... .. . .... .. ............ 1 TIlI.1 .. • .. •·•••••• •• • .... ......... . ... . .. 1 TahlllY ..... . ......... . . .. .. ..... . ....... $ Tanluau ................................. 1 TaYllln .•..•..........•. . ..•. . . ••• •• ••••• $ uy ................... . .... . . . .......... 1

Important Place:


20 20 20

20 20


20 5

20 10 None 20

20 10 5 5



10 10 5 20

Call1l£lO Cenlral ••• .• •.•..••••...• . •..•• 1 PO 8·1 •• . ••..•......•. •... ...... . .... Blllayan

BOHOL tlbuquerqua ·····•·········•· .. · ......•. 1 ~d. • ................... .. •• •• .........• $ B teq uerl .... . .......... .. . ... ...... .. .. 1 B:f.II~lon ········ .•.........• •••• . •••..•. 1 D I I an ···••··· · ••·• · ···•·· • • • •.••• . ..•. 1 B~~ulO ...... . ........... ·•· .. .. .... ...... 1 Calar ................. . .... .. .. .. .. ...... $ Can:? · ······ .. ······ · ...... .. . . ........ 1 Car Jay •··········•· · •· • • ••••• . .••.••••. 1 Cla~:u •.......•.... . •• ••.• • • •••.• •• • . •• $ Corelll · ······•···· ·· · ......... . .......... 1 .•.•...•.•..• . .•.. ••• • •.•••••••.•. $ C •··•······· · ··• · .•••• •••• •••••••.• • 1 D~ul.a •········ •• ···· • •.•• • •••• • •••••••••• 1 O'Wlao .......•• • ..•••• •• •.•••••• ••• . ..•• $ G1I0r? ·iI··· ··········· ... ..... ............ $ Ga~e~a I emaod ~ •..•••• .. •••••••.••• •. •• 1 III1l U lOan •.•••• .. .••• • • . • •••• •• . •• . •••• 1


D·l 8-1 B-1 D·1 B.l D.l B·l 8 ·1 n·l 8-1 B-1 B·l 8-1 8·1 B-1 B·l B.1 B.l

F • •••• •. ...................... Tagbilar.u .....••..• . ••...• F . •.•.........• • .............. Taghilar.u • . .•....••••. . •. . • F . ......... _. ............ .. . . . Marihojoc ..... . ...... ..... . F ••.••....... . • _..........•.•• Tlgbiiaran •......... . .•. . .•• F •.•• . •.........•.........•... Tlghiiaull ...............•. • F ... . .. . ................. '" . . Loay ....................... . F ............. .. .... .......... Loay . ....... .. ...... .. ..... .


T .. . ............................ .. ........... . ..... .... ... .

20 20

F •• . •• • ...... • .. ••... ......• .. Tlgbil.ran .•...•. . •• . .••..• • F ••••• •.........••• •. ......... Lo.y ••••.....•.•.•.....•••• . F ... . ....... ..... .. . ... ..... . . Tubi,on . .....•.•. . ..•••••• . F •.••••........• . ........... .. Tagbila rall ..••... . .••.•.•.•. F . •••••......• • • •.•..... ..•. . . Tag bilaran .•••... . •.•.••••.. F ••••••......... • • • ......... . •'faghilarln .••...• . • ••.... . •• F ••••••. ....... .•• • ....•...•.• Tag hilarlll ...•.. • ..•.•. . . . •• F .••••••..... •• .•• • ....•....•• Tagbillrlll ••..•.•..•••.•. . .• F ••••••.........• •• .•.•.. . •••• 'fag bil uln •.•. . •• •••.. . ••••• F •••••••...•....••• ••••. . . •••• Tagbilarlo • • .• . • •••••. . •••••

5 20

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20

20 20


MAN"ILA CI'I'Y DIREc'rORY Province , MUnicipGlity. Mu.nicipal Diu,jd "r BtJrrio


Neorf'st Monty Order Office



Tde, raph


In.b.nga •......... .. .....•...•...•••.•... $ PO B-1 F .....•.....................•. Tubigon Jagn ••..•.•........... . .•••• . ..•.•.••. . .. $ J elalc ................. . ...... . .......... $ PO 8-1 F •...••....• , ................. Tubigon

......•.•.•....... . .

PO B-1 T.... .. ....................................................

Lil. . ...•..••...•. , ••••••.•. . •. . ..•.. . . . .. S Loay .•.•••.••....•........••.. .. ... .. ... $ Loboe ............... . .. ................. $ Loon ..................................... $ M.bin; .. ....•..••.••..•.• •••... •..•.••.•• $ M.ribojoc· .......•.••....•••••••••.•.••... $ Pangl.o .. ................•••...••.•....•. $ Sevilla ................................... $ Sierra·BuJloneJ .......................... $ Sikatuna ....... . ......................... $

TAGBILARAN............... .. ......... $ Talibon . .•.. . ••.•.............••••.. . .... $ Tubigou ........................... .. ..... $ UbllY .................................... $ V.lencia .................................. S


8.1 B·1 B·1 B·1 B·1 B.l B·I B·l B·l D·l B·l B·l B·1 B·l D·I


Fei,ht in Kilol

•..... ..• ••... ...... F . .••.•... . .•................. Tagbilaran ......••....••...• T. . .................................................... •••. F •• • •.•.•.•••••. • .•••••..•••.• Loay . . . ... ..... .. . .. .... .... T ...•••........................••.•................ ' ....... F .....•. ........•............. Tagbilaran ... . ......•..•..•. T....... . .................................................. F .....•.. ... .•••.............. Tagbilaun ........ •• ••...•.. F........ . ............. Loay........................ F ................. .. .... ...... Loay ........................ F........ . ...... TlIgbilnrlln ............•..... TR ........................................................ F........ . .. .............. Tubigon •.............•..•• • T.......................................................... F......... ................. Tngbilarlln ................. . F ............................. T agb ilaun ............. .....



20 20 20 :<0 20 None 20

20 20

20 20

20 5 10

20 20

Important Place:Carmen Colooy •.••.•.•••••...••...• . .••.• . •..•. . .. F ••....•. Carrnen ............. Loay

......••..•. . .•.•• • •••.•


. .............................. PO B·l ..... . ......................... Cagayan .... ,' .............. ..


MALAYBALAY •.. . ...•...•.••••..•.•• S PO B·l TR . ... ....................... Cagayall ........• • ••••.......

20 20

BUKIDNON Impuugong

Maluko ................................... PO B.I ............................... Cagayan ................... .. Talaeag ••••• . ... . ...•••••.••............. $ PO B·I .......•....................... Cagayan ..............•...•••


MUnicipal Dists.: H.ungon .... ...... ........... . ............................... C.gaY.n ............. Cag.yan Kiba we .................... . ............... , ••.•. , ....... . ... Malaybalay .......... CI,.y. n Libona •..... , .. . .......•......•. , .........••.•..•••... , •.. . •. Cagay.n .. , ...... , ... Cagay.n ?II.litbO£' ... ,., ....................... , ....•.......•....... . .. Tagolo.n , ...... , .... T.coloan Maramag .. , ... . .......................... PO B·2 . . ...... . .... M.layblll.y ., .... ..•• Cagayan Pan,alucan ...... . ......... . ..... .. ........................... Malaybalay ..... , .... C.,ayan Sumilao •••...• .... .. . .•. , ................. PO B·2 ...... . ...... Malaybalay ........ . . CIi.Yan

.............•..• • ••. .............••.•.••• ." .... " .......•.••. •..... , .....•...•••• . .. " . .. , ....••....•. .. , ........... ...... . . ...... . ............ .

None None None None

S None S

BULACAN Ang.t ....... . ......... , . .................. Baliu.g •... . ..•••••••.•..••....•..•••••.•. $ Big.a .. , ...•....... , ...•..... , ..... , •.... $ Boeaue . .......•.....•.....• •• ...••••.... $ Bullean .... , ........•.. " ...••• •.. ••••.•. $ BU.IOS ... , . ......•... , ••••...• ,., ...•• , .. $ Calumpil .•...........•........••....•.• ,1 Guiguinto ................................. Hagoooy ., .................. , ..... ", .... 8

MALOLOS . ...•.... , .. . .. , .. . •.. , ..... $ Marilao ...••• ,., . .....•...• , .• ••• , ...... ,$ Meycauayan ., ... ... " ...•• , •... " .... " .• $ NOr2agl1ray .••... . . " .... , •• • •• ••• .. . . , ... 8 Obando .. , ..... " ..... , ..... " ........... 8 Paombong ., .... ,', .................. , .... $ Polo "', ........... ,', .................... 5 PlaTide! .............. , ................... $ Pulilan .................. , ............ " .. $ San Ildefonao ., .......... , ...... . , ...... ,$ San ]ole del MOill e ........... , . .. ...... $ San Miguel .. •... , .. . .. , .•....... , . .... , .. $ San Rafael .................... , .......... $ Santa MlTia ................... , .......... $

PO B·l PO B·l PO B·l PO B·1 PO B·l PO B·I PO B·l PO B·l PO H·I PO B·l PO B.l PO B·I PO B.I PO B·I PO B·} PO D·I PO D·l PO B-1 PO B·l PO B.I PO B.} 1'0 B·1 PO B·1

'F ............. . , •••• , •••• ", •• Daliuag ................ .... . T ... . .•........ " ... : .... ,', ... , ................•.. . ....... F .. , . ••....... , .••• " ...... , •. Boeaue •.....•...• . • . .•• . . .• T ..... . . " .... , •. • • ••..... , ..... , .... , .... ,', ...... . ......• T ...••. ... . •• " ...........•.... , ...............••••..•• . .•• F .....•.. ,', ..... " • ... , .... "Baliuag ....... , ..... , ....•. . T •.•. . ...... , ........•.. , .... , ..... , .. ,., ...•• , ....•••.•.•. F ........ ,', ............... ,.Bocaue .... " ............... . T .... .. ........... . . .... , ... , ......... , ........ , .......... .

T .....•.. , ... ,., ..••.. " .... , .... , ........ , ..........•••.•. F •... , •............. , ..... " .. Meycaullyan •..•. , .......••. , T •... , .......... ,., ... " .... " .•.• , •••• , ..•.. , ..•.....••... F .....•.. • ......... ,., ... ,., .. Daliullll ... , ....• , ....• , •..•• F ......... , ..... , ..... , ..... ,.Meycau.yan ................ . F ........ , ... , ..... , ..... , .... Maiolo! •. , ......... , ...... .. F., ......... " ... " ........... J\1 eye8uayan ............... .. F ... , ............. , ..... " ... ,Baliuag , ... ", ..... ..... , .. • F, ........... . ...... , . ... .... . Baliuag , ........... " ... . F .. " ...... . ........ , .... , ... ,San Miguel ...... ' ... . F ............ , ............ , ... Bocaue ... , ..... , .... , ...... . T ................•••••........• , .•.••.....•........••.••••• F ....... , . .. .. ..... . " ....... ,Baliu.g ... , ......... " .. ,. F, ...................... , ..... Bocaue .. , .... , ........... . ..



10 10 S S

10 10 20

20 10 10 S S 20

10 10 S


10 S S

Important Plnce: Sibul Spring. (San Miguel) .. , ......... , .S PO B·l T." ...... , .................... , .. , ...................... . .


CAGAYAN Abulug .. ' ................... , ............ ,$ PO B·l R., .......... , .................. ,.,' ..... , ............... .. ..........•. , ....... , .... " .... , ... S PO B-1 T .. , ..... , ... , ... " ... , .... ".,.,.,', .......• , .........•. . . Amulung ..•.• , ... , ..... , .... , ..•......... 8 PO B·l T ........ , ........ , .... " ........... "., .....• , .... , ...... . AplTri , .................................. $ PO B·I TR .......................... , ...................... , ..... .. Baggao .. " .....•. , ...• ,., .•... ,., ... " ... S PO B·l ..................• • • • , ..... ••.. ..•....... , ....•.•• . . Balll'1lleros ............ , ..... , ...... , ... "S PO B-1 ., ........ , ..... , ............ , .. Aparri ..... , .......... . ... . Btlguey ... , ............. ...... .... , ..... ,.$ PO B·} , .... , .... " ..... , ...... , ....... Aparri ...... , ......... .. .. . CalaYln " ........................ , ....... $ PO B·1 TR ....... " ... ,', ..... , ....... Allarri .................... . Camalaniugan •..•......• , •... , .. .. ... , .... $ PO B·I T, .... , .... ,., .. , .. ,., .. ,', .. , ........... , .... . . , ••... , ... . Claved a . .. , ••...•.••.•..•••...... , ....... 8 1'0 B.I ................. ,., .•••.. , ...•. Abulu g ••.•..••..••..•• , .•• Enrile ........... , ..... , . •..•• •.. .... .• , •. 8 PO B.I ....•................•••. , .....• Tu guegauo •...•• , ........• Faire .. , ............................. , .... $ PO B·} .................... " ..... , .... Alcaia ................... .. Gauaran ........ " ... ,', ...... , ..... ,', .. $ PO B·l T .. " ..... ,", ............. ,', ..... , ............... , ..... .. Gonzaga .. , .............. , .... .... ........ S PO 8-1 , ........ ... ,"', ... ,' ..... ,' ... Aparri ..... " ...... ' ...... . Iguil: ...• , .•. , ...•...... , ... , ••••....... ,.8 PO B·l . ..... ,., ..... " .... ,', ... ,', ... Tul:uegarao .. " ......•..• ,. Lal·lo .,", ..... , .............. , ........ ,.5 PO B.I T ... , . . ...... .. .... , ............ ,., .......... ,', ...... ... .. Pamplona .................. , ........ , .... $ PO B·1 ... " ........... , ..... ,., .... ",Abulug ...... ,', .......... . Penoblan ca , .... " .... , ... , ..... , .... , .•. $ PO B·} ..... " .. " ..... ,', .... ,', .... "Tuguelarao •.... " ...••. .. • Piat ..... , .... , .•. , •.. , ..•... , ... , .... , ..• $ PO B-1 .... "., .... ,', ........... , ..... Tuao ••.. " ......••••.•••••• Rual .. ,., ...••.. , .•..•. , .... , ........ " .• 8 PO B·} •.. ,.,', .... " ..... , ....•• , .••.. TUIlO .• . .. , .... , ..•..•.....• Sanchez Mira •• , .................. . ...... $ PO B·i ..•.•• , .... , ....•. , ..••.• , ••.... Abulug . . , .. . ......... , .. • • Solana ." ...•.. ..... .•.....••.... ...••... $ PO B.l .... "., ... ,', ...... , ...•.• , ...• Tueue.-:arao •.• . ..• , ••.••.. ..

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 S



S S 20

10 20 20 20 S 20 S 20 20


POSTAL GUIDE f',o~jnce.

Municipality. Municipal Di&lrict or Barria

I n/ormation

Neafest Mon ey Order OJ/ice

Nearest Teie,flJph Ol/ice

Limit 01 Wei,ht in Kilos

............................... . .. $ PO B·l T ........................................................... . TUGUEGARAO ...................... S PO B·l T ..... .... .................................................. . MunicipalDlst's:


Al!.capan Lagangan

.......•............••........ ..............................

PO B.2 ............ Camalaniugan ....... Camalanlutan •.... .. .•.•••••• PO B·2 ...... .Cla'·cria ............. Abu lut .................... .


Ba.ud ......••......................... 5 PO B·l Capalonga ............................. S PO B·1 DAET ................................. S PO B· l Dahican (1. Panganiban) ............... S PO B·l Indao .................................. 6 PO B·) Josc Panganiban ......•.... , •.......... 5 PO B·l Labo ................................... 6 PO B·1 Larap (J. Panganiban) ................ S PO B·1 Me rcedes (Port & Barrio of Dact) ..... S PO B·l San Vicente ........................... 5 PO B·l Talisay ................................. 5 PO B·l PIITIcale ............................... 5 PO B-1


Baao ................................... 5 n ato ......•...•...............•........ S Buhi .. .... . ............................ 6 Bula ... .......... .. ................. ... $ Cabuno .........••• . ......•......•..... S Callbanga .. ............................ $ CamaHg.n ............................. $ Canaman ............................... $ Caramoan .............................. 5 Del Gallego .............. .. .......... .. $ Gain,a .............................•... S Goa .................................... $


. . . . . ..


................................. Dact •....... . ... . ...•.••.• .. R .................................................. · .. · ...... . TR ." ...................................... .. .... .. .. . .. ... .. R ............................................... .. .... ...... .. ..•......•...........••••........ Dact .......• ••............ .• T ............ ........................................... , .... . T ........................................................... . RT ........................................................ .. ................................. Dact ............... ... .... .. ............ ....... . " ........... Dact ....................... . T ..... ... ....................... Daet ....................... .

10 20 S 20 S

20 20

10 20 20

20 S

None 20


T ..... .. .•...• ••. .............. . .• . ...•.........•.. . .. . ...... •.


B·l F......... . .................. Triga ....... . ..... ........ .. 8·1 F...... ... . . .............. Tri go .•........ • ............ B·l F ......... . ...... Triga ..................... .. B·l F.......... .. . ....... N.glI ...................... .. 8·1 F.... . .•. . .. . . Libmauan ................ • • • B·l F............ . ... . ........... Naga ....................... . B·) F....... .. ... . ... Nata ......" ...... " ...... .. B·l F.......... . ................ Naga .... ................... . B·l R ................ . ...... .. ................................. .. B·1 ....... ... ........... . ........... CatRbanr;:.n ............. . .. .. B·I F ...............••.. . ........... Naga .............••.•.. • • •• . B-1 T ......... .. ............................................... ..


......• r o B I T . . . . . . . . . ..

LagODOY ............................... S PO B·l, ............... . ................. 5. n J ose ............... .. .. . Libmanan .............................. 6 PO B·l T .......................................................... .. Lupi ............•................ . ..... $ PO B·l F ....•.............•..........•. Libm.n.n ............•••. . .• Magarao .....•......................... S PO B·l F .............................•• ....•.. , •..•...• • •• •• .• Milaor ......•......................•... $ PO B·l F . ......•....................... Naga .•..............•..•••.• Minal ub.c . . .......•• • .................. PO B·2 F .......... Nag" ..............•. Naga ••..••.••...••.••• . .•. • Nabu" ................................. S PO B·} T .......................................................... .. NAGA ..................•••••.......... 5 PO B·1 TR... ... . . ............................. .....•• •..... Pamplona ............................... $ PO B·2 F......... . ................... Naga ....................... . pa$aCIlO •............................... 8 PO B·l T ..•..................................................• • ..... Pili .................................... $ PO B·l F......... .. ............... Nag................ ....... .. Ragay .................... • ••••......... 5 PO B·1 F ..•....•...................•... Alone rol •....... . ••••..•.... Sagnay ................................. 8 PO B·l F ............................. T ig.o n ........... .. ....... . San Fernan do .......................... 5 PO B·l F ............................... Naga ....................... . San Jose .............................. S PO 8·1 Sipocot .................... .. .......... 5 PO 8·1 F ............................... Libmanan .................. . Sinllna ................................. 5 PO B·} .. ........... ... ...... . .......... Naga ....................... . Tig-ao n ............ .. ...... .. ........... 5 PO B·1 T . ....... .......... ...... .................................. .. Tin ambae .............................. 5 PO B·1 . . ............ . .. ....... . ...... Naga ...................... ..


.. ..... .................. ., .. .. . ..

Importa nt Place:


10 S S


None S

20 20 S

20 10 S

10 10 20 S S S

20 10 20 10 20 S S

20 ID S

20 S


(Ragay) . ................ . ..... 5 PO B.l R .................. ... ..................................... .. Tandoc (5irnma) •••••••••.• •• •.•••••• R .... ... ............. . .. . ......... , .............. . ................... . .


CAPIZ Altu u ................................ $ PO B.l F ............................... New Wu hinl:ton .. ......... . Balete ............................. , .. $ PO B·1 F ................... .. .......... Caliyo .................... .. B'llga ...................•• • ........... 5 PO B·I F .................. .. ........... Caliyo ....•.............. . • . B.t.n ................................. S PO B·l F ................... . ........... New Was hington .......... .. Buru.nga ..................•• • ......... S PO B·1 F ....... •............•... .. ..... lbajay ...•..............•••• Caliyo .....•..................•........ S PO B·l T .......•...•• • ..............................•..... . ...•..•• • CAPIZ ........•• ••• • ................. S PO B·l T ......................•................... . ... . ........•.• . • 0 10 ................................... 5 PO B·l T .......................................................... .. Dllmalag ............... ... •••.......... 5 PO B·l F .......• . ........... . • •. ....... Dao .•.. , .....•••.....•.•...• Dumuao .......•... . ................... S PO B·2 F .......•............ • .......... D.o •.........•••...........• Ibajay ....................• • ••......... 5 PO B·1 T ........•...........................................••..•. . . lui!laD ................................. 5 PO B·l F ............................... Capiz .............. .. ..... . J~mindan ............•• . • •• . . . .. '" .... S PO B·l F ..............•••.............. Ca~iz ............•• . ..•••.• Llbaeao ................................ $ PO B·} F ........ ....................... Ca],yo ...................... . M'fato •...........•..••.............•.. 5 PO B·l F ...............••.............. Ca!iyo ...•..• • •....... .....• ~:.~"ao .............................. . . 8 PO B·1 F .......•.........•• • ......... . . Cali.Yo •......•••.......•.... N a bU lDo .............••............... S PO B·1 F . .... ... •............ ••. ....... Cap'lz •......•..•.......•.... Nah ...................... . .............. 5 PO B·l F .....................•......... IbaJ ay .... . ....••.......•... ew W ..hmgton ....................... 5 PO B·1 T ... .. . . . ............................................ .. .... .. Numancia .............................. 5 PO B·} F ................. . •• ........... Caliyo ...... •• •...•.•....... Panay ..................•..... ' ......... 5 PO B·l F ..................••• • .......•. Capiz •......•••..••.......•• Panitan ................................ 8 PO B·l F .................. ..... ........ Capiz ........ .. ........... .. Pilar .................................. 5 PO B·1 T . . .............................. Capiz ..................... .. p OIl.tevedra ... . ..........• •• ............ $ PO B.l T .......• ... ...................•...............•.......•.. . •• S~plan .................•••••........... $ PO B.l T .......• . . . ......... .............••.......•..•...... . ••..••• SIgma ...............•• • ............. ' .. $ PO B.l F .......•...... . . . .............. Cap iz ....... • •••.•.• ......•• Tap n ............... •• •• ••...•......... $ PO B.l;F .......•......•••.............. Dao ........ . • • •.•.•.•.• ... ••

CAVITE Alfoll'o

............... . ................ $ PO B·] F .................... ........... lndall l: .............. . ...... .

10 20 20

20 S

20 20

10 S S

20 20 S S 20 20

20 20 20

20 20 10 20 20 20 20 S




Province, Municipality, Municipal District Or B arrio Amadeo ..................... . •.......•. 5 Bacoor ••....... . .....•........... . . . ..• $ Bailen •••..... . . . .•.•••. . . . ... . ..... . . . . S Carmona ••........ . •••. .. .... . ......... S

In/ormation PO PO PO PO

B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1

Nearest Money Orde r Office

Nearest Telegroph


Limit 01 Weight iii Kilos

F . . .....•.. . ... .. ............... l ndanj!; ... . ...•..• . .•.••.. .. • F ..•....• . .. .. . . ................ Mollila •...........••....•. . F ...... _•....... . . . .. • . • ........ In.~aDg .. . ................. . . F .. . ....•... _, . . ..•• •• . • ........ BlIlan, Laguna .. _... . . . ...• ,

CAVITE ........... . ...... ,_ .• _. . . _, .. S PO B·] T ........ . ... •................. . .. . .............. . ...•..... . . Dllsmarinas •.........• • • ••.. . .......... $ PO B·l F...... . .... . ............ Manila .. . .... . ..... . .. . ...•. General Trias ......... • ..•............. $ PO B·l F...... . .... . .. . •.. . • ........ Manila ................ . ... . Imua •............ . .... . . . . • • .......... S PO B-1 T •...... • ... .. . . •... .... . ....... . . '" ... . . '" In dang .•........... . ....... • • . ........ $ PO B·l T........ ... . .. . .... . .... . .. . . . ... . .... . Kawil ..•... ... ..... . •• . • . ..... . . . .. $ PO B·l F...... ........ . .... ......... Manila .....•.... . .......•.. Magallanes •. . ... ... . •• •.•.. . ........... S PO B·l F... ....... . .. ........ Naic .•••... . . . ..... . ....... . . .......... Naic .. . ...... .. ... . .....• . .. Maragondon . ... . ....••. . ............... $ PO B·l F............ Mcndc~ Nuiie~ ....... • • . ............... 5 PO B.l F •........... . .........•........ Indang ••................•••• Naic ........... . ... ... ................. $ PO D·1 T.......... . . . ..... . ....... . ... .. . ... . Novelela •..•..... . ..•• • •............... $ PO B.l F.......... . ... .. ........... Man il a . ..... .......... Manila Rosario . .•........ . .................. . . $ PO n.1 F.......... Silang ..... . ... . ......... . ............ . . $ PO D.1 F.......... ...... .. .. . .!\fauila Tanza ...••.............. . .............. $ PO B·1 F... ...... . .. . . •.•...... . . Manila . . . . ..... . . Naic T ernate .... . . . ... .. ..... . .............. S PO B·1 F.... ...... Important P l aces: Corregidor (Army Reservation ) ........ $ PO B· l T ........ . San Roque ...•................. . . ...................... . .. ......... . •...................... . •• • •• ....


10 5 5 20 20

5 20

20 10 5 5 20 20

10 10

20 10 None 20


CEBU Alcantara .................. . ... S PO B· I. ....... . . . .. . . Ccbtl ..................... .. Alcoy .. . ......... . . . .................. S PO B·I. . . . ..... .... . . C"btl ..... . ............... .. A. legria . .. ...... .. ..• ••• ........... $ PO B_1 T ... . . ........ . • •..................... . • •• . .... . ..... . . .... . . . . ......... . ..... .. ..... • • • •.... . Alogni nsan ............ ••• .. , ........... $ PO B·l T .... ... •. . Argan . . . ........• • • .......... SPOB.IT . ..... . . . . . . . . • . • .•.....................•• • .. . ....... . •. A,turias .............. . ..•• • •. •......... 5 PO B·l T.......... . . . .. •• . . . . ... . . . • • •• . .... . Badian .... . . . .... ... .................. S PO 8·1 T. . ... . .. .. ..... . . ... .. ....... . Dalamban ..... . ... . .....•. • ............ $ PO B·l T •.... . .. ............. • • ••• . . .....• . ........... Banlftyan ........... . ..... . . ..... . ...... $ PO B·l R.... . . .......... .. .. .. ........ . ... . Barili ..... . ..... . ....... ... ......... $ PO B- 1 T.. .. .... .... . ............................... . ....... . BogOl .......•......... . ..... • • • .....•.. $ PO B·1 T . .... . . . . . .... . ............ . ..... ... •........ . . BOlljOl·Oln .. . ........... . •• • • ........... S PO B·1 T • . .. . . . .... ............ .... .•...... ..... . . . •• •• • ..... .. . . . ......... Cebu . ............. . Borbon .......... . . . ........ . ... . . . .... $ PO B.1..... ......... Carear .. . .............. .••• . • . • ........ $ PO B·1 T ........ . ....... . ... . ................... . ..... . • . • .. .. ••. . .• Carmen ................. . ...... $ PO R·1 T........ .. . ....... . ... . . ............... . .. Calmon .. . ....................... . ..... $ PO B·l T ...... . .... .. • . ...... .. .... . ... . . .............. . • • ••.. CEBU ................................. 5 PO B-1 TR ...... . .. .................. . .. . ...... . Compo, t ela .. . . ...... . .. ...... ...... $ PO B.l •. ...... . . ... ... . .... Ce bu ............ . ....... . . . Consolacion . . . .. ........ .......... $ PO B_1 ... ..... .... .. . . . Cebu . . ..... . ..... . .. .. Cordova (Mactan Island) .............. $ PO R.l ....... ....... . ..... Opon .......... .. ..... . ... . Daanhantayan . .. .... . . . ................ S PO B.l T . .. . .................... .. ...........• . ••• . .... nalaguete . ... . ......................... S PO n.l T........ . ......... . ........... . .... . .. .. Danao ........................ . ....... . $ PO B·l T . . ........... .... .......... . ..... . ... . . . . . . . ...... .. . . .... .. Dumanjug ...... . ....... .. • • . ........... S PO B· l T.... ....... . .. . . . . .............. . Ginatibn .................. . •••......... $ PO B·} T........ .......... . ............ . . . . • •• • • • .. I.iloan ......... . ....... • • • . . • ......... $ PO B·l T.......... ............................... . .... . . .. . Madridejo, .... . . ...... . ......... 5 PO B.] T.. .. ....................... .. . . . .. . •••• • .......... $ PO B·l T.. ...... . ..... . ............. .. ........ . ........ . .. . ••• ... Malabuyoc ..... Mandslle .......... . ......... . .......... $ PO B·l .. . ...................... . ....... Cebtl ......... .. .......... .. Medellin ............... . .. ••••. ........ $ PO B·} T .... ..•.... .. ... . ............................ ..• •• .. Minj:lanilla ....... .... . . .. • .•. . . . ...... $ PO B-1 T............... . . . ...................... . . . •.. . •••••• Moalboal .. . ............... . .. . ......... $ PO D·l T........ ... .. ....... .. .. .... .. Naga .................. .. • • ••..... . ... .. $ PO B·l T.. . . ....... . . . ....................... .. ........ . .......• OPIlD ..... . ..... .. ........ .. .. ......... $ PO B·) T.......... . ............................. . . ......... .. .................. .. • • •.. Oslob ........ . .......... • .•............ S PO B.l T... ....... . . Pilar ................. . .... . ............ $ PO n·l ....... . .... . ................ Merida ..................... . Pinamungajan ... .. . . . .. •• • •............ $ PO B·l T.... ...... ........... ...... ...... . . ... . . . . •• • • . . . Poro .................................. $ PO D·1............. . .......... 5all Francisco .. Ronda .................. .. ............. $ PO B· ) T ..... . .. . ......... .. .............. .. Samhoan .................. • ............ 5 PO H· I T .. .. .... ..... ... . ................ . ......................• .• . San Fernando .... ....... .. ........ S PO B·I T... . .. ............................... .. San Fran ci ~co ........ . ................. 8 PO B.l R........ .. ................... .. San R emigio ..... . ... . ..•• • •........... S PO B·l T......... . ......... . .. . ........ .. ..... . .... .. . . ...• Santa Fe ............ S PO B·1. ................................. Banlaran .... . . .. .......... .. Santander ........... •.. . . ..... . $ PO B_1 T... . .................................. • •• • . Sibonga .............. •• . •.............. 5 PO B·l T. . .. . ........ . ..................... . Sogod ...................... . . •........ S PO B.l •.. . ........ . ...... . Cebu ... . ... ... . .• • • ••••.... Tabogon ............•.. • ••.. . .......... 8 PO B·l T... ......... ......... ....... ... .. . . ....... . ..... . Talisay .......... . .. $ PO B·1 T .......................................... . ..............•.. . Tol edo ... .... . . .... . . . .. ... . . .. . .. $ PO B. ) T .. . ......... .......... ....... ... ....................... . • .• . Tuburan . . ..................... $ PO B.l T........ ........ ... . ..................... . ... .. .. . Tud ela ......... .. ... ... 5 PO B.l .............. ... ................. 5an Franci,co ......... .. .. .. COTABATO Awang ..................•........ . ....... • . ... .. F ........ ... (At~bato ............ Cotabato .............. . . .................. . .......... Piki t ................ Coubato ............... . Balatikan ............. .. Balul ......... ... .......... . • • .•.......................... . .. Parang .............. Parang ............. . ....... . Bani,ilan ......... . ... ...... • • , ........................ , •.. Pikit ................ COlabato . . ....... . .... . . . Sariu •........... . ........................... Parang .... . .. ParaDg ..................... . Buayan .....................• • •........................... . •. Glan ..... . .......... Clan ....................... . Bugann ........................................ F ........... ParaDg ..... . ...... Parang .................. . . . . Bu ldun .. . ........ ......... .•• . .... . .................... .. .•. Parang .. . . ~ . .. ...... Parang ............ .. .......• Buluan ............................ . . .. 5 PO B·l .. .... ...... Dulawan .. ........... Cotabato . .... .. . .. ........ .. Carllten . . ...........• •••••• .. .............. . ................. Pikit .............. .. Cotabato ................... .

20 20

20 20 10 20


20 10 20 20 20 5 10 20 20 20 10 10 5

20 20 10 20 20 10 10 20



10 20

10 5 20 5 20

5 20

20 10 5 20

10 20 10 20 No ne 10 20 20 5

None None None None None None None ~one

10 None

57 Proflj"ce, Municipality.

Mu"icipol DiJ"ict or BtJrrUI

NefJrl!:st Mone,. Order

Nefm: st Tdetraph




Limit 0/ Weit'" in Kilos

COTABATO ..... . ................... $ PO B.l R ........•.... . .................... . ...•............ . ...... , .. D8(uma ..••..••.. . .•.• . ••••...•...••••••••••••••.•••.•••. • ••. Dulawan ............. Cotabalo ..•...............•. Dadiangu ... ,' .. ' .....•... • .•....... " PO 8·1 R ••.•.... . •. Glan •..•............ Clan ••..••.... . ..........••• Dinaig .....•.•...•.....•.• ••.........••.••••..•.. . • . ...•• . ••. CatabalO ............ COlabato ......... . ......... . Dulawan .................•.• • , •.....•.. S PO B·1 F ........• , ....................• ,Colabalo ............. . ..... . Gambar ., .•..••.......••• • ...... . .•..•..•••••••••••••..••.••. Colabato ..........•. Cu taba to .............. . .... . Glan .....•.•...•....•...•.. . .......... $ PO B·l RT ......... . ................... COlabalo .......... . ....... . . bulan .... . .............. . . ...... . . . . . . ...................... Dulawan ........... .. Colabalo ........... . ...... . . Kabakan ...••.••.•••••.••.••.•••• .. •• ••• •••••••••••••••••.•.. Pikil .. .............. COla bRIo . ... . ...•...•.. • .. . • Kalangaoan .................. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .................. Cotabato ...........• COlabalo ................... . Kiamb& . ............... . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. S PO B·} ................................. Cot&buo ... . ............... . Kidlpawan .......................... .. .. . .... . .............. ................ Cotabalo .........• _........ . Kilubnd ............................ . .... . ......... . ......... . ............... COlabalO ................. . . . Kling •.•.........•.........••••..••.. . .•......• . ••••••....••. COllabalO ............ COlabalo ...............••. . . Koronadal ......................... . ............ . ... . . . ...... Dlllawan ............. Cotabalo •. ' ....... . ... . .... . ................................. S PO B·l RT .......................................................... . Libungln . . ................ • • • •..•.••••...••. .. .•.. . . .. ..•••. COltabIIOl ............ Cotabalo ....•..........•.... Ligwaaan ................................ .. .... . .... . .... .. .. Dulawan ............. CotabUo .............. . .... . Maganoy ......................................... . .......... Dulawln ............• Colabalo ................... . Midaayap .....................•........ $ PO B.l F . ......•• •.................... . . Colabato ...•....•....•..... . Muling .................•..... . .... . .•..............• . ....••. Cotabato ............ Colabuo •..........•..•••... Parang .......•...................... . . S PO H.} F .......•••.....••.•........... . . Colabato ......•••.•••..•••• . .........•....•.... . ... . .•........ $ PO B·1 F .......•••......... . .•........• . Colabato ......••....••.•..•• neina Rq;ente .................................. . .... . ....... Dulawan •.......... . . Cotabato ....•... " ......... . Salama" .................................... . ................ Lcbak •••.......•..•• Lebak .................... .. Sebu ........................ .. .............................. Dulawan .•........•.. CotabatOl •......•...••• , ..••• Silik ................................................... . .... Pikit . •.......•.•.•.• COltabato ... . ..... .. ....... . Sulpanglll .................................... . .............. Cotabato ........•.•• ColabalOl .....•........ . .•.•. Talaran ......................... . ...................... . .... Dulaw&n ......... . ... COllabaIOl ........... . ...... .. Tlllllhao .... . ..... ... ............... . ... . . . ..... F ...... . .... Colabalo ..........•. Cotabalo .......... .. .. . ... . .

20 None 10 None

5 NODe

5 None Nune Nune 5 Nune None Nune NODe

5 NODe NUlle NODe

5 NOlle 20

5 None None None Nune NODe None None

Important Places: Kinimi (Awan,) •••••••••••••.............. . .•....•......•..................................••....••.•.......•. Kilagu (Kling) ••• • • • ••...... . ............. . ..•......•...• . ..................................•...•....•...••.•• Makar (Buayan) ............... . .................. .. ......... GlaD .............•.. GlaD . . ................... . .. Milbuk (Kiamba) . . ....•.. . .... . ...•.•. S PO B·} R .. .••. .. ....................................... . .......•••.. Panguiln (Glan) ..................•••...•.••.••.. . ..• . ......................................................••• Saub (Kialllba) ..•.........•....••......•••.••••• . .••••..........................................••....•....•.. Upi (Awllug, Cotabato) ............... S PO 8·1 F ............................. .. . Colabato ................ .. . .

NODe None NoDe

5 None NOlne 20

DAVAO BaDgan,a .............................. S PO 8·} R .................................. . ... . ................. . .. . Carq:a ......•....•........•.. • .....••. $ PO IJ·1 1- • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bqanga •...•......... . •••... Calcel .............. .. . . ............. . . S PO B.} F ............................... Baganga ................... .. DAVAO ............................... S PO B·l TR ......................................... . ........ . ..... .. Maoay . ...•........•.......•.......... S PO 8·1 F ............................... Mali . ..... . ....... . . ..... . . . Mati ••.....•.•.. . ..•...........•..... .. S PO 8·1 R ...•.• . ........................•...• . ......•. . ••••....•...•• Sanla Crut .•.. . ....•....•........ . ... . $ 1'0 B·l ..........••...............•...... DavaOl .••...•••...•. ••••••..

5 5

5 20

5 5 20

Municipa l Disc's: Batulaki .... . ....... . ..... . ... . ..... . .... . .............. . ... Malita .............. . Malila ..................... . Caburan ....................... . ......... . ... .. .... . .... . ... Malita ••.....•.. . .•. . Malita ..................... . Camansa ................... . . . ... . ..... . ............. . ... . ... Duao .............•• Davao ...................... .• . . ' .............. . ............... . ......... . ...... Davao . .............. Davao . . ....... . .. . ... . ..... . Cuiaoga ............................ . .. S PO B·} ... . ............ ... .............. Davao ...•.. . .. . ... .. . . •.... Kapaloog ...................... . . . , ................. . ........ Davao ....•....•..•.. Davao ..................... . Lupoo ....... . . . ..................... . . $ PO B·l F ... . ...... . ...... '" ...... . .. . . Mati . .......... . ........... . Malila ............................. . ... 8 PO 8·1 R ................................... . ............... . ...... .. MOllcayo ......... . ................. . .. 8 PO B·l .. ... . ......................... .. Davao Panlukan .. .. ..... . ................. . .. $ PO 8·1 . . .... . ..................... . . .. . Davao Sama! ............................ . .......... . ... .. .......... DavaOl ........•. . .• . . Davao Saug . . ................ . .. . . . ...................... .. ......... DavIlO •••...•......•.. Davau Sigabor ...... . ......................... $ PO H.} .............................. . .. Davao Surup ....... . . . ............... . ........ . .. .. ... . . . .......... Davau .......... . .... Davau Tagum . . . . . . ... .. ............... ... ... $ PO B-1 .............................. . .. DavaOl

Noue None Nunc Nune 20 None

5 5 5 5 None None

5 None


Important P laces: Butulan (Datull.k.i) ..... ... ..... . ................... ... .......................... . ...... . ...................... . Culaman (Cabur&o) . . .... .. .... . ........................ . !Ill.lalai (Santa Cruz) .................. $ PO B·} ......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::D~vao··:::::::::::::::::::::: Davao Penal Colony .... .. .... . . . ...... $ PO B·} . ..... . .......................... Davao

None NOlle

5 None


.: : : : : : : ::: : ::: : : : : : : !g ::! !:::::~~~::: : : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~Jb~:~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~

Bacarra . . . . ..... .. ..................... $ PO B.I T .•.••


Batae ... . ........................... . .. $ ~urg?$ ........................ . ........ $ D~rnmaOl · ············ ••••..• .. • .....••• 8 mgrn .......••...•.••.• . .•.. ... •..••. $ LAOAG . ....... . ............ . ......... $ N E P ueva ra . ................. ... ..... . .. $ paua y .' .......... . ................ .. .... 8 p~;~~um . . ................. .. ...... . .. $ ~ .,.g ....................... ... .. . .... $ ~Imh ........................... . ....... S • aD Nlcoilli .... . . ... ... . . . .. . . . ........ S



B·I B-l B·l B·} B· }

T . .. ... . ......................... . ......................... . F .. . ............................ Laoag ............ . ......... .

T .. . .... . ..................... . ....... . ...... . ... . .......... .

T ••. . .• TR .... : ................... . .. ... ........................... . .. ....................... . ......................... .. PO B·l F . ...... . .... . . . .............. . . Drngras . .. . ........ .. ..... . PO D·l F ... ... ..................... .. .. Laoq ...... . ............... . PO B·I F ...... .. ..................... .. Laoag .••... . .....•• . ••.••. . . PO 8·1 F ............................. . . Laoag .......... ... ..... . .. . . PO B·l F . ......................... . .... Badoc . . .. . .... ... ......... . PO B ·l F ............... . ............... Laoag ...... .. ............. .. ... ..••.•.. . ..... . ..••......• . . . .• ro~lF ...••. . •..... . . . .....•••...•. . . ~ ..


20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

5 20 20 20 5 20 20




Municipality. Municipal DiJtrict, or Barrio

Inlorm ut'QII

Nearest MOlley Order OJjice

Neorut Tcie,ro"h Ol/ice

Solaona •. . ........•...... ; ............ . S PO D·I F .... ,......... . . . .... Dingras ....•........••.•.•.• Vinhr ................................. . $ PO B.l F .....•.•....................... Laoag ..............•.•..•.. MUn ic ipal D ist'/J.: Adam .......•..•.......•..•..••....•..••......•....•••.••.•.. Bangui ............•. L.o ag Dumalneg .........•......•.......•.••....................••.. 88ngui •........... . . Lao.g Car.!i .................... ' ......•........................ . •. Piddig . .............. LaOlg ..........•............

Limi' o} Weicht in


5 5 None NODe NODe

ILOCOS SUR Banayoyo ....•....... . •.•...•.•...•.•.. 3 Bantay ................................. S Dauguen ..........................••.•. $ BurgO! . .......... •••...............••.. $ Cabugao •..•........... • ••...•..•..••.•• S Candon ............ ..•••.....•......... S Caoayan ......... . .... , .. " .....••....•. $ Corvaotea . ....•.....•••••.•..........•• S Calillluyod ............. . ............... $ Lapog ••...•....•••........•.•.•...••••• S Lidlidda ......... •. • ................... $ Mag ai ogal . ...........•••..........•.•.. S N~gbukel •....•...•.•....•....•••...•••. $ Narvacan .. ..•.....•. • • • •....•.......•.. $ San Eatebpn ............................ $ San Ildefonao ...•..••••..•............. $ Santa ...••....•.....•.................. $ Santa Catal ina ......................... S Saota Cruz ..........•.•.•.. . ......•... S Saota Lucia •........... • ••............. $ Santa Mari a .........•• • ••.............. S Santiago •......•......•.....•. . •.•.•..•. 3 Santo Domin::;" .......•••.... . .......... $ Sao Vicente ........................... $ Sinait . •...•.........•............. . .... $ Taguuin •.•••...........•...•.•......... $

PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO PO VIGAN ............................... S PO

13·1 B_1 13·1 B.l 13·1 B·} B. l B·I B·l B·l B·l B·l 13·1 D·l B·} B.l B·l B.l B·l B.l B.} B.l B.l B.I lJ·l B·l B·l

Municipal Dist· s.: Alilem ....•..............•........•..•. PO Angaki ••.•.....•..•.......••.............•...... Concepcion •...............•.•.........•....• , ... San .l-:milio ............................ PO Sigay ....... ..... . ..•....•......•...•.••.•....... Sugpoll ... .......... •• •.........•.. . ..••.•..• , .•• Suyo , . • , . . .........................•..• , ...•••.••

F.................... . ....... CanUon ........ ... . •• •..••. F ............................... \'igan •...................... F .......••...............•.....• CllOdon •..........•......... F .......•..•.................... S:lIIla Maria ......•• • • •. . ... T........ •.... . ............................ . • . •.... T .... ...•..•.. . .......... . .... ........• •..... F............. . ............. \'i[lan .... . ....... • • • ....... T........ ... • . . ...................... . ............••••.. F.......... . .............. Caodol1 ................ .. .. . F ............................... \'iglJl •........•...•••... . ... F ...••..•...•••................. Candon ...........••••.. . .•. T ...•... . .. . •• • ......................•................. • •••.. F .......•...•. . ................• NorYacan .........• ••• .••..• 'f .....•............................................... •• • • •.. F ................ .. ............. Vigpn ..................... .. F .......•.......•.............. . Vigan ..............•••...... F •......•...... . .. • .•........... Vigan ............•.• . •••...• F ..... .... ...................... Vigao ...................... .

T •..•.....•.......................••................... • • ••.. T ........ . ............................. • •.... T .......•...•• • .................................... ..... • •••• F ..............•••.............. Vigan ..............••••..... T ............•.•........................................••••• F .......•.....•................. \'i!;an ...............• ••. ... T ......•.............................•.....................•. T •.........................................................••

TR ............. ....... ...................................... .

F····.· .... Tagudin ............. T~gudin

5 5 5 5 20 20

5 20

5 20

5 20

5 20 20 20 20

• 5 20 20 20 20



20 20 20

...........•..• •• ...• F ..•.•• . •. . Cerv~otea ............ Ce rvanles ....••............. F · · •• ···· .. CD.ndon .............. Candon .. . .............. . .•. F ..... " ' .. Candon .............. Candon .............••••••.. F ... ··· .••. C. ndon .............. C.lldon •......•........•.... F .....•.•.. T. gudin •............ Tagudin •....•••......•••.••. F ....•..•.. Tagudin ............. Tagudin ...•.. , .•• • . •. .... . .

5 NODe None 5 None NODe NODe

Ajuy ................................... S PO D·l F .. · .. · ......................... Sa rD. .................... " . AHmodi.n ...... . ................... . ... PO B·2 F .......... Leoo ................ lloilo ..... . ..... , ...... . .... . Arevalo (New Pari of Il oilo) •.................... F ......•... 1I0ilo ................ ll oilo ........••........• , . .. B.lasall ...•.•••.••... . ................. $ PO B·l T •• . .... ................................... ................•. Ban.te .........•......... . ...... .... . .. S PO D·l T ......••............................•....................... lJarOlac Nuevo •............•............ S PO 13·2 F ......••.....................•. 110110 •..... • •....••. . .•.... Barotac Vicjo .......................... S PO D·l F ... .. .......................... lloilo .............. .. .... .. BuenD.vina ...................... " ••.•. S PO B·I ...................... . .......... lI oilo ...................... .. Cabaluan ...........• . ........••••..... 5 PO B·} F . . .............................. Il oilc .................... .. Calinog . ..•.....•....•••........•....• . S PO B·} F ................................ Pa.. i ....... . ........... . .. Carlel . ........... ....... ............. . S PO B·I F ................................ B.luan . .........••...... • • Concepcion .........•••••......•....... S 1'0 B·l F ••..••••...... . ••............. . . 5ara . .......•......••... •• • Dingle •..••..........•......•.......••• S PO B.l F ••••..••......... • . . ............ Pototan .•..........•..••. • • nu e;;u •. ' .................•.•.• . ..•... S PO B.l F ••.....•......• .. •••............ Puni •............•....... . Dumangu ....... . ..................... . $ PO B·l F . ....... ........................ 1I0ilo •..•.•..•............• Estancia ...... . ....... ................. $ PO B.l T ........ ........ . ................. ................ ... ...... . Cuimbal .........••••.......•...•.•.... S PO H·l T ....... . ......................•...••••.. . .......•......... . . Igba ras ..... , .........• •• •..... ........ S PO B·} F ••....•••..•• • • ..... . . ....... . .. Cuimbal ..............•••.. ILOILO ....... .. ....... " ............. $ PO B·} TR ... .. .. ...... ...... ............... ...................... .. Janiuay •..•..•...•..•.•................ S PO B·l F •......•........................ Iloilo ..............•..• • ••• J aro •.........•............ ....•.. . .... 5 PO D·l T .......• . ......................................•••••......•. J ordan .....................•.. . .....•. S PO B·l ....... . .. ................. . ...... lloilo ....................•• Lambunao ............•.....••.....•••.• $ PO B·1 F ......• . •........ ..... ....... .•. ll oilo • ...............•.. .• • La Paz (New Part of Iloilo) . . ' ................ . .......... llcilo . . ............ . . . lIoilo . ........... . ....... .. L eon ..................... " ........... $ PO B·l F ............ .................... lloilo . .................... . !\laasin ............................. .. ... $ PO D·l F ........ ........................ ll oilo .................. .. .. Miagao ................................. S PO B·I T ........................................................... . Olon ................................... $ PO B·l T.................. . .................................. . . .......... ............... ............... . Pau i ................................... $ PO B·I T............. Pavia ..•..•.•........ •• •• • • • • .••. " .••. $ PO B.} F .. •. . .. . •.....•• . ............... J aro ..•.. . .... , .••..••. •• •• POIOl3n ...................... . ......... S PO B.} T .. .......... .......... ........... ....... ... ........ ........ . San Dionisio ...............••••........ 5 PO n·1 T .. • ....• ...................... .•...•....•................... San Joaquin ................. . ........ 5 PO B·l T........ . . .............................................. . San Miguel ............................. PO B·) F ................................ Iloilo .................... .. S.nta Barbara ....... • • • •••...••....... $ PO B.l F .......•...•••.................. I1oilo •............... . •• • •• Sara .. .. ..............•••••••....... .. . SPOB·}T ..•...••...........•........ . .•••.••.•... . .................. Tigbauan ............................... , PO B·l T............... . ................................ . Tubungan •.•......................••.•• 5 PO B·l ................................ . . Cuimbal .............. . ... .

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 20


ISABELA Aneadanln ..........•.• • •• • ••.....••••. 5 PO B.} T ..••••.••••....................... , ........ .... ...... . .•..... Cabaean •...•.••.••.•.. • •.••••••••••..•• S PO B·l T •••...••.......................•.•................... . .•..... C.uayan ••.•........••...• •• ..•••...••. S PO D·l T •••••..••..............................• • •••.•.....•...•.•..•

5 20

5 5 10


20 20 20 20 20 20

10 5 20 20 20 20 20

10 10 10 20 20 20

10 20 20 20

'" " 20


POSTAL GUIDE Province, Municipality Municipal D'Juid, or Borrio


Nearest Money Order Office

NeoreJt Tde,raph Office

Echague .....................•........ . . $ PO B·1 T .. . .••••.............•.......•.•.•..••..•...•••...... . .•...•• •• ' ••• • ••••••••..• • ••••••••••••••• 8 PO B·l T ••••••••• .• ••.•••..••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ILAGAN .................. .. .......... $ PO B·l TR .......................................................... .. JOIIes ................................... $ PO B.l T ............................................................ . Naguilian •.......•••...•.. . ••• . ..•..... $ PO B·l T •.•..•.•........ .. • •...........• ..••••••••.....•••••.•••••••• Palanan ...•....................•. .. .... $ PO B· } R ............ . ................. . .... . ..... .. ............ .... . Reina Mercede. ........ . .............. S PO B·l .......... ........................ Naguilion ................ .. San ........................... $ PO B·l ... . ... .. ............. . . ....... ... lIa,an • . .•..... . ......... . • Sap Pablo ............................. $ PO B·l .... .. ............................ lI o,an ................. .. . . Santa Maria ........................... S PO B.l .................................. Cab.ilan ...... ... ........ .. Santiago •...•..••.....•..........•.... . $ PO B·} T ........•..................•..•.••• . ....••..•..... ••• • ....•.•• Tumauiai ••. ... •.••• . •...•••...••...••.. $ PO B·l T . . ..•.••.................. •.... ...•.••..•.••.......••..••••.• GaIlIU

M unicipal Dist's.: Antalet ..........................................••. '" .••• Clua)'ln ......... . ••.. Cpuayan .•.••..•.••• .• •.•••• B.nnagao .......... ................. . ........................ Galllu ....... .. ........ Cll I'!lU .................... .. Dalig .... ••.. ..•... .... .. ............... PO D.2 ..••••• • ••• . Gamu ....... .. ..•••••. Gamu . .•...•• •••• •••••...••

Limit 01 W' ei,ht in Kilol 20 20

20 20 20 5 20

5 20 5



None None 10

Important P lace: Cordon (Sanliago)


Alaminos ............................... $ PO B.l F . .......... . . .. . . ..... . .. . ...... T lInlluan ........... . .... . ~ Ra y .................................... $ PO B.l T .... . ........... .. .......... ........... . ............ ....... . Biiian ............................... S PO D· } T ............... .. ............. .... ....................... .. .. Cabu)'no .. ........................... .. 5 PO D.l F ....... . .. ... . ... . .......... ... . 5anta Rou .. ......... .. . CaJambo ......... ... .......... ... ..... . $ PO 8·1 T ........................................................... . Cnlaula ............. • • •.............. . . $ PO 8·1 T ..•.... . .....................•• •.•• •••..•...........•.••.• •• Caviali ................................ $ PO B·1 F ................................ PaglBnjan ................ .. ra my ...... ... ...... ..... .............. $ PO 8·1 F......... . ....... ....... Sonlo Cr"~ .............. .. Lilio ................................... $ PO B· l........... .. .... . .... . ......... San Eoblo ............... .. Longos ................... "'1 ............ 8 PO B.I F .............. .................. 5anta Cruz .......... .. ... . Los Banos .................\ . .......... 5 PO B·l T ......... . ........ ..... . ................................... . Lui.iana •.............. •••.. . , ...... . .. 5 PO 8·1 F ........•... ..... . • ............. Pail.anjan •..•....•....• • •.• Lumban ............................... 5 PO 8·) F ...... . ......................... S. nta Cru z , ............. .. M"bit.e ................................ 1 PO B·1 F.......... . .. ............ Sanl. Cruz ............... . MagdAlena .................. • ••. . ...... S PO B·1 T ....... . .. •• ................. . .............................. M.jayjay ...................•• •• ... . .•.. 1 PO D·1 T.......... . ................ ......... ................. . Nageadan ......... •• •............•..•. $ PO B.] T .... . . .. ........................................... •• ....... Pa~t e .....•................... • ........ 8 PO B·] T ..•......... • • . ....................................•• • .....• Vaj:!unj.n .....................• • ........ 5 PO B.] T .•........ .• ••.......................•...........• • •••.....• Vakil .................................. 5 PO B·] F ............... ................ San ta Cruz ............... . Pangil .................................. 5 PO B· ] F .................... , ..... ...... Sanla Cruz ............... . Pila .............. ....... .............. 5 PO 8·] F ....... .. ........... •• ••.....•.. S.nta Cruz ....... • ......•.. Riul ................................... 5 PO B.l F ...... ... ... . .......... ... ...... San Pablo ............... .. San Pa blo .............................. 5 PO 8·1 T ..•. . ........... .. ................•.... . .. . ..........•• ••..• San P~dTO . ..... . .. .... ............... 5 PO B· } F ............................... Biiian .................... . SANTA CRUZ ........................ $ PO B.l T ....•.... . . .... . • •......... ..................•.. •.... .• • ...• Santa Maria .. .................. . . 5 PO B.I F ...... .. ........................ Snnta Cruz .. . ............ . 5anla Rosa ............................ 5 PO n.1 T.............. . .... .. . ... ............................. .. . 5iDilomn .... . ........... . ........ ..... .. S PO B.l T .................. • ..........•....•...•...... . .•.. . .. . ....••

5 lO 20


20 5 20 None 20 NODe

5 20 None 20

10 10

20 20

20 20 20 20 20 20

10 20


10 20

Important P laces: Agricultural College (Los Danos) ...... s PO n·1 T .... : ... ........................ . ........... .. ....... .. .... , Canillbang (Calambo) ........ .. ....... 5 PO D·l T ........................................................... .

LANAO DANSALAN ......................... s PO R-t T . ............

. .... . ........................... .. .... .... .. Il igan ................................. . 5 PO 8·] T ................. .................... ...................... . Malabang ...................•.......... 1 PO B·] R....... . .. . ..............•. '" ..•....•... . • .. .• .. •.••

20 20 20 20 20

MUnicipal Dlst's.: Bakul"d .........................................•••..•..•.. Dansalan .............. Dan n lan ...... . •.. • • • •••. .• Balut •.. •......•..............•........ . ............. . ..•.• .. Dansalan .............. Don, ,,I' n ............••• • . . • Bayang ................................. . ............. . ...... Danulan .............. D"n uian .................. . BiDid.yan ............... . ....... . ............................ Danulon ............ . . Danu lan .................. . Bubung ................... . .............. .. ................... Danulan .............. Don nia n ............ ...... . = u~ung .................. • .. • ............................. . . Iligan . . ........... '" . lIigan •..............•.. •••• ul'g .................... • .. • .............................•.. Dansalan .............. D.nlDlan •.............••... Ganus; .................................. PO B·2 F ..... .. •• . . Dansalan .............. Dan ..!an •..... ........ . ••. . Gata .. ........................................•......... .•. . Danulan .............. Dan .. lan ................. •• Kapai .......... . ............. • .....•...................•.•.. Don5alan .............. D. n ...Ian •.................• K.patagan ................... . .......•. ... ...... .. ....... . •.. Kolambugan ........... K oJ.mbugan ..............•. KoJam bug:1II ...•........................ 5 PO B.l T ........ ...... ... .•.............•...•...................• •• . ~t"mb ala o ... ........................ $ PO B.2 F ......... .... ................... Dane.l.n .................. . ~ adalnm ...................... • ..................... ....... .. Dan salan ... ... ........ n an"l.n .................. . 1IlAd~mba ...............•.•... • ........................... . .. Dansalan .............. n ansal. n ...... • ........ . ... 'tIfal!lDg ........................ •. . . ......••.......... .. ...... Dansalan ... ......... .. Danulan ......• •....... .... ~b lund.. . ....................... • .. .. ......... ..... . ..... ... . Dansalan .............. Oan aalan ..... .•• ........... lI:andulnll' ························· ........................•.. 11ig8n . ...... ....... ... 1Bg. n .........•............ Mar~ntall ........ ,-............... .... ............. .... . ...... Danulan......... .Oanu Jan ....... • . .......... Mum ···· ················ · · ...................... ..... Dans8 Ian ..... .... ..... Dllnula n .........•......... Mom~ngan ·· .. · .. ···· .. · .. · . . .... ...... 5 PO B·1 F ................. . ............... lliglln .................. . .. N una , ... .. ...... ...... ....... . ......... •.. .... ....... ....•• . K o I8mb u~an ........ .. . Dlln u IAn ...........•....... P unungan ...... .......... .............. ... . ......... ... ... . .. Dan'8Ian .............. Kobm buga n ....• . • • • •. .. . Dansalan ............ . . Dllnu Jan •........• •.... ... . P IInlar P an:au. agat .... ........... . ......•• • • • . ........ ..........•.. 1Iigao .. '" . ........... Ilig.n ............ • • . ...... . ua R ~ ... ... ..................• • ••••• •.••.. . .••••••.. .. •••.• .. n ansaIan ........... . .. Danu lan .....• • .......• 5 am ~lD .. ........ . ....• •. ........................ F. . . .. ... . Danulan . ............. Dan salan .. •. • ....... agUJaran ·········•··· ·· ......................... F . .. .. ...•.. Da nsa lar. .............. Dansa18n .......... • •••....•

Ii······· ·············· ···· ··········· ·····.···· ........

None None NODe None None NODe None None None None None 20

10 None None None None None None None 20

Non e None None NODe None None None



ProrlincfI, Municipality.

Municipal Diltriel. aT BtJrr;o


Nearest Maney Order OJ/ic e

Ncaru t Teletroph Office

•••• ••...•....•..••..•.... .. •.•••..•• ... ••. .. •.•••• •.. Daneolao .... , ......••. Danulan T.lnplran • ••• .. •....••.. .•••• • ...•.••.•• PO B·2 F • ••... .•••. Dannlan ••........•• • . Da.IIs.lan T.rllka .. .•....................•••••••...•.•• . •.••• . • ••• ••.•.. Dalu.lal1, •............ Dannlan T.t. ri k.n .•• • •. • • ............••..•. . .......•••••...••...•••.. Dan,.laD, ............. DaDa.lan Tub.un ....•..............•....•.•...•... . ••• . • , ••.. . •••.•.. D.n •• lao •............. Dao .. lan TUI'Y' •••........ .. •.•. .•.•.....•••..• ,', .................... DaD,.lan .............. DanSllan Ualu .. . ............................ . . . ..................... . Danu.lan .............. Dansalan


Limit of JV citht in KiloJ None

10 None None None None None

LA UNION Agoo .................. .. .. ............. S PO B·I T ................................. . ................ .. ....... . Aringay ........... .. .............. . .... $ PO D·l T ..... ... ... .... ..... , ....................... . .... , .. . . . .... . Bacnolan ....•.........•. •••• ••. ..•... . 1 PO B·l T . •.. ... . ......••••. ..............••............. . .... ••• • . ..• Balaoan •......... . .. . .. • ••... . ..•.•.... $ PO B·I T ............•. ••• , .... . ..•......•.••.••.•••.••.• • ....• • •.•.• Bangar •............•..•••••....•... . ... 1 PO B.l T . .•...•.......• • ••..............••......••...•••....• ••• • ••. Bauan, •.........•........ • • ••...•..... $ PO B.l T •. . ....•. ...... • . • ..................•............•...•• •• ••• Cab ............................ .. ...... 1 PO B.l F ........... ....... ...... .. ...... Arin'ay ... .. ...... .. ...... . I.unl •.....................••.. .. •...... 1 PO B·I T .. .......... .. . .• .................................... . •••. •• Naguili.n •..................... . •....... IPOB.IT . .....••......•• • • .......•••.........•........••....• • •••••• Ro~arjo ................................. 1 PO D.l T .............................. Da morti l ........ .... ... .. .. . SAN FERNANDO ...... . ••• ........ 1 PO B.l T . .................••.... . ................. . ........ . ...• .••• Son Juan .............................. $ PO B·l F ................... . ...... . ..... San Fernando . ........... .. Santo Tomas ........................... $ PO B.l F ................................ Agoo ....... . ....... .. ..... . Tubao .......... .. ..................... $ PO B.l F............ . .............. Agoo ................. .. .. ..

Municipal Dlst's. Blgulin ................................ PO B·2 F •.••.•..••. Nlguilia n .... .... ..•. NlI.gui lian ....•....•.....••• .. Durco. ........................ •. ...... PO B·2 F ........... NaguiHan ....... .. .•• N.guilian •.•...... . .•• . • . •. Pugo ...... . .........................•.. 1 PO B.l F ......••....................... Agoo ...•...•..•.... . • • •.. . .• San Gabriel .............. . ............. $ PO B.l F ............. ........ .......... B.cnntan ....... .. ....... .. . Sanlnl ................................. 1 PO B.l F ............................... Balaoan .. . .. . .... . ......... . Sudipen ................• ••• ............ $ PO D.l F ......••....................... Balaoan ...•.....•...•. ••• ••

10 10 20 20 20

10 10 20 20


20 20

10 10 None 20 5 5 5


LEYTE Abuyng .......•...... ••• ...••.•....•. 1 PO B.I T ..•....•...... ... . .•... . ................ . .... ...... . .... •••• AlllflgaJang ............................. 1 PO D. I T........ .............. . . ... ........................ .. . Albu era ............. ........ .......... $ PO B·1 ..................... .. .......... Ormoc .............. ... .... . Anah.". n ....... • .•...... , .....•.•.... 1 PO B·l ............ ......... ............ Cab.lian ................. .. Dabatngon ...................... ........ 1 PO B·l ................................. Barugo .......... . ......... . Barugo . .......••..................... • 5 PO B·l T . ......•................................... . ...... . .....• • • • Balo •...........................•...... 1 PO B·l T ..•.................... . ............................. . .•. ..• • BaybllY .......................... . ..... 5 PO D·I TR .................. . ..... . ............................... .. . BllIran ........... ...... ........ . .•.... 1 PO D· I T ............. . . ................•• •• ..............•...•.•..• •• Durauen . ..............•............... $ PO B.l T .. . ..•...........• . • • ................... , ..... . .••••...... Cabali~n ........... ........ ............. 1 PO D·] T ......... . ... .. j .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caibiran ......••.. . ..... .............•. S PO B.) T ...... . .. .... . ... . .. .....................................••• Calubian ............................... 1 PO B.l T .....•... ............. .....................................• Capnoean ........... ......... .......... 1 PO B·I .............. . .................. Cuiran. ......... . ...... . . .. Carigar;).••. .. ........................... S PO B.l T ...•...... ........ ... • . ...........................•....•.... Dagami •........•.....•................ $ PO B.I T ........ ......................................•• ••. ......... Dulag .. ........ . • ••. .. ............... $ PO B.l T .......... ............ ..................... .. .•• •. •.•....... Hilongo. •• .. .......................... S PO B.l T .. ....•.... ••... .......................... .... .•....•.. Hindon g .. .. ............................ $ PO B· ) ....... . .. .. . .................... HHon gn! .. ............ .. Hinnn a ngan .....•.... ....•...... ...•.. $ PO B·I T ...... . ... . . . ......... ........... . ............. . ........... . Hinundayan ............................ $ PO B·l ............................... . . 1Iinunoogan ............. .. . . tnopoean ........ ....... . .............. 1 PO B·] ...... ........................... lIl1 ongo. . . .. .. ...... . ...... . Jaro ..• ··•·.· · •. . · .••• · ................. 1 PO B·l T . . .. ...•• •'t ..•..•..••...•• ••.••••••••••••••• • ••••••• • ~ •• • ••• Kanayan . ...... . ...... .... ............ $ PO B·l ... .. .............. . ............. N.v.l . .................... . LII. P.z ................................. $ PO B.\ ........... ........ .............. Dn b!: ........ .. .......... .. Leyte ••............ •• • • •. .............. S PO B·l T .... . . . ..••• . . ..... ..................................•• • • • .. Libagon ................................ $ PO B. l ................... . ............. SOloU ...................... . Liloan ................................. S PO B.I TR .. . ................................. .. ............. .... . .. "faDlin .............. • ..•.•............ S PO B.l T .....•.. · · •• ·················.········· · ············· •••••.. Macrol10n .............................. S PO B.l .. , ......... .......... ........... MaMin ........ . ........... .. Malitbog ............ .. . ................ S PO B.I T ........ ·· ... ·.···· ••• ······················ ·· · ...... · .... ,. Maripipi .......••••.................... 1 PO B.l R ........•.. ........ .. • .......... Naval ......................• Mat alom ... . ..•.. • ••.......... ..... S PO B·l T ........ • •••......................................... ••••... Merida •..........•..••..............•.. $POB.IT .......•............ •• ............................• •• • •....• Nanl ••..........•.. • •• ................ $ PO B·I T ......... . .,.. ....... .... . ..... . ...................•• ••• Ormoe ............. •• • ••....•..... . .... $POB.I T ........•• • • . · ......................................... • •••. Palo ............... •• ••.•.... . ......... S PO D.I T ........ ·· · ·········································· .... • .. Palom"on .........•• • • •• ......• .. ...... S PO D.l T .........•.............. . ............................... .• •• PannDII . . ............ • • •••...... .. ..... S PO n.l .... . •..... .............. ........ Paio ...•..... ... ...•........ PintuyDn •..... . .....•........... S PO B· \ T .......•...........• •• .... ...•. ,., ...•..••..... , ..•• • •• ... .. San hidro ...........••••............... $ PO 8·) T ........ ·•·································· ·· ···•··· .. . •• • • San Mi cue) ............................ $ PO B.I ............... ... ............... Alan,.alang .. .. ............ . SQf:!o<l ................................. $ PO B.I T ......... · .. ·· .... · ...... · .......... · .... .............. · .... . TACLOBAN. ................ .... ...... $ PO B·I TR ....... .. . ....... .................... . .................. .. Tananan .•.... ••.............. ......... $ PO B·] T ........ · •• •• ··· ··· ····················•················· ••• T"ion .....••.....•.••......... . ....... $ PO B.l ................................• Tananau ..... . ... .......... .. . Vi1Iaha .........•.....•.•..•............ $ PO B.I T .....• .. ··.··························•·······•······• ..••... Important P la ce: Pon Bello (Ormoe) •......•.•..•...••.•..•.• . ... F .......... Ormoc ............... Ormne ..................... .

MANILA OBSERVATORY STATION T. Lee:illalive Station •..............• , .• • . S PO B·l T ............. ....... ..... .. . ........................ .•.••.•. J\.1ANILA ............................ I PO B.l TR ................................... , .................... .. M.nila Hotti Station ................... S PO B.l T ........... ........... .......... . ...................... . .. . . Manila North Station ............ . ..... . S PO B·l T ...... .. ............................ ... .................... .

20 20 10

10 5 20

10 20

10 20 20 5


5 20 20 20

10 10 5

10 10 20 5

""" " " 20 20

10 10 5


20 20

10 5 5



10 20



10 Non e None No ne None None



PrOf/i"ce. J,/unicipnUly. Munkiplll Di$trict. or Borrio


U. P. Station •.•.••.••. .. . •..••...•..•. 8 MliaClnan Pllaee .•.•...•. • •... ' ••.. . .. S S8.IlIpiioc P. T. SIIIioD ... .. .. . .... . .... $ Tondo P. T. Slllion .................. $ Compaiiia Marilima .•.........••....•.. 8

Neared Tde,taph OJ/ice

Limit of Weicht i. Kilo!

T . .. •. ..• ..... . . . ......... . ...•.•••..•............. . ......... T • ••• . ..•.................... '" .•...•....................... T •..••. ••......................... ••• .•..•.....•...•..•. . •..• T ........ . ............ . . ..................... .. ............. . T .....•.. • •.......• • •••....... . .. . ...•.••..•••••• ••••.••.••••. .

None None Nono NODe None

MARINDUQUE BOAC . .. ......•....... . .............. $ PO B.l T . .................................................. . ....... .

,. ,.

BueIII'..-;!ta ........................... . . $ GUln .... ............................. $ Mogpog . .............................. $ Sanla Cruz .. .......................... $ Torrijos ••. . ..•...••••.••......•.••••.. S


Aroroy ................................ S BlIlTio Placer (Cataingan) . ............ Cataingan ... . .•••.... . ..•••..•.•••••... S Dimanllln.v: ...•......... . .....•..•••••.. 8

MASBATE ..... ....................... 8

Milagroa ••••••.............••.•..••.•.. $ San Fernando ••....... . ....• ,.,', .. , .. $ S.n Jacinto " •.• ,',." . . , .. . ...... ,', .. $ S.n Pueu.l .. "" ... " ...... .. , ... " .. ,$


B·1 B·l B·} B·l B·l

NeaU&f Money Order Ol/ice


8· 1 F ............................. "Cu'n ••......• ... •.•..•.•••. B·l T .. .. ... . ....... ... ............................ . ...... . ..... . B·} F ..... . ......................... Bo.e ....................... . B·l·T ... .. . .. ..................... .. ...................... . ... . . . B·l F •.....••.....................•. S.nta Cro~ .....••.....•.....


B·l B·} B·l B·l



8·1 B·} B·l

T ............ . .. . .......................................... .. T .............. . ......................... . .................. . T ••.•.•••• •• .............•• • • ......... . ..•••..••.•..••••••••• T .. . ................ . ................... . ..... .. ............ . TR.... ... . . .....•.•...............•...... . • ....... . ...• T ••....•• . ... . . .. .... • ••.•.••.......•...• . .....•••.•...•... . • T,.... ... . ..... • • .. . " ..... , . , ...•••..• . • . •• . ... • .... • T.""... . . ......•........ , .. . ... .• .••.... • •.... . .• . ..• R ...... . ........................ PaSicBO ... ... . ............ .




,." ,.,.,.,. 5 5



Important Places: Bllete (Aroroy) .......... .. .. .. ....... $ PO B·l R ...... .. ............ . ..................................... .. Rio Guinobatan (Aroroy) ........... . .. $ PO D· } RT ...... .. ... .............................................. .


nog ............... , ..... ......

Abra de $ Baco .......... . ............. , •... . . . ..• S Bongabon ................. . ... . ........ $ Bulalae ao .......... . . . ................. $

CALAPAN ........ . ................... $ Looe . . .............. . .................. $ Lubang •••••...•... •• .. .. ......•......• $ Mamburao ............................. $ ManSlllay ...... . .. .. ................... S Nanjan • . •.•......•..•...... , •.....••.•. $ Paluan •....... . ....•••........••.••.•. S Pinam.l.yan .......... . ................ S Pola ............... .... .. . ........ .. ... 8 Puerto Calera ............ .. . .. ......... 8 Sablayan ... . .......... . ..... . .......... 8 San Jose ... .. ......... .. ............... $ San Teodoro ••••••.•• . ..• .. .•. .. .....•..


B·l B·l B·} B· l B·l B·l B·l B.l B·} B·l B.l B·1 B·} B·l B·2 B·l B·2

...................... . .......... BlIlIan ..................... . ................... . ............. Calapan . .................. . ..... .. .......................... PinamalaYl n .............. .. •..•..•... . ........ • .•........ . . . PinDmllayan ..... , ........ .. TR ......... . ... .. . . ................... .. ................... . ••.•• . .•.•.....................•• Tillk • .... .•...•.•..•.•..••.• ••. . ......•....... . .. . .•••......• Tilik • ••• .. ...... . •.... . ..••• ... ••....•............ • .•......•. Bauan .. . ....... . ......... . . .. . ............................. Pina mllayan .........•...•. • T .. .•...•... ••• ...............•...•..•. . •• . ........•• • ••••..• .... . .•. .. . . ..........• ~ • ........ Bauan ••.••....•..••• • .••••• T .... . ........... .. ......................................... . T .... .. .... . ............................ . .............. ... .. . . . ..... ............. . ............ B. u. n ..................... . ...... ..... ...................... Bauan . ................ . ... . R ........................................................... . ....••.•.•.. CaJapan .......... '" CaJapan ••••.•.....••••.. .. •

S 20

5 5

,. ,. 5 5 5 5 5




5 5 20 5

Important Place9:

Panduruean (San JOle) ... .. .. .. ...... s PO B·1 .... ......... .................... San JOl e .................. . Sumagui (Pinamalayan) ................ S PO B·l F .... . . ......................... Pinamalay.n . ....... . ...... . THik (Lublng) . . . ... .. .. ..... ......... 8 PO B·} R ............................................ . . ...... . .. .... .

MOUNTAIN PROVINCE BAGUIO ............................. $ PO B·l TR ......................................................... .. MunicipaIDl st'9.: Atok (Bengue l) ..... ............................. F ...•.•.•.. La Trinidad ...... . ... Baguio ..................... . Bakun (Bonloe) . ................................... ....... . . CeTVantes .....•... . •. Cervanles .......... . .... .. . . Bolblllan (Kaling.) •........•.....•..•• 8 PO B·l ................................. BODloo ..................... . Banaue (Hugao) ••...•....•.......••..•. 8 PO 8·1 F .............................•. Bonloe • •.•....•••••••..•• • • Bmrlig (Bonloc) •.• . ..............••••. S PO B·2 F . ... . ..... Bonloe ...........•.. Bonloe ............ ... .. . .. . Bauko (Bonloc) ••. . ........•••••.. , ...• PO B·} F • . . .. • . •.................... , .• Cerv.ntes ..•.... • . •• • • .. . ..• B.y", (Apayao) . • .•. ..•.....•..•..•• • ••• ••••.. . . .. ....•.••.. Kabugao ...........•. Tu.o ••.•.•.....•..•..•• . .• • Besao (Bontoc) . .... ............................. F . ..•...•.. Sagadm ............ • • SlIgada •. . •• . .•..•...•..... • Bokod (Benguet) . . ..................... PO B·2 F . .•. . .••.. Baguio •...........•. Bacuio ............ .. ...... . BONTOC (Bontoe) ..............•••.• 8 PO B·l T ... ... ..................... .. .. ' ............•...........•••• Buguiu (Benguel) .............. . ....•........•.. F .......... Bagu io ............•. Bag uio ....... . ... . . ... ... .. Bumay (lfugao) •.......... • ........... PO B·2 F ........... Ki aogmn ..........•.• Bonloc • . ..•. . .....•.•••..•. Conner (Ap.y. o) ..••...... .. .••... . •.• . . . •• . ••• . . F •......•.. Tuao .......•........ Tuao ........•. . •. .. . • •....• Rund u.n (Hugao) ........... .. . . ........... . .. .. F .... .. .... Ki3.nlj:an ...........•• Bonloc . .... . .. ............ . . hogon (Bene-uet) . . .... . ....... . ......... ..... . .. F .......... Baguio .............. Baguio ............ ... .. .. .. . Kabay.n (Benguet) ••.•....• •. .•.....•• S PO B·l F .. . .......................... . . Bagulo .. . ........... . .. . .. . Kabug.o (Ap.,..o) ............... . ..... S PO B·} F ............................... Tulo ............. . .. . ..... . Kapangao (Benguet) ••.........•...•.••• PO B·2 F . . ........ Baguio .....•........ B. gulo ............. .. .... .. Ki':lIn (Bonloe) ......................... . .... . .. F . ......... Cervllnles ............ CervaDtes . .. .... ... ........ . K ANGAN (Hug.o) ...............•.• $ PO B·l F . ... ....... . . .................. B.yombonC .. ..... . ....... . . . ~~BfrAd~Nguet) . . . . ........... . ..................... ... .. Baguio . ...........•• Baguio . ....... . .. . ......... . (Kahnga) .. ' .........••. $ PO B.} F . .............................. Booloe . .... . .............. . Luna (ApaJDo) ........................... . ... . ........... .. Abu log .............. Abu log ................. . ... . Mankayan (Bontoe) ......•.............• PO B·} F ...•....................•.•..•• Cenanles .......... . . ... . .. MaYOYllo (Hugao) . ............. . ...... S PO B·} F ...... .. ....................... Bonloe . ........•..•.•....• .• Namaltugan (ApaYllo) ....................................... Kabugao ............ Tuao .. ................. ... . Nalooin (Bonloe) . ......•....•... , .....• PO B·} F ...•.........................•• Bonloe ••. ••..••• , .•. .. ... •• • Pioukpok (Kalinga) .. .. .......... . .. ..... . , ..... F .......... Lubuagan . .. .•....... BonlOc .............. . . .... . Sabanglln (Bonloe) .... . ................ .. ........ F .....•.... Bonloe ...........•.• Bontoe ... .......... . .. . ... . Sablan (B enguel ) ...... . ............ . . . PO B·2 ... . ... . .... B"'uio ............. . Baglllo .............. . ... . .. . Sadllnga (Bonloc) •• ·· ....•...••.•..........•. • .. F .. . ....... Bontoe .............. Bonloe .. . ......... . .... . .. . Sagada (Bontoe) ............••••...... S PO B·l T . . ••• . ••.......................•..•. . ...••••.•. . ••• • ......•• T. buk (Kalinga) ......••.........•.•.•. PO B·2 F .... . ..... L"buagan .........•. ' Bonloe .......... ...... .. . . . Tan ndan ••••......•.••.......•••••.••. . ••••••.••• . •••••.••.. Lubuagan .........• ,. BonlOO ••.••••.••• .• ..•• • •••

5 5

,.• None None 5 20 5 20 None Non e I. 20 None


None None Non e 5 5 5 None


None 20 Non e 5 5 None 5 None None 20 Non e 5 5 None



Ploejnce, Municipality. Municipal Districi. 01 Barrio






Neous! Tde,ropA Oflice

Tinglnyan (Bonloe) ••.............. .. .. J PO B·l F .... . .......................... Bonloe Tr ioidad (Beoguet) •..••..... . .••. ", .. PO B·2 F .... ... ...................... . . Bagoio Tuba (Denlluet) . . ..................................... . ..... Bag"io .............. Bagnio Tubla)' (Dcnguet) .......... . ......... . PO B-2 F .......... Baguio .............. 8a'ulo

.. ...., ... ........... .

Limit 0/ Fei,ht ;n Kilo,





Important Places; Suyoe Mankp)'1lll ••••...............•...........•. R .........................................................•• .

NUEVA ECIJA AlJaga ..... . ... . ....................... 1 PO B· I Bon({abon ........•................ . •... 1 PO B-1 CABANATU ]\·.................. .. .. 1 PO B·l C.biao . ................................ 1 PO B.l Cnranglan •..............•...•••...•... 1 PO B·l Cu,apo ••..........•........•........•• S PO B·l Capan ............•...•• _....•.....•••• 1 PO B·} Cuimba .•• • •.....•.•..•.....•. ... ....•. S PO B·l Jaen .......•.•...•••.....•...••.....•• $ PO B-1 Laur .•.• ,." .. ...... ...... .. ... . ... . . . 1 PO B·} Licab ... , ...•....... •• ....•...... . .... 1 PO B.l Lupao , ... ,', .................. , ....... $ PO B.2 Munoz ......... , ....................... 1 PO B· l Nampieuan ...... • ................ ", •• 1 PO n·l Plntabangan .... . ..........•..• . .• ", .. 8 PO B·1 Papa,a ,., .......................... , .. 1 PO 8·1 Penaunda .•.. ... •............ . . ,.,"',S PO B·l Queann ................ ..... . ...... ,.,,1 PO D·l Riul ....................... ,", ••..•.. $ PO B·] San Anlonio . ...................• ,', ..• $ PO B·1 San Isidro ......... ... "., ..... , ....... 1 PO B·1 San JOle ...........•.. . •..•..•.•..... $ PO 8·1 San Leonardo .......•.• J~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I PO 8.1 Sanla Rosa ............................ S PO 8·1 SanlO Domingo ................•........ $ PO B.l tTa.lavcl"D ....................•.....•.. S PO B.1 Zuagoza .. . . •. .... •.•.............•. • .. S PO B.1

F ........... . ................... Cabanatuan F . . ....••......•..•.....•....... Cabana tuan

...... . .. . ..... . . ................ .

T ....... ............... : ............................. ... .. . .. T ... . ................................................... ... .. . F ... . ...................... . ... . San J ose . ................. . T ..... .• •.••............................•.•....••.••....•..• • T ......... . . ............................................... ..

T ..••... . . . ••....•.............•..•........•..•.. . ••••.•••••• F ....... . .......•............... San bidro ••••••••• ••• .•••• F . ... . .......................... Cahanalnan •... ,., ... . .. " •• F.,., ................. , ....... . . Cabanaluan .•..• " •••.• •• '" F"."., . ............•. • , ....... San J ose ..... , ..... , •.••••• , , .. .. " , ,, ..................... . . Cabanatuan .. ...... .. ...... . F ..•••.•. , ...................... Cu'apo . .... • •. . ••• .. • •• .•.. F . .•. " .............. .•. ....... . San J ose ••.•...... .. ••• • ••• • F . . , ............................ Peiinanda .. . , ........ . .... . T . . , •..••....• • ...................... .. ............. , •..... ,. F ... . ........................... Cahanaluan , .............. .. F .•....• , .. •. ................... Cabanatu.n . , . ••. • •• • . . , • • , . F., ..... , ....................... San bidro •. . .•. . ..• ,.".,' T"."" ...... ......... .......... . ... . ...................... . T ••..•..•...... . . • •.... .......... . .•. . ............••..•....•• .. . ......... . .... ........... ..... Peiiaranda ... . ........ . ..... . F ......•...•..........•.......•. Cahanaluln .... .. ... .... ... . . F .......... . .................... Cahanaluan ................. . F .•..••.•..•.................... Cabanatuan .•....• • •••...•.•• F .......•.. •.... ................ Cabanaluan ••.••• • • • ••..•••••

Important Place: Agricultu ral College •••....•.. • ........ S PO B·l T .......•

······ ··.r······················ .. ·.. ·....... .......


,. 20 20 S S

10 10 20 S

,. ,. 20


10 S S

,.,. ,.,. 10 S

NoDe None

None None None None

NUEVA VIZCA Y A Arilao ................................ . 8 PO B·) T ................. ••• ...............•..•.....•...• •• • •.•..... Bagab3i ....... .......... ............... $ PO 8.1 F ... : ........................... Bayombong ................ . Bamban~ ............................... $ PO B·} F ............................... Bayombong " ............. .. BAYO BONG . ................. ..... s PO B·l T ........................................................... . Dupu: .....•• . ••.•....•........ ......... $ PO B.2 F .......•........ ..... .......... Aritao ••.......••• ••• ••••••• Solano .............. ................... 8 PO B-1 F .............................. Bayombong ............... ..

20 20 20 20



Municipal DIstricts:Imugan ....................................... .. .. . .......... ATilao ............•.. Arilao Kalihu . . ............................. . ..... .. ................ Arilao ...... . ..... . .. Aritao Kayapa ............ . .............................. F .......... Arilao ......... . .... . Aritao Ping~Jan . . . ............ .. .... .. ..... . ........ .. ... F ... . ...... Aritao ............... Aritao Pinappagan ....... " ....... . ........... S PO B·1 ................................. J ones (habela)

NODe None NoD e

........ . .. .

None S

Important Places:San Lull (Bagabag) ..... . ••• . . . ......... .. ••.•••• T ••• ••.••........................................ . ... .. ....•. Santa Fe (Imu,.n) . .. .. .............. . $ PO B·1 T .. . ........................................ . .. . ... .. ....... .

Noot! 20

OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS Aloun •• . .•....••.•..••.•.............. SPOB·1T •..•••.•................................•.....••••. . ••....•. Baliangao ............................. 8 PO B.l T ......................... " ..................... .. .. .. ..... . Clarin , •. .. ....•...•....•.. . •.....•.... $ PO a·l T .•.••.............................................. . .. . ..... J imenez .... ........................... S PO B.l T •..•• . ••............................. . ............•.•..... . •• Lopez·Jaena . ... •.. ...... ... ......... ... PO .. . . F ... .. ..... Oroqlli ela ............ Oroqllieta ............... .... . Minmil ....•..............•..••........ $ 1'0 B·l TR . .•• . •............................• .......•....•.•....... . . OROQUIETA ............ ••• ...... . . 1 PO 8.1 T ... . . .. . ................................................... . Plaridel •.............................. S PO 8.1 T •......•.............................•.......•........•••.•• . Tanrllb ..........................•..... $ PO 8. ) T ........•....... . • • .........................................•• Tudela ............... . .•.•.....•...... $ PO D·} . ...•.....................•.....• Miaamil . ....• •.. .....••.. . •

ORIENTAL MISAI\fIS Ballnll:aal' ..... . .................•.•.•.. $ PO 8·1 CAGA AN ........................... 8 PO D·l CalarmoD .............................. 8 PO B·I Cingoog ••.....•....................... s PO D-I 10;lao ..•............•••• • .....•....•.•• S PO B·1 Mambajao ............................. s PO 8·1 QUiDocuitan ........ . ..•... '" ...•.. . ... s PO 8.1 SlglY ••. · ... . ......................... S PO 8·1 Salay ......••.•......•.......•......... $ 1'0 B·l Tagoloan ....••••••• . .•.. . . . ..•••.•••••• 1 PO B.l Taliaayan •...• . ••••••••. . ..• •.• . ••.•. . . 1 PO 8·1

T .......•....••..................................•••.......• TR .......... . ...................................... .. .. .. T •.. .•. ••.......••................••••.............•.•••..... T •••....• ...............• • ••.................... •• • •..... . ....

T .•• . • . ••..... . ••...................... ........ ..••• •...... . . TR ..•... .......•.................................•••••.•.... T ••. •..••. ......••................... .........•.....•• •...•.. T •...• . •...........••••.............................•...• •• •• F . ... . . . •....................... Bolingasag ........•......... T ••..••••. ..... ..... .......... . ....................••..•.•• T ••••••••..•.....•.............. . ....................••......

20 S

,. S S

20 20 20 S


,. 20 10 S

" ",. 10


20 20

MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS OF OR IENTAL MISAMIS Claveda .•.••.......... .. ...................••.••.•... •. •••.. Taro loan ............ Tagoloan .............•...•• Lourde. . ................................... . ............ .. ... Cagaran .....•....... Cagayan ...... •....•...... .. . Lumbia ... . • . •••....•..•• . ••...................... F ..•.... • .. CagaYDn ...........•. CagayaD ...............•.... .

None NoDe


Important PlaceBugo (Tagoloan)

... . .....•.•.••....... 1 PO D-l T ...••.••..................••..•.•...........••......••••••••


• 63


Prouincfl, AlunicipCllity. M.. nicipClI Dil/rict, OT 80rrio

NflClrest Mone), Order



NetJrut Tde,rtJph OJ/ic e

OCCIDENTAL NEGROS 8ACOLOD .................. . ... . .. .. . $ PO B-1 T .......... __ ._ .......... . .........•................ . ........ Bago . .. ..•.•............ _•.•.•..•...•. $ PO B-1 T ...... . •.. ........... . ••. . ..........••.. _......... ••........ BiDalbagBn .•............•..•.....•••••. $ Cadiz ....•....... . •••.... . •........•.•. $ CIJat raYl .•.....•..• • •....... .. ••.• • .•• $ Cauaylo ........... • •••.. ........ ••••.. $ Escallote . ..••.•...•••..... .. . . ..•.•••• S Himlmlylan ... '" ...•••..........•...• $ Mioiguan ......... • •••...•..... .. ..... • $ I10c •.••.•••.•.•••.•.•..••.•••••.••• • ••• $ babela ................................. $ Klbankalln ...•...•.....•...•.••... . .... $ La Carlotl ................ . ............ $


B· I B·1 B-1 D·I D-1 8.1 B.1

T ••.••• . •.............. •.. ...........••........•...••. . ...... T •.••• . •• • .............•.............•............•••........ T •• •••••• •............•••....... ..... .. •.........•.• • •....... T ••.••.•••..........•.•. • ............ •. ••.........•• ••. ...... T •••.•..• •..... ........•............. •••............ • •....... T ••....••.......... ..... • ........... .••. ........... •• ....... : T •••• •••••...... ........ • •........ . .. • ............ •• • ......

8.1 T ••• • ••••...• .• ..•..• ••. ••.•••••...•..•••••.•••.••.•• • ••.••••

Limit 01 Wei,hl in KiloJ 20 20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

T ... .. •..••...........•.•. . .......... •• _ ............•........ T . •••••.•............ . .. •....... .....•••........... ••...... .. T .. ........... . .... .............. .................... ....... . T . . •.•.•. •.............. •..............• • ••••••.••..••••..... T . ..•..••... . •...........••............ • .........•.•.•....... T ••.....•..• •..... ..... .• •• ...........•••......... . ••..••.••. T .•....••.. . •...... ......•........... . ••..........•••........ T •• ..••••••... ......................•..••.......•. . .• . ••.••.. T ......... .. ................................................ . T ...•.•••...•• • .........................•.... . •••... . ..••• • .• T •• •••••....••...•........•.........................•.. •• ••.. . .. ............ . .......... . ...... P ulupandao ........ . ... . .... . T .•.••......• •• .........................•.....•..••.•..•• • .. . T .......... ........................................... .... .. . T . •• .. .••.....•... .... ............................•.••••..... T •. ' ...•... '" . ••...........•............••. . ......••. • •..•.. T ............... .. ..................... . ....... . ............ .

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Fabrica (Sagay) . .•. . ..•...•...... . .... S 1'0 B· I TR . . ..... . .. . ......... ..... ..... " ..... . .... ................ . Maao Ceotral (Bago) . . . ... .•..... . . . • . S PO B-1 T ....... . ... . ...... ............... '" .........•...•.••....... Silmy Hawaiian Ceotral (SHay) •.•...... S PO B·I T ...•..•...... ........ ..... .. ...•..•......•.........•••...••.

20 20 20

La C..lellan;! ..................•.•.••.. $ Magallon (Iubela ) ... . .• • ...........•.• $ Manapl ••.............. •..•...... ..•.•• 5 Murcia ... . .......... . ... . ....... . ..•... $ Poolevedra ..........• . . • •• . ... . .• . .... 5 Pulupandao ............ .. .............. $ Sagay •.•............ . • • • •. .... . ... •. .•• $ San Carl oa ...••........•.••..•......... S San Eorique ....................... . . .. S Saravia . . ........•..... ••• •...... •.••.. $ Silly .................... ... ........... 5 Talisay ...••....... '" ...••.••.•..••••. 5 Valladolid . •.......................•.•. 5 Viclori .. . .............................. $

8.1 n·l B·l B·} B· I 8·1 n.l B·l B·l 8·1 B·l B·l n·l B·l B·l B.l B·l

20 20 20 5 20 20 20 20

Important P laces:-

ORIENTAL NEGROS AyuOgOD ................. . ... . ......... S Ayuquitan ............................. $ Bacong ................................ $ naia •••••....••......... •. ........••.•. $ D.uio ..•...•...... '" ......•• • .....•... $

DUMAGUETE ..... . .............•.. $ Enrique Villanu eva ..................... S Cibulogan •.•..••.............••...•... 5 Jimalalud .•.••.••.............•...•... $ La Libertad .......................... . $ Larena (Siquijor) ........... . ......... S Lui (Siquljor) .................•...... $ Luzuriaga ••..••............... • ........ S ManjuY(ld ............ ~ ...... . .•.... . . . . S Mlria (Siquij(lr) .......... ............. S SlIn Juan (Siquijor) ....... ... ......... $ Sialon •••••• •• •...........•..........•• 5 Sibu \an •.•.•.......•. . ...... _• • ...••••• S Siqu ijor (Siquijor) .......... .. ......... $ Tanjay ............... . .... .. . .......... $ Tayuan ........................... . .... $ To long •.......... . .......•.. • ..•.••. . . $ VaUebermOl(l .•••... . ....... _......••.•• $ lamboanguita .... .. •.........•......... $


B.I ............ . ... ................. Dumagocte ........ . .. . ..... . B·l . ...... .......................... Dumaguete ." .............. . 11·1 ............................ . .... Dumaguete ....... . .. " .... .. B.l T ••.•••••..... ••.............. . .•......•..•... . •...•• . • ..••. ' B·l ....•..•••................•. . .... Dumaguete . .. . .. • ........ . .. B.l T ... . .•........ •...... ........ . .. . ... . .. . . . ......... .. •. . .... B-1 ....... ... ....................... Larena ....... . .... . ... . .... . B·l T .•... .. •.........• •....... ..................•...........••.. B-1 ............. . . . ....... _.. ..•. ' •. Dumatue te ......... ... ..... . B·l .................. ........ ....... Dumaguete ................. . B·l RT ............ • ...........•.....•.... _..•.•..•...........•.•. B-1 T •.... . ••.........••..........•.....•.. : .....•... •. . •...•.•.• B·1 ...... . .. . ....................... Dumaguele . ...... ... . ...... . B·I . ............. ................... Dumaguele ... . ... .. ........ . B.1 ...... . ................. . ........ Larena . ......... . ......... . B·l ...... .............. ........... .. Larena .................... . B·l T •.. .. ..•....•••.•........................•........... '" ..•• D· l •.•• . .•..•.. ................••.•• Dumal;uete ......••.....•.. . . B·l ... . ............................. Larena . ...... . .... . ....... . B-1 ... . ...... . .... .................. Dumal;uete .. . .............. . B·l T . .. ........................................ . ....... ' •• , .... . B.I R ••.•••......... ••. ......................••......•... . • •• • ..• B·I T .. .••. . •......•••...... ...... ..•............•......•....... • B.l ............ .... ........ ... ...... Sial(ln ............. .. ...... .

20 20 20 20 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

5 20 20 20

20 20 20 20 20

5 20


Important Place:Bail Central (Bais)

••..•....••.•. , .... $ PO 8.1 T .... .. ••...... . ••...........................••••••• , ••.•••. •


AgUiar• • . .•• . . • ....•.••.••.•••...•.•• . $ PO B·l .. ....••...............• .. ....... Cuy(l •.•••.........••• .. .. . • Dacuil ••..• . ................•. • •..• ..•• $ 1'0 B·l R .. . .••.........•••................................. • ...•..•• Cagayaneillo ........................... $ PO B·l .................. ............... Manila ......... . ......... ..

5 20 5


:::::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: ~g ::~ ~: ::::: :::::::: :::: ::::: :::: :::: ::: ::::: :::: :::: ::: ::: :::::::: ~uERTo·iiRiNCE·A············ ·· ··S ~:~~n


1'0 B:l ••••.....•• • .................•... Puert(l Prince!B •....••• .. •. S .•.. , ......•••• $POBIR ••...•..... .... •• • ................ .. ........................ ....... . ...................... S PO B·l ........... . ........... ..... '" •• Bacuil ...........•..... ... • .


20 5 20 None


~b~r~an ....................... ... ... . . $ PO B-1 .. ............. ......... ......... Puerto Pr;nCCIoa ...•..... . •• BBlae .. • .. .. .......... .. ............ SpOB·IR .. ....... .............................. ... ................ .. rookes Point •....................... $ PO B-1 R ..................••......................... . ........•..•...

Important Places: traceU (Seal of Dumaran) ...•.....•.•••.••.•• . .•• ••. •••••..... .. ...........................•.........••.•...• Clr~mlY (P. Princesa) ................. 5 PO 3·1 .................. . .............. Manila ......... ............ . Duhl~n «Leper Colony) ................ $ PO B·l R ........................................................... . I anb~g pT • y: ay ) ..... . .... . .... . ................. . .... . ...... Manilll. ....•.......•. Manila •. . ... . .•........ . ..• S":t~ I'B' e~a Col;nr (I'. Prince$!) ..... 8 PO B_1 ..................... ............ Puert(l Princen ........... .. 11 0 ID l uan ( Iawan) ....................... R ...................................... ..... ................ ..

None 20

20 None None 20 N(ln e 5 None

PAM PANG A Aorelel .... .•......... .•.......••.•••• $ Apalll .................................. $ ~r.r ~t ..... .. ..... . .............. . . . ... $ acoor . . ..••• . . • •••••••. . • ... •••••••• $


D-l B·l B·1 B·I

T • ... ..• • . ...... .....• • • ...............•..... . .......• •• •... . T ..................... ... .................... . ............. . . T ... . ................ . ........................ . ... ... ....... . T • .. .•.••......•.....• •.. ..••.......•• • •... . .•. ...• • •• ••. . •. .


5 10 10



Municipality. Municipal Di,uict. or Bouio

l nformfJ/ion

Candaba .•...................•.......... 8 PO Floridablanca .......................... 8 PO GUlgua •.................••............ ,$ PO Lubao ...................•••....•....... 8 PO Mabalac.t ............ . • , • •............. S PO Mac.bebe ................... , ... 8 PO Magalang .................••............ 8 PO Muantol ., .......... . ...............•.. 8 PO Me-ico ...............................•. $ PO Minalin ................................ 8 PO Pone .................................. 8 PO SAN FERNANDO .................... 8 PO San Luia ..................• • ..•........ 8 PO San Simon .. ..............••........... 81'0 Santa Ano ........................ . ..... 8 PO Santa Rita ............................. 8 PO Sexmoan ....••.......................•. S PO

B·l 8.1 B·l B·l 8.1 8.1

8.1 8·1

8.1 D.I D.I B·l 8·1

B·l B·l B·l B·}

Nearest Money Order Office

Neorut Tdelraph Office

F .......• .................. ..... San Fern.ndo ............. . F ...... ......................... San Fernando ............. ,. T .......•.............................•....................... T ........ •••................ ......................... • ........ F .. .......... . • •.............. .. Ans:elea ..... , •.............. T ........ ........ . ...................................... . T . .............. . ............•..••...... , ...... , ....... . F............. .. . . ........• Mac abe be .................. . F .......•..... " .•.............. San Fernando •.............. F .... .. . . ....................... Apalit ............•..•...... F .•... . . . ...... , .•.............. Angeles .•................... T ......... .. .......................... . .................... , .. F ....... . ......•••.............. Apalit ..................... . F .•............................. Apalit ..................... . F ....... .. ...................... Son Fernando ...... • •....... F...... ...... . ............... Guagu . ... ................. .. F .......•......... • ......... .... Guagua .............•••......

Important Places:Del Carmen (Florid.blanca) .....•..•.. 8 PO 8·} T .•..... . .................................................... Fori Siotacnburg (Army Rescn'alion) ..•. 8 PO 8·} T ...•... •.................. .................................. Camp D.u (Mabalacat) ................ 8 PO 8·1 F......... .. ..... Fort Sioisenburg ............. . PANGASINAN Agno ............. , ..................... 8 PO B.l F .......... ..................... Dagupan .. ............ . .... . Aguilar ....•.......•....... . .........•.. 8 PO B·1 F ............ .. . ..... . .......... Lingayen .....•.......••••••. Alamilloa ..................... .. ........ 8 PO B·l T .. .............. .. ......... . ............................... . Ale.l •................. .••...••......•. 8 PO B·1 T . ...•..•........................................•••......... And •................... ••.............. S 1'0 8·1 F ....•..•. .............•........ Alamino, ............... • ••.. Asingall .......................•........ 8 PO B·1 T •...•.............••••......•....•........................... Balungao ..................•........... 8 PO B·} F . .•.......... ....• •• ........... Paniqui ................. . Bani .................. ... . . .. ... . .... . .. 8 PO B·l F .... . ..... ..................... Dagupan ................... . n .uti slu ....•..................••....... 5 PO B·l T... ...... . ............ ... ...................... . ............. . .....••.•..... 8 PO B·} T . .. ...... . ..•••........ ... .. .. ........•••.. . .•....... Binslonan ......• . .............. . ..... . . 8 PO 8·1 T ....... • ... . ...... .................... . Binmolc)' .............................. S PO 8·1 T... ...... . ...•••• . .... .. ............................... Bolinao ..................... . ........... 8 PO B·l 8ugallon .............................. S PO ij.] F ................ .. ........ Lings)'en .................. .. 8u rgo•.•........................... ..•• 8 PO B·l T ...••..... .• ••• . , ..............• .. .•.• . ............... .• ••.. Caluiao ........ . ....................... $ 1'0 B.l T ......... ... .............................................. . D.!l"upan ••.•..••..........•• • . . ........ S PO B·l T .......•. ......... • • ••............... .. ..............•• •• •.. Duol .................................. $ PO B·l F .. ................... . .... .. Dogupan .................. .. fUranl a . ............... . ................ 8 PO B·l F ............. .. .............. . Dagupall .................. .. Labrador . .............................. 8 PO B·l F ....... . ..... . ......... ........ Dagllpan .................. .. LINGAYEN ............... ........... 8 PO 8·1 T .. ...... ................. . .................................. . Mabini ................•............... $ PO B·l F •...... • •..•.•.•..•.....•. , ..•• Dagupan ................... . Maluiqui .............................. $ PO B·l T......... . ................ .. ............ . ..... .. Manaoag . ..............•.....••........ $ PO B·l T •........... • •• •............ ••.••••.•................... .• •• Mangaldan .................•......• , ..• S PO B·l T ...•........ • • ••.... .........••...•............... •• • • ...... Mangolarem ........................... $ PO D·I T .. ................................ .. .............. . ....... . Mapandan ....... .. .... ... .• .• ......... 5 PO D·l F ... ....... .. ......•••... . . ....•. Mangaldan .....•... . ....... Na tividud .............•.••. • • • ••.•••... $ PO B·l F •......•... . ..............•...• T.1yug •••.................... I'ozorrubio .........•.•..........•...... 3 PO B·1 T .•.....•....... •• • •.. ...... ..•• . ••. . •••. -: •........• • •• •• .... Ronle •....•.••.•...•. •.............••. 8 PO B.l T •. ..... . ........•............•..•. . . •..............•••••.... San C.rl,:.. ............................. S PO B.l T .......... ........ . ........................................ . San Fab ian .•.•..............•• • .....• .. $ PO B.1 T .......•........••........... . ......... • ..•........••••• • ... San J acinto ••....... .• •••••••. .. •. . ... $ PO 8.1 F .•••...•..•'o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dag upan ......• •• .....•..•.. S.1n Manud ••.............•••.... . .. .. . 8 PO B.l F ..••...•....................... Dagupan ...•..••••.........• San Nicolas ............................ $ PO B·l F ......... ...................... Ta)'ug ...................... . San Quinlin ..........•.......•........ $ PO B·l T ....•.. . ..........•..........••• •. •••••••................ • .. Sanla Barbara .... . •••• • ...•.....•. .. . $ PO D·l F . .. ..•. . . •.• .................•. Dagupan ....... • • • • • ........ Santa Maria •.............• • • •......... $ PO B·l F. . .......... .. • , ....•....•.. Toyug •••......•.••••........ Santo Torno, .......................... S PO D·} F ........ ....................... Rosales ................... .. Siaon •..............•.....• ••. ...••..•. 8 PO B·1 F . . ...•. . .. •.................•. Dagupan •....... . •••.. ...... Sual ....••••.....•..•..•••• • •• ...•..••.. 3 PO B.l F •••... . .... • .•................. Dagupan ..........• .• ••.. ..• 1'ayul:" ..•. , ••••..•..••••.••••••••..•••• SpOB·IT •.••••.•...........• • •.....•.• . ••. ..••..•... •.........•.•.•• Umingan .•..•..•.••.... . .•.••••........ 8 PO B.l T •••••• . •...........••........•.•••..•••••........•••.•••..• • Urbiuondo .•...... . .•...•••••.....•.... 8 PO D·1 F •..•........................... San Curloa •......•. • ... •••• Urdonela ............... .. .............. 8 PO D·l T............. . .................................. .. "illuia •... . .• • ....... . . . • •••.... ... . . . . 8 PO D·1 F ..••. . ••..................•.•.. DagupDn . ........... ••• • ...•

T..... .......

RIZAL Angono ............ .. .................. Anllpolo .......... . .. .. ................ 8 Baru . ................. . .............. S Binangonan .......... .................. 8 Cainta ............ .. . ............... . .. $ Caloacan .............••.....•. . ..... . . . 8 Cardona ..................... . ......... 8 lalajala ............................... S Lu Pffi u ............................. S Makati ..........• • ••••........•••..••• 8 Malabon ..............••............••. $ MDndaluyon ...... .. ...... .... .... .... .. $ Marikina •. ' ....•......•....... • ....... . 8 Monlolban ............................. S Morong ......... . ...................... S Munlinlupa . . . .. ..... .... ... ........... 8


B·2 B·l B·2 B.l 8·1 B·1 D·} 8·1 B·l B·l B.1 D.l B·l B·l B·l B·l

. ......................................... .

............ Tayt.), ........ .... .. Manila .................... . ................................. Manila . .................... . ................................. i\tanila . ................... .. ...... . ........ ............. . .... Manila ..................... . ................ . ............ .... Manila ..................... . T ......••.............••......•..•...........••.... • ......... ................. . . ...... ........ Manila .................... .. ............. ............ ........ puig .................... . .. .......................... , ...... Manila ............... , .. .. .. •.•••.••.•...... • ••.............. Manilu •.................••.. T .............................•.•• • . ..•......•••............. ...... .. .... .... ... .......... .... Monila ................. . .. .. T •........................ . ... . ..•.....•••.........•......... ............................. ... . p;].Iig ......••.....•..... , . . . ........ ......................... Maoila •..•..••.••.••••••.••• .................... ..... .... . ... 8iiiDn. Laguna ., .......... ..

Limit 0/ IVei,ht i.


,. ,. ,.,. 10 20



10 5

,. "" ,.,. ,. ,.,. 20


5 5

20 5

I. 20



" ,. ,. 10 20 5


10 20 20 20

,. ",. ,. 10 10

20 5

,.,. 10 ,.,. 5



10 20 5 5


10 10 5 20


10 20 20 20

,. 10 20 5

,. ,. ,. 10


10 10 10



Plol.1ince. Municipality. Municipal District. or BlJrrio


N...otu ............................. . . 1 ParaiioqulI ...•...... . ................ . . 1 Pany •.........•..•. •...... . ........... 1 PASI G ................................ $ P.lero, . .•.••.••....................... $ PiliU..................... . ............ $ SaD Juan del Monle ...... ... .......... $ San Maleo •..•..•........ .. ...••••..•. $ Tagi, ••.•.. . ........................... 1 Tan.y . . ......... . ...................•. S Tarlay ................................. $ Terela ......... .... ...... .. ............ 1


B·l B· l B·l B. l B.1 B.1 B·1 B·l B·1 8·1 8·1 B·l

Neorest Money Older a/tic'

NelJrtst Tete· ,/lJph OJfjce

. .. .......................... . ... Malahon ••........ . .•...•• . . ......... . ....................... Manila ..................•••• TR ....•....................... . .• . .•• . •............•••.... . •• T ............................... .. .................... ... .. .. ....... . .•............ •• • ..... . .. Puij: ..... . . • .....•.•..•.• .• .. .. . .. .......................... P~ig .. .................. .. . ................................. Manila ........ . ............ . ....................... .. ........ Pui' .•..... . .•.. . ....•••••• .•••.•...•............. • •.....••. Pasi' • •..•....• • ........•••• ...•..... . ....................... Pui&" •..•..•... • •••..•. . ...• ... ..... .... . ............. Manila .................... .. ................................. Manila .................... ..

I mpo r tant P laces: Fe>tt WIn. MeKinler (Ar my Ru erv-'ie>n). 1 PO B· 1 T ..... .. ........... ............. ...................... . .... .. Murphy (Army R«enation) ..... 1 PO B·1 T .. .. ... . ........ ........... .. .. Maniia .................... .. Camp Nichol. (Army Relenation) ................... . ...... Manil............. ... Manil ................. .. ... . R OMBLON BlIdajol •....•... . ..... . ................ $ PO B·l T ..•... .. .....................•................. . ........• • .. Cajidiocan ..........................•.. $ PO B·l R •••.... . ............... . ...••.•••.•..•.•.......•.•....••.. Concepcion ................• • •• .....•.• $ PO B·I •........•......... '" .........•. Pinamaiayau .. . .•..• • • .. •• • • Corcuera ................. . .... . ........ PO B·2 ............ Romblon ............. Romblon ...... . .... .. ...... . Deapujol ....... . •......... ••.........•. 1 PO B·l ..... . ..................... ' ..... Odiongau ............... . .. . . Jonu ......... .. .......... ... ......... $ PO B· l R ................................ Romhlon ............... . .. Looe . . ..... . ..•... . • •• •.........•.•.••• $ PO B· l T ..•...••.....................•........... . .....• • .... ...•. •• Mardiwang .. . ..... . ... . .... . ........... $ PO B· l .. . ... . ........ ................ .. C.j idiocan ................ . . Odiongan .....•.....................•.. S PO B·l TR ..................• • ...........•.••.•...•...............•.. R O M BLON •. . ..... . ...........•...• 1 PO B·1 T .•....•.•............ . •.................•.......••.........• San Fern.ndo ..... . .•................. $ PO B·} ................ .. ............... C.jidioc.n . ........... . ... ..

Im por ta n t P lace: Dulanga.n (Mardiw10l:) ..... . ..............................•. . ..... . •......... ............. .. .•.....•••. . .•...• . . SAMAR Al len .... .•.•..••... . ..•....••••..•.•••• $ PO B·l T •• . ••. . •..............•................. . .. . ..... • .......... Almagro •..... . ................. .. ..... $ PO B.l ....•••.. . ......... • . •..... ...... Calbayog ... . ..•.••........ •. Balaogiga .........•..•... . . . •••. .. . .... $ PO B· l R •••••• . •.• • ......................... . .. . ........•.• • .•..•... Buey ..... " ......... . ........ . .. . . .. .. 8 PO B.l T ......... .. ......................... . ............. .. ...... .. Bobon . ..•• . ...•• • • .•....... . .......... $ PO B·2 ...... . .. . ......... • • • .. . .....•. Calarman ...•.....••.•..... • Boroog.o .. ............................. S PO B·l TR ..................................... . ..................... . Ca!bayog .. ..........•..•...•••.......•. $ PO B. l T .... . ..•... • .......................................•••..•... Calbig••...............•...••• • .. . .••.. $ PO B·} T . ••...••... •••..............................•......•••.. . ... Capul • . ...........•.•.........•..•..•.. $ PO B·l ......... . ....................... Allen .......... .. .......... . Calarman . . . . .................. . ........ $ PO B.1 T .. , ••..•............•.............•..•...••..........•.. . •. . . CATB ALOGAN ........•......••... $ PO B.l TR .... . .. · ........... . ......................... . .... . ..... . .. . . Calubig ...•........••..•...... • ....••.. 1 PO B.l T ..................... . ....................... .. .. .. ......... . Doloret . ...... . ........... .. ........... 1 PO B·l ...... . ..... ... ..... . ... ' ........ Oru . ....... .. ............. . Gandara •..•..•..•.....•. . ......• . ...... 1 PO B.1 T .•.............•............•....................••..•••••• Guiuan ... .. ............... ..... ...... .. 1 PO B·l T .... ... : ...... .. ........................................... . Hemani ..... .. ................ .. ....... 1 PO B·l T......... . Laoang . . . . ...•.••....... . . . •••........ 5 PO B·] TR ................... ••....•.•...••......•. . ....... . ••.•...•. Luezarea .............................. $ PO B. l .. .......... . .................... Allen .. .... . ..... . ......... .. Llorenle ....................... ... .... 5 PO B·l T .... . ........................................... . ......... . . .. Mond raron ......................... . .. $ PO 8.1 ........... .. •••................. Catarmall. •.•••••••••••..••.. Oquendo ........... .. . .... . ........... $ PO B·l T ................................................ . ........... . Ora............... .. ....... ........... 8 PO B.l T .............. . .. .. · . . . . ................................... .. Palapag .•.........• • •...... . ....... . .. 5 PO B· l T ......... . ........ . . . ........................ .............. .. Parnbujan ............................. $ PO B·l To. ......................................................... .. ~a l cedQ .. : .......................... .. . 5 PO B·l T ........................................................... .. an AnlOnlo ..........•................ 5 PO B·2 . ........ . ..... . .............. .. . Allen ..................... .. San J ulian ............................ S PO 8·1 ................... '" ......... . . Borongan .... . ...... . ...... . Sanl. Marrarill ......•................ s PO B·l .................. . .............. Calbayog ................... . Sanla Rita ............................ $ PO B-1 ....... . ........ . ........ . ....... Tadobau ......... . ........ .. Santo Niiio ............ .. .............. $ PO B·} ..... . .. .. ....................... Calbayog ................... . Suial .••..•..... . ......• • • • ..........•.. $ PO B.l T ........ . ............. •• ...... . ........ . •......... , • • ..•• . ... ~a ft . .. .............. .. . .. .............. $ PO B.l T ........................................ . ..... . ............ .. ~rangn80 •.. . . . ...• •• ..• . ............. $ 1'0 B·l T .... .. ..•...• ••................. Calbaiogan • ..•.....•.•. . ... ~~Itrnbacan ........................ . ... 8 PO B.} .................. . .............. Oquendo . .. . ............... .

Limit 01 "ei,h,



10 20 20 20 20

" " • 10

20 20


None Non. 20 20

10 20


" "

S 20


Nonl 10

10 S



S 20 20

10 20 20


S 20 20 S 20 S S 20 20 S

10 20 20

10 S 20

10 10 S S S 5

i~a~l:~::::':'::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~g :~! !::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;::::::


~?ncbrd • •• • •·•·· · •· •••• · • •···· ••• • ••• ... ...••••.. . ...•••• . . . Wrighl ............... Wri&"hl ......•.••......•••..• Jl ml angan ••. .. .•••• •.••.....•.•..••.• . . . •....•... . .•..••••. Wrighl ............... Wrighl . ...............•••••• M~rad ................. . ... . ......... . ...................... Oras ................. Oraa ............. . ......... . M og. ••·····•·····•··············· .... ..... ............ . ... Oru . ................ Oras .. ................ .. .. S alu';lInao d . . . . ..................... . .......... . ..... . ....... Gaodara ...••........ Gandara ............ . ... . .. :: an (lSe e Buan •••............•.....••.•........•.. . • . .. Wrirhl ..•............ Wrighl •... . ...........•• . •• .

None None None None None Nonl

M unlclpa l DI8t·8 .-

I m porta n t PJaces:-


fuan,:i~ ( Bo~cn) .. .., ... .... ....... 1 PO B-1 T ........................................................... . ope

e ega alannan ••.•.. .... . T ....•..• . . Catarman ........••....... '" .....•..•..•...• , ••• S O R SOGON ::coelon .. · ...... .. · .... ··· .... .. ....... 1 PO B. l T ................................. .. ......................... . Bulan I .. ·••········ .. · .......... . .. . S PO B.l ....... . .................... . .... SO"ogoo ................... .

~!~a:a~':::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::::::: ~g t!~::::::: ::::::::::::: ::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

10 20


Non. 20 20 20 20




Provin ce , MunicipolilY. Municipal Dillriel or Barrio

NfllJrut Money


Order OllicfI

Neorest Tele· ,roph Oflju

Cutilla , ....... ' ....................... S PO B·) .... ........ . ........... Sorsogon ...............•.... Donso1 '" ... _._ . . ...... .... ............. S PO D·l T ... ....... '" .", ... ,' ........................ _.... _...... . Gubat .................. .. ............. $ PO B· ) T ........ .. .................................................. .

Irosi n ............ .. ................... 8 J uban ............. . ••.......... 5 Magallan e. .............. ... • .......... $ MatnOI: ............ . .........•.. $ Pilar .... . ..................... . ........ $ Prieto Diu ......... . ... ........ .. $ Santa I\Iagd.1en a .. ......... S

PO PO PO PO PO PO PO SORSOGON ................ . ........ $ PO

B.1 D·I B.l B·l B·l B·l B.1 B·I

T ........ .. .................. .. ................... . .......... . T .. ...... . ....................... . ......................... . . . T ......... . .......... . ... ...... ................ . ............ . ........... ... ... ... ............. BuJuaa n ..............••••• . T ........• ••• •.•.................................. • •.......... ................................. Gubat .................... .. . ...... .................. .. Bulusao ................... . .

T ...... .





KiloJ 5 20 20 20 20 5 5 20 5 5 20

Importa n t P lace:Pulilo

...............•..•... •.• PO B·l T ........................................................... .


SULU JOLO . ................................ PO B·l R .. . ....... ....... ......................................... . . M u nlclpaI DI8t'8.-



Dalimbinr ...................... . . .. ..... . ......... . ...•.. Donrao ............... BODgao ............ ••. ...... Bongao .....•........................... $ PO D· I R . . . . .•••........... ....... ........................ • •• • . . .... Cag.yan de Sulu ...................... S PO B·1 R.... .. ........ ..... . ............................. . ... . . Indanan ...............•..................... . . . .....•••• . •.. 1010 ................. 1010 .. . ............. • • •...... L.p.Tln . .................................. . .......•.••. ..• .. Bongao ............... 80nl:ao .............•....... Luuk ......................................................•.. 1010 ...............•. 1010 •................... • • • • . M.imbunl ............•••..................••. . .....•..•.. 1010 ................. 1010 •...•...............• • ••. Matunn: ............................................... . ...... 1010 ................. 1010 , .................... .. . . P. n.m lu ................................ .. ................... 1010 ....... .......... 1010 •............•......•••.. P anrut. r.n ..............•................... . .... . .......••. 1010 ................. 1010 ., ................... •• •. Paun, ............•••................................. . . , .. 1010 ................. 1010 ...................... • •. P at. ............... ... ..... ..................... ... • .•.. 1010 ................. 1010 . ....................... . Patiku! . ................. • • . •.......................•....••.. 1010 ................. 1010 . .... ............. ...... . Sini .. ................... . ............. $ PO B.l R ...................................................... . .... . Simunul .............. . ..•••......................•......••.. BOOl:lo ............... Bonl:ao .................... . Sitangkai .............................. 8 PO B· l R ................................ Bongao ....... .. ............ . South Ubi an ...............• t • .•••••..•••..••••..•.•••••••• . Bonlao ............... 80ngao .................... . Talipau . ................. ... ........................... . . . 1010 ................. 1010 ........................ . Tandub.. . ........................ . . ..... . ................. Bongao ............... Booglo ........... . ..... . . . . Tandu·Luuk ................................ . .. . ....... . ...... 1010 ................ . 1010 ...... . . . ............... . Tapul ••..•.•...............................•••••• • . . .•••.•.. Sii..i ...............•. Siui . . ..................... . TUD J kil •..••.•..•••••......................••••....•.•.. ..• .. 1010 ................. 1010 .......... ........ ...... .

None 5 5 None None Non e None None None None None None None 20 Non e 5 None None None None None None

Important Place:Batobato (Bonlao)

........................••..........•.... . Bon~.o ...........................••...•.•


SUR I GAO 8 .cua, . ....... . ........ ... ............. $ PO B.1 . . ..•.. . • . ....................... Gil:aquit ...•....•..• ••. .... . Bi. li, ...•••...•..••.......•••..•...... . , PO D.1 .....•...•.. . • . •.•............•.. Hin.tuln ••.......•... •• •• .. Cantilln ... .. ....•.............. , ......• PO B.1 T ........• • •.................... . ...... . ..........•.......... CarrUC11 ..................... . . ........ $ PO D·l ... . .... . ...... .... . . ......... . .. Cantilan ................... . Dapa ......... . ..... • • • • ............... $ PO B·l R ......•• ............ .............................•.......... Dinagat ..................... . .......... $ PO 8·1 ................................. Surigao .................... . Cener. 1 LUnJt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . $ PO 8·2 ................................. Dapl .................... .. . Gig aquit ............ . ................... $ PO B·l T ........................................................... . Hinalu. n ............................... S PO D·I R .................................... . ...................... . Lan uu .............••.•....•.........•• PO B·2 ..•••....•.. C ~ntil~n ............. CaotiJ.D ......•... . ...... . ..• Li angl ...............••.•.............. $ PO B·I R .. ••• .••••. .•••.•....•.••.•••• •• Surigao ••.•.•............• •• Lingi, ................................. , PO B·I •..... . ..... ..... . .......... ..... Hinatuan .....• • •........... Loret o ... ....... ....... .......... $ PO D·l R ................................ Surigao .. .................. . Mainit •...................... ••.. ..... . $ PO B.l ......... . ...... . . ....... ......•. SuriglO .................... . Num.oeia .............................. $ PO 8.1 ..... . ...•....................... Dap l ... . .................. . Placer ...•............................. $ PO B-1 T ........... . • •................................ . .••.......... SURIGAO ................... . ........ $ PO D·l TR ........ . ........................................ . ........ . Tago ................................... $ PO B·I ••..•............................ Tandag ..•.•.•• • ....•......• T .nda, ................................. $ PO B·I R ..... . .•...................... . .... . ..................•• • •..

20 5 5 5 10 5 5 20

10 5

1. 5

5 20 10 20 20

20 20

M u n icipal Dist r icts: nahi •.•••.•...............................................••. Su.illao ....•......... Su rig ao ••.. . .......... ••• . . . Dayoyo •............... . .•..... . ....•.•.......•..........•... Cantilan ............. Cantilan .................•.. Cabangahan ............ . ..................................... Cantilan .......... . .. Cantilan . .................•• Cole!o .••••........................... • ••• ........... . ....•.. Hinatuan ............ HinatuaD ........••.•.•.•.. • . D.yat.gon ............................ ••• ..................•.. 5urigao .............. Surigao ..............•...... 1.vier .. ...............................•..• •• • •.... ........ . •. Hinatu . n ........•... Hin. tu an ...••............... Lib., ..............................••• •• ..................•.. T .nd.g ....•......•.. Taodag ...... . .............. . Maylg ................................................. . ..... PI&eer ............... Placer .....................• I'ag!iilan .................................................... Hinatuan ........ . ... Hinatuan . .................. . P4maypayan ........................... .. ..................... Hinatuan ............ Hinatuan ...........•........ San hidro .............................. . ................... Surigao .............. Surigao .................... . San Migu el ................................. . ..... . ......... Tandag .............. Tandag •....... " ........... . Sodano ................................. ••• .• •. ...........•.. Hinatuan ........•... H inatuan ..... . ............. . Unioo •...•........ . .................. •• ••................. .. Hin. tuan ............ HiDa!UaD . .......••.•..•.....

None None NOlI.e None None None None None None None None None None NOD e

Impor tant P laces: Borbo.nan (Billig) • . ...•..... . .. . .......• • •••....... . .. . . . ........................... . .........•.........•.. . .. Macopa (Suligao ) .. . .................•........... . •...•..••..... .... .......................•.•.•...•.•...••.... Pili (Surig.o) .. . . . .................... . ............. .. ........... .... ................ . ..... . ...... _.......... . Sibahay ( Cantilan) .................................................................... . .. . . . ................. . Tarbiyani (MaiDit) .•.......•.•......•......••.................... ................ ....••.• • • • .. . ............... Port Limon (HiDlluan) ................ PO B·I R ................................................ . .......... .

None None None Non e None 10



Province, Municipoliry. Municipal Dj,ujcf or Borrio


Neorest MOIIey Order Office

Limit oj Wei,ht i. Kilo,

Neorelt Telc· ,roph Office

TAR L.... C

An'o ...•...........•.• ,', ... " ....• , ...• PO B·l r, ...... ., ............ , .. , .... ,.P.niqu; .. , ...•...•...•. . .. .. 8.mb.n ................................ S PO B·l F ...... . ........................ Cenlral Luzon ............. . Cam.iling •.............•..............•• & PO 8·1 T ....................•. • ..............•..... . ........••• • ••.• C.pu ........... •..... ................. &POB·IT .....• • .......... • •.......... . ......•.•..... . ... . •..••.• •• •• Concepcion .•...••........•............ S PO B.l T .................• • .....................................•••• Geron • .................•..............• S PO B·1 T ............ . ....••.......... . .............. . •• , .........• • • La Pu ................................. 5 PO B.I F •.....•........................ Tariac •.............•••.....• Mayanloc ...............•............... $ PO B.I F •.....••...•••................. Tarl.c ..•......... • •........ Moncada ......•.•...........•....•..... $ PO B·l T . ................ . • • ......................... . ...........•. . Paniqui ................................. S PO B.l T .. ~ ...................................................... .. . Pura ................................... $ PO B·l F . .............. . ............... Cerona .................. . .. Ramn. .................................. $ PO 8·1 F .... . .. . ..... . ... . ............. Paniqui .............. .. ... .. San Clemente ......................... $ PO B·2 F .... .... ... .. .................. Camiling ............. . .... .. Sao Manuel ....... . ................... $ PO B·1 F ....... .. ...................... Moncada ..... .. ........... .. Santa Ignaeia ......................... S PO B.l F ....... .. .... . ................. Tarlae ..................... . TARLAC ........................ " ... 5 PO B.l T ................... .. .. ........................ .. ......... .. Victorio .•.••. , ....................•... . $ PO n·l T ...... . ............. • •..........................•••••..• , . .•

5 10 20

10 5 10 20

5 10 20

5 5 5 20 20 20 20

Imporrant PlacC!s: CenlTal Luzon (Bam ban) .............. $ PO B· l T ....... . .......................... .. ............... . .... .. . . San Miguel (Tadac) .................. $ PO B·l T ....... .. ...................... . ... .. ........ . .. . .......... .

5 5

T AYABAS Alabat •.................... , ..••....•.. $ PO B.l R, •.. . .•....•........• • •......................... • •• ..•.. " .• Atimonan .•..................... . .• , ... $ PO B· 1 T .....• . .......••..........•....... • •..•......... • ••.....•... Aurora .......................• •. ...... $ PO B·l R .......•• • .••..••..••. • •••••••••••.••••••.•••.•••.•• • •• •• •••• Baler ..... .. ........................... $ PO 8·1 R ........................................................... . Calauag •......................... . ...•. 8 PO B·l T ...•............. .....•. ................... ..... . •• • ........ Candelaria ............................. 8 PO B·l T .•..•..• . • ....... .......... ..... ... ................ • .•....•. Cuigurao •............... . ............. $ PO B·1 R .......•.............. . ............•....•....•• . ...••• •. .... Calanauan ............................. $ PO B· l R ........••.......................•••...•...........•........ Dolore. .•.•............... ••• •......... $ PO B·l F .....•.•....•••................ Tiaonc .................•••. General Luna ................ ...... ..... $ PO B·1 F ............................... Ma calelon ............... .. . Guinayangan ...•............. • •f ' •••••• $ PO B.1 T .•.•..••... . ....... ... , . .. .......................... • • •.... Gumaea ...................... ••. ....... S PO B.l T ......... . ........ ................. ..................••..... lnlanta ....•.................... , ....... $ PO B·l R •••.•. • •.•........• .•.•...•.•••..•..•••••••.•.•• •• •• •••••••• Lopez ••.......................•........ S PO B· l T ......... . • • ............ , ••. ......... .. •........... .• •...... Lucban ........ . ...................•... 8 PO 8·} T .... . ... ..... ..... . ................ ... .. •.... L UCENA ............................. 5 PO B·l TR . .. . ...... ...... . .................................. . Mac.ldon ........................ ....• S PO B·l T .... ..... .. . ... ........ .......... .......•. Mauban .............................. .. S PO B·l T .... .. . .. . ..... .. ..............................•••. Mul.nay •.....................•........ $ PO B·1 F.... ......... ......... ... .Catan. ua n ........... .... . •• . Padre Burgos .......................... 8 PO B·l T ................... ........ ... .. .................... ... • .... Pagbilao ................. ......... ..... 8 PO B·l T ............ . . ........ .... ..... ................... ... .. • ..•. Perez .................................. $ PO B·l R ... . .............. ................ ................... ... ... . Pitogo •................................ $POB·IT ....... . ............. . ...................•.............•• • .. Polilio •................................ $ PO B·l R •. . ••••••..•..••..•...• ••..•.•...•. ..•.......•.•. . •••••.•.•• Quezon .... .. .................... $ PO B.l R .. . .... . ............................................... .. .. . Sampaloe . .............................. $ PO B.I F ............................... Lukban ............... .. .. .. San Narci~o .. . ........... . ............. 8 PO B·l R .... . ......... .... .............................. , ............ . Sariaya .. .... . ........................ .. 8 PO B. l T . . ....... . .............................................. .. .. Tagkawllya n •...•. •. . . •............ . .... 8 PO 8·1 T ... . . . . .. . ..... . ........................................••• Taya bas ........... . ....•..••........... S PO B· l T ••.... .•.. . . .............. • ............... • • ............ •• .. Tiaong .•...........................•..• S PO B· l T. ....... •.. . . . . ......•.................................••• Unisan ............•...................• S PO B·l T.. .....•. • • • •. . .........• ..... ..........••........••. • •

Importa n t P laces: Agdangan (Unisan) .................... $ PO B·l T .................................... .. ..................... . Alon ero, (Guinayangan) ........•....... S PO B·l T ......................................• .. .......• •• ......... Calabgan (Rese rvation) ................. $ PO B. l ................................. lI ondarua .................. . Hondagua (Lopez) .... . ................ 8 PO B·l T ...... . ................................... ....... •.......... San Roque (CalauQIi:) •....... . .............................•. Calauag .................•.............. . ......• • •

20 20

10 5 10 10 5 20

5 5 20 20


10 20 20

20 20




20 20

10 5 20 20 20

5 20

5 20

10 20


10 Non~

Z AM BALES Botollln .•.••........................... $ Cabangan ...•........................... $ Candelaria ............................. $ Castillejos .............................. $

IBA ..................••••............ $ Mninloe . . ..... '" •••••............. ... S Palauig ...•......•..................... $ San Antonio .........••••.....•........ $ San Felipe ....... . .... .. . .............. S San Marcelino ...... • • • , ............... 8 San Narciso ............................ $ ~an!a Cru~ ....................... . ..... $ uble •...• . .... . ......•................ $


8.1 B.} B·1 B·l B· l B·l B·} B·l B.} B· l 8·1

T . . ............... ....................... ..... ' •.....••. . .•. . T ...................................................• • ....... T .............. . ........................................... .. F . ..... .. . .. .................... Subie ...................... . T ... . ..•.... ..... . ••.... .......................... . ••........ T .............. . ................................••........... F ...•.. , •...•.•.. ............... lba .................... ••• .. T • ................. . •.............................. . ••....... T .................... ....... ............................... .. T .................. •••..............................•• . ...... T ..................................................... . .... .. B. } T . ........ . ..... . • . •......... ......• • •............• • •..•....• B·1 T ...................• • •...............•••.........•.. •• •..• . .

Importa nt Place:Olongapo (Naval Reservation) .......... $ PO B· l T ..... . . .... .


••••• •

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

•• ,


20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20


20 20 20 20 20


~Ol ~llg ••.•.............................• PO B. l F ... .. ..•....•. • . ........ . ...... Zamboanga ....•..... . ...... .


:::::::::'.:::::::::::: ::: ::::::::t :g ::~ ~~. : :: : : : :::::: ::::: :::::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: :::::::

20 20

• argou tubl, ................ .. ......... $ PO B·} .... . ........... . ................ ZlmboaD,a ................. .



Kabela de Builan

........ .. ..........

PO B-1 R ... .. .......... . ........ . ............................ .. ... ..

~:~~:!: ::::::: ::'.::::::: :::::::'.:::::: ~g :'.! ~::: : ::::::: :::: ::::: :::::: ::::::::: ::::::: :::: ::::: ::~::::::

10 10 20



Province, Municipality, Municipal District, or BarMo

N eares! Mon ty Order Office

I njonnalion

N t arest Telegraph Of!w:

Limit of Weight

in K ilo

Pagadian •......•.................•. • •• $ PO B.I R .....•...•...•.••.......••. ... • • COlabato ••• . .•••••••• •• •••. • Sindangall •..••...........•....... .. .•. S PO B·I R . . •....•..............•... .. . . ..• • ... . ..••• .• ...•••••••••••• Siocon ••.• ", ••..•••...•..•••.......•.. s PO B.1 . . . .• ... ••• . Zamboanga ........ .. . Zamboanga • .. ..••.•••••••..

10 None


ZAMBOANGA..........•.••.. , . ...... $ PO B.I TR ••..... .. ..... . ..... . ............•.... . .. . .......•....... . Municipa l Districts:-


Lamitan .•.••• •• .•.•• , .....••...•..... . 8 PO B.l ••..•• .• ••..................••..• Isabela de Builan ....... . . . Maluso ...... .. .......... . ........... . . . .... . .......... . ..... Isabela de Basilaa ... ha bela de Basilan . .... . .... . Taluksangan .................................................. Zamboanga .... . ..... Zamboanga . .......... . ..... .

5 None None

Important Places:Lumarao (Kabasalan) ......................•..... R ...................................... . ................ . .... . Naga Noga (Margosatubig) .... . ................................... .. ..... . ........................ . ... . ..... ... . Olutanga (Margosatubig) ......... . . .. ........ .. ...................... . ............... ... .................. .. .. . Port Banga (Bangaan) ........................ . .. . . ....................... . ... .. ...................... ... ... . .. . Punta Flecha (Margosa tubig) .................... . ........................ .. ... . ..... , ..•.•• , ......... . .... . . . .. Port Arellano (Malusa) .... . .... , . ... .. .. . ............................. . .. .................. . ... . ..... . . ... ... . Port Holland .............................. , . . ..•. R .. . ................ . . . ... . . . ... ............... .. ........... . ~

NODe NODe NODe None NODe None NODe

Rates on Domestic Telegrams Schedule 0/ Rate! on Domeuic TelegTcm~ between Manila ond ony telcguph office in the following provinces, fOf the fint 10 wordB or less. The charge fOT each word oyer 10 is one· twentieth of the 10·word tatcs shown below. Date, address and signalUre are not charged for:


Plain ordi·



""Y Abra •.....•.........•....•.•..••.• , ....•... , •••.• ,. Agusan ....................•........•.....•. . •.•.. , Albay ...... . ........•••..•. • .......• • •....•.•..... (a) Cntallduanes Islands ............. . ..•...• Antique .•.•........... , ......................•.... Bataan .......•............•..•....•............... Batanes ................... . ....................... . Baung-n excep t Naaugbu (PO.30) ................. . Bohol ...•.......•.................................• Bulacan .•.•...........................•.. .. .•....• , Cagayan ••••...............................••..•... (a) Abulug ., .......... . • .. •• ....••.......••. Carnarines Norte ...............• • • • • .............•• (a) Dahica n .......... ...... ......... . ...... . (b) Paracale .... .. ......... •• .•.............. Camarines Sur • •.............•. • ••• • .......•....... (a) Caramoall ................ . •..•.....•..... Ca"i: .•........•.......................• . • ..... , ... Cayile •...........•••......••.••.....•...........•. Cebu .........• . .... . •.••. .. .•••.......•....... . ..• (a) S. Francisco Camotes Isl an d ............ . Cotabato e:rcept J'.mbuk (PI.GO) .................. . (a) Lcbak • . .•............................... Davao .... . ....•..•........•.. . ....•......•......... (a) Baganga ... : ..................•...... . •.. (b) Malita ................................. . • (c) Mati ................. • ................... lIoeos Norte ...................................... .. noco, Sur ..................•.. • •• • • •...•..•..•..•.. Iloilo .•...................• . ••• • , ..•..•.••..•.•...• habela ........ ....... . .•....•. •• .......•.....•.. . •. Laguna .....................•• • ••........•.......... Lanao ....................... • ••• • • ......•.......... La Union ............ . .....••..• . • • • •. •. ...•..•. . .. Leyte ••..........•.........• • ••• . •.........•..•... . (a) Sogod . . ... . ..... .. ... . . .. . ............ .. Manila "Citygram" .. . ....... .. ................... . Marinduque ........ . . . ......... .. .. . . ............. . Masbat e E:rcept (.) Rio Guinobatan ...... . ........... . ...... . (b) Balete ....................... .. ......... . ,\1indoro .••... . •................................... ( .. ) Ssn Jose .......... . (b) Tilik .................... .

Plain ordi·

PO.80 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.40 .60

1.80 .60 1.60 .00 1.00 1.00 .80



.80 .80 .80 1.20

.60 1.60 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60

1.00 .80 1." .80

. 60 1.80 .80 1.60 1.60 .30 .80 1.20

Misamis ......... . ........ . .... . .... .. ............. . Mountain • . . . ••. . ..............•••• • • . . . • . .....• . . . (a) Bontoe ................................. . Rds. Suyoc ............••....• • • ............ . • Nueva Ecija ......... ... ......... ... .............. . Nueva Vizcaya ., ......... . ...... . ................ _. Occidental Negro$ ............... . ....... . ........ . . Oriental Negro8 •........•......... •• •.......•• .. ... (a) Siquijor hland ......... . ... . ......... . . . Palawan .. , , ...................................... . (a) Balabac . .. .. ...... . . .. ... . .............. , (b) Cuyo ................. . ............ . .... . (e) Pue rto I'rillceslI , ......... . .......... , .. . Pampanga ......................................... . Pang-uinan ....... .. .•........... . • • • • . . . .. •. , .•.... Riul ...................... . ................ , . ••••.• Romblon .................. . ..... . ... .. . . ...... . .. .. (a) Cajidiocan ............ . .. . . ......... . .. . SlImar .. . ........................ .... ............. . (a) Balangiga .... . ....... ..... . ............. . (b) Zumarraga ........ . . .. . .. .. . ....... . .. . . . SOf8ogon ... . .................. ... .... . . . .......... . Sulu (~)" ·B~~g~~·


. .80 .


." 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.80 1.80 I."

I." .00 .00

.50 1.00 1.00

I." 1.40 1.40 1.00 '.60 2.60 '.60 2.60 1.80 1.80 I... 1.80

(b) Cagayan de Sulu ............ .. .... . .... . (e) Siui .................. . . .. ............. . Surigao ..••..................... . • ••..•.. . ..••...•• (a) Dapa ...... . ............ ... .... . ........ . (b) Hinatuan ........... . .......... . ....... . (c) Tllndag .................. .. ............. . E:rcept (d) Port Lamon .................. . ......... . Tulac •.........•....•................. . ..•..... .. . T ayaba.s ............. . ..........•....•..•...•• (a) Alaba t (e) Casiguran ..... .. (b) Baler (f) Polilio ........ . (e) Catanauan (g) Quezon ........ . (d) Infanta (h) .San NarciBO .. .. Zambale, • •• .•.•. . .. . .........•••. , . •.. . ..••••.••.•• Zamboanga ••.•..•....•. . . . .••.••..•................ (a) habeb de Builan ............•.....•....


EJcept Lumarao .... .................. .... .. .. .. ..... . Port Holland ......•...•. . ....... . , ... , ...... . iCabuaian ............................... .

1.20 1.20 1.20

.60 .60 .80 1>0.80 . 80




.60 .60 .60

." .60

.60 .60

NOTE:-A telegram add ressed to any place withill the limits of the City of Manila may be m ed in the Manila Central Telegraph Olliee for delivery by bicycle messenger. Such telegram will be cop ied by a telegraph operator in the Operating Office on th a regular tele,raph blank. (Form No. 468). The rates are 30 centavos for the first 40 words and one ce nt avo for each additional 4. words or fra ction thereof. No repeat back charge. This iB called "Citygram."



................... .............. ..............

Total amaU'lt Issued



National Treasury December 31, 1940

Amount Euimated destroyed unknown

Amount in T,t:oJ' ury vaults availabl~ for circulation


Htld a& reu ,ve a,aiMt circulat· in, bank noU's


Held in E!Ccho.n,e Slandard Fund and Treasury Ce,ti/i. cau Fund (Pelol )

Amount in oculal circulation or outside of the

. Trt:,y Yaulu

Totol amount in circulation and in TrC(lIIury PaulU available for circul"tion

(oj p" capito




, •

(ll. o • {l2. (13. 83 (8.

.J 1

10. 17


(Pesoa) 4,179,872.01> 3,962,985.50 10,488,671.70 4,138,902.45 162,779,815.00 (c) 1,758,385.00








rn ~ rn












.,, .'. ">rn ., .,. "I

(Pesos) 4,179,658.00 3,908,657.00 10,175,448.30 3,918,062.98 132,197,128.00 1,758,385.00

(Pelol) 214.00 54,328.50 313,223.40 220,839.47 30,582,687.00 (c)

.J 6




(Pesos) 16,114,691.00 2,285.707.50 489,812.90 4.019.99 656,327.00



................... .... .. .....




( Pesoa) 50,8.H.00 15,606.50 27,419.90 10,176.60 364,110.00(c) 41.615.00




31, 1940




(P esos ) 20,405,400.00 6,26<1,299.50 11 ,005,90-$.50 4,153,099.04 161-,925.607.00 1,800.000.00 2,701,300.00 54,613.47) 19,610,558.39

177,644,481.81 200,456,582.33 208,242,974.86 113,668,305.92


Silver peaos Half silver pesos Subsidiary coins Min or eoi!!s Treaaur.y certificates Bank of th e P. I. not es ....... Phil. Nat. DaDk ooles P. N . . D. Emergency DOtes ..... 211,310,223.51

146,104,394.19 170,106,352.88 181,508,096.30 82,177,383.77



31,540,087.62 30,350,175.45 26,734,878.56 31,490,922.15


665,855.00 665,855.00 665,855.00 640,000.00


1,150,325.00 1,565.325.00 3,250,000.00 4,075,000.00


20,006,388.68 19,280,540.25 18,657,602.75 21,481,464.83

CERTIFIED CORRECT: (SGD). A. S. DE LEON Actin, Treasure, 0/ the Philippines .

199,467,050.49 221,968,248.58 230,816,432.61 139,864,770.75

-- .

Based on the 1939 cenuu, of 16,000,303 population. 25% of circulaling hank not ea. These Treasury ccrtificates sr" bllcked up by OtH! hundred per ce nt cuh r cscrve COnsi"linG 01 silve r peaoa s nd half'lilver pesol to the amount of PI6,666,348.OQ !lnd of U. S. dollar deposita in the Treasury of th e United Statea to the aGgregate amount of $73,238,803.50 or PI46.477,607.oo. Th ese emergency Dotes are baeked up by one hundred per ceDt cash leletye conaisling of lawful money 01 th e Philippine! depoaited in the Treasury Va ults, Manila. Maximum net circu lation hod in the PhilippiDel . Mioimum net circ ulati oD had iD the Philippines sincc 1920. Thefe figures were computed aDd adjuSled to confo rm with the above reviaed form of Ita!emenl. Estimated ani),. Dued all th e 1918 ceDa us at a yurly increase of aboul IWO per centum.

TOTAL NOYf;Mu£R 30, 1940 .... .. TOTAL DECI:MU£II 31. 1939 .... .. TOTAL JULY 31. 1938 ( e) TOTAL FUIIUAIIY 28, 1933 (f) (.j (hj




( .j (I)





General Information l. The rate. ,howo are for each domu lie telegram o f not es.eeeding te n ",·oTd" addreu and ligo.ture excluded. 2. F or nch word over ten in a domnli(: telegram, th e chaTC" i. one-twentieth of the ten·word lone rale . 3. For udiorrana and cab leg rams origioat in g at, or destined to. ship stations and point. oUllide of the Philip. p ine hlands, the Bureau 01 Pos t. Iand·line charge for nch work ineluding·addrc!! and l ignalnre is one-tenth 01 the IO-w ord zone Tal" between the two terminal offices of the BUTun o f POlts whicb handl e the radiogn ms or uble· gra m,. For cable-leiters or radiolettcra of 25 wo rds or leu, t he chugo . hall be the ordin llry rale for 8 domestic tcle· gram of len word. ; rOT each add ition al word, tho charge is one· twentieth of the ten· word rate. 4. F or ru sh meen.ges , double the ordinary rate!. 5. For code, cipher. and other repeat back messages. an ad d it ional charge of 50 per ce nt is coll ec ted. 6. The Bureau of P ost. radio '\ltion con tal rate on radiogram. for or from ship slation l jl PO.16 a word, in addition 10 the ,hip', rat e of P.08 or PO.24. 7. Th e charge for a pre$l me ..age of IiIty words or Ie" il equivalenl 10 tllat for. commerci.1 menage of len word. ; for elch additional fiv e words or fraclion Ihe reof, Ih e charge il one· twentieth of the len·word Jone rate. Th e pre.. rate p er word. on pren radiogram. 10 or from the ,hip. I, one· fourth o f 16 ce ntavo., plus one·lounh of the Ihip'. nte.

Philippine Money in general circubtion :

P hilipp in e Pesos. half peoo" includinr Treasury certili. cale. are un limited legal tender in the Philipp in e Isl ands unleu otherwise speci fic ally provid ed by contract. Th e unit of value in th e Philipp ine Islan ds Is th e peso-twn pesos ar e equal in yalue to one dollar In aoy currency which i, legal tender for public and private debt . in Ib e United Statel. P elos, P h ilippine Currcncy. are d esignated by the following mark. ( p ). T he Philippin e CurrenC1' SYIlem i, that commonly kno"""O as the Ellchan~e Stand. ard. The parity ;1 maintained by the sale of dralts in the Philippines by Ih e GO"ernment 0 0 ill Ellchanle Standlrd luod in New York Ind the sale of drdt. in New York by the 'Ient of th e Philippine Goyernment on the Govern . men t', E:<chlnge Siandard fund in M.nHa. The Goyern· ment', ules of e:<change are f ill ed, and repreoent I I nearly I I pTActlcable the COBt Qf Bhippinj: U. S. Currency b etween New York and Manila. The Phi lippine Goy ern ment, at itl option, U Chan,es Philip pine Curre ncy for Uniled StatefJ Cunene,. ftnd vice versa. charging I .light premium lu ffi . cient to p ly transpor tati on up enlel. No charl{e i. mad e for uchlnge in U. S. Currency Jor Philippin e Cunency io IrnRlI amounli. P hilippine S ilyer Certificate while nol legal tender, are e1chaOlUble on demand for 1CCII l end er coin. are , ... ceiuble in plyment for III Government dues and may be held by bank! I I pari of their lelll rescne. United Stalel paper currency though nOI l l lender i. rec eived by whom offered in payment 0 1 obligalion 10 the Govern. ment. The followi ng denominltion s of Philippine Currency are



F ive hundred ..... . 500.00 Pa yab le to Ihe b earer On One hundrcd ...... 100.00 de m~nd in silyer pesol Fift y P elo. •......• 50.00 or in legal lender cur· Twen ly P esOI ...•.. 20.00 rency o f Ihe United Sta· Ten P esos ....... 1. 10.00 tt'll of eq uivalent "alue Five P eAOS 5.00 a t Ihe opt ion of the Two P eso, 2.00 Goyernmenl. One PeAO ......... 1.00 The Blnk of the Philippine bllndl, Manila, il sul!t bank notCi for fiye, le n, Iwenty, fifty, one hundred I nd two huodred pesos Philippine Curreney. The Philippine Nllional Bank iUlle. nOles for one, two, liye , ten, Iw .. nty, fifty and on e hundred p esO!, Philippine Currency. All notel issued by ei th e r bank Ire on plr wilh the Goyeroment Silvcr Certificate.

GOLD COrNS (No gold coins in Circulation) SILVER COINS One P eso P I.OO Medio P eso ..... .50 On e P enta .•.•. .20 MedIa P eset a .10




amounl P20.00 20.00



...••.. PO.05




I. eral lende r for No lo nre r coined





CO PPER COINS One Centnyo Medio CeniaVO •.. .

PO.OI .005




A. T. TaLlON Collq:e o f Agricu lture, Uni~eni t y 0 1 Ihe Philippines 1 kilol ram 2.20462 pounds 1 pound 0.45359 ki logram WEIGHT AND MEASURE EQUIVALENTS OF 1 r rlm 0.03527 ounce COMMON PHILIPPINE CROPS 1 ounce 28.34953 grlms 1 liter (ApproJ.imate Figur es) 0.26418 111 11 00 1 gi ll on 3.78533 liter. 25 I:lnlil 1 liter 1.05670 qu a n, 43 kilol 1 quart 0 .94650 liter 2.128 bu &heb 1 een timeter 0.39370 inc h Cleanl 65 p er cent 1 inch 2.54000 cenlimele r, ProdUCe! 28 k. cleaned 1 meier 3.28083 feel (39.37 in.) rice 1 foot 0.30480 meter cI ~an cleaned 1 meter 1.09361 yard, rice kilo, 57.5 25.00 "nIU elVinS p allY 2.05 200 chup.. 1 picul Chinese for 2.13 bushell cleaned rice kilo. 60.45 1 ,anta e hupu 1 cUln r ice bran 25 kilo. 3 liten 1 ClVln c.oro on cob :to kilos 1 h,ctlre 2.4710 IcrCl (Engli&h) 0 .91440 mete r I )'nd '" ... 3.5770.000 braZis CUldrld.. 0.62137 mile I kilomete r 35.7700 10l n el I mile 1.60935 kilometert balit .. 3.5770 2.47104 Ic re, 1 h eetlre 0.3577 qu liion I ae re 0.4M69 h ec lare 1 eaYln Iced (Ippro:<imately) 1'1 Ceotigrade 9 /5 degree. Flhrenh e it KILO I II a _hortened form o f Ih e wo rd KILOGRAM C· 5/9 (FI'-32) Ufed in commerce. In form.1 Irt icle, .cienlific or olher. F ah renhei t 5 /9 degree Centigrade win, KILOGRAM ;1 the preferred form. F, 9/5 C9 32 ~








1 kilo·


1 pi cu l I 1JT0ba quinlll t me tric 1 liter




1 c"ln

2.11400 63.25 25 ll.5

46 100 1000.00 22M.62 2.20462


English I,oirdupoit pound. Spanish pound, kilogram. Spani.h pound. kilograms arrobll kilOJ:ram~

Spaoish pound9 kilopam. pound. avoirdupois pound, 0.908102 dry quart liquid quarl. 1.0567 75.00 Uteri ,om 00 ,.b Shell. 200 80 P" ceot 58.5 kilo. CaVan corn o. ,ob 2.47 kilos 58.5 0.57 kilo kilo 0.77 kilo 0.18


I ca..o .helled com ""



I uun mungo 1 liter palar I liter cleaned rice ..

1 liter . he lled · corn ... I liter pesnut (She l· led) 011 = I liter coeon""

0.34 0.93


I ganll plla,.

1 gan ta cleaned rice = 1 ga nla .belled corn = 1 gantl peanut

(sbelled) I ,loll munso 100 eau corn 1 Kerosene Jilles 1 bale .baca

". m.· = =

1 q uin tal tobacco 1 picu l IUlil ar

kilos kilo. kilo.

1.10 2.34 12

kilos kilo. kilo. . helled


kilo. pie ul. kiloa kilos kilN

2 126.5 46 63.25

HOUSEHOLD MEASURES 1 can, kerosene


1 bottle, Vichy • 1 boule, b (large) = 1 bottle, ROYII h· luan, ete. • I I · lb. can, eVllp· orated milk 1 c.n, IOlmoll = condenled 1 can, milk



kilo kilo

2.30 2.34

20 liters ( .. hen full) 5 gilloo, 900 cc. 400 ec. 200 ec. 480 cc. 480 ceo 300 cC.

Philippine Population by Provinces and Municipalities - 1939 Furnished by the Commission oj the Census INTRODUCTION Th e information given belo"," is the fin al .nd official count of populltion in each pro"inee and municipality accordin, to the eensus taken as of Cenl u, Day, January I, 1939.

Th e population KiYen for eacb province and municipality is the resident population. All perso ns we re enumerated Bnd couMed in th e municipality in whic h th ey u. ually liv e. Inmates of hospital •• prisoos, conven!!, and othe r institutions were enulllcrlled and counted in the lDunicipalities . in which s uch institutions were located. Army train ees were enumerat ed and counted in mOlt easel in the municipalities

ProvinCe! Populo/ion PHILIPPINES ...••.•........ 16,000.303 Abra ....... ....•.. ........ 87.780 Agulln .................... 99,023 Albay •............•....... 432.465 Antique . . ...........••.... 199,414 Bltlln . ........ . ...•••.... 85,538 Bat.nea . ............. •• _... 9,512 Ba tang.. ................... 442,034 Bobol •........•.. . ........ 491,608 Bukidnon ... ,.............. 51,561 Bulaean . ...•.......•.... . . 332,807 Cagayan ................... 292.210 Cam.rinn Norte .......... 98,324 Camarines Sur . ............ 385,695 Capi~ . .. ..... .... .... •. ... 405,285 Cuite .. .......•........ ... 238,581 Cebu ...•......•.... •• •.... 1,068,078 Cot.bato ................... 298.935 Davao ...............•..... 292.600 llneol Norte ... .. ... •.. . .. 237,586

in which th ei r bomes were located ., the enumeration period oecu rr ed between tbe time when one group of arm)' trli!l cC'!! completed trainiolil and th e suceeedinr Kroup of train en reported for trainin,. All penons ( ellcep t United Statel citizens belonging to tbe Unit ed State. Army, Navy and Marin e Corps. and members of their families) wbo spent th e nirht precedi ng Census Day, ]anu ..y 1, 1939, in the Philippin es were enumerated and included in the population KiYen in tbis bulletin. TABLE I.-POPULATION OF PROVINCES AND CHARTER· ED CITIES, JA NUARY 1, 1939.

Provin ces lloeb. Sur Il oilo •......... .•. ........ lu bela , ...............•... Laguoa ............. , ..... . La Union .......•......... Lanao •..........•....•.... Leoylo ............•....... MANILA ................. . Marinduque .... . ......... . Masbate ................. . Mindoro .................. . Minmis Occ idental ....... . Miumil Oriental ......... . Mountain Province ....... . Negro. Occideotal ....•.... Nerros Ori ental •.......... Nueva Ecija ............. . Nue.-a Vizclya ........... . Palawan .............•..... P.mpanlill • , •••••• , •• " .....


Pro vin cu

PaDgasinan ................ 211.532 144,022 Rizal ............. . ........ 219,864 Romblon . .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. 279,505 Samar .... •.•.............• 207,701 Sorsogon ••...•.•......... . 243,437 Sulu .... ...•. ... ... .... . .. 9 15,853 Surigao ......••............ 623,492 TaTiae ..................... 81.168 Tayabas ...... ............. Zambalel ...........•.•..•• 182,483 131,569 Zamboanga .•.•..•• , ... ,.... 210.057 CH.-\RTEREO CITIES: 213,812 Bacolod •....... .•. ... ..... Bagnio ..... , ..• ,.......... 296,874 Cebu •......•.............. 824,858 394,680 Oa"ao ...........•••....... 416,762 Iloilo ................. ,.... 18,505 Quezon •..................• 93,673 Tagaytay .. ....•.......•... 375,281 Zamboanga .•.•....•.......

Populo/ion 742,475 444,805 99.367 546,306 2·H ,653 241,117 225.895 264,3i9 358,553

106,945 355,984 57,474. 24,117 146,811 95,546 90,480 39,013 1,657 131,455

Population by Provinces and Municipalities Population oj Municipalities. Jan. 1. 1939 ABRA ...... . . . .. . .......... . Alaoa' ••...•...•. . ........ Anayan· .•...........• • .... B._.y· . •••... .. .•.. .. ..•. BANCUEO ••..•.•••.••.•.. B.iigilo· •. . . . ..•. , ....... . Bolioe' ••. ,', ••• ,." .••••.

87,180 333 90

." '49



Bueay ................. . .. . Budoc" ......•......•. . ... Buner a •..•••••••• • •.••.•• Clranayan' . ...•• •. •.... . . Daruioms.n· . ............ . OaniC' ... .. . . ... .... . ... . Oao/l:1 . . . . ...... .. ........ .

5,510 '19


317 596



Dolores , .•......• , .•.•..•.. Lacub· ....•............... Lagaiigilang •..... , •.. , .• ,. L.gayan ..•............• , .. Lan ce · .•....•..••..... . .•. Laiigid en ................. . La paz ••.••.••• , ••.• ,.".

4,845 690 5.135 2,211

2il 1,63'





............ . .... .


Lub. . ...........•• , ..... . M.libcong· .. . ....... . ... .

2.414 766 3,571


Manabo ........•.......... Mallf8j;an' . ...•....•. ••• .. Naglib acan' ......•. , ... . .. Pciiarrubia ......•... . ..... Pidigan ...........•........

Pi lar .............•.•...•.. Sal.lapadan ...... • ••••... ' 5.0 lU11I ................ . San Quinlin ....... . . , ••... Ta,.um •..........••• • .....


................. .

Tintg' ............ . ...... . Tuba' ............. . ..... . Villavidall ...... , •••...... ACUSAN .,' ........••....... A~piti.· ...••..•• • .•...... Bah·bah· , .............. _.. Bakingking' ... , ..•...••... BUll' .................... . Baylo' ...... . ........... ,. Sinuclyan· ............... . Borbon· ................. . Buena"iata .......... • ..... Buna,u;t'" " .........•.•... Bunlwan· .........• • •..... BUTUAN ............. . .. . Cabadbann ..........•..... Cabantao· ................ . Comota· ................. . Concordia· ............... . Cuev.. • ........ • ......... Ebro'" ................. . •.. E'peranu'" •.............. Gu adalupe'" .............. . Halapitan· .............. .. Jabon,a .................. . Jobn l on· ......... • ....... Lan(:ui·an'" .............. . La Pu· ................. . Lal Nievea. . ..... • • • ..... Libertad· .........•. • .•... Loreto'" ................. .. Ma·nin'" ........... . .... . Mambalili'" ............. .. May,ataun'" ..........•.... Nuipit ..........• , •••..... Novelc'" .................. . Nueva Gracia'" ......•••...• Nuevo sibalat'" ....... .. . . NUe\'o Tubajo'" .......... . P atrocinio· ........ .• • • •.. ProBperidld'" ....••........ RemediOI'" ......•..•••.... Rourio'" .............•.... Salunto'" ................. . Salimbuga·on'" .•.•........ Sah·lcion· . , •.. '" .. ' •.... San Franbco ..•. , ... , .... ,. San Isidro'" ' .............. . San Lui ••.. , ..... , ••... , .. , Santa Fe • . . . . . , ....... , .. . Sinta lnea· .... , ....... , .. SIDtalo, da· ,., ... ,', ... ,. Santa Maria'" , ............ . S.nto Tom..... . ...•.. '" .. . Talac Oion .•.• . ..• , ... ,",. Trento· ... " ... . , . .... " .. Tudela'" ................ .. Veruela'" ................ .. Violaota'" ............... .. Waloe'" .....•.......•...... ALBAY . , ....•••...•......... Bacaca,. .. ,., ... , ....... , .. Bara• .... , ..... , ..... , ....• Bato ."., .... , .... " .... , .. Calolbon , .. . " ... " .... . . . Camali, ....... " ..•...... , ..... , ... ,., ... . Daug-a Guinobatan ..•...... , ..... . Jovellar .......• , ......... . LEGASPI ........... , .... , Libol ., ........ , ..... , ... . Liboo . ,., .... , ..... , ..... . Lilla .. , ..... . , ....•...... Malilipot •••..... , .. , .... . , Maliaao .•...•. , ..••.. , ...•.


JI3 2,295 3,994 5,792 2,038 3,842 2,239 6,054


388 2,097 2,574 99.023 1,022

S4' 35S


'" '" '"

11.236 1,689 1,770 16,295 20.254 347 497 335 336 343 1, 155


So. 5,004

56S SI6 922 803 774


4" 432


6,529 957

55' S09 4" 378





361 '51



s" 4"


'63 272 683

3.242 477


1,003 53S

700 432.465 23.863 10.328 17.230 14,396 22,203 29,464 26.419 9,513 41.468 7.809 15.789 27.927 6,525 15,089

P'ovinC ~J



...... ,',., .... " .. .

0 ............ ,', ......... , Pandan ..... , ....... , .... ,' Paiiganiban ......•.... , ... , Polangui .... " .... • .. " .. . Rapu·Rapu . .. ,' ...•.•... , . Tabaco ., .... , ...••........ Tiwi ..... , .... ,., • • •... ,',. Viga ................ . .... . Virae .......... " ..... .. ANTIQUE ................. .. Batbu3. " ...... ,., • •••... , Buguong , ....... , .... • . ,., Cllu,.a ... , ....... , ....•.... Cuill i .. , ... , ... " ... ,., .. DaD ........ , ............ .. Lau ..... ,., ......••... Pandau ..... , .......... . .. PatDongon . ......... • •• ..... SAN JOSE ...... " ........ Sin R emigio .......•.. • . Sibalom ................. . Tibiao .... , ... ,., ........ . Valderrama ............. ,. BATAAN .............. , ... . Abuea,. ".,., ............ . Bag-ac .... ,', ... , ..... , ... . BALANGA .......••.. , ... , Dinalupihan .............. . Hermo.a .. , ........ , .... ,' Lima,. ................... .. Marivele9 Moron , .. , .......... . .... . Oroni ...... , .... ,' ....... . Orion ......... , ......... ,. Pilar . ....... , ............ . Sarna! .. , .. , .. . • •..... ,.,. BATANES , ............... .. BASCO ... " .. , .... ,', .•. , Itba)·~t ........•• • ........ Ivana . .. , ..... , .•.. " .. , ... Mahatao ...........•...... Sabtang , .. , ... , •• ... , .... , Uyugan ... , ...... , ... , .... , BATANGAS , .......•...... , . . Alitagtag . . , .............. . Balayan .................. . BATANGAS ............. .. Bauan .......•. . ..• • ... , .. . Calac. . ....... . .......... . Calatagan .. . ....•.•• • ..... Cuenca ...... , .. • •••. • ..... fbaan ... ,.,., .. • •••.•..... Lemery ............ .. Lian .... , ...... • • • . Lipa ... , .............. " .. Lobo ............ , ....... .. Mabini , ..... . ........ , ... . Mah'ar .... " .... , ..... , ... . Mataasnakaboy ........... , Nasugbu , ... , ... , ..•...... Ronrio ,.,', ... , ..... ,', .. San JOl e ,. .. " " ..... " ... San Juan ,., ... , ...... , .. , San Luis .... "" .... " .. .. Santo Tom.. ".,., .. ,', .. . Taa l ...•.... , ..........•... Talisa,. .... " .... " .... ". T a naulD •.........•• • ..... Ta,.. an ., ..... , ... , . .. .... . Tu,. ........... " ....... .. BOHOL ..... , .•... , .•.. ,', .. Alburquerque ... " ....... . Anda , ..... , .... " .... " . . . Antequera , .. , .....•.•.... , Badayon , ... ,', ... • • • .... , Balilihlln .... . ,., ...•••.. . , Batuan ....•... , ...•••... ,. Bilar ......... , ........... . Calape ..... . .. ••....... " .• Candijay ........... . .... .. Carmen ........•.. •••• •... Clarln ............... • •... Corella ...... ,', ...•• • ... ,. Corte. , ... , ..... , ....• • ... Dauis ... , ..... . , ...... • ... Dimiao ...... . .........•... Duero ......... ,', .....•... Garcia·Hernandez •......• ,.

7.080 23,131

]5,460 10.616 21.086 12,01l 29,957 12,539 11.232 19,279 199,414 8.224 14.863 3,947 19.019 21.249 12.614 19,561 20.012 29,140 10,035 22,176 10.830 7,742 65,538 10.216 2,95B ]1,684 8,621 6,619 3.978 4.444 3,301 9,658 10.909 5,346 7.404 9,512 2.782 1,625

9" 1,238

1.8oW 1.058 442.034 8.067 15.224 49,16-t37.043 10.671 7,710 7.B38 9.788 19,207 8.181 45,175 8.960' 10.259 6.637 4.692 19.820 34.130 12,197 24.831 8.464 16.544 23.00.11l.939 26.186 8.526 7.767 491.608 6,311 9.151 15,974 9,453 18.991 5.962 6,661 21.319 13,749 14,026 15,809 5.676 8,652 12,154 10,213 9.272 11,486


Guindu lman ... , .... , ..•••. ]naban.:a ... , ....•.. " ..... Jagna : .....••....••.. , ....• Jetafe ... . , ..•. , .•• ~ ••..... Lila ......... . . , . .. .... , .. . Loay .' ...•..•.... . •...•... Loboe ........... .... ' •. , .. Loon ...........•• ' •.•... ,. Mabini ., .. , .... ,., . ••..... Moribojoe , .... , ..... • • •.. , Panglao ........ ,', . . . • .... S el'ill a , ... " .. " .. , .. ,.". sierra.Bullones ... . " .... ,. Sika tuna .... , ... , .. " ... ,' TAGB ILARAN .• . . ".,', . . . Talibon ... . .•... " .•.••..• Tubigon ,." .... , ... , .. •.•• Ubay ..... , ........ ,., ... ,. Val encia .... , ... , .... ,., .. BUKIDNON ..... . , ....•..... Bauiigon" ....... , ....•. ,., Impuugollg •....• , .... , ... , Kibawe' .......... , .. ,', .. Libona" , ............. , ... . MALAYBALAY , ......... .. Malitbog· ,.,., ... , ... , .. . !\Ialuko .. , ... " ... " .• , .•.. Munmag'" , .... .. . .. ,,"" Pangamocan'" ......••..... Sumilao'" .............. . . . T s lakag . , .. . . , •... , ...... . BULACAN , .... " .. . . , .. , .. . An ll al ........••... , ...... . )laliu l g ............. "., .. . Billaa .. , .•...• • •...•.•...• Boeau e "., ..• ••• , ...••.•.. Bulacan , .•• , ............. . BUltos .......... .. ........ . Ca lumph , .... , ...... , •.... Guiguinto , ......... , .... .. Ha,onoy ........ . ........ . i\tALOLOS ............ ,," Ma ril ao ., ...••..•••...•.. , Me,.e auoyan ..... .. ... , •.. , Nonall ..ay ............... . Oba odo ., .......... .. ..... . Paombonll •........•••• • ... Pladdel ..•...•.••......... Polo ............. . .......• Pulilan ., ............ . . " . . San Ind e lonso ..... , ... . .. . San los e del Monte San Miguel .. " ........ . .. San Rafa el ............ " .. Santo Maria .• , ... , .. . .. .. . CAGAYAN .............•. ,., Abulull ...... ,., .. , ... • " .. Al cala ............•. " .. , .. AlIleapan" ........... . . ," Amulung ...... " •........ , Aparri ... , ..... , ...•.. . •••. Bagllao ., ..... , .... "." . . ,. Ballesteros , ... ,., . ..... .. . Buguey ., .......... . . , . . ..• Calayan .. ,',.,.,., . , ... ,., Camalaniu(:an , .... . Claveria , .. , ..... , .•... , ... Enrile .............•.....•. F aire ..................... . Ga tt "ran .... " ......... , ••• Gonza,a .................. . Jguig •.. " ..... , . . .. , .. . , •. Lal·lo ...... . " .... , .. . ...• Lan(:an,an'" .. , ....•• , ..... Peiiablanca ,." .. . .•......• Piat ... ,., ... ,., ... ,., ., .•. Riza! ,. '" . . .. , .. . ........ . Sanchez· Mira . . , .. . .. ,,, .. . Solana •.. , .. . . . ,., . ..•.... Tuao ....• , .•... , ... , ..•... TUGUEGARAO .. .. ....... . CAMARINES NORTE " " .. . Buud ................. " .. Capalonga ••.•. , ••..•..•... DAET .. ... , ... " •..•.. , •.. Indan ...... ,., .•.•...•.... J Ole Paiigauiban .......... , Labo . " ..........•..••.•• , Paraeale , . ...•.•••••.••.••.


16,670 23,855 15,m 12,384 7.981 11 .093 1l .015 28,799 17.473 13.834 9.411 7.341 15,9M 4.6110 15,617 26,077 21,766 21,213 13,653 51.561

'3.627 .345

2.947 3,721 18,616 2.002 7.677 3,459 2.165 2,670 8,126

332,807 11,060 22.912 12,037 12.345 11.931 8,692

17,0-17 6.199 29.73433.364 5.682 16.082 10.789 10,026 11.269 11,161 13.468 12,693 16.395 5,826 26.759 12,269 14.987 292,270 10,929 12,480 3,342 12,295 26.409 11,602 10,863 14,293 2.736 9.436 11 .989 9,506 8.877 19.669 8,682 8.205 12,921


8.864 6.507


9.066 17.166 14,228 27,643 98,324 5.797 4.313 20.066 11,249 20,669 13.181 15.189


San Vi ce nl e ...........••.. Tali..ay .•.... .. .......•.... CAMARINES SUR .........•. Baao •................ Bllo ..................... . Buhi ..................... . Bula ..................... . CabuIIO ...•............... Calabanga ........... . Clmlllican .........•....... Canaman ................. . Caramoan .......•......... Del Callego .... . ....•..... Gainza ........•......... GOI ................ ..... .. lriga .••..... . ............. Lagono, ................ . Libmanan ................ . Lup i ...... . ......... . Magarao •................•. Milaor . .•.•..... . .....•.... MiDBlabac ..•.............. Nabua . " ................. . NACA . ....... . .........•.. Pamplooa ......•.•......... Paucao ....•..•........... Pili •••........... , ..••.... Ragay •.. . ........ , ..•..... Sagnay ...........•....•... San Fernand o ............ .. San Jose ................ .. SipOCOI ..•................. Siruma ................... . Tigaon ..•.....•........... Tin.mbae .... , .••.......... CAPIZ •.•..... , •••.. , ..•.. ,. Alta..a, .. , . ............. . Bdele .............. .•... . . Binga ...... . .. • •.......... Ba tan .......... . . . ........ . Buruangl ......••.......... CAPIZ ................... . Cuartero ...••. • ......•.... Dao ." ........... , ....... . Dumalag .................. . Dumarao ......•........... IbajlY .... . ............... . lui un •........•........•. ' l amin dan ................. . Ka.libo , .•...•..••••• •••.•.. Libaclo ................. . Makato ............. • . • ... Malinao .......•...... , ... Mambu uo ...........••... Nabas .... . ............•.. New Wat hinglon ... . ...•... NumlDcia ............... .. Panay .........•..... ••... PaDitan .•....••...... •. . .. Pilar ................. . . .. PODleved ra .......... . ... . Sapiao ........ . ... .... ... . Sigma ...... , ....• • • . . .... Tapaz .•....•.•.. •.. , • .. . . CAVITE ..••..•.• •• •.....•.. Alfonso ..... . ..... .. . .... . Amadeo ....... . .......... . Bacoor .....••..•..••...... Bailen ..•.....•.•.. . ..... . Carmona ....•. _..........• CAVITE ................. . Dumariiin •.....•.....•.. General Tri.. . ......... . . . Imus ••.•..•.....••••..•.. Indang ••.••.. . ...•••.•... Kawit ....•.........•..... Mqa.llanea .... . ..... . . .. . M.ragondon •.•••. . ..•..••. Mend ez-Nunez .......... . . . Naic • . .....••......•...... Noveleta .. . ...•• •......... Rourio . . ....••..• . .• . . . .. Silang .•.••.....••••. . ..•. Tlgaytay, City of. • . •...... Tanza ...•. , ••. . •••••...... Ternate ........... , •...... CEBU •.•. .. .. ..•.. . ....•.... Alcanlara .•• , .. . ..•....... Alcoy •..•..........•.....

Populution PrOllinces PopultJfion ] ,960 13,303 Alegria .................. . Aloguinun ...... .• ....... 5.67 1 13.040 385,695 Argao .................... . 37,331 11.950 As l uria~ ........•......... 25,468 1I ,531 Badion ................... . 17,817 22.391 31,385 Balamban .... . ........... . 11 ,150 .... • ........... 18.805 Banta>'a n 4.7-13 Barili ......... , .......... . 29,247 15,087 Bo,o ... . .......... . 27,511 3,005 Boljo·on ................ .. 10,087 5,592 Borbon •................ 16.680 22.750 Carear ............. . 36,308 4.883 Carmen ........... . 11 ,801 2.461 1l,738 Catmon ................. . 13,411 CEBU, CITY OF ........ . H6,817 31,005 Compo~tel a . . . . . ......... . 9.441 18.852 Co.uolacion ............. . 9.213 23.000 Cordoba ................. . 6,677 3.455 Dannbanlayan ............ . 24.198 8.556 Dalaguet e ................ . 27.28<10 7.389 Danllo ................... . 28,387 9.620 DumanJug ................ . 20,973 29, 433 Ginalilan . ... . .......... . • . 8,690 22,505 L iloan •............. . ..... 13,662 7,402 Madridcjacg ... . . .. . . .•..... 8,647 5.594 Malabuyoe ....... , . ...... . 13,855 ] 8.225 l\fandaue ........ • ......... 17.431 11.514 Medellin ................. . 18,631 7.052 Minglanil1a ............... . 15,295 7,064 Moa lboal .......• • ........ 14,868 ] 0.722 Naga .. ........ . ........ . 25,850 7.936 Opon ............... . 33.426 5,85 1 Oslob . . .................. . 13,473 10,039 Pilar ..................... . 8.142 10.921 Pinamuogaja o ............ . 22,321 405.285 Poro ...•................. . 11 ,520 8.882 Ronda ............•...... 1l,936 9,508 Samboao ................. . 1I,062 14,693 San Fernando ............ . 17.562 1I ,966 16.980 San Francisco ........... . 11 ,35 1 21,232 San Remigio ............. . 29,021 7,836 Santa Fe ................ . 10.715 Sanlander ..........•..... 6.507 13,886 21,803 Sibonca , ......... • • • ..... 13.642 14,479 Sogod ........... ,. 14.298 TabogoD .......• , ........ . 20.201 22.740 20,077 Tali!ny ...... ..• •• . 6,369 T oledo • . ....... .. ... .... .. 34,413 13,582 Tuburan ....... ........ . 45,750 16,095 T udela .......... . .. .... .. 6,703 20,253 COTABATO .............. . . . 298.935 15.526 Awang" .................. . 15,035 10,768 4,746 Bala tikan" . .... ~ ......... . 15,723 Dalul" 1,219 9,763 ),076 Banisilan" ... . . .. .. . 12,192 Banira" 2.319 12,883 Buayan" .. ......... . 14,11 5 15,800 Buguan" ................ . 2,741 14,956 Dulduo' .. . ... . ........... . 2,693 22,301 Bulao" .... . . .. , .... . 15.724 23.24 1 Carmen" . . .............. . 5,727 7,391 COTABATO .............. . 10.166 ' 10,628 DinaiC" ............ . ..... . 14. 196 17,0"7 Dulawan ................. . 55,329 238,581 Gambar* .........• • ...... 9,797 Glan ..................... . 9,364 6,402 Kabae ln" ................ . 8,659 16,130 Kalaiiganau· 3,638 4,599 Kiamba· ................. . 10,107 5,394 Kidapawan· .............. . 12.593 38,254 Kitubod· ....... . .... . .... . 3.100 8,323 Kling ' .................. . 6,493 16,611 Korooadal" ... ..•.... . .... 8,558 18,039 Lcbak" ....... .. .......•... 5,403 15,388 Liguasan" .. ... . .•.... 1.934 10,783 Jl l idsayap ........•.... . ... 23,033 4,095 Nuling" ........... . . .. .. . 9,831 9,449 Parang .. ..... •............ 4,495 6.393 Pi kit· Pagaluiigan" .....• . .. 13,322 13.813 Salamao" ................ . 4,812 4,241 Sebu· ................... . . 11 ,093 9,894 Silik' ..... . ............. . 6.599 18,909 Sub pangan" .............. . 4,713 1,657 ................ . Tu mbao' 5,393 16.328 DAVAO ........ .. .......... . 292,600 4.082 Bagauga 8.731 1.068.078 Batulaki" 5,181 5.754 Caburan" 6.197 6,443 Camaou' 3,022



P'ollince~ Popu.lation Canga ....•........ '" .. . I O,8n Caleel ................... . 9,243 DAVAO. CITY OF ...... .. 95,546 Compouell" ............. . 2,176 Kupalong" ............... , 5,555 Lupon' .................. . 4,905 MaHta ...........•........ 30,175 Maoay .......... • ......... 1l,528 Mati ............... •• •... 10,200 Moncayo" . .......•.......• 2,741 Panlukan ........... •..... 15.591 Samal" . ..........••....... 7,473 Santa Cruz ....... , • ...... 33,808 Saug" .................... . 3,443 Sigaboy' .......•....•...•. 2,798 S urup· ................... . 2,456 Tagum" ................ .. 19,808 ILOCOS NOnTE ........... . 237.586 Ad am" ............... . .. . 209 Bacarra ........... .. .. " . • 14,806 Badoe ........ . ..... .... . .. 13,231 Bangui .................. .. 13,325 Ban na ........... • • •• ..... 7,608 Hat nc .................... . 22.201 Burgo! .........•.. • ••..... 2,882 Carui' ........... .. ..... . 261 Currilllllo .......... . ..... . 4,494 Dingras ...........•• • •. ... 22,434 Dumalneg· ........•••..... J22 LAOAC .... '" '" ..• • ...... 41,842 Nueya E ra ....... .. .. ..... . 2,059 PIOay ... . ... ......• • •.... . 11,867 P uuquin .... . .....•• •..... 10,065 Piddig ..... .. ... ~ .. • ...... 10,511 Pinili 7,890 Sa n Ni~~I~~··: :::::::: :: : :: 13,958 Sarrat .... " ......• • •.•... 14,430 Soltona ..... . .......... . . 9,032 Vin lar ............. ••..... 14,153 ILOCOS SUR ............ .. 271,532 Alil em· .................. . 3.285 Angaki' _..........•..... . . 3, 182 n l nayoyo ................ . 2,443 Bantay ................... . 12.105 Bauguen ........ .... ..... . 5.065 Burgos ............ • , .. . . . 4,225 Cabugao ..........•.... . .. 13,867 Ca n don . . ............... .. 20,528 Caoayan ...•......• • •.. ... 8,306 Cervantes .........•...... . 7.155 Concepcion" ...... • •. • ...•• 2.0.16 Galimuyod ....... • ••...... 3.06J Lapog •...•.......••......• 10.674 Lidlidda .......... • • ... , . • 1,638 Magsin ga l .............. .. 11,193 Nagbuquel ......... • . . .... 2.497 Narvacan ... .............. . 22,769 San Emilio" ....... .... .. . 3,098 San Eu ehan ........•. . .•• 3,363 San fld cfonso ...........•• 2.221 San Vicent e .....•...•. . •• . 6,163 Santa ... , ...............• . 10,174 Sinta Catalina ......•...•. 6,495 Sinta Cruz .............. .. 12.948 Sa.lIa Lucia ............... . 8,998 Santa Maria ...•.....•..... 13,103 San tiago •................. 6,017 Santo Domingo ...........• 10,856 Sigay· •......•.......... . • 1.655 S in ait ................... . 1I.722 Sugpon" .................• 2,868 Suyo" ......... , . • ........• 3,750 TI/:udin ......... • ••....... 13,115 VICAN ................. .. 20,939 ILO ILO .......... • ..••....•• 744.022 Ajuy ........... . ....•...•. 15,469 Aliruodian ....•.•. .. •....•. 13.638 Balasl n •..........••.....• 12.840 Banale ....•..... . .......•. 16.210 Barotae Nueyo .........•.. 20.57:2 Barotae Viejo ........... .. 13,542 Buenavista .......•......•. 15,494 CahalUan .•..•..• ... ••••.• 21.054 Calinog .......•....... , ... 22,175 Carles ...•..... , ........•. 12.1 85 ConcepCion •. , ........ , ... . 8.446 Dingle ......•... • ••....... 16.698 Duenas . . ........ . ........ . 16,310 Dumanru , " ............. . 24.539




Pro~;nc e5

Es tancia .................. . Guimb.1 ................. . I~b .r:u .......•............

ILOILO, CITY OF .•...... I.nillay .................. . Jaro ..................... . Jordan

.................. .

Lambuo lo


Leon " ............. . . .... . Mllas;n .. ' ........ •• •• •. ... Miagao .. ..........••. • .... Olon •............. • ••. ,-,. P • .,i ............. •• • • .... Pavia ....... . .....••...... POlotan .................•

San Dionisio .......••• , .. . San Joaquin ........ . .... . San Miguel ............•... Sanla Barbara .......••.... Sara ............... • ••.. .. Ti~bau . n ..........•...... Tubllngan ............•... ISADELA . ,_ .....••••....... AngadBnan • . •••. •• - ••••••. An talet' .......•••........ Cabagan ....... ••• , •...... Cauayan ......... • ••....... Da lig' ......... .. . Echague ....... . ......... . Gamn ......... . •••.......• ILAGAN " ................ . Jane.

................... ..

NIJ:uilian ... ....... 1 •••• Pabuan .................. . R eina Mercedes .......... . SIO Mariano ............. . Sao Pablo ................ . Santa Maria ............. . Santiago ................. . Tum auini ................ . LAGUNA .................. . Alamino! ................. . B~!

..................... .

Bman .................... . Cabuyao ................. . Calamba .............. . .. . Ca lauan .................. . Cninli .................. . Famy ............... . Lilio ..................... . Longo. . ..... . ............ . LOI Banol ............... . Luiaia na ................. . Lumban ............. . Mabitac .................. . Magdalen I .•.••••••..•.••• Mljayjay ................. . NagcarJa.n ................ . Paete .................... . Pigsanjin ................ . Paid] ..... ......... . Pangil ........•.......... ' Pila ..................... . Rinl .................... . San Pablo, Clly of •...... San Pedro ............... . SANTA CRUZ .......... .. Saota Mari. . ............ . Sinta ROil .............. . Sinnoan •...........•..... LA UNION ................ . Agoo .................... . Arine a ,. .......... • ....•.. Baenotao ...... • •......... Bagu!in' ...... • • • .... , •... Balaoao ....... . ......... . Banga. • ...•..••.......... BIUBng . . ..... • • ••........ Bu.gol' .........• • . •.•... Caba . ......... • • •.... •• , .. Luna ••........ , ......... . NaculUan ...•...........•• Pugo' •. , ..•..... , ....... . ••.....• , .......• ,. SAN FERNANDO ....... .. Sao Gabriel' ............ .. Sao JUln ................ . Santo Tom n ............ . Santol' . . ..•.•..• , ..... , ..


7,608 Sudipcn' ........... .. 11.128 Tubao , ........... . 14-,394- LANAO .................... . 90,480 BMnlod' ................. . 38,778 Balu,' 25,191 Ba"an~' 23.053 Bin;dDy~n' ............... . 23,249 nubnng' ................. . 20.797 n·"i~' 13.167 DANSALAN 30,179 Dit.un' 20,577 GRna~~ i ' .. ............... . 28,060 Gau' .................... . 8,918 Tl igan ....... .. 33,020 Kal'ai' ................... . 9,975 Kal'ala,!!:an' ... . 23,179 KoIAmh"~an .............. . 7. 153 Lumhatan' ............... . 35,406 MAiialum' ..... . .......... . 22,419 l'oh,bmha' ............... . 17,092 MaJ:(lIing' ........... ..... . 9.821 Malabang ................ . 219.864 Mand"lop:' 16.M7 MAranlao' 2.009 Maoiu' 18.795 Mo]undo' 17.4.18 Mnmuogan' 3,185 Mun.i' ............... , .. . 16.249 Nllnun/:an' ....... . 18.201 Pantao·Ragat' ....... ..... . 31,323 Pallla~ .................. . 14.703 Paul M' ................ • .. 6.871 Saguiann' .............•.. 3.109 Sunj!od· ..............••.. 4.376 T am"· ............. • .. 7,046 Tarak a' ................. . 6,241 Tatarikan' .......... • •.... 5.794 Tubaran' ......... . 34,154 Tugaya' ........... " ••.... 14,343 Watu' ............• • •..... 279.505 LEYTE ............. . • •. .... 8,817 Ahuy~ .............••.... 6.703 Alangalang ............... . 16,238 Albuera . ................ . 11,660 Anahawan ... .. ..... •• •.... 32,363 B~tbatngon 7,302 Barugo ..... . .. .... I ... 7.254 Bato 1,547 Bavbay .. . ..... . ....• , •.. 7,588 Diliran .... . ............. . 3,519 Buranen 9.612 Cabalian 6,963 Caibiran 5,954 Calubian 1.973 Capoocan 4.214 CariJrllta 7,543 DaJ:(ami ............. • " .. 14.762 Dulac ................... . 4.536 Hilonl:oto .............•••... 8.865 H ind an!!! ." .............. . 2.451 HlnunanJ;an ........... • ... 3,889 H innndayan .......... . , .. . 10.171 ' nopaean ................ . 3.036 Jarn ...... , .............. . 46,311 Klwayan ................ . 6,300 LI paz ........... . 17.649 Leyte .... . ...•........... 2,524Libagon ................. .. 15,069 Lilnan .... .............. . 4,692 Mauin ................... . 207.701 Macrohnn ................ . 13,938 Mali!boc ................ . 12,487 Maril'ipi •................. 11.678 Malalom ................. . 3,584 Merida ............... . 12.773 N.1".1 .......... . ........ . 12,484 Ormee ...... .......... . Palo ..... .. .. .... .... . 16.304 1,774 P alompon ................ . 6.873 P utnna . ......... . 14,624 Pint" .. an ................ . 15,933 San b!dro .. ... .......... . 4,733 SAn MiJu el .............. . 11,280 SOIlO,) ...................•. T ACLO BA N ............. . 23,366 T anauan 5.293 .. ....... . 10,941 Tolon ........... . 10,352 Villaba ....... .. 4.901 MANILA, CITY OF



Binondo .........••........ Erm lta ..........•......... I nt.amuroto ............... . Ma]lte ..........••••..•... Pa co . ........... •• ....... Pan d lcan .... . ..... , ..... . Port ArCI ........•........ Quiapo ..........•........ Slmplioe ....... _•........ San Miguel .......... . ... . San Nicola, .............. . Santa Ana ............... . Santi Cru~ .............. . T ondo ................... . MAR I NDUQUE ............ .. BOAC .................... . 2.677 Bnen.vis ta .............. . . 39.647 Gasan ............... . .... . 7.961 Mogl'og .................. . 3.173 Sanla Cruz .............. . 3.fl02 Torrijo8 .........•........ 16,529 10.21 0 MASBATE ." ........ . ..... . Aroroy .............. . . . 1.719 Calaingan .............. . . . 6,783 Dim.ulang ............. .. . 5.721 MAS BATE .... . .... .. .... . 4,641 MilagrOI ................ .. 13.597 San F e.nando ........... . 1.073 San Jacinto .............. . 2.:\42 San Pucual ............. . 4.396 2,6.11 MI NDORO ................ .. Abra de 1I0g ............ .. 4.708 7,599 Baeo .................... . Bongabong .......... ..... . 1,348 BulalltlO ................ . 6.439 CALAPAN ..... , ......... . Looe ., .........•... , .... . 1.658 Lubl ng .................. . 2,017 tollmbnrao ................ . 4.261 Maniliay ................ . 5.418 Naujan ...•................ . 915,853 Pa luan .................. . 39,111 P in.malayan ............. . 21.084 P ol. . .................... . 13.696 Pu erlO Galcn ........... . 5.086 S~blay.n •................. 8.000 San J ose .......... . ...... . 19.56.1 San T eodoro ... . ......... . 14,706 42.526 MISAMls OCCIDENTA L ... . Aloran ............. . ..... . 9.218 Balia ngao 33.505 Clarin 17.608 Jimenu .. ..... . .. . 19,522 Lop e~ Juna ...... . ...... . 14.027 Miumis ........ . 8.907 OROQUIETA ............. . 23.236 Plaride l ........... ... ... . 22.776 Tangub .................. . 28.69.~ Tudela ............. . 25,920 8.795 MISAMIS ORIENTAL ..... . Balioj:tuag ............... . 16.983 CAGAYAN . .. ........... .. 6.830 Catarmao ................ . 10.223 Clueri.' •................. 23.914 GineoO( ........ • ....... . . 8.498 I ni"o ..........•......... 12.970 K;n or itan ......... • ...... 18,862 Lourdes' ......•......... , 6.3 18 Lumbi.· ...............•.. 17,386 Mambajao ................ . 29.26\ Sagay .................... . 12. 196 y .................... . 22.259 T aroloan , ............ .... . 5.433 T a liuyan ...... . ......... . 17,129 26.794 MOUNTA I N PROVINCE ... . Alok' .................. .. 11 .696 Blguio. City of .......... . 77. 349 Bakun' ....•........ ... ... 25.471 Balbll.n' •............ . ... 29,120 Banane- •........ ,., .•.... 9,078 BarU,- .....•...•• •... .... 10.400 Bauko' .........• • ......... 30.063 Bayag- ......•.. • ••..... , .. 7.76S Beuo' ..• , .. •.. • ..... ..... 28.222 Bukod' ••...... • .......... 31,233 BONTOC' ... , •.•..• . • ..... 21,93<16,66(1 Bugui ..Bumay ' 16.823 Con n e~ 623.492 6.039 8,344 243.437 4.507 3.066 4.480 2.954 5.5:\8 2.fl55 11.319 5.981 3.892 4.330 28.27.1



Popu.lation 20.281 18,55' 21,352 54,487

30,830 11 ,242 4,387 21,317 111,995 12. 71 5 35,33(1 25.100 94.884 160,958 8 1.768 20.977 4.351 10,794 12,132 24.537 8.974 182,483 31,289 38,709 24,471 23,312 30,m 14,663 15,134 4,734 131,569 3,986 5,111 8,05~

3.497 17,158 3,9N 8,702 4,423 7,003 19,110 3,305 16.086 10, 107 3,433 2,861 11,788 2,911 210,057 12,5M 15,810 13,581 24,182 8,319 36,313 21,523 21,905 44,143 II .057 213,812 20,948

'8'..0" 484

12,743 16.746 18,833 8,901 2,411 3,632 21,414 9,901 10,717 12.444 17,476 296.814 6.047 24,117 4,383 5,610 17.121 1,827 8,322 2,743

5,144 6,082 14,284 5.69] 13,204 1,872


Popu/otion Provinces 12,937 Hungduan' .......•... 35,179 hogon' ......... . •.....•.. 4,190 Kabay an' .... . .. . ••....... 4,646 Kabugao' ..•...... •• •...... 6.539 Kapangan' .••....• •.. ••... 8,072 Kayan' ....•......•....... 16,146 Kiangan' .... . .. . .•....... 3,426 KibuiirgllIl' ... ' ........ , .. 6.554 La Trinidad' ...... • ....... 7,366 Lubuagan' .. . ... . ........• 6,353 Luna' ...........•.....•.. 6,865 Mankayan' ........ • ....... 9,IM i\faynyao' ...... . ......... . 5,999 Natnnin' ......... , ...... . 4, 353 Pinukpuk' ..... • • , ....... . 4,706 Sabaiigan' ..... • •• • ....... 2,930 Sablan' .....•.. • . • .. . ..... 2.933 Sadanga' .......• . ........ 7,851 Sagada' ...•.......•....... 3,343 Tabuk' ............ . ..... . 3,720 Tanudan' ................ . 6,868 Tinglayan' ............... . 5,936 Tuba' .. . ....... , ........ . 4,265 Tublay' ....•• , •........... 824,858 NECROS OCCIDENTAL .•.. 57,474 BACOLOD. CITY OF •.... 53.874 Bago .•.....•.......... . .. 18,ll2 Binalbagan ....•.......... 41,905 Cadi~ ,., .... , ...... , ... . . . 38,695 Calatrava .... ,. , ..•....... 25,645 Cauayan , ................ . 60,152 Escalante .......... . ..... . 28,407 Himamaylan ........•...... 27,438 Hinigaran ... . ..... , ...... . 20,957 lIog , ..• . ................. 43,509 habela , .. , . . .... , .... . , .. 29,315 Kabankalan .. ........... . 26,084 La Cadola ......... . .... . 16,861 La Castellana .•.......... . 19,490 Manapla ...•.............. 18,948 Mureia ... , .............. . 20,495 Pontevedra •.... ' ...•..... 10,751 Pulupandan , .•............ 53,767 Sagay .. . ................ , 69,990 San Carlo! .......... , ... . 7,487 San Enriqu e .. . , ..•....... 21.289 Saravia .•.....•...... • . ... 39,483 SHay ••.......... '" ..... . 40,547 Talisay . • .......... . .•.... 14.636 Valladolid .•.........•..... 19,547 Victorias .......... . 394,680 NEGROS ORIENTAL ...... . 12,423 Ayuiigon ....•........... . . 14,904 Ayuquitan ... .. ........... . 10,644 Bacong .. . .... , .•......... 22,471 Bais ..................... . 12.234 Dauin ........ . .......... . 22,236 DUMACUETE ............ . 4,516 Enrique Villanueva ...••... Guihuliigan .• ....•......... 53,582 Jimmlalud .....•. . .•••..... 14,553 La Libertad ..........•. ,. 17,795 7,544 Larena ••.•... . ....... , •... 15,157 L""i •................ , ...• Lu~uriaga ........ . ......•. 9,979 Manjuyod ................ . 25,581 8,722 Maria ................... . San Juan ... . .... . .... . .. . 8,368 Siaton ., .......•.. , • • • • ... 16,968 Sibulan ..... . .....••• . .... 9,884 Siquijor .........• •• •....... 15,200 Tambo* ...........••• •.. .. 354 Tanjay ............ ..... .. . 30,979 12,814 Tayl9an .......... • " • • . .. Tolong ............. • • . .... 15.95,1 21,677 Vall ehermoso ....... ... ... . 10, 141 Zamboanguita ......... • .... NUEVA EC IJ A ........... .. 416,762 Aliaga ...............•.... 15.149 Boiigabon ............. . .. . 11,885 CABANATUAN ......... . 46,626 ' Cabiao ................... . 14,617 Carranglan ... . ........... . 6,339 Cuyapo ..... . ..... . 24,570 Gapan .......•. • •• ........ 23.324 .Guimba .................. . 27,681 laen ..................... . 14,408 Laur 13,634 Licab •..... . .....•. • •• ... 8,348


Population Provinces Population Provinces 1l,783 Lupao ........•..... Mangalarem ., ••••• , ••••• , .. 18,658 21,814 Mapandan ••• , •• , •• , . .. .... 7.286 Munoz .. ' ........ , .......• 5,023 Natividad ....... . .. . .•.. • . 9,946 Nampi c uan ............... . 5,655 18,627 Panta bangan •.... .. .. , ••. , Pozorrubio ....•..•.••••... 7,517 Papaya ............. . .•• • .. Rusales .........•• , . , ••.•.• 15,837 9,423 Peiiaranda ..... . .. . ... • ••.• San Carlo•...• , .. , • • • • •... 47.33' 8,780 Quezon ................. .. San Fabian •......... , • ..•. 19,362 15,936 San J ac into ............ . .. . 7,853 Rizal ... . •...•.... . • " • .... 18,084San Antonio ............. . San Manuel .........•••..• 15.622 12,078 San Isidro •...•..... • • • ... San Nicolas •...•• , ..• •• ..• 16.088 28,666 San Jos e ............• • ... San Quintin .......... . ... . 12,833 10,716 San Leonardo ........ , ••.. Santa Barbara ............ . 15.125 12,809 Santa Rosa ........... . .. . Santa Ma ria .... . .... •• •... 10,295 12,163 Santo Domingg ....... • ... Santo Tgmas . ...•.• , • •.•. • 3,a7 20.442 Tal avera ........ . ........ . 13.168 Si. on ..............•...... 9.292 Zaragoza .....•............ Sual ............... , ...... . 6,396 78.505 NUEVA VJZCA Y'A ......... . Tayug ......... , ...• • ... . .. 16,222 6,208 Umingan ..•... . .. .. • .... , .. Aritao ....... . . .......... . 24,960 10,702 Bagabag .......... . ....... . UrbizlOndg ....... .. ....... . 11,159 8,545 Ha mbung ............ . ...• 29,120 Urdan ela ..... . ..... • •.... 12,146 BA YOMBONG ... " ....... . 18,452 YiIlas;. . .......... , • • • .... 6,767 RIZAL .................... . Dupax .............. . ... .. 444,805 2.043 Imugan* ........... .• ..... 3.896 Angono ., .......•. • •....... 1,591 Kasibu ' ... , •. : .....•...••• Antipolo •..•....... , ..... . 6.135 3,808 Ka yapa' .... • ............• Baras •........•.• .•• •..... 2.120 3,923 Pinappagan* • . .•. • •.... . .. 16,588 Binangonan ......• • • • ...... 4,894 Pingkian* .• . ..... • ....... . 3,075 Caiota ..........•.. • ....... 17.878 Solano ..•.•...........•.. . Calogcan ....... . .. • •...... 38,820 93,673 PALAWAN ........•......... 6,366 Cardona .•....... , •• , • •••.. 5.780 Aborlau' ...•...•.. • . •.... . J alaj a la ...•• , ..• . . ••• •...•. 1.532 3,866 Agutaya •.•..•.......•..••• La. Pinu •......... • ....• 6.822 2.280 Bacuit .................•.. Makati ................... . 33,530 2,760 Balabac" ...............•.. 33,285 Malab on ............ • • • ... 21,839 Brooke', Point" .......... . 18,200 Mandaluyong . . ...... . .... . 3,029 Cagayancillg ••.........•..• 15,166 Marikina ........ , .. . ..... . 11,354 Coron ................... . Montalban .. . .... . .. . .... . 6.402 17.492 Cuyo ... , ...•.. . ..........• 8,623 Morong ...•.. . ..... ,' • .... 2.885 Dumaran ...... . . . •.....•.. Muntinlupa ....... , • ....... 9,288 10,887 PUERTO PRINCESA ..... NayotlS ....... . .. . , •...... 20,861 4,173 Taytar ..•....••....••..... Paraiiaque ............... . 21. 125 7.328 Culign Re!ervation •.•.... . 55,161 Pan y •............ , • • ..... 375,281 27,541 PAMPANGA ... . .. ., ........ PASIG ., .•...... •.. ....... 26,027 Angele, .... . .. . .. , ...•.•.. Pateros 7.160 14,330 Apalit .......•......•...... Pililla. 5.461 22,510 Qu ezon City . . . . ... . ..... . Ara yat •. . ...... . .. • •.•... . 39.013 19,129 Bacolgf. . ... . ..•... . ...•.•• San Ju an d el Mont e 18,870 19,956 Candabll •.....•..• • • . .. . .• SllII Mateo • . •. ... ........ 6,134 17,521 Floridablanca • • . ... • .....•• Tagig . • .•... , • . .• . . .... • .. 12.087 22.33 1 Guagua .•.... • •... • ......• Taoay .... •. . • . , . . •.. .. . ... 8.228 29.154 Luba o ... . .......••....... Taytay .......... . • •• ..... . 10,891 20,560 Mabalacat ........• • ....... Teresa .... . .. . . . .. • , •... . . 2.425 20,149 ROMBLON .•. , ..... . ...... .. Ma cabebe . ..•.•. , •• •.•.... 99,367 16,634 Magalang ....... .. ........ , Badajoz .. . ........ .. ..... . 13,854 14,095 Ma5a utol •............. , .. . Cajidiocan •........ , • ...... 7,854 22,3<U Jl.lexico ......•............. ConcepcigQ ...... '" ., . .. . 1.754 9,805 Minalin .. . ...• . ......•...• Corc uer. . •..•..... , • •..... 4,004 16,169 Porac .................... . Despujou ....•. . ... , ••.... 5,634 SAN FERNANDO .... .... . 35.662 J one................ . .. .. . 4,972 San Luis .. . ...••..•.•.... 10.!l66 Logc ....•.•.......• . •..... 18,448 San Simon •... , ... . .•.. ,. 8,940 Magdiwang: .........•.. . ... 4,325 Santa Ana ............. , •. 8,183 Od io iigan ........••....... 16,628 Santa Rita ......... • •• ....• 10,801 ROMBLON ..... " .. .. ..... 14,309 10.018 Sexmoan .......... • ...•... San Fernando ....... • .... • 7,585 742.475 SAMAR ...... . •............ PANGASINAN ............ .. 546,306 Agno ........•............. 9,533 Allen •............•. , ..... . 14,734 Aguilar . . ..•.•....• • . . ...• 8,178 Almagro . ...........• • ..... 7.126 Alamiuo, .....•... , ....... . 19,960 Balaiigiga ........ , .. •• .... 19.858 Alcala .......•• , •.•....... 12,697 Bu ey . . ..... . ..... .. ..... . 28,296 Anda .........• • •..•.•.... 8,989 Bobgn . . ....•.... . •••..... . 15.449 As ii'igan ....... • •....•..... 19.571 Bgrongan .•....... , . , • ..... 21.340 Balungao ... . •............. 10,912 Calbayog •................. 25.786 Bani •.........•........ . .. 14,565 Calbiga ..... . ......... . ... . 14,071 Bautis ta ...... . .. . ... , .•• . • 7,203 Capul .................... . 7,,," Bayambang ."'; .......... . .. . 25,578 Catarman ...... • ........ . .. 21.007 Binalonan . . . ,., .. , •....•.. 19,736 CA TBALOGAN ........... . 26,654 Binmaley ...... . ..........• 20,455 Catubig •...... .. ..•....... . 18,736 Bolinoo ........ • •......... 14,914 Conc ord· ........ . ... ••• ... 203 Bugallon ...... . .......... . 14,469 Dolore•......•........ • .•.. 13,122 Bu rgos ...... • ............. 8,075 Gandara •........•........ . 18.507 Calasiao ......•...........• 19.325 Guiu!ln .................. .. 23,110 Dagupan ••.....•...•..... . . 32,602 H eman; ................. " 9.405 D""ol ••. ,., .....•• , .•..•.. 7,472 Hin abaii l: an * ............. . 2,011 Infant a •.....•...•....•.... 5.453 Jipapad" .....•.•. . .. . ..... 1,347 Labradgf . .... . •.• , . ....•.• 5,446 Laoang ...................• 19,736 LI NCAYEN ............ • ..• 30.655 Layeza~e. . •..•..........•.. 9,501 Mabini .......... . ........ . 7,510 Llorente ...• .. ............. 11.570 Malasiqui .............. . . .. 33.660 i\1a. log· ................. .. Manaoag .•.•......•.•.•... 29,030 Matuguinao' ...... , ...... . Maiigaldan •. . .•....••• , .• , 18,997 Mondragon • . ..•.. , ....... • 7,369

". '"



Pro~ill cu

Oquendo ................. . Ora. . ••...... . ..•......... PIlI.pag .•.. ,_ ............ . P a.mbujan •..•••........... Salcedo .•....•.... San Ant onio .......... . .. . Sail J ose de 8UM · ...•.. Siln Julian .............•. Santa Margaritll . ..... .... . Sant a Rit a. •........•..... Santo Nino ...... , . .... . . . Su la! ...•................. Taft ....•......•........... Tarangnan ..... •. .....•.... Tinambacan .............. . Villarea l .... . ........ .... . . Wright ................... . Zumana!:"a ................ . SORSOGO N ...•..••......... Bacon •.................... Barcelona ......•.......... Bu!an .... .. .............. . Bul ulDn ........ . ........ . . Cuiguran •....•..........• Cutila ........•...•.. .. ... Don, ol ....•...•.. . ........ Cubal .................... . Iro,in .................... . J uban ..... ... ........... . Magall ane. ................ . Mainor .............•. . .... Pilar ..................... . Prieto Di u .............. . Santa ~hgda!ena ......... . SORSOGON .............. . SULU .•.•................... Balimbing $ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Bonggaw (Bangaw) * IndilnQn · ... . , ........... . JOLO ............... . .... . Kagayan (T,na' Mapun) • . Luuk $ ••••••••••• .•• •••••• ~himbnng · ........•...... Marungg.. ( B~ng"g 85)· .. Panamaw I •••• ••• • • • • • • • • • Panrularan· ............. . Par.,.n, I ••••••••••••••••.. Pata I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • . . Paliku! I •••••• • • • • • • • . . . •• Siu; (Si A,e·)· ........ . Si munnl I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 0



P rOt';RCU

P,o l!inc~J


14.379 Si T angka),· ......... . ... . 20.962 Soulh Ubian (Ubian Tim. bang) ............•...... 19. 745 T al ipaw' ................. . 1<1.86" T andu' Bu· ............ . 13.237 6.421 Tapul' ...•..•.....•....... TUJlgkil ' ....... . ......... . 633 5.880 SU RIGAO ...... ... ........ .. 9.331 Bacuag ...........•. • ...... 9,9'19 Bidig ............••••..... 4.926 Canlilan ............ , • •.... 8,001Carratcal . .......... •••• ... 5.743 DDp a ............... , ..... . Din agD! ................... . 11.605 9,788 General Luna ........... . . 13,807 Giga quil .................. . 17,716 Hin atuan ................. . 21.225 Lanuza ................... . 247,653 Liallga . . .... .. ........... . 18,351 Ling is: ......... • ........... Loreto ................... . 8.966 29.4H ~lainil ................... . ]0.430 Numancia ................ . 12.412 I'lacer ............. • ....... SURIGAO ............... .. 16.070 Tago ...........•....... '" 18.050 Tandag ............•....... 22.880 17,017 TARLAC ......... • .......... 11 .960 Allao ..................... . 15.412 Bamban .................. . 10.119 CamHing . ................. . Capl.! ............•........ 20.654 7,480 Concepcion ......• • ..•..... 6.339 Gerona ............ ...... .. 22,097 La Pu .............. . . . 247, 117 Mayantoc ............ • . _ .. . 3,222 Moncada ............ • • , . . 4.510 P ani'lui ..............•• , .. . 18.959 I' ura ........ .. .... ....... . Ramos ........... , ..•..... 12.571 6,851 San Clemente ...... . San Manuel ............•.. 27,878 11.228 Sanll Igoacia ............ . J ,998 TAHLAC ...... ........... . 10.414 Vicloria .................. . 7,4<12 TAYABAS ................. . 22.572 A labal ........••.......... 9.105 Alimonan ................. . 17,469 Ba ler ..................... . 29,259 Bondo •........ •• •......... 4,980 Calauag .............••.....



Candelaria Cuigunn ............... , .. Calananan .•..... .......... Dolores .................. . . Ceneral Luna ............ . Guinayangan ., ........... . Gumaca ...... , ......... .. . Infanla ................... . Lopez ...... .. .... , •..... .. Lucban ....• , .•.... , ...... . LUCENA ................. . Mac alelon ..............•.. ]\fauban ... . .......... . .•.. Mulanay ..... . ....... _..• .. Padre Burro. . ........... . Pagbilao •...... . .... . .•.... Pe rez, .................... . Pilngo .......... . ...•...•.. Polillo ....... , .......•• . •. Quezon ......•..... . ..•.... Sampaloc ............••... San Narciso .......... •• ... 5ariay. . ............• • • • ... :r~yabu ......... . ....•.. .. f' Dong .................... . Unisan ................. . . .

8,052 11,064 l1,342 18,496 2,893 225.895 6.366 4,MO 18,408 5.557 11,313 9,533 4.619 13,676 14.722 7,314 15,710 5.397 6,623 13.951 11,051 1>1,443 34,339 15,271 12.;02 ZAMBALES 261,379 Botolan ... . .............. . . 3.486 Cabanran ................. . 9,663 Candelaria ............... .. 25,824 Caslillejos ................ . 13.178 IBA ...................... . 32,702 Mulnloc ................. . 20,982 Palauig ....••.•.......•• •.• 13.298 San Alllonio ............. . 7,196 Sail Felipe .............. . 12.518 Sail Ma rcelino ............ . J9,124 San Na rciso .......•..... . 7.005 Sanla Cruz .•............. 4,035 Subic .... .......... ....... . 3, 199 5,919 ZMIBOANGA Dapilan ............ . ••... . 10,993 Dlpol og • .. ...•..•.......•.. 55,682 Kabasalan ...........••.... 19.575 Kalip unan ............ •• ... 358.553 MargOliatubig .............• 4,306 I'agadian ................. . 18.5 12 Sindangan ................ . . 11 ,887 Sloeon ... . ............... . 3,4>16 ZAMBOANCA. CITY OF ., 13,629

McCullough Printing Co. 101-103 Escolta

Third Floor

Tel. 2-18-01

Printers, Engravers ~ Stationers Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Brass Signs, Badges, Dry Seals, etc,


17,686 6.393 10,416 6,263

4,106 15.948 12,904 20,331 19,948 13,976 21,615 6,587 14,832

3,951 5,262

II,3I9 2,967

' ,835 ',084 4,450 4,540 5,683

25,736 18,172 27,179 11,464 106,945 H,817 5,310 5,682 5,362 8,299 7,012 6,026 6,637 6, 551 8,4M 9,123 11 ,194 14,923 355,981 28,295

31,604. 15,882 35,355 23,536 46,262 33,069 10,526 131,4SS





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16 38 3' 31

22' 57 22

438 185


ll2 1 10 17. 6 13 71 47 5. 3, 19 1


3 10 76


140 51 26





-I --

14 40





20 5

31 87 24


113 260

Street Directory For The

City of Manila 1941 NAMES OF STREETS tOnly portion opened 'Not yet opened bt Street (Port Distrk t) from Mu clle del Codo to Omaha Street 2nd SUeet (PorI Dislrict) from Muelle del Codo 10 A. Bonifacio 3rd Street (Port Districl) from Tacoma Streel to Omaha Street '4th Street (Port District) from Tacoma Street 10 7th Street '5th Street (Port District) from Tacoma Street to Atlanta Street '6th Street (Port District) from Muelle Tacoma I" 7th Sireet '7th Street (Port District) from Chicago Street 10 Omaha Street 8tb Street (Port Diatrict) from Muelle Tacoma to A. Boni. I,cio 19tb Street (Port Dbt ri cl) from Chicago St reet to Rail. road Street ttOtb Street (Port Di urict) from Cbicago Street 10 Roil. .... y Street Ulh Street (Pori Di. tri ct) Irom Muelle San Francilco 10 A. Bonifacio 12th Street (Port Districl) from Muelle San Francisco to A. Bonifacio 13th Street (Pnrt Dif tricl) from MueHe San FranciJco to A. Bonifacio t1 4th Sueet (Port Dqt rict) from Muelle San Francisco 10 Rail road Street t15th Street (Port Distr ict) from MueHe San Franciaco I {I Railroad S:reel 16th Street (Port Di!lrict) frow MueUe San Francisc o to A. Bonifacio t17lh Street (Port Distric t) from Muelle San Francisco t.J Railroad Strl-e! tl81b Street (Port Diatrict) from Muelle San Francisco to Railroarl Street tl9th Street (Po rt Db tricl) from Muelle San Frencisco 10 Railroad Street 21Jth Street (Port District) from Muelle Sail Francisco 10 A. Bonifacio t2ltt Sireet (Port Distric t) from Muelle San Francisco to Railroad Street t22nd Street (Port Districl) Irom !\lucile San Francilco to Railroad Street t23rd Street (Port Dbtrict) from Mu elle San Francisco to Railroad Street t241h Street (Port District) from Boston to Rai lroad Street 25th Street (Port District) from ?!fuelle San Francisco to A. Bonifacio A. Bonilacio (Intramuros) from Pa, ig Riv er to P. Burgos ' A. C. H errera (Obrero) from J. T. Sont08 Northerly ·A. Cecilio (Obrero) from !\I. Ocampo, Nor therl y A. Fiore, (Ermita) from De... ey Boulevard to Nebraska A. Mabini (Ermila., Malate) from Sun Lui! to City Limita ·Abella (Malate) hom Carolina to H arrilon Boulevard IAb ra (Tondo, Sanla Cruz) from D",&upan wellerly Ableu (San Miguel) from San Rafael South ...etlerly Abreu, CaUejon (San Miguel) from Calle Abreu Northe rl y Acacia (San Miguel) from NovaHcbes 10 Sallcht.% Barca· iueg:ui Aceite ( Sampaloe) from Nagtahall to E.lero Va lencia 'Ade (Tondo) from Tayuman, Tondo Adela (San Miguel) from Avile. 10 Estero Avilcs AdtUna (Sampaloc) from Alld al ucia to Espaiia

t lneluulng part not yet opened IIP rivate .treet .Adriano (Pandacan, Paco) from H arriso n Boulevard to I'asi" Ri ver Aduana ( Inlramuros) from A. Bonifacio to Solana Aeta (Tondo) from E$lero de Vilas to Frallco "Agala (Santa Ana) from Turquesa to Zobel-Rous Aglipay (Pandacan) Agno (~hla te) from San Andres to Dagonoy Aguldo (San Miguel) from Avi lcs to Arlegui Aguadn, CaUejon (Santa Cruz) from Avenida RizaI to An. dalucia ARued a, Callejon (IUalate) from De... ey Boolevard to Ca· rolina Agoil.1. CaUejon (Tondo) from Sallta Maria to Sande Agoilar (Binondo and Tondo) from LUOD to Tronqued Agu stin de la Ron (Sta. Ana Sob.) b etween Syquia & Re· bellin "Aiobntro (San ta Alia) from Diamante 10 Zohel-Ro:ua Alabat (Tondo) from Estero Sunog Apog to Buendia Alealceria (San Nicoln) from San Fernando to Jobonerol AI~ald e (Tondo) fro m North Bay Boulevard 10 Cavite tAlealltar .. (Sampaloc) from C. Tualon to babel Aldeeoa (Malate) from 1\1. H. del Pilar to Dewey Boule"ard Alejandro Famesio (Quiapo) from Arleg:ui 10 Cutillejos Alejandro VI (Slmpaloe) from Leearda to No ... l Alfaro (Paco) from Leroy to Paz Alfonlo (Santa Ana) from Vito Cruz to City limits Alfredo (Sanla Cruz, Sampaloc) from Maria Clara 10 Da· pitall tAlgecirll (Sampaloc) from Dimas AIang to Santa Meu Al hamb ra (Ermita) from San Lub to Arquiz.a Almacenes ( Inlramuros) from Maestranza to Cabildo Almeda (Tolldo) from Tayuman to T enon Alonlo (Mala te) frOll! A. Mahin; to Neb raska AlonlO Velasqnez (San Nicolas) from Camba to Angiigalo Ahu ra (Sampaloc) from Santa Mcsa 10 Soaieg:o Alvarado (Binondo) from Estero do 10 Reilla Northerl), Alvarado Extension, (Tondo) a private , u eel in Palomar Sud-division Alvarez (Santa Cruz) from Andalucia to San Laza ro Estero Amadco ( Paco) £roJil COnllOr to Ulilang Cauayan Amador de Arriaran (San Nicoll!) Irom ASUDCion 10 Climba Amarlanhagui (Tondo) from Velasquez to Sande "'Amatista (SaDta ADa) from San Andres to Zobel· Rons Amhrosio Past:n3l, Cdlejon (SaDla Croz) from Estero Sail Laza ro to Mang ahan Ampiaco (Tondo) from Estero SUDog Apog to Eslero Sunog Apog Ampil (Tondo) pri vate 8treel ~o uth of Te«aon running from Calle Juan Luna ... e~le ri y. uAmpioco (Tond o) !rom Rodriguez Northerly Anacltto, CaUejon (Sanla Cruz) from Lope de Vega to Alvarez Aoak nl Bayan (Malate) from Dart to San Andrcs Anda (lntramuros) from Santa Lucia to P. Bureos tAndalueia (Santa Cruz, Sampaloc) from to C ov. ernor Forbes Andrade, Callejon (Santa Cruz, Rital Park) fro m Alilipolo to Blumentritt Andrea Vitan (Sampaloc) a private st reet in NaglahaD Sub· division. " Andres (Mala te) A priute aUey in M. Quiogu e Subdivi· ,ion Dorth... cs t of Mid ip g




nAnga! (Tondo) from Laguna 10 T eclon Angiigalo, CallejoD, (San Nicolu , Tondo) to Lakandula

f rom Del

r an

"Antult i. (Ton do) from Pavia to Fajardo Antipolo (Tond o, Santa CrUl, Sampaloc) from Batlngas to G. TU lSon

tAntipolo W. (Tondo) from Tomas Earnshaw to J uan Luna Anl onio (S an la Cruz, Sampaloc) from And aluci a 10 Da· pit on ·'Antonio Corrca (Paeo) fro m hue Pera l to Estero d el Proviso. Ant onio de 108 Aln (Santa Ana) from F elix 10 TIlI'crncs5 Ant oni o Garrido (Sll. AJ'.) a public IIrcct En t of T ej e· ron .unning Euterly 10 M. Roul Antonio H urtado (San Nicol n) from Comcrcio 10 Tab ora t Antonio 1'. enal (San Migu e l) from Gene r:l] Solano to Novaliehe, Ant onio Rivera (Tondo) from Azcarrac. 10 T ayuman Apo lio (Paco ) Irmo Syson Northward A.81:01l (Sampa loc) from Governor F orbel to Dimas·Alang Aunga (Sampaloe) from Reten to Estero Alix Arcadio Arellano (Sta. Ana) a p ublic IIreel in Concor. d ia lu b ·division, betwee n Sute r Exten.ion a nd Diamante Edenlion Aroilla Call ejon (Pandaean) from Nard lO 10 F nlernida d ArenlU (Sampaloc) from G. T UlSon 10 San Ant on Arguelles, Callejon (Tondo) at 1215 Magdalena Arkans .. (Ermita) from F lo ri da to Ne brl8ka Arl egui (Quiapo, SaD ..Miguel) from Qu ezon Boulel'ard to E. Mendiola tArqu ero. (Tondo) fr om Prudeneia to Da!:upa n Arquiza (E rmita) from Nebraska to Dewey lloulevard tArelbno (Sanla Ana) from City Limit. 10 Sagal Arin on Bautisla (Punla) (rom Felix Roxal 10 Mandaluyon!: Road Anoeerol (Ermita) f rom Plaza Lawlon to Ceneral Luna Arturo, Callejon (Ermila) from PIau F erguson No rt herly Arzobilpo (Intramuros) from Rea l to San ta CI~ra Asenjo (Sampaloe) from Nag lahan Northean Aslurias (Sant a Cruz, Sampaloe ) Irom All dalucia to Dapitan A$uncion (San NicolO!, T ondo) from S8n Fernando to Ma· nila Bay Allanta (Port Districl) from 2nd 51reel to 7th s treet Avenida Riza l (Santa Cruz, Tond o) from Ecbague 10 City Limill Avil e. (San Mieu e!) Irom San J', liGue\ Church 10 Plaza A,·e· lino tA yala Boulevard (E rmita) from Ay.1a Bridge to Ceneral Luna t Aleanaga (Binondo, Tondo, San Nicolas, S ta. C:uz, Qu ia· po, San Miguel and Sampaloe) from Man ila Bay to SantI Mesa circle-Rolonda Azuc ena (Sonia Ana) fr om Lamoyan to Panuderos ·B. A. Tan (O br ero) from Marulu Northe rl y Sacood (Sanlo Mega ) (rom Pasig IH ver to KQtipunan Bahama (Sanla Cruz) from Ongpin to T eodora Alonso Balagtn (Tondo) from Mola ve to Bonifacio BBlagtas , Callejon (Pandacan) from PandaCDn 10 Nardlo Balaguer (Sampa loc) from Dimas Alang to Eli a! - Bala ya, Callejon (T ondo) from Pin gkian to DOllupan .'Baldwin (Santa Cruz) from Anlipolo to Cavite 'Balingkil (Mabte) from In diana 10 P enDl ylyania 'B,,1intawak (T on do) from ESlero I'olomar 10 Torres Bu. ga llon Balme. (Quiapo) from Arlegui to Estero San Miguel tB ahazar (Ton do) from Bangkusay to Sa nde Bambanl; (Sanla Cruz, T ondo) from Dc los Reyu 10 An. da luc ia Bambu Seribu, CaUejon (SlInta Cruz) f rom Estero San La· 1.&ro 10 P edro Guevara Banahaw (T on do) from Esle ro Sunog Apog to Buendi a 'Banal, (Tondo) from JUaD Luna 10 Dugupau BanGkaw, Callejon (Binondo) from Rourio Soulhweslerly BankullY (Tondo) from Pavia to Velard e Banquero, (5.anh Cruz) from P uig River 10 Dasmarinas Barbosa (Qui.po) from Globo de Oro 10 Escaldo Barcelona (Sa n Nieolas) from Muelle de la Industria 10 Alcuraga Baruca (San Nicolas) from Piau del Conde to Dasmarinas Buco (InlnlmUTt)!) from Santa POlen ciana to Victoria ' Builio, Callejon ( Rizal Park) from Retiro 10 Lepa nto " Basit (Tondo) from Estero Sunog Apog to Buendia Batane. (Samp al oe) , a private stree t fronl C. Tuuon run· ning E .. lerly parallel to Cit y Limits. tBa tangu (S auta Cruz, Tondo) from Juan Luna 10 F elill Hu erla , Bato (Tondo) from Anlipolo W .. 10 T eeson Baulista (Santa Ana) from Estrada to City L im ils Bayani (Sama Ana) from 111. ROllls to Hernandez BUln (Quiapo) from Echagu e to Pasig River Beata (Pandacan) from Caiogin to hidra Cerleu

Beaterio ( Int ramuros) from San Juan de Letra n to Santa l.ucia 'Beeerra (Sampaloe) from Di mu Alang to Elias t Begonia (Santa Ana) from Lama)'an to P anade ros Belen (Paco) from Paco Cirde 10 Dart "Behran (T on do) from Estero Su nog Apog Northerly Benavides (Din ondo, T ond o) from Salanr to Enado Bermuda (Santa Cruz) from On gpi n 10 Ezpele ta "Bernncngoa, (Ton do) from E8tero Su nog Apog Northerly Bilbao (Tondo) from Zam goza 10 Lakandu la Dilibid Viejo (Qu iapo) from Piau del Carmen 10 Evange· liua Blumentrill (Santa Cruz) from A"enida i{iza l 10 Cemente. rio del Norle Blumentritt E~t . (Sampaloe) from Dapilan to [ Ipa iia Bodeea', Callejon (Ermita) from \'.tarques de Comilla~ 10 Pasig Ri"er Bohol (Sampaloe) from C. T uuon South"ast Bolinno (Sla. Cruz), a private atree t in Manila Ealate Sut.. divi sion, wes l o f ipil, be twee n T aya bn and Ceneral Diokno Bonifacio (Tondo) from P. Comez to Eat ero de Maypa] o " Bunloe (T(,udo) from Dagupa n West e rly Bonus, Callejon (Pandacan) from Nnrcilo to Fraternidad tBoAt on "( Port Di.lrict) from 12th Stree t to 25th Street Brillanle9, Callcjon (Sampaloc) from Lavanderoa to C.. · lano. Brixton Hill (Sampaloc) from SOliego 10 City Limit, Bucnclmino (San Miguel) (rom A"il el to Estero AvilCll "Bucndia (Tondo) from Est ero Vil as to Estero Sunog Apog Duenol Airel (Sampaloc) from l\la nga Av en ue to Railroad Track Buen"iaje (Quinpo) from Seyerino to San Lorenzo -B ugallon (Tondo, Santa Crllt) from 1\Iorong 10 Antipolo tBllknn eg (Tondo) from J uan Luna to Dagupan .Bulacan (Ton do, Santa Cruz) from Lieo to Chinese Ce me· Icry Bulnean (Tondo) from Estero. SunOl: Ap oll' to E' lero SUnOli' Apog Bllinca ll (Ton do) from Calooenn 10 19 de Jun io BulaeD Il, W. (Tondo) from Juan Luna to E'lero Sunol: Apog Bulgar in, CDllejon (Santa Cruz) from Avenid a Rizal 10 Andalucia ~ Dul ong (I'ondacan. Paco) from Hanilon Boulevard 10 Pa· lumpong Bustillos (S.mpsloc) from E~tero San Migue l 10 Ssn Anton BustOJ (Santa Cruz) from Plaza Santa Cruz 10 AI'en id a Ri za l C. Cabongia, (T ondo) privale .treet in Cabongil Su b· di,· at Calle Velasquez and Horbon . C. l\I . Calisn (Obrero) from J. Lukban to F. Roxu Cahalleros (San Nicolas) Irom JabonerOI to Clavel Cab'!1:U (Tondo) from Prudencia to Dagu pan Cabi ldo ( lntramuro.) (rom Muralla 10 Almace oes Cabo (Ton do) from North Bny Boulevard 10 Cnit e Cabral (Ermila) (rom Concepcion to San Marcelino Clliayan (Sla. Ana), a publie S treet in Sla . Ana Bu bdivi. ,ion, Enl o f T ejeron, from Mayon 10 Este ro Sta. Clara Cohilom (Pandacan) from Caingin to Zulueta CainG,n (Pandaeao) from H ilom to Cahilom Calamba (Sampaloc, Rizal Park) Irom Antipolo Easterly Calderon (Sanla Ana) from He rran to Este ro Sa nta Clua Calero (Santa Cruz) from Azcarraga 10 Soler California (Erm ila) from T aft Ayenue to Dar t Clllixto Dy·Yco, (Paco) from Da rt to Paco Estero CBloocan (Tondo) from Nana to C,ly Limits tCamarine5 (San ta Cruz, T ondo) from J ua n Luna to F elix H ucrtlll Cnmb n (San Nico la.) IrOI1l San Fcruando 10 Azcarraga ·Camelin (I'aeo, Pliltdacan) from Harri lOIl Boulevard to Je· su, EXlension Canonigo {Paco} from Oti, to Piau Dilao Career, C.ncjon (Quiapo) from R. H idalgo 10 Del Carmen Caridad, CaUejon de la (Santa Cruz) fro m Evangeli'la 10 !'alma Carmen, (Tondo) private s lreet in Sub·di,·ision of J. No Wollson a t Arqueros Carmen, Callejon (See de l Carmen) .......•.. ..........••• , Carola, Ca ll ejon (Sampaloe) from Dimas Alang to Floren. liuo Carolina (Malate) from Remed io! to E,lerQ Maytubig Carrnco, Callejon ( Binondo) fr om Plaza Calderon de la Darca 10 Eu ero Binondo Carriedo (San ta Cru z) from Plaza Coiti to Plaza Miranda Carvajal, Callejon (Dinondo) from n ourio to Canal de b Il. ein ~

.Cuanu (Sampaloc, RJ zal Park) from Calamba to P. Flo· ren t ino Castaneda, Callejon (Santa Cruz) from Avenida Ri zal to Anda lud a

ST REET DIRECTOHY Castano! (Sampaloc) from Manrique to Lipa Castillejo. (Quiapo) from Duqu e de Alba to A. Farll e~io tClI!tro (Malate) from Wril;:ht Ell!. to T aft Avenue Catal una (SlImp.loe) from Andalucia 10 Lepanto tCavile (Tondo, Saoto CTllz) from Estero Sunog Apog 10 Oim u alang Cebu (Sampaloc) from C. Tuu on SOlllheasl Cel~lino Aragon (Malate). ia a public alley from Pennsy l. "allia 10 Singllong (Soulh nf San AndreJ) "Celia (Pleo) f rom Euero de Paeo 10 EU ero de Ganado Cementerio (Pandaean) from Jesus to P uig River Ceotral (Pandaean) from Narciso 10 Estero Pandaca n Chici (Santa Cr"z) from hla de Romcro to Orozcn tChicaso (POri Districl ) from 6th SlTect to 251h Slreet ChuTTuca (Ermita) from San Lui, 10 haac Peral Claudio from Mindoro Southward Clavel (San Nicolas) from SanlO Cristo 10 Angngalo Claveria (IJinondo) from G~ndara to Poblete Colganle (Ermita) from P. Burgol 10 Qu ewn Bridge Colon (Ermita) from Concepcion Soulherly (Portion Qf Arala to Privale) tCol"rado (Ermila, Malat e ) from Padre Faura to San An dr~


Comandanle (Sanla Cruz) from Evangelista Calero Comercio (San Nicolu) from San to Cristo to E$tcro de Binondo Concepcion (Ermits) from P. Burgo. 10 Ay~la Boulevard Concha (Tondo) from JUDn t Ulia to Manila Bay "Conchila (Sampaloc) from Andalucia to Dapi-tan Conchu (S~nta Ana) from Eurada to City Limits Concordia. Callejo" (Paeo) from GlIIierrez to Railroad Tra ck Conde. Callejon (Quiapo) from Bilibid Viejo Southerly Cond en (Binondo) from Plua Calderon de la Barca to T. Pinpin Connor, Call ejon (Paco) from paz to Amadeo Con rado Lerma (Samp.loc) from Andaluci. t o Quintin Salas tConstancia (Samp.loc) from PuiS River t') Dimas.AIani Consuelo (Sampaloc) from Governor F orbes to Elisa Coral (Tondo) from Manil a Bay 10 Canal de la Reina "Coral (Sant!l Ana) from 510 AndreJ to ZQbel.Ro:la' Coruon de J esue (Malate) from SingalODg to Kanu. *Corbin (Ermita) h om Ceneral Luna to Talt Ave. Corcuera (Tondo) from Velazquez to Canal de la R ein. Cordeleria (Snlp.loc) from Pa';g to Valenzuela Coromin .. (Quiapo) from A.carralla tn San Lauro Cortabitart e (Malate) from Manila Bay to Carolina Conada (Ermita) from 5111 Luil to A. F lorel tCnig (Sampaloc, Riral Park) from Dimas·Alang to Leal-



Callejon (Sampaloe, Rizal Park) Irom Retiro to Dap~lan ·Cr;stina (Sampaloe) f rom Maria Cbra to Lepan to Cri. tobal (Paco) from U1ilang Cauayan 10 Estero Santi·

ban ez Cruzada. Callejon (Tandua .. ) from L ega r<l~ WeslerhCuarteles (Ermila) from Manila n RY to M. H . del Pilar Calleion (Sant.1 Cruz) from El tero San t e Pedro Gu evara tCuesta. Cmlle (San t. CTllz) from Antipolo 10 Chine.1I Cemetery Cuevu (Paco) from paz to UIiI,n, Cauayan eo. Gomez (Ob ... ro) from MaTUla. to S. J . F ernandez D. Na'l"llfTo. (TODdo) private at reet in C.bangi. su b· division at Vela oqul!":!: and H erbnoa Dadivas (Dinondo) from R eina R ~ente to Ah'arado "Dagonoy (MaJ. le) from Estero ~Iavlubil! 10 P en nsylva nia Duupln (Tondo) from Azcarraga 10 Vizcaya Dakota (Ermita. Malate) from Padre Fanta to Vilo Cruz Oalaga (Tondo) from Nortll nly Boulevard to Ca"ite tDandao (Tondo) from Bangku ny to Sande Oapitan (Samp.loc, Riul P ark) fr om Andalucil to Cily Limit,. Dart ( Paco, Malate) frnm Belen to Valent;n Esgu err a D... marina~ (F1inondo) fro:>m Cu. tom Ho".e 10 T,.luan Dlula!. Calleion (Santa Cruz) from Avenidl Rizal to And.· lucia Da vid (Binondo) from T . Pin pin 10 Pa';J!" RivH "Oayao (Tondo) from Ellero Sunog Apoe Northerly tOe 10. Reyu (Tondo) from BatangM to Dizon Oel Carmen (Olliapo) frnm Plaza del Carml'n to Caree r Del Carmen, P anje (Malate) from M. H. tiel Pilar to Dewey Boulevard Del Pan (San Nicolas) from Cla" el to Mudlc de la In. dustri. .Del Puo (Quiapo) from Mendoza to Quiapo EsterQ .uDely (M alate) • llrlvate street in M. Quiogue Subdi"isioll northwes t of Mirling '''Oeo dato. Callejon (Ton do) from P rudencia 10 Dagupan Dewey Bou levard (E rmita , M.late) from 25th Street to E5' tero MaYlubig


··Oiamante (Santa Ana) from Grol. Luna EItens ion to Suter tOian (Santa An.) from Es trada 10 City Limils Dimas Alang (Sampaloc , Rizal Park) from La ong Laan to Biumelliritt Di zon (Tondo) from Manujl."uit to Quiricada Oocelic ( Paeo ) from S.n J orge to E$lero de Tanque Docto r Polellciano Guuon (San la Ana) from R. de l Pan to Estero Sta. Clara *Ooherly ( Paco, Palldacan) from Plaza DiI.o 10 Mendiola Ellellsion Do lores. (T ondo) a prival e st reet in Sud·divi~iQn of J. N. Wolfsoo at Arqueroa Dominga (Malate) from V ito Cruz to City Limita Domingo Santiago (Sampaloc) from G. T UMon to Buenoa Aires DQminguez Alfonso (llohlate) from H erran to Remedio. !Oon Pedro (San to Ana). from Arell ano 10 H ernan dez Dnn Quijote (Sampaloc) from Aragon to Gov. F orbes Oonatla (Ma IDte) from Vilo Cru~ to City Limits Ooroleo Cortes (Intramuros) from Arzobi.po to P Q8Iigo Doroteo Jose, (Santa Cruz) from Eslero San Lazaro to Oroquieta tOo. Castillas (Sampaloc) from Aragon to L ea had Dr. P. Guason (St~. Ana) from Rafa e l del Pan to Estero Sta. Clara in A. Mendoza Subdivisio n Dr, R. Papa. (Obrero) from MaTU lu to J. C. Cru z Ouhat (Sampaloc) private atreet with in the Sub·division o f Realty In"estmenl! at Naglahan Duque de Alba (Qui.po) from Castillejos to Estero San SebO\Stian tEo l'ol endiola (San Miguel, Pandac.n) from L egarda to Harrison Boulevard E. J acinto (Tondo) from Nicolu to Manuguil Ebro (TonClo) from No rlh Bay Boulevard to Antip olo W. Echagu e (Santa Cru~, San MilllUel) from ROIlS Bridge to Ayala Bridge Echavelita (Paco) from San Gre,orio 10 Mindoro tEconomia (Sampaloc) from Estero Valencia to DimasAlang Edell (Santa An a) from Herrao to A , de las Alu "Eduardo (P.eo) from C'lllonigo to Olil Eduqu e (Tondo) from Rodrigut'z to Infanta E!cano (San Nicolas) from Old Cuslom H ouse to T ondo Bea .. h F.len. (Tondo) from Rl el fort to i\lorioneJ Elias, Callejon (Sampaloc. Rilll Park) from Aragon to Blumenlritt Eliwndo (Qui~po) from R. H id.lgo to San Migu el Es tero Eloisa (Sampaloc) from Andaluela 10 Espaiia EIQTiaJ!"a (Tonno) from D~jI."upDn to Euero SunoJ!" Apog Emb~rcadero (SIIIta Ana) from P asig R ive r to Plaza San. ta Ana Erl<laya. Callejon (Ton do) from Prudencia 10 Dagupan En ero (TQndo) from E . JacinlO 10 13 de Agost o Enrique (Santa Ana) from Vito Cruz to City Limils "Enriquez (Paco) from D ~rt to Singalong ·"E.r.aladR (Tondo) from Estero Sunol/." Apol1; to Buenrlia Esea ldo (Q"iapo) from Quel,on Boulevard to E stero de Quiapo "Escaler (Sta. Cruz) a priVite IIreet in Manila Esta te sub. division. wes t o f Ipil, between Camarine! and GraL Diokn" Escinta, CaJlejo n (S.nla Cruz) from Evangelilla to Quezon Boulev.rd Eseolta (Rinondo) from Moraga to Plaza Santa Cruz E~euela (Intramuro.) from Victoria to Recoletn. !:'I!:uerra (T ondo) from Velazquez to Sinde " E~meralda (~Rnta Ana) from V. Esgue rra to Zobel.Ro:"".a E.paiia (Sampaloe) from P. Paredes to City L imits Espeleta (Santa Cruz) from Misericordia 10 San t a.zaro ESlero Esperanu, Callelon de I. (Santa Cruz) from E'·.ngclis ta to Quezon Boulev.rd Espinoza (San Miguel) from Novlli ehe. to Ctal. Solano Espiritu (S8nla An.) from Entad. to City Limils E.quivel (Santa CnI~) from Avenida Ri .. ! 10 Alld.lueia ESlado (T ondo) from MaJ!"dalena to Benavides E.tado Extens ion. (Tondol a private all ey ;n Palomar Park Estero Cegado (Sun t3 Cruz) from Echague 10 Callejon Estreeho Eurada (Malat e ) from T a ft Ave nue to Tejeron Estraude (Binondo) f rom Ellero d" Binondo to Estero de la Rein a ESlrer ho, Callejon ( Sun ta Cruz) from Trinid Qd 10 Sales Estrella, Callejon (Binondo) from San Agunin Bridgll to T. Pinp in f:us tasio Javi er ( Sanll Crul) from O'Donnell to Andalucia ,"vacl;elilla (Santa Cru~) from Piau Miranda to Azearr.~a Extremadur. (S am lla loe) from Espan. to Aleantara D F. B. Harrison (l'Ifal ale) from Vito Cruz to City Limits



"F. Bueneamino, Sr. (San Miguel) Avilea to Estero Avil« .F. l\Iuiio~ (Malale) frOID Sing_loog 10 Cral. Luna aF. ROIIl! (Obre ro) from P. SaHla North erly F . T ober. (Tondo) f rom Prudencio de J e~u to Nicolu Fabian Rey es (Sanl1J. Crill) from Avenida Rinl 10 An ea· lucia Fable, CaUejo n (P aca) from H erra n 10 Concordia r aj ardo (Tond o) from Sande 10 Canal de III Reina ' Famy (S an Mi!:lIel) from Mendiola 10 Legard. F e. CaUejon de la (Santa CrUll from Evangeliata 10 Quezon Boul evard Feliciano J ~'OD (Samplloc) from Nova l to Governor

r orhe! r elina (Paca) II p rivat e IIre"t from Merced 10 Union Felipe II (BinondoJ from R eina R ege tll e 10 Santa El ell a Felill: (Sanla An a) from H erra n 10 Estero Concordia F elix Huerlas (Santa Cruz) Irom Lope de Vega 10 Mat an. dang Sora Felix Rox .. (San Felipe Neri) from Pui, Rifer 10 Cily Lim;" F ermin T ober. (Ton do) from Dizon to T ayuman Fernandez, Canejon (Sanla Cruz) h om Ongpin 10 Zacaleros F ernandez (Tondo) (dupli cate) from Laong Nua Northward Fernando Ma. Guerr ero (T ondo) from Na n a to Est ero Palomar "Fidel (Tondo) from North Bay Boulevud to Bulac an, W. Figueroa (P aco) frum Sagat to Eltero Concordia Firmeza (Sampaloc) from Trab ajo to P. Leoncio Florante, CallejoD (Santa Cruz) from E ungelilta to E.tero d e Quiapo Floreo tino T on", (Santa Cruz) fr om Ronquillo to AZ<:Dnaga Florida (Ermita) from Smn Lui. 10 P ad re F lura florida (Malate) from H erron to San Andre. Fol,ueru (San Nicolu, Tondo) from Marceli no de Santol 10 JOie P alma Francllco (Tond o) from Velazqu ez to Sande Fra ncisco Ica.iano (Paco) from Paz 10 Union Franco (Tondo) f rom Moriones 10 Este ro de Vi lli Fraternal (Quiapo) from Tuberill to CUliUejo. Fra lernidad ( Pand aeln) from H ilom to C. de J eous Fr",co (Malate) from M. H . del Pilar 10 Dewey Bouleva rd tF uenlel (Santa Ani) from Arellano to City Limits . Fullon, Cillejon (Tondo) from Prudenc ia to Dal:upan Fumldero (San Nicolu) from Ylang·Yllng to Santo Cri. to Fundldor (San Ni colu) from Lavezares to San to Cristo .C, Santiago (Obrero) from J, T. SantOI Nort herly C. Tuuon (Sa mpaloc) from CUlanOI to City Llmil. C. Verson. (T ondo) a private All ey in Cabangi. Sub· division at Call.,. VelllIquez and Hubosa Clbriela (T on d o) from Prudencia to Dagupan Cabriel de Rivera (San Nicolu) from Madrid 10 Barcelona "Cabriela Candelaria (Paco) from H uran to Concordia C . li cia (Sampalud from Espana to Feliciano Jotson "Camban (T on do) from Estero Vilas to E stero Sun", Apog G~ndara (Binondo) from ROoDrio to Soler "Capl n (Tondo) from Norlh Ray Bou levard to T ee.on Gupar Ramirez (San Nlcolu) from Camba 10 Ma d rid C.~ t.mbid e (Sampaloc) from Legarda to Espaii. Celiiio, (Slmpaloe) from Dlpi lan to And.lucia ·'Ceneral Diokno (Sta. Crull .. printe alreel in Manila utale Su bdiv i.ion, ,otllh of Balaogll, between IpU and Ellero San LalDro General Gregorio del Pilaf' (Slota Ana ) from R. del P.n 10 Ellero Sta. Clara General L icerio C eronimo (Sampaloc) from G. Tu ason to Piau G~rd enia Ceneral Luis (Santa Cruz) from O'Donnell to Andaluda 'Ceneral Lukban (Ton do} from Estero Vitas 10 Morong Gener.1 Luna, ( InITamu rol , Ermita, P ICO) from Sinia Clara to Rerran ··Ceneral Ricarte (Tondo) from A. Rivera 10 F ernando lola. Gue rr"ro Ceoeral Salvador Estrella (S.n la Ana) from R. del Pao to Ellero Sta. Clara Ceneral Solano (San MilUel) from Ayala Bridge to San ~flguel Church 'General Tri as (Samp. loe) from R otonda to C. TUls on' Genenl V. Concepcion (Santa Cruz, Sampaloe) from All.· dalucia to Dapi t.n Ceorgia (Malate) from H ern n to San Andret Germiul (Santa Cmz) from Avenida Rizal 10 Mabolo Gerona (T ondo) from Velazquez 10 F ranco Globo de Oro (Quiapo) from Echague 10 Eltero Quiapo Gomel ( P~ eo) from Vi sita to Lampasan Conzalez (Ermita) from Ceneral Luna 10 S~ n Marcelino Con u lo (Malale ) Cavile Bouleva rd lin e Eastward tCovernor Forbes ( loc ) from T ayuma n to L egard a Cr.nle (Quiapo) from Bilibid Viejo Northerly "Cranito (Sant. An.) from P erla to Mad re Perb. Cregorlo del Pilar (Santa Aoa ) from Arellaoo to City Limit.

Crey, CaUejo n (Erm ita) from Arquiz. to A. Florea "Cuidole (Tondo) from ESlero Sunog Apog Norlherly Cuipil (Sampaloc) from Legarda to Piau Guipi! Cuirnalda, Callejon, (Snmpaloc) from Legarda 10 LavanJe·


Cun Club Lane (Malote) from H erran to Tenn euee Gunao ( QlJiapo) from Arlc;ui to ESlero Sa n Miguel Gunfak (Sanla Cruz ) fr om Avenida Ri u l to Andalucia GUlierrez ( Paco) from H erran to Conco rdia H.mabar, Ca ll ejon (T ondo) from Prud enci. 10 Dagupan tlhrri,o n Boulevard (Mala Ie, Paco, Sanla Ana, Pand lcan) from Manila Bay to Plllig Ri vet H,I van a (Sant a An a) from Calderon to Eu ero de San" Clara H awi t (To nd o) from Paulino to Buen dia H eli os ( Sanla Cruz) from Echague 10 Palig River H erbo~a (Tond o) from Velazquez 10 Sande H ernande>: (San ta Ana) from Arellano 10 City Limils H enan (Ermita, Mal a te, Paco, Santa Ana) from M. H. del Pilar to C. CaloJeron Hevia (Samp aloc) from Naglahan Northe.,1 ' H iginio Franci!co, (S.mpaloc) from P. Flore nt ino to Leal.


