Volume 16, Issue 6

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TIGER TIMES Empowered women

Fishers High School Volume XVI, Issue VI March 2022 www.fisherstigertimes.com

Table of Contents 04 05 06 08 10

Features Book Banning Blood Shortage Female Empowerment Overworking Culture Forms of Therapy

11 12 14 15 16

Arts & Culture Organic Hygiene World Guard Vinyl Popularity Spring Gardening Show Choir

18 20 21 22

Sports Outdoor Stores Boys Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse March Madness

24 25 26 27 28 30

Opinion Transgender Athletes Female Body Hair Sleep Importance “Euphoria” Catcalling v Compliments Editorial

On the cover: In Women’s History Month, it is important to highlight the daily achievements of women in our community. Graphic by Lily Thomas.

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Future Black Leaders celebrate Black heritage photo story by reporter Veda Thangudu

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March 2022

Tiger Times Staff Editorial Board

Nate Albin Editor-in-Chief

Andrew Haughey Online Editor

Lily Thomas Features Editor

Emma Tomlinson Arts & Culture Editor

Fletcher Haltom Malak Samara Opinion/Copy Editor Social Media Director

Nicholas Rasmusson Sports Editor

Kristen Rummel Design Editor


Emilia Citoler

Madelyn Lerew

Avery Roe

Staff Profile

Emerson Elledge

Laura Masoni

Ben Rosen

Ben Grantonic

Abby Miller

Ava Hunt

Katrell Readus

Sydney Territo

Kindell Readus

Veda Thangudu

Tiger Times

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Shoved off the shelf As more books become banned the reasons start to become clear Top 2 Topics Being Banned LGBTQ+ CONTENT ---------------------------Books featuring LGBTQ+ main characters are one of the top categories to be banned because many people think the concept is inappropriate for kids.

Stories Featuring Black Leads ---------------------------Stories centering around Black characters are often banned due to the harsh realities showcased in the books. The realites of being Black in America are often considered too much for kids to handle. Graphic by Kindell Readus

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magine books featuring characters that you can relate to being plucked from the shelves and/or curriculum, just because the book’s content – content that mimics your own life – has been deemed taboo and controversial in a classroom setting. This has been occurring all over the United States, conversations are being had over whether books featuring Black, and LGBTQ+ characters are appropriate for young viewers. “These stories are being banned the most because they are the most ‘controversial’ even though they shouldn’t be,” sophomore Hollis Kolb said. “Since Fishers has such a high white, straight, cis population parents and kids are more likely to complain about stories that are about people who are different than them.” Despite the complaints from people not included in the representation provided in these stories, the content of stories like these is important to many readers. “Reading is a very important part of growing up and even life,” Kolb said. “It teaches us life lessons that can't be taught otherwise and it helps us grow our imagination. The most important part, however, especially for LGBTQ+ people and people of color, is seeing people like us in stories.” Books and other media containing stories featuring Black or LGBTQ+ characters being banned creates stigma around these two groups, making the people represented in them, as well as the authors behind the titles, seem inappropriate and ill-intentioned. “Stories that highlight the discrimination of queer and

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Kindell Readus


Black people not only spread awareness of the issue, but also comfort some that they are not alone,” sophomore Kamare O’Connell said. To have books featuring Black and LGBTQ+ characters taken off of shelves for being controversial can be damaging for the people who find themselves within these stories. These books cause those represented within them to feel as though their life makes others uncomfortable. “Schools and administrators ban and or strictly hide these stories because Black literature is seen as ‘converting’ their kids,” sophomore Jason Love said. “Especially stories with LGBTQ+ themes, they are afraid we’re going to call them out and their kids will form an opinion different than theirs, so they remove the opinion.” During a Hamilton Southeastern school board meeting on Jan. 19, 2021, parents and community members spoke about their distaste for “age inappropriate” reading material. They said that the board,and the new appointee they are bringing in, should “focus on filling the library with age-appropriate material that aligns with values taught at home.” These comments were met with applause and further support from other attendees. Another community member said a book that was causing her quite the concern was “When Aidan Became a Brother,” an award-winning children’s picture book featuring a Black transgender boy. The community members' concerns caused this book and others like it to be called into question regarding what qualifies as “kid-friendly” content. O’Connell believes that this takes away a potential resource for

young kids who find themselves in need of a story like this. “White, heterosexual fragility shoudn’t be stopping our youth from getting a proper and necessary education,” O’Connell said. Kyle Lukoff, author of “When Aidan Became a Brother,” said that while speaking with his own students, they all showed a curiosity towards the subject of this book and his life when it came to the aspects that they were unfamiliar with. He took this opportunity to “politely” educate the students in a way that was kid friendly and that he felt made sense to the young audience. “I'm always delighted by the questions kids come up with,” Lukoff said in an interview with The Horn Book Inc. “I once had a kid ask what my name used to be, and I love that question because it gives me an excuse to kindly and sympathetically explain that it's okay to be curious, but I don't like sharing that information: ‘I changed my name because I didn't like it! And it makes sense that I don't want to share something that I don't like, right?’" Kolb believes that the type of reassurance that these types of books bring is beneficial to high school students, but also to the younger generations as well. “It is so important that people of color and LGBTQ+ people can go into libraries or into their school and find stories about people who are like them,” Kolb said. “That is so important for being happy and having good mental health, especially for children, we know that we aren’t alone and other people share our experiences, we know people like us can be happy and live amazing lives and have amazing stories to tell.”

March 2022

America's blood supply crisis Lack of donation suffocates hospitals Kristen Rummel



ust under 80% of hospital beds are in use around the United States according to the U.S. Department of Human Health and Services. With understaffed hospitals, rising hospitalization rates and COVID-19 patients overwhelming hospitals, now they’re facing a different problem: the national blood shortage. The Red Cross announced a national blood shortage in late January, stating an overall decrease in blood donation by 10% since March 2020. This significant decrease in donation has been a result of COVID-19 protocols restricting blood drives in fear of further spreading the virus. These COVID-19 protection protocols and cancellations have especially affected school blood drives, of which students make up 25% of national donors. Student blood drives have declined 62% since March 2019. Since the lack of donations, blood distribution has to be rationed out between hospitals and many are not getting the critical blood they need. Blood cannot be artificially produced or stockpiled, so continuous donation is a must. Blood needs to be tested, refrigerated and then transported for use, but with hurdles like labor shortages, this process can take longer than expected, putting a bottleneck on the blood's expiration date. The shelf-life of blood depends on the condition, type and method of storage. Generally, if blood is refrigerated, it cannot be used after 42 days.


“COVID-19 and the blood shortage together caused somewhat of a vicious cycle,” Jennifer Faulkner, registered nurse at Community Surgery Center said. “Hospitals rely on blood products for all age ranges and medical problems as an ongoing therapy or as life-saving measure. Outcomes would severely drop without blood donors of all blood types.” All blood types are needed in this crisis, but there are a few blood types needed the most: Type O negative, Type O positive, and platelets, with Type O negative being one of the most important. It is the universal blood type and what emergency room personnel reach for when there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations. “People were not seeking medical attention when they normally would have because of fear of the virus,” Faulkner said. “As a result, hospitals were seeing patients when they were much more critically ill. With earlier intervention, some of these patients could have avoided the need for blood.” One donation can help three others in need of blood. Recovery from blood donation depends on how much and what you donate. When Plasma is donated, it is replaced within 24 hours and red blood cells take four to six weeks to replenish. According to the Red Cross, people should only donate blood after eight weeks of recovery. According to the Community Blood center, only 37% of Americans can donate blood, but less than 10% do it annually. “Many of my friends and

family have needed blood in the past,” FHS blood drive coordinator Tammy Snyder said. “My mother required many bags of blood in her fight against cancer. This is something that almost everybody can do to help another person, so I want to raise awareness and grow a new group of lifelong donors every year.” The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration have also issued statements encouraging blood donation for those who are well. Donation facilities should be following strict guidelines to stop viral infections. “There are always going to be issues within your community or city that you feel like you can’t help in,” senior Sreya Myneni said. “But donating blood is a sample way to beneficially impact someone. Even though we don’t end up meeting who receives our blood, it was used to treat someone and potentially even save a life. It is very special to be able to impact someone's life to that extent.”

For more information about blood donation and helpful tips, visit the QR webpage above.

Information from Versiti Blood Centers. Graphic by Kristen Rummel.

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Empowomen Featuring influential women in honor of Women’s history month Veda Thangudu



everal women have been setting up the stage for women to thrive. According to studies conducted by the United Nations, there are 3.905 billion females in the world as of August 2021. But in the 21st century, there are still many stereotypes around women. According to Senior Academic Dean Nawla Williams, women should be able to participate equally, especially since they are more than half of the population. “I have been in situations where just because I’m female, it is assumed that I can not do as much or as well,” Williams said. “I’ve been looked over, disrespected, called emotional when in fact our counterparts could be just as emotional.”

Jane Austen. Photo used with permission of Wikipedia Commons.

