Volume 16, Issue 7

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Fishers High School Volume XVI, Issue VII April 2022 www.fisherstigertimes.com

Table of Contents

04 06 08 10

Features Poetry Fishers City Growth Sibling Bonds Garden Club

11 12 14 15 16 18

Arts & Culture Water Bottles Foreign Exchange Students Torchy’s Tacos Fear of Growing Up In-School Ramadan School Comedians

19 20 21 22 23

Sports Girls Track Boys Track Softball Baseball Boys Volleyball

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Opinion Rebatable Influencers School Instagram Accounts Musical Influences Teenage Insensitivity Fear of the Mundane Financing College Editorial

Senior Michael Schnurr jumps over a hurdle at a track meet against Pendleton Heights and Mt. Vernon on March 30 at Fishers High School. Photo by Lily Thomas.

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Dance Marathon Royalty helps raise money for Riley by Arts & Culture editor Emma Tomlinson

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April 2022

Tiger Times Staff Editorial Board

Nate Albin Editor-in-Chief

Andrew Haughey Online Editor

Lily Thomas Features Editor

Emma Tomlinson Arts & Culture Editor

Fletcher Haltom Malak Samara Opinion/Copy Editor Social Media Director

Nicholas Rasmusson Sports Editor

Kristen Rummel Design Editor


Emilia Citoler

Madelyn Lerew

Avery Roe

Staff Profile

Emerson Elledge

Laura Masoni

Ben Rosen

Ben Grantonic

Abby Miller

Ava Hunt

Katrell Readus

Sydney Territo

Kindell Readus

Veda Thangudu

Tiger Times

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Poetic relief National Poetry Month highlights poets at FHS Madelyn Lerew


rom Shakespeare to Dickinson, poetry captures the imagination and hearts of people all around the world. April is national poetry month, which was first celebrated in 1996 when the Academy of American Poets brought it into existence. FHS has numerous poets, each of whom uses their unique experiences to write. “When there’s something big happening in my life, I tend to find more inspiration, whether it’s a good thing in my life or something I’m struggling with,” sophomore Emory Carmona said. Junior Thu-Hang Doan instead prefers to write poetry based on experiences throughout their life. An example is a poem by Doan named Pantone. “‘Pantone,’ the word itself, is the name of the color matching system,” Doan said. “What it’s about is colorism and growing up with East Asian beauty standards, because there’s always a pressure to have paler skin and lighter skin.” Writing poems based on personal experience can lead to a deeper meaning and depth to the lines as opposed to something observable, like nature. This can be an example of poetry therapy, which has been shown to help improve people’s mental health. “When I was a kid, I used a lot of bleaching products on myself and it stung and it didn’t work,” Doan said. “There was a lot of inner hatred that I grew up with, and insecurity. When I reflect on

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that I think of how young I was and how difficult that was to deal with at a young age.” Finding inspiration is only the beginning of the process; putting thoughts into words is the next step. The process of writing poems differs from poet to poet. “Usually, I write them [poems] all at once, maybe a couple at a time,” junior Bugs Smith said. “I then take a break for a month or two and then I start all over again and keep writing.” While some choose this allor-nothing approach to writing, others space it out over a longer period of time. “I sit down and either jot ideas down on paper or I have a word document on my laptop,” Carmona said. “I put down everything that’s on my mind and then eventually I’ll sort it out and make it into a poem.” Famous poets can serve as inspiration by showing what can become of dedicated writers. Doan, Smith and Carmona’s favorite poets are Arpi Park, Mary Oliver and Reuben Holmes respectively. Writing and reading poetry can also improve your mood according to the National Library of Medicine. While some may not view reading Shakespeare in English class as the most exciting activity, writing poetry can be enjoyable. “I feel more productive when I write, like I got something done in a healthy way,” Smith said. “It gets you off your phone and you’re actually creating


something, not just scrolling on TikTok.” Feeling productive and creative is one major benefit of writing poetry. Reading poetry can lead to things like the improvement of your mood throughout the day. “Poetry, even if it is a sad poem overall, is something that can make you feel better in a way,” Carmona said. “Being able to read a poem and understand what a person is thinking makes me feel proud and understood.”

April 2022

The Dead Rose Lives Tending to an ill mind Like dead flowers from a past Februar y Hoping they will heal again, But, on the contrar y, my mind like a dead rose It will ne ver again grow Now only stealing nutrients, Like the life, it, like I, myself miss from the fertile soil, home to those with life to live, More time to grow I e ven in death will like the roses will deprive those who deser ve to live Written by Katrell Readus

Graphics by Madelyn Lerew.


Tiger Times

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People in the neighborhood Locals give opinions on expansion, modernization, life for families, more Emerson Elledge


rom the settling of William Connor, to the growth and development of the eventual city, it seems as if no one truly knows when Fishers became the city it is known as today. However, one thing that helped create the domino effect that developed Fishers was the opening of Fishers Switch 150 years ago. According to the City of Fishers, in June 1872, town lots were formed when Salathiel Fisher divided his land. Fishers Switch was the original name for the town. The main inspiration behind the name was the railroad, as that was the main focus of the town. “[Fishers] gets rid of a lot of historical things, like taking down the train, which I really [used to] like,” HSE sophomore Caitlin McCoy said. Fishers has faced the Gilded age-old dilemma time and time again of questioning at what point is too much sacrificed for progress. “[The city is] really modernizing everything which removes a lot of the forest and natural landscape,” HSE sophomore Saanvi Sampada said. As more popular shops like IKEA and Cabela’s come to Fishers, the price of opening and running businesses goes up. “When an area becomes a retail focus for a group and becomes popular, the property


of the land surrounding it becomes higher value because of a store on a similar property,” Emagine Theaters employee Alden Quintlen said. “The only way that I would think to solve it would be [to] make more nearby areas that are for people to live that are not the most bougie” Not only can these issues negatively affect the residents, but they can potentially have a negative affect on business owners as well. “I think Fishers has a stone policy where you can't do siding and things like that, which is just like weeding out people who can't afford those things for the businesses,” HSE School District counselor Mary Fiedler said, “[Fishers] has a vibe that is very upper-class and very ritzy. It is really great for image, and it is gorgeous. But at the same time, I wonder, ‘Are there homeless people in Fishers?’ I feel like there has to be these people here.” Many places in Fishers require you to pay to frequent them, isolating poor and homeless people. Public buildings tend to be the only places that are free to

spend time in Fishers. “Places where there is no cost to enter, like a library or parks are things that a community can enjoy rather than it being for the upper-class,” Quintlen said. “Some places do have that kind of vibe around here, but not all.” As more and more people move to Fishers, businesses of all sizes boom with success. “I think we are going in the right direction,” Marian University student Sarah Adriz said. “The different types of income that we have [are] really diversified, and there are a lot of locally owned cafes and businesses.” One of the biggest allures to potential residents are the schools and parks. According to Play Fishers, there are 591 acres of recreational areas for the public, resulting in 24 public parks. “They might have to build more [schools],” St. Vincent’s nurse Fatim Dang said. “My only concern is that we lose the green spaces. I don't want to lose that. We do have a lot of


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April 2022


space. People can come in and everything. I came in less than two years ago, but let us just keep some greenery, so kids can have places to go.” Families and other residents, with or without children, can all benefit from the communal space that has been created downtown. “The way that the city organized this area in the downtown gives us a space for everyone,” Fishers resident of 20 years, Leigh Christiansen said. Over the years, Fishers has become a very diverse place. According to Adriz, both the Muslim and African communities in Fishers made her and her family feel welcome. Physician Sibal Ghuzal, an immigrant from Turkey, believed that the international grocery stores help her feel a sense of community, as do the people around her. “Most people are welcoming,” Ghuzal said. “Especially for myself in Fishers, I can say that people are very nice.” Information from City of Fishers. Graphics made by Emerson Elledge.

IKEA Graphics made by Emerson Elledge.


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Strength in numbers Siblings share how their bonds has impacted them

According to an NPR article, two-thirds of people reported that a brother or sister was one of their best friends.

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ighty percent of Americans have at least one sibling, according to a U.S. News & World Report article. In recent years, researchers have begun studying the impact that sibling bonds can have on an individual. A study done by researchers from the University of Rochester, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the University of Notre Dame found that adolescents with a strong sibling bond demonstrated lower levels of stress in response to parental fights than those with weaker sibling bonds. Furthermore, according to the British Psychological Society, children spend a considerable amount of time with their siblings and their relationship is often the longest lasting of their life. Sophomores Max and Julia Munkholm share a particularly close bond as twins. A study done by Alan Mikkelson of Whitworth University concluded that genetic relatedness and social support are correlated because siblings who have more in common often spend more time together. “I think it has made Max and I closer, being twins,” Julia Munkholm said. “I think it’s made my life better because I always have him to count on.” Max Munkholm agrees that being a twin has made the pair closer, and he also believes it made his life easier. According to him, it has been less difficult to make friends because they share a common friend group. “We get along pretty well,” Max Munkholm said. “Sometimes we have fights like other siblings, but I think we’re a lot closer because we can relate

Tiger Times

Lily Thomas


to each other more.” The twins enjoy watching sports and movies together. Although Max Munkholm said he also shares a strong bond with his older brother, he believes he has a deeper connection with Julia as they spend more time together and talk more frequently. Max Munkholm’s favorite thing about his sister is her competitiveness and she enjoys his humor. Both Max and Julia Munkholm think that when they were kids, they got annoyed with each other, but they are now bonded more and have moved past that stage. “I enjoy having a sibling because it makes everything more fun,” Julia Munkholm said. “Especially hanging out with the family and going on vacations.” According to The American Journal of Psychiatry, siblings who are closer emotionally show higher satisfaction later in life. An article on Psychology Today says that having a sibling affects a child’s social skills, making

Jack Boatman and senior Kyle Boatman pose at Harry & Izzy’s on Aug. 14. Photo courtesy of Kyle Before Boatman. the homecoming dance on Sept. 25, sophomores Julia and Max Munkholm pose together. Photo courtesy of Senior Julia Munkholm. Kate McCaskill and sophomore Claire McCaskill visit Illinois. Photo courtesy of Kate McCaskill.

