Volume 17, Issue 7

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Finding your community Fishers High School Volume XVII, Issue VII April 2023 www.fisherstigertimes.com TIGER TIMES
Page 2 Tiger Times April 2023 Table of Contents News 04 Future of Policing 06 U.S. - Honduras Relations 07 Cyberbullying 08 Blood Drive Features 09 Iftar Celebration 10 Camp Tecumseh 12 DECA 13 Robotics Season Success 14 D&D Popularity 16 Teacher Gratitude 18 Spring Break Happenings Sports 20 Baseball Mentors 21 Girls Softball Downsizes 22 Spring Senior Farewell 24 Returning Girls Tennis Opinion 25 Alternative Post-Grad Plans 26 “Hunger Games” Resurgence 28 Denim Day 29 Male Femininity 30 Editorial Online Check out fisherstigertimes.com for our latest stories! Bigotry breaks up celebrations by Opinion Editor Katrell Readus Check us out on social media! @fhstigertimes Junior Veda Thangudu holds a fortune teller origami piece in her hands. The fortune teller displays symbols describing tennis, robotics, Camp Tecumseh and Dungeons & Dragons. Graphics by Tanner Guillot. Photo by Emerson Elledge.

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Staff Profile Tiger Times Page 3
Malak Samara Editor-in-Chief/News Editor Alex Duer Madelyn Lerew Online Editor Emerson Elledge Copy Editor Veda Thangudu Features Editor Katrell Readus Opinion Editor Mia Brant Preston J. Collins David Jacobs Sophia Krueger Kaileila Payne Avery Roe Ameera Tai Rosie Towler Unity Director Madelyn Garber Kindell Readus Jakob Polly Assistant Online Editor

Compromising authority

Police profession faces lack of interest, support due to past mistakes

George Floyd’s death in 2020 sparked a major, attentiongrabbing movement in the midst of COVID-19. One of the main messages of the movement was to defund the police and show a lack of support for the force in order to directly stop police brutality that, in some cases, have led to death. While the police nationwide have not been defunded, they have still faced repercussions of the movement including an increased hatred for the force and lack of humanity from their community. According to a Gallup poll, less than half of Americans had confidence in the police department’s abilities.

“I think it was late 2021[when] I heard about it and I was a little disheartened,” Fishers Police Cadets lieutenant sophomore Addison Luckcuck said. “Yes, obviously there are police officers who take the role a little too seriously, a little too power hungry, but [the] majority of police officers, especially in Fishers, are good people.”

Defunding the police has been a concept since the 1960s. However, the ideology became more mainstream in the summer of 2020. This was due to the immense social media magnification of police brutality.

While police brutality has been a problem for decades, what made 2020 different was the demand for the entire police system to change rather than just the indictment of guilty police officers. This pushed the narrative that the entire police force was flawed in how they were trained rather than the wrong people abusing power.

“A lot of times people will bring up the argument [that] ‘there’s just a few bad apples’ well

that’s not really true,” junior Luke DeLong said. “There [are] a lot of really good people that are police officers. There [are] a lot of really bad people that are police officers. It just boils down to the system that they’re put through, the kind of training they get and the power they’re given can lead to being abused in a lot of ways. That’s the real issue that people are finding, not with the officers themselves necessarily.”

The ‘defund the police’ movement, if successful, would mean reallocation of funding that currently goes into the police department and would go into different branches of the police or other government agencies. This is primarily to achieve the goal of completely changing the system of policing and accomplishing the end goal of reprogramming the training of police to prevent further incidents such as Floyd’s death.

“At surface level, completely defunding the police department is not a good idea,” DeLong said. “But I think what a lot of people are trying to accomplish is actually moving funding to different places. So I am for giving less funding to things like militarygrade weapons for the police and moving more funding to rehabilitation programs and better quality of living in communities to try to prevent crime rather than increased punishments.”

DeLong also highlighted the fact that defunding the police would be an opportunity to rebuild the police system from square one. This would provide the chance to reflect on all of the flaws and attempt to counteract them by developing new ways to approach problems. With this being said,

DeLong is unsure about how attainable this goal would actually be.

Another opportunity that has come out of the ‘defund the police’ movement is the fact that it has caused not only police officers to be more cautious with their power but also caused their supervisors to keep a closer eye on their activity. An asset that has been utilized more recently is cameras. Not only do people have their own phone cameras to record any interaction they have or see with the police, but police officers themselves are required to wear body cameras in order to remind them that if they were to abuse their power, it will not go unnoticed.

“For a long time in my mind, people don’t really speak their opinions but now that people are able to voice their own opinion, I think it’s a good thing,” senior Justin Tscherne said.

“Departments are now watching more closely at their officers making sure that nothing bad is happening. They’re being more [conscious of] misuse of power. They’re watching more closely than they would’ve normally.”

On the other hand, Tscherne believes that while there are advantages to the ‘defund the police’ movement such as the demilitarization of the police and control on who does or does not carry a gun, he highlighted potential dangers that also arise from the movement.

“I think we shouldn’t militarize our police,” Tscherne said. “I don’t think every police officer needs to carry around a gun.The whole defund the police can go either way because, yes I don’t want to have a militarized police, but at

the same time, I feel like we still need to have that upper hand against somebody who is trying to threaten innocent people.”

Additionally, many people fear that defunding the police puts the general public in greater danger. There is a belief that if the police are not as headstrong or do not have the resources necessary, more crime will pass.

“Defunding them and taking away resources that are valuable, it’s not a good thing to do,” Luckcuck said. “The main goal is just protecting citizens.”

Both Luckcuck and Tscherne are lieutenants from the Fishers Police Cadet Program. Luckuck explained that the program is an opportunity to learn about the history of police officers as well as train to pursue the role as a profession. As lieutenants, they are responsible for the cadets as well as plan the events for the day while also ensuring safety and productivity.

Being a part of the program has given Luckcuck and Tscherne more insight into what goes on in the background of policing as well as get a closer look of how certain messages, movements or actions can affect the police force. More specifically, Luckcuck and Tscherne have noticed the increased lack of support and how it has made the job harder.

“They need support just as much as any other person,” Luckcuck said. “It’s like sending someone to the Olympics and then just cheering on the other team as they’re competing. It really sucks, but having that support and having that encouragement from your community to keep doing your job, that’s really important.”

Furthermore, people who don’t support the police also tend to mistrust them and their intentions. Both Luckcuck and Tscherne have attributed to the fact that the police force is for the people and wants to ensure safety. However, Tscherne emphasized

that if people distrust the police and intervene in their work, it is putting not only the police officer’s safety at risk, but others at risk, too.

“People will interfere with police activities because they don’t like them; I’ve seen videos of civilians interfering with police,” Tscherne said. “It’s hard for us to do our job when other people are interfering because they can get hurt, we can get hurt, the suspect could get hurt and in the end we just want everybody to be safe.”

Not only do dangers arise when people intervene in an officer’s work, but people are susceptible to more danger when the mistrust in the police force continues to grow. This is due to the fact that it causes the general public to be less likely to seek help from the police when it is necessary and needed.

“The unwillingness to call police officers when there is trouble [is especially dangerous],” Luckcuck said. “If you have a such deep hatred that when someone is in your house, you’d rather take care of it yourself versus calling the police, that can turn out very bad for sure.”

A criminology study of 14 police departments found that there was a massive decrease in recruitments of officers since 2020. For example, the number of police officers in the New Orleans police department decreased by 20% in just the last two and a half years, even with the doubled efforts to recruit officers. Luckcuck has even seen a decrease in staff throughout her program, as well as lack of community support within the city of Fishers.

Since generation z has been at the forefront of the ‘defund the police’ movement through their use of social media platforms, protests and efforts to continuously bring attention to police brutality, concern rises about what kind of threat the generation has on the future of the police force. Many believe that as generation z is integrated more

and more into society as they grow up and begin to take on professions, there will be an even higher decrease in police recruitments as much of generation z strays away from that path.

“We’ll probably see recruitment go down, just from what I know about the trend in our generation’s political beliefs and progressive nature,” DeLong said. “I have to imagine that a lot of us are for change in things like the police department. People aren’t going to join unless they see that kind of change.”

While there are concerns about the future of the police force due to the lack of support from mainly generation z, some see their want for change as a light of hope. There could be more room for effort towards the reprogramming of the police system so there are less opportunities for police brutality in cases such as George Floyd.

“It feels like we’re going backwards, like we’re not making progress,” DeLong said. “I have to believe that that’ll change when our generation takes power. The trend that we’re seeing right now, it doesn’t look like there’s going to be change anytime soon, but I think that if we believe that there will be change, we will see it eventually.”

In order for that trust between the community and police force to be mended and rekindled, both DeLong and Tscherne believe that there needs to be more open communication between both parties. Otherwise, the chances of positive change and safer communities begin to dwindle.

“I think that police departments need to be more open with the community,” Tscherne said. “I also think that people in the community should accept [the police force] and instead of bash the police, they should learn about them. Both the police departments and the community need to put in effort to heal and restore trust in each other.”

