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Ja.nuary L5, L953 His Excellency The President of the Plrillppines Mal.acaffan Palaee S i r : I have the honor to address thlg letter dlrectly to lour Excellency, its contents belDc a natter of oLvlous confldence: Presidentlal securlty. On a prevLous occaslon, on l{ay L, l..952, I addressed e letteroa th€ tan€ subject to the Executive Secretary, a copy of, which 1g enclosed, but he has defened a repli - or a-iecision on tbe reconnendatiotrs enbodied theretn.Wlth ths obJectlve of seeklng the adoption of such needed d refonns refonns ln the PresLdent Presidential security securitv s€ryice as s€ryice ac would elintnate deficLencies and raise lts- effectiveneas, nay I present th6 problen and reconuended solutlon in th6 follorrlng rlng aspects! (1) Uniflcation o! Presidential security ageneles. (2) Designation of a sole authorlty authorlty for Presidential for-pr6sldent,i geeurlty. 3) nl{alacafian Ouardrtr ard Dhe Provost Offlce. nlfleati.on of Presldeati curi The need ny mentloned letter t,o,the Executive Secietary AE a nucbneeded Beasure to elLBinate the defeets of- the extsting gysten under l{enorandun Ord€r of Eecurity Eesurs.Ey SysEe& establighed gxecutl.ve the Executl.ve Secretar1r the S dated January 5, L95O entLtled IIMEMOSANDI'M OJIDERPITESCRIBING A STANDARD OPERATIOI{AI PiTOCEDURE TO GOVERI'I THE ACTIVITIES OFTFARIOUS UNIIS ENGAGED IS REXDEn'IIIG SECUdITTDUTYT0 HIS AXCELLEICI, THE PRESIDENTN. tlon of a for Presldentlal AuthorLty ore been nultfp.tdsouFcee


on Presidentlal security, ln the-lack of a ial Securlty-Lar 9r other-equal-Iy binding prePresi sidentlal decree on the subject. The-Natlbnal Defense rl4aJ.acans.n uecreE Secret $ervl.ce Service t( Sel.r-styrgd self-styled- rl4aIacafia.n secret Secret servlc Servicen), whlch ls a section of the offlce of the S€cretary of llatlonal Defense, appareatly takes basLc orders Srom Secretary Magsaysay, saysay, as evldencod evidenced by enclosed copy of tbelr authoritvty fron said blgh bl.eh offlelalOn offleial. 0n ttbe other bard tbe Presldential ldential Guard Battallon tallon t.akes t.akes orders orders fron fr

the Provost Officer, ln tbe proper exercise of his lawful powers by said Malacaflan- oflicial under the resulat,ions of the Executiys offLce. The Chlef of Staff,(Nert page) the Senior Alde to the

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- .


(2) Presldent, end the-ExecutLyG SgcreterT nould also caslonally issue likc ordere of tbelr'own. fAat-appJera to be the only logical solution to the reeuJ.t,fne i6nfusion nould fuElon tus:'on wourd be the conf,errlqg upon only one ofFiclal officlal, nost appropriately^tbe- pr-ovost 0ffJ.cerr- of the exclusive porsr to exerel,ee in the preoldent r g aine comand and coatrol of tbo PreEldestlal securtty ssryico as a dele_ gatiog_of the Presidontre inbereat brerogetlve. gld the Provogt offlee. A eharge

of nan


Guardatr is believed to be necessary. guch a chaasC rcntd t6nd to nininlze the lncl.dence of unfavorable cofuent upon the_Preeidency rhlch adverse publicity of the Bat_ EArroD_nl.gat on occaglon arouge as e coDDotation of the rort tPrealdentialn, as rell as the erroneoua Lnplicatlon tbat the Presldentrs-guards is an unduly large bbdy of troops. Tle Provoet Offtcer of Malacaflair, rhd is aiso tbe connandaat, of the guatdsr, ls a dlvtsioa 6h1ef in th; Exccutly€ Office. If, he mre authorlzed the rank of full Colonel, it rould raias blc prestlge eouenaurate-ratn other divlsion cbiefs. The MCIacaffaE Guardc. bel.nc de_ tall€d to render sorylcs exclusively to t,hi'preJfEeni. ' chould bc ordered Luuae to Antry inierference ln-th; aattgr of, Lte a€Bborshlp done nithout previoue congrfltat'lon rith or approval of the presldeit of tbc pro_ yost Offlc€r actl.trg for tbe president in or tbir partlcular resp€ct-. TbIs Ls of Bupr@e bportancc ln linlttaE neober_ BhLp only to carefully E€Iecteal persons rho can rEnder Io_ yal !6l.lr1c6 to th€ Pregident ln an offlclel aad p€rrrolal !€nae, and to placing a bsr to all vho muld othirrlse bc s€curlty risks. Thls poltcy ras lnitlsted durlns tbe eue_ los. rcgLue, but of late haa not been scnrpuloualy obsdrved by b€adquarters.

