February 2024 PRESS RELEASE Fiberpartner ApS and Stein Fibers, LLC Announce Strategic Coopera9on for Distribu9on of Innova9ve Less Harmfull Fibers Fiberpartner ApS, a leading global supplier of responsible and innova6ve fiber solu6ons, is entering a strategic partnership with Stein Fibers, LLC, a renowned distributor of special fibers and materials. This partnership is designed to make new and innova6ve fiber solu6ons widely available and accessible, contribu6ng to a more responsible future. The goal is to support the transi6on towards a non-petroleum-based development of fibers and work towards an environmentally friendly tomorrow. Fiberpartner ApS and Stein Fibers, LLC have entered this partnership to ensure a more widespread distribu<on of the innova<ve fiber solu<ons across various industries in the USA. This collabora<on will provide manufacturers and brands with easier access to responsible fiber solu<ons, enabling them to meet their sustainability goals and reduce their environmental impact. The collabora<on offers several advantages, such as: 1. Enhanched Availability: We're increasing availability for fiber solu<ons, providing customers with easier access to these responsible materials for seamless integra<on into their products – this is gained through Stein Fibers' leading distribu<on network across the USA. 2. Sustainable collabora9on: Fiberpartner ApS and Stein Fibers, LLC share a commitment to driving innova<on in sustainability. Through this partnership, their collec<ve efforts will be strengthened, promo<ng the delivery of environmentally friendly solu<ons to the market. 3. Exper9se and Assistance: Customers will gain valuable insights and support from both companies, guaranteeing a seamless transi<on to these more sustainable fiber alterna<ves. "We are excited about our partnership with Stein Fibers, LLC," says Thomas WiOrup, CEO of Fiberpartner ApS. "Together, we are beOer equipped to meet the growing demand for beOer and less harmful fiber solu<ons. We are commiOed to making our solu<ons more readily available to businesses worldwide. Stein Fibers is a market leader in the distribu<on of tex<le fibers for the fiberfill, nonwovens, and spinning industries. Together we can provide our global customers world class supply chain solu<ons.” "We are pleased about this collabora<on with Fiberpartner ApS in promo<ng our supply chain solu<ons in conjunc<on with their innova<ve fiber solu<ons," says Jaren Edwards, President at Stein Fibers, LLC. "This partnership aligns perfectly with our mission to provide cuWng-edge fiber materials with a lower footprint to our customers. We believe that these innova<ve fibers will play a vital role in reducing the environmental impact of the industries we serve." Please direct any ques9ons to: Thomas WiDrup, CEO, Fiberpartner ApS, Denmark, tel. +45 2025 6509, twt@fiberpartner.com Jaren Edwards, President, Stein Fibers, LLC, USA, tel. +1 980 859 4746, jaren@steinfibers.com Fiberpartner ApS in brief: Fiberpartner ApS is a leading global supplier of responsible and innova<ve fiber solu<ons. With a commitment to driving sustainable development, Fiberpartner ApS offers a wide range of high-quality fibers for various industries, including tex<les, automo<ve, and home tex<les. For more informa<on, please visit www.fiberpartner.com Stein Fibers, LLC in brief: Stein Fibers, LLC is a renowned distributor of specialty fibers and materials, serving a wide range of industries such as home tex<les, automo<ve, and industrial applica<ons. With a focus on innova<on and responsibility, Stein Fibers, LLC provides customers with cuWng-edge solu<ons to meet their specific needs. For more informa<on, please visit www.steinfibers.com