Diplomacy in dispute

Honduras cuts ties with Taiwan, U.S. objects

ollowing in the recent footsteps of Nicaragua, El Salvador and other Latin American nations, Honduras officially severed ties with the self-ruled island of Taiwan on March 26, opting instead to establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the ‘oneChina policy.’ In the midst of the transition, a U.S. state department spokesperson urged Honduras to reconsider, a move harshly condemned by critics and, most notably, the Chinese foreign ministry, who argue that the U.S. should “stop interfering in the sovereign affairs of relevant

Just as Honduras sought to do, the U.S. formally recognizes the PRC under the ‘one-China policy,’ a PRC policy that sees Taiwan as a part of mainland China, with its sole legitimate government located in Beijing. With this in mind, some see the U.S.’s stance towards Honduras as

“The U.S. recognizes the People’s Republic of China, so Honduras should be able to decide [whether to recognize the PRC] for themselves,” sophomore Yavuz Atlamaz said. “We are really only protecting our own

Although having not formally recognized Taiwan since 1978, the U.S. maintains strong economic and political ties to the island – ties that have only grown stronger in recent years.

Included in the statements released by the Chinese foreign ministry was a call for the U.S. to “abandon the oldfashioned Monroe Doctrine,”

a chief element of U.S. foreign policy established by President James Monroe in 1823. In this declaration, he stated that “the American continents… are henceforth not to be considered as future subjects for American colonization by any European power.” In effect, Monroe had proclaimed that any foreign involvement in the Western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression against the U.S.

Since its proclamation in 1823, the Doctrine has been invoked numerous times, reasons for which are heavily disputed to this day.

“Over time [the Doctrine] has been molded into whatever the U.S. needed it to be,” world history teacher Beth Carson said. “It’s really just the way the U.S. conducts foreign policy.”

Initially meant to prevent further European colonization in the Americas, the Doctrine has come to be interpreted, reinterpreted and invoked in varying degrees. During his presidency from 1901-1909, Theodore Roosevelt added what is now known as the ‘Roosevelt Corollary’ to the Doctrine, greatly expanding the scope of direct U.S. involvement in Latin and South America.

“When Theodore Roosevelt announced the Roosevelt Corollary, that’s where you started seeing problems because you had the U.S. intervene militarily in Latin America,” U.S. history teacher Mark Worrell said.

During his presidency two decades later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt enacted what is now called the ‘Good Neighbor Policy,’ signaling another shift

in the Doctrine’s interpretation and use. The primary goal of the policy was to encourage mutual cooperation and improve relations among the nations of the Americas. Despite these efforts, the effects of U.S. interventions have been hard for many to forgive.

“The long-term legacy of the Monroe Doctrine is really this Latin American animosity towards the United States,” Worrell said. “It’s viewed as ‘Yankee imperialism’... There are still some hard feelings.”

Some argue that in looking at the broader context of recent U.S. interventions, many of which influenced by earlier Monroe era policies, much of this animosity can be seen within the heart of the U.S. too.

“There are always certain events that increase xenophobia towards different cultures,” Atlamaz said. “If after the Sept. 11 attacks the U.S. hadn’t invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, I don’t think there would be nearly as much xenophobia towards Middle Eastern and Muslim people.”

Despite Chinese claims of the invocation of the Doctrine, it has not been officially invoked since the Cold War. Yet, Worrell maintains that the Monroe Doctrine remains a defining piece of ever-evolving U.S. foreign policy and still affects how the U.S. interacts with its neighbors today, as is seen in the situation with Honduras.

“China is actively trying to develop these kinds of relationships, but whether it’s a good or a bad thing history is going to tell us,” Carson said.

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An American flag on a flagpole. Graphic courtesy of Creative Commons.

Operating under alias

Cyberbullying tactic used against FHS students

Nearly one month ago an anonymous Instagram account began posting screenshots of submitted responses to a Google Form that asked students to share rumors about other students. The posts ranged from hateful comments about student appearances to revealing personal information about relationships.

The account has since been taken down, but senior Avery Jessee had heard about the account before its removal from the social media platform.

“I think [the account was] pretty ridiculous and disrespectful to not just the students but to the school as a whole,” Jessee said.

Although the creator of the account did not disclose their name anywhere on the account, senior Alex Shrall believes many do not realize how simple it is to uncover someone’s identity.

“All law enforcement has to do is either contact Instagram and do what they call a soft locking account where the account will be locked, and even if they delete the account, they can still [get] access to it,” Shrall said.

Shrall, who plans to major in cybersecurity, first gained an interest in the field after being the victim of a blackmailing attempt. He became interested in finding out who was behind the blackmailing ploy, and is now devoting time to helping the

school find the person who ran the rumor spreading account.

“Using my own capabilities, I’ve been able to pull people who may be linked to the account,” Shrall said. “I’ve been able to pull out emails and phone numbers that I was able to give to Mr. Urban to help. I don’t know if they have found who it is.”

the public, Shrall says that there is still part of them that wants to be known.

“Thousands of people are going to see [the harm], compared to bullying in person where maybe only a couple people see it,” Shrall said. “I guess it’s just trying to get the message out faster. Which in most of these scenarios they are.”

According to WTHR, the school offered mental health resources and counseling to those who were targeted in the posts on the account, although Grubb states that the impact could be too damaging to repair.

“Cyberbullying [could cause] increases in anxiety, depression and stress,” Grubb said. “It can also bring humiliation to those being cyber bullied and embarrassment which can lead to horrible outcomes such as mental health disorders and sadly suicide.”

become such a common form of bullying because of the access and availability of technology as well as the anonymous aspect of it,” Grubb said. “Since people think they can create an account like this without anyone knowing it’s them, they feel no remorse for it.”

Although most cyberbullies choose to hide their identity from

Section 17 in the student handbook outlines the procedure for bullying and punishments for students who violate the procedures. According to the handbook, punishment includes but is not limited to suspension, expulsion, arrest and/ or prosecution.

“I do think whoever’s behind the account should be punished,” Jessee said. “Our school takes bullying seriously and just because it’s over an Instagram account doesn’t mean it should be any less of a punishment. Bullying is bullying.”

Tiger Times Page 7 News
New Tab

experience is based on how their body handles it. You really have to at least give yourself a chance. Don’t think that somebody else’s experience is going to be your experience because everybody’s bodies are different,” blood drive coordinator Tammy Snyder said.

To give is to receive

The opportunity to donate blood will be held on April 26 during the school day

On April 26, the auxiliary gym will hold a blood donation drive where students are given the opportunity to donate a pint of either whole blood or double red cells, providing blood to up to three recipients.

According to the Red Cross, an organization that helps aid in disasters and works closely with hospitals around the world, an estimated 4.5 million Americans are given blood each year, with as much as 25% of the population needing blood at some point in their lives. Donating blood supports people with a variety of conditions such as cancer, sickle cell disease, chronic diseases and trauma patients by helping supply the constant need for blood.

“I started donating blood [when I was] in my twenties,” blood drive coordinator Tammy Snyder said. “When I found out how easy it was for me to donate, I wished I had known about it sooner.”

For more information about donating blood, visit Versiti Blood Center’s website:

Snyder has partnered with Versiti blood center of Indiana to bring FHS students the opportunity to donate blood and become a lifelong donor. She believes holding a drive at the school provides a convenient time in a student’s day to give blood, while still making a difference in both the lives of the people receiving and giving the donation.

“It helps the people receiving [it] because in some cases, if they don’t have the right type of blood, it’s life or death,” Snyder said.

Donating blood is a process

been drives held at school to support those in our community. Snyder recalls drives being held for children staying at Riley Hospital, the family members of teachers and students.

“We’ve had students from Fishers who’ve [been in] accidents and been hospitalized who needed blood over the years,” Snyder said. “We actually had a couple of drives in their honor.”

Not only do blood drives support other people, donating can provide benefits to the one donating as well. Senior Hardeep Singh, who gave blood during the school’s drive last spring, believes donating is fulfilling and provides him with the feeling of contribution.

“I believe it is a great way to be someone’s lifesaver,” Singh said. “Even if you don’t ever meet those who receive your

majority. As few as 10% of the population donates blood annually, with nearly 40% eligible to donate, according to the Red Cross. Errichiello believes that some people may not choose to donate due to the fear of needles, passing out or discomfort.

“It is all about making sure your body is prepared,” Snyder said. “You have to eat a significant dinner and breakfast, and [also] drinking lots of water”

Snyder believes the most important part for the donor is to prepare their body, as this relieves discomfort and helps hydrate blood cells to make the blood taking easier. Additionally, Singh felt donating was easy and did not hurt, contrary to his expectations.

“People receive the help they need from those who are kind enough to donate their blood,” Errichiello said.

Page 8 Tiger Times April 2023

Enriching Iftar

Sharing of Muslim traditions during Ramadan in school setting

As soon as the sun sets, the adhan (an announcement that calls Muslims to prayers) for the fourth prayer of the day, Maghrib, goes off. This signifies to Muslims who are fasting for Ramadan from all over the world that it is finally time to break their fast. Fasts are usually broken with a date and sip of water before Muslims pray the Maghrib prayer, then indulge themselves in a huge feast (Iftar) to make up for the countless hours that passed without any food or drink.

