Volume 15, Issue 2

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Volume 15, Issue 2

Fishers High School

November 2020


MIND OVER MATTER Athletes battle to prioritize their mental and physical health www.fishersnthered.com


N the Red

November 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURES College Readiness Wheeler Mission Black Friday Quarantine Procedure ARTS & CULTURE Movie Theaters Play Traditions Desserts SPORTS Wrestling Sports and Mental Health Three-Sport Athletes Mental Health Professional Sports Mentality Girls Basketball OPINION 2020 Outlook Electoral College Head to Head Editorial Front Cover: Multi-sport athletes have to juggle several sports, school and social lives while trying to keep up with their mental health. Photo by Emma Tomlinson. Fishers High School 13000 Promise Road, Fishers, IN 46038 317-915-4290 fax: 317-915-4299

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5 6-7 8-9 10 11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 19 20-21 22 23 24-25

Features story Students encounter spooky specters at home, school

Features story Holiday season start date up for debate

26 27 28-29 30-31



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N the Red Staff Editorial Board

Grace Mossing Editor-in-Chief

Fletcher Haltom Copy & Opinion Editor

Riley Gearhart Social Media Director

Lily Thomas Features Editor

Rebekah Shultz Arts & Culture Editor

Emma Tomlinson Photo Editor

Ava Hunt

Ben Rosen

Anna Mossing

Hayley Brown

Nicholas Rasmusson

Katie Barnett

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Nate Albin Online Editor

Kristen Rummel Design Editor



4 N the Red

November 2020


N the Red

Leaving the nest


- 2nd

Seniors prepare themselves to enter adult world academically, emotionally Hayley Brown brownhay000@hsestudents.org


ith the first semester coming to a close, students are ready for the holidays, but around this time of the year, the graduating class of 2021 are finalizing applications, interviews and tryouts for their potential future. Teachers and advisors are helping seniors plan out the next step in their life, whether that means college, trade school or the workforce. “I am definitely not thinking ahead about adult stresses because I’m currently overwhelmed by high school still,” senior Grace Dunnuck said. According to the First Year College Experience survey conducted by Harris Poll from the JED Foundation in 2015, about half of the students who took the survey said college was not living up to expectations. Some students are being mindful of what college will realistically be like. “It’s always on my mind how much work college is, but I am definitely aware of the stress and I am preparing myself for it in college,” senior Sophia Gance said. Moving away is one of the factors some seniors look forward to when going off to college, but according to New York University’s website, changes in lifestyle are the number one stressor for freshmen college students. The website also states increased workload, new responsibilities, and building interpersonal relationships as additional stressors due to college. When this stress is not managed properly, a student’s academic performance can decline, and work ethic can diminish. “I’m excited to move away and have a fresh start because I have watched all my older siblings experience that, but I will miss my family and my dog though,” Dunnuck said. “I know that I have to take the adult world as it comes to me.” In 2014, the College Atlas website stated 30 percent of college freshmen drop out in their first year. One of the reasons for college dropouts is freshmen college students being unhappy with the college experience according to the College Stats website. This includes issues with roommates, homesickness and lack of motivation for academics. “No one is ever ready to go in the real world,” former student Brooklyn Dooley said. “You can have your entire life planned out, but you are jumping from high school to the real world.” The College Stats website suggests to take the time to adjust to new environments students are placed in. Making new relationships can help build a support system with transitioning to the adult world. When that sense of community is built, a student’s success will prolong in college, according to the website. “You need to have fun, but you need to be prepared for any situation that comes your way,” Dooley said. “Life will never be perfect.”

3rd - 5th 11th According to the College Stats website regarding the top 25 most common colleges to attend in Indiana, Indiana University is ranked second, Purdue University is ranked third, Ball State University is ranked fifth and Notre Dame University is ranked eleventh.


N the Red

November 2020

Located in Indianapolis, the Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children currently has around 80 beds, but the building is undergoing construction in order to expand to 100 beds. Photo by Lily Thomas.

Lending a helping hand Organizations, clubs provide volunteer oppurtunites to assist homeless Lily Thomas thomalil000@hsestudents.org


n any given day, 5,471 people experience homelessness in Indiana, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in January 2019. Marion County alone accounts for 1,567 of those people, according to the Wheeler Mission website. The causes of homelessness varies, but according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, common causes include a lack of financial stability, escaping domestic violence and systemic inequality. Wheeler Mission With three locations in Indianapolis, the Wheeler Mission provides basic necessities and shelter to the poor and homeless populations of central Indiana. They are also religiously affiliated with non-denominational Christianity, and work with multiple local churches that share their concerns on poverty and homelessness. “We say the word homeless and we think that everybody’s story is exactly the same,” Volunteer Engagement Manager for Women’s Services Tammy Caldwell said. “We know that everyone is different and everyone has different needs when they come to Wheeler. Our goal is to meet them where they’re at and so we listen and try to meet the needs that they have.” On average, the Wheeler Mission feeds about 1,000 people, according to Caldwell. For Thanksgiving, Wheeler offers dinner and has a meal prep week that volunteers can partake before Thanksgiving. Caldwell mentioned that this year, Wheeler is asking previous volunteers to come back and serve during the holidays and onwards. “If you want to have a meaningful impact on someone’s life, you have to be in their life,” Caldwell said. “So just to show up once, it’s not going to be that meaningful for the guest, but if you want it to be meaningful for them then you need to become a regular [volunteer].”



1. A welcome sign posted at the entrance of the Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children. The sign mentions their ties to Christianity. 2. The Wheeler Mission has shelves of boxes that include donated items such as menstrual products, Kleenex, makeup and more. Photos by Lily Thomas.


N the Red

How to help Money





Baby Care




Fundraising or individual donations

Volunteer with friends or family

Use your talents to help local shelters

Soap, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes

Pre-packaged and unexpired

Especially warm clothes in cold areas

All icons are by Font Awesome licensed under CC BY 4.0. A copy of the license can be found at fontawesome.com/license

There are several volunteer opportunities throughout the Wheeler Mission; Caldwell recommends meal service as a starting point, but other volunteer positions include helping at the donation center, thrift store and more. A list of open volunteer spots can be found at wheelervolunteer.org. On Nov. 26, Wheeler will host the Drumstick Dash both in-person and virtually. The proceeds help provide meals and services to the homeless in the community. Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention The Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention, also known as CHIP, is a community response organization that primarily focuses on funding homeless shelters and advocating for national policy changes to help the homeless population. “Our main goal is to end homelessness here in Marion County and Indianapolis,” Director of Engagement and Strategic Initiatives Tom Tuttle said. “We kind of say this through ‘our goal is to make homelessness rare, short-lived and recoverable.’” There are two paths in terms of volunteer options:

