Compilation of notes on the most important timber tree species of the Philippine Islands

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small petals, with cl aws. S tamen s iu serted on the calyx fro111 eight to twelve filameuts; some of them are very s hort and sterile. Somctimes three filaments bearing a n thers. Pistils, fro111 one to three, of the samc length as the stamen s. Ouc legnme, short and wide, woody a nd rhombns-shaped, containing from two to sevc n la rge seeds covered on both sides half way \\'ith a yello\\' fle shy aril somcwhat compressed, o"al a nd \\'ith the s hell black, leathery a nd polished.

NEW SPECIES-(See General Ap pc ndix /_(!tIIJllill(}SOS.) SYNONYM-Balayo n, Ta;{O/Oi?' . "FIRST ORDER. Generally there is onl y one seed ill th e pod \\'hich germinatcs, alld althongh there are ge nerally more than one pistil, t he others perish. The \\'ood is of a pleasing red , h a rd and h ea,,), , but after JlJ any years it chan ges to a black; it is said that by frequentl y wetting ill salt water it preserves its color. It is the wood most highly pri zed in the Philippines for tables, chairs and other articles, a nd , whc n recently worked, it emits an agreeable odor, di stin ct from the Narra. It does not decay wh en e xposed to th e effects of thc climate, bnt does \\'hcn placed in the g round. The anay attacks it sometim es, bnt does not penetratc thc wood nor injure it to auy extel1t, excepl when placed in the grou nd. The seeds of Balayotl pulyerized a nd lllixed with \\-ater sen'e as glue . Th e Indian gambl ers cut open a Balayon seed, moi sten it with water and apply it to the card when split to make the parts adhere. Th e young Indian girls have a seed set in a piece of s ilver, and wear it s uspe nded [1'01n the neck to preserve them (so they say) from th e evil \\'ind . See the genn s Afzelia of Persoon , to which no doubt these trees belon g a nd the Genera Pari,'on and \'onal'a of J nssie u. The stamens are separated; \\'hen I wrote this, I did nw noti ce that they were joined. Th e variable nnmber of the stamens a nth er s a nd pistils s h ould be n oted. P. BJ,A!\'co, p. 260, zd ed."

"About the same as Acle ill most respects; but is not lI otable for resisting fire. Usefnl for general purposes, for house decoration s, or furniture. Tindalo is somewhat brittle, and tak es a hi g h poli sh ." . BROW"."

"TREE 9F THF. FIRST ORDER.-Folllld in vanOll S parts of the Philippinc Archipclago . COI.oR.-Clear red ",lieu recentl y ell t; it chan ges to " deep red; in timc it

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