Estação Científica (UNIFAP), ISSN 2179-1902, v. 8, n. 3, 2018

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Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 5, n. 1, p. 05-06, jan.-jun. 2015

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO AMAPÁ Reitor: Prof. Dr. Júlio César Sá de Oliveira Vice-Reitora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Simone de Almeida Delphim Leal Pró-Reitor de Administração: Msc. Seloniel Barroso dos Reis Pró-Reitora de Planejamento: Msc. Luciana Santos Ayres da Silva Pró-Reitora de Gestão de Pessoas: Cleidiane Facundes Monteiro Nascimento Pró-Reitor de Ensino de Graduação: Prof.ª Dr.ª Elda Gomes Araújo Pró-Reitora de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação: Prof.ª Dr.ª Amanda Alves Fecury Pró-Reitor de Extensão e Ações Comunitárias: Prof. Dr. João Batista Gomes de Oliveira

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN Eletrônico 2179-1902 Volume 8, Número 3, set./dez., 2018 EDITOR-CHEFE Fernando Castro Amoras Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil

___________________________________________________________________ Estação Científica (UNIFAP) / Universidade Federal do Amapá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e PósGraduação, Departamento de Pesquisa. – V. 8, n. 3 (set./dez. 2018). – Dados eletrônicos. – Macapá: Universidade Federal do Amapá, 2011Quadrimestral Descrição baseada em: Estação Científica (UNIFAP), v. 8, n. 3, 2018 e-ISSN 2179-1902 Modo de acesso: 1. Ciências - Periódicos. 2. Interdisciplinar - Periódicos. 3. Pesquisa. I. Universidade Federal do Amapá. II. Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação. III. Departamento de Pesquisa. IV. Título. CDD 050

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Estação Científica (UNIFAP) EDITOR-CHEFE Fernando Castro Amoras Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil

CONSELHO EDITORIAL Alaan Ubaiara Brito, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil Alan Cavalcanti da Cunha, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil André Luiz Ramalho Aguiar, Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguai Bárbara dos Santos Simões, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil Cezar Tadeu Bartholomeu, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil David Figueiredo de Almeida, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amapá, Brasil Elias Antonio Vieira, UNESP FRANCA, Brasil Helenilza Ferreira Albuquerque Cunha, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil Melissa Probst, Universidade Regional de Blumenau, Brasil Roberto de Sousa Miranda, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brasil Samira de Moraes Maia Vigano, UFSC, Brasil Wanderley Pivatto Brum, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brasil Willen Ramos Santiago, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará, Brasil

Estação Científica (UNIFAP), ISSN 2179-1902, é um periódico de publicação quadrimestral do Departamento de Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Amapá, na área Interdisciplinar, ou seja, está aberta em todos os ramos do conhecimento, com o objetivo de publicar artigos científicos desenvolvidos no âmbito das instituições de ensino e pesquisa nacionais e internacionais. Publica artigos originais e inéditos nas seguintes seções: Artigo Original, Artigo de Revisão de Literatura, Ensaio, Entrevista, Experimentação, Grupos de Estudos e de Pesquisa, Ponto de Vista, Relato de Experiência/Caso, Relatos de Práticas Pedagógicas e Resenhas. Os procedimentos de análise e apreciação dos artigos são realizados por pareceristas internos e externos à UNIFAP, inclusive de outros países, com o anonimato dos autores dos respectivos trabalhos e também dos pareceristas, no sistema de dupla avaliação cega por pares. Está aberta a colaborações do Brasil e do exterior. O prazo de recebimento das contribuições de artigos é com fluxo contínuo. Está indexada em diversas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais.

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SUMÁRIO | CONTENTS EDITORIAL ...............................................................................................................



Fernando Castro Amoras Artigos de revisão de literatura/Review papers Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics ....................................................



Anderson Luiz Pena da Costa, Orlando Alves Rodrigues Neto e Antonio Carlos Souza Silva-Júnior Artigos originais/Original articles Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms of international law ........................................................ 25 Eugene S. Anichkin, Kseniya E. Kovalenko and Anton A. Vasiliev Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin Prelude No. 15) ................................................... 37 Alireza Moshabaki Isfahani and Vahideh Mojahed Evaluating ascertainment proofs obtained through illegal means ............................ Mina Mehrvand and Khalil Afandak


Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran .................................................................................................... 61 Raheleh Farhang and Abdolmajid Asadi Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists ...................................................................................................................... 71 Fereshteh Fathalizadeh Kalkhoran and Behnam Kamrani The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization – case study: ILKHCHI city of Iran ...... 89 Golamreza Rahimi, Nader Bohlooli and Tohid Eskandarzadeh Diretrizes para autores ............................................................................................



Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 05-06, Sept./Dec. 2018


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 05-06, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p07-08


EDITORIAL: Edição internacional publicada Vinculada ao Departamento de Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Amapá, a revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP) apresenta a sua primeira edição publicada integralmente com artigos em inglês, sendo a maioria deles oriundos de autores do Irã, Rússia e Brasil. Esta abertura para além das fronteiras brasileiras representa um ponto importante ao assegurar a presença em contextos internacionais. Há muitos anos a revista tem atraído a atenção de pessoas de outros países, de pelo uns 60 países. Isto torna este periódico uma forma de divulgação de trabalhos científicos que tenham sido produzidos em qualquer região do planeta. A presença de brasileiros em revistas nacionais é um ponto constante, que permite estabelecer a publicação de artigos com dados importantes, sejam estas pessoas autoras ou pareceristas. A prática de gestão de uma revista científica dá-se de forma coletivizada, sendo a editoria apenas o ponto de intermediação entre os que escrevem, os que avaliam e os que leem os textos. Os autores elaboram redações fundamentadas cientificamente, que são analisadas por especialistas convidados, os quais gentilmente colaboram com suas preciosas observações para a melhoria dos trabalhos dos autores. Após a publicação, os leitores têm acesso aos materiais aprovados, e a partir disto poderão utilizar as informações acessadas para os devidos fins, como complementar suas pesquisas e esclarecimentos e conhecimentos das descobertas. Nesta direção seguem os artigos desta edição publicada: que sejam lidos e citados em publicações de outros autores, de tal forma que a ressonância científica seja sentida proativamente pela sociedade. As informações redigidas pelos autores desta edição internacional apresentam os dados científicos organizados para possibilitar a compreensão dos assuntos escolhidos e debatidos. Por isto que estamos sempre gratos ao labor escrito das pessoas-autoras, pois todas são audaciosas em realizar pesquisas teóricas e práticas e escolheram a revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP) para publicar os artigos dos seus trabalhos. Conseguir a atenção de autores de outros países não é tarefa fácil, entretanto não é impossível. Da mesma forma como há brasileiros publicando em periódicos de outros países, a recíproca também acontece. O fato mais importante é estar-se disponível para esta abertura estrangeira, a qual acontece inicialmente com autores brasileiros publicando em outros idiomas, e em seguida vem a atração de autores estrangeiros, os quais são os principais divulgadores da revista em seus respectivos países. Paralelo a isto, estamos trabalhando para possibilitar a tradução da interface da revista para o idioma inglês, haja vista facilitar o acesso das informações de praxe editorial a todos Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 07-08, Sept./Dec. 2018



os interessados a este mecanismo de difusão do conhecimento. Há a pretensão futura de publicação de outras edições internacionais. A semente deste projeto está plantada faz algum tempo, sendo observada pela presença de artigos em língua inglesa nas edições que foram publicadas em 2017 e 2018. Desta forma, esta presente edição internacional simboliza o ápice do internacionalismo da revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP). Boa leitura a todos/as. Atenciosamente, Fernando Castro Amoras Editor-chefe da revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP)

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 7, n. 3, p. 07-08, set./dez. 2017

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p09-23

Review papers

Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics Anderson Luiz Pena da Costa1, Orlando Alves Rodrigues Neto2 e Antonio Carlos Souza Silva-Júnior3 1 Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade Federal do Amapá, Brasil. E-mail: 2 Acadêmico do curso de Farmácia do Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior, Brasil. E-mail: 3 Biólogo e Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade Federal do Amapá, pesquisador do Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá, e docente do Colegiado de Farmácia do Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior, Brasil. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: The natural history of diseases is a concept in epidemiology that describes at the individual level the interaction of an individual with a disease stimulus, its clinical horizons, and transmission routes, which enable the identification of critical points for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. However, although this concept implies a dynamic process of exposure, contraction of disease, and cure or death, it does not provide an understanding of the dynamics of transmission of infectious agents at the population level in different scenarios, where anthropological, biological, clinical and social factors can act as conditioners for infectious diseases, that can manifest and transform in a variety of ways in different human populations. In this context, the objective of this work was to review the literature according to the Cooper (1988) methodology, to generate perspectives on the dynamics of infectious diseases, their conditioners and their interrelationship. It is demonstrated that environmental changes, pathogens evolution and host co-evolution, as well as behavioral and social set, influence significantly the epidemic events, and mathematical modeling represents an important tool to analyze this influence. Keywords: Host-pathogen interaction. Infectious Diseases. Transmission dynamics. Epidemiology.

Condicionantes da dinâmica das doenças infecciosas RESUMO: A história natural das doenças é um conceito em epidemiologia que descreve ao nível individual a interação de um indivíduo com um estímulo doença, seus horizontes clínicos e vias de transmissão, que possibilitam a identificação de pontos criticos para a prevenção e controle de doenças infecciosas. Entretanto, apesar de este conceito implicar um processo dinâmico da exposição, contração da doença, e cura ou morte, não possibilita uma compreensão sobre a dinâmica de transmissão de agentes infecciosas ao nível populacional em diferentes cenários, onde fatores antropológicos, biológicos, clínicos e sociais podem atuar como condicionantes das doenças infecciosas, que podem se manifestar e se transformarem das mais variadas formas nas populaçõs humanas. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo por meio de uma revisão da literatura realizada conforme a metodologia de Cooper (1988), com o intuito de gerar perspectivas sobre a dinâmica das doenças infecciosas, seus condicioantes e a suas inter-relações. Sendo demonstrado que as transformações ambientais, biológicas dos microrganismos e dos hospedeiros, assim como configurações comportamentais e sociais influenciam de forma significativa nos eventos epidêmicos, e a modelagem matemátiEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


Costa, Rodrigues Neto e Silva-Júnior

ca representa uma importante ferramenta para analisar essa influência. Palavras-chave: Interação patógeno-hospedeiro. Doenças infecciosas. Dinâmica de transmissão. Epidemiologia.

1 INTRODUCTION Infectious diseases are diseases whose etiologies are attributed to external agents, usually microorganisms, that depend on a host to obtain nutrition and conditions favorable to its survival, being characteristic of this group of diseases, besides the communicability among individuals of the same species, the potential capacity to generate unpredictable massive impacts at the global level (FAUCI; MORENS, 2012). And among the factors that influence the host-pathogen interaction, there are human behavior, environmental conditions and the intrinsic ability of infectious agents to evolve and co-evolve together with their hosts and vectors; however, such diseases possess the potential to be prevented and eradicated through prophylactic measures, vaccination, and treatment with appropriate drugs (SAKER; FAUCI; MORENS, 2012). These characteristics can be exemplified in the course of history in many epidemic events such as bubonic plague and pneumonic plague respectively in antiquity and middle age (LIGON, 2006), influenza pandemics in 1918, 1957, 1968 and 2009 (SAUNDERS- HASTINGS, KREWSKI, 2016), tuberculosis from the antiquity to the present day (BARBERIS et al., 2017), and more recently, the EBOLA outbreaks of the African continent in 1975, 2000, 2007, 2013 and 2014, and in 1986 in the United States and 2008 in the Philippines (PANDEY et al., 2014; NA et al., 2014) Zika virus in the American continent during 2015-2017 (COEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

LÓN-GONZÁLES et al., 2017), and the HIV / AIDS at the global level, whose projections of deaths attributed to this virus by 2030 are 3.7 million (MATERERS, LONCAR, 2006). In this context, the dynamics of transmission of infectious diseases and their interrelation with numerous variables of distinct nature, such as environmental, biological and social, that constitutes a topic of broad relevance due to the impacts of these diseases in public health, and especially for the planning of public policies, and health care programs prepared for the unexpected. Therefore, considering the concern presented, this work aimed to introduce the reader to the factors that determine the movement of infectious diseases in the human populations, to promote insights that improve the elaboration of public health actions and health care services. Additionally, as recall the relevance of practices that promote the preservation of the environment and biodiversity, which carry out a critical role in maintaining the barrier of the species between sylvatic pathogens and humans (KEESING et al., 2010). 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS This review literature followed the methodology described by Cooper (1988), and focused on concepts, literary reports and experimental data described in the bibliographical material that was collected in the Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus databases with the descriptors infectious diseases, infectious diseases, transmission Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018

Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics

dynamics, and SIR model; with the aim of generating perspectives on the theme: conditioners of the dynamics of infectious diseases from the central points discussed in the literature, which were organized in an expositive and comprehensive manner, with health professionals as target public. A total of 95 studies were obtained with the descriptors above, and 55 were selected to compose this review after analysis conducted by the authors, who considered in each study the explicitness established in the relationship between infectious diseases and environmental, anthropological, biological, clinical and social determinants in order to include the workes in the review. 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1 A phenomenological perspective on infectious diseases Anthropological and archaeological studies suggest that the prehistoric humans were nomadic with hunting/collecting habits, living in small communities, which tended to suffer from infections whose pathogens occurred in both animals and humans, causing them diseases which could not trigger an adaptive immune response, therefore allowing them to full recovery or develop chronicity, enabling the existence of continuous cycles of infection among the susceptible individuals (WOLFE et al., 2007). However, the communicable diseases just became a common problem after the establishment of fixed communities, due to the invention of agriculture and domestication of animals, that affected not just the cultural evolution of humankind, but also the emergence and evolution of new infectious diseases, and the accentuation of the Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


existing ones prior to these anthropic practices (COCKBURN, 1971). Thereby over the centuries, with the emergence and intensification of new commercial routes, as well as the advances in the nautical technology, enormous migratory flows between distinct geographic regions allowed the exchange of infectious diseases whose epidemiological profiles were endemic. And this effect of migration on infectious diseases can be demonstrated by archaeological and paleontological evidence, that indicates diseases like smallpox, measles, malaria, and typhoid have been introduced into the native American population by the European colonizers, who brought with them diseases of parasitic nature from the new world to the European continent (COCKBURN, 1971; DOBSON; CARPTER, 1996). In this scenario, intense migratory flow, associated with a large and uncontrolled exploratory activity by ores and spices, increased population densities, social contact and environmental changes that affected the quality of life of human populations and their degree of interaction with wildlife; suggesting that in the course of human history many infectious diseases of the present have become emerging through the transgression of the species barrier in the past, occurring this process when a pathogen discovers an opportunity to infect a host other than the usual and establishes itself among the populations of this new host (PEDERSEN; DAVIES, 2010). In this context, according to Wolfe et al. (2007), pathogens originated from places with a temperate climate, probably are the result of crossing the barrier of species from domestic animals and/or animals adapted to survive near humans (rodents) to hu Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


mans, in whom acted in the transmission cycle just as reservoir; however, because of the sedentary lifestyle, population density and level of interaction with wildlife, the considerable selective pressure from these factors over the biology of the pathogens have adapted them to adopt man as the definitive host. Whereas infectious diseases originated in places with tropical climate harbor mostly vector-borne diseases, and are common among non-human primates, which act as source or reservoir of infection; also pointing that the abundance and diversity of both vectors and primates in tropical regions are intrinsically high, and the species barrier between non-human primates and human primates is considerably smaller (WOLFE et al., 2007), meaning that these pathogens can across the species barrier and settle into human communities more easily. In addition to the migratory processes and interaction with wildlife, other factors that act as conditioners for the emergence and spread of new pathogens are environmental, such as biodiversity abundance and richness, climatic variability, and natural disasters, which together have a profound impact on the survival and reproductive capacity of vectors and pathogens, besides influencing food production and hygiene standards, that along with economic factors, tend to move the human populations in search of better living conditions, generally in a rural-urban sense (PATZ et al., 1996;CONFALONIER, 2003). From the scenario described above, in a context of modernity resulted from urbanization and the beginning of the globalized world, improvements in the infrastructure and health services in large cities, as well as Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Costa, Rodrigues Neto e Silva-Júnior

advances in medicine, like the discovery of anti-infectious agents and immunization, contributed to the emergence of a new epidemiological profile where chronic diseases became the primary cause of morbidity and mortality, a phenomenon known as epidemiological transition (DYE, 2014). However, even after the establishment of an epidemiological transition, the ruralurban migratory flow, besides contributing substantially to demographic increases, also favors the spread of rural pathogens in the urban environment, also contributing to increases in the social disparities, such as place of residence, ethnicity, gender, and scholarly level, but principally disparities regarding aspects such as sanitation, hygiene and management of solid residues that generate huge health inequalities (ALIROL et al., 2011). In addition to the factors mentioned, already considering contemporaneity, changes in the society, contemplating aspects of human behavior, socio-cultural and the media influence on the same, (XIAO et al., 2013) as for example, consumption habits, family size reduction, increased local and international mobility for different purposes, such as work, recreational, or cases of war refugees, processes of homophily, including acculturation and transculturation, prescription and non-rational use of antimicrobial medicines, use of illicit drugs, unsafe and promiscuous sexual practices, intensification of agriculture for food production, and increased susceptibility of individuals due to chronic disease or malnutrition (diets with poor nutrient content in wealthy countries and non-availability of food in poverty-stricken countries), are factors that contribute to the emergence and reemergence of pathogens in human popu Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018

Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics

lations (GUSHULAK; MACPHERSON, 2004). In this context, the average age of individuals in a population is a characteristic of great epidemiological value in the dynamics of communicable diseases, since extremes of age represent a risk for infectious diseases, especially in countries that have already undergone an epidemiological transition and are aging in a historical, socioeconomic and regional context of great difficulties, such as Brazil, whose estimates for 2030 and 2060 suggest that the elderly population will be of 18.6% and 33.7%, respectively (NEUMAN, ALBERTS, 2018), representing a hot spot with great potential for the emergence of infectious diseases, if the health needs of this part of the population are not adequately met. In this scenario, the dissemination and adherence to the ideas promoted by antivaccination movements, especially among the parents of children, whether through questioning of efficacy-safety, inconsequential promotion of natural treatments, lacking scientific grounds, conspiracy theories or religious beliefs comprise factors which lead to unpredictable outbreaks due to the increase in the number of susceptible individuals over the years (GRASSLY; FRASER, 2006; OLPINSKI, 2012). Ultimately, in this phenomenological perspective about the infectious diseases dynamics and their impacts on mankind, consideration must be given to the evolutionary capacity that the microorganisms themselves are subject to, whether at random or as an adaptive response to preventive actions, such as the bacterial resistance to antibiotics or the genic recombination after immunization campaigns(COHEN, 2000). And as the adaptive capacity to the chalEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


lenges imposed to the survival of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms is an innate characteristic of these living organisms and represents a variable of unforeseeable and unsurpassable nature (SIETTOS; RUSSO, 2013; STOCKMANN et al., 2016), research regarding the dynamics, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases must be continuous to assure a good public health state. 3.2 Factors that influence the pathogenhost interaction The human population, from the beginning of its history, is daily exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms, with which an individual can interact through a process called infection, which occurs when a microorganism successfully crosses the innate immunity barriers, invades the deep tissues, proliferate in them, and colonizing the individual that becomes infected and then is called host (CASADEVALL; PIROFSKI, 2000). And the interaction between the microorganism and its host may result in relationships which can be neutral (commensalism), beneficial (mutualism) or harmful, when the microorganism (pathogen) establishes a relation of parasitism with the host and cause tissue damage which gradually gives rise to systemic damages, resulting in clinical manifestations that together characterize an infectious disease, whose main attribute is direct or intermediary communicability between infected and noninfected individuals (CASADEVALL; PIROFSKI, 2000; TAYLOR et al., 2001). However, for the disease to establish, the defenses and physiological mechanisms that guarantee the host homeostatic balance must be disturbed in a way hard to Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


reverse, that requires from the pathogen the capacities of resist to the physical and chemical properties intrinsic to the host tissues, as wells as overcome its innate and adaptive defense barriers, through sophisticated virulence mechanisms, and then establish relations with the host microbiota, by executing strategies to ensure its survival in the host and consequently initiating the pathogenesis process (EISENREICH et al., 2010; STACY et al., 2016). Virulence mechanisms are intrinsic characteristics of each pathogenic microorganism, being the most common among bacteria, the presence of capsule, exotoxins, endotoxins, formation of biofilms, adhesion factors and enzymes that degrade the host cell matrices (CROSS, 2008; AL-MEBAIRIK et al., 2016); among fungi, dimorphism, thermotolerance, adhesion molecules, cell wall components, capsules, hydrolytic enzymes, suppression of cytokine production, and the presence of hormone receptors that alter fungal metabolism and host physiology (KUROKAWA et al., 1998); among parasites, the suppression of the adaptive immunity by means of glycoconjugate proteins, and the release of vesicles containing molecules essential for the establishment of infection in the host (TORRECILHAS et al., 2012); and among viruses, the expression of cytokine coding genes (IL-10), resistance genes against interferons, genes encoding endothelial growth factor, metabolic, signaling and cell cycle regulatory genes, among others (ZHANG et al., 2014) . While the mechanisms of microbial pathogenesis, in a generic way, can be classified into three categories: 1) subversion or defeat of the innate host defenses, such as masking the cell surface of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum against host defense Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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cells , the induction of the host cells to death, as in the case of the release of proteins produced by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis that induces to apoptosis or pyroptosis, or the induction of the host cell death by toxins, such as those produced by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis; 2) creation of permissive niches for replication, such as, the proliferation of Salmonella within macrophages; or 3) development of antigenic variations to escape the mechanisms of recognition of the host's adaptive defense (CARRUTHERS et al., 2007). On the other side, the evolution of the mechanisms of virulence and microbial pathogenesis, induce the co-evolution of the human populations, that began to develop several phenotypic traits of resistance against microbial pathogens, to prevent the infection to occur, or that the disease undergoes a relatively mild course when compared to the clinical manifestations in individuals of greater susceptibility (WOLFE et al., 2007). Occurring this reciprocal evolution in cycles, which through natural selection, maintain the relative fitness of the involved species in a constant dynamics, known as the hypothesis of the red queen (STOCKMANN et al., 2016). Regarding the resistance factors against infectious diseases in humans, epidemiological evidence with broad genomic association studies suggests that individuals with sickle cell trait are resistant against Plasmodium falciparum infection; individuals in the Indian population with variants of the TLR1 gene are resistant to Mycobacterium leprae, differently from individuals from the European and Chinese populations, who are highly susceptible to leprosy; individuals with Wilms tumor type 1-associated genes possess significant resistance to Mycobacte Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


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rium tuberculosis infection; and individuals with the CCR5Δ variant 32 of the cell surface CCR5 receptor gene, have resistance to HIV infection when in the homozygous condition (KARLSSON et al., 2014). Among the susceptibility factors, broad genomic association studies and epidemiological evidence suggest that individuals with type O blood are at elevated risk to develop severe Vibrio cholerae infection (KARLSSON et al., 2014), probably due to the higher affinity of the cholera toxin to the GM1 cell surface gangliosides, which interestingly do not act as receptors for this toxin, and the higher activity of the adenylate cyclase enzyme in the carriers of the blood type O, when compared to the other types of the OAB system (HARRIS; LAROCQUE, 2016). However, the disease as a result of pathogen-host interaction is interdependent of many dynamic factors involving variables that go beyond the intrinsic biological aspects of the pathogen and factors of resistance, susceptibility, and adaptability of the host, also including factors such as exposure profile to pathogen, transmission mechanisms and the influence of environmental, behavioral, cultural, political, and socioeconomic factors, which may play a determinant role in the incidence, prevalence and prevention of infectious diseases at the population level (PARRATT et al., 2016). 3.4 A mathematical approach to the dynamics of infectious diseases From an ecological perspective, the dynamics of infectious diseases depend on the following factors: the size and spatial distribution of susceptible host populations, the Estação CientĂ­fica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

movement of infected/susceptible individuals, as well as the movement of vectors in the case of vector-borne diseases, and the state of the population health (DOBSON, CARPER, 1996), where the epidemiological significance of a particular infectious agent within this context can be expressed in values of R0 (basic reproductive number of infection), which is a threshold quantity that defines the average number of secondary cases produced from a single infected individual (index case) within a susceptible population (DRIESSCHE, 2017). For the determination of the R0 values of a given infectious disease, the generation distribution of an infection, which is a mathematical property of the infectious diseases which describes the probability of an infected individual transmitting the pathogen to an uninfected individual (expressed according to equation 1), and the time of generation of an infection (equation 2), which describes the probability of an infected individual contracting the disease and transmitting the pathogen to other susceptible individuals must be considered in a way that the number of individuals that will be infected obeys the Poisson distribution, that is, the probability that an infection will occur regardless of when the last infection occurred (equation 3), and for simplicity, considering that all case numbers by time interval (Ď„) must be added, it becomes practical to integrate the second term of equation 3, to estimate the number of infected individuals, generating the renewal equation (equation 4) (GRASSLY; FRASER, 2008). Equation 1: Distribution of generations of infection. ∞

đ??¸(đ?‘Œ) = đ?‘ âˆŤ0 đ?›˝(đ?œ?)đ?‘‘đ?œ? = R MacapĂĄ, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


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E (Y) = Number of generations s = susceptible population β = infectivity β (Ď„) = function of the number of secondary infections from the index case Ď„ = number of cases / time Y = number of expected generations R = reproduction number of an infection Equation 2: Time of generation of an infection. đ?‘¤(đ?œ?) = đ?›˝(đ?œ?)/đ?‘…

w = generation time distribution Equation 3: Stochastic probability of occurrence of infections. đ??ź(đ?‘˘)đ?›˝(đ?œ?) = đ??ź(đ?‘Ą − đ?œ?)đ?›˝đ?›żđ?œ?

I (u) = incidence function by time t = time δĎ„ = duration of a time interval Equation 4: Equation of renewal. ∞

Equation 5: Estimation of the number of infection as a function of time. đ?‘…(đ?‘Ą) =

đ??ź(đ?‘Ą) ∞ âˆŤ0 đ??ź(đ?‘Ą

− đ?œ?)đ?‘¤(đ?œ?)đ?‘‘đ?œ?

However, the value of R (t) assumes there is no change in the value of time of generation of an infection, and adjustments become necessary to correct this undesirable effect, by using an exponential growth function - rI (t0) exp (r ( t-t0) - in which equation 4 that enables the obtaining of a new equation called the Lotka-Euler estimation equation (equation 6) that provides important informations about the relation between R0 and r for a given time of generation of an infection, which has a great value for the elaboration and development of predictive and infectious disease control mathematical models (GRASSLY; FRASER, 2008), as the statistical-based models, the mechanistic models, and the empirical models (SIETTOS, RUSSO, 2013). Equation 6: Lotka-Euler's estimation equation.

đ??ź(đ?‘Ą) = âˆŤ đ??ź(đ?‘Ą − đ?œ?)đ?›˝(đ?œ?)đ?‘‘đ?œ? 0

đ?‘…0 =

In that the relation of infectivity (β) and time of distribution that the relation of infectivity (β) and time of distribution, when substituted in equation 4, generates an equation capable of providing an estimate of the reproduction number of a given infection as a function of time (R (t)), according to equation 5 below:

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1 ∞ âˆŤ0 đ?‘Š(đ?œ?)đ?‘’ −đ?‘&#x;đ?‘Ą đ?‘‘đ?‘Ą

Where values of R0> 1 indicate a considerable predictive risk of epidemic events, while values of R0 <1 indicate a low risk for the occurrence of epidemic events, and informing the ideal amount of individuals in the population to be approached by control strategies in order to be effective by reaching the value of 1- (1 / R0) (KEELING; DANON, 2009; COOPER et al., 2012, CHEN et al., 2016; DRIESSCHE, 2017). Highlighting that R0 values imply a dy MacapĂĄ, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


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namic parameter of a specific infectious disease, and its values are restricted to the time and space where the R0 is calculated. Examples of infectious diseases with values above 1 include Bordetella pertussis (pertussis) infection in southern Ontario, Canada, where the infection reached R0 between 9.87 and 11.47 for the years 1880 to 1929 (MCGIRR et al., 2013); methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus infections in the US population, which respectively presented values of R0 of 1, 5 and 1.4 (HOGEAC et al., 2013); Vibrio cholerae infections in countries with similar climatic and sociopolitical conditions, which may present different R0 values, such as 1.55 in Haiti and 1.15 in Zimbabwe, with variation recorded respectively of 1.06 to a 2,63 and 1,11 to 2,72 (MUKANDAVIRE; JUNIOR, 2013), And tuberculosis in China during 2012, when R0 values of 4.3 were reported (MA et al., 2018). In addition, another complementary mathematical strategy to extrapolate the epidemiological behavior of infectious diseases in a given population is the use of mathematical models, such as the SIR model (susceptible, infected and recovered), which is a mathematical model that implies a homogeneous mixture of contact and total conservation of the population in an analogous way to the law of conservation of the masses, assuming transitoriness between the categories S, I and R, defining the model as continuous in the form of differential (equation 7) and or partial equations, which can be used as a tool for the investigation of several parameters (characteristics of the host population, vectors, quarantine, and others) on the dynamics of infectious diseases (SIETTOS, RUSSO, 2013). Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Equation 7: Differential equations of the SIR model. Total population = S + I + R, where: �=

đ?‘‘đ?‘† = −đ?›˝đ?‘†đ??ź đ?‘‘đ?‘‡


đ?‘‘đ??ź = đ?›˝đ?‘†đ??ź đ?‘‘đ?‘Ą


đ?‘‘đ?‘… = đ?›žđ??ź đ?‘‘đ?‘Ą

S = susceptible population I = infected population R = population recovered β = proportionality constant for infection ɣ = recovery rate However, this is not a realistic strategy, analyses of the epidemiological behavior of infectious diseases that consider only the population densities of S, I and R over time neglect the influence of other variables such as mutations of the pathogen that increase their virulence, death saturation or adaptive host immunity (GRASSLY; FRASER, 2008), and the intrinsic latency period of the infection make inaccurate the description of the dynamics of infections in a susceptible population (LINDAHL, GRACE, 2015, DRIESSCHE, 2017). But in a generic way, the SIR model captures the essence of infectious diseases in which it is possible to observe graphically (figure 1) that the number of infected individuals increases exponentially and proportionally with the decrease in the number of susceptible individuals, and the number of infected individuals decreases as the number of recovered individuals increase (KEELING; DANON., 2009). MacapĂĄ, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


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Figure 1: Graphic representation of the SIR mathematical model of infectious diseases.

Population proportion


of infectious disease dynamics (ZAMAN et al., 2017).



0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5






0,2 0,1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180

Time (days) Source: The author (2018), adapted from (KEELING; DANON., 2009)

Other factors that are generally disregarded in the mechanistic modeling, but considering its effects on the dynamics of infectious diseases, would give it a higher degree of realism, are the climatic variability (CONFALONIERI, 2003), profile of social heterogeneity, as well as social contact rate, age of the population, and the relation between both (principle of assortativity: individuals of a given age group tend to mix with individuals of a similar age) (HEYMANN, 2005; FUMANELLI et al., 2012; VANHEMS et al., 2013), period of exposure of social groups of the susceptible population to the pathogen (MUKANDAVIRE, JUNIOR, 2015), including risk factors, peculiar aspects of the natural history of each infectious disease, pathogenesis mechanism, sources of infection, pathogen reservoirs, patterns of transmission and circulation (EYBPOOSH et al., 2017; HERFST et al., 2017). Nonetheless, the simplicity of the SIR model, like any other mathematical models, it is a tool extremely effective for planning public health actions in the “worst-case” context considering the qualitative behavior Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Historically, the infectious diseases have been the main cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and a significant epidemiological transition has only occurred after the adoption of hygienic and prophylaxis measures more rigid due to the advent of food preservation and sanitation techniques, as well as the discovery of effective drugs to the treatment of these diseases. However, the interaction between the human populations and the environment is subject to a perpetual movement of changes, which influence the intensity of exposure to infectious agents, as well as the dissemination of microbial pathogens at the population level due to factors of environmental, biological and socio-anthropological natures, which together act as conditioner factors in the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases, that along with the health inequalities around the world impose a great impact on the global public health. What makes extremely important the integration between anthropologists, biologists, environmental scientists, nurses, epidemiologists, pharmacists, physicians and sociologists with mathematicians and computer scientists essential for the rational planning and development of prophylactic interventions and treatment schemes through a broad understanding of the factors that condition the dynamics of infectious diseases, and its implementation to mathematical models to describe in details the epidemiological features of these diseases. In this scenario, attention also should be Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018

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Article received on June 03, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): COSTA, Anderson Luiz Pena da; RODRIGUES NETO, Orlando Alves; SILVA-JÚNIOR, Antonio Carlos Souza. Conditioners of the infectious diseases dynamics. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Costa, Rodrigues Neto e Silva-Júnior Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 09-23, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p25-36

Original Article

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms of international law Eugene S. Anichkin1, Kseniya E. Kovalenko2 and Anton A. Vasiliev3 1 Doctor of Legal Sciences, associate professor, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation. E-mail: 2 Candidate of Legal Sciences, associate professor, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation. E-mail: 3 Doctor of Legal Sciences, associate professor, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: The issues of intercountry adoption are a matter of discussion for all world community in view of the fact that it is practically impossible to ensure proper regulation of all aspects of the adoption procedure and, moreover, it is possible to encounter various conflicting rules for the regulation of the adoption procedure between the State of child origin and the receiving State. The article outlines the prospects for ratifying the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) of 27 November 2008. Adoption procedure should be in the best interest of the child in relation to his fundamental rights. The tension in the sphere of adoption of children left without parental care by US citizens is given proper consideration. Compliance with international norms and rules is reflected in the "Dima Yakovlev Law" which is difficult to recognize as effective in its capacity to ensure the rights and interests of children. It was revealed that the implementation of the abovementioned international acts in the Russian legal space will bring positive results due to a significant simplification of the procedure for reviewing and resolving cases on the adoption establishment. Keywords: Intercountry adoption. International acts. Implementation. Conflict-of-laws rules. Barriers to unification.

