1939 El Espiritu

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Editing the annual has been, to most of the staff, like a journey over unknown ways. At first we had only a vague idea of what was ahead of us, but as we went on we found each day full of interesting and valuable experiences. Most of all we shall long remember our happy comradeship in the strenuous endeavor. Our pride in the cooperation and loyalty of all is equalled only by our pleasure in the com­ pleted result. It is with much gratitude that we, the annual staff, present EL ESPIRITU DE 1939 to the students and faculty of Claremont High School.

Book I


Book II Book III Book IV Book V Book VI






As a tribute to her unfailing cooperation and interest, EL ESPIRITU DE 1939 is dedicated to

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In this day of high speed, threats of war, and indecision, people are recalling with enthusiasm the comparative leisure and spontaneous gaiety of the I 890's. Fashions, phrases, songs. and furnishings arc adopting the frills and furbishes of the (;ay �incties. Capturing again the spirit of this period. we, in EL EsPIRITl. DE l 939, have attempted to give you a moderni1.ed ,·ersion of the "good old days" in Claremont T [igh School.

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Book I




((The Pilot" Each person has some influence for good or ill 111 every group of which he is a member.

Democracy depends upon intelligent, indi,·idual respon-­ sibility. The helpful attention given to this phase of school life by student leaders during 1938-39 holds great promise for future develop1nent in our high school. Seniors deserve much credit for starting and leading in this moYement. The ''torch'' is now left for other classes to ca,'ry for­ ward.

To the class of 1939, congratulation�! It has been :i pleasure to know and work with you. �\Iany happy memo­ ries of our association will linger. l\ily very best wishes to each and e,·eryone of you for much success and pleasure. Sincerely yours, Et\RL THOi\lPSO).', Principal.



Back Ro-:,: ('. Jjudson, \.I. Dougla��, \f. Dunn, R. Chidla\\ 1 S. Jhrn("S, II. Curme, J. Be:ttty, A. Tr:u:y, J. Talho11, \V. Johnson, L. \Vorkman, E. Raisb1.:ck, N. Hoag, F. Kittinger. Fron t R orc : M. Vand t..·rwood, fl. � lorrison, J. \\'hitn('_\', P. Chaplin, \'. Tompkins. 1

"The Future Shines Brightly Jy

The Senior High Student Council, composed of student body officers and class representati,·es, holds two sessions each month under the supen-ision of Dr. Thompson. lt has become a ,·ital force in Claremont Tligh School, with stu­ dents and teachers alike realizing its importance. Among this year's accomplishments were the proposals of several amendments to the constitution \\'hich were voted by the student body.



Bae /.: Ro-.:,.:: T. G�1rm.·r, \V. H l"n1.ic, C. Allt:n, E. Jones, F. St. Cbir, J. Ganlnl"r, \'. \.Villiams, F. SaunJcrs, IL Grant, R. llenzic, ·r. \Viggins. Front Row: B. J. Garris, R. Coukt', i\11. Coopt·r 1 \I, \Va�nt·r, G. :\'krt1kc.

"Clear the Way''

Easily overlooked, but yet ttnportant, is the Junior High Student Council. It meets eHry month and discusses prob­ lems of the Junior High. It then acts on them as the need or importance•dcmands. One of the undertakings of this year was the sponsoring of the Red Cross drive for the entire school. The guiding hand of the se\·enth, eighth, and ninth grades is indeed the Junior High Student Council.

MR. Boo·1 11

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"Don't Let It Happen Again"

The modern teacher is no longer the tyrant of grand­ father's day, but a friend who helps Yvith our projects. In producing a program, i\frs. Howe directs the orchestra: Miss Baker, the meal music; i\lrs. Schafer ( the girls' gym­ nasium instructor), the dance numbers; �lrs. Hull, the Eng­ lish teacher, or Mr. Wilby, who has public speaking and social science, coaches the dialogue; :\1 1r. Booth, the mathe­ matics instructor, and !V [rs. Simpson, art, plan the stag� construction, and i\f rs. \Villiams, domestic science, the cos-



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turn es. \[ r. Forney, the his�ory and biology teacher, and \Ir. Arrington of the science. and 1'1r. 1'1artin, Physical Education anJ Social Studies, assist the management. Miss Fscudero, modern !anguages instructor, \liss French, Eng­ lish and mathematics, and \fr. \Yood, mechanical drawing, typing, and shop instructors, chaperone anJ othern·ise assist. i\fiss Willows, Latin and Lnglish. is also Dean of Girls, and :i\lrs. Fitts, counselor librarian, is always willing to gi,·e ath·ice and help.

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aNobody Ever Thinks of Me"

Long a , alued statf, these people ha,·e endeared them­ selves to students and faculty alike, by their cooperation and sincere interest. ;\ 1 rs. Beck and l\Iiss Foster ha\'e sup­ plied our locker keys and tardy slips. Boh and "Tenny" ha,·e good-naturedly chauffeured us. Frank has willingly helped us with our dances and J\ Ir. Clifton has guarded our school in the lonely \\'atches of the night. For this help we

thank you.

Book II



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\Ve ha\'e burned the midnight oil for the last time at Claremont High School and are grateful to those who have helped us on our way. Looking onr our final year we find a delightful Senior Formal and a successful program of plays. There are in our ranks a number of ,veil known ath­ letes, scholars, and leaders. \Ye le;n-e our school and friends with regrets. Standing on the threshold of the future we realize what Claremont High School has meant to us. Armed with the knowledge we haYe gained, we are ready to answer the challenge of the busy world.

ROKER'l \I.Ll�O'\ J L '\ h lit \'I I' B.\R:S.�., .\:'.\DhR\O'.\'



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From the first of the year the sweaters concerned the new Junior Class and they were finally sprung before the entire Student Body. Throughout the year we raised money for the successful Junior-Senior Rece• ption, which is the biggest event on our calendar. \Ve accomplished this by the Junior

"Pulling Hard Aga inst

First Ro!t.:: R. Allen, E. Ament, S. Barnes, J. Barber, G. Baughman, Jl. Driggs, B. Hill t·sbach. S aond R qu·: vi. Bulkky, D. lkatty, L. Bronson, R. Bradley, N. Bybee, K. Chidl;"', D. llern,md,·z. Third R or,- : B. Chidl,rn, I. Grant, C. Darr, M. Duddridge, V. Edwards, K. Ellis, C. Gettman. Fourth Row: H. Curme, T. Cuitil�rn.--,, C. Clark, C. Hockm:rn 1 R. johns, P. Jones, W. Johnson.

Dance, candy and doughnut sales and the Junior Play which started a precedent by giving three popular performances. This year has meant ha rd work and a great deal of pleasure to us and we are looking forward to filling the place that is left to us by a splendid Senior Class.

the Stream,,

Top Ro,, IL L.t.·t.�, S. ��111cc:, \.1. �V10rriso11, D. Pt·ck, ;\,l. Pil·rn•, E. Pop;.•nov, P. Popt·­ nol·. Th:rd R,,r, J. RichmonJ, :\1. R�1i,i;hcck, N. Rt"'-·J1 J. S\\eet, J. S,rnforJ, B. Sl.1u1hter, J. T.,lhott. Su•u-1 R•n: I'. Speir<, II. Smith, I:. \lorinak.1. fl. Thomp<nn. \.1. R. V:utdt.·n,ooJ, E. Vou�ht, F. \\•,i;t,11. f'irsJ Ron )). \\'ht·c:lt·r, J. \Vhitnt.·y, (,. \\'nod, R. Y.-rk<-,, D. Youn;,.

Top Ro«: P. Pinson, :\1. l>ouirlnss, ;\,I. St. Clair, If. Duddridg,·, E. Miller, R. Chidla", A. Paul, H. Keller, I.. \Vorkman, F. Contreras, H. J. Swarts. Srcond Rorc: J. Clc,eland, I). Steudkr, B. Brooks, J. Uolrntn, M. G,·nun1<, ;\,I. H. l.im, C'. Grat,.. TJ,ird Rote R. E. Nicholson, ll. Sanders, M. Opperman, A. Cox, J. Talbot, I)_ I.. lloih-au, G. Wwth, .\. L. Vought. f'ir.<1 Ro«-: B. Hirsch, B. S. Mohlcy, E. Morri­ son, :'vi. ;\lcConncll, F. llillesbach, C. Hudson, C. Vestal.