For younger children


All icons are by Font Awesome licensed under CC BY 4.0. A copy of the license can be found at fontawesome.com/ license. Infographic by Lily Thomas

Diapers, strollers, carriers, car seats

Notebooks, binders, writing instruments

skills-based volunteering such as marketing strategies, or hands-on involvement with the homeless. Hands-on involvement can range from building necessity kits or helping with CHIP events. Upcoming events include a panel about ending youth homelessness on Nov. 17 and an annual awards gala in December. Getting involved locally The Students in Action Club puts on multiple service projects each year. Some projects for this school year include a canned food drive and a donation drive. “Students in Action is trying to fix our broken community through student ideas and perceptions of how the community should be,” senior Tyler Weber said. To help those in need during the holiday season, Weber suggests donating money and time to food banks and other nonprofit organizations. Such organizations are now in more need due to COVID-19. “What I would hope that they [the people I help] would see is that I’m helping change their day and I’m hoping to put a smile on their face so that they don’t have to be super hungry when they go home,” Weber said. As a fall decoration, a scarecrow sits on top of a table in the dining room of the Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children on Oct. 22. Photo by Lily Thomas.

A quote from Matthew 25:35 is depicted above the doors to the dining room of the Wheeler Mission Center for Women and Children. Other quotes can be found round the lobby. Photo by Lily Thomas.


N the Red

November 2020

COVID causes quarantine School follows procedures if positive cases emerge Kristen Rummel rummekri000@hsestudents.org


Information provided by the CDC. Graphic by Kristen Rummel

lmost doubling in cases within days, Hamilton Southeastern school district has undergone a surge in cases according to the HSE district website. On Wednesday, Oct. 28 the school board held their monthly meeting and discussed what should be done about this development. The board of trustees voted to keep students 5-12 in the current 50/50 hybrid schedule and to check in weekly for new updates. According to the Fishers Health Department, the city of Fishers is in Level 3: significant risk of COVID-19 as of Oct. 27. “A lot of people are traveling places and hanging out with friends again,” junior Maria Okuszki said. “The rise in cases does not surprise me at all really. I’ve had friends get it already, but the situation is dangerous because of how many students are in the school at one time, not to mention sports and clubs.” FHS is under strict guidelines from the state to protect students and staff from COVID-19, such as the district-wide mask mandate and social distancing guidelines. Many other safety precautions are set in place such as contact tracing, which is a system where, if a student or staff member were to exhibit signs of COVID-19, then the school would have the information to see who was near that individual throughout the day with that individual. Students are required to log where they go throughout the school day. QR code readers are placed at tables and common areas to trace students throughout the school for accurate tracking. The school uses this data to contact trace. Everyone who has been in close proximity with COVID-19 at school will be contacted and alerted to stay home and quarantine for 14 days. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, it is important to report the case to the school. This will be added to the case tracker located on the HSE District website and updated every week on Mondays. Every person who has come into contact with someone within 48 hours of the positive test will be notified. The student with COVID-19 will be required to stay home for a minimum of 10 days after symptoms started appearing or when they tested positive. They may not return to school until they have gone 48 hours clear of any symptoms without the use of fever-reducing medication. “The school district as a whole has done a really nice job in making sure students have enough distance between each other in the classroom, that face masks are worn. They’re doing a lot more thorough cleaning than they have before,” nurse Amy Hanna said. “There are a lot of steps that we’re doing as a school system that is making it harder for students to get COVID.” Many sports, clubs and classes have had to quarantine already because of a positive case. Because of this, the school has been able to come up with a better way to track and quarantine cases. “When we [the girls varsity soccer team] came back from quarantine, we wore masks all the time. The only time we didn’t wear masks is if we were acting, playing or working on a drill,” senior Kaysey Castro said. “We started excessively social distancing, like 10 yards away from another person.” Many resources are available to the public for more information, like the Indiana State Health Department, HSE district web page and the Fisher’s Health Department. Each of these resources provides news updates on COVID-19 cases. “If you have symptoms, I recommend calling a health official,” Hanna said. “Wear your masks and social distance outside of school. Social distancing is just as important, if not more important, as social distancing in school.”

Arts & Culture

N the Red


Show’s Over

COVID-19 strikes down on movie industry, hits close to home


Ava Hunt huntava000@hsestudents.org


oing to the movies has been a common outing in America since the 1930s. However, the Corona Virus pandemic has put a strain on the pastime and the film industry as a whole. According to Forbes, Regal Cinemas have closed their 536 U.S. movie theaters indefinitely. Moviegoers in Fishers have been drastically affected, as the Hamilton Towne Center IMAX 16 and the 96th street United Artist theaters have both shut down. “I grew up with the theater closest to me,” senior Katie Bagley said. “There were lots of memories made there, some emotional attachments and now the closest theater to me is 20 to 30 minutes away.” In addition to theaters shutting down, some movie releases halted their debut. Movies such as “Wonderwoman,” “Batman” and “Doom” are postponed until next year. The increase in waiting time could heighten the anticipation for the film, but for junior James Basso, this affects his excitement. “I’m very upset about movie release dates being pushed back,” Basso said. “I was looking forward to seeing some dope movies in the theaters this year and now I have to wait years to see them. I am not happy about it.” The film industry suffers beyond the immediate effects of movie release dates and closing of theaters: it also sets back the


industry longer than the suspected time that COVID-19 will be around. Film literature teacher Glenn Seland understands the repercussions that the virus implements on the industry. “The funding used to make the next film is going to be an issue to obtain,” Seland said. “Even when we get out of this, it’s not like the movies are going to start showing. A lot of them have had to stop production, which furthers the delay.” The Corona Virus pandemic also reinforced the shift from theater viewing to digital streaming. According to Market. US, 54% of internet users have been watching more shows and movies on digital platforms since March. Due to an increase in at-home viewing, new releases such as “Scoob’’ and “Mulan” were exclusive to streaming services. Basso, Bagley and Seland all agree that these changes to the film industry could have an impact on future generations’ movie viewing experiences. “Some movies are made to be seen in a theater,” Bagley said. “When it’s put on a smaller scale, it doesn’t have the same effect. The appeal is different. The creators have to maneuver around the fact that more people will be viewing films at home.” Despite the struggle theaters have endured, some are starting to open back up with multiple precautions. This allows for the tradition of attending a movie theater to stay alive. “For much of my life, going to movies was a pretty common occurrence,” Seland said. “I love going to a theater with popcorn and all that.” The next anticipated movie release is “Let Him Go,” which appears in theaters on Nov. 6. The Castleton AMC is currently open and will be showing the movie.

1. Hamilton 16 IMAX accompanies a near-empty parking lot due to the closing. Photo by Ava Hunt. 2. Movie promo posters have been replaced by blank sheets. Photo by Ava Hunt.