H ibrion Cr117. (Santa Cru7.) frrun O'D onnell to Andalucia Ull om (Paudal::au) from Fra ternidad to Narcilo Hifl odro mo (Sanla Men) from Santa Mesa, S. E. Hi no (San ta Cru~) from Aveo ida to And a lucia H on radez (Sampatoc) from Cral. L, Geron imo to P. Le oo. cio Horatio, CaUejon (Slnla Cruz) from Lico to Bug.Uon Ho rm iga (Binondo) frOD! Rosario to J uan Luna HOlpital ( Ermila) from P. Bu rg ol to Arrocerol H Uleng- Bat ute (Paco) fro m Cris tobal 10 Enero de Paeo I. Me rcad o (Ton do) from Prud encia 10 DagnpaD " I. d e Santos (Tondo) from Estero Vitas to EAlero Sunu" Ap og ·Ibarra (Sampliloc, Ri n l P ark ) from Dimu. Alang 10 P. Florenlino 'lcua (S an Migu el) from Avil" 10 Pa!i, Ri ve r Iroleio Moral" (S.ntl Cruz) from Rin l Aven ue to Anda· lucia nang-Il a:!r (S ee Yl ang-Yl anr) Il aw (Tondo) from Paulino 10 Ro drigUe! lI a1a (See Ylaya) u llIuure (Sla. Cruz), a pri vat e street in Ma uila Estate Bub· divi l ion, wel t of Jpil, lIelween Camarines and Cen, Diokno llv erril, Callejon (Santa Cruz) from Sales to E stero Ceo gado In diana (Malate) from H erra n 10 Harri loo P ark Indullria ( P andacan) from Hilom 10 J etl US Infanta (T ondo) from Ei le ro Vitas Northerly U lnglatctta ( :::. ...:?alol:) fr om R. R. Traclt NorthwQterly IngrQO (Binondo) from Ju an Luna to Binondo Estero Inlel, (Ermita ) from K lltigbak Drive to 251h Ilr"l:t Inocencio (Tondo) from VelllZquez to Este ro de Villi ' Ins truccion (Rinl Park) from Dimas· Alang to Lepanto Insu lar (Binoodo) from Orient e to R eina Regen te In vernell (Santa Ana) from T ejeron No rtherl y t lp iJ (San la Cru z, T ondo) from Dizoo to Bug-all on thaac Pt!ral, ( Efmila, Paco, P andae.n) from Manila Bay to E. Mendiola Exten l ion hab el (Sa mpalor.) from Leg arda 10 Espana tlnbelo de 101 Reyes (Sampaloc) from And alucia to Novoal Is.,ani (Santa Cruz, Rinl Park) from Antipolo to Blumeo· lrin haiu Toribio (Santa Cruz) from O'Donnell to AndalucJa lJidro Certeza ( Pan dacan) from J esus to Beata hla de Romero (Sa nt a Cruz) from Ech acue to P ui g River • J . C. Cruz (Obrero) from ESle ro M.ypaj o Nortb erly J. H ugo ( PJuuela) (Sanl. An. ) from L. mayan to Havan a ' I. Lukban (Obrero) from Dr. R. Papa Northerly ' J. T. Santos (Obrero) from Mar ulD.!il to C. Sanlia,o J. Za mora (Pandaca n) from Canonigo to Hilom Jaboneros (San Nicol .. ) from Del Pan to Estero de BinonoJo Ja cobo (Slnta Ani) from Vilo Cruz to City Limit. Ja en a (T ondo ) from Prudenc io de J ",u. 10 13 d e Agosto "Ja~pe (Santa An a ) from Agata to Elmeralda tJena ro (Tondo ) from Velazquez to Ve larde l uuit.. , Callejon de 10' (Slnta Alii) from Henan to Pulg River J UU& (Pandacan) from Doherty to Pasig River 10Clon, CallejoD (Tondo) from Piau Leon XIIf to Fol· Ituer., Jorge Barlin (Sampatnc) from Andslucia to Noval JOII Bua (Tondo) from Prudeneia to Dagupan J ose Corrale. (Santa Cruz) from O'Donnell 10 Andalucia JOle A. Ramo! hiltawl (Pandacan) from Jeaul 10 Calle Pandacan J osefa Pa lino, (511. An.) Tu uo n Sub·divi,ion, Panaduol


STREET DIRECTORY fJ.",elina (Sampaloc, Rizal Park) from Laong Lun 10 Pi y MargaU

DJoa elit. (Sampaioc) from P. Florentino to C. TlIa ~ on Jo~ Molina (Santa CTU!) from Avenida Rizal to Andalucia Jose Pa lma (Tondu) f. Ilm LakanulIla to Morione. "Jose Syqu;a (Santa An a ) from T eje ron 10 Caldero n 'Iuu Arenlo (Sampa loe) from £ l l ero Sampaloc to Algedrat iUIO de Morioo n (San Nicola.) from A.uncioD 10 ElcaDo Juan LUIIII (Binondo, Tondo) from Pasig River 10 Maypajo Bridge DJuanin, (Sampaioc ) from Andalucia 10 Dapitan .'Juan QII;zon (Santa Ana) from Tej e ron to L eo n J ulia Tuu on (Santa Ana) h om R. del Pan 10 E,lero Sta . Clara "Juliana Trinidad (Tondo) a private s treet ;n Common. wealth S"bdivision from MolDv e 10 MIITUiu Kahanding (Tondo) from Estero do Vital 10 Ti oc o Xalimb8l, Callejon (SlInta Cruz) from Requescna to Quiri. cada Xa1imb., (Santo Cnll) fr om Antip olo t o Mat andang Sou Kalipulako (Santa Cruz ) from O'D on n ell 10 Andalucia Kanan (Ermita, Malate ) from California 10 San Andr ea KanlRbob (Sanla Cruz) from Av en iun Rizal 10 Andalucia Kapulong (Tondo) from Manila !loy 10 E, lcro de Vita$ Xaubi (Tondo) from Magda lena We' lerl y K,raplllan (Sampaloc, Riul Park) from Bece rra Northerly Kaurinlan (51$. An a) $ p ubl ic ' I reel in Sla. Ana t ub· dlv hion from M. Ro"u 10 Jl avou 'K u ilawan (S anla Ana) from He rran to Inve rn eu IIKatamanan ( T ondo) from Ta yuman 10 Almeda Katigbak Drive (Ermita) from A. Bonifacio to New Lu. neta "Katigbal<, CaUejon (Sampaloc) from Loreto 10 Trabajo 'Xatipunan (Samp alo<: ) Irom Cordeleria to Ba rri o of Dacnod ·Katok (Paco) from ZulUela to E , lero Con cordia X""bu u n, Callejon (Santa Cruz) Av enida Riza l to Flo· rentino Torr es Xipuj a (Santa Cruz) from F ernandn 10 Teodora Alon~o Kolambu (Tondo) from Pruden cia to Dagupan Kundiman , CaUejon (Rizal Park) from Dimu· Alang to L e. pan to tKlI lIng Loob (Sa nt a Cruz) fr om T ayuman to Cavi te I •. Guerrero (Ermita) from San Luil to R om ero Sal.. La TONe (Ton do) from Palomar 10 Este ro San Lna ro La T orre West, (Tond o) from A. Riv e ra 10 Eu ero de Tu· tuban. "La Torre (Sla. An a) from Manuel Ro"'., to Calderon Labores (Pandacan) fr om Harri son Boulevard to Jeaul tLq:lIna (Tondo, Santa Cruz ) fro m Ramon F ema ndez to Felix H uertn L akandula (Tondo) fro m Plua L eon XIII to Angngalo Lakandola (Tond o) (Duplicat e) from Estero la Reina Nonh· ward 'Lallana ( Tondo) fr llm Manila Bay to Velarde Lamayan (Santa Ana) from Plaz uela ]. H ugo to Panade· ,~

Lampau n (Paeo) from Gomez to E"ero de Pandacan Llng;t (5 ampaloc ) from Dapitan to Maria Clua Lanuza (San Nicol .. ) from San Nicol .. to MueUe de la Indu atria Laon i'· Lun (Sampdoc, Rizal P ark) from Andalucia to City Limita ·L'pidarlo, Callejon (Samp alo c ) from Leguda t o Lardl· ubll Lara (Sa n Nicolas) from Camha to Vives Lardizahal (Samp.loc) from Bust ill o. 10 Gui ph LIUTI (Tondo) Irom Bilbao to Folgu eru Luand ero. (Sampaloc) from Manrique to Lipa Luellres (San Nicolas) from E&tero de Bioondo to VivCII Lealtad (Sampaloe) from Re ten to Metriea Legard a (Sampaloc) fr om Tanduay to Plaza Avelino Le&:upi (Intramurus) from San Frane i, co to Bea teTio uLeiva (Santa Ana) from Manuel Ron. 10 Ca ldernn tL eme ry (Santa An a ) Irom Ar ellano to City Limits "Leon (Santa Ana) from Virata 10 Juan Quizon Leoni, Callejon (Malat e ) from M. H. del P ilar to A. Mabini Leonor Rivera (Santa Cruz) from Antip olo to Bulaca n Lepanto (Qui apo, Sampaloe) from Limuana 10 Bu ilio Leroy ( Paeo) from Tr ee e de Ago-,o 10 San Gr egorio Leverill (Malate) from San Andrea to Harri aon Park Leyte (Sampaloc) from C. Tu uon Southeast Leyte (Santa Ana) from Arellano to City Lim!1I Leyte (Tondo) from Laong Nua to Laguna Llco (Tondo, Santa Cruz) from Avenida Rhal 10 Solis Lienera (Tondo) from 22 d e F eb rero td M. T inio Liga o, C.1Iejon (S an Miguel) from Novalichel to Sill MilUe! Ellero

Lima5l na (Qui apo) from R . Hidalgo 10 Lepanto Lin ampas, Calle;on (Tondo) from Prudencia to Dagupan Lipa (Sampa loc) from Eapana 10 Lelarda Loai.a (Binondo) from David to Eltero de Ia Reina Lobo (To ndo) from North Bay Boulenrd to Antipolo, W. Looban (Paco) from hl ac Peral t o California Lope de Vega (Santa Cruz) from San Lauro E, tero 10 Andalucia Loper. Jatna (Paeo) from Merc ed to Eatero de Paeo L orenzo Chacon (Ton do) from Juan Luna to Sande Lorenzo de la Pat. (Pandaran) from Beata to ] elul Lo reto (Sampaloc) from H onn dn to Legarda Londa, CIUejon (Pand acan) from Ind ustria to Fraternidad Lu biran (Sampftloc) from Cord eleria to Dacnod Lud oyico, CaUejon (Quiapo) from Bilibid Viejo Northerly -Lu eugo (Pandacan) from P uig R ive r to Tejeron Lui. Libot, Callejon (Santa Cruz) from O'Donnell to Andalncia (Malat e ) A private alley in Manuel Quio&:ue Sub· divi,ion louthwell of calle Midin g (Dart Jnl.) L una ( T ond o) from J aena. 10 Avenida Rizal LUlon (Tondo) from Euero Magd alena 10 Ett e ro San Luaro Luzon Avenue (Sampaloc) fro m D. San ti ago Sou th eas t M. Earns haw (S ampaloc) from San Anton to Eapaiia M. Eloriagas (Santa Ana) b el wee n Manila·Pu ig Electric rlg ht.of-way and Calle Ten orio Sanla Ano M. H. del Pilar ( Ermita and Ma lu e) from P. Burgo. to H anbon B ou lenrd M. H izon (Santa CrUJ) from Lope de Vega to Chines e Cemetery M, Natividad, CaUejon (Santa Cruz) from Lop. d. Vega to City Lim its -M. Oca mpo (Obr ero) from Marui .. to J. C. Cruz tM. Sarmiento (Sampaloe) fro m R epol o to Victorino M. Tinio (Tondo) from 22 de Fe bre ro to lIf. L einera Mabini (Tondo) from Prud eneio de J eaus t o P. Burg05 -Ma bolo (Santa Cruz) from Soler to I1vernia Mab uhay (Sta. An a) , a publi c street ;n Stn. An a lub· dIv is ion, from T e;e ron to M. Roul "Madre P erla (Santa Ana) from Perla Zobel·Roul Madrid (San Nicolu) from Mue lle de J. Indu ttria to Marcelino d e Sln lO. :\Iau tranza ( I ntramurol) from Plua de Eapana 10 AI· macenCi 'Mag. la t (Ton do) from Ant onio Rivera to Dizon Magallanee (Intramuros ) from POUilO 10 Recoletol Magallanea Driv e (Inlnmurol) from Plua Eap aii a to 10nea Bridge Mag da lena (Binond o) from Ellero de la Reina to Dizon Mag nlin (Ton do) from Padre R ada Southerly Makahandala (S l nt a Cruz) from O'Donnell to Andalu cia -Makami.. , Call ejon (Ri,..l Park) from T u io to Elpona Makaraig (Sampaloc), a public . treet ;n Riu l Park lub· divlaion, b etw ee n Pi y Mar(la ll ftnd P. Florentin o l\hkata, Calle; on (Santa Cruz' frnm Lop e de Vega to Alvarez Makala (North) (Santa Cruz) from T ayumln to Tec.on Makiling (Samp.loc, Rizal Park) from Dimal·Abng North· eaaterly i\bl.bon (Santa Cruz) from Avenida Riul to Andalucia -Ma loloa, Calle;on (Sampaloe) from Andalucia 10 Cnorado L erm a Malong (Ton do) from Prudencia to Dagupln Malv.. (Tondo) from Prudenci o de Jesu5 to P. Burgos Ma na lo, Callejon (P.ndacan) from Narcilo to E, tero de Pa ndacan Mang3 Avenue (Slmpaloc) from Sanlol Northerwea tly " Manolinj: (1\hlate) A private alley in 1\(. Qulogue Sub· divi.ion northweat of Midini' ·-l\hn otoc, Calle) on (Tondo) from Juan L una Westerly ~I anrique (Sampaloc) from Legarda to Bustillos -"hnuel (Paco, Pandacan) from Es tero d e Tlnque Ha rrisoo Boulevard Manu el Ro,.., (Santa Ana) from J ose Syquia to H erran 'l\fanuguit (Tondo) from La Torre West to Avenlda Riul Marcelino de S.ntol (San Nieol.. ) from Barcelona to Ilaya Marcelo Elori aga (Sla. Ana). a public s treet in Concordia lu b ·divi.ion, between Suler eatension and Diamant. Eat ension Maria Carpena (Quiapo) from Bilibid Vi ejo to Seve rioo tl\f aria Clara (Sampaloc, Riul Park) from Andalucia to City Limi u Maria Cui~on (Tondo) from Juan Luna to Silanga n Maria P ay o (Tondo) frOID Sanlo Cristo 10 Bilbao --Marmol (Sanla Ana) from Perla to Madre Perl. Marques de Comillu (Ermila, P aco) from Concepcion to Oregon Marquina (Dinondo) from San Vic ente to Poblele :'Ifarte (Santa An a) Herran to Palig Ri ver Martin Delgado (Sampaloe) from ROlanda 10 Sao JUL\l River





Martinez (Binondo) from T. Pinp;n 10 Da vi d Martinn (Mandaluyong) from Feli,. Roua to Pas;g Ri ve r Muba le (Sampllloo) from C. T UDaoll Southeast Mat andan g Sora (Sampaioc) from Blumentritt 10 Chinese Cemetery Matap ang (Quiapo) 'rom Lin'Duna to A~carr~ga Matibay (Tondo) from Alburqu c rflu c Northeasterly Malienza (San Mi guel) from Avi le. Northweuerly t""'yhaliguo (Tondo, Santa Cruz) from De In, Re yes to Pedro Guevarn Mayo n (St •. Ana), a public s treet in Stn. Ana su b·divis ion, east of T eje ron, from Cagayan to Medel l\IaYlubig ( MaIM e) from M. H. de] ril ar 10 Cily Li mi!! McGretor (Qu i. po) 'rom Mendozn 10 Quinpo Estero Medel (Santa Ana) from H erran 10 E"ero San ta Clara .'Ilei.i.., (Bin ondo) from J uan Luna 10 PIau General Lachambre Mej orad a (Tondo) from Santa Maria to Estero de la Reina :'Ilelba, Callejon (Santa Crull from Avcnida niul to Oro· qu ieta :'I leichor Cano (Tondo) from Padre H errera to L oren zo Chaeon Mendoza (Qui apo) from R. Hi dalgo to Raon Merecd (Pa co) from Genera l Luna to Zulueta Mereede. (Ermita) from Ayalo Il oulevard to Zobel M e~ ti zo. ( San Nicolas) from San Fernando 10 J aboncro. t~letriea, Callejon ( Ri zal Park) from Dimas· Alang 10 Lealtad Mid ing (Mala te) from DaTI to Cavile Hailrosd Migueli n (Sampaloc) from Dimas· Alang to G. T uason t Mil agro. (Santa Cruz) from Malabon to Requeseo5 JI,Iilit .. (Malate) from M. H. del Pilar to Dakota "Mindoro ( P aeo) from Dar t to Paeo Estero Mindoro (Sampaloc) hom G. Tuason Southeast " Minerv a (San Miguel) A private 'Ireet in Commonwealth Subdi vidon from Aviles Estero d e A,·ilell ~Iiruol ( T ondo) from Estero Su nog Apog 10 Beu n tlia ~Ii .e ricordi. (Santa Cruz) from T elUan to Alvarez to\li ser ieordia (Santa Cruz) from Tayuman to Morong Mithi (San Miguel) Irom No valiehe. 10 San Miguel Estero Moderna ( T ondo ) from Estero Sunog Apog to Estero Sunog Apog " Modeno (Malate) A priva te alley b etween K ansas 10 San Marcel ino from Tenn eslee to Vermont Molave (Ton do) from Soli. 10 ~hbini )I ontaiia (Sampaloc) from 111. Earn.haw 10 Feliciano J okson I"'orayla (Sampaloc) from Azcaruga 10 E.pana tMoret {Sampaloc} from Espana . to Legarda Morga (Tondo) from J uan L una to Tondo Beaeh MorioDe. (Tondo) from Dagupan 10 T ondo Beach 'o\Iorong (Tondo) from Estero Sunng Apng to Dagupan Muell e Almac en e., ( I nu amuro,) from F ort San ti ago 10 Magallanes Monument MueHe Alid a (Intramtm}.) from Puig River to A. Bo· nifllcio MueHe Banquero (Billon do, San til Crill) from Pu ig River 10 D3,mariiiu :'Ilu eUe de Binondo (Binoodo) from Muelle de J olo 10 Pasig River Muelle del Balleo Nacional (Billondo) from Jone. Bridge 10 E~lero de III Reina )fuelle del Codo (Port Dislrict) from Mu elle del Rio to Oppo.ite 41h Street Mu elle Colji:ante (Ermila) rear of fee P lant Muelle Divi!oria (San Nieolas) from Divisoria l\IarKet to Jolo Bridge l\Iuell e F ortin ( Intramuros. Ermilll) from Jon es Bridge to Santa Cruz Bridge !\[ueUe de III In dlluria (San Nicolu, Binondo) from F arola to Nueva Mnelle d e J olo (Binondo) from I\lueJle Bin ondo to Jolo Bridge Muell e de Magallane! ( ln tramuro!) frolll Jon e. Bridge 10 Magallanes Monumen l :"Iluelle Nagtahan (San Migu el) from Nagtahan to Pasig River Muelle de Paco (Paco) from Paeo Mark et 10 Paco Estero Muelle de Pand aca n ( Pandacan) from !"lua de Pa ndaean 10 E.t ero de P andacan Muelle de Preti l (Tondo) from Preti! Bridge to Franco Muelle de Quiapo (Quiapo) from Barbosa to E.caldo Muelle Quinta (Quiapo) from Pa dre Duco. to Quezon Bridge Muelle de la Reina (Tondo) from Modone. to Prcti! Bridge Muell e de l Rio (Port Distri ct ) f rom Mue ll e del Cod o 10 A . Bonifae io Moelle San Ag usti n (BinoDdo) from end of San Agu s tin 10 Brid,e Muelle San Franci.eo ( Port Dillrie l) from Muelle Tacoma to 25th Street

Mu ell e de San Miguel (Sa n Miguel) from E eh ague E ast erly l\Iuelle T acoma (Po rt Di. t rict) from 51h Stree t to Mu elle San Franei!co Muralla (int ramuro!) from Sanla Lucia to Piau d e ESp~D. Murillo (Quiapo) from Mendoza t o Quia po En e ro 'Musa, CaHejon (Rizal Pa rk) from Marin Clara 10 ESp3DI u Naear (Santa Ana) from Diamanle to Zobe l·Roxa, "Nadelco (Salllpaloc) from Naglahan easterly parallel to Azearraga Ex\. Nagt3hu n (Sampa loc ) from Plaza Av elino to Pasig River Narcisa Ilioal, (Sanlll Ana) a private $lreel in Tu".on Sub. division at calle l'anadcrO$ Nare iso (Pandacan) from Hil om 10 J elus t:\'arra (Tondo) from Az carraga 10 Soli. Na'·a (Tondo) from E 51ero Sunog' Apog 10 Gamban *Navarra (Sampaloc) from An dalue ia 10 Dap itan Nebra.ka (Ermito) from San Luis t o p. dre F aura Nebraska (S) (Mala te) from H crran to Harrison Boulev.rd Negro. (Sampaloc) from G. TuO!on Southeast Nepa (Tondo) from E51ero Sunog AI'og to Estero Sunog AllOg Ncpomuceno ( Tondo) from T ondo Beach to Velarde Nicodemul, Callejo n ( Tond o) from Manila Day to Dagupan Nieo lu (Tolldo) from 1'. ZOlnorn to 13 de Al!os to Nicolnl MatiO! (S anta Cruz ) from Av enid a R izal to An· dalucia Nicol .. Zamora ( T ondo) from Solima n to Man il a Bay ~Nijagn, Callejon (Tondo) from Manila Bay to Sande Ni nfa (llinondo) from J uan Luna to Uin ondo En e ro Noli (Malat e) A private Sueet in Manila Building and Lout A-,'n. Subdivision from Calle Agno Weill ward . tNordica (Santa Cruz) from Av eni da R iul 10 Oroquieta North Bay Boulevard ( T ondo) from J uan LUDa to City Limit5 Nonagaray (Quiapo ) f rom Eehague to Gunao Nava l (Sampaloc) from Andalueia to Estero Alix Novalell Ca!lejon (Intramurol) from Solana to Muralla Novaliehes (San Miguel) from Antonio P. Cua l to Avile. Nueva (Binontlo) from Pasig River t o Enero de la Reina Numaneia (Son Nicolas) from San Fernando to Muelle de la In dustria Ohando, Callejon (Sanla Crllz) Mi se ri cordia West erly Obispo Beluco (Pandaean) a t 204 Beata "'Ob.ervalorio (Ermi la ) from H erron to General H ospital '-Ocampo (Tondo) from Pru deneia to Dagupan Oc.mJlo (Tondo) from Prudencia de J esu, to Nicolas O'Donnell (Santa Cruz) from Azc a rrsga to Alvarn O'Donnell (Santa Cruz) from T a)"uman to T ecl on Omaha (Port Distriet) from Muelle de l Rio 10 7th Street Ongpin (Binondo, Santa Crul) from Rosario 10 Plaza Santa Cruz "Opllio ( Santa Ana) from V. E.guerra to Zob el·Roxu Oregon (Ermita) from Ta£! Avenue 10 Es tero de Paco Oriente (Dinondo) from Piau Calderon de 1& Darca to NuevlI Oroquiela (Santa Crllz) hom Azcana ga to Ch inese Ceo ,""tery Orozco (Sanl3 Cruz) fr om Echague 10 Pa d re Du co. Oscariz (Quiapo) from Eehague to Pas ig Ilj,·er O.orio ( Tond o) from T oodo Beach to Velarde Otis ( Paco) from Canonigo Circle 10 Doherty P. Bureo. (Ermita) -from Plaza La wton to LUD eta P. Rurgos (Tondo) (Duplicate) from Malvar to 30 de No· viembre P. Campa (Sampaloc) from Lepanto to Andalueia P. de J esul (Tondo) from CalooeRn to 13 de Ajtosto P . del Ro,ario (Obrero) from Enero l\Iaypajo North erly tP. Florentino (Sampaloc, R iz al P ark ) from Governor F orbes to City Limi t. " P. GU 87,on (l\lalate) from Estrad a 10 Gra!. Luna tl'· Leoneio (Rizal Park) Irom Dim u· Alang to G. Tll a. on P. t opez. Callejan (Pandacan) from Nuci l o to Fra ternidad P. Paredcs (Sampaloe) Irom Andalueia to Estero Alix P. Paterno (San ta Cruz, Quiapo) from Ri za l Av enue 10 Limuana P. Pelaez (Sampaloc) from Altura Wcs t,,·ard · P. Salita (Obrero) from A. C. H errera Easterly P. Sofronio Hacbang (Tondo) a privale alley in P al omar Park Sub·divi.ion P. Zamora (Tondo) from Ja ena to P. Burgo, Pablo Carreon (San Nicolas) from Camba to Barcelona Pacheco (Tondo) from Manilu Bay to Sa nde Pad re Aguirre (Ton do) from F olgue ras to Ilaya Padre Alburqu er que (Ton do) Irom P adre U e nera 10 Padre R ada Padre Alaue (Tondo) from A. Rive ra to Es tero d e Magd a. lena Padre Blan co (Santa Cruz) from Echague to Qu ezon Boulevard Padre Ca pitan ( Tondo) from lI aya 10 P ad re Alburquerque

STREET DIRECTORY Padre Chives (San Nicola.s) from Tabola to Folgueru P~dre DUCal (S~nll Cruz) from Echlgue 10 P lU ig River Pldre Flura (Ermila) from Dewey BouleYlrd 10 Sin Marcelino Padr<: Frlodeco de P. SaucheT. (Saota Men) Bueoavista 10 Sao Ju ao River Padre Gomez (Santa Cru z) from Ech~s:ue 10 Raon Padre Guevara (Sampaloc) from Isabel to Es tero de Sampaloc Padre Herrera (Ton do) from T ondo Bench to Estero de la Rei na Padre Onega (Toodo) from Plaza L eon XIII to Tondo Beach Pldre Peine>: (Sampaloc) A prinle atre et west of Calle Altura and nonh of Buenos Airel Padre Rada (Toodo) from luan Lun;!. 10 T ondo Beach Padre Ruhio, Callejon (Sampaloc) from Sanla Mesa Northerly Padre Val denoma . (San Ni colas) from M. de la Ind ustria to San Nicola.s Beach Paez, (Tondo), private sueet sou th of T ecion running from J uan Luna Weslerly direction Pahate (Tondo) from Estcro Sunog Apo!: to Ellero Sunog Apo!: Pakadua (Santo Cruz) from l\"lisericordia to Fernandez Palacio (In tromuros ) from P. Burgos to Gene ral Lun n Palawan (Sampaloc) from G. T uuon Southeas t Palma. (S auta Cru~) from R. H idalgo to P. Paterno Pahnera (Sampaloc) from Pa tato 10 San AnI" " Palomar (Ton do) from Azcarraga to Etle ro Teneria Palumpon~ (Paodacao) from Jesus to Bealtl l'lmpanga, (Tondo, Sanla Cruz) from Li eo to Chinese Cemetery Plmpanga, W. (Tondo) from ESlero SunOl; Ap og to Da· gupan Panaderol (Sanla Ana) from Plaza Sanla Ana 10 Pasig River Panay (Sampaloe) from G. Tu non Southeast Pancho Villa (PaOlO) from I.aac Peral 10 Pedro S. La c taw Pandacan (Pano.lacan) (rom Je sus to Pasi, Hiv c r tPandapira (Tondo) from Manila nay to Sa nde Panga, Calleion (Ton do ) from Bilbao to Fol~ueras .Paqllita, C~lIejon (Samp~loe) from Andolu cLa 10 Espana Para;sO (Tond o) from Beac h to Velnde Parai. o (Santa Mes3) fro m Altur a WCliterly Parian (Intra murOI) from Parian Gal e to B,-idge of Spain .ap.ri. (Malate) hetw een 1242 and 1260 l'eonlylya";1 •• Pasajo de Ia paz (Binondo) from Eseolta 10 San Vic ente Pasaje del Carmen (Malate ) from M. H. del Pilar to Manila Bay Pauje Rosa rio (Po co) from H erran Northeas t Putor ( Tondo) from P ~ul ino to Estero Su nog Ap og Punto (Sampaloc) from Bustillos to San Allton Paterno (Tondo ) from Solis 10 19 de Junio Pavia (Ton do) from Manila Bay to Estcro de la Reina "Papaya, Callejon (T ondo) fr om Baunl to Abra Patrin ('rond o) from Estero Sunog Ap o!: to Ebl ero Sunog Apog Paulino (T ondo ) from Ampi oeo Nor th erly " Pax (Quiapo) from A. Famecio to Vergara Para (Tondo) from Rotlriguez 10 Infanta I'az (heo ) !rom CanOlligo to Ha rri son Boulen rd Pedro Gu evara (Santa Cruz) from Lope de Vega to Tayuman Pedro S. Lae taw (PaOlO) from Clis tobal to Estcro r edro Trin idad (Santa Cruz) from Avenida Rizal to Andalucia Pedro Zapantn (Malate), a puhlie alley at 1208 Singaloug running Easterly toward Manila Railroad Trac k Pedroso, CaUejon (Sampaloc) from Lcgnrda to Luulizahal Pelaez (Quia po) from Tanduay to Balmes tl'enn syly ania (Ermita, Malat e) from I'adre Faura 10 Vito Cruz Peiiafrancia (PaOlO) from Harr ison Boulevard to Estero Con* cordia PenllOID '(Tondo) from Manila Bay to Es tero de la Reina Penarauda (San Nicolas) Irom San Fern ando to J abonero! I' enarrubia (Sa n Nicolas) from Viyes to Camba " Pepe (Malate) A private alley in M. Quiollue Sub· d;vi.ion, northwes t o( C~lle Miding tPepin (Sampaloc) from Dimas·Alang to Pi y Margall Peralta (Tondo) from Ju an Lun a to Sande Perdigoo (Paco) from Paz 10 Pla za Dilno Pereira (Bin ondo) from Jusn Lun a 10 Estero Bin ondo Perez (I'aeo) from haRe Peral to California tPerla (Tondo) from Manila Bay to Dagupao ··Perla (Santa Ana) from San Andr ea to Vito Cruz tpi y Margall (Sa mpaloe. Rizal P ~rk) from Gove rnor Forbes to City Limill PiedRd, (Binondo) from Es ter o de MIgdalena to Es tero de 5811 Lazaro


t Pilapil . CaUejon ( Tondo) fr om Manila Bay to Dacupan . Pilar, Callejon (T ondo) a pri vate atr eet in IUb. of J . N. Wolfson DI Arqu e ros, Tondo Pilarica, CaUejon, (Santa Cru:r.) from Mi ulrico rdia North. westerly . Pilina (Santa CrUt) from Arago n to Maril Clarl I'iiia {Somllaloc} from Santol to Northwesterly trin.:kial1 (T oudo ) hom Ocampo to Bugalloll Pinoy (Ton do) from Gnidote Northeasterly I'io (S anta Cru~) from Misericordia 10 Florentino Torres Pil ta (Santa Cruz) fro m Conluelo to Anti polo 'II Piton!:. Catsn!: (Tondo) from Manila Bay to Sande Plaride l (Tondo) Irom Prudencio de J es us 10 13 de Agosto . Plata (Tondo) from Morionu t o Pavia Platerias (Santa Cruz) from Carriedo to P. Pale rno Pluuela J. } UII:0 (See 1. Ju go) Morione! Poblete (Jlinondo) from Marilluina to T. P in pin Poryenir, Call ejon del (Santa Cruz) from Evangelis ta to Bilibid Vi ejo POSligo (IntramurOI) from A, Bonifacio to Sollna Prenn (San Nicolas ) from M. de la Indus tria to Du. marinas Progreso (Quiapo ) from Bilibid Viejo to Azcanaga Protasio ( Santa Cruz) from Evan geliUu Eas terly P ruuencia (Tondo) from Mori onea to Tayuman Prudencio, Cu!iejon, (Sampaloc) from Dimas·Alang to C. Tu aso n tPnreza (S ftm pa!oc ) from Algeciras to Pasig Riyer Quesad a (T on do ) from Pl ua Leon XIII to Pavia Quewn Boulevard from Quezon Bridge to C. Lerma, Quiapo Quin ta , Mu elle (Sant a Cruz) from Oscariz to Esl ero de la It ei na Quinone. (Bin ondo) fr om T. Pinpin an d Carvsjal 10 Estero de la il eina tQuint in Salas (Sampaloc) Irom CUlamhide to Es tero Aljlt Qui ricada (T ondo , Santa Cruz) from Anlonio ilive ra 10 Andalucia ~ Q"ir og a ( Sampaloc) from Dimu-Alang to Angon tK ail road Street (I'or t Dis tri ct ) from 7th Street to 25th StreN ~R. Almari o (Obrero) from J. T. Suoto. Sontherly R. H idalgo (Santa Cruz , Qu iapo) from Padre Comez to Plaza de l Carmen R. J. F'ernandez (Obrero) from Es tero l\1aypajo to D_ Gomez R. LallUla (Poco) from Paz to Union tn. Peral ta (Sa mp aloe) from R epolo Easterly Rafael del Pa n (Santa Ana) from T ej e ron to Pasig Riv er Ra mon Fernandez (Toodo) from Tayab n to Es tero SunOl: Apo, Ramon I'apa (Sampaloc) from Andal ucia to Lepanto Ran.Tri·R o lll (Sampaloc) from Sail An ton to Sor Petronila Haon (Santa Cruz) from Ongpin to Bilibitl Viejo · U(lxab ngo, Callejon (Tondo) from Ju an Luna Westerly Raxa Matanlin (Tond o ) from Yl a)'a to J uan Luna "'Uay muud o (Poco, Santa An a) from Paco Stalion to City Limi ls Real (Intramurol) from A. Bon ifacio to Parian Gate Recoletol (Intramurus) from Cabildo to Muralla Rcgeole, CaUejon (Bi noudo) from Sanchez Northw es terly Regino Carcia Bna (Ermila) from I'. Burgo. Drive to Ano· cero, ( behind the Metropoli tan Th ea ter Bldg. Rein a, CaUejon ( Binondo) Irom R eina R tgen te to Estero de II Reina Rei na Reilent c (Billondo, Tond o) from Maun. Bridge 10 La T orre Re mt'di o. (Ma late) fr om Singalong to Dewey Boulevard ReueUD nce (Sanla Ana) from Feli" 10 h l\"erneu Renta ( Binondo) from Ju an Luna to Estero Binondo KellOSO (Sampaloc) from Valellzuela to Santa Me,a Requ ese n, (Sanla Cruz) from Andalu cia to San Lazaro EueTlJ Hetc n (Sampnloc) from San Anton to Padre Nova! It lt etiro (Sampa loc, Ri za l P ~rk) fro m DimDl·Abng to City Limilf Revelli n (Santa Ana) from T ejero n to Calderon " Ri allu rel , Ca Uejon (Sampaloc) from Leila rda to Lavan_ deros Ricafort (Ton do) from Sall ta Maria 10 Canal de II Reina ··Ri ca rdo (Po co ) from Pendrancia to Fi,u eroa " Ri cardo A. R eyes (Tondo) from Pavia to Fajardo R!oviua (San Mi,uel) from General Solano to Pasig Riv er Rlzal Av enue (Santa Cruz ) from Ee hag ue 10 City Limits >I>· Hoblel (Malo te ) from Rom ero Salu to Sold ado " Hodriguez (Tondo) from Est ero Vilu to Eu ero Sunog Ap og Rodriguc~ Ari as (San Mi guel) from Aviles to Sanchez Bar. cHiztegu i Roman (Binondo) from Azcarraga to Soler Romana (Tondo) from Velazquez to Manil a Bay Rome ro Salas (E nnit l) from Dakota to Dewey Boulnard



··Romonolus (Tondo) from Estero SUllO( Apo&, to Buendia Ronquillo, (Santa CIUI) from Plaza SUIIIl Cru..z to Evangelina Rosario (Binolldo) fr om PIau Moraga to Ongpiu "Rosario (Samp.Joe) from Laong Lun to Dapitan Roscodo Simon (Tolldo) from Juan Lun. Easterly Koscoda Domingo (Santa Cruz) hom Avenida Rizal 10 And.lucia "Rubi (Santa API) from n;. fD.IDle to Zobel·Roil" Rubio, edlejon (Malate) from Vilo Cruz, Northerly S. de los SanlOi CObrera) from Dr. R. Papa to C. M. Gllliao S. del ROllrio (Tooda) from North Bay Boulevard to Bulaean W. S agal (Paco) from Eltero de Paco to Figue roa Sagui[uin (Santa Cruz) from AvcnJd. Riul to AllooJucia Saluu (Billondo) from Ongpin to Magdalena Salea (Santa Cruz) from Carriedo 10 Cornand,nte "Salonga (Tondo) from Camban to Rodriguez Sallipuedee (Ermill) from Padre Fauro 10 Santa Monica Salvador, CmUejoo (Paco) from Leroy to Estero de Paco SaUlar (Sampaloe) from G. TuuoD Southeul Sao AguuiD (Sao Miguel) from Echague 10 Puig River San Aodres (Malate) from Dewey Boulevard 10 Tejeroo San Anton (sampaloc) from GUlambide 10 Isabel San Antonio (Paco) froUl Paz to Canouigo San Bernardo (Sanla Cruz) from Azcarraga 10 Soler San Carl~ (Ermila) from San Luis to huc Peral -San Diego, Callejoo (Sampaloe) hom Dimas.Alang tll G. Tuuon San Feruando (Sao Nicolas) PIau Cald eron de la Barca 10 Barcelona San FrancilC O (lnlramurol ) from Solana to Muralla San Gabriel (Binondo) from Juan L una to Binondo Eltcro San Grecorio (Paco) from Eslero de Paco 10 Canonigo San. bidro (Malate) from Darl to F. Muiioz in Francisco Gonzalez Subdiviaion San Jorge (Paco) from SYIOn 10 [ $tcro de Paco San j~e (Intramuros) from Geoeral Luna to Cabildo San Jose, C&llejon (Sao hii,ud) from Echague Norlh· CDlIterly Sao juan de Letrao (Intramu rol) from Real to Bealerio San Lazaro (Sanla Cruz) from Aveoida Rizal 10 Andalucia Sao Lorenzo (Quilpo) from Azcltug .. 10 Coromin as Sao Luis (Ennita) from San b.hrcelino to Dewey Boule· vard Sao Marcelioo (Paeo., Ermila) from Concepcion 10 Sao Andres uSan Miguel, Callejoo (Sao Miguel) from Adlel 10 Sanchez Barcaiztegui Sao Nico las (San Nicol as) from Binondo ESlero 10 Lanuza San Pedro (Tondo) from Ene ro Sunog Apog to ESlero Sunog Apog San nala el (San Miguel) from Plan del Carmen 10 Avilea San Roque (San Felipe Neri) from City Limi!! to San Juan River San Vicenle (Binondo) from Ronrio to T. Pippin t Sanciangco (Paco) from Canopigo 10 Manucl Sanch~ (Binondo) £rom Solcr to Azcarraga Sanchez Barcaiztegul (San Miguel) from nodrigu~ Ariu 10 Puig Ri,er tSancbo Paon (Sampaloe) hom Lealtad 10 Alcanlara Sande (Tondo) from Plaza Leon XI II to Pretil Bridge Santa Clara (Inlnmuroa) from C.bildo to Arzobj,po Santa Clara (Sanla ADa) (dup licale) from Lamayap to Ha_ bana Saota Cru" Bridge (Saota Cruz) froID Pasil Riyer 10 Plaza Goiti Sanla Elena (San Nlcolu) frOID Antonio Hurtado 10 Fe. lipe U Sanla Lu cia (Inl ramurOI) from Muralla to Poslieo Sanla Maria (Tondo) froID Plaza Leon XIII 10 Coral Santa MClIa (Sampaloe) from Plaza Avelino to San Juan Bridge Santa Monica (Ermita) from DakOla 10 Dewey Boulevard Sanla Teresitl (Malate) a publie aile,. frOID P. Guazon to Euero Tripa de Gl llina in CalYin Subdi,·ision -Saola Potenciana (Intramuro,) from Santa Lucia 10 Solana -Santander (Sampaloc) from Apdalucia 10 Dapilan Sanliago (P ac o) from Herran to Paz Sanliago de Vera (Tondo) from Morionea to Morga SalilO CrillO (Topdo, Sao Nicolu) from Plaza Coode 10 Marla Payo Santo Niiio (Mandaloyon) from Felix Rox4I 10 Matcb Faclory Sanlo Sepulero (Paco) from paz to H arrison Boulevard Santol (Sampaloe) from Santa Men to Cily Umil. Saygan (Malale) from Vilo Cruz to City Umill Sementeras (Pandacan) from Talundun 10 Paodacan Serrano (Tondo) from Loonl:" Nan Northward

Severino (Quillpo) from Bilibid Viejo to Azcarraga Sevilla (San Nicolai ) from M. de la Induetria 10 Sall Nicolae Beach Siagu (Tondo) from Canal de la Reina to Dagupan Sigay, Callejon (Quiapo) from Martin Ocampo to Mend~ Sikap. Callejon . (San Miguel) from Novalichee Nortberly Sikalupa, Callcjon (Sampaloc) from Legarda to LavanderOil Si lang (Sanla Au) h om Belonia 10 Azucena sibngan (Tondo) from EllerO de la Reina Norlhward tSil encio (Sampaloc) hom San Juan Riyer to Cily Limib ·Simon (Tondo) from Velasqu~ to Manila B.y -Si moun (Sampaloc, Rizal Park) from Dimaa AIIPg to City Limi" Sinagoga, Callcjon (Malate) from M. H. del Pilar to A. Mabini Singalong (Malate) from H erran to Vito Cm" Siria (Pandacan) from Pandaca n 10 Ellero Pandacan -Sisa, Callejon (Sampaloc) from Dimas Alang .to Espaiia Smith, CaHejon (Malate) fro ln Singalong 10 Dart Sobriedad (SaDlpaloc) from TrabBjo to City Limits Soda, Callejon (BiDondo) from Elcoha to Paaig River Sofia ('rOil do) from Euero Sunog Apog 10 Buendia Solana (intramUrOl) £rom ViCloria 10 MueHe Magallan~ Soldado (Ermila) from M. H. del Pilar to A. Mabini Soler (Binondo, Sanla Cl'Uz) from Azcarraga to Evangemla Soliman (Tondo) from Loreozo Chacon to Tondo Beacb Solis (Tondo) from TeC IOIl to Lico Sor Pelronila (Sampaloc) from Arenas 10 Alcanlara tSosiego (sampaloc) from Burgot Sc hool 10 Cily Limiu Soulh Boulevard (E rmila) from Dewey Boulevard 10 New LUncla Sul6 (Sapia Cruz) from Lope de Vega to Malabon Sulo (Santa Cruz) from Anlipolo 10 Atalandang Sora Sulucan (S ampaloe) frOIll San AnIon 10 upaiia Suler (Sanl'l Ana) from C.lderon to T ejeron "Sylvia (Ermila) from Ayda Boulevard to MarquCll de Comillas s,..on ( Paco) from Dart to E. lero de Paco. T. AndrCll, (Top do) I private al. in Cabangis Sub. at Ve· lesqu ez &: H ecbon T. Pinpin (Binondo) from Puig River 10 Estero de II Reina T u l (sanla Ana) from Ar ellano 10 City Limila Tabora (Sin Nicolll) from Marcelino de SanlOll 10 Az· carraca Tacoma lPort Dislricl) from 111 Sireel In Slh Slreel Tafl Avenue (Ermita, Malale) from P. Burgot 10 Cily Limill Taga Malibay (Santa Cruz) from AI'enida Rizai 10 Anda. lucia Tagailog (Tondo) near Gaglliangin Church •• Tahimik, Callejon (Tondo) from Danai 10 Ahra Ta!cl (Sanla Ana) Lamayan to Pasig niv er Talundun (Pandacan) from l'andacan 10 Semenler., TambBcan (Santa Cruz) Irom Ongpin to TelunD - Tamhakan (Tondo) froOi Bangkuuy to Velarde Taodang Sora (Tondo) from Prud enci o de J esus to Boni. facio Tanduay (Quiapo) from Plaza del Carmeo to Puig River Tanque ( Paco) from hue Peral 10 Barrio de Tanqoe Tapuri (Tolldo) from ESlero de Vil8.1 to Tioeo -Tuio, CaUejon (Sampaloe, Rizal Park) from P. Floren· lino 10 Cily Limitt uTawirau (Sanla Ana) from Panadero! 10 Pasig River Tayabu (Tondo, Sanla Cruz) from Manila Railroad Traek 10 Felill Hu ertat Tayabas Well (Tondo) from ulero de San Lazaro to Juan Luna Teyuman (T ond o, Sanla Crllz) from Juan Luna 10 Pedro Cuenra tT eclon (Tondo, Sanla Cruz) from Tomas Earnsllaw 10 Leonor RiverA Tejeron (Santa Ana) from H errI n to Cily Limill Telcfono, CalleJon (Ermitl) from Plaza Lawlon 10 Pas;; River Tello (Ton do) from Sande 10 Canal de 1m Reina Templanu, (Callejon d e la Sanla Cruz) from Evangelilll 10 opPOfile Callejon Fe Tenieole (Sanla Cruz) from Evangeliata 10 ES lero Quiapo Tennessee (MnJuc) from A. Mahini 10 DUI Tenorio (Paco, Santa Ana) from Paco SlaliQn to City Lim;" Teodora Alouo (Santa Cruz) from Tctlla n to Estero San La~a ro

TeTciu., Callejon (Pandaean) from Narci~o to Estero Pan· dacan tTcrcsa (Sampaloc) from Manila R. R. Track 10 San jUln Rivcr Tere.a (Ermilo) from Calle Zobel to ESlero de Balele Tetuan (Sanla Cruz) from Plaza Santa Cruz to Gandara

STREET DIRECTORY tTiago (Santa Cruz, Hiul I'ark) Dimu-Alang

from Leonor Rivera to

~:::~o C(¥~~d~) (~~:~taL::~: i~~!~~iaPelr:1 ~~g~l~~mbra

Tioco (Tondo) from HerhOl a to Franco Tober. (Tondo) from Prudencio de J u us 10 Nicolas Tolentino, Callejon (Tondo) from Sande to Santiago de Veta fTolDu Claudio (Paeo, Pandlc an) from Piau Dilao 10 Pasig River Tomll.ll Earn, haw (Tondo) from Norlh Bay Boulevard to Buganon Tomu Remigio (Sanll Cruz) from Estero San Lauro to Pedro Gu evara Tomas Saodiko (Tondo) fr om 22 de Febrero 10 An.'Oida Riul TODeiero! (San Nicolu) from Barraca 10 Binondo E~tero • 'Topacio (Sanla Ana) from Djamanle to Zobel·Roul Tortuo!IR ( from Lepanto to Relen Tr.bajo (Sampaloc) from Aceite t~ Dimn Alang Trcce de Agosto (Poco) from Estero do Paco In Paz Tribunal (San Nicolas) from San Fernando 10 Jaboneros Trini (Ermita) from Marquez de Comillas 10 Tere9R Trinidad (Santa Cruz) from Ronquillo to Solei· Trinidad de Ayala (Ermita) from Marque. tie Comillas to Ayalo Boulevard Tronqued, Callejon (Biuondo) from Magdalena to Estero Magdalena fTubedu (Quiapo, San Miluel) from Estero San Sehastian to Azcanaga Extenlioo Tupu (S.nta Aua) hom Begonl. to Lamayan "Turquesa (Santa Ana) from Perla 10-Ugaltle (Bioondo) froID Du mariiill to Poblete UliJllIIg Cauayan (Paeo) from Connor to Paco El lero Uti.uli (Sao Miguel) from A" i1et to I'llig River Union (Paco) from San Gregorio to Harriaon Boulevard Urbiuondo (San Nicol.,) from B. rrac. to Numlncia Urdlneta (Jnulimuros) from General Luna to Cabildo Ureta, Cillejon (Santa Cruz) from Avenidll Rizal to An. dalucia V. Reyes (Slnla Cruz) from Florentino Torres to Raon Valencia (Sl mpllcx:) from Calle Santa Mesa to Ac eite . Valentin Elguerra (Mallte) from Penn, ylnnia to Tejeron Valemuela (Sampl loc) {rom Santa Mell to San Juan River " Vedaslo Riverl (Tondo) A pri"ate alley in Tondo Fore. shore Subdiviaion from r.dre R l da to M.ria Payo tVelarde (Tondo) from Velasqu ez to Inocencio VeluquCE (Tondo) from Plaza Magal Salama! 10 Dayao Venus. Cillejon (SOnIa An. ) from H err.n 10 P u ig River tVerdad (S'mpalcx:) from Naltahan to Trabajo Vergara (Qulapo) from Duqu e de Alba 10 Tanduay Vermont (Malate) from A. Mlbini to Anak iiI' Bayan Veronica (Malate) from A. Mabin; 10 An.k ng Bayan Vesta (Sauta Ana) from Herrall to Sulcr Vicenle Mata, (Sampaloc), a Ilrivale Itreet in Nagtsha!! Sub·division Victoria (InlramurOI ) from Santa Lucia to P. Burgo. Victorino, Callejon (Pandacan) from NarcilO 10 E,tero Pan . dacan Viclorino Mapa (Samvaloc) from Santa Me.a to San Juan River Vidal (Ermit.) from P. BUlfO' to Santa Cruz Bridge "Vlgan (Sampaloc) a private atreel ' welt oi Calle Altura and nortb 01 BuenOI Airel "Vigao (San MilUel) from Sanchez Barcaiztegui to ESlero San Miguel Villalobos (Sl nll Cruz) from Plaz. Miranda to Echague tVillaruel (Tondo) from De loa Reyea to Ipil "Virata (Santa Ana) from TejeroD to Leon "iuyu Avenu e (S l mp aloc) from G. Tuason North east \'ilion, Callejoll (S l mplloc, Rizal Park) from Quirog. to Cbinese HQlpitlil Vilila (Paco) from Lampallin 10 Isaac Peral Vito Cruz (Mllale) from M. H. del Pilar to Soulb Cern e. "'1'

"i"es (San Nicol.. ) from Pasig River 10 Peiiarubia "Vizeaya (Tondo) from JUln Luna to Avenida Rinl Vizmlnol (SMtl Cruz) from Avenida RizlIl to Andalucia Washington Avenue (Sampaloc, llizal Park) from Cavlte to Lepanto Wright (Malate) from HCTlan to Estero Maytubig Yleal (Santa Cruz) from Dizon to TayumBn Yangco (Tondo) from Pandapir. to Tapuri Yeban. (Santa Cruz) from Tetuan to Ezpelela Yeyeng (Enuita) a public "reet from the Rotonda at P. Burgo. and Colganle 10 Magallane. at Jonet Bridge Ylaog.Ylang (San Nieolu) from JlbonerOl to Llvczarea Ylay. (San Nicolas, Tondo) from Juan Luna tn Plaza Leon XIII Younler (Tondo), from Estero Sunae Apog Northerly


Zabala (Tondo) from Bilbao to Santo Cristo Zacater09 (Santa Cruz) from San Luaro Ellero to Fer· nandez ·.ZafiTo (Santa Ani) from Diamante to Zobel·RoI" ·Zamb;L!e. (Tondo) from General Lukb.n to Dagup'll Zamora, J. (See J. Zamora) Zaragoza (Toudo) from Folgueru to Manila Bay Zobel (Ermita) from San Marcelino to utero de Bllete "Zobel·ROi:II:u (Santa Ana) Ayala Sub·di"i. i"n Zonokao (Santa Cruz) from A ..enida Rizal to Andaluci. Zulueta (Paco) from Criuobll to Luengo Zurbar.n (Slnta Cruz) from Andalueia to Eotf:fo San LI· zuo H' de M.y" (Tondo) from Caloocan Southeast .... lrd to Soli, 4 de Julio (Tondn) fr-Om 30 de Noviembre Southeast 13 de Agosto (Toudo) from Jaen. to Avenida Riul 19 de Junio (Tondo) from Calooean tu Soli• 22 de Febrero (Tondo) Irom Lienera to M. Tinio 30 de Novi embre (Tondo) Irom P. Burgos to Avenida Rinl 30 d e Dicicmbre (Tondo) from Ja cull to Aveniuo Rizal

NAMES OF PARKS AND PLAZAS AliI, Plaza (Quiapo) Tanduay and Legard. Armas, P laza de lu (Malale) Militnr and M. H. del Pillif Barbo~a, Plaza (Quiapo) Uarbou, ncar Eac.lado Botauical Garden. (See Mehan Garden a) Bruulio Rivera, Plaza (Tondo) Santo Cri$\O .nd Zaragoza Burham Green (Ermita) hetween Old and New Luneta Calderon de Ia Barca (Binondo) ROl ario and San Fer. n:ando Caoonigo Circle (Paeo) Peral and Canonigo Carmen, Plaza del (Quiapo) R. Hidalgo and Bilibid Viejo CernntCl, Plaza (Binondo) Rota rio and Juan Luna Conde, Plua del (S an Nicol.,) San Fernando, Santo Crillo Ind Mu elle Binondo City HaU Park (Ermitl) Concepcion, P. Burgos, Arrocer ... and Taft Oil.o, Plazl (Paco) Canonigo and H arri l on Boulevard E. Ja cinto, Plaza (Tondo) Morion es, Santa Maria Morga and Qu esad. Espaiia, Plaza de (Intr l muroa) Mag.llanes Drive, Solana and Aduana Fergu son, Pla%ll (Ermlta) M. H. del Pilllr, A. Florea and Manila B.y Gardeni a, Plaza (Sampaloe) Calle Gr. l. Geronimo Garcia, Plua de (Ermita) M. H. del Pilar, Santa Monic. and L. Guerrero Gcn eral Lachambre, Plaza (Binondo) Meil ic Bridge and Santa Elena Goiti, Plaza (Santa CruEl Avenida Riza l to Santa Crul Bridge Gregorio Sing ian (Santa Ana) interlection 01 1\1. ROllal and Syquia Guipit, Plaza (Sampaloc) Norlh of Colle Guipit Hanison Park (l\lalaI C) Estero Maytubig, 1\1. H. del Pilar aod Vito Cruz babel H, Plaza ( Int ramurot ) MuraUa, Sao Juan de Letr.n and Beaterio J. Hugo, Plazuela (Santa Ana) bet.... een Havlna . nd La· mayan Jose A. Ramol y , ikawa (Pandaca n) Talundon to J elu. Juan Poudu, (Ermila) in Iront of Ne.... City HaU Bldg. Lawton, Plua (Ermitl) P. Bureo. to Arroceros, in Iront of old Post Office and Ice Plant • Leon Xlii, Plaza (Tond o) Yl aya, Quesada and Sande Librada A,· elino (S l mpaloc), Lega rda, Aviles, Na gtllhan Ind Santa Mela Liga Anti.lmpcril lil ta, Plaza (S' n Mir uel) San Rafael and Avilel Liga Filipina, Pla%ll de I. (Tondo) Yl.ya, comer MI. tlnda Luneta, Old (Ermita) 510 Luis, P. Burros .nd M. H. del Pilar LUnela, New (Ermitll) MllIIil. Bay to Burnham Green Ma eslr:anza, Piaza (Intramurol ) Fort Santiago to the Intendencia Magallanes, Pla%ll (Intramuros) Malallanel Drive to Pasig · River. Intendencia to the Bridge of Spain Malate. Plaza (Mallte) RemediOl, S.n Andre. and M. H. del Pilar McKi~!ley, Plu. (~ntramurol ) Geueral Luna, Aduana. Ca. blldo anf! Pou.go Mehan Gardenl (Ermita, P. Burgo., Arroceros, Plaza Law. ton 10 Calle Hoapital Mercado. Plaza (San Nicolu) Santo Critlo, Marcelino de SanlOs and TaboJa Military Plaza (l\blalo) M. H. del Pil.r, CuartelCl, Militar and Bay Miranda, Plaza (Santa Cruz) Evangelitta, R. Hid.lgo lind Regidor




Moat, The (Sce Sunken Cardena) Monga, Plu. (Bicondo) Eacoh., Ronrio and M. de 1.

AliI: (Sampaloe) EUero de Quiapo 10 E"ero de Su Hi· guel Avilea (San MieueJ) ESlero de Sin Migue l to Call e Nactl ' han Balete (Ermill) General L unl to pur, Rive r Ballll (Tondo) E,lero de Vitas 10 Sunog Apog Binondo (B inondo and San Nicolas) J olo Bridge 10 Pili( Rive r Concordia (Pleo and Pand aellD ) E,lero de Poco 10 J unetiOG 01 Enero de Pandllcan Canonigo (Sa n Felipe) Pa!ig River 10 Ca Ue Felix ROl:u Fatola (San Nieolu) Puig mver to Mao il a Ba,. Ganado (Pa co) Pasig RiYer Southeanerl,. Magdaleno (Binondo and Tondo) Estero de Ia Reina 10 Calle Solis Muquu (San Miguel) Estero de San Miguel to Cl Ue E, Mendiola Maypajo (Tondo) E51.,.0 SUDOg Apog to C.lle O'Don nell Maytubig (Ma lale) Estero San Antonio Abad to Cily Limib Poco (Paeo) J unclion E.tero T ripa de Ca1lJna 10 Pull niYer I'aiomar (Tondo) Es tero de Magda lena 10 Call e To yum u I'andoean (Pandaea D and Paco) I'lIlig Ri Ye r IIround Pandl. can District 10 J un" lion Puig Rive r City Limits to Manila Bay I'esqu eriaa (Tondo) E.te ro de la R eiDa 10 Ra ilroad at Call. Bata"gn Proyisor (Pl eo) E,tceo de Tanque to Junct ion E. tero d, Baletc Quiapo (Quiapo Ind Santa Cru~) Este ro de Sao Miguel 10 Calle Zurbaran Reina, De la (Tondo, Biaondo and S.nll Cruz) Prelil Brid,. and Pa, ig River (near Sinla Cruz Bridge) Sli mpoloe (Sampaloc) Estero de San Mieuel 10 R iul Parl: Sa n Antonio Abad (!'.h lllle) Sa n Andre. 10 MDo ila Ba,. San Lazaro (Tondo, Binondo and Sa nta Cruz) E, lero de 10 Heina to Calle Ba mban" San !\liguel (Sa n Mig uel, Quiopo and Sampaloe) Pasig Riv er (n ear SUl pension bridge) 10 PuiS Hive r (near Cille leata) San Rafael (San Miguel) E. tero de San Mieuel E llierly to Calle San Rafael San S ebas tian (Quiapo) Es tero de Quilpo to PlaIa del Carmen Santi Clara (Santa Ana) J unction Puig Ri.,er ud Cil, Boundary 10 McKinley Road Santibaiiu (Paeo) Paaig River Easterly Sulucan (Sampaloc) Eslero de AliI: 10 Barrio. of S ulucl.ll and Pedro Gu evara Sunoe Apog (Tondo) Manila Boy 10 E'le ro Maypajo Tanque (Paco) Eslero de Paco 10 J unclion 01 Paco E. lero Teneria (Tondo) alon g North Side of Paloma r III I ud from E,;te ro de Tutl1ban (o ld) 10 Este ro Sa n Lazaro Tripn de Callina (Poco, Malale, San la Ana and Pandacaa ) Est ero de Pa ndaean to City Limiu TU luban (Tondo) E!tero T eneria 10 Calle Pampanga Va lencia (Sampaloc) Barrio of BaHc-Balic 10 Pasie RIYer Vita, (Tondo) Pretil Bridge 10 M.nila BIy

Industria Morione., Pla~ (Iotf.muroa) Sanla Clara and Fori Santi alo MorioDe., Piau (Tondo) Calle Mor iones Olivia Salamanca, Plua (Ermita) San Luia, T aft Avenue Dnd Ce ne ral Lu na Oameii a (San lll Cruz) Pedro Guevara, Lope d e Vega 10 Bambang Paco Circle ( Plica) Encircles Poco Cemete ry PICO Tennia Courts (Paco) San Antonio, near Cano n igo Ramon Padilla, Plaza (Tondo) Herbon and Sa nde 'Remedial Circle (Malate) Surrounding Cemetery Re medios and Oakola URiza l Carden (Tondo) Este ro Yitas, DaYlo and I. de

Santo, Salvador Rueda, Plaza (Ermita) eorne r Taft A,'coue, Gen. eral Luna and haae Peral Samp,lucln, Plua (Inttamuro,) Anda Ind General Lnna San ta Ana, Plaza (Sanla Ana) Panadero. , Herran and La. maYlu Santi Cruz, Plaza (SonIa Cruz) Plaza COil i, Teluan, Ronquillo and Buslos Sanla Mru Circle (San ta Men) Tere.. and Santa Mesa Santo Tom"., Plaza ( Intramuros) P05ligo, Magallanes and Solau tSenador Funcisco Villanueva, Plaza (Paco) Zulu eta Sunken Cardens (Surrounding Intramuros) A. Bonifacio, P_ Burgos and MagallaDeJJ Drive T. del Ronrio, Plazo (Ton do) Mor,a, Sand e and Quesada t Talt Circle (Malale) Taft Avenue and San Andres Tejeron Circle (Santa An a) Herran and Tejeron Victorino Carreon (Eonita), a public Plaza al calle Col· gante and ArrocerOJ in front of Ihe Met ropolitan Theatre Virgen, Plaza de la (Paco) J. Zamon, Vi sita and Gomez Wallace Field (Ermila) San Luill, P. Burgo. and Geneu l Luna Willard, Plaza ( Intramurol) Poatigo aud Auo bispo

CEMETER IES BaHc·BaUc, C, Tuuon, Sampatoe (cloled) Binondo, aud 01 Blumentrill, La Lorna ChineJJe, and 01 Blumentrill, La Lorna La Lorna. a nd of Matanda ng Sora "!alate, Malate (closed) Norte, end of Blumentritt, La Lorna Poco, Paco (clos ed) Pandacan, (Spani.I,), Pandacan Pandacan (Fi lipino). Pandacan Sampnloc, Bustillo•• San'paloc (c1ol ed) Sin P~dro Macati (Engliah), San Pedro Mocali Santa Ana, Sanla Ana Santa Cruz, A.,enida Rizal San Lauro (c1oled) South, Sin Ped ro Macali Tondo, Tondo (closed)



San Arellano Arlegui AyilH Ay ala




Location Sampa.


Malate (Sinealong) San i'lfiguel Sau Miguel San Miguel, Ermita Paeo

AZCl rra,a

Binondo and T ondo

Binondo LUt Cilvin Cl nonieo Claudio Cristo bal Dapilin Dumarinu Economi.

Binondo Santa Ana Paco Pandacan Paco Sampaloc Binondo·Su, Cruz Sampaloe

E,pliia Ellrada

SImpaloc Malale (Singalong)


nea r

Vito Cruz Arlegui Cane Ayil e,


Guipi t Ellero Tripa E. lero EUero

Sompaloc de Gallina de San Mis:uel Avile.

Concre te Wooden Concrete Concrele

and Pasig River

Gral. Solano to Mar. ques de Comill u Steel

Azearraga. between JUln Luna and Daeupan Estero de 10 Reinl Calle Dumari';., Binondo Canal C. Calvin Tripa de C.llina baBc Peral E.te:o de 'D~'" Tomas Claudio E.lero de PIC O Calle Criuobal Este ro Concordia Dapitan Estero Sampaloc Dumarinn Canal de II Reina Economia A branc h 01 [nero de Sampaloc Estero de Sampaloc Tripa de Gillina

Concrete Sleel Wood & concrete Conc rete Co ncre te Steel Teu u Wood Conc rete l ·beaDll Ind wood Concre te Wood



G. TUl.5on

Sa n Nicolas Binondo and I .. Sampaloe

GUllmbid e Bridge GIIIIIO Havana Iris J olo JOlles Bridge

Sampaloe Qui,po Santa Ana Santa Crul an d Quiapo 8inondo Intumurol and Binondo

J. Zamora Jllan Pondas KabiIum Lacoole La Lorn a Lahnduln Las D.m.. Le.had Leve riza I\bbioi Magdal ena M.rqlle6 Maypajo

Pandacan and Paeo Santa Cruz S la. An a Ind Plndaean Binondo and Sta. Cruz Sampaloe Tondo Paco Ind Santa Ana Sampaloc Malate Malale Sa nla CruI Quiapo and San Mi G'uel Tond o




Farola Bridge Gen eral Bla nco


Sa n



Quill po Binondo a nd Stl. Crul

Olis Paco Pad re Sanchez Plndacan Pedro P. ROI&. Ponciano R ere. Prelil

Paco Mable an d Paco Sallla Mesa Pandaca n Binondo Binondo Tondn Sla. Crul Tondo

Prim Quezon

Binnndo Sta. Cruz.

Quinu Ramon Papa

Qniapo and Tondo

R ~ina

Rizal San Agualin San Anion San Antonio Abad

T ond o T ondo Binond o and Santi Cruz Sampaloc Malate

San Blu SIO Felipe Neri San Gregorio Sin hid.o S. 1. del MODle San Lau ro San Marcelioo

Quiapo Santa An a PICO Sanla Ana Sampaloe Sinta Cruz Ermita


Sa n Mi,ue!

San Sebastian Sanla Ana Bridge Saota Cruz

Quil po Sinta Ani Santa Cruz aod Ermila

S&IIliqo T an dua, Tl nqu e Taruman Telua n TrabaJ o Trinidad U1i·Uli Valerlel. Vitha

Sampaloe Quiapo Ind San Miluel Paco T ondo Binondo Simpaloc Er mit a 510 I\fI,ueJ Sampaloc Binoodo and SII. Cruz

Vito Cru. Zurbuan

Malate Sintl Crul


In dus tria

Calle San Fernlllldo G. T uason , near Gral. Geronimo Castam bide CaUe Arleg ... ; Calle Hanos Calle Alcarraga J uan Luna P. Moraga_Malallane. Drive Calle J. Zamora Calle Soler F elil Sire-el Cille Ongpin Calle Blumentritt 1'.Jor ione5, near D"G'upan Calle Herrin Lealtad Calle Le.eriza A. Mabi ni Calle Soler Calle San Rafael Calle Juan Luna, between Abra and Vizcaya Calle Reina Regen t",. near Calderon de 1a Barca C. !>feisic and Plaza del Cral. Llchambr", Azcarraga and E. !\Jendiola Calle Ra on Ca ndara , nonh of SII' cri. tia Call", Otis Calle H en ln Call e P. Sanchez Call e de J es ns Calle Echag:ue

Nueva Era Orda,.

Regent e



Ca nal de Binondo Estero Estero Ellero Estero E$tero Estero

de Sampaloc Ali" de Quilpo Santi Clara de Quiapo de 1010

Pui, Concordia Estero de San Lauro Este ro de Pa ndaclo Estero de S,n Liza rD Cit,. Limitl Canal de la R einl Est ero T rirade Gallina Estero de Sam pllioc Estero de Maytu big ESlero S. Antonio E.lero Magda lena Estero San Mi guel

E~te ro


I· beams and


I· beam, an d concrete Wood Conerete I ·heams and conc ret e Concret e guide &; Slab Concrete Concrete Steel TrU ll R einforced Concrete I· heam s and co nc rel e Muonr,. Ma,onry Conc rele Concrete Wooden Concrete Concrete Wood I- beam. and concrete Maso nry I· beams and concrete

E. lero dol la Reina

Ma lon ry

E. tero de Sin Miguel Concrete Quiapo Etlero Howe T rulJ ESlero Sin Lazaro Concordia Estero Estero de Paco San J ... ln River Estero de Pandacan Es tero de la Reina San Lazaro Estero

luan Luna, near T I,.n· Estero Vitll nla n Azcanaga near Sanchez Este ro d", M'G'dalena QlIiapo and Ermita O.cariz to Colgante Pasig Ri"er E,tero de San Mig ... eJ Call e Echague Ramon Papa (B arrio Estero de Sampaloc Obrero) E.tero de Palo mar Paloma r Es tero Sampaloc Rizal Aven ue E.tero de I. Rein a Gandara and Tetuan E.tero Alb: Calle San Anton M. H. del Pilar, near Fort E. lerO de MaYlubig Sa n Anton io Abad Mendoza near Murillo Etlero de Quiapo Estero Can6nil0 Calle Felix Rous E.tero de ParD San Gr eS!or io--O regon Tripa de Callina San An d res Calle Santa Mesa San JUI\I River E.tero San Lazaro Calle Soler San Marcelino, n ear Car· 10. IV Eue ro Balete R. Hidalgo near Elizondo E!tero de Qui.po P uig River Pan.der"" Plaza Goiti t o PIau La"" Pasig River '00 Estero Valencia Domingo Santiag o Tanduar. near Nonliche. E. lero de San Mil:ue1 baac Pe ral. near T anqu", Euero T lnque T lyum an nClr Yacal Estero de Sin Lazaro Ongpin, near T. Pinpin Est ero de II R einl Trahljo Est ero de Slmplloc Marques de Comillat Estero de Bllele Calle Avil",. Sin MiFruel Eotero CaTle Sanla Mesa Estero V.l encil Escoha, near PIau San II Cruz Estero de la Reina Vito CrlI z, near Donada E. tero de Ma ylnhig East End ZurbUln Enero de Qui. po

Wood H owe Tr1l11 Steel !\Iuonr,. .nd concrete Concrete Steel Concrete Conc re te Concrete Concrele Steel Concre te Concrete l ·beams and Concrete l · beams and Masonry

concrete concrete

Masonry Wood Masonry Conc rete Wood Muon , ,. COllc rete Sleel pipes Ind coo· crete MllonT)' Concrete St",el Mason ry·Wood Conc rete I ·heam. and concret", Muonr, Concrele I·bea ms and Muonr,. !\Iasonry


Masonry CODcrele pipe.

FOOT BRIDGES Arell&llo Bacood Bridie

Sinta Ana Sla. AOl

Buk .. ~


Are llano Santa Mesa 10 Punta Calle Buklllle,

Tripa de G.llina


San J OIn Ri"er Cal!lll de II R eio a

Creoaoled Timber Wood






Career Doroteo JOle £1 Dorado Cra!' Geronimo

MendOla Peoalola Pineda

Sanla CrUl Quiapo Sampaloc Tond o Tondo Quiapo Tondo Malate

Rnaba go Sampalucln

Tondo Maial e

Sail Andre.

Sanches Suta Elena

Tondo BiDODdo

Sa nches Santa Elena



£1 Dorado Gra!. Geronimo Gerona

L. Torre

C. Cerona La T orre Mendoza P ciialon

Bet. Leveriza line. Pingkian



Mark el






T eodora

Alon lO Bambang







Del ran Marke t, Calle Del Pan, Son Ni co l.. Diviso ria Market

(San Nicolai )

Flnwer Market


•'lowe r Market


Santo Cri t h.

Cond esa, at mn ondo Church

i\laudero (San Nicol.,) Azearraca a nd Abnil, Bay Mark et



Corn er




!. 2.

3. 4. S. 6. 7.

8. 9.

Meha n Gu den,

Mala te Market (M alat e ) San Andres and L everiza Obrero



10 . 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16.

Paeo Market (Paco)

Corner of Dart and H erran



Pandacan Market (Pandacan) Calle Frater nidad Quinta Ma rk et (San ta Cruz) EcJ, ag ue

19. 20. 21.

Sampaloc Market



Estero de San Sebas· Wood tian E,tero de San Lanro Wood Wood Estero de Quiapo Wood Estero d e SarnpaJoc Wood Es tero Vilas Wood Este ro Magdalena [uero Quiopo Wood Wood Canal de Ia Reina CarD' Estero de Sao AnloWood nio Abad Wood Estero de Raubaeo Enero de Tripa d. W~d Gallina T erreri:l Wood Over Estero de 1010 Wood

Calle Legarda


Su. Ana Mark et (Sta. Ana) Suter an d Calderon


T ondo Market (Tondo)


Sa nd e an d H erboll

(Sampaloc) G. Tu.,oD and Guipit (Tondo) Sande and Modon e. (Closed) (Santa Ana) Plaz.ueln J. Hu,o (Munti nglupa) Site of RC£ormatory (Closed ) (Pandaean) Calle de .J esu, (Quiapo) Plua Miranda (Trozo) E stado and Magdalena (Santa Cruz) Blumcntritl and Avenida Rizal (Santa 1\len) Santa Mesa Market (Ga,alangin) I uan Luna Dcar Soli, (Closed) (510 Nicol.,) Del Pan (Sampa!oe ) Bustillos (in front of Church) (Malale) San Andrcs (at Mal a te Mark et) ( Paco ) Dart (at Paeo Market) (Tondo) Antonio Rivera, near Tayuman (Rin! Park) Maria Clara (Cloted) (San Lazaro) CaUe O'Donnell n ear School (Tondo) Herbo9a and Veluqu ez (Clo,ell) (eampaloe) G. Tuason a nd D. Santiago (Tondo) Esguerra, near No. 240 (lnltamuros) I\luralla, near Victoria (Paco) Plua de la Virgen (Cloled) (Tondo) Plaza Braulio Rivera Anak n, Ba)"an (CIO!Ied) And alucia (near Gomez El e m. Sehool)

McCullough Printing Co. 101-103 Escolta

Third Floor

Tel. 2-18-01

'Printers, Engravers ~ Stationers Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Brass Signs, Badges, Dry Seals, etc.



..... President

HENRY A. WALLACE . ... . .. .. ... .




Cordell H ull, Sec retary of Slate. Heory 1IIorrenthau, Jr., Secretary o f

Charles Evanl Hu,he,. Chief JU5lic e. t1,,~


Harlan FiJke Slone, Associa te }ullie..,.

Henry L . S li rnaon , Secretary of War.

Robert I acoon, Anorn ey- General.

Owen }. Roberts, Anocia le J unice. Ju~tice.

Frank C, Walker, P os tmas ter Gen ua l.

H ugo L. Blac k, Associate

Franklin Knoll:, Sec re tary of the Navy.

Stanley Forman R eed, Anociale JUllie..,.

Harold L. fekel, Secretary of th e Int erior.

Felis Frankfurter, Associate Ju stice.

Claude R. Wickar.d, S ec retary of Agriculture. I ene H. J onel, Secretary of Commerce. France!

P ed:in~ .

Secretary of Labor.



Frucia B. Sayre, U. S. High Commissione r to th e Philip. Gold en W, Bell, Legal Adv iser. Woodbury Willou ghby. Financial Addscr. Evett D, H este r, Economic Expert. Laurence E. Salisbury, Foreign Service OEricer. Claudf! A. Buu, Executive Assistant. C. W. Franks. Chief Slati$lician. E. C. Ron, Chief of Passport Unil. Georg e 0, Cray, Au islant 10 the Legal Adviser, Robert J . Huifcut, P rj '"ate Secrelary 10 th e Hieh Comm;!!Gordon W, Ells, Chief Clerk.

Lt. Col. R. M, Co n well, U, S. Army, Legal Liaison OHicer. Lt. Comdr, 1'. C. Parker, U. S. Navy, Nus I Aide and Uabon Officer Capt. W. J, PriC!tiey. U. S. Army, Military Aide.

WilHam O. Douglu, Auocial e J us li ce. Frank Murpl,y, Associate JU5lice.

U. S. BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE (Offlee of the American Trade Cnmmi u ioner) 123 JUAN LU NA, BINONDO, MANILA P. O. BOX 2983-TEL. 2·35·95 CABLE ADDRESS; "AMCOMAT" Paul P. Steintorf, American Trade Comminioner. E. Edward Scheler, Aui!la nt Trad e Commiu ioner. .-\Iej.ndro Yan, Chief Clerk. Bonilacio Lintafi, Stenographer.

U. S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE AMERICAN CONSULATE FIFTH FLOOR, TRADE AND COMMERCE BLDG .• BI NONDO, MANILA P. O. BOX 146t--TEL. 2·33.20 Thom.. A. H ickok, American Consul. Donn P. Medalie, American Vice·Consul.

U. S. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION 911 MUELLE DE LA INDUSTRTA P. O. BOX 438--TEL. 2· 12·27 Capt. William J. J. Elger, Insular Attorney and Acting Manag er. Robe rt D. AuUin, Field Euminer. Jose ph J, Cooney, Field Examiner. Frederick Seman, Field Examiner. Dr. Ju an Cabreza, Medical Officer. J C! us Sarmiemo, Examiner of Accounts. Pucual Trinidad, Finance Officer.



COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES President of the Philippines Vice President of the Philippines


THE CABINET SerCio Osmefia. Vice President of the Philippines. Rafael R . Alunan, Secretary of the Interior. Manuel A. Roxas, Secretary of Finance. Jose Abad Santos, Secretary of Justice. Beni~no S. Aquino . Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce. Jose Avelino, Secretary of Public Works and Communications. Jorge C. Bocobo, Secretary of Public Instruction. Leon G. Guinto, Secretary of Labor. Teofilo Sison, Secre tary of National Defense. Jose Fabella, Secretary of Health and Public Welfare. Jorge B. Vargas, Secretary to the President.

NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Legislative Building, P. Burgos, Manila. P . I. Tel. 2-39-87 J OSE YULO- Speaker. Quinlin Pared N , Floor L eader. Narci so Pimenl el-Set:relary.

ABRA: Quintin Paredel

AG USAN: Apo loni o D. Cun to.

ALDAY: 1st Dis trict- Jole Donto. 2nd District-J ullino Nuyda 3rd Diltric t- Murcinl Raii ola. 4th District- Ped ro Ven.

ANTIQUE: Calix to O. Zaldivar.

BATAAN : T eodoro Cam.cho.

BATANES: Vicente AC.n

BATANGAS: 1st Dis trict- l\fi gl,l el T olentino. 2n d District- E ... ehio Oreuse. 3,d District- Max imo M. K . Ia ....

BOHOL : lst DislTict-Genaro Vi.. "a. 2nd District- Olega ri o B. Clarin.

3rd Dist,ict - T eo fil o B. Budon.

BUKIDNON: Manuel Fordeh.

BULA.CAN: h t District-Nic ol .. Bu endi a. 2nd District-An tonio VIII. nrn ••


CAGAYAN: hI Dist rict- Con rado V. Singson 2n d Dinrict- Mig uel P. Pio.

CAMARINES NORTE: Froil an Pimen tel.

CAMARINES SUR: 1st Dis trict-F u ncllc o Celebrado. 2nd District- Jole Fucnt ehell •.

CAP(Z: 1st Dis trict-Ramon A. Amaldo. 2nd Distric t- Jole A. Dorado. 3rd District-Ju . n M. Reyes.

CAVITE: l\lanuel S. R oj ...

CEBU: ls t DiHricl- T erelo DOldol. 2nd Dist,ict- ( nt) 3rd District- Maximino Noel. 4th District-Agul tin Y. Kintanar. 5th District- Micuel Cl,lcnco. 6th District-Mig uel RaffiDan. 7th Di.mict- Roque V. Desquitado.

COTABATO: Dalu Ugalin C. n Pia ng.

DAVAO: Cega! M. Sotto.

ILOCOS NORTE: ht District- Vi ce nt e T. L u o. 2nd District- Ulpi ano R. Arudon.




Diu,ict-Benito SoliYen. 2nd Dis!rict-Prospero Sanidad. l&t


1st Dutrict-Jo,e C. Zuluela. 2nd District- Dr. Fermio Cara m. 3rd District- AtaTlD eio Ampi,. 4!h District- Tom u Bueoanor. 5th District- Vi ctorino M. Saltedo.

SAMAR: lst District- Agripioo Ett areal. 2nd District- P ut ual B. Auoza. 3,d District- Ju.n L. Sou r.

SORSOGON: 1st District- Norbe rto A. Roque. 2nd District- T OIDU S. Clement e.

SULU: Hodji Gulamu Ruul.

ISABELA: Mauro Venosa.

SURIGAO: Ri cardo Nanna.

LAGUNA: l SI DiJlrict- T omu Dizon. 2nd Dis triCI- Criu nto Gu y,ayko.

LA UNION: 1st Distriet- Dellin Florea. 2nd Dutrict- Eulogio F. de Gu zman.

LANAO: TomB! L. Cabili .


1st District- Carl os S. Tan. 2nd Distric t- Dolllinador M. Tan. 3,d District- Tomu 0pPU I . 4th District- Norb e rto Romuald ez. 5th District- Atil ano R. Cinto.

MANILA: l&e District- Grer orio Pe rfec to.

2nd lJidrict- Pedro Gil.

Mt\RINDUQUE: Jose A. Uy.

MASBATE: Pio V. Corpu •.

MINDORO: Rau! T. Le ul eri o.

TARLAC: 1st District- JoJe Cojuangco. 2nd District- Jole Urquico.

TAYABAS: 1st Dist,ict- Mi guel R. Cutillo. 2nd District- Francisco LDYidel .

ZAMBALES: Valcntin Abbi e.

ZAMBOANGA: Juan S. Alano.

OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAl. ASSEMBLY Juli an La O. Chief Cle rk and Au ialant Secretary. Narci. o Dio kn o, Se r,eanl· U·Arms. Vic ent e Fo rm Qso. Set retary to th e Speaker. Emilio SCYerin o. Pri vat e Sec retary 10 the Speaker. J uan L. Lun a, Ch ie f'; Office 01 Leg il latiY o Senice. Igna cio Reye., Chief, Accou nting Di vision. J ose de Segue ra. Chief. J ou rn al Di vil ion. J Ole d el Rou ri o. Chief, Bills Di,il ion . J oaquin Celis, Chief, Trln. la tin a: DiYiai on. J ose V. Marin o. Chief. Reco rda Divi sion. J orgc Sal ud, Chiel, Property Division. J Ole Ra mirez Rojo, Chief, Committ ee Stenographers Div. is ion. Inocencio B. Pa rej a, Chief, Disbunment 5 Division.


MOUNTAIN PROVINCE: 1st DisuicI- Saturnino Moldero. 2nd District- RAm on P. Mitra. 3,d Du triet- Migu el Cumaii gan.


NUEVA ECIJ A: 1st Diu,icl-M~nu el A. Aba te. 2nd District- Ga briel Belmontc.

NUEVA VIZCA Y A: Cuillermo E. Boiigolan. OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS: J05e Ozamis.

OCCIDENTAL NEGROS: 1st District- Enrique B. M.galonl. 2nd DiIlrict- Pedro C. Hem lez. 3,d Di$lrict- Jose Yulo.


ORIENTAL NEGROS: 1&. District- Guillermo Z. Villanueva. 2nd Dwtrict-Jo.e E. R omero.

PALAWAN: Claudio Sandoul.

PAMPANGA: 13t Distric t- Eligio G. Lasman.

2nd District- F. F. Gonulez.Sioco.

PANGASINAN: 1st District-Anacleto B. Ramol. 2nd District- Eugenio Peru. 3Td District.- Dani el Mara mba. 4th District- N. T. Rupiun . 5th Did,icl-N..cilo RaDlOI .

RIZAL: 141 District-Francilco Se.,iIla. 2nd DiuriN-Emillo do J. Pu.

ROMBLON: Leonardo Feltin.


Office of the Legislative Counsel T cl. 2· 27·68 Juan L. Lun a. Legislative Coun l el and Chief, Leg"ialati l'e Se rvi ce OHice. Celes tin o R. L. Lun a. Pri vat c Secretary tQ the Legislative Coun sel. CcciJia Palag an n , Stenograph er. ASSIST ANT S : T el. 2·49·12.

Vi c tQriall O Dia monon Norbe rto E. Marc hadetc h Lui, Sabaler Rafael Da vid

Legislative Researchers and Bill Drafters Tel. 2· 49· 12. Urbano Ga rcia. Chie f, La w ReYi , ion & Bill Drafting Dh·iaion. F ulgenciQ Vin cu lado , Legblali Ye Research er a nd Bill Dralter. Ma:r imino Mont enegro. Leg isla tive Reseacher and Bill Drafte r MariQ CIIl teri o, Leg i, lalive R esea rche r and Bill Draft er. Cecilia Munos· Palma. Legisla tive R eaea rc he r and Bill Drafte r Eul aliQ Legas pi. Legislui ye R esea rche r and Bill Draller. Erib c rto Be rn al, Legisla tiYe R eaearcher and Bill Drafter. Alfredo Bagui •• Leg iaiative Reaearch er and Bill Drafter. Ant on io S. Barro. Lcgisla tive Resea rc her a nd Bill Drafter. hidro A. Vera, Legi. la tive Researcher a nd Bill Drafte r. ~Ianu e l Gavi e res, Legislative Re, earc her aDd Bill Drafter. Francisco Aguirre. Leg iai ative Researcher and Bill Drafter. Fermin Paliloc, Leg isla tive Resea rc her and Bill Drafter. Sergio del Cutillo, taw Clerk. Pllllio N. Cayafes. Leg islative Clerk. Jolly Bugarin, Law Cle rk.

Library Section T el. 2.49·12 Generoso P. Proyido, Ac ting Librarian, Natividad Sanglap·Mallari, Ca tologu er. Alfonzo Cruz, Au i5lanl Libra rian. Abraham Bucnafe, Au iu ,nt Librari.n.




Gerard. S. Soriano, Library Ani s Ian!. Manuel T. Domi ngo. Clerk. Mario Caiiizares, Cle rk·Stenographer. Jaime S. D. Duque, Clerk·Typilt.


Press and C lip p lnl1 Sec tio n T el. 2.15-78 Ma ri o Moreno, Prell Office r & Chief, Clipping Se<:lion. F ederico A. Barrera, ClippinC Seclion. Ped ro S. Inigo. Clipping Clerk. Sergio Brigoli, Clipping Clerk. Caridad Martinez, Clerk.

C lerka l Force Tel. 2·4!J-12 Alvaro Mendoza, Property ... Record Clerk . Wcoce!liao Fauni, Clerk. Typist. Fortunato K. Sazon, Clcrk·Typilt. Ellan ialan BrucDI. Clerk. Typist. Lionel Calo, Clerk. Typ iu. And res Meread e r, Clerk. Typi, t. Pepita Perez, Clc rk.Typiu.

ELECTORAL COMMISSION NATIONAL ASSEMBLY (LEGISLAT IVE BLDG.), ERM ITA Tel. 2-26·92 SUPREME COURT BLOC. AYUNTAMIENTO, INTRAMUROS Tel. 2·38·89 CarlQS A. Imperial, (Associate JUlliee), Chairman. Anacl elo Di u, (Assoeiate Justice). Member. Jose P. Laurel, (Associue lustice), Member. Claudio Sando",l, (Auembly man). Member. Anacleto B. Ramol, (Auemblyman), Member. Gregorio P erfec to, (Auemblyman), Membe r. Lavide., (A'lemblyman), Member. Mauro VerlOU t (Assemblyman), Member. Roque V. De.qui lndo. (Anemblyman). Member. He<:tor C. Suarez, Secretary. Ally. Armando Abad, Alsinanl Secretary. Atty. MllTiano Lozada, B:tiliff.




ERMITA Nicolu Bu endia, Chairman-Tel. 23726 MEMBERS: Jose C. Zulueta Teodoro Camacho Jose Urquico Eug enio Perez Valentin Aiable Ugaliiig&.ll Piang Carlos S. Tan Norberto A. Roque T ere!lo DosdOll Manuel Fortich Viclorino M. Salcedo Genaro Visana Ccsar M. Soun Olqario B. Clarin Fronan Pimenlel Ramon A. Amaldo Manuel S. Roju J ose A. Ur Ulpiano R. Arudon Arturo Miranda, Secretary. Tel. 23546


P. O. BOX 163, TEL. 2·37·24 Ramon Auneena, Chief J U5liee. Carlos A. Imperial, Auocille Juniee. Anacleto Din, Auociate Ju"iee. JOle P. Laurel, Anociate Justice. Manue l V. Moran, Anocinte Justice. Antonio Horrilleno, Alloci ate JU$tice. ......••................ , Associa te J uatice.

Alberto R. Avanceiia, Private Secretary. Mariano L. Mercado. Private Secretary. Salvado r Franco, Private Secretary. Francisco Cavettany. PriYate Secretory. SotelO H. Laurel. Pr ivat e Secretary. Felixberto M:. Serrano. Private Secrctnry. Jose Concepcion, P rivat e Secretary.

Paterno Castillo, Clerk.Typiu.



ASSEMBLY (LEGISLATIVE BLDG.), ERMITA Eusebio Oren.e, Chairman. Tel. 23984. MEMBERS: Juan S. Alano Agu atin Y. Kintanu Pedro C. Hemaez No rber to Romualdez J05C Cojuangco NorberlO A. Roque Enrique B. Mag.lona Pucual B. Azan~a N. T. Rupiun Miguel Gumn ngan Ma~imino Noel Miguel R. Cl8tillo Ricardo Navarro Miguel P. Pio Manuel A. Ab.te Francisco Sevilla Tomas Buenaflor Agripino Esca real Eligio G. Lagman Prolpero Sanidad Any. P oncia no Binay, SecreU.TY.

Manuel M. de UnanR!, Clerk of Court. Edilb erto V. Soriano, Deputy Clerk o f Court. Jose de la Cruz, Deputy Clerk of Court. Tranquilino Cort el. Financial Officer. Buenaventura Ochangco. Collecting and Disbu rsing OUice r. Dominado r F. Latuiio, Property Clerk. Eustaquio Buman, la" Ani stant Librarian.

COURT OF APPEALS GENERAL LUNA. I NTRAMUROS TEL. 2·15·74 Ricardo Paru, P residing Jus ti ce. Domingo Imperinl, Allocillte Ju stice. Jose M. Hontiveros, Anociate JUllice. Mariano A. Albert, Anociat e Ju s ice. Cell ar Beng20n, Auociate Ju s tice. Sabino Padilla, Associate JlIuice. J08e L. Vito. Associate J lIuice. Manuel C. Briones, Associate JUlice. Pedro Tuason, Associa te J us tice. Hermogenea Reyes, Associate J Ul tice. Marceliano R. Montemayor, Associate Justice. Francisco Enage, Associa te J ustic e. Al ex. R eyes. Anociate Ju stice. Jose P. Melencio. Associate J ustice. Benito tngalla. Pri"ate Secretary. Ramon O. Balana. Private Secretary. Galieano Ortiz, Private Secretary. Anton io Molina. Private Secretary. Guido Advin cula. Privat e Sec retary. P edro Ma. Sison, Jr., Private Secretary. Juan C. Jimenez, Private Seerellry. Jose L . BrionCl, Pr ivate Secretary. Feliza R. Salvosa, Private Sec retary. JOle Ma. T. Reycs. Private Secretary. F e rnando BragDou, Private Secretary. Simeon Antipal a. Priva te Secre tary. Andrea R eyell, Private Secretary. Juao O. Rey e!!. Cler k of Court. Bartolome r. Viol., ht Depu ty Cle rk. Romeo Mercado, 2nd Depu ty Clerk. Eduardo Mont enegro. Translator. Enri que F. Lumb • . Translator. Paulino Marquez, Reporter. Jose Reyes, Translator. J ose Z. de lUella, Stenographel'. Alfonso Mata. Stenotrapher. Dionisio Cenar, St enographer. Conluelo J. Pillipi l, Stenographer. Silves lre OrcjaDa, Stenogu pher. Arturo Paras, Docket Clerk. Leon G. Jayme, Collecting and Dis bllui ng Officc r. Lorenzo Tiongson, Calendn r Cle rk. Ra moo U. Reyes, Judgment Clerk. Francisco O. Oirll, Stenographer. Lorenzo S. Navarro, An istan! Docket Clerk. Amado Dimnno, Librarian. Pablo D. Mondok, 2nd Au iSlant Repo rter. Arturo del Prado, Property Clerk.

Office of The President of the Philippines Executive BuHdin2 Tel. 2·24-91 Jor2e B. Var2as, Secretary to the President. Conrado Benitez, Assistant to the President. Executive Staff Faustino Sy-Changco, Administrative Assistant. Conrado Sevi1la, Financial Assista nt. Teodoro Evangelista, Chief, Forei2n Relations Division. Manuel G. Zamora , Actin2 Protocol Officer. Pascual R. Pimentel, Legal Assistant and in charge, Le2isiative Division. Felino Nery. Acting Chief, Agriculture and Commerce Division. Filemon Poblador, Chief, Public Instruction Division. Faustino Aguilar, In char2e, Labor Division. Luis Serrano, Chief, Press Relations Division. Arsenio Roco, Chief of Records and Curator. Esteban Nedruda, Chief, Translating Division. Major Rafael Jalandoni , Aide-de-Camp. Capt. Lamberto J aval era , Provost Officer and Commandant, Palace Guard Company Jose A. de Jesus, Private Secretary to the Preside,n t and Chief, Malacaiiang Household. Arturo Gonzales, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. G en eral Advisory Staff General Douglas Ma cArthur , National Defense. Dr. H. Foster Bain . Mining. Dr. Luther 8. Bewley, Education. Dr. Camilo Osias, Education. Arthur F. Fischer, Agriculture and Natural Resources. A. D. Williams, Engin eering. Lbuis P. Croft, Parks. Ray Hurley, Census. Harry T . Frost, Architecture. Arthur H. Evans, Customs and Tariff. Robert Welheim, Pathology.



BLDG., MURALLA. INTRAMUROS 2·24·66. 2-89·17, 2·73·40, 2.43· 77 & 2.83·86 J ou Gn, Commissioner of Civil Service. Amado del ROlariO, Depuly Commissioner. 2.2~,

Administrative Division Mariallo GOllulet, Chief of Di';l ion. Alltonig E. Mala, Chief Clerk. Ju au R.mol. An istanl Chief of Di vision.

Chie.fs of Sections Ramon F. Samaniego, Sen-ice Section. Teofil o Aliungco. Certilication Section. Francisco Santiago, Lene Section. Laureano Aguirre. (Acting) Repon of Chaneu .nd Absence Section. Manuel Anc- e1cs, Record s Section.

Esamlnlnt? Division Ruben Ledes ma, Chief Ex.miner. Alipio L. Bu ell avelltura, Ass iuan t Chief Examiner. Dr. J o.e V. Gloria, Secrel'ry, Boa rd s of Exan.iIlCTI.





Exa miners POKrno Lopez J Ole Ver Ptdro R ev illa J uan Sihagon Cern,io F abian

Ce!areo Romero Jose Qui •• , Dioni,io Miniano

Carmcn E. Cruz

Librod o Kimu ell, Chit>! of Section. Da ma ceno G. Ramos, Assistant Statillician.


E!peranu O. Qui tolgico J uiita NaMe-Arellano

Antonio Pena, Chief of Divis ion.


Divis ion of Inves tigation G regorio Itnfa lan, Chief. Guill e rmo de J eslIs, Assi~ l anl Ch ie f. Mel.)d io Mendoza, Service Examine r. Alejandro Sebastian, Attorney.

CI VIL SERVICE BOARD OF APPEALS CITY HA Ll., ERMITA TEL. 2·12·50 Hon. 10le Abad Santos, Chairmnn. Hon. J orge I}. Vargas, Mem her. Dr. Rufi no Luna, Member. Atty. Emilio J. Aguila, Secretary.

MOlluel M. Ayeardo, 1\1. 0 ., Chief of Divis ion.

D I VIS ION OF LABOR ST ATI STI C S ROiendo UCltolado, Chief o f Division . "rnollo Rodrigucz, Chief of Scot ion. Modesto S. Criaologo, Chief of Section.

DI VIS ION O F CUST OMS ST ATI STI C S Ricardo Andaca, Chief o f Dldsion ..

D I VISlON O F BUS I NESS ST ATISTIC S J uan S. Agca(lil i. Statistician. David Guticrrez, Ass istant Statistician. J C' UI p, Angelcs, Assistant Statistician.


BOARD OF EXAMINERS R[COLETOS BLOC., 1\IURALLA, INT HAMUROS J ose Gil, Ex ecutive Qllicer. Jo.e V. Gl orin, Secretary.


TEL. 2·68-50 Serafin Marahn l, Commis, ioller o f the nudKe!. Pio P edron, Deputy Commissioner of th c Budgc!. Manu e l Agudo, Administrative Ollicer and Secretary of th e Budge t Commission. Gregorio de la Torre. Chief. Budge t Division . Lope O. T ayao, Cbief. Sen ice I nspection Division. Eug enio Tadle. Chief. Expensc Control Div i,ion. Quirin o E. AUl tria, Chie f Administration n~earchcr. J Olef;n Velueo. Speeial Assislanl. T eo fil o Corpus, Administration Resea rch e r. Benigno Aldana, Administration Researcher. Romari co Ageaoili, Administ rat ion Researc he r. Amado B. iIIagloto, Administration Jl esearcher, Getulio AmbrOllio. I nspector Pla cido Man alo, In spector. Jose A. Ledesma, In specto r. H ip olito A. Sison, Chie! Examincr, Alej o Ccli, Examin er. Ju an Felix, Examiner. Amb rosio Gabriel, Ex aminer, Fe rn and o Dizon. I nspc.:tor, Venancio I'. Sanoy, Insp ec tor. :'Ilonioo Benigno. I nspector. Calix to Umal;, In spector. Dionisio Faeelo, in spc.: tor. Cecilio Farrales. in spc.:tor. David Galicia, In spector. Ramon Roque, In spector. Juan G. Mercado, Inspector. Eduardo C. Ceslan;. In spector. Ne nl esio S~n IOI, I nspector. Enrique Tacead , l ospector. Pahlo M. Cruz, l ospect or. Hizol G. Ad ora ble, I nspector. Me lqui ades Ibanez, I nspector. P ote noiano R. Cruz. Chief. Record s Section. Angel R. Cabatingan, Cashier & I'rop erty Clerk.


OFFICE OF THE DI RECTOR Ray Hurley, Acting Direc tor.

PRO P E RTY AND DIS B URSEMENT SECT ION P erfecto Rh·era. Disbursing, Colle et ing, and Propeny OHice r.

TA B ULAT lO N SECTlON Jo." N., Chief 01 Sec tion.




FLOOR, PHILNABANK BLDG. ESCOLTA, BINONDO TEL 2·46·1l Gil Mont ilia. Admi nistrat or. D. E. Graham, An istant Admini s trator. V. G. B1In uao. Assistant to thc Adminis t rator. Gene T hielc, Chief, Export Divi aioll . A. R. de L1Iwriaga, Chief, Domestic Div ision. J . A. Whitaker, Chief, Fietd Service Division . Mnnuc1 Villano. Acting Distric t Sugar Supervisor. T codoro Ilorromeo, Distr ic t Suga r Supervisor. Emili o Acil a c050, Chi ef Clerk. Felino Ncri. Chi ef. Law Division. Carlo l Merced, Auditor. Ra mon Quiamco, Acting P ropeny Officer. Ramon Quiamco, Ca.hier and Disbursing Officer. JOle C. Pneyra, Sta tistici an. Remigio Abello, Chemist. Narcilo L. Salazar, Reco rd Cl e rk.


BLDG., ESCOLTA, TEL. 2·46·16 Gil Montilla. Chairman. il ibi'''lO L. Meer. Vice· Chairman. Gco rge H. Fairchild. Mem ber. Osc nr Lrd e~tnn, Member. Il. !l enton Hind. Mernber. J oae 1\1. T apia, Member. Dr. I\IBuneI L. n oxas, Member. Hermencgildo Cruz, Member. "ariano J. Santos, Memher. Cre.enciano T orre!, Member. Antenio D. Paguia, Member. Felino Neri , Secretary.



0,'. Ant onio G. Sison, Director. Dr. Au gusto 1'. Villalon, Super inlcndcut. Dr. Carmelo 1\1. n e)"e~. Ch ief of Clinics . Dr. Jose Alb c'" Director, Clillical Studi es and nesearelt. Pedro 1\1. C!Jan co, Assistant to the Director. I) r. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. DT.

Depar t m e n t o f Medicine Luis Guerrero, Chief, Department o f Medicine. PerptlUO Gutierre~, Associate Att en ding Ph)"siciao. Hans K aunit~, Associate Attending Physician. Wenc e. lno VituS", J unior Att ending Physician. I'edro T . Lan lin , Junior Attending I'hy~ici on. Agerico Il. 1\1. Sison, AniSln nt Att ending I'hysician. JOle N. Rodriguez, Assistant Att ending I' hys ician. Bodo l! Fri edman n, Assistant <\tt endi ng P hysician. Patricio Ignacio, Assistant Att endi n, Physician. Jose S. Hizon, Assistant Att ending Physicia n . Jose I\J. Barcelona, Assista nt Attending Physician. Ma nuel A. Hernandez, Assis tant Att en ding Phys ician. Saturnino Ador Di oni sio, Au istant Attending Pb)·sic ian.


P HII, I PP I N"E GE NE R .'\ L HOS PITA l, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

F rancisco Aitarejo!. AJuistant Attending Ph)"s ician. Andre9 A. Angara, ASl istan t Atrending P hy s ic ian. Torib io J oson, Assistant Allen ding Physician. Gonulo F. Au t ria, Senior Rcsidcn t Phys ician. J ose n. Cruz, Associate Residen t Phys ician. J Ole A. S ilva , J uniol' Rcside n t P hys ician. Elv i ra N. Fe rmin, Al5iSlant Res ident Phys ician. An tonio Lozano, An is tant R esident Physician. Elpidio L. Gamboa , A15i 5tant Resident Physician.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Anto nio Vazquez, Chief, Department or Surgery. Car melo M. R eyes , Attend ing Surgeon. hnu a ri o Estrada, J unior Attending Surgeon. Cec ilio D. Fra nco, A,s illant Att ending Surgeo n. Andres T. Zavalla , A" is tanl Attending Surgeoll. Manuel N. T uas on. JUs inan t Att ending Surgeon. G. Santos Cuyugan, Ass isl ant Atrending Surgeon . For tunato S. Guerrno, Al5iuant Attending Surgeon . J aime Laico, A!Si~tant Att ending Surgeon. Eduardo M . LU Bca, ASlistam Attending Surgeon. Luis F. T orru, Jr .. An is tant Attending Surgeon. An gel I. R e)"es, Ani stant Attending Surgeon. E use bio D. Garcia, Assistant Attending Su rgeo n . Vic tor T. Na n agas , As!istan! Att ending Surgeon . Salvador C. Me nez, Au istant Attending Surgeon. Bernabe S. Galan" . .A.isis tant Attending SurGeon . Benvenu to R. Dino, Senior Resident Surgeon. F rancisco C. Guzman . Assoc iate R esident SurGeon. Am T angeo. Junior Res ident Surgeon. Edber!o Y. Aguilar. Ass is tant Surgeo n. Auguuo S. Be,a, Auiuall! Resident Surgeon. P edro T. Nery, Ani$ tant Res ident Surgeon . Buenavent ura Ca n to, 1r., Auis tant R esident Surgeon .

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Baldomcro RO):Ds. Ch ic!. Del1.artmen t of Obs tetrics. Honoria Acosta-Sison, Assoc iate Attending Obst e tri cian. Guillermo Rusti~, J unior Attending Obste trician. Alfredo BaeD!, Junior Attending Obstetrician. F ernando Barican, k .,istant Attending Obs te trician. V. Lumanlan ·Moreno, Ass is tant Att endinG Obstetri c ian. Purita Laureola, Assis tant Attending Obstetrician. J ose R. Kat igbs k , Assistant Attending Obstc tri cian. Ma ri a D. Sa ntol, An iltam Attending ObU e trician . Pa)"apa Cruz, Assiuan l Attendi ng Obstctrician. Glo ria T . Aragon, A!!istant Attending Obsletri cian. Jose ViJl anue"a, Senio r Res ident Obstetrician. Noe A. Espinola, A!!uc ia le Res ident Obste tricia n. Nicanor D. Mendiola, Juni or Resident Ob!letrician. Gloria E. Tancinco, Assista ut Resid ent Obstetrician.

Departm e n t of S urgery

Depattm e nt of Obste t rics

Department of Eye, Ear, No s e a nd Throat Dr. AriMeo R. Ub aldo, Ch id, Department of Eye , Ear, NUle and T hroat. Dr. H ermi nio Velarde, Assoc iat e Att e nding Ocu lis t and Aurist . Dr. An lonio F ernando, J unior Attending Oculis t and Auris t. Dr. Vivencio C. Alcan tara, Assista nt Att endin g Ocu list and Auril t . Dr. Con rado D. Ayuyao, Ass istant Attending Oculist and Au rist. Dr. Cesar MaiolO!!, Aasistant Att ending Oculilt and Aurist. Dr. Pacian o Bau ti sta, Assiuanl Allending Oculist and Aurist. Dr. Celesti no G. Li m, Ass istant Aucuding Oc uli st aud Au~i gt . Dr. Gemi n iano d e Ocampo, Senior n e,ident Oculist an d Au ris t Dr. Carlol V. Yambao. As.oeiate Resident Oculist and Auri. t. Dr. J ose N. Cruz. J unior Hesident Oculis t and Auri. t. Dr. P edro V. Simuangco. Ass isll nt Resid ent Oculin and Aurin. Dr. Luciano U. Luc,on, A1!illl&nt R esiden t Ocu list and Auril l.

Department of Ped iatrics D ~.


J ose Al be rt, Chie i, Department o f P ediatrici. Al berto T upu, J unior Attendiug P edialricion. Alb in o N. OClmpO, Anistant Atteedin&" Pediatrician. E"cen Stran sk y, Msiuant Attend ing P ediatrician. Mobel B. Abad, Assistant Atteoding P ed iatrician. F lo reneio N. Qu intos, Senior Residenl P ediatrician. Art emio P. J ongco, Assuciale Resident Pediatrician . Arsen io C. R eg-Dla, Ju ni or Residen t Pediatrician . Leon V. P ecache, Auista ut Res iden t P ediat rician.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Ca rmelo M. R eyes, Chief, Department of Gynecology. Al eU R . Guzma n , Assi stant Allending Gynecologi~ l. J ose R. Reyes, Senior Resident Gyneco lo, i!t. Six 10 Maceda, Jr ., A" iuan t Resident Gynecologis t.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. D ~.

Department of Gynecolog y

Rotation Service Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Maximo L. Alcas id, A.sistan t Adjunc t Red d en t Physician . Pablo A. Bue nde, Au is tant Adj unc t Res id ent Phys ici an. F elic iano B. Caparu , Assiuan t Adj unc t n c~ id e nt Phy· , icia n. n omeo C. David, Assis ta n t Adju n ct Resident P hys ici an. J05" C. Denoga, A S5i~ t an t Adjunc t Rea id en t Physicia n. Adolfo O. F loru, AM istant Adjunct Resident P hysic ian. Al fred o G. F lores, Auislln t Adiu n ct Res ident P hyaic ian . Rup erto S. Ga lvez, A.,istan t Adjunc t Reti dent P h y~ s ician. GreGori o R. Gan sico, An isllnt Adjunct R es iden t Ph y· s ic ian. Armondo C. Gonzales. Assistant Adj un c t Rcs ident P h!" s ie ian. Cirilo G. Gonzal es, Auis ta nt Adjunct n es ide nt P h)"~ician.

Dr. Diogene, R. Martinez, A19i5tant Adjunct Re.ident P hy · s ician. Dr. Car lo» J. Marqu ez, A$lis tant Adjunct Residen t Ph ys ician. Dr, I'rosp ero Ma . Orets, A$iis tan t Adjunc t n elide nt Ph ys ician. Or. Ono fre B. P adolina, Assistant Adj u nct R es id ent Phy· s ician. Dr. EduDrdo R . P ena lon. ASlista n t Adjunct Res iden t Ph )". si cian . Dr. Emmanuel T . Ramol . Au istan t Adju n ct RUiden! P h y. sician. Dr. Ed/:a rdo B. Rega lado, Assistant Adjunct R es ident Physic ian. Dr. Salud G. del Hosario. Ass is ta n t Adjunct Residen t Phy · sic ian. Dr. Jo~e A. Umnli. A"ista u t Ad j un ct R esiden t Physician . Dr. Ramon C. Valenucla, Ass iatant Adjunct Residen t Ph y · sieian . Dr. Viri:i1io S. Veluco. AuistalH AdjUnct Res ident P h)"· sieian . Dr. Vald e mar F . Zialcita, An istant Adjun ct Resid ent Ph )"sicia n.

Dental Clinic Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Domiciano J. Sandoval, Chief, Den tal Clin iel . Vi c torian o G. Villa, AS l istant Chief, Dental Clin ic. Gen a ro B. F eliurdo, Atten d ing Dentist. E ucenio O. Navoa, Att ending Dentis i. Francisco L. R ami rez, Atten ding Den ti,t. Rufino Mendon, Den tist. Adri ano S . Cruz, Au is tant De ntist.

Departme nt of Laboratories Dr. Walfrido d.e Leon, Chief, Depa rt me n t of Lab oratori es. Dr. Begi no J. Navarro, Dac te rio log is t. Dr. Santos IHvero, A$listan t Scien tist . Dr. Pilar V. Cruz. Fid elino, Clinical Biochemiu. Dr. Potenciana L. Cabigtin\i:·Cbavez, H ematholo\i: ist . Dr. Felipe B. GOmel, Assistant Clinical Ps tho lDii. t. Dr. Salvador L. Gomu, Ass ist ant Clinical Patho locist. Dr. Valent in G. RamOI, Assinant Clinical P atbolo\i:ist l\lin SeTlpia n. Roqu e , J unio r Cli n ical P atholog itt . Min AnGelin a F. Revellter, J un ior Cl illica l P a tholog ist.

Departme llt of Physical Therapy Dr. Paterno S. Chikiamco, P bys ician and Ch ief, Depar t ment 01 P hy s ical Therapy. Dr. J ose Torres, As sistant Atteoding Pb)"sician. Dr. J Olelina I ba iiez· Abuel, Msistan t Atr ending Physic ia n . Dr. Cloduald o Orquiza , Au illan t Ruident Ph)"lic iaD .

Can cer Ins titute Dr. R obert Will hei m, Pathologist

Divis ion of Pharmacy Dr. F eli, H oc.on. Ch id of Di vision. Lino S. Ol ague r, P harmacin-i n·Charge. Dr. Duilia Zialei ta, P harmaciu. Mrs. Fidela Sison ·Ablld. Pharmacist. Jorge P anHlio, P h ar macist. Maria n o Guevara, P harmaciu . Ma rian o S. Salvador. P hormacist. Mrs. Conso lacion A. Rigo nau , Phar maci. t. ~ Ii n Car men V. Caliea, Pha rmacis t, Edua rdo E. Sa ntos, Drug Cler k.

Adminis trative Divis ion Domingo G. Yllbu t , Chief. Ig nacio Z. P ab illaran , S tenoc ra ph er.




Personnel Section

Hon. J o.e Abad Santo., Secretary of J utice. lion. Benigno S. Aquino, SC(lrctary of Agriculture and Commerce. Hon. Jo.e Ave)ino, Secretary of Public Woru and Com· munlcationa. Hon. Jorge Bocobo. Sec retary 01 Public Instruction. Hon. Leon G. Guinto. Secretary of Labor. Han. TeoJilo Silon. Secretary of National Defense. Hon. Jose Fabell., Secretary of Health and Public Welfarc. H on. J orge B. V.rga s. Secretary to the President. Maj._G en. Builio J. V.lde!, Chief of Staff, Philippine Army. d OD. Francisco Enale. . Hon. HermenCliido Villanuen. Mr. J uan Villamor.

Felipe S. Fener, Chief. Julian A. DOl'Qagu, Ani slaD! Chicf. Jose J. Samlon, Jr., Stenographer.

Cash and Disbursing Section Vicente N. Lim, Chief. Cayetano Csolu, Anialanl Chief.

Statistics and Records Section Carlo, Sanlol. Chief. Miu Pel.,ia Fenu,ndez, AuilulIl Chid.

Dispensary Clerical Section


Rufino Cabling. Chief. Candido Ramo" Anillant Chief.

METROPOUTAN WATER DISTRICT "BLDG. 176 ARROCEROS. ERMITA T EL. 2·37·51 Hon. Manuel Rons, Chairman. lion. Benigno S. Aquino, Member. H on. Mariano lcsus Cu enca, Membcr. H on . Rafa el R. Alunan , I\I embcr. Hon. Eulogio Rodrigucz, Membcr. H on. Vicente SingHon Encarnacion, Member. H on. Miguel Un i on, Member. J ose Pacz, Membcr. P r"ident Bienvcnido M. Gonzalez, Memb er.

Property and Supply Section Filomeno PumareD, Chief. Graciano C. Veluco, A..i, tant Chief. Deogracias Santol, CO lomililry Clerk.

General Service Section Hugo YODlon, Chief. Solen> R edo';., Inspector and Anislanl Chief. Eugenio Dich<»o, In spec tor. Trolldio Balquiellra, Inlpector. Valentin Goonle., Foreman. Salumino Volante, Allin.ot Foreman.

Machinery Repalrlne a nd Transportation Section Luciano Ni,uidula, En,ineer and Chief. L eon Benita, Me<:hanlc and Alli l tanl Cbid.

School :and Divis ion of Nursing MI1I. Enriqueta Macarai,. Adriano, Chief and Superintendent of NUl1les. MI1I. Catalina Francisco·Ne ri, Assi uant to th e Chief. Min Julita V. Sotejo, Principal, School of Nurs ing. M.... Martarita L. Amilola, Ani,tant to tbe Principal. Mat eo Ellrella, Slenocrapher. Miu Francilca Verlan, Dietitian. 10le F. Reyes, Physical Inst ructor. Mn. Remigia C"pio·Lalll, Instructor in English. Prof. Florcntino N. Gonnlel, Inuructor in Mauage. Mn. l uana C. Valdez, Estensiou Service Supervis~r.

TECHNICAL AND CLERICAL STAFF; Dr. Andres V. Castillo, Secretary (Tec hnical Consultant). Dr. Leon Ma. Gonzales, Statistician. Gera rdo C. Fernand ez, P rivate Secretar),. Trinidad L. Rabago. Technical Assinant. Federico Ruperto, Record Clerk. Hec tor R. Acurantes, Librarian, Property and Di. bursing Officer. Miss Maria C. Edralin, Clerk-Steno,rapher. Juanito C. Gella, Stenolrapher. FeliJ: M. Roul. Slenographer. Jacinto F. Lu cc ro, Clerk (Typist). Santiago R. de 101 Rey es, Clerk·Hypist. Miss Candida L. Prado, J unior Typist. Miguel A. Velasco, Drafuman.



Members-at- Laq~e


Bicnl'enido 1\1. Gonzalu, Member·at·Large and Chair. man, National Research Council of the Philippines. Dr. M.nuel L. Rosu, Member·at·Large. Dr.

Executive Board Prof. Jaime C. de Veyn, Director. Dr. Cecilio Lopez, Secretary and Executive Officer. hidro Aban, Member. Santiago A. Fonacier, Member. Zoilo Hilario, Member. Cnimiro F. Perfe<:to, Member. Dr. Felix S. Salll ROdri,UN, Member. Prof. Lope K. Santos, Member.

Chairmen or Divisions

Administrative Division Leopoldo Y. Yabes. Tec hnic al An istant and Chief Clerk. Teodoro A. Aconcillo, Technical Assi.tant aud Librarian. Techni~at Slall Julian C. Ba1maceda. Specis! Alsistant. Mi n Honensia B. A,Udo, Te<:hnical Au istant. Guillermo Y. Santillo·Cuino, Technical An illlnt. Mrl . Virginia Gamboa· MendoZJI, T e<:hnics! Aniuant. ~fin Pil .. B. Garces, Technical Mlistu t. Francisco Laktamana. Technical Ani.tant. Martin F. Vcnlgo, Te<:hnical Anilt ant. Felizberto B. Viray, Technics! Allistant.


COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE (Seelion 6, Commonwealth Act 1) Chairman His EJ:cellenc)" Manuel L. Qu ezon, Presidcn t Philippines,


/If~ mberJ

H on. Sergio O.mena. Vice· President of the Philippin e!. Hon. Rafael R. AluDan, Secr~tary 01 the Int erior. H on. Manu el Rosu, Secretary 01 Finance.

Dr. Arturo Garcia, Chairman. Division of Gov ernmen t, For. eign and Educational Relotion • . Oir. Quirico A. Abadilla, Vice· Chairman and Chairman, Division 01 Phy. ieal and Mathematical Sciences. Dea n Antonio G. Silon, Chairman, Division of Medical Scien. ce •. Dr. Ancel S. Arguelfes, Chairm an, Division of Chemical and Pharmaceu tleal Sciences. Dean Leopoldo B. Uicbanco, Chairman, Dh'ision of Biological Scienees. Dir. Florencio Tames i. , Chairman, Division of Agriculture and Forestry. Vice. Pres. H ermenecildo B. Re)'e!, Chairman, Division of Engineering Ind Industrial Researcb. Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuel • • Esecuti1'C Secretary ud Treuurer.

th e

ENGINEER ISLAND, PORT AREA TE:LS. 2·~6·75, 2.25·33, 2·61-53 & 2·47·70 Ellgracio F.bre, Actinc Commiuioner. Oscar Araneta. Adminillratil'e Officer. Amador Buenaseda, Field Supe rvi.or. Aquil es R. Ac urant es, Immi gran t Agent. Paulino Aliugo, Immi gran t Agent. Conrado Almario, Chief, n ecords Seetion. Simeon B. Alltipala, Member, Board of Spechtl Inql.l.i ry. German L. Arabit, Mem ber, Board of Spccial Inquiry. Juan M. Arreglado, Member· Secretary, Board of Special Inquiry. Macuio A. Bcrnardo. Chief. Bond Section. J e-9US L. Betia, Immi grant In l pector.


OE PART.MENT OF T HE INTERIOR ProdellCio C. Cagampan, Chief. Boarding, Inve!ltigation and Deportation Sen-ice. . Me1quiades Campilan, Member>, Board of SpecIal Inquiry. Teodoro O. Camu, J r., Immigrant Inspector. Teodoro Carmona, Immigrant Inspeclor. Demetrio C. Cutillo, Immigrsnt Inspedor. Arsenio B. Cast ro, Sec retary to the Acting CommiSiioner. J.-e M. Celo, Membe r. Board of Special Inqui ry. Alfredo G. Cipriano, InImig raot Iospector. Emilio Dizon, Immigrant Ins pecto r. Lorenzo Y. Encomienda, Immigrant Inapector. Mario D. Fab r08, I mmigrant Inspec tor. AD dre. Fe rret!, Chief, Certificate and Reg istrat ion Sel'1'iee. Candido D. Fraozuela. i\lember·Sec retary, Board of Special Inquiry. Lauro G. Frencill o, Immigrant IDl pee tor. Pacificn C. Garcia. Immigrant Inspec tor. Manuel A. H erna ndez, Assi,taot Med ical Officer. Dionisio Isi dro, Senior Clerk. Mariano M. de J oya, Immigran t Iospecto r. Francil Kong , Interpreter. Miriam Leo Laurel, Inlerpreter. Ca rm en Gra u de Ledes ma, Auis tan t. Teodoro Lia mannres, Chairmao, Boord of Special Inqui ry. Tomas Li ave. Immigrant Inspector. ClU"los Maga lODa, Immigrllnt Inspector. Cesa r Malole" Medicill OHicer. Jose D. Mendoza, Immigrant Inspector. Angel P. MenClCJ, Fingerprint Seetion . Pio S. Noche, A.. iuan t Lllw Offieer. Ramon Noacal, Chairman, Board 01 Special Inquiry. Posidio E. Ocampo, Immigrant In.pector. j uan B. OpuIe ncia, Cuhier. habelo Z. Ortega, Law Clerk. 10vito P. Pala n ao, Immigrant Agent. Art emio Perneho, Immigrant Inlpector. Po Tay Chuan. l oterpreter. Ricardo Portugal, Chid Ove rleer. Marcelo T. P ua. Interp re ter. Aurelio B. Que, Interpreter. Pedro G. Rami rez, Assi. taot Chief, Adminiuralive Division. Hilario A. Reres, Assi. tant Field Supervisor. Francisco de la RO!H, Membe r, Board of Special Inquiry. Salvador M. Sale• . Aui"ant Ch ief, Records Section. Eladio G. Samaon, Immigrant Inspector. baga ni San Agualin, Immigrant I n s peetor~ Tino Sa ntill an, Immigrant Inspector. l ose P. Santos, Immigrant Agent. Makaaraw K. SantOll, Stenographer. Antonio M. Senatin, Chairmao, Board 01 Special Inq uiry. Ricarte Severino, Immigrant InSpeClOr. Mariano L. Singzon, Chairman, Board 01 Special Inq uiry. Rosit a A. Sison, Au i9lanl Medical Ollicer . Dominad"r Sobreviiiu, S tenog rllpher. Joseph Perez de T agle, Mem be r·Secretnry, Board of Sp ecial In qui ry. Tang Hin Wing, In terpre ter. Lu iu Tan g, Interprete r. Cornelio N. Tantamco, Interpreter. C&aimiro M. T aiiada, Oversee r. J O$e G. T apia , Immij!: rant Inspector. NCi lor B. T esoro, Immigran t Inl pec tor. Conala ncio T rias. Cbairman, Board of Special Inqu iry, Fra ncisco E. Villena, Immillrant Agent. Yu See, Interprete r.

DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CITY B ALL, T AFT AVENUE, ER MIT A T EL. 2. 14.41 Hon. Rafae l R. Alunan, Sec retary. H on. Arseoio Bonifacio, Under. Secretary. H on. T eop;'to Guinllona, Commillioner fo r Mindanao a nd Sulu. Dr. Marciano Roq ue, Delegate and AdminiUra tive Officer. J uan Ipac, Chief, Law Division. Abe lardo 1. Reyes, Chiel. Provineial Division. Col. Antonio C. T ortCJ, Adviser on Police Matter fo r Man il a. Mauro Mendez, Cbief of Nationa l In forma tion.


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERlOR CITY HALL, T AFT AVEN UE , ERM IT A TE L. 2·31. 18 Ma uro Mendez , Chief. Max imino G. Bneoo, Auilun t .

Hernando 1. Abaya, P ublicit y Section. Cirio H. Pa nganiban, Public Helation5 Section. Vicente Guzman Rivas, Writer· Translator. Delfin Gnmban, Writ e r.Tran.lator. Leonardo Serrano, Researcher. Felipe T. Lopez, Resea reber. J o.e Hernandez Gavira. Writ e r in Spani~h. l ose Querubin Daeanar, Confi,lenlial Agent. Emilio Teclo n, Confidential Agen!. J ose Hilario, Confidential Agent. Emeato Pe Ben ito, Cameraman.

PHILIPPINE CONSTABULARY PORT AREA C hi e f of Co n stab ul a r y Brigadier Gene ral Guillermo B. Fundleo. Lieu t. Colonel Emmanuel A. Baja. Firs t Lieutenant Patricio R. Monzon, Aide·de·Camp. Exec utive Di vis io n Major Bonifacio R. Siso n. Executive Officer. Captain Vice nt e Noel, AS8I. Executive Officer. Caplain l ose Tando. Second L ieutenan t lacobo T. Guerrcro, (R). S up p ly D iv is ion Lieut. Colonel H ipolito Garma, Acting Chief. Majo r Melanio M. V~lase o, Auis tDnt Chief. Captain Angel Oppus, Property Oflicer. Fint Lieutenant P. G. Alcantara, (R) Ae tg. Dilb. & Calig. Officer. Second Lieutenant Cesa r L. Lintag. Second Lieutenant AUlu5tO R. Roa, (R) . Inf o rm a ti o n Divi s i o n Major J ose P. Guido, Chief. Captain Agu sti n G. Gabriel, Auiillant Chief. First Lieu tenan t J uan Crame. First Lieutenant Avelino D. Villafria. First Lieutenant Amadeo M. Cabe, (R). Second Lieutenant Osmundo L. Galang, (R). M e di ca l Di vis ion Major J ~e Gonzales ROXIJ, MC, Chief. Captain Ramo n Zagalll, DC, Deollli Surgeon. Firs t Lieutenant Guillermo l la no, (MC· R ). Firs t Lieutenant Meleeio G. Aeantilado, (R). Second L ieutenant Tri nidad lose C. Ungson, ( R). Police Affair s Divi s ion " Iaj or Antonio N. Villa lobos, In ChaTl:e. F Ire arm s ;lnd Ex p losi ve Di vision Captain P edro N. l amiooln, Chief. First Lieute nant Fermin F. Peralta, CR) . Second Lientenan t Pastor V. Garc ia, (R). Tra ffi c D ivision Cap tain J ose G. Polotao , Chief. ( First Lieutenant Juan Briliante!, TO,S" Traffic Dist.) Cap tain L, T. lavalera. CO, Preaidential Guard. Captain M. Estacio, CO, General Sen'ice Troops. De p a rt me n t o f Nort h er n L u zon Headquarters·Tayng, Psnguinan Lieut. Colonel Alberto RamOI, Department lupeetor. D e p a r t m e nt Sta ff : Major T. Coronado, Inspec tOr. Cap tain M. Noee le, Excecutive Office r. First Lieut. A. M. Gonzales, (DC·R) , Dent. Surgeon, 2" DeDt. Dist. Fira t Lieut. M. Daydl, (MC-R) Med. Inspector, 2" Med. Dis!. Captain B. Capayas, 1'1. Blngu ed, Abra. Captltin A. D. Ylagan, PI, Balaiiga, Bataan . Firs t Lieu!. A. L. Gonnlo. PI , Basco, Batanes. Captain A. Suare7., 1' 1, T uguegarao, Cagayan. Captain J. P . Cortez, P I, Laoag, 1I0cos Norte. Captain S. Laurente, PI , Vigan, lI oeos Sur. Ca ptai n 5, P. Mendoza, P I. lI agan, hnbela . Captai n B. Ante, PI, San Feruando, La Uni"n. Ca ptain F. Roska, PI, Cllbugno, Apayao. Cap tai n S. G. Vergara, P I, Trinidad Benguet. Cap tain J uli lln N. Esq uejo. PI, Bontoc, Bon toe. Captai n G. Manalo, PI, Banaue, I£ugao. Ca plain G. R. Monsod, PI , Cabanaluan, Nueva Ecij3.



CDp l o~n F. D. Ld is, Au t. PI, Cnbnnatuan, Nuna Eeija.

Cap talll L. E. Liltpun, PI, nn)'am bons:. Nueva Vizcnyn. Mojor C. Bay Ion. P I, San Fernando, Pampa nga . Captain P. Bulan, Asst, P I, San Fernando, Pampanga. Captain E. Lomuntad, 1'1, Lingaycn, Pan gDsinnn. Captain Manuel Fernandinc. Au t. PI, Lin!;D)'cn. Pangasi nan. Captain P. Cu tnero, 1'1, T arlllC. 'flulac. Captain n. Al ejandre. 1'1, Iha, Zambnlcs.

Dep a rtment or So u t h e rn Luzon H cadquatlcrl. Manila Lieut. Col onel Anenio Nal;"idad, Department In spec tor (Actg. Mayor, Ca,-ite City). Maj or J orne, A. Gr('c n, AuiU Dn l Department Inspector, Manila.

Depart m ent Staff: Major L eon AllgclcJ, In sp ec to r. Captain Pio Mng:s ino. Executiye Officer. (h t Lt. 1. C. Zillicila, (MC·R) , Med. In spec tor. 4" Med. Di9t .) (1st Lt. S. Cariiio, (DC.R) , Denta! Surgeon, 3" Dent31 District) Captain F. Sandico, PI , Legaspi. Albny. Captain Aquilino i\loMueto, PI , Blltangas, Batangas. Captain I. G. Agudo , 1'1. Malolol. Bulacall. Captain A. C. Villanueva. PI. Daet . Comarines Nort e. Captain E. L. de Leon. PI, Naga, Camarille, Sur. Major F . Borbon, PI, Im'I!, Ca,·ile. Captain S. Nava~ro, PI, Santa Cruz, Laguna. CaVt;tin F. Villaaeiior, PI, BO;te, Marindllqlle. Captain Euuaquio A. Abay. PI, Masbate, Masbate. Captain R. Ruffy, P I. Calapan. Mindoro. Captain G. Maramba, PI, Pu erto l'rinecsD, Pala ... an. Major L. S. Heye., PI, Puig. IHul. Caplain H. C. C.mbaliza, Aut. PI, Pasig, Riza l. Caplain D. A. Alvarado. PI, Romblon, Romblon, Captain A. E. Fawcett, PI. SOTIGiOn, SONOtOn. Caplain J, Teniio. P I, Lucena. Tay.bu. Captain F . Villueiior, DC. ('l'ayablll Co. 1" Det), Boac. Marinduque.

Department of Visayas H eadquar tel'$·Cebu Cily Lieul. Colon el Silvino Gallardo, Department I nspector.

\ Department StaH: Major Severo C. Cruz, Inspector. Cap tain M. Unsangan, Executive Officer. h I Lt. B. B. I' erez, (i'o'IC·R) Med. ln ipeC lor, 7" Med, Di l t. 181 LI. L. tie Vera, (DC.R) Dental Surgeon, 5" Dent. Disl. Captain R. F. Perez. 1'1. Son J o,e, Antique. Captain V. Nunag, PI , T agbi laran, Bohol. Capitan Anastacio de Guzman, PI, Capiz, Capiz. Major C. Mortera, PI, Cebu Ci ty, Cebu. Captain R . Angeles , Ant. P I, Ccbu City, Cebu. Major R. B. Alcala. PI. Iloilo Cit)', Il oilo. Captain A. A. Reyes, 1'1 , Tacloban, Leyt e. Major E. R. Mantilla, PI, Baco lod, Negro. Occ idental. Captain B. Devera, Ass!. PI, Baeolod, Negro! Occidental. Captain Licerio Balolong, PI. DumBguetc, Neg rO!! Oriental. Captain A. V. Bartolome, 1'1, Catbalogan, Sama~.

Department of Mindanao a nd S ulu Ji eadquarten·Zamboanga City Colonel Luth er R. Ste"ens, Deparlment Inllp ..ctor.

Department Staff: Major F. P. Doneu , ' nspector. Maj or I'. L Tabuena. ll15peclor. Captain G. F. Ferreol, Execulive OHieer. (Captain G. F. Fcrreol. ACO) . Hq. Det. DMS., Zamboang a City. Captain J. Dizon, PI, BUluan, AgU9llD. Major C. Legaspi, PI , Malaybalay, Buldtlnon. Maj or E. V. David, 1'1, Colabato, CO labato. Captain n. S. Bniiez. Aut. 1'1, Colabato, Cotabalo. Major M. V. Atanncio. PI, Dava o City, Davao. hlajor T. N. Naida!, PI, Camp Keithl ey, Lanao. Captain Saturnino Panganiban, A~SI. P I, Camp Keithley, Lanao. Caplain F. C. Mejia, P I. Mi sami!, !liisamis Occ iden tal. Captain A. D . Damian, 1'1. C;tgayan, Mi la mi. Oriental. Maj or P. P. H058s, 1'1, J olo, Sulu . Caplain A. P. Carandang, AUI . PI, J olo, Suill . Capuin Placitlo A. Aus .. jo, PI. Zamboaaga, Zamboanga.

PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS AND MEMBERS OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD A8RA Eu staquio Pur"cganan, Governor. Lino Molino. Member, Pro\'incial Board. F elix Aherne, Membe r, Pr ov incill Board .

ALDAY Salnrnino Benilo. Gov .. rnor. Sil\"ino Samson, Member. Provincill Board. F eliciano Imperial, Membe r, Provincill Board.

ANTIQUE T obiu Fornier, Gov ern or. Berna b e 'fordesil1u. Member. Provi nci al Boar d. Alfredo p .. tlrosn, Member. P rovinc ial Board.

BATAAN J ose S. Manahan, Governor. Simeon D. Salonga. Membe r, Provincial Board. Ric ardo Payumo, Me mbe r, Prov in ci Bi Board.

BATANES J uan Agutlo, Governor. Clemente Mala, Memb er, Provi nci al Board. Cas iano Cantor, Membe r>, Provincial Board.

BATANGAS Maximo MalvlT. Governor. Francisco G. P erez. l\1 emb .. r, Provinc ial Board. Cle ment e K . Silva, Member, Provin cia l Board.

SOHOL Carl05 p . Garcia, Go,·ernol". A,apito H onlaii 05u, Membe r, Provi ne il l Board. ConTatio hbrapao, Memb er, Pro¥inciai Board.


Emilio Ruuia. Governor. Rafael T om.cruz. Member, Pro.-indal Boa rd . Simeon Claridades , Member, Prol'incial Board.

CAGAYAN Ma rcelo Adduru, Governor. S.ludor Baculi, Member. Provincial Board. H iram Kalata, Member, Provincial Board.

CAMAR I NES NORTE Weneesla o Q. Vinlon8, Governor. Dominador P. Parlilla. Member, Provincial Board. Basilio Bauti s t~. Mt"mber, Provincial Board .

CAMARINES SU R Manu el U. del Gallego. Governo r. i'u Cell. de Conde, Member, Provincial Board. ignacio \\IeJiton, Member, P rovincia l Board .

CAPIZ Gabriel K. H ernAndel, Governo r. Eduardo Abulo, Member, Proviucinl Boar d. I'edro Fuent e• . Member. I'rovincial Board.

CAVITE Luil Y. Ferrer. Gov ernor. Criati na A. Suntay. Membe r, P rovincial Board. Domin.tloT M. Cama rino, Memb er, Provincial Boa rd .

CEBU Hilario Abellanll. Go.-ernor. Frue tuoso Cabahug, Member, Provincial Board. J Ole L"ylon, Member. P rO"ine ial Board.

ILOCOS NORTE Roqu e Ablan. Governor. Primo Luaro, Memb er, Provincial Board. Gabriel B. Ruiz. Memb er, Provincial Boar d.


Pedro Sing,on. Governo r. Domingo }'orl""8, Memher, Pr-ovi nci.1 Boa rd . Jeslll O. Serrano, ~Iembe r, Provincia l Boar d.

ILOILO T omn Con re!or, Gov ernor. J uan Born. Memb er. Provincial Board. Juan C. T erue l. Memb er, Provin cia l Board.


Gabriel Vi &ay a, Governor. Ralael Paguirignn, Member, Prov in cial Board. Cosme de la Cruz, Member, Provincial Board .


Jesus Bautillla, Governo r. Dominador Acuiia, Mem ber, Provin cial Board. Arus tin Gana, Mem ber, Provi ncial Board.





J orge Camllcho, Governor. Norberto Cuny, Member, PrOl'inciai Bo.. rd. Angel Salanga, Member, Provin<:illi Boud.

Aeu!tin CueulI, Gov ernor. J o.e Azote, Member, Provincial Board. J orge Salone, Me mber, PrOI'inclal Board.



Rafael Martinez, COI'ern!) •. Pastor SalauT, Memb er, Prol';ncial Board. Angel [ sp ina, Memb er, Provincial Board.

Romualdo Quimpo, Governor. Apolinario Cabieon, Member, Provindal Board. Ricardo D. Miranda, Memb er, Prol'in<:ial Board.



Jose Lopez, Governor. An aslllc io 510. Domingo. Member, Provi ncial Board. Sabino Paloma res, ~Iember, Provino::ial Board. MASBATE Ma teo S . P eeson, Governor. J ose Almario. Member, Prov incial Board. Severo Castillo, Member, Pr ovincial Board.

MINDORO F elipe Abeltda, Gov ernor. Marian o R. Ban. Member, Pro"ineial BOlrd. Alfredo T. MeodoZll. Member. Provincial Bond.

MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL Por£irio Villarin, C"vetnor. Angel Medina, Member, PrQ"ineiai Board. F eder ico Ape o, Member, Provincial Board.

I\fISAMIS ORIENTAL Ped ro Baculio, Governor. Pac ien cio YuJi na, Membe r. Prol'incial Board . Vicent e B. de La ra. Member, P rovin<:ial Board.

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL Ramon Torr"". Governor, Gene rOIO Villanueu. M<:m ber. Pro"incinl Board. I1 de fonso Co.collu ella, Memb er. PrO"in<:ial Board.

NEGROS ORIENTAL J ulian L. T ev"". Govern or. Alb erlo V. Furbeyre, Mem ber. Provincial Board. J ose P. Martinez, Member, Provincia l Boa rd.

NUEVA ECIlA J ose Rob l"", J r .• Governor. J ose V. Corpul. Member, PrOI·incial Board. Herminio Algas. Mem ber, Pr ovincial Board.

NUEVA VIZCA Y A Demetrio QUirino, Governor. Leandro U. Rourio, Membe r, PrOYin cial Board. Cifilo San<:hez, Menlber, P rovin<:ill. l Board.

PALAWAN Sofron;o E.panola. Governo r. Ramon PalaneD, Member. I' rovineial Board. Vi cen te Bajar, Mem ber. P rovincial Board.

PAMPANGA Sotero Baul)'o t, Gr.v ern or. Lazaro Ynmb ao. M ~mher. Pr ov in <:in l Board. Fraocisco ~1. Ramoa. Memb er. Provincial Board.

PANGASINAN Santiago Estrnda, GOI·ernor. Sofronio C. Qulm.on, Member. Provincial Boud . Enrqi ue SIB. Ma ria. Member, Provincial Boud.

RIZAJ.. Eulogio R odr iguez. Jr., Goveroor. T amu Molina. Mem be r, Provi ncial Board. F aeundo San Agu stin, Member, Provin<:ial


SAMAR Cayetano Lucero, Governor. Vicent e A. Dita. Member, Provincial Bou d. Dona to A. Cardona, Member. P rovincial Board.

SORSOGON T eodo ro d e Vera. Governor. Salvador Eleudero, Member, Provincial Boud. Amadeo J udi t, Member. Provincial Board.

SURIGAO F ernando Silvou. Gov ernor. Vicente P iment el. Member. P rovinda l Board. Prololieo Eeay. Member. Provin<:iai Board.

TAR LAC Eduardo CojuBnco. Governor. J o.e Espinosa, J r .. Member, Provincial Boa rd. J M. San t iaeo. Memb er. Prol'ineial Board .


Nfttalio Enriqu ez, COI·erno r. Feliz Alpay. Mem ber, P rOI'incia l Board. Fortunalo Sua rez. l\lember, Provincial Boud.

ZAMBALES Fraocilco An onu, Co,·eroor. Salvador Eliazo, Member, Provincial Board. Vi<:eole Dino!o, Member, Provi ncial Boud.

Malias C. Ranil!o, Governor. F elipe B. A~eun a, Member. Provincial Board. Guadalup e Adua. Member. Provinei.1 Boa rd.

CATANDUANES, ALBAY Remigio SesilO, Li eut enan t Covernor.

SIQUrJOR , NEGROS ORIF:NTAL Nicolas B. Puami, Lieutenan t Go\·ernor. Baldomero Samson, Special Membcr.

BOARD OF REVIEW FOR MOVING PICTURES B. 1\1. G onu l e~ , President. Dr. R1Ifino Luna. Vi ce· Chairman. Mrs. Geronima T. P ee,o n. Secreta ry an d Memb e r. Mrl. Sofia R. de Vey ra. Member. Dr. J ose F abella, Memb er. Dr. Feli;r H oclon. Member. Mr5. Dolorel Bu eneamino, Member. Mt!. Marina Y. Vargas. Member. Mt!. Carmen E. Yuquez. Member. Col. JOI. N. Wolbon, Membe r. Dr. Walter B. F oley, Membe r. F ather Edwin Ronan, Member. M... Alicia S. Quiri no, Me mber. Mrs. Builio J . Vaides, Member. Hon. Emilio Abello, l\h·mber. Elpidio ROlal, Office Secretary. Clodoaldo W. SantoJ, Aui.tant Office Secretar)·.

'BOARD ON RACES 350 TAFT AVENUE, ERl\IITA TE L. 5·35·13 Hon. Arsenio Bonibcio, Chairman. Dr. Sixto Carlo!, M<:mber. Fabian I\lill8r, Mcmbcr. Vicente Mills. Secretary. Auy. Jose Moreno, Treasurer lIod Raciog Oflidal.

OFFICIALS OF CHARTERED CITIES IN THE PHILIPPINES BACOLOD CITY Office of the Mayor H on. Alfredo C. Yul o, City Mayor. Alty. Fe rnando l\1, Cuadn, Sec retary to tb e M.l·or. Office of the Cou ncil Hon. Alfredo C. Yul o, Presiding Officer. H on. T eO!!lto l\1. Cordova, Councilor. Ele<:ted. H on. Fidel M. Henne" Councilor, Elected. H on. Cirilo Ciocon, Councilor, Ele<: led. H on. Aueu",o R. Villarosft, Councilo r, El ec ted. ?tieuel Y. Garcia, City Engineer. Member, E".Oficio. C enaro Un. l. City Trcllu rct, Mem be r. Ez-Olicio. Auy. J o,e M. Millarez, Secretary of the Counci l.

Office of the C ity Attorney H OD. Edmundo S. Pi<:cio. Cit,. Attorn ey, Ez.Oli cio. Atty. Felipe M. Elcarrilla, Law Clerk.

Office of the Municipal Court H OD. El eutedo 1. CUitiio. Municipa l Ju dee. Ramiro G. Gal eno. Clerk.

Office of the C ity Assessor GeDarO Una l, City AUenor, E,,-Oficio. J uan D. T3·ala, Chief Deputy .A,nello r.

Offic e of the C ity Auditor

Lorento L. Araneili. Cily Auditor. Silvestre Fig3lBn. Senio r Clerk.

Office o f the Health Office r Dr. Ramon H. H inojale8, Ci ty H ealth Officer Dr. Lope H . Led es ma, D'.penury Physi<:iao.

( Actin,).

• 100


Office of the Re~ister of Deeds Atty. Mariano Cordova, R egister of Deeds, Ex.Olicia. Office of the City Treasurer C eDaro Uual, City Tr easurer. Iren eo V. L apre'!. Assis tan t City Treuute r. F elix Mereurio, Market Superintendent. Dr. Isidro Peralta, Cily Veterinarian. Gregorio Purn, Admini~trative Deputy.

Office of the City Enginee r Miguel Y. Careia, City Engineer, Ex-Ofi cia. Floro P. Calvan, Chief Clerk.

Police Department Li eut. hcinlo B. Leo;me io, Ch ief of p oli ce. Lieut. Lui l S. MOnlinQl a, Assistant Chief of Poli ce.

C ity Schools F ede ri co Piedlld. Ex·Oficio Su pt. of Cil), School•• F ede ri co Escobar, City Supenoisor.

P ed ro C, Quitain, (Elective) Councilor. Rem edios A. Ponle..ada , (Elective) Counc ilor. P lacido Loreuana, (Electiye) Councilor, Secretary of th e Council.

Department of


& Public Works

Alfon lo G. Obon, City En gi neer. Francileo AHb, Aui.tant City Engin eer.

Finance Department N. R. T olentino, City Treasure... Sergio Salv a leon, Ansitant City Trea,u rer.

City Health Office Alfon l o Soberano, City Health Office r. Vicente A. Gabol, Assistant City H ea lth OWeer.

Legal Department Angel H. Mojica, City Att orney eJ:·oficio, Manuel C, Cabaguio, Firll Auiltanl City Attorn ey.

Municipal Coun Delfin H om e ii a, J udge ,

BAGUIO CITY (See Baguio Section)

Ci ty Schools J ohn 0, Stumbo, Acting Diyil ion Superintendent. Audltin~


Leoeadio Gozun, Acting City Auditor.

CAVITE CITY Li eu tenant Colonel Auen io Natividad, AeHog Mayor. Viccnlll C. Hi pon~, City Treuu rer and An enor. J Ole Ignacio, Acting City Engineer. lion. LUl'o G. de Ton"". Acting Muni ci pal Ju dCe. Carlos Horrillen o, Acting City Att orn ey. Aurelio L. PenD, Acting Cit y Auditor, Demctrio AndreJ, Superin tenden t of Schooil. Angel Sanche>. Acting City H ealth Officer, Li eutenan t Alfon so T, Tomllo, PC. Acting Chief of Police and Chiel. Fire Dcpa rtm en t. P edro M. Bnrr<l tto, Acting Secretllry t o th e Mayor. H oracio Rodrigucz, Auistant City Attorn ey. R odolto A. Ai<Jjo;" Clerk of Court ~n d E,..Ofi cio Sheriff.

M e mbers of the Municipal Board Coun cilor Zosimo R ojas, Elective. Councilor Luis M. BuenaventuTa, Elective. Councilor Sancho A. Rill o, Elecli¥e. Councilor Ih facl T rias, Apponi tive. Counc ilor Eugen io E. Santos, Appointive. Counc ilor Vicente C. Hip onll, E,..Oficio. Councilor J Ole Ignacio, E,.·Olicio. Marcos Valentin, Jr., Acting Sec retary, Mun icipa l Board.

CEBU CITY li on. Jose Delgado, City Mayor. Ally. Fclismello V. R ivera. Sec retary to the Mayor. Dr. Luis B. Comez, City H ealth Officer. Dr. Al ejandro C. Baltazar, Ass is tant City H ealth OrHce r. Hamon Fcrnander., Cit y Auditor. ]oa(luin I'anis. City Engineu. Hon. Lucio Sanchez, J udge, Municipal COllrl. Ro~alio r-.bcrohon, City Treasurer. Isidoro J. Sison. Fire Chie f. Atty. F. I mperial Reyell, Acting Provin cilll Fiscal. E:<~o licio City Anom ey. Jam"" A. Milling, Su perint endent of School.. Capt. Ramon AngelC!, OrHce r In charge, Po lice Department. Lt. Leodegario Ramas. Chie f o f Police.

Members of the Municipal Hoard H on. Leandro A. T ojong, Board P residen l, JUlin Z.11U0ra, M<l mber. HonorPto S. lI <lrmOlis ima, Member. Florcnlillo S, Urot, Member. Florentino D. l' ecson, Member, Rllmon 1>. Abc1l(tn05a, Member. Cecilio de la Victoria, Member, Numeriano Eltenzo, Member.

DAVAO CITY Pllntaleon A. Pela yo, Mayo r. Placido Lor enzana, Secretary to the Mayor. Efr en C. Penn. Auis tanl Sec reta ry. RU 1,erto Liuula. Depuly to the Mayor. Jaime San Agu s tin, Ve terinarian.

City Council Pantaleen A, Pelay o, Mllyo r, P residin; Ollieer. Alfon lo G. 01>0z8, City En gineer, Councilor cx.nficio. N. R. T olentino. City T reD9uret. Counc ilor C%.oficio. Concepcion U. I'aiiganiban, (Ap!loin ti ye ) Councilor, Antonio Haban a. J r., (Appointive) CouncnoT'. Fundador R. "iIlafuelte, (Eleetvie) Councilor.

Fire Department Antonio T eelon, Cbiel, Fire Depa rtment.

Police Department Lt. Mln uel D. J a ld on, Chief of Police. Fede rico A. Meloeoton, Assistanl Chief of Police, Guillermo N. T eve., Cbief, Secret Serviee.

Davao City Branch Library Cre.entio T. nalll5hu, ActinG Libra rian,

ILOILO CITY Oscor L edesma, Mllyor. Mayor Oscar Ledes ma, Pr esident of Ih e Muni cipal Boa rd. Ev elio ZaiUivar, (E lec live), Me mbe r, Dr. Antonio SlInagus tin, (Elective ), Member. Any. Fortunato R, Ybi erna., (El ec tiv e)' Member, Atty. Dominlldo r J uver, (El ec tive)' Member, Criapino Mclocoton, ( Appointive). Member. Mui min o hland oni, (Appointive). Member, Dr. To m.. Serra, ( Appointive), Memb er, Atty, JOle L opez Vito, Jr" (Appoin tive ), Mcmbn. Any. Canuto Damuo, Secretary, Municipal Board . Salv.dor Gedang, Cit y Secretary. Meliton Prudencio, Cit y Treasurer Ind Assessor, Gil R. Mallare, City Engine er. Ama nd o Perina, Chief of P oli ce. Dr. Nicomedel Labone, CilY H ea lth Officer. Raflle l Parcon, Cily Auditor. J Ole Vi cen te Mapa, Municipal Jud ge, Ignacio Debuque, Acting City Attorn ey. Solronlo M. Flores, (E,.·Olicio), Cil y Register 01 Dceds. B. Fielden Nutter, Sup erint enden t of Schools. F el i,. C. Martirez, Ass istant Cil Y Tr easure r. Ri cardo T ancinco, Assitant City Engineer. Dr. Manue l P. Car tagena, An i""nt City H ea lth Officer, Dominco Viliavi eja, Assis tant Chi ef of P olice, P lll ricio M. Migu el, (Chief Sec ret Scrvice) , Aus ilanl Chief of Police. Dr. H er minio A. Bernas, City Veterinarian. Cirilo T orrefranca, City Supervis ing T eacher. FilelDon Bllbaslro, Muni cipal Clerlt o f Court & Sheri ff. Filemon R. COnlOlatiOn, Aasiatant City Anomey,

MANILA CITY (S ec P ace 149)

QUEZON CITY H on. T om.. B. Morato, City Mlyor, T el. 6·89·21. Hon. Pon e iln o A, Bernard o, Viee.Mayor. T el. 6·89·24. Hon. Aleja nd ro ROCCII, Sr., Member, City Council. Hon. J Ole Pacz, Member, Cit y Council. H on. Floreneio Z. Cruz, Member, Cit y Council. H on. Amado 1'. Am ador, Judge, Court of lst Instance. A. D. Williams, Cit y Secretary. T el. 6·89-48. Dr. F lorencio Z. Cruz, City H eal th Office r. T el. 6·87·96. Eng. I'oncian o A. Bernardo, City Engineer. T el. 6-89·2>1. Sabino de Leoti, Chief of Police, Tel. 6-89.25. Marc elinu Sarmi en to, Acting, City T rcaUlrcr. Tel. 6·89·22. P etroa ilo I. Valleju, City Audit or. T el. 6·89·71. J acob Rosenthal, City Asseilor. (O n Leave). Atty. Osca r Cu telo, City AII Orney. Tel. 6·89·24. P erfec to n. I'alaeiu, Jus ti ce of th e P eace. T e l. 6·89.24. J o.e E. To lentino, Assistant City Secretary. Tel. 6·89.48.

OFFICIALS OF ('HARTERED C IT I ES IN THE PHILIPPINES AlDado V. Ald ..... Assis tant City Trellurer. Td. 6.89-22. Dominldor C. Sanlos. A".istanl Chief of Police. Tel. 6.89-25. HipolilO S.lvador. Chief Depuly Auetosor. T el. 6.83.42. All y, Guill ermo Romero, Depul y Cily Attorney. T el. 6.89.24. Damian L. Jim enN . Sec r~lary to th e Mayor. T el. 6.89.21 . Dr. Leon C. Malubay, Cit y Physicia n, T el . 6.87.96. Jose Y. Tu uon, City Supe rviso r of Schoob, Benilo PaiigilinaD, Division Supl, of Schools,

SAN PABLO CITY Office o f tbe Mayor Hon . Manuel Qui.umbing. City Mayor. Mi ll Lilia Quisumhing, Secretary 10 the Mayo r.

M Unicipal Board Jion. J ose T alon, ConDc ilor Ex·Ofi cio, Han. Al ejandro Parabo , Council or Ex.Oficio. Hon. Eustaquio Fule, CouDcilor Appointive. Han, Ricardo Ticzon, Councilor App oin tive, Ron, Manu el A. Conco rdia , Councilo r Eleclive, Hon. irineo R, Lozada, Cou ncilor El eclive. Han. Feli.: A, C es mundo, Council or Elcctive. Pahlo Comis la. Sccretary to th e Board, Jo.e Talon, Treasurer. Alejandro Paraiso, Eng in ee r. Dr. Cirilo L, Cauyan, Acting City H calth Officer. Capl, CrislelO C. Brion, Chief of Police. JUUl Corde ro Abril, Ju stico of th e Peace (Appointmenl of Municipal J udge st ill pend ing ). (Appointment Pend ing ) City Fiscal. (Appointment Pendinr) Cbief Fircman.

TAGAYTAY CITY MaTiano C. Don doc, Acting Cily Mayor and Ac ting City En. ginee r. GreJorio Solis, Act ing Vice Ma yor, Actinr City Trc3.'lurcr Uld Acting Cily Assessor and Ex-Ofi cio Rcgisler of Deeds. Dr. Tcodoro P. Nadres, Acting Cily Councilor and Acting Cily H calth Officer. Dr. J ose de J eto us, ACling Cily Councilor. Felino M. Katighak. City Councilor. Any. Lau ro S. EslehUl, Ci ty Anom cy and Acting Cit y Sec_ rcta ry. Lt. Jose P. Ru cda. Acting Chief of Police. Aurelio L. Peii a. Ac ting City Auditor. Atty. Rafael Madrazo, Ac ting City Ju stic e of the Peace. Demetrio Andrce. Acting City Supcrintendent,

ZAMBOANGA CITY Han. Pahlo Lorenzo, Cily Mayor. B. C. Gu errcro, Cily Enginecr. J ose DelS, City Audilor. Jose Elayda. Cily Tr easurer. Venancio Nebrida, Diy. Supt. of Schoob. Hon. Juan S. AlYarez, Judg e, Municip al Courl. Atty. Ad olfo Grafilo , Cily Anom ey. Dr. Angel Sanchez, City H eallh Officer. Estehan Quidilla. Cily Assesso r. Adolfo laldOD, Chief of Police. JOS& Villa nueva, Chief, Fire Departmcnt. Dr. J ," us Ballcstcros, City Ve lcTinarian.

Members of tbe Council Hon. Hon. Ha n. Han. Han. Han. Hon. Hon. J eau.

P.blo Lorenzo. Presiding Officcr. B. C. Gu erre ro, Memher. Jose Elayda. Memher. Ju an A. Bello (appointive), Member. Balbino Saavedra, (appoin tive). Mcmher. JOlIe A. C.balo, (elective), Membcr. Abela rd o Bucor, (el ec tive), Membe r. Felipe L. RamOl, (eleC live), Member. V. Fernandez, ACling Secrelary.

Depu ties of the Mayor Albe"o Francic.o, Manicah llD Diurict. P. Cuevas, J r., Lamitan·Malueo District •. Emilio A. Bueoy, lsahela District. IainudiD Nun o, T aluhangay Districi. PUltaleon Aquin o, Special Deputy to the Mayor, Curul.D.



Hon. Manuel Rous, Secrelary of Finance. Tel. 2.32.98. Hon. Cuille rm o Comez, Und er.Sec retar y 01 Finance. Tel. 2.14·63. Feli. L. Lno. Acting Admini l lralive Anlslanl. Tel. 2-14.79. Pab lo D. T obias, Chief, Division of Na ti onal Finance. T el. 2· 42·71. Amando Dolano, Chief, Divi.ion of Pro1'incial tlId Municipal Finance. Tel. 2·28·57.

BUREAU OF CUSTOMS AfUELLE DE SAN FRANCISCO, PORT AREA TEL. 2·23-12 Alfredo de Leon. lnaul ar Colleclo r of CustoOUl. (Vacan t), In l ular Deputy Collecior of CUlloma.

Administrative Dlv'lIlon

hlle Sayne. Chief. Luis BUCu.venlura, Anista nt Chief.

Casb Division

Agripino Vill a n or, Cbief. Lucio Damueo, Assista nt Cbief. J ose Valdez, Deputy Disbunin, Officer. J OI'; M. Estrella, Teller.

Marine Dlvtllon

Simpliclo Min.. Chief. E. Mani kan . An istant Chief. Al ej andro Tone., Vcneia L icen lO Clerk.

Appr aiser s' Division Eleu terio Capapas, Cbief, Appraise r.' Di,ilion . Atan asio Magboo. Au istant Chief. Yicentc Aluncion, Chie f, Expo" T I.I: Seclion. Pab lo Mari ano. Chief, Seelion 2. J OlIC Caleh.lian, Chief, Seeli on 3. Vicente Muiioz, Chief, Seetion 4. Vi ctoriano Lozano, Chief. Section S. Calalino Nuval, Acting Chief. Posl Office Section. Pedro Mendoza, Eumin er, Chinese Blggage Office. Tomas Mam aid. Banage, Picr 7.

L iquidation Division

Rufino Macalinao, Chief. J uan del R osario, ACling Auillant Chief.

Office o f t b e Surveyor of the Port

Jose CaUofin, Surveyor of the Pori. Dr. J e.u. Garcia, Med ical Inspector. Primili vo Mercado, Depnty SUf'fe70r. T eofilo Ig nac io, Deputy SUf'feyor. Vi ctoria no Fl niano, Wb arfinge r, Pier 7. J ulian Arceo, Wh arfing er, Pier S. Simon David, Wharfing er, Pier 3. Capt. J uan B. Laconieo, Launch Foreman. Fra ncisco Vali, no, Boa rding Officcr. Vie cnlo del Ron rio, Boarding Officer. Bcrnardino Dumandan. Bay and Rivor In. peclor. T eo tim o Rojl, Chief.

Law DIvisIon

Ma rine I nspection a n d Navigation Division

Wm. Baxte r, Chief. Mariano de I. Cru~ As$i.tanl Chief. Pelronilo Conje, T echnical A'.istant. Jos e Ojeda, Lighthouse In lp eclor. RamoD AIlI:u e U.,.. Senior Clerk. Palma. ForemUl.

Secret Ser vice Division

Ja mea H. Kee fe, Chief. Naza rio 50110, Allil tant


Aparri Cu stomhouse Miguel Ellriquu, COlleclor of Cusloms. Dcmetrio Flore-cl, Cuhier.

Cebu Customhouse Manuel del VilI. r, Collecto r of Cu.loms. Pa ulino Valdez, Deputy CoUeelor of CU l toUUl.



Tcodulo Tomakin. Surveyor 01 the Pon. Mateo l\fuecampo, Chief, Marine Division. Daniel Nacilla. Supervising Secret Scnrice Agent. Amadeo McColl, Hull and Boiler ln lpeclo r. Montano T ejam, Apprlli5cr.

Davao Customhou se Mar celo Mendon, ColleclQr of CU910lUS. Ccnrto Gon~alez. Wharfinger. Emilio Ihla l! , Supe Sec re t Servic& Agent.

REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND STATlSTICAL DIVISION T eodoro Reye., Chief. A\loQlo Flore., AuiataDt Chief. Simeo n Moralea, Esaminer. Grerorio Villaseran , Eumin e r. Leon Reyes, Examiner. Grerorio Lapena, Chief 01 Seclion, Leopoldo Perez, Chief of Section. P ot oodano Roble., Chief 01 Section.

Iloilo Customhou8e Manuel Sanlib8iiez. ColieClor Qf Cuuom9. Fulgencio Jaing., Deputy Collec tor 01 CUI I Oml. JOle Villanueva, Appraiser. Pedro Melgar, Surveyor 01 th e POri. Manue l l ardiolin, Chief, Muine Divi.ion. Nazario Solo. Supervi,ing Sec ret Service Agenl. Mu imo A, .. ilar, H ull and Boiler In.pector. Emilio Deoeampo, Boarding Officer.



Emilio Velc •., Collector of CUlloml. l\hrimno E. Luman lan, Examiner. Perry L. Mchlm n, Supen'isinl Secret Service Agent.

INCOME TAX DIVISION J ose L eido, Chief. Priaco N. Evang elista, Auiatan t Chief. rl'fC;OMI: TAX

Jose Pan eaniban C ustomhou86 Venancio Galchalian . ColleClor of CultOms. P edro Corpuz, Appraiser. Mariano del Ronrio, Cashier. Salvador AlafIil, Sec ret Service Agenl .

Legaspi C u stomho u se Miguel Enriquez, Collector of CUitoml. Alejandro Galan o, Apprai ler. Abundio Oliver. Cashier. Melilon Haboc , Secret Service AgeDt.

Zamboanga C u stomhouse Edilberlo Y. David, Acting Colleclor 01 Customl. E,l8ni.lao SiI"a, Eumine r. Luis Olno, Cuhler. Be rnardo Balail, W har finge r. JOI,;, Magno, Superviling Secret Service Agent.

SEMAPHORE STATION BUREAU OF CUSTOMS BLDG .. PORT AREA TELS. 2.29·22-2·29·23 Gregorio El oriaga, Chief. Elias l\h.ranan, Assis tant Chief. David Vargu. Pantaleon Sone r. F'ilemon Rer.


JUAN LU NA, DlNONDO TEL. 4·74·31 Bibiano L. Meer. ColieClo r of Int ernal Reven ue. Cdlpin L1amadn, Deputr Collec tor 01 l olernal Rennue.


Lohrio, Special Agent.

ADM INISTRATIVE DIVISION heinto R. de Leon, Cbief. F er min J. Martin, Asaistsnt Chief. hi". l\hrin A. Mangaliman , Stenographe r. Ge neral Service Sec tion Sehutinn Balac, Chief,

Records Section Francisco CaUlon, Chie l. Francisco Mioa. Auillaot Chie f.

Cash Section Ramon R. Aviles, Cuhler. Valeriano M. Manipol, Auisunt Cuhier.

Property Section Dominro Padlau, Chid.

LAW DIVISION Moues to Formilleu, Chief. I'orfitio Latorre, Asnitanl Chief. Guill ermo B. Blanco. Aren t. Roman M. Umali. Agent. Anures Naiuu, AKen!. Ubaldo T abing, Law Clerk.


Quin lin C. Balanrue l oaquin E. MooteoCCTo Felipe Aquino AdeUo J <»uo Cutor Aye... Pab lo d e 101 R eyes Simplicio Cregori(l Ciriaco C, Dacar

Simeon E, uella Simeon T iong eo Vicente O. JOle Benjamin l\faloles J aime Araneta P aulino Marl.nn Florenti no Amanaee Santiago Quinitio J051 GUlierru

Inheritance Tal: Examlnen Amado M. Aearan Pedro R. Dayao

Manuel P apla R ufino Puoulan

INSPECTION DIVISION Mannel A. Gonulu, Chief Ag ent. Melecio R. Domingo, &sistant Chief Agent. J Ole Arboleda, Supervisinr Agent. Ma carln hvier, Supervisor of Dillilleriel. Fault lno Lafont, Supervisor of Tobacco F ac tories. Vicente Tagl e, Agent. Pedro V. Jav ier, Arent.

Provincial Revenue Agent. Reyes, In spection Unit No. I, Vigan, lIocol Sur. Ramon Aguinaldo. I nspec ti on Unit No.2, Ap,rri. CagaYln. Bias Villanueva, Inspect ion Unit No.3, Baguio, MI. Province. Eugeni o R. Estrella. In speetion Unit No. 4, Ilal!ln. babela. Crl'&;orio P . Domagas, Insp ect ion Unit No. S, Dagupan, P an. guinan. Su lpido Ramirez, In.pection Unit No.6, T arlac. Tarlac. Felino Nazareth, I nspection Uni t No.7 , San F erunado, P am· I,anga. Ciriaco Karganill a , In spec tion Uni t No. B, Cabanltuan, Nue· va Ecija. Isaiu Mill ado. In sp ec tion Unit No.9 , Malol(\"!!, Bulaclln. M. 1. d e los Rey es , Inspection Unit No. 10, PUB Y, Riul. Palcu io Recio, In spection Unit 11, San Pahlo, Laguna. Iren eo T onu, In spec ti on Unit 12, Batangu, Batangao. F er min Da il o, I nspect ion Unit No. 13, Lucena, Tay ahu. Cefe rino Sevilla, I nspection Uni t No. 14, Daet, Camarinea Norte. Simeon Gianan, In epect ion Un it No. IS, Naga. Csmar~nea


Gabriel La Viiia, ( In.charge). In spection Unit No. 16. Le. gaapi, Albay. Ju an O. R eyt5, Insp ection Unit No. 17, 1I0ilo. lI oHo. Teolilo Mila, I nspec tion Unit No. 18, Capiz, Capil. T eo lilo Ora, Inspec tion No. 19, Blcolod, Occidental Negro •. Timol eo Anloague, Inspection Unit No, 20, Dumaguete, Oriental Negro •. Cirilo L . Nnvares, In spec ti on Unit No. 21, Cehu, Cebu. Augusto !'iccio, In spec tion Unit No. 22, Tacloban, Leyt e, F rancisco Tantuico. In spection Unit No. 23, Catbalogan, Sa· mar. n amon 1\1. Galindo. (In.charge), In spec tion Uni t No. 24, Oroquieta, Occ idental hliumi • . Demetrio Cabreros. In spection Unit No. 2S, ' Cagayan, Oriental Mi sam;s. huc M. CapayD5. I n ~pection Un it No. 26. Surigao, Surigao. Marcelo San ti ago, Inspection Unit No. 27, Zamboanga, Zam· boanga. Feancisco M. Beids, In spec ti on Unit No. 2B, Cotahato, Co· tabato. Pablo C. Rey eR, Inspection Unit No.2?, Davao, DaVlo.

MISCELLANEOUS TAX DIVISION Vi cent e P . Aai" Cbie!. Victor Cabren, Senior Clerk.


T~ x

Di oni sio N. Roque, Chief. Joaquin L . Romero, I nheritance T n

Section Ellminu,



Mining Section Jose D. s:on to,. Chief.

Tobacco Ins pection Service Santiago F n l in. Chi ef. Estaniaiao Alfonlo, Tobacco Inspector.

RADIO REGISTRATiON DIVISION Artemio L. Lobrin, ActinG: Chief. Porfino Yumu l, Teller. fia tor Ga rcia, Radio Se t In,pector. Marcelo Manr. lindan, Radio Set lu, pector.

SECRET SERVICE UNIT SiI,erio Blaqu e ra, Chid. Duid Baltazar, .u.iltanl Chief. Federieo Nepomueello, Agent', Anislan t.

BUREAU OF THE TREASURY INTENDENCIA BUILDINC, PLAZA ESPARA INTRAM URO S TEL. 2.20·37 Apolina rio S. de Leon. Treas urer of th e Phili ppine•. Vicen te G. GeliD, Chief. Admini!trative and Publie Deb t Di,·i.ion. Ju an Caiiizar9, Assistant Chief, Adminiurative and Public Debt; Di"i,ion. Cnareo H. Grau. Chief, Inspection Di"i.ion. FeH~ Tanchanco, Assi.tant Chief, Inspec ti on Division. Greeorio Leones, Cashier and Chief, Currency Dh'ision. C.talin o Ram o•• Assinant C".hier. Currency Di vision. Pablo E. Avdino, Superi nt endent of the Mint. Enrilto Ver, Cashie r and Aniuant Superintenden t of th e Mint.

BUREAU OF BANKING 216 PEREZ SAMANlLLO BLDG. ESCOLTA, BI~ONDO TEL. 2·20·91 Pedro de J esus, Bank Commiuioner. Feli~ de la Coua, Aui!!ant Bank Commissioner. Edlll rdo Z. Romualdez, Chief Bank Examiner. Saotl'"lO SantOl, Senior Euminer. Ramon F. Reyes, Senior Ellaminer. Vi",jnio Benavides, Examiner. Cecllio A. de Guzman, Euminer. Honora to R. de Leo n, Examiner. Manuel V. Aleid. Eum iner. Conndo D. de Castro. Euminer. Jose Lava, Examiner. Le onidas de la Llana, Euminer. Marcelo S. Bala tbat, Examin er. Mn. Patr,icia R. Gonzalez, Examiner. Vicente M. Naclanceno. Examiner. J o. ino S. Lorenzo. Examin er. Teofiio D. Rey9, Examiner. Jo.e Ignacio, Eumine r. Homero de 101 Ile ye$ , Euminer. Nicolu L. Lucido, Chid Clerk. FaullO M. Acuiia, Record and Proper ty Clerk.

BUREAU OF PRINTING PORT AREA, P. O. BOX 157, TELS. 2·17·89, 2·23·18 AND 2·23·08 Pablo LUCAll, Director of Printin g. Manuel Camul , A..istanl Direc tor 01 Printing. Amado Jacinto, Superintendent of Work. Pedro San Ma teo, Chid Clerk. Felipe A. Lara:oIl, Chief Printer. Alejandro Domingo. Anistant Chief Printer. MiJuel Cinco, Supe"i.inli: Editor 01 Publication • . Pedro Enriquez, Chid Bookhinder. JOI& Contreru, Anislant Chief Bookbinder. baia. Dimalanta, Chief El ee trolyper. Pedro R. de Leon. All i, lant Chief Electrotypcr. CtI.pulo Etpi ril u, Chief Electrician. Nicuio Ramo., An inan t Chid, Power Plant Difision. Rufino Uhungen, Chief Preuman. Pedro Cube, Alliotlnt Chid Preu man. 5"rllo Palmario, Dietel EDci ne Operator. Andre. de Oc. mpo, Chid Photo.Eng rau r. JUln Veluque.l, Ani.tant· Cbief Photo. En,rner. Ralael Arlujo. Designer and Illustrator. Primitifo BaUelt",rol, Employee·in·Cbara:e of Oflicial Gazette. IuUo I,nacio. An illaot Chief, Layout Dlvil ion.

Chri stia n M. Tagese n, In Charge of Bodega, Buildings and Tranoporllltion. Elpidio Toribio. Cuhier and Di. buuinG: Office r. Elileo Marqu ez, Property Clerk.



AZCARRAGA AND EVANGELISTA, QUIAPO TEL. 2*33·28 For after o ffice hou .. Tel. No,. CODSUIt T elepholle Dook Cipriano E. UDlon, Purchuing Agent.

Buyi ng Divis ion Guill erm o Arcebal. Chief Buyer. Eugencio Perer, Anistan! Chief Duyer. Primitivo Concepcion. Duyer. Nemesio Cueto, Buyer. Filemon Gemil. Buyer. Feliciano LapUl. Buyer. Felipe Lazareto. Duyer. JUln Mariano, Duyer. Me!ccio Orpiano. Duyer. J Ote E. Hacel •• Buyer. Lorenzo E. Silveri o. Buyer. Melcho r TUllon, Buyer. Alfredo T. Antonio, Allittan t Duyer. Agustin BucD8ventura, Aniua nt Buyer. A,u edo Hil ario, Auistant Buyer. Felipe lIa: .n, Aniua nt Buyer. M'"Idaleno Miii oso, ASlillanl Buyer. Sotero R obles, Assislanl Buyer. Silvcrio Sevilla, AS5istani Buyer. JOle G. Mendoza, Assiltan t to Duyer. Saturnino B. Posadas, Aisistant to Buyer. Guillermo B. Cordero. Chiel. C. P. Section.

Administrative DIvision Roman Am or, Chicf Clerk. Ellgenio Ma nu el, Chi ef. Records Scction. Perfecto Plat:!. Assis tBnt Chief, Records Section. Francisco de Leoll. Chief. Price Scction. Pablo Orencia, Chief. Billing Section. 1'.larciano R odrigu~, Stock Clerk. Mariano Cruz, Property Clerk. Domingo Maling, Cashier. Pedro F. ROll", Auislant Cuhier.

Division of Supplies Crilpulo Tolentino. Chief, Division of Snpplies. Pablo Dimapilb, Chicf, Re-Pa cking Section. Eutiquio Floru , Shipping Clerk. Felipe Serafin . Acting Chief. Imp or t Section. Alfr edo T. Libunao, Storekeeper.

GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSUR. ANCE SYSTEM 210 GENERAL SOLANO, SAN ~nGUEL P. O. BOX 59S-TEL. 2.26.22 Guillermo Gom ez, Chairman. J ose CiI, Viee·Chairman. Vieente Carmona, l\l e mbcr. Apolinario S. de Leon. ;\Iember. Pio Pedrosa, Mem ber. Luis R. Salvota, Gcneral Manager and Actuary. Mariano G. del Rosario, Secretary. Treasurer. Anania! L. Chavez, Acting Medical Direc tor. Fortunato 1\1. Se,·illa. Registrar. ,"idoro Madaran,. AniMant to Actuary. Santiago Ramos. Auditor.

TOBACCO BOARD c/o BUREAU OF INTERNA L REVENUE 229 JUAN LUNA, BINONDO TEL. 4·95·73 Bibiano L. Mce r, ElI·Olicio Chairman. Tel. 48166. Dire<: tor of Plant In dustr)·, Member. Direc tor 01 Commerce. Memher. H. J. Widm er, Me mb er. Al e~ Frieder. Memb er. Dr. Leon O. Manzanillo. Member. Antonio C"rag, Memher. San tiago FClti n, Acting Secretary.




PHILIPPINE CHARITY SWEEPSTAKES NATIONAL CHARITIES BLOC., TAFT AVE" ERr-U TA P. O. BOX 141-TELS. 5.71·60. Hon. Fabian R. Millar, Ceneral Manager. Perfecto E. Abordo, A" i. tant to tbe Gen e ral Man ager. namira S. CUlro, Chief, Admini strative DiY;lion and Sec. relary. Board of Director,. Fortunato E. Jayroe, Trenurer. nalael Trias, Anislanl Treasurer. Cr innlo Tieman, Auditor. 000010 Timaroo. A9si9tant Auditor. Jaim" O. Valero, 211d Ani sunt Audito r.

BOARD OF ACCOUNTANCY c/o BOARD OF EXAMINERS 494 RECOLETOS. I ~TRAMUROS TEL. 2.73.40 DOlllinio T. Dilcit, Chairman. Pablo D. Tobiu. Member. Juan S. Ong, Member. Dr. JOI" V. Gloria, Secretary.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR MARINE ENGINEERS C/O BOARD OF EXAMINERS 49.& R£COLETOS, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·73·40 Vicente C. Ma nalo. Chai r man. 10l e Reyes, Member. AlberlO MUlcat, Member. Or. JOI'; V. Gloria, Secretary.



Capt. Jose C. Amoyo, Member. Capt. Clemente Sumeld, Member. Dr. } 05,; V. Gloria, Secretary.

?tuELLE DE SAN FRANCISCO, PORT ARE A TEL. 2-38·61 JOI" Gallolin, Chairman, Tel. 23862. Capl. Vicenle Venola, Member. Capt. Mariano de la Cru~, !'ohmber. Vicenle Manalo, Member. Ma nuel Hem.ndez, Member. Mill Felila Gomez, Secretary.




,.s. ,. 7. 8.

10. II.

12. 13. 1•.


I,. 17. 18.




22. 23.

". 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34.

35. 36.


38. 39.

I. 2. 3. 4. S.

REGULAR PROV INCES Abu ...................•... . .•..•.•.....• Albay ••..............•....••.•........... Anlique •................................. Balaan •...........•.........•.• • •• • • •..... Bat&Iles • . ....•.•. . ... . ..•.•.... ... ••.....• Balang&5 ...................•. , ...••.•....• Bohol .•................... . ...•. • ••••.. .. . Bulaean •.............. . .........•• • •.....• Cakayan •. . .......... . ... , .........• • ....•. Camarines Norte .................•........ Ca marin es Sur .....•.............. , •...... Capiz ....... ,., ....•••....•....•... • ...... Cavite ..... , ........................•..... Ce bu •.............. , ............... ••.. '" ll00=os None ........... . ..... . ... . ........ . 1I0eoi Sur ", . . ..• • •...................... Iloilo •.•...•.....••....... , ..•.. , ..... , ... lu bela •.......... • .....•. . .......... . ..... Laguna .•.........• • ................•.... '. La Union •.. ,., .• • ....................... Leyte ..•...................•.............. Marinduque . .•....•... . ..•.. .. .... . ....... Masbate •.................•...............• Mindoro •........ . ........•.. , ...........• Mi,am'" Occidental ...................... . Mis amil Oriental .•.• , .......•............ Neg ros Occidental •.. , •..........•..•..... ~eg rO!l O~i.enlal .... , ........... , ......... . Nu eva ECI)a . . ........... . ........•....... Palawan .........•...........•.........•.. Pampanga .•.• . .••.. , .•..••... . •.....•.. , .• Panguin.n ... . ....... .. .................. . Rinl .............. . ..... ................. . Samar ...............•••.................. Soraogon ......•.....•..••...........•..... S urigao .. , .........••............ , .......• T arlac ......................... . ..... . ... . Tayabas .............. , ............. . ..•... Zamhales ....•.• . ..........

ASSESSORS TREASURERS d, Placido H. Bandonill ........................ . d, Manuel Yia ............ . ........ , • .. ......... d, Enrique Claudio ................. , ........... . d, Vicenle Relurreccion ............ , ......... . .. . d, Frank H. Danao •...............•.•......•.•.. d, Balbino Kllbilting .. " ., ....•.............. . .. d, Ildelonso D. Jim enez .................... .. .. . d, Ignacio SUlara ••........... , ................ . d, Francisco Medina .... , .....................•.. d, Viclorino H. Perez ..... , .................... . d, Rafael Morelol ........... . ......... . ..•...... d, S everino D. Gonzal es ...............•... " .. . d, Gregorio Solil .. ' ...................... ,., ... . d, Dionisio M. Fa bella ...... , .... , ... " .... ,., .. d, BlI ldomero Peru ....... , ...•.................. d, Eusebio G. Dimaano ...... • ................... d, Aug el S. Tad eo ............................ . . d, Si. enando Silves tre ... . .... , ..... , ........... , d, Re9litulo C. ChllYCI ... . . . .......•....•........ d, Antonio F. Buenllvcnluta ......•....... , ..... . d, Andres A!:caoili ........... , .... , ...... , ..... . d, Jose A. Quimpo " .... , ...................... . Domingo Olorol o .... , ....................... . d, d, Ramon Dado, Jr. . ............ .. ............. . d, Pedro Encarnacion ...........•••••...•........ d, Ubaldo D. Lay a •.... , ......... • ••.......... ,. d, Nicolas Encamacion .. , ......... • •• ........... Vieente Avila ................................ . hidoro Villanuen 811silio S. Santiago ................. . ........ . Asselor Pedro Cecilia . . . ......... . ...... •• • •. ..• , .... . d, J ose L. Peru ...................... . ........ . d, ........... , .....•.•......... o\q"ilino Dllnda!: Angel Llan .,. Saturnino David ................ . .••• • •........ Allelor Filomeno D. Pacana .............. .. ........ .. d, 1ulio CUTba ............. , ........• • •••........ d, Jose C. Orlua ............................... . d, Gervuio Rllmirez .................. • .......... d, Franci, co Marlinez ......... , ..... . ......... .. d, Conrado Hernand ez ..... . ..... , .... .. ........ . d,

SPECIAL PROV INCES AIj:(uan .................................... Melanio Honrado ..............• . • • •••........ Bukidnon .................... . ............ Alronso Roqu e ...... ,........... . ............ COlabato _.......... , •...... . ,............ Alh edo Zamora ............................... Dllvao ....... , ..... .. ..................... p. de la Cerna (Act!:.) •.... ,...... . .......... Ll nlo .............. ...................... R. Manahan (Actl.) ....... , ....•• . • oo........

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Mountain Provinco . ....................... Nue.a Vi~caya ••......•... .. .•.. . ..... . ..• Su!u •... _. ...... .•.... ...... . . .• ••• ...•. .. Zamboanga .................•.... ,.........

1. 2.

City of City of City of City 01 City of City of City of City of Quezon City of City of

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

Auea or

NicoIu S. Vergara •.............. . ............ Gr.egorio S. Cutelo ........ . ................. . Donato Dueusin ...•...... • • • .................. Lauro J. Alfabeto ..................... . .. . .. .

CITIES BacoIod ............... ........ . .. Genaro Unal ............... •• •............... Bagu io •..... . .. •. ...•............ Toribio Ede-Mejia ........... .. .. . .......... . Cniu ........................ . . . Vicente Hip ona ............... ... . ........... . Cebu ..........................•.• Rosalia D. Mac rohon ••.......•• • ............. Dana ...•... . ................ . .. Nicol&.! Tolentino ............ . ............... . Il oilo •.............. . ..•......... Me1iton Prudencio ..................... . ..... . Manila .......................... . Victor Alfonso •..............................• San Pablo . .....•...............•. Jnse Talon ...........................•....... City ...... . ..... . ............... . Marcelino Sarmiento. (Actg.) ...•.•.•. •• , ••••• Taga,.ta,. •.....•.................. Gregorio Solis (Actg.) ...................... .. Zamboao"a .. .................... . Jose Elayda .............•••.........• , •. .•....

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Han. Jose Abad Santos. Secretary of Justice. Hoo. Emilio M. Abello, Under. Secretary 01 Ju atiee. 1IIaoar40 S. Calayag. Private S"c reta ry. Juan de Leon, Chief Clerk. Euaebio Cachero. Acting Admin istrative Officer. Juan P. Enriquez, Chier, Legal Relea rch Division. Vicente Insua, Superintendent of Clerka of Coun and ProTincia! She rifb. Eulalia Pichay, AUorney. Tecla San Andrea, Allorn ey . Emilio TOllU. Allomey. ADtonio Quirino, Law Clerk. J ~e O. Baradi. Llw Clerk . Antonio A. Torru. Law Clerk. Jaimc Ferrer, Legal Ruearcher. Pedro R. ROll:u. Legal Resea rcher. Lydia N. Florendo. Legal Ru e.rc her. J~e H ernaez. Legal R",earcher. Elisa Santillan, Legal R",earcher. Gregorio Alvarez, Law Clerk. Esequiel Aguilar, Financial Officer. Roman del Ronrio, Cashier and Disburaing Officer.


Roman Ozaeta. Solicitor·General. Jo", B. L. Reyel, Fillt Anistant Solicitor-General. Fidol Ibaii.ez, ASl istant Solicito~·General. ADatalio C. Maii.alac, Aniltant Solichor-General. Rafael Amparo, Ania" nt Solicitor· General. LEGAL STAFF SOLICITORS: Antooio Caiiiu.r e. Guillermo E. Torres Constante Valera Leon lol a. Guerr ero Rob erto A. Gianlon Leon Guinto, Jr. Vicente A. ArguellCi Lucu Laclon Ruperta Kapunan, Jr. Micuei Noel Federico C. Alikpala Lucn V. Madamba loocencio Rosa! Ramon L. Avanc eiia Carmelino Alvendia Eduardo E. Palma r,.e F. Letargo Itrtur.a G. Maramba Manu el P. Barcelona Lui, R. Feria lou C. Zulueta laime de I ,. Ancdu Ambrosio RiJlorul, Chief. Admioil uative Division. Paulino Rillorua, Chief, Stenographer Diviaion. Sulpicio Bernardino, Disbuninc Officer. JOI" A. Coote, Acting Chief of Doeket Division. Euatace T. Solda, Actiog Chief. Recorda and Administration of Elta tCi of Deceued American • .


Judt,!es Mamerto RosBI, Branch I. Fernando Juga, Branch 11. Marcelo iT. Boncu. Bunch III. Gervuio Dill, Braoeb. IV.

Sixlo dc la Cosla, Branch V. QUilico Abcto, Branch VI. J ose O. Vera, Branch VII. P utor M. Endencia, Bunch VIIT. Buenavcntura Ocampo, B.... nch IX. Araen io Locsin, Branch 'AA". Jesu s G. Barrera, Branch "AS". Vicente Alb ert.

Deputy Clerks Mariaoo Agcloili, Branch I. Andres Coocepcion, Branch lI. Macario M. Olilad_. Branch III. Pedro Gom ez, Braoe h IV. IldefonlO Daria, Branch V. Ambrolio V. Borja, Branch VI. Ramon Alool o. Branch VII. Gregorio P uc" al. Braoch VIII. Bernardino Moozon. Branch IX. JOl e Reeuenco, Add. Branch 'A A'. Victoriano H. Eoday., Add. Branch ·AB'. In terpreteca Cutor Domineuez, BrBDch I. Joao Cruz H errera, Braoch lI. Manuel G. del Roearlo, Draocb III. Alici. Gallardo, Branch IV. Pablo G. SantOl, Draocb V. Salvador del Rio, Branch VI. Virgioia Maerohon, Branch VII. Simeon Conatantino, Add. Branch 'A'. Lui, Arce, Add. Branch 'B'. Jose Co Ching Yan, ChlnCie. ThomBl Yu Liu Yong, Chioue.

Steoollrapben Perfecto Arag on. Braoch I. Ju;o.n Martinez, Braoch I. Regina Masiu, Branch II. _"'gapito Burg~, Branch II. Paulino £ ,tigoy, Branch III. Teofilo R.godon, Braoch III. J ose G. Villanueva, Branch IV. Marciano Baltazar, Brancb IV. Victor Nuario. Brancb V. J,.o Ma. Lerma, Branch V. Vicente Antillon. Branch V. Santiago Guinndi. Branch Vl, Ambroeio del Rondo, Branch VI. Rafael Pondu. Branch VI. Pablo Santiago, Branch VI. Ramon Artigu, Brancb VII. Fortunato Ejercito, Branch VU. Valentin Gutierrez. Add. Branch 'A'. Augu sto Revilla, Add~ Branch 'B'. Flaviano Aranumendez, Add. Braoch 'B'. Victor Laquindanum, Add. Braoch ' B'. Office of the Clerk of the Court Ladislao Puicolan, Clerk of tho Court. Claro Maaicoo, Anistoot Clerk of the Court. Admioillratly., aDd Fioancial Officer. and Chief. Probate Divi9ioD. Mlou el Elcalooa, Allillant Chief Clerk. Paulino Oliverol, Cuhier and Di.hutaiD, Officer.


:'IA~ IL A


J UDGES·A T ·LAnCE Ambroaio Sanlol Vitenla Alben Roberto Concepcion Doroteo Amador

Roberto Iteeal..

Pio F3jardo JOlt P. Veluz Amado P. Amado Fidel Ybaiie~ Florentino Segui

CADASTRAL JUDGES Emilio R cl\ou~a ?hnucl Blanco Ricardo Summere Meynard M. Land Angel S. Gamboa Higini Q de Guill.

Enrique A. FeTllaDdc~ Plltricio Ccuiza Emili.DO Ramo, Ricardo Chanco Felino Villuao Vicente LIane.

FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CACAYAN, BATANES AND APAYAO, MT. PROVINCE Celerino Hil ario, J udge. Guillermo Galve., Clerk 01 Court, (Cagayan). Toribio CumftGun, Deputy Clerk of Court, (C~ayan). Alfonso VilleGU Ty, Prov'!. Sheriff, (Cagayan). Nicolll.l Acuio, Deputy Clerk of Court (Baunes). (a)


AI Aparri, firlt Tuesday o f January. At Santo DomIngo, liut Tu esday of March. Special t erm ,h,1l be held once a year in the municipality of Abulul and Tuao. (b) I SABELA AND NUEVA VIZCAYA Simeon UamOI, Judge . Jeaus Europa Vergara, Clerk of Coutt of h abela. Emilio Madarra, Deputy Clerk of Court of Isabela . Casimiro CIBravall, Proy'!. SheriU o f l ubela. Juan A. Mag sino, Clerk of Court of Nueya Vizeay8. Alejo Lunlicao, Deputy Clerk of COllrt of Nueya Vitcaya. Pacifico V. Santos, l'rov'l. ShHiff of Nueya Vizcaya. COURT SUSIO N: At Bayomhong, second Tu esday of January and June. Special term I ha11 be held once a year in the municipalilies of Cabagln and Echague, bahela al the discretion of tho Judge, (0) ILOCOS NORTE FrancilO J o.e, J udge. Nemelio Segundo, Clerk of Courl. Lucas CID uvall, Deputy Clerk of Court. Santiago Uanada, Pro,"!. Sheriff. COUIIT SUSION:

Througbout. (d) ILOCOS SUR AND ABRA JOle A. Bautista Judge. Alfonso Roul, Clerk of Court of 1I0coa Sur. Constante Llanos, Deputy Clerk of Court of 1I0coi Sur. Maximo Savellano, Prov'!. Sheriff of 1I0eos Sur. Proceao l\Iartinn, Clerk of Court o f Abra. Felipe de la Vega, Depu ty Clerk of Court of Abra, Cmulino Cordoncillo, P rov'!. Sheriff o f Abrm. COURT SUSION:

JiOCO! Sur, Throughout. At Bangued, Abra, First Tuesday of March and October.

SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Ca) PANGAS INAN Alf011l0 ."elix, Judg e. Br.ulio Bejosa, ludge. Jose Cri!OIlOmO, Clerk of Court. Vicento A. Ungs on, Deputy Clerk of Court. Gen&.o Ferrer, Deputy Clerk o f Court. Guill er mo Soriano, Prov'l. Sheriff. COURT SUSIOI<:

Through. At Tayug, Paug u in&n, firs t Tu es day of February. (b) MOUNTAIN PROVINCE AND LA UN ION lo!e R. C.rl~, Judg e. Fernando H. Homero, Clerk of Court (Bengue t). na&i1i o Laudenc ia, Deputy Clerk of Coun (Benguet). J uan .'ontanilla, Prov'l. Sheriff (Bengu et). Be rnabe Castro, Deputy Clerk o f Court (BOll IOC). Leoncio E.(tuejo, Dep"I)' Sheriff ( Bontoc). Migud Hi1l orua, Clerk of Court ( La Uni on). Homa" Ni$ptros, Deputy Clerk of Court ( La Union). Ped." Areiaga, Prov '!. Sheriff (La Union). COURT SESSION:


Baguio, Mountain P rovince, on the first Tuesday o f Jun e aod December of each yea r ; at Kiangan, Mountain Pro vin ce, On Ih. fiu' Tuelday of Marcb and Novelllbll

01 eac h yeu; at Boutoc, MouDtain Province, on the aecond Tu esday of March and Novem be r of each rur ; and wh enever the int ereab of junice 10 require. a apeeial term 01 court ,h.11 b e h eld at Lubuagan, lub· provin ce of Kaling.; a t San Fernando, Lil Union OD th e firal Tuesday of January and September of each yeor, (0) BATAAN AND ZAMBALES J ose Beruabe, J udge. Pedro V. Soueja, Clerk of Court (Dataan), Eulogio Mina, Depu ty Clerk of Court (Botaan). Emilio G. Uoque, Prov'l. Sheriff (Batun). Rosendo Elayda, Cle rk of Court (Zambales). Tirlo HOllrnta, Deputy Clerk of Court (Zambales). Agustin de Leon, Proy'l. Sheriff (Za mbalN), COURT SES5101<:

At IbD, Proyin ce of Zam balea, on the firat T uesday of February aud Oelober of each year; at Balanga, Pro ..• ince of Dataan, on the fit .. Tn N dl)' nf JlIl1uary and June of each year,

THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT (a) NUEVA EC IJA Dionielo de Leon, J udge . Guillermo F. Pablo, Judge. Bonifacio GUlman, Clerk of Court. Fortunato Tayao, Deputy Clerk of Cou.t. Ni(:llnor Margarejo, Deputy Clerk of Court. Migu el Valera, Sheriff. COURT SESS ION: Throughout. (b) TARLAC Arsenio Loclin, J udge. Aurelio Digo, Clerk of Court. Ambrosio Espinosa, Deputy Clerk of Court, Leoeadio D. Santiago, PrOY'!. Sheriff. COURT SUSION: ThrOUlhou t. (c) PAMPANGA Ped ro l'ohgsalin, Judge. Jose Ma. Par edes, ludge. Lazaro D. Malig, Clerk of Court. Ernutinio I. Limpin, Deputy Clerk of Cou rt. Gregorio B. de J .,.u., Deputy Clerk o f Court. J O$e Manalanllu, Proy'!' Sherif[. COURT SE5$101<:

Th.ou(hout. (d) BULACAN Pastor M. Endeocia J udge. Marciano de los Sant09, Acting Cle rk of Court. JOle A. R eyes, Acting Deputy Clerk of Court. P. Vi\]arama CapillranO, Prov o Sheriff. CO URT SESSI ON:

FOURTH JUDI CIAL DISTRICT (a) MANILA AND PALAWAN Mamerto Ron!, J udge, Branc h I. F ernando lugo, Judg e, Bra och II. Marcelo BOnCln, J udge, Branch II!. Ger·yuio Diu, Judge, Bran ch IV. Sillto de 10 Costa, Judge, Bnnch V. Quirico Abeto, Judg e, Branc h. VI. J lne 0, Vera, Judge, Bunch VII. Putor M. Endeneia, Judge, Branch VIII. BueuDventura Ocampo, Judge, Branch I X. Arsenio Loclin, Judge, Branch "AA", J esus Barrera, Ju dge, Branch "AB", Ladislao Puicolan,' Clerk o f Cou rt. Claro Muigan, Auistant Clerk of Court. Mariouo AgeRoili, Deputy Clerk of Courl, Branch J. Andrei Concepcion, Deputy Clerk of Cour l, Branch II . Macario l'ol. Ofilada~. Deputy Clerk of Court, Brancb III. P edro Gomez, Depuly Clerk of Courl, Brlnch IV. II delon.o Dar ia, Depuly Clerk of Court, Branch V. Amro lio Borja, Deputy Clerk of Co",rl, Brlnch VI. Ramon tAlonso, Deputy Clerk of Court, Branch VII. Gregorio Pueual, Deputy Clerk o f Court, Branch VIII. Bernardino Mon~on, Deputy Cle rk of Cou.t, Branch IX. l ose Recuenco, Deputy Clerk of Court, Branch "AA". Victoriano Endaya, Deputy Clerk o f Con rt, Branch "AB". Emilio Dicoloiigon, Clerk o f Courl (Pa lawan). Eduardo Magay , Deputy Clerk o i Court, (PalawlIl1). Gregorio QlIicho, Prov'!. Sherif£ (Palawan). Eufracio T . Abi d, Deputy Clerk o f Couit (Cuyo). COUIlT SE95 tOI<:

At Manila, all branchea, throughout. At Coron, Palawan on th e fiut Monday of Marc b and Auault of eac h year; at Cu yo, lime proYinee 00 the ..oond Thur.daT of lot.rob and AulP"! of each year;

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE at Puerto Princeaa, ume province on the fourth Wed. needay 01 March and Augul of each year. (b) RIZAL Sel"l'i1iano Platon, Judge, ls t Branch. Diego LOClin, Judg e. 2nd Branch. Severo Abellera. Clerk 01 Court. Benito Macrohon. Deputy Clerk 01 Court. Ricardo Matawaran, Deputy Cl erk of Cou rl. Grea:orlo Vela'queJ:, Prov'l. Sheriff. COUJrf SU.• tOlf: Through ou t.

FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRI CT (a) TAYABAS AND MARfNDUQUE Roman A. Cruz, Ju dge, (bl Braneh) . Emilio Pena, Jude e, (2nd Branch). Ju,IO V, Imperial, Clerk of Courl (Tayab.. ). IId donlO Maldonado, Depuly Clerk 01 Court (Tay.b.. ). Anton io Ruiz, Deputy Clerk of Court (Tayabaa). Franeileo O. Omana, Provo Sheriff (Tayabas) . Antonio P. Lim. Depuly Clerk of Court (l\hrin duque). Ange l V. Zolela, ProY' I. Sheriff (Marinduque). COUIlT SEU ION: At Ta,.bas , Th rou(lhou l. At InllUlt., Ta,aba8, or lil:"1Iran, Baler and J une of each year; on the finl T uelday

the munieipaliliel 01 Inlanla, Ca. Polillo, on th e linl T ue,day 01 at Boac, province 01 Marinduque, of March of each year.

(b) CAVITE [d uardo Gu tierrez David, J udge, Brlnch I. [uillio Garcia, J udge, Brlnch II. Pondano l\hrtinu, Clerk of Court. Cornelia Dil7., Depu ty Clerk of Courl. ....... .. , .. , ... . . , Prov'l. S huiff. Joe Campol, Dcputy Sheriff. COUIlT SznloN: Throushout, (c) LAGU NA Alejo Llbrador, Judge. III Branch. Proceao Sebulian, Ju dge, 2nd Branch. Ceeilio M. Bituin, Clerk of Courl. DelJle tri o K . Bernardino. Depu ly Clerk of Court. Dominador E. Chipeeo. Pro,,' I. Sheriff. CoUIIT SEUtON: Throughout. (d) BATANGAS AND MINDORO Maria no de III RoSl!, J udse. [ulluio n UII.O, Clerk of Court (Balangll). ZOlimo Montalho, Deputy Clerk of Court (Batang.. ). Elileo M, Zalaga, Prov'!. Sheriff (Dltang8l). Arle nio E. Mercado. Clerk of Cou.t (Mindoro). Cril lin o Parn, Depu ly Clerk of Court (Mi ndoro). Royna ldo Leuter/o, Prov'l, Sheriff (Mindoro), Coun SEnloN: Batlngll, Th rouShon l . AI Calapln, Mindoro, on the lecond Tu eada,. of February Ind I«ond TueadlY of September 01 each yeDt; II San 101e, lame province, on the .«ond Tuelday of 01 eac h year; II Lubang, Lubane Iliand, province 01 Mindoro, on Ihe fourth T UHday of March 01 each year.

SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (a) CAMARINES NORTE Fundlco AUonlo, Ju dge. Emmanuel Si,uenza, Clerk of Coutl. Silverio Quinones, Deputy Clerk 01 Court. Ceneroso F. Obu,an, Prov'!. Sheri ff . COUI T SEnloN: Daet. CalJllrinea No rt e, Throughout, (b) CAMARINES SUR Eulalia Glrcia, Judge. :'!fanuel Florel, Clerk 01 Court. Felix A. Malaya, Depuly Clerk of COUtl, Molle. Pardo, Proy']. Sheriff. COURT SESSION:, Camarinet Sur, Throug hout, (c) ALBAY AND CATANDUANES Iu an C. Lellca. ludge. JUllino Bllde, Clerk of Court.


Lui. Ortcn, Deputy Clerk of COllrt. Alfredo Thomae, Prov 'l . Sheriff. COURT Sus ION : Albay, Throughout. At Virac •• uhlltovince of CatllnuUane8, on the lirel 01 /IInreh and Se pl emh er of eDeh yellr.


(d) sonSOCON AND MASOATE Pab lo S. Riye ra, J udge. Poncia no Arandn, Clerk of Court (Sor80(l:on) . Pcdro Rocha, Deputy Clerk of Courl (Sorsoeon) . Rufino M. Cerona, Prov'!. Sheriff (Sorlogon), Anilno Hibo. Clerk 01 Courl (Mubole). Exequicl Suicon , Depu ty Clerk of Courl (MD5blle). Heraelio D. Villama., Prov' l, Sheriff. (Mubole). Cou ... SUSION: Soraogon , Th roughOUI. At Mubate, on th e fiut Tu csday 01 February, J une and October of cach year.

SEVENTH JUDIC IA L DISTRICT (a) ILOILO AND ANTIQUE Conra,10 Barrio. , J udge (ht Branch) . Juu. n l rr cra, J udge (2nd Branch ). Arae ni o DilOn. Judge, (3rd Branch). J uan Jamora, Clcrk of Court (Iloilo). Edilberto Holdan, Depuly Clerk of Courl (Iloilo). Conslanlino Z, Canto, Pro"'!. Sheriff (Iloilo). Alfredo Marzona, Clerk 01 Court (Antique). Gil IlIllat, Depuly Clerk of Court (Antique) . Albiao Z. Abiera, Prov'l, Sheriff (Antique). COURT SESSION: Iloilo (2 Branches) , Throughout. At San Jos6, Antique, on Ihe 181 Tuuday of J une and At San J OIC, Anli'luc, on the hi Tuesday of February, June and Oclober of cach year; at Cul .. i, province of Antique, on the ls I Tue,day of Decembe r of each year. (b) OCCIDENTAL NEGROS Pablo L. Riyera. Judge (lsI Branch). SOlero Rodall, Judee (2nd Brancb). Rufo do BOlCh, Clerk 01 Cou~t. Segundo HipolilO, Deputy Cle rk of Court, Agripino Magluei, Depuly Clerk 01 Court. Benjamin A. Ledetma, Prov'!. Sheriff. COURT SUs/ON: T h,ouehout.

(e) CAPIZ AND ROMBLON CalRlino DUenllvenlurn, Iudge. J ua n L. Plltr. na, Clerk of Court (Capiz) . Ag aton Ignacio, Depu ty Clerk of Courl (Cl piz), Eugenio Pie:u:o, Prov'l . Sherif! (Ca pil). Conllaneio Mllrquez, Clerk 01 Court (RombloD), Uldorico Gutil'trCl, Deputy Clerk 01 Court (Romblon), Anallicio Millare., Prov'!. Sheriff ( Romblon) COUIlT SU510N: Capil, ThrougIlout. At Rom blon, on tho fi rst TueldlY of Mitch and NovelJlber of each yea r, (d) ORIENTAL NE GROS AND SIQUIJOR Sotero Cabahug, J udge. J uan C. Hornando, Clerk 01 Court. Lui, An et, Deputy Clerk of Court. Tri unfo P. Alvarieo, Prov'!. Sheriff.

Couu SUSION: Oriental Neeros, Throughout. AI Lltena. lu bproyinee of Siquijor, on Ihe firl t TUClday of Aug"st of each year.

EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (a) CEDU Jos6 do Ta Rama, ludge (lsi Branch). J.·ellx Martinez, J udge, (2nd Branch). Benito NaliYidad, Judg e (3rd Branch) . Eugenio Radii, Clerk of Court. Vicente E. R. ZOIll, Depuly Clerk of Courl. Alberto B. YlaYll, Deputy Clerk of Cou.t, Filomeno B, Ybanez, P rov'l. Sheriff. COUIT SUSION: Throughout.




Fernando Hernandez, Iud,o (lit Branch, Taeloban). 101(1 Bauti!la Angelo, Judge (211d Branch , M.nio). Vleente Mate, Clerk of Court (Taelob.n). Ce.. reo Velarde. Deputy Clerk of Court (Tacloban). Anut.cio G. Anover, Prov'l. Sheriff (Tacloban). Fr.neilco P. Lopez, Clerk of Cour! (Musio). hidro Mlg.nanet. Deputy Clerk 01 Coun (Mallin). Petronilo H . Mendrcu, Deputy Prov'l. Sheriff (~tna8in). COURT SnsloN: Taelohan, Throughout. At Mauio, Ley!c, on the fir'l Tuesday of March and Septem ber of each yfll.; at OemO(:, .amc pn.vince on th e tint TUHday of December of each year.

(e) SAMAR Anlonio Cuyugan, ludge. Alfoola fl.f. Cinco, Clerk of Court. Rafael YhOI, Deputy Clcrk 01 Court. Alejandro Silon, Prov'l. Sherill. COUaT SU510lf: Calbaloean, Throughoul. AI Boroiigan, Samar on Ihe lecond Tu e,d.y of July of each year; .1 C.larm.n. lime province. on tbe firlt Tue.d.y of March of each year; It Cuiu.n. fame province, on the ,eeond Tuesd.y of February of each year; It C.lbayoll', tame province. on thl! ,econd Tues· d.y of September of each year; It Laoang. province, on fiut Tu ..... d.,. of October of year. (d)

BOHOL Bor.romeo Velo~o, J udge. Filemon B. E. Ari... Clerk of Court. B.ldomero M. Gonzaga. Depuly Clerk of Court. Teodoro Abueva, Proy·!. Sheriff. COUIlT SUSION: Throull'houl.

NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT (.) ZAMBOANGA AND SULU Pec.on, Judge. Auenio de GUlman, Clerk o f Court (Z.mboanea), Cirilo S. Riyera. Deputy Clerk of Courl \ Jo.e C. Buc.,., Prov'I. Sheriff (Zambolnel. Vileriano S. Concha. Deputy Clerk of Court (Dipolog). JeHe C. Va1buena. Prov·l. Sheriff. (Sulu). COUIIT SUSIOlf: Zamhoant.. Throughout. AI Dipolog, Zambo.nea. on the lint Tuesday of Janu.ry and June of ea~h year; at Jolo. Sulu, on the fint Tuel da,. of March and O~tober of year. (h) DAVAO S.lyador Abad SInl05, Judee. Hilario C, Rodrieue~. Clerk of Court (, Bern.he C. Fri u . Deputy Clerk of Court ( G, Cutillo. Proy·!. Sheriff (D.vao) (c) COTABATO AND LANAO FeUpe Natividad, Judee. IOle S. E.lrada. Clerk of Court ( lu anlt o Mapalo. Deput,. Clerk of Court (Cot.hato). VlCant. Prov'l. Sheriff (Cotabalo). Dorotheo. Clerk of Court (Lln.o). Pablo Siml on. Deput,. Clerk uf Court (Lan ao). JOl e P. Ten., Prov·l. Sheriff (Lanao), COIJIlT SSUIOlf: D....o. Throughout. At Cotabato. throuehout: at Glan. ume province, a.nd at Bag. ng Ind Mati. province of Davao, terms of court • hlll hI! held at leut once a ,.ear on the datu to be filled by the di strict judgc. (c)

ORIENTAL MISAMIS, OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS, AND BUKIDNON Froil.n Bayon., Judge. Sotero Sabarre, Cluk of Court (Oriental Miumil). Leonelo Edmillo. Deputy Clerk of Cour! (Orienlll Minmil) . Daniel C.latrita, Prov'l. Sheriff (Orienlll Mi •• mi.). Vicente D. ROI, Clerk of Court (Occident.1 Millmil). Leonclo ACOIII, Deputy Clerk of Court (Occidental Mi... JIll.) • Gr.ciano Damasco. Deputy Clerk of Court, (Bukidnon). Ramon CBl tillo, Deputy Sheriff (Bukldnon), COlJar SU$IOK: C"ay.n. Oriental Minmil, Throuehout. At Oroquiell, Occidenlll Minm;.. on the lint TU Cld.y of December and June of neb ,.ear; .t Alamb.jao.

Oriental Minmis, on the fint Tuesday of March of ycar; .t Malaybalay, Bukidnon. on tbe fiut Tues· d.y 01 December of each year. A .peci.1 term of cOUr! ,h.lI .lso be beld once. ,.e.r either in tbe municip.l· ity of Talbayan, Of in tho municipalit,. of Gineong, Drienlal Mis.mi" in tho discretion of the district judge; at lJagan Lanao, on th e first Tuesda,. of Marcb and Septcmber of each year, but the Scptem ber term for the province of Lanao may be held at Dan nla n. Lan.o. in the discretion of the diatrict judgc. (d) SURIGAO AND AGUSAN V.clnt. Judee, Felilt Farolan, Clerk of Court (Surig.o). leo.cio Catelo, Deputy Clerk of Court (Surilj:'O)' RUllico S. Gocheco. Prov·!. Sheriff (Surigao). Gabriel Ban.", Clerk of Court (Aguuo). Emesto Trillo, Sheriff (Aeuun). Bueoaveotura Nielo, Deputy Sheriff (AlIJlAn). COUIIT SIUIO:f: Surieao, Throue hout. At C.ntilan. Surieao, on the .econd Tuelda,. of August 01 each yur; at Buklao, Aeunn. on the firll Tu esd.y of March and October; a . pecial term of court .h.n .1'0 be held once a ycar in either the municipality of Tandag or tbe municipality of HioltU,n, Surig.o. in the discrelioo of the district judge,

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION 86 STA. POTENCIANA. INTRAMUROS TEL. 2-27·60 Hon. Vicente de Vet., Puhlie Se"ice Commiuioner. Hon. Oc.mpo, Deputy Public Service Commi •• .ioDer. Mario Villanueva. Secret.ry. Federico S. ArIos, Deputy Secretary an d Chief of Recordl, Tornal Canchel... Technical Aui.tant to the Commistioner. Viccole G. I\lanalo. Chie f Engineer, Trana. Div;l ion. Amando Miralol, Chicf Engin ccr, Indus trial Divi.ion. Evari, to Saodoval, Chief Attorney.

COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 741 ECHAGUE, SAN ?!flGUEL P. 0_ BOX 1873-TEL. 2·38-27 Francisco Zulueta, Pres idint J udte. JOle C. Generolo, Judee, Leopoldo Rovira, Judee. Tria Tiron., Judge. Modesto Cutillo. Iudge. Manuel Escudero. Attorney. Vicente Jim enez Yanson. Attorn ey. Raymundo CasUIO, Chief. Admini euat ive Division. Fermin Alvarez, Chief. E:.amining Divilion, I.ui. de 10 Vega, Clerk of Court. Vice nt e Logarta. Chiel, Divis ion of InvClt;g.tion. Duilio Lio.n. g. Re<::order, Property Clerk, Collecting .od Dilbuu inl: Officer. Simeon del Rou rio. Court Reportcr. Alfredo Sal .. , Anistant Enminer.

SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 101 ECHAGUE, STA. CRtlZ TEL. 2.52.81 Ri c.rdo Nepomuceno, Commialioner. Filemon COlio, Au istaot to the Commillioner. Pedro Lombo •• Administrative OUicer. Mieuel S.lvani, Chief Leg. 1 CounlC1. A. Lava, Supt. of Broken &: Ellchaniea. Pedro A. Santi'eo. Chief Ellaminer. Dionisio Guenra, Chief. Corporation Di.J"on. G. Pined., Attorney. Guillermo Diamitu. AUor.o.ey. 10.e A. J avier, Attorney. Enrique Nepomuceno. Spe<::ial Alent. Gonulo BuiiBIl, Sec. Agen t. JOle D. Cel.oo. Sec. Agent. Mariano C. Lopez, ElIIminer. Ner C. Rcodlc a, Euminer. MBlIimino B. Pi~arro, Euminer. Pedro M.bolo, Special Aeent. M.nuel Rom.. an ta, Statistician. ROlcodo S.n Mal eo. Cuhiet &: Disbunine Ollicer. Alipio Nuqui, Actinl Chief, Record. &: Property Section.



BUREAU OF PRISONS AZCARRACA. STA. CRUZ TEL. 2·17-06 ...hjor Eriberto B. Misa, Director of Pri, oo, . Pablo J. Norona, Assistant Director of Pr;'on, . Ally. Gen"ro~o Cutaoeda, Chief Clerk and Ex ec utive Officer, Dr. Mariano Dimanlig, Chief, Medical Divi,ion. Manuel E. Pablo, Manager, In dustrial Division. Manuel Ignacio. Financial Officer. Au,.. Alfredo M. Bunye, Superintend ent. Bilibid Priso n. Mill. Potencia no Garcia, Superintendent, Correctional Institution for Women . Mr•. Juana F. Adamos, Anistant Superintendent. Correctional Inllitution for Women. Vidal Diu, Acting Superintendent. New Bilibid Pri900. Severo G. Yap, Superintendent, Iwahi!; Penal Colony. Pedro 5. Paje, Assiatant Superintendcnt, {wahlg Penal Colony. Capl. Manuel Li wanag, Superintendcnt, San Ramon and Penal Farm. PoJicarpo D. Dellosa, Aaailtant Superintendent, Sao Ramon Pr;lon and Penal Farm. (Vacant), Supe rintendent. Dano Penal Colony. Pucual Robin, AuiSlant Superintendent, Davao Penal Co· lony. Valentin Cutelo, Prope",. Office r.


GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE RIZAL MEMORIAL STADIUM VITO CRUZ, MALATE P. O. BOX 612, TEL. 5·63·70 Enrique Altavu, Chief. Juan Ahavas, Chief, Adminis trative Division. JlIstino S. Ocampo, Deputy Chief. Francisco Alaua, Chiel, Land Titles Division. Macario Jllini o, Auditor. Teofilo Capinping, Chief, Docket Divi, ion. Mariano Tuuon, Chief Propert,. Divi,ion. Mariano Tuuon, Chief, Property Diviaion . Mariano Villanu eva, Registrar of Deeda, City of Manil3. Vicente Jamora, Cuhier and Officer, Aproniano Coronado, Chief, E:umination of Surve,.. and Plan, Se<::tion, Joaquin Ramirez, Chief, Cadastral Decree Section . Benito Dominguez, Chief, Drafting Section, Tereso Clemente, Chief, Section of Land Sub· Division. Leon Olpindo, Chief, Ordinary Deere" Seetion . Roman d" Guzman. Chief, Publication Section. Sulpicio Coronado, Chief, Personnel Section. Santiago T, lItlasanga, Surve,.or. Daniel Tibayan, Chief of Se<:tion, City of Manila. Domingo C. Gutierrez, Superintendent of Reginer 01 Deeda,

OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA-TELS. 2.21·70 AND 2·90·04 Mariano Villanu evll., R egistrar of Deeds. Narciso Pena, Deputy Register of Deed • . Daniel F, Tibayan, Cashier and Property Clerk. Pedro R. Antonio, Acting Chief Clerk. Floren<::io D. Ponce, E"aminer. Aogel P,d iJIa, Chief, In~cription Section. Felipe M. Gonnles,·Charge, In de:r Seelion. OJegar~o L,ndic ho, Clerk-in. Charge, Corre. pondenc e Sec tion.


AND BEATERIO, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2.12·65 Joaquin Pardo de Tavcra, Chief. Emilio L. Galang, Assi8lant Chief. Agunin Plltricio, Finger Print ["pert. Dr. Gregorio T. Lantin, Chief, Medico L eeal Section. Edgar Bond, Acting Hand Writing and Balliuic Esperl. Saluatiano Peodlor, Disbursing Officer Ind Propert,. CUI. todian.


BOARD OF INDETERMINATE SENTENCE AND PAROLE OFFICE 211 NOVALICHES, SAN MIGUEL TELS. 2·U·62, 2·21·79, AND 2·4746 BOAnD OF INDETERMINATE SENTENCE: H on. JOle Abad Sant08, Chairman. Mr., Sofia R. de Yeyra, Member. Dean Conrado Benitez, Mcmber. Profeuor Serafin E. Macaraig, Mcmber . Atty. H ODorato B. MMakayan, E"ee utiv e Secretary. PAROLE OFFICE: Honoralo B. Mu akaYID, E" ec uliv e Officer. Felix I. Rampola, Assistant Execu ti ve Officer. Pedro Q. Paguio, Supervising Parole Offieer. Geminiano Cabai'igon, Superviaing Parole Office r. RemiCio B. Ronquillo, Assistant SU l)e rvi ~ing Parole Officn. An ae leto Concepcion, Auistant Supervising Parole Oliicer. Victorino p, Hoe.on, Parole Office r. Lorenzo B. Cald eron, Parole Officer. Narciso Sobcrano, Parol" Offiee r. Primo M. Bendijo, Parole OUiccr. Mariano de Leon, Parole Officcr. Florencio Villamor, Parole Ollicer, Valeriano El tandarte. Parole OHicer. Remedio. P. Nu lable, Parole Officer. Epifanio B. Montoro, Parole Officer. Frandsco Maraaiga n, Parole Officer. Feli<::itac ion V. Cacanando, Parole Officer, Eliseo de 10. Rey es. Parole Officer. Dioniaio P. Du(:enia, Parole OHicer. Aci.clo Teeson, Parole Officer>. Manuel P. Macero, Parole Officer. Moise. M, R eyes, Parole Officer. Fa u tino G. Mendoza, Parole Office r. Remedios A. Bayle, Parole Officcr. Simeon Figalan, Parole Insp ec tor. Remedio. Y. Lugod, Paychiatri.t. Jose Y. Onate, Psychiatrist. Fernando San Miguel, Paychint riat . Anacl elO G. Santiago, Psy<::hologist. Melquiad ea C. Papa, Psy<::hologist. Petra Monzon·Ortega, Psychologis t. Yivenclo Avanlldo, Secret Sen·i<::e Alent. Vicente Ram os, Secret Service Ag ent. Quirino N,varro, Secret Service Agent. Godofredn MI. TUllon, Secret SeTYice Agent. T eodoro Guti e rr<::!, Secret Service Ag<::nt. Fernando V. Tolentino, Secr el Service Ag ent. Fidel Panaga, Secret Service Agent. Manuel E. Ta(:lc, Seer<::1 Service Ag ent.

ANTI-USURY BOARD 210 GENERAL SOLANO, SAN MIGUEL Jose Abad SaDloa, Chairman. Rafael Corpus, Memb<::r. Guillermo Gomez, Membe r. Ramon Torres, I\I cm ber. Manuel Camus, Membe r. Hilario A. Reyes, Se<::retary·Treasu rer. Mod es to Villaloboa, uecnlive Office r, Tel. 2~32·93. Adolfo N. Feliciano, Assistant E"ecutive Office r, Tel. 2·28·06. Mariano G. Almeda, Chief Agent, T el. 2.18·04. Mario C, Balmaaeda, Attorney. Tomas Q. Quetullo, Attorney, Ern es to P. Hernando, Attorney. Jnse y, Cabrera, Sc<::rct Service Ag ent. Emilio L, S;ongco, Secret Scrvice Ag en t. Manuel PilDpil, Secret Service Agent. Alfredo D. San Migu el, Secret Service Alent, Sotero Alon, Secret Service Ag en t. Simeon Gutierrez, Seeret Service Agent, Silvestre MlIgdales, Secret Service Agent. Antonio Baluga, Se<::rct Service Agent. Jose H. Santoa, Secret Sen·iee Agenl. Manu el Benitez., Secret Service Agent. J <»:e de Leon, Secret S<::rviee Agent. In.e R. RodriguCOl, Cashier and Property Officer, Tel. 2.18·04. Jose S. Estrada, Resear<::her. Irene Penafiel, Docket and Reco rd Clerk. Rosario A. Saramiento, Clerk, Wen<::eaiao Alano, CI<::rk. Fernando B. Avelino, Stenographer. Rogelio P. Ponce, Clerk. Luis S. Topacio, CI<::rk. lItlanuel Ma. Leyga, Junior Typiu. Juato I, Iba,., Clerk. Ceferino S , Gaddi, Clerlt.




Al bay Antique Balnn

Dalane. Balangu Bohol Bukidnon Bulacan Cogaran Camarinci Norte Camarinc! Sur Cap;" Cavirc Cehl! COlabRIO

DanG !loco. Norte Ilocos Sur Il oilo

IUhcla Laguna Lanao La Un ion Lerl e Marinduque Mubal(! Mind oro t.!iumi. Occidental i'llisami. Oricntal Mountain I'rovince Negro! Occidental Negro. Odenlal Nueva


Nu eva. Vize.ya Palawl n Pampanga Pan guinan Rizol Romblon Sumar 5015ogol1

Sulu Surigao Tarlac Tayabal Zamhllici Zamboanga

Diuricts Fiscills lsI J 090 Tomeldan 9th J0ge Rodrigu ez 6th Mariano Aliung co 7th Antonio La cto n 2nd Jose C. 80rromeo (Actg.) hI (See Cagar:m) 5th Eulogio Benit ez (Actg.) 81h QUinlin Paredes Jr. 9th Pedro V. Li ongson (Actg.) 3rd Inigo Dua 181 Emilio U. Mayo (Actg.) 6th Elias B. Rivera (A ctg.) 6th Franciscn ArcH ono 7th Pablo Villalobos 5th Simeon Ungan (Actg.) 81h .'dill: Imperial Rey el (A ctg.) 9th Lor enzo Colol o 9th Ang el H. Mojica ht Julio Dorbon T olen tino VenOIa (Actg.) Ignacio Dehu(IUe Manuel Arranz "h Leon Rivera (Actg.) (Sec Bukidnon ) 2" Jose R. de Venecia (Actg.) "h J ose Qui,um bing "h Luia M. Kasilag (Actg. ) Anastacio B. Camacho (Actg.) "h Jose A. Alano (Actg.) Ramon Nolasco Antonio Yocapin (A etg.) 2n d Pedro Villamor Edmundo Pi ccio "h F elix Marfori " . Enrique Braganza (AClg.) NONE 3,' Du enaventura Cordova 3,' Feliciano B. Gardiner (Actg.) JOI C T. Surtida 2" 3,d Primitivo GonzalCi 7th Res:i$ ter 01 Deeds (Actg. ) Ses:undo Apostol 8th J Ole I'. LetDrgo (Actg.) 6th AUonio Doneu (Actg.) Eduardo Enr-iquu J acin to Yamzon 3" "h H ermorenel C.luag 2,d Amado C. Unglon 9.h Adolfo Gralilo

,,, ,,,7"



',h ',h






••.• . •.• , ••••••. Mariano Nable Guillermo Cabrera Natividad Almeda· Lopez Baguio .••.•............ Jose Flore, Cebu ................•. Lucio Sanchez Davao ....••....•.. . ..• Delfin Hofil ena Il oilo .......... . . . • . .. . J ose Vicente Mapa (Acting) Bacolod ............... Eleuterio GUllilo Tagaylay ....••........ . Rafael Madruo (JJ>.Acting) Z.:!.mhoanga .....•....... Juan Alvarez Quuon City ....... . •... Per fecto Palacio San Pablo ............ Juan Cordero Abr.Jl (JP·A ct ing) Dan lllian ••........ ..... Cavite •...•.•. .•.••..... Lupo G. de T orre! (Acting)

CI TY FlSCALS Qu czon City ..•......••• Oscar Castelo Tagoytay ......••.....•. Lauro Est eban

L.:!.di dao Pas icolan


....... ,. " ..... .

LIST OF PROVINCIAL AND DEPUTY PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS Abril ........... . ........... Cotalino Co rdonc ill o Fe lil B. Plura" Quirico iJelaTrnino AgII sa u ........ .. ........ . . Ernello n. Trilln Buenaventllra S. Nielo Albay .......... , . • ... •...• Al£rcdo T homll8 Simeon Loria Mauricio Saulelices AGaton S. Segarra Antique ............... . .. . Albino Z. Abiera Pedro N. Cerde;'. Dominad or Javi er I)ata an .................... Emilio G. Uoqne Jo!e H erre ra EUlebio Rey es Batane•................•... Eliseo Mangubat (Dep. Sheriff) Batong ....... .. .. . ......... Eliseo M. Zagala FrancilCO Montenegro 10le P . Ravino Felipo L. Barrion Bohol .. . ............ . . .. .. Teodoro Abnevn 10le T orra lba Diego S. Cajilog 101" F. Mendon Bukidnon ......... . ..... . .. Ram on Caslillo (Dep. Sheriff) Bulacan .............. , ..... Pedro Villauma Capi!trano Marcia no Gonules Tomu M. Pablo Pedro G. Floro Cagayan .. . .............••. Alfon lO Billeg.. Ty Juan Talamayan Eladio La gllnd, Baldome ro Cagurangan Cam. Norte .......• . ....... Generolo F. Obuun P elagio Cababa n Cam. Sur ......•..... ... ... Moise8 1'8rdo Monico I mperial Ignacio Enriquez Leoncio Gar~hitoreno Capi~ ..................... Eu gen io Picuo Gabriel Dorre. Enrico B. Dorado Simeon Dianko Cavite .....•........... , ... (Va can t) J O$e Campos Leon P. NaureDo Severo J. Rome ro Cebu .............. . .. . ... Filomeno B. Ybaiie~ Ruperto Gimarino Mamerto Labitll Vicente B. Uosell Cotabato •.....• . ... . ....... E ugeniano P. La ROla RomuBldo C. Ada ll u Gavino A. Villa Davlo ..... . ......•........ Apron iano G. Cutillo J Ole Villanueva Bern ardino Bolcan Sancho C. Canoy lIoc O$ Norte .....••........ Santiago Ranada Vicente S. Parado Emeterio Murillo Teofilo IIbta 11oeol Sur ....• . .•........ l'ofuimo Savellano (Actg.) Claro Joven Leon C. Bello Julio F lorcndo Iloilo ...........•.. Constantino Z. Canto l ose S. Dinerol Jose T. Carreon Eugenio S. Morales hab ela .................... Cacimiro Claraval Gabino Gum aru Manuel Alvare. Lagu na ......•.............Do minador E. Chipeco Santo. Doria F rancilco R. Brinaa Teodoro O. Luna Lanao ..........•.•.• . •... .Jose P. Teves Dardagan Maeorimbang La Union ..•..... . .. . . . •.. P edro Arciago Cenon G. LUDrc.:!. Bernardo Barredo Emilio de Guzman Ley t" ....... . , •...... . ....Anulado G. A iiov er Benito Sala E. H. IIhndreu Pe tronilo H. Mandrez3


DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Marinduque ......•........•Angel V, Zole ta Floro J. Corral Ml.Sbale ................•. Jl eracleo D. Villamor Juan AUorle Mindoro ................ , .. Rey naldo Leuterio J ose F. Evora Mouala;n Pro\'ince ........ .Julin Fontanilla Gonzolo Reyes Emilio Daeanay Leoncio Esquejo Nueva Eeija ...............Miguel Vale ra Nica no r Sangi! Leoncio . C. Tapiador Vilaliano E. Pin eda Nueva Vizcaya ....•...... . .Pacifico SanlO! Fran Panganiba n Occ. Misami, .............. Simplicio J. Apao T eolilo P. Campos JOle F. Mutia Oriental Misnmi. . ......... Daniel Galarrita I' etrooilo A. F e rnandc~ Zenon G. Murillo Jo, e P. Sabido Occ. Negro•...............Benjamin A. Led esma Serafin G. Casten JOB" Leonardia Enrique Alimon Oricntal Negro, .... . .......Triunlo P. Alv arico Teodoro Salve Florencio Flore, Ramon Romero Palawan ...................Gregorio Quic ho Ceu.rco Bacon Pampanga ................ J ose N. Manalannn Toribio Kabi/:ling lulian B. J',lenduza !'rimo Veno,a Panguinan ................ Guillermo Soriano T omas B. Carabrab Emeterio C. Camacho Dominador Ungson Riza l . •...... ......Gregorio Velasqu ez Baldomero C. Santo. Valentin T ec h Valentin C. Antazo Romblon ...................Anaslacio Millare, Donifacio Marron Samar ..................... Alejandro Si.on Gui1le~mo Arteche Pas tor T omalo n Andres Pallone. Sonogon .................. Rufino Gerona Cirilo Labrador Emilio Ge rona Nalividad Poreja Sulu .. . .......... , ....... .]ole C. Val buena Feliciai mo Su lit Safih YU la h Surigao ....................Rualieo S. Gochoeo Florencio Cervantes Pooeiano G. Onojan Tubc ..................... Leocadio D. Santiago Al ejandro Yumul Bartolome Quizon Teolilo Tu azon Tarabu .................... Francisco O. Omana Crispo Ella J ovencio Trinidad Manuel F. Villaluerte Zambale. . ...............•.Agu slin de Leo n Severiano Mani ago MclcllO~ Viloria (Actg) Zamboan ga ., ........•......Jose C. Bueoy J ose S. Perez Santiago Alfaro Vicente R. Binghay

J USTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS ABRA Munic ipal Di9tricls, of AnaYl n, Naglib an, Lanec and T inec, (Vacant) 1. P. Dolore. and Muni cipal DiuriclI of Lacub, Buneg, Mata. ragan and Bangilo. Feliciano Tuanquin, J. P. LRogang il. " and Municipal Dislricis of Licuan, Baay Ilnd Mal ibeoog. (Vacanl)

Lag-aran ano.! Muni ciPlI1 Di,triclI 01 Al aoa and Ca/:anayan, Otilio Damnen, J. P. La Paz ano.! Dangl u . Crisoslomo Pu ili u, J. P. Luba and Muinieipal DislriC15 01 Tiempo and Tuba. Sanlol Blaquera, J. P. Manabo and Municipal Dillrict. 01 Doliney and Danac. Ho rl e ncio Drillaoles, J. P. Pidigan and I'e n,..ubia. Et elboklo Valera, J. P. Sal·inpadaD and Municipal Di.lricll of Bucloe and Da· guioma n. Scrgio Mexia, J. P. Ba n g u ed (Vacant), 1. P. Pilar and Villaviciosa . Balbino J acob. J. P. (Not Atty,) , Ducay a nd T ayum. L eocadio Lalin, J. P. San Quintin and Langiden. J ose Fa rin as, J. 1'. San J uan. Gregor io Tav erne r, J. P. (Not Ally.).


B u tufln T eodullo Ri calorle, J. P. Bunawan, Manibalili, T ron lO, Sla. J osefa, Verucla, Cueva!, Du a Patroeinio, Tud ela, San Isidro and Libe rlad . Raymundo del Fierro, J. P. Cabadbaran and Jab onga Jose R. Villanueva, J. P. Nasiril Cle mente de Pe rslta, J. p , Sub· provincial division of Wawa-Ojot and Md. of San Vicente, Amparo, Slin Mateo, Las Nieves, E,jperanUl, Guad alupe, Sla. Ines, San Luis, Nanila, R emedios, 1IIilagro•• Baldngkinl Maasi n, Bunaguit Maygataun Ver. du , Nuevo Sibugal, Concordia, Nu e vo, Trabajo and Baylo. Vicente R. Pabello, J. P. Sub·pro vincial diviaion of Gibung and Md. of Ebro, Bor. bon, Prosperidad, Banban, Azpitill, L09 Arcos, Novel" and Rosario. Severo Malvar. J. P. Buenavista (E",. Order No. 65, Nov. 19, 1936.) ServlIno Jongko, J. P. Talacogon Elpidio Ace ro. J. P. Su b-provincial divi sion of Umayam and Md. 01 La Pu, Se· gunto, H alapitan, Languian, Loreto, Violanla, 510. Toma., Waloc, Nueva Garcia and J ohnson. Him e no Dallestero., J . P.

ALBAY Baeaca y hin eo Salazar, J. P. Bato and Bans Delfin Ab elIa, J. P. Camalig and DaTlga Vacant, J. 1'. Guin obalan Arsenio Ranin, J. p, 1.igao Vacant, J. P. Lib og and Malilipot J esus, J. P. MaHnao Ubaldo Arcan,el, J . P. Manito and Rapu· rapu Gerardo J osue, J. 1'.

0 ..

J ose S. Sane, J . P. Panganiban and Viga Ab elardo Buree, J. P. Tiwi Gaudioso Tena, J. P. Virae J e,us Zurb an, J. p , Calolben (Vacant), J. P. Jovellar l\Iac<lrio Muavillo, J. P.

Legas pi Gregorio Sabaler, J. P. Pandan I. idro Torrobago, J . P . Polan/:ui and Libon Vacant, 1. P.



Tabaeo Sulpiclo Cea, J. P .

ANTIQUE Buguong and Valderrama Pio Dioeo, J . P. D.o Ciriaeo O. Niet", J. P. Llua_an and Darbua Duenaventura Tolentino, J. P. Palnongon Vacant, J.P. San Remigio and Sibalom Felipe Operil\nO, 1. P. Tibiao and Culasl Evera rdo Jav ier, J. P. Caluya Ramon U\'u (Not Any.), J. p, Pandan Gregorio C. Tayeo, J. P. (No t Atty. )

San Jose Arturo Villanueva, J. P. (Atty.)

BATAAN Ragae Pablo P. Pizarro, J. P. Hermosa Simeon Raya. J. P. Orion and Lirnay Ceferino Baltazar. J.P. Pilar Eugenia S. Banzon, J, p. Abueay and Sarna) Severino Manahan, 1, p ,

Balanga 10'"" R. Canzon, J. P.

Dina)upil,an Muimo T . Valero, J. P. Mariveles Muiano VillanueYII, J. p, Moron Daniel ole la ROil (Not Atty.). Orani Fernando Rivera, J. P.

BATANES hbayat Simeon Tolentino, J. P. Mahalao, Ivana, Iyullan and Sa btan Vicenle B. Agudo, J, p.

Basco Juan B. Caslillo, ]. P.

BATANGAS Balayan and Calaca Vacant, 1. 1'.


Anda J Ole C. Femand~ J. P. Antequera and Corte. Ramon NaUlreno, J. P. Bilar Ricardo Espirit u, J. P. Dutuan and Carmen Perpetuo Melieor, J. P. Calape Teolilo Maseariiiu, J . P. Clarin and Tub/gon Franciseo C. Pemia. J . P. Co rrella Marciano 0PPUI. J. P. Daclavon and Dawl, Miguel Parru. J . P. Duero. Jagna Ind Carcil·Hernand~ COlme P. Carell, J. P. J etale and Inabanlla Norberto M. Ga llard o, J. P. Loboe J orge Dutaiid, J. P. Loon and Ma ribojoc Cornelio Sarigumba, J. P. Mabinl VaeRnt, J . P. Pangiao Felipe Dulotavlo, J . P . Sevilla Julian Ulldoraeion, J . P. Talibon and Ubay Santiago B. DUilon. J . P. Valencia, Dimiao and Lila bidoro Aeuram, J . P. Dalilihan Tiburcio Bongeara!. J . P. (Not Ally.). Cuindulman and Candijay Anastacio Torral ba, J . P. (Not Ally.). Sierra·Bullone. Quinlin Bol,er, 1. P. (Not AllY.). Sibtllna Timoteo BUldid, J . P.


Juan C. BUlalid, J. P.

BUKIDNON hnpasugonr and Md. 01 Sumilao, Maramag, Kibawi. ."d Pangantoean Feli:.; Roldan, J. P. Talahg leaul Murillo, 1. P. Tan!:culan, Mu ni cipal Dislrict of Malitbo!:, Libona and Dauii!:on Natalio P. Amarga, 1. P.

M a layba lay Pedro Carillo, J . P.


Pedro Munoz, 1. Bauan Quinlin Cauillo, J. P. Calatagan Manuel 1'. Calanog, J. P. Lipa Clato T. Almeda. J . P. Malvar and Matul na Kahoy Mlrcelo Carlngal, J. P. San Juan ' Arsenio M. Lopez, J. p, 510. Tomas and Taliuy AnndclO Idalabuyo, J. P. Taoauan Pedro M. Katigbak, J. P. Tayun and Lobo Adriano Gonulez, J. P. Tuy, Naaugbu and Lian JOle D. Cutillo, J. P. Mabin; and Ibaan Diego Arana~, J. P. RonTio and San Jose JOle fo.1;. ManguiRl, J. P. San Lui!, Cuenca and Alilagtag Dominador RodriIP,ez, J.P. Taol and Lemery Rdmou Cobrera. J . P. (Not Atty.).

DOIIOL Albuquerque and Loay JOle Fernandez, J. P.

BULACAN naliwag Muimo Abaiio, J. P. BU,IO! Teofilo Abejo, J. P. Calumpit Guillermo Rey es, J. P. M a Jolos Heraclio H. del Pil.r, 1. P. Obando and Polo Beni(Do de los SanlO', J . P. Paombonll Emilio Cervante., J. P. I'ulilan Lorenzo V.lentin, J. P. Qui n!:ua (Plaridel) Franc ilco Valenci., J . P. San IId cfonlO J ose L. Santilllo, J. P. Sta. Mari a and Sin J o,e del MOnie Prudencio Perez, J . P. Angat Vacanl, J. P. Bigall and Bocaue Donifacio Enriquez, J. I'. Dulacan and Cuiguilllo Marilno DU8l01, J. r. Hagonoy Federico Bulaong, 1. P. Marilao and Meycauayln Fermin SamlOn, J. P.


DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Honagany Anaclelo Crul;, }. P. (Not AllY.). SaD Migu el Jo.e Marcelo, 1. P. San bfael A,elino R. Ioaquin, J. P. CAGAYAN Abulog Reymuodo Florentino. J. P. Allacapm Weoc:ealao Agnir, 1. P.

Siruma RCSlitulo Noble, J. P. Pam piona and San Fernando Luis General y de la Fuenta, }. P. Tigaon and Sagnay Felil[ Belga, 1. P. Cabu u o and LihmaDio Roherto Zurbaoo, J, P. Caramoan (Vacant), 1, P. Nabull and BalO Eucenio F. Seleyi." J. P.



Eli.. Canapy. 1. P. Balles terOI Brigida Rapad u, J. P. Cama!aninilin aod Bugn ey Dioniaio A. Tljoo, }. P. Clueria Ind Langaiigan Paulino Alonzo, 1. P. Enrile Anlonio Gorolp e, J. P. Galtaran Mariano A. Berbllno, }. P. Faire Timoteo P. Alcid, J, p. Iguig and Amn looc Nicaaio Arranz, }. P. Pamplonl Anlonio Azur;n. J. P. PenablanclI Hon esto Penlfiel , J. P. Pial and Riza l Monico Beltran , J. P. Sanche:!' Miro DioscolTo B. Rom ero, 1, P. Alcala Pedro M. Cammad, 1. P. (N ol Ally.) . B.ggao Ricilldo Sianzon, J. P. Calayan Casimiro Tallud, 1. P. (Not Atty.). Gonuga Tomas Onale, J. P. (Nol Auy.). Lallo Teofilo de Leon, 1. P. (Not Atty.) SoiaDl Nicasio CaballO. J. P. (Nol Ally.) TUlo lose Fonacier, ; J. P.

Tul1.uel1.a r ao JOIIe P. Ca rli:, 1. P.

CAMARINES NORTE Buud and San Vi ce nte Fernando Suzllla, 1. P. Clpalooga Roberlo V, Zanlul, 1. P.

Daet (Vacanl) , 1. P.

J. Plliiganibllll &lid Parlcale Simeon Garlin, }. P. Labo and Indan Eusebio D. Bauliita. }. P. Taliuy Claudio SUleTO, J. P. (Nol Ally.).


Buo frineo Llorin. J, P. Bab; and Iriga AnaelelO Trinidad, 1. P. Bula Ind Pili Anluacio Prila. J. P. Calabanga and Tin.mbac Pablo Sihulo, 1. P. Call1aligan and Clion Ceronimo Calinog, 1. P. Ind Magano Valen tin Rey e!!, }. P. Lagonoy, San los" and Coa Vietodno AURa, 1. I'. Lopi and Sipoeol Mamerlo BouOI, 1. P. ?olilaro aod Minalabac Cirilo V, AUllrl ... , 1. P. RQJay and GaIlq:o Cerman ViIJera. J. P.

Vicente Tu uOIl , 1. P. Pancao Conatancio GUlierrez, 1, p,

CAPIZ Dao and Sigma Anae1cto L, Bclloeillo, }. P. IhajllY a.,d Navu Mcliton D. Alhano, J. P. l uiun Luis Felicilno. J. I'. Kaliho Jose Tirol, }, P. Malinao Vacanl, }. 1'. Mam hu n o and l aminda n Manuel B1lnco, 1. 1', New Washinglon Fauuino Marlir e:z, J. p, Numancia and MakalO Filomeno Diapo, J. P. Panay and Panilan Antonio Beldia, 1. P. Pilar (Vacant)' 1. P. Poolued ra Trifon Delfin, J. P. Altavas and Sapian Ju ao Maravilla. 1. P, Balete Generolo Aparicio, J, P. Banga Jose Peralta 1. P. Balan Juan C. Cortea, 1. P. Burulnga Macario S. Cui" 1. P. Capiz Vaeanl. J. P. Cuartero Amldor Di. II;O, J. p, Dumarao Anlonio C. Donado, }. p" (Nol Att y. ) Dumalag and Tlpu Ruperto VilIareel, 1. P. Lihleao Eu'rooio E. edona, 1. P. Sapian 1111" O. Peralt., 1. P. CAVITE Alfonso .nd Mendez Nunez Patdcio Gan, 1. P. Amad eo 100e A. Fo; ... }. P. Carmona E1eol u lico Cuen• • 1. P. Dalmariii .. Venando Aquino, 1. p, Cenerll Trias (Vacant). J. P. Kawil and No .. ,,!ct. Fidel Rosanes, 1. P. MagalJanel Ind Bailen Manuel Cueneo IOle. J. P. RO'tfrio and Tann Vicente Ferrill, 1. P. Bacoor and Illloe Fernando Viniegra, 1, r. Cavite Lupo H. Torre. , 1. P. Maragoudon end Tarnal C Vieenle Cuajunco, 1, P. Naie and Indlog NClIOr;o Mojica, J. p,






Rafael Madulo, J. P.

I'a&tor Quimpo, ]. P. Cla n nad Boayan C.1vino Yap·Chiong co, J. P. Lebak and Solaman lIicardo Cabaluna, 1. P. Miduyap J05e O. Eleazar, J. P. Pikit.Pangaiungan, Sitik and Balatikan Mat eo Borlongnn, J. P. BarriT. ud Huldon Pascual Monfo r!, J . P. Kidapnwa n and Cabacan Buena,'cotura, J. P. P arang. Ba lu! and BUllaoan Flore ncio Cario" J. P. Dinaig, Kalanganan, Nuliog and Subpaogan Marcelino Amigo, J. P. KilUbud, Carmen and DanisHan Felipe G. Yap, J. P. Dut,,_n , Koron adal Scbu and Liguan ll Braulio Hurtado, J . P. Tumbao. Lubungan and Gambar Pablo L. Madarnba, J. P. Kiamba Bud Kling Ju an Aldaba, J . P.

Corregidor J Olc ph E. Krame r, J. P.

CEBU Al coy and Boljoon Cenr Kinlanar, 1. P. Asturiu J Ole A. Binthay, J. P. Balamban Pallor "ilI.mor, J. P. Carca r Santiago V. Lucero, 1. p. Carmen. Sorod and Catmon T eodoro Arn oco. J, P. Dumanjug Marian o Florido. J. P. Gina tilan E steba n Pa ulin, J. P. Liloln and COnlolacion Filomeno C. Pagusa ra, J. P. Min glanilla Cuiano S. Carin. J. P. ~Ioalboal nnd Dadian Ant onio Ibanez , J. P. Naga Solroni o A. SevaUon, J. P. Pi namungahan and Alogui5lln Bial CBYada, 1. P. Ronda CayeUno M. Villamor, J. p, San F ernando P rospero V. P anarC9, J. P. San R emegio a nd Medellin Gabriel B. Ybanez, J. P. Sibonga and ArG:ao Carlns R amas. J. P. Santander Vedalto Niere, J. P. Sta. ~·e. Bantaya n and Madrejo. J oaquin Maambong, J. P. Ta boJlon Felix Gonzalez, J. P. Tuburan Alejandro Ecarma, J. P. T udela Honorato Gardano, J . P. Alcantara Eladio Alpuerto, J. P. (No l Atty.) Alegria and i\1alabuyoc Anuuclo Loreto, J. P. BarHi Galieano Yap, J. P. Bago Ignacio Rodriguez, J. P. Borbon Sal.... do. Manilub at, J.' P. (Not Any.) Compoltela P edro Cabatinilan, J. P. (Not An y.) Co rd ova Sab .. N. Gorre, 1. P. (Not Att y. ) Daanbanlayan Francileo ~ratheo, J. P. (Not Atty.) Oal.gucte Carlol Montenegro, J. P . (Not Ally.) Danao Antonio L a O. J. P. (Not Atty. ) Mandawe Luciano Baeayo , J . P. (Not Atty.) Opon Francilco ArgOl, J. P. (Not Atty.) O.lob Elias S. Gum en, J. P. (Not Any.) Pilar Nicol .. Potol, J, P. (Not An y.) Poro Fidel Martina, J. P. (Not Atty.) Samboan Demetrio J abagl t. J. P. (Not AllY.) Sin Franciaco Senpion L. Ma rtine&:, J. P. (Nol Atty.) Tali .. y Canuto O. Lanobi •• J . P. (Not Ally.) T oledo Roman B. Ab ella. J . P. (No! Atty.)

DAVAO Cara,a an d Manay Vi cen te Cala.nog, J . P Cllee! a nd Ba,an ga Pro.pera dor C. Danao, J, P. Co_pollela Anacleto CrUJ. J. P. 111. D. o f Capalong and Cema nlo J 0111 Maogune, J. P. Mali!a, Caburan and Balulaki Jamae l Velolo, J. P. Ma ti and M. D. o f Lupon Arlc n io ACUTenles, J. P. Mun. Di, 1. of Monkayo J Ole P. C r u~, J. P. M. O. of Tagum and Saug Valeri o r. Reyea , J. P. M. D. of Sam.1 and P anlukan 1IIInuei P. Cutro, J. P. M. D. of Stl. Cru R afael F. Sinlos, J. P. M. D. of Sigaboy and Surup Sulpicio E. Platon, J . p, Da ....o Penal Colon y (Vaca nt), 1. P.

ILOCOS NORTE Addams and Dumalnog JU l iO Vela!co, J. P. Badoc an d Pinili Jose Ab ellon. J. P. Banna and Nueva Era Liborio ID ea. J . p, Bangui R icard o Anfil,", J. P. r a.uquin lIIlTia J uno Guerrero. J. P. Dingraa Dominador Pedro. J. P. Paoay. Batac an d Curimao F elix Veuoza, J. P. Piddig and M. O. of Bogpapaloan and Cur..i Lui l Florelc a, J. P . Sobona Valeriano Anlonio, J. P. Vintar lind Sarrat J un Gerrardo, J. P. Guillermo L. Pac i., J . P.

Laoag Severo H ernand o, J. P. San Nicolu Carmelo Madamba, J . P. BurlOI Valerio M. Andr es, J. P.



Awang. Dinaig.



Marcelino AmillO, J. P.

Sub'pangan, and


Cuudon Quinlin Gorospe, J. P. CaO.I·an I nd Banlay Juan Amor, J. P. "'arwacen Gerardo Bello, J. P.


New Santa Vicente Cuttodio, J. P. Sitay (Vacant), J. P. 5u:. Catalina and San Vicente Victorino J imenez. J. P. 510. D~mingo and Sin IId donlo J OIe N. Sinl'lon, J. P. SIL Maria and BUl1'OI Ciria~o Parel, J. P. Suyo Alejandro HoHcore. , J. P. Alilem and SUIPOD 5i:ll0 Domine, J. P. Bau,en and Mun. Di, t. of Concepcion J ose Cui a Garces. J . P. (Nol Atty.) Cabu,ao and Settlement. of Nali:,incacln and Dalili:an ADdre. Cabana., J. P. Cernnle. and Anl'·Ald Jo.e Aba)'a, J. P. Galimu)'od Bias Espiritu, 1. P. Lapog and Settlement of Aillang Genero. o Belmonte, J. P. Lidlida and San Emilio Cenon Cabote, J. P. Ma,singal Felipe Tolent in o, 1. P. Nagbukal Vacanl, J. P. San Esteban Muimo Aba),a, 1. P. (Not Att)'.) Santiago and Banayo)'o Eli .. Quintol, 1. P. Sta. Luci., Sla. Cru", and Seulement of Pidpid Ancel Cabote, J. P. Sinai! Gaudencio Vencrn J. P. (Not All),.) T.,udin Gaudencio Cudi.nat, J. P.

Vigan Constantino ROllrio. J. P. ILOILO Aiuy and Sara Ramon BuenconU'jo, 1. P. DUolac NueYo and Dumanga. Manuel Pama. J. P. Barotac Viejo Ladialao Belm onte, 1. P. Buen"", Marciano M. Yap, 1. P. Cabatuan Pacifico Cajilic. J. P. C&linog Vicenl e D. Muyco. J. P. Ellancia, Baluan and Carle. Felipe Abdallah, J. P. GuirnbaJ Mario Guarina, J . P. ]aniua), and Lamhunao Natividad Parcon Gonule •• J. P. hro Iacinto Evidente, 1. P. Jordan Placido Robilla, 1. P. Maa~in

Dominador P. Sir.:!, 1. P. i\liagao Grecnrio Gatan G..a taya. J . P. Pototan and Din,le Jose Divina,racia, 1. P. San Dionisio IlIId Concepcion Emilio S. Capalla, 1. P. San Miguel, Alimodian and Leon Andrei Colendret, 1. P. Banate Elpidio Badilll, J. P. (Not Atty.) Duenas aod Pani Ceferioo Rermano, J. P. (No! Auy.) Igbaru Domingo Elcudo, J. P. (Not AUy.)

Iloilo Ioul Vicente ~fapa, ActioI', J. P. Olon IU 9to Sainlon. J. P. Pavia aod Sta. Barbara Fclicillilo Sodusta, J. P. San Joaquin Ellcban S. Si .... , 1. P.

Tigbauan Ignacio Torre h anca. 1. P. (Not All),.) Tuhungan (Vacant). J. P. An ilao Vaeant. J. P. Legan es Vacant. J. P. Nueva Valenci a Vacant, J. P. Zarra,a "acanl. J . P. ISABELA Angadanan and Ec haguc Lui! de la Cru~, J. P. Antalet Dominador Mina. I. P. Caha,an Mamerto Talamayan. J. P. Cauayon and Reina Mercedes Agapito Salvador, J. P. Dalig Dominador Ang co, I. P. Jon es Gauden cio Linlao, J. P. Nagui li an and Gamll Manu el P. Castro, I. P. Palanan Amhr osio C. Agla bao. I. P. San Mariano Felis 5. Mariano. I. P. Saota Mari.:! and Sa n Pablo Silve.lre Ma cu lay, J. P. Santiago and Cordon Luil T ago rd l, J. P. Turnau ini Tranquilino Madlmha, J. P.

lIagan ViCloriano Ven o... I. P. LAGUNA Alamino. R oman GClI mundo. I. P. Bay. Calauang and Lo. Bano. Zacarin Ticzon. 1. P. Cavinti Feli,; Talabil. I. P. Famy Diol dado Dalena, 1. P. Lumhan Filomeno Cadayona. J. P. Longo. Gregorio O. Periodica. I. P. Lilio Dam uo Ten lco, J. P. i'llabilac Pedro Espiritu, J. P. Maiayiay SanlOI H. Misli ca. I. P. M.,daiena Ricardo Monl3 ii.:!D o. J. P. Nagcarlan Artemio de Leo n. I. P. Pila Iulio Alv ero. I. P. Riul Epif:mio Lucido, I. P. Santa Maria Vi cen te R. R edo r, I. P. San Pablo Iuao Conl cro Ahril. I. P. Sla. Ro! a and Cahuyao Federico A. CDrino, I. P. Calamba David Carreon, 1. P. Lu isiaDa Geronimo Garcia. I. P. Pakil Turiano Monl el, I. P. (Not Ally.) Paogi! Engracio Balita, J. P. (Nol Atty.) Paete Viclorino ZDblan , I . P. Pag.anjan Vaclnt, I. P.

Santa Cruz Paulo Macanet, J. P.

11 5



San P edro n and Dinan Santos D. Pompolina, J. P. Siniloan

Pascual J . P. (Not Any.) LANAO


NIl.TCi90 Marilao, J. P. Ynopacan Dod Hindang

Juveneio Borneo, J. P. San Miguel Ramon do Voyu., 1. P. Alang.alang

SinforOIO AnoIa,

Francisco Obach. J. P. Gaoani, Biniday. n, Pua las and Nunungan Gregorio Javier, J. P. Momungan, Balul, Panlao·Ragat " P an lar I,nacio Abralan, J. P. Malaban" Tuburan and T Dtariea n Leode,ario B. Diokno. J. P. Tamparan, Mlilundu, Taraka. Ma,ing. Ga la and Maciu Laurentinio L. B~ddle •• J. I'. Iligan, Mandulog " Kapi Vicente G. Aquino. J. P. SaguiDran. Sungod, Dit un & Dubong Vacant, J. P. Ualo. Marantao & Tuga ya Ambrosio Doil ete, J. P. Bacolod. Madamba '" Madalum Timolco itamiro , J.P. Lumbstsn, Bayang '" Dutig MarciDI Corder.o, J. I'. Kolambugan, Kapatagan '" Monai Geronimo Marue, J. P.

LA UNION Agoo, 510. Tomas and nouri o Benito D. Diu, J. P. Ba1aoan and Santol F ernando U. Zambrano. J. P. Bangar and Sudipen Vicent e COIlf,:epcion, J. P. Bauang Ceferino Tavora, J . P. Luna and Bacnolan Juan P. Aquino, J. P. Naguilian an d Ba,ulin lose M. Mendon, J. P. San Ju an and San Gabriel Bonifacio Guino, J . P. Tubao and Pugo Snturnino O. Madarang, J. P. Burgos Paciano Rimando, J. P. Caba and Aringay Ricardo Ordona, J. P.

San Fernando

Nicanor Tuon, 1. P.

LEYl'E Abuyog Jor!:e M. Sevilla, J. I'. Albuers Narcis o A. Cristino, 1. P. Babalogon Joaquin Hacbanl, J. 1', Baybay Vacan t, J. P. BaTUro Galieano Enerlao, J. P. Biliran and Nual Pedro Mate. 1. P. Durau.,n tii,eo de Veyra, 1. P. Capoocan Isaias Ariu, 1. P. Cawayan and Caibirau Leoncio Salnlierra, 1. P. Dulsr Gregorio Mootejo, 1. P. Jaro Florentino Peiiaranda, Jr., J. P. La Par. Apolinario Oriel, J. p, Leyte and Calubian Juan VelolO. 1. P. MaDlin and Macrohon I,mael Villamor, J. P. l\falitbor. 50god and Liboson Santiago Palermo, 1. p, Matalom and Dato Pacifico Ybaiiu, 1. P. Merida and Palornpon Antonio M. Brillo, ]. P. Pa-uaoa 10l e P. Pi ll OO, 1. P. Yillaba and San Isidro

J. P.


Rufino Aslorga,

J. P.

Dag ll.mi

Pedro Pacheco, J. P. (Not Ally.) Hil on~OI

Marcelo A. Al eman ia, J. P. (Not Atty.) Hinunanga n, Hinunda ya D, AnahanaD li nd C.balian Fe liciano S. Nombrado, J. P. Liloan and PinluY' 1i Domin ll.dor YeiOIO, J. P. Maripipi

Pelagio Atakan al , J. 1'. (Not Atty.) Ormoc

Tcodoro A. Avll u , J. P. Palo

Antonio Montillll, ] . P.

Tacloban Eugenio N. Brillo. J. P. Tanauan Dud Toloao Toribio Pedro.a, J. P.

MARINDUQUE Gaun and Bueuni.ta JOle 0, Lardizabal, 1. P. MogpO&' Figido Luna, J . P. 51a. Cruz Pampilo I\hnltuen, J. P. TorrijOi Marcelo P e, J. P.

Boac Dalmac:io Li a¥e, ]. P.

MASBATE Aroroy JOle Alb ornoz. J. P. Dimas.a lan, Iguaci o F. Manltoling , J.



Dioldado Bacolod, J. P. San Pucual Pedro Q. Ella, J. P. Calaingan Rurino ROlcro, J. P. (Not Atty.) Uilagro. P. J o,e 1\J. Anlluslia, So. Fernando Rogato Alindolla n, J. P. (No l Atty.) S,. Jacinto J ose D. Javier. J. P.


MINDORO Abra de 1I0r Bienvenido Cobarrubl.. , ]. P. Looc and Lubang luu. Abeleda, ]. P. Mamburao and P alua n Cipriano Libor o, ] . P. NaujlUl and P ol. Jose Y. Balda-, 1. P. Pinamalayan and Bongabong Augullo V.lencia, J. P. Sablayan C.lix!o Marlinez, J. P. S.n JOle Nicanor l\Iaruillan, 1. P. Bula1acao P edro Esg uerra, 1. P. (No l Ally.)

Calapan Eleno Kajay on, J. P. Man181ay Funcilco Gamboa, J. P. Puerto Galera, Baco and San Teodoro Vicente Leido. J. p, (Not AllY. )

MOUNTA IN PROVINCE Bukod, Kabaygan Bugul .. an d Atok: l erome Fakal, J . p, Kabug~o, Connor and Luna Victorino de Caslro, J. 1', Mlln. Dill. of Sabangan, Bauko lod Kayau Manuel Cariiio, J . P.


DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Tinglayan, Sadanga, Sagada, and Besao I&dro Navarro, J. P.

8aguio City Criunlo Ar-t:"on , J. P. Blyag (Vleant), J. P. Bonto<:: Juan Barba, J. P. hogon IJJd Tuba Luia Ortega, J. P. Kiangan (Capital of IfuClo) Hundnan, Burnay , and Blnawe Ign acio Aruirre. J. P. Kibungan, Ba~on Ind Mankayan Teolimo Garcia, J. P. Lubuangan, Balba!an, Pinukpuk, Tabuk and Tanodan JOle L. Villanueva. J . P. Natonin, Barlig and May ayao and Tanudan Crilogono T. Bautil 13, J. P. Trinidad and Mun. Disl. of Sablao, Tublay and Kapanean Manuel Mantilla, J. P.

NUEVA ECIJA Aliaga Venaneio Soriano, ] . P.


Gregorio Cadhet, J. P, Cabiao and San Isidro Daniel Domingo, 1, P. Clranglan Teodulo R. Lindain, J, P. Cuyapo Santiago Gregorio, J. P, Clpan Cri. pulo T. Mlnubay, J, P. Cuimb. Nicanor Bumlnlag, J, p, Laur J ulio !lhgno, J. P. Licab Pedro J. Bau lilll , 1. P. Muiiol Builio V, Cutro, 1. P. Plntabangan Yi~enle CabaUe ro Talenl, J. p, Penar.nda and Paplya Ni~anor M. Carda, 1. P. Quezon and Sto. Domingo Mariano Q. Tinio J . P. San Antonio NicUior Mlgno, J . p, Sin Leonlrdo (Vacant), J. P. Sta. Roaa Sabino Aguilar, J. P. Talavera Ind Riu l Gelacio T. YU l e, J . P. Zaragou Pablo L. Mateo, J. P. Bongabon Lorenzo de Guzman, J. P. J.~

Pedro M. Moralee, J. P. Lupao and San Jose J ose Padilla, J. P. N.mpiculn Viuoriano Gonzales, J. P.

NUEVA VIZCAYA Arilao and Bamban, Vicente Lioten, J. p,

Oroquleta Paulino A. Canol, J. P . Plaridel I.abelo Villanueu, J. P. T&nrub Angel Abinale., J. P, BaHangao Serapio A. Damper, I. P. (Not Atty.) Lop l'z*]aena Eufruio Cajiloe. I. P. Tudela (Vacant), I . P. Bonifacio VICinI, I . P.

ORIE.NTAL MISAMIS Alubijid (V'cant), I. P. BallnglJag, SI1ay and Clneri. Marcelo Valdehuell. J. P.


Eufrocino Limbleo, J. P. ?Iambahao, Sl\i'ay and Cltum.n Gerardo Gaerlan, J. P. Tali,ayan, einioog Ind Quinoruilan Agultin Antillon, I. P. Inilao, Lourde. Ind Lumbia Santiago Mercado, I. p, Tagoloan Paulino Peiillola, I. P. (Not Atty.)



Eleuterio GUSlil o, I. P. Bago and Pulupandan Hiroleo Villaroll, J. P. C.lalrava Feliaberto Broce, I. P. CluaYln BI.. CerOnl, 1. P. EacalanlO Estrella, I. P. Himlmaylan Manu el Tunugbanu. , I . P, habela and Bi",lbagan Dioni, io Villaruz. 1. P. 1I0g

Ramon T.tenreo. I. P. Kab.nkalan Vidal Vallejera, I. P. La Carlol. Felix Amanle, I. P. La Castellana Carloa AgUlin. I. P. Ponlevedra and Hiniguan Raymundo Soberl no, I. P. San CarlOI I Ole Azeona, J. P. Valladolid and S.n Enrique Manuel H. Jovelona, I. P. Vietoriu and MaPDpla David Fuenlebelll, I. P. Cadiz and S.ray Pedro Ib.nez, I. P . Murcia Serafin Laeson, J. P. (Not Atty.) Saravia Jose A. Tionlko, I. P. (Not Atty.) Talisay and Silay l ose Buenaflor, J. P.


Vic ent e Sin"on Tancco, 1. P. Dupu .nd Md. of Clai bu Marceliano A. Nepomueeno, 1. p, Solano and Bagabag Rafael de Guzman, 1. P. Pinappagan Catalina Valbu ena, J. P. (Not Ally.) 511. Fe, Kapaya, Imu,au and Pingkian Jelul S. Mendozl, J. P. (Not Auy.)

OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS Aloran Vacant, J. P, Clarin Ceferino Paredes, J. P. Jimenez CUlor Enerio, J. P. Milami! Sanli.,o CallJJe, J. P.

ORIENTAL NEGROS GuijulngaD and VaUehermolo Manuel P. Trinidad, J. P. Maria aDd Lui Celerino Marlinez. J. P. Sial on and ZamboaDluila Juan Catalan. I. P. Tolong VacaDt, I. P. Baia and Manjuyod Gregorio Pin iii. I, P. Duin and Bleong Ramon Centeno, I. P.


AnicelO V. Dorado, J. P. Tayasan .nd Ayuhgon Vicente Paras, I. P. Laren. and Enrique Villanuna Pedro Bandoquillo, J. P.




Pablo TCVC8, J. P. (Not Atty.) Sibulan Eduardo M. Cuadra, J. P. (Not Atty.) Siquijor and Sill) J uan Antonio Largo, J. P. (Not Atty.) Tanjar and Ayuqllitan Rafael Montenegro, J. r. (Not Atty.) La Libertad and .rimnlal"d Eduardo P, Arrieta, J .P.

PALAWAN Dalabac Alejandro Ponee de LeoD, ]. P. Cuyo and Agulay. Nicolu Feliciano. 1. P.

Puerto Prlncesll

Cludendo Abo rd o. ]. P. Aborlln Ind Droobpoint Inigo Pena, ]. P. CaglYlncHlo T elesloro Pllred es. J. P. Coron .nd Bacuil Anenio Uatue • • J. P. Dumaran and T'ytay Ceneroln Dorj • • I. P.

PAMI'ANGA FloridablanCft anu Lub.o Eduardo D. Cutierr~, J. P. Guaguo. .nd Sumoan Dionilio T. Tanglao, J. P. Muieo .nd San Luis Deoi.min Nori ela, J. P.

San Fernando

Bonifacio T. I,ip, I. P. Bacolor .nd Min.lin Leopnldo Llyui:, I. P. .nd Ar'yllt hid ro TaYlg, J. P. ebe and Mu.ntol R.mnn Mirllnd., I. P. ~ra g.lang, Angelel Ind Camp Stotlenbur, Arturo l oven, I. P. P orac Ind Sta. ){ita Alejandro Tll y. g, I. P. S.n Simon lind Ap. lil Vicent e Leut crio. J. P. S.ntll. An ll . nd Candaha Lui. Pin eda, J. P.