On April 13, Muslim Student Association (MSA) hosted an Iftar for both Muslims and nonMuslims at FHS. The event took place in the CCA and it was set up as a potluck so there would be diversity in the food and it would be closer to an authentic Iftar in a Muslim household.

“The process behind the scenes was quite simple,” junior Salma Moussaif said. “We contacted the school to see if there were available dates for us from 7:30 to 9:00, and the rest was a means of advertising and getting those to participate in the potluck-styled Iftar.”

The main goal of the Iftar was to ensure that students felt like they had a community they belonged to in an otherwise isolating and predominately non-Muslim environment. Since Muslims fasting in the school are constantly

surrounded by those who do not understand the situation they are going through, the Iftar was a way to feel that sense of understanding on the grounds of the school.

“We wanted to provide a safe space for Muslim students and let them know that there are people who share the same beliefs walking in their same halls,” Moussaif said.

When planning the event, there were many aspects the club had to keep in mind. This included what decorations would look like, where the prayer would occur and if there would be enough food.

“The officers’ group chat was going off because everyone was worried we wouldn’t have enough food,” Abdelhamid said. “The hardest part was also estimating how many people were coming.”

Even with the worries about the event, the table was filled with brought-in food as well as extra pizza, people helped decorate and many showed up in traditional Muslim and Ramadan clothing to show their support. This even included non-Muslims who were curious about the event and wanted to learn more about the holy month.

A major goal for the event this year was to provide a space and platform for non-Muslims to understand the culture of Ramadan and become more educated on what their peers were

going through. Sophomore Isaac Arango attested to the fact that he felt it was important for him to go to the Iftar in order to better understand Muslim traditions and holidays as well as to get a better sense of how he should respectfully act around his Muslim peers.

“What motivated me to go was my friends, I wanted to be part of what they see and believe,” Arango said.

Moussaif not only saw this as an educational opportunity, but also a way to unite Muslims within the school’s community. She emphasized the fact that there is a negative stigma against Islam due to ignorance and lack of education on the religion. Therefore, the Iftar was a way to bury those preconceived notions and show people the true meaning of Islam. Arango affirmed that the event was successful in the sense that it helped him have a deeper understanding of the religion and also made him feel welcomed in the community.

Moussaif and Abdelhamid hope to see more years of iftars within the school in order to continue to see an effort being put in to create a stronger sense of community and education during the holiday.

“In the future, we hope to hold more school-based events to provide an inviting environment [where] people can learn and educate themselves,” Moussaif said.

samarmal000@hsestudents.org 1
Malak Samara
1. Muslims and nonMuslims alike fill their plates up with food on April 13 during the school-hosted Iftar run by Muslim Student Association. Photo by Malak Samara.
Tiger Times Page 9 Features

Connections within the classroom

Positive relationships with teachers help students grow

With a student body of 3,642 and staff of 209, the community of FHS allows for student-staff relationships to go beyond teaching. A number of FHS staff members have a strong impact on students they interact with. Staff members not only fulfill their responsibility, but also help students grow as individuals. Out of multiple students who were positively affected by FHS staff, junior Lane Kemper had a special connection with Jennifer Pope, her resource teacher.

“Mrs. Pope has been in my life for a long time,” Kemper said. “My dad used to work here, so I knew her then. But she became my resource teacher freshman year, and I’ve been with her ever since. She means hope to me. She has helped me through the ups and downs of high school.”

Junior Faith Brothers is an International Baccalaureate (IB) student who transferred from a different school. She was put in contact with Jennifer Gabbard, the IB coordinator at FHS, to smoothly transfer while still being enrolled in the IB program.

“I met with her for the first time the literal day before school to actually set my next two years in motion as far as my schedule and pre-requisites I needed to graduate,” Brothers said. “I am so grateful that Mrs. Gabbard helped me with my courses. It was nice to know that I had support in a new environment.”

On the other side of the spectrum, students with older siblings might have a different experience. Junior Emma

Beehler’s French teacher is Alyssa Ginter. Her brother, Garrett Beehler also had her as his French teacher when he was in high school, making it exciting for Emma to meet and have her as a teacher. She also mentioned that Ginter was the reason she is taking French in high school, since she and her family knew Ginter was going to be her teacher.

“I first met her freshman year on Zoom in my French 2 class, but I had heard a lot about her from my brother who had her as a teacher for two years before,” Beehler said. “She is amazing, I was excited to finally meet her after my brother had talked so highly of her. Right away, I could see why my brother loved her. She was extremely personable and started talking to me as soon as I joined the [call], which was great and much needed because I was so nervous to start high school.”

For freshman Lylah Martzall, Summer Noyes impacted her from a career standpoint. Noyes teaches biology, medical interventions and microbiology. Martzall is Noyes’ biology


“I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian or something similar,” Martzall said. “She is part of the reason why I know for a fact that I want to be a veterinarian or do something [related to] biology.”

Along with making the class enjoyable, Martzall mentions how Noyes is one of the sweetest people she has ever met.

“She has always made sure that we’re all on the right track and not messing around,” Martzall said. “She also gives us enough time to talk with our friends.”

Kemper knew Pope before her freshman year, but their bond became closer and stronger ever since Kemper became Pope’s student.

“It was the preview day before freshman year, and it was really weird because I had no clue where I was,” Kemper said. “She helped show me around where I was supposed to go and she was just very excited to see and get to know me. She just has always been a very positive person.”

One aspect that brings students and staff closer within the school community is creating a safe space for students. Gabbard has been a go-to person for Brothers since she was a transfer student, new to FHS .

“Simply meeting Mrs. Gabbard made me feel reassured that I had someone in my corner to help [me] navigate my first year of public high school,” Brothers said. “She is such a people person, so it felt as if I was already acquainted with her.

Similarly, for sophomore

Page 10 Tiger Times April 2023
Alyssa Ginter and Emma Beehler pose for a photo. Photo used with permission of Emma Beehler.

Lyndsey Schoeff, her employability teacher Renee Isom helped her adjust to the high school environment.

“Mrs. Isom was always an inviting teacher and made the library and herself as a safe environment, so I always felt comfortable with her,” Schoeff said. “She has always been a teacher I could go to for anything. She’s understanding, supporting, respectful, kind and loving. This allowed me to feel more welcome coming in as a scared freshman.”

Students also reflect on how their teachers aided in further developing and refining some of their skills, helping them not just in that specific class but their life in general.

“I was a huge perfectionist before this year but incredibly unorganized,” Brothers said. “Gabbard taught me that simplicity is best and it’s important to always give yourself grace. It definitely changed the game of my highschool experience, allowing me to be more care-free and sociable.”

Sophomore Ayanna Bodake’s AP computer science teacher, Brigham French, is also one of those teachers who helps develop life skills, according to Bodake.

“He’s always had a positive outlook in class and that spread to me and the other students,” Bodake said. “He makes the class fun and makes sure to connect with everyone during attendance everyday, and I appreciate that a lot.”

Beehler not only looks up to Ginter as a person, but likes her way of teaching as well. She also believes that it is easy to observe and come to a conclusion that Ginter loves her job of teaching French.

“She’s always been supportive, encouraging and understanding

with matters in and out of the classroom,” Beehler said.

“What I’ve always admired about Madame from the second I joined her first Zoom is her ability to connect with all of her students. She’s shown me how to include everyone, from the shy students to the loud students. Overall, I just want to say that Madame has made learning French the past three years so incredible.”

Both Beehler and Kemper had the opportunity to have classes with Ginter and Pope for three consecutive years, further strengthening bonds between each other. Within a student’s course of three years, they change and grow a lot as individuals, and Beehler reflected on how Ginter was a constant throughout Beehler’s developments.

“[Ginter has] been like the safety net with each new year,” Beehler said. “I’ll really miss not having her next year. She’s watched me go from a shy and awkward freshman to a less shy and slightly less awkward junior.”

As seniors, students do not have the option to take a resource period, so Kemper will not have Pope as a teacher the upcoming school year. She expresses disappointment due to not having the chance to see Pope as often, but also is grateful for the impact Pope had on her.

“I’m really thankful for everything she’s got me through,” Kemper said. “She helped me a lot through a lot of rough spots, with just school work in general, working on my grades and with my mental health, anxiety, and just dealing with that and learning how to work with it in school. It’s always been really amazing, and I’m so thankful to have her [in my life].”


Features Tiger Times Page 11
Lyndsey Schoeff and Renee Isom pose for a photo. Photo used with permission of Lyndsey Schoeff. Lane Kemper and Jennifer Pope Isom pose for a photo. Photo used with permission of Lane Kemper. Checkout Thursday’s posts for teacher feature, where students get a chance to shout out teachers they appreciate. Brothers. Summer Noyes and Lylah Martzall pose for a photo. Photo used with permission of Lylah Martzall.