April 2022


them more sympathetic and agreeable. However, the article says that siblings also experience rivalry and face conflict in many forms, with 85% of siblings being verbally aggressive to one another. Though sophomore Claire McCaskill and senior Kate McCaskill agree that they do not figh often, when they do, they make up easily. One thing that has impacted their relationship is their conflicting schedules. “During the fall, we’re both super busy because it is show choir and marching band season, so we don’t get to hang out as much,” Claire McCaskill said. “We really miss out on quality time in the fall because of our extracurriculars.” According to both sisters, they share a good relationship and their proximity in age helps improve their friendship with each other. When their extracurriculars are finished, the sisters enjoy spending time together. “Ever since I got my license, we love going on drives and shopping together,” Kate McCaskill said. “We also like listening to music and watching TikToks and laughing at them.” As for senior Kyle Boatman, his older brother Jack Boatman is a sophomore at Purdue University. Kyle Boatman believes that their bond has gotten better since his brother went to college.

“With the distance that Purdue put between me and him, we got closer,” Kyle Boatman said. “So that’s been nice because there’s not that much sibling rivalry anymore since he’s so far away, but if he’s home for more than two weeks, we start fighting.” Although they are both busy and have less time to hang out together now, the brothers enjoy playing video games with each other. Their family also loves food, and Kyle Boatman has noticed that his brother has been more exploratory with his food choices. According to Sarah Gundle, a clinical psychologist, siblings face a transitional period when the eldest sibling goes to college, and this time can increase sadness in younger siblings. However, Kyle Boatman does enjoy some aspects of his brother being away at college, such as a quieter house. Despite Kyle Boatman believing that his brother can talk too much, he does appreciate other qualities that Jack Boatman has. “I think a very key part of who he is is how competitive he is,” Kyle Boatman said. “It can get severely annoying, but I think it gives him that edge that he always has. He’s also very defensive, which I enjoy. He’s very defensive of just people in general, which I think is good for him.” In order to maintain sibling

relationships, a New York Times article recommends sharing goals, establishing a friendship, limiting comparisons of each other and voicing your appreciation of one another. While Jack Boatman attends college, the brothers often send each other memes and Instagram posts to keep in touch. Next year, Kyle Boatman will be heading to college. “I mean, the distance may get a little bigger, but I still think we’ll be close because we’ll probably have more to relate on college life and education level,” Kyle Boatman said. According to research done at Penn State University, siblings can influence each other in direct and indirect ways, such as how they interact with others and the development of their identity. Additionally, research done at the University of Calgary and the University of Toronto show that siblings also impact each other’s empathy levels. Kyle Boatman believes he would have been considerably different had he been an only child. “I think I probably would’ve been quieter than I am,” Kyle Boatman said. “We’re both humongous extroverts. He probably also influenced who I hang out with and who he hangs out with because a lot of his friends are friends with me and a lot of my friends are friends with him, so we just kind of get along.”

During fall break on Oct. 19, senior Kate McCaskill and sophomore Claire McCaskill pose for a picture in Chicago, Illinois. Photo courtesy of Kate McCaskill.


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Planting with a purpose Students hope to make an impact with new gardening club Laura Masoni


Local vegetable garden located in Columbus, Ohio. Photo courtesy of CP Thornton.

T Gardening Club call out meeting: May 5

Graphics by Laura Masoni.

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his May, FHS will be introducing a new club for any students interested in gardening, the environment, or looking for social opportunities. The club is headed by sophomore student leaders Addie Allgeier and Tseganesh Gregg. “Gardening club is going to be a place for everyone,” Allgeier said. “If you have no gardening experience, if you have tons, it is just to meet together, connect with nature and connect with the community in a low-stress way.” Meetings for the club will offer a diverse range of activities. While the club's focus is on planting for the spring season, it will also offer an opportunity for students to learn and engage in topics surrounding the environment. “We’ll have days where we will be very hands-on like actually planting the stuff, but we will also have days where we might not be doing planting

and we will just do an activity relating to it or we will do something environmental,” Gregg said. Students will also have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers. In the winter months, when planting season is over, English teacher Lori Kixmiller says speakers will come in to talk with members of the club and educate them on topics of gardening and beyond. In addition to gardening, the club will also engage in community outreach with the vegetables and various other plants grown in the gardens they will be planting in. For Gregg, this is what drew her into being a part of the group. “If we grow vegetables and stuff, we will donate that and that for me was something I was very interested in,” Gregg said. “Being able to help the community in that way while also learning a new skill, because gardening isn’t something I’ve done a lot before, I think that that is

good.” Whether you have done gardening for 10 years or 10 minutes, the club strives to create a place where everyone feels included. Kixmiller expresses that the environment will be warm, welcoming and messy. “We will definitely get our hands dirty during growing seasons. During the winter months, I expect other indoor activities,” Kixmiller said. The club does not require a large commitment, but for Gregg, she sees this as an advantage because she believes the reward is much greater. “You are learning how to become more environmentally aware of nature and then also the community around you. It is just really nice to do something for yourself and for others,” Gregg said. Gardening club will have its callout meeting after school May 5. More information and social media will be coming soon.

April 2022

Hydration nation

Water bottles serve as essential part of students’ lives Emma Tomlinson


On the go “It mostly comes with me everywhere, except when I forget it which is sadly pretty often. It’s been with me on all my trips but most recently it came to California with me,” said senior Claudia Eichenauer.

“I have tons of dents on my Hydro Flask. A lot of other people have dented my water bottle but I’ve made some dents. One time it was on the block at swim and someone ran into it,” said senior Ben Russell.

“Some of the places i’ve taken it is Colorado, Arizona, South Carolina and Florida. It really liked the mountains but for the rest of the trips it stayed home,” said senior Ben Russell.

Junior Jillian Blackburn

“My Hydro Flask comes with me to school every day and pretty much everywhere else. It’s been as far as Washington DC and Florida in the last few years I’ve had it,” said junior Jillian Blackburn.

Q: What did you think about the hydroflask VSCO girl “trend” that went around a couple of years ago? A: It was kind of funny because I did kind of match the stereotype, but I definitely got annoyed by getting made fun of for a water bottle I had bought in eighth grade.

Standing out from the crowd

Sophomore Molly Walsh

“I think putting stickers makes my water bottle more individual and they also help me not lose it. I get my stickers from Redbubble.”

“My water bottle is kind of like a Hydro Flask but I actually got it from another brand at Target because they are a lot cheaper there than Hydro Flasks.” Scan this QR code to explore popular water bottle options and find stickers made by independent artists to personalize your water bottle!

The psychology behind attachment Object attachment is the amount to which one’s sense of self is connected with their possessions. Attachment to an object can serve many purposes, including emotional regulation. Humans are creatures of habit and find comfort in familiarity, such as with objects and routines. Having an object like a water bottle that is carried everywhere and incorporated into everyday routines can help soothe a person and provide semblance of normalcy. Especially with the amount of isolation that many people went through at the beginning of COVID-19, having a “comfort object” provided emotional support for many when interpersonal interactions were limited. Social media users have nicknamed these support objects as “emotional support water bottles” and share their personalized bottles on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

Arts & Culture

Taking care of yourself and the planet

Senior Claudia Eichenauer

“I’m not entirely sure why I bring my water bottle everywhere, but I guess it makes me feel good to drink water, like it makes me feel healthier and more productive.”

“I feel a lot better physically when I’m hydrated and it’s a lot cheaper to find a water fountain when I’m out and about than it is to buy bottled water. With so much plastic pollution, it’s better to go reusable wherever you can. and it’s just more convenient,” said junior Jillian Blackburn.

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Home away from home Foreign exchange students describe their experiences at FHS


“I just love the spirit, just like supporting each other, my swim Blanche Le Guen mates, they were Blanche Le Guen is a senior from This year, she was a part of awesome,” France. the FHS World Guard Team. Photo Jiménez by Abby Miller. said. “Now I’m in tennis, which I’m Tom Wolkenhauer so excited for. I think Tom Wolkenhauer is a senior from This year he was a part it’s going Germany. of the FHS track and cross country to be team. Photo by Abby Miller. super fun.”