Jane Austen was an English novelist dominant at the end of the 18th century. Austen’s novels are centered around women and their roles in society. She was inspired by Mary Wollstonecraft, who was one of the most known advocates for feminism. According to Toledo Public Library, Austen was a radical, a rebel and a feminist. “I love Jane Austen for her personal character,” senior Abinaya Ramjee said. “Pride and Prejudice,” “Emma,” “Sense and Sensibility” and “Mansfield Park” are Austen’s most known novels. Her novels are usually sarcastic and are characterized as "comedies of manners.” “It was a lot more restricted back when she lived,” Ramjee said. “It’s not that women had all the freedom we do now, and yet her novels show basically what we're doing today.”

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Malala Yousafzai. Photo used with permission of Wikipedia Commons.

Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist who fought for girls’ rights of education. She brought changes in society and was a role model for many women as she encouraged them to stand up for their rights. “I’m inspired by what she's done for girls and their education,” senior Abinaya Ramjee said. In the process of opposing the Taliban, a group who were not allowing girls to study, Yousafzai was shot three times and seriously wounded. Since the attack, she has been an international symbol of womens’ education. To demand change and empower girls further, Malala Yousafzai and her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, co-founded the Malala Fund in 2013. In December of the following year, she received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her contribution. “Her change in society is big, helping women from all parts of the world receive better education,” Ramjee said.

March 2022

Michelle Obama was the first African-American woman to serve as the First Lady of the United States. According to the Washington Times and Chicago Tribune, Obama served as a role model for many women to advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition and physical activity. “I think she stood up for what she believed in,” Williams said. “She was the one that changed the school meal plan and made it healthier, and we're still living in that decision now,” . She was considered a fashion icon and supported fashion designers. She was an author, orator, lawyer, states person and a law professor. “I think she redefined the First Lady position,” said Williams.

Michelle Obama. Photo used with permission of Wikipedia Commons.

For some, their mother is a source of inspiration. As Williams’ elementary school principal, her mom influenced her the most, according to Williams. “My mom was the number one person in my life,” Williams said. Williams speaks about how her mom was well put together. According to Williams, it is important for a mother to be a confident role model to her daughter and to empower females through generations. “Her clothing was classy, she was really nice,” Williams said. “I looked up to her a lot,”

Social media can also play an important role in female empowerment, as it has created a platform for expression and empowerment. “Young women today have a lot more examples of female leadership than I did growing up, which I think is really great,” social studies teacher Elizabeth Paternoster said. According to United Nations Women, it is estimated that about 435 million women and girls are living in poverty. In spite of this, women are stepping up and setting examples on how they can achieve equally as much, if not more, than men. “We are fierce beings,” Williams said. “We could do anything we want to do when we put our minds to it."

Dean Nawla Williams with her mother. Photo used with permission of Nawla Williams.

Graphics by Veda Thangudu


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s s e action r r t t s i s d f o e y a h t s s ities as a w e v i t r c a d h t i d w A s overwork themselves



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Tiger Times

fter a long day of school, work or practice, teenagers start to feel overwhelmed with the amount of physical and mental pressure they undergo. As a result of this, instead of focusing on their responsibilities or issues, they indulge themselves in extra work or hobbies they enjoy as a way to ignore their problems. “We definitely are an overworked, overtired culture,” psychology teacher Susan Huppenthal said. “I know students come to school and then they go to their job at night and then they’re playing sports or doing band. A lot of things require a lot of time, and that’s difficult.” According to Psychology Today, teens who are often overworked or dealing with personal problems usually end up emotionally distressed. However, this also causes them to behaviorally shift towards activities or thoughts that make them happier. “I feel that distraction culture has arisen as a response to people being overworked,” freshman Jakob Polly says. “In that sense, I feel that it is generally helpful, but given that people weren’t working to the point that they are today, a distraction culture wouldn’t need to exist.” When people endure an issue that may be mentally straining, they tend to turn to distraction as a form of putting their feelings aside. Ignoring

their problems and hyper-focusing on an activity or overworking themselves helps numb the negative emotions they may be feeling, according to Psychology Today. “I think I [distract myself with work] because I think that I’m doing something important and that it matters more than confronting what I’m avoiding,” sophomore Addyson Brown said. “In some weird way, I think that if I work hard enough, my problem will just disappear or it just doesn’t exist.” Once the COVID pandemic began, teens increasingly felt the need to overwork and distract themselves from how much it negatively affected their mental health. Although distraction culture is not a new concept, the pandemic popularized and normalized it. “I think especially during quarantine, people started to overwork themselves because it just felt like the workflow just increased,” junior Gracelyn Druelinger said. “I feel like [distraction culture] is becoming more popular.” A defining factor of distraction and overworking culture includes situations that produce a substantial amount of stress. For Druelinger, she mainly involves herself in the culture because of school and extracurriculars. Druelinger said she would rather focus on cleaning her room than think about all the assignments she has to do. “I feel like I find myself overworking myself the most when I’m with my parents because I feel a constant need to impress them as much as I can,” Brown said. Distraction culture is often seen as a way to cope with problems. For Brown,

March 2022

she sees it as an opportunity to be free from her problems because she does not have to worry about anything besides what she is working on. Furthermore, it can help teens find healthy activities that keep them calm. “People come to distract themselves as a means of coping, often because of the amount of work that they have to do,” Polly said. “I think the fact that [distraction culture] may help you cope with whatever issue you may have is often a benefit.” On the other hand, those who participate in distraction culture can oftentimes experience negative mental effects. The most prevalent one is the fact that the problems teens try to avoid do not go away, rather they are just briefly forgotten. Instead, they procrastinate about solving the problem and ignore their emotions. “My problem doesn’t go away; it’s still there, no matter what I try to tell myself,” Brown said. “For me, personally, I think [distraction culture] is very hurtful, because even though I’m being productive, I’m still just avoiding things.” Avoiding problems causes mental strain on teens because there is a constant thought in the back of their heads about how they will need to deal with their complications later on. Additionally, Healthline says that it causes teens to suppress their feelings, which leads to their frustration being stored up and inflicted onto others unintentionally. “The idea is, if you don’t like something, you need to just do it,” Huppenthal said. “The longer you wait, the more unhappy you are because you fixate on [the issue], but you’re not doing it. So it’s this idea that if we could just buckle down, it is so much healthier than worrying about it and not doing it for so long.” Not only does distraction culture prevent


teens from fully processing their emotions, like Brown, but it also contributes to bad habits. This can include overworking to the point of burnout, not realizing when to take breaks and negative effects on personal relationships. “I found that, oftentimes, distracting yourself from work too much can alienate yourself from others,” Polly said. “I especially recognize [the unhealthiness of distraction culture] when I feel that what I am doing is alienating me from others. I might not talk to people as much as I should for long periods of time, and that can become unhealthy.” While overworking to avoid difficulties can be negative and ineffective, taking breaks is strongly encouraged. According to Psychology Today, breaks prevent fatigue and allow for the restoration of motivation so that there is more preparedness for difficulties needed to be dealt with. “It’s the refocus that’s tough for a lot of people,” Huppenthal said. “I don’t know if I’d say binge-watch a couple of episodes when you should be working on your homework. I definitely think a quick throw [of a ball] with your dog, petting your dog, serotonin booster, get outside, call a friend and then get at it.” According to Huppenthal, teens constantly overworking to avoid a problem is redundant because it does not stabilize the worries they endure. However, there are healthier alternatives to help teens cope with their problems while still acknowledging their feelings. “The healthiest [alternative] would be to move, exercise, burn some calories,” Huppenthal said. “All those tips we used for final exam week, like meditating. We know it rewires the brain. It makes you smarter, more attentive, those kinds of things.”

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Specific support Different forms of therapy fit needs of students


here are over 50 different types of therapy ranging from art therapy to animal therapy, according to Psychology Today. The most common form of therapy is known as psychotherapy, which, according to the National Alliance of Mental Health, involves talking to a trained therapist. Along with psychotherapy, other forms of therapy can help fit specific needs of an individual. "There are specific treatment protocols for different diagnoses that are really helpful,” Mental Health and School Counseling Coordinator for the HSE School District, Brooke Lawson, said. “The field of mental health treatment has really evolved over the years, and what works for one person might be different for another person because we are all so different. Art therapy, music therapy, etc. are really helpful for some

Trained therapy dogs from Paws & Think visit libraries to help kids read. Photo courtesy of Shannon Gaughan Kelly. Background art by Lily Thomas.

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people.” An alternative form of therapy is animal therapy. A local organization called Paws & Think provides Marion County and its surrounding counties with several animal therapy programs. According to

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Lily Thomas


Shannon Gaughan Kelly, the Youth Services Program Coordinator at Paws & Think, they partner with libraries, youth agencies, healthcare facilities, schools and detention centers to bring comfort and support in the form of therapy dogs. Some of the programs Paws & Think offer include Paws to Read, Pawsitive Corrections and Paws to Comfort. Paws to Comfort sends a therapy team to visit someone who has experienced a traumatic event. “Dogs are non-judgmental, so they are comforting and help improve social skills,” Kelly said. “Also, petting dogs makes us feel relaxed because our bodies produce dopamine and serotonin.” Aside from trained therapy animals, pets at home can provide support as well. Senior Jenna Piccininno believes that taking care of her dog makes her feel good because she is helping someone else. She also enjoys bonding with her dog by taking her for walks and giving her treats. “It's that unconditional love that you have with a pet,” Piccininno said. “She's always there for me when I need her, when I need some love and some comfort.” Piccininno also uses journaling to help her with her mental health. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling can be especially beneficial to those

dealing with anxiety, stress and depression as it can help an individual work through their emotions. “Being able to just put all of those feelings and thoughts onto paper is just very freeing,” Piccininno said. “And it kind of allows me to come to conclusions about things and sort out a lot of things that I might not even realize were bothering me.” When she journals, Piccininno also includes good events that happened or things to be grateful for. Piccininno recommends that other students try journaling and spending time with animals. Similarly to journaling, art therapy can also assist people with sorting through feelings. Art therapy utilizes techniques like drawing, sculpting, painting, collaging and more. According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy allows for self-expression, visual communication and can be empowering. Lawson recommends that any students who may be struggling, particularly with emotional or social issues, start by reaching out to their counselor. There is also a school social worker and a mental health therapist who can help students who need more intensive support. “If a student is struggling I would certainly recommend they consider therapy,” Lawson said. “In all honesty, we could all benefit from meeting with a therapist. Engaging in therapy can help people learn more about themselves, learn strategies for better self-care, and just overall be a generally healthier person.”