1. INTRODUCTION According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, adoption is currently the least popular form of placement of children deprived of parental care. In 2015 a decrease in the number of adoptions, both intercountry and domestic, was recorded which reveals a number of serious problems both in legal regulation and in the mechanism for implementing the norms of law in practice. However, the problem of adoption of Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

children has recently become particularly urgent which is due to a complex of political, social and legal factors. In international law, as well as in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the inalienable right of children to live and be brought up in the family is enshrined. The State is obliged to provide social protection for a child deprived of a family environment, offering an alternative opportunity in the choice of family education. The provisions proclaimed by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child set the priori Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


ty of family forms for the placement of children deprived of parental care, compared with the practice of placing them to specialized institutions (orphanages), which primarily meets the interests of the child and society. Among the forms of family education of children, legislation gives priority to adoption since the institution of adoption is the realization of the child's right to live and be brought up in the family. The given issue was researched both by Russian scientists: Alieva Z. Z., Antokolskaya M. V., Baturina N. I., Buyanova E. V., Vershinina G. I., Dzugaeva A. Z., Nechaeva A. M. and others, and foreign scholars: Barbara Melosh, Joanna L. Grossman, David M. Brodzinski, Karen Dubinskiy, Katherine SenizahChoi, Linda J. Seligmann, Fiona Bowie, Timothy P. Jackson, Lawrence M. Friedman and others. The tension in the sphere of adoption of children deprived of parental care by foreign citizens should be given proper consideration. Compliance with international norms and rules is reflected in the "Dima Yakovlev Law" which provides for the prohibition of adoption of children - citizens of Russia by US citizens. Time will tell if this law will eliminate the problem but this document can not be considered effective in its capacity to ensure the rights and interests of children. The dialectical method was applied to examine the dynamics of intercountry adoption of Russian children by foreigners. The method of interpretation identified the problems of applying the conflict-of-laws rules of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and foreign law and, furthermore, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in the field of intercountry adoption is analyzed. The establishment of Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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the content of norms of foreign law leads to the prolongation of the process even at the stage of preparing the case for trial, when the court refers inquiries to the relevant services, calls experts in the field of foreign law. The mandatory limitation of the period of consideration of the case, stipulated by Item 1 of Article 154 of the Russian Federation Code of Civil Procedure, is not an effective guarantee of timely consideration of the case. The implementation of the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children of 27 November 2008 into the Russian legal space would significantly simplify the consideration and resolution of cases on the establishment of adoption procedure, thus, reducing the period of case consideration. 2. DEVELOPMENT A harmonious community functions properly when its members are selfsufficient citizens who respect themselves and the State. This is largely due to the education of these citizens to respect the law, to love the motherland and the family which creates ideal microenvironment to nurture and educate a reliable member of society. These postulates are adopted by the international and national legislation of many countries which gives adoption a priority over the other forms of the placement of children. The Convention on the Rights of the Child approved by the UN General Assembly on 20 November 1989, stipulates that the child, due to his physical and mental immaturity, needs special protection and care, including proper legal protection, both Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms international

before and after birth. The Convention underlines the fact that a child can receive full care and protection only in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Unfortunately, for one reason or another (death, deprivation of paternal rights), children are left without parental care. Despite the annual reduction in the number of orphans in our country, their number is extremely high. Thus, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at the end of 2015, the number of orphans in Russia accounted for 482 thousand people. The State takes care of these children in order to create conditions for growth and development and provide them with conditions for a decent human existence. However, adoption is given priority when placement is arranged for children without parental care (Item 1 of Art. 124 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). According to statistics for 2015, out of 482,000 orphans 6649 children were adopted (1.4% of the total number of orphans), of which 663 children were adopted by foreign citizens. Whereas, 3,070 children (6.2% of the total number of orphaned children) were placed for guardianship and trusteeship, and 20,707 (4.3%) were transferred to adoptive families. The following data vividly illustrates that despite the provisions on the priority of adoption contained in the basic normative acts, Russian citizens prefer to register custody (guardianship) over the child or enter into a adoptive family contract. This is quite understandable. For example, in Altai Region, a citizen who adopted a child receives a lump sum payment in the Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


amount of RUB 17 839.56. If an adopted child is with disabilities and older than 7 years or siblings are adopted, a lump sum is paid in the amount of RUB 136 308.64 for each child. When the child is taken into custody (guardianship), 10 174.05 rubles are paid monthly to the adoptive family for the maintenance of one child. Adoptive parents are also remunerated for raising a child in the amount of 4 115.16 rubles. It is not difficult to compare the amount of material assistance provided by the state to adoptive parents on the one hand and guardians (trustees) on the other in order to conclude that guardianship will be given preference in a current tough economic situation in our country. One can understand the differentiated approach of the legislation to determining the amount of material support for this category of persons. The granting of an adoption order transfers all legal responsibility and rights to the adoptive parents, according to which the adopted children and their offspring in relation to the adoptive parents and their relatives, and the adoptive parents and their relatives in relation to the adopted children and their offspring are equated in personal non-property and property rights and duties to relatives of origin. It is no accident, in pre-revolutionary Russia, adoption was called "artificial sonship". Others define adoption as an individual permanent (lifelong) form of the placement of children left without parental care, when special legal relationship between the adopter and the adopted child is established, resembling the relationship between the parent and the child. Adoption order, as indicated in the legal literature, shall grant a permanent placement of the child, the Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


rights and duties of adopted children and adoptive parents may amount to the rights and duties of children and parents. It can be said that adoption has a similarity to first degree kinship. Despite the different approaches to the definition of the concept of "adoption", it is common for all researchers of Russian family law to recognize the consequences of adoption. Consequently, a citizen who adopted a child becomes a parent not only and not so much in a legal sense as in ethical and moral, emotional sense, thus, willing to assume the responsibility to replace a parent to an orphaned child. It seems such a citizen should be concerned about the amount of state aid to a lesser degree. Other motifs would allow us to talk about the hidden, illegal form of receiving money. Guardianship (trusteeship) as a form of placement of children in the family is given less priority than adoption and is considered a temporary form of the placement of a child left without parental care, which assumes only individual assistance and care by a certain individual (persons). Being an individual form of the placement, guardianship (trusteeship) is intended, first of all, to compensate for the missing capacity of the child in ward, as well as for his upbringing. The guardianship is terminated when the child attains the age of 14 years, and the citizen who has performed the duties of the guardian automatically, without additional decision becomes a trustee. Trusteeship, in turn, terminates with the acquisition of full civil capacity by the child. An adoptive family is a type of guardianship (trusteeship) over a child (children), which is carried out under a adoptive family contract concluded between the guardianEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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ship authority and adoptive parents (adoptive parent), within the period specified in the contract (Item 1 Art. 152 of the Family Code of the RF). Adoptive parents, as mentioned earlier, are rewarded for upbringing a child. This contract shall cease to be effective upon termination of guardianship and trusteeship (Art. 153.2 of the Family Code of the RF). Not setting the goal to identify the general and special in the given forms of the placement of children, it is to be noted that international and domestic legislation apply a reasonable and balanced approach to setting priorities for the placement of children, left without a family for any reason. In view of the foregoing reasons, it is not quite clear why the Russian state remains so passive in providing assistance to concerned citizens, including foreigners, in the adoption of children. In our opinion, it is necessary not only to popularize such a form of placing children in the family as adoption, but also to improve legislation in this area. For the reason of concern about the fate of orphaned children which is no less than in any particular state, International community has adopted two significant documents containing only unified substantive rules: the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in the Field of Intercountry Adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) of 27 November 2008. It should be noted that there are 96 states signatory to the Hague Convention as of 21 September 2016 and 49 states that are signatory to the European Convention as of 23 March 2017. Both conventions have not been ratified by the Russian Federation. The Hague Convention of 1993 and the Europe Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms international

an Convention of 2008 are complementary as indicated in the preamble of the latter. Both conventions are based on the principles defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Russia has been a party to it since 13 June 1990) and shall be applied where a child habitually resident in one Contracting State ("the State of origin") has been, is being or is to be moved to another Contracting State (the “receiving State") either after his or her adoption in the State of origin by spouses or a person habitually resident in the receiving State, or for the purposes of such an adoption in the receiving State or in the State of origin (Art. 2 of the Hague Convention). The preamble to the Hague Convention also states that family education and the residence of a child in the country of origin are recognized as a priority for the child. Foreign adoption is possible when it is effected in the best interests of the child and with respect for his fundamental rights, and only when it can provide the child with the benefits of having a permanent family unless a suitable adoptive family cannot be found for him in the country of origin. The objectives of the Convention are: - to establish safeguards to ensure that intercountry adoptions take place in the best interests of the child and with respect for his or her fundamental rights as recognized in international law; - to establish a system of cooperation amongst Contracting States to ensure that those safeguards are respected and thereby prevent the abduction, the sale of, or traffic in children; - to secure the recognition in Contracting States of adoptions made in accordance with the Convention. The Convention regulates in detail the Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


conditions and procedure for the adoption of children of one state by citizens of another Convention state. The State of origin of the child must establish that the child is adoptable and determine, after possibilities for placement of the child within the State of origin have been given due consideration, that an intercountry adoption is in the child’s best interests; it shall ensure that persons, institutions and authorities, whose consent is necessary for adoption, have been counselled as may be necessary and duly informed of the effects of their consent, in particular whether the adoption will result in the termination of the legal relationship between the child and his family of origin (persons, institutions and authorities have given their consent freely, in the required legal form, expressed or witnessed in writing, consent have not been induced by payment or compensation of any kind and has not been withdrawn and the consent of the mother, where required, has been given only after the birth of the child); it shall also ensure, having regard to the age and degree of maturity of the child, that he or she have been counselled and duly informed of the effects of the adoption and of his or her consent to adoption, where such consent is required; it must observe whether the child’s views and preferences have been given consideration; whether the child’s consent to adoption [if such consent is required] has been received freely, in proper legal form, expressed or witnessed in writing, and such consent has not been induced by payment or compensation of any kind. In turn, the competent authorities of the receiving State shall, firstly, determine that the prospective adoptive parents are eligible and suited to adopt; second, ensure Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


that prospective adoptive parents have been fully counselled as may be necessary; third, determine that the child is or will be authorized to enter and reside permanently in that State. The States that have joined the Convention recognize the adoption of the State where the adoption process was completed. The official acceptance of the adoption means recognition of the legal relationship between the child and his/her adoptive parents, the adoptive parents’ responsibility for the child, and the termination of the pre-existing legal parent-child relationship. These conditions are dependent upon whether or not the adoption procedure has similar effects in the Contracting State where the adoption process is completed. The Hague Convention contains general provisions on the possibility of adoption (Art. 4a), the child's consent to the adoption (Art. 4d), and the readiness of prospective parents to adopt a child into the family (Art. 4c), all regulated by the procedural relationship between the receiving and sending States (Chapter IV). The European Convention, by contrast, contains specific and detailed provisions on the child’s consent to the adoption (Art. 5) as well as consideration of the child’s opinions and interests (Art. 6). Moreover, the Convention determines the conditions for adopting a child (Art. 7), the age of the adoptive parents (Art. 9) and regulates the activities of the relevant competent authorities (Art. 10). It should be pointed out that the ratification of the European Convention does not abolish the judicial procedure of adoption establishment and does not supersede the applicable national law(s) of the State in question. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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The norms of the European Convention do not contain provisions that violate the spirit and purposes of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation, except Item 2 of Article 7, which allows the adoption of a child (children) by same-sex couples living together. However, it is not worthwhile to reject the ratification of the Convention only for this reason. According to the official statistic presented in the 2015 Review of Court Practices regarding regional court cases on adoption by foreign citizens or stateless persons, as well as citizens the Russian Federation permanently residing outside of the Russian Federation, most Russian children are adopted by Italian citizens (57% of cases), Spanish citizens (17.5% of cases), and French citizens (5.9 % of cases). It is generally well-known that same-sex marriage is legally recognized in Spain. In fact, at the time of adoption, the adopter can legally be unmarried, married to a person of the same sex, or married to a person of the opposite sex. There is no a guarantee that an individual won’t divorce and create a same-sex family or that the child won’t join a family representing a symbiosis of different-sex or same-sex couples. The above-mentioned fact cannot prevent Russian courts from granting the adoption of requests applied by Spanish citizens. Therefore, our legislation cannot ensure that a Russian child will not reside in a same-sex family in the receiving state. At the same time, Item 1 of Article 27 of the European Convention allows accession to the Convention with a reservation as to the provisions of Article 7. Thus, the Russian Federation could, by means of such a reservation, establish an effective mechanism for protect Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms international

ing the rights and interests of Russian children. The lack of these conventions in the Russian legal space results in a number of difficulties both substantive and procedural. It is generally accepted that the legal regulation of family relations in different countries is extremely varied and is often determined by differing historical, cultural, and ethnic considerations. According to some studies, the system of cross-border adoption has a number of pitfalls which are differences in legislation and culture. Many scientists claim that cultural differences shall be respected and preserved, while other researchers argue that they put barriers to the unification of international norms in this field. For example, it is stated that the impossibility of adopting orphans from the Middle East by Europeans can be attributed to respect for the culture of these countries where adoption contradicts religious norms. Meanwhile, it is necessary to understand whether the unification of legislation in the field of intercountry adoption is so unpromising and harmful. The opponents believe that under the current conditions of intensive intercountry exchanges, marriage and family law, as no other set of relations and rules regulating them, are subject to the norms of international communication and the impossibility of regulating them through the law and order of one State only. We believe that it is quite relevant at present to consider the possibility of applying international unified norms for regulating intercounry adoption, thus, gradually stepping away from the application of the several norms of law and order. Taking into account the legal effects of adoption, it is necessary to understand that Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


a child - a citizen of one State, adopted by citizens of another State for the purpose of forming a full family, is unlikely to maintain strong ties with the State of origin. It is logical to assume that he or she will study the language of the country of adoptive parents, attend school there, continue studying, work, make his/her family, i.e. participate in the life of society and the country, being involved into the cultural, linguistic and family traditions of another State. Children with serious diseases, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome (adopted by foreign citizens mostly) are unlikely to understand the depth and value of the traditions of their State of origin. Therefore, the application of several norms of law and order in the establishment of adoption does not guarantee the preservation of cultural, clan ties with the State of origin and protection of the rights of the adopted person. It is much more important to provide such a child with effective safeguards of protection of his rights in another State in case of violation and it can be effected through international conventions and bilateral treaties and agreements. Adoption is to be given priority when the placement is arranged for orphans and other children currently without parental care. Consequently, the inaction of States, namely the Russian Federation, in implementing international norms in the Russian legal space violates children’s rights to live and be brought up in a family. It is necessary in Russia to strengthen legislative regulation in the field of intercountry adoption. The previously established international acts in this field should continue to be within the basic framework. Conflict-of-laws rules for intercountry adoption and their irresolvable problems Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