Tiger Times


oreign exchange students from Spain, Germany and France have had the opportunity to learn at FHS throughout the school year. This opportunity has let them experience a new culture and allowed them to try new activities. For all of the foreign exchange students, life at FHS has been different in many ways. “In Spain, we have an assigned class,” senior Laura Jiménez said. “So the students, we just stay in the class for the whole day, and then the teachers are the ones that move around school. So, I stay with 25 other students just the whole day, and then the only time we get to meet other people is during our breaks.” For senior Blanche Le Guen, who is from France, the biggest difference between school at FHS and school in France is the school hours. In France, students are in school for a longer period of time. “We get to school [at FHS] at 8:30 a.m. and we get out at 3 p.m.,” Le Guen said. “In France I would go to school at 8 a.m. in the morning every day and get out at 5 or 6 p.m.” However, according to senior Tom Wolkenhauer who is from Germany, the biggest


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difference for him is the student transportation. “Everybody here has a car, and everyone gets to school with a car or with a school bus,” Wolkenhauer said. “In Germany, you go to school by taking the train or riding your bike.” In addition to student transportation, another major difference Wolkenhauer had to adapt to was the homework system at FHS. While Wolkenhauer was eventually able to adjust, the homework system did affect his grades in the first semester. “Every homework [assignment] is graded in the U.S.,” Wolkenhauer said. “In Germany, homework isn’t that big, so if you forget your homework, it’s not a big deal.” In addition to attending FHS, foreign exchange students also have the opportunity to participate in activities outside of school. These activities include clubs, sports and performing arts. “I was really into sports,” Jiménez said. “I swam in Spain and played tennis. Here, sports are way more different and more competitive, so I really liked that because in Spain, I don’t know if I’ll ever get that opportunity.”


April 2022


Since sports are a little different in the United States, they have been one of Jiménez’s favorite activities. “I love the spirit, just like supporting each other, my swim mates, they were awesome,” Jiménez said. “Now I’m in tennis, which I’m so excited for. I think it’s going to be super fun.” However, for Wolkenhauer, who is currently running for the track team and ran cross country, the practice schedule was something that he had to get used to. “It was a little bit of a shock for me that we had practice every day of the week and then I had a meet on Saturday and then also a practice on Sunday,” Wolkenhauer said. “In Germany, we only have practice two times a week.” Similar to Germany and Spain, according to Le Guen, extracurricular activities are also different in France compared to FHS. “In France, school and your activity are separated,” Le Guen said. “At school, you only study, and then you get out of school and then you have your club outside of school. So, you can be in the club with people from all schools.” In addition to being immersed in a new culture and participating in new activities, foreign exchange students are doing all of this in a second language. However, according

to Jiménez this has not been an obstacle. “I started to study English when I was three years old as well as German, so I’m trilingual,” Jiménez said. “I guess once you start really young, it’s way easier because you kind of have the basics when you are younger.” However, despite learning the language from a young age, there were still some language gaps that Jiménez experienced when she came to FHS. “I learned British English,” Senior Laura Jiménez smiles at her teammate junior Megan Jiménez said. “I started saying trousers and people were looking at Parker at the FHS mudsock meet on Jan. 7. Photo used with me weird because here you don’t say permission of Jackie Stein. trousers.” While the foreign exchange students will eventually be leaving at the end of the school year, for Jiménez, the experience at FHS has been a positive one. “Being in the school, people are so kind to each other,” Jiménez said. “I really like it in general.”

Laura Jiménez

Laura Jiménez is a senior from Spain. This year, she was a part of the FHS swim team and tennis team. Photo by Abby Miller.

This map represents the countries that each of the foreign exchange students are from. From left to right the countries are: Spain, France and Germany. Graphic by Abby Miller.


Arts & Culture

1. The French flag. 2. The Spanish flag. 3. The German flag. Photos used with permission of Creative Commons license.

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Torchy’s Tacos packed restaurant during opening week on March 26 serving tacos, chips and drinks at the bar. Photo by Kristen Rummel.

Something new is cookin’ up Local taco resturant opens by Fishers District Kristen Rummel


rinks, chips and queso and fresh tacos make their way out the service door to crowds of hungry people opening week of Torchy’s Tacos. Lively music, bar entertainment and tacos have attracted large crowds of locals to try the new restaurant. Torchy’s Tacos is a TexMex fast-casual restaurant serving a variety of tacos, taco bowls, dessert and drinks. The restaurant is known for its unique, tasty combinations and its upbeat in-house culture. The restaurant was born in a food trailer in Austin, Texas 15 years ago with unique flavor combinations beloved by locals now, with 100 locations and the second location in Indiana. “Our founder, Mike Rypke, built a menu out of experimental tacos that were coined by fans as ‘d*** good’ our mantra to this day,” Torchy’s Tacos communications manager Marisa Patterson said. “Torchy’s has continued sharing ‘taco love’ ever since. At Torchy’s we’re all about creative, scratch-made tacos, hand-shaken margaritas and our award-winning green chile queso.” Torchy’s Tacos was recognized by USA Today in the Best 10 readers’ choice competition for ‘Best Fast-Casual Restaurant’. The restaurant was nominated by USA Today’s board of experts then picked and voted on by

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readers. Competing with other popular restaurants like Shake Shack and Panera Bread, Torchy’s placed fifth. “Opening week has been constant business and lots of hard work,” senior Evan Mattox and Torchy’s tacos employee said. “We take pride in giving customers genuine and delicious food, so it’s been fun the whole time.” The restaurant creates a new taco combination at the beginning of every month and features the creation as the taco of the month. This can be found under the Newsroom tab on their website, “The Daily Taco”. The new taco location is 11595 Whistle Dr. Suite 101-A, by the Fishers District. Torchy’s offers dine-in, takeout and delivery and offers an easy-to-use app for contactless ordering. “Its [Torchy’s Tacos] become my new favorite casual dining restaurant. The food is filling and delivers several different taste palates,” Mattox said. Overall what stands out about Torchy’s is their house-made tortillas. The ready-to-eat tacos are served on a special house-made taco from scratch adding so much more character to the taco. They are moist and full of flavor holding all the taco goodness inside. “The food is fresh and my go to place to get tacos here,” senior Cooper Cunningham said. “I’ve recommended it to so many of my friends already.”


Mr. orange: Blackened salmon taco served with grilled corn and black bean relish, cotija cheese, cilantro and a lime wedge with avocado sauce on a house-made tortilla. The salmon was fresh and cooked thoroughly, flavors blended well with the lime and just a touch of freshness with the avocado sauce.

B aj a sh rimp: Deep-fried shrimp with cooked cabbage slaw, pickled onions and Jalapenos, cotija cheese, cilantro and a lime wedge with the option of chipotle sauce on a fresh corn tortilla. The chipotle sauce paired nicely with the taco to balance all the flavors. This taco is a bit spicier and seemed over salted from all the pickled toppings and the breading on the shrimp. Mofu a x: Cowboy-style beyond beef taco topped with green chiles grilled corn, peppadew peppers, fresh avocado, cilantro paired with diablo sauce and a hot tortilla. The chiles add a spicy kick to the taco, and when paired with the diablo sauce the taco reaches a new spice level.




April 2022

Q& A Ready for the real world

Q &A The realities kids face when growing into new responsibilities Kindell Readus


With the end of the school year now in the foreseeable future, the reality of what comes next is starting to set in for many students. Within the following text one will see a mixture of perspectives on the topic of whether or not students feel ready for the world after high school.

Q: How does the idea of growing up make you feel?

Samantha Bassett: The idea of growing up gives me a sense of safety and something to look forward to. I have wanted to lead my own life for as long as I can remember, no longer under the control of my parents or adults. When I grow up, I can be who I want to be, live where I want to and have trust in my obligations as an adult. Although most would disagree, I think the idea that I would have to work every day and pay for everything myself is exhilarating. I would love the security of having only myself to rely on. Kyle Dicken: The idea of growing up is exciting because of the new opportunities I have, but I am also scared of it since they also come with responsibilities that are difficult to manage.

Q: A lot of people say that there is a feeling of “running out of time.” Is this true for you? If so, how does that resonate for you?

SB: I personally do not experience the feeling that I’m running out of time. If anything, I wish that time would go faster so I could finally thrive in my idea of freedom. I intend on living my life to the fullest as soon as possible so I will never end up feeling like I wasted my life when I grow old. I believe that, if you live the life you want, you’ll never run out of time. KD: There is a feeling of running out of time. Whenever thinking of time, whenever thinking of an elderly family member that’s passed, you feel like you never spend enough time with them.

Q: If asked where you see yourself in 10 years, would you know (as in have an idea of where you want to live, what your family would look like etc.), or would it still be unclear? What kind of feelings does this question evoke? SB: I have a relatively clear idea of what I would like to do with my life in the future. I want to live, work and go to college in New York. I have no intent to have a family or partner, though. I want to live in an apartment and work in forensic ballistics. But if this doesn’t go as planned, I would be just as satisfied working as like a waitress or something like that. I personally don’t think I would need total financial stability to be happy and satisfied with my life. KD: I wouldn’t say I have a clear plan, but I do have an idea of what I want to become and who I want to be as a person. I want to become an engineer, hopefully working for a company for the betterment of humanity.