March 2022





Back to the basics

Graphic by Emilia Citoler

Students utilize clean skincare to protect skin, environment Emilia Citoler



kincare, which includes anything one does for the health of their skin, experienced a quick rise in popularity. The beauty industry saw between a 15% and 24% increase in skincare sales in 2021, according to NPD group, which is a group that publishes studies on market trends. “I started a skincare regime when I was pretty young, probably around sixth grade,” senior Aubrey Baldwin said. “I noticed my skin was breaking out, and I wanted to try to manage my acne. Especially with TikTok, I like to try what latest products are being recommended.” The skincare market is broad, with hundreds of brands promising beautiful and supple skin with the use of their products. Many consumers feel overwhelmed with the choices, as finding the perfect skincare regime is different for each person. “I started off by trying a variety of different products, including CeraVe, Cetaphil, and Glossier,” freshman Sophie Hunt. “I tried to notice which brand worked for my skin and went off that.” The ingredients in each product play a role in what it does to the skin. Certain products contain abrasive and harsh chemicals that can

Arts & Culture

permanently damage your skin moisture barrier, which is what protects the skin from the outside world. Skincare packaging can be misleading, as buzz words like “clean” and “organic” are used to lure consumers in. A brand can place whatever description on a product they like, but can be missing the certifications backing up that claim. “I do try to find products that are unscented or somewhat natural, as I’ve heard that scented products are harmful to the skin. I try to stay away from products with super long ingredient lists as well,” Hunt said. Through online sources like Tiktok and Instagram, influencers have amassed followings under the niche of skincare. Some of these influencers have an educational background and share evidencebased advice, while others simply enjoy skincare as a hobby rather than a profession. “I follow Hyram on TikTok, he is a pretty popular influencer and is all over the platform. I’ve tried CeraVe, The Ordinary, and regularly use sunscreen from his recommendations,” Baldwin said. Hyram, or “skincare by hyram,” is one of the most notable skincare influencers on TikTok. Hyram, over the

course of a year, amassed over 6 million followers on TikTok and 1.1 million on Instagram. Even with his large following, Hyram possesses no certifications or degrees in dermatology, which is the medical practice of skincare. Hyram highly recommends CeraVe, due to its clean ingredients and overall simplicity of the products. CeraVe is available at most stores, like Target or Kroger, and has mid-range pricing. In response to the push for cleaner products, skincare brands have started to use labels such as “natural” or “organic,” but these labels are widely unregulated. The Food and Drug Administration, which is the governing body that oversees cosmetics, has set no regulations on the labels brands put on their products. The FDA does have a list of banned ingredients, but offers no other limits for skincare components. For a good skincare brand that comes highly recommended from Hyram and many dermatologists, The Ordinary is known for its simple and concentrated products. “With The Ordinary, I know I’m getting a product that will actually do what it promises, without the worry of harmful ingredients,” senior Matt Connell said.

Scan here for a list of ingredients to avoid

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Spinning into the season Fishers World Guard dives into their winter guard competitions Madelyn Lerew


Senior Blanche Le Guen throws a flag during a show at HSE on March 5. Photo by Madelyn Lerew.

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ost recognizable as the people who spin flags and throw rifles during the marching band show, the Fishers World Guard competes in the winter guard season when off the field. Taught by Thomas Thawley, they are active from December through March. Participating entails performing a show that includes elements of dance and spinning equipment. The show changes each year, and with that comes new tarps, music and flags. A lot of work and thought goes into the inspiration and creation process of their show. “The show is about taking the idea of still life and capturing memories and keeping them forever,” said guard director Thomas Thawley. “We use the painting ‘A Sunday Afternoon On the Island of La Grande Jatte’ by Georges Seurat to help us portray the idea of going through life and cherishing each moment, never knowing when something will be captured in time forever.” Using a tarp decorated with splotches of color helps emulate a park scene. Their costumes continue this by giving them the look of a 19th-century park-goer, which is reflective of the era when the painting was created. “Everybody is posing like the people in the painting. We have people with parasols and books acting like people would if they were in the park,” senior Arianna Ware said. In order to fully realize the intended effect, rehearsals are held regularly. World guard is a large time commitment for those that participate.

“We practice most of the week, except for Wednesdays and Sundays,” senior Abigail Vang said. “On Saturdays, we compete. During schools days, practice can last up to three hours.” During the practices, members go through a routine that prepares them to begin work on their show. Guard shows include a variety of skills such as spinning equipment and dancing, which both require practice. “Practices typically begin with a dance class where we go over technique and stretch for the day ahead,” Thawley said. “We then go through equipment technique to warm up. Once we are warmed up, we typically start to chunk through the show and make any necessary adjustments needed and/or clean parts to try and make them even better.” Dancing requires training and practice in order to move correctly with the music. Choreography is the show designer’s way of instructing the performers on how to dance and move throughout the show. “My favorite part of the show is dancing,” Vang said. “I love dancing and have been doing it for a long time now.” Vang, like most of the other members of the guard, has been doing color guard for many years. They all spin for the Fishers Marching Band during the band season, which lasts from June until November. “I didn’t even know color guard was a thing until my stepfather forced me to do marching band,” Vang said. “I just loved it from then on. I’ve been in guard for four years. I started my freshman year and

March 2022

am doing it now.” Due to the longstanding commitment of each member, the world guard competes in the highest color guard classification. Indiana High School Color Guard Association (IHSCGA), which is the organization that runs winter guard in Indiana, divides up guards into five classes. These classes are World, Open, A, Regional A Festival and Cadet with World being the most competitive. The guard has begun their journey through the season, with their first competition at Avon High School being on Feb. 12. “We’ve only been to two competitions since our first one got canceled, but we just finished our second competition,” said Ware. “This is the best Fishers has ever been. We got fifth

place out of seven at our first competition, which is amazing. We went up by 1.3 points in one day. It’s been going amazing.” Guards are judged on a 100 point scale with most only increasing about 10 points throughout the entire season In addition to preparing their show, members of the world guard also spend time bonding as a team. The practice environment allows for team building and the creation of friendships between members. “I would definitely have to say the silliness of each of the members throughout rehearsals just allows all of us to have fun throughout each rehearsal,” Thawley said. “Also just getting to create art every day at a high level is something that has always been a dream of mine.”

Senior Cecilia Davidson performs at HSE on March 5. Photo by Madelyn Lerew.

Graphic by Madelyn Lerew. Seniors Cassidy Jacques and Arianna Ware posing during their performance at HSE on March 5. Photo by Madelyn Lerew.

Arts & Culture

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Vinyl spins into popularity Students collect records both modern and antique


Infographic by Benjamin Grantonic. Information from LA Times and RIAA.

ollecting has always been a popular pastime. From the Beanie Baby craze of the late 1990s to the consistently common coin collecting. Vinyl record collecting has become increasingly popular in recent years. This growth in popularity has been especially large among Gen Z members. While always available at specialty stores, such as Indy CD & Vinyl in Broad Ripple. Records and record players have become common in the big-box stores such as Target and Walmart. “I got into vinyl collecting because I love music, and it just seemed right for me to own some of my favorite albums on vinyl,” senior Jaime Llano said. Physical ownership of media is becoming less common in the modern day, with streaming being the dominant way music is consumed. According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), streaming made up 85% of the profit in the music industry in 2020. Despite this, the desire to physically own music is still strong. Many students have this desire to have physical ownership of their


Benjamin Grantonic


favorite albums and music from their favorite artists. “[My sister] sent me the Rolling Stones, and David Bowie’s ‘Blackstar’ because Bowie is my favorite, and the Kink’s ‘Face to Face,’” senior Ollie Price said. “[I love] anything by Bowie, I have six of them.” Some are also interested in vinyl collecting for a higher audio quality, especially compared to streaming services or other physical media. “I think the sound is much better than any other type of sound player I have,” Price said. “I’m a big fan of classic rock, so that’s good with vinyl because there is so much of that.” The increased interest in record collecting also intersects with another trend among Gen Z members: thrifting. Many vinyls are sold at places from antique shops to Goodwill to specialty used record stores, making them cheap options for expanding a record collection. “I don’t spend a lot of money on [vinyls],” sophomore Andrew Wheeler said. “I go to thrift stores and try to find them. Just recently, I found a Neil Diamond


vinyl, I have the three seasons of ‘Stranger Things,’ and I also have an Edison record and a few other vinyls from before the 1950s from my grandma’s old antique shop.” The comeback of vinyl has also come with a general interest in other retro music mediums. A notable other piece of interest is audio cassettes, which have seen a comeback in recent years. Another is a renewed interest in CDs, which have waned in popularity since the rise of “I have two eight-track cartridges, I have a cassette collection, a CD collection and I also like to collect cassette decks,” Wheeler said. “You know, just the (media) players too.” Interest in vinyl and in physical media does not seem to be slowing down. According to the LA Times, the sales of vinyl records doubled between 2020 and 2021, jumping to 42 million units in 2021. “I really just like playing them,” Price said. “I like being able to turn them on when I am getting ready, so it’s just nice [to listen to].”

million of music industry records sold profits were in 2021 from digital doubled from streaming in 2020 2020 Page 14

Tiger Times

March 2022

Cultivating tradition

FFA brings together HSE, FHS students for unique club experience Laura Masoni


Hamilton Southeastern FFA after competing at the District 5 contest. The District 5 contest was held on Saturday, March 5. Photo by Caroline Mills.