N the Red

November 2020

Senior Chloe Carlson and freshman Micah Derrer redo their scene to correct their mannerisms according to director Anna Nickell’s critiques in the auditorium during practice on Nov. 2. Photo by Emma Tomlinson.

The show must go on Theater puts on The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Grace Mossing mossigra000@hsestudents.org


ew York City canceled their Broadway shows in March and the hiatus will remain until at least May 30, 2021, according to Broadway’s website. The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down most of the arts and their shows for the past eight months, but the theater program at FHS has found a way to put on a play. The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon was not the first pick for the school play, but they had to adjust and adapt due to the COVID-19 precautions. The story line combines different traditional Grimm Brothers tales into one cohesive plot. Director and theater teacher Anna Nickell found the play perfect for several reasons. “It is just really funny, and I think we could all use some laughs right now,” Nickell said. “Second, it is chaotic, fast-paced, makes little sense at times, on purpose, which I think is a great reflection of our current times.” The play can vary depending on the number of people in the cast or performance circumstances. If the school were to shut down before the play debuts, the cast could still perform a show on the Zoom platform with a different version of the script. The show will be different due to COVID-19 restrictions, as all cast members will be wearing masks. “Traditional acting involves a lot of voice work and facial expression, which is obviously tough to accomplish with half the face covered,” Nickell said. “We have decided that performing in masks is our safest option, so we’ve had the additional challenge of incorporating masks into some of the jokes and physical comedy of the show.” Senior Savanna Jensen, who plays Narrator One in the production, believes that the addition of masks into the show has been an obstacle but also a way to push herself in her acting. “We’ve had to get really good at using our eyebrows and our eyes to express all of our emotions,” Jensen said. “It’s been a cool challenge as an actor.” This production is also different from other plays in more ways than just COVID-19 restrictions and rules. The play uses the tactic of breaking the fourth wall, which is when actors speak directly to the audience. For reference, productions tend to perform like they are in that sense as that person, while when breaking the fourth wall the person is recognizing that they are an actor in a show.

Arts & Culture “I’m having a really fun time,” senior Isabella Schott said. “I don’t actually spend a lot of time in character as Snow White. It’s a lot of the actress breaking the fourth wall and being like ‘wait a minute. I’m confused. What’s happening here’, and honestly that’s what I feel like I’m doing in the scene anyway.” The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon is also different as it includes 42 different characters, but the original show only included three actors to play these parts. With around 30 cast members in the production, a few cast members play more than one character. “I just love seeing what all the different actors do with their character choices because it’s hilarious,” Jensen said. With different actors taking on the role of sometimes the same character, they get to add their own spin and attitude to the role or mimic the actor who was once playing that character to add some comedy. Jensen and senior Isabella Schott are in a scene that demonstrates both of these unconventional characteristics of the play. In the scene, there are four characters: Snow White, Dwarf #2, Narrator One and Narrator Two. “We end up rotating and everyone gets to be a narrator at one point and everyone gets to be a dwarf of Snow White,” Schott said. “It gets really confusing, but it’s pretty cool.” The rotation of characters, along with breaks in acting to address the audience, makes the

Graphic by Grace Mossing

N the Red


Freshman Trinity Harder, who plays Rapunzel, rehearses talking back to her mother played by senior Chloe Carlson. During the practice on Nov. 2, she added extra sass, according to director notes. Photo by Emma Tomlinson.

performance equally chaotic and funny, according to Schott. The show has been moved to the auditorium where the Black Box stage will be moved to keep a small stage feel. The play will be holding live performances with socially distanced audiences on Nov. 20 and 21 at 7 p.m., and it will also be available for live streaming. Nickell and the play crew encourage everyone who can to attend the play in person or watch the play online. “It is really important to take all of the chances you can in this time to see some live performances and support the arts,” Nickell said.


N the Red

November 2020

Feasting with family Unique Thanksgiving traditions bring families together Katie Barnett



hanksgiving was declared a national holiday in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln. Since then, it has been celebrated by millions of Americans each year. A family’s lifestyle, culture and more impact Thanksgiving. This year, social distancing measures will also change holiday celebrations. There are some commonly held traditions shared by people around the country, but each family’s Thanksgiving is unique. The Feast Enjoying a shared meal is one of the most recognized Thanksgiving traditions. The food at the table varies widely in each family. Senior Livia Bogdan’s family incorporates Romanian tradition into their Thanksgiving holiday. “We usually have a lot of traditional Romanian food, which is a lot of soups,” Bogdan said. “We don’t usually have turkey. We usually have ham or beef of some sort.” Romanian cuisine contains many meats, soups and cheeses that are rich in spices. Her family spends a part of their holiday making a selection of traditional Romanian sausages. “In Romania, they make sausage all the time, but for us, it’s a day-long expenditure that takes a long time,” Bogdan said. “It’s definitely no typical Thanksgiving.” English teacher Kate Young also says that she does not have a typical Thanksgiving. Her family is vegetarian, so their feast consists of unique options that fit their dietary restrictions. “I do a combination of making some vegan and vegetarian dishes and we get some of the things from Whole Foods,” Young said. “They have a whole vegan Thanksgiving menu which is really good.” Young said that although her family enjoys Thanksgiving now, it was not always easy. When they switched to their new diet, they found that the holidays became a lot more work. “About six years ago when we became vegetarian it became harder and harder to enjoy the holidays,” Young said. “We had to bring our own food everywhere we went. Now it’s just my husband and kids by ourselves at home.” Despite the challenges, Young treasures the time she gets to spend with her family around the table.

Arts & Culture

N the Red

Post-Feast Festivities After sharing a meal with their families, Americans turn to a variety of activities to pass the time on Thanksgiving. Bogdan says her family likes to get a head start on Black Friday shopping. “Sometimes, my parents go out shopping on Black Friday,” Bogdan said. “But for the most part, we usually do online shopping.” Young says her family likes to remain at home and gather around the television. She says this is a fun way for her family to relax and spend time together. “My mom loves to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade,” Young said. “My family doesn’t really care much about it. Since my husband and I have been together, Thanksgiving is filled with football instead.” Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some people will alter their Thanksgiving traditions to stay safe. For many, this will involve staying at home and playing games with close family. Junior Nathaniel Lewis says his family already has plenty of traditions that allow him to stay home. “After we eat, we usually just sit around and play dominoes,” Lewis said. “In the evening, the adults have their time to play card games and watch TV.” Thanksgiving will look different this year, but students and their families plan to continue the traditions that are special to them.