"Put My Little Shoes Away"

Although the Sophomore Class is the youngest in Senior High School, we have proved our worth by active participa- · tion in the Girls' League, the Scholarship Society and other student body activities. \Ve opened the school social life by gi,·ing a ".:\' o-date" Party under the guidance of Richard Chidlaw. Our acti,·ities were directed b�· :\lalcolm Douglass as president, and Dora Louise Boileau, secretary-treasurer.

Top Row: A. Gonzales, S. Parrilla, G. Conzales, E. Parker, W. Johnson, E. Domingm.•z, J. Adams, H. Van Noord,·n. Seco11d Row: G. Yrigollen, W. Twogood, W. Hcnzic, E. Campbell, V. Williams, C. Jaeger, D. Healy, R. Dunn, J. Caldwell, T. Garner. '/'l,ird Row: J. Nalond, M. MacNamee, J. Holt, E. McVcy, A. Rowand, A. Wilson, O. McGinnis, L. Wood, Jl. J. Garris, R. llaughman. Fourth R o« : P. Sherman, C. Allen, R. Sulzbach, :'vi. Coop�r, M. Uri\Cr, . J. Gardner, M. Jhonson, C. Griffith, D. Knott, F. St. Clair. Fifth Row: W, Popcnoc, E. Mei, B. Yerkes, C. Frcdrndall, D. Johnson, A. Da- ies, F. St. Clair, P. Robinson, J. Gapp, F. RCtum, l'. Bulkley.

"Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me"

As we prepare to enter Senior High we look with pride upon our one hundred per cent membership in the ReJ Cross ( a record unequal! ed by any other class this year), the greatest enrollment in the Public School Council, and a. Hallowe'en Party. Under the capable leadership of Ted Garner and Clarence Allen we feel that we have experienced a long-to-be-remembered year. i\,'Jay our future be as e,·ent­ ful.

Top Rort,: Jf. S<1uires 1 '.\'I. Sau1H.h:rs ) F. Saunders, R. Benzie, A. Jacobson, L. Olson, G. Salazar, G. Da:\'is, i,;. Birkd, R. Davis. Tl,ird Row: G. Reid, R. Cooke, K. Jessen, B. Ree\'es, F. Copeland, M. Michael, W. Cory, D. Stalford, M. L. Cutbirth. Sao,,,{ Ro,c: R. Holtz, X. Stocks, II. Grant, M. Timmons, S. Martin, I.. Fnkh-r, P. Squires, M. V. F redcndall, H. Carter. First Rott·: \V. I lirsch, L. }-brrold, D. Harrod, T. Snyder, 1,N , Sherman, M. R. Mobley, E. Shaw, M. Allison, G. Mcrt,kc, K. Walton.

"When You and I Were Young, Maggie"

r o longer the youngest class in the school, the eighth grade has finally taken a firm place among the ranks of the Student Body. ·with Fiske Saunders as president and Nor­ man Stocks, social chairman, and Horton Grant and �lary Ruth Mobley holding these positions the second semester, the class had several skating parties and a picnic at Fair­ mont Park in the Spring, with l\liss French and Mr. \iVood as chaperones.

Top Ro«·: A. Saunders, M. Ua>es, S. Del.;ipp, l'. Lope,, E. :'>larii,w,, ll. A. llockm.rn, I). Briggs, F. :\l\'an:z, C. LcJoy, .E. Jont·s, I.. Perron, (L Dy n. Srcoud Rfl-:t·; B. Ch,1ncc-, P. Strong, J, Ellis, C. Allen , M. Burgess, V. Fields, O. Tooker, C. Russey, J. \Villiams, D. To\\ ne. Third Roe,·: B. Carnes, L. Ornd;,s, B. Cooper, G. Coop('r, P. Hudson, NL Coke, C. G;irris, C. Wood, J. S:tlronstall, T. \Vi ig i ns. Four//, RM<: : L. Vaughn, II. Ord\\:1y, E. Popenoc·, B. llilksb.ich, M. Forbn, M. Wag-ncr, J. Hamilton , E. Jaqua, R. lle,rh, J. Felix. Fifth Row: B. Col"in, II. \Vidmar, B. Cooper, J. Sherman, B. Corr, R. Sanders, W. Hendricks, J. Vedder, R. Eisenbrcy.

"Poor Little Lost Child"

\\'e ha,·e embarked this year upon a long journey, en­ tirely different from any we have encountered before, and it will be six long years before we attain the exalted honor of being seniors. We started off the year with Earle Jones· as our president and Gertrude Cooper as social chairman. Under her direction we had such a successful Ilallowe'en party that we reelected her to the same position the next semester.

.\:\'Y PARE:\'T TO A:'\r CHILD Like the golden portals, one by one The yea rs ha,·e opened to let the sun Of I .ife and Lo,·e, and Knowledge in, To till with radiance to God's akin Those strange, remote, dim realms whence you In ultimate solitude re\'iew The pageant of the world without. In these openings of the door of time \\'hat ha,·e you seen, dear child of mine? That prophet of the Hebrew race, Gazing clear-eyed on his master's face, Said, "Gentle love by a child portrayed, Is the conquering force 'gainst force arrayed;" That childhood's guilessness the Nazarene Gave His benison, as with voice serene I le said that of such is the Kingdom of Hea,·en. In these openings of the door of time, Ha,·e you heard aught of this, dear child of mine? Straight before thee life's road appears Through the fateful gateway of the years­ Ages old, of common sod, "'ith the patient wisdom born of God, Turned and sown with fruiting seed Against the time of human need. Lo\'e and Life, and Knowledge. What In the future of the doors of time \\'ill you do with these, dear child of mine? -ROBERT HAWKIKS.

Book III






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ft is said that Claremont High School has more activities than any other school. For. the size it is undoubtedly true. \Ve pride ourselves upon our scholastic achieYement. \Ve have aided the Red Cross, Casa Colina, and Claremont's needy citizens. In addition, we have proYided ourselves with dances, plays, and carnivals. This year has set a precedent in the interest in new activities. Inspired by the ideas of our student body president, we have studied extensively the pos­ sibilities of Student Government. Busy? Yes, but happy.


F.. Milin, R. Hawkins, W. Johnson, C. Baughman, H. Bradley, J. Barber, V. Rugh, M. Dunn, J. Rich­ mond, M. A. Cooke, Mr. Martin, J. Robbins, N. Hoag, M. Price, B. Anderson.

"Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen''

emerged this year in a new, and yet old fashioned, style. Under the direction of Mary Dunn and Mr. Martin the staff worked smoothly, gaining enjoyment as well as experience from their work. Edward E\·erett Horton's personal appearance in a program sponsored by the annual, was a very successful e\·ent. The result of our efforts is here; we hope you decide it is one of the best annuals yet published. EL ESPIRITU

C Clark, M. Welch, ll. Bil!t-shach, B. A. Gillette, S. Xan«·, E. Raisbeck, R. 11:"'kins, Miss Escudero, \V. l.:tkt', V. Rugh, 8. 1\llorrison, V. Tomp kins, \.-1. Picrcf.-', E. Anwn r, R. Poun d, n. Chidl:rn , E. :\f orri son, D. Johnson, J. Gapp, M. Cooper.

"Just Break the News to Mother"

Appearing e,·ery other FriJay, the vVOLF PACKET has been a,·ailable for each inJividual of the High School and Faculty and has kept them informed of the activities of the whole school, as well as keeping the folks at home suppliecf with up-to-the-minute news. An innovation in the PACKET was the "Personality of the Week" column introducing various officers of the student body and faculty members.

Top Ro«·: J. Whitney, L. Bronson, R. Allison, K. Ellis, B. Anderson, C. Wagner, M. Miller. Second Row:

H. A. n. J.

Curme, N. Reed, C. Brooks, V. Edwards, P. Jones, P. Popenoe, C. Hockman, G. Wood, U. Morinaka, Mertzke. 1'hird Rou-: Miss Escudero, J. Robbins, J. Sanford, J. Hockman, B. Story, N. Hoag, N. Bybee, Urooks, M. Bulkley. First Roa·: G. Darr, B. Gillette, J. Macl-larg, S. Cailliet, E. Popenoe, E. Ament, Richmond.

