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Jenuery 4, 1952 IIis Xxce[].ency 'Jhe Preslr'Lent o*t the Philipplnss i { a n i L a

"t/ J,lt


Referenco Ls slade to the allthorlty glven to thl -.! nwartrEnt _ l.,i the Ca-iinet to pllrchase loose f ir erarns a]]a ainrqrn:tlons e6 ! eT att ecl"re C_certif ioti.t'r:e crpy of the letter of the tbnorabl.1, th€ d:lecutlve Secretar:, dat ed Au3""rst 11, 1951, I11 thts couiectLon, I ha.ve the honor to in3orm that out of lhe urevlous releeses of "unds e_uountilr"q to a toial of FgrE00r0f0,0l, thle be_ nerinent h€,s purcba6ed. thc fo llord rts flrearn6 a.ni a;c.l1rltt ons:. Siroarirg Srenedee A;ora:nltlons


g:,s3i ?2,n6 1.Sn rj-a.B

.Tlxs latest release of fund"s ae,d.eavaileble for t]le s€we _)uriloso 1s" -Ce;e"igit;;i-: tne F500,000.00 recontly recelved. f,.1on the Peace lrl,:rds1on. The g:eater portlon of thl: a.nor-nt }ag €[-r ea{'I been relcasod. to Provrnclal iho verlills cor4ndsders, to tha cor,neurd-an! of t1-re p6[;p11i llilltary Acad.e-ry ond to the Clrlef, OrO:raace a:rd Ohenlce1 S"r"i;;,-fuF; to lteet all the 'rorchers pendlng payxt rt coverLql loose f{ fearnd epa erxo$ltions a1r.ea*r dqooglted i.^rlth these nnlts ln the .rggreqato €rncunt of f454.000.!0, thereby lea.!'Lne a belence of onLI lee,OOO.Oti, fhir anount r,ri1L lLst or:]-y 1rg to aborxt the Lbth of this nonth. !hr. E lepartrient ls now e.t a ldss vhere tc Jet the itnd,s to enable our r -rdhaslr\4 udlt$ io continne 1.1yl rB looie flr ear::s snd s]Ilfi1-nliions flo]I t'r1€rlliiloI'lzed-persons. llhe nonent the fg6,lCo,u.]o, re:d nlng baler!ce ..s ebove siet gd' lg sxhe;gted. no qore fu-nd-s co.l,lcl b e na ('-e avatla-irlc f or llrls j)lr.rj)o se, hence, t:.-1.e legeltn€nt l.J aorr clteRlarl- zi l:.1 al-l ur:Lt co.n_ ,nanC.ersof the .AIF to suryend ln"oedletel.:' the :rur cha:!,eoJ loose fl. re_ a.fns anc. 8.miflnl.t i cn6 upon spendlnS uhstever a]licr.tnt ls loft ln thelr los::sssion 6ut sf the I5O0,00O,OO r.€ce,ntltr' ::eleased. ty the p6sqe t\rnd. Ca,:Faign Comnlgslon. It aay also be Ln:orn€d t he.t due to Linltatlon of i,.undd avsJlable . :6r-the pu..rch6-se of l.oose flroarns al1d aqllrun_lt.i_onsr ^:lg lqpa_rtioent h6g deciLecl to puxchase onLy servleeable fhearns ard. a&luni_! loue.


Iro rn the results obtpLned. ln the trlr.lcharu.of loo"u flree.rr.s srrd an'rrrrltions f::om rtnanthorlzoC,porscns i.s stated. ln pe ragrqlh 2, a.l:ovs, i.t sen be 61€ered. that i h.e people realize th6 6j.lrc 6"Lhr Govs:.n_ of the loent ln carq/1nnj out lts pollcy, tle:l h:rve wiiliu6ly -rooeu, r:r.a.vofu"ntarily ,?l:, anlioL d-qroeited., pendrng r"ari uli. if ilr or a.rns ar!C.enimr_ ::i!ions- in thei-r possesslon. The varl, 6orlc€ or supll:,/r of arrns sn3_ eix],'trr.nilions of the *isslAents ]rr.ve tesn :ninlnized a::C ij su:flctant fuud s rci11 oni:r lB mad.eavai 1g,11efor thls p-!',r:po se, .:::cc,.rrtotr_r:,, flre ve-q/ scllrc€ of supply of fl rearme arU" anmLrnitions of the {issldents l,rlLI. 1e_entirel;'l cut, a factor whi ch ull1 contrlbute to the 5ucc6s6 of tho Pesg6 end Order Csq)algn of ty. So"e;riit. Tesy


orxl c! 0F !m m.Isltm{r of the



Manlla, Auaw t 11. 1951 fhe llonorable The Se_67's1rarr6r Nptlonal uarb lvurnhy, Qlezon Cltrv


S l r l Will rFferenco--to "^., lour conjru_nlcstlon dated. .August 1, rvrr.r adcrasaeatto His X xcellencyr tha prasld.ent, fof the ourchage cf ftrdalns and p66;1611i"" i" tfr.-"o"sesslon of

-rerson6, I luve ?he trono you tlst :l-""1f::1":d ,aolnat st lts neettng lpst nleht r to rniJrn srrthorlzed. tlo Armed *.â‚Ź joroes

of the 3hlll.rrllnes to nak6 6rrch purchasec of loose fltearme antt gnnun1si."" r"o" "ii ;;;;";;';;;1ceg lndt_ cated. 1n your comnarnlcptlon, the afbunt neccssary to co ver aucrl lurcnases to be chargod agaj"nst the Ltene for rualllea and equinnent r rrrd. ordrc.enceand chemlcaf aof .rrs e-urr;;;;

of at1 catrlers to be ;hars;;bie ar.arnst :11 ::lyl:i"ns ammrrlattens of the -Armpd. Forcss of the t:i:-:*I""t nlfllplnee.