PANGAS l NAN Agno and BanI Eliseo Mont e mayor, J. P. Aguilar and Buga lJ on Mari.n o C. Morales, J. P. AI. min os Ind M.hini Nemesio B. lonzo. 1. P. Asi ngan and S ~ n ~bnuel Federico Allonlo, J. P. BlI.ll tis ta Jos e Ma ceran u , J. P. Biumlley Prud enc io Catubig, J. P. Bolin l.O An tonio Rul z. J. P. Burgo' and Duol Emigdio Najera, J. P. Dagupan J uan A. Benitez. J. P. Inlan ta Marian o ViII l nuen, J. P. Mallll iqui RaYlDundo F errer, J. P. i\fllngl ta rem Joge P. Calimlim, J. P. Natividad Vaca nt , }. P. Ronlet Jose F. Llamu , J. P. Si,on Victorino B. Coyagoy, J. P. San Carlos Enrique P. Rcs ulran, J. P. San Fabian Rufino C onnlc., J. P. San 1ac int o and Map and an Mun cion S l50n·Ma clltaeg, 1. P. Sinta Maria Leandro D. laeot, J. P.

Santo T omu Codofredo Kayaban, J. P. Sua! Manuel Fernandez, J. P. Tayug

Dionisio Garcia, J. P. Urbiztondo Domingo CabangOll, J. P. Urdane ta Ncm c8io l\fnn"linong. 1. P. Villa,;, II ddon.o de Guzman, ]. P. Alcala Benito Mab.lot, J. P. (Not Auy.) Anda Pedro RiveTs, J. P. (Not Ally.) Bailing-aD Vacant, J. P. Bayambang Cecilio Monlemll.yor. J. P. Bluaionlln Honorio Romero, J. P. C.lasino

Cregorlo Sevidal, ]. P. Labrador Vaunt, J. P.

Llngayen Pascual Behnn, I. P. Mallaoag and Po~orrubio lose Garcill, J. P. !\IallG"aldan babclo M. Cendllna, J. P. San NicolllJ Victor Deoferio, I. P. San Quinlin Ramon R. Obaii., I . P. (Not Atty.) Sla. Barb ... Alfredo Horeea. I. P. Umi ngan Emil io F e rnandez, I. P.

RIZAL Anlipolo .nd Teresa Angel M. Lorenzo, I, P. Dinangonan Ricardo Ollvu, I. P. Cardona .nd Morons: EmealO Anllelea, I. P. L.. Piii.. Antonio Con zale9, I. P. Malabon Ricardo C. Rohles, I. P. Msndaluyong Rafael Arc ell3, I. P. Mariquin. Conrado M. Vicente, ] . P. Navotas Pedro Lopez. I. P. Pililla and I lllj.11 MamellO Tingkungko, I . P. San Mlleo Muimino M . Sandiego, J. P. Ciloocan JOle F. Orel., I. p, Tln.y Irineo Bernardo. J. P. Tayt.y P rotacio Amonoy, I. p, Angono F elipe P. Anieva9, I. P. Baru Mariano Man ahan, J r., J . P. Cainta Mrs. Mi!Ji: rol Llerena Telmo, Montalhun Vacant, J. P. Muntingl up . Mareelo Bohadilla, J. P. Paraiiaque Guill ermo nomero. J. P. Puay Ignacio Santo, y Dia~, I. P.

Pasig Simeon


J. P. Tagig Craciano T. Banaag, J . P. San luan d el Monte J ose S. V.lenda, J. P. Plll ~ ros


J. P.


DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE San Pedro lIf1lkali and McKinley Andre. C. Siochi, I . P. Quezan Cily Perfe(: IO Palacio, I . I'.

ROMBLON Badajo! and Di.pujol. Gerardo C. Barredo, J. P. Jon Cl, Concepcion and Corcuera Manuel T. Ah e ro, J. P. OdionlllW and Looc Francisco FODdeyilla, 1. P.

Sorsogon Fernando Gerona, J . P. Dacon Mn. Concepcion Ubalde Lirn, I. P. Bulan Felix Cillego, J . P. (Nol Atty.) Ca, iguran Amad eo L. Inciso, J . P. (Nol AllY.) Cubat Viclori o RamO!, J . P. (Nol Atty.) Prieto Diu T omn T ulaiiez, J. P. (Not Atty.)

Romblon I Ole J. Montero, I . P. San Fernllndo, Cajidioca n and Magdiwaog (Ya ca nt), J. P .

SAMAR All en a nd LavCZlrCI Zo,;mo B. Echanova, J. P. Balang iga Emilio Langomes. J. P. Bobon, Calar man and Mondrag on Alberto S. Lim, J. P. Borongan and San Juli on E, trban l1ao, J. P. Capul and San Antonio Constancio Esplii" . J. P. OolorCl, Orll, Jipap ad and Mllloa: Gr egorio Abogado, J . P. Guiuan an d Salcedo Luis P. Munoz, J . P. Gandara a nd Mun. Dill . of Malugu ;n.o Leovigildo B. Mijares, J. P. Hemani Simon Lontejn. J. P. Oquendo and T inamblcan Jos e Santo! Pido, J. P. Palapa, a nd Catubi, Celedonio Alc ua r. J. P. Pambuja n and La olng Marciano Chitongco, J . P . Sla. Rit l Jo'elip e Aide, J. P. Ta rt an d Su bt Porfiri o Ope rario, J. P. Vmarea! Yacant, J . P. ZUlllarraga (Vacant). J. P. Almagro Emiliano Pantalcon, J. P. (Not Att y.) Bascy Pio K. T abunda, J. P. (Not Atty.) Calbayog Fern and o de 101 Santo., 1. P. Calb!ga Vacant , J. P.

Catbalogan Ceaareo C. Singson, J. P. L10nnte Pedro Al egre, J. P. Sla. Margarita Clarencio CalagOI, J. P. (Not All Y.) Santo Nino Felipe Sla. J uanl, J. P. (Not All Y.) Tlrangnan Norberto Lucero, J . P. (Nol AllY.) Wright, Hinabangan Concord and San J ose de Buan Ang el RosalCl, J. P. (Not Atty.)

SORSOGON Barcelona Antonio Ali ndogan, J . P. BuluBlII Liborio Bayot, J. P. Cu tilla lind Pilar Jos'; III ZOII , J. P. DolIS o) JOle Arambul o. J. P. Irosin Agultin FribBldo, J. I'. Juban Pedro Gu evara, J. P. Magallanes Forlunalo Frilh~. , I. P. Sanla Magda lena and MalnOI Ma merlo Gonzaln, J. P.

SULU Indanan "aCanl, ]. P.

J 010 Ricardo T. Garc ia, J. P. Mun. Di, l. of Cagayan de Su lu Angel Jamin , J. P. Mun. Di ~I. of Luuk, T on qllil , Panamao and Pala J uan T . Alvarcz, J r., J. P. Mun. Diu . of Sini a nd Tapul l\hrlin A. Paulate. J. P. 1\l un. Di8l. of Soul h Ubl an and Tandu bas Vacant, J. P. Mun. Disl. 01 Pangatu ran, Marungas. Palikul , Parang, Maim. bung amI T a!ipao Euge nio Suarez. J. P. (Nol Auy.) Mun. DiS!. of Sitankai and Si bulu Dominad or A. Co ronel, ]. P. Mun. Di. l. of Bungao, llalimbin(: and Sumumul Valcrio V. Rovira, J. P.

SURIGAO Billig Aurelio Pareja. J. P. Carrncal. Cantilan aod Lanuza Salurnino Pltino. J. p, L ianga Vacant. ]. P. Mainit and Placer Vicenle Gonnlla, ]. P.

Surigao Ri cardo D. Garc;a, J. P. TallO and T and lll J o!e del Carmen, J . P. Bacuag lind Gi gaqu h J ose M. T umu lak, J. P. (N ot Atty.) Dapa. Cral Lun a anri Numaneia Ari5lon II . J oven, J. P. Dinagat and Lore to P rocopio F lor, J. P. H inBtUan J uli an Marlinu, J. P. (Not Atty.) Lingig Vacan l, I. P.

TAR LAC Bamban Pac ific o A. Nlvarro, J. P. Capa! F Sanche~, J . P. Concepcion Gregorio Alencio, J. P. Gerona Rodrigo S. Villa, J. P. L a p az Simeon Salak, J. P. Pura L eandro Panlaqui, ]. P. Ramo! Jo!e P. Sibal, J. P. Sa n Clemente and Camiling Auguslo lI.gan. ]. P. San l\hnuel and Moncada ( Vacanl), J. P. Victoria Patricio T. Rill or, J. P. Sla. Ignacia (Vacant ) . J. P, Anao Lazaro Martinez, J . P . (Not Atty.) I\ layanlOc Fortunnlo Doming o, 1. P. Paniqui Eliseo F. Marqu ez, J. P. (Not Atty.)

Tarlac Alfredo Cu tro, J . P.




Pe r e~

Santiago O. Tanada, J. P. Pllogo Pantaleoo Mon lano, J. P. Quezon Builio de Cuzman, J. P. San Nard,o Marciano Aquino, J . P.

Cuillu ran

Nieomedea Garcia, J. P.

CuinayangllD Guillermo Eleazar, J . P.

Lucen3 Romu.lda A. Enriqu el, J. P. Padre Burgol H ugo O. Arellano, J. P. Palilla Ruperto Aheede, J. P . Slmp.loc Va can t, }. P. Sada1·

ZAMBALES Botolan Alfredo C onnles, J. P. Cablllgan Antonio Angelcl, J. P. San F elipe Esteban Rivero, J. P. Santa CrnJl P-hriano Medina, 1. P. CllDdelaria Nicol.. Eliuo, 1. P. Cu tillejol and Zubic lrineo M, Fela rca, J. P.

Francisco Hernandez, 1. P .


J uan Paulino, J. P.

Ta yaba. }050

Velez Martina, J. P.


tupo A. Ahuganda, J. P. Alaba l Cenon Jueaya, I. P. Agdangan Trinid nd Francisco. J . P. Atimonan Manuel Luides, J . ·P. Baler Viclor D. Villamid, J. P. Bondo


Jose TClalana, J. P.

CalBuag Vacant, 1. P. Candelaria Severino de Gala, J. P. (N ot Atty.) Catnnguan Manuel Aquin o, J. P. Dolore. Crisostomo Salcedo, J. P . Gencnl Lun a Francisco Abiatado, J. P. (Not Auy.) Gumlca Luia Maru ig&!>, J. P. (Not Atty.) Infanta Alfredo l eulano, J. P. Lop e~

Ja cinto L J. P. Lucb$D Mariano Eleuar. J. P. Macalelong Gludencio Eleazar. J . P. (Not Atty.) P-bub$n Prudenclo Encomieoda, J. P. Mulanay CC!lario V. \,ilIar~al. J. P. Pa,hilao Pedro Lorelca. J. P.

Francisco O. Yap, 1. P. P-fn inloc Gerardo Eli caiio, J. P. Olongapo Lt. Edward H . Mdhnemy, J. P. Roland B. Ma cA rthur, A. J. P. Pal$uig Es leban Q. Amo n, J . P. (Not Att y. ) SaD An tonio Feli" A. Concepcion , J. P. (Not Att y.) San Marc elino Antoni o FUcntec illa, J. P. San Narcil o Guill ermo d c los R eycs, J. P. ~AMDOANGA

Dapltan' Mis. Ad elaida Cenleno, J . P . Mun. Diat . 01 Malulo, babela and Lamilln Edmundo S. Pioga, J . P. Siocon Doreteo de Guzman, J . P. Silldangan Pri lca Beltran, J. P. Mun. Dinl . of T aluksangay, Bolong and Kabaaaian Candido San Lui., J. P. Mun. Diall. of Plgldian, Tukoron and Ccbuano BarTac'" Vac an t. J. P. Dlpolog and Kltipunan Vcnanelo Mendon, I. P. (Not Any.) Margoulnblg, Olutanlla an d Naga·naga Vacant, J . P.

Zamboang,a Juan T . Alvara,

J. P.

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE OR IENTE BLDG. PLAZA CALDERON DE LA BARCA, BINONDO TELEPHONE 4·93·84 Hoo. Benil:no S. Aqnino, Sec retary. Hon. Jo.e S. Clmus, Under Secretary. Vicen te C. Ramos. Acting Chief. Technical Di .. ision. Cornelio V. Crucillo, Aninant Chief, T ec hnical Di .. iaioo. Nicasio Valderama, Chief Clerk.. DeogracilS G. Dayao, Auislanl Chief Clerk. Iuan Alcazaren, Chief Attorney. Donato S. Conti. Ani.taot Chief Attorn ey. Benigno A. PidIIODO , Attorney. Runico Garcia, Chief Recorda. Bicnnnido Evaolelista, Cubier and Di. buning Officer. J OI'; S. A. Lau. Property Clerk. J oa'; Pacheco, Person nel Clerk. Gonzalo Cordero, Private Sec retary. P-hria Santiago, Aniltao t Private Secretary.

DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS Eduardo R. Al ... rado, Chief. Arturo BCbgzon, Auiuaot Chicf. Sophie Rod olfo, Copy Editor.

Domingo SoriaDo, Copy Edito r. Amando D. Sing.on, Copy Editor. Epifanio Abal, An iuant Librariln. Simplicio Sanchez, Pho tog rapher. Se"ando Gomez, Photographer. 10le A. Pi., Photographer.

DIVISION OF FISHERIES Deograciu V. Villadolid. Chie f. R eracllo R. Montalban, Technica l Auiallnl. Cannto G. Manu el, Technical An il tant. Jos;; R. Mon till a, Fishery Techn ologill. Claro Martin, An il tan! Ichthyolog i.l. Agunin Umali, Anistant Ich th yo logist. Guillermo L . Abl an, Assistant Ichthyologll t. Alfredo R. Callillo, Inspector. Pablo L. Dumlao, Inspeetor. DiOlcoro S. Rabo r. J unior Ichthyologill. Andre. M. Mane, J unior Ichthyologist. Fidel B . Alonte, J unior Ichthyologi. t.


NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM DIVISION SCIENCE BLDG., 727 HERRAN, MALATE. TEL. 5·71-78 Dr, Eduardo Quiaumhing, Cbief, Nalural Hiuory Museum. Dr. Canulo G. Manuel, Scienlial . Dr, Jose B. Juliano, Scienlisl. Dr. Anlonio D. Alvir, Scienti.t. JOli e M. Mendon, Mycologist. Ricardo E. Galang, A"illant Sc ien iisl (Curalor). EdUberlo Karganilla,. J unior Scienti.t. Mrs. Simeona L. Palo, Juni or Mycologist. Mrs. EU l lacia Trinidad·Enriquez, Clerk,SlenO!:ra pher. Generoso S. Maceda, Museu m Auillanl. Santiago R. Capeo, Junior Enlomologiit. Godofredo L. Alcl9id, Scientific Allillant. Fulgencio Consolacion, Scienlific A" iuanl. Herminko Rabanal, Scieutifie Aide. ViCIOrino Maruigan, Scientific lIIuBiralor.

DIVISION OF SOIL SURVEY SCIENCE BLDG., 727 HERRAN, MALATE. TELS. 5·34·93 & 5.57·97. Dr. Marcos M. AlieaDle, Division Chief. Ju an B. Cabano" Anitlanl Chiel of Divil ion. Panlaleon de la Peiia, Chief, Administrativ e Seclion. F. B. SelTanO, Chief, Soil Biology Section . Ricardo- T. Marfori. Chief, Soil Chemis try Section. Rufino A. Isidro, Chief, Soil FertililY Seclion. Dominador Z. Rosell, Chief, Soil Clanilication Section. Jeoua P. Mamillo, Auillanl Soil Technologil t. German DioDisio, In char,e, Soil Drafting SeetioD,

FIBER INSPECTION SERVICE 33 EL HOGAR FILIPINO BLDG., JUA N LUNA, BINONDO r. O. BOX 722- TELS. 2·69·05, 2·69·98 AND 2·22-83 Mariano Garehitorena, Manager, Jose B. Sanlo., Aninant to Ihe Manager. Antonio L eja no, Chief Inl pector. Eleulerio Natividad, Chief Clerk. Gre&:orio C. Tirad~, Calhier and Property Clerk. Conulo A. Malignn, Certifieatel.



692 SAN" ANDRES, MALATE TEL. 5.77-76 Silayan, Director.

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Mar iano Chavarria, Chief 01 Division. Bruno Navarro, A,,'t. Chief 01 Divilion. Andree Mabutu, Per.onnet Cle rk.

Records Section Pedro G. Yumul, Chief 01 Section.

Property Section Pelronilo A. Garcia, Property Clerk, RJ:FERENa LllIR.lRY Al'fO PUII.ICAYION stCfION

Ju an N. Samson, A,.'t. A, ronomisl (In charge).

Cashier's Office Miguel FelTer, Cashier and Disbursing Officer.

PLANT INVESTIGATION DIVISION Mariano Manu y Cruz, Chief of Divilion. Agapilo N. BenemerilO, Au'l. Agrouomist. Fernando de los ReJ'CII, A.. 'I. AgrOllomist.

Agronomy Section Victorino Borja, AClg. Chief of Section. Basilio R. Baulisla, Au'l. Agronomist. JUID C. Casa, A.I·t. Agronomill. Ignacio 1. Valentin, A,,'1. Agronomist. Eliseo C. Carandang, Au't. Agronomill. Juan B. Rozul. Juni or Agronomist. Vic torio R. Olsn, Junior Agronomi. t.

Horticulture Section Pedro A. Rodrigo, AClg. Chiel of Section. Juan M. Ejercilo, Au'l. Agronomlsl. Emil io K. Morada, Aas't. Agronomi.l. Felir. D. Lazo, An't. Agronomist. Leodegario E. Ha chero, A,,'t. Agronomiu. Allon.o L. TeC IOD, Au'l. Agronomist. Rodolfo S. Sajon .., Au't. Agronomi l l.


Fiber Research Section Juan P. T orres, Chief or Section. Eladio Sablan , Ass'l. Agronomill. Eugenio E. Cruz, Fiber R esearch Au't. Felipe Cortes, Fiber R esearch Au 'l. Leandro V. Cal lillo. Au 'l. AgronomiSI. Abircio C. Paleo, Ju nior AgrODomisl.

Tobacco Research Section MariaDO E. Gulierrez, Chief of Section. Fernando do Peralt3, AII·I. Agronomist. Gaudencio Palafox, AU'I. Agronomi!!. Primitivo T ugade, Au·l. A,ronomi' l. LaureaDo C. Ferrer, A.. 'I. Agronomis t. Pascual A. Almazan, A,,'I. Agronomi.t. Silvino A. Deec na, Au't. Agronomisi.

Plant Breedlne Section ]uan O. Unit e, Au 't. Agronombt. Tiburcio G. Garrido, An't. Agronomil l.

Plant Introduction Mariano Manu y Cruz, Aetg. Chief of Section. Nicanor G. Teodoro, Plant Palhologist (In charge, Balio. E. C.)


AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION DIVISION Francisco G. Galang, Chief of Division. Marc elino Conl tanlino, Au't. Chid of Division. RamoD V. MaDio, A.. ·I. Agronomilt. Antero Inciong, Au't. Agronomist. Claro Samonte, An't. Agronomist.

Farmers' Conferences and Agricultural Fairs Gregorio SanlOS y Ciocon, A"'I. Agronomill. Dio. dado S. BoiigalO, An' t. A,ronomi.l. Juno An,ele., Junior Alronomi.l.

Crops Section Ju an BUDoan, Agronomill. Cornelio BalaDgue, A.. 't. Alronombl. Angel Belandre. . Au ·l. A,ronomist. GaudeDcio Zabella, Au't. ASronomil l. Francilco de J esut. AII'I. Agronomi,l. Ben edicto C. LeaD!), AU'I. AlrODOmilt. AnlQnio Li ane., Junior Agronomist.

Rural Improvem ent Section Quirino D. Asuil en. Au 'l. AgroDom;'l. Filomeno S. Mariano, An't. Agron o mill. Celeslino G. Reantno, Au't. Agronomin. Lorenzo Ramo" Ass'l. Agronomiu. CUlor B. Cruz, JUDi or Ag:ronombt.

Field Service Section Valenlin K. Lina, A.. 'I. A,rolloml,t.

PLANT PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION Gonulo Merino, Chiel of Division. Faustino Q. Olanel, Au 't. Chief of Divilion, Jose L. Moralel, AII'I. Agronomisl.

Entomology Section Pedro Silon, AU 'I. Arronomiat. Salu81ilno S. GOllule.!l, A.. 'I. Agronomist. Filo meno L. BUlac, AII't. Agronomis t. Leopoldo T. Karganillo, Junior Arronomi,t. Pablo S . Soriano, Jr. Agronomiel. ADdres Ponce, Jr. Agronomist.

Field Control Section Anicelo G. Toquero, AU'I. A,ronomi". Calalino T. Buligan, A.. 'I. Agronomill. Caulino E. Garcia. A.. 'I. Agronomist . LeoDardo V. Ban • ." A.. 't. Alronomi.l.

Plant Quarantine Section Seyero MarqUe?;, Chief 01 Section. Simon A. Reyes, Au 'l. Agronomist. Apolinar Talento, Au'l. A,ronomi. t. Bonifacio p . dilla, A.. 'I. Agronomist. Eustacio Villanueu, Au't. Agronomis t. Buenavenlura M. Aguanla, J unio r Agronomist. Crispiniano C. H ernandez, Jr. Ag ronomist.

Plant Pathology Section F eliciano M. Clara, Chief of Seclion. Gaudencio M. R eye., Plant Palholoritt. Macario A. Palo, Plant Palhololi6t. Ju lian A. Agati, Au't. Agronomiu. Melanio R. Calininn, A.. 't. Planl Pathologis t. Mrs. Emilia R. Yambao, Scienlific Research An'l. Amparo C. del Ro sario, Scienlific Resea rch Au'l. Eugenia H. Garcia, Scienlific ne.catch A.. 't.

PLANT PROPAGATION DIVISION Domingo S. Paguiri!:8n . Chief of Divi. ion. Pedro L, Paulino, A.. 'I. Seed Farm Man.ger.



Felipe radolina, Agronomilt. Dimas Maul;I, Ass'!. AGronomist. Juan F. VilInrocl, Jr" Ass'!. Agronomist. A~ricultural

EngineerIng Section

Severo Capiurano, Au 'l. Agronomisl. Emililno G. Hip ol, As,' t. AGronomi st.

Cen tra l Experi m e nt Stat ion hidlo Victorio, Au 't. Agronomin (Acting. Sup!.) lOll' D. Bagarino. Au',. Agronomist. J Oll' Caolu, Juni or Agronomist.

I1 agan Tobacco Experiment Station l ubeln Monjc, Au',. Agronomist (Actg. Supt.)

Bngulo Experiment Sta tion TrBllquilino G. rajardo, Au't. Plant. I'alh ologin (Actg. Supt.) Feliciano Domina, J unior Agronomiu. JUU! Ma. Criaologo, Jr. Agronomist. J ose M. lIagan, Jr. Ag ronomi.t.

Maligaya Rice Experiment Station FrDnci!co P. Oclubrc, An't, Al:ronomiat Moises Pagsa njan, lunior Agronomist.

(Actg. Sup t. )

Lamao Experiment S t ation F eli:lbcrto R elovD, A,,'t. A"ronomiBt (Actl:. Su pt .) Tomas C. Collado, AII't. Agronomi$!. Dioscoro V, RetiTo, Au ' t. Agronomiu.

Lipa Citru s Expe rime nt SUltion Jos e de Leon, Agronomist (Aetg. Supt.) Fa,,"tino Marajn, Jr. Agronomist. Lamberto H ermos i, Jr. Agronomist.

Gui n obalan Abaca Experim e nt S tati o n Epitaeio A. Lanun, Au't. Agronomist (Aetg. Supt.) Prudencio O. Paeumbaba, Junior Agronomist.

Ab u yoc Abaca S ub- Station Domingo S. Baybay , Au'\. Agronomist (In charge) .

Gandara Seed Farm Leon R. Aquino, Au't. Agronomist (In cha rge).

Glngoog Lanzon Reservation Primo Santiago, I'rov. Agri. Supervisor ( In charge).

Marldagao Rubber Stadon Funando D. Lui1lr o, Au 't. Agronomill (Aetg. Supt.) Gaudf,ndo EYaristo, Anis tant Agronomist.

Mindanao Experiment Sta tion Julio }amiu, Au't. Agron omis t.

\Vrapper Tobacco Productio n Stat ion lI e rminio Espino, An't . Al:ron omiu (In charge).

PLANT UTILIZATION DIVISION Maria Y. Or088, Chie! 01 Divi. ion. Estrella Ylallan. Au·t. Chic! o r Divilion .

Food Prepar ation and Pr eserva tio n Section Preseotacion Marino, H ome Economics Age nt Patrocinio Salel. Home Economici Agent. Pacicnc;a E. Lopez, H ome Economics Agen t. Maria C. S. n eyes, Home Eco nomic s Age nt. Lourdl:!J T. Ban~on, H ome Econ omiu Agent. Carmen Adrian o, Hom e Economic. Agent.

Home Development Section holina A. Borgonia, Home Economic. Ag ent. In el Marian o, Hom e Economic, Agent. habel P. ReYeJ. Home Economiu Agent.

Agrlcultufu ) Chemistry Sect ion Bernardo Acena, Au 't. Cherniat. Jose Sulit. Dem on~trat or.

BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY PANDA CAN, l\IAl\'lLA TEL. 6·~7·43 Gregorio Sin Agustin, Director.

Admin'Ifrarive Di~iJion Mariano Malabanan, Chief or Division. Crilologo Ati ellu, All illan t Chie f of Di vision. Crescendo S. Magbag, Chief of Ceneral Sen'ice Section. H Olpicio Sarmiento, Chi cf of necords Section. Geminiano Orante, Cu hier and Disburiing Officer. Donato Esta cio, Pr opcrty Clerk. Pablo S. K ati gbok , CflPY Editor. Cuillcrmo Ilinocendo, Stenogrppher. Animal Di~eaJe Control Division Vicente F errio ls, Chic f, Manila. Emilio Sanlon. Anil lant Chief. Manila. T orcuato F. fii vndelo, SlIpe rvi iing Veterioarian. !'ohnila. Juan J. Bunng, Chief, Mea t and Milk Inspection Section, Manila.

Teo lis!o M. Capulon\:. Aulslanl Chief, Mell an d Milk In. specli oll Seetion. l\hoil •. Bienvenido B. Belaodrc!, Supery;sing V~t eTjnarjan, Manila. Pedro S. Salel, Veterinarian for Mind a nao Rod Suiu , Oan. ulan, Lanl o.

Diuriet Peurinorian$ Antonio S. Quiunte. Tugueglrao, Caglyln. Crilpu lo C. Sipio , Tagudin, 1I0cos Sur. Jose B. Morales, Sin Fe rnando. Pamp.nga. Ventura Gatchlliln, Lu cena. T . ya bu. Federico lardiniano, Man il a. P ed ro V. Berina. Naga. Camarines Sur. • Paulina Vytiaco. So ..ogoo . Souolon. Elpidio V. Mun nYlc, City of Cebu. J ose LI. neYIII , Tlclob.n. Leyte. Santos Colomed., C"y 01 Bacolod. Creg<orio C. Coloyu,o, Cagayan. MilRmii Oriental. Angel C. Di~on, City 01 Zamboanga. UodoHo Santeeo. Tadac , Tuiac. Provincial Veterinarians P edro V. neyes, Laolg. lIocol Nort e. Vict oriano M. Zaratan, Digupan, Pon ga lilll n. Gavino L. Sa n Gabriel , Cabanatuan, Nueva Eeija. T omas B. Sinoeo, Pas ig. Ri ul. Nardlo A. COlio, Stl. Cru~, LlguDft. Ven e rando Pe Benito. Lucena. T aYl bu. Baltazar Karganilla. Manila. Sabino Cue rrero, Supervising Melt Inspector, Manila. Raymundo A. Duqu e. Mubue, Mubate. Vicent e Diaz. Man ila. Aniceto A. Cutano. Cuba loga n, Samar. Frandsco Villareal, Dumague te, Oriental Negros. ModCJto I. Vill egas. City of Ii oi ln. Manuel Q. Torrij OI, City of Bacolod. Iiddon l o Cavilaga. Capiz. Capiz. Tomu E. Reod ica, CO labato. Cot,bato. Filemon E. Mdo, Dan,alao , Lanao. Assistant Ve lerjnarions J ose A. Cayabyab, Dumacuete, Orien tal Negro •. Ram on Va lera. J r., Tagudin. !loco. Sur. Andres T. P eroJ. City 01 Bacolod. Anallacio A. Tolentino, J unior Veterinarian. Liveuock Inspectors Domingo Carcia. San Fernando, Plmpanga. Panor G. Dalmacio. JIIanila. Servando L. Mendoza. Manila. Leocadio Vasqu ez. Manila. Luis E . Aguila, Manila. Raymu ndo Agustin, Manila. Vicente nobln, Manila. Procopio Sautol, Mani la. luan Agul ay. Manila. Victorio Abayan, Ib a, Zambales . Fe liz Aficial, Dagupan . P anllasina n. Cristi no Agbu los. City 01 Zamboanga. Franci8co d e Gu~n'an, Santa Cruz, Lll:una. Victoriano Alday. Santa Cruz. Laguna . Carlo. A. Agt l ne. Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. l Ol l' AIf<.lUlo. Lucena, Tl yabu. Ignacio Aloria, Manila. Isidro Sion, Dagupan, P anguina n. Valerilno Ames, Dil upan. P.Dguinan. Lauro Z. Cu tro, Dagupan, Pangui nan. Ambrosio Atienll. Lip a, Ua tangu. Cri lpulo S. Blo u l, Taludin, lIocos Su r. babelo Bote, Caban.lnan, Nueva Ecija. Pedro D. Capacio. J\lalayb.lay. Bukidnon. Dr. SiropHcio Paguyn. lI agln, lubel •. Domingo T allgueg, lI agan, Isabela. Cdltino Pasia. Cabanatuan. Nueva Eeija. Marcelo Chavez, Pasi,. Ri .. !. Leon J\l eociu. P uil , Rizal. Agapito de Ja Cruz, Naga, Camarinel Sur. Victorino de la Cruz. Lucena. Ta yabu. Builio Dalmacio (Hlgonoy, Bulacan) San Fernando. Pam· pang •. P edro Damuo, Tanjay, Oriental Negro,. SilltO Nelm idB , T agbi laran . Bohol. Numeriano de Lara. Guihulngan, Oriental Negro •. Blandino R. David, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Ceferino Domanillo. Cagayao . Mi u mis Orien tal. Crispino R anola. Naga. Camatinn Sur. Juan Tang eo. Nal:a , Camati nes Sur. Raymundo Vintillan. Sa u Fernando, P ampanlla. Pucua l Lis ing. Balanga, Bataan . Federi co La bun, City of Baguio. Emiliano S. Mongcll, City o f Bacolod. Silvestr(l PltrCnO, City of BAcolod.


DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND (OMMEHCE Primo J. Ocido, Cily 01 B.eolod. Elperidion P. Porquez, Cily 01 B.eolod. P.blo J. Ocido, Cily of B.eolod. Ildelonlo JOlon, M.lolos, Bulann. Andre. Vida, S.n Ildelonlo, Bulae.n. Laureano Na".~. Dagup.n, Panguinan. Dr. A. S.vellano, Sorlogon, Sorlogoll. Dr. Severino L. Seb.ui.n, S.n 1'lIeu.l, Mu bate. Demetrio Torio, Sor'O(Ion, SOrlO(lon. Dr. Crislobal Ll. Gonzalez, Mu bate, Mubate. Antonio T abo, Sipoeol, Camarillel Sur, fermin Ricacho, Pllac.o Camarinel Sur. Alfredo 5" ... . , Manil •. C.talino Mar •• iJl., M.nil •. fr. neilcn Garci., T.b.eo, Alb.y, Alfredo Jnier, Lig.o, Alb.y , Dalmacio Gerell., San Marcelino, Zambaleo. Vicenle, B. langas, Balangu. Dr. Tomu Q. Soriano, Mu b.t e, Mu bal e. Andret R. 10le, Tad.c, Tarlae. Dr. Teoducill A. Apdian, Tadac, Tulac. Teolilo Quinones, Tarlac, Tarlmc. Mariano Tulia. COlabato. COllI.b"o. Agapito Rel.mpagol, City of Cebu. F rancilco Llandera l. Cagayan. Mi .. mi" Orien tal. F.bian Gui rilan. ClgaYIII. Miumis Orien tal. Suvillano G. Guti errez, San Ferna ndo, Pamp. nl::a. Dr. P.cifico L. Geronimo. Milamil. Occidcntal Miumil. Sninando Valdez, T oiong, Oriental Negroa. l uan Gestopa, Capito Capiz. Viclorino Sarol, City 01 Iloilo. JUltiniano G. J abi dando, City 01 n oilo. Aniceto Tiamson, Cily of Iloilo. Gabriel A. La rdi zabal, Tagudin. ll onOJ Sur. Leon Gaerlan, S.n Fern.ndo, (..1 Union. Ricardo Manglinong, B. ngued. Abra. T elesforo V. Sori., Tugu~arlo , C'lly.n. Felipe Peralta, Aparri. Cag.yan. Sotero P. Penuliar, Tuguegarao, Cagay.n. Luis C. Tolentino, S.nchezmir •. Caga y.n. M(>Ptalbo, B.yombong, Nueva Vizc.y a. N.rciso C. ]\"ri.I.lO, Sta. Rita. Pampang a. Epilanio ]\hgayac, TIgbiiaran, Doho!' Mauricio Man. lang, C.bln.tuan, Nuev. Ecija . Dr. Ambrolio Diu, Tube, Tarlle. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DIVISION Dr. Segundo Alano. Acting Chiel of Divilion. Dr. Mariano R. Montemayor, An lltalll Chief of Dr. Carlos Diaz. Super"il ing Zoolec hnist. Dr. ~Iiguel Munoz, Supervising Zooteehniu.


STOCK fARMS Dr. Pedro de Cuia, Superintendent. Bongabon Stock F.rm. Nueva Eelja. Dr. Eduardo BarlUad, Auiuant Zoolecilnin. Bongabon Stock Farm, Nueva Eeija. Dr. Antonio B. Acoua. Aul l tant ZOOl echn;.t, Bongabon Stock Farm, Nueva Ecija. Dr. Romualdo L. Lozano, Livestock EJltention Office r, 80ngabon Stock Farm. N. E. Dr. Manuel M. Roble.. ACling Supe rint e nd ent, Alabang Slock Farm, RilBl. Dr. 1.eonardo J. Palicle, Zootechnl$t, Alab.n, Sloek Farm, RiUlI. JOle Noguera, Assi,tlnt Zoote~hnill, Siock Farm, RiUlI. Alberto C. Elefaiio, Allluant Zootechnill. Alabang Stock Farm, Rizal. Rufino C. Martin, A.. Zoolechnill, Stock Farm, Rizal. Ignacio V. Auatria, A~& is lant Zooleehni u, Alabang Stock farm. RiUlI. Dr. Tomas Rigor, Zootechnist, AI. bang Stock Firm, Rin!. Geronimo Miiiano, Zooleehnill. Stock F.rm, Rizal. Dr. Honori a N. R eyn, Assistant Zootechnill, Stock Farm, Riza l. Demelrio B. Fern.ndez, ACling Superintendenl, Ubay Stock Farm, Ub.y. Boli ol. Eugenio C. Yt em. A"istant Zootechn b t, Ubay Stock Farm. Bohol. Dr. Allredu E., Superintendent, L. Cariota Stock Farm, Occidenta l Negrol. Dr. Viclorino R. Collante, Acting Superin tendent, Durnarao Slack Farm, Calliz. Benitu Careol, AniaUnt Superintendent, Dumar.o Stock Farm, Capiz. BREEDING STATIONS Dr. Tom .. Rudo, Superintendent, Cebu Breedi ng Statiol.l, Cebu.

Dr. Mamerto Castaneda, Superintcndent, La Union Breeding Stalion, Luna, La Union. Dr. Dla, S. Garcia. Superint~ndent, Tube Breedi n, Slation, Tarlac. Dr. E.telano C. Farinas , Ac ting Superintendent, Tay abat Breeding Station,, T ay. bu. Jorge Mendoza, Superintendent, Batanl:8S Brceding S ilt ion, Batangat. Dr. Esteblln E. Acuiom, Superintendent . ll ocol Sur Breed· in g Station, Sta. Mari •. Dr. Fernando Juadiong, Superintendenl. Abra Breeding Sta· tion, Bangued, Abra. Dr. Ci.on, Superintendent, Lngun. -Breeding Sta· lion. Sta. Cruz, taguna. Severino H ermosura, ACling Superillt entient, Souogon Breed· ing Stalion, Gubat. Sorsogon. Dr. Victor R. Axihal, Acting Superin tcndent, 1I0cos Norte Breeding Stali on, Dingru , Iloeol Norie. Dr. Julian S. Lizardo" Superintendent, Dasilan Breeding Station, Lamilan , Zamboang •. Dr. Ernesto Panlillo, Acting Superintendent, Palawan Breed. ing Station, l ..ahig, Pala ANIMAL PUODUCTS DIV IS ION M.nuel D. Sumulong, Chief of Divi$ion. Tomas M. Fernande~, Chief. Ment Seelion. Domingo B. Gapu~. Chief, Milk Seetion. M.nuel R. Pascua, Auinanl Veterinarian. Daniel 5, Bolong, An iunnt Vet erinarian. Teoma A. Varsovia, Auia tanl Zooteebnisl. Faulto Mercurio, Livestoc k In lpec tor. Antonio Publico. Live5l0ek Ins pee tor. Leandro Penaloll, Sp. Co lleeting & Di, bursing Office r. Cipriano Cajigal, Laboratory Tech nician. CarmeHto de I. FUenle, Lab oralory Technician.




ANIMAL UTILIZATION DIVISION JU lin C. David, Ac ting Chiel 01 Division. Nicolu Sevilla. Acting Auistant Chiel of Division. Eu.ebio Elelaiio. Vet erinary Meat Inspeclor. Victoriono S. Domi ng o, Collecting & Disbursing Officer. LIVESTOCK EXTENSION DIVISION Prol. C.rlos X. Durgo., Chief 01 Di vit ion. Dr. Alfonlo Le c.uot, Au iSlanl Chief of Divi~ ion. Dr. Pedro S. Manalo, Acting Chief, Information Section. Felicilimo B. Sabare" Clerk-St enographer. Emesto Salonga, Liveuock irupecto r. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

LIV ESTOC K EXTENSION OFFICERS Patricio S. Man gonon, Manila. Soler.., San Juan, Manila. CrilPin Cueto. Manila. Con!alo P. AguUin, Tugucgarao, Caga)"an. JOle G. Benavid e,-, Vigan, ll ocos SlIr. Cirllo L. Adan, Tarbe, Tarlac. Santo, L. Parina. Maiolo" Dulaca n. Vedasto P. Vela yo, Lu een a, Tayahas. Juli an Loper. Leg aspi, Albny. Sotero Macalalad. Calopan, 1\lindoro. Mariano Va"O\·iR. Stn. Cru!, ~l3rindllque. Rosario C. Mllndi n. Tnclob. o, Leyle. Aurelio Abreni clI, Il oilo City. Vicente Her molo, Cebu City. Cipriallo A. Flo re!. Dum'guete, Negro! Oriental. S.hador Tongio, Surigno, Surigao. Pedro J. Luam, Cngay.n, Oriental Mi l. mis. S. Marqu ez, Cotabato, Cotabato. Enrique J. de Leon, Z.mboang. City.

DI VISION OF PARASITOLOGY AND PROTOZOO LOGY Dr. Zacariu de J el"" Acting Chief 01 Division_ Dr. Ramon A. Acevedo, Asaiatan t Veterinari.n. Dr. Rufino D. GapU!, Veterinary Entomologist. Dr. Alfredo I. M.ll.ri, Au inant Zootechni 51. Dr. Pcdro G. Refuerzo, Anistan t Zootechnisl. Dr. Deograciu J. Cabrera, Assiu. nt Veterinarian. Dr. Vicente Villa mar, AssiU ant Veterinari.n. Dra. Leticia Brillo, Li~euock Inspector. Teofilo GOUin. Li~ euock In$pector. PATHOLOGY AND BACTEIOO1.0CY DIV IS ION JUIIU D. GenerOIU, Chief of Division. An:lcleto B. Coronel, Assis tant Chief. Florencio A. Soliven, Che mi". Eorique S. S.lafranca, Chiel, Bacter ial Diseue Section. Anaslncio Lauro, Liv es tock Ins ll cclor. Isidro L. Mendoza, Liveltock EJllen,ion Officer.



Celestino Hermoso, Liveslock Inspec tor. Rdad B. Catimpo. Livelluck I nspeClor. Mauricio M. Delgado. Liyestock I nspector. Florcncio Edejcr, Laboratory Tech nician. Joaquin Edrolo, Livcu acle InipeClor. Pablo Dolor, Liy estock In spec tor. PrCH:e!o E".g uerra, LiyeSlock lup ec lor. Cari(ls Yanzoh, Livut oc k in!peclor. Abdon H~rmolo, L~boralory Technician. Manuel Mendoza, Liv et lock Inlpector. Bu ilio ". de Jeau a, Foreman. Abelardo Valenuela. Che ml , t. Felicisimo San Agullin, Alli,tanl VeleriDl.llaD.


Fl(>r<mciQ Tamel is , Director 01 Forcltry. ADM I NISTRATIVE DIV ISION F elipe R. Amln, Chief of Divis ion (Acting Chief, Division 01 For ~ 1 Concenion,) , Iuan Acogido, Aui, llInl Chief o f Divi.ion (Chi e f Clerk). Severo S. Ponce, Fore5le r. Melcho r Enriquc~, Cuhier M1U Disbu rsi ng Officer. CENEUL Sl'!IIVICE SECTION bidoro Francisco, Chief of Seclion. 8I:CTtON Aquilino C. Bartolome, Chi~f of SeClion. Manuel Cabrera, Auiuant Chief 01 Seclion. IIECORI)~

PROPERTY 8I:CTION IOl e Saludor, Pr operty Clerk. LF,cAL SECTION F elix Mabbayag, ASlistanl F oresler (Chief of Section). DIVISION OF FOREST I NVEST IGAT ION Eug enio de b. Cruz, Chief of Di vi.ion. SILVIC5 AND StL\'ICULTUIIE SECTIO!'f Tom", N. Roqu e, Silviculturisl. FOREST PRODUCTS SF-CTION (CENTlIAL OFFICE, MANILA) Calillo Mabesn, Wood T ec hnologiSI. FOllnT I'ROTECTION eECtlON AlejaOllro de Meu, Forest Ent omologi,t. DIVISION OF FOREST MANAGEMENT CarlOI Sulil, Chief of Division (A cting Chie l, Auminis!ra· tive Divi. ion). Jo,e F. Nano, Fores ter (Acting A" i' I,ml Chief of Divi~ion). SPECIAL lISr. PEIIMITS SECTION Pedro Agaloo., Ranger (Acting Chief 01 Section).

cunn .. NO CONFLICTS SECTION Celeuino S.balo, Rang e r (Acting Chief 01 Section). DIVISION OF FOREST CONCESSIONS Ramon J. Alurez, Chief of Divilion (Relieved). U\UIILL AND SCA LINC SECTION Gregorio P oblac ion, Au i,lInt Fores ter (Chief of Section). LICENSE SI!CTION Eufemi o Santillan, Chief o f Section. 1"01lP;ST IIECONNAISSANcr; (INVEl"ITOIIV) stCT ION Vicente Cutillo, Fores ler (Acting Chie f 01 Section). DIVI SION OF FOil E ST ENGINEERING Doroteo Soriano, Chief o f Divi,ion. LAND CLASSIFICATION SECTION Cefe,ino S. Abella, Fores t Supcrvisor (Acting Chid 01 Section). 'OJIRST SllJl~EYS AND MAPS SECTION Antonio Quilloit, Foreste r (Chicf of Section). FOIIEST IMpROVEMtNT AND NATtONAL PAftll:S StCTION Calixto San los, Fore!! Supervisor (Ac tin g Chicl 01 Section) I"ORO:ST STJ.TISTIC8 SiECTION FilcmOD Kapuno, RaD,e. (Acting Cbief of SeClion).

DIVISION OF RECLAMATION AND REFORESTATION Placido Dacanay, Chief of Division. Evuiuo Tabal, Forester {Assiaran! Chief o f Division} .

J.rrOJlO:STATtON J.ND II!1"ORUTJ.nON SlECTtON Florencio Asidd ao, Aui,tan t ForC'Ste. (Acting Chief of See. tion). COOpUATlVI! PLANTINC nCTIOlf HODOfatO Baja, Ranger (Acting Chief of Section). DIVISION OF CRAZING AND WILDLIFE Felix Franco. Chief of Divilion. Va lenlin Sajor, Au illint Chief of Divi,ion (Delailed D, F., CagayaD, Orienlal Miumil).


CUZ INC SECTION Juan R. Ravelo, Ranger (Acling Chief of Section) . Vicente de la Scction),


WILDLIFE IIECTtOY'< Game Supervisor


Cbid of







TEL. 4·81-28 O"ICI: or TI11: DIRECTOR J ose P. Dans, Director of Land • . Zoilo C .. trillo, Administrative OUicer. Nicolaa E . d e GUlman, In.pector for Mindanao and S"lu. Pedro Edralin, Division Inspector. J ose Suguitan, Division Inspector. Pre!!On King. Ir. Diyilion Inlpeclor. Pedro R. Almonte, Ac ti ng Dfyi,ion In.pector. "'D~III'1ISnu.TI"E D1Vl5101f Angel P. Miguel, Chief o f Division. Julian SOiUCCO, Aniu ant Chief of Division. Zenon V. Seba, tian, Chief, General Service and P eUOD nel SectioD. Val""tin Laureano, Ania tant Chief, Generd Service and Personnel Section. An astac io J usto, Acting Chie f, Records Seclion. Juan Q. Ortiz, Assis tant Ch ief, Recorda Seclion. Felipe Galvn, Cushier and Disbursing Officer. Pedro R. Limon, Assistant Cuhier and Diabursing Officer. Cirilo Pnnsal8n, Acting Prop erty Clerk. Dioscoro EUebBn, Au iatant Property Clerk.

"UIILlC LANDS DIVISION Vicente Tord esillll5, Chief o f Divis ion. Andrea Urrutia, Au islAn l Chie f of Division . Melecio Fortuno, Land Allorney. Al ejo Mabanag, Chi ef Homest ead and F ree P ate nt Section. Agustin Navarro. An iSlanl Chief, HOIDntead and Free Palent Seclion. Jaime O'Hara, Chief, Salel and Lcues SeclioD. L eon P. Dacayo, ASII . Chief, Sales and Lease. Section. Fortunato N. Vicente, Chief Miscellaneous Section. Pio Dunuco, Asst. Chief, Miscellaneous Section. UW DIVISION TeodOllo Trinidad, Chief of Divjsioll. Clododdo Garcia, Anillant Chief of Divi,ion. AgalOD Fiel. Land Allorney. Ludovico Labao, Lalld Al1orn ey. Sisenando Palarca, Land Attorn ey. Magno Clemente, Chief, Land Registration Section . Tiburcio Leonin, Chief, Claims I nd Conflicts Section. Alfonso S. Borja, A""t. Chief, Cla ims and Coof. Seclion .

DlvtSION 01" SlIllVlIYS J ose Samaniego, Chief of Di via ion. Elil5 I banez, Auistant Chief of Division. Severino Nico, Chief, Cada$lral Surveys Section. Mamerto JacinlO, Acting Chiel, Isolated Survcys Section. Diosdado II. Neril, Chief, Survey Coordination Section. Cayetano Enriqu ez, In·charge, Cadulrai Surveys Section. Vicente Tolentino. A.siatnnt Chief. Isola ted S1Irveys Section. Bernardo Caglmdahan, An ls lant ChIef, Survey Coordination Section. Maximo Lachica, Aul stanl Director, School of Surveying, Angel Tronqucd, A"j stant Surveyor. Instructo r, Scbool of SurveyiDg. JOle P. Mojicl, Suneyor.lnuructor, School of Surveyin,.



, 4


• 7

6 9

10 II 12

13 14

IS I. 17 18




22 23 24 25

Name Fidel Vergara .. ..•........•........... Bon ifacio Cllbel .•. .. .................. Bonifacio Cabel . .•............•...• . .. C regorio Alcaraz .•.................... Caudcncio Fantony •. . ...• • •........... Bruno Cundran . . •.. . ...•.... , ... , ... . Demetrio P ita , • . ... . ••. . .•• . .......... Zacatiu Calcholian ......•.•........... J ose N. Quedding ....... , .... , ....... . Feliciano Sancheli ... , ....•....... , ... . Pedro C. Rico .......... , •... , ... , ... . Conndo Sanlillan ...•.. , . • ...... , .... . Liberato VilIamnzo , ... " ...... , ..... . Pedro Yu Asens; ................ " .. . Felipe Fernando , .. " .... , .•. " ... , ... . JOle B. Sare " " . " ....... . ....... " .. Roman S. Lomibao ....... , ......... ,., Dalmacio de la Cruz ............ " .. .. Dalmacio dela Cruz ............. " .. . Siltlo Dancel . .. . . .................... , Simeon Mendon •. . .. , ........... , ... . J uan Anlonio .,., .......... , ..... , ... . Antonio Pangilioan •.. , .. . ............ . Apolinar Gil ... _.•.................... Fernando Avdino .................... . J ose Ma. Pared", .................... . SOlero Card inez ...................... . Clemente C. FuntanilI:.. ............... . Cregorio Abelle ra .................... . CarlO!! Fernandez ..................... . Clemente de la Cruz ............•..... Victoriano Itchon ..................... . EuebaD V. Aldana . . ...... . Primo S. Arizabal . ... . .... . ....... . Marcelo Delandres Survey Parties Domingo Alcaraz Santiago Balicanta ................... . Gupar Feraren ....................... . Miguel Rombawa ............ . ....... . Felipe David _....................... .. AlfonlO Ignacio ...................... . Anton io Taiiedo ...................... . Demetrio Resurreccion ................ . Enrique R01u ....................... . Paulino Apostol ...................... . Hcrmojenea Mejia .................... . Bahaur Cabading .................... . Mariano N. Leone!! ........ ,."" .... .. Pedro Liwanag . ........ • ............. Wcncealao Manuel .................... . Pedro Cobuyan .............. . Policarpio Fabian . . ................. . Nitanor Villanneva ................... . Geronimo Ferraris .................... . Buena¥enlura An tonio ................ . Buena",enlura Antonio ......... . Lu il del Co rro ....................... . J OIe M. Romero ..................... . Agapito Tagarao ...................... . Andrea Tolentino ..................... . Escolastico EICllrraga ................. . Ce ra rd o Bacani •... . ... . .... . Pli mitivo Papa •. .. .. . . . ..........

I-A S·A 4·A 5·A

IO·A II·A II -B 14.A 17.A

19_A 20·A 21_A 21·8 22-A


22-C 23-A

23·C ".B 24.A 24·8

2" ·C 24-D 25-A 25·B 25·C 25· E 25·F

Designation District Land Officer .•............ Actg. District Land Officer ....... . Provincial Land Officer ........... . District Land Officer •••..... . District Land Officer ... . . . .. . . District Land Office r District Land Officer Distric t Land Office r ......... . Provincial Land Officer ........... . District Land Officer ............. . Provincial Land Officer ........... . District Land Officer ............. . District Land Office r •••........... District Land Officer •............. District L,md Officer Provincial Land OUicer ........... . P rovincial Land Ollicer ........... . District Land Officer ............. . Provineial Land Officer ........... . Di.trict Land Officer ........•.... . Provincial Land Officcr ......•..... Di~tric t Land Officer ............. . District Land Officer ........ • ..... P rovincial Lalld Officer ......•..... Diuric t Land Officer ........ • ..... Dinrict Land Officer •............. Provincial Land Officer ........... . District Land Office r ............. . District Land Officer ........•....• Provincial Laud Officer ......•..... District Land Officer ........ . .... . District Land Olficer ........ . .... . Provincial Land Officer ...... • ..... Dis trict Land Officer ........ • .. Diurict Land Officer ........ • .. . District Land Officer ............. .

Slation and P. O. Addre.1 Tuguegarao. Caglyan Vigan, 1I0coi Su r Laoag. lIocos Norte lI agan , laabela City of Bagnio, Mt. Province Bayomhong. Nueva Vilcaya Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija Dagupan, Pangasinan Tariac, Tarlae San Fernando. Pampanga Balaoga, Bataan Manila Calapan, Mindo ro Luce na. Tayabu Naga, Camarinca Sur Lqaspi. Albay Daet, Ca marines Norte Sorsogon, SO"OgOD Masbale, Masbate Tocloban, Leyte Calbalogan, Samar T llgbilaran, Bohoi T alisay, Cebu Dumaguel e, Negros Oriental City of Bacolod, Nqrol Occ. City of Iloilo, Iloilo Capiz. Capiz Puerto PrincCll I, Palawao Bulnan. Agn u n Surigao, Surigao Cagayao. Misa mil Oriental Dannian, Lanao Miumil, Miumi. Occidental City of Zamboang., lamboanga Colabato, Cotabato City of Duao, Davao

Chief of Pany ......... .. Chief of Parly .•..... . ............ Chief of Party .•.................. Chief of Party ................... . Chief of Party ................... . Cbief of Pa rty ................... . Chief of Party ................... . Chief of Party ................... . Ac ting Chief of Party ........... . Chief of Parly •................... Chid of Party .................. .. Chid of Party ... .. .............. . Chief of Party .... .. ..... .. Acting Chief of Parly Chief of Party Chief of Party Chief of Parly •................... Chief of Parly .................. .. Chief of Party ...•................ Chief of Party ................... . Chief of Party .................. .. Chief of Party ................... . Chief of Patty ................... . Chief of Parly ............. .. Chief of Party ................... . Chief of Parly ................... . Chief of Parly ................... . Chid of Party ................... .

Apani, Cagayan Mabini. Camn. habela Cabagan. habe1a Bayombong, Nue .. a Vizcaya Pinamalayan. Mindoro Catanaul n, Tayabas Bondo. Tayabat Oquendo, Sam. r Kabankalan, Occ. Nqro. Brookc·. Point. Pala.... n Butnan, Aguaan Stll. Clnra, Or. Miumi. Maramag. Bukidnon Lala. Kolambugan. Lanao Baliangao, Occ. Misam;s Maiab8ng. Lanao Minmis. Occidental Mi,ami, Kabanulan. lamboanga Pagadian. lamboang. Kabakan, KOllbato Kabakan, Kotabato Bulua n. COlabato Midsayap, Cotabato Sla. Cruz. Dauo Tagum. Davao Tugbok, Davao P. O. Box 458, City of Davao P. O. Box 303, City of Dano

Location Monumen t Survey Parties Fortunlto H. Manalastu ............... Chid of Party .......... .. Teodoro Salanga . •..................... Chief of Party ................... .



San Isidro, Leyte San Fernando, L. Union


Teledoro Cabading Vi",enclo de Peralta

Friar L and Survey Partiel Chief of Party ............. . Chief of Party .............. .

Rosario. Cuite San Jose, Mindoro


Ceferino Al;n!od

Triangulation Survey Party Chief of Party •..........•........

Maramag, Bukidnon

Friar Land Age nciel Friar Lands Arent . F riar Lands Agent . Friar Lands Agent . Friar Lands Agent Friar Landi Agent .........•• . ... , Superv;"ini' Agent

Bigaa. Bulacan Sta . Rou. Laguna Rourio, Cavite Talisay • Cebn Dalig. Is.bel, Manila


F. L. A. F. L. A. F.L.A. F.L.A. F. L.A.

N,. N,. N,. N,. No.


3 4


. . ..

......... ......... ........... ............... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

?olaca';o Su pa n . . . . . Victoriano Bacungan Severo ltivera Antonio Pangilinan .............. Timoleo Aricay05 Agapito Subido

....... . .......... ......... .. ............... . ..................




727 H ER nAN. MA LAT E O. BOX 774-T EL . 5·71 ·72

A. S. Arguelle •• Director. Agrlpino R eyln. Chief. Vicente Velnsco. Anin.nt Chief Clerk. Alfredo A. Hi dalgo. Chief. General Se rvice Section. n embenuto Herr~ra. Property Clerk. Gervasio Sall'ldor. Cashier and Diobuuing Officer. Epibnia S. Banca. Clerk. Stenographer. C. S. Angbeng co. Chief Photognpher. J u.n A. de Torres. Action Cle rk. Cipriano Cu.i. Record Clerk.

Division of T t'sts and S tanda rds Joaquin Man non. Chief. nafael H . Aj!uilar. Chemist. Rafael T . Simp.o. Scienti.t. Pedro G. Riven. Assts tan t Ch emist. Roherlo G. Olive r, Aui.lanl Chemi.l. Lou rd..,. Ocampo Au istant Scientisl. bo.cele. P ascua l. Junior Scien t;'!. Ouirino C:- Olympia. J unior Scienti.t. Edgardo Rcye • . J un ior Sticnti. t. JlIIlin a Ruperto. Junior Seienti. t. Joae Roeo. J llnior Chemi. t.

Division of C h em ica l R esear c h A. P. Wes t. Chief. Vicen te G. Lava. Scientist. Aurelio O. Crul. Scienlist. Gil O. Opian •• Scienti.t. Ag csoili. Anislant Scien tist. Mariano P. RamiIo•.",ui!!.nl Scientist. Simeon S. T.n ~hico. An inl"l Scienti.t. Baena. Junior Scienlin. Hector 1\Iore,,0. J llnior Scicnli. t. Luz Ll. Juni or Chcm i. l. Gloria La.erna. Junior Chemist.

Di vis io n of Industria l E n gl n eerln A Fell,. D. !IIua mba, Chie f. Manin Jugo. Enidneer. Felipe An cheta, A.~ I~ta nt Engin eer. I'alrocinio E. Gamido. Au;.tant Powe r Pian t Engineer. Moi.e. L" cn~ . irdll.trial Engin eer. Hermogene. Targm. Assislant Power P lant Engineer. Manuel Lopez. AniSlant Powe r Plant Engineer. Rernabe R. Olclnay. Engin ee ring Drlfl.m.n. Blu S. Gomez. Assista nt Seientilt.

Dlvil ion of Scientifi c Library

C. n. Perez. Chief. Catalina S . Semilln. Au iatant Li brarian. Ouinlin A. F.a l•• A.aistanl L ibrarian. Muima M. F erre r. Assistant Librarian. Leonila Re.u rreccion. A•• istant Librarian . Vicente S. Romero. Au iuant Librarian. Sergio P. Duqu e. Libr.Ti.n.

Divis io n of Biological R esea rc h MarcoB Tubangui. Chief. Mariano Basaca. Anistant Sclen lin . Panta leon J. Aguila. J unior Seientist. Victoria Mllilunga n. Scientific AIO I.tan l. Doloru Hip olito. Scierti!ic Anillanl. Magn. L. Cuzmnll. Scientific AniSlanl.


2. 3.



6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.



H. 15.

16. 17.

18. 19. 20.


EC HACUE ST ., P. O. BOX 1481



Corn elio Ralmaceda. Director 01 Commerce. T el. 2·20·03.

Adm i nis tra ti ve Di vision

Commercial Agency No.


Adm i nis trative Divis io n T EL. 2.20·05 S imeon Matu lak R ecio. Ch ief of Di visio n. Rafael J ose. ",uinan l Chief o f Divi.ion. Proceao Rega lauo, Chief, Records Section. Alipio de la Cruz, Chief, Gene r.1 Service Seeli on. Dumlao. Chid. Cuh Scetion. huc E. T olen tino. Chief, P roperly Sec tion. Am. d o Lamagna , P erlonne! Clerk.

Comme rc ia l Division TEL. 2-20·06 Cleto C. M8Itril i. Chie! of Section. P edro R . Romero. A.sislant Chief 01 OJvia ion . T Ioadio Mill orca, Chief. Re$earc h Section. L adi.l ao Alvarez. Chief, T ude i n forma ti on Sec ti on.

Indu stri a l Di vision TEL. 2·13·70 Valeriano K . Lu, Ch ief o f Divi. ;on. Delfin R. Ca mpo •• Ani9t onl Chief o f Div i. ion.

Mark ets Di vIs ion TEL. 2·26·13 Bonifacio A. Quiaoi t. Chief of Di"i.ioD. Luc iano Salang •• AnislaDt Chie l of Div ision. Edua rdo Gonule • . Chie f. Commodi ty Sec tion. An tonio M . Cu i. Chief. Ma rk et Quo lati ons Sec ti on. Ricar do E. Remi,io , Chief. Bonded Warehoule Sec ti on.

Tra d e R el1uta rlon Division TEL . 2-20·09 Celedonio Ag .. " •• Chief of Ol"illon. Fr.Dei. co H erll ulldez. Chief. T·Mark. Sec tio n. Macar io Cti'Ollomo. Chief. Buine,. Name. Section. Dona lo Celes tino. Chid. Comme rc ial Broke rl Sec ti on.

F o reign Tra de Di vis ion T EL. 2·39·86 Saturni n o R . Mendin oelO, Chi ef of Div i.ion. Filomeno Sta. Ana. Comm erc ial Agent. Jose Ablang, Comme rcia l Agent. Macario Z. Landicho. Commercial Agent. Eorique R . P.lma. Commercial Agen l.

T rade Pro motion Division T EL. 2·30·05 Dionisio R eye" Chief of Diy llion. Fe lipe 1\1. F aja tin. Dill';c t Commercial Agent. Migoel G. Lun., Di~ l r i c t Commercial Agen t. Nemesio P. Flores. Dindet Commercial Agent. Migu el Villanu eva. District Commercial Agent.

Provincial Commerc ial Agent J.eondo Manin .................................... . .................... Tugueguao. Cagaran. Banjamin Balayan .................................••••........................ f llgan, t ubel •. Melchor B. Mas;gan ................................. •• • •...................... Laoag, Ilocol No~ l e. Pio S. Mala ............... • • • ••........................ . • • ••.................. Viglo, Il oell. Sur .


.................••.•............. . ..........• • • • • • ......•.. . . . ..... .

ROl cndo Gannd ell .,' .. . .. . ............ . ...... ... ... . .. . . .......... . ......... San Fernan do, L. Union. Tenlilo P. Sison ... . ... . ...... . ........ . ............ . . . . .. .... . . . ..... .. ....... DII.(;"up. n, P . ng.. in.n , Eli .. T. Raban.1 ........................................ .. .. ... ....... . ....... Tatlae. T .d.c. Pio Espejo .................•••........................... . •• • ••........ . ...... Caban.tuan. N. Ecija. Guillermo V. Blleita ........................................ . .................. Bal.iig •• B.t •• n. and Cirilo S. Hon or io ............•••.......................... • •• ................. :-Oblolos. Bulae.n. (Vacant) ................................ . ................................... .. PlaciJu hl. Pa C" lLnyen ........ ... .......................... .. ................. Suu Pab lo, Laguol. Juan 1'. Allgclu ...............•••• . ..... . ......• . . . .... , . ... ••• • .• . ... . .. . . ... Il aungn . Batlngn. Fauitino Cervo . .............. . .................... .. ................ C.lapa o. Mindoro. DalLiel Ruo ............................ . ..................• , • •... ............. LuceDa. Tay. h... Ben edic to C. Enn celi.ta .............................................. . ....... Nlg •• Camarin" Su r. lind David Ah' are~ ............................ • • •• .•.•............................. Le,upi. Alb.y.

DE I'ARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

30. 31. 32. 33. 34.


M.nioo Ch. Cuilarle ...................... . .........................•..•....• Calbalogan, Samar. Vicente F. Jaca ................. . ... .............................•• .. .•....... Taclo ban, Leyle. (V aca nt ) .... ...... ... ..... . ............••...............••........... Jose C. J omaleaa •. . .......... . ............ .. ........................... Bacolod, Occidenlal NCj;r08. Jose SOlelo ............ ... . . ..............••...............•........... Capil, Capil. Agripino Allilla .......... . ....•.........••.... ............ • •.... .. ... Il oi lo, Iloilo. Nemeaio P. Flores (Dis tr ici COIll" Agenl) ..........•.•..............•........ Cebu City, Cebu. Alipio de la Cruz ................................................. , •.......... T.,billlran, Bohol. Clelu ................................................................... lIig. n, L. nao. Jose N. Barce nas ................... . ................• • . .............. . ........ Zambo.n,•• Zamboanga. Pedro Llgnil on .................. .... ........... " .............................. Du.o Cily, Da v.o. ( ........................................................... . ..... .... . Mlximino A. Slfceda ......................................................... Ca,.y.II, Orienlal Minmi!. FilemoD T. M.iIOI ............................................................ Surig.o. Suri,.O.




HOIl. Benigno S. Aquino, Chairmall. Dr. ViClo r Buencamino, Member. Dr. Malluel L. RoxllJ, Member. Aurelio Montinola . Member. Cornelio Balm.ced. , Mem ber and M.nager of Ihe Exchange. Hooifacio A. Quiaoil, Secretary. Treuurer. Adramelec S. Monroy, Anilta nl Secretary. Trea... rer. Carlos N. Monfero. Record Clerk. Gaudellcio Mllcueii... Sellin, Agent. MUIUR, 0' Tllii

D. B. Ambrolio J Oie de Borj. Feli pe Buenclmino I n!e Cele.le A. J. D. Cortell Miguel Cuader'lo Frilleilco M. El lebln Ono Frauendorff George W. Greene A. C. HDII Carl He.. Serrin. Kloll LI !jenll Gi.p


R. II. M.chado Aurelio Montin>;)l. R. t'. Navarro Anrel Padilla Dr. Alfredo S. Paredel Norberto Quilumbing E. Rodriguez. Jr. Leon Rosentbal N. W, Schmelkel Leo Schnurmacher Ro.enda O. Subido Manue! Urquico JOIO C. Zu luela

WEATHER BUREAU (Manila Observa t ory) 406





\'i.ill"g DaYI.- Tue,day, from 2:00 to 4,00 p. m. Salurday. Irom 8 :30 to 11 :30 a. m. Profeuional men and aU othen upeciall, interelled In Ihe foreculing of Ihe "'cather or huing bUline.. with the Obler-nto ry may cill on an, day during ollice houll- From 7 :35 a. m. to 12 :30. From 2:00 p.m. to ":00 p.m. Saturday~ 7:30 I.m. to 12 :30. Miguel Selga. S.J ., Director. Chlll"l.,. E. Deppermaob, 5.1., Asd.tlnt Director. Deroud F. Doucette, S. J .• Chief, Meteorologica l Division. Wm. C. Repetti. S.J., Chief, Seilmic and Magne lic Diyilion. Leo W. Welch, S. J., Chief Altronomicli Divi ~ion.

lIabelo Cabriel, Chief, Ceneral Service Seclion. Eduardo S. Capi to, Chi ef, Record. Section. Lorellio Pereira, Chief, Property Sectioo. Fernando Vill allor. Cuhier IIlId Di. buning Office r. William F. Boericke. Mining Enllineer. G~orge H. Miller, Mining Engineer. Ward Beojamin Meek, Geolog b t. Rllmon Abarqun, Mining Enginee r .nd Geolollist. N"ltorio N. Lim, Miniog Engineer. ~t uimo P. Carcia, Anistl nt Mininll Engineer. Nernesio C. GamMero, Au i.taot Mloing Enginee r. Benjamin R. Salonga, Metallur,b t and Au arer. Juau S. Tevel . Alliat.nt Geologist. IDl e B. Barcelon, AnlsUnt Ceologi,!. Elpidio C. Vera, Alliltan t Geologi l t. Mal eo H. Tupas, Allilt. nl Geologi.l. Mauricio Canncnon, MinCl Anorney. Manu el S. Ellnda. MinCl Attorney. PIICUa! Blutina. MinCl Attorney. Lamberto V, Bellea, L,w Clerk. [\h.lluel S. Enrada, Law Clerk. Severo A. Formento, !\Iineral L,nd. Suneyor. Juli an Lagman. Mineral Land. Surveyor. Filemoo BaleO(. Miner,1 Llnds Surveyor. Pucua! Jo.on, Mineral Land. Surveyo r. Adriano Alba, Mioeral Land. Surveyor. Victorino Gonule., Min eul Land. Surveyo r.

INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE e{o BUREAU OF SCIENCE 727 H ER RAN, MALATE TEL. 5·68·37 Direc tor A. S. Arguellea, Chairman. Dr. Joaquin Maranon, Chcmi", Member. Dr. Hilario A. Rou., Zoologist, Member. Ernesto C. Ilenglon, Mining Enginee r. Memb er. Dr. Manuel O. Sumulonj;, Animal P roduc tl T echnologist, Member. Feli:r D. Mnrllmba, Engin eer, Memher. Rafael H. Aj;uilar, Chemi. t. Mcm ber. Cllli:iHO M~beu, Wood Tcch nolog ist. Member. Eladio SlIblan, Fiber Technologist, Mcmber. i\lariano P. Ramir,J. Piper Tce hnologiat, Member. Aur elio O. Crul, Oil Chemill, Member. Dr. MarcOJ Alicante, Chemin, Member.



Dr. Dr . Dr. Dr.

Vicente Faullino Manuel Jo,i V.

Ferrioll, Chairman. F. Turl • • Membcr. D. Sumu long, Member. Gloria, Secrela•.,..

TELS. 5·72.00- 5·43_SI Quirico A. Abadilla. Directo r. H. FOller Bain , Advi ler on Minu. Demetrio AndreI, Chief, Minerli Lpnd. Adminis tration aod Survey Divll ion (A'l i"ant to the Director). Erneno C. Bengzon. Chief, Mining Tec hnology Division . Dean F. Fruche. Chief, Geological Survey Divhion. Eduardo San P ucual, Chief, Administrative Division. Benjamin Gozon. Chief, Regulations, Claiml and Conllict Section. Roque E. Hebron . Chief, Mineral Land. Conceuion Section. Unilimo R. Soli... Chief, Min eral Lalld, Survey Section.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR SURVEYORS c/o BOARD OF EXAM INERS 494 RECOLETOS, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2-13·40 J uan Coronadu, Chairman. Antonino Manahan . Member. Teodosio Trinidad. Memb er. i)r. JOt e V. Glo ri a, Secretary.



DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU OF POSTS BLDG., PLAZA LAWTON, TEL. 2.JO.72 AveHno, Sec retary of Publie Works and Com. munications. Sergio Bayan. Uud .. r Secretray of Publi c Works and Com.



Manu el K. Torres, Administrativ e Officer. Ja cinto CachOl'o, Engineering Consultant. Conuda S. Ramirez, Engineering ConSllliant. lose Avellno, Jr., Prinle Secretary. J ose Pa.aI, Chief Clerk, Cuhier and Pr operty Clerk. Simon Eatuilla, Special Agent, Arturo A. Soriano, Chief, Law Section. Elpidio de Cu tro, Senior Clerk. Virgilio I. Talunn, Chief, Recorda Section.


Administrative Division Primo Villar, Chief, Admin;.trative Diyi. ion and A.. illanl to tbe Director. Vicente E. Kayaban , Superintendent of Bagnio Dwelling. for Rent and Auiltlllt Chief, Adminhtra liya Divilion. Francilco Cru~. Law Clerk. Crilpu lo Pacquinl:, Auist&nt La. Clerk. Cllalino Rey"., Aetion Clerk. Narcilo V. Ferrer. Penonnel Clerk. Pedro C. Hol andes. As.i,tant Perlonnt! Clerk. Benilo Momatil, R eceiving Clerk. '-elixberto Balb u . Stenograph er. T eodo ro Camu, Cuhier and Disbut. lnr Office r. JOI" B. Burce. Aui.tant Cubier. Eusebio ROXII, Payroll Clerk. Saludor Filamor. Chie f, Reco rd. Seclion. IId elon.o Gonulu, As.iSlant Record Clerk. Atanlcio Villanor, Property Clerk. Gregorio Mateo, Auiuant Property Clerk. J oaquin Lanot, Shipp;nl Clerk.

Office of the Auditor TELS. 2·10·05 " 2·42·20 Rafael R~nlO', Audilor T oribio M. San Juan, Senior Audit Clerk. Pablo Santi ago , Chief, Revenu e Audit Section. Eleoilltieo P., Chief, Di,butaement Audit Section. Silvino Agunn, Chief, Prope rty Audit Section. Santiago Acol, Chief, Bookkeeping Section. F elix Arciga, Chid, Record s and File Secti on. Dellin Lonr.lonl:. In·Charg e. Bur tau of AeroDiutic •.

Division of Motor Vehiclea RIZAL MEMORIAL TRACK AND FOOTBALL STADIUM Saluniano Reyes, Superintendent. Alfr ed o Lope', Au i.tant Superintendent. Pedro M. Elpiritu, Chief Cle rk. Victorino I'. Luna, Assistant Chief Clerk. ' Martinez, Chie! Investil:ator. Eduardo C.layan, Chief Iupector. Carlol Largo, Ch ie f, Statis ti cal Section. Delfin Papa. Chief, Reg. Section A. Eustaquio Alcabedas, Chie!. Reg. Section B. FrancilCO de 101 Santo., Chie f, Reg. Section C. • Dalmacio Reye., Chief, License Clerk. Alfredo VilIon, Chief, Collection Section. E!igio Cilma, Chief, Property Section. Guillermo Alpir.. , Chief, Record. SeetioD.

Designing Division J. C. C(>Okingblm, Chief, Desirning Enginee r, T el. 2·39·64. Manuel I. Felillrdo, Supe"ising Electrical and Mechanic al Engineer. Tel. 2·39·54. A. T. Sylveller, Supervising Portworke Enl:ineer, Tel. 2·21-62. Ju an Piedad , Deaigning Engio eer, T el. 2.51-71. Dominro CUlnio, Chief Section of F.ngineering Research Laboratory T el tl and Stati.tiC8. T el. 2-53·58. Eliodoro Segui, Desirning Enginee r, T el. 2·51·77. Bernabe V. Gregorio, Civil En rineer. Ar. eni o P. Luna, Civil Engineer. CirilCo Coronel, Mechanical and El eeltical EngiDeer. Tel. 2·39·54.


Cosme J. VenturI!., Electrical Enginee r. Pablo Hagan, Aniuan! E lectrical Engineer. Domingo de la Pu, Civil Engineer. Eugenio P. Ylo, Civil Engineer. Marco. C. AmpoDLn, Design inG Engineer. Simeon AUODlD, Civil Engin eer. Napoleon C. Carbonell, A.IIi.lan t Civil Enlin ee r. Celeltino TroDo, Division Cle rk. T omll Bertol, Prope rty Clerk.

Con strucdon D fvlato n lu lu Fernando, Chie(, Conltrue tin, Enrineer and Auistan l Director. T el. 2-65·79. Vicente OrOIl. Higbwa) Engineer. Te\. 2-65·79. SUumino Lop ez, Second Division Enginee r, Tel. 5-71·44. Dalmacio Urtula, Firat Divilioo Enl,:ineer, Tel. 5·15·22. Alfredo C. Eugcnio, Thi rd Diyis ion Engineer, Tel, 2·63·17. JOIC Loud., Fourth Division Engineer, Dlnilian. Lanao. Vicente Purugganll.n, Chief, Loeatin, Enginee r. Quidco CamuI , Special Ag ent, Tel. 6·83·90.

Dlatrict of Manila, 8. P. W. F idel V. Larracu, Di' tric t Engineer. IticlTdo C.luya, Chief Plumbing and Tinning Section. Anastacio Pas Ol, Supervising Mechan ical ED,ineer. Manuel GaUegos, Chief Cler k. Mariano Jntengan, Gen. Superintendent, Pieta Section. Quirico Santingo, Geueral Cons truction '-oreman. Herman Franco, Chie l Electrician. Apolonio Correno, Buyer.

DIvl810n of Architect u re Ant on io T oledo, Consuiting Architect, T el. 2·39·68. Teodllo P. Macabulol, Desi,n;n, Enaineer. Aurelio N. Cobangbanll.. Supervi,ing Delirninl: Engin eer. Angel N. Pueual. Civil Engineer. Cell r Concio. Architec t. Eli .. V. Feliz, Architectural Gregorio M. Paredes, Architectural Drafllman. Lucio Francisco, Architectural Dnillmin. Alfredo L. Pinol, Architectural Elias Ruiz, Architcctural Draftlman . Remigio del Roaa rio, Archit ec tuni Drafllman. AnGel B. Velasquez. Architec tural Eu fraclo de II Rosa. ASlinant Architectnra l Draftsman. Simplicio Riv era. Allinlnt Architectural Drafhma n. Francbco Vitan, Junio r Archit ect utll Draft. man. Benigno E. Manne, Junior Architectural Drafuman. Mariano Pineda, Aniltant Arch itect. Jene ViJlagraeia, Junior Architec tura l Dn fumln . Antonio E. Rey"" Civil Engineer. Fidel S. l\fanio. Civil Engineer. Manuel Sal .... Assi, tant Civil Enginee r. Gludencio I. Santol, Assistant Civil Enllneer. Marcoa Valentin, Auistant Top or raph ical Draftl Olall. JOle CaMurel, Ani,tan! Architectural Drafllman. Angel V. Demerin, Archit ectural DrafumBn. Federico S. lIustre, Architectural Drafllmlln. P uell a! Manalo, Divi.ion Clerk.

D lvlsloD of Hyd ra ulics Hilario S. Clemente, Chief Hydrau lic Engineer, Tel. 2·39-59. Manue l Gonzalez, Civil Engineer, Tel. 2·22·68. Julian A. Buendia, Civil Engineer. Tel. 2.85.94. Graciano J. Militante. Civil Engineer. T el. 2·79·14. Homobono H. Gonu.leli'. Civil Engineer, Tel. 2·85·94. Ant onio A. Villanue¥ll., Ch' iI Engineer, Tel. 2·85·94. Roberto P. Villatuya, Civil Engineer, Tel. 2·22·68. El eu terio Macala1ag, Civil Engin ee r. Tel. 2.22.68. Agapito Alano, Civil Engineer. T e l. 2.85·94. Krause Jgn acio, Civil Enginee r, Tel. 2·22-68. Faustino Salvador. Civil Enginee r. Tel. 2·85·94. T omas T. Zila. Civil Engineer, Tel. 2·22·68. Alejandrino Ferrcr, Civil Engin ee r, Tel. 2·85.9". T omu A. Saddam, Civil Enaineer. T el. 2·19· 14. Tom as !I t! Guzman. Civil Engine er, Tel. 2·85-94. Ciriaeo r.iml:tira, Anistan! Ci.. i1 Engin eer. T el. 2.22·68. Alejandro B. Delena, A.,iltanl Civil Enl:ineer. Tel. 2·85·94Julio F. TOnglOn, A"iltaot Civil Enrlneer, T ..1. 2·85·94. Ricardo Calineo, Ani.tant Civ il Enaineer, Tel. 2·79·14.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNrCATrONS P. de la COlta, Superintendent 01 Arte.ian Wells, T el. 2·44·29. Sabu Collado, Chief Well Driller, T el. 2·44·29. Mariano T. Palomer, Supen'ising Well Driller. Tel. 2-44·29. Eliseo M. Panopio, Chief Surveyor, Tel. 2-22·68. Mucelo P. Guzman, Division Chief Clerk, Tel. 2·79-14. Pedro M. Arguille.t, Spedal Disbursing Officer, Tel. 2·79-14. Crupu lo Asedillo, Jnnior Stenosrapher, Trl. 2.79.14. Nicolas O. Priela, J unior Stenographer, Tel. 2·79.14. Dominador ReyC.'!, Supplyman·Storeman. Tel. 2·79-14. Artemio Abaya, Chie! Water Rightl Inspec tor, Tel. 2·79·14. V. Villavicencio, Supefl' W.ner Rights Inspec tor, Tel. 2.79·14. Pedro Valderrama, Water Righ tl Inspector, T el. 2·79·14. Bonifacio Ramo. , Distri ct H ydrographer, Tel. 2·79·14. Crilanto Tuason , Senior Topographical Draftaman, Tel. 2·65·94. Pablo Mercado, Ani.tant Topograpbical Drafllman, Tel. 2·22·68. Felipe Plan ta , Clerk, Tel. 2·44.29. Juan Baldueu, As.i.tant Topog raphical Draftsman, Tel. 2·85·94.. F. Lapuz, ASiistant Topographical Drafl$man, Tel. 2.85·94. Iaidro Asuncion, Juni or Topographical Draftsman, Tel. 2·79·14. Jacin to Santiago, J unior Topographical Dra ft sman. T el. 2·22·68. Vicente Dayrit, Juni or Topog raphical Draftsman, T el. ::.79.14. D. Chantengco, J unio r Topographical Draftsman, Tcl. 'l.79.14. A. Diaz, Juni or T opographical Drafnman, Tel. 2·85-94. G. Lomotan, J unior Topographical Draftsman, Tel. 2·22·68. C. Bug.yong, Juni or Topographical Draftsman, Tel. 2·22·68. Norberto Ciriaeo, J unio r Topograpbical Draftsman, Tel. 2·79·14. Felipe de Leon, Surveyman, Tel. 2·79·I4.. Ricardo Mayuga, Surveyman , Tel. 2·85·94. B. Ceoiza, Surnoyman , Tel. 2·79· 14. Arturo Flor... , Surveyman , Tel. 2·22-68. F. Remo, Surveymao, Tel. 2-85-9-1. ADdn:s Ki mwell. SurveymBo, Tel. 2·85·94. Marciano Tu~oo, Surveyman, Tel. 2·22·f8. Teolilo Son, Surveyman , T el. 2·85·94. L. Uyengco, Suneyman. T el. 2·85·94. Urbaoo Rivera, J unior Topographical Draftsman, Tel. 2·22..6fi.

Division of Central


Lllis Bauti.ta, Chief of Divifion.


I. Feli~ardo. Chief of Division. P. Abrera, Yard Engineer. Y. Ocampo, Planning Enginee r. A. Tapia, Acting Worn Engineer.


RECORDS DIVISION Elpidio Clemente, Superintendent. Hermenegildo F. Tibayan, Aut. to the Supt.

Filing and Issuing Section Mannel Espaiiol, Cbief. Amado C. Santos, Assistant Chief.

Receiving and Mailing Section Prudencio Sabluya, Chief. N. Feliciano, AniSlan t Chief.

Mimeographinl! Section GenerO$O Cabrera, Chief. Joaquin Estabillo, Assis tant Chief. INSPEC TIO N DIVISIO N Bonifacio Ortega, Superintendent. Teopiato Batungbaeal, Aub tant Superintendent.

General Service Section Belarmino P. NII"ar ro, Chief.

Mall P e rmits Section Lorenzo M. Hernanuel., Chief.

Complaint and C laim Section Emilio D. Di zon, Chief.

Investig!\tion Sec tion Constaneio Santo"

Acting Chief. I~ostal

Sec t ion

Manuel J. Romero, Chief.

Dead Letter Calalino Garcia, Chief. Hermene;i1do Enriquez, Assiuant Chief.

Post·Office Ins pectors Jo~e

F. Aleuaz Francisco T. Araiia Ricardo Balatbat Agapito C. B.uti$lll Monico Dum.nglag Gregorio Dolojan Jose O. Gonules Marcial Gu errero (Aetg.) Gregorio Ibay Gregorio Jim enez

Francileo V . Lopez Aurelio Mogol Ana.tasio MoniC.'! Enrico R. Palomar Francisco B. Papica (Actg_) Modesto Pulido J uan R. Ramos (Acti-) Anures A. Revilla Cornelio ReyC.'! (Actg.) A mbrosio San Pedro

MAIL TRA NS PORTATIO N AND DELIVERY DIVISIO N Ped ro Dimaguila . Superintendent. I uan RAreln, Assis tant Superintcnden t.

General Service Sec ti o n Celerino Cnstro, Chid. l\fanininno de In Cru~. Assis tant Chief.

Railway Mall Service Section



Juan Ruiz. Director. Felipe Cuademo, Anialant Director. l andas i\tiravite, Researcher and Cost Ascertaine r.

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Rufino Tolentino, Superintendent. Pastor Samonte, A"ialant Superintendent.

General Service Sect ion Franci!eo Villa. Chief.

Appointment Section Pablo Velasco, Chief. LorenlO P unzal, Anistant Chief.


I~erson nel


Buenaven tu ra P uetc~, Chi ef. Servando Aguilar, Acting ASli$tant Chief.

Leave a nd In s urauce Sec l ion Aurors T . Seb.l,tbn, Ac ti ng Chief. Ellstaquio Ignacio, Assistant Chief.

Repair S h OI> Tib urdo de Ocampo, Acting Chief.

Vi cente Gonu les, Chief. Pedro Y. Espina, As.iuant Chief.

Provincial Free Mall Delivery Service Section Julian Dimal:mta. Chief hidro Guevara. Acting Chief.

Mail Boat and Air-Ma il Service Section Neme~io

C. LOPC2, Chief. Simeon Lampa, Assis tan t Chief.

PROPERTY DIVISION Constancio Navarro, Superintendent. Ciriaco D. Reyes, Assistan t to the Superintend en!. Equipment Sec tion Manuel A. Pau., Chief. J uan B. de Guzman, Assis tant Chief.

Property Acco unting Sec tion Gaud encio Lontok, Chief. Lu cio A. Runio, Aubtant Chief. ~ia"imo

Accountable Forms Sec tion

C. Pedro, Chief. Patricio Maghan'!a, Assistan t Ch ief.

Packing and Shipping Sec ti o n Tr:mguilino V. Hallig, Chief. Cleto Fi esta, An islant Chief.



R equ isi tio n Section

Ca rm elo H. L aru~. Ch ic f. Can ut o V. Gomez, AniSlanl Chie f. Te l e~rap h

Radio S upp li es Sectio n

Rafael S . VaieMin, Chiel. Ped ro S. Segui , ASiinlo t Chie!.

MalllnQ, Section Sabu G. R eYe3, Chief. Germ an S ori a, Ac tin g Au t. Chief.

Ci ty Delive ry Sec tion J esus Carcia. Chief. Ram on d e la Cru E, Assil tant Chief.

Regis try Sec tio n

Stat io n a r y Supplies Section Vicent e Mamnil, Ch ie f. J oa e C. Calma. Ass istan t Chie!.

Blank For m s Section Lui! i'II. Mcdalla. Chief. An lonio Araot, Au ista nt Chief.

POSTAL SAV INGS BANK P edro N. Monc ayo. Superin tenden !. A. Bucnllvcntura, AuiSlnol Superintendent.

Gen era l Ser vice a n d Correspond en ce Section Candi do T alos;g. Chief. Cos me Sek ilo, An is Ian! Chief.

Trial Bala n ce Sec ti on An toni o On y Ramire •., Chief. Ange l Lapuz, Assis tant Chi ef.

Dep osi t a n d W ithd rawa l Sec tio n "A" Simeon Marquez, Ac ting Chief. F Or!unalo C, Mannbat, Ac ting An istant Ch ief.

Deposit a nd Withdr awal Secti on " B" Cornelio Balderian, Actin!: Chief. H erminia R. Matias, Actin, Assiuant Chief.

Deposit and Withd rawa l Section "C" J ose Cabaiiero, Aetinli: Chief. U1datico Soril, Ac tin, Ass is tant Chief.

Manila T ellers Section Emilio Bernahe, Chief. Francisco Abelian:!., Assistant Cbief.

Filinlt Section Fausto T olen tin o, Chief. Simeon B. Omiclln, Asnitant Ch ief.

EL ECTRI CA L COMMUN ICATIO NS DI VI SION Petronilo T arae atac , Superin tenden t. Areadio Angu s tia, Ass istant Superin tenden t. Vicente Agullo, Tr.lfHc Superviso r.

Gener al Ser vice a nd Personn el Section Guillermo R. Rooli1,

Chie r.

Manila Cen t r al Opera ti ng Section Se" ero E. Darrios, Chief. Segun d" Quebrai, Auittant Chief.

Message - Receiv in g Section Canulo Gerardo, Chief. Raymundo I\l andapB t, Ant. Chief.

Messa ge-Deliver y Sec t ion Eulalio Prudeneio, Ch ief. Jose F, Ditan, Ant. Chief.

M a nila Ce ntra l Radio T uning Sta tion Cesario Obispo, Chief·in-Charge_ Vicente Escueu, Auhtan t Chief·in-Charge.

Manila Cen tral Ra d io Tran s mitting S t a tion Segundo T ea iio, Cilirj·in·Cha'lle. Jose P. Lanuza. Auinant Chiel·jn.Charge.

UN ITED S TATES AN D FOREI GN MA ILS OlV IS lON J ose A. P ilapi!. Superin tcndent. F lorentino B. Bl:uti!ta, Aninan t Su perin tenden t .

United St!l.t es Mall Section J ose Sandcjaa, CI,ief. Benito Dungo, An t. Chief.

For eign Mall Sec tion Pablo Buiiog, Ac ting Chie f. Ru fino Bartolome, ASl t, Chie f.

MA N ILA PO ST OFFI CE J esus AiI'ar e~, Superin tende nt. Al ejan dro Cruz, AuiSlant Superin tende nt.

Cle ment e de Lcon, Aetio g Ch ief. F au tin o Navarro, Ac li nc Ani n an t Ch ie f.

T EL EGRAPH R ADIO AN D CA BL E CONS TR UCT lO N AND M AI NT ENANCE Dl VIS lO N Gonu lo M. Kaman ti gue, Sup erint en d ent. J O!e S . Alfonso, Ac ting All istan l Su perin tend ent, Ern esto Singson, Su r ervil ing Mecbani ca l En gin ee r.

Gen er a l Ser vice a nd Per son n el Section P ac if ic o N. R amon,

Ae ling Cbief.

R a dio C onstruc tion


M a intenance Sec tion

Albin o L ara , Cbief.

T elegraph COn s trllCtiOn a nd Main tenance Section J ose Arcellan a, Chiel. An d res Mont inola, Auis tant Cbie f.

MONEY ORDER Dl VIS IO N Braulio d e Vern, Sup erint ende nt. 1o" enci o Vill arin , As.istant S up erint end ent.

Genera l Service Section F idel Bundoe, Ch ief. Leonardo T. Papa, Allitl4Dt Chief.

Cashier'S Sec tio n Celso N. Ma yo r, Cas hi er, T omas Eusebio, Assistan t Cashier.

Teller 'S Section F e lipe Urlob, Ch ie f. Davi d Rami rez, Auis tan t Chief.

Cleadne H ou se S ub- Sec tion Ti n o Ba utis la, Clerlt-in·Ch aflle.

D u plicat e M o n ey Ord er Section Me lc hor Alcid, Ch ie f. Sa nt iago l\l anongdo, Anill4n t Chief.

St a mp Sec tion J Ole Ti mbol. Chie f. P orfiri o Gonza lu, A$lis tant Chi e f.

Dlsburslne Sec tion Benit o Mendoza, Spec ia l Dis burs ing Officer. Lore nzo C. T orru, Alil istant Special Disb. Officer.

Record s Section Aleja ndro Joco, Ch ic!. Ol ivo Diego r, Assistar,' Ch ie f.

Philateli c Section Modes to M. Marcelo, Ac tin g Chief. Trinidad T . Mendoza, Assisl4nl Chie f.

METROPOLIT AN WATER DISTRICT l i6 ARROCERD S, ERM ITA TE LS. 2· 19·81, 2-36·24, 2. 19·86, 2· 3·l·51, 2·}0· 13, 2·1 9·82 and 2. 19-85. DISTRI CT BOARD Chairma nJose Avelino, Secretary, Departm ent 01 P ubl ic Works an d Com mun ica tions. Vice Chait manEul og io Rod riguez, Sr.- Mayor, Cit y 01 ~I a "ila . MembenEulog io RodriKun, J r.- I' ro\' inei al Gov ern or of Rizs!' Dr. J OIO Fab ella- Secre ta ry, Dep nrtment of H ealt h aud Public We lfar e. Vicent e FrRRan te-Direc tor nl P ub lic Works. Se ra fin l\I~ ra but -Secret ary, Budget Commissio n. Dr. Grego ri o An onas- General Ma na ge r, National De· velop ment Co. S ec retary- Remig io Garcia.


Section of Drafting. Surveys and Mapping


M erc ~d o-Chief


Ambrosio Maguyuy-Manag er.




Section of Investigation & Water Extension

Medical Service

Victor L. Recio- Assistant Sanitary EngIneer.

Dr. Manuel H. Yeloao-Phyaiei.n.

Administrative Division l ose C. Carpio-Chief Cle rk & Chiel 01 Division. luan Ri ego de Diol-Au'!. Chief Cle rk. Dominador A. Al alriz- Chief, R eco rd . Seeli on.

Section Sewerage & Sewage Disposal Cuil1ermQ Ab.lon-Chemi$t. Anlonio C. Menor-A,sistanl Engineer. Section of StorITl Drains & Drainage Alfredo Ocampo-Assista nt Des igning Engineer.


Section of Miscellaneous Structures

Manud Manon-Au islanl Manager.

Susa no Negado-Ani$ tant Engin eer.

DIvision of Meter Reading, Complains and Investigation Romeo Crislohal- Chief of Di-·ision.

Construction Division Francisco Domingo-Chid, Cons t. Engineer.

Section of \Vaterworks and Sewer works

Section of Investigation

Perfec to Navarro- Oversee r.

lose D. Bautista-Chi ef of Secti on.

Section of Storm Drains

Section of Mete r ReadIng

H erminio Crbpin- Oveneer.

Tomas de Leon- Chief of Section.

Division of Waterworks and Sewerage Francisco Coquia- Chief of Division.

Section of Miscellaneous Structures lesus

Centeno-Civil Engineer.


Section of \Vaterworks Isidro Herllandez-Chiel of Section. Roberto Cipriano-Forema n (Night Sh ift).




Numeriano Roju-Cc mptrolle r. i\Jariano Salud -A l5i~ t.:lnt Comptroller.

Section of Sewers

DUling Division

Basilio Austria-Foreman, Chief of Section.

lu a n de Peralta - Chid of Di vision.

Division of Machinery and Shops

Bills Section

Carlos Manalo-Mecha nical· El ec tri cai Engineer. Teofilo l iDlenez-A !S i ~ta nt Mecha ni cal En gineer.

Nemesio Mortero-Auiuant Chief Bill Clerk.

Section of Sanitary Sewers & PUITlping Stations

Billing. Graphotype. Addressograph & Abstracting Machine Operators Section

Dionisio Flores-Inspector,

Chief of Section.

Pablo TC(:.on- Chief of Seclion.

Section of Transporta tion . Property & Grounds Bartolome de 101

Santos-In l pec tor. Chie! of Section.

Accounting Oivision Gon~alo

La zaro- Chief 01 Oil·i.ion.

Section of Machine Shops

Bookkeeping Section

Emilio Regino-Ch. Mox:hRnic, Chief 01 Sect ion.

Santiago de I" Crul- Bookkeeper. Chief of Section.

Section of Meter Repairing & Testing

Statistical Section

Ricardo de IR Cruz- Chief 01 SC(:lion. Laur o I'a ci •.

High Pressu re PUITlPlng System

Cost Accounting Section

Manuel l uco-Su pe rvisin g Pump Opentor.

Operation and Maintenance Division luan Malixi- General Superintendent, Chid of Division. Jesus C. Perlas-Assiuant Superintendent.

Grounds and Miscellaneous Maintenance Cayelano Brosu-Foreman.

Section of Balara Filtration Plant Maximo Corcia- Chiel Clerk &: Prope rt y Custodian.

Lauro Garcia- Chief of Section .

Auditing Oivlslon Abun dio Rom ero- Chid

Collection & Disbursement Audit Section Delfi n Trojano-Examiner. Meter Reading & DIlling Audit Section Ri cardo Timar io-Chief of Section.

Laboratory & CheITllcal Feeder Operation Ru sti co T cngo-Anistan t Chemist.

Property Audit Section Jacinto Enri quez-Chie! of Section .

Filter Operation

Inspection Section

Salvador Roiio-Seni or Opers tor.

l uan 1. Car los-Chief 01 Section.

Section of Novaliches Reservoir Nem es io Aaprer-lnspeclor.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT Marcisno Cuevara-Treasu re r.

Section of San Juan Reservoir Engracio del Rosario-Illspector.

Cash Division Gcn ero!o Roii o-AniSlant T reasu rer and Cashier.

Section of Montalban Headworks Cregorio Tul entino-Liu eman & Patrol.

Ipo Headworks

Colleclion Section

Blcti-Settllng Basin


Aguila r-Su rveynlan' Foreman.

Cregorio de L eon- Chief Engineer. A. D. Williams-Consulting Engineer.

Deslgnin{!. Division

Cruel ~D esi, ning


Pet rac he-Chief of Section.

Property Division



Tellers and DisburscITlent Section Pedro Sa nt os-Chief Paymas ter and Assis tant Chief of Division Aiipio Gregorio- Chief T ell er and Assistan t Paym aster. Agustin S. TorrCl-T ell er. AJ$ i5lant Cashier and Paymaster.

Alfon so Mercado-An istant Civil Enginee r. Quintin Cueto- Inspector. T eogonio

of Di vision.


lose D. Dabu- Property Clerk. Restituto Bautis ta-Assistant P roperty Clerk. Marisno Venida- Purchas in g Clerk.

Property Records & Inventory Secdon Sixto Mendo£a- Property Inspec tor.




Storehouse Section Casiano CUlicrrez-Supplyman· Stortman.

Operation of Toll Roads Montano [.guerra-Toll Colleetor. SanlOI Hebron.



DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS & COMMUNICATIONS nUREAU OF POSTS BLDG., PLAZA LAWTON, ERMITA Secretary of l'ubli<) Work~ lind Communication!, Chairman. S(ctetary of the Interi or. Member. Secretary of .';nlluce, l'dember.

IRRIGATION COUNCIL BUREAU OF POSTS BLDG., PLAZA LAWTON, ER.MITA TEL. 2·19·49 Hon. Sergio Barmll, Chairman. A. D. William!, Member. Lui. de Leon, Member. HilariOD SUaylln, Member. Maoucl Urlluico, Member. Aftern;o Abara, Secretary.


BOARD OF EXAMINERS 494 RECOLETOS. INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·7340 Alfredo Eug en io, Chairman. Enrique Santo Tomn, !\Iember. Nicolas L. Cuenc,,", Member. Dr. J OI& V. Gloria, Secretary.


c/o BOARD OF EXAM INERS 494 RECOLETOS, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2.73-40 Andrea Bonomeo, Chairman. Clemente Hid algo , Member. F elipe Roman, Membe r. Dr. J OIO V. Gloria, Secretary.

c/o BOARD OF EXAMINERS 494 RECOLETOS, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2-73·40 Albino Lara, Chairman. JUJto N. LOI)ez, !\Iember, J Ole G. Salazar, I\l em ber, Dr. J Olt; V. Gloria, Secretary.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS c/o BOARD OF EXAMINERS 49.J. RECOLETOS, I NTRAl\IUROS T EL. 2.7340 Dr. Angel Arguelle!l, Chairma.n. Ramon Feliciano, Member. Vicente LRYa, Member. Dr. J OIO V. Gloria, Secrelary,

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR MINING ENGINEERS c/o BOARD OF EXAMINERS 49.. RECOLETOS, I NTUAMU ROS TEL. 2·73-40 Quirico Abadil!a, Cbairman. Victor E . Lednieky, Member. Enrique Odrea, Member. Dr. JO!C V. Glori.1, Secrelary.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS FOR ARCHITECTS c/o BOARD OF EXAM INERS 494 RECO L ETOS, I Nl'R AI\IU IWS TEL. 2·73·<10 J ose G. Barretto, Chairman. Niennor Bautista, Member. COrlOI A. Barretto, Member. Dr. JOIC V, Gloria, Secretary.

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 265 GENERAL LU NA, I NTRAMUROS TEL. 2·14·02 Hon. Jorge Bocobo, Secretary of Public Instruction. li on. C. R. Manalac, Under Secrctary of Puhlic Instructi on. Dr. Manuel L. Carreon. Technical A55i~ta.n t. Mr!. Elvira B. de Castro. Pri\'ate Secretary. William B. Hartp ence, Clerk. Eneban Y. Peilano, Law Clerk. Antonio C. Bengzon, Sen-ice Clerk. Marcelo C. Angele!l, Stenographer and Act ion Clerk. Benito H. Enriquez, Cashier a.nd Prop erty Clerk. Alfredo A. Pucio, Clerk. Paulino l\I. Taningco, Pharmacy Inspector. Juan C. Antonio, Pharmacy Inspect or. Allredo Velarde, Clerk-Stenographer. I'ompeyo Gregorio, Stenographer. Jeremia! de l Rosario, Stenographer. Gonzalo Borromeo, Clerk· Stenographer. J ose V. Bro!u, Stenographer. Miguel E. Alba, Cle rk. Melchor Benavides, Clerk· Typill. Conrado V. H orea, Clerk·Typii t. Tomas C. Eva.nll:eiista, Clerk. Vi\'cncio 8. Laza ro. Clerk. Lino R. EUll:enio, Clerk. Min Dolores J. de JesuI, Clerk·Stenopaj)her.


Directorate Celedonio Sahador, Director. Prl,ldeDciO LancuuoD, Aninan t Director.

Personnel Divis ion A. M. Rat on, Chier. Petronilo G. Dulay, Chief, Service Section. Patricio Salamal, Actinll: Chiel, Chartered Cities Section. Benigno Sulit, Acting Chiel, Auignment Secti on.

l'ROMOTIQNAI. STAFF; Curriculum Divis ion Tito Clemenle, Acting Ass istant Chief. ;\1u. El eano r G. Riss, Normal School Principal on Special Oelail. San ti ago l)iwn, Academic Super\'i,or on Specinl Detail. Emiliano C. Hamircz, Acad emic Supervisor on Spec ial Dctai!' Leandro O. Gaspar, SUllervi,ing Principal on Special Detail. 111,.. J uliana Abadesco·de la Torr e, T eacher on Special Detail. Ramon R. Almario, T eacher on Special Delail. Min Ant onio Altonaga, Teacher on Special Detail (MUD' icipal) . ~1i15 H erminia ADchela, T eacher on Special Detail (Mun. icipal) . Mrs. Amp aro R. Asnncion, Teacher on Special Detail (Mun· icipal). Dante C. Atibagos, Teacher on Special Detni!' Mias Nieve!l A. Austria, Teacher on Special Detail. SClLundo Bucu, Teacher on Special Detail. J ose O. Cru~, T eacher ou Special Detail. Sancho Enriquez, Teacher on Special Detlil. Tomn P. Garcia, T eacher on Speciul Detail. Cefcrino S. Joven, Teacher on Special Dctail. Mill Jo,dina de Leon, T eacher on Special Deta il. Min I'iedad de Leon, T eacher on Special Detail. Min Winifred Lewi3, T eacher on Spec ial DNai!. Miu Rosa rio Macaranu, T eacher on Special Detail.


DEl'AUTMENT OF PUBLIC INS'l'RUC'fIONS Mi!.!l Patemita S. Mcrcado, Teacher on Special Detail. Mrs. Emilia Moral e!J·Cuiang, T eacher Oil Special Detail. Mrs. Soledad Perpinan, Teacher on Special Detail. Mi!.!l Salud del ROlario. Teacher on Special Detail. Mw Caridad Rosete. T eacher 00 Special Detai l. Emiliano C. Salvador. T eacher on Special Detail. Florencio Salvador, Teacher on Special Detail. Federico D. Sebastian, Teacher on Special Oculi. Mrs. Catalina Velasquez Ty, Teac her Oil Special Delail. Moi5el1 S. Vivie:zea, T eacher on Special Detail. Min Pilar S. Zamora. T eacher all Special Detail. Prodencio M. Lim, Librarian. Dionisio R. Paras, TeJ:thook lIIuurator.

Divi sion of In struction John H. McBride, J r., Chid. Orville A. Babcock, Superintendent of El emen tary Edu· cation and T eacher Training. Manu el Escarrilla, Acting Supe rintendent. In Charge of Normal Scboob. Lorenzo C. Alcantara, Academic Supervisor on Special Detail. Vit5lian o Bernardino, Superviso r of Elementary Scbools on Special Detail. Mrs . Petrona Ramos, Supe rv isor of Music. I1defonso S. Santos, Supe rv isinr Principal on Special Detail. J uan C. Laya, T eacher on Special Detail. Er iber to E. Parentela. T eacher on Special Detail. Min Trini dad SiOll, T eache r on Special Detail (Municipal).

Departme nt of Health Education Min Rou Mililar. Supct\'isor of Health Education. Mrs. Concepcion S. Cepeda, Supervisor of H ealt h Education. Min J oaquinD BaUli!la, Act ina- Supervisor of H ealth Edu. cation.

De partment of Physical Education Serafin Aquino, Acting Superintendent of Phy.ical Education. 1anuario O. Ange le5, Supervi.or of Physical Education. 10le S. de Cnlto, Acting Superintelldent of Phytiical Edu· cation. Rufi no 1\hriaDo, Acting SuperintendeDt of Physical Edu· cation. Antonino N. Nlcanor, ActiDg Supervisor of Ph)'sical Educa tion. Mrs. Francbca Tolentino, Supervisor 01 P hysical Education .

Measurement and Research Division Neme!Jio L. AguDod, Acting Cbief. Satumino C. Respicio, Supervisor. IIdefonso Y. Santos. Supervisor. Francisco C, T onogba n ua, Supe rvi sor. J esus E. Perpinan, Acting High School Principal on Special Delail. Min Elena Alb erl, T eacher on Special Detail. Marian o Batalla, Teacher on Special Detail. Wenceslao Cajipe. Teacher on Special Detail. Daniel V. de la Cruz, Teachcr on Special Detail. Alt!. T rin idad Di u· Enriquez, Teacher on Special Detail. Guillermo V. Jacob. Teacher on Special Detail. Mariano R. Lim, T eacher on Special Detail. MilS J uana E. Marin, T eacher on Speeial Detail. Miss J osefina V. !teyes, T eac her on Special Detail. Miss Felicidad Robles, Teacher on Special Detail. Ciriaco U. Santos, T eache r on Special Detail. Miss Margarita Santos, T eacher on Special Detail. Domingo C. Serion, T eacher on Special Detail. Miss Dorotea Trinidad, T eaehe r on Special Detail. Benito Leu terio, Chief School Stalistician.

Publications and Publici ty Divis ion H a rold Van Winkle, Chief. J ose T. Enriquez, Actinf; Auhlant Editor. Salvador Fernandez, Alli.tanl E dito~. Santiago Ortiz, Chief, Printing Scclion.

Vocational Divis iOn Gilbert S. Perez, Chief. Elias M. Caray. Actin!: Supervisor of Typ e "A" Curriculum. Mariano Manaligod , Industrial Supervisor on Special Detail.

Departme nt of Agricultural Instruction Pedro Mont ellano. ACling Supervi.or of Agricultural Illstruc. ti OD . Conltancio T. MedranD, Acting Supervisor of Agricultural Ins tru ction . T eodorico Taguinod, Supervisor on Special Detail.

Department of Trades and Industries Gui1Jermo Me nd oza. ACling Cbief. Severo Card enas, Supervisor of Indust rial Arts. Exequiel de Ia Cruz, Acting Supervisor of In dus trial Arts and T rades Section. Pedro Licuauan, Su pervisor of Iudustriai Arts. Mariano Borja. Trav eling Indus trial T eacher. Conrado de los Re),es, Jr., T eacher of Arts and Trades.

Department of H o m e Economics Miss Elvessa A. Stewart. Chief. Mill Adelina Alvarez. Supe rvi sor of Home E conomic • • Miss Clara P. C:lrino, Superviso r of H ome E COD(.mics. Miss' Consol:lcion Kudemus, Supervisor of H ome Ecollomics. Mrs. Brigida C. Millan, Superviso r of H ome Econ omics. Min P ura R. Quinto. Acting Supervisor of Hom e EcoDomi'll. Mrs. Francisca M. Vega, Supervilor of H ome Economics. Mrs. Baldomera M. Magsanoc. T eache r on Special De tail. Mrs. Albina Z. Manlucll, Teacher on Special Detail.

ADM ISTRATIV E STAFF Offi ce of t h e Adminis trative Officer Esteban R. Abada. Acting AdminiltraliYe Officer.

Admini strative Investigation Section Lihrado D. Cayeo, Acting Chief.

P roperty Di vision Alberto Dalusuug, Chief. Sanlos Sagayadan, Chief, Audit Section. Cirilo Ab ella, Storekeeper.

Records Division Beni to Santaromana. Acting Chief. F. M. Camacho, Chicf, Penonnei Filcs Section. Gaudencio La cson, Chief. MiscclianeoUl Files Section. Glic erio C. Santos, Acting Chief, AppropriatioDs Files and Binding. Julian Villanueva, Chief, Mailing SectioD.

School Pl a nt Division Cayo Manzo, Chief.

Statistical Division J ose A. de Cas tro. Chief. Marceliano P. Samson. Supervisor on Spccial Detail. Simplicio Trinidad, Cuhier and Disbursing Officer.

DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS I N THE PHILIPPINES 1940- 1941 ProfJlnc. Sup,nintendcnt Abra • ... .....................• Alfonso ViIla for (Acting) ......... ........................ . Agu. 1UI . . ....•................. I\ cecc A. Oli ver (Acting) ................................. . Alhay ......... ......... . •.. .... Charle. V. Cline ..• . •..................•.... '............. . Anliqu ", ..•..•... , ............ . Augusto Flores ..•.•..... . ................................. Bataan • • , • .. ........•.••.. .•.. Deme trio M. And res •..• . ...•... ........... ...... ....... .. . Batanes . ..... ........ ..•...... Victor de Padua (Head T eacher) ........................ . BalangDl •.. . ......... , ..... , .. ~nt~!~. M. Mac~da ............. ......... .... ............ . Bohol ...•............. . • ...... . I ,ams (AclL ng) .......•...... .. .. .... ... .......... .. . Bukidnon ...... , •.•....•.. , •... Roma n F. Lore nzo (Acting) . . . . .......................... . Bulacan •• , ..••.••.• , .• , ....• ,. Vcnnncio Trini dad .. . ............. . .......... . ........... . . Cagayan ..... . . . ......• ,." .••• Glice,io C. T ayc o .•. . ...............•••. ................. . Camarine. Norte ..•...... , .. . .. Ri cardo Caatro (Acting) .......... .. • •• • .. ...... ......... . Camarin e!l Sur ................ . S. M. Anlonio (Acting) ............ • ••....... ........ . ... CDpiz .....•...................• JOle V. Aguilar .......................................... . Cavit t •.••....•.. , ............ . Pedro G. Guiang . ....... . ...........•• • •...............•..

f/ eGdq"GrU" Il angued Butuan Le!:upi San Jose Balanga Ilasco Batanga. T agbi laran Mnlaybalay l\Ialo lol T uguegarao Dac t Naga Capiz





......................... . hme! E. Milling (Acting) .... , ............................ COUblto .............. . Agu s tin Pariares (Acting) .................................. D.¥.o .................... ..... . John D. Stumbo (Acling) ..................... ... ......... UOCOI Norle •...••...•••... ESlanid.o R. Lopc~ , ..................... •• •••...•.. , •. . .. 110.::0. Sur , ....... ........... ,. Venancio Nera ... ; ... . ....................•.......... , ..... Iloilo .. . ..................... .. B. Fielden Nutter .... ,., ................ •• ••.•. ,.,', ... ," lubela . . , ..................... . Mauricio Datoc (Acting) ............ , ... , .. ... ............. Lagu na ...............•• •..... . Abdon J avier .... , .... .. ... .............. ......... ......... LlnlO •••••.•••••...••• • • ..•.•. J. Scott McCormick ....... ........ " ... . •• , .... , .... ,..... L. Unioll ••••••..••.•..••..•. " Isabelo Tupla .•.... ... " ...............• • , ... " ..... ,., .... Loyl c ..•..................... ,. Alberto Hayne•.... ,., ..... , ......... .. .•.•...... " ... , .. ,' Manila Cecilio Putong , ... , .• ,.,., ...•........ •• •••. ,', .... " ...... Marcelino Bautia13. (Asst. Supt.) " .......... ,." ........... Marinduque ...........•........ Aurelio P. Arguelles (Acting) ......... . ................... Mashale •....................... Ciri lo raylona (Acting) ............... .. ............. . .... Mindoro . .. .................. .. Gregorio Lardizabal (Acting) .............................. Miumis Occidental ............ -: Leon Gatmaytan (Acling) .................................. Miumi. Orienlal .............. . J o~e R. Suarez ............•...................... Mountain Province ............ . Richard B. Patterson (Acling) ............................. NegroJ Ocddental ............ . .'ede rico Piedad ............................................ Neg ra. Oriental ............... . Arc he r 8. Parbam ......................................... Nu eya Ecija .................. . Apo looio M. Ramos (Acting) .......... . .............. Nueva Vi~caya .......... .... .. . Roman L. Santo, (Actio,) ................................. Palawan ...................... . Miguel B. Gaffud ............................... , ..••...... Pampanga ............ ........ . Macario Naval .....................................•••...... Panguinan ..............•...... ~._~k Rizal .. , ....................... . Beoito Pangilinan ..................... . ...... • • • . • ........ RombiOD ..................... . Carmelo P . Quiotero ...... . ....................••• •....... Samar •........................ F ernando S. F uen tCl (Acting ) ............. . ... . .... ....... So",o,oo .....•................. Santiago Dumlao ....... .................. _..••••........ '" Sulu ......................... .. Ed"'ard M. Kud e r (Aeling) ............. ............... .... Su rillao , .•............••...... Aquilino L. Carino (ACling) ............................... Tul.c ..............•.••....... Viceote Garci a ......................... • , . • . • .............. Toyab.. ....................... . Fortunato de Verra ........................................ Zambale. . ........••• t ....•.•.. Gonulo ......... ............ ............ ...... .... Zamboanga ...•.. ....•....••... . Veoando Nebrida ....... ....•.......•• ........•...........

Cebu Coubuo Davao Laoag Vigan Iloilo lIagan Sta. Cru~ Danlilao Sao Fernando Tadoban Manila Manila Boac Mubate Catapan Oroquiela Cagayan Baguio Bacolod Dumaguele Cabanalua n Bayombong Puerto Prioeell SaD F ernando

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . _Q_

NATIONAL SC HOOLS Emeterio A. Aainaa (Actiog) ............................. . ~ N. S............. ......... . Roy K. Gilmore ........................................... P. S. A. T ................ .. Cderino Purisima ..•.............................•..... , .. :.t.~a,. N. A. S. .. ......... .. Fred Warner (Acling) ............. ,....................... u IdnoQ N. A. S. . ......... . F elipe O. Ceballos (Acting) .....•......................... Ccbu 5. A. T ............... . Gregorio J. Sevilla (Acting) .. ... ...... .................... Iloilo S. A. T. . .............. . ~Jiguel Guerrero (Acting) ....... ..... ......................

C. L. A. S............•.......

PHILIPPINE NORMAL SCHOOL TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA TEL. 2·10·24 R. K. Gilmore, Superinlendent (On Lene). Manucl Escarrilla, ACling Superintendent. Luil N. Megia, Chief Clerk. Roman O. Iba y, Property Clerk. Mrs. Soledad S. Orlina, Clerk. Sten ographer. Cbite J ensoo, Reg istrar. J an e K. We5l, EngH,h Supen·i,o r. Homobono Magsino. Aniuam Registrar. Hel en J. Blue, Supervilor, Training Department. Ju ana S. Ruperto. Principa l. Training Dep l nment. Gerardo Jorge, Lib .. rian. Carmen Lanot, School Nurl e. An a Cabril\os, Dean, Normal Hall. Sabina Asi., Assiat,nt Dean, Norma l Hall. Anlipolo Cutanda, AsaillaTLI Dean, Normal H all. Restituta Carino. Au il lant Dean, Normal lI all. Emiliana C. Calimlim. Clerk· Bookkeeper. Norma l Hall. TEACHERS: Berth. J. Andrew. Ce ferina Al ej andro lub ella Baxter (On L eave) Arcadio Ala!l acio Leonora Jone. Benita C. Bonda Mamie Laulzcnhiae r Estela Calleja Anne Muil enb urg Dolores Contrerll Vindft Adkin. Orata (On Leave) Hourio I. Cruz Arthur Riu Lourdes Cui. ia Kath erin e M. Sage Maxima A. Dlc.nay Katbleen S. Schier Sofia E,uani Vera Snapp Alb erta C. F onacieI Jo Elizabelh Stein FioreDcio Fre.noza Vi ctoria Abelardo Benito Gala! Pedro Abl an Jose Hal ili Vieehta L leu mana Agullina T. Anchell Feliu C. Lardizabal Jose Ari go !.uz A. Baja Obdulia C. Lazaro Tiburcio C. Baja Abelardo Lucas Primitiva V. Manalo Florcncio BUldo Ron do N. MaTcilla Funcilco U. Buen ued a

J OIC Catindig Victoria B. Ca. lro Datjva Cristobal J uana Camagun Macaria R. Cuyugan FlorenliDa H erna ndez Virgilio Hip olito Amp aro S. Lardizab al l.u isa Arri eta J o.e Gen eron Mabakiao J uanito T. Maramara J e.u$ Martin e~ Felipa F. NegBdo F rancilca V. Paree ro Gcnoveva G. P enaranda Conlu elo P. Piczon Lourdes C. R eyea Lui$ F. Rey es F elin N. R eymuhdo Marie T. R oces Cuimiro C. R omero Con cordia Sanchu Biem'enido A. Sison Miguela M. Solis AnlOnia F. Villanu eva Paz Abada

Puig Romblon Catbalogan Sonogon Jolo Surigao Tarbe Luecna lba Zamboan ga Agri. School Nueva Ecija Manila Manila Baybay, Leyt e Malaybalay, Bukiduon Cebu. Ccbu Iloilo, Il oilo

F10rdeHza F. Mendota Paseu al G. Mier Soeorro D. Nuarro LueUa S. Ramirez Filomena A. Paru (On a Leav e) Floreneia B. Endriga (On Leave ) Tareiana I. Reyes Cayetana Roblel Hugo Rodrigue-.: Mercedes D. Sanche:< Jesu sa M. Saddam (On L eave) Tomas Taden. Remediol V. TUllon Asun cion J . T avan lar (On Leav e) Fermin Venturina Emilia 11. Sanlos Carlos Sla. Maria Felicisi mo A. Sant os Severina P. San tos Bartolome Serrano Clemencia J. Sibayan Rom ao C. Tunon P ed ro Villafuerte

PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND TRADES SAN MARCELINO. ERMITA TEL. 2·33·92 Ccferino Purisima, Superin tenden t. Trah(luilino de los Triool, Regiltrar. I'edro Cmz. Chief Clerk. Remo Vallejo. Prope rty Clerk. ACADEMIC DEPAHTMENT Avelino G. Gregori o, Head.


!'tin. Hallie D. E. Linden Fundsco AI. Lanung !'till. LucUa L. Pianny Ceferino Madriiian Miss Cannen Prud encio Luis R. Siangbio Felicisimo Enriquez, Librarian. Min Flordelisa P. Martinez. Asst. Librarian. IRONWORKING AND AUTOMOT IVE DEP.UnIENT Artemio R.mirez, Head. nAClltRs:

frineo Mendoza Victor SUlon Lorenzo C. Villanueva Jose Alberto retino Angelel

Pllcual an Manuel R. Hemudez Mauricio de Lima Pedro R. de Lun a

WOODWORKING Pedro de J esus, H ead.



Rafael LahOl, Jr. Alfr edo Santayana

DRAWING DEPARTMENT Teofilo del Ronrio, Head. nACllltllS:

AlfTedo Jim enez Francisco B. Carlos Florencio Choko Getman Rey" Marcelino Gargantilla William Wilson Gregorio B. Ycazas TEACHER·TRAINING Plnlllleon Hegata. n ead.


nACHER $ :

Ramon P. Rodriguez Antonio R utaquio Ri cardo Santos MILITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT '1.1. Eugenio D. Acab, Command ant. TEAcnU $ :

LI. Eduardo LI. Molina Lt . Enrique S. Filart

Emilio B. Nadunta, Tnde:rer. J uan M. Cera. Sto re AII~ndan!. Emet~rio A,torga, Store Anend1lDt. ConSlancio Abreu. Swimminc Pool Att~ndanl. Jose R. Obial, Swimmioi Orilnizer. Federico Gonzales. Tennia Courll Att~ndlnt. Faus to Rocave rte, Tennis Courta Allendant. H ~ r moge nes Decena. Caretaker. Bueban Stadium. Vicen te Reye., AUend l nt, Track.Football Stadium. Beoito Dolores Caretaker, Track.Football Stadium. Pant:l.l~on Orf.~el . Anendlnt, Bo:riog and Wrestling Pl'I'ilIon. Claro Ellardo, Recreation Director. Chi ldren', Playground and auillan t in the Operating Depar tm ent. Victor I\Joral e., Allendant. Children', J>iayground. Salvador Chica, General Ground Caretaker.



Fabian N. Cru~ Eusebio de Lima Liberat o Guz man Roma n S. Manuel Crispulo Cabanug

Elpidio G. de Cntro Miguel Contreras


LI. Armando V. Medel PVI. El teban Bernido

PHILIPPINE AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION RIZAL MEMORIAL FIEtD, MALATE P. O. BOX 1905 TELS. 5·65·90- 5·65·61 and 5·60·09 Pres. Manuel L. Quezon, Honorary Prniden t. EXEClITlVE COMAIl"ITEE:

Jorge B. Vargn, Pruldent. Antonio de las Alit, Vice· President. LieUI. Col. Charles p, Stivers. Vice. Preside,, !. Dr. Gabriel R. Maiialac, Viee·President. Dr. Ree:ino R. Ylanan, Secretary. Treasurer. Dr. Viclor Bueneamino, Membe r. Prudencio Lanccluon. Member. Maj. Gen. Builio J. Valdes, Member. Dr. Ant onio G. Silon, Member. Han. Claudio Sandoval, Membcr. l ose OUmi" Member. C. Panons , Member. EXECUTIVIt ST.., , :

Regino R. Ylanan, National Ph),li.:.l Direclor Ind S~erelary. T renu rer. Simeon G. Toribio, Encinee r. 10le B. Macapia, In Charg~, Operating D ~ partm ent. Abdurrahaman Ali, Swimmini Orcanitcr for Southern·Minda _ nao·Sulu, J olo, Sulu. ~hcario Jui"i o, Auditor. Elpidio Lambojon, Ca.hi~r. Napoleon S. ReinOIO, Bookkeeper-A ccoun tant. JOle L. Mendoza. Clerk,Sl enographer, Office of til e. Na tional Ph ysica l Di rec t or, Jeaul P. Salvador, Clerk·Cuhier, Office of th e National Ph ysical Di rector. E:requiel B. Buuillo, Record Clerk-Filer. N. C. Morales, Genenl Office. Ju an B,loOIO, Clerk·StenOirapher.

GENERAL LUNA, INTRAMUROS P . O. Doz 425-TEL. 2·35·03 Camilo O,il9, Dircctor of Private Education. Daniel M. Salcedo. Superintendent. huc Decena, Superintendent. Lui l Tiojanco, Superinlendent. Vicente C. Quimbo, Supervilor. Clemencia A. A, en eto, Supervisor. Diego C. Quiaehon. Supervisor. Fidel Colmenar, Supervisor. Eulalia F. Cortez. Supervi,or. Pedro O. Lardizabal, Supetvilor. Mauri cio V. Batoon, Supe ...·i.or·E:rllminer. Tomu Baltazar. Supervisor. Carmen Y. Bukta,.., Supervisor. JOlefina Carmona. Superviso r. ."lbeTlo San Pedro, StenOinpher.



CORNER GRAt. LUNA, INTRAMUROS TELS. 2-75·32 &. 2·69·53 S. M. Infan tado. OirCi:tor. Nicolas Quilon, Chief. Adminillrati'l'e Di'l'ilion. Amado t. Agorrilla, Chief, Divilion of Promotion and Supervi sion. "In. B. P. Ronquillo, Acting Chief, Resea rch ao d PublicatioQ Division. Criap;n Venal, Cashier and Properl)' Cle rk. Pedro J. Relucio. Acting Record Cle rk and Librarian.


OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Eulogio B. Rodrigu e7.. Director-Tel. 2·23·69. Rosa Abriol, AniUnnt Director-Tel. 2·23-75.

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION TEL. 2·23·72 Daniel S. Alhlno, Chief of Divil ion. t . F. Cruz, Cuhie r and Di.burain; Officer. Felix Santo•• Personnel and Record Clerk. Alfredo F. Reyes, Steno;npher and Action derk.

Property Section TEL. 2·37-97 Francilco L. Plnt.leon, Property Clerk.

Library Ex t ension Section TEL. 2-23.72 Severino t . Ve luco, Chief of Section.

Branch Librarl ans Paulino Nltino. Iloilo Brane h Lihrary, lI oilo City. Flavi a S. Muaiia, Cebu Branc h Library, Cebu City. Emilio L. Aharez, 1I0coi Norl (l Branch Library, Laoag, Perfecto C. Cay lan, Zam boanga Branch Library, Zamboanga City. Federico LlanCl, Il ocos Sur Branch Library, Vigan . Petronilo de Cnlro, Panglllinan Branch Library, Lingayen. Dolores Latorre, Batang .. Brlnch Library, Batanga,. H. C. General, Clmarinel Su r Branch Library, Naa;a. Jl.hcario D. Oliana, Baguio Branch Library, Baguio City. Cirilo K. Darunda y, Bobol Branch Library , Tag bilaran. Elteban V. Salvanera, Tayablt Bnnch Library, Lu cena. GreJ:o rio del Ronrio, Nuna Ecija Brancb Library , Caba· oal uan. Soledad T, PalaUao, Tondo Branch Library, Manila, Eduardo Malone., Sampaloc Branch Library. Manila.



Amado L. Ch:mco, P~eo Branch Library, Man il a. Mrs. IlIlbei E. de Sanlo., Manila DUli ness Li bra ry, Manila. J ose F. 10Clon, Occiden tal NegroJ Branch L ibrary, Baeolod City.

CIRCULATION DIVISIO N Rel;ulor DaYI 7:30 1.11\. to 6:00 p . m.

Saturday. 7 :30 a.m. t o (i:OO p .m.

FILIP INJ ANA DI VIS I ON TEL. 2·55·55 Lui. Man tilla, Chie! 01 Division. (Vacant) Library Assistant, In charge, Local H islory an d Folklore AClivitiu. Ceronimo C. Caylon, Library Assiuanl. Benita F. de 10 nOla , Library Auistan t.

G EN ERAL RE FERE NCE DIVISION Monday to Sa turday 7 :30 lI.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sunday. and H oliday. 8:00 a.m. to ]I :oo a.m.

M a n usc ri pt a nd Publica t ion Sec ti on


Baldomero PuUdo, Re.carchcr. Abraham K. Lan:o, Researcher.

City of M.nila Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p. m. Satu rday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday. and HolidllY' 9 :00 a.m. to 12 :00 n .

Ga lle r y of Art and His t o r y S e c tion TEL. 2.s6·46 Arsenio de la Rosa , Chief of Section.

REG IS T ER OF P R IEST AN D M I N IS T ER S AN D GENER AL CI VI L REG IST ER DI VI S IO N TEL. 2·77·19 J Ole Lopez del CIl!lillo, Chie! of Division.

PROVINC I AL BRANCHES Monday 10 Saturday 9 :00 a. m. to 12:00 n. and 3:00 to 7 :00 p.m. Sunday. lind H oli days 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.

AR C IIIV ES D IVI S IO N TEL. 2-82·27 Mariano Sanlamaria, Chief of Division .

Arc hi ves' F ile a n d Ca ta logi n g Sec tion Catalino Tuuon, Chief of Section . Rafael de Lara, Catalogucr.

Ref erence a nd Office Section Orendo Aligada, Chief 01 Seelion.

GENERAL REFERENCE D I VIS IO N TEL. 2.23.73 Tiburcio Tum aneng, Chief 01 Division.

Refere n ce a nd Public Readi n g Roo m Section Juan Gawaran, Library Ani,tanl. Vietor Tiangco, Library AniSIan!.

Public Docu ments an d O ffi ce Sec tio n Bernardo P. Mercado, Library Anis lant. Felipe Reyes, Library Auinant. Laureana E. Villanueva, Library Aniltant.

C I RCULATION D I VIS IO N TEL. 2·80·65 Jes usa G. Fargu, Chief 01 Division.

CATALOG AND COPY RIC HT DIV IS IO N TEL. 2·91·69 Pascual Buenllventura, Chief of Division. Rsmon Lebri!la, Chief of Section. lubelo C. l'I l oran, Auistaut Cataloguer.

REGULA R O F FICE H OURS OB SER VE D CENTHAL LI BRAHY Hegular Day. 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 n. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Saturday. 7 :30 lI.m. to 12:.30 p.m.

NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATION 251 GR AL. L UNA. INTRAM UROS TE L. 2·72-27 Camilo Olias, Chairman Gabriel R. Mali.lae Mariano V. de l~ San t ~ Francilco Benitez Jorge Bocobo Luther B. Bewley Manuel L. Cl rreon Segundo M. Inlantado Nicano r Reyet Celedonio Salvador

BOARD ON TEXTBOOKS o{o DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTR UCT ION TEL. 2.27·08 Hon. Gabriel R. Maii~Jae. Chairman. Dr. Luth er B. Bewley, Me mber. Ramon ]. Fcrnandez, Member. Mrs. Pilar H. Lim. Member. l\lrs . Jo.efa Llanel ·Elcodll. Mcmber. Pompeyo Cregorio, Secretary.

JOINT EDUCATIONAL SURVEY COMMITTEE c/o DEPT. OF P UBLIC INSTR UCTION J orge Bocobo, Chairma n. Tel. 22198. Manuel Roxas, Member. Guillermo Villanueva. Membe r. Tomas Oppu~, Member. Francilco Lavid elJ. Member. Seralin Marabut, Member. Celedonio Salvador. Member. Dr. Manuel L. Carreon, Secretary. Tel. 21402.

DEPARTMEN T OF LABOR 912 MISER ICORDIA, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2.20·77 Hnn. Leon Cuinto. Secretary_ Hon. Vi cente de Is Cruz, Under.Secretar>". Leonardo M. Guinto. Pri vate Seeretllry. Juan L. Lanting. Admin istrat ive Officer. Luia Manlllnng. AssiUaDt Admini.tntive Olfieer. l\Iuimo Mont es. Confidential Agent. E. mernldo de L eon, Confidential Agent.

LABO R I NSPECT IO N DI VIS lO N J ose Figueru, Chief Labo r Inlpector. J ose Sanche!, Anista nt Chief Labor Inspec tor. Adolfo Umengan, Anis tant Chief Labor Inspector. Jose A. Villanueva. A.uitanl Attorney. Graciano ndo, Labo r Agent. Godofredo R. Heyel. Labor Agent.

SAFET Y I NS P ECTIO N DIVI S IO N Primo G. MDliulnag, Senior Safety Engineer. Ramon 8. BeJeno, J unior Salcty Engineer. Marcelo r. Bucno, Inspec ting Engineer. Filadel£o Tugade. Mining Safety Inspecto r. Moiscs J. Gcneloso. Mining Safely Inspector. Manuel 1. Lim, Mechanical I n$pector. Carmen Hcrrera, Safety Inspector. Rem igio F. Bcrnal. Sa lety Inspector. Ruperto ReYelJ, Safety In.pec tor. F ra ncilco Areopagita, Safety Inspector. Augusto V. Sancho. Safety Inspecto r. R uperto A. Mancol, Safcty In.pector. Eliseo L. Abad, Snfcty In. pector. Lutgardo Reyes , Safcty Inspec tor.

DEPARTMENT Benjamin ROXlI, Anistant Safely Inspeelor. Rdael Navarro, AlS il tant Safety Inspeelor. Melchor I1agan, Lahor In lpe(:lor. Pedro lIf. Esqueras, Labor Inspector. Felipo Fuigencio. Labor In l pe(:tor. Pedro C. Buluran, Labor In$peetor. Felix Coronado, Drafts man .

Labor Organization Section Domioador Sevillano. Labor Agent. Leon de la Cruz, Labor Agent .

Women and Child Labor Section Valeria A. Villi, Chief of Seetion . Demetria A. Sulit, Labor Agent. Severino E. Reye9, Labor Inspeelor. Felicidad Estornino! , Labor Inspector.

Strikes and Lockouts Section Jose F. Gonzalo. Labor Agent. lIfiguel C. Barairo, Labor .' Hermito de la Cruz. Labor Inspector. Casimiro Maouel, Labor Inspector. E9Iani~lao Aragon, Labor Inspector.

DIVISION OF PUBLIC DEFENDERS Cecmo I. Lim, Chief of Division. Juan R. Percz, SuperviBiog Public Defender. Simeon A. Ocdol, Public Defender. Angel Marave, Public Defender. Demetrio G. Pozon, Public Defender. Anlonio D. Cinco, Public Defender. Anadeto T. Gascon. Public Dcfender. Antonio M. C&lI tro, Public Defender. Domitilio G. Abordo. Public Defend er. Elias D. Gonzale9, Auiltant Attorney. Florentino Mendiola, 14bor Agent.

Civil Section Atlriano D. Lomuntad, Anorney of Labor &: Chief of Section. Sulpicio P. Mamon, Anistant Allomey. Jacinto R. Bohol, Assis tant Attorney. Manuel L. Pitco, Assistant Attorney. Greg orio Hipolito, Assistant Attorn ey.

Provinclal Public Defenders Antonio Logarta Patricio R. Dionisio AlfoDso Dadivas Anacleto P. de Guzman Enrique T, Manaloto Cell reo Perez Roberto P. Ancog Primitivo R. Ramirez Policarpo Aromin Celestino R. Palma Amadeo D. Baldeo Zoilo Alviar Aurelio Quitoriano Vicente L. Clemenle Ciriaco Magnnoc Angel Hernando Ramon Icasiano Feliciano Torres Antonio Mejia Simeon A. Barranco los e J anairo Alejandro T. Lim Tito V. Tizon Wenceslao Gozon Felix V. Borja Cornelio T. Villareal Pascual Lopez de Leon Eli u Borromeo Manuel Angeles Vicente L. Putran& hiamerto S. Ribo Eugcnio Moralcs E!adio Leano Virgilio V. David Luis Rivera Teofilo Garcia Celso Alikpala Jose del Rosario Moiaes BubBin Brigido G. Estrada Ramon V, Villaflor Grqorio Abesamis Ramon Salu r eli:z Q. Antonio Rogelio L. Cru~, Assi sl'l.nt Public Defeoder. Macario P. Ocampo, Assis tant Attorney.



Nicasio A. Gepana Se rgio A. Kabayon Apolinu Barbaza Dauti!!a L. Lobrio Benjamin Sideiio Perfecto Balili Miguel Arrieta Juan Villacona Ambrosio G. Delori:!. Pedro K. Bagtas Bonifaciu Taiiega Eladio L. Merida Roman Pauugalan Gero nimo Villaflor Filemon A. Estrella Victor N. Nartea Vicente T e(zon EHgio Mate Pedro F, Mendou. /'

CLAIMS DIVISION Nievcs Daens路del Rosario, Chief of Division,

Workmen's Compensation Section Rafael A. del Rosario, An i$lant Chief of Divilion. Francisco de la Rosa, Law Clerk. Mame rto Solinap, Labor Agent. Feliu P. Causing, Labor Agent. NicBnor F. ~trada, Labor Agent,




Wage Claims Section L eonardo F . Gonzal es, Chief of Section. Maglangol E. Dy路Liaeco, An islant Attorney,

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION Antonio Mendon, Cbief of Division,

Miscellaneous Section Eladio Day.1, Attorney. Carmelo V. del Rourio, Assist.1nt Attoroey. J ose Tolentino, Auiu ant An orn e y. Carlos Magalona, Au iuant Altomey.

Records Section A. Norberto de Cas tro, Chief of Section. Emeterio 8. R e)'e!, Assistant Cbief of Section.

Cashier and Disbursing Section Gabriel Nazareno, Cuhier & Dbbursing Officer.

Property Section Enrique Corpu. , Cbief of Section.

DIVISlON OF LABOR STATISTICS Rosendo Re,alado, Chief of Division. Arsenio G. Gontalo, Statistician, FeliIberto M. Palanca, Editor, Labor Bulletin.

Information Section ArnoUo Rodriguez, Chief of Section.

Compilation Section ;'Ilodcsto S . Cri5010go, Chief of Section. Napoleon Magalit, Junior Stati.ti(ian . Andres Enrique Ignaeio Agapito

Publishing & Library Section E. Rivero, Publishing Clcd::, Baelayo, Jun ior Statistician. S. Manuel, Juni or Statistician. S. Mendoza, J unior S tatistician.

MARINE AND EMPLOYMENT DIVISION Ricardo R eYell, Chief of Divbion.

Placement Section Inse S. Villa, Chief of Section. Venancio Oliva, Employment Agent. Mariano Gooco, Employment A.::ent. FranciClo Carreon, Employment Agent.

Investigation Section Ruio M. Covacba. Chi ef of Section. Sebastian E. An.::el e9, Employment Ag ent.

SOCIAL IMPROVEMENT DIVISION Ponciano Aragon, Ch icf of Division.

It ural La bor AQ,en 15 Silverio Engo E!euterio D. Cadiben Timoteo Moreno Luciano Ty Ma til9 Alba Eugenio D. Enrico Serafin LBvilla Ignacio G. Garcia habelo B. Vasquez Pahlo S. Pas ion Sebastian Mon t es

Pel agio P. Flores Deograciaa Nartate9 Moises Zaplan Nartat es Filemon Miano Valentin B. BuenviBje Leoncio ;'II. Bandal Nicanor Sison Sofronio R. Ledeza Francisco Viri Emilio M~ndoza Raymundo G. D. Malinanag

MEDICAL INSPECTION DIVISION J ose Santillan, Chief Medical Officer. Feliciano 5, Soriano, Anistant Medical Office r. J ose S. Ongj oco, Asuitant Medical Officer. Irin eo T. Ortiz, Anistan t Medic:!.1 Officer. Numeriano C. Rabago, AI5i$ lant Med ical Officer.

ADVISORY SAFETY COUNSEL c/o DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 912 MISERICORDIA, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2路20路 7S P. G. Maliuanag, Senior Safet,. Engineer, Chairman. A. F . Duggleby, Representing the Mining Operators, Membcr. Frank C. Bennett, Rcprcsentin.:: the Ind ustrial Concerns, Memb er. CelIarC(l H. Gnu, Representing Industrial Accident and Insurance Companies, Member. Felip e Roman, Represcntin.:: th e Public, Member,




Office of the Secretary TEL. 2-41·96 Hon. Teofilo Sioon, Secretary. All y. Macario ZBmuco, Private Secretary. An~e l UnClon, Jr., Stenographer lind Action Clerk.

Office of t h e Und er -Secretar y TEL. 2.41·98 (Vacant), Under-Secretary. Ally. R.ta ei Santayana, Law Clerk. Marcol PlomaDlet, Stenographer and Action Clerk.

Office of the Ad m inistrative Officer TEL. 2·46·23 Dr. JOle M. Arureo. Administrative Officer. Ally. Enrique P. Samson, Law Officer. AUy. TeoflDes S. Merillo, Law Clerk.

Administrative D lvlalon TEL. 2·4<1.·0·1 Any. Pacifico Alvano, Chief. Att,.. Fl.viano K. AbuyuBn. Senior Clerk and Rnearche r. Auy. Marcial C. Dumaual, Principal Clerk. Ramon EstradA, Chief, Records Section. Anr. Enrlqu e Rimando, Law Clerk, loaquin Sto. Domingo, Clerk. Marcelino de Cuzman. Stenographer. Cuillermo Ramiru, Clerk. Arturo C. Leano, Clerk. Andrei ". C.biling. Clerk.

Radio Control D ivision TEL. 2·47·41 Santiago Cuuneda, Superintenden!. Attr, Eduardo L, Claudio, Senio r Clerk. Lauro Cruz. Radio lupeC!or. CullIermo Canon. Radio Inspector. F elill: A. Signo. Radio Insp eC!o r. EHodoro lo.e. Radio Inspec tor. S.bino L. Pa.cua, Radio Inspector.

BUDGET DIVISION ...................... , A C of S, B. D. Cap!. Donalo M. Halili. (GSC) AII!.; Acting Chief. 2nd L!. Lorcmo B. Camina. (FS) On duty.

T H E ADJUTANT GENERAL'S SERVICE Li e ut.-Colon el Luis Ramos, (AGS) Tbe Adjutant General. Capt. Lui. Floren lin. (ACS) ATAC & Cbief, Reg. Enl. Divi. .ion. Cap!. Antonio A. Martin et, (AGS) ATAG & Cbief, Reg. Offrs. Division" Summary Court OUicer, H PA. Clpt. Floren cio Selgl, (ACS) Chief, Miscellaneous Divisioll. Capt. ValeriallO E. Sison, (ACS) Chief, Reoerve Division. Capt. Francisco H. Cuaresma, (AGS) Chief, RelS . Div. ; Property OHieer HPA. & CO, CHCo., DEJ',IL. lsI Lt. Mariano S. COllzales. (AGS) Chief, Recl>rds Division. ht Lt. Bas ilio Hernandez. (ACS-Reo) Chief, Library Divis ioll. THE INSPECTOR GENERAL'S SERVICE Colonel Ell ataquio S. Baclig, (CIV) The Inspector Genenl. Major Gabrie l R . Gador, (inf) An t. to the Inspector Gen eral " Ell: 0, IGS.

M EDICAL SER VI CE Coloncl Viet. Luna. (MC) Chief. Lieu!.·Colonei Emililno M. rlni s, (MC) A" islant Chief. 10lq uin A. Sancbez, (MC) Ex ecuti ve Officer.

JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S SERV ICE Colonel Delfi ll Jaruilla, (JACS-R el ) Acting ludge Advoclte Ceneral. Lieut.-Colonel Emiliano l'Il. Panis, (MC) Ant. l udge Ad· vocate C eneral.

CHAPLAIN SERVICE Major Edwin Ronan, (CH.)USA Chief. Capt. Emilio Cutierrez, (CH·Res) 011 duty .

CO R PS OF ENGINEERS Major Mazimiano S. Janairn , (CE) Chid. Capt. Nicolas R. Jimenez, (CE) AU I. Chi ef, & Chief, Enaineerillg Division.


Fi n ance Division TEL. 2·42.(13 Bernardo Palma, Financial Officer. Allr. J Ole B. Runez. Cuhler and Prop erly Clerk. Nica,io p, de Leon, Clerk.


CHIEF OF STAFF Major Genert! Builio J. Vald es. Cbief o f Staff. In Lt. Alejandro B. Ac·ae, (GSC) Au is tant.

DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF Brigldier·General Vicente Lim, Deputy Chiel of Staff. I.! Lt. Mamerlo R. Montemayor, (JAGS)

Major Charles Blckes, (AC) USA Acting Cbief. Mljor M. G. Olympia, (MC) Flighl Surgeon. Capt. Henry B. Fisher, (AC) USA III Charge, Operation Trlilling.



Li eut.·Colonel PaciRno Tangco, (SiaC) Ac ting Chief Signal OHicer.


Clpt . Jos e V. Andrada, (OSP) Acting Chicf. ht LI. Enrique L. Jurado, (OS) Ordnance Offr. OSP ; Base Comdr. OSPB; Provost Offr. OSPD " Inll ructor, OSP School. hI Lt. Alberto Navarrete, (OSP) Co. Q·112: PrQ<;urement Ollr. OSP: Member, Enliltmcn t Board, Off-Shore Patrol.

SUPER I NTENDENT, ROTC UNITS Major Alej alld ro D. Garcia, (FA) Supe rintelldCIlt.



Major Elias Dioquino, (CSC) SGS " Recorder, Bon.rd of Officeu. lst Lt. Alejandro B. Ac·ac, (CSC) Auiuan t.

Colonel Miguel Aguilar, (FS) Chief. Berna rdillo lardalezl, (GS) Es Office r & Co, En l. Det. Clp t. Gabriel P. Tomas, (FS) Paymaster.



Lieut.·Colonel Irin eo Buenconsejo, (CSC) AC of 5, G·l, Major Victor Z. Gomez, (GSC) Executive Officer. Capt. Lauro D. Dizon. (CSC) Auiuan t " Chief, Recruiting S e,tion. Capt. J Uin O. Chioco, (Cml C.Re.) Anistan t.

Mljo r Rafael Ramos, (QMS) Chief. Capt. Zacarias R. Imperial, (QMS) Esecut ive Officer. Capt. Bcn edi c to Galinalo, (QMS) Chief, Supply Di vision. Capl. Francisco B. Navarrcte, (QMS) Chief, P rocu remell t Divi.ion.

INTELLIGENCE D I VISION Colonel Juan C. Quimho, (CSC) A C of S, C·2. ht Lt. Melecio E. Custodio, (MC·Rel) on duty. OPERATIONS, PLANS & TRAI N I NG DIVI SION Coiollel Pallor Mlnelino, (CSC) A C of S. G·3. Mljor Cllino Duque. ( CSC) Allillant. Clpt. Leopoldo U. Echivarre, (CSC) Ezecutive Officer. Capt. CeH'lIimo T. Suva, (GSC-Rel) In Chuge. Athletic Traillinl· Clpt. Matil9 CUldn, (CH-Res) In Chlrge, Lit eracy Trlining.

SUPPLY DI VIS ION Lieut.·Colonel Teledoro Martinez, (GSC) A C of S. G·4. Major Meiecio M. Santos, (GSC) Ezecu tive Officer.

WAR PLANS DIV ISION Li eut.·Colonel Simeon de J eous, (GSC) A C of 5, W P D. Maj or Call1an. (GSC) A ..ittant. Clpt. Bergardo R. Salazar, (CSC) A..hllllt.


Capl. Hugo V. Cunallan, (OS) Acting Chief. ht Lt. Simplicia S. Juban, (OS) Cbief, Supplr Division.





Office o f tbe Dir ector TEL. 2.41·92 Capt. B. Fernando, AC, PA, Actillg Director. Dr. G. Y. Zara, Chief Aeronautical Elllillee r and Auillint to the Director.

Administrative D ivision TEL. 2-32·10 Domingo Lllntos. Chief Clerk. (Vlclnt), Auinallt Chief Clerk. Crecorio J. Madallo, Cuhier Ind Propertr Cle rk. Ronu)fo R. Zabala, Chief of Section.



Inspection and Regulation Division Lt. 105e Francisco, AC, PA, Acting Chid Pilot, E. J. de la Ron, Chief Enforcement Office r. Briccio Sanchu, Airplane lind Engine Mechanic. Ambroeio R. Va ldez. Airplane and Eng in e Inspector. Emilio As i5lores. Radio Inspec tor. Narcilo G. Santos, Anistant Radio Inspecto r a nd Operator.

T eodoeio N. Foju, ConSlancio Legupi, Marcelino S. T abin, Avdino de Guzmln,

Ship Fathomer Chief

Airways Divi sion TEL. 2·32·10 Emilio Buenaven tura, Jr., Chief Airways Divisioo and Chief Airport Engineer. Paterno M. Serrano, Aeronaulical Inspec tor. Rodolfo Par~, Airport Inspector. Democrito BriQn es, Junior Civil Engineer. Virgilio Ma. Jacinto, Ch ief Airport Caretaker.


Office Commander R . R. Lukens, Director. Ant oni o G. Pen:!. Au istant Director. C. F. Maynard, T ech nical Assista nt to the Director. Angel G. de J esus, Chief, Adminiurative Divisio n. Joho Bac h, Chief, Drafting Divbion. Nicuio Santos, Chief, Photolithographic Di vision. Raymundo J . Heredia, Hydrog raphic an d Geodetic En£ineer.

Ship Pathnnder Li eu!. Li eu t. Li eut. G. W. James

Cadet. Cadet. Cluet. Clde l.

Comdr. Carl A. Egner, Commanding Officn. (j. g.) W. R. Porter, Executi1'e Officer. 0. g.) G. E. Morris. Hutchison, Chief En£ineer. A. Crider. Surgeon.

Lieut. Comdr. Chlrie. Shaw. Comma nding Office r. Lieut. 0. g.) Curlis LeFner, Exec ulive Officer. Andres O. H izon, H yd rogra phic I nd Geo de tic Engineer. Mariano Alvarldo, Chief En£ineer. Seq:io M. Maulawin, Cad el. Cayetlno Palmi, Cldet.

PHILIPPINE NAUTICAL SCHOOL ROBERT. PASAY, RIZAL T EL. 5· 13-08 Capt. Francisco Castaiiedl, Acting Superintendent. CIPt. NorbertQ Y. Rieko , Niuticil Instructor aDd E:ucuti1'e Officer. CIPt. Pacifico Pablo, Nauti ca l Ins tru ct or. Li eu !. Ja vier Natividad, Au ialant Nautical Instru ctor. Agu.tin T illmpong, Ac cou ntant and P roperly Clerk.

NATIONAL RADIO BROADCASTING COMMITTEE c/o BUREAU OF POSTS BLDG. ERMI T A Juan Ruil, Chuirman . T el. 24265. Bibilno L. Mee r, Member . Mauro Mendez, Memb er. Fernando E. V. Sison, Memher. Dr. H erminia Vell rde, Member. J oee Palalinj ug, Membe r. Com eliQ Balmlceda, Member. Santiago Cas tQii eda, Secretary, Tel. 24741.


Dr. J Qse F~beUa, Secretary. Dr. Hila riQ Lan, Actin g Unde r· Secretary. PedrQ S. Lop c~, Ac tin g Atlministrntive Officer.

Section of Vital Statlstlce Dr. Man ue l MI. Arcndo, Chief,

Tuberculosis Control Sectlon Dr. Sixto Francilco, Chief.

BUREAU OF HEALTH P. O. BOX 619- TEL. 2·38-85 291



Dc. Eusebio Akuil llr, Director .

DIVISION OF ADMINlSTRATlON Dr. Felipe Arenu. Chief. Geronimo Mercldo, Chief Clerk. J ose C. Guerre ro, Lalt' Clerk.

Personnel Section J Qte Villacorta, Chief.

Food Ins pec tion Dr. Paulino K. NaVl rro, Food Insp ec tor.

Records Section Victorlo Yabot, Cllief.

Property Section Eugenio Viana, Acting Chief.

Publicity and Public Healtb Education Section Dr. J ose P. Bantug, Chief. Mu. JOlefa Ll lnel· Escodl , Educat ional Secretary.

Nurs ing Section SoledaJ A. Buenlle. R. N. , Chief.


Malaria Control SectIon Dr. Ant Qnio Ejerdto, .Chid.

Leprosy Control Section Dr. J ose G. 51mBon, Chief. Dr. Mari lno C. Cruz, Medical Officer. Bicol Tr eatment Sta· lion, Legupi, AlbiY. Dr. Fidel C. Plantilli. Me dicil Officer, Cebu Skin Di,penury , Cebu, Ccbu. Dr. J ose G. T olentino, Medicil Officer In chlTte, E ..erder Child', Trelt men l SlItion, Cebu, Cebu. Dr. Mariano Ca rr eOD, Res iden t Physicil D, W.,.tef1l VIIIY" Treatment SlItion, Stll. Barbarl, Il oilo.

Section of Other Preventable Diseaee. Dr. J Ole Siln, Chief.


Section of School Health Supervfllon Dr. Eusebio B. Salud, Chief.

Maternity nnd Children', Hospital Dr. F e S. Horrill eno, Chief.

CommunitY Health Social Center Dr. 10,e J. Vercarl, Cbid.

Section of Puericulture Center Dr. Demetrio Belmonte, Chief.



Dr. Jose R.


Sect ion or Nu trition Chief.


N urSing Section Soledad A. Du ende, ILN., Chief.

Dr. AUonso C. Concepcion, Chief, Tarlac Provincial Hos. pital, Tarlac. T arlac. Dr. 10le R. Mayo, Chief, Tayab.. Provincial HOlIpital, Lu. cena, Tayabas. Dr. P edro A. Rodriguez, Chief, Zamboanca Ceneral Hosp ital, Zamboanga, Zambo.ora.

DIVISION OF HOS PITALS Dr. Sulpicio Chiyuto, Acting Chief.

Hospitals Dr. Pablo del Villar, Chief, Alba, Provincial Hospital, Daraga, Albay. Dr. Jesul do III. Cruz, Chie! and Rcsident Phys ician, An li· que Provi ncial H ospital, San laic, Antique. Dr. Facundo Esquivel, Chief, Bnguio Hospital, Baguio, Mountain Pr,-,vince. Dr. 5illlo R oxu, Cbief, Balonga. Provinc ial H ospital, Batangas, BII.I:mgns. Dr. C. H. Abaya, Chi ef and Residen t Phys icia n, Bayombong Hosp itnl, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcnya, Dr. Fidel C. Un son. Acting Chief, Bontoc H ospital, BOl!toc. Mountain Pr ovince. Dr_ Lui, Q. NQ!ce. Chief, BukidnQn P ublic H Qspltal. I\IaJaybalay, BukidnOIl. Dr. MarcelQ S. Aga n:l, Chie f, BulncaD PrQv;ncial Hospital, MalQl os, Bul ncnn. Dr. Vi ctorio Verj1nrn, Re,idcnt Physicin n and In cllarge, Bu· luan Public H nspita l, Butuan, Agula n. Dr. Vicente J. Capistrano, Chief. COlabato Public Hospital, COlabalo. COl3b:lto. Dr. Ri cardo J ara. Chief, Capiz Provincial' Hospital, Callvo, Capiz. Dr. Ceferinn S. de L ..on, Acting Chief and R esiden t Physician, Cen'alllcs Emergency lT ospiul, Cen'antes. I1ocol Sur. Dr. J us liniano Mendou, Chief, an d Resident Physician, Cuyn Hospital. Cuyo, Pa la"':I.I1. Dr. Benito M. Paiiganiban, Chief Davao P ubli c HospilRl. Da\'ao. DavRo. Dr. Manuel V. F ernan do, Resident P hysician and Tn charge. Elad ia Memorial Hosp ital and Sibul Spring Sanatorium. San Miguel. Buloean. Dr. Mariano C . Lecupl, Tn Charge, Iloeol No rt e Emergency H ospi tal, Laoag. Ilocol Norte. Dr. Auenio n. Morales, Acting Chie f, llQC 05 Sur Provin' cial Hospi tal , Viga n, 1Iocos Sur, Dr. Placido Araujo, Chief, Ki angan H ospi tal, Kian goD, Ifugao, Mt, Province. Dr. R oman Kamntoy, Chie f, Lagun a Pr<)\'incial H ospital, Sonta Cruz, Ln gunn . Dr. Alipio R. Villacorta, Chid, Lanno Public H o,pital, D ~nsalan. Lnnll o. Dr. Ciriaco V, BlIgabalUo, Chief. Ley te Provincial Hospital, Ta c\oba n, Leyte. Dr. Francisco T, Diy, Chief, Lub uag an Hosp ital, Lubuagan, Kalinga , 1\1t . Provincc. Dr, Cli maco J. ElAgo, In Ch ~rge, Maq;osatubig Public Hos· pital, Ma rgosot ubig, Zam boanga. Dr. Angel C. Vitcon(le, Tn Charge, Mati Em ergency Hospi, tal. Mati, Davlo. Dr. Demetrio Lac""'. Chid, National P.ycophatic Hospital. Mando luyong. Riul. Dr. Elpidio Ysip. Chief. Nueva Ecij~ Provinei:ll Hosp ital, Cabanatuan, N. Eei;a. Dr. Delfin O. Ordoiiu. Acting Chief, Occidental Negro! Provincinl H ospi tal. n aculod, Occiden tal NegrM. Dr. Ramon Santo!, Chief, Orienlal Mianmis Pr ovincial Hos' pital, Cagayan, Oriental Minmis. Dr, Rafael L. T eopaco, Chief, P ampang a Provincial H O!I pi. 1&1, San F ernondo. P ampanga, Dr. Santialto U. Estrada. Chief. P angasinan Pro"incial H ospital, Oaguplln, Pnngasinan. Dr. Rafael Medina, In CharCe, Pikit Em erge ncy Hospital, Pikit. Cotabato. Dr. Nestor P. Matro, R esiden t Physicia n Tn Charge, Pue rto Princ u a H ospital, Pu ert o Princesa, Palawan. Dr. Vi ctor E. Abutillu, R esident P hysician Tn Cha rge, Rl. zal Mcmorial Ho spi lRl. Dupi tnn, Zamb oangs, Dr. Domingo D. Ti czon, Chief, San P ablo H 09 pital, San Pablo, Laguna. Dr. Enriqu e p, Romulo, Chief, Sor80gon P T<>vincial HQ9p ital, SorsQgon, Sonogon . Dr. J ose V. Agusti ne! , Chi ef, Soulhern hlnnds Hospital, Cebu, Cebu, Dr. Jose Z, n osalel. Chief and R es id en t Physician, Sulu Public H osp ital, J olo, Sulu.

C ulio n Leper Co lony, Cullo n Dr. J ose M. Raymundo, Chief. Dr. Cas imiro B. Lara, Chief Phy.ician. Dr. Criatobal ManalanC, Chid Pathologiar. Ern es lo Paras, Chief Chemiu.

Sa n Lazaro Hospita l, Manila Dr. Catalino Cuino, Chief. Dr. Trinidad Baiiu elo., Bacteriologilt, In Charge, Sa.n La. uro Hospital L,boratory.


Gabriel Tnlengan, ChId,

Section of Manila Sanitation Dr. Robeno B, de Leon, Ch ief. Dr, losil T, Salta, Medi cal Officer, In Cllarge, H eal th OJI' trict No.1, Meisic. Dr. Herm cnegildo Serrano, Medical Offic er, Tn C h~rge, Hulth Dillrict No.2, T ayuman. Dr. Macario Cuerpocrur, Medical Officer, In Charge, Health District No.3, IntramurOI, Geluio Salas, Chief Sanitary Inspec tor, Rat, Fly. Mosquito Exterminating Brigade. Val enti n Catajan, Chief Dislnfee tor, Di9inlect ing Brigade.

Section of Sanitar y Enltineerinlt Joaqui n Lopez, C. E., Chief.

Section of Smallpox Vaccination and Immuniza· tlon Dr, Froil an Euban .. , Chief.

Section of Provincial Sa nitat ion Dr. Franci,co A. Tol entino, Chief.

Dr, Dr, Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dt. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

District Hea l t h Officers Arturo B. BaltozRT, Banlued, Abra. Sabu E. Yap, Butuan, Agu u n. Juan Btl, Coilia, Legaspi, Albay. Fernando Soberlno, San J ose, Antique. Apolon io L. P erez, Balanga, BalDan. J 05e M. Salnar, Buco, Batan ea. Aniceto PeDalolD, Batangu, BatanGu. Vicente de 10 Se rna, Tagb ilBTDn, Bohol. Juuo de 1& Liana, Malaybll lay, Bukidnon. Analalio Dumariiiu, Mnlolos, Bulacan. Florencio Firme, Tuguegarao. Cagayan. Florencio Arreola, Daet, Camarinea Norte. Manu el Arambulo, Naga, Camarines Sur. Clemente S . Madarang, Capir, Capir, Teodo ro P. Nadres. Cavite, Cavite. Ts maet Villarica, Cebu, Cebn. Eugenio S. de J esus, Cotaba to, CQtabato, Domingo Tablan. DOYaQ, Davao. Mariano C. Lcc u pi, LaoaG , JloeO<l No rt e. P edro J. Alvarado. Vigan, Il oeoa Sur. Francisco Velez, Iloilo, Il oilo, Marlin Sanl1lllo, Jlacan . Iubela. Vicenle Rive r·Sayo, SanUl Cruz. Laguna. Pablo S. Hamoy, Dan ..lan , Lan ao, Tino Coronel, San Fernando, La Union. Adolfo Aldaba, T aelo ban , Leyte. Alfredo Latorre, Boac, Marinduque. Candido F. Carcla. Mubate, Masbate. J ose V. Valero, Cal.pan, l\IindQro. Hilary P. Clapp, Bontoe. MQuntain Province. J ose A. Vid a l, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. Pio Lau engeo. Dumaguele, Oriental Negrol. J Oge d e Leon. Puerlo Prince.. , Palawan. Francisco Comez, San F ernando, Pampanga, Constancio Limjoco, Lingayen, Pangasinan , Salvador Martinez, Pas ig. Rizal. Faustino Estella, RQm blon, Romblon. Cres enciano H, Deles, Catbalogan, Samar. DOnllO San Ju an, SOt.olQn, Sor50gon. Marcelino A. Aaunoo, J olo, Sulu. Leopoldo Fu ente, Surigao, Surigao. Marcot J. Corpus, T arllc , Tarlac.


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Bienvenido P. Caro, Luceua, Tayahas. Victoriano A. Benitez, Iba, Zamblllcs. FlaviaDo Medalle. Zamhoanga. Zamboanga. Vieente Q. Luccro, City of Daguio, Denguet, Mountain Province. Luis B. Gomet., City of Cchu, Cehn . Alfonso Soherano, City of Dana, DavaD. Nieomedes Labone, City of Iloilo, Iloilo. Angel Sanchez, City of Zamhoanga, Zamboan(;a. Mariano C. Jcnsiano, City of Manila. Florena;o Z. Cruz, Quezon City. Ramon H. Hinojale!l, City of Dacolod.

BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE 251 GRAt. LUNA, INTRAMUROS TELS. 2·24·13, 2.24·14, 2·24·15 and 2·41·38 Dr. J uan Nolasco, Director.

Administrative Division Pedro S. Lopez, Chief, Administrative Division . S;x!O Maceda, Di.buning, Collecting and Property Officer.

Tec h nica l Workers Vacan t, Chief of Division. Dr. Alfredo Herrera, Medical Officer. Dr. Lanto R. llano, Medical Officer. Vacant. Superintendent, Social Service Unit. Gertrudia R. Cahaiigon, Assistan t Chief Prohation Officer.

I n stl tudo n s at Welfare ville Admi n istrative Vafentina B. Aquino, Superintendent of Institution!. Sellenio Rivera, Adminilllative Officer and Assistant to the Supcrintendent. TeodoTll Francisco, Matron, Department "A". CDr men J. Taiiado, MOlron, Department "B". Vicente del Carmen, Read Supervisor, Pllilippine Training School for Boy•. Amalia M. MarHio, Matron, Cir'" Training School. JOlefa T. Ilagan, Matron, Bome for Mentally Defective Children. Asuncion A. Ovejera, Matron, Nursery of Department "B". Balbina I. Deang, Principal of Schools.

Medical Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Cril tina Cabrera, Medical OUicer. Peregrina H. Paulino, Medical OHicer. Alfonso Pedroche. Medical Officer. J ustiniano San Agu stin. Medical OHicer. Conrado Patcual, Medical Officer. Marcelo Artiaga·Percz, Dentist.

Dr. Vicente Ferriols, Chief, Animal Diseue Control Division, Bureau of Animal I ndu~try, Mem ber. Atty. Moise.!! San Aguatin. Repre.enting the Chief Agent, Bureau of Inte rnal Revenue, Member. Jose Gatchallan. Representing th e Chief Apprai,er, Bureau of Custom. , Member.

BIOLOGIC PRODUCTS BOARD CIO DEPT. OF HEALTH & PUBLIC WELFARE. TEL. 2·69·18 Dr. Jose Fabella, Secretary of Health and Public Welfare. Chairman. Dr. Eusebio D. Aguilar, Director of Health, Mcmber. Dr. Antonio C. Siaon , Director of Institute of Hygiene, Member. Dr. Felipe Arenas, S ecretary and Inspector. Dr. Pablo I. de J es us, T echnical Adviser and Inspcct or. Dr. Wilfr eda de Leon, Inspector. Dr. Cristobal Manalang, Inspector.


Fernando B. Duran, Chairmsn . Maria Malias. Member. Mariano O. Marfori , Memb er. Jose V. Gloria, Secretary.

BOARD OF PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMINERS AND INSPECTORS c/o BOARD OF EXAMINERS 4-94 RECOLETOS, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2-73-40 ~tr! . Angela Agrava_Villa, Chairman. Juan Rosales. Memher. Simeo n S. Claridad es, Memher. Dr. Jose V. Gloria, Secretary.


BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE (U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE) CUSTOM HOUSE BLDG., PORT AREA P. O. BOX 424--TEL. 2.11·28 Howard F. Smith, Medical Director, U.S .P.R.S., QUDrantine Officcr for the Philippine•. Thorburn S. McGowan, P. A. Surgeon, U.S.P.H.S. Fred J. Black. P. A. Surgeon, U.S.P.R.S. Virgil J. Dorset, P. A. Surgeon, U.S.P.R.S. Rufino Abriol, A. A. Surgeon, U.S.P.B.S. Jamet A. Grider, Jr., A. A. Surgeon, U.S.P.H.S. T. J . B. Stevens, Chief _Clerk and Cashier. Genouio Borja, Steno!;tapher.


Abdon Q. Psgu io, Chairman. Felino Orlina, Member. Belen Pardo·Reyes. Member. J ose V. Gloria, Secr etary.




Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Gregorio C. Estrada. Chairman. i\fuimino B. Luna, Memb er. Salvacion Sars bia, Member. JOl e V. Gloria, Secretary.




TEL. 2·69·18 Dr. Felipe Arenas, Chief, Div. of Adm., Bureau of Health, Chairman. Dr. Pablo I. de J e, u, H ead, Dept. of Sanitary Engineer· ing and Induurial Pbysiology and Chemiatry, Institute 01 Hygiene, Univertity 01 the Philippines, Member.

Miu Ramona Cabrera, Chsitman . Mrs. Gnina L. Cru~, Member. Obdulia Riul·Kabigting, Member. Dr. Jose V. Gloria. Secretary.






TEL. 2· 12-97

Officia l Staft Jaime H ernandez, Auditor General. Tel. 2·35·60. Manuel Agregado. Deputy Auditor General. Tel. 2·49·80. :-'Iiu Dolorea J . H ernandez, Secretary 10 the Auditor General.

Law Department Agned o Y. Gepte, Acting Chief Law Offieer. T el. 249·80. J o.e Ereatllin, Aeting Senior Anorney. Tel. Mariano Vnsquez, Senior Law Clerk. T el. 2·24·71. Maria E. Mendota, Chief of General Se rvice. T el. 2·24-71. EUB tllquio G. Aquino, Researcher. Tel. 2·24.;1.

Provincial Audit De partm e nt Jose Gonzales, Chief Supervising Auditor. Tel. 2.24· 73. Roman J. Andnl, Division Auditor. T el. 2·24·73. Ju a n Concon, Divi. ion Audit or, Tel. 2·24-73. Cefcrin o Hllmo., D;";8ion Auditor. T el. 2.24.73 . Homan F. Tnazon, Dh'ision Auditor. Tel. 2.24·73 . Modes to A. Fcrrera, Supervising Auditor. Tel. 2-24·73. Benito Gui a. Speciul Auditor. T el. 2.24·73.

Na tional Audit De partm e nt "A" Se"ero de Ungria, Chief Supervising Auditor. Tel. 2.25.30. Federico M. Duid. Supervi,[n, Audi tor. Tel. 2·25·30. Domingo Du, Supervising Auditor. T el. 2·25·30. Victoriano Enriquc!, Snpervising Auditor. Tel. 2·25·30. Nicanor Rey es, Supervising Aud itor. Tcl. 2.25·30. Graciano Rapat~n. Chief of Division. Tel. 2·25-50. J uan L. fieres. Bureau·Large. T el. 2·12·07. Inspection Division. Tel. 2·23·01. Lu is J. Cinco, Chief, Requisitiou Pre·Audit Divi,;io n. T"I, ~.27·55.

Nntlonal Aud it Department " 8 " Marcial S. de Ocampo, Chief Superv;$ing Auditor. Tel. 2·25·50. Cirioco D3"id, Supervisinr Auditor. Tel. 2.25-50. Alfonso Perez. Sup""'ilin, Auditor. Tel. 2.25·50. Daniel O. Victoria, Supervising Auditor. Tel. 2·25·50. Ju ~n Villena, Supe"'i,in, Auditor. Tel. 2.25·50.

Nationa l Aud i t Department "C" Rufino Arzlldon, Chief Supervb ing Auditor. Tel. 2·31·41. Andres Fra ncia. Supervising Auditor. Tel. 2·3141. Porfirio Penn, Supen'ising Auditor. Tel. 2·31·41. Federico S. Romero. Super''';.ing Auditor. Tel. 2·31.4 1. Luc as Yu~on, Supervisin, Auditor. Tel. 2·31·41.

Public Ser vice and Field Exami n ation Department Pio Joven. Chief Sl'pervising Auditor. T el. 2.18.29. Hilarion BeronilJlI, Supervisin, Auditor. Tel. 2.18·29.

Admini s trative De partm e n t Gregorio S. Licaro" Actin, Administrative Officer. Tel. 2.26·58. Quirino Villaviecncio, Fiscal Stlltistician. T el. 2.26·58. Delfin E. Silverio, Statiltician, Nationlll. T el. 2·26·58. Nazario Nadurata. Chief. Re<::ords Division. Tel. 2·35-60. Juau M. Matutina. Auinant Chief, Hecords Di\";sion. Tel. 2.35·60. Lui. N. Roq ue, Disb., Coil., aud Property Officer. Tel. 2·31·41. Yalentin Haluan, Penonnel Clerk and Au't. Di5b. Officer. Tel. 2·24·73.

Bu rea u Auditors Bernardino Ab eu mit, General Auditin, Oirice and Budget (A) Tel. 2·42·03. Anl{elo Ang eles, Education (C) T el. 2·18-78 and 2·16·95. Bernardino A.u ncion, Philippine General H ospital (B) T el. 5...(i9.91. Hugo M. A),ap, Science lind Minel (A ) T el. 5·65·63. Irin eo C. Blanco, Labor ( Il) T el. 2·31.57. Marcelino Bongco, Philippin e Army (A) T el. 4·87.70 an d 2.77.74. Anacleto Cacel. Posh (B) T el. 2· 11 ·87 and 2·12·66. Mllnue l Escobar, Government Marine Hai lway & Repair Shops (D) T el. 2.19.aO. Rufino Fernandez, Interior (B) Tel. 2·44·51. Laureano A. Ferrer. Prison•. (C) T el. 2·17·06.

Roman T. Friu, J unice (C) Tel. 2·32·96. haac Cellidon, Diybion of PurehllSc & Supply ( e ) Tel. 2-41-76. Angel Conulel, Ccnlul Commiuion (A) T el. 2-29-94. Macario J uinio, General tand Regi atration Office ( B) T el. 5-47-74. .~lfredo Lillaro, Custom! (e) T el . 2-38-64. Carl05 Merc ed, Bonking (8) Tel. 2·46· 11 . Eugenio Nabong, P ublic Welfare (e) T el. 2-81-96. Drigido Navarro, Animal Indu $try (A) T el. 6·70·04. Pondana O. Olayta, POllal Savin" Bank ( 8 ) Tel. 2-3i-92. Antonio C. Olympia, Commerce (A) T el. 2-29·o:;t Leopolda Ongkiko, Internal Reve nue (e) Tel. 4-84-44. Martin Qu esada, Ciyil Service (A) Tel. 2.83-78. Rafnel 1\(. Ramot, P ub li c Work. (8) Tel. 2.42.20 and 2·10·05. Mariano Reyno, Nat ional Ataemb ly (B) T el. 2.36·12. Emiliano Rivera, Treuu ry (A) T el. 2·4 2·03. Pedro Hiven, Court of App eab (C ) Tel. 2·61.22. Pio Ri vera. Malacanan (8) T el. 2.24·9l. Pedro R odrigue~, Lands (A) T el. 4--86·63 and 4·95·35 . Domingo Ru billl, Printing (C) Tel. 2·23·52. H ermenegildo V. Santol, Forestry (A) T el. 4·97·34. Pelagio Si.o n, H ealth (C) T el. 2.24·61. Pedro Torne ro., Plant Indu s try (A) T el. 5--68·58. Nicolas Z. Yabut, P hilippine Constab ul ary (A) T el. 2·26·67.

City a nd Provincial Auditors Felipe J imenez, Manila. Lorenzo Asenela, Bacolod. Conrado Alcaraz, Baguio. Halael Parcon, Il oilo. Calimiro L. Daeanay, D3tan,as. Dalmacio Ramos, Bohol. Yenancio !l;r..drid, Bulac.. n. Ramon E. Femlnd ez. Cebll. Bartolome Fernandez, Iloilo. Albe rto Su. Cruz. Leyte. Pedro C. Palafo'll, Nue"a Eeija. Roman T. del Dando. Negros Occident.1. F. M. Alejo, Pampanga. G. F . Rllmos, Pllngas ln an. Ca! tor Silvestre. R izal. Rafael Uson, T arlpc. J uan Suva. T aYllbu. Lib erato Evangeli. ta, Alba)'. 1\l ontano O. lI agan, Caga)'an. NieD nor Sarmieuto, CRpiz. Leocadio Gozllm, Davao. Roman Q. Moreno, 1101.'05 Norte. Mauricio Salvador, Ii oeo. Sur. AmDd eo R. Quinto., Laguna. Ladislao Palma. La Union. Lnpo GuzmDn. Mt. P rovinre. Nicolas Yban ez, Oriental Negrol. Lorenzo V, E. guerra. Samar. J o.e Desa. Zamboanga. Lor enzo Tongeo, Antique. Gerardo Alenetll, Cllmarines Sur. Aur elio L. Pen •• CD,·ite. Ricardo Sanlo.. Cotabato. Francisco Malig, ru bela. Ireneo Barbo.a. 0 1.'1.'. Miumi •. Agapito FloTeII, Oriental Mi lll mis. J o.e Y. PalTas, Sonogon. Catalino Ba1ili, Surigllo. Ceferino Lor ena, Abril. Nicnio M.rin, Baraan. Martin Arabejo. Balln C!J. Pablo de Ungria. Bukidnon . Fortunato Aiaga ban, Agun n. CirHo T orrlllba, Camnrin es Norte. Patrocinio R ebucno, Lonoo. Emilio Pan opio. Mnrinduquc. Tib ureio Silverio. Masba le. Vicente Padilla. Mindoro. Zosimo J . R o,~ I. Nueva Vizcaya. Angel Paguia, Pala wan. Fern ando Ordonez, Sulu. Simeon Dam ian , Za mba le...



COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERM ITA TEL. 2·12·50 Franci8co Coveseany. Delluly Secretary of the Commi .. ion. Auy. Emi linno Cone!, Legnl Staff. Auy. Emi lio J . Aguiln, Legal Siaff . S imeon Villanueva, Cashier and Property Officer. Francisco Ramos, Chief, Reconb Seclion. Auy. Nie\'e~ Acosen, Legal Slaff. AUy. Mouri cio O. Bn" Legal SHIff.

Pedro Concepcion. Chairma n. Rufino Luna. Member. Jo,e Abreu, Member. Enrique R ui!, Jr., P riva te Secreeary. Rufino Lunu, JT.. P riva te Secretary. Ju an R. Mariano, Privaee Secreeary. Rodrigo D. Peru, J r., Secretary of ehe CORlmiuion.


Francisco Varona, Labor Envoy.

Government Corporations and other Independent Entities NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD 127 AV ILES, SAN MIGUE L T EL. 2·40-70 Hon . Sergio Os'neiio, Chairman . Hon. J ose Aveiino, Vice· Chairma n. Hon. Sergio Boyan, Mem ber (E%eculive Officer). Hon. Scrafin Mnrabut. Member. Dr. lunn Nolasco, Membe r. Hilarion Silayan, Member. Mrs. Asuncion Perez, Member. Dr. Antonio C. Pardo, Secrel~ry.

(See Alphabetical Sc.::tion)


PEREZ CORNE R OR EGON, P ACO P. O. BOX 3240 T EI.S. S·35·48~S·72· 17 and 5·34-42 H 'm. Rofnel n. Al unsn, Chairman, Board of Direc tOR. H,m. Manue l A. Rous, Me mb er, Board of DirectoTi. H on. Benigno S. Aquino. Membe r, Board of Directon . Hon. J ose Avelino, Member. Boorrl of Directon. Ramon Roce., Mem ber, Board of Directors.

Projec t


Boa r d of Directors Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon.

Manuel RozlS, Chairman . J ose Ab.d Santos, Member. Benigno S. Aquino, Ml'mber. Ramon J . Fernandez, Mem ber. Lurl ovico H irlr050110, Member.

Admini s trative Divis ion M. D. Cipriano, Chiel and Secretary. Lam berto V. Bc11eza, Special Agcnt. Francisco Gucr ra. Notary P ublic.

M a riklna Age n cy An d rei E, Pu, Age nt-Collector.

Sa n Pedro (La ll. una ) Agen cy Ap ololl io A. Venlu ra, Agellt· Collector.

(See Alphabetical Section)



General Paulino Santol, Manager. Bernarrlo Torres, Secretary-Treasurer. Eugen io de Vera, Comp troll". Alfredo Fajardo, Chiel Clerk, Koronadat Valley Ollice. Mariano 11. Raymundo, Supervisibg Agricultu ril t. Ofrc.:: in o T. Santos, Dis burs ing Officer.


(See Alphabetical Section)

MANILA HOTEL COMPANY (See Alphabetical Section)


BO:lrd of Di recto rs Manu el RozlS, Chairman. Rafael H. Alunan, Direc tor. Benigno S. Aquino, Director. Benito n.1Zon, Director. Epidio Quirino, Direc tor. l uan M. Elizalde, Director. Gregorio Anonas, Directo r.

O ffi ce Staff Gregorio AnonAl, Gen eral i\lanoger. Ninno r Tomas. AssiSlant 10 th e Cenerol Manlret. EViriltO de Lara. AdminiSlrati"e Auiua n!. Ramou Zamora, Adverti sing Manager. Ciri lo Bagnot, Labor Relstions Counsel. AngelO. Sales. Chief Clerk. Felipe EstelJa, Secretray_T reasurer. Audres Palma, Purchasing Agent. Anton io de I. F uente, Chief, Medical Divis ion. Rosalina Z. T iongco, Physician. hidoro L. P. de Ven. Dentist. Felisa M. Achacolo, Nurse. R ufino l\Ielo, Comptrolle r. Daniel Laurel, Auiunn! Comptroller. Mauuel L. Rozas. Chief, Technical Staff. l ose II . Pariganibao. Chief, Engineering Department. Antonio A. VilIBm in, Manager. Te% tile Department. l uan T. Vitla.nueva, Ceneral Superintenden t, Teztile Milli.



CEBU PORTLAND CEMENT COMPANY 732 EVA NGEL ISTA, COR NER AZCARRAGA, QUIAPO CADLE ADDRESS: CEPOC 1'. O. BOX 863-TELS. 2-14-89 & 2·14·90 Mariano J esus Cuenco, Chairman, Board of Dircctou and Gen eral Manager. Grego rio Anonu, Vice· Chairman, Board of Directors. A. D. WjlJinms, Membe r, Board 01 Direc tors. Vicente Frpgante, Mem ber, Boord 01 Directors . Angel S. Arguellea, Memb~r, Doard 01 Directors. Rufino Melo, Comptroller. Fidel A. Ro:ru, Sccretary·Trcuurer. Je!UD J. SantOI, Sales Manager. Ju an P • .-rjanedy, Chief Accountant. M. de J esus, Purchasing Agent. Mnnuel Reyes, Chief Clerk. Alfredo Alhambra, Head Bookkeeper. Francisco Aragoll, Delivery and ShiplI;ng Assis tant. Candido P. Barcelona, Stenographer.


BOard of Directors H on. Manuel Roxaa, President and Chairman. H on. Benigno S. Aquino. Vice. President and Direc tor. Dr. Vi ctor Buencamino, Director. Hon. Vicente Singson Encarnacion , Director. Benito Ruon , Director. Arsenio Puez, Secretary.

Official s Dr. Victor Buencamino, Manager. Victor l'agulayan, Assistant Manager. Arsenio Pacz, Secretary-Treuurer and Anislan t to the Manag er. Rufino Melo, Comptroller. Inocencio Dumpit, Assistant to the Comptroller. Arturo V. Tanco, Mechanical En&;ineer. Alfredo Abes, Purcbuing Agent. Salvador B. Oliveros, Researcher, Vicente R. Concepcion, Supt., Warehouses & Mills Dept. Pablo F. Sulit, Supt., Field .\ In yestigation Dept, NarcilO Sa n Agustin, Chief, General Service Division. Anastasio Salvad or, Chief Accountant. Pedro Amado, Cuhier and Dishursing Ollicer. Fabian Baldemor. Acting Chief Statistician. Edilberto Arguelles, Supervising Agent.nt-Large, Vicente Tec!on, Provincial

Provincia l Inspectors Miguel Buencamino, Legaspi, Albay, Julian Reyel, San Miguel, Bulacan. RaDlon C. Morea, Naga, CIDlarinCII Sur. Fernando H. Acu iia, Capiz, Capiz. Vicente L. Arcenas, Cebu, Cebu. Ignacio Castelo, Davlo, Duao. J Ole Camacho, Santiago, Isabela. J esut L. Reyes, Tadohan, Leyte. Catalino S. Cru~, Arayat, Pampanga. Domingo T. Pallljo, San Quintin, Pangasinan. Abelardo V, Oli ,-eros, Calbnlgoan, Samar, J Uall ll, Sanchez, Tarlac, Tarl.c.


Board of DirectO r s lloll. Manuel RoXlls, Chairman. H on. Benigno S. Aquino, Viee·Choirman. I)on Juan Eliulde, Director. Dr. Gr egorio Anonas, Director. Don Benito Razon, Director. Vicent o Sabalvaro, Manager. Felipe Estella, Secretary·Treuurer. Nicolu D. Chief Clerk, Peia&;io Maulawin, Cuhier & Disbuuin, Officer, llodolfo Cunanan, Stenographer.


p. Santos, City Salesman. A. J, Tilol, Provincial Salesman. F, n, H enson , Provincial Salesman. Marcelino Feliciano, Ac countan t.

Guag,ua Cannery Staff Guag,ua, Pampanga

E. A., Acting OffiCII Manager & Fac tory Superin_ t cndcu t, H cc tor F. de la Rosa, Chief Clerk & Disbursing Officer. A. Saldaiio, Scmillero Superintcndent, M. Castillo, Au istant Mechanicol Engineer. S. Padilla, Food Chemist. J. Antonio, Assistant Food Technologis t. J. W. nath, Tecbnical Aa"istan t.

Capiz Cannery Stafr Capiz, Capiz Dr. S. Y. RoteD, Food Technolo&; ist. F. Tall\'era, Fish E:rpert and Fishpond Superintendent. Antel Mcna, Assistant Civil Engineer.




HOIl, Mnnuel n oxas, Chairman. H on. Udael R. Alunan, Member. Hon. Benigno S. Aquino, Member, Hon, Elpidio Quirino, Member. Dr. Gregorio Anonas, Member, EucuTlvx OUlo..'t'-': Hon . Alfredo V, hcint o. JI.'lanager, Ally. l)ominador J. Abella, Secretary. Ally. Felipe Estella, Treasurer. Hufino Mc lo, Auditor.

INSULAR SUGAR REFIN ING CORPORATION GENERAL OFFICES: BARRIO JOLO, MANDALUYONG RIZAL TEL. 6·75·55 MAN ILA OFFICE: ROOM 612, PIflLNABAN K BLD G., MAN ILA TEL. 2·42·19 CABLE ADDRESS: "SUCHARPHI L" P. O. BOX 393 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: HOIl . nobel n, Alunan, Chairman, HOR. Manuel A. no:u s, Vic e·Chairman. Dr. Cregorio Anonas, Member. H on . J orge B. Vargas, Member, Hon. Benito Razon, Member. OFFICIALS: E. W. H orton, General Man3&;er. J. C. Mahoney, Superinlendent. M. S. Angeles, Chief En gineer. Lucio L. Ac;uino. Chief Chemist . Felix Tiongson, Audilor, F. L. }'erre r, Secretary-Treasurer,

PEOPLE'S HOMESITE CORPORA· TION D1LLL\IAN ESTATE, QUEZON CITY P. O. BOX 1412- TEL. 6·74.21 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Al ejaudro Roces. Sr., Chairm3n and General Manager, J o.e Pael, Vice·Chairman. Ambrosio Magsaysay, Member, Vicente Frllgante, Member. Dr. Eugenio H ernando, Member. J oae G. Sanvictore" Secretary. Ant onio C. Barrello, Treasurer, ADMINIST RATIVE DEPAHTMENT: Lorenzo R, On rubia, Supervising Civil Engineer. ltoheTlo Gu errero, Architect. Dominauor de Guzman, A6~ia tnut Arc],it eci. Rufino Melo, Auditor. Ant onio Fernandez, Chief Aceoulltant. Mi&;ue l Pard", SRie~man. Min Pilar Carlota, Sale9woman,


NATIONAL FOOTWEAR CORPO. RATION PUREZA, SANTA MESA P. O. BOX 336()-T£L. 6·75.12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hoo. Manllel ROllas, Chairman. Hon. Btn;~no Aquino, Member. Don Benito Razon, Member. Dr. Gregorio Anonn. Member. \' icente Sabah'aro, fllember. Felipe £ $le11a, Secrelltry-Treuurer. MANAGEMENT STAFF: Vicenle Sahalvaro, Acting Manager. Rufino Melo. Audilor. Daniel Laurel, Assislant Audil or. Buenavenlura C. Lopez, AMiuant to th e Manager. Porlirio G. Miraflores, Adminislrali'l'e Officer. Paslor de Cutro, Cd.OJhier. Franeiseo Stn. Ana, Production Supt. Godofredo dcl Rosario. Store Manager. Vicente de 10 Rou, Shipping Clerk. Pedro Paz, Stock Clerk. Maximo Galvez, Warehouseman. Pablo de la Rou, Shoe Insp ec tor. Gregorio del Rosario, Designer,

SABANI ESTATE LAUR, NUEVA ECIJA Manuel de 10. Reyes, Manager.

NATIONAL POWER CORPORA. TION 732 EVANGELISTA, CORNER AZCARRAGA, QUIAPO P. O. BOX 2123-TEL. 2.17,94 Hon. Jose Avelino, Chairman, JOle Pael, Vice.Chairman. Hon. Sotero Baluyut, Member. Dr. Gregorio Anonu. Member. A. D. Williams, Member. Casimiro Pagsangban, Secretary· Treasu rer. Capt. Hugh J. Casey, Engineering Ad'l'iser. Marcial KuHar, Manager. Lorenzo Celeste, Auditor. Filemon C. Rodriguez, Chief, En,ineerin, Olliee. Alejandro Mella, Accountant.

NATIONAL ABACA & OTHER FIBERS CORPORATION 2ND flOOR, S. J. WILSON BLDG., 143 JUAN LUNA, BINONDO P. O. BOX 2335-TEL. 4.70.28 Pedro Sahido, Chairman of the Board and General Manlger. Vicente C. Aldaba, Assistant Gen eral Manager and Treas. urer. Marceliano G. Torres, Comptroller. Antonio D. Pesino, Secretary to the Board. Filomeno B. Parpan, Administrative Dept. Simeon M. Gautlinez, Clerk.Stenog. Feliz Mend aros D., Accounlant and Dishu.,ing Officer. Venancio I. Lomal, Foreign Dept. Dominador Jose, Marketing Divi9ion. Pedro LanuZl, Purch ui ng Agent. Carlos L. A,uncion, Records. Bonifacio Villanueva, Property Clerk. Augusto E. Duenavenlura, Mech. Engineer.

NATIONAL TRADING CORPORA. TION SRD FLOOR. BANCO HIPOTECARIO BLDG.. 3 PLAZA CERVANTES, CORNER JUAN LUNA, BINONDO. BOARD OF DIRECTOns: Benito Ruon. Chairman. Dr. Victor Buonoamino, Member. Dr. Gregorin AnoDU, Member. Pcdro Sabidn, Member. Muimn Rodria-uez. Member. Manuel Nieto. Member. Celedonio Salndor, Mcmber.


GENERAL OFFICE: Benito Razon, Gen eral Manager. lsidoro Gonnle,. Private Secretary-Tel. 24836. Mateo F. Occena, Anistant General Manager. Tel. 24837. Manuel X. Burgo., Jr., Secretary·Treasurer. Tel. 24838. Eduardo Lnp ez. Cashier. Anntl!.cio de Culro, Manager, Cooperative Dept. Tel. 23733. Elias M. AUviado, Comptroller. Tel. 24782. CENTRAL LUZON BRANCH Nn. I: J ose G. Sanvictores, Division Manager. Calix In A. Bernardo, Asssitant Division I\foDBger. Casto C. Unaon, Buyer-Tel. 21557. MANILA RETAILERS' COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION No. I; Felicidad S. Manuel, President. l nae C. Tinio, Manager. Tel. 24907. Anntacio de CasUo, Secretary. Treasurer.

NATIONAL TOBACCO CORPORA· TION SORIANO BLDG., PLAZA CERVANTES, BINONDO TEL. 2·40·49 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Manuel Nieto, Cbairman. Benito Ruon, Member. Pin Ancheta, Member. Ant onio Caug, Member. Andrei J. Paredes, Member. OFFICERS: Manu el Nicto, Pre!liden t and General Manager. Domingo Paguirigan, Asssitant tn th e General Manager. Mari ano Cnndc, Secretary· Treasurer: Pedro M. Gimenez, Comptroller.

NATIONAL COCONUT CORPORA· TION SORIANO BLDG., PLAZA CERVANTES, BINONDO TEL. 2·40·71 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mazimo Rndriguez, Cbairman. J eaus Montenegro, Member. Benito Razon, Member. Ram nn Soriano. Membe r. lohn Schultz, Member. OFFICERS: Mazimo Rndriguez, President and Gencral Manager. Hilario G. H ellares, Assi9lant to the Gen eral !\fanager. Benjamin Salvnn. Secretary-Treasurer. Pedro M. Gimenez, Comptroller. lo.e S. Feliz, Chief Accountant.

PHILIPPINE EXPOSITION COM· MISSION MAGALLANES DRIVE, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·38·93 Hnn. J orge B. Vargas. Chairman. Hon. Rafa el R. Alunan, Member. Hon. Benigno S. Aquinn, Mem ber. lion. Serafin Marabut. Member. Han. Tomal Morato, Member. lion. Aiph eul D. Williams, Secretary and Ezeculive Officer. nFFICIALS Anhur F. Fisc her, ACling Directn r General. Hon. Serafin Marabut, Treasurer and Prnperly Officer. David P. de Tagle, Admini~ttati'l'e Officer. Harry T. FrOlt, Consulting Architect. V. D. Orli,a" Supervising Architect.

FLOOD CONTROL COMMISSION (as of Dec. 26, 1940) BUREAU OF POSTS BLDG., PLAZA LAWTON, ERJ\UTA Vicente Fr~ganlc , Chairman. Flnrcocio Tanlesi" Membcr. S. W. Cnrp, Mem ber. Ambr osin Magsa YlIly, Member. Angel Martinez, Member. Enrqiue 510. Tnmas Cones, Member. Julian Buendia, Secretary.





MALACAi'iAN PALA CE, AVILES, SAN MIGUEL A. D. Williaml, Chairman. Alejo Aquino. City Engineer, Member. S.lultiano Reyn, Supl., Di v;s ion of Motor Vehicle., Bureau 01 Publ ic Workl, Member. Vic ent e Manalo, Chief, TranspQ'rtltion Di v'_sion, Public Service Commiuion, Member. Col. Juan Dominguez, PC, Acting Chic! of Police, City of Man ila, Member. Capt. Silv«tre Nieveu, Chief, Traffic Divis ion, City of Manila. Member. Capt. J. C. P olotan, Chic!, Traffi c Divil ion, PC, Member. Dionisio Re ll o.. , Secretary.

ENG I NEER ISLAND, PORT AREA Comdr. R. R. LukeM, Director 01 Cont & Geodetic S:n..,ey, Chairman. A. T. Sylvelter, Port Works Engin eer, Bureau of Public Work!, Mem he r. William Billter, Chief, Marine Inapee!ion & Navigation Di1"_ ision, Bureau o f ClIuom~ , Member. F errer y GUli erre~ . Represe nting the Philippine Ship Own ers ASI 'n, Member. JOle GaiJoHn, Su rv eyo r of the P Ort l, Burea u of CUltoms, Member. Ant onio G. P erez, A.llstan t Direct or of Cont & Geodetic Survey. Secretary.




FLOOR. BANCO H1POTECARIO BLDG., 3 PLAZA CERVANTES. CORNER JUAN LUNA, BINONDO TELS. :l-48·36 & 2·~8·J8 H on. Ben igno S. Aquino, Chairman. Hon. Jorge n. Vargn, Member. Hon. Manu el Roxu, Mem ber. H on. JOle Ab.d Santos, Membe r. H on. Jos e Avelino, Membe r. Hon. Benito Ruon, Member. OFF ICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR: Hon. Benito Rn on, Administrato r. Is idoro Conule!. Pri"ate Secretary. M. X. Burgos, Jr., Secretary.

NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION BOARD c/o DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS & COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU OF POSTS BLOC., ERMITA Secreury 01 Public Works & Communications, Chairman. Major General Builio J . Valdes, Chief 01 Sulf, P. A., Member. Vicente Fragante. Di rector of Public Works, Member. Jose Paez. General ~Ianage r. Manila Railroad Co., Member. Alfredo de Ll!on. Insu lar Collector o f Customl, Member, A. D. Williaml, Technical Adviter to Prel iden! of the Philippine., Sec retary.

NATIONAL ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION BOARD BUREAU OF POS T S BLDG., PLAZA LAWTON, ERMITA Hon. Sergio Bayan, ChairtDftn. Gonnlo Kom antigue , Member, Ciriaco Coronel. Member. Lt. Col. Paciano Tangco. P.A., Mem ber. AUT. Arturo A. Soriano, Secrel(lry.

SALARY BOARD RECOLETO S. INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·83·86 10l e Gil, Chairman. Serafin Marabut, Member. laime H ernandez, Member. Ladi, lao Yap, Secretary and Executive Officer. Federico Semilla, Alliulnt Secretary and Cbief Clerk.

DEPORTATION BOARD BUREAU OF J USTICE BLDG., 87 GENERAL LUNA, INTRAMUROS Solicitor·General. Cha irman. Provo.t Marshal General, Mcmbe r. In aular Collector 01 CUltoml , Member. Chief 01 Police 01 the City of Manila, Memb er.

BOARD ON DOCUMENTS c/o NA TIONAL LIBRARY, LEGISLATIVE BLDG. TAt'T AVENUE, ERMITA TEL. 2·35·10 Directo r Eulogio B. Rodriguu, Chairman. Manu el Agregado. Member. Fidel B., Member. Auenio Roeo, Member. Atty. Gerardo Florendo. Mem ber. Fernando Singlon, Secretary,

719 ECHACUE, SAN MIGUEL TEI.S. 2-48·72 & 2431·06 P. O. BOX 211 2, MAN ILA Comm. Serafin Marnblll, Chairman. Comm. JOSt Gil, Member. Auditor Cen. Ja ime H er nandel, Mem be r. Dr. Felix 5nlu Itodrigucz, Member. Hon. F ermin Torralba, Secretary. Vieente Sarmeinln, Actiog Chief CJerk. P oncipDO Morales. Speeifti Agent. Ally. Leopolda 1\1. Alba, Special Agent, Tomu 1. Manajan, PrOI)(:rly Clerk. Bon ifacio Azutin, StcnOf;rap h er. Alfonso Gregorio, Cle rk. Juan V. Alvarez, Clerk.

LANDED ESTATES SURVEY COMMITTEE PHILIPPINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. INTRAMUROS, MANILA TEL. 2·87-82 Ramon J. Fernandez. Chairman. Ramon So rian o, Member. Zoilo Cutrillo, Memhe r. Eduardo QUintero. Member. Dr. Andrei CaUillo. Member. Faul tino Aguilar, Memher. F elipe E. JOle, Member. EXECUTIVE STAFF: Eduardo Quintero. Ex ecu tive Officer, Benito Bautista, Secrelary.

PHILIPPINES HISTORICAL COMMITTEE c/o NAT IONAL LIBRARY TAFT A VENUE, ERMITA TEL. 2·35·40 Director [ulogio B. Rodriguez, Chairman. R e~. Mi guel Seign, 5.1., Member. Walter Robb. Member. Dr. H. Otley Beye r. Member. Dean Leand ro H. Fernandez, Mem be r. Dr. 1010 P. Oa,uug. Member. Luil Serrano, Membe r. Prof. Gah ri el A. Bernardo. Member. Enriqu e G. Santol, Secretary.

PHILIPPINE COMMITTEE ON GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES CITY HA LL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA TE L. 2·14·18 Secretary 01 the Intcri or, Chairman. Commiss ioner of the Cenl"" Membe r. Director 01 Edu catio n. Memb er. Director o ' Landa, Mem be r. Direc tor o f Scie nc e, Membe r. Direc tor 01 l'Oltl, Member. Direc to r 01 Cout & Geodetic Survey, Membe r, Director of National Library.



-COMMONWEALTH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE c/o OFFICE or THE PRESIDENT OF TH E PHILIPPINES MALA CANAN, SAN MIGUEL TE L. 2.24.91 Hon. Rafael R. Alun an, Chairman. Hon. Claudio Sandoval, Member. Major General Builio J. Valdet, Memb er. Mayor Eulogio Rodriguez, Member. Prell. Bienvenido M. Gonnlet, Member. Under·S ec. Gabri el R. Manalac, Mem ber. Director Jua n Rui~, Member. Al'llenio LUl. Member. Vicente ;Uadrigal, I\l em ber. Mn. Pilar Hi dalgo Lim, Member. Pedro Aunario, Member. Carlos P. Romulo, Member. Lui! Serrano, Member. Pedro Franco, Member. Federico Maiigah u, Member. Teodoro EVQngeliata, Mcmb cr and Secreury,


Board or Reients Jorge Bocobo, Secretary 01 P ublic Inst ru ction an d Chai rman of th e Board 01 Recent!. Bienvenido M. Gonzalez, Pruldenl 01 the UniYlrsi ty. H. B. Pond. Celedonio Salvador, Director 01 Educafion . Guillermo Z. Villanueva, Chairman, Commitlee on Publl.: Ins!ruction, National Assembly. Culol P. Romulo, Alumn i Recenl. Manu el A. ROJ:u, Alumni Regent. Vicente Singson Encarnacion. Jote Gil. Vicente Madrigal. Jorge B. Vargu , Alumni Regent.

GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Office or the President Bienvenido M. Gonul ez, President. Hermenegildo B. ReyeR, Vice·Prelident. Solomon V, Arnaldo, Secretary to th e Prel ident. Ignacio Recio, An iatRnt Secretary to th e President. Victori llno D. JOle, Receiving Clerk, (It) Admlnl s tTative Division Domingo Cervantes, Chief of Division and Secretary, Board of Reg ents . Severo 1. Ocampo, Collec ting nnd Disbn u ing Offieer,

(b) Property Division Eli", M:malang, Property Supply Officer, Gregorio N, Sant~ , Property Clerk and Inspector, (c) Grounds and Buildings Fructuoso Aquino, Superintendent. FI(>untino Sabalga, Aniuanl.

Office of the Comptroller Lull 0 , Yap, Com ptroller. Antonio Pel tz, Au iSi8nl to tl, e Comptroller.

Office of the Reilstrar Melquiades J. Gam bOl, Reg iurar. Felipe Frllncisco, AUis tan t 10 the Regi strar,

Office or the Dea n of Men SiniorolO Padilla. Dean of Men (Ma nil a Colleget),

Office of the Dean of Women Ursula Uichaneo·Clemen te, Dea n of Wom en,

Department or Physical EducatIon Candido C. Barto lome, Director, with Ran k of Associate Professo r. C~nnen W, Ylan au , Phy.lcal Directo r for Women with rank of Auina nt Profeuor.

Department of Military Science & Tactics Ricardo Poblete, Commandant,

University Library Gabriel A. Bernardo, LibrariBn with Rank 01 Profello r.

COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Leopold o B. Ui cha nco, 'Jean, Profc"/}\" an, l H"'l\l'. [!~pt, oJ Entomology and Zoology. Frll ncisco M, Fronda, Secretary ; Anociate Proleuor of Animal Hu bllndry, Nemeaio B. Mendiola, Directo r 01 Reaearch.

Department of Agronomy Leon G, Gonulez, AlSocillle P rofesso r and Actiog Head.

De partment of Soils Diooido J. Aquine. Ani lUnt Profellol and Acting H ead.

D epartment or Animal Hus bandry Bien.enido M. Gonul ez. Proleno r, Val ente Villegas, Alloeiate Proleuor and H ead,

Department o f Agricultural Chemlsrry Francisco O. Santos. Proleuor Ind R ead,

Department of Rural Economics J ose E, Vel mont e, Auis tant Professor and Acting H ead.

Department of Agricultural Engineering Physics and Math e matics Anasucio L, Tcodoro, Au ociate Profeuor and H ead.

Departme nr of English H arri et L. Richards , Allis tont Profusor and Acting Head.

Department of


and Zoology

Lcopoldo B. Uichanco, Profeuo r and H ead.

Department of Plant Pathology Gerardo O. Odemia, Auociate Proleuor and H ead,

De partment o f Agricultural Bo tany Rafael B. Espino, Profeuo r Ind H ead.

Department of Agricultural Education Narciso M. Sicay, Anbtant Prolenor an d Acting H ead.

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Franci , co Benitez, Dean and Profenor 01 Edueation. Anton io bidro, Secretary; Auillint Prole!lor of Educat ion.

Departme nt of Educa tion Antoni o Isidro, Au istant Profealor. Solcdad Aguirre. Anistant Profenor. Ursula Ui changco--Clemente, Au iuant


Departme nt of Psychology hidoro Pan lulgui, Anoci ale Proleuo r and Head.

Department of Home Economics PrCIJenu cio n Perez,

A ~lis tonl

Profeuo r and H ead,

Training Department (U. P. High School) Juan C, Canave, Principal ; Anistant Proleuor of Education,

Univer siry Elementary School FelisR Cri$ tobal,Generoso. Teacher, Felicidad C. Vergara, TeGcher, Angelina [ spi rilu. Teacher. Luz Samonte, Teacher,

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Vidal A. Tan, Dun and Professor, Crisostomo Orliga" Sfi:retary and Auoe iate Profeuor.

De partment of M ech a nical Engineering I., S, Eaton, Professor and H ead.

Departme nt or Electrical Engineering H ermenl'gildo B. Reye., Prole8l0 r Ind H ead,

Department of Mechanics Vidlll A, Tan. Professor and H ead .

D epartm e nt of Civil Engineering J UliO An utia, Profeuor and H ead.

Departm ent of Mining Engineering V, V, Cluk, P ro fel!or lind H ead .

COLLEGE OF LAW Jose A, Elpiritu, Dean; Profeno r of Mercantile Law. J ose N, Leuterio. Secretary, Allisla nt Profeuor of Law. Vic en te G. Sinco. P ro fessor 01 Political Law. MelquiadCl J. Gamboa, Profeno r of Jurieprudenee. Guillermo B. Gu evara, Professo r of Criminlll Law, Gaud encio Garcia, Profeuo r of Inte rnati onal Law. Mariano H. de J o),a, Profenor of Remedial Law, Pedro Ylagan, Professor of Civil Law, Arsenio Solidum, Anocillle P ro fessor of Mercan tile Lliw. luan T. Santos, Proleuor 01 I.a w,




Domingo T. Zanlla, Associate Plolonol of Law. Emel ta Y. SibIl, Associate Professor of Law. Aurelio C. RamOI, An islant Profonar of Law. Tomas C. de Cutro, Assistant ProfC5Ior of Law. Norberta Lapuz·Laurea, Assistant Profenar of La"', Magno S. Calmailan, Assistant Prorealor of Political Law. Deogradu Puyat, Aseistant Proieno r of L aw.

COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Leandro H. Fernandez, Dean; Professor and H ead, Dept. of Hbtory. Enrique Virata, Secretary : Proren or Dnd H ead, Dept. of Mathematiel. H. Otley Beyer, Prores~or and Head, Dept. of Aothropology & Sociology. Jo.e K. Slntol, Professor Dnd H eld, Dept. of BOlany. •"-mando Clemente, Professor and H ead, Dept. of Chemistry. Dean S. Faulcr, Profe"or and Aeting Head, Dept. of English. Emilio Natividad, Anociate Profenor lind Head, Dept. of Mod em Languages. Jose M. Feliciano, Professor and H ead. Dept. of Geology. Cecillo Lope~, Auistant Professor lind H ead , Dept. of Oriental Languages. (On Leave) Ricardo Pascual, Instru ctor, Dept. of Philosophy. Casimiro del Ronrio, Associat e Proiesso r and Actiog Head, Dept. 01 Physics. Bernabe Africa. Associate Professor and Acting H ead, Dept. 01 Political Science. Filomeno Maravillu, Assistant Profenor and Acting Head, Dept. of Spanish. Hilario Roxu, Associate Professor and H ead, Dept. of Zoology.

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Deograciu Puyat, Dean. Pablo N. Mabbun, Secretary: Assistsn! Profenor 01 Economics. Recto Rivera, Instructor in Economics and Busi ness. Santiago F . de la Cruz, Profenor of Accounting. Kurt Ehler, Aui$lant Professor of Fioance Rnd Economics. Manuel S. Ru s tia, Professor of Businen Management.

COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Antonio G. Sison, Dean; Profesaor of Medicine. Cannelo Reyes, Chiei of Clinic., Profestor of Surgery, Professor and Head, Department 01 Gynecology. Daniel do la Paz, Sccretary, Profenor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacology.

Clinical Studies and Research Jose Alberl, Director, ProfC!for and H ead , Dept. of Pedia· tric • . Palricio Ignacio, Anistant to Director, Non.Resident In· st ructor In Medicine.

DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Arturo Garcia, Professor and Head.

Department of Physiolog,y and Biochemistry Emilio 8ul"ao , Professor aDd Head.

Department of Patholog,y and Bacteriology Lib orio Gome>;, Professor alld H ead.

Department of Medicine Lui. Guerrero, Profeuor and Head.

Division of Physical Theraphy Paterno Chikiamco,



Department of Sur!lery Anionio D. Vasquez, Professor and H ead .

Department of Obstetric, Baldomero RollS', Professor and Hud.

Department of Opthalmology, Otology and Rhinolaryngology Aristeo R. Ubaldo, Professor and H ud.

Administration Pedro M. Chanco, Chief, Administrative Division aDd Supt. 01 City Morgue.

COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Marinno V, del ROSllrio, Dean and Prolellor. Allredo C. Santo., Secretary and Associate Profenor.

Department of Pharmacy Felix Hoc lon, Professor and Head.

SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY Domiciann Sandoval, Director and Prole..or.

Antonio C. SiaoD, Dire<:lor. Hil ario Lau, Aubu.llt Director and Secretary.

Epldemiolollr, Statistics and Public Health Ad. ministration Hilario Lua, Professor and Head.

SanItary Bacteriolol\y & Immunolo!lY WalfrJdo de Leon, Profeuor an d Head. Parasltolo~y

Candido M. Africa, Professor and Head.

Sanitary En4lneering, Industrial Chemistry



Pablo I. de J elol. AClio, H ead Ind Asslatant Profe..or.

SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Cellario Tan, Instructor and Acting Director.

COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SCIENCE Angel K. Gomez. Acting Dean; Pro lusor and Head , De· partment of Palholog y and Bllctcriology.

Department of Veterinary Medicine Lope M. Yutuc, Assistant Profenor.

Department of Veterinary Anatomy ~Jpnuel

D. Sumulnng, Profenor and H ead .

Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Arcadio C. Gonzaga, As,istant Profel!o r.

Department of Veterinary Surgery Gregorio San Agustin, Profenor and Head.

Department of Parasitology and Protozool ogy Zacllriu de J esus, Aui. lant Profeno r.

Department of Zootechnlc ellrio. X. Burgo! , Associate Professor and In Cbarge.

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Paterno Santos, Acting Dean lind Auociate Professor 01 Hi llory. Perfecto Sison, Instructor in Library Science and Acting Secretary. Artemio V. Manu, Auistant Prorenor of Bolany. Msnuel Monaalud, Ins tru ctor in Cbe mistry. Fernando Bautista, Instructor in Education and Psycology. Ignacio Man!apu, Assistant Prole"or of EngUsh. Kathryn Everman, Instructor io English. Paterno SlInt<n, Aasociate Pro lessor of History. V. D. Gokhale, Prolenor of Mathematics. Alfred Schwenen"', In!tructOr in Modern Languages. J ulio Scvilla. Instructor ill Physic. on d Drawing. Meleclo T oledo, Ins tructor in Political Science. Eulogio Estampador, Assistant Professor of Zoology. Vicente Diana, Assistant Physical D;rector of Physical Education. M.ri. F. Luo, Assistant College Pbytieian of tbe Infirmary.

CEBU JUNIOR COLLEGE Vedaslo Samonte, Acting Dean; Associa te Professor of Po· litical Science. J ulio E. Pongan, Registrar and Anistant Profcuor in Hi.· tory. Jose Ceni7.l, Instructor in Economics and Sociology. Juan Cabanos, Instructor in Education. Salud Rafols, Instructor in Education. Adela del Rourio , Instructo r in Educlltion. Emilio Vasquez, Instruc tor in Biology. Sofronio Balee, Assistant Professo r 01 Che mistry. Cisire Wizlizenul, Lecturer in English and German. Calldelsrio Almcndras, In!t ructor in Physic, and Mathema· ti el. Nielnor Zaratan, Lihrazian. ~ Salulliano Violands, Instructor in Phy.ieal Education.

Department of Military Science & Tactics Marisno Griiio, Commaodant,

SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS Fe roando Amorsolo, Director (Rank of Associate Professor). Guillermo Tolentino, Secretory (Rank of Anislant Profes· lo r) .

SCHOOL OF FORESTRY Florencio Tames i. , Dean snd Profe.. or of Lumbering. Harold Cuzner, Inchaege , Profeuor of Silticulture .lId Physiography. Domingo Nolasco, Secretary and lutructor in English.


MANILA CITY GOVERNMENT Huga 1\r. CurraD, Profeno r of Tropical Forut...,. Arthur F. Fischer, Profenor of Tropical Forestry. Aotonio RaeeH" Associat e Professor of Foru t Manage· ment. Felipe Salvou, Assistant Professor of Botany and Dendrology. Vicente Coguioa, Assistant Profestor of Silviculture. Juan Daproza, Assistant Pro fessor of Fores t Finance. Alejl.lldro de Mega, Assis ton! Professor of Fores! Entomo. 10,," &I Pathology. Doroleo Soriano, Assistant Professor of Forest Survey. Gregorio Zamuco, Assiuan t Professor of Forest Utili ties and Secretary. Emiliano Roldan. Assistant Professor of Fores t Pathology &I Mycology.

CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Franciaco Sl.lItiago, Director (Rank of Profeuor ). Antonio Molina, Secretary and Anistant Profestor of Ib.r· mony and Composition. Hil arion F. Rubio, Assistant Secretary and In uructor. Mercedcs M. Santi ago. Ass istant P rofessor of Voice Cui· ture. Julio Esteban. Assistant Profcuor of Piono. Ernesto Vallejo, Auistsnt PrOfCllO r of Violin.

Attached to the Dept. of Sanitary Bacteriology and Immunology Crinn to Paiiganihan, Sc ientist (Bacteriologist) . J o.e Ramirez, Scientist (Bactcriologist).

l'ower Plan t J ua n Geronimo, En gi neer.

Attached to the Dept. of Sanitary Engineer, Ind. PhYsology and Chemcstry Eusebio Gutierrez, Scientist. Mlircilino Gutierrcz. Scientist.

COLLEGE OF PHARMACY (Tiki· Tiki Rcvolving Fund) Amao.lo San tos, 1unior Chemist.


INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE (Al ohong Lahoratories)

Attached to the Dept. of Epidemiology Potenciano S. Uiialivia, ir. Scientist (Epidemiology)

Attached 0 the Dept. of Parasitology Mrs. Ana Vasquez-Colet, Jr. Scientist. Eu.ehio Y. Garcia, Jr. Scientist.

TEL. 2·13·37 Chid J ustice Ramon Avanee iia, Chairman. Iustice J 08e P. Laurel. Mem ber. E",.Justice Antonio VillarclIl, Memher. Secretary J orge Bocoho, Member. Prof. Pedro Ylngan, Membcr. Justic e Al ex Reyes, Membcr. J ose D. In gles, Secretary.

Manila City Government City Hall, Taft Avenue, Ermita l-ION. EULOGIO RODRIGUEZ, Mayor GAUDENCIO GARCIA, Secretary to the Mayor

OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA EulO1:io Rodriguez. Mayor. Tel. 2.25_30. Gaud encio Garcia, Secretary to the Mayor. Tel. 2-25-27. Agapito Lopez, Assistant Secretary to the ?hyor. Cesa r 1\Hrsnor, Administrative Oflicer. Vicente Din, Acting Chief Clerk. Tel. 2·53·29. Eulogio Rafael, Assistant Chief Clerk . . Dr. Mariano C. lcuiano, City H ealth Officer. Emilio Eiercito, Sanitary Engineer. Miguel Lorent e, Record Clerk . Fidel Santos. Assistant Record Clerk. Marcelino B. Ji ao, Principal Clerk_Stenographer. Carmen SantO;S-de J esus, Clerk·Stenographer. JOle Leones. Clerk· Stenographer. Al ejandro R. Lim, Clerk-Stenographer. Pedro Cru~. Clerk·Sten og raphe r. Eulogio Rop elos, Property Clerk. Himerio Garcia. Clerk. Antonio de San Agu stin, Clerk.






Alfonso Vedua, Secretary.


Office of the City Engineer TEL. 2·27·22 Al ejo Aquino, City Ens:ineer.

Administrative Division T EL. 2·55·07 Mrs. Salome R. Lopez, Chief. Eustaquio Santiago, Accountan t. Restituto Morano, Property Clerk. Francisco Academia, Record Clerk. Boiler, Machinery & Gas Inspection Division TEL. 2·91·89- BOILER TEL.2· 71-63-GAS Mariano Zalvidea. Boiler Intpec tor. Vicentll GUisand e, Ass t. Boiler Insp ec tor. J Ole Gonzalez. Chief. Gas Laboratory. J esu Ma. Sarte, G.. meter tester. Building Construction & Inspection Division TEL. 2-81·3O-ASST. CITY ENGINEER TEL. 2·82·3O-BUILDI NG 10le Gonzalez Salvador, Au t. City Engineer. Edilberto Cecilio, Chief Building Insp ec tor. lrineo Ramos, Foreman. Architectural Section TEL. 2·52-28 An astacio Agan, Civil E ngi neer. Sellio Goitia, Civil Engineer. J. J. Marquez, Architect.



Carpentry Shop Section TE L, 2·82·82 Antonio Snu Ped ro, Civil Engineer. Pablo Pargu, Foreman.

Streets and Bridges Division TEL. 2·72·63 J on G. Li cuanan, Superintcnden t. Migu el Montaner, Asst. Superin tenden t.

District 2 TEL. 4·7 2·9·1 In occncio D. Cruz, Di$trict Inspec tor.

District 3 Junn

Ra gasa,

TEl.. 2-55·78 District Il'l8pector.

District 4 TEL. 5·41-90 JUln Clnravall, District Inspector.

Division of Transportation, Parks & Monuments TEL. 2·59·61 WilHnm D. Cheek, Chief. Vicente Samia, H ead Clcrk.

Section of Parks and Monuments T EL. 2·81·82 Emiliano Bartolome, F oreman.

Divi sion of Drafting and Surveys T EL. 2·56·07 Estanisloo H erbo.a, Supe rin tendent. J ose Agus tinu , ,Assis tant Supe rintend en t. Pedro Gu enr3, Chie! Compliler. BonHacio Javier, Surveyor. J ose Sniz D, Draftsman .

POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTER S CITY HALL-TEL. 2·15·70 P. O. BOX 62 1 Colonel J uan Dominguez, Acting Chid 01 Police. Gregorio Alcid, Asni tant Chief of Police. ~lnn u e1 Argonu, Captain Inspector. CBrlos C. H ernan dez, Chief Clerk. Augusto Lapernl, Property Officer,

Secret Service Division Major Manuel Turin gnn, Actiog Chie!. Eugenio Dizon, Chief Ins pector. Areadio Y. Lap eral, Handwriting &; Ballis ti c E:lpe rt. lnspectou: Apolonio Irada Eduardo Quinto. Leonnrdo Lnurente Domingo Calubaquih Emilio Arceo Rufino Noriega

Traffic Division Siln$t re Nieverl, Commanding Office r. Nicolas GuiuI, Lieuteuant. Andre Gaoat, Li eutenan t.

North District Police Station Gregorio Lugtu, Commanding Officer, Se~ero Armada, Li eu tenan t. Fra ncilco Polotan, Lieutenant. Loren10 Danganan, Lieutenant.

So u t h District Police S tation Agu sti n H ernando, Commanding Officer. Emilio E. piritu, Li eutenan t. Tranquilino Ocampo, Lieutenant. Alipio Baut i$t3, Lieutenant.

LAW DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FISCAL 53 GENERAL LUNA, J NTRAMUROS TELS. 2.1i~72-2_1 7. 73- 2. 17 ·69- 2·27 ·39-2·27·45 Alejo Mabanag, City F rone ilco B. Alber!, AniSl anl Fi$cal. Gregorio S . Narva9a, Anls lant Fiscal. Hafael Dinslasan, Auinant Fi$cal. Eng racio A. Abuolo. Au istant Fiscal. Ped ro C. Mendiola, Anis tant Fiscal. Atan.elo R. Ombnc. AlliSlant Fiscal. Agustin P. Montesa, Anis tant Fiscal. 0, Fernandez Lavadia, An iSlant Fiscal.

GUBlavo ViclOriano, Asuitant Fiacal. J ulio Villamo r, Auisl8nt Fiscal. J ose C. de Vega, Anistanl Fiscal. Delfin A. Vi ola, Au iatan t Fiscal. Cornelio S. Rup e rt o, Auislan l Fiscnl. Guillermo Dacumo., A.-iata nt Fiscal. Francbco Geronimo. Ass;a lan t Fiscal. Edilperto Barot, Aubl8nt Fiscal. J. Christ ian MOMod, Ass;.lanl Fiscal. J ose L. Gamboa, Asds tant Fiscal. Araeni o Nanawa, Deputy Fiscal. Guill crmo F. Lim, Deputy Fisca l. Ulpiano C. Duroaual, Deputy F iacal. Am ado A. Yal eo, Deputy Fiacal. Jose A. del Prado, Chid, Administra ti ve Division nnd De· puty City Tr eas urer,

FIRE DEPARTMENT CITY H ALL, TA FT AV ENUE, ERM ITA TE L. 2·23·71 J acinto Lorenzo, Chief. Cipriano Cruz, Deputy Chief. Gaudio.o Villegas, Chief of Cons tru ct ion nnd R epai rs. T eodoro Gencr, Chief Clerk and Trial Office r.

E lec trical Division 166 ARROCEROS, ERMITA TE L, 2.16·74 Charles A. H . Seboendube, City Electrician. J adn to l\ J. Ortega, Asst. City Electrician.



Engine Company No. 1 Charies A. Barker, Captain . Marcelo Ramos, Lieutennnt.

Hook and Ladder Company No. J ClIU Cruz, Captain. J oae de Guzman, Acting Li eu tenant.


Engine Company No.2 Lope Pinping, Capllin. Hilario Isnacio, Li eu tenant. Doroteo Esguerra, Lieutenant.

Hook and Ladder Company No.2 Felix Ramos, Li eu tcnnnt. Sabino Garcia, Lieutenan t.

Combination Company No.2 Diolli5io AgoncilJo, Lieutenant,


Engine Company No, 3 Simpli cio Pang3.n, Captain. Dam uo Asenci on, Lieutenant.

Combination Company No.3 Leopoldo Banclol, Li eu te nant.


Engine Compan y No.4 Hoberto R onas, Captain. Toribio Vas q u~ , Li eutenanl.


Engine Compan y No, 5 JOle R eyel, Captain, Vicente Asinu, Li eute nan t .

Hook and Ladder Company No. 3 Alejandro AngelCl, Captain. Fau l to Ramajo, Li eutenant.

Combination Company No, ll ern8rdino Sison, Lieutenant.


Engine Company No. 6 . Braulio Alon a, Cap tain. Francisco Can lapin, Lieulenant.



Engine Company No. 1 Rafael Tajasa, Caplain. Victorino Vicente, Lieulenant.


Engine Company No. 8 franci!co Silon. Captain. Anenio f abian , Lieu tenant. Andr~ Marcelo, Second Cia.. Engineer. Antonio Mendoza, Se<:ond Clan [n,in eer.

List of Fire Alarm Boxes No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

12-Dumariuu and T. Pinpin. 13-Elcolla and David. 14-Elcolta and Pnaje de la Paz. 15-Plua Morllf:l. 16-Muelle de la Indu llril and Juan Luna. 17--·Dnmariuu and Juan Luna. 18-RollTio and Clndara. 19-T. PiDpin and Gandara. 2l-Ongpin Ind Teodora Alon lo. 23-0ngpin and Nueva. 24-Salazar an d Magdalena. 25-1uan Luna and El luude. 26-Plaza Calderon de 1a Barca . 27-San Fernando nnd Eleano. 28-Jabooerol and Alu ncion. 29-Barcelona and San Nicollt. 31-MueUe de la Ind ustria aDd Numancill. 32-Muelle dll la Ind USlr ia and Del Pan. 34-Muelle de la Induuria .nd Vivn. 35-Madrid and PenlTrubia. 36-Asuncion .nd L... euru. 37-5an Nicolas and 5anlo Cri,to. 38-Asuncion and Ate arr"a. 39-folgueras and A2.c.rrag • . 4.1-5.oto Cristo Illd Marcelino de 5.nto,. 42-·Juan Luna and I1. ya. 43--Padro H errer. Ind JUIO Lunl. 45-lIlya and P. R.d •. 46-Azcarraga and Ju an Lun • • 47-Baullca and Dumarinl.1l. 4.8-Nueu and Du marinu. 49--Azearrlga Ind Antonio River •. 51-Dagupan and Azearraga. 52-Reina Regente and Soler. 53-Magdaleoa an d Luzon. 54-Benavides and Azearrai" 56-Azenrraga and Teodon Aloruo. 57-Misericordia and Soler. 58-Avenida Rizal and Azcarrai'a. 59-Azcarraga No, 2006. 61-Azcarraga and Evangelisla. 62-Azcarraga and LepanlO. 63-Azcarraga and Legarda. b4-Alejandro VI aud San AnIon. 65-Cutano. aud C. Tulton. 61-Legarda aod PedrOIO. 68-Legarda and Bu uillo •. 69-SulueaD. l1-Tanduay and General Solano. 12-A.. i1ea and UH·Uli. 73-Avi1~ and San Rafael. 14---Aviles aod Novalich~. 15-Tanduay and Ellero. 16-Ceneral Solano and Echague. 18-Echague at No. 101. 19--Eehlgue and P. dre BI.Dco. 8I-P. Paterno and M. Oc.mpo. 82-Norugaray and Eluondo. 83-Arlegui aod Duque de Alba. 84-R. Hidalgo lind Mendou. 8S-Plaza Miranda. 86-R. Hidalgo and Piau del C.rmen. 87-Vergllr. and Alej.ndro f.rnellio. 91-Plaza Goiti. 92-Eehague and P. Gomez. 93-P. Paterno and P. Gome~. 94-Ronquillo and A.. enida RiuJ. 95-S01er and Avenlda RiuJ. 96-Evangeiina and Raon. 123-Legarda and Sikaluna. 124-Guipit and G. TUl.1lon. 125-Rotonda. 126-Nagtahan nellr R iter. 127-Santa Melli and Enero. 128-Santa Mella and Hipodroll3.O.

No. 129-Sanla Men and SaoloJ. No. 132-Vicloria and Solana. No. 134-Sanla Polenciana and Maga llanet. No. Poteneianll and Buco. No. 136-·Generai Luna and Andll. No. 137-Sanla Clara and Cahildo. No. 138-Bealerio and Cahildo. No. 139-Real Ind Cahildo. No. 142-Beaterio aod Solana. No. 143-San JU ln de Letran and Anda. No. 145-Real and Solana. No. 146--Ceoe ral Luna and Vi ctoria. No. 147-Cenerlll Luna lind MuraUI. No. 148-fort Santiago. No. 149-Ordnance Depot. No. 152-Plua Lawton. No. 153-Concepclon and Anoeeros. No. 154---Concepcion and Marque. de ComiUIt. No. 156--San rofarcelino .nd San Luil. No. 157-l\farqu~ de Comilla! and Isaac Peral. No. 158-San Mncelino and Zohel. No. I59--E!tero and Marque. de Comillas. No. 162-Ceoeral Luna and Gonzales. No. J63-Ceneral Luna and P. Burgos. No. I64-General Luna and Herran. No. I65-Herra n and Penaftanda. No. 161-Herran and Pu. No. 168-Merced and San Antonio. No. 169-Herran and Gutierrez. No. 112-San Marcelino and California. No. 113-5inga10ng and San Andre.. No. 114-Penosyivania and Herran. No. 175-Herran and Wright. No. 176-Coruon de 111lul and 5ingBlong. No. 178-Philippine Ceneral Hospital. No. 182-A1varez and Mania han. No. 183-Dagupan and Mercado. No. 1M-G. Tua.on and Verdad. No. ISS-Eeonomia and firm eza. No. 186-C. Tua.on and Raihoad Croning. No. 187-Remedias and San Marcelino. No. 189-Mariano Lim and Lealt ad . No. 192-l5aac Peral and Crillobal, No. 193-UJilang Cauayan and Pu . No. 194-Anak ng Bayan and D. Boulevard. No. 195-Revellin and TeJeron. No. 196--Dart .nd Oregon. No. 198-Craig aDd Leahad. No. 213-lsaac Peral and Alhambra. No. 214-Nebruka aDd huc Peral. No. 215-Padre Faura and A. Mabini. No. 216--M. H. del Pilar and Arquiu. No. 217-Padre Faura and Florida. No. 218-San Luil and A. Mabini. No. 219-A. Mahin; and A. Floret. No. 231No. 232-San Andre. and Wright. No. 234---Vermont and Wrighl. No. 235-M. H. del Pilar and Sanla Monica. No. 236-A. Mabini and H erran. No. 237-M. H. del Pilar an d Sinai0i'a. No. 238-Manga A,en .. e and Buenas Aires. No. 241-M. H. del Pilar and San Andre.. No. 243-A. Mahini and Leona. >'0. 245-M. H. del Pilar and A. Mabin;. No. 246No. 247-Juan Lun a, Maypajo. No. 248No. 249-Pacbeco and franco . No. 2S1-V. lenluela. No. 253-Rizal AVenue and Batao ..... No. 2540-8ueDII1';lla IlId Santa Men. No. 256--615 VeI"'quez. No. 257-Vel ...quez, comer Herbo... No. 258-Parail0 and Veluquez. No. 259-Veluquez, al Phil. M.nufacluring Co. No. 261-M. H. del Pilar and Vito CrUi. No. 263-Penol,lV11nia and Vito Crul. No. 264-1045 ADlonio Rivcra. No. 265No. 261-5anlol and Soclego, No. 268-T.bacalera Gr oundl. No. 211No. 273-Laong·Lllln and Asturiu. ·No. 274-Elpaiia and M. Earnlhaw. No. 275-Andalucia and Zurbaran. No. 276-Dapitan and Covernor Forbe• • No. 291-R. Fernand cz & Pampanga. No. 293-Ai'no and C.. tro. No. 312-Juan Luna and Pavia.




No. 3i4-Jula Luna and Careuerl. No. 31S-JuaD Luu and Laguna. No. 316-Jul.I1 Luna and Solis. No. 317-5aotl Maria and Pavia. No. 3I9-Sando and Moriones. No. 321-5'0 Lazaro and Rizal Avenue. No. 324-Avenida Riz,1 and Damban!:_ No. 32S-Avcnida Rizai and Mayhaligui. No. 326-Avenidll. Rizal and L ope de Vegl, No. 327-C.1I1 O'Donnell and Lop e de YeaH. No. 328-Itequcscol and O'Donnell . No. 341-Magdalena and Soler. No. 342-Espele!1 and Misericordia. No. 345-Anlonio Rive•• and T."uma", No. 346-Dapill.ll IlId Trabajo. No. 347-W.shiogtOD and Maria Clara. No. 349-Dlumentritl and Cavile. No. 3S1-Del Pao and Lavezarcl. No. 352-Mareelino de Santos and Camb• • No. 354-Tayabu and Misericordia. No. 356-TaYlibu and lpil. No. 357-Rital Avenue and Cavile. No. 358-Laguna ao d O'Donnell. No. 361-Dag: uplln and MorioneH. No. 362-Magdalcna and Esudo. No. 412-Carriedo aod Plateria. No. 413-Taoduay IlI1d Vergara. No. 415-Novaliehes and EspinOla. No. 416-San Miguel Brewery. No. 4l7-Avilu and Enero. No. 4I8-G,,1, Licerio Geronimo. No. 421-510 Rafael IJJd Waler Main. No. 423-Torluola and Alejandro VI. No. 425-Lardiubal. No. 431-Arroceros. No. 432-Rodriguu Ariu. No. 5i2-PeDafrlJJcia IJJd Canonigo. No. 5I3-Herran IJJd Concordia. No. 514-Tejeron and Herran. No. 5I6-Vi.ila and J. Zamora. Ne. 517-KahiloQl & Feli:r. No. 521-Leyeriza. No. 523-Tabora at Yangco's Marke t. No. 524-Santa Ana Church. No. 526-Arillon Bauti. ta, Sta. Ana. Nn. 527-MalacaDIJJ Grounds. No.531. No. 532-McCuliough Building. No. 615-ChiCign and 20th Sueet. No. tll7-7th St. and Atlanta. No. 6I9-Booifaeio and 2nd Stree t. No. 621-Eamlhaw Docks. No. 625-2nd St. IJJd Omaha. No. 641-Pier 1. No. 643-Pier 3. No. 645-Pier 5. No. M7-Pier 7. No. 112-0Id CUltom House. No. 113-Urhb.londo and. Eieano. No. 114-Clty Stables AKanag •. No. 115-Slernberg General H ospi tal. No. 716-Bilibid Prison. No. l1&-Encineer·. hland. No. 121-Intendencia Bunding. Nn.123-Pbil. Arm y H eadquanen, P. Burcos. No. 124--Qriente Buildiog. No. 725-lnlide San Lazaro H oapilli. No. 731-Malacanan Palace Grouod,. No. 734-Nationnl Development Co., Puren. No. 737-City Hall. No. 8I2- Labore. Iud Victoriano. No. 813- Fratemidad and J esUI. No. 814-Je.uI aod R. R. Ya rd Plndacan. No. 815-Loren~0 de la Pu and bidro Certen. No. 816-Laborel E,;teosion.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA Vicl or AlIon, o, City Treasure ........T el. 2·25·21. Aquilino Cali:rto, Asaiataot City Treasurer-Tel. 2·25-28. JUItioo Yaptaogco, Chief Clerk and Deputy City Treasure r - Tel. 2.25_55. Crinolo El l8nislao, Assis tant Chief Clerk and Deputy City Treuure ........Tc1. 2.25·55. Vicente Almanzar. Actiog Chief, Li cenle Diyision- T el. 2·25·59. Nic.,io P. MilD, As.isunt Chief, License Diyision- Tel. 2·25·59.

Julian Navano. Acting C.,hier-Tel. 2·56·17. Marcelino S. Cueto, Acting Assi,tant Cashie........Tel. 2·52.93. Alfonso Coocepcion, Chief Aceounting Offieer-Tel. 2-a7.29. Felino Fineu, Assistant Chief Accounting Officer - Tel. 2..87.29 Gabino Sete, Chief, Property Division-Tel. 2·30·26. Luis Montes, Anistant Chief, Propeny Division-Tel. 2.30·26. Honorio Villegas, Acting Superintendent 01 Markets- Tel. 2.25·25. Marciano N. Lopez, Chief, Recorda Sectioo-Tel. 2·25·55.

DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA 1ulio Francia, City Asseuor, Tel. 2·42·38. Pablo B. H errera, Auistant City Allellor, T el. 2·67_71. H onorato Edana, Chief Clerk and L aw Clerk, T el. 2·67-11.

BOARD OF TAX APPEALS CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA T omas Alfollso. Cbairman. Benito K. Laig, Secretar)'. MEMBERS:

1 0s~

Araneta Antooio PaYlon Manuel Quilliue

Ramon 1. OnBl iako Rafael Rocc, Simplicia de loa Sinto,


J u dges Mariano Nable, Branch I. (Vacant) , Branch 11. Natividad Almeda·Lopez, Branc h III. Guill ermo Cabrera, Branch IV.

Clerk of Court I'. Corlipio.

First Branch J OIIe de Guia, Deputy Clerk. Claro Ni eyen, Ciyil Process Clerk. Zacarias O. T emporal, Cle rk Stenocrapher and Civil Procell Clerk.

Second Branch (Vacant)

Third Branch Salvador C. Bayan;, Deputy Clerk. E scolanieo Es trera, Deputy Clerk and Stenog rapher. Florencio Lu cio, Criminal Process Clerk. Emilio Eliaeo, Civil Procen Clerk.. r, oaeio Sol>ino, Dailiii.

Fo u rth Branch Feli:.: Atayde. Depu ty Clerk. Apolonio Yonzon, Ciyil Procell Clerk. Dominador del Rosario. Criminal Process Clerk. Fuodlco del Rosario, Bailiff.

C ivil Docket Section Manuel D.lta~ar, Deputy Clerk. Alejandro NuevlU, Civil Docket Clerk. EUl ebio Ramirez, Civil Docket Clerk. Benj amin Simeon. Civil Docket Clerk.

General C lerical ,",orce Marc elo A. Tan. Cubier.Deputy Clerk. Manu el PraIedes. Deputy Clerk and Subpoena Clerk. Eutiquio RO(IUid, Deputy and Civil EIihibit Bnd Appeal Clerk. J o.e Falconi, Deputy I.Dd Criminal Appeal and Evid ence Clerk. Filemoo O. Garlito!. Deputy and Property Clerk. Federico Dumlao, File Clerk (Crimioal Cues) . Pablo Marquu, Criminsl Docke t Clerk. Plabo Gl oriolo, Minors Clerk. Ri cardo Naeianeeno, Assistant Criminal Appeal and Evi· dence Clerk. Paulino Eohalar, File Clerk (Civil Casel) .

SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARAULLO BUILDING, CORNER POSTIGO AND ARZOBISPO, INTRAMUROS P. O. BOX 7Sg-TEL. 2·35·07 Ladislao Puicoiao, Sberill. Joaquin Garcia. Chief Deputy Shcriff. Cornelio Anli'lu era, An istanl Chief Deputy Sheri fl.



Marlin C. Gonzal~ Eoriqut S. Morale. SillltOD D. Serdeiia Melanio P. Ramo, JOlt Sarlabu. P.ulino I. Fajardo Eu.ebio E. Montano Julian H. Dimqiba Bui1iu Mqlo mbol Irin to H crmogenel Gonu.lo Salomon Estanidao Garcea Getulio Pantoja Manuel F. Bueneamino Antonio 51mbulan Alfredo C. Taganu Bernabe E. Zarcd PROI'ERTY CLERIC:

Ceuon S. Hipolilo

OFFICE OF THE CITY AUDITOR CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA Felipe Jim enez, City Auditor. Tel. 2·18·24. l,:'an L. Reyes, Asst. City Auditor.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE OFFICE OF THE CITY PHYSICIAN CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA TEL. 2·68·71 Dr. Loreozo C. Reyes, City Ph ysician in Charre. Greg oria V. Hakit., Nurse. Bonifacio S. Santiago. Pharmacy Clerk. Pedro G. Santos, Attendant.

DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS BUREAU OF EDUCATION CITY HALL, TAFT AVENUE. ERMITA TEL. 2.25.1Q--P. O. BOX 772 Dr. Cecilio Putong, Superintendcnt of City Schooh. Marcelino Boutisla, Anistan! Superintendent. Mr •. Vi.itacion C. Gon~alez, Senior Supervifor. A~EMIC


Mrs. Ida M. Wittman, Supervi.or of Secondary English. Mi n Laura E. Sstterthwaite, Assistant Supervisor of Secondary English. Min Aurora L. Samonte, Msislanl to the Supervisor of Secondary English. Min Adel.ida Paterno, Assistan t to the Supervisor of Se.::ondary En,lish. Ubaldo V. Lope~ Supervisor of Science. Migu cl de Guzman. Supervisor of Mathematici. Mrs. Juliana C. Pineda. Supervisor of Int erm ediat e English. Augu ~t o A. Noroiia. Supervisor of Arithm ctic, Geography, History Dnd GOy't, Intermediatc Grades. Honorato Ramos, Industrial Arts Supervisor. MA. Pilar N. de Dimalanta, Supervisor of Grade IV. Misa Rita Ga erlan, Supervisor of Grade III. Miss JOlef;na Silva, Supervisor of Grade II. Miss Asuncion J. Reyel, Supervisor of Grade I. Mi5~ Valentina Cal;xto. Au istaot Supervisor of Grade J. Miss Gregoria Rodil, Supervisor of Music and Writing, In. termediate Grad~. MIll. Cannen A. Ocampo, Supervisor of Music, Grades III &. IV. Mu. Gregoria S • .Asprer, Supervisor of Music, Grad~ I &: II. Mrs. Crispina U. Dario, Supervisor of Home Economic •. OFFICE


C;ciaco ric Leon, Chief Clerk. Gregorio Ocampo. Assistant Chief Clerk. MA. Luisa A. Alyare%. Supervi~or of Teacher·NUTlet!. A"cnio Jose, Cbief, Records Section. Ro.cndo S. Perez, Cbief, Servicc Scction. Sinloro~o leremillo, Cbief, Property Scction. Hon orato Ram os, Chief, Industrial Art. Section. Gaudcncio Rosari o, Chief, Accounting Section. Jos e V. Carb, Librarian. DESTISTS

Dr. NievH S. Mont es

Dr. Leon S. Ramo,


lame, P. Victor P. Leopoldo Faustino Domingo

VICTORIA, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·84·55 Burnl . Principal. H ern andez, Assistant Principal. L, Oneta, Chief Clerk. Hernandez. Clerk. Quiamblo, Athletic Coach.



babel Sunio, Librarian. Pedro B. BiiallOl, Military Instructor. Agapito Kilinllkinll, Military Illstructor. Teachers : Florencio Abaean Mrs. AmpaT o Y. Lonto k Eleuterio S. Abiad Mrs. JOlefa E, Marco! Mu. Nareisa B. Abiad Miu Adela F. Mejorada Mi n Corazon Agcaoili Min Co razon Mendiola Mrs. Mercedes D. Agustin Miss JUltina S. jl,Iercado Mrs. Lualhati Z, Angeles MiS! Filomena Mesina Mi n Azu cena Areebal Lazaro Milaor Mrs. Enriqueta G. Arcina. MiS! Estela V. Moralcs Miu Cataliua Nicolas Pedro G. Bals,ot Felicisimo Bautista Salvador S. Orbeta Mu. Rizalioa T. Buenaseda Vicenle O,i .. Diosdado G. Capino Miss Dalisay PachC(:o Min Marina U. Colcol Erneslo R. Parial Mr.. Alejandra Y. Cruz Miss Salud N. Patag Mr.. Amalia R. Cruz Flaviano M. Peiiera Mrs. Esperanza B. Donato Roque O. Peralta Mrs. Rocio R, Dumaual Erasmo G. Punsalan Miss Mu;a L. Encarnacion Mrs. Libertad D. Quetulio Mrs. Natiyidad Z. Escarnlla Domingo A. Quinmbao Min F. 1\1. del Es piritu Santo Mrs. Lina F. Rabor Mrl. Presentacion FernandezMin Purificaclon R. Reburiano Gonzalo C. Fuster Miss Lucila Y. Romero Ofelia Gomez Mrs. Consolacion D. Roy Miss Juliana S. Guerrero Miss Aurea Samso n Miguel P. Gulang Epifanio Sal'! Juan Mrs. Lorenu U. H ernandez Palerno SantiallO Victor P. H ernandez Min !\farita de los Santos Mfi. Arscnia M. de J esus Mrs. ROlita Santos-Tiojanco Amado G. J orge Mill habel S. Sunio Agapito Kalin llking Miss Anauscia L. Su,on Mrs. Guadalupe J. Layosa Mu. Mercedes A. Valera Miss Concepcion Licsi Miu JOlelina Villauos Mrs. Dolor~ S. Lucas Mclecio 1\1. Zagala


Mrs. Mabd R. CarJ...on, Principal. Edmidio Ramos, Assislaut to tho Principal. Crispino Mines, Chief Clerk. J ose J. Andres, Records Clerk. Lcon F. Ver. Property Clerk. Pedro E. Bala, Chief Libra rian . Ramon L. Echem, Athletic Coach. NATIONAl,


Mrs. Mabel R. Carlson, Priocipal. Edmidio Ramos, Auistanl to the Principal. Felicidad Espiritu Ladislao M. Cruz Rosario Bella·Gana Rem ed ios 1\1. Agbayani Paz C. Silo. CODSueio P. Zarsadias Pedro Raqueiio Alfredo Concepcion Fernando E. Algas Sagrario Carlos Atilano Salomon Rosario S. Aycardo REGULAR

Mercedes B. Ortiz Herminia Jim enez Jutina S. L. Jim enez Pilar Kaluai Vicento M. Malinno Ambros io R. Rec to Liberata Samonte·Reyes Simon J. Sarnonte Arsenio B. Sanchez Antonio Leogardo Paz Limuco Eugenia Romero· Mendoza Beatriz C. Peiialon H onorata E. Alfante Paz R. Altud illo Geronimo Da1llisto 1I0snrio P. Bulaong JOlefa n. Cruz F'elisa Leono r Gregoria S. Rey". Ciriaco Acuiia FructUOIO Ancheta Feliciliml A. AnuDen Doloru 1\1. Aranrla


Bibiana A. Florendo Francisco Amparo E. Garong Patricio C. Gonzales Jose Guerrero Roberto Gulinoo Concepcion M. Gutierrez Silyjna del C. Laya Encarnacion Macnpal:al l C. Marcos Flordeliza P. Martinez Adela R. Monzon Amparo Mendoza·Nazareth Elena P ucual Asuncion H. Pasola Julia C. Pinnas Consolncion M. Ramos Felicidad II. Rectra Eucarnacion Re.urreccion Celia de 101 Reyes Benito Reyes Rizalina Feni:t·Roul Margarita del Rosario Virginia R. del Rosario Nem~io



Amelia A. Arellano tiwayway A. Are ll ano Lutgarda A. Aviado P ed ro E. Bala Asunci on C. Bartolome T rinidad Bau J Ole Bunda Purificacion Bayani Paz Cangeo Natividad R. Caniu rC5 P alto r Carrillo Socorro A. Carmelo Lu cia Abdon·Cruz Crispina B. Cuajunco Moi,el B. Diano Cayetano Dominguez Ramon L. Echem E:l equi u L. Espejo Remedios F. Favila Fernando Patridnio

PrOCCIO Run .. F"raternidad Salita Brigida T. Salvador Lorenza L. Salvador Edundo P. Sanchez Enrique San J o,e Ad e la R. Sanidad Adela Santos Silto M. Santo! J o,e phine Shea Mari a Semal Em es tinft B. Siaon Alberto Sunio Vi ctoria K. Tanjuakio T eodora Valenzuela Leon F". Ver Antonia F. Villanueva Cresencia S. VinluBn Benigno Zamora Naomi Zarat e

T cm)lorary Fau Bta J . Alvarez Consuelo F. Alvear paz Cielo Angelcs Fidel a Arcea Lourd cs Aspcrilla Manuela Barredo Felicidad Bucnavcntura Gorgonia C. Capino Maria R. CarlO! Hip olita Certeza Abdon B. Corni, ta Natil'idad C. Crispin Natividad CruI Rosa Cruz Amparo S. Deda l Lamb erto Domingu ez Filomena H. Faustino Luisa E. F aul tino Salud F a ustin o Ca rmen S . Cloria Pil ar S. Gra mon t e Pilar D. Ju sto Lourd C5 R. J osue Natividad H. L.pallora P.

Municipal: F elicit8! Laumana Dolorel V. de Leon Rdaela de Leon Pn LlamD! Purita R. Lozano CBTmela T. Lu cero Cdapina Lu ciano Leoni,. C. Marcelo Cornelio O. Mariano Dolores Mendigoren Mercedes Mnlina P u Y. Narciso Estelita T. Ne ry Modena V. Nun ez Irin ea Z. P uculIl Elvira Abueg·Reyes Numeri an o F. Rico T eodos io C. Rivera Manuel S. Ruhio Fe li za B. Ruiz Pa ulina L. Ti ongson F elieidad G. Umengan Cecilia Villanu ev a Socorrn A. Viloria S. Viray



RAFAEL, SAN MIGUEL TEL. 2.}4·56 Mu. Sa .. ill. En gland. Principal. Andre. Ranola, Assista nt to the P rincipal. Enri'IU e C. Cruz, Chief Clerk . Miu Aurora Espiritu. Chief Libra rian. Mn. Es tefania R. Salanlla , An i.tant Librarian. ~Iiss Engra cia Salvador. Aui"ant Librari an. Lorenzo Gonzal o, Pr op erty Custodian . Pablo Belmont e, Athle ti c CODch. Tenfilo Galvez, Se rvice and Attendan ce Clerk. Rob erto A. DU iertn. Ueco rd. Cler k, T eache r. : Mrs. Amparo O. Ac ab Mi n Ca rolin a Legas pi Mu. Mau ricia D. Acosta Mi n Carmen Lej ano Miss J Ulina Afri ca Min Florentina de Leon Abelardo Albia Min Es ter Ll ore t Mra. Agu sti na Almna n l ndal edo Mad amba lIIi u Emilia Alvarez Cesa ri o Manalo ~li Si Celes ti na Alo mi a Am ado Manuel Francisco An cheta Mi ll Beni gn a Mara"illa Mi u Concordia An g·a ngco Mrs. P asc uala E. Martinez Min Maria Angeles Cen erOlo Masangkay Mrs. SebutiBn Aragon Adriano M. Mauricio Mi n JO"ita A. A, i. ~'ill Visitation F. Mendoza Mr •. Pan alig R. Delm on te UU l ti co Navarro ]\Iils Huthcbba A. Burgos Mrs. F cli cidad M. Nisperos Miu Emilia na 8uzon M... Paz B. Nuezca Domingo Cant oria ?lIn. Loreto B. Nolasco Marcelo Y. Carlos ~Ii ,. Ara ce li Ortiz Emilio Caatellanea ~Ii u J 05e la Paba Ian Mis. Vic toriana Ca)' NanO Mi ll LUl P. Pa!:Bduan Bernard o Cegu erra Adol£o Paii!:ilinan Mis. Jovita C. Chan Mi n RCDl edio! Peleo Marc iano Clemente Mrs . Carmen Q. Pulido 10le Cobangbang Mrs. Dolores Ramo.

Mariano Cruz ]\fin Etter Ramos Mi51 Celedonia Custodio Hurninado RamO! Mrs. Florentina Elearc.1 Buenaventura Rifeeo Miss Soleda d Esttemera MI'!I. Elvira C. Robb Mr.. Auro ra C. Euebio Mi n Cuided D. Salced o Min Magd alena S. FernandoPrimitivo A. Sales Leoe.dio Flore. Pedro F. Samonle Miu Jou:ra Flore,c. Mrs. Antonia A. Samton Juan O. F ortes MN. Margarita Santamaria Lub Francisco i\h.. lulita K. Sanl05 Anemia Gallardo Miu Rosario C. Santos Mr.. Pilar Garei a Mr.. Marce la I. Sevilla Miss AUTO'. Calmail," Min C,rmen M. SuaviJIo Mr" SO(:orro T. Connles Miss Concordia Tang co Mn. T eodor ica Gu e rrero Leonardo Ten.usn Mrs. FeJicidad B. Hernandezl'tliu Carmen TobilU )\fi n Concepcion Javier Min Benigna B. Uncria Min Cfi, leta JIlI'icr MI'lI. Ant onia C. Veluco Mrs. Elisa F. JOBquin Miu Carmen Vicent e Mis. Con$uelo Villaro.a Mra. p az S. J ose Mrs. Recio R . Kapunan Mi s. paz Villaron Mrs. Pu E. Lacuna Mis. Catalina Yamson Mi3. Corazon Lede, ma Mrs . Catalina O. Yap


JUA N LUNA, TONDO T EL. 4-9 1-54 ANNEX: 2535 YANCCO, TONDO TEL. 4·91·49 Po rfirio H. Cabalu , Acting I'liucipa!. Emilio J. Andres, Office. Avclino Tanjutco, Oflice. Tea chers : Min Avelin a Acayan Mrl. Uosario D. Lleha Min ROla E. All caoili AI". Catalina S. Madamba Mi~. Aurora E. Allu. t;u Cons tancio Manalaysay Paciallo A lcantara Mrs. Eli.a R. Mana lo i. eo ncio Manarang Mrs. All us tina S. Abona Augu sto Abona Mill Irene Martinez Mrs . Alma S. Mart inez Mrs. Na tividad L. Ampil P edro T. Medrana Miu Vi ctoria G. Aquin o Mr. Fortunato R. Asu ndon Sofia Ncpomuceno Mias Rosa rio A"ila MiS! Fe liza F. Nicasio Mi.. Adelaida Azu rin Min Juliana L. I'.blo Aquiliuo Bac ungan Mi ss Nat ividad Ocampo Bcnilda C. S atall. (Mrs.) Miu Consu elo S. Pacquing Mn. Ambrosia F. Bautis ta Miss Victoria M. Pantig Mi., Josefa Bautil ta Mrs. Arsen ;a P. Pic hay Min Constancia S. Basa Pablo Pinlac Min Rosario V. Bernabe Luis Piurro l'ablo Bernardo Mrs. 8 eatriz O. Prodigalidad Mrs. Felicisima Borlongau ,\Irs. Milagros V. P ulido Mi n Carolina Briones Nico las Punsa lan Miu R eg ina Dul~lalayao Mr• . Teo£islII D. Qlliazon Miss Carmelita Bundoc I\Ii8s Maxima Quintos Mrs. Filomena C. BusumanteMiu Conrada C. Ramos Hilarion Cabel Jorg e R evollido J o.e G. Cabrera Mi n Amparo Reye. Miu J ulia Calixto Miss Adina Rigor Mrs. Dolorca L. Campos J ose P. R eyes Eulogio Cantoria Mr• . P etra O. Ri"era Vicente C. Carbajosa Andres V. Rosal Miss Petra Ca tindig Miss Constaucia d el Rosario Mrs. Marina A. Crucillo Grego rio Samoy Marcial d e la Cnl l M.,. Ma rcelino C. Samson Francisco Cunanan Min Angelita d e San Agustin Manuel 0 Deniega MilS J ovi ta Sancb"" Mn. I ndependencia Q. DrilonMrs. Loreto S. San Juan Mis. Maningning Evangel ina Mi.s Con ce pcion A. Sa ntos Tomu P. Florencio Min Librada S. Santos Jose de la Fuente Franc de los Santos Miss Dominga S. Carcia Mr •. Maria J. Serrano luan Carcia ~ Ii n Vi ctoria Sevilla Rita Carcia Mi ss Celcrina S. Siongeo T eolila L. Garcia Mi n Encarnacion Soyangco Mis. Flora H. Cugo ni3 Paulino Suabill o Cornelio Geronimo Mrs. Loreto P. Sulit Mi ss Araceli P . Conul cs Amado Tn corda ;\liss Prisc ila H. Gnnzu lCi Mra. J nsc lina S. TBmbunting Arcadio P . Goxom Ju sto Tanjuak io ~ l i S5 El.·ira Cregorio Mi~s Ignacia Tienzo Mrl. Amor C. Guerr crn Miu Epilania H. Tirol Miss Espe ranza I. de Cuia Mrs . Filomena Tnn T orres Miss lI oneua Cuiang Miu F elicisimn Trin idad lose Gui las Mi n Adclaida L . Vuquez Alfonso S. Gutierre7. Miu Consolacion Villanu ev. MT!. ?linda O. de Cuzman Melcho r M. Vill anueva


MANU.. A CITY GOVERNMENT Bcrnabe ill. Yambol Leandrn In ocencio Mrs. Pacilo M. YambOI Mi!! Araceli P. Jacinto Miss Adriana L. Zamora Mi,~ Ildefonla J. de J e!iU! ~Iiu Juli a Leonu Miss Leo nor L. Zapanta Min J osefina Zaguirre


lusn V. Amparo. Miguel



AVENUE AND TEL. 5·74·22 ROlcoe E. Loutzenhiser. Principai.



SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND BLIND F. B. PASAY. Lucretia Beltioi:. Principal. 1099


Mra. Ethel C. Babcock Mn. Edna T. Stiver ?>In. Mildred A. Miles Miss Marguerite Bauot Mra. Margar et Bayer Mra. Agnes A. Van Winkle Min Ethel R. Cunningham Mrs. ROIa Medrano Berlol Mn. Nora N. Syhester Louis W. Jacobs Mrs. ROIa Knape Harrah Mn. Martha R. Gilmore

Mi n Elizabeth Ann Crosby Mn. JeSlie M. Well. Mrs. Edilh W. AlJison Mrs. Hazel G. Kreuu Mrs. Kathryn Howard Mrs. Claudia Weingarten Mrs. Madeline D. Skinner Min Florence Mitchell Mu. H elen L. Blackledge Mrs. Clara Corr Olson Mrs. M. L. C. Fernandez Roscoe E. Loutzenhise r

Se" ero Monera Snaru


OFFICE OF PUBLIC RECREATION CITY HALL. TAFT AVENUE. ERMITA TEL. 2·55·17 S ilvestre Torre• • Playground Direetor. Gauden eio StD. Ana, Chic! Clerk Bnd Acco untant. Romeo Lual, Clerk. Stenograph er. Rizal VaGa. Social Worker. M:m:elino Samolli e. Arlin·Clerk.



F. R. Hidalgo .............. . lalramurct .........•..•••..• Jefferlon ............ . ..... ..

1049 R. Hidalgo. Quiapo ........................... . 134 Bea terlo. Intramuros .... . ........... . ...... , ..•• Canonigo and Ptiiafrancia •.............. . ........ . . .

A. Regidor ..........•••••••• Bonilacio ••. . ........••••••.• Burgos ••.• . ... ... .••••••.••• Cecilio Apo.tol .... , ........ .

1057 Milericordia. Sla. Cruz .................... , .. . Cor. Ta)'u ruan and Jpil ............................. . Buenos Airel, Sta. MeSl ............ . ..•.•.....•..... 'l'ayab u and Felix Huertas ..... , . ........•. • .......

Dr. A. Albert ...••.•.••••.. Emilio J acioto .... , ..••.... . E. de len Santo. ......... .. Ermita .... . ..........•....• • F. Balagtu ...•....••••....• F. C. Calderon ...........• Cral. M. Hizon ........•... . C. del Pilar ..........•.•.... Iotramurol •......•.........• I. de 10. Rey el ........... .

Dapitan . Sampaloc ...................... ••• ......... Velasquez. Tondo . . .. . ................. . .......... .. 807 Singalong. Malate •. . •............... • .•......... 227 Arquiu. Ermita ............................. . 326 May haligue, Sta. Cruz .................... . .... . 2560 Lieo. Tondo ...•....•......••.••.•••••••..••.••. Reioa Regtnte EXlensiun ...... . ................... .. Plaza Cral. Lachambre . .... . ...• , ....•..••• • •......• 204 Magallan ~ . ·W. C..•..•.•..••.•.... , •• •......... 1246 Sande. T ondo ................•..••••... , ..... .

Juan Luna •.................


Justo Lukban Laka n·Dula •................•

Corner Dart and Oregon ............ " ............ .. 134 Solis, Tondo . . ........... •.......•• • ••...••••.• .


PRIMARY SCHOOLS l ose R. Gunn lu Mrs. I\Iarcia na C. A. Siojo Mrs. Rufina R. Vicente



Ltgarda .................... . Lea had. Sampaloc .•.• , .•......•.•...• • •• • ........... Lincoln ... . ............•.... Es paiia, Sampoloc .....................••............ Mabini ............•......... Se.-eri no. QuiaJlo •.. . ............ .................... MoiSe!! Salvador ............• 255 Plaza Guipit. Sampaloc ...•.......••.•.......... Paeo ••.....................• 716 Paz. Paco ....•.. .. ................•••..•.. . ..... P. Comu . . .............. . . . 1224 Pedro Guevara, Sta. Cruz .................. .. Pedro Cue..ara .............. . 618 San Fernando . ................................ . Pio del Pilar ............. .. •Pureu, Sta. Mesa •••.................. ••• .. ......... Rilal ••••...........•.•••.••• Tayuman. Tondo ................. , ................ . ROSluro Almuio ........... . Asuncion and Zaragoza •...•.•........ •••... ... . ..... Sampaloe . .....•..••.•.•..... 598 Legarda. Sampaloc ...... . ...•..•• , ..••.•....... San Andrei •••••.... . ... . .•• San Andres and 'Vright ............................ . San Miguel •. . ...•...•...•.• 6S Novaliehes. SaIl Miguel .•....•••.•. • • • •.•........ Santa Ana . ...•.. , •.•.•....• Manuel RO'lIS, Sta. Ana .......................... .. Santa Cru~ .......•.••••.•.•. 708·10 Evangelista ..•....... . ........••..........••.. Tomas Eanllilaw ............ . Punta, Santa Ana ...•................. • . • .•.•....... Tondo ••. , ....•....... .. ••... 299 Santa Maria, Tondo ............................ . Wuhington ................. . M. Clara &- Covernor Forbes ....................... . Zamora •••••.••. .. •......•••• Caiiigin. Pandaean ..............•.............•...••

Francisco Romero Mrs. Sergia L. Maniqui. Misl Guadalupe A. Remigio Simeon Cunanal'! Mrs. Paz A. Vibar. Anistant i\!f1j. Concepcion D. Mella Mrs. Nieves C. Arllon,a Min Efigenla B. W cbanco Mi55 Cuillerma Serrano Emilio F. Romero Mrs. Mareiana S. Tinio Quirieo A. Cruz Rufino Alejandro iIIrs. Placida C. de 101 Reye. Epilanio T. Santol bidro B. YonzOIl. Alliltant Mn. PUra C. Yia Mu. Rem ed ios G. Ruiz. {Head Teacher} Herminio Talusan Miss Crinnta G. Tangeo, Als in. Min Soledad Gomez Min Remedios Grau Canulo P. Cui m Miss Vicenta A. Santiago Vicente Duque Castillo Mrs. Vireinia M. Buenaflor Es1.anislao V. Salvano Tcofilo R. A.uncion Fernando Medi av illo (Acting) Viee nt e M. Rey el Enrique Carretero i\lrs. Cirila T. Enriqu ez Manuel n. Salllo, Mariano Pascual Leocadio Sanche~ Teodorico B. Neyrll Mis! Catalina Joclo n Pedro A. Serraon Servillano Dunglao



172 Victoria. Intramuros ••....••...••••••. . .•........


Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz •...... , .•..•.•....• . .•••


300 San Ralael. San Migu el ••..•••••••.••. . ..•..••.


2211 Juan Luna. Tondo .. ........................ ".

H. A. Bordner ., ...•.••.... . Deal and Blind ............ .. San Luaro . . .... . .....••.•.•

Cor. Tail Ave. '" Padre Faura ......... . ..•....•.... Pany. Rhal .... . .... . •.. . .••............ . ..••.•••... 1732 Rital Avenllc. Sta. Cruz ......•.•.•.•.. . .......


lames P. Bum. Victor P. H ernandez. Aniuant Mrs. Mabel R. Carllon Edmidi ... Ramo., Au iuant Mrs. Sarah M. England Andres Raiiola. Allinant Delfin Reynaldo PorHrio Cobalu. Anistant Roscoe E. Lauuenhher Min Lu cre tia Belting Antooio M. BerroD



Consular Representatives ARGENTINE) REPUBI.IC


109 JUAN LUNA, BINONDO I'. O. BOX 80S-TEL. 4·98·24


J. P. Fem&ndez, Vice Coneul. BELGIUM 3 1 ESCOLTA, DlNONDO P. O. BOX 123-TEL. 2.10·90 CABLE ADDRESS; "BELSULAT"

Louis Le Roch, COll5ul. F. Cuon Bonardel, Secretary. GERMANY 1570 ARLEGU I EXTENSION, SAN MIGUEL P. O. BOX 44S-TEL. 2.26·59 CABLE ADDRESS: "CONSUGERMA"

M. Verlinden, COnlUI.


Dr. H. Lauten.chlage r, Con9ul . K. Koeuillg, Chancellor.

1350 OREGON, PACO CABLE ADDRESS: "SINOCONSUL" TELEPHONES: Gcneral Inquiries: ............. T EL. 5·72·09 COn'U\'1 Office: ...........•..• T EL. 5·74·56 Consul Genenl: ............... T EL. 5·66·67 Dr. C. Ku angloll Young, Conlul General. K. Y. Mok, Consul. P. K. Chu, Coul ul. C. Li, Vice Con.ul. T. S. Yao, Deputy Con.ul. T. M. Siao, Deputy Consu l. Y. H. Loo. Chancellor. K. W. Wanl:, Student Attache. HONORARY CONSULS: Manuel Go Tianu,., Cebu. Francisco Barrilll, ZamboanCa.

S. L. R.

G. E. A. D.

GUATEMALA 116 BEATERIO, INTRAMUROS 1'. O. BOX 776--'1'EL. 2·11·92 Jos e Garcia Alonso, Honorary Con. nl.



?fUELLE DE LA INDUSTRIA, SAN NICOLAS. P. O. BOX 121- TEL. 2·27-91 CABLE ADDRESS: "ELIZALDE" Angel EliUllde, Honorary Consul (AbseDt). F. Policarpio, Hono rary Acting Consul. 84S

ITALY 409 PEREZ, PACO P. O. BOX 875-TEL. 5.72.73 CABLE ADDRESS: "ITALCONSUL" Count L. di San Marzano, Royal Italian Consul. Erardo Colombo, Chancellor.


COSTA RICA ELIZALDE BLDG. , 845 MUELLE DE LA Ir-.'DUSTRIA, SAN NICOLAS P. O. BOX l2l-TEL. 2.27.91 CABLE ADDRESS: "ELIZALDE" Juatl' Eli •. alde, Consul. Leonardo R. Oso rio, Chftlleellor.

CUBA SOR IA NO BLDG., PLAZA CERVANTES, BINONDO P. O. BOX 3223-TEL. 2·30.81 CABLE ADDRESS; "SOROX.MANILA" Andres Soriano. Consular Agent . A. JI.!. Macleod, Vice·Consular Agent. Alberto Campos, Sr., Chancellor. DENMARK 10·1.)32 AVILES, SAN MIGUEl. • P. O. BOX 271-TEL. 2·12·12 Nid. Nyborg, Con.ul.

ECUADOR 212 MARQUES DE COMILLAS. PACO P. O. BOX 143-TEL. 2+25·81 Ri cardo Descals, Acting Honorary Con9u1.

EL SALVADOR 858 ISAAC FERAL, PACO P. O. BOX 122- TEL. 5·50-75 r.hllue1 Perez RosalCII, Honorary Consul .


GREAT BRITAIN WILSON BLDG., 143 J UAN LU NA, BINONDO P. O. BOX 295-1'EL. 4·87·17 Wyatt Smith, H.B.M. Consul General. H. Whim.lI, B .n.M. Consu l. A. Fiulay. ViCe·COn9u l. Walford, Vice· Consul (Cebu). J. L. Phillip. , Vico-Co nsul (iloilo). A. Brown, Vice-Consul (Davao). C. Brown, Vice·Coniul (Legupi).


K. K.

1'. J. T. T.

Nihro, Conlul Gen eral, K:lwamin:lmi, Vice,Coll.u!. Araki, Chancello r. Kijhna, Chancel1or. Nisi, Chancellor. Ishida, Chancellor. Okasaki, Chancellor· Interpreter. Nakamura, Chancellor-Interprete r. Ito, ASlillllllt Secretary. JAPANESE CONSULATE AT DAVAO Kiba ra, Copeui. Nakamura, Chancellor. Okochi, Chancellor.

MEXICO 2087 AZCAR RAGA , SAMPALOC I'. O. BOX 665-TEL. 2-32·51 A\fredo Carmelo y Cuas, Hon orary Consul. NETHERLA N DS WILSON llLDC. , 143 J UAN I. UNA, BINONDO P. O. BOX 3378-TEL. 4·95·11 CABLE ADDHESS: "NEEnLA ND IA·/'.IANILA" Dr. W. Hu ender, Con5ul General. Mrs. W. W. T revor, Secretary. C. Walford, Viee.ColliUI (Cebu) . A. J. Ty re, Acting Vice· Consul (Iloilo).

NICARAGUA 1921 H ER RAN, PACO TEL. 5·64·91 Dr. Carlol Celano, Acting Consul.





75 DASMARIAAS, SAN NICOLAS P. O. BOX 189-TEL. 4-98-95 H. A. lanson, Consu l.



FILIPINO BLDG., JUAN LUNA, P. O. ,BOX 321S-TEL. 2·10·44Leopoldo Melian, Actin;: Honorary Consul.


POLAND 55-63 ROSARIO, BINONDO P. O. BOX 6O~TEL. 2.23·24 CABLE ADDRESS : "FEZ" Dr. F. E. Zuellig, Con.ul.

627 RIZAL AVENUE, STA. CRUZ P. O. BOX 2SI-TEL. 2.18.41 CABLE ADDRESS: "SWISS CONSUL" A. Sid l!!r, Consul. W. Maurer, Chancellor.

T H AILAND SORIANO BLDG., PLAZA CERVANTES, BI NONDO P. O. BOX 16o-TEL. 2.24.04 CABLE ADDRESS: "TREDUOC" E. Arthur Perkins, Con. ul General. Alfonso Ponce EnrHe, Hono rary Viee·Contul.




P. O. BOX 463- TEL. 2·15·37 Da Luz Nunez, Viee·Consul .

TURKEY Consul for Spuin in Charge.



NATI ONA L CITY BANK BLDG., JUAN LUNA, BINONDO P. O. DOX 2S61-TEL. 2·42·25 T. M. H ohnsen, Consul. S. Hurum, Vice·Consul. G. Walford, Vice· Consul (Cobu). E. 1. L. Phillips, Vice·Consul (Iloilo).

TRADE AND COMMEnCE BLDG. , 123 1. LUNA, BINONDO P. O. BOX H64--TEL. 2·33·20 CABLE ADDRESS: "AMERICAN CONSUL" Th om.1~ A. Hickok, American Con9uI. Donn P. Medalie, American Viee·Consul.

SPAIN 622 COLORADO, MALATE P. O. BOX 152-TEL. 5·77-58 Don Jose del Castano Cardona, Consul Gen eral. DOD Silviano Cermeno Melero, Honorary Vice· Consul (Cebu).


Churches and Religious Societies Ca t hed ral of St. Ma r y and St. John CORNER



Elli n wood Church UN ITED EVANGELICAL 710·116 WRIGHT, MALATE Rev. Hu gh Bousman, Patlor.

First Ch u rch of C h rist, Scien t ist

Right Rev. Norman S. Bin9tcd, Bi$hop. Right Rev. Robert Franklin Wilne r, SuHragan Bishop. Rev. V. H. Gowen, Canon. Kev. BeMon Heale Harvey, Canon Min ioner. Mrs. Benson lI eale Harvey.


lIongwanji Japanese Buddhist C h urch

Cath ed ra l o f 'fondo PH ILI PPINE INDEPENDENT CHURCH 227 AZCARRAGA, TONDO TEL. 4·96·16 His Grace, Mosl Re,·. Sunliago Focacier y Sngitall, Supreme Bishop of Ihe l'hiIippine Indepelldcnt Ch urch. ~Ions. Manuel Agui lar, Priest .

Central S tudent Church COij.NER




(Met h odist) GENERAL



LEPANTO, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·58·81 Re.... H. Yumanouchi, Priest. Mrs. U. Y a m~"ouchi, Priestess.

Nantenjl JAPANESE CHURCH 136 LIPA, SAMPALOC TEL. 6·77.19 Rev. K. Azuma, Head Priest.

Rev. Eme.t E. Tuck, D.D., Minister. Rev. D. D, Al ej andro, B. D" Au oeiate Minister.


Chi nese C h ristian Gospel C h apel 503



Simon Meek, Pr eacher. Wu J en.Chieh, Preacher. Ang Bun, Ani.tant Pr eacher. Ruth Chen, Bible T eac he r. Mei· Se Chen, Bible Teacher. Chua Bun-Pen, Treuu rer. Lin Yu, Secretary. H. S. H usng, M.D., Chairman, Chu rch Q Ui ee".


Board of Directors: N. Schechter, Presiden t. M. Levine, Vico I'relident. S. Frieder, Treasurer. I . Netzorg, Secretary. Goldstein, Member. I. Konigsberg, Member. 1. Beck, Member, S. H. H. M. M.



Blnondo Church

Union Church of Manlln PADnE FAURA AND A. MABINI, ERMITA TEL. 5·71·09 Rev. Walter Broon F oley, Ph.D., Mini s ter. J. F. Boomer. Vi ce Ch.irm3n. V. E. Miller. Secretary. C. S. Salmon. Financ ial Sec retary. Golty Klin gler. A9~1. F'iMocial Secretar1.

Frank C. Mile!. TTc.,ure •.

PLAZA BINONDO Rt. Rev. l'Ihp. Narciso Catpayad, Parish Prieat 01 DiDODdo. Rev. Antonio Ronquillo, Au i! tant RI. Rev. Antonio Careia, O.P. , Pariah of Ihe Chinen Catholics of Binondo.

Ermita Church 232 M. H. DEL PILAR, ERMITA

TEL. 5·67·45 (Conv ent-l38 A. Flores, Ermita) Rev. Father Blu de GuemiCI, O.M.C., Pa ri9h Pries t. ReI', Jacint o d e Arandigoyen, O.~I.C .• Coadjutor.

United Church of Manila, ( United Evangelical Church) CORNER AZCAR nAGA AND LEPANTO, QUiAPO TEL. 2·86·23

ADi\I1NISTHAT I VE OFFICERS: Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepcna, Pano. and Chairman. Mal eo F. Oece na, Viee·Chairman. AIr!. C.iueta L o rcnZ8nll·Sanl~. Fina ncial Secrctar )· . Atty. In ocencio Ro.ete, Sec re tary. Wence. lao A. Santos, Treunrer. Atty. Dernardo llnmntay, A911istant Tr eas ur e r. Anllc1eto CUe9, Auditor.

BOARD O F ELDEIlS Dr. Enriqu e C. Sobrepe nn, Putor, Chairma n. Atty. Carlo! de G. Ah·ear. Mrs. Soledad Abary·Duenafe. R ev. Roman D. Aquizap. Anllc1eto Caae•. Prof. Ger.rdo Florendo. Rev. Onofre G. Fonsee •. Dr. Gumeuindo Garei •. Mu. J osef. Jara.Martinez. Dr. Emilio J,avie r. Enrique LolaT(!;a. Mateo F. Occena. J uan M. Ruiz. Wenceslao A. San to•. J Ole A . Valeriano. Dean Gonzalo 1'. Vales.

Rev. Rev. Rev. Re'·. It ev. R ev.

Pnco Church 611 PAZ, PACO Rev. G. Aldenbuij.en, Puilh Prielt. Rev. J. De Bal, Cunle. Rev. R. Felipe, Curate.

Panda can Church PANDACAN TEL. 6·75·30 Rev. Francilc o A. Teodo ro, Pari, h Pri ca t.

Qulapo Church I'L AZA MIRANDA, QUIAPO TEL. 2·58·}5 Very Rev. Vicenl e Feroand e21, Par ilh Pricat.

Our Lady of Loreto Church 168 BUSTILLOS. SAMPALOC Rev. Jos'; 1\1. I'ami nluan,


San MIQ.uel Church

Mu. C<isteta Lorenuna·Sa nto. , Chairmill. Mi n Vicenta E. Alimario. Drll. Soledlld Arcega·Florendo. Miss Conccpcion O. Bandi. Domingo Ducan. Mamerto fiu enafe. Atty. Bernardo Dumatay . Atty. Emigdio Dakanay. Min 1\hrcela Gabatin. Rulino Mart inez. Att)'. Juan R. Quijano. Atty. Inocencio Rose te. Mra. Conchita ll araui· Ruiz. Elias Ruiz. Ro. elld o O. Suhido.

2S1 GtN. SOLANO, SAN MIGUEL Rev. Fr. Vic ente P. Rey et, P u lor.

Sanra Ana Church SANTA ANA TEL. 5·42·16 Itev. Migu e l Rodeiio, Parish Pricu. Hev. Francisco del l'ligo, All i, tant.

Santa Cruz Church 105 PLAZA GOITl anu 20S PLAZA SANTA CRUZ, INT. (Doy s anu Giril School) F r. Lu cio Garcia. Parish Prien. Muim o d el Rosario, !\Iayor. Ellequiel del Rosario, Sacristan Mayor.

AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY !;36 ISAAC PERAL, ERM ITA P. O. DOX 755-TEL. 5·73·60 CADLE ADDRESS, "BIBLES" Rev. W. H. FonCer, Alenc1' Se<:retary.

San Vicente de Paul Church 213 SAN MARCELI NO, ERMITA TEL. 2.33·44 Rev. J o,'; F~rn andez, C. M., Pari~h Pries t. Rev. 101'; Alui rrec he, C. M., AniSlan t.

Sinealong Church

CATHOLIC CHURCH, ROMAN A POSTOLIC DELEGATION 1195 1\1. H. DEL PILAR, MALATE TEL. 5·68·53 HiB Exccllellcy the MOil! Rev. William Pialli, Delelue. Rev. Paul 1. Zolin, Sec retary.

Mala teoChurch 1016 M. Ji. DEL PILAR, MALATE Patrick Kelly, S .S.C. J ohn H CnBghan. S.S.C. J oseph MonaGhan, S. S.C. John Lalor, S.S.C. Edward J. MCCulb,., S.S.C. J oh n Thomas Conllollr. S .S.C.

1I0S SIt\GALONG, MALATE TEL. 5·67.40 R ev. Fr. Raimnn do de La biano. O. M. C., Parish Priest.

Tondo Ch urch Aposh,lic

Cathedral (INMACULADA CONCEPCION CHURCH) PLAZA Mc KINLEY, INTRAMUROS Vcr,. Rcv. Cabriel Salaverria, P ari sh PliCal and Rector 01 the Cathedral.

PLAZA LEON XIII, TONDO TEL. 4·S1-31 Rt. Rev. J Ole N. J ovellan ol, Parish Prien. Rcv. Fr. J ovi lo Reyes, An i. lant Parish Pricst. JOI;; T. Pin eda, Mayor. Francisc o D. Romol, Churc h Re<:order. Armauuo Olarle de Silva, An il lant Cburch R ecorde r.

GagaJanCin Church CAGALANGIN, TONDO TEL. 4·88-32 Very Rev. Pedro P aj arillo, Pllrhb Prielt.


Sacred Heart 822 SANTA MESA TEL. 6·75·22 Rev. Ladidao de Btll !uria, Paril h Priel !.

Congregacion de la M Islon 213 SAN MARCELINO, ERMITA Very Rev. Jo,e Tejada, C. M., Viaiulor. Rev. Pedro Angulo. C. M., Superior. Rev. E. tBni. lao Arana, C. M. Rev. Jose Fernand e~, C. M., Parish Priel l. Re,·. Jose Aguirreche, C. M. Assinanl. Rev. Fr. Mnimo J uguera, C. M. Brolher Ant oli n Marcos. C. M. Brolher Valentin Sintidrian. C. M. Rev. Adolfo 5010. Rev. l Ole Arriaza.

Sacred Order of Capuc hin s Very Very Very Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

306 GRAL. LUNA, INTRAJI[UROS Rev. Falher Florencio de Lezaun, Su perio r. Rev. FQlher Felix de Igu zquiza. Rev. Father Eusebio de Azpileueu. Father laanc de Azpeilia. Father Joaquin de Inza. Fath er Evan llelista Ochobi. Falh er P edro de Muniain.

Re... Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Hev. Rev. lt CI'.

Rn. Rev. ReY. Rev. Rev. Re... Rev. Rev. Rcv. Rcv. Hev. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro.

Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes 306 GRAL. LUNA. INTRAMUROS TEL. 2.14.83 Very Re,·. Fathe r Florendo de Leuun. Director.

Sacred Order of San Agusrln Very Very Uev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

P. O. BOX IS8-TEL. 2.23·30 (Agustin os) Rev. Manu el Diez. Vicar Provincial. Rc'·. Ex-Provincial Fr. Gaudendo Cnstrillo. Emeterio Pin edo. Vice· Prior. Juan Cal..o. Rev. Gervuio Perez. Pedro Ubierna. Rev. Meleeio Polo. Samuel Palomino. Rev. Belarmino de Celis. Ant onio Arroyo. Bro. Simon del Canto. Vietor Gonnl ez. Bro. JUln Cabanu. Rosino Ramos. Bro. Alipi o Franco. Bro. Manuel Bartolome.

Saint Nicolas Church and Convent MOl t Rev. Rev. Rn. Rev. Rn . Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Re ... Rn.

380 CA DILDO. INTRAMUROS P. O. BOX 156- TEL. 2·15-98 Rev. Fr. Ped ro G. de Caldia no, Provi ncial. Fr. Simeon Asenlio, Prior. Fr. Ricardo Zaranra. Fr. Martin Legatra. Fr. H enan Biurrun, Pr()(;ura tor. Fr. Felix Martinez. Fr. Cipriano Lejarra&a. Fr. Javi er Selma. Fr. Antonio Armendariz. Fr. Pedro Crespo. Fr. J Ole Diu. Fr. Pedro Pena. Fr. Jos e Currell. Bro. Tomas Cia. Bro. J uan Maehieote. Bro. Escola&l ico Ayestaran.

San Sebastian C hurch PLAZA DEL CARMEN. QUIAPO TEL. 2·34·67 Rev. Fr. ConUaneio Pena, Superior. Rev. Fr. Aurelio Lauuz. Rev. Fr. Miguel Nava rro. Rev. Fr. Bernardino Fabregal. Rev. Fr. IId efon 90 Vesga. Brother Lucu Saem. Brolher Pablo Grllva\OB.

Santo Domingo Church 78

SOLANA, INTRA MUROS P. O. BOX 159--TEL. 2·11·59 Very Rev. Fr. Toma s T ascon , Provincial. Rev. Fr. Peu'Crin de la Fuente, O. P., Prior. Rev. Fr. Luis Merino.

Fr. Frandicul Solaun. Fr. Mariano Re .. iIla. Fr. Mariano Veluco. Fr. J es", Femandu. Fr. Gabriel Vivar. Fr. J uan Orlega. Fr. Vi ce nt e Sanchez. Fr. Jose Gavil';n. Fr. J eslIs Lerma. Fr. J Ol e Ma. Gonzalez. Fr. Sabino Martinez. Fr. Antonio Garcia. Fr. Emele ri o hqui ctdo. Fr. Galo Vega. Fr. Francisco Sadaba. Fr. Albedo Prieto. Fr. Franc isco Albatron. Fr. Ant on io G. Garda. Fr. Indalecio Alejo. Fr. Excell u! Garcia. Fr. Feli" Vacll5. Fr. Franci sco VillacorlS. Fr. l e",s Di u. An gel Gil.. E"eblln Ni eto. Emilio Orizo. Ri cardo Fuenel. J uan Alon lo.

Sacred Order of Preachers ( Dominican) TEL. 2_50-46 Very Rev. Fr. Tom"s Tatcon, ProYincial.

Santo Domingo Convent CONVENTO DE SANTO DOMI NC O 78 SOLANA, INTRAMUROS P. O. BOX 159-TEL. 2-11·59 Rev. Fr. Peregr in de Ia Fuente. Prior. Fr. Allredo 1'~l1i!O. Fr. J eul Goyo. Fr. Maximo Villalba. Fr. Aniceto Castanos. Fr. Itermo\:enn Fernandez. Fr. Leopoldo Calvo. Fr. Vicente Prada. Fr. Pedro Quinone,.

SaC"red Order of St. Benedic t

San Agustin Church 181 GRAL. LUNA, INTRAMUROS (S ee Res id ents 01 'Sacred Order of San Ag ustin)


Very Very Rev. Hev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rcv. Rev. Rev. Il cl'. Hev. Uev. Re• . Hev. Itev. Uev. Uev. Re ... lt CI'. lt CI'.

Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro.

t. MENDIOLA, SAN MIGUEL P. O. BOX 2227-TEL. 2-27·06 Rev. Eladio de J uan. 0.5.B .• Prior. Rev. Beda C. del H oyo, O.S.n., Rec tor. Pau lino Garcia, O.S.B., Sacristan. IId elon.o Sae!. 0.5.B., Mas ter of Novices. H ern ando Martinez, O.S.B., Procurato r. Gerard o Su tre, O.S.B. LCl me, Lope~, O.S.B. Eueban Arn lil, O. S.n. Roman JUlil, O.S. B. T eodomiro Maristany, O.S. n. J 010 Urllell. O.S.B. Enr iq ue Guinan, O.S.B. Bernardo Mo. Lopez, O.s.B. Alberto Cu tedu, O.S.B. Wilfrido Rojo, O.S.B. Leandro Galdeano. O.s.B. Serllio Martin ez, O.S.B. 5uitbert Reimann. O. S.H. Boniface Axtman. O.S.R. Owen Tekippe. O.S.B. Alfred Koestn er, O.S.B. J OI;; Ma. Curio, O.S.B. Serafin Allu ilar, O.S.B. Antonio Casu. O.S.B. J o,e Tanquilot. O.S.B. Antonio Mariano, O.S.B. Luis Garcia. o.s.n. Dionil io Tordes illo., o.s.n. Sacred Order of Sl. Francis

240 SOLANA, INTRAMUROS P . O. Box ll8-TEL. 2·81·03 Rev. Fath er Salvador Rodriguez. Comtnrio Pro,·ineili i. Rev. Father JU liO Villalba; Guardian Conl'ento S. Francisco. Floren tino Delgado, Comisario de V.O.T. Sampaloc. Rev. Father Doroteo de la Vega. Vicario de S. Fra ll ciaco. Guillermo Ibeat. Procurador Con vent ua l. Re... Father Julio Marlin, Procurado r Genenl. Rev. Father J OIIe Mari a Motalcda, Vicario de Sa nt a Clara. Father Alejandro Camuc01o, Rector, Col(',io Serafico.



Sun F r ancisco Churc h 240



St. llotnntlus Reside nce 147 ARZOBISPO, INTRAMUROS Rev. Marlin J. O'ShaughntllY, S.!., Superior of the RC!!. id encc. Rev. Pablo M. CaTlu;g. S.]., Director 01 Reneau. Rev. Vieloriano Pascual, S.]., National Secretary and DiocesaD Dirco::tor of Apostleship of Prayer, Director of P er. petual Adoration. Rc,', ](lse M. Siguion, S.J., Editor, Cultural Social.

Society of Jes u s in the Phlllppine Islands 147 ARZQBISPO. I NTRAMUROS P. O. DOX 272 Rev, Rev. Rev. Re" ,

John F. Hurley. S.!., Superior of the Mi 9s;on. Jlenry W. Creer,S.!., An is lant to the Superior. John P. MeN icolas. S.l., Se<: relary 10 the Supe ri or. Marlin J. Q'Shau,hneSl7. S.J., Treasu rer. nel ~lan

Fath e rs Mission


Belgian Catholic Millionaric!, Inc.) 14th STREET, NEW MANILA QUEZON CITY P. O. BOX l393-TEL. 6·88-36 Vcry R(lv. M. Dc Bradandere, Prov in cial, P. O. B(lJ: 42, Ba)tuio, Mt. Provincc. R cv. Ch3! . J. Beurm!, Superior. Rev. J. An secu w, Au. Proc. R ev. R. Van Nieuwcnhove, Au. Proc. Rev. C. V."mant. Rev. Br. C. Hul! boselt.

Society of the Divine Word

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

ESPANA FD::TENSJON P. O. BOX 3234-TEL. 6·88-63 Mi chael Anspach. Provo Sup. and Pres. Richard Marb, Provo Proc. and Sec. Treasurer. Jorge Puder. Vice. Sup. and Tnt ! tee. H ermann Kondrinll', Trustee. l l:natio Hetleger, Trustee.

Christ the Kin!! Mission Seminar y

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev, Rev. Re... Rev. Rev. Rev. Re". Rev. Rev. R ev. Rev. Rev. R ev. Rev.

(Society 01 th e Divine Word) ESPANA EXTENSION P. O. BOX 3234--TEL. 6.88·63 Michael An spach, Provincial. H erman n Kondring, Rcctor. J ose Dusemond, Vice· Rector . Jorge Puder. Arlhur Di ngmann. Ignatius H elleger. Ri chnrd r.hrks. Arthur Malin. Bernardo Roos. L eo Crode. Adolph Urb3n, Proc. Ralael Rulloda. J os. Juchik. Victor Holobrady. Joseph Klar. Alai! Lehber,er. Fran~ Card a. Robert H oe pp ener. H en r. scboenig. Ludwig Willert.


ApostolJc Prefect Rt. Rey. Jose Billiel, C.l.C.M,

Cou n ci l of Ad mini stTation Rev. Re,·. Rev. Rev.

J eronimo Mo erman, C,I.C.M. Lcon Quint elier, C.I.C.M. Francisco Lambrecht, C.l.C.l\J. J ose Wygerde, C.J.C.M,

Director of the Propngu flon of rhe Faith Rev. Jose De sambe., C. I. C.M.

Director of the Apos tleship of Prayer Rev. Alfonso Claerhoudt, C.I.C.M.

DITectoT of the Misslon:uy Union of the Cl e rg y Rev. Willy Brasseur, C.I.C.l\f. Censor s Very Rev. Rev. Rev.

Re ... Mauricio De. Brahandere, C. L C.M. L. Quinlclie r, C. L C.M. Franci,co Billiet, C.l.C.M. Aloia Proo.t. C.t.C.l\1.

C haplain of Cath o lic Boy Sco uts Rev. Andres Marques, C.I.C.M. Rev. Rafael Desmedt, C.I.C.M. Re ... J ose De Haes, C.LC.1\!.

C ler!!y and Missions Very Rev. Mauricio de Brabandere, C. J. C.l\r., P. O. Bo~ 42, Baguio. Rev. Alois Proost, C. J. C.M., P. O. Box, 42, Baguio. Rev. J ose De samber, C. L C.M., P. O. Bo~ 42, Baguio. R ev. Jose Wygerd e, C.I.C.M., P. O. Bo~ 42, Baguio. Rev. Florimand Culu, C.l.C.M., Con ven to, Baguio. Rcv. Jose Flameygh C.l.C.M., Convento, Bagllio. Rev. Georgo TI anlSon, C.LC.M., Con"cnlo, Baguio. no,'. Valerio Vander Donekt, C. L C.M., Convento, B8l:uio. Rev. J ose Dc H aes, C. L C.M., Convcnto, Bagu io. Rev. L eon Declercg, C.I.C.M., Con "en to, Baguio. Rev. Leon Decle rcg, C.I.C.M .. Convento, Baguio. Rev. Francisco Lambrecht, C. I. C.M., COlholic 1\Iission, Do.. nawe, (Ifugao). Rev. Gabriel Vand en berghe, C.t.C.M., Catholic Mission, Ba. nawe, (lfugao). Rev. Marcelo Ghrsebrechl', C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Bar· lig, (Bontoc). Re .. , Omer Jonckheere, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Barlig, (Bontoc). Re... Gaslon Declercq, C.I.C.M., Catholic Minion, Bauco, (Bonloc) . Rev. Robeno Gellyn ek, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Bokod, (Benguel). Rev. Le()n QUinlclier, C.I.C.l\I., Catholic Mission, Bonloc. Rev. Fernando Wygerde, C.T.C.M., Catbolic Mission, BoniOC. Rev. Miguel Vert, C.l.C.M .• Catholic Mission, Bontoe. Rev. Cornelo Tonus, C. L C.M., Catholic Mission, Bontoc. R ev. German Verb eke, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Burnay, (lIug80) . Rev. Alfon so Claerhoud t, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, h ogon, (Benguet). Rev. J uan Peluen:, C.LC.M., Cath(llic Mission, h ogon, (Ben· guet) . R e... L ouis De Boeck, C.J.C.M., Catholic Mission , Kabayan. (Dcnguet) . Rcv . Gerardo Lecaestecker, C.LC.M., Calholic ]\fission, Ka· hugao, (Apayao). Rev. Willy Brancu r, C. L C.M., Catholic ]\fission, Kapangan, (BengucI). Rev. Andres Marqucs, C. I. C.M., Catholic Mission, Kayan, (Bontoc) . Rev. Jeronimo Moerman, C.LC.M., Catholic Mission, Kian. gan , (!fugao). Rev. Jose Poot, C.I.C.M., Catholic Miu ion. Kiang-an, (Hu· gao). Rey. Alfonso Coymau, C.I.C.1\I., Catholic Mission, Kian g-an, (Hugao). Rev. George Cradijn, C. L C.M., Catholic Mission, La Trini. dad, (Denguet). Rev. Francisco Billiet, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Lubua· ga n, (Kalinga) . Rev. Rafael Desmedt, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Lubu.· gan, ( Kalinga). Rev. H enry Corn ene, C.I.C.M., Catholic Mission, Lubua. ,~. (Kalinga). Rev. Leon Lindemans, C.LC.l\l., Catholic Mission, Nanenl:, (Kalinga) . Rev. Alhe~t o Duggom. Catholic l\li59ion, Lubuagan, ( Ka· linga). Rev. Honorato David, C.LC.M., CRlho[ic ~lis9ion, llipa"g, (Apayao). Rev. Mauricio Vano\'crbe rgh, C.I.e.M., Catholic:- Mission, S ~· hangan, (Bontoc). Rev. Victor PI, C.I.C.M., CathoHc Mi.sio". Sal~gseg. BIIIbolan, (Kalinga).


ST. PAUL'S MISSION B.lbalaaang, Bal b alall, 1\11. Prodnce Via Lu buaga n, KA LI NCA Rc", A. L . Griffith. Vi ca r. Oucones. Chariolte C. Massey, R.N. Mj~. Dorothea T averner. R.N. Mrs. A. L. Griffith.


CONGREGATIONAL AMERICAN BOARD MISSION Rey. Frank C. Lauhach. Ph., D., Dannla" , Lanao. Mrs. Effa S. Lau bac h, Dannlan. Lan.o. Rev. Frank I . Woodward. Dansalan, Lanuo. Mrl. Marion Well. Woodward. Dannlan, Lanlo. Re v. and Mu . Walte r Curti s Tong, D.VIO, Davao. Uev. and Mrs . J . F. McKi nl ey, Du maglle te, Oriental Neg ro,. MilS Frances Thompso n, Secreta ry , Silliman Dihle School, Dum,guele, Orien lal Negros. Dr. Her ber! C. Brokenshire, Minion Hospil41, DaVlo.

Prefec t Apostolic


MOI l Re", Bishop Wm. F;ollcmann, D.O., CalBpan , Mindoro. r flG·PREfECT:

Rev. Enrique Demond, S.Y. D., Parish Priest, Lublng. Min· doro.

Pa ris hes Carlo. Krusenhaum, 5 .V. D., P a rish P riest, CaI.pan. J ua n Tugadi, 5.V.D ., Coadjutor, Calapan. H erman Enninga, 5 .V.D., Pa ri sh P ries t , Nauian. Ricmrdo Woitaskc, S.V.D., Parish P riest, P ola. Benito Ri,;n e r, S.V.D., Pari.h Prielt, P inamal' Y.Il . Juan Scholl. 5.\'.0., Parish Pries t, San Jo.c. Pablo Matienfeld, S.V.D .. Coadjutor. San Jose. ReY. Enrique Demond, S.V.D .• Par il h Pries t. Luban,. Rev. J uan Weber, S.V.D., Parisb Pri est, Loo k.

Rev. He", Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Miss i on Rey. Ant onio "on Rekowski, S.V.D .• Mindoro.



PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENT CHURCH Iglesia Fllipina Ind e p e ndi e n t e , T o nd o CATHEDRAL OF TOl\"DO 2:l7 AZCARRAGA, TONDO TEL. 4·96·16 Iii, Grace Most Rcv. Santiago Fonacier y Sugilan, Supreme Bishop of the Ph ili ppine Independent Churc h. Mon • . Manuel N. Agu ilar, Prien, Lawyer and Notary. Rev. Rito Aramil, An islant Pries t. P a ri s h of M a rl a C la r a SANTA CRUZ, SAMPALOC AND SAN LA ZARO 24 ALF RED O, SAM PALO C ~I ou Rev. ha belo de 10. Reyu, Jr., Bishop of Manila. J ose In ta l, An istant to the Parilh . Ra fael de J esu9, S«;retary. Alejand ro R. BalbOl, Treasur er. C atholi c Rec tory P a ndacan II cv. Fra ncisco Teodoro, Rector, C hap e l of P e ila francia CAL LE VISITA, PACO ft ey. G. Aldenjuij.en, Paris h Pried. Hev. J . Dun], Curate.

PHILIPPINE FEDERATION OF EVANGELICAL CHURCHES c/o UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY COR NE R HERRAN AND TAFT AVENU E, MAL ATE TEL. 5-40·37 P. O. BOX 1449 C o nvention Offi ce r s : J orce Bocobo, President. EII,"illao Padilla, ht Vice-President. Walle r Brooks Foley, 2nd Vice· President. Vic lorino P. Magno, Treasurer. CarlOI E. Palmejar. Recording Secretary. Executive Staff: EU lebio M. Manue l. Executive Secretary. Samuel G. Catli, P.C.C.E., Secrelary. Maria I. Dayoan, Office Secretary (On Leave). S. D. de la Cnu:, Ac ting Office Secretary.


Rt. Rev-. Rt. Rev. Elitabeth Re.·. E. MI'lI. L.

.555 ISAAC PE RAL, ERl\I ITA T EL. 5·72-67 Normln S. Binsted. Bishop in Charge. Robert F. Wilner. Suffragan Bishop. Cordon Griffin, Treasurer. C. i\lullen. Secretary of Con,·oca t ion. S. Eaton. Secretary 10 the Bi.hop.

C ath edra l of St. M a r y ~lnd Sr. J o hn CORNER ISAAC PERAL AND FLOR ID A, ERM ITA T EL. 5·46·46 Rt. Re,·. Norman S. Bin ~t ed . Bisho p. RI. Re v. Robert F. Wilne r. Su ffr.gan Bishop . Rev. V . H. Gowe n. Cano n. Rev. B. H. Haney. Canon Millioner. Rev. W. C. Baxter, Rector 0 1 the Cathed ral Parish. Mr!. Norman S. lJillsted. ~fT1l. R. F. Wilner. M... B. H . Haney. The Woman's AuJ:lllu ry Mr • . Gilbert Burbidge. President. Mr•• P. W. Carrington. Finl Vice·President. Mr.. W. S. Groye, Seeond Vi ce·Presidenl. Mill Sadie Lidng.lone, Secretary. Mrl. Go rdon Rimmi er, Treasurer. St, Luke's C hurch MA GDALENA. (TROlO) , TONDO P . O. DOX 1627-TEL. 4·jl·42 C. Mullen , Vi car. C. Mu lleD.

1015 Rey. Mrs.

E. E.

St. Pe ter ' s C hur c h MISERICO RDIA P. O. BOX 3093 (For Can lon Chinese) Rey. Sham Roo San, Vicar. \ Ir•. Sham R oo Sin.


St . S t e phen ' s C hurch 714.722 RE INA REGEN T E, BI NONDO TE L. 4· 73-16 Rev. Ht i len Wei. Priesl. M... Hli JeD Wl i.

Re'·. Rev. Rey. Mill i\lrl.

C hurc h of th e R es tlrr eecion P. O. BOX Jl6 BA Cur O, BE NGUET, MT. PRO VINCE George C. Dartte r, Pri eal-in·Charge. S. Waddington. C. E. B. Nobel. EI. ie Sharp. Geo rge C. Bartter.

C h a pel of S t . Nicolas (BRE NT SCHOOL) BACUIO. · DE NGUET, MT. PRO VINC E Re", Art hur H. Ri chardson, Chaplain. At". A. H. Ricbard. on. St.Paul's Mission BALBALASANG, BALBALAN. lilT. PROVINCE P. O. ADD RESS; VIA LUBUACAN, KALINGA Rev. A. L. Griffith , Vicar. Miu DorOlhea T .verner, R.N. loIn. A. L. Griflith.



Mission of St. Anne

Mary Johnston Memorial Hospital

BESAO. !'.IT. PROVI NCE P. O. ADDRESS: VIA SACADA, hiT. Rov. V. H. Gowcn, Vicar, Rev, Ma rk S. Su lueD. M r~ . V. H. Gowe n.


SANTA Rtf. Carlol Maiiacop, P u tor.

nONTO C, MT. PROVI NCE Rev. C. E. n. No bes, P ri est· in· Charge. Rev. Albert Mas lene, Deacon. Dcaco ne!J, K . S. Shaw. MiSi Mari an E. Davi s. l\Ii" Dorothy A. Simi . 1\11"8. C. E. D. No be. , Rev , William T . H olt. Mrs . W. T. H oh.

148 SANTA MARIA, Rn. Fra Deileo .5. Gain" Pillor.

REPOSO, SAMPALOC ftel'. Crisos tomo Ba rtolome. Pillor. Bataan~Zambales



UPI, A WANG, COTABATO Rel'. L. C. Mc Afe e, Priest-in-C harge. Rev. J. D. Mear8. M... J . D. Melrl. Siller Ad l Cl uk e • Mrs. L. C. McAfee. M. E. S. Daw~on, Deaconess.


'Vestern Pangaslnan District

OFFICE-638 ISAAC PERAL n ev. Eroes t E. T uc k, D.O., Mission Sup e rintendent and T rcuu re r.

The Methodist Episcopal Church 1265

GRAL. LUNA MA NILA Rev. Edwi n F. Lee, D.O., L L. D., Bighop.

Corn elio Ferrer, Dis trict Superin tend ent , Linga yen, P. ng u inan. Rn. n. O. Pe terson, D.D., Dil lriel Min ion. ry, Lingayen. Pangu in ao, MilS Haze l Davie, Diu ri et Missionary, Lin gayen. Plngu in an.

Ea9tern Panaasinan District Rev. Roman T. Calica. Dis tri ct Superint endent, nagup an, Panguin. n. Rev. B. O. Peterson, District Mission ary, Lin lOreo. Pangl' sin an. Mi l. Leila V. Dingle, W.F.M. S., Dis uict Missionary. Linla. yen, Paniuin an.

Ilocos Sur District

Methodist Book Room

h eY. Denilo Toverl, Dillrict Superintend ent, Vl,an, lIocol S ... r. R el'. B. O. Peterson, D.D., DI, triet Mi, donary, LingayeD. Panga-in an. Mi u Arm eni a Th ompson, Ob tric t Miuiona rr , Lingay en, Panguinan. Milt Sat llmina LUI , Dean, I\l e thod ist Gi rb ' Dormitory, Vi· ga n, I] oco, Sur.


Manila District 148 ST A. MARIA, T ON DO F rancilco S . Cah'cz, Districi Superintendent. Marion Walker, Distric t j\lissionHy.

Harris M e morial Tralnina School



Thoburn Hall

Ce ntral

Stude nt

C hurch.


LlNCA YEN, Pa troci nio Oca mpo, Princip al. Mi n Hazel Davis, Adv iser.

Trai DiD, School BOX 20 PANGASINAN

COQayan District

Huah Wils on Hall

VECA AND STA. C!l UZ J\Irs. An tonina Vela. Deall.

Wom en',


1271 GENERAL LUNA, En MITA Miu Mildred M. Blakely , Dean. DE



Knox Memorial Church


Mary Brown Townsend Memorial


AVE NUE AND LOPE STA. CRUZ Rev. [stcbaD T. Cru z, Pauor. Rev. Vicente Co rde ro, I' as tor.

Tarlac District





Arcad io de Oeera, Dittrict Superintendenl, Cabanl' tuan. NUeYa EciJa. R ev. B. O. Pe terson. Missionary. Lin ga yen, Panguinan. Miu Hazel Davil, Miuion ary. Lingayen. Pangui nan. Mar io Aqui no, Dean, Meth odiJ t Girl. ' Dormit ory, Cahana tllan, Nueva Eeij a,

Holy Trinity Church

ES PANA AND P. PAREDES, Miu L. V. Di ng le, Pr in cipai. Miss Marion Wa lke r.

Tadac DistrIct

n e'·. Ri cardo del Rosario, Oistri cl Sup erint endent. San Fer· nan do, Pampauga. Mi.. Bernice Cornelbon, W.F.M.S., Dis tnct Millionary.


ZAMBOA NGA, ZAMBOA NGA P. O. BOX 234 Rev. H. Ma ltoe ks , Vicar. Mrs. H . l\1anocks.



!lev. Benito R cyel, Ois trici Superinlend cnl, Oloneapo, Zam· bale •.

St. Francis of Assist Miss ion



Snnta Me9a Methodist Church

Rn . L. L. Rou~. Prie!J t. ia .Cbu,e. Ru. J . R. Ham,er, jT. Hey, W. S. Mand ell.

638 E. E. T uek , Manager.


St. Paul's Methodist Church

Mission of St. Mary the Vlrl1in MT.


Snntn Ana Methodist Church

All Saints' C hurch



Mn ry L. Dca m. B u~ in csg Ma nn!:"r. Min Ma rgare t Sh oo k, Su perint endent 01 Nu rfiee .



GENERAL LUNA AND SAN LUIS. Rev. Er nes t E. Tu ck, Minist er. !lev. D. D. Alejandro, Alloeiate Minister.


JOle Valenci a. Dil trict Superintend ent, Tur uegarao, Cagayan. Rov, H. J. Ril ey, Dlttrlct Ml u ionlry. Tugu egarao, Caga· yan. Min Ruth E. J. At kins , Minion ary. T ug ... cga rao, Cagaysn. MilS An na Cl rson, R. N., S up erior. Ma ry J ohn ston EXl en. ion Ciinici.

habela District R el'. Ciriaco In b , Di.trict Superintend ent, I1agan, babela, Rev. Herbert J. Riley. District Missionary, TUllueg:uao, C.· layan. Mill n ... th E. J. Atkins. Missiona ry, Dean , Meth od ist Girl, ' Dormitory, T ug ... erarao, Cal.ran. MiSi Anna Cnrlon. R. N., W.F.M.S., S up e rvi sor, l\1nry 10bn· I on Ho. pilll E:lten,ion Clinic"



Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Nueva VJzcaya District Rev.

Mariano Gines, District Superintendent, Bayombong, Nueva Vi~eaya. ReT. Herb ert J. Rile,., Diuriet Mi n iooary, Tu guegarao, Ca· gayao. Min Wilhelmina Erblt, W.F.M.S., Djlllitt Miu ioo ary, Dean Methodi.n Girlr.' Dormitory. BayomboDJ, Nue". Vile.,. ••


OFFICE: 342 MORIONES, TONDO TEL. 4·81·22 CATHEDRAL: 14(i6 SANDE, TONDO TEL. 4·77065 Rev. Matiu B. Vald ez, Bishop and General Superintendent of the Church. Rev. Maliu Cuadra, General Secretary. Rev. Raym1lndo Duque, Gen eral Treuurer. Rev. JO$e de la Cruz, Ceneral Evang elist. Rev. Eusebio Tec h, Secretary of Youth Movement. Rev. Marcelino Gutierre~ , Sceretary of Religiou s Education. Rev. Cri.pulo Uh·era, Secretary or th e Society or Adults. Rev. Guillermo Dionieio, Secretary of Deaconesses. Rev. Cipriano Homero, General Auditor. Rev. Lazaro G. T rinidad, Pri.ate Secretary to the Bishop and Associate Putor, Cathedral.

Min Sadie BulSc. Min Ebie Howell. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Naylor.

Malaybalay. Bukldnon Rev. Rev. Min Min

and Mr • . Henry de Vri ea. and Mr•• Robert Pau l Kholera. Rhoda Little. Loui.e Lynip.





Dr. and Mf!. F . W. Meyer. J ennie C. Adami . P. O. BOX 5 Arcola I. Pettit. Rev. and Mra. Earlo F. Roundl.

Bacolod. Occidental Negros P. O. BOX 100

AMERICAN BAPTIST FOREIGN MISSION SOCIETY Bacolod, Negro!! Occidental May A. Coggins, (On Lene).

Fabrica, Negro!! Occidental Rev. aod AfT! . lIenry W. !\tuoller.

Caplz, Caph; Dr. •nd Mr •• F. W. fob,er. Jennie Adams. Rev. and Mr • . E. F. Round • . Arcola I. Pettit.

110110, 110110 Mr. and Mea. H. F. Stuart. (On Leave). Rev. and Mrl. F. H. Ro!e. A. Bertha Houge r. Ruth L. Harri • . Mr •. Hazel M. Bigelow. Dr. and Mea. Henry Wat eT!, (On Lea,·e). Flora Ernst. Mr. and Mn. Jam es H. Covell. Rev. and Mn. S. S. Feldmann. Doroth, A. Dowell. Leonclle Warburton. Signe Erickson. (On Leave) . Rev. R. Fred Cham bers. Dr. Dorothey Kinner Chamber., San ]ole, Antiqne. Miss Oli"c Buchner.

ASSOCIATION OF BAPTISTS Mr •. Min Mi n Mis. Mi., Ru. Rev. MilS Mr. Miss

CIa 401 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, ERMITA Lillian G. Culley. Bernice M. Hahn . Edna R. Hotchk.i... Esthe r R. Yerger. L. Evelyn Coosleton. and Mr.. Edward C. Bomm. and Mn. H arold 1\1. Palmer. Ruth A. Woodworth. and Mr~ . Ead itober t• . ~Iona Kemery.

Ma, COillin ••

Fabrlca, Occidental Negro!! Rev. al'ld Mn. H enry W. Munser.

Iloilo. Iloilo. P. I. P. O. BOX 231 Dr. and Mn. Fred Chambers. Miss Ruth L. H arris. Mi n Bertha L. H ouler. Mrs. Hazel Bigelow. Rev. and Mn. s. S. Feldmann, Bo" 251. Rev. and Mrl. F. H. Ro-e. Dr. and Ahs. H. F . Stu.rt. Mr. and Mra. Jam es Covell.

P. O. BOX 340 Dr. and Mrs. H cnr, S. Waten. Min Olive Buch ner. Miu Flora C. Ernst. P. O. BOX 83 Mju Dorothy A. Dowell. Miu Signe EricUon. Mi u Leone tte Warburton.

CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Zamboanga, Zamboanll:l Miss Grace Scudder. lIev. and Mrs. Rob ert li eu. Rev. and Mn. E. F. Gulb ranson. Chairman.

Zamboanga City Rev. W. t·. Chriatie.

Lamltan, Zamboanga Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Sullivao .

Margosalublg. ZamboanAa Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Lommasson.

Iloilo, 110110 Mis. H eleo V. Hinkley. Miu Bethel France. Miu Ellcn W. Martien. Min Stella Mower. Min Ebie Parks. .Rev. and Mra. Paul D.

Cotabato. Cotabato Hev. aud Mr •. W. H. Edmonda.

Dulawan. Cotabato Fri~erich.eR,

.l\c". and Mrs. R. E. Breliler •



G lan. Cotabato Min F. M. Nevlin!:.

Mill M. E. McMurray.

K ldapawan, Cotabato Miss AnClln Hobled.

Jo t o, S ulu Rev. Dnd Mrs. A. M. Lopl!oD. Rev. and Mr •• R. M. L8.Dd is.


Man ila Station Rev. Roy H. Brown, D.O., Ll.D. Mrs. Roy H. Brown. Rev. H. H. Bousman . Mu. H. H. DOlllmBn. Rev , Cbarles R. Hamiltoo, D.O. Mn. Charles R. Hamilton . *R ev . J. Leon Hoo per, D.O . • Mrs. J. Leon Hooper. Rev. Albert J. Sander.. Mr •. Albert J. Sanders. Rev. Stephen L. Smith. Mr •. Stephen L. Smith. Min Ruth Swanton. Min Eunice L. William" Mi.. Abo Cbapin.

Lalt u na Station P. O. BOX 3 ACHICULTURll L COLLEGE, LACUNA Rev. B. E. Bollman. Mn. B. E. Bollman.

Tayabas Station P. O. BOX 95, LUCENA, TAYABAS -Rev. Charles N. Magill. D.O. Charlca N. Magill.


Albay Station P . O. BOX 173, LEGASPI, ALBAY Ru. Kenn elh P. MacDonald. Mn. Kenn ell. P. MacDonald. Dr. W. W. McAnlis, M.D. Mu. W. W. MeAnli!. Ru. O. P. D. La Porte. loin. O. P. D. La. Portc.

SorsoCon Stat ion SORSOGON, SORSOGON Min Olh'e Rohrbaugh.

Tacloban Stat ion Re ... Mn. Ru. M...

P. O. BOX 36, TACLOBAN, LEYTE Ern ut J. FreJ. Ernut J. Frei. L. S. Hogenboom. L. S. Hogcnboom.

Cebu Station P. O. BOX 188, CEBU, CEBU Re •. F. C. Appleton. Mr •. F. G. Appletoo.

Bohol Station TAGBILARAN, BOHOL Mill lIIernt N. Grabam.

D u maCuete Station P. O. BOX 18, DUMAGUETE, ORIENTAL NEGROS II. Roy Bell. Mr!. H. RQY Dell. Dr. Arthur L. Carlon, Pb.D. Mrs. Arth ur L. Cu~on. Dr. J. W. Cbapman, Sc. D.

MrR. J. W. ChaplDan. '~Ir. Leilyn M. COli:. 1M ... Leilyn M. COli:. Min Alice J. Fullerton. Mr. Charlea A. Glunz. MI!, Charleft A. Glunz. Mr. Clyde E. Heflin. Mrs. C. E. Heflin. Min Abby R. Jacobs. Min France. V. V. Rodgers. Mr. Rob ert B. Silliman . Mrs. Robert B. Silliman. 'Rev. W. J. Smith. 'Mrs. W. J. Smitb. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Winternheimer. Ru. Douglas Vemoa. Mra. Douglas Vernon.

Tondo Evan g,eltcal Ch urc h CORNER FOLGUERAS AND P. RADA, TONDO Rey. Roman G. Amoranto. Pastor.

Ma late Evan gelical C hu rch 710.714 WRIGHT, MALATE Rey. Catalino Paulino, Pastor.

E llinwood Evangelical C h u r ch 710.iU WR IGHT. MALATE Ru. H. H. Bousman, Pas tor.

The United C h u r ch of Man ila 2204 AZCARRAGA. SAMPALOC Re... Enrique C. Sobrepeiia, Pastor.

E llinwood Bi ble Sch ool fo r G irls 605 TENNESSEE, MALATE Min Eunice L. Williams, Principal.

Unio n H IC h School of Manil a 709 TENNESSEE, MALATE Mr. E. B. Cud ena., Principal.

S ill iman Universi ty DUi\lAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL Dr. A. L. Carso n, Prnident. ·On Furlough

PHILIPPINE UNION MISSION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS 1939 LUNA, PASAY, RIZAL P. O. BOX 401 TEL. 5·19·96 R. R. Figl/hr, Superintendent. O. A. Blake, Seeretar:r.Treasurer and Auditor. R. C. Campbell. Field Mi."ionary Secretary. A. 1\1. Ragsdale, Educati onal and Young People'a Secretary. Mrs. R. R. Figuhr. Home Comminio n Secrelary. R. R. Seuon . ReligioUi Liberty Secretary. L. C. Wilcoil, Sabbath Sebool and Home Mis9ionary Seeretary.

Cen tra l LUzon M ls810 n BAESA. CALOOCAN, RIZAL P. O. BOX 249-'TEL. DIAL 40 ASK FOR 4·55 J. B. Emralino, Dire<: lor. Y. M. Mont alba n, Secretary· Treasurer.

East Vlaayan M I8slo n P. O. BOX 119, CEBU, CEBU E. N. Lurenbelll, Director. A. S. "qui, Secretary-Treuurer.

, M inda n ao M I8slo n P. O. BOX 124, CAGAYAN, MISAms ORIENTAL W, B. Rillel, Director. D. B. Ladion, Seeretal1'·Trellllurer.




Central Corps

Northern Luzon Mission


ARTACHO, SISON, PANGASINAN E. M. Adalllt, Dire.:tor. A. BalinBo, Secre tuy·Treasurer.

Training, College Corps 514 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NU E, MALATE

South-Central Luzon Mission P. O. BOX S9, LUCENA, TAYABAS R. R. Figubr, Director. I. Yon D, Auiat.nt Direct or . M. M. Zamon, Sec ret Bry·Treliurer.

Southern Luzon Million P. O. BOX 32, LEGASPI, ALBA Y P. R. Diu. Director. L. P. Caje, Secrelary_Treliuref.

Tondo Corps 747 VELASQUEZ, TONDO

NORTHERN LUZON DIVISION 17 ABANAO ST., BAGUIO Captain florence LindnlI, D.O. Dag upao, Pangui nan. Asingan, Panguio.n. Bay.mbang, Pangaaiun.


W est Vlsayan Mlaalon P. O. BOX 271, ILOILO, ILOILO f. A. Pran. Director. Z. B. Cabilig, Secretary·Treuurer.

Philippine Publl.hlnll House 1939 LUNA, PASAY, RIZAL P. O. BOX 813 TEL. 5·)7.40 J. A. Lelasd, Manager. R. A. Villanueva, Trellurer. E. I. Urqubart, Editor. PUBL ICJ.YtON, : Patnubay ng Bubay. Mizpa-Tag.log, Plnayan, CebUino aDd lIocano. P.gtaengan ken Sal (io·at.

PhUlpplne Union Collelle (FOR~fLRLY

PItlLIPPINE JUNIOR COLLECE) BAESA. CALOOCAN, RIZAU P. O. BOX 1172 TEL. DIAL 40. ASK FOR 50iS R. R, Figubr, Chairman of the Board. L. l\.f, Stump. Pruident. B. L, Dyer, Treu urer.

J'l.1anlb Sanitarium and Hospital 1875 DONADA. PASAY. RIZAL TEL. 5·17·63 Dr. H. C. H onor. Medical Director. W. E. Guthri e, Buaineu Man ager .nd Tre uure r. Mi." Bertba Parker, Superi ntend ent of Nurses.

Seventh-Day Adventist Churches CENTRAL ENGLISH CHURCH 1939 LUNA, PASAY, RIZAL

Manila Central Church

RTZAL ST., LA PAZ, ILOILO Cap tai n I oh n Sundberg, D.O.

CEBU DIVIS ION 171 A. " DE ABRIL STREET Ca ptain Berti! Wah lb erg, D.O.

UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST Dr. and 1\lrs. H. W. Wid does. San Femando, La Union. Re'·. and Mrs. C. C. Witmer, Lub uagan , Kalinga. 1\11. Province. 1\Ii.s Myrtle MetZ(;er, Kiangan, I1 ugao, l\h. Province. 1\Iiu Harriet Ray mond. San Fernando, La Union. Miu Louie Speuard, Kiang,D. lIug.o, Mt. Province. Re'·. Ind Mrs. Edward 1. Nagel, Lubuagan. K.linga, Mt. Province. Rev . • nd Mrs. Carl B. Elcbbach. Baguio, Mt. Province.

Union Tbeologlcal Sem inary TAfT AVE. AND HERRAN, MALATE P . O. BOX 841-TEL. 5·68--50 Dr. Chllrles R. Hamilton, P reliden t. M. C. f ontanilla. Regi s trar. J. F. Boome r, Chairman, Board of T rustee •. Rev. 1. L. Hooper, Trellu rer. Rev. Stephen L. Smith. Acting Treuurer. MIMBJ:RS:

R ev. Dr. Rev. R ev. Rev. R e' ·. Rev.

C. R. H amilto n Ero est E. T uck Franeiaco Gah'ez B. E. Bollman Carl El chbac h J. F. McKinley Vicen te S . Co rdero Dr. Charles N.

R ev. Benito Tover a Rev. JOle Valenci a Emilio Quijano Rev. Leo nardo G. Din Rev. Al ejandro Gube Rey . Cirilo del Carmel! Rev. Janu ario Puruganll Magill


Union High Sc hool of Manila

Sanitarium Church COR NER




College Church

709 TENNESSEE, MALATE P. O. BOX 2l6G-T EL. 5·68·90 Espiritu B. Carden.., Principal.


Sampaloc Church P. LE ONCIO, SAMPALOC

Slnllalong Church SAN






SALVATION ARMY, THE TERRITORIAL HEADQUARTERS; S14 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, MALATE T EL. 5·76-67 Colonel AU. E. Lindv all, T err itorial Leader. Mu. Colonel E. Lindvall, T erritorial H ome League President. Major Gun"or Wilb erg, P ublic Rela ti on Dept. Officer. Caplaln Ame I oho uon , Welfare and Supply Officer.

Central Luzon Division 514 PE NNSYLVAN IA AVENUE, MALATE. ~fajor Lawrence Soaith, D.O.

YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION NATIONAL BOARD . Y.M.C.A. OF THE PHIL-IPPI NES 326 ARROCEROS. ER1\f1TA T ELS. 2·28·20 & 2·30·3S Judg e Ma nuel CamUl. Pruident. Miguel Union, ht Vice· President. Sec. J ose Abad S.ntol, 2nd Vice· President. Ramon Rocc.. Treasu rer. Dean Conrado B en it e~, Reco rding Se.:retary. I udge Rafae l Corpus. H. B. Pond. J ose Pa u . Dr. Gumersind o Careia. Conrado Benit ez. Prof. Vicente C. Sinco. Donald Coo k. Frederic H. Steven,. Dr. Victor Buencamino. Builio J . Valdes. E. S. Turn er.



P. A. Balaneio , La Union and 1101'01 Norte. C. It. Duria, 1'&nI:3,;oDI1. C. S. Carabyab, Laguna. A. D. Laclamana, PampanCa. Eliaa L . Ablau, Tayaba"

NATIONAL STAFF. Y. M . C. A. OF THE NIILI P J~ I NES E. S. Tumer, H onorary General Se<:retary. Domingo C. Bllicara, General Secretary. Howard L. Haag, Asaoci ate Ge llcnl Sec reta ry. Juan Fuentet. Office Secretary.


TELS. 2.28-58 SO"IID





Dr. Gumcr, ;ndo e(lTeia, Ch~irman. Bibiano MeeT, Vice_Chllirmnn. Domingo '1'. Dikit. Treasurer. Ge ronimo Santiago Simp lie io J av ier ToribiQ Teodo ro Jose 1'. nauti ~ t a Ar~en io Tenrnatay Alfred o de Leon Nicanor H OXD~ Gonzalo T. Valc.

CH I NESE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI ATION OF THE PHLIPPINES 672 BENAVIDES, B1NONDO P. O. BOX 1934-TEL. 4·95.41 CABLE ADDRESS-CH INYMCA. MANILA e. e. Lim. H onorary Vice·PrCfiden t. Guille rm o Dy auncio, Honora ry Vice· President. Dr. Tee Han Kce, H onoury Vice· President. Dy H oan Chay, Pr Cfidellt. Yu Eng P o. Vic.,.Presidcnt. George Dee Sekia" Treasurer. HONORART


Tan Sam T o Uy Ha i San U. E. T ong

Dr. Alhino Z. Sy Cip Yu Ke Tai Tao Un Liong

BOAItO or D'RECTOR': J. Lidio Dy Hoan Chay Dr. Dalton Chen Yu Eng Po AU y. Ty Kong Tin George Dee Seki st Sy Yiat Sing A1Ion80 Z. Sy Cip Ang Kai Lisn Go Puan Senll Chua Cho Ching Sy Sing Suy Ang Chai Lis n Tan Bolt Ting Uy Pi, Lok. Sy An Dian, General Secretary.


Domingo e. Bascnra, Gene ral Secretary. Vicente Weoc eslao. Physical Di reCI(Ir. PedH.> e. Cele9lino. CQlllmllnily Se rvice Secretary. Godofredo E. ltelb, l'o lembenhip Secretary. Antonio n:ocquel. B".ine~8 Secretary. Dominador Cutro, Dormitory Sec retary.



350 ARROC[ROS EXTENSION. ERM ITA TEl.S. 2·26-08 &: 2·54·65 80 ... RO



MA:.... CI!~IENT:


Dr. Victor !.luen eamioo. Chairm.n. Florencio T.m e! i ~ . Vice, Chairman. Gil Pu ya t, T reasurer. bidoro Panlni,u; Melquiade! J. Gamboa Cornclio BDlmaceda

Vi cent e G. Bunuan Hilarion S. Silayan Enrhlue Lolarga

5ECII ET ... RI ... L IT ... FF: Alvaro L. ~Iartine~, General Secretary. Jos e C. Cru". Hi·Y Secretary. Severino N. Lnna. Boy' Work Secretary . Engen io D. Quiroga, J3u , inen Dormi tory See retar y. Alfred" M. COT]1U8. Actin g Phy!ical Director. Flo renti no 1'el11110rol, Ass istant Ollice Sec retary.


H. J. A.


136 CONCE PCION, E RMITA P. O. BOX 447 TELS. 2·39·09 &, 2·19·52 B. Pon d, PrHi dent. F. Boomer, Vice· Presldeot. Hoyer, Treuure r. S. Turner, Senior Secn:tIlTY.

nIRtCT()llS: J. A. AMey B. G, Leake C. S. SabnOR J. F. Purnell R. N. Miller C. S. Stocldnr

T. L. Hall



Glenn P. Wi ehard. General Secretary. V. A. MihailoU, l'Il)'sical Djrector~


J. F. L. C. B.


AI) UANA ST., INTRAI\IUROS I'. O. IlOX 1631 TEL. 2· 16·M e. Storey, Executive Secretary. S. emuinga, Dig,rict Hu ai ne.. Sec retary. H. Davis, P hy. ical AC';"iti es Secretary. 1\1. I.e",i!, Dis trie t Activities Sec re,ary. E. Merriam,. Ret'"l. Educational Secretary.




244 DAVID, BI NONDO-TEL. 2·55·92 BLUI: TIl l ol MC LE LE(:AItOA,


Mrs. ;\Irs . Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.






M ... Mrs. Mrs. 1\1... Mn. Mn. Mra. I\Ir • . Mrs.

P n Cucrpocruz, Presiden t. Alva J. Hill, lal Vice· P ruident. Bea triz Ronquillo, 2nd Vice·Pres ideDt. Isab el Regala, Sec retary. Ernest Tuck, Treas ur er. Geo rge A. Adam son. George Dee. J.P. He ilbronn. Verne Miller. SOllhie Uod " ll o. T. Ucwakl. Pu P. l'oI end e7.. Chprlel Graemiger. Ange la Itatn os. habel Dudley. Conce pcion II cnares. Genar. de Guzman. Biu;."o Meer. Louis P. Crort.

!\I n . Mi ss Mi.. I\Irs. Miss MiS! Mn. Mi n Mrs. Mr!.

JOlefa J. Martinez, Execu tive Sec retary. Evangeli na Abelle ra. Di rec tor, Youth Int eres ts Dept. Euni ce Adauu, Leadenhip T raining Secretary. Trinidad Alvero, Rura l Secretary. Con!uelo E. Aunrill. Student Dept. Magdalena Bernardino, Buiness Secretary. Aur ea dol Car(IlClI, Emp loYl!I\enl Sw r~tar.y. Purjfjc,cion lI agan. InslTuctor, P hysica l 'Educati,on, Rourio Leutcrio, Howitlllity Seeretary.. F. V. Vatoria, Dean, hllc P eral Dor,mitory.,

1\1ra. MI'lI. !II ra. !IIsr. Mrs. Mrs. MI'lI. Mrs. Mrs. Miss

Selen f:. Cuticrrez, Chair r,n an. W. fl.. Babcoc k, Vice-Chairman. Flora Ylngoll Gerolli ma Peeson J ose Ca!, ro Paulillo Sallto, Gab ri el Maiinlae P aei ta Vcr h aac Bana Maria 'Jin!'w)>>

I\l n.

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. ~Irs.


N ... TtONA).




Schools, Colleges and Convents (SEE ALSO DI\' 1510N OF CITY SCHOOLS, BUREAU OF EDUCATION)

ACADEMY OF MUSIC OF MANILA lIlABINl, ERMITA TEL, 2·30·6' Herbert Zipper, Director. 44


lIono OF TRU ST£ES: 1* Yulo, President. Beoito F. Lerarda, Treuurer. Joan F. Nakpil, Secretary. Mn. Susana P . Madrigal, Member. Mi.. Cool ejo !.fitra, Regi l uar.

ADAMSON UNIVERSITY REAL AND ARZOB ISPO, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2.33·53 Dr. George Lucas Adamlon, Pre.idenl. Alu Adamson, Vice· Pres id ent. Graduate School Or. George L. Adam. on, Dircelor. CoUege of Engineering Dean George A. Adam. ou. College of Libenl Arts and Sciences Dean Sofia Adanuon. College of Education Dean William Pickell,


AMERICAN SCHOOL, INC. CALLE DONADA, PASAY. R IZAL P. O. BOX 879, MANILA- TEL. 5·35·55 (Pre.Kiudergarten. Kind erga rt en, Primary, Intermediate and Hleh School) Glenn C. Miller, Princi pal.

ANGLO -Cl;IINESE SCHOOL, THE 1235 SANTA ELENA, BINONDO Gan Bun Cho, Principal. Tan Lioog Tu&o, H ead, En;li.h Department. Ang' Tun You, Tr u.urer. Yu SeIlg Keng, Proc tor.

ASILO-COLEGJO DE SAN VICENTE DE PAUL 910 ISAAC PERAL, PACO TEL. 5-73.8' Sor Maria Dolore. Sanchez del Areo, Superioren.Direetress. nACBElIS:

Sor Sor So r Sor Sor So r Sor Sor

Euriqucta Anino. Alejaodra Molina. Feliciaima Sanlamarlina. Pilar Spalding. Victoria Prats. Sal..acioo Banare•. Marta de Guzman. Concepcion Pelae>:.





Very Rev, CaTTol! I. Fuy , 5.1., Presiden t. Rev. Vincent de Pa ul O'Beirne, 5.1. , Vice. PresideD I. Rev. J ohn R. O'Connell. 5.1 .. Admininrato r. Rev. l ohn A. Mornin g. 5.1., T reasurer. Rev. Authony V. Keane, 5.1-, Dean 01 Di!cipline. Rev. Henry C. Avery, 5.1-, Regenl, CoJlege of Law. Dr. I\lanud Lim. Dean. College 01 Law. Rev. Vinc ent de Paul O'Beirne, 5.] .. Dean, College of Liberal Arls, College of Comm erce; P ri rl cipal. High School. Rev. Eugene A. Gisel, 5.1., Dea n, College 01 Induetrial T ecJlllolon· Rev. Lui ~ G. Pacqu inl,:. 5.1 .. H eadm as ter, Grade School (Anda and Sta. Lucia St reet9, Inl ramuros). Rev. J ohn F. T reuhig. S.J .. Libraria n. Rev. Edmund J. NIltlall. 5.1., College S tu deu! Counselor. Rev. Maurice A. Mudd , S.J ., H igh School Student Cou nselor. Capt. J ose Gonzal ez, P. A., Commandant of Cade ts. r J.CtJLTl'-CDLL t CI!




Rev. Vincent de Paul O'Beirne, 5.1., Dean. Rev. Henry C. Ave ry. 5.1. Rev. H oracio de la COila. S.J. Rev. Au stin V. Dowd, S.l . Rev. Pablo de Gu~man, 5.1Rev. H enry L. Irwin, S.l. Rev. Leo A. K inn, 5.1. Rev. J oseph F. X. Max cy, 5.1. Rev. Forhs 1. !\Iooaghan, S.1. Rev. J oseph A. Mulry, S.J. Rev. Edmnnd 1- Nuttall, 5.1. Rev. Pacifico Orli z, 5.1. Rev. Thomu A. Shanahan, 5.1Rev. Ruue ll M. Sulli van , 5.1Angel Fernandez, C.P.A. Aristidez GonuJeJ, A.B. Dr. F. Fabiano Imperial, 1\1.5., I\I. E., l' h.D. ErneJl O. J oly, A.B. Felicia no J. Led es ma, LI.i\'1. Dr. Arthur Modry, Ph.D. Jos e C. Olivare. , D.S.Chem . Cregorio Ong, B. S. Dr. Jose del Rourio, A.B., M.S. Chem., Ph.D. luan L. Villasia, B.S.Chem. Dr. Gr egorio F. Zaide, Ph.n. Capt. Jose GonzaleJ, P.A. Second Lieu t. Cecilia Peiiafl or, P.A. r,o.CUI.T l'-CO Ll.£CE or I.J. w: Rev. Henry D. Avery, S.J ., Regent. Dr. Mauuel Lim, A.B., LL. B.. LL. I\f., D.C.L., Dean. Atty. Federico Agrava, A.B. , LL.B. H on. l'dariano Alb er!, A.B., LC.I., LL.L., D.C.L. H on. CeJa r Bengzon, A.B., LL.B. Ally. Eduardo r. Caguioa, A.A .. LL.B. AUy. Tomas Cooi rera., A.B., LL.B. An y. Rafael Ding!.. an, A.B., LL.B. AUy. Alberlo E. Dilon, A.B., I.L.B., LL.i\1. Rev. Au stin V. Dowd, 5.1. Atty. Mod es to Formillesa, LL.M. Capt. Jo~e Gonzalez, P.A. Rev. H eury L. irwio, 5.1. AUy. Pablo L. Mee r, A.A., LL.B. Re'·. Forbes 1. Monaghan, S.J. H on. Manu el V. Moran, A.B., LL.B., I.L.L., D.C.L. Rev. l\laurice A. Mudd, 5.1Hon. Antonio M. Opi no, A.a., LL.M . Dr. Ambrosio Padilla, A.a., LL,B ., LL.i\I. , D.C.L. Hon. Sabino Pad illa, A.B., LL.B., LL.I\I., D.C.L. Dr. 1""u8 V. Paredes, A.a., LL.Il., LL.M., D.C.L. Ally. Narciso Pimentel, A.B., LL.B. Ally. Deogracias T. Reye. , A.A., LL.B., LL.M. Han . Eulogio P. Rev illa, A.B., L.C.J. Ally. Rodrigo, A.B., B.S.E., LL.B. Ally. l erouimo Samson, A.B., LL.B. Dr. Ramon R. San J ose, A.B., LL. B., LL.1\L, D.C.L. Dr. Ernesto Y. S ib nl, Ph.B., LL.B. , J. S.D.



Dr. AgericD B. M. Siso n, A.8" M.D. Hon. Benito Soli'·cn. A.B., LL.B., B. For Service, LL.M ., D.C.L. D •· Lorenzo M. T11I;ada, A.D., LL.B., LL.I\I., D.C. L. A tty. J esu. de Veyra, A.B., LL.n. Hon. Antonio Villarea l, A.a., LL.B. r"ClJIJrY-




Rcv. Vincent de Paul O'iJeirne, 5.1., DMn. Rev. Henry L. Irwin, S.J. Rev. Henry C. Avery, S.J. Rev. Edmund J. Nunall, S.J. Rn. Austin V. Dowd. S.J . Rev. Forbes J . MOllaghall, S. J . Rev. Pablo de Cu~man, S. J . Rev. Pacifico Orli~. S.J. Re,·. Horacio de la Cona, 5.1. Re". Joseph F.X. Mucy, 5.1. Fla"iano M. Yenko. A.B., B.S., AII·1. Dean. Francisco Al:caoili, A.B .. Ch. E. Cesar Arcena. , B.S. Chern. Lo ren~o Claravall, B.S. Chern. Manuel C. Colayeo, A.B. , LL.B. Eugene Davidson. Honorio Corcia. B.S. Ind. Tech. F . Fab iano I mperial. ilLS., .lIl.[., P h. D. Ernest Joly, A.B. Jose .ill. Mendoza. n.S. A. Arthur Modry, Ph.D. Jose C. Olivares, B.S. Chern. Gregorio Ong. B.S. AUredo Onrubia, B.S. Ind. Tech. J oae I. del Rontio, A.B., .ilLS., Ph. D. J ose Sison, C.P.A. J uan Villasia, B.S.Chem. Capl. J ose Gonzalez, P.A. Second Lieut. Cecilio Penaflor, P.A.

Aristidea Conza lez, A.D. Feliciano Jimenez, A.B., LL. B., B.5.£. D•. Lorenzo L. Corpus, A.A., D.D.S. T eado.o Fernando. A.D. De$iderio luado, A.a. An ton;o Munoz, B.S.A. Adolfo Navarro. A.B., D.S.E. JuUJ Paredes, J r. A.B. Narciso G. Reyn. Vicente B. Ruiz, n.S.E. M.A. Rodo lfo 5arcon, A.B., B.S.E. Paul R. Venosa, Ph. D. Renjamio Zialcita, A.B., B.S.CE. FACULTY--CRAn!:


Rev. Vincent de Pa ul O'Beime, 5.1., Dean. Rev. Horaeio de la COIta, 5.1. R ev. Au! tin V. Dowd, 5.1. Re". Jou, ill. Eliuo, S.l. Rev. H enry L. Irwin. s.J. Rev. Joseph F. X. Max c y. S.l. Re\,. Forbes l. Monaghan, S . 1. Rev . Pae ilieo Ortiz, 5.1. Rcv. Thomu A. Sha nahan, 5.1. Conrado P. Aquin o, A.B. haac Eceta. B.S.C., M.A cets., C.P.A. Angel Fernandez, B.S.£., C.P.A. Cariol Fernandez, A.B., LL.B., B.A. Teodoro Fernando. A.B. Victorino de la Fuente, A.D., 111.0. Francisco J. Garay, D,S.C.E., M.S .B.A. Antonio G. Giron. Aristides Gonzalez. A. B. Cesar Gonzalez. B.S.C. Feliciano Jimenez, A.B .• LL.B., B.S.E. Ys idro Lerma. A.B .• B.S.X. J OI!! A. Lukban, A.B., B.S.E. Raul S. ManglaIJu, . A.B. Jacob Maravilla. A.B., LL.B. Carlos da LUI Nunel . Carlos Paulino, B.s.C. Em!!rito Ramo! . ilLS .• LL.B. Alberto Reye!J. A.B .• D.s.C .• l\ L B.S., C.P,A., Ph.D. Eduardo Z. Romualdu, Ph.B., M.A. Benjamin Zi.lcita, A.B., B.S.C.E. FAI;ULTT-

Rev. Rev. Rev. Re,·. R ev. Rev. R ev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev . Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.


Vicente de Paul 'OBeim e, 5.1., Principal. Lino ... Danayad, S. J . Miguel A. Bernad, 5.1. Efieio Dolalas, S .J . William J . Dow, 5.1. Jose M. Eliuo, S.J. JOl e Espina. 5.1. Henry F. FOl<. s.J. Lorenzo Ma. Guerrero, S.l. Walter B. Hogan, S .J. 10leph J. Kavanagh, 5.1. Edward J. K lippen. s .J . Funcilco Lucal, 5.1. Cenr Maravilla, 5.1 . Edgar A. Marlin , s.J. Jam es J . McCm n n, S.J. Ricardo Pimentel, S. J . Grant A. Quinn, S J . 10hn F. Treubig, 5.1.


Rev. Lub G. Pacquing. 5.1.. Headmnter. R ev. Samuel Elcano, s.J . J Ole V. Giron. B.S.E .. Principal. Angel R. Bejar, D.S.E. F ernan do Z. Tiongco, P.N.S. Cali:uo L . Luna, P.N.S. l o!e B. Ramol, B.S.E. JOle B. Darce. !'.N.S. J uan A. Javier, D.S.E. Eugen io Bautista. P rovo N.S. Marcia l L. LunD, B.M.S. Marcelino H ernandez, P.N.S. Delfin hon , P .N.S. Mlmerto DimBJangal, B.S.E. Severo V. Ongsiapeo, B.S.E. FeliJ: Eusebio. P .N.S. J esus Villanueva, P.N.s. Aristidu Gonull'5, A.B. Vicente San l uan, A.B.

BEATERIO C OLLEGE LUCIA, INTRAMUROS TE L. 21408 Rev. M. Andrea i\fontejo, R. V. M., Gen. Superioren. i\1. Beanit Formolo, R. V. M., Vice Gen. ill. Micaela Cuenca, R. V. lIf., Gen. Secretary. M. Encarnacion Tomacrut, R. V. M .. Gen. Treaa. M. Emilia Romero, R. V. M .. Direetre... i\I. Modeltl CIRunro, R. V. M., Dean of studiel. 1\1. Vale riona naut;'ta. R. V. M., Local TreBJ. AI. Salome Cut ro, n. V. M., College Secretary. IS7

Very ReT. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev . Rev. Rev.




SAN MI GUEL, BULA CAN Att y. P ab lo C. P ayaw al , P reside nt. Emilio David, Director Rnd Treaturer. Amb rosio Beltran, H ead T eacher. Mill Emilia T . David, Registrar and Li b rarian. Soledad Estremera, Teacher. Tclesforo Soller, Teache r.

Bre nt S c h o o l BAGUlO, BENGUET , MT. PROV I NCE ReT. Arthu r H . Richardson, A.D., A .M. , H eadmuter, Chap. lain Bible; Gree k. Harry E. Shaffer, B.A., Latin. 1'01". Niu R. Shaffer, R.N .. Nunc, Dietitian. Min Cordelia C. Job. Mi .. Edn:! E. Miller. Mr. Lawrence H . NOlh. Miss Elizabe th Walers. Thomu Lowry Sinelair, J r., D.A .• Englis h, F rench , Baskcaball Coach. Advil or to the Toddler. Mrs. P hyllia Gibbon., Elemen tary. Millard Sessionl , B.A., H is tory. Mi"~ Win ifred J. H alt , M.A., Spanish and French. Mill J ean C. Myerl, P rimary, Mill Eliubet h Walerl, B. A., Art; I n termedia te. B. Pa ul Osborn, B.S., MUlie Educat ion. Mrs. Sheldon P. Wimpfen, B.S. E d., Elementary. Edith Ro binson Schay, Eury th mic. and Corrective Gym· naltie •. M". Lucy C. Sco tt , Ma tron Cirb' Dormitory. 1\1 ... Will iam H . Bi rt . Bnrsa r. Mill D. Francilco. R .N., Aniltant Nurse.



CATHEDRAL FREE SCHOOL (Tondo Branch) 51 BEATERIO, INTRAMUROS (Boya School) Rev. Moth er Th eophane, Principa l. I N5T11UCTOR5 :

Anunciacion Aceb edo Gumeflinda Gongora Rosario R. Buenuentura Imelda Sevidal

Contue!o Gabriel Maura Peralta Amp a.o Abl ola Lu cila Cutro

CATHOLIC TRADE SCHOOL 1916 OROQUIETA. CORNER TAym.fAN, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2·40··H Edwardo Buerenktmp er. Mgr. W. Neuhocfer. Bro. La urentinu •. Bro. Carlos. Bro. E.minoidul. Bro. Vitu s. Bro. Adolf. V~n. Bro. Florus. V~D. Bro. Egdon. Ven. Bro. Hilarius. Ven. Bro. Lucian . Ven. Bro. Bosco.

Rev. Rev. Ven. Ven. Ven. Ven. Ven.

CENTRAL PHILIPPI NE COLLEGE P. O. BOX 23 1. ILOI LO CITY. PHILIPPINES Fraocis H . ROle. M.A.. M.Sc .• D. O.• Acting Prelid~n!. Don Ram on L op~z, Chairman. Board of Trustees. Urbano Nequin, Secretary. Mra. Gertrude H. Rose, Trell5urer. Mariano K. Caipang. Auistant Treuurer. .... lfredo Q. Gonzalez, Dean, College of Liberal Art, and Sciences. Pedro E. Y. Rio, Ed .. D., Ac tin, Deln. Collcge of Edu calion. Nativid ad Sitchon. Acting Dean, College of Commerce. Rev. Fred R. Chamber•• Dean. School of Th eology. Pablo Oro. Secretary, Coile,e of Law. Eleulerio D. Plagata . Principal. Hi gh School Depart ment. Dorothy Dowell. Principal. l\ii uionary T raining Depa rtment. Epifanio Cabamn. Profe..or of Mathematici an d Physici . J. H. Covell. Professor of Englis h. E.trella S. Rio, Prolellor of Zoo logy . Genrude H. Rose, Profeno r of Languag u. Alfredo Catedral, Prolenor of Math e ma tic s. Ju an D. Campos, Profel5or 01 Botany. Roque Granada. Auistant ProlellO. of Political Science. Benha A. Houger, Libnrian and Preceptre". Leonene Warburton, Ins tructor in Drama tic. and Story Telling. Mariano Sal... Instructor of Drawing and Eugineering La. boratory. Celedonio Ancheta, In.tructo r in H islo ry. Felipe Saludez, Instru ctor in Accounting and Banking. Jose Zerrudo, IMtruClor in Accounting. Pablo V. Cabotaje, D.Th .• In nructo r in Religious Education. Sofi a Ab.da. Ins tru ctor in English. Juan Sorn it o, Instructor in Mathem atic •. Ignacio Debu que. Iutructor in Phil. Gov't .• Colleg" of La.... Francisco Ho.tillaa, Inuruetor in In.titu le of Civil Law, Coll"ge of Law. Fulgencio Vega, Inst ruc tor in Institute of Civil Law, College 01 Law. Seufin LaClon, Instruc tor in ~ El ementary Law. College of Law. Haydee Hin ojalel, Instructo r in Stenography an d Type. writi ng. Agelina J unltdo. T each" r. H igh School Department. Mrs. Placirla Caiia, Matron and College Nun". Francisco Mo.quete, T eac her, Hi gh School Department. ~frs. n. M. Bigelow. Teache r, H ig h School Depart ment. Clement e Espejo, Teacher. Hi gh School Depar tm ent . Felician o Argamuo, T eac her. H igh School Department. Mali n Domiuador. T eac her. H igh School Departme nt. Mr •. Remedios Vallor, T eacher. High School Department. Cregorio Militar, Commandant, H igh School Cad"ts. Lieut. J ose Villanueva, Commandant, ROTC Unit.

Bernardo Formillcza, Manager. Boys Dormitory, Francisco Or tigoza, Manager, College !'o l en Hall. Ar.enio Hipolito, Shop Superi nt endent and Techn ician. M,.. Ruth Schacht Meyers, Jnstructor in Voice. !II,.. Certrudes del Ronrio, Instructor in Piano. BAPTI ST MISSIONARY TRAJN ING SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, CENTRAL PHILIPPINE COU.ECE P. O. BOX 83, ILOILO CITY Doroth y Dowell, Principal, Daptil t Minionary Training School. DeplTtmenl of the School 01 Theology, and Dean of Women of the School of Theology. Signe A. Erickson, Supcnl.or 01 Practi ce and T eacher of R eligioUi Education, Bap tilt MinionlT,. Training School Department of th e School of Theology. Elora F. Carcia. Mu.ic T eache r, S ap ti. t Missionary Trtt.;n· ing Schoo! Depart men t of the School of Theology.

CENTRO ESCO LAR UN IVERSITY MANILA E. MEND IOLA. SAN MICUE L TELS. 2·16·08 AND 2-16-07 80AI'IO or U1l'l£(:'I"OR5: Carmen de Luna. Pres id ent. Sofia R. de Veyra, Vi ce· Predd enl. C cne ron de Leon. Secretary. Treasurer. Felin Guerrero, In. pectrel5. Alberto Campos, Membe r. Conce pcion A. Aguila, Member. Paz Pamintuan Faustino, Member. Encarnacion Lizares Panlilio. Member. Valerio Jahrlina:. Member.


Rem edios Villacorta, Principal. Mrs. Trinindad Peralta Min In ocencia Dumlao TJ:J.C Il Ii:R 0'1"

Miss Pilar Moralea Bernardino Friu



Bernardino Frias BOARn OF TRUS'l"Ef:S: Feliciano Paterno Perfecto Gabrle! Dr. Antonio Gabriel Fortunato Pineda Pedro Alomia

C HINES E NATIONAL SCHOOL 522 BENAVIDES, BI NOND O Tel. 4.94·18 WOnl Chuln Seng, Principal.

COLBG IO DE LA CONCORDIA 2487 HERRAN, PACO TEL. 5·68·42 So r Carmen Rcta, Mother Superior. Sor In ocencia Sancrisloba!.

COLEG IO DE LA CONSOLACION 260 SAN RAFAEL, SAN MICUEL TEL. 2·50·90 (Esta blished 1901-Undcr the Sistel1l of 51. Augustine) Rev. Sor Cristina de la Exaltacion, Moth"r Supcrior. R ev. Sor Maria Agus tinn, Sub· Priore... Rev. Sor ED camacion de lo. R ernedio" Mothe r Directress.


Rey. Dr. Simeon Cutierrer, Direclor. J Ole Lopel, Proleno r 01 Piano. Conrado Mercado, Profeuor of Solfegll:io.



COLEGIO DE SANT A ISABEL 139 GENERAL LUNA, INTRAMUROS TEL. 2·26·78 ( EstabUsll ed ] S96-Under the direc tion o f the Sillen Charily of 51. Vin cen t de Paul) (Kindergart en and P rimary for Boya and Cids ) Sister J uana Znbnl ~a, Moth e r Superi or. Si sler Dol ores Mo scare ll. Sisler Vi te llIn Pen ilia. Sisle r Pilar J aramill o. Sist er Vi ce nt a Obi:l5. Sisl er Pila r Zenarosa. Siste r Ca ndida Ocamp o. Sill er l\h ria F e rnan dez. Sialer Concepc ion Abulen"i•. S iuer Felis. An u . Sialer R a C emnino. S iner Ca talin a Miranda. Siner lluminada P en ili a. Siste r III lIr;a Oa nd asa n. Sis ter C .. talina Lad es ma. S is ter Natividad Abella. S is ter J ulita C:uliz.



COLEG IO DE SANTA R ITA PLAZA DEL CARME N AND SAN SEBA ST IAN , SAMPALOC (T he COn!;rel:ati on was founded in 1719 and th e College was established in 1907 und e. th e Au gus tinia n Recollect Miss ionary 5i,tel'8) Revm a. 1\1. So. Rosari o d e San Luis Gonu l:a, Superiora Gl'nl'u l. R. M. Sn. F ernanda d el P ilar. Vi ca riR Gene ral. 1\. 1\1. So r R ita d e 1a Inm aeu la da 1\Ia ria. Sec retaria y Con· ~" lt ora Gen eral. It. M. So. Couej o de Sta . Mon ic a, Con, uh ora General. It. 1\1. Sor Filomena d e Je, us, Con$lIh orn General. It . 1\1. So r Pilar d e San Jose, P roc urnd ora General. R. M. Sor As un cion de San J Ole, Su periora L ocal. R. J\I. Sor Pau lina del Pmo. C ora~on d e Mari a, 1\heslTa de :O<ovicias. R. M. So . AUl:u5l iu del Divino Al1I or, Consuit ora Local. COLEGLO DE SANTA ROSA 79 SOLANA, INTRAMOROS TEL. 2·33·41 SiSler Marl a J esus H nart e, Superi oren. Sisle r Co nce pc ion Nava s, Princi pal. INSTRU CTORS '

S i ~ t er S i~ t er

Pilar Ardai~ Mi u Plac idll Cedana l\fil agtos Li ee ra MiS! Amparo Limj oc o S isler H Ollor:l ta :'.Iortines Mi ss Ull uia ZavaUs Sis ter Emi lia Ca usin Mi.s Andrea Geraldez Sisle r Concepcio n Navas Mi. , L ou rd es Se ijo Si,ter Pila r Moron Mi n An l:elit ll S. R eyea Sister Matil de Savat er Miu L uci na Arroy o Miss F elid dad Lallr",ta Si.te r Vic tori ana Sant os Sist", r F ilomena Zulueta Min Catalin a T a nalega l\{ i5$ Ma ry T. Torm ey Miss Pila r Pa nea M in Lou rd e. Lecar05 Mi u Nievea Aquino Mi n De me tria Reb uri a no COLLEGE OF BA N KI NG. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS 121 REAL, I NTRA1\IUROS TEL. 2-41..{19 Ri cardo C. Laclon. President. Mi,uel Cuad em o. Sr., Dean. J ~", Palarea , Executive S ec retary . P ed ro S . Nac u, Comptrolle r. Venancio II . n "",etua, R eg ist ra r.

1740 RIZAL AVENUE, STA. CRUZ P. O. BOX 2~EL. 2·89·,34. Ih. El.dio R . Alde(:oa, President and De.n. Ih. Diomedetl de I. Merced, Regialr. r. F rank A. Pendlor, Secretary. !\lin Lydia Aidecoa, Secretary. Treasurer. COI,UMB I AN I NSTITUTE 14 T. PI NP iN, ESCOLTA, BINONDO TEL. 2·14·84 OFF ICERS OF


Jod,e Manuel Camo" Director. Mrs. Co ncepc ion J ison. Bautiata , Comptroller. Gerardo Payn o, Principal. ratrieio A. Arellano, R egi~ uar. Maudd a L. Lanting. Librarian. Fil",mon F. Guerra, Physical Directo r. F elix nomo, Chief Clerk. INSTRUCTORS: P urita E. Dorromeo Natividad J ose Pila r Mari ano Simpliclo C. Catteon Gerardo Pay ho Anic clo B. Fllbia Angel Soncuy" Fil cmon F. Guerra Maearia R. Ti ong. oo

S r. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. S r. S r. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.

C ONVENT OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD GRACE PARK, RIZAL AVENUE EXTENSION. CA LOOCAN, RIZ AL P. O. BOX 2912- T EL. CA L. 5·75. 1\1. of St. Albeu!. M. of St. Ans elm. M. of St. Brendan. M. o f Dolors. M. of St. Franci• . M. o f J ohn Evangeli. t. M. of St. Magdalen. 1\1. of St . Ma rguerite. M. of St. Manriee. M. of Ou r Lady of Victory. 1\f. of Saint Vitalia. M. of St. Patricia.

COSMOPOLITAN BALLET AND DANCING SCHOOL 1298 PENNSYLVANIA, MALATE P. O. BOX 2229-TEL. 5·62.36 G. Leib o.itz. Director. Mm e. L. Ad a m", il, Principal Instruetr<'<A'. DAGUPAN INSTITUTE

P. O. BOX 7 DAGUPAN. PANGASINAN MIMaEII5 OF .ulMlNISTRATION: Blu Jo'. Rayos, President. Mi 55 habel A. Ali,angeo, Principal. F elipe N. T anopo , R egi.trar. Amado L1. Aylon. T rea9urer. Alfon. o Au' lri s, Accounlant. Muimino de Guzman, EIetut iTe Sec retary. MEMBtll $


P ed ro Tuuon Rufina Ra,.010 J ac int o Bugayong Mrs. Maria C&sigu .. n Cris pulo B",nito Mr • . J O'l'lta Bautista Alfonso Au slri a Mrs. Fdisa Anldon Guillermo Laroc o Gregoria Elpino Manu el Rayo! Ju an Tu non Mr•. Gu.dalupe R. Rui.: habel Alisan,eo F rsn e il ea R ayos Ihfael Ung son Guillermo Soriano DE LA SALLE COLLEGE 1501 TAFT AVEr'mE, MALATE TEL. 5.68.43 tJ:r.CUTIVE OF Ft CtIlS:

Re.. Rev. Rev. ReT. Rev.

Brother Brother Brother Brotber Broth"'r

Xavier, PrC5 id ent. Athanasius, Vic",·Preaident. A. Pet",r, Tr",Qurer. William, Secretary. D. J ohn, Memb er.


Cuade rn o, S r. J o,e L. Celes te Alld re. V. Castillo Ja ciu to ~ 1. KalUantigu", Anuta cio d e Cu tro A. Ca lalang J ose Pll inc a E. A. Picazo Ma. ConnIe. l\{.


Anse lmo Trinidad Trinidad J. Ja ramillo Vi eellle Alb~no Pa eis Enri ' !" e Cag uiat Ant oni o P. Ferrer Malluel Bernab e Enri'lue Ga lan Trinidad L. Rab.,o C. A. Roen ."b

R. P. R. P . R. P. R. P. R. P. it, P.

DIOCESAN MINOR SEMINARY (SEMINAR Y OF S T. CRARLES BORROMEO) 396 CALENTON, MANDALUYONG, R IZAL GabTid Rodriguez, C;M., n ector. Da n iel Millan, C.M., Vice. hector. Antonio Gomet, C.M. Crispin Gonle.:, C.M. ESleban Iribarten, C.M. h .... C.. aDl, C,M.





ZAMBOANGA', ZAMBOA'NCA' E. F. Gulbranson, Th .M., President. R. R. Heas, A.B., I'rineipal. R. R. Heas, II:,B.· R. C. Bohlcen, SuveriutClldc'nt of, Womcn (0,/ Ccavc) Mateo G. Laudet, Sccretary, G. L. Scudder. E. F. Gulbranson, Superintendent of Poren. Wm. F. Christie, Aub tant Superintendent of Men. E. F. Gulbranson.



ERM ITA CATHOLIC SC I'IOOL 212 M. II. DEL PILAR, ERM ITA TEL. 5·67-36 Mill Gregoria Aloncillo, Prineipal. TEACHERII : Luz Katigbak Remediol Roque Mllonia Domingo NatiYid.tI Nobleur. Nelly Lopez Dolores Amador Cristeta Bautista Unul. Meleneio

FAR EASTERN INSTITUTE OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 120-122 SOLER, BINONDO Pedro A. Ardeiia, President. Roque Albaladejo, Superintendent. Cregorio B. Dolorlino, Secretary.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY QUEZON BOULEVARD, QUiAPO P. O. BOX 2524 TELS. 2·42·76-2·26.71-2·36·34 JUNIOR COLLEGE: L1NGA YEN, PANGAS INAN Ninnor Reyes, President and Chairman, Gradu ate Studic., Clemente U,on, EXe<:utiye Secretary, and Dean, Institute oJ Accountl, Business and Finance. Leoneio B. r.fonlon, DeaD, In lt itute of Law. Franeisco M. Africa, Dean, Intlitute of Arl9 and Sciences. Belen Enrile.Gutierrez, Dean, Inatitute 01 Education. FUncilco D., Dean, Institute 01 Technolol!:Y. DeolraciM B. Cutmeda, Dean, Junior College, Lingayen, Panguinan. ADlel Roman, Jr., Principal, Bo.,.,' High School. LUI A. Zafra, Principa.!, Girls' High School. Dolorell Africa, Principal, Elementary Departmen t. CeliO Jclllliano, Treasurer. Antonio Jim enez, Reg!!lrar. Vicente T. Baldour., Superintendent of Grounds. Libnda Cu lilIo, Chief Librarian. 10111 P. Rocha, Athletic Coach.

GREGG BUSINESS INSTITUTE PATERNO BUILDING, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2·26·93 Viclor Medin a, Dire<:lor. O. J. S.ntol, Auiatant Director. Francisco Salazar, Secretary·Tre.. urer. JOl e Lara, Principal, High School. INSTRUcroDS:

Sizto SantOli Jaurigue Ce<:ilio Diu D... J. SanIO. Mi.. hidra AheUa Mariano E'O.nceliu. Tomi. Ricerra

Tomil Hernandell Ruben Salant Felipe Marquez Joae T. nautiata Celestino Bernabe Juan Isidro Julin M. Balboa R. Eizmendi


HINIGARh.N INSTITUTE HINICARAN, OCCIDENTAL NEGROS Ollerl Complete Geners! Secondary Courae Fully reCOl:nizcd by the Govemm cnt FAtUt.TY .: Fl orcncio Nolido, B.S.E .• Direc tor. Andrcs N. Curdohes, B.5.E .. I\lclubcr. Raymundo. SalcDga, B. S.E •• Member. Cesar Ja1Jorina, B.S.E., Member. , Mi .. Sunna NonalO, B. S.E., Member. Min COMUeJO Sianson, B.S.E., Mcmhcr~' Min Milagro. Llfgta)1bn, l.ibrarian ; 80lao or TRUSTflI';: ' Celso S. Gu anco, Prelliuenf. Gaudioso Gepu1Je, Vice· cnl~ Segundo Monteblanco, Sec retary.Trcnu rer'. Cirilo Verdeprado, Member. Dr. Maximiano Guanco, Member. AUOITOR: Anaclcto M. Sianion.

nOEY'S KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, INC. 1120 A. MABlNI, MALATE TEL. 5·69-50 Uri. Rutb C. H oey, Directress.

HOLY GHOST COLLEGE 163 E. MENDIOLA, SAN MIGUEL TEL. 2.35·45 (E5IllbJisheu Jun e 17. 1913- Und er dir ec tion of th e !\fia' sionary Sisters, Scrvants 01 th e Holy Gh os t). Il cv. Mother Provincial Geroldine. Uev. Moth er Ann, Superiore!s.

IMMACULATE CONCEPCION I NST IT UTE H08 SINGALONG, MALATE TEL. 5·6740 Hey. Fr. Raimundo de Lahiano, O.M.C., Director. Mrs. Maria de GUli e rr e~, Principal.



INSTITUTO CER VANTIN.O 1126 MISERICORDIA, SANTA CR UZ MIll. Mar ia F. Vda. de Reyes, ProfClllor.

I NSTIT UTO DE l\1UJERES 830 GOVERNOR FORBES, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·27·74 Mrl. RoSl L. Se"iJla de Alve ro, Directress. MTI. Caridad Zialeita Sevilla, Secrctary. Mi.. Consuel o Manalo, Trcuurer. Dr. ROlcndo Uamu, Busines, lhnDlLer. Min Maria de Guzman, Dean of Di,eipJine. Anastacli de Abarl Min R008rio Paraho Mu. Agullina Balbin Min Sinforo,a Diu Mr •. Juana de Uacer Miu Coleta Castro Mn. Flaviana Marqu eta Miu Felisa Custodio Mr • . Librada de A\vero Miu Angela Gal ela Mn. ROSlrio de Tan Mist Trinidad Santisgo MillS Dolores J avier l\Ii99 Trinidad V. Stagner Min Conlue lo Tiangco Mis! Agapita Aquino Min Angela Colarin. Mi .. Concepcion S. Velarde


INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OF SCRANTON, PA UY YET BUILDING 217 DASMARINAS, BINONDO P. O. BOX 429--TEL. 4.97·69 CABLE: "INTER TEXT" M. Macia! , Msnager for th e Philippines. ~Isrciano M. Ragaza, Chicf Clerk. Felix Maii cgo, Cashier.

INTERNATIONAL DESIGNING SCHOOL TUASON BUILDING, ROOMS 201.202, ESCOLTA, 81 NONDO P. O. BOX 2384--TEL. 2·62·92 Norberto Tualon, Pre~i d eDt Iud Direc'Ilt,

JAPANESE PRIMARY SCHOOL 949 P. CAMPA, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·50·65 Tauuji K\'no, Principal. Kanji Ih)'41hi, Vice·Principal,



Osamu Nanbu Miss Ayako Fujimoto YOlhitnka Kawahara Mr.. Kiku o Kono ManIon. lIfotohasbi Mill Hideko Yo.imura Muunor; SiiharD Mrs, Kikuko Hayul yo,bio bigllro Mu. Miya Kawa b"ta T agaji Nobllnaga Mrs. Fune Tumona,_ Siger_ Fujimoto Mrs. Ai Mctohn' Smano Min Amparo t.hgDO Mis. Lourdu B. Ligun ..


P. O. BOX 2402-TEL. 2·29-36 Vi cent e F abella, Dean. 10lc V. H ernande z, Director. Cayetano Halili, Rl'gi,lnr. Hamon E. Hern andez, Accountant. Monitor 1. Enriquez, Cuhier. JOle D. WarreD, Secretary.

Mi ss Natividad Bom bales Mi•• Elena Luz urr iaga MisB Ceeilia eimafranea Lorenza Agoneillo Miu Saturnina Cruz. Min Isabel Herrera Min Covadonga Go nulez Misl C(lnstancia Villamorel Min 10s efina Salazar Mi n JeBn Wilson Mi n Leo nin Oca mpo. Min Maria Taroy Miu Trinilaa Lazaro

Mi ~s

MALINDIG INSTITUTE SANTA CRUZ, MARINDUQUE Dr. Ramon ReynOJO, President. Pedro Lecaro!. Direetor. Pedro·L. Li cop, Prin cipal. Sabino R eforma. Treasurer. Adripno Revilla, Rea i,Un. tNSTRlJtTORS: Pedro L. Li cop Felipe F. Panla r Miguel P ereyra Avelino Ureta Lt. Eu,ebio R. Zo leta


.... C\.l LTT :

Lacnor AgravlI lubelo T. Aguilar Tim ot". Alcantara

Federi co Tuuon JOli LihunllO Ad olfo Fabella Vicente Fabella DeulrD"i .. T. Flore. Ramon J. Candionco Maculo M. Lllqu i Le onor B. Crau Cay etlno H alili J OI'; V. H ernandel JOI'; M. Hilario Trinidad Torre. Amanda L. VeliUa Emilia F. Wanen Milallro, M. Warren Modena Flore. Federico Agnva Leonardo Tiongco Emmanuel Pelaez Natividad Perez

Remedio, R. Ve1ill~ Mariano del Rourio Ramon J. Gorre. Juan B. OUeila Juan R. Balonk!ta Luis J. Borja P ed ro J. OUmpo Ceureo Grau Amado P . Rimando Nieolu Y. Oro.. JOBe Y. Oroll Mercedel A. Tom .. Donato N. Arellano Nicano r Tomu Pacifico L. VeliUa JOI'; D. Warren Pedro L. Tup .. Ramon E. H ernlndez Mariano M. dl 101 Reyea Franeheo Santiago E.tefania FormOlO l a vina Lorenzo Julio Ma euja


Board 0/ T,usfeu: Rev. Charlu E. Rath, Chairman EmeritUl. Dean Clyde E. Heflin, Chairman. Rev. Anllel C. Espina, Viee·Chairman. Atty. Conrado C. Abiera. Nicllno r E. Santo•. Eueban P. Fadullon. Rev. F rancisco IbalarrolS. Dr. Paul Dohz. Pedro Kangleon. Simplicia Ifantug. Allredo Banlug. Faeu/ty: Rev. Angel C. E.pina, DireClor and Treuurer. Joaquin D. Raja., Dean. Miguel Ju anico, Re~istrnr. Delfin L. Suorez. Aubtant Treasurer. Donato K. Demetrio. Leonila K. Ti empo. 10.e K. Santug. Mr •. Berna rdita R. Maeariola. Mill Manuela Batuyona. Mi.. Ang eles Enage. Jo.e D. Averretta. Abner G. Tio. Li eu t. Lapulnpu Mondragou. Bonifacio Amarga. Mr• . Wenc e.lina S. Elpi na. Mill Generosa Salatandre. Mi.. Candida Suarez. PallOr Y. Kalinawan. 1'0£... Rita G. Demeterio.

MALATE CATHOLIC SCHOOL CORNER A. MABINI AND SAN ANDRES, MALATE TEL. 5·64-72 Mother M. Eleonora, Principal. Federico Dumll.anan, Playtround Inllructor. TllCHER. : Federieo Dimaranan Mi.. Leonora Villimiel Mi .. Au.ea Carballo Miu Lourde, C.rbaUo

741 T. ALONZO. SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2·72-31

Lao C. Hin, Prindpd. Ant ero S. Saneal, Supervisor. Rodolfo Vee. Bus in e.. i'lianaller. Selo Vee, Cashier. l\Iiu Chan Hao, Direct re.. 01 the Kinder,arlen. TE.itHERS: Min Carolina Aquloo Yee Siu Chan Mi.. Kwok Lai Yon Min Coruon S. LimtaCO Pedro C, Fabi Min 1 "'aie Pellonjee Sinl: TonI Sia Mn . Bealriz F. Santialo Miluel C. Pendon

MAN ILA EVANGELISTIC INSTITUTE 401 PENNSYLVANIA CORNER PADRE FAURA, ERM ITA 401 Pennsylvania Corner P ad re Faura, Ermita Mill Rulh A. Woodworth, Direclor. Min Evelyn Congleton. M .. , Lillian G. Culley. Miu Esthu Yerger. Robert A. Smallwood. E. M. Labay. Rev. Samuel Fiak.

MANILA LAW COLLEGE (ESCUELA DE DERECHO DE MAN ILA) 14 T. PI NPI N, BINONDO TEL. 2·14·84 OPrlCI.R' OP anMINUTUTIOl'f: Manuel Camus. Dean. Perfecto E. LBgui o, Reli l lra •. Anlel Soocuy., Auillan t Reli5lnr and Direc tor of Pre·La.. Cour,e. P.lCULTT or I NST1WtT10N: Pablo Mecr. 10'1 V. Bagl.. Clice rio Opinion Anlonio Bautiata Ambrosio Padilla Macatio Cala111 Deograe i.. PU1al Manuel C.m ul Angel Soneuya Perfecto E. Laguio Froneisco Ventura Eduardo Leuca Caillino Marlin DominlO V. Zavdla

MAN ILA SARTO R IAL SC H OOL 347 ECHACUE, STA. CRUZ LorOlilo Bellnn, Diree lor.

MAPUA I NSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 843 RIZAL AVENUE,\ SANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 1415, TEL. 2.10.75 Tamil l\fapua. Pre,id~nt. Conulo T. Val e., Dean. J o.e C.. imiro, lr., Ucsi. trar. Mi n Carmen Map ua , 'freuure r. Franciaeo 1. Garay, Sec retary. Lourd ... P. Punnlon.CrUl. Lib rar ian. P otencilllo C. Guianl, Disbu rsing Offieer.

Departmenf oj Arehireefure Tom.. Mapua, B. Arch. Ce..r H. Cancio. B.S.C.E .• B.S. Arc h. Eli .. L. Ruiz, 1\1. Areh. Serafin de Lara, B. S. Areh. Valentin Ortig", B.S. Arch. Antonio E. Mun oz, B.S. Areh., B.S.C.E. Nardl o E. Abella, B.S. Arch. Vi cente A. Dizon, A.T.C .• B.F.A. Grecorio M. Pared.,. (Ar ti n) Francisco Mapa lo (Sculpto r)




Department 01 Chemistry ]011/!: C. Espinosll, A.B., B.S. Ch. £. Benjamin S.looga, B.S. Chern. AlllUcion S. Abad, Ph. C., 8.S. Chern. Natalia Si!on Santo•• Ph. C., 8.S. Chern. Concepcion S. Salonga, Ph.C. Alfredo Sin Miguel, B.S. Chern. Feliciano N. Reyes, B.S. Cbem.

L1 NGA YEN, PANGASINAN P. O. BOX 20 Min Hazel Davis. Advise r and Missionary. Miss Petrocino 5. Ocampo, Principal. Martina Carino, Matton.

Department 01 Chemicol Engin eerint JOlt, C. EspinOla, 1..8., B.S. eb. E. Roque Carcia, 8.S. Ch. E. AUGustu. Damian, 8.S., B.S. Ch. E. Pacifico Rem entillB, B.S. Ch. E. And re. Rive ra, B.S. Ch. E., B.S. Comm. Eng.

T£ACH£I1' :


Department of Ci"il Engin u T;1I1 Conula T. Vales, A.B., B.S.C.E. Eliodoro Segui, A.B., B.S.C.E. C.iHOiltGmO A!majose, A.B., B.S.C.E. Anlonio A. Villanueva. B.S.C.E. Alejandro Villa nu eva, B.S.C.E. Crea;orio Alcantara, A.B., C.E. Lorenlo E. Samonte. B.S.C.E., B.S.E.M. Ia cin to Gocboco, A.B .. B.S.C.E Filell'lon R odriguez, B.S.C.E.

DeptJrt ment 0/ EleelrictJ/ Engineering Ciriaeo Coronel, B.S.M.E. Manu el J. Feliurdo, B.S.I\J.E. Mameno Duende, B.S.E.E. Gonulo T. Abaya, B.S.M.E. Bernardo Abrera, A.B., B.S.M.E. B.S. Marin e Eng. Venacion Lim, B.S.E.E GOllulo Kamantigue, B.S.E.E. I ohn H. Schlobohm, B.S.M.E., B.S.E.E. Marcelo C. Saura, B.S.M.E. del Routio, B.S.M.E. Marcos Amp onin, B.S.E.E. Feliciano Rodriguez, B.S.M.E. Ion Alfon.o. B.S.E.E.

Emerenciana Rebecca Ucl. rmino

EsperanlB Abell e ra CODioladon n a n


Sister Sister Sister S iuer SiSler Sister Siuer Silfer Silfer

Mary Caritas. O.P., Principal . Mary Colman , O.P. Mary Beata, O.P. Mary Clotild e. O.P. Mary Siena. O.P. Miriam Thomu. O.P. Agn ea Im elda, O.P. Rober t Mari e. O.P. ROle lud e. O.P.



DeptJ,tmenl 0/ Mining Engin t:t:,ing John H. New. om. E.M. Leopolda Abad, B.S.E.M., At.S.E.M. Cornelio C. Cruz, A.B .• B.S.Chem., M.S .• Ph.D. Fulgencio Consolacioo, B.S.E.M. Deportment 0/ },ft:cltonics ond PhY5ics Teodato P Macabuios, A.B., B.S.C.E., M.S.C.E. Ephraim G. Gochang co, A.B .• 8.S.C.E. Iulian 8uendia, A.B .• B.S.C.E., M.S. JOle M. Mijaru, B.S.C.E. Mod es to Ariu, B.S.C.E. Deportment oj lI!orh emotics Andr es O. Hizon, B.S.C.E., M.C.E. Iou Ca.imiro. Jr., B.S.C.E. Jo.e M. Mijaru. B.S.C.E. Daoiel Limbo. B.S.C.E. Aurelio Aquing, B.S.C.E. Ignacio J. Sevilla. B.S.C.E. SilMon T oribio, B.S., B.S.C.E. Guillermo Mapua, B.S.C.E. Arturo Gooulu. B.S.C.E.


10AIID OF TII USTEES: Vi cen te H erm080, P resident. Cregorio Cordero. Tr easu rer. Ambrosio Bordador, Memb er. Vicent e Alva rez. Memb er. COl me earlo., Membe r. Mucos H erm080. Member. Mr • . Maria Tancinco. Memb er. Veoaocio Lim. Mem ber. Vicente Oca mpo. Member. R obe rt o Allrilla, Member. ME~la£IlS




Adelaida A. Macalinao, Direc treu. Silvestra L. Roy, Acting R egistrar. Simplicia M. Alarilla, Instructor. 10le Bernardo, Inllru c tor. Ju an A. Hettera, Instructor. Ioul C. Garcia, Instructor.


Dr. Hilarioo T. Feliciano. Prelide nt. Florencio P. Cru, Vice-Pr uiden t. Mu. Maria l\f. Feli ciano, Treasurer. Aurelio M. Mendon. Secretary. Kwan Wing, Trutee. OFFlCEIIS OF ADMlNl5TII.ATlON

Dt:plJrlmt:nt oj Allied Subjects Cruz. A.B., LL.B., LLM. Hernando Abaya. Ph.B. Carlol Bernabe, Ph.B. (On Leave) Celerina P. Cuimiro, B.S.E. Francisco 1. Garay, B.S.C.E., At.S.B.A. Salud S. Gochangco, B.S.E., Ph.B. Carl Newn,.nn, M.D. Blenvenido de la Paz, A.B. Hilario P. Reyoe ra, LL.B., LL.M. High School DeplJ'tment E. peridioo Bodino (PrinciPII) B.S.E ., Ph.B., LL.B Ignacio J . Sevilla, B.S.C.E. Celerina P. Cuimiro, B.S.E Ron rio lsidoro·VinIUln. B.S.E. Lourdes P. Punzalan·Cruz. B.S.E. Filomena Valenzuela· Santiago, B.S.E. Consuela Salazar.Petez, B.S.E. Natividad A. del ROlario, 8.S.E. Domiciano L. Calagu u . B.S.C.E., B.S. Arcb. Gorgonio S. Concepcion, B.S.E. Antonio Munoz, B.S. Arch. , B.S,C.E. 10" Albert, B.S.C.E.

A!'In F ... CULTY:

Dr. H. T_ Feliciano, Director. Aurelio 1\1. Mendoza, Execu tive Secretary; High Scho ol Principal and Commandant of Hi gh School Cadets. 10le C. Eug enio, Acting Dea n, Iuni or College Dept . and In uruc tor. Mill Cd'pina G. Stichon, Auisunt Princi pal. High School Dept.; in.truclor; Bnd Dean of Women . Francisco J, Cruz, Acting Regil trar; Inum cto r: and Dean 01 Men. Carlito T. Luna, lostructor. Lucas Fu entes, Instructor and In-C ha rge 01 Boy. ' Pbyt ic.l Edu ca tion. Prudenc io Mercado, Inuru cto r Ind Euecut;"e Office r of Hillh t School Cadets. Cipriana Martinu ez, Instructor and In·Cb aq:e of Girls' Ph ys · ical Educatioll. Tito Laguna, Instru c tor. Nonila Villanueva, Instruc tor. Mrs. Eug enia Calope·Lslluoa, Teacber 01 Grad e I Prima ry Dt:partmenl. Cruz Ac apulco, T eacher of Grade V, Intermedilte Depl. Bartolome H. VilI.nueva. Clerk. Neltor Velarde, Day Librarian. Mill Amp ato Esco te·Ramos, Night Librarian.



N AN YANG I NST IT UTE 612 BENAVIDES, BINONDO TEI-. 4·74·34 Elson Wang. Principal. H enry T an, Dean. Dr. La i Shin, Director.





STA. CRUZ BR IDGE TEL. 2·80-02 ]Oi e Concepc ion, Director. Herminia S. Con cepcion, DireclTclI, School of F uhio n. bidaro Lerma, J r., Trea~urer. Ricnruo C. Trinidad, Secrellry. I NsTRucroas!

Pedro P. Colina Francisco Cabra l PaBcual Trinidad Cecilia Tiiio9o Rogcrio Quia90n Dcn G. Sison Velma M. Hal e Eligio M. Lopez Rafael S. Dida l

Funcbco Nanagal Angel G. Alvaro J')8(: B. R elDj

Felicinna T. Marcelo Constllncia O. Bucncami no

Faulto A. Acero Abelardo Garcia Magdal ena A. Roddguu Dioni9io Es" iritu haae Buenafior



Enrique Lolarga, Director. Vicente Quinto! , Acting Hegiurar. Mii!.ll Geralda Rafael, Treas uler. Fred CuiDo, Chief Instructor, Radio Dept. C. S. German, Lab oralory Con. uilant. E. A. Caba cuiigan. Chid irl5lTU c tDr, El ectrical Dept. Eduardo McCamu., Shop Superintendent. Felix Datuin, Shop K eepcr. Vicente Dizon. Librarian. Jos!'! Paco, I n·charg e, College Amateu r Radio Station. Dr. Jost> Gonzale., I'hYiical Direc tor.

NATI ONAL TEACHERS C OLLEGE (Recognized by the Government) 629 TANDUAY , QUJAPO p, O. DOX 1647 TEL. 2·36·39 Dr. J Ole p, Laurel, CI,ance llor. Mrs . Flora A. Ylagan, E:<eentive Secretary. Pedro Y. Ylagan , Tre Ullrer, Crecencio Perpha, R elli9trar. Mra. Angela A. Al egre, Prin cipal, Hillh School ( Day) Department. Mrs. E'in Carino, Principal, High School (Night) Department. 'Felipe Amoranta, Principal, Elementary Department.

NATIONAL UN IVERSITY MAIN DUILDING 285 LlPA, SAMPA LOC TELS, 6·74·03-6·71-76 OFFICUS or AIU4INISTR.&TlON: Florentino Carco, Pres id ent, Marcelino P. Estacio, Regi"rar. Quintin J. Macainan, Secretary to the President. Teodoro M. Jh ocaon, Accountant. H ermogeDIl C. Bernalel , Bunar. DEil.N~ or COu.&Cts AND lIEA-O' OF DEPJ..RTMttolTS: Francisco Capistrano, Dean, Arellano Law College. Honoria Poblador, Dean, Collell!'! 01 Lib cral Arll. Lorenza Oaiu·de J esus, Principal 01 tIle Normal College & Dean of Coliege 01 Education. Ram on T. Feliciano, Dean, College nf Ph a rmacy. Felipe R. Jimenez, Dean, CoUege 01 Enllineering. Dr. Cayetano C. EUliaquio, Dean, College of Dentistry. Fortunato Gupi t, Dean, College of Commerce and Economica. J acinto S . G.:r.limba, Principal, National University High School. Fraocisco Alegre, Principal, InITamUrOil Dr., }09 Gral. Luna,

Bibiana CBeonando, HClld, Home Econom ics Department. J esus F. Arlcchc, Principal, National University Elementa ry School. Dr. Miguel Marcelo, Director, University Diapenury. Cclelino Paguia. I'hy'ical Director. (INTRAMUROS BRANC H ) 109 GRAL. LUNA, JNTRAMUR OS TEl•• 2·82·20 Florentino Cayco, P resident. Alfredo Dik it, AuiuaDt Burnr. Francisco Alegre, Principal, High School DepftTt ment Normal College. Honorio PoMador, Dean, College of Liberal Ans. Francisco CapinranD, Deln, Arellano Law College.


AIIE LLA NO LAW COLLEGE F rancisco Capistrano, Dean. PIIOI'ISSOII S: J acinto Borja J 08e A. de Jes1II Gil Carlos Martin Laurea Fred lIuiz Castro Lucu Madamba Enrique Co rpu z Octavia Maloles Castor Cruz Antonin Nieva Alberto Dizon J ose Ozamiz Enrique Fernando Hosen do T anlins in Macario lI inOGuin Potenciano ViIlcgu, J r. Arturo Zialcita P otcn c iano lIIu. orio Macario Zamuco COLLEGE OF PHARMACY Ramon Feliciano, Dean. IN STaUCTOI'IS : Francisca Pangan Carmen Caiiiza Ramon de 108 Reyel Panfilo CUITO paz Cruz ADge ' Rodriguez F idel del ROII ario Soledad E.pares DelfiD Samson Maris V. Gutierrez Ceaareo Sta. ADa Salvacion Huiaing Maria Sla. Ana Pedro Limcaco Lu! Urrutia COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Fortunato Gupit, Dea n. II<STaUCTORS : Pablo Jurado Francisco AIiDdollan Arsenio Martinez Felipe Arriola DeOllraciu Mendoza J.ose Collado J o.c Silva Alipio J am er Guillermo Torres COLL EGE OF DE NTISTR Y Dr. Caye tan o Eunaquio, Dean. INSTlWeTORS : Dr. Miguel Marcelo Dr. Pablo Anzurea Du. Victo ria He rn andez Dr. Pabl o Bautista Dr. Gaudeucio d e 10. Reyel! Dr. Pastor Clemente Dr. J Ole Santos Dra. Mena Espinosa COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Honorio P oblador, Dean. INSTRUCTORS : Honorato OrdoDez Homobono Aguiling liiigo Pacheco Francisco Alegre Jose Pedroso Dominador Dayot J ose Reyel Mariano Favila Leon T y Nicolas F ernandez COLLEGE OF ENG I NEERI NG Felipe Jimenez, Dean. INSTRUCTORS: J oae Lahot Louie Abella Delfin Manlllpaz LeODardo Antilony Eli leo Ong88n.oy Narciso Abella Augu9lo Pal cual Alfredo Austria Rafael de lOll Reyes H ilario Clement'" Epifanio Salu mbide. Francisco KabillDg Marciano Tualon COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONAL AND NORMAL Lorenzana O. de J C,U$, Dean. IN STIl UCTOIlS:

Esteban Abada Bias Ab ella Alberto Abis Santiago Apllllay

Emiliann de Guzman Marciano Joven J 09efa LebrOD Virginia Mendoza


SCHOOLS, COLLEGES AND CONVENTS Jesus Arteche Julian Balmac ed .. Rialina Bartolome Marcelino Bautis ta Enriqueta Benavid ez Felieisimo Boado Faustino Bugante Bibiana Caeanando HonQrata Canlas Adelaida Ca. taileda Lor eto CQrieto 1IcintQ Galimba Pedro Galv e>; Nellie PQns Garc ia 10sefa Gatal Clemente Ga tmailan DominadOT Gomez

Ro.ario Munoz Dav id Ord onez Bienvenido Ruay Christ ian Reim erl Paz R. Reyes Lourd es Sa mani egQ Dioni sio San Aguuin An aelelo Santiag o J ose Sevilla Salud Se vill a J.eono r So ria no J ua na T opaei o J uliana de Ia. T orre Pabl o Victo ri a Pate rn o Vill a nue va Avelino Yu mul Julia Pa laTea

HIGH SCHOOL Jacioto Galimba, Prin cipal. tNSTRU(:T(IRS : Eulrosina Cali:<to F lorencia J. Ja"i e r Tomu Caparas Vi rginia O. de J es u. LQreto CQTl eto Gc ronimn Lay ll /!: "" Magdalen a Dap/aa Quintin Maeain a n Mareelinn Esp ejo SillleonR Jl,hnahan Constantia Ferrer Hermini a Jl,l nnl ap n Luisa Pan/!: i! inan Anaelcto Flores Angelina Floro As unci on P etiH a Oui lisa R eboll eda Angelina Garcia Mari ano O. Garcia Eug enia Rubi o Magdalena H ernand ez Pascual Salgad o Leod eguio Santos

NORTHERN LUZON ACADEMY .ARTACHO SISON, PANGAS INAN Ram on R. Senson, Prin cip al. Moise5 l ereo!, T reasur er. An gel ina B. Jim enez, Hegin ra •. paz B. Milaor Gene rou Gnbri el Ju an Bang10y Ne ri Y. R eyes Mrs. los efa Senl on Vi ctor Cabanug Ri can e Ba utista Lou rd es Ca ba n ~ ag Domnina Lauret a Benj amin Sa nidad Prud en cia Medina

OUR LADY OF LORETO ACADEMY (FORMERLY SAMPALOO PAROCHIAL SCHOOL) Conducted by th e Fra neisc an l\'fiui onari es of Mary 588 LECARDA. SAMPALOC BOYS AND GIRLS SCHOOL Rey. ~'f. M. Margolari, F.M.M. Supcri.)r. M. M. Isabel Ang eles. F.M.M. M. M. Glaphyre, F.M.M. M. M. Patrieia, F.M.i\l. M. M. de la Virgen. F.M.M. M. M. Fredebert, F.M . .\1. ....1. M. Jarlath. F.M.M.

OUR LADY OF P ILAR 105 PLAZA GOITI .A ND 206 PLAZA STA. CRUZ (Boya and Girl, Scbool) Rev. Fr. Lu cio Garcia, Director. Miss Remedio, Viliaeo rt a , Prin cip al. Tt4(:U ER ' :

Bernardino Frias Min Pilar Morale, Mi n )IILI ' ARY

COMuc io Dom ingo Mr, . Trin idad Pe ra lta Yn oc en cia DUIII.IIO


N. Zamora Mora les E. PeI eg rin C. Eurera Caba llero A. Ba ti ea J. d, I. p" M. Filipino

Mi n V. Gen erosa Mi u A. Vel asqucz Miu V. Ti ong ,on Mi u d, Jesus 1\1 in S. Duque 1\I ios C. S alcedo Miss R. Ke rr Mist B. Cu ta ii eda



Mi ss l osefa Bernardino. i\liu EU, ea Arriola.

PHILIPPINE BUSINESS COLLEGE 833 DART, PACO Deogn e iu V. Salud, Direct or. AlfQnso P. Dizon, Comptroller. Andres de la Cruz, Registrar. lose L. Torres, Secretat)'.Treluurer.


P. O. BOX l029- TEL. 4-88·10 T. C. Huang, PrineiJ'al. Shu H s i~n Suo Hud, Chinese Department. Roger F. C. Huan g. Proc tor for Boys. Pao Yii Huang, Proeto. for Girls. Sui Pi Su. Buainc.. Man age r. T. P. Ch ua ng, Trcas ur cr. P. B. Yang. Libra ri an . tNSTRUCTORS: Ch ong Hui Su Men Col Ch ing Ibi!D Yii Ch u Yin Yu Keng Tong Yu Miu Ho T eh Yu Li m Gio!: Chiu Miss P ao Sia n lIu a ng Tai Kai Gc Mis8 Chi n!;" Yong Lec Su Hui Kong T ian Cho Lim T n i P ao Chu ang Boon P eng Yap Ping Kwi Huang T si Ch en Ch en F eng H~ ian Hu ang Siang Ch en Yeh H eory P. Chu a T iau Bo Ting Pao Chen Cbua Fu Yao Hu ang Ti o H ua n Chua

PHILIPPINE CHINESE HO N G KWONG INSTITUTE 522 ALVARADO, BI NONDO P. O. BOX 176o--TEL. " ·86·51 Mu Tiao Kun. Pre, ide llt. Youn g Ch e ng Tong, Prin cipa l. Teodoro Goo. S ec reta ry. PHILIP I~INE


TEL. 2 . 10·58 OF DIR Y.CToR S : Or. Gervas io de Oc amp o, P res ident . Dr. Vi eent e R. d e Ocampo, Viee. Pres iden t a nd Comptroller. Atty. Ambros io V. Uma li. Secreta ry . Or. Lu is Am oni o. Member and Dean. Dr. Au gu' lQ d e 101 Reye., Mem ber. JlO" "D



AO ~ II N I STR" T I O N :

Dr. Gerv asio de Oca mpo. Pre.i d en t. Or. Vi tent e R. de Oe Rm!'o. Vice- Pres ident and TreD.!ou rer. Dr. Lui. Ant onio. Dean ( Den ti stry)' i\l orri~ N. Freed man. Prin ci pa l ( Hi gh Scho ol D ept .) All y. Ambrosio V. Urn l li. Sec re tary . Dr. R. C. Filamor. R egiu ra r.


FA eU tTY :

Bernardino Fri81

PACO CATHOL IC SCHOOL 611 PAZ. PACO (Boy, and Gir ls Sehool) Rev. G. Aldenhuijun, Putor, Direc to r.

PACO CATHOLIC H . S. SCHOOL (R ecol:oi2ed by 32 TrIECE OF. (Boys an d Mother 1\1. Joha"na ~Iother M. Guido D. Ruiz V. Espero L. Gansico Mi.. C. Dychoco

Min Mi u Mi u Mi u Mi ss Miss Min Mi ss

the Goy ernmen t ) AGOSTO. PACO Girls School) Mi u 1'. E$tr era Miu N. Mercado Mi ss F. lIamirez MilS P. Padlan Mi n E. de Vera Min M. Acuila

Dr. Vieent e R. de Ocam po. M.D. Dr. Lu i. Anl on io. Ph.G .• D.D.S . Dr. Ca ye tano Eu staqu io. D. D.S. Dr. Ignacio Andra de. D. D.S . Dr. Cipriano Oc hoa, D.D.S. Dr. Au re lio Ramos. D.D. S . Dr. S. Fran c i ~c o T eeson. D.D.S. Dr. Art e miQ Villari ca. D.D. S. Dr. l\f elc cio Z. Bola';os. I'h.G., D.D. S. .'I.lIy. Ambr os io V. Umnli . Ll . B .. , Ll . M. Dr. H. C. FilllnlOr. 0.0.5 .• O.M.D. Dr. Gaud encio OCII IllI' O, O.D. S . Dr. Lauro Pn'; gauib OIl. 1\1.1). Or. !rent! Hou l.B a';cz. Al.D .. D. D.S. Dr. Manu.,) Pe ,;u, M.D. Dr. Jose S. Valte, D.M.D. Min Felisa Manikis , B.S. E. Mila Remedios Oc ampo, D.S.E., A.A., Ph.D.



Miss Estefania Man''''I, Ph.B., B.5.E.

Morris N. Freedman. Anlero 5arreal, B.5.E., M.A. Mf9. Carmen del, B.S.E.

Lai Li PiDIr Leung Bun Woo Kob K OIl Chiu Tall. Lan Ng


Dr. Lui$ Ant onio, Superintendent. Dr. R. C. Filamor, Auinanl Supcrimcn dcnl. Dr. J o,e S. Valle, Chief, X.Ray Dept., & P.D.C. Dental Dispen t ary a1 San Juan de Diol HOlpilal.


Honto n, Principal. Daldomero de J eSIlI, Supen;so r, English Departlllent. Chan T oll. Sang Mist Liang Se Han Wong Wing Kit Tang King Fan Mr•. Huang·Nt P ano Wong Y.n Keo


PHILIPPI NE HARVARDIAN C OLLEGE ANNEX BLDG. NO.2: 1169 SAN DE, TONDO Indefon9o D. Yap, Prelidcnt. Mrg. Antonia Vda. Yap, Comptroller. Tibnrcio D. YAp, Prop erly C"!lodian. J Olle B. McKu)', RcgiUrar. Miss Concepcion D. Yap, Ac ting Burur. Nella Yap· Ron, Chief, Recorda. Dr. Domingo L. Gon~a!es, Principal.

Anl'/es Acndemy 1317 UEHIIA N, PACO I1defonso D. Yap, Director. Atty. J ose E. Castaned a, Acting Principal. Vicente Arel'alo, Acting Regis trar. LOJ

lI(1ru(Jrdi(J(I '(1 $I ;,u/e 150 F. TANDO ST., TARLAC, TARLAC IId e fon so D. Yap, Direc tor. Mrs. Barbara D. Yap·Ang eles, Executive Secretary. Mr!. Pacita S. Gallardo, Principal.

Y np In 1/;tu. le VICTOR IA, TARLAC IIdefonso D. Yap, Direc tor. Juan M. Raque!, Principal Saint John's Academy BULACAN IIdefonso D. Yap, Director. Silvestre F ontilea. Ac ting Principal. Carlos D. Rey es, A c tin~ UegiUrar. CALU~lrIT,

Ideal frul;tu./e SANTA ANA, PAMPANGA I1dcfonso D. Yap, Director. T iburcio D. Yap, Administra tive Assistant . .!\lin Sixta D. Yap, Acting: Regiltra •.

PHILIPPINE PACO C HI NESE SC HOOL . THE 736 PAZ. PACO TEL. 5·54· 10 Go Sing Goe, Presid ent, Board of Directors. Chua K e Yu, Yice.Pre$ ident, Board of Director,. WaDg Chin Min, Priocipa!.

PHILIPPINE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 304 C.--\RRIEDO, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2·93-66 Pedro B.S.E., President. Ora . Soco rro Y. Norona-Fabi, D.D. S., Directren. Beatri~ V. Norona, Secretary·Trenurer.

• C. Fabi.

L. B. A. C. H.

(Formerly Philippine Junior College) BAESA, CALOOCAN. RI ZAL P. O. BOX 1772, 1\IAN ILA - T EL. CAL. 548 M. Stump, Pr~li dent. B. Davit, Dean of the College o f Education. A. Dougln , PlIsto r, and Dean o f the Coll ege 01 Theol ogy. C. Morrison, De:m of the College of Libera l Arts. L. Dyer, Treasure r and Denn of Ihe College of Bu. iD en Administration.

PHILIPPINE WOMEN'S UN IVERSITY, THE (PHI LIPPINE WOMEN'S COLLEGE. TH E) (PHILIPPINE WOMEN'S EDUCATIO NAL ASSOC IATIO N. TilE) TAFT AVENUE, MALATE TELS. 5-66-72; 5·72·59; 5·74·67; 5·{2·42 AND 5·67·60 110.0.110 or Pt~f.CTOIIS AND TIIUSTEE5: 1\lra. Francilca Tirona Benitez. President and Ceneral Manag e r. Secrelary Jose Abad Santos, Chairman, Board of Trustees. Dea n Ramona S. Tirona, Member. Miss Felicing Tiron a, Member. Mrs. Cla ra A. "illanuova. Me mber. Miu H elena Z. Benitez. Member. Mrs. Concepcion A. Sant iago, Member. Mi.s Nati"id.d Osorio, Member. Conrado Benitez, Memher. OT il ilM orrtC£IIS' Misl Frat ernidad J . Gonulu, Reg istrar. Min S.lud B. Olil·ero., AuiSlanl Registrar. Mrs . Ani ce la C. Goquiol.y. Treuurer. M... Soledad B. Cabreu. As,istant .Trenu rer. Mra. P ilar A. Clemente, Matron of Inlerna. Min Encarnacion Francia, Superimendent 01 Ground s and Buildings. Misl ,Remediol Noguerll, Secretary to the President. Alfredo F. B en ite~, H ead, Dept. 01 Public R elation s.


HOUO 0' DIRICTOIIS: Wong Hoy San, Chairm3n. Lee Ah Vice· Chairman. Leung Tall. Chan, Treuurer, Wong F ong Wah. AniSlan t Trellurer. Chang Wei L eu, Secntary. DIH !:CTOIIS:

Chan Kon Ming '\'\'ong Sc I'oon L eung Chin Tong Poon Pin,

Yeo Y~o Woo L ee Yie k K .... ODIr Chan Tin Foo N, Kien Se


Antonio D. Alvi., Dean of Engineering. Francisco A. Quilumbing, Dean of Liberal Arta. Eul ogio R ecl.a, Regi atra r. Nico lu Soriano, Librarian. Fir!! Lieut. F. Ti ongeo, Commandant. R. O. T . C. HUSI1'o'EU AOM INISTII.t,TION:

C. Syyap Quisumbing. Comptroller. Narciso Ald_y_, Chief Accountant. Lui. Yap , C.. hier, Propeny C... todian • orrlCtRs or INSTRUCTION: Francisco A. Quisumbing. PrClldent. Antonio D. Alvir, Vice· President .


F at

TaAC ll aRS:

(Ac ademy o f T ailor. and Cunen) 438 RIZAL AVENUE, STA. CRUZ Gabriel E. Reyu, Direc tor.


Van See Oie Lee Kw ong Tin Chung Yick Yao Che P un Y~e

FACULTY ECONOMICS 11'10 8USINEU Profello. 01 Econo nlica.

11)~ II NtnR"TlON:

(Vacant). N. Quisumbing, Prolessor 01 Busineu Manag ement. M. Morale8, Prolenor of Advertising lind Sales Managemenl. Na rci$o Aldaya, Pro fenor of Accounting. Jose Almonte, r rofeno r of Business Law. A. G. Ol)'mpia, Auiilnn t Profeaso r in Accounting, CIII:MISTRV



Franc isco A. Qui,umbing, P ro fessor of Cheluis try and C!. em· i CHI Engin eering. Rufino Qulcho, I'roleno r of T ec1m icn l Chemical AnalYiis. Frand.ea M. Santos, Anod at e Prolessor of Analytical Chern· i.try.

SCHOOLS, COLLl!:GES AWO C-ONVENTS Lazuo Connl .. An istant Pro[euor 01 Chemistry. Flora Arr evalo,' Auistant Profeslo r in Industrial Chemistry. Quir!no Olympia, Anisian! Professo r in Chemical Engineer. CIVIL I:NC INtEIlINC:

Emilio Quisumbing, Profellor 01 Hydra ulic Engineering. Narciso Abella, Profu'<lr 01 Structural Design. Igor C. Adamovitch, Profellor in Civil Engineering. Putor Edrarez, Profellor in Civil Engineering. Bartolome Blanes, Profeuo r in Civil Engineering. Antonio Menor, Anociate Profeuor in Civil Engineering. S. Villareal, Allinant ProleISor in Civil Engineering. Donato Halili, Auiu ant Proful or in Civil Engineering. Albert o Quiros, Innructor in Civil Engineering. ELEcrnlc.\l.·~IECU.u;-Ic.\L


Julian de 10. Reye., Profeuor in MechlUlical Engineering. J . M. Ortega, Prolenor in Electrical Engineering. C, B. Navarro, Anis tant Profellor in Me cha nics. ENCI.ISR AND a!STOIIY: (Vacant)' Professor of Engli.h. Eulogio Rectra, A.. is tant Profeno r in Engli.b. (Vacant), An iuant Profcuo t in History. F. do }e.u., In llructor in English.

c~ollocY : Antonio D. Alv ir, Profeuor oi Geology, Petrography. Lottie Hartell, Proiellor of Geology. JOle Barcelon. Profe"or of Geology. MATHZMATICS ANn




S. singoon, Prolessor 01 Mathem.tiel and Ph)·lics. Donato Halili, Aniuln t Professor of Physic •. babel Herrel'll, In l tructor in PhYliCi. Salud del Ro!ario, In uructor in Mlthematiel. Purita Conde, Inltructor in Math emalic., PhYlic8 Ind Geometry. Nicol .. Marcelo, In ltructor In Phy.lcs, Geom etry 8nd !\Ia. tbemalici. MII.IT"~T


Fint Lieut. T. Tiongto, Prole.. or of Miliury Selcoce Ind Tactics; Commsndaot of th e R. O. T. C. Fint Lieut. Alfredo BUl tamante, (Ret.) Ani.tant Profesaor in Military Sclente and T ac ticI ; Mi litary Property CDltodian. Srt. B. Rodriru ... , (n llruetor in Military selence an d Tactic •• SOCIOLGcY,


Vicente Quilumbinr, Profellor of Political Selenee. Nazario Rahanel , Profeuor ;n Philolop hy. Il ma el Gol er, Profeuo r of Political Science. 10.e Almonte, Professor in La w and Government. Melquiadu C. Papa, P role.. or in Sociology and Plychology. J ose Du io, Profenor in Puhlie Speaking. PIIY$tCAL EOUCATtON:

Ricardo Bonilla, Phy. ic.1 Direc tor. Alberto Quiro., Aninant Physical Director Ind Coaeb. Firo' Lieut. Manu el S. del Rourio, P. A., Founder.


Ismae! Zapatta. Chirman. Pascua l Salgado, Treasurer. Mateo T. Cuem. Member. Mi n Greroris Ochoa, Member. OJ"J"ICZRS



I. mael Zapatta, Pretident. PUcILal SaI,ado, Director.

SAINT ALBAN'S SCHOOLS (Form e rly The Moro senlemcnt School) ZAMBOANGA CITY, ZAMBOANGA P. O. BOX 234Min Mu:in e J. Westphal. Acting Principal. Miu Salud Nixon, Dormitory "!alton. The Rev. Harry T. Burke, Pdeu and Treaurer.

SAI NT JAMES ACADEMY (Primary, Elementary and Kindergarten) Recogniud by the Gove rnment TEL. CALOOCAN 5·73 MALA BON, R IZAL PROFESSOIlS:

Sioter Sister Sister Si.ter

Du id Mlri e, O.P., Superior. Mllry .~IIUmpta , D.P. Pa tricia Marie, D.P. Maria del Rey, O.P.


Si.ter Rose Matthew, D.P. Sister Margaret T ere,lI, O.P. Miss Luela Hilario. Miss Aur ea Lor enzo. !\Iiu Purificaelon Borja. MilS Cecilia Naval. Miss R emediol Fermin. Min Bele n PUlllaian.

SAN BEDA COLLEGE E. MEI\'l)OZA, SAN MIG UEL P. O. BOX 2227-TEL. 2·32·92 (Es tablished 1901-Under the Direction of Bened ictine Fsthen) Rt. Rev. Raimundo salinn, O.s.B., Abb ot, President. Very Re v. Fr. Willred Rojo, O.S.B:. Pri~r and Rector. Rev. Fr. Eladio de J uan. O.s.B., Vlce·Pnor. R ev. Fr. Beda C. del H oyo, O.S.B., Procurator . Rev. Fr. Paulino Carcia, O.s.B., Sacristan. Rev. F r. Urbano Cnarc., O.S.B., Secretary. Rev. Fr. Leandro Galdeano, O.s.B., Scniors' Prefect. Rev. Fr. Alb erto Cntedo, O.s.B., J uniors ' Prefect. Rev. Fr. Jld cionl O saez, O.S.B., Malter of Novices. Rev. Fr. Euehan Arnaiz, O.S.B. Rev. Fr. En rique Gninarl, O.S.B. R ev. Fr. L elmea Lope~, O.s.B. Rev. Fr. Roman lulia, O.s.B . Rev. Fr. Bernardo Ma . Lopcz, O.s.B. Rev. Fr. Teod omiro Maristany. O.s.B. Rev. Fr. Cerardo Saatre, O.S.B. Rev. Fr. 10. e Urg ell, O.s.B. Re~. Fr. Sergio Manin ez, O.s.B. Rev. F r. Owen Tekippe, O.s.B. Rev. Fr. Bonilace AJ;tmann, O.s.B. Rev. Fr. Allred Koe.tner, 0.5.8. R ey. Fr. Suitbert Rei mann, O.s.B. Bro. l ose Ma. Carrio, O.S.B. Bro. Serafin Aguilar, O.s.B. Bro. Antonio Cuu, O.S.B. Bro. J ose Tanquilut, 0.5.8. Bro. Anlonio Mariano. O.S.B. Bro. Luil Garcia, O.S.B. Bro. Dionisio To rd csillat, O.S.B.

SAN JOSE SEM INARY BALINTAWAK, CALOOCAN, R}ZAL Rev. Leo A. Cullum. 5.1., ReClor. Rev. Hu gh Franci, Kennedy, s. J., Administrator .. Rev. Emilio V. Azarraga, s.J. , Profeuor of scnpture. Rev. Richard H. Dowling, 5.1., Dea n. Rev. Gr egorio A. de Guzman, s.J., Spiritual Director and Profeuor of Philolophy. Rev . Juan Ledesma·Howard, 5,]., Profcuor of Theology. Rev. Ambrose J. McMa nUl, s.J ., Proicnor of Philosophy. Rcv. Jam c. P. Moran, s. J. , Profcnor of Th eology . Rev. luan T. Trinidad, S.J., Professor of Scripture. Rev. Manin L. Zillig, 5.1., Professor of Hiltory and Pbilosophy. Rev. Hugh F. COlligln, 5.1., Prolnsor of Engli. h. Rev. i\la;timo Da vid, S.J., Profcsso r of Latin. Re\·. Fredcrick N. Dincher, 5.1., Professor of Malh e malics. Re\". Gut on L. Duchesneau, s. J. , Professor of Greek. Rev. Hilario Lim, 5.1., Profellor of Hist ory. Rev. J ose de !\Ianuel, s. J ., Professor of Religion. Rev. Pedro R. P ucua, 5.1., Prolessor 01 Greek. Brother El euterio BIlCOl, 5.1., CUllodian 01 Grounds. Brother A,utin MaJumb.n, 5.1., Electric ian and Custodian of Buildin,s.


SAN J UAN D E LETRAN COLLEGE 200 BEATERIO, INTRAMUROS P. O. BOX 146-TEL. 2·39.91 ( Founded 163O-Under tbe Direction of the Dominican Fathers ) SCHOOL ADMINISYltATION:

Very Rev. Fr. Ju an Labrador, D.P .• Rector and President. Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez, O.P., Vice· Rector, Direc tor of Boarders, and Dean 01 Liberal Arts. Rev. Fr. Munoz, O.P., Director of the "Letran Publications". Rev. Fr. Bernardi no Ige lmo, O.P.. Tr easu rer. Rev. Fr. Evarillo Rojo, D.P., In charge of th e Lettau Cadet Corps. Rev. Fr. Patricio Rodrig o, D.P., Dean of th e Hig h School Departrhent. Re'·. Fr. Cirilo · Guti~rrez. D.P., Lihrarian. Rcv. Fr. JOle Blanco, O.P., Direc tor of n eligious Activities. Rev. Fr. Bienvc nido Turlel, D.P., In charge of Doy Scout •.



Rev. Fr. Lope Pe rez, O.P., Secretary and Principal. Rev. Fr. Honoria Munoz, O. P., In charge of Sport~. 2nd Lieut. Alejandro D. Rq;ala, Inf., Commandant. SCHOOL F ..U:ULTY:

Very Rev. Fr. Juan Labrador, O.P., Ph.Liu.D. Francisco Alegre, M.A. Braulio Alfa.o, M.S. in Che rn. ROlauro A]vlIrez, LL.B., B.D.A. Alberto Da<, r,N.S. R ev. Fr. Leo Milo !lond, O.P., i'h.Lr.

Rev. Fr. Joso Blanco, O.P., B.S.E., D.D. Rev. Fr. Thomu M. Cain, 0.1'., Ph.L•. Florcncio Clemente, LL.B., N.C. Jacinto C. Cruz., n.S.E.

Gelasio Perez, D.S.E. 10$e Feria, B.S.C. Ignacio Fernandez. LL.B. nov. Fr. CirHa Gutierrez, 0.1'., B.S.E., M.A. Rev. Fr. Be rnardino Igelmo. 0.1'" B.S.E. Franci,co Kabiling, B.5.1\I.E., Moch.Plant Eng. Bernardo Dungan, r.N.S. Rev. Fr. Francisco Munoz, O.P., U.S.E. Rev. Fr. Honorio Munoz, O.P., Ph.Lr. Leopoldo Martinez. B,S.C. Rev. Fr, Anthony Norlon, O, P., Ph. Lr. AnlOCI de Ocapo, B.E., D.S.E., M.A, Horado Ilagan, B.S.C. Eli gio Ramo. , A.B. HHari on lIetio, B.S.E. Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Hodriguez. O.P., U.S.E., I'har. Li e. Rev. Fr. Palricio Rodrigo, O.P .• A.B., B.S.E. Rev. Fr. Evari~to Hojo. O.P., Ph.Lr Domi nad or Rualo, B.B.A .• M.Sc., C.P.A. Marcelino Surla, B.S .• M.S. Juan T orrcs, B.E .• B.S.E .. A.B., M.A. Rev. Fr Bienvenido Turiel, D.P., B.S.E .• l'h.D. Teodo ro Valeocia, B.S.E., B.Ph., &: Lett., M.A. Eduardo VilJaluz, B.S.C., 1\I.S.C. 2nd Licut. Alcjandro D. Rt:gala. Inf .. Commandant. Mas ter Sgt. Sahl9liano Reodiea, U.S.A. , Retired, Band Ins t"' o.:lor. Private lst Clus Jose C. Tal Placido, Inf., P.A .• Ass'\. Ins tru ctor.

SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 278 GENERAL SOLANO, SAN MIGUEL (Boys School) Rev. Fr. Vicente P. Reyes. Parish Pries t.

SANTA ANA CATH OL IC SC HOO L SANTA ANA Madre Z05ima Zapanla. R.V.M. Sor Josefa Fe Paed, R.V.M. Sor MuiR Eslanilo, R .V.~1. Sor. Gertrudi, Lim, R.V.M.

Primo P. Cruz Leodegario C. Orcndain Auenio Cueu! Serllfin B. Perez Julian Demerre Ramon Ponce de Leon Pedro Dimaya Elfrcn Quinal Manuel Dionio (Preu) Ramon Riveo:a Francileo Dinsay Pnxmlo Rodriguez AUredo EJrlacion Eleuteria Rodriguet Donalo Galia Franceo \'. V. Uodgers Segundo Gaii(:ano Jose E. Romero Felix Gaudie! Rob ert B. Silliman George Ghenl Mella J. SiI!iman Charles A: Glunz Franci$(:O Somera Henri e tta Glunz Angel Tal:lu(:op Hermon Gregorio Crispin Tembrevilla Clyd" E. Heflin Franres Thompson Josep hin e He nin Edilberlo K.Tie mpo Luis Horrillcno Rodrigo R. Tug. de Anscorila B. H orrilleno Tiburcio Tumbagaban Gerardo Imp erial Manuel D. Utzurrum Angustias Impcrial Feliciano Venluranza Ahby Jacoba Romana Vemuranu Oliva Jovero Victorio V('nno Felici,imo Kiamco Douglas Vernon ~eba! tian LagoJ Dorotha VernOll Aquilino Layague Benjamin Vilo ria Leo u P. Lim Floro N. Viloria Feliu Lop ez Rafaela Villalon Cirilo B. Luage Louie Winlemheimer Alfredo Magdarno Mary S. Wintc tnheimcr Guillermn T. Magdamo Floro Zarco Pedro P.lubio (i\ b chine Shop praclice) ~lISSI0N



Dr. Ra mon Ponce de Leon, Superintendent and University Health OUieer. Dr. l ose Garcia Dr. Vicente de Juan Miss Cirila Tiangha, R.N. Miu lust ina Ulzurrum, R.N. ~li5s Leouila Demontauo, R.N. Miss R o~alia Suliciencill, R.N. Mi ss Emma Oro. R.N . Miss Florence Ghent, R.N. Min Mary Meadows, R.N. Miss Leopolda Pialogo, R.N. Miu Carmen Adolacion, R.N. Min Alice J. Fullerlon, S.R.M., C.B.M., 111.R.C.N., London.

ST . ANTHONY ' S I NS ITUTIO N (Condu cted by Ihe F ranciscan Miu ionariea of Mary) 562 L EGARDA, SAMPALOC TEL. 2.23.78 R ev. M. M. de San Nivatdo, F .M.M. Rev. M, M. Mllrl:ola ri, F.M.J\f.



211 ANDA, INTRAMUROS. TEL. 2·12·61 (Eltablished 1696-Under the Di redlon of Siner of St. Dominic)


SCHOOL OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE 841 LEPANTO, SAMPA.LOC P. O. BOX 2766-TEL. 2-58·81 Kev. Hideo Yamanouchi, Director. Keilchi Kurosawa. Instru(:tnr.


Francisco Agus Jaime AIgaJJar Perpelua C. Bagaforo Franciseo BanosoD Roy H. Bell Edno ":. Bell Lorenzo Bernardez Geno"eva flelnor,ln Reilti ul\ o 1I0rromeo Marcus Calo ,"'dix Cajllli~ Arthur L. Cnuon Edith Carton J am~ W. Chnpmnn Elhel R. Chnpman Eli.. Corraleo

Mercedes lIIagdamo JU anilO Magbanua Narciao Ml!.jaroeon Builia I\falonzo Neslorio Melocoton Vicente MelocOlon (On Leave) Jam es F. Mc Kinl ey Virginia r.Mc Kinl ey Cervacio Mironda AI' 0lon;o N. Molino Edunrdo Mom an .. Valentin G. J\'loHl es Al ejandro Nourcno Simon Ncerilo Leopoldo Nievera ROla rio Oracion

Siller M. of 51. Maurice, Principal. TE.l.CUEft S:

Sisler i\r. of SI. Brendan . Sister M. of St. Maurice. Siller M. of St. Magdalene. Siller Mury of SI . Palric ia. Min Paei ll Reyel. Min Mary Pryor.


ST. J OSEPH 'S ACA DE MY Conducled by Ihe F raneisean Sislen of Ihe BIQ.ed Sacramenl of Holland NEW MAN ILA, QUEZON CITY P. O. BOX 240l7-TEL. 6-8748 Moth er Ma. Villemina, PrO"incial Superior. Moth er M. L lrlgardi" Local SUllerior li nd Dire(:tre58. T U .C U EK5 :

Sc. i\1. Jose r,h Sc. M. A illrtlo Sc. M. Alic e Sc. M. Gregory S,. M. Angela

M. M. M. M. 5<. M.

Sc. Sc. Sc. S,.

Con.tancia Mccl'lil<Ja T eresita Annuncia ta AD loinell"




ST. LUKE'S KINDERGARTEN 1015 MAGDALENA, Mri. E. G. Mullen, Princi p.d. !\fill Fe Calica, Teacher.


A(;r~o r ,

1086 R. HIDALGO, QUIAPO TEL. 2·64--42 Director.

ST. PAUL'S COLU:GE 510 lTERRAN, MALATE P. O. BQX 715-TEL. 5·67·61 Siner Bernard du S.C., Superior. Siuer Anna de J elul, Direc tress. Sit te r Marie de St. Charl~, Procurator.


Established 1908-Und er th e direction of the Com munity of Benedic tin e Sisters. Moth er Amadea Bes.'I ler, O.S.B., Prioress. Sister Daptiua Bluig. O.S.B., Direc tT n. of Musical De· partment. Sister God ftida Banneister, O.S.B., OircClreSi of Coll ege. Siller Withburga Kilger. O.S.B., Di rec trell of College.


Mi .. Constance Bolders ton, Princi pal. Mi ll Amy H. Baildon, Supervisor of En gl i. h Department. Mill Ang Siok Ui, Supervisor of Chin ue Elemeotary Department . TUCHERS : An, Pek Gi ok Tiu Po Khim Chng H oc Chhiong Ty Belly (Mrs. B. T. Barreu o) Shng Kh ek Chhiong Mis. A. Gerrazzini Chng Siok Giolr: Miss E. Shimmel Chu Hoc Ju Miss P. Tay Chua Chhi ong Pio Mrs. Chua An g Siok Bin Cu Tai Iu . Mra. Huang Hsia KlI oen Hao Siok Ti (Oy Diok Lan) Mrs. Hu ang hl a Bce Eng Lee Gim Iooi Mrs. Kh o Tiu ChIlcng Kiam Ng H oc lau Mrs. Lim An g Gi ok Kh eng Ong Lo Yi Mrs. L. Zenor Ong Siau Pok Mrs. S. Lai Siz A. Li Mrs. Sia Yap Tek K un Tan Ben, Tek Mra. Yang T y Kui Gi ok Mr • . T y Tao Jin Telt

ST. THERESA'S COLLEGE The Belgi an Missionary C&nOnenel of St. Agl,u tin 212 SAN MARCELI NO, ERM ITA TEL. 2.11·10 (Primary ior Doys and Girls- In termediate-High School and Colle,e Depa rtment; B.S.E.: B.A.; B.C.S.; B.Ph.; B.S.H.E.; B.M., M.T.) Rev. Mother M. Franeoi, D. M. Ad el a id ~ D. M. Chan tal D. M. Edmundo D. M . Leon D. Flf. J 08epha D. M. Eleono ra D. M. Virs-inie D. M. Verene D. M. Donata D. M. Felicie D. M. Wilfrid D. M. NoeJla D. M. Alphonu D. M. Sebasti eo D. M. Laurence D. M. Wh·lna D. M. Reo.lempta D. M. Coneepeion D. M. Ignleia D. M. Aruneion D. M. Elia D. M. Leo nce D. M. Honorin e D. M. Florentia D. M. J uliaau D. M. Eveline

TONDO ORPHANAGE (BELG IAN SISTERS) 1020 PLAZA LEON XIII, TONDO TE L. 4·95.47 Rever end Moth er M. H ermin e. Reve rend Mother M. Clemeot. Mother M. Lut gard e Moth er M. Elise Mother M. Scholallique MOlher M. Emereneienne Mo ther M. Erne. tin e Mother M. Pros per Mother M. Theophane Mother M, Es teJl~ Mother M. MichaeJJa Mother M. J ohannes Mother M. Andr es Mother M. Cerulpho




Enriqu e C. So brepeiia. Mariano Sarmi ento. Hoscndo O. Snbido. Mrs. Carmen A. Armonio. Nica nor Santos. BOUD OF TRUSTEES Ma uro Bara di, Chairman. J uan Nabong, Vic e·Chairman. Ern ~t E. Tuck. B. E. Merriam. Cabino Tabunar. In ocencio ROlete. Mrs. Cristeta Saoto,_ Leon J es us Lapus. Carl o. Flhnac op. Enriqu e C. Sobrept'iia, I\l emb er Ex ·Ofi eio. AUMI!<I STflA T t YE


Enrique C. Sob rcpciia, D.O. , LL.D., P resident. lohn H. Mannin g Butl er, Pd. D., Dea n, College of Educa tion, H ead, Graduat e School. Dedimo M. Fonbuena, M.A., P h.D., AC ling Dea n, College of Lihenl Arts. Direc tor of S tuden t A et i~iti es . Car men A. Arnl onio, B.S.E., H ead, Junior Normal College, Supel'Yisor, Prepara tory Schools. Joaquin Cunanan, B.A., 8.S.C., C.P.A ., Seerctar)" College of Commerce. Marcela I. Pacetes, B.S.H.E., Acti ng H ead, Divisio n of Home Economics. Ri chard Aguin aldo, A.D., D.S., Actin g H elld, Music & Art DCllt. Conce pcion O. Baradi , B.S.E., I'rincipal, Union College Hil(h School. Day Department. Felicidad G. Catli. B.S.E., Principal, Union CoJJege Hi gh School, Evening Departm en t. Richard Aguinaldo, A.B., B.S., Acting Physical Direc tor for Men. In ocencio Roset e, LL.B., Secretary to th e Pr ~ident. Carlo. E. Palmejar, B. S.E., M.A., Regis trar. Carlo. Ma naco p, B.A .• B.S.E. , Cashie r. H ilarb I. Agu inaldo. B.S.E., Chid Librarian. Concepcion O. Baradi, Dean of Wo men. Felicidad G. Catli, Dea n of Women. Hu gh H. Dousman, B.D., M.A., Dea n of Men. Dcnicio T. Catspusa n, Ph.D., Dea n of Men. THE FACULTY COLLEC t ATE

Richard A/:uinaldo Vicenta E. Alimario Carmen A. Armonio Gerard o G. Armonio Dioni sio BiroteI Francisco K. Carbonell Felicidad Gu errero.Cadi An gelina Cru~ J oaquin Cunanan Dedimo M. Fon buena Kenne th Kurijata Benici o T. Catapusan Flora Din CatapusaQ


Emma Martin Aiui naldo Feli pe de Leon Carlot Manacop Aot onio Menor Bert E. Merriam Carlol E. Palmejar Marcela bberta· Past tel' Juan R. Quijano Jose T. Simaullan Helen F. Toppin, H clen G. Tuclot Emilio Val era

HICH SCHOOL DEPARTM ENT Mrs. Carmen A. Armoni o, Supervisor of P reparatory Schools Felicidad Gu errero Catli, Principal, Night Department



Concepcion O. Baradi, P rincipal, Day Department Gerardo C. Armonio Buena"cnlura Paae le! Ra'luei Blancallo. Juan D. Oura ROl e Ghent Simon D. R eyea William E. Chent ""acaria Ramirez Timole. I barra Julian Sison Guillermo R. Pat/olin a Juana Santol £U;MItNT,l.IIl'


Mr•. Carmen A. Armonio, Principal. 5 .. 1uII;aoo Advincula Leonoe Conuga Juliana nanda Esther 1\Iu,iig; Nerncsio Gascon Zoila Musiigi Vi.llacion TabuenB


P. O. BOX 216()-TEL. 5·68·90 OrriCO! or ADM I NISTR,l.TION Mr. Espiritu B. Cardenu, Principal. Rev. Stephen L. Smith, Acting Treasurer. Anuro V. Caliea, Registrar. Rev. H ugh Bou9mnll. Student P u tor. JOle L. Navarro, Bookkeepe r-Cuhier. FACULTY:

Mill Mae Chapin, H ead, Department of Itclill"ioUI Edllution. Dionisio D. Alejandro. Supervis or o f Enll"lil! •. Mn. Stephen L. Smith, Director of Muaic. Rev. Ancel Alvaro Itev. Onofre Fonceca Mill Concepcion Bandi Mill"uel Fontanilla Mill Raquel Blancaflo r Eleuterio Call,ul JOle Cabaculle.II Min Expe ctacio n Quijallo Mr,. CorUOD R. Culto Rafael B. ReslIs, Sr. Rev. Viccn te Cord e ro n aiad O. RClus. Jr. Mr •. Auenia A. Cordero Per fecto Taborn Min Anceli T olentino

UNIVERSITY OF MANILA CO LLECIATE. S ECONDARY AND ELEME NTARY SCHOOLS !\lAIN: 105 ALEJANDRO VI. SAMPALOC TEL. 2·33-35 CRANCHES: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT- TEL. 2·46·42 2 ARZOBISPO, I NTRAMUROS-TEL. 2-41_18. S CRAL. LUNA, I NTRAMUROS-TEL. 2·67·55. Mariano V. de 101 SaDtol, Pre.ideot. Le od eeario Alba, Secretary and Auiuanl Dean, College 01 Law. Cregorio R~rnire~. Treaaurer and Reclltrar. P edro SlIbido, Deall. College 01 Law. Pia C. de Cutro, Dea n. Coll ege of BUlineu Adminhtratloo. EnnrDacion R. Lozada, DeaD. Coliece of Edueltion. 1016 A. Aden, Dean. Collese o f Liberal Artl. M. V. de 101 Saoto., Direclor, Craduato Siudle.. J ose V. Cr'glSin, Dean of Men. Mn. Elena D. Sanlol, Dean of Women. Domioado r Robledo, Aui!tant negillrar. J Ole R. Canlo., Principal, High School and Elementary De· parlmellt, Inlramu rOI Unit. Albina J. San108. Prineipal. High Sc h ool and ElemeDt.,,. DepartmeDt, Salllpaloe Unit. Q}'FICE






AND CENERAL LUNA UNIT) : Account8 MAIN: Salvador AUBtri., Auditor. Filoleo D. Jo, C... hier. Flor de los SaIlIO" Accountaot. Ant onio QuiDtana, Allistant to tbo Bookkeeper.

UNION INSTITUTE OF AGOO ACOO, LA UNION (Non·sec tarian; Non.parti .. n) TRUHEE9 :

Dr. En rique C. Sobrepeiia, Presiden t. Pedro Lope!, Vice. Pres ident. Ally. Inocencio Ros ete, Secretary . Calalioo Calica. Treasurer. ?II,.. habel Romero.Zania. Member. ADMINI$T1U,TIV!:


Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepeiia, Pre,idenl. Mr •. habel R. Zuza, Principal. Pedro Lopez, Director. Min CriUina C. Albano, Cashie r.


Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepeii •• Presidenl. Don Ju an Costales. Vice· President. Atty. Alejo Florendo, Sec retary· Calhier. Don Alb ert\) Florindo, Tr cuun r. Catalino Calica, Membe r. AD~lIl'IISTR'TIVII

Ornellas: Dr. Enrique C. Sobrepe6a, President. Mi .. Jovit:> A. Tiburdo, Principal. Catalino Calica, Supervl.or.


Dr. l.harles R. Hamilton, President. Micuf'1 C. Fonlanilla, Resistrar. J. F Boomer, Cbairman, BQ4rd of Trulteet. Re. J. L. Hooper, Trea.urer. Rev. Stephen L. Smilh, Actine Treasurer. MEMBERS;

Rev . Dr. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

C. R. Hamilt on Erneal E. Tu ck Francisco Galvez B. E. Bollman Carl E~chbach 1. F. McKioley Vicente S. Cordero

Rev. Benito T avera R ev. Jos e Valencia Emilio Quijano it ev. Leonardo C. Dia n ev. Alejaodro Cube Rev. Cirilo d e l Carmen Rev. Jaouado P urllcaoan

COLLECE OF LAW Pedro Sabido, Dean. Leodegario S. Alba, AuiSlant Dean and Executive Secretary. PROFEUOU JO le A. Adeva Leodeca';o S. Alba Muiano A. Albert Juan Alcazaren Vicente Alindada Leoncio Araoda J ose M. Aruego Honulo K . Bausa Antonio M. Bautista Mari.;. Bengzon J ole de Ill. Cruz Rafael Dinglasan Manuel Callego E. Vohaire Carcil Gludencio Carcia Magno CalmaitDn Sulpicio Cuevara Jud ae Past or I ndencia



Delfin ]aranilla Hilui on hreneio Dr. Greeorio Lanlin Franci!co Lava Jose Leido juan L. Luna J OIIe Maca!angay Pedro Mendiola Sabin o Padilla Rodolfo Palma Emmanuel Pelaez T eofilo R eyet Marciano C. Riven Manuel V. del Ronrio Nicanor Roua Jeronim o Samson Franciaco Ventura Teodoro de Vera


Pia d e Castro, Dean, College of Busine.. Admin iuratioD. J Ol e A. Adeva, Dean . Colleee 01 Lib cul ArU. P Roussoas ANO IN STDI)CTOIlS: Porfirio C. Miraflore. Jose A. Adeva Santiago B. Mont emayor S80ti'go Alcantara Olimpio N.v.rro \'icen te Alindada Conrado Nieasio Roque Amisola Creeorio Noriega Ronrio Arambulo Eliseo K. OnClln1oy Salvador Austria Emmanuo:-I Pebez Anastacio Barlolome Nicolu Quilon ~larcelino V. Bernardo Alberto R eyes EUlebio Cachero Marciano C. Rivera Fr. Vicente V. Cotapang Domioador Robledo Angullo F. E,pirilu P ed ro Santo. JOle Elteban non S. S.nto. J ose V. Gragasin Anlonino Sanlol Oumpo JOle A. Laosane Teopilto de Vera


SCHOOI.S, COLLEGES AND CONVENTS COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS, BUS INESS ADMINIS· TRATION, EDUCATION, GRADUATE STUDIES AND J UNI OR NORMAL COLLEGE (SAMPALOC UNIT) h se A. Ad eva, Dean, College of Libe ral Arts. Encarnacion R. Louda, Dean, College of Education. Mariano V. ti e loa Santos, Direc tor, Gradu a te St ud ies. PROFESSORS ANO


Federi co D. Ab ena En carnacion Louda Beoigno Ald ana Adelaid a Macal inao Eultaquio Aquin o Patricio S. Mont ema yor Salvador Autria Santi ago B. Montemayor Th ere.a Aruga-Mont eli bBno Conrado Nicatio Annla cio Barto lome Felieisima Patae. il Braulio Ra mo. FaU lin o G. Bugante Cons tancio E. Clulneda Gregori o Ramiru lnoceneia L. Cutillo Marciano C. R ivera Ma rian o Cltbaran Domingo D. Rubi .. J Ole Eneban Al bina J. Santilli Angel R. EllreJl u H elen D. Santos Vicente Fa rro Ant onino Santol OCl mpo Jo.e V. Graguin Os mund o O. Stll. R omanll Meoll Lllrdiuhal Rufino Suing Aoa Virllinia Benitez· Licua nan lu lln S. T orrel Andrei de Vera ELEME NTARY AND HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT S (INTlIAlIoIl1ROt tJNIT) JOII e R. C. nl os, Principal. Alfonlo Garci. , An i. lan t Principal. INSTR UCTOR S (111GB SC HOOL) Emilio Ab erin Elv erita Carcia Manu el Laurent ... Esperanza Benja min J Ole R. Cantoe Nicolu Maningas Constaneia Dumi llo Ad oracion Recio Vicent. Farro Hospicia l'oladdela L. Domingo Lope Kalimbu ( ELEME NTART)

Lor enza Moy. Elimiana E. J oson Rouuro Sanchez

Anita C. Somera OIimpio C. Mana lang Federi co Lambert",



Albina J. SD nlol , Principal. INSTRUCTORS (RIGlI

Amparo ]. Bueno Allrora Ca brera Floreoeio Cutillo In ocencia L. C" lillo II1. n V. Frlnco AlfonlO Garcia Saln dor Gariando EYlo reline FIV il

sellooL) Carmelo ] amill Pll iri cia S. Montemayor Fraoeiseo L. Domingo Albioa J. SaotOi l\hria SllLco.Rlmol LorelO Saln Tereaa SantOll Cla ro C. San tol

(t=LEJoIENTARY) Acela Alllncion Servand o Ol vina Gahri ela Baaa Daniel Corro Felina Cabcain Jos e I'ad illa Estrella V. Peru Sen'ilIo D. Caridad Emilia Abrigo Lor enzo E"i ol:l Mn. Creseociana Me mij e

THEOLOGICAL FACULTY Rev. Narc iso Domingu ez. O.P. , Dea n. Rev. Rev. !l ev. R ev.

PRoruso Rs: Silve.tre SaDcho Rev. Manuel Fe rre ro Fra ncicao del Rio R ev. T omas Marti nez Ad olfo Ga rcia Rev. Narciso Domingu ez Agapio Salvador Rev. Emiliano Serra no Rev. F eliz VaCII, Hev. Hi ca rd o Rodrigo, Spiritual Direc tor

Rev. Aruati n


Hihu ~te,


Rev. T oml' T uco n R ev. Agllsti n Rih uete Rev. Bern abe Alonso Rev. Juan Yla Rev. Bautisla Cula no F ACUL TY OF PHILOSOPHY Re v. J ea lls V:tbuc na. O.P., Dean. PROFESSORS:

Rev. Eugenio Jorda n R ev. Florencio Mun oz Re v. J esul Cas tanon Hev. J uan Labrador Rev. J ose Cuena R ev. An ge l de Bin Rev. J esu Valbuena FACULTY OF CIV IL LAW Rev. Fr. Aurelio Valbu ena, O.P.• Rege nl. PROFESSORS:

Vicente A. Aga n Mari. no A. Alb en Nico lu Bdmo nt e Anacleto Diu Pomp eyo Diu l ose M. H ontiveros Marcelo P. Karaan Fr. J uan Labrador, O.P. Gabriel La 0 los e P. Llurel Lorenzo T llnadll J acin to Kam ln li glle

Marceliano Montemayor Mlnuel V. MOTl n F r. J Ole OriCl. O.P. Joaqu in Ramirez Norberto de Ra mos Fr. Agll slin Ri huete. O.P. Fr. Fra del Rio. O.P. Norber ta Ronmald ee Manue l de l Ron rio Ra mon R. San J ose 10le O. Vcra Vicente J . de l Rostlio


P. de Ja Crllz


Gregorio H ernlntlea, Jr. Rafael En ril ... T ecla Sao Andre. Ram on Oben

Antonio Estrada J ~e l'.I. Reyes Lui. Feria Simeon Ra nlos

DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERV ICE DEPT. Vi ce nte J . de l Ronrio, Head and Prolellor. PllorESsolIs :

Muimo 1\J. Kslaw Jllm e. BI" JacinlO M. Ka manti gll e

Fr. Ju an Labrador, D.P. Jose P. Laure l Marc el Peyronnet Pi er Zampetli

FA CU LTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND LETTERS Fr. Ev eraino Baueo. O.P .• Dea n. PRon:ssoRS: Fr. Evergiuo Bazaco, O.P. Fr. Emilipno Serrano, O.P. Fr. An ge l de Bl u . O.P. Fr. l esus Valbu ena. O.P. Fr. l elu. CDSlanon, O. P. Fr. J oee Cuesta. O.P. Pier Zaml'e ni Concepcion M. Gil l ose M. H ern llQd e~ Alex. A. AdlllD.on lulio Caslro A SSOCIATE PRO FESSORS '




Ellironi o M. Alip Alberto Campos Clemeneia ] oven Colay co


UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS. MANILA 139 POSTIGO, TNTRAM URO S AND CALLE ESPANA, SAMPAL OC P. O. BOX 147- TELS. 2·11·62 AND 2-29.31 (Und er Ih e Domini can Fathers-Es tablil hed 1611) Very Rev. Silveatre Sancho, O.P., R ec tor Magnificos. Rev. Eugenio J ordan, O.P., Vice Rcclor. Rev. lu ll n Yla, Director of Ih e Central Se min ... y. Rev. AlberIo Lopez, O.P., Secretary Generlli. Rev. Agullin Rih uete. Treasu re r. Rev. E mililno Serrano, O.P., Prciec I, University Library. Rev. Na rciso Dominguez, Prdeci of Discipline. Norbert o de Ramol , R egist rar.

l o.quina Lucu R emedi ol de Ocampo J ote Villa Pllnran iban Latorena

PIIO I'ESSOIIS: 108di na Gonzal es Estrada Leticia Ant oo io Valeriano J osephine Bass Serrlno A SSIS TANT


Stellll O. Avena Carolina Careill Mnimina F. CU' lodio

Conce pcion Perez Dionisio K. Yor ro T Qmu V. Barne. Muco. H erra.

FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY Rev. l ose Cuelta, O.P., Regent. Rev. Fern ando Ped rosa, O. P., Assi.lant R e,ent.


j\f AN !LA

Re", Fr. A<ltJIo CarciA, AS.'Ii5l.1J>.t Regent Bonifacio Mern:w. Dean.

(Fo r ht Year).


Severino U. Alberto William J, Burke MiGu e l Caiii~ar('s 11''''''' 1'. Cdis 1051' 1\10. Delgado Ramon V. El eazar Ricardo Fernandez Onofre Carcia

I.u is G\I ~r r r to. Sr. Jose S. Hilario Nic.mor Jacinto Enrique Lopez Lconcio LOllCZ n;~hl Hicardo Molina CervMio de Ocampo Conrado Potcnciuno Gerardo Vasqu ez


jose Abada Lopez Proce$o n. Arenn Manuel J. Casu l Oll' Cenato .Alfredo M. J oeaon ASS ISTANT Manuel ~h.


Ayc anlo Alfon so Ayesa Anieela Bucelon·Gucvara Antonio Cnul

Jo.e P. Bantug Art emio L. Lejano Ernesto Medina Cue Gabino L. l\l ell do~l. Romon T. Caul T elesforo J. Mendoza Vicente De lfin Albino Oca mpo Domingo Fernandez Arturo L. Quintol Hi polito Gatchalian H ermogcn~s A. Santos HodoHo 1'. Gonzales Jose Sian Rcnato Ma. Gu errero Cutor Surla Felix Ira Conce peion Geronimo E. T ianco J ose S. Jose Joaquin Tinio Ant onio Lambino Felipe T ones Aleja ndro Legarda Franci,co n. Villaroman Restiwto C. YUlon INSTRUCTORS;

Severino C. Alberto J ose Mo.. Alleje RamOI! Andia Domingo Ant onio, Jr. Servando Arellano J esusa BarriOI Carlo! Boy Ion Asterio Belmonte Clemente Calma Vicente Cavanna Andres Crul Juan Cubia Pedro A. Danlo Aurelio Dayrit Moiael Diaz Nom Diokno·Cuu Rafael Enrile Belen D. Espino Antonio J. Gllbri el Gregorio Gabriel Covadonga ue l Gallego· Itomualuel Paulino J. Garc ia Antonio Gonulel U emediol Goquiolay· Arellano Dionilio Rivera paz San till an.Baenl Manuel de Veyra (On LeaYe)

Tristan Mil. Guerrero Rafael V. Guzman Teodo ro H errera Jaoillio Antonio '\1. JOle J ose Lapu1. Gr elorio Laxamana Al£redo G. Legasp i Carmen Lopez Virginia Lumanlan.Moreno T eofilo 1\1:\,no Eduardo Marino Perlecto Mendoza Serafin Menez (On Lea"e) Manuel Nava rro Domin"d or Nieva SantialO Ortiga. Jr. Ju.tin o Pabalan Hamon P aterno Manuel D. l>eiiu Isidro G. I'erlierra Antonio Rodril:uez 10le Rodril:uez.Vdoso (On Leave) Francisco Roman Aure lio SDuiae Milagros l' ejuco Geor,e Winternitz

FACULTY OF PHARMACY Il.ev. Fr. Eulrasio Dominguez, D.P. , DeDu. PROFES~ORS


Jose LUlLay. Jr. J oaquin i\lnraiion Bouifacio l\leucias Eduardo Qui l umbing Ange l Heyes 10lle I. del Rosario




ROlldo Monreal J Olefina Ramos Geronimo E. Tian co


Bcrnarditll Aizona Dolores llaello Pi edad Bernar dino Pilar Borja J UUillll E. Campos Sallnrio Ciaravall-Vilinis Jose Dayco J ose Di,uallllCo

FACULTY OF ENGINEER I NC: (Ci,·il. Mining, Che mical, El ec lricai & l',fecJ)anical) ne~. Fr. J uus Valbuena, n egent. I'ro l. AlberlO Guevara. Dean. PROF~nOIlS:

Enr;'lue 0i1'1 Anastacio Agan ' aee Lu gay, Jr. Timoteo Dar JUlin Pedro Lim caco



Manuel Maiiota Cheri Mandelbaum ' ole I. del Rosario Fr. Clriaco Pedron, D.P. JOle Med ina CU"'

Alfredo Au"ria Antonio Avec illa Felipe Carreon Andres Cuanave

Cecilio ConSlantino Ric ardo Dulay Relipe noman Aucu l to Santamaria


Lui. AlculZ Antonio Diokno Andres Gabriel J uan Gabrid Pablo Guevara LE CTUR~ R

Jaee ]noxeneio Mi lluel Montau"" Marciano Natividad Wilfredo Pobre·lnigo Fe li", Ty. Hoanchay :

William Bocricke. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION nev. Fr. Eug enio Jordan, Dean. PROFESSORS:

Espen nza Pahati Alvendia Concepcion M. Gil Fr. Ance l de Bias, O.P. JOle M. Hernandez {On Lene} Fr. Narci»o Dominguez, O.P. Julio CaSlrO loanne. Maurer Enrique Fernandez Lumba Mercedes G. Santamaria Ricardo Sian ASSOCu.n PROFESSORS:

E1Ifronio ill. Alip n 09ariO D. Rondoc Clemencia 1. Co layco paz Lat orcna Remedios

Carmen G. Led esma (On Leave) Concepcion Leonor J oaqu in Lu cas (On Leave ) de Ocampo


Jo.e la G. Es trada Elvira G. 1\1oreno Antonio P. Gabriel Lou rdes L. Samaniego Mercedes Conzalez AUJ:"uslo Santamaria Rosa rio Monr eal JOlephine B. Serrano Let icia A. Valeriano I NSTRUCTORS :

M. Stellil O. Avena Pu ·Puicolan Cons uelo Perdice. Paz Borja Leonor Pinon (No rmal Dept.) Maximina Custodio 10sefina D. Elcueta Relliwto B. de Rivera Carolina Garcia Adela Suaco (Jr. Normal Dept.) Belen D. Espino Vircinia Tria·Tirona Carmen Larraeu Lourd n de Veym Maria Rosario de Veyra

COLLECE OF LIBERAL ARTS Fr. J ose Ortea, O.P .• Dean (On Lene). Rev. Fr. Anllel de Bias, O.P., Actin, Dean PROFESSORS :

J Oie de Gasco n Jamel H. Bau J Ole M. H ernand e, (00 Con.uelo Rodriguez Bel. mont e Leave) Fr. J elU CUlanon, O.P. Pedro Limcaco ) eI1l11 P. Celis 10le LuCay, Jr. J oanl1e • .l'.hurer J ulio Cutrn Salvador de l Mundo Anlel Centcnera Timoteo Dar Juan Fr. Ciriaco Pedrosa, O.P. J0ge I. del Ro, ario Alfredo J. Diy Vicente J. del ROllno ASSOCIATI. PROl'tSSORS:

paz Lat orena Florelliino C. Poso n

10aquin Lu ca. (On Leave) Anacleto R. P elino Carmen M. Belmonte Felipe Cureon Ern es to Med ina Cu e



Agustin Liboro Leonid el LOllez L izo Le opoldo I'ardo Virgili o Ramos Edmundo A. Reyes

Rosa Sevilla Alvero Consuelo H. llelmoHte J etUI 1'. Celis Timuleo Dar Juan Alfredo Diy Pedro Limeaco


Bealriz Herna ndez Diy AUTora Fenix Dolores del Gallego Lourdes Lecaroz Lourdel Martinez l'ilar Miraso l Catalina A. Vicuna Ambros io Umali

Eulronio M. Alip Tom .. M. Barba Haeario D. Boudoc Alberto Campos

Alfredo J. Diy Jose Villa Panganiban paz Latorena ."nadeto R. Pelino Florentino Paeon


Rafael Acol ta Alfredo Auuria Carmen d el l\lundo Belmon·

Elvira Gamboa Moreno Concepcion Victorino Mos. IClgeld Augusto Santamaria Ri cardo Dulay Jelu, Urbina J oaquina Luc .. (On Leave) Josefa G. E strada Bernardo Merchan Claro Can Leticia Antonio Valeriano Antonia P. Cabriel Genua F. Vidal





Vicente R. Alindadll. Carolina Garda haD T. Alaviado Encarnacion Gonzalez·Tirona paz Borja Rourio D. J ose Pilar Borja feli.: Manipol Eoperanza Reyes Celeuino Andre! Gabriel Maximina CUslooio Remediol de Oca mpo fran cisco Delgado Concepdon Perez Concepdon M. Diu Man1.le! Rav,",o 1000e M. Reyes Luis Alcuu Cecilio C" nl lanlino fdi.: Ty.Hoanchay Dol ore! del Gallego Emma A. Unson- Roto r habel del Callego COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Re". fro Ciriaco Ped roaa, Regcnt. Rev. Fr. Pcd ro Mateol, O.P. , Acting Dean. PROFE SSORS:

Consuelo R. Belmont e Amando Bolano Jacinto M. Kaman tigue ASSOc IAt e

Joannu Muarer Aquilel F. Monugeld R~m on L. Sunko


Jose Villa Pangani han Dorninador R. Rualo

Tomas M. Barba ASSISTANT


paz Damian ·Ch.vez

l<.>J1e P. de III. Cruz Lui l Diokno Delfina San Agustin Gonzalu

Mercedes G o nzal e~ Elvira Gamboa Moreno !\Iary Bclts 011. Silva Lelida Antonio Valeriano


Lourd ea Ah ona ga Jose Apacible Celia Arrieta Marina Arti,",a Tom&! V. Barnes paz Borja Th oma., Campbell Maximin a Custodio Eug enio Eusebio Gregori o H ern and ez, J r.

Rondo D. J ose Corawn ltamol Guillermo Silon lI erminia Sunico Euher Lerma Leopoldo Martinez JOle Pa pa Concepcion T. Peru Conce pdon Uyiangco Godolredo Zandueta


Vi ce

R ec tor



Rev. Fr. H ilary Ahe rn, O. P. Rev. Dr. Ev ergilto Duaco, O. P. Rev. Dr. Angel do BID!, O. P. Rev. Dr. J esua CUlanon , O. P. Dr. Timoteo Dar Ju an. Professor Alfredo Diy. Rev. Fr. E ufr.,io Dominguez, O. P. Rev. Dr. Na rciso Dominguez, O. P. Dr. J osefa Gonzalez·Ellrada. Dr. Felicisimo R. Feria. Prof. Alberto Guenra. Dr. J we M. H ernandez (On Leaye ) Dr. Jacinto M. Kamanligue. Rev. Or. Ju an Labrador. Dr. Pu La torena. Dr. J ose P. Laurel. Dr. J Ola Lu gay, Jr. Or. Joaquin Maranon. Dr. Joan nes Maurcr. Dr. J ose Medina Cue. Dr. Felipe B. Ol1ada. Rev. Dr. JOle Orte~. O. 1'. (On Lellve ) Rev. Dr. Citiaco Pcdroaa. O. P. (On Leave) Dr. Eduardo Qulaumbing. Dr. Angel R eyel. Dr. Nor berto Romnaldez. Dr. Jose 1. del Rosario. Prof. Viccnt e J. del Roaario. Auoc. Prof. Dominador Rnalo. Dr. Ricardll s. Sian. Dr. Lore nzo M. T anodn. Rev. Or. J COI1.IS V.lbuen&. O. P.


Very R ev. Fr. Silvell re Sa nc ho, O.P. Fr. Eu genio J ordan, O.P. Fr. Agus tin Rihucte, D. P. Fr. Jose Ortea, o.P. (On Leave) Fr. Emiliano Serrano, O.P. Fr. F. del Ri o, O.P. Fr. J esUI Val buena, O.P .• Fr. Angel de Blal, O.P. F r. Alb erto Lopez. D.P.

JU l tO N. Lopez An!:el Centenera


n alael Enriqu ez


Severino Fabie JOle L. de Ocampo Carlol V. FrancilCO J ole Pardo Antonio N. Gonzalez Ricardo Purruganan Gllo Oca mpo Wilfredo Pobre· Ynigo Juli o Rocha


Joaquina Lucas Mercedes Gonulez Rosario Monreal Consuelo Perdices F rancilco C. Delgado Jose Mil. De1,.do Grt:io rio H ernandu, Jr. J uan T. Ala~iado Paz Borja

HIGH SCHOOL Rev . Fr. To mas Martinet, O. P., Di rec tor. TUCH INC STAff:

Socorro Ll ande ral Rosario Monreal Re medios de Ocampo Con8uelo Perdice. Au gullo Sa ntamaria Mercede. Gra u-Santa maria Josephine Ban·Se rran o Leticia A. Vale rian o Emilia Villace ran Conce pcion Ylan gco

GHADUATE ScilOOL Very Rey. Si h es ter Sa ncho, O. I>. Rector Mag nifico. of the Univ ersity; Dean of Cradua te Scho"l; Chairmau, Cradua' e Council.


Fr. Jesu! Caslanon, O.P., Dean.


Rosario D. Bondoc Florencia Coronado Mil,",ros I. Coro nel Mu imina F. Custodio Franciaco Delgado Ca rolina Garcia Milagrol Gonzale~ Rosario D. Jose Lourdes L e<: arOl Concepcion Leouor

J ord an,


SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND fiNE ARTS Rcv. Fr. J elus Valbuena, Regent. Victorio C. Ed ades, Direc tor.




Fr. J esua CutlDon, O.P., Dean and Moderator 01 Re1 igioUi Acthiti es lor Female Students. Fr. Francisco del llio, O.P .• Ani s tan! Moderator. Fr. Narcilo Domin,uez, O.P., Moderator 01 R eli,ioul Actlvl· ,iel for Male s tudentl. Fr. J esul Valbnena, O.P., Auistant Modera tor.


Anton;o Ayecilla



f elipe B. OUada

Che ri Mandelbaum Pablo S. Anlonlo


R ellitnlo R. de Ri~era Ramon T. Oben i\lanrique del Rosario Felix Estrada Renftlo Ma. Guerrero Dnmingo Ant onio, J r. Gregorio Gabriel Piedad Bernardino



Rev. Fr. BautiuD CUlanon, O. P., Director. Major Alfredo Ramirez, (Inf.), Commandant. fi u t Li eu!. J ua n Merc han, J r. (MC.Rea), Tac ti cal Officer, Medical Seclion. Second Li eu t. Ciriaco B. Blacer (Inf), E:tecu tiv e, Plans & Training Office r. Second Li eu l. Victor lIT. Ju an, J r., ( F'A ·Res), Adj ut<lnt, Tactical Officer, FA Uni!. Third. Lieu!. n em berto Z. "cr, ( Inf·Res), Personnel Ad· julallt. 'third Lieut. Romnlo S. Dolojan, ( Inf. R e.), Range Officer. third Li eu!. Ab raham A. Pe rez, (FA·Res); Supply Ofiicer.





286 DLUMENTRITT, SANTA cnuz TEI-S. 2·30·43, 2.29·93 AND 2·97-53 Dr. Dalmllcio D. An g, Direc tor. Dr. Gr ego ri o Lim, Ass is tant Director. Dr. Alejandro Ya p, Busin ess Man ager. Mra. Ccltrin. T. Mi guel. Principal. Mrs. Druna Valdez, Chief Nuue. MilS F'eli cidad Somoza, R. N. H ead nuru. Miss J oven. V. Nub, R. N. H eadou llIe. Mi s! Generosa Visque, R. N. H ea dnursc. Min Virginia Sarina, R. N., a.R., H eadollne. Min ,'\0100;& Alunan, R. N., Dietiti a n. Apolinllr io Sanchez, R.N., H eadnurse. lam e! Pr og reso, R. N .. H ead nufse.

CLINICA SING IAN 271 CENEHAL SOLA NO, SAN MICUEL TEL. 2-21·57 Dr. Crluino S. Lualin, Dire<: lor. Dr. I. Orlign, Clinical Lab oratory. Dr. Ramon Caul, Clinical Lahoratory. Dr. Alfredo Legnpi, R etl ident Ph ian. Dr. Greg ori o Gabri el, Reeident Phyaicia n. Dr. Carlo. Zialcita, Resid en t Ph ys icia n. Sister Adrian, Superintendent of Nunes.

eGADn or nIAteTOI'II:

H il

Gra ce, Mon l . Mi cbael J . O'Doherty. Arcbbilbop Man ila, P'resident and Palron. Rev. JOl e T ejada, C.M .• Sec retary. Atty. Gabriel La 0, Legal Adviser. J ose Ma. de Moreta, Treasurer. Atty. ]ose Ma. CUanna, Accountant Ind Auditor. Dr. Conrado Poteneiann, Memb er. OrrtCEAS ANO



Siate r Cristina Nieolao, SlIperioreael and Directreu of the In u itution. Siller Funcilc a Meddle, Cashier. Mrs. Hilda S. Dizon, Principal. Rt. R ev. Hip olito Arceo, ChaplAin. Ramon Agtorap, Au istanl Officer 01 th e Admini l tration. HOSPITAL ESPA~OL DE SANT I AGO SAN PEDRO MAKATI, RIZAL TEL. 5·69·74 Fede ri co Perez, President. Ramon Eguar n, Vi ce· President. NiCl nor Arando. T reasurer. T. Ma. de Amu salegui , Direc tor·A ccou ntant. EXECUTIVE COMMITTtE:


0 ... Amparo Joaquin·Gutierrez. Dr. Marciano Gutierrez. DOCTOR'S HOSPITAL . THE CORNE R VERMO~T & INDIA NA, MALATE TELS. 5·78· 11 , 5·78·12, AND 5·78·13 H OS PITAL

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.


Dr. OSClr Jacint o. Chief. Dr. Man ue l Penn. Dr. Rieardo L. Alfon so. EMMANUEL HOSPITAL MANUGUIT AND ANTIPOLO, STA. CRUZ TEL. 4·93·70 DOCTOAS:

Dr. Ped ro ]. AreUla Or. RESIOEN T

Dr. Hawthorn " Darb.,. Diosdado Buzon


Dr. Rufino del Mundo. Dr. h .. belo No ble. I'IIVS IC IAN.'I:

Dr. Felix Bailon Dr. Ant onio Cu tillo. Dr. J Ole Ochoa. It:][TI!.IIN


Dr, Irine o Sia

JAPANESE GENERAL HOSPITAL 831 LEPANTO, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·40·15 Cellr Malol e., Acting Director. Dr. Pedro Concepcion, Obstetriclan. K. Amaao, Manag er. Lady Muse ur. MANILA CENTRAL HOSPITAL 239 REQUESENS, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2· 12-33 Dr. Francisco R. Villaroman , Direc tor. IIESIOENT

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr,

Ora. Ma riB Vi1Ianuen

HARRISON HOSPITAL 535·531 F. B. HARRISON. PA SA Y, RIZAL TEL. 5·}8-82 Dr. D. Tambuatco, Resid ent Surieoo . IIESIOENT




Dr. Demetrio Florea



Federico G. Azaola, M.D. Edward B. J Olepb, M.D.


Nieanor Jacin to. Director. Janu ar io Eatrada. An iSlant Direc tor. Guill ermo Ru n ia, Supe rint endent. Jose Katigbak. Ex ec utive Ollicer. Jacinto, Au i. tant to the Director. AE SIOENT

Mn. J. ]. Elizalde, President. Fed erico p.,rez. Nicallor Arando. J. Ma . de AmulOtegui .

Dr. Ceci lio Chu.poco

MAN I LA CITY HOSPITAL PAREDES AND ESPANA, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·21·95 Valentin S. ·Afabl e. Director. Cenrio Santa Ana, Chief of Clinic. Pedro Ramirez. Surgeon. Cregori o Farrale!, Head, Dept. of Ey e, Ear, No.e and Throa t. Antonio Villarama, H ead, Dept. of Ob. telri cians. Ceur CutTO, Chief Des. Clinician. Emilio Lucas, Obstetrician. Florentino Fernando, Pathologiu. JOle lina T. Ramirez, Cliuic Pathologist . Daniel Borja, Uadi ologisl. Alberto Tup a8, H ead, ·Dept. of l' ediatriCI. Alfr~ do P. Navalo, Pediatrician. J Ole Villarosa . Su pe rintendent. Ramon Ati eoza, Jr .• Senior R esident Physician. H ermenegildo Balayo, Junior Ruid enl Physician. P.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.


Rita Villaroman de Geronimo. Ri cardo Roq ue. Manu el Ce ronimo. Vitaliano Cutillo.

HOS PITALS AND Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Sab.. Florete. Junior Resident Physieian. Agerico Sison. Luia Guerrero. Rufino Abdol. Mar iano S. Florendo. Fortunato Guerre ro. Sioloeo.

MANILA SA N ITARIUM AN D HO SPITAL 1875 DONAD A. P ASA Y, R IZAL p, O. BOX 3242-TELS . 5-17·62 AN D 5. 17-63

Dr. H . C. H onor, Medical Directo r. W. E. Guthrie, Busine§! Manager. Hertha Parker, Supt. of Nunes.

2411 MANUGUIT. TONDO TEL. 4· iO·44 Evangelina SOlo, Resident Phyaician. Martina de Godoy, H ead Nurle. ROlllina Vllides, Midwife. Luz Bsltaz ar, Midwife.

MARY C H ILES HOS PITAL 135 GAS TAMB ID E, SAMPALOC T ELS. 2·33.73 AND 2-33_74 Dr. Madallo 5, Florendo, M.D., Vireeto r. Drl. J osdina Florendo, He,ident Physician. Dr. Clewellte Vergara, Re.ident Physician. Mill Carmen Florendo, Pharmaciu. Min Plu la Maano, Supen i,or 01 Nune • . CU tlUATI:

Min Mi u Min Mi n Mill Mi ll Mi ll


P. Magno R. Guerrero }. Lub H . Domiogo M. BiQU Qui nd ip.n Rennl Min Culi g VIUTI NC

Min Miss Miu Min Min Miss Min

N. Riyera i\1. Guerre ro Duldulao Ramiro Mabeza Anadon Baleros


Dr. F. Aben .. D. C. Boneln Dr. G. L. de l CUllIlo Dr. J . Enriquez Dr. L. Gue rre ro Dr. T. H alm Dr. F. H errer. Dr. A. L. Lejaoo Dr. F. Oli varn Dr. Ricoher mo,o Dr. A. Trini dad Dr . T. Ya be Dr. R. Wenceslao

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

F. Anaga A. Bunamante V. de Dio. G. Garcia P. sta. Maria E. He nt andez L. Lauchengco Manawi. F. Reyn B. R08 T. Yamluan B. Valdes J . Sinillon

MARY J . JOH NSTO N ME M ORIAL H OS PI T AL 101 QUES ADA, TONDO TE L. 4·95·04 ( For Women Ind Children) Beulah Ream All en. M.D., Medical Officer. Margaret Shook. R. N .• Acting Supe rintendent of Nurse •. Rebecca de Gu~mnn. M.D. P~z ll ano , M. D. Mary L. Deam, Bu.ineu Manager. Libn da Javal era, R.N. Ruth de Armas, R.N. Remedios Gonules, R.N. Rosario Vi nlua n. R. N. Criulida Mauricio. R.N. Rosario Monteeine., R.N. Mercy Pucual, R.N. Conrada Majam. R.N. Pricila }oco, R.N. Nery Cortez. R.N. Cornon Maca1int~ l , Pbarmllciu.

MERCY HOSPITAL 3660 T AFT AVENU E ExT., PAsA Y, RIZAL TEL. 5·16·09 Dr. Mariano M. Laxa tin, Director. II UIIlENT PIIY SIClANS:

Dr. Gerardo F. Lumba eX TERN


Dr. Mu: F. Pick.





Luis Guerrero A. Guerrero }anuario EUnda J aime Laico L. Lopez Lizo A. Villarama Allred Zinner Gu iller mo R un i. A. N. Ocampo Alfred Markuuobn Dr. Alfredo

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. M.

Arthur Linner Rena to Mil. Guerre ro S.lvador G. ESlrada Nicanor Jacinto G. Santos Cuyugan Conrado Lorenzo TomAs ESlrada Alher to Tu pas GenerOlO So ria no Waller K . Frankel ] oclon





B. Lava

229 CONCEPCION, ERi\f1TA TEL. 2·50·01 Min Tariko MiyoJlli, P roprietreu. Dr. Moile. Z. Diu, Attendinl Phy,ician.

I' HI L IPPI N E GE NERAL H OSPITAL TAFT AVENUE, E RMITA TE L. 5·69·91 (Sec under Jusular Governmen t )

PH YSI CAL HEALTH CENT ER 516 TRADA}O, SAMPALOC Dr. Marcial Maiolo. , Director.


Santol Tuberculoli. Sanatorium) QUEZON CITY P. O. BOX 281-TEL. 6.75.74 Dr. Milue! Caiiizares, Medical Director. Alfredo Pondu. Superintendent. Dr. Fernando B. Duran. Anislant AdminiUrative Office r. Dr. Severo Siasoco, Physician. Dr. Pilar Afable, Physician. Dr. Fidel R. Nepomuceno. Physician. Dr. Leticia J . Salas, Physician. Dr. Cirilo Sanlol, Physician. Dr. Conrado E. Lorenzo, Phy. ician. Dr. Carmelo P. Jacinto. Physician. Dr. Onofre Garcia. Pathologist. Dr. Atilano Bernardo, Assist.nt Pathologis t. Dr. Grelorio Farrales. E.E.N. &: T. Specialist. Dr. Jesu. C. Pempenlco. Medical Fellow. Dr. Natalio Santial;o. "'I edical Fellow. Dr. 10.e de Leon. Medical Fellow. Dr. J ose de 101 Reyes, Medical Fello ...·. Dr. Andres A. Angara, IIledical Fellow. Dr. Manuel Laho!, Medical Fellow. Dr. Ramon A. Vidal, Medical Fellow. Dr. LorelO R. Castro, Medical Fellow. Dr. Vicente F. Lazo, Medical Intern. Dr. J ose V. de loa Santos, Orthopedist, (Part time). Dr. Fortunato Guerrero, Surgeon, (Part time). Dr. Wences lao VBug, Internist, (Part time). Dr. Teodicio Santos, Clinical Fellow (B.H.) Dr. Vicente Samson, Clioical Fello,,' (B.H.). Dr. Irineo Rodriguez. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). Dr. Ari. tid~ Tiglao. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). Dr. Pacifico Nuareno. Clinical Fellow (B.H .). Dr. Benito Marasigan. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). Dr. I\lontBno P. Conde. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). Dr. Rizal C. de Peralta, Clinical Fellow (B. H.). Dr. i\lariallO i\lolllencgro, Clinical Fellow ( B.H.). OT. Lu! de la Paz. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). Dr. Manuel Legaspi, Clinical Fellow (B. H.). Dr. Salvador C. Bonoan, Clinical Fellow (D. H.). Dr. Gavino sallti8go. Clinical Fellow (B.H.). J lne Leyva. Research Worker. Aurora T. Lacumanll, Pharmaciu. Clemen cia V. Reyes, Pharmacist. Maria Manalo. PharmcaiH. P rudencia naiia.Rlnete, Chief Nurse. Dr. Gonulo R. Yaneza, Nurse-Supervi.or. Maria Yadlo. Nurse·Supervisor. MaTta F rigillana. Acting Nurse.Supervi.or. Caridad Cas tillo, Chief Operating Room Nur.e. J OBe la L. Cruz, Ac ting Chief Dietitian. Inoce ncia Villanueva, Act ing Assi,tant Dieti tian. Maria P. AiluR!, Ac ting Assis tant Dietiti8 n. Manuel G. Gell a, Chief Clerk. Nicano r de l Ronrio. Bookkeeper_Aecoulltlnt. Herminio Prolpero, As.istant Bookkeeper.Accountant. Antonio E. Calub, Buyer.



Juan Laquindanum, Ac tin g CMhi er. Lous:in o Boado. Actin g Prop e rl y Clerk. Joy c nc io L. Faclorn, Al8 islAn t J'ropcn y Cler k and Buye r. Man uel E. Buena fc. P ubl ici t), Clerk & Lib rari. n, S is ter Donali eun e . Lin en - ln· Charge. Domin go d ll III C. Ul , T ec bnicia n. Isi dro P a iir: anib an, Labora tory T ec h nicio tl. Daima(: io Riven , Laboratory T echni cia n. Rufi n o Nih-s, Chief M echa ni c· EI ~ lric:i 'D.


SA N JUA N DE DIOS HOSPITAL 214 REAL, INTR AMUROS TEL. 2·,w·81 (Vac ant). Voca l Ill sp ec tor and Di recto r. Dr. Alfr" d o M. J oclon, Au islanl 10 the Direc tor. Vi c en te M. d el C&llill o. Admin i ~ tralor. Sister T eren Vilat ela, Moth er Su perio resl and Sup erin ten dent. Si, ler Tacianl Triii'D~, P rinc ipal, TrainiD, School for Nu rse!! .

SA INT J OSEP H'S H OSPITAL 67 BALMES, QUJAPO TELS . 2-I7-O:? AND 2-17·03 Dr. F ern:mdo T. Carr:ueO$o, Direc tor. Sister Veroni{IUe, S uperio retl. MIlOICAL


"I ~ IT I l<C


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr.

Severin o' Albe rto, Sr. En ri q ue Lopez Nica nor Jacin to Ag u" in Libor o Leopold o Pardo Ricardo Molina

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr.

Wm. Burke Gen-as io Oc ampo Vie tor Sevilla Luis Guerrero, Sr. Co nrado Pot en ciDn o Gerar do Vas quez

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or.

J es u, Al eid, Obs tet ri c ian. Feli p e Constan t ino, Surgeon. Salvador BU5ue.:o, Intern ist . J Ol e de la Roso, Obstet ri c ia n. R e medios Go Quiola y, P ediat ri cia n. Ri car do J ui co, Surgeon. F ra ncisc o Vicun a, Surgeon. T eodoro He rrera, Eye, Ear, NOle DDd T h roat. Vi c torino d e la F uente, I n ternist.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

uaollUOlIlES : Liborio Gomez, Su pcrvi sor, Cli n ical Lab orat ory . Gr ego rio Lauman • • An alYI!. T ri sta n Gu errero, An a lyn . Ric ~ rdo F ernand ez, Chief, X· Ray Depart ment. Ra mon P ate rn o, All iJlanl , X· Ray Department .

Sisler J oseph, I n Charie. StlflGI CAL



Julia A. Adefuin, R .N. , T ec hniea l S up ervi sor. P elronila Du eud e, R .N., Assis tant T ec hnical Supervisor . OBS TETRI CAL DE PARTMENT:

Sis ter Veroni (IU e, l.,\.n OPATORY

S upervi sor.



Dr. J ose A. Casas, I n Ch arge . 1' llY S I(;AL T HERAPY DEPARTMRNT :

Dr. Carlos A. CUa9, In Ch arge. AD~IIN I STRAT I Vi:

D!\' ls tON :

J ose L. Pa dilla. Ch ief Clerk. J osefa A. Pi cac he· j'erez, Book. kee pe r. Marg arit a Moral, Cas hier and Ois b ulllin, Offie .. r. Primit iva Pa pa, R. N. Sister Rarmond, R. N. Sist er J oseph, R. N.


Rts lOEN T l' lJ YS ICI,t NS :

Dr. J ose A. Casas Dr. Carlos A. Casn Dr. J ose Ri ruol, Jr. I' II ARM ACY


Agri p ino S . Davi d, Pharmacist . VIS ITI N C

Or. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Or. Or. Dr. Dr. Or.

C. Vasq uez R. More ta J . A. Bart olo me L . Lissn er A. Cort el E. E ul nu C. M. Hasselma n F. H errera N. Ja c intu M. Ma ti as R. Lla mas L. Guerrero W. H. Wat erou. R. ODgsiako C. P Olen cia no G. R ey," G. Ru stia C. Surla B. J. Vald es A. Vill auma


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Or. Dr. Dr. Or. Or. Or. Dr. Dr.

S . Alb erto W. Burke M. Casu F. W. Dud ley L. Z. Fletche r E. S. H ern a nd ez F. Ira Concep c ion 1. J ose J. Estrada B. V aJde~ F. Gue rrero V. Sevill a J. n. Cabu m s V. R amos B. R oxas J . Salin n N. T ak eda P. Veluco P. G. King J. Cordob a

SA I NT PAUL'S HOSPIT AL 98 GRAL. LU NA, I NTRAMUROS T EL. 2·18·8>tSia ter M. Rede mp tD , O.P .. Superiorell. Dr. H O".1rd F. Smith, Chie f U.S.P.H .S. Dr. W. H. Wa terous Du . Baens & Baens Dr. A. Li boro Dr. L. Gu errero Dr. P. L ont,n Or. L. Li n n er Dr. E . S. H ern and ez Dr. Baldo mero Roxu Dr. R. Ab riol Or. C. P Ol enciano Dr. K. Eu lau Or. J ee ul M. T an Dr. P . Ga rd a Or. L. Z. Fle tcher Dr. Ri cardo A. COl io Dr. R es tiln to C. Yuaon Dr. T. S. McGowan Dr. A. Vn quez Or. Jes us A. Cdlo logo Dr. M. N. Tuaoon Or. Gu ill ermo Rust ia Or. J . A. Bartolome Dr. P edro L. K .1t;~ b a k Dr. J ose R. Katg iba k Or. A. Benin

MANILA, P. I. TEL. 2·17·27 ( Hosllitai for Contagious and Communicable Di~en es ) Dr. Catali no Gav ino, Dlree tor. Mr. Euge nio Vi an a, Superintendent. Dr. J ose Eugcnio, RClid e nt Ph ys ician , T ub ercu losi. Depart· ment. Or. Catalina P olic arpi o· Pardo, Ret ident P hysici an , Conta· g ,oui Deport ment and In Charre o f th e Female Ven erea l Clinic and Ward. Dr. R emedios I. Cen iu l, R esid ent P hys ician, Contagiou s Depa rtmen t. Dr, J ose T. Ka matoy , Resid ent Ph ysician, Cont agious De. partment. Or. F elix V~l neo, P hy sician in Cha rge, Leper Department. Dr. Buen avent ura F ulgenclo, R Clid en t P hy sie ian, L eper De· partmen t. Dr. H ip oli to On loveu, Ret iden t Phy. ic ian , Lep er Depart· ment. Dr. Tri ni da d Banue los, Bac terioiogiu and I n Charge, Lab· o ratory Department . Dr. J ose V. Puon tang , P llhologid, L ab ora tory Department. Dr. E liseo P erez. J u olor Bacteriologis t, Labo ra tory Depln · ment. Or. BernardI! J. Grego rio, Int e rn. Dr. J es us C. Ant onio, In tern. Dr. Virgi lio S. Za mora , In tern . Dr. Leonila B. Saqu i, i nt ern. JIli n Plcifi ca G. Adkil en, Pharmac ist. Mr. A,apito C. Paulin o, C..,i,ie r and Prop ert y Clerk. :'.Irs. Eli n R . Oc hoa, Chid Nur.e. Mrs. Brigidl A. E ugenio, Dieti tian.

SETTL EM ENT I'IOUSE (AS OCIA CION DE DAMAS DE F ILIPI NAS ) CANON ICO. PA CO T EL. 5· 47. 9-10 Mi ss Aurora U. Sevilla, Superin ten de nt. Dr. Ni eves B. Babas, itel ide"t Phy s ician.

SING ALONG MATERNITY HOSPITAL 840 S INGALONG, MALATE T EL . 5· 48·88 Dr. Alfr edo V. J Ole, Di rect or. Ora. Maura Ya tc o·J ose, An is tan t Di recto r.



ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL OROQUIETA AND TAYABAS, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2-88.44 Dr. Antonio Lazatin, Direelor. Dr. Man uel Ocampo, Resid ent Physician. Dr. Benjamin Lacumana, Resident Physician. Dr. GreKOrio Cancio, R es id ent Physician. Dn. Beauiz Romero, Exte rn. Dr. Teofilo As tudilIo, Denlis t. rIlAR~u<;t S T


Min Remedios Gomez.


Lui n



1015 MAGDALENA, TONDO P. O. BOX 1627-TEL. 4·98-97 Bayard M. Stewart, Superintendent. Re'f. E. C. Mullen, Chaplain. Miss Lillian J. Wei se r, Supe rint endent of Nune • . Mn. Vitaliana G. Beltran. Principal, School of Nursing. 1111'8 . Mart. AUlejo, Di eti tian . !\lin Narci" MaTb.,. Anislant Di etitian. Dr. L. Z. Fle tcher, Allrndh'g Surgcon. Dr. J. Y. ForC!l, House Physician. Dr. R. Llamas, All end ing Obnelrician. Dr. Paulino Carcia, Roentgenologist. Mi" L . R eyes, Pharmacis t Mn. CIJI'1I elia B. Maceda, H eadnune. Miss Ferroncion Tinawin. Drelll in g Room Head Nurse. Miu Albina Caracla, H"ad Nune. Mn. OHmpia Sonido, Head Nune. Min Asuncion Parreiias, H ead Nu rse. Miss Ars .. nia Rigonan, Head Nu rs e. Miss Crace Earle, P riYllt e Floor superl'i. or. Mrs. L eonarda A. Carino, Au inant Ope ra ting Room Sup .... visor. Mn. Veneranda S . Ati e nu, SUl'erviso r X·Ray Department. Mi., Doris Robinson. An i, tant Floo r Supervisor. Min Consuelo Buhay, Supervisor, Mat ernit y Ward. Mn. Pilar Esqueru , Supervi.or. Out Pa ti ent Department. LUIl"'S

llOS FELIX HUERTAS COR. ZURDARAN, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2·53·93 Ora. Es ter C. Oc han gco, Direc treu .







Dr. C. M. R au elm an, Doc to r of Skin Clinic. Dr. F. Gimenez, Visiting Physician. Pedria trici Cli nic. Dr. Panfilo Ca. tro, Conluhin , Pll ya ician, hl edi cal Depart· ment. Dr. G. Farr.les. Visiting Ph ysician, Eye, No.e & Throat Clinic. Dr. E. Esquivel, Dentisl. Dr. A. Danao, De ntist. Dr. P. Funco. Visiting Phy. ician.


T. B. FREE DISPENSARIES AND LABORATOR Y' (Th e Philippine Tub erc ulo! is Society) CENTRAL D1 SPE NSARY :CORNER R IZAL AVENUE AND TAYUMAN- TEL. 2·88·13 (Clinic Hours : From 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from . 1:00 p.m. to 7 :00 p.m., daily, except S'u"lldays &: H olidays.) TONDO (Clinic

H EAL TH SOCIAL CENTER TUBERCuUlSIS CLINIC: 1625 YANG CO- TEL. 4·82·19 Houri : 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. - Mondays, We&nes d!y. & Friday • . )


NICOLA S HEALTH SOC IAL CENTER TUBERCULOSIS CLI NIC, 513 SEVILLA- TEL. ~2·57 (Clinic Hours : 8:00 a.m. to 10,00 a.m.- Tu es days, Thurs· . dnys & sa t urd3Ys.) ASSOCIATED CIIAIOTIES T U8ERCULOS Is CLI NIC: 389 SAN RAFAE L-TEL. 2·1 2·94(Clinic H ou ra: 10 :00 a.m. 10 12:00 no on-d aily, except Su nda ya & H olid aYI.) SAMPALO C HEALTH SOCIA.L CENTER T UBERCULOSIS CLINIC 78 GERONIMO-TEL. 6· 71-13 (Clinic Hour. : e:oo a.m. to 12 :00 noo n- Monday. , Wedn es day &: F riday •. ) PII'I'S ICIAN



Dr. J OIIe B. Avellana. ATT1:NDINC

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.


Soleda d A rcegB. Fl orendo. F ran cisco A vell~ n a . Se rafin D. Feli eiano. H craldo del Cutill o.



LEGASPI, ALDAY P. O. BOX 169 lulian Ortiz, President. Simeon C. Miranda, Vi ce--Presldc nt. Enrique Roqnet a. Sec rc tary. Alfredo Benito, Treasure r.

P.· l3e.\I.S

Lim Kaliam Mariano C. Cruz

,E'.tljban 4o,te LIBRARLlNS:

iLuis ~Ip.inoaa, Q:ngli,h SeClio.n). ~u4\lino ,castro,

(Spani,h SectioD).


2.~7·57- CABLE

A·DDR,ESS: "AMCHA MIlCOW' FLOO,n , ;l:IEACOCl( IlLl)G., EsC.oLr4, HIN ON DO sam"el F. GlIches, J're.~deo,t . E. D. ,GundeUinger. Vice-I're. ident. Roben E. Cecil, 1'reaaurc;r. {:.. G·' Sec reta rr · · 7rl~



J. C. Rockwell N. II. Duc kwo rth

H. Dean Helli, ALTERNATE

C. M. H o!kin s G. M .. I vory


E. 8 yron Ford A. P. A rne.





Pau l A. Meyer J. L . Headingt on

M. T. O_lupan, Cashicr and Accountant. Mrs. M. Speir

ASOCIACION DE NAVIEROS D E F JI.IPJ NAS (Philippin e Shi po wn e rs' Anoc iation) T HIR D FLOOR, NEW MAR ITIMA BLDG. 121 DAS MAR INAS. B1NONDO I>. O. BOX 1283- TEL. 2·27·09 Jos e F. de la Vara, Pre. id ent. Franci sco Ferrer y G"ti e rrez, OHice Managrr. J"8n t'(biialac y ,l-'er"ulldez, Secr etary "lid AS9'1. Manag er. Antonio Snlgado, Cl erk.. Aciceto V. M.llayan, ht Wat e r I n ~p ec tor, Lecoadio Flores. 2nd \V ater Inspcctor, ,Domin.go San Buenaven,tI,Il" ,



ASOCIACION DE PROPIETARIOS DE MANILA ROOM 35 EL HOCAR Leon M. Heras, Director. C. !if. Hoskin., Director. Jo ..., Aunell, Dircetor. C onulo Pural, Director. Gabriel Llamas, TrclJurer. A. C. [acamilla, Secretar,..



BIAN HAP 1-100 ASSOCIATION 101 ROSARIO, BINONDO TEL. 4· 76·23 Ang Tiaa Su, President. Sy Uan Ting. Vice-Pre. idenl. Lim Chin Ciok, Vicc.Pre&iUcnl. Lim Siong Tiu, Trcuurcr. Go Chio Co, Secrelary.


P. O. BOX 75·a.-TEL. 5·75·77 Enrique Sa nt amaria. I' rc$idcnl. Ricardo Desea],, ' Vicc·Pretidcnt. 10aquin D. Mcnenrini, Treasurer. Antonio Araon, lhmornblc SeeretRry. Nicola. Guerra, Member. J08 C Nun ez, Member. J OIC F. de la Vara, Membe r. A. Campol Ru eda, Member. 1oidoro d e Mora, Member.

CEBU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CEBU, CEBU Briok. Pte,id e n!. Gotianuy. Vice· President. M. Ocam po, Seerelary. Gibenon. TrelUurer. DIR~CTons : Vida l Aboili% leo Schmitt Pllulino Gull", 1. Kuboderll Co Siong Mit G. C. Brown M. E. Manuel Crispin W. R.


Vicenle Madril;:a1. Pre~ iden!. Benito Ra~'>n. Vic e· Presideu!. Pedro J. Ocampo, Seeretary-Treuu rer. DIIIECTO"! :

Vicente Madrigal Lino Gutierrez Ramon J. Fe rnandez Ioaa e Ampi! Gouzalo Puyat Aurelio Periqnel Toribio Teodoro Sal\'odor Araneta Benito RUOD LeopoJdo R. Aguinaldo Vicente Villanueva

CHAMBER OF MINES OF THE PHILIPPINES ROOM 404, NATIONAL CITY BAI\'X BLDG., B1NONDO P. O. BOX 2991-TEL. 2·34-76 J. H. Mar~m a n. Pr et id ent . A. Soriano, Vice·Pre,idenl. A. F. Duggleby, Viee·Presid en!. P. A. Meye r, Treasu rer. W. W. Harri ~, Director. R. J. f ern and ez, Ditef;lor. P. I" MaVH, Dire.::tor. Ge rvas io Gardll, Sectetary.

CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE FRANCAISE AUX ISLES PHILIPPINES INSULAR LIFE BLDG., PLAZA MORAGA. BI NOND O TEL. 2.37_ ] 7 L. Le Roch, Honorary President (Consul for France). :\laxime Levy, Pr esi dent (Ab lc nt). Jean Chambelland. Secretary (Absent) . Andre Bernard, T reasurer and Acting Secretary.


CHINESE SOAP FACTOR I ES ASSOCIATION 1124.26 M. DE SANTOS, SAN NICOLAS P. O. BOX 2154-TEL. 4·61·58 Yu YeJ,: Huy , Pretiden t. Tiu Pin, Vice· Pres ident. Co TUln, Vice. President. Co Bun Pay, Trellsurer. IHII£CTOM: Chull Limco 1na'Iuin Co Sio Yao Bong Koo Agu s tin Copeciel Chull Pong Co Chioe

CONSUMERS COOPERATIVE LEAGUE OF THE PHILIPPINES 712 TAFT AVENUE, MALATE P. O. BOX 1894-T EL. 5·76·72 Enrique C. Sobrepeiia, Pr esideD t. Andres J. Paredes, Vice.Pruidenl. In ocencio Itolete, EKeeulive Sec retary. I'ura ViIlauuyea KDlaw, Treuurer. DOAno or OlnECTORS: Pun B. Ab ortion Simplicio A. Dionis io Sulpicio Bellosillo Eugcnio E. Eder Leon A. Daquiollg Arl ernio Nabor Patricio D. Seuador

COSMOS CLUB MARITIMA BUILDING. DASMARINAS. B1NONDO TEL. 2·45·90 DIRECTOII. : Jorge B. Vargu. Pre,ldent. Alfonso Z. S, Cip, Vice·Pre.ideDt. C. S. See, Tre.. urer. Cabriel La 0 , Secretary. H. B. PODd Chong Su See Albino Z. 5, Cip

DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC. 162 ARROCEROS. ERMITA TEL. 2-94·91 IIOARO or DIR~CTOIIS: He rminio T a\uun. P resident. Mariano P ascual, Vice·Presid enl. ~tEMPUS OF T II~ DOARD: Canuto P. Cuim. nUlllinado G. de Cutro. Misl Soledad Gomez. Mrs. Pilar N. de Dimalantn. Vicent e D. Cutillo.


Guillermo SantOI, Treasurer. H onorato RamOI, Secretary. Augus lo A. Noroiia. Auditor. Delfin Romualdo. AC COllntant. Pablo Caiiiures, Leg.1 Adviser.

GERMAN CHAMUER OF COMMERCE OF THE PHIL IPPI NES. I NC. ( Deullche Hllndel ~ka mmer auf den Philippinen) 1570 ARLEGUI EiXTENSION. SAN MIGUEL P. O. BOX 1327- TEL. 2.26·59 f. Danielsen. Pr es ident. P. Bluma nn. Vi ce· Pr~i dent lind Managing Dircctor. R. 1\1. Be r;;mann, Treasurer. DIR~CTORS


A. von Arend K. Groenk e E. Hu enefeld


fl. Jaeger W. Schaal 1\1. Ziegler


ILOILO CITY, PHILIPPINES Eugenio T.opc~, I'relidcut. R. R. Habtu etze l, Vic e ·Pre~idcnt. H. P. Byrd . Vice·Prclident. E. Gonnle$ Di u, Vice.Prnident. P. Yao Chuan, Vice-Prel idem. Th o!. N. Powell. Hon. Secretary. V. J. Jirnell C2. T reuurer. W. E. M. S .. u1. Di rector. E. J. L. Phillip., Director.




J. Fleming, Di rec tor. Luia Lacambra. Di re.:tor. Eorko Pirovano, Di rector. Ricardo An t uiie~, Di re.:tor. Sy Siong, Direc tor. Uy Sieng, Di rec tor.


JAPAN ESE ASSO C IA T IO N O F MA N ILA, I NC. F IFT H FLOOR, ROOMS 513·515, INSULAR LIFE BLDG., PLAZA MORAGA. BINON DO P. O. BOX 335, T EL. 2·}5- 13 M. Kob.ynh i. President. O. !\Iocbizuki, Vice· P resident. S. !\Iiyazaki, Vice-Presiden t. T. Mitzud3. Vice· Pre~idenl. N. NakamulI, Vice· President. I\f. lIfn ri, Treasurer. T. Ohll, Auditor. Adolfo A. Sc beerer, Secretary.

JAPANES E C HAMB ER OF COMMERCE OF MA N ILA RO OM 509, TR ADE AND COMMERCE BLDG., 123 JUAN LU NA, D1NONDO P. O. BOX 927-TEL. 2·30·22 TaDn eo Yamamoto, P resident. Mou buro K oba yuhi, Vice·Prea ident. lIt auyuk i Mori, Treasurer. EEECUTIVE COMMITTt.E: Yuu kichi h hida Cln.ei Mori Shigeru Murase SEf.III:TAIIY: Shigeji Hara. ~ 1 1I)1BEII' OF BOAII!): YOlhizo FlIruJ,,;a"'a Yuaku Moro kuma Seitaro Kanegai Y05himi T akahuh l Shohe Kitajima Teilo Mori Tokuji Sakamoto Chiuse.i Mi tsud. Masao NisMno


BLDG., 144 ESCOLTA, TE L. 2.47·55 BOAR!) or DIRECTORS: Ricardo Perl u, President. Jose L. Carpio, Vice·Presiden!. Eduardo A. Barrett o, T reUllrer. Alfredo R. Infan te, Director. Ama do L. San tol, Director. JOle A. Narciso, Di rec tor. Carl os R. Gomez, Di rector. Wenceslao A. Laude t, Secreta ry.


MACHALEIN AUTO- C ALESA COOPERATI VE ASSOC IATIO N, I NC. 228 CRYST AL ARCADE, ESCO LTA, D1 NOND O TEL. 2·48· 19-P. O. BOX 1420 CABLE ADDRESS: "i\lACHALEIN" !ldefonso B. Fe rnandez, President. Dominador B. Nanrro, Vice· President. Primi tivo P. Ferrer, Treas urer. Min Milagrol G. Sanche>:, Secretary. Jeau~ F. Arteche, Director. Jose F. Venola, Director. Rafael M, Ocin.da. Director. R<»Jendo S. !.idem, Direc tor. Francisco D. Cur.te, Director. Antonio B. Mi ll.ra, Director. Pablo N. Fe rrer. Dire<=tor. Pll5 tor Francia Uy, Director. Miss Gloria Martinez, Stenographer. Miss Aurea Val en ~lIela, Recorder. Pedro R. Arteche. Adviser and Attorney.

MANILA CHAMBER OF COMMER C E 407 NATI ONA L CIT Y BANK BLDG., J UAN L UNA, IH NON DO T EL. 2-69·60- P. O. BOX 2523 CAB L E AD DRESS: "MANCHA MCO i\l" 1'. A. D. Aplin, Presid en t. W. C. Naismith, Vice. Pr<:llident. 1'. Ha rrin gton, T ec hn ica l Adviler. Al a!) Howell, Sec retary.



Co Setenj:. $u r ER¥ ISI!"C COMMtTTEE: Dee Tian Tan Yok So Dr Pac EEECUTI\'E C(lM~'ITfEr.: Co Setcnt: P. P. Gocheco Yu Chian Cho D. C. Cha)' l ose Barrello Dee Cho

Co Yong Kiau Dee Ge Kia! Sy Ch i Yek Go La ng Lee T ick H onG"





., Til ! CIUtllMAN ., ATHuncs: CII.lIRMAN

y , Siancho.



L" Tic k H ony. MA N ILA TOB ACCO ASSOC I ATIO N ROOM 35, EL HOGAR BLDG., BINONDO TEL. 2. 15·76 Manuel V. Gall ego, Pres id eot. H . J. Widmer, Vice· P retideo!. H . Klock. T reasu rer. Jaim e T ero1. Vice. Treasurer. A. G. Escamilla, Secretray. Aquilino PRndo, Director. J. C. Wundcrlic h, Director. Alex. F rieder, Di reclo r. I.. Lala, Direclor. H. Klock, Director. Alex. Friede r, Direc tor. H. K lock, Director. Vicente Cham Quen , Direc tor.

MA NU FA CT UR ER S ASSOC I ATIO N OF THE PHILI P PI NES ROOM 330 CRYSTA L ARCADE, ESCOLTA, BINONDO TEL. 2·28·08 Toribio Teodoro, Preai,lent. Santiago Codin., ht Vice·President. Dr. M. V. Argu elles, 2nd Vice· President. Dr. Jose E, J imenez. Treasure r. Eliseo Quirino. Secretary. J esus J . S.nt05, Assis tant Secretary. ROARO OF TllUSTEES: Toribio T eodo ro Santiago Codina Dr. M. V. Arguellea Dr. JOle E. Jimen ez

Elileo Quirino Primo Arambulo 1~us J. Sant05 William J . Orland

PHILIPPI N E C AR N IVAL ASSO C IATIO N 9 PLAZA MORAGA, BI NON DO T EL 2·38·91 nOAH!) Of' nmr.CTOR$: Vicente Singson Encarnacion, P resident. T homas 1. WoW, First Vice.Preside nt. l orge B. Vargms, Second \, i ce.l'r~ i dent. Serafin Marahu t, Mem her. Gregorio Perfe<:to, Memher. Vicen te Madriga l, Member. Rafael Mu nan, Member.




Benigno Aquino. Me mber. Toma. Moralo, Member. Samuel F. Goche., Mem ber. Arsenio N. Lllz, Mem ber.

THmD FLOOR, NEW MARITIMA BLOC. 121 DASMARINAS. BINONDO P. O. Box 1283- TEL. 2·27·09 loac F. de II Vara, Presiden •. Elizalde & Co. , Vic e· Pre,idenl. Df!! la Ram I. SIS Co" Treuu rer. Franci,co Ferrer y Gutierrez, Offiee Manager. J uan Manalac y Fernandez, Sel::rctary.


Thomu J. Wolff, Chairman. J orge B. Varga.!. Mem ber. Serafin MDTahul, l'tlcmbcr. E:t1!;CUTIVE


Arsenio N. Luz, Direc tor,Ceneral. C. Enriquez, Treasurer. J. B. RoblCII, Secretory.



PHILIPPINE CHINESE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 719 SANTO CRISTO, SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4·81·83 Ang GnaD Kang, Pres id ent. Chua CbiQn Lee, Vice· Presiden t. Ang Guan Lay, Treasurer.

PHILIPPINE CHINESE GENERAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1I00M5 508-510 CH INA BANK DUiLDING CABLE ADDnE5S: "CH ICH AMCOM MANILA" TEL. 4·90-41 AlfollSo Z. Sy Cip, Presid ent. Dy Huan Chay, Vice-Pr es ident. Yu Eng Poh, Treasurer. Tr KQng Tin. Secretary. Yn Kh e Thai. Ad,·i!er. M'EMatltS OF CONTIIOL BOAIIO: Tan Samto Cham SamCQ J. Lidio Lim Shui Tr Lay Pin &, M£~IBEIIS



George Dee Sekiu An g: Kai Lian Dr Huan Chay Wee H em Yu Eng Poh N,o Tao Sene EXECUTtVE

Complliiia Maritima

Madrigal &: Co.

ROOMS 314·316, RECINA BUILDING, BINONDO P. O. BOX 1493- TEL. 2·19-36 GeQ. H. Fairchild, Prel id ent and Executive Ollicer. ~hnuel Elizalde, Firlt Viee·President. L. Wcinzheimer, Second Viee· P reAideot. Charles H. Da vies, T hird Vice·Presiden\. Salvad Qr Araneta, FQurth Vice· President. CCQrge H. Biniager. Secretary. Treas urer. C. G. Cordon. Alternate Secretary·Trenure••






V. Buellllvenlura, Presid en t. Pablo Yaptangco. Vice-Presiden t. J uan J Srquia, Member. FelicisimQ Lopez, Member. Salvador Garei;!, Mem be r. Ramun tlbnarvis, Member. Mariano T. Lalu, Member. GavinQ R. RQtor, Member. Vicente I1agan, Member. JOl t


Jose V. Dllenaventura, I'.Hident. E~pirjtu V. Cortes, Secretary. Pablo Yaptangco, Vice· President. J «UI Leon«. AssistaDt Secretary. J 3.eint(l Beltran, Treuurer. Jos c C.Hxto, An islant Treullrer. NicQlas Ramos, Auditor.

YII S iu T ell; Yu Ti ao KI'n S1 En Kh o Che Sene Ng SII Tam


Yang Sepeng.


PHILIPPINE C HINESI-: RICE ASSOCIATION 915.917 DACUPAN, TONDO T EL. 4.85·72 Chua Cho Ching, Pres ident. Chan Kiall, Vic e ·Pr~ident. G. Dr BunciQ, Jr., Vice.Pres ident. SilviQ Cheng Pan, Treuurer.



T. N. McKillney Manuel Madrigal H on. Juan LUll;! H OIl. TeodQrQ R.

GUEVARA, CORNER QUiRICADA, SANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 1141 O. A. Bru en Vicente Legarda Archie GUlln Yangco (H.M.)



268 JUAN LUNA, B1NONDO TEl.. 4·88·35 Tan TQng. Pres ident. Sy Tia, Treasurer.


PUYAT BLDG., 219 SOLANA, INTRAMUROS 1'. O. BOX 2172- TEL. 2·42-30 CABLE ADDRESS: "ROCLUB" Gil J . Pu rat , President and Direc tor. E. Byron Ford. Vice· J'.esidelll and Direc tor. H oward L. Haag. Secrelary. A. D. CalhQun, Tre;uu rer. D1IIECTOItS :

Cornelio Balmaceda

Edward L. Hall N. W. Sehme!kes

P. O. BOX 1141 T. N. McKinney, P raiden t. E. J. McKinney, Secretary-Treasurer. Archie Cunn, Director. D. A. Bruen. Director. JacQb McCallister, Dircetor.

PHIUPPINE MOTOR ASSOCIATION PH IL. TOURIST BUREAU BLDG., PORT AREA 1'. O. BOX 1326- TEL. 2.23-11 Benito F. t egllrda, I'residell!' Herbert Bruggina, Vice·Pres id elll. O. 0\1. Slollmnn, Secrelny·Trc:tsurer. IIOAlIlI



P. D. Carman Ramon Oriol Ant on io M. Opi uo l.eonard C. Moore

Carlos P. Rornulo J orge D. VargO! II. N. Wil son •'I:tuue! S:tbalcr

SAMMINCHUI YOUTH CORPORATION 632 3nD FLOOR. T. ALONSO, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2·87·62 Tan Tiong COll I;, Chid. T oog Chi Chin, Secretary. DIn'ECTOIIS: Lee Chin Sy Seng Sui PaQ Su Tinn Shih I. Sheng Chill Pcn Sin



J"~e A,.iago, Prl!!lidenl. ~[;!riQ"O Yangco, Vicc-Prel dient.

VicloriallO Floro, S"cn,lnry.Trcosnrer. FIQrentillo B. Lontoka, Accountant. COllstaocio Sao J OIC, Administrator •



5TH FLOOR, MARSMAN BLD G., POItT AREA TEL. 2·34· 11 Mar8lnan . President. Pirovauo. Vice·l're,ident. Courtney, Treasurer. VeliUa, Secretary.

BO.\ Rn 01' nIAECTORS' Mrs. Rosario M. Dclgado Mrs. BruM Valder. I\lrs. SQco rro S. Dio7. !IIrs. Emilia L . SlInG~Llang "lra. Euriqueta M. A,lriOIiO Miu Maria CUCl'rero Mis. B"rthu Parker Mr9. Soledad A. BueHa!c i\lre. Vitllliana G. B ~hrlln Miu Dorotea Marl in Mis. Elaton Rowland



Antonio de lu Alu H. J. Belden

A. Brock Park L. J. Francisco


PROFESSIONAL , SCI EN T I F I C, LITERARY, DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION l amel C. Vickers, Presid ent. Claro M. Rec to, Vice·President. Rob ert L. J anda, Secretary· Treasu rer.

ASOCIACION MUSICAL DE FILIPINAS (FOUNDED IN 1919) P. o. BOX 2466-TEL. 4.93·76 Mrs. Rosario L. de Valda, Pre, ident. Min Julia Nlkp il, Vice-PrClidenl. Mi n Albini Tuason. Trcasurer. Miu Guadalupe Reye" Vice· Treasurer. A. V. H. l lartendorp, Secrelary. Ramon Valdes P ica. Vice Secretary.

P. O. BOX 2191-TEL. 5·46·44 J e9111 Lilonjna, Pr esident. Dr. Antoni o Abad, Secretary. Treasurer. FILI~



Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

879 LEPA NTO, SAMPALOC TEL. 2·59·31 ViClorino de Dio!, President. Agerico B. M. Si50n, Vice·Pr~ident Phys ician. P.trocinio Valcnlue la, Vice-President Pharmacill. Conndo D. Ayuyao, Secretary· Treasurer. MEMBERS'

Dr. Si;:to A. Franciaco Dr. Mi,u el Caiiiz.arCli

Dr. Jo!e E. J imenez Dr. Antonio S. Fernando D,. J ose Gu idote



1016 ARLEGUI, QUlAPO T EL. 2 · 81 ~70 Mra. Andrea 1\[. Ab reu. Pr esident . Dr. Antonio Villanueva. Vice· President. Mill. An a. tacia G. Tupas. Secretary. Mrs. Rourio K. RO.l Ili, Treasurer.


Mra. Mra . Mill. Mi.. Mias Mis. M ill

LAWYERS' LEAGUE OF THE PHILIPPINES (LIGA DE ABOGADOS DE FILIPI NAS) c/o FRANCISCO LAW OFF ICE, PEOPLES BANK BlDG,. CORNER DASMAR I NAS.DAVID, BlNONDO TEL. 2·39·33 All y. Vicente J. Franci,co, President. Manuel Goyena, Vice·President. Mariano Escueta. Jr. , Secretary. Salvado r Barrios, Treasu re r. :

Cuille rmo Gu evara Dr. Vicloriano Yamson Diego Gl oria Any. Salvador Barrios Quirico Abeto Ally. JIl.n Onega Dellin Jaranilla Ally. Celedonio Cloria All)'. Simeon R. R OX8e


Mrs. Maria Leitm an Ramon V.ldea Pica Major J Ole P. Guido


c/o T.V.T. PUBLISHING CORP. FLORE NTINO TORRES, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2· 11 ...34 I'edro G. Villanueva, P rCllidenl. AnaclelO Denavide.a, E.:ccutive Secretary.





J ud,e J ud,e J udge Jud,e


)\frs. C. H. Davies Mr•. Lourd<'!l C. Ruon Prof. J ulio Eateba n An,uila

CHURCH H OUSE OF THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. MAny AND ST. JOHN 555 ISAAC PERAL, ERM ITA Mr,. R. E. Lautzenhiser. Presi d ent. Mr,. Orville Ha rrah, First Vice· President. Eh'eua Stewart, Second Vic e· P resident. Mr •. Hoy H. Brown. Secretary. ;\Ir$. Ha y Andrews, Treasurer.

7l1l KANSAS AVENUE, MALATE TEL. 5·66-76 OFFICERS: M.a.nue l L . Quezon. Honorary P resident. EU8a R. Ochoa, Prcsident. Ge.ara S. M. d e Guzman, First Vice· President. Marcela Gabatin, Seeo nd Vice-Pres ident. Maria L. Tinawin, E:recutive Sec re tary. I rene M. Ab elgas, Treasu rer. Basili a H ernando, A"i$lant Treasurer.

c/o DIVISION SUPT. OF SCHOOLS OF RIZAL, PAS IC, R IZAL Benito Paiigilinan, President. Marcelino Bautina, Fi nt Vice· President. Estani.lao Lop ez. Seeo!!d Vice· President. Dr. Cantllo Cuim, Tbird Vice·President. Rafael Sarmient o, Seo;relary. Mre. Juliana C. Pineda, Treasurer. Lazaro Cruz, Repr esentRliv e lor Luzon. JOle I. Encarnacion, Heprele ntative for Mindanao. Ma:rimo F. Gimenez. R eprelenta tive for Vi8ayu. H erminio Talusan , Audit or.

LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIATION I NC., OF THE P. I. 512 EVANGELISTA, QUJA.PO TEL. 2·31·50 Vicente lIIauricio, Pr esident. Halael 1\1. Moreno, Vice· l'resident. Carlo$ Al cazar, Secretory. Euseb io Rualo, T reaaurer. Builio Salnd, Auditor. Dlar.COTBS: lOle 1\1. Rona i\luimino Ridon Daniel Aquino

LIM SE JO TO NG 709 ONCPIN, BINONDO TEL. 2.01·41 Lim Kee Chay, PrC!id ent. Lim Do Chai. Vice·PrCliden t. Felipe Lim, Sec retary. Lim Chion, An, Treasurer.



329 CARRIEDO, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2.11·79 F elipe L iwanag, President. Diosdado Sabando, Vice· President. Ri eardo B. Jam ora, Secretar)'. Ceferino Escarle, Treuu rer.


MANILA CITY DIRECTORY Fernando Ocam po J ose Barretto J ose J. l\Iraquez


Dr. [ Iadio R. AldecQD.. Dr. CeJeslino Gomel. Dr. Raymundo C. Mejia.


MA N ILA MEDI C AL SOC I ETY (A Componenl Society of the Philippine Medical Association) (The Medical Divis;orl of the Collego Mcdico·Farmaceutico de FlHpiua9. In c.) (Founded in 1902) 879 LEP AN TO, SAMPALOC

50!l DASM ARINAS, (T IIIRD FLOOR). B1NONDO P. O. BOX 14 14--T EL. 2-14· 75 ~,)A "D

TEL. 2·59·3 1 Dr. Victorino d e Di08, President. Dr. Agerico D. lIf. Sison , Vi ce· Pre. id ent. Dr. Conudo D. AYUYIIO, Sec rctary.Treuure r. COUNCI LORS:

Dr. Miguel Caiilures. Dr. F or l unata S. Guerrero.

Dr. J ose Guidote.


Dr. Walfrido de Leon. Dr. Rosendo n. Ll amas. Dr. Ccureo Sanla Ana.

N. R . Baugh Il l to Analtia Emilio


P. O. BOX 318 Mojor J . E. H . Stevcnol, Pre5idcn!. G. T. Abaya, Vi ce· Preside nt. Pro f. E. P. Angeles, SecrCtary. C. A. Dna, Treasurer. A. Borromeo, Directo r. A. Lara, Direc tor. P rof. C. ArlialS, Director. Salvador E. Sala, Regi onal Direc tor for Cebu. William Wyllie, Regional Direc tor for Neg ro,.

MANILA PILOTS ASSO C IATION 801 MUELLE DE LA INDUSTRIA. SAN NICOLAS P. O. BOX 834.-TEL. 4·93·97 Vicente VenolD. Chief Pilot. Mauricio C. CaUaga, Secretary-Treuurer. MEMBERS:

l os'; Artiaaa Enriqu e Blel Martin S.aarbarria luan Acayan Mannel Villavicencio


AbeIardo L . Valenc ia. P re!lident. Federico l\.lang.has .. Second Vice-President. Fra ncisco B. ica,iano. Sec retary. 1010 Ciron, T reasurer.

MANILA SYMPHONY SOCIETY 44 A. MABI N I. ERMITA TEL. 2·3G-64 Mrs. 101111 W. Hauu ermann, Honorary Preside nt. Andr e. Soriano. Honorary Member. MI"!. Trinidad F. L egarda, Pr esident. Mis. Josefi na BriO!. Vice·Pre!lid ent. Ra mon Valde, P ica. Tr ea.ure>'. A. V. H. liartendo'l'. Secretory. Arthur H oyer, Member. Poul A. Mcyer, Member. Mrs. Itourio L. de Valdes, Member. Mri. J ulio Esteban Anguita. Member. Herb ert Zipper, Me mber and MU lical Director.

Pablo S. Celar II . Cines F. Lui, M.

622 SALES, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2·42·32 Anl onio, Presidcn!. Conc io. Vice·Pre,idcnt. Riv cra, Sec retary. Aran eta, Treasurer.


Andres Luna de San Pedro J uan F . NakpiJ


cfo DELCADO AND TANADA S UI TE S03 HEA COCK BLOC .• ESCOLTA. BI NONDO TEL. 2·73·97 lI on. F rancilco Delgado, Pre. idcnt. Dean Mal1 ucl Lim, Vicc·Prc.idcnt. Dean Ri ca rdo C. Lacson , Tr ea,urer. Atty. Francisco Dalupa n, Au;.1I111 TrelSurer. Dean Leoneio n. Monzon, Secretary, Att y. Sanliallo l\facapagal, Aasi.tan t Secretary, DIIIECTORS:

H on. Manuel Camus Hon. Cla ro M. R ec IO H on. J. B. L. ReyCli

Hon. Eulog io Revi ll a Dean 10le A. Espiritll Auy. Eulollio Beni tC2 H on. P edro Sabido

PHILIPPINE ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION c/o BUREAU OF CO MM E RCE Elpidio Quirino. President. Com clio Oalmaceda, Secretary.







Jose A. Cutierrez Franeisco L. Aqu ende Lui l Medina


SCIENCE BLOC., H ERnAN, MA LATE P. O. BOX 774--TEL. 5·67·57 Or. Manuel L. Carreon. P resident. Prof. A. L. Corcuen. Vice· Pr esident. C. B. Peru. Sec retary·Trcasurer. Or. Pl1 rocinio Valenzuela, Member. U. V. Lopu, Membe r. Prol. A. C, Ram os, Memb er.


Emiliano Cruz Rafael del Calal Rafael Roblet

Angel Marlin ez Pedro Servillas Quilumbing


20·1, ROCES BLDG., 5TA . CRUZ P. O. BOX 571 Jorge In oceneio, I'resident. J ose Mo. } uachon. Executh'e Scc reta rr ·

(Ex.A.oeiacion de l\Iaquinistu d~ la Marina Mercante) 979 MUELLE DE LA I NDUSTR IA SAN NICOLAS TEL. 2-81·20 lIoADn OF OlllECTOIIS : Tomas Bnrrett o. President. Andre. Ulon. Vice· President . J ose Crespo y Alvarcz, Treas ure r. Bernardo Argentc, Secreta ry. Buenaventura Evangelista, Legal Adviu!r.

0 1" DlnECTORS:

Enri'lue C. Sto. T omas. Pre,idem. Ferna ndu d e la Cantera, First Vice· Pres id e nt. Apolinario Uahuar, Second Vice·Pre,ident. Amadeo R. de Alban. Secret;o.ry. Antonio Tayzon, T reasure r. Jose C. Corle., Auditor.

H . C. A. W.

1. W. A. F.

ROOl\[ 306, PEREZ·SAMANILLO BLOC. P. O. BOX 4S6 Cope, P'ClIident . Robe rtson, Vice· Pr esiden t. Cairns, Tr easu rer. Bender, Secretary.


Enrique SantiallO J Ole L. Augusto

CU UNJIENC I)LDC .• T. P1 NP IN, I)JNONDO P. O. BOX 2946-TE L. 2·l8·1!l Caguiat. Preaident. F. de Ja Cruz, Vice-Pr es id ent. T orres, Secretary·Tr ellu re r. F. E! pirilU, Auditor.



Enrique Cagu iU Dalupan Santiago F. de la Cna Quirino Cr~gorio Tino Cuci.


Juan S. Antonio Jose L. Antoni o Nie anor Zulueta

OnG 1\1. Sanchez Torres F. Aquin o Reyea

PHILIPPINE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (Member: The International Federatio n of Library Auoci ati on) NATIONAL LIBRARY BO.lRD or OIR ECT{IRS: Lui. Montilla, President. Juan L. Luna. Vice· President. Baldomero Pulido, Secretary. Quintin A. Eala. Treasurer. Alegre Abelardo·Ledesmu, Mem ber. Daniel S. Albano. Member. Mauro Carcia, Member. BQilio Hernandez, Member. Tiburcio Tumaneng, Member. Marcela Villa. ol, Mcmbe r.


54.7 HERRAN, MALATE Miguel Caniures, Presiden t, Victorino de Di o~. "ice· President. Sixto Y. Orou. Vi ce· Pre. ident. Candido l\t. Africa, Secretary·Treuu rer.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Miguel Canizare,. Chairman. J05e Fabella. Rufino Abrio!. Antonio Villarama. J Ole C. Locsin.


NATIONAL PSYCHOPATHIC HOSPITAL MANDALUYONC. RIZAL TEL. 6·71·71 Or. Toribio Joson. Preside nt. Ora. Cristeta M. Vitug. "ice· Preside nt. Dr. S. R. Gu err ero. Secretary-Treuurer. Dr. Demetrio Laeu na. Councilor_ Ora. Cesarea M. Goduco, Councilor. Dr. J ose A. Fern and ez. Councilor. Dr. Maximillian Silbermann, Counci lor.

PHILIPPINE SOC I ETY OF SURVEYORS. INC_ ORIENTE BLDG.. PLAZA DE BrNONDO P. O. BOX 14J ose Samaniego. I're,idenl. EHu Ib nnez, Vi ce· Pre, idenl. l ulian Sogueco, Secretary. Sa ba! de Ja non. Anistant SeeretRry. 10.e Sugllitan, Treas urer. GiTilo Punsaian, Assis tan t Treuurcr. Tomas Garcia, Committee on Admission. Conrado Santillan . Committee on Finance. S everino Nico. Committee on Publication.

1951 RIZAL AVE NUE, SANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 1318- TEL. 2_19·37 OFF ICEIIS: Santiago Ganclyeo. PrC$ident . Luis Ad elantar, Vice· Preside nt. Se"erin o !zon. Secretary. Victnriano C onnl es. A uistant Secretary_ Antonin o Manahan. Treuurer.



Dr. J05e P. Ban tug, Pres id ent. Gilbert S. Peru, Vice· Preside nt. Inocencio M. Delgado, Secretary. Treasurer. Felipe R. Hid ali:o, Member. Simeon Garcia Roxa., Member.

PHILIPPINE PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION 879 LEPA NTO, SAMPALOC ~li58 Rosario Garcia ]imcuo, Pre5i d~ut. Dr. Jose Jim encz, Fi rS! Vice·Prcsident. Dr. Eu genio Quezada. Second Vic e· President. Dr. Paulino M. Taningco, Secretary. Dr. Felipe Carreon, Sub·Secre tary. GenCr080 Veluqu e~ . Treasu rer. ~rrs. Luz Olivero! Belardo, Sub·Trellurer. DIRECTORS:

Min Remedios Rey nado Dr. Palrocinio Valenzuela Dr. Antonio Llamas

cl o





Ped ro l\hglalang Zosi mo Ricalort Vi cen te Limlon





Dr. Anutaeio L. Teodoro, President, Agricultural College, Lagu na. Dr. Felipe M. Salvou, Secretary, Apleultural Collei:e, L•. guna.