"Ye Sons of France, Awake"

The French Club, composed of students from the French ' classes, meets every other week at the home of one of its members. There they have a very interesting time, carrying on business and games in French, and usually ending the evening with refreshments. The club attended several French movies during the year. All of this was found to be helpful in both speaking and understanding the language.

Back Row: J. Talbott, C. Clark, W. Johnson, R. Bradley, F. Contreras, T. Garner, M. St. Clair, fl. Keller,

:-\. Conz:tlcs, R. Guerrero, J. Aguilera, J. J\lloblcy. 'J'hirti Rote Miss Escmh:ro, B. Johns, J. Dolcatcr, E. Morrison, D. L. Boileau, I). l)uncan, M. ,\. Cooke, C. W.,gner, F. St. Clair, M. Raisbeck, B. Slaughter, R. 5,., arls, M. Vi g il. Second Roa.:; M. O p p('rman, I. Crant, R. Allen, J. Cal<.hH·ll, H. Van Noordcn, M. :'vlcConnell, E. Miller, J. Cleveland, A. Paul, 1-1. Smith, M. Douglass, W. T"ogood, V. Johns. First Row: P. Popenoc, ll. Thompson, B. McVey, G. Wyeth, C. Hudson, F. Jlilleshach, M. Driver, F. Vestal, I. Tai• hott, ll. Sanders, V. Rui,h, L. Henard, D . .J. Cullen.

·"It's an Old Spanish Custom''

This year the Spanish Club divided into first and second year groups, each meeting once a month. The first half hour of each meeting was devoted to business and games, conducted in Spanish, and the last half was for refreshments • and conversation. Among the activities of the group was a. mountain party in the spring. "El Circulo" proved very helpful in enabling the students to speak Spanish more fluently.

Back Row: Mr. Martin, R. Bradley, G. Baughman, H. Bradley, R. Whiteside, C. Clark, B. Billesbach, S. Barnes, 11. Sprinkle, W. Lake, H. Duddrid g:e. Front Ro,c: W. Johnson, G. Wilson, E. Voughr, K. Chidlaw, B. Johns, C. Gettman, D. Hough, R. Pound, J. Macf-!arg.

"The Gallant Twenty''

The Lettermen's Club of 1939, with Joe MacHarg as president and John Talbott as secretary, was a fine group of boys, who were outstanding in all branches of athleticďż˝. The club awarded sweaters to the few who had won three major letters in a single sport: Howard Bradley, Herbert Duddridge, Hubert Sprinkle, Joe :\IacHarg and Arthur Tracy. The social highlight of the vear was the annual Spring Lettermen's Carnival.


ll11ck Rote: C. Hudson, I\11. Pierce, 1\-lrs. Sch;.fcr, S. Cailliet 1 \V. Cl:trk. front Roďż˝,:: P. Speirs, IJ. Duncan, J. Beatty, Jl. Morrison.

"I Don't Want to Play in Your Yard"

The G.A.A. has as its main objects the fostering of good sportsmanship and promoting of physical welfare. Each major sport has its Tri-County League Play Day, held at different schools. Members of the four upper grades who have earned fifty points by going out for sports, or making the teams, are eligible for G.A.A. membership. The organ­ ization provides the necessary wholesome relaxation for girls.

Rack Row: Mr. Forney, 11. Curme, K. Ellis, C. llockman, J. Hockman, R. Story, J. Macll:iri, S. Barnes. Front Ro«·: S. Cailliet, _I. Cleveland, C. Wagner, I. Grant, G. W ood, V. Ed \\ ards, M. A. Cooke, L. Work­ man, E. Atllent.

"Awfully Clever"

This year the membership of the Scholarship Society has heen much larger than usual, having twelve members and producing two life members, Clarice Wagner and :\1ary Adeline Cooke. The activities of the society included trips to the County Courts, the movie studios, and the motion pieture "Pygmalion". In the spring a luncheon was given, hon­ oring the active life members, and life members who have graduated.



'fttftiu.,♦ If. Curmc, M. Dunn, E. Vought, V. Ed"ards, C. llockman, N. Bybee, V. Rugh, R. H:n,kins, J. lk:itty, J. f fockm:111, I.. Bronson, C'. W;1g11cr, F.. Popt:noc, S. Rarm.:s, J. Richmond.

'Par Excellence"

Scribblers, the oldest club in the school, has done more for the creati,·e ability than any other organization. To each of the bi-monthly meetings the members bring their crea­ tions as anonymous contributions to be read aloud and freely criticized. This group offers suggestions and encouragement to youthful authors and we feel sure that some of our aspiring talent will be heard from in the future.

1 /iac��: P Douy,;


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!is, �- KcJ er, G. Wilson, T. Garner, l\lr Booth. Srnt«I: R. Yerkes, M. .irr1r, W. Johnson (staiz-c manager), ;vi. St. Cla,r. 5; �

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I "The Black Sheen" T

We are the forgotten men! Yet we are the ones who made possible such successful productions as "One Mad :\1ight", "Five for Bad Luck", the Senior plays and the: radio program. \Ne are especially proud of the results of our labors in constructing the set and arranging the special lighting for the Orchestra Program. \Vith a past such as ours, we feel that we are justified in saying, ··Ours is a job well done."


,..::.1,.1,iding : ;\l. Dunn, ,v. Lake, V. Rugh, A. Mcrtzke, l\,fr. l\-tartin. S,·aud: 11. Sprinkle:, lJ. McConnell, II. Cilktt,·, F. Kittin ger, R. Pound, II. Bradley, \V. Joh nson, II. D11ddridg,·, G. Wilson, i\l. Price.

"That's Where My Money Goes"

Among the many things the Economics Club has done this semester were trips taken to understand better the con­ ditions of workers. Thev ,·isited Los Angeles markets, Tele­ phone Company, and the Federal Reserve Bank. During the year they kept clippings of economic interest which were made into a scrap book. Thus, in an interesting way, they have studied and learned of the economic problems of our country.

P. Grat,, D. Mead, E. :Vlilkr, E. Colbath.

"Cup of Joy"

Each year one boy from the senior class is awarded th; Kiwanis cup on the basis of sportsmanship and scholastic record . In 1938, Donald Mead received this honor. Since 1937 the Rotary Club has offered a similar trophy co the senior girl who ranks highest in scholastic and athletic achievement. ln 1938, Ellen Miller and :'\Iarion Gratz re­ ceived the award jointly, and F.llen Colbath recei,¡ed the D.A.R. award.


L. V:rn Voorhis, .J. Horkm:rn, M. Cookt·, !\,I. \Vc-lch.

"Believe Me if All Those Endearing Young Charms J '

Composed of Sophomore, Junior, and Senior girls, with ;\liss \Yillows as ad,·isor, the Girls' League has pro,·cd itsel t to be a worth,Yhile, acti,·e school organization. By gi,·ing food and cake sales, the ar,nua) Spring dance, and taking o,·er the selling of candy at the noon hours, the girl,· were again able to raise sufficient funds to pro,·ide a bed for the Casa Colina Com·alcsccnt Home for Crippled Children.

n,,.-k Row: K. Chiola", J. Talbott, G. Darr, JJ. Hough, G. Norman. Third Row: R. R. Bradley, R. Pound, Mrs. Howe, D. Duncan, P. Jones, E. Popenoc, M. Douglass, J. A. Paul, C. Clark. Second Ro,o: G. Wood, D. Cullen, P. Chaplin, C. Hockman, M. J. Whitney, V. Edwards. First Ro,,: M. St. Clair, G. Baughman, J. Griggs, A. Tracy, D.

Johns, II. Curme, Beatty, S. Barnes, Welch, N. Reed, Wheeler, D. Peck.


"The Band Played On"

Despite the loss of several fine players from last year, this year's senior orchestra has played an even more indis­ pensable role in the activities of the high school than before. fts members have played at virtually all the student body presentations, and produced a program of their own, which occasioned many comments on the exceptional tone quality and the cooperation of the orchestra as a whole.



Back Row: .B. llockman, F. .Baum, L. Wood, JI. Squires, W. Popcnoe, C. Jaeger, L. Olson, l'. Sherman, C. Allen, E. Birkel, E. Jones, D. Knott, R. Cooke. Secon.d Row: H. Widmar, R. Sanders, M. Daves, B. Cooper, L. Fakler, R. Yerkes, M. 'Wagner, \V. l-lcnzic. Tlzird Row: H. Grant, W. Sherman, J. Vedder, R. Heath, J. Sherman, R. Benzie, J. Saltonstall.