HS FFA is an agricultural centered club that participates each year in competitions, fundraisers and demonstrations. The club is built to foster leadership skills that can carry over into each member’s future career and life. “Many people assume that it is a farming club, and that is only for people who want to be farmers,” sophomore Sophia Huffman said. “It actually covers a wide variety of interests.” In 1988 the organization changed its name to the National FFA Organization to mirror the expanding diversity that the program was seeing. Today the range of topics covered includes horticulture, government, environmental science, Ag mechanics, and more. “Whether you want something to put on an application, you want to

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cultivate your interests, or find volunteer opportunities, FFA can be for anybody,” Huffman said. There are two main categories they compete in. There are Career Developement Events (CDE’s) which consist of vet science, livestock skill and horse and livestock judging.There are also Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) that incorporate parliamentary procedure, job interviews and prepared public speaking. “Some events include donkey basketball, ham and bean supper and the barn dance kind of like homecoming,” junior Courtney Phillips said. The impact that these competitions have on chapter members is long-lasting and stretches beyond career development. For many, the club brought out aspects of themselves they didn’t know

they had. “FFA helped me be more comfortable speaking and being more confident,” junior Sarah Majeski said. “The teachers and people you meet and the opportunities you will get are ones you will never forget.” In addition to competitions, FHS FFA builds bonds amongst its fellow members. With the numerous opportunities to interact as a club, FFA is a place to make connections. “What’s great about Fishers especially is the tight-knit community that is created. Most of the members partake in one of the many Ag classes, so you get to really know people,” Huffman said. FFA also provides opportunities for real-world connections. The club has even led chapter members to employment within the Fishers community. “Through FFA, I was able to gain my dream internship at VIP Animal Care as a vet assistant, and there are so many scholarships you can apply for through FFA.” Phillips said. While career and personal development is at the forefront of the club’s mission, members say they take away much more. “FFA means a lot to me,” Huffman said. “I learned more about what I want to do when I grow up, I have learned about the importance of agriculture and I have met an amazing group of people. It is a really one-of-a-kind club.”

National Mission Statement: The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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Doubling up Dedicated show choir members perform for two groups

T Scan this QR code to see a schedule of the choirs’ upcoming competitions Senior doubler Kylee Booher flexes while wearing her Scarlet Witch costume during Sound’s preliminary performance at the Plainfield Quaker Classic on Feb. 13. Photo courtesy of Allen McCaskill Photography.

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Emma Tomlinson

here are few people besides teachers that can say that they spend 12hour days at school during the week, and show choir doublers are some of those individuals. Choir members who are a part of the school’s two advanced choir groups have been nicknamed “doublers.” These members make up a small, dedicated group with a true passion for choir. When junior Sarah Holdread first joined choir, she was a part of the non-competitive choir Cantus. As the year went on, spots opened up in competitive groups Electrum and Sound, so she auditioned for both. Her story is common for doublers; many start in one show choir and as a spot in the other opens up, they audition during the year. “I think this goes for all of the doublers when I say that we love what we do and have a very strong passion for music and performance,” sophomore

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Stephanie Javier-Mejia said. “Not to disregard anyone else’s passion for show choir, but we’ve chosen to double and express it within two choirs.” Though some doublers like Javier-Mejia started earlier in high school, others made the decision to audition later on. Senior Kendall Dycus did not make the jump to doubling until senior year. “I could always see myself doubling, but I never auditioned for both until my senior year when they had an extra spot in Sound,” Dycus said. “I ended up auditioning and got the spot in late October.” Sound and Electrum are the two advanced choirs at FHS that compete in both show choir competitions and ISSMA State Contests. Sound is an all-female treble choir and Electrum is a mixed-gender choir. Both choirs are composed of members ranging from freshmen to seniors who have gone through an audition process requiring

them to both sing and dance. “I absolutely love the contrast of being in a mixed and unisex choir,” Dycus said. “It’s amazing to see both sides.” Not only are the members of Sound all women, but the choir’s director is as well. Sound is directed by teacher Tess Tazioli. According to Holdread, having the choir directed by a woman makes members feel empowered because Sound shows often focus on the idea of female empowerment. Holdread believes that having a director whose philosophy aligns with choir members is incredibly important for high school girls. “There is something so powerful about being a part of an all-women’s choir,” Dycus said. “It’s women supporting women, and I think that is super important.” Following the culture of the choir, this year’s show focuses on uplifting women. The title of the show is “Salem,” and the set revolves around the real-life events of three people who were a part of the Salem witch trials. “In the beginning, we start by trying to fit in with society, and as it goes on, we start to go a little crazy,” Holdread said. “We show fear, empowerment and flirtiness in the number. This show is very empowering because in our fourth and fifth numbers we sing about not wanting to live in a man’s world and we come back out in costumes based off of the show ‘Wandavision.’” Wanda is the Scarlet Witch from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and in the show choir’s set, she is representative of the witches becoming superheroes. It gives women a chance to save

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the day, while still connecting back to the show’s theme of the Salem witch trials. For doublers, staying on top of preparation and themes for both shows can be difficult. “As a doubler, I could be performing up to four shows that are about 20 minutes each of straight singing and dancing,” Holdread said. Electrum began learning choreography and working on the show at the end of 2021, and began competing with their show on Feb. 5. This is Ben St. John’s first year as Electrum’s director. “He’s catching on very well and he along with Miss T are able to help each other to give our groups the same dynamic,” Holdread said. Electrum’s show focuses on the theme of dreams and nightmares. The set takes the audience along on a journey through the process of making dreams come true. “As we get to our fourth and fifth number, we start to realize that dreams come true,” Holdread said. “It’s very exciting and kind of a fun party.” Electrum swept the Avon Classic on March 5, winning Grand Champions, best visuals and best vocals. “In Electrum, we all have a super close and crazy bond,” Dycus said. “It’s more like a family setting. It’s like I have my sisters and my brothers in one choir, and it’s so amazing to see both sides.” Show choir is regarded by some to be one of the activities with the largest time commitment that FHS has to offer, and being in two choirs requires extra work. Due to the split of Red and Silver days, doublers have choir class during school every day because Sound is on red days and Electrum is on silver days. “It would be too hard to give up a group since I love both so

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much, so I make it work and I’ve been able to do really well in school this year,” Holdread said. During competition season, doublers have back-to-back rehearsals after school from 3-9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “Our after-school rehearsals are there to prepare us for our competition Saturday,” Dycus said. “During the week of a competition, in class we listen to our judge tapes to determine what we can fix and improve for our upcoming competitions so then in rehearsals we make changes all week to prepare.” In order to balance school and show choir, Dycus advises proper time management and planning. Getting homework done early, making schedules and keeping up with a planner are some of her tips for those who struggle to balance a busy activity schedule and school. “I have a study hall, so

1. Senior doubler Kendall Dycus reaches toward the audience while singing during Sound’s preliminary performance of Salem at the Plainfield Quaker Classic on Feb. 13. Sound won Grand Champions for their performance at the Quaker Classic. 2. Junior doubler Sarah Holdread, sophomore Wangechi Mwangi and sophomore Ryan Mitchell lean together while singing during Electrum’s preliminary performance at Plainfield Quaker Classic on Feb. 12. Photos courtesy of Allen McCaskill Photography.

2 I usually cram a lot of my homework in there,” Holdread said. “Plus on Mondays and Wednesdays I try to get ahead for the week and do a lot of work so then I’m not doing it when I get home from those long rehearsals.” Doublers are willing to put in extra work both inside and out of the classroom in order to make time for their passion for music, and to many the payoff is well worth it. “The most rewarding part about show choir is the moment right after you walk off stage with a huge smile on your face knowing that you have your absolute best performance,” Dycus said. “That feeling is better than receiving any trophy.”