TEL. 4-99. 46 M. C. Sianuniiong, President . Tan Pho, Vi ec-l' resident. Tan Chaco. Sccretary. l ose Tanyonquip, Treas urer. DIRF.CTORS:

Bienvenido A. Tan Tan Loc Ko Yao Shiong Shio Yao Tua n Piaco Tan Tua Bac Tan Chayco Tan Suy Sing Tan Soo Hu at

Tan Tan Yao Vao Tan Tan • Tan Tin

Chuan Lioni: Boc Tay Ka T un I Bon Chan Hui Kim KiD Te<:k Chi Chionr Pun

PHILIPPINE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY CARE OF NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINES Dir. Hilarion S. Silayan, President. Dr. Hilario Lara, Vice-President. Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela, Secretary. Treasurer. ~u:aI8ERS or THE COUNCIL: Di r. Quirico A. Ah adilla Dr. Amando Clemente Dr. Franciaeo O. Santo.

U. P . ALUMN [ ASSOCIATION CORNER PADRE FAURA AND FLORIDA, ERMin. P. O. BOX 3MO- TEL. 5·40.98 Jorg e B. Var(!:DlI. Pre.ident. Ju stice J o!e P. Laurel, ht Vice.Pre.ident. Ally. Ped ru Franco, 2nd ViCe_Prelident. Dr. Age rico B. M. Sison, Alumni Representa tive to th e Board of Athl etie Manal:e men t. Dr. Patroci nio Val enu ela. Secretary.Treuurer. D!H&CTOR S :

PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF CIV IL ENG INEERS 1'. O. BOX 1522 TEL. 2·10·74 Teodatn P. Macabu[ns, President. [Sliu Fernando, Vice-Pre. ident. Vicente Orun, 'freu urer. [Hudoro B. Segui, Secretary. Dm~CTOflS


rorn.ndo E. V. Silon Vi cente Fraglnte Vicente Oron

Fernando E. V. Silon. Undcr Sec. J 05e S. Camul . Dean Comado Benit ez. Pres. Bien"cnido M. GOllzale1.. Dr. Mclquiade. J. Gamb oa . Auditor luan D. Qllini OS. Assemblyman Muimo J'.L Kai llw. EX'OFFICIO


Rei:"'n t Joo., Gil. Rei:ent Carlos P. Romul o. Regent Manu el Roul.



WOMEN ACCOUNTANTS LEAGUE. THE MiuMill Min Miu Mr •. Min Min :'.lr8. Mra. ~Iiu


P. O. BOX 1198 Anila Crisologo, President. Luz. Diokno, ht Viet·Prcsiden t. Elaidll Reyes, 2nd Vicc·Pr esident. Celia Arrieta, Secretary. Li,aya Tenori o-Parial, Trcburer. Fe VilIacCTlm, Auditor. Lourdes Ahonaga, Reporter. Belen EDdie-Gutierrez, Adv iser. Eugenia Cuidolc·Puyat. Advi se r. Cb.rila Lcga.rda, Director. Lou rd es Guzman, Director.

BOARD OF D)BtCTOBS: Major J ohn H. Bennet. Inf., USA. Lt. Col. Robert M. Carswell, CAC, USA. Lieut. Comdr. Robert L. Dennison, USN. Lt. Col. Arnold J. Funk, Inf .• USA, Jll dge J ohn W. Hau ssennalln. Lt. Comdr. A. M. Hurst, USN. Lt. Comdr. ]. O. Lambrecht, USN. Capt. E. C. Morsell, (SC) USN. Lt. Comdr. T. C. Parker, USN. lot. Col. C. M. Savage, AC, USA. lot. Col. Turner R. Sharp, QMC, USA.


WOMEN LAWYERS ASSOCIATION, THE P. O. BOX 1803 TEL. 2·13·37 J udge Natividad Alm eda Lopez, Honorary Preaident. T ec la San Andres, President. Nieves Bacna del Rosario, Vice·Pres ident. Minerva R. Inocencio, Secretary. Elvira Bocobo CUITO, Sub-Secretary. Estrella Abad Santos Valdcs, TrCQ8urcr. I'oeito de 10. RcyCll, Sub·TrelUnrcr. Julita Sotejo, Sub·Treasurer. DIR!;CTOB$ :

EUn Gutierrez Abello. paz Lego.pi Bautista Gertrudi. Rualo Cabangon. Lydia N. Floreodo. Lnalhui EUn~lIa Hilario. As un cion MaIno J amom Pn Gonulez Po!icola n. AnatoHa F. Rey es. Lourdes Paredes San Diego. Milagro! Ll eren:! Telm o.

363 YLANC· YLANG, SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4.88·80 JOIC Pene, Pr~ideut. Ang Soc We, Vice.Presid ent. Sy Seng Sui, Secretary. Francisco T an , Vice·Sec retary. Juan Phee, Vice· Secretary. Sy Che Cui, Trea,urer. Chua Yu Sio, Vice· Treasurer. BOARD OF nlllRC"rOlts: Sy Chi Pan Co T en, S)' Chi Tian Sy Juan Co Chen, T an Kau Pua Tao 'J'y Cheng Kiat Wsn Can Pen, Sy Seng Gul T sn BUD ]ioe


CLUBS AND OTHER CHIEFLY SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS ADVERTISING CLUB OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE CHAJ.ffiER OF COMMERCE BLDG. MAGALLA t';'ES DRIVE, I NTRAMUROS P. O. BOX B09-TEL. 2·44·54 L. G. Wasner, President & Chai rman. Board o f Directors. P. E. Teodoro. Vice· President & Chairman, Boord of Dir· ecton. Leon i\I. Ln~aga, Member, Board of Direc tOf5 . C. A. Beliel. Member, Board of DirectoTi. A. C. Ncr, Member. Board 01 Direc tor •. M. Farolan, Secretary. F. Cauy. Treasu re r. A. Sobral. Chairman, Memb enhip Conlluillee.




AMERICAN COMMUNITY LEAGUE OF THE P. I., INC . 275 CALABASH ROAD , LECARDA HEIGHTS, SAMPALOC P. O. BOX 1141 Capt. T. N. McKinney, Presiden t. Archie Gunn. Vice· President. D. A. Bruen. Secretary·Treliurer. Juliua C. Willi,. Jacob Mc Callis~cr. MOiC1l Reynold".

ARMY AND NAVY CLUB LUNETA, ERMITA P. O. BOX 460-TEL. 2·20·95 CaptRill E. G. r.h,rsell. (SC) USN, Pruident. Lt. Col. Turner R. Sharp, QMC, USA. First Vice-President. Li ell\. Comdr. A. H. Huut, USN, Second Viee-Presideut. Captai'l O. V. Kempf, MAC. USA, Secre tary.TreOlurer. Lieu\. Comdr. W. EIIl"I Miller, USN, Ret., Anistant Sec· retsr)" Treuurcr. F. S. David, Manager. M. H. Elli!, As,istant Manager.

459 DASMARI~AS, D1NONDO TEL. 2·51·01 Charlie Corn, President. Ow Yon g Punahek, Vice·President. Tang Fang, Treasurer. Greg:orio Nicola •• E:rccuti"e Secrelar)'. 110 Will, Choy, Directnr. ChIlD Cuan Yew. Director. Man MOD Luk, Director. Lay Pine, Director. Yap Tak Wing, Director. Ko Cho, Director. Yee Fun, Director. K. S. England. Director. So Yun Chiang, Director. T. Malalote. Director. Lo Chun, Director. J. K. SiB, Secretary. Lam Hu Fung, Secretary.

CAS I NO ESPAfifOL DE ILOILO ILOILO CITY, ILOILO F ernando Regucra, President. Fnuc iteo Lopez, Vice·Prc. id ent. Ricardo Antunez, Treasurer. J ulio Garcia, Vic e· Treasurer. Enrique Gonzal es Diaz, Secretary. J a.e Luil I'radera, Vice· Secretary. Jose de Goicoecbea, Librarian . Luis Laco mbra, Memher. Victor ]. Ji mene~, Membcr.


O. BOX 462, CASINO ESPAAOL, TAFT AVENUE T ELS.: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, 5·15·75; CLUB ROOMS, 5·75·76 AND 5·75·18; LADIES ANNEX 5·75· 77 FRONTON AND BOWLING HALL 5·75·80 Don Antonio Rons Gargollo, Pr esident . Don Enrique Sintamaria, Vic e· Presirirn l. Don Antonio J. Beltran, Treasure r. Don Eduardo Mellan, Honorary Secretary. Don Migu e l Azparteu, H onorary Vice. Secretary. Don Manuel Mo. Rincon, Librarian. Don Ri cardo Descals, VOCII. Oon Manuel Igual. Vocal. Don Pucuai Pagola . Vocal. Don Jose Trill, Vocal. Don Joee F. de 10 Vara. Vocal. Don Antonio R. Mercado, Corporation Secretarr. Don Silvador Toma.., Club Manager. Don Angel Voca, Cuhier·Accountant.



CHE YONG CLUB 468 JUAN LUNA, BINONDO' TEL. 4·88·67 Chul E. Son, Pre.idenl.

CHINESE SIN KIAC ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 15 ROSARIO (UPSTAIRS) CO'RNER DASMARINAS, BINO'NDO' P. O. BO'X 1095-TEL. 4·82·05 Co Kim Pah, Preaident. Valeriano Alienza, Acting Secret:uy. S7 Che Thee, Treasurer.

CLUB FILIPINO 1021 RTZAL AVENUE, SANTA CRUZ TELS. 2·15-13 AND 2·28.74 Rafael F. Roces, President. Jose Garrido, Vice·Pre.idenl. Antonio AV ecjlJa, Treaa urer. Mutaeio Agan, Secretary. PlII\:CTORII: Jote Ruon Leo nci o LOl,ez Rizal Andrea Cordoba Feliciano Paterno

DEUTSCHER CLUB, INCORPORATED 671 SAN LUIS, ERMITA P. O. BDX 280-TEL. 5-65-78 M. Kummer, President. Chr. BOYlen, Vice· President. P. Baumann, Secretary. M. Dhaus. Treasurer. F. R. Mahler, Fint Manag er. H. Bischoff, Second Manager. H. Bommer, Third Manager. A. Auer. Accountant. G. Haeberle, Librarian.

ELKS CLUB SDUTH BO'ULEVARD, ERMITA P. D. BDX 181, TEL. 2-13-91 M. 1, Thompson, Mannger.

FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES MANILA AERIE NO'. 500 PLARIDEL TEMPLE. 520 SAN ~{ARCELINO' P. O. BOX 355, TEL. 5·35-62 Earl M. CUotart,Worthy PresidePt. George H. Louis, Worthy Secretary. Charles Brantigan, Worthy Treasurer.

ILOILO CLUB, INCORPORATED ILOILO', ILOILO' C. G. AdamI, Preaiden t. W. E. Greenbaum, Vice· President. P. J. Sleei. H an . Secretary. C. M. Lewi!, Direetor. W. Maxfield, Director. E. McC reary. Director. I. Kinloch, H on. Treuurer.



T. Y. T.

C/O JAPANESE PRIMARY SCHDOL 94-7 P. CAMPA, SAMPALDC TEL. 2·50.65 D,awa, President. Sawada, Vice· Pre9iden t and Director of PhYlical De. partnlent. Takahuhi, Viee·President aod Director, Cultural Department. Kilakuoi ,Treasurer.

KAHIRUP CLUB Sergio O'ameiia, Jr .• President. luday Laclon, First Vice.President. ~Iario Villanueva. Second Vice· Presiden t. Primitivo Reye9 , Secretary. I'irginia Villanueva, Assistant Secretary. Riulina CuinlOn., Treasure r. Jlario T. Lizare9, Auistllnt TreD~urer. 10J.I\D or DIRECTORS ~ Eln Alunan Lucas La uon Er. Araneta Pompeyo Lopez Hernan



Adaai da Coscolluela Margarita Araneta Amelia Diu Lourde. Ledesma Nena Fabella Lydia Varona Nena Llcson Susan Magalona Inday Laclon

Augusto Villalon, Jr. Sergio O'lmeiia, Jr. Ramon Nolan Carlos COlcolluela Ramiro Lopez Efigenil> Lizares Eddie Montinola Carlol Jaland oni Manuel Padilla

KNIGHTS OF RIZAL (Civic Patriofic Organization) P. O. BCX 30~8 Martin P. de Veyu, Grand Master. Alfredo de Leon, Deputy. Joaquin de San A,u atin, Secr etary. Patrocinio Valenzuela, Sub· Secretary. Gabri el A. Dan, Treuurer. Fernando E. V. Sison, Sub-Treasurer. Manuel Lim. Auditor. Councilor Euataquio Balagtu, Grand Keepcr. Vicente Alindada, Chancellor.

MANILA CLUB 238 SAN MARCELI NO', ERMITA P. C. BOX 305-TEL. 2-20-72 W. G. Stevenson. President. G. M. Bridgeford, Vicc·PrC/.lident. J. Strickland, H an. Seerelary and Treaaurer. DIRI!CTOU:

D. H. Perry F. H. King

F. L. l'Iferritt T. W. Farnell G. M. Eady

MUTYA NG SILARGAN 623 RACN, QUIAPO Hon. J ose G. GenerOIO, President. Francisco Sevjll~, Vice-President . Domingo Sanlol, S ec retary. Gregorio Zalvid ea, Viee·Secretary. Enrique Teotico, Treasurer. J uan dcl !tot ario, Vice. Treasurer. ADVISORT aDJ.aD: Ladialao Corro J05e Bauti,ta E. del Rosario Ri cardo San Agllui" Dr. A. A. Sanlol Marcial Carcia



P. O'. BCX 1141 EST.-I928 Hon. Antonio Bclo, Presiden t. Hon. hidro Vlmenta, lst Vice-PrCllidcnt. Capt. T. N. McKinncy, General Secretary.

NIPPON CLUB 1585 TAFT AVENUE, MALATE TEL, 5·65·80 Taun eo Yamamoto, Presiden t. Monburo Knbayuhi, Vlce·Pre5ident. Yukichi hhirla, Treasurer. A,loHo A. Scheerer, Secretary. Takeshi Daidoji, Maoager. BOJ.RD or Yamamolo KDbayashi Ishida Morokuma S. Kan egae T. M. Y. Y.


T. Milsllda M. Mori N. Nakamura S. Miyazaki M. Nishino S. Kawanam i

ORIENTAL CLUB 908 REMEDlO'S CCRNER PENNSYLVANIA AVE., MALATE TEL. 5·65·75 AlfonSD '2. Sy Cip, President. Li Selig Giap. Treuurer. Ty Kong Tin, Secretary. DIRECTORS ;

AlIOUiO Z. Sy Cip Carl05 Palaoco Li Sen" Giap Uy Yet Ty Kon g Till Uy Sing Dr. C. S. See



PHILIPPI NE ARMY CLUB C/O 1'. A. HEADQUARTERS TEL. 2·32·01 Maj or Ceneral Basilio J. V/l ldes, Pre.ideo!. Brig. Gen. G. B. Francisco, hi Vice-President. Brig. Gen. Vicente Lim, 2nd Vice· President. Co lonel De lfin JaraniIJll. SC(:rclary. First Lieu!. Anl:ci M. TUMon, Treutlrer. 110.. 111)


General Basilio J. Valdell. General C. B. Francisco. General Vi cent e Lim. Colonel Delfin Jarlnilia. LI. Col. S. de J ea us. First Li eu t.

E. G. Hoffman, Secrelary. William Douglu, Treasurer. DtRECTORS: J. H. Mars man Benj. S. Ohnick S. J. Wilson Am os G. Bellis A. L. Dwyre e. Rosesho lm L. J . Francisco


Majo r A. N. Villalobos. Major jua n F. Nakpil. Capt. Ju an C. Chioco. Capl. F ernan do E. V. Si.on. Fi rs t Li eul. Angel M. TUUQD J ose Huon.



( Rc orgoni2cd in 1937- Mce tJ III 1<\.7 Arzohi spo, I ntramuro!. on tho fi rst and th ird Sunday morning. of every month.)


P. O. BOX 65 110.<111) OF


Pedro M. Su nt os, Pn;:9ident. Ri ehBTd We9t, Vic e· President. Edolfo Fronda, Secretnry. Vicente P oli&tico, Jr., Ass is tant Sec retory. Domingo Domingo, Treasurer. Abelardo Joven.Memb er. Eduardo Pacheco, Membe r, Pedro Mallgari ng. Member. J.ourd ~ J oven, Memb er. Ricardo Medina, Member. William Rogers, Member.

PHILIPPINE C HI NESE SY ASSOC IATION 902.S SAN NICOLA S, SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4·83·2" Sy Seng Tong, Pres ident, 5y Chi On g, Vice- Preti d ell l, Sy En, Adv iser. Sy ChUBa, Tr easu re r. Ant ollio Gaw, Sec re tary.

PHILIPPI NE COLUMB I AN ASSOCIATION TAFT AVENUE, ERMITA TE L. 5·74·36 Sienltenid" A. Tan, Se.:relary. Herminia V ~ lard e, Vice-Presidel>t. Amanda L. Velilla, Secretary . Salvad or Lugdam co, Tr ClIS urcr. Dr. Antonio G. Siaol>. Direc tor. An tonio de las Al as, Direc tor. Jorge B. Var!;"as, DireC lor. Rufino Luna, Directo r. Col. Fidel V, Segundo, Dircc tor.

SW ISS C LU B 1367 GENERA L LUNA, ERM ITA P. O. BOX l061 - TEL. 5·67·54 E. E. A. J. H. II. W.

BOARD OF Alt"" eg!;", Pre, idenl. Klin gle r, Vice-- Pteti d en t P eter, Treasurer. Betuner, Secre tary. Muell e r, Accou ntant. Zwin gli, Librar ian. Roed er, Ste wa rd.


UNITED SERV ICE COUNTRY C L UB , INC. CEBU, PHILIPPINES BOAIIO OF DIR~C10RS: Capt. C. J. Martin, Pr ct ident. C. P adgell, Vice· Presi de ot. J. F. Hnrstine, S ecretary. R. E. Rigb y, Treaa urer, ME~lnF.~S:

F. M. Spen ce

F. H. H. Pipc

J. A. Leu UN IVERSlTY C L UB 12 SAN LU IS, E n MI TA P. O. BOX 788- TE L. 2.23·13 Hl'nry 1. Held en. I'relideut. J. M. Hon, Vi ce. Pres id enl.

Alva J. Hill, Pres ident. T. S. McGowan, Vice· Pres ident. Ern" 1 E. T uck, Secretary. R. W. Wells, Treas urer.

?llr •. Mrs. Mn. Mrs. Min

rolrs. Mrs. Mu. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mn, Mrs. Mrs.

CANONIGO, PACO TEL. 5·47·9·~ Aurora A, Quezon , Honorary Preside nt. Salud F. Uns on, President. Lagrim u lcuiano, Vice· President. Andrea Abr en, Sec re tary . Aurora U, Sevilla, Ass istan t SecretarJ . Consu e lo T. Velarde, Treasure r. N.tividsd Francia, Auis tant Trcalu re r. DIRECTOR! : Natividad Albe rt Mr •. Mercedes Hil ario Asuncion AluOIn Mrs. Carmen F. H ocson Emilia Abate Mr •. Anacoreta K ah n Aurora Aquino M... Angela Vda. de Lavadia Lore to Arambulo M .. , Guida Ll ama. Fnne bco T. Benilez Mn. Ronrio Ro ensch Dolores A, Buenclm ino Mn. J Olefl Santamaria Mrs. Rafael. Veta

CATHOLI C WOM EN'S LEAGUE OF THE PHILIPPI NES, I NC. 141 FLORIDA, ERMITA TEL. 5--69·41 Mi ss !'o lanuela Gay , President. Mrs. Luiu R. d e Lor e n~o, Vice. President. Mn. Solia R. de Verra, Second Vice·President. ~Irs. L eona rda L. Ubaldo, Treasure r. ~In. F clicidad A. de Sil va, Acting Sec rotary. !\Iiu Rosa rio Ocampo, Girl's Welfare Com mitt ee. Mr~. Merced es R . de J oya, Vis itin!;" Committee. !'ohl. Soleda d Zulueta, Socia ! Committce. Mrs, Jeallne D. de I'rida, in 9tru c ti ons and Worship Com. mill ee. !'olrs. Winifrl'd Ocono r Pablo, Moral We llare. Mi ss Gregoria Agoncillo, International Correspondence. !'oIl'!. Na!;vidarl Almeda Lop ez, Legislation Committee. Mrs. Clemen cia J . Colayco, Publicity Commillee. Mr • . F elicid ad A. de Silva, Social Scrvice Committee.

MANILA WOMEN'S CL U B (INCORPORATED 1910) Office and Mee tings at 11 32 Calilornia, Paco, Manila Mee tiug.: FirU Tuesday 0 1 Each Month TEL. 5.77-3 1 Mrs. Hilt on Carson, P resident. Mn. Concepcion F . Rodriguez , Vic e · President. Mrs. Mercede. R. d e Joya, Secretary. Mn. F. D. Cadwalbd er, Treasure r. Min Beuie A. Dwyer, Honorary Vice· P res ident and Adviser. ROAno Of DIRECTORS: Mrs. J osefa Jara Mart inez Mrs. Ranlona Alano Mr •. Baya rd Ste wart Mr~ . Laura L. Shuman Mrs. paz Silva Ver Madam e E. Kollerman Min Maria L. Tina.dll

NATIONAL FEDERATIO N O F WOMEN'S CLU BS 010' THE PHIL"~PINES 1132 CALI FOHN IA ST ., PACO 1'. O. BOX SO- TEL. 5·77-3 1 Mrs. Au r.;lta A. QUCWtl, lI onorary Presid illll . Mrs. Esperanza L. 011l1ciia, Holtorar)' Vi"e·l'reside"t. ~Ir~. Pilar H. Lirn, PresidclII. Mrs. Geronima T. l'f'fAon, First "icc· President. ~Irs. COllcepr:; ion F eliE HOflrigu cz, Seeo,," Vice. Pr es iden t.

CLUBS AND MISCELL.WEOUS Mrs. JOlefu Llanes EJcoda, Sec retary. MrJ. Mercede. R. de J oya. Treuurer. MI'3. J ulia "da. de Ortigas, Sub-T rcasurer. ~11'3. Minerva G. Laudico, Staff Secretary. Min Euefnn ia D. Adarna, Chief Clerk. Mi!1 Merc edel Evangelista, Worker' R Supervilor. ;\UMHERS,


Mrs . Sofia R. de Veyra

M". Florc nc e D. Cadwallader Misl Bellie A. Dwye r Mrs. paz p, Mcnd u Mrs. Lutgnrda Langcauo n Mr,. Laura L. Shum an Judge Natividad Almeda Lopez Mrs. Emilia O. Abate Mrs. Concepcion M. H en ares



E. W. Baye r, Regent. E. Merria m, Vice· Regen t. Elizll bc th Cro~by, Sec retory. Mobel Carilon, Treasurer lind Vi ce State Regen t. E. S . T urner, Regi strar. Bayard Stewart, Chaplain. Verne Miller, Hiltor ian. Ruth Sheldon , Slale·R egen t.

LOS TAMARAOS POLO CLUB BARRIO TAMBO, PARA NAQUE, RlZ AL P. O. B()X 121 TELS. 5-13·31 AND 5· 17·56 F. L. Laurence, Prellident. Eduardo Rous y Gargollo, Vi ce-Pre,ident. Eduardo Yr ezm bal, Treu ur er. William B. Harrington, Seeretary.


ALVAREZ AND O'DO NNE LL, SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2·81·19 Dr. Viclor Buencamioo, President . Gregorio NaTvua, Vice·l'residellt. J ose L. Manue l. Secretary·Treuu re r. Casim iro P.,lInghan, Auditor. A1fon ~u JOCIOn, Manager. Mau ro Lam.g na, Aui8laot Manager.



ATHLETIC CLUBS ALUNAN ATHLETIC C LUB COR NER CHICAGO AND 17TH STREETS, PORT AREA. Salvador M. del Rio , President. J\larcial OCllmpo, Vice· P resident. han c Blanco. Sec retary. Rafael Igle~ial, Treu urer. "ictoriano Enriquez, Auditor. Gerardo Ferna ndez, Cou rt Mllnager.


P. D.

J. A. 1. F. L.

HAVANA. SANTA ANA TEL. 5·68·01 S. Page, Pres iden t. A. Siewart, Cap tain. H. O'Autlneau, Honorary Se<:retary. M. Crichton, Honorary Trealurer. G. H. La nder, Me mber. H. King. Member. 1. Cric!lton, Member.


CALOOCAN-P. O. BOX 1560, TEL. CAL. 54-9 F. C. Benn en , P resident. T. A. D. Aplin, Viee·President. It. J. Baker, Secretary.Treuure r.

President. Benito Pr ieto. Vice.President. R. C. S taigh l. Secretllry.Treasurer. OtnE CTOns !

1. E. Norton

G. P. Kearney



MANILA JOCKEY CLUB, I NC . 2000 FELIX HUERTA S, SANTA CRUZ TELS. 2·28·76; 2-28-18 &: 2·11·91 Rafa el Roee., Pres id en t. Ben ito Prieto, Treu urer. Dr. Snlust iano H errero, Secretary.

D. l aran ill ll ME~tREQ5HII'


D. l aTinilla, Chairman. 1. B. Floyd. A. A. Fra5e r.



W. A. E. W.

P. O. BOX 134 ILOILO CITY, PHILIPPINES MeG. Davie&, President. H . T aylor, Vi ce.Presiden!. W. Lloyds, Secretary. Maxfiel d, Treu ure r.

Carmen C. Vd.. de Re)'el F. W. Prisiog Tomas Li cllauco 1. D. Warren, Manager.





An tonio Prieto Manu el T orr es Jose Albert CltlDen C. Vd •. de Reyes

B. Boone. Chairman . A. A. Fraser.

T. O. Mye rs, Chairman. 1. E. NorlOIl. A. A. Frllae r.




aO Ano 0' IImtCTOR S:

A. D. Calhoun. President. J. K. Carmicbael, Vk e· Pres id en t. j. F. Cotton. A. F. DUi:g1e by. L. M. H Bulman. 10hn Lapham. J. R. Me J\lickini:. ;\1. M. Saleeby. Capt. J . H. Slad ler, Jr. J . F. CoUon. H onorary Secretary·TrelluT\'r. M. A. H ayel , ManRge r.

MANILA YACHT CLUB LORETO TENNIS CLUB 370 G. TUASON, SAMPALOC Lu cio AlquirOI. Prellidenl. Pat erno Miranda. Secretary·Tre uure r lind Court Mllnager. A. Areola. Au ditor. Fidd Mirando, Athletic Man ager. Felicisimo Ampon, H onorllry Member. Feli:l AmpCln, Honorary Member. •' ranci,co Bellel , Honorary Member.


L. C. Ha yden, Houe. T. A. D. Aplin, Grounds. S. R. Barne tt, Handicap . C. C. Blaek, Match and P ublitity. W. C. Naismith, Finance. G. M. Iv ory, Mem be rsbip.

O" I CRR5:

T. O. Myerl,



IameJ A. S. E. E. Barry

P. O. BOX 913 C. R oc kwe ll, Co mmodore. He yward, Vi ce. Commodore. Win g, Rear Commod ore. Bald win. Secretary.Treasurer. TRUST':T.5 :

J. C. Roe k...ell Santiago Pieo rn ell . Al ejandro R ocn. Jr.

A. S. H ey ward Aub rey P. Ames . E. E. Wine



MUSA CHESS CLUB 1170 MUSA, SAM PALOC Be rmund n Sirn buian, President. Cnli):!o D. Curcia. Vicc·Presi dell!. Sinfo ro," D izon, T reasur er. Bernaho C. Payumo, Secretary.




6·71·5 1- P,






H. I.


1. L.

F. D. Innsay

Manuel, See retDTY.


S. M. Santo.

P. O.


Erondino Rodriguez J ose Santiago J ose Sa nti ago Dominador Roxaa




H en ry J. Reld e n, Preald en l. J ose Fa bell a, Viee-Pre.iden!. F ranc iaco Segarlo. Secretary and Aal ista n! Tr ealu rer. H onorio Poblador, ManaGe r·Treasurer and An islant Setr",. tlrf'

STUDENT Y. M. C. A. hmat'l Amado, P residen t. Alvah E. Jobn son, Vice· Presiden t and Treasurer. llermumlo Simbulan, Sec retary.

PHILIPPI NE ISLANDS LAWN TEN N IS ASSOC IATION P. O. BOX 1905, MA NILA Dr. Victor Buencamino, Presi den t. J OS8 Ma. Barredo, " ice· Pr es lden!. Dr. Regino R. Ylan:m, Secretary.Treuurer. )IE11I1EIIS: Dr. Vicente J ap.on Dr. Alfredu Di y Eilel Baumann Benito Lopel Gonulo Manuel


DlIIECT{)1I5 :

Eddie T ai l, President, Ju a n L. Ledesma, Vice·Preaiden t. Hen ry J. Belden, Secretary and Treasurer. Amos G. Bellis. Dr. Victor Buencamino. John Canson. Emilio Rodriguel. William Ic k. Stewart T ai l.

PHILIPP IN E RIFLE AND PISTOL ASSOC IATIO N, I NC. ROOM <W8 ARIAS BLDG .• STA. CRUZ P. O. BOX 3;9 TEL. 2·5 1·25 Publishers, T he National Sporlma n ~hg31i n e. Sixlo Grsnfil, Chairman. Antonio A. Rodrigue~, General Manager I nd Stali.tici Directors. BOARD oJ" DIRtCTOII5: Mrs. H erminia Rodriguez. Secretary· Treasurer. Gregorio Santos, Dr .• Plan and Training Diree tor. Pedro Tabora, P ublicity and Range Officer.

RICARTJo; ATHLKTIC C I_V U SAMPAf.OC Leon d e L eon, President. Dalmaeio P. Santos, Vice·Pre.iden t. J elul N. Palacios. Seeret3ry. JOl8 San liago, Auis lan t Secrelary.







P. O. BOX 305 R. H nridge, l'reaident. M. Bridgeford , Vice· PrClident. L. Snaith. Secretary. H. V. KIlO.des, Tr easure r. H . Blinko. Ground l Ofric eT. V. Pa rke r, Captain of Cricket. McKcrchar, Captain of Soccer. Black, C~ptain of Softball. C. J . Dunn, Captain of Hockey. F. Buttlield, Cap tain of Ru S-b)'.


Maliolo P U lor S. Geronimo Delfin Soli ren

P elton ilo Anlno P erfecto Zabala F elix Merca do




Vi cente

Pedro E,calamhrc. Trea, urer. Modcuo Flores, Direc tor. Enrique K~till bak, Director. T eodo To Kala .... Jr., Director. J ose Dangen, Administrative Officer.

1. G. A. C.

~l t MB ElIs nlr

1. Legupi

Dr. CarlQ! P. Romuio, Pres id ent. I' c<lro Mnhnnla, Vicc, President. V.

P etron ilo Anlno, Tr ea, ure r. CODllaReio Zamora, A..b t .. n~ Treasu rer. Teodoro Policatpo, Aud ilor. Franciec o MBngulBbnan, Au lu90l Audit or. Silllo M. Sanlo~ . Coac h. Si mpllcio Cristobal, Aui" anl Coach. DO,"DO 0' IllRItCTORS: J Ole Legupl Pablo A.nn eio n Geronimo Anll.lO Emeterio C•• till o Gra ciano Salvador


Hen ry J. Belden Jose Fabella T. Y. mlmoto IIOUS£

R. T. Fitzsim monl

F. Segado Albin o SyCi p J . E. Tnason


} ule F ahell a, Chairman.

Albino SyCip, Member. CROUNTI! COMMlTTI:t:

M. A. Albert, Chairman. F. Se,ado, Membe r. P. C. Whilaker, Member. CINtll.Al. COI,UIITTU:

F. Serado, Chairm an. H. T. Fitui mmon s, Member. Albino Sy Cip, Mem ber. J. E. Tunon, Me mb er. T. Yama moto, Mem ber . SP ORTS AND CAM U

COMM lnl'.t:

J. E. T UUon, Chairman. Francis Lusk, Membe r. Ramon Caro, Member. Vieenle Rufino, Member. M. Niahino, Member. UN!'!I! ,"ND SW IMI>II NC COMMITTEE: J orGe B. Vargas, Chairman. Vieto r Bu eneamino, MelJlber. S. Garm uy , MelPber.




H on. F ranc ia B. Say re, U. S. H igh Comm i..ioner. ~bjor General George Grunerl, U.S.A. , Commanding Gen· era l, Ph ilippine Department. Rear Admiral J ohn M. Smeallie, U.S. N. , Commandan t, 16th Naval Di,trict, Philippine.. OF FI CtIlS:

Harold N. Wilson, Chair mDn. BertrDo d G. Leake, Vice· Chairman. Pau l M. Davis, Treuurcr. Joseph W. Moor~, Anisla nt TreMur H. T heodore L. H all. Scout Cornmi"ioner. r. icha rd C. Corkl e, Secr etary.



BOY SCOUTS OF THE PHILIPPINES National H eadquarters RIZAL MEMORIAL TENNIS STADIUM CABLE ADDRESS: "BOYSCOUTS. MANILA" p , O. BOX 878 TELS. S·76·87 & S·76·80 Manllel L. Quaon, H.on orary Pre-ident. Sergio OsmeDa, Hon orary Vice-President. FUDcil B. Sayre, Honorary Chief SCOUI. fU.T:lOIU.L OFFICEJtS: J. E. H. Stevenot. Pruldenl. JOffe B. Varras, Finl Vice· President. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, SecoDd Vi ce·President. Vicente Lim, Treaa urer. Euquiel Villacorta, Secrctary. Manuel Camus. National Scout Corurui..ioner. Exequiel Villacorta, Chiel SCOUI E::cecutive. UE~IBEB5 or THE I!:XaCUTlVI: DO.u\D: Dr. Francisco Benite= Arse nio N. LUI Dr. Jorge Bocobo Fr. Joae Orlea Iudge MaDuel Camus Dr. Ceeilio Putong Dr. J oaquin CanulO Capt. Enrique Razon Lino J . Clltillejo Alejandro Roces, Jr. G. A. Daza Dr. CarlOI P. Romulo Dr. Jose Fabella Celedonio Salvador Hon. JOle Cil !filarion S. Silayan B. M. GonzalC2. Maj. J . E. H. Stevenot Florencio Tames is Prudencio Langcau oD Gen. Vicente Lim Gen. Basilio J. Vald es H on. Jorge B. Vargas


Mu. Bienvenido Conula, Nalional Commbsioner . M•• Benito Legarda. Vie&-National Co mmi ni oner. Mrt. J ose Gil. Treasu rer.

M.,.. l'thl!uel Liru, Secretary. MEMBER S:

Mias Mra. M•. Mra. Misl

Ben ie Dwyer Pilar H. Lim I. L. Bromfield Ricardo Lacaol! MBnuela Gay

Mrs. 1IIn. Mrs. Mrs. Mr, .

Jorge Varga3 Benigno Aquino Araenio LUE Regino Ylanan Rourio Maiialae


Mi u Miu Min Min Mias Min Min Min MilS Min Miu Mills Mias Miu Miu hlin Min

Helena Z. Benitez, Geneul Chairman. Mari" Aurora Quezon, ht Vi ce.Chairman. Lulu Reye!. 2nd Vi ce.Chlirman. Lily de las AIOI, 3rd Vic e· Chairman. Leni Alano, Seere!ary. Tina Aranda, An islant Secretary. MiDe"a Guyuyko, TreaJ urer. Lourdes Ledesma. A.. iuan! Treu urer. MEMII&IIS: Evelyn Fabella Mias Sally Un Ion Jos efa Alunan Mill Naly Oso rio Amparo Natividad Mi u Beuy I\hgalona Min Nina Estrada Eva E$trada Virtudetl Guinto Min Pilar Clmpos Lilia Garci a Miss Zeneida Quezon Erlinda Kala" Miss Hort ens ia Laguda Aurora DiDO Min Lolila Lorenzana Nieves Singson Mi n Carmen Plann Dely Rodriguez Mias Emma Benitez Mra. Llanel El coda, National Executive.




Mayor, City of Manila HONORARY

President, Pretlident, President, President,


Municipal Board, Manila American Chamber of Commerce Philippine Chamber 01 Commerce Rotary Club

OI'FICERS: Hon. Manuel Lim, President . \\Ianuel B. Santoa, In Vice·Pre.ideDt Rev. Jose Onea, O.P., 2nd Vice·Preaidcnl. Enrique Lolarga, 3rd Vice· Preside nt Araenio Tenmalay. Treasu rer SeveriBno V. Araol, Secretary and Scout E. eculive Dr. Cecilio Puton" City Seoul Commi u ioner Aquilino \'If. Javi er. Office Manager 1!X.lCUTtVE BOUO: Luis Ablaza Enrique LolBrga Manuel Arlj:onza Salvador P. Lopu EU l laquio Balal lu Ja cinto Lorenzo Domingo Basclla Frede ric S. Marquardt J ose Bautilta Dibiano Mee r J ohn H. 1\1. Butler Fobion Millar J ose Delgado Ll. Col. F. G. Obou, P. A. E. B. Ford Rev. J ose Orl ea, O.P. Ro mon Onela Gum ersindo Carcia Pedro Gil Cecilio Putons Jaim e H ernandez Manuel n. Santoa F elipe Jim enez Ag erico B. M. Sison H. P. L. I ollye Arse ni o T enmatay Toribio T eodoro Leon M. Luaga Benito F. Legarda SilvClltre Torrea Palroci ni o Val enzuela Manuel Lim All Dla triet Chairman




\fra. Asuncion A. Perez. PresideD t. Mrs. B. E. Merriam, Viee. PrC!ident. M n . Pa>; Cllerp oc ru z, Secretary. Mi » Marcela C. Barrarueda. Treasu rer. Min Ana Advin eu la. l'thnon. ME~IBERS : J us li ce 101& Abad Sanlol. Dr. Gum er.indo Glrei •. Mrs. Le. lie Wolfe. Dr. I\hry Huiling Lee. Mrs. S. W. Slagll. I\frs. Nieves S. TUlUon. Mrs. H. A. Cuell. Mn. Benjamin F. Alli.oll. Mrs. La ura Lindley Sbuman.



Francis B. Say re, H onorary Presiden t. Manu el L. Qu ezon, Honora ry President . .<\.dmiral T. C. Hart, U. S. Navy, H ono rary President. Major General Georee Grun ert, U. S. Army, Honorary Vic e. Prl!$idcnt. Rear Admiral J. M. Smealie, U. S. Navy H onorary Vice. Presiden t. OFFICERS:

Alva J. Hill, Pre. iden!. Col. H. Gilhouler, Fi rs t Vi ce· President. Mra. R, 0, Wurinl:ton. S econd Vice· President. J. A. McCain, Treas urer. J\[n. Flora N. Greal l:', Secretary. Mt:MBt:JIS or TUE 1I0&RO OF nIllt:CTOJlS: Alva J. Hill, Chai rman. Col. H, Gilbou aer Rev. Jobn F . Hurley, SJ. Mra. R. O. Warrington Paul Guild: John Cauon Col. L. J, VI..D. Scbaid: J. A. McCain George L. Rickard Judg e N. Almeda_Lopez T. G. H enderson MaMIiEItS OF TUE WOMEN'. &DVISORY DO£JtD:

Aira. R. O. Warrington, Chairman. Mra. C. E. Nathorst Mr!. J. R. Herdman Mn. P. R. Danner \\trl. J ohn H. Chile. Mrs. C. H. Lantz Mr•• Francis B. Sayr e \\In. C. L. Seitz \\In. George Grun ert Mrs. H. Schlereth Mn. Robert E. Cecil Mrs. Francis G. Brink \\In. H. T . Frost Mra. Flora N. Gr e&:g






389 SAN RAY AEL. SAN MIGUEL O. BOX 1201- TELS. 2·12·93. 2.12·94 AND 2·41-83 Frane is B. Sayre, H onorary PrCl id en t. Manuel L. Qu","<;,", Honorary Presi den!. Sergio Dlmen/l, Hon orary Vicc·President. Juan Pondu. Honorary Vice_Presidenl,




Mri . Asuncion A. Pe rez, ["ecut;"c Secretary. Mr•. Nievc. S. Tuaaon, Aui otant Ex ec utive Sec retary. Jac into D. Salva, Acting Chief, Adminis trative DiYi~ion. F rancisco Rorlriguez, Chief Doormat Dcpt. Juan M. Uuiz, Ca~c Supe rvisor. Mn. Virginia A. Pena, Assistant to th e CMe Supervisor. ~I.s. G,vinl CrllZ, Disburs ing Officer. Ciriaco MelIinD. Anistant Disbuning Officer. Paulino Agbulos. Chief, Mi scellaneoua Section. Gerardo Armonio. Chie f. Empl oy ment Section. Dr. Franc isco Tionko, Chief. Physical and Men tal Di.· ability Section. Min Franeitci Sing!on, Intak e I nten·ie,,·er. Miss ]ose fin l Phodaca, Chie f, Educational and Recreational Sec tion. Mrs. An a Paj e, Chief, Records Scction. Rodri go Tama yo, Auditor. Marcelo Loria. Prope rty Clerk. F elix Calderon, Personnel Clerk.

AUXILIO SOC IAL Cnmen Eliaa R. Joaquin Socorro

962 ISAAC PERAL. PACO TEL. 5·66·45 D. M. Vda. de Eli zalde, Pre,ident. de Montell. Vice·Prnidenl. G. Vda. de R·lniante. Treas urer. B. de Garehitorena. Secretary.

LA PROTECCION DE LA INFANCIA (Gota de L eche) LEPA"'TO, SAMPALOC TEL. 2 ·85·30 (Depo'itario: Banco de lao !sla. Filipinu) Mn. Natividad Alm eda.Lopez, Preddcn t. Dr. 10ae Ma. Delgado. Vice· P relident. Dr. Severino S. Alb erto, TreMur er. Dr. lose V. Ramirez. Int erv entor. Dr. Antonio J. Gabriel. Secretary. Major J. E. H. StCl'enot. Member. Dr. Alfredo L. Guerrero. Member. 851


Dr. Albino N. Ocampo. Dr. Peregrino H. Paulino. Dr. Antonio Gabriel.



ROAD, L EGARDA SAMPALOC P. O. BOX 1141 T. N. McKinn ey. Presidcnt. D. A. Brucn. Secretary. Maria T. Molreto, Treuurer. Mra. T. N. McKinney, Director. Archie H. Gunn. Director.





P . O. BOX 281

Dr. Victor SlIent.mino. Kenneth B. Da y. Mrs. Trinida d F. L egarda. Dr. Juan Noluco. Dr. CarlOt P. Romulo.

Mrs. M ••. M.s. Mn.




MfA. Benito Lcgardll, Pre.ident. Dr. J OIC Fabella, Viee·President. Mrs. Ge ronima T. Peelo n. Treasurer. Mr •. Aluncion A. PeTell, Eueul;"'" Secretary.




PAN XENIA FRATERNITY PHILI PPINE ALP HA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES OFFICERS: Salvador Ba reng, Brother Governo r. Alberto Vergel de Dios. Brother Vice. Governor. James Stegner, Brothcr Secretary· Tr easu rer. hidoro Sanchez. Brother Ass i. tant Secretary.Treuurer. Luis Rivera, h .. Brother Hi~t orian. Mario P. Marcos, Brother Publici ty Manager. Eliseo Alorro, Brother Wat chman. Conrarlo V. Cruz, Brother Watchman.

TELS. 2·19·88 iIIrs. Julia Vargu Vda. de Ortig u, Pre.iden!. Dr. Joae Fabella, Vice·President. Th e Treasu rer of the Philippines. Treasurer Ex·Officio. Dr. Angel B. Trinidad. Execu tiv e Secretary, ~1r;~IBERs : S.lvador L.gdam eo Hon . Ramon Torres Dr. Carlot P. Rom"lo Dr. Eu sebio D. Aguilar Dr. Miguel CanilRres Alejandro R oees, Sr. CENTRAL OFF ICE TEL. 2.87·13 Avelino, Administrativ e An istant

and Migu el F. Olliccr. luan M. Reyes, Chief Accoun tant. Fidel Hernandez. Chief, Caillpaign Divis ion. Francisco Pineda. Cuhier and Disbursing Ollicer.


CENTRAL DI SP ENSA RY 1893 R IZAL AVENUE. SANTA CRUZ TEL. 2.88·13 Dr. JOle 8. Avellana. Ph ysician· in· Charge. ATTT.NDI NC


Dr. Soledad Arcega F1orendo. Dr. Francilco Av ellanll . Dr. Serafin D. Feliciano. M1"3. Emilin Lantin Sangalang, Chiel Nurse. Mrs. Obdulia R. Kabigting, Auiuan t Chicf SlIpervi!!ing Nurse.



QUEZON INST ITUTE QUEZON CITY. PH ILIPPINES TELS. 6·75·74 '" 6·75·75 Dr. Miguel Caiiiurcs, Medi1:al Director. ~'EDICAL

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Or.

F ernando B. Duran Gregorio Farrales Onofre Garcia Atilano Bernardo Severo Siasoco I'ilor n. Afable Fid el R . Nepo mueeno Cannelo P. Jacinto Leti cia J . Salas


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Cirilo SanlO! Conrado Lor enzo J e.UI Pe mp engco Manuel Lahol Ramon A. Vidal 10ae de 108 Rey es Nalolio Santiago Andre! Angara 10ae de Leon


Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Vi ctor D. F1orido. Baguio Dispenlary. City of Baguio. Oscar Catol;co. Tuguegarao Dispensary. Cagayan. Mirardo P. Obias. Naga Di, pensary. Camarines Sur. J ole Ma. Solano. Cebu Di.penury & Pavilion. Cebu. GreG orio F avis. ViKan Dispensary. llocol Sur. Ju an E. 5011018, Iloilo Dispensary & Pavillion. Iloilo. JOi e J. Arevalo. Cal8mba Dispensary, Laguna. P otenc ian o Gae rlan, Ta cloban Dispenu ry. Leyte. Hcra ldo del Castillo. Cahanatuan Dispensa ry. N. Eeija. Valeriano P . Turija, Zambosnga Diapenlary. Zamboanga.






Thom u J. Wolff. Chairman. Manuel Camus. Vic e· Chairman, F. C. Bailey. Treasurer. n ell ie A. Dwyer. Secre tary. Father H. C. Avery. 5 .1. Dr. Luth cr B. Bewley. Mra. Francisco A. Delgado. Dr. Hilario Lara. C. W. Funks. Joae Gil. Arseni o Bonifac io.



roI",. Potenciano Pec:son.

Mayor General Baeilio J. Valdes. Mn. Jaime C. de Veyra. Serafin Marabut. Celedonio Salvador. Chairman, School Servic e Committee. Charles H. Fon ter, Manager.


AZCARRAGA, QUIAPO TEL. 2·15· 10 Hon. Francb B. Sayre, H onora ry Vice--Preaident. Hoo. Manue l L. Quezon. Honorary Pr esident. Hon. Serllio Dame na, H ono rary Vice. Presiden t. !\IOIt Rev. Arch bishop M. J. O'Do he rty, Honorary Vice· I're-ident. Dr. Maria Pa>: Mendoza·Guuor!, President. Or. Victor BuencalD;no, Firll Vice· President. Leonmrd C. Moore, Second Vice--President. Hon. A. S. de Leon, Treasur er. Mn. D. B. McAvoy. S e<: retary. ME~U£U or THE 8010110: Dr. Pedro Villa Mra. Gordo n Bell E. E. Selph George Philph Mrs. Grellorio San Agustin Dr. L uther B. Bewl ey L. C. Moore O" lcr; STAoFF: B. Gonzllles, Chief Special Agent. Dr. A. V. Montaire, Veterin arian.

WHYTE CROSS 16 SANTOLA N ROAD. SAN JUAN, R IZAL. TEL. 6·81· 17 Mn. Manuel L. Quezon, H onorary President. Aln. Victoria Lopez·Aran elll. Pre! ideol. 1. Amado Aran eta, Vi ee.Pretidenl. Mrs. Soledad Zuluetll, Secretary. Mn. Mercedes Zobel de McMi ckiog, Treas\lrcr. !lin. SUlin Ledesma, Vice.Treuurer.


S.y Koc


Tan Un Liong Shih I. Sheng DlRECT(lRS:

Tin Tiong Gong Wang Hai San Yao Nai K\ln Ju no Gl ho Chan Chu Chim Suy ""4NCHE5 :

Luzon Buneh, Chua Llmko, Sianding Commi n ioner. Il oilo Btanch, Te Pek Kok. Cebu Branch. Go Taoco. Zamboan~1I Bunch, Lim Seng Am. 1010 BUIICh, Tan Keng Jun.



John Dumas A. S. R. I. Gilliland C. M. E. M. Grimm James 1. L. Headincton C. F. Haro ld Van Winkl e

H eyward Hoskin s Ross Sharp

LA CASA DE LA REPUBLICA ESPARoLA 902 TAFT AVENUE. MALATE P. O. BaX 2563- TEL. 5·34·82 CABLE ADDRESS: "CAOEL" JU ln L. Campos, Preaident. Ign.cio Fi&ueras. Secretary. JOBe Conto. Treuurer.


BLDG.. ESCOLTA, BINONDO TEL. 2-29·70 AND 2·78·43 lion. J o~e Yulo, President. Hon. Quintin Paredn , Vl ce· Preaident. H on. Eulogio Rodrigu el, Campaign Manager. Hon. Guillermo Z. Villanueva, General Executivc Sec retary. Vieen le Formoso. Au inanl EX e<: ulive S ecretary. Nicola, Lizarea, ActinG Treuu rer.


ARIAS BUILDING TEL. 2-25·93 C. M. CoUerlDan, Chairman. G. H. Fairchild, Vice· Chairman. P. D. Carmln, Secretary I lld Trellurer.

YOUNG PHILIPPINES PARTY 125 KALA W ARCADE, 470 DASMAR INAS BINONDO P. O. BOX 187- TEL. 2·54.11 OFFICERS: \ Gov. Wenceslao Q. Vinzons, President. Atty. Arturo M. Tolentino. Vic e. President. Gregorio C. Asis, General Sec retary. lIEMaERS, NATtONAL CENT1U.l. COI/NClL: Donato F.' Joaquin Prof. Nemeaio Angel es Ally. Nicolas Villaruz Prof. Porfirio l\li rafl ores Any. Vic cnt e l\I. Correa Councilor Carmen Planas Ally. Lorenzo Sumulong Atty. Rodolfo Palma Fran cisco Brilla nt es



ALHAMBRA, ERMITA TEL. 5·65·31 JOlquin Balmori, President. Dioniclo N.. arro, Secretuy.

NATIONAL LABOR UN ION . I NC. 615 RIZAL AVENUE. STA. CR UZ TEL. 2·50-20 Atty. Antonio D. Paguia. Supreme H ead. Atty. EuJogio R. Lerum, Vi ce· Presid ent. Manut! Al esnll. Vice·PrC!l ident. Victorian o Madayag, Vi ce·President . J ose H ernandez, Se<: retar y. Felisa Legas pi, Treasure r.

PHILIPPINE CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION INTENDENC IA BUI LDI NG, PLAZA ESPANA INTRAMU RO S Anlonio C. Perez, President. Quirico Camus, Vice· P resident. Modesto A. Ferrera, Secretlty.Treasurer. lauc Gellidotl, Aud itor. DIIIi:CTOftS: Lope O. T &y&o J ose V= Victorio Yabot Eriberto M. Paterno Victor Na carlo

PHILIPPINE LABOR CONGRESS. INC . 815 RIZAL AVENUE, STA. CRUZ TEL. 2·50·20 Ally. Antonio D. Paguia, Prseident. Domingo Ponce, Vice·Pres ident. Pedro L. Jaeinlo, Se<: retlty. Feliu Legaspi, Treasu rer.

PHILIPPINE MARITIME FEDERATION. THE 333 CRYSTAL ARCADE. ESCOLTA, BI NOND O T EL. 2·77-95 Alfredo Llamas, President. Marcos Ouhel. First Vice· P res ident. Melquiades Madil. Second Vice· President. Celestino Gltra. Secretlfy. Maximo Reres, Treasurre.




Pet ronilo Taraeatac, Pre.ideol. Rufino Tol ent in o, Vice.Prclidcnt. Arcadio Ansuuia, Sec retary. Niclisio nizon, Treasurer. Guill ermu R. Rodil Alejandr o Joco Santiago Castaneda

Sabll! G. Rcye. Jose O. Gonzai(:.l IS


Ce<:ilio A. Toledo, I'resident Eltno U. Sinoga)·a. Secretary. Francis(:o Batacau, Treas urer. GAbriel Alba, Jr" AuditoT. In oeenl"'l TorculI!or, Delegate. Feliciano Albinez, Delegate.






J ose de 10. Cruz, Pres ident. Zacarias Sahador. Vice· President. Hermog enej Dizon. Sec retary. Pacifico Santos, Vice-Secret,.r,.. Tomas R. Salvador, T rcnu rer. Cirilo Soliman, Vice· Treasur er. Nicasio Legupi, Auditor. MCMBERS:

Graciano Salvador Gregorio Flores Ruperto Ulang Nicola! Carpio Pedro d e los Sall105

Bonifacio Gabriel P edro Santos Doroteo Caiiares Vicenta San Jose Sixta Serrano

UNION DE MARINEROS FILIPINOS Madrig.listn 205 BARCELONA, SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4·72·89 Euslaquio C. Olvina. President. Vi ctorino M. Arrogante, Vice· Pr es ident. Cayctano S. H errera, Secretary. Ce ferino Andrade, Treuu re r. F rancisco Santiago, Auditor. lose Eloriag,., Depository. Amanda V. Viray, An islant Andit or.



GABRIEL, DINONDO TEL. 2.76·70 Ma,iano A. Ubaldo, General Pre.ide nt. Aurelio S. intertM, General Secretary. P edro F ernandel. General Treasurer. Rodolfo T. C;utro, General Deletate.

UNION MADR IGA LI STAS 205 BARCELONA. SAN NICOLAS TEL. 4·72-89 Eustaquio Olvina. President. Victorino M. Arrogante, Vic e· PreJiden t. Cayetano S. H errera, Se<::reUry. Ceferino Andrade. Treasu rer. Francisco Santiago. Auditor. Amanda Viray , Au i!t ant Audit or. 10le Eioria!:a, Depository.

VETERAN ORGANIZATIONS THE AMERICAN LEGION Departm e nt of the Philippine I s lands P. O. BOX 2601 E. Byron Ford, Commander. Hub ert Macgowan, First Vice-Commande r. Major Jamet D. Cartcr, Second Vic e· Command er. E. E. Littlewood. T hird Vice· Com mand er. Harry J. Morgan, (P.D.C.), Adjutant. J Oleph M. Schn rdut, Hil torian. Clarence Wilson, Chaplain. habdo Umlla, Sergeant·It·Arms.

Maj . Gen. F rank Pa rker, Rid .. (P.D.C.)., National Com. mittee Man. Major Paul S . Bea rd , ( P,D.C.), Alt ernate Nat ion al Com. mittel' Man. Manila Pos t No. I TH E AMER ICAN LEGION P. O. BOX 1529 W. R. Bradford, Commander. C. F. Mc Cormick, Adjutant. Cebu POJt No, 2 CEBU, CEBU E. S. Richards, J r., CommDnder. Cyrus Padge tt, Adjutant. Maeabebe-Muantol P oa t No.3 MACABEBE, PAM PA NGA Raymundo Lagm,.n, Commande r. J oaquin Boling;t, Adjutant. United Service Pos t No. 5 FORT W~1. McKINLEY. R IZAL Major Jamet D. Carter, Commander. Rob ert H ippelh ouer, Adjut ant. Oliver Davis Post No. 6 FORT MILLS, CO RREGlDon Arthur Ennil, Commander. S. R. Dangnlan , Adju t!!.nt. Philippin et Post No.1 FORT W)I. McKINLEY, RIZAL Casiano K arganilla, Commande r. Romarico Nagralon, Adjutant. Gen eral L eonard Wood P on No.8 ZAMBOANGA, PH ILIPPINES Benito B. Alegaria, Commander. P edro P. P ena. Adjut.nt. B.,uio P Oil No. 9 P. O. BOX 32, BAGUIO E. E. Littlewood, Commander. MaJ': Emil Speth, Rtd., Adjutant.

ASOCIACION DE LOS VETERANOS DE LA REVOLUCION 605 SAN NICOLAS, SAN NICOLAS P. O. BUX 2409-TEL. 4·81·96 General Emilio Agu inaldo, President. General Angd Corten, Firat Viee· Prelident. General J ose Alejandrino, Second Vice· Pres id ent. Commander Pedro R . Bautilla, Ge nera] Se<::retary. Second Li eu !. Ramon Mano Rivas, Anis lant Secretary. Pedro F. Hermoso, Trea lu re r.

Gen eral

1I1R'CTOfl5 :

Gen. Gen. Capt. nnt

Troadio Golicano Cap t. Mariano Serrano Antonio Montene&ro F in t Li eu t. Crispulo Med ina Antonio G. Escamilla Firl t Lieut. Inocencio GoLieu t. Eusebio Maniua! ehangeo T en. Cor. Timoteo Anzures

LEGION DE VETERANOS DE LA REVOLUCION 923 JUA N LUNA, TONDO H ia Excellen cy. Manuel L. Quuon, HonoJ'lU"f Commander General. HOD. Quintin P. redu. H onorary Vice Commander Genera l. Col. Felis S. Salas, Commande r General. Lt. Col. Honorio Lopez, lit. Vi"e Commande.. General. Col. Rupe rto T . Santiago, 2nd. Vi"e Commander General. Col. l\lariano Queri, Chief of Stalf. Capt. P onziaoo Moralet, General CommllBary. Ten. Col. Al ejandro Aveeilla, General Inspector. Capt. Mode. to T amayo , Gcneral Int endant. Lt. Leopoldo M. Alba, General Seeretar,.. Capt. Victorino L.nuza, General Treuurer. Lt. Miguel K. Villamayor, General Audi tor.

UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS Headquarters Department Veteran Army of tbe Phili ppin es ROOM 2, LACK AND DAVIS BLDG ., llO ECHAGUE, STA. CRUZ p, O. BOX 1264 DEPARTMENT OFFICERS- 1940·1941 : C"o L . Rickard, Deparlment Commander. E. A. Ceberl, Senior Vice Department Comm.nder.


CLUBS AND MISCELLANEOUS ORGANrZATIONS Patricio Doroja, Juni or Vice Departm ent Commander. Fred Gathercole, Chief of Stall. rauato Fronda, Department Adj utant. 8. 8. Brown, Department Quart ermas ter. Bonifacio Dizon, Department Marahall. Matin Lobo, Department Inapector. Lucas Doroja, A.. ;'tant Departm ent Ins pec tor. C. I. Cockerham, Department Chap lain. G. E. Campbell, Departm ent J udge·Advoca te. G. I. Cullen, Department Surceon. F. A. Wb..itney, Departm ent Patriotie Instruc tor. 8. Gilhouse r, Depar tment H is tori an. Bruno V. Madrid, Department Se rvi ce Officer. Roque Tomase, Assistant Departm ent Adj utant. Wm. Seoll, Department Senior Color Serg eant. Ramon Ramoran, Departm ent J uni or Cnlor Serg eant. Raymundo Roldan, Department Ch ief Mus ician. DISTRICT lN SPI!CTOAJ:

Guy O. Fori Severo Lonno Wm. Ludwig Samu el McEnt ee Mariann Eleuterio Doroteo fol.1t eo Sydney Scbwarzkopf. Bernardo Siatong Arcadio AgcaoiH Juan Fonseca Benjamin Kohlman Atanacio Dumlao !\figuel !\fangibin Joseph A. Bunch T. G. H e n der~o n Tomas Ls)'unglo Flavio Aquin o

Doroteo Mateo, Commlnder. J'edro de la Cruz, Adjutant. Eulogio Agcaoili, Quartermuter.

COL. RICE W. MEANS CAMP NO, 12, LAOAG, ILOCOS NORTE Vicente Torres, Command er. Cesario Madamba, Adj ut ant. Martin Pojas, Quatlerm u ter.

1ST SGT. VITO SAMACO CAMP NO. 13, CALAPAN MINDORO Eustaquio Abba. Command er. Benito Diaz, Adjutant. Alipio Ab u , Quarterm aster.

1ST LIEUT. SAMUEL WILLITS CAMP NO. 14. ZAMDOANGA EU8 ebio Laput, Command er. Pedro Jamolod, Adjutant. Ubaldo Nacional. QuarlermlUter.


GENS. LAWTON-EGBERT CAMP NO. I, MANILA Edward A. Gebert, Comman der. B. H. Brown, Adjut ant. Edward D. W. St. Claire, Quart ermaste r.

COL. JOHN M. STOTSENBURG CAMP NO.2, MANILA Geo. L. Ri ckard, Command er. C. E. Rice, Adjutant. R. B. Blackmllll, Quart ermast er.

GEN. HENRY T. ALLEN CAMP NO.3, CATBA_ LOGAN, SAMAR Gre,:orio Amahle. Command er. Domingo Jabinal Adjutlt nt. Domingo Jabinal, Quartermaster.

Timotio Alc antara, Command er. Estani,lao Clement e, Adjut ant. Al ejandro Lunl, Quarterm u ter.

ANDRES P . DADlSON CAMP NO. 16, TACLOBAN, LEYTE Agustin Miland ra, Comm and er. Man uel Calida . Adj utan t. Manu el Callej a, Quartermas ter.

TAMAYOR CAMP NO. ". BACOLOD, OCCIDENTAL NEGROS Jorg e Diaz, Comman der. Danie! Custodio, Adj utant. Danie! Custodio, Quatt erm u ter.



GEN. LEONARD WOOD CAMP NO.4, BARRIO SANTA MARIA, MACABEBE, PAMPANGA Guillenno Quiambao, Comm an der. Dimas Doria, Adjut ant. Jacinto Senteno, Quarterm u tcr.

PLARIDEL TEMPLE, 520 SAN ME RCELlNO, ERMITA F elipe Pacia, Comm and er. Higinio Cunanl D, Ad jutant. Ju an Cunanan, Qulttermau er.


COL. JAMES S. PETTIT CAMP NO.5, ZAMBO ANGA, ZAMBOANGA Mariano Guerrero, Command er. Venancio Torres, Adjut ant. Domingo Valientes, QUa t letm a& ter.

MAJOR EDWARD McCONVILLE CAMP NO.6 CEBU,CEaU Patricio Doroja, Comm and er. Sabas AI!:"oso, Comm and er. Serapio Boo, Quartermas ter.

PLARIDEL TEMPLE, 520 SAN MARCELINO, ERMITA Ri chard John son, Commander. William Scott, Adjutant. MosC5 Montgomery, Quarterman" r.

CAPT. ARLINGTON U. BETTS CAMP NO. 20. LEGASPI. ALBAY Patricio Magui ga d. Comm and er. Martin Edralin, Adjut an t. Deogracia. Mat a, Quartermut"r.


MAJOR DANIEL J. MOYNIHAN CAMP NO.7 CALBAYOG, SAMAR Serapio Daguman, Command er. Mariano Diomllllgay, Quartermatler.




AT 100 TAYUMA N, TONDO Reg ino Dey ro. Co mmand er. Juan Mendon, Adjntant. ]anulrio H ernand ez, Quatt ermuter.


Robert S. Vanvalkenb urg, Comm and er. Francia A. Whitney, Adj utant. Pedro A. C85anage, Quartermatter.

Melcbor Cayago, Commander. Lorenzo Reago. Adjutant. Gregorio Anon. a, Quartermauer.







Fioreneio M. Vira)" Command cr. Lorenzo Torres, Adjut ant. Samuel S. McEntee, Quartermaster.

PLARIDEL TElI-tPLE, 520 SAN MARCELINO, ERMITA Miguel lII angihin, Commander. Estanislao J oven, Adjutant. Emeterio Asis, Quartermllter.



Lorenzo Ybay, Command er. Roque Tamast', Adju tant. Roque Tamue, Quartermaster.

Severo Rom ero. Commander. Eugenio Rt:lotB, Adjutant. Gelacio Dumag, Quart ermaste r.






PrOCCIO Deoca mpo, Commander. Vic lor F eria, Adjutant. LcO(:allio F ontcc ha, Quartermaster.

Yreneo Noriega. Commander. E milio Pam ittan, Ad jutant. DOnalO Rcmolaeio. Quarh;rmuter.

COL. JOSEPH N. WOLFSON CAMP NO. 26, MA· CABE;.BE. PAMI'1\NGA Ignacio Ab clino. Commander. Hil ario Cnjaoding, Adju tant. Gregorio Nuqui, QuartermaU c r.



CiriaCI) Delina. Commande r. Severino Coin, Adjutant. L ucu Cap. que, Quartermaster.

Agustin Silv erio, Commander. Mariano Doran, Adjutant. Antonio Gnlamay, Quartermaster.

WILLIAM C. BkADY CAMP NO. 29, MASANTOL. PAMPANGA. Leoncio Suiig• • Commander. J uan Viray. Adjutant. Donato Y(;Da cio, Qua rtermaste r.

SAN QUINTIN CAMP NO. 3D, SAN QUINTIN PANG AS IN AN. J o,epl, A. Bunch . Commander. I'e tronilo Rn mirez, Adjutaot. Victorian o La can lale. QuartermBuer.

E. I. TOTTEN CAMP NO. 31, SAN FERNANDO LA UNION . luan F onleea. Commander. Pedro Dulatri, Adjutant. Valentin Guibarra, Quartermuter.

DUMAGUETE, CAMP NO. 41 , DUMAGUETE, ORIENTAL NEGROS J Ole Merced . Command er. J uan Sindionc. Adjutant. Ju an Sind ionll'. Quartermuter.

Donato Clarol , Commander. Domingo Benusa, Adjutant. Domingo Bcnuu, Quartermaster.

Lawton Post No. 27 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE UNITED STATES (FOUNDED 1899) P. O. BOX 611 J. A. Murphy, Commande r. A. M. Euhace n, Adjutant a nd Quartermaste r.

VETERANS OF PHILIPPINE CONSTABULAR Y GRAND ENCAMPMENT 2633 Ll CO. TOND O J o.e de 105 R eye., Command er· in-Ch ief. Juan Dominl;uez, Fi n t Vi ee· Com mand er-in·Chlef. J ose Velasqu ez, S econd Vice· Comma nder. in-Chief. Manuel S. Palma, Qunrtermaller_Adju tant_G eneral. Fra ndsc o P. d e Guzman, Jud ge .' dvoca te General. Domingo Valmore., Grand Chaplain. Inspecto r G:o·

Comrade CODlrade Comrade Co mrade Comrade ComraJe era l. Comrade Luca, G. B&I'iera, SnrCeofl General·G rand Hi storian. S TAFF OI"FI CERS :

MAJOR JOH N A. L OGAN CAMP NO. 32, BINALONAN, PANG AS IN AN. Atanacio Dumlao, Commander. Hilario NoeBsp, Adjutant. H ilario Nocasa, Quartermaster.

COL. HARRY R. ANDREAS CA MP NO. 33, SAN FERNANDO, PAMl'ANGA. Manuel Chllntengeo, Commander. JOle Silva, Adjutant. Tomas BpUlilta, Quarte rma ste r.

AMOS G. B ELLIS CAMP NO. 34, ECHAGUE. ISABELA T omu LayUI;:Bn. Commander. Lorenzo E$trella, Adjutant. Cipri:lDo Dinaroo. Quarterma~te r.

COL. LOUIS J. VAN SCHAH.:t<. CAMP NO. 35, CUYO, PALAWAN. Nieolu Cabri.lanle, Commande r. Ramon Mal;:banua. Adjutant. Ancel Rabang. Quartermas ter.


CAPT. JOHN F . GREEN CAMP NO. 37, SANTA MARIA, ILOCOS SUR . Benjamin Kolman, Commander. Leon Obrero, Adjutam. COTilo E.tula, Quartermaster.

Mariano Quegguegll n, Com mllnd er. Julio Yringan, Adjutant. CIriaco Daccay. Quanermute r.



JUln Santillana, Commander. Andres Viray. Adjutan t. Andres Viray. Quartermaster.


Comrad e J uan A. H ernandez. Deputy Command e r·in·Chief. Comrade J OIC G. Polotan. Chi ef of Staff. Comrade Luci ano S. Arellano, Auiuan t Quar termaste r.Ad· jutallt Geilerai. Comrade Francilco P ulolan, Grand Pauiotie In.tructor. Comrade P ed ro B. Nanrro, Grand Trump e ter. Comrlld e tlbr r.elino riel R Oll riO, Sergea nt·al·Arms. Cnmrade Protn lo Zarriz, Color Sergeant. Comnd e Ben ito Espejo, Color Bea rer 1. Comrade Eugen io Alllno, Color Dea rer 2. Comrade Rafael Principe, Color Bea re r 3. Com ra de Francilco Maiiga oan,. Color Bearer 4. CODlrade Zacarin Mat reo, Guard 1. Comrade Dionicio CllStro, Guard 2. Comrade Domineo Reiiido, Guard.

DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN VETERANS MANILA CHAPTER ONE ( Meets every third Thursday o f the month at th e America n Chllmber of Commerce, H eacoc k Building) Mr •. Norma S. Ga rcia. Pr esident. Mra. Florence L. Gardne r. Vi ce·PrClidcn t. Mi$' Maura NiJI. Secretary. lIIn. Flora G. Ba", Treas urer. MilS F lo ra H . Hend enon , Chaplain. '\Iu. Ani ta H. Scblobohm. Sgt . a l Ar ms. Miss Eth el Holmes, Color Bearer. Mi n Marga ret Carroll. Color Bearer. !\lin Trinidad H olmes, Trustee. Min Dolores Gardner, Tru~tee. Min Ann e Nehon, T rustee.

BENEFIT SOCIETIES BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Manila LodQ,e No. 761 ELKS CLUn DEWEY BOULEVARD, ERMITA Wm. H. n cnnold s, Exalted Ruler. E. W. Bayer, Eueemed Leadi nc Koight. S. 1. Wilson . Esteemed Loyal Knieht.


J. B. McPherson, Esteemed LeC lurin{: Kni{:hl. G. B. Obear, Secretary and l.ibrarian. S. A. Wamcr, Treasurer. A. C. Davis, Esquire. J ~hn Hay, Tiler. Reuben Mat"JIulies, Inner Guard. G. W. Kriedt. Organist. T. S. Holt, Chaplain. Nathan Hubert W, A. A. G. J. W.

] 89

ZABALA, TONDO Tel. 4·89·13 Pa blo B. H errera, Gran M'eatre. Antonio Tenmal.y, Gran Secnlario.

IMPROVED ORDER RED MEN Apache Tribe No. I >124


Wilson, Chairman. Shurdu t. Ritenour. Rosevcare. CLUB


Bro. M. J. Thompson . Regular Lodge Meelings : First and Third each month.

Wedncsday of

CHIN POO TONG (Grand Chinese Free Mason ) P.

245 CARVAJAL, B1 NO NDO O. BOX Z52t:- T EL. 4·76·39

Yu T iao Kun, Presidenl. Co h p, Treasurer. Pabilona Dionicio, Settelary. Jos e N. Co Cheao, Secretary. Anlon io Garcia, Sub· Secretary.


222 SOUR , BfNONDO O. BOX 1491- TEL. 4·95·96

Paulino P . Goc he.:o, P r~ id e nt. Vic ente Ang, Vice· President. Go Fay. Treasurer. Ko Bun Pin, Secretary. Gregorio Nicolas, Ass iu ant Secreta ry. Marcelo Nubia, Hon. Legal A.],.iser. Atty. Ralph Kong, Hon. Legal Adviser. Tan Chu Un, Executiv e Secreta ry. MEMBERS OF TIIF. aOARD OF DIRECTORS: Pauli no P. Gocheco J. l\ lichh.n o N{:O\o'al Vi cen te Ang Cua Gay Go Fay Al ejandro Tir.>ngcr.> Ko Bun Pin Lay Pinl; Gregorio Nicolas Simer.>n O. Suan Ang T uan Kai Gan Hnn"y Tan 500 H uat Lim Ki Choa Ma Mon Luk

FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Manila Aerie No . .500 PLARTDEL TE MPLE, 520 SAN MARCELINO P. O. BOX 3,'i5- TEL. 5·35·62 (Meets e, ery Satu rd ay at 8 p.m.) DEPUTY CIU.Nr.> Wr.>RTHT PIIESIDI:NT, I'JlILlf' PINI: 151-1.:<05: T. Walt eD.pi ..I, P.W.P., M. nil. Aeri e No. 500, F.O.E. OFFICII r.>r MAN IL.I. .... £II IE Nr.>. 500, r . o. £. George F. Burwell, P.W.P., Juni or P.W. Pres id ent. Earl M. Cousarl, Worth,. P ent. Daniel Adamson, Worthy Vice.Pre. ident. GeWE:e H. Loui., P.W .P., Worlby Secrelary. 1. E. Leitch. Worthy Ch.plai n. Charles Brantigan. Worthy Treasu rer. Chu. Ruff, Worthy lD.ido Guard.

FRATERNAL ORDER OF "LEGIONARIOS DEL TRABAJO" P. O. BOX 1527 CABLE AND RADIO ADDRESS; "ROFDOI., " MA NILA Domingo Ponce, Supreme Hc ad. Ramon Samonte, Grand Kni ght. Flor. S. Divinag rac ia, Gnnd Kn ight. P. P. Mabulay, Gr'Dd Knight.

J ose Galnra. Grand K night. Benito O. Garcia, Grand Secretary. Hil ari o Ange1e., Grand Treasurer.


BO.oIlO OF TlIUSTEE! : O. Noah, P.E.R. (5 yeart ). MacGowan, P.E.R. (4 yearl). H eppel, P.E.R. (3 yea .. ). Henderton. P.E.R. (2 ,.ear.). Hauuermano, P.E.R. ( 1 ,.ear).


S. J. J. M. C. J. R. E.


QVlRICADA, SANTA CRUZ P. O. BOX 471 (Meelin,: 2nd Thuuda1 e.,er,. mODlh at 8:00 p. m. at 424 Qniricada, Manila) Marti n B. Anderson, Depu ty Grcat In cohonee for the Phil· ippine•. Philip ~inlZenlcb, S~chem. Charle. Hoff, Sr. Sagamore. E. A. Gebert, Jr. Snga mr.> re. Earl M. Cousart, Prop het. J. E. Leileh, Chief ot Reco rd •. Marlin B. Ander. on, Kuper of Wampun.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Manila Council No. 1000 406 P EREZ, PACO P. O. BOX 511)-TEL. 5·74·85 Emeterio Barcelon, Grand Knighl. Ju sto Arras lia. D ~put1 Gund Knight. Feliciano A. J imenez, Chancellor. Susano Velasqu ez, Record er. Perfeclo E. Abordo, Trcat ure r. Bienvenido A. Tan, Adv ocal e. ADgel l\1artinez, Warden. F elipo R. Jim enez, Inlid e Guard. Antonio Giron, Outl ide Guard. Narciso Abella, Oul.ide GUlrd. Eli .. M. Ataviado, Truuee fr.>r 3 yea r!. Fortunato E. J ayme, Tru tee for 2 yean. Exequi el Zaballero, Tru~t ee for 1 ye ar. Fabian R. Millar, Financial Sec rclar )'. Carlos Da Luz Nu ne.. Lec turer. Rev. Fr. George J. Willmann, S.J .• Chaplain.

LAONG NASA, I NC. LAONG NASA Bl.DG., TON DO TEL. 4-88· 13 Gregorio C. Dlmaano. Pr n ide nt. CaDuto S. Nadurata, Vice-Pruident. Ri cardo C. Robles, Secretary.All orney. Pacifico M. Cruz, Treuu rer. Epifanio TacII, Auditor. J uan R. F ernando, Director. Dr. J e! UI Salgado, Director. BeneJicto Natividld, Direetor. Ped ro Gu evarra, Jr., Director.

ROYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MAN ILA LODGE NO. 900 520 SAN MARCELINO, ERM ITA P. O. BOX 1900 ( Meetingl: Second Friday of eac h month at 8:00 p. m.) Thomu W. h eupiel, Govern or. Willi am E. Williams, J unior Goyern or. Ernest Moravek, Prelale. rrank Draha, S e.: ret l ry. F. B. Herber, T reasu rer. Robe rt A. Browne,!. Charles Parker, Inside Guard. J. J. Dun ning, Trul tee 3 yearl. R. L. Ni ehr.>ff, Trustee 2 years. Walter Frankel, Lodge Ph ysician.

SUPREMO CONSEJO DEL GRADO 33 PARA FILIPINAS 189 ZABALA . TONDO TEL. "·89·1 3 Dr. Jose Elchi co, AC ling Grau Cr.>me nd ador. Prudeneio A. Remi, io, Cran C:mciller. Pablo B, Herrer., Gran Secretario.Genu.J.



Masonic Directory of the Philippines GRAND LODGE F. & A. M. OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CRAND SECRETARY'S OFFICE 520 SAN MARCELINO, ERI\IITA CABLE ADDRESS: "GLOGFAMPI " P. O. BOX 990 lohn Rob ert MeFie. Jr., (3), Grand Maner. J ose Potcnciano Guido (12), Deputy Grand Master. Michael Goldenberg (SO), Senior Grand Warden. Anlonio Rllmos ( 12 ), l unior Grand Wardell. Vicente Carmona (22) Grand T reasurer. Anionio GOllzalez (85), Grand Secretary. David Wai.Kok Au, (106), Di. l. Grand Master for Chi"a.

Josep h F ranci. n (lomcr (9), GUild Chaplain. T eodorico Arquiza Jimenez (31), Grand Orlllor. Bertrand H erbert Sileo (1), Grand Mau hall. Jose V. nu cnaven!u rll (53), Grand Standard Bearer. Albert J. Brazee. J r. (8). Grand Swo rd Bearer. l ohn Il.. H. Muon (3), Grand Bible Bearer. J oae Celestino Velo ( 4), Senior Grand Lectu rer. J ohn Maurice Aaron (3) , Juni or Grand Lecturer. Enrique Romero Martina (5), Scnior Grand Deacon. H Broid T hirweU Ge wald ( I ), Juni or Grand Deacon. Amando D. Hagan (104), Senior Crand Steward. Luis Lim Sillan (93), Junior Grand Steward. Mateo D. Cipriano ( 14). Grand Organbt. Honorio MU8ni (I9), Grand PUrBuivant. Jo.~ Ilernardo San tos (82), Grand Tiler.

Officers of Subordinate Lodges Under This Grand Jurisdiction For The Masonic Year 1941-1942 ADDRESSES


MAN ILA No. (lst Tu esday) Wor. Muter .................... Robe rt Edgar Cecil . ..... ....... .......... P. O. BOl[ 677, Manila Senior Ward e n ......• . , .... . , .. Nela Engnld Joh nson .. .................. c/o Standard·Vacuum Oil Co., Manila Junior Warden ........ . ........ Ivor DelOi Butler ....... .................. P. O. BOl[ 436, Manila Treasurer . George Armstrong Clegg ................. P. O. BOl[ 2639, Manila Secretary " ..... .. .... Bernard H. Brown ...... ................. P. O. BOl[ 3323, Manila CAV ITE No. 2 (2nd l'Il onday) Wor. Mute r .................... Raymond Kubilus •....................... P. O. BOll: 16, Cavite, Senior Warden ....... . •........ Fredreick Wm. Simmonsen ................ P. O. BOll: 108. U. S. J unio r Warden ................. Wm. Reid Manhall ..... . . ............... P. O. BOl[ 16, Cavite, Tr callu rer ............... Francis Victor Guitta rd ... ............... Sangley Poi n t, Cavite Sec retary ....... . ..... Hen ry David Riley . . ..... ................ P. O. BOl[ 51, Cavite.

Cavite Navy. Ca"ite Cavite Cav ite

CORREG ID OR·SOUTHERN CROSS No. 3 (2n d Thu nday) Wor. Muter ............ . ....... Gordon W, Ells ......................... . clo Am. H igh Commissioner. Manila Senior Warden ....... . •.. ..... .Jam ea Glen ...... . ..•... , .• , .... , ..... , .. ,c/o Malabon Sugar Co., M.. labon, Rinl Junior Warden ................. Edward W. Bayer .. .... ... . .......... , ... c!o R. c. A, Communica tionl, Manila Trellu rer ..•........ ........ ... David G. Gunnell ........................ P. O. BOl[ 620. Manila Secretary ...................... J ohn M. Auon ........................... P. O. BOl[ 710, Manila BAGUMBAYAN No.4 (2nd Wednes day) Wor. Mllte r ... . ................ Jose G. Mendon •.. , .... , .. .. ........... Calumpit. Bulacan SeniOT Warden ............... .. Mati u P. P erez •. .. , ... ,., ............... P. O. BOl[ 233 1, Manila Juni or Ward en . ................ Casim iro C. Romero ..................... 1518 Oregon, Paco, Man il a Trellurer ...................... Lino Chaves ........... . ...... .......... "Posta l Savi ngs Bank, Bu. of P os ts. Manila Secretary ..... , ................ Jo.e A. de Kastro ................. . .. P. 0, BOl[ 1243. Manil a ISLAND LODGE No.5 (2cd Wednesd ay) Wor. Muter .................... Harvie L ee Farmer , ... .............. , . .• Service Baty. 59th CA, Corrcgidor Senior Warden ... ... . ..... Guy Wardlow ...... , .................. , .. Baty C, 59th CA, Corrcg idor Junior Warden ................. WIII. H enry H ankin , .......•........ " .... Ordnance Dept., Corregidor Treasurer ., •..... . ..... . ....... Enrique R. Martine~ .•........ , .... , .. .... 62 Lim-an St., P uay, Riza l Sec retary ...................... lallie, M. Co'OinG"ton ...................... P. O. BOl[ 3. Correg idor. Cavite BIAK NA BATO No.7 Wor. Mu ter., .................. Santiago de Dio» .... . ..... . .............. 620 Senior 'Varden .. ....... ........ Elin Rui~ •.•............................ 675 Junior Warden ................. Carmelo P enlflor ......................... 4.23 Treuurer ..... ................. Lin o Gutierrez ............... , ........... 320 Secretary ........ . ............. Esteban L ecaros .... . ... .................. 420 COSMOS No.8 Wor. Muter . ..... .............. Da llas R. Goode nough .... . ... .. .. ........ U. Senior Warden .................J ohn E, Smith ........................... 60 Junior WlTden ..... ....... ..... Gcorge L. Ri ckard ., ...... .. .............. P. Treasurer ..•................... Geora:e A, Mayhew .... . .................. P. Secretary . . , ....... . ........... Fred M. Holmes ......... . ............... P.

(4tb Saturday) San Lazaro, Sta. Cru~. Manila L egarda, Simp .• Manila Dimasalang, S tl. Cruz. Manila DOSllla riii u. Man il a Batangu, Manila S. P. O. O. O.

(1st Wednetday) Naval Sta ti on. Covite Zalllora, Cavite BOl[ 2146. Mani la BOl[ 86, Man ila Box 86. Manila



ST. J OlI N'S No.9 (2nd Friday) Wor. Master .................... AlJen L. G. Owyre " ............. . . .. . . . o!o P eoplea Bank & TeuB! Co., ~hnila Senior Warden . . ......... . .. . .. Wm. H . Fonger .... . ................ , ... . P. O. Box 755, M.nila Jnnior Warden ................. Roleoe E. Lautzenhiser ...•..........• , ... 1130·0 Dakota, Manila Treasurer .• , ................... Seldoll W. O'Brien , .............•..... . •.. P. O. BOI: 703. Mlnila Secretlry . . ........... . ........ Sianion Youngbell: •.. . ................. . . e/o Alex Friede r. 36 Novaliches, Mia. ILOILO No. 11 (ht Saturd.y 6:00 P. M.) Wor. Muter ........... .. ....... Antonio H orrilleno ....................... Supreme Court, Manila . .......... . ... Bu. of Pos ts, Il oil o City Senior Warden ................. Mariano V. To lentin... ... Junior Warden ...... . ... J ose G. Lag os ............ . ...•........... Sara, Il oilo ...................... Rizal St., Iloilo City TreQurer .. . ............. . .. Ricardo A. Luna Secretary ...................... Eduardo Hibi onada ................... . ... Bu. of Au d its, City ... f Il oilo (ht Saturday) NILAD No. 12 Wo r. Master ................. . .. Lamberto T. I avalera ...................... Malacaiiang, Man ila Senior Warden ...... . .... . . .... David Navarro ........ . . . .... . ........ . .. . 901 Kanus, Manila Jun ior Warden .......••. . ...... Grego rio Trinidad ......... . ........... ... Luzon Surety Co .• lUanila Trea.urer ...................... Nicolas S. Cruz ........................... 2739 1U. Natio'idad, Man ila Se<: retary ............. .... ..... Al ejand ro C. TOrTU .................... .-125 T ell o. Tondo, Manila WALA NA NO. 13 (In Saturday) Wor. Maste r ................ . ... Arcadio M. Reyu ....................... H ... ule 5. MRR . Co. Gr!. S. Miguel, Calooc.n Senior Warden ....... . • ........ Ramon Sison •........................... .438 Catalu na. samp., Manila J unior Warden ................. lI ermenegil do Estrella ................. . . . c/o MRR Co., H ondagua. T ayabaa Treasure~ . ..................... Leoneio Tangulan . ..... . •................ 521 San Marceli no. Maoil a Sec retary •..................... Dionisio F. Alejandro .. ' .........•....... 3 J. Dau, 5. J uao, Rizal DA LISA Y NO. 14 (1s t Tuesday) Wor . Master .................... Ar.enio T enmalay ......................... 924 Don Quijote. Manila Senior Warden ........ • ........ Brigido M. Rox" . ........................ 1229 Lealtad, Samp., Manila JUDior Wa rd en ... ..... Ro.endo Guzma n .................. . . . ••.. 188 Oominga, Pasa y. Riza l Treasurer . ................ Do mingo Santo. . ......................... 203 Caatambide. Samp .• Manila Se<:retary .................. . ... E. teban Muna eriz . ................. P. O. Bolt 1665, Manila (ht Salurd.y) P ILAR NO. 015 Wor. M., ter .........•.......... Fortun.lo M. Ejercito ...... ......... .... 1523 5y.on, Paco. Manila Senior Warden ........ . ........ Pablo Tu ngol ......... . .......... . ....... 1173 Sto. Cti~ to Ext., Manila J unio r Warden ........... . ..... Teofi lo Ragodon ... . .. . ................... Court of FiI" Instance. Manila Treuu rer .................... . . C.ndido 5ay ... o ....... .. ..... . • . .•...•.. .. •Imu •• Cavile Secretary ...................... Meliton Darvin ......... . ................. l mUI , Cavite SINUKUAN NO. 16 (2nd Friday) Wor. Master ....... ........ ... .. J. P. Rons ....................... . ..... 101 J osela Patino. StB. Ana, Manila Senior Warden ................. Constantino Rabaya ....................... c/o Storea Dept. MRR Co., Calooeln JUDior Warden ................. Eugenio H ernando ...................... Medi cal Dept. MRR Co.• Manila Treuurer ... ................... Vic tori no Floro ........................ .. . c/o Manila Blue Printing, lo c., Manila .. .................. . 1537 Washington, Samp., Manila Sec retary .. .................... Palcu al Li Dtag BAGONG BUHAY NO. 17 (3rd Saturday) Wor. Master ......... • •......... H ermenegildo P. Sa ntos ...... ...... ...... Caridad, Cavite Sen ior Warden ....•..-.......... Lazaro Udasco ............................ Caridad. Cavil e Iun ior Wa rden ................. Eugene W. Sle phen ...................•... U. 5. Naval Radio 5Ia .• CaQacao Treasurer. ........ . . .. Pedro R. Santo. ..... .. ........ . . ...... Caridad, Cavilc Secretary ••. ..... . .. .. Francisco Advincula .......... San Roque. Cavilc ARAW NO. 18 Wot. Master .......... . ........ Anutacio Uy Mochay ..................... c/o Senior Warden ............ . ..Tan Un Liong ........................... 720 Iunior Warden ................. Chan Kee ................................ 546 Treasu rer. .. .............. .. .... Ta n Pian Sang ................. .. ........ 512 Secretary ... ........ .. ..... .. .. Ong Tiong Chic ................. . ........ 467

(2nd Saturday) "La Armonia," Plua 5ta. Crul Magdalena. Binondo Magdal ena, Binondo Sto. Cristo. S.n Nicolai Nueva, Bin ... ndo

s lLANGANAN NO. 19 (ht Satu rday) Wer. Maner ................... Benito Pangilman .. . ..................... .. Olf. of the Div. Sup. of Sch., Pui;-, Riul Senior Warden ................ Florencio Il agan .................. . ...... . San J uan Elem . Sch .• S. Juan, Rizal lunior Warden ............... Catalino D. Garduqu e .................... Pany Elem. Seh .• Pany. Rizal Treas urer .................... . . Pedro C. J ab.on .......................... Prov. Treas. Off., Pasig, Rilal Secretary .. ... • ......... Libe ra to E. Sabio .................... . ... Co "C", 12tb QM Regt .• F t .Wm. Mc Kinley RIZA L NO. 20 Wor. Master .............. . ... Eu.tuio A. E.cobar ...................... Lo~~z. Senio r Warden ................. Porlirio A. Romulo ...................... . Junior Ward en ................. M.rco. Mala banan ....................... . Treasurer .................. .. .. H ipoli to E. ValeQa ...................... . Secretary ........... . . ..... Victor Oblefias ........•. . ........ . ..

(Last Saturday) Taya~u

DAPITAN NO. 21 (2nd Wednelday) Wor. Masler ................... hidro L. Vej unco ....................... 146 Ar>:obispo. Manila Senier Warden .................T eofil o A. Ab ejo ..................... . ... 1623 Sande, T ondo. Manila Junior Warden ....... .... ...... Marcos Amponiu ......................... Meyeauayan. Bulacan Treasurer ......... . ....... Manuel A. Guieb ......................... 614 Rizai AveDue. Manila Se<: retary ........ . ....... Autonio Jonson ........................... 3 F. Roman, San J uan. Rizal RI ZAL NO. 22 (ht Wednesday) Wor. Mu ter ........... • ... . ... Luis Mont illa .••......... . ..•............• National Library, Manila Senler Warden .................Tiburcio T umaneng ... . ................... .. .. .. Ju nior Warden .... , ............ Venancio P. Sanoy ...... . ................ Budget Olfice, Manila ~reuu rer ...•.•................ Loui. Mazu r ........................ . .. . .. Beck·. Store. Escoh a. Manil. ecretlry .. .............•...... ROlendo R einolo .......... •• •............ MaIIClnaDg, Manila



SOLIDARIOAD NO. 23 (3Id Thllrtday) Wor. Master ................... Avclino .,' .,' .................... 1030 (lot ) San Marcelino, Man ila Senio r Warden ................. Franeiaco B. Juliano ........ ........ ..... 1231 M. H. de l Pilar, Manila Jun ior Ward en ................. l olc B. Palmero .......................... 19-12 Ri za i Ave., Manila TrCllurer ............. . ........ Emilio PUla no ............................ 43<l C. T ualon, Samp., Manila SeCIClary ...................... Juan A. del Roudo ...................... 1437 Ped ro Gu eva ra, Manila BANAHAW NO. 2<\ (hI Saturday) Wo r. Muter .... . .. ... ..... Crislino A. Tan Chay . .. ... •..... .... ... Alimonan, Ta yabu Senio r Warden . .......... Gregorio Orda. Sr. . .... .... ........ .... . . lunior Wa rden .. ..... ......... Victor Degraeia ............. .. ... ........ . Treaaurer ............ •• ........ Tan ODn .............. . ................. . Secre tary ...................... (Note): Wor. Ma!ter, Act. as Secretary) .. MA LI NAW NO. 25 (2nd Satu rd ay) Wor. Muter ........ . . ..... Si"'on Mag pantay ..... .................... San Pablo ~.ity Senior Wa rd en ..... Alfredo Borja . . .....................•.... lunior Warden.. . ... . ...... Mauricio Fule ... . ... . ................... . . T rell.5urer ..•.........•.. . .. Melanilt Vald ellon ........................ .. Secretary ....... . ...... Julio A. Alf ero ....................... . P INAGSABITAN NO. 26 (I n Saturday) Wor. Mau er.. . ............. Marciano A. Diaz ... ... . .... ... .. .. c/o Comm. of the Census. Manila Se nior Warden ... .. . ... .Ignacio V. Noble ........ ........... . ..... Sa n Pablo. Laguna ... • •• .. . ..... IHcardo Moguei! ...... .................... c/o Red V., Dalihican, Lu cena, Ta yabll.5 J unior Warden Treasure r ........... .... ....... Pau lin o G. Agra ....... . . . ..Pila, Lagu na Secretary ...................... Ni casio K . Galipot .......... Sta. Cruz, Lagu na BATONG·DUBAY NO. 27 (2nd F riday) Wor. Mu ter ................... Yang Wen Ying ......................... . 909 Alvarado Ext., Palomar Park. Manila Senior Warden . ... ........ Marlano M. Laut in ...................... R. 202 R I'gina Bldg., Elcoita, Manila Juni or Warden. .... . . ...... Em eterio R. Balboa ...................... c/o Pac. Com. Co., Port Area. Manila Treasurer .......... . ...... Eugenio Dizon .... . ....... ... ...... 527 Eztremadura. Samp., Manila Secre tary •............••....... Dellin A. Viola .............. . ... ......... 215 L. Guerrero, Manila BALINTAWAK NO. 28 (2nd Saturday) Wor. Mllt er ................... T eo lilo Olivera .... . ............... .. . .. Quezon, Tayabas Senior Warden .. . . ... .i iiilo Avecilla ............. .. ..... .•. ... . .G ~~, T~rabu J unior Ward en .... Mariano Enriquez ...... ..... .. ...... . Trcuure r .. . .... . .... . ......... L im H op .................... ... . ..... . Secretary ............ • •........ Victoriano A. T aiiafr anc a ................ . ZAPOTE NO . 29 (3rd Saturday) Wor. Muter...... . ....... Marcelino Cons tantino .................... c/o Bu. of Plant Induury, Manila Senior Warden ................. Victorino S. Filomeno ................... P. O. Box 436, Manila J unior Warden ................. Fidel Enc.rn.cion ........... . ............ 469.C Dart. Manil. Tre.surer ........ .............. J.cinlo N. Beltran ................... ..... PhiJ. Nat· l. Bank, Manil. Secret.ry ................. . .... Miguel Bonifacio .. .................. P. O. Box 2343. Manila (2 nd F riday) MAKTAN NO. 30 Wor. Mu ter ................... T om .. Cerille! ........................... e/o Prov' l. Trellury, Cebu Senior Warden .. .. Cervuio Ornopia . . ....................... P. O. Box 18, City of Cebu ... ,Sab.. P. Ramirez ........................ 339 Tres de Abril, City of Cebu J unior Warden Treuurer .... ......... Mareial Borromeo ........................ 94 Si katuna, City of Ccbu Secretary ...................... Loreto V. Muih ao ........... .. ........ 28 Ju an Climaco. Ci t y of Ceb u IBARRA NO. 31 (2nd Sa turday) Wor. Mutcr ................... Ant onio R. Rieta .. ........ . ....... K a",it, Cavil e Senior Ward en ... ........Aurelio B. Aquino . . ..................... P. O. Boz H 15, Manila lunior Warden .. . ... . .......... Chule. E. Smith ........................ Army & Navy Y.M.C.A., Manil a Trea. urer .................. Angel Saqueton .. ........................ Ka",il, Cavile Secrelary ............. . ........ Andr Cll Polinta n ............. 421 A! lurias 51 ., Mani la (2nd Saturday) ISAROG NO. 33 Wor. Mas ter ......... . ..... Oy Chinco ...... ... ...................... Pili, Camarin cs Sur Se ni or Wuden ... . . ........ Zefe';no Arroyo ... .................. Naga, Camarine. Sur Jun ior Warden ................. Paulo Elizan ..... ...... .................... 13ox 51, Naga, CamarinCII Sur Treuure r .............. Doroteo Federis . ..... ..................... Magarao. Camarines Sur Secretary ... . S~n t iago Rodrigo ....... ......... ..... c/o Alalco. higa, C. S. (lst Sa turday) LINCOLN NO . 3,1 Wor. Mauer .... . ..... Donald E. Scofi eld ....... U. S. Naval Sta., Olongapo. Zambllies Senior W.rden .............. Victorino r. Salcedo ... 209 Draper St., OIongapo, Zambales Junior Warden.... ..•. . .... M.cario S. Arboleme ..................... Municipal T reasu re r', Off., Olongapo Trellurer ...................... Gabriel M. Cabling . ...................... P. O. B Ol[ 39, Olongapo. Zambale! Secretary ...................... Valeriano E. Abad . ....................... 517 H arris Ave., OIongapo, Zambales BATANGAS NO. 35 (ht Saturday) Wur. Master .................... Anlonino Luan sing .. ...................... , Batangas Senior Warden ...... . .......... \'en'meio Trinidad ... .................. ... M.lolo., Bulacl n Juni or Warden ................. Quintln L. Mag.ino ............... B ata~gM. Bat~~gu Treasu rer ............... . .Gerardo Aguado . ........................ . Sec retuy ...................... Roman L. J'erez ........ ...... . (lU I Saturday) KALILAYAN NO. n .......... .......... Federico M. UnIon .. Lllc ena, Ta ya bu S~ni o r Warden .. Arnado E. Palillo ............ . Junio r Warden .... . ....... Yao Shiong Shio .......... . ............ .. Tre•• urer ...................... Eligio Ma gall anes .... . .. •• ................ Secretary ............ . ••........ Julian Ga rcia ....... .... .................. .




MASONIC DIRECTORY OF THE PHILIP)'INES BULUSAN NO. 38 .(hl .......... . .......... .... SO. 80g01l. Senlo, Ward en ............. .. 50Ie.o Escando • ....... ...... ............. Barcelona. Juni o. W• • dell ................. Anse lmo Po.cheso ........................ Sonogon. Treuurer . . .......... Bernardin o Duran ......................... So. sogon. Secretary.... . .............. Max imo Berina ....................... .... Sorsogon. ~ ..... Mast e • ....... . .. • ........• Em iliono Vida

Frida y) Souogon SOISocon Sorsogon Soraogon Sorsogon

(2nd Saturday) MABINI NO. 39 Will. Must er ......... .. ......... Lim Chi nl; T ee •.. ... .... ... ..Aparri. Cagaya n Senior Ward en ................. Leopoldo Boquiren ................. ... .... Aparri. C",.y.n J unior Ward en ................• Antonio Que Hank o ...... ..... .... .......• Aparri, Cagayan Tr e.. urer .. .... ............ Marlin Ta n Boon Diok ..................• Aparri. Cagayall Secretary ...................... . Can dido Valera ........................... Aparri. Cagayan (h i Thursday) MAG INDANAW NO. 40 WOf. Mas ler ................... . Uba ldo D. Laya ...... ... ..... .... . .... Cagayan, Or. Misamis Senior Ward en ........... ..... . Emesto Fe rnand ez ..... . .. . C.gayan. Or. Mi samis Junior Warden . .... ... ......... Dc metrio S. Cabreros .. . ..... . . .. . .. ... Cagayan. Or. Mi sa mis Treasurer ...... ........ . Go Ana .... . .............. . .. Cagayan. Or. l\fiumis Secrela.y ..... ... ............... Alfredo P. Shapit ............... . ........ Cagayan. Or. Miumis Wo r. Masle r . Senior Ward e n Juni or Warden T reasure r Sec retary .... ... .

MINERVA NO. 41 (ht Thursday) .. ........... E. R. Addington ...... . ................ . Medical Supply Depot. Port . .. ..... . A. J. Morris .... ..... . .. ....... ......... P. O. BOl< 590. Manila ........ John C. Hart ...... . . . ................. 1752 M. Na tividad. Manil a . " ........ John W J ones ......... . .................. 1'. O. BOl< 839. Manila ... ......... J . E. Leitch ............... . . ............. P O. BOl< 471, Manila



TAYA lIAS NO. 43 (2nd Satu rday) Wor. Master ......... .. ......... Jose "elet! Marlin ez ....................... Tay abas. Tayabas Sen ior Warden . ... . . . . .. . .• San ti ago J . Reyes ......................... T ayabas. Toyabas J unior Ward en ................. Policarpo Pand y .......................... T ayabas, Tayabas Treuure r ............ . • .......• Luis Ara ya ...... ........ .. ................ T ayabas. Ta yabu Secret.ry ....................... Simeon ::)an Aguat in ...................... T ayabas, Tayabas CHARL ESTON NO. ,14 Wor. Master... ... . . ........ Fred Levi Campbell ........ ..... ......... U. Senior Ward ell ..... .. . . ...... .. George Elimer Scharff .............• U. J unior Warden ................. Wil liam H enry Notley .. .................. U. Treasure r ...... .... . ..... J .cob Eugene T aylor ..................... U. SeC relar)' ........... . . .. William Gautier Johnston ................ U.

S. 5. 5. 5. 5.

(2nd Tu esday) Naval Slat io n Naval Station Naval Stati on Na"al Sial ion Naval Stat ion

Gua m Guam Guam Gu am Guam

MO UN T AI'O NO. 15 (1s t T hursday) Wor. Masle r ....... .. ........... Genaro Hu s te ..... ... ........ ...... .... .. . Canelar 51 .• Zamboanga Cily Senior Wa rden ................. Le on Barinaga .. .......................... Prov. Treas. Off. Zatnboanga J unior Warden ....... . ....... .. Adolfo Grafilo .............. . ............ ,5an J ose Rd., Zamboang a Treasu rer ........... • .......... Ambrosio I. Vall ejo ...................... . Secretary ....................... A~enio Sebastian .....• ... . . ........ .. (bt Saturday, 5 :00 PM ) MALO LOS NO. 46 ... . .... J ose B. Lib unao ......... . . ........ 1111 M. Na tividad. Manila . ... Agapito r. latcelo ....... . .................. Malolos. Bulau n ... ... . Saneho R. Jacint u ..........633 Antipolo. Manila ...• Remigio V. Bernabe ........ ..• Mal olo!. Bulac an .. . ..... H onoruIO Carlos . . .. ..... .. . ........ Malolos. Bulacan

Wor. Masle r .. Sen ior Warden Junior War den Treasurer Seeretary ....... .. .

MAKABUGWAS NO. 47 (ht War. Maat er .................. .. Ern ""'l J . Frie . ......... . . ........ T acloban, t.nio r Warden. . . .. Benediclo Cunana n .. ................. T aclo ban. . ..• Mauro G. Rodrigu ez ..... .... Tac loba n, Ju nior Ward en ..... Treu ur er .. .. Albert o Sa nl a Cruz .... ..... T acloba n, . .. Pio V. Advincula ............. T acloban, Secrelary ........

Saturday) Leyle Leyte Ley le Leyte Le yte

PAMPA NGA NO. 48 (2nd Saturday) War. Maste r ....... . ............ Jose C. Morale.- ....... . . .............. MlIgalang. Pampanga Seni or Warden ...... .• •....... . J uan G. sunga ................ ... .• 5an Fernando, P a mpallga Junior Ward en ...... .. •....... . Am ado P ekson .. . ................. 5an F erna nd o, Pampanga Treuu rer ... .................. . Ignacio C. Baluy ut ...... . . . . ... . Candabu. l'ampanga Sec retary ...................... . P. D. Na.,arn, .............. .... . . ..... .. . san F ernando. P ampan ga (2nd Salurday) MOUNT MA lNAl\I NO. 49 Wor. Master ...... . .... .. . .... .. Antonio Papa ............................• Cavile Drug Store, City of Cnile Seniur Warden.. . ....... Loenard Herle . ...... .... . ........ Naic, Cavite Juni or Warden ...... • .. .... . . "Guiller mo Manalo ..................... ...• 64-A del Rosario. San Roque. Cavite T.e"u rer .. .... . ... Pio Valenzuela .. ....................... ... Naie, Ca"ite Sec retary ................. J uan Herna ndez ........................... Naic. Cavite

i:::,.-:::;:::_ ______ . =:::-n_,sARANGAN I NO. 50 _ _ _ _ (2nd 5alu rd ay) Wor. Mast er .................... Roman O. T esoro ........................ P. O. BOl< 144, D." ao Cily Senior Warden ................ . Jose Madrazo ............................. Wireless, Da vao City J unior Ward en .... .. ......... .. Eu gen io B. Cauilan ......................• e/o Davao City Higb School, DavIa Treuurer ..... ............... .. Go Bian Cam ..... .................. ...... Sta. Ana, Davao City Secretary ................. . .... . Aolonio Oagd ag ............. ... .. . ........ P. O. BOl< 202. Davao City PINTONG BATO NO. 51 (2nd Satu rd ay) Wor. Master ... .......... .... ... l\I ariano T. Sy·Quimsiam ................. Orani. Balaan Senio r Ward cn ................ . Rafael Trias •.. .. ....... . .................• Bacoor. Cavile J unior Ward en ...... ... ........ Mirm. J ohn 5 . Sparb ............. . ..... 15 P. d el ROUTio Riza l Aye. EXI. Treuurer . ..... ..... .......... . Fra ncisco Gaudie r ........................• R.eoo •• Cavile • Sec ret.ry ............ •• ........ . J . C. Balmucda ....•... . ..... . ..........• BacoO., Cavite



PINATUBO NO. 52 Wor. Masler .................... Quirieo .......................... S.n Senior Warden ................ , Ci Floreae. . .............. " ....... , S.n Junior Wlrd en ................. Fede ri co Y.mbao .... ..... ................ S.n TreasureI' •....... •.• , ........ .. Maouel Arkoneel ......................... S.n Seeret. ry ..... .. ............... ,Pedro M.darang . ....................... . .. S.n

(2nd Sa turday) Narciao, Zambalea Narcilo, Zambale, Anlonio. Z.mbales N.rcho. Zambalel An lonio. Z.mbalea

CABANATUAN NO. 53 ( I n Satu rd ay) Wor. MUle r .................... Romualdo F. Vijandre .................... tuan. Nueva Edja Senio r Warden ................. Anlonio B. Maoalo ....................... Cabanalu.n. Nueya Eeija J unior Wa rden ................. M.riano 5 , •. Romana ..................... Cabaoaluan. Nueva Ec~ja Treasurer ............. ... .... .. An;el Trinidad ............................ Cabaoaluan. Nueva Ec ij. Secret.ry ....................... l!licue i J ardiel ........... ............... .. C.bao.tu.n. Nueva E .. ijl MAKAWIWILI NO. 55 (3Td Sa turday) Wor. MUler ................... .Jo.e Altava, .•...•..... . .. ............ . Capiz. Capi! Senio:- Warden ................. S.lvador Villaru! ....... .............. Capiz. Capi! Junior Ward e n ................. Gabriel K. H ern anda ....... .......... .... Capiz. Capi! Treasurer ............. . ... . .... Luia M. SirHan ............ ......... ... .•. Capi!. Capi! Secrelary ....................... Fortunalo Acu na .. .. " .................... Cap iz, Capi! PA NGASI NAN NO. 56 (2 nd Sa turday) Wor. Mu ter .................... Eu.ebio C. Abarea r ..... . .......•. ........ Dogu pan, Panguinan Se nio r Warden ................. Mau rieio R09ari o ........ ..... .... ..... . .. . Junior Wardcn ................. Proceao Domaga9 ....... ................... Lin gayen, Pangasinan T re.aure r .... . ............. .. .. Vicent e de L eo n ............ ... .........•. Dagu llan. Pangasinan Secre tary ........ .. .. . .... . ..... Luis S. Vallejos ........................... Dalupan. Panguinan ~

COMMONWEALTH NO. 57 (2nd Tuel ., 6,00 PM ) Wor. MUler .................... J uan G. Cortes ........................... 503 Gabriel de Rivera, S. Nico las. Manila Sedor Ward en ................. Apoliurio R old an ....... .................. P. O. Box 734, Manila Junior Watden ........ ......... Feliciano Baliogi! •... .................... .4 CaUejon KatubUlan, S. luao, Riul TUD.!)urer ...................... hidro G. Lim ............................. 2601 CaUe Oroquie ta. Ma nila Secretary ....................... Vice ote P. FJechero ...................... P. O. Bo:r 1134, Manilm Wor. Muter .................. " l'ofacario Senior Warden ................. Elpidio Junior WardeD ....... , ....... "Ciro I. Treu urer .. ............... Candido Secrelary ....................... Vicente

LABONG NO. 59 (b t Saturday) Senlla ...... . .................... c/o Bu. 01 Lands, Man il. Laiz .............................. e/o Bu. of Public Welfare, Manila de J esus ... . ...................... Malahoo, Rizal Pe rez ..........•................• Malaboo. Rital Quijano ........................... Mala boo, Rizal

(h t S.lurdllr) ISABELA NO. 60 WOt. Mas ter ........ . ........... Al ejo Masigan . ......•..................... CauayaD, habela Seni or Ward en ...... ........... Francisco Beltran ......................... Echague. IIabela Junior Ward en ................. Moise!l LJ. Cruz .......................... Ilagan, babela Tr easurer •............. .. ...... Raym undo E. Dumaua .....•....•......... ,llag .. n. Isabela Secretary ..... .... ... , .......... Cirilo M. Carino ......................... l1agap, lu bela MAYON NO. 61 ( 181 Tu es day) Wor. Ma uer .................... Keu peth P. MacDoDa ld ................•.. Legaspi. Albay Se ni or Ward en ................. Agapito L. Lorele ....... ........... . .... . Daraga, .j.lbay Junior Warden ................ . Eduardo G. Macabeo ..................... Tobo co, Albay Treasurer .................... . . Severo G. Dia ............................ Legaspi, Albay Secretary ....................... Vic tor D. Pineda ........... .. ......... ... Lcgaspi, Albay TUPAS NO. 62 (2ad Tu esday ) Wor. Master .................... G. R. P. Laing.. .. ............ ....... Cc bu City. Cebu Senior Wardcn ................ . John H. R eDne~ .......................... Ccbu City. Cehu Junior Ward en ............... "E. G. Cumming. .. ................... . .... Toledo, Cebu Treaaurer ...................... C. K. Bradbury ........................... Cehu Cily. Cebu Secretary, ..................... . 1. V. Binamira ............................ Cebu City, Cebu ANGALO NO. 63 (3Td Saturday, 3:00 PM) Wor. MUler ......... " ......... Macario T oleotino ........................ Magsingal, 1I0cos Sur Senior Warden ................. Fructu oso Ib e ............................. Vigan. ll neos Sur Junior Warden ................. Artemio A. Fille r ......................... Saolo Domingo, 1I0cos Su r Treaturer ... ....... .... ........ Res tituto Viloria ........................ .. Vigan. Il ne08 Sur Sec retary ....................... \ 'lIlente Burgos .... ................ Vigan, Il ne08 Sur KANLAON NO. M (20d Saturday, 6:30 PM) Wor. Muter ......... . .. ....... . Alfonso Ahimerono ........................ Maao Central, Negro. Occidental Senior Ward eD ................. Calalipo G. Aurelio ..... .................. Hinigaran. Negro. Occidental 1uoior Ward e n ................. E511ni5Iao Padilla ......................... M.. o CenlTal, Nerrot Oecidenul Trusu rer ...................... Emello S. Sal.s .......................... Pulup.ndan. Negro. Occidental Secr etary ....................... JOIe M. E.lacion .......................... Bacolod, Negro. Occidental TAMARAW NO. 65 (Itt Saturday) WOT. Mlll ler .......... , ......... Gorgonio Jacob ........................... Pinamalayan. Mind oro Senior Warden ....... . ......... Emilio Leachon ........................... Calapan, Mindoro Junior Warden ................. Marciano Ramirez ........ ... ... ..... . ... .. Nauj an. Mindoro Treasurer ...................... Leoncio C86on.5 ........... . . . ... . ........ Calapan, Mind oro Sec reta ry ....................... Juan L. Ala mar .. ....... . .. .......... Calapan, Mindoro GONZAGA NO. 66 (3rd S"luday) Wor. Masler ................... . Bonifacio Mequ i ................... . . . , .. .. Tugu egarao. Cagayau Senior Ward en ................. Pe rlecto P. Lingan .... . ........ .... .. ... .. Iguig. C&gayan Juni or Warden ................. Lorenzo de L eon .................... . ..... Tuguegarao, Cagayan Treasure r .................•... •Marcelo Paguyu ...... .. ... •• .....•........ Tugueg.rao, Cagayon Secretary ..................... .. JOIe L. Val encia ............. .. ...........Tu guellno, Cagayan


MASON IC DIRECTORY OF TH E P HILI PPINES BAGUIO NO. 67 (2nd Wednesday) Wor. Ma.uer ................... •Alberto Rosal ...•.......................• •Baguio, Mt. Province Senior Warden ................• George W. Henlewood ..................•• P. O. BOl[ 2<19. Bapio J unior Warden ................. Jose D. Mandoriao .... . ... . ............... Bquio Treuurer •. .................... Emil Speth . •• .. .•.... . ..... . ...........•• Baguio Secretary ... .................... Jobn Wood!on ••.••...................•. . Bol[ 189, Bagulo MAGAT NO. 68 (Ilt Saturday) Wor. lI-fu ter ......... • •....... . . Pedro Alalia ••......................... . •• Bayombong. Nueva Vize. ya Senior Warden ................• Muimi. no Reyes ........ .... ' ............ Bayombong, Nueva Vi~ ay. Juninr W.rden ............... .. oioscoro A. Navarrete ..................•• Bayombong. Nueva Vilc.ya TreuDrer . . .................... Norberto S. FaIguera .......... ........ ...• Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya Secretary • ••...................• Joaquin M. Villanueva .................... Bayombong. Nue ..a Vi~aya PRIMERA LUZ FILIPINA NO. 69 (h t Saturday) Wor. Mu ter . ................. .. Jacinto M. napal •................... . ....• 1210 Callejo n Sulo, Manila Senior Warden ................ . Francisco C. Ferre ....... . ...............• Bin.kayan. Kawlt. Cavile Junior Warden ................• Bonifacio S. GUlierre>: .... . ....... Binaltayan, Kawit, Cavile Treasurer •• ......... . ....• Florenlino Bautista •.....................• Binakayan, Kawit. Cui Ie Secretary ••. . .................. •Pablo Samson •••.• • • . .................... •319 Batangaa, Manila (ht Salurday, 4:00 PM) UN ION NO. 70 Wor. Muter . . ............... . .. Cuiano Salomo n . . ........................ Baenotan, La Union Senior Warden ................. Eleno Oralio ••• .. .... . ... . .... . . .• Baloan. La Uni on lu nior Warden ................. Agaton Umanos •.......... . . .... Agoo. La Union Treuurer ..•..................• Andres Arrieta .. . .. .................... . .. San Fernando. La Union Secrelary , . . .................... Andrea B. Rivera .. . ....... . .............. San Fernando. La Union (3rd Saturday) LAOAG NO. 71 Wor. Mu ler .......... . ......... A.l berto Suguitan .......................... P. O. BOl[ 9. Laoag, lI oco. Norte Senior Wa rden ................• Leon Verano ••. . ............... . .......... . Batac, flocos Norte Junior Warden ............... .. Felipe Aguinaldo ................. . ....... Vin lar. flocos Norie Treuure r . ...•........•....•..•J uan Ranjo .... .. ............. .......... .... Laoa{, 1I0coi Norte Secrelary .•.................••.• Bllldomero Luo .......................... Laoa{. IIocos Norte MAKIL ING NO. 72 (ht Saturday) Wor. Muter ................. : .. Macario R. Abad .......................... Pampanga Hi .. er Conlrol Senior Ward en ........... ... .. . Emili o L. Ramos .......................... Canlubang, Ligu na Junior Warden ................. ElIpiridion D. Luo •....................... Canlubang, Lagu na T reeurer .................... .. Bernardo Mida l .......................... Canlubang, Laguna Secretary •...... . ........... Engraeio L. Valmonte ..................•..• 759·A San Sebutian. Qui.po NUEVA ECIlA NO. 73 (hi Saturday) Wor. Muter ......... . ......... Gregorio D. Robl~ ........ . . ....•.... Cabanatuan. Nueva Ecija Senior Warden ............... .. Felipe t. Cbieo ......................•.. Quezon. Nue... E<aija Junior W.rden ............... . •Benedicto Bringu .......................... Cabanatuan. Nueva Eeiia Treuu rer ..•..................• Mutin Villuan ..........................• Quezon, Nueva Eciia Secrelary •.•.................•.• Ca rl ol S. Domingo ....... . ........... Quezon, Nue... Eeiia (3rd Saturday) AGNO NO. 75 Wor. Muter .................... Delfin Ramirez ............ . . . .... . ..... Liogayen. Pangasinan Seoior Warde n ................. Juan N. Kagaoan ....... .. .... . ... . ........ Tayug, Pangas ina n J unio r Wa rden ................• 10Ie C. Soria . ......... . . . .... Natividad, Panguinan T reasurer . . ..........• Felipe D. Querimit ..... . ..... .. . . ......••• Tayug. Panguinan Secretary . . .. .. . .. ........ . •Pedro HomMoc ....... . .............. . ..... Natividad, PanguinDn (hI Monday. 5:30 PM) KAS ILAWAN NO. 77 Wo r. Maste r .................... Filemon A!uncion ....................•..• 174 Int. Loreto. Samp., Mani l.. Senior Warden ................. Alejandro T. Reyes ....................... 2113 lpil. Manib J unior Warden ................. Pablo MariaDo ............................ 2636 Int. 3. H erra n. Manila Treuure r ...................... Quinlin Sn. Miguel ....................... 585 P. No ... l, Manila Secretary .. ................... .. Braulio M. Epino ......................... 75 Del Pan . 511. Ana. Manil .. Wor. Muter ................... Lazaro Senior Warden ................. Walter Junior Ward en ........... .. .. .. Amador Treasu rer ...................... Eusehio Secrelary ....................... Lorcnlo

ACAC IA NO. 78 (2nd Wednesday) Fernandez ......................... La Pu, Iloilo City E. Saul ........................... e/o 1I0$ltyn &: Co., Iloilo D. Garcia .....................•.. La Paz. Iloilo Cit y C. Sonalan ............•.......... e /o P. Ry Co., Iloilo P. Porra! ........................ e/o Iloilo Mi!lion Hosp.

TAGA. ILOG NO. 79 (2nd Thursday) Wor. MUle r ................. .. Clemen te Bernabe ........................ 1849 Sulu. Mani la Sen~Ol" Warden ............... .. Sesenio Rinra ........................•.. c/o Welfareville. Mandaluyong. Rizal J UDlor Wa rden .............. .. Joae Timbol . ... . ......................... c/o Stamp Div .• Bu. of POS ls. Manil. Treasn rer ...................... Ilabela Sanga ............................. 343 Juan Luna. Manila Secretary ..................... . Santbgo Puertollano ...................... 912 O'oonnell, Manil .. MT. L EBANON NO. 80 Wo r. MUlcr ................. .. Louis Rifkin ............................. P. Sen ior Warden ...... . .......... Elie Akraaa ............................... P. J unior Warden . . ............... Philip Elia. Shaouy ......... . ............ P. T reasurer ...................... Motel Go ldstein ..... . ................. . .. P. Secretary . .. . ........... . Ricardo C. Santol ........... . . . .......... . P.

O. O. O. O. O.

(la t BOl[ BOl[ BOl[ ROl[ BOl[

Thursday) 672, Manila 2020, Manila 221, Mani la 432. Manila 46. Manila

MO OESTI A· LI WAYWAY HAGDANG·BA TO NO. 81 (3rd Satllrdnr) Wor. Master . .................. Julian Rey"" ............. . ....... . . . ...... San Miguel. Bu laean Senior Warden ............. .. .. Anan iu P . Puri .... . .............. PoSi HOlp. Fl . Wm. Mc K inley. Ri~1l1 Junior Warden ............. ' " .GreJ;orio Santiago .. . . . .... . ............... Bigaa, Bulaean Treagurer .......... . .••..•.•... Tomaa AlfonlO . . ....... . . . .. . . . .. .......... 1417 Enriquez, Singalong. Manila Secretary . .. ........... . ....... 10Ie L. Domin.::o .. . ...................... P. O. BOl[ 3225. Mani la



H ICH TWEL VE NO. 62 (2nd Saturday) Wor. Mas ter ................... Pio Solomon ..... . ........................ c/o Bu. o f Forestry. Manila Seni o r Warden ................. Region C. Padua ..... .................... Com. of P ublic H ealth & Welfare, Manila Juni or Ward en ................. Pedro J. Arcilla .......................... 1431 J uan Luna. Tondo, Manila TrC8Iurer .. .................... r .ciano Armena .................... ' .... c/o Bu. of Printing. Manila Se<:retary .. ...................• Fidel T . Maoalo . . ............... . ' ....... P. O. B OlE 1605, Manila DACO HOY NO. M (2nd Wor. Mu ter .. ,. . .. ......... Pio C. Castro ........................ ", .Ta gbila ran. Seni or Ward ell ................• F eli,; l'olaeeda . . ........................... T ag bilaran. Jun io r Wa rd en .... ............• Artu ro F ort ich ................... ... ...... T aghi lann. T reasu re r ...........•.........• 1. D. Jim enez ............................ T ag bilann , Secretary ...........•.......... Catalino C. Ca$tillo ....................... T agbilaran. Wor. Mauer ................... T roadio Senior Ward en ................• ilhri ano Jun ior Ward en ................. Homon Treasurer ........... . .......... An toni o Secretary ................ .... .. Augusto

Saturduy) Dohal Boho l Bohol Bohol Bohol

(3rd T hunday. 6:00 PM) L UZ OCEANICA NO. 55 San Miguel .............. .. ...... 124 Fullon, Manila Santarromana . ........... . . .. . 36 Callejon Bernabe, P auy. Rizal Alonzo .. . ......................... c/o Corte de lao In. t., Manil a Gonzalez ............... . .......... Lack & Davia Bldg., l\lanil. Rodriguez ......................... 1057 Sta. Men, l'Ihniia

(2nd Saturday) ABRA NO. 86 Wor. Master .... . ... ....... . Fidel Soliven . ..... ........... . .... Phil. Army. Vigan, lI ocos Sur Senior Ward en .. ... ........... . Vi venc io Cat ia ............... . ... Bangued, Abra J unio r Warden ........ ......... Jo.e Farinas ............ .. .......... San Quintin, Abu Tr eas ure r . , . . .................. E.teban Bu ................... . .... Bangued, Abra Secretary ..................... . Agapilo L. P arada ........................ Lagang.llang, Abra lII RAM NO. sa (ht F riday) Wor. Muter ....... .. , ......... Romulo M. Da vid . ............. . ......... P. O. Bo,; 734, Manila SeniQr Ward en ................. Pedro G. BalagOI .. ........ . ..... .418 Salsipuedea, Manila )uniQr Warden ........ .. ....... James Stevenson ... ........ . .. .. .... P. O. Box 2234, Manil a Treuurer ...... . . .. . ........... Inocencio C. Dumpil .. ....... . . ....... P. O. Box 900. Manila Secretary ...................... Ramon Ram OI ..... ........... . ........ P. O. Box 548. Manila MUOG NO. 89 (2nd Saturday) Wor. Master .................. .James Kabakow ........... ..... ...... ..... Finanee Off .• U.S. Arm)'. P ort Area. Manila Senior Warden ................. Euseb iQ La'luindanum ..................... Paraiiaque, Rital J un ior Wardell .............. . .. George F. Burwell ......................... Finanee 011 .• U.S. Army. P ort Area, Manila Trenurer ...... ...... . .... .. Saul Lu barsky ... . ................. .52 Nebrnka, Manila Secretary ...........•......•... Agripin o Pascual.... ..... ..... . ....... I'aranaque, Rizal MEMORIAL NO. 90 (2nd Saturday ) WQT. Mau e r .................. . RulinQ Angeles .. ..... ..... ... . ........ Cabanaluan. N. Ecija Senior Warden ................. Lu ea. Anduda ......... ..... ..... ...... Cuyapo, N. Ec ijo Junior Ward en ................. Zoilo P. P erlas .................. San JQae, N. Edja Tre asurer ...... ..... ... ...... .. J uan La doTes .... ..... Munoz, N. Ecljo Secretary ...................... Apotonio F uetln .......................... Munoz, N . Ecija MOUNT KAI"A DIAS NO. 91 (2nd Tu«day) Wo r. Muter ................... Ramon Ponce d e LeQn ....... ..... . .. Duruaguete, Or. NegrQ. Sen ior Warden ................. Arsenio R. Cun&! ..... Dumaguele, Or. NqrQ. J unior Ward en ................ . Lui! Arn~iz ... ... ......... . .. . ..... Pamplona, Tanjay. Or. Negro. Treasure r . ........... . •........ Manuel UI~lIrrurn. ............ . .. Dumaguele, Or. NegrQ. Secretary ............ H. RQy Bell . .. ... ............. ........... Dumaguctc. Or. NcgrQS MA.BU·TI NO. 92 (I st Monday) Wor. Master .......... .. ....... ) larianQ Dr Reyes .......................... SQr.ClgQn, SOr$ogon SeniQr Warden ................ VenandQ Nera .............................. Vigan, Il OC()8 Sur JuniQr Warden ................. Gregorio S. Cutelo ............. ........... Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya ......... .... il las bate, Mu bale T reasurer ...... . ... ... ......... Lim Yao Giok Secretary ............... . ...... Andres II . T eodoro . ...... •... . . . • Masbale, Mu bate MENCIUS NO. 93 (h i Thursday) " ' QT. Master ................ ... Caw Pun t o ............................... 602 AlvaradQ, Manila Sen ior Wlnl en ................. Tan Chin T ek .. ......................... 554 A I ~arado. Inl. 538·5, Manil. Junior Warden ................. Graciano Go Li ong!in ..................... 1O~4 Azcarraga, Manila Treasure r ...................... Ong Yee Goan ........................... 197 Rosario, Mani la Sec ret ar y .. .. .... . ... " ........ JanleS Li m·pe .... . ....................... 537 Gandara, Manila SERVIC ES NO. 95 {lst Friday} Wor. Master ................... Charl~ C. H olze r ...... .. ................ I'h il. Air Depot, Nichols Field, R izal Senior Warden ... . ....... .. Merrill R. Keaton ........................ Ind. Dep t" US Navy Yard. Cavite J unior Warden ................. J oh n F. S leven, . . ........................ U S S Marbl ehead, Manila Treasu rer ...................... Roy C. H op kin •.......................... Hdl,trs &: Hdqtr. Sqdn .. NichQI. F ield Secretary ........... . .......... H. S. Arnold .... .. ....................... P. O. Box 1378, Mani la ISAG ANI NO. 96 (lst Saturday) Wor. Muter .... . . ......... Rafael SarmientQ ......................... l'arlac, Tarlac Sen ior Warden ........ Guillermo ....................... Tubc, Tarlae ........ Em illdio Zamora .......................... Camiling, T arlae J unior Warden Treasurer .......... . ..... Justo Castillo .... ........ . ... T artlC, T arlac Sec retary ......... . ........... ,Julian Eil leban ... . ... ... ........... La Paz, T orlac RAGONG-ILAW NO. 97 (lst SMunloy) WQr. MUler ................... Cip riano J . Cipriuo ........... . ........... Kawit, Cavit ... SeDiQr Ward en .............. ... Francisco Vales ........................... Naic, Civil e Juni Qr Ward .. n ............... .. Ladislao Alvarez ...... ...... ..... . ..... 8n. Qf Com nl e rce. Manila Treasure r ......... . ............ RamQn Zap an ta ... ............ ........... . 157 P. Burgos, Cnridad, C.,·ile Secretary ........... ... ..... .. . Miguel C. Luna .. " . ................. Novelela, Cavilc


llASONIC DIRECTORY OF THE PHH,TPPI NES MOUNT HURAW NO. 98 (ht Saturday) Wor. Muter ............ ... . . .. Vicen te Oreo •.. .... .. . ...............•..• c/o Prov'l Treas. Off, Catbalogan, Senior Warden •.......... ... ... Tan Leong Kee .......................... 1'. O. Box 36. Catbal",a n, Samar Junior Warden ................. Eulracio Saluar ....................... .... c/o Prov' l Treu. Off. Catbalogan. Treuurer .. .................... Vicente Uy Kieng ........... ............ P. O. Box 49. Catbalogan, Samar Secretary .•.................... Pedro Conl:~on ........................... Ca tbaloga n. Samar

Samar Samar

PALAWA N NO. 99 (Ist Saturday) Wor. Mutcr ................... Gau deneio E. Abordo ..................... Pu erlo Prineesa, Palawan Se nior Warden .. . ..... . .. . . . 1\Ianuel CRreia "', ... " .................• ,lwahig Penal Colony, Palawan Jun ior Warden . .. ... ... . .. . .... Baltazar Oaman Go .. ....................• Ab orlan, Palawan T reasurer ..... ......... .......• Juan B. BautiS la •........................ .Iwahig Penal Colony. Palawan Secretary ...................... Valenlin Maeuae t ........................ Pu erto Princesa, Palawan KEY STONE NO. 100 (2nd Thuuday) Wor. Maner ................... Pablo L. Edrolo .......... . .... . .......... Baty. G 91n CA (PS). Corregidor Seniur Warden ................. J uan M. Lucas ....... . ................... Hq u . Baty. 9ht CA (PS), Co rr egidor J unior Ward e n ................. Bonifacio GironelJa .. ......... Hqr • . Baty. 9ht CA ( PS), Corregidor Treuurer ...................... Narcilo A. VJllaparHlo ... ... ............... POlt Es:change. Fl. Mills. Corregido r Secretary ...................... Maeario Odiamar ... ..... . . ......... I'on Oliice. Fl. Mil ls, Corregidor BUD DAHO NO. 102 Wor. Maaler ................... C. Aguilar ................................ Jo10, Senior Warden ......•.......... v. ~ I ag n o ................................ 1010. Juni or Warden........ .. .. . A. O. Bana ................................ J olo, Treasurer ...................... Simeon Obsequio .. ....................... 1010. Secretary ....................... Carlol M. E,cio .............. .. ......... .1010.

(ht Tuesday) Sulu Sulu Sulu Su lu Sulu

ZAM BALES NO. 103 (ht Sa turday) Wor. Mul er ........ . .......... Placido Fa ri n ............................. Iha. Zambalell . ........ ;\I3Iinloc, Zambales Senior Warden ................. Mateo E. Pe rel ........... J unior Warden ................ Esteba n Q. Amon ......................... Pal.uig, Zambalea Treu urer ...................... Uy Chuy Leng ............................ Ib., Zambales Senetary ..................... J uan R. Arbizo ...... .. ............... Ih., Zambales Wor. Malter .. .. ......... ...... Amando Senior Ward en ............... .. Amandu Junio r Ward e n ....... . .... . .... Lore n ~o Treasu rer ............. . ...... .. Salvador Secreta ry ...•.............. . .... Norberto

BATAA N NO. 10.\. (3rd Saturday) D. Ylagan ......... . ............. B.langa, Bataan Banzon .......................... Balanga, Bataan Pakingan .. .. . .................... Llm By, Bataan J. Ban1.on ....................... Balanga , Bataan Callanlo ........................ Balanga, Bat aan

LEONA RD WOOD NO. 105 Wor. Mut e r ......... . . ........ Rober t Blai ne .............................. Fon Senior Warden ............. .. .. Clinl0D Albert Pierce ..................... Fort Junior Warden ............. Fred S lad ky . ...................... Fon Treuu rer ................. George SeUer .............................. Fort Secretary ................ . ...... Cipriano MaJiciat .......... 26th AMITY NO. Wor. Mast er ............. .... .. Joe· Woon Lurn Senior Warden ........... .. .... Owcn L. Da wson Junior Ward e n .... . ....... .. Jordan D. Liang Treuurcr ... ...... . . . Edward Kang Hs u Secretary...... . ........ V. D. Thomas T au

106 ... ............ 153 ... ......... 181 .. ....... .. 523 .. ....... . . 50 ... R.

(3rd Monday) Stouenburg, Pampanga Stouenburg, Pampanga Stouenburg. Pam panga Stouenburg, Paml.anga Cav. (Ps) , F t. S totaenbu rg.


(2nd Tu esday ) Na n king Rd. Shangha i. China Ki ang!e Rd. Shanghai, China Av e Edward VII, Sha nghai. Cbina Ningpo Rd., Shanghai, China 304, 169 YIIC" Ming YIICIl Rd. Shanghai

CAMAR INES NORTE NO. 107 (3rd Saturday) Wor. Master ....... .. . . ........ Bartolome Ortega ...... . ..... .... . ... Datt, Camarin es Norte ........... . ......... Panga niban, Camarinel Norte Senior Ward en ................. Dalmacio Baree J unio r Warden ................ . Prudeneio Florita .... ............. .c/o Marsman Dev. Me rcedu. C. N. Treasurer .............. Jose Santo~ See Ping . ........, Camarines Nort e ..Dael, Ca marin es Norte Secretary ............ . ........ .. Andres C. Marquel ................. MANKING NO . 108 ( lst Thursday) Wor. Muter ................... Tsung·Tong Zee ................ ... ...... 361 Kilmg ae R d. Sha nGhai, China Senior Wa rden ..... . ...... Harold H . SnuGgs ............... 209 Yuen Mi ng Yuen Rd., Shanghai Junior Ward en ........ .. ....... J ohn Y. Woo ....... . .............. 395/4 Route F rclu pt, Shanghai Treaaurer .......... . ... 1o"'e' T. Cheng .... ............... 788 Bub bli ng Well Road. Shangha i Secretary .. ....... ... . . .. Edwiu Marx . ............ R. 304. 169 Yuen l\Ung Yu en It (l., Shalll;hai Wor. Master ................... Yanto Senior Ward en .............. H. S. Junio r Wa rden ...... . ......... . Jolep h Treasu rer .....................• W. K. Secretary .................. . .... Wesly

PEARL RI VE H NO. 109 (2nd Tu esday) Tsa ng .......... .. ....... R. 2Z5 Wang H ing Bldg., 1I 0nl;;konl; Fra nk ............... .. ....... Univ. of Lingna D. Hougkong Sieus: .... ..... . ............ Univ. of Li ngnan. Hongkonl;; Cheunc ........................... . e/o Wrn. Hun t. Honjl:konll' T horn .............................. P. O. BOll; 218. Honll'kong

KUTANG BATO NO. 110 (h i Saturday) War. Master .... ........ ....... Ri cardo Santol ........................... Cota ba to, Cotabato Senior Warden .... . .......... .. Edilherto Mendon ......... . .............. Co ta bato. Cotabato Junior WHden ... . . ...... .• Salumino Alvare~ ......... .. .............. CotabaIO. Cotabato Treasurer ...... ........ Marcelo Domingo ......................... Cotabato, Cotabato Secretary. . . ......... Franeisco C. Tilon ....................... 1'. O. BO)l; 44, Cotabalo, CotabalO ~ IAR ANAW NO . 111 (2nll Saturdar) Wor. Mlllter .................. . T eodoro E. Moeorro ........ . ... . ......... Dansalan, Lanao ... ............. Danulan, Lan ao Sen ior Wortlen ... .. ........ .... Salvador T. LLu ch J unior WDrden .. . .......... . ... Florencio P. C Tll~ ........................ Kolarn bu gan. La nao T reasure r ...................... Gabino N. Lachiea ....................... Dan.. lan, Lanao Secretary ......................• Santiago Bolles ta .........•............... Oanulan, Lanao



Wor. Mnter ...•......•. . . .. .. • 5. Senior Warden ....... ••........ E. Junior Warden ................. A. Trenurer . ..................... 5. Secretary . .... ................. ,E.

SZECHWAN NO. 112 (2nd Thuraday) ......•............•.•.. Wed China Uni on Univ., Chen(ltu , S1.e. C. Wilford ............................ United Hosp., Si SheD Tai, Chengtu, Sze. E. Owen . •................. , .. , ... , .... Canadian Minion,, S1.e. C. Yang " ................... , ......... Wea t China Union Univ., Chengtu, Sze. Hibbard ".......... . .............. Wea t China Union Univ., Chengtu, Sze.


Lilj ~trand

WEST LAKE NO. 113 (191 Saturday) Wo r. Master ................... Jay C. Oliver ................ . ........... 123 Bv, Montigny, Shanghai, China Senior Ward ell ." .......... Darwin Hewins Utter ..................... R. 31, 142 Mu ee um Rd., Shanghai, China J unior Ward en ................. Robert Fan .. ....... . ..................... 110 Szeebuen Rd., Shanghai, China Treuurer ...........•..• Sing-Bea Chaog ............ . ............. 221 Foochow Road, Shanghai, China Secretary ...................... ,Roben J. McMullen ...................... 353/1 Nanking Road, Shanghai, China SUN LODCE NO. 114 (3Td Friday) Wor. Mule r ........ .. ......... Z. D. Zau ................................. R. 403 Continental Emporium Bldg., Shanghai Chilla Senior Warden ....... . ........ ,Al(red S. Lee ............................ ,.R. 501, 51 Canton Rd., Shanghai, China Juni or Warden • . .... ," ........ Em ea t T,o ................................. 899 10&ee Ave., Shanghai, China Treuurer ..... , .... , ........... Lau Long .................................. Kailan Mining Adm., 12 The Bund, Shanghai China Secretary, ............ . ....... .. Alfr edo C. Lee .................. .. ........ 89·93 Myborgh Rd., Shanghai, Chi na (4th Saturday) INDANC NO. ll5 Wor. Muter ................... Menandro Vida ........................... lndang, Cavite Senior Warden ...... , .......... Mareel.> M. C onzales ..................... lndang, Cavit e Jun io r Warden ................. Policarpo Custodio Wagelie ............. .. Caridad, Cavite City Treu urer ..................... . Sabu Alcid ..................... San Roque, Cavite City Secretary ....................... Franc ilcO Llamado ....... . ... .............. Caridad, Cavite Ci ty

YORK RITE, MASONIC BODIES FAR EAST C O MANDERY No. 1 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR (Stated Conclayes Fi rs t Monday of Eac h Month at 8:00 p. m.) OFFICF.~1 FOR 1941: Roscoe Bonham, Commander. Rohert N. Miller, Generaliuimo. John R. H. Mason, Cap tain C eneral. C. B. Ohe.., Recorder. Vivilln V. Clark. Senior Warden. n arl ey McVay, J un ior Warden. Rev. WIIter B. Foley, Prelate, Verne E. Miller, Treasurer. Everell S. Turn er, As!ociate Prela te. H enry Cilhouse r, Standard Bearer. Harry R. Andreas. Sword Bearer. J ohn C. Owcn, Bcaucean t Bearer. Alva J. Hill, Color Ilearer. Dayid G. Gunn ell, Ward er. ThomM R. Worthcn, Captain of th e Guard. V. M. GrilHn, Second Guard. Irvin S. Crum. Third Guard. William F. Callin, Sentinel.


Ceoree R. Harvey, E.P.C. H arold T. Cewald, E.P.C. Joseph H. Alley, E.P.C.

LUZON CHAPTER NO. I, R. A. M. (Subordinate to the Genera l G rand C h apte r , R. A. M. of the U. S. A.) SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE 912 TA FT AVENUE, MALATE (Slated Convocation Second Wednesday of Each Month) P. O. BOX 688 OffiCERS FOR 1941: Joseph H. All ey, High Priest. Roscoe Bonham, King. Rob~rt N. Miller, Scrihe. Willi am F. Callin, Secretary. David C. Cunnell, Treasu rer. Walter B. Foley. Chaplain. J ohn R. H. IHuon, Captain of th e HO$J. Romney L. PClfce, Principal Sojourner. Iv or D. Butler, Royal Arch Captain. Earl J. Green, Muter of the Third Veil. Orville Harrah. Maste r of the Second Veil. Omar M. Shuman, Maste r of the Fir3t Veil. Ceorge n. Ohear, P. H. P. , Sentincl. J O$eph F. Boomer, P. H. P., Poet Lallrent~ ( Honora rr) . TRU ST£ES:

Walter L. Brooke, P.H.P .• 19·11. J ohn M. ABron, I'.H.P. , 1941·]942. Harold T. CewaJd, 1941·1942·1943.

ORIENTAL COUNCIL NO. I. ROYA L AND SELECTED MASTERS (Subo rdinat e to the Ceneral Crand Council Rand S. M. of the U. S. A.) SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE 912 TAFT AVENUE, MALA TE P. O. BOX 688 (MeelS on Fourth Wednesdays at 8:00 o'clock p.m. at Scottish Rite Temple, 912 Taft Avenue, Malate OFFICERS FOR 1941: Harold T. C ewald, Illustrious Muter. j osep h H. All ey, Depu t)' ?lfastcr. ROl eoe Bonham, Principal Conducto r of Work. Da vid C. Gunn ell, Treasurer. Willi am F. Gallio, P.T.M. Recorder. Vivian V. Clark, Chaplain. 10hn R. H. Mason, Captain of th e Cuord. Romney L. Pearce, Conductor of the Council. Robe rt N. Miller. Stew .... d. Omar M. Shuman, Sentinel.

KEYSTONE ROYA L ARCH C HAPTER NO. 354. S .C. (Undc r th e Jurisdiction of the Supreme C rand Royal Arch Chapler 01 Scott-nd) 520 SAN MARCELINO. ERMITA P. O. BOX 238 OFFICE BEARERS, 19-11: Thomu H. Fenste rmacher, Fi~t Principal 'Z". J ames T. Irwin, Second Principal 'H". Burl Juli an Reid, Third Principal 'J". Arthur N. Hammond, Scribe "E". Emery Vines, Treuu rer. Duwa ld A. Heminger, lst Sojourner. Robert C. Lyman, 2nd Sojourn er. Hnrry C. EllswOrlh, 3rd Sojourner. j ame. Stcvenson, J anitor. Benito Man eze, J. P. Principal Z".

KEYSTONE LODGE AND C.OUNC IL NO. 354. S. C. (Under the Juri sdicli on of the Suprcme C rand Royal Arch Chapter 01 Scotland) 520 SAN MARCEI"INO. EIU\fTTA P. O. BOX 238 OFFICI; BtIIRI;RS, 1941: J ame~ T. Irwin. Noah, Chiel and President. T. H. Fcnstermacher, laphet and Senior General. Burt J ulian Reid, Shem and Junior Celleral. Arthur N. Hammond, Recordcr and Chancello r. Emery Viu es, Treasurer. James Stcyen$on, Conduclor. Duwald A. Heminger, Captain of th e. G"nrd. Rohert C. Lyman, 51. and LI. of Guard. Charl~ BUrD s, Inner Cd. of 'I'o ...·er. Harry C. Elbworth, O. Cuard and Sentinel. Beni to Manese, I. P. N. C. & 1'.



ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY (Southern Jurisdiction of the United States) ORIENT OF THE PHILIPPI NES MANILA BODIES A. & A.S.R. OF FREEMASONRY SCOTTI SH RITE TEMPLE 912 TAFT AVENUE, MALATE P. O. BOX 1335-TEL. 5·78·22 frederic H arper Stevens, Dep uty of th e Supreme Cou nell in th e Philippine hland$. Job ll M. Aaron, Secretary.

Mt. Arayat Lod1te o f Perrection Alb er t John Brazee. Jr., 32° Vellenble Mu ter Walter H enry Schoening, 32" Seni or Wardell John William Ferrie r. Sr., 32° Juni or Warden Leslie Elmer Moo te, 32° Ora tor Fred Meek Holme!, 32°. K.C.C.H. Almon er John Maurice Aarou, 32°, K.C.C.H. Secretary Louis Michael Haus man,33" Treaaurer Charles Rober t Winu. 32" Masur of Ce remonle! Charles BiJ'!lh. 32" Ex pen Albert Roy Weibel, 32° Auietant Expe rt George I\lilne, 32° Captllin of the Guard ludge Henry lliwald, 32° Sentinel

Manu C hapter Rose Croi x lohn Artb ur Cropper, 32°, K.C.C.H. Wiae Master J ohn William Ferrier, Sr., 32" Senior Warden CharlC$ BiBh, 32° J unior Warden Albert Roy Weib el, 32" Orator Fred Meek Holmes, 32°. K.C.C.H. Almoner John Maurice Aaron, 32", K.C.C.H. Secretary Louia Mi chael Rausmall. 33° Treasu rer Leslie Elmer Moote, 32° Master of Ceremoni es Georg e Milne, 32° Expert Knut y Chriaten Stubo, 32° Au istant Expen Walt er Henry Schoening, 32° Guardian of the TeDlple Jud ge Henry Oswald, 32° Tiler

Confucius Council of Knights Kadosh Alb ert Roy Weib el, 32°. Commander. J erry Alennd er Steward, 32". FiB t Lieutenant Commander. Alben J obn Brazee, J r., 32°, Seeond Lieutenant Commander. J ohn Arthur Cropper, 32°. K.C.C.H., Chancellor. Henry Gilhou$e r, 32", Ornt or . Fred Meek Holm cs, 32°, K.C.C.H., Alm oner. J ohn Maurice Aaroll. 32°, K.C.C.H., Recorder. Louis Michael H ousman, 33°, Treasurer. Reub en Levy, 32°, Mu ter of Ceremonies. CbarlC!! Biteh, 32°, Tu reo pili er. Leslie Elmer Moote, 32", Draper. Charl ~ Rab en Winll. 32°, Fir!t Deacon . John Edward Smith, 32°, Seeond Deaeon. Walter H eury Sehoeniug. 32°, Bearer of th e Whit e Standud. Geo rge Milne, 32°, Bearer of the Black Standard. Knuty Chrislell Stuho, 32", Lleu t ellan t of th e Guard, Judge H enry O~wa l d, 32°, Sentinel.

Galltama Co n s is tory , M.'.R.·,S, Paul Frederick Whitaere, 32°, Master of Kadosh. Albe rt J oh n Brazee, J r., 32°, Prior. John William Ferrier, 32°, PrC(:ep tor. Alb ert Roy Weibel. 32°, Chancell or. Leslie Elmer Moote, 32°. Ministe r of State. Fred Meek H olmes. 32°. K.C,C.H., Almon er. Jobn Mauri ce Auon, 32°, K,C.C.H., Registrar. Louise Mi chael H ausman. 33°, Treasurer. John Arthur Cropper. 32°. K.C.C.H., Prelate. Reub en Levy, 32°. !\Iuter of Ceremonies. Knuty Christen Stubo, 32°. Exper t. John Edward Smith. 32°, Assis tant Ezpert. Henry Gilhouser, 32°, Captain of the Gu ard . Judge H enry Oswald. 32°, Tiler,

PHIL II'PI NE BOOmS PLARIDEL MASONIC TEMPLE 520 SAN MARCELINO, ERM ITA P. O. BOX 1284-TEL. 5·73·20 Mariano Gonzale:r:. Secr etary,


Lakandola Lodge of l'erfectlon Emilio P. Virata, 32°, Venerable Master. J ose M. E. de Leon, J r. , 32°, Senior Warden.

~I:~ir~ ~i~~:~, 3:;0. JO~;~:r. Warden. J ose 5eeyokpeng, 32°, Almoner. Mariallo Gonzalez, 32°, Sec.retary. Esteban Munarriz, 32°. Treasure r, Pablo Samsoll, 32°, Muter of CeremoniPJ. Matiu P. Perez, 32°, tap ert, lame! S te\'ensoll. 32°, Anistant EKpert, Dominador Gallardo, 32°, Captaiu of the Guard . Ma rian o M. Chico, 32°, Sent inel. BurilOS C hapter of Rose Croix Michael Golden berg. 33°, Wise Mau er. H Oll orio !\lusni, 32°. Senior Warden. Jose Artiaga, 32°, J unior Ward en. Julian C. Balmaceda, 32°, Orator. Jose Secyok peng, 32", Almoner. :llariallo Gonzalez, 32°, Secretar y. Esteban Munarriz, 32°, T rellSurer. Aurelio D. Rosario, 32°. Mu t cr of CerelllOnies . Constancio SBJI Jose, 32°, Expert. J ames Stevensoll. 32°, Assistant Expcrt. Daniel Li mbo, 32°, Guardian of the Temil le. Mariano 1\1. Chico, 32°, Tiler.

Malcnmpo Cou n cil Knlilhts Kadosh Aurelio D. Ronrio, 32°, Commander. Daniel Limbo, 32°, Fint Lieut. Commander. Jose 1\1. E. de Leon. Jr., 32°, Seeood Lieut. Commander. Estebau Mnllarriz, 32°, Chancellor. Eurique R. Martinez, 32°, Orator. Joee Seeyokpenl:, 32°, Almoner. Mariano Gonzalez, 32", Reco rder. Joaquin Garcia. 32°, T reburer. J ames Stevenson. 32", Master 01 Ceremoniet. Beujamin Rioa, 32", Turcopilier, Constaucio San J ose, 32°. Draper. Nicolas CnJZ. 32°, first Dc,eon, Alfredo SC$c, 32°. Second Deacon. J ose J. Guzman, 32", Bearer of White Standard . Charles E. Smith, 32°, Bearcr of Blac k Stalldard. Ferna ndo Grey, J r., 320, Lieut. of the Gu ard. Mariano M. Chico, 32°, Sentiuel.

Rizal Consistory. M. · .R.' ,S.· . J ose C. Velu, 32°, K. C. C. H., Master 01 th e Ka dosh. Ricardo C. Sallt08, 32°, P rior. Orestes H ermosura. 32°, Preeeptor. Daniel Limbo, 32°, Chancellor. Miguel Boni facio, 32°, K. C. C. B ., M ini~ter of Sute. Jose Seeyokpeng, 32°, Almoner. Mariano Gonzalez, 32°, RCi:;iurar. Esteban Munarriz, 32°, T reasurer. Mauro Mendez, 32°. Prelate. Jose Arti a,a, 32°, Ma.Sler of Ceremonies. Cornelio C. Cruz. 32°, Ezpert. Ellri'luez R. Martillez, 32°, Auis tan t Expert. Ludwig Model, 32°. Captain of the Gu ard , Mariano Chico. 32°. Steward.

MINDANAO BODIES Mindanao Lodile of Perfection Ubaldo D. Laya, 140, Venerable Mu ter. Alfredo P. Shapit , 140, Secreury.


l ohn P. Jose P. Michael Vicent e An tonio J oaquin

Mcfi e, Jr. , Presid cu t. Guido, Vi ce.-Presiden t. Gold cnb erg, Mem ber. Carmona, Treasu rer. Gonul ez, Secretary. Garcia, Manager.



LO DGE PERLA DEL ORI ENTE No . 1034 , S .C (Und e r the J uris dic tlon of the G r a nd L od~e o f Scotla nd) P LA HIDEL

Mra. Elizabeth Cadwallader. A$~ociat e Mlltron, Mr. Albert J. Brane, J r, . Associate Patron. Min Edna C. Brown, T reuu rer. Mrs. No nl N. Syiveater, Secretar,..


520 SAN MARCE LI NO, ER MITA P. O. BOX 238 (Stilted Mee tings Second Saturday of cpch Month)

G eorg~ W, Cruici<ff'Atuk. l'ohstcr. Benito M enc~c, I'. ~ I ., 1111. Pan Maste r, F:me ry Vines. P. M., Deputy Mnter, Bert Swader, 1'. M.. Substitute Maste r, David W. S. Clawson, Sellio! Wardell. T homas H . Fcnstermacher. J unior Ward en . James T, Ir win. P. 1'01 .. Secretary, J a mcs Stcvcnson, P. M .. Treasurer. Harry G, EII8,,·ort h. P. 1'01 .. Chaplain. Willima E. Shorter. J unior Deacon. Burt Julian Ueid, P. M, Director of Ceremonies. Clarcnce E, F ranklin, Or;l:anisl. H arry M. lI ezekiah, Steward. Lim Kao H iltn, Steward. Evly n Vic tor Dempsey, Inner GUlIrd . Salvado r Vieo, Tyle r,

Su bor d ioate 10 General Crand Cha pter. IU9 tituted Octobe r 29, 1904 SCOTTI SH RITE TF:MPLE 912 T AFT AVENUE, MA LATE P. O. BOX 2135 (R ccular meetings on Fi rsl and T hird Fridays of eae lt mont h) OFFlCEIt$

P. O. BaX 446 Lt. CuI. Henry Gilhouser, P reJI ident. Lt, L. E. Moote, Firs t Viee·P res ident. Capt. C, W. Rose nstock, Second Vice·Pres idc nt. Lt. R. N. Miller. Seeretary. Lt. Comdr. Erwin C, RO!8, Treasurer. Capt. W. C. Bacldedge, Sentinel, I\:UT CAMP 0 '




Agn ea M. Schoen ing. Worthy Matron. Walte r H. Schoening. Worthy Patron. Dori. Mc Vay, Anocia te Matron. F ra n k C. Miles, Assoc iate Patron. Grace C. Cooper, P. W. 1.1 .• Secretary. Nancy E. Brazee, Tr ca. urcr. Wilma C. Moote, Conductress. Ve ra Snap p, Assoc iate Conductreu. Lona H . Lupton, Chaplai n. Margaret S . Wy the. Marshall. Leith C. Fonger, Organi!!. T heda O. Chapman, Adah. Benha J. Andrews. Ruth. Certrude W. Green. E.ther. Ethel B. lI eise, Martha. RoslI Maree Ha rrah, Elec ta. Anna C, Slmmonsen. Wa rder. Donald H . Wythe, Sentinel.



1) I n.Jo~CT OHY


HEROES n. ' 1' :


J . H. Alley. P. W. P. H. McVay, P. W, p , All an T. Sy lves ter, P. W. P.

Major HO\Icoe Bonham, Commande r. Capt. W. C. Blac klcdge. Chief of Sta ll, Lt. n. N. Miller, Adj utant.

BAMBOO OASIS A.A.O .N. M. S., I NCORPORATEI> (Mee t' at T ime and Place Designa ted by lfi gh Shereef) (Bamboo Oasis, In eoTporoted, ;1 compol ed txe/usiuely u/ ,hTlneTI rnid enl in rhe Philippintl who a re me mberl in ,ood Ilondin, 0/ Ihe Ancient Arabic Order Noblet 0/ the MySl ic ShTine oj Ihe U.s.A. )

ROYA L O RD ER O F SCOTLA N D P HI LNABAN K BLDG., ESCOLTA Membersbip QualilicatioDs in tbe Philippine h land, A Sco n ish Rite 32" Mason and • Royal Ar~h Mason of the York Rite Frederie Harper Stevens, P rovincial Gund Muter . W. H Ule Chipman, Pro, lncial Grand Secretary,

ORDER OF TH E AM AR ANTH F a r Eas t Co urt N o . t (Mee" Scottish R ite T cmple, 912 Taft Avenue, Second T uu day of each mon th) Mrl . Nancy E. Brazee, Royal J\btron. ) Ir. F. W. Simmonseo, Royal Patron.

R. Gilhou,er, High Sheree!' Ho.eoe Bonham. Naib She recf. W. D. Chittick, Ameen· el· Sundook (T reasurer). Hen ry Bauman, Kati b (See retary). E. D. Ril ey, Director. ROlcoc ·Bonham. Direetor. C. M. H Ol kins, Di rector. Amol G. Bell is, R epresenta livc of b lam T empl e. Seldon W. O' Brie n, R eprese ntative of Alifi Temp le. C. S . Sal mOD, Rep re$entative of Nile T emple.

MANILA CITY DIRECTORY A Public Service Publication

• • • In your advertising appropriation for 1942 you should include a sufficient amount t o give you th e representat ion in the Manila C it y Directory which the prominence and importance of your firm warrants.

PHILIPPINE EDUCATION CO., INC. and PubHshers P . O. Box 620


101 - 103 Escolta



Tel. 2-21 · 31


ATLANTIC, GULF &PACIFIC COMPANY OF MANILA ENGINEERS & CONTRACTORS Operating FOUNDRIES- Steel, Iron & Brass MACHINE SHOPS BLACKSMITH SHOPS STRUCTURAL STEEL SHOP BOLT & RIVET SHOP SLIPW A YS for launches & lighters EMERGENCY SHOP for repairs with day and nigh t service CREOSOTING Treating Plant QUARRY for Rip-Rap and Crushed Rock DERRICKS for digging and heavy lifts STEAMER Atlantic Gulf, equipped with complete salvage gear PUMP BARGES and a fleet of lighters for handling bulk liquid cargoes. MINING EQUIPMENT- Compressors, Drills, Etc. 71 Muelle de la Industria P. O. Box 626


THE EDWARD J. NELL CO. MACHINERY- ENGINEERING-MECHANICAL SUPPLIES Cable Address:-"NELED" No.1 T. Pinpin, Manila Tels. 2-29-75- 76- 77 P. O . Box 1640 SOLE AGENTS OR DISTRIBUTORS IN THE PHILIPPINES FOR: American H oist & D errick Co ... . (Genuine Crosby Clips) Ames Baldwin Wyoming Co ...... (Red Edge Shovels) Armstrong-Blum Mfg. Co . ....... (Marvel H acksaw Machines & Marvel

High Speed Hacksaw Blades) Armstrong Bros. Tool Co . ........ (Lathe Tools) Beebe Bros. Inc ...... . .......... (Hand H oists) Broderick & Bascom Rope Co . ... (Wire Rope & Hoisting Cable)

Canedy-Otto Mfg. Co . ........... (Bench, Floor Drills and Radial Dtills) Carrier Corporation .............. (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration) Cincinnati Milling M achine a nd Cincinnati Grinders, Inc .. .. ... (Milling Machines and Universal Grinders) Cincinnati Planer Co .. ......... . . (Metal Planers) Crane Co ........... . ........ . ' . (Valves, Pipe Fittings & Fabricated Piping) Cushman Chuck Co . .. ........... (Lathe and D rill Chucks) Cyclops Iron Works ............. (Overhead Cranes) D etroit Belt Lacing Co . ......... (Belt H ooks & Fasteners) Filter Media Corporation .. ...... (Filter Cloth) Foxboro Co . ......... . ...... .. .. (Recording Instruments, Thermometers) Garlock Packin g Company, The .. (Mechanical Packings) Gisholt Machine Co . .......... ... (Turret L ath es ) Gould & Eberhardt Co .. ......... (Shapers and Gear Hobbing Machines) Henry D isston & Sons. Inc ....... (High Speed Cane & Planer Knives. Band Saw Steel, Inserted and Solid Tooth Circular Saws) Jaeger Export Corporation ... .. .. (Concrete Mixers & Contractor's Road & Building Equipment) Johns-Manville International Corporation ...................... (Asbestos Industrial Power Products) Linde Air Produ cts Co . . . ...... .. (Oxweld Acetylene Welding Equip.) Lodge & Shipley Machine Tool C o. (Engine Lathes) Mine & Smelter Supply Co ....... (Marcy Mills, Wifley Tables, General Mine & Mill Supplies) Nagle Engine and Boiler Works . . (HRT B oilers路 Steam Engines) Nebel Machine Tool C o . ... ' ..... (Extension Bed and Gap Lathes ) Nordberg Mfg. Co . ....... ....... (Symon's Cone Crushers , Gyrating Screens & Large Mine Hoists) Oliver United Fil ters ... ......... (Filters, Metallurgical, Sugar and S ewage Disposal. Filtration Plants) Oster Mfg. Co ................... (Pipe and Bolt Threading Machines, H and Stocks & Dies) Pacific Car & Foundry Co . ...... (Car Wheels & Castings) Parks Woodwo rking Co . ..... .... (Planers & Saw Tables) Sharples Specialty Co . ........... (Oil Purifiers and Centrifuges) South B end L ath e Works ........ (Engine and Bench Lathes) Standard T ool Co., The ..... .. .. (El ectri c H andrills and Grinders) Toro Mfg. Co ..... .. ......... ... (Power Lawn Mowers) Union Twist Drill Co . ........... (High Speed Twist Drills, Reamers & Milling Cutters) Universal Crusher Co ............ (jaw Crushers and Road Building Machinery) Vance Co., J. A ... ............. (Saw Mills & Mill Machinery) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corporation ................... (Diesel Engines, Pumps &Compressors) Washington Iron Works .. ........ (Logging Machinery & Mine Hoists) Yale & Towne Mfg. Co .. ........ (Chain Blocks and Electric Hoists)


A A-1 Barber Shop-Tel. 22196-314 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. F ernando Grey, Prop. F . Villanueva, Mgr. A. B. Advertising Co.-Advertising Agency and Consultants-Po O. Box 260-413 Cu Unjieng Bldg" 112 T. Pinpin, Binando. A. W. Abter, Mgr. ABC Coffee (See America's Best Coffee Company)

A-B-C Printing Press-Printers-Tel. 25458 -740 Soler, Santa Cruz. Yam Se, Prop. and Mgr. ACG MARBLE CO.-Quarrying and Finishing Marbl e Slabs and By-Products-P. O. Box 2869-Tel. 25730-474 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binando. Marble Plant: Teresa, Rizal. Jose V. Ramirez, President. Ramon Roces, Vice-President. A . C. Gonzalez, Vice-President. Mariano Pamintuan, Secretary. Enrique Caguiat. Treasurer. A_ C_ RANSOM PHILIPPINE CORPORATION- Direct Importers of Printing Paper and Inks-Litho Supplies-Po O. Box 349 - Tels. 22221, 21896 & 24588 Cable Address : "RANSOM" -717-721 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. M. C. Hernandez, Pres. and Manager. A. Fong Tailoring- Tailor-:Tel. 29450120-122 Real, Intramuros. Fung Kam Man, Prop. and Mgr. A. N. D.-GENEIlAL ItIERCHANDISE DEALER-General Merchant and Haberdasher- Tel. 68784-N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Alejandro N. Dabu, Prop. and Gen. Mgr. Edmundo Arriola, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. Geflleroso D. Caratay, Sales Mgr. Isagani Villa D'Bayan, Adv. Mgr. Quirico L. Gonzales, Sub-Agent. Apolonio E. Ramos, Acct. Clerk. Reynaldo Paje, Typist Clerk.

Miguel 'l'esol'ero, Prop. Clerk. Elpidio Esguerra, Office Utility. David Corral, Sub-Agent. Miss Aurora Bayani, Saleslady. Mi ss Dionisia Bayani, Saleslady. Bicol Branch: 5 P. Burgos, Naga, Camarines Sur. Andres D. Bal'lis, Bicol Branch Mgr. Abad, Dr. Lucio D.-Physician, Ear, Nose, and Throat, St. Luke's Hospital-Office Tel. 48371-Hours: 9 :00-11 :30 A. M. 5 :00 to 6:00 P . M.- 1145 Magdalena (Trozo), Tondo. Abastillas, Pedro U.-Accountant-Tel. 25385-Room 202, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binondo. Abbott Laboratories-Pharmaceutical Manufactu rers-P. O. Box 305S-Tel. 21632Cable Address: " ABBOTTLAB"-3-A H el ios, Sta. Cruz. Bernard A. Quinn, Mgr. Abe Bros. Bazaar-1431 Henan, Paco. Kuichi Abe, Mgr. Abelardo's Tailoring-Tailor-Tel. 25847Room 5, 16 E scolta, Binondo. Jose L. Abelardo, Prop. and Mgl'. Branch: 214 Legarda, Sampaloc. Abella, Gabino--Tailor-643 Echague, San Miguel. Abella, T.- Tailor-645 Echague, San Miguel. Abes Grocery-Grocers-Tel. 48713-748 Folgueras, Tondo. Mrs. Aurora Reyes-Abes, Prop. Abesamis, Dr. Antonio F .- Life Insuran ce Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431 Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Abesamis, Basilio B.-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.


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Abiva Press-Tel. 27511-723 Evangelista, Quiapo. L. R. Abiva, Prop. Generoso Albano, Supt. Ahoitiz & Co., Inc., (Manila Branch)-Importers, Exporters, Wholesale Groceries, Wines, Liquors and Drugs- Manufacturers Agents-P. O. Box 219-Tel. 21429Cable Address: "ABOITIZ & OPECE"-210214 Gral. Luna, Intl'amul'os. Patricio Hermosa, Branch Mgr. Ramon de Zabaleta. Branch Mgt'. Rodolfo Langsan, Cashier. Pompeyo M. Alonso, Salesman. Ernesto Larrarte, Salesman. Francisco Sierra, Salesman. Antonio Folch, Storekeeper. Aboitiz y Pinaga, Dr. Jose A. de-Physician and Surgeon-Po O. Box 1781- Tel. 22879 -Consulting Hours': 3:00 to 6:00 P. M. -Cornel' 203 A. Mabini and A. Flores, El'mita. Abola, Leonardo-Lawyer-Tel. 22205Room 400, State Bldg., 504 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. ABOLAFIA, INC., ~I. & C.-Importers' Dry goods, Shoes and General Merchan. dise, Women's Furnishings-P. O. Box 2386- Tel. 25879-Cable Address: "ABOLAFIA"-Main Stol'e: 122 Nueva, Binondo. Branch Store: 82 Escolta, Binondo. Marco Abolafia, Partner. Charles Abolafia, Partner. Abraham, F. Q.-Haberdashery and Dry Goods Store-Po O. Box 1792-Tel. 29969 -1959 Oroquieta, Santa Cruz. Florencio Q. A braham. Abraham, P.-Freight Service- Tel. 2'7712 -211 Barbosa, Quiapo. Abrera, Sofl'onio-Lawyer-Te1. 22224431 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Abuig, Rosalia-Fish Dealer- Tel. 235661 P . Ducos, Sta. Cruz. Academia de Artes del Hogar-School of Dress-making- Tel. 54905 - 1095 Singalong, Malate. Mrs. C. Maffei de Lobregat, Directress. Academy of Music of Manila, The-Tel. 23064-44 A Mabini, Ermita. Herbert Zipper, Dir. Board of Trustees : Jose Yulo, Pres. Benito F. Legal'da, Treas. Juan P. Nakpil, Sec'y. Miss Consejo Mitra, Registrar. Academy of Musical Art-Tel. 55316School of Music-209 Tennessee, Malate. Victorina Lobregat, Pres. Ramon Eguaras, Vice·Pres. Beatriz Fa,vis, Secretary.

E stella O. de Avena, Vice-Sec'Y· Elvira V. de Rickards, Treas. Carmen Eguaras, Vice-Treas. Acebedo, Dr. F . B.-Registered Optometrist and Optician, Professional Embalmer, Mechanotherapist - Tel. 21880 - Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Acebedo Optical CorpOl'ation- Optometl'ists and Opticians-Tel. 21880-Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Acetylene Co., Philippine (See Philippine Acetylene CQ.) Acevedo Caterer-Tel. 67257-410 Trabajo, Sampaloc. V. Y. Acevedo, Prop. Aclaro, Luis R. - Attorney~at·Law - Tel. 29076- 302 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Acme Engraving and Electrotyping PlantMakers of Cuts for all purposes.-Il1us· trating, Designing and Retouching-Half. tones·Zinc Etchings in Colors-Po O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361-Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler Cor. Calero, Sta, Cruz. Ramon Races, Incorporated, Owners. B. P. Pardo, Mgt'. Acme Films, Inc. -Importers and Distribu· tOI'S of Motion Picture Films-P. O. Box 1034 - Tel. 23622 - Cable Address: "AFILM" - 2215·2219 Azcarraga, Sampalaeo S. M. Berger, Pres. Acme Publishing CO.-Tel. 26429-229 Espana, Sampaloc. Camilo M. Tolentino, Mgr. ACOJE ~UNING CO_, INC_-Mine at Pasicar, Santa Cruz, Zambales-P. O. Box 2259-Tel. 23189-Manila Office: Moser_ co Bldg., 107-13th Street, Port Area . L. \Yei nzheimel', President. A. B. Latham, Vice· Pres, and General Manager. J. D. Cuyugan, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Ass't. General Manager. Mrs. M. E. Cuyugan, Treasurer. E. P. Revilla, Secretary. Acro Taxicab Company, Inc.- Tel. 68639N. Domingo and Valencia, San Juan, Rizal. Manuel Gonzales, Mgr. and Treas. ACTUEL FASHION SIIOP- Modiste237 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Miss Petra A. Andongo, Prop. and Cutter. Actuel Shoppe-Modiste-410 Espana, Sampaloc. Pelagia Cabrem, Prop.

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Acupan Gold Mining Co., Inc.-MiningTel. 24242-ArgeUies Bldg., 456 Dasmarinas, Binondo. John Canson, Pres. Dr. Hermenegildo Sevilla, Vice-Pres. Ch'ilo Lim, Gen. Mgr. and Sec'y-Treas. Dr. Victor Sevilla, Trustee. Adameit, L., Princ. Inst., C.B, & D.S.- Tel. 56236-1298 Pennsylvania Ave., Malate. Adamson School of Industrial Chemistry & Engi neering (See Miscellaneous Section) Adarna, Lorenzo T ,-Attorney-at-Law-P. O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361- 715-721 Calero, Sta. Cruz .. Addition Hill s-P. D. Carman Co., Ltd.Realtol·s-Tel. 22593-210 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. P. D. Carman, Managing P a rtnel'. Addition Lumber Co.-Lumber DealersTel. 67269 - GraI. Kalentong, Mandaluyon!,!. Ri~al. Adec Bowlmg Hall- Tel. 26483-603 Tanduay, Quiapo. Adelaide's-Dresses-Tel. 57225- 425 A. Mabini, Ermi ta. Mrs. Adelaide Webb, Prop. Adeva, J ose A.- Lawyer and Civil Engineer _ Po O. Box 3175-Tel. 24178- 7 General Luna, Intramul'os. ADJUSTMENT & COLl,ECTION SER"·I<.:E-Coll ections-P. O. Box 493-Tel. 21229 - Cable Address: "BOOMER" - 316 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. J . Boomer, Prop. and Mgt'. E. G. Cammayo, Ass't. Mgr. ADM I R A L AP ART~;ENT HOTEL, THE- Tel. 56840-Dewey Boul:cvard and Aldecoa, Malate. Mrs. An~ Vda. de Lopez, Prop. Arvid Falck-Jensen, Manager. " Adriana"- Dressmaking-829 F. B. Harrison, Pasay. Adriana Reyes, Prop. Adriano, Dr. Conrado-Dentist-1513 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. .4.DVERTISIN6 BUREAU, INC., THE - P o O. Box 498-Tels. 23555 a nd 24191 - Cable Address : "ADBUREAU" - 931 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. R. F . Garriz, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Carlos Preysler, Vice-Pres. and Tl'eas. 0, F. Wang. Vicente Pl'e.yslel'. Antonio Castano. A. Gavino. A. Basca ran. Ricardo Gloria. C. F. Demee. F. Selezn y. C. Wi tte Hernandez.

V. M. Vickman . S. de la Cruz, Jr. Miguel Herrero. B. D. Medina. Salvador Mante. Julio Lorenzo. Advertising Club of the Philippines-Tel. 24454- PhiIippine Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Magallanes Drive, Intramul'os. L. G. Wagner, President. P . E . Teodoro, Vice-President. F . Garay, Trea sur er. M . F arolan, Secretary. Board of Directors: L. G. Wagner, Chairman. P. E. Teodoro, Vice-Chairman. Leo n M. Lazaga, Member. C. A. Heliel, Member. A. G. Ner, Member. Membership Committee: A. Sobral, Chairman. J . Ca rcereni , Member. F. C. Bennett, Member. L. G. Wagner, Member. F. Garriz, Member. Advincula, Jose G.-Lawyer-150 Sta. Potencia na, Intramuros. Afable Coll ege of Medicin e and SUl'geryPriva be School-Tel. 29959-Corner Espana and P. Paredes, Sampaloe. Val entin AfabIe, M.D., President. Afable, Dra. Pilar P. - Physician - Tel. 24990-848 Bambang, Sm. Cruz. Afable. Dl'a. Trinidad B.- Physician-Tel. 27945-846 Bamban g, Sta. Cruz. Agan. Vicente-Lawyer-P. O. Box 1659 - Tel. 21572-Sixth Floor, Room 603, Trad'e & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Agapito Francisco, Inc. (See The Tiffany) A£!caoili, F elix D.- Lawyer-Tel. 21822610 Heacock Bldg., Escolt.a., Binondc Agencia de Empeiios de Angeles Mendiola - Pawn Shop-841-A O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz . Angel-e s Mendiola, Prop. Dl'a. Elisa Mendiola. Mal'iquita MalvaI'. Agencia de Empeiios de Antonio LejardePawn Broker-Tel. 25556- 1351 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Antonio Lejal'de, Prop. Agencia de Empeiios de Asuncion Basa y Cia.-Pawn Brokers-Tel. 51542- 232-A Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Agzncia de Empenos de E. P aterno y Cia.Pawn Brokers-Tel. 25934- 1056 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. E. Pate rno, Mg r.


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Agencia de Empefios de F . ConcepcionPawnbroker- TeL 49624-1006 Azcarraga, Tando. Jose C. Delgado, Mgr. Branch: 208 Legarda, Sampaloc-Tel. 27486. Mrs. Felisa de Delgado, Mgr. Agencia de Empeiios de F. O. Raimundo, S. • n C.,-Tel. 47681-640 Ylaya, Tondo. Fausto O. Raimundo, Prop. Agencia de Empefios de F. Ranel'o-Pawn Broker-'l'el. 49258-P. O. Box 919-471 Juan Luna, Binondo. Agencia de Empefios de Lorenzo LermaPawn Broker-2251 Rizal AV,e., Sta. Cruz. Agencia de Empeiios de Manu el PefiaPawn Broker-Tel. 29240-1609 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Manuel P ena, Prop. Agenda de Empei'ios de Maria PingzonPawn Broker-501 Lavezares, San Nicola s. Agencia de Empeiios de M. ViIlamal'iaPawn Bl'oker--Te1. 26457-Main Office : 155 Villalobos, Qui a po. Branches : 294 Legal'da, Sampaloc .. Tel. 26916. 709 Dart, Paco . ......... Tel. 55159. 547 Azcarraga, Tondo ... Tel. 48050. 383 Jua n Luna, Binondv T el. 47259. 1556 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz Tel. 27309. 1827 Azcarraga, Cor. 801 Oroqui'e ta, Santa Cruz. 1684 Jua n Luna, Tondo. Moises Villamaria, Proprietor. Agencia de Empenos de P etroni la Syquia y Cia.-Pawn Brokers-T el. 48738--409 Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Rosario, Mgt'. Agencia de Empeiios de Roman RonquilloT el. 26841-137 Villalobos, Quia po. Agencia de Empeiios de T. R. de Jose-Tel. 47406-783 T abora, San Nicolas. G. M. Jose, Mgr. Agenda de Empenos de Telesfora S. de Busuego (Antes <lEI Diamante" ) - Pawn Broker s-Tel. 25723-402 Carriedo, Quiapo. Agencia de Empeiios y J oyeria de T elesfo1'a S. de Busuego-Pawn Broker and Jewzler-Tel. 56172- 1432 Herran, Paco. Agencia de Filomena Concepcion-Pawn Broker-Tel. 49658-1400 Azcarraga, Binon do. Leonor Lago Vda. de Tanbun t ing, In charge. Agencia de R. Soloaga-Pawnbroker- Tel. 48796-319 Juan Luna, Binondo. R. Soloaga, Prop.

Agno Consolidated Gold Dredging Co., Inc. - Mining- Tel. 22111-Cable Address: "CONAG" Rm. 411, Fourth Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., E scolta, and T. Pinpin, Binondo. Benito F . Legal'da, Pres. Miguel Pujalte, Vice-Pres. Albert M. Easthagen, Treas. and Ass 't . Secretary. Board of Directors: Manuel Lim. Chairman. L. R. Aguinaldo R. F. Navarro Albert M. Easthagen Ramon Oriol Nicanor Jacinto Miguel Pujalte Benito F. Legarda Juan Riu Agrava, F ederico--Lawyer- (See Alvear & Ag1'ava)

Agres Blue Printing-Tel. 27720- 709 Mayhaligue, Santa Cruz. Juan Morfe Agres, Prop. and Mgr. Ireneo Marcelo, Assista nt. Agricultural - Commercial - Industrial Life - Monthly Magazine-P. O. Box 3062Tel. 29768-823 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. D. L. Francisco, Editor. Antonio Ma. Gimeno, Business Mgr. Maria N. Vibar, Circulation Mgr. Lina M. Gimeno, Publisher. AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL BANK OF THE PHILIPPINESGeneral Banking- P. O. Box 595-Tel. 24941- Teleg. and Cabl e Address : uAGRINBANK"- Philippine National Bank Building, 3rd Floor, E scolta, Binondo. Board of Directors: Benigno S. Aquino, Chairman. Elpidio Quirino, Vice-Chairman. I sauro Gabaldon, Member. Rom a n Ozaeta, Member. Maximo Rodriguez, Member. Benito Razon, Member. Salvador Lagdameo, Member. Jose Celeste, Secretar.y of the Board. Executive Officers: Salvador Lagdameo, General Manager. Alfredo L. Yatco, Asst. Gen. Manager. Eugenio Ealdama, Special Agent. Agapito O. Gaa, Mgr., Trust Dept. Ramon Racelis, Mgr., Ind. Dept. Enrique B. Ledesma, Mgr. , Ag ri. Dept. Procopio F. El eazar , Mgr., Credit Dept. Emiliano Quijano, Cashier. Julio V. Macuja, Chief Accountant. Marciano del Rosal'io, Auditor. Branches: Iloilo, Il oilo; Cebu, Cebu. Agencies: Baguio, Mt. Province; Cabanatu an, Nueva Ecija; Dagupan, Pangasinan; Davao, Davao; Lega spi, Albay; Lucena, Tayabas ; Tarlac, Tarlac; Tug uegarao, Cagaya n; Cagayan, Misami s


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Oriental; Vigp.n, I1ocos Sur; Batangas, Batangas. Agricultural-Industrial Monthly- A Magazine for Progressive Farmers and Industrialists-·P. O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361Cable Address : "RAMONROCES" - Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler Corner Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces, Inc., Publishers. Aguado Hermanos-General Merchants, Importers and Exporters-P. O. Box 2105 - Tels. 21314 and 21315-Cable Address: u A GUADOS"-103 Balmes, Quiapo. O. Frauendorff, Mgr. F. J. Aguado. Ernest Appel. Erich Wagner. J . Rodriguez Ripol1. Jose S. Mercado. Demetrio C. Orellano. Aguilar Machine Shop-Machinist-Tel. 48864-215 Lakandola, Tondo. Celestino Aguilar, Prop. and Mgr. Aguilar, Mariano A.-Lawyer-Tel. 23257 -3rd Floor, Roces Bldg., Rizal A venue cor. Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Aguilar, Oscar S.-Lawyer-Te1. 23990306 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. P inpin, Binondo. Aguinaldo & Co., Inc., L. R -Dcpartment Stores - Importers, Exporters, Manu i!l.cturers, Manufacturers' Agents-P. O. Box 1678 - Tel. 49883 - Cable Address: uALADIN", "SEINE" or "AGUINALDO"Aguinaldo Bldg., 500 Juan Luna, Binondo. L. R Aguinaldo, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Mrs. A. R Aguinaldo, 1st Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen. Mgr. Marcelo Eugenio, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen . Mgr. Valente A. Cristobal, Ass't. to Pres. and Ass't. Treasurer. Daniel R Aguinaldo, Tl'eas. and Merchandise Mgr. Francisco R Aguinaldo, Personnel Manager. E steban del Rosario, Secretary. Ramon Pagaduan, Mgr., Mail Order and Wholesale Departments. Braulio Roque, Auditor. Branches: Ermita-Corner Isaac Peral and Nebraska-Tel. 57844. Binondo-52 Escolta-Tels. 21631 and 22327 Cebu-Bacolod-Iloilo---Baguio. Agencies :-Legaspi- Dagupan. Aguinaldo Institute- Hairdressing, Beauty Culture and Fashion School-Po O. Box

1678- Tel. 49885- 500 Juan Luna, Aguinaldo Bldg., Binondo. Board of Trustees ;Mrs. Andrea R. Aguinaldo. Marcelo Eugenio. Valente A. Cristobal. Felino Bautista, Director. Amado Eugenio, Dean, H. & B. C. Dept. Mrs. Magdalena M. Tuason, Dean, Fashion Dept. Ed. del Rosario, Registrar. Aguirre, Jose F.-Law.y er-P. O. Box 1996 Tel. 23291-Room 600" Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Agulto, Gerardo C.-Lawyer-Tel. 276303rd Floor, Monte de Piedad Bldg., Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. • Agusan Coconut Company-Po O. Box 1956 -Tel. 56951-Phil. Refining Bldg., 1035 I saac Peral, Paco. J. H. Alley, Gen. Mgr. Agusan Gold Mines, Inc.-Mining-P. O. Box 473-Tel. 22154-348 Echague, Sta. Cruz. K. H. Hemady, Presidoent. Dr. Augusto J. D. Cortes, Vice-Pres. L. Model, Director. T. Uewaki, Director and Mining Engineer. Halim Ysmael, Secretary-Treasurer and Director. Agustin & Sons, J. S.-Social and Commer_ cial Printers-183 Concepcion, Ermita. Justino S. Agustin, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Agvid Construction Co., Inc.-Buildi ng Contractors - Tel. 23870 - Cable Address: "AGYID"-1519 Milagros, Santa Cruz. Lorenzo Q. Vi dad, Mgr. and Chief Engineer. Que Chu, Ass't. Mgr. All GONG SONS & CO~IPANY-Groce­ ries, Meat, Fruits, Voegetables, Liquors and Wines-Wholesale and Retail-Coffee Roasters-P. O. Box 106S-Tels. 21304, 21305 and 21306-Cable Address: HAHGONG",-Codes Used: Bentl ey's-387389 Echague, Quiapo. Chin Fun, Manager. Branch Store: Ah Gong's Market-Tel. 57841-478 A. Mabini, Ermita. Chin Wing Sum, Manager. Ah Hong-Tailoring-Army and Navy Tailoring-Tel. 27293-98 Roal, Intramuros. Ah Kee-Tailor-Tel. 27523-76 Real, Intramuros. Ah Hong, Prop. and Cutter.


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Ah Lee - Tailor - Tel. 27314 - 100 Real Corne}' Cabildo, Intramuros. Ah Tirn-Tailor-65 M . H. del Pilar, Errnita. Ah Whan-Tailor-P. O. Box 2868-Tel. 28148-74 Real, Intramuros. Ah Wong- Tailor-272 Gra1. Luna, Corner Victoria, IntrarnUl·os. Aichiken Trade Promotion Bur'eau (See T'rade Pr ornotion BUTeau of Aichiken) Ahrendtsen, Reyes & Co.-Accountants and Auditors-P. O. Box 1355-Tel. 21330Miramar Apts., 40 Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Arturo A. Reyes, C. P.A. Patricio F ujardo, C.P.A. Aida Apartments, The- Tel. 29288- 340 Gra1. Luna, Intramul'os. Mis ~ Aida Ochoa, Mgr. Mrs. C. Bautista, Ass't. Mgr. Ailmal & Co., P. C.- Dry Goods Store-Po O. Box 1871- Tel. 48733- Cabl e Address : "AILMAL"- 723 and 741 Tabora, San Nicolas. Airado, Dr. Avelino T.- Dentist-132 Indu stria, P3lldacan. Airam Taloring- Tailors-2122 Henan, Paco. Julio Cabre ra. Prop. Ail'port Studio- Photog1'3phcrs-Tel. 49432 - Main Office : 2 Soler Corner Azcarraga, 3rd Floor. Tondo. Branch: Tel. 25839; 53 Blumentritt Sta . Cruz. Amador Ongkim , Prop. and Mg r. Akadama Bar and Restaurant-Tcl. 21795366 R Hidal go, Sta. Cruz. Akadama Shokudo, Prop. Akrass Infants Wea l' Co. - Embroidery Deal ers-Tel. 52266- 630 Dimasalang, Pasay- Store : 844 A. Mabini corner TenIl'e ssee, Ermita. Elie Aluass, Prop. & Mgr. Alabang Poultry Supply Co.-Poultry Supplies- Tel. 47746--1027 Azca rraga, Tondo. Jose Silvestre, Mgr. Alafriz, Arturo A.-Attorney-at-Law- P. O. Box 513- Tels. 23737 and 23738-3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Alampay, Eliseo-Lawyer - Tel. 47903-205 Laong Na sa Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Alandy, Dr. Luis N. -Physician- Te1. 24328 - 172 R~al, Intramul'os. Alaras, Mercedes-Dressmaker- Tel. 48111 - 947 Magdalena, Tondo. Alba Pharmaceutical Co., Inc., N.Y.- Pharmaceutical Specialties-Po O. Box 1162Tel. 23802 - Cable Address : "PHARMA NILA"-670 Dasmarinns, Binondo.

U. V. Prittwitz, Mgr. H. E. Kentzler, Medical Dept. and Asst. Ma nagar . Albert, Dr. Jose-Physician-Tel. 23544500 Zurbal'an, Sta. Cruz. Alberto, Dr. J. C.- Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 26264- 618 Trinidad, Sta. Cruz. Alberto, Sevcrino - Lawyer - Tel. 23004644 Raon, Quiapo. Alberto, Sr., Dr. Severino B.,- Physician and Surgeon - Specialist: Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose- Tel. 23601- 222 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta Binondo. Alberto, Jr., Dr. Severino,-Physician and Surgeon-Specialist in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat-Tel. 23601-222 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Albert's Tailoring- Tailol'-159 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Alberto Santos, Mastel' Cutter and Prop. Albina's Ladies ' Wear--414 Juan Luna, Binondo. Albina E. Que, Prop. Albuero, Francisco R - Lawyer- Tel. 28429 - 669 F, Torres, Sta. Cruz. Alcala, Dr. A. B.-Dentist-Tel. 254951615 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Alcalde, Dr. Jose R.-Dentist- 1617 (Upstairs) Herran, Paco. Alcantara, Dr. Bienvenido G.- Physician and Surgevn-Tel. 48977- 405 Antipolo, Tondo. Alcantara & Co., S. F.-Certified Public Accountants-P. O. Box 3056-Tel. 29381 -Room 422 National City Bank Bldg., Binondo. R. Dajao, C. P. A. S. A. Ano, C. P. A. Zacarias R. Asuncion, A. A. Francisco Alcantara, B. A. Jose R. Leoquinco, A. A. Mariano D. Jauregui, A. C. S. Juan E. Nisperos. Alcantara, Dr . Vivencio C.-Physician and Surgeon- Tel. 24969--4th Floor, State Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Santa. Cruz. Alcazar Club- ·rel. 25562-Cable Address: " ALCAZAR-411 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Aldaba, Num. S.-Certified Public Accountant-219-A Francisco, Tondo. .4.LDANESE, CORTES & CO.-Invest. ment Brokers-Members, Manila Stock Exchange-P. O. Box 645-Tel. 49851Cable Address: "ALcon"-Room 4 Second F loor, 122 Juan Lu na, Binondo. Partners: Vicente Aldanese. Augusto J. D. Cortes. E. S. G3rcia, Accountant.

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Aldecoa & Co., C.- General Merchant, Hemp-Copra Importer-Exporter- P. O. Box 2053- Tels. 28724-Cabl e Address: "ALDECOA"-432 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Don Claudio Aldecoa, Partner. Don B. de Erquiaga, Partner. AJdecoa, Dr. Eladio R.-Dentist-Tel. 27187 - 405 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. .'\ LDECOA GOLD ~nNES , INC.- Gold Mining-Mines at Barrio Pinot-an, Pintuyan, Leyte- P. O. Box 1728, ManilaTel. 26165- 0ffice: Rooms 403·405 Burke Bldg., 125 E scolta. Binondo. Board of Directors : John Canson, President and Gen. Mgr. M. M. Morgan, Vice-President. J. F. Boomer, Secretary-Tl·eas-Director. L. R. Hobbs, Director. C. O. Bohanan, Dil'ector. Office Staff: A. S. Arcega, Accountar.t, Danny Gamboa, Stenographer. Alegre, Narciso--Real E state Bl'oker- In· vestment and Admini stration-Tel. 22168 - Cable Address : " p 0 s"-Room 328, Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Alex Shoe Palace - Shoes Importers Wholesale and Retail- Tel. 26082- A venue Theatre, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Ong Seng, Prop. Ong Lin, Prop. Alfiler, Tomas C.-Engra ver-82 Sa n Ra fael, Quiapo. Tomas C. Alfiler, Manager. Alfonso, Tomas-Certified Public Accountant-Tel. 5~919 -1417 Enriqu ez, Paco. ALHAMBRA CIGAR & CIGARETTE ftIFG. CO.-Manufacturers and Exporters of Cigars, Cigarettes and Leaf Tobacco--P. O. Box 209- Tels. 47515 and 47516-Cable Address : "ALHAMBRA"- 3 1 Tayuman, Tondo. A. P. Kuenzle, Pres. H. A. Streiff, Vice-Pres. H. J. Widmer, Treas. C. Timmerberg, Mgt'. R. L. Schroeder H. Sulzer J. Reupke G. Seeberger C. Redinger W. Eggmann E . Rupp M. Ferrandiz F. Koller (See Adve1'tise1nent)

Alhambra Cigar Store- Selling Agent, AI· hambra Cigar and Cigarettes-Whol esale and Retail Tobacco Products- P, 0, Box 985-TeL 25629-25 E scolta, COTner Nueva, Binondo, F. W. Prising, Prop.

Alhambra Theatre- Cinematograph- Tel. 67052-188 Castafios , Sampaloc. F>ederico Nell y, Mgr. Alice Beauty Saloon & Shoppe - Beauty Parlor-829 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Alicia ·F . Joven, Prop, and Operator. Alindada, Vjcent~ , R.- Lawyer- Tel. 27710 - 2325 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Alin sud, Trinidad- Dressmakel'- 1382 01'0quieta, Sta, Cruz. Al itap & Co.- Novelty Sto:re-412 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dr. Dionicio Alinea, President. Mrs. Pilar Tapia de Alinea, Treas. Dr. Dominador Alinea, Manager. Alkali Salt F actory- Main Office : P. O. Box 2982- Tel. 4-79-11- 605 S. J. Wilson Bldg" Jua n Luna, Binondo. F actory : Las P ilias, Rizal. All en, Dr. Beulah Rea m - Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 57190 - 1188 A. Mabini. Malate. ALLIED BROKERAGE CO~IPANY­ Real E state Broker - Loans-Mortgages - Tel. 23336- 206 S tate Bldg. Annex, Sta. Cruz, Baguio Bra nch: Mayo Bldg" Plaza Market . E, B, F el'min, Manager, ALLIED ENTERPllISES, INC.- Real E state! Brokerag e, Adverti sing, Art Servi ce, Screen Process P rinting, Mimeog raphing, Bookbinding- P, 0, Box 3075 - Tel. 26087-Cabl e Address : " ALLENT" Manila-428-430 Regina Bldg" E scolta, Binondo. Shop: 413 P. Paterno, Tel. 28059. Board of Directors : Lorenzo Bautista, Pres ident and Operating Broker. Dr. Ma ria Mati as, Vi ce-President. Delfin R. Manlapaz, Trea surer. Atty. Gregorio N , Garcia, Secretary. Miss Remedios Cordero, Director. Jose K. Lapuz, Director, Remedios Matias, Director. Enrique Matias, Director. Francisco Ba u tista, Director, Office Staff: Lorenzo Bautista, General Manager. Remedios Cordero, H ead, Real E state and Rental Service Dept. D. R. Manlapaz, Head , Duplicating & Printing Dept. Deo. Mendoza, Adv. Art Service. Atty, Gregorio N. Garcia, Head , Credit and Collection Dept.


76 Escolta

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Bos 2104


2.23.62 MANILA




Almadrones, Nestorio A. - Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life AssUl'ance Co., Ltd. -P . O. Box 734-Tel. 22431 - Cable Address: "INSULIFE" - Third Floor, In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Alma-Jose, Crisostomo - Civil Engineer and Contractor-Tel. 67706-310 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Almario, Marciano--Attorney-at-Law- Tel. 28138---c/ o Legal Counsel, National Life Insurance Agency,- R-434, 4th Floor, Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Almazan, P edro G.-Lawyer-Tel. 21543607 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Almendras, Mrs. Rosario C.- Building Contractor- Tel. 29965-428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Alonalon, Fabian-Fruits a nd Vegetable Deal er - T el. 21783- 1028 Arl egui, Quiapo. Alon so, H.- Haberda sheries-P. O. Box 2539- T el. 21 357-Cable Address : "HERMALONSO"- 105-107 E scolta, Binondo. H. Alonso, Prop. and Mgr. E. PestaflO, Ass't . Mgr. Alona & Delfin- Dent ists-Specialty, Pyorrhea- Tel. 24920-154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Dr. G. Alona. Dr. J. Delfin. Alpha Book Store-Books and General Merchandise- Tel. 55537- 233 At'kansas, Ermita. Mi ss Dom inga M. Garcia, Partner. Luis R. Hosileiia, Partner. Alsobrook, A. L.-Manufacturing Pharmacists-P. O. Box 269- Tel. 21026-635 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Al to , Dra. Benita C.- Dentist-Tel. 26449 -321 Legarda, Room 8, Sampaloc. Alvarado, Joaquin A.- Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Cable Address : "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, In sular Life Bldg., Pl aza Moraga, Binondo. Alvara n's T ailoring-Tailor and Shirt Maker-8l0 Juan Luna, Tondo. I. Alvara n, Master Tailor. ALVEAR & AGRAVA- Lawyer s-P . O. Box 3072- Tel. 22612- Rms. 236-238 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Carlos de G. Alvear. Federico Agrava. Alviz' Tailoring- Ou tfitters-T el. 273631117 RizaJ Ave., Sta. Cruz. Marcelino Alviz, Prop. and Cutter. Alzona Delena, Dra. S.- Physician- Tel. 54265-1135 Singalong, Malate.

Amador, Leocadio-Masseur-Tel. 546512226 Herran, (Int. 25), Paco. Amador. Ramon E .-Lawyer-P. O. Box 3441-Tel. 49959-132 Juan Luna, Binondo. Amalgamated Minerals, Inc.-Mining Business- Po O. Box 3399-Tcl. 22181--{;able Address: "AMALGAM" - Rooms 313-323 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Ramon S. Araneta, Pres. Dr. Augusto J. D. Cortes, Vice-Pres. N . Quisurnbing, Tl'eas. and Gen. Mgr. Salvador Zaragoza, Director. Quirino Eleizegui, Director. Atty. Q. C. Makalintal, Sec'¥. Ambassador Apartments - A par t men t House-827 M. H. del Pilar, Malate. Kneedler Realty Co., Props. Ambassador Fashion, The--Tailor-118 Bustillos, Sampaloc. B. S. Villaverde. Prop. and Cutter. Amba ssador Tailoring - Tel . 25816 - 339 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Godofredo del Rosario, Mgr. Ambos Mundos Restaurant-Tel. 25797423 Evangelista, Quiapo. Felisa de Leon, Prop. and Mgr. America Socony Vacuum Service StationTel. 48123- Soler and Reina Regente, Binondo. Lim Lin, Operator. American Bible Society- P. O. Box 755Tel . 57360- Cable Address : "BIBLES"636 Isaac P era l, Ermita. Rev. W . H . Fonger, Agency Secretary. American Biscuit Company (Successor to American Sweets, Inc.} -Manufacturers of Biscuits and Chewing Gums - P. O. Box 2057-Tels. 47760 and 49245-Cable Address: "CHICLERO" -120 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Paul Malone, President. Paul H ennesen, Manager. American Book Co., Inc.-Publ ishers-P. O. Box 836-TeI. 53526- 220 Menlo Road, Pasay, Rizal. Dr. W. W . Marquardt, Rep. American Bureau of Shipping-Surveying - Ship Cargo and Marine-P. O. Box 983 - Tel. 23833-Cable Address: "RECORD" -12th and Atlanta Sts., Port Area. R. M. Johnson. . American Cafe and Restaurant-Tel. 22890 - 732 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Chi Choo, Prop. American Calendar Co.-C?.lendar Merchants - Te!. 22125 - Cable Address: "MASRAM"-902 Lepanto, Sampaloc.


OPT0"1~;;RISTS •

76 EscoIta


(Opposite Lyric Thoatre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA


M. S. Ramirez, President . Cesar A. Ramirez, Vice-President. G. S. Ramirez, Secretary. Mrs. L. G. de Ramirez, Treasurer. American Chamber of Commerce Journal, The-English Monthly-P. O. Box 1638 - Tel. 21126-Cable Address: "AMCHAMBcOM"-Room 510, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Walter J. Robb, Editor and Mgr. Jack von Neff, Adv. Mgr. Santiago Javate, Chief Clerk. American Ch amber of Commerce of the Philinnines-P. O. Box 1638-Tel. 24757 -Cable Address : "AMCHAMBCOM"- 7th Floor, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. S. F. Gaches, President. E . D. Gundelfinger, Vice-President. E. M. Grimm, Vice--President. R. E . Cecil, Treasurer. C. G. Clifford, Secl'atary. Directors : P. A. Meyer. H. M. Cavender. J . C. Rockwell . N. H. Duckworth. J. L. Headington. Altel'nate Directors: H. Dean HeIlis L. D. Lockwood. R. E. Cecil. C. M. Hoskins. Office : M. T. Daiupan, Cashier and Accountant. Mrs. M. Speir. American Confectionery CO.- Confectioner s - Tel. 54347- 1175 Taft A venue, Malate. Onofre Lagman, Prop. American Consulate-Po O. Box 1464-Tel. 23320-Cable Address: "AMERICAN CONsUL"-Fifth Floor, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Thomas A. H ickok, American Consul. Donn P. Medalie, American Vice-Consul. American Cyanamid Co.- Mining Chemicals and Fertilizer s-P. O. Box 299- Tel. 23281-Cable Address: "BOIE"-95 Escolta, Billondo. P.hilippine-American Drug Co., Rep. Amel'lcan Employment Agc!ncy-Tel. 57795 -605 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Carmen Carl, Mgr. American-European Y.M.C.A.-P. O. Box 447-Tels. 23909-21952-136 Concepcion, Ermita. H . B. Pond, President. J. F. Boomer, Vice-President. G. P. Wishard, Recording Secretary. A. Hoyer, Treasurer. E. S. Turner, Senior Secretary.

Directors: H. B. Pond C. S. Salmon J. F. Boomer J. H . Alley C. S. Stocking A. Hoyer R. N. Miller J. F. Purnell T. L. Hall B. G. Leake Executive Staff: Glenn P. Wishard, General Secretary. V. A. MihaiIoff, Physical Director. American Express Company, In c., TheFinancial, Shipning Travel-P. O. Box 1463-Tels. 23558-23559, 22047 and 22048 - Cable Address: "AMEXCO"-95 Plaza Moraga, Insular Life Bldg., Binondo. J. R. Lloyd, Manager. W. R. Roemer, TraVel Rep. Carlos Rodriguez, Travel Rep . J. H. Goloy, Cashier. A. F. Domingo, Accountant. American Far Eastern School of AviationAviation School-Po O. Box 3246.-TeI. 54046-Cable Address: "AFEsA"-Nielson Airport, San Pedro Makati, Rizal. American Foreign In surance AssociationE. E. Elser, Inc., 13th & Boston Sts., Port Area. A~IERICAN GROCERY. TIlE-Wholesale and Retail Grocers-Importers and Distributors- P. O. Box 71-Tels. 21614 and 21615- Cabie Address: "WATIP"Codes Used: Bentley's- 215-217 Ecbague, Sta. Cruz. Ng Lun @ L. C. Wu, Mgr. American GUIl!'dian Association- (See Miscello,neous Section) American Gulf Orient Line-Operated by Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. -Tel. 24804-Myers Bldg., Port Area. American Hardware and Plumbing Co.P. O. Box 137- Tel. 23855-125 Escolta, Binondo. T. J. NihiJI, Manager, (Tel. 23856). A~IERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNDERWRITERS for the Philippines, Ine.-Fire, Marine, Motor Car, Personal Accident and Special Risks-P. O. Box 3341 - Tel. 23347 - Cable Address: "UNDERITERS" - Marsman Bldg., M. de San Francisco, Port Area. A. B. Park, Pres. C. L. Seitz, Vice-Pres. P . E. Moeye.r, Secretary. F. B. Baldwin, Treasurer. A. Auer, Fire Underwriter. P. T. Dzih, Undo Dept. American Mail Line, Ltd.- Everett Steamship Corporation, General Agents, Orient - 223 Dasmarifias, Binondo.

SABATER &"'0 .

76 Escolta



(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



American Office Equipment, Inc.-Office

and Store Equipment-Tel. 21260-110 Escolta, Binondo. Exclusive Distributors for: Remington Rand Inc. Safe-Cabinet Div. Steel Filing Equip. Binder Div Filing Supplies. Library Bureau Div. Steel Furniture. Monarch Adding Machines. F and E Checkwritel's. Rochester Carbon and Ribbon Co. Dorson Time Clocks. Standard New Process Duplicators.

American Sanitary Dry Cleaning~Dry Cleaners and Dyers~Tel. 55194~954 A . Mabini, Malate. F. Enriquez, Prop. and Mgr. American School., Tnc.~ (See Miscellaneous


American Oriental Sales Co.-Beauty Parlor Pl""epal'ation ~IIllPortel's~Expol'ter~~ P. O. Box 2786~Tel. 57866~Cable Address: "AMER I CO"~21 Alhambra, Ermita. C. F. Vegger, Mgt.:.

American Shoe Store-Shoe Dealers~P. 0. Box 1217- Tel. 28210~120 Rosario COl', Gandara, Binondo. Samuel Karemblit. Henry Friedman. American Silk Store~Silk and NoveltiesP. O. Box 2267~Tel. 25492~29 Escolta, Binondo. K. Lokoomal, Mgr. American Steamship Agencies, I nc.~Ship Ag'ents~Bl'okers-Charterers-P. O. Box 3004~Te l. 24278~Cable Address: "AMERSHIP"~R-1 Derham Bldg., Cornel' Muelle San Francisco and 13th Street, Port Area. C. V, Morton, Gen. Mgr. A. I. Morton, Sec'y. F. T. Manalo, Chief Clerk. Agency: Kokusai Kisen Kaisya (Tokyo, Japan)



American Oldtimel', The--A Monthly Magazine Published by and for the benefit of the Pioneer's Club of Manila ~ Tel. 23548~559 Echague, Quiapo.


O. Box 2542~Tel. Aviles, San Migu el.


O. B. Steven, Mgr. J. George, Ass't Mgt'. American President Lines, Ltd.- P. O. Box 1636~Tel. 22441-Cable Address: "PRESLINEs"~ Main Office: Dollar Bldg., 1020 Muelle de San Francisco, Port Area . Head Office: San Francisco, Cal. Manila Staff: W . T. Goodwin, General Agent. L. B. Jepson, Chief Clerk. J. Wells, Freight Agent. H. MacGowan, District Passenger Agent. W. Baumann. Ass't. Passenger Agent. Paul Lutey, Passenger Agent. B. P. Sweeny, PasS'enger Agent. E. C. Bogle, Accountant. L. Hilliard , Cashier.

J. Hay. J. Zimmerman. D. C. Downing. Miss E. G. Davis. Miss K. B. Easterling-. American Publications-Subscl'ij"")Tion Books; Toys~Te1. 56023- 448 A. Mabini, Ermi-

ta o


L. 1. Lupton, Manager. Reginaldo Palacio, Acting S::lies Mgr .



Address: "AMCONTrade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Paul P. S11eintorf, American Trade Commissioner. E. Edward Schefer, Ass't. Trade Commissioner. Alejandro Yan, ~C hief Clerk.


76 Escol ta


Coffee Packers and




O. Box Villanueva,

54~Tel. 51619~15-17 P. Pasay, Rizal. Ang Lee Chang, Manager. Enrique Dy Chauco, Sal-es Mgr. Jose Dy Chauco, Ass't. Sales Mgr. Amian Movietone Company, Inc.~Motion Picture Producers ~ Tel. 27574 - 1323 Felix Hu'e rtas, Santa Cruz. Hon. Ma,ul.·o Verzosa, Pres. Hon. Francisco Zandueta, Treas. Leon C. Pichay, Gen. Mgr. Ammen Transportation Co., A. L. ~ Bus Transportation, Bicol Provinces~P. 0. Box 1l69~T el. 22517~324 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz-Main Office: Iriga, Camarines Sur. L. D. Lockwood. Pres. R. F. Rawson, Vice-Pres. and Manager. L . G. James, Treas. and Ass't. Mgr.






(Opposite Lydc Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



Amor Studio & Beauty Shoppe - Photo~ graphing Day and Night-Tel. 268761735 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. M 1'5. Ma1'cosa Borja, Prop. Amoy Trading Co.-Grocery Dea ler- P. O. Box 1013- Tel. 47474-1014 Comel'cio, San Nicolas. Ching Tian, Mgr. Ampil & Co.-Coal Dealers- P. O. Box 1301- Tel s. 21593 and 21594-Coal Yard, 15 Nagtahan, Sampaloc, Tel. 67561. Office : 997 M. de la Industria, San Nicolas. Isaac Ampil, Mgr. Ampil, F elino G.- Lawyer-Tel. 23094-401 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. E scolta, Binondo. Ampil, Dr. Flol'-entino-Physician- Surgeon -Tel. 47346- 2249-D Juan Luna, Tondo. Anaconda Copper (Philippines), Inc.-Min. ing - P. O. Box 513 - Tel. 23739-3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 E scolta, Binondo. Felipe Buencamino, Jr., Pres. O. D. Al'l'iola, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Arturo A. Alafriz, Sec'y. ANAKAN LUMBER CO.-Logging and Lumber- P. O. Box 268-'I'e1. 22791Cable Address : "ANAKAN"-Managed by Elizalde & CI)., Inc.-Elizalde Bldg.,-801 Muell e de la Industri:l. E. C. Von Kauffmann, Manila Mgr. C. E. Walter, Anakan Mgr. Anamura, S. - Building Contractor - Tel. 23998-417 R. Papa, Sampaloc. Anching's Be:a uty Parlor- Beautician- Tel. 29648-241 Carriedo, S~n ta Cruz. Mi ss. E speranza Alumno, Prop. Anchor Line (1935) Ltd.- Stea mship Company- (New York-Glasgow) - 'l'el. 23656 - Mal'sman D!dg., Port Area. Canadir'.!1 Pacific Railway Co., Gen. Agents. Anda Drug Store-Druggist-Tel. 28372134 Anda, Intramuros. Mrs. Amparo Marfori An geles, Prop. and Pharmacist. Andal, Agapito B.-Building Material Dealer, Retail- Tel. 52317-1241 Azcarraga. Tondo. Andaya, Diego-Painter a nd Decora tol'1109 Tennessee. Malate. II.NDAYA, FELICIANO- Hattel', Whol esale and Retail and Shirt Makel'- 730 R. Hidal go, Quiapo. Andaya, Dr. Filomeno-Dentist-Tel. 49179 -721 Ylaya Cor. Azc~~Taga, Tondo. Andaya, Dr. Jose-Physician and SUl'g'eonChief Medical Examiner and Chairman, Commi ttee On Social Serv ice-Life Insurance Underwriter of the In sular Li fe

Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431- Cable Address: " INSULIFE"-3rd Floo !', I nsular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Andia, Dr. Ramon-Physician- P. O. Box 3067- Tcl. 28968-519 Rizal Ave., Room 26, Sta. Cruz. ANDOY BALUNBALUNAN & ms ENTERTAINERS-Radio Entertainers and Sponso r Pl:ograms-P. O. Box 283Tel. 67785-CabJe Address : "BALUNATAY" -204 P epin, Sampaloc. Alejandro VilI:egas, Director. Ad elaida Fernando, Professor. Andrade, Dr. Ignacio-Dentist-Tel. 26979 - 154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Andy and Hi s Famous Orchestra- Orchestra and Bands-Tel. 25512- 1218 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Ang Araw-JcwE'lry and Engraving-Tel. 49693-816 Y1 r.ya, Tondo. Canuto V. Lazcano, Prop. "Ang Balita"- Slippel' and Shoe ManufactUl'el's-1710-1712 Herran, Paco. Ymzon Bros .• Props. G. F. Ymzon, Mgr. Ang Balita Dressmakel's-I710-1712 Herran , Paco. Mrs. D. Ymzon, Prop. and Mgr. Ang Batis-Shoemaking and Slippermaking - 1874 Juan Lun a, Tondo. M. Gatchalian, Prop. Francisco Gatchalian, Mgr. Ang Batong Busilak-Marble Importers and Worker s : Mausoleums of Marble and Cement -Tel. 26181-Cable Address: "BATBUSIL"-380 R. Hidalgo, Santa Cruz. M. A. Santos, Mgr. Ang, Bibia na-Shids Ma nufacturer-P. O. Box 915- Te;. 49722- 915 Padre Algue, Tondo. Ang Chay and Company-Shirt FactoryTel. 49687-164 Rosario, Binondo. Ang Chill Keng-Impol'ter and Exporter, Wholesale Dry Goods Dealel'-P. O. Box lOIS-Tel. 47544-491 Nueva, Binondo. Ang Chin Keng, Mgr. Ang Eak Guan-Dry Good s Deal'er-TeJ. 26613-113 Villalobos, Quiapo. Ang Guan Hing-Plumbing Supply-Tel. 27071-417 Teodora Alonso, Sm. Cruz. Lim Ching, Prop. Ang tIiong- Rice Merchan t -Tel. 47446491 Muell e de Binondo, San Nicolas. Ang Kin-ng Lian Exchange-Exchange Broker- Tel. 47838-715 Ilaya, Tondo. Ang Kiang Lian, Mgr. Ang Laguna-Shoes and Slipper Manufactu r ers-68S, and 691-693 Ylaya , Tondo.

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(Opposite Lydc Theatre) P. O . Bo. 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



Vivencio Legasto, Pro p. and Mgr. Mrs. Ceferina C. de Legasto, Ass't. Mgr. Augusto C. Lega sto, Accountant. Leoncio C. Geirosa , Factory Supt. Ang Lakas-Hat Stol"C!-936 Dart, Paco. Maximo H. Santos, Prop. Ang Lam Hua- Dry Goods Dealers- Te1. 21863- 135 Villalobos, Qui.po. Ang Lam Optical Co.- Optical, Jewelry, and Watch es-Tel. 49796- Cable Address: "LAMOPTICAL"- 209 Rosario, Binondo. Ang Lam, Prop. So Bing Siu, Mgr. Ang Laundry Natin- Laundry- l095 Arlegui, Quiapo. P. Rebadevia, Prop. Ang Ligaya- Manufacturers of Quality Shoes and Slipper s-Tel. 48147-CentraI Office: 628-630 Azcarraga. Branch: 616 Azcarraga. M. Anatalio, Gen. Mgr. Ang Liwanag Chineleria-Slipper Manufacturer- 736 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Magdalena Lira, Prop. Ang Lunas-Shoes and Slipper Makers104 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Lucia G. Silos, Prop. Ang Manggagawa- Native and Foreign Hats-H a t Cl eaning and Blocking-477 Juan Luna, Binondo. G. Pagkatipunan, Prop. Cata lino Pagkatipunan, Mgr. . Ang, Dr. Manu el Veloso-Physician-Tel. 48585- 237 Ong pin, Binondo. Ang, N . Vondian- Shirt Dealer-Tel. 48781 - 235 Sole r, Binondo. Ang Nais-Shoe and Slippe l' Making- 134 Castai1os, Sampaloc. E. Al ejandro, Prop. Ang Sal'Op Bakery - Tel. 49275 -1653 Sand~, Tondo. S,y Du, Prop Ang Sioc & Co., S. en C.- Blacksmith-Tel. 47244-348-350 Camba, San Nicolas. Ang Kon, Mgr. Ang Tian Su - General Merchant - Tel. 49172-11'7 Rosario, Binondo. Ang Tian Su, Prop. and Mgr. ANG TIBAY- Ma nufacturers and Wholesalers and Retailer s of Shoes and Slipp er s ; Importers of Shoes and Slipper Supplies and Shoe Repairer s-P. O. Box 333, Manila-Tel. Di a l 40 and ask operator for Cal. 413-Cable Address : HANG TIBA y" - Gener a l Office and Factory: A venida Rizal Extension. Toribio Teodoro, Prop, and Gen. Mgr.

Pl'oviAcial Dealers throughout the Philippines. Downtown Stores : Corner Plaza Goiti and Rizal Ave.,

Sta. Cruz. 710 Ilaya, Tondo. Corner Batangas and Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Azcarraga, Central Hotel Bldg., Sta. Cruz. PaeD, Cornel' Gl'al. Luna and Henan. Ang Tibay Shirts and Pants FactoryTel. Dial 40 and ask operator for CaL 421-0ffice and Factory-90-92 A. Mabini, CaloDean, Rizal. Vicente Ang, Prop. and Mgr. Ang Tipid Rubber Products-Manufacturers of Rubber Shoes and Door Mats-TeL 46213-644 Velasquez, Tondo. Benjamin Almeda, Mgr. Ang Tuan Kai & Co.- Drygoods-Wholesale- [mporters- P. O. Box 170-Tel. 47545-485 Nueva, Binondo. Ang Tuan Kai, Prop. and Mgr. Ang Tunay Shirts & Pants-Tel. 4823112-H Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Ang Sip. Prop. Ang Uri Chineleria- Slipper Manufacturers -208 Novaliches , San Miguel. Antonio Francisco, Prop. "Ang Uri Plateria"-Jewelry-1246 Sande, Tondo. Federico Cruz, Prop. Ang, Vicente-Importer and Exporter-P. O. Box 2746- Tel. 49615-Coble Addres", "VICENTEANG"-451 Nueva, Binondo. Ang Y~ e Chiao- Tobacco Dealers, Wholesale and Retail - Tel. 49572-819 Juan Luna, Tondo. Ang Yee Chiok-Custom's Broker-Tel. 47563- 1106 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Angarf.., Dr. Andres A.- Physician-P. O. Box 281- Tel. 67574-2nd Flool', Kneedler Bldg., Cm'd edo, Santa Cruz. Angat Manila Transportation- Transportation-Tel. 49716- 555 Azcarraga, Tondo. Matia s A. Fernando, Operator and Gen. Mgr. Lazaro A. Ignacio, Ass 't. Mgr. Rufino San Jose, Traffic Mgr. . Angela Apartments-Apartment HouseTel. 53358- 1237 M. H . del Pilar, Malate. Grace A. Willits, Mgr. Angela's Shoppe-Dressmaker- Tel. 55883 -142 A. Mabini, Ermita. Mrs. Angeb B. Lim, Mgr. Angeles , Dra. Adelaida de los-Physician - Te1. 27530- 360 Palma, Santa Cruz.



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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


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Angeles, Dr. Alfredo S.-Physician-Tel. 27577-2nd FI., State Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Angeles Electrical and House Painting Contractor-Electrical Supply Dealers and Painters-Tel. 23065-826 Echague, San Miguel. Geron imo Angeles, Contractor and Mgr. Florentino Angeles, Ass't. Mgl'. Angeles, Ernesto A .-Lawyer-Tel. 29547Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Angeles Furniture-Furniture Dealer-Tel. · 67813-274-276 G. Tuason, Sampaioc. Pablo T. Angeles, Prop. Angeles & Sons-Hatters-735 Legarda, Sampaioc. Luciano Angeles. Prop. Angeles, Dra. Leonor de los-Dentist---Tel. 27630-360 Palma, Santa Cruz. Angeles, Dr. Marcelino F.- Physician and Surgeon-637 Evangelista, Quiapo. Angeles, Dr. Ramon R.-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 27680 - 102 Vi1lalobos, Quiapo. Angeles Shoemaker-Shoe Repairing-244 Isaac Peral, El'mita. Emiljano Angeles, Prop. Angeles, Dr. Sixto de los-PhysicianTel. 27530-360 Palma, Santa Cruz. Angelita's Fashion-Modist, Dressmaking1048 Dart, Paco. Angelita Sanchez, Prop. Angel's Fashion-Tailoring-2050 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. Angel Laudato, Prop. Anglo Chinese School-(See Miscellameous


Ann a' s-Embroideries-Tel. 55572-226 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Anna Fernando, Prop. Anonas Francisco A.-Lawyer-'Del. 27424 -Rm. 2.19 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. ANSELMO HILARIO, SANTOS & CO. -H2.rdwu!·c and Bu:Iding MaterialsElectric~l Supplies, Radios and Accessories - Tel. 49425 - Cable Address: "AHILSAN"-Ilaya and Padre Rada Sts. Anse}mo Hilario, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Doml~1ador Santos, Ass't. Mgr. Antamok Goldfields Mining Co., Inc.-Gold Mining Company-Po O. Box 579-Tels. 23124 to 27, 23470 and 24157-Cable Address: "WARNERl\lIN-MANlLA" - 4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Don Andres Soriano, Pres. V. H. Masefield, Vice-Pres. A. M. Macleod, Dir. and Treas.

G. M. Bridgeford, Dil'. H. T. Fox, Oil'. P. L. Mapa, Dir. J. H. Sampson, Dir. An ti-Termite-I nsecticide ManufacturersP . O. Box 1551-Tel. 26231-218 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Silvino Dayco, Prop. and Manager. Jose Dayco, Assistant. Amada Almeda de Dayco, Treasurer. Antillon, Dr. Francisco-Dentist-395 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Antipolo Bus Co.-Daily Trip Between Manila and Antipolo-303 Azcarraga, Tondo. Central Office: Antipolo, Rizal. Raymundo Masangkay, Prop. Juan Masangkay, Bus. Mgr. Antipolo Firewood-Tel. 26891-704 Antipolo, Santa Cruz. Ong Guan, Mgr. Antipolo Garage & Taxicab-Tel. 22642700 Riz~l AIR., Sta. Cruz-Branch: Rizal Avenue ExteHs10n-Tel. Db.! 40 and ask operator for Cal. 444. Domingo Vital, Prop. Antipolo Lumber Co.- Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealers-Tel. 26780-2445 Rizal Ave. Extension, Sta. Cruz. Chang Hiok, Prop. and Mgr. Anton io Bros. & Co.-Toy Balloon Merchants-Po O. Box 1698-Tel. 25825-1209 Vergara, Quiapo. Vicente Antonio, Mgr. Antonio, Dr. Domingo-Physician and Sur. geon-Tel. 28807-230 Kneedler Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Antonio, G.-Tailor-1247 Juan Luna, Tondo. Gregorio Antonio, Prop. & Cutter. Antonio, Dra. Germina-Dentist-889 Narra, Tondo. Antonio, Pablo S.-Architect-P. O. Box ' 515-Tel. 24232-622 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Antonio, Rufino D.-Architect-Tel. 29307 -712 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Anzures, Dr. Pablo-Physician-SurgeonTel. 25969-Room 314 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Apa Factory-1447 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Gregorio Malocon, Prop. Apollo Lumber CO.-Lumber Dealel's-Te1. 67466-,20 Ka!entong, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Apolo Restaurant-1327 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Genaro VadiJIo, Prop. Apor Tailoring, L. R.-Tailor-119 Anda, Intramuros. L . R. Apor.



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APPAIlEL AIlTS, INC.-Tailoring and Haberdashery-Tel. 26045-Cable Address: "APART"-Room 126, Cr ystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Alfonso MalJari, Mastel' Cutter. Aquino, Alejandl'o- '1'ailol'-340 Henan, Malate. Aquino, Antonio--Lawyer-TeI. 28576-303 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Binondo. Aquino, Dr. C01'8zen-Dentist-Te1. 26036 -529 Heacock Bldg., ' E scolta, Binondo. Aquino & Sons, F . H .-Engravi ng ShopTel. 27940-1849 Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Fidel H. Aquino, Mgt'. a nd Prop. Aquino's Laundry, E . V.-720 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. E. V. Aquino, Prop. and Manager. Aquitania, A. L.-Lawyer-Tel. 29604-712 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. AIlABE.JO & CO., ~IACAIlIO-Realtors -(Members, Manila R'e alty Boarel)-Admini stration and Management of EstatesAppraisals & Investments-Rentals & Leases - Tel. 26365 - Cable Address: "ARABEJo"-Room 212, Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Aragon, F elipe-Arch itect-2640 H enan, Sta. Ana. Aragon, Y.-Pawn Broker-Tel. 541661460 Henan, Paco. Y. Aragon, Prop. Clar a Ma. Aragon Villanueva, Mgr. Arambulo, Miguel-Certified Public Accountant-TeL 49101-1215 Narra, Tondo. ARA~mULO PRODUCTS, INC., BOTICA INSULAR Y LABORATOIlIO INSULAR - Store and Perfumery Chemical and Pharmaceutical Laboratory for ARAMBULO Pharmaceutical Products-P.O .. Box 976-TeJ. 48658-Cable Address : "BOTINSULAR" Manila-Plaza Leon XIII, Corner Quesada and No . 1012-14 Santbgo de Vera, Tondo--Tels. 48206 and 49580. Primo Arambulo, President and Gen. Manager. Alejandro de J esus, Vice-President. Mrs. Loreto S. Arambulo, Treasurer. Flaviano Sevilla, Auditor. A. Juliano. Ass't. Manager and Bookkeeper. Petronio Bendijo, Ass't. Bookkeeper (Branches) . Antonio Arambulo, Ass't. Bookkeep'el'. Natividad Daguis, Cashier. Cornelia Sall Felipe, Typist. Ricardo Garcia, Pharmacist. Primo Arambulo, Jr., Trav. In sp. and Chemist. Rosita Valle, Chemist.

Alfredo Cabale, Mgr., Davao Branch, Davao City. Jesus S. Gloria, Mgt'., Iloil o Branch, DoHo City. Leoncio Sabandal, Mgl'., Sur i gao Branch, Bacuag, Surigao. Antonino Villacorta, Mgt'., Bicol Branch, Naga. R. M. Espartero, Mgr., Northern Luzon Branch, Ilaga n. Victoriano O. Climaco, Mgr., Cebu Branch, Cebu City. fld efonso A . Alinsod, Traveling Employee for Central Luzon. Arana, G.- House and Sign Painter- Tel. 48040-709 Azcarraga, Tondo. Aranda's Fashion-Tailoring-Tel. 27415364 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Patricio Aranda, Prop. & Cutter. E . M. Cunanan, Ass't. Mgt'. and Academica l Cutter. At'aneta & Company, Leopoldo--Importers and General Merchants-Tel. 29394-107 Zurbaran, Sta. Cruz. Leopoldo Araneta, Mgr. AIlANETA, INCORPOIlATED, GREGORIO-Realtors, Investors, Trustees and Administrators-Managing Partner s -Sta. Mesa Heights-Tel. 21344, 21345 and 21346-Cabl'e Address : "GREARAINC" -4th Floor, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Bi. non do. Jose Al'aneta, President. Salvador Araneta, 1st Vice-President. Ramon J. Araneta, 2nd Vice-Presi dent & Treasurer. Vicente A. Al'aneta, Director & Sales Manager. Lui s Ma. Al'aneta, Secretary. Carmen Z. Vda de Araneta, Director. J. Antonio Aran eta, Director. Consuelo A. de Cuesta, Director. Teresa A. de Albert, Director. Margarita Al'aneta, Director. Manuel Alcuaz, Consulting Engineel". Severo A. Tuason, Engineer. Joaquin Lazo, Accountant. Vicente Alcalde, Cashier. Benjamin S. On rubia, Asst. Cashier. Jose F. Vergara, Real Estate Clerk. H. D. Nerecina, Property Clerk. V. O. Thomas, Stenographer. Antonio B. Aguas, Stenographer. Apolo Coronado, Bookkeep·e r. Tranquilino Arceo, Bookkeeper. Benito Inoncillo, Bookkeeper. Enrique Velez, Asst. Bookkeeper. Antonio Martinez, Clerk. Guillermo E stanislao, Inspector. Hermogenes Martinez, Inspector.

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Mateo B. Ramos, Sal路e sman. Salvador Rebullida, Salesman. Rafael Gonzales, Salesman. Icasiano J. Leyco, Salesman. Teofilo Purisima, Salesman. (See Adv ertisement) Ar:meta. Luis Ma.-Architect-Tel. 249941030 R. Hida lgo, Qub:po. Araneta y Zaragoza, Jose- Realtor- Tel. 21344--Cable Address : "ARANZA"- 4th Floor, Heacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Jose AI'aneta, Mgr. Joaquin Lazo, Acc't. Araneta, Zaragoza. Araneta & Bau t istaLawyers-Tels. 23588 and 23589- Cable Address: "Arajoza"- Th ird Fl oor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Gregorio AI'aneta (1930) . Salvador Zaragoza. Salvador A l'aneta. J. Antonio Araneta. Antonio M. Bautista . Jose Pag-a duan. Emigdio G. Tanjuatco. Emmanuel Pelaez. Al'a niego, B enjamin T. -Insular Life Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.,- P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431Cable Address : " INSULIFE"- Third Floor, Insular Live Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binon do. Aranque Hardware and Plumbing Supplies - Tel. 28953- 420-422 T. Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Sy Chiong'. Araullo, Dr. Jose P .- Ph ys ician- Tel. 46216 -565 Azcan'aga, Tondo. Arbadji, K.- General Importer- P. O. Box 1032 - Tel. 21016 - Cable Address : "ARBADJI"- 227 David, Binondo. Khalil Arbadji. Mgr. Arcach~ , Joseph- Real E state Broker - P. O. Box 2347- Tel. 26895- 335 Echague, Santa Cruz. Arcade Barber E:hop-Tel. 26857-Room 130 Crystal Arcade, Escolta. Binondo. AI ~jandro E. Sison, Prop. Arcade B3Z2.r (Sirumal & Doulatl'am Co.) - Direct Importers of General Merchandise- Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 3315- Tel. 21990-Cablc Address: "oouLATRAN"-105 Crystal Arc~de, Escolta, Binondo. T. U. Jiandani , Mgr. Arcade Cafe- Tel. 23896- 434 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. H . L. Suares, President. J. Mazurovsky. Bar Manager. H. Traugott, Stewa rd.

Arcade Inc.- Restaurant and Bar- Tel. 23896-434 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Owners a nd Opera tors of the Arcade Cafe-434 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. H. L. Sua res, President. Arcade Laundry- Tel. 26958-725 Evangeli sta, Quiapo. Jose M:lcapagal, Prop. and Mgl'. Arce and Arce, Drs.-Physicians and Denti st s-X-Ray Laboratory- Tel s. Office ; 25919 and Res : 67768- 312 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. Dr. Carmelo Arce. Dr. Antonio 1. Arce. Arce Electric- Electrical Supply Dealer and Contractor-Tel. 22933-2019 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. Vicente Arce, Prop. Al'ce Fernando--Lawyel'- Tel. 47951- 205 'Vitson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Al'cega, Raf . L.- Lawyer- Tel. 25938-752 Echague, Quiapo. Al'cenas Benjamin A.- Real E state-Tel. 24565':""401-415 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binon do. ARCEO STUDIO-News and Commercial Photographer- Tels. Office 56455 and Res. 56403- 157 Isaac P eral, Ermita. Teodol'o Arceo, Prop. and Mgr. Arcilla Brother s-Tail oring-637 M. H. del P ilar, E r mita. Lucas A rcilla, Prop. Arcilla, Dr. Pedro J . -Physician and Sur.. geon- Tel. 48121- 1431 Juan Luna, Tondo. Arcilla's Ta iloring-167 Solana, Intl'amuros. Pablo A. Arci1la, Prop. and Cutter. Arco Amu sement Co.-Distributors Motion Picture Sound Apparatu s and Public Address Systems-Po O. Box 2303-Tel. 22836-CabJ<e Address: "ARco"- 20 Callejon Katubu san , Int ., Sta. Cruz. A. B. Collette, Vice-Pres. and ManageI'. Agencies: W ebster El ectric Co. Weber Machine Co. Cinaudagraph Speaker Corp. Pathe Freres Maas Chime Co. Arellano, Al e.iandro N .-Architect-Tel. 28356-316 Carriedo, Room 5, Sta. Cruz. Arellano Athl etic Supply- Tel. 26081- 525 Teodora Alonso, Sante Cruz. Luis Arellano, Prop. Arellano Choa Siong, S.-Building Contractor-Tel. 27180- 811 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz.

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Arellano, Dr. Emiliano--Physician and Surgeon--.Tel. 27648-1130 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Arellano Law College. (See Miscellaneous


Arenas, Dr. M. P .-XRay Diagnosis-Tel. 56305-104 Padre FaUl'a, Ermita. Arevalo, Dr. J. S.-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 52440-559 lieveriza, Pasay, Rizal. Arguelles French School- Tel. 24279 School of Cutting-1065 Dos Castillas, Sampaloc. Mrs. L. Arguelles, Dil'. ARGUELLES LABORATORY-(LABoRATORIO




Bacteriological Laboratory- Serums, Vaccines and Gland Products-Lie. No.1 Bio. logic Products Board, Phil. Gov't.-Tel. 21061-800 Raan COl:ner Quezon AV'enue, Quiapo. Manuel V. Arguelles, M. D., Manager. Arguell es, Dr. M. V.-Physician and Surgeon-Clinical and Bacteriological Labo-

ratory-Tel. 21061-800 Raan Corner Quezon A venue, Quiapo. Arguelles and Ocampo--Architects-Tel. 21228-497 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Tomas Arguelles, Architect. Fernando Ocampo, Architect. Fortunato Conti, Structural Designer. Francisco Navarro, Architectural Draftsman. Delfin Makalinao, Draftsman. Norberto David, Draftsman. Arguz Food Packing Co.-Food PackingTel. 67797-1427 Washington, Sampaloc. Miss Tomasa de Guzman, Mgr. Arias, V.- Real E state-Tel. 23190-Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Aristocrat Beauty Parlor, The - Beauty Parlor- 209 Labores, Pandacan. Mrs. Concepcion A. de Castro, Prop. Aristocrat Dry Cleaning & Laundry-2158 Herran, Paco. Josefina Ogayon, Prop . . Aristocra t Thestaurant--TeL 55502-2 San Andres, Malate. Aristocrat Silk & Novelty Store-Silk Dealers-Tel. 27860-110 Real , Intramuros. K. B. Mangharam, Prop. and Mgr. Arive, Dr. Porfirio R.-Dentist--Tel. 26917 - 700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Arlegui Drug Store-Druggist Retail-1007 Arlegui, Quiapo. Arlington Apartments-TeL 54895-501 Dakota, Ermita. A. D. E. Elmer, Prop.

Armour & Company-Meat Packers-Po O. Box 1386-Tel. 21590-Cable Address : "ARMOUR"-322 13th Street, Port Area. C. T. Stark, Mgr. Army and Navy Culb-P. O. Box 460-Te1. 22095-South Boulevard, Luneta. (See Miscellaneous Section "Clubs") Army and Navy Hat Store-Embroideries. Tailoring-P. O. Box 2309-Tel. 56882 -470 M. H. del P ilar, Ermita. Lorenzo T. On a, Mgr. Julia B. Ona, Ass't. Mgr. AR~IY AND NAVY Y. M. C. A., PWLIPPINE DISTRICT-P. O. Box 1634Tel. 21604-Cable Address: I'ANSEC"Aduana, Intramuros. J. C. Storey, Executive Secretary, Fort Wm. McKinley Branch. F . S. Comings, District Business Secretary. L. H. Davis, Physical Activities Secretary. C. M. Lewis, District Activities Secretary. B. E. Merriam, Ret'd ., Educational Sec· retary. Army Style, The- Hatter-Te1. 46156-511 Juan Luna, Binondo. Arcadio Justiniano, Prop. Abelardo Justiniano, Mgr. Arnaiz, Jose-Lawyer- Tel. 21751- 309 Sa. manillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. A 1'0, Macario--Copra Dealers-Tel. 56856 -666 Penairancia, Paco. Arreca, Dr. S. A.- Dentist--'Pel. 25884-312 Rizal Ave .. Sta. Cruz. . ARRE'S STORE, G. G.-Philippine Man. ufactured Products and Novelties-Wholesale and Retail- TeL 5588B-Main Store: 239 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Genniniano G. Arre, Prop. & Mgr. Art Construction-Building ContractorsTel. 27180-811 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Simplicio Arellano, Mgr. Art Neon Signs-Advel'tising-Tel. 22127943 Raon, Quiapo. M. Kraut, Prop. Art Photo Engraving - Engravers - Tel. 26427-226 Raon, Sta. Cruz. D. D. Sampedro, Prop. Art Printing and Publishing Co.-Printers, Bookbinders and Publishers-Tel. 29703 -335 Raon, Sta. Cruz. D. D. Sam pedro, Prop. and Mgr. I. Ramirez, Sup't. Art Shoe Store Co. Inc.-Shoe Dealoers, Retail- Tel. 27746-79 Real, Intramuros. Cados Oliveros, Manager.

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(Oppos;te Lyrk Th.atre) P. O. Box 2104


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Art Studio-Photographel's-TeI. 25955446 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo. Loreto G. Campos, Manager. Ciriaco Discipulo, Photographer. Pastor Solon, Photographer. Luis Ma saoy, Photographer. Mrs. Marina Chase, Inf. Clerk Arte-Picture Framing-978 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Alfonso T. Ongpin, Prop. and Mgr. ARTE ESPANOL-Wrought Iron Furniture and Fixtures-Lamps, HSamson" Steel W~ndows- Office and Factory: 40 Cristob~ ], Paco--Officc Tel. 55124- Factory Tel . 55062-Show Room: 719 Echague, San Miguel-Tel. 27724. Jose S:l!lSO Pedret, Prop. and Mgr. Al'te y Trabajo---651 Flol'.:!ntino Torres , Sta. Cruz. Pascual Zamora Medina, Mgr. Arteche, Pedro---Lawyer- P. O. Box 1130Tel. 27183- 12 Escolt2, Bincndo. Artistic Arizona Fashion of G. T . SantosTailor-2318 Rizal Ave., Sta, Cruz. G. T. Santos, Prop. and Cutter. Artistic Studio-Photography-933 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Elpidio Yap , Prop, and Mgr. Arveces, Th~- Tailors and Outfitters-Tel. 53340-1908 H£:rran, Puco. Rafael V. Cruz, Master-Tailor, Arzaga, Dr. Francisco B.-Physician and Surgeon-TeL 21517-783 Gov. Forbes, Sampaloc. Asahi Bazar- Bazar- Tel. 27886-144 Villalobos, Quiapo. Torahei Hitomi, Prop. Asahi Bicycle Store-----Bicycle Dealers and Acccsso:d es-Tel. 55024-1916 Herran, Paco. S. Higematsu, Prop. Asahi Hotel-Hotel and Restaurant-Tel. 24105-506 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Chiyo Kawaguchi. Mrs. Ha tsuyo Urata, Prop. i\SEGURi\DORES DE Li\S ISLi\S FILIPINAS-(PhiIippine Underwriters) Fire, Marine, and Motor Car InsuranceP. O. Box 1425-Tel. 22703-410 R~g ina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Virgilio L. Rodriguez, Pres, and Managing Director, Isaac Barza, Vice-Pres. and Comptroller. Amado M. Gonzales, Secretary-Treasurer. Members of the Board: T. M. Jordan M. F . Occena G. S. Barnes J. J. de Guzman

General Agents: Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Co. of New York. Agents: Continental Insurance Company, Atlas Assurance Co" Ltd. Asia Bar-Saloon-704 Ongpin. Binondo. Chua Tuan Coc, Prop. Asia Bed Factory-Bed ManufacturersTeL 21612- 708 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz-Factor,y : Tel. 49326-869 Dagupan, Int., Tondo. Ang Piao, Mgr. Asia Glassware Store-Glassware Dealers, Retail- ll05 M. de Santos, San Nicolas, Co Chian, Prop. Co Han, Mgt'. Asia Grocery Store--Wholesal'e and Retail Grocery - Tel. 27068 - 248 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Go Kee Cha, Prop. Asia Hardware-Hardware Dealers- Tel. 54908-1637 Herran, Paco. Chua Tiah, Mgr. Asia Hotel & Restaurant-Tel. 25551-Ronquillo and Florentino Torres, ' Sta. Cruz. Fong Sim. Asia Ice Cream Factory- Tel. 26832-507 Gelinos, Sampaloc. Vicente Chan, Prop. i\SIi\ LIFE INSURi\NCE CO.- Life and Accident Insurance-P. O. Box 1472Tel, 24366-CabJe Address : "ALICO" Mani1a-Samanillo Bldg" 619 Escolta, Binondo. P. R. Danner, Manager for the Philippines: Dr. F. B. Baldwin, M.D., Vice-Pres, and Medical Director. Mrs. E. L. Newman, Resident Secretary. Branch Offices: 1. S. Baltazar, Mgr. for Northern Luzon (Lingayen, Pangasinan and Baguio, Mt. Province). Teodoro C. Araneta and 1..0 Ka Liang, Mgrs. (Southern Mindanao Office, Davao). John SQmenchuk, Mgr. (Bicol Office, Le~a soi , Albay). J . J. Jingco, Mgr. Central Luzon Office (San Fernando, Pampanga), C. Navarro, Mgr. (Southern Luzon Office, Batangas). J. Marquez Lim, Mgr. (Panay and Negros Office, Iloilo). 'I'eodoro A. Abad, Mgr. (Cebu Office, Cebu) . Cresenciano Albulario, Mgr. (Northern



76 Escolta

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2-23-62 MANILA



Mindanao Office, Cagayan de Misamis.)

1. Villegas Ty, Mgt'. (Manila District Office, Manila.) Asia Pharmacy- Druggist Retail-Tel. 25875- 508 Mi ser icordia, Sta. Cruz. Hwang Yu lo, Prop. Caridad Capistl'ano, Ph arm. Asia Printing Co.-Printel's-Tel. 21333640-644 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. Asia Theatre--Tel. 23789-724 Ongpin, Binondo. Salvador Oh, Mgr. Asiatic Auto Supply-Direct Importers, Automotive Spare Parts and Accessories - Tel. 26880 - 1724-26 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Tang Kong Hay, Prop. Asiatic Commercial Corporation - Manufacturers' Repl'ese rltatives - P. O. "Box 2645-ThI. 49060-Ca ble Address : "REICO" - 8. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Asiatic Ex terminators, Inc- Rodents and Insects Exterminators-P. O. Box 1932 - Tel. 24044-Cable Address: "ASIA," 144 San Lui s, Ermita. F. Akerman. Migu el de Marcaida. J oS'z Castro. Atty. Basili o Francisco. Asiatic Minor F actory-Glass Manufacturers- T el. 25728-1211 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Chua Cheoll!]:, Prop. Asiatic Moto r WCl'ks- Automobile Repairer - Tel. 28333- 1448 Andalucia, Sta. Cruz. Jose Inducil, Prop. Asiatic P etroleum Co. (P. I.), Ltd. (See

"The A siatic Petroleum Co. (P.I.), Ltd.)

Asiatic Petrol eum Co., Gasoline StationGasoline and Oil Deal er- Tel. 56654Corner Henan and Tejeron, Santa Ana. Asiatic Shirt Factory-Shirt Manufacturer - Tel. 47870- 975 Juan Luna, Tondo. Vicente QUI!. Prop. & Mgr. Asiatic Trading Company-ImportersE xpo rters, Manufacturers Agents, In~ suran ce Agents-P. O. Box 1230-Tel. 23403 - Cable Addrzss: "ASIATIC" - Arguell es Bldg., 456 Dasma rina s, Binondo. A. Y. Coe Sengkee, Manager. F. C. Capulong, Ass't. Mgr. Asis, Grego rio A.- Lawyer- P. O. Box 187 -Tel. 25417-Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Asociaci6n de Navieros de Filipinas (Philippine Shipowners' Association)-P. O. Box 1283- Tel. 22709-Cable Address:

"NAVAS" - 3rd F.iOOT, New Maritima Bldg., 121 Dasmarifia s, Binondo. Jose F. de la Vara, Pres. Francisco Ferrer y Gutierrez, Office Manager. Juan Mafialac y F ernantIez, Secretary and Ass't. Manager. Antonio Salgado. Domingo San Buenaventul'a. Aniceto V. Manayan, 1st Water Inspector. Leoca dio Flores, 2nd Water Inspector. Asociaci6n de Propietarios de Manila-Tel. 21576- Room 35, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg." Juan Luna, Binondo. Leon M. H eras, Dir. C. M. Hoskins, Dil'. Jose Araneta, Dir. Gonzalo Puya,t, Dir. Gabriel Llamas, Dir. and Treas. A. G. Escamilla, Sec'y. ASSANMAL & CO., G.- (Bombay Silk Bazar) - Importers a nd Exporters. Wholesale and Retail Silk MerchantsP. O. Box 1690- Tel s. 49915-49917-Cabl e Address : IIASSANMAL"-775-777 Tabora , San Nicolas. Ghanshamda s Assa nmal . Gagoomal1 A ssanmal. Vassanmal Assanmal. Gangaram Assa nmal. Tolaram A ssanmaL Udharam Assa nmal. Branches: 737-739 Tabora, San Nicolas- Royal Silk Store. 68 Echague, Sta. Cruz.-Bombay Sil k Bazar. Plaridel St., Cebu- Royal Silk Store. Magall anes St., Oebu- National Silk Store. Associated Agencies, Inc.-Wholesale Druggists-Patent Medicines- P . O. Box 1226 - Tel. 27026-Cable Address: "ASSAGINC" Manila- 614 Sales, Sta. Cruz. ASSOCIATED BUSINESS, INC.-Stam p and Book D eal er s-Newspaper Subscription - P. O. Box 3197 - Tel. 27036 - 73 Alejandro VI , SampaJoc. S. Ed. Bayani, Manager. Associated Furniture Manufacturing Corp. - ( Norte Furniture Co.)-Tel. 495941036-1058 Nana, Tondo. Li Dio, Pres. and Mgt'. Lee Hua Hong, Treas. Associated Mines, Inc.- Mining-P. O. Box 1535 - Tel. 27365 - Room 309 Crystal Arcade, E scolta, Binondo. Mines at: Catanduanes and Surigao. Manuel Arroyo, Pres.

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76 Esco) ta

(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104






Jacint o M. Kam a ntigue , Vice-P res. & Gen. Mgr. Joaqu in Lucia no, Treas . Anton io A. Jose, Sec'y. Assoc iated Press - News Se rvice - Tel. 23725 - Cable Addre ss : uASSO CIATE D", Mani la-Bu lletin Bldg., and T-V-T Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Roy Cronn in, Mgl'. Aman da Gual'ii'la. Jose Netur a. Assoc iated Publis hers, The-( Lawy ers Coop. Pub. Co" Owne rs}-P . O. Box 449 Tel. 21584 --Cab loe Addre ss : HLA WCOPU B" -428- 432 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. G. G. Lyma n, Mgr. Assoc iated Steam ship Lines -Swo rn Measurers -P. O. Box l062- Tel. 22033 -Cable Addre ss: "ASSO CLINE S"-302 Mal'sm an Bldg., Port Area. F . M. Gispe rt, Secre tary. E . J. Faggi ano , Asst. See'y. J. Perez , Chief Clerk . Assoc iated Theat res (Sant amari a, Ferna ndez y Cia., S. en C.) - Motio n Pictu res Distri butors and Th eatl'e Opera tors- Po O. Box 929- Tel. 23119 -504 F e rnand ez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin , Binon do. Nicola s S. Santo s, Booke r. Carlo s Dung ca, Asst. Booke r. E loy Aenll e, Bookk eeper. Leoncio Ga ~a ng, Shipp er. Emilio Cansino, Asst . Shipp er. ASSO CIAT ION OF CRE DIT ItIEN , INC., P. I.- P. O. Box 882-Tel. 4933 66th Floor, S. J. Wilso n Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. J. F. Cotton , Presid ent. R. P. Dougl as, Vice-P reside nt. Eugen e David son, Sec'y. -Treas urer. ASSO CIAT IONS - (S ee Miscellaneous Section) . Assum ption Colle ge-Te l. 56703 -Corn er Herra n and Dakot a, Ermit a. Rev. Mothe r Rosa Maria , Super ioress . Astor Shoe Empo rium- Shoe Deale rs- T el. 26770- 234-2 36 Ganda ra, Binon do. Go Hoc, Prop. and Mgr. Astori a T ea Room -Res taura nt -T el. 23604 -106 Escol ta (Oppo si te-The Philip pine Educa tion Co., Inc.), Binon do. Fr. Schaer, Prop. ASVE IN SONS COltl P ANY - Gener al Merch ants and Impor ters- P. O. Box 3196 -Tel . 29907- Cable Addre ss : "ASVE lN" -304 Roces Bldg., Corne r Rizal Avenu e and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Rober to G. Mahil om , Jr., Mgr.

Ataka (Phil. ) Co.- Timbe r- P. O. Box 1453 - Tel. 57143 -Cabl e Addre ss: " HORIT A", Ma nil a-868 [saac P eral. Paco. H . Horita , Ma nagin g Partn er. Y. Mori, Partn er. Atenc io, Dr. Pe dr~ E.- Denti st-T el. 25558 - 16 E scolt3 , Blflondo. ATEN EO DE ItIAN ILA- P. O. Box 154, Manil a- Tel. 57891 (conn ecting all departm ents) (Gene ral Office all houl's ) 406 Padre Faul'a , El'mit a.

(See also Miscellaneous Sectio n) Atene o Grade School - (See Miscellaneous Section) Athle tic Letter ing Shop - Tel. 67448 - 320 Sants Mesa, Samp aloc. Paul B. Flore nce, Prop. Edwa rd Schof ield, Mgr. ATII LETI C SUPP LY COltI PANY , INC. - Sport ing Goods , Statio nery, Lugga ge, _ Po O. Box 3228 -Tels . 22628 and 22629 _ Cable Addre ss : "ASCO ", Manil a - 114 T. Pinpin , Binon do. Franc is Lusk, Presid ent. Ernes to Von Kauff man n, Vice-P resident. Alfre do F erre l'. Larry Monte s. John R. McFi e, Jr. Atienz a, H.- Lawyer- T el. 55155 -1230 Leveri za, Malate. At in I to, Incorp orated - Recre ation H all and Bowli ng Alleys , Ca nluba ng, Lagun a. Boa rd of Direc tors: L. 'W einzhe imer , Pres.- Dil'. Berna rdo Micla t, Vice- Pres.- Dir. 'Val tel' W einzhei mer, Treas . -Dir. E spirid eon D. Lazo, Sec'y. -Dir. Dr, Agu sti n Bella, Dir. Dr. J ose P. Yatco , Dil'. Ml·S. Marcela M. de Milne , Dil'. ATK INS, KRO LL & CO., INC.- 1m· porter s, Expo rter s and Merch andise Brokers- P. O. Box 1588- Tels. 22342 and 22351 - Cable Addre ss: "ATOL " - 124 Myel'S Bldg., "13t h St reet, Port Area. E. G. Toftm an, Vice-P res. and Gen. Mgl'. R. G. Burke , Mgl'. Mach inery Dept. J. Cain, Sales Eng ineer. S. Foley . Sal es Engi neer. E. J. Mun sayac, Sal es Engin eer. Y. L. Tong, Textil'e Engin eer. A. Gimen ez. Tong Pun C. Austr ia .


76 Esco lta




(Oppo site Lyric Theat re) P. O. Bo. 2104

1.4.N S

Telep hon e

2-23-62 MAN ILA



C. M. Rivera. L. Reyes. 1. Villanueva. Agencies: Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co., Oakland, Calif., U.S .A. Byron Jackson Co" Berkeley, Calif., U.S.A. (Pumps). Combustion Engineering Co" Inc., New York,U.S.A. (Boilers, Super-heaters and Economizers). Fishel' Governor Co., Marshalltown, Iowa, U.S.A. (Steam Specialties). Hooper & Sons Co., Wm. E., Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. (Filter Cloth and Canvas) .

Interstate Equipment Corp., Elizabeth, N. J., U .S.A. (Automatic Aerial Tramways) . Longyear Co., E. J ., Minneapolis, Minn., U .S.A. (Diamond Core Drills). Macwhyte Co., Kenosha, Wis., U.S.A. (Wire Rope). Stephens-Adamson Manufacturing Co., Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A . (Conveyors) . Sterling Electric Motors, Inc. , Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A. Straub Manufacturing Co., Oakland, Calif., U.S.A. (Ball Mills and Mining Equipments). Thew Shovel Co., Lorain, Ohio, U.S.A. (Lorain Shovels, Draglines). Witte Engine Works, Kansas City, Mo., U.S.A. California Conserving Co., San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. Sperry Flour Co., San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A. Staley Manufacturing Co., A. E., Decatur, Ill., U.S.A. (Corn Products). ATLANTIC, GULF & PACIFIC COMPANY OF ~IANILA-Manufac­ turers of Structural Steel-Engineers and Contractors for :-Dredging, Land Reclamation, Docks, Piers, Foundations, Bridges-Operators of: Structural Sreet Shops, Machine Shops, Foundries (Iron, Steel, Brass), Rock QuarrIY, Timber Concession and Sawmill, Lumber Yard, Slipways, Launches, Lighters, Scows, Pump Barges, Salvage Equipment, "S. S. Atlantic Gulf"-P. O. Box 626-Te1. 24061Cable Address : "DREDGING" Manila-7177 Muelle de la Industria, San NicoIasSan Juan Shops: Tel. 67463. R. T. Fitzsimmons, Pres. S. Garmezy, Vice-Pres. H. J. Belden, Sec'y.-Treas. O. A. Boni, Ass't. Sec'y.-Treas.

C. L. Larsen. G. H. Lovell. W. E. McKenney. E. L. Reynold:;. W. H . Schoening. F. J. Steinhoff. G. A. Updyke. J. M. Youmans. Sole Representatives for : Armco International Corporation, Middloetown, Ohio. Armstrong Machine Works, Thee Rivers, Michigan. Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethlehem, Pa. (Wire Rope and Drill Steel Division) . Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Company, St. Louis, Mo. California Corrugated Culvert Co., Berkeley, California. Coffing Hoist Co., Danville, Ill. Equitable Meter Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Firth Sterling Tool Steel Company, McKeesport, Pa. Quincy, Gardner-Denver Company, Illinois. Graver Tank & Mfg. Co., Inc., East Chicago, Indiana. Kilfrost Manufacturing Company, New Castle-on-Tyne, England. Landis Machine Company, Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. Lincoln Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio. The Lunkenheimer Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Master Vibrator Company, Dayton, Ohio. Company, Merco-Nordstrom Valve Pittsburgh, Penna. Morse Chain Company, Ithaca, New York. Sheffioeld Steel Corporation, Kansas City. Mo. Teleweld Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. (See Adve?·tisement) ATLANTIC PRESS, INC. - Printers, Calendars-Tel. 56795-1344 Gral. Luna, Ermita. WHiiam Liu, Manager. Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd., (London) Fire and Marine Insurance-E. E. Elser, Inc., General Agents-Te1. 22428-13th & Boston Sts., Port Ar'ea. Atlas Publishing CO.-Book Publishers-Po o. Box 3U5-Tel. 21179-329 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. SUlpicio Guevara, Manager. F. C. Bennett. E. A . Barrett. A. Black. A. M. Calero. M. R. Cort. W. W. Donnelly, M. Hokanson.