,, 1 a-ra-ra-boom-aee-a y

H'T' ..1..

The orchestra this year is comprised of thirty-one mem­ bers who are well on the road to becoming accomplished musicians. Under the able direction of Mrs. Howe, they have progressed rapidly, and performed exceptionally well in the Orchestra Program. Although several good players graduated to the senior orchestra last year, the junior high organization was compensated by the students who entered in the fall.

Back R()r,·: R. Bradley, R. Pound, B. An�kro:.on, E. )-.lillrr, F. Kittinger, J. Nloblcy, M. Price, .R. Chidl:t\\. Third Row: .\lliss Baker, J. Whitney, A. Tracy, J. Beatty, S. Nance, M. Welch, E. Vought, H. Keller, L. \.Vorkman, J. S\\C-tt, C. Clark, D. Simmons, C. Wyeth, D. Wheekr, D. Hernandez, S. Barnes, A. Vought, K. ChidLrn, C. llockn,an, G. Wood. Second Ro,c: R. Thompson, P. Jones, L. llrnard, M. Vande,­ woud, J. liockm<lll, J. Sanford, I. Gr;Hll, R. Xicholson, D. Stl·u<ller, n. L. Roilc:rn, V. Edw.1rds, D. Oun• c,111, P. Chaplin. Fint Rou·: N. Reed, P. Spl·irs, B. Briggs, D. Cullen, B. A. Gillt..·ttr-, �f. McConnell, C. Wagner, B. Mobky, V. Rugh, R. Chidla".

"Listen to the Mocking Bird')

Included in the activities of the Ad,·anced Chorus thts year were some ,·ery interesting e,·ents. A cantata was pre­ sented in December, in keeping with the Christmas season. Following this was another highlight, a radio broadca�, o,·er station KITJ of a Sigmund Spaeth Hrsion of "Jack and Jill". The Tri-County League \lusic Festi,·al and the Long Beach ]\ [ usic Conference ,Yere e,·ents a !so greatly enjoyed by enryone.


"Jack and Jill"

Using the microphone which last year's senior class gavc to the school the students this year presented an entertaining Radio Program,' Outstanding were the Sigmund Spaeth ver­ sion of Jack and Jill; a play by Jane Fakler; a conference¡ of the European diplomats written by World Problems students; a chemistry experiment with liquid air, and several musical numbers. A success, it was enjoyed by all.

C. Wagner, D. Wheekr, S. Barnes, J. Richmond, M. A. Cooke, L. Workman, A. Tracy, M. Vanderwood, R. Ha" kins, P. Speirs, V. Tompkins, R. Pound, M. Dunn, M. Miller.

"One Mad Night" , The Student Body Play, "One Mad Night", enjoyed enthusiastic acceptance on the evening of December 2. The play was under the direction of Mr. vVilby, whose fine repu­ tation was established by this performance. Those partic:­ pating were: M. Vanderwood, A. Tracy, C. \Vagner, R. Hawkins, R. Pound, J. Richmond, M. A. Cooke, P. Spiers, D. Wheeler, L. ·workman, M. Dunn, i\I. Miller, V. Tomp­ kins, and S. Barnes.


"Touch the Harp Gently"

This year the orchestra performance consisted of a con­ cert by the Junior and Senior High orchestras followed by a play, the scene of which was a garden party, and the cos­ tumes and scenery were in keeping with the setting. The· plot was cleverly written to bring out the musical abilities of the cast. Thanks to the splendid cooperation of the fac­ ulty and the orchestra, the program was a great success.

''Five for Bad Luck�J

ln February, the Junior Class presented a successful one, act come<ly entitle<l "Fi,·e for Ba<l Luck", as a part of a program of plays in which Puente and Bonita participated an<l which was presented at all three schools. The charac­ ters were portrayed by Nancy Bybee, :"-: ancy Ree<l, Leisa Bronson. \larian Pierce, John Talbott. E<lwin Popenot. Stanley Barnes, and Ralph Bradley. 1 t was ably <lirected by Mr. 'Wilby.

I ''Bid Me Goodbye''

The students whose acting was responsible for the suc­ cess of the senior plays included: A. Tracy, V. Tompkins, R. 'Whiteside, D. Hough, J. Beatty, L. Van Voorhis, and R. Pound, who presented "A \Vedding"; C. Brooks, J. MacHarg, M. Cooke, B. Gillette, W. Lake, and M. Price of the "Green Shadows" cast; M. Dunn, R. Hawkins, J. Griggs, J. Mobley, and V. Rugh in "The Curtain". Mr. Wilby directed.


"See Me Dance the Polka" ' The dances of the year were many and varied. They were enjoyed as follows: the sophomore no-date dance, the An­ nual Party where everyone returned to his childhood for the evening, the formal senior dance, the junior dance with a jungle theme, the Lettermen's Carnival Dance, the Girls' League Cotton-Cord dance, and most important, the Junior­ Senior Reception which wound up the year in grand style.

Book IV




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The fellowship, sport�manship, and good feeling which plays so great a part in our school life has been enhanced and enriched by our contacts with Coach Martin, Ji:n Prince, Mr. ·Wilby, and Mrs. Schafer. They have taught us the meaning of fair play. They have taught us how to win courteously and to take our losses with chins up. Be­ sides being teachers, they have proved to be true fri,ends. By Hear judgment and insight they contribute much toward establishing the ideal of a wholesome, dean, and happy life.


Fir.ct Rot,; C. \Vilson, J. T alhott, R. Br.1dlc-y 1 B. J. S":-,rts, G. Jhughman, B. An dc:rson , Coac h :Vl arti n , J. Mohk_v, II. Bradley, W. Lake, B. llillcsbach, :'vi. Priu·, Mgr. S econd ·R o ,c R. Chidla", K. Chidl.rn, I!. Johns, R. Pound, A. Tracy, J. Macllarg, M. Griffith, W. Johnson, R. Dunn, H. Walton, C. Clark.

"Come Out) )tis Now September )) Climaxing the season with a smashing 49-0 win over California Republic on Armistice Day, the \Volfpack broke even in the "won and lost" column with four wins and four reverses. The team was hit hard by injuries all season long and the squad of some twenty-odd men at the start of the season dwindled down to skeleton size in mid-season, and one game had to be cancelled because of lack of reserve strength. Despite such handicaps the team kept coming back for more and finished the season in a blaze of glory. After losing to Puente 20-0 in the opening game of the season the Pack came back two weeks later to win 14-7. The game wasn't even close until the last <]uarter when the invaders suddenly came to life to make a last minute score. Mac­ Harg's long pass to Howard Bradley for a score was the highlight of the game. Pre- vious to the second Puente en­ counter the Pack rolled over California Preparatory School

74-0. Dick Pound and Joe i\[acHarg each scored thre•� touchdowns, the latter once on a seventy yard run after intercepting a desperate Prep pass. It was only 13-0 at the half but the boys broke loose and scored four touchdowns in the third quarter and six in the final. After battling on even terms for three quarters with Placentia, Claremont broke the ice on a touchdo,rn pass from l\IacHarg to Tracy. the final score reading 6-0. The Pomona \Vildcats caught the Pack on a bad day and defeated them 21-0 for the worst defeat of the season. Bonita ,ms next and the team was still in bad shape, but they made the mighty Bearcats look even worse before they lost by a 6-0 score. Each team crossed the other's thirty yard line only once during the game. Bo­ nita scored by a touchdown pass. El Segundo was trium­ phant 12-6, but the following ,Yeek the Pack opened up to ·rout Republic in the first half and enjoy a field day at their

R. Pound

11. Duddridgc

J ..\lobkv

C. \Vjl._on

expense. Other players outstanding in the season's play were: Herbert Duddridge, far and away the best lineman on the field; Dick Pound, a new man this year who saw a lot of action both at end and in the backfield; Willis Lake, fast charging wingman; Joseph Mobley, invaluable reserve, and Graham Wilson, whose early promise was cut short by in­ Junes.

."( r


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Coach Prince and Coach Martin

II. Br.1dh-_1¡

Vi. Lake

J. Macl!.,rg

. \ Tr,11.:y

Showing improvement as the season progressed, the Junior High "C" and "D" teams, coached by Jim Prince, enjoyed successful seasons. The "C's", sparked by Captain Aguilera and the Davis twins, won two, tied two, and lost hvo games. The "D's" tied two, being defeated by Chino only.