Infographic created by Katie Barnett

English teacher Kate Young’s family gathered around their vegan-friendly Thanksgiving meal in 2019. Photo provided by Kate Young



N the Red

November 2020

Ezra’s cafe sign standing by the road next to other shops in Broad Ripple on Oct 25. Photo by Rebekah Shultz

Save room for dessert A food review on the best recommended places to get your dessert this Thanksgiving Rebekah Shultz shultreb000@hsestudents.org


ifty million pumpkin pies are gobbled up each Thanksgiving by Americans. Having a dessert during this holiday is a tradition that has been varied since 1621. Desserts now accommodate a variety of different dietary restrictions and preferences. The desserts I tried varied from the traditional apple pie to a modern interpretation of a key lime pie that is gluten-free and veganfriendly. These pies can be enjoyed during this holiday season by any family due to the vast menus at the cafes and shops. The apple crumble pie sitting on bar area facing the window.

Photo by Rebekah Shultz

Pots and Pies Photo by Dreamstime Pots and Pies is a quaint shop with a delicious menu located in downtown Indianapolis. They specialize in seasonal pieces that are both sweet and savory. When my friends and I arrived, there was a line outside the shop already since they only let one customer in at a time. We got their apple crumble pie and it was delectable. Served cold, the apple filling in the pie still had a crunch, which really helped the overall texture. The crust was moist and had a great flavor. There was a strong taste of cinnamon in the filling but it did not overpower the taste of the apples. The crumble mixed with the filling added even more texture to this already crunchy pie. This delicious dessert cost $5.50.

Shapiro’s Delicatessen This Jewish deli buffet is located in downtown Indianapolis and sells a lot more than pies with options of sandwiches, soups, sides and more. Shapiro’s has been around since 1905 and has been passed down to four generations of the family. At Shapiro’s, I tried their key lime pie. This pie was a very large piece and only cost $4.80. It was delicious and had a very tart flavor that balanced out with the abundance of whipped cream. This dessert was definitely the creamiest and had the smoothest filling. For the amount of pie received, it is worth the money. The staff was extremely friendly and very accommodating. The pies are at the very beginning of the buffet and customers can pick out the pie they want with the flavors written underneath.

Key lime pie at Shapiros on the wooden tables and in the big seating area. Photo by Rebekah Shultz.

Arts & Culture

N the Red


Gallery Pastry Shop The cheesecake from Gallery Pastry shop next to the massive The Gallery Pastry Shop is located in a little strip of stores near windows letting sunlight in to the shop. Canterbury Park in downtown Indianapolis. When walking in the shop, the high-end decorations are the first thing to notice. The shop has a bit of a pricier menu, but it is well worth it. The pastry shop is also a popular brunch hub and has delicious desserts. They are popular with their tarts, cheesecake, macarons and more. The dessert we got was the white chocolate vanilla bean cheesecake. It was my personal favorite. The cheesecake itself was so smooth and rich, and the vanilla bean was subtle yet so delicious. The crust was moist and tasted like the cookie of a macaron. When getting Photo by Rebekah Shultz a bit of both the crust and the cheesecake filling, it was a beautiful combination and they complimented the taste of each other perfectly. The presentation was beautiful and came with a price tag of $8. Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe Ezra’s cafe offers a full vegan and gluten-free menu. The cafe is located in Broad Ripple and serves foods such as Buddha bowls, granola dishes and desserts. The decorations within the store were very earthy and had many plants. We ordered a key lime ‘Cheezecake.’ This ‘Cheezecake’ was very sour and had a strange taste for the crust. The taste also had a strong flavor of lime and had a bit of graininess in the filling. The pie has an acquired taste due to the cafe using creative ingredients to bake this pie, such as dates and cashews, to create a vegan and gluten-free product. The piece of pie was very thin and cost a hefty $8.25. You pay for Photo by Rebekah Shultz the quality of the ingredients, as Ezra’s uses vegetables and herbs from The key lime pie on the decorated bar seating area in the cafe. their own farm as well as the ingredients they buy from “local, honest, hard-working farmers when possible,” according to their website.


N the Red

November 2020

The team completes a cooridnated warm-up before starting practice on Friday, Oct. 30 at Fishers. Photo by Nicholas Rasmusson.

Pinning success at the top Boys wrestling eyes state championship as their season approaches Nicholas Rasmusson rasmunic000@hsestudents.org


ue to COVID-19, there is no guarantee that the boys wrestling team will have a season, as it is a heavy contact sport. Whether they have a season or not, they have set goals, they have set goals to work towards, both individually and as a team. “My goals, personally, include having a winning record this year on varsity, making it past semi-state in the state tournament and to make myself stronger,” junior James Carroll said. Carroll, along with fellow teammates junior Zachary Strueder and senior Dylan Parodi, highlighted the importance of hard work, especially in the weight room. “We want to make each other strong in the effort we give in the weight room which, in turn, will make us all better individually,” Carroll said. Along with putting in physical work for the team, Strueder pointed out that a positive attitude is very important, both in practice and at meets. “I think our attitude is just to strive to be better every single day,” Strueder said. Parodi reiterates the importance of performing to the best of one’s ability when competing, especially for the state championship. If the team wins the state championship, it would be the first wrestling state title in the school’s history. “My goal is to go and perform my best, and the ultimate goal is to win the state tournament at the end of the season,” Parodi said. As the team makes these goals and prepares for the season,

COVID-19 sits in the back of their minds. They know that this season will be different than years past. “I always have a concern about COVID,” Parodi said. “A few months ago, I was concerned whether we’d have a season at all.” While Parodi may be concerned about the season, he is very pleased with how people have been committed to preventing the spread of the virus. He, along with Strueder and Carroll, have refrained from hanging around too many people outside of wrestling. “I feel more confident about going into [the season] and having these events because of people taking their time and making sure to stop the spread,” Parodi said. Parodi knows that the attendance at meets will be limited to immediate family and essential personnel, but remains hopeful that the team will be able to maintain the same upbeat energy as usual. “[The absence of fans] will definitely have an impact on the high energy that they bring, but what we need to do instead is, as a team, come together and bring that energy ourselves and motivate each other,” Parodi said. Strueder says that meets will not be as rowdy due to fan restrictions and that the team must find a way to get motivated in a different way. “It’s just going to be a whole mind game of trying to hype yourself up before you go out and wrestle,” Strueder said. Practice will continue for the Tigers, and the team’s first meet occurs at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 18 at Fishers.


N the Red

Burned out

Mental health of student and professional athletes is often overlooked. See the following section for more information. Photo by Nate Albin and Andrew Haughey.



N the Red November 2020

Junior Megan Mybeck gazes across the pool before diving in to race at North Central on Dec. 27, 2019. The team finished first overall with a score of 595 points. Photo used with permission of Jackie Stein.