attract the attention of scholars, give rise to discussions that are annually analyzed by the legal press. However, academics are not aware of some difficulties that courts face dealing with such issues. It should be noted that legislation of different States in the consideration of the case on adoption establishment, can apply personal law of the adoptive parents (German Law), adoptee (French Law), their cumulative application (Russian Law). 3. RESULT. In fact, the content of the adoption statute is quite topical. In some countries, the statute of the adoption contains less rights than the statute of inheritance (England). One of the most urgent problems in today’s society is recognition of intercounty adoption. So, in some states of the USA (Iowa, Rhode Island, Virginia), a special visa is issued to the adoptee. The adoption procedure is complete only after consideration of adoption in the court of the appropriate state. Accordingly, there is a process of "readoption" of the child. In Switzerland, the adoption proсedure is identical. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain, foreign adoptive parents cannot be recognized if the British court does not have jurisdiction to issue an order on adoption. In adoption cases by foreign nationals, conflict-of-law issues can occur and become further complicated by the “foreign element”. Regulation of conflict –of-law issues regarding adoption cases is carried out at the international, regional and national level. At the regional level, conflict regulation and resolution of adoption cases are governed by the Minsk and Kishinev Conventions, "On Legal Assistance and Legal RelaEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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tions in Civil, Family, Criminal Cases” adopted in 1993 and 2002. According to these international treaties, the adoption procedure or its abolition is carried out according to the legislation of the State in which the child is a citizen, unless otherwise stated. Adopting a child who is a citizen of one of the Member States of the CIS Conventions or abolishing an adoption process requires the consent of the legally authorized representative and the competent state body, as well as the child’s consent if such a statement exists in the personal law of the adoptee. When the child is adopted by spouses who are citizens of different State parties of the CIS, the adoption procedure or its abolition is carried out under the legislation of both countries. The state, in which the adopter is a citizen at the time of the application for adoption or its abolition, is responsible for the adoption procedure or its abolition. In the case of different spouses’ nationality, a competent authority is considered the authority of the State, in which the spouses have or last had a common place of residence. Unfortunately, the norms of the Convention do not specify what a competent state body or institution can give in terms of 'consent' to a foreign citizen. It would be logical to assume that the competent state body in which a child is a citizen can give its consent to a foreign citizen. The consent of the consular authorities or diplomatic mission in the adoption procedure of a foreign citizen would be appropriate and would provide a child (children) with legal assistance. As for the national legislation of the CIS countries, it should be noted that not all foreigners are allowed to adopt children Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms international

deprived of parental care. For example, Family Law of the Republic of Tajikistan does not participate in inter-country adoption. In accordance with Article 127 of the Family Code of RT, the adoptive parents can only be adult citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, except for adopters who do not have a well-defined place of residence; have previous convictions for a premeditated offence at the time of adoption; persons who have been prescribed compulsory medical treatment for committing a crime by court orders; persons declared by court legally incapable or of limited legal capacity; if one of the spouses recognized by a court as legally incompetent or of limited competence; persons deprived of their parental rights or restricted in parental rights by a court order; persons discharged from obligations of a guardian/trustee owing to improper performance of his/her duties imposed on them by law; former adoptive parents, if the adoption is revoked or declared invalid by the court by their fault; or persons who, due to their state of health, cannot exercise their parental rights. Despite the national legislation of Tajikistan, in judicial practice there are cases of children’s adoption by foreign citizens, which are based on the interests of children’s views and preferences, for example, the case of the adoption of minors (the Shodievs) by a citizen of Germany (Eberly A.). In our opinion, the ban on intercountry adoption established by the national legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan does not contradict the provisions of the Kishinev Convention, since conflict-of-laws rules on the adoption establishment of this international treaty contain references to the personal law of the adoptee - a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan. In its turn, personal Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


law does not allow a child's adoption by foreigners and stateless persons. The National Law of the USA in respect of intercountry adoption focuses mainly on the child's interests and preferences. When adopted abroad, the applicable law is personal law of the adopter or the child’s personal law but not the law of the court. The personal law of the adoptive parents regulates the preconditions for the adoption procedure, and the child's personal law is applicable in cases when it is necessary to obtain consent for the adoption procedure in the child’s country of origin. To recognize an intercountry adoption in the United States, essential conditions are to issue relevant documents by an appropriate court, and to apply an appropriate law. Intercountry adoption should correspond to the personal rights of the adopter as well as the child. The national legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany also indicates rights and interests of children as an significant principle in intercountry adoption. The conflict-of- laws rules relating to adoption in the Federal Republic of Germany are subordinated to the legislation of the state in which the adoptive parent is a citizen (Art. 22 of the Introductory Law to the German Civil Code). Legislation prohibits the adoption of children by persons who are stateless. In turn, Austrian legislation declares that intercountry adoption is a complex and comprehensive procedure. Moreover, it (Austrian legislation) raises the question of legitimacy of the procedure itself. Illegal adoptions can result in recognizing its legitimacy, in particular, it is necessary to resolve a problem with a child’s legal residence in the territory of Austria and transfer a child to the child’s country of origin. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


Scholars specializing in intercountry adoption state that the child’s best interests should be considered in the adoption process, namely, services, actions, and orders that will best serve a child as well as who is best suited to take care of a child. For instance, V.P. Zvekovoy pointed out that an adoption may not take place if it may result in an infringement of the child’s right under legislation and international agreements, regardless of the citizenship of the adopter. If the adoption procedure does not meet a child’s best interest, it is subject to cancellation. Currently, the court dealing with the adoption procedures of a Russian child by foreign nationals applies international treaties of the Russian Federation (Item 1 (3) Art. 165 of the Family Code of the RF), the law of the adopter’s country (Item 1 Art. 165 of the Family Code of the RF) and also monitors whether the requirements of a number of articles of the Family Code of the RF are applied (Item 1 (2) Art. 165 of the Family Code of the RF). Having initiated the case, the court must establish the content of the legislation of the state in which an adoptive parent is a citizen (Item1 Art. 166 of the Family Code of the RF). According to a legal literature survey, the conflict-oflaws rules (Item 1(1) Art.165 of the Family Code of the RF) raise complex practical problems in establishing the content of foreign law. Foreign law (Item1 Art. 116 of the Family Code of the RF) should be applied by the Russian court in accordance with its official interpretation, practice of application and doctrine in the relevant State. Consequently, foreign law should be applied as it is interpreted and applied in the relevant State. In this regard, the Russian court may request legal assistance from the Ministry Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Anichkin, Kovalenko and Vasiliev

of Justice of the Russian Federation, other competent authorities, or to use a group of experts (Item 1 (2) Art. 166 of the Family Code of the RF). It is quite possible that the Russian court will not be able to establish the content of the legislation of foreign law. In this case, the court must reach a decision by applying Russian legislation (Item 3, Article 166 of the Family Code of the R F). According to the survey, 100% of judges do not refer to Article 165 of Family Code of the Russian Federation when they decide on the international adoption establishment. Among the reasons for ignoring a conflict of laws, the majority of judges (70%) outline that there is a lack of mechanisms for providing information on Foreign Law. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is failing to cope with requests and simply notes it is impossible to obtain information on the legislation of the requested State. The legal consequences of nonapplication of the regulations of foreign law may threaten both the protection of the child’s interests and the adoption procedure itself. Also, it can occur that the legislation of the country, in which the adopter is a citizen, does not allow the adoption procedure or the foreign legislation establishes a high age requirement for perspective adopters that significantly differs from the provisions of the Family Code of the RF, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation . The establishment of the norms of foreign law results in further delays while the court hearing is still at the preparatory case, and when the court sends requests to the relevant state bodies and looks for experts in the foreign law. Mandatory legislation limiting of time needed to deal with these cases (Item 1 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms international

Article 154 of the Russia Federation Code of Civil Procedure) cannot guarantee timely trials of the cases. The policy of the State in the respect of intercountry adoption, in our opinion, should be extremely balanced and well-considered. In the era of politicization of all aspects of human activities (art, religion, etc.), one should have both wisdom and awareness to understand the nature of essential affairs and should not transfer legal regulations of such relations into the political domain. In particular, the Dima Yakovlev Law bans U.S. citizens from adopting children who are Russian citizens and suspends the activity of organizations which select and place children (Russian citizens) in families of U.S. citizens (Art. 4). It is reasonable to assume that one should refrain from banning in order to safeguard and protect children's best interests. In fact, this law deprives children of an opportunity to be adopted and have a family. The mentioned law resulted in the unprecedented order issued by European Court of Human Rights on the complaint of 45 American citizens. The U.S. citizens were not able to complete the adoption procedure of Russian orphans. Despite the harsh statements published in the media that American parents were concerned only with protecting their rights and assessing compensation for moral damage, it would be fair to refer to the court decision. For example, Dmitry Dedov, an authorized Russian judge of the ECHR, agreed with most of the provisions of the court decision, pointing out that the nature of the dispute is quite specific. Undoubtedly, the applicants were eager to create families passing through the adoption procedure as required by national legislation but the authorities blocked their attempts. Also, the opinion of the third parEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


ty involved in the process, the representatives of the Harvard Law School's Child Advocacy Program, is extremely significant. They refer to scientific studies on national and intercountry adoption procedures which stress the necessity of having a family at an early age. It is known that if children posses a family at an early age it is very essential for their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Studies have shown that adoption at the earliest age is the key to creating good relations within the family (Item 440 of the ECHR decision). It is necessary to agree with stated views. Moreover, taking into account the provisions of Item 4 of Article 124 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation on the adoption of Russian children by foreign nationals (only if it is impossible to place the children with Russian families permanently domiciled in the Russian Federation or to have them adopted by the children’s relatives regardless of their citizenship and place of residence), it can be assumed that the children were deprived the chance of possessing a new family. CONCLUSION Joining the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in the field of intercountry adoption of 29 May 1993 and the European Convention on the Adoption of Children (revised) of 27 November 2008 would be a significant step towards civilized intercountry adoption, since these international agreements contain mechanisms for preventing violation in the adoption procedure. In addition, this form of arrangement is used only in the interests of the child, if there is a lack of opportunity to provide a child with a family environment in Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018


the country of his/her origin. The implementation of these international instruments in the Russian legal space would greatly simplify the consideration and resolution of cases involving the adoption procedure and would assist in reducing the wait times for hearing cases. REFERENCES DOUGLAS А., PHİLPOT Т. Adoption: changing families, changing times, Routledge, 2003. Review of the practice of considering in 2015 by regional and equal courts cases on the adoption of children by foreign citizens or stateless persons, as well as by citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Ut. Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation 27.04.2016. Bulletin of the RF Armed Forces, 9, 2016. NECHAEV A.M. Family law: Textbook, 2011. VLADİMİRSKY-BUDANOV M. Review of the history of Russian law, Issue 2, 1886. KRASHENİNNİKOV P.V. Family law: Textbook, 2016. TİMOTHY P. J. The Morality of adoption: social-psychological, theological, and legal perspectives, 2005. Brodzinsky D. M. Psychological issues in adoption: research and practice. Praeger, 2005.

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TRİNCHENKO K.O. Cross-border adoption: problems of recognition. Modern law, 2015, 6. STREGO V.E. Adoption of children with participation of foreign citizens. Civilian. 2009, 4.

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License information: This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article received on April 11, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): ANICHKIN, Eugene S.; KOVALENKO, Kseniya E.; VASILIEV, Anton A. Adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens: some problems concerning the implementation of norms of International Law. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./ Dec. 2018. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 25-36, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p37-47

Original Article

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin Prelude No. 15) Alireza Moshabaki Isfahani1 and Vahideh Mojahed2 1 Department of Architecture, Payame Noor University (PNU), P.O.BOX:19395-3697, Tehran, Iran E-mail: 2 Ph.D. student of Architecture, instructor of Sama Technical and vocational Training College Tehran Branch (Kan), Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: Human being, in his life, has always expressed his emotions, feelings, and sorrows with movements and words, which can be seen in music and architecture. The performed studies in the field of architecture and music have revealed that, from a long time ago, there has always been a conceptual relationship between these two arts and both of them have represented unique concepts. The present study has a functional purpose and its method is qualitative. The data has been collected through documentary and library studies and field observations, in such a way that while introducing a preliminary knowledge of an architectural work inspired by romantic movement and a piece of music from the same time, it has been searched to discover the conceptual relationship between these two works by comparing them in order to find their similarities. The study seeks to answer the question: What is the link between the two works of music and architecture? The results suggest that there are many similarities between the two works which shows the fact that from past to today, there has always been a conceptual relationship between music and architecture, and the two arts have represented unique concepts in all periods of time. In other words, human’s emotions and spirit are the sources of the arts of architecture and music, and both, in different ways, seek to convey the concept of beauty to their audience, and this common desire has led to create the link between them. Keywords: Art. Music. Architecture. Link. Sharing.

INTRODUCTION The study of the relationship between the space of music and architecture in the past and today has been one of the permanent discussions in the arts field. The problem of the study is the introduction of the most significant and important linkages between the two arts which are studied into three categories of expression format, expression manner and expression mode. The purpose of the research is to deeper study the shared concepts between the two arts Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

that both of them are created under the influence of Romantic Movement. LITERATURE REVIEW The first people who suggested some hypotheses to prove the internal relationship between mathematics, geometry, music and architecture included Pythagoras and Aristotle. They reached rhythmic and cosmic ratios. From the mentioned contemporary researches in this field, the results of a digital design project by Chris Tenson are Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018


considered. He has designed parametric software containing numbers and ratios in order to generate 48 virtual forms on the basis of the preview of Johann Sebastian Bach’s first book. The latest contemporary research has been performed by Martin Wattenberg. He used arc graphs to interpret the most famous art works as a graph. He, in this study, argued that the relations existing in pre-modern periods are in contrast to the ones in the post-modern periods, and include many backgrounds. It is also compared to the conventional charts from some of the most famous modern pieces (Sohangir, 2012: 34-35). The Romanticism Movement, the Intellectual Foundation of Organic Architecture Romanticism is a literary and artistic philosophical movement which has spread to the northwest of Europe and the United states in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This movement was a reaction to the rationalism of modern reason. Geuthe (1749-1832) and Schiller (1759-1805), two famous German poets, used Romantic word versus Classic for the first time (Ghobadian, 2012: 63). The Romantics like the followers of Classic thinking believed in the mind of human. But, they focused on the feelings and emotions, and most of their philosophers were poets and they celebrated nature, emotions, and imaginations. Therefore, in classic literary and artistic works, they can be observed clarity, nonambiguity, order, symmetry, proportionality; but, in romantic works, stimulating feelings and excitement, creating ambiguity and delusions, and natural spectacular views are considered. The Classics seek to dominate nature, while the Romantics look for admirEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Isfahani and Mojahed

ing the nature. Friedrich Wilhelm Schilling (1775-1854), who is considered as one the important founders of romantic philosophy, believed that nature was a part of human himself and there is no separation between man and nature (ibid, 2012: 64). Organic architecture is rooted in the Romanticism Philosophy; it can be argued that the ideas of the leaders of the Romanticism Movement and their hypotheses about the nature rules led to form the organic architecture in nineteenth century by Frank Franz and Louis Sullivan. In the early half of the 20th century, the Romanticism Philosophy as one of the main elements of organic architecture is the fixed part of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture. Hence, in his designs, we can observe the combination of rigid and harsh elements in an artistic form which Wright himself calls it “elegance of the design”. Wright believed in organic architecture and was so interested in Japanese architecture. The influence importance of external surfaces and internal spaces was one of the features of his architecture, and he always emphasized on the maintenance of harmony between man and nature. The most important aspect of his architecture was the proper use of space. From his viewpoint, man is integrated with the environment and always has a continuous connection with it. According to Wright’s belief, technology is a means to achieve a higher-level architecture that, on the basis of his view, is the same as organic architecture (ibid, 2012: 67). He was one of the first people who oppose the prevailing traditional and classic thinking in architecture field and can create a new era in architecture of the world by his new ideas and thoughts. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin)

Romantic Music Romantic music refers to a periodical music from the Western classic music which has begun since the late eighteenth century. The music is related to the Romanticism Movement. For romantic composers, it was not just about portraying nature, but it was also considered a deep link between nature and inner lives of musicians which were the sources and inspirations of their art. Of the main features of romanticism is the transformation of some classic features including strict rules, order and balance, integrity and control. The clarity and non-ambiguity that were of the main aspects of the Classics were replaced by a type of deliberate ambiguity and symbolic expression for the Romantics. Focus on the emotional aspects of the artist, not following the constant and strict rules and following mental desires, the respect for human emotions and spiritual issues, using art as a means of stimulating emotions and freedom, are all of the features of this style. The Concept of the Expression Format in Architecture and Music Human being is a social creature and one of the most important needs of human is to communicate with his fellows and to create a relationship between realization and understanding, and language is the most important means of this relationship. Language is a set of contractual symbols which is used along a dimension (time) to convey messages. Also, in every original art, artists for expressing their inner selves require a system of contractual symbols to communicate with their audiences. The system, which in fact is the language of any artistic Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


branch, is not a unique language, and in various arts appears in different forms. In painting, sculpture and show, the expression format is as an object, and human is on that environment. Expression format in painting is a two-dimensional screen, in sculpture, a three-dimensional figure, and in show, the volume of the scene. It should be noted that space in itself is shapeless and is realized by its components. In the arts of architecture, music and cinema, the expression format is from space. The space surrounds human being (Keramati, 2016). To create each unit of space, there is a need to three key words of wall, ceiling, and floor. In other words, architecture art is to express the emotions of artist in a sample space, consisting of a rectangle, four walls, a ceiling and a floor (ibid). Music is an art with a completely symbolic language in the service of artist whose existential nature is abstract and subjective. The space genre which is the format of musical expression is audio space, and does not provide visual or eye images, but creates audio images to communicate with its audience. The required key words for these audio images are pitch, rate and section. Finally, in cinema, the space genre is audio-visual. The Concept of Expression Manner in Architecture and Music Expression manner in architecture is the same as style that different artists have different style for themselves. When an architect artist chooses some terms for collocating with wall, ceiling, and floor, he actually sets out his expression manner, and this is where the substantive form of a work begins to take shape. In music, there are also different manners for expressing a work, Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018


and musician creates his work through its help and reaches the musical form of the work.