At the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

International Career Development Conference FHS is being represented by eight competitors who worked hard to be able to make it to this level of competition. Despite DECA being a relatively new addition to FHS, there were ten competitors at this competition last year.

DECA is a team that helps students learn skills related to business in order to compete in numerous events at the state and international level. These events include business management and administration, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and tourism, marketing and personal financial literacy. Senior Srilekha Davuluri has watched the club grow as she was vice president her sophomore year and president her junior and senior years.

“My freshman year we didn’t have DECA, and I had seen other schools, like HSE and Carmel, have really big programs, around 100-200 students and I started really wondering why Fishers didn’t have one,” Davuluri said. “So, I joined my sophomore year, and I think everyone had the same line of thought because our first year we had around 100 students, which is crazy, going from really no program to 100 students.”

This unprecedented growth

the club.

“I did it freshman year and it was all online,” junior Jack Butler said. “I was still in the club, but I didn’t feel too involved. Over the years the leadership has really gotten better and they’ve really tried to start getting people more involved in the club. The leadership has done a good job of building community through the club.”

Davuluri feels that the club has grown due to the unique levels of involvement that students can choose. Full participation is not required, instead, students can pick and choose how involved they become.

“My involvement in DECA has always been really heavy so growing the club was kind of natural because of the resources Fishers High School already had and the support we got from our administration and the advisors, on top of that from other students as well,” Davuluri said. “It’s been you choose your involvement [in the club] because many students can only come to the chapter meetings, but they can still participate in their service projects or careerbuilding workshops.”

Business teacher and football coach Braden Tribolet recently became the sole sponsor of DECA. With this position, he envisions expanding the role of student leaders within the club.

“What I plan on doing as a sponsor is coaching, leading and giving a little bit of the basic administration work to some

leading the members of DECA. Then from there, [I would] provide them opportunities to actually practice, be coached and give them opportunities where they can improve upon the skills that they need to move on in competitions.”

Tribolet also highly recommends DECA as an activity that is beneficial for a students’ future. His reasons range from the new opportunities they will be presented with as well as it looking fantastic on future resumes.

“[DECA] looks fantastic on college resumes or scholarships and there’s a bunch of opportunities and businesses that you can meet,” Tribolet said.

“In my opinion, I think it’s a really great way of getting into or exploring opportunities that you don’t normally have in high school. I thought one really good opportunity was all the kids that went to state this past year, they got to spend two days away from school and ultimately it’s [for] competitions based on business problems. I do some stuff like that in class with my students, but I think it’s just a unique way for students to gain skills that they’re gonna need.”

DECA call out meeting on May 17 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.

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Symbol used as the logo for DECA. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
in Cafe A

Members of the Tiger Dynasty robotics team gather to take a group picture after capturing their first state title in program history at Anderson University on Sat. April 8. With their win, the group accepted an invitation to the FIRST world championships. Photo used with permission of Austin Lika.

The start of a Dynasty

Showcasing the robotics team’s journey to the top

On Saturday April 8, while most students were wrapping up spring break, the Fishers Robotics team, known as Tiger Dynasty, captured their first state title in the program’s history. As the third seed in the tournament, the team placed their robot on the balance board with time winding down to win in an upset fashion, clinching not only a state title, but also an invitation to world championships in Houston, Texas from April 19 to 22.

Looking back, the first official step towards this achievement was taken on Jan. 7, when the organization For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) released the theme of this year’s competition, titled ‘Charged Up’, along with its rules and guidelines.

“[This year] you have to design a robot that is able to place cones and pieces onto what is called the grid structure,” senior Austin Lika said. “There are low nodes where you can push pieces in, and after that there are middle and high, and you have to build a robot that can reach [them].”

With the theme in mind, the team got straight to work on designing and putting together the bot.

“As a team, you basically have a month to build and design the robot,” sophomore Max Probala said. “The robot is computer-designed in a

program called Onshape, and once [it] is fully designed, we can use the measurements to cut the correct pieces.”

Then, once that process is taken care of, Probala’s job is to step in and wire up specific parts of the bot including the electrical and pneumatic systems.

“I add the motor controllers to the robot along with all [of] the other components that make the robot connect to a computer,” Probala said.

Once the bot is hooked up and programmed, the bot is then ready to be utilized for driver practice. While the robot can be tested frequently at school, competitions bring an added level of pressure according to junior Brandon Ogawa.

“It can be hard, [as] it is a lot of split-second decisions on the field because you have no idea what is going to happen.” Ogawa said. “In one match, everything could be working perfectly fine, and then all of a sudden your controls are backwards and you have to drive backwards.”

Akin to a starting bell, the call of a trumpet starts each round of competition. For the first 15 seconds, the group must solely rely on their code and field knowledge to score points. Then, the drivers take over, seeking to score as many points as possible.

“The game is split into different

phases,” Lika said. “In the first fifteen seconds the robot is completely automated, [and] it is worth more to do stuff during autonomous. During tele-op is when our drivers place pieces from the substation. The last phase is endgame, and from there, the charge station is enabled. Teams can climb up and get points, or can keep scoring.”

After months of hard work, practice and competition, the team will get one more chance to go out and compete on the world stage in Houston. Besides the joy of winning competitions, Probala believes robotics has helped him outside of the team.

“What I have learned in robotics is real world skills, like working under pressure and creating your own solution to a problem.” Probala said. “You have a game/problem that needs to be solved and you have to weigh the negatives and positives of a solution and go with the best one.”

Although their season is coming to a close, for those interested in joining next year the robotics team is open to anyone that is in good academic standing and can make the time commitment.

“I started my freshman year, [and] I have loved it,” Ogawa said. “If you love to see your designs come to life, have a competitive spirit, and love STEM, robotics would be great for you.”

Tiger Times Page 13 Features

The future of Dungeons & Dragons

Current success, issues with the fantasy tabletop game

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) has been a trademark of growth in the past few years, expanding to new audiences through the use of online media and advertising. The current movie and previous representation in Stranger Things a few years ago helped the game become widespread.

“D&D has had a sort of ‘renaissance’ since the debut of fifth edition in 2014 and I’ve been fortunate to see it continue to flourish amidst other supporting pop culture IPs like Stranger Things, Critical Role, etc,” owner and operator of Venatus Maps Tyler Fewell said.

Though the knowledge of the game has expanded, recently there have been many concerns for the future of the series; the parent company, Wizards of The Coast has attempted fundamental changes to the open game license. These changes restrict what people can create through personal means for purchase and consumption in the community. The open game license was originally intended to allow individuals to build whatever they desired and distribute their creations while Wizards of The Coast maintained authority to supervise the content created. These changes were silenced recently due to backlash,

currently appearing as if the players have emerged victorious.

“Fifth edition is in a solid position,” YouTube creator Blaine Simple said. “Dungeons and Dragons dodged a bullet this time.”

Simple is a Dungeons and Dragons creator on YouTube, known for his fun animations, storytelling and consistent content. Simple also maintains a patreon for his ‘Anime Into D&D’ content, even creating an entire book of custom content for sale to his supporters. The book contains his team’s creations and additions to the game, including new classes, items and monsters. These all create additional experiences for players. The open game license (OGL) is especially important to people who create content for the game like Simple, meaning the game license is fundamental for business.

“The current OGL is in creative commons and that is perfectly fine,” Simple said. “Fifth edition for the most part is saved.”

While the game’s future appears stable, some do not follow the current events. Due to the rise in current online media, many students and players are starting to get involved by joining clubs or online groups, not paying attention to media other than culture references.

“I’ve heard of the game license a little bit,” Dungeons and Dragons club sponsor Jacob Kapitan said. “I don’t really keep up with the community. If there’s a headline I’ll read it but I won’t seek the information.”

Dungeons and Dragons is a game that allows players to do anything they want with the game. It is acceptable to change the rules and the way the group plays, often altering the way people interact with

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The cover of the ‘Anime Into D&D Series Mega Collection 1.’ Design by Blaine Simple.

the community. The appeal of connecting online and discussing rules rather than with a table of friends is not a reality for some players. The reasons people play the game often impacts the way they interact with their groups. The feeling of safety builds the extent of community.

“It is creativity incarnate,” student teacher Daniel Pearcy said. Pearcy plays the game with multiple groups in his free time and has interacted with the club in some meetings. “The game is everything you could want in storytelling, action and drama. It’s all dependent on you and your players and wherever you as a group are comfortable going. It’s a safe place.”

A safe environment is something that many players value in D&D, allowing the game to reach many audiences through friendship and currency.

“I play Dungeons and Dragons because it’s fun,” freshmen Maximus Hutcheson said. “I started because my friend told me I should play. It’s just a good time.”

At the core of the experience, the game is supposed to be fun for anyone who is interested and allows anyone to utilize the tools at their disposal to add to the experience. The game’s variety in experiences allows a future that is effectively a growing collective imagination. The game, despite the current situation, has a growing future due to online media and mainstream attention.