Working overtime

Three-sport athletes train year-round to stay in shape Andrew Haughey haughand000@hsestudents.org


hile the majority of high-schoolers participate in at least one sport, according to the National Federation of High School Associations, not many of these students participate in three sports at once. Three-sport athletes often participate in sports across multiple seasons while maintaining a training regimen for their sports that are not in season. While student-athletes can sometimes become stressed trying to strike a balance between school and their sport during its season, threesport athletes are often put in a situation where they have to do this all year. Junior Megan Mybeck is one of these athletes. She participates in cross country, swimming and track throughout the school year, with her training for cross country and track extending throughout the winter and summer. Mybeck says she has to keep a tight schedule to get everything done. “I try to use a planner to lay out what I have to do for each day,” Mybeck said. “I try to organize all of my assignments by due date so I know what days to do them on. I try to stay away from procrastination because I know if I don’t, I’ll completely stress Junior Megan Mybeck races in a cross country meet at Laverne myself out.” Gibson Championship Cross Country Course on Oct. 3. Mybeck Despite these efforts, Mybeck still feels that her athletic career is on the varsity team for both cross country and track and field. sometimes interferes with her academic career. Photo by John Mybeck.

Burned Out


N the Red

“Some of my meets run pretty long and therefore I don’t have a whole lot of time to do some things on those days,” Mybeck said. “I may not have enough time to study or do assignments on some days, and although there are definitely times where I could have prepared better, I simply don’t have the time because of practices and meets.” Former three-sport athlete and junior Keefer Soehngen participates in football and track now and played basketball up until his sophomore year. Soehngen said that the wear on his body from playing all three sports and the burnout from basketball were some of the major reasons he stopped playing. “I had a main injury in my shoulder and basketball was a major pain in my arms,” Soehngen said. “Getting that out of the way gave me more time to focus on just one thing at a time.” Soehngen said that when he was playing all three sports it was easy to focus on each individual sport while it was going on, but difficult to transition between seasons. “The different aspects of each sport made the transitions hard on my body,” Soehngen said. “If you look at going from basketball to track, basketball is a lot more lateral with short bursts, and so when I hit track and started running everyday, I ended up straining some of my muscles in my quad because my body wasn’t used to it.” Soehngen said that part of what prevented him from getting burned out while participating in football and track was the break in between the seasons. He said athletes who participate in a winter sport in addition to fall and spring sports do not have this break and thus could be more prone to getting burned out. On the other hand, former girls cross country coach and Spanish teacher Elizabeth Jahns believes that focusing on more than one or two sports at a time can sometimes be a good thing, leading to a reduction in burnout and risk of injury among athletes. “The students who play two or three different sports throughout the year’s bodies aren’t as broken down because they’re working different muscle groups,” Jahns said. In regards to the many athletes who participate in both cross country and track during the school year, two different sports at different times that work the same muscle groups, Jahns said the coaching staff tried to give athletes time off to let their bodies rest. “We would always give the girls a few weeks off between the end of cross country and when winter training began,” Jahns said. “We strongly suggested that they take two weeks off and if they felt that they needed to do something after one week we suggested that they do pilates or swim or ride their bike instead of running to help repair any injuries or any breakdown.” Jahns also said that she believed having the athletes take a bit of time off in between seasons helped them to prepare mentally for the next set of training and to rest their minds. While Jahns did recognize the positive aspects of training and participating in multiple sports throughout the year, she also believes that there can be negative effects on a student’s mental health, such as not having time to express themselves emotionally or relax. “You never really have any downtime,” Jahns said. “You’re rolling from one sport right into the next, and I think that that presents its own challenges with the kids physically and mentally.”


Information collected by NCAA. Graphic by Andrew Haughey

Burned Out


N the Red

November 2020

Brains over brawn

Athletes combat mental health issues Nate Albin albinnat000@hsestudents.org


he mental health of athletes has become an increasingly-discussed topic in sports. NBA All-Star Kevin Love was an early advocate of mental health awareness while with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2016. Recently, due to a controversy about Fox Sports analyst Skip Bayless belittling Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott’s depression, the conversation on the mental health of athletes has shifted. There is more focus on discussing the mental state of athletes, not just the physical state. “Athletes are typically very in tune with knowing how they are doing physically, but may not always be as keyed in to how they are doing mentally,” counselor Katie Rehor said. “Being mentally well often affects our physical wellness, which definitely affects sports performance.” At FHS,the mental health of students has been increasingly discussed as well. With the addition of opportunities for discussion such as SEEL, students are being taught the value of mental awareness. For girls cross country coach Lance Kuhn, mental health awareness is critical. “It is something necessary to pay attention to,” Kuhn said. “Because it affects everything you do, even your physical health.” In a study of 3,000 Wisconsin high school athletes, it was found that 65% of them showed signs of anxiety and 68% showed some level of depression. Similarly to those who were surveyed, athletes at FHS also report issues with mental health. “There have been times where I have been stressed and had really bad anxiety,” junior basketball player Olivia Stewart said. “But when I’ve had that, my teammates have been there to pick me up.” Kuhn says that the key for coaches is to be flexible and give the athletes the care and support they need. For him, he has different methods based on each individual situation. “I ask them how they are doing, what’s going on,” Kuhn said. “I try to take them aside, talk, and evaluate whether or not to practice, go home or see a counselor. There are some things they may not want to talk to a coach about, so I’ve called someone else over, maybe a teammate, to help out.” The cause of stress on an athlete can vary greatly. There are many things that can affect the stress levels of an athlete. “School is an obvious stressor that athletes experience, because it is a large part of any high school athlete’s life,” Rehor said. “I have often seen excessive pressure from parents to perform perfectly affect athletes significantly.” This year has been different than past years due to the unique circumstances that have affected the sports seasons. With the ongoing pandemic, extra help has been necessary in some cases. “I always check on them frequently, but more frequently this year,” Kuhn said. “There is so much else going on that we’re all at the edge of a cliff all day, every day.” Big games can bring added stress. Being in a high-pressure sporting event can cause athletes to struggle, but Stewart says her team helps her through. “I focus in as much as I can,” Stewart said. “My teammates are there to help me focus and they encourage me as much as I can. We had positive attitudes going into big games and we made sure we had each others’ backs no matter what happened.”