Isfahani and Mojahed Picture 1: using glass instead of wall

The Concept of Expression Mode in Architecture and Music The chosen vocabulary by an architect artist, which are actually the natural or artificial material that he uses in the geometry of the built space to express a feeling (ibid), express the concept of mode in architecture. In music art, the selected vocabulary, which have audio genre, are also chosen by musician. The Introduction of Architecture Work Fallingwater or Kaufmann’s residence is one of the outstanding works of the famous architect, interior designer, and writer, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), which has been constructed in 69 km of the southeast of Pittsburg city, Pennsylvania state, and on the northern coast of Bear Run River in 1935. Fallingwater was quickly brought up all over the world because of its unique design and position. It was called the most beautiful architectural work of Frank Lloyd Wright by Time Magazine; and several months later, in the Smithsonian Journal, it was introduced as one of the 28 places that should be seen before death. Fallingwater was listed on the US National Historic Heritage List in 1966. Moreover, in the 2007 survey, AIA Institute ranked the work as the 29th most popular architectural work in the United States of America.

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The Analysis of the Work in the area of Expression Format • The constituted space • The integration of building size with the natural environment • Placing on the waterfall • All around with glass screwed horizontally instead of wall Picture 2: using the all-around glass


• A few walls and transparency in space • Integration with considering the generalized and total details to secondary and partial details Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin) Picture 3: cliff-like beams of terraces


• Using the natural stone for the floor of the main floor • Moving the floors plan parallel to the surrounding natural environment • Consistency of applied materials for floors, entrance and terraces • Polishing the stones of the floor Picture 5: shape of floor materials



• Consoling the roof and its horizontal position parallel to the ground • Beams of terraces being almost like cliffs • Eroded rocks for building the roof of the house

Picture 6: shape of floor materials

Picture 4: main floor plan


The Analysis of the Work in the area of Expression Manner


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Fallingwater has been built in the style of organic architecture which is rooted in romanticism philosophy. The features of this Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018


building are: • Parapet with eaves and network-like windows to enhance horizontal and vertical uniformities • Cantilever concrete plates • Its horizontal layers, free from apparent retaining, come up the waterfalls and brook’s basins • The influence importance of external surfaces and internal spaces • Along with the stairs from the living room to the creek down the house

Isfahani and Mojahed

• Natural manifestations of composition (undressed stones) and manifestations • Constant display of materials from inside to outside of the building • Horizontal expansion in all central directions Picture 7: display of materials

Picture 7: fallingwater

Source: Picture 8: display of materials


• Placing the house on the rock, at least interfering with the natural architecture • Proper use of spaces Picture 8: placing the house on the rock Source:


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin) Picture 9: second floor plan

Source: Picture 10: third floor plan


Picture 12: second plan of guest floor

Source: Picture 13: main vertical and horizontal lines

Source: Picture 11: first plan of guest floor


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Source: www.wright-house Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018


The Analysis of Work in the area of Expression Mode • Main vertical and horizontal lines of the distinct sections • Conformity and harmony • Bright red ground soil for concrete section • A special red color (called Cherokee) for steel sections • Natural factors like rocks, trees, plants and flowers are grown in the nature • The display of materials the same as they are, whether they are rocks, wood or bricks • Beautiful moving of waterfall under the house Introduction of Music Work Fredrick Francois Chopin was one of the most influential Polish musicians and the outstanding pianist in the Romantic era (1810-1849). His most important innovations were in the forms like Piano Sonata, Waltz, Nocturne, Etude, Prelude, Polonez. Prelude 15 from opus 28 of Chopin is his longest and most beautiful prelude works. Chopin sang this prelude during his stay in his friend’s house, George Sand, in one of the Spain’s islands named Mallorca Valldemossa. Chopin with Sand went to the island to escape the cold winters of Paris and improve his lungs. George Sand when heard this piece for the first time called it the drops of rain. The reason of naming this piece as the drops of rain is due to the repetition of AB note (Lampl) all round this prelude that is reminiscent of rain drops. Chopin was not so satisfied with the names Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Isfahani and Mojahed

that others put on his pieces, but the name of rain drops remained on this piece from that time. Picture 9: Fredrick Chopin


The Analysis of the Work in the area of Expression Format • • • • • • • •

Expression format: audio space Similarities of A&B Similar Tempo Similar Bar measurer Scale: Rambel Major Bar: 4 beats Piece form: independent Prelude Musical and structural form: three-part returnable

Table 1: segmentation of the piece (source: the author) Bars Scale Part 27 Rambel major A 20 c-sharp minor B 8 Rambel major A 6 Rambel major coda

The Analysis of the Work in the area of Expression Manner • Start with a smooth and calm theme in Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin)

• • •

• • • • •

the part A with the right hand (Sol key) Start the theme in the part A in contradiction with the part B and restart the theme A Final part: theme repeating in shortening and extending the tonic the rhythm with few tracks and clear expression At the same time as starting the start theme in the right hand, the repeatable note (Lampl) in the left hand is appeared being the reminiscent of rain drops. Using the main theme in the method of thematic variations The presence of the repeatable Lampl note to the end of the part A Sol key (red flash) Fa key (blue flash) Lampl (purple flash)

Picture 1: piece analysis


tions Picture 2: piece analysis

Source: the author

• Homophonic texture • Tonal harmony • Creating dramatic space due to the contrast of the parts A and B • Distance as well as unity • Using temporary exits and numerous modulations • Cuts Picture 3: the piece form (source: the author)

Source: the author

• In the part B, the repeatable Lampl note is replaced by G-sharp note (red flash). • This has a significant role in the continuity and unity of the piece. • Exquisite movements in the harmonic cycle • Increasing the dramatic aspect of the piece due to the use of the harmonic joints with extremely abnormal soluEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

46 Table 2: the comparison of the two artistic works (source: the author) Fallingwater Prelude, number 15 Expression Space Audio Space Format Expression Organic (inspired by Romantic Manner Romanism Philoso- Rhythm with few phy) tracks and very Few walls and clear expression clarity in space The presence of Repetition and the repeatable cycling of glasses all Lampl note to the around the building end of the part A The presence of Trimmed volumes exquisite movefrom concrete as ments in harmonic smooth and pol- cycles ished and boulders Continuity and for constructing the unity and conroof of the house formity of the The conformity of piece the applied materi- Using the harmonals for floors, en- ic joints with trance, and terraces abnormal soluNatural and artifi- tions cial manifestations together Expression Conformity and Tonal harmony Mode harmony Creating the draMain vertical and matic space due horizontal lines of to the contrast of the distinct sections the parts A and B Homophonic The presence of Texture natural factors like rocks, trees, plants Using the tempoand flowers, and rary exits and the display of mate- numerous modurial in the same way lations as they are Using the bright red Smooth and calm ground soil for the theme in the part concrete section A and a special red color (named Cherokee) for steel sections The beautiful moving of the waterfall under the house The Selected Consolidating with Homophonic Vocabulary natural environ- Texture ment – blending of Tonal Harmony spaces-plain surfac- Modulation es-vertical and horizontal lines Using just two special colors

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Isfahani and Mojahed

CONCLUSION From long time ago, there has always been a conceptual relationship between the two arts of architecture and music, and both have introduced unique concepts. In the comparison of fallingwater with Chopin’s rain drops, it seems that the two works share many similarities and represent shared concepts to the audience. In fallingwater, the maintenance of the calmness of the forest, river and the rock was so significant, and all of these as well as the structure of the house and its consistency with the surrounding nature invite you to calmness and listening to soft sounds: the music of water and waterfall. In contrast, the most important features of Chopin’s piece are also unity and consistency all over the piece; the unity with attracts you to listen to the end of the piece. The type of the material and the house’s texture from external view are not from the nature’s type, but it has been hidden in the nature in such a way that you are attracted. This difference is also felt in Chopin’s rain piece. The change of modulation, the shift of contrast and dynamic are enough to make you excited. It seems that increasing the dramatic aspect of the piece due to the use of the harmonic joints with numerous abnormal solutions that have been happened in this piece and have made you to listen carefully has the same courage that Wright used in preprepared consules in fallingwater. REFERENCES Sarabi, p. (2011). Ontology of “expression” and “expressing” in music with the ap Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin)

proach of Iranian music. Asalemi, Tehran, Kimiaye Honar Journal. 1(1). Sohangir, S. & Norouz Borazjani, V. (2012). The comparative study of the conceptual link between architecture and music spaces in pre-modern and post-modern periods in West World. Baq Manzar Journal. 3 (33). Chopin, F. (1949). Chopin’s Waltz for piano, ed. Willard A. Palmer, new york, An Alfred Masterwork Edition Ghobadian, V. (2011), West’s Contemporary Architecture, Tehran, cultural researches office. Keramati, Gh. (2016), PhD Course notes of common language of architecture and other arts. Manafzadeh, H. (2012). Form, space, and architecture, strategic view to design and creation of form in architecture. Tehran, the first national conference of thoughts and new technologies in architecture. Yaghouti, S. & Kazemi, M. (2014). The comparative study of the identity of Iranian architecture and Iranian music (the link of music and color). Mashhad, the ninth symposium of the development of science and technology. Robinson, J. (1997). Music and meaning. United States of America: Cornell University Press.


How cite this article (ABNT): ISFAHANI, Alireza Moshabaki; MOJAHED, Vahideh. Comparative comparison of music and architecture (case study: Frank Lloyd Wright falling water and Frederic Chopin Prelude No. 15). Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./ Dec. 2018.

License information: This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article received on February 13, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Isfahani and Mojahed Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 37-47, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p49-59

Original Article

Evaluating ascertainment proofs obtained through illegal means Mina Mehrvand1 and Khalil Afandak2 1 Department of Law, Ilkhchi Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilkhchi, Iran E-mail: 2 Department of Law, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran E-mail:

ABSTRACT: A criminal act must be proved by legal reasons, but in addition to the necessity of legality of the reasons, the ways for obtaining the reason should not be in violation of the law. In Iran's criminal code, there are relatively detailed rules on the grounds reasons to prove crime and legal grounds for their probative powers but there is no systematic approach to obtaining reason in Iran's penal code and this leads to a difference in the value of the evidence obtained in contravention of the law. The new Criminal Procedure Code stipulates new rules on the value of evidence obtained in illegal ways. For this reason, the present thesis deals with research and study on the evaluation of evidence obtained in contravention of law and in this regard, we have investigated the declarative reasons (confessions, testimonies, oaths and testimonies) and acquiring reasons(inspections and tricky police actions) obtained through illegal means and this is the result of the fact that the declarative evidence obtained in a way contrary to the law has not legal value But there is no ban on tricky police actions in Iranian criminal law and the Iranian law's stance on unlawful inspections is ambiguous. Keywords: Declarative reasons. Acquiring reasons. Tricky actions. Criminal procedure.

INTRODUCTION The gravity center of claims is reason. The place and significance of reason in claims, especially in criminal claims, is unimaginable. Obtaining the reason is one of the basic and fundamental issues of the criminal procedure; as long as there is no reason for the imposition of a crime and, consequently, the execution of the punishment does not exist. Reasoning in criminal affairs is more important than other issues. Because it faces the fundamental guarantees of the rights of individuals, in particular the law of imprisonment, which can be affected. Therefore, the proofs in criminal matters are of great importance. Reason has two parts: declarative and Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

ascertainment. Ascertainment reason is a reason that exists in the outside world, and the judge will act as a foreign matter and the declarative reason is that it was happening in the presence of the judge in the form of a report of what happened in the pastand the judge will hear the news from the area of the people (Karimi, 2010). Sometimes the reason is declarative, that is, the judge is waiting for the news of the persons involved in the lawsuit or third parties to determine the case accordingly. Like confessions that are right news,is in favor of others and self-harmful or be witness is right news,is in favor of others and selfharmful or swearing is right news, is in favor of others and self-harmful by with the witness of the Almighty God. In fact, the oath Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


of is the emphasized news because the news is affixed with the word of His Majesty.Because they all include news, they are called declarative. For declarative reason (in civil matters) the judge does not play a very active role (Bahrami, 2010). So, he can not as for example the parties, leads them to the confession in the form of guided questions or looks for a witness to encourage her to testify at the expense of one of the parties. Or, encourage one of the parties to swear allegiance, because in this case the principle of the impartiality of the judge will be violated. But in criminal matters the judge plays an active role in addressing the causes of the news and can ask witness several questions for crime detection and or the prosecutor can investigate but has particular duty to look for witnesses in unpardonable crimes or challenge other declarative reasons. In addition to the above three reasons that are always declarative some reasons sometimes include news. The document of the reason is reason. In fact, the document often involves confessions between the parties and the document itself is a reason for the past confession of its signatories so saying that document of the reason is reason. The document's content, when confessed, is a matter of declaration. While the document itself, as an external reality, is an ascertainment reason and the role of the judge in establishing authenticity of the document should be noticed as activated.Of course, in criminal matters, a document can be confiscated in rare cases and in most cases, the document in a criminal offense accounts as declarative reason (Karimi, 2010). But in some cases, not only the document itself is the ascertainment reason which contains the reason that are ascerEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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tainment reason also. Such as aerial maps that document or record containing examination rooms and supply presumptionmemorandum and we know that some reason, such as presumptionare ascertainment reason, because the judge deals directly with the circumstances of the matter (Karimi, 2010). The local examination is also of a variety of judicial presumption. On the ascertainment reasons it can be said that the expert is one of the ascertainment reasons. With this explanation in masters, judge with meddling of a person as an expert through the established fact. Local research is based on reasons that are of a mixed nature. I.e. it’s both declarative and ascertainment. Is declarative news where locals and informed people know their information but ultimately, this is the judge who makes the point of his mind realizing the reality and the discovery. The document itself is always in place for ascertainment reasons. Although related to the reason reflected in it is also possible to speak about the ascertainment reason and also the declarative reason. The scope of the value of the material causes obtained in a manner contrary to the law in Iran's law is more than the nonmaterial reasons discussed and controversy since the legislator has taken a stance on the immaterial reasons, but there are ambiguities about the ascertainment reasons which in this paper, in the form of two general sections (cagily actions, audits and inspections), material evidence obtained through illegal ways is evaluated. 1 EVALUATION OF ACHIEVED REASONS THROUGH CAGILY ACTIONS According to paragraph 7 of Article 4 of Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018