OI"To~~:,nISTS •

76 Escolta

0 I'T I (; I . U

(Opposite Lyric The.tre) P. O. Box 2104



2.23.62 MANILA


Atlas Supply Co.- General Merchant, Printers, Stationer and Calendar Dealers-P. O. Box 2941- Tel. 21369-832 Teodor. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Atlas Trade Development CorporationManufacturers' Representatives - P. O. Box 580 - Tel. 23 329 - Cable Address: "ATLASCORP"- El Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Santiago Abraham, Pres. Atok Gold Mining Co.-P. O. Box 2146Tel. 24194-609 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. W. W. Harris, Pres. P. A. Meyer, 1st Vice-Pres. J . Antonio Araneta, 2nd Vice-Pres. J. B. Hoover, Treas. Geo. L. Rickard, Sec'y. P. L. Mapa, Dil'. Marino Olondriz, Dil'. Estanislao Arana, Dil'. Au-Fait Barber Shop- 1526 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. P . Dng Ocampo, Prop. AULT & WIBORG CO. (FAR EAST), TD&-(A Division of the International Printing Ink, U.S.A.) - Manufacturers of Printing, Lithographic and Rotogravure Inks ; Carbon Papers, Typewriter Ribbons. HRuxtone" Fountain Pen and Fluid Inks. Dealers in Printing Machinery, Lead Types and Tools.-P. O. Box 1353- Tel• . 49881 and 49882-Cable Address : "AULTWIBORC"-176 Soler, Binondo. A. B. Sulzer , Manager. Sole Distributors for Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company. Aurelia's- Hats and Dresses-P. O. Box 2861-Tel. 57649- 415-417 A. Mabini Ermita. ' Aurelia P. de Gatchalian, Prop. Aurora Studio-Commercial Photographer -542 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Numeriano Gregorio, Prop. Australian-Oriental Line, Ltd. (G. S. Yuill & Co. P ty Ltd., Agents)-Tel. 24411503 Echague, Quiapo. Austria's Tire Service-Tire Service and Repair, Vulcanizing, Regrooving- 23 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Pedro B. Austria, Prop. and Mgr. Auto Cycle and Radio Supply-Compl'ete Assortment of Radio Accessories-Tel. 26895-335 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Cesar Arcache, Prop. A~to Trucking, Inc.- Drayage and Truckmg-Cu stoms Brokers-P. O. Box 356-

Tels. 22345 a nd 22060-1955 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Myer Harris, Pres. Automatic Electric Sales Company, Lt d.Manufacturer s ' Rep resentatives - Tel. 24081 - Cabl..:! Address : "EDGIRJJ - Room 430 Heacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. E. R. Girard, Manager. Avecilla, Dr. Pedro-Tel. 49947-Physician and Surgeon - 815 Reina Regente, Binondo . Aveline's Bea uty Parlor- Tel. 28333-1448 Andalucia, Sampaloc. Mrs. Avelina Inducil, Prop. Avellana, Dr. Francisco-Physician and Surgeon- Tel. 49433-437 Raxa Matanda, Tondo. Avena, Francisco-Lawyer-Tel. 21179329 Carl'iedo, Santa Cruz. Avena & Sons, V.-Direct Importers and Practical Manufacturers-P. O. Box 578 -Tel. 27292- 1540 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Avenue Aerated Water, Inc.-Te1. Dial 40 and a sk operator for Cal. 481- 3rd A venue, Calooean, Riza l. Al ejandro Tiongco, Mgr. A venue Bakery-Tel. 67322-27-A Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Ambrosio Martinez, Prop. Avenue Box Factory - Paper Box Manufacturers - Tel. 47950 - 424 Caballeros San Nicolas. • Avenue Fashion-Dressmaki ng-972 I saac Peral, Paco. Magdalena Leonardo, Prop. and Modi st. Avenue Films-Films Producer s, Distributors of Films, Booking Agents, Theatrical Supplies and Sound Proj-ectol's-Tel 25060 -Room 401, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Avenue Hardware & Plumbing- Hardware Dealer and Plumbing Supplies-Tel. 47205 - 1042 Comel'cio, San Nicolas. Que Chiong, Prop. and Mgr. Avenue Hills Hotel- Tel. Dia l 40 and ask operator for Cal. 555-Rizal Avenue Hill s Ext., Malabon, Rizal. Anton io Rodriguez, Prop. and Mgr. AvenulC Orchestra-Tel. 57088-1009 San Andres, Malate. Jose Javi er, Prop. AVENUE THEATRE-Cinematograph_ P. O. Box 3225-Tels. 24133 and 29362Avenu e Theatre Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta . Cruz. Luzon Theatres, Inc., Props. li:rnesto D. Rufino, Gen. Mg t'. Ralph Brambles, Sr., Theatre Mgr.


OPTO,,!~~"'STS •

76 Escolta



(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P.



Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA

22 Aviles Shell Service Station- GasoIin'e Sta.tion-Te]. 22645-Aviles and Arlegui, San Miguel. The Asiatic Petroleum Co., (P.L) Ltd" Props. Daniel Leonardo, Mgr. Awad & Co., Inc., E.- Embroidery Dealers and General Importers-P. O. Box 1743 - Tel. 49637-Cable Address : "ESSAAWAD" -435-437 Juan Luna, Binondo. Samuel E. Awad, Mgr. Ayala Bridge Shell Service Station-Tel. 21025-Col'nel' Gl'aI. Solano and Pascual Casal, San Miguel. Dr. Jose Fores, Representative. Ayala Boulevard Texaco Service StationTel. 27286-291 Ayala Boulevard. El'mita o AYALA & CO.-General Merchants-P. O. Box 751- Tel. 24684-Cable Addr"ss: "AYALA"-Sth Floor, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Enrique Zobel, Part. and Mgr. Jacobo Zobel, Part. and Mgr. Alfonso Zobel, Part. and Mgr. J. R. McMicking, Part. and Mgr. Gabriel Llamas, Ass't. Mgr. Ayalde, Dr. Ceferino--Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 28157-539 Quezon Avenue, Quiapo. AYESA, DR. ALFONSO-PhysicianOffice Tel. 21512-410 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. Escolta and T. Pin pin, Binondo. Ayuyao, Dr. Com'ado D.-Physici an-Surgeon-Tel. 26235-Metropolitan Theatre Bldg., Plaza Lawton, El'mita. Azaola, Dr. Federico G.-Physician-Surgeon -Tel. 28745-Argellies Bldg., 456 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Azcal'raga Hardware-Tel. 47021-505 Azcal'l'aga, Tondo. Marcelo Bobadilla, Prop. Eriberto Bobadilla, Mgr. Serapio Ronquillo, Asst. Mgr. and Bookkeeper. Pedro Ilaw, Chief Salesman. Azcarraga Service Station-Gasoline Supply Station-Tel. 49476-Cor. Azcarraga and Juan Luna, Tondo. Manuel Lopa, Prop. Azcona, Dr. Jesus- Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 23334-97 Balmes, Quiapo. Aznar Laboratories, Inc.- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers - P. O. Box 2490 - Tel. 22339-Cable Address: "AzNAR"-L'e,yba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Matias H. Aznar, Jr., Pres. and Gen. Mgt'. Apolonio R. Chaves, Attorney. Nazario P. Castro, Mgr. Felipe R. Bautista, Accountant.

B B. B. y La Ideal, Inc.-Cigarettes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Manufacturers (Sucesores de F. Saez Co Tiongco)-P. O. Box 2047-Tel. 23652542 Echague, Quiapo. Co Cuanco, Mgl'. B-P-M Consolidated Mines, Inc.-MiningTel. 22883-Room 234, Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jose J. Roy, President. Manuel Lim, 1st Vice-Pres. Luis Calderon, 2nd Vice-Pres. V. P. Corvera, Sec.-Treas. E. O. Flores, Director. Jose Z. Linan, Director. Jose S. Espiritu, Director. B. V. J. REALTY- Real Estate Broker Tel. 23176-605 Heacock Bldg., Escolta and Calle David, Binondo. Benito V. JalbU'ena, Gen. Mgr. Eduardo L. Montinola. Eugenio L. Robles. Jose A. Ramos. Miss Mon'tsel'att Folch. Ba Chi Tr~din ~ - Shirt ManufacturersTel. 46290- 130 Rosario, Binondo. Yu Bo Chi. Mgr. BABCOCK & CO., INC., W. R.-Im. porters and Exporters-P. O. Box 1222Tel s. 21741, 21742 and 67698-Cable Address: "BABTEMP"-EI Hagar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo, Branch Offices: 183 Madison Ave., New York City. W. R. Babcock, Pres. G. Gruber, Vice-Pres. R. S. Swinton, Treas. (in U.S.A.). M. G. Babcock, Sec'y. Bacate Venetian Blind Type Mfg.-Manufacturer of Venetian Blinds, Screens and Furniture Repairing-HOO R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Paulino Bacate, Prop. Mrs. Pilar Tubis Bacate, Tl'eas. Bachelor's Laundry-Te1. 54925-91 Calderon, Santa Ana. Susana B. Ramos, Prop. BACHRACH nOTOR CO., INC.-Distributors of Automobiles, Trucks, Motor Boats, Outboard Motors and SuppliesP. O. Box 420-Tels. 21544 and 21545Cable Address: "EMBA" - 25th Street, Port Area. H. M. Levine, Vice-Pres. and General Manager. H. K. Duren, Sec'y. and Adv. Mgr. B.

SABATER & ~O. :.::~:~~::: i:23~62 76 Escolta

(Opposite Lyric The.tre) P. O. Box 2104







, "--. :"~.~, ~' MAN;;"'~""~ _._I.Y!\!~~~ 'y












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ASSOC IA TE D PREiSS . . • . . . • . • • . • • UN IT.: I) PRESS . . . . . • . . • • . . l!.£UTEIIS . . • . . • • . • . • • . N . •J. A.



Established 1851 Authorized Capital ..... ....... ............. '1" 10 .000 ,000 .00 Paid Up Capital .. .......•. . ............... 'I" 6 ,75 0,000.00 Reserves .. ........ , ....................... P 3,237.500.00 BRANCHES: Cebu. Iloilo and Zamboang,a, P. I.

CORRESPONDENTS: In all parts of the world

GENERAL BANKING TRANS ACTIONS Telegraphic Tran sfers, Commercial and Travelers ' L ette rs of Credit. Travelers' Chec ks. Drafts. Collections, and ever y description of exchange and b a nking busine ss . Exceptional facilities for handling transactions in t he Far East. All kinds of admin istration, fiduciary and trustee business. Safe Deposit Boxes (or re nt". suitable fo r keeping jewelry, documents, valuables, etc. Savings Accounts and F ixed D eposits allowed advantageous rates of interest to be asce r tained o n application. HEAD OFFICE: No. 10 Plaza Cervantes. Manila. P. I. CA BLE ADDRESS: "BANCO"- Post Office Box No. 777

m:bt fjank of m:ailuan, lLtb. (Incorporated 1899) BY SPECIAL CHARTER OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT

HEAD OFFICE: TAIHOKU, TAIWAN (Formosa) Bra n ches: JAPAN: Tokyo, Osaka, Kc,be, Yokohama. TAIWAN: 16 Branches. KWANTUNG: Dairen. CHINA: Shanghai, Foochow, Amoy, Swatow, Canton, Hankow. JAVA: Batavia, Soerabaja, Semarang. OTHERS: Hongkon g, Singapore, Bombay, London, N ew York. CORRESPONDENTS: Important Cities all ove r the W orld. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.

MANILA BRANCH Cable Address: "TAIWANGINK" P. O. Box No. 1098. T el. 2·91·05 . 2·19·56. 1213 Muel1e d e la Industria. National City Bank Bldg. (Ground Floor)



P. O'Brien, Treasurer. L. Ferroggiaro. Sales Manager. A. Davidson, Shop Supt. Badillo's - Embroideries - Dresses - Tel. 26251~40 Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Potenciano Badil1o, Prop. and Mgr. Enrique Albert, Partner. Baens, Dr. Alfredo---Physicinn-Tel. 29136

-3rd Floor, State Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Eaes, Juan A.-Lawyel'- Tel. 27479-Room 317, Kne'~ dler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Baggage Express Co.-TI'ansPol'tationTel. 21971- Cable Address : "EXPRES"-

LUn'eta Hotel, San Luis, Ermita. C. de Lara, Prop. G. Garcia, Mgr. S. Wong, See'y. Bagong




San Nicolas, San Nicolas. Patricio Mojica, Prop. Bagong Supling- Tailoring-909 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. C. Santiago, Prop. Bagtas de Agustin, Dra. Ester-Dental Surgeon-529 Padre Herrera, Tondo. Bagtas, Jose V.- Attorney·at-Law and Civil Engineer- P. O. Box 1074-Tels. 23031 and 23032- Rooll1s 328-329. Perez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Bagtas, Zacarias Z.- Dressmaker-P. O. Box H3G- Tel. 49210-827 Ylaya, Tondo.

Baguio Gold Mining Co.-Mining-P. O. Box 1855- Tels. 23951 and 24218--Cable

Address: HBAGUJOGOLD" - Rooms 416·418 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. P. A. Meyer, Pres. S. Davis Winship, 1st Vice-Pres. Samuel S. Gaches, 2nd Vice·Pres. W. S. Price. Treas. William J. Schober, Dir. J . L. Headington, Dil'. R. C. Staight, Dir. Paul F. Whitacre, Se<:'y. Baguio and Mountain Tribal NoveltiesDeal-e rs in Ilocano and Igol'ot Clothes and Curious-Tel. 56268-319 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Carmen Florendo. Bag~io Novelty Store--326 A. Mabini, Ermlta. Baguio Vegetable Store-Vegetable Dealers -Tel. 55684-129 Padre Faura, Ermita. Co Sit, Prop. Bahay Kubo Ni Ligaya-Restaurant--Tel. 57005-815 Taft A venue, Malate. Mrs. Damiana D. Ambrosio, Prop.

BAILEY STEVEDORING CO., INC., THE-Stevedores, Compradores, Water Boats, Lighters, and Launches-P. O. Box 517-Tel s. 24929 and 24928--Cable

Address: "BAILEY"- Derham Bldg., Port Area. F. L. Merritt, President, General Manager. J. L. Bromfield, Ass't. Mgr. F. J. Barretto, Assistant. Sofronio Sarmi'e nto, Cashier. Gonzalo Torcuato, Labor Supt. Balabagan Coconut Estates-Tel. 23497c/o Rodolfo Severino-4th Floor, Room 480, Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Balalaika Russian Restaurant--Tel. 54051516 San Luis, Ermita. Balntoc Mining Company- Gold MiningP. O. Box 817-Tel. 21756-Cable Ad-

dress: "BALATOCMCO"-13th and Chicago Sts., Port Area. . John W. Haussermann, Pres. and Gen. Mgt'. Francis O. Hau ssermann, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen. Mgl'. A. F . Duggleby, 2nd Vice-Pres. Rose T. McKee, See'y.-Treas Balcita, Dr. Quintin V.- Dentist-670 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. B~ldovino's Laundry, R. - Dry Cleaners, Dyers- 170 Legarda, Sampaloc. Roman Baldovino, Prop. Baleares Hotel, Inc.- Tel. 22656- 148 Cabildo, Intramuros. Flot'entino Serra. Prop. Pedro Serra. MgT. HALINTAWAK BEER BREWERY CO., INC.- Factory and Main Offic:e: Polo, Bulacan-Tels. Factory Dept. (DIal 40) 551, Shipping Clerk (Dial 40) 550-

Manila Office: 311 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.- Tels. 22385 and 22386-P. O. Box 3386, Manila-Ca-

ble Address: HBALlNBREW". M. Kobayashi, President. T. Egawa, First Vice-President (Tokyo, Japan) . Vicente Aldanese, Second Vice-President. K. Hoshino, Managing Director. Manuel Lim, Secretar.y. 1. Yamana, Treasurer. S. Kakiage, General Manager. O. Asai, Factory Supt. Directors: M. Kobayashi T. Egawa V. Aldanese M. Lim J. Cojuangco


76 Escolta

OPrO,,!!~RISTS •


(Oppos;,e Lyr;c Thoa're) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



K. Hoshino M. Sawamatsu M. Mori O. Asai Legal Advisers: Duran & Lim, Attol'neys~at-Law. Balintawak Estate, Inc. -P. O. Box 2906Tel. 23085-(Private Exchange connecting all Depts.)-!) Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Sub-Di vision Office: Tel. Dial 40, Cal. 581-2nd St. Rizal Extension, Ca1., Rizal. Vicente Singson, Jr., Mgr. B1'8ulio Itchon, Accountant. Luis R. Tomaneng, Executive See'y. BALINTAWAK LUMBER - Building Contractors and Lumber Dealers; Saw Mills, Windows, Sash and Door Manufacturers- Manufacturers of School Fur. niture; Dealers in Office Supplies and Military and Boy Scouts EquipmentsP. O. Box 1058, Manila- Tel. Dial 40 and a sk operator Cal. 569- Regi stered Trade. Mark: "SAIRAN-TRADE" - Rizal A venue Extension, Grace Park, Ca loocan, Riza l. Pablo Bairan, Prop. and Gan. Mgr. Branches : Rosales Lumber, Rosales, Pangasinan. U rd aneta Lumber, Urdaneta, P anga sinan. Ballecer Beauty Parlor- Tel. 21232~351 Ronquillo, Corner Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. R. Ballecer, Prop. Balmod, Dr. Luj s-Phy s ician~ Tel. 28369 ~ Office: 712 Rizal Ave. , Sta. Cruz. Res.: Tel. 55544- 1012 A. Mabini, Malate. Baloise Fire Insurance Co. - Kuenzle & Streiff, Inc., Agents~343-347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Balonkita, Juan R.- Lawyer-P. O. Box 749- 'I'eJ. 23636-4th Floor, Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Baltazar, Dra. Miguela G.- Physician-Tel. 28410- 208 Anda, Intramuros. Balunsat, M. P adilla~Midwife--Tel . 51535 - 500 F. B. H arrison, Pasay, Rizal. Baluyot's Publishing Hou se-Publi shers HAng SuIu"', English-Tagalog Fortnightly Newspaper and "KawaI ng Bayan", Books- P . O. Box 1448, Manila-Tel. 26105- Room 9 Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Jose 1. Baluyot, Editor-Publi sher . Luz N. Baluyot-Ortiz, Associate Editor. Perfecto Bal. Santiago, Associate Editor. Ricardo L. Baluyot, Circulation Mgr. Baluyot, T.- Tailor- 1915 Herran, Paco. Tomas Baluyot, P rop.

Ba mbang Maternity-Tel. 27945-846 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Dra. Trinidad B. Afable, Prop. Bamboo Hut Club-Night Club-Tel. 51073 - F. B. Har!'ison. Parafiaque, Rizal. E. M;tchell, Mgr. Ban An Tong Drug Store-Chinese Drug Store-Tel. 48114-325 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Lee Tong, Pharo Ban Bee Bazar-1717 H enan, Paco. Sy Kiong, Prop. Ban Hoc Seng-Dry Goods Dealer- T el. 47566- 172 Rosario, Binondo. Ban Kim Chun Company-(Ong Tay Ju & Sons)-Dry Goods Deal er s-Tel. 28180125 Nueva, Binondo. Ong Ping Cheng, Prop. Ban Lam-Grocery and Importer-Tel. 47540-228-232 Carvajal, Binondo. Manuel Conco, Mgr. Ba n Lee--Exchange Broker-T~. 48339917 Clavel, San Nicolas. Chu ng T e, Mgr. Ban San- Chinese Dru~ Store-Tel. 49126 - 1107 Sta. Elena, Binondo. Benigno Tolentino, Prop. T eh Chi Tong, Mgr. Ba n Seng- Candle Factory- Tel. 47223365 Sto. Cristo, San Nicola s. Ong Sui Lin, Prop. and Mgr. Ban Tai Chiong- Imnorter- P. O. Box 906 - Tel. 47630 - Cabl e Address: "SANTAICHlONG"-503 Nueva, Binondo. Ang Fang, Prop. Ban Tay Grocer.y-Groceries-Tel . 481301118 M . de Santos, San Nicolas. Tan Limco, Mgr. B~\l1aag Bakery-Tel. 55962- 2271 Herran, Paco. Mrs. Ines de Sioson, Mgr. Banaag, Benito S.- Lawyer- Tel. 57287932 Padre Faura, El'mita. Banaa/.! ng Kalayaan- Hat Stol'e- 832 Ylaya, Tondo. Corneli o Cruz, Asst. Mgr. Banaag Press - Printing - Tel. 22270723 Calero, Sta. Cruz. P. Disonglo, Prop. Bana haw Fashion-324 Legarda, Sampaloc. J. R. Saligumba, Prop. Banahaw Laundry-199 Cabildo, Intramuros. Nicolas Alvis, Prop. Banahaw Laundry-T el. 68891 - 31 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Elias Lumibang, Prop.



76 Escolta


(Opposite Lyric Thp3tre) P. O . Box 2104


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AI. pilABE'rrCAL


Banahaw Min(;ral Water Co. - Aerated Water Manufacturers- Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 334- Rizal Extension, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Lorenzo Chua Chong, Mgr. Banas, Antonio D.-Al'chitect and Builder -Tel. 29626----720 Bamb.:mg. Santa Cruz. BANCO IDPOTECARIO DE FILIPINAS---Savings and Mortgage Bank- P. O. Box 302-Tels. Secretary's Office 22015; Accounting Dept. 22016 and Manager's Office 22017 - Cable Address: "HIPOTECARIO"-Banco Hipotecario Bldg., 3 to 9 Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Andres Soriano y Roxa s, President. Enrique Vasquez-Prada, First VicePres. and Gen. Manager. Tirso Lizarraga, Second Vice-President. Antonio M. Macleod, Traas. Col. F. Hodsoll, Director. Eduardo Roxas Gargollo, Director. Antonio Brias Roxas , Director. Manuel N. Tuason, Dil'ectol" Carlos Perez Rubio, Director. Eusebio Orense, Director. Fernando Garcia, Director. Fedel'ico Ruiz-Jimenez, Secretary. Pedro Escalambre, Accountant. Eduardo Tampinco, Cashier. Banes, Dr. Jose S.-Dentist-Te1. 554391205 Oregon; Ermita. BANK OF TAIWAN, LTD., TIlEBanking-P. O. !lox 109S- Tels. 29105 and 21956 - Cable Address : "TAIWANGINK" -Muelle de la Indu stria, National City Bank Bldg., Ground Floor, Binondo. T. Mitsuda, Manager. S. Sakul'ai, Ass't. Manager. Y. Uchida, Accountant. M. Matsumoto, Accountant. (See Advertisement) BANK OF TIlE COM~IONWEALTH颅 Banking-P. O. Box 2201-Tel. 2120] R. F. Naval'l'o Bldg., Corner Dasmariiias and David Sts., Binondo. Vicente Villanueva, President. R. F . Navarro, Vice-President. Leopoldo R. Aguinaldo, Director. Vicente Aldanese, Director. Carmelo Reyes, Director. Jose A. Cabayan, Cashier. Gregorio O. Periodica, Secl路etary. Eduardo Ton-es, Accountant. (See Adve1路tisement) BANK OF TIlE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, THE-Banking- P. O. Box 777-Tel. 21142-Cable Address : "BANCO" - 10 Plaza de Cervantes, Binondo. Pedro J . Campos, President.



Santiago Freixas, Vice-President. Rafael Moreno, Vice-President. Directors: Luis Ablaza. Jose Araneta. E. J. Deymek. Manuel Elizalde. Adrian Got. Jose de Leon y J oven. Eusebio Orense. Enrique Zobel. Secretary: Rafael Moreno. Department Chiefs: Santiago Freixas, Comptroller. Domingo Garcia, Cashier. Luis Lopez, Chief, Foreign Dept. Santiago S. Palomares, Chief, Current and Savings Accounts Dept. Ramon Zarago2;a, Trust Officer. Ramon C. Antonio, Credit and Security Dept. Policarpo Diaz de Rivera, Chief Clerk. Branches : Victoriano Sainz, Mgr., Cebu Branch. Victor J. Jimenez, Mgr., Iloilo Branch. Carlos Dominguez, Mgr., Zamboanga Branch. (See Adver tisemen t) BankEll "A", "B", "C", 'D', 'E' and 'F' Subdivisions-Tel. 23196- Rooms 7 & 9, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Calera & Co., Selling Agents. Bannawag - The most Popular TIocano Weekly- Published Every Saturday-Po O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361- Cable Address : "RAMONROCES" - Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler Cor. Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers. BANZALI, E. ~I.-La wyer- Tel. 29413371 Raon Corner Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Barba, Tomas M.-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431- Cable Address : "fNSULlFE"- 3rd Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Barcal Printing Company, Inc.-PrintingEngraving- Bookbinding- .P. O. Box 1092 - Tel. 24558-Room 201, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. E scolta, Binondo. Roy M . Barcal, President. L. E. Arctander, Secretary-Treasurer. Bercelon y Barcelo, Emeterio - Lawyer Tel. 56294--Paco Bldg., Dart, COl'. Gral. Luna, Paco. Bardwil Brothers-Embroider y Manufacturers- Tel. 67526- 252 Plaza Guipit, Sampaloc. L. H. Golucke, Mgr.


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(Oppo,;,e Lyrk Thea're) P.

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Banedo Construction Co., Inc.- Architects and Engineers- Cable Address: "BARCO" - Room 311, Roces Bldg., Cor. Plaza Goiti and Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Arsenio Barredo, Mgr. Barredo, Jose M.-CiviJ Engineer and Contractor-Tel. 56968-767 Dakota, Malate. Barrera, E . N .- Insurance Undel'writerP. O. Box 1424- Tel. 22213- 403 Perez Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Barretto Sons, Inc., Pio-(Formel'Iy Viuda e Hijos de Pio Banetto) - Contractol's and Lumber Dealers- P. O. Box 1865Tels. 22638 and 23375-720 Echague, San Migure l. Benito L. Chiaco, Pres. and Mgr. Jose G. Barretto, Treas. and Mgr. Roman Legarda So, C. E. Gonzalo Barretto Sy, C. E. Joaquin Barretto, C. E . Ramon Jingco, Draftsman. Paulino J. Sevilla, Lawyer. . Jaime A. Barretto, Chief Salesm. Ignacio J oven, Bkkp.

N. C. Sia, Bkkp. Uy Chip, Salesman. Eulogio Dionisio, Cashier. Leona路rdo Manas. Barretto's Gravel and Sand~Gravel and Sand Dealer- Tel. 28853- 803 Norzaga~ ray, Quiapo. Simeon A. Barretto, Mgr. Barrio, Dr. Lui s del- Physician-Tel. 25261 -2112 Riza l Ave., Sta. Cruz. Barrios, Salvador- Lawyer- Tel. 22735667 Florent ino Tones, Sta. Cruz. Barristers' Book Co., Inc.- Law publishers and dealers-Po O. Box 555- Te1. 24224 Cable Address: "BARRISTERS" - 212 Roces Bldg., COl'. Plaza Goiti and Rizal Avenue. Sta. Cru7-. Bonifacio Pereja, Gen. Mgr. Prof. M. V. Gallego, Pres. Judge A. M. Opisso, Vice-Pres. Jose Fernandez Zorrilla, Treas. Barro, A. S.- Lawyer- 311 Cabildo, Intramuros. Barrueco-Rattan Factol'y and Furniture Dealers-Tel. 21435-160 Legarda, Sampaloc. A. Conde, Assistant. Barsel, Dr. J. B.-Physician-P. O. Box 2109-Tel. 24110-Rooms 619-621-623 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Bartolome Auto Supply, E.-Automobile Accessories-432 Padre Gomez, Sta. Cruz. E. Bartolome, 'Mgt',

Bartolome, Dr. Juan A.-Physician and Surgeon-Po O. Box 2984- Tels. 2444824449- Res. Tel. 68624- R. F. Navarro Bldg., 180 David, Binondo. Bartolome & Javier, Inc.- Customs Brokers, Land and Water Transportation Contractors-Tel. 49302-67 Dasmarinas. Binondo. Arsenio Bartolome, President. Teodoro Javier, Manager. Basa, Dr. C.-Physician-Tel. 27067-519 Dapitan, Sampaloc. Basa, Carlos-Ong Chun-Crockery Dealers-P. O. Box 32-Tel. 49785-322-324 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ong Chun, Prop. Basa, Carlos S.- Lawyer and Notary Public-Te1. 26721-3rd Floor, Leyba Bldg., - 227 David, Binondo. Basa, Dr. Victoria no C. - Dentist - 220 Kneedler Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Basilan Plantation Co., Inc., Isabela de Basilan, (Manila, P. O. Box 500)-Menzi & Co., Inc., Agents-Tel. 49690-180-182 Juan Luna, Binondo. Basmayor Radio and Electrical ServiceRadio-Sound-Electrical Installation and l'apairs- Tel. 55341- 635 Paz, Paco. Bataclan, Dr. Mario-Dentist-Tel. 57007路1238 Henan, Paco. 8atangas Transportation Co.-Tel. 48015313 Azcarraga, Tondo. J. W. Crow, Mgr. Vicente Bahia, Station Agent. Batibot Chair Factory - Manufacturers of Iron Chairs-88 Felix Roxas, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Jose Vicencio, Prop. and Mgr. Zosimo Vicencio, Assistant.. Batong Buhay- Slipper Making- 2212 R;~al Ave., Sta. Cruz. H. del Castillo, Prop. Batong-Buhay Gold Mines, Inc.- MiningP. O. Box 1206-Tels. 22784 and 22752Cable Address: "BUHAYORO"-Head Office: 51 Escolta, Binondo. Mine Offic~: Barrio Balatok, Lubuagan, Kalinga, Mt. Province. Operating Managers: International Engineering Corporation Officers: Thos. 1. Weeks, President. Eduardo del Rosario Tankiang, VicePres. Jose J. de Guzman, Secretary-Treasurer. Board of Directors: Thos. 1. Weeks Eduardo del Rosario Tankiang Jose J. de Guzman

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Andres Soriano V. H. Masefield J. H. Sampson Alfredo C. Sese Alternate Directors: A. M. Macleod N. A. Fittenghoff G. M. Bridgeford Consulting Engineers: J. H. Sampson N. A. Fittinghoff V. A. Brussolo Manila Office Staff: Federico C. Panganiban. John T. Weeks. ' Jesus A. Piansay Jose H . Holgado, Jr. Pedro D. Lajara. Bato's Studio-Day and Night Se"vice2753 Herran, Sta. Ana. Juan D. Bato, Prop. Batoy, Dr. Arsenio-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 49491-815 Folgueras, Tondo. Bausa, Honesto K.-Lawyer-P. O. Box 522-Tels. 23094-23095-Room 401 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. Escolta, Binondo. Bautista, CarmeJo---Fuel Dealer-Tel. 55509 . -972 Dart, Paco. Bautista Cement Products-Brick and Tile Manufactul'.ers-BuHding ContractorsTels.: Main Office and Display Room: 22212 and 29821; Main Factory: 27319Office Address: 563 Echague, Quiapo. Main Factory: 1691 Craig, Sampaloc. Branch Factory: Corner York and Perching Mandaluyong, Rizal. Dr. Mateo Bautista, Gen. Manager. Tel. 67349. Vicente B. Ramas, Business Manager. Policarpo S. Luis, Chief Clerk. Bautista Engineering Works-Machine Shop - Acetylene, W~lding and CuttingFoundry Works-Tel. 52153-323-325 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Nemesio Bautista, Prop. and Mgr. Bautista, Dr. Gregorio M.-M.D.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 67225-207 Labo. res, Pandacan. Bautista, Lorenzo-Realty Broker-Tel. 26087-430 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Bautista, Nicanor M. - Architect - Tel. Res. 52152-0ffice: 320 Calvo Bldg., EscoIta, Binondo. Bautista, Paciano-Physician-Tel. 26089Arguelles Bldg.,-519 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.

Bautista, Pedro R-Law,y er-P. O. Box 725 - Tel. 22347-Room 34, El Hogra Filipino Bldg., Jua n Luna, Binondo. Bautista, Dr. Ponciano M.-Surgeon Dent ist of the M. R. R. CO.-Tel. 49036-986 Azcarraga, Tondo. Bautista, Dr. Remigio A.-Specialist in Visual Defects-Tel. 52280-509 Burgos, Pasay, Rizal. Bautista, Dr. Tomas-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 56305-104 Padre Faura, Ermita. Bautista, Vicente---Lawyer-Tel. 488561338 Juan Luna, Tondo. Bautista's Drug Store-Retail Druggists1321 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. . Jose Bautista, Prop. FeJipa A. Felipe, Ph arm. Bay Boulevard Subdivision, Inc.-C. M. Hoskins & Co., Inc., Managing Agents185 David, Binondo---TeL 21035, Branch: Tel. 47371-900 North Bay Blvd., Tondo. P. A. Meyer, Pres. T. J. Wolf, Vice-Pres. C. M. Hosk ins, Sec.-Treas. E. O. Flores, Ass't. Sec.-Treas. Bay View Hotel-Tel. 24384-CabIe Address: "BAYVIEW" - Corner Isaac Peral and Dewey Blvd., Ermita . Kneedler Realty Co., Props. E. M. Kneedler, Mgr. Bay View Laundry, The-Dry Cleaners1339 Tl'abajo, Sampaloc. Antonio Malagonio, Prop. and Mgr. Bay View Studio - Photographer - Tel. 46163-1011 San Fernando, Binondo. Go Chy, Prop. Bayaka, Goldfields Association-P. O. Box 264-Tel. 54086-183 Harrison Boulevard, Malate. Bayani Shoe Store-Shoe Dealers, Retail -Tel. 46138-515 Azcarraga, Tondo. Guillermo Guevara, Prop. and Mgr. Bayani's Laundry-319-B San Marcelino, Ermita. Com'ado R. Refruto, Prop. Bayer Co., Inc., The-Tel. 23839-670 Dasmarinas, Einondo. Baylon, Dr. Carlos-Physician and Surgeon -TeL 21041-542 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Bayne & Co., Henry Hunter-Certified Public ' and Chartered Accountants-P. O. Box 589-Tels. 21368 and 26332-Cable Address: "PORTEND"-228 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. J ames Russell Herridge, C.P.A .• C.A. Thomas W. Farnell, C.P.A., C.A. J. S. Craw, C.P.A., C.A. W. H . MacLaren, C.A. C. Fuxman.



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(Oppos;te Lyrk Theatre) P. O . Box 2104


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Marciano Laqui, C.P.A. Antonio Zulueta, Jr. Arsenio Reyes, C.P.A. Ramon Garres, C.P.A. Socrates Martinez. Gabriel Pimentel, Jr., C.P.A. Rogelio Tarros3, C.P.A. "Com'ado R. Castillo. Cit'ilo Rodriguez. Fermin Yoingco. Pedro C. Dacanay. Carlos Sabral, Jr. G. R. Narvaez. Bayot, Estanislao R.-Lawyer-Tel. 28050 -118 Real, Intramuros. Bazaar American-Japanese Products-Toys and General Merchandise-305 M. H. deJ Pilar, El'mita. S. Nawa, Prop. and Mgr. Bazar "EI 96"-Hardwal'e Store-312 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. L. A. Fernando, Prop. Bazar Legaspi- Tel. 23822-135 Real, Intramuros. N. Ohishi, Partner. K. Kajiw3l'a, Partner. Bazar Moderna-Sundl'ies-Tel. 47584-241 Rosario, Binondo. Uy Kai, Prop. BAZAR SIGLO XX-Importers and General Merchants, Ship Chandlers, Deal· ers in Plumbers' Supplies, Hardware, Paints, Cements, Gasoline, Mining and Mill Supplies-Po O. Box 1294-Tels. 49704-49706-49956 and 49349-Cabl~ Address: "SIGLO",. Codes used: A.B.C. 5th Edition; Western Union, Bentley's-lOl· 113 Plaza del Conde, Binondo. Branch: - TeL 49950 - Azcanaga 542-544 Cor. 798 Tabora, Tondo. Ramon L. Corpus, Manager. Jose L. Echevarria, Assistant Manager. Guillel'mo Salita, Chief Accountant. Alfredo de Jesus, Accountant. Isabel Macosme. Cashier. Delfin de Mesa, Chief Salesman. Aurelio E. Ferreros, Mill Supplies Dept.

Primitivo Jose, Provincial Agent.

Lucio Austria, Clerk. Francisco Pantaleon, Stenog. Gregorio Reyes, Mgr., Branch Dept. Martin Villanueva, Salesm.

Esteban Gonzales, Ass't. Mgr. Branch Department. Benedicto Quitoriano, Salesm. Nicanor Marasigan, Prov'!. Agent. Fernanda Borras, Cashier, Branch Dept. Ces~r Garcia, Chief, Warehouse.

Marcelino Aspuria, Stock Clerk. Eulogio Cruz, Stock Clerk. Silverio Ancheta, Storekeeper. Benito Tolentino, Shipping Clerk. Rogelio Cruz, Clerk, Acc'tg. Dept. Bazar Su Sec & Co.-General MerchantsTel. 49708-227 Rosario, Binondo. Uy Sing, Mgr. Beaterio College-Private School-Tel. 21408-157 Sta. Lucia, Intramuros. Very Rev. M. Andrea Montejo, ltV.M. General Superioress. Rev. M. Beatriz Formoso, R.V.M. Vice General Superioress. Rev. M. Micaela Cuenca, R.V.M. General Secretary. Rev. M. Encarnacion Tomacruz, R.V.M . General Treasurer. Rev. M. Emilia Romero, R.V.M. Di rectress. Rev. M. Modesta Claustro, RV.M. Dean of Studies. Rev. M. Valeriana Bautista, RV.M. Local Treasurer. Rev. M. Salome Castro, R. V .M. Secretary of the College. Beauty Chemical Laboratory - Manufacturer and Importer-P. O. Box 766-Tel. 48298-950-958 Benavidez, Binondo. A. M. Chua Bun Pho, Prop. Beauty Furniture House-Furniture Dealers-Tel. 27195-240 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Le Hue, Prop. and Mgr. Beaux Tailoring and Shirt Making-Tailor -822 R Hidalgo, Quiapo. Escasa Bros., Props. Bechaves, Benito-Florist---Tel. 23731Colgante Flower Market, Ermita. BECK~ INC., I.-Importers and Wholesalers - Tel. 23355 - Cable Address: "BECK"-89-91 Escolta, Binondo. I. Beck, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. H. A . Naftal.y , Ass't. Mgr. A. H. von Einsiedel, Accts. and CoHee. Conrado K. Abad, Secretary. Santos L. Aguilar, Cashier. E. Torres Hernandez, Head Bookkeeper. Mrs. D. Carreon, Wholesale Dept. Beck's-General Department Store-Tel. 23356 Cable Address: "BECK" - Beck Bldg., 89-91 Escolta, Binondo. I. Beck, Inc., Props. Louis Mazur, Retail Dept. H. Strauss, Radio and Col umbia Depts. Gay - Hardware - Pictur.e-Frames, Bee -Tel. 29690- 1621 Azcal'l'aga, Sta. Cruz, Bee Rua & Co.-Shirt and Neck Tie Manufacturers-Tel. 47556-425 Nueva, Binondo.

Yu Chill, Mgr.


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Bee Lam .and Co.-Dry Goods ImportersP. O. Box 2651-Tel. 49137-192-194 Rosario, Binondo. Yao Ching Kang, Mgr. Bee Seng Electrical Supply - Electrical Supply Dealers-Tel. 47216-321 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Onga, Mgr. BELEN ENTERPRISES, INC. - A Holding Company for Business and Industrial Enterprises-Tels. Office: 22416 and Factory: 67886 - Cable Address: "BELEN" Codes Used: Bentley's & Private.-3rd Floor, Maritima Bldg., Binondo. Factory: 1210 Sobriedad, Sampaloc. Dr. Jacobo Fajardo, Pres. Abelardo J . Fajardo, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Manager. Paz Perez de Fajardo, Treasurer. Subsidiary Companies : Belen Chemical Products, Co. Belen Import & Export, Co. Belen Fine Foods, Co. Belen Textile & Hosiery, Co. Belen, Saturnino--Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "INSULIFE" - Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. BELL BROS.-Dry Cleaners, Dyers and Laundry-Tel. 55583-256 M. H. del Pi· lar, Ermita. A. N. Bell, Prop. J. N. Bell, Prop. W. N. Bell, Prop. "Bellevue"-Tailor Shop and Shoe Repairing-1355 Henan, Paco. Roberto Mendoza, Mgr. and Prop. Bellevue Drug Store - Druggists - Tel. 54561-1428 Henan, Paco. Mariano G. de la Cruz, Prop. Valeriana V. de la Cruz, Pharm. Bellevue Theatre - Cinematograph - Tel. 55468-1425 Herran, Paco. Salvacion Feria Vda. de Eduque, Prop. Bellosillo, Gervasio C.-Termite Exterminator-Tel. 53128-252 Leveriza, Pasay, Rizal. Helman Compania Incorporada-Importer -Exporter-Tel. 28217-88 San Juan de Letran, Intl'amuros. Eutiqu iano Garcia, President-Manager. Belmonte, Nazal'io B.-Roeal Estate Broker -Po O. Box 837-Tels. 57287-57322-932 Padre Faura, Ermita. Belmonte, Nicolas - Lawyer - Tels. 57287 and 57322-9~2 Padre Faura, Ermita.

Beltran's Fashion-Tailor and Shirt Maker -347 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Lorenzo Beltran, Master Tailor. Miss Lourdes P. R'eyes, Registrar. Belvedere Apartments-Tel. 55066-620 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. Bencal' Rice Mill - Rice Merchants - Tel. 47657-919 Dagupan, Tondo. Juliana Pengson, Prop. Ben-Mar Drug Store-Retail Dt'uggistsTel. 48574-350 Padre Rada, Tondo. Dr. Buenaventura Ramos, Prop. Beng Sing Hal'dware-Tel. 28988-2240 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Santiago King, Mgr. Bengco's Dance Academy-Dance SchoolArtist Supply DeaJcl's-Cable Address: I'FRANKROCHE" Manila - 5453 Rizal Ave., 31'd Floor, Sta. Cruz. Prof. Smile Bengco, D. Ruby Hansen. Frank Roche. Pete Garcia. Benguet Atok Gold Syndicate, Inc.-Mining -Po O. Box 1592-Tel. 22388-Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Hammon Buck. Pres. E. D. Gundelfinger, Sec'y.-Treas. Directors: E . S. Turner. Ward B. Gregg. l.Jeon Rosenthal. K. C. Fairchild. Benguet Consolidated Mining CompanyGold Mining-Tel. 21756-Cable Address: "BENGUETCON" 13th and Chicago Sts., Port Area. John W. Haussermann, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Francis O. Haussel'mann, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen. Mgr. A. F. Duggleby, 2nd Vice-Pres. Rose T. McKee, Sec'y. and Treas. Benguet Express - Manila - Baguio-Transportation - Tel. 27483 -709 Lepanto, Sampaloc. Miss Alejandl'a Yance, Mgr. Benguet Goldfields Mining Company-Po O. Box 214-Tel. 24531-4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. A. G. Bosque, President. Chas. Anderson, Vice-President. Salvador Zaragoza, Director. J. J. Murphy, Director. R. C. Peyer, Director. Florentino Ganiz, Director. Lim Seng Chiat, Director. T. A. Campbell, Secretary.



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(Opposite Lyric Theat,e) P. O. Box 2)04


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Bcnguet Mother Lode Mining Co. P. O. Box 1424-'l'el. 22213-403 Samanil10 Bldg., Binondo. Bengzon, Jose P.- Lawyer- Tel. 23087-9 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Benipayo Press & Photo Engl'aving-'l'els. 21905 and 22960-548 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Donato Benipayo, Mgl'. Benitez, H.- Land and Water Transportation, Tru ck Contractors and Stevedoring -23 San Gabriel, Binondo. Benitez" T. C.- Lawyel'- Tel. 55386-310 A. Flores, Ermita. Beniya Com pany- Importers and Exporters- P. O. Box 2653- Tel. 26786-Cable Address: "BENIYA" 316 Kneedler Bldg., Sta. Cruz. M. Kino, Manager. Bennett & Co., H . E.-Broker, Stocks and Bonds-P. O. Box 759-Tels. 22451 and 22452-US-A Crystal Arcade, Escolta. Ben's Tailoring-Tailor-U3 Legarda, Sam_ paloc. Norberto Bondoc, Prop. and Cutter. Berger & Co., Inc., S. M.-Dealers in Sound and Projection Equipments, Radios and Theatre Supplies-Po O. Box 654-Tels. 21785 and 23622-Cable Address' "BERGO", - 2219 Azcarl'aga, Sampaloc. S. M. Berger, President. Bermudez & Bautista, Inc.-Bro'lrers and General Merchants, Copra and Maguey - Ice Distributors and Salt Dealers-P. O. Box 1856-Tels. 21311-21321-Bodega Tel. 25579-125-127 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Alejandro Bautista, Mgr. Doroteo Bermudez, Sec'y. and Treas. Bernabc & Co., J.-Rice Mill Manufacturing, Bed Factory & Auto Repair ShopTel. 46244-1512 Sande. Tondo. Jose Hernabe, General Manager. Pastor Reyes, Asst. General Manager. Beatriz Bautista, Treasurer. Irilleo Garcia, Secretary. Dcogracias Ponce, Shop Supt. Celestino Duria, In stallation Mech. Simeon Mer.doza, Install ation Mech. Am~.ndo Tolentino, In stal lat ion Mech. Bernal, Dr. R. A.,-Dentist--~l. 26012442 Evangelista, Quiapo. Bernal Shoppe-Dressmaking-Tel. 26682330 P. Campa, Sampaloc. Maria Patl'ocinio Bernal. Bernardo Optical-Opticians-Jewelry and ' Vatch Repairing~Tel. 49331-85 Rosario, Binondo. D,·. Vicente C. Bernardo, Optometrist and Prop.


Dr. Leonila C. Bernardo, Lady Optometrist. Mariano P. Cunanan, Watchmaker. Bernardo, Vicente - Master Tailor - Tel. 29793-16 Escolta, Room 2, Binondo. BEIlNAIlDO'S TAILOIUNG- Tailoring Shop-Tel. 29793-Room 2, 16 Escolta, Binondo. Vicente R. Bernardo, Prop. and Mgr. Berry's Chemical Co. - Manufacturing Chemists-Tel. 23377 - 500 Sales. Sta. Cruz. Roy J. Berry. Bel'zin, Dr. A.- Physician and SurgeonTel. 22982-Mezzanine Floor, Brias Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binondo. Bes Laboratory-Pharmaceutical Preparations and Drugs- Tel. Dial 40 and ask open.tol' Cal. 534-----Cable Address: "BES" - 191 GI'a!. Luna, Malabon, Rizal. Bernardo E. Santiago, Mgr. Besa's Custombuilt Shoes-Shoe Repairer and Manufacturer-77 Juan Luna, Binondo. Mamerto Besa, Pl'Op. BEST &: CO., D. C., - Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Ventilation-P. O. Box 1124-B-Tel. 55597-Cable Address: HHENBE"-Head Office 318 San Andres, Malate. H . C. Best, Manager. BETIILEIIE~I STEEL EXPOIlT CORPORATION OF NEW YORK-Steel Products-Po O. Box 3217-Tel. 22888Cable Address: "BETHLEHEM" - 320 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. L. W . Detzel'. F. M. Holmes. Betty's Beauty Parlor-Beauty Shop-630 Madrid, San Nicolas. Beusse, W. H.-Embroidery Dealers and Manufacturers - P. O. Box 3096 - Tel. 22398-Cable Address: "SUGWEAR"-901 Lepanto, Sampaloc. W . H. Beusse, Mgr. G. H . Beuss'e, Asst. Mgt'. Beverly Beauty Salon-Beauty Parlol'Tel. 29920-830 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Biak-na-Bato Drug Store-Drugs and Perfumes-Tel. 28643-325 Tayuman, Tondo. Eugenio del Rosario, Prop. Bicolnon, The-The Magazine for the Bicol region. Published every first and third Saturday of the month-Po O. Box 1625 - Tel. 24361-Cable Address: "RAMONROCES" - Ramon Races Bldg., Soler cor. Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers.

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2·23·62 MANILA


BieJ and Casanave-Civil Engineers-Tel. 53210-310 California, Ermita. Big Wedge Mining Company-Mining Business-Po O. Box 420-Tel. 22724-3rd Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. P. L. Mapa, Pres. V. H. Masefield, Vice-Pres. Nicolas Lizares, Dir. J . Amada Araneta, Oil'. R. J. Fernandez, Oil'. K. H. 'W altz, See'y. and Treas. Billboard Advertising Service-Tel. 28592 -824 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Bilog, G. M.-Lawyer and Real Estate Bro_ ker-Tel. 22141-837 Ta,yuman, Sta. Cruz. Bin-Ring Box Factory-Cardboard Box Manufacturers-Tel. 29235-Cable Address : "BIHIBOFA"-90 Rosario, Binondo. Bin Hong-Rice Dealer, Wholesale and Retail-Po O. Box 530-Tel. 48857-10291031 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Bin Hong, Mgr. Bin Seng-Furniture Manufacturer-Tel. 27497-308 T . Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Ko Kim, Mgr. BINALBAGAN ESTATE, INC.-Sugar and Alcohol Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1631-Tels. 23607 and 24608-Philippine National Bank Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Board of Directors: John Dumas, General Manager. Roman J. Lacson, Ass't. Gen. Manager. Hector A. Tol'l"2s, Secretary-Treasurer. Binay Ponciano M. - L&wycl' - Tel. 57287 -932 Padre Faura, Ermita. Binondo Harness Factory-Yu Ching & Co. -Harness and Leather Goods Manufacturers and Dealers, Belt Buckles Dealers -Po O. Box 1619-Tel. 48380-365-367369 Gandara, Binondo. Jose Abilong, Mgr. RIO & CDUAN, INC.-Copra Dealers and Exporters-P. O. Box 974-Tel. 49661 - Cable Address: "BIOCHUAN" - Codes Used: Acme, Bentley and Private Codes -Head Office, 683 Benavides, Binoudo. C. L. Tan, President and Gen. Manager. M. L. Tan, Director. Tan Sin Chiao, Treasurer. Tan Ti, Ass't. Manager. Bio Guan Chua Chong-Groceries-Tel. 48991-1022 Comercio, San Nicolas. Bio Hong Hat Store-Tel. 47689-249 Rosario, Binondo. Chua See, Mgr. Bio Seng-Firewood and Charcoal Dealer -Tel. 47423-886 Reina Regente, Binondo.


Bioglan Laboratories, Ltd.- Biological Products-Po O. Box 2521- Tel. 21750-Cable Address: "BIOGLAN-76 Escolta, Binondo. Bios Pharmacal-Druggists, Retail-1017 Georgia, Malate. Aniana de la Paz, Prop. Angela de la Paz, Pharmacist. Bisaya-Illustrated Cebu-Visayan 'Weekly, Published Every Monday-P. O. Box 1625 Tel. 24361 - Cable Address: "RAMONROCES" I-- Ramon Roces Bldg., SoJer cor. Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers. BITUlN - Publication - Tel. 24428 - 433 Florentino Torres, Santa Cruz. Isagani Villa D'Bayan. Editor. Bonifacio F. Bautista, Associate Editor. Dominador Diwa Cruz, Staff Member. Alejandro N. Dabu, General Manager. Severino N. Clemente, Ass't. Gen. Mgl·. Claro M. Patron, Circulation Manager. Amado de la Cruz, Artist. Bitulok Saw Mills, Inc.-Lumber-P. O. Box 513-Tel. 23739-3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Arsenio Romero, Pres. Maria R. de Buencamino, Vice-Pres. & Managing Dir. O. D. Arriola, Treas. & Dir. A. A. Alafriz, Sec'y. & Dir. FroHan Pimentel, Dil'. Black and Whibc---Typewriter and Adding Machine Repairers - Tel. 26439 - 326 R. Hidalgo, Santa Cruz. Felix O. Cirera, Prop. a~)d Mgr. Blakely, Mildred M.-Charitable MissionTel. 55598 - Cable Address: "ENDURE" -1261 Gral. Luna, Ermita. "Blanca Nieve"-Embroideries-Wholesale and Retail Lingerie-Tel. 54937-422 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Gregoria Cruz, Prop. Blanco, Pedro M.- Publisher- Commonwealth Advocate-P. O. Box 115&-Tel. 21006-627 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. BLANCO SONS, JOS&-ImportersFlour Dealers - Tel. 48787 - 517 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Jose Blanco Sons, Mgrs. BIas Shoe Store-Shoe Dealer and Repairel'-102 Nebraska, Ermita. Herminiano BIas, Prop. Bl'eulel', G. E.-Engineer- P. O. Box 3394 -Tel. 24032-Room 303 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.



76 Escolta




(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Bo. 2104


2-23-62 MANILA


Blossom & CO.-Plumbers and Metal Work~ ers-P. O. Box 945-Tel. 57435-Cable Address: "BLOSSOM"-4 Otis, Paeo. D. E . Blossom, Mgr. Blue Bar Coconut Co., Inc.-Manufacturers of Desiccated Coconut-Manufacturers and Exporters-P. O. Box 2903-Tel . 2341B-Cablc Address: "BLuBR"-Manila -301 Fernandez Bldg., Binondo; Facto~ ries: Pagsanjan, Laguna and Lusacan, Tayabas. John D. McCord, Pres. Blue Bird Bar-Saloon-Tel. 51348-106 F . B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. BLUE DIAMOND PETBOLEUM CO., INC.-Lubricating Oils and Greases-P. O. Box 276-Tel. 23631-Cable Address: uBEDIPECO" - 464-466 Dasmariiias, Binondo. (Fred Wilson & Co., Inc., Genel'a} Managers.) Branches: Iloilo, Cebu. Blumentritt Shell Service Station-Tel. 25748-Rizal Avenue, Cor. Antipolo, Santa Cruz. Leonora del Rosario, Ineharge. Boado's Barber Shop-1549 Azearraga, Sta. Cruz. Francisco Refugia Boado, Prop. Board of Tourist Industry, Japanese Government Railways-(Associated with thl~ Japan Tourist Bureau)-P. O. Box 2621 - Tel. 24043-Cable Address: TETUDOSyo"-Suite 117 Crystal ATCade, Escolta. Yosio Sudo, Manager. BOARDS, 60VERN~IEN1'- (See Mis· cellaneous Section). Bobadi!la, Marcelo M. - Lawyer and Notary Public-Tel. 47021-505 Azcarraga, Tondo. BOFFA R. '" 6., LTD. - Manila . Agency-Head Office : TORINO (Italy) via Guicciardini 3 - General Importers and Exporters- Tel. 23080-Cable Address: HBoFFAcoM"-Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dr. D. Dassetto, Manager (Manila Agency). Bohemian Laundry - 1947 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Pastora B. Santos, Mgr. Boie's Soda Fountain-Tel. 23281-95 Es· colta, Binondo. Boix, Francisco-General Merchant-Tel. 28461-Cable Address: "FRANBO, MANILA" - 244 Anda, Intl'amuros. "BOKRARA PALACE"-Pel'sian and Bokhara carpets and rugs- Tel. 2485771 Real, Intramuros. M. Yusuf Ghani, Proprietor. S. Wazir Mohamed, Partner.

Bolanos Beauty Salon- Hairdressing-102 Espana, Sampaloc. Miss Irmina Bolanos, Prop.-Beautician . Bolanos, Dr. Melecio--Dentist-102 Espa· na, Sampaloc. Bolinao Amusement Enterprises-Tel. Dial 40 and ssk operator for Cal. 220-Malabon Road, Rizal. F. A . Bolinao, Mgr. Bombay Bazar (See Pohoomull Bros.) Bombay Jewel"y Shop (K. K. Ramehandani & Co.) Jewelry Dealers, Photo Supplies and General M'erchandise- P . O. Box 1904-Tel. 21689-Cable Address: "RAMCHANDANI" - 159-161 Escolta, Binondo. K. K. Ramcr.andani, Mgr. BO~mAY PALACE (.JHA~IATMAL MOTUMAL '" COl-Silks and Novelties-For Men, Women and ChildrenP. O. Box 1184-Tel. 25868-Cable Ad· dress: "JHAMATMAL"-Head Office: Yokohama, Japan- Manila Office : 609 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Wadhumal Kimatrai, Manager. Kimatrai Jashmmal, Asst. Mgr. Branch: 51-53 Echague. Sta. Cruz.-Tel. 26661. Bhngwandas Kewalram, Manager. BOMBAY SILK SUPPLY - (Sobhraj Jhamatmal & Co.)-Wholesale and Retail Silk Merchants - P. O. Box 1821-TeI. 23554 - Cable Address: "SOBHRAJ" 128 Nueva, Binondo. Atrnaram Udharam, Mgr. Ghanshamdas Hotchand, Mgr. Branches: 765 Tabora, Tel. 47507. 73 Escolta, Tel. 28028. Bombon, Dr. L. A.-Dentist-1146 Tuberias, Quiapo. Bonoan, Jose G. -Lumber Dealers- Tel. 22282-327 Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Boncan, Dr. Antonio H. - Dentist - P. O. Box 575-994 Magdalena, Tondo. Boncan, Dr. Catalino B.-Physician-Te1. 29377-Room 325 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Bondoc, A. M.- Lawyer-Tel. 29354-405 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Bonifacio Bakery-Tel. 49420- 1381 Juan Luna, Tondo. Go Kim, Prop. Bonifacio Dr. Pedro Ma.-Physieian-Tel. 48273-338 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Bonoan, Martin-Civil Engineer and Contractor-Tel. 48352-851 Folgueras, Tondo.

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(Opposite Lyric Th(>3tre) P. O. Box 2104




Boomer, J . F.-Lawyer-P. O. Box ·1::J~­ Tel. 21229 - Cable Address: "BOOMER" Manila-3I6 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Boquil'en, M. P.-Gasoline Service Station -Tel. 28978-Rizal Ave., Corner Anti.

polo, Sta. Cruz. Borbon, Mary-Beauty Parlor- (Aguina ldo Gl'aduate)-501 (Up). Legal'da, Sampa-

loco Borja, Dr. Carlos - Physician-Surgeon Tel. 25223-731 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Borja, Dr. Daniel-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 24759-Room 200 Kneedler Bldg.,

Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Borneo Produce Co., Inc.-Lumber Dealers -Po

O. Box

2164- TeJ.


Address: "MASEDA" Room 454 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. F. Maseda, Gen. Mgr. T. Wakita, Ass't Mgr. S. Komada, Treas. S. Tayama. D. Yamaka. Bosch, Mrs. HiJda-Masseur- Tel. 549761200 Caroli na, Ma late. Boss Well Tailoring-737 Santa Mesa, Sampaloc. Epifania Bulos, Prop. Boston Trading Company-General Mel'candise- Watel' Filter- Tel. 29772-Cable Address : "SOSTONCO"-308 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz. . M. Bernardo Alcantara, Gen. Mgl'. T. C. Aquino, Sales Mgr. Miss F lorcntina Solis, Sec'y. Botelho, Inc.- Mining Promoters- Po O. Box 513 - Tel. 23737 - Cable Address: "TONICO" - 3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. A . A. R. Botelho, Mgt". B. D. Goodier, Geologist. O. D. Arriola, Tl'eas. Botica Angeles-Retail Druggists- Tel. 51540- 288 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Crisanto B. Mauricio, Prop. Manuel M. Madrigal, Ph arm. Botica Belen-Retail Druggists-Tel. 21740 -31 Alejandro VI, Sampaloc. . Jaime Pelejo, Manager. Mrs. Belen Z. Pelejo, Pharmacist and Prop. B OTICA BOIE-(Philippine American Drug Co.)-Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Photographic Suppli es, Hospital, Laboratory and Dental Supplies- P o O. Box 299-TeJ. 2328--Cable Address: "BOIE"- 95 Escolta. Binondo.

Botica Bustamade Cabuiiag - Druggists, Retail- Tel. 55336-618 A. Mabini, Ermita. Dr. Paberno Busta ma nt.e, Prop. Pedro N. del Rosario, Pharm. Dr. Bustam~nte's Res. 1449 E strada , Singalopg Subdivision, Malate. . Botica Casaj1e - Druggists, Reta il - Tel. 53310- 659 Dart, Paco.

Mrs. Margarita Casaje, Prop. Botica de China-Druggist-1618 Henan, Paco. Ong Ton, Prop. . Yu Guan, Pharm. HOTlCA DE QUIAPO - P. O. Box 10 -Tel. 23109-403-409 Plaza Miranda ,

Quiapo. R. J. Gonzalez, Prop. E. F. Gonzalez, Prop. Botica de Sta. Cruz- Dr. Carlos J ii hrlingWholesale and Retail Druggists- P . O. Box 278-Tels. 21029, 21033 and 23069-

Cable Address : "SALVIA"-106 Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz-Office : Tel. 21028: Wholesale and Buying: Tel. 23429-635 Sale.:;, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Carlos Jiihrling, Prop. W. Schaal, Signs per pro. W . Kiihne. K. Wegner. W. Drticke. Botica del N azareno - Drug Store - Tel. 28746- 1068 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Bonifacio Berna rdo, Prop. Botica Excelsior-Reta il D rug Store-Tel. 47668--740-742 Reina Regente, Binondo. Simplicia Villegas, Pharo and Prop. Botica Garcia- Retail Druggi st-Tel. 48965 --525 Madrid, San Nicolas. Adelina Garcia, Pharm. and Prop. Botica Gloria-Druggist Retail-Tel. 51429 -320-322 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Miss Liwayway Reyes, Prop. Miss Leonida Villahermosa, Pharm. Dr. Geronimo Llamas, Physician. Botica Hensonina-Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Perfumists- Tel. 2373297 Real corner Cabildo, Intramuros. Emiterio Castro, Prop. and Pharm. Botica Insular y Laboratorio Tnsular- ( See Arambulo Products, Inc.) Botica Tntramuros-Retail Druggists-Tel. 22069-136-138 Real, Intl'amul'os. Vedasto Pineda, Prop. Botica Lantaka-Retail Drug Store- 935 Ylaya, Tondo. F . B. Lantaka, Mgr. Libel'tad-Druggists- Retail- Tel . Botica 51373-317 Libertad, Pasay. Rizal.

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76 Escolta

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(Oppos;,e Lydc Thoa'r.) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 l\1ANILA




Botica Ma. Lui sa- Retail Dl'uggi st-142146 San Anton, Sampaloc. Miguel Q. Goyena, Prop. Parnpilo P. Castro, Pharm. Botica Nuestra Senora de J05 AngelesDrug Stor<>-Tel. 51293-176 F . B. Harrison, Pasay. Rizal. Mrs. Ricardo Casas, Prop. Botica Reyes- Retail Druggists-Tel. 51991 -474 F. B. Harrison, Pasay. Rizal. Artemio Reyes , Prop. Botica Reynado-Dl'uggists-Tel. 256861650 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Remedios Reynado, Prop. and Pharm. Botica Sta. Rita- Druggist ' Retail-1949 Juan Luna, Tando. Victoria Vda. de Valenton, Prop. Botica Sta. Teresita- DI'uggists-Tel. 56510 -500 San Andres, Malate. Maura M. Angeles, Pharmacist. Botiea Surla-Druggists-Tel. 27325-1932 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Aurora M. de Surla, Prop. Miss Rosario M. Ancheta , Pharm. Bouffard Hnos. -P. O. Box 1802-Tel. 26604 - Cable Address : " BOUFFARD HNOS."-648 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. J. L. Bouffard, Mgt". Branches-Cehu- Iloilo. Distributors for: "Petromax" Lamps & Stoves. " Vesta" Sewing Machine. Bough, Dr. Valdemar G.-Dental Medicine and Surger y-Tel. 28821- Room 201, Margarita David Bldg., Azcarl'aga, Cor. Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Boulevard Alhambra Apartments - P. O. Box 3176-Tel. 57151- 30 Dewey Boul~ evard, Ermita. Dr. Raiaoel Santos, Owner. Maximo Reyes, Manager. Tomas Paguntala, Ass't Mgr. Boulevard Apartment Hotel- Tel. 56981Cable Address : "BOULAPTS"- 1l44 Dewey Boulevard, Malate. Florence D. Cadwallader, Prop. Cadwallader Brot her s , Inc., Purch'ng. Agents.

W. F . Cadwa llader, Mgr. Boulevard Heights-Pasig Boulevard Dev. elopment Co., Inc. -Realtors-Tel. 22593 -210 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. John R. McFi e, Jr. , Pres. Otto Steiger, Vice-Pres. P. D. Carman, Sec'y.-Treas. Boulevai'd Poultry Farm- Tel. 67570Kawilihan , Mandalu.yong, Rizal. P onciano Ma cazo, In charge.

Bouquet Shop. The-Florists and Decorators-Tel. 21692-P. O. Box 731-443 San Vicente, Binondo. Mrs. A. M. Darley, Mgr. Bowen & CO.-General Merchants-P. O. Box 785-Tel. 23431-Cable Address: " CEBOWEN"- 104 Solana, Intramuros. G. Bowen. Boy Scouts of the Philippines PressPrinter s-P o O. Box 878- Tel. 24407Cable Address : "BQYSOOUTS"--461 San Vicente, Binondo. BOYLES BROS. DRILLING (Philippines) CO.- Diamond Drill Contractors -Po O. Box 297-Tel. 23232-Cable Address: "DQYLBRQ"-Marsman Bldg., Port Area. H . L. Baker, Mgt". M. L. Hezekiah, Sec'y.-Treas. Boys and Girls- Newspapers and Publications, Manila-P. O. Box 2947-Tel. 23019 -711-B Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Florentino Cayco, Editor. Jose Feliciano, Associate Editor. Agaton Perlada, Business Manager. Mrs . Florinda I saacs-Barcenas, Adverti sing Manager. Brady, Frank W.- Lawyer- P . O. Box 486 - Tel. 22665-Cable Address: "SILX"517- Insul a r Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Bravo, Dr. Dionisio B.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel . 52281-389 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rize!. BRAZIL COFFEE HUT, INC_-Coffee Dealers- Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 477-3rd Avenue, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Ambrosio Chiu, Mgr. RRIAS ROXAS, INC.-Gentlemen's Fine Wear; Military Supplies: Arms and Ammunition and Insignias; Hunting and Fishing Outfits ; Spalding Athletic Goods, and Tailoring Dept.- P. O. Box 151T els. Store and Offi C'z, 21374 and 21375 - Cable Address : "BRIRQX" Manila "DRIAS ROXAS BUILDING--71 Escolta, Binondo. Antonio Brias, President. Ramon J. F ernandez, Vice-Pres. Mariano Brias, General Manager. J. H. Wendt, Trea surer. Eru'ique Brias Garchitorena, Director. Gonzalo Callejas, Director. Brick's Fashion Center, The--Tailors-973 Bilibid Viejo, Quiapo. Briccio O. Obnamia, Cutter and D~ signer.



76 Escolta


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2.23.62 MANILA



Brilliant Sho~ Store, The- Shoe Dealers610 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lim San, Pl·Op. and Mgr. Brillantes, Sixto B.-Lawyer-9 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Brimo. Antonio A. - Manufacturers' Representative, Importer of Dry GoodsP. o. Box 134- Tel. 49719-Cable Address: "ABRIMO"-412 Reina Regente, Binondo. Antonio A. Brimo, Prop. and Mgr. R. R. Cartagena, Ass't. BRITISH-A~IERICAN ENGINEERING CORPORATION-Builders' and Engineer s' Merchants, Importers,-Tel. 22676 Address : "BRITAMIC" - Regina Cable Bldg., Escolta, Bi nondo. N . R. Lynevitche, B.Sc., Managing Director. 1. F. F erguson, Director (Singapore) R. S. Macmillan, Director (Singapore) T. R. Libre, Jr., Secreta ry. C. De Leon. J. B. Lastra. Broadway Laundr,y -Tel. 26829-426 Cataluna, Sampaloc. Mrs. Ines 1. Catigal, Prop. Broadway Mirror Factory- Glass and Mirror Manufa.:;turel's-Tel. 27636-333-335 Ronquillo, Santa Cruz. B. H. Tan, Prop. and Mgr. Broadway Studio - Photog-raphers - Tel. 25350-1930 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. A. Lavada. Prop. and Photographer. Broadway Style- Tailor- 186 Padre Rada, Tondo. T. Gatbunton. Brockton Shoe Store, The-Shoe Dealers, Retail-205 Gandara, Binondo. Lee Pun, Prop. and Mgr. Bronx Tailoring- 1178 Sande, Tondo. D. de la Cruz, Prop. and Cutter. Brooklyn Cafe-Tel. 56135- 1620 Herran, Paco. Mario Figueroa, Prop. Brotherhood Shoe Repairing Shop - Shoe Repairer- 428 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. L. Baquiro, Prop. Brown & Bigelow- Calendars and Remembrance AdV'~ rtising-P. O. Box 3410- Tel. 21338-Cable Address : "SAMSCHIER"-704 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. S. S. Schier, Rep. in the Phils. Brown Shop, Louise - Embroidery and States Dresses-P. O. Box 502-Tel. 23352 - University Club Bldg. -12 San Luis, Errnita.


Brown, Mrs. Victoria S. -Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. o. Box 734-Tel. 22431 -Cable Address: <lINSULIFE--3rd Floor. Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo . BRUNNER, A. C.- Manufactul'er 's Representative-P. O. Box 794- Tel. 24909Cable Address : "AYCEBE"-Rooms 504505, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. A. C. Brunner. Buan, Jose-Tailor- Tel. 28998-143 Legal'da, Sampaloc. Buck, Hammon H.- Real E state BrokerP. o. Box 2770-Tel. 22388-3rd Floor, Leyba Bldg ., 227 David Binondo. Bued Mining Company, Inc.-Mining- P. O. Box 1633-Tel. 22626-Cable Address: "BUEDMINCO" - 541 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Buena Suerte - Glasswa re Dealers - Tel. 48075---538 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chi Juat, Mgr. Buenaventul'a, M. S.- Direct Importer of Remnants - Wholesale and Retail - Tel. 48333-Main Office: 1068 P. Chaves, Tondo. Branch: 674 IIays, Tondo. Buencamino, Dr. Victor - Veterinarian Tel. 22873 - Cable Address uVIBUN"1026 Felix Huertas, Sta. Cruz. Dr. A. Estores. BUENCA~IINO'S


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76 Escolta


AGENCY- Tel. 21628-446 P . Paredes, Sa mpaloc. Maria Buencamino, P rop. Juan M. Buencamino, Mgr. Buenconsejo, Dr. A.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 28939-908 Trabajo, Sampaloco Buendia, Dr. Florentino--Physician- Te1. 28259-1919 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Bueno Cafe and Restaurant--Tel. 49026235 Dasmariii as , Binondo. Chan Hon Yan, Prop. Buenviaje, Dr. Alfredo- Dentist--758 Alvarado , Binondo. Buenviaje, Dr. Fernando L. - PhysicianSurgeon - Tel. 25758 - 308 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Bukidnon Cattle Development Co.-P. O. Box 121 - Tel. 22791 - Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Industria. Gen. Mgrs. Elizalde & Co., Inc. Ernesto von Kauffmann, Manager. Bulakeiia Restaurant & Cater er - Tel. 51563 -825 F, B. Harri son, Pasay, Riza1. Anastacio Garcia, Prop. Bulan, Angel - Water Tra nsportation- Tel. 49529-706 San Fernando, San Nicolas.

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2-23-62 MANILA




IIULLETIN, ~IANILA DAILY - Tel. 21102 - Corner Raon and Evangelista, Quiapo. (See Manila Da-ily Bulletin)

Buneg Mining Co., Inc.- Mining- P . O. Box 1074- Tels 23031 and 23032-Rooms 328329, Perez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Board of Directors: J. V. Bagtas. Vicente Lopez. F. A. Delgado. lldefonso Coscolluela. J. Gonzalez. Ramon J. Fernandez. Urbano Banez. Executive Officers: J. V. Bagtas, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Vicente Lopez, Vice-Pres. L. C. Velasquez, Sec'y.-T reas. BUNJE, CARL-Ship and Freight Broker -Po o. Box 2521- Tel. 21750-Cable Address : <lBIOGLAN-76 Escolta, Binondo. Carl Bunje. Bunning & Co., Inc.-Export and Import P . o. Box 289-Tel. 49753-Cable Address: uINSUMERCO"-135-165 Felipe II, Binondo. Buntal Hat Agency-Hat Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-405 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Gliceria V. Salvatierra Prop. Buny, Fortunata- Rice Dealer-Tel. 49423 -823 Dagupan, Tondo. Burns Philp & Co., Ltd. (Macondray & Co., Inc., General Agents)-Tel. 49871-3rd Floor, China Bank Bldg., Dasmariiias, Binondo. BURROUGHS, INC.-Dealers in Ad ding, Billing, Bookkeeping, Calculati ng Machines, Typewriters, Cash Registers, Office Equipment and Carbon papel', Rib· bons, Cash Register and Add ing Machine paper-Po O. Box 2769- 1'el. 23465-Cable Address: HBURAD" - 407 Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. E. S. Sherrill, Mgr. C. W . 'Voodin, Office Mgt'. K. G. Stephens, Service Mgr. Bush Chemical Co., Inc., Joe-Dyes and Chemical Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1753 - Tel. 23278-443 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Joe Bush, Mgr. Bush, Joe-D,'y Cleaner and Dyer-P. O. Box 1753-Tel. 23273- 129 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz.

BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO., INC., '1'HE- (Successors to the Office Appliance ' Co,) Ltd.)-Specialists in Office Equipment, Typewriters, Calculating and Adding Machines and Supplies-Po O. Box 292&---Tel. 21055-Cable Address: "BUSQUCOINC"- 13th Stl''E!et, Port Area. B. G. Coyle, President. K. Lauritzen, Manager. H. Maeder, Representative. K. Lummu s, Representative. Sole Agents for: "Royal" Typewriters. "Monroe" Calcu lating and Adding Machines. "Dictaphone" Dictating Machines. "Schwab" Safes. "Pitney Bowes" Postage and Tax Meters. "Beco l l Filing Cabinets. "Todd" Checkwl'itE}l's an d Safety Checkpaper. "Security" Steel Equipment and Visible Index. "Victor" Standard and Portable Adding Machines. HShaw-Walker" Steel Equipment. Bustamante, Dr. Artemio--Physician-Tel. 67290-701 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Bustamante & del Rosario--GraV'el Dealers -Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 302-Leano and Rizal Avenue, Malabon, Rizal. Irene Bustamante. Anselmo del Rosario. Bustamante Drug Store-Druggistr-Tel. 67290-701 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Dr. Artemio Bustamante, Prop. Mrs. Juanita M. Bustamante, Pharm. Bustillos Watch Repairing Shop-129 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Lucio Orlanda, Prop. F. Camacho, Watchmaker. Busuego, Romeo- Law.yer- Room 206 Ari as Bldg., Carriedo, Santa Cruz. Busuego, Dr. Salvador - Physician - Tel. 56172-1432 Henan, Paco. Busuego's Pawn Shop and Jewelry StoreTel. 56172-1432 H erra n, Paco. Telesforo S. de Busuego, Prop. Butterick Shop, The - Dressmaker - Tel. 28604-448 Evangelista, Qu iapo. Mrs. Celerina Rivas, Prop. Butler Bros.-General Merchants-P. O. Box 599 - Tel. 24149 - Cable Add ress: "SORBRELTUB"-426 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Buzan Dr. Castro L.-Physician-SurgeonTel. 47176-320 Santa Maria, Tondo.


76 Escolta

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA



~ F


INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA £3,000,000 £ 3,000,000 £ 3,000,000

PAID·UP CAPITAL .... . .... . ... ...... . . RESERVE FUND . . . . .. .. ... ..... . RESERVE LlABI LlTY OF PROPRI HORS .

INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1853 Offices in Great Britain

38 Bishopsgate, London, E. C . 2 (Head Office) 117 / 122 Leadenhall Street, London E. C. 3. 14fl6 Cockspur Street, London, S. W. 1 52 Mosley Street, M anchester. MANILA BRANCH, established 1872.

BRANCHES Ator Star (Malay States) Amritsar Bangkok Batavia Bombay Calcutta Canton Cawnpore Cehu Colombo Delhi Haiphong Hamburg Hankow

Peip ing Penang Rangoon Iloilo Saigon [poh Seremban Karach i Shanghai Klang Singapore Kobe Sitiawan (F .M.S.) Kuala Lumpur Sourabaya Kuchin g Taiping (F .M.S.) Madras Manchester, England Tientsin T ongkah (Bhuket) Manila Tsingtao Medan Yokohama New York Harbin H ongkong

Agents and Correspondents throughout the World. Current Accounts Opened in Philippine Currency. T ime Deposits Received At Rates Which May B e Obtained On Application . Every Description or Banking Business Transacted. The Bank's London Office undertakes Executor and Trustee business, and claims recovery of British Income-Tax overpaid, on terms which may be ascertained On application.


E. STEWART, Manager .


X y


Leiislative Bldg.-one of its Silen t T est imonials




Tels . 132 Eva ngeli s ta C orne r Azcarraga Oul:\PO

Ge n . Mgr .-2-11-40 Office-2-14-90 Sec.-Tr eas.-2-1 4-89 Bodega-4-96-12 Sa les M g r .-2- 55-75

Manila, P . I.


AutllOrizcd Capital . . . .... . . !'"IO,OOO,OOO j'aid-up Cap i~al . . ... . .... .... . 5,7 13,300 Surplus , Reserves &: Undivided P rofits, over . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 4,250,000 'Yo tran sact O\'ery phaso of fo reign and domeSLic banking business. Curre nt Account!! opened in Pesos, Savings Accounts and 'rime deposits received in Pesos as well as in foreign currencies. Further informR~ion furnished on application. BRANCHES :



SUBSCRIBE for th e AG RI CULTU RAL-COMMER C i AL-INDUSTRIAL LIFE. the I' hllipplnes' foremos t agr ic u l tural and indu s trial journal. Is u sed a s reference. following t h e Bureau of Education recommendation . in the public and private elementary a nd high sch ools in the Philippines s ince 1934. 1 y ear s ubscription ( Philippin es) . . ......... '"2.00 U. S. $ 1.50 ( Including Pos ta ge) Valuable premiums g i ve n away .

Liberal c ommi ssio n given t o age nts.


P . O. Hox 3062


8 23 O'Donnell


c C & H AUTO REPAm SHOP-Auto Repairing-Tel. 54000-267 San Marcelino, Ermita. C. R. Infante. H . W . Chin. C. P. C. Agencies-Manufacturers' Representaitves-Te1. 24856-CabJe Address: uCAcRu"-Room 217 Samanillo Bldg., Escoita, Binondo. Castor P . Cruz, Mgr. C. O. DEL ROSARIO - Manufacturers and Merchants - Beauty Parlor Equipment and Supplies, Pianos, Radios and Accessories, Haberdashery and TextiJeP. O. Box 250- Tels. 22261 and 25638Cable Address: HLAFUPAz"-Corner Azcarr~ga and Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. C. O. del, Prop. P. del Rosario, Jr., Gen. Mgr. Hector O. del Rosario, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. P. I. Guzman, Mgr. Attorneys: Oscar S. Aguilar. If ector O. del Rosario. Cabale, Dr. Eduardo G.-Dental Surgeon, Tel. 25553-Arge11ies Bldg., 456 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Cabalteras-Tailoring and Shirt Maker102 Magallanes, Intramuros. Sixto Cabal teras, Prop. Caban'us, Dr. Juan B.-Physician-Tel. 27898-713 Leg'arda, Sampaloc. Cabletow, The-Monthly Masonic Publication; Official Ol'gan of the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of the Philippine Islands; in English and Spanish-Po O. Box 990-Tel. 57744·- Plaridel Temple, 520 San Marcelino, Ermita. Cabral, Jose-Lawyer-Te1. 48195-50~ China Bank Bldg., Dasmarinas, Binondo. Cabrera-Chanco, Dra. A.-Lady Physician -Tel. 55220-570 San Antonio, Paeo. Cabreza, Ceferino - ' Architect and Decorator - Tel. 26417 - 931 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Cacha, Julian S.-Chief and Life Insurance Undenvriter, Application Department, General Agency office of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431 - Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Cacho Hennanos (See HGERMANIA" CACHO HERMANOS.) Cacho & Hidalgo--En~ineers and Contractors-P. O. Box 871-Tels. 22771 and

22770-CabJe Address: "CACHODALGO"314 (Upstairs) Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Jose Ma. Cacho, Civil Engineer. Clemente Hidalgo, Mechanical Engineer. CACHO, Itl. - Philippine Hand Embroid'e ries, Lingerie and Gowns, Jusi and Pina, Etc.-P. O. Box 871-Tel. 28256233 Gen. Luna, Intl'amuros. M. Cacho, Prop. Cacnio, Alfredo B.-Lawyer- Tel. 28215Rm 501, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Cacnio, Martin A.-Lawyer-Tel. 486131039 Dagupan, Tondo. Cada Drug Store-Druggists and Manufacturers-Tel. 29449-431 Tayuman, Tondo. Iluminado M. Cada, Prop. and Pharm. Cadiz Tailol'ing-716 San Bernardo, Sta. Cruz. I ; I~ I. L. Cadiz, Prop. and Cutter. Cadwallader Brothers, Inc.-Rome beds, Springs, Mattresses, !vel' Johnson Bicycles, RCA Victor Radios, Furniture Shops, Venetian Blind Supplies-Po O. Box 593-Tels. 21107 and 21108-Cable Address: "CADBRos"-PJaza Sta. Cruz. Wm. F. Cadwallader, Pres. Fred K. Cadwallader, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Manuel Elizalde. Treasurer. J . W. Ferrier, Secretary. H. L. Mooney, Director. Cadwallader-Cochran's, Inc. - Jobbers - P . O. Box 2374-Tel. 24151- Cable Address: "DEFENDER"-ll Plaza Moraga, (at Jones Bridge) Binondo. Cadwallader Furniture Company, Inc.-Fur_ niture Dealers-P. O. Box 2374-Tel. 24151 - 11 Plaza Moraga, (at Jones Bridge) Binondo. CADWALLADEIl - GIllSON LUMBER CO.-Philippine Lumber Manufacturers -Po O. Box 602-Tel. 48591-Cable Address: "CADWALL", Manila - 203 Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarinas, Binondo. F. S. Baker, Mgr. R. A. Moss, Sec'y.-Treas. G. A. Hill, Accountant. Caguiat & Co., Enrique-Certified Public Accountants-P. O. Box 2869-Tel. 25730 -Cable Address: "CAGUI"-Suites 472-74 Regina Bldg., Sta. Cruz. . Enrique Caguiat, C. P. A. (Member American Institute of Accountants). Caimoy's LaundrY-1006-A Tennessee, Malate. B. Caimoy, Mgr. Cajucom, Jose Ma.-La wyer-Tel. 56735600 San Marcelino, Ermita.


76 Escolta

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Calalang, Maximo-Lawyer- Tel. 21673Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Caluagas, Dr. Fulgencio-Medical Exam~ iner and Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.P. O. Box 734-TeJ. 22431-Cable Address : "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. CALA~mA SUGAR ESTATE-ManufactUl'ers of Sugar, Copra Products, Desiccated Coconut and Coconut Oil and Indu strial Alcohol-Factories: Canlubang La guna, Manila Office: 115 13th Street: Port Area - Cabl e Address: "CALSUC"P. O. Box 58 I-Tel. 22171. San Francisco Office : 2 Pine Street. L. 'Veinzheimel', Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. O. G. C. Milne, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. H. J. Rothkirch, Resident Mgr. \V. Weinzheimer, Accountant. S. Jami eson, Mgr. Manil a Office. Frank P. Hill , P urcha ses. Calanog, Manuel P . -Lawyer-Tel. 24874122 13th Street, Rm. 308 Myers Bldg., Port Area. Calderon's Bookbinder - Bookbindillg841-B, O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Sofronio G. Calderon, Mgl'. and Prop. Caledonian In surance Co.-G uttri dge & Chambers, Inc., General Agents--132 Juan Luna, Binondo. CALERO & CO., F.-Realtors- P. O. Box 931-TeJ. 23196-Cable Address: "CALEROF" - Offices : Rooms 7 and 9, Ground Floor, El Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Federico Calero, General Manager. Loui s Loewinsohn, Manila Sales, Mortgages and Loans. Gabriel A. Ambrosio, Ayala Subdivisions. Luis M. Baltazar, Sampaloc and Caloocan Subdivisions. Manuel de Jesus, Accountant. Santiago Barangan, Assistant Accountan t. Arturo Riu s, Assistant, Dept. Sales Mortgages a nd Loans. Natividad Manalo, Secretary. Salesmen: Maxima Garcia Jovi ta Perdigon Francisco Mabesa Generosa Sanchez Toribio Carreon Perpetuo Cuangco David Cafiicosa Alberto Mi so Al berto Agleham Melquiades Parungao Juan T. Sordan Jua ni ta de J esus Daniel Santos Julian Angeles


Subdivisions: Bankal "A", "B", He", HD", "E", and "F" Subdivisions. Consuelo Subdivision. Cosmcpolitan Subdivision. Cristobal Subdivision. Escuela Subdivision. Gloria Subdivision. Hipodromo "A" and "B" Subdivisions. Malolos Subdivision. Metropolitan "A" and "B" Subdivision. Olimpia Subdivision. Parada Subdivision. Pusay Extension Subdivision. Rizal Subdivision. Sampaloc and Caloocan Subdivisions. San Andres "A", HB", "C", "D", HE", " F" a nd "G" Subdivisions. Santiago Subdivision. Singalong Extension Subdivision. South M!lkati Station Subdivision. Victoria Subdivision. Vito Cruz Extension Subdivision. California Fruit Growers Exchange-Merchandi si ng Sunkist Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons-P. O. Box l3S3-Tei. 22554 - Cable Address: "SUNKIST" - 426 Heacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo_ Robert B. Dameron, District Mgt'. Rafaela Cue, Sec'y. Asterio M. Zafra, Dealers Service Asst. California Restaurant-Tel. 67276-403 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Co Chao, Prop. Calivo Laundry-512 CIa vel, San Nicolas. L. Endigado, Prop. Calma, Dr. C. R - Physician-Tel. 2843382 Anda, Intramuros. Calma, Dr. Clemente R.- Physician and Surgeon- Tel. 28433-82 Anda, Intramuros. Caloocan Lumber- Lumber Dealers-Tel. Dial 40 and ask op-arator for Cal. 215408 A. Mabini, Caloocan, Rizal. Jose Ramos, Prop. and Mgr. CALTEX (pmLIPPINES) INC. Texaco Petroleum Products-Caltex Petroleum Products-Po O. Box 783-TeI. 23265-(Private Exchange to all Depts.) -Cable Address: "CALTEx"-Insular Life Bldg., 91 Plaza Moraga, Manila. C. Roesholm, Managing Director. W. E. Murray, Assistant Manager. W . R. Williams W. L. Archer A. F. Walker A. H. Boundy J. M. Cleland J. P. Roxas W. E. Jensen Q. C. Manalo Vi. M. Moseley J . Lapham R E . Runyon A. T. Smith

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O . Box 2104


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eebu : P. H. Sanders J. F . Perrine L. Self Iloilo: G. Barberan Calupitan, Alfredo B.-Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public-Tel. 2546B- Room 303 Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Jesus N. Palacios, Secretary. Calzada's Laundry-Tel. 25711-198 Mendoza, Quiapo. S. de la Calzada, Prop. Camacho, Dr. Eufrosina J.-Dentist-Tel. 25495-1615 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Camacho, N. T.- Hats, Shoes and Hatter Supplies-Po O. Box Ill5-Tel. 48970681 Ylaya, Binondo. CAMARA DE COMERCIO ESPANO. LA DE FILIPINAS-P. O. Box 754Tel. 57577-Casino Espanol, Taft Ave., Ermita. D. Enrique Santamaria, Pres. D. Ricardo Descals, Vice-Pres. D. Joaquin D. Mencarini, Treas. D. Antonio Aranaz, Hon.-Sec'y. D. Nicolas Guerra, Member. D. Felix Fanlo, Member. D. Jose F. de la Vara , Member. D. A. Campos Rueda, Member. D. Isidoro de Mora, Member. CAMERA SUPPLY CO.-Dealers in Photographic Supplies and EquipmentsP. O. Box 778-Tel. 23930-Cable Address : "CHARTS-138 Escolta, Binondo. J. L. de la Fuente, Manager. Camiseria La Fortuna- Undershirt Dealers -Tel. 48197- 200-202 Rosario, Binondo. Lee Sa Hee. Camiseria Mura-Shirt and cotton Goods Dealers-Tel. 47518- 198 Rosario, Binondo. Navalrai Jethmal, & Co. Camiseria Popular (Tonlr Yek & Co.)-Dry Goods Dealer and Shirt Dealers-Tel. 49450-204-206 Rosario, Binondo. Tui Bong, Mgr. CAMPOMANES, DRES. G. &; C. V.Pharmaceutical Products & PolyclinicsTel. 47162-Cable Address: HCAMPOMANES," Manila-935 IIaya, Tondo. Dr. Germiniano Campomanes, M.D., Chief Physician. Dr. Ciriaco V. Campomanes, Pharm.D., M.D., Gen. Mgr., Manufacturing Dept.

Dr. Guill'€rlllo V. Campomanes, O.D., Treasurer, Optometrist and Optician. Dr. Moises V. Campomanes, M.T.D., Mechano-therapist. Campos, Dr. E.-Physician and SurgeonTel. 48071- 804 Clave), San Nicolas. CAMPOS RUEDA IIER~IANOS, INC. - Importers, Exporters and Commission Agents, Timber Brokers-General Merchants-Representatives of Cork stopp'el'S, compressed cork boards and other manufactures - Chocolate Manufacturers and Real Estate Administrators and Gold Deal'e rs-P. O. Box 3I-Tel. 23944- Cable Address: "CAMPORU"-2205 Azcarraga, Sampaloc. Antonio Campos Rueda, Pres. Jose Campos Rueda, Vice-Pres. A. Campos Valdivia, Sec'y. Luis Campos Valdivia, Ass't. Secretary. Celestino Gregorio, Cashier. Domingo Atienza, Salesman. Pablo Gabat, Salesman. Campos White and Blue Printing, G. L.Blue Printing-Tel. 26474-284 Doroteo Jose, Sta. Cruz. Godela L. Campos, Mgr. Camu, Jr., Teodoro-Lawyer-Tel. 23990304-306 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. CAMUS &; ZA VALLA-La wyers-Tel. 22347-34 EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Judge Manuel Camus, Lawyer. Domingo T. Zavalla, Lawyer. Assistant Attorneys: Pedro B. Bautista. Angelica Belarmino. CANADIAN PAC I F I C IlAILWAY COMPANY-Po O. Box 288- Tel. 23656 - Cables and Tel egrams : Passenger "CACANPAC" and Fl'eight: "CANPACLINE", Marsman Bldg., Port Area. D. C. Miller, Agent. B. H . Stearns, Passenger Agent. Staff: W. F. Taylor, Freight Department. W. S. Ross, Passenger . G. S. Sellner, Accounts. Canary's Tailoring & Shoe Shop- Tel. 26292 - Room 205, 12 Escolta, Binondo. Emigdio A. Canary, Prop. & Mgl'. Canas Plantation Co.-Agricul ture Products, Coconuts and Rubber-P. O. Box 2529-Tel. 23676-2158 Azcarraga, Quiapo--Plantation: Canas, Maluso, Zamboanga. F. Ruiz Zorri11a, Pres.

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Candelaria & Calixta Goneta-Hemstitching and Vainica Embroideries-252 Ayala Boulevard, Ermita. Canillas, Felipe--Lawyer and Notary Public-Tel. 56769- 1359 Leveriza, Malate. Cafiiza, Dr. Antonio P. - Surgeon - Tel. 49111- 1016 Magdalena, Tondo. Canizares, Dr. Miguel- Physician and SUl'geon-'i'el. 55058-805 Florida, Malate. Caiiizal'es, Pablo---Lawyer- Tel. 54707Tuazon Bldg., 12 E scolta, Binondo. Cano, Dr. Maximino-Dental Surgeon-547 Azcarraga, Tondo. Cansipit, Inc., Gregorio M.-Customs Brokers-Tel. 23803-Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Dr. Anselmo Claudio, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.

Rosenda D. Claudio, Vice. Pres. Juan R. Mariano, Sec',y .-Treas. Cantabria Hotel- T el. 22767-268 Gra!. Luna, Intl'amul'os. Tomas Ocejo, Prop. Canton Panciteria and Hotel-Tel. 22740732 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Chi Choo, Mgr. Canton Sal'isari Store - Tel. 29223 - 717 Teodora Alon so, Santa Cruz. Cantonese Association - 1'e1. 25101 - 459 Dasmarina s, Binondo. (See Mi scellaneous Section) Cavili, Corpus and Company - General Brokers-P. O. Box 2999-TJe. 23591Cable Address: "CAPICORCO"-453 Regina Bldg., 144 E scolta, Binondo. Bl'igido T. Capili, Managing Pal'tner. Victoria no Z. Corpus, Managing Partner. Quirino Gregorio, Managing Partner. Capistrano, Dr. Arsenio - Dentist - Tel. 67225- 207 Labol'es, Pandacan. Capitol Bazar - Dry Goods and Haberdashers- Tel. 25975-39 E scolta, Binondo. Pl'ibhdas Assudomal Shah ani, Prop. M. A. Shah ani, Mgr. Capitol Furniture-Tel. 27256-365-367 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Tan Eng Sim, Prop. Capitol Photo Sel'vice- Photographers-151 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Eustacio Bautista, Prop. Juan Balleste ro s, Photographer. Capitol Theatre - Cinematograph - Tel. 22773-Escolta, Binondo. Owned and Operated by Eastern Theatrical Company, Inc.

CAPOBRES FILSFOOD PRODUCTS -Producer of Fruit Syrups, Bakery Products and Canned Soybeans ProductsP. O. Box 3097, Manila Office: 404 Quiricada, Sta. Cruz. Factory; Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal. R. S. Capobres, Prop. and Manager. Cap say Mining Company-Mining-P. O. Box 2982- Te!' 47911- Cable Addres" CAPSA Y-605 Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. B. H. Berkenkottel', Pres. Wm. Ick, Vice-Pl'es. Chas. G. Saill, C. P. A., Treas. Felix J. Torres, Secretary. Capulong, Maximiano N.-Mechano Therapist and Spinologist, Masseur-Tel. 28025 - 309 P . Gomez and Echague, Sta, Cruz. Capulong, Maximiano N.-Sign Painter and Contractor (Founded 1911)-1535 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Capulong, S. - Tailoring - 257 Moriones, Tondo. C. Cruz, Prop. Caragay, Medel & Co.-Land Transporta路 tion and Port Vrf ork Constl'uction-P. O. Box 1726-Te!. 23327-Room 201, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Mariano Cal'agay. Ponciano Medel. Carandang's Laboratory- Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products, Clinical and Industrial Laboratory-Tel. 25686-1650 Azcarraga, Sta. Cl'UZ. Juan Carandang, Prop. Caravan, Inc.-Nichols Chinese Rugs-Tel. 53528-96 Isaac Peral, Peralta Apartments, El'mita. Carbonell, Mariano A. - Lawye r - Tel. 22404-7th Floot', Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. CARBUNGCO & SONS-Caterers and Banquet Contractors- Tel 24982-163-165 Maria Clara, Sampaloc. Ambrosio Carbungco, Mgr. CARDENAS & CASAL-Attorneys-atLaw-P. O. Box 50l-Ma nila-Tel. 21836 -Room 218, 2nd Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna. J. Perez Cardenas, Lawyer. Jose Ma. Casal, Lawyer. CARDINAL JNSUItANCE CO~IPANY -All forms of lmmrance (Except Life) -Po O. Box 297---Tol. 23232-Cable Address: "CARDINAL-MANILA" - Mal'sman Bldg., Port Are2 . Dil'ectors: J . H . Marsman, Cha irman of Board. Hon. A. de las Alas.

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Frank J . Courtney. Geo. C. Dankwerth. Benj. S. Ohnick. Officers: Frank J. Courtney, President. Hon. A. de las Alas, Vice-President. Geo. C. Dankwerth, Treasurer. Chas. E. Strait, Ass't. Treasurer. M. H . O'Malley, Secretary. A. L. Velilla, Ass't. Secretary. Staff: A. L. Lat, Office Manager. R. J. Cipriaso. E. M. Pelegrin. Sixto Salas. V. G. Reyes. E. G. Valdez. L. C. Arana. F. VilJegas. ~ Caridad Dress Shop- Dressmak ing-Tel. 55492-554 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Caridad V da. de Mapua, Prop. and Cutter. Caridad Estates of Cavite, Inc.-Real Estate-Po O. Box 2770-Tel. 22388-3rd Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Hammon H. Buck, President. Carillo, Dr. Angelo G.-Dentist-Tel. 46292 - 710 Azcarraga Corner Juan Luna, Tondo. . Caringal, Honorio---Lawyer- Te1. 28438408 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binon do. Carifiosa Mu sic Store-Musical Instruments Dealers-90S-910 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. A. Custodio, Prop. •J. Maranan, Prop. Carlita's Lunch- Restaurall t -Tel. 269222nd Floor, Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Anita V. de J esus, Mgr. Carlos and Carlos-Lawyers-Tel. 29319712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mauricio Carlos. Sixto Carlos. Carlos Drug Store-Druggist Reta il- Tel. 67447- 293 Labores, Pandacan. Potenciana Carlos, Prop. Carlos, Efrain E.-Lawyer-807 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Carlos, Dr. ll'eneo, G.-Dentist-Tel. 57709 -306 I saac Peral, Ermita. Carlos, L.-Florist--Tel. 28201-Arroceros, Ermita. Carlos, Maul'icio---Lawyer-Te1. 29319-712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Carlos, Dr. Sixto-Veterinarian-Tel. 28513 - 185 M. de Comillas, Ermita.

Carl's Fashion- Tailor- 168 Legarda, Sampaloc. Carlos Sufiga, Prop. Carman Crn, Ltd., P. D.- Addition Hills and Boulevard Heights- Realtors- Tel. 22593- 210 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. P . D. Carman, Managing Partner. CAR~IELO & BAUER MANN, INC ..Lithographers, Printers, Bookbinders, Paper Box Makers: Calendars, and Advertising Novelties-P. O. Box 655-Tel. 23251- Cable Address: "CARBA" - 2057 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Alfredo Carmelo, Pres. Ramon C. Ordoveza, Vice-Pres. Edward J. Wilson, Sec.-Treas. S. J. Wilson, Ghairman, Board of Directors. Gustav Otto, Diractor. J. Pineda , Director. Carmelo, Enrique-Real E state AgentTel. 21676-931 Ongpin, Room 11, Sta. Cruz. Carmelo, Dr. Santos-Dental Surgeon-154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Carmen's Baguio Store-333 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. Carmen Sanchez, Prop. Carmencita's Beauty Shoppe- Beauty Parlor - Tel. 29416 - 826 (Upotai r s) Rizal A venue, Sro. Cruz. Carmcncita de Da y:lO, Prop. Caro & Co., Jose J.-Automobil e Supply and Repair-Electrical Sel'vice-747 F . B. Harl;son, Pasay, Rizal. Jose J. Caro, Manager . Beatl'iz C. de Caro, Sec. Bibiana Ang, Treas. Luis Mendoza, Rep. Caro Electrical Service- Automotive Electricians and Dealers in Automotive Electrical Appliances and Accessories; Manuf actu rers of Oriental Storage BatteriesTels. 56944 and 56945- 110 P adre Faul'a, Ermita. Under Ram Car, Inc., Management. Ramon Caro, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Carolina's Laundry-1434 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Juana L. Cabuefios, Mgr. Carpio, Dr. D. M.-Dentist-Tel. 2759133S Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Carpio Lucas D.-Lawye r- P. O. Box 2487 Tel. 21644-601 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga , Binondo. Carpio Simplicio D.- La wye r- P. O. Box 2487-Tel. 21644-601 In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.



76 Escolta


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Carpio, Victorio D.-Attorney-at-LawP. O. Box 2487-Tel. 21644-601 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Mor.aga, Binondo. Carrascoso, Jr., Antonio T.-Lawyer-Tel. 21327-4th Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Carrascoso, Dr. Fernando T.-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 21702 - 67 Balmes, Quiapo. Carreon, Dr. Germancio A.- Dentist--Tel. 24017- Room 408, Samanillo Bldg., Escol. ta, Binondo. Carrera & Co., Edward G.-Certified Public Accountants- P. O. Box 2647-Tel. 57692-112 Romero Salas. Ermita. Carrillo, Andns - Life Ir,surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Carrillo & Co., U . V.- Importers and Exporters - Tel. 57920 - Cable Address: "CARRILLOCO"-319 M. H. del PiJar, Ermita. Urbano V. Carrillo, Manager. Felix Ricasa, Asst. Mgr. Carrillo; Dr. Santiago A.-Dental Surgeon -Tel. 25096- 712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Carrillo-Ocampo Drug Store- Retail Druggists-Tel. 67606- 575 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Lourdes Carillo-Ocampo, Prop. Florentina B. Carillo, Phal'm. Carroceria de E. Enriquez - Carriage Makers and Repairers-Tel. 28593-536 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo. M, Enriquez. Mgr. Carroll, Earl - Assistant General Agent, Manager of the Hawaii Agency and Life Insuralnce Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734 -Tel. 22431- Cable Address: "INSULIFE" -31'd Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Cartagena, Dr. Juan A.- Physician and Surgeon - T el. 56497 - 1619 Herran, Paco. Cartagena, Dr. Mariano M.-Dentist-Tel. 56497- 1619 H-el'l'an, (Upstairs) Paco. Casa Manana Club, Inc.-Night Club-Po O. Box 3304-Tels. 56749 and 54086Dewey Boulevard Extension, Corner Vito Cruz, Malate. Isidro Yaptinchay, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Jose de Leon, Supervising Mgr. Casaje Drug Store- Pharmaceuticals and Toilet Articles-P. O. Box 667-Tel.

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21379-Cable Address: "CATOCO"-408- · 410 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Luis Casaje, Gen. Mgr. . Casaje Optical Company-Optometnsts, Opticians and Jewelers-P. O. Box 667 Tel. 21379-Cable Address: "CATOCO"408-410 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Luis Casaje, Gen. Mgr. Casaje Toh, Dr. Luis-Optol'!1etrist--Optician-Tel. 21379-408-410 Rlza] Ave ., Sta. Cruz. Casaje Toh & Co., Inc.-Optometrists, Opticians and Jewelers-Tel. 21379-Cable Address: "CATOCO"-408-410 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Luis Casaje Toh, Mgr. Margarita Ortigas Lim, Aetg. Treas. Casal, Dr. Antonio-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 24167-92 Gastambide Sampaloe. Casal, Jo!e M.-Lawyel'-P. O. Box 501Tel. 21336-Room 218, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Casal, Dr. Ramon-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 68203-69 Ortega, San Juan, Rizal. Casas, Dr. Manuel J.-Physician-Tels. Office 25045; Res. 24080-297 San Rafael, San Migue1. C.'\SAS Y DE LANGE-General Insurance-P. O. Box 1384-Tel. 24554-Cable Address: "CASDEL" -16 Escolta, Suite No.7, Binondo. Pedro Casas. Alfonso De Lange. Cascade Bar-Sa.loon-P. O. Box 2050Tel. 26988-401 Carriedo, Quiapo. M. Matsuki, Prop. CASEY & SONS SHOE STORE & POULTRY FARM-Tel. 54987-315 M . H. del P il ar, Ermita. Mrs. Thomas Casey, Prop. J. T. Casey, Jr., Mgt'. Casimiro & Guison-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 363-22 A. Mabini, Caloocan, Riza1. Pedro O. Casimiro. Narciso Guison. CASINO ESPANOL DE MANIIATels. Secty., 57575; M-embers, 57576 and 57578; Ladies, 57577; Fronton and Bo~l. ing Hall, 57580-Taft Ave. and San Lms. Enuita. D. Antonio Roxas Gargollo, Pres. D. Enrique Santamaria, Vice-Pres. D. Antonio J. Beltran, Treas. D. Eduardo Mellan, Hon. S-ec'y. D. Miguel Azparren, Hon. Vice-Sec'y. ~O




(Oppoo;t. Lydc Theatre) P. O.




2.23.62 MANILA

V.' MamtieJ. Ma. Rincon, Liol'alt'ia:il'. D.


Descals, Vocal. V.' Ml8.onu:elI Igual, Vocal. ]i)... Pa'ecu3'1! i>agoIa, VocaJ:. :J!>l. Jose' T'ril~i~ Voca1. 1i>'. Jose: F .. de Ia Vara, Voca'f. ID. R..., {:orpora!tian Sea'Y· ])i. saI!va'diw 'YoAl'a s, Clll.&r Manager.. JDi. Ange~ Valca" Cashielf-Aeeountant. CastLa:iieda" Venancio-Givil Engineer-836 Elca.n&, '1I'Gnd&. {!8steleYRy L. V.-'li'obacco Leaf Dealer-'Fe). 22316-344 Regina Bldg,. Eseoita>,:Sinond~.

(:"a:sllill<>, J'eliberoo· V.- L"wyer- Tel. 298~1 -312 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. CASTILLO E WJOS, E.- Sculptors, Ornaments, Silvoersmiths & Marble Workers-Tel. 29856--746 Echague, San Miguel. Emilio Castillo, Manager. Castillo e Hijos, C. - Marble Workers, Sculptors, Silversmiths-Tel. 25783-309 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Aurea Castillo, Mgr. Castillo, F. del, A.D.C.-Tailor-235 Legarda, Sampaloc. Castillo, Dr. Guillermo L. del-PhysicianTel. 46153-320 Plaza Leon XIII, Tondo. Castillo, J o!e-Tailor-158 Labores, Pandacan. Castillo, Jose B.-Lawyer- Tel. 24202Room 308, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Castillo, Nicasio D. - Lawyer - Tel. 48195 - 502 China Bank Bldg., Dasmariiias, Binondo. Castillo Recto, Dr. Miguel-PhysicianTel. 25054-226 Regidor, Quiapo. Castmac, Inc.-Medicinal Remedies-P. O. Box 1147-Tel. 22944-211 Tanduay, San Miguel. R. P. F lood, Pres. CASTRO, AUGUSTO A. DE-A,rchitect -Po O. Box 260-Tel. 56670-570 Remedios Corner Georgia, Malate. Assistant: Felipe M-endoza, Architect. Draftsmen : C. Espina. A. Demerin. (See Advertise'm ent)

Castro, Dr. Cesar G. - Physician - Tel. 29959-Espaiia and P. Paredes. Sampaloco Castro, George - Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co.,

M<k-P. O. Bo" 134---1.1. 224~1-Cabl .. Address: "rNSU~IFE"-Third Floor, Insull;!l' Life Bldg., Pla1za Moraga, BinondO'. CASTRO, M..tRIANO A. DE - Civil Engineer a'nd Contractor- P . O. Box 260 -Tel. 56670- 570 Remedios Corner Georgia Malate. Satulrnino G. Jimenez" Asst. Mgl.l~ Benjamen Almeda, Accountant. Assistants: Poiicarpio Aquino, C.E. Andres Kimwell, C.E. Agaton Asuncion, Jr., C.E. Buena~e nliunll Jlualn, e,E:, Teofilo Yatc"O, C.E. Cesar AIV"encfia:, C.E. Chief O'raftsman: Jesus Horrl'brebaen$!. Sutero Afmeda, Ass 'to Ceiel'ino Evangelista, Ass/t. Construction Building Foreman: Marcelo Loquinario. (See Adv er tisement)

Castro Revilla, A.- Lawyel·-Tel. 21264Room 202, Arias Bldg., Cal'l'l'e do, Sta. Cruz. Castro's Fashion-Tailoring-Tel. 25367Room 101, 12 E scolta, Binondo. Felino Castro, Prop. Castro's Laundry-319-A San Marcelino, Ermita. Pedro Castro, Prop. Casupanan Bros.- Licensed Master Plumbing Contractors-Te1. 27813- 243 Blumen tritt, Sta. Cruz. C. C. Casupanan, Mgt'. Valentin Casupanan, Mastel' Plumber. CATHAY CERAMICS, INC.- Tile Manufacturers, Importers of Building Materials, Contractors-Tel. 24790- Cable Address : "CERAMICS" - Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. N. R. Lynevitche, B.Sc., Managing Director. Dr. E. Medina, Director. I. F. Ferguson, Director (Singapore) R. S. Macmillan, Director (Singapore) T. R. Libre, Jr., Secretary. J. B. Lastra. M. D. Navarro. Cathay Grocery- Grocer and Army and Navy Contractor- Tel. 49960- 116 Hormiga, Binondo. Chua Ping Hong, Prop. Cathay Hotel- Tel. 24793-301 Bustos, StH. Cruz. Tan Pue Khun, Mgr.


OPrO"!~~R'STS •

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


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Cathay Theater - Cinematograph - Tel. 24739-565 Gandara, COl'. Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Esteban N go, Prop. Go Hui Hong, Mgr. CATHOLIC TRADE SCIIOOL--Prir,ting, Bookbinding, Catholic Book Store, Religious Articles and Publishel's - Tel. 24047 - 1916 Oroquieta~ Santa Cruz. Branch Store: 269 A. Mabini - Tel. 57880. Rev. Edwardo Buel'enkemper, Mgr. Rev. W. Neuhoefer. Yen. Bro. Laurentinus. Ven. Bro. Cados. Ven. Bro. El·minoldus. Yen. Bro. Vitus. Ven. Bro. Adolf. Yen. Bro. Florus. Ven. Bro. Egdon. Yen. Bro. Hilal'iuR. Yen. Bro. Lucian. Ven. Bro. Bosco. Catholic Women's League-Tel. 56041-141 Florida, El'mita. (See also Miscellaneuos Section) Cab'al, Dr. Segundo P. - Physician and Surgeon. Cavalcade-Tailoring-822 Ilaya, Tondo. Tomas E . Cruz, Prop. and Cutter. CAVANNA, JAZMlNES & TIANCOAttorneys-at-Law-P. O. Box 1659-Tel. 21572-Sixth Floor, Room 603, Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Vicente Agan, Lawyer. Jose Ma. Cavanna, Lawyer. Jorge V. Jazmines, Lawyer. Lucio M. Tianco, Lawyer. Carlos A. Faustino, Lawyer. Cawigan's Tailoring-833 T. Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Meliton Cawigan, Prop. CEBU PORTLAND CIlMENT CO.Cement Manufacturers and Dealers-P. O. Box 863, Manila-Tels. Gen. Manager, 21140; Comptroller, 23704; Sec'y.-Treasurer and Chief Clerk, 21489; Sales Manager, 25575; 21490. Bodega: Dasmarifias and Barl'aca Streets, 49612-Cable Address: "CEPOC" - M anUa Office: 732 Evangelista Corner Azcarraga - Plant Office: N aga, Cebu. Board of -Directors: M. Jesus Cuenco, Chairman. Gregorio Anonas, Vice-Chairman. A. D. Williams, Member. Vicente Fl'agante, Member. Angel S. Arguel1es, Member.

M. J esus Cuenco, General Manager. Rufino Melo, Comptroller. Fidel A. Reyes. Secretary-Treasurer. Jesus J . Santos, Sales Manager. Juan P. Frisnedy, Chief Accountant. M. de Jesus, Purchasing Agent. Manuel Reyes, Chief Clerk. Alfredo Alhambra, Head Bookkeeper. Francisco Aragon, Delivery and Shipping Assistant. Candido P. Barcelona, Stenographer. (See Advertisement) Cebu Tailoring, The-729 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Juan M. Pacuri, Prop. and Cutter. Cecilio, Dr. Agaton-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 26923-726 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Cecilio, Antonio-Civil Engineer and Contractor-Tel. 26923-49 Commandante, Sta. Cruz. Cecilio Press-Printers, Bookbinders and Publishers-Tel. 26923-726 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Agaton Cecilio, Prop. Antonio Oecilio, Mgr. Celis, Dr. J . P . - Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 22829-348 Espana, Sampaloc. Celis Taller de Maquinaria-Tel. 47692806 A. Rivera, Tando. Doroteo Celis, Prop. and Mgr. Cementerio del Norve-Tel. 21386-301 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Emilio Ejercito, City Sanitary Eng. Pelagia Reyes, Foreman. Ceniza, Dr. Vicente M.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 26214-700 Evangelista, Quiapo.

Centeno's Store--Dl'essmaking-144 Magallanes, Intramul'os. Matilde Centeno, Prop. and Mgr. Center Bowling Hall-Recreation HallTel. 25344-929 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Gregorio Protomal'tir, Mgr. CENTER DE LUXE, INC.-Haberda· shers and Tailors-Shirt Makers-P. O. Box 1719-Tel. 23787-80 Escolta, Binondo. Dr. Jose Eduque, Pres. Ma.riano Martinez, Vi ce-Pres. Fernando La 0, Mgr., Haberdashery. Central Art Studio and Beauty PariorCommercial Photographers-904 Dart, Paca. F . Castro, Prop. CENTIlAL AZUCAilEIlA DE BAISBais, Negros Oriental, Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Gen. Mgrs.Central Office: 212 Marques de Comillas, Paco,-Tel. 22581.

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(Oppos;te Lyr;c Tho.tre) P. O. Box 210<


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845 M. de la Industria, San Nicolas. Lorenzo Correa, President. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Gen. Mgrs. Charles H. Davies, Vice-Presi dent. .. Board of Directors: Manuel Gonzal'ez, Director. Fritz Von Kauffmann, President. Manuel Perez Rosales, Director. Juan Elizalde, Vice-PreRident. Julio Ledesma, Director. Santiago Elizalde, Director. Ricardo Descals, Director. Jose Yulo, Director. Ignacio Planas, Treasurer. Manuel Elizalde, Director. Jesus Zabaljauregui, Secretary. Prosper Verstockt, Dil'ector. Fermin de Urmeneta, Manager. Ernesto C. Von Kauffmann, Tl'easul'eJ'. Ramon Barata, Ass't . Manager. Rafael Beltran, Ass't. Tl'eas. Miguel Franco, Ass't. Manager. Jose Ma. Cajucom, Secretary. Emilio Marco, Accountant. Godofredo Rivera, Ass't. Secretary. Central Azucarera del Danao - (Danao Fritz Von Kauffmann, Jr., Mgr. at Central, 700 metric tons cane per day), the Mill. Labi-Iabi, Escalante, Occidental Negl'osManila Main Office: (Purchasing Depart- Central Azucarera del Norte-Sugar Central- Tel. 21668 -204-205 eu Unjieng ment) , Tel. 22467 - 2nd. Floor, S. J. Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Valentin '!'eus, Mgr. and Prop. Nicolas A. Lizares, President. Emiliano Lizares, Vice-President. CENTRAL AZUCARERA DON PEDRO Simplicio Lizares, General Manager. -Sugar Central-Nasugbu, Batangas; Placido L. Mapa, Secretary and ManCentral Office: Tel. 22042-Sixth F!oor, aging Director, Manila Office. Soriano Bldg., Binondo. Wm. Wyllie, Supt. Roxas y Cia., Gen. Mgt·s. Juan Gaspar, General Supt. Central Azucarera de Pilar-Pilar, Capiz Jose de Mendezona, Sec'y. P . O. Box 121-Manila-Tel. 22791Central Bakery-P. O. Box 2816-Tel. . Elizalde Bldg., 845 M. de la Industria, 48455-615 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. San Nicolas. Chua Limco, Prop. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Gen. Mgrs. Central Barber Shop- 2283 Azcarraga, Board of Directors: Sampaioc. Fritz Von Kauffmann, President. Lazaro C. Ve1asquez, Prop. Juan Elizalde, Vice-President. Central Bazar-1642 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Clyde A. DeWitt, Director. Chua Bun Kim, Prop. Fred L. Lawrence, Director. Samue1 F. Gaches, Director. Central Blue Printing Co., Fashion and Ern'e sto C. Von Kauffmann, Treasurer. Beauty Parlor-Blue Printing and DraftRafael Beltran, Ass't. Tlleas. ing Work-Tel. 27239-700-702 MiseriJose Ma. Cajucom, Secretary. cordia Cornel' Soler, Sta. Cruz. Godofredo Rivera, Ass't. Secretary. Modesto R. Zareno, Mgr., Drafting and Isaac de Arana, Mgl'. at the Mill. Blue Printing Dept. Mrs. P . de Zareno, Mgr., Fashion and CENTRAL AZUCARERA DE TARLAC Beauty Parlor Dept. -San Miguel, Tarlac, Compania Gral. de T",bacos de Filipinas, Gen. Mgrs.-Cen- Central Business Equipment Co.-Office tral Office-212 Marques de Commas, Equipments - Tel. 26287 - 430 Quezon Paco-Tel. 22581. Avenue, Quiapo. Eli de Castro, Sales Manager. Lorenzo Correa, President. R. C. Zapata, Prop. and Office Mgr. Ricardo Deseals, Vice-President. Charles H. Davies, Director. J .•de Castro, Salesman. George Weber, Director. G. Romero, Salesman. A. Barcelon, Salesman. Vicente Aldanese, Director. Manurel Urquico, Director. M. Raymundo, Clerk. Ignacio Planas, Treasurer. S. Sanchez, Chief Mechanic. Jesus Zabaljauregui, Secretary. Central Business Institute-Business School Emil C. Zitkowski, Superintendent. -1029 Azcarraga, Tondo. .. Pablo Robledano, Asst. Supt. Dionicia C. David, Directress. Eduardo Pueyo, Accountant. Central Candy Factor.y-Candy ManufacCentral Azucarera de la Carlota-La Carturers-Tel. 47250-68 Muelle d~ DivisoIota, Occidental Negros-P. O. Box 121 ria, Binondo. Chua Co Eng, Prop. - Manila - Tel . 22791- Elizalde Bldg.,



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CENTRAL CHE~UCAL CO. - ManuTel. 24460-Corner Rizal Ave. and Azfacturers of KIMIK Produc ts-Analysts carl'aga, Sta. Cruz. and Assayers-P. O. Box 1235-Tel. 路 Yap Tak Wing, General Manager. 22175- Cable Address : "KIMIK"- Labor- Central Luzon Baker,y- T el. 29261-2249 atory and Factory- lOll R. Hidalgo, Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Quiapo. CENTRAL LUZON MILLING COMLegarda & Co., P rops. PANY, INC. - Sugar Millers and Benito F. Legarda, Jr., Mgr. Dealers-P. O. Box 2022-Tel. 22917Central Chemical Products Co. - Baking Cable Address: HCENLu"-Manila Office: Powder and Chemical Products - Thl. Room 604, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 47253- 1049 Nal'l'a, Tondo. 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dee Poe, Prop. J. V. Ramirez, Director, President. Central Customs Brokerage - Customs Enrique Zobel, Director, Vice-Pres. Jacobo Zobel, Director, Treasurer. Brokers-Tel. 21637- 88 RosariO', BinonM. de Cortabitarte, Director, General do. Manager. Dominador de Guzman, Partner. Francisco Siopongco, Director. Andres Lazaro, Partner . 路R. V. Ramirez, Director. Isidro Lim, Partner. Mariano Pamintuan, Director. Urbano Aranda, Partner. Jose Ma. Cavanna, Secretary. CENTRAL DESIGNING SCIIOOL Alfredo Blanco, Chief Clerk and PurCutting and Designing for Moen's Apchasing Agent. parel - 402 RonquillO' Cor. Rizal Ave., A. J. Ventosa, Cashier. Sta. Cruz. Mill: Bamban, Tarlac. Bonifacio N. Buenagua, Technical Modesto de Cortabitarte, General ManDil'ector and New York Designer. ager. Flaviana de Buenagua, Ass 't. InstrucManuel Llamas, Adviser. tol\ Sewing Dept. E. U . Montelibano, Ass't. to the Mgr. Francisco Nogot, Designing Dept. Romulo C. Avila, Accountant. Anatolio Nuyda, Sewing Dept. Robert G. Rickards, General SuperinConsuelo Nogot, Secretal路Y. tendent. Central Electrical Service-T el. 48588Manuel Lopez, Mill Engineer. 248 Ongpin, Binondo. Antonio Altonaga, Chemist. Gregoria Suares, Prop. Jose Ma. Gorostiaga, Field SuperinC E N T R A L EXCIIANGE OF TIlE tendent. pmLlPPINES. INC.- P. O. Box 645 Felipe Ong Lacson, Consulting Archi-Tel. 49070-122 Juan Luna , Binondo. tect. Board of Directors: Bernardo de Leon, Traffic Manager. Vicente Aldanese, President. Benjamin Gosioco, Legal Adviser. R. F. Navarro, Vice-Pres. Laureano Angeles, Cashier and Dis~ Rafael Corpus. bursing Officer. Dr. A . J. D . Cortes. Dr. Fulgencio Calaguas, Resident PhyE. S. Garcia, Secretary. sician. Central Furniture-Furniture Manufactur- Central Luzon Mission (S.D.A.)-Tel. Dial <er s-T el. 27010-329 T. Pinpin, Binondo. 40 and ask operator for Cal. 455-Baesa, Le Chuy Chiang, Mgr. Caloocan, Rizal. N. San Lui s, 'fechnics and Art Dil路ector. (See also Miscellaneous section) Central Gasoline Servica Station - Tel. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.-(Subsidiary of 29673-Juan Luna and Dasmarinas, BiMOTOR SERVICE CO., INc.)-Sole Distrinondo. butors Dodge Cars and Trucks--P. O. Central Hardware Co.- (Uy Liam Rua & Box 2282-Tel. 22851-220 13th Street, Co.) - Hardware Deal'ers, Wholesale and Port Area. Retail-P . O. Box 1148-Tel. 47048-Ca- Oentl'al Press Co.-Printers and Publishers ble Address : HUYLIAMHUA"- Codes Used: - Tel. 24428-433 F . Torres, Sta. Cruz. Bentley's h. B. C. P .-79-A Rosario, BiAlejandro N. Dabu, Proprietor. nondo. Cornelio de los Reyes, Manager. Uy Liam Hua, Mgr. Edmundo Arriola, Treasurer. Severino N . Clemente, C.P.A., AcCENTRAL HOTEL AND RESTAUcountant-Audi tor. RANT-Tel. 24461 (Private Exchange Connecting All Rooms). Restaurant-Pablo Escudero, Acct.


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Central Rental Service-Real Estate Brokers-Tel. 24571-Cable Address: "RENT.o\L"-Marco Polo Hotel, Room 206, 667 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Office Staff: Mrs. Kathrine L. Burks, Manager. Mrs. Esperanza S. Sumera, Office Manager. Miss Carmen G. Fernandez, Ass't. Off. Manager. Central Sal'a-Ajuy - Ajuy, Iloilo - P. O. Box 121-Manila- Tel. 22791-Elizalde Bldg., 845 M . de la Industri a, San Nicolas. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Gen. Mgrs. Board of Directors: Fritz Von Kauffmann, President. Juan Elizalde, Vice-President. Manuel Elizalde, Director. El'nesto C. Von Kauffmann, Director and Treasurer. Prosper Verstockt, Director. Rafael Beltran, Ass't. Treas. Jose Ma. Cajucom Secretary. Godofredo Rivera, Ass't. Secretary. Antonio Belzarena, Mgt'. at the Mill. CENTRAL SA W ~IILL, INC.-Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers-P. O. Box 1239 - Tels. 49508 and 49500 - 920-950 Juan Luna, Tondo. Dy Pac, President and Gen. Manager. George T.y, Manager. Dy Teck Sing, Treasurer. Central Stand-Refreshment Parlor-Tel. 55212-923 Padre Faura, Ermita. Andres Marcelo, Prop. Oentral Supply & Co.-Hardware, Paints, Plumbing Contractor, Artist-Tel. 21334 -709 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. D. S. Po, Mgr. Central Trade School- Private SchoolTel. 23456-1029 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Ramon Caro, Director. Amado Ignacio, Supt. Armando Barican, Register. Central Vegetable Oil Mfg. C6.-ManufactUrers of Coconut on and its by-Products P . O. Box 2816----Main Office: Tels. 48188 and 49914-Cable Address: "CHUALIMCO" 763-765 Sto. Cristo COl'. Azcarraga, San Nicolas. Factory: Tels. 57379 and 54065225 Otis, Paco. Chua Limco, Gen. Mgr. Gan Bun Cho, Asst. Mgr. Centro Cabaret-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 220-Malabon Road, Cal00can, Riza1. Francisco Bolinao, Prop. and Mgr.

Centro Dry Cleaning and Laundry-136 Tayuman, Tondo. Emilia no I sla, Prop. and Mgr. CENTRO ESCOLAR UNIVERSITYTels. 21607-21608- E. Mendiola St., San Miguel. Cannen de Luna, President. Sofia de Veyra, Vice-President. Generosa de Leon, Secretary and Treasurer. Felisa Guerrero, Inspectress. Alberto Campos, Member. Concepcion A. Aguila, Member. Paz Pamintuan Faustino, Member. Encarnacion Lizares Panlilio, Member. Valerio J ahrling, Member. CENTURY ROOK CO.-BooksellersTe1. 27520-Room 6, Monte de Piedad Bldg., Sta. Cruz. M. C. Decena, Manager. Celso O. Molina, Legal Council. Manuel del Rosario, Clerk. N . Arias. Salesman. Felipe Trinidad, Salesman. Jose R. Cabafigis, Salesman. Miss Josefina Sefiga , Stenog. Ce!1tury Drug Store- Druggists, Retail,Tel. 24031-215 Cabildo, In tramul'os. Dr. E. P. Ventenilla, M.D., Prop. Dr. M. V. Mendoza , D.D.S., Mgr. Century Sup pl y-General Merchants, Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 3003Tel. 27407-632 T. Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. KU:ln Sam, Prop. CERAMIC INDUSTRIES OF THE PHILIPPINES-Manufacturers of Clay Ceramic Structural Products: Hollow Til'es, Marseille and Spanish Roofing Tiles, Floor Cas ings, D.-M. Roofing Shingles, etc.- P. O. Box 1609-Tel. 27100Cable Address : "KERAMIK"-607 Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Dr. Manuel N. Tuason, Pres. and Gen. Manager. Don Juan M. Tuason, Treasurer. Salvador Zaragoza, Chainnan, Board of Directors. Antonio Brias, Director. Jose Araneta, Director. Salvador Araneta, Director. Gonzalo Valdes, Director. Ramon H . Davila. Secretary. Auguste Vabre, Factory Sup't. Dr. Salvador del Mundo, Chief Chemist and Production Manager. Hans P. Anderegg, Factory Office Manager. A. C. Ner, Sales Director. Factor.y :-Tinajeros, Malabon, Rizal.



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Cel'teza Surveying Company, Inc.- Survey of all kinds-Po O. Box 1318-'I'e.l . 21937 -Cable Address: "CESURCO"-1955 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Timoteo Certeza, Pres. and General Mamlger. Leonardo Certeza, Vicc·Pl'es. Conch ita de Vera, Sec'y.-Treas. Cervantina.Filipina, Inc.-Motion Pictu re Producers a nd Alli ed Business-P. O. Box 577-Tels. 23076-Cable Address: "CERFl" - 8. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Escolta, Binondo. Studios: Tel. 24294 and ask f or Local 40.-8an Franci sco del Monte, Quezon City. Felicisi mo R. Feria, President. Domingo E. Leonol', Vice-Pres. Jose J. de Guzman, Gen. Mgr. Alfredo C. Sese, See'y. a nd Bus. Mgl'. E n rique Lolarga , Prod. Mgl'. Tan Bee Kim, Treas. Salvacion F. Vda. de Eduque, Mem. Cesar's Bakery - T el . 261 08 -77-79 BIumentl'itt, Sta. Cruz. F'elicisimo Martinez, Prop. Rosa Faustino, Mgr. Ceylon J eweler-P. O. Box 197-342 Cardedo, Sta. Cruz. K. V. Raines , Prop. a nd Mgr. CIIAIU-SA~ICO & SONS-Direct Importers of Construction Materials, Builde r s' H ardware, Plumbing Supplies, Paints and Oil s, Ship Chand lery, Mill and Mining Suppli es, Etc.- Tel s. 49538 and 49564 - Cable Address: "CHAMSAMCO" Manila -Codes Used: Bentley's A.B.C. 5th and 6th Edition s Acme and Private-300-808 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Cham Samco, Gen. Mgr. Cham Ay Cha, Ass 't. Gen. Mgr. Cham Say L. , Import Mgr. Cham Sioc E, Mem. of the Firm. Cham ICim Beng, Cashie!'. Chamber of Commerce of the PhilippinesTel. 22619-Magallanes Drive, Intramu· 1'05 .

(See also Mi scell aneous Section) Chamber of Mines of the Philippines-Tel 28476-4th Floor, National City Ba nk Bldg., Jua n Luna, Binondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Chamorro, Max- Gravel an d Sand DealerT el. 26626- 224 Gra1. Solano, San Miguel.

Champion Venetian Blind-Tel. 67277-33 Teresa, (Santa Mesa), Sampaloc. Eusebio de Obieta, Prop. Maximina de Obi eta , Mgr. Miss Conchita Obieta, Supt.

Chan Bona & Co., Simon A.- Importers, Exporters, and Commission Agents-Consignee and Leaf Tobacco Dea lers-P. O. Box 2098-Tel. 48983-Cable Address: "KUNYEK"-Codes Used: Bentley's Pri. vate-848 Urbiztondo, San Nicolas. Simon A. Chan Bona, Mgr. Chan Chico & Co., L td. , Joaquin- Importers and Exporters, Manu facturers' Agents-P. o. Box 479-Tel. 49223-Cable Address: "CHAN CHICO" - 941·945Magdalena, (Trozo). Uy Chong Seng, Manager. Consolacion Chan, Manager and Treas. Chan Chi n Sing & Co.- Importers and Exporters -Po o. Box 2000-Tel. 23277Cable Address: "CIIUNCHONG"- 329 Claveria, Binondo. Chan Chin Sing, Mgr. Chan Chu an, Enrique Lete-Leaf Tobacco Dealer-Tel. 49373-403 Jaboneros, San Nicola s. Chan, Dr. Fernando M.-Physician and Surgaon- T el. 47625-205-200 Soler Cor· ne r Reina Regente. Chan Hon Yan-Restau rant---Tel. 49026235 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. Chan Kiau & CO.- Rice Dealers-P. O. Box 695-Tel. 48255- 259 Juan Luna, Binon do. Chan Kiau , Mgr. Chan Lin Cuon & Co.-Hard wa re, Paint and Oil Importers and Dea lers Wholesale a nd Retail- P . O. Box 1677- Tol. 48055 - 93 Rosario, Binon do. Chan Lin Cuon, Mgl'. Chan Pi n Grocery-Grocery and Provision Dealers, Retail- 57 Blumentri tt, Sta. Cruz. Chan Sun- Tobacco Merchant-Tel. 48311 - 660 Magdalena, Binondo. Chan Ti ng Chuan- Dealer in MagazinesTel. 29786-431 Zurbara n, Santa Cruz. Chanco Advertising Arts, Ros. M.- Adver· tising Illustra tions , Designs, Window Display-Tel. 25657- 2nd Floor, Ansaldo Bldg., 250 David, Binondo. Ros, M. Chanco. Rico Liwanag. Plu tarco Briones. Chanco Grocery and Cold Store, F , V.Grocery Dealers-Tel. 56880- 600 Vito Cruz, Malate. Felipe V. Chanco, Prop. Charito's Coffee Shoppe-Tel. 26112-73 San Rafael, Qui apo. Ignaci a de Gavi eres, Prop. Charity Beauty Parlor- Tel. 28757-894 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Caridad de Ocampo, Prop.

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Charity Laundry-Tel. 46236- 1140 Magdalena, Tando. Mrs. Leonarda Carino, Prop. Charles B'e auty Parlor-Hair SpecialistsTel. 54078-238 A. Mabini, Ermita. Ch. Fuszek, Prop. CIIARLES GROCERY & COLD STORES (Go Hin & Co., Inc.)Groceri'es and Provisions-Bakery Products and Frozen Meats-P. O. Box 1796 - Tels. 57863 and 57864-124·128 Isaac Peral, El'mita. . Charles Go Hin, Mgt'. Charter Brunner, Inc.-Manufacturers' Representatives-Importers and Exporters -Po O. Box 1201-Tel. 49853-Cable Ad· dress: "CHABRUN" - 4t.h Floor, Wise Bldg., 176 Juan Luna, Binando. J. R. H. Mason, Vice-Pres. and Tl'eas. CIIARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUS· TRALIA AND CIIINA- Banking-P. O. Box 303- Tel. No. 49857 (Private exchange connecting all Departrnents)-CahIe Address: "CRUCIBLE"-S. J. Wilson Bldg., Ground Floor, 143 Juan Luna, Binando. Manila: C. E. Stewart, Agent. L. T. Watty, Sub-Agent. C. C. W. Wi ll son, Accountant. J. T. McDougall, Sub~Accountant. R. G. Hill, Sub~Accountant. A. S. M. Young, Sub-Accountant. J. M . Houghton, Sub-Accountant. A. M . Crichton, Sub-Accountant. Cebu: W. G. Hollyer, Sub-Agent. tV. G. M. Anderson , Sub-Accountant. W. Watson, Sub-Accountant. Iloilo: L. W. Dixon, Sub-Ag'ent. L. B. Richardson, Sub-Accountant. (See Advertisement) Chaves, Apolonio R.-Lawyer- P. O. Box 2490 - Tel. 22339 - Room 407, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Chaves, Eulalio-Lawyer- Tel. 21163-3rd Floor, H eacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Chaves Gravel and Sand- Gravel and Sand Dealer - Tel. 56857 - Calle A via do res (San Andres Sub-division) Sta. Ana. Filomeno Chaves, Prop. and Mgr. Chaves , Lillo-Pawn Broker- 808 San Nicolas, San Nicolas. Chaves, Sali nas & Co.-Customs Brokers and Forwarding Agents-Tel. 23357428 Dasmarifias (Upstairs ), Binondo. Alejandro Chaves. Jose Sal i nas.

Chay Seng Shirt Factory- Tel. 47288-221 Carvajal, Binondo. Po Sung Hang, Prop. Che Len Pet Sui-Blacksmith Shop-Tel. 27065- 663 Soler, Santa Cruz. Chee & Co., L. A.-(Val'adel'o de San Mig;uel) - Ship Builders-P. O. Box 1244Tel. 21660-745 Echague, San Miguel. L. A. Chee, Prop. and Mgr. J. C. Sebastian, Ass't. Mgr. Liu Fong, Overseer. Chan Ping, Bkkp. Chee-Poy Tock Tong-Furniture Manufacturer- Tel. 26381-200 E speleta, Santa Cruz. Chee Puck- Furniture and Refrigerators M,anufacturers-521-523 Soler Cor. Gandara. Binondo. Chee Woo Tong Co.-Druggists-Tel. 25335 - 453 Dasmariiias, Binondo. Chan Kwok He, Pharmacist. Ching Seh Nam, Pharmacist. Chan F. Koon, Pharmacist . Miss Mercedes C. Torres, Pharmacist. Chen Yek Grocery-Grocery and Provisions Dealers, Retail-Tel. 48239- 601 Santo Cristo, San Nicola s. Chen Yek, Prop. Cheng Ban Heng-Grocer- Tel. 484081110 Santa Elena, San Nicolas. Cheng Ban Sieng, Mgr. Cheng Ban Shing-Gl'ocer- Tel. 48047632 Tabora, San Nicolas. Cheng Ban, Prop. and Mgr. Cheng Ban Yek & Co., Ltd. (International Oil Factory) -Manufacturers of Veg~­ table Oil Products-Wholesale and RetaIl Grocers- General Importers and Exporters- Rice Mill Owners-Po O. Box 2040 - Tels. 48238, and 49903- Cable Address : "BANYEK" and "INOF"- 523-527 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Chung Liu, Gen. Mgr. Ching Leng, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. Jose Lim, Gen. Sec'y. Cheng Chay & Co.-Grocery Dealers-P. O. Box 2436-Tel. 48807- 424 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Cheng Chay, Mgr. Cheng Liong-Grocery-Tel. 48530-1034 Comercio, San Nicolas. Cheng Liong, Prop. and Mgr. Cheng Mayet-Second Hand Store-3l6 Gandara, Binondo. Cheng Mayet, Mgr. Ch eng Siong Lam & Co.- Rice Dealers, Rice Mills Proprietors and Oil Importers P . O. Box 1524-Tels. 49606 and 49650Long Distance Tel. 46-Cabanatuan, N.


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Ecija - Cable Address: "SIONGLAM",1001 Dagupan, Tondo. Cheng Siang Lam, Mgr. Silvio Cheng-Pan, Associate Mgr. Cherry Kitchen - Restaurant - 'l'cl. 22335 -430 Sales, Sta. Cruz. M. Akama, Prop. Chi Seng~Sack Dealer-1Tel. 49296-408 Ilang-lIang, San N icolas. Chi Seng-Candle Manufacturer-P. O. Box 2820-Tel. 26357-130 Villalobos, Quiapo. Sy Kee & Co., Props. Chi Sing & Co.-Glassware Dealers- Tel. 48214-358 Santo Cristo, Sa n Nicolas. Chi Sing, Prop. Chiat ehun-Exchange Broker-Tel. 48843 -505 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Ping, Mgr. Chiat Juat Grocery-Grocers-Tel. 48292553 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chiat Liang-Grocery Dealer-736 Dart, Paco. So Koo, Mgr. Chic Shoppe, The-Dry Goods and Embroi .. deries-309 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Isabel Pablo, Prop. and Mgr. Chicago Bazar- 167-169 Real, Intramuros: Yek Guan, Prop. Chicago Cafe- Restaurant-Tel. 24101409 Rizal Ave., Santa Cruz. Ding Ah Chung, Mgr. and Prop. Chicago Daily N ews-Manila Office-Tel. 21126-Room 510, Heacock Bldg., Escol ta, Binondo. Walter J. Robb, Correspondent. Chicago Portrait Company of the Phi lippines-Portraits- P. O. Box 2688-Tel. 49002-Cable Address: "CIMROc"-Wise Bldg., 178 Juan Luna, Binondo. C. F. McConnick. Chicote, Alfredo- Lawyer- P. O. Box 658 - Tel. 21383 - Room 312 Regi na Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Chim Yeng- Blacksmith- 611 Jaboneros, San Nicolas. Chim Yeng, Mgr. Chin An Grocery-Grocers, Retail-P. O. Box 904-Tel. 47568-527 Nueva, Binondo. Chin Hua Exchange-Money Changer-Tel. 24626-11 Espcleta, Santa Cruz. Pe Chong, Mgr. Chin Hua Iron Works-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 367-Rizal Extension, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Chin Jo - Lumber Yard - Tel. 68536 - 2 Riverside, San Juan, Rizal. Tan Samco, Prop.

Chin Sing & Co.-Hardware Dealers-Tel. 47698-233 Rosario, Bi nondo. Lim Kiong, Mgr. Chin Tek-Importer and Exporter-Tel. 49043-124 HOl'miga, Binondo. Chin Yak-Restaura nt-Tel. 48579-225 Carvajal , Binondo. Chin Yek & Co.-Grocers-TeI. 489201115 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Chin Y'ck, Mgr. CHINA BANKING COHPOHATIONBanking-P. O. Box 611-Tel. 47964Cable Addrzss : "CHIBANK"-China Bank Bldg., Cor. Dasmariiias and 108 Juan Luna, Binondo. Board of Directors: Albino Z. Sycip, Vice-Pres. Uy Yet. Oei Tjoe. G. Dy Buncio. Marcelo NubIa. Chong Su See. Li Seng Giap. H. L. Huang . Dee K. Chiong. Tsuyee Pei. George Dee Se Kiat Officers: Albino Z. SyC ip, Mgr. Martin Hopun, Ass't. Mgr. Jose Damian, Accountant. Lee Siau Tong, Mgr. Foreign Dept. Perfecto Jose, Sec'y. Y. L. Young, Cash ier. Tan Kim Liong , Ass't. Cashi er. Siy Ka Bio, Sub-Accountant. Simeon Sy, Sub-Accountant . L. L. Pan, Auditor. Branches: Kulangsu, Ch ina. Yap Tian Sang, Mgr. Shanghai, China. T. S. Wang, Mgr. (See Ad't.'e1·tisement) China Bazar-Tel. 49024-237 Rosario, Binondo. Ang H ing, Prop. and Mgr. T iu Tuan, Mgr. China Bel t Factory-Belt and Shirt Manufacturers- Tel. 48575- 532-534 Nueva, Binondo. Ng Tiong, Mgr. China B ird Store-Po O. Box 66--474 -476 Dasmatiiias, B inondo. Lei Far, Prop. and Mgr. CIDNA CAN CO. (Manila Office) .-Ti n Lithographers and Can ManufacturersTe1. 47107-Cable A ddress: "CHINACANco"-487 Juan Luna., B inondo. Benjami n K. Lim, Manager.


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Home Office: 247 Canton Road, Shanghai-China. Hongkong Factory:-.Main Street, Shaukiwan, Hongkong. China Drawn Work Co.-Importers and Exporters--Chinese Embroidery and Oriental Curio Dealers-P. O. Box 465-Tel. 28340-Cable Address: "Chinawol'k"-84 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. K. C. Chen, Gen. Mgr. Lim Hap, Ass't. Mgr. China Hall-P. O. Box 745-Tel. 49170527 Alvarado, Binondo. Ai Kok Ye, Pres. China Hand Works-Chinese Embroideries and Silk-P. O. Box 3187-Tel. 54223Cable Address: "HANDWQRKS-243 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. Tan Seng Hung, Prop. and Mgr. China Insurance and Surety Co., Inc.-Tels. 24323-28452-622 (2nd floor) Gandara, Binondo. Enrique Tiaoqui Yu Chengco, Pres. and Mgr. Yang Pao Wang, Act'g. Treasurer and Ass't. Mgr. Pedro Villanueva, Jr., Secretary. China Lace Store-General Merchandise and Curios-Po O. Box 3010-Tel. 56621 -251 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Chua Chian, Prop. Chineleria Bisig Paterenlr-Slipper Manufacturing-2820 Herran, Sta. Ana. Jose Gabriel, Prop. Chineleria DaIisay-Slipper Making-533 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Eugenio Cayton. Chineleria de M. Reyes-960-B Magdalena, Tondo. M . Reyes, Prop. Chineleria Kasarinlan-Slipper Making749-A Dart, Paco. Escolastico Sanchez, Prop. CIUNESE ASSOCIATIONS (See Miscellaneous Section) Chinese Cemetery - Tel. 22167 - 286 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Alfonso Go, Jr., Incharge. CHINESE COMMERCIAL NEWS CO., INC.-Newspaper Publishers-Po O. Box 452-Tel. 49795-Cable Address: IfSION_ po"-2 Sol<er (near Azchrraga bridge), Tondo. Yu Yi Tung, General Mgr. Ty Han Eng, Treas. S. Lai, Mng. Editor. W. C. Chen~, Editor. K. C. Yeh, Editor. Francisco Go, Editor. Marcelino Adriano, Adv. Mgr.

Chinese Community-Tel. 49596- 222 Soler, Binondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Chinese Consulate General-Tels. Consul General 56667; Consul 57456; General Office 57209-1350 Oregon, Ermita. Dr. C. Kuangson Young, Consul-General. K. Y. Mok, Consul. P. K. Chu, Vice-Consul. C. Li, Vice-Consul. T. S. Yao, Deputy Consul. T . M. Siao, Deputy Consul. Y. H. Loo, Chancellor. Chinese Drug Store-Druggist, Retail-Tel. 28165-635 T. Alonso, Santa Cruz. . Lee Song Lim, Prop. Chinese General Hospital-Tel. 23043-286 Blumentritt, Santa Cruz. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Chines"e News Papers Agent, The- Chinese Magazine and Paper Store-Po O. Box 2996-706 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Sy Sun Sam, Prop. Chinese Trading Co., Inc., The-Dry Goods Dealers, Importer and Exporter-P. O. Box 2197-Tel. 4900G-Cable Address: "CHINTRAco"-Codes Used: Acme A. B. C. and Private--439 Nueva, Binondo. Kui Hoa San, Mgr. and Prop. Angel Ongcapin, Sec'.y. Ching Ban Uy-Rice Store---:-Tel. 482951034 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Ching Ban Uy, Mgr. Ching Bee-Rice Merchant-Tel. 47730771 Juan Luna, Tondo. Ching Chay & Co.-Grocery Dealers-Tel. 48807--424 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ching Chay, Mgr. Ching Chuan Bee Furniture - Furniture Dealers and Manufacturers - Tel. 48980 - 708 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Ching Chuan Bee, Prop. Chnig Chuan Juat-Grocel'Y Dealer-Tel. 48032-1028 Comercio, San Nicolas. Ching Lip, Prop. Ching Chuan Sing-Grocery, Provisions and Tobacco Dealers, Wholesal'e and Retail-Tel. 48192-531 Muelle de Binondo. San Nicolas. Severino Sayque, Prop. Ching Guan & Co.-Hosiery Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-214-216 Gandara, Binondo. Ching Guan, Prop. Ching Guan Heng-Gl'ocer-Te1. 48538531 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Ching Guan Tay-Grocery-Tel. 68166-67 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Cheng Keng, Mgr.



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Ching Ring Trading Co.-Importers-P. O. Box 2732-Tel. 47744-Cable Address: "CHINGCHING"-419 Nueva, Binondo. Ching Hua Siong Giap- Imp0l'ter and Exporter-Po O. Box 800-Tel. 47713-339 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Tiu Kang, Mgt'. Ching Kao- Rice Dealer- Tel. 48469-497 M. de Binondo, Binondo. Ching Kao. Prop. Ching Kee- Restaurant-Tel. 47490-239 Carvajal, Binondo. Ching Kee Roo-Second Hand Dealer-Tel. 25561-400 Gandara, Binondo. Ching Kee Hoo, Mgr. Ching 15iao-Leathel' Goods Dealer-Tel. 49762-548 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Ching Lian Teng-Second Hand Store--413-417-421 Gandara, Binondo. Ching Lian Teng, Mgr. Ching Piao-Macaroni Factory-Tel. 49353 -719 Sto. Cristo, San N icolas. Ching Chong, Mgr. Ching Pue-Cigar and Cigarette DealerTel. 49259-1016 Comercio, San Nicolas. Chin!! Sing - Grocer.y - Tel. 25247 -720 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Ching Sing, Prop. and Mgr. Ching Tsai Jun & CO.- Dealers in Peanuts -Tel. 49770-Cable Address: "CHA YJUN" -115 Felipe II, Binondo. Ching Lo, Mgr. Ching Yao Press - Printers-BookbindersStatrioners-Tel. 28166-525 Azcarraga, Tondo. Ching Yee Drug Store - Druggist - 744 Ongpin, Binondo. Cheung Foo, Pharmacist. Chip Bo-Rice Merchant-Tel. 48144-114 Elcano, San Nicolas. Chip Guan-Rice Merchant-Tel. 481121040 Lavezal'Bs, San Nicolas. cmu CHIONG & CO., INC.,-Importers and Distributors- P. O. Box 2751Tel. 56903-Cable Address: "RISTA"-693697 A. Mabini, Corner Henan, El'mita. Chiu Chiong, Pres. and Treas. Ng Foo, Vice-Pres. Liong Siu, Gen. Mgr. Lee Ngan, Ass't. Mgr. Yng Ton, Director. Yap Tak Wing, Director. Go Fong, DirectOl·. Tomas L. Gonzales, Secretary. Operating: Standard Grocery & Cold Stores-Main Stores: 693-697 A. Mabini, Sta. Mesa. Branch: 806 Sta. Mesa. Ermita Grocery & Cold Stores-96-98 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita.

Rizal Grocery & Cold Stol'es-810-812 F. B. Harrison, }Jasay, Riza1. Standard Bakery - 1738-1742 Azcarraga, Corner Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. 27344-315 Chiuco, Jose-Lawyer- Tel. Samani1lo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Cho Kaito, DI·.-Physician and SurgeonTel. 48837- 706 Reina Regente, Binondo. CHOA Till AN SIU & CO.-ImportersGlasswares-Sundries-Hal'dwares - P. O. Box 2130-Tel. 49945-Cable Address: "CHOATHIANSIU" - 475 Juan Luna, Bi~ nondo. Choa Thian Siu, General Manager. Choa Khong Khi, Ass't. Manager. Choan Huat Glass Factory-Tel. 49905Office: 460-462 Juan Luna, Binondo. Factory: J. Rizal, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Choan Huat Pomade FactorN-Pomade Manufacturers and Importers - P. O. Box 2189-Tel. Office : 49905 and Warehouse: 46127-Cable Address: "CHOAN HUAT"460-462 Juan Luna, Binondo. Tan Tiong Chuy, Mgr. Yu Kong Tiong, Mgr. Chong Heng- Glassware and Hardware Dealer-Tel. 25245-379-381 Echague, Sta. Cruz. . Chong Ho-General Merchant-Tel. 49112 -1202 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Chong Lin & Co.-Importers-P. O. Box 1987 - Tel. 47768 - Cable Address: "CHONG LlN"-437 Nueva, Binondo. Dy Giok Lin, Mgr. Chong Tog & Co.-Importer and Exporter -Tel. 47347-206 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chong Tu & Co.-Second Hand DcalersP. O. Box 1324- Tel. 24134-125 Espeleta, Sta. Cruz. Chong Tu, Mgr. Choolaram & Sons-Importers and Exporters-Tel. 22935-27 E scolta, Bniondo. Gurnamal Choolaram, Prop. Kotoomal Choolaram, Prop. CHOY &: CO., S. C.-Lumber Dealers, Sole Philippine Distributors for Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co.-P. O. Box 762 Tel. 49590 - Cable Address: "CHOY"Office: 672 Juan Luna, San Nicolas; Mi1l and Yard 1811-1825 Juan Luna, Tondo. S. C. Choy, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. HenryChoy, Ass't. Mgr. William Choy, Treas. Christenberry, Diane Deering-Voice CultUre - Tel. 23841 Br. 160 -lll6 Gral. Luna, Ermita.


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Chua Chiu, General Manager. CHRISTERN, HUENEt'ELD & CO., Manuel E. Cosiquien, Manager. INC.- Exports, Imports, Insurance-P. Juan Co Quinco, Cashier. O. Box 2046-Tel. 48774- Cable Address: Co Hoek Kieng, Bookkeeper. "STERNHUENE" -711 Roman Street, BiAntonio Co, Salesman. nondo. Ewald Huenefeld, Pres. and Mgr. Chua Cho Ching-Rice Dealer-Tel. 48834 P. Constantino, Sec'y. -59 Soler, Binondo. J. Constantino, Lucban Branch. Chua Chu Drug Store- Dl'uggist-Tel. S. G. Mallorca, Daraga Branch. 49459-220 Rosario, Binondo. Chu Bio Lumber-Chua Loa & Co.- LumChua Chu, Pharm. ber Dealers- Tel. 56828 and 54193-1639 Chua Chuan Golden Shoe- Tel. 46239-223 Herran Cor. Santiago, Paco. Gandara, Binondo. Chua Loa, Mgr. Chua Chuan Guan-Gl'ccer-Tel. 47670Chu Guan Bazar-P. O. Box 2034-Tel. 638 Tabora, San Nicolas. 22958-337 Nueva, Binondo. Chua Chuan Huat-Glassware-Tel. 48693 Chua Ah Lee-Pomade- Tel. 27833-427 -378 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Bermuda, Sta. Cruz. Chua, Dr. Geo. G.-Physician-Tel. 26188 Chua. Al'senio--General Mre rchant-Tel. -958 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. 29828-102 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Chua Bee---Charcoal and Firewood Store Chua Gua Lio--Restaul'an t-351 Ylang YIang, San Nicolas. -Tel. 48387-902 A. Rivera, Tondo. Yu Juan, Prop. Chua Bee, Prop. Chua Bing Seh-Sack Dealer- Tel. 49003 Chua Him Lay-Vermicelli and Macaroni 467 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Manufacturer-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operaotr for Cal. 253-43 Tugatog, Malabon, Chua Boon Pen-Importer and ExporterP. O. Box 3105-Tel. 48860-221 Ongpin. Rizal. Binondo. Chua Hoc Hing-Wooden Box ManufacChua Boon Pen, Prop. turer-Tel. 47745-361 Elcano, San N iChua Bun Pho, A. M. - Importer - Tel. colas. 47382-813 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Chua Floc Ring, Mgr. Chua Chengse - Hardware Dealer - Tel. Chua Hong Bio - Grocery Dealer - Tel. 55473-1625 Henan, Paco. 29774-53 Blumentritt, Santa Cruz. Chua Chengse, Prop. Chua, Jose-Cate rel'- Te1. 48351-715 MagChua Chiaco & Co.-Importers, Exporters dalena Binondo. of Native Products- Rice Merchants and Chua-Ke,, C. S.-Machine Shop-Tel. 48084 Sack Factory-P. O. Box 1191-Tel. -552-554-556-560 Elcano, San Nicolas. 49702-Cable Address: "CHUA CHIACO"C. S. Chua-Ke, Prop. and Contractor. 253 Juan Luna, Binondo. Chua Kia, Hilarion T .-Coal Dealer-Tel. J . Chua Ho, Mgr. 49505-49 Gral. la Chambre, Binondo. Antonio Chua Chiaco, Mgr. Kian- General Merchan t -Tel. 49918 Chua Pedro Chua Chiaco, Ass't. Mgr. - 450 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Chiaco, Dr. Manuel - PhysicianSurgeon-Po O. Box 1191- Tel. 49702-' Chua Kian & Co.-Box Factory- Tel. 47633 - 540 Nueva, Binondo. 253 Juan Luna, Binondo. Chua Chin Ki - Gasoline Station - Tel. Chua Lay Hoc-Hardware-Tel. 47597109 Rosario, Binondo. 48314-501 Benavides, Binondo. Chua Leong & Co.-Glass Store-Tel. 49004 Chua Chin Ki, Prop. - 305 Gandara, Chua Chin Lee-Sheet Metal-Tel. 25489Chua Leong, Mgr. Office: 463 Dasmariiias, Binondo, Factory: No. 11 Obando Cor. Misericordia, Chua Limco & Company - Importers Sta. Cruz. and Exporters-Distributors of American Dalmacio Tanganco, Mgt'. and Australian Flour- P. O. Box 2816 Chua Ching- Shirt Dealer- Tel. 48395-236 - This. Gen. Manager 48188; Import Carvajal, Binondo. Dept. 49914; Sales Dept. 47408; and Warehouse 49087-Cable Address: "CHUAChua Chiu Vda. de Pablo Co Quinco & Co.' -Lumber Dealers, Wooden Boxes and LIMco"-Chualimco Bldg. , 763·765 Sto. Cigar Boxes Manufacturers - Building Cristo, Corner 308-320 Azca l'l'aga, San Contractors- Po O. Box 247- Tel. 21809 Nicolas. -Cable Address: "co QUINCO"-602-612 Chua Limco, Gen. Mgt'. Tanduay, Quiapo. Gan Bun Cho Asst. Mgt'. t


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.\4 MANIT.A CITY' DIRECTORY --------~--------~~~------------------------

Chua Lio-Sacks-Tel. 49003-467 M. de Binondo, Binondo. Chua Bing Sek, Mgl". Chua Liong-Bqttle Dealer- Tel. 48364314 Asuncion, 'San Nicolas. Chua Liong, Mgr. Chua Loa & CO.-Lumber Dealers-This. 56828 and 54193-1639 Herran (Int.), Paeo. Enchong Chua, Mgr. Chua Luan & Co., Inc.-Importers, Exporters, General Merchants, Wholesale and Retail Dealers-Native Products-Tel. 48547-310-312 gto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Son E., Pres. and Mgr. Chua Ping King-Law¥el'-Tel. 46129-201 Rosario, Binondo. Chua Pingking Office - Indentol's, Manufactm'ers' Representatives, Commission Agents-P. O. Box 77-Tel. 46129-Cable Address: "WESTRA co"-201 Rosario, Binondo. Atty. Chua Pingking. Atty. Marcelo Adduru. Atty. Eusebio D. Morales. Atty. Salvador C. Reyes . Miss Irene F. Meyers, Sec'y.-Treas. Miss Hel'my Carmona, Sec'y. Miss Epifania Flores, Stenog. Pascual B. Agustin, Clerk. Chua Quian-Grocer.y-Tel. 28027-1611 Azcal'l'aga, Sta. Cruz. Chua Seco & Co., Cornelio (Chua Seoo~ Francisco, Vda. y Herederos)-General Merchants-Wholesale and Retail-Importers of Notions, Glassware and Enamel Ware-Po O. Box 963-Tel. 48743521 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Cornelio Chua Seco, Mgr. Chua Sing Juat Mirror Factory-(Tiger Brand) Mirrors and Gkss ImportersTel. 27008-0ffice: 325-327 Nueva, Binondo-Factol'Y: 313-315 Nueva, Binondo. Chua Chih, Mgr. Chua Sy Quiat & Co., S. en C.-Exchange Merchant and Importer-P. O. Box 367 -Tel. 47270-1107-1109 San Fernando~ Binondo. E. S. Chua Sy Quiat. Chua The-Real Estate and Bazar-P. O. Box 1007-Tcl 48729 744 Tabol'a, San Nicolas. Chua Tee, Mgr. Chua Tee Auto Supply & Gas Station-Tel. 27267-525 Gandara, Binondo. Chua Tee, Manager. Chua Tiat To & CO.-Tinsmith-P. O. Box 2154-Tel. 49993-373-379 Muelle de Bi-

nendo, San Nicolas. Chua Tiat To, Mgr. Chua Tin-Hardware , Dealer- Tel. 54266~ 1476 Herran, Paco. Chua J 0C r Prop. Chua Tiongr :Rio' Bel'l'eria-Tel. 25390-7301 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Chua 'Fiongo BiOlt Mt::.l'. Chua Vit &; Cb.--<IJlry c.:oo&', Wholesa'l'e' and Reta"il, Im.p3.rUer amd! Iilxporteli-P. O. B<>x 2<II.'lI> oondJ i!'Z9Dl--'li'el. 4''62~-]6l!' Rosario, Elinondoi Chum "Il'i:ttr Mgr .. CHUA YAP (PHILIPPINE InKROB F4CTORY)-Manufacturer and! neaTer of all kinds of Mirrors and Showcases-Central Office and Factory: 716718 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz-Tels. 21891 and 21628 - Cable Address: "GLASS"Manila-Branch Store: 417-425 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas, Tel. 49700. Chua Yap, Prop. Chua Yaw, Leon-Boats for Hire-Tel. 21623-979-H Muel1e de la Industria, San Nicolas. Chua Yu-Merchant-P. O. Box 1208-Tel. 49707-809 J aboneros, San Nicolas. Chuakay & Co., M.-Rice M'e rchant-Rice Mill: San Nicolas, Gapan, Cabanatuan. N. Ecija-P. O. Box 1517-Tel. 49268Cable Address: "CHONGHENG" - Central Office: 267 Juan Luna, Rinondo. M. Chuakay, Mgr. Chuakay, M.- Sack Manufacturers- Tel. 47691-1010 Azcarraga, Binondo. Manuel Chuakay, Prop. and Mgr. Chuan An-Furniture Dealer-Tel. 48003355 nang Ilang, San Nicolas. Nang Chan, Prop. Yu Yak Puat, Mgr. Chuan Guan-Grocery Dealer-Tel. 289271653 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Chuan Guan, Prop. Chuan Heng & Co.-Dry Goods-Tel. 29396 -231 San Vicente, Binondo. S. Y. Chua, Manager. Chuan Hing-Blacksmith-Tel. 48516-930 Azcarraga, Binondo. Chuan Lam Exchange - Thl. 48665 - 237 Carvajal, Binondo. Chuan Lee-Grocer - Tel. 56431- 625-E Dart, Paco. Chuan Lee Rice Store-Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 47139-493 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Chuan Lee, Prop. C!1uan Seng - General Merchant - Tel. 49711-431 M. de Binondo, Binondo.

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Chuan Seng & Co.-Importer and Exporter -Po O. Box 2025-Tel. 48686-531 Nueva, Binondo. Chuan Tay & Co.-Dry Goods Dealer- Tel. 28436-360 EchagU'e, Sta. Cruz. James Sia, Mgt'. Chuapoco, Dr. Cecilio-Physician and Pharmacist-TeL 51547-272 Libel'tad, Pasay, Rizal. Chuatoco, Dr. Jose-Physician-Sul'geonTel. 48703-507 Benavides, Binondo. Chuidian & Company. H. C.- Real E stateP. O. Box 1869-Tel. 25844-1951-1953 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. H . C. Chuidian, Mgr. and Treas. M. C. Maiong, Legal Adviser. M. Garcia, Auditor. Chuidian, Com'ado- Stocks and Bonds-P. O. Box 848-Tel. 26857-130 Crystal Arcade, E scolta, BinonUo. Chuidian, Juan T.- Lawyer- Tel. 2337131'd Floor, 181 David, Binondo. Chumbuque, Jose Lim (See "Lim Chumbuque, Jose"). Chun Chong Hing- Importer and Exporter -Po O. Box 2000-Tel. 23277-Cable Address : "CHUNCHONC"-329 Claveria, Binondo. Chan Ching Sing, Mgr. Chung Hua Bazar-Tel. 25979-545 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Sy Tian Chiok, Prop. and Mgr. CHUNG HUA PRESS CO., INC. -Printing, Bookbinding and Stationel'¥-P. O. Box 452-- Tel. 49516- Cable Address: "cHUNGHuA"-Main Office and Printing Department: 4 Soler, Tondo. Yu Yi Tung, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Ty Han Eng, Treas. Chung Hwa Book Co. and Commercial Press Co.-P. O. Box 196B-Tels. 47476 and 48990-Cable Address: "CHUHWABOCO"-325-329 Juan Luna, Binondo. Paul H . Lim, Mgr. CHUNG KUO INSURANCE CO., LTD_ -Fire and Marine Insurance-Tels. 47449 and 49692 China Bank Bldg., Dasrnarifias Cor. Juan Luna, Binondo. S. C. Ling, Manager. W. Y. Yang, Business Manager. F. S. Yu, Sub-Manager. Head Office: China Insurance Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. Chung Woo Hong-Manufacturers' Representatives-Importers and ExportersP. O. Box 231B-Tel. 27941-Cable Address : "GOODFRIEND" - 218-222 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. . Leung Hing Man, Prop.

Chuntianlay, B. - Sundries - Tel. 48168177-179 Rosario, Binondo. Buenaventura Chuntianlay, Prop. CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS INSTITU'DONS-(See Miscellaneous Section) Churchill & Tait, Inc.-Adverti sing Agen: cies-P. O. Box 421-Tel. 57483-179 Inverness, Sta. Ana. Cine Alegria..-Cinematograph-Tel. 28281 -1842 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Josefa de Santamaria, Prop. Placido Cerig, Mgr. Cine Apolo-Cinematograph-Tel. 270321348 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Josefa de Santamaria, Prop. Cine Dart-Cinematograph-Tel. 54997727 Dart. Paco. Eugenio Sevilla, Prop. Cine Eden - Cinematograph - Dart, Cor. San Andres, Paeo. Jose del Rosario, Mgr. Cine Gloria-Cinematograph-Tel. 48868 Sande (Near Herbosa), Tondo. Severa de Jesus, Mgr. Cine Jdilio-Cinematograph-Tel. 5154&164 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Carlos Galvez, Actg. Mgr. Cine Luzon - Cinematograph -Tel. 29497 -Cavite and Rizal Avenue, Sta Cruz. Eugenio Sevilla, Prop. Bayani Reiya, Mgr. Cine Metro-Cinematograph-Tel. 29342703-705 R. Hidalgo, Qui.po. Angel Garchitorena, Prop. Cine Moderno-Cinematograph-358 Legar_ da, Sampaloc. Cine Noli - Cinematograph - 2262 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cl·UZ. Francisco Santamaria, Jr., Financier. Jose Uycho, Mgr. Cine Odeon-Cinematograph-Tel . 66220722 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Eugenio Sevilla, Prop. Cin'e Oro-Cinematograph-Tel. 24586-49 PlaZa! Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Pablo Velarde, Prop. Mauricio Guidote, Mgr. Cine Paco-Cinematograph-Tel. 55525713 Dart, Paco. Francisco Santamaria, Jr., Prop. Remigio Sarte, Mgr. Cine Pasay - Cinematograph - 385 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Gonzalo Acosta, Prop. Cine Paz-Cinematograph-1720-22 Herran, Paco. Dr. Teofilo Villongco, Prop. Francisco Santamaria, Jr., Financier. Remigio Sarte, Mgr .


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Cine Plaza-Cinematograph-Tel. 22317212 Echague, Sta. Cruz. E. Santos, Prop. Fabian Mendoza, Hous'a Mgr. Cine Reno-Cinematograph-Tel. 47887Gamba St., San Nicolas. Eugenio Sevilla, Prop. Cine Rizal-Cinematograph- Tel. 48654806 YJaya, Tondo. Mrs. Josefa T. Santamaria, Jr., Mgt'. Cine Stal'-1721 Azcal'rag-a, Sta. Cruz. GuiHermo Tiomico, Mgr. Cine Tondo-Cinematograph- Tel. 48479Sande Cornel' Moriones, Tondo. Euganio Sevilla, Prop. Cine Venus-.Cinemaoograph- Tel. 493511179 Sande, Tondo. Diego Rodriguez, Prop. Cinema Supply Co., Inc.-Importers and Distributors-Te1. 29315-PadiIIa Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sm. Cruz. Francisco Bautista, Pres. Agaton Evangelista, Vice· Pres. Mrs. Carmen de Bautista, Sec'y-Treas. "CISO" AUTO REPAIR SHOP-Au tomobil'e Repair Shop-Upholstery, Woodwork, Painting, Topping, Engine Repair, Remodeling, Reboring and Welding-Tel. 28922-1460 Oroquie:ta, Sta. Cruz. N. C. Dino, Prop. and Mech. A. C. Dino, Chief Mech. Citizen and Elite Shoes-Shoe Dealers1516 Herran, Paco. Angel Pefialosa, Prop. and Mgr. Citizen Shoe Store, The-Shoe Dealer- Tel. 26770- 242 Gandara , Binondo. Go Hoc, Prop. Ci ty Auto Supply Co.-Automobile Accesso ries-This. 48442-48443-211-213 Azcarraga, Tondo. Branch Office: Tel. 51277813 F. B. Harrison , Pasay. Prudencio T. Cruz, Prop. City Baggage Transfer-Trucks for HireTel. 25851-219 Cabildo, Intramuros. Pastor E spar;ll1te, Prop. & Mgr. City Bazar & Jewelry-General Merchant and Manufacturer of Umbrellas---Jeweler -Tel. 47735- 79-B-81 Rosario, Binondo. Isiong Hao, Manager. CITY C'AnnIERCIAL CO., LTD.-Importers and Exporters-P. O. Box 54T el. 46203-Cable Address: "CITYCOM"921-923 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Jose Dy Chauco, Gen. Mgr. Enrique Dy Chauco, Mgr. City Furniture-Furniture Dealers.-Tel. 25103-1508 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. H. Angeles, Prop. City Investment Corporation-Real Estate and Tagaytay City Hotel-P. O. Box 3255

-Tel. 25449-Cable Address: "CINCO"502 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Antonio S. Ramos, Pres. Mrs. Ramona E. Labayen, Treas. Bal'aquiel A. Aure, Sec'y. Felix Evangelista, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Treas. Buenaventura Evangelista, Legal Adviser. Gregorio Alcantara, Ass't. Mgr. City Lumber-Lumber Dealers-Tel. 48066 -706 Juan Luna, Binondo. Gregorio Gotauco, Mgr. CITY ~nRROR FACTORY (T. Kalaw Ng Khe & Co.) - Manufacturers and Dealers of all kinds of Mirrors, Glass Importers-Tel. 47071-139-141 Rosario, Binondo. T. Kalaw Ng Khe, Mgr. Chua Siu, Ass't. Mgr. City Models-Tailoring Shop-1306 Juan Luna, Tondo. Mauricio Dandan, Prop. and Cutter. City Morgue-Tel. 57561--547 Herran, Malate. CITY OF MANILA- (See Miscellaneous Section) . CITY VULCANIZING PLANT AND TIRE CO.~Dealers of Fisk Tires, Seiberling Tires, Tubes and Accessories; Socony gasoline Mobil oil, Batteries and Auto Spare-parts-Tel. 23830-747 Severino, Quiapo. D. A . Dimagiba, Prop. and Mgr. CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION OF THE PHILIPPINES - Civic OrganizationP. O. Box 2999-Tel. 49403-101 Plaza del Conde, San Nicolas. CIVIL SERVICE LIST-(See Miscella· neous Section). Civil Service Review, The~Publicati on and Printing-po O. Box 3199, Manila-Tel. 27511-712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. L. R. Abiva, Managing Editor, Proprietor and General Manager. (Mrs.) A. Q. Abiva, Circulation Manager and Treasurer. Vicente L. del Fierro, Technical Adviser. Printing Department: Abiva. Press. Mrs. A. Q. Abiva. Manager and Treasurer. Clara vall, F. - Lawyer - Tel. 23257 - 3rd Floor, Roces Bldg, Rizal Avenue Corner Plaza Goiti, Sta Cruz. Clara vall & Villaluz-Lawyers-Tel. 21179 -329 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Francisco P. ClaravaIl, Lawyer. Sisenando Villaluz, Lawyer.

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2-23-62 MANILA



Celedonio D. Evangelista, Lawyer. ' Querubin J. Mabugat, Lawyer. Mateo Oribio, Chief Clerk. Clarita's Studio-Photographer-Tel. 25419 -1873 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Frisco Landero, Prop. and Photo. CLARK & CO~IP ANY - Optometrists and Opticians---P. O. Box n08-Tel. 22144-Cable Address: "CLARI( HAGER"3rd Floor, Brias Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binondo. R. N. Clark (Absent). G. T. Hermann H. O. Haynor (Absent.). R. A. Thorson J. A. Wolfson CLARKE & LARKIN-Accountants-P. O. Box 270, Manila, P. I.- Tel. 47948Cable Address : "cLARLAR"-Third Floor, Wilson Building, Juan Luna, Binondo. Vernon Thompson, C. P. A. Resident Partner. Miss M. Pierce, Secretary. E. L. Carey. R. W. Deihl. A. P. Ferrer, C.P.A., LL.B. M. B. Arcangel, C.P.A. A. F. Aquino, C.P.A. M. C. Cruz, C.P.A. R. Alejandre, C.P.A. G. Caguiat, C.P.A. F. A. Santos, C.P.A. F. Corpus, C.P.A. V. Josue, C.P.A. A. T . del Rosario, C.P.A. Oscar Villa, C.P.A. R. Schnabel, C.P.A. J. Aviado. Oscar Ccrvania, C.P.A. D. B. Conde. A. Gandionco. H. H. Fischer. F. L. Mendieta. J. J. Prats. A. M. V cia yo, C.P.A. K. C. Winternitz. Claudette Dress Shop-Imported Dresses -410 A. Mabini. Ermita. R. Yearsley, Prop. I. Lonergan, Prop. Claudio, Eduardo L.-Lawyer-Tel. 2'.t202 -308 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Clemente, S. N.-Certified Public Acc'.>untant-Tel. 24428-433 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz, Res. Tel. 52924. Clemefia, Engracio F .-Attorney-at-LawTel. 23060-Free Press Bldg., 680 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.


Cleveland Cafe- Saloon-Tel. 23 646-339 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Alex Luzak, Prop. Clipper Laundry-Bleachers and Dyers567 Clave), San Nicolas. Mrs. L. Abello, Prop. Clipper Laundry, The- Dry Cjeaning and Laundt'y- 700 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. C. L. Lazo, Prop. CI,O~IA & CO~IPANY- Athletic Goods, School Supplies, Importers and Manufacturers-Tel. 29139- Cable Address: "CLOMA"-2148 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Narci so Cloma, President and Gen. Manager. Pedro Cloma, Sales Manager. Maria de Cloma, Treasurer. Valentin Fran'cisco, Accountant. Atty. Antonio Gonzales, Legal Advi sel:. Tomas Cloma, Ass't. Manager. Cl osa's-Society Model- Tailol'- 127 Magallanes, Intramuros. Cornelio Closa, Prop. Clover Florist, The-Tel. 28468-Manila Hotel. Mrs. Juanita Soriano, Prop. & Mgl'. Club Filipino- Tel. 27513- 1021 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. (See also Miscellaneou s Section) Co Ban Ling and Co Ba n Kia t -Hardware, Carriage Accessories, P a ints and Oils, Wholesale and Retail- P. O. Box 2216Tels. 49333 and 49755- 161-165 Rosario, Binondo. Branch Store-uGuan Liang Hardware" -608 Azcarraga, Tondo and "Folgueras Hardware"-772-774 Folgueras, Tondo. Co Ban Ling, Mgr. Co Ban Kiat, Mgr. Co Chin Leng, Asst. Mgr. Sole Agents: China Paint Mfg. Co., Hongkong. Co Che-Cigar and Ciga r ette Dealer-Tel. 48136-563 Sto. Cri sto, San Nicolas. Co Chee Bok - Dry Good s Dealer - Tel. 26869-338 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. Co Chee Bok, Mgr. Co Chuan Huat--Chocolate ManufacturerTeL 57158-712 Dart, Paco. Co Chun Chat. Prop. Co Chuan Huat-Rattan Products, Wholesale and Retail-TeL 49528-525 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Ong Hian, Prop. Co Chuan Huat Soap Mfg .. Co.- Soap Manufacturers-TeL 49226- 1125 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Co Chuan Huat, Mgr.




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Co Chuan Yan Soap Factory-P. O. Box 2900 - Tel. 47484 - 1030 Comercio, San Nicolas. Sy Bao, Prop. and Mgr. Co Eng Hong Grocery-Tel. 47451-547 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Kaw Koa, Prop. and Mgr. Co Guan Cha- Soap Factory-Tel. 49268740 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Kang, Mgr. Co Guiap-Grocer.y and Provision Dealer, Retail-Tel. 47251- 1112 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Co Hiap Hing- Gl'ocer<y, Wholesale and Retail- Tel . 48923 - 537 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Tiac, Mgr. Co Hong-Restaul'ant -Tel. 49187- 908 Lavezal'es, San Nicolas. Co Jiap Ring-Sugar Dealer- Tel. 48923537 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Diac, Mgr. Co King Jap-Rice Dealer-P. O. Box 530 - Tel. 48857- 1029 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Co King Jap, Prop. Co Kingpec & Co., Zacarias-Rice and Corn Merchant-P. O. Box 643- Tel. 48283445 Juan Luna, Binondo. Zacarias Co Kingpec, Prop. Mrs. Khoe Lim, Mgr. Co Kun Box Fac tory- Tel. 47641-458 Nueva, Binondo. Co Liong San Grocery- Groceries and Provisions-Tel. 28330- 104 Sta. Potenciana, Intramuros. CO LU SO & SONS CO., INC.Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hardware and General Automotive Lines-Tels. 47016 and 49745-112-114 Plaza Calderon de la Barca, Binondo. Co Guan Tay, Manager. Branch Office and Store: 400 Azcarl'aga, Cor nel' Sto. Cristo, Tondo-Tels. 49932 and 49595. CO PAK & CO.-Soap Manufacturers and Soap Material Supplies - Agents, Coconut Oil for Philippine Refining Co., Inc. and San Pablo Ice and Oil Factory, Inc.-P. O. Box 2154-Tel. 49931-426 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Pak, Mgr. Tiu Pin, Mgr. Co Pak, Tiu Pin and Co. (Ching Hing Trading Co.) - lmporters and Exporters - Po O. Box 2732- Tel. 47744-419 Nueva, Binondo. Felix del Rosario Co Pak, Mgr. Co, Quintin-Rice Dealer-Tel. 47823-487 M. de Binondo, Binondo.

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Co Sen Chocolate Factory - 828 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Co Chong Sen. Prop Co Seteng & Co., Eduardo (Far EasUel'n Saw Mill)-Manufacturers of Wooden and Cigar Boxes, Lumber Dealers and Building Contractors-Po O. Box 68Tels. 47247 and 49027-Cable Address: "COSETENG"-2727 T. Earnshaw, Tondo. Edual'do Co Seteng, Gen. Mgr. Domingo R. Lo, Manager. Co Sun Tion-General Merchant-Tel. 46186---122 Plaza Calderon de la Barca, Binondo. Co Tao-Building Contractor-Tel. 49228935 Magdalena, Tondo. Co Taoco & Co.-General Merchants-P. O. Box 808-Tel. 48096-Cable Address: "COTAO"-366-68 Sto. Cristo, San Nicola s. Co Chiong, Mgr. Co Tian - Silversmith - Tel. 47644-479 Nueva, Binondo. Co Tin-Rice Dealer-Tel. 26775-134 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Co Tion~ Hing Soap Factory- Tel. 25403238 Tetuan, Santa Cruz. Co Cha, Prop. and Mgr. Co Tuan Soap Factory-Soap Manufacturers- Tel. 48812- 1109 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Co Tuan, Prop. Co Yaco & Co K'e ng-Cigar and Cigarette Dealers-Tel. 48819-434 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Yaco, Mgr. Co Yok Store-Sundries-Tel. 49265-1006 Comercio, San Nicolas. Co Yok, Managel路. Coastwise Cargo In spection Service-Po O. Box 314-Tel. 49760-Room 4, 42 Dasmarii13s, Binondo. Atty. Mariano Laureola, Chief Inspector and Executive officer. C. E. Cull, Ass't. Chief In spector. Cobarrubias, Amparo - Dressma ker - Tel. 26236-567 Legarda, Sampaloc, Cobarrubias' Hat Store and Tailoring-332 R. Hida1go, Santa Cruz. Emiliano Cobarrubias, Prop. Victoriano Cobarrubias, Assistant Mgr. Gregorio M. Cobarrubias, Office Mgr. Coca-Cola Export Corporation, The--Carbonated Beverages-P. O. Box 3365-Tel. 23642-Cabl'e Address: "COCA-COLA"-107 13th St., Mosel'co, Bldg., Port Area. P. S. Lewis, Mgt'.





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"COC::O GROVE"-Restaurant & BarTel. 51713-600 F. B. Hanison, Pasay, Rizal. Fili Ramirez, Manager. COCO GROVE, INC.-Placer Mines at Paraca1e, Camarines Norte - General Managers: Marsman & Company. Inc.Tel. 2-32-32-Marsman Building, Port Area. H . P. L. Jollye, President. R. W. Crosby, Vice-President. S. J . Wilson, Vice-President. AU. \Velhaven, Director. A. de las Alas, Director. E. E. Wing, Treasurer. Charles E. Strait, Ass't. Treasurer. M. H. O'Malley, Secretary. Geo. C. Dankwerth, Ass't. Secretary. A. L. VeliIla, Ass't. Secretary. Coco Theater-Cinematograph-Tel. 46250 -446 Juan Luna, Binondo. Wong Chu Un, Theater Mgr. Coconut Central Co., Inc-Coconut Products-Po O. Box 2016-Tel. 24991-Rm. 230-232 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Francisco Lavides. Pres.-Treas. Coconut Grove-Bar and Restaurant (The Admiral)-Tel. 56840-Cable Address: "ADMIRAL"-Dewey Boulevard and Aldecoa, Malate. Mrs. Victoria Lopez Araneta, Prop. Arvid Falck·Jensen, Mgr. Cohen, Abe B.-Importer and General Merchant-Tel. 24489-324 San Vicente, Binondo. Coinco, Ignacio M.-Weights and Measures -Tel. 28498-56 San Marcelino, Ermita. Cojuangco, Dr. Antonio - Physician and General Merchant-Tel. 49453-815 Narra, Tondo. . Cojuangco's General Merchants-Rice Merchant - Tel. 29887 - 741 Echague, San Miguel. Jose Cojuangco, Mgr. Col col & Co., M.-Stationery, General Merchandise-P. O. Box 908-Tel. 22998Cable Address: "COLCOL"-942 T. Alonso,

Sta. Cruz. M. M. Colcol, Prop. and Mgr. Cole & Co.-Blowers and Cine Projection Equipment-P. O. Box 253-Tel. 21352 Cable Address: "oscoE"-404-B San Vicente, Binondo. O. S. Cole, Mgr. COLEGIO DE STA. CATALINAPrivate School Directed by Dominican Sisters-Tel. 21261- 211 Anda, Intramuros-All Courses Offered.

Colgate - Palmolive - Peet Co.-Soap and Toilet Preparations-Po O. Box 2700Tel. 49740-Cable Address: "PALMOLIVE" -58 Dasmariiias, Binondo. W . M. Pearce, Mgr. H. Carpenter, Office Mgr. Mrs. Gretchen Blessing, Secretary. Pablo Campos, Chief, Accounting Dept. Felicisimo Rodriguez, chief, Sales Dept. Pedro Rodriguez, Cashier. College of Banking, Business & Economics -Tel. 24109-121 Real, Intramuros. Dr. Ricardo C. Lacson, President. M. Cuaderno, Sr., Dean. Pedro S. Nacu, Comptroller. Jose Palarca, Executive Secretary. V. H. Benetua, Registrar. Coll ege Beauty Shoo-Beauty Parlor-Tel. 27895-81 Alejandro VI, Sampaloc. Mrs. M. de Jesus, Prop. Collrege Hall Men's Dormitory-Tel. 22526 -625 Moret, Sampaloc. Mrs. Maxima Clemente, Prop. College Inn Resaturant - Tel. 55442 - 347 Florida, Ermita. Yu-Bontoy, Prop. College Ladies Dormitor,y -Tel. 22113-218 Concepcion, Ermita. Mrs. Benita Labrador, Prop. College of Oral and Dental Surgery-Private School-Po O. Box 2683-Tel. 28934 -1740 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Eladio R. Aldecoa, President and Dean. Dr. Deomedes de la Merced, Registrar. Miss Lydia P. Aldecoa, SecretaryTreasurer. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS--(See Mis-

cellaneous Section.)

Collegian Fashion-Tailoring-187 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. D. A. Laurel, Prop. Collegian Style Beauty Parlor-Tel. 56573 -1331 Herran, Paco. Mrs. A. R. Trinidad, Prop. Collegiate Permanent \Vave-Beauty Parlor-Te1. 23411-2280 Azcarraga, Sampaloc. Vicente Avelino, Mgr. Colonial Dress and Beauty Shop-Dress· making and Heauty Pal'lor-113 Romero Salas, Ermita. Miss Helen Palma, Prop. Miss Epifania Cuyugan, Mgr. Colorcraft Studio - Photographer Tel. 23785-Cable Address: "FECOR"-16 David, R'e gina Bldg., Binondo. Felix Cortes, Manager.



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Columbia Candy Factory-Candy Manufacturer-Te1. 48125-718 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Go Peng Kuan, Prop. Columbia Furniture Co.-Furniture Manufacturers - Tel. 48789 -720 Benavides, Binondo. Dy Yok. Mgr. Columbia Hotel- Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor- Tel. ReRt. 27382- Tel. Hotel 29760-50-52 M. H. del Pilar and 106-108 San Luis, Ermita. Go Fong, Mgr. N g Fook, Asst. Mgt'. COLUMRIA PICTURES OF THE pmLlPPINES, INC.-Film Distribution-P, O. Box 3248, Manila-Tel. 22356 Mgr.: 24854- Cable Address: "COLUMFILM" - 4th Floor State Bldg., Annex, 504 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Edmund Goldman, Genet'a! Manager. Perfecto E. Diaz, Assistant Manager. Pio Lim, Cash ier. Lucio A . Tan, Booker. Jesus F. Orozco, Assistant Booker. Bartolome R. Dandan, Bookkeeper. Apeles Santos, Billing Clerk. Benjamin Miranda, Accessories Incharge. Francisco Santos, Asst. Accessory Clerk. Jose Brigola, Chief Revisor. Albino Vi1Iaflor, Mounting Clerk. Marcelo Natividad. Evaristo Prado, Clerk. Francisco Doria. Felix Roberto, Shipper. Columbia Shoe Store-Shoe Dealers, Retail and Wholesale - P. O. Box 2445 - 1'<>1. 47558-243-245 Gandara, Binondo. Yu Ak, Mgr. Columbia Studio-Photographers-120 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Miss Felisa Cunanan, Prop. Onofre Virgenes, Photographer. Columbian Institute - Te1. 21484 - 14 T. Pinpin, Binondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Comco Sales Co.-Dealet's in Carbon Paper and Ribbon-Stationeries-P. O. Box 1968 -Tel. 48990-Cable Address: "COMCO"329 Juan Luna, Binondo. Paul Lim, Mgr. Comercio Bazar and School Supplies-Tel. 48093-1026 Comercio, San Nicolas. Sy Chuan, Prop. Comercio de Filipinas- Importers of General Merchandise-P. O. Box 2965-Tel.

22920 - Cable Address: "CODEFIL" - 320 Dasmarifias, Binondo, L. Gutierrez, Mgr. Comel'cio Grocer¥-Grocery Dealers, Retail- Tel. 49313 -1038 Comercio, San Nicolas. Ching Suy Poy, Prop. Comia, Dr. Gregorio G.-Dentist-Tel. 48045-3rd Floor, Ides Bldg., Corner Folgueras and M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Commander Tailoring, The-Tailor Shop320 Legarda, Sampaloc. Joaquin Sufiga, Prop. and Cutter. Commentator Publishing Company-Publishers of COMMENTATOR (A journal with a mission to promote the advancement of Educational, Commercial and International Amity)-P. O. Box 986-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 397-Cable Address: "COMPUCO" - No.8, Caimito Road, Northern Hills, Caloocan, Rizal. Demetrio Cagampan, Editor. Guillermo Ramos, Associate Editor. CO~nIERCE-Official Organ of and Pub_ lished Monthly by the Chamber of Commerce of the P. I.-Tel. 24454-Cable Address: "COMMERCE" - P . I. Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Magallanes Drive, Intramuros. Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine I slands, Publishers. M. Farolan, Editor and Business Mgr. Domingo T. Bermudez, Cir. Mgr. Benito F. Medina, Chief Clerk and Cashier. Miss Amparo J amias, Stenog. Commerce and Indu stry Magazine - 1"el. 25060-Room 401 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Angustia C. Jal'amilla, Managing Editor. Commercial Brokerage, Co., Inc.-Customs Brokers-International Shipping and Forwarding Agents-P. O. Box 1608-Tel. 23242 - Room 2, Anderson Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. M. Mendoza, Mgt'. Commercial & Credit Information BureauP. O. Box 3359, Manila-Tel. 66217-Cable Address: "COMACRIB"-Sierra Madre, Quezon City. F. A. Bowen, Mgr. B. G. Bowen, Sec'y. CO~nIERClAL OFFICE SUPPLYStationery, Office Supplies, Rubber Stamps and Dry Seals-Tel. 24013-384 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Roque Herrera, Mgt',


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AL f'HAB,ETICAL 1,ls'r 010' FIRM


PACIFIC CABLE CO. _Po O. Box 77l-Tels. 23556 and 23586 -El Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Wm. S. Fraser, Managet'. N. E. Harrison, Ass't. Manager. H. S. B. Garrard, Supervisor. Commercial Press Co.-P. O. Box 1968Tels. 48990 .nd 47476-Cable Address: "CHUHWABOCO" - Office: 327-329 Juan Luna, Binondo. Plant: 320-324 M. de Binondo. Commercial Shoe Suppl y - Shoe Supply Deal er s - Tel. 28066 - Cable Address: "SONCAJUAT"-318 Nueva, Binondo. Son Keng Po, Prop. and Mgr. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.Findlay Millar Timber Co., AgentsChaco Bldg., Plaza Oervantes, Binando. Commonweal Publications, Inc. - Prin ter s and Publishers - P. O. Box 3236 - Tel. 47049- 1236 AZC81'raga,. Binando.

E . J. Deymek, Pres. Lui s AbIaza, Vice-Pres. Rev. J. Russell Hu ghes, Treas. Gualberto Besa, Sec'y. and Bus . Mgr. COM~IONWEALTn ADVERTISING CORPORATION-O utdoor Adverti sing and General Publici ty-Tel. 28429-Cable Address : "coMADco" - 669-671 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Corporate Offi cer s : Jose Garrido S;iiz, President. Pablo Pablo, Vice-President. Anton io Garrido, Treasurer. Fra nci sco R. Albu ero, Secretary and Director. Josefa S. de Garrido, Director. Admini strative Offi cials: Anton io Garrido, General Manager . Francisco R. Albu ero, Business Mgr. Adolfo G. de la Rosa, Ass't. Business Mgr. Branches : Vi sayas-J esus Bet'nedo. Mi sa mis Ori ental-Cirilo Rivera. Bicola ndia- Angel Luntok. CO~UIONWEALTn ADVOCATE- Filipino Monthly Magazine-P. O. Box 1158 - T el. 21006-627 H eacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Pedro M. Blanco, Editor & Publisher. Augustine Palacol, Managing Editor. co~nIONWEALTII ASSOCIATION, INC.- Tel. 21006-627 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Pedro M. Blanco, Executive Vice-Pres.(Acting Pres. & Campaign Dir.) Jose M. Tapia, Vice-Pres. & Treasurer. Au gustinc;l P glacol, Executive Secretary.

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Commonwealth Bazar - T el. 47705 - 1012 Comercio, San Nicolas. Lim Ma Kiok, Prop. Commonwealth Coffee Co.-Coffee Manufacturer-T el. 46148-722 M. de Santos, San N icolas. Lee Huan Uv. Mgr. Commonwealth Commercial Co.-(SuccesSOl'S to Aragon Brothers) - Dealers in High Grade Sporting Goods-P. O. Box 2212-Tel. 21188-305 Bustos, St•. Cruz. Rafael Viola, Mgr. Commonwealth Drug Store-Druggists Retai1-51S Paz Corner San Antonio, Paco. Paz C. Galian, Prop. and Ph arm. Commonwealth Enterprise Co.-Government Contractor in General Merchandi se - P. O. Box 3179-Tel. 48880- 451 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Eu sebio Pineda, Mgt'. Chan Kin, Mgr. COMMONWEALTII INS U RAN C E CO~IPANY-T ran sa cting: Fire, Marine, Motor Car, Workmen's Compensation, Earthquake Fire, Earthquake Shock, Typhoon, Flood, Explosion , Third Party Liability, Fidelity and Surety, and Golfers-P. O. Box 622- Te1. 22870-Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., General Managers and A. Soriano y Compaiiia, General Agents-T el. 23081-Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Directors: Andres Soriano, President. F . H. Leyshon, Vice-President. Antonio Bl'ias. -G. M. Bridgeford. A. M. Macleod. Tirso Lizanaga. Vicente Rufino. A . Roxas y Gargollo. Enrique Vazquez Prada. Commonwealth Lumber, The - Building Contractors, Lumber Dealers-T el. 48836 -740-752--Juan Luna, Tondo. Go Tiong Kai, Prop. & Mgr. CO~n'ONWEALT" MODEL AIRPLANE CO~IPANY - General Merchandise (Dealing in Modelling Airplanes ) - Cable Address: "COMMACO"204 Padl,,€! Faura, Ermita. George Sobremonte, Prop. and Mgr. Commonwealth Ol'chestl'a-Thl. 25439-31 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Magno Sarrean, Mgr. Fl orentino LOl'ico, Offi ce Mg r . Commonwealth Press, lnc.- Pl'inters- Bookbinders-Publishers-Po O. Box 2100-


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Tel. 22218-Corner of Quezon A venue and J. Barlin, Sampa!oc. E. E. Baker, President. P . A. Taguba, Mgr. and Sec'y.-Treas. Com monwealth Recreation Hall - 714 Azcarraga, Tondo. Vicente Bernardo, Prop. Commonwealth Sales Co., Inc. -Importers, Manufacturer s and General MerchantsP. O. Box 400-Tel. 22576-Cable Ad· dress: "ROSENSTOCK" -124 T . Pinpin, (201 Fernandez Bldg.), Binondo. C. 'V. Rosenstock, Pres. Mariano R. F erna ndez, Treas. Delfin Gallardo, Sec'y. Commonwealth Secretarial School-Private School- P. O. Box 3436 - Paco Bldg., cornel' Herran and Gral. Luna, Paco. Com monwealth Shoe Store-Shoe Dealers, Retail-Tel. 47560-221 Gandara, Binondo. Un Guan, Prop. Commonwealth Tailoring-1S8 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Ingracio Magat, Prop. and Cutter. COIIMONWEALTII TRADING CO.Medical, Dental and Heauty Shop EQuipments and Supplies-Tel. 28002-Cable Address : " JocoN"-Rm C-l1, 12, Third Floor, Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Jose Concepcion, President a nd Gen. Manager. . Eduardo N. Concepcion, A!'ls't. Gen. Manager. Commonwealth Transportation- Tra nsportation a nd General Merchants-Tel. 27670 - ]9 San Gabriel, Binondo. Hugo de la Cruz, Mgr. Community Construction Co., Inc.-Building Contractors-Tel. 24604- 1132 Tayabas, Santa Cruz. Felix N. David, Pres. Tomas C. Lopez, Treas. & Civil Eng. Daniel D. Cortes, Architect. Martin M: Dominguez, Chi'e f Clerk. Gil S. Feliciano, Accountant. Community Dry Cleaning and Laundry- Tel. 27794-84 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Ben Pasapo r te, Prop. Gonzalo Sotic, Mgr. Community Health and Nursing Association-Charitable Institution- Tel. 28170 -1016 Arl egui, Quiapo. Mrs. Andrea M. Abreu, Pres. Community Heights-Real E state Sub-division- P. O. Box 577-Tel. 23076-51 E scolta, Binondo. Co-operative Realty and Investment Corp., Managers.

Community Investment & Finance Corporation-Tel. 24678- 1615 Pedro Guevara, Santa Cruz. Arcadio Villamejor, Mgr. COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS, INC.Publishers, Book-dealers, and Photo· engravers-Po O. Box 685-Tel. 560882664 Henan, Sta. Ana. Judge Manu el Camus, President. E. Garcia-Rosales, Secretary. Juan C. Alabastro, Manager, General Publications Dept. Juanito Calumpang, Manager, Educational Dept. Vicente G. Sinco, Legal Counsel. CO~WANIA DE CELULOSA DE FILlPINAS, INCORPORADA - Manu· facturers of Cellulose, Paper and Cardboard-Po O. Box 143-Tel. 22581-Cable Address: "CELULOSA" - 212 Marques de Comilla s, Pacll. Lorenzo COlTea, President. Charles H. Davies, Vice-President. Manuel Gonzalez, Director. Ricardo Descals, Director. Ignacio Planas, Director and Treasurer. Jesus Zabaljaul'egui, Sec retary. Compania Genera l de Tabacos de Filipinas, Gener al Managers. COMPANIA GENERAL DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS-General Merchants, Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Ship-owners, Shinping Agents, Insurance Under-writers and Agents-General Managers, Central Azucarera de Tarlac, Central Azucarera de Bais, Tabaca lera Steamship & Commerci al Company, Tabacalera Insura nce Company, Compania de Celulosa de Filipinas, ' I La Flor de la IsabeJa" Cigar and Cigarette Factory, "La Clementina" Distill ery- P. O. Box 143-Tel. 22581 (Private 'e xchange connecting all depts.) - Cable Address: "TABACALERA" - Central Office for the Philippine Islands, 212 Marques de Comillas, Paco. Jose Rosales G. de Bustillo, Director (Spain) . Antonio V. Correa, Vice-Director and Admini strador General (Spain). Carlos A. Ferrandiz, Vice-Director and Administrador Gral. (Spain). Lorenzo Correa, Sub-Administrador General. Adrian Got, Sub-Administrador General (Absent) . Federico Perez, Jefe Co m e r cia 1. (Absent) .

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Manuel Gonzalez Rui z, J efe Administl'ativo. Charles H . Davies, Signs per pro. Administrador General . Antonio Rosales, Signs per pro. Admor. Gral. (Absent) . Ricardo Descals, Signs per pro. Admor. Gral. Cosme de Churruca, In spector (Absent) . Pedro R. Roda, Sec retary . Jose Penalba, Vice-Secretary. Ignacio Planas, Accountant. Geronimo Galiana, Cashier. F elipe Sanchez de Urgell, Sugar Dept. Gumersindo Aute, Copra Dept. Jose Rodriguez, Leaf Tobacco Dept. Herbert Weber, Manufactured Tobacco Dept. Edward F . Pimley, "Tabacalera Insurance Company." Salvador Aguilella, Sugar - Centrals Dept. Manuel Rivera, Technical Dept. Vicente Prieto, Import and Liquour Dept. Jose Sanchez Labandero, Inter-island Shipping Dept. Frank M. Chalmers, Shipping Agency, "Maersk Line" HOsaka Shosen Kaisha." Jose Rodriguez, General Storekeeper. J. Zabaljauregui, Customs Broker. Tomas ·F. de Castro, Acting Ma nager " La Flor de Ja I sabela" Cigar & Cigarette Factory. (See Ad1'e'1'tisernent) Compania Maritima-P. O. Box 805-Tel. 49824-Cable Address : "MARITIMA"- 109 Juan Luna, Binondo. Compania Minera de Catanduanes Inc.Gold Copper and Coal Claims-Po O. Box 1462- Mani la- Tel. 23970- Room 312 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Dn. Alfredo Chicote, President. Dn. Eusebio Orense, Vice-President. Dn. Joaquin Mendez, Secretary-Treasurer. Dn. Bruno Rementeria , Director . Dn. Salvador Zaragoza, Director. Compania Minera de Filipinas, Inc.Min ing - P. O. Box 2311 - Tel. 24620 - Rooms 312-314 Roces Bldg., Corner Rizal Ave., and P laza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Rafael F. Roces, Pl'€S. Nicanor Reyes, Vice-President. Leoncio Lop'ez Rizal , Treasurer. Concepcion, C. V.- Civil Engineer - P. O. Box 2607 - Tel. 24856 - 217 SamaniIlo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo.

Concepcion - Encarnacion, Dr. Teofila Dentist-P. O. Box 126- Tel. 26678-80 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. Concepcion, F.-Pawnbroker- Tel. 496241006 Azcarraga. (Al so Paw nshops at 208-210 and 244 Legarda.) F elisa Concepcion de Delgado, Prop. Concepcion, Fortunato-Building Contrac.tOl·- P O. Box 2607- Tel. 24856-217 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Concepcion Hall- Men's Dormitory - Tel. 26679-246 Concepcion, Ermita. Jose Elizaga, Prop. Concepcion, Dr. I sabelo-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 25363-Cu Unjieng Bldg., 112 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Concepcion, Jose-Lawyer and Certified Publi c Accountant--Tel. 28002-Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Concepcion Ladies Hall - Dormitory for Girls-Tel. 23433-308 E spana, Sampaloc. Mrs. Victoria Elizaga, Prop. Concepcion, M. L. - Tailor - 519 Madrid, San Nicolas. Concepcion. Mary - ' Beauty Parlor - Tel. 67711-143 Guipit , Sampaloc. Concepcion Dr. Miguel de la- Denti st-Tel. 25313-Singson Bldg.- l P laza Moraga, Binondo. Concepcion, Dr. Pedro-Physicia n and Surgeon- Tel. 67711-143 Guipit, Sampaloc. Concepcion, Dr. T.-Dentist--80 M. H. del Pila r , Ermita. Concepcion Theater-Qinematog'raph-Te1. Dial 40 a nd ask operator for Cal. 378General Luna, Malabon, Rizal. Dr. P ed ro Cruz, Prop. Per ico Ortega, Theater Mgr. Concepcion, Vicente (Tan Guiamco & Co.) -General Merchants, Whol esale a nd Retail-Dealers in Glassware, Aluminum Ware and Hou sehold Furnhjhing-Tel. 26311-235-237 San Vicente, Binondo. Vi cente Concepcion (Tan Gui amcoL Mgl'. Conchu & Jimenez-Lawyers-Tel. 27507Room 205, State Bldg. Annex, RizaI A venue, Sta. Cruz. Agapito R. Conchu, Law. Leoncio C. Jimenez, Law. Conda Dental Supply-Importers of Dental Instruments and Materials-Tel . 22811427 Legarda, Sampaloc. P erpetuo Conda, Prop. Conde's Tailol'ing-Taiior- l073 Dart, Paco. Branch: 416 Herran, Mal",tf>. F lorentino Conde, Prop. David Villanueva, Bus. Mgr. Rodrigo Conde, Cutter.


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Condiment Manufacturing Co.-P. O. Box 323-Tel. 47455-121 Rosario, Binondo. Congress Hotel-Tel. 57394- 551 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Dr. Ramon Ongsiako, Manager. Congress Novelty Supply Co.-Manufactu~ rer's Agents-P. O. Box 498- 'l'els. 23556 and 24191-931 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Carlos Pl'eysler. Manage r. R. F. Garriz, Manager. Connecticut Fire In s. Co. of Hartford Conn., (Mal'ine)-Warner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., Agents-Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cel'~ vantes, Binondo. CONNELL BROS. CO~IPANY, (PIDL.) - Importers and ExportersManufacturers' Representatives - P . O. Box 279-Tels. 47941 and 47942-Cable Address: uCONNELL"-2nd Floor, S. J. Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. H. A. Magnuson, President. E. C. Anderson, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. C. S. Magnuson, Treas. and Ass't. Mgr. W. Schmaliuss, Corn Products Refining Co. Hermann J aeger, Metals Dept. A. Rufino, Secretary. C. A. Remulla, Sales Dept. A. Tagal, Sales Dept. Agencies : Centennia l FlouJ'ing Mills Co., Seattle (Flour) . Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Winnipeg (Flour). McCorquodale B ros., Sydney (Flour). Corn Products Refinin~ Co., New York (Starch Glucose). (Karo, Mazola). Libbey-Owens~Ford Gla ss Co., Tol edo (Plate Glass, Vitrolite, etc.). Lipton, Ltd., Colombo (Tea). Geo. A: Hormel & Co., Austin, Minn . (Meat Products). L. Sonneborn Sons, Inc., New York (Petrolatum, Oil). Acme Steel Products Co., N' ew York (Steel Products). Stokely Bros. & Co., Indianapolis (Can~ ned Fruits & Vegetables). Eagle-Ottawa Leather Co., Gra nd Haven, Mich. (Leather). Tacoma Electrochemical Co., Tacoma (Caustic Soda, Chemicals). Emeryville Chemical Co., San Francisco (Silicate of Soda, Chemicals) . Connor, J. A.-General Broker-Tel. 49632 - 5th Floor, Wise Bldg., 174 Juan Luna, Binondo. Conquest Studio-Photographers- 57 Blumen tritt, Santa Cruz. Dy An, Prop. Po Lin, Photo.

Consolidated Chromium Corporation Mining-Tel. 23382-404 SamaniIIo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Major T. A. Lynch, Pres. Consolidated Investments Incorporated- P. O. Box 2626 - Tel. 21150 - Room 41 2, Al'ias Bldg., Ca rl'i edo, Sta. Cruz. Consolidated Mines, Inc.- P. O. Box 1147Tel. 22944- Cable Address : "COM I NG"211 Tanduay, San Miguel. R. P. F lood, Pres. Consolidated Sales, Inc. - Manufacturers' Representatives - P. O. Box 3340 - Tel. 24040-Room 308, State Bldg., RizaI Avenue, Sta. Cruz. R. M. Daugherty. Mg r. Consolidated Trading Corp.-Indent and Import-Export-P. O. Box 2060-Tel . 24514 - Cable Address: "TEXTILES"Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Ju an Luna, Binondo. J acob Levy, Mgr. J. M. Boehm, Asst. l\fgl'. E. F . McKeown. S. C. Mendoza. Oreste Araullo. V. Catris. Constantino, Amador- La wyer-Tel. 24560 -308 Arias Bldg., Cal'l'iedo, Sta. Cruz. Construction Supplies Co. of America-Indent Business-P. O. Box 3221-Tel. 24508-Cable Address: "coNsuco"-318 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. A. L. Nabong, Branch Mgr. Consuelo Subdivision-Tel. 23196-Rooms 7 and 9-EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Calero & Co., SeIling Agents. CONSULS FOREIGN- (See Miscellwneous Section_) Consumers Trading Corpol'ation-Import~ ers, Exporters - P. O. Box 2529 - Tel. 23676-Cable Address: "CONTRACORP"2158 Azcarraga, Qu iapo. F ernando Ruiz-Zorill a, Mgr. F. Cajajal, Sec'y. Contempo Tailoring- Tailor- 169 Florida, Ermita. Mel ecio Aquino, Prop. and Cutter. CONTINENTAL ACADE~IY, TIIEHail' Science, Beauty Cul ture and Fashion- P. O. Box 250- TeJ. 2226 1-Azcarraga Corner Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Hector O. del Rosa rio, Presi dent. Primo 1. Guzman, Secretary. Ca rmen P. de Tagle, Registrar.

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Continental Commercial Co. - Importers and Exporters - P. O. Box 992 - Tel. 27859-815 Teodora Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Officers : Dee Un Hong, Mgt'. Segundo Ong, Ass't Mgr. Branch: 209 Nanking Road, Shanghai. E . A. Ling, Mgr. Continental Distributors - Importers and Exporters-Tel. 22284-Cable Address: "CONDISI1-Room 101, Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Francisco M. Santos, Mgr. & Treas. Continental Insurance Co., The (New York) -Fire and Marine Insurance-E. E. Elser, Inc., General Agents-Tel. 2242813th & Boston Sts., Port Area. Contreras, Tomas-Law:yer·-Tel. 224047th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Cook, Edward - Certified Public Accountant-Po O. Box 1305-Tel. 26806-412 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Cook Laboratories, Inc., N. Y.-P. O. Box 1162-Tels. 23802 and 23839-Cable Address: "PHARMANILA"-Gibbs Bldg.-670 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Cooling Engineering Co. - Roefrigeration, Air Conditioning and Ventilation-P. O. Box 1124-B-Tel. 55597-Cable Address: "HENBE"-Head Office : 318 San Andres, Malate. H. C. Best & Co., Gen. Mgrs. Cooper, Alfred D.-Sugar Factor-P. O. Box 18G3-Tel. 24494-Cable Address: "SCARADCO" - Third Floor, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Alfred D. Cooper. E. H . Greene, Assistant. Cooper, J . A.-Certified Public Accountant Tel. 56525-436 San Luis, Ermita. Cooperative Blue and White PrintingBlue Printing of Maps and Plans of Houses-Tel. 28111-826 Lepanto, Sampaloc. Prudencio Y. Ninonuevo, Prop. Ernest Hielbling, Jr., Ass't. Cooperative Realty & Investment Corporation-Realty -Investments - InsuranceP. O. Box 577-Tel. 23076-51 Escolta, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., Binondo. Jose J. de Guzman, Pres. and Gen. MgI. Alfredo C. Sese, Vice-Pres. and Mng Dir. Agapito de Guzman, Sec'y.-Treas. Cooperative Service CO.-Real Etate and General Business Agency-Tel. 232573rd Floor, Roces B1dg., .C orner Plaza Goiti, and Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.

Atanacio S. Claravall, Comptroller. Avelino Catolico, Treasurer and Gen_ eral Mgr. Felix Sapalicio, Secretary-Treasurer. Legal Adviser: Cesar Flor Mata. COOPERATIVE SYSTE~I SALES CO_, INC.-Household Merchandising-P. O. Box 2454-Tel. 23079-Cable Address: "cosco"-130 T. Pinpin, Binondo. A. L. Flint, Mgr. Cora's Stand-RJ(3freshment Parlol'-Corner Robert & F, B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Cora Ramirez, Owner. Cordoba, Dr. Jose-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 22725-110 San Rafael, San Miguel. Cornejo's Bicycle Store - Tel. 55879 -1319 San Andres Malate. Remigio Cornejo, Prop. Cornejo's Bicycle Store-Tel. 52101-342 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Francisca Cornejo, Prop. Cornejo's Commonwealth Directory of the PhiIippines-1941-1942 Revised EditionP. O. Box 1545-Cable Address: "CORNEJo"-Room 227. Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Miguel R. Cornejo, A.B., LL.B., Editor and Pub. Corona Footwears - Shoe Dealers - Tel. 23934-1876 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Pl'imitivo Guico, Mgr. Corona Pharmaceutical Laboratories-P. O. Box 1653-Tel •. 49953, 49583 and 47567 -Cable Address: uNAKASHIMA MANILA" -411 Reina Regente, Binondo. S. Nakashima, Prop. E. Tanchoco, Chemist. CORONA SUPPLY CO~IPANY - Importers, Paper, General Stationeries, Printing Supplies, Printers and Bookbinders - Publishers of Teaching Aids and Educational Devices-P. O. Box 2151 - Tel. 49941- 400-402 Juan Luna, Binondo. Pe Ytok, Gen. Manager and Prop. Ernesto D. Tan, Sales Manager. Branch: Corona School Supplies-Tel. 54715400 Taft Avenue, Ermita. Lim Ching Kee, Branch Mgr. Coronado, Dr. Jovita - Physician - Tel. 21041-542 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Coronado, Juan - Surveyor - Tel. 555182634 Herran, Santa Ana.


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Coronet--Men's Apparel- Tel. 25425-Room 117 Kalaw Arcade, 470 and 443 San Vicente, Binondo. N. M. Francisco, Designer. Salvador M. David, Bus. Mgr. Corporal's Laundry-114 Bustillos, Sampaloco F elix G. Corporal, Prop. Corporate Counsel-Ramon Di okno- Attorney-at-Law- Tel s. 22957 and 22251, local 77: 400 Phil. National Bank Bldg., 92 Escolta, Manila res . 647 M. H . del Pila r , Ermita. Corpus, Enrique J.-Lawyer-800 Oroquieta Cor. Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Corpus Motor Service and Supply - TeL 51182-3452 Taft A venue Extension, Pasay, Rizal. Dolores Ricafort Bautista, Mgr. and Prop. Corrales, Jose V .-Bookseller-Tel. 29521925 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Correa, VicentJe--Lawyer-Tel. 25417-Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Cortes, D r. Augusto J. D.-Physician-'I'els. 22329 a nd 24001-Room 334 Regina Bldg., 144 Escolta, Binondo. Cortes & Co., David R-Cel'tified Public Accountants- Tel. 28054- Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Sta. Cruz. David R. Cortes. Cortes, Jes-Promotel'-Tel. 24851-No. 107 Roces Bldg., Corner Rizal A v'€nue and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. . Cortes & Reyes-Attorneys-at-Law-P. O. Box 2687 - Tels. 28546 and 22677 - 4th Floor, Brias Roxas Bldg., 75 Escolta, Binon do. Jose D. Cortes, Law. Deogracias T. Reyes, Law. Rafael M. Morales, Ass't. Atty. C. E. Castaneda, Ass't. Atty. Jose M. Luison, Ass't. Atty. J ose A. Buendia, Ass't. Atty. Juli an Ilustre, Ass't. Atty. Alfredo Feraren, Ass't. Atty' Abundio G. Suck, Ass't. Atty. Venancio Reyes, Ass't. Atty. Cortez, nr.. Emilio P. - Physician - Tel. 29065-312 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Cosmopolitan Ballet & Da ncin g SchoolTel. 56236-1298 P ennsylvania Avenue, Malate. Madame Adameit, Principal. G. Leibovitz, Director. Y. Sitnik, Musical Conductor.

Cosmopolitan Book Store-Book Dealers1'<1. 2929&---713 Ongpin, Binondo. Ta n Eid , Prop. Cosmopoli ta n Cigar Store-Tel. 25629-25 E scolta , Binondo. F. W. Prising, Prop. Cosmopolitan Cleaner s, The - Laundry Tel. 28952-831 O'Donnell, Santa Cruz. Mrs. F elina Cagandahan, Prop. Cosmopolitan Commercial Corp. - ManufactUl'ers Representatives-P. O. Box 569 - Tel. 22321-327 Regina Bldg., 144 Escolta, Binondo. Celso Icasiano, Pres. Jose F . Alonso, Manager. Cosmopolitan Drug Store-Druggists, Retail- Tel. 55884-420 Vito Cruz, Malate. Clarita Aragon Villanueva, Prop. & Ph arm. Cosmopolitan Hall- Dol'mitory- Tel. 54382 -444 Taft Avenue, Ermita. Mrs. Bertha D. Charles, Prop. Cosmopolita n Realty Company- Real E state Brokers-Tel. 24674-Room 105 Races Bldg., COl'ner Pl aza Goiti & Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Jose F. Orozco, Manager and Treas. Cosmopolitan Shoes and Cotton Yarn Store - Tel. 49733- 251-253 Gandara, Binondo. Ong Tuam & Co. Cosmopolitan Store--Grocery Dealer s, R'e· tail - 13? I saac P eral, Ermita. Gan Cue, Prop. Cosmopolitan Subdivision - TeL 23196 - Rooms 7 & 9, El H ogar Filipino Bldg., Jua n Luna, Binondo. F. Calero & Co., Selling Agents. Cosmopolitan Trading, Inc.- Importer and Exporter- P. O. Box 734- Tel. 48346539 Nueva, Binondo. Ty Han Eng, President. COSMOS BAZAR, INC. -General Merchandise-Wholesale and Retail-Toilet Articl es, P erfu mes and Cosmetics-Po O. Box 1601- Tels. 48109 and 47201- 211 -217 Rosario, Binondo. Sy LiantJeng, President and Gen. Mgr. Cosmos Cafe-Restaurant-Tel. 25248-26 and 28 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Sia Beng Sin, Mgr. COSMOS COSIUETICS CORPORATION-General Merchandise--Whol-esale a nd Retail, Toil et Articles, Perfumes and Cosmetics-Tel. 28144-State Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Sy Lia nteng, President. Sy Bian, Mgr. and Treasurer . •


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Cosmos Lumber (Tan Hong & Co.)-Lumbel' Dealers, Building Contractors and Cigar Box Manufacturers-:r'el; 21351.Office and Yard: 1044 CastllleJos, QUlapo. Tan Hong, Prop. Cosmos Shirt Factory- Tel. 29336-613 Ongpin, Binondo. Gonzalo Chua Guan, Prop. Cosmos Shoe Store-- Shoe Dealer s- Tel. 49733-227-29 Gandara, Binondo. Ong Ping, Mgr. Cotabato Light and Power Co.-Electrical Supplies-Ice Plant-po O. Box 2658Tel. 57153-1589 Taft Avenue. Malate. P. H. Fra nk, Pres. Cotterman & Co., Inc., C. M.- Manufacturers and General Merchants-P . O. Box 1000 - Tel. 22180 - Cable Address : "WALKOvER"-Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. C. M. Cotterman, Pres. L. K. Cotterman, Vice-Pres. Proprietors: Walk Over Shoe Store. Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. COWAN & CO~IPANY, THOMASWh ite Ant Experts-Termite Extermination-P. O. Box 3344 - Tel. 24179Cable Address: "WHITEANTS" - 229-A National Ci~y Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Albert E . Parsons, Manager. Douglas P. Coles, Supt. 1. Blancaflor, Secretary. Cowper & Co., Inc.- Real Estate Br~kers and Mining-Tel. 23473-465 San VIcente, Binondo. J. C. Cowper, Pres. and Mgr. Cozy Nook- Ice Cream Parlor- Taft AV'enue and San Andres, Malate. Mrs. Concepcion Bacareza, Mgr. Cranston, H. D. -Sigma Inv€stment Corporation-Tel. 29717- Room 406, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Credit Association of Film Distributor (Philippines ), Inc.- Tel. 21819-Cu Unjieng Bldg., T . Pinpin, Corner E scolta, Binondo. Credit Corporation of the Philippines, The - Securities and Investments-P . O. Box 3178-Tel. 24140-Cable Add,·.ss: "CREDlTCO" - Rooms 401-402, Fourth Floor, Filipinas Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Creme Academy and Fashion Shop-Fashion School- 148 Victoria, Intramuros. Paz Mu sni, Prop. and Mgr. Cr:be, L. - Printer and Bookbinder - Tel. 26285- 717 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo.

Crisologo, Dr. Jesu s A.- Ph ysician and Dentist-Tel. 25156- 744 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Crisologo, Dr. Mena F.-Dentist-Tel. 25156-744 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Cl'isti's Fash ion and Shoo Store- 1868 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Olimpio Cristi, Prop. and Master Cutter. Cristobal Subdivision-Tel. 23196-Rooms 7 & 9, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F . Calero & Co., Selling Agents. Cristobal's Drug Store--D ruggist-Tel. 25206-409 Malabon. Sta. Cruz. Rosa L. Cristobal, Prop. and Pharm. Cross Bics-cle Store-Bicycle Dealers-Tel. 28249-1825 Azcarraga, Santa Cruz. Shigeki Tsuruda, Prop. a nd Mgr. Cross, Dr. C. T. -Denti st--P. O. Box 476Tel. 21094-R-514 Heacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO.-General Agents for the Philippine I slandsCrownislas Company-Po O. Box 224Tels. 24310 and 25946-Cable Address: uCROWNISLAS" - 7th Floor, Cu Unjieng Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Hanson, Orth & Stevenson, Inc., Managers. G. G. Walker, Manager. Crown Mines, Incorporated- Mining-P. O. Box 1357-Tel. 21751- Cable Address: "CROWN"-309 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jose Arnaiz, Pres. a nd Gen. Mgt'. Allison Gibbs, Jr., Secretary. Jose Garrido, TreasUl'-el'. Marion M. Kal'olchuck, Director. Richard L. Lile, Director. Crown Silk Store--Silks and NoveltiesTel. 22935-27 E scolta, Binondo. Gurnamal Choolaram, Managing Prop. Katoomal Choolaram, Managing Prop. Cruces, Dr. Alvaro R.-Dental SurgeonTel. 29351-823 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Crudo, ManU'el Manago - Law,y er - Tel. 27308-456 Dasmarina s, Room 303, Argellies Bldg., Binondo. Crusade Shirt Factor,y - Shirt FactoryTel. 47396-533 Ongpin J Binondo. Tong Ke!l, Prop. and Manager. Cruvir Store and Shop- T ailors-159 Lega rda Corner Azcarraga, Sampaloc. Julio Cruz, Prop. and Mgr. Nazario Viray, Prop. (Mrs.) M. V. Cruz, Cutter.


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Cruz Auto Supply-Automobile Supply Dealers - Ma in Office: Tel. 28038 - 227 David, Leyba Bldg., Binondo - Main Store: Tel. 52133-Taft Avenue Ext. and F. B. Harrison, Paraiiaque, Rizal.Branch Store: Tel. 25270 - Blumentritt and Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Fortunato B. Cruz, Prop. Cruz Bros.-Sash Contractors-Tel. 47576 -821 Juan Luna, Tondo. Com'ado Cruz, Mgr. Zacarias Cruz, Asst. Mgr. Cruz, Castor P. - Lawyer - Tel. 24856216 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Cruz, Catalina L. de-Dry Goods DealerRetailer and Wholesaler-Tel. 48067-684 Ylaya, Tando. Catalina L. de Cruz, Prop. and Mgr. Cruz, Deogracias - Gravel Dealer - Tel. 48714-1732 Juan Luna, Tondo. Deogl'acias Cruz, Prop. and Mgr. CRUZ ENGRAVING SHOP, DOROTEO F. (Successor to Bernardo~Cruz Co.)Badges, Brass Signs- Moulds Military Ins-ignias-Tel. 21716- 2142 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Doroteo F . Cruz, Prop. & Mgr. (Ex-Master Engraver Luis Zamora Silversmith) . Cruz, Dr. Epitacio M.-Dentist-F. B. Harrison Cornel' Perla, Pasay, Rizal. Cruz, Fortunato B.-Lawyer-Tel. 2803831'd Floor, Leyba Bldg., 227 David, Binondo. Cruz Laundry- Tel. 27890-1407 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Jose P . Cruz, Prop. Cruz, Leopoldo M.-Broker-Tel. 250261037 Vergara, Quiapo. Cruz, Lucila - Native Cloth Dealer - Tel. 48293-Pasillo 19-H, Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Cruz, Mauricio-General Merchant-Tel. 23051-431 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Bi~ nondo. CRUZ, PEDRO-Jewelers-PawnshopGold-Silversmith- Tel. 22277-312 Carl'iedo, Sta. Cruz. Pedro Cruz, Prop. and Mgr. Basilia de Cruz, Prop. and Mgr. Alfonso Enriques, Sales Mgr. Perfecto Cruz, Ass't. Manager. Cruz, Dr. Sergio D.- Dentist-Tel. 29413371 Raon, Sta. Cl·UZ. Cruz, Sison & Penaloza-La wyers-Tel. 28038-227 David, 3rd Floor, Leyba Bldg., Binondo. Fortunato B. Cruz, Atty. Nicanor Sison, Atty. Felix A. Penaloza, Atty.

TER & SABA 76 Escolta

Cruz Tailoring, Severo-Tailor Shop-569 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Severo Cruz, Prop. and Cutter. Cruz Transportation, S. de la-Land and Water Transportation - Tel. 27192 - 62 Mu'elle de Binondo, Binondo. S. de la Cruz, Prop. Rosendo de la Cruz, Mgr. Cruz Travel S-ervice-Travel-TeL 28555Cable Address: flCITouRs"-Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands Bldg., Intramuros. F. de la Cruz, Manager. M. C. Colayco. D. Valeriano. M. R. Santos. A. Avena. Cruz, Vicente B. - Life Insurance Under~ writer of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "rNsuLIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Cruz-Cosa, Dr. Catalino S.-PhysicianTel. 47885- 263 Santa Maria, Tondo. Cruz-FideIino, Dr. Pilar V. - PhysicianTel. 28855-931 Ongpin, Rm. 1-2, Sta. Cruz. Cruz.-Garcia, Dr. Corazon-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 67860-31 Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Cu Bon Liong & Co., S. en C.-Dealers in Dry Goods and Novelties-Wholesale & Retail-P. O. Box 2084-Tel. 22418-60 Rosario, Binondo. Cu Bon Liong, Gen. Mgr. Cu J oco-Dry Goods Dealer-Tel. 49603620 Camba, San Nicolas. Cu Joco, Mgr. CU UNJIENG SONS, INC.-Real Estate Proprietors, Loans on Mortgages, N ego~ tiable Documents, Notes Discounted, and General Agents-P. O. Box 93-'I'e1. 23193 - Cable Address: "CUUNJIENG"Codes Used: Bentley's and Private-31D Dasmariiias, Binondo. Francis Cu Unjieng, Manager. eu Unjieng, Leopoldo-Real Estate-P. O. Box 93 - Tel. 21185 - 210 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Cu Yek Tiong-Retail Druggist-Tel. 49489 -1130 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Cu Yek Tiong, Mgr. Cua Bong Co-Cig-ars and Cigarettes-TeL 48870-428 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Cua Guan Kee & CO.-School SuppliesP . O. Box 845-'I'e1. 48975-1032 Comercio, San Nicolas. Cua Huat Tinsmith - Tinsmith -621 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Cua Huat, Mgt'. and Prop.


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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA

HUNT'S Products

.sJ F H

EVER HANDY CLIPS Very strong spring- polished steel blade in various sizes from 1" to 5%/1 long.

I -


BOSTON Pencil sharpeners for any size of pencils. Only BOSTON hav e 15 blade speed cutters which insure 25 % more cutting service. 25 % long er life and 25 % less effort in sharpening pencils. Boston Speed Cutters Cutthey never scrape.

HUNT'S ' 0

""" P'. C.




HUNT'S penpoints in steel, silverine and gold plated. Every style for every purpose - highest quality pen~ points.

27- Different tips for every drawing and lettering,

SPEEDBALL Inks-are rich in color, smooth flowing, unequalled in quality. Specially prepared for the most. delicate pen work.

Philippine Education Co., Inc. Distri.butors 101-103 Escolta





Of all k i nds for



Third Floor

T elephon e 2-18-01



Cua Sun Ke & Co.-Shirt Manufacturers and Dry Goods Dealers-P. O. Box 1883 -Tel. 29495-312 Gandara, Binondo. Cua Sun Ke, Mgr. Cua Sun Seng-Dry Goods-Tel. 27556308 Gandara, Binondo . Cua Kah, Mgr. Cua Tin & Co.-Dry Good s Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 25535- 209-211 San Vicente, Binondo. Cua Tin, Mgr. Cuisia, Dr. Juan-Physician- Tel: 56786 -1269-B Aldecoa, Malate. Culion Ice, Fish and Electric Co., Inc.Tel. 29717 - Room 406, Kneedl er Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Cunanan, Dr. F. Lac.-Dentist-P. O. Box 2735- Tel. 25123-Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Cunanan, Joaquin-Certified Public Accountant-Tel. 22962-P. o. Box 1880123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Cura's Tailol'ing-149 Mari a Clara, Sampaloc. Agapito Cura, Prop. and Cutter. CUl'a's Tailoring-1414 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ignacio Cura, Prop. and Mgr. Custodio Electrical Supply- El ectrical Contractor and El ectrical Supplies DealerTel. 48529-949 Benavidez, Tondo. M. Vda. de Custodio, Prop. Eligio Custodio. Mgr.


D'Bayan, Dr. Fidel V.- Physician and Surgeon-1061 Cavite Street, Sta. Cruz. Da Roza, F. L.-Carved and Antique Furniture Dealers-Tel. 23038-130 Legarda, Sampaioc. Fernando L. Da Roza, Prop. and Mgr. Dacanay, Dominador G. - Law yer - Tel. 47961-213 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Daguman's Tailoring - Tailor - 74 Maga1Ianez, Intramuros. Alfonso D. Daguman, Prop. and Mgr. Dagupan Iron Works-Machine Shop-Tel. 48596-942 Azcarraga, Tondo. Cecilio Vivas, Mgr. DAIILKE. A. n.-Sheet Metal Contractor znd Engineer-Tel. 22002- 549 Echague, Quiapo. DAIDO HOEKI KAISYA, LTD.-Importers :lnd Exporters-P. O. Box 888, Manila-Cable Address: "DAIDOBOEKI MANILA"-Codes Used: A. B. C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley's Complete and Second

Phrase Code, and Private - 3rd Floor, Hongkong & Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. N. Nakamura, Manager . .. . 24333 N. Mori, Sub-Manager .... . 24333 S. Koyama, Sec ret a r y of Managers.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24333 F. Leano. Attorney .. ' ... . . . 24334 Import Department: K. Nakanisi, Manager ..... 24121 Textil e and Underwear . .. .... 24121 T. TanL S. Ueda. H. Ter~numa. M . Umeno. General Merchandise .......... 24123 Y. Nakazima. Foodstuffs ................. .. 24123 K. Ogawa. T . Miyazaki. 24122 Porcelain, Glassware, etc. B. Nisioka. T. Matumoto. 22455 Hardware and Mach inery (Daido Hardwar::: Store) ... 22456 Z. Kosuga. E. Sugiyama. H. Muragisi. S. Hiramatu. Shipping and Delivery ........ 24124 T. Kitakuni. Warehouse ......... .. . ....... . 56819 T. Takahasi . .... .. . ...... . 57453 Export Department ....•........ 24334 K. Yokohama. T. Suzuki. Z. Yagi. Accounting Department . . ....... 24333 T. Nakaoka. Y. Saeki. S. Nakamura. K. MarUNama. In surance Department .......... 24334 Z. Yagi. Cebu Branch Office-Po O. Box 413 Cebu City - Cable Address: " DAIQOBOEKI cEBu"-Codes Used: A. B. C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley's Second and Complete Phrase Code, and Priva te-1l8122 Magallanes, Cebu City. 1. Kubodera, Manager .... ..... . 355 Import Department: M. Hasimoto ...... . ..... . .. 825 Textile and Underwear . .... ... 825 S. Hasimoto. T . Koket u. Foodstuffs and Sundries ..... . . 590 Y. Enomoto.


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\lANII , A


Hardwa re and Machincry 590 Y. Ueda. T. Yamagisi. Importer Warehouse , ......... 357 E. Sakae. S. Maeda. Export Depal'tment ,.,.,' ... .. . .. 430 S. Yamamoto. H . Hi yama. K. Haruna. H emp Warehouse . ............ 217 K. Kimura. M. Kawai . A ccountmg . D epal'tment .. " . . .... 355 H . Araki. Shipping Agency ............. . .. 430 H. Hiyama. Il ~ il o Bl:anch Office- Po O. Box 275, Ilo~ 110 Clty-23 Aldeguer Street Iloil o City-Tel. 734. ' S. Yano. A. Sugahara. Davao Branch Office-Po O. Box 91, Davao City-Sta. Ana, Davao City-Tel. 231. S. Aoyagui. DAIDO HARDWARE STORE-Hardware and Machinery Department of Daido Boeki Kai sya, Ltd.- P . O. Box 888 Manila-680 Dasmarinas, Binondo. ' Z. Kosuga , Manager ........ .. 22455 Hardware Depal'tment .......... . 22455 H . Muragisi. S. Hil'amatu. J. Yamabe. Machinery Department .....•.... 22456 E. Sugiyama. "BS H Tire Department .......... 22456 S. Hil'amatu. Accounting Department. . . . . . . . .. 22456 M. Satoh. Delivery Department . . . . .... . . . . 22456 M. Saito. DAILY BULLETIN, ~IAN1LA - Tel. 21102-Corner Raon and Evangelista Quiapo. ' (See Manila Daily Bulleti n)

J)AINTY BAKERY, THE-Bakers and Confectioners- Po O. Box 71- Tel. 23518 Cable Address : "WATIP"- Main Store : 321 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Woo Fat, Mgt'. Ermita Branch: 355 A. Mabini Cor. P. Faul'a, Tel. 57626. Pasay Branch: F. B. H ani son Cor. Libedad, Tel. 52525. Daisy Beauty Salon-Beauty Parlor-Tel. 25825- 1209 Vergara, Quiepo. Annex: 349 Tanduay, Quiapo-Tel. 24006. Expectacion Antonio, Prop.



Daisy Philippines, Inc.- Embroidery Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1887-Tel. 23068 - 231 Gral. Solano, San Miguel. Samuel Zwillich. Benjamin Zwillich, Mgr. Daisy's-Florist---Tel. 53330-600 L. Gu"e rr ero, Ermita. Mrs. J. J. ElizaJde, Prop. Dakota Courts-1l23-1127 Dakota, Malate. Central Rental Service. Administrators. Office: Marco Polo Hotel , Room 206 667 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz-Tel. 24571: Dalagang Bukid Beauty Parlor-334 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Laling Ilagan, Beautician. Daiagang Bukid Fishing Co., Inc.-Fishing - Tel. 29294-685 Echague, San Miguel. P edro Quintos, Pres, and Mgr. Shojo Itocazu, Vice-Pres. and Asst. Mgr. S. Tanashiro, Treas. R. Carreon, Sec'y. Gregorio Sengco, Clerk. IIALUPAN & TORRES-Cedified Public Accountants-P. O. Box 2972-Tels.: Executives 24937, Office 21819-304-307 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binondo. Francisco Dalupan, C.P.A. and Attorney-at-Law (Member of the Finn). J ose L. Torres, C.P.A. (Member of the Firm) . Eligio G. Nunez. C.P.A. Jose Florento, C.P.A. Jose F. Sugay, C.P.A. Leopoldo G. Casasola, C.P.A. Graciano Cruz. Pedro S. Mangrobang. Benedicto C. Lagman. Dominador C. Monsura. Felipe F. Icban. Honorato Gabriana. Romulo Rivera. Damenzo Art Service-Cut ConsultantIll ustration Cover Design-Scenography and Portrait in oil color-Tel. 29910Room 4, Anderson Bldg. Sta. Cruz Bridge. • Salvador Mendoza , Mgr. Damian, Dr. Luis-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 57290- 1436 Herran, Paco. Damo, H . C.-Manufacturer of Wines and Liquors-P. O. Box 2350-Tel. 29178Stores :- 60l-B05 Ecba.gue, San Miguel. Factory: Pasay, Rizal. Danao, Dr. Artemio M.-Dentist-Tel. 24759-Room 200 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Danao, Dr. F. V.- Dentist---Te1. 28346Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.



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Dandy Barber Shop-Tel. 28964-226 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Esteban Espiritu, Prop. Cecilio Pel ea. Dandy Footwear and Haberdashery-Tel. 28655-605 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Yu Ka It, Prop. E. A. Young, Mgr. DANGWA TRANSPORTATION CO.,Transportation-P. O. Box 8072-Tel . 22612- Rms. 236-238 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Danon, J. J.-Mining Stock, Real E state, Loans- P. O. Box 2076-Tel. 2122Z--Cable Address: "DAN ON" Manila - Room 805, Fernandez Bldg, 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Julio Danon, Mgr. Dapitan Bakery - Tel. 27453 - 1199 Trabajo, Cor. Dapitan, Sampaloc. Felicisimo Martinez, Prop. Dapitan Lumber - Lumber D-ealers - Tel. 67754-Dapitan Extension, Quezon City. Ong Tiam, Prop. Dapitan Maternity-· Tel. 66114-1477 Dapitan Ext., Sampaloc. (See also Miscellaneuo8 Section) Darley's Jewelry Store--Oeylon J ewelry, Precious Gems, Novelties-Tel. 2602983 Real, Intramuros. Peris Wijesekara, Prop. Dart Hardware--Gravel and Sand-Tel. 57761-747-A Dart, Paco. Kah Kian, Prop. Dasig, Nicodemus L.- Lawyer-Tel. 28576 -R. 808 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta-T. Pin pin, Binondo. Dasmariiias El ectrical Supply - Electrical Suppl.y Dealers-Tel. 29530-488 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Francisco Sim, Prop. Davao Light and Power Co., Inc.-Electrical Supplies - Tel. 57158 - 1589 Taft Ave., Malate. P. H. Frank, Pres. Davao Lumber Company - Lumber, Hardware and Furniture Dealers-Main Office: P. O. Box 79-Tel. 166-Sta. Ana, Davao. G. B. Cam, Gen. Mgr. Lee Tiec, Ass't. Mgr. Manila Office: 708-710 Juan Luna, San Nicolas.-P. O. Box 35S-Tel. 47037. Sey Kiao, Gen. Mgr. David, Aurelio--Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734--Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.

David, Felix N.-Real Estate Broker-Tel. 24604-1132 T'lyabas, Sta. Cruz. David Interests, Margarita - Real Estate Proprietor-Tel. 29182-Room 302, Margarita David Bldg., Rizal Ave. Cornel' Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Jose Teodoro, Jl·., Administrator. Adolfo R. de Leon, Auditor. Jose Teodoro, Attorney. Teodoro D. David, Bookkeeper. Alfonso Teodol'o, Cashier. Da vid, Juan T. - Lawyer - Tel. 29150Room 229 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. David, Romulo M.- Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 2243 1-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-8rd Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. David, Serafin G.-General Merchant-13S7 Henan, Paco. DAVIES & CO., THEO. H . - Sugar Factors, M'e rcha nts, In surance and Com· mission Agents - Importers of General Merchandise-P. O. Box 287-Tels. 21116, 23876, 23877, 23878, 22969, 24546, 27270 and 47276 - Cable Address: "DRACO"P erez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. G. H. Wilkinson, Manager for the Philippines. G. G. Gordon, Ass't. Manager. M. C. Cheek, Manager, Life Ins. Dept. F. P. Luling, G'en. Insurance Dept. G. Laurent, Merchandise Dept. J. d'Authreau, Nitrate Dept. John Hun~r. Hume Pipe Sales. Managing Agents: Bogo-Medellin Milling Co., Inc. Cebu Sugar Company, Inc. Philippine Hume Pipe Co., Inc. Fiscal Agents: Honolulu Iron Works Co. E. J. Nell Co. Agents : Chilean Nitrate Sales Corp. Lincoln National Life Ins. Co. London & Scottish Assurance Corp., Ltd. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. United States Fire Insurance Co. Firemen's Insurance Co. of Newark. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. DAVIS & CO~IPANY, P. ~I.-Manu­ facturers' Representatives-P. O. Box 1633- Tel. 22626-Cable Address : "PAMADAVIS"-541 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. P. M. Davis. S. N . Schechter.


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Day Mon Glass Store-Window Glass, PlyWood, Sash and General Building Materials - Tel. 25947 - 316 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. T . Enta, Prop. and Mgr. DA Y ~ION GLASS WORKS & SASH FACTORY- 'Window Glass, Plywood, Hardwal'es, Sash and General Building Materials-TeL 67739-Cable Address: "DA YMON"-Manila-Code Used: Bentley's-419-420 Plaza Avelino, Sampaloc. Totaro Enta, Manager. Y. Tsunumoto, Branch Mgr. Day Star-China Glass and Earthenware Dealers- Tel. 47468-437 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ko Kiang, Prop. DAYAO'S IIAUEIlDASIIEIlY - Haberdashery, Importer, General MerchantTel. 25463-807 Rizal Ave ., Sta. Cruz. Benjamin Dayao, Proprietor. Mrs. Elena D . Dayao, Manager. Maria D. Dayao, Cashier. Dayco, Dr. Silvino-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 26231-218 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz. Dayrit, Dr. AureJio--Physician and Surgeon - T el. 22354 -1119 Rizal Avenue Sta. Cruz. Dayrit, Patrocinio J.,-Lawyer-Tel. 23094 - 401 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Binondc.. De Campos Laundry-1003 San Andres, Malate. Domingo C. Campos. DE CANO COMPANY, INC.- Impo,·te,·S and General Merchandise-Distributors: Modern Wood a nd Charcoal Ranges, Kitchen Utens;ls, Glass and China Wares, and Groceries, etc.-Tel. 29856-Cable Address: "DECANO" MANILA-744 Echague, San Miguel. R. J. Dannug, Pres. and Gen. Mgt'. H. De Cano, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Placida De Cano Dannug, Treas. J. Z. Bagasa n, Accountant. J. C. Alonzo, Sales Manager. A. C. A vancefia, Salesman-Investigator. E. N. FuentebeHa, Cl'erk. A. R. Deveza, Salesman . Mrs. R. U. Yulo, Demonstrator. J. P. Nartatez, Davao Agency. Felix Cabul'ian, Cagayan de Misamis Agency. De Dios, Dr. P atricio--Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 47819-2010-B Juan Luna, Tondo. De Dios Tailorin g-Tel. 26168-202 Cabildo, Intramuros. Cesal'eo de Dios, Prop. and Cutter.

De J 'e sus Gutierrez Studio--Photographer - 132 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Francisco de Jesus, Prop. De Jesus, Mrs. J. T.- Flags and Upholstery -Tel. 27166-1341 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. De Jesus Oral & Dental CIinic-3rd Floor, State Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Jose S. de Jesus. DE LA CRUZ TRANSPORTATION, S. -Transportation-Tel. 27192-62 M. de Binondo, Binondo. Severo de la Cruz, Prop. Rosendo de la Cruz, Mgr. De Ia Paz & Vicente--Lawyers-Tel. 27637 - Rooms 214-16 Regina Bldg., Escolta and David, Binondo. Emilio de la Paz, Lawyer. Conrado M. Vicente, Lawyer. De la Rama and Co., Hijos de L-(See Hi-

ios de I. de la Rama and Co.). De Ia Riva Tire Sales-Tire Vulcanizing and Repairing - Tel. 51893 - 2534 Taft A venue Ext., Pasay, Rizal. Juan de la Riva, Prop. and Mgr. DE LA SALLE COLLEGE - Primary, Intermediate, High School and Collegiate - Tel. 56843-1501 Taft A venue Extension, Mafate. Rev. Bro. Xavier, Pres. Rev. Brother Athanasius, Vice-Pres.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) De Lareon's Wrought Iron & Metal Art Shop-Manufacturers of Wrought Iron Lanterns and Garden Furnitures-P. O. Box 3192-Tel. 27762- 1905 O'Donnell, Santa Cruz. Deo. de Leon, Gen. Mgr. S. Rey Lara, Gen. Sal'es Mgr. De Leon Bros.-Tailors-1912 Herran, Paco. Celestino M. de Leon, Prop. De Leon & De Leon- La wyers-Tel. 28661 -223 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Jose P. De Leon. Cecilio P . de Leon. De los Reyes, Delfin- Tailor-I718 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. De los Reyes, Dimagiba and Reyes-Lawyel's-Tel. 26628-Al'guelles Bldg., 519 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Antonio de los Reyes, Lawyer. Hermogenes Dimagiba, Lawyer. Guillermo Reyes, Law,y er. De los Reyes Tailoring-Tailor-2226 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Bonifacio de los Reyes, Prop. and Cutter.


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De los Santos Bros.-Tile ManufaeturersTel. 56775-33 Barasoa in, San Pedro Makati, Rizal. Elias de los Santos, Prop. and Gen. Mgr.

Engl'acio Miranda, Prod. Mgr. De Lourdes Hall-Girls Dormitol路y-Tel. 23947-7 Magallanes, Intl'amul'os. Mary Pecson, Prop. De Luxe Barber Shop - Tel. 21307 - 470 Dasmarifias. Binondo. Pablo Pablo, Prop. De Luxe Beauty Parlor-Tel. 67381-426 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Mrs. Natividad Cruz Aquino, Prop. De Luxe Cafe-Restauran t -Tel. 4942675-77 Rosario, Binondo. Ao Tay, Mgr. De Luxe Fashion- TaiIoring-230 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Braulio N. Guzman, Prop. & Cutter. De Luxe Fashion-Tailoring-392 Juan Luna, Binondo. Yee Sao, Prop .. Mgr. and Designer. De Luxe Fashion School-School of Dressmaking-Tel. 25795-50 Sta . Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. J ose S. Manalo, Director. Branches : Ma nalo Business College. Arcade Fas.hion School. De Luxe Ra dio Engineering College. York Fashion Academy. De Luxe Automotive Engineering College. De Lu xe Furniture Factory- Furni ture Manu facture r- Tel. 49746-559 Magdalena. Binondo. Tan Hi, Prop. De Lu xe Ladies' Home-Dormitol'y-Tel. 22878-339 Legarda, Sampaloc. Pilar Cecilio, Mgr. De Luxe Pharmacy - Tel. 56118 - Retail Druggists-2303 Herran, Paco. Juan L . Morales, Prop. Manuel Morales, Pharm. De Luxe Shoe Store-Shoe Dealer s, RetailShoemakers and Repairers-1836 Azcarra.2'a (Opposite Oroquieta), Sta. Cruz. ShionA' Cho Yiu, Mgr. "De Luxe" Tailoring and Laundry - Tel. 29416-826 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Moses J. Dayao, Gen. Manager and Prop. De Luxe Trad ing-Importer a nd Exporter - Tel. 25779- 116 Nueva, Binondo. Ty Siok Cheng. Oil VIlRA'S SOCIAL FASmOl'i- Dressmaker-921-A Georgia, Malate. Miguela de Ver a, Prop.

"De Vera Tailoring"- Tail oring-260 Concepcion, Ermita. Basilio G. de Vera, Academical Cutter and Prop. De Vry Cine Supply Co.-Motion Picture Supplies-P. O. Box 3390-Tel. 56943417 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. N. Nishide. Julian Ros. Deato, Vid al - General Merchant - ')',,1. 26540-352 R. Hidal go, Sta. Cruz. Debate (See El Debate) Decena, Ambrosio C.-Lawyer-Tel. 25454 - Room 30. Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal Ave" Sta. Cruz. Decor- Lam p Shades-Po O. Box 3014Tel. 57874-208 A. Ma bini, Ermita. Mrs. I. Friessner,. Prop. Dee B. Chuan-Lumber Dealer- Tel. 56194 -888 Dart, Paco. Dee Tong, Mgr. DIlIl C. CHUAN & SONS, INC.Lumber Dealers-P. O. Box 474--Tels. 4R826 and 496R3 Cable Address : flcHuAN"-14-30 Soler, Binondo. Dee C. Chuan. George Dee Sekiat. Vice-Pres. Gan Cio Fan, Treas. Francisco Gochuieo, Sec'y. Dee Chian Hong & Sons, Inc.- Real E state - Tel. 49652-360 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Dee Cho Lumber Co.-Lumber Dealers and Manufacturers-P. O. Box 3122-Tel. 54023- 990 Isaac P eral. Paeo. Dee Cho, P roD. and Mgl'. Dee H ong Lue & Co., Inc.-Ma nufacturers. Dealers, and Exporters of all Kinds of Phili pp ine Lumber-P. O. Box 2978-Tel. 49927-Cable Address: HZALuc"-Room 200, S. J . Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dee l{onl'! Lue, P re~ident. Dee K . Chiong, 1st Vice-President. Del Monte Lumber-Lumber Dea lers-Tel. 68322- 6 N. Domingo, San Juan , Rizal. Dy Tong, Prop. Del Monte Sub-Division - Tel. 21636 - 227 Da vid, Leyba Bld ~., Binondo. (See San F1'anclsco del Monte, I nc.)

Del Rosa rio's Beauty Parlor- 1228 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Manuela del Rosario, Prop. Del Rosar io Bros. - M~I.l路ble W orks - 923 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Del Rosario & Enverga - Lawyers - Tel. 23158-406 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo.

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Vicente del Rosario, P artner . Manu el S. Enverga, P artner . Marcial Medina, Assistant. L eon O. Ty. A ssista nt. Deleila, Dr. F. B.-Physician and Surgeon - Te1. 54265- 1135 Singalong, Malate. Delfin, Dr. Ramon V.- Denti st-Tel. 28005 -302 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. Delfin, Dr. Vicente-Phy sician, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist-Tel. 28446Room 307, Padi1la Bldg.-428 Riza l Ave.,

Sta. Cruz.

Delgado, Gregorio G. - Physician - TeL 52167-428 F. B. Harrison, Pasay. Rizal. Delgado, Dr. Jose M.-Physician- Tel. 23580-2305 E. Mendiola, San Miguel. Delgado & Taiiada-Lawyers-P. O. Box 942-Tel. 27397-Cable Address: FADTA -Rooms 503-509 H eacock Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Franci sco A. Del gado. l..Ql'enzo M. Taiiada. Alberto E. Dizon. Modesto T. Flores. Gregorio H erna ndez, J r. Sa ntiago Macapagal. Francisco Rodrigo. Delia's Beauty Salon-Beauty P arlor-Te1. 56445- 215 A. Mabini , Ermita. Delia de la Fuente, Prop. a nd Mgr. Deli cious Bakery- T el. 47726-894 Favia, Tondo. Gregorio F. Ong, Prop. Delikefia & Manlafigit-Chiropractor s a nd Naturopath-Tel. 25558-Room 8, 16 E scolta, Binondo. Deluria's Tailoring-Tel. 25494-1092 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. J. Deluria, Prop. and Cutter. Democracia-Engli sh-Spa ni sh Semi-Monthly Publication-P. O. Box 2563-'1'<>1 53482 -902 T aft Avenue, Malate. Pio Brun Cuevas, Editor. Jorge Ferrerei, Bus. Mgr. Demonstration Gold Mines, Ltd.-Mining - Ma nil a Office: Te1. 22467 - Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. P. L . Mapa, Pres. A. S. Mackenzie, Treas. F. Segado, Sec'y. R. L. Lil e, Gen. Manager. Dental X-Ray Laboratory - Tel. 56831Plaza Ferguson and Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Dr. Fil. Rustia-Sison . Dentists Co-operative Supply Co., TheDental Supply Dealers-Engi neeri ng Instruments and Supplies-Tel. 24229-838840 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Aurelio Ramos, Mgr.



GOVERNMENT-See Miscellaneous Section.

Destil eria Gonzalo--Di sti1l eries-Tel. 48676 - 407 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Gonzal0 Gowhok, Prop. DESTILERIAS AYALA INCORPORADA- Distill ers-P. O. Box 969-Tels. 21514 and 21515-Cable Address: "DESAI" -630-652 Echague, San Miguel. Carlos Palanca, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Sebastian C. Palanca, Ass't. Mgr. Antonio A. Posadas, Ch. Clk. Emilio D. Valera, Accountant. Juli a n Yazon, Factory in Charge. Francisco Serrano, Cashier. C. S. Kwan, Inspector. Deutscher Klub, Inc.- Tel s. Members : 56578 a nd Ladies' Room 54105- 671 San Luis, Ermita.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) Deveras, Mrs. Antonia L. de-Life Insura nce Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address : TNSULIFE-3rd F loor, Insula1' Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga. Binondo. Dewey Arms Apal'tments-870 Dewey Boulevard, Malate. Kn eedler R'ealty Co., Props. Dewey Boulevard Beauty Salon-Tel. 57724 -210 D ewey Boulevard, Ermita. Miss R. Holmes, Prop. and Mgr. O ..WITT, PERKINS & PONCE ENnIl,E-Lawver s-P . O. Box 760-Tel. 22404 - Cable Address : "TREDUOC" - 7th Fl oo r , Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Clyde A. DeWitt, Mem. E. Al'thUl' Perkins, Mem. Alfonso Ponce Enrile, Mem. Assistant Attorne.ys: Tomas Contreras. S. B. Orlina. Domingo A. Guevara. Manuel V. del Rosa1'io, Jr. Joseph Loui s Keesey. James M. Robb. Mariano A. Carbonell. Co m'ado L. Kison. Office Staff: J eroni mo Ortega, Chief Clerk. Joaquin R. Borja, Cashier. Mrs. Joan M. Dea ne, Stenog. Vicente Alinsod, Stenog. Alfredo S. David, Stenog. Luis D. Alvir, Stenog. Agapito R. Angeles, Stenog.

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Dhanamal, B.-Silk DeaI'er-Wholesa:le and Retail- P . O. Box 1400 - Tel. 21735Cable Address: "DHANAMAL"-134 Nueva, Binondo. Dhal'amdas, Rochiram-Dry Goods Dealer -Po O. Box 3406-Tel. 57587- Cable Address: "DHARAMDAS"-274 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Rochiram Dharamdas, Mgr. Dialaki Dispensary-Druggists-Tel. 48442 -1507 Juan Luna, Tondo. E. Diala, Prop. Isabel L. Diala, Pharm. Dian Juat Uy Kay-Blacksmith, Contractor, Iron Bars, Steel-Tel. 28581-722 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Dian Juat, Mgr. Diapo, Dr. Bernardo N.-Physician and Surgeon-525 Madrid, San Nicolas. Diaz, Filomeno---Law;yer-Tel. 25687-209 Elizondo, Quiapo. Diaz, Dr. M. A.-Dentist-17 Havana, Sta. Ana. Diaz, Dr. Moises Z.-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 22761-176 Real Intramuros. Diaz, Dr. Pedro R.-Dentist-Tel. 29474Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. . Diaz, Pompeyo---Lawyer-Tel. 28656-2nd Floor, Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Dichoso Tailoring-196 Solana, Intl'amuros. Braulio Dichoso, Prop. Dictator Men's Wear-Tailoring-1215 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Eduardo de Vera, Prop. & Cutter. Di-Guanco, Dr. 'Pl'imo---Physician-Office: - Tel. 67682-104 Guipit, Sampaloc. Dijiongco, Marcosa S.-Cascos and Bancas for Hire-Tel. 48264-157 Muelle de Binondo, Binondo. Marcosa S. Dijiongco, Prop. Dimaano Press-PrintJers, Bookbinders and Stationers-Po O. Box 2831-Tel. 26004 - 428 F . Torres, Sta. Cruz. Modesto M. Dimaano, Prop. and Mgr. DIN" G "T lIUNES, INC. - Mining (Chrome Ore deposits in Dinagat Island, Surigao) -P. O. Box 2092-Tel. 23070Cable Addl"ess: "DOMINCO"-220-222 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Martin de Eiguren, President and Manager. Bruno Rementeria, Vice-President. Ramon de Amusategui, HecretaryTreasurer. Claudio Aldecoa, Member. Jose Ma. de Amusategui, Member. Dineros' Furniture-Furniture DealersTel. 55687-2617 Herran, Santa Ana.

Dingalan Agricultural Co.- P. O. Box 513, Manila - Tel. 23739 - 3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 E scolta, Binondo. Felipe Buencamino, Jr., Pres. and Mttllaging Director. O. D. Arriola Vice-Pres. and 'freas. Arturo A. Alaf'riz, Secretary. Dingalan Lumber Co., Inc.-Logs-Tel. 23739-3rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Felipe Buencamino, Jr., Pres. and Mng. Dir. Maria R. de Bucncamino, Acting President and Managing Director. O. D. Arriola, Vice-Pres. and Treas. A. A. Alafriz, Secretary. Froilan Pimentel, Director. Dino's Tailoring- Tel. 27676-108 Nueva, Binondo. Juan P. Dino, Prop. and Cutter. Dinoso, Vicente- Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: INSULIFE:--Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binon~ . Diokno, Ramon- Attorney-at-Law, Government Corporate Counsel- Tels. 22957 and 22251, local 77-400 Phil. National Bank Bldg., 92 Escolta, Binondo. Dionisio, Dr. S. Ador-Phy sician and Surgeon-Tel. 29135-Room 216, Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Dios, Celestino L. de- Lawyer- Tel. 21241 Room 224, Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo.

Dios, Filemon de-Horses Feed and General Merchant-Tel. 27801-2612 Lico, Sta. Cruz. Dios, Dr. Patricio de-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 47819 ~ 2010-B Juan Luna, Tondo. Dios, Dr. Victol'ino de-Physician-Tel. 48765-1894 Juan Luna, Tondo. Diu Po Kian-Importers of Groceries, Exporter of Native Products-Tel. 47350327 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Diu Po Kian Prop. Diu Kiam Tic, Mgr. Division of City Schools Savings & Loan Association, Inc.-Tel. 29491-162 Arroceros, Ermita. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Divisoria Bazar-P. O. Box 1980. Tel. 49973-1029 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. B. Kakugawa, Prop. & Mgr. Divisol'ia Grocer.y -Grocer-Tel. 48794-551 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Dixie Bar - Tel. 28903 -126 Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. (Managed by Tom's Dixie Kitchen, Inc.)