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i so d Su n s e s n o et lat Students reflect, prepare for fasting in school after two years of fasting at home


or the past two years, Ramadan for Muslim students looked like waking up extra early before sunrise in order to get a quick, filling meal in. Then for some, sleeping for most of the day so the time would pass quickly. Afterwards, they would break their fast with their loved ones and stay up all night celebrating another successful day of fasting and eating to their heart’s content before starting the routine all over again. This year, however, will be a different experience due to school being in-person again. “I wish people knew about the feeling of Ramadan,” senior Tahaa Munir said. “The excitement of going to the Masjid every night to pray, going to eat early in the morning with your friends, the anticipation of breaking your fast with the people you love. It’s something you can only understand if you participate.” According to the Muslim’s prophet, Muhammad, the purpose of Ramadan is to refrain from eating and performing malicious deeds, and it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It lasts from sunrise to sunset each day over the course of a full lunar cycle. The imam at AlHussain Mosque, Shamaas Nyazee, stated that Ramadan has three prevalent aspects behind it. “First, Ramadan is a month in which the Qur’an was revealed,” Imam Nyazee said. “Therefore, it’s a celebration of the Qur’an, and that’s why we recite it so often. Secondly, it involves fasting, which is there as spiritual training and to disconnect ourselves from the

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world’s leads and connect ourselves to the spiritual needs. Also, [Ramadan includes] staying away from social ills and from talking bad about others. I think a lot of it is just self-control, self-restraint and being able to curb our desires.” While Ramadan’s purpose and meaning has many different features, it is a common misconception that the only characteristic is Muslims go the entire month without food or water. Not only is abstaining from food and water not the sole reason behind the holy month, but Muslims do break their fast (known as iftar) once the sun sets. “I remember as a kid, I was fasting in high school, and I told [one of my friends] about Ramadan,” Imam Nyazee said. “[My friend] said, ‘That’s fascinating, you don’t eat or drink anything the entire month?’ I said, ‘No, that’s not even humanly possible.’ So a lot of people have a misconception about the time and whether we’re allowed to eat at all.” Imam Nyazee puts further emphasis on the importance of the spiritual part of Ramadan. Not many people are aware of the reasoning behind abstinence, which is to focus on the relation to religion and God. More than anything else, Ramadan is an opportunity for Muslims to have a full month to reconnect to their roots. “I wish more people knew the spiritual side of Ramadan rather than only the fact that we fast,” sophomore Salma Moussaif said. “I wish they knew why we fast, which

is to deepen our relationship with God, practice more prayers and give more charity during this month.” The sense of community arises when fellow Muslims endure the same hardships and journey through Ramadan. This allows for encouragement from peers. According to board member of the Fishers AlHuda mosque, Mountaha Yasin, the AlHuda mosque has already started Ramadan-related programs. “[I’m excited to] see how our community comes together for the whole month,” Munir said. “While Fishers has strong Muslim representation that is tight-knit, we especially come together at Ramadan. Aside from the nightly prayers, we come together to break our fasts, learn about our religion and raise funds for Muslims worldwide.” However, due to the effects of the pandemic, the usual Ramadan traditions have been put on hold for the last two years. Praying in the mosque was limited and visiting family to celebrate and eat together was rare, which stripped away the community Ramadan typically brought. “Like everything else, it feels good to be back,” Munir said. “There hasn’t been any big Ramadan events that have occurred since the new masjid opened, and our community is excited to host iftars and other events for Muslims and nonMuslims alike.” On the other hand, fasting at home for the past two Ramadans did have its advantages.

Design by Malak Samara. April 2022

Ram d a n a Malak Samara


According to Healthline, a common outcome of fasting is fatigue and lack of strength, both physically and mentally, to focus on tasks. Being at home reduced that feeling because there was no concern of being in a stressful school environment. “We don’t have to stress about school as much and just focus on ourselves,” Moussaif said. “I am able to take naps and rest so I don’t focus on hunger. We also don’t have to see others eat in front of us and tempt us as most of our family are fasting. I am also able to take more of a part in the spiritual side of Ramadan like reading our holy book, the Qur’an, and pray Tarawih, a special [Ramadan] prayer, which is very healing.” According to Yasin, a way to relieve the stress of school and being around students who eat is having the library or a separate classroom open to Muslim students. That way, Muslims are able to find a sense of community with those going through a similar experience and do not have to feel tempted by food. “I think the Muslim Student Association (MSA) just wants to create a space to encourage students because I imagine it can be pretty hard, particularly with the fasting piece of it, while dealing with school,” MSA sponsor Matt Bockenfeld said. On top of added fatigue, many other challenges have emerged now that Muslims have to fast while at school again. Junior Yasmeen Omar feels that the most concerning part would be falling

Arts & Culture

behind on schoolwork due to the irregular sleep routine. “I know [fasting during school] can be very difficult and very draining, especially when you have to pay attention in class,” Imam Nyazee said. “Having to go through the entire day without eating anything and to process information and take tests can be very difficult on the brain. Whereas at home, you can choose to stay up in the dining room and then sleep after sunrise until a good portion of the day is gone and then wake up and only need to be awake while fasting for a few hours. [Fasting at school] is definitely a challenge, and it’s just that much more rewarding.” Bockenfeld believes a solution to the fear of falling behind on schoolwork is educating teachers on Ramadan and what to expect from Muslim students who are participating in it. “What we really need is for teachers to be aware and have a basic understanding of what Ramadan is and know what their students are going through,’’ Bockenfeld said. “We want students to know that if they don’t want to take an assessment eighth block, they can schedule with their teacher and take it during TI, closer to when they last ate. We just want teachers ready to accommodate.” Moreover, Muslims who participate in sports or have a gym class often time find themselves in a difficult situation. Omar believes playing a sport while fasting will be a challenge. “I will always speak with my [lacrosse] coaches, and they

understand that I am fasting,” Omar said. “Then they won’t push me as hard as they would have when I wasn’t fasting. If I ever need it to be called out or take a second [to rest], they’ll allow me to.” In addition to Muslim’s physical health being disrupted due to fasting at school, it can also get in the way of their spiritual connection. Having free time at home allowed for extra time to study and recite the Qur’an, research the religion or pray. “We aren’t able to create that deeper bond with God as we are busy studying for tests and doing homework mostly,” Moussaif said. Even though there are hardships that occur while fasting at school, there are also long-term benefits that form. According to Imam Nyazee, fasting at school teaches self restraint and allows for Muslims to empathize with those who do not have the privilege to eat on a day-to-day basis. Furthermore, Yasin believes that it is an opportunity to educate peers about Ramadan and the reasoning behind it since they are able to witness Muslims participating in the holy month. “I am happy and ready to take part in something that I have missed in the last two Ramadans,” Moussaif said. “Which was being able to take part in more in-person relationships with my fellow Muslims in school and out of it, for us to bond over the month and to be able to really feel the gratitude for what God has given us.” Make sure to follow the Ramadan diaries on TikTok @fhstigertimes.

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What’s the deal with the jokes? Students, teachers use humor as tool at school Nate Albin


or some, the classroom can become a sounding board for young jokesters. Whether it be the traditional class clown or someone making a one-off line about the subject matter, school and comedy have been linked together for ages. Senior Bradley Lister is an aspiring comedian and writer. Comedy has always stuck out to him as something intriguing that he wanted to pursue, even during school hours. “When I was young, I’d see the specials on TV, and I was always Senior Bradley Lister interested in them and I kept performs a standup set at asking my parents if I could do it, Cracker’s Comedy Club but they’d always say ‘no’ because in Indianapolis on May I was a big troublemaker in 13, 2021. Photo used school and they said that was the with permission of Bradley last thing I needed,” Lister said. Lister. Lister still decided to continue

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down the path of creating humorous content. After seeing him speak in public, his parents rethink their decision and let him try standup. “But I’d started writing jokes anyway, every day since the start of 2020,” Lister said. “And then about a year ago, I had a friend pass away and I gave a speech at his vigil and my parents saw that and saw I had some talent for public speaking.” Since then, Lister has developed his standup work, performed sets and has also started joke writing for the nationally syndicated Bob and Tom Show. While some perform out of school, others, like sophomore Casey Alexander, use in-school avenues such as the speech team as their stage. They work their pieces through a similar process as comedians like Lister. “A lot of the other events [in speech team] are focused around drama, and I can’t do that without feeling fake, so I figured humorous was for me,” Alexander said. “It’s a lot of brute-forcing. You try a line in one way, and if it doesn’t work one way, it doesn’t work; if it does, it’s good.” While similar, a venue like a speech meet differs greatly from a local club. One of the most important parts of comedy is greatly changed when at a speech meet: the laugh. “In standup, people are laughing all the time because they are the audience,” Alexander said. “But in speech, you aren’t actually supposed to laugh. So when you do actually get a laugh, it lets everyone else laugh a bit easier and that makes my job so much easier and my piece seem a bit funnier.”