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Store Wars

REI, Cabela’s fight for the hearts of outdoor enthusiasts


espite the simplicity often associated with the outdoors, activities such as camping, fishing, hunting and hiking can require an individual to purchase equipment that they may not have otherwise. Due to this, outdoor stores such as REI and Cabela’s have made it a point of emphasis to sell consumers both high quality and affordable items. As a result of many outdoors retailers selling similar items, competition between them is tight. For senior Vera Schafer, the decision comes down to several factors, including the quality and variety of the products sold at each outlet. “Over the summer we went camping for cross country, and during that time I brought my lantern that I bought from Cabela’s and it lit up our entire 15-person tent,” Schafer said. “I remember the other lanterns that the coaches brought all died

Andrew Haughey


and mine was the only one that survived.” In addition to quality and selection, Schafer said that the decor and overall feel of the store was important to her. Proximity was also a key factor. “It’s close to where I live and it has a fish pond, so even if you aren’t into camping, you can still go there,” Schafer said. “It has literally everything, and the inside is really cool, too. It’s like you’re actually in nature because they have a lot of animals as decoration.” Most of Schafer’s outdoor experience includes camping with items purchased from Cabela’s. Because of this, she has a fond connection between the store and memories from her childhood. “When my family would go camping, we would always go for a weekend or so,” Schafer said. “We would go fishing and kayaking sometimes. I was never really that good at fishing, but I

still enjoyed it.” Much like Schafer, assistant principal Kyle Goodwin said he enjoyed camping and hiking as a child and has continued the activities into adulthood. Getting fresh air and creating positive memories is something that keeps him coming back again and again. “I spent a lot of time as a kid camping,” Goodwin said. “We didn’t have a ton of money growing up, and so one of the cheapest vacations we could do was pack a tent and a cooler and spend a week outside. That’s something that has stuck with me since I was a little kid.” Although he and Schafer share similar outdoor hobbies, Goodwin resides on the other side of the aisle in terms of which outdoor retailer he supports, showing a strong preference for REI. “There’s a really practical reason [for shopping at REI],” Goodwin said. “I’m a Co-op

Fish swim in the aquarium in the main corridor of the Fishers Cabela’s location. Photo by Andrew Haughey

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March 2022

Rewards Member there, so the more money you spend there, the more sweet deals you get. But they also have an outreach program that they put a lot of money through co-op partnerships into. They’ve got REI Co-op Action Network and they spend a lot of money on climate change research and reforestation efforts.” Outreach programs play a large part in where Goodwin decides to shop, but so do the prices of the items that the store sells. As an avid camper, Goodwin requires an array of equipment, including a backpack, water filtration systems and warm clothing. The prices of these items can add up quickly and become overwhelming. “I’m a pretty fiscally conservative individual,” Goodwin said. “I don’t like spending a lot of money, so the membership is pretty great just because of the discounts and things that you get.” While Schafer and Goodwin are primarily focused on camping and hiking, sophomore Lukas House enjoys hunting with his father and participating in fishing tournaments with his friends. “I have a lot of memories of the outdoors,” House said. “One of my favorite memories is when, last winter, I hurt my shoulder due to a swimming injury and my dad had me shoot my bow. I remember it hurting my shoulder to pull the bow

strings back but I still managed to do so, so my dad decided to finally let me go hunt with my bow for the first time. That night I killed my very first doe with my bow and my dad and I were super happy about it.” Intimate memories with his father are part of the reason House continues to go back to hunting and fishing. These sports require equipment such as fishing poles, lures, guns and bows to engage in, so House chooses to shop at Cabela’s to ensure he is getting the equipment he needs. “These stores are amazing,” House said. “ I love the wide range of lures and poles they have available to me when I’m shopping. It’s hard to go inside and not come out $50 poorer.” Similar to Schafer, the proximity of the store matters to House. “This store has so many options since Bass Pro Shops bought it,” House said. “The other closest Cabela’s or Bass Pro Shops is about 2 hours away, which makes driving 5 minutes a big deal. A lot of outdoor stores are farther away from Fishers.” In a direct contradiction to House, senior Marley Mack tends to enjoy more casual outdoor activities such as reading outside. Because of this, Mack said the hunting and fishing selection at Cabela’s can be a bit intense for her enjoyment. “As someone who doesn’t eat

meat and definitely doesn’t hunt, REI just has much better vibes, so to speak, than other, huntingheavy outdoor stores,” Mack said. In addition to the more relaxed atmosphere, Mack commented that REI had many more products that could be utilized in a variety of settings, rather than situation-specific gear. “Since I don’t do outdoorsy stuff often or camping all that much, I usually look for things that could have multiple functions or could be used outside of camping,” Mack said. “For example, we use our camping mugs almost everyday at home.” Although debates vary wildly among different groups of outdoor enthusiasts, each store has its pros and cons. While Cabela’s can offer a large variety of hunting and fishing gear, REI tends to specialize in camping and hiking equipment while being more approachable, according to Mack. “It’s a great place to get quality outdoors and sports gear without being bombarded with stuffed animals,” Mack said. Cabela’s nearest location to FHS is located at 13725 Cabela Pkwy in Noblesville, near Hamilton Town Center, while REI’s nearest location is 8490 Castleton Corner Drive, near the Castleton Square Mall. Both of the retailers also operate online stores which can be ordered from.

Price Comparison

REI Co-op Trail 40 Pack $129


Cabela’s Bow and Rifle Pack 41L $160

REI Co-op Base Camp 6 Tent $549

Cabela’s Big Country 6-Person Cabin Tent $500

REI Co-op Trailbreak 20 Sleeping Bag $109


Top Consumer Reviews


C+ 65/100 Top Consumer Reviews




A QR code linking to REI and Cabela’s websites. All photos and price data courtesy of Cabela’s and REI websites. Reviews collected from comparably.com and topconsumerreviews.com. Graphics by Andrew Haughey.

Cabela’s Mountain Trapper 20 Sleeping Bag $120

Tiger Times

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Re-Lax, it is lacrosse season Girls lacrosse hopes to improve as a team

“I’m really excited just to see how we all come together and get our groove and momentum, and start playing together and developing as players.”


he girls lacrosse team started a new season with their first practice on Feb. 15. This year, many of the returning members look forward to continuing to improve their skills. In addition to the start of a new season, Irene Carlquist, will also start her first season as head coach. “I’m really excited just to see how we all come together and get our groove and momentum, and start playing together and developing as players,” senior Mía Salazar said. “I think I’m really excited to grow with everyone.” For the past three years, the current seniors on the team have started each season with a new head coach. For Salazar, she hopes that this year will bring some stability. “We’ve gone through a new head coach like every single year,” Salazar said. “Just having consistency and developing relationships with our players, within each other, and with our coaches to create better communication as well. So in turn, we have a more stable team going into games and practices.” Like all high school sports,

1. Senior Audrey Blanner runs with the ball during a drill at practice. Photo by Abby Miller.

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Abby Miller


there are new players, including freshmen, starting with the program each year. According to sophomore Megan Goshorn, this presents an opportunity to improve together as a team. “We have a lot of new freshmen; there were around forty to fifty there last night [at the first practice],” Goshorn said. “So there’s a lot of new freshmen that I am excited to help get better and make the program better.” According to Salazar, talking to the freshmen and answering questions is important, especially since they are all still learning the sport and need advice and help from someone with more experience. “When [seniors] were freshmen, we remember the intimidation we felt, especially from the upperclassmen,” Salazar said. “I feel like bridging that would help a lot just because we were there at one point, too.” This season, a personal goal for junior Kayli Gerka is to improve on teamwork. In a sport such as lacrosse, where different players on the field work together, teamwork is an

important factor. “I feel like [teamwork] could always improve,” Gerka said. “Learning everyone’s name, like I said, we’ve got new freshmen, getting to know them and becoming friends with them.” In lacrosse, there are four basic positions on the field: attack, defense, midfield and goalie. So for Salazar who plays attack, working with her teammates on every side of the field is important. “Defensive-wise, I feel like I lack a little bit, but attack just overall for me is a lot of fun,” Salazar said. “I can specialize in my side of the field and also see what’s going on on the other side, and that just helps a lot.” As for Goshorn, who played defense last season, she hopes to continue to play defense this year. “There’s a lot of running involved in any other spot,” Goshorn said. “Defense, you only stay on your side and that’s it.” The next scheduled girls lacrosse game will happen on Mar. 15 against Westfield High School. The game will be held at FHS.


March 2022

1. During a game against Guerin Catholic on March 1, sophomore Lukas Kress attempts to make a play. 2. Senior Luke Paris prepares for a game against Guerin Catholic. Photos used with permission of John Pauls.



Sticking with it

Boys lacrosse anticipates success with returning players Ben Rosen



he boys lacrosse team is preparing for the 2022 season, and most of the players from last season are returning. Last season, the team had a record of 8-5-0 and finished the season ranked #8 in the state of Indiana and #7 in Class 2A by Lax Numbers and the Indiana High School Lacrosse Association (IHSLA) “We’re expecting to have a pretty solid winning record,” senior Garrett Faulkner said. “Hopefully perform well and make it pretty far into the state tournament.” Faulkner said that the team participates in team bonding activities to help build team chemistry. “We’re practicing every day outside,” Faulkner said. “A lot of our guys are putting in work outside of practice, going to the field early or going to the field on weekends.” Senior Zach Willard agrees with Faulkner and emphasizes that building team chemistry goes beyond the practices and


games on the lacrosse field. “We emphasize a brotherhood just being close together, ‘’ Willard said. “Getting along with each other in and outside of lacrosse, just working hard.” Willard added that the team is working to improve on their lacrosse skills across the board. “We just recently started practicing,” Willard said. “We just get at it every day, do drills to make our footwork better, passing, catching, stuff like that.” According to sophomore Antonio Vega, the coaches are placing an added emphasis on improving stick skills during the early practices. “That was the thing that we were really struggling with last year and this year,” Vega said. “The coaches expect us to work on our stick skills on our own time.” A home scrimmage against Guerin Catholic High School on March 1 marked the unofficial start to the season. The regular season begins with a game on March 15

at 8:00 p.m. against Carmel High School at Reynolds Tiger Stadium. The teams full regular season schedule can be found on the Fishers Athletics website under the spring sports tab. Admission for games is free since boys lacrosse is a club sport and not an official Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA)sport. The team has 21 competitors this season in IHSLA Class 2A. This is the third season that the IHSLA has had a class system according to their website. The team finished in ninth place in the IHSLA Class 2A regular season standings last year. Last season the team scored the fifth most points of IHSLA Class 2A teams with 102 points scored during the previous season. The team hosts rival and defending IHSLA Class 2A champions HSE on May 4 at 8:00 p.m. at Reynolds Tiger Stadium.