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Dixon Auto Supply-Auto Spare Parts, Gasoline Dealer-Tel. 25574-212-216 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Co Cut, Prop. and Mgr. Diy. Dr. Salvador J.-Phy sician-Tel. 24340 -601 Legal'da, Sampaloc. Dizon Filtro-Radiumetor-Pottery Drinking Water Containers with Filter-P. O. Box 31SI-Cable Address: "RADlUMETOR"-779 Tayabas, Sta. Cruz. C. M. Dizon, Manufacturer and Prop. Dizon, Dr. Luciano C.-Ph:ysician and Surgeon-Tel. 24175-1559 Azcarraga, Santa Cruz. Dizon & Son-J ewelel's, Gold and Silversmiths, and 路W atch Repairing-l002 Dart, Paca. Teofilo Dizon, Prop. Dizon, Sotel'O Q.-Embalmer-Tel. 57749708 Georgia, Malate. Dizon's Dental Labora tory. B. M.-TeI. 25123-4th Floor Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. B. M. Dizon. Dizon's Laundry-1859 Juan Luna, Tondo. Simplicio Dizon, Prop. Doane Dormitory-Tel. 57450-420 Pennsylvania, Ermita. Hernice M. Hahn, Dean. Dodge & Seymour, Manila, Inc.-Manila Head Office: P. O. Box 1345-Tel. 22229 -Cable Address : "EXIMCO"-44 Metropolitan Bldg., Plaza Lawton, Ermita. Dodwell-Castle Line (Macondray & Co., Inc,. General Agents)-TeJ. 49871-3rd Floor, China Bank Bldg., Dasmarifias, Binondo. Dolor & Pharmacy, L.-Druggists, Wholesale and Retail-Tels. 29249 and 2808192-98 Rosario, Binondo. Luis Dolor, Prop. and Mgl'. Jose Capistrano, Jr., Pharm. Felipe Barcenas, Bookkeeper. Dolly Beauty Salon-Tel. 57161-239 Alonso, Malate. Miss Elisa Ayesa, Prop. DOnE. NEWS AGENCY-News Agency -Po O. Box 391-Tel. 53468-Cable Address: "DOMEI-MANILA-Otis (Int.)-155 Isidro Mendoza, Paco. Kenichi Nakaya, Manager. Dometiza Studio--Commercial Photographer -Developing and Printing-854 O'Donnell, Stu. Cruz. N. Dometiza, Prop. Domingo, Mrs. G. F.-Embroidery Dealer, -Tel. 55679-1209 Carolina, Malate. Domingo, Hilario V.-Land Transportation -Tel. 27570-17 San Gabriel, Binondo. Domingo, Melecio--Civil Engineer-441 Tayuman, Tondo. j )

Domingo, Santiago-Land Transportation - Tel. 27570-17 San Gabriel, Binondo. Santiago Domingo, Prop. Hilario Domingo, Mgr. F. Domingo, Cashier. Vicente Domingo, Checker. Domingo, Dr. Vicente M.-Dentist-Corner Henan and Dart, Paco. DOltlINGO & CO., P. E. - Importers, Indentors, Manufacturers-Tel. 27683Cable Address: "PEDCO"-1208 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Primitivo E. Domingo, Prop. and Mgr. Rosario R. Domingo, Treasurer. Branches: San Fernando, Pampanga. Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Malolos, Bulacan. Lingayen, Pangasinan. Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. Cavite City, Cavite. Pasig, Rizal. Tarlac, Tarlac. Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Ilagan, Isabela. Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. Batangas, Batangas. Lucena, Tayabas. Balanga, Bataan. Iba, Zambales. "'~-f ';" . Donato, Dr. Ramon B.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 48546-542 Madrid, San Nicolas. Donato:l Dr. Ramon C.-Dentist-Tel. 55584 - 15 1 San Andres, Malate. Donato & Sons, R. C.-Venetian Blind Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1280-Tel. 55584-Cable Address: "DONATOSONS"1531 San Andres, Malate. Ramon C. Donato, Mgr. Amparo Tuason de Donato, Treas. Doneza, Santiago--Pl'ovision Contractor5 P. Ducos, Santa Cruz. Doria's Laundry-Tel. 26158-1037 Soler, Sta.. Cruz. Valentin G. Doria, Prop. Dorothy Dix Dormitor,y -Girls DormitoryTel. 21740-32 Alejandro VI, Sampaloc. Mrs. Belen Z. Pelejo, Dean and Prop. Jaime Pelejo, Manager. Down Town Restaurant-Tel. 29619-109111 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. Lim Chuy Kiong, Prop. Lim Ching Suy, Manager. Doyle, Dr. Joseph D.-Dentist-Tel. 21642 -500 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo.

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Du Barry Styles-Modist-Tel. 49249-651 13enavides, Binondo. Conchita Cu, Prop. Du Hun Ting-Copra and Hemp Dealel'P. O. Box 2798-Tel. 48252-342 Camba, San Nicolas. Du Hun Ting, Mgr. 'Duart Beauty Salon-Tel. 57112-30 Plaza Ferguson, Ermita. Mary Ceron. Ira Olonzteff. Dugenio, Fausto-Lawyer-P. O. Box 953 -Tel. 22118--126 Plaza Sampalucan, Intramuros. Dujua, Dr. Ernesto F .-Dental-SurgeonTel. 29474-Room 304, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Dulangan Mining Interests Co., Inc.-Mining Company-Po O. Box 2076-Tel. 21222 - Cable Address: "DULANGAN-MANILA" - Room 305, Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Charles A. McDonough, President. Angel Elizalde, Director. John D. McCord, Director. Raymond M. Rankin, Director, Secretary and Actg. Mgr. J. J. Danon, Director. Pedro Mossessgeld Santiago, Director. Pedro R. Enriquez, Accountant and Purchasing Agent. Pilar Mariano, Stenographer-Sec'y. Dulong Enterprises, Inc.-Manila OfficeP. O. Box 1478-Tel. 24376-Cable Addres~: "DULON", MANILA- Main Office: 218 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Manuel Urquico, Pres. Juan B. Lammoglia, Vice-Pres. Jacinto R. Cura, Sec'y.-Tl'eas. Ulpiano C. Sazon, Auditor. Directors: Alrejandro J. PanliIio. Gonzalo D. Cordero. Jacinto R. Cura. Manuel Urquico. Tomas de Vega. Juan B. Lammoglia. Melq~iades M. Castro. Dumlao Art Studios - Art Studio - Tel. 27709-913 Soler, Santa Cruz. Antonio G. Dumlao, Prop. Dumlao, Fidel P .-Lawyer-P. O. Box 2487 -Tel. 21644-601 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Dungan Antonio-Tailor and Master Cutter-Tel. 25372-25 Escolta Cor. Nueva (Up-stairs), Binondo. Dungca's Tailoring-Tailor-Te1. 55225818 Dart, Paco. Pablo V. Dungca, Cutter and Prop.

DUNLOP RUBBER COo, LTD_-P. O. Box 3188 - Tels. 47981 and 22792 - 845 Elizalde Bldg., Muel1e de la Industria. T. J. Pratt, Resident Representative. (See Elizalde & Co., Inc.- Distributors) Duque and Sons Tailoring, F. G.-(Founded 1914) .-Tailors-Tel. 27251-1003 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. F. G. Duque, Master-Cutter and Prop. DUqUE, P _-Sailmaker-Tel. 21325-342 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Paulino Duque, Prop. and Mgr. DURAN & LUI-Attorneys-at-Law-P. O. Box 522-Tels. 23094 and 23095-Cable Address: "DULIM" 4th Floor, 401407 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Cor. Escolta and T . Pinpin, Binondo. Manuel Lim. pio Duran. Honesto K. Bausa. Pablo L. Meer. Ernesto Y. Sibal. Augusto Francisco. Armando Magpayo. Patrocinio J. Dayrit. FeIino G. Ampil. Duran, Pio - Lawyer - Tels. 23094 and 23095-4th Floor, Cu Unjieng Building, EscoIta, Binondo. Duran's, Inc. - Men's Wear and Ladies Wear-Tel. 27155-89-91 Real, Intramul·OS.

Jose E. Duran, Jr., Prop. DY BUNCIO & COo, INC.-Importers and Exporters, Manufacturers' Representatives, Dealers in General Merchandise; Philippine produce; Wholesale Groceries; Lard and Oil Manufacturers; Paper Bags and Toilet Paper Factory; Steamship Agents-P. O. Box 1477-Tels. 48410, 48927, 47920, 48487, 49307, 56693, 47710, and 49773-Cable Address: "DYBUNCIO"Codes Used: Acme, Bentley's, A. B. C. 5th Edition, Western Union 5 letters, Pl'ivate -191-211 Murelle de Binondo. Guillenno Dy Buncio, President. Vicente Dy Buncio, 1st Vice-Pres. Santiago Abraham, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Sec'¥. Alan Howell, Treasurer. Maxima V. Vda. de C. Dy Buncio, Dir. Agents: Wm. Gaymer & Son, Ltd., England. John Gillon & Co., Glasgow. Grierson, Oldham & Co., Ltd., England. James Keiller & Son Ltd., London, England. P. Lorillard & Co., New York, U. S. A. Lombardi Wines, Ltd., Los Angeles, Calif.


76 Escolta



(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P_ 0_ Bo. 2104


2.23.62 MANILA

- I



H . C. Matthews & Co" Pty. Ltd., Australia. McVitie & Price, Ltd., Engla nd. Optimus A-G, Sweden. Pacific Distillers, Inc., U. S. A. Standard Ultramarine Co., U. S. A. Solvay Sales Corp., New York. Union Brewery Ltd., Shanghai (UB Beer) . Wasco Warehouse Milling Co., Oregon. Sub-Agents: Yorkshire Fire In surance Co., Ltd. Dy Cuiton & Co.-Dry Goods Dealers, Importers of Dry Goods, Wholesale and Retail - Tel. 49161-119-A-1l9-B Rosa rio Binondo. . Dy Cuiton, Prop. and Mgr. Dy Hap Seng & Co.-Salt Dealer-P . O. Box I016-Tei. 49696-719 Azcarraga Tondo. ' Dy ~iong & Co.-H Hoc Guan Hong Co.)J_ Rice Dealers-P. O. Box 1737-Tel. 48754 -105 Meisic, Binondo. Dy, Dr. Manuel Alandy-Physician-Sul'_ geon-Tel. 47661-227 Soler, Binondo. DY PAC & CO_.INC._ Lumber ManufactUrers and Dealers-P. O. Box 1239Tels. 49561 and 49591-Cabl e Address: uDYPAC" -1032 Juan Luna Tondo Branch Office: Washington Lumber Co" Tel. 49088-808-818-Juan Lu na, Tondo. Dy Pac, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Francisco Gochuico, See'y. Dy Tee Sing, Treas. David Dyhan, Manager. Dy Siu Bazar- General Merchandise (Importer and Manufacturers' Repl'esentative)-P. O. Box 2389-Tel. 4975S--CahIe Address : "DYSIU"-142-154 Soler, Binando. Dy Eng Hua, Manager. DY TlAN & CO. - Saw Mill Op"'rators and Lumber Dealers - Tel. 21847 -1518 Azcarraga, Santa Cruz. Dy Tian, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Dy B. Chuan, Treasurer. Dy Tack, Dr. Felipe-Physician-Tel. 47661 224 Soler, Binando. DYCHAUCO, ROSENDO-Direct Importer and Exporter of China ware, Glassware, Enamelware, Porcelain, H ardware, Lamp, Aluminum-ware and Fish NetTel. 49360-Cable Address: "RDYCHAUCO" I -318-320 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Rosendo Dychauco, Mgr. Jose Dychauco, Ass't. Mgr. 1 (Sec Ad'Vcrtiscment)

E E & J Dress Shop- Dress Importe rs-Tel. 57657-14 Nebraska, El'tnita. Mrs. E . Johnston. Eagle F loorwax Factory- Tel. 51211-330 V. Gotamco, Pasay, Rizal. Lim Che Ting. Prop. & Mgr. EAGLE SEWING ~IACHINE REBUILDERS - Tel. 25276 - 834 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. E. L. Va so uez, Prop. and Mgr. Eagles Fraternal Club - Tel. 53562 - 520 San Marcelino, Ermita. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Earnshaw Bowling and Billiard Recreation Hall, The--354 M. Earnshaw, Sampaloc. Jose Silos, Mgr. EARNSHAWS DOCKS AND HONOLULU IRON WORKS , THE-BRANCH OF HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.Manufacturers, Impor ters, and Repairers of all kinds of Sugar, Mining, Agricultural a nd Sawmill Machinery, Consulting and Contracting Engineers. Founders, Ship Builders and Repail'er s-P. O. Box 282-Tel. 23213-Private Exchange connecting all Depts.-Cable Address: "MEARNSHAW" Manil a , Standard Codes - Offices and Works :-Second Street, Port Area~ Manila. Bacolod. Occ. Negros, Cebu, Cebu, P. I.; Honolulu and H ilo, T. H . ; New York, San Francisco, Cuba, and Canton, South China. George Milne, Ma nager. 1. M. Duncan, Accounts Department. John J . Ehrhardt, Works Department. A. Mu scat, Slipway Superintendent. M. H. Diserens, Manager, Merchandise Department. L. Cucullu, Merchandise Department. Mining and General Machiner.y Representatives: G. V. Parkinson. H. N. Wilson. R. W. W ells. R. M. Schade. C. A. Forth. M. MOl'ganti-Cebu Branch. W. Thomann-Bacolod Branch. Bankers: Philippine National Bank.


j ll.


76 Escolta




(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O.




2-23-62 MANILA




E.lIZALf)£ &Ca.INC.




National City Bank BuiJdinfl


Cable Addresses: "EASTASIATIC"" ORIENTOlOG" Telephones: 24768·24769

















Third Floor • TeL 2-18-01

Printers, Engravers & Stationers Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Brass Signs, Badges, Dry Seals, etc_



Advisory Committee : G. H. Wilkinson. G. G. Gordon. G. Milne. C. A. De Witt. Attorneys: Messrs. DeWitt, Perkins & Ponce Enrile. Auditors: Messrs. Fleming & Williamson. Fiscal Agents: Messrs. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. East Publishing Company, Inc.-(Exclusive Agents of the PHILIPPINE REPORTS ANNOTATED) - Tel. 57343- 1181 Pennsylvania, Malate. Board of Directors- Officers: Vicente J. Francisco, Pres. Alberto V. J . Francisco, Vice-Pres. Trinidad J. Francisco, Sec'y.-Treas. East Supply Co., Inc.- Importers and Exporters-Tel. 26917-700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ricardo Mascufiana, Mgr. East and W'est Products LaboratoriesGeneral Merchants and Importers-P. O. Box 1551-Tel. 26231-218 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Silvino Dayco, Prop. and Mgr. Jose Dayco, Assistant. Amana Almeda de Dayco. Treas. EASTERN A~IERICAN UIPORT COMPANY-Manufacturers' Representatives - Po O. Box 3270- Tel. 26173-Cable Address : "ORMICO" - MANILA - 224-226 Kneedl-el' Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Osmundo R. Mendoza, Gen. Mgr. Perfecto Ipapo, Ass't. Mgr. and Treas. Salvador Z. Farol, Sec'y. Mi ss Consolacion E spina, Stenog. Silvestre Ipapo, Bookkeeper. Amando F . Tagle, Salesman. Vicente Barazon, Salesman. Eastern Auto Supply Co.-Electrical Supplies-P. O. Box 49-Tels. 24341 and 25647 - 629-631 Teodora Alon so, Sta. Cruz. Uy Ti, Manager. Eastern De'ep-Sea Fishing CorporationFishing-P. O. Box 843-Tel. 24237- 312 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binondo. Directors: Judge Rafael Corpus, President. Roman Mabanta, Vice.-;President and Gen. Mgr. Nicodemus L. Dasig, Secretary and Legal Counsel. Mrs. Antonina F. Mabanta, Treasurer. Salvador Zaragoza, Director. Fausto Preysler, Director.

Juan Manahan, Director. Narciso Mabanta, Director. Pedro G. Mabanta, Director. Eastern Development Co., Inc.- Warner , Barnes & Co., Ltd., Gen. Managers-Hold ing Company- Po O. Box 579- Tels_ 23124 to 27, 23470 and 24157-4th Floor Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Don Andres Soriano, Pres. V. H. Masefield, Vice-Pres. and Treas. P. L. Mapa, Vice-Pres. A. M. Macleod, Vice-Pres. Antonio Roxas, Dir. Don Nicolas Lizares, Dir. Col. F. Hodsoll, Dir. J . H. Sampson, Dir. G. M. Bridgeford, Dir. Eastern Embroid ery Co., Inc.- Embroidery Manufacturer s - P. O. Box 2419 - Tel. 53415-Cable Address: <CSAMARA"-2966 Henan, Santa Ana . . Edward Samara, Pres. Hamra Samara, Vice-Pres. EASTERN EXTENSION AUSTRALASIA AND CIONA TELEGRAPH CO .• LTD.. 'I'IIE, ASSOCIATED WITII CARLE AND WIRELESS, LTD.-P. O. Box 161- Tels. 21744 and 22636-Ho· gar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. H. S. C. Rowley, Mgr. A. Heath, Ass't. Mgr. Eastern Inspection Bureau, Inc. - Credit and Insurance Reports- P. O. Box 3421 - Tel. 47017- Cable Address: "INSPECT" - 705 S. J. Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. J. J. Reynold s, Pres. Duncan Burn, Chief Inspector. C. M. Cruz, Stenographer. A. S. Moreno, Inspector. Eastern Novelty Store- Tel. 29365-807 Rizal A venue. Santa Cruz. Leoncio Lao. Manager. Eastern Pacific Tra ding Company- Genera l Merchants - Importers-Exporter s - Tel. 22930-Cable Address: "EP'I'RACO"-821823-825 Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Eufrosino B. Ta ningco. Simplicio O. Lindogan. Raul Ruiz de Arana. Gaudioso Mafigabat. EASTERN & PHILIPPINES SIIIPPING AGENCIES, LTD.-Agents for t he Netherlands Steamship and Airline Companies and Ships Brokers-P. O. Box 2726-Tels. 22696, 22697 and 22698-Cable Address: "JAVALJJN" and "HOALJNE" Marsman Bldg., Port Area. A. J. Ramondt, Pres. H. R. Semmelink, Vice-Pres.




(Opp",,;te Lyric Theatre) P. O. Bo. 2104


2.23.62 MANILA



Echague Drug Store-Dl'ug~ist, RetailF . C. J. de Ridder, Pass. Agent. A. van del' Meulen, Freight Dept. T el. 27321-671 Echague. San Miguel. J. Ph. Roosegaarde Bisschop, Freight Dr. Perfecta Llerena. Prop. Dept. Mrs. T . O. Goffrey, Mgr. H. G. M. Rompen , Accountant. Emi1ia de Leon, Pharo W. J. Duyvene DeWit, Ass't. Pass. Echaus, Enrique-General Merchant-Tel. Agent. 24434-Room 422, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Ml'S, W. S . Hurst, A ss't. Pass. Dept. Binondo. Represe ntatives in the Philippines for: Echaves, Recaredo-Life Insurance UnderJava-China-Japan Lijn N. V. writer of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd . -P. O. Box 734- TeI: 22431-Cable H olland-Oost-Azie Lijn. K. P. M. Line. Address: INSULlFE-Third Floor, Insular Nederland Line Royal Du tch Mail. Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Rotterdam Lloyd Royal Dutch Mail. Economic Press-Printers and Bookbinders H oll a nd America Line. -Tel. 22782-1087 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Holland Africa Line. Julio Guidotti, Mgr. and Prop. K.L.M. Royal Dutch Air Lines. Ecos-Monthly Review- P. O. Box 2227K.N.T.L.M. Royal Netherlands Indies Tel. 22706-Cable Address : "Ecos"-E. Airways. Mendiola, San Miguel. . Eastern Syndicate Investment CompanyRev. Teodomiro Maristany, Editor. Investments-P. O. Box 2982-Tel. 47911 Rev. Jose M. CUTio, Mgr. Cable Address: "EASY NCO" - 605 \Vilson Eden Bar-Saloon-Tel. 29811-1828 AzcarBldg., Juan Luna , Binondo. raga , Santa Cruz. B. H. Berkenkotter, President. T ol<yo Grocery, Props. 'V'm. Ick, Vice Pl路esident. Mrs. Salvacion Aranda, Mgr. Chas. G. Saill, C.P.A., Vice Presi dent Edita's Beauty Parlor - Tel. 48145 - 215 and Treasurer. Azcarraga, Tondo. Felix J. Torres, Secretary. Engracia L. Valdemar, Prop. and Mgr. Emilio Adrillano, Purchasing Agent. Eduardo Co Seteng & Co. (See Co Seteng Miss Emma Anton io, Stenographer. & Co ., Eduardo) Eastern Tayabas Bus Co.- Transportation Educational Book Store-Booksellers and - Tel. 48753-620 Azca r l'aga, T ondo. Magazines-Tel. 29725- 670 Rizal A veDr. Ramon Sole r, Mgr. nue, Santa Cruz. Leandro Alvarez, A sst. Mgt'. Juana Tan, Prop. & Mgr. Eladio Romualdo, Treas . Educational Distributors, The--ImportersSimplicio Garin. Supt. of Tran s. Sporting Goods, School D evices and SupJuan J ose, Incharge, Manila Office. plies- P o O. Box 557-Tel. 49602-765 EASTERN TIIEATRICAL CO~IPANY, Juan Luna, Binondo. INC.-Tels. 21331路21332-3rd Floor Capi. Pacifico Buenconsejo, Mgr. Mi ss Araceli Cueto, Sec'y. tol Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Owners and Operators of: Educational Printers - School Supplies, Capitol Theatre-Tel. 22773. Teaching Devices, Publisher s, Printers Lyric Theatre-Tels: 22837 & 24106. and Bookbinders-Tel. 25724-1417 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ea stern Trading Company- Expol'tel's-ImDemetrio Quirino, Manager. POl'tel's-Manufacturel's-"Manufacturer's Agent-P. O. Box 3418-Tel. 25965-Ca- EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHERS, THE bl e Address : /lETHA" _. Margarita David _ Manufacturers of In structional MaBldg., COl'. Azcarrag.l a nd Rizal Ave. , terials, Teacher's Aids and Devices, Sta. Cruz. Dealers in Educational Supplies. ExDionisio Bautista, Managing P artner. clusi ve distributors of Speed-O-Print Simeon P. Bangcaya, Managing PartDuplicator and Supplies- P o O. Box 2586 ner. -Tel. 54160-Cable Address : "JUPAJU" - 1351 Gral. Luna, Ermita. Eastman Kodak Co. (Represented by KoJuan P. Juan, Prop. and Gen. Manager. dak Philippines, Lt d.) -P. O. Box 296Atty. Felix R. Domingo, Legal Counsel. Tel. 21647 - Cable Address : "KODAK" Simeon P. Trinidad, A ss't. Manager. 434 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Leonides B. E spiritu, Chief Clerk. Echague Bachelor's Laund ry-703 Echague, Francisco P. Mangulabnan, AccountSan Miguel. ant. Pacita Olan, Prop. OPTOMETRISTS


SABATER & CO. OPT~~ANS 2.23.62 76 Escolta

(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104




Educational Sales Company, Inc.-Teaching devices, School Supplies, Library Supplies, Bookbinding Materials, Home Economics Supplies and Military Equ ipments, Etc.-P. O. Box l866-Tel. 28382-Cable Address: "EDUSCO" -1030 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Alfredo R. Juan, Manager. Educational Supnly, The-Publishers and Book SeIler&-P. O. Box 954-Tel. 26017 -704 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. V. Puyat Macaraig, Prop. Eduque Theatrical Enterprise - Theatrical Management and Real Estate-P. O. Box Box 82-TeI. 58555-1411 Hen·an. Paco. Mrs. Salvacion Feria Vda. de Eduque, Administratrix and Prop. Eigetsu Hotel-P. O. Box 2453-Tel. 25059 -861 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Mrs. S. Segimoto. EI Aguila-Candy Factory-Tel. 49240-357 Caballeros, San Nicola!'!. Tan Ching Kang, Mgr. /lEI AholTO Insular"-Sociedad Mutua de Construccion v Prestamos-P. O. Box l219-Tel. 2l602-Cable Address: "AURRERA" Rooms 209-217, Calvo Bldg Escolta, Binondo. Alberto Barretto, Pres. Manuel V. Gallego, Mgr. Jose Ma. de Amusategui, Treas. Paz de los Reyes, Sec'y. Juan Costas, Ass't. Sec'y. Jose R. Hipolito, Accountant. Arsenio R. Santos, Asst. Account.:1.nt. Honorio Villanueva, Cashier. Benjamin Dayao, Bookkeeper. Nicanor T. Pagdanganan, Atty. EI Arte-Embroidery-1353 Herran, Paco. Rosario de Bayot, Prop. EI Arte Filipino-Artificial Flowers Manufacturers-543 Evangelista, Quiapo. Toby de Jesus, Prop. EI Arte Moderno-Silversmith and Watchmakers-829 San Mercelino, Paco. Rosenda Vda. de Bermudez, Mgr. and Prop. EI Artes-Embroideries-419 San Lazaro. Sta. Cruz. Salud de Yamson, Prop. "EL BARATO"-Jewelers, Whol'Csale and Retail-Diamonds, Pearls, Precious Stones, Tablewares, Religious Medals and Novelties, Etc.-P. O. Box 60-Tel. 26587-300 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. J osefina Mantelo de Francisco, Prop. Jos'efina Francisco, Assistant Manager.

"El Brmo" - Electr~Plating - Manufacturers and Repairers of Beauty Parlor Equipments - Tel. 27720 - Main Office and Shop: 709-715 Mayhaligue, Sta. Cruz.-Branch Office: 705 Rizal A venue -Tel. 27760. Apolinario de Guzman, Mgr. Sinforosa H. de Guzman, Prop. EI Buen Asenso--Flour Dealers-Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 48305-537-539 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Sy Hock, Prop. EI Camello--Coffee and Chocolate Factory -Tel. 53488-468 A. Mabini, Ermita. . Aboitiz & Co., Inc., Props. EI Canal de Suez-Groceries and Liquors _Po O. Box l716-Tel. 22984-Cable Address: "ELCANAL"-308 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. A. Rodr!guez. Prop. M. RodrIguez, Mgr. EI Centro de Modas-D. T. Macuan Hermanos & Co., Inc. - Tailoring, Haberdashery - Tel. 28607 - Cable Address: "CENTROMOD" -16 Escolta, (Upstairs) Binondo. Angel Y. Macuan, Pres. Et Comercio (See the Commerce) Weekly Publication in English. EI Consuelo--Grocery-Tel. 47504-1045 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Dy Leh, Prop. and Mgr. "El Creciente"-Furniture Manufacturers -Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 430-3 Laong Laan, Caloocan, Rizal. Arcadio Juat, Prop. EL DEBATE-The Only Morn ing Daily in Spanish - P. O. Box 601- Tel. 24971 (Connecting all Depts.) - 61 Muralla, Intramuros. Peoples Press, Inc., Publishers. J. Amado Araneta, President. Carlos P. Romulo, Publisher and VicePres. Jos'e R. Da Silva, General Manager. Jose Ma. Massio, Editor. D. L. Brodt, Adv. Dir. M. de Leon, Cir. Mgr. EI Dorado Oil Works - Copra BuyersHead Office: 311 California St., San Francisco, Ca1.-Manila Office: P. O. Box 1171-Tel. Nos . 23332-22322-Cable Address: "ELDOILWORKS" - 325 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. W. B. R'eis, Pres. (Absent). M. Igual, Mgr. C. H . Steinberg, Ass't. Manager. EI Dorado Trading Co., Inc.-Merchandise Broker, Steamship Agency-P. O. Box 1171 - Tel. 23332 - Cable Address:



76 Escol ta


(Opposite Lyric The.tre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA



ffELDOILWORKS"-325 National City Bank

Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. M. Igual, Pres. C. H. Steinberg, Treas. and Mgl'. EI Exacto-'Vatch Repairing- IBIS Herran, Paeo. Joaquin Zulu eta, Prop. EI Filipino-Baker), and Grocery-Tel. 49503-1053-1055 Magdalena, Tondo. Lang Away. Prop. EI Fruto de Cacao-Chocolate and Coffee Factory-Tel. 47637- 622 Magdalena, Bi. non do. Que Chi eng Cioc, Prop. El Globo-Wine and Liquor Deale-::s and Groceries-P. O. Box 6S0- Tel. 57136-405-409 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Nicolas Guena, Mgr. EI Gusto-Bakery- Te1. 29137- 1849 AzC31'raga, Sta. Cruz. Jose Simpao, Prop. EI Hogar Filipino - Mutual Bui1dinlZ' & Loan Association- P. O. Box l05-Tels. 21007, 21008 and 21009-Cable Address: flHOGARFILIP"- EI Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Manuel Camus , Pres. Ramon J. Fernandez, Vice·Pl'es. Enrique Zobel, Treas. Di r ectors: Clyde Alton D e"Wi tt. Horace B. Pond. Tomas Earnshaw. Jose C. Abreu . Dr. Antonio G. Sison. J. R. McMicking. Vicente Delgado, Manager. Nemesio Zamora, See'y. EI Inventor - Truck Body Builder - Tel. 47767- UOO Narra, Tondo. Sinforoso Mercado, Prop. EL LUCERO DEL ALBA - Groceries, Wholesale and Retail, Importers-P. O. Box 1597-Tel. 25104-481-483 Dasmarinas, Binondo. A. Tung Chingco, Prop. HEI Mundo" - Dry Goods-410 Legarda, SampaIoc. Go Shian, Prop. EI Mundo Jell y Faetor,y --J'elly DealersTel. 25154-211 E speleta, Sta. Cruz. Go Ti Jap, Prop. EI N ickel-Modern Electro Plating and Chromium Works - Tel. 28979 - 82 San Rafael, Sampaloc. Alfonso Elmido, Prop. and Mgr. El Nido Restaurant-Tel. 52548- 3499 Taft Avenue Ext., Pasa y, Rizal. Gloria Gatdul a , Prop. I sidora Ga tdul a , Mgr.

HEI 82"-Paint Materials-1013 Azcarraga, Tondo. Constancio Ongpin, Prop. HEI 93"-Watch Repairing-617 Clavel, San Nicolas. Liborio Santos, Prop. and Mechanical \Vatchmaker. <lEI Obrero"-Marbl-e Works-2383 Herran, Paco. EI Occidental- Distillery-Wholesale and RoetaiI Liquor Dealers-P. O. Box 139Tel. 49008-414 T. Pinpin and 405 Gandara, Binondo. Leong Wong & Lei Fok, Props. Leong Wong, Mgr. HEl Opalo"--Jewelers and Watchmakers1193 Sande, Tondo. Francisco D. Zabat, Prop. EI Oriental Taller de Maquinaria-WeJding and Machine Shop-Tel. 47178-758 Reina Regente, Binondo. Catalino S. Dytianguin, Prop. Felipe Dytianguin Tayugue, Ass't. "EI Oriente"-Nickel and Chromium Plating, Beauty Parlor EQuipments & Supnlies - Tel. 23054 - 302 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. Maximo Constantino, Prop. EL ORIENTE FABRICA DE TABACOS, INC.- Manufacturers and Exporters of Cigars - P . O. Box 590 - Tels. 21488 and 22843- Cable Address: "ELORI"- 167 General Solano, San Miguel. Harry A. Lee, President. J. C. Wunderlich, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Chas. A. McDonough, Director. A. J. Gibbs, Director. Arsenio N . Luz, Director. Bernardo Nera, Secretary. Jose L. Manuel, Ass't. Treas. and Cashier. A. J. Morri s, Sales Agent. E. Bayer, Superintendent. Agencies: EI Oriente Fabrica de Tabacos-153 Nanking Road, Shanlrhai, China. EI Oriente Fabrica d'e Tabacos-55 Robinson Road, Singapore S.S. "EL ORO"--Jewelry, Gold, Silversmith and Engraver- Military Insignias-Tel. 54757-1420 Henan, Paco. Jose Ma. Tupaz, Prop. HEI Oro Blanco"--J'ewelers and Watch· makers-U86 Sande, Tondo. Q. S. de Reyes, Prop. El Pan de San Antonio - Bakery - Tel. 49534-431 Camba, San Nicolas. Leonardo Eugenio, Mgr.



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(Oppoe ;te Lydc Theatre) P_ O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA


EI Pan de Santiago-Bakel'y-Tel. 251862015 Rizal Ave. , Sta. Cruz. Chua Teng, Prop. EL PAVO REAL-Biscu it a nd Macal'oni Factory-Tel. 48042-438 P. Rada, Tondo. Kurt Sturm, Prop. EI Platino-Reta il J -ewel ry and Watchmaking-233 Legal'da, Sampaloc. Oliva de Guzman Viuda de Lahom, Prop. EI Porvenir- Restaurant-H E speci alty in Native foods"-53 Magall a nes, Intra muros. Basilio Cdsostomo, Prop. a nd Mgr. EI Porvenir Rubber Products, Inc.-Manufacturers of Rubber Canvas Shoes-Po O. Box 208-Tels. Dial 40 and ask operator Cal. 469 01' 329-Cable Address: "ELPORUPRO" - Rizal Ave. E xtension, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Tomas Geronimo, Founder. Carlos Geronimo, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Florentina L. de Geronimo, Treasurer. El Porvenir Store-Cigars, Cigarettes and School Supplies-Tel. 47305-702-704 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Mrs. Lucia Pacson, Prop. EI Progreso Grocery--Flour, Sugar and Grocery Dealers-"Tel. 48335-807 Folgueras, Tondo. L. Geronimo, Prop. EI Progreso Store--Grocery-Tel. 26513106 Villalobos, Quiapo. Sic To, Mgr. EI Radiante-Shoemaker-92 Real, Intramuros. Miguel David, Prop. a nd Msrr. El Kitchen - Mexican Restaurant - Tel. 51715 - 161 Sincego, Pasay. Rafael Alonso, Proprietor. EI Retofio-Bookbinding and Printing-Tel. 23635-95 San Rafael, Quiapo. A. Guzman, Prop. N. Pasicolan, Prop. EI Sardonix- Silversrnith and Watch Repairing-814 Lavezares, San Nicol as. Quirino S. Alarcon, Prop. EI Sol de Filipinas-Tobacco Factory-443 San Lazaro, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Tomasa Ropal, Prop. EI Sol Mayor Music Store-Manufacturers and Dealers of Musical String and Brass Instruments-P. O. Box 212-Tei. 25969 546 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Fausto Martin, Prop. and Manager. EI Sol Naciente--Sundries-Tel. 488831010-1012 Comercio, San Nicolas. Tan Bio, Mgr.

El Sombrero de Copa-Hatters-P. O. Box 1534-Tel. 48896-347 Juan Luna, Binondo. Jose Rodriguez, Prop. and Mgr. El Tesoro Bakery-Tel. 26068-817 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Loreta Soriano Vda. de Protomartir. EI Tiempo-Bicycle Repa irer s-1411 Azcarraga, Tondo. ~ Patricio Pantaleon, Prop. Miguel Pantaleon, Mech. Antonio P a ntal eon, Mech. El Val'adero de Ma nila-Fernandez Hel'manos, Inc., Gen. Mgrs.-Shipbuilders a nd Engineers - P. O. Box 805 - Tel. 49824-Cable Address: "ELVADEMA"-109 Juan Luna, Binondo. H . McCann, Work Mgr. and Supt. Eng. , Cavite. EI Zenith Jewelry Store-Po O. Box 257Tel. 22985-Cable Address: "EL ZENITH" -33-35 Escolta, Binondo. J. Kyburz, Prop. EIchico, Eduardo V.-路Lawyel'-Tel. 48039 - 511-513 Lavezares, San Nicolas. E lehico, Dr. J ose-Physician-Tel. 48039513 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Elco Electric - Electrical InstallationTel. 28005-302 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. Alfredo T. Lantin. Electa Lodging House - Tel. 23630 - 422 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Quan Ling, Prop. Electrical Supply Co., Inc. - Electrical, Radio, Telephone a nd Telegraph Supplies -Po O. Box 761 Tel. 2145S-Cable Address: HM ERCHMAN"- 107 Legarda, Sampaloe. Henr楼 Herman, General Manager and Treas. Dona ta M. de J esus, Secretary. Felipe Mapoy, Director. Henry Herma n, Jr., Director. Manuel H erman, Director. Electro Radio Service and Suppl,y - Tel. 26210- 1116 F elix Huertas, Sta. Cruz. Manuel Gomez, Prop. "Elektra U V" Electro-Medical Equipment -Tel . 28735-Cable Address: "AENRIQ"--403 F ernan dez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Elena Apartments - Apartment HousesTels. 56755 and 56680-Cable Address: " LOENcoll-Mabini Corner Romero Salas, Ermita. Lopez Enterprises Co., Inc. (Administrators) . Elias, Joaquin-Manufacturer of Philippine Hats and Army and Navy Caps - 917 Ylaya, Tondo.

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(Opposite LyrIc Theatre) P . O.




2路23路62 MANILA



Elisa's Beauty Parlor-Tel. 48423-Cor. Ylaya and P. Rada, Tando. Elisa de Villas, Prop. Ermita Branch: 406 Taft Avenue, El'mita-Tel. 54059. Elite Kindergarten & Primary SchoolTel. 54511-337 Perez, Paco. (See also Miscellaneous SeeMon) Elite Shoe Store-Retail and Wholesale Shoe Dealers- Tel. 26770- 246·248 Gan· dara, Binando. Go Hoc, Prop. and Gen. Mgr. Elite Tailoring, Inc.-Tailors and Shirt Makers-P. O. Box 1358-Tel. 2774191-93 Victoria, Intramuros. Tl'anquilino Oliveros, Mgr. Elite Theatre-Tel. 25708-932 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo.

Mrs. Salvacion Eduque, Prop. Elizabeth Shoppe-Hand Paintled Articles and Embroideries-135 A. Mabinit Ermita. E. James, Prop. ELIZALDE & CO., INC. - (Founded 1854) -General Merchants and Manufacturers, EXDPrters and ImportersInsurance, Shipping, Rope, Yco Paints and Oil Products, Lumber, Sugar, Hardware and Mining-P. O. Box 121-Tel. 22791-Cable Address: "ELIZALDE"-Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Industria. J. M. (Mike) Elizalde, Chairman. F. Von Kauffmann, Vice-Chairman. Juan M. Elizalde, President. Manuel Elizalde, First Vice-President. Angel Elizalde, Vice-President.

(See Advertisement) ELIZ..\LDF. & CO., INC.- TIRE DEP· ARTMEN1.'- Dunlop Tires and Accessories-P. O. Box 121-Tels. 47981-22792 -Elizalde Bldg., Muelle de la Industria. T . J. Pratt. F. A. Saiz. Jose Villareal. P. A. Zulueta. Rafael Elzingl'e. M. Macadangdang. Victoriano Z. Mufioz. Elizalde Paint & Oil Factory, Inc.-Manufacturers of Y co Paint and Oil Products -Tels. 22750 and 23953-384-388 Tanduay, Quiapo. Elizalde & Co., Inc., Gen. Mgrs. Antonio Alegria, Manager. Elizalde Rope Factory, Inc.-P. O. Box 121 - Tel. 22791-Muelle de la Industria. Elizalde & Co., Inc., General Managers. Virgilio Lobregat, Manager.

Ellinwood Bible School Tennessee, Malate.


(See also Miscellaneous Section) Ellis, Edgar and Company-Stock Brokers-Members: Manila Stock Exchange -Po O. Box 3103-Tel. 22964 (4 Lines) Cable Address: HELLEDco"-Ground Floor, Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Felix M. Ellis, Partner. Aubrey J. Edgar, Partner (Hongkong). Ellsworth Tuplin, Attorney-in-Fact. Joaquin Cunanan, Accountant. Vicente Carino, Authorized Clerk. A. C. La Forteza, Statistician. H. Que, Salesman. Mrs. M. S. Walker, Manager, (Baguio Branch) . ELMAC, INC.-Electrical and Machinery Company-Po O. Box 625-Tels. 23531, 23532, 23513 and 23533-Cable Address: "TEHASELMAC" - 627 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. W. Teucher, Pres. and Treas. A. Sidler, P .M.E . .& E.E., Vice-Pres. Juan Varela, P.M.E. & E.E., Sec'y. R. M. Blythe P. Leinhard R. Klocke P. M. Irmscher M. Balmelli R . Ma. Gonzalez J. SchneebeIi O. Lagua E. Schneider F. L. Gaudinez J. B. Antonio Elpo Shoe Factory (Refer to El Porvenil' Rubber Products, Inc.) ELSER, INC., E. E.-Insurance-P. O. Box 598-Tel. 22428-Cable Address: uEDMIL"-13th and Boston Streets, Port Area. E. E. Elser. J . Fred Dow. T. M. Jordan. \V. A. Burn. G. S. Barnes. C. Pendoza. R. Cruz. M. A. Herrera. V. del Villar. Representing: Atlas Assurance Co., Ltd., London. Employers' Liability Assurance Cor· poration, Limited (London). Continental Insurance Co., New York. Orient Insurance Co. of Hartford. American Foreign Insurance Association. The Insurance Company of North America. The Board of Underwriters of New York.



76 Escolta

Tel. 56366 -


(Opposite Lyrk Tho.tre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA


Elva's Fashio n Cente r-l03 7 Dart, Paco. Eleute rio Castro , Prop. and Mgr. EMB ASSY APA RTM ENT S-Te l. 56250 -939 Dakot a, Malate. P. M. Cadsa wan, Owne r and Mgr. Emba ssy Fashi on-Ta ilorin g-315 Padre Faura , Ermit a. Leode gario Miram od, Prop. Emba ssy Lunc h-Res taura nt- Tel. 2482 295-97 Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Emera ld Gowns, The-I mpor ters of Dress es-Te l. 57480 -23 Alham bra, Ermit a. Mrs. Alber to Tee Han Kee, Prop. and Mgr. Emerg ency Contr ol Board - Price Fixin g Boar d-P. O. Box 3400 -Tels. 24836 and 2483B -Third Floor, Marit ima Bldg., 121 Dasm arifias , Binondo. Members of the Board : Hon. Benig no S. Aquin o, Chair man. Hon. Jorge B. Varga s, Memb er. Hon. Rafael R. Aluna n, Member. Hon. Manu el Roxas, Memb er. Hon. Jose Abad Santos, Memb er. Hon. Jose Avelino, Memb er. Hon. Benito Razon , Memb er and Adminis trator . Office of the Admi nistra tor: Hon. Benito Razon , Admi nistra tor. Isidor o Gonzales, Priva te Secre tary to the admin istrato r. M. X. Burgo s, Jr., Secre tary. Emma nuel Hospi tal- Tel. 49370 -2431 Manugui t, Santa Cruz. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Empa inado , Catal ino-L ife Insura nce Und'erWl'iter of the Insula r Life Assur ance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-T el. 2243 1Cable Addre ss: "INSU LIFE" -Thh'd Floor, Insula r Life Bldg., P laza Morag a, Binondo . Empir e Shoe Supp ly-Sh oe Deale rs, Retail - Po O. Box 3296-T<!1. 29247 -209 Nueva , Binondo. Ong Lay, Mgr. Emplo yer's Liabil ity Assur ance Corp., Ltd. -(Lon don) -Fire , Accid ent, Auto, Plate Glass, Work men's Comp ensat ionTel. 22428 -E. E. Elser, Inc., Gener al Agent s, 13th and Bosto n Street s, Port Area. Enalen Art Shop -Phot ograp hers Comm ercial-1 85 Liber tad, Pasay , Rizal. Berna rdo Enalen, Artis t Prop. Escola stico D. Mendoza. Arti st.

Encar nacio n. Euseb io C. - Lawy er - Tel. 22154 --348 Echag ue, Sta. Cruz. Eng Bee- Dry Goods Stol'e -.Tel. 4943 6226-228 Rosar io, Binon do. Eng Bi & Co.-C offee Deale rs-Te l. 25225 -549 Tayab as, Sta. Cruz. Eng Bio Juat. Inc.-G enera l Merch ant and Shipp ing Agen t - Head Office : Bulan . Sorso gon. P . I.-P. O. Box No.7 -Tel. 19. Tan Che Bee. Gen. Mgr. Branc h Office : Mani la-P. O. Box 112 - Tel. 49946 -720 Magd alena, Binon do. Eng Chong Candl e Facto ry-Te l. 4624 7441 Sto. Cristo , San Nicola s. Lee Chuan Tong, Prop. Eng Chun Tong Drug Store -Chin ese Drug Store -Tel. 48972 -509 Nueva , Binon do. Ting Kong, Pharm acist. Eng Dy-R ice Merc hant- Tel. 47723 -501 Muell e de Binon do, San Nicola s. Eng Guan -Rest auran t-Tel . 48668 -351liang- liang. San Nicola s. Eng Guan, Prop. and Mgr. Eng Ho Tin Baker y Shop -Tel. 4893 61121 Santa Elena , San Nicola s. Eng Ho Tin, Prop. Eng Hong Seng - Groce ry Deale r - Tel. 48959 -612 Tabor a, San Nicolas. Eng Hong Groce ry-Te l. 48756 -636 Tabora, San Nicola s. Eng Hong, Prop. Eng Hong -Rest auran t-Tel . 47857 -702 Reina Regen te. Binon do. Co Hong. P rop. Eng Hong -Rice Merc hant- Tel. 2743 9308 Clave ria, Binon do. Eng Huat - Carpe nter - Tel. 47602 -736 Juan Luna. Tondo. Eng Lian Groce ry - Groce ry and Provision al Deale rs, Reta il- Tel. 2-91- 0349-51 Blum entrit t. Sta. Cruz. Sy Lieng Kong, Prop. Eng Sing B9X Facto ry-Bo x Manu factur ers Tel. 48316 -121 Horm i ga , Binondo. Dy Juang Co, Mgr. Eng Teck Chay -Chin ese Drug Store -Po O. Box H33- Tel. 27908---329 Nueva , Binondo. Eng Tek Key-C hines e Drug Store -1514 Hena n, Paco. Sea Tec Sing, Pharm . ENG lNEE IUNG EC!UIP~IENT '" SUPPLY CO.-E ngine el路s - Contr actors Metal lur gists - Mach inery - Mecha nical Supp lies-P . O. Box 2128- T<!ls. 2414l . 24142, 24143, 26772 and 28304 -Cabl e Address: "RAP AK"-T hirtee nth Street , Port Area.

SA BA TE R& CO . 76 Esco lta


(Oppo olte Lyric Th......e) P . O.


Telep hone









R. L. Parker, President. \V. C. Parker, Vice-President. Florence McGrath, Seoretal',y -Treasurer. John 'V. Haussel'mann, Director. W. Ick, Director. Engracia's Beauty Pal'lol'-Hairdressing157 Novaliches, San Miguel. Engracia Sayo. Prop. and Beautician. EnriIe, Dr. Rafael R-Physician-Surgeon, -Tel. 56330-48 Panaderos, Santa Ana. Enrile's Dental Laborator.y-Tel 27838-Room 207, Margarita David Bldg., Azcarraga Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Godofredo Em'i1e, Dental Prosthetist. Enrique Lete Chan Chuan Sons Co.-Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco Leaf-P. O. Box IOlO-Tel. 49373-403 J aboneros, San Nicolas. Chan Too, Mgr. Enriquez, Dr. A. A.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 47605-]242 Juan Luna, Tondo. Enriquez, C.-Certified Public Accountant -Po O. Box 1149-Tel. 23891---<:/ 0 Philippine Exposition, Inc. Enriquez, Mrs. C.-Dressmaker-Tel. 54318 - 751-A Dart, Paco. Enriquez & Company, J. A.-Importers and Exporters - Sole Distributors: Belmont Radios-P. O. Box 2433-1'ols. 26325 and 2356B-Cable Address: "JAENRIQUEZ"411 Estero Cegado, Santa Cruz. Dr. Jose A. Enriquez, Gen. Mgr. Leodegario Mendoza, Sal'es Mgr. Venerando Hernandez, Chief Mechanic, Service Dept. Jose L. Escasa & Co., Auditors. Enriquez & Co., Mariano-Hardwal'e-Tel. 24222-679 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Enriquez, Dr. Gonzalo-Dentist-Tel. 52265 -310 Roberts, Pasay. Enriquez, Dr Jose A.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 23562--25 Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal A·f€., Sta. Cruz. Enriquez, Dr. Pedl'o-Dentist-1541 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Enriquez, R.-Building Contractor-Tel. 67389-340 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Enriquez, Dr. Ricardo-Dentist-Tel. 55027 - 747-A Dart, Paco. Enriquez Trading Co.-EI'ectrical Supplies and General Merchandise- Tel. 27329415 Florentino Torres, Santa Cruz. Rustico J. Enriquez, Mgr. EQUITABLE EMBROIDERY CO., INC. (pmLIPPINES) -Embroidery Manu. facturers and Dealers-P. O. Box 2611Tel. 54066 - Cable Address! "EMBRQI-

Manila-405 Tejeron Street, Santa Ana. Simon D. Roffe, Manager. Equitable Investment Corporation-Investments and Finance - Tel. 49873 - Cable Address: "EQUINCO"-4th Floor, Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Luis de Leon, President. Roy D. Bennett, Vice-President. Justo Arrastia, Treasurer. L. C. PadUla, Manager. El'afia, Dr. Bienvenido B.-Dentist-Tel. 27612-203 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binon_ do. Erafia, Dr. Francisco B.-Physician-Tel. 27612--203 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Bi. nondo. Erafia, Dr. G.-Dentist-Tel . 27612-Room 203 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Era's Fashion-Tailoring-Tel. 51926-26 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Florentino C. Era, Prop. and Cutter. Eras Photo Studio-Photographers-Te!. 51926-24 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Florentino C. Era, Prop. ERLANGER & GALINGER, INC.-1m. porters-Po O. Box 426-Tel. 21234--Cable Address: "ERLGALINc"-Regina Building, Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. H. N . Salet, President & Gen. Manager. C. E. Olsen, Vice.Pres. & Treas. Q. V. Gorospe, Secretarly. \Ym. Wolff, Vice-Pres. & Manager, NCR Dept. F. C. Hagedorn, Jr., Manager, Office Equipt. Dept. W. F. Hagans, Manager, RCA Victor Dept. R. T. Merriam, Manager, RCA Photophone Div. E. Holmes, Manager, C. D. W. D. Gibson, RCA Shop Supt. H. E. Heidrich, NCR Shop Supt. Branches: K. L. Morrison, Vice-Pres. & Manager. Southern Island Div., Cebu. A. B. Grant, Manager, Iloilo. J. M. Gonzales, Manager, Bacolod. A. Soriano, Manager, Baguio. V. de Vera, Manager, Dagupan. C. D. Cid, Manager, Naga. C. Barrios, Mgr., Davao. C. M. Suson, Mgr., Cotabato. G. Moras, Mgr., Cagayan, Or. Mis. Agents for: . R. C. A. Radios, Theatre Sound EqUIp· ment, Records, Phonographs. "National" Cash Registers and Ac· counting Machines. DERY",

SABATER & CO. ::::~~R~:: 2:23:62 76 Escolta

(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104




"L. C. Smith" & "Corona" Typewriters and Adding Machines. "Marchant" Calculating Machine. "Toledo" Scales. <4Servel" Electrolux Kerosene Refrigerators. UHerring-Hall-Marvin" Safes. Allen Wales Adding Machines. A. B. Dick Mimeographs Victor Safes. Art Metal Steel Equipment. Ermita Beauty Parlor and Barber ShopTel. 53585- 253 M. H. del Pilar. Ermita. Miss Paquita Cuevas, Prop. Ermita Drug Store-Tel. 57220- 233 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. P. Ja son, Prop., Mgr. and Pharm. El'mita Dr.y Goods Siore-Dry Goods Dealers, Retail- P. O. Box 3406-Tel. 55806274 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Dhal'amdas Rochil'am, Prop. ER~nTA GROCERY & COLD STORES -Wholesale and R'etail, Groceries and Provisions- Bakery Products and Frozen Meats-P. O. Box 2751- Tels. 21656-21657 -Cable Address: "RISTAu-96-98 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Ng Foo, Mgr. L. A. Woo, Ass't. Mgr. Lee Mang, Cashier. Ermita Hat Store-General Merchandise263 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Mr. & Mrs. Sixto Granfil, Props. and Mgrs. Ermita Hotel and Restaurant-Tel. 21062(Rear Entrance: 48-52 L. Guerrero) 97-99 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Hong Tai, Manager. Erquiaga, Inc., B. de-Importer and Exporter- Tel. 56551-909 Indiana, Malate. Escareal, Ong & J arencio-Attorneys-atLaw-P. O. Box 2261-Tel. 24584-210 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. A. P. E scareal, Law. J . S. Ong, Law. H. U. Jarencio, Law. ESCARTE DENTAL LABORATORYDentist and D ental Prothetist-P. O. Box 2368 - Tel. 28756 - Cable Address: "ESDENLAB"- Monte de Piedad Bldg., Plaza Sta. Cruz. Dr. Ceferino Escarte, Manager. Leodegario Escarte, Assistant Manager. Escarbe Dental Laboratory, Dr. S. A.Dentist-P. O. Box 3422-Tel. 48677Corner Herbosa and Sande, Tondo. Dr. Santiago A. Escarte. Escarte, Dr. Santiago A .-Dentist-P. O. Box 3422- Tel. 48677-566 Herbosa, Tondo.

Escasa & Co., Jose L. - Accountants and Auditors - Certified Public Accountants -Tel. 27273-822 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Jose L. Escasa, C.P.A. Doroteo A. Almendral, C.P.A. Esco Shoe Emporium-Wholoesale and Retail Shoes-Tel. 23186-615 Escolta, Binondo. Hale Shoe Co., Inc., Props. Sisenando Valdez, Mgr. Esco Shoe Store-Tel. 23621-333 Legarda, Sampaioc. Hale Shoe Co., Inc., Props. Federico Jarlos, Mgr. E scolta Bazar and Bookstore, Inc.- Wholesale and Retail Haberdashery, Texts-P. O. Box 432- Tel. 23950-Cable Address: flGOLDSTEIN"-8 T. Pinpin, Binondo. M. Gold stein, Pres. and Treas. E scolta J ewelry-Jeweb'y and GoldsmithsP. O. Box 1174-Tel. 22109-36 Escolta, Binondo. Jose Ma. Gascunana, Prop. and Mgr. E scolta Novelty Store-Direct Importers of Fancy Novelties-P. O. Box 483-Tel. 21316-118 Escolta, Binondo. 1. W einstein, Prop. E scuela Subdivision- Tel. 23196- Rooms 7 & 9, El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F . Calero & Co., Selling Agents. E scueta, Roman-Civil Engineer and Contractor- Tel. 27633- 931 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Escultura, Ornamentos y Pintura de Juan Castillo - Sculptor - Tel. 23150 - 514 Evangelista, Quiapo. Escurdia, Pur a - Milliner - Embroidery Dealer-Tel. 25069 - 1094 R. Hi~algo, Quiapo. Esguerra Dry Cleaning Co.-1528 Azcarrag'a, Sta. Cruz. Profetiza de Ocampo, Prop. Esguerra, E. A.-Lawyer-Tel. 27677-320 Kneedler Bldg., ·Carriedo, Santa Cruz. Espana Barber Shop- 1210 Espana, Sam~ paloc. Feliciano Gopez, Prop. Espana Lumber Co. and Hardware Dealers -Tel. 67656-949 ' Espana, Sampaloc. See Tun, Prop. Espana Sash Factory - Window Sash Manufacturer-Tel. 67656-947 Espana, Sampaloc. E spina, Julio W .-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: '4INSULIFE" - Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.


OPT0"1:!;RISTS •

76 Escolta


(OPP08;te Lyr;c Theatre) P . O. Do> -1I04


2.23.62 MANILA



Espino, Dr. Belen D.- Physician-SurgeonTel. 29440-444 Misericordia, Santa Cruz. Espino ~ a, M. C.- Importers, Wholesale and Reta Il Dealers in R emnants, Textiles and Threads, and Pianos-Tel. 47342-714-716 Juan Luna, San Nicolas. Mrs. Maria C. Espinosa, Mgr. Rafael Soriano, Bookkeeper. Espinosa, Dr. Mena C.-Lady Dentist-Tel. 26668-304 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. E spinosa Tailoring- Tai1ors-30l Florida El'mita.


Jose L. Manuel, Prop. E soil'itu, J. Serrano-Lawyer-Tel. 22810 209 Races Bldg., Cornel' Rizal Avenue and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Espiritu, Procopio S.-Lawyer-Tel. 29150 -Room 229 Calvo Bldg., E scoIta, Binondo. E spiritu and Sons, A.-Ta il ors, Haberdashers, Hatters-Tel. 29451-813 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. Alfonso E spiritu, Prop. D. E spiritu, Cutter. Instructor: De Luxe Fashion School. E squire- TaiIol'ing-913 Ilaya, Tondo. R. del Rosario, Prop. and Cutter. Esquivel, Dr. Enrique F. - Dentist - Tel. 25692 - Room 102, Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Ri zal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Esteban Sculnture Works Co.-Sculptor s Designers, Contractors-1109 Rizal Ave.: Sta. Cruz. A. M. E steban, Scul ptor and Mgr. ESTELLA CONSTUUCTION WOUKSGeneral Contractors, Builders, Plans, Estimates, Supervision-Tel. 26239-Roces Bldg., COl' Plaza Goiti a nd Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. A. B. Estella, Prop. and Manager. B. Ortafiez, Assistant Manager . Esteva, Jesus T.- Supervisol' of the Visayas·Mindanao Districts and Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co, Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431 - Cable Address : "I NSULIFE"Third Floor Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Estrada, Dr. Gregol'!o G.-Optometrist and Optician-Tel. 25951-316 E chague, Sta. Cruz. Estrada, Dr. Januario R.-Physician-Tel. 57722-1105 Taft A venue, Malate. Estrada, Dr. Tomas G.-Physician·Surgeon -Tel. 25951-316 E chague, Sta. Cruz. ESTUELLA AUTO PALACE - Levy Hermanos, Inc. - Automobiles, Trucks and Accessories-P. O. Box 273-TeI. 21425-Cabl e Address : "EVELY"-536 to 568 Gandara, Binondo.


Maxime Levy, Vice·Pres. J. E. McNair, Mgr. Juan Kahn. E strella del Norte

(See La Estrella del Norte)

Estrella Drug Store--Drug~st, RetailTel. 54454-974 I sa ac Peral, Paco. Secondina Garcia, Prop. and Pharm. E stelita Garcia, Part. E strera, Dr. Leon L.-Dentist--73 Ulilang Cawayan, Paco. Eugene Beauty Salon - Tel. 53519 - 27-29 Al hambra, Ermita. G. Davi, Prop. Eulau, Dr. K.- Phvsician and SurgeonTel. 22986-301 Regina Bldg., Escolta, David, Binondo. Eurasia, In c. - General Merchant - P. O. Box 533- Tel. 26505 1001 R. Hidalgo, Qui a po. Jose Valdes, Mgr. Eurasia, Inc.-Motorola Radios-P. O. Box 533-Tel. 26505- 1001 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Jos'e Valdes, Manager. European American Grocery- Woo, Lo &; Company- Wholesale and Retail Import· PI'S of F ancy Groceries and LiQuors-P. O. Box 1688-0ffice Tel. 21485, Store Tel. 21382 - Cable Address: "woo LOCO" 521·527 Echagu e next to Phil. Cold Stores and Quinta Market, Quia,{)o. Woo Kow Chii, Gen. Mgr. Lo Siong, Ass 't. Mgr. Lo Ching-, Ass't. Mgr. Eva Hotel- Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 501-Julian Teodoro St., Grace Park, Caloocan. Rizal. Vicene Yee, Prop. and Mgr. Evangelista, Celedonio--Lawyer-Tel. 21179 -329 Carriedo, Santa Cruz. Evangelista Lim e Factol'.y - Lime Manu~ factul'er-TeJ. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 432-Tanza, Navotas, Rizal. Asuncion Evangelista, Prop. and Mgr. Aurelio eamacho, I n·charge. Evangelista, M. C.-Life Insurance Agent - Sun Life Assurance Company of Ca· nada- P. O. Box 2998-Tel. 49803-4th Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Evangelista, Ramon-Hat Store--620 Az. carraga, Tondo. EVEUETT STEAMSHIP CORPOUATION-Shipping Agents- P. O. Box 1637 -Tel. 49891-Cable Address: "LEVERETT" - H ead Office : 223 Dasmariiias, Binondo - Branch Office : Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai, Hongkong, Iloilo, Cebu. G. P. Bradfo rd, Pres. and Gen. Mgr.



76 Escolta


(Opposite Lyric The.tre) P. 0_ Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA

Office Helps by Bates Make

yO U!'

offi ce more efficient. It is a pleasure to usc BAT ES office helps.

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New Bates Per/orator The



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Manila- Philippines

Tel. 2-3 5-37

Fire . Motor Car Ins urance. Mo rt ~age and Loan s. Firearm . Tru s t . Fidelity . and S uret y Bonds. Eart hquake. Windstorm s. T y phoon s a nd Floods. Ai rplane Accidents. ,Var and Bombardment . I\farln c . Rio t and Civil Commotion, E:f plosions . Th ird Pa rty Liability. Damalle to Property and Rent Ins uran ce .


Edward Danks, Vice· Pres. and Treas. A. G. Henderson, Manila Agent. D. M. Cameron, Passenger Agent. P. B. Neubauer, Port Captain. N. N. Everett, Cashier. H. E. Case, Interisland Agent. Gregorio Andal, Customs Agent. F . Reguct'a, Iloilo Agent. Vidal Aboitiz, Cebu Agent. General Agents for: United States Salvage Association, Inc. American Mail Line, Ltd. Fern Line (Fearnley and Eger, OSLO). Yamashita sIs Co., Ltd. Messageries Maritimes (French Mail Line) . States Steamship Company. Oceanic and Oriental Navigation Co. Philippine Steam Navigation Co., Inc. La Naviera Filipina, Inc. Cebu-Bohol Ferry Co., Inc. Evergreen Beauty Saloon-Beauty Parlor -Tel. 48734-1021 Melchor Cano, Tondo. Mercedes L . Tabalon, Prop. Amparing Tabalon, Mgr. Everlasti ng Bazar-Dr,y Goods Dealer-Tel. 27885- 73 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Tomas Tan Reeco, Prop. Johnny Chua, Manager. Everlasting Fashion-Tailors-256 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. F. Arcilla, Master Cutter and Prop. Everlasting Shoe Store-Shoe DealersTel. 28085-226 . Gandara, Binondo. Sun Kim Kia, Prop. Excello Products-Manufacturer-Importer, Chemical Products-l022 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Elias Zaragoza, Prop. "Excelsior"-Dress Shoppe-Dressmaker131 MOl'iones, Tondo. Susy P. Manalo, Prop. Excelsior Envelopes-Tel. 28523-728 Lepanto, Quiapo. Roberto Martinez, Prop. & Mgr. EXCELSIOR ~IA6AZINE - P. O. Box 149 - Tel. 22716 - 32 Sta. Potenciana, Intramuros. A. Garcia, Publisher. B. Blanco, Editor. A. Garcia, Jr., Business Manager. Excelsior Paper P roducts-Envelopes and School Supplies-Tel. 28525-728 Lepanto, Sampaloc. Roberto Martinez and Sons, Prop. Excelsior Pictures, Inc.-Motion PicturesP. O. Box 3170-Tel. 21087-Calvo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Placido Mapa, Pres.


Felix N. David, Vice·Pres. Ramon Araneta, Treasurer. Angel Padilla, Director. Norberto Quisumbing, Gen. Manager. Excelsior Stencil Manufacturing Co.-P. O. Box 554--Tel. 49980- 530 Juan Luna, Binondo. Litton and Co., Props. Exchange Supply, The - Stationeries 1058-C Dart, Paco. Miguel Herrero, Prop. Export Advertising Agency-Tel. 21134'1'. V. T. Bldg., F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. Extension Hotel-Tel, Dial 40 and ask operator Cal. 262-Isah'el A venue, Malabon, Rizal. Lecinio T. Buenaventura. Prop. and Mgr. Ezpeloeta & Salvosa-Lawyel's- Tel. 23097 -422-426 Regina Bldg., 144 Escolta, Binondo. Mariano Ezpel eta, Law. Benjamin Salvosa, Law. Godofl'edo Zandueta, Law. Gregorio Santayana, Law. Vicente R. Macasaet, Law. Ricardo C. Santos, Law. Felicisimo Guerrero, Law. Roman Zavalla, Law. Ramon Romero, Sr., Law. Miss Pilar M. Lopez, Secretary.

F F . V. Reyes Corporation (See Reyes Corporation, F. V.) Fabella & Company, Vicente-Certified Public Accountants-Tel. 24391-207 Regina Bldg. (Formerly Roxas), E scolta, Binondo. Fabi, P edro C.-Dental Mechanic- 556 Alvarado, Binondo. Fabia, Aniceto B.-Lawyer-Tels. 21484 or 23421-R-208 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin Cor. E scolta, Binondo. Fabrica de Jabon de Yao Chu an HingSoap Factory-Tel. 48108-427 Salazar, Binondo. Yao Chuan Hing, Prop. Facundo, Ireneo-General Merchant-P. O. Box 1338-Tel. 49198-Cable Address: ffFACUNDO"-204 Sevilla, San Nicolas. Fadullon, E steban P .-Life In surance U nderwriter of the Insu lar Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734--Tel. 22431Cab 1 e Add res s: INSULIFE - Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg ., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Bo. 2104


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Fair View Subdivision- Real Estate-P. O. Box 1219- Tel. 21602- Room 217 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Ricardo Lin:;angan, Mgr. Fajardo, Augurio--Piano Repairer and Tuner- Office and Shop: Tel. 67484-615 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Fajardo Co., Juan- Registered Manufacturers of Playing Cards (A-9-40)-P_ 0_ Box 230-Tel. 21066-520 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Fajardo Music Service-Music Store and School of Music, Importers of American Rebuilt Pianos-Po O. Box 2664-Tel. 25710-404 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Ester Talosa, Owner. Herminia B. Fajardo, Bookkeeper. Mateo B. Fajardo, Representative. Fajardo Press & Litho Co.-Printers).. Litho_ graphers and Bookbinders-P. v. Box 230-Tel. 21066-520 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Falcon Electric-Electrical Supply and Repair Shop- Tel. 28583- 1228 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Magno G. Falcon, Prop. and Mgr. Felipe G. Falcon, Representative. Tiburcio Prospero, Representat ive. Falcon Electrical Supply & ContractorTel. 27740-323 Quiricada, Sta. Cruz. R. Falcon, Mgr . and Prop. Falcon's Auto Repair Shop-Automobile Repairing-Tel. 21047-59 Plaza del Car~ men, Quiapo. A. Fal con, Prop. and Mgr. Family Laundry Co. - Tel. 27948 - 614 Evangelista, Quia po. Filomena de P ablo, Prop. Famous Beauty Shop---670 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Perfecta Reyes, Prop. Famous La undr,y-Tel. 29783-1268 Arlegu i, Quiapo. Dominador Asis, Prop. Fanchon-Ladies Tail ors-Tel. 57519-440 San Lui s, Ermita. Juani ta Reyes, Prop. Fanlo, Arturo---Lawyer-P. O. Box 51Tel. 23081-Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervan. tes, Binondo. Fa nlo & Cia., Inc.-General Merchants and Brokers-Pharmaceutical Products, Perfumes, Etc. -P . O. Box 860-Tel. 28721 - 26 Escolta, Binondo. Felix Fanlo Fan1o, Pres. Maria S. de Fanlo. Treas. Fanton, Dr. C. A.- Dentist-P. O. Box 476 Tel. 21094-Cable Address: "KLINGCO"512 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo.

S ABATER & 76 Escolta

Far East Commandery No.1-Tel. 57550912 Taft Avenue, Mal ate. (Refer: Mi scell a neous Section) Far East Foo twear-Shoemakers and Repairers-Tel. 25087-707 E scaldo, Quiapo. M. Deuber, Mgr. Far East Oil Development Co., Inc.-Oil Development-P. O. Box 2540- Tel. 23888 -Cable Address : "FEODA"-609 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. W. W. Harri s, Pres. Far East Petroleum Compan,y, Inc.- Oil Importers, Mineral- P . O. Box 244-Te l. 28777-Cabl e Address : PETRoLENE-Ayala Bridge, San Miguel. Clemente Hidal go, Pres. Pilar H. Lim, Treas. M. L. Coleman, Gen . Mgr. Far Ea stern Bazar - Importers and General Merchants - P. O. Box 967 - T el. 25840 - Rizal Ave. (Avenue Theat re Bldg.) , Sta. Cruz. Dee Chiang Tiap, Mgr. FAR EASTERN BIlOADCASTING CO. - Owners and Opel'3tors of: Station KZRM-Radio Manila ; KZRF-Radio Filipinas-KZUM-(Mobile Unit) - P. O. Box 283-Tels. 21132-21133-Cable Address: "FEB"-Top Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jorge L. Aran eta~ President. J . Amado Araneta, Vice-President and Trea surer. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Managing Di rector. Fred Da Silva, Studio Manager and Chief Technici an. Far Eastern Cooperative Store-Tel. 23798 - 2006 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Dr. Lauro Pafiganiban. Far Eastern Curio Store- Curio Dealel'sTel. 25960-104-106 Real, Intramuros. Far Eastern Di stl'ibutors -Importers-Exporters - Manufacture rs' Agents and General Merchants - P. O. Box 1036 Tel. 26924-Cable Address: "FARENTOR" - 314-316 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Rufino Halili, General Man ager. Far Eastern Drug Co.-\Vholesale and Retail- Importers, P erfumes and Chemicals-Tel. 25813-362 Quezon A venue, Quiapo. Dr. Edward Lim, Adviser. H. L. Chang, Manager. Ong Hua, Treasurer. Far Eastern Press-Printers-Bookbindel'sStationer s-Tel. 27739-118 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo.

~O .....,

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. 0_ Bo. 2104


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Far Eastern Saw Mill (Eduardo Co Seteng Farmacia Adoraci6n-Retail Drug Store997 Velazquez, Tondo. & Co.)-Manufacturers of Wooden and Adoracion Granados, Prop. Cigar Boxes, Lumber Dealers and Buil ding Contractors-Po O. Box 68-Tels. Farmacia Alvarez (Branch No. 3)-Drug47247 and 49027-Cable Address: "COSEgists, Retail-Tel. 26503-2456 Rizal AveTENG"-2727 T . Earnshaw, Tondo. nue, Sta. Cruz. Eduardo Co Seteng, Gen. Mgr. Isabel Alvarez, Prop. and Pharm. Domingo R. Lo, Manager. Farmacia Andalucia-Drug Store and Den· Far Eastern Star Laundry-523 Mayhalital Clinic-Tel. 26656-1333-1335 Andague, Sta. Cruz. lucia, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Leoncia Roea-Bautista, Prop. Ramon N aguiat, Prop. FAR EASTERN SURETY AND IN- Farmacia Angelina-Retai l Druggists-Tel. SURANCE COo, INC_-Fidelity, Surety, 48395-:-321-323 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Fire and Marine Insurance--P. O. Box Angelina de Sta. Cruz, Prop. 692 - Tels. 23074, 27117 and 29886Miss Juana Magsaysay, Pharm. Cable Address: "INSEO" - 616 Teodora Farmacia Aranda - Retail and Wholesale Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Druggists-Tel. 55134-Cable Address: Eduardo del Rosario Tankiang, PresuPARANDA"-1610 Herran, Paco. ident and General Manager. Patricio Aranda, Prop. Alfredo del Rosario, Secretar,y-Treas. Carlos Aranda, Mgr. Miss Clarita Tankiang, Cashier. Miss Maria Aranda, Pharm. Crisostomo Aquino, Chief Accountant. Herminio Villarica, Attorney - JJegal Farmacia Aurelia-Druggists, Retail-Tel. Dept. 49486-843 I1aya, Tondo. Jose ViIlarica, Chief Clerk. Mrs. Aurelia Hernandez, Prop. Jose Peng, Agency-Supervision. Susana Pascual, Phal·m. Far Eastern Tailoring-Tailor-2030-2032 Farmacia Aurora-Druggists, Retail-428 Azcarraga, Quiapo. F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Felix B. Pu nsalan, Prop. and Mgr. Eleuteria Magsarili, Prop. FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY - Private School-Po O. Box 2524-Tels. 24276 Farmacia Avelino-Druggists-Tel. 67225 -207 Labores, Pandacan. -22671 and 23674-Quezon Blvd. (Near Vicente A ve1ino, Prop. Azcarraga), Quiapo. Nicanor Reyes, President and Chair- Farmacia Balintawak-Retail Druggistsman, Graduate Studies. Tel. 27056-1144 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Francisco Dalupan, Vice-President. Eugenio del Rosario. Clemente Uson, Executive Secretary Farmacia Banahaw-Druggists- Tel. 28023 and Dean, Institute of Accounts, -1301-1305 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Business and Finance. Vitaliano Naiiagas, Prop. and Pharo Celso Icasiano, Treasurer. Farmacia Batallones - Druggists - Tel. Leoncio B. Monzon, Dean, Institute of 54048-1410-1412 Herran, Paco. Law. Pedro Batallones, Prop. Francisco M. Africa, Dean, Institute Farmacia Bautista-Retail Druggists-Tel. of Arts and Sciences. 47161-556 Herbosa, Tondo. Belen EnriIe-Gutierrez, Dean, Institute Modesto Bautista, Prop. of Education. Francisco D . Santana, Dean, Institute Farmacia Ben Yak-Druggists, Retail-Tel. of Technology. 29707-822 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Angel Roman, Jr., Principal, Boys' Ben Yak, Prop. High School and Elementary Depart.... Farmacia Blanca Nieve-Retail Druggistsment. Tel. 26796-1642 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Luz A. Zafra, Principal, Girls' High J. N. de la Cruz, Prop. School. Natividad C. de la Cruz, Pharmacist. Dolores Africa, Pl'incipal, Elementary Farmacia Blumentritt - Druggists - Tel. Department. 26411-29 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Antonio Jimenez, Registrar. Vicente T. Baldoza, Superintendent of Farmacia Bondoc-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 49400-177 Padre Rada, Tondo. Grounds. Isidro Pineda, Prop. Librada Castillo, Chief Librarian. Petrona Reyes, Pharm. Jose P. Rocha, Athletic Director.


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Farmacia Burg.:ls-Retail Druggists-107 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Hermenegilda S. Trinidad, Prop. and Pharmacist. Dra. Anacleta T. Villacorta. Farmacia Bustamante - Druggists - Tel. 67290-300 Tl'abajo, Sampaloc. Dr. A. J. Bustamante, Prop. Farmacia Buzon-Druggists- Tel. 47176320 Sta. Maria, Tondo. Dr. Casto L. Buzon, Prop. Josefa L. Buzon, Pharm. Farmacia Calma-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 28433-82 Anda, Intramuros. Dr. Clemente Calma, Prop. Miss Paz Tanicala. Pharm. Fal'macia Caridad- Druggists, Retail-38 Legal'da, Sampaloc. Caridad V. Alviar, Prop. Farmacia Carolina-Druggists-1250 A. Rivera, Tondo. Carolina Garia, Ph arm. and Prop. FAR~IACIA CENTRAL. INC.-Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Perfumists -Importers-P. O. Box 1967-Tels. 49694 and 49150- 242-248 Rosario, Binondo. Dr. Tee Han Kee, Pres. Jose Teehankee, Jr., Mgr. Luis Teehankee, Wholesale Dept. Eligio Teehankee, Accounts and Collect ion. Mi ss Rosalina Lacsamana, Pharm., Reta il Dept. Francisco Agua s, Pharm., Wholesale Dept. Farmacia Centro---Retail Druggists-H05 Dart, Corner San Andres, Paco. Engracio Palanca, Prop. Farmacia Chu3poco- Druggists, RetailTel. 51547- 272 Libel'tad, Pasay, Rizal. Dr. Cecilio Chua poco, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Consuelo-Druggi sts-Wholesale and Retail- Tel. 48070-Cor. San Nicolas and Del Pan, San Nicolas. Mi ss Consuelo B. Francisco, Prop. Farmacia Corazon- Druggists-1403 Juan Luna, Tondo. Oscar Ju eo. Teodora Navarro, Mgr. Fal'macia Cruz-Druggists, Retail-Tel. Dial 40 and a sk operator for Cal. 23417 Maypajo, Calooean, Rizal. Victoria de la Cruz, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Cl'uzcosa- RetaiJ Drug StoreTel. 47885- 263 Sta. Maria, Tondo. Dr. C. S. Cruzcosa, Prop. Farmaeia Dapitan- Dl'uggists , Retail- 1599 Dapitan Extension, Sampaloc. Dr. Alfredo Pio de Roda. Aquilina Cruz, Pharm.


Farmacia de Dolores Paterno y Zamora, Inc. - Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists - Manufacturers of Tikitiki "Paterno-Zamora"-P. O. Box 2217-Tel. 25959-913-915 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Angel M. Tuason, Pres. Dolores Paterno de Tuason, Treasurer. Jose L. Paterno, Mgr. Fa.-macia de Jesus-Druggists, Retail-1869 Juan Luna, Tondo. M. Dizon, Pharm. Farmacia de Manuel J. Diy-Retail Drug Store-Tel. 24340-601 Legarda, Sampaloco Manuel J. Diy, Prop. and Phann. Farmacia de Nuestra Sra. De Los Desamparados - Drug Store - Tel. 55671-17 Calderon, Santa Ana. Dr. Florentino Olivares, Prop. Consolacion Olivares, Pharmacist. Farmacia de Santa Mesa-Druggists-Tel. 26140-789 Legarda, Sampaloc. Tomas Reyes, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia de la Paz - Druggist, Retai l 998 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Em iliana T. de la Paz, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia de la Quinta-Druggists, Retail -Tel. 25089-402 Eehague, Cor. Villalobos, Quiapo. Epifania Vda. de Guanzon, Prop. Farmacia de la Rosa-Druggists, Retail271 F lorida, Ermita. Teodorica Maddemus, Prop. Farmacia del Ldo. Ortega-Drug Store-4 Lamayan, Sta. Ana. Francisco Ortega, Prop. Farmacia del Norte-Druggists, Retail2010-B .Juan Luna, Tondo. Farmacia del Rosario-Tel. 48132-128 Tayuman, Tondo. Deogracias del Rosario, Prop. Farmacia del Santo Nino Jesus de PragaDruggists-Tel. 29440-444 Misericordia and 901 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Pilar de Guzman, Prop. Dra. Belen de Espino, P harm. Farmacia del Sur - Druggists, Wholesale and Retail- P. O. Box 3297-Tels. 49412 and 49007-243-245-247 Rosario, Bi nondo. Luis Chan, Mgr. Farmacia Dichosa-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 27353-703 Dapitan, Sampaloc. Emilia D. Goco, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Dima5alang-Retail DruggistsTel. 26335- 389 Dimasalang, Sampaloc. Luz Mendoz3. Sison, Prop.

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(Opposite Lyric Theat re) P. O. Box 2104


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Farmacia Diomampo-Druggists, RetailCorner Dapitan and Trabajo, Sampaloc. Pedro Diomampo, Prop. Sofia Diomampo, Ph arm. Fal'macia Divina- Retail Drug Store-Tel. 55181-503-A San Andres, Mal ate. Salud Sevill a de Pasimio, Prop. Epifania Sevilla Alonso, Pharm. Farmacia Divisoria- Druggists-Tel. 47677 -1103 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Jose Maglalang, Prop. and Mgr. Fal'macia Dizon- Druggists and Perfumers -Tel. 28462- 1643 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Domingo P. Dizon, Prop. Farmacia DoJar- Retail Druggists-Tel. 47522-841 Elcano. San Nicolas. Domingo L. Lara. Fal'l11acia Elisa - Dru ggists, Retail - Tel. 29350-172 Dimasala ng, Sampaloc. Mrs. Elisa V. Mangahas, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Espana-Druggists, Retail- Tel. 26803-158 E spana, Sampaloc. Mrs. J ulita Afable, Prop. Fal'macia Espiritu Santo - Druggists, Reta il-Tel. 27733-505 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Peregrino Cornel, Prop. Tecla Gaerl an-Col'n el, Pharm. Farmacia E strera-Druggists , Reta il- Tel. 55688-371 Paz, Paco. Salud E str era, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Excelsior- Reta il Druggists-135 Labol'es, Pandacan. Simeon Solis, Prop. Farmacia F. Gana- Druggists-1601 01'0quieta, Sta. Cruz. Filemon Gana, Prop. Mi ss Filotea R. Gana, Pharm. Fal'macia Fermin-Drug Store-515 Tanduay, Quiapo. Cresenciana S. Fermin, Pharmaci st. Farmacia Fidelino-Druggists, Retail- Tel. 56764-1323 San A ndres , Malate. Angel A. Fidelino, Prop. El'esvita O. Fideli no, Pha rm. Fal'macia Flol'el- Druggists, Retail- Tel. 48273-338 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Dr. Pedro Ma. Bonifacio, Prop. Miss Estefania Val buena, Pharm. Fal'macia Francisco-Druggists-78-80 Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Sabino B. Francisco, Prop. Fal'macia Gabri el and Le Monde Pharmacal Laboratoire-Druggist s-Tel . 55125-898 Dart, Paco. E stan isla wa Santos, Pharm. Dr. Francisco Gabriel, Prop.

Fal'macia Gagalangin- Druggists, RetaiI2208 Juan Luna, Tondo. Natalio Carriedo, Pharm. Farmacia Galvez-Druggists, Retail- Tels. 51489 and 52497-254-256 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. E stanislao S. Galvez, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Germinal- Druggists, Retail Tel. 48302--733 TabOl'a, San Nicolas. Emilia On gsiaco, Prop. and Mgr. Farmacia Gloria-Druggists, Retail- Tel. 48621-1059 Azcarraga, Tondo. Mrs. Anselma Reyes Gu tierrez, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Gomez- Retail Druggists-Tel. 49381-971 Ylaya, Tondo. J oaquin Gomez, Prop. Farmacia Guadalupe-Dru,l!g'ists, RetailTel. 48546-Corner 605 P enarrubia and Madrid, San Nicolas. Mrs. L. Florencia Aduna, Phann. Farmacia Ibanez-Dru ggists-Tel. 476851337 Azcarraga, Tondo. Guillermo Ibanez, Prop. and Phann. Farmacia J. Vener acion- Druggists-Tel. 25713-506 Legarda, Sampaloc. Jacinta Veneracion, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Jacinto Laza ro-Druggi sts-Tel. 47426-223 Azcarraga, Tondo. P . J . Lazaro, Prop. Farmiacia J em - Retail Druggists - Tel. 21350-647 Raon, Quiapo. Flora Cuevas de Chacon, Prop. and Pharo F armacia Jim enez-Druggisst-186 Anda, Intramuros. Dr. Consuelo Jimenez, Prop. Soledad de Ocampo, Pharm. Farmacia J osefina - Druggists - 289-291 Herbosa, Tondo. J osefa C. de Leon, Prop. Farmacia Kalayaan - Retai l Druggists344-346 Dimasalang, Sampaloc. Farmacia Korea - Druggists, Reta il-Tel. 48011- 543 Juan Luna, Binondo. Farmacia La Esperanza-Druggists-1720 Juan Luna, Tondo. Mrs. Crispina de Arcilla, Prop. Pacita Crisostomo, Pharm. Farmacia "La Fe"-Reta il Druggists-Tel. 48557-246 P. Rada, Tondo. J osefa Bonoan, Prop. Farmacia La Felicidad- Drug Store-853 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Luis Saracho, Prop. F eli sa M. Saracho, Prop. Fal'macia La Purisima Concepcion-Druggists, Retail-637 Evangelista, Quiapo. Mrs. Ruperta Santiago Funez, Prop. and Phal'm.


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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


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Fal'lnacia y Laboratorio Cena-Druggists, Retail - Tel. 67927 -1034 Wa shington, Sampaloc. Faustino Poblete, Mgl'. Mrs. Concepcion Cena, Pharm. Farmacia Lalana- Drug Store-612 Paz, Paco. Rafael Lalana, Prop.-Pharm. Farmacia Layug- Dl'uggist s, Reta il- 1220 O'Donnell, 8ta. Cruz. Elisa Reyes de La yug, Prop. Farmacia Lazati n- Reta il Druggists-Tel. 28844 - Oroquieta and Tayabas, Santa Cruz. Mrs. Fidela Lazatin , Prop. Miss Consolacion Talon, Pharm. Farmacia Leal-D ruggi sts-Tel. 27761Tayuma n Corner Oroquieta, Sm. Cruz. Dr. Miguel Castillo, Prop. P aulina de Guzman, Pharm. Farmacia Lega spi- Retail Drug Store-lOl Dimasa]ang, Sampaloc. F eli cisimo Legaspi , Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Leiva-Retail Druggists-Tel. 55404-001'. Ha vana a nd Calderon, Santa Ana. Dr. Lamberto Leiva, Prop. Farmacia Lige ralde-Reta il DruggistsTel. 54370-310·312 M. H . del Pilar, Er· mita. F. B. Ligeralde, Mgr. and Pharm. Farmacia Liwa,y way - Druggists - Tel. 47262-526-528 Azcanaga, Tondo. Reparada Gana, Pharo Fal'macia Lopez-Tel. 21776-247 Legarda, Sampaloc. Angustias Hernandez, Prop. Fannacia MagestraJ - Druggists - Tel. 67806- 346 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Marina K. de Macasaet, Prop. Constancia S. Santos, Pharm. Farmacia Malimban-Druggists-Tel. 67037 -530 G. Tu ason , Sampaloc. Victoria Malimban, P rop. and Pharo Farmacia Mall al'i- Druggists-Tel. 482851257 Ju a n Luna, Tondo. Jua n Mal1ari, Prop. Farmacia Manikis-Retail Drug StoreTel. 47327-]351 Dagupan, Tondo. Concepcion de German, Prop. and Pharm. Fa rmacia Manotoc- Druggists, Retail-2261 Juan Luna, Tondo. Carmen Manotoc, Phal'm. Farmacia Manuel Zamora-Manufacturers of "Tiki-Tiki Manuel Zamora"-Tel. 26525 -928 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Mariano Zamora, Manager. Macario Apostol, Ass't. Mgr.

Farmacia Maria Belen-Druggists, RetailTel. 52281-389 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Maria-Belen de Guzman, Prop. Farmacia Mal'ina- Dl'uggists-Tel. 25722213 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Maximo Al ej o, Prop. Farmacia Marquez-Druggists-Tel . 54373 -1137 Herran, Paco. F elisa M. Marquez, Prop. Farmacia Mary Paul- Retail Druggists2603 Hena n. Sta. Ana. Paulina Reyes Bautista, Pharm. and Prop. Farmacia Mendoza - Retail DruggistsTe1. 48027-1016 Juan Luna, Tondo. Paula Mendoza, Ph arm. Farmacia Milagrosa-Druggists-Tel. 48350 -601 Madrid, San Nicolas. Aurelia Tremonia, Prop. and Mgr. Farmacia Mil' - Druggists, Reta il - Tel. 25803 - Corner Dapitan and Governor Forbes , Sampaloc. Magdalena Naval, Ph arm. F armacia Moderna- Druggists-Te1. 48931 -834 Clavel, San Nicolas. P. Cabral, Prop. and Mgr. Farmacia Molina- Druggists, Retail-Tel. 28731- Andalucia Corner P. Campa, Sampaloc. Gregoria Molina Vda. de Barcelon, Prop. Marina Barcelon, Pharm. Farmacia Morales-Druggists-Tel. 55008 -1707 Henan, Paco. Baltazar Morales, Prop. Rosario Rodriguez, Pharm. Farmacia Noli-Druggists-613-615 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Paulita J. Reyes, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Nuestra S1'a. de Guia and Labora toria Casas-Druggists-Tel. 57771 -113 A. Mabini, Ermita. Francisco Casas, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Nuestra 8ra. de Loreto--Druggists, Retail- 240 M. Earnshaw, Sampalac. Mrs. Lui sa B. de J ocson, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Nuestra Sra. del Carmen-Druggists, Retail- l02 E spana, Sampaloc. Mel ee io Bolanos, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Nuestl'a Sl'a. del Pilar - Druggists, Retail- Tel. 54227-502 Paz, Paco. Mrs. Francisca S. Monzon, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Nueva de Paco-Druggists-TeI. 55296- 1701 ~ l'a1. Luna, Paco. L. Dng, Prop. and Mgr.

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(Oppos it e J.yric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA


At,pI-fAnâ‚ŹTICAT, u s '/' OF F'lfiM NAMF.S

Fal'm acia Nueva de Samp aloc-Dl'ugg ists - Tel. 67888 -106 Manr ique, Samp aloc. E ugenio Benitez, Prop. Pilar Hagan , Pharm . Farma cia Nu eva de Sto. Cristo -Drug gists, Retai l- Tel. 48919 --448 Sto. Cri sto, San Nicola s. D. F . Guanz on, Prop. Horac io Guanz on, Pharm . Fal'm acia Occid ental - Whole sale and Retail, Drugg ists - P. O. Box 1017 - Tel. 49343 -578 Reina Regen te, Binondo. Manu el Aland y Dy, Physician. Luz Vil larosa, Pharm acist. Farma cia Opalo - Drugg ists, Retail- Tel. 54136 -936 San Marcelino, Paco. Alfred o Simbr ia, Prop. Anton ia Jimen ez, Ph arm. FARM ACIA ORIE NTA L-Wh olesa le and Retail Drugg ists, Impor ter s of Pha r maceutic als and Periiumel'Y Manu factur ers Representat ives-P . O. Box 1515- Tels. 49695, 47532, 49494, 48776, 47285- Cable Addre ss : "FAR MORI ENT" -Head Office: 234-240 Rosar io, Binondo. Ty Han Eng, Prop. and Gen. Mgr. Ty Kian Seng, Mgt". Artem io D. Gonzalez, P harma ci st. K. H . Young Accou nts and Collec tion . Al'sen ia Ong, Cashi er. Fabio P. Uy, Whol esale Dept. Cebu Branch : P . O. Box 788- Tel. 621- Cable Address : "FARMORIENT" CEBU-49 Plaridei St ., Cebu City. Lim Chion g P a n, Mg r. Farma cia Oro - Drugg ists, Retail - Tel. 29482 - 601 R. Hidal go. Cor. Quezon Boule vard, Quiapo. H. A. Guanzon. Farma eia Pacita - Dl'uggists, Retail - Tel. 25438 -265 M. Earns haw, Sampa ioc. Paeita P . Santil lan, Prop. Farma cia Pandi nco - Drugg ist s, Reta il11.06 Tennessee, Malate. Elvira Pandi neo, P rop. and Pharm . Farma cia Pab'ia- Retail DIUg Store -Tel. 55278 -1702 Hena n, Paeo. Marci al Edral in, Prop. Mrs. Monica J amias , Prop. Mi ss Herm enegil da Trinid ad, Pharm . Farma cia Pengson- Retail Drugg ists- Tel. 55281---625 -B Dart, Paco. De1fin L. Pengson, Prop. and Phar m. Farma cia Pena - Retail Druggists - Tel. 48800 -1909 Juan Luna, Tondo. Agued a Pena, Prop. and Pharm. Farf!l acia Pena Franc ia - Drugg ists, Retall - Tel. 27153 - 435 Zurba l'an, Sta. Cruz.

Marcelina de Perez , Prop. Paz Per ez, Pharm . Farm acia Perla- Drugg ists a nd Perfu mel'ies-3 18 Lega rrla , Samp a loc. Mrs. Magd al ena B. Piu. Farm acia Pined a- Reta il D r ug StoreCorne l' Velas quez and Herbosa, To ndo. Emi1i ana L. Pined a, Phal'm. Farma cia Poten ciano -Tel. 28323- 249 So~ lana, Intram u l'Os. Dr. Com'a do P otenci a no, Prop. Gu ill ermo MarcQio, Pharm . Farm acia Princ ipal - Drugg ists, Retail 951 Magd alena , Tondo. Mrs. Teresa Chan- Manu bay, Prop. F armae ia Pl'ocesa- Drugg ists-Tel. 24234 - 167 Blume ntrit t, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Pl'oee sa G. de Sa ntill a n, Prop. and Pha l'm. F a l'maei a Pupai o-Retail Dr ug S tor e-Te l. 55312- 2246 Herra n, P aeo. Purif icaci6n Pa ngani ba n de Lopez, Prop. and Pharm . Farm aeia R. Cruz -Reta il Drugg ists- 253 Ma ria Clara , Sampal oc. Mi ss Regin a M. Cruz, Prop. Farm acia R. Santo s-Dr uggi sts-T el. 2751 6 - 1032-1034 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ca rmen Tuma cl'uz, Prop. Fal'm acia Rabe- Mil - Drug Store - Tel. 27509- 1617 Azcal' l'aga, Sta. Cruz . Dr. Vicen te Tuaso n, Prop. F a l'maci a Raym undo - Dru g Store - 402 Herbosa, Tondo . Dolor es Raym undo, Prop. Farma eia Renac imi ento - D r ugg ists - Tel. 47225 - 1102 Azcar raga, Tondo . Grego ria de Mesa, Prop. and Mgl'. Arsenio Gosioco, Ph arm. FAR~IACIA REY ES - Drugg ists - Tel. 55872 -523 Sa n Andres, Malat e. Celso Reyes, Prop. N estori a M . Reyes , Pharm acist. Farma cia Rica fol't-- Retail Drug Store Tel. 481 26-3 41-343 Madri d , San Nicola s. Maria Enriq uez, Prop. Catali na Ricafo l't , Phann . Farm aeia R ita - Drugg ists, Retail - Tel. 48462 -610 Azcal 'rag a, Tondo . Grego rio Jingco , P r op. P edro Magi alang , Ph arm. Farm aeia Riten a-Re tail Drug Stor e-Tel. 21157 -194 Real, Intram ul'os. Marcelo Bua!l, Prop. Delfin Buan , Pharm . Farma cia Rivera-Dl'u ggists -Tel. 67070714 Sta. Mesa, Samp aioc. Flavia no River a , Mgr.

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Fal'lllacia Rizalina- Drugg ists- Tel. 46216 - 563 Azcarraga, Tondo. Salvador Sibug, Prop. Fal'macia Roque Sofronio-Retan Druggists-Tel. 22809- 2328 Riza l Ave., Sta. Cruz. Roque Sofronio, Prop. Fal'macia Rosa - Dmggists , Retail- Tel. 28259-1919 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Rosa Rodriguez de Buendia, Prop. and Ph arm. Fal'macia Rosalin a-Retail Drug Stol'eTel. 27361-390 Blumentl'itt, Sta. Cruz. Serafin E. Tuason, Prop. F armacia Royal-Reta il Druggists- 1! Aviles, San l\'Iigu'el. Constancia Llerena, Prop. and Pharm. F a rmacia Rubi-Wholesale and Retail Druggists- Tel. 48356-105-107 Rosario, Binondo. Farmacia Rufy - Druggists, Reta il - T el. 66169-1533 C. Tuason, Sampaloc. Pablo Bondoe, Prop. Modesta Diy, Phal'm. Fal'macia Salud-Dl'uggists, Re tail- 130132 F . B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Mrs. Salud L. de Guzman, Pharm. and Prop. Farmacia Salvador- D ruggists, Retail-201 E spana, Sampaloc. Mrs. Escolastica Vda. de Tolentino, Prop. Fal'macia San Antonio-Retail Drug Store - Tel. 54374- 1079 Dart, Paco. Ignacio Fidelino, Prop. Angel A. Fidelino, Pharm. Farmaeia San Antonio-Druggists, Reta il1773-1 Mangahan, Sta. Cruz. Consuel a M. de Ton'alba, Farmacia San Antonio de Padua- Retail Druggists-Tel. 27991-198 Cabildo, Intramuros. Mrs. S. H. Borja, Prop. }I"armacia San Fernando-Wholesal"e and Retail - Pharmacists and Chemists Tels. 48085 a n d 49971-Cable Address: HSANFER"-833-839 San Fernando, San N icola s. Dr. Jose E. J imenez, Manager. Generoso Vela squez, Chief of Laboratories. Monserrat C. Velasquez, Treasurer. Jovita Diokno, Pharmacist, Prescription and Manufacturing Depts. Emiliano L. Vicencio, Chief Clerk. Farmacia San Ignacio-Druggists, Retail209 Real , Intramuros. Ignacio Masankay, Prop.

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Farma('ia San Jose-Druggists, RetailTel. 52825-282 Libertad. Pasay, Rizal. Mrs. Eugenia P estana s- Mu sngi, Prop. Paraluman C, Ignacio, Pharm. Farmacia San Jose-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 27406-12~5 Magdalena, Tondo. Dr. Lorenzo Maca isa, Prop. Germana Macaisa, Pharm. Fal'macia San Juan - Drug Store - Tel. 47378-923 Folguel'a~, Tondo. Rizalina Z. Trinidad-Lim, Prop. Farmacia San Lazaro-Retail Drug Store -Tel. 25261-211 2 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Lui s del Barrio, Prop. Concepcion P. de Leon, Ph arm. Farma('ia Santa Clara-Retail DruggistsTel. 51156-553 Burgos, Pasay, Rizal. Crisanto B. Mauricio, Pl'Op. Farmacia S ~ n Long- Retail Dru ggists- P. O. Box 2369- Tel. 48019- 412-414 Sto. Cristo, San Nicola s. Sen Lon g, Prop. Po Chi Hue, Mgr. Farmacia Senano- Retail Drug StoreTel. 54563- 1173 Singalong, Malate. Patrocinio Serrano, Prop. and Pharm. Farmacia Singian- Druggists, Reta il-Tel. 27555-277 Gral. Solano, San Miguel. Dr. Cristina Lazati n, Prop. Mi ss Raymunda Evangelista , Pharm. Farmacia Socorro- Retail Drug StoreTel. 27445-111 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Dr. Gil L. Maglalang. Belen Pais Santos, Phal'm. Farmacia Soleda d- Drugg ists- Tel. 29797 -2311 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Soledad Cecilia, Prop. and Pharm. Fal'macia Sta. Rosa-Druggists, RetailTel. 25153 - 2215 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cru z. Purificacion Manubay, Prop. & Pharm. Farmacia Sto. Nino de Praga- Druggists, Retail- Tel. 29440 - 440 Mi sericordia, Sta. Cruz. Pilar de Guzman, Prop. Belen E spino, Pharm. Farmacia Velasquez-Retail Drug StoreTel. 55071-915 San Marcelino, Paco. Florencia Vela squez de Garcia, Prop. Farmacia Vergel de Dios-Druggists, Retail -Tel. 52295-342 F. B. Harri son, Pasay, Rizal. Dr. Leopoldo Vergel de Di os, Prop. Fal'macia Victoria- Druggists, Retail-Tel. 66164-698 Tra baj o, Sampaloc. Vicente MaUari, Prop. & Pharm. Farmacia Vidal- Retail Drug Store-1382 San Andres, Malate. Genaro Vidal , Pharm. and Prop.





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Farmacia Villa - Retail Druggists - Tel. 55478-931 San Andres, Malate. Mrs. Elena Villa Simbra, Pharm. and Prop. Farmacia Villacorta- Retail Drug StoreTel. 55085-881 Dart, Paco. Dr. Arturo Dionisio Villacorta, Prop. C. S. Gapultos, Phal'macist in charge, Farmacia Virginia - Retail DruggistsTel. 55215-737 Dart, Paco. Trinidad R. Capistrano, Ph arm. and Prop . . Farmacia Yumbao- Druggists, Retail-2300 Juan Luna, Tondo. Farmers Produce & Commission Co.-Cold Stores-Tel. 28102- 410 Quinta Market, Echague. Quiapo. King Tao, Prop. Farrales, Dr. Gregorio- Physician and Sur_ geon - Tel. 24759 - Room 200, Kneedler Bldg., Cal'l'iedo, Sta. Cruz. Farre, R. e I.-Real Estate- P. O. Box 3126 -Tel. 66839- 70 Cristobal, Paco. Agustin Perez Lizano, (Doctor en Medicina y Odontologo) Partner and Administrator, Fashion Academy of Vvomen - Fashion School-1613 (Upstairs ) Hel'l'an, Paco. Fashion de Paree- Tailoring- Tel. 29644312 Bustos, Santa Cruz, Pablo F. Reyes, Prop. and Mgr. F3ustino, Carlos A.- Lawyer- P. O. Box 1659-Tel. 21572- Sixth Floor, Room 603, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo, Faustino, Eduviges- Grocery Dealer-Tel. 48375-1033-1036 Divisoria Market, San Nicolas. Faustino, NUa de-Jeweler and Engraver -Tel. 26669- 269 Cabildo, Intramul'os. Faustino's Hardware Co,- Hardware DeaIers-R-etail-Tel. 46189- 617 Azcarraga, Tondo. Jose Faustino, Prop. and Mgr. Favorita Studio--Photographing-926 Ylaya, Tondo, A. Campana, Prop. Federacion del Tl'abajo de Filipinas-Tel. 56531-131 Alhambra, El'mita . (See also Mi scellaneous Section) Fe's Beauty Shoppe-Beauty Parlor-Tel. 57763-306 A. Mabini, Ermita. Mrs. Susana S. Perfecto. FELICIANO & SONS, .J. B.-Manufacturers and General Merchants- Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Inks of all Kinds, Educational and Instructional Devices and Novelties - Printing Outfits, FELISONS' Signs Markers and School Educational Devices - School and Office

Supplies and Hou sehold Products- Po O. Box 491-Tel. 25741- 229-231 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. Jose B. F eliciano, Prop. and General Manager. Feliciano, Dr. Pa blo C. -Dentist and Optometrist- Tel. 28625- 1338 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Felicidad Cardboard Boxes & Spool s- Box Fac tory- Tel. 26643-829 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Araceli Decena , Prop. F . H. Alin sod, Mgr. A. Alcala, Sec'y.-Treas. S. D. Odpaga, Asst . Mgr P. Manlig, Rep. Felicitas Drug Store- Druggist, Retail-520 Dart, Paco. Felisons' Ink Products-Ink Manufacturers - Po O. Box 491- Tel. 25741-229 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. J . B. Feliciano & Sons, Props. Felison;s Laundry- 173 Maria Clara, Sampaloc. L. F. Magbitang, Prop. Felizardo, M.- Dental Surgeon-Tel. 26235 -43 Metropolitan Theater Bldg ., Plaza Lawton, Ermita. Feltman Bros. Juvenil e Import Co.- Embroideri es-P. O. Box 1500- Tel. 57250 - Cable Address : "BROFELTMAN" - 1445 California, COl'. Dart, Paco. Jack Brookman, Manila Mg r. Fepa Water Meter-245 A. Mabini, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Jos'e del Rosario, Prop. and Mgr. "Fercan" Men's Weal' - Tailoring - 1830 Henan, Paco. Fermin Canlas, Mgr. and Prop. FERIA & LA O- Lawyers-Tels. 48195 and 49092- Room 502, China Bank Bldg . Corner Juan Luna and Dasmarinas, Binondo. Felicisimo R. Feria, Mem. Gabriel La 0, Mem. Jose La 0, Mem. Ramon R. San Jose, Ass't. Atty. Marcelo P . Karaan, Ass't. Atty. Jose Cabra l, Ass't. At ty. Nicasio Cast illo, Ass't. Atty. Ricardo Sikat, Ch. Clk. Fermin, Dr. Delfin F.- Dental Surgeon47 Antipolo, Sta. Cruz. Fermin, Regino - Florist - Tel. 567771151-G Singalong, Malate. Mary B. Fermin, Mgl'. Fernandez, Ignaci o--Lawyer- Tel. 22323Room 401 Burke Bldg ., 125 E scolta, Binondo.

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Fernandez & Co., V. T. - General Merchants; Import and Export-P. O. Box 1607-Tel. 23076-Cable Address: "FERNANCO" M anila--3 l'd Floor, S. O. de Fernandez Bldg., 51 Escoita, Binondo. V. T. Fernandez, Gen. Mgr. Honorato E. Ordonez, SeCl'ctal'UT. F ernandez, Dr. Domingo - Physician-Surgeon- Tel. 56786-1269-D Aldecoa, Malate. Fernandez, Jr., Estanislao A.-Attorney-atLaw-Tel. 27550-Room 310, eu Unjieng Bldg., T . Pinpin, Cor. Escolta, Binando. Melania M. Carlos, Sec',y .-Stenog. Fernandez Hermanos, Inc. - MerchantsP. O. Box 80S-Tel. 49824-Cable Address: "FERNANDEz"-109 Juan Luna, Bi. nondo. Ramon Fernandez, Pres. Fernandez, P. A.- Manufacturers' AgentP. O. Box 3012- Tel. 55982-Cable Address: "PAFERNAN"-1271 Dakota Malate. P. A . Fernandez, Gen. Mgr. ' . Joaqui n F e rnandez, Sales Mgr. Agent for : Ad. AUl'iema, I nc., 116 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. (Radio & Electrical Supplies) . lea Export Co r poration, 154 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y. (Radio & Electrical Supplies). Common Sense Mfg. Co., Inc., 1392 Niagara Street, Buffalo, New York (Liquid Insect Spray & Rat and Roach Exterminators). Fernandez, Dr. R.-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 57380-815-817 A. Mabini, Malate. Fernand ez Surveying Co. - Pl'ivare and Mining Surveys - Room 213-A, Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifia s, Binondo. Alejandro F. Ferna ndez, Min ing Sur veyor. Salustiano Oca, Compu ter. Fernandez, Dr. Victor S.-Dental Surgeon -Laong Nasa Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Fernandez-Lavadia, L.- Lawyer-Tel. 55791 -895 Vito Cruz. Malate. Fernando, Dr. Antonio S.-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist-Tel. 55469-817 Taft Ave., Malate. F ernando, Dr. F. S.-Physician from the Govel'llment Civil Hospital and The University of Hongkong-Tel. 24969403 State Bldg., Riza l Ave., Sta. Cruz. Fernando, G. Vi ola-Lawyel'-Tel. 29354407 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Fer nando & Sons, E. E.-Commercial and Professionals Artistic Signs on Glass,

Wood, Cloth, Tin and Brass-Tel. 26092 -10 16 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. t 'E RO ~IANUFACTUIUNG CO. , INC. - Engineers, Contracto r s and Manufactul'ers-Tels. 25938 and 28001-Cable Address: "FERO"-752 Echague, San Mig uel. Enrique C. Lop ez, Pl'es. and Gen. Ma nager. Felipe R. Roman, Vice-P res. & TI·eas. F. A. Rajardo, Asst Offi ce Mgr J . Sevilla, Purchasing Agent M. D. Jauregui, Accountan~Cashiel'. C. R. Requilman, Cost Clerk. Ferrer, Antonio--Furniture Manufacturers -Po O. Box 2465-No. 1 Anton io de las Alas, Sta. Ana. Ferrera's Barber Shop- 1080 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Basilio F erre ra, Prop. Ferrier, Gomez & Sotelo- Lawyer s-P. O. Box 584-Tel. 22367-Cable Address : " ROOERICK"- 716-720. Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. J . W. Ferrier, Sr., Lawyer. Daniel M. E. Gomez, Lawyer Miss Mercedes Sotelo, Law,y er. Miss Veronica Balbin, Secretary. FIDEI,A'S HAIR WAVING PARLOR -Beauty Parlor-Tel. 29268-504 Tayuman, Tondo. Mrs. Fidela G. de L eon , Proprietress and Manager. Eugenio de Leon, HairStylist. Juanita E spiritu, Beautician. Alejandl'a Suguriaga, Hairdresser. Catalina Lucero, Hairdresser. Fidela's Photographic Studio--Photographel'S-Tel. 29268- 500 Tayuman, Tondo. Mrs. Fidela G. de Leon, Manager. Fidelino, A. A.-Drug Store and Laboratory-TeL 56764-1323 San Andres, Malate. Angel A. Fidelino, Prop. and Pharm. Fidelino, Dr. F. A .-Su rgeon- Tel. 28855 -931 Ongpin, Rooms 1 and 2, Sta. Cruz. Fidelino, J esus-Lawyer and Notary Public-Tel. 27254-5 David, Binondo. Fidelino, Dra. '1'eodora- Lady PhysicianT el. 26548-520 Rizal A venue, Room 4, Sta. Cruz. Fidelino, Dr. Valentin A.-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 25051- 409 Evangelista Quiapo. Fidelino's Dispensa ry - Drugg ists - Tel. 48472-1207 Juan Luna, Tondo. Isi doro Fidelino, Prop.

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99 FIDELITY AND SURETY CO. OF THE pmLIPPINE ISLANDSWrite All Classes of Bonds: InsuranceFire, Marine, Automobile, Earthquake, and Flood-P. O. Box I50-Tel. 21255Consolidated Investments Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Agencies-Iloilo, eehu, Zamboanga, Da· vao and Baguio. E. B. Ford, President. P. M. Poblete, Vice-President. Mrs. E. de Kastro, Secretary. Simeon Reyes, Treasurer and Ass't. Secretary. A. F. E spiritu, Auditor. Directors: Luis AbIaza E. J. Deymek E. B. Ford Gabriel La 0 Paul A. Meyer C. Parsons P. Verstockt Fifth A venue Models-Tailol's-2058 Azcal'raga, Sta. Cruz. Nick Resurreccion, Cutter. FIGUERAS, ARTURO-Gravel and Sand and Fill ing Contractor-Po O. Box 3001Tel. 57221-811 Vito Cruz, Singalong Sub-division, Sta. Ana. Arturo Figueras, Prop. and Manager. Figueras Gravel & Sand Co., Inc.- Building and Road Materials-Filling Contractors -Po O. Box 170I-Tel. 23791-1096 Tayuman, Santa Cruz. Canuto Martin, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Filamor, Enrique V.-Lawyer- Tel. 29246 -313 Regina Bldg., Corner E scolta and David, Binondo. j'Filipinas" - CathoHc Weekly MagazineTel. 47049-1236 Azcarraga, Binondo. Mons. Jose N. Jovellanos, Publisher, Tel. 48131. Agripino D. Bautista, Editor. Enrique Albert, Business Manager. Filipinas Bazar-Perfumeries and Toilet Articles - Tel. 27565 - Cable Address: "cPENG"-531 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Chua Pieng, Prop. Filipinas Beauty Parlor-204 M. Earnshaw, Sampaloc. Mrs. Eulalia Montilla, Prop, and Beautician. "FILIPINAS CO~IPANIA DE SEGUROS"- Fire, Marine, Automobile, Earthquake, Riots and Civil Commotion, Typhoon, Flood, Explosion, Plate Glass, and Workmen's Compensation Insurance; Fidelity, and Surety Bonds, Mortgage Loans, Carnet Bonds for Motorists-P. O.

Box 745- Te1. 22242 Private Exchange Connecting all Depts.-CabJe Address: "FILIPSEGUR"-2nd Floor, Filipinas Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Enrique Zobel, Pres. Vicente Arias, Vice-Pres. Jacobo Zobel, Treas. Eduardo Ortigas, Manager. Jose Olbes, Asst. Sec'y. Directors: Enrique Zobel Vicente Arias J. R. McMicking Rafael Ortigas Ignacio R. Ortigas Jacobo Zobel Salvador Zaragoza Agents: Iloilo- Fernando Rre guera. Cebu-Miguel Ortigas Zamboanga-Luis Montojo. (See Advertisement) Filipinas Dl'Ug Store-Retail Drug Store37 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Nieves A. de Lucefio. Filipinas Fashion & Beauty Shoppe-Dressmakers- Tel. 55123-664 I saac Peral, Ermita. Mrs. Rosario FloI' de Guzman. FiIipinas HaII-Dormitory- Tei. 57583-502 Taft Ave., Ermita. Z. Mendoza, Dean. Filipinas Life Agency, Inc.-InsuranceGeneral Agents-P. O. Box 1485-Tels. 22242, 21539 and 22849-3rd Floor, Filipinas Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. King W . Chapman, Manager. Emilio Heredia, Office Manager. FILIPINAS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY-Life, Accident and Health Insurance-P. O. Box 745-Tel. 22242-2nd Floor, Filipin!l.s Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Enrique Zobel, Pres. Vicente Arias, Vice-Pres. Jacobo Zobel, Treas. Eduardo Ortigas, Mgr. Jose Olbes, Asst. Sec'y. Directors: Enrique Zobel Rafael Ortigas Vicente Ar,i as Ignacio R. Ortigas J. R. McMicking Jacobo Zobel Salvador Zaragoza Filipinas Mining Corporation-Mining-P. O. Box 1981-Tel. 24010-Cable Address: "FILMINCOR"-412 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Arsenio N. Luz, President. Isaac Barza, Vice Pres., Director and General Manager.


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2.23.62 MANILA

tOO Motojiro Sugiyama, Treasurer, Director and Assistant General Manager. Dominador B. Ambrosio, Director. Seitaro Kanegae, Director. Amado M. Gonzales, Secretar.y. Filipinas Pharmacy-Retail Druggists-Thl. 28625-1338 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Pablo C. Feliciano, Prop.- Mgr. Mrs. Remedios Reyes-Santos, Pharm. Filipinas Shoe Store - Shoe Dealers -716 Ilaya, Tondo. Leonardo Reyes, Prop. and Mgr. Filipino Athlete, The-Official Publication of the P. A . A. F.-Published Fortnightly - Po O. Box 1905- Tels. 56590 and 56561 - Rizal Memorial Coliseum, Malate. Dr. Regino R. Ylanan, Director and Publisher. Filipino Exp'ert, The-Watch Repairing, J ewelers, and Engravers - Tel. 27311314 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Guillermo Abdon, Prop. and Mgr. Filipino Furniture Store-Furniture Dealers-Tel. 67363-840 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Mrs. J. M. de Flores, Prop. Filipino Hand Embroidery Co., Inc.-P. O. Box 713- Tel. 22183-Cable Address: "JExco"-28 Aviles, San Migue1. M. K . Jureidini, Pres. and Treas. G. K. Ju reidin i, Vice-Pres. Filipino-Nippon Maternity Hospital-Thl. 25001-229 Concepcion, El'mita. Yoich Mi yoshi, Prop. Dr. Moises Z. Diaz, Physician in chal'g,e. Filipino Nurses Ass'n - Tel. 56676 - 719 Kansas, Malate. (See also Mi scellaneous Section) Filipino Soap Manufacturing Co.,-Soap Manufacturers-Tel. 51255-Cable Address : FISMACO-550. P. Burgos, Pasay, Rizal. I sidoro Aragon , Prop. Filipino Studio-Photographel's-Developing Printing and Enlarging-Tel. 27765Cor. Legarda and Gastambide, Sampaloc. Jacinto Vela squez, Prop. t'lLiPPINE FILItI PRODUCTIONS, INC.-Producers Filipino Talking Pictures-P. O. Box 41l-Tels. 53561 and 57862-Cable Address: "FILFILMS"-179 Inverness, Sta. Ana. Placido L. Mapa, President. J. Amado Araneta, General Manager. Jose Generoso, Asst. to the Gen. Mgl'. Joseph Shotwell, Office Manager. Filomeno Shoe Store-Shoemaker and Repairer - Tel. 27274 - 927 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Mariano Filomeno, Prop.

"FI-ItIA"-Manufacturer and Exporter of Fi-Ma Products- Fine Liqueurs, Dry Gin, Fruit Juices, Special Medicines-P. O. Box 2779-Tel. 52790-Cable Address: 'FIMA" - Code: Hentley's, ABC 5th Edition-Office and Factory: 465 Leveriza, Pasay. Herman A. Fischer, Proprietor. FINDLAY ItULLAR TIMBER CO.Lumber Merchants-Tels. 67587, 67588 and 67589- Cable Address: "FINDMILL" - Main Office: 1000 Cordeleria, Santa Mesa, City Office: 4th Floor Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. A. W . Robertson, Pres. and Mng. Dir. R. J. Eguara s, Accountant. I. Reich, Yard Supt. A. T. Pond, Mgr., Insurance Dept. S. M. Austin, Mgr. at Kolambugan. Agencies: North British and Mercantile Ins. Co., Ltd. Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd. , The London Assurance. Cochran & Co. (Annan) Ltd. Findley, J. B.- Consulting Engineer-P. O. Box 1467 - Tel. 52558 - Cable Address: flFindley" Manila-32 Fischel' Ave., Pasay. Fineza, Jose S., Jr.- Lawyer-Tel . 25417Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifip.s, Binondo. Fink, Dr. Emilia I.-Physician ' and Surgeon-P. O. Box 2249-Tel. 55451-316 Echague, Sta. Cruz. FIRE DEPARTItIENT- Office of the Chief-Tel. 2421l-City Hall, Taft Avenue, El'mita.

(See Miscellaneous Section) Fire Protection Servic~-Burglal' Alarm Systems-Po O. Box lI54-Tel. 67494002 Cordelel'ia, Sampaloc. B. J . Server. Firearms Repair Shop--Repairing of Typewriters Firearms, Etc.- Tel. 26011-848 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Eusebio Isaac, Prop. FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. OF THE PIULIPPINE ISLANDSWholesale Tires, Tubes, Batteries, Sparkplugs Rims, Brake Lining and Auto Supplies- Po O. Box 3219-Tels. 24292 and 24293-Cable Address: "FIRESTONE" M anila - 207-209 Thirteenth Street, Port Area. R. E. Baskerville, Gen. Mgl'. O. J . Fikes, Office Mgr.

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First Trading Enterprise, The- Optical Goods-P. O. Box 77- Tel. 48428-834 Ilaya, Tondo. FISK TmE CO., INC., OF THE PHIL· IPPINES- Tels. 23750 and 23780-122 Novaliches, San Miguel. Paul C. Hartnal, Mgr. L. M. McClure, Credit and Office Mgr. C. W. Marsh. Fit-U-WeB Dress Shop - Dl'essmaking2270 Azcarraga, Sampaloc. Basilia C. Sanchez, Prop. Five Stars Studio-Photographing~66 Nueva, Binondo. Cheng Sioc Hua, Prop. Fleming & Williamson-Chartered Accountants and Certified Public Accountants-Po O. Box 214-Tel. 24531-Cable Address: "ACCURACy"-4th Floor Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. R. O. Ferguson, C.A., C.P.A. J. V. Hickey, A.C.A., C.P.A. H. Hau samann, C.P.A. W. J. Corpe, A.C.A., C.P.A. R. C. Deane, A.C.A. M. H. Pickup, A.C.A. F. J. Hi gham. H. Aldred, A .C.A. J. E. Fairweather, C.A. J. H. Mueller, C.P.A. G. A. Jack, A.C.A. J. D. Henderson, A.C.A. P . D. Davey, A.C.A. T. A. Campbell, C.P.A. V. S. Monteiro, C.P.A. Fletcher, Dr. L. Z.-Physician and Surgeon -Po O. Box 1670-Tel. 23263-Rm. 202, R. F. Navarro Bldg., 180 David, Binondo. Fleur-de-Lis Beauty Shoppe-HairdresserTe1. 28574- 277 M. Earnshaw, Sampaloc. Mrs. Francisca C. Velasquez, Prop. and Beautician. Flor's Flower Shop-Tel. 54396-514-A San Luis, Ermita. Mrs. Florentino P. Laurente, Prop. Florannie Mining' Co.-Mining-P. O. Box 1663-Tel. 23422-Cable Address: "FLORANNIE"-975 Boston Street, Port Area. B. D. Cadwallader, Pres.-Dir. J. W. Ferrier, Vi ce-Pres.-Dir. E. Gumaru, Sec'y.-Treas. R. N. Cadwallader, Dil'. W. F. Cadwallader, Dir. Florendo, Federico-Life Insurance Underwriter of the In sular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-'I'el. 22431Cable Address: INSULIFE--Thi rd Floor, Insular Life Building, P laza Moraga, Binondo.

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F lol'endo, Dr. Mariano-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 23374-135 Gastambide, Sampaloc. Flores Auto Repair Shop, M.-Tel. 228211518 Pedro Guevara, Sta. Cruz. M. Flores, Prop. and Mgr. C. Zamora, Ass't. Flores, Ambrosio H .- Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Cable Address: "INSULIFE" - Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Flores, F . G.-Men's Dormitor,y -Tel . 24643 -389 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Flores, Jose G. - Lawyer - Tel. 26418Room 527, Heacock Building, Escolta, Binondo. Flores, Mariano - Automobile RepairerTel. 22821-1518 Pedro Gu'e vara, Santa Cruz. Flores, Pantaleon - Bottle Dealer - Tel. 47293-40 R. A. Reyes, (int.) Tondo. Flores, Roberta-Commercial Agent-Tel. 28498-56 San Marcelino, Ermita. Florida Apartments- Tel. 57947-113 Florida, Ermita. Miss Victorina del Campo, Prop. and Mgr. . Florida Lunch - Tel. 54759 - 307 Flol'lda l Ermita. M. Kawakami, Prop. & Mgr. Floro, Doroteo-Dealer in J'Cwelry and Watches; Goldsmith and Watchmaker1534 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Floro, Exequiel- Certified Public Accountant-P. O. Box 3451-Tel. 23419446 Dasmarinas, Floro, Martiniano-Mechanical and Refrigerating Engineer-P. O. Box 3451-Tel. 23419-446 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Floro, Victorino-Private Land SurveyorP. O. Box 3451-Tel. 23419-446 Dasmarifias Binondo. Flor's Flower Shop-Florist-Tels. 54396 and 67297-514-A San Luis, Ermita. Mrs. Florentina P. Laurente, Prop. Flower Land-Artificial Flower Shop-Tel. 28084---{)35 Evangelista, Quiapo. Sixto Castro, Prop. Fojas, Eleutel'io' P.-Lawyer-Tel. 23261605 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Binondo. Folgueras Bar-Saloon-714 Folgueras. San Nicolas. M. Tashiro, Mgr. Folgueras Hardware - Co Ban Ling and Co Ban Kiat-Tel. 48922-Cable Address: "FOLGUERAS HARDWARE"-772-774 Folgueras, Tondo. Co Ban Ling, Prop. Yap Bun K'Ce, Mgt'. I l


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Fookien Times, Co., Inc" The-The Pioneer Standard Size Chin-ese Daily in the Philippines-Morning and Afternoon Editions - Po O. Box 747-Tel. 4968B-Cable Address: "FUKIENTIMES" Fooki entimes Bldg., 311 Soler, Binondo. Guille rmo Dybuncio, Pres. Go Puan Seng, Publisher. Kao Tsin Lit, Managing Editor. Sarnu'e} Y. Huang, Business Mgr. FORBES, MUNN & CO., LTD.-General Merchants-Importers-Exporters - Insurance Agents - P. O. Box 454 - Tel s. 47015 Manager; 49744 T extiles; 49680 Flour and Insurance Dept.; 49730 Hard· ware and Sund!"ies; 49910 Pharmaceu tical Dept.; 25182 Bodega Legaspi-Cable Address: "SANDAVID"-113 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Frank Hill s, Managing Dil'. (London.) C. S. Hynes (Mgt"., Manila). J. Strickland. E. Klingl er. J. Wal ser. J. Bzoch. W. Rudolf. E. AguIar. M. Jan se n. M. Panganiban. N. Candelaria. A. Al varez. J . Pajari11 o. General Agents : Royal In surance Co., Ltd. (Liverpool). Ford Service Station- Sales and 8-ervice Station- Manila Trading and Supply Co., Agents-Tel. 21406-20th St., Port Area. Forget Me Not Dry Good s Store- Tel. 52383 -3-C Libertad, Market, Pa say, RizaJ. Kiang Yek, Prop. FOTO NEWS PUBLISmNG CO.-Publishing P. O. Box 601- Manila - Tel. 22094 - Cable Address : "FOTONEWS"DMHM Bldg., Intramuros. Samuel F. Gaches, President. Ernesto Rodriguez, Jr., Editor. Four Star Film Co., Inc.-Motion Picture Distributor- P. O. Box 133-Tel. 23818Cable Address: "FOSTAFIL"-409-4 17 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. UId. Ortiz. D. J. Justo. Fox Model-Tailoring- 527 Madrid, San Nicolas. Benjamin Vitaliano, Prop. Fox Shirt Factory-Shirt ManufacturersTel. 47313-158 Rosario, Binondo. Chua Kin Hong, Prop.

Fox Studio-Photographers--2041 Herran, Paco. N. Adachi, Prop. and Photographer. Fox Theatre-Tel. 24213-619 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Cornelio R. Feliciano, Mgr. Fralti Dry Cleaning and Laundry-14-16 Plaza Hugo, Santa Ana. Francisco A. Tibay, Prop. Frances-Stan Beauty Bar - Beauty Shop -Tel. 57633-228 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Miss Frances M. Hering. Ross Stan. Francia, Dr. Hilario-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 48851-632 Barcelona, San Nicolas. Francisco, Augusto-Lawyer-Tel. 23094401 Cu Unjieng Bldg., Binondo. Francisco. Basili o--Lawyer-Te1. 21544Bachrach Motor Co., Port Area. Francisco, Carlos N.-Surveyor-Tel. 56742 -2636 Herran, Sta. Ana. Francisco, Ceferino--Lawyer-Tel. 567422638 Henan, Sta. Ana. Francisco, Dr. J. R.- Dentist-Tel. 28569246 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Francisco, Jose N.- Attorney-at-Law-Tel. 24163-4th F loor, Fernand'ez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. FRANCISCO LAW OFFICE, VICENTE J.-CounselIors-at-Law-P. O. Box 1111 - Tel. 23933-Peoples Bank Bldg., Corner Dasmarinas-David, Binondo. Vicente J. Francisco Assistant Attorneys: Simeon R. Roxas. Amado G. Salazar. Rody M. Jalandoni. Emilio D. Bejasa. Alberto V. J . Francisco. Pedro G. Guevara. Antonio G. Paulin. FRANCISCO LAW SCHOOL-Private Law School-P_ O. Box 11l1- Tel. 23933 - Peoples Bank Bldg., Corner Dasmarifias-David, Binondo. Vicente J . Francisco, Pres. and Dean. Benigno T . Sarayba" Sec'y and Regi strar. Mrs. Leonarda O. Francisco, Treasurer. Francisco, jr., Dr. Manuel M.-Dentist1240 Santa Mesa, San Juan, Rizal. Francisco, Dr. Ricardo A.-Dentist-Tel. 46216-565 Azcarraga, Tondo. Francisco, Sixto--Ice Dealer and Ice Cream Factory- Tel. 27621-61 Zurbaran, Sta. Cruz. Francisco y Santos, Dr. Celedonio-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 48133- 336 Ricafort, Tondo.


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"Franco"-Artist Photographer-Tel. 53161 -23 Alhambra, Ermita. Franco Altomonte, Prop. Franco, Antonio - Lawyer - Tel. 2992312 Escolla, Binondo. Franco, Dr. Cecilio D.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 54150-755 Florida, Malate. Franco, Dr. Pacifico N. - Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 22262 - 1005 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Franco & Reinoso Law Offices-Po O. Box 2526-Tels. 21432 and 21433- 26 Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Pedro Franco. Jose Reinoso. Franco's Pharmacy-Druggist-Tel. 29229 -1001 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Rafaela Franco, Pharm. Eliza Franco, Ass't. Pharm. FRANK & COMPANY- (Division of Philippine Education Co., Inc.) -Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Brass Signs, Badges, Dl',y Seals, and Manufacturing Stationers-Po O. Box 620-Tel. 22131Plant: 1104 Castillejos, Quiapo-Office: Third Floor, 101 EscoIta, Binondo. Frankel, Dr. Walter K .-Surgery-Uro}ogy -Tel. 26735-519 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Frankfurter Sausages Factory-Tel. 51228 -166 P . Villanueva, Pasay. Rizal. Hermann Leopold, Prop. & Mgr. Franklin Bakel' Co. of the PhilippinesManufacturers of Desiccated Coconut Products-Po o. Box 600-Tel. 264468 Derham Bldg., Port Area. John W. Craig, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Frank's Men's Apparel - Tailoring - 427 Platerias, Santa Cruz. Francisco B. Santiago, Prop. Vicente Abil1al', Mastel' Cutter. Fraternity Dry Cleaning- Tel. 27334-2195 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Julian Pons, Prop. Fred & Company - General MerchantsCorner Amatista and Esguerra, San Andres Sub-division, Sta. Ana. Alfredo 1. IDanog, Mgr. FREE PRESS (PHILIPPINES) Weekly Newspaper-P. O. Box 457-Tels. 23609 and 23610-Cable Address: "FRE&PREss"-Free Press Bldg., 684-686 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. R. McCulloch Dick, Editor and Publisher. F. Thea. Rogers, General Manager. Frederic S. Marquardt, Asst. Editor. Floro A. Santos, Office and Circulation Manager.

Free Press Photo Engraving - PhotoEngravers-Half-Tones , Zinc, Etchings and Color Work. Equipped with Modern Machinery. Cuts for Annuals and Newspaper.-P. O. Box 326- Tel. 22110 Third Floor, Free PI'ess Bldg.-6S0 Rizal Ave ., Sta. Cruz. R. McCulloch Dick, Prop. Floro A. Santos , 81'. F. Thea. Rogers. F. S. Marquardt. Juan Collas Arsenio R. Afan, Manager. Agapito Afabl-e, Supt. Santiago Manlafigit, Ass't. Supt. Vicente Borja. Gregorio Fallesgon. Pedro Zarate. French Restaurant de Paris (Re/e'l ': Restam'ant de Pa1-is, Inc.)

Frieder & Sons Co., S.-Importers, Exporters, Leaf Tobacco and Cigars-Po O. Box 2233- Tel. 24492- Cable Address: "FRISQN"- 36 Novaliches, San Miguel. Ale x Frieder, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Herbert Freider. Friend's Laundry- 190 Cabildo, Intramuros. Agripina Mojica, Prop. Macario Acosta, Mgr. Friends Tailoring, The-Tailors-1l12 Tennessee, Malate. Jaime Montevirgen, Prop. and Cutter. Fritzi's Modes- Dressmaker-Tel. 57244522 San Luis, San Luis Terrace, Ermita. Fritzi Sax. Pacita de Roces. Fro Jub BIas Shoe Store-ShO'emakers-212 Legarda, Sampaloc. Juan BIas, Pl'Op. Fuente-Samson, Felisa P. de la-LawyerT.l. 23473-Room 6, Aran. ta Bldg., 465 San Vicente, Binondo. Fuentebella, Enrique-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431C a bi e Add res s: INSULIFE-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg" Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Fuentes. Isagani - Life Insurance Underwriter- The Insular Life A ssurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "INSULIFE"- Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Fujihara Furniture-Furniture Dealer and Manufacturer- Tel. 23021 - 852 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. N. Fujihara, Prop.


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Fujimoto, K.-Barber Shop-Tel. 26479319 Padre Gomez, Santa Cruz. K. Fujimoto, Prop. FUKUY A~IA & CO., INC. - General Merchants-Importers and ExportersOld Vessels, Second Hand Machineries, Metal Scraps, \Va ste Materials, Native Products Dealers-P. O. Box 346-Tel. 47573 - Cable Address: "TATSUM IYA" Code Used: Kendall's Bentley's A-E-C 5th Edition-820 Folgueras, Tando. Kuwahara, Gen. Mgr. Funel'aria Alix-Undertaking-Tel. 24915 -418 Legal'da, Sampaloc. Branchas: 1126 Juan Luna-Tel. 49304. 52 N. Doming<>-Tel. 68637. Marciana Antonio Vda. de Villavicente, Prop. Funera.ria Camba - Undertaking - Tel. 48526-551 Camba, San Nicolas. J ase de Ocampo, Prop. Funeral'ia Concepcion-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 366-]66 General Luna, Malabon, Rizal. Leoncio Dytuco, Prop. & Mgr. Funeraria Feliciano Quiogue. (See QlIiogtte's F1meral Pa1'lol') Funeraria Flol'esco---Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 140-193 Gral. Luna, Malabon, Rizal. Adriano L. Flores, Prop. & Mgr Funeraria Gloria-Undel'taker-Tel. 67872 -585 G. Tuazon, Sampaloc. Francisco E . Cachuela, Prop. Funeraria Ideal-Undertaking and Embalming-Tel. 57749-708 Georgia, Malate. Sotel'o Q. Dizon, Prop., Mgr. and Embalmer. Funeraria Luzon - Undertakers - Tel. 47267-1415 Sande, Tondo. MoiS'es Clemente, Prop. Funeraria Malaya-Undertaking and Embalming-Tel. 51434-135 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Victorio Vito Cruz, Prop. Adriano Cuenca, Mgr. FUNERARIA NACIONAL--Vda. e Hijos de Vicente Quiogu<e - Undertakers and Embalmers-Tel. 22871 and 22068-917919 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Luisa Javier, Vda. de Quiogue, Prop. Antonio Quiogue, Gen. Manager. Gregorio 0101'is, Ass't. to the Director. Espiridion Pangan, Agent. Florentino Bunag, Agent and ColI .



Funeraria Oro---Undertakers-P. O. Box 551-Tel. 67913-533 G. Tuason, Sampaloco Ambrosia Ortega, Prop. Funeraria Pafigiiinan - Undertakers-Tel. 57623-2395 Henan, Paco. Funeraria Paraiso-Undertaking and Embalming- 1192 Sande, Tondo. Simeon B. Sayo, Prop. FUNERARIA PAZ-Funeral Directors, Undertakers and Embalmers. Complete Funeral Facilities-P. O. Box 250-Tels. 22866-22867-Cable Address: "LAFUPAZ" -1701 -1703 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. P . del Rosario, Sr., Dir. and Prop. Fermin del Rosario, General Manager. P. del Rosario, Jr., Acting Gen. Mgr. Primo I. Guzman, Mgt'. and Embalmer. Embalmers: P . del Rosario, Sr. F. del Rosario. P. del Rosario, Jr. P. 1. Guzman. Funeraria Popular-Undertaking and Embalming-Tel. 23172-2137-2139 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Chapel 1215-1221 Juan Luna, Tondo-Tel. 48731. Julita R. de Dychangko, Prop. Salvador R. Dychangko, Mgr. and Licensed Embalmer. Ventura R. Dychangko, Mgr. and Licensed Embalmer. Branch: San Pablo, Laguna. Funeraria Real-Undertakers-Te1. 57623 -2395 Herran, Pacn. Funel'aria Rizal-Undertakers-Tel. 52331 -380 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Florencia Victorino, Prop. Funeraria Tres Amigos-Funeral ParlorTel. 56391-1906 Henan, Paco. Mrs. Adelaida de Garcia, Prop. and Mgl'. Funeraria Tupaz-Undertakers, Funeral Parlors-Tel. 56155-713 Singalong, Malate. Jose Ma. Tupas, Prop. Fung Tai Curio Store-Chinese Curio Store. Tel. 22185 -72 Real, Corner General Luna. Intramuros. Hong Chong, Prop. and Mgr. Furness (Far East) Ltd,-Shipping Agents -Po O. Box 3362-Tel. 23020-Cable Address : "FURNPRINCE" - Rooms 205-206, Marsman Bldg., Port Al'ea. C. C. Black, Manager. W . F. G. Harris, Ass't. Manager. A. W . Holland. P. M. Joaquin. Agency: Prince Line Ltd.


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Furukawa Plantation Co., Inc.-Planters and General Merchants-P. O. Box 88STels. 22720 and 24112-3rd Floor, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Binondo. F. T. Ohta, Mgr. Furushio, S.-Joe Cream Parlor-56! Azcarraga, Tondo. Futaba Fashion Shop-Modiste-929 Lepanto, Sampaioc. Mrs. Asako Ito, Designer. Futaba, Sushi-Restaurant-TeI. 2498!542 Padre Gomez, Santa Cruz. C. Taga, Manager.

G Gabiola, Paulina A. Vda. de-Furniture 21474-731 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Gabriel, Dr. Antonio J.-Physician-Tel. 21474-731 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Gabriel Chemical Products-Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Household Remedies and Toilet Articles-P. O. Box 1406-Tel. 26363-735 Calero, Sta. Cruz. L. Gabriel, Gen. Mgr. and Prop. A. R. Vergara, Sales Mgr. Gabriel, Dr. Francisco-Physician-Tel. 55125-898 Dart, Paco. Dr. Gregorio-Physician-Tel. Gabriel, 21474-731 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Gabriel, J.-House and Sign Painter-Tel. 48998-1605 Sande Tondo. J. Gabriel, Prop. and Mgr. Gabriel, 01'. Juan-Physician- Te1. 52335441 Real, Intramul'os. Gabriel, Perfecto - Lawyer - TeL 23561612 Trinidad, Sta. Cruz. Ga~n·i'eI. Petronilo V. ·- Customs BrokerTel. 2-33-51-456 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. Gadi, J osefa de-Rice Merchants---Tel. 49571-925 Dagupan, Tondo. Gaerlan, Benito-Sugar Merchant-Tel. 28490-328 Nueva, Binondo. Gagalaiigin Lumber (Tan Kong & Co.)Lumber Dealers-Tel. 49497-1891 Juan Luna, Tondo. Tan Kong, Mgr. Theatre - Cinematograph - Tel. Gaiety 55317-630 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. George Joseph, Prop. Gala Fashion Academy-Courses Offered: Dressmaking, Embroidery and Interior Decoration-TeL 23471-851-855 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Ignacia T. de Lapuz, Directress. Margarita T. de Gavino, Pres.

Galang Machinery Co., P. L .-General Merchant, Exporters-TeL 49293-lUl Juan Luna, Tondo. Pedro L . Galang, Mgr. Galauran, Dr. Fausto J.-Physician-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 113297 A. Mabini, Caloocan, Rizal. Galban, Dr. Tranquilino B.-Dentist-TeI. · 29225-700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Galian, Jr., Dr. Mariano A .-PhysicianTel. 56096-516 Paz. Paco. Galina's Tailoring-U6 Sta. Potenciana, Intramuros. Sinforoso C. Galina, Prop. and Mgr. Gallego, Consorcio-Lawyer-Tel. 2364034 Escolta (Room 8) Binondo. Gallego & Be los Reyes - Lawyers - Tel. 21221-Cable Address: "GALREy"-209217 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Paz de los Reyes, Lawyer. Manuel V. Gallego, Lawyer. Nicanor Pagdanganan, Lawyer. Galvez, Dr. Conrado T. - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 67266-312 Isabel (Int. 195), Sampaloc. Galvez, Dr. Manuel S. - Physician - Tel. 51489-260 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Galvez, Dr. Ruperto S.-Physician-T-el . 51489-260 Libertad, Pasay. Rizal. Gamboa, Rodriguez, Rivera & Co., Inc.Sugar Dealers, Importers and Exporters -Tel •. 21057 and 28044-Rooms 402-410 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. C. Rivera, Pres. V. L. Rodriguez, Vice-Pres. F. D. Gamboa, Treas. Gall, Pedro N .-Lawyer-Tel. 24853-Rm. 3 Kneedler Bldg., corner Carriedo and Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Gan Tan- Sack Store- Tel. 49679- 370 lI ang-Ilang, Branch: Tel. 47852 - 229 Santo Cristo, San N icolas. Gana, Eduardo C.-Lawyer-Tel. 25534431 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Ganaden, Jose E.-Architect and Designer -Tel. 67847-25 Guipit, Sampaloc. Ganaden, Sofronio G.-Undel'writer of the Filipinas Life Assurance Co.-Tel. 22242 -3rd Floor, Filipinas Bldg., 21 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Gancayco & Co., Inc., S.-Land SurveyorsTel. 54502-520 Pennsylvania, El'mita. Santiago Gancayco, Pres.-Mgr. Gandionco, Isabelo V.-Lawyel'-TeL 46267 -505 Benavides, Binondo. Gandhi Shirt Factory-Shirt Manufacturers-Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 2684-Tel. 47227-923 (int. E), Juan Luna, Tondo. Mahan Singh & Co.



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Gandhi Silk Store-Silk Mel'chants-749 Dart, Paco. K. Santdas, Prop. GARCIA, A.- Process Engravers-Tel. 22715- 32 Sta. Potenciana, Intl'amuros. Adolfo Garcia. Adolfo Garcia, Jr. E. Garcia. (See Advertisement ) Garcia, Alejandro----Grocel'Y Dealer- Tel. 55670-647 Dart, Paco. Garcia, Dr, Amado L.- Physician and Surgeon - Tels. 28351 and 56244 -124 T. Pinpin, Fernandez Bldg" Suite 307, Binondo. Garcia, Dr. Al'turo----Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 04960-619 Colorado, Malate. GARCIA, ASUNCION DE - Dry Goods and Glassware Dealers- Tel. 47215-683 Jlaya, Tondo. Asuncion de Garcia , Prop, Felipe Garcia, Mgr. E steban Cruz, Acct. Garcia, C. R.- Plumbing Contractor-Tel . 27207-2163 Oroquieta, Santa Cruz. Garcia, Casimiro L.-Cel'tified Public Accountant - Tel. 24841 - Ground Floor Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. • Garcia & Co., Alberto V.-Certified Public Accountants-P. O. Box 2355- Tel. 24253 -Cable Address: "AGARCO"-217 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Alberto V. Garcia, C.P.A. Gelacio Diaz. Primo D. Manalo, C.P.A. Reinaldo E. Olmos Maximino A. Moya. David R. Ondevilla. Garcia & Co., Francisco A.-Certified Public Accountants- P. O. Box 2156-TeI. 22282-Cablt! Address: "FRAGA"-327 Samanillo Bldg., 619 E £colta, Binondo. Garcia, Deogracias I.-Dentist-Tel. 48045 -R-309 Ides Bldg., Folgueras, San Nicolas. Garcia, Dr. E. Voltaire - Lawyer - Tel . 23261-605 Cu Unjieng Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Garcia, Eligio S., - Certified Public Accountant-P. O. Box 645-Tel. 49851122 Juan Luna, Binondo. Garcia, Eutiquiano-Lawyel'-Tel. 2821788 S. J. de Leb'an, Intramuros. Garcia, Dr. Faustino----Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 55071-915 San Marcelino, Paco. Garcia, Dr. Francisco G.-Dental Surgeon -2nd Floor, 212 Kneedler Bldg., Sta. Cruz.


Garcia , Gerardo - Caterer - Tel. 27203417 San Antonio, Sampaloc. Garcia, Gerardo G.-General MerchantP . O. Box 884-Tel. 21317-14-16 Gral. Luna, Intramuros. Garcia, Gregorio N.-Lawyer-Tel. 26087 - 428 Rlegina Bldg., Esco1ta, or 323 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Garcia, Gumersindo- Physician-Tel. 22897 - 1101 Lepanto, Sampaloc. Garcia, Dr. Jesus P .-Physician-TeL 57361 - 559 Vermont, Malate. Garcia, Dr. Jose T.- Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 28773-162 Doroteo Jose, Sta. Cruz. Garcia, Leonardo L.-Lawyer-Tel. 27183 - 12 Escolta, Binondo. Garcia, M.-Beauty Parlor-Te1. 55730854 A. Mabini, Malate. Maxima Garcia, Prop. Garcia, Dr. Nemesio G.-Registered Optometrist and Optician-Tel. 25817-103 Plaza Coiti, Sta. Cruz. Garcia, Zosima G. de-Diamond Merchants Imporoors Wholesale and Retail Jewelers - Po O. Box 550-Tel. 23942-Cable Address "ZOSIMA"-827-833 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Garcia de la Vega-Incla,n, J ose- Attorne.yat-Law and Notary Public-Tel. 21383-312 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Garcia Roxas, Simeon-Lawyer-Tel. 57703 -357 San Marcelino, Ermita. Primitivo Garcia, Prop. a nd Mgr. Garcia's Fashion-Tel. 48025-1146 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Felisa Garcia, Prop. Garcia's Laundry-Tel. 67056-61 Manrique, Sampaloc. David M. Garcia, Mgr. Gardner, C. D.-Importer-P. O. Box 1143 -Tel. 22952-Cable Address: "GARDBEDS" -303 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Gardner, Mrs. Florence L.-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431 -Cable Address: INSULIFE-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Garduno, Dr. D. M.-Physician-431 EvangeJista, Quiapo. Garrido's Tailoring, B.-Tel. 49079-903 Ylaya, Tondo. B. Garrido, Prop. and Cutter. Gatbo Mining and Power Co., Inc.-Coal Mining-Tel. 23473-465 San Vicente, Binondo. J. C. Cowper, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Neil McLeod, Vice-Pres.



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C. S. Cole, Sec.~ Treas. Salvador Zaragoza, Mem. ,. L. T. Dna, Mem. H. Strauss. Mem. J . G. Macatangay, Mem. Gatchalian, Dr. Hipolito R. Physician-Chinese General Hospital-Tel. 23043-286 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Gatchalian, Dr. Nemesia - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 29532- 972 Bilibid Viejo (Int), Quiapo. Gatdula, Dr. Engl'aeia-Lady-Dentist-348 Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Gatmaitan, Leonila-Dl'Y Goods-Tel. 46264 69-B Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Gatmaitan, Magno S.-Lawyer-Tel. 28969 -624 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Gavino, Dr. Catalina - Physician - Tel. 22845-722 Tayuman, Sta. Cruz. Gayang Mining Company, Inc.-MiningP. o. Box 1292-Tel. 22801-516-520 Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Board of Directors and Officers: Dr. Rufino Abriol, President. Atty. M. V. de los Santos, Vice-President and Managing Director. Rufino Martinez, Member. Dr. S. B. Montemayor, Member. Z. P. Ricafort, Member. Juan Manahan, Treasurer. Claro S. Santos, Secretary. Gelano, Dr. Carlos-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 56491-1921 Herran, Paco. Gemil, Dra. Miguela- Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 54247-374 Looban, Paco. Genato Commercial Corporation-Importers, Exporters, General Provisions, Paper, Hardware, Textile, etc.-P. O. Box 1396 -Tels. 21095 and 2109B-Cable Address: "GENATOCORP" - 1075-1079 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Francisco G. Genato, Pres. Florentino Genato, Vice-Pres. S. B. Genato, Sec'y.-Treas. Felisa Genato Lorenzo, Member Board of Directors. C. G. Luz, Member Board of Directors. Genato & Co., Ltd.-General MerchantsP. O. Box 947-Tel. 48777-239-241 Barcelona, San Nicolas. L. M. Hel'as, Mem. of Firm and Mgr. Genato, Dr. Jose--Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 27912-1302 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. General Asiatic Export & Import Co., Inc.Ship Chandlers, Exporters, Importers and Commercial Brokers-P. O. Box 820-Tel. 24225--Cable Address: "GENASIA"-Room

304, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Sven Hurum. GIlNIlR'<\I• .<\Ul·0 IUlI'.<\lIl SIIOP Machine Shop, Reboring and Welding 817-819 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Domingo Lop'ez, Prop. General Commercial Corporation-General Merchants, Commercial and Real Estate Brokers - P. O. Box 978-Tels. 21208 and 26510- CabIe Address: HGERCO"-67 Juan Luna, Binondo. Antonio Aranaz, Pres. a nd Gen. Mgr. Luis A. Barretto, Real Estate Dept. General Corporation of the PhiIippinesImports and Exports- General Merchants - Po O. Box 2703- Tel. 21283-Cable Address: "GRALCORP" - 75 Escolta, Bi. nondo. P. V. Gonzalez, Pres. K. L. Barngrover, Sales Mgr. General Cycle Store- Po O. Box 27- Tel. 29183-231 Legarda, Sampaloc. E. Shimizu, Prop. General DecOl'ation- Marble Works , Arts and Decorations-Tel. 25122-828 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. P. Ambel'ti, Prop. & Mgr. Mrs. P. Amberti, Sec'y.-Tl'eas. General Dental Hosp ita l of the Post Graduate Dental School- Tel. 28934-College of Oral and Dental Surgery Bldg., 1740 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. E. R. Aldecoa, Dir. and Prop. GIlNIlR.<\L ELECTlUC CO. (P. I.), INC. - General representatives of the GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY of U. S. A . - Electrical Apparatus, MAZDA Lamps, Home Appliances, and X-Ray and Electl'o-Mtedical Apparatus-P. O. Box 1822-Tel. 24524 (Private Exchange connecting aU Departments-13th and Atlanta Sts., Port Area. C. C. Grinnell, Pres. and General Manager. F. H. Ale, Treasurer. F. M. Corliss, Manager. Appliance Dept. T. M. Knight, Manager, Apparatu s and Supply Dept. T . W. Poole, Apparatus and Supplies. J. H. Schlobohm, Apparatus and Sup· plies. Edward Lea, Apparatus and Supplies. E. L. Marsh, Apparatus and Supplies. W. F. Ransom, X-Ray Department. J. T. Urbi, X-Ray Department. J . M. Vinoya, Purchasing and Credits.



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L. C. Santiago, Accountant. C. C. Apostol, Cashier. Ricardo Carreon, Cashier. General Exterminating Company-Exterminators-P. O. Box 90l-Tel. 22911Cable Address: "GENEX"- 1451 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. J. V. Medina, Mgr. GENIlRAL PAINT CORPOIlA'I'ION (PIDLIPPINES), INC. - Paint - P. O. Box 3229-Tels. 23259 and 22227Cable Address : "GENPA" Manila - 13th and Boston Streets, Port Area. Head Office: San Francisco, Calif. W. B. Hanson, Vice-Pres. and Manager. Ralph N . Willits, Sales Manager. George A. Philp, Salesman. Genel'al Printing Press-Printers and Publishers-TeL 23632- 421 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Hugo Santiago, Prop. and Mgr. General Sail Maker-Manufacturers of Sails-Tel. 49142-1151 Antonio Rivera, Tando. Trinidad Gregorio, Prop. General Saw Mill-Lumber Merchants-P. O. Box 2544-Tels. 25341 and 21830-533 Teodora Alonso, Santa Cruz-Mill: Tel'. 49776- 1875 Juan Luna (Int. ), Tondo. M. S. Capistrano, Mgr. T. H Lee, Asst Mgr. General Securities & Investment Co.- General Investment-P. O. Box 50S- Tel. 23427- Cable Address : "GENSCO"-610 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binon do. Ramon S. Araneta, Pres. & Treas. J. Amado Al'aneta, Gen. Mgr. Vicente Hilado, Secretary. Bonifacio J. C. Montilla, Dil'ector. Agido Gonzaga, Director. General Shirts Factory- Shirt Manufacturers-Tel. 48675-830 Benavides, Tondo. Agapito Yulak, Mgr. General Sporting Company, Inc.- Athletic Goods Dealers, Playground Apparatus, Books and Stationaries- P. O. Box 235Tel. 23701- 554 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Pablo L. Bustamante, Mgr. Bienvenida A. Reyes, Cashier. General Venetian Blind Co.- Venetian Blind Manufacturers- Tel. 56495-309 Padre Faura, Ermita. Julio Lavayna, Manager. Gents Tailor Shop-2392 Henan, Paco. T. Victoria, Prop.

George Dresses (Miss)-Dress Shop-Po O. Box 1204-Tel. 2134Z-143 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Miss Violet George, Prop. and Mgr. German, Dr. Felix A. - Physician - Tel. 47327-1351 Dagupan, Tondo. German Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc.-P. O. Box 1327-·Te1. 22659 - 1570 Arlegui Extension, San Miguel. Fr. Danielsen, President. E. Krohn, Vice-Pre5' ident. C. Kelling, Treasurer. P. Baumann, Managing Director. Directors: A. von Arend. H. Ibach. M. Kummer. W. Schaal. M. Ziegler. German Club, Inc. (See Miscellaneous Section) German Consulate(See Mi scellaneous Section) GEIUIAN STEA~ISnIP AGENCIES (P. I.)-(forrnerly Bohn, M~yer & Co., and Zuellig & von Knobelsdorff) INc..Steamship Agents-P. O. Box 298-Tel . 22924- Cable Address : "NORDLLOYD" and "HAPAG"-506 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. F . Danielsen, Managing Director. K. Severien. H. Spielmann. Agencies: Hamburg-Amerika Linie. N orddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. Deutsche Lufthansa A. G. Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei. G.m.b.H. "Germani a" Cacho Hermanos, Inc.-PhotoLithographers, Printers and Bookbinders -Tels. 21285 and 24214-Cable Address: HCACHO"-672 Legarda, Sampaloc. Jesus Cacho, Mgr. GEIl~IANN & CO., LTD.-General Importers, Exporters-P. O. Box 1975-Tel. 49841- Cable Address: " FEDERATION"156 Juan Luna, Binondo. Geronimo, A. E.-Private Detective-Tel. 56312- 130 San Andres , Malate. Geronimo, Francisco-Master PlumberTel. 22885-2306 Rizal Ave .. Sta. Cruz. Gestetner, Ltd., D.-(Established 1881)Gcst1etner Duplicating Machines, Accessories and Supplies - P . O. Box 2147 - Tel. 22376 - Cable Address: HGESTETNERS" Manila-18 Escolta, Binondo. GETZ BROS. & CO. - Importers and Exporters-P. O. Box 160- Tels. 24575, 24576 and 24577-Cable Address: "GETZ" -Third Floor, Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binoudo.


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J. A. Meachel', Branch Mgl'. C. T. Pawley, Sales Dept. G. L. Lawry, Grocery Dept. N. Most, Buil ding Material Dept. A. del Rosario, Sales Dept. M. Lamagna, Textile Dept. D. Gozon, Chemical Dept. M. Correa, Hardware Dept. H. Ruebenfeld, Pharmaceutical Dept. P. C. Madl'ifian, Grocery Dept. Ghent, W. E.- Certified Public Accountant -Tel. 57360-636 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Gianchand & Co., H. - Silk and Cotton Goods.-Direct Importers-P. O. Box 2546 - Tel. 49270 - Cable Address: "GIANDCHANo"-Yangco Market, No, 32 Pasillo Z Corner I, Tondo. H. Gianchand, Manager. Gibbs & McDonough-Lawyers-P. O. Box 758-Tel. 23174-Cable Address: 'ICIBSLAw"-2nd Floor, Peoples Bank Building, Corner Dasmal'ifias and David, Binondo. Al1ison D. Gibbs, Lawyer. Chas. A. McDonough, Lawyer. Allison Gibbs, Jr., Ass't. Atty. F inley J . Gibbs, Ass't. Atty. Manuel V. San Jose, Ass't. Atty. Gift Shop, Inc. - Lamps shades and wrought Iron Furnitul'i! Dealers - Tel. 21330-40 Miramar Apartments, Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Mrs. Lilian Ahrendtsen. Gil, Dr. Pedro-Physician and SurgeonTel. 55833-1902 Herran, Paco. Gillespie, A. T.-Importer-P. O. Box 544 -Tel. 23809 Cable Address : "ATGILL"R. F. Navarro Bldg., 180 David, Binondo. A. T. Gillespie. Luis Decena, Office Mgr. Gim Lung - Candle M~nufacturers - Tel. 25996-807 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Gimenez, Dr. Federico-Physician-Tel. 25719-164 GraI. Solano, San Miguel. Ginn & Company-Book Publishers-P. O. Box 525-Tel. 57617-310 A. Flores, Er· mita. Hugo Miller, Representative for the Philippines. Girl Scouts of the Philippines-P o O. Box 192-Tel. 22901-Mehan Garden, P. Burgos, Ermita.

(See also Miscellaneous section)

Gissias Detective and Identification Service -Po O. Box 1720-Tel. 25S31-Room 214, Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Glaiserman, Inc., J. M.-Commission Agents -Tel. 22529-Cable Address: "GLAISERMAN"-IOS Solana, Intramuros. J. M. Glaiserman, Mgr.

Glen Line, Limited, The - Internationa l Harvester Co. of Philippines, (Formerl y Macleod & Co.,) Agents-P. O. Box 308Tel. 24702-Marsman Bldg., P01·t Arca . Globe Electrical Supply-Electrical Supply Dealers-P. O. Box 1202-Tel. 26367408-412 T. Alonso, Santa Cruz. Choa Fun, Prop. Globe Trading Company, The - Importers and Exporters-Papers-Printing-Equipment---Stationeries-Radio and Electrical Goods - P. O. Box 1645 - Tel. 27839Cable Address : "GLOBETRADE"-653 Evangelista, Quiapo. GLOBE WlltELESS, LTD. - Radio Communication Company-Po O. Box 608 Tels. 22672 and 22673 - Code Address: "GLOBE MANILA" - 211 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Benjamin S. Ohnick, President. R. S. Rogers, Vice-President. James B. McPherson, Sec.-Treas. and Manager. Amando L. Vel ilIa, Director. T . M. Jordan, Director, William H. Phillips, Engineer. Edmundo R. Guzman, Accountant. Eusebio G. Santos, Traffic Supervisor. Carsten L. Ode, Commercial Rep. Philip Uy Keebieng, Commercial Rep . Gloco Co., Inc. - Mfg. : Toiletries, Hair Preparations, Pharmaceuticals-Po O. Box 1774--Tel. 67424--Cable Address: "CLO· co" Manila-Lubiran, Santa Mesa. Robert H. Cromwell, President. Robert E . Smith, Sec.-Treas. Glordina's Beauty Shoppe-Beauty Parlor -1327 Don Quijote, Sampaloc. Gloria Medina, Prop. and Beautician. Gloria Book Company. The Florencio Booksellers and Publishers-Po O. Box 3005-Tel. 22910-Cable Address: "CLORIACA"-Rooms 401·402 Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Florencio Gloria, Manager and Prop. Mrs. Trinidad E . Gloria, Treasurer. Miss Luningning Aguilar, Secretary. Mrs. Rosario Rances Buzaid, Ass't. Mgr. Gloria Subdivision-Tel. 23196-Rooms 7 & 9, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Calero & Co., Selling Agents. Glorious Drug Store-Retail DruggistsTel. 55748-653·H Dart, Paco. Mrs. Remedios Buenaventura, Prop.

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Glossy Laboratories - Manufacturers of Beauty Products- T els. 48085 and 49971 -835 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Dr. Jose E. JTinenez, Manager. Mrs. Monsc rrat C. Voelasquez, Chemist. Agencies: H. Roelli, Inc., Iloilo. N. Martino, Cebu. Bienvenido Triumfante, Daraga, Albay. Gmur, Inc., Otto--Importers a nd Exporters -Po O. Box 211- Tel. 22737-90 Rosario, Binondo. Go, Ambrosio D .- Lawyer and Oertified Public Accountant - Tel. 27630 - 3rd Flool', Monte de Pi'c dad Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Go Bio Guan- Grocery Dealer- Tel. 49556 -517-519 M. de Binondo, San Nicolas. Pablo Cald eron, Mgr. Go Cangdio-Importer and Exporter-Rice Dealer- P. O. Box 1248--Tel. 49053-Cable Address : "GOCANGDIO"-839 Dagupan, Tondo. ~ranch es : Rice Mill, San Quintin, Pangaslnan. Go Ga Yong, Mg r. Go Chan & Co. (Branch Office)-General Mel'chants-273 Juan Luna, Binondo. Go To Ho, Prop. Go Chong-Flour Dealer- U5 Meisic, Binondo. Go Colay & CO.-General Merchants-P. O. Box 991-Cable Address: "coLAY"-Tels. 23222, 22193 and 24245-Codes Used: Schofield's - Bentley's - Liever's -Peterson 3rd Edition-314 Nueva, Binondo. Go Colay, Mgr. Go Cauy, Ass't. Mgr. Go Fay & Co., Inc. -Wholesale Tobacco Leaf Dealrers-Importel's and Exporters -Po O. Box 1054-0ffice: Tel. 49317443-445 Salazar, Binondo, Warehouse: Tel. 48644-99 Soler, Binondo. Go Han Tuan Candle Manufactul'er-407 Sto. Cristo, San N icolas. Go Hap Seng Box Factory-Wooden Box Manufacturer- Tel. 26145- 1535 Azcarraga, Santa Cruz. Go Hiap Gui-General Merchant-Tel. 25674-256-258 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Go Kao Suy- Sugar Merchant-Tel. 49676 -927 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Go Siaco, Prop. Go Keng Sail maker- Tel. 26488-334 Gandara, Binondo. Go Kiao Cement Tile Factroy-Tel. 29719373 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Go Kiao Hardware-Hardware DealersTel. 26944-373 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Go Kiao, Prop.


Go Rico Gravel-G ravel and Sand Dealer - Tel. 49123-1728 Juan Luna, Tondo. Go Kico, Prop. Go Kim, Bonifacio - Genel'al Merchant Tel. 49410-Cable Address : "GO KIM"746 Sto. Cristo, Tondo. Bonifacio Go Kim, Mgr. Go Kim Pah - Exchan ge Broker - P. O. Box 1506- Tels. 49960 and 49642-Cable Address : "K IANLAM"-116 Hormiga, Binondo. Go Lameo Hal'dware- Hal'dware DealersTels. 23790 and 23795-306 Tetuan, Corner 301 Tambacan, Sta. Cruz. Go Kok Tay, Mgr. Go lJee Siong Bio---Carpenter-Tel. 48272940 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Go Lee, Mgr. Go Liengco, Lorenzo- Rice Merchant-Tel. 25802-103 Martin Ocampo, Quiapo. Go Lit Sin Grocery-Tel. 46122--973 Velasquez, Tondo. Go Lit Sin, Prop. Go Peng Kuan-Candy Manufacturer-Tel. 48125- 718 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Go Po Co (See Tableria de Go Po Co). Go Puat-General Merchant-Tel. 4S40556 MueIJe de Divisoria, San Nicolas. Go Qui Cheng-Commission Broker-Tel. 47632- 517 Benavides, Binondo. Go Quiolay, P. F. de-Native Cloth Dealer-Tel. 49513-212-214 Rosario, Binondo. Go Sam & Co.- General Merchants-Tel. 49169- 221 Rosario, Binondo. Go Sam Mgr. Go Sim, N . K.-Foundr,y-Blacksmith Shop Tel. 48035-510 Elcano, San Nicolas. Agapito R. Go, Mgr. Go Sing Goe Hermanos-Lumber Dealers, Building Contractors, Cigar Box Factory and Venetian Blind Manufacturers-Tel. 56985-993 I saac Peral, Paco. Go Sing Goe, Manager. Go Tua Tong, Ass't. Manager. Go Singco Sons & Co.-Importers-General Merchants, Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 11SS-Tel. 48612- 127 Rosario, Binondo. Go Tian Cheng, Mgr. Go Soc & Sons, Inc.-Paint and Hardware Dealers-P. O. Box 2411-Tels. 21363, 21664 and 21365 - 61S-620 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Miss Cornelia L. Co, Pres. Sofronio Go Alcantara, Vice-Pres. Hermenegildo L. Co, Sec'y.-Treas. Go Sun, Benito-Distiller-Tel. 48315-730 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Mrs. Benito Go Sun, Mgr.

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Go Taco---N arra Dealers and Building Contractors - Tel. 47271 - 626 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Go Taco, Mgr. Go Thou-General M~l'chant-Tel. 25674256 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Go Ti Jap-Jelly and Sweet Manufacturer Tel. 25154-211 Espeleta, Sta. Cruz. Go Ti J ap, Prop. Go Tian Gee & Co.- Dry Goods Merchants -Importers-Wholesa}'ers- Tel. 47513P. O. Box 2107-Cable Address: "COTlANGEE" - Codes Used: Acme, Commodity and Phrase-180-182 Calle Rosario, Binon do. Go Tian Gee, Managing Director. Go To Wan, Mgr. Go Chuy Pen, Ass't. Manager and Cashier. Head Office (est. 1890): 214-216 Magallanes St., Oebu. Go Yu Chee, Mgr., Cebu. Go Tieng Heng-Egg Dealer-Tel. 48653433 Fundidor, San Nicolas. Go Tiong Nam, Dr. J.-Physician-TeI. 48198-841 Reina Regente, Binondo. Go U. Sui-General Merchant-Tel. 49711 -431 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Chuan Seng, Mgr. Go Yen Grocery - Tel, 56331 - 552 Dart, Paco. Gochangco, Ephraim G, - Civil Engineer and General Contractor - Tels. 26289 and 29409-520 Batal~gas, Sta. Cruz. GOCDECO '" CO~lPANY. INCORPORATED, P. P.-Lumber Dealers, Cigar Boxes Factory and Building Contractors -Tels. 49630 and 47061-Cable Address: "GOCHEco"-Main Offica : 1219 Azcarraga, Tondo-Lumber Yard: Tel. 49540850 Alvarado Extension. Personal : Paulino P. Gocheco, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Go Tecson, Vice-Pres. and Sales Mgr. Go Tiak Giap1 Secretary and In-charge, Cigar BOX'es Dept. (Solicitor) Go Kua Tiat, Cashier and In-charge, Cigar Boxes (Factory Supervisor). Uy Chiao Kue, Bookkeeper. Cesario S, Santos, Civil Engineer. Lu is Go Sa, Salesman. Antonio Ong, Salesman. Gabriel Ong, Salesman, Go Bian Piao, Salesman. Ong 8iao Yu, Salesman. iJoco, Dr. Eliseo---Physician and SurgeonTel. 27353- 703 Dapitan, Sampaloc.

Goco, Dr. Jose D.-Dentist-Tel. 24280Room 402, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Golf Club-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 549-Caloocan. Rizal. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Goitia Dr. Rodrigo-Physician-SurgeonTel.' 26712-152 Cabildo, Intramuros. Gold Bar Mining Co., Inc.- Mining-P. 0 Box 520 - Tel. 21751 - 309 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jose Arnaiz, Gen. Mgr, Gold Creek Mining Corp.-P. O. Box 433Tel. 22724 - 3rd Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. J. A. Wolfson, Pres. Amos G. Bellis, Vice-Pres. and Treas, Antonio Barrion, Dil'. H. M. Levin, Dir. Kenneth B. Day, Dir. K. H . Waltz, Sec'y, and Ass't. Treas. GOLD RIBBON, THE-Typewriter Repair Shop-Government Contractor-Tel. 26092-1016 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Antero Ramos, Mgr. Felicisimo Ramos, Prop, Plutarco Ramos, Mech. Antel'o Bartolome, Mech. Amado Ramos, Mcch. Jose Reyes, Mech. Gold Rock Mining Co,- Mining-456 Dasmarinas, Binondo. H . C. Elie, Mgr, and Sec'y. Gold Star Mining Company, Inc.-Mining - Po O. Box 871-Tel. 22770-314 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Jose Ma. Cacho, Pres. Clemente Hidalgo, Vice-Pres. Carlos A. Baualto, Sec'y,-Treas, Golden City Hotel & Panciteria-Tels. 24691 and 24692-812 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Kuan Aca,yan, Prop. and Mgr. .Golden Gate MininJ.!' Co., Inc.-Minin)? A~­ sociation- P . 0, Box 2076-Tel. 21222Cable Address: "GOLDEN GATE-MANILA"Room 305, Fernandez Bldg" 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Managing Directors: George Moss. Charles A. McDonough, J. J. Danon. Salvador Zaragoza. Raymond M, Rankin, Gen. Manager. and Actg, Sec'y. Pilar Mariano, Stenographer-Sec'y, Pedro R. Enriquez, Accountant and Pur. Agent.



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Golden Gate Studio - Photographer - Tel. 29869- 502 Teodora Alonzo, Santa Cruz. Dy An, Prop. Miguel Dy, Photo. Golden Shoe Store- Tel. 46239- 223 Gandara, Binondo. Chua Chuan, ProlJ. Golden Star Fashion- Tailor- 147 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Arcadio de Leon, Prop. a nd Cutter. Golden State Bakery- T el. 48456-425-427 Ilang-Ilang, San Nicola s. Su Gee, Prop. Golden Taxi Cab - Taxi s for Hire - Tel. 55626- 78 Plaza Dilao, Paco. Jose F. Zamora, Mgr. and Prop. GOLDENBERG'S DEPT. S TOR. E, LEON - Importers·- P. O. Box 1421Cable Address : "LEONGOLD", Manila-Tel. 22298 - Office and Stores : Goldenberg Bldg., Dasmarifia s Corner Nueva, Binondo . Leon Goldenberg, Prop. and Mgr. M. RiV'era, Cashier. F . O. Bonifacio, Accountant. Branch Store: 21 E scoita, Binondo---Tel. 24005. Goldenberg Helene Curtis Institute--Hair Science and Beauty Culture-P. O. Box 1421-Tel. 22298-Corner Dasmarifias and Nueva, Binondo. GO~IB" & HERUOSUR" - Paper Dealers - P. O. Box 2624 - Tels. 21616 and 24078-Cable Address : "GOMBHERMos"-541-545 Sales, Sta. Cruz. P. L. Gomba. O. Hermosura. Gomez Bros. TaiJoring-891 Dart, Paco. Gomez, Dr. Celestino-Dental Su rgen-Tel. 21179-329 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Gomez, Daniel M.- Lawyer- P. O. Box 584 -Tel. 22367- Rm. 718 In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Gomez, Dr. Joaquin S.-Dentist-Tel. 49381 -971 Yiaya , 'fondo. Gomez. Medardo N.-Certified Public Accountant-TeL 25655-Roces Bldg. Corner Rizal Ave. & Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Gonzaga, Rodolfo C.- Lawyer-Tel. 24967 -616 National City Bank Bldg., Binondo. Gonzales, Amado M.-Lawyer-P. O. Box 1425- Tel. 22703-410 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Gonzal'es, Antonio A.-Lawyer-Tel. 21080 - 2nd Floor, Argellies Bldg., 456 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Gonzales, Dr. E. T.- Refractionist and Optician - Tel. 25287 - 307 Rizal Ave., (Back of Tom's Di xie), Sta. Cruz.

Gonzales, Emiteria - Fruit Deal'ar - Tel. 28833-846 Quinta Market, ..Echague. Quiapo. Gonzales, F.- Tailoring- Tel. 48742-1034 Azcarraga, Binondo. Gonzales Fashi on, F . L.- Tailoring-Tel. 27545-1038 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Filomeno Gonzales, Prop. and Cutter. Gonzales, Jacobo-La wyer- Tel. 236222219 Azcarraga, Sampaloc. Gonzales, Dr. Juan A.- Dentist-20 Alejandro VI, Sampaloc. Gonzales, Victorino-Sul'veyor-349 Felina PaeD. Gonzalez & Co., A. Tel. 25730-Cable Regina Bldg., 144 A . C. Gonzalez, Manager.

Mrs. Carmen P. de Tavera de Gonzalez, Vice-President. Enrique Caguiat, Treasurer-Secretary. Gonzalez, Antonio---Lawyer- TeI. 23159Room 14, Lack and Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez, EmiJio---Caterer and Tce Cream Vendor- Tel. 26339-667 Echague, San Miguel. Branches : 1126 Castillejos, Quiapo- Tel. 26237. 1322 Don Quijote, Sampaloc-TeL 26625. 6 Dominga, Pasay, Rizal- T el. 51971. GONZ"LEZ, PROF. F. N.-Medical Gymnast and Masseur. Hours : 8 to 10 a. m; 2 to 6 p. m.- Tel. 26333-663 Legarda, Sampaloc. Gonzalez, J .-Hats a nd Fibers, Ylang -Ylang Essence, Raw and-Tanned Reptile Skins - Po O. Box 2488- Tel. 28476-Cable Address : "JOSGONZAL"-322 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez, Dr. Jose A. -Physician and Surgeon- Tel. 26638- 1626-1628 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez, Dr. Ju sto- Optometrist-Room 222, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez Laboratories- Tel. 26638-16261628 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Dr. Jose A. Gonzal'ez, Mgr. Gonzalez, Pastor A.-Lawyer-Tel. 21223 -310 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez, Pedro B.- Lawyer-TeJ. 24906Rm. 203 Roces Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez, Dr. Rodolfo P .-Physician-Tel. 29142-Room 231, Kneedler Bldg., Carri'edo, Sta. Cruz.


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C.-P. O. Box 2869Add,-ess: "TITO"-474 Escoita, Binondo. President and Ge n~ral

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Box 2104

Telephon e

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Gonzalez and Sons, F .-General Painting Contractors-Tel. 29330-874 Rizal Avenile, Santa Cruz. Felix Gonzalez, Manager. Antonio J. Dedel, Ass't. Manager. Gonzalez y Diaz, Dr. Ruperto-Physician-Tel. 26668-304 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Gonzalez Reyes, Dr. Antonio-Physici a nTel. 21041-542 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Good Luck Furniture Store-Furniture Dealer- Tel. 25117- 304 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Ng Luck, ProD. Good Morning Company- Dl'Y Good s and Notion Dealers-Embroidery Supplies and Importers-P. O. Box 1007- Tels. 46145 a nd. 48729- Cable Address: "GOODMORNINC"- 742-744-746 Tabora, Tondo. Jose Chua Tee, Mgr. Tiu Teng Hong, Asst. Mgr. Branch: Pasillo Ylaya, Yangko Market, San Nicolas. Good Shepherd Convent-Po O. Box 2912, Manila- Tel Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 575- Rizal Ave. Ex tension, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Mother M. Our Lady of Victory, Superioress. Good Shepherd Press-Commercial Printers-P. O. Box 2912-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 575- Rizal Ave., Extension, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Sister M. Vital is, Mgr. GOODRICH INTERNATIONAL RUBBER f:;O.- Wholesalers Automobile Tires and Tubes, Mechanical Rubber Goods, Belting, Packing, Hose, Hard Rubber Goods, Heels, Cement Shoes and BootsP. O. Box 1482- Tels. 56971, 56972. and 56973-Cable Address : "SILTONOO"- COl'ner Penafrancfa and Canonigo, Paco. L. C. Hayden, Mgr. R. E. Roseveare, Ass't. Mgr. D. M. Raleigh, Office Mgt'. C. K. Kiene. R. E. Jackson. C. Ampon. A. Reyes. Branches: Cebu and Iloilo. Goodwill Book Store-Books and Fountain Pens - Haberdashery - Tel. 29175 - 707 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Manuel C. Yao, Prop. and Mgr. Goodwill Commercial Corporation-Import and Expol't-P. O. Box 2696-Tel. 27845 - Cable Address: "WELOOME"-326 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Vicente R. Verzosa, Pres. Victorino Arambulo, Sec',y.

Goodwill Laundry- 1904 Herran, Paco. Victoriano Sumera, Prop. Goodyear Sacks Factory-Sack Manufacturers-Tel. 47421-1044 Azcarraga, Binondo . Cho Chee Bok & Co., Props. GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER EXPORT CO., LTD., THE - Wholesale Tires, Mechanical Goods and Heels-P. O. Box 1456-Tels. 23902, 23903 and 23423 - Cable Address : «GOODYEAR" ManilaMacondray Bldg., Magallanes Landing, I ntramuros, Depots in Cebu and Bacolod. R. Bradney, Mgt". W. J . Bunnell, Office Mgr. J . W. Ferrier. Jr., Mech. Good s Sales. L. V. Hartman A. W . King J. Black G. F . Cooper Gopoco and Sons, Juan- Glassware Dealers - Po O. Box 3119-1'el. 49761-804 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Juan Gopoco, Mgr. Gosim e Hijos , N. K.- Machinery and Cast. ing Repairers- Tel. 48035- 510-512 Elcano, San Nicolas. Agapito Go del Rosa rio, Mgr. GOTA~ICO HER~IANOS, VICENTEBuilding Contractors and Lumber Dealers; Saw-Mills, Windows, Sash and Door Manufacturers-Real E state Proprietors of Subdivisions for residential purposes (Harrison Subdivision) - Tel s. 21767 and 21760 - 430 Tanduay, Quiapo - Branch Offices : 513 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz-Tel. 21766; 291-295 F . B. Harrison, Pasay, Tel. 52629; and 68 Regidor, Sta. Cruz. Laguna. Vicente Gotamco, Part. and Gen. Mgr. Go Lang, Part. and Acting Mgr. Pablo E . Go Tia, Part. Treasurer. John Gotamco, Part. and Supt. Victoriano Golarrco, Purch. Agent. GOTAUCO & CO~lPANY, INC.- Genel'al Contractors, Lumber Manufacturers and Exporters of Philippine HardwoodP. O. Box 1254-Tcls. 49721 and 49671Cable Address : "GOTAUCO"-214 Soler, Binondo. Go Krek Ling, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. John Go Hiap, Vice- Pres. and Ass't . Mgl'. John F. Gotuaco, Treas. Isidoro F. Fojas, Sec'y. Ernesto Manapat, Ch. Clk. and Acc't. GOTUACO INC., .JOHN F . - Builders Contractors and Engineers-P. O. Bo~ 1254- Tel. 49678-213 Soler, Binondo.



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John F. Gotuaco, President. Santiago Go, Vice-President. Valentin D. Ortigas, Secretary. Mariano Go, Treasurer. Antonio Tan, Member of the Board of Directors. GOVERNMENT DEPART~IENTS AND BUREAUS-(See Miscellaneous Section) Goyena, M. G.- Lawyel'- Tel. 21460-Room 123, Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Grace Park Service Station- Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 335-Rizal Avenue Ext. and 7th A venue, Calaoean, Rizal. Antonio Yao Tah, Mgr. Grace's Beauty Salon-Beauty Parlor-Tel. 29827- 129 Real, Intrarnul'os. Luisa Alfonso, Prop. Grajo's Tailoring, G. H.- Tailors Shirtmakers- Tel. 28983- 705 (Upstairs) Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. G. H. Grajo, Prop. and Cutter. Granada, Dr. P edro- Dentist-Tel. 276872067 lpil, (San Lazaro) Sta. Cruz. Grand Hotel & Refreshment Parlor-Tel. 21519- Hotel T el. 22817-135 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Ng Tong, Mg.-. Grand Lodge of F. & A. M. of the P 1.Tel. 57744-520 San Marcelino, Ermita. (See also Mi scellaneous Section) Grand Theatre-Cinematograph- Tel. 22031 -522 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Luzon Theatres, Inc., Props. Ernesto D. Rufino, Gen. Mgr. Marcial Pascua l, Hou se Mgr. Granfil, Ines F.- Milliner and General Merchandise-Tel. 53317- 40 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Six to Granfil, Mgr. Granite Lime Factory - Manufacturer of high grade quick lime, hydl'aded slacked lime for Sugar Centrals, Ice plants and Building Construction, etc.-Tel. 27795333-334 Crystal Arcade, E scolta, Binondo. Factory: Bicti, Norzagaray, Bulacan. A. J. Redal'd, Pres. and Manager. Granja Avicola HViIla F'C"-Poultry Farm -Po O. Box 219 T el. 21818-205 Ridout, San Juan del Monte, Rizal. Falangjta Hermoso, Prop. Graphic-The Leading All English \Veekly , Published Every Wednesday-Po O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361-Cable Address: "RAMONROcEs"-Ra mon Roces Bldg., Soler Cor. Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers.

Grateful Store, The-Book Store-Books, School and Office Supplies and General Merchandise-1341-1343 Herran, Paco. Canuto Perez, Prop. Veronica Miciano, Prop. and Manager. Branch: 1] 6 Bustillos, Sampaioc. Grawfus Mining Company, Inc.-P. O. Box 582- Tel. 23489-CabJe Address: "LUSTEvEc« - Derham Bldg., Port Area. Gray Modes & Novelty-Dresses and Hats - Tel. 55229-28 Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Cecilia Michael, Proprietl:ess. GREAT EASTERN 1I0TEL-P. O. Box 145- Tel. 24115: Connecting all Depts.Cable Address: "GREATHOTEL"-199 Echague, Sta. Cruz. SKI-HI ROOF GARDEN-Atop the Great Eastern Hotel. Ng Luen Fai, Gen. Mgr. Green Line Cabs-Tel. 51369-3567 Taft Avenue Extension, Pasay, Rizal. Canuto Perez, Prop. Green Line S'el'vice Station-Tel. 510073455 Taft A venue Extensi on, Pasay Rizal. Canuto Perez, Operator. Green Spot Bottling Co. - Fresh Fruit Juice Bottlers-P. O. Box 718--Tel. 66121 -Cable Address : "GREENSPOT"-41 Nagtahan, SampaJoc. John Sy Cip, Manager. Greene, Eric H .-Commercial Broker and Business Agent-P. O. Box 2071-Tel. 47027-Cable Address: "GENE"-122 Juan Luna, Binondo. Eric H. Greene Agencies: Consolidated Amusement Co., Ltd. (Motion Picture Distributor) Hollywood Amusement Co., Inc. 831 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. (Wahoo) Dubuis & Rowsell, Ltd. Croydon, England (Perfumes & Essences) Greenfield, Milton- Embroidery Manufacturer-P. O. Box ]223-Tel. 56601-CabJe Address: "MILTGREEN"-385 Cristobal, Paco. GREGG BUSINESS INSTITUTE-Tel. 22693-Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz Bridge, Sta. Cruz. Victor Medina, Prop. and Dir. F. T. Salazar, Sec'y. GREGG CAR CO~IPANY. LTD.-Rail· way Cal' Manufacturers-Railway Equipment-Mine Cars and Parts-Switches & Track Accessories- P. O. Box 117-TeI.


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76 Escolta


(Oppos;te Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA



67586-Cable Address: ICGREGGCARH-672 Calle Jesus & Lorenzo de la Paz, Pandacan, E. H. Gallit, Vice-Pres. Gregorio, Antonio L.-Lawyer- P. 0, Box 3274-Tel. 67632-40 Santa Mesa, Sampaloc. Gregorio & Associates, Q. G. - Certified Public Accountants-P. O. Box 32251:\e1. 28264-State Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Quirino G. Gregorio Senior Member. Jose L. Domingo, Member. Alberto Reyes, Member. Anselmo Trinidad, Member. Gl'-egol'io's Fashion, N .-Tailors- 535 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Numeriano Gregol'io, Prop. and Mgr. Grey, Ruth-Gift Shop (Native Industries) -Po O. Box 1712-Tel. 55189-227 Isaac Peral Ermita. Grospe, Dr. Bonifacio G.-Dentist-Tel. 27852-679 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Gl'uet, A1fredo - Customs Broker - Tel. 48336-256 Juan Luna, Binondo. Alfredo Gruet. Gualdalupe Estate, In(:.-Real Estate-P. O. Box 837-Tel. 57322-932 Padre Fau1'a, Ermita. Eusebio Orense, Pres. Victor Gonzalez, Treas. Nicolas Belmonte, Sec'y. Board of Directors: E. Orense Victor Gonzalez V. Noble Manuel Diaz Canseco Jose Ma nosa Guan Chiong-Dry Goods Dealers Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 49435-196'Rosario Binondo. ' 'Uy Guam, Mgr. Guan Chuan-Importers-Tel. 48023-526 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ng Se Yiao, Prop. Guan Heng & Co.-Sugar Merchants-Tel. 49839-909 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Po Hang, Managel·. Guan Hing-General Merchant-Tel. 48985 -213 Elcano, San Nicolas. Guan Ring Hong-Candy Factory-Tel. 47607-625 Ylaya, Binondo. Guan Juat Soap Manufacturing Co.-P. O. Box 1804-Tel. 49386-Main Office and Sales Dept : 337 Santo Cristo San Nicolas Factory: J. Rizal, Mandal~yong Riza! ' Tel. 67943. ,. Yu Yek Huy, Mg1'.

Guan Kee & Co.- School Supplies-Tel. 48975-1032 Comercio, San N kolas. Guan Kee and Co., Prop. Guan Ki & Co.- Dry Goods Dea lers- Tel. 47531-184 Rosario, Binondo. Guan Lam ChiJng Grocery-Tel. 48162545 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chan Tau, Mgr. Guan Liong-Hardware Dealers-Tel. 4730] - 608 Azcarraga, Tondo. Guan Liong-Glassware-Tel. 49151-524 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Ong Chiam, Mgr. Guan Sun Chiong Soap Factory - Soap Manufacturers-Tel. 48455-609-611 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Limco, Prop. Guan Wan-General Merchant-Tel. 49998 - 251 Rosario, Binondo. Guan Wan, Mgr. Guan Yek Molasses-P. O. Box 1225-Tel. 48031-663 Magdalena, Binondo. Chua Guan, Mgr. Guan Yick-Second Hand Dealers-Tel. 47214-436 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Sy Siy Ro. Guanzon, Tinio, Inc.- Rice & Sugar Merchants-General Brokers-Tel. 479601127 Santa E lena, San Nicolas. Manuel Q. Tinio, Pres. Mrs. Milagros G. Tinio, Sec'y.-Treas. Jose T Hernandez, Salesman. Jose O. Latorre, Bookkeeper & Stenog. Guarantee Radio Service-Radio Repairers -Tel. 53308-139 A. Mabini, Ermita. Servando Rey Lara, Prop. Guarantee Stol'e- Rebuilder and General Repairer-Tel. 26670-1006 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lazaro Reyes, Prop. GUARANTEED SERVICE CO.-Office Equipment-Tel. 22105----444 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Pedro Mendoza, Prop. Guaranty Cycle Supply - Bicycle Dealers and Repairers-'l'C!1. 26164-622 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. T. Kohno, Pl'Op. Guaranty Chromium & Nickel PlatingChromium and Nickel Platers, Manufacturers of Beauty Parlor Apparatus-P. O. Box 2838-Tel. 28757-894 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. P. de Ocampo. Prop. Branch Offices: Iloilo and eebu. Guaranty Motorworks-Automobile Repail'~ ing-Tel. 22997-2209 Azcarl'aga, Sampaloc. O. Takahashi, Prop. and Mgr.


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(Oppos;te Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA



Guaranty Typewriter Service-Repairer of Typewriters, Adding and Calculating Machines, Cash Registers, etc. - Tel. 27246-668 Rizal Avenue Santa Cruz. Francisco de Leon, Prop. Guazon Plumbing, Ed. - Plumbing Contractor - Tel. 27101-435 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. D. V. Guazon, Manager. Guerrero, Dr. Alfredo L.-Physician-Tel. 57779- 117 A. Mabini, Ermita. Guerrero, Dr. Augusto Ma.-PhysicianTels. 56570 and 56682-156 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Guerrero, Bernardino--Lawyer- Tel. 21398 -240 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Guerrero, Dr. Fortunato S.- PhysicianSurgeon- Tel. 24969- 4th Floor State Bldg., Rizal Avenue Sta. Cruz. Guerrero, Dr. Luis- Physician- Tels. 56570 and 56682- 156 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Guerrero Printing Service (Formerly Service Pr-ess)-Printing-901 Singalong, Malate. Angel Guerrero, Prop. Guerrero, Dr. Renato Maria-PhysicianTel. 22761-176 Real, Intl'amuros. Guevara, Alberto - Civil Engineer - Tel. 25396-641 P. N oval, Sampaloc. Guevara, C. M.-Certified Public Accountant- Tel. 22416---3rd Floor, Maritima Bldg., Binondo. Guevara David - Lawyer - Tel. 24829Room 607 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, corner Escolta, Binondo. Guevara, Domingo A.-Lawyer-Tel. 22404 -7th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Binondo. Guevara, Donato M.-Lawyel'- Tel. 240272262 Azcarraga, Sampaioc. GUEV ABA SHOES-Shoe Manufacturers and Repairers-35G Raon, Sta. Cruz. Elena Guevara, Prop. Guevara, Sulpicio- Lawyer - P . O. Box 3115 - Tel. 21179 - 329 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Gui An Co.-Sugar Merchants-Tel. 49817 -8 11 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Gui An, Prop. Gui Chiong National Glassware - Glassware Dealers-Tel. 47387-442-444 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Gui Hing & Co (Yu Sing Kai & Co.)-Dry Goods Dealers. Wholesale and RetailImporters-Tel. 25649-234 San Vicente, Binondo. Yu Sing Kai, Mgr. Gu i Hong - Exchange Broker - Tel. 48115 - 1114 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Gui Hong, Prop.

Gui S eng Sack Store-Tel. 46161-357 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Ngu Ni, Prop. Gui Seng- Blacksmith- Tel. 48973-10551057 Azcarl'aga, Tondo. Ngan Chay, Mgr. Guia, Dr. POl'firio de- Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431Cable Address: " INSULIFF,"- Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Guibee - Macaroni Manufacturers - Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator Cal. 567-434 Sangandaan, Caloocan, Rizal. Gui Bee, Prop. Guidote, Dr. Jose-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 54562-515 Perez, Paco. Guidote, Dr. Pedro M. - Dentist ~ 804-A Echague, San Miguel. Guison, L. -Water Transportation - Tel. 48343-160 M. de Binondo, Binondo. Guison, Mariano--Lighters and Launches for Hire-Tel. 48343-Cabl-e Address: "GUISON"-106 Muelle de Binondo, Binondo . Guiwa, Dr. Andronico S.-Physician-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 23417 Maypajo, Caloocan, Rizal. Cumaos Goldfields, Inc. - Mining - P. O. Box 513-Tel. 23739-3 rd Floor, Burke Bldg., 125 Escoita, Binondo. F elipe Buencamino, Jr. Juan L. Ledesma. Froilan Pimentel. Jose B. L. Reyes. O. D. Arriola, Treas. and Ass't. Sec'y. B. L. Madraso, Ass't. Treas. Gumaru, Eduardo--Certified Public Accountant-P. O. Box 1663-Tel. 234222nd Floor, Boston Bldg., 975 Boston St., Port Area. Gumban, Benjamin G.- Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza MOl'aga, Binondo. Gurdasmal Moolchand-Silk Dealer, Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 48597-676 Ilaya, San Nicolas. Gustilo, Josue H.-Lawyer-P. O. Box 734 -Tel. 22431-31'd Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Gutierrez, Cayetano--Caterer-Tel. 21397813 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Gutierrez Chemical Laboratories-Importers, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists- Tel. 48063-1956 Juan Luna, Tondo.

S ABATER & CO 76 Escolta

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(Oppo9lte Lyric Theatre) P. O. Bo. 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



H .K. $50,000,000 H.K . $20,000,000

Authorized Capital路 Issued and fully paid up RESERVE FUNDS :

拢 6,500,000 $10,000,000 H.K. $20,000,000

Sterling Hongkong Currency Reserve Reserve Liability of Proprietors



BOARD OF DIRECTORS:Hon. Mr. J. J. Paterson, Chairman C. C. Roberts, Esq., D eputy Chairman J. K . Bousfidd, Esq. L. J. Davies, Esq. A. H. Compton, E sq. Hon. Mr. S. H . D odwdl

G. Miskin, Esq. K. S. Morrison, Esq. Hon. Mr. T. E. Pearce Hon. Mr. A. L. Shields



Sir Vande1eur M. Gra yburn Chief Manager BRANCHES AND AGENCIES Amoy Bangkok Batavia Bombay Calcutta Canton Chefoo Colombo Dairen Foochow Haiphong

Hamburg Hankow Harbin Hongkong Iloilo Ipo h Johore Kobe Kow loon Kuala Lumpur

L ondon Lyons M alacca MANILA Muar Mukden N ew Y ork Peiping Penang Rangoon Saigon

San Francisco Shanghai Singapore Sourabaya Sungei Patani Tientsin T okyo Tsingtau Yokohama

[)!a .~.


LONDON BANKERS-Westminster Bank, Ltd. Manila Branch Established 1873.-Agency in Iloilo Agents at Cebu, Messrs. Ker & Co. The Bank negotiates and receives for collection bills of exchange: issues drafts and telegraphic transfers on its branches and correspondents in the Far East, the British Empire, the United States and South America, and transacts banking business of every description. Current accounts are opened in Philippine Pesos. Fixed Deposits are received in Philippine, British , or U. S. Currency, on t erms which will be quoted on application.

A. G. KELLOGG, Agent-72 Wall Street, New York. A. R. M. BLACKHALL, Agent-361 California St., San Francisco. MANILA OFFICE: Corner of Calle Juan Luna and San Gabriel , Binondo



x y








MANILA CITY DIRECTORY A Public Service Publication

• • • In your advertising appropriation for 1942 you should include a sufficient amount to give you the representation in the Manila City Directory which the prominence and importance of your firm warrants.


101-103 Escolta

and Publishers

P . O. Box 620


Tel. 2-21-31



Gutierrez, Dra. Concepcion D.-DentistTel. 29021-Free Press Bldg., 680 A venue, Santa Cruz. Gutierrez, E. B.-Gas Station-Tel. 27901Aduana, Intramuros. Gutierrez, Eugenio-Watchmaker and Silversmith-932 Ylaya, Tondo. Eugenio Gutierrez, Prop. Gutierrez, Evaristo B.-Gasoline and Oil Dealer Station- Tel. 55573-Hel'l'an and Tejeron, Santa Ana. GUTIERREZ HER~IANOS-Importers, Exporters and Ship Owners: Cattle, Capra and Abaca Dealers-P. O. Box 776Tels. 21192 and 21193-Cable Address: "euTIERREz"-1l6-122 Beaterio, Intramu1'os. Jose F . de la Vara, Mgr. Andres Munoz, Chief, Shipping. Jose Munoz Lopez, Agent, Shipping. Gutierrez, Lisal'do--Furniture Dealer-Tel. 27455-861 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. L. Gutierrez. Mgr, Gutierrez, Dr. P. D.-Physician-Specialist in Diseases of the Skin-Tel. 26807Room 204, Kneedler Bldg., Cal'l'ioedo, Sta. Cruz. GUTTRIDGE -" CHA~IBERS, INC.-Insurance Agents-P. O. Box 389-Tel. 49325-Cable Address; lIeUTTRIDGE", Manila-132 Juan Luna, Binondo. A. S. Guttridge. H . B. Chambers. R. D. Falkner. Santos Y. Serrano. General Agents: Caledonian Insurancc Co. Legal and General Assurance Society, Ltd. Norwich Union Firc Insurance Society, Ltd. Guy Tian Hong-Dry Goods Dealer-Tel. 28275-703 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Guzman, Dr. Alfonso M. - Dentist - Tel. Res. 68442-408 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Guzman & Co.-Fish Dealers-Tel. 22240 -679 Echague Int. 81, San Miguel. Guzman, Domingo F. de-Lawyer-Tel. 21247 - 3rd Floor, Mendoza Bldg., 819 Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Guzman, Dr. Domingo M. de-Dental Surgeon-Tel. 28727-838 Echague, San Miguel .. Guzman, Esteban de-Jewelry Store & Importer of Diamonds and Pearls - Tel. 21907-850 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Guzman, Felizardo de-Lawyer-Tel. 26961 -305 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Santa Cruz.


Guzman, Dr. Francisco C.-Physician- Tel. 47435-1952 Juan Luna, Tondo. Guzman, Francisco P. de-Lawyer-Tel. 22222-1098 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Guzman, Jose de-Painter and Decoratol'Tel. 29888-320 Raon, :Santa Cruz. Guzman, Leon de-Clay Brick Factory-Tel. 54481-2 E . Zobel, San Pedro Makati, Rizal. Guzman Pathological Laboratories - Tel. 26408-Rooms 325-327 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Ariston de Guzman, Pathologist. Guzman, Pedro de-Printer-Tel. 261901040 Tayabas, Sta. Cruz. Guzman, Prudencio de-Lawyer-Tel. 24560 -R-308 Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Guzman, Dr. Rafael V.-Physician- TeI. 28446-Room 306, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Guzman, Tomas de - Lawyer -700 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Guzman-Quirino, Dr. Aloeli-PhysicianSurgeon-Tel.26086-175 Marques de Comillas, Ermita. Guzman's Tents, Sails and Awnings-P. O. Box 1028-Tel. 26193-358 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Carlos M. de Guzman, Prop. and Mgr.

H Ha Bee Hardware Co.-Hardware and Electrical Supplies- Tel. 47441- 632 Azcarraga, Binondo. Ha Bee, Prop. Yu Way, Salesman. Ha Heng Furniture Store-Furniture Dealers-Tel. 48852-359 Juan Luna, Binondo. Sia Kiok, Mgr. Habal's Tailoring, J. H.-Tailoring-649 Evangelista, Quiapo. Januario H. Habal, Prop. and Cutter. Habana's Tailoring-642 Evangelista, Quiapo. Isidro Habana, Prop, and Mgl'. Habuta Bazar-Tel. 25188-408 Echague Quiapo. Yozo Habuta, Prop. Hacarin Dairy Farm, Inc.-Fresh Milk Producers - Tel. 67502 - 1040 Santa M~sa, Sampaioc. Vicente A. Araneta, Pres. and Mgr. Pedro El'ce, Farm Superintendent. Hacienda Calauan-Plantation-A. Soriano y Cia., Administrators-Tel. 23081-5th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes.

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76 Escolta


(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O.




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Hacienda Carmelita, Inc.-Plantation-Tel. 21343-4th Floor, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jose Al'aneta, Pres. Salvador Araneta, Vice-Pres. Vicente A. Al'aneta, Mgr. Ramon J. Al'aneta, Treas. Carmen Z. Vda: de Araneta, Dir. J. Antonio Araneta, Dil'. Joaquin Lazo, Accountant. Hacienda de San Pedro Makati-Plantation -Tel. 56751-8an Pedro Makati, Rizal. Hacienda de Santa Mesa-Real EstateTel. 66197-630 Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Angel Tuason, Administrator. IIADA, PROF. K.-Scientific Masseur and Electro Therapeutist-Tel. 280802128 Azcarraga, Quiapo. Hagedorn, Charl es S.-Chief, Conservation Department, General Agency Office and Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "INSVLIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. HAIR & PICORNELL- (Members of Manila Stock Exchange) General Brokers-P. O. Box 1479-0ffice: Tels. 21844, 21845 and 21846-Cable Address: II BROXERAGE" -5th Floor, S. J. Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. John Hair, Partner. Santiago N. Picornell, Partner. G. W. F. Hair, Manager. F. de P. Marti. Miss Milagros F. de Villa-Abrille, Cashier. HALE SHOE CO~IPANY, INC.-Manufacturers of ESCO shoes for men, women, and children-Main Office and Factory: 497 Can6nigo, Esco Bldg., Paco--Tels. 56964 and 56965-P. O. Box 1426-Cable Address: "HALESHOECO" - Proprietors : The Esco Shoe Stores, 615 Escolta-Tel. 23188 and 333 Legarda-Tel. 2362l. F. H. Hale, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Jesus Ferreira, Vice-Pres. E. A. Schrameck, Sec.-Treasul·er. Andres Barlis, Sal<es Mgr. Jose S. Chico, Advertising Mgr. Sisenando Valdez, Mgr., The ESCO Shoe Emporium, 615 Escolta. F'ederico J arIos, Mgr., The ESCO Shoe Store, 333 Legarda. C. H. Crowe, District ' Mgr., Office Cebu, Cebu. John Hadden, Sr. Salesman, Luzon; Office at Factory. Bernardo Espiritu, Shipping Dept.

HaIiIi, Mariano S.-Silver Smith-Tel. 27279-737 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Halili, Rufino-Brokers, General-P. O. Box 1036-Tel. 26924-Cable Address: "FARENTOR"-314-316 Arias Bldg., Carl'iedo, Santa Cruz. Halili, Dra. Tomasa F.-Physician-Tel. 24204-Margarita David Bldg., Cornel' Azcarraga and Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Halili Taxicabs-(See Halili Transportation). Halili Transit-(See Halili Transportation) . IIALILI TRANSPORTATION-Operators of: Ralili Transit, Halili Taxicabs, Matranco, Philippines Pioneer Sightseeing Service and Ilocos Line-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator Cal. 446-A. Bonifacio, Quezon City. Fortunato F. Halili, Pres. Benvenuto F. Ralili, Mgr. Cecilia H. Penzon, Adv. Mgr. Armando H. Asuncion, Sec'y. Halina Shoe Factory-Tel. 48763-1032 Azcarraga, Binondo. Irineo Diaz, Prop. Hal! & Co., Inc., Whipple S.-Tel. 49807180 Juan Luna, Binondo. (See Menzi & Co., Inc.) Hal1are, Dr. Marcelino - Physician - Tel. 21350-604 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo. Hamaguchi Gravel and Sand, K.-Tel. 55641 -73 Olympia, San P-edro Makati, Rizal. K. Hamaguchi, Prop. HAMBURG-A~IERIKA LINIE-Steamship Company-Agents: German Steamship Agencies (P. 1.) (formerl,y Behn, Meyer & Co., and Zuellig & von Knobelsdorff) , Inc.-P. O. Box 298-Tel. 22924Cable Address: "HAPAG"-506 Insular Life Bldg., Binando. HAMILTON BROWN SHOE STORE, INC.-Shoes, Haberdashery, Tailoring and Ladies' Ready to Wear-Po O. Box 1630-Tel. 24646 (Pdvate Exchange connecting all Depts.) - Cable Address: " HAMBRO"-109-11 Escolta, Binondo. F. W. Hawthorne, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. G. R. Harvey, Vice-Pres. S. W. O'Brien, Dir. H. M. Cavender, Dir. E. S. Ohnick, Dir. Han Chiang Exchange-Exchange BrokerP. O. Box ll18-Tel. 24251-348 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Lee Kip, Prop. DANSON, ORTH & STEVENSON, INC. -Merchants, Steamship and Insurance Agents-Manila, Cebu, Iloilo, and Davao -Po O. Box 29Z-Tel. 22062-Cable Ad-


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dress: I'HEM PORTH " Steve nson - 4th Floor, Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cerva ntes, Binondo . Charl es D. Orth, Pres. (New York) , Michael J. Smith , Vice-P res. (New York. F: L. Laure nce, Second Vice-P res. and Treas . W. Mac Gavin . Asst, Treas . J. Deane Conra d, 2dn Ass't. Treas . J. H . Forre st G. G. Walke r R. J. Hughe s. J . Otting er. B. E. Jones . Cebu R. E. Rigby R. H. Roe Davao J. A. Boyes R. W. Barr Hao Kay Toan -Man ufact urers of Combs -321 Nueva . Binondo. Hap Bee-F urnit ure Manu factu rer-T el. 51654 -717 F. B. Harri son, Pasay , Rizal. Ty Tan, Prop. and Mgr, Hap Hock Hard ware- Tel. 27586 -615 T . Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Hap Hock, Mgr. Hap Hong -Rice Merc hant- Tel. 4928 1771 Juan Luna, Tondo. HAP HON G HAR DWA RE COM PANY -Ship -Chan dlery , Mill and Minin g Supplies, Mecha nical Tools, Pipe, Valve , Fittings, Steel Sheet s and Shape s, Const ruct ion Mater ials, Johns on's Paints , Etc.Tels. 23396, 23397 and 2947 3-Ha p Hong Bldg., 78-88 Rosar io Corne r 308 Dasm-arinas, Binondo. Lim Sica, Gener al Mana ger. Gaw Kang, Alias Lim Bio Chat, Mgr. Lim Hua, Cashi er. Manuel L. Limsico, Ass't. Cashi er. Hap Huat Dry Good s-Dry Goods Deale rs -Po O. Box 650-T el. 28894 -113 Nueva , Binondo. Tan Tian Seng. Hap Juat Panci teria- Chine se Resta urant -326 Ilang- l1ang , San Nicolas. N.s;r Yung , Mgr. Hap Kee- Impo rter-T el. 49301 -61 Soler Binondo. ' Lim Ka Liang , Mgr. Hap Kiat- -Jewe lry Deale r-Tel . 48279 -426 Nueva , Binondo. Hap Sun Box Facto ry-Bo x Manu factur ers -Tel. 48248 -515 Ongpi n, Binondo. Tan Sioc Guan, Gen. Mgr.

Hap Yek Chua Chi & Co.-G rocer y and Salted Food s-P. O. Box 88-T el. 4833 0Cable Addre ss : "CHUACHICO"-1l06 Santa Elena , San Nicola s. Chua Chiy Mana ging Partn er. Ferna ndo H. C. Chua, Treas urer. Chua Tit, Sales Mana ger. Harri s, Mach inery Co., Myer -Tel. 22060 -1955 Azcar raga, Sta. Cruz. Myel' Harri s. V. Desca ls. Harri son Auto Servic e Statio n-Tel . 57565 -A. Mabin i and Vito Cruz, Malat e. Harri son Cafe and Resta urant -362 F. B. Harri son. Pasay , Rizal. Ong Chan, Prop. Harri son Furni ture- Furni ture Deal ersTel. 52459 -160 F. B. Harri son, Pasay , Rizal. Harri son Hard ware- Hard ware DeaI ersTel. 52487 -478 F. B. Harri son, Pasay Rizal.

Lee Kao, Prop. Harri son Hosp ital-T el. 51882 -364 F. B. Harri son, Pasay , Rizal. (See also Misce llaneo us Sectio n) Harri son Subdi vision - Vicen te Gotamco Herm anos, Owne rs - Harri son Street , Pasay , Rizal; Main Office : Tels. 21667 & 21760 -430 Tandu ay, Quiapo. Vicen te Gotamco. Mgr. Harri son Venet ian Blind Manu factu ringVenet ian Blind Manu factu rers-4 35 F. B. Harri son, Pasay . Rizal. Enriq ue O. Enriq uez, Prop. Harry Tradi ng Co.-Im porte rs and Expor ters-T e1. 47111 -272 Muelle de Binondo, Binondo. Co Hai See, Mgr. Hart. Frede rick H.-In suran ce Adju stel'Tel. 23626 -Room 208, Marsm an Bldg., Port Area. Hartm ann and Heim ann - Tailor ing - Tel. 23096 -9 Plaza Morag a, Binondo. Hans Hartm ann, Partn er. Edwa rd H'Cirnann, Partn er. Haruy a Engra ving Shop -Bras s Sign s621 Echag ue, San Miguel. IIAR VEY '" O'BR IEN- Lawy ers-P . O. Box 703 - Tel. 21678 - Cable Addre ss: "OBRI EN" - Suite 622, Heaco ck Bldg., Escol ta, Binondo. George R. Harve y, Lawy er. S. W. O'Bri en, Lawy er. Eugen io Angel es. Lawv er. Miss Helen Buten ko, Sec'y. -Bkp. Raul de Leon, Chief Clk. Jesus Atade ro, Steno g.


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Hashim, N. T. - Merchant, Contractor and Proprietor: Manila Grand Opera House--Kalinawan Stone Quarry-Crushed Rock, Screenings, Gravel and Sand-Po o. Box 120-Tel. 22856-Cable Address: "HASHIM-MANlLA"- Codes Used: ABC 4th and 5th Edition BentleY's-881 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Hashim's Kalinawan Stone Quarry-Crushed-rock, screen ings, gravel and sandP. O. Box 120-Tel. 22856-Cable Address: "HASH IM-MANILA" - 881 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. N. T. Hashim, Prop. Hasselmann, Dr. C. M.-Physician and Surgeon-P. O. Box 2848-Tel. 22828-Suite 320-320-A Luis ~erez SamaniIIo Bldg., Escolta, BiniJ'ndo. Hasselmann-Kahlert, Dr. Margaret-Specialist for Women and Ch ildren-Tel. 22828 - Suite 320-320-A Luis Perez Samanilla Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Hauser School, Inc., Kaethe (See Kaethe Hauser School, In c.) Hausman & Co., L. M.- Macftinery a nd Altied Producl-'l-P. O. Box 1729-Tel. 22363-Cable Address: "MICHELMAN"440 Dasmarinas, Binondo. L. M. Hausman, President. Haw E. Heng-Importer and Exporter-P. O. Box 28185-Tel. 48887-1101 San Fernando, Binondo. Hawaiian-Philippine Co.-Sugar Manufacturel's-Silay-Hawaiian Central . Negros Occidental-Welch-Fairchild, Ltd., Agenb -Tel. 21932-Room 321, Regina Bldg., 10 Calle David, Binando. G. H. Wilkinson, Pres. A. W. Woods, Mgr. Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association-The - Po O. Box 560-Tel. 23337-Cable Address: "HAsP."-1246 Arlegui, Quiapo. W. H. Babbitt, Gen. Mgr. M. Lord, Ass't. Mgr. M. B. Carbonell. Cashier. Mrs. Paciencia Rubio. S. Tolentino, Clerk. Bias Rubio, Clerk. Hayashi, Mrs. Y.-Masseuse-Tel. 25230434 P. Paterno, Sta. Cruz. Hayashi, Y.-Tailor-Tel. 28744-618 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Haygood, A. L.-Crush Stones and Screening-P. O. Box 572-Tel. 22868-419 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Heaco Trading Co.-Commission Agents-P. O. Box 840-Tel. 28933-181 David, Binon do. David Naftaly, Mgr.

HEACOCK CO" H_ E.-General Merchanl-'l-P. O. Box 119-Tel. 21163Cable Address: "DlAL"-120-130 Escolta and Calle David. Board of Directors: S. F. Caches, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. F. L. Schleipen, Vice-Pres. J. A. Malcolm, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. New York Office, U.S.A. Jose Araneta, Treas. Paul A. Meyer, Ass't. Treas. C. A. DeWitt, Member. Administrative: Donald O. Gunn, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. A. C. Poulin, Ass't. to the Pres. D. Valenzuela, Sec'y. R. L. Pearce, Mgr., Acctg. and ColI. De~ts.

Eulalio Chaves, Attorney. C. A. Beliel, Mgr., Adv. Dept. Sales : C. E. Chenery, Mgr., Home Furnishing Dept. and Bargain Basement. R. M. Sanford, Buyer. C. F. Brown, Mgr., Men's Depts. and Sporting Goods. 'Vm. G. Hahn, Mgr., Photographic Dept. Dr. J. del Alcazar, Mgr., Optical Dept. J. Manahan, Mgr., Jewelry Manufacturing Dept. A. Tenmatay, Mgr., City Contract Dept. L. B. Bramble, Mgt'., Provincial Sales. J. R. H. Boronow, Mgr., Wholesale Dept. H. F. Weigert, Mgl'., Office Equipment Dept. J. F. Speirs, Mgr., Radio Sales Dept. W. F. Jackson, Mgr., Refrigeration Dept. H. P. Oliveros, Chief, Stock Dept. RADIO BROADCASTING STATION K.Z.R.H. (Heacock Bldg.) Tel. 24183 B. H. Silen, Manager. Branches: H. E. Lane, Mgr., Baguio Branch. T. A. El1is, Mgr., eebu Branch. Adam V. Jimenez, Mgt'., Iloilo Branch: R. L. Zacks, Mgr., Davao Branch. (See Adve1·tisement) Heidenia Kerosene Gas Stoves-Po O. Box 1932-1'01. 49060-143 Juan Luna, 402 Wilson Bldg., Binondo. Heidenia Sales Store-General Merchandise -Tel. 28290-65 Legaspi, Intl'amuros. Sotero Pacis Albano.


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BEILBRONN CO., J. P. - Wholesale Paper Dealers; Printers' Suppli-es-P. O. Box 773-T-e1. 21411 (Private Exchange connecting all Depts.) ,-Cable Address: "PAPERTRADE"-575 Atlanta Street, Port Area. Amos G. Be1lis, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. John R. Carmichael, Vice-Pres. and Sec'y. C. E. Heilbronn, 2nd Vice-Pres. and Dil'. Leopoldo Martinez, Mgr. Printers' Supplies Dept. Tereso Flores, Accountant. Goswin Dresbach. Arno Leonhardt. Zacarias M. Tanyag. Jose Errea. Pedro Ruiz . Mateo R. de Jesus. Cresencio Oseiia. Agripino Farol. Iiiigo Nollido. Howard Leslie. R. A. Schneckenburger. (See Advertisement) Heinman's Footwear- Tel. 54398 - 406 Pennsylvania, Ermita. Helena Cigar Company-Cigar FactoryCigar and Tobacco Exporters-P. O. Box 1152--Tel. 24491-Cable Address: "HELENCIG"-36 Novaliches, San Miguel. Herbert S. Frieder, Pres. Jose Macias, Mgr. Helena's Ladi es Hall- Tel. 57249-1109 Oregon, Ermita. Miss Amparo Topacio, Prop. Helen's-Flowers- Tel. 24217-227 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Heng Bio-Fuel Dealers- Tel. 54846- 1032 Dart, Paco. Yao Tio, Mgr. Heng Hoa (The Chiong Siu) - Dry Goods Importers, Wholesale and Reta il Dealers - Po O. Box 1787- Tel. 47653-427-429 Nueva, Binondo. Heng Hong Exchange-Excha nge Brokers -Po O. Box 1137-Tel. 46279-413 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Uy Ka Siong, Prop. Heng Hua- Salt Dealer-Tel. 46201-417 Mu ell e de Binondo, San Nicolas. Heng Liong Grocery-Tel. 49251-569 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ching Bing Hong, Prop. Herald (See Philippines Herald)

Hercules Lumber Company, Inc.-ManilaZamboanga - Lumal'ao - Manufacturers and Exporters of Best Quality Philippine Hardwoods and Lumber ConcessionersManila Office : 28 Ulilang-Kawayan, Paco-Po O. Box 922--Tel. 57472-Cable Address: <lHERCULES." I sidro Miranda, Gen .Mgr. Hel'ederos de Hilario Sunico--Iron Founders and Machinists-Tel . 48060- 503 J aboneros, San Nicolas. Tomas Sunico, Mgr. Sebastian Sunico, Cashier. Hermoso Drug Store - Whol esale - Tel. 49009-646 Tabora Corner 1108-1110 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Dr. Ciriaco A. Santiago, Physician and Prop. Mrs. Adela H . de Santiago, Phal'm. Amanda Baltazar, Pharm. Gregorio San Luis, Ass't. Ph arm. F elipe Canlas, Bookkeeper. Miss Lily Bautista, Accountant. HERNAEZ DENTAL CLINIC &< X-RAY LABOIlATORY-Dental LaboratoryTel. 57445-Second Floor, Astoria Apartments, 236 A. Mabini, Ermi ta. Dr. Timoteo E . Hernaez. Hernandez Dr. Antonio G.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 29483-607 Tayuman, Sta. Cruz. Hernandez Optical Company-Optical Suppl y Deale rs-Tel. 49485-843 Ylaya, Tondo. Dr. Pelino N. Hernandez, Optometrist and Optician. Aurelia B. Hernandez, Sec',y.-Treas. Hernandez, Dr. E . S.- Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 25897-409 Cornel' Carl'iedo and Evangelista, Quiapo. Hernandez Hat Store-Hat Dealer-131 Rosario, Binonda. L. Hernandez, Prop. and Mgr. Hernandez, Dr. J ase C.-Physician and Surgeon- 1603 Sande, Tondo. Hernandez Pha rmacy - Perfu meries and Druggist-Tel. 27181-172 Maria Clara, Sampaloc. Catalina D. Hernandez, Pharm. and Prop. Hernandez, Reinaldo L.-Al'chitect-Tel. 28834-Room 208 Roces Bldg., Corner Rizal Ave. and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Hernandez Remnants & Textiles-Tel. 49495 -843 !laya, Tondo. Mrs. Aurelia Hernandez, Prop. Hernandez, Dr. Victoria - Dentist - Tel. 26668-304 Carriedo, Sta. Crtu.


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Hernando Bros. Company-Manufacturers and Distributors of Sugar Cane ByProducts---Te1. 25704- 624 Evangelista, Quiapo---Bl'ewel'ies : San Nicolas, llocos

Norte. Ernesto P. Hernando, Pres. Silvana P. Hernando, Gen. Mgt'. Jose P. Hernando, Tl'eas. Andrea P. Hernando, Sec'y. Hernando, Dr. Eugenio - Physician - Tel. 56746---211 San Antonio, Paca., Hernando, Dr. Francisco-Medical Examiner and Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: INSULIFE--Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binando. Herran Bowling Alleys-Tel. 55420-20242026 Herran, Paca. Mrs. Amanda Cruz, Prop. Herran Glassware-Glassware DealersTel. 54267-1613 Henan, Paca. Herran Pharmacy- Retail Druggist-Tel. 65833-1902 Rerran, Paco. Dna. Consuelo de Gil , Prop. Antonio Rodriguez, Pharm. Rufo Acera, Ph arm. Herrera, Dr. Florentino - Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 25576 -1264 Tuberias, Quiapo. Herrera General Transportation-Land and Water Transportation-Tel. 24114-120 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Mateo Herrera, Pres. and Mgr. Jose Garcia, Ass't. Mgr. Herrera, Simplicio C.-Commission Agency -Tel. 48649-1108 San Fernando, Binondo. Herrera, Dr. Teodoro U. J .-PhysicianTel. 28207-81 Legaspi. Intramul'Os. Herrera, Dr. Toribio - Physician - Tel. 47339-533 P. Herrera, Tondo. Herreria Antigua de Jose C. Garcia (Sucesor de Maria Catis Vda. de Garcia)Scale Dealer and Repairer-Tel. 4891122 Pereyra, Binondo. Jose C. Garcia, Prop. and Mgr. Herreria Choa -Foundries -Tel. 25390730-732 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Choa Lee, Mgr. Herreria Moderna - Iron Works - Tels. 55062 and 55124-40 (Int) Cristobal, Paco. ~ Jose Sanso Pedret, Mgr. Herreria's Tailoring, C. J.- Tailors-256 M. Earn shaw, Sampaloc. C. J. Herreria, Prop. and Cutter.

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Hertacol Company - Manufacturers and Distributors of Dugol and Hikal-Tel. 28733-906 Ol'oqui eta Co rner Lope de Vega, Sta. Cruz. Dr. H. M. Tajan, Prop. and Mgr. Hess & Zeitlin, Inc.- Brokers. Dealers in Stocks and Bonds, Members of the Manila Stock Exchange and the National Produce Exchange, Real Estate and Rental Brokers; Insul'ance Agents-P. O. Boxes 721 and 108Z--Tels : Real Estate Dept. ; 23274 Stocks & Bonds; 24841, 42, 43, 44.Ground Floor, Calvo Bldg., 60 Escolta, Binondo. Carl Hess, Jr. Wm. Zeitlin. Hiap Guan Grocery-Tel. 54327-822 Dart, Paco. Sy Co., Manager. Riap Ho---Furniture Manufacturers-Tel. 49274-508 Magdalena, Binondo. Tan Chua, Mgr. Hiap Ho Drug Store-Retail DruggistsTel. 47085-408 Salazar, Binondo. Di Eng Lan, Prop. Hiap Jo Seng Ang Pang- Hats Manufacturers- Tel. 47229-110 Plaza Calderon de Ia Barca, Binondo. Siap Jo Seng, Prop. Riap Seng Foundry-Tel. 49316-960 Az· carraga, Binondo. Riap Seng-Leather Factory-Tel. 48436306 Ongpin, Binondo. Tiu Wa & Dy Ku, Props. )Hidalgo Rizal, Alfredo - Lawyer - Tel. 67194-232 Valenzuela, Sampaloc. Hieng Fook Tong-Chinese Drug StoreTel. 26648-516 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Wong Ah Hieng, Mgr. High Tone Shoe Store-Shoe Deal'ers-210 - 212 Gandara, Binondo. DUOS DE I. DE LA RAMA & CO., INC.- Sugar Centrals, Steamship Owners, Lubricating Oils-Po O. Box 2319Tel. 24953-Cable Address : "RAMA"1011 Muelle de la Industria, Binondo. Enrico Pil'ovano, General Manager. Alfred W . Keller, Manila Office Manager. General Managers of: The De la Rama Steamship Co., Inc. Iloilo Shipping Co., Inc. Sta. Aniceta Sugar Central. Leonor Sugar Central. Lourdes Sugar Central. Sale Agents fpr the Philippines of : Valvoline Oil Co.-U. S. A.





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Hike Paper Box Factor,y-Tel. 28261-674 Echague, Int. 214, 3rd F loor, Qu inta Bldg. Quiapo. S. L. Kidder, Mgr. Hilado & Hilado-Lawyers-P. O. Box 2686 -Tel. 23497-4th Floor, Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Emilio Y. Hilado. Jose G. Hilado. Carlos B. Hilado. Luis G. Hilado. Rodolfo H. Severino. Hilado, Vicente--Lawyer-P. O. Box 545Tel. 23747-Room 316, Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Hilario, Dr. Jose S.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 56648-942 M. H. del Pilar, Malate. Hiligaynon - Ilongo-Visayan MagazinePublished every Tuesday morning in Manila-P. O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler corner Calero, Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers. Hill & Falgui - Lawyers - Tel . 49723Cable Address: "AJAYH"-301 Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Alva J. Hill, Lawyer. F elix S. Falgui, Lawyer. Office Staff: Pacita B. Melano, Stenog. Daisy Forbes, Stenog. Him, N. C. - Building Contractor - Tel. 21362-21 Cruzada, (Tanduay), Quiapo. N. C. Him, General Manager. G. Torres-Diaz, Construction Supt. V. S. Sal ita, Designs and Estimate. J. Cruz, Secretary-Accountant. N. B. Chan, Cashier. N. B. King, As~'t. Contractor. Ring Juan Tong Drug Store-Druggists, Reta il- Tel. 49114-241 Carvajal, Binondo. Tan Ki Kiok, Prop. and Pharm. Hipodromo "AU & "Bu Subdivision-Tel. 23196-Rooms 7 & 9, El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Calero & Co., Selling Agents. Hipolito, N. Z.-House and Sign Painter109 Manrique, Sampaloc. Hiramatsu, Y.-Builder and Contractor-Po O. Box 2453-Tel. 25659-Room 301, State Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Hirayama, H.-Massage-Tel. 26584-444 P. Gomez, Sta. Cruz. Hiroshimado Bakery-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 336-7th Ave., Grace Park. Caloocan, Rizal. H. Takahashi, Prop.

Hirotani, K.-Furniture Manufacturer and Contractor - Tel. 26511 - 166 Legarda, Sampaloc. Potenciano Apilado, Designer. Hispano Philippine Imp. & Exp., TheImporters and Exporters - Firearms Dealers-P. O. Box 884-Tel. 21317-1416-18 GraI. Luna, Intramuros. G. G. Garcia, Prop. and Mgr. (Absent) Alfredo Garcia, Acting Mgr. Hitomi Bazar-Tel. 28598-116 Villalobos. Quiapo. H . Hitomi, Mgr. Hiwaga-True Story and Detective Tagalog Weekly, Published Every Saturday-Po O. Box 1625-Tel. 24361-Cable Address: "RAMoNRocEs"-Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler Cor. Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers. Hixbar Gold Mining Co., Inc. -P. O. Box 130S-Tel. 24826-931 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Officers! Stewart Tait, President. W. Ick, Vice-President. A. Bachrach, Secretary-Treasurer. F. J. Higham, Ass't. Treasurer and Director. W. E. Hicks, Asst. Sec'y and Dir. Hizon, Sr., Dr. Jose S.-Physician-Tel. 29894-639 Galicia, Sampaloc. DIZON LABORATORY-Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products and CosmeticsClinical and Industrial Laboratory-Tel. 23690-549 Paterno, Sta. Cruz. Rafael Hizon, Prop. Ho To & Co.-Umbrella Factory-P. O. Box 2642-Tel. 26943-Cable Address: "HO To"-323-325 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Ho To, Mgr. Hoc Chuan Ho - Pomade Factory - Tel. 22736-626 F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. T. Kalaw Ng Khe, Prop. Hoc Chuan Liong-Candy Manufactul'el'Tel. 49385-Main Office: 1212 Santa Elena, Binondo. Factory: Grace Park, Rizal A ve. Ext., Caloocan, Tel. 28224. Dy Wa, Proprietor and Mgr. Hoc Chuan Ty Grocery-Tel. 29427-345 Dasmarifias, Binondo . Hoc Guan Hong Co.-Rice Dealers-P. O. Box 1737-Tel. 48754-105 Meisic, Binondo. Dy Liong, Gen. Mgr. Hoc Guan Seng & Co.-Dr.y Goods Store -Tel. 47493-152· 154 Rosario, Binondo. Hoc Ho Bee-Importer, Chinaware and Glassware-Tel. 49360-Cable Address:


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"RDYCHAuco"-318-320 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ros'endo Dy Chauco, Mgr. Jose Dychauco, Asst. Mgr. Hoc Jo Heng-Slippers-312 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Hoc Lian Bee-Grocery Dealer-Tel. 49159 -1044 Comercio, San Nicolas. Sio Bun Tuan, Prop. Hoc Lian Hing- GroC'er-535 Soo. Cristo, San Nicolas. Hoc Lian Ring, Mgr, Hoc Sun H'e ng Tannery - Tannery and Leather Dealers- Tel. 49762-548 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Chong Kiao, Prop. Hock An- General Merchandise-Tel. 48378 143-145 Rosario , Binondo. Lim Yu, Prop. Hock Bian Eian- Tan Chin Eng & Co.Dry Goods Dealers-'¥holesale and Retail- Importers and Exporters - Tel. 25427-P. O. Box 1075- 103-105 Nueva, Binondo. Tan Ching Eng, Mgr. Hock Chuan Liang-Dry Goods DealersTel. 48691-220-A Rosario, Binondo. Hock Ghuan Liong, Mgr. Hock Guan Guan-Dry Goods DealersWholesale and Retail-Tel. 28280-119 Nueva, Binondo. Chan Cheng, Mgr. Hock Hua Bee-Dry Goods Dealer-Tel. 48233- 178 Rosario, Binondo. Hock Hua Bee, Mgr. Hock Sun Guan Soap Factory-Tel. 28730814 Echague, San Miguel. Co Se, Prop. Hocson's Lunch-Restaurant-Tel. 22721191-193 Real, Intramuros. Teofilo Hocson, Prop. and Mgr. Mrs. Beatriz Hocson, Ass't. Mgr. Miss Sixta Sengco, Cashier. Hoey's Kindergarten and Primary SchoolTel. 56950-1120 A. Mabini, Malate. Mrs. R. C. Hoey, Directress. Hogan & Co., Inc., A W-General Broker and Importer-P. O. Box 1068-Tel. 24266-Cable Address : "UNITORIAN ," Manila-Room 5- 456 Dasmarifias, Binondo. A. W. Hogan, Gen. Mgr. and Pres. Mrs. A. W. Hogan, Vice-Pres. L. S. Morcelo, Sec'y. HOGUAN EXCHANGE-P. O. Box 1120 - Tel. 49214- Cable Address: "HOGUANEXC"-246 Carvajal , Binondo. Tan Vingcen, Mgr.

Hok An Exchange-Exchange Brokers-P. O. Box 2149-Tel. 46231-519 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Lau Lit, Mgr. Hok Sieng Yek-Glass and Tinsmith-Tel. 26821-745 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Ku Cha, Prop. Hole In The Wall Bar-Tel. 22731-531-533 Echague, Quiapo. William Pri11, Prop. Holland Africa Line - Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., AgentsMarsman Bldg., Port Area. Holland America Line-Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., AgentsMarsman Bldg., Port Area. HoJland-Oost-Azie Lijn-Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., AgentsMarsman Bldg., Port Area. Holly York Studios-School of DancingTel. 55251-660 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Miss Anna Fey, Directress. Hc!1yw00d Furniture-Tel. 47358--525-2729 Soler, Rinondo. Ch ee Puck. Hollywood Hotel and Bar-Tel. 27214-432 Padre Gomez, Sta. Cruz. F . Guzman, Prop. Hol!ywood Shoe Store-P..etail and Wholesale-Tel. 28110-222-224 Gandara, Binondo. Nieio Fua, Prop. Hollywood Smart Fashion-Tailoring-1311 Azcarraga, Tondo. Inocencio P. Sese, Prop. and Cutter. IHoIlyw.ood Studio - Photographers - 901 Ilaya, Tondo. Jose Pangilinan, Prop. Hollywood Theatre-Cinematograph-Tel. 26985-119 Sta. Potenciana, Intramul'os. Emiliano Sanchez, Mgr. Holmsen, Inc. T. M.,-Lumber-P. O. Box 2561-Tcl. 21026-Cable Address: "HOLMSEN"-3 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. T. M. Holmsen, Mgr. Holy Cross Ladi'es Home- Dormitory-TeI. 23529-2168 Azcarraga, Quiapo. R. Vda. de Arce, Prop. Holy Ghost College-Tel. 23545-163 E. Mendiola San Miguel. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Home Insurance Co. of New York-International Harvester Co. of Philippines, (Formerly Macleod & Co.), Agents-154 Marques de Comillas, Ermita. Home Laundry - 827 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Alicia Joson, Prop.


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Homestake Gold Mines, Inc.-Mining-Tel. 1I0NOLULU IRON WORKS CO.-Su22416-3rd Floor, Maritima Bldg., 121 gar Machinery Manufacturers-ConsultDasmariiias, Binondo. ing and Contracting Engineers-P. O. Box Atty. Francisco T. Lopez, President. 282- Tel. 23213-Cable Address: "HONDr. . Jacobo Fajardo, Vice-President. IRoNu-The Earnshaws Docks and HoConstantino M. Guevara, Secretarynolulu Iron Works, 60-118 2nd St., Port Treasurer. Area. Placido L. Mapa, Director. Hope Manufacturing Co. - Vulcan Fire Jose Fernandez, Jr., Director. Clay and Hubbard Cleanser-Po O. Box Anselmo Trinidad, Director. 2958-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Hong An Exchange- Exchange BrokerCal. 204-304 Samson, Balintawak, CaTel. 47221- 1119 Sta. Elena, San Nicolas. Ioocan, Rizal. Co Lo, Mgr. Wm. A. Hubbard, Mgr. Hong Bie-Dealer in Leaf Tobacco--Whole- Hoskins & Co., Inc., C. M.-Real Estate sale-P. O . . Box 1038-Tel. 49185-523 Brokers-P. O. Box 948-Tel. 21035Juan Luna, Binondo. Cable Address: "EARcAM"-185 David, Miguel Uy Seng, Prop. and Mgr. Binondo. C. M. Hoskins, President. Hong Chiong Exchange-Exchange Broker -Tel. 48831-845 Jaboneros, San Nicolas. E . O. F lores, Vice-President and Pua Siong Reh, Mgr. Treasurer. A. B. Aquino, Director (Engineer in Hong Du- Grocery- Tel. 26184-132 RegiCharge) . dol', Quiapo. Hong Hcng- Rice Merchant-P. O. Box 1I0SPITALS AND ASYLUMS - (See Miscellaneous Section) . . 3041- Tel. 49586-516 Benavides, BinonHotel Cantabria-Tel. 22767- 268 Gral. do. Luna, Intramul'os. Cua Tiong, Mgr. Tomas Ocejo, Prop. Hong Moh Tea Firm - Tea Dealers - Tel. Hotel Leonard Wood (See Leona1"d Wood 47332-423 Nueva, Binondo. Hotel) Lee Tong Dan, Mgr. Hong San Lumber CO.-Lumber Dealel's- Hotel Santa Cruz-Tel. 21197-741 Misericordia, 818. Cruz. Tel. 49681-834-840 Juan Luna, Tondo. Wong Ning, Gen. Mgr. Branch: N'ew Port Lumber- Tel. 48942804 J . Luna, Tondo. Howie Infant's Wear Co.-EmbroideryHong San, Mgr. P. o. Box 3024-Tel. 57680- 1199 Singalong, Malate. Hong Sing- Rice Merchant-Tel. 46265M. Howi e, Prop. and Mgt'. 517 Herbosa, Tondo. Hu Che-Gen.!ral Importer-P. O. Box 2086 Hong Sun - Shoemakei' -112 M. H. del -535 Ongpin, Binondo. Pilar, Ermita. Hong Sun, Prop. 8y Chong Beng, Mgr. HONGKONG AND SHAN GliAl BANK- Rua An Exchange-Broker- P. O. Box 2489-Tel. 49669-409 Nueva, Binondo. ING CORPORATION. TIlE-Banking Hua An, Prop. -Po O. Box 304-Tel. 23144 connecting all Depts. (4 Lines) Cable Address: "FA- Hua Chiong-Dry Good s Dealer-Tel. 48197 -200-202 Rosario, Binondo. VERSHAM"- Corner of Juan Luna and San Lee Sa Hee, Prop. Gabriel, Binondo. Hua Chiong- Money Changer-Tel. 26357 C. Farnworth, Manager. - 130 Villalobos, Quiapo. J. 8 . Watson Sub-Manager. Ju sto Syqui, Mgr. O. J. Shannon, Accountant. R. V. Parker. Hua Guan-Importer and General MerR. MacIntyre. chant- Tel. 49169- 221 Rosario, Binondo. G. A. Stewart. So Sam, Mgr. P. G. Rynd. H ua Ring Trading- General Merchant--J . A. McGregor. Tel. 48230-545 Nueva, Binondo. F. H . King. Tan Ting, Mgr. A. L. Snaith. H ua Hong-General Merchant-Tel. 25864 (See Advertisement) - 428 Legal'da, SampaJoc. Hongwanji, The- Tel. 25881-84 1 Lepanto. Hua Lam & Co.- Importers and Exporters Sampaioc. - Tel. 49261- 441 Nueva, Binondo.



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H ua San Exchange-Exchange BrokerTel. 49109-510 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Hua Sun, Mgl'. Hua Sin-Dry Goods Dealer-Tel. 47712541 Nueva, Binondo. Hua Tong Commercial- General Merchants -Po O. Box 1526-Tel. 49649-469-471 Nueva, Binondo. Hua Tong Trading Co.-Importers and Exporters-P o O. Box 1526-Tel. 49237224-226 StD. Cristo, San Nicolas. Que Gui, Mgr. Hua Too & Co.-Importers-P. O. Box 2252-Tel. 49128-1102 San Fernando, Binondo. Tan Chio, Mgr. Hua Yung Pl'ess-Printers- Tel . 22522940 T . Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Huang & Co., C. G.-Wholesale and Retail Dealers - \Vatches and Optical Supplies - Tel. 49280-147-151 Rosario, Binondo. Huang Ho-Sheng, Dr.-Dentist-Tel. 48614 -882 Reina Regente, Tando. Hub Cafe and Cocktail Lounge, The-Tels. Care 22344 and Lounge 22632-137 T . Pinpin, Corner San Vicente, Binondo. W. A. La Mountain, Prop. Hue Hong Exchange-Exchange BrokerP. O. Box 1954- 118 Nueva Binondo. Tan Yu Tic, Mgr. Huerto, Dr. Severiano G. - Dentist- Tel. 48350-601 Madrid, Binondo. Hugh Wilson Hall- Dormitory-Cable Address: uENDuRE"-1271 General Luna, Ermita. Mildred M. Blakely, Dean. Hunter's Headquarters-Firearms and Am_ munitions-Sporting Goods-Tel. 24223Cable Address: "TOPAN"-307 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. Tomas P. Naval'1'o, Gen. Mgr. Rafael P. Navarro, Ass't. Mgr. Eliseo C. Bernabe, Firearm in charge. Huruya- Engraving Shop- Brass Signs621 Echague, San Miguel.


ICE & COLD STORAGE INDUSTRIES OF TIlE PInLIPPINES, INC.- ( San Miguel Brewery, Inc., Managers) Manufacturers of ICE and Operators of COLD STORAGE-P. O. Box 271-Tel. 21212 - 132 A viles, San Miguel. Board of Directors: Ramon J . F ernandez, Pres. Antonio P. Roxas, Vice-Pres. Jacobo Zobel, Treasu rer.

Andres Soriano, Director. Antonio Brias, Director. Eduardo Roxas, Director. Niels Nyborg, Director. A. M. Macleod, Director. Herman BiUl'l'Un, Director. Manuel N. Tuason, Director. Simeon Asensio, Director. A. Gimenez-Zoboli, Secretary. Ideal-Cinematograph-Tel. 22021-417-421 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Albert I. Gadol. Ideal Aerated Water Factory-Tel. 56094 -540 Sto. Sepulcro, Paco. Co Chay & Co., Props. Chua Woo, Mgr. Chua Hay Lu, Cashier. Ideal Barber Shop-2749 Herran, Santa Ana. Cipriano Santos, Prop. IDEAL BAZAAR-P O. Box 114-H ead Office: Tel. 21793--415 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz; Branches No.2, Rizal Bazar, Tel. 26323-425 Rizal Ave., and Branch No. 3, Tel. 23440-U3 E scolta, Cu Unjieng Bldg,. Binondo. H. Kawahara, Prop. Idea l Beauty Pal'lol'- Tel. 23543-521-523 Quiricada, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. P. Tiangco de Perefia, Prop. and Mgr. Ideal Cafe-Restaurant-Tel. 22776-379 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Gaw Po, Mgr. I deal Cafe and Restaurant-Tel. 23198-107 Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Yap Tak Wing, Prop. Ideal Candy Factory-Candy Manufacturers-Tel. 49496- 316 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Tiu Chi u, Prop. Ideal Dry Cleaning- Laundr,y-2900 Herran, Sta. Ana. Emilia Cochico, Prop. I deal Floral Garden-Florist-U91 Singalong, Malate. Juana Magkawas, Prop. Ideal Fruit Store - Retail Grocers - Tel. 56465- 1401 Herran, Paco. . Sy Keng-, Prop. and Mgr. Ideal Glass Contractor and Sash FactoryManufacturer and Importer-Tel . 47867 - 925-927 Juan Luna, Tondo. Beni to Yao, Mgr. Ideal Grocery-Wholesale and Retail Grocer -Te1. 56465- 1401 Herran, Paco. Sy Keng, Prop. Ideal Lumber & Company-Lumber Dealers -Tel. 55376- 2647 Herran, Sta. Ana. Dy See, Mgr.


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2.23.62 MANILA






Third Floor, Insular Life Building, Plaza IHoraga Tel. 2-24-31 Box 734, Manila, Philippines ~--

Enrique Go Shinyo PRESIDENT

Primitivo L . R eyes

Charles S . Hagedorn



Luis Litonjua

Dr. Jose Andaya



Ramon V. Sanchez

Benito E. Lim



Rafael G . Daiiganan TREASURER


x y

BRILLIANTSHINE - - - - - - wi l l f - - - - - clean, polish and bring to original luster these metals for you.

BRILLIA NTSH INE quickly and with little effort bright路 ens Mc:ta l ~ without inj u ri ng other adjacent surfaces.

Door and Switch Plates, Bathroom Faucets and Fixtures, Nickel Stove Trimmings, Lamps and Jardinieres, Musical Instruments, Cooking Utensils, Metal SignsRails , Automobile Metal Parts, All Aluminum, Nickel, Chromium, Brass, Iron or Steel Surfaces.

It has been doing this for over 42 years.

For Sale at All Groceries and Hardware Dealers P hilippine Distributors

Philippine Education Co., Inc. Wholesale Department Manila 101- 103 Escolta




Idea l Mu sic Store Co., InC.-Musical Instruments Dealers-P. O. Box 959-Tel. 26571 -238 Carri€do, Sta. Cruz. Flaviano S ... nchez, Mgr. M. A. Guzman, Treas. Ideal Press-Printers-Tel. 47585-1925 Juan Luna, (Int.), Tondo. Victol'iano Uy Ki Tut, Prop. and Mgt'. Ideal Radio Supply & Service-Radio Repair and Supply- 1932 Herran, Paco. Felipe B. Frago, Prop. Angelo B. Frago, Ass't. Ideal Sandwich and Coffee Shop-Tel. 26671- Ground Floor, Insular Life Bldg., (Entrance) Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Ideal Shoe Store-Tel. 48696-257 Gandara, Binondo. Go Chuy. Ideal Sporting Goods Company- Sporting Goods Dealers- Tel. 24351- 307 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. Fulgencio Guytingco, Mgr. and Prop. IGLESIA EVANGELICA ItiETODISTA EN LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS (IEMELlF)-Tel. 48122-Central Office:-342 Moriones, Tondo. Cathedral-1466 Sande, Tondo. (Tel. 47765) Rev. Matias B. Valdez, Bishop and G ~ n era I Superintendent of the Church. Rev. Matias Cuadra, General Secretary. Rev. Raymundo Duque, General Treasurer. Rev. Jose de la Cruz, General Evange~ list. Rev. Eu sebi o Tech., Secretary of Youth Movement. Rev. Marcelino Gutierrez, Secretary of Religious Education. Rev. Crispulo Rivera, Secretary of the Society of Adults. Rev. Guillermo Dionicio, Secretary of Deaconesses. Rev. Cipriano Romero, General Auditor. Rev. Lazaro G. Trinidad, Private Secretary to the Bishop and Associate Pastor, Cathedral. Ignacio & Bonifacio-Civil Engineers and Contractors-Tels. 25454-Room 30, Arguell~s Bldg., 519 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Victorio G. Ignacio, Civil Engineer. Antonio C. Bonifacio, Civil Engineer. Ignacio's Laundry-1309 Juan Luna Tondo. Guillermo Ignacio, Prop. lIang-liang Fashion - Dressmaker - 2123 Herran, Paco. Mrs. P. R. PasubilIo, Prop. llao, Melqu"iades - Lawyer - 1885 Felix HU'e rtas, Sta. Cruz.

Ilaya Fa~ion - Tailoring - 980 Ylaya, Tondo. Romualdo Sandoval, Prop. and Cutter. llaya Music Store Co., Inc.- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Mu sical Instruments - P. O. Box 2799 - Tel. 23598 - Cable Address: u ILA YA"-329 Caniedo, Sta. Cruz. Santiago Cruz, Prop. Luciano C. Cruz, Mgr. Eustacio Cubinar, Treas. Aquilino Cruz, Sec'y. IIaya Orchestra- Tel. 48377- 1104 8to. Cristo, Tondo. Santiago Cruz, Prop. I1aya Press - Printers and Bookbinders Tel. 49470- 705-709 IIaya, Binondo. Dionisio Galvan, Prop. J Ol'ge Bengzotl, Mgr. I1eto Cooperative Marketing Ass., Inc.(Rice Dealers ) - Tel. 46207-911 Dagupan, Tondo. Dalmacio Ileto, Pres. Ernesto IIeto, Vice-Pres. F elipa Verde de Ileto, Treas. Jaime V. JI eto, Manager. lIlies & Co., Inc., C.-Manufacturers Agents, Importers, Exporters-P. O. Box 1629Tel s . 56989, 56963 and 56900-Cable Address: " rLLIEs"- 556 San Luis, Ermita. H. Winkl er, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Agencies: Op'el Automobil es and Trucks. Bosch Automotive & Diesel Equipment. Bosch Electric Tools. Voith Turbines. JIocos Manganese Mining Co.-P. O. Box 21-Tel. 48167-6 Barraca, San Nicolas. Officers: Alfonso Z. Sycip, Pres. Directors : J. Raferty J . W. Ferrier U. Aldanese E. E. Wing M . Unson E. M. Grimm Hocos Textiles, Inc.-Manufacturing Cotton and Linen Goods-P. O. Box 701Tel. 21516---Ca ble Address: "ILOTEX"429 Perez Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Generoso Velasquez, Pres. Antonio L. Arizabal, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Vicente Ruiz, Ass't . Mgr. Ilocos Times - JIocano - English-Spanish Biweekly (tabloid) Newspaper-516-A Tayuman, Sta. Cruz. Adeudato J Agbayani, Editor and Gen. Mgr.


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Box 2104


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Iloilo-N egros Air Express Co., Inc.-Air Transportation-Passengers and Express Parcels between~the Cities of Manila, Iloilo, eehu, Bacolod. Del Monte and Davao - Tel. 21734 - Room C, Metropolitan Theater Bldg., Plaza Lawton. Dna. Maria Lopez, President. Salvador Araneta, 1st Vice-President. Paz Lopez Vda. de Laguda, 2nd VicePresident. Eugenio Lopez, Gen. Mgr. and See'y.Treas. Carlos Lopez, Managing Director. Vicente Bantolo, Terminal Mgl'. (Tel. 51046) . Ilustre, Joaquin - Lawyer - 335 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo. Imelda's Beauty Parlor-Tel. 28141-231 Ayala Bouleva l'd, Ermita. Amparo Buan, Prop. Immaculate Concepcion Anglo-Chinese Academy-Tel. 49001- 287 Tayuman, Tondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Immaculate Concepcion Institute-ll08 Singalong, Malate. Mrs. Maria Guti'errez, Directress. Immaculate Concepcion Ladies Hall-Dormitory- Espana and Isabel, Sampaloc. SOl'. Venancia Ceballos. Imperial Cabaret (Formerly Ambassador) -Nort h Bay Boulevard , Navotas, Rizal. S. Tolentino, Prop. and Mgr. J. Manalo, Ass't. Mgr. F . G. Francisco, Ass't. Mgr. Imperial Furnitu r e House-T el. 26402-363 T . Pinpin, Binondo. Marcos Gan, Pl·Op. Imperial Laundry- T el. 27748-92 Zurbaran, Sta. Cruz. Ramon C. Ventura, Prop. Imperial Hotel- Tel. 22860-219 Cabildo, Intramuros. L. Labastida, Prop. and Mgr. bnperial, Salvador E .- Lawyer- Tel. 29411 -.Room 209, Cu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Bmondo. Imperial Shirt Factory-Tel. 28068-515 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. George Adad, Prop. Jose Adad, Partner. Placi do Abad, Partner. Branch: 23 Escolta. Binondo-Tel. 25560. Imperial T a iJ oring-207 Real, Intramuros. Jesusa Garcia, Prop. A. Mamangon, Master Cutter. IMPORT ~IEAT AND PRODUCE COMPANY - Importers of Australian and American Frozen Meat, Cold Stores,

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Groceries, Wines and Liquors-P. O. Box 1337 - Tels. 57294 and 54677 - 133-135137 Padre Faura, Ermi ta. King Tao, Proprietor. Imprenta de Manuel Zamora - Printers, Bookbinders, Typesetters-Tel. 22815928 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Imprenta Guzman - Printing and Bookbinding - Tel. 26605 - 920 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Quintin de Guzman, Prop. and Mgr. Imprenta Ilagan y Sanga - Printing and Publishing- Tel. 48741-3 43-345 Juan Luna, Binondo. Isabelo V. Sanga, Part. and Gen. Mgr. Imprenta Los Filipinos - Printers - Tel. 22184-336 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Tomas Carunungan, Mgr. Imprenta Manila- Printing- Tel. 26363- P. O. Box 1406-735 Calero, Sta. Cruz. L. Gabriel, Prop. Imprenta Modernista-Tel. 26635-410 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Baltazar Mariano, Prop. UIPUENTA SEVILLA- Printers-Tel. 56124-470 Vito Cruz (int.). Singalong, Malate. Sevilla Bros. & Co., Props . Maximo Sevilla, Pres. Santiago R. Angeles, Mgr. and Trea s. Flaviano Sevilla, Auditor. lnada Bros.-Bazar- P. O. Box 101-Tel. 25118-1749 Azcarl'aga- Bl'anches: 635 Rizal Ave .. Sta. Cruz-Tel. 27893-790 Tabora, Tondo - Tel. 47204 - 316-320 Echague, Quiapo. G. lnada, Mg r. Indentors, Inc.- Indentors- P. O. Box 3459 - Tel. 24132- Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Independent Auto Supply Co.-Automobile Accessory Dealer s - Tel. 54921- 1418 H enan, Paco. Matia s C. Amurao, Prop. Independent Publishing Co., Inc.- Owners and Publisher s of "La Opinion" and "The Commerce" (E l Comel'cio)-Printers-P. o. Box 3460-Tels. 23485 and 23441-23 San Gabriel and 65 Juan Luna, Binondo. David Perez de Tagle, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Eduardo Cardenas, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen. Mg r. Independent Shoe Shop, The-Shoe Store and Repair Shop- Po O. Box 2641 Tel. 22177-Cabl e Address: "ISHOCO"112-114 Echague, Sta. Cruz. T. G. Henderson, Prop.


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Index Tailoring and Shirt Factory - Tel. 26473-729 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Benito Pizarro, Prop. and Cutter. Indian Commercial Co. - Wholesale Silk and Cotton Merchants-P. O. Box 938-Tel. 22169-Cable Address: HINDIACOMCO" -328-330-332 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Indian Silk Palace-Silk, Drygoods, Whole_ sa le and Retail- P. O. Box 2741-Tel. 26766-Cable Address: "KUNDANMAL"87 EscoIta, Binondo. K. Murlidhar, Mng. Prop. K. Bhagwandas, Mng. Prop. Indian Store-Curios, Novelties and SilksP. O. Box 217-Tel. 54951-404 Taft Avenue, Ermita. D. Chandumal, Prop. & Mgr. Indiana Apartments-Apartment House1034 Indiana, Malate. Industrial Development Co.-Paint Manuturers-Tiles and Terrazzo--Importers and Exporters-P. O. Box 21-Tel. 49068 -Cable Address : HINDECO"-Main Office : 6 Barraca, San Nicolas.- Factol'Y: 41 Nagtahan, Sampaloc- Tel. 67737. John Sy Cin, Manager. Industrial Engineer ing Works, Inc. -Shipbu il ders, Engineers and ManufacturersP. O. Box 3123-Tel. 26710- Cab1e Address: "INGINWORKS"-Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Joseph . Feldman, Managing Director. George Feldma n, Tech. Director. Marino Corpus, Directory. Sergio Corpus, Secretary. Industrial Journal- P. O. Box 514 - Tel 21275--671 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Sugar News Co., Publish'er s. INDUSTRIAL RESEARCI( CO.- Engineers, Geologists, Contractors, Mining Exploration and Management. Mine Designs and Constructions. Mechanical and Iron Works-Po O. Box 886-Tel. 26710--623 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. A. 1. Lavrooshin, E. M., Mgr, Partner. B. V. Tusbeff, E. M., Partner. [nes Dressmaker- Tel 28540-313 Barbosa, Quiapo. Ines de Garcia, Prop. Ingerso1i, Frank B.- Lawyer -P. O. Box 342-Tel. 211 83-Cable Address: "CASCADE"-5th Floor, 514 Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. INIIELDER, WAUl( CO., LTD_-Importers and Exporters-Wholesale Druggists-Po O. Box 1182-Tel. 49078-Cable Address : "WALINDER" - China Bank

Bldg., Corner Juan Luna and Dasmarinas, Binondo. H. Inhelder, Ma naging Pa rtner. E. Walch, Managing Partner. Inocencio, Dr. Amador B.-Phvs ician and Surgeon-Tel. 27410-942 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Inocencio, Dr. Jorge-Optometrist a nd Optician-Tel. 27852-679 Rizal Ave., (Upstairs ), Sta. Cruz. Inocencio, Sancho- Attorney:-at-Law-Tel. 29302-Room 302 Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Inocentes, Dr. Abelardo N.-PhysicianSurgeon-Tel. 67960-54 Blumentritt, Ma ndaluyong, R izal. Inocentes, Eugen io-Ce r tified Public Accountant-Tel. 67960-54 Blumentritt, Mandaluyong Rizal. INSTALLMENT SALES CO., INC_Furniture Deal ers-P. O. Box 1557-Tel. 23194-506-508 Evangelista, Quiapo. M . Warne, Mgr. Instituto Cervantino - Spanish SchoolTel. 25219 - 1126 Mi sericordi a , Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Maria F. Vda. de Reyes, Directr ess. Instituto de Mujeres-Tel. 22774-830 Gov. Forbes, Sa mpal oc. (See also Mi scell aneous Section) Insular Book Company, The (Lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co., Owners)- P . O. Box 449- Tel. 21584-Cable Address: "LAWCOPUB"- 428-432 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. G. G. Lyman, Mgr. INSULAR CIGAR AND CIGARETTE FACI'ORY, INC.-Cigars and Cigarettes Manufacturers and Exporters-P. O. Box 52- Tels. General Mgr. -Secretary 47557; Sales Manager 49578; Sa les Dept. 49314; Production Dept. 49510; Purchasing Dept. 49975; Informati on 49332-Cable Address: "INSULAR"-20 Plaza Calderon de 1a Bar:!a, Binondo. I sidoro F. de Mora, Gen. Manager. Antonio J . Beltran, Sales Manager. A. Pando, Production Manager. INSULAR DRUG CO~IPANY, INC.Druggists, Wholesale-P. O. Box 300Tels. 22742, 21768, 24823 and 21714-Cable Address: " INDUG"-M arsman Bldg., Port Area. Jan H. Mal'sman, Pres. H. Yara s, Vi ce-Pres. Alfred von Arend, Vi ce-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. N. E. Mullen, Treasurer. M. H . O'Malley, Secretary.

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Insular Drug Store and Insular Laboratory (See Arambulo Products, Inc) Insular Furniture (Chua Lian Sun)-Ful'~ nitul'e Manufacturers and DealersWholesale and Retail-Tel. 27594-355357-359 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Chua Lian Sun, Prop. Insular Gal'den- Florist-Tel. 55714-1239 Singalong, Malate. K. Chikashige, Prop. Insular Ice & Cold Storage Plant-TeL 21209-Plaza Lawton, Ermita. (Operated by Ice & Cold Storage Industries of the Phil ippines-San Miguel Brewery, Mgrs.) INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE CO •• LTD., TilE-Life Insurance-P. O. Box 128-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Insulal' Life Bldg., 90 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Vicente Singson Encarnacion, Pres. Enrique Zobel, Vice-President. Jacobo Zobel, Treasurer. J. McMicking, Manager. A. F. Gonzalez, Ass't. Manager and Secretary. J. de Lange, Assistant Secretary. C. S. Salmon, General Agent. Board of Directors: Vicente Singson Encarnacion. Vicente Arias. Sal vador Zaragoza. Enrique Zobel. Ignacio R. Ortigas. Jose Araneta. J. R. McMicking. Eduardo Ortigas. Jacobo Zobel . INSULAR LIFE UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION - Life Insurance - P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-3rd Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Enrique Go Shinyo, Pres. Charles S. Hagedorn, Vice-Pres. & Chairman, Committee on Finance. Rafa'el G. Dafiganan, Treas. Primitivo L. Reyes, Secretary. Luis Litonjua, Chairman, Committee on Service to PoHcy Holders. Ramon V. Sanchez, Chairman, Committee on Program and Publicity. Dr. Jose Andaya, Chairman, Committee on Appointments and Professional Ethics. Benito E. Lim, Chairman, Committee on Social Service. (See Adve1·tisement)

INSULAR LUMBER COMPANY-Lumber Manufacturers-P. O. Box 456-Tels. 21775 and 21780-Cable Address: "ILCO" - Manila Office: 306 Perez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Mills at Fabrica, Occidental N egros. H. C. Pope, Gen. Mgr., Fabrica, Occ. Negros. A. F. Bender, In Charge of Manila Office. Agencies: Cabinet Timber Trading Co., South Melbourne, Australi a. Robert Dollar Co., Hongkong. Robert Dollar Co., Shanghai, China. Robert Dollar Co., San Francisco, California, U. S. A. Pentz & Roberts (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town, South Africa. Traekontoret, ved. J. L. BjOl'ner, Copenhagen, Denmark. J ames Webster & Bro., Ltd., Liverpool, England, Insular Mine Operators, Inc.-Mine Operators-Po O. Box 3367-Tel. 49712-Cable Address: "METAL"-MANILA-307 S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Claro M. Recto, Pres. K. Matsukawa, Gen. Mgr. A. L, Katigbak, Sec'y. INSULAR MOTORS INCORPORATED -Distributors: Automobiles and Trucks -Po O. Box 570-Tel. 23851-539 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Frank Liddell. G. W. Kernot. J. B. Wilson. Chas. KU1·Z. E. J. Darras. H. Schroeder. E. Hashim. C. A. Burks. Agencies: Pontiac Motor Cars. Oldsmobile Motor Cars. Mack Trucks. Willys Automobiles and Trucks. Buda Diesel Engines. G. M. C Diesel Engines. Insular Realty Co.-Real Estate-P. O. Box 1064-Tel. 24565-Cable Address: "INRECO"-401-405 Regina Bldg., 144 Escolta, Binondo. Benjamin A. Arcenas, Mgr. Rafael R. Ledesma, S'ec'y ,-Treas.