Martha Vanderwood and Marsden Price

\',\RSITY ll.\SKl.'I B.\1.1.


\Lid Lir.• R. (;w-rn·ro ,\. Tr:t(y

C. Cl1rk II. l>udJridi, ,· (;.


II. Br.,dlq

(·o,tth \Jartin

"I Had Four Brothers JJ This year's varsity cagers enjoyed a most successful practice schedule defeating their league riYals, Chino and Puente, as well as Califo rn ia Junior Republic, Chaffey Resen·es, California Preparatory School and Capistrano. \Vhile their league showing was disappointing, they fought Colton to the end, only to lose, and remained within striking distance throughout their games with Bonita and Downey.

"C" BASKETB.\1.1. E. Camphdl \V. I ll'n1it· C.

( ;cn11.1lt·,

D. lkt l_,.

fl. \',tn Xi,ord t·n S. P,1rril L.1

"B" B.\SKETll.\l.L S. J. B. J. C. D.

lbnws Richn101\d Johns .¡\Jam$ Darr Beall)

E. P:irk1.T (.'o:H,:h '\-1.tnin

The Junior High placed their capable casaba teams on the COLJrt thiďż˝ season with a fair degree of success. The "D" team, in particular, was successful. Among those defeated were Upland, 28-9; Downey, 28-15; Chino, 26-24: Emerson, 15-0; and California Preparatory School, 45-6. The "C's" conquered Upland and California Preparatory School while losing seven. The "F's" struggled all season for \'ictory and forced four opponents to the utmost to give a good account of themselves.

"D" BASKF.TBi\LL G. J. R. G. K L.

Davis Saltonstall Davis Reid Jones Pl'rron


Guevara Stocks Wiggins Briggs Olsen

VARSITY TRACK i\llr. Martin

c\. Tracy J. Talbo11 H. IJuddrid_e-c G. Baughm.in R. Rr.1dley C. Darr

J. M:icl larg B. Allison �- Price.'! C. \Vilson

II. Sprinkk JI. Bradlt'v J. Adams E. Parker

"Ah, for Wings To Soar" The 1939 edition of the Claremont High track tearn opened the season with a \'ery convincing 77-27 win over Chino. Double winners include<l MacHarg and Swarts as the Pack took he first places. :'.\ext the Pack rolled up 73 ¼ points in a triangular affair with \Vebb and California Junior Republic . Sprinkle took the high jump and b ro ad jump, Dudclridge the shot and 880. Meeting with Pomona Frosh and Chaffey, Sprinkle set a new school record in the javelin with a heave of 149 feet 7 inches. Billesbach won the broad jump. Defeats at the hands of Downey and Bonita followed. In the divisional meet at Colton, Sprinkle set a new l•eague record with a leap of 6 feet ½ inch. Bradley in the 440 and Duddridge in the 880 were also victorious. The others who qualified were: MacHarg, pole vault and low hurdles; Baughman, broad jump and high jump; Talbott, broad jump and 220; Billesbach, 220 and 440; Allison, mile; and Lake, 880.

X TR.\Cls. (.'o.1ch l\,f arti n L. \Vorkrn.1n J . . \guiln.1 R. Guc.·rn:ro C. Gon1.1h·, \V, (fl•n,1i1.· "· P.1rrill.1 \. P.rnl

Ct .u:h J >rin,t Loach \l.ut111 \I .arth.1 \'.rnd1.·1 \\ ood Ydl L,•,1dn \Ltr�d1.·n P1i,1.· Footb;1l1 \1.rn.t,e"t'r

''Press On) Press On'' Sprinkle again won the gold meJal in the Tri-County Meet at Puente, while Howard Bradley ran a nice race to capture the quarter mile, defeating last vear's champion. Billesbach placed fourth in the quarter, and Baughman placed third in the high jump and took fourth in the broad­ jump. Claremont was fifth wit_h 13 I 5 points, the first time in four years that Coach :\Jartin's team has dropped out of the first division. The highlight of the season occurred in the Southern California i\leet at the Los Angeles Coliseum where Sprinkle jumped 6 feet 3 inches to win the title and set a new school record. The "X" team traveled a rocky roaJ this season as no one placed in the Tri-County :\feet. However, they did well in dual meets with Parrilla in the 50 anJ 1320, Gonzales in the hurdles, Paul in the sprints, and Campbell in the high jump and pole vault were consistent place winners.


Whiteside Yrigollen Bradley Carci:-i (inan.1xcr) Talhott

R. Guerrero


11. Rracllcy II. llillt-shach (;. B;m�hman .J. \Loe II irgR. IJunn C'nach Prince S. Parrilla R. Pound \V. H en?ie

"Slide, Kelly, Slide"

Varsity Baseball got under way late in April guided by Jim Prince who sent the boys off to a good start with four victories and three defeats as this goes to press. The Po­ mona College Frosh fell before them three times by con­ vincing scores in early practice games. Citrus defeated them 13-3 in the first league game of the season. Continuing their practice of the last several years of going to Catalina Island for a game with Avalon High. the Pack nine made a two day affair of it, April 16 and 17, at the start of the Spring Vacation. MacHarg, Baughman, and Talbott led the hitting attack. Raymond Guerrero, the pitcher, went the route to win, 11-7. Defeats at the hands of Downey, 10-3, and Col­ ton, 23-2, followed, and games with Chino, Bonita, Puente. and Corona wound up the season.

BOYS TE:-.::-.:1S A. Tracy J. '.\lcllar.<? G. Darr G. RaughnuH ;\,Ir. Wilbr E. Vought S. Barnes D. Beatty C. Gettman

"Love Is the Theme"

As is often the case in the spring, Varsity Tennis had tu compete-..with the many outside distractions that come up in the last term. The bas!,:ball and track teams had first call on many of the boys and it was only with a great deal of effort that organized practice was made possible. Six returning lettermen were greeted by Mr. \:Vilby, their coach. Their presence made his task of weeding out other contenders fo!·• positions much easier. After a tournament and after trials, the team was made up of Earle Vought, first singles, who also doubled as manager; Gerald Baughman, second sin­ gles; Clifford Gettman, third singles; and Stanley Barnes, fourth singles. First doubles were composed of Arthur Tracy and Joe MacHarg, while seco.nd doubles were two newcomers, Guthrie Darr and Don Beatty.

llOCKEY D. Duncan

V. Tompkins

B. Gillette S. C:iillil'I

:rvt. Dunn

V. Rui:h

L Vnn Voorhis

J. Robbins

D. Dunn

M. Cooke C. Wagner C. B rooks

Il. Morrison

;\[ "· Selia fer

"'WhoaJ Emma!JJ The first of the school year saw the girls faithfully play­ ing basketball two afternoons a week. After two and a half months of practice, during which the girls developed both skill in guarding and accuracy in shooting for baskets, the inter-class games took place. Several hard-fought games re-

srF.F.DR,,1.1. E. Raisbeck ,\1. Cooke l.. \",




J). D 11n crn

,·. Ru�h JI. Cilldlc S. C.1illi,·1 C.


B. �lorrison

;\[rs. Schafer


CIRLS' B.\SKETBi\l.L t,,p Ro-:c l). Duncan \'. Tompkin.;. \.1. .\. Cookl· I). Dunn H. \l otr i.:.(,n E. Rai,h,·ck l". \\'.1gnn �- Caillil·t \I rs. Sclu ft·r J,',uut Rw:, I' Chaplin

sulted in the seniors emerging as champions. The season was finished with an all-around good showing at the Tri-County League playday at Bonita. The girls then turned enthusi­ astically to speedball, where team cooperation was stressed. The turnout in all grades was large but again the seniors ran off with the honors i:1 the interclass games. Speedball play­ day was held at Claremont with the local girls shouldering

-------+---- -- --- r


CIRLS' TEJ\'.NIS M. Dunn 'vi. Wdch

J. Beatty

P. Jont·s JL Morri!-on I. Cranl D. Dunn ,\It. V n n dc-n, ood \Ii rs. Schafer



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responsibility and making it a huge success in spite of occa­ sional flurries of snow. Hockey started with a bang with the annual rush for shin guards that matched, and sticks that would hit the ball. Form and precision were essential, especially in planning attacks. Again the seniors wielded the sticks vigorously and the season wound up with a grand playday at Chino with three of Claremont's four teams winning. Baseball was the last of the team sports and the girls through rea I effort turned out many players to be proud of. This game was ended with a gala color playday with schools mixing rather than playing as separate units. This year se,·eral new individual sports have been added which have helped to make Gym a farnrite period. Probably the most outstanding of these is archery, for which fine equip­ ment has been provided; badminton and ping pong have proved very popular. A ladder tournament, watched with interest by everyone, began in the fall, ending finally in the spring and determining, out of the many fine players the ones who would make up the team.