Evaluating ascertainment proofs obtained through illegal means

the Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Law Enforcement approved of 1369, one of the duties of the police is to prevent crime. An important part of police measures and missions is also to prevent crime. Obviously, crime prevention is far more important and more important than crime detection. The natural consequence of failure to prevent crime, the increase in the rate of crime and the aggravation of the burden of the officers responsible for the detection and prosecution of crime and, in general, more harm to the community. In implementing the trapping, if the police officer simply fails to commit a crime simply by provoking an officer, the police will not only avoid the prevention objectives, but will also facilitate the prosecution of crime. But in the hypothesis that the police are faced with a number of individuals, including repeat offenders, there is no conflict between trapping offenders and targets for crime prevention; because in this case, police behavior is nothing but identifying these criminals and uncovering the truth. Trapping crime detection methods is in conflict with the law of entrapment and good morals. Can the police go to law to enforce and enforce the law? For example, in the hypothesis that the police, with the background of the preceding, identify the person to the doctor, psychiatrist, expert, or ... and then receive his secrets from the above persons, his Chinese background reveals the head the direction of these people becomes. Does the even level of police with the criminal, is aligned with the dignity of the police profession? Can the police hide their identity during the law enforcement (especially the crime detection)? Today, police officials emphasize that the police must reveal their identity to the audience Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


before taking any action. Police are manifestations of governance and should not act on behalf of the government in a way that prohibits others from doing so. (It may be possible to carry out trapping, deplorable escape from law enforcement.) Has the use of trapping by the competent authorities been clearly disclosed to the general public? Because the main purpose of the police in the first place is crime prevention, and in the next stages, it is the discovery and prosecution of crime, and in this regard, it is important to perform psychological operations. Is the offense committed by the perpetrator the result of a method used by the police to detect a crime? (Sufferstein, 1999). An effective police crackdown would cause crime? Is the livestock tract only used to detect major crimes, or does the police use it as a means of detecting all crimes? Is the only way to discover the crime of the police, is trapping? However, if the police violate the rules and regulations governing the use of garments approved by the law, disguised as a result of the incitement and persuasion of the person concerned, he would be the victim of the crime. His behavior does not match the professional ethics of the police. This issue is apparently twofold in a situation where the detection of crime by other methods is practically possible and the intended crime is not so important. In terms of criminal liability, what is the situation of the police officers who have committed such an act? Does the police make a criminal offense in the form of a formal deal (in some animal breeding farms)? Obviously, police officers do not intend to commit a crime in carrying out these formal acts, so the crime will not be prosecuted by the agents. Otherwise, the police will commit Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


the same crime that the perpetrator has committed and in Iran's penal code (even under the new Criminal Procedure Code), reference to the justification for the crime by police officers has not been discovered. Theoretically, if the prosecutor proves that the effective provocation of the police has caused the crime, the officer may be charged with the charge of the deputy in the crime (Mazaheri, 2006). In any case, however, it should be noted that in order to maintain the security of the country, police cannot be prohibited from trapping absolutely, in particular, in current Iranian legislation, crime detection is not explicitly prohibited in such ways is not explicitly prohibited. But it is worth noting that the use of methods such as trapping is limited to discovering significant crimes that hurt the high interests of the country or endanger the security of the country. Today, committing crimes such as money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism, drug trafficking, corruption, etc. is one of the major concerns of the human community. The new criminal law approach to this kind of crime is such that in addition to intensifying legal penalties in dealing with perpetrators of such crimes, sometimes some basic principles of criminal proceedings are also challenged (Mohseni, 2010). 2 APPROVING VALUE OF THE REASONS DERIVED FROM TRAPPING According to the current rules, the prosecution system in Iran is a system of prosecutors and courts, and according to Article 156 of the Constitution and Article 22 of the Criminal Procedure Code, detecting crime and the burden of proof is on the prosecution service. The issue that appears in this Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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section more than anything else is the proof of the claim. We know that proving every claim requires reasons. On the one hand, the criminal judge is free to study for any positive cause of the claim. He is authorized to accept any persuasive reason. But there is difference between "reason as a means of proving crime" and "ways to obtain a cause", such as an investigation and examination, recording and listening to telephone conversations, and so on (Ashoori, 2009). For example, "confession" is considered as one of the most important reasons for a crime, but if the confession is obtained through torture or coercion, it is considered to be worthless under Article 38 of the Constitution. Hence, along with the principle of the freedom of the criminal judge, in obtaining any kind of evidence of a crime, there are precise and complicated rules on how to obtain reasons for him. In this regard, consideration of the credibility and accuracy of the reasons given by the judicial authorities is important. Obtaining the reason is the responsibility of the prosecutor (the prosecuting authority), and with the referral of the investigation by them is the responsibility of the judiciary; officers are required to collect any useful information to discover the truth; this stage is due to the precise and sensitive stages of criminal proceedings, and the rights and freedoms of the accused may be subject to arbitrariness (Akhondi, 2000). In accordance with the principles adopted in the Criminal Procedure Code, preliminary investigations by the Prosecutor's Office should always be conducted in the light of respect for the principle of innocence, the right to defend the accused and the principle of the interpretation of doubt in favor of the accused and based on respect for human rights and Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


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the judiciary and away from any insult to human dignity and dignity. However, the reasons that are met by following the rules and are lent to its observance are correct and legitimate and have legal effects. Based on the issues discussed and in a general summary of cunning actions in detecting a crime, it is worth while to say that trapping for discovery is contrary to public order and ethical standards. In the trapping plans, the crime is committed by the police, so the perpetrator (the person whose crime has been discovered by the trapping method) is deemed responsible. In the event that police provocation is effective and causes the crime to be committed, in spite of other circumstances, police officers will be charged with assassination charges by the perpetrator. If the accused, under the influence of an effective provocation by the police, commits a crime, the court can reduce the punishment of the perpetrator by issuing the sentence. Considering the importance and priority of maintaining the security of the country on other issues, if other methods of crime detection are not effective, one of the most effective methods of detecting crimes that harm the country's top interests (Such as money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism, etc.). Hence, given the specific nature of these crimes and the new criminal law approach in this regard, In the case of legislative measures and approval of precise rules, the detection of these types of crimes is permitted through trapping. The reasons for trafficking, for many crimes, lack credibility and accuracy to prove the crime (such as kidnapping, robbery).

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3 APPROVING VALUE OF THE REASONS DERIVED FROM UNLAWFUL INSPECTIONS Concerning the illegal acquisition of reason, inspection and inspection is one of the most controversial reasons and given that these actions are being carried out by judicial authorities, and these agents may be excluded from legal review in the inspection and inspection, the question is always about the police inspection and inspection that does the reasons obtained from inspection, have correct and legal procedures and observance of the rules? Inspection involves different things, but home and vehicle inspection are more important than this. Before examining the stance of Iran's legislation in this regard, one of the admirable votes and prior consideration of the value of the report of the defendants regarding the audit and inspection is mentioned, however, such rhetoric is so rare and fewer court judges consider the process of gaining reason, but such a proposition suggests the possibility of the attention of all judges to this: Judgments No. 9609972649000076 Regarding the charge of men .... lack of a criminal record for carrying alcoholic beverages, regardless of the statements of repentance and their remorse at the hearing, since according to the second part of Article 55 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the inspection of persons and objects in nonevident offenses is subject to judicial authorization and in this case, according to the report of the defendants and the evidence available, as well as the statements of the defendants regarding the inspection Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


of the vehicle's rear trunk, there was no such thing. The court does not pay attention to obtaining illegal grounds (in terms of form), as well as Article 36 of the Criminal Procedure Code that the credibility of the report is bound by two fundamental constitutions and based on its second partreports must be prepared and regulated according to legal requirements and regulations, considers the charge to be distorted by these people. On the other hand, it does not morally agree that violating the spirit of the Criminal Procedure Code based on the necessity of legality to obtain reasons for reasons, based on the reasons for which the legislator has been bannedor at the same time allowing it to be obtained illegally and in violation of the principle of the legitimacy of studying the reason. Therefore, the reasons given are not present and are out of the question and along with the provisions of Articles 2, 7, 36, 61 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Articles 120 and 121 of the Islamic Penal Code and the Principles of Islamic Penal Code, the Court (as the judicial representative of the Islamic holy system of the Islamic Republic) protects the privacy of citizens. Thirty-seven of the constitution of Iran issued and pronounced a verdict against all defendants. Since the judicial procedure is a legislative procedure, it is also worth while to express our criticism of the judicial process, which remains meaningful in doubt. In the court's opinion, it should be said that the legislator's prohibition in this regard was only a decree against the agent and does not cause corruption and ruin of the subject matter (reasons) of the educated, is clearly vague and merely a license to uphold the privacy of citizens. Now that nearly 38 years of rule of law in the Islamic Republic of Iran Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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is underway, citizens cannot be told that you do not have the right to be heard, but if you get information through illegal and unlawful listening, you can cite them, if so, the prohibitions do not have a guarantee of execution. Even morally, the legislator cannot forbid the practice, but finds its results acceptable, because it is a kind of abolition of speech and away from the holy lawyer and the wise legislator. Of course, this vital point should not be forgotten that judicial procedures in dealing with illegitimate reasons must be distinguished between the right to God and the right to a religion and the reasons for it being published and enforced. Obviously, the discovery of the crime of murder in an illegal manner is so important that the existing reasons must be taken into consideration, with the explanation that if the reasons for illicit education are reasons for the news, such as confession, testimony or oath of torture, undoubtedly, the reasons given will, in addition to the punishment of the agent, be unreliable, but if the reasons for the illegal obtainment of the reasons are fulfilled, it could be indicative of the conviction. 4 EVALUATING THE REASONS DERIVED FROM HOUSE ILLEGAL INSPECTIONS The Iran's Criminal Procedure Code, passed in 1999, provides for a home inspection: “inspection of homes, places and objects shall be carried out in cases where there are reasons for strong suspicion to disclose the accused or equipment, and the reasons for the crime there”. In addition, Section 24 of the Criminal Procedure Code stipulated the following:” Inspections of homes, places, objects and individuals in Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018

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non-obvious crimes should be subject to a judicial authorization, although investigations generally have been referred to the courts by the judicial authority”. The new Criminal Procedure Code provides a more comprehensive approach and more precise criteria for home inspections. According to Article 58 of the Criminal Procedure Code: "Judicial authorities shall, when entering the houses, closed and closed places, present the documents of the judicial documents to the location of the custodian while presenting the identity papers, indicating the cases in the form of the petition, and signed by the person Or the present ones ... " Article 140 stipulates: "Inspection and inspection of the house shall be carried out on a day-by-night basis and shall be carried out at night only if the necessity of the requisite condition is met. The prosecutor shall state the reasons for the necessity and shall in the matter of the matter and, if possible, be present at the place. Find out Note-day is from sunrise to dusk. " The legislator, with a positive attitude in the new Criminal Procedure Code, has tried to make house inspections more carefully to protect the privacy of individuals who are immune from bullying. In keeping with privacy, the new Criminal Procedure Code also imposes restrictions on judicial authorities, requiring judicial authorities to specify in detail and in detail the subject of the inspection until they have been issued an inspection order and Avoid general inspection. In this regard, Article 141 stipulates that: "The order of the judicial authority for entering the home, closed and closed places, should be the subject under each heading, and the subject matter for inspection, time, times of arrival, property, places and address they are explicitly identified. In acEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


cordance with the instructions of the judicial authority, the officials are required to set the quality of the audit and inspection and the outcome in the form of a bill of rights, sign it or fingerprints, and declare the cases to the judicial authority within a maximum of twenty-four hours. " Article 142 of the Criminal Procedure Code provides for the further protection of individuals' private rights and respect for privacy: "Inspection and inspection of the home or residence of persons in the presence of the attendant or senior, and, if necessary, with the presence of witnesses, while observing The religious and legal standards, the maintenance of the order of the place are inspected and the respect of the sanctity of the inhabitants and its neighbors. Note - When there is no one at the checkpoint, in case of urgency, the inspection shall be carried out in the absence of detainees and residents of the locality, with the presence of two local residents, and shall be immediately determined on the face of the matter. " Article 146 of the Criminal Procedure Code, in line with the emphasis on the greater respect for the privacy of individuals: "From the papers, writings, and other objects belonging to the accused, only obtain information about the crime and, if necessary, intuition Research is provided. The investigator is required to act with caution in the case of other writings and objects belonging to the accused, exposing the content and their non-related content to crime, otherwise he will be convicted of the disclosure of secrets. " Legislator in the Code of Criminal Procedure, in a measure that has not had a precedent in Iran's penal code, has established Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


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rules for damage to property during an inspection and inspection process in a way that Article 145 provides: "If the home keeper, the place or objects to be inspected refuses to open the closed premises and objects, the investigator may order their reopening, but to the extent that the possibility of damages should be avoided. Note - In the event that material damage occurs in the implementation of this article and is issued on the basis of a definite decision of the court imposing a prohibition or suspension of prosecution or a judgment of innocence, also, in cases where the refusal of a person is not a criminal offender, even if the matter results in the conviction of the accused, the state is responsible for compensation, unless it is established by the Bailiff or other agents that, in this case, the state compensates and the investigator and Or guilty agents. " In order to protect the rights of citizens and to observe the legal principles of obtaining the reason, Article 137 of the new law provides two important conditions for issuing permits for inspection and inspection of the home: 1-Evidence and Emirates in the case of the presence of the accused or the discovery of the machinery and equipment and the reasons for the crime; 2 - strong suspicion of the presence of the defendant or the discovery of the equipment, the reasons for the crime. The investigator and other judicial authorities, having obtained the two conditions, can issue an audit order, otherwise they commit an offense. 5 EVALUATING VEHICLES ILLEGAL INSPECTIONS In most countries, there are certain reguEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

lations regarding vehicle inspection, but no special rules have been laid down in Iranian law for inspection of vehicles. The Code of Criminal Procedure Act of 1378 did not mention any car inspecting, and therefore there were strong differences of opinion regarding the possibility of inspection of vehicles without obtaining permission from the judicial authority. In the Code of Criminal Procedure, only in Article 55 is a general reference to vehicle inspection. Advanced countries have specific regulations for car inspections. For example, in the United Kingdom, there should be reasonable grounds for the United States and the UAE before car inspections. Police officers can only inspect a vehicle where there are strong grounds for using the vehicle to commit a crime or carry banned material; in addition, in this case, the minimum operating intensity should be used and avoid using it until it is necessary to use it (Farajiha, Yari, 2012). In order to prevent possible abuse, it is stipulated that only an official police officer can stop and inspect cars; therefore, drivers are not required to stop if the police officer does not wear formal suits. In cases where inspections of vehicles are necessary, but the defendant is not present, certain provisions are foreseen to comply with his rights. In this case, the police officer is required to insert a sheet in the vehicle after inspection. In this sheet, the following should be recorded: 1. The vehicle has been inspected; 2. The name of the officer who inspected; 3. The police unit that the inspecting officer serves and the person can apply for damages 4) has the right to make a copy of the note relating to the inspection minutes. The criteria are foreseen that the owner of the vehicle might encounter a car confusion after being Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018

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present at the inspection site. Compliance with these regulations reduces her concern and, if protested, can object to the illegality of the inspection; in addition, the inspection shall be carried out in the shortest possible time and at a place close to the place where the car is stopped. The recent requirement should also be observed in the inspection of individuals (Barani, 2009). 6 VALIDITY OF VEHICLES INSPECTION IN THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE Regarding the vehicles inspection, Article 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure is in effect in Iran's law, in this way it provides: "... the inspection of persons and objects with a judicial authorization is a judicial authority ..." The term "objects" in this it is a general material and includes vehicles. Therefore, according to the above law, the general rule in Iranian law regarding vehicle inspection is that: inspection of vehicles for evidentiary crimes does not require obtaining a license from a judicial authority, but a case should be obtained from non-verifiable crimes for inspection of vehicles. The former Criminal Procedure Code did not explicitly refer to the issue of credibility of the report of the defendants regarding the inspection and inspection if the reasons were obtained from illegal means, and only Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the former criminal court considered the defendant's report valid if it was to be credible and credible by the judge. Some legal writers on the matter said that a search and inspection that was made without due observance of statutory requirements cannot be trusted and vindicated by the judge and with this notion, considered value reports collected by violating the rules and regulations relatEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


ing to the acquisition of reasons (Ashoori, 2009). But the fact is that Article 15 of the Criminal Procedure Code did not explicitly deal with this issue and the judicial process, for this reason, tended to be something thatin spite of the alleged violation of the rules in the preparation of the reports, they were issued a deceptive vote on these reports. The new procedural law in Article 36, concerning the limits of the validity and value of the report of the defendants of the judiciary, states: “the report of the defendant is valid only if it is not in accordance with the circumstances and the definitive evidence and is prepared in accordance with legal requirements and regulations”. In this article, it is explicitly stated that if the statutory criteria for reporting are not met, they are not valid and worthless. But the most important shortcoming of the new criminal procedure law is that it has merely stated that reports that have been obtained through illegal means are null and void and despite the fact that invalidity of misleading reports has been made, the judicial process will continue to operate in the same way. Therefore, it was worthy for the legislator to go into more detail in this matter. Also, in article 36, this is generally referred to; some judges consider the report's invalidity in the statutory regulation to be in line with the provisions of the reporting form and to reject the decree to abandon the illegal methods of acquiring the cause. Therefore, in analyzing the position of Iranian law regarding the value and credibility of the inspection and inspection of places and persons if they are illegally prepared, it should be said that the Iranian legislator's position on this issue is ambiguous and can be subject to various interpretations. Therefore, in the present research, it Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


should be said that in Iran, only two cases have explicitly denied the reasons provided by illegal means (void and untrustworthy testimony, confession and oath of allegiance to the suspect and deceptive questions) and regarding the reports prepared by the judiciary in an illegal manner due to the ambiguity and insight of the position of the Criminal Procedure Law, it cannot be stated that it explicitly defines the Iranian law stance on the lack of value of these reports. However, the above-mentioned law states the validity of the report of the defendants in complying with the rules in its regulation and preparation and one of the regulations is obtaining a permit from the judicial authority for inspection and inspection, however, the mechanisms for dealing with conflicting reports are not specified by law, and this could subject this provision to various interpretations. CONCLUSION In Iran's criminal justice system there is no general rule forjudicial value of the reason obtained through illegal ways. In general, there are two major approaches in the legal system regarding the value and validity of the reasons for illegal ways. Announcement of a criterion for measuring and assessing the reasons given in the criminal procedure process; indication of the cases of the lack of value of the reasons derived from violations of the law (inapplicable clauses). The law of Iran has chosen the second strategy, and in cases where the reasons given by the law is not worthy of value and has not announced a standard. If the reasons are obtained by way of a violation of law, it may invalidate the entire proceeding, or only unlawful reasons cannot be Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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declared. Regarding the underlying principle of the lack of value, the reasons behind Iran's illegal ways should consider the point that (Unlike some countries, such as the United Kingdom) did not establish the main legislator in Iran's law, and only pointed to some of the reasons for it. Declarative reasons (confession, testimony, and oath) obtained by way of a violation of the law in Iran's criminal law explicitly deprives Article 38 of the Constitution of value and it is not possible to base judicial decisions on that basis.Therefore, if confession, martyrdom and oath are obtained through torture and coercion, they are not worthy of judicial value. There is no legal regulation on the prohibition or prohibition of cunning acts in the detection of crime by the police in Iranian law. But this should note that one of the important tasks of the police is crime preventionand trapping conflicts with this goal for detecting or arresting potential offenders so the decision to disallow such actions and, consequently, the lack of value of the reasons given in this way. REFERENCES Akhundi, M, Criminal Procedure. Volume 4, Qom: Ishraq Publications, 2000 Ashoori, M, Criminal Procedure. Volume 2, Tehran: SAMT, 2009. Barani, M, Implementation of Physical Inspection in Iran and England Law. Tehran: Publications of the General Directorate ofNAJA Legal Education, 2009. Bahrami, B, Reasons for Proving. Tehran: Cultural InstituteNegahe Bina, 2010. Sufferstein, R, Secret police surveillance and surveillance from an adaptive point of view. Tehran: Imami translation, Naja Deputy Director, 2008. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018

