Fig West Chester Winter 2019

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T H E H O L I D AY S are full of celebrations and opportunities to show our appreciation to the ones we love. It may be through a simple note, a homemade baked good, or a perfectly selected gift. This year, as you hunt for the perfect present, the ultimate party dress, and the thoughtful hostess gift, we ask you to make every choice deliberate and every dollar count. W H Y S H O P LO C A L ? It’s simple. You’ll find unique, quality gifts— many locally made—hand-selected by trusted business owners. Additionally, money spent in West Chester stays in West Chester, which does not only help our retailers, it makes our whole community stronger. W H AT M A K E S W E S T C H E S T E R S O S P E C I A L ? It’s not just the charming streets and the festive holiday decor—it’s a destination! Plan to spend a whole day savoring the magic of this Great American Main Street Award Winner. You’ll be welcomed by the creative mix of shop owners who open their doors every day with the mission to create the unique West Chester experience.

On the following pages, you’ll meet the entrepreneurs who make West Chester a destination. You’ll also hear what they love most about being a part of this community, as well as a curated collection of gifts they have sourced—sure to make your holiday truly memorable. Turn the pages and be inspired! 12

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