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INSUL.ul SAW MILL, INC.-Dealers and Manufacturers in Philippine Hard· wood and Oregon Pine-Po O. Box 2190 -Tels. 56940 and 56949-Cable Address: "INSAWMILL"-330-340 Canonigo, Paco. Tan Chiong Pun, Pres. and Director. Joseph Tan Yok So, Vice-Pres. and Managing Dir. Cua Bon~co, Dir. Go Fay, Dir. Tan Cho Hang, Dir. Alfonso Go Su, Treas. Tomas Sayo, Sec'y. Insular Sugar Refining Corporation-Sugar Refinery- P. O. Box 393, Manila-Tels. Factory 67555-ManiIa Office 24219Cable Address: "SUCHARPHIL"-General Offices: Barrio Jolo, Mandaluyong, Rizal -Manila Office : Room 612, Philippine National Bank Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Board of Directors : Hon. Rafael R. Alunan, Chairman. Hon. Manuel A. Roxas, Vice-Chairman. Dr. Gregorio Anonas, M~mber. Hon. Jorge B. Vargas, Member. Hon. Benito Razon, Member. Officials: E. W. Horton, General Manager., J. C. Mahoney, Superintendent. M. S. Angeles, Chief Engineer. Lucio L. Aquino, Chief Chemist. Felix Tiongson, Auditor. F. L. Ferrer, Secretary-Treasurer. Insular Trading CO.-General Merchants and Importers-Wholesale and RetailP. O. Box 2298-Tel. 47242--403 Juan Luna, Binondo. Chan Lin Hio, Mgr. INSULAR VENETIAN BLIND-Manufacturers of Venetian Blind and Wooden Screen-Tels. 56828-54193-1639 Herran, (Int.) Paco. (See Advertisement) INSURANCE CO~IPANY OF NORTH AMERICA-Insurance-P. O. Box 598 -Te1 . 22428-Cable Address: "EDMILL" 13th and Boston Streets, Port Area. E. E. Elser, Inc., General Agents. INTER-COMMERCIAL COMPANY, (P. I.) - Importers-Ma nufacturers' Representatives - Tel. 67490 - Cable Address: "INTERCOMMERCIAL"-1484 Metrica, Rizal Park. International Accountants Society, Inc.(Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A.)-Accounting School by Correspondence-Po O. Box 1880, Manila. Joaquin Cunanan, Manager.

International Barber Shop-31 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Pablo Pablo, Mgr. International Book Service, Inc.-Publishers' Representatives-P. O. Box 804Tel. 24781-205 Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. F. Diesch, Rep. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (SEE WATSON BUSINESS MACWNES CORPORATION OF TIlE PWLIPPINES) -Electric Accounting Machines, Electric Time Systems, Time Signaling Systems, Time Recorders, Fire Alarms, Sou n d Distribution, Translator, and Watchman's System; The Proof Machine for Banks, Industrial Scales, Ticketographs, Electric Writing Machines-P. O. Box 135-Tel. 49838-Cable Address: "INBUSMACH" MANILA-701 Wilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. International Collection Bureau-Collection - Tel. 26846 - 523 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. E. L . Reynolds, Pres. Atty. E. M. Perez, Vice-Pres. Atty. S. A. Jose, Gen. Mgr. Atty M. A. Roldan. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS-Instruction by Correspondence-Po O. Box 429-Tel. 49769 - Cable Address: "INTERTEXT" - Third Floor, Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarifias, Binondo. M. Macias, Mgr. for the Philippines. International Dept. Store· Tel. 28640-509511 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Co Tiao Kee, Mgr. International Designing School-School of Sartorial Art - P. O. Box 2384 - Tel. 26292-Rm. 205, 12 Escolta, Binon'do. Norberto Tuason, Pres. and Dir. International Dormitory-Tel. 23004-644 Raon, Quiapo. Mercedes Pinson, Prop. International Drug Store-Tel. 23223-125 -127 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Justi na Gotamco -Tan, Prop. and Mgr. Soledad Mapa, Pharm. International Dr~ Cleaning-Dyers and Cleaners-Tel. 22710-411-413 P. Gomez, Sta. Cruz. L. C. Guzman, Prop. International Educational Publishing Co.P. O. Box 429-Tel. 49769-Third Floor, Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarinas, Binondo. M. Macias, Mgr. for the Philippines.



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International Employment Agency-P. O. Box 1686-Tel. 57782-2 Nebraska Cor. San Luis, Ermita. Madam E. Kollerman, Prop. International Engineering CorporationEngineering Experts-P. O. Box 579Tel. 23123-4th Floor, Sodano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Don Andres Soriano, Pres. G. M. Bridgeford, Vice-Pres.

M. A. Webster L. R. Wentholt L. G. D'Aquino Maria Carmichael Esther A. Safine 154 Marques de ComiIlas: - J. C. Giles R. Harrel H. M. Hodges J. M. Kinloch J. A. Koesling C. W. Muilenburg J. G. Newgord D. H . Ryan E. Staurenghi C. T. Toda Jesus Aguas Olimpio Fernandez Eugenio Garcia Vicente L. Garcia Gil Romero Manuel P. Sufiga Helen Delaney Branches: Baguio, Bacolod, Cebu, Davao, Il oilo, Legaspi. Baguio: G. A. Lane, Mgr. Bacolod: . C. H. Smith, Mgr. Jaime Diez Emilio CarceUer R. Fleischer Cehu: R. M. Bownass, Mgr. J. C. la Vara, Ass't. Mgr. W. R. Ladd, Mgr. SS. Dept. M de la Riva, Ass't. SS. Dept. Juan Larrazabal, Machy. Dept. L. D. Hanison, Machy. Dept. Davao: G. Vigliada, Mgr. H. S. MOl·ton, Mgr. SS. Dept. H. U . Umstad, Mgr. Machy. Dept E J. Emery H. H. Curran A. Men-eghini Iloi lo: Juan PIa, Mgr. Legaspi: M. Zuluaga, Mgr. M. AlhaIadejo, Ass't. Mgr. Agencies : Isthmian Steamship Company The Glen Line Limited Swedish East Asiatic Co., Ltd. Swedish American Line Home Insurance Co. of New York Manufacturers Life Ins. Co.

A. M. Macleod, Vice-Pres.

P. L. Mapa, Vice-Pres. Col. F. HadsoJI, Dh.. Nicolas Lizal'cs, Dir. Antonio Roxas, Dir-Tl"eas. T. J. Wolff, Dir. J. H. Sampson, Dir. International Export & Import Co.-Importers and Exporters-General Mel'chats-Po O. Box 1943-Tel. 47087-CahIe Address: HINTEX"_210 Juan Luna, Binondo. Isaac Rechtcl'. Josef Rechter. Boris S. Gurevich. INTERNATIONAL FLORAL SHOPFlorists and Decorators-Tel. 55880412-414 Taft Ave., Ermita. F. Hilario, Prop. & Mgt'. International Glassware-Glassware Deal~ ers-Tel. 26491-385 Echague, Quiapo. Chua Tao, Prop. INTERNATIONAL IIARVESTER CO. OF PJDLJPPJNES - Exporters and Importers; Manila Hemp and Mague,y; Insurance and Steamship Agents-Motor Trucks - Tractors - Agricultural Implements. Addresses : Export and Steamship Departments- P. O. Box 308, Marsman Bldg., Port Area, Tel. 24702. Machinery and Motor Truck Departments -Po O. Box 2498, 154 Marques de Comilias, Ermita. Tel. 22285.-Cable Addresses: General "MACLEODCO", Shipping "SHIPMAC", Machinery "HARVESTER" . N. H . Duckworth, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. S. E. Knowles, Ass't. Gen. Mgr. O. J. Zwonecheck, Auditor. E. O. Cogan, Mgr. Export Dept. J. C. Littig, Mgr. SS. Dept. R. J. Elfstrom, Mgr. Machy. Dept. A. D. Settemher, Mgr. Truck Dept. O. C. Roehr, Mg1'. Industrial Equipment Dept. Mal'sman Building: F. Guettinger J. F. Tomkins

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INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE - Private School-Po O. Box 2023-Cable Address: "INTERNIST"-218 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Dr. F. Duque Miraflor, Director. International Investmenfs, Inc.-Stock Brokers-P. O. Box 960-Tel. 21989-224 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Alfonso Z. Sycip, Pres. C. S. See, Mgr. International Marine Contractors, Philippine and Australian - 119 Nepomuceno, Tondo. Manuel Castino Josue, Pres. International News Service-Po O. Box 457 _ Te1. 23610 - Cable Address: "INTERNEws"-Free Press Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Frederic S. Marquardt, Manager. International Oil Factory (Refer to Cheng Ban Yek & Co., Ltd.) Internlltional Printing-Printers, Publishers, TypesettCl·s-Tel. 28529-894 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Gorgonio S. Rangel, Prop. and Mgr. International Publishers, The-Publishers and Booksellers-P. O. Box 2173-Te1. 22979-Cable Address: "INTERPUB"-183 David, Binondo. Sebastian Ugarte, Mgr. Pedro Libranda, Office Manager. INTERNATIONAL SmRT FACTORY -Manufacturers of Men's Apparel-P. O. Box 691-Tels. 25323 and 2500S---144146 General Solano, San Migue1. Angel C. Palanca, Manager. International Tailoring-128 Sta. Potenciana, Intramuros. Pedro Marzan, Prop. and Mgr. International Termite Extermlnation-Exterminators-Tel. 22294-Quinta Market, Quiapo. Wm. Giglow, Mgr. Intertype Agency-Agents for the Intertype Corporation of N. Y.-P. O. Box 1625Te1. 26166-1049 Soler, Santa Cruz. Jose Fernandez Zorrilla, Phil. Dist. Intramuros Hotel-Tel. 25927-239 Real, Intramuros. Ponciano Reyes, Prop. Carlos Reyes, Mgr. Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd.-Diamonds-P. O. Box 1298-Tels. 21680 and 24131-Cable Address: "IPEKDJIAN"-SamaniIlo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jpo Gold Mines, Inc.- Mining-P. O. Box 214-TeI. 24531--4th Floor, Soriano Bldg.,


P laza Cervantes, Binondo. S. Garmezy, President O. A. Boni, Vice-President W. Ick, Director J. C. Vickers, Director A. G. Bellis, Director T. A. Campbell, Hecretary Fleming & Williamson, Ass't. Secretary lra Concepcion, Dr. F. - PhY!5ician - Tel. 27786 - Alberto Bldg., 154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Isaac Bros.-Fire Arm Repairers- Tel. 26011-848 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Joaquin R. Isaac, Manager. Domingo R. Isaac, Asst. Manager. Fernando R. Isaac, Treasurer. Isaac Gun Store-Dealer in Firearms, Ammunitions and Sporting Goods-P. O. Box 2002--Tel. 29851-238 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Antonio V. Isaac, Manager. Pedro S. Isaac, Asst. Manager. Jose Mendoza, Bookkeeper Bonifacio Isaac, Chief Mechanic Atty. Pedro B. Mendoza, Legal Adviser. Isaacs, J. R. C.- Calendars and Advertising Specialties-Po O. Box 2158- Cable Address: "ISAACS"-llOO-F Taft A venue, Malate. Isabela Sugar Company, Inc.-(Isabela Central, 2.480 ton s daily), Isabela, Negros Occidental-Tel. 26824-Cable Address : "Isco"-4th Floor, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cl"uz. Enrique J. C. Montilla, Gen. Mgr. Timoteo Laureano, Ass't. Mgr. Isabel's Beauty Parlor-Tel. 67805-362 (int. 1) G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Generosa Maiigahas, Prop. and Beautician. Milagros Maiigahas, Ass't. Isabel's Beauty Salon-Tel. 24914-340 Espana, Sampaloc. Mrs. Petra Gandiongco. Prop. Isabel's Dress Shop - Dressmaker - Tel. 28518-106 lJegarda, Sampaloc. Isada, C.-Gents Furnishing-200-A Libertad, Pasay, Rizal. Isardas & Co., T.-Dry Goods and Haberdashery - P. O. Box 464 - Tel. 22411Cable Address:. "ISARDAS"-62-68 Escolta, Calvo Bldg., Bmondo. T. Isardas, Prop. and Gen. Mgr. M. T. Isardas, Member. B. T. Isardas, Member. Branches : Iloilo, Cadiz, Victoriaii, Silay, Bacolod, La Carlota, Isabela, Negros Occidental.



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Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha , Inc.-P. O. Box 2029 - Tel. 49712 - Cable Address: "KOZAN"-304 Wil son Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. T. Uewaki, Pres. M. Nakatani, Mgr. and Treas. Ishizu, Dr. O. - Japanese Dentist - Tel. 28086-1221 Tuberias, Quiapo. I sla de Cuba, Inc.-Grocery Wholesale, Retail - Tel. 29281 - 321 E stero Cegado, Sta. Cruz . Francisco Rivera , Gen. Mgr. Antonio Rivera, Ass't. Mgr. I sla Store-Dry Goods Dealers-Tel. 29531 -243 Legarda, Sampaloc. Jose Isla, Prop. and Mgr. Islas Investment Co.-Investments-P. O. Box 159-Tel. 21158-9 San Juan de LetI'an, Intl'amuros. Officers : S. N. Picol'neIl, President. Emeterio Izquierdo, Vice-President and Treas. Fernando Pedroza, Dir. Emeterio Izquierdo, Dir. Gabriel Vivar, Dir. Eduardo Arechavala, Dil'. "Ismar"-De Santos Packing, Inc.-Factory:-Tel. 48172-1957 Juan Luna, Tondo. Office: Tel. 26987-312 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. Isobel's Beauty Salon-Tel. 27287-340 E spana, Sampaloc. Mrs. Petra I nocencio Gandiongco, Prop. I soga i Kaiche-Coal-Tel. 53216- 1117-B Leveriza, Malate. I sogai Kaiche, Mgr. Isthmian Steamship Co. - International Harvester Co. of Philippines, (Formerly Macleod & Co.), Agents-Tel. 24702Marsma n Bldg., Port Area. ISUAN, INCORPORATED-Bottlers I suan Natu r al Mineral Water i Isuan Ginger Ale; Manufacturers Carbonated Beverages-P. O. Box 1587-Tels. 56562 and 57306-Cable Address: " ISUAN" Manila-47 Cri stobal, Paco. Factory: Hot Springs, Los Banos, Laguna. P . S. Page, Acting President. G. J. Burbidge, Manager. Antonio Paid, Secretary. Manuel Martinez, Provincial Inspector. Agents: D.y Buncio & Co., Inc., Cebu. Menzi & Co., Inc., Iloilo. J ohnston Trading Co., Zamboanga. Amadeo Matute, Davao. Tan Ah Sai, Jol o, Sulu.

Branches: Isuan, Inc., Bodega, Dagupan, Pangasinan. Incharge: Irineo L. Chua. I suan, Inc., Bodega, Bacolod, Oec. N egros. Isuan, Inc., Bodega, Baguio, Mt. Provo Incharge: Chan Tay. Bicol Territory:Isuan, Inc., Bodega, P. O. Box 163, Na ga, Camarines Sur. Incharge: Ching Keng. North Mindanao Territory : I sua n, Inc., Bodega, Iligan, Lanao. Incharge : Nicolas Yap. Cagayan Valley Territory: Agent: Antonio Abad, Tuguegarao. Agency: Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc., 100 E. 42nd St., New York City. ITOGON MINING COMPANY - Mines at Sangilo, !togon, Mountain Province. General Managers: Marsman & Company, Inc. - Tel. 2-32-32 - Marsman Building, Port Area. J . H. Marsman, President. Mary A. Marsman, (Mrs.) Vice President. Benj . S. Ohn ick, Vice President. H. M. Cavender, Vice President. Manuel Camus, Director. Ernest Heybroek, Director. Alf Welhaven, Director. E. E . Wing, Treasurer, C. E. Strait, Ass't. Treasurer. A. Prismal1, Ass't. Treasurer. M. H. O'Malley, Secretary. Geo. C. Dankwerth, Ass't. Secretary. A. L. Velilla, Ass't. Secretary. IWAI &:: CO., LTD.-General Exporters and Importers-Bui1ding Materials, Piece Goods an d Canned Goods-P. O. Box 2024 - Tels. 23184 & 24796-4th Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. T. Soneda, Manager. IXL Mining Company-Gold Mining Company-P. O. Box 579-Tels. 23124 to 27, 23470 and 24157-Cable Address: "WARNERMIN" Manila - 4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Don Andres Soriano, Pres. V. H . Masefield, Vice-Pres. A. M. Macleod, Dir. and Treas. Don Ramon Fernandez, Dir. Clyde A. DeWitt, Dir. P . L. Mapa, Dir. J . H. Sampson, Dir.



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Jabellana, Arsenio R.-Life In surance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Cable Add res s: I NSULIFE Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jacinto, M.-Piano Tuner-Tel. 25566716 Bamhang, Sta. Cruz. Jacinto, Dr. Nieanor - Physician - Tel. 48106-1029 P laza Leon XIII, Tondo. Jacinto Rubber Company-Manufacturers of Rubber Shoes and Mechanical Rubber Goods-P. O. Box 2394 Manila-Tel. Dial 40 ar..d ask operator for Cal. 3ll-Cable Address: "DAYLIGHT" - Grace Park, Calooean, Rizal. Hermogenes Jacinto, General Manager. Arturo Jacinto, Ass't. Gen. Manager. Perfecto Jacinto, Technical Adviser. Ricardo Jacinto, Treasurer. Alfredo Jacinto, Factory Manager. Fernando Jacinto, Production Mgr. Jose Jacinto, Sales Manager. Miguel Arambulo, Chief Accountant. Jacobo & Sons-Law Books-Tel. 25552601 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binondo. Leocadio Jacobo, Prop. and Mgr. .JAEGER, HERMANN-Agents and Importers-Po O. Box 3018-Tel. 24164456 Dasmarifias, Binondo. .JAI-ALAI CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES-Tel. 24801-214 Taft Avenue, Ermita. Juan M. Elizalde, President. Jose Trillo, Secretary. C. Barahona, Treasurer. Directoi~s : Vicente Madrigal. M. S. Kestler. Teodoro Jauregui. Haig Assadourian. H . J. Belden. Ricardo Desca ls. Manuel N ieto. Jose Razon. General Managers: Haig Ass!ldourian. Teodoro Jauregui. (See Adve'rUsement )

Jalbuena, Benito V. - Real Estate - Tel. 23l76-Room 605, Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Jamero & Sons, G. J.-Insurance & Real Estate-426-430 Evangelista, Quiapo.

James Bros.-Radio Repairers-Tel. 56065 -304 A . Mabini, El'mita. Charl es James. Jamol'a, Dr. Ricardo B.-Dentist-Tel. 29006-Rool11 206, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Cor. Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Janda, Robel't-Lawyer-Te1 . 21327-Rm. 414 National Ci t y Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Jane Arden's Ladies Dormitory- T el. 24630 -670 Tanduay, Quiapo. Ora. Soledad Valera, Prop. Jao Chiu How- Leather Store-464 Nueva, Binondo. Jao Chiu How, Mgr . . J ao Con San & Co. - Lace Store - Tel. 27934-207 San Vicente, Binando. Jao Tiaoco & Co.-Umbrella Factory-Tel. 47539-222-224-226 Carvajal, Binondo. Hao Kee Long, Mgr. Jap Lee - Blacksmith - Tel. 46115 -748 R~ina Regente, Binondo. Jap Lee, Mgr. Jap Yak-Furniture Manufacturer-3l0 T. Alonzo, Sta. Cruz. Lim Tiap, Mgr. Japan Information Bureau-P. O. Box 2766 -TeI.2588l-841 Lepanto, Sampaloc. Hideo Yamanouchi. Japan Tourist Bureau-P. O. Box 2621Tel. 24043-Cable Address: "TETUDOSYO" -Suite 117 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo . Yosio Sudo, Manager. Japanese Ass'n. of Manila, Inc.-Tel. 21513 -Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Japanese Barber Shop-344 Carriedo, Sta Cruz. Toyo Fujivoshi, Prop. Japanese Box Factory-Box Manufacturer -Te1. 27730-2136 Azcarraga, Quiapo. R. Yokota, Mgr. Japanese: Consul General- Tel. 47938-S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. (Refer to Miscellaneous Section under: Consular Representatives). Japanese General Hospital-Tel. 24015831 Lepanto, Sampaioc. Dr. Cesar Maloles, Acting Director. Dr. Pedro Concepcion, Obstetrician. K . Amano, Mgr. Japanese Hardware Co.-Hardware Dealers, Retail-Tel. 49218-605 Azc31'raga, Tondo. H. Fujimoto, Mgr. N. Tuason, Ass't. Mgr.


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Japanese Language School-Tel. 25881-841 Lepanto, Sampaloc. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Japanese Pharmacy - Druggist - Tel. 26353-612 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Jose S. Banes, Pharm. Japson Drug Store- Tel. 49065~309 Moriones, Tando. Dr. Vicente Japson, Prop. Rosario Japson, Phal'm. Japson, Dr. Vicente - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 49065-309 Moriones, Tando. Jaraiz, Misut y Cia.-Lumber Dealer-P. O. Box 1146. Tel. 49698-706 San Fernando, San Nicolas. J araiz Misut, Mgr. JARDIN DE IUODAS-DressmakingTel. 28478-2272 Azcal'l'aga, Sampaloc. Carmen Concha Lualhati, PI'Op. and Cutter. Java-China-Japan Lijn N. V. - Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents-Marsman Bldg., Port Area. Java Pacific Line - Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc., Agents-Tels. 21521, 21522 and 21523-3rd Floor, Tra de & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Javier, Benedicto M. - Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public- Tel. 21387-225 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. C. P. Natividad, Asst. Attorney. Jose M. M':malo, Asst. Attorney. Vicente G. Javier, Asst. Attorney. Javier, Candelaria - Shirt Maker - Tel. 48805-1071 Padre Chavez, Tondo. Jazmines, Jorge V. - Lawyer - P. O. Box 1659-Tel. 21572- Sixth Floor, Room 603, Trade & Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. JEAN BISSON ENTERPRISES, INC_ -Advertising and Marketing CounselTels. 28550 and 21957 - Cable Address: "JAMBISSON"-Misericordia corner Espeleta, St."\.. Cruz. Alfred J. Stahl, Pres. F. Nuguid, Vice-Pres. M. Vinarao, Art Director. P. Leonardo, Engraving Dept. F. Francisco, Publications Dept. Jeanne D' Arc Home Ladies DormitoryTel. 21249-110 Magallanes, Intramuros. Mrs. Lui sa de Arguelles, Prop. Jeru salem Bazar-General Pi-ece Goods-P. O. Box 2701-Tel. 48736-Cable Address: "ASSADBAZAR"-745-747 Tabora, San Nicolas. Salim Assad, Partner.

Jacob Assad, Partner. Felix Assad, Partner. Antonio Assad, Partner. Branch: Davao City, Davao. Jesswani & Co., C. D.-Wholesale and Retail Silk Mercha nts-P. O. Box 1860Tel. 47105-CabJ e Address: "JESSWANI"Head Office: 550 Reina Regent.e, Binondo. T. D. Jesswani, Gen. Mgl·. and Prop. Jesu s, Clemente de, Successor of Pedro de Jesus e Hijo - Marble Workers - Tel. 28434-704 R. Hidalgo. Quiapo. Clemente de Jesus, Mgr. Jesus, Dr. Jose S. de- Dental SurgeonTel. 28053- 504 (State Bldg.) Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Jesus, Rogelio de - Philippine Postage Stamps for Collections and Philatelic Supplies-P. O. Box 1220- Tel. 22357-391 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Jimenez Dental Laboratory-Tel. 25642Room 22, Arguelles Bldg., 619 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Marcelo A. Jimenez, Jr., Dental Prosthetist. Jimenez Home Service Mechanic and Auto Repairing - Auto-Rep3iring Shop -707 Tayuman. Sta. Cruz. A. M. Jimenez, Prop. Jimenez, Leoncio C.-Lawyer-Tel. 27507Room 205, State Bldg. Annex, Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. .. J can Lau!ldr,y -200 Magallanes, Intramuros. Maria P. Pascual, Prop. and Mgr. . Joaquin Chan Chico & Co., Ltd. (See Chan Chico & Co., Ltd., Joaquin). Joaquin, Silvino-General Merchant--Tel. 26540-352 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Joaquin-Gutierrez, Dr. A. G.-PhysicianTel. 66114-1477 Dapitan Ext., Sampaloc Jocson, Dr. Alfredo M. - Physician - Tel. 57111-303 A. Flores, Ermita. Johnson-Pickett Rope Company-Manufacturers of Cordage, Rope and Twine-P. O. Box 1457- Tel s. 56628 and 54400Cable Address: HpICKETROPE" - No.2, Crisiobal, Paco. E. C. Ross, Pres. Charles A . Pickett, Gen. Mgr. John A. Pickett, Treas. J. S . Herranz, Sales Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. M. N. Cachola, Accountant. E . R. Bryan, Plant Supt. Agent: Victor Johnson & Co., 140 Spear Street, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.



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Johnson, R. M.-Sul'veyol', American Bureau of Shipping-Po O. Box 983-Toel. 23833-12th and Atlanta Sts., Port Area. Miss Virginia Hipolito, Sec'y. Jok Dian Chong (Yu Seng Gee)-Egg Dealer-Tel. 24252-423 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Tan Yam, Mgr. Jok Tek & Company-Farmer's Implements Made-to-Order-Iron and Brass Casting Works, etc.-Tel. 48984-613 E1cano, San Nicolas. Sy En, Manager. Branch Shop: Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Tel. Dial 40 ask operator for Cal. 33l. JOLO LE~IA (Dos Bermunas) BAR & RESTAURANT - Tel. 26343 - 2010 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Mr. & Mrs. Jose G. Lopez, Prop. Jones, J. W.-Plumber-P. O. Box 839Tel. 21882-312 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. John W. Jones, Sr. Gen. Mgr. John W. Jones, Jr. Ass't. Mgr. Jorge, Dr. Nemesio G.-Physician-Te1. 66243-40 Kalahi (Punta), Santa Ana. Jose, Mrs. Ambrosia G.-Gravel and SandTel. 49123-1728 Juan Luna, Tondo. Jose, Angel Viuda e Hijos de (See Viuda e Hijos ae Angel Jose) Jose, Isidro-General Merchant-Tel. 27058 -615 Requesens, Santa Cruz. . Jose Laurel, Tiong Chui Giong-Dry Goods Dealers-Wholesale and Retail-Head Office: Tel. 22126-121 Nueva, Binondo. Branch: Tel. 26387-110 Nueva, Binondo., Dr. Pedro J.,-Ootometrist and Optician-Tel. 48813-306 Laong Nasa Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. Jose Rizal College-Po O. Box 2402-Tel. 22936-1063 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Vicente Fabella, Dean. Jose V. Hernandez, Dir. Cayetano Halili, Registrar. Jose D. Warren, Sec'y. Jose Tailoring, Prudencio - Tailor -1424 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Prudencio Jose, Prop. and Cutter. Jose y Santiago, Dr. Jose-Physician-Tel. 21486-379 A viles, San Miguel. Josefina's Beauty Parlor-Beauty Shop622 Madrid, San Nicolas. Joseph Bros.-Theatre Supply-Po O. Box 2922-Tel. 23838-Cable Address: "JOSEPco"-R-501 State Bldg. Annex, Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lazarus G. Joseph, Gen. Mgr. George L. Joseph, Mgr.

Joseph, Dr. Edward B.-Physician-Surgeon -Tel. 28745-456 Dasmarifias, Binondo. JOSEPIDNE'S- Wholesale and Retail J eweIer-Tel. 28415-169 Escolta Corner Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. Josefina Mantelo de Francisco, Prop. Josefina Francisco, Asst. Mgr. Josephine's Beauty Shop-Tel. 27347-260 M. Earnshaw, Sampaloc. Miss Josefina Rodriguez, Prop. and Heautician. Josephine's Dress Shop-Dressmak,a r-Tel. 54179-202 Nebraska, Ermita. Mrs. Josefina Palmares, Prop. J os.pho Studio-Tel. 24677-206-208 C~ys­ tal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Liberato Poblador, Prop. Jovita's Fashion-Dressmaker-1917 Berran, Paco. Jovita Dequito, Prop. J oya, Mariano H. de-Lawyer-Tel. 23505 -Fifth Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. JOYERIA DE MAXIMA LAPERAL DE GUZMAN-Importers of Diamonds and Pearls-Wholesalre and Retail J ewelers-Tel. 21907-850-852 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Esteban de Guzman, Gen. Mgr. Branch: Manila Jewelry Store-Tel. 26991-38 Plaza Mora"g a, Binondo. Miss Roberta de Guzman, Ass't. Manager. Joyeria Nakpj}-Jeweler-Te1. 21252-325 Barbosa, Quiapo. Julia Nakpil, Prop. HJoyeria-Plateria y Agencia de Em~fios de Pedro Cruz"-Jeweler and Pawn Broker-Tel. 22277-312 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Pedro Cruz, Prop. Mrs. Basilia A. de Cruz, Gen. Mgr. Juachon & Co .• J. B.-Importers-Optical Instruments, Office and School Supplies, Optical Goods, Jewelry, etc.-Photo Supplies and Novelties-P. O. Box 571-204 Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. D. B. Juachon. J uachon, Dr. Jose Ma.-Optometl'ist-204 Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Juan de la Cruz Beauty Saloon-Tel. 24280 -4th Floor, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Grace D. Lagman, Prop. and Mgr.

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Juan de la Cruz Studio--PhotographersP. O. Box 1008-Tel. 24280-4th Floor, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Rogelio Lagman, Prop. and Mgr. Juan Luna Subdivision, Inc.-Real Estate - Tel. 27754 - 230 David, Binondo, Branch Office; S. del Rosario and North Bay Boulevard, Tondo. Tel. 47478. Juateo, Dr. Benvenuto T.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 23323-513 Trabajo, Sampalaeo Juliets School of Fashion-Dressmakers121 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Juliana Guevara, Prop. and Dil'. J unction Bakery-Tel. 55364-----2601 Henan, Sta. Ana. Ines SiOSOll, Prop. Junction Restaurant-Cafetel'ia- Tel. 54659 -2625 Herran, Sta. Ana. Alejandro Go Tiongco, Prop. Junette's Shoppe - Designer and Ladies Tailor-Tel. 57058-238 Alhambra, El'mita. Juanita Valdezco, Prop. Junsay, Dr. Francisco D.-Dental Surgeon (First Lieutenant, OSR, P .A.)-Tel. 25096-0ffice Hours: 2:00 to 7:00 P.M. -712 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Juson Tailoring, F.-Tailor-1020 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Fermin M. Juson, Cutter and Designer.

K K. L. M. Royal Dutch Air Lines-Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents-Marsman Bld~., Port Area. K. N. 1. L. M. Royal Netherlands Indies Airways-Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents-Marsman Bldg., Port Area. K. P. M. Line - Eastern & Philippines Shipping Agencies, Ltd., Agents-Marsman Bldg., Port Area. K-Z-I-B-Radio Broadcasting-P. O. Box 440-Tel. 23243-Cable Address : "BECK" -Atop th2 Maritima Bldg., Juan Luna and Dasma.riiias, Binondo. I. Beck, Inc., Prop. and Operators. Harry A. Naftaly, General Manager. Al Naftaly, Studio Manager. S. Hernandez, Director Dialect Pgms. A. Francisco, Chief Studio Technician. S. Carpi so, Asst. Technician. Ira Davis, Chid Announcer. John Darley, Announcer. Encarna Guterres, Announcer. Norman Reyes, Announcer.

TRANSMITTING STATION at Novaliches. Tel. Dial 40 and ask operater for Cal. 571. B. F. Ramos, Chief Operator. A. Rodriguez, Assistant Operator. Nick Locillo, Assistant Operator. K - Z - R - F' - Radio FlIipinas - (Far Eastern Broadcasting Co., Owners and Operators)-Radio Broadcasting-P. O. Box 283-Tels. 21132 and 21133-Cable Address: HFEB"_Top Floor Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jorge L. Araneta, President. J. Amado Araneta, Vice-President and Treasurer. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Managing Director. Fred Da Silva, Studio Manager and Chief Technician. K-Z-R-R-(The Volee of the PhlIippinell}-Radio Broadcasting-P. O. Box 119- Tel. 24186 -Top Floor, Heacock Bldg., 120-130 Escolta and David, Binondo. B. H. Silen, Manager. K-Z-R-~I- Radio Manila (Far Eastern Broadcasting Co., Owners and Operators)-Radio Broadcasting-P. 6. Box 283-Tels. 21132 and 21133-Cable Address: "FEB"-Top Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jorge L. Araneta, President. J. Amado Araneta, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Dr. Carlos P. Romulo, Managing Director. Fred Da Silva, Studio Manager and Chief Technician. K-Z-U-M-(Mohlle Unit of the Far Eastern Broadcasting Co.) -Radio Broadcasting Station-Po O. Box 283Tel. 21132 and 21133-Cable Address: "FEB"-Top Flc.or Insular Life Building, Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Jorge L. Araneta, President. J. Amado Araneta, Vice-Pres. & Treasurer. Dr. · Carlos P. Romulo, Managing Director. Fred Da Silva, Studio Manager & Chief Technician. Kabankalan Sugar Co., Inc.-(Bearin Central, 750 Tons daily), Manila Office: P. O. Box 124-Tel. 22848-Cable Address: "KABANSUGAR"-32 EI Hogar Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondoj Kabankalan, Negros Occidental. .

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Tirso Lizarraga, Pres. Pascual Pagola. Vice-Pres. E. Vazquez-Prada, Director. Felipe Fernandez, Director. Abdon Yturmendi, Treasurer. Natalio Garcia, Secretary. Kabayan Central Mines, Inc.-Mining-p. O. Box 1074-Tels. 23031 and 23032Rooms 328-329, Perez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Administrative Officers: Board of Directors: Vicente Lopez H. Gilhouser J. V. Bagtas J. Gonzalez F. A. Delgado A. P. Navarro Jose Velasco Executive Officers: Vicente Lopez, Pres. J. V. Bagtas, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Jose Velasco, Sec'y.-Treas. Katigting, Dr. Leonardo D.-Physician and Surgeon - P . O. Box 2984 - Tels. 24448 and 24449 - R. F. Navarro Bldg., 180 David, Binondo. Kaethe Hauser School Inc.-Dancing School -Tel. 56554-811 Taft Ave., Malate. Mrs. Kaethe Hauser, Directress. Kahirup Studio-Photographers-Tel. 22688 -678 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. 8ra. P. T. de Teodoro. Kai Ming Press-Printers-Tel. 49289-817 -819 Narra, Tondo. Ching Quiat Tao, Prop. KAIRUZ SHIRT FAcrORY - Shirt Manufacturers and Haberdashers-Tel. 26964 - Cable Address: "KAIRUZ" - 601 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Factory: 531 F. B. Harrison, Pasay-Tel. 51169. Kairuz Brothers, Proprietors. Branches: Iloilo, Cebu, Ilocos Provs., Dagupan. Kajita-Building Contractor-Tel. 27412250 Gral. Solano, San Miguel. Y. Kajita, Mgr. K2.kigawa & Maeda - Contractors and Builders - Tel. 25169 - 391 Tanduay, Quiapo. Takeshi Kakigawa. Haruichi Maeda. Kalayaan Publication, Inc.-Publishers of Newspapers UKalayaan" and Kaluwasan" -Po O. Box 1719-Tel. 27426-Cable Address: "KALAYAAN" -1048 Soler Sta. Cruz. Kam Wah Yuen-Tailoring-837 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Quen Fu, Prop. Kamantigue, Jacinto M. - Lawyer - Tel. 27308-456 Dasmarii1as, Binondo.

Kamimul'a, K.-Masseur-Tel. 25067-446 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Kanaoka, T .-Contl'actor-Tel. 27906-325 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Kane, E. M.-Apartment House-Tel. 56874 -247 Alhambra, Ermita. Kang Lam-Exchange Brokers-Tel. 49097 -410 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ty Kong Tek, Mgr. Kang Say Glassware-Tel. 28596--744 San Bernardo, Sta. Cruz. Kay Say, Mgr. KanIa-on Hotel- Tel. 21439-1089 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Mrs. Catalina Torres, Prop. Kansas Motor Works, Inc.-Tels. 56817 and 57490-594 Kansas Ave. Cor. California, Erm ita. Ramon Lobregat. Kapalaran Engineering Works & .Co.-Vaciador and Oxy-Acetylene Weldmg-Tel. 47583-964-966 Azcarraga, Binondo. Rafael H. Chico, Pres. D. S. Alincastre, Mgr. Kapalaran Candy Factory-Candy Manufacturers-1029-1032 Divisoria Market, San Nicolas. Maximino Layog, Prop. Karaan Marcelo P . -Lawyer-Tel. 49092 -5th' Floor, China Bank Bldg., Dasmarii1as and Juan Luna, Binondo. KARMA BEAUTY SALON - Beauty Parlor-Tel. 57516-814 A. Mabini, Malate. Mrs. Remedios Bayot Reyes, Prop. Karolchuck, Marion M.-Construction Engineer and Building Contractor - Tel. 24154-Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Kasarinlan- Slipper and Shoe Making749-A Dart, Paco. Dionicia S. Sanchez, Prop. Kashima Bicycle Store - Bicycle Supply Dealers - Tel. 47439 - 623 Azcarraga, Tondo. Tamayoshi Kashima, Prop. Kashmir Silk Store - (Gehimal Hemandas & Co.)-Silk Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-Importers of Silk and Cotton Goods P. O. Box 3135-Tel. 48409-Cable Address: "LA KSHMI"-Pasilio Z, No.3. Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Gehimal Hema ndas, Prop. Kasilawan Press-Pri nters-Tel. 570661001 San Marcelino, Malate. Luis de los Santos, Prop. Katigbak, Alberto L.-Lawlfer-P. O. Box 3367-Tel. 49712--307 Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo.


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Katigbak, Dr. Jose R. - Physician - Tel. 26365-470 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. Katigbak Tire Service-Vulcanizing-Tel. 52967-3994 Taft Avenue Ext., Pasay, Rizal. Felino Katigbak, Prop. Katubusan-Cigal' and Cigarette Factory -Po O. Box 892-Tels. 49524 General Manager and 49575 Sales Dept.-Cable Address : HKATUBUSAN"-501 Clavel CDI'. Barcelona, San Nicolas. Manuel V. Gallego, Pres. Dr. Ramon Ongsiako, Mgr. Ignacio de Leon, Cashier and Treas. Ramon Mallari, See'y. Estanislao Prudente, Accountant. Nicanor T. Pagdanganan, Atty. Mateo Robles, Chief Agent. Katubusan Theater-Cinematograph-Tel. 47858- · Plaza MOl'iones and Franco, Ton do. Juan de Dios, Mgl'. Kaw Chuan Soap Factory. Pascual- Tel . 49635-1020 Comel'cio, San Nicolas. P. Kaw Chuan, Prop. Kaw Tong-Importer and Exporter-P. O. Box 96-Tel. 47533-513 Nueva, Binondo. Ang Tek Bo, Mgr. Kawakami, T.-Resta urant-Te1. 24374205 Real, Intramuros. Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha-Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc., Agents-Tels. 21521. 21522 and 21523-Third Floor, Trad~ and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Kawata, T.-Contractor and Building-Tel. 67013-Calle Pulog, Quezon City. Kay-Dore Gown Shoppe-Importers-Ladies W·e ar-Tel. 56891-399 A. Mabini, Ermita. Mrs. Sophie Hirschberg, Prop. Kay Ming Press-Pri nters and Boo~binders -Tel. 49289-819 Nana, Tondo. Ching Kiat Tao, Prop. and Mgr. K'e-The Gift Shop-Glassware, Curios, Imported Vases, Costumes J'e welry - Tel. 57116-404 A. Mabini, Ermita. Mrs. Max Kummer, Prop. Kee Chian-General Merchant-Novelties Tel. 49324-83 Rosario, Binondo. Kee Chian, Prop. Kee Suy Box Factory-Tel. 48938-913 San Nicolas, San Nicolas. Keesey, Joseph Louis-Lawyer- Tel. 22404 -7th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Oervantes, Binondo. Keh, Benito-Dry Goods-Tel. 48154-Tabora, San Nicolas.

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KELLER & CO., LTD., ED. A.-P. O. Box 313-Tels. 48549, 48602, 48981 and 49155 - Cable Address: "EDAKELLER"Wise Bldg., 178 Juan LUlla, Binondo. Head Office:· Zurich (Switzerland) . Branch Office: Hongkong. W. M. Keller, President, (Zurich). G. Woessner, Resident Manager. J. O. Bessmer, Resi dent Manager. C. Blum. A. Peter. E. Marschall. John Mittner. F. Periquet. Mrs. E. Bandmann. J. Roelli, Jr. Pablo Ruiz de AIda . Agencies: Phoenix Assurance Co., Ltd. of Lon don. Samarang Sea and Fire Insurance Co. (Acquired by the Sun Insura nce Office, Ltd.), London. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, U. S. A. Switzerland General Insurance Company, Ltd., Zurich. Kelling, Inc., C.-General Merchants and Fire and Marine Insurance Agents-P. O. Box 412--Tel. 48910-Cable Address: "RENATE"-42 Dasmarinas, Binondo. C. Kelling, Pres., and Gen Mgr. Kellog & Sons (Philippines). Inc., Spencer (See Spencer Kellog & Sons (Philippines), Inc.). Kellogg Steamship Corporation-Shipping Agentr--P. O. Box 2383- Tel. 67552Tomas Claudio, Pandacan. Kentucky Cafe-Saloon-Tel. 23826-318 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. J. D. Mosby, Prop. Kenwood Hotel- Tel. 21477 -1099 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. ". Capt. W. E . W il son, Prop. Kephart, E. E . S.-Correspondent, United States Steel Export Co., New YorkTel. 23238 - Trade & Commerce Bldg., i23 Juan Luna, Binondo. Ker & Co., Ltd.,-Importers and Exporters - Po O. Box 312-Tels. 22409, 22410 and 22430-Cable Address: "KER"-10 Callejon San Gabriel, Binondo. J. W. Howells, Vice-President. W. C. Naismith, Director. G. C. Brown, Director. G. M. Alexander, Director (Iloilo). I. Cameron, Director (Davao). E. G. Rivers. D. J. Watson. S. E. Maxwell. J. del Castillo.


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Kerr Steamship Company, Inc. -Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc., Agents - Tels. 21521, 21522 and 21523 - Third Floor, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Keys. H . H .-Architectr-Tel. 26320-181 David. Binondo. M. G. Molina, Architect. A. Onrubia, Architect. Miss Roberta Robin son, Secretary. Kho Chee Seng- Gla sswarc DenIers- Tel. 29304--217 Nueva, Binondo. Kho Chee Seng, Mgr. Kho Sy Chu-Exchange Broker-P. O. Box 1005-TeI. 48190- 440 Santo Cristo, . San Nicolas. Khubchand Kishinchand & Co.-Silk and Cotton Dealers- Tel. 48077-241 Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Khubchand Hiranand, Mgr. Ki Guan- Grocery Dealer-Tel. 54581653-1 Dart, Paco. Ki Guan, Mgr. Kiam Bee Exchange-Brokers, ExchangeP. O. Box 1208-Tel. 49707-809 Jabone1'05, San Ni colas. Antonio Roxas Chua, Manager. Kiam Du Sing-Blacksmith- Tel. 48498926 Azcarraga, Tondo. Kiam Lam & Go Kim Pah-General Merchants - Tel. 49642 - 116 Hormiga, Binondo. Go Kim Pah, Managing Partner. Kiam Tek & Co.- Glassware Dealer-Tel. 47272-222 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Kian Bee-Dr¥ Goods Dealers-Tel. 47461. - 224 Rosario, Binondo. Kian Guan Gravel and Sand - Dealers in Building Materials-Tel. 26148-424-426 Gandara, Binondo. Wang Ong, Prop. and Mgr. Kian Hua-Dry Goods Dealers, Wholesale and Importers-P. O. Box 540-Tel. 48891 -188-190 Rosario, Binondo. Tan Pee, Mgr. Kian Hua Exchange- Exchange Broker-P. O. Box 316- Tel. 47088-239 Ongpin. Binondo. Tan Taw, Mgr. Kian Seng- Importer and Exporter-P. O. Box 2418-Tel. 46114-323 Sto. Cristo, San Nicola s. Kiang Tong & Co.- Dr,y Goods DealersTel. 47894-176 Rosat'io, Binondo. Ngo Ka Tio, Mgr. Kian Uan-Grocery Dealers-Tel. 54574606 Dart, Paco. Kian Uan.

Kiang Sing- Gunny Sacks Manufacturer s and Dealers-P. O. Box 2273- Tel. 48058 - 926-928-930 Jabonel'os, Sa n Nicola s. Siy Uy, Mgt'. Kiao An Exchange- P. O. Box 3276-Tel. 48098-230 Rosario, Binondo. See Chin Juat, Mgr. Kiao Thong - Immigration Broker - Tel. 49988- 130 HOl'miga, Binondo. Kiat An- Jeweler-Tel. 48160- 422 Nueva , Binondo. Kieng Guan - Dry Goods Dealers Wholesale-Po o. Box 1989-Tel. 48588-535 Nueva, Binondo. So Hao Sioc, Mgr. Kiko Electrical Service and Auto SupplyTel. 25905-1007 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Francisco MaUari, Prop. and Mgr. Kim Bee-Foundry Shop- Makers of Brass, Bronze and Iron Castings-Tel. 47575226 Azcarraga, San Nicolas. Jose Ang, Mgr. Kim Chiong- Importer s, Dry Goods Dealers , Retail- P. O. Box 2175- TeI. 48007-488 Nueva, Binondo. Kim Chong Tin- Grocery Dealer-Tel. 26672-352 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Kim Chong, Mgr. Kim Chuan Soy Factory- Tel. Dial 40 and a sk operator for Cal. 380- 9 Francisco, Calaanan, Caloocan, Rizal. . Kim Chuan, Prop. and Mgr. Kim Chun Hardware-Hardware Dealers707 Dart, Paco. Kek Kok Khai, Manager. Kim Hong Glassware-Glass and Mirror Dealers-Tel. 49236-362-364 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ong Chong Son, Mgr. Kim Hop Juat - Blacksmith Shop - Tel. 25490- 734 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Kim Hop J uat, Prop. and Mgr. Kim Hua Machinery Shop- Tel. 48833801 San Nicola s, San Nicolas. Lao Tan, Prop. and Mgr. Kim Hua Rice Store- Tel. 48745- 1125 M. de Santos, San Ni colas. Kim K-ee Chua & Co., Inc.-Sugar Dealers and Merchants-Tel. 49707-809 J aboneros, San Nicola s. Chua Yu, Manager. Kim Ki Grocery- Importers of Fancy Groceries-Wholesale and Retail-Tcls. 24177 and 26650-122 Villalobos, Quiapo. Ko Pioco, Prop. Ko Bun Ping, Mgr. Kim Lam Chiong-Hat Store WholesaleTel. 47626-404 Ongpin, Binondo. Chua Pue, Mgr.



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Kim Leng - Mirror Glasses-Artistic Picture Framing-Te1. 25670-136 Villalobos. Quiapo. Co Tek, Prop. Kim Sin-Shirt Manufacturing-Tel. 47816 -166 Rosario, Binondo. Que Yu Lee, Prop. Kim Sing Grocery-Grocers, Retail-1635 Henan, Paea. Co Che, Prop. Kim Sing Grocery-Tel. 48793-549 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. Chua Sua, Prop. Kim Tong Hing & Co.-Manufacturers of Farmers Implements & General Merchants-Tel. 48173-529 Elcano, San Nicolas. Kim Tong Heng, Prop. Chua Lay, Part. Chua Kim Sing, Manager. Kim Yek Foundry Shop-Iron FoundryTel. 48979-323 Camba. San Nicolas. Ang Kuo. Kin Sing, Tan Chaco & Co.-Dry Goods Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-52 Rosario, Binondo. Tan Chaco, Prop. and Mgr. King Edward Shoe Store, The-Shoe Maker and Repa.irer-411 Ongpin, Binondo. Jesus F. Gloria. KING HIAP lONG - Mirror FactoryGlass Showcase Manufacturers - Glass Contractors-P. O. Box 3139-Tel. 49922 -403-405-407 Salazar, Binondo. King Hang, Mgr. King Hiap Seng Gla ss Supply-Tel. 49976 -711 Ilaya, Tondo. King Hiap Seng, Prop. K:'ng, Dr. Paz G. - Physicia.n-SurgeonTel. 48001-303 Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarinas, B:nondo. King Tai Guan - General Broker - Tel. 47898-P. O. Box 2710-256 Juan Luna, Binondo. King Ti-eng, Dl'.-Physician-Surgeon-Tel. 27769-459 Dasmariiias, Binondo. King Trading Corporation-Import and Export-P. O. Box 3228-Tel. 22627Cable Address: KITco-114 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Wally King, Pres. F. Madarang, Sec'y.-Treas. F. Lusk, Gen. Mgr. King's Hotel & Restaurant-Tel. 22832127-129 Isaac Peral, Ermita. Vee Kit, Manager. Kinkwa Meriyasu Co., P . I., Inc.-Manufacturers of Undershirts and Importers of Cotton Textiles - P. O. Box 1461-

Tels. Undershirt Dept. 49051 i Piece Goods Dept. 47619; Made Up Goods Dept. 47448; Shipping and Delivel'짜: 49938; Mgr. and Accountant: 49592-Cable Address: "KITAJIMA" and "KINKWAMERIYAsu" - 525-543 Azcarraga, near Tabora, Tondo. Factory: Tel. 67996 - Varadero de Punta, Sta. Ana. S. Kitajima, Mgr. Kirako Restaurant-Tel. 29490-107 Barbosa, Quiapo. Kawamato, Prop. Kirin Bar-Saloon-Tel. 26352-310 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Kishina Store-Silk Merchant-Tel. 47813 -62 Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Kishinchand Dil'dhdas, Mgr. Kison, Com'ado L.-Lawyer-Tel. 224047th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Klasson, Dr. J. C.-Dentist-P. O. Box 2835 -Tel. 21078-404 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Kneedler Realty Co.-Rentals-Tel. 24384 -Cable Address : "KNEEDL"&R"-Bay View Hotel, Isaac Peral, Ermita. H. D. Kneedler, Pres. H. M. Kneedler, Vice-Pres. Miss E . L. Boswell, Sec'lf. and Treas. Knickerbocker Hotel & Restaurant - Tel. 24480-721 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Luke Pak, Prop. Knight Fashion Tailoring, The-529 Evan~ gelista, Quiapo. Pedro de Guzman, Prop. KNIGHT RADIO SERVICE & SUPPLY-Repair a nd Sale of Radios-P. O. Box 761-Te1. 56169-No. 1 Chul'ruca, Cor. San Luis, Ermita. Manuel Herman, Manager. E. Dizon, Mechanic. M. Tariga, Mechanic. Knights of Columbus-Tel. 57485-407 Perez, Paco. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Knox Shoe Factor;y-Tel. 68143-102 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Julio Gregorio, Prop. and Mgr. Ko Li Hardware Co.-Hardware DealersWholesale and Retail-Tel. 48459-159 Rosario, Binondo. Ong Bin Kiu, Mgr. Ko Pao--Grocery Dealer-Tel. 25204-322 Nueva, Binondo. Ko Pao, Mgr. Koa King Lun-Commission Agent-P. O. Box 2813-Tel. 25667-116 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz.

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Kobe Bazaar-Direct Importers of Cotton and Fancy Goods, Glassware, Enamelware and Porcelain- Wholesale-Po O. Box 1259-Main Office and Store : Tel. 21274-Cable Address: "KOBEBAZAR"-236 Chica, Sta. Cruz. G. Kobayashi, Prop. KOBE MABINE & LANU PRODUCTS TRADING CO., LTD.- Importers and Wholesal'e Dealers-P. O. Box 1122-Tel. 47026-Cable Address: " KAIRIKU"-150160 Juan Luna, Binondo. K. Ikeuchi, Manager. J. Tanaka, Asst. Manager. Kodak Philippines, Ltd.-Photographic Supplioes-Distributors for the Philippines for Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A.-P. O. Box 296-Tel. 21647Cable Address: "KODAK"-434 Dasmarifias, Binondo. \V. P. Lane, Mgr. A. J. Jurgenssen. H. J. Heesch. Chas. Perry. Kodak Repairer - Kodak and 'W atch Repairing-1529 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Fernando Baterna, Prop. Koh & Koh-Law Office-Po O. Box 419Tel. 48155-266 Juan Luna, Binondo. Francisco L. Koh, Lawyer. Filemon Koh, Lawyer. Koken's Barber Shop-Beauty Parlor-Tel. 23008-104 Echague, Sta. Cruz. M . C. Villanueva, Prop. Delly Geronimo, Cash ier. KoUerman, Madame E.-French School of Costume Designing and DressmakingTel. 56269-2 Nebraska Corner San Luis, Ermita. Kong Ben Trading Corporation-Fil ms Distribution-P.. O. Box 2166-Te1. 47989 -Tan Club Bidg., 3rd Floor, 521 Ongpin, Binondo. Uy Qui Tek, Mgr. KONG HUA EXCHANGE - P. O. Box 1703 - Tel. 49168 - 340 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Sy Siao, Mgr. Kong Hua Trading- Importers and Exporters-Po O. Box 1241-Tel. 48081Cable Address: "KONG HUA" - 914 San Nicolas, San Nicolas. D.y Liao, Proprietor. Kong Li Po, Th'e -Pioneer Chines.~ DailyP. O. Box 148 - Tel. 48357 - Cable Addres3: "KONGLIPO"-430 Salazar, Binondo. Te Kin Hua, Pres. Yu Bon Liong, Business Mgr. Tu Ying, Mang'g. Editor.

Kong Ling Hotel & Panciteria- Tel. 24876 -300 Calle Tamba"can, Sta. Cruz. Kong, Ralph F.-Lawyer-Tel. 23723Room 229, Perez SamaniJIo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Koon Teck Chan-Importers of Canned Goods-P. O. Box 1649-Tel. 47962-233 Ongpin, Binondo. Haw Chu Kee, Mgr. KOPPEL (PHILIPPINES), INCORP. - Railway Material. Machinery and Supplies-P. O. Box 189-Tel. 49895-Cable Address: "KOPPELRAIL"-75, San Nicolas. A. H. Bishop, Vice-Pres. KOSTER, INC., GEORGE EDWARDEngineering, Construction-P, O. Box 3357-Tels. 66288, 67931 and 67566Cable Address: "KosTERAcH"-King Albert St., Mandaluyong, Rizal (Off Shaw Blvd.) George Edward Koster. Donald H. Wythe. Vivencio Antonio, Civil Engineer. Manuel Francisco, Civil Engineer. Manuel Jaramillo, Civil Engineer. Gonzalo Balagtas, Architect. Alfonso Macapinlac. Rafael Hidalgo. Adolfo V cllguth. Gaudioso p.erez. Miss Olive Chacarrategui. Miss Jromana Teves. Miss Celia Altonaga. Miss Juanita Tall ey. Juan Espejo. Guillermo Eleazar. Ricardo Tello. Koyo Bazar-Tel. 55259-714 Dart, Paco. F. Tominuki, Prop. and Mgr. Kraut Novelties & Advertising AgencyTel. 22127-943 Raon, Quiapo. M. Kraut. Kriedt Printing Co. - Printing; Bookbinding and Engraving-P. O. Box S59-Tel. 22959-Bulletin Bldg., 650 Evangelista, corner Raon, Quiapo. Gerhard W . Kriedt. Prop. William Herbert Case, Supt. Edith Case, Accountant. Krishna Silk Store-Silk Merchants-P. O. Box 938-Tel. 49077-Cable Address: "INDIACOMCO"-729 Tabora, San Nicolas. Dayaram Dandoomal, Prop. and Mgr. Kuan Low & Co.-Importers and Exporters -Po O. Box 69-Tel. 22178-417 Poblete, Binondo. • Kuan Low, Mgr.


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KUENZLE &0 STREIFF, INC.- ManilaCebu-Iloilo·Zamboanga-General Importers, Exporters and Insurance Agents-P. O. Box 301-Tels. 23935, 23936, 23937, 23938, 23939 and 23929-Cable Address: "KUENZLE"-343-347 T. Pinpin, Binondo. A. P. Kuenzle, President. Harry A. Streiff, Vice-President. A. Jung, Treasurer. G. Pluess. F. Rein. C. Bosshard. M. Klingler. G. Cattaneo. A. Huber. A. Schatzmann. M. Triaca. H.R. Spruengli. Cebu: J. Lurie. Iloilo: A. M. Selg. Zamboanga: H. Spruengli. H. Rieth. S. Meili. Agencies: Sun Insurance Office (Fire, Marine, Motorcar and Accident). Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Baloise Fire Insurance Co., Basle. Basil an Lumber Co" Inc., Port-Holland. Yankee Polish Co., New York. J . A. Carp's Garenfabrieken, Hclmond. (Holland). • Parfums Cheramy, Paris. Parfumerie Houbigant, Paris. A. G. Vonn B. Siegfried. Zofingen. Chemische Fabrik A. Maschmeijer, Jr., Amsterdam. Tanquel'ay, Gordon & Co., Ltd., London "Gordon's Dry Gin". James Buchanan & Co., Ltd., Glasgow and London "Black & White 'Whisky" John Robertson & Son, Ltd., Dundee. "Robertson's Whisky". Charles Heidsieck Champagnes, Reims. France. Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd., \Valkerville, Ontario, Canada - "Canadian Club" Whisky. ' Robert McNish & Co., Ltd., Glasgow"McNish's, Whiskies". Francisco Cinzano & Cia., Torino"Cinzano Vermouth." J as. Hennessy & Co., Cognac-"Hennessy Brandy." Les Fils de P. Bardinet, BordeauxjjBardinet French Liquers". Pabst Blue Ribbon Bee» & Tonic, Chi., Ill.

KUMMER &0 COMINS-Textiles-P. O. Box 1484 - Tel. 49089 - Cable Address: "KuMMER"-189 Juan Luna, Binondo. Max Kummer. H. Bischoff. Sole Agents for: Cannon Mills. Inc., New York. William L. Barrell Co., New York. Philips' Glowlampworks, Ltd., Eindhoven, Holland. American Bleached Goods Co., Inc., New York. Turner Halsey Export Corporation, New York. Kummer, Comins & Co., Inc., New York. Kummer & Company. Max-Stock and Bond Brokers-P. O. Box 1458-Tels. 21527 and 21528-Cable Address: "KUMMER"-189 Juan Luna, Binondo. Max Kummer, Managing Partner. Martin Ohaus. Partner. M. C. Cruz, Office Clerk. Kung Hung Store-Grocery Dealers-Tel. 56331-552 Dart, Paco. Cua Kho, Prop. Kwan Go & Co.-Importers, Exporters and General Merchants-P. O. Box 2973-Tel. 26276-471 Dasmarifias, Binondo. J. C. Kwan, Mgr. Kwong Chai Tong-Drug Store-Po O. Box 950-Tel. 23620-425 Dasmariiias, Binondo. ' \'ong Ah Yong, Prop. Kwong Cheong Lun-Groceries- Tel. 22865 -2 Orozco, Sta. Cruz. Lee Liam, Prop. and Mgr. Kwong Chui Yuen-(Kuan Low & Co.)Import and Export-P. O. Box 69-Tel. 22178-417 Poblete, Binondo. Kuan Low, Mgr. Kwong Hing (Ko Pao) -Grocery DeaJersWholesale and Retail, Exporters - Tel. 25204-322-324 Nueva, Binondo. Ko Pao, Mgr. Kwong Hing Cheong (Lo Mun Kwok and Co.) - Rattan Furniture Manufacturers -Po O. Box 2271- Tel. 25365-309-311 T. Pinpin, Binondo. George Lo, Part. Lo Chun. Part. Kwong Hi ng Lung- Furniture Dealer-Tel. 27296-512 Dasmarifias, Binondo. La Yam, Prop. Lo Fo, Mgr. Kwong Kian Chan- Toyo and Sauce Manufacturer-Tel. 68562-22 Riverside, San Juan, Rizal. Chan Ching, Mgr.

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA

Business Helpers Standard Desk Aids

For Quick and clear impresslOns use Signet INKS-

For speed and savings in time and

money ,


use Le Page's PASTES, GLUE



F o)' safe at all dealers and at 101-103 Escolta

Philippine Education Co., Inc. Distributors M a nil a , Philip p ines




LEUNG YEE, Proprie tor B uilders of M otor B oats, Launches, Lorchas, Wooden Scows Steel Lighters, and All K inds of Iron Works



1397 PUreza In t. San ta Mesa, (Nat. De v. Co. Compo und) Sa mpa ioc, M a nila

The House Of Your Confidence Distrib u tors of


and NERS Sw iss Watches of Merit Nat iona lly a d vertised Am e rica n W a tch es are a l so o n sa le Diam ond J ewelry- Ring Mountings B aptism al and B aby Dresses Gift Goods- T ablewares and Clocks 604 Ri zal Avenue




Kwong Lee Chan - Toyo Sauce Manufacturers-Te1. 26032-4 San Francisco, La Loma, Quezon City. Kwong Me Chan-Manufacturers of Toyo Sauce, Soy Oil and Vinegar Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 1103Tel. 47663-440-442 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Wong Lam, Mgr. Kwong Mee Woo-Furniture Factory- 533 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Chiong Wee, Mgr. Kwong On Tai- Grocer- Tel. 25654-517519 T. Alon so, Sta. Cruz. Lee Heng, Mgr. Kwong On Wo-Tailor- 80S. San Fernando, San Nicolas. Tan Chan, Prop. Kwong Shing Yuen-Toyo Factory- Tel. 68426-17 Riverside, San Juan, Rizal. Lee Hing, Prop. Th!. 25654. Kwong Sun Liong-Furniture Manufacturer and Dealer-Contractor and Manufacturer of Hou sehold and Office Furniture, Store Equipment-Office Tel. 26286-333337 T. Pinpin, Binondo--Factory Tel. 21459-640 Soler, Santa Cruz. Wong Tang, Proprietor. Kwong Tong Chong Furniture - 594-596 Gandara, Binondo. Kwong Tong Chong, Mgr. Kwong Wing Lung Grocery-(Wong Choc & Co.)-Wholesale and RetaiJ Groceries and Liquors-P. O. Box 1021-Tel. 57286 -1443-1447 Henan, Paco. Wong Choc, Mgr. Kwong Yee Kwock-Dol'mitory- Tel. 25237 -433 Bermuda, Sta. Cruz. Heon Ho, Ass't. Mgr. Kwong Yuen Fong - Importer, Wholesale and Retail Grocer-P. O. Box 1090- Tel. 26047-489 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Kwong Go, Prop. and Mgr.

L L V N PICTURES, INC.- Motion Picture Producers- Tel. 68853-8 Central Boulevard, Quezon City. Dona Narcisa Vda. de Leon, Pres. & Treas. Atty. Nicanor Sison, Secretary. Luis de Leon, General Manager. Gumersindo Buencamino, Studio Supt. Dominador de Jesus, Asst. Studio Supt. Marciano de Guzman, Accountant. Arturo Memije, Cashier. Jeremias Tecson, Chief Clerk. Gerardo Manuel, Booker.

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La Absolucion-Builders Material Dealers -Tel. 52317-1241 Azcarraga, Tondo. Agapito B. Andal, Mgr. La Alegria y Cia.-Groceries, Liquors and Flour, Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 48912 -435 M. de Binando. San Nicolas. Benito Gonzales, Prop. La Alejandria Cigar and Cigaretta Factory - Cable Address: "ALEJANDRIA" - Tel. 48582- 543 Magdalena, BinoJldo. Gan Tian Si, Prop. Gan Tiam, Mgr. LA AMISTAD--J'ewc}l'Y Store and Watch Repairing-339 Ronqui1lo, Sta. Cruz. U. Q. Reyes, Prop. "La Antorcha"---Jewell'Y Store and watchmaker Hel'vice-Tel. 48050- 549 Azcarraga, Tondo. Federico T. Tabasa, Mgr. and Prop. LA ARItIONIA - Importers - Radio and Phonograph Supplies-Main Office: Tel. 28315-14-16 Plaza Sta. Cruz. Branch Office: Tel. 47281-537 Juan Luna, Binando. Uy Mo Chay, Prop. La Bel1eza-Dressma~rs-1228 Singalong, Malate. La Boda de Oro-Crockery and Glassware Dealer-Tel. 49766-702 Tabora, Tondo. Chua Sim. Prop. La Boda de' Plata-Glassware and General Merchan t -Tel. 28219- 367 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Vicente Uy Chaco, Mgr. La Bota de Oro-Shoe Repairing-387 Juan Luna, Binondo. Socorro Fernandez, Prop. La Buena Suerte-Grocer,y -Tel. 484331047 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Tian Siong, Prop. La Campana Restaurant-P. O. Box 1036Tel. 23323-870-872 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Rufino Halili, Prop. La Campana-Starch Soap Factory-Th!. 67192-Santol Subdivision, Quezon City. Hoc Suy Huat, Mgr. La Casa de la Republica Espanola-P. O. Box 2563-Te!. 53482-Cable Address: CADEL-902 Taft Ave., Malate. Juan L . Campos, Pres. Ignacio Figueras, Sec'y. Jose Con to, Treas. La Ciudad de Nankin-Cigarette Factory - Tel. 48690-414 Salazar, Binondo. Cua Tico Sons, Props. V. M. Cuatico, Mgr.


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La Ciudad de Oro-Dry Goods DealersWholesale and Retail-Tel. 22560-215217 San Vicente, Binondo. Ong Cho 1m, Ong Cho Sian & Co., Props. La Ciudad de Tokio - Glass, Mirror and Art Glass Dealers-P. O. Box 2746-Tel. 21343-343 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Gensaku Shibayama, Prop. La Clementina-Alcohol Distillery (Oentral Azucarera de Tarlac)-P. O. Box 143Tel. 22581-Cable Address: " TABACALERA" -240 Marques' de Comillas, Paco. La Confianza-Blacksmith Shop~Tel. 25033 -750 Ecbague, Quiapo. La Confianza - Retail Goods Dea1ers - 87 Rosario, Binondo. Co Cheng, Prop, and Mgr. "LA. CONFIA.NZA." FURNITUREContractors and Manufacturers of Hardwood Furnitures - Wholesale and Dealers-Tel. 26957-372 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Antonio P. SLY Kiok, Prop. and Mgr. Siy Gui, Ass't. Mgr. La Constructora-Bicycles and Accessories. Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 49131-,')09. 311 Gandara, Binopdo. Yao Bun, Prop. Yao Chiat, Mgr. La Copa (Lo Siong & Co.) -Distillery Alcohol and Liquors-Tel. 48189-929 Magdalena, Tondo. Lo Siang, Manager. Ng Sai. Ass't. Manager. La Dicha-Cigar and Cigarettes-Tel. 49775 -429 Asuncion , San Nicolas. La Economia Furniture Store-Wooden Rattan Furniture Dealer-Tel. 28383317 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Lo Fuk Ke, Prop. La Economia Furniture-Rattan Furniture Manufacturer and Dealer-Tel. 25843516 Dasrnarifias, Binondo. Lo Choon Mon, Prop. \ La Economia Grocery-Tel. 54294-653-J Dart, Paco. Co Che, Prop. La Elegancia Aerated Water Factory Co. - Aerated Water Manufacturers - Tel. 48748-673 Benavides, Binondo. Gregorio Solmente, Mgr. La Elegancia Shop-Modist--2125 Herran, Paco. Nazaria C. del Alcancia, Prop. La Elegancia-Novelties-Tel. 22112-224 San Vicente, Binondo. Tan Eng Nin, Prop. La Espel'anza Bakery-631-633 San Lazaro, Sta. Cruz. Filernon Sabili, Prop.

La Estrella - Bakery and Grocery - Tel. 55392-733 Dart, Paco. Lee Quing, Prop. La Estrella-Cafe-Tel. 49160-559 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Chan Sia, Prop. La Estrella de Filipinas-Cigar and Cigarette Factory-P. O. Box 1128-Tel. 49665 -752 Magdalena, Binondo. Chua Gay, Mgr. Uy Chon~ Yon, Ass't. Mgr. La Estrella de Oro-Candle Manufacturers - Tel. 47390-433 Salazar, Binondo. Pi Bun Kung. Prop. LA. ESTRELLA. DEL NORTE - Levy Hermanos, Inc. - Wholesale and Retail Jewelers. Pharmaceutical Products and Perfumery and General Importers-46-4850 Escolta, Binondo - P. O. Box 273Cable Address: "Evely" - Tel. Store: 21388-0ffices: 27955-Drug Dept. 22938 (Estrella Auto Palace) -536-568 Ganda· ra, Binondo. Mrs. Raphael Levy, Pres. Maxime Levy, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Maurice Kahn O. Baier O. W . Altwegg Andre Bernard Leopoldo Kahn, Jr. A . Delfino La Estrella Dry Cleaning-Dry Cleaners2119 Herran, Paco. Pedro Gomez, PrOD. La Fabiana Fabrica de Chocolate-Chocolate Manufacturers-Tel. 27489-77 Magallanes, Intramuros. Chua Gui, Mgr. La Fantasia Dressmaker - Modist - 1910 Hel'l'an, Paco. Lourdes Sanchez, Prop. La Favorita Grocery-Groceries and Hardware Dealers - Tel. 27082 - 39-41 Blumen tritt, Sta. Cruz. Felisa V da. de Pantangco, Prop. La Filipina - Grocer and W ine Dealers --':' Tel. 26514-524 Echague, Quiapo. Moises Villamaria, Prop. La Filipina-Marble Works-1104 San Fernando, Binondo. Roman Custodio, Prop. and Mgr. La Filipina-Tailors & Shirt Makers-512 J aboneros. San Nicolas. Feliciano F. Reyes, Prop. La Filipina Sash Factory- Window Sash and Door Manufacturers - Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal 35S-7th A venue and M. H. del Pilar, Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal. Juan M. Francisco, Prop. and Mgr.

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La Flo!' de Intal- Cigar Factory - P. O. Box 262- Tel. 47516 - Cable Address: uFlorintal "-31 T~yuman, Tondo. LA FWR DE LA ISABELA- Cigar and Cigarette Factory-Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas - P. O. Box 143Tel. 22581-Cable Address: "TABACALERA" -851 Isaac Peral, Paco. Tomas Fernandez de Castro, Manager. Mariano de Pedro, Sales Dept. La Fortuna Harness-Harness Manufacturers-Tel. 27776-322 Requesens, Sta. Ctuz. Ambrosio Santos, Prop. Lrt FOl·tuna, Inc.- Alcohol Disti1l ery- P. O. Box 2299-Tel. 49652- 0ffice: 360 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas.- Factory: 445 Morioncs , Tondo-Tel. 48021. Dee Chian Hong, Manager. La Fortuna Jewelry- P. O. Box 1377-Tel. 21625- 437-439 Dasmarina s, Binondo. Salomon Salti, Prop. La Fortuna Store - General Store - TeL 51033- 248 Libertad, Pasa y, Rizal. Go Bon Tinet Mgr. Ngo Bao, Prop. La Frescura Venetian Blind ManUfacturing Co. - Manufacturers and Exporters since 1921 of Venetian Blinds and Steel Furniture-Tel. 67389-Cable Address: "LA FRESCURA"-340 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Roberto Enriquez, Manager. fiLa Fruta Filipina"-Dulceria- 1834 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. V da . de Racima, Prop. La Fuerza - Distiller;y - Tel. 49990 - 414 Fundidor, San Nicolas. Lim San, Prop. La Fuerza-Restaurant-503 E stero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. La Fuerza-Shirts and Pants Store-Tel. 49729- 156 Rosario, Binondo. Chua lJeng, Prop. La Fuerza Hardware-Plumbing, Paint and Electric Supplies-Tel. 54117-1696-1698. Gral Luna, Paco. Sy Teng Kee, Prop. and Mgr. La Ganga-Jewelry Store- P o O. Box 1298 -Tel. 24905-Cable Address : "IPEKDJIAN" - 178 David, Binondo. Ipekdjian Brothers, Ltd., Props. La Gloria Bakery-Tel. 46142- 2311 Juan Luna, Tondo. Domingo Ong Chiong, Prop. LA GRANDEZA-YU SO & CO_, INC_ -Cigar and Cigarette Factory- P. O. Box 1536-Tel. 49617-Main Office: 729739 Reina Regente, Binnodo. La Grandeza Hardware - Hardware Dealers-Tel. 49627-700 Azcarraga Corner Juan Luna, Tondo.

"La Granja", Inc. -Distillery. Shipowners and General Merchants-P. O . .Box 1501 - Tel. 26962 - Cable Address: "GRANI" 931 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Juan Llodra, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Rev. Fr. Pablo CalU'en, Vice-Pres. Hermogenes Florentino, Sec'y. Pedro Laddaran. Treas. La Higi ene - Plumbing Contractors Supplies-Tel. 21452-Cable Address : " HIGIE NE"- 54 Orozco, Sta. Cruz. Victorio C. Ortiz, Prop. and Mgr. La Industrial-Chocolate a nd Coffee Manufacturers-P. O. Box 57- Tel. 57740278 Cri stobal, Paco. Porta Pueo y Cia., Props. LA INSULAR CIGAR AND CIGARETTE FACTORY, INC.- Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturers and Exporters - P o O. Box 52- Tels.: General Mgr.Secretary 47557, Sales Manager, 49578, Sales Dept. 49314, Production Dept. 49510 i Purchasing Dept. 49975; Informa t ion 49332-Ca bl e Address : "I NSULAR"20 Plaza Calderon de la Bal'Ca, Binondo. I sidoro F. de Mora, Gen. Manager. Antonio J . Beltra n, Sales Ma nager. A. Pando, Production Manager. La Lira- Pianos and Mu sical Instruments - Po O. Box 339-Tel. 2638B-Cable Address: "ECHEGOYEN" - 303-309 Carriedo, Sta . Cruz. A. Brias. Mgr. A. Abad , Ass't. Mgr. Agencies: Ca rmona y Cia., Iloil o City. M. C. Sanchez, Iloilo. V. F. Cabaraban, Cagayan, Or. Mi s. La Lorna Catholic Cemetery- Tel. 24352La Lorna, Quezon City. La Lema Dairy Farm - Dairy Produce Dealers-Tel. 22805-86 A. Bonif acio Qeuzon City. La Loma Lumbar Co.-Lu mber Dealer sTel. 27464-8 Andres Bonifacio, Quezon City. Dee Hoa Non, Prop. and Mg r. La Lulu- General Merchant -Tel. 47306530-532 Azcarraga, San Nicolas. Victor Gantioqui, Pl'Op. and Mgr. La Luna Clara-Candle ManufacturersTel. 47527- 538 T. Pin pin, Binondo. Tan Coo, Prop. La Luna Mu sic Store-Manufacturer s of Stringed Mu sical Instruments--411 Ongpin, Binondo. Eulogio Manuel, Prop. Maximo Manuel.



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"LA ~IA6DALENA" BAKEIlY-Bakers and Coffee Dealers-Tel. 22889-16351641 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Andres Grimalt, Sr., Prop. Luis del Castillo, Manager. Andres Grimalt, Jr., Ass't. Manager. Alfonso Grimalt. Ass't. Manager. Antonio Mal'caida, Echague Branch Manager. Ramon Pelayo, Divisoria Branch Manager.

Branches: . 412 Echague, Quiapo-Tel. 22647. 704 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas-Tel. 49855. La Malagueiia Bakery-Tel. 22776-377385 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Gaw Po, Prop. La Mercancia Bazar-Dry Goods DealersTel. 27885-57 Bustillos, Sampaioc. Tomas Tan Heeco, Prop. "La Milagrosa"-Candle Manufactul'erTel. 48350-522 CIa vel, San Nicolas. Aurelia Tl'emonia, Prop. La Moda Manilena-Dl'essmaking Shop231 Real, Intramul'os. R. Salas, Prop. Mrs. Mary S. de Padilla, Proprietress. La Moda Popular (Tan Chin Bo) - Dry Goods Dealers-Tel. 27034-227-229 San Vicente, Binondo. La Moderna Filipina-Tul'ning Lathe Shop - 757 Juan Luna, Tondo. Jose Bacani, Prop. La Moderna Sastreria - Tailoring - T el. 28163-74-76 San Marcelino, Ermita. Teodora Sombrano, Prop. La Naviera Filipina, Inc.-Everett Steamship Corporation, Agents-223 Dasmarinas, Binondo. La Nobleza Cigar & Cigarette Mfg. Co.Manufacturers and Exporters-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator Cal 424-Cable Address: " LANOBLEZA"-60 A. Mabini, Caloocan, Rizal. LA NUEVA EClJANA - Jewelry and Watches-Po O. Box 2324-Tel. 28279604 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. T. Elvina, Gen. Mgr. Mrs. E. A. D. Elvina, Ass't. Mgr. T. Elvina, Jr. P. A. Dionicio, Accountant.

(See Advertisement) La Nueva Fortuna Furniture Store-Furniture Deal ers-Tel. 27641-884 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Macario A. Mic1at, Mgr. and Prop. La Nueva Popular- Dry Goods DealersTel. 47191-168 Rosario, Binondo. Leandro Kuon and Co., Prop.

La 0, Dr. DoJor'Cs G.-Lady PhysicianTel. 48683-211 Ongpin, Room 204, Bi. nondo. La 0, Gabriel-Lawyer- Tel. 49092-502 China Bank Bldg., Dasmarinas, Binondo. La 0, Jose P.-Lawyer-Tel. 49092-502 China Bank Bldg., Dasmarinas, Binondo. LA OPINION - Weekly Publication in Spanish-Po O. Box 3460-Tels. 23485 and 23441-23 San Gabriel and 65 Juan Luna, Binondo. The Indep'e ndent Publishing Co., Inc., Owners and Publishers. David Perez de Tagle, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Eduardo Cardenas, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Gen. Mgr. La Oriental Candy l<'actory-Candy Manu· facturers-Tel. 48212-468 J uan Luna, Binondo. Ching Suy Puy, Mgr. La Pacita Bakery-Tel. 68633-25 Progreso, San Juan, Rizal. Macario Martinez, Prop. and Mgr. La Paieta de Plata- Artists MaterialsCable Address: "MARILUNAIJ-820 Magdalena, Trozo, Tondo. Mrs. Mariana Luna de Ongpin, Prop. Jose Ongpin Luna, Ass't. Mgr. La Palma de Mallorca-Biscuits, Pastries, Chocolates-Hotel and Restaurant--:-P. O. Box 53-Tels. 23359, 23447 and 23350Cable Address: "GALMES"-154 Real, Intramuros. Vda. e Hijos de J uan Galmes, Props. La Parisien-Tailoring and ShirtmakingTel. 26293-614 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Teofila S. Guieb, Prop. La Patria - Bakery - Confectionery and Biscuit Factory; Groceries-P. O. Box 2283-Tel. 29794-Central Office : 635 Legarda, Sampaloc. M. Paglinawan, Prop. Juan Reyes, Mgr. La Paz y Buen Viaje (La Dicha)-Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturcrs-P. O. Box 1666-Tel. 48723-Cable Address: "PAZFACTORy"-429 Asuncion, San Nicolas. Pcter M . Lim, Manager. Francisco Limgenco, Treasurer. La Paz Grocer.y-Flour and Lard Dealers -Po O. Box 530-Tel. 46289-1022 Lavezal'es, San Nicolas. Kaw Hap & Co., Props. LA PEPITA DE ORO-Domestic Sugar Dealer and Importer of General Merchandise-P. O. Box 642-Tel. 497141026 San Nicolas, Binondo. Jose Chusue,y, Prop. and Manager.

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Chu Eng Tek, Ass't. Chu Eng Chiong, Mgr., Manila Branch. Branches : Iloilo City-Main Office. Bacolod, Occidental Negros-Branch. Talisay, Occidental Negros. Valladolid, Occidental Negros. La Perla de la India- Silk Dealers, Exporters and Importers-P. O. Box 3135-Tel. 48597 - Cable Address: "GURDASMAL" 676 Ilaya, Tondo. Gurdasmal Moolchand, Mgr. fiLa Perla," Inc.-Biscuit, Candy, Pastry Factorv and Refreshment Parlor-Tels. 28377 . and 29906-Cable AddTess: "LA PERLA"-228-234 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. San Juan Factor,y -67 Blumentritt, San Juan-T,l. 68947. Alfonso Tiaoqu i Jr., Pres. Fong Sim, Treas. Lui Yuen, Mgr. La Perla Soft Drinks CO.- Aerated Wate r Manufacturer s - Tel. 52769 - 557 F. B. Harrison, Pasay. Rizal. . Song Sim, Mgr. La Petite-Beauty Shop-Tel. 55369-823 Vermont, Malate. Mrs. Zoila del Rosario, Prop. La Petite Paree-Importers-Dresses, Hats and N ovelties-Tel. 57262-C.ble Address: "HIRSCHBERG"-531 A. Mabini, Ermita. Mrs. Sophie Hirschberg, Prop. La Popular- ( Leandro Kuan and Col-Dry Goods Dealers, Wholesale and RetailTel. 25185-225 San Vicente, Binondo. "LA PREVISORA FILIPINA"-Sociedad Mutua de Construcci6n y Prestamos (Mutual Building and Loan Association) -Tels. 24001 and 22329- P. O. Box 1929 - Rooms 326 to 334 Reg ina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Eulogio P. Revilla, Pres. Rafael F. Roces, Vice-Pres. Dr. Augu sto J. D. Cortes, Manager. Celso Icasiano, Sec.-Treas. Nicanor Reyes. Member. Miguel Unson, Member. Canuto Martin, Member. La Proteccion de la Infancia-Tel. 28530851-Lepanto, Sampaloc. (See Miscellaneous Section) La Proveedora, Inc. -Rattan Furniture-P. O. Box 3111- Tel. 24152-Cable Address: RA1'TANAGE-340 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Jose J. Valdes, President. Emilio J. Valdes, Gen. Mgr. Socorro V. Serrano, Sec'y.-Treas. L. J. Valdes, Managel', Manila Office.

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La Prueba Tobacco Co., InC.-Tel. 22843167 Gral. Solano, San Miguel. (Refer to "EI Orien te" ). La Puntualidad-Watchmakers--1108 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Felipe Francisco, Prop. La Pureza Chineleria-Slipper Making541 Evangelista, Sta. Cruz. Manuel Pecson, Prop. "LA REFINERIA" TAN TAY & CO., INC. -Wine Factory - Importers and Exporters- P. O. Box 2464-Tel. 4.9576Head Office: 495 Juan Luna, Bmondo. F actory : 497 Juan Luna. 13inondo. Cebu Branch: P. O. Box 265- 108 PI.Tidel St., Cebu, Cebu. Tan Tay, Gen. Mgr., Manila. Tan Lam, Mgr., Cebu Branch. La Resurrecci6n Chocolate Factory- Chocolate and Coffee Manufacturers-414 Soler, Binondo. .. To Kim Sia- M. E steban, Prop. LA RITENA RESTAURANT - 625-F Dart, Paco. . Fausto Guanlao, Prop. and Mgr . LA ROSARIO DISTILLERY-Wine and Liquor Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1235 Tel. 26505-Cable Address : "BENLEG"1001-1023 R. Hidalgo, Qui.po. Tuason & Legarda, Ltd., Props. Benito Legarda, Mg r. Carmelo Cristi, Mgr., Sales Dept. La Salle E xtension University-Correspondence School- Tel. 57765-515 Colorado, Mal ate. Mrs. L . A. And'erson, Phil. Rep. La Salvacion-Mutual Building and Loan Association- Tel. 24825-406-408 Burke Bldg., 125 Escolta, Binondo. Leoncio B. Monzon, Pres. an d Mgl'. Juan L. Diaz, Treasurer. Ignacio Fernandez, Secretary. La Sampaguita Fashion- Dressmaker-Tel. 49901-58 Soler, Binondo. Marina Yap, Prop. La Seguridad-Jewelers and Watchmakers; -1538 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Damian Crisostomo, Prop. La Simpatica-Slipper Factory-Tel. 49175 -Cable Address: HSIMPATICA"-227 Ongpin, Binondo. Ong Seng, Prop. La Suerte- Ice Drop Factory- 745 Dart, Paeo. Fermin Abella, Prop. La Suerte Bakery-746 Dart, Paeo. Tin Yi en Guan, Prop. and Mgt'. La Suerte Destileria- Tel. 49303-530 AI~ varado, Binondo. Song Fo, Mgr.

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La Suerte Hardware-Tel. 55743-808 Dart, Paco. La Suerte Sash Factory-Window Sash Manufacturers-906-908 Juan Luna, Tondo. "La Suiza "-Bakers and ConfectionersTel. 23105-173 Real, Intramuros. Miguel Pons, Prop. La Sultana Bakery-Bakers and Confectioners-Tel. 56661-653 Dart, Paco. Juan N. Mayo!. L:l Sultana Coffee and Chocolate FactoryTel. 27950-1539 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Aboitiz and Co., Inc., Prop. LA TONDENA, INC.-Distillery and Re· finery of Alcohol and Liquors-P. O. Box 691-Tels. 24733 and 25323-Cable Address: "TONDENA" - 618 - 630 Echague, Quiapo. Carlos Palanca, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Angel C. Palanca, Ass't. Mgr. and Treas. Joaquin Uy, Vice-Treasurer & Chief. Import Dept. Benjamin Castaneda, Accountant. La Union-Dry Goods Dealers, Retail-1444 Herran, Paco. O. C. An, Prop. "LA URBANA"-Building and Loan Association-P. O. Bo~ 138-Tel. 22015Cable Address: "ANABRu"-Banco Hipotecario Bldg., 3 to 9 Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Enrique Vazquez Prada, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Tirso Lizarraga, First Vice-Pres. Manuel N. Tuason, g.econd Vice-Pres. Genaro Barretto, Treasurer. G. M. Bridgeford, Director. Eduardo Roxas Gargollo, Director. Antonio Brias Roxas, Director. Fernando Garcia, Director. Carlos Perez Rubio, Director. Luis Garcia Aldeguer, Secretary. Pedro Escalambre, Accountant. La Valliere-Cosmetics-Toilet Preparations-Hair Dressings-Dentifrice-P. O. Box l03S-Tel. 24089-Cable Address: "FARENTOR"-870-872 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Rufino HaHli, Manager. LA VANGUARDIA-(The TVT Publishing Corporation, P\Jblishers) Afternoon Daily in Spanish-Independent Filipino Newspaper-P. O. Box 775-Tel. 21134Cable Address: "VANGUARDIA" - TVT Building, F. Torres, Sta. Cruz. Alejandro Roces, President. Alejandro Roces, Jr., Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.

Joaquin Roces, Treasurer. Rafael P . Roces, Business Manager. Manuel Villa-Real, Director. Francisco Rodriguez, News Editor. La Verdad-Wholesale and Retail Groceries -Wines and Liquors-Tel. 49673-520 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. La Verdad-Silversmith, Jewelers and Dry Goods Dealers-Tel. 47321-825 Folgueras, Tondo. Maria C. de Guzman, Mgr. La Villa de Modas-Dry Goods DealersTel. 22560-201-205 San Vicente, Binondo . LA YEBANA CO., INC.-Cigar and Cigarette Factory-P. O. Box 442-Tels. 22595. 22596, 21190 and 24438-Cable Address: "YEBANA"-57 Gastambide, Sampalae. Enrique Carrion, President. Jose M. Lumbreras, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Manager. Boris Kachanovsky, Sales Mgr. Jose R. Vergara, Secretary. Labo Motor Lode Corpol·ation-Mining..:.... P. O. Box 1219-Tel. 21602-213 Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. LABOR UNIONS (See Miscellaneous Section) . Laboratorio Arguelles, Inc. (Arguelles Laboratory) - Clinical and Bacteriological Laboratory-Serums, Vaccines and Gland Products-Lic. No. 1 Biologic Products Board, Phil. Gov't. - Tel. 21061- 800 Raon, corner Quezon Avenue, Quiapo. Manuel V. Arguelles, M.D., Manager. Laboratorio Dermoterapico Quintos-Dermotological and Beauty Preparations-Po O. Box 2108 - Tel. 22761-176 Real, Intramuros. Dr. Arturo L. Quintos, Prop. Laboratorio Guzman - Pathological Laboratory-Tel. 26408-325 Kneedler Bldg., Carl'iedo, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Ariston de Guzman. Laboratorio Insular de Arambulo Products, Inc.-(See Arambulo Products, Inc.) Laboratorio 'Tolentino--Druggists, RetailTel. 52167-428 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Dr. Gregorio G. Delgado. Lacsamana, Dr. Prospero T. - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 27543-Room 301, Margarita David Bldg., Azcarraga, Cor. Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lacson College-Private School-Tels. 23179 and 24109-138 Bustillos, Sampaloc. Dr. Ricardo C. Lacson, President. Atty. Pedro S. Nacu, Comptroller. Venancio H. B-enetua, Registrar.

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Dr. Emilio M. Javier, Dean, College of Liberal Arts. Amparo Fernandez-Gonzales, Principal, Normal School. Ricardo P. Garcia. Secretar.y, CoUege of Liberal Arts, High School, Principal. _ Zosima C. Ella, Principal, High School, Sampaloc Unit. Lacson and Nacu-Lawyers-P. O. Box 3376-Tel. 28013-226-228 Regina Bldg_, Escolta, Binondo. R. C. Lacson. P. S. Nacu. Lacson & Sons, M.-Tailoring-1209 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Manuel Lacson, Prop. and Mgr. Ladaga, Mario--Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: INSULIFE--Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Ladao, Dr. J.--Dentist-Tel. 22269-Rooms 208-210, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. C[UZ. Lad es Emporium-Ladies Accessories and ildren Apparel-P. O. Box 2096-Tel. 29568-Cable Address: "PRIASSBRO"-53 Escolta, Binondo. Motiram K. Jagtiani, Mgr. Ladies' Favorite Styles-Tailor-323 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. Elisa M . Reyes, Prop. Ladies Ideal Home-Tel. 22128-341 Legarda, Sampaloc. Miss Lorenza Veneracion, Prop. Ladies Institute of French Fashion-Fashion School-1613 (Upstairs) Herran, Paco. Ladies Modes - Dressmakers - 1215 Riza1 Ave., Sta. Cruz. E. H. Layson, Prop. Lagdameo, Ernesto V.-Ship Broker-Tel. 22633-16 Escolta, Binondo. Lagdameo, Dr. Ignacio - Dentist - Tel. 25038-158 San Marcelino, Ermita. Laguna Grocery (Kim Sing) - Grocery Dealers - Tel. 48793 - 549 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Co Sua. Mgr. Laguna Rope Factory-P. O. Box 80S-Tel. 48096-366 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas-Factory : Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Co Chi Cheong, Mgr. Laguna Sugar Corp. - Tel. 23081 - Cable Address: "SOROX", Manila - 5th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Andres Soriano, President. John R. Schultz, Vice-President and Treasurer.


A. M. Madeod, Vice-President. Arturo FanIo, Secretary. Laguna-Tayahas Bus Co.-Transportation -Tel. 48767-313 Azcarraga, Tondo. Martin Olson, Mgr. Andres Santos, Station Agent. Laguna Traders, Inc. - Importers and Exporters-Po O. Box 2141-Tel. 22224Cable Address: "CRUZABu-Room 431, SamaniUo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Mauricio Cruz, Pres. Laguna Water Power Co., Inc.-Hydroelectric Power and Ice Plant-po O. Box 871 - Tel. 22770 - Cable Address: "LAwAPo"-314 Cal'riedo, Sta. Cruz. Lahoz, Dr. Manuel - Physician-Surgeon P. O. Box 1795-Tel. 22943-Room 216, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Santa Cruz. Lai Look Tailoring-Tailor-73 M. H del Pilar, Ermita. Lai Look, Prop. and Cutter. Lakambini Ladies Fashion-Dressmaker442-A Taft Ave., Ermita. Mrs. Antonia V. Sebastian, Dean. Lam Bee & Co.-Dry Goods and Dealers-Tel. 49780-477 Nueva. Bmondo. Ong Chui, Mgr. Ang Beng Uh, Asst. Mgr. Lam Chiong & Co.-General MerchantsImporters-Tel. 48737-473 Nueva, Binondo. Loo Uy Choan, Mgr. Lam Chiong Exchange & Co.-P. O. Box 12 -Tel. 49546-913 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Ang Cho Ya, Mgr. Lam Chun Drug Store-Druggists, Retail -Tel. 48957-565 SOO. Cirsto, San Nicolas. Lam Lion~ Company, Inc.-General Merchants-Tel. 49983-825 Dagupan, Tondo. Lam Tay Co., Inc.-Exporters, Importers and Furnitures-P. O. Box 2677-TeI. 24262-Cable Address: "LAMTAY"-324328 T . Pinpin', Binondo. Ngo Juy, Mgr. Lam Tong-Importer and Exporter-Dry Goods Dealer-Tel. 47547-P. O. Box 89 -453-455 Nueva. Binondo. Lamar Beauty Salon-Hairdresser-Tel. 27723-1622 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Eufrocina U. de Leon, Prop. Lambert Sales Co., Inc.-Embro~dery Manufacturers-P. O. Box 1460-Tel. 57486 - Cable Address: "LAMSALES" -1453 Gral. Luna, Ermita. U. S. Office: 670 Vernon St., Oakland, Calif. IRon J. Lambert, Pres. L. George Lambert, Mgr. U. S. Office. F. A. Aguipo, Mgr. Manila.


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Lamevar FUl'niture-Ful'nitul'e DealersTel. 28208---567 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Teodol'ico Lampal'io, Gen. Mgr. Martin Evaristo. Esteban Evaristo. Land Surveys alld Registration, lnc.-Surveyors-Tel. 22108-1138 Tayabas, Santa

Cruz. F'ernando F. Yapcinco, Pres. and Gen.

Mgr. Arsenio Dizon y Feliciano, Vice-Pres. and Treas. Ernesto Dizon, Acct. Landahl & . Co., Inc., A. - Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Textiles-P.O. Box 1282-Tel . 49364-Cable Address: "ARLANDA u_IS9 Juan Luna, Binondo. A. Land::o.hl, Pres. R. Landahl, Vice-Pr~s. and Treas. A. Abad. Assistant. J. Blanch, Bacolod Branch. LANDAUL, INC., JOlIN-Importers of Textiles, Hardware, Sundries and Machinery. Groceries-P. O. Box 1392-Tels. 48331-47587-Cable Address: "LANDIRON" -Codas: Western Union, A. B. C. 5th Impr. Lieber's 5-Letter, Mosse Code and Supplement, Oriental 3-Letter Code, Schofield 3-Letter Code-132 Juan Luna, Binondo. John LandahI, Pres. Edgar Krohn, Vice-Pres. and Treac: M. Rasch, Manager. L. Zapf, Rheinmetall Dept. L. Schmitt (Cebu Branch). Ignacio Roncesvalles, Secretary. Sole Agents for: RheinmetaU-B 0 r s i g, (Typewriters) Sommerda, Germany. Standard Light Co., Frankfurt a.M., Germany. Landicho, Mrs. E. G.-Dressmaker-257 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Antonio Landicho, Prop. Lanuza, Jose - Filling Contractor - P. O. Box 1534-Tel. 48896-347 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lao, Apolonio K.-Lace Dealer-Tel. 25503 -112 Nueva, Binondo. Lao Gan-Grocery Dealer-Tel. 48995-930 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Lao Gan, Mgr. Lao Hiap Seng-Rice and Corn Dealer-Tel. 21172- 545 Echague, Quiapo. Lao Hiap 8'eng, Mgr. Lao Hoo & Company-Genel'al Merchants - Main Office: P. O. Box 50, Catbalogan, Samar.

Lao Hoo, Manager. Manila Branch: 605 Jlaya, Binondo. Tel. 47309. Lao Jiap Seng-Rice Dealer-Tel. 21172546 Echague, Quiapo. Lao Jiap Sehg and Co., Mgrs. Lao Kiem Hun-Drugs and Perfume Dealer-Tel. 48243-944-946 Jaboneros, San Nicolas. Lao Kiem Hun, Prop. Lao, Marcela-Native Cloth-211 Carvajal, Binondo. Lao Say Foundries-Tel. 49288-1020 Narra, Tondo. Lao Say, Prop. TAO Shing-Ship Repairers and Boat Builders-P. O. Box 2517-1'e1. 49465-115 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Lao Shing, Mgr. Laong Mithi-Hat Maker-1421 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Sabino Valdez, Prop. Laong Nasa, Inc.-Tel. 48813-Room 305, Laong Nasa Bldg., 850 Antonio Rivera, Tondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) LAPERAL, VICTORINA 6. DE - Importers of Diamonds and Pearls-Manufacturing' Jewelers-Tel. 24260-P. O. Box 1710 - Cable Address: HLAPERAL"Codes Used: A. B. C. 5th Edition and Bentley's - Laperul Bldg., 853-855 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Roberto Laperal, Mgr. Laperal de Guzman, Maxima-Importers of Diamonds and P earls - Wholesale and Retail Jewclers· Tel. 21907-850-852 Rizal Ave., Stu. Cruz. Esteban de Guzman, Mgr. Branch: Manila J-cwelry Store-Tel. 26991-38 Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Miss Roberta de Guzman, Ass't. Mgr. Laquindanum-Civil Engineer-P. O. Box 1795-Tel. 22942-Rpom 216, Kneedler Bldg., Cal'riedo, Santa Cruz. Lara, Dr. Florencio--Physician I),nd Surgeon-Tel. 67086-260 Stu. Mesa, Sampaloc. Lara, Dr. Hilario--Physician- Tel. 5118966 Maholo, Pasay, Rizal. Lara, Natividad de - Dressmaker - Tel. 47388-1230 Azcarraga, Binondo. Natividad de Lara. Lara Optical Company-Manufacturing and lmporting Opticians-Tel. 26754-Cable Address: "LAopco.-Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Cipriano Lara, Retinoscopist Eye-

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Sight Specialist. Optometrist and Lavides, Fl'ancisco-Lawyer-Te1. 24991Optician, Gen. Mgr. Rm. 232 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Luz V. Lara, Ass't. Mgr. and Treas. Law Union and Rock Ins. Co., Ltd.-WarLeonor V. Lara, Acc't. and Sec'y. ner, Barnes & Co., Ltd., General Agents Cipriano V. L&.ra, Jr. Mechanical Op- Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binon_ tician. do. Feliciano L. Cruz, Mech. Grinder. Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Co., The -Po O. Box 449-Tel. 21584- Cable AdLarion, Dr. Luis C.- Physician- Tel. 67956 -90 Domingo Santiago, Sampaloc. dress: "LAWCOPuB"-428-432 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Las Joyas de Filipinas-J ew21l'Y StoreG. G. Lyman, Mgr. 1619 Herran, Paco. Quintin Legaspi, Prop. Lawyers' Journal-P. O. Box l111-TeL 57343-Editorial and Business Offices: Las Pinas Lime and Tile Factory-Manu1181 Pennsylvania, Malate. facturers of Lime, Tile and Bricks-Tel. Vicente J. Francisco, Editor and Pub25452-301 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin lisher. Cor. E scolta, Binondo-Factory: Las PiSisenando VilI aluz. Managing Editor. nas, Rizal. Lincoln M. Tesalona, Circulation Mgr. E . A. Defante, Prop. and Mgr. Laxamana Fashion Art-Tailor-Tel. 28755 Lasala, G. G.-Book-sel ler-546 Tanduay, - 1049 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Quiapo. J ulioLaxamana, Prop. Last Long Shoe Store, The---Shoe Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-215-217 Gandara, Laxamana, Dr. G. S.-Physician-SurgeonTel. 22263- 2nd Floor, Padilla Bldg., 428 Binondo. Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Lastex Cement Paint-Cement Wash Paint Lay Ping-Drugs and Perfumes-Tel. 47667 -Po O. Box 1936-Tel. 24089-Cable Ad-423 T . Pinpin, Binondo. dress: "FARENTOR"-870-872 Rizal AveLay Ping, Prop. nue, Santa Cruz. Layag, Felino S.-Life In surance UnderRufino Halili, Manager. writer of the [nsular Life Assurance Co., LAUCHEN6CO, DR. LUIS-PhysicianLtd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable P. O. Box 1813-Res. Tel. 26530-0ffice Address: INSULIFE-Third Floor, Insular Tel. 25022-Lack & Davis Bldg., 110 Life Bldg., Plaza M,oraga, Binondo. Echague, Sta. Cruz. Tailoring, Feliciano-Tailor-427 Laysico Laun, A.-Army and Navy Tailoring-Tel. G. Tuason, Sampaloc. 27193-96 R'C al, Intramuros. Feliciano Laysico, Prop. and Cutter. A. Laun, Prop. and Mgr. Lazaro, Gregorio--Plumber- Tel. 49248Launer Installment Hou se - Furniture 245 Moriones, Tondo. Dealers-Tel. 27420-717 Evangelista, Sta. Cruz. Lazaro, Leonardo B.-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance N. J . Lopez, Manager. Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Laurel, Dr. Fabian M.-Dentist-1629 (Upstairs) Henan, Paco. Cable Address: INSULIFE-Third Floor Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Bi~ Laurel Fashion-Tailoring-187 G. Tuason, nondo. Sampaloc. Lazaro's Gowns-Ladies' Tailor-Tel. 57061 D. A. Laurel, Prop. -455 A. Mabini, Ermita. Laurel, Jr., Jose B.-Lawyer-P. O. Box Carlos Lazaro, Prop. and Designer. 56G-Tel. 23261-6th Floor, Cu Unjieng Lazatin, Dr. M. M.-Physician and Surgeon Bldg., T. Pinpin, COl'. Escolta, Binondo. -Res. Tel. 51609: Office: 25867-202 Laurel's Fashion Academy-DressmakingRegina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. 1631 Herran, Paco. Ligaya M. Laurel, Prop. Le Bon Ton-Dressmaking and Millinery1037 Arlegui, Quiapo. Lauritsen Co., Inc., B. M. - Embroidery Maria de Ll anderal, Prop. Manufacturers - P. O. Box 503 - Tel. 56868 - Cable Address: "LAURITSEN"- LE GOUR~IET - Restaurant and Tea 613 Gonzales, Ermita. Room-Tel. 22558-127 Crystal Arcade B. M. Lauritsen, Pres. Corner San Vicente, Binondo. G. P. Ovsoff, Mgr. Mrs. Violeta L. Gutierrez, Prop. Reuben Margulies, Ass't. Mgr. Le Monde Pharmacal Laboratory - Tel. Laus, Dr. Ester-Physician-1435 (Int) G. 55125-898 Dart, Paco. Tuazon, Sampaloc. Gabriel Francisco, Prop.




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Leano, FCl'nando-Lawyer-Tel. 24334Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Ledesma Commercial Co., Inc.-P. O. Box 2072-Tel. 22326-327 Calvo Bldg.• Escolta. Binondo. Pacifico Ledesma. Ledger Interchange Bureau-Banks, Wholesaler, Manufacturers, Retailers - P. O. Box 882-8. J. \Vilson Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Operated under the direction of the As_ sociation of Credit Men, Inc. (P. 1.). J . J. Reynolds, Manager. Lee An Exchange-Exchange Brokers-P. O. Box 2065-Tel. 48116-361 Santo Cristo, San Nicolas. N go Pon, Prop. Lee Ben Co.-Exporters and ImportersTel. 48552-427 Muelle de Binando, Binondo. Lee Chai-Harness Store-Tel . 47785-157 Rosario, Binondo. Lee Chai, Mgr. Lee Chat-Box Factory-Tel. 47641-458 Nueva, Binondo. Lee, Atty. German G.-Lawyer-Tel. 23911 -Hap Hong Building, 88 Rosario, Binondo . Lee Huan Uy-Grocery Dealer-Tel. 48218 -907 M . de Santos, San Nicolas. Lee, Dr. Mary H.-Physician-Surgeon-Tel. 49527-538-A Alvarado, Binondo. Lee Dy Piao, Dr. Jose-Dental SurgeonTel. 2-51-15-0ffice Hours: 7:00 a. m.12 Noon; 2:00 p. m.-6:00 p. m.; Sunday: 9 :00 a. m.-12 Noon .-565 Misericordia, Cor. Soler, Sta. Cruz. Lee Song Grocery and Rizal Bakery-Grocers-Tel. 55108-1630-1632 Hen'an, Paco. Potenciano Javier, Prop. and Mgt'. c'Lee Tack"-Machine Shop and FoundryTel. 48134-515 Jabon-eros, San Nicolas. Pablo Lee, Mgr. Lee Tay '& Lee Chay, Inc.-Lumber Manufacturers and Dealers-TeL 25341-533 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Lee Tek E, Pres. Lee Chay, Vice-Pres. Lee Tek Hong, Mgt". Tan Lic, Treas. M. S. Capistrano, Sec'y. Lee, Dr. Victor G.-Physician and Surgeon Tel. 25875-508 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Legal and General Assurance Society, Ltd. -Guttridge & Chambers, Inc., Agents132 Juan Luna, Binondo.

Legarda, Dr. Alejandro--Physician-Tel. 21591-181 San Rafael, SampaJoc. Legarda, Vicente L .-Architect-Real Estate Broker-P. O. Box 1328-Tels. 23178 and 56876 - 1556-1564 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Legaspi Auto Repair Shop -125 Guipit, Sampaloc. Isidoro Legaspi, Prop. and Mgr. Legaspi, Eliseo P.-Lawyer-Tel. 29571241 Carriedo, Quiapo. Legaspi, Garden-Restaurant-Tel . 22338Cor. 13th and Chicago St., Port Area. William Schober, Prop. John Robinson, Mgr. J . Galban, Chief Clerk. Legaspi Landing Service Station-Gasoline Dealers and Service Station-Tel. 29554 -25th and Boston Sts., Port Area. Perfecto M. ManaIac, Mgr. Legaspi, Dr. Ruperto A. - Dentist- 3rd Floor, 226 Regidor. Quiapo. Leh C. Cheng-Glass Dealer-Tel. 25245379 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Leif Hoegh-Roosevelt Steamship Agency, Inc., Agents - Tels. 21521, 21522 and 21523-3rd Floor, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna. Binondo. Leiva, Dr. Lamberto--Physician-'1'e1. 55404 - Corner Havana and Calderon, Sta. Ana . Lejano, Dr. A. L.-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 26214-700 Evangelista, Quiapo. Lemar Beauty Salon - Tel. 57007 -1238 Hen'an, Paco. Mrs. Leonarda A . Bataclan, Prop. Lemos Drug Store-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 54938-1100 Remedios, Malate. Rosita V. Lemos, Prop. Antonio Gonzales, Pharm. Leon, Dr. Com'ado M. de-Dentist-Tel. 24920-154 Villalobos, Quiapo. Leon, Damaso de-Tailor-Tel. 26232-221 Ayala Boulevard, El'mita. Leon, Dr. Eleuterio de-Dentist-26 Sagat, Paco. Leon, Fortunato de-Lawyer-P. O. Box 2857-Tel. 26824--4th Floor, Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Leon, Gabino d'e -General Broker-Tel. 21711-417 Insular Life Building, Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Leon & Co., I. de-General Painting Contractors-Tel. 21397-426 Bermuda, Sta. Cruz. Leon, Jose P. de-Lawyer-Tel. 28661223 · Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Leon, Pedro de-Lawyer-1430 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz.

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LEON'S PRINTING SERVICE, E. DE -Printing, Bookbinding and EngravingTel. 27904-406 Estero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Ernesto de Leon, Manager. Leon, Romulo B. de - Life Underwrirer, Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada -Po O. Box 2998-143 Juan Luna, 4th Floor, Wilson Bldg., Binondo. Leon, Walfrido de--Physician-Tel. 57233 609 Kansas, Paco. Leonard Wood Hotel-Tels. 56961-56962625 Dakota, Ennita. Mrs. R. R. Al1ison. Leoncio, Dr. P.-Dentist-TeJ. 46216-563 Azcarraga, Tondo. Leong How-Builder and Repairer of Motor Boats, Launches, Yachts, Lighters, etc.-General Contractor-Te1. 47820507 San Fernando, San Nicolas. Leong How, Mgr. Lerma, Dr. Jose N.-Dentist-P. O. Box 852-Tel. 26364-Room 300, Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Les Parfum Gal'en-Perfumery and Toilet Articles-Tel. 25913- 1087 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Leslie's Infants Wear-Embroidery Dealers -Po O. Box 1268-Tel. 21251-38 Dewey Boulevard, Ermita. Mrs. E. Vorster. LEUNG YEE-Pandacan Slipwa,ys-Shipbuildin2' Contractors-Po O. Box 1397Tel. 67573 - Ship Yard: Pureza Street, Beyond the last Bodega of the National Development Co., Sta. Mesa. Leung Yee, Prop. and Mgr. Luis Liong Lun, Ass't. Mgr. Ramon Giron, Bookkeeper. (See Advertisement)

Leveriza, Dr. Jose C.-Physician nnd Surgeon - Tel. 24969 - R-403, 4th Floor, State Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Levett's Second Hand Furniture Store-Furniture Dealer-Tel. 25677-325 Echague, Sta. Cruz. A. Levett. LEVY'" BLUM, INC. - Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry and Pearls; Wholesale Druggists, Chemists and Perfumers and Surgic?.! Instruments-P. O. Box 243-Tels. 23247, 23248 and 23244- Cabl. Address: "MAJUvY"-Codes: A. B. C., 6th Edition and Bentley's-35 plaza Sta. Cruz. ' Marcel Blum, Pres. Armand Hirtz, Vice-Pres. and Mgr. John G. Brimo, Treas. Angel R. Adia, Sec'y. Jose Tr3paga. Joachim Haberer. Fritz Haberer.

LEVY HERMANOS. INC.- La Estrella del Norte-Diamond, Jewelry and Watch Importers - Pharmaceutical Products Perfumery-Tels. 21388, 22938 and 27955 -46-50 Escolta, Binondo-Estrella Auto Palace-Automobile Dealers-Tel. 21425 -536-568 Gandara, Binondo. Madame Raphael Levy, Pres. Maxime Levy, Vice-Pres. and General Manager. Maurice Kahn, Sec'y.-Treas. Ernest Friedmann, Dir. Oscar Baier, Dir. Leopold Kahn, Jr., Dir. Andre Bernard, Dir. O. W. Altwegg, Dir. LEVY & CO., S. E.-Security and Commodity Brokers- P. O. Box 3239-Tel. 47931- Cable Address: "SELCO" - Wil 路 son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Donald A. Cook, Resident Partner. Offices in Hongkong and Shanghai. Correspondents for White, Weld & Co., New York. Members: Manila Stock Exchange. New York Coffee & Sugar Exchange, Inc. New York Cotton Exchange. Commodity Exchange, Inc. Chicago Board of Trade. Shanghai Stock Exchange. Canadian Commodity Exchange, Inc. Hongkong Sharebrokers Association. Lexal Drug Store-Druggists, Retail-Tel. 22228-1121-1123 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Agustin Liboro, Prop. Severino Maranan, Pharm. Leyba, Asuncion-Dry Goods Dealers-Tel. 49444-54 Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Leyba, Pilar-Dry Goods- 58-59 Yangco Market, Tabora, San Nicolas. Leynes. Dr. Ricardo-Physician-Tel. 22121 -645 Evangelista, Quiapo. Li Chay Too-Importers and ExportersP. O. Box 63-Tel. 48564-489 Nueva, Binondo. Li Chiong & Son Co.-Furniture Dealers - Tel. 48370- 1057 Nan'a, Tondo. Li Chiong, Mgr. Li Seng Giap & Sons, Inc.-Real Estate, Gene ral Merchants, Commission Agents, Investment, Mortgages and Brokers-P. O. Box 3050-Tels. 49605 and 49660-129 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas.

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Li Seng Giap, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. William Lee, Vice-Pres. Sofia Lee, Treas. Hem'y Lee, Sec'y. Li He Ya, Cashier. Li Tack- Ship Building- Tel. 48481-511 Jaboneros, San Nicolsa. Pablo Antonio Ly, Prop. and Mgr. Li Tam & Co., Inc.-General Me l'chantsP . O. Box 1016-Tel. 49696-719 Azcarraga, Tondo. Lian Huat Glassware- Glassware Store711 Tabora, San Nicolas. Lian Huat, Prop. Lian Huat Grocery-Tel. 27277- 436 Legarda, Sampaloc. Lim Teng, Prop. Lian Sing-Furniture Manufacturer-Tel. 48804-546 Elcano, San Nicolas. Chua Chu, Mgr. Lian Sun Hardware-Second Hand Hardware Dealers-Tel. 47374-419 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Jose Uy Eng Qui, Prop. Liang K wang Press-Printers-P. O. Box 2093- Tel. 23563-624 Gandara, Binondo. Horton Huang, Prop. and Mgr. Libby, McNeil & Libby, (Philippines) Inc. -Food Products-Po O. Box l639-Tels. 21858 and 21859-Cable Address: "LIBco"- 230-13th Street, Port Area. E. D. Gundelfinger, Mgr. Kirby C. Fairchild. Sales Mgr. Liberal Baza r-Dry Goods Store-140 Real, Intramuros. Lee Liong Nee, Prop. Libertad Hardware- Tel. 52305- 202 Libertad . Pasay, Rizal. Coy Kai Thong, Prop. Liberty Bakery- Tel. 49177- 1301 Sande, Tondo. S. S. Santos, Prop. Liberty Book Store-731 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Marcelo Angeles, Prop. Pio Balingcongan, Ass't. Mgr. Salvador de Guzman, Sec'y. Liberty Caterer and Shanghai Swing Master s Orchestra-Tel. 21397-426 Bermuda Cor. Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. M. Gutierrez, Mgr. Liberty Tee Cream-Tel. 21397- 813 Ongpin (Int. 426 Bermuda), Santa Cruz. Liberty Paint & Oil Factory- Tel. 47312233 Ongpin, Binnodo. Ha w Chu Kee, Mgr. Liberty Press-Printers, Bookbinders and Stationeries-Tel. 22125- 902 Lepanto, Sampaloc. M. A. Ramirez, Jr., Supt.


Liberty Shoe Supply-Tel. 29455-338 Nueva, Binondo. Chua Hong, Prop. Liberty Silk Bazar (R. Bhoja & Co.l-Silk Dealers, Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 2711-Tel. 25784-603 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. R. Bhoja, Prop. and Mgl'. Liberty Tailoring-Tailor-l058 Dart, Paco. Antonio Palanca, Prop. Liboro, Dr.• Agustin-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 22354-1119 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Librel'ia de J. Martinez-Booksellers and Stationeries-Tel . 47781- 116 Plaza Calderon de la Barca, Binondo. Juliana Martinez, Prop. & Mgr. Licauco, Maximo--Jewelry-TeI. 230621026 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Licauco y Lim, Jacinto-Civil EngineerTcl. 23062--1028 Soler, Sta. Crnz. Licuanan, Ernesto F.-Surety Bonds and Fire Insurance, Law Offices-Tel. 26464 -204 State Bldg., Annex, Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Ernesto F. Licuanan, Attorney. Felix R. Lupisan. Lido Beauty Salon - Beauty Parlor - 615 Echague, San Miguel. Mrs. Maria Celo, Prop. Liebman & Cumming - Manufactul'el's Agents-P. O. Box 1289- Tel. 23404Cable Address: "LIEBMANCUM"- 510 Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Clarence W. Cumming. Liga de Asociaciones y Plantadores de Cafiadulce de Luzon, Inc.- Tel. 24755-4th Floor, Regina Bldg., 144 Escolta, Binondo.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) Ligaya's Beauty Parlor-603 Quiricada Corner Mangahan, Sta. Cruz. Ligaya Feliciano, Prop. and Mgr. LIGAYA'S DRUG STORE-Druggists Retail-1173 Dart, Paco. F elicidad M. Sangalang, Pharm. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. -Philippine Branch- Wholesale Tobacco and Cigarettes-P. O. Box 1623- Tel. 21736-Cable Address : "LIGMYTOCO"-434 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. R. S. Rogers, Mgr. G. F. Carwile, Office Mgr. J. F. Purnell, Ass't. Office Mgr. J. C. BoZol'th, Supervisol'. N. M. Carroll, Supervisor. E. H. Johnson, Supervisor E. J. Parrish, Jr., Supervisor. J. L. Pecharich, Supervisor. C. J . Ritenour, Supervisor W. G. Weaver, Supervisor.


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Lighth ouse Shoe Store -Shoe Deale rs, Retail-Tel~ 29437-118 Villalo bos, Quia po. Perlm an Bros., Propr ietors . Josep h Katz, Mana ger. LlGU AN COAL ~nNES, INC. -Coa l Minin g- P. O. Box 1422 Manil a- Tel. 22293 -Cabl e Addre ss: "LlGUANCOAL"304 & 309 Myers Bldg., 122 Thirte enth St., Port Area. M. M. Saleeb y, Pres. F . M. Saleeb y, Vice-P res. & Mgr. Lilara m & Co., V.-Si lk- Gener al Merch ants - Tel. 49961 -464 Ju an Luna, Binondo. Branc h Store : 331 Echag ue, Sta. Cruz Tel. 24569. V. Lilara m, Prop. Lilara m Gagoomal & Co.- Silk Merc hants P. O. Box 3423- Tel. 48872 -Pasil lo D, 101 Yangc o Marke t, Tabor a, San Nicolas. Sobhr aj Tourm al, Mgr. LiIay' s Beaut y Shopp e-22 Plaza Hugo, Sta. Ana. Lim, Benito E.-C abine t Memb er and Chair man, Comm ittee on Progr am and Public ity, Insula r Life Unden Vl'ite rs Assoc iation of the Insula r Life Assur ance Co., Ltd., - Po O. Box 734-T el. 22431 -Cable Ad路 dress: "INSU LIFE" -Third Floor, In sular Life Bldg., Plaza Morag a, Binon do. Lim Bonfi ng iY Hnos., Inc.- Impor ters and Expor ters, Gener al Merch ants - Tel. 49449 -221 Rosar io, Binondo. Lim He Ty, Mgr. Lim Bun Lay-T obacc o leaf Deale r- Tel. 49327- 1040 Comercio, San Nicola s. Lim Bun Lay. Mgr. Lim Chay Panc iteria -Tel. 26798 -736 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Lim Chay Seng -Dry Goods Deale rs-P. O. Box 2220- Tel. 48790-Cabl e Addre ss: "LIMCHAYSENG," Mani la-22 2 Rosario, Binondo. V da. de Lim Chay Seng, Prop. Leon Lim Chay Seng, Mgr. Teodoro Lim Chay Seng, Treas urer. Lim Che Chuy -N otions , Whol esale and Retai l-Tel . 47684 -239 Rosar io, Binon do . Lim Che Chuy, Mgr. Lim Ching Chin Chocolate Facto r,y -218 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Lim Ching Chin, Mgr. Lim Chion g Hua- Immig ration Brok erTel. 47159 -20 E straud e, Binondo. Lim Chion g Rua, Mgr. Lim Chong Kang, Dr.-P hys ician- Tel. 48495 -307 Juan Luna, Binon do. Lim Chu Tai- Impor ter and Expo rterTel. 49301- 61 Soler, Binondo.

Lim Chum buque , Jose- Coal Deale r, Bay and River Freig hter- Tel. 49139 -Cable Addre ss: "LlMCHUMBUQUE"-204 Sevill a, San Nicola s. Jose Lim, Jr., Mgr. Madri gal & Co., Props . Lim, Cirilo --Law yer-T el. 24242 -Arge llies Bldg., 456 Dasm arifias , Binon do. Lim Genco & Co., V da . de A. M. H.- Tobac- co Deale rs-P . O. Box 1717- TeI. 48723 - 716 Lavez ares, San Nicola s. Lim Uy Pe, Mgr. . Lim, Dr. Grego rio G.-Ph ysici an and Surgeon -Tel. 47378 --923 Folgu eras, Tondo. Lim Hiap Hien g--Mi rrors, Fram ed Pictu res and Tinsm ith-16 24 Herra n, Paco. Go Chon, Prop. Lim Hiap Qui-T insmi th, Mirro rs and Picture Fram e Dealer s-Te l. 54927 -743 Dart, Paco. Lim Lio, Mgr. Lim, Julian L._At torne y_At- Law_ Notar y Public - 315 Ides Bldg., M. de Santo s, San Nicola s. Lim Ka Co Groce ry-Te l. 48779 -422 Sto. Crsito , San Nicola s. Lim Ka Co, Prop. Lbn Ki ChoR & Co.-M anufa cture rs, Whole sale and Retail Deale rs of Philin pine Sacks -Offi ce and Facto ry : Tel. 4971 0704 Ylaya , Tondo . Lim Ki Choa, Mgr. Lim Kiam & Co. - School Suppl ies - Tel. 48113 -1036 Comercio, Sa n Nicola s. Lim Kiao Bok- Dry Goods Deale r-Tel . 47749 -1-Z Yangc o Mark et, Tabor a, San Nicola s. Lim Kiao Bok, Mgr. Lim Kim- Black sm ith Shop -Tel. 4903 41022 N arra, Tondo . Lim Kim, Prop. Lim Kim Bio Groce ry- Tel. 48779 -422 Santo Cristo , San N icol as. Lim Ka Co, Prop. Lim Law Box Facto ry-Wooden Box Manu factur er-Tel. 48344 -697 Ylaya , Tondo . Lim Law, Prop. Lim Leng & Co.-C emen t, Lime, Brick s, Grave l, Sand and Hardw are- Tel. 48424 - 1019 Jabon eros Cor. M. de Binon do, San Nicola s. Lim Leng, Prop. and Mgr. Lim Lin Tanto ng-C hinese Resta urant 708 Ongpi n, Sta. Cruz. Lim Lin Tanto ng, Prop. ILim, Dr. Luis C. Y.-Ph ysicia n and Surgeon - Tel. 48054 - 619 Magd alena , Binondo.

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Lim, Manulfl-Lawyer-Tels. 23094 and 23095-4th Floor. Cu Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Bmondo. Lim Inc., Mariano H.-Contractor for Land and Water Transportation- Tel . 49029829 Urbiztondo, San Nicolas. Lim, Dr. Peter- Physician and SurgeonTel. 26654-712 Ongpin (Int.), Santa Cruz. Lim Sae Gim-Broker-Tels. 46285-4820575 Rosa rio, Binando. . Lim Sae Gim. Mgt'. Lim Siong Tiu & Sons-General Merchants -Tel. 48296-183 Rosario, Binando. Lim Siang Tiu, Prop. Lim Soon - Carpenter - Tel. 25680 - 522 Teodora Alonso, Sta. Cruz. Lim Tina Ting-Wooden Box Manufacturer -Tel. 48892-111 Hormiga, Binando. Lim Tina Ting, Mgr. Lim To Co-General Mel'chant----Tel. 49327 -1040 Comercio, San Nicolas. Lim-Trinidad Clinic a nd Laboratory-Physicians and Surgeons-Tel. 47378-923 FoJgu eras, Tondo. Lim Tua Tun-School Supplier- Cigars and Cigarettes Retail Dealers-Tel. 484391024 Comercio, San Nicolas. LIM TUACO & CO., INC:-Distillel'iY and Refinery, Wine and Liquor Dealers-P. O. Box 487-Tel. 27057-0ffice: 537 Gandara, Binondo. J. Limp'c, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Teodoro Limchayseng, Asst. Mgr. Lim Tiong, Factory Mgr. Sergio Lim, Treas. Factory: Jul ian Teodoro St., Grace Park, Caloocan, Ri zal. Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 330. Limbo Bros.-Tailoring an d Haberdashery - Tel. 51562-330 Libel·ta d, Pasay, Rizal. Marciano Limbo, Mgr. Alejandro Limbo, Asst. Mgr. Escolastico Limbo, Sales Mgr. Santiago Limbo, Sales Dept. Limsico, Manuel L.-Hardware Dealer, Wholesale-P. O. Box 2223-Tel. 2947380 Rosario, Binondo. Limson, Dr. Marciano--Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 57654-1063 Singalong, Malate. Lim son & Sons Drug Store-Retail Druggists-Tel. 54159-1104-1110 A. Mabini Cor. San Andres, Malate. Vicente Limson, Pharm. Lin Ho Drug Store- Druggists-379 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Ku Cheng. Pharmacist. Lin Ho Electrical Supply-Tel. 48429-939 Jaboneros, San Nicolas.

Lina's Frocks-Dresses-Tel. 57223-EJena Apartments, Cor. A. Mabini and Romero Salas, Ermita. Froilina Angeles, Prop. Lina's Shop - Dressmaker s - 1451 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Fidelina E . Maipid, Prop. Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.-Theo H . Davies & Co., Ltd., General Agents.Tel. 27270-SamaniIlo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Lincoln Shirt Factory-Tel. 48395- 236 Carvajal, Binondo. Chua Ching, Prop. & Mgr. Ling Tong Exchange-P. O. Box 1610-Tel. 47633-540 Nueva, Binondo. Chu a Siong, Mgr. Lingao, Dionisio M.-Lawyer- Tel. 23031Room 329, Samanil10 Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Lintag, PascuaI- Auditor and Certified Public Accountant - Tel. 67891 - 1537 Wash ington, Sampaloc. Liok Yiu-Tiki Tiki and Corn Importer and Dealer-Tel. 48757-465 M . de Binondo, San Nicolas. Co H uan, Prop. LION D'OR- Coffee Factory- P. O. Box 1899- Tel. 23530-Cable Address: "LIONDOR"-738 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. F elix CoIl antes, Prop. Anita Collantes, Prop. Liong Bee Silk Shirt Factory-Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail-Tel. 49340 -516 Muelle de Binondo, San Nicolas. Liong Gui & Co.-Shirt ManufacturersTel. 47662-500 Nueva, Binondo. Liong Hing-Second Hand Dealer-Tel. 25561-400 Gandara, Binondo. Ching Kee Ho, Mgr. Liong Hing-Grocery Provisions Dealers, Retail- Tel. 47268- 541 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Liong Hing, Mgr. Liong Won Hop-Restaurant--TeI. 28067 -244 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Liong Yu-Restaurant--430 T. Alonso, Sta. Cruz . Ong Tian Tay. Prop. Liongsin Exchange- P . O. Box 2981-Tel. 4-75-91-1044 Azcarraga, Binondo. Graciano U. Liongsin, Gen. Mgr. and Prop. William C. Go, Cashier. LlONGSIN PRESS- Printer, Engraver, Bookbinder. Grinder, Manufacturer of Cardboard Boxes, Stationery, School Sup· pli es, Cal endars and Adverti sing Novelties -Po O. Box 2981-Tel. 47591-Cable Ad-

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dress : "LIONGSIN"-1044 Azcarraga, Bi• nondo. G. U. Liongsin, Gen. Mg1'. and Prop. R. Go Kian Ji, Ass't. Mgr. Clemente Uy Chuico, Factory Doctor. 'William C. Go, Cashier. W . L. Pay, Accountant. Go Chu Yu. Head, Calendar and Novelti'es Department. Go Peng Min, Head, Shipping Dept. Go Chu Chuan, Head, Box Department. Tan Tong, Head, School Supplies Department. Lipana. Dr. Marcos-Physician-Tel. 48450 -545 Camba, San Nicolas. Lira, Condes Products & Co.-Pharmaceutical Products Manufacturers-Tel. 54464 -174 La Torre, Santa Ana. Ramon Y. Lira, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Angel Y. Lira, Vice-Pres. & Mgr. Juana Condes Lira, Sec'y.-Treas. Roman P. Lopez, Office In-charge. LlSSAR COMPANIA !NCORPORADA -Perfume and Soap Factory-P. O. Box 328-Manila-Tels. 57491. 57753 and 56877 -Cable Address: "LlssAR"-Calle Roxas, San Pedro Makati, Rizal. Retail Store: Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo--Tel. 26669. Board of Directors: Tirso Lizarraga, President, Tel. 56750. Victor Martinez, Vice-President. Felipe Fernandez, Treasurer. Eduardo Roxas Gargollo. Pascual Pagola. Enrique Vazquez Prada. Rafael Alunsn. Ramon Arce, Secretary. Staff: Santiago Codina, Manager. Joaquin Orio, Sales Manager. Flaviano M. Yenko, Head Chemist. Juan Trapaga, Engineer. Ignacio de Uriarte, Accountant. Fetnando Ocejo, Cashier. Representatives: Lissar Cia., Inc., clo Lizarraga Hermanos, Iloilo, Panay. Lissner, Dr. L.-Physician-Tel. 21390464-470 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Literary Song Movie Magazine-A monthly Publication-Po O. Box 36-Tel. 67623 -36 Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Pedro Vera, Publisher. Flavio G. Macaso, Editor. Remigio Mat. Castro, Tagalog Editor. B-ernardino Abundo, Cir. Mgr. Luis T. Carbonell, Adv. Mgr. Lite's Studio--Photographers-1051 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. M. D. Ancaja, Prop.


Litografia Dominga Nubia (Antes Jua Ying & Co.)-Lithographers-Tel. 48839 -410 Juan Luna, Binondo. Dominga Nubia, Prop. Litografia Manila - Lithographers - Tel. 48606-207 Padre Rada, Tondo. Gaudencio S. Cruz, Prop. LITOGRAFIA MONTES, INC.-Sucesor de Ramirez Hermanos - Lithographers and Manufacturers of Paper Boxes--P. O. Box 116-1'01. 21377-40 Magallanes. lntramuros. Jose Montes, Pres. and Mgr. Francisco Hidalgo, Treas. Litonjua, Luis-Cabinet Member and Chairman, Committee on Service to Policy holders and Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Little Home Bakery-Tel. 54284-607 A. Mabini, Cor. Romero Salas, Ermita. Little Home Shop, The-Misses MetcalfHandkerchiefs and Pina-Embroidered Native Materials-Tel. 56920-678 A. Mabini, El'mita. Sarah S. Metcalf, Prop. Litton & Co.-Dry Goods Dealers-P. O. Box 554-Tel. 49980-Cable Address: ffNITTOLMAN"-530-540 J u a n L una, Binondo. G. Litton, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Liu Hoc Sing-Grocery Dealers-Tel. 48568 -400 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Liwag & Sons, Inc., V. C'Kalahi Remnants") -Direct Importers of Silk, Fancies, Cotton Goods-Wholesale and Retail Dealers - Tel. 47656 - Cable Addl'ess: "LIWVI"-551 Azcarraga, Tondo. Vicente Liwag, Sr., Pres. and Mgr. Vicente Liwag, Jr., Ass't. Mgr. Fortunata Halili, Treasurer. Atty. Jesus Fidelino, Secretar.y. Dominador ViUamayor, Bookkeeper. Liwanag, Agripino S.-Tailor-TeL 481491386 Juan Luna, Tondo. Agripino Liwanag, Prop. and Cutter. Liwanag Drug Store-Druggists, RetailTel. 23066--1731 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Tomas Liwanag, Prop. Maria Baisas, Pharm. Liwanag, Dr. Felipe-Dental Surgeon(X-Ray Laboratory)-1'o1. 29840-Rm. 412, Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Liwanag, V. - Hat Manufacturer - Tel. 25745-1853 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. ' Liwanag's Fashion-Tailor and Haberdasher-Tel. 29148-335-337 Carriedo. Sta. Cruz. Branch: 112 Real, Intramuros.

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Dr. Luis Liwanag, Gen. Mgr. Mrs. Juliana D. Liwanag, Tl'eas. Pia D. Liwanag, Mgr. Ricardo A. Marcelo, Bookkeepr. German Liwanag, Chief Master Cutter. Saturnino Liwanag, Ass't. Master Cutter. Domingo Liwanag, Asst. Mastel' Cutter. LlWANAG'S FASlnON ACADE~IY­ Connected with NEW YORK EXTENSION UN IVERSITY (Approved by th'e Government) - Liwanag's System - Sal'~ torial Art Instructions-Model Building, Architectural and Engineering Arts, Practical Agriculture, Practical Accounting, Dressmaking and Furniture Making -Tel. 29148-543 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Dr. Luis Liwanag, President. Pio D. Liwanag, Dean (Son). Dominador Villafuerte, Secretary. Instructors: German Liwanag (Son). Domingo Liwanag (Son).

Saturnino Liwanag (Son). Felina Aquino. Liwayway-Most Popular Tagalog Weekly, Published Every Friday-P. O. Box 1625 -Tel. 24361-Cable Address: "RAMONRocEs"-Ramon Roces Bldg., Soles Corner Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces Incorporated, Publishers. Liwayway Dry Cleaning & Laundry-Tel. 49552-539 Juan Luna, Binondo. Luduvigis Tiongco, Prop. Liwayway Shoe Store-685 Ylaya, Tondo. Eleuterio Ongsing, Prop. Liwayway Sinelasan-Slippel's Manufacturers and Dealers-1256 Juan Luna, Ton_ do. Dalmacio Pulumbarit, Prop. Lizarraga Hnos.-Sugar Manufacturers and Exporters-P. O. Box 124-TeL 22848Cable Address: "CASA"- 32 EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Tirso Lizarraga, Gen. Mgr. Carmelo Lizarraga, Ass't. Pascual Pagola, Power of Atty. Llamado, Francisco-Life Insul'ance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-TeL 22431-Cable Address: "INSULIFEu-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Llamado, Dr. Honesto - Physician - Tel. 54136-936 San Marcelino, Paco. Llamas, Dr. Rosendo R.-Physician-Tel. 22534-Rooms 205-209 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz.

LLEANDER. DR. F. V.- Oral Surgeon and Dentist-Specialty: Pyorrhea and Other Diseases of the Mouth-Office Hours: 7:30 a. m. to 12:00 Noon; 12: 30 p. m. to 7 :30 p. m.-P. O. Box 1742-TeL 21041-542 Rizal Ave., Cor. RonquiIIo, Sta. Cruz. Res.: TeL 27888. Llora, Manuel - Filling Contractor - Tel. 26085-1212 Arlegui, Quiapo. Llorente, Cil'ila Basco Vda. de-Mid-wifeTel . 26460-110 ZUl'bal'an, Sta. Cruz. Lloyd Triestino S. S. Co., Tl'ieste.-P. O. Box 604-Tel. Freight and Passage 23115 -Cable Address: "LLOYDIANO"-55-63 Rosario, Binondo. F. E. Zuellig, Inc., Agents. Lloyd's Register of Shippinf- Tel. 21713Cable Address: "REGISTER' -240 Dasmarinas, Binondo. C. B. Nelson. Lo Chun & Co.-Rattan Furniture-P. O. Box 2271-Te1. 27196-500 Dasmarifias, Corner T. Pinpin, Binondo. Lo Chun, Manager. Lo Yuen Chong, Ass't. Mgr. Lo Neng Siong, Bookkeeper. Jose Yabot Chua, Representative. Lockwood, Ampil & Chan-Lawyers-P. O. Box 1169-TeL 2-25-17-324 Kneedler Bldg., Sta. Cruz. L. D. Lockwood, Senior Partner. Vicente Ampil, Partner. Manuel O. Chan, Partner. Ramon C. Fernandez, Ass't. Attorne,y. Eustaquio A. Bautista, Cashier. Maria Lourdes Altonaga, Stenographer. Adelfo Martinez, Stenographer. Severo Salterio, Clerk. Lolita Virginia Dl'Ug Store-Druggist, Retail-645 Gonzales Cornel' San Marcelino, Ermita. .... Anita de Ia Fuerte, Prop. and Pharm. Lomat & Co., V.-Brokers: Hemp, Copra, Maguey-P. O. Box 2471-TeL 29970316 National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Venancio Lomat, Mgr. Lomat, Dr. Felicidad V.-Dentist-!913 Henan, Paco. London Assurance, The - Findlay Millar Timber Co., Agents-Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes. Binondo. London Restaurant-Tel. 21862-429 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Chu Pun, Manager. Lone Star Bar and Cafe-Saloon-Tel. 57642-55 Tejeros, San Pedro, Makati, Rizal. W. C. Williams, Prop.


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Long Distance Telephone Company, Philippine (See Pltili1J1Jine Long D·istanc(!J Tel.ephone Company) .

Long Life Curio Store - Curio Dealers Tel. 54870 - 320 M. H. del Pilar, El'mita. Fung Pin, Prop. Longos, Paz - Dressmaker and MillinerTel. 26675- 604 Sales, Sta. Cruz. Lontoc's Dry Cleaning and Laundl'Y- ] 022 Azcal'l'aga, Sta. Cruz. Valeriano Lontoc, Prop. Lontok Law Office - Tel. 27479 - 317 Kneedler Bldg., Caniedo, Sta. Cruz. Mal'celino Lontok, Attorney-at-Law.

Lopez, Dr. Bernabe T .- Dentist-Tel. 27680 - 102 Villalobos, Quiapo. Lopez , Carmen G. de Agencia de EmpenosPawnbroker-Tel. 22260- 145 Villalobos, Quiapo. Lopez, Dr. Enrique - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 57380-815-817 A. Mabini. Malate. Lopez Enterpri ses Co., Inc.- Real Estate Proprietors-TeL 56755- Cabl-e Address: "LoENco"-Elena Apartments, Mabini Cornel' Romero Salas, El'mita. Vicente Lopez, Jr., Pl'esident. Mrs. Nelly L. Zamora, Vice-President. Ml'S. Lilia Lopez Jison, Secretary & Treas. Directors: Don Vicente Lopez. Salvador Zamora. Banito H. Lopez. Vicente Lopez, Jr. Frank Ji son. Mrs. Nelly L. Zamol·a.

Godofredo K. del Rosario, Legal Adviser. S. F. Alcantara & Co., Auditors. Lopez, Francisco T.- Lawyer-Tel. 22416 -31'd Floor, Maritima Bldg, Binondo. Lopez, Galicano G.-Lawyer-P. O. Box 2487-Tel. 2-16-44- 601 Insular Life Bldg., Plaza MOl'aga, Binondo. Lopaz, Juan G.- Lawyer- P. O. Box 2487 - Tel. 21644 - 601 Ins ular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Lopez Lizo, Dr. Leonides - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 57340-121 L. GuetTero, Ermita. Lopez, Lui s J .- Life In surance Underwriter of the Insula r Life Assurance Co., Ltd. - Po O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Ad(It'ess: INSULIFE - Third Floor, Insulal' Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo.

LOPEZ, ~I_ & NATIONAL S'fATlONEIlY CO.- Importers , Agents, Calendar Merchants, Printers, Stationers and Advertising Novelties- Tel. 26904-Cable Address· "ZEPOL" AND "NARUS" - 529 Echague', Quiapo. Antonia Devesa, Judicial Administratrix. Francisco Franqu elli, Gen. Manager. Carmen Fl'anquelli, Sec'y.-Treas. and Rep. Ramon Sotelo, Con sulting Attorney. Jose L. Escasa & Co., Auditors. Honorio Lopez, Representative. Francisco Velasco, Representative. Lopez, R. M. - Pawnbroker - TeL 276441008 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Lopez Sugar Central Mill Co., Inc.' Manila Office c/o Mr. Salvador Araneta- Tels. 23588 and 23589-Fabrica, Negros Occidental. Manila Office: Salvador Araneta, General Agent. Deogracias M. Bautista, As st. to the Gen. Agent. Fabrica, Negros Oce. Office: Carlos S. Lopez, Mgr. Eduardo Lopez, Asst . Mgr. Lopez Tailoring, The - Tailors and Shirt makers-Tel. 25355-Rm. 103 Roces Bldg'., Sta. Cruz. T. S. Lopez, Prop. Lopez, Dr. Vicente-Physician and Surgeon - Tel. 25989-805 O'Donnell, Sta. Cruz. Lorenzana, Felipe-Importers Exporters, General Merchants and Manufactul'ers, - Po O. Box 1930-Tel. 47472-Cable Address: "LORENZANA"- 480 Juan Luna, Binondo. Solomon Lorenzana, Gen. MgT. Anton ia Lorenzana, Camins, A ss't. Mgl·. and Treas. Lolita Lorenzana. Ass't. Treas. Lorenzana, Godofredo-Sal ted Fish Packer - P o O. Box 1930-Tel. 47472- 480 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lorenzana Sports Supply-Sporting Goods Dealers, Importers and Manufacturers Retail and Wholesale-P. O. Box 1930Tel. 47472-Cable Address: <lLORENZANA" - 480 Juan Luna, Binondo. Lorenzo, Dr. Com'ado E.-Physician and Surgeon - Room 315, Margarita David Bldg., AzcalTaga Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Lorenzo, Maria-General Merchant-Tel. 28691-2731-A Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Los Angeles Academy-Private School-Tel. 56176-1317 Henan, Paco. Ildefonso D. Yap, Dir.


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Los Bailos Bakery-Tel. 54322-Main Of~ fice: 1110 Dart, Malate. Branch No. 2-839 North Bay Blvd., Tondo. Tel. 46111. Mrs. J. P. Bonifacio, Prop. Branch No. 3-2257 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Leticia Bonifacio Javier, Prop. Los Obreros Personeros-Liquol's, Native Wines and Groceries-Tel. 47676---1035 M. de Santos, San Nicolas. Pastora A. Ortiz, Prop. and Mgr. Los Tamaraos Polo Club-Po O. Box 2819Tel. 51756-Barrio Tarnbo, Paraiiaque Rizal. ' F. L. Laurence, Pres. Eduardo Roxas y Gargollo, Vice-Pres. Eduardo Yrezabal, Tl'eas. William B. Harrington, Sec'y. Lotus Theatre-Cinematogl'aph-Tel. 27184 -Rizal Avenue and Tayuman. Stu. Cruz. Salva cion E . Duque, Prop. F. Martinez, Mgr. Louis X~Ray Laboratory, A. M. - X-Ray Laboratory - Tel. 23227 - 305 Regina Bldg., Escolta. Binondo. A. M. Louis, Pres. and Mgr. Loui se Brown Shop, Inc. (See Brown Shop, Inc., Louise). Lourdes Fashion-Dressmaker-Tel. 68255 -19 N. Domingo, San Juan, Rizal. Mrs. Lourdes M. de Guzman, Prop. Lourdes Laundry-569 Dapitan, Sampaloc. Lourdes Puno, Prop. Lourdes Shoppe-Dressmaker-109 Romero Salas, Ennita. Mrs. Lourdes Lapid. Lovsted & Co., (Manila) Ltd., C. M. Railroad Materials and Machinery Sunplies-Po O. Box 1193-Tel. 23519-Cable Address: "LovsTED"-215 13th Street, Port Area. Ralph Nash, Vice~Pres. and Mgr. Loyal Bar - Liquor Dealers - Tel . 48563 -M. de Santos, Cor. Folgueras, San Nicolas. Alberto Garcia, Prop. Loyal Hotel-Tel. 47130-948 Azearraga, Tondo. Sotera Bernardo, Prop. Loyal Press - Printers - Tel. 29230 - 629 Quiricada, Sta. Cruz. M. Anatolio, Mgr. Loyola Venetian Blind-Manufacturers of Venetian and Wooden Screen-Tel. 54193 - 1639 Herran (Int.), Paco. Lozada, E. R-SchoQI Supplies-Tel. 55796 -406 Padre Faul'a, Ermita. Lozano's Tailoring & Laundry-Tailo rs and Dry Cleaner s-117 Blumentritt, Sta. Cruz. Daniel Lozano, Prop.

Lu Cheng Liu-Bl'okel'- Tel. 49636-406 Ongpin, Binondo. Lu Chiong-Cot and Supply Dealers-Tel. 47489-433 Nueva, Binondo. Lu Huat-Gen eral Merchant-Tel. 47154523 Sto. Cristo, San Nicola s. Lu Seng Rattan Stol'e-Tel. 48079-753 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Sy Kee, Prop. Lu Sing Grocery-Tel. 47303-616 Tabora. Tondo. Lu Sing. Mgr. Lu Songhap, Mrs. Fernandez R-Brokel'P. O. Box 1012-Tel. 49636-406 Ongpin, Binondo. Lu Tay & Co.-Chua Keng-Importer and Exporter-Nati ve Products Dealers-P. O. Box 629 - Tel. 48449 - 644-650 Juan Luna, Binondo. Chua Keng, Prop. and Mgr. Lualhati Studio-Photographers-2110 Herran, Paeo. M. del Alcazar, Prop. Lubarsky, Saul-Importer and Manufacturers Agent-Tel. 56894-Cablo.e Address: "LUBARSKY-52 Nebraska, Ermita. Lucban Hat Store-Native Hats Dealer1704 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Pedro O. Cabungcal. Lu cena, Leonardo R-Lawyer-Tel. 25385 -Room 202, Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Cor. Escolta, Binondo. Lucena, Dr. Pio B.-Physician and Surgeon -Tel. 25366-1355 Anacleto, Sta. Cruz. Lucky Bombay Bazar (G. Dingamal)-Silk and Novelties-P. O. Box 496-Tel. 21928 -Cabl e Address: "DINGAMAL"- 553 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. G. Dingamal, Prop. and Mgl'. Lucky Grocery Store-Grocers-742 Dart, Paco. Sy Sui, Prop. Lucky Shoe Store-(Son Ca Juat & Sons) -Tel. 49655-207~209 Gandara, Binondo. Son Keng Po, Mgr. Ludy's Shop-Dressmakers-Tel. 54165600 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Lourdes Bautista, Prop. Lugod, Leon-Tailor-356 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. Lulu's Quality Dresess-Dressmakers-Tel. 2-56-13-1083-1085 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Lulu C. Raimnndo, Prop. Lumabas, Flol'encio R -General Merchant -Tel . 26664-330 Ronquillo, Sta. Cruz. Lun Hong Pancitel'ia-Te1. 47110-938 Ja~ boneros, San Nicolas. Luna, Benedicto-Salt Dealer-Tel. 486161104 San Fernando, San Nicolas.


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.... LPHABE1'ICAL LIST 0.' J<'IRM N.-\MEf>

Luna, Cecilia B.-Lawyer,- P. O. Box 2141 -Tel. 22224-Room 431, Perez Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Binando. Luna, Dr. M. B.-Dentist-212 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. LUNA & SON TRADING- ImportersWhol esalel's-Distribu tors-Tel. 29625242 Ayala Boulevard, Ermita. Severino N. Luna, Gen. Mgr. Mrs. Maria N. Luna, Cashier. Cipriano Navarro, Legal Adviser. Luna de San Pedro, Andres & Cortes, Jose G.-Architects, Decorators , Civil Engineers and Builders-P. O. Box 2907- Tel. 22907-Cable Address: "LUNARCHI"Main Office: HLeyba Bldg.,", 227 David, Binando. Luneta Hotel-P. O. Box 1468-Tel. 21971 - ( Exchange Connecting all Room s)-CahIe Address: "LUNETAHOTEL"-30 San Luis, Ermita. R. L. Hobbs, Mgr. and Prop. J. V. Cosme, Acct. Com'ado de Lara, Cashier and Chief Clerk. LUNETA lnOTOR CO~IPANY-Auto­ mobile De!llers-General Automotive Re· pairs- Sol e Distributors for Packa rd Motor Cars-Po O. Box 140-Tel. 21371Cable Address: "WALIX"-54 San Luis, El'mita. Barry Baldwin, Mgr. Luy Lan & Co.-Importers and ExportersP. O. Box 35-Tel. 47664-452 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Luy Lan, Mgr. Luz Beauty Parlor-1221 Juan Luna, Tondo. Luz Jose, Prop. Luzcel's - Dressmaker - Tel. 55935 - 1312 Henan, Paco. Miss Luz B. Panis, Prop. Luzminda Laundry - Dry Cleaning - 235 Sta. Mesa, Sampaloc. Mrs. Soledad D. Lazaro, Prop. and Mgr. Luzon Aerated Water Corporation-Aerated Water Factory-Tel. 67309-165 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Luzon Auto Supply and Vulcanizing Plant - Tel. 48838-351 Juan Luna. Binondo. Simplicio IIaw, Prop. Luzon Beauty Parlor - '.reJ. 54634 - 1804 Henan, Paco. Dr. G. A. Marasigan, Prop. Mrs. Florentina B. Mara~igan, Beautician. Mi ss Sofia Marasigan, Beautician and Hairdresser.

LUZON BROKERAGE CO.-Cu stoms Brokers, Raceiving and Forwarding Agents, Warehou sing and Trucking-P. O. Box 591-Tel. 22421-Derham Bldg., Muelle de San Francisco, Port Area. F. H. Myers, Pres. & Treas. T. O. Myers, Vice-Pres. Toma s Torres, SeC'Y· Jose B. Angeles, Office Mgr. Luzon Cabaret-Tel. 56140-Roxas, Barrio Olympia, Makati, Rizal. Luzon Cafe-Restaurant-Tel. 21428-305 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Chua Luy, Prop. Luzon Di sti lling Corp. - Di still ery - Tel. 21401-Room 6, Anderson Bldg., 25 Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Mill at Calumpit, Bulacan. Arsenio Jizon, Pres. Mrs. Concepcion J . Bautista, Sec.-Treas. Monico Arceo, Supt. Jose M. Val ero, Gen. Mgr. Amado de Guzman, Asst, Gen. Mgr. Luzon Drug Store-Tel. 25914-1913 RizaI Ave., Sta. Cruz. I1uminada Lorenzo, Mgt'. and Pharm. Luzon Employment Agency-Tel. 490981281 Dagupan, Tondo. Mrs. Francisca Abatayo, Prop. & Mgr. Luzon Floral-Florist-Tel. 21692- 443 San Vicente, Binondo. Mrs. A. M. Darley, Pl'Op. and MgI'. Luzon Furniture-Furniture Dealer s -Tel. 28967-250 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Yu Kuan, Prop. and Mgr, Luzon Gravel and Sand Co., Inc.-Contractors, Filling and Construction Ma terials-Po O. Box 1701-Tel. 23791-Main Office: 1096 Tayuman, Sta. Cruz. Branch: 1518 Oregon, Ermita. C. Martin, Mgr. Celso Icasiano, Sec'y.-Treas. Luzon Hardware & Electrical Supply Hardware Dealers, Retail-Tel. 552801692-1694 Gra l. Luna, Paco. So Chong Tin, Prop. Luzon Industri a l Corporation - Vegetable Oil Manufacturers-Tel. 24494-Chaco Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Miguel J. Ossorio, Pres. Branch: 720 Magdalena, Binondo-Tel. 49946. M. C. S. Tanunliong, Mgr. Luzon Investment Co., Inc.-Loans-P. O. Box 2406-Tel. 22880-Room 210, Regina Bldg., 10 David, Binondo. G. Trinidad, Mgr. Luzon I ron Works Co.-Machinery ShopTel 22419-814 Echague, San Miguel. H. Fijii, Mgr.



76 Escolta

(Oppos;te Lyric Th<atre) P. O. Box 2104


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MANI1.. A ('l'rY

Luzon Laundry-Tel. 55918-900 San Marcelino (Int.). Paeo. Lino Balderas, Prop. Luzon Li ghterage, Inc.-L ighterage-Tel. 49712-307 S. J. Wilson Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Augusto J. D. Cortes, Pres. J. Nishiate, Manager. A. L. Katigbak, Sec'y. Luzon Lumbel' Co.- Lumber Dealers-Tel. 49911- 896-904 Juan Luna. Tondo. S. C. Yin, Mgr. Cel so Alabanza, Mgr. Luzon M. and Grocery, In c.- Grocers, Retail - Te1. 49292-1041 Marcelino de Santos , San Nicolas. Tan Tiall Min, Mgt'. Luzon Metal and Plumbing Works Co., Inc. - Plumbers, Engineers, Contractors and Manufacturers-Office Tel. 49638-51552] Soler Cor. Gandara, Binondo. N. A. Sales, Pres. and Gen. Mgl'. LUZON STEVEDORING CO.,-Marine Contractors, Lighters, Launches, Tow Boats, Water Boats, Ship Chandlers, Provisioners and Salvage Experts-P. O. Box 582- Tel. 21661-Cable Address: "LUSTEvEco"- Muelle de San Francisco, POi't Area. Geo. 'V. Simmie, President. C. Perez Rubio, Vice-President. E. 1\1. Grimm, Vice-President. R. Crytser, Secretary. A. T. Simmie, Director. W. H. Hastin!ts, Director. E. A. Fowler, Director & Tl'eas. Luzon Studio- Photography- Tel. 546341804 Henan, Paco. Dr. GaIicano A. Mal'asigan, Prop. and Mgl'.

Macal'io M. Victol'ino, Photographer. Luzon S l ~ar Co. - Sugar Centrnl- Tel. 21401- Hoom 6, Anderson Bldg., 25 Plaza Goit i, Sta. Cruz. A. S. Heyward, President. l\hs. Concepcion J. Bautista, Vice-Pres. Mrs. Beatl'iz B. Val'e ro, Member. . Mrs. Amparo B. Julian, Member. Jose M. Valero, Gen. Manager. A. G. Evangelista, Manila Office. A. de Guzman, Sr., Accountant, Calumpit Office. Luzon Surety Co., Inc.- General In su rance - Po O. Box 2438-Tels. 21630,23430 and 27637- Rooms 214, 215 and 2I6-Second Floor Regina Bldg., Muclle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. L. R. Aguinaldo, Pres.


LUZON THEATRES, INC. - Operating Avenue, the State, and Grand Theatres - Po O. Box 3225-Tel. 22205-Cable Ad· dress: "LUZTHECO" - 4th Floor, State Bldg., 504 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Vicente A. Rufino, President. Rafael R. Rufino, Vice-Pl'esident. Ernesto D. Rufino, Gen. Manager and Treas. Estel' Rufino, Ass't. Treas. Leonardo Abola, Sec'y. Jose F. Oreta, Ass't. Secy.-Treas. Quirino G. Gregorio, Auditor. Rosaul'o B. Rufino, Accountant-Cashier. Ralph Brambles, Sr., Manager, Avenue Theatre. R. D. Brambles, Jr., Manager, State Theatre. Marcial Pascual, Manager, Grand Theatre. Luz's Pharmacy-Druggists-Tel. 26536240 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Ramon V. Santos, Prop. Julita de Perio, Pharm. Ly No-Box Manufacturers-Tel. 48938913 San Nicolas, San Nicolas. Ly No, Prop. LYKES BROS. STEA~ISIIIP CO., INC. - Steamship Company-Tel. 24804-Cable Address: "LYKES"-Myers Bldg., 122 13th StI'eet, Port Area-Head Office: New Ol'leans, La., U. S. A. Louis G, Hubele Mgr. L~' nch, Thomas A.-Lawyel'-Tel. 23382404 SamaniIIo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Lyric Bazar-Dry Goods Dealel's-1638 Azcal'1'aga, Sta. Cruz. Amado Lim, Mgr. Lyric Fashion and Beauty Parlor, TheLadies Tailor and Beauty Parlor-Tel. 22812-837 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Rosenda de Albo, Prop. LYRIC ~IUSIC 1I0USE, INC.- Pianos, Instruments, Musical Merchandise in General-P. O. Box 274-Tels. 23516 and 23536-Cable Address: "MUSIC"-633 Escolta, Binondo. Frank H. Hale, President. E . A. Schrameck, Vice-President, F. W, Sigmund, General Manager. P. de Guzman, Secretary and Tl'eas. Gerardo G. Gutierrez, Accountant. Guillermo Plana, Attorney. Fleming & William son, Auditors. Branch Office: Cebu City. Naga, Camal'ines Sur. Lyric Service Station-Tel. 24884-0roquieta and Doroteo Jose, Sta. Cruz. Rosenda de Albo, Opel'3tol'.


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.... T.CIANS

(Oppo,;te Lyr;c Theatre) P. O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



Te/ephones 2-13-70 1:1 2-61-55

Because it is •

The emporium of Made-ill-the-Philippines products

A place where goods are sold at factory prices

The store of variety and quality

And because it is "

Operated by the Bureau of Commerce

A I?,overnment-owned store run not for profit but for service

• •

For fair and honest dealings Representing Philippine manufacturE::rs

Products Displayed and Sold at the Manila Trading Center Department Store Art Goods Abaca Industrial Products Books Canes Canvas Folding Chairs Cocaou t Products Cosmetics and Perfumeries Doilies Embroideries and Laces Electric Curling Machines Fans Fish Nets Foodstuffs Hammocks Hardwood Furniture Hats Ilocano and Iloilo Textiles FOR



Jewelry Jusi Textiles Lampshades Mats Preserves Paintings Reptile Products Ropes and Twines Rugs and Doormats Rattan Furniture Shell Products Shoes and Abaca Slippers Shirts Toys and Novelties Venetian Blinds Wines and Liquors Wood Carvings







X y

Familiarize Yourself WITH THE CONTENTS OF THE


It is well worth your

while and will save you time in the end PHILIPPINE EDUCATION CO., INC. OWNERS AND PUBLISHERS 101 -103 ESCOLTA

P. O. BOX 620


TEL. 2-21-31



Lyric Studio-Photographel's-Tel. 21153339 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Mariano Ang, Prop. Lyric Theatl'e-Cinematogl'uph- T els. 22837 and 24106-79-81 E scolta, Binondo. Owned and Operated by Eastern Theatrical Company, Inc.

M M-C Asbestos Paint--Paint Manufacturer Dealer and Contractor-Tel. 28522-220 Tanduay. San Miguel. C. G. Maramba Henal'es, Prop. and Mgr. M. S. Ramirez & Sons Management Co., Tnc., (See Ramirez & Sons Management Co., Inc.) Itt. Y. SAN & CO., INC.- Biscuit Manufacturers- P. O. Box 40 Tels. Restaurant 28896; Biscuit Wholesale Dept. 24306 and Factory 68394-Cable Address: "MARYUCKSAN"-69 Escolta, Binondo. Factory-29 Valenzuela, San Juan, Rizal. Fung Hu:tg Cho, Pres. Mal' Chip, Mgt'. and Treas. Ma Man Luk- Restaurant-Tel. 47610432-434 Salazar, Binondo. Ma Man Luk, Prop. Ma-ao Sugar Central Co., Inc.-Manila Office: Tels. 23427 and 23428-6th Floor, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. Mill Site; Sta. Cecilia, Ma-ao Central, Negros Occ. Officers and Board of Directors: Ramon S. Araneta, Acting Pres. and Gen. Mgr. J. Amado Araneta, Secretary and Trea s. Vi cente Carmona. Aguedo A. Gonzaga. Maba lacat Sugar Mills - Sugar CentralP. O. Box 93, Manila-Tel. 21185-Cable Address: "MASUMILLS"-210 CU Unjieng Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Leopoldo Cu Unjieng, Mgt'. Mabanta & Co., Inc.-General MerchantsP. O. Box 843-Tel. 24237-Cabl~ Address : "MABANTA-MANILA"-312 CU Unjieng Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binondo. Officers: Roman Mabanta, Pres. and Treas. Antonina F. de Mabanta, Vice-Pres. Nicodemus L. Dasig, Sec'y. Narciso Mabanta, Dir. Horacio Guanzon, Dil'.

ItIAHUIIA Y -Daily Morning Tagalog Paper-Po O. Box 601-TeI. 2-49-71 (connecting all depts.)-61 Calle Muralla, Intramuros . Peop]'es Press, Inc., Publishers. J. Amado Araneta, President. Carlos P. Romulo, Publisher and VicePres. Amado V. Hernandez, Editor. Jose R. Da Silva, General Manager. D. L. Brodt, Adv. Dir. M. de Leon. Cir. Mgr. Mabuhay Cardboard Box Factroy - Tel. 49045-714 Magdalena, Tondo. Ng Hian, Prop. Mabuhay Caterer-Band and MusiciansTel. 28083-656 Rizal A venue, Sta. Cruz. Mabuhay Industrial Enterprises, Inc. Manufacturers of Cement Pipes, Tiles & Bricks- P. O. Box 2698- Tel. 52428-Cable Address: "SAYANI"-160 Cuneta, Pasay, Rizal. G. B. Gu·e val'a, Pres. Mabuhay Orchestra (Tirso's Unit) - Tel. 28083-Cable Address: "MABUHAY"-656 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Silvano Cruz, Gen. Mgr. Mabuhay Panciteria-Tel. 22161-101 Martin Ocampo, Quiapo. Mabuhay Poultry and Supply, Inc.- Direct Importers and Exporters of General Merchandise-Manufacturers of "Mabuhay" Incubators, Brooders-Animal and P oultry Feeds - Poultry Appliances. - Tel. 25279- 1619 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Pu yat, Coquia & Brizuela, Props. Cipriano Brizuela, Gen. Mgr. Florencio R. Coquia, Acct. M~.buhay Rubber Corporation-Manufacturers of Rubber Shoes,and Rubber Goods P. O. Box 2698-Tels. 52184 and 51709Cable Address: "BAYANI>I-88 Cuneta, Pasay, Rizal. Guillermo B. Guevara, Pres. Mrs. Asuncion P. Guevara, Vice-Pres. & Treas. Hon. Eu!>ebio Orense, Director. Vicente Noble, Director. Leopoldo Francisco, Secretary. Mabuh ay Sash Factory-Doors and ·W indows Manufacturers-Tel. 49105-912 Azcarraga, Tondo. Santos Brothers, Props. Mabuhay Shoe Store-Po O. Box 1816-Tel. 26770- 247-249 Gandara, Binondo. Go Hoc, Prop. Mabuhay Sub-division-Real Estate-P. O. Box 803-Tel. 49352-Central Office: 505 Magdalena, Binondo. Tan Chong Pun, Prop.


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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P . O. Box 2104


2-23-62 MANILA



Mabuhay Tiles Factory- Te1. 28403 and 27641-536 Tayuman, Int., Tondo. Macario A . Miclat, Prop. Macaisa, Dr. Lorenzo - Physician - TeL 27406- 1235 Magdalena, Tondo. Macalino, Dr. Ana stacia Gueco-Lady Physician-Tel. 53B10-2nd Floor, Paco Bldg., Cor. Dar t and H e nan, Paco. Macalino, Dr. Elimio P.-Physician-Surgeon-Te1. 53310- 2nd Floor, Paco Bldg., Cor. Dart and Herran, Paco. Macal'l'.ig Publishing Co.-Publishers and Book Sellers- (Successor to the Educational Supply-Po O. Box 954-Tel. 26017 -704 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Virginia P. Macaraig, Mgr. Macarana s, Panfilo M.- Life Insurance Underwriter of the In sular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431Cable Address: " INSULIFE"-Thrid Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Macasaet, Dr. Ramon- Physician and Surgeon- Director, St. Theresita's Hospital- Tel. 67806-346 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Macatangay, Jose G.- Lawyel'-Tel. 27230 -465 San Vicente, Binondo. Macatuno, Dr. Ernesto C.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 49589-1441 Juan Luna, Tondo. ~IACAWnVILI GOLD ~DNlNG AND DEVELOP~IENT CO., INC.-Mining - Po O. Box 137-Bag uio- Manila Office: T el. 48195'- 501·502 China Bank Bldg., Dasmari fias, Binondo. Felicisimo R. Feria, President. Gabri el LaO, Vice-President. Mrs. Salvacion F. de Eduque, Director. Dr. Felix Feria, Director. Eusebio Morales, Director. Jose Soriano, Director. Capt. Juan Acayan, Director. Gonzalo Puvat, Director. Gregorio M. Bilog, Director. Dr. Trinidad Yusay, General Manager. F. G. Joaquin, General Superintendent. Jose F eria , Secretary-Treasurer. P. G. Joaquin, Accountant. Maceren, Cirilo. C.-Lawyer-Tel. 22810Roces Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Machalein Auto·Calesa Cooperative Association, Inc. -Operation of auto-calesas, taxicabs, auto-buses, and trucks.-P. O. Box 1420 - Tel. 24819 - Cable Address: "l\1ACHALEIN"- 228 Crystal Arcade. Es· colta, Binondo. (See Miscellaneous Section)

Machuca Tile Co., Inc.-Tile Manufacturers -Po O. Box 13S-Tel. 23333-Cable Ad· dress: "MACHUCA".......21 Balmes, Quiapo. J. Machuca Sanch-ez, Mgr. A. Machuca, Trea s. MACKAY RADIO AND TELEGRAPH COUP ANY - Commercial Radio Telegraphic Communication-Tel. 24343-Ca· hIe Address: "MACRAD" - 4th Floor, Trade and Commerce Bldg., 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Branch: Marsman Bldg., Port Area. H . E . Stovall, Dist. Mgr. Geo. Gould, Engineer. H. W. Brown, Commercial Representative. Macleod & Co. (See Inte1'national Harvester Co. of Philippines) . Macondray & Co., Inc.-General Importers and Commission Merchants-P. O. Box 768--Tel. 49871-Cable Address: HM'ACONDRAY" - Third Floor, China Bank Bldg., Dasmarinas and Juan Luna, Binondo. Carlos Young, Pres. and Dir. Newland Baldwin, Vice-Pres. and Oil'. Mac's Palm Beach Shop-American Made Suits-24 Dewey Boulevard Tel. 55302 and 119 Padre Faul'a, Ermita, Tel. 53282. R. V. McGrath, Prop. G. H . Wegwitz, Ass't. Mgr. Madrid Bakery-Tel. 47763-547 Madrid, San Nicolas. Co Kiem, Mgr. ~IADRIGAL & CO. - Coal Merchants, Shipowners, Manufacturers of Cement, Textiles, Coconut Oil, Copra Cake, Lumber Deal ers, General Merchants and Real E state Owners-Po O. Box 254Cable Add j'ess : "MADRIGAL, MANILA""CARBON, MANILA"-8 Muelle del Banco Nacional, Binondo. Telephones: Manager's Office .. . . . ....... 21826 Accounting Dept. and Cashier.. 21010 Shipping Department. 21960 and 21923 Coal Depal·tment . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21961 Coal Yard and Bodega Tanque 57546 Coal Yard Malecon .......... 21280 Purchasing Department 21963 & 24544 Rizal Cement Company, Inc. .. 21962 Philippine Cotton Mills, Inc 21962 & 21964. Factory 1059 Dagupan ....... 49978 Port Lamon Lumber Company. 21924 Madrigal Oil Mill s . ... . .. . ... 21964 Real Estate Department 24028 & 21964 V. Madrigal, Gen. Manager.

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76 Escol ta

(Oppo.;te Lydc Theatre) P. O. Box 2104




General Managers for: Rizal Cement Co., Inc. Philippine Cotton Mills, Inc. Port Lamon Lumber Co. Cristobal Oil Mills. Madrigal Oil MiJIs. MADRIGAL OIL MILLS-Coconut Oil, Copra Meal and Hydraulic Copra Cake Manufacturer:;, Copra Dealers-P. O. Box 141, Cebu-Cable Address: "CARBON" -Cebu, Cebu-Main Office: 8 Muelle del Banco N acional, Binondo. Tels. 21964 & 21825-Manila Mills and Bodegas: 15 Cristobal-Tel. 57390. Madrigal & Co., Gen. Mgrs. Madrigal Ortigas & Co. S. en C. (See 01路tigOA>, Madrigal & Co., S. en C. ) Madulid, Com'ado-Life Insurance Underwriter of thel Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "INSULIFE"-Third Floor Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. MAE'S BEAUTY SHOP, .JULlABeauty Parlor-174 Cabildo, Intramuros. MAERSK LINE-(A. P. Moller, Copenhagen; Isbrandtsen-Moller Co., Inc., New York)-Shipping Company-Po O. Box 143 - Tel. 22401-02-03 - Cable Address: I'MAERSKLINE"-142 13th Street, Port Area. Cia. Gr!:.l. de Tab:J.cos de Filipinas, Agents. Mafil's Shoppe-Dresses-256 Gral. Luna, Intramuros. Nena Z. Grajo, Prop. Magallanes Shoemaker, The-Tel. 22648131 Real and 117 Magallanes, Intramuros. Pelagio Hermosura, Prop. and Mgr. Magboo, Dr. Manuel-Physician-Surgeon -Tel. 25308-3 Baldwin, Sta. Cruz. Magdalena Estate, InC.-Real Estate-Tels. 22154-22340-348 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Branch Office: Tel. 68725-20 Broadwa,y, 5th. St., Quezon City. K. H. Hemady, Pres. Magdangal, Dr. Arsenio F .-Dentist-llOI J. Luna Corner Morga, Tondo. Maglalang, Dr. Gil L.-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 27445-111 Bustillos, Sampaloco MAGNANI, B. - Marble Merchant and Manufacturer-P. O. Box 824-619-621 Raon, Quiapo. B. Magnani. P. Ocampo. G. Miranda. Magno, Victorino P.-Accountant and Au~ ditor-P . O. Box 756-Tel. 57263-638 Isaac Peral, Ermita.

Magnolia Dairy Products - Manufacturers of Ice Cream, Magnolia Milk, Chocolate Milk, etc.-Main Office : 132 A vil es, San Miguel-Tel. 21212. Magnolia Ice Cream Shipping Office: 660 Echague, San Miguel-Tels. 23576-23577. Magnolia Milk Shipping Office: 660 Echague, San Miguel- Tels. 21218-21219. Ice Shipping Office: 660 Echague, San Miguel - Tel. 23570. Plant Superintendent: 660 Echague, San Miguel-Tel. 23581. Magpayo, Armando--Lawyer- Tel. 23094401 Cu Unjieng Bldg., T. Pin pin, Binondo. Magsila's Supply Company- Teaching Devices, Sporting Goods, Office & School Supplies, Shop & Garden ImplementP . O. Box 386-Main Office: Room 211, Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifias. Binondo. Lope Magsila, Gen. Mgr. Ricardo Magsila, Bus. Mgr. HMagsimpan"- Dl'ug Laboratory and Printing Press-Tel. 48624-617-619 Sto. Cristo, San Nicolas. Martin C. Dionisio, Prop. Victoria C. Dionis io, Mgt'. Magtoto's Tailoring - Tailor - 31 Plaza Sta. Cruz, Sta. Cruz. J. Magtoto, Mgr. Mag Wagui Zapateria y Chinelel'ia- Shoe and Slipper Manufacturers - 420 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. C. Nepomuceno, Prop. l"AmLO~I, .JR., ROBERTO G.-Commercial Broker-P. O. Box 3196- Tel. 2-47-23-304 Roccs Bldg., Corner Rizal Avenue and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Maiiigat Transportation-Land Transportation-Tel. 55573-Herran and Tejeron, Sta. Ana. Evaristo B. Gutierrez, Prop. Maison Alex Weill-Gift and Art ShopP. O. Box 1197-Tel. 23648-Cable Address: "AWEILL"-20 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Alex W'eill, Mgl'. Maizee's-Ladies' Weal', Novelties and Cosmetics-P. O. Box 634-Tel. 57245-309 I saac Peral Cor. Nebraska, Ermita. Mrs. May Aubrey, Prop. Makabayan Taxi Cab - TransportationTel. 57410-723 Kansas, Paco. Francisco Javier, Mgr. Makalintal, Dr. Alodia - Physician - Tel. 51481-2275 Luna, Pasay, Rizal. Makapugay, Dr. Fidel-Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 26440-155 Laong Laan, Sampaloc.

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(Opposite Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104




Maki, Jil'o- Broker- TeJ. 49086-6 Ingl'eso, Binondo. Malabon Sugar Company-Candy Manufacturers-Tel. 23131-Trade & Commel'Ce Bldg. 123 Juan Luna, Binondo. Smith, Bell & Co., Ltd., General Mgrs. Malahay, Lawalio A.-Lawyel'-Tel. 2-19-44 -Room 342 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Bi110ndo. Malahay & Ocampo Construction Co.Building Contractors-Tel. 21944-Cable Address: "MAocco"-342 Regina Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Alfonso G. Ocampo, Gen. Mgr. Lawalio A. Malahay, Treasurer. C. Cas\.lpanan, Mastel' Plumber. R. C. Garcia, Civil Engineer. S. S. Soriano, Architect. Emilio Ocampo, Building Inspector. Malate Drug Store- Dl'uggists-Tel. 54844 -400 Vermont, Malate. Felisa Manquiat, Prop. Enriqueta Kalaw, Pharm. Malate Studio - Photographers - 203 San Andres, Malate. Gregorio de Guzman, Prop. ~IALATE TAXI-CAB & GARAGE, INC.- Taxi-Cab, Garage, Auto Repairs, Truck Body Building, Real Estate-Tels. 56966, 56967 and 56968-Cable Address:

Dakota, Malate. Owners and Operators of Royal Taxicab & Garage, Inc., City of Baguio. Fausto Barredo, Pres. & Tl'eas. Manuel H. Barredo, Vice-Pres. Jose M. Barredo, Dir. & Gen. Mgr. Carmen Barredo de Borromeo. Director. Maria Luisa Barredo, Director. Pedro R. Francisco, Asst. Mgr. EmiIiano Bolanos, Shop Supt. Domin go Faustino, Chief Mechanic. Jose Muyot, Asst. Treas & Cashier. Bernardo Sebastian, Supervising Engineer, Real Estate. Laureano G. Marquez, Accountant. Leandro Fargas, Night Manager. Fausto G. Fal'gas, In Charge, Garage



Hon. Pedro Vera and Celedonio P. Gloria, Lawyers. Buenaventul'a Atienza, Manager of Royal Taxicab, Baguio. Francisco Vizcarra, Asst. Mgr. and Cashier. Branches : 617 Sales St.............. Tel.


Manila Hotel ............. TeL Luneta Hotel ............. Tel. Sta. Ana Cabaret ..... . ... Tel.

22022 21971 56907


Bakery- Tel.



Ave., Sta. Cruz. Maria Druico, Prop. Malayan Aerated Water Factory-TeL 66117-9 Mayon, Santa Mesa H eights, Quezon City. Lee See Tat, Prop. Malayan Beauty Shoppe-Beauty Pal'lor1106 Vergara, Quiapo. Miss Carmen Salvador, Prop. Malayan Dry Cleaning - 311 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Jose Santos, Prop. Malayan Press-Pl'inting-TeI. 24174-720726 Calero, Sta. Cruz. Arsenio C. Vera, Mgt'. Malayan Saw Mill, Inc. -Tels. 67892 and 27938-81 Nagtahan, Sampaioc. Tan C. Sing, Mgr. Dy Bun Chin, Treas. ~IALIG ELECTIUCAL SERVICE-Battery Charging, Auto Repairing, and Spare Parts Dealers-Tel. 26992-1002 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Pedro M. Matig', Prop. & Mgr. Rufino Malig, Electrician. ~IALIG PIANO REPAIR SIIOP-Piano Repairing-707 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Genaro P. Malig, Prop. and Mgr. Maligaya Dry Cleaning-Cleaners and Dyers-805 Raon, Quiapo. Pio Galano, Prop. and Mgr. Florida R. de Benito, Mgr. Maliksi, Andres-Tailor-708 R. Hidalgo, Quiapo. Ma-limban, Dr. A. B. - Physician - Tel. 67037-530 G. Tuason, Sampaloc. Malloy Co., Inc., J. E.-Embroidery Manu facturer s-P. O. Box 2183-Tel. 57375Cable Address: "KINSWIL-2973 Henan, Sta. Ana. J. E. Malloy Pres. (N. Y.). \V . J. Stumph, Jr., Mgr., Manila Branch. Maioles, Octavio L.-Law~el'-Tel. 57287 -932 Padre Faura, Ermlta. Malolos Subdivision- Tel. 23196-Rooms 7 &' 9 El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. F. Calero & Co., Selling Agents. Malubay, Dr. Leon C. - Physician - Tel. 27652-226 Regidor, Quiapo. Malvataan, Dr. Santiago M.-ChiropodistTel. 54685-11 Sagat, Paco. Mambulao Central Mining Co., Inc.-Mining-P. O. Box 1074- Tals 23031 and 23032-Rooms 328-329, Perez Samanillo . Bldg., Escolta, Binondo.

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76 Escolta

(Opp0Site Lyric Theatre) P. O. Box 2104




Direc tors : Franc is Burto n Harri son. J. V. Bagta s. Ramon J . Ferna ndez. Franc isco A. Delga do. Marce lino V. Berna rdo. J ase Gonzalez. Mrs. Fidela N. Lazat in. Office rs: J. V. Bagta s, Presid ent and Gen. Manager . Marce lino V. Berna rdo, Sec'y. -Treas urer. Mamb ulao Conso lidate d Mines , Inc.-G old Minin g Comp any-P o O. Box 579-T f!ls. 23124 to 27; 23470 and 24157-Cab le Address : "WARN ERMIN -MANI LA" - 4th Floor, Sorian o Bldg., Plaza Cerva ntes, Binon do. Don Andre s Sorian o, Pres. Don Euseb io Drens e, 1st Vice- Pres . V. H . Masefield, 2nd Vice-P res. J. H. Samp son, Direc tor. A. M. Made od, Direc tor. Hon. Vicen te Noble . Direc tor. Nicola s Belmo nte, Direc tor. L. J. Cricht on, Treas . Mamb ulao Gold Minin g Comp any-G old Minin g- P. O. Box 2917- Tel. 2416 3Rooms 400-401 F ernan dez Bldg., T. Pinpin, Binon do. Board of Direc tors: Vicen te Aldan ese, Pres. Juan Carre ro, Vice-P res. J. G. Quijan o, Sec,-T l'eas. Mamb ulao Lumb er Comp any - Lumb er Deale rs-Te l. 23085- 9 Pl aza Morag a, Binondo. G. P. Nava, Pres. P. Angu lo, Treas . E. de los Santo s, Sec'y. Man Lee Lung -Impo rter and Expor terP. O. Box 1325- T el. 22083 - 320 T. Pinpin, Binon do. Man Sun Woo Co.- Groce rs, Whol esale and Retail - P. O. Box 1023- Tel. 25641 - 230 T. Pin pin, Binon do. F ong Sim. Mgr. ~IA.NA.CSA. STOR ES, INC. - Stores at Canlu bang, Lagu na-P. O. Box 2259 TeL 23189 - Ma nila Office : c/o Acoje Minin g Co., Moser co Bldg., Port Area. L. Weinz heime r, Presid ent. B. Micla t, Vice-P reside nt. W. Weinz heime r, Secre tary-T reasu rer. Dr. Jose Yatco , Direc tor. Cesar io Dalma cio, Direc tor. Mana gump ay Tenni s Club -(See Miscella-

neous Section)

Manah an, Ora. Beatr iz-De ntist- 135 Castanos, Sampa loc.


Mana han & Felici ano - Surve yors - T el. 48680 -211 Ongpi n, Binon do. Anton ino Mana han. Rufin o Felici ano. Mana han Jr., Maria no - Lawy er - Tel. 48680""':'211 Ongpi n Corn er Rosar io, Binon do, Mafia Jac's TaiJor ing-2 250 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Leon Mana lac, Prop. and Cutte r. Mana lang, Elias- Life Insura nce Under write r of the Insula r Life Assur ance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734- 'I'el. 22431 -Cab le Address: "INSULIFE"- Thl'id Fl oor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Morag a, Binon do. Mana lang Sign Shop -Sign Paint er- T el. 48073- 1208 Azca naga. Sta. Cruz. Ramo n l\fana lang, Prop. E. G. Lozan o, Artist . Mana lo Recre ation Club- Tel. 27024 -3 Isla de Rome ro, Sta. Cruz. Quirin o Manal o, Prop. and Mgr. Branc h 1: 53 Echa gue, Tel. 28388. Mana lo's Auto Servi ce-Au tomob ile Accessory Deale rs-18 71 Azca naga, Sta. Cruz. Jorge Mana lo, Prop. and M g t'. Mana loto's Fashi on, A. B. - Tailor s - 233 Florid a, Ermi ta. Adolf o B. Mana loto , Prop. Mana nsala & N alus-La wyer s-Tel . 26961 - Room 305, Kneed ler Bldg., Carrie do, Santa Cruz. Vitali ano L. Mana nsala, Lawy er. Enriq ue Y. Nalus , Lawy er . ~IA.NA.PA.T & CO., C. S.-Ce rtifie d Public Accou ntants -P. O. Box 2667 Tel s. 21680 & 23272 -123 Cryst al Arcad e, E scolta , Binon do. C. S. Mana pat, C. P. A. A. G. Olymp ia. C. P. A. Mand aluyo ng Lumb er Co., Inc.-T el. 67887 19 Kal enton g, Mand aluyo ng, Riza.l Sy Beng, Mana ge.r Mand anas Dry Clean ing and Laund ry-60 9 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita . Feder ico Pefial osa, Prop. Mafie ru & Co. , Inc.-G enera l Merch antsP. O. Box 380-T el. 23104 -Cabl e Address: "NAPROCO"- 1067 Muell e de la Indu stria, Binon do, Grego rio ManeI 'u, Mgr. Mang alima n Bros . Pharm acy- Reta il Druggi sts-T el. 67179 -4 Val enzue la, (Sta. Mesa) , Sampa loc. Mrs. Salud Vda . de Mang alima n, Prop. and Ph arm. "Man ifest Servic e of the Philip pines "Publis hers of Inwar d and Outw ard F oreign Comm ercial Manif ests and Trade

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(Oppo site Lyric Tbeat re) P. O. Box 2104

Telep bone

2-23-62 MANILA



Sta ti stics-General Offi ce : Tel. 49273307-309 P efia rrubia, Sa n N icolas. Vicente Carlos, Prop. a nd Gen. Mgr. Fra ncisco Carlos, Office Mgr. Manifoldo Station ery & Suppl y Co.- 1m· porter s, Age nts, Stationer s a nd Calendar Mer chan ts-P. O. Box 3171- Tels. 26904 and 67 483-Cabl e Adell'ess : "MASTSUCO"165 La va nder os, Sa m pal oc.

Fra ncisco Fra nquel1i, Ma nager. Ma nu zl F ran qu elli , Asst . Mg l'. a nd Rep. Carmen Fl'a nquelli , Secreta r y, Treasurer an d R ep.

J ose L. E scasa & Co., Ce r t ifi ed Public Accou nta nts , (Audito r). Reyes & Vergara, Consultin g Attys. Manil a A d ver t is ing Co .- Hou se and Sign

Pain ti ng- T el. 49167- 620 Reina Regente, Binondo. Yu Mingo Guat, Prop. a nd Mgl'. Yu Si u Siang, A ss't. Mg r. Ma nil a Aerated W a ter Fa ctory- P. O. Box n 09- Tel. 211 97- 735 Mi se ricordia, Sta. Cru z. ' :Yo ng N ing, President and Gen . Mgr. Ma n ila Associated Brokel's- (See Chuidian & CO'lnl)Uny, H. C.) Ma nil a A thl etic Goods Co.- Sporting Goods Deal er s- P. O. Box 3298-T el. 23464Cable A ddress : " MAGCO"-320 Bustos, Sta. Cr uz . Rafael A . Ledesma, Prop. a nd Mgr. ~1i\NILi\ i\UT O SUPPLY - Complere Auto Accessories, Genuine Chevrolet P arts , F ord Par ts, Gasoline and Lubricatin g Oil Servi ce- T ir es and TubesMain Store : Tels. 49476 a nd 48778-633637 Azcarraga , Tondo. Br an ch: Tel. 49647 500-502 Azcarraga, Tondo. Ma nuel Lopa, Mg r. and Prop. Al ej an dro M. Martinez, Office Mgr. Al berto P. Reyes, Auditor. Guill ermo O. Bri oso, Cost Accoun tant. Asunci on R. Madrill ej os, Bookkeeper. Ma nila Ba kery a nd Grocery-Tel. 23101Cable Address : " LEONGCO"-358-362 Lega rda, Sampaloc. Man H ap Long & Co., Props. Leong Ah v;,' ha y, Mg r. Ma nila Bay Engineering Co.- Marine Engin eer ing- P. O. Box 1124-B- Tel. 55597 - Cable Address : "HENBE" -H ead Office: 318 San Andres, Mal a te. H. C. Best & Co., Gen . Mg t's. Ma nil a Baza r ( Sin Hua Keng )-Shirt F actc ry-Te1. 49110- P. O. Box 1413216 Rosario, Binondo. Yao Y P ing, Prop.

Manila Blue Printing Co., Inc.-Importers - Tels. 23419 and 26592- Cable Address: uFLOROBROS",-446-448 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Exequiel Floro, Mgt'. Manila Boat Club- (See Miscellaneous Section) Manila Bodies A. & A. S. R.- (See MiscellaneQus S ection ) Manila Book Company, Inc.- Books, Stationeri es and General Merchandise-P. O. Box 2372 - Tel. 24301 - Cable Address: " MANBOCO"-121 E scolta, Binondo. 1. Konigsberg, Pres. and Mgr. Mrs. S. Konigsberg, Vice-Pres. Branch Store: Reliable Book Store - 645 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz-Tel. 26952. Manila Book Exchange-P. O. Box 555Tel. 24224-Cable Address : "BARRISTERS" - 212 Roces Bldg., Corner Rizal Avenue and Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. Bonifa cio Pereja, Gen. Mgr. Prof . M. V . Gallego, Pres. Judge A . M. Opisso, Vice-Pres. Jose Fernandez ZorrilIa, Treas. Ma nila Box Factory-Box Manufacturers - Tel. 48415-334 Elcano, San Nicolas. Eustaquio David, Mg r. ~1i\N1Li\ BUILDING AND LOi\N i\SSOCli\TlON-P. O. Box 855-Tel. 22090 - Ground Floor, Kneedler Bldg., Carri edo, Sta. Cruz. J. W. Ferrier. Pres. and Mgr. John R. Mc Fie, Jr., Vice-Pres. Manuel Pena, Secretary-Treasurer. Com'ado Benitez, Director. P. D. Carman, Director. Alfredo Roench, Director. T. M. Jordan, Director. Rufino Abriol, Director. Fruct uoso A. Santos, Cashier. Manila Butter Factory- Butter Manufacturing - Tel. 25404 - 946 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Ma ria no S. Tejuco. Manila Button Factor.y, Inc.- Manufacturer s of Ocean Pearl Buttons and Shell Novelties-P. O. Box 767- Tel. 21635Cable Address: "MAN BUTTON" - 458-460 Dasmal'ifias, Binondo. E. Viegelman, Pres. E. Gai ser. Vice-Pres. a nd Treas. Manila "C. O. D."-Wholesale and Retail J eweler s-Silversmith and Watchmakers - P o O. Box 488-Tel. 23030-725 Rizai Ave. , Sta. Ct'uz. Patrocinio David, Prop.

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Manila Central Garden - Florists - Te1. 26573-1572 Arlegui Ext .. San Miguel. T. Kosogi, Prop. Manila Central Hospital-Tel. 27233- 239 Requesens, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Francisco R. ViJlaroman, Director. Manila Central Venetia n Blind Co.-Venetia n Blind Manufacturers-Tel. 67858.712 Honradez, Sampaloc. Librado D. Enriquez, Prop. and Manager. Manila Chamber of Commerce-Po O. Box 2523- Tel. 26960-Cable Address : "MANCHAMCoM-Room 407, National City Bank Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo. T. A. D. Aplin, Presi dent. W. C. Naismith, Vice-President. T. Harrington, Technical Advi ser. Alan Howell, Secretary. Manila Chinese Patriotic School- (See Miscellaneous Section) ~IANIIA CITY COLLEGE - Privare School-P. O. Box 3434-Tel. 22983Corner Cabildo a nd Urdaneta, Intramuros. Board of Directors: Olimpio A. Cabellon, Pres. Roberto Martinez, Vice-Pres. Gonzalo D. Davi d, Secreta ry. Mrs. Patroci nio J ose de Mart inez, Treas. Salvador P erez de Tagle, Member. Administrative Officers: Olimpio A. Cabell on, Dean, College of Commerce & Vocational Department. Alicia Martinez, Librarian. Manila City Dairy-Dairy Produce Dealers-Tel. 22873-Cable Address : "VIBUN" - 1026 Felix Huerta s, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Victo r Buencamino, Prop. ~IANILA CITY DIRECTORY- (Philippine Education Co., Inc., Owners and Publishers. ) - Directol'Y of Manila, including The Commonwealth of the Philippines, Consular Representatives, Masonic Bodies, Religious Instituti ons, Schools and Hospitals and other Mi scellaneous information pertaining to the PhiJippines-P. O. Box 620 - Tel. 22131 - Cable Address : "PEcoI"-3rd Floor, 101-103 E scolta, Binondo. J. Balis, Manager. S. Vill areal, Salesman. J. Castil1a, Salesman. D. Rom ero, Salesman. L. Al'cega, Salesman. C. Bautista, Salesman. R. Castilla, Salesman. Mrs. L. J. Concepcion. M. Concepcion.

Manil a City Hosp ital - (See Miscellwneous Section) Manila Coeds. The - Dressmakers - Tel. 28511-545 Evangelista, Quiapo. Mrs. E. Salonga. ~IANILA COLLEGE OF PHAR~IACY AND DENTISTRY-Coll ege of Pharmacy - Tel. 24241; Coll ege Dormitor,y (3rd Floor) Corner Zurbaran-Oroquieta. College of Dentistry-Tel. 23997-Corner Felix Huertas-MayhaJigue, Sta. Cruz. Board of Trustees: Dr. Alfredo L. Guerrero, President. Atty. Filemon Tanchoco, Secretary & Comp troll er. Dr. F eli ciano Paterno, Member. Dr. F eli x Ira Concepcion, Member. Hon. Antonio G. Llamas, Member, Regent of In struction and Dean, College of Pharm acy. Dr. Miguel D. Arevalo, Acting Dean, College of Dentistry. Manila Commercial Agency - Business Agent-Tel. 48791-217 Ongpin, Binondo. E. S. Sim, Prop. and Mgr. Ma nila Commercial Trad ing Co.-Importers and Sugar Merchants-Tel. 29485-244 Tetuan, Sta. Cruz. Sio He, Mgr. Manila Concert Management-P. O. Box 2210- Tel. 25452-Suite 301 Cu Unjieng Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Alfredo Lozano, Manager. Manila Cordage Co.-Rope and Twine Manufacturers- P. O. Box 131-Sales Department-Tel. 57147-Cable Address: " MANco"-Cor. Cristobal and Otis, P aco. H. P. Strickler, Pres. ~IANILA DAILY BULLETIN- P. O. Box 769- Tel. 21102-Cable Address: "BULLETIN"-COl'nel' Raon and Evangelista, Quiapo. Carson Taylor, Publisher. Roy C. Bennett, Editor, Gen. Mgr. H. Ford Wilkin s, News Editor. W. L . Highsmi th, Office Mgr. Florencio Navarro, Shipping Editor. Bessie Hackett, Society Editor. A. H . Escoda, Edi torial. L. Moote, Cir. Mgl'. H . A. Li nn, Adv. Mgr. Charles Case, Adv. Dept. Domingo Quintos, Adv Dept. Mrs. Mary Cronin, Class. Adv. Dept. Emilio Abundo, Chief Acct. M. Bamba, Mech. Supt. Alberto Campos, Translator. G. Abanilla, Cashi er. (See Advertisement )

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Manila Department Store-Po O. Box 2920 - Tel s. Store: 24809; Office: 28802-Cahie Address: "MANILADEPT"-101 Echague , Sta. Cr uz. H. Dalat;nal, Prop. Manila Designing School, Inc.-Sartorial Academy- p. O. Box 1780-712 Rizal Avenue, Sa nta Cruz. Sergio G. Buenagua, Prop. Margarito S. Viola, Sec'y. and Chief I nstructor. Manila Desi r e Fashion- Tailoring-1012 Bilibid Viejo, Quiapo. O. V. Ceguerra, Prop. Manila Dl'essmaker- 1611 Henan, Paco. Concepcion S. de Velol'ia, Prop. Manila Drug Store-Dl'uggists-Tel. 26923 - 720 Cal ero, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Elisa Cecilio-Nazareno, Prop. and Phal'lll, Manil e Educational Supply-General Merchants - Tel. 29521- 925 Ongpin, Santa Cruz. Antonio Quiogue, Gen. Mgr, F ortunata C. Bustos, Asst. Mgr. Elisa Concepcion, Sec'y. and Treas. ~IANILA

ELECTRIC CO~IPANY Electric Light, Power, Railway and Bus Transportation - P. O. Box 451- Tel. 21911- Cable Address: "MANILALECT" General Offices and Operating Departments-134 San Marcelino, Ermita. James C. Rockwell, President. H . E. Atkin, Vice-Pres, and Gen. Mgr. E. J. Deymek, Treasu rer. R. r. Gilliland, Electric Mgr. J. A. Thomas, Transportation Mgt'. F. P. Santiago, Ass't. to Pres. E. W. Brooks, Supt. Power Plants. A. B. Tigh, Ad,(. Mgr. (See A dvel'tisement) Manila Elegante- Dry Goods and General Merchandise-N ovelties - Tel. 55287 - 251 A. Mabini, Ermita. Dolores Aguilar, Mgr. and Prop. Manila Evangelistic Institute-Tel. 53142401 Pennsylvania, Ermita. (See also Miscellaneous Section). Manila Express Transportation - Customs Brokers and Forwarding Agents - Tel. 24882-120 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Maximo Sanchez, Mgr. Vicente Carlos, Customs Broker. Conch ita Lim, Cashier.

Manila Fashion Ccntcl'-Tailor - 12 E scolta, Binondo. L. P. Gozum, Prop. Ju stino P. Castro, Cutter. ~IANILA FILATELICA Booksellers, Bookbinders, Stationers and Postage Stamp Dea lers-P. O. Box 70-Cable Address: "RIzALINA"- Main Plant : 13181322 Ol'oquieta, Sta. Cruz-Branch and Office Tel. 25013-331-333 Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Remigio Garcia, Prop., Tel. 28150. Manila Fire Insura nce Ass'n.-Tel. 475175th Floor, Wise Bldg., 174 Juan Luna, Binondo. Manila Garden- Florists-Tel. 54865-719 Singalong, Malate. M. Yamauchi, Prop. ~IANILA GAS CORPORATION-Manufacturel's of Gas, Tar Coke, and Dealers in Gas Appliances-P. O. Box 1483-Tel. 5-78-81 - Ca bl e Address: "GASWORKS"Otis, Paco. Retail Store : Tel. 21643.138 T . Pin pin, Binondo. Arthur Hoyer, Vice-President. E . A. Perkins, Secretary. 'V. Scheunig, Treasurer. H. Warns, Ass't. Treasurer. C. Regena ss. Chief Engineer. F. Hoel'Jimann, Ass't. Treasurer, Collection Dept. K. Gantner, Collection Dept. H . Zimmermann, Supt. of Water Ga s P lant. O. Rother, Supt. of Mains. H. Benz, Industrial Gas Engineer. R. Francke, Supt. of Meters. H . Gruenig, Ass't. Supt.-- of Meter s. W. Roeder. E. Huber, Asst. Supt. of Coal Gas Pl a nt, J. Hol enste in, Asst. Superintendent of Mains. Manila Gold Club, Inc.-P. O. Box 1560Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Cal. 549 -Caloocan, Rizal. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Manila Goods Supply-General Merchants -Po O. Box 2578-Tel. 21437-Cable Address: "MAGOSO"-700 Rizal Ave., 2nd Floor, Sta. Cruz. T. C. Martin, Prop. and Gen. Manager. Al berto Martin, Sales Manager. Manila Grafica, I nc.-Pri nters, Booksell er s and Stationer s - P. O. Box 1850 - Tel. 21638- Cable Address: "GRAMA"-Office and Printing Plant: 112 E scoIta, Binondo. Manuel Pellicer, Pres. Francisco Ferrel' Gutierrez, Vice-Pres. Antonio Almagro, Mgr.

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Manil a Grand Opera House- T e1. 22856Cable Address: " HASHI M-MAN ILA"-Codes Used: A. B . C. and BentleY's-881 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. N. T. Ha shim, P rop. Manila Gravel and Sand Co.-Gravel and Sand Dealers-Tel. 21673-Room 309, Roces Bldg., Cor. Plaza Goiti a nd Ri zal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Federico Calalang, Mgr. Mani la H am Factory Co" Inc.-Tel. 21409 - 11 Orozco, Sta. Cruz. J ose Limjap, Gen. Mgr. Manila Hand Made Embl'oidery-Embroideri cs-P. O. Box 2915-234 Isaac Pel'aI, Ermita. Mrs. Pel agia Asinas, Prop. Manila Hardware Supply Co.-H ardware a nd Mill Supplies-Po O. Box 2226- T el. 22290-328 Mi sericordia, Santa Cruz. Lorenzo Elinan. Miss J osefina H omb rebueno . . Manila H arness Co., Inc.- Leather Goods Manufacturers and Dealers -Im portersP. O. Box 1921-Tel. 21797-Cabl e Address: "CALVET"-19 Escolta, Binondo. Emili o Tomas, Mgr. Manila Hat Store-1705 General Luna, Paco. Pl acido Ong, Prop. and Mgr. Manila Hat Store-Po O. Box 2329-TeI. 56405-Cable Address : "ESEFECO"-320 M. H . del Pilar, Ermita. S. P acheco, Prop. Manila Home-Study Institute-Vocational , Occupational and Commer cial Courses by Mail-Cabl e Address : "MAHOST"-Margarita David Bldg., Corner Rizal Avenue and Azcarraga , Sta. Cruz. J. M. de los Reyes, Dean. J. A. Lazo, Registrar. • Manila Home Subdivision-Real EstateP. O. Box 768- Tel. 49875- Ma condl'ay & Co., I nc., Chi na Bank Bldg., Binondo. Manila Hotel Barber Shop- Tel. 22022Manila Hotel, Lun eta Exten sion, Erm·ita. L. Joaquin, Mgr. Manila H otel Cigar Stand-Ciga r s and Cigarettes-Tel. 22022- Manil a H otel, Lu neta Extension Ermi ta . Mal'ia!lO de P ed ro, Mgr. Ma nuel Lactaoen, In charge. ~'AN'LA HOTEL CO~lPANY P. O. Box 583 - T el. 22022 - Cable Address: "MANHoco"-Luneta Extension, El'mita. Board of D irecto r s : J ose Paez, Presi dent and Chairman of the Board. Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Vice-President a nd Treasu rer.

H . M. Cavender, Member. Manuel N ieto, Member. A. D. ' Villia ms, Member. Francisco Mendoza, Secretary and Asst. Treas. Management: H. M. Cavender, Managing Directo r. Fra ncisco Mendoza, Ass't. Manager. Manila Humc Pipe and Tile Works, In c.Manufacturers of: Centrifugal made, r~inforced concrete pipe, Floor Tiles, Pla in and Mosaic, Roof Tiles, Bricks and Slabo-P . O. Box 2045-Tel. 67110-Cable Address: "HUMEPIPE"-1003 COl'deleria, Santa Mesa, Sampaloc. L. T. Clark, Mgr. J ohn Hunter, Ass't. Mgr. Manila In stallment Company, I nc.-H ousehold and Office Furniture Sold on Easy P aymonts-P: O. Box 2234- Tel. 22204Cable Address : "MINco"- Bentley's New Edition-426-430 Platerias, Sta. Cruz. Mrs. Miguela G. Stevenson, Pres. James Stevenson, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Benito Maneze, Treas. Minn ie J . Stevenson, Sec'y. ~IAN'LA JOCKEY CLUB, INC.- Tels. 22876, 22818 and 21191- 2000 F elix Huertas, Sta. Cruz. Raiad Roces, Sr., Pres ident. Benito rrieto, Trea ~u l'et· . Dr. Salustiano Herrero, Secretary. Members: Antonio Prieto. Manuel Torres. Jose Albert. F. W . P l'ising. T omas Lichauco. Ca rmen C. V da. de Reyes. J. D. Warren, Manager. Manila Kapoc Factory - Kapoc Manufacturers and Exporter s-P. O. Box 92-Tel. 4968B-Cable Address: "l\1ANKAFAC"-401 Elcano, San N icolas. Vicente Uy T eck, Mgt·. Manila Knitting Works-Knitted Garmen ts -Po O. Box 219-Tel. 21429-Cable Address : " ABOITIZ"-210 Gral. Luna, Intramuros. FactOl'Y: Gilmore & Valencia Sts., Quezon City-T el. 68542. Aboitiz & Co., I nc., P rops. Manila Land and Water Transportation Co., Inc.-Tel. 47921-132 Juan Luna, Binondo. E steban Marcelo, Manager. Sixto P . Marcelo, Asst. Manager. Manil a L a und ry-D ry Cleaning and Laundry - T el. 26975 - 621 F . Torres, Sta. Cruz. Rosario P. Cruzado, Prop.


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Manila Law College-Tel. 21484-14 T. Pinpin, Binondo. (See a lso Mi scellaneous Section) Manila Lighter Tran sportation, In c.-Customs Brokerage and Tran sportation-P. O. Box 1179- Tel. 49013-132 Juan Luna, Binondo. Ricardo Gaskell, Presi dent. Atty. Ramon E. Amador, Sec.-Treas. Luis Gaskell, Manager. Iri neo Abot, Chief Clerk. Eduardo Gaskell, Cash ier. Manila Lime and Brick Factory - Lime Manufactlll'cl's-Tei.

49 123-1 728


Luna, Tondo. Ambrosia Jose, Prop. Manila Lodge No.1 F. & A . M.- T el. 57550 -912 Taft Avenne, Malate. (See also Miscella neou s Section) Manila Lumber Merchant Association-T>el. 49610-918 Juan Luna, Tondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) IUANILA IUACIIINERY & SUPPLY CO., INC.- General Merchants, Machiner y. Mining a nd Mechanical Supplies-Po o. Box 607-Tels. 22458 and 22459-Cabl e Address : "MAC HY"---675-681 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Baguio Branch; Sti!wart Bldg. A. W. Ral sto n, Pres. Geo. H. Evan s, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. F. Segado, 2nd. Vice-Pres. & Asst. Gen. Mgr. Henry Leo Reich, Secretary-Treasurer. C. E. Stone, Sales Manager. O. H. Ruiz, Mgr., Mining Dept. J. M. Flanagan, Factory Rep. Sullivan Machinery Company. H. A. Nelso n, Mgt'., Baguio Branch. J. P. O'Toole, Salesman . A. C. del Rosario, Gov't. Salesman. H. G. Pritchett, Salesman. A. G. Jensen, Sa lesman . L. Gallent, Salesman. A. G. Tullao, Ch ief Accountant. F. Salcena, Storekeeper. ~IANILA ~IAIL ORDER COUPANYImporters & Manufacturers' Agents ~ Exclusive Distributors for Cropax Foot Aids, Sentinel First Aids, White Tal' Deodorant and moth preventions, Procopax SU:1dry Products-Po O. Box 2364Tel. 2-79-59-CaMe Address : "MAlLORDER" 513 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Ma nila Match Company-Manufactur ers of Book Matches- P. O. Box 552-Tel. 49356 - Factory: 2714 Molave, Tondo. Melquiades Sa!1tandcr, Mgr. Mi ss F e1ic idad Santander, Sec'y.-Treas.

Pantaleon Vargas. Distribution. Patrocino Santander, Plant Inch arge. AurelIo Santander, Clerk. Manila Medical Laboratory - Tel. 22630 208 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Dr. Regino Navarro, Prop. Manila Medical Society-Tel. 25931-879 Lepanto, Sampaloc.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) Manila Mercantile Co., Inc.-General Merchants and Importers-P. O. Box 261Tel. 48430-Cable Address : HMAMER"511 Azcarraga, Tondo. E. P. Sandejas, Mgr. A . J. Mendoza, Treas. Manila Mini~lg Enterprises, Inc. - Mining Promotion and Investment - P. O. Box 3225- Tel. 28264-Rooms 307-308, State Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Juan Nobsco, Pres. Eugenio Perez, Manager. Quh'lno G. Gregorio, Treas. Board of Directors : Juan Nola sco. Benigno S. Aquino. Ariston I. Rivera. Rafael Palma. Arsenio Bonifacio. Eugenio Perez. Arsenio R. Matia s. Quirino G. Gregorio. Manuel del Villar. Ildefon so Tionloc. Manila Modes - Dressma king a nd Jewelry Store-S15 Zurbaran, Sta. Cruz. Maximina Ablaza y Lim, Modist and Prop. Manila Motion Picture Magazine-P. O. Box 2201- Tel. 23976-106 Roces Bldg., Plaza Goit~ Cor . Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Mal' . S. Torres, Editor in Chief. ~IANILA ~I OTOR CO., INC.-Automobile Dealers-P . O. Box 757- 937 Ongpin, Sta. Cruz. Alexandcr Bachrach Tel 22274 W. E . Hicks . . ,.... . T. A. Roberts, Sales Dept . .. Tel. 22295. U sed Ca r s Dep't.......... . T el. 22328. Accounting Dep't.......... T el. 22271. Spare Parts Dep't. . ........ Tel. 22272. Shop Dep't ................ Tel. 24750. Viticap Dept. ............. Tel. 23424. Manila Motor Works-Automobile Repa iring-Tel. 28266-2815 Rizal Ave. Extension, Sta. Cruz. Pedro R. Reyes, Prop. Manila-New York-Dr.y Goods- P. O. Box 134-Tel. 22211-Crystal Arcade, E scolta, Binondo.



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Box 2104


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Manila Nichi-Nichi Shimbun - J apanese Newspaper, Daily- P. O. Box 347-Te1. 21541-Cable Address: "SHOKO, MANILA" -84 1 Lepanto, SampaIoc. Manila Nickel & Chromium Plating-Tel. 25980-357-359 R. Hidalgo, Sta. Cruz. D. Kawano, Prop. Manila Novelty-Tailors and Habal'dashers -340 R. Hidalgo, Sta. C,·uz. Mrs. Florencia C. Tiangco, Prop. Manila Office Equipment Co.-General Office Equipment and Supplies- Po O. Box 2231-Tcl. 21596-Cable Address: "MOEco"-24 David, Binondo. H. Meadows, PI'0p. and l\Igr. Manila Oxy Acatylene - Electric Welding and Machinery Shop-Tel. 48454-1014 Azcarraga, Tondo. Isabelo H . del Pilar, Prop. Manila Palace-Silk and Novelties-P. O. Box 1554-Tel. 22371-79 Escolta, Binondo. C. Ramchand, Prop. ~IANiLA PEARL BUTTON CORPORATION-Manufacturers P earl Buttons, Bones, Coconut Shell and Pearl Novelties, General Exporters - Tel. 28629 - Cable Address: "MAPEBUCOR" - MANILA - 128 Crystal Arcade, Escolta, Binondo. Donato B. Pangilinan, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Gonzalo D. Cordero, Sec'y. and Sales Mgt'. Lagrimas Pangilinan, Tl'eas. A. W. Abter, General Agent. Factory At: Grace Park, Caloocan, Rizal Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Ca1. 351. Manila Pharmacy-Dl'uggists-Tel. 29224 327-329 Dasmarinas, Binondo. Dt'. A. Nubla-ko, Mgt'. Manila Philatelic Exchange - Postage Stamps, Albums and Philatelic Accessories-Tel. 47492-Cable Address: "MAFEX" -429 Soler, Binondo. Dr. G. C. Wee, Manager. Mrs. G. C. Wee, Treasurer. Manila Photo Supply, Inc. - Photographic SuppJi'€s-Developing, Printing, Enlarging, Advertising Photography, Home Portraits-Motion Pictures Copying-Po O. Box 2905-Tel. 22973-470 Dasmarinas, Binondo. H enry C. Bass, Mgr. Manuel Paloma, Bus. Mgr. Manila Pilots Association-P. O. Box 834Tels. 49397 and 48792-Cable Address: "PILOTS MANILA" - Eastern Real E sta te

Devzlopment Co., Bldg., 206 Madrid , San Nicolas. Captain V. Verzosa, Chief.. Pil ot. Mauricio Gallaga, Sec'y.-Treas. Manila Plumbing Supply Co. - (Financed and Managed by Filipinos) - Plumbing Fixtures, Tiles, Pipes and Fittings, Paints and OUs .-Tei. 47485-614 Azcarraga, Tondo. Alberto C. Pineda, Manager. ~IANILA POLO CLUB-P. O. Box 1961, Manila-Tel. 51731-F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Board of Directors : A. D. Calhoun, President. J. D. Carmichael, Vice-President. J. F. Cotton, Hon. Szc'y-Treas. A. F. Duggl oby. L. M. Hau sman . John Lapham. J. R. McMicking. M. M . Saleeby. Capt. J. H. Stodler, Jl'. M. A. Hayes, Manager. ~IANILA PORT TER~IINAL--(M. R. R. Co.)-Operators of Government Arrastre Plant and Piers - P. O. Box 779 - Tel. 24393 - Cabl e Address: "MANPORTER" - Muelle de Sun Francisco, Port Area. Capt. Enrique Razon, Manager. Fermin Francisco, Executive Officer. Gabriel Llamas, Jr., Cashier. Brigido Santos, Accountant. Manila Press, Inc. - Printers, Bookbind zl's and Stationers-Tel. 49005-438-440-442 Nueva, Binondo. Gan Bunyaw, Mgr. ~IANILA PUBLISIDNG CO~WANY­ (Divisio!l of Philippine Education Co., Inc.) - Booksellers and PublishersBooks sold on In stallment Plan- Po O. Box 620-Tel. 22131-115 T. Pinpin, Binon do. ~IANILA PURCIIASING AGENCY P. O. Box 1747- Tel. 27009- Head Office: 248 Tetuan, St2.. Cruz. Sales D ept: 820 Ongpin. Sy Tiong P ek, Gen. Mgr. ~IANILA qUOTATION SERVlCE General Mcrchants-P. O. Box 54-Tel. 46203-Cable Address: "CITYCOM"-921923 San F ernando, S:::m Nicolas. Jose Dychauco, Mgr. Enrique Dychauco, Ass't. Mgr. Manila Railroad Company-Po O. Box 448 - Tel. 49861-Cn ble Address: "FERROCO" - 943 Azcarraga, Tondo. Board of Directo r s: Jose Paez, Pres. and Chairman of the Board.


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Vicente Fl'ag-ante, Vice-Pres. Basilio J. Valdes, Member. Miguel Unsoll, Member. Managing Officer: J ase Paez, General Managel', Executive Department: Jose Paez, Gen. Mgl'. V. E. de Jesus, Secretary. E. ,~r. Ladd, R esearch Agent. Treasury Department: Pablo de Guia, Trea su r er. Accounting Department: Paciano Dizon, Comptroller. Licerio Arcadia, Asst. Comptroller (Disbul'sements) . F. F. Santiago, Asst. Comptroller (Revenues) . L egal Department: Ramon Diokno- Gov't. Corporate Counsel. M. U. Llama s, Asst. Corporate Counsel. W. E. Daugherty, Claim and Investigation Agent. Traffic Department: Leon M. Lazaga, T l'3.ffic Mgl'. Transportation Department: Canuto Nadul'ata, Supt. of Tran s. Mumerto Cruz, Asst. Supt. of Trans. Stores Department: Constancio San Jose, Put". Agent and Gen. Storekeeper. Mechanical Department: F. C. Unson, Ass't. Mech. Supt. Engineering Dapartment: H. VV. Corp., Chief Engineer. Juan M. Gutierrez, Maintenance Supt. Medical Department: Dr. Eugenio Hernando, Principal Physician. Benguet Au tomobilp. L ine, Baguio: Casiano Rivera, Supt. Luzon Bus Line: Domingo R. Onl'ubi a, Supt. Mindanao Motor Line, Cotabato: Casiano Rivera, Mgt'. P edro C. Morales, Asst. Mgl'. In charge. Manila Port Tel'minal: Capt. Enrique Razon, Mgr. Manila Rattan Art- Rattan furniture Dealers-515 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Federico Wong, Prop. Manila Realty Board- Real Estate Brokers -Tel. 23371-31'd Floor, 181 David, Binon do. C. M. Hoski ns, Presi dent. Jose Araneta. Vice-Pre,sident. R. O. Subido, Tl·easUrel'. J. T. Chuidian. Secretary.

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Governing Committe'e : C. M. Hoskins Jose A raneta. R. O. Subido Federico Calero Harry Velasco Vicente Singson, Jr. Carl Hess, Jr . B. C. Bermudez Macario Arabejo Manila Remi~ant Co., Inc., The-Impor ters, Wholesale and Retai l Dealers in Sil ks and Cotton Goods-P. O. Box 2796-Tel. 49994-Cable Address: "MAREMCO"-451453 Juan Luna, Binondo. K. Lundahl , Pres. John Landahl , Vice-Pres.

UANILA ROCK ASPHALT CO.-P. O. Box 1009-Tel. 23489-6 Derham Bldg., Port Area. C. Parsons, Pres. S. C. Apostol , Cashier Manila Rubber Co. (Refer to Mabuhay Rubber Corporation) Manila Sanitarium & Hospital-P. O. Box 3242-Tels. 51762 and 51763-1875 Donada, Pasav. Rizal. Dr. H. C. Honor, Medical Director. 'V. E. Guthrie, Business Manager. Bertha Parker, Superintendent of Nurses. ~IANlLA SASH FACTORY (Rufino Co & Co, Props.) Manufacturers of Doors, Window Sashes, Flush Doors, Mouldings-Lumber Dealers-Tel. 21904 -786-788 Echague, San Miguel. Rufino Co, Mgr. N. C. Sia, B ookkeeper. Manila Sartorial School-Private School347 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Lorenzo Beltran, Dil·ectol'. ~aniJa Shell Art Works- Po O. Box 1824Tel. 55750-245 M. H. del Pilar, El'll1ita, W:!lter Ruebe, Prop. and Mgr. Manila Shipping Company, I nc.-Agents: Tatsuuma Kisen Kaisya-P. O. Box 1637 -Tel. 49891-223 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Manila Shirt Factory and Dry Goods Store -Hatters, Shirtmakers, Tailors Men's and Ladies Furnishing Goods-P. O. Box 227-Tel. 21177-44 Escolta, Binondo. Manuel Pellicer, Pres. and Gen. Mgl'. Manila Silk Supply- P . C. Ailmal & Co.Direct I mporters and Exporter s- Wholesale and ::letail Merchants-P. O. Box 1871-Tel. 48733-Cable A ddress: I<AIL_ MAL"-741 and 723 Tabora, San Nicolas. A. Ailmal, Managing Propl'ietor. Pars ram Ailmal , Managing Prop. Chotirmal Ailmal, Managing Prop.

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STt\R ENGRAVING CO.Engravers-Tel. 24170-812 Soler, Santa Cruz.


STEt\~1 LAUNDRY - Dyers and Dry Cleaners-Tel. 49689-651-653 lV:agdalena, Binondo. Jose N. Arguelles, Gen. Mgr. N. A. de Lopez, Ass't. Mgr. R. A. Cruz, Accountant. F. A. Cruz, Superintenden t . R. DiegoI', Chief Clerk.

Ut\NILt\ STEt\~ISHIP CO.-S. S. "Lanao", S.S. "Bisayas", S.S. "Mayon", S.S. "Churl'uca", S.S. "Venus", S.S. "Anakan" - Po O. Box 121-Tel. 22791-Cable Address: "ELIZALDE" - Offices : Elizalde Bldg., 845 Muelle de la Industria. Jose Ma. de Amusategui, Manager. Manila Stock Exchange-P. O. Box 3233Tel. 22995-Sth Floor, S. J . Wil son Bldg., 143 Juan Luna, Binondo. Board of Governor s: Carl Hess, J r. , Pres. S. N. Picornell, Vice-Pres. Manu el AJcuaz, Sec'y. James Woo, Tl·eas. Max Kummer, Ass't. Treas. R. H. Machado, Governor. A. C. Hall, Governor. List of Member Firms : Aldanese, Cortes & Co. Alegre & Company. H. E. Bennett & Co. Elli s, Edgar & Co. Hair & Picornell. Hess & Zeitlin, Inc. Max Kummer & Co. S. E. L evy :& Co. M. Martinez & Co. Mulcahy, Litton & Co. Navarro, Navarro & Co. L. R. Nielson & Co. Ovejero & Hall. Angel Padilla & Co. Paredes & Ledesma. Rosenthal & Company. E. Santamaria & Co. Leo Schnurmacher, Inc. Swan, Culbertson & Fritz. Trinidad , Celeste & Co. Woo, Uy-Tioco & Naftaly. Manila Supply-Electrical Contractors and Supplies, Radios Accessories and Repair - Po O. Box 237S-T el. 22174-710 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Martin Suaco, Prop.

Manila Swing Manufacturers-Garden Furniture and Fixtures-515 Mabini, Ermitao Mary G. Hodges, Prop. ~IANILA TELEGRAPII INSTITUTE - Private School-2032 Herran, Paco. IIdefonso Morada, Directo r. Mrs. 1. Morada, Asst. Director. Manila Tobacco Association- Tel. 21576Room 35, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Binondo. Manuel V. Gallego, Pres. H . J. Widmer, Vice-Pres. H. Klock, Treasurer. J. Terol, Vice-Treasurer. A. G. E scamilla, See'y. Board of Director s: Isidoro F. de Mora. Luis Laza. H . Frieder. J. C. Wunderlich. V. Chan Quep. Ma nila Tobacco Trading, Inc. - Importers and Exporters of Leaf Tobacco - P. O. Box 212 - Tel. 21026 - Cable Address: "l\1 ATOBAC"-3 Plaza Moraga , Binondo. S. A. Chan Bona, Pres. Miguel Pujal te , Vice-Pres. A. Tung Chingco, Treas. Felix M. Gonzal€z, Sec'y. ~1t\NlLt\ TOBt\CCONIST CO., INC.Dealer s in Engl ish and American cigarettes, pipe tobacco and pipes. Philippine Cigars & Cigarettes and other smokers' requisites.-P. O. Box 3159- Tel. 28771] 9 Banquero, Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. ' Francisco M. Lobo, Pres. and Gen. Mg r . Luis Moreno, Vice-President. Ramon C. Ol'doveza, Sec'y.-TI'easurer. Alfredo Carmelo, Director. Adolfo A. Scheerer, Director. ~1t\NlLt\ TRADING t\ND SUPPLY CO.- Importers, General Merchants and Distributors for the Philippine I slands for Ford, Mercury and Lincoln-Z'ephyr Motor Cars, Trucks, Fordson Tracto rs-P. O. Box 744-Tel. 23771-Cable Address : "MANTRADE"-Show Room and Main Office, Port Area. Juliu s S. Reese, Pres. S. W. Thompson, Vice-Pres. Wm. H. Patterson, Vice-Pres. G. R. Sales, Sec'¥. J . K. Pickering, Treas. W. S. Fickes, Sales Manager. Agency: Ford Motor Co.



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Exposition and Department Store of Phil. ippine Products - P. O. Box 1481- Tel. 21370-642 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Cornelio Balmaceda (Director of Com· merce). Manager. Delfin R . Campos, Ass't. Manager. Manila Truck - General Transportation Fl'eight-P. O. Box 2529-Tel. 236762158 Azcarl'aga, Quiapo. F. Ruiz-Zorilla, Prop. and Mgr.

Manila Venetian Blind Manufacturing Co. - Venetian Blind Manufacturers - Tel. 28892-2225 Azcarraga, Sampaloc.

J. V. Ramirez, Mgr. Manila Vulcanizing Plant and Auto Supply Co.-1607 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Maximo de Leon, Prop. and Mgr. ~IANILA WINE ~IERCRANTS, INC., THE- Wholesale Liquor Dealers-P. O. Box 403-Tels. 49057-49058-Cable Address: "WINETRADE"-174-176 Juan Luna, Binondo. Branch Office: 37-39 Alhambra, Opposite the Elks Club, Ermita, Tel. 21761. Wise & Co., Ltd., Gen. Mgrs. E. P. S. Hooper, Mgr. A T. Hill, Ass't. Manila Yacht Club-Tel. 57554-Fort San Antonio Abad.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) ~IANILA YELLOW TAXI-CAB CO., INC.- Operating also "MOLINA TRUCK" and "N. & B. Garage"-Tels. for calling Trucks and Taxi-cabs Only; Mabini Office: Tel. 56955- Arlegui Branch : Tel. 23918-General Office and Manager: Tel. 56954 - General Office: 477 A. Mabini, Ermita. Enrique Monserrat, Pres. and Mgr. Alfredo R. Infante, Vice-Pres. Geo. L. MaGee, Dil'. Ramon J. Fernandez, Dir. Vicente Marasigan, Tl'eas. and Ass't. Mgr. Jose Ma. Caballero, Sec'y. Purchasing Agent. Manuel Lozano, Act. Eduardo Lavin, Cashier. Henry Muel Hauser, Chief Mech. Rufino Veloso, Ass't. Chief Mech. Manila YlanlZ"-Ylang Distillery, Ltd.-Floral Essences-Exporters-P. O. Box 1222 -Tel. 21741-Cable Address: "DISTILANG" -Rm. 36 Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna, Binondo.

Factory: Novaliches, Caloocan, RizaI. Mrs. Aida B. McCrory, Pres. P . S. Page, Vice-Pres. Andres G. Santos, Sec.-Treas. W. R. Babcock & Co., Inc., Gen. Mgrs. "Manila's 400"-Publication-P. O. Box 16 - 214 Kalaw Arcade, 470 Dasmarifias, Binondo. R. Jacinto Dizon, Publisher and Owner. Teodoro P. Briones, Associate Editor. Protacio Bautista, Associate Editor. Virgilio Teotico, Associate Editor. Silverio de Guzman, Advertising Manager. Angel Lorenzo, Artist. Eleuteria Cuison. Ass't. Adv. Manager. ManIa paz, A.-Tailor-Tel. 25218-836 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Alejandl'o Manlapaz, Prop., Tech. Cutter a nd Designer. Manlapaz, D. R. - Mimeographing and Bookbinding- Tel. 28059-413 P. Paterno. Sta. Cruz. ~IANLAPAZ. DR. PASTOR L .- Physician & Surgeon- Te]s. Office 28821; Res. 47023- Room 203 Margarita David Bldg., Cor. RizaI Avenue & Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Manlapaz Tailoring, M.-Tailor and Cutter -608 Florentino Torres, Sta. Cruz. Manlapit Inc. G. - Customs Brokers - Import and Export--Forwarding AgentsTels. 29373-29379-27970-1063 Muelle de la Indu stria, Binondo. Custom House Branch: Muelle de San Francisco, Port Area . Tel. 24579. Guillermo Manlapit, Manager. Manotok ,Severino-Rea] Estate-Tel. 49330 -2318 Juan Luna, Tondo. Manuel & Co., Gonzalo L.-Certified Public Accountants and Auditors-Tel. 27873Cable Address: "GONMANCO" -1203 Misericordia, Sta. Cruz. Teodoro Kalaw, Jr., C.P.A. Fernando Atienza. MANUEL PELLICEIt Y CO., INC.Dr,y Goods Dealers, Hatters, Shirtmakers, Tailors, Men's and Ladies Furnishing Goods-Tel. 21177-44 Escolta, Binondo. Manuel Pellicer, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Jose Rabascall, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Mgr. Rufino Ansotegui, Member. ~IANUFACTURERS L IF E INSURANCE CO. OF TORONTO, CANADA -Chief Office for the Philippines, E. E. Elser Agency - Tels. 21503-21504 - 4th Floor Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. E. L. Hall, Manager.



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Manufacturers' Representat ives, Inc. -Subagents Inte rtype Corporation of New York - Tels. 24361 and 26166 - Ramon Roces Bldg., Soler Corner Calero, Sta. Cruz. Ramon Roces, President. Manufacturers' Supply COl'poration - Importers, Exporters-Merchandise Brokers _ P o O. Box 1749-Tel. 24236-Cable Addl'ess : "MANSUPCo"-Room 421 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. H. V. Ramirez, Pres. F. Casanovas, Vice--Pres. and Treas. E. Palomo, Jr., Director and Gen. Mgr. Manufacturer's Trading Corp. - Gene ral Merchants - Tel. 49991- Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarifias, Binondo. Jose Rubio, Mgr. Manuguit Maternity Hospital- Tel. 470442411 Manuguit, Tondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section) Mapa, Cil'ilo - Straw Hat Manufacturer, Importer and E xporter-P. O. Box 2035 - TeL 49482-329 Lavezares, San Nicolas. Mrs. Tr::mquilina Gavino Mapa, Mgr. "Mapalad" - General Repairing, Painting and Designing of Sewing Machines-1532 Azcarraga, Sta. Cruz. Santos Dumasal, Pl'Op. MapaJad-Hotel and Restaurant -TeL 49095 - 1060 Azcarraga, Binondo. Macario Lacsamana, Mgr. Mapaso Goldfields, Inc. - Mining - Tels. 23097 and 23098-Room 426 Regina Bldg., 144 E scolta, Binondo. Frank B. Inger soll, Pres. and Director. (On Leave) Juan L. Ledesma, Vice-President. Mariano Ezpeleta, Acting Pres. and Director. Vicente Genato, Director. Elmer Madsen, Director. Roberto Silos, Director. W. C. Brune, Director. Godofredo Zandueta, Secr etarv. Mapua Institute of Technology-Tels. Pres. 21082; Dean 21047; Treas. 21075; ROTC Comdt. 24156-843 Rizal A venue, Santa Cruz. Tomas Mapua, President. Gonzalo T. VaIes, Dean. Casimiro, Jr., Regi strar. MISS Ca rmen Mapua, Treasurer. Francisco J. Garay, Secretary. Lourdes P. Punzalan-Cruz, Librarian. Potenciano C. Guiang, Disbursing Officer. (See also Miscellaneous Section)

Mapua & Val es-Archi tects- Tel. 21074843 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Tomas Mapua. Gonzalo T. Vales. Maramag, Mrs. Constancia A. - Life Insurance Underwriter of the In sular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734- Tel. 22431-Cable Address: HINSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Maramba, Dr. P. C.-Dental Surgeon-Tel. 54318-751 Dart, Paco. Marcel Beauty Parlor - Tel. 54260 - 1609 (Upstairs ) Hen'an, Paco. Mrs. Virginia Marcellana, Prop. and Mgr. Marcela's Beauty Parlor- Dealers in Beauty Machines and Repairers-Hair Waving - Tel. 23054 - 302 Plaza Miranda, Quiapo. Maximo Constantino, Gen. Mgr. Marcela Constantino, Pron. Marcellana, Dr. M.-D entist-Tel. 542601609 (Upstairs) Herran, P aco. Marcelo Rubber & Latex Products, Inc.Manufacturers of Canvas Shoes, Rubber Boots , Rain Coats, Rubber and Latex Products-Tel. Dial 40 a nd ask operator for Cal. 295-Cable Address : I'MARUBTEX" -20 A. Bonifacio, Malabon, Rizal. Jose P. Marcelo, Pres. and Mgt'. Tobias P. Marcelo, Vice-Pr es., & Asst. Mgr. Si meon Marcelo, Treasurer. ~IARCO POLO HOTEL CO~IPANY. INCORPORATED. - Hotel - Restaurant-Night Club-Ballroom- P. O. Box 3372-Tel. 2-45-71-Cable Address: "MARcOPoLO"-Avenue Bldg., Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Board of Directors : Kathrine Liddell Burks, President and Treasurer. E. K . Bramwell, Vice-President. J ose Macatanga,y, Secretary. Mrs. Liddell Bramwell, Member. C. A . Burks. Jr. Member. Nino Lopretti, Ballroom Manager. (See Adve1·tisement) Marcos' Grocery - Tel. 22374 - 355-357 Echague, Sta. Cruz. Marcos Uy. Marcos & Tayag Law Office-LawyersTel. 2-95-87-Room 518 Heacock Bldg., E scol ta, Binondo. F erdinand E . Marcos. Renato D. Tayag. Angel Limjoco, Jr.



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Maret Salon- Beauty Parlor- Tel. 57721J 16 Alhambra, El'lllita. Mollie Holland, Prop. Madge Mac Phaii, Prop. Mal'fu sha Restaurant and Cafe-Tel. 29094 - Miramar Apartments, El'mita.

S. Besedish, Prop. and Mgr.

Margarita's Laundry - 209 M. Earnshaw, Sampaloc. Mal'garita C. de Reyes, Prop. Anastacio Reyes, Mgr. Margo's Tailoring- Modiste and Tailoring - 462-468 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Marcos Gonzal es Mgr. Restituto Ranes, Cutter. Mari, Law Book Exchange- Importer- Tel. 28520- 180 Anda , Intramuros. Maria, Luisa - Vermicelli and Macaroni Manufacturer - Tel. 49520 - 515 Padre Herrera , Tondo. Maria Luisa's Beauty Parlor- Tel. 27166-

1341 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Mrs. J osefa de Jesus Tan, Prop. Mariano, Juan R.- Attorney-at-Law-Tel. 23803-Calvo Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Mariano, Macario S. - Piano Tuner - Tel. 27419-1075 Arlegui, Quiapo. Mariano Ong Siong & Co. (See Ong Siong & Co., Mariano) ~IARIANO UY CIIACO SONS & CO., INC.- Gene ra l H a rdware and Contractor s-P. O. Box 22-TeI. 23971 (Private E xchange Connect ing all Depts.) -Cable Address: "UYCHAco"-Chaco Bldg., 25 to 37 Plaza Cervantes and 49 to 53 Rosario, Binondo. Uy Yet, Pres. Dy Lac, Gen. Mgr. and Vice-Pres. Uy Tai Kui, Treas . and Gen. Mgr. Rufino Lee, Sec'y. Ma ri e-Maison Emmanuel Dormitory - Tel. 55411- 233 Florida, Ermita. F. Guanzon, Prop. Ma rigold- Dressmaking- Tel. 29196- 134 A. Mabini, Ermita. Rosita Jose de Guerrero. Marikit Beauty P a dol'- 28 Int. 2, Al'queros, Tondo. Mrs. Sebastiana Vicente, Prop. Marina Fish Products-Canned Goods Deale rs-Tel. 52134- 691 F. B. Harri son, Pasay, Rizal. S. H. Einstein, Mgr.

Marine & Mechanical Enginee rs Association, [nc.- Tel. 28120- 979 Muell. de 10 Indus· tria. San Nicolas.

(See also Miscellaneous Section) Maring's Shop pee - Dressmaking - Tel. 25056 -159 Sanchez Barcaistegui, San Miguel. Mrs. Maria Juan, Prop. and Modist. Marino, Dr. Eduardo L. - Physician and Surgeon-Tel. 48353-1889 Juan Luna, Tondo. Marino & Samaniego Law Offices-Lawyers-Tel. 29740- Room 303, Margarita David Bldg., Azcarraga Cor. Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Salvador L. Marino, Law. Arturo Samaniego, Law. Jose C. Porciuncula, Law. Maritima Cia. (See Compania Maritima) Marivaux Florist and Decorator - Flower Dealers and Decorators-Tel. 23994-1320 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Girlie Martinez-Ordonez, Prop. and Mgr. Mal'ku ssohn, Dr. Alfred - Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist - Tel. 27609 - 440 Regina Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Ma rmoleria de Canuto B. Almeida- Marble Works-283-A M. de Comillas, Ermita. Canuto B. Almeida, Prop. and Mgr. Marquez Beauty Salon - Tel. 27558 - 534 Rizal Avenu e, Sta. Cruz. Paulita Marquez, Prop. ~IARqUEZ & CO, I. A.- Building Con· struction-Tel. 67959-1 Mayon. Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City. Igmidio A. Marquez, E.S. Arch., Manager. Josefa A. Marquez, E.S.E., Treasurel'. Jose L. Africa, Atty., Secretary. Teofilo Ya tco, E.S.CE., Engineer. Marcos P el'eda, B.S. CE., Engineer and Master Plumber. Ramon P eralta, Jr., B.S. Arch ., Architect. Pedro Reyes, Draftsman. Ladislao Marquez, Foreman. Bienvenido Marquez, Fore man. Marquez, Eu ganio - Pawn Broker - Tel. 51409-366 F. B. Harri son, Pasay, Rizal. Mars & Company, A. D. - Representative for the Famous Battleship Asphalt-Manufacturers Representative- P. O. Box 552 - Cable Address : "ADMARSCO"- 2714 Molave, Tondo. Melquiad es Santander, Mgr.

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CO~IPANY, INC.-Mine Managers and Consulting EngineersP. O. Box 297-Tel. 2-32-32-(8 Trunk Lines) - Private Exchange connecting all Departments-Cable Address: "MARSMANINc"-Marsman Building Port AI'ea, Branch Offices: Baguio, Paracale-European Offices: 149 Leadenhall Street, London, F.. C. 3, England. J. H. Marsman, President. Benj. S. Ohnick, Vice-President. E. E. Wing, Treasurer. C. E. Strait, Assi stant TreasUl'er. M. H. O'Malley, Secretar.y and Manager, Stock Transfer Dept. A. L. Velilla, Assistant Secretary. Directors : Geo. C. Dankwerth. Alf Welhaven. A. Beckerleg. E. E. Wing. Elmer Madsen. A. de las Alas. Frank J. Courtney. General Managers for : Marsman Hongkong China, Ltd. Itogon Mining Company. Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company. United Paracale Mining Company. San Mauricio Mining Company. Coco Grove, Inc. Palidan-Suyoc Deep Level Tunnel Co. Marsman Development Company. Marsman Exploration Company. Marsman Building Corporation. Northern Mining & Development Co., Tuba Project. Philippine Smelting Company. Marsman Trading Corporation. M. P. Traneo, Inc. Marsman Investments Limited: J. H. Marsman, Chairman. A. Beckerleg, Director. Benj. S. Ohnick, Director. Geo. C. Dankwerth, Managing Director. Geo. W. Kerr, Director. H. P . L. Jollye, Director. E. E . Wing, Director.


DEVELOPIUENT CO.Lumber Dealers - P. O. Box 297 - Tel. 23232 - Cable Address : "MARSMAN" Marsman Bldg., 122 Muelle de San Francisco, Port ATea. Officers: Alf ,\Velhaven, Pres. A. L. Velilla, Vice-Pres. and Ass't. Secretary.

Geo. C. Dankwerth, Dil'. A. de las Alas, Dir. E. E. Wing, Treas. C. E. Strait, Asst. 'i'l'eas. M. H . O'Malley, Secretary. G. C. Dankwerth, Asst. Secretary. MARSMAN TRADING CORPORATION-General Importers and EXpOl'tel's _ p O. Box 1642-Tel. 24811-Cable Address: "MARSTRACO"-975 Boston St., Port Area. J. H. Marsman, Chairman, Board of Directors. H. Yaras, President. A. de las Alas, Vice-President. Alf Welhaven, Director. L. J. Francisco, Director. E. E. Wing, Diredor & Treasurer. C. E. Strait, Ass't. Treasurer. M. H . O'Malley, Secretary. A. L. Velilla, Ass't. Secretary. A. A. Fraser, Sales Mgr. H . A. Ottiger, Ass't. Sales Mgr. Branch Managers: F. D. Ream, Manager, Box 18, Baguio. M. A. Ragusini, Actg. Manager, Box 68, Jose Pafiganiban. J . H. Maclean, Manager, Box 345, Iloilo. A. Trub, Actg. Manager, Box 800, Cebu. J. H . Maclean, Manager, Box 184, Bacolcd. E. V. Dahl, Manager, Box 135, Davao. Branches: Baguio - Jose Panganiban - Cebu Bacolod-Iloilo--Dayao. Martin and Sison, In c. - Contractors and Builders - Tel. 29480 -1096 Tayuman, Santa Cruz. C. Martin, Pres. Fernando E. V. Sison, Mgr. Antonio V. Encarnacion, Sec'y.Treas. Martin, Teodorico C.-Lawyer-Tel. 21437 -700 Rizal AYe., Sta. Cruz. ~IARTlN, DR. ZACARIAS R.-X-Hay Laboratory-Specialist in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis-Tel. 24736State Bldg., Annex, 2nd. Floor, Rizal AYe., Sta. Cruz. ~.ARTINEZ, DR. ARSENIO, ~ •. D.Physician- Tel. 2-82-64-3rd Floor, State Bldg., Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Martinez, Florencio C. - Sculptors - Tel. 26132-433-D Martin Ocampo, Quiapo. Florencio C. Martinez, Prop. Martires, Dr. Pedro M.-Dental SurgeonTel. 25835-4th Floor, State Bldg., Hizal A venue, Sta. Cruz.



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Marubi shi-Yoko - General MerchandiseImportcl's-Exporters-P . O. Box 903Tel. 49752-Cabl e Address : "MARUBISHIYOKo"- 919 Juan Luna, Tando. M. Kuba, Mgr. Marutaka Bazar-Wholesale and RetailP. O. Box 220- Tel. 48523- 779 Tabora, San Nicolas. Y. Takahashi. Marvelou s Beauty Shop- Beauty Pal'lor201 Cabildo, Intramuros . M. C. Basa , Prop. Josefina Lardizabal, Ass 't. Mary Chiles Hospital - Tels. 23373 and 23374-1 35 Gastambide, Sampaioc. Dr. Mariano S. Florendo, Director. Dra. Josefina Ftorendo, Resident Physician. Dr. Cl emente Ver gara, Resident Physician. Miss Carmen Flol'endo, Pharmacist. Paula Magno, Supervisor of Nurses. F elicieimo Tesoro, Cashier. Mar.y J. John ston Memorial Hospital- Tel s. 49504 and 49641-101 Qu ezada, Tondo. (See also Miscellaneous Section ) Maryknoll Normal College- T el. 57138-806 A . Mabini , Mala te . (See also Miscellaneous S ection) Marzoni , Dr. A.- Physician and SurgeonTel. 27244- Room 202, Sta te Bldg., Anne x, Rizal A venue, Sta . Cruz. Masaki, Kawa chi- Dry Goods-Tel. 485931076 Padre Cha ves, Tondo. Masbato/Con solidated Mining Company Gold/Mining Company- Po O. Box 579Tels. 23"24 to 27; 23470 and 24157-Cable Address : "WARNERMIN-MANILA"-4th Floor, Soriano Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Binondo. Don Andres Sorianoi Pres. V. H . Ma sefield, Vice-Pres. A. M. Macleod, Director and Treas. Don Adrian Got, Di rector. P. L. Mapa, Director. J. H . Sa mpson, Director. L . R. N ielson, Director. Masbate Goldfields, Inc. - Mining - P. O. Box 428-Tel. 24539-411 Filipinas Bldg .. Plaza Mor aga, Binondo. J . A . Wolfs on, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. H . C. Morri son, Vice-Pres . & Treas. L. C. David, Director. \V. D. Cot hra n, Di rector. G. E . Geringer , Director. N. de Medem, Mill Supt.


neous Section. Mastel' Shoe Store, The-Shoe Dealer-Tel. 25175- 218-220 Gandara, Binondo. Tan Chiam, Prop. Mata, Marciano S.- Life Insurance Underwriter of the In sular Life A ssurance Co., Ltd.- P. O. Box 734--Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "I NSULIFE" - Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Mateo, Dr. G. R. - Dentist-Tel. 22291316 Crystal Arcade, E scolta, Binondo. Mateo, M. R. -Transportation-Tel. 48904 -749 Sto. Cristo, Tondo. Mateo's Lettering Shop - Athletic Wear Factory- P. O. Box 3051-Tel. 27696206 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Deogracias Mateo, Prop. and Mgr. Matia s, Dra. Maria- Physician-Tel. 26065 1035 Bilibid Viejo, Quiapo. Ma tibay Rattan Cha irs Factory - Rattan Furniture Manufacturers-Tel. 554871115 San Andres, Malate. Bonifacio Ortigas, Prop. Matoto, Dr. H onorio A.-Dentist-Clinic: 1623 H enan Paco, Branch : Pililla, Rizal. Mat ranco (See Halili Transportation). ~IATSU~IOTO, ~I. -Pomade

Manufacturer and Importer- P. O. Box 2333-Tel. 21873 - Cable Address: "MATSUMOTO", Manila- 1067 Arlegui , Quiapo. M. Matsumoto, Prop. & Mgr. F. Kasai. Asst. Mgr. S. Matayoshi, Trea s. F. Otani, See'y. MATUTE, S. en C., ANTONIO-Pawnbroker- P.. O. Box 5- Tel. 48841-Cable Address : "MATUTE"- 335-339 Juan Luna, Binondo. Antonio Matute, Manager. Jesus Matut e, Assistant Manager. Sebastian Matute. Fructuoso Cordon. Ricardo Larrabeiti. Angel Aramburo. ~IAURENE'S COFFEE SUOP-Restaurant- T el. 26703-Mezzanine Floor, Perez-Samanillo Bldg., 619 Escolta, Binondo. Mrs. Maearia R. de Jesus, Proprietress and Manager. Mauricio, Vicente- Electrical ContractorTel. 23150- 512 Evangelista, Quiapo.

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Max Factor & Co., Manila Branch-Cosmetics-P. O. Box 1972-Tel. 2-13-96Cable Address : "FATCO"-507 Fernandez Bldg., 124 T. Pinpin, Binondo. Rawson H. Bennett, Manager. Rogelio Blardony, Representative. Aurora Navarro, Make-up Artist. Yvette Elie, Make-up Artist. Jose Sto. Domingo, Representative. Perfecto Bernal, Stenographer. TeofiIo Castillo, Clerk. Max Mol' Tailoring- Tailor-1823 Herran, Paco. Maximo Mamorno, Prop. Maximiano, Carmen C.-Music Teacher1028 Tayabas, Sta. Cruz. Mayeda Nursery-Florist-1215 Singalong, Malate. G. Mayeda, Prop. Mayfair Gowns, The-Dresses-Tel. 56302 -Romero Salas cornel' Dakota, Ermita. Mayon Bazar-Wholesale and Retail-P. O. Box 2777 - Tel. 21064 - 503-505 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. S. Takahashi, Prop. Mayon Cook-Stoves (Woods and Crude Oil Burning) - C. Tuason e Hijos, Inc.Manufacturers and Importers - Tels. 57129 and 54768- 1174-1188 Agno, Malate. Mayon Drug Store-Tel. 28939-908 Trabajo, Sampaloc. Dr. A. Buenconsejo, Prop. Catalina Gonzales, Pharm. "Mayon" Dry Cleaning and LaundrY-166 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Mrs. M. R. de Garcia, Prop. Mayon Iron Works-Machinery Repairing -Tel. 49995-1020 Azcarraga, Binondo. Luis Figueroa, Mgr. Mayon Mining Corp.-Mining-P. O. Box 1663-Tel. 23422-Boston Building, Port Area. B. D. Cadwallader, Pres. and Treas. E. Gumaru, Secretary. Mayon Press-Printers-617 Echague, San Miguel. H. Tamba, Prop. S. Kanno, Mgr. Mayor, Dr. Higino M.-Dentist-Tel. 22010 -749 Rizal Ave .• Sta. Cruz (Triangulo Studio). ' Maypajo Cabaret-Dancing PavilIon-Tel. Dial 40 and ask operator for Caloocan 566-Maypajo, Caloocan, Rizal. . McCann & Co., George F.-Certified Public Accountants - Tel. 48961- 302 Uy Yet Bldg., 217 Dasmarinas, Binondo. George F. McCann, C.P.A.

McCULLOUGH PRINTING COMPANY (Division of Philippine Education Co., Inc,)-Printers, Engravers, Bookbinders, Manufacturing Stationers-Po O. Box 361 - Tel. 21801- Cable Address: "MACPRINTCO"-Office: 101-103 Escolta (Third F loor), Plant: Tel. 21811-1104 Castillejos, Quiapo. Charles F. KoIling, Acting Manager. Gregorio Mediana, Assistant Manager. Manuel R. J ota, Salesman. Segundo Moreno, Salesman. Jose Roxas. Salesman. George J. Herrmann, Salesman. Jose M. Roxas, Cashier. Printing Plant: Jose Garcia, Chief Clerk. Amor Fonacier, FOl'eman, Composing Room. Filemon Siatan, Foreman, Press Room. Gervacio Carino, Foreman, Bindery Dept. Jose G. Villanueva, Chief Proofreader. McDonough, Chas. A. (See Gibbs & McDonough) McFie, Jr., John R.- Lawyer- P. O. Box 2487-Tel. 21644- 601 Insular Ufe Bldg .. Plaza Moraga, Binondo. ~lcGUIRE LU~IBER CO., INC.-Lumber Dealers- Tel. 67128-20 N agtahan. Sampaloc. Ralph McGuire, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. N. R. Bough, Sales Mgr. Alex Magatibay, Cashier and Accountant. McKinley Hotel-Tel. 57157- 432 San Luis, Ermita. Ramon Lee, Prop. McKinney Sons Co., Ltd., T. Nimrod-In dustrial Engineers. Brokers (Established 1907)-P. O. Box 1141-Calabash Road, Balicbalic, SampaJoc. T. N. McKinney. President and Gen. Mgt". ~IECIiANICAL SUPPLIES, INCORPORATED-Machinery and Mill Supplies-Po O. Box 1177-Tel. 24085-Cable Address: "MECINC" 320 13th Street, Port Area. Donald B. MacAiee, Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Gray Marine Engines U. S. Electric Motors Peerless Deep Well Pumps Kimball Krogh Pumps Mediana's Beauty Parlor-Tel. 26220-1314 Don Quijote, Sampaloc. Mrs. Pilar U, Mediana, Prop. and Mgr.



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2.23.62 MANILA



Medico Dental Clinic-Tel. 25156-744 Bambang, Sta. Cruz. Dr. Jesus A. Cl'isoiogo. Dr. M. F. Crisologo. Medico Dental X-Ray Clinic-Tel. 55287251 A. Mabini, Ermita. Dr. Jose M. Gaerian, Roentgenologist. Medina Drug Store, The-Druggist, Retail -Tel. 49589- 1441-1443 Juan Luna, Tondo. Medina, J. V. - Real Estate-Loans and Mortgages - P. O. Box 90l-Cable Address: "MEDINA" - 1451 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz. Medina Roscndo A.- Real Estate Bl'okerTel. 2-57-09- Cable Address: "RAMRlALTORti-Arguelles Bldg., 519 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Alejandro A. Medina, Sec. Tomas A. Medina. "EDINA'S E~mROIDERY SIIOPPina, Jus i, Monographing & Hemstitching - 79 M. H. del Pilar, El'mita. Hel'menegildo Villanueva, Prop. Angustia Medina, Mgr. Meduana A sbestos Company-Miners and Producers-T el. 22693-3rd Floor, Paterno Bldg., Sta. Cruz. Victor R. Medina, General Manager. D. J. Santos, Assistant Manager Secretary. Jose G. Adriano, Superintendent. Meer, Pablo L. - Lawyer- Tel. 23094-401 Cu Unjien g Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. ~IEIJI SEIKA KAISIIA, LTD.-Manu· facturers, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers of Ca ndies, Biscuits, Canned Goods and Dairy Products - P. O. Box 3380 - Tels. Office: 22733 and Warehouse: 28801 - Cable Address: "E!\-tUESMANILA" - 5th Floor Heacock Bldg., Escolta, Binondo. Warehouse: 910 (Int.) Raon, Quiapo. S. Aoyagi, Manager. S. Ohashi, Accounting Dept. Geo. R. Ishibashi, Accounting Dept. S. Ishizaka, Sales Dept. N . Nycinoh, Sales Dept. M. Sawa mura, Sales Dept. T. Ariki, Sa les Dept. S. Tokuda, Warehou se. Meisic Gasoline Station- Tel. 48560-Cornel' Reina Reg ente and Soler, Binondo. Sy Lam, Mg r. Mejia Beauty Parlor- Tel. 27541- 870 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Trinida d M. de Mejia, Prop. Mejia, Dr. Raymundo C.- Dentis t -Dental Laboratory- Tel. 27541- 870 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz.


Mel teo Electric-Contractors and Elevator Maintenance - Tel. 26258 -1050 Soler, Sta. Cruz. Teodoro Garcia, Contractor. E. G. Salita, Bookkeeper. Mendiola, Dr. Gregorio J.-Physician-Tel. 46216-565 Azcarl'aga. Tondo. Mendoza, Alfonso E.- Lawyer-Tel. 21247 3rd Floor, Mendoza Bldg., 819 Oroquieta, Sta. Cruz. Mendoza, Calixto M.-Life Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Cable Address: "INSULIFE" Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Mendoza, Dr. J. M.-Dentist-Tel. 278602nd Floor, Guanzon Bldg., Corner Echague and Villalobos, Quiapo. Mendoza, Dr. Perfecto G.-Physician-Surgeon-Te1. 26476-Room 206, Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Mendoza Pl'ess-Printers-Tel. 22705-332 Raon, Sta. Cruz. Numel'iano Mendoza, Prop. Mendoza, Teofilo - Lawyer - Tel. 24759R-200 Kneedler Bldg., Carriedo, Sta. Cruz. Mefiez, Dr. Serafin G. - Physician - Tel. 21041- 542 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Meneses, Jose P.-Life 'Insurance Underwriter of the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd.-P. O. Box 734-Tel. 22431-Cable Address : "INSULIFE"-Third Floor, Insular Life Bldg., Plaza Moraga, Binondo. Menghamal Topendas & Co.-General Merchants-Po O. Box 2213-Tel. 48236-544 Juan Luna, Binondo. Mennen Company, The-P. O. Box 1162Tel. 23839-670 Dasmarifias, Binondo. ~rnNZI & CO., INC.-Importers, Exporters, Shipping and Insurance AgentsP. O. Box 603 - Tels. 49690, 48623, 48625, 48626 and 48629-Cable Address: "CASAMENZI" -180-182 Juan Luna, Binon do. J. M. Menzi, Gen. Mgr. J. Kaufmann, Mgr. H . M. Menzi, Sub-Manager. C. Graemiger, Signs per pro. P. Luthi, Signs pel' pro. E. Altwegg. P. Byland. W. Beller. W. Lauffer. W. Fieber. G. Kammradt. H . Boehm. L. Jungclaus, Mgr. Iloilo.

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H. J. Nieber, Iloil o. Kurt Fick, Mgr. ecbu.

P. Trueb. Mgr. Davao. Managing Agents: BasHan Plantation Co., Inc., I sabela de Basilan, (Manila, P. O. Box 500). W. Boeistel'ii, Mgt'. A. Winiger, Ass't. ~IERALCO-(See Manila Electric Co.) Mel'alco Club-Tel. 23602 Mercedes & T. Ayala, Ermita. Meralco Welfare Association-Tel. 28837Mercedes & T. Ayala, Ermita. Mercado and Co.- Cleaners and Dyers-Tel. 28488-1915 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz. Maria Garcia, Mgr. Mercado, Mariano C.- Lawyer- Tel. 23747 -316 Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binando. Mercado, Mariano L. - Physician - Tel. 22263-Room 200-A, Padilla Bldg., 428 Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz. Mercado 's Painting Shop-Tel. 5-57-361917 Hel'l'an, Pace. Il'ineo C. Mercado , Prop. Mercantile Trading & Supply - General Merchants and Importers-Tel. 24906Room 203, Roces Bldg., Rizal Ave. & Plaza Goiti, Sta. Cruz. P. L. Briones, Manager. Fra nci sco L. Cruz, Treasurer. Merchant, Dr. E. S. D.-Dentist-Tel. 22189 - l-B Miramar Apartments, Dewey Blvd., Ermita. Merchant's Cafe- Tel. 22826-126 Dasmarinas, Binondo. James B. Wade, Prop. Mercury Radio Supply & Co.-Radio Dealers and Repairers-812 Lepanto, Sampaioc. Sampaloc. Leong Lic Lim, Managing Partner. Chan Pin, Managing Partner. Mcrendero Restaurant-321 E stero Cegado, Sta. Cruz. Felisa D. Santos, Mgr. "Meridian" Ipekdjian and Company-Jewelry Store-Po O. Box 1298-Te1. 21551Cable Address : "IPEKDJIAN"- Samanillo Bldg., E scolta, Binondo. Merlo Barber and Beauty Salon-Tel. 22397 - 93-95 M. H. del Pilar, Ermita. Mrs. Mercedes L. West, Prop. Messageries Maritimes (French Mail Line) - Everett Steamship Corporation, Agents -223 Dasmarinas, Binondo.

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Metal Commission Co., Inc. - Hard ware Dealers, Wholesa le-T el. 23114-55 Rosario, Binondo. H . Ibach. ~IETHODIST BOOK ROO~I-Religiou s Book Store-Supplies, Stationery, etc.P. O. Box 756 - T el. 57263 - Cable Address: "ENDURE" - Methodist Bldg. , 638 I saac Peral, Ermita. Rev. E. E. Tuck, Agent. Methodi st Epi scopal Mission, The-P. O. Box 756 - T el. 57263 - Cable Address: " ENDURE" - Methodist Bldg., 638 I saac Peral, Ermita. Rev. E . E. Tuck, Trea s. ~IETRO DRUG CORPORATION- Manufacturing Chemi sts (Owners of Metro Drug Store) - P. O. Box 2970-T els. Laboratory 22835 Retai l 23753, Wholesale 22835-Cable Address: "MEDRUCO"-880882 Rizal Ave., Sta . Cruz. Board of Directors: Dr. Antonio Vasquez, Pre.s ident .. Dr. Ramon F. Campos, VIce-Presldent. Dr. Lui s Lauchengco, Treasure r. Mrs. Elvira C. Valenzuela, Mem. Dr. Olimpi o Villacorta, Mem. Elie Akrass, Mem. Dr. Eugenio Quesa da , Mem. Mi ss Belen Paterno , Secretary. Moises J. Lopez, Manager. Metro Garden a nd Grill_Cafe-Restaurant -Tel. 26750-Metropolitan Theatl'e Bldg., Plaza Lawton, El·mita. M. Kraut , Prop. Met ro-Goldwyn-Mayer-Manil a, Inc. -P. O. Box 743-Tels. 22020 and 22014-Cable Address : "METROFILMS" Manila-309 Bustos, Sta. Cruz. L Cohen, Mgr. Francisco Lopez, Ass't. Mgr. Albino F ernandez, C. P. A., Acct. Metropolitan "A" and "B" SubdivisionsTel. 23196-Rooms 7 & 9, EI Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna,. Binon do . F. Calero & Co., SellIng Agents. Metropolitan Barber Shop-Tel. 26760-161 Real, Intramuros. Alfonso T. Capunpun, Mgr. Metropolitan Bazar-Tel. 49174-219 Rosario, Binondo. Metropolitan Carpentry Shop- Tel. 284511027 Soler, Santa Cl'uz. Ramon Sevilla, P artner. Domingo D. de J esus , Jartner. Metropoli tan Dressmaking-114 Magallanes, Intramuros . Nemesia Capati, Prop.

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(Oppoolt. Lyric Theatre) P. 0_ Box 2104


2.23.62 MANILA

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