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Understanding the Madness Although daunting, utilizing trends can help in filling out brackets Nate Albin


ate Albin: Last year, we essentially failed at even trying to predict the NCAA Tournament. I can live with Illinois losing in the second round to an under-seeded Loyola-Chicago, but Texas losing to Abilene Christian? That hurt.

UCLA’s Johnny Juzang, Purdue’s Trevion Williams, Gonzaga’s Drew Timme, Villanova’s Collin Gillespie, Kentucky’s Oscar Tshiebwe and Wisconsin’s Brad Davison look to lead their teams to the Final Four and a shot at the national championship. Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Nicholas Rasmusson: Yes, and seeing as it is the most wonderful time of the year, again, we have decided to make an attempt at redeeming ourselves. Bracketology, the science of predicting the NCAA Tournament, is far from being exact. Nobody has completed a perfect bracket, and quite frankly, I do not think that it will happen ever, but there are a few key components that viewers can implement into their bracket predictions to try and get as close to perfect as possible. NA: Hot take saying that there will not be a perfect bracket. The odds are 1 in

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Nicholas Rasmusson

albinnat000@hsestudents.org rasmunic000@hsestudents.org

9,223,372,036,854,780,000 of doing that. I do not know how many things you have done that many times, but being successful only once over nine quintillion times seems like the deck is stacked against you. We cannot help you fill out a perfect bracket, but what is your first tip in filling out the bracket? NR: My first tip is to lock in the one-seeds to win their first round matchup. Historically, one-seeds hold a 143-1 record against their 16-seeded opponents, with the only loss occurring in 2018, when top-seeded Virginia fell to the University of MarylandBaltimore County (UMBC). That upset required a perfect storm to pull off, so I am not expecting to see another 16-seed upset any time soon. Count on those top-seeded teams to win their first round matchup. NA: But then again, one reason people love the NCAA Tournament is because of the upsets. The average

tournament has about 12 upsets, which occur when a team seeded at least three lines below beats the higher seed. Based on previous years, be sure to pick at least one two- or three-seed to lose in the second round, and if you feel zesty, pick a one-seed to lose that round as well. NR: In addition to that, a 12seed tends to upset a five-seed at least once in the NCAA Tournament, but do not go too overboard with the upset picks. Top-seeded teams always seem to find their way back to the Final Four. Since 2000, every Final Four has featured a one-seed except for in 2006 and 2011, so I would bet on a oneseed to advance to New Orleans this year. NA: Top seeds find their way to the Final Four, but so do underdogs. In the past eight tournaments, a team seeded fifth or higher has made the Final Four every year. So, how do you pick this team? Look for teams that are better than their seed suggests. There are two candidates for this. One is a team from a small conference

that “played no one.” Sometimes a team that wins a lot is “used to winning” and can find a way in March. On the other end of the spectrum is an undervalued major conference team. Their schedule may have been a gauntlet, and the tournament allows for a reset. Either way, use a source like KenPom, a combined measure of offensive and defensive efficiency, to help find a team ranked higher than their seed.

I found that teams avenging previous tournament losses do well. As earlier mentioned, UMBC stunned Virginia. What happened the next year? Virginia cut down the nets. In 2017, North Carolina won the championship after losing the national title to Villanova on a buzzer-beater the previous year. Those teams had two keys: they were motivated by a loss and returned almost all of their key contributors from last year. A team on edge is a team to watch.

in Spokane. I think that this is the year that Mark Few finally gets over the hump and brings home a national championship.

NA: You can pick Gonzaga, but I have a different west coast team that fits all my previous criteria: Mick Cronin’s UCLA Bruins. UCLA is considered to be a four or five seed, but their KenPom suggests they are a top 10 team. They also are top 20 in both offensive and defensive efficiency, a feat few other teams can claim. NR: Exactly. I am excited to see The Bruins are also coming off of which team will shock the world NR: With that being said, I am one of the most devastating losses with a deep tournament run, but picking Gonzaga to win the in recent memory: losing on a when making your dark horse national championship this half-court shot to Gonzaga as a pick, try to keep it reasonable. In season. While Gonzaga lost 3 key massive underdog in the Final the past, we have seen multiple contributors from last season’s Four. If that is not enough, they double-digit seeds advance to the national runner-up finish, they are led by Johnny Juzang and Final Four, but they have never returned a very efficient scorer Jaime Jaquez Jr., two bona fide finished as national champions. in Drew Timme, and they added stars of the sport. An underrated This highest-numbered seed lots of talent with multiple top school with a bevy of experience to win the NCAA Tournament recruits, headlined by Chet seeking redemption? UCLA is occurred in 1985, when Villanova Holmgren. The Zags are the top that team. defied all odds to win the team in the KenPom rankings, national title as an eight-seed. and they dominate night in NR: Good pick, but regardless More recently, the University of and night out. Despite having of who wins the national Connecticut (UCONN) won it all a few hiccups during the nonchampionship this year, it is in 2014 as a seven-seed, but since conference season, Gonzaga has going to be a great tournament. then, no team seeded lower than dominated a sneaky good West It is a year full of unknowns, two has been crowned national Coast Conference. I know that and March always brings the champion. Pick boldly, but pick at it is the vanilla pick, but I also excitement. It will be very your own risk. know that last season’s national difficult to take your eyes off championship defeat still stings of your TV. NA: When picking a champion,

Fast Facts • The First Round begins on March 17 • The Final Four is on April 2 and 4 in New Orleans, Louisiana • Each conference tournament champion receives an automatic bid into the NCAA Tournament • The odds-on favorite to win the national championship is Gonzaga at +375 (via BetMGM)

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HB 1041 threatens trans rights Recent Indiana bill goes against gender equality, puts youths in crisis Emerson Elledge


new bill, laced in the odor of transphobia under the pretense of feminism and gender equality, was recently introduced to the Indiana State House of Representatives. With every step that the bill progresses, more and more of the masterpiece of equality is stomped on by the very bill that pledges to enhance it. HB 1041 was recently introduced by Rep. Michelle Davis of District 58, and as of March 7th, is on its way to Governor Holcomb's desk for approval. The bill introduces a complete ban on allowing maleto-female (MTF) individuals from competing on high school sports teams with cisgender females, but still allows femaleto-male (FTM) individuals, as well as cisgender females, to compete on high school sports teams consisting of cisgender males. Not only is this bill displaying blatant transphobia with the façade of instituting athletic fairness, the so-called gender equality-based motion in question already has established guidelines under the Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA). The current IHSAA guidelines for transgender individuals require the athletes to have “completed” their gender transition to even be considered for competing on the opposite team from their assigned gender at birth. A “complete” transition is rather

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According to Metro Health, ''there are two types of hormone therapy: feminizing hormones (estrogen) and masculinizing hormones (testosterone).''.

Cisgender is defined by Oxford Dictionary as ''relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.''


demanding, as well as being subjective to an individual’s wish. They require MTF people to have both completed hormone therapy as well as surgical reassignment, in addition to requiring a “sufficient length of time to occur such as to minimize gender‐related advantages.” The IHSAA requires hormone therapy, top surgery, bottom surgery and legal recognition of an athlete's transition, the decision about how to transition is influenced by many factors. For all trans people under 18, every medical step of their transition must be approved by their parents. Some individuals may not experience top and/ or bottom gender dysphoria, which is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics,” so the respective surgeries to remove the dysphoria would just be an added expense. Additionally, every aspect of transitioning is costly and can take months, if not years, to gain approval. If one were to immediately start the process of a socalled “complete transition” immediately after the completion of puberty, the process could realistically take ten years, if not longer which would be long after the person could have ever played on a team that affirms their gender.

This leaves trans athletes with the dilemma of losing the sport they love by transitioning to affirm their gender, or increasing their dysphoria by staying on a team that they may feel unsafe on. A study done by the Nottingham Center for Dysphoria examined eight reports and 31 different sport policies with the purpose of figuring out if there was any true advantage . The study discovered that “there is no direct or consistent research suggesting transgender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition.” Even if this study was disregarded, the current restrictions on transgender people make the authors of HB 1041’s alleged primary concern, the safety and fairness for cisgender females, completely nonsensical. Title IX was passed in the 1970s with the goal of allowing girls to play in sports with boys. Its passage was seen as a sign for progress in the terms of gender equality. With this law passed, it is brought into question on why allowing transgender kids to play on sports teams has brought so much uproar. The process of transitioning is mentally taxing and draining enough, so fully grown, intelligent adults should not add to this stress. The lives of trans kids are already changed and made different from their peers just because of who they are. Trans kids deserve the right and the ability to play sports with their peers.