“It is one of the most mainstream tabletop RPGs (role playing games) and with that mainstream nature comes ease of access and usability,” Simple said. “You can just find yourself going to an area or meetup with people doing the same hobby and can bond around it.”

The accessibility of the game is also

expanding with the adaptation of the internet and communities.

“I play online because it makes it easier to get groups together,” Simple said.

D&D has been transitioning to become more accessible to anyone with an interest in playing. While the game has faced many setbacks with recent attempted alterations and community protest, the game is being adapted to new players at an alarming rate. With the rise in online play and utilities, community engagement, and new players, the game is in a prime position for stable growth. While the health of D&D is growing, the game’s intended direction has been interpreted by the community.

“The genie’s already out of the bottle,” Pearcy said. “The idea of taking a game and limiting it with the age of the internet is impossible.”

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Dungeons and Dragons creative commons art provided by Bing.

A tradition that lives on

High school students become counselors for seventh grade Camp Tecumseh trip



Every year, seventh graders from across the district attend a three-day field trip at Camp Tecumseh (‘Camp T’), located in Brookston, Indiana. The trip includes a variety of outdoor and indoor activities, both educational and recreational. When these students reach high school, many decide to carry on the Camp T experience and become counselors during their sophomore, junior and/or senior year.

To become a counselor for Camp T, students first have to fill out an application, attend an interview and participate in multiple training sessions to prepare for guiding and helping the seventh graders. Sophomore Noopura Nambiar completed these sessions along with many other counselors.

“Every Wednesday, the counselors go to a training session where the teachers teach us about the lessons we are going to guide the seventh graders through at camp,” Nambiar said. “We also learned how to help them through the process of solving problems without

telling them the answer and how to respond and react to certain situations that might come up

super special to experience.”

Similarly, junior Jackson Lusk wanted to help the junior high students and be a role model for the younger kids.

“[My seventh grade trip] was a great experience, spending time in nature and with my friends,” said Lusk. “It helped me connect with others and I wanted to help provide that experience for the seventh graders.”

during our time at camp.”

Along with the educational outdoor projects, campers and counselors also participate in other activities such as canoeing and dancing.

“My favorite part is the square dancing just because you see everyone is tensed at the beginning and then they all kind of loosen up and start having a good time,” senior Malaika Ansari said. “It’s just humans being humans and very sweet and wholesome.”

This year was Ansari’s second year as a Camp T counselor. To her, and many others, being a counselor is about giving back to the younger students.

“You’re learning outside instead of in a classroom and it’s a really special experience,” Ansari said. “To experience it as a seventh grader and have fun with your counselors and then be able to give that same experience back to the seventh graders once you’re older is

While juniors and seniors may want to re-experience their memories from seventh grade, many sophomores did not have the same opportunity. Since the pandemic began during the time that current sophomores were supposed to go to Camp T, many had different motivations for becoming a counselor.

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“I never went through camp and being a counselor gave me that opportunity,” Nambiar said. “Another reason I wanted to go this year was because my brother is going and it would be really fun to go with him and experience everything for the akinslai000@hsestudents.org
Campers and counselors pose for a photo. Photo taken in March 2023. Photo courtesy of Lainey Vantrees.
Students pose for a photo. Photo taken in March 2023. Photo courtesy of Hector Garcia. Students complete outdoor activities with their counselors. Photo taken in October 2023. Photo courtesy of Olivia Flanagan.

first time with him.”

For Ansari, becoming a counselor was about reconnecting with her junior high school and sharing her experience with the seventh graders.

“I’m super attached to Fishers Junior High,” Ansari said. “I really loved my teachers and I

they really felt like they could trust us and they were talking to us about their hopes and dreams and even home life things. Being able to be a trusted older person or a role model for them was super special.

Although Camp T only lasts three days, it is a tradition that is talked about years later. Older siblings and students share their experiences with the younger ones and help provide them with a similar experience.

“It’s a time for kids to be kids and also for high schoolers to re-experience what it’s like to be a kid and it’s super stress free because of all the activities,” Ansari said.

counselors and campers allowed for a sense of trust that enabled the counselors to better work and connect with the campers.

“Two [girl campers] actually had a very special relationship with us,” Ansari said. “At the end

Camp Tecumseh counselors gather for photo in gathering area. Photo taken in March 2023.
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Students take a walk at Camp Tecumseh. Photo taken in October 2023. Photo courtesy of Olivia Flanagan.

Springing back into school

Students talk about plans they had over spring break

With the arrival of spring comes the quick approach of spring break, a time when students receive a break from school and some go on vacations to relax or visit family.

Junior Peyton Reed did many things over the course of spring break, and despite not going anywhere for break, she did enjoy the time spent with other people.

“My favorite part of break was probably that Friday or Saturday after break started, my brother and I went to this pond at 11:00 a.m. because my brother likes fishing, and I read a whole book during that time,” Reed said. “And then afterwards, because I just sat there that whole time reading, we took the Monon trail into downtown Fishers, and we walked around and we went to Target, and got lunch together. I really enjoyed that

loves spending time with her brother and how they get along very well.

“My brother and I don’t fight. That was more of the earlier years. Now we just get along and enjoy hanging out together,” Reed said.

Meanwhile, junior Reese Koontz explained how even though she was in another state, she was still spending time with her family.

“I went to Florida, where I spent time with my grandparents because we don’t see them often throughout the year, and we see them every spring break,” Koontz said.

Spring break held lots of happy memories, some of which are traditional events. Reed expressed how she and her brother regularly hang out together.

“Here recently, since my brother has formed a fishing

As fun as being on a break from school can seem, some students used the break to complete schoolwork, and could even feel like it was required of them.

“Over spring break, I did absolutely nothing, except for schoolwork,” Reed said. “I got a bunch of stuff done. I finished the IBLP that all my classmates were stressing about this week, over break. I re-recorded and edited an entire movie for my film class. I did a lot of schoolwork, and I felt very productive.”

However, some classmates were not as diligent about getting schoolwork done over break.

“Heck no, I didn’t do anything over break because school sucks and I wasn’t going to do work over a break,” Koontz said.

While some students used the time to focus on school or family, others saw spring break as an opportunity to visit colleges and see future career/college paths.

“I went to Chicago to visit colleges, like Northwestern and University of Chicago. And I worked at Hawthorne’s Country Club,” junior Lexi Burke said.

Some students found that spring break had its downsides as well. Reed discussed how her English work was her least favorite part.

“Probably working on my IBLP for my English class, over the novel, Nonexistent Knight,” Reed said. “It took me four days, and I was ready for it to be done.”

Meanwhile, Koontz thought the worst part of the break was obtaining a very large sunburn on her back after lying in the sun for an hour.

“My least favorite part of break

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Junior Aislinn Wilford visits the Uranus Chocolate Factory over spring break with her family. She loved the Scooby Doo van pictured above, and stated that it was her favorite part. Photo used with permission of Aislinn Wilford.

was falling asleep in the pool, on a raft, and I woke up and I was really burnt on my back, because it was like an hour later,” Koontz said.

Students seemed split in the middle, as to whether spring break is placed well within the school semester.

“I feel like spring break is a long time from winter break, but it’s okay because of the three day weekends we got earlier this semester,” Koontz said. “So overall, I think it’s placed well.”

Meanwhile, Reed feels that spring break could have been placed a little earlier.

“I feel like if anything, a week earlier would’ve been good,” Reed said. “Just because I don’t think it’s good that we go to break, but when we get back, we are calm, just to be reminded we have all this work coming up and to an end in this short amount of time.”

Overall, as much as students enjoyed the much-needed break, and they loved having the opportunity to do tasks that normally, could not be completed while in school, many students are happy to be back in session.

“I’m happy to be back in school,” Reed said. “Just because I am happy to have my routine and schedule back down.”

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Junior Lexi Burke visits Northwestern University in Chicago over spring break. Photo used with permission of Lexi Burke. Junior Jocelyn Jun goes to New York City over spring break, where she sees Six, the musical, on Broadway. Photo used with permission of Jocelyn Jun.

Swinging for the stars

Fishers baseball players mold their successes off idols

“My idol in baseball is Bo Jackson,” Dunn said. “He played both baseball and football like I do. I have always looked up to him in the fact that he was an amazing running back and great outfielder.”

Although Bo Jackson was Dunn’s idol, some unique family ties is what got him to start playing.

enjoy it more.”

That love for the game can also easily be altered due to a professional player an athlete chooses to follow. For Dunn, former Reds outfielder Billy Hamilton was that guy.

The FHS baseball team has been one of the most successful athletic programs the school has fielded as of late. Over the last two seasons, the team has a 68% win rate that includes a 2021 State Championship appearance and a 2022 HCC Championship. Much of this is accredited to Coach Matt Cherry, but the players on the field have utilized their idolizations to get this success.

“My mentor and hero was my dad,” senior infielder Gavin Clayton said. “Because he coached me all through my years learning the game and developing into the player I am today. [I remember] hitting my first home run and giving him a big hug afterwards.”

Senior outfielder Quinn Seedfelt has also looked up to family members through his years playing baseball.