Burned Out


N the Red


More than athletes Mental health of professional players deserves increased priority Fletcher Haltom haltofle000@hsestudents.org


hile an often inadequate amount of mental health attention is given to amateur athletes, professional athletes frequently receive an even smaller amount. Legitimate complaints from these athletes are swiftly silenced, with harsh critics claiming that these athletes should not face these issues either due to their status as professional athletes or because they are deemed too “tough” to deal with challenges to their mental health. Notwithstanding, these issues are legitimate, and professional athletes deserve to have their concerns and troubles addressed as much as any other person. Mental health issues in professional athletes are repeatedly overlooked, but they happen more frequently than most realize. Data collected by Athletes For Hope found that, among elite athletes, 34% face challenges with depression or anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Center of America reported that 25% of the general American population faces these same issues. These professional athletes are, conclusively, at increased risks for developing these disorders, yet they receive far more aid related to their physical health than their mental health. Sensory equipment, advanced biometrics and exercise machines are just some of the numerous advanced support systems for an athlete’s physical health. However, they receive little to no support with mental health issues despite the arguably larger importance of those problems. With leagues and teams that profit so greatly off of these professional athletes, they can and should provide more suitable support systems and assistance related to mental health. When athletes do speak out about these issues, and how their concerns are legitimate, they are often ostracized. One notable example, as touched on in an earlier story, is the criticism directed at Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott. Prescott was vocal earlier this year about his personal struggles with his mental health, saying that, in recent months, he began experiencing emotions and anxiety that he had never felt before. Sports commentator Skip Bayless responded harshly to these sentiments, criticizing Prescott for, essentially, not being tougher or a better leader. While this criticism is obviously ludicrous, it exemplifies a larger issue in the sports community about the discussion of mental health. The stigma around mental health is largely due to comments such as Bayless’, which reinforce harmful notions that these athletes are too tough or strong to face these challenges. These remarks show that the

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott runs off the field following a 17-42 loss to the Denver Broncos on Sept. 17. 2017. Photo used with permission of Wikimedia Commons. conversation surrounding mental health in professional sports has a long way to go before it is fully treated with the importance and sincerity that it deserves. In order to remedy these issues, the professional leagues and teams themselves need to better address mental health challenges, both in their athletes and in the general public. Many of the initiatives related to mental health in professional leagues such as the NFL are player-led, meaning they do not have the same level of corporate power and influence that the teams and leagues do. The NBA has taken steps in the right direction related to mental health with the 2019 appointment of William Parham, the league’s director of mental health and wellness. However, in order to fully resolve these issues, there needs to be open and honest conversations about mental health that are promoted and encouraged by the teams and leagues. An athlete’s mental health is even more paramount to their overall well-being than physical health, and the sports world needs to start treating it as such.

Burned Out


N the Red November 2020

Senior Audra Emmerson, senior Katie Burton, sophomore Grace Carrol, senior Katie Howard and freshman Sydney Berndt run a new play at practice on Monday, Nov. 2. Photo by Anna Mossing

“Everyone played together, and we all played for each other.”

Shooting for success Girls basketball aims to improve on historic season Anna Mossing mossiann000@hsestudents.org


ast year, the girls basketball team made strides for the program. For the first time in its history, the team made it to regionals. They became conference champions, won sectionals against HSE with a comeback from 5-21 score in the first quarter and set a new school record for number of wins. While preparing for the upcoming season, players reflected over the past one. The program decided that the team-focused mentality instead of an individual-focused one played a large role in their achievements. Senior Audra Emmerson believes that without this selflessness the team would have had no chance in achieving what they did. “Last year, everyone played together, and we all played for each other,” Emmerson said. Players hope to keep the same attitude this year, and the highenergy team is excited to play with one another. They are planning to have fun and enjoy their time with one another, but above all, the Tigers find it imperative to exemplify what it means to be a leader

Sports N the Red and put teammates before themself. Sophomore Jacqueline Stulken attributes this attitude, assisted by the leadership of the seniors and positive energy of the whole team, to the Tigers’ success. “Leadership is really what got us to all our success last year, so we find it important to cultivate that again,” Stulken said. In creating this authentic team atmosphere and energy, the Tigers are looking to exceed last season’s achievements. In order to meet these expectations, they have more specific objectives. In the midst of the pandemic, the team will be doing all they can to stay healthy so they will be able to compete each night. The players are also aiming to bond as a team and sharpen leadership skills, especially among upperclassmen. With 4 seniors, all of which were part of the lineup last year, the players think the leaders of the team are fully capable of leading them to success. “We want to continue to build on the culture we had last year

Senior Audra Emmerson hands ball off to senior Katie Burton at practice on Monday, Nov. 2. Photo by Anna Mossing.


Senior Katie Howard shoots on sophomore Grace Carrol at practice Monday, Nov. 2. Photo by Anna Mossing.

of coming in each day and trying to be the best we can,” said head Coach Votaw. “We believe if we do that, we can compete with every team in the state.” Preparing to exceed the success of last year, the girls have been practicing since July. While refining their skills, they have been focused on learning how to find a rhythm with each other. Players have also been building up their strength and endurance through weight workouts and conditioning. To determine the definite team, tryouts were held Monday, October 19 through Wednesday, October 21. Coach Votaw is confident the lady Tigers will be able to compete with any team on any given night. She describes the team as experienced and quick with several players who played large roles on last year’s 23-2 team, as well as some talented newcomers. “Seniors Katie Burton, Audra Emmerson, Katie Howard and Jordan Imes are providing excellent leadership through the standards they hold all players to in practice,” Votaw said. “Hailey and Olivia Smith provide an energy and a passion that is contagious. Haley Gausepohl and Emily Gausepohl are varsity newcomers, as well.” Through the leadership and confidence that has already been cultivated on the team, players are excited for a fun and successful season. Emmerson thinks that the environment is already one of a winning team, and can’t wait to see where this season takes them. “Last year we really gained confidence in our talent and skill,” Emmerson said. “We now know we can use them to get where we want to go.” The Lady Tigers’ next home game is Saturday, Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m.


N the Red

November 2020 After disasters and crisis in the world, many have written off 2020 as a year that “sucks,” but that is an unhealthy attitude. Photo used with permission of pxfuel.

