Compilation of notes on the most important timber tree species of the Philippine Islands

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The l son alldra the Indi", diffe rs fro lll that of th e Filipi na s In that th e flowers of the Filipi ll as arc hexa m ero tl s while th ose of I ndia , te tra m e rOll s; ill othe r n:spec ls these two species are so a ll a logo ll s as t o appear to be s pecies of th e sa l11 e" gellus; yet there is n differe ll ce' ill t heir p rope rtie s as t h e re is ill t heir fimy crs .' Rr:nsT.\ C .\TOI.Il'A D J-.: Fll.Il' l :'-:AS, \\'ed ll csd ay, F ebru a ry I , T893 .1I

GUM ELASTIC. "CU1ll elastic is extracted fro lll tr~lS iJel oll g ill g to th e falllily of th e Crli caccre prilll'ipally the I:jells elastica a n d is so \\'e ll kllQ\nl t hat th e re a rc 1I1:1ny g rO\\'ill g ill the garclells of :\ [allila. It is also extracted fro l11 t he Fi c tl s fad icall s an d frol1l two othl'rs species of ficlis \\'hic11 grow ill t he forests of t he Ph il ippi nes; also fro m \'ariOlls trees of the genlls .--\rtocarp ll s. The GUlla-perch" of the COl nlll eree of M a ni la, COlll es fro m the trees of the falllily Sapotace[C of t he Re Blls S id erox ilo ll , Dic h ops is a n d p ri n ci pally Palaqui u lll . '1'11(:' glltta-pcrchaco1lli ll g fr0 11l r. lill d all ao is s01ll eti m es ad ulter at ed, be ill g mixed 'Iilh the juice of t he A lsto u ia a ud olh er trces ,,·hi c h ha,·e a milk y jui ce bu t which i!" llot of the c01l siste ll cy of g utta-perc ll a . R, C ARCTA.))

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IUnlllIlW">'. ~;a·rrll I I,k" 11'''' .... \nttelllllllUlIl. A. 1.('. . ~lrll'II'xil"lI ferrnginelltll. I[""k. Si,ICl'llxl\oll IHln'ifulium, F, \,ill. S!,ll'nlx!\"l1 J'\1l'Jit~n, HIIIII"f), 1'11<"1111111. Sj,kroxilOl\ llilidlltll. Ill. SI,I,'rflxi\'"1 B'llilhilull. BI'IIH"', .\,·lllU' !<'IJ.(>t'I, Lil1l1_. (·hieu. l'u l>,lf) IIi II In III lifolium, Hlu11", •. PIIIII(']>III,I{'. l'ni'I'luiulII "Icif~'rllnl, IIlull('o, ,\IUI"I I" l'fllu'luil1m IIII.Ouil·n~e. \·jd .. B!I!!:ul'lu):"it 1''']'I'Jllill111 111\11',-",,111111111. 11\'111<"<1, ll,,):"u· In Llt:'i t. l'II"I'[1lilllll '·IILlC.I\IIItI, \'i,] I~PII .. n,IIn4;lIlfli. [look, M,lln],nl>ll "h I'y-o\,h yl!\nn ,1(1'11 1111 if,,] i 1I m. -:1"1111 l'kh"J'~h 1",lpllllhu. '.\",,11. IJ!(ollo!'_i_ "UIIC,UtI, HI. I, WII"xilou

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)lilllll"'p- I-:kn):i, I" ('"I,i'llli. "i1l1t1~I),.~ ]lnrnfolin, 111'., Bnn- <lIIIg'uiu. ) l imn~ops

)l'l\lilknm, I; , Don.

,\rtOl'nrpus in,.j"Il, I" C, .1111ipol0. \ .. 11""\1"]1II~ Hilnn, Hluucn. H imn. ,\ llm'o l'I'II~ c I n~ti "'I. Hci II w., 'l'uglll '. .1 rlol'lIl·pUo.; (',Ull,1 usI, Hhul(">, eu 1I1U 11)!~i. .\ 1'10('>11'1'11" 0(\ '"',(\ i1'o.;i 11m, 1I1n 111-< ' . l.ul"i, .\rlot'IIl"[Hh l'olYl'hel1Ul, 1'<: 1''' .. ' 1>11'>111",. . \1 tOl'III'I'U'; inlegrifolill, \I·illd .. :O;IIIlI{l"I. A rI VClIl']li '~ ('lIlI\i lll;il\l111 , Tn'" , ('uhi .\ l'IOCIII' PU" f)\'II l n. Blnllru, .\ IIU IIi u~ ,\1'\()i'tIf]ltlS ni litln.1'rCI' , B'I~-" "'"

Firus jud iCII, l.ill1l" HH.lili. Filous l'iusioi.h's, " ' f) " ]IllI CIt'. Fi,'us benj'\1lli"", Linll .. IInlil!. 1"i('uS m[(·nwllriut. Lilln f.. Bign:!. Fi,'Us pun'iiu\iu. ) l iq. Blilili. 1"i("'S l'o!l\'illlW , ~Iil[. ;o.;011Il\'. Fi\'w; Jla' 1111110,·,II'I' II , HI., Tng:lkot.

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FolI:" 1I .1 ); T ll to:

Fit'u" 11 111lgel1~, Heillw .. ,\gll~-"­ Ficus 11L'la, Vuhl, J3iri. [Ch'us hctcroJl h )·lln.. L . r., ,\~·i$ or I~ ·i~. 1,'[(:\1s pulYCllrflH. Box!). 1"il'lIs l"IIfJi('All~, '"Ill". 1I11g\]I"~I\, ~ l iq. '!'"qllille s . I' irlh hc<1cracca. H(,):h., I['lguiltlil, Ficus l'oUh1"!lCCIll(bll. Bl., l"luili Jo'i('\1~

l"llccmifern, Hoxh .. '['lIlmyo),: . Fil'Us glomera I". W ilill., \ymi I . Fkus CH III'''''I, ~[j(]., f)ulIg,\l·u):". FicH' lelll'Opkura, BL, LII):" u"I, . Fit-ll ~ raliintn, Dene, Ln.g:IWI •. Fi ell$ I)~C\J(\O-I"llllln., BIlIlII'O, :o.;U1Ullli,,):" [<'it'IL~ JI!1o~", Reill\\, .. 'uquiu,". Fi,'us JlUdH., ~liq. Fkllsl'nllophylh<. Bl. Fit-H_ 1'''"0Cftl"jlll, ~ I i'l.



FA'I' 1l1': R JT·rI" Josi; DEI.GA DO (JESU fT ) . \\'a5 bOrt! ill Cadiz, S pai n. H e we nt t o M e x ico a n d from th e re to t h e Philippines III th e year of 17 1 1, J-Ie filled v ari o us positio ns in I\fallil a and al so in S a m a r ; a nd 111 17T9 '\'as Snperior of the m issio n of Pa lapag ; wa s assist a nt at Taytay a ll d


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