I served on Bataan

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A priest celebrates Mass at the open-air chapel of Lourdes on Bataan.


an army hospital



Juanita 1{edmond LIEUTEN ANT, A.N .C.


B . .(IPPINCOTT COMPANY Philadelphia and New York ;'

Copyright, 194-3, by

JUANITA REDMOND Printed in the United States of America EIGHTH IMPRESSION

Under Government regulations for saving paper during the war, the thickness of this book has been reduced below the customary peacetime standards. The text is complete and unabridged.

I wish to acknowledge extreme indebtedness to the Hospital Staff of Bataan Hospital No. I, which privileged me to serve as one of its members, and inadequately express my gratitude to my Mother, whose painstaking guidance and encouragement through life made this book possible.

Laj" GO"'K~

.I11;lIlila Redmolld . now :1 7Ilajol' in Ih c Army 0i lll'se Corps. is :\ n:ni\'c of SlI'ansc:1. S. C. After taking her training at South Carolin <t_~l atc- Hospitai, in Charleston , and serving for three and a half years at Army <lnd Navy General Hospital , Hot Springs, Arkansas, she was tr!.nsferrei ,in JUll(\, 1940, to the Philippines. Sincc he r ,' C L1Hn to America. Major Rcdmond has assisted in bond salcs in hcr nal ive South Carolina and with the help pf secretaries supplied by the Red Cross has answered personaii y the thol ~ ands df inquiries from relatives of men and nurses prC'lImably ' rill in the Philipf ines. I


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