“I [have] idolized my brother,” Seedfelt said. “I learned a ton from him that I still use to this day.”

Unlike Clayton, senior outfielder Carson Dunn has always idolized professional athletes growing up.

“I started playing travel baseball at the age of seven,” Dunn said. “My dads uncle was an insanely talented baseball player that was drafted 22nd overall to the Baltimore Orioles in 1978. He is the one who got [my] entire family into baseball.”

For Seedfelt there were no MLB players to introduce him to the game, but the lifelong love for the game has never faltered.

“I started playing when I was four years old,” Seedfelt said. “I hated it at first, but as I got older I met more people and started to

“I grew up a Cincinnati Reds fan, and Hamilton was always my favorite player,” Dunn said. “He was so fast and could make anything happen at any moment. I wanted to be him when I was older.”

Although the Indiana State football commit may not have an MLB career in his future, Dunn has recently set the school’s record for career stolen bases with 39 and counting. On the other end of the Reds/Cardinals rivalry, Seedfelt has always looked up to Nolan Arenado.

“My favorite player is Arenado,” Seedfelt said. “I am a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan and have always looked up to him on and off the field.”

Junior pitcher Jack Brown and senior infielder Quinn Seedfelt prepare for the next pitch in a 4-2 win against Noblesville. Photo by Gavin Auger. 1. Senior Carson Dunn prepares for the pitch during a 4-2 win against Noblesville. Photo by Gavin Auger. 2. Junior pitcher Jack Brown lifts his leg to start a pitch in a 4-2 win against Noblesville. Photo by Gavin Auger.
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Cutting a team, not the players

The cause of lower tryout numbers for the softball team and the impact that has on the season

This season, the softball team is organizing only two teams instead of their typical three. The program will consist of only varsity and JV. In previous years, the program also consisted of a C team. The three teams only vary in skill level.

Freshman player Hadley Crock has played softball for 7 years. Despite not having an experience to compare it to, Crock believes that there would be benefits to having a C team.

“There weren't enough girls, that's why there wasn't a third team,” Crock said.

Sophomore player Hailey Kinder is on the team for her second year. Kinder finds benefits in having all three teams.

“With a C team, we are able to better the program and develop more players,” Kinder said.

Abby Gavin is one of four seniors on the team. Gavin has been playing for FHS since her sophomore year due to the fact the freshman season was canceled because of COVID. Gavin estimated that tryout numbers usually average 40 players. This year there were 29 at tryouts. That means there is a split of 14 on varsity and 15 on JV.

“For varsity, our team is

basically staying the same,” Gavin said. “For JV, the lower numbers did affect them because the girls that might have been on the C team are now on JV.”

Decreasing the number of teams in the program shifts the roles of coaches. The coaches who would’ve been working with the C team are finding new positions with varsity and JV.

“There are three coaches on each team,” Crock said.

A lower turnout for the program does not directly impact the play of the current season. However, this does mean that those players who would’ve had a year on the C team to build skill, are now playing for JV in their first year.

“There are a lot of underclassmen getting playing time which is not normal,” Kinder said.

The decline in the number of girls trying out began last year. There were no girls cut from the team last season in order to make all three teams. Gavin relates the further decrease in numbers to a lack of returners.

“For a lot of people, last year was their last season,” Gavin said. “They found other things they wanted to be doing or they didn’t think that softball was their thing.”

# Varsity
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Tiger Times Page 21 Sports

Saving the best for last

Spring senior athletes say goodbye to the sports they love

Each spring, FHS sponsors 10 sports that compete in the top class in the Indiana High School Sports Association (IHSAA). These sports include boys and girls track, boys and girls lacrosse, unified track, baseball, softball, boys golf, girls tennis and newly added boys volleyball. As each season passes, a new senior class winds up reminiscing about their high school careers. Now, these seniors say one last goodbye.

Philip Jones, Boys Lacrosse

“Keep grinding and trust the process,” is what senior defender Philip Jones continues to say to himself. Jones, who also plays hockey and football for the school, started playing lacrosse his freshman year. Despite reaching the quarter finals last year and peaking as the fourth best team in the state, Jones has continued to value the time after the wins more than the win itself. “[My favorite memory] was the mosh pits in the locker room after winning. [The go-to song] in the locker room is ‘Freestyle’ by Lil Baby.”

Kamara Walker, Softball

“There are going to be days where you do not want to be there,” senior pitcher Kamara Walker said. “But the fun times always outweigh the hard.” Unlike Jones, Walker has been playing her sport for 12 years. “[I] started playing when I was younger because my older sister [played],” Walker said. With years of memories to choose from, Walker has always cherished bonding with her teammates. “My favorite memory is the trip our team takes to Evansville during spring break,” Walker said. “We all stay in a hotel together and play a few games.”

Nick Schnaiter, Baseball

“I grew up watching my dad playing,” senior pitcher Nick Schnaiter said. “I was introduced to it from the time I was born, so I have always loved it.” Even with a lifelong connection to the sport, Schnaiter has always cherished the time spent with his team. “[I appreciated] being with my teammates,” Schnaiter said. “Whether it is a weekend in the summer or just the bus rides to and from games.” Aside from time with teammates, Schnaiter has always enjoyed simply playing the game itself. “If I could talk to myself [when I first started playing] I would just say to keep having fun,” Schnaiter said. “The places [this game] has taken me, and the experiences I have gotten from baseball are priceless.”

Helen Myers, Unified Track

“The whole team is so nice and welcoming,” senior unified runner Helen Myers said. “I have met some of my best friends [by participating].” Myers, who is a part of Champions Together and competes in Bocce Ball in the fall, has been competing in unified track since her freshman year. “I initially joined because I had done track in middle school and thought unified sounded fun,” Myers said. Although there has been a lot of winning in her four years in unified track, most notably being state runner-ups in 2021, that is never the ultimate goal for any of the unified sports. With unified, having fun is often the number one goal. “[My favorite memory through unified] is dancing at the Pendleton Heights meet waiting between the events,” Myers said.

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1. Senior defender Philip Jones stares down his opponents. Photo courtesy of Philip Jones. 2. Senior pitcher Kamara Walker winds up to deliver a pitch. Photo courtesy of Kamara Walker. 3. Senior pitcher Nick Schnaiter lifts his leg to deliver a pitch. Photo courtesy of Nick Schnaiter. 4. Senior unified runner Helen Myers receives the baton during a relay race. Photo courtesy of Helen Myers.

Andrew Giger, Boys Track

“I decided to try something new,” senior discus thrower Andrew Giger said. “And I was really bad at football.” Although Giger did not start throwing until his freshman year, discus has become something he looks forward to each spring. “I wish I did more work when I first started,” Giger said. “If I were more dedicated back then I think I would be better now.” Even with all the winter training, weekly meets and personal records set, it was the time spent outside the ring that left a memorable impression for Giger. “[My favorite memory] has been the upperclassmen dinners,” said Giger. “We do them each season and it is a good time to bond.”

Daley Rhodes, Girls Track

“I did not even know what [shot put] was,” senior shot put thrower Daley Rhodes said. “But I had friends that told me I would be good at it.” Over her five year throwing career, Rhodes can attest that not everyday in the ring will be your best. “It is a very fluctuating sport,” Rhodes said. “So some days you will have your best throws and other days you will suck. It just matters how you throw in meets when it matters.”

Alexa Denney, Girls Lacrosse

“[Coach] Beasley convinced me to play,” senior attacker Alexa Denney said. “And I played soccer with him as well.” Despite numerous bonds made with her teammates, Denney has always valued the realtionship shes had with her coaches. “[I look up to] my [lacrosse] coach Bill Laffan,” Denney said. “He was my basketball coach in sixth grade, so he has been a role model since then.”

Jonathan Ash, Boys Golf

“I have been playing casually since I was four years old,” senior golfer Jonathan Ash said. “But I started playing competitively when I was 12.” Playing golf for so long, there are lots of people to look up to, but Ash keeps his idolizing close to his heart. “For me, it has been my dad,” Ash said. “He got me into playing golf at a young age and I would say that most of my best golf memories have been with him.” Although Ash admits golf can get boring, he is part of the estimated one in 12,500 people to hit a hole-in-one. “[I] just felt pure joy,” Ash said. “It was a magical experience.”

Clara Stadler, Girls Tennis

“I am leaving a sport I have played throughout my entire childhood,” senior tennis player Clara Stadler said. “I truly love [this sport] and I regret the time I lost.” For Stadler, the lost time is the result of lack of perseverance. “I wish I could tell my younger self the importance of perseverance,” Stadler said. “[I] lost two seasons to COVID-19, and moved schools halfway through high school. It brought a lot of challenges, but looking back at it now, I would have told myself to stay hard working throughout the difficult times because it would eventually pay off.” Through these tough times, Stadler continued to look towards her coach for answers. “I have looked up to my coach, Gabe; he was my coach at my old school and a long-time family friend,” Stadler said. “I do not think I would have continued playing in high school if it was not for his coaching.”