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Book V ' ·.: :· .

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. ..

Literary interest in the high school centers in the publi­ cation of the vV0LF PACKET and the A:--.rNLI\L, and in Scribblers Club. These three offer the greatest opportunity in the school for creative expression. l\tiany an eager young \Vinchell, Mark Twain, or Edna St. Vincent Millay finds encouragement for his efforts in connection with one of these projects. Others not quite as ambitious in developing their literary talents are urged on by the work of the English classrooms which fosters an interest in writing for pleasure as well as for credit. The students of the school produce much excellent creative work.


F. P.Chalmers turned a corner. He quickened his pace as the unkempt individual behind slunk around the same corner, ne\·er once allowing thost' small, Yicious eyes to lose sight of their quarry. �ervously Chalmers shift­ ed his cane from one hand to the other, then returned it to its original position. Inwardly he laughed-such a feeble laugh.If only the boys at the club, those who h�d dubbed him "Fearless Fred", could see him now. Yet risking one's money in the market was far safer than being follo\\"e<l with the threat to kill. And then there was \Villiams, Joe Williams, whom he had broken financially yesterday. \Villiams had friends-the wrong kir\'d. He had laughed eHn when Williams had threatened his life. "There'll be a puff of smoke," the dapper little gambler had said, "and then-well, you'll break no other man as you broke me."

It had sounded too fantastic. And yet, he had left the office early, intending to get a drink at the club, anything to buck him up. He crossed the park.Slowly he bit the end from another monogrammed cigar. He lit it, taking one deep puff of smoke; then, from a bench nearby, deliberately arose this vicious-looking individual. One thought ran through Chalmers' mind."A puff of smoke-then ... " � o ! No! He wasn't being followed. It was mere coincidence.

Yet on he went, turning corner after corner, block after block. Inces­ santly he chewed that same cigar.Suddenly he realized that he didn't care. He had no wife, no child, nothing for which to live. His one god, money, suddenly lost all nlue. Fred Chalmers was beaten. Beaten by one idea. "A puff of smoke-."

It was a different Chalmers, a defeated and weary man, who listlessly let the remains of a lighted cigar fall to the curbing and then stepped into the street. There was a rumbling around the corner, then the shriek of brake3 thrown on too quickly. Slowly a softly-cursing truck dri,·er stepped domi


from his cab. anJ lifted the crumpled body of F. P. Chalmers. The smile on his lips signed that he was once more at peace with the world. Cokey stepped out of the doorway he had appropriated at the first sign of the crash. ''Gosh," he murmured. He hesitated, then stepped forward and quickly stooped o,·er. "Oh, well," he said, "it soives de guy right for makin' me follow him twch·c blocks fur the stub of one measly, four-bit cigar."

-Jr:--r R1cm10ND.

* �lGHT The night Sifts through the trees, Curls around sharp corners Softening them. The night Sifts through my thoughts, And softening l\folds them into dreams. -JU)JE BE,\TTl'.


Spring was bursting forth in the mountains; the snow was melted on the north side of the valley. Alice could see it from the lookout. Of course there were larger patches _in the shadier places as there had been for the past four lonely years-four very lonely years. Alice thought angrily of the letter that had come from headquarters asking her father to take over the "Birds' Lookout." They had had to hike in four years ago, and e,·en now all of their suppfies were packed in to them. They never even went down to the first ranger station, half way down the mountain. Every morning her father left for his regular round of the lookouts and sh�as used to being alone. She put the last dish in place, slammed the cupboard door, and hummed softly to herself as she made the beds and dusted the three tiny rooms of their cabin. Then, picking up her favorite book, she set out for "Castle Rock", a partially shaded, large, flat rock where· she could spend her long, lonely days overlooking the ,·alley. "Hello," she called lightly.

"Hello," came the answer.

"I'm fine. Are you?" she called back laughingly.

"I'm fine. Are you?" laughed the echo.

"Yes-thank you!" Alice politely answered.

"Yes-thank you!" her respectful echo repeated.

This had gone on ever since the first day she had impulsively shouted "hello" at a passing airplane and heard it reply a gay "hello"-and now she was tired of it.

"Hello," in a melancholy tone returning exactly as she had sent it would invariably cause her to laugh. Then laughter from across the valley would echo and re-echo with her laugh. Weeks passed and Alice became more restless and lonely. She no longer sent her father off with a gay "good-bye'' and a happy smile. She had not been to "Castle Rock" for the past three days but had spent her

time moping ahout the small cabin. Rut she ,vould ha,·e to go this morning, for it ,ns the first day of Spring. She vvalke<l slowly, unconscious of her surroundings, until reaching "Castle Rock," she half heartedly called, "Hello!'' ''l -Tello there," came the answer.

Surprised, she inquired, "Hello?" "Hello there," repeated a Yoice.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"\Vho are you?" returned a nice young man as he stumbled up the last few yards of the pack trail and stood towering abo,·e her. 'Tm John Parker from the ranger's office." "Oh! I'm Alice and I suppose you came to see father. He is out on

his rounds and won't be back until dinner time."

"Well-if you ·will tell me about where he is, I'll go to meet him."

The summer passed swiftly after the arri,·al of John Parker, for he was sent to help her father. Alice's days were happier and fuller now, for she had to cook for two hungry men instead of one, and there was so much more to talk about. Before she knew it, fall had slipped up on them and John left for civilization to finish his training as a ranger. The days grew shorter and Alice and her father were snowed in for another long winter, Alice, living with her memories of the past summer. She began to notice that it was harder for her father to make the rounds and that hnrften talked of resigning his position. But as the days began to grow warmer again and the snow gradually ciisappeared, she heard this less frequently. Spring approached slowly and their life went on as usual. Xo word had come from outside and Alice wondered.

On the first day of Spring she again went down to her flat rock. "Hello!" she shouted. "Are you still there t"

"Hello yourself," came the echo.



,vhat's this? An old album with brass hasps. Let's take a peep.Hemember

the first day of school? There I was with tragedy written all over me. E,·en my clothes sagged . ...The way sume people talked about their vacations . Really now! ... The football season sta'rted early. Oh, how T wanted a cowboy suit! ...Aaaah ! There it is.The first real game of the season. It was at Puente.Strange though. I never found out who won-

OcTORER-There were more games with Cal. Jr. Republic and Valencia.vVhere those boys summoned all that energy was beyond me.It made me weary just to look at them.... The first bus trip of the year. Do you think you'll ever for­ get those big yellow affairs lumbering around the corners? Coming back she said her hands were cold.,vhat could I do but? Oh, yes, the trip was to Exposition Park ....The first dance of the season.vVhat season was it? Hallowe'en, you dope.The posters said soft lights and jit­ terbugging. She jittered and I was just along . . People sure for her to lean on.The festivities were held in the library. were finding attractions away from home.Movies at Pomona. How well I remember the time one member of the student body could not find an usher and so went stum­ bling down the aisle holding a lighted match above his head.And skating at Pomona.That was the night I found out that a pair of skates were something to look up at. ... The last dance of the month was a Sophomore Dance .


Remember? The shoe dance was a feature. I never found out whose shoe I got. Apparently she didrt't want hers back after seeing who had it. I still ha,·e the shoe.