If the above c,lr rent a D n r o - , r l a t i o n s a r o n o t suff l.cl eot ) ur n moossee, ' T c n f o r t l e -: u Drreessaan. nt at at ltol onns l t ] a yb e m a d e i v l t h the Peace :]l\rnil ", -':* Csrn66lgn Comndeqlon, for euch ad-dltional sud as nay Bt:Il be neetled. to flnance these flro61n1s and. a [rrunition nurchacee.

Ver.T roq)ectfillly, 3y authm 1t..' of +.heProstd"anti

(sea.) MAnualro Roqrm Actlne

l scl stent





I t C s l , csc(r,a) Blaqet & I'fecal 0 f f l c e r ,


Execut iv o


ReeubLtc of the phtllnnlnas uf,PA?T_.tr:r 0I' NITIOL'XI DTIqISE Caqn .l4ur.nhv, Quezon Ctty 1 Ausust 1951 H1e Srcellency 0he Prosld.ont of t h G P h t l l n r l r e E ' Mal-acanan Falace, I4anlla 3xcellel!cy3 I have the lonor to reDort that at Dreiont . -rrrr*ti,o there gre ssvora] "t" thousar'46 of f lroarng ta tho r:osses"ro" lr "r "ra-o*i""* ore vllling io lrart wlth the orr"u""frio tfl"r"oi onfv wlth reagonable Ircnetaly consld.eratlon. 0n the other hend., tha Arned lorce" etitt need6.fl_raarno and-/or an!runit ion to lt1.Ll.r/ oqui, unlts flehtine (Us_ sid"ent el.enent s. To Batlsfy and"noet the need. of the -A-rFfor nore a"ras, and"to ^ forestall- the faLl of looqe flrearros ani_/or ao,nr,nrtlons i.nto the hands of d,lasl clents end.thelr ou" oo " ur.rorrn-,eof ort th€ Goverml4nt, It 1.r urqtltl-v ra0rl6qt.!.d t-tet +,b-aApr,rl !orcno-'}1o arlt].orlznd tO Durchase then, whateve! ba thAlr Boll!ci?|, offectlvD 1 Jrrly Sl, at the followirg rric 6s: I . - US tRl4Y srAtb$RD WXAPOI{S Servlc eabL o

Pletols & BcvoLvrre, Ca1. 4b Tlr,om_neon Sul:-I4ach i nq Gune, Ca1.45 Gr.:aso 0Rrns Ca1.45 r . 1. tsror.n1n€Automsttc Riflsg, Ca1.g0 5. g!_Carblne, Cat.S 19r G""*a Rifle, caI.BO 9. 1. Prrtefrrt_d Rtfte, Ca1.B) . . . :. ;tnf t c1d Rlflo , C61.S v. _u_flrrrhch }4ortar. 10. US Beeooka US Machine ern, ea.r r iaJ Ll. 12. US Cal.50 1. ?. 3.

19. L4. 15.

US Hand Gronade Al,1 annunj.tlon for the above flroarrns oxcerot Bsq66l!, & l4orter _ Sazooka and. i{ortar ermmnltlon .

P?s.oo 75.00 60.00 75.00 75.00

60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 5.00

lfqn-Servl ceable S'r q nn

a5.00 15.00 25.00 e0.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 NONE NOlt0 lioNr



J. *,"






Pistols and Revolverei Cals. ?2, 25, 32, 38 and. 380 $hotguns, .12, .1br.6 and dlO Ge. Rtflcs, Cal" 22, .30-0 6 Rif 1+-Slrot+u Comblnation, Ca1. 410-3? Anmrnlti.on for thc abovo flrr:arns



/ao.oo {o.oo s.00 s"o0 0,10

fro.oo t-5.00 10.00 10,0o 0.05

fhe gbllgatLon for thar firrchaso of end. nqllllrnltloas fireerns can be charg?d Fgalnct the ttlnre for O.rrrnll o e arrd. nOul.,.t..nt and r urdrFnc e eld chFnlc al tr.of qns o grrnornnnt and. srnrlt|]nttlonq of ell callbcrs of tha cnr r.ent ar.nm,rrlattor\c of the Arraod.loreag of the lhl11'rrlnos. r

Raso4ctfr-11y yours,

(ssa.) a.e,uot't l,lAGs.aYsaY Soc!etary


4J{ere.ta-;) 1,1. Co1., CSC(I'3) Srr0eet & Tl6psl Qffig qr', DIID

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