Zach Lewis, Boys Volleyball

“I saw the school had a team and just decided to try it,” said senior outside hitter Zach Lewis. For originating as something Lewis decided to just try, he has helped lead the school to a state championship his sophomore year. “I looked up to [former FHS volleyball player] Aaron Hernandez my sophomore year,” Lewis said. “At the time he was just so much better than me, so I wanted to be able to play the way he does.” It is safe to say that Lewis has been able to play the way that Hernandez does as he has played a crucial role in earning FHS three straight seasons in the top three of the IBVCA (Indiana Boys Volleyball

Association) rankings. “[If I could talk to my younger self] I would say to do exactly what you did. Because high school volleyball has been amazing.”

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5. Senior discus thrower Andrew Giger whips the discus into the sector. Photo courtesy of Andrew Giger. 6. Senior shot putter Daley Rhodes finishes her throw. Photo courtesy of Daley Rhodes. 7. Senior attacker Alexa Denney attacks the ball. Photo by Gavin Auger. 8. Senior golfer Jonathan Ash lines up his drive. Photo courtesy of Jonathan Ash. 9. Senior tennis player Clara Stadler awaits to return the serve. Photo courtesy of Clara Stadler. 10. Senior outside hitter Zach Lewis leaps to serve the ball. Photo by David Jacobs.

Serving a community

Girls tennis looks forward to upcoming season

Last year, the Girls tennis team made it all the way to the state finals, the first time in school history for the team. This season, the girls tennis team roster has many familiar names from last year’s team, as well as some new ones with the team growing every season.

“My individual record was 24 and four maybe,” junior Caroline Ober said. “The team record, we lost once in the regular season, we lost to Carmel, which is who we lost to in the state finals.”

They played their first game on Tuesday, April 12 against Noblesville and many of the girls are looking back on last year's season and their relationships with the team throughout the season.

“My favorite memory was definitely last year because we made it to the state finals, which we had never done before in program history,” Ober said.

Tennis tends to be more of an individual sport, where the team plays different versions of the game like doubles and singles. However, the team focuses on building a community within the group, to help the lineup of many different personalities feel more together.

“I decided to join Fishers tennis because of the community and the people there,” senior Rahee Dharmadhikari said. “I also genuinely love playing the sport and I've been playing it

since I was in the fifth grade. It's just been like a lifelong hobby.”

While Dharmadhikari is not a part of the team this year due to her losing her racket, she could not help but look back on how the team built the sense of community that she and the other players had.

“My favorite memory was when we all got ice cream after a long and hard tennis match against Carmel,” Dharmadhikari said.

of girls hoping to try out next year.

“This year we're really trying to work on being more of a team,” Ober said. “It's easy for a sport like tennis, which is mainly an individual sport, It's hard to be connected as a team. So, this year we're really trying to focus on doing events and just trying to make sure everybody feels like they're a part of the team.”

This season the team has a new coach, Matthew Stahl, the JV coach for this year. He has high hopes the girl's tennis team can improve with their game and the team’s competitiveness with the building of friendships among the girls in the team.

“I [hope] the girls can compete, improve their game and enjoy the game,” Stahl said. “I do not have many memories yet but have really enjoyed the group of girls, they are great to coach.”

Although the team lost to Carmel in the state finals, the team hopes to come back more powerful than last year. For the team, one of the ways to come back more powerful than last year is to continue to build on the team’s community as well as work on their individual talents.

Although it is a new season for girl's tennis this spring, many of the girls are returning for another season. This year the team is hoping to work on building a bigger community in the team to carry on the number

“I just hope to improve my record from last year and just try to help the team make sure we can be just like last year even better than last year,” Ober said. “It'll be really exciting to see how far we can make it this year. We've got a really good team, JV

Page 24 Tiger Times April 2023
Sophomore Sanjana Chenchaiah and freshman Lucia Camacho from the girls tennis team playing Brownsburg on April 13. Photo with permission of Megan Semesky.

Alternative paths to success

Why the societal pressure on students to go to college needs to change

Every graduating senior hears the same question at some point at family gatherings, from teachers, friends or coworkers: “So where are you going to college?” For some, this question is met with excitement about the future, but for others, it is not. Each year Instagram pages are made to celebrate graduating seniors and recognize the colleges that they will be attending, but what about those who are not? The stigma that high school seniors need to go to college in order to be successful is unfair and untrue. It is an expectation that we are fed from a young age, with little opportunity to understand other options. College is not for everyone and we need to stop equating success to a college degree, when there are many successful careers that do not require one.

Although the salaries of college graduates are statistically higher, there are exceptions to this rule. A study done in 2017-2019 by Georgetown University showed that 16% of high school graduates, 23% of people who had attended some college and 28% of people with associate degrees made more money than half of the participants with a bachelor’s degree. The study compared the salaries of different education levels based on careers.

While many students pursue higher education as means of career preparation or other academic pursuits, some students

go to college because they feel that it is what they are supposed to do. Going to college is the societal expectation and even though some students are not sure what they want to do, they yearn for the highly advertised college experience. This results in higher dropout rates and unnecessary student debt. Some majors like social work and education do not always require a degree and have nearly the same average salary whether you attend college or not. Despite this fact, unsure seniors still commit to colleges because of pressure from family or friends. An article by Useable Knowledge, a reporting website by Harvard University, gives a list of ‘red flags’ you should be looking out for as parents in order to tell if you are putting too much pressure on your kids when it comes to their education. Some of the questions include, “Do you email or call your child’s teacher about assignments or grades more than once a month, even when your child is not having any problems?” and “Do you often talk about your child’s grades and college applications, forgetting to ask your child what they find interesting and fun about school?” If you are a parent that finds yourself saying yes to any of these questions, there is a list of ways at the bottom of the article that tells you how you can positively frame conversations about college and careers with

your child.

The study by Georgetown University found that people with careers in social work made $1.5-2.4 million throughout their careers if they had a bachelor’s degree and $1.1-2 million in their careers if they had a high school diploma. People with careers in education who had a high school diploma or less made $0.9-2.3 million while people with a bachelor’s in education made a similar maximum amount at $1.6-2.5 million throughout their careers. Although there is a wage gap between the different education levels, the highest average salaries are very similar and prove that it is possible to get a job making as much money as someone with a bachelor’s degree.

According to Indiana’s 2021 college readiness report obtained from IN.gov, Indiana’s college attendance rate for graduating seniors was at its lowest in 2021 than it had been in 10 years. With college attendance rates lowering significantly in the last decade, it is imperative for high schools to provide information about alternative plans besides going to college and provide recognition for students who do not want or have the opportunity to go to college. Schools should focus on not only college but alternative career plans like trade schools or joining the workforce.

Opinion Tiger Times Page 25
Police officer training requires only a high school diploma or GED. Working in construction requires a high school diploma or less. The median annual salary for an electrician is $60,040 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Mockery of the Mockingjay

Analysis on “Hunger Games” popularity, meaning, themes

described within the novels. When this freedom was finally allowed, the experience shocked me. I had never read a book that felt so immersive, and I wanted more. I quickly devoured the series, and though it left a mark on me, I did not think deeply

who get to benefit from the hard work of the majority.

In Panem, one boy and girl from each district are selected every year to fight to the death, in a tradition known as ‘The Hunger Games.’ The series follows Katniss, one of

April 2023 Page 26 Tiger Times

districts have no basic human rights, are treated as slave labor, and are subjected to the Hunger Games annually. I believe the majority of today’s audience would define that as grounds for revolution. They have just cause but the nature of the conflict

raises a lot of questions… When a powder keg and Katniss the Although this story might be seen as a rather overt vessel for a think piece on ‘just war’ and the negative effects that our current society could have on the future, that is not how the story tends to

to duplicate it, to create the next ‘Hunger Games.’

popular, first with the Twilight

highlighting the phenomenon.

quickly [into writing the story]

When later authors attempted to replicate the success of the series, they immediately turned to the basic pieces in the Hunger Games formula: a love triangle, a girl in her mid-teens who by all definitions was perfectly average except for one skill and a corrupt government with a sorting system as a way of dividing the country based on some minor skill or attribute. In following this formula, or a variation of it, these authors believed that their novels, whatever they may be about, would have the same success. Examples of this are Veronica Roth’s “Divergent” series, Kiera Cass’ “Selection” series, Neil Schusterman’s “Scythe” series and Allie Condie’s “Matched” series, all with varying levels of critical success.

because of his experiences and violent remedies. Peeta’s natural inclination is toward diplomacy. Katniss isn’t just deciding on a partner; she’s figuring out her

The Hunger Games trilogy and later movie series were immensely popular, with the novels winning 77 awards and selling over 100 million copies globally and the movies making over $3 billion combined at the global box office. This success was envied, and authors wanted

What these authors failed to recognize was the reason that the Hunger Games truly found success: the reality that the books offered with displaying an alternative future with similar social struggles as its readers, as opposed to a fantasy novel filled with werewolves and vampires.

The Hunger Games offered a critique on the current society, and all that could occur because of it, as well as offering a more palatable way to investigate political philosophies, while still entertaining its primary audience, ultimately displaying the reason why the series gained popularity in the first place and why it is not surprising that the series has yet again swept pop culture by storm.