March 2022

A hair-raising situation

Women’s growth of body hair sparks unfair societal disgust Sydney Territo



n Christmas morning, I picked up a box wrapped in colorful paper and ripped it open excitedly, only to find that the gift inside was an electric razor. My heart sank as I realized that my parents had gotten me a gift solely intended to show that I should shave my body hair, instead of a gift I truly wanted - something that would lift me up instead of tearing me down. This exact scenario stuck with me years later, and it represents the plight of many young women in America: growing into their bodies in a society that stigmatizes it. According to Elle magazine, body hair removal has been around for ages, with it being a common practice in ancient Egypt and a hairless body representing wealth during the Roman Empire and Middle Ages. It was originally done to stave off parasites and prevent odors. Only recently, though, has it become a mark of gender, when fashions changed in the United States and women started wearing more revealing clothing during the 1920s. According to Smithsonian, the razor company Gillete wanted to expand their consumer base to more than just men, and as such, marketed body hair as unhygienic and masculine. Now, the idea of a woman having hair on her body has become so taboo that many recoil in disgust at pictures of women that have grown it out. Women and gender studies professor Leslie Smith has shown images of women with armpit hair to her students for years, reporting that they almost always


react with revulsion. Some have even described it as “the most disgusting photo ever.” The amount of disgust that women with body hair face from peers and strangers is staggering. Psychology professor Marika Tiggeman studied disgust sensitivity among 91 men and 107 women pertaining to how they viewed women’s body hair. She found that, as a whole, the entire sample had a predisposition to disgust surrounding women’s body hair and viewed the shaving of body hair on other women as entirely socially normative, despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of women in the sample viewed the reasons for the shaving of their own hair as attractiveness and femininity. Moreover, many women have been shamed when they grow out their hair, and have been described as “hairy, manly, angry and lesbian,” and, as a result, remove hair out of the fear of otherness. Women who grew out their body hair for an experiment organized by women and gender studies professor Breanne Fahs experienced heterosexism, where they were told they “would never get a man,” or experienced homophobia, where they were told that they appeared nonheterosexual due to their hair. Further, many of the women experienced anger from their significant others or family members over their decision to participate, and one woman’s mother became enraged by the idea that her daughter may grow out her body hair, saying that she “did not raise a sloppy daughter.” The pervasiveness of this concept

runs so deeply among women that a large majority of those who participated felt “gross” or “dirty” the entire duration of the experiment, despite washing their bodies as often as they normally would. Although it first appears that there is no harm in the removal of body hair, upon further examination, it is clear that almost all methods are harmful to the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, shaving, especially in areas with sensitive skin, causes painful razor bumps, increased risk of infection due to cuts from the shave and dermatitis. Waxing, if not done by professionals, can cause burns, as can laser hair removal. Depilatories dissolve body hair using chemicals, but they can be so strong that they cause chemical burns to the skin that last for months afterwards, as stated by New York Daily News. Because there is no real benefit to body hair removal, there should be no social pressure or norms indicating that women need to do such an unnecessary and damaging task. Unfortunately, despite the clear acknowledgment by many studies that the social norm of shaving is damaging, there have been no clear solutions to this social problem. Having an open dialogue with my peers and parents has personally helped me to show how unnecessary the norm is for women to uphold. Not only has it helped me to prove my point, but it will also allow the stigma around body hair on women to become less abundant as more women realize the pointlessness surrounding it.

A woman showing off her armpit hair. Photo used with permission of Creative Commons.

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The significance of sleep Many, especially adolescents, overlook the value of a good night’s sleep Fletcher Haltom




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s I presume is the case with many students my age (and people of all ages), my watch’s sleep tracker often reads like a cry for help. Monday: 5 hours, 23 minutes. Tuesday: 5 hours, 12 minutes. Wednesday: 6 hours, 2 minutes. And so on. This lack of sleep on a widespread scale is often viewed as an unfortunate but ultimately minor consequence of day-to-day life, but many experts have characterized this sleep deprivation as a legitimate, major issue for both public and individual health. Per the National Institute of Health (NIH), sleep is an “essential component of health;” as such, its quality, timing and duration are critical for overall health. However, the actual extent to which sleep is impactful is often underestimated. The importance of sleep can best be understood when a goal for sleep duration is established. According to both the NIH and CDC, adults require between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night, while adolescents require about 9 hours each night. There is no data about how much sleep the average student at FHS gets each night, but it is a safe bet that there are not many students who are consistently meeting this mark. As a result of this lack of sleep,

Tiger Times

students may experience a myriad of personal and health-related consequences. Per the CDC, people who receive fewer than 7 hours of sleep each night are 1.48 times more likely to develop and die of coronary heart disease and 1.15 times more likely to have a stroke than those who get the recommended amount. Obviously, not getting enough sleep is not a death sentence, but the data does demonstrate how important sleep can be to overall health. One fundamental yet somewhat misunderstood aspect of sleep that is often overlooked is dreaming. What is frequently considered to be a whimsical, meaningless sleeping activity is actually far more impactful. An article published in The International Journal of Psychoanalysis asserts that sleep constitutes “an essential safety valve that facilitates the developmental process.” Especially for adolescents (e.g. high school students), dreaming is a foundational mental process that facilitates sharper thinking, better mood and increased overall health. Dreaming is not the only beneficial aspect of sleep, though. As reported by Dr. David Linges, professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, sleep

serves a variety of functions for humans, especially those in developmental stages. He asserts that sleep is essential for working cognition (i.e. the ability to think clearly, be alert and sustain attention), a facet of brain activity that is particularly important for students. After 16 hours without sleep, cognitive performance, motor skills and other functions begin to weaken dramatically, so it is extremely important to meet at least the minimum threshold for sleep each night in order to function effectively. It is undoubtedly important to achieve better, longer sleep, but many are in the dark about how to accomplish this. According to the Mayo Clinic, achieving better sleep is actually a relatively simple task. Their first recommendation is to establish a regular sleep schedule that allows for at least 8 hours of sleep each night. This allows for the body to become accustomed to the proper timing and duration of each night’s sleep. Other recommendations include eating and drinking healthy, limiting naps, managing stress and exercising regularly. Sleep is far more important than it is typically given credit for, but by following these recommendations, both the quality and quantity of your rest can be maximized.

March 2022

Creativity over content Television show “Euphoria” brings uniqueness, despite controversy Ava Hunt



BO’s “Euphoria,” a television show that gained incredible traction among teenagers during its second season, can be seen as a parent’s worst nightmare. The show is centered around a group of high schoolers who engage in substance abuse, sexual activities and physical altercations. The relentlessly explicit drama depicts the teenage experience, often unrealistically, as being defined by the extreme struggles that characters face. Not to mention, the actors and actresses are years older than the intended ages of their roles. Although “Euphoria” tends to inaccurately depict the lives of average American teenagers, the television show is more than its crude plot lines: it is a testament to how unique storytelling and cinematography can create an impactful show. Creative/executive producer Sam Levinson built a captivating storytelling style that penetrates through the character’s surfacelevel. In particular, he used flashbacks to draw a connection between the character’s current actions and what they experienced at an earlier date. This deeper insight into the characters’ lives causes the audience to empathize with them, despite the poor choices they are making. Levinson continually found new ways to stitch the characters together and relate them to one another in ways they haven’t been before. For example, two characters that lead very different lives, Fezco and Lexi, are brought together because they were both “loners” at a party. They


develop a strong connection and a budding romance, which is something viewers did not foresee for season two. Levinson found the similarities within the differences of the characters and exemplified them to emulate how complex the characters are. The complexity of the characters is amazing to watch unfold, especially in the ways Levinson chooses to present them. “Euphoria” does an excellent job of capturing the emotional roller coaster of adolescence, despite how obscene the angle is. In adolescence, it feels like everything that happens to teenagers, no matter how big or small, carries a substantial amount of weight. “Euphoria” portrays that theme through the pettiness of the characters and the grudges they hold towards each other. The use of ambiant lighting in scenes where the characters feel happiness and darker lighting when they are upset contributes to the unsteadiness they feel. Levinson has a tendency to prolong scenes when a character is feeling an abundance of an emotion, such as showing Cassie’s morning routine. This creative choice serves to highlight how unstable the characters are, which gives this show a more meaningful and relatable feel. Although Levinson uses extreme examples to convey a message, the emotions conveyed by the characters have parallel to everyday teenage emotions. The relatable themes of betrayal, guilt, loss and insecurity are common feelings among teenagers and should be addressed head-on, which is

what “Euphoria” does. The cinematography used in “Euphoria” developed a gorgeous aesthetic that creatively depicts the teenage experience. In an article published by Deadline, Levinson explained that he wanted the show to look the way teenagers imagined their lives to be. I believe he hit the nail on the head with this one. Through the movie-like lighting and saturation of bright colors, Levinson accurately shows the extent of how much a teenager dramatizes their life. He proves how strongly a teenager craves attention and acceptance through the aesthetic of this show, and the close-up shots of the characters’ expressions also narrow the focus to the feelings the characters portray. Because the camera angles zone in on the characters’ countenances, it further contributes to the teenage troupe that “it is all about them.” “Euphoria” is an excellent show because of its artistic uniqueness and compelling storytelling style; the thrilling plot lines are merely an added bonus. Although the teenage explicitness of the show is unrealistic, the dysfunction of the characters works to create a universally tragic and emotional result, which is incredibly realistic. This show is a very mature show and should be watched with extreme discretion, but I believe it is a very impactful show, and for that reason, I will continue to watch it in the future. Despite the problems “Euphoria” has, I encourage you to look past the controversy and view the show through a more artistic lens.