Even teachers get in the joke-making racket. For English teacher Keith Shelton, who actively inserts comedic moments into his teaching, the key is making sure to blend the fun and the learning. “Some of it is my personality, but honestly, it’s intentional,” Shelton said. “I realize that though this is the subject matter I have chosen to pursue on a daily basis, many of my students are taking it because a computer is telling them they have to take this class at this time. Many of them dread classes they don’t love, so if you make it a little lighthearted, you get them to relax and see the humor because life has humor.” Laughter can be fun for teachers and students alike, but the point of school is still to learn. Shelton knows he has to build that report with students to ensure the work is done while having fun. “Like everything with a relationship, it takes trust,” Shelton said. “Early on, it’s setting the expectations, but even on the days when I’m setting the expectations, I’m going to show some of my personality. Building those moments of being realistic allows you to build moments of levity later.” Comedy and school can be intertwined, whether practiced in the class or performed in comedy clubs. And for some, hearing other people joke around can help make them the funniest they can be. “You go to these open mics,” Lister said. “You see people killing it, and it makes you want to get to their level. You also see people who aren’t great and it makes you want to not end up like them.”

April 2022

Winning inside and out Girls track team practices, trains in indoor, outdoor venues Andrew Haughey



rack and field, unlike other spring sports, has the unique opportunity to schedule both indoor and outdoor meets. This gives the sport inherent flexibility, as outdoor venues can be utilized for larger meets and indoor venues can be used at the beginning of the season when weather tends to be more difficult to work with. Although having flexibility in where to practice and compete can be helpful, Sophomore Marina Agapios participates on the sprinting team and said that workouts and practices are often shuffled around or compromised to work indoors instead of outdoors. “With one of our hardest workouts, 200 repeats, if we were outdoors then we would just do it on the track, which is pretty simple,” Agapios said. “When we’re indoors, sometimes we have to split up into groups and do it down the diagonal hallway between A and B.” In addition to the rearrangement of practices that athletes are used to, Agapios said running indoors can be hard on an athlete’s body, while training outdoors makes practices less stuffy. “Practicing indoors is not terrible, it’s just that when you have to turn so much, it’s hard on your hips,” Agapios said. “Being outdoors, everyone is just spread out so much more and it’s easier to do the workout.” Although Agapios has a preference for practicing outdoors, she emphasized the importance of being able to adapt to whatever situation is necessary. “You have to be flexible with how the coaches run things,”


Agapios said. “You can’t try in one setting and then not try in the other because it will end up screwing up your times in practice, and that’s what they go off of [for choosing rosters for meets].” In addition to practices being rearranged to fit indoors instead of outdoors, meets must also be organized in a way that maximizes efficiency, due to the limited space indoors. Because of this, senior distance runner Elizabeth Barrett said some technical aspects of meets are different depending on their venue. “For outdoor meets, the order is a little different,” Barrett said. “We’ll usually start with the relays and a 4x800, and then the last events would be the 3200 and the 4x400, but it’s a little flipped indoors. When indoors, there are a lot more laps around the track just because the track is only 200 meters, rather than 400 meters. Some events also don’t have an event when indoors, either.” Since athletes are required to run more laps when meets are indoors, Barrett believes longer races can begin to feel slow and repetitive. Because of this, she emphasized the importance of keeping a strong mentality no matter the environment the race is held in. “When we’re used to a certain dynamic or situation, and then we have to change the way we train or the way we do the meet, it can be difficult for people to make that change fast,” Barrett said. “It’s important to keep that open mindset. We try to keep it positive and not think ‘Okay, well I have to go run a lot of laps around the track,’ but think more like ‘Okay, it’s the

same amount of distance as it was outdoors.’” Sarah Riordan, the girls head coach and coach for the sprinting and jumping team, said that another factor to take into account is the immediate change felt by runners when they are used to a specific schedule. “Every once in a while, athletes can, rightfully so, make excuses once we come outside just because it’s a change right away,” Riordan said. “A workout that we would normally do outdoors, but we have been doing indoors might bring up things like ‘Oh, but there’s wind today, so am I supposed to be able to still hit my same target time?’” In spite of the troubles some athletes face immediately after making the transition to outdoor practices and competitions, Riordan said outdoor competition is the truest reflection of what conditions athletes should be preparing for. “Ultimately, outdoors is our arena,’’ Riordan said. “Our athletes are extremely used to how

Sophomore Anna Williams and freshman Jurnee Hall race against Pendleton Heights in the 100 meter hurdles at Fishers High School on March 30. Photo by Lily Thomas

track season starts in February; they know this beginning time is indoors, and I think they do an excellent job of utilizing the facilities that we have and we make the most of the space that we do get.”

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Junior Tate Meaux (11) runs in the 3200 meter race at the Hoosier State Relay Indoor Finals in Bloomington on March 26. Photo by Andrew Haughey.

Racing to the top Boys track uses goal setting to grow as a team

“We try our best in practice everyday and strive to get better. We make sure to fully prepare for meets, and we compete to the best of our abilities.” Page 20


hroughout all levels of sports, there is a key component that is always present: goal setting. Whether they are at the top of their sport or are still looking to get better, athletes are always setting goals for themselves in hopes of achieving and surpassing them. The boys track team is no different. Senior Keefer Soehngen firmly believes that setting high goals is key to improvement as an athlete. Additionally, he uses these goals to help motivate himself even more. “This season, I want to compete in the 4x4, 400-meter, 800-meter and the 4x8 at the state meet,” Soehngen said. “It hasn’t been done before because the 400 and 800 are difficult and you only get 30 minutes in between races, which is why I have been training my body so I can handle that much stress and recover quickly.” Soehngen believes that his training, both before and after the season, has been beneficial.

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Nicholas Rasmusson


He feels as though it has placed him into a position where he can achieve his goals. “I’ve been doing a whole different set of training,” Soehngen stated. “My coach would give me workouts, and I would do them by myself outside, in the cold. Running outside makes you have to pace yourself which is different on your muscles, so running two or three miles outside per day helped set me ahead this season.” While achieving goals is a high priority for the team, there have been some setbacks along the way. The team has dealt with some injuries this season. Freshman Bryson Slagle was injured to start the season, but he emphasizes that he is excited to be back at practice and is working to get back to top form. “I’ve been injured the past couple of weeks, so my mileage training has been low,” Slagle said. “Rehab was boring because I didn’t get to be in the practice atmosphere that I’m used to.” As a freshman, Slagle knows

that he still has multiple high school seasons left after this year, and because of this he is setting goals that he believes will benefit him in the future. “At the moment, I’m trying to get my mile time under 4:40,” Slagle said. “That is my main goal at the moment.” Similar to Slagle, junior Ethan Nix has set a goal to improve his mile time. Despite this, Nix emphasizes that while individual goals are important, the team as a whole is the top priority. The team has its eyes set on winning a state championship, and they are utilizing every practice to better themselves and work toward that goal. “We try our best in practice everyday and strive to get better,” Nix said. “We make sure to fully prepare for meets, and we compete to the best of our ability when we race.” The boys track season runs through the end of the school year, with it all culminating at the state meet on June 4 at Indiana University.

April 2022

Chemistry over character Softball team looks to form bonds to help strengthen performance Avery Roe



he Fisher Tiger’s softball team is working for a comeback season this year. Since the team made it to the last round of sectionals in the last season, they’re pushing harder to win it this season. Another goal of theirs is to connect and spend more time with each other, which was more difficult in the past season due to COVID. Senior Kaylee Kardash said “It feels more like freshman year where we’re all together as a team more.” The team has worked to improve their confidence and attitude during both games and practices. Junior Abby Gavin said that they are often reminded that errors happen and that they just have to move on. Kardash agreed and added that since the team is all girls, it’s easy to get upset but they are good at resolving the problems quickly.

“Yeah, last season, I feel like there was a lot of stress,” Gavin said. “This season, we all seem to be much more like we just seem to be less stressed and having more fun.” Softball requires both communication, as a team, and individual skills. Gavin said that the team will focus on a lot of team bonding this season, as this also improves the energy on the field. She added that the team encourages and supports each other constantly. “It’s very much, you want the other person to do well,” Kardash said. “It’s not all about yourself.” The team practices together for 2 hours Monday-Saturday. The main aspect of their training is playing out different game situations but also includes going to the cages to work on hitting or throwing. In addition to regular practices, the team also works out in the

weight room. “We’ll split up into groups sometimes, or we’ll all be together for practice,” freshman Hailey Kinder said. “So really just depending on the day.” According to Kinder, the team does better with defense than offense. Kinder further explained that their weakness in offense is due to not being able to read the pitcher in time. “We’re good at being deep,” Kinder said. “We have a lot of upperclassmen and lowerclassmen in our defense that are good.” Gavin and Kardash agreed that one of the team’s biggest strengths is their attitude. The team is able to refocus and bring it back together after mistakes, not letting them compile or impact future plays. “It’s a lot of hard work and a lot of feedback coming from the coaches, but it’s all for the best,” Kardash said.

Softball Positions Left Field Center Field

Third Base

Short Stop

Second Base Pitcher Right Field First Base Catcher Graphic by Avery Roe.


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The FHS baseball team poses for a picture while debuting their new home uniforms. Photo courtesy of Tate Warner.