12 months of hate

Giving up on year creates hopelessness in society Nate Albin



n 2016, I remember people saying that it was the worst year ever. Then, people said it again in 2017. 2018 received the same treatment, and 2019 was no different. In 2020, people are saying it once again, but this year, it seems to be said even more. 2020 has certainly been a historic year, from the COVID-19 pandemic to the continuous racial inequality. We have seen the death of cultural heroes and experienced one of the most aggressive, contentious election years in American history. Wildfires have raged across the west coast while hurricanes bombard the southern United States. Safe to say, we are merely small pawns in the game of 2020. It seems that ‘2020 sucks’ has become this year’s catchphrase. A lot has gone wrong, but a negative attitude will help absolutely nothing. In fact, having a negative attitude causes bad situations to get worse. The University of Minnesota has a program dedicated to personal health called ‘Taking Charge of Your Health and Wellbeing’ with one section dedicated to attitude. This section states that a constant negative attitude can lead to chronic stress. This chronic stress can cause many different cardiovascular diseases and actually take years off your life. Considering many people have been negative about the past four to five years, this is especially troubling. As high school students, we are still young individuals. Getting into the habit of hating the year is not a good idea. There is a popular theory called the 21/90 rule. This is the belief that it takes 21 days to form a habit, and it takes 90 days to make it a lifestyle change. Well, for people who have been negative about every year since 2016, we are looking at quite the damaging lifestyle. This is important for reasons other than personal health. Having a bad attitude about the world hurts all of us. I could rattle off a hundred cheesy sayings about how you need to believe in the good in the world, and you may understandably roll your eyes at a massive list of cliches, but there is truth at the core of these sayings. Imagine if everyone thought that voting in the election was useless. Some people believe they are just one person that has no power to change anything. If everyone believes that, then no one votes. This is the same situation. If everyone believes that this year is bad and next year is bad and the year after is bad, then no one will fight to do good anymore. As mentioned earlier, we have lost many icons this year. If you look at some of the legends who have passed away, you will see that they would not have wanted us to stay complacent in a world we are unhappy with. Kobe Bryant did not just believe that women’s sports were treated unequally; he went out and advocated for change and dedicated time to work the problem. Ruth Bader Ginsberg did not sit still while women were denied the same rights as men. And John Lewis was doing everything he could to end racial inequality in the U.S. up until the day he died. This year has been tough, but giving up now would be the worst thing that could happen this year. The beauty of the world is that we can work for change. It is okay to feel down about the world, but that is all the more reason to work to make our communities better. If you do not do it for yourself, do it in honor of those who came before you and do it for those who will come after. Let’s finish 2020 strong and embrace the challenges brought on by the years to come.


N the Red

Voters line up at Billericay Park on Oct. 30, casting their ballots in a system that is not in their best interests. Photo by Fletcher Haltom

Minority rules The case for the abolition of the electoral college Fletcher Haltom haltofle000@hsestudents.org


he preservation of the Electoral College, an outdated, overly complicated and historically prejudiced system, has been the subject of rampant debates for decades. It regularly faces justified criticism for a myriad of reasons. Despite these admonishments, the electoral college continues to decide the presidency of the United States, much to the detriment of the American public. When discussing the abolishment of the Electoral College, opponents will typically discuss the downfall of small states that would supposedly occur if the system were to be removed. Wyoming and Vermont, adversaries claim, would receive virtually no representation in a simple popular vote plan. However, according to FairVote, during the 2016 presidential election, the nine smallest states received zero attention during campaign season. When contrasted with the six states that received nearly two-thirds of campaign attention, the problem with the electoral college becomes evident. The largest issue with the electoral college is that it encourages complacency in non-swing states among candidates. Logically, under the electoral college, it is unwise to campaign in a state that is virtually guaranteed to vote a certain way. Thus, only the swing states, namely Florida, Michigan, Ohio and others, are of large importance to campaigning candidates. In a system that seeks to represent the beliefs of the entirety of the American public, it is foolish to utilize a system that so heavily rewards pandering to a handful of swing states. The electoral college does not equally favor all states, as supporters claim; it instead disproportionately grants attention to a few states with relatively equal voting balances. While a historically racist creation by itself is not necessarily a just reason to abolish the electoral

college, it is certainly noteworthy, especially when considering its curious usage in modern-day America. The infamous Three-fifths Compromise, a 1787 agreement that determined that three out of five slaves would be considered people when determining a state’s population, played a central role in the development of the electoral college. This contract was created to ensure that white Southerners would have a disproportionate advantage when selecting the country’s president. Thus, the electoral college was, at least partially, created in a severely prejudiced manner in order to ensure that white Southerners would have their votes receive more attention. A system with such a racist history has no place in modern America. One final, notable flaw with the electoral college is that it is a winner-takes-all system, in which a candidate receives the entirety of a state’s electoral votes regardless of their margin of victory. If a candidate wins the vote in Ohio by an almost negligible margin, it is counterintuitive to award the totality of Ohio’s say in the national election to just that one candidate. Similarly, the electoral college can also award a candidate the presidency even if that candidate loses the popular vote. In the 2016 election, President Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes, yet still won the presidency. Candidate Hillary Clinton did not win the presidency despite receiving the majority of the votes, a situation that should never be permitted to occur. A system that has the potential to award the less popular candidate the presidency is deeply flawed, and it is necessary that it is replaced for the sake of American citizens. Although a simple majority vote election presents its own challenges, it is still a far more preferable system than the current electoral college.



N the Red

November 2020

Building blocks of success Longer class times show academic benefits Emma Tomlinson tomliemm000@hsestudents.org


Use your device to scan the QR code and vote for block schedule or the seven-period day on our website!

HS students prefer the current block schedule compared to the previous seven-period day schedule; in a survey of 118 students, 65% said they prefer block schedule, compared to only 35% who picked the seven-period schedule. Not only is the block schedule preferable for students, it also has numerous academic benefits. Schools that use a block schedule see higher academic achievement and performance. Auburn University conducted a study using Georgia high schools to analyze test scores from the SAT, ACT and AP exams after a switch from a seven-period day to a block schedule. The study concluded that scores in all standardized tests improved immediately after the change in schedule. The study also noted that STEM exam scores increased at a greater rate than other subject areas. Block scheduling is a good use of class time to improve testing achievement in schools. College Board also found that the block schedule increases cross-subject achievement, furthering students’ ability to perform well in multiple academic disciplines simultaneously. This could be due to the fact that a longer class period allows for more individualized instruction. In a regular seven-period class, there is rarely time at the end of class for students to ask questions and receive one-on-one time with their teacher. Oftentimes, students have to come into school early or stay late for extra help. The block period allows a sufficient amount of time, perhaps at the end of class, to have dedicated, individualized instruction time. Teachers also see fewer students each day, so they can dedicate more time to those who need help. During a seven-period day, teachers frequently run out of time due to a shorter class. The extended block period allows for more in-depth instruction. Longer class times also allows teachers to experiment with different methods of learning. Class discussions and group projects foster communication skills in students; according to the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, being able to work effectively in a group is important because around 80% of all employees work in group settings. Having longer class periods allows for extended work time and more opportunity to work on communication skills with peers that will be useful in future careers. Science classes also benefit from a longer period because it provides more time for labs. This lets students complete their lab in one class period, rather than having to return the next day, reducing the likelihood of mistakes. Taking a brain break is crucial for students whose attention span may not allow them to concentrate for a whole block period. The CDC estimates around 11% of American children have ADHD. An 85 minute period needs to have breaks in it to allow students to re-center and refocus. Currently, the option is up to teachers if they choose to give their students 10-15 minutes to relax and take a break from the material. Instead, the schedule should have built-in time for students to take a brain break. During a brain break, students could play a game, do some yoga, work on homework that might be due next period, eat a snack, or simply rest their head for a few minutes. This built-in break would prevent students from losing focus and tuning out during class. A block schedule is not only preferred by students, but it is proven to lead to better testing scores and academic achievements that reflect well on both students and the school. In order to prevent students from losing attention during class, FHS should also consider implementing mandatory brain breaks for students during class. Schools that want their students to succeed should use the block schedule.