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Verbal violation

Catcalling, vastly different from complimenting, creates toxicity


t is always great to hear how smart, good-looking or talented we are. Compliments like these can make us feel good and even influence how we view ourselves. However, fear and danger can quickly arise when a statement is delivered with a teasing, intimidating tone, implied or explicitly mentioned objectification or expectation of immediate or future sexual favors. Though the difference between a compliment and a “catcall” may be perceived as a blurred line, there are many key contrasts between the two. A catcall (harassment in the form of a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature made to, but not exclusively to, a woman or feminine presenting person passing by) puts the victim in a situation in which they are made to feel uncomfortable or even in danger of being further victimized by the person delivering it. A compliment, on the other hand, leaves its receiver proud or empowered. Compliments are given with no preconceived expectation of dates, phone numbers or sexual contact of any kind. A compliment should not be a means to an end. In June 2014, Stop Street Harassment (SSH) commissioned

Katrell Readus


Malak Samara


a 2,000-person national survey in the U.S. which found that 65% of all women had experienced street harassment. Among all women, 23% had been sexually touched, 20% had been followed and 9% had been forced to do something sexual. Instances of what we now refer to as “catcalling” or “hollerin’” can be traced back to at least as early as 1875 in a lawsuit in which a young woman told of being harassed by a train conductor. With a history of more than a century of misconduct reported, it is reasonable to assume that something might have been done to decrease public harassment and take action against perpetrators. However, that thought is far from reality. Street harassment is a phenomenon that is not generally viewed as a problem by academics, judges or legislators, either because these mostly male observers have not noticed the behavior or because they have considered it trivial. Some would say men took on harasser-like traits at a young age. A young boy may, for example, taunt their female peers in P.E. class and in the halls as a “game” or competition amongst friends. The exaggeration and importance our society places on

traditional gender roles pressures boys and men towards presenting themselves as tough, hard men. According to the National Organization for Women (NOW), catcalling is a subconscious way for men to exert dominance. It suggests men believe they are entitled to a woman’s body. Furthermore, in a study done by ii, it was revealed that predatory men genuinely saw no problem with catcalling. They typically construe it as a normal way of flirting and assume that it would be flattering to women. Since society taught men from a young age that treating women with disrespect is normal, they have mirrored these morals as they grow and with the way they approach women. In her article “Myths of the Alpha Male,” Clare Murphy cites research she conducted while hoping to obtain her doctorate in the subject of one-sided power and control in intimate relationships. It showed the way some men view relationships with women. The men she interviewed about their abuse toward their partners told her that “love meant ownership.” Sam, an interviewee, told Murphy that having a girlfriend or wife was like owning a car. “Like once I’ve done enough payments, it’s mine,”

Reach out for help If you are a victim of sexual harassment or assault or know someone who is, there are organizations out there to help. Call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800.656.HOPE (4673) or chat online at online.rainn.org. Page 28

Tiger Times

March 2022


Sam said. “I own this. And that’s how it’s going to be. That’s how a lot of males think.” The problem does not stop at men’s ignorance. When a man is notified that a woman is uncomfortable with his catcalling, he sometimes turns to comments such as, “Why didn’t you say you weren’t interested?” according to NOW. This, along with societal beliefs that women are asking to be catcalled by the way they walk, dress and wear their hair, leaves women feeling at fault. This feeling of fault can also be attributed to the old-time belief that feminine people must be passive and non-combative, which also plays a large part in the continuance of catcalling. Young girls are often taught to not talk back and to remain quiet in undesirable situations. This societal demand makes this demographic more vulnerable to harassment. Oftentimes, this harassment is believed to be a compliment by the harassers. A thought of superiority sometimes exhibited by men that chose to approach others in this way makes it impossible for a them to understand how a woman would feel when in this possibly dangerous situation, the sense of fear he could provoke in his unsuspecting prospect when he begins spewing sexual or objectifying remarks. Men that exhibit this type of behavior typically believe that they are making their victim feel desirable or wanted. This is a gross misunderstanding that has created an often unwavering fear of men. How can a man effectively give a compliment? The best way is to go up to a woman with no expectation of anything in return while also being sure to make your non-threatening intentions clear. Though it might seem unnecessary, being approached by a stranger with unclear intentions can be off-putting and make the person you are approaching feel uneasy and in turn less receptive to a comment that could make their day. Furthermore, allow the compliments


@NOW Cornell conducted an international study on street harassment and found that more than half the women surveyed were first catcalled from ages 11-14.

@womensrights The study also found that these incidents caused major emotional distress. Due to the many instances of catcalling, a trend on Twitter arose with the hashtag ‘FirstHarassed’ to give victims a sense of community.

you give to be deeper than the physical, sometimes it is tiring to hear what the body looks like from someone whose only connection to it is a want to be inside it. Try complimenting the way someone speaks, acts, thinks. Don’t shy away from being more philosophical. Most catcalls stem from the thought that praise or flirtation will be reciprocated. It must be remembered that a compliment, in its correct form, should leave a person feeling appreciated, not sexualized.

Graphic by Malak Samara. Information from Cornell research study.

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Gender equality must advance The U.S. is woefully behind allies in terms of equal treatment of men and women


t almost feels strange to have issues with equal rights between genders in the United States. The women’s suffrage movement started in the mid-19th century and did not achieve voting rights until 1920. Now, questions of equal pay, paid maternity leave and more still linger here despite being solved elsewhere around the world. According to Statista, fullyguaranteed equal pay only exists in 10 countries and the U.S. is not one of them. The U.S. pays women about 91.3% of what men make. While still significantly above average (only 94 of the 194 world countries hit 80%), it is not a good look for countries we strongly ally ourselves with such as Canada, France and Germany who guarantee equal pay. With paid maternity leave, the U.S. finds itself in a similar situation. World Population Review reports that it is standard in the U.S. for a woman to get 12 weeks of leave, but that comes with caveats that can affect the length of leave such as the size of

the company and how much the employee makes. Twelve weeks is on the low end of the spectrum, with many countries over 20 and are willing to go above the minimum weeks. On top of this, it is all unpaid. Countries with maternity leave pay 77% of the full salary on average. Once again, the U.S. falls well short of where similar countries are. These are only financial issues; this does not even begin to cover the social issues that the U.S. still struggles with every day. Take womens sports for example. Last year at the Women’s NCAA Tournament, players documented the disparities between equipment and hospitality for them in San Antonio versus the clearly superior situation for the men in Indianapolis. ESPN reports that the committees running the two tournaments are working toward building “synergy” together to build a better future for both. The meaningless corporate buzzwords are not needed when the solution is simple: make the tournaments

exactly equal for both. A massive step could be the long-overdue ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). The ERA is simple in principle: it guarantees that no rights can be denied on the basis of gender. Officially proposed in 1972, this is a simple concept that has been ratified by 38 states, which is the minimum needed for ratification. The bad news is that the original deadline to ratify it passed back in 1982. Congress could overturn this. There are multiple proposed bills to do just this, as well as those arguing it should be ratified because the 27th Amendment took 203 years to be ratified. The continued issue of gender equality is sad. It does not exist in a nation that has the capacity to end it financially literally overnight. While social issues surrounding gender inequality can not be solved as easily, the ERA could simply be ratified and the country can move a massive step closer to the equality its founding document guarantees for all.

Since the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920 that guaranteed women the right to vote, the US has failed to take the next steps to ensure equaity between men and women. Image used with permission of Creative Commons.

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Tiger Times

March 2022

Editorial Policy Tiger Topics Tiger Times is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to approximately 3700 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the adviser may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue. Editorial

Mission Statement As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Times is dedicated to providing the staff, students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by the means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them Tiger Times

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5. “Bring” (down) 7. Rumored land of the leprechauns 9. Non-fermented sauerkraut 11. Affluent, after “in” 12. Type of tea or screen 13. Boston basketball player cousin 18. What a leprechaun brews in the morning Shrieking Kings Island coaster arks 19. 20. Adjective for Irish culture 21. The Irish have it in abundance

five-liner leprechaun might wrap a gift in ent genre of music 32 Tiger Times bob'sPage partner in crime e shade of green


1. Violin’s cousin 2. Trademarks 3. Comical five-liner 4. What a leprechaun might wrap a gift in Across: 6. Fraudulent genre of music 8. Spongebob’s partner in crime 5. "bring" (down) 10. Gem-like shade of green 14. Short treasure hunter 7. Rumored land of the leprechaun 15. Customizable toy vegetable 16. The Emerald Isle’s capital city 9. non-fermented sauerkraut 17. A measurement of salt, say

11. 12. 13. 18.

Affluent, after "in" Type of tea or screen Boston basketball player What a leprechaun brews in the

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