Making the journey back Baseball team looks to return to state championship game


fter falling to Jasper in the IHSAA Class 4A Baseball State Championship game last season, the goal for the FHS baseball team this season is to redeem themselves. The team begins the season ranked first in Class 4A in the Indiana High School Baseball Coaches Association preseason poll. “Our expectation for the season is to return to Victory Field to play in the state championship game again,” head coach Matthew Cherry said. “Our goals are also to win the HCC and win 20+ games.” Sophomore Caulin Brown says that the team has a clear goal that everyone agrees on. “To go win a state title, that’s everybody’s expectations on the team and we all believe it and we just more hungrier than last year”, Brown said. Senior Jack Backofen agrees with Cherry and Brown adding that the preseason Class 4A #1 ranking from the coaches association plays a role in the team’s expectations and adds that it comes with added pressure.

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“Our number one goal is to be able to replicate what we did last year and get back to state,” Backofen said. “By being ranked preseason #1, you got a pretty big target.” “We’re just trying to make sure we have as much intensity as we can each practice,” Backofen said. “Trying to replicate as many in game situations as we can.” Cherry says that the team comes together to work to achieve the goals that have been set for the season. Cherry also mentioned that the team is very focused on team success and not so much on individual success. “Our guys play their best when they are playing for each other and are focused on the team mission,” Cherry said. “Do not care who receives the glory or the credit, but when they come together and play as one unit on the same mission.” According to Cherry, in preparation for the season, the team has been emphasizing a sense of togetherness and that they need each other to be successful and achieve their

common goal. “Our guys know that talent wins during the regular season, but camaraderie and team chemistry wins championships,” Cherry said. “We’ve challenged our guys to stay together, to push one another to improve, to hold each other accountable and to understand that a successful season is bigger than any one person and is bigger than any individual game.” According to Brown the team is working extra hard in practice and players are also getting work in at the Fishers Sports Academy. “Every single day we’re in practice just running 110%,” Brown said. “A lot of guys go to FSA it’s another place that people go to and we all just hit and build good bonds together.” As of April 11, the team has a record of 5-1 and remains ranked first in the coaches poll. The next home game for the team is against Westfield High School at 6:00 p.m. on April 21. The team finishes the season with 10 of their last 16 regular season games at home.

April 2022

Bumped to the side Boys volleyball underappreciated despite success Senior Austin Pifer serving during a match. Photo used with permission of Natasha Tomlinson.



Ava Hunt

he boys volleyball team has experienced much success since its creation. The program has won two state championships since 2019. Despite the team’s success, the program isn’t listed on the school’s athletics page. This is partially due to the fact that boys’ volleyball is a club sport that is unsanctioned by the IHSAA. Members and coaches of the team believe that they deserve more recognition for their accomplishments. “We are lucky to have very good support from our high school for boys volleyball, but we don’t get the same recognition as other sports,” Head coach Carlos Capo said. “We’ve had two players win the Indiana High School Boys Volleyball Player of the Year awards, but they are not displayed on the Hall of Fame wall near the main gym.” Instead of having individual banners to recognize their state titles, the boys volleyballs’ championship titles are listed under a collective “club sports” banner in the main gym. Senior Bryant Cochran believes that the underappreciation of the teams’ success could change if more students attended and promoted their games. “We need more people to show up to our games,” Cochran said. “We need FHS Tiger Cage Instagram to advertise our games more and would be a huge way to support us. I think we need a bigger Instagram to post our games and make it as big of a deal as football.” Another downside to not being recognized as an IHSAA sport


is their funding deficit. Since the program doesn’t receive funding from the school, the money comes straight out of the players and their parents’ pockets. That is one of the reasons why junior Sean Powell would love to see boys’ volleyball become a sanctioned sport. “If the IHSAA makes volleyball a sport, we will get a lot more funding,” Powell said. “Each player has to pay a lot of money to play the game. We have to pay for new balls, new jerseys and food for the away games. It’s a lot of money to play and making us an official sport would help a lot.” Regardless of the lack of recognition that boys volleyball receives, the program continues to excel and expand. Coach Capo attempts to uphold their successful legacy by holding open gyms in the fall to sharpen the players’ skills before the season begins. He also believes the program is a great place for new players to join and see if volleyball is something they are interested in. “Boys volleyball gives athletes that may be cut from other sports the opportunity to compete for and represent their school in a team sport environment,” Capo said. “Volleyball is a very competitive sport, but we also like to have fun. We have new players that come out to open gyms and fall in love with volleyball very quickly.” The loving environment within the program is one of the reasons Cochran believes the program is so successful. He believes that their team has amazing

chemistry and has formed a friend group through playing together. “One of the reasons why boys’ volleyball has had so much success over the years is because of the attitude surrounding the sport,” Cochran said. “With boys’ volleyball, there is no negativity within the sport. There is love from all angles and every teammate loves one another.” Considering the successfulness of the program, members and coaches feel an underlying pressure to uphold the legacy FHS boys’ volleyball has created. Powell expresses that there are big shoes to fill, especially coming into the program as a first-year player. Even the surrounding schools take notice of the dominating record of the program. “There is pressure on us from other teams and just around the state since we are known as the volleyball powerhouse,” Cochran said. “But we don’t necessarily feel a ton of pressure because of how lighthearted and fun the program is. We make sure not to beat ourselves up over a loss and have a short-term memory.” Both Powell and Cochran agree that a bigger student section helps them feel more supported and more energized to play the game. They both encourage as many students to come to the games as possible. The next big matchup for them is April 20 against Zionsville. “Boys’ volleyball is a lot more fun to watch than people think,” Powell said. “The game is super fast paced. People jump crazy high and hit the ball super hard, and there is an electric feeling when you watch it.”

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Junior Will Schnefke holds the ball during a match. Photo used with permission of Natasha Tomlinson.

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Relating to the un-relatable Influencers experience harsh cycle of fame, criticism for lifestyle Emilia Citoler



he term “influencer” was first coined by the New York Times in 2018; the term was used to describe a group of people who post online to their respective platforms. Usually, these influencers have the power to sway their audience to do or buy a certain thing. While some influencers become popular enough to earn a celebrity status, influencers have their own sort of fame. On platforms like TikTok and Instagram, and in some cases YouTube, regular people have the ability to post videos that are considered “relatable.” These videos can go viral, reaching millions of views and high levels of engagement. These posts can be a fluke, but in some cases, they can start their creator down a troublesome trajectory. Becoming famous for being relatable will inevitably backfire; the phrase itself being contradictory. Fame is certainly not relatable, but is sought after by many members of Gen Z. With platforms like TikTok, which have the ability to blow up creators seemingly overnight, fame does not seem too far out of reach. In reality, gaining enough momentum on social media to be considered an influencer is a game of luck and chance. Younger consumers of social media, like those in the age

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range of 14 to 18, have grown up familiar with the idea of “going viral.” The lush lifestyle of influencers is tempting, but is not achievable for most. Here is where being “relatable” tends to go wrong: If an influencer’s audience initially followed for the relatable nature of the content and said influencer effectively gains a celebrity status, the content that follows is not relatable. That influencer then loses the very quality that attracted most of their audience. The best way to understand this phenomenon is to look at the real-life examples of this cycle. Emma Chamberlain, arguably one of the famous influencers to emerge from YouTube, began posting videos in 2017. A couple of years later, Chamberlain had over eight million subscribers. In 2022, Chamberlain founded her own coffee company, maintained a partnership with Louis Vuitton and gained a considerable amount of wealth. Chamberlain blew up for being relatable because she showed a raw and unfiltered look into her life as a regular high school student. Her videos were mostly vlogs that documented her everyday life, without click-bait or gimmicks. Today, the lifestyle Chamberlain leads is completely unattainable for the average viewer, from

her million dollar house to the grocery stores she shops at. The response from her audience to her newer projects reflects this shift into being un-relatable. Her once adoring fans that praised her being raw and unfiltered have turned on her, saying her content is “out of touch” and “disconnected from reality.” While Chamberlain’s transformation into being unrelatable spanned over a few years, other influencers have gone through the same process at a rapid rate. Victoria Paris, who found her fame on Tiktok, accumulated a large following for showing her life as a New York City resident. She, like Chamberlain, posted an unfiltered look into her life as a 20-something-year-old, showing content such as new drinks that she tried from a local Asian market or the subways she frequented. After her initial success, the grim reality of her situation set in: How do you create relatable content when you, yourself, are un-relatable? This is a question that is not unique to Paris, or Chamberlain. Many influencers must face this shift in their general perception and decide how to modify their content to appease their viewers. This cycle is not at the fault of the audience, rather a consequence of the influence of fame and fortune.