:'\on:;--1BER-That .was when the Juniors sprang their sweaters. They were really quite smart....Annual \Veek came right after that. Have you ever tried to sell an Annual? After the first day someone had com·inced me that the Annual was a swindle. But it·wasn't, was it? So there! .. . \Ve had an Armistice Day vacation too, and a football game with Cal. Jr. \Ve won. Definitely . ... The next enning I went to the Football Banquet, good food, good company, delicious food, pretty girls, delicious dinner, excellent speaker, and good food. I still wanted a cowboy suit....Then there was the girls' first play day, T think. \:V<tll, anyway, it was the first to attract my attention. \:Vhat pretty costumes they wore and how daring. \Vhite shirts, red shorts, flying hair, slim legs, bronzed arms. Very pretty. The costumes of course, silly. . . . Just what does vice versa mean? According to the Wolf Packet, I was vice versa with someone else for weeks ....The Spanish Club gave their annual dinner then. \Vhat food! I still insist that the Spanish have some­ thing that I definitely do not have. Dr.CEMBER-That was the night the Student Body Play was presented. \Vh;it emoting! What tragedy! What comedy! But really the play was a success, wasn't it? ...The basket­ ball season opened....The Seniors gave their dance of the year.Look, I've saved a program. Mine was filled with X's.And they didn't sta�d for kisses. A Penthouse

Party and formal.\Vith hair high and necklines low, it was quite a dashing affair. ... Say, you know I never found out where the Summer House really was. I have only been there once and that time I was the ·one to walk home....Senior Ditch Day. Re­ member? Vve went along. The snow was per­ fect, the sliding was swell, and the ice-well, it was hard.... Right after that we got our report cards.I certainly think it's a shame to have so much suffering in the Aaah! Christmas Vacation-my reason for starting world today. school in the fall.

J:\Xlit\RY-E,·eryone was wondering how we would come out in the League .I know because h·e already looked at this album ....That was the month that the Scholarship Society was doing so much.They ,·isited the County Courts in Los Angeles, and went to see "Pygmalion". Shucks! ...VI e had se,·eral more basketball games. \Ve beat Puente and lost to Bonita. My camera slipped there. FEBR\T!\RY-This was the turning point of the year. Why? Well, exams were over and the second semester had begun . . . . That Saturday was the Junior Dance. I was learning to dance.That night she leaned on me. . . . The next Friday Claremont High School was on the air.Several students broad­ cast over KHJ and thrilled the whole school. ...Those were the days that we had flickers in Assembly.One was "Headlines of the Cen­ tury".My! My! l had always thought I had learned something in History.

... The basketball season was about o,·er.

MARCH-Track had started by this time. We really had something on the hoof that year. At that time I hadn't recovered from the Radio Program. That came off in February and th t: name was "Life Attends a Broadcast". I was in it. That is, besides some fifty-odd other peo­ ple. Oh, flutter! Oh, flutter! ... The Juniors were good enough in their plays to present them three times.... Some track meets happened along after that. Really, our athletes were good. Sprinkle kept beating records and Howard, Gerald, and Bruce did well. . .. Here's a program. That was the Orchestra Program.Remember? J know J shan't forget it for quite a while. Those boys an<l girls really ha,·e something to toot. APRIL-Something happened at Puente. Guess! The Tri-County Meet. And we made a grand showing, too .... Aaaah ! There it is! The An­ nual Program! That was a program. Remember Edward E,·erett Horton? Will you eyer forget Blanche McCoy? ... More Aaaah's. Spring Vaca­ tion.Nice weather at the beaches. Here's a card J got from her.Cunning, isn't it? ... The Let­ termen's Carnival was really a carnival. Every­ one spent his money and enjoyed himself in the bargain.

MAY-The baseball season had come.Ah, the mighty sluggers! As usual, we had a good team. .. . The Girls' League Dance. ;\/ ow there's an ° organization I could really go for.A cotton and cord dance. That was one

da:·cc that I could go to in comfort. �ow both she and I are leaning on each other....The i\lusic Festi,·al at Bonita. Such music! Such ,·oices! Such pear-shaped ,·owels ! ... The Seniors successfully presented their plays. The)' sho\\"cd themseh-es fully pre­ pared for college dramatics.

J l':--JE-Here it is! That year I \"owed that at the Senior Assembly I wouldn't feel sad. I didn't.Oh, no. I just had an empty upside-gown feeling in my stomach that kept jumping up and down. The Kiwanis a11d Rotary awards were made.Lucky boys and girls! And they deserved them too! ... The Parent's Dinner. Parents can be more fun, can't they? ... i\Iy final bit of danc­ ing in High School.At last, I learned to dance. :\ly partner and I were a symphony in physical grace. The Junior-Senior Reception was a grand success .... That was the Junior High Graduation. I wonder if their graduation from Junior High means as much to them as mine from Senior I l igh clid to me....That was the day l became a high school graduate. The ceremony was ,·ery beautiful. The flowers, the speakers, and the Senior class banked in the back. It was an awful walk across that stage to get my diploma. . . School was over! Twenty-three Skiddoo ! ! ...Oh, yes, I did get my cowboy suit.

INDEX OF ADVERTISERS T. V. Allen Alpha Beta Food Market C. V. Bertsch Betsy Ross Bill's Brake Shop Bob Bolinger Stuart C. Booth Buckley's Dress Shop F. H. CatlinChamberlain Athletic Co. Citizen's National Bank City Dairy Claremont Bakery Claremont Courier Claremont Dairy Claremont Feed and Fuel Store Claremont Laundry Claremont Lumber Co. Claremont Pharmacy Claremont Sheet Metal Works Claremont Transfer Colcord's Taxi Service Consolidated Laund ry Cooper's Crystal Beauty Shop John P. Evans Everett's Shoe Shop Ewart's Fielder's Food Market Foothill Garage Girvan's Chocolate Shoppe Fox Grill W. P. Fuller Dr. Wesley W. Hendricks Burton J. Henry

Dr. Arthur L. Jacobson D. Johnson. Kittinger's LeRoy Gordon Jennie Light G. E. McKay Martin Verb Sport Shop Milliken's Nursery The Mission Lee Myers R. C. Norton i Ontario-Upland Creamery Frank Ordway Oxford Inn Peck's Studio Roy "Auggie" Pierce Powell's Rembrandt Studio Reynold's Service H. T. Richards Safeway Store Sanitary Laundry Serve Yourself Sport Shop Shartel's Steeve's Barber Shop Sugar Bowl Swarts Taylor's Sportswear Triangle Shoe Company Vanderwood Lumber Company Dr. F. W. Van Voorhis Varsity Barber Shop E. L. Williams Woolington's Wolfe's Grocery Store



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. . . . l �; .onaw:�;,c


[;J:t Hllllltllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lltlllllllllltlttllltll lUlll lllllll llllll flllllllt llll ll ll ltlll lll Htl Ulll ttllllll ltlllllllll t lllllltllllllll lllllllltll llll J


Seniors: Though you soon will go, Memories will remain I know; Of Duncan, with her smile so wide, Bradley, with his speedy stride, Raisbeck, and her Chevrolet, Lake, who had that certain way, Dorothy Dunn, of baseball fame, Batten, in there, always game, \iVilson, and his airy ways, Mary Dunn, in constant daze, Hawkins, and his witty cracks, Hough, the master of the sax, Cullen, of the subtle glance, Lum, the wizard of the dance, Cooke, who's far above the crowd, Rugh, who had the laugh so loud. Hockman, literary star, Belcher, of the speedy car, Cailliet, of the smile so bright, Mobley, of the towering height,

r . . : :·:: ·: . �:�i!�i�iii:i�i�i:::n:. ·:: ·: : : :. . . l (!J 111tllllttllltlllll llllllltlttt l flltllllll ll tl fllll U llllllllll ll ll lll lll lllllllllltltllllltl llllllll ll lll ··· ......, 11111tllllllllll lllllltlllllllllllllllllllltlll tllllltlll


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A. H. HOEL, Owner

CALL 3 101

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� \ � m,,.........................................................,,..,, .........................................................,,..,,,, .................. ........ ....,s?--

"No job too small or too large"

t \,?- � I � -�




Sherman, of the intense stare, Price, with wild and sandy hair, MacHarg, the star of field or class, Robbins, really quite the lass, Mertzke, who made little noise, Van Voorhis, who brimmed with poise, Anderson, of flashy style, Allison, who sped the mile,

Y LE �



G••· · · · · · · · · · · · · ;;�il::i����i�i�i;;;· · : · · · · · · · · · 1, _ ··· · · · · · · · ·

Phone 3 I 7 6


PHONE 7811


32 3 W. First


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . . . ....,,,_ ::;tii;}]f�:::�


Union Gasoline




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1 � 1:� ��....,l!J


Distinctiue Photo-Portraiture



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.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � BUCKLEY'S, Inc.