. Preyl.sg-that tF.s lctter nould earn lour Srcellencyrg nost .f,avorable conslderatLoa, I reuqip

{[Vr[UohV/ slBi$

t. CoI. Inf (Pc)

@ffirp of t$e preaiDent ot rhaDhllipytner Dpafltnq,F nrr[| nlP

May 1, 1952 The llonorable Th€ Executlve Secretary Malaca.fian, l'lanl).a

S i r r I have the honor to subrd.t rry h!rb1€ vler.rs on an lntegated For an effestine and coordinated systern of Presldential, securlty. tith one ofthere ls need of a ItltrFIliD SmilRfTY Col,iMAlXD effort, fl.cial ln charge and one entlty responslble for its ex€cutlon, preferably those uhose br:rslc dutles are al.ong tbat llne. A Loose aggregation of separate agencles trith sfudlar duties, where one has lrra{ted capablL:lil€s, as is the case of the }lational Defebse Secf,et of asSeffice, arrd the other ls se1-f-sufflci.ent and frrll-y caf$Ic suring €ntirely tbelr colnnon duties 1 as ls the case of the Presiden:tlal Grardl Battallon, fal-ls short of the orlgi.nal corcept, and conls an lnadegr:ate tneaslae lrhlch wl1l not ellrrinate rlupllcationr and lack of econoqr. The fuslon and Lts attendant lneffl"clencies, probLeuois larger than ean be sol,ved by a de1lneatLon r:f separate rospo'sLriIltles, whl.ch wll1 necessarlly entaLl an appllcetion of restrlctifinq upon one or the other, thereby failing to o,pLolt lts ful-l capeEIty for uork. the qork consiets of FIRSS{A! SICrnITI, HfiUSF,IlOll$ECIIRITY, All1A $IXURIIY, anil TR{VfiL SECURITY, and is an otrllgatl-on to the Presiderrt, tbe Presidlent-elect r and the.-ir iaml,ll-es. Orts lde of official reeidences, the asslstance of l"ocal niii'vary anr] poliee unlts is necassary and nay be obtalned thror:gh liaison.

fhe Prestdential Guard Battal,l on, as an lnCtrunrontality of the Provost Offlce, J,s capabJ.eof carrying out any security rnLssl-on, od bel-ng so detaLLed in l,lalacaflsn for that ba6lc pu4)ose can disclnrge Lts di:tles nithoub

any danuncis on l'Ial-acaflan frrrds. ;.

ce, if representatlves tc pronote cooperation with the varioos lau-enforcing agencies, could br the proper compl.enent to, and the nost epproprlate illrecting echelon of, a rmified seoririt:r ger,rl.ce. the,latlonal" Defense Sec* ret Serrric e is a recently crEateil entity of tle Offlce of the Secretary of l{ational Defense ui.th a strengbh of tuo offlcers and nlneteen agents consLstlng 'nalnly of PhiS.lppfte Constabul,ary and AFP enllsted nen detall"ed for socrt:ilty duty to lIalacafian, yet the




s+.aius af whl c?, in thc Execr,tive Cfflce clefl-ned.

or',*,riza.,i.on hp.s not b.:err

On tl e otl:er hand, tho F?ovost 0ffieer haa b:.e:r recogniaed as an official of tho ikeer-*lve Cffice ancl assi_gned the dldy of protecti-ni.: -',hr-.1j,fe of the Presid.ent ar'd his far,-ily, ae ue11 as the riosel"lr aL]:ierl tasks of pres.:rwin; Feac6 &ni: order a;: i enl'orcing inte.:rry:l pollce reg*1.atl"o'Ls. Iiis destgn:.rtion ao clilef af see:,r:it:,r -.ogLc:r1 s::::l'Lco s,ru'lii b..r and achj eva the 'lesireij sinr-.i!ici.ty and effi cienc-" oi or''r'riz-.'.ion ard. Sirectlor. For the 3enior Aid e-d€-Car{: to suc,ervise, coordinate, anc) cirntrol ar lntegrated secr:,iiy syster, ,'-oukl be a. ,:leFartr:re fror: hls prirrclFai sccial and s tate riu.ti es rghLc!.!a"e vartly tllfferent a'rd so reqtCr:i ng or his {\:l 1 at&"ontio.r thet i:e }*rs forr a-"sistants tc i:e1p h{ri. Aetive ':ustody of securj-t.f r.,raul-ijile:na',:d::ndivided attention therefcr r*};icll he *alrr:,ot affordo ii f\r-Lhar c<rr,p1-rltit_r r,rou-l.dbe a cllvisJ.o.. of taeks betr.reen t'r:e prc'rost Offiee ane the Co',. osl-te I{atLo':-ral Defense Secr*t Servicq, r,rhl-c! earhs actra fina4" cial benefits frorn i'ialacairan f',rnd::, when as has ir.er pr'avior.rsiy :nertionerl, ihe luLj-es lt hos recerrt'I.;r assu;,,ed are icleci:i,cal r.rj.*.h thc sane d-L,tJ.esthat the lr-esi-dEr-rtiai i:u-r.1 g:iltt.aiion !ia.s bee!"r adeqrlatel-y renilr-,ring t(, irai.ecjeiar llitlrclt ac|lilionql- ccn:r,ensaf.ion. ?het fact ai.on.: of riiv-iding a task brtr.reen i;r.roseparate entities ulichong has been doing anri cr';n r1o jr":st as Lrel.'i alone r..rorf"<i,on the cont:'ar;", be a step farth€,r avay fron tlre iC,erli ,-;i obtalning I lified, sl.rnple, efficiert a:li coordinptcri. seeurit"p, nct tc rrrentiotr '::nec:e sary axpendi tures that !,iaiacairnn cor:}l r,rei1 nvcid.. I therofore