April 2022

Sleeping through the trends Accounts affiliated with schools jumps up on feed Veda Thangudu



s many social media users have noticed recently, there has been a sudden spike in humorous school accounts. The purpose of these accounts is to entertain the public by posting photos of students from the school performing a wide range of activities from sleeping, having bad posture, giving compliments to bad parking by students, guessing if a pair of people are siblings or dating and more. When talking about these accounts, it has to be kept in mind that it is important for users to take it in a supportive way. If they do not, they should remember they can always reach out to the account to get the post down. As we analyze these accounts as critical users, we have to think about where the lines of invading online privacy and poking fun intersect, and if any of the accounts cross the lines. One of the most popular

QR code to FHS snores account on Instagram


accounts is @fhssnores, with 1123 followers as of April 11. The account follows 363 accounts, primarily Fishers High School students. Having 530 posts, the main purpose of the account is to feature people sleeping in school. To be featured on the page, students Direct Message the photo to be posted. If people consider it an invasion of privacy, embarrassment or offensive, the bio of the account implies that if anyone wants any post taken down, they will take it down from the account since the aim is to entertain, not to shame. Taking into consideration that any posts will be removed upon request, the account and its posts should be taken as intended: in a light and funny manner rather than in an serious and attacking way. Not all the accounts are themed, though. There are a few accounts that spread positivity, such as confessions pages,

outfit pages and compliments pages. These accounts are an anonymous way for students to show their gratitude and love to fellow students in the school by DMing the account with their message or photo to be posted on the page. The compliments page for FHS, @fishershighcompliments, has 10 posts, 191 followers and follows 367 accounts, as of April 11. Since these accounts promote positivity, they should be encouraged in order to create a better school community. While it can be said that the public will see the post before it’s taken down upon request, I still believe that these accounts don’t cross the lines since they are meant for fun. If someone would be embarrassed about being seen sleeping in school, they would not sleep in the first place. These accounts are meant to be taken in a light hearted manner and should be viewed as the fun they create.

QR code to FHS complimets account on Instagram

Screenshots of @fhssnores’s posts in the background. Graphics by Veda Thangudu.

Tiger Times

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The shape of sound Katrell Readus


usic is the language of emotion; it plays an integral part in our identities and most of us are very particular about our musical preferences. Different genres evoke, enhance or change a wide array of emotions in listeners. We often identify parts of our personality by what we listen to and insinuate things about other people based on their music preferences. We see this in stereotypes: people who listen to rap like to do drugs and are in gangs, country music fans drink their night away and are not well educated, classical music fans have high IQs, while R&B listeners are overly sexual. These stereotypes have become a sort of building block for how we view individuals when it comes to things like their true character, intentions, future opportunities and aspirations, but what if our taste comes from a deeper, more neurological place? Oftentimes, we judge genres based on their sound, but the true meaning and purpose are in the feeling being expressed by the artist. Specific musical styles have unique effects on emotions. For instance, a study done in 2015 on anger processing found that extreme heavy metal music, a genre commonly characterized as

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loud and aggressive with heavy instruments and emotionally intense vocals, often included themes of depression and loneliness and was found to decrease anger while maintaining physiological arousal. Another example of this is in R&B. The genre is the creditor for many hit songs as well as famous artists and musicians, and it is not just because its listeners and creators are lustful, but R&B lyrical themes often encapsulate the African-American experience of pain outside of and on the quest for love, freedom and joy, as well as economics and other aspirations. It possesses relatability and an emotional compass, while also appealing to listeners’ more sensual side. Not only does music have a deeper meaning behind its sound, but it also can be impacted by your thinking style. A team at the University of Cambridge directed by trained jazz saxophonist and doctoral candidate David Greenberg wanted to go beyond personality and see whether our “cognitive style” might predict musical taste. According to a theory authored by autism researcher Simon Baron-Cohen who worked with Greenberg, brain types can be classified based on scores in two areas of thinking: empathy and systemizing.

People who score higher in empathy focus and respond more to the emotion of others, while those who score higher in systemizing like to analyze rules and patterns in the world around them. For this study, more than 4,000 participants completed psychological questionnaires to determine their balance of both empathic and systemizing thinking. They then listened to 50 musical pieces from 26 genres and rated each piece. “Although people’s music choices fluctuate over time, we have discovered a person’s empathy levels and thinking style predicts what kind of music they like,” Greenberg said in a release on the study. “In fact, their cognitive style (whether they’re strong on empathy or strong on systems) can be a better predictor of what music they like than their personality.” According to their results, an empathizer might gravitate to straightforward, unpretentious singer/ songwriter styles like country or folk. They might also prefer mellower music like soft rock or R&B. Systemizers, on the other hand, were more likely to enjoy intense music like punk and heavy metal. In the end music taste expostulates more than simple preference, it holds relatability, identity and thinking style.

April 2022

Ukraine and insensitivity Some topics are best left un-joked about Benjamin Grantonic



orld War III jokes are nothing new; in January 2020, during a confrontation between the United States of America and Islamic Republic of Iran over then-President Donald Trump ordering the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, #WWIII became the top trending hashtag on Twitter. Jokes about our nuclear demise and getting conscripted into the U.S. Army ran free through both Twitter and Reddit. According to Vox, many saw the “memes” about war with Iran as a coping mechanism for the anxiety of the mere possibility of war. However, war with Iran has yet to come, nor would such a war likely affect the daily lives of most Americans orit cause a return of the draft, as many memes suggested. On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. This was after months of military build-up by the Russian military on the border with Ukraine. This whole conflict has been an eruption of violence sparking from earlier clashes between the two nations, dating back to a series of protests that ousted the pro-Russian Ukrainian president. This led to the Russians annexing the Crimean Peninsula, a southern region of Ukraine, and supporting ethnically Russian rebels in the east of Ukraine. The Russian invasion has led to international condemnation, with the United States and its Allies sanctioning Russia. This invasion has also led to outrage from the public of many nations as well, and with the outrage (and any huge news story) came


the memes. According to Al Jazeera, the Ukrainian people have been a source of many of these memes and jokes. From jokes about NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an alliance between the United States, Canada and many of its European Allies) refusing to put a no-fly zone over Ukraine, to morbid jokes about Russian mothers getting calls from a Ukrainian area code; the people actively involved in the conflicts were full of memes and jokes. The Ukrainian government even got involved, posting memes on the official government Twitter account. Though Ukrainians were not the only ones making these memes, others including Americans have of course also made such memes. When news hit the world of the Russian invasion, the tweeting began. Observers, commentators and everyday people began putting their two cents into the conversation. Like any conversations in which the wider public is allowed to say anything, this had mixed results. From people very inappropriately comparing it to the Avengers and Harry Potter, to people caring more about how this will impact the stock market then how it will impact real human beings, to others trying to be helpful and raise money for various charities to help Ukrainians, most reactions tend to be uneducated. While many were sympathetic to the Ukrainian people, many others were jokes about a possible World War III or Americans

getting drafted. Insensitivity was the general tone of many of these “jokes.” One reaction I would like to point out is Elon Musk, who tends to put in his commentary where it is both unwanted and unneeded. At first, he came out in support of the Ukrainians posting a tweet with several Ukrainian flag emojis and the statement “stand strong.” He then posted a meme a few days later calling people who supported Ukraine “NPCs” (Non-Playable Characters, a term from videos games used to insult people by implying they cannot think for themselves), so I guess we can thank Elon Musk for taking a bold stance against helping people who are getting invaded. It is a strange comment and indicative of this tone I have been speaking of. Many defend these jokes as people trying to cope with the situation or as “gallows humor.” Though as it is mostly Americans making these jokes, they have nothing to cope with; they are not in a warzone, nor will they ever be drafted to fight in a war. It is understandable to have anxiety about seeing any tragedy, but it must be understood that this will not heavily affect you. It is only gallows humor if you are in the gallows, not when you are sitting in the stands. The struggle of the Ukrainian people should not be the subject of your jokes or memes, I compel you to think before you make insensitive jokes such as these. I also compel you to donate to a reputable charity to help Ukrainians if you have the ability to do so.

Top: A QR code to Heart to Heart International, a reputable charity assisting Ukraine. Bottom: A QR code to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund), also a reputable and long-standing charity. Left: A map of Ukraine with the colors of the Ukrainian Flag Graphic by Benjamin Grantonic. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

Tiger Times

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Perfectonist problems Dangers of students expecting too much of themselves Sydney Territo


ave you ever put off a project because you do not know how to do it to the very best of your ability, or felt mad at yourself over not being able to meet the goals you have set? I certainly have. From an early age, I expected far too much of myself and would crumble when faced with a challenge rather than take it head-on and overcome it. If I got anything lower than a C on any assignment, no matter how big or small, it would ruin my day; and I would dwell on the fact that I did poorly,, instead of learning from my mistakes and improving for the future. I am a perfectionist, and it was detrimental to my mental health and ability to learn. Perfectionists are people who experience perfectionism, which is, according to Brown University, sets of self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that stem from being unable to reach unrealistic, excessively high goals. They create a vicious cycle where, once unreasonable goals are inevitably not reached due to their impossibly high standards, the pressure to achieve these goals increases until it eventually ruins the perfectionists’ self-esteem. There are two main difference kinds of perfectionism: adaptive and maladaptive. Maladaptive perfectionism has become very prevalent recently, as shown by an American Psychological Association research paper examining its rise in college age students. The increase in perfectionism may be linked to societal change, where there has been more of a competitive focus in achievement in recent years. Thomas Curran and Andrew P. Hill examined college

Socially prescribed perfectionism is where perfectionists believe that other people expect them to be perfect and that these other people will be highly critical of them if they fail to meet expectations.

Social antagonism is the active hostility between opposing social groups.

present tense?

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Adaptive perfectionism is a healthier form of perfectionism, where the person who sets high standards is more flexible as conditions change.