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Karimi, Reasons to Prove the Claim. Tehran: SAMT Publication, 2010. Farajiha, M; Yari, A, Validity of Reports Based on Inspection and Inspection, Detective Journal, No. 19, 2012. Mohseni, H, The concept of a judicial reference in Iranian law, Journal of Legal Justice, No. 79, 2012. Mazaheri, AM, The concept of lawyer intervention in preliminary proceedings, Journal of Legal Justice, No. 56, 2006. License information: This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article received on April 30, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): MEHRVAND, Mina; AFANDAK, Khalil. Evaluating ascertainment proofs obtained through illegal means. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./ Dec. 2018.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Mehrvand and Afandak Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 49-59, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p61-69

Original Article

Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran Raheleh Farhang and Abdolmajid Asadi* * Corresponding author: Abdolmajid Asadi E-mail:

ABSTRACT: Possessing seismic information on active faults is required for earthquake risk estimation. In earthquake prone areas such as Zagros Mountains in which active basement faults are covered by Phanerozoic sedimentary cover, we can use geophysical data such as special resistivity and employ Schlumberger array as an inexpensive and quick method to identify blind faults with high accuracy. For this purpose, 30 vertical electric soundings and 10 profiles were implemented on Banesh Plain in Fars Province of Iran. Using data from geoelectric sections combined with qualitative data, we determined blind faults and sub fractures. The results show two faults zones along east-southwest and northwest-southeast lines and some sub faults and fractures along the Zagros flow. Keywords: Geophysics. Special Resistivity. Geoelectrics. Schlumberger array. Blind Faults. Banesh. Fars. Iran.

INTRODUCTION Using geophysical methods in identification of some of ground’s physical features such as electric, elastic and magnetic characteristics of rocks and minerals, earth gravity and such characteristics are of great importance. Using geophysical methods, we can extract information from buried geological structures that can be used directly or indirectly in geological studies (Knisel, 2006), discovering minerals, hydrocarbons and underground waters, civil engineering studies (Sudha et al. 2009), environmental studies (Crellier et al. 2007) and etc. The basis of electric methods in geophysical explorations is measuring electric features of rocks. This method is widely used for identification of geological layers which have different electric features with their surrounding rocks and also for identiEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

fication of inconsistency levels such as faults and etc. Electric exploration methods are very diverse compared to other geophysical methods. These methods are based on manifestation of superficial impacts which are created due to passing of electric current from the earth. Using these methods, we can measure the electric or electromagnetic potentials, currents and fields created naturally or artificially in the ground. Electrical conduction changes of rocks and minerals are one of the features that makes the usage of this method possible. In geoelectric method, the induced electric current is directed to the ground by electrodes and then the potential difference between various points is calculated. Measuring the potential difference between different points lead to identification of petrophysical characteristics and deter Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018


mination of anisotropy in different directions. This method is best in distinguishing underground layers in terms of their special resistivity and thickness and because of flexibility, high speed, light and portable equipment, low costs of field operations, being economical and ability to directly and qualitatively interpret data, it is one of the strongest discovery methods (Ako and Olorunfemi, 1989) A geoelectric operation is carried out by two methods: Vertical electric sounding and Horizontal profiling (Kalagari, 2010). In geoelectric soundings, deep changes of special resistivity and existing layers are investigated using formations in which the distance between some or all electrodes increase symmetrically. A geoelectric interpretation via sounding is done using a specific electrode formation on the ground in a way that the formation’s length continually increases after each measurement, whereas the center of formation is fixed on one point on the ground. Thus for each formation length of a superficial special resistivity, we can determine the thickness and special resistivity of underground layers on that point (sounding point or the center of electrode formation). Considering the distance, values of special resistivity are drawn on algorithmic diagrams (both logarithmic axes). Although, methods have been suggested for interpretation of layers’ slope, geoelectric sounding only works well when the intersection of layers is horizontal. (Milson, 1989) Evaluation of a sounding curve might have a few equivalent answers. The duty of geophysics experts is to select a result that best matches the known geological and hydrological buildings of the area. Another selective item is comparison with adjacent Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Farhang and Asadi

soundings. Connecting the signs of a layer in a measured depth by a sounding to deep signs of the next sounding should be made possible in a way that results in a geologically logical and accurate section. In the profiling method, side changes of special resistivity of underground materials are reviewed along one line of profile. Geoelectric interpretation by profiling using specific electrode formation along one line of profile is in this way: distances between electrodes or formation length (which is either the exploration depth or effective depth that is experimentally appropriate) are kept the same in all the measurement and after each measurement, all the electrodes with the same specific electrode formation and fixed formation length are transferred on the profile line, so that eventually all the profile line gets acquired. Reviewing side changes of special resistivity resulting from geoelectric measurements via profiling method, we can determine underground irregularities and their range or extent underground. Also, investigating deep or vertical changes of special resistivity resulting from measurements by sounding method can be practically used in hydrological studies and underground waters. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran Figure 1: Schlumberger array


tivity values, the changing procedure of electric resistivity in depth, topographical changes in profile’s length based on Schlumberger array and also field information. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION AND ACCESS ROUTES TO THE UNDER-STUDY AREA

Special Resistivity is calculated by the following equation: đ?œŒđ?‘Ž = Ď€

đ??´đ??ľ 2 đ?‘€đ?‘ 2 ∆đ?‘‰ ( 2 ) − ( 2 ) [ ] đ??ź đ?‘€đ?‘

The area under study is located in Fars province and in northwest of Shiraz and is one of the villages in Beyza District. Beyza District is a relatively large plain which is surrounded by mountains from north, south and west; and it is connected toMarvdasht Plain from the east. Figure 2: Geographical location of Banesh and access routes

One of the advantages of Schlumberger formation is that M & N potential electrodes, at least for several length of the current line or distance between A & B currents, are fixed and do not move. This leads to a significant saving in time and also cable and other equipment consumption. By measuring special resistivity values for MN (distance between potential electrodes), we can figure out the superficial and side changes of the area under study and distinguish them from deep changes of special resistivity. In order to determine the geological structures, blind faults and fractures in the area under study, geoelectric sections are investigated using the geoelectric method. The actual special resistivity of the layers and also the geological evidence of the area can help relating separated layers to each other. Geoelectric sections were obtained after analyzing the sounding curves of each profile and by considering interpreted resisEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Area’s Geology and Tectonics The area under study, according to Iran’s tectonic divisions (Berberian, 1976) is located on the tectonic unit of active folded belt of Zagros. Folded belt, thruster of Zagros as the biggest structural area in Iran, has been formed due to the collision of Arabian plate and Iran’s Plateau in late Tertiary (Stocklin, 1968) in the form of mountain range with the approximate length of 1800 Kilometers (Hessami et al., 2001) and one the quiet Macapå, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018


platform of the Arabian continent. Tectonic units in Iran are influenced by the formation and movement of Arabian plate in the south and Eurasia in the north and this has resulted in different procedures in various parts (Aghanabati, 2004). Convergence between continental plates often lead to formation of fold-thrust belts. Land shapes in Zagros are fundamentally structural. The top Phanerozoic sedimentary cover of Zagros is transformed during Neogene orogeny. This transformation is manifested in the form of stretched and wide folds and thrusts; in a way that their axial surface towards north and northeast is sloped (Berberian, 1995). According to geological divisions, the area under study is located in folded Zagros zone and is surrounded by SangPahn Mountains and AliYaghi Mountain in the north, MalAmir Mountain in northeast, Sangpahn Mountain in the northwest and Takhte Sang Olya in south and southeast. The area’s exposures include Sarook, Gourpi, Fahliyan, Gadvan, Darian and Kajdomi structures. Along with mentioned structures, Conglomerate of present time, alluvium and recent quaternary sediments possess a wide area. Considering the quaternary sedimentary cover, fractures and gaps have remained hidden in many effect points of the fault. In the heights if this region, anticlines and main faults are seen. Faults are located in mountain borders or the subsiding plain. Strike slip faults have led to deviations along the mountains and topographical views. Studies demonstrate that the area under study in Beyza plain is a result of gravitational tectonic procedures. In this area, a tensile phase has followed the Pasadenian orogeny and a heavy alluvium has occurred which has resulted in numerous folds in the plain being Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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covered by 50 to 300 meters of quaternary sediments. Geophysical data and aerial magnetic maps are consistent with this subject (Shahsavari, 2003). Figure 3: Location of Banesh and Sounding stations in satellite images (Google Earth)

DISCUSSION The first step in designing a geophysical interpretation is collecting information related to history of studies and all the available geophysical data related to the desired goal. For this purpose first we visited the area and reviewed 1:100000 and 1:25000 geological maps of Beyza, topographic maps and aerial and satellite images to obtain geological and tectonic generalities for the area under study. After adjusting the existing data and the obtained data in the additional stage, a careful identification of structures and evidence related to faults and area’s tectonics was carried out. In the final stage, we use the geoelectric method with Schlumberger array in order to confirm tectonic and geological evidence based on the existence proofs of blind faults in the area. For this purpose, field acquisitions were carried out by the geoelectric device; field acquisitions which consisted of measuring Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran

and locating the profile of soundings in determined sites (30 vertical soundings in the area) and reading the impedance of tectonic layers (10 profiles based on acquired data). Then we analyzed the data and the results were interpreted (Figure 3). In the end, geophysical studies and tectonic and geological evidence helped us identify blind faults and fractures of Banesh Plain. In the following, we review some of the stations, profiles, sections and pseudosections.


layers in this station is three and studies revealed that the floor rock is marlstone which starts at 60 meter depth (Figure 4-d).

Figure 4: an example of impedance curves from each profile

ANALYZING THE IMPEDANCE CURVE Analysis of the impedance curve of A1 stations shows that impedance changes in this stage has a decreasing process until the semi-deep section and then shows increasing process in deep parts. It seems that above-mentioned changes are due to structure change and also due to the passing of the crushed zone from the vicinity of the station. Coarse-grained to medium-grained alluvium in shallow and semi-deep parts are recognizable in this diagram (Figure a-4). By analyzing the impedance curve of B3 and C2 stations, it was determined that impedance changes of these stations are increasing from the surface to the depth and at least three main layers can be observed in these stations. Huge resistivity changes are not much seen in these stations and in other words, the gradual increase of resistivity indicates that the crushed zone didn’t pass the mentioned stations. In deep parts of B3 station, the calcic floor rock and in C2 station, alluvium part and the rocky layer are well detectable (Figure 4-a & b). Analyzing the impedance curve of DK2 stations shows that resistivity changes in this station first increase from the surface to the depth and then decreases. The minimum number of Estação CientĂ­fica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Investigating geoelectric pseudosection curves shows the electrical impedance distribution in a deep section along one profile. In order to provide pseudosections, after smoothing and before interpreting field sounding curves, we draw the values of electrical impedance for soundings of each profile against half the length of current electrodes (đ??´đ??ľâ „2) (Meshinchi et al., 2013). Analyzing pseudosection and section of stations of Profile 4 shows that G2, G3 and G4 stations are made from limestone. Resistivity increase especially in GK2 and GK3 stations confirm the above opinion; but this increase is minute, especially in all three GK2, GK3 and GK3 stations and has occurred with a slight slope. The reason for this is the passing of the crushed zone and fault from all these stations. In other words, despite limestone floor, passing of the crushed zone from all three stations has led to moisture penetration in deep parts and consequently led to a significant reduction MacapĂĄ, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018


of resistivity increase intensity, especially in real sections. Thus, we can consider that the crushed zone passes all the 3 stations. In Figure 5, location of sounding stations of Profile 4 on Google Earth and geoelectric pseudosections and sections of Profile 4 are depicted.

Farhang and Asadi Figure 6: a) geoelectric sections of Profile 2 on Google Earth and b) geoelectric sections and pseudosections of Profile 2

Figure 5. Location of sounding stations of Profile 4 on Google Earth geoelectric pseudosections and sections of Profile 4

GEOELECTRIC SECTIONS After interpreting sounding curves and determining the depth and actual electrical resistivity of subsurface layers in each profile, we can draw the geoelectric section of that profile. The geoelectric section is a vertical slice of subsurface geoelectric layers whose horizontal axis is soundings horizontal distances to one another and the vertical axis is the depth of the layers; and layers are distinguished from each other based on actual special resistivity. Figure 6 shows the geoelectric section of Profile 2 resulting from soundings of D3-G3-G1-B2-B3 as an example.

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Investigating the pseudosection and section of Profile 2 stations show that in of D3G3-G1-B2 stations, the limestone floor is well detectable. Also in B3 station, the limestone floor with lower resistivity is observable. Whereas, in G3 station, the resistivity significantly decreases compared to the adjacent station, despite the existence of a limestone floor. In addition, in the drawn pseudosection, the passing of the fault and crushedzone along with movement in G3 stations can be observed. It seems that the effect of the crushed zone on G3 station is to an extent that results in moisture penetration from superficial to deep parts and thus provides the preparations for resistivity reduction in the mentioned station compared to adjacent stations. A GENERAL SAMPLE OF SECTION AND PSEUDOSECTION FROM PROFILE 6 RESULTING FROM C1-C3-C2-A5-F3-F2-F1 SOUNDINGS Analysis of section and pseudosection of Profile 6 stations show that in A5 and F3 stations sites, because the fault zone is well observable despite limestone floor rock in Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran

adjacent stations (especially F1 & F2), the resistivity increment is less intense. Therefore, despite limestone floor, the resistivity changes don’t show any significant increase. Also, it seems that C1, C3 and C4 stationsdue to the distance from A5 station, has a sub fracture which passes along these three stations. Resistivity changes are because of formation change and the crushed zone does not face a sharp increase in resistivity. Especially in the pseudosection, the existence of fault in A5 and F3 stations are well detectable. Figure 7: a) Geoelectrical sections of Profile 6 on Google Earth b) Geoelectric pseudosections and sections of Profile 6 and c) Impedance diagram of Profile 6

CONCLUSION Banesh village in Beyza District, situated on northwest of Shiraz is located on active fold belt tectonic unit of Zagros which is covered by sediments related to Phanerozoic era and has hidden many of geological structures including faults. According to this, we used a geoelectric method to idenEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


tify the area’s structures; a method that is based on Schlumberger array which is an appropriate method with high reliability in identification of hidden structures. Paying attention to geoelectric data and their comparison with field and morphotectonic acquisitions in the area shows active plain and blind faults in the region under study. Based on this and in order to identify the possible location of faults, 30 soundings were provided in the area and 10 profiles were selected. The results from sounding sections and pseudosections and profiles show that the area under study is a foldfaulting area. Especially, the precise location of thrust faults in the plain floor which was not known because of covering by quaternary alluvial deposits, is now determined with this method. Studies show that the rock floor is limestone, but in some areas, marlstone has also been seen. Also, studies have well shown that resistive reduction is seen in stations which faulting zone has passed or in stations near crushed zone, despite limestone floor. Therefore, because of the crushed zone, moisture can easily penetrate from surface to the depth. Also, studies show the faulting zone passing from A1 to A5 stations and is responsible for underground water conduction in the region. In the follow-up, it was determined that G1 to G4 stations are on the fault. The general results show that two faulting zones are along the northeast-southwest and northwest-southeast lines and some sub faults and fractures exist along Zagros. In Figure 8, the location of stations and blind faults are depicted on a geological map and satellite images. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

68 Figure 8: Location of identified blind faults on maps

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Article received on May 08, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): FARHANG, Raheleh; ASADI, Abdolmajid. Geophysical researches for identification of Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

Geophysical researches for identification of hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran


hidden faults in the western region of Banesh, Fars, Iran. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./ Dec. 2018.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018


Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Farhang and Asadi Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 61-69, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p71-88

Original Article

Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists Fereshteh Fathalizadeh Kalkhoran1 and Behnam Kamrani2 1 Department of Graphic, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: 2 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: Modern painting in Iran seems dynamic and energetic at first glance; however, some believe that it’s alien to Iranian national Identity and some others believe it has led to identity crisis. Painting and portraiture has undergone considerable changes. The importance of these changes, characteristics and functions, lead to our research goal. Research goal: to study the effects of artistic view in portraiture works of for Iranian painters: Ali Akbar Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Bani Asadi, Karim Nasr and Farshidshafiei. Research method: The method used in this study is descriptive-analytic. Collecting data: The way to collect data is documentary and field research. Findings: Findings show that there is no significant difference between these two arts in many artistic works of modern painters and sometimes they overlap. Moreover, considering national Identity, painters have tried to modernize painting by the use of modern art methods. They have combined traditional art factors with western modern painting experience, added by national belief to create a kind of harmony and balance between these two arts. Keywords: Painting. Illustration. Artists. Iranian painter.