recollren,-1 thc foil_iowinlrr

Tlst the Ftovost Cfflcar be deslgtraieri Seewity Offlct" porler-s to r'ako provlsion fo? an r.!.l.rect the securit;r servicel


That re.Fresentatl"ves of l-ar.r*orrforcing !g.jneies be dgtail-ecl in tho -Frovost Office for p rpo,ees of l.leison ,l:.il croilotln'l cooreration as discus$ed a bove, For s 1n::L i.cit.-.r snC io e1l_ruilete th3 dcl€cts ol riivlCe{ eofirLand e ni- itc- at',enclant dup1i.e.,ticn cf ,;orkr c.,r.tI:lsio?r, rivatry sn,.. profes-"iioliar.j ealuu.slyr a't,' ''aik of ,:conoplr, thrt +.he ia.,,j.ona1llelense lecrei Serd"ce inci.urllng lts pol-lcq *r',nonents b; incorporated lntr: *he, ?lcvost ffice, lt,s cotrponeet rlij+.irli peirs or-rn *i to i:re:.eturnerl 1!c r,rilir,":"r controi for llut:i ln the lresltlo:rtfulOuerd :l,.t,.,ri1ion; and_ ?hai the ccr:.esnondln3 rellj,sions be lrade on iie orancii.:.lrOrdar rt\lr r lEn1r:) P';rSCr"-ri:Trrill.rl tlated Jar'l,.r'-,: 5, 1950 enbi-tl"eC,n}.,ltti,:On.l

n0 03 ?liil viil0ls StsIfiAFt OFgnA?lr]}ut FliocfiDul"€ Gtlr/:F;'iTI:q ACTlWTI;ls sr$u:pJTy n'iiTy T0 Rrti Excri,1,fflcY, TIlr PFlisIillntg r.ic,i.c.r.nIi,r pf,].rD2r"I1,ic

I, bolor=l,

Irrf (?C)

ProvoEt Officer


i l l

lu6$rt 1,0r 1951 !0r

Al;t llrra


ts lbe Slold

s6 F|nar off,lo.'r

btl!ry rpl'|rrt ?bo brgr*r brfaqf rbaar N16!*trra lt o,t?l!, rld8Ro8lo l. l(ErDorA, t)-,16fi5r to, lDctabo[3 of tb. Llro*na ?ogctbrr Saord Slrtlor. Sr.Gtor

vltb ht.| plr*rsletl||

prrrcanNlr br tr sh.r8rll rlth

of tlr tbr Prcttdrrt tb. rcourtty of ltls Eo.Jl.ltqyr roa! tba rcEbcrE oil hln tstJy. Er |^r tL lDillppinea to br Ea{irtrha ol ell a.egr*ty rcalurlrr Uo$dlmtol bg Bff lrr onforoi.ag rgrnclcr 18 811 phcsr vh.rG tba argr travrl. I hrvo eorgsltrlonral bi! to *re![rnt sr$d goasr ojf,l3ilr is ru. rrsl*r lfitd sofir6t lstd.r

Df"ror!-!!| -Itrrlrtret.nrt qosprlrtl$o '|{rtlvrv thr r*.trity



tlrt 33 lr dolrrii tou art.lC rltlolr rnd .11 tbl sonr4|.ler

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r,ai sr$pd0r.t 1! 6r5rY st$



fsr t&a Flall,lirrlr

to h{r !16rr ttll cail leollltlca


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ooolrF uhld


thr Frrai{*rNt thr rrGudt|r et ;tr lr3.l.lmeyr r8d tar rwbrtls of bt| t$r"ly sb.tL trrr.Ltes !f ulthla ymr a'r,B of, Jnrlr(ll.rlloo l| .qErlly vlrltlng uadtr ycnu ro.poartbllltt.


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