Maladaptive perfectionism is more damaging because the person who is not able to meet their high standards berates themselves and puts themselves down rather than adapting.



students’ responses to the Multidimensional Perfectionism scale and found that self-directed perfectionism levels rose over time, as well as other-oriented perfectonism and socially prescribed perfectionism. They believe that these rises in perfectionism come from a culture shift where individualism, materialism and social antagonism are stressed. That societal change can be seen everywhere. From sports competitions like the Olympics to the SATs, the pressure to be better than everyone else is ridiculous. I experienced it early on in my development, when I was placed into the “REACH’’ program at my elementrey school. It essentially separated the students who scored higher on standardized tests at an early age from everyone else and then taught them an accelerated curriculum. I was not quite as adept as most of my peers, and I struggled with tests and quizzes much more than they ever did. I believe this caused me to develop an inferority complex, where I was terrified of performing any less than perfect because I did not want to be looked down upon or judged as a “stupid smart kid.” It was only when I started working on reversing much of my thought processes with the help of a therapist that I was able to accept less desirable grades with more grace and use them as learning. Not only can this perfectionism ruin mental health, it also has a detrimental effect on performance in the classroom. In a study on the effect of perfectionism on classroom engagement in chinese colleges, it was found that maldaptive perfectionism correlated with

burnout, whereas adaptive perfectionism was correlated to students’ engagement in the classroom. I cannot deny that my perfectionism did benefit my grades, but it was imensely bad for my mental health, and if I hadn’t started to work on it, I likely would have ended up in a similar position to the students in this study. Perfectionism is not always a bad thing,. The National Academic Advising Association has said that adaptive perfectionism can lead to higher achievement in students compared to non-perfectionists, especially those who set high expectations for themselves and also remain optimistic in the face of adversity. Not only are they reported to have higher grades, but they also have better self-esteem and less anxiety, depression and stress. Since perfectionism is not inherently bad, the most difficult thing to achieve is the transition between maladaptive and adaptive perfectionism. Certified Life Coach Kamini Wood believes in finding what motivates you and using that goal as motivation to achieve greatness. She recommends journaling if you struggle with unproductive perfectionist ruminations, as they help identify perfectionistic judgments, and allow you to figure out ways to combat these thoughts. Once I started to view my assignments as opportunities to learn from my mistakes, it allowed me to be more at peace with my grades. While I still struggle with my maladaptive thinking, I have a more positive and healthy outlook, which greatly improved my mental health.

April 2022

The exorbitance of education Higher learning has grown increasingly expensive, inaccessible Fletcher Haltom



or students across the country, actually financing a collegiate education is a task that is significantly more difficult than simply getting into a college. Immediately following all the stress and pressure associated with the college application process, students are faced with the even more stressful, consequential challenge of figuring out how they are going to pay for their education. The college admissions process often receives large amounts of justifiable criticism, but the lurking issue of college financing warrants significantly more denunciation. It is no secret that going to college has become more expensive — long gone are the days of three-figure tuition rates. However, many people underestimate just how enormous this problem has become. According to a report from the Education Data Initiative, the average cost of college has more than doubled in the 21st century, with an annual growth rate of 6.8%. They also assert that, considering student loan interest and loss of income, the ultimate cost of a bachelor’s degree can exceed $400,000. Any six-figure price tag for a college education is, put simply, completely inane. This financial challenge is prominent nationwide, but it presents unique challenges for Indiana students. Although the state has only the 25th-highest four-year cost of college rate in the country (which still totals $20,000 annually), per the

Education Data Initiative, there is a relative lack of accessible college options beyond a select few. Indiana University, the state’s flagship university, offers an excellent collegiate education, as do Purdue University, Indiana State University and Ball State University. However, affordable in-state options beyond these colleges are relatively scarce; Indiana offers 17 public colleges, nine of which are IU campuses, while states such as California and Texas offer more than 50. College costs vary heavily by state, and although Indiana is in the middle of the road in the category, the costs are nonetheless astronomical. In an ideal world, these costs are offset by student financial aid, but that is yet another flawed process. One significant issue of financial aid is that it often excludes the middle class; although 65% of middleclass students fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually, because the process does not consider factors such as cost of living, students frequently receive less in aid than they actually require. The issue of student loan debt, the foremost consequence of the lack of student aid, is one of, if not the most, pressing financial issues currently facing the country. Per the Department of Education, debtors in the U.S. collectively owe more than $1.6 trillion in student loan debt, a figure that has increased by nearly five times just in the past 20 years. This is also largely attributable to the

cost of college, as the average in-state student attending a public 4-year institution spends $25,487 for one academic year — even though in-state public colleges are oftentimes the most affordable options available to students. As a student who applied total accrued student almost exclusively to out-of-state loan debt in the U.S. schools, I know that options for students who do not want to remain in-state can be even more scarce. I applied to a total of 13 schools, only one of which was in-state, and by the end of the process, I was completely apathetic about the decisions I was receiving. Even if I was accepted, I knew that I could not of American adults afford to attend almost any of owe some form of the schools I wanted to, which is a feeling that no student should student debt have to face. There are a number of potential solutions to this financial crisis. For one, average federal forgiveness for student loans student loan debt and decreased interest rates on these loans would allow for easier payment and incentivize future borrowing. Proposed increase in total plans for free or heavily student debt in 2021 subsidized college tuition would incentivize students to attend college even if they had not previously considered it of students graduate while simultaneously relieving with debt students who were already attending. Of course, filing the FAFSA, filling out online scholarship applications and of aid recipients are exploring the possibility of financially independent student loans can all be viable solutions to the rising costs of college, but they are measures that should not be necessary in interest rates on student the first place. loans until Sept. 1, 2022

Educational debt by the numbers $1.6 Trillion


$37,113 2.9% 65%

49.2% 0.0%

Data provided by Education Data Initiative.


Tiger Times

Page 29

Spring sports springstart spring National events and local sports seasons signal shifting of seasons, time outdoors


s the flowers emerge from the ground and birds return from their winter migration, spring sport athletes also return to the great outdoors. Warming temperatures and thawed out fields have allowed for players to start their seasons. All winter long, they worked inside to be ready to reemerge. For some, sports can be a marker of time. Seasonal shifts can align with a major sporting event, or the coming of a new league season. In Boston on Feb. 8, 2021, fans lined the streets to send off their beloved Red Sox as they went off for Spring Training in Fort Myers, Fla. Baseball, the national pastime, parallels the seasons. The new season is born out of the cold winter, heats up in the peak of summer and then concludes as leaves fall in

autumn. Another national event that symbolizes specifically the winter-spring shift is The Masters. Throughout the cold winter, ESPN and CBS relentlessly air ads showing off shots of the beautiful flowers blooming in Augusta, Ga. As various versions of “Georgia on my Mind” play in the middle of a cold winter day, the viewer is transported to the warming spring air that comes when golf ’s first major tees off. Here for high school sports, the shift can be seen overnight. After the final fall sports season ends, the outdoors quiet down. Football fields once filled with Oklahoma drills and countless reps of plays are now quiet. The soccer stadium once home to gamechanging goals and amazing saves is dormant. And the

unmistakable sound of tennis balls bouncing can no longer be heard. But come March, the excitement begins to build once again. The football field is now the track stadium. Instead of touchdowns, fans now go crazy as the anchor legs of relays duke it out for the win. Soccer goals have been replaced by the flips of sticks leading to lacrosse goals. And that bounce of tennis balls is back, as well as the crack of softball and baseball bats. Some follow the meteorological start of spring (March 1), while others use the spring equinox (March 20) to kick off the season. For sports fans, the arrival of outdoor sports like track, lacrosse, baseball, softball and tennis are the marker. Either way, the message is clear: spring is here.

The azaleas at Augusta National in Augusta, Ga. are known worldwide. Them and The Master’s golf tournament can be a sports fan’s clue that spring is on its way. Photo used with permission of Your Golf Travel.

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April 2022

Editorial Board Question:


Do you ever use sports as a way to mark seasonal change?


Crossword Key

1. Buttercup 2. Nectarine 3. Tomato 4. Snail 5. Rabbit 8. Showers 9. Bread 11. Hummingbird 12. Cucumber 13. Garden


6. Apple 7. Butterfly 8. Spring 10. Earth 14. Baseball 15. Kite 16. Rugby 17. Honeybee

Editorial Policy Tiger Topics Tiger Times is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to approximately 3700 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the adviser may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue. Editorial

Mission Statement As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, Tiger Times is dedicated to providing the staff, students and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by the means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them Tiger Times

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1. “Build Me Up ________,” song by The Foundations 2. Hairless peach 3. Ammo for a bad performance 4. Gary from SpongeBob Squarepants, for one 5. One may have a lucky foot 8. April versions of these may bring May flowers 9. Money, slangily 11. Tiny, quick-flapping avian 12. Pickle, pre-pickling 13. Madison Square’s is famous

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6. Multi-trillion dollar tech company 7. Swim stroke named for a flying insect 8. Elastic helix 10. Sphere on a tilt 14. America’s pastime 15. Eagle-like bird of prey 16. English sport similar to American football 17. An apiarist’s best friend

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