Opinion Tiger Times Page 27

Dress to protest

Denim takes on a new meaning for annual campaign

On April 26, 2023, it is estimated that millions will navigate their day while wearing denim, in an effort to pay tribute to victims and protest the out outcomes of a criminal court case that occurred just over 30 years ago.

During the summer of 1992, in Italy, an 18-year-old girl was raped by her 45-year-old driving instructor during her first-ever driving lesson. The instructor was convicted, but filed an appeal years later and was released when the court overturned his sentence. His appeal was affirmed and granted based on the assertion that the young woman’s jeans were evidence of her consent, saying that, due to how tight the garment was, it would have been impossible for him to removed them without her help. This assistance, in the mind of the court, was enough to negate the possibility of coercion or the leveraging of physical force to pressure someone into a sexual encounter, despite claims by the victim that threats on her life were made.

This heinous and egregious act by one man was furthered and exacerbated by the Italian court system’s reversal. The overturning

prompted immediate outrage and an outpouring of support for the victim that began with the women of the Italian parliament. The group chose, the day after the decision was handed down, to wear jeans, and stand on the steps of the court in protest.

However, the indignation did not remain contained in Italy. It eventually became international when the media coverage reached the states and the California Senate and Assembly emulated the protest. The outcry continued and ultimately created the gateway to the formation of Denim Day, and solidified this case as one that inspired action. Denim Day acts as a day-long demonstration that prompts individuals to follow the set example and protest by wearing jeans on the last Wednesday in April in order to stand in solidarity with sexual assault survivors and victims, a demographic that is continuously growing.

According to RAINN, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, a sexual assault occurs every 68 seconds in the U.S. Numbers like these have forced the founding of social movements, and established their yearly recognition. Allowing

these types of assaults to continue as often as they do without some form of social intervention would be a disservice and a further miscarriage of justice to those in which this type of brutality is inflicted.

Denim Day also calls for the condemnation of victim blaming, an all too common phenomenon by which a victim is considered partially or wholly at fault for the brutality they suffered just as the young woman was in the originating case.

In accordance with this now annual campaign, denim will once again take its place as a token of activism on April 26 when, according to denimday.org, the official website for the campaign, millions will participate in demonstrating a mutual disgust for the brutality and violation of sexual assault.


the pledge at

Page 28 Tiger Times April 2023

The things we wear

Shift in the understanding of gender changes reactions to certain styles

Kindell Readus readukin000@hsestudents.org

that is different for everyone. To many, it can represent a dominant energy or an attitude. Younger generations have started to see the lines of gender become more blurred and pliable to one’s personal comfortability. Opposing rather than the rigid barriers of the past, the societal expectation of masculinity and femininity have become more about the energy presented rather than the clothes

wear. Not wanting to provide others with even the slightest chance of considering that they could be anything other than cishet (cisgender and heterosexual) they shy away from anything that could be perceived as feminine, even down to color.

idolized stars like Mick Jagger, Ziggy Stardust and Freddie Mercury in the 70s and Bret Michaels, Prince and Steven Tyler in the 80s begun to criticize the very idea?

Today as more and more pop culture idols allow themselves to bend traditional gender stereotypes into something more reflective of personal identity and artistic view, they are oftentimes met with a mixture of admiration and aversion. Aversion for these stars can come in many forms including allegations made about their sexuality, the use of slurs or other forms of degradation said with the goal of bringing shame to the public figure. In recent years media consumers have seen the rise of feminine fashion on male-identifying stars due to the increasingly widespread talk about what the true meaning of masculinity is. Masculinity in its present understanding was shifted from having one consistent definition to many, a definition

This, however, calls into question the myths and truths of masculinity, which could also be the reason for the uptick in hatred of these more feminine styles. In the past, clothes made popular due to the trends of the time would now, by the same group that lived in them before, be considered too feminine. Crop tops, shortshorts, high-waisted jeans and bright colors are a part of this list. These styles were widely accepted in previous decades simply because they were not accompanied by a stance on gender and gender stereotypes. That is the difference between now and then: the concept of the gender spectrum was practically non-existent. Clothes were not associated with gender because there was no concept of gender being something that could shift fluidly. It is the idea of the gender spectrum that often scares men back into the arms of toxic masculinity and the idea that being a man is at all connected to the clothes they

‘Creed’ actor Johnathan Majors is the media’s most recent victim, as he dawned ‘Ebony Magazine’ in a pink shag coat. His photo spread caused controversy, especially in the Black community, as he played with pinks and reds to create a romantic atmosphere. The Black community, especially the older generation, is notorious for tearing down femininity in men, Black or otherwise, stating that being effeminate is breaking the difficult-to-build facade of pride, strength and dominance. With a history tied to struggle and hardship, the Black community has always pushed to be stronger, more powerful and inviolable. So now as men, Black men especially, have finally become more comfortable with femininity it has been viewed as an attack on masculinity.

But it is the exact opposite; there is not and never has been an agenda to emasculate men, but instead, an aim to allow them to stand free of the past and its unwritten rules of what it means to be a man. Instead of feeling forced into the boxes of an outdated society, it is time to relish in one’s own selfexpression.

Tiger Times Page 29 Opinion

Importance of community

Benefits of a sense of belonging as students

When people are faced with hardships that may seem almost impossible to overcome, it is extremely common to turn to peers around them who share the same ideologies, interests and goals for guidance and help. This concept of community allows people to feel supported and understood during times of need. Being a part of a community is almost essential for overall life goals and one’s well-being.

The Center for Public Impact defined a community as “a group of people who share an identityforming narrative.” While this mostly pertains to identities such as religion, culture and ethnicity, it can also include identities that are not as physical and may be more emotional such as past experiences that have shaped one’s personality. The purpose of communities is to have groups of people who share a similar experience or story, but the key is that the experience was significant enough that it defines them and drives them to pursue certain goals. An example of community is clubs within the school. While being in a club is not a physical part of someone’s identity, it is still significant enough that they felt as though they belonged to a group of people who have the same interest.

According to Well Being People, having a sense of community also gives us a sense of belonging, even in situations or environments where it seems very minimal. This is due to the fact that communities are a constant reminder to those a part

of them that they are not alone and have people who are enduring similar experiences, hardships or feelings. It also allows people to have a place or group to confide in where they otherwise would feel alone. A prime example of this is the Muslim community at FHS. As mentioned earlier in the issue, an Iftar (meal after breaking your fast during Ramadan) was hosted in the school in order to give Muslims a sense of community in a predominantly non-Muslim area. It was a way for Muslims to feel that they belonged, specifically within the school, and that the hardships or situations they were enduring were seen and appreciated. Additionally, as mentioned in a story earlier in the issue, support is essential for the overall success of communities. Police departments throughout America are facing an increased lack of support which has caused rough patches in their work and motivation, emphasizing the fact that community and support within a community is fundamental.

Furthermore, Dunmore attributed the fact that communities cause people to feel as though they are a part of something that is bigger than themselves. Communities can drive people to pursue goals that reach for the stars or cause

them to make changes within the world. The Center for Public Impact agrees with this, adding that in order for change to be made, there needs to be a broader and better understanding of the world, in which only communities can provide. This is because communities “shape our understanding of the world” and build our world lenses.

Communities within schools, more specifically, is beyond important as, according to Wilbraham and Monson Academy, many different perspectives are necessary for education. We have one big community within FHS, which consists of all of the students in our school. However, the diversity within that community is what makes education possible and even stronger. It allows for conversations to be had about different perspectives, as mentioned previously; it widens our world views and it contributes to our ability to work with a variety of different people. Therefore, communities are important to find like-minded people who can make you feel seen, heard and understood. However, communities are also important for finding people with common interests that can also challenge your ideologies and broaden your point of view.

Page 30 Tiger Times

Editorial Policy

Tiger Topics Tiger Times is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to approximately 3,700 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the adviser may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue.

Mission Statement

As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Times is dedicated to providing the staff, students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and allow the students of FHS to have better insight to the world around them.

Crossword Answers


1. Ruoff Music Center

3. Roundabouts

4. Headless Horseman

6. Agripark

7. Nickleplate Trail

8. Handels

11. FHS v HSE

12. Topgolf

15. Street


2. Hamilton Town Center


9. Billericay Park

10. Connor Prarie

13. Geist Reservoir

14. Raising Canes

Editorial Tiger Times Page 31



Page 32 Tiger Times April 2023
1. I’m finna be in the pit
3. The bane of every new drivers existence
4. Headless horror of the woods
6. Suburban play pretend farming
7. Traversing the train tracks
8. Renowned for mountainous ice cream scoops
11. The great rivalry of the century
12. Stationary sports 15. Location of latest Fishers mural 2. Outdoor shopping extravaganza 5. Mini mansion department store 9. Named after our English sister city 10. Little House on the Prarie core 13. Ocean of Fishers, IN 14. Latest local chicken empire
Welcome to Fishers, IN

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