N the Red

Seven-period success Students better set for success with traditional schedule Ben Rosen rosenben000@hsestudents.org


tudents who are unable to pay attention for long periods of time can benefit from a seven-period schedule. Currently, on days except Wednesdays, classes are 85 minutes long. According to Brain Balance Achievement Centers, 16-year-olds have an attention span of roughly 32 to 48 minutes. The seven-period bell schedule day, Wednesday, has 43 minute class periods which directly correlate with the 32 to 48 minute attention span and allow students to be able to focus for the entirety of the class period. As of 2016, three million children in the United States between the ages of 12 and 17 have been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, according to the Center for Disease Control. Children, even those without ADHD, struggle when it comes to paying attention for the duration of an 85 minute class period under normal circumstances. Combine that with having to sit in front of a computer screen on Zoom for at least two days in a week, and it is not a smart idea to have 85 minute classes four days out of the five in a school week. Another issue with a block schedule is not having all seven classes every day of the week. Some supporters of the block schedule believe that it has students in class for a longer period of time over the course of the week compared to a seven-period schedule. However, the block schedule being used has students going to each class for a total of 213 minutes a week. If every day were like Wednesday, students would spend 215 minutes in each class in one week. Overall, when the two minute difference between the seven-period schedule and the block schedule is taken and multiplied by seven to account for all of a student’s classes on their schedule, students spend a total of 14 more minutes in class during a week with a seven-period bell schedule than on a block schedule. A study conducted by the University of Virginia found that students on a block schedule had lower scores in college science classes than those who did not have a block schedule. Clearly, seven-period schedules also have academic advantages. Courses that are only offered for one of the two semesters can be tough with a block schedule, especially AP classes. Those classes that are only offered for one semester have 90 instructional days on a seven-period schedule. On a block schedule, that number would dramatically decrease, which would further decrease class time available for students in high-level or AP courses that are only offered for one of the two semesters. That could lead to additional troubles when it comes time for AP exams and other tests for those high-level classes. A school absence during a seven-period schedule is easier to make up than an absence during a block schedule. This is because students currently go to each class only three times a week, and this means that when students are absent, they are missing nearly twice as much class time on a block schedule than they would on a seven-period schedule. According to ThoughtCo, missing a day while on a block schedule is the same as missing two days on a traditional seven-period bell schedule. Some students and teachers are not equipped to handle block schedules and the long class periods that come with it. With a seven-period schedule, each student goes to each class every single day, and they are able to be in class longer over the course of an entire week. Thus, learning remains continuous and the class flows better, which allows students to be more successful in all of their classes.

Infographic by Fletcher Haltom.



N the Red

November 2020

Athletic distortion

We need to value ourselves as human beings, not just athletes. Photos by the 2019-20 Tiger Tracks Yearbook.

Athletes need a change in mentality


o much rides on a single action in sports. Sometimes, it seems as if your whole life will change with this one moment – if you make it or miss, if you hit it or don’t. We put so much pressure on ourselves and others just for a sport. But it is not just a sport, is it? Ask any high school athlete. They will tell you that their sport is so much more than just that. It’s a team, a family, their livelihood, their identity. They’re not just part of a sport; the sport is a part of them. Sports have clouded most of our visions of ourselves. The pressure to join club sports at a young age and to always be the best person on the team or in the room has created an atmosphere of competitiveness that is not only ruining our mental health, but also our sense of identity. With an unattainable amount of merit put on sports, we learn to value our worth as an athlete above anything else. As this sense of value continues to preoccupy athletes, their focuses tend to go out the window. Athletics trump school, family time, social events and even our own selves. We start to put our value as athletes above our value as a person. Before we know it, how we perform directly influences how we look at ourselves. Performing poorly in a game or meet has absolutely nothing to do with our self-worth. It is an easy distortion to identify from the outside, but, as the athlete, it is a harder habit to break. Breaking yourself away from seeing your performance as the main defining part of yourself takes practice and focus. We are so much more than our sports, and we need to remember that. The truth of the matter is hardly any high school athletes will end up playing their sport as a professional. What we take away from sports should not be our lives, but instead life-long lessons – teamwork, time management, perseverance, strength, and courage. Instead, we need to find a safe and accurate definition of ourselves that does not only rely on our athletic abilities. We need to focus on what else defines us – who we are as a person. Finding ourselves in school, our social lives, the role we play in our families and community, our small interests and hobbies, how we treat others and so much more. We need to value ourselves as human beings, not just athletes. Because for some reason, we realize that humans can make mistakes, but we refuse to acknowledge that the same is true for us as athletes.


N the Red

EDITORIAL QUESTION Do high school athletes put too much pressure on themselves?

YES - 6 NO - 3

High school athletes deal with various mental health challenges presented by their sports. Photo by Grace Mossing.


Tiger Topics N the Red is the official monthly newsmagazine of Fishers High School. It is distributed free to 3,500 students and over 300 student personnel. It is designed, written and edited by students. Opinions expressed in the newsmagazine do not necessarily represent those of the adviser, administration or staff. Letters to the editor may be submitted to A218, and must contain the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters to the editor will not be published anonymously. If there is any incorrect information, corrections will be made in the next issue.


As the student-run newsmagazine of FHS, N the Red is dedicated to providing the staff, students, and community of FHS with a timely, entertaining and factual publication once a month by means of public forum. In publishing articles that students enjoy reading, we are furthering both the educational experience and the expansion of FHS culture. The staff works to create a sense of unity and awareness and to allow the students of FHS to have a better insight to the world around them.



N the Red

November 2020

Issue Review

Down: 1. Which Dallas Cowboys QB is one of the most vocal mental health supporters in the NFL? 2. What should teammates do instead of always giving advice? 4. How far did girls basketball get in the tournament last season? 7. During the 2016 presidential election, how many states recieved two-thirds of campaign attention? 8. What sport did Keefer Soehngen play up until his sophomore year? 11. How many characters are in The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon? 12. What should you wear to protect others from COVID-19? 15. What store is having Black Friday sales the entire month of November?

Across: 3. What percentage of freshmen college students drop their first year? 5. How many minutes would a student spend in class on Wednesday schedule if every day? 6. What is a good volunteer starting point at the Wheeler Mission? 9. What university has a program dedicated to personal health? 10. How many pounds of pumpkin pie is eaten each Thanksgiving? 13. What movie theater group is closing 536 locations? 14. Where is the wrestling team’s first meet? 16. What university found that block scheduling produced better testing scores?

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