Telephone J 736

139 E. Second St.

Pomona. California

I;J,,..,,,,,,..,,,,,, ..,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,,.. ,,,,,,...............................,,...,,..,,.... ,,,,,,,............,,,,..,,,..,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., ........,,[i]


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"The Friendly Store"

I =::;!:��Jo��t�:!tE:r��:�:1EAG���:�:��;


&llllllllllllflllllllllllltlllflllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllftllll111111111tlllllllllll1111Ufllllllllfllllllllllllllllllltllllllflllllllllllllll0 lllllllllllllllllltlllm Griggs, who played the clarinet, Tompkins, whom one can't forget, i\forrison, who's quite the gal, \Velch, who's everybody's pal, Tracy, leader of the Pack, Duddridge, star of field and track, \Vhiteside, of the sputtering scooter, Kittinger, the snapshot shooter, Gillette, with chuckle always gay, Brooks, who has a charming way,

� llllllllllllltllllllllllllllllltllllltlllllllllllllllllllllOIIOlll•ttlllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttllllllllllllllllllltlllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllll[llro DR. F. W. VAN VOORHIS

Phone 5451


335 Yale Avenue


f'""""'""'"". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�:�·;;�;·��·:·;;:�·:�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �

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-After The Show


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· .................................. ................. · · .. · .. ;;:: : :� � :::: ;::::: �: : l


235 W. JIRST ST.

PHONE 4871


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Henard, of the flashing eye, Simmons, really quite the guy, Hoag, the wielder of the brush, Chaplin, Senior class's thrush, Vigil, bug who really jitters, Miller, leader of the knitters, Story, who's a skating pip, Pound, who had that keystone whip, Sprinkle, Claremont's leaping hope, Signed-oh, just some Junior dope.




Compliments of


DA IR Y, Inc. PHONE 1255


r"" '"::: : ::" '" " ' '"�=�i�ii�::""' '" " " '" '"�:::::•" " '"B ... . . .;��·: . ·;·;·;; ·:��i�::::; �:::�:�����. ;:. ;;�:. . . . !_,

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Pacific Electric Bldg.



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NOW I'LL TELL ONE In the greatest town in the United States, there dwelt a family by the

name of Phadd. The family consisted of Philip Phadd, Ophelia Phadd, and Belinda, their little five year old daughter.

One· night, after a supper of string beans, fried eggs with vinegar, and apple pie, Belinda was attacked with a severe case of colic. Mr. Phadd, according to the tradition of all fond papas, hurried down to get some medicine. The family waited patiently for his return, and finally the little girl became well. But the father never returned.


Milliken' s Nursery Dealers in QUALITY NURSERY STOCK

South side of Foothill Blvd.

We Own and Operate

Across from the High School (EJ,,u111111t11u111111111111111t1111111111u111111u1u11111uu11111111111,1111,

Our Own Plant


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- �ARSITY BARBER sitots\








PHONE 3121




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Ophelia Phadd grieved terribly over her loss and it was almost two weeks before she married again and went to live in Andalusia.

As is una,·oidablc, the young girl grew up into a lo,·ely woman. ln time she married ;\lorris :\Iangecure and in the course of years their little daughter, too, was five years old. One night, by a remarkable coincidence, little Amaryllis ( for that was the little one's name) also had a fit of colic. This happened to be the anni,·ersary of the day when Philip Phadd had disappeared, and so �lorris i\langccure endea,·ored to carry on the tradi-

1 . . . . . . :· ;:;•:· �;·�;::�;:ii�i:�:;t�ii;;l�;:; .;�·;�·:·: · · . ····�,=_ DENTISTRY

2 71 W. Second St. Office Phone 446 l CLAREMONT Residence 6226 j _ EJ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9

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CLAREMONT is known as a city of beauty and quality.

The Claremont Laundry has endeavored 10 have its new home come up to this same high standard. \Ve are grateful to the people of Claremont for the cooperation we are receiving. Our constant aim shall be that we will merit this cooperation. - VISIT



Claremont Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service

2 3 2 NORTH ALEXANDER C!],,,,,,,..




,1,111111,,11,,u,,,,,,,, ... ,,.,,,,1111111,111,1111u11u1111011111111111u1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,111tlllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllt1111,,11,,1,,,,,,{:]





One Twenty-nine Harvard -



tion and go downtown to get some medicine. l\,I rs. i\1 angecure feared that the same fate would befall him as had her father, and so she would not let him go. The child continued to get worse, but still :Vlrs. Mangecure was firm in her demands that he stay at home. Just as the infant was the worst, and the fond parents were in the throes of despair, in stepped Philip Phadd carrying a bottle of medicine. Stepping up to the little girl he gave her a bit of his concoction, which cured her immediately. ,vhe·n the excitement had subsided the astonished parents began to question the old man on his Rip-Van-,Vinkle-like appearance. He grinned sheepishly and replied, "I'm sorry T was late. T missed the bus and had to wait quite a while."


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�:�:�::::�;:EWAy STORE Phone CL 4262




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On Foot.hill Between Harvard and College

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Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of







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THE \VALTZ YOU SAVED FOR ME "N[y, you dance divinely," he whispered into his partner's ear. The latter smiled up at him, and tightened the arm that encircled -his neck. Hastily he looked around. "There's quite a crowd here this evening, isn't there? They all seem to be watching us, too." Then he smiled, "Oh, well," he murmured, "T don't mind," and drew the other closer.

"I could go on waltzing like this with you forever," was the forth­ coming reply. Slowly the color mounted to his cheeks as he felt the in­ creasing pressure of the other.

Suddenly a hand was roughly clapped upon the shoulder of each. "C'mon and mix it up, you two," said the man in white, "or I'll pitch you both out of the ring."

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fielder's fine foods 141-147 YALE AVENUE CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA

For Quality and Seruice

l!J: 111t1lllllllltlllOlltlltlllllltlllllllllttllllllllllllltlltllfllOlllltlllllllllll11tllllOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlllllllllllllflllllllllltllllllll"llltltlG




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COOPER Artistic Picture Framing

I :�: :���:

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SHOP Agfa and Kodak Film

1, _


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LAFE P. SPEIRS, Proprietor OFFICIAL AUTO CLUB GARAGE NO. 44 Day and Night Service Phone 4961

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Claremont 370 I

Alexander Avenue

at Santa Fe Railroad



THI-: \VRECK OF THE HELPLESSNESS or Deserted at the Mast lt was the schooner Helplessness, That sailed the wintry sea. The bride of the skipper had come To bear him company.

Her weight was like the elephant, Her muscles were quite new. The skipper was a little man, His eyes were black and blue.

The skipper stood beside his bride, Ilis heart within his mouth, As he watched a blooming hurricane, That blew now \\.-est, now south.

[;l•····"·····"········"······"··············"················"·······"·······"·······"·······"·········"······..··························"·····"········"······"IP Hart, Schaffner and Marx Clothing

EWART'S ... POMONA Jones Knit ... Class Sweaters dJ..............................................................................................................................................................................m

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The wind, it blew so hard upon The north, the south, the west ... "To port," he cried. The bride replied, "Shut up, you little pest."

The storm in all its fury raged, Sad was the skipper's plight, For there without and all about, His spouse would stop his flight.

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"Please lash her to the mast," he cried, As he dove o'er the side, "And kindly lash her by the neck, Because she is my bride."

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Delicious GUERNSEY Milk and Cream from Our Own Herd Grade A Raw and Pasteurized

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The stately pillars towered high, And stretched toward distant cloud, To represent what passed within The pillars seemed most proud.


Their dignity was unsurpassed, Until that fatal eve, Their dignity was unsurpassed, But it was soon to leave.

For 'neath them passed my humble self And trod the platform stair. I turned and faced the audience, Of speech my mind was bare.


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For when I tried to carry on I soon was stricken dumb.

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The pillars stand now as before, � c,.__ � � And tower o'er the crowd, They represent what's passed within, _r---/ /J � � � �� And low their heads are bowed.�


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I 85 E. Second



Phone I 781

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In every mode or way; But all of this to no avail. No friend would Ike betray Then one called to his playful mates, "Here•s how to fix this guy; Just really rough the genius up. He'll weaken by and by." So. once again they raised their clubs. And skullward did they sweep. The blows rained on his brilliant head. But Ike was fast asleep!

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