Estudo do efeito do olhar pintado nas obras de ilustração de artistas de pintores iranianos RESUMO: A pintura moderna no Irã parece dinâmica e energética à primeira vista; no entanto, alguns acreditam que é alheio à identidade nacional iraniana e outros acreditam que isso levou a uma crise de identidade. Pintura e retratos sofreram mudanças consideráveis. A importância dessas mudanças, características e funções leva ao nosso objetivo de pesquisa. Objetivo da pesquisa: estudar os efeitos da visão artística em retratos de pintores iranianos: Ali Akbar Sadeghi, Mohammad Ali Bani Asadi, Karim Nasr e Farshidshafiei. Método de pesquisa: O método utilizado neste estudo é descritivo-analítico. Coleta de dados: A maneira de coletar dados é documental e pesquisa de campo. Resultados: Os resultados mostram que não há diferença significativa entre essas duas artes em muitos trabalhos artísticos de pintores modernos e, às vezes, eles se sobrepõem. Além disso, considerando a identidade nacional, os pintores tentaram modernizar a pintura pelo uso de métodos de arte moderna. Eles combinaram fatores de arte tradicionais com a experiência de pintura moderna ocidental, acrescentados pela crença nacional para criar uma espécie de harmonia e equilíbrio entre essas duas artes. Palavras-chave: pintura, ilustração, artistas, pintor iraniano

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


INTRODUCTION Choosing the angles of view of an artist, in drawing and illustrating and creating an art, irrespective of its positive functions, in particular, in order to better transfer the artist's concepts and messages to the audience, has different ways that with the scientific knowledge of the functions of each of them, a new window to the world of contacts can be opened and in this way, it also promoted the quality of the works of artists. Illustration or illustration is a kind of illustrative and explanatory art. It may be the general purpose of an illustrator, to understand or to captivate a subject from a text. But it is not necessary to have a regular image in the text (PAKBAZ, 2001, 532). Some of the outstanding painter artists in our country, in addition to their work in the field of painting, gave great visuals. In the present study, a brief account of what has been commonly used in illustration has been pointed out then the angles of different views of the painting look at the works of illustration of Iranian painter artists have been analyzed and along with it, the works of several artists in Iran, both in the field of painting and in the field of artistic illustration, have been investigated. Although the viewing angle is different in the illustration, but in these works, the artist often focuses on the direct, more coherent, and more transparent view of the nose. PROBLEM STATEMENT Perhaps today, the boundary between arts has undergone a tangible change due to the change in their media usage. The border, which sometimes is very shaky and pale. Understanding the fashions and Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Kalkhoran and Kamrani

methods of painting in contemporary Iranian imagery and how Iranian painters and how much they use the language and style of painting in their works of illustration is always a concern of Iranian artists. We need a conceptual framework to accommodate various aspects of today's aesthetics (AHMADI, p. 44). The artist's choice affects media usage and features, and the concept of it undergoes a contemporary philosophical change. In this way, new trends in the media of art are born that emphasize the conceptual contradiction, form and narrative in the works produced. While institutions can play a role in this transformation. The importance of the evolution, features, and uses of the newly created art of painting and illustration (in their similarity and difference) in contemporary art, in the form of a case study and an analysis of it, can make it possible to understand the art of today. In that sense, how the shape and process of the effects of these developments can create a new attitude in the way of presenting works. One of the features that have taken place in the process of painting and contemporary illustration in the last decade is the attention to new materials and fashions in execution. In many cases, transparent and imaginative colors are also part of the presentation style, or the use of semantic collages and multiple layers on a single surface and the use of different ways in one effect and on the other. Eclectic practices are also similar to those of contemporary painting and painting. That is, they do not believe in the narrative, and in a symbolic and metaphorical way they have adopted a more conceptual approach. Some of the illustrators of the eighties at Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists

the beginning of their work were influenced by the works of Iranian pioneers in the 40s and 50s, But after a few experiments, they moved away from those styles and moved to a new style of choice (QA'INI, p. 166). ANALYSIS METHOD Matching data, reports and information on the similarities and possible differences between imagery and contemporary painting in the form of aesthetics and formalism as well as the content of the works. A REVIEW OF IRANIAN IMAGINATION FROM THE PAHLAVI PERIOD TO THE CONTEMPORARY PERIOD The establishment of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1941 and the establishment of the Faculty of Fine Arts by Andre Godard in 1946, as well as the study of a number of students in Europe, led to the growth of the art of illustration in Iran. Ali Mohammad Heydarian, a painter and professor, was one of Kamalolmolk's students and a group of activists who founded the Faculty of Fine Arts, who was trained by a number of children's illustrators in his school. Among his most prominent and earliest students are Mahmoud Javadipour and Lily Taghipour, who at that time were involved in illustrating books and children's publications. Another student of Kamal alMulk, Mohammad Nasser Safa, was his illustration of his works close to his teacher's works. He was able to design a hand in a delicate, almost miniature tone that transmitted what he had in mind. The simple and linear drawings of Safa, which were executed using cross-hysteresis and very delicate, can be seen in the textbooks of that period. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


In 1945, we are witnessing the first fourcolored book featuring "Dabireh Child" photographed by Mahmoud Javadipour, Zabih Behruz, who was published at the National Bank Printing House. In the 20s and 30s Hijri Shamsi, due to the large boom in the publication of children's books and publications, a group of graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts, with precise and logical principles and new styles and techniques, portrayed children's books. Among the pioneers of this group are Lily Taghipour, Mahmoud Javadipour, Mohammad Bahrami, Mohsen Vaziri Moghadam, Rasham Arzhangi and Mahmoud Tejarati (AMIN SALMASI, THE SAME: 41-42). "Lily Taghipour" started painting children's books since 1946 with balloon books and the wedding of the mountain JabarGardabakhan. From the characteristics of her works, she uses linear shadows and simple hachures and attention to indigenous and traditional elements that are also reminiscent of the images of the Qajar era, as well as the tendency to the art of ancient Iranian art (AMIN SALMASI, same, 42). Taghipour continued her work by illustrating the books of Haji Mullah Zulfali (1948) and the first volume of "The Legends of the Ancients" (1950), and at the same time illustrating several textbooks. It was at this time that Taghipour found her special style. Although her works in this period are still influenced by European imagery, her lessons from the academic principles of naturalistic painting, as well as the repeated recourse to foreign sources, are more intrusive and add to her understanding of illustration (QA'INI, SAME: 57- 56). Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

74 Fig1- Lily Taghipour, the Old Myths - 1950 - Sobhi (Internet Source 1)

Fig2- Mahmood Javadipour, Mouse and Cat - 1957- Obeid Zakani (Internet Source 2).

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Kalkhoran and Kamrani

Mahmoud Javadipour is one of the pioneers of this period. The first book that Javadipour portrayed for children, the book "Dabireh Child" is based on the book by Behrooz (1945). Javadipour after illustrating this book in 1333, the book "Mice and Cats" by Abidzakani, and in 1958 "Stories of Shahnameh" and "The Stories of Ancient Iran" by Ehsan Yarshater, and in 1960 illustrated a few volumes of the series of books "Readings and Chants". These works show that Javadipour is aware of the university's illustrations and is aware of the general principles of painting, such as design, composition and color, has a thorough understanding of the realistic (realistic) and naturalistic (European) styles, it is dominated by various techniques. "Mohammad Bahrami" is another illustrator of this period. The image of the cover of two productions, "The Stories of the Divan Balkh" and "Dekhosh Rabaa", is examples of Bahrami's works. He duplicated "Selected Thousands of Nights" with the selection and rewriting of Shams al-Muluk Mosajeb in 1959 and 1968. He introduces a new look at "Thousand and One Nights" by using some of the elements of miniature painting, such as thin lines and special compositions, and interspersed with some of the elements of European painting, such as perspectives and intense intentions. Mohsen Vaziri Moghadam, Iranian style painter who was also Mohipour and Javadipoor, was the second volume of "The Legends of the Ancient" (1950), The Stories of the Divan of Balkh (1956), and The Fortress of Intelligence (1954) of the works Ill illustrator Sobhi Mahdavi. (QA'INI, SAME: 60 58). Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists Fig3- Mohammad Bahrami, Selected Thousand One Night 1959 - Shams Al-Muluk Interviewer (Internet Source 3)

Fig4- Mohsen Vaziri Moghadam, Dekhosh Raba -1956 (Internet Source 4).

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Abbas Yamini Sharif released an alphabet painting entitled "The Game with Alphabet" in 1955. Ismail Wali Zadeh and Abbas Yamini Sharif released the "Toy Story" in 1959, a visual education aid book, at the Kayhan Institute. Among the works of JafarTradechi, a cartoonist and one of the pioneers of animation in Iran, there are a number of books that can be placed in the category of video books. Two books, "The Aunt of the Beetle and the Mr. mouse" (1959), and "The Story of Orange and Bereaview" (1960), depicted in cartoon style and exaggerated form, it has large cutouts and large and colorful images that cover a full screen. In The Story of "The Aunt of the Beetle and the Mr. mouse", the image inside the box is placed on a separate page and narrates the text on the page to the story (The same is the same: 64-63). In the late 30's, Sokhan Publications, A big step in the direction of printing, Layout, Covering the publication, published in the book "Kado Ghelghele Zan", illustrated by Parviz Kalantari. The cover of this book is hard and it's a big cut, and the technique of the performance is gouache on colored paper. The use of happy and colorful colors, simple designs and great figures is one of the hallmarks of this book. At the beginning of the 40's, in addition to its attitude to indigenous and traditional trends, the tendency toward abstraction and abstract symbols and conceptual art (Conceptual Art), exhibited its first manifestations. The new wave in modern art also became the subject of illustration, and the deconstruction of images of narrative and imaginative images in childish video books became a dominant tendency. As we see in the 60s and 70s, the artistic emergence of works in the field of illustration (AMIN SALMASI, Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


SAME: 45). Sokhan Publishing, in 1961, publishing four books of high quality printing, layout and volumizing, took an unprecedented step in publishing picture books. " Kado Ghelghele Zan " from folk tales, with the rewriting of Manuchehr Anvar, a famous figure in Shahdar Parviz Kalantari and "Butterflies and Rain" by Shahid, by Mohammad Zamani Zamani. Painting technique in both books is gouache on colored paper. "Hassani" The recipe of Farideh Farjam with illustration of Gholamali Maktabi is another illustration of the book series of Sokhan Publications. The image technique is a metallic and compound pen that is an illustration with a variety of thin and thick lines, creating color contrasts with sharp and irregular havens in some parts of the image, creating textures with the head of a pen and pouring ink into the foreground areas of the image and putting the color on some parts of the image., In the images created the story and the story needed for the story (SOMEONE, SAME: 65). With the launch of the Franklin Publishing House in 1958, and the launch of this studio for the preparation and visualization of textbooks, for the first time the central issue for the sustainable ordering of child and adolescent childhood illustrations in Iran will be arranged. "Muhammad Zaman Zamani", "Parviz Kalantari", and shortly afterwards, "Noureddin ZarinKalak" were among the first illustrators of textbooks, gathered at this studio. Then they joined Janet Mikhaili and Gholam Ali Maktabi. "Mohammad Zaman Zamani" more than others attempted to approach the style of Mohammad Bahrami, who was a strong naturalist. The softness of the design and the lines of good, natural, and solid Bahrami Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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are also reflected in the work of time. In his other books, Gholam Hossein Sa'edi, "The Lost Lips of the Sea" and "Black Dragon" by Jafar Kooshabadi tried to bring new experiences that are not always successful. The timelines in these books are also realistic. Another thing is "Moon in the Nile Valley". The colorful and prolific timepieces of this work have been able to recreate the characters and romantic space of the story. Fig5-Muhammad Time Tunnel - Black Dragon – 1972 (Internet Source 5).

Fig6-Parviz Kalantari - The Flower Comes Spring – 1975 (Internet Source 6).

Parviz Kalantari, after experiencing in the textbooks and magazines Peyk, Kado Gelghele Zan and Jom Jamak Barg Khozoun, illustrated. In its works, Kalantari has a special interest in villages and the lives of Iranian villagers. He also wanted to make new Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

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experiences in this area as well as many of the novice illustrators of this period. For this reason, he tries to blend graphics with elements of Iranian destruction. Kalantari began the work with the children's and adolescent intellectual center with the book "Flower Comes Spring" by Manouchehr Nejadani. The images of this book are a mixture of graphics and elements derived from Iranian paintings, from miniature to drawing a coffee house or a caveman. In this book, he uses childish emotion using flat colors and simplified forms that are labor-like features (THE SAME: 73-69). The entrance of Morteza Momiz to the world of children's books began with the illustration of the book "Everyone Has a Home" by Lily Ahy (1962) at the Publishing House of the Book Publishing and Publishing Company. Afterwards, he illustrated the book of the child by illustrating two other books titled "Palettes" written by Lily Ahi (1964) and "Story Story" by Husaymand Fatah Azam (1964). He has made very simple designs in "Everyone's House" and "Story Story " with black lines and obviously designed drawings, and put the color of the flat in parts of the picture, the color of the weather on the pages The book has been created. There is more than one color in each page, in addition to the black color that exists in the door frames, of only one color, but in general, there are four color books. One of the best works for children in this period is the images of the book "Good Tales for Good Kids, Stories from the Quran" (1967) (SAME NUMBER: 78 -75).

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Fig7-MortezaMomayes, Selected Stories from Quran Stories 1967- Mehdi Azari (Internet Source 7).

Fig8-Nour Al-Din ZarinKalak, Zal and Simorgh-1970 (Internet Source 8). Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


Other famous illustrators of this decade include Farshid Mesghali, Zia al-Din Javid, Alan Biax, Nikzad Ajumi, Nahid Haghighat, Gene Ramezani, Bahman Dadkhah, Morteza Momayesh, Bahram Khayef, Mohammad Bahrami, Mohammad Zaman Zamani, Parviz Kalantari, Nour Al-Din Zarin Kalak and Tony pointed out a few other illustrators. From the famous works of Mesqali, the book is a hero and a blue-eyed boy who is well aware of the abstract tendencies in these works and can be considered one of the leading artists in abstract imagery. The illustration of religious books began with the works of Ali Akbar Sadeghi during this decade. The use of elements of illumination and diatribe and miniature texture that creates special spaces is a feature of his works that is, in most cases, considered by the children of the age groups "B, C, D, E" (AMIN SALMASI, THE SAME: 49-45). The first achievement of the Atelier Center, the book "Ammunorosis" by FaridehFarghm and M. Azad, illustrating FarshidMesghali, with the aim of creating a new movement in the illustration of the book of the child. Mesghali illustrated the book "Jamshid Shah" by Mehrdad Bahar (1968), with the influence of two ancient and Islamic arts and the use of some mythological symbols. In his visual narrative, he uses delicate but powerful lanes that have been exaggerated in most ways. The composition on the pages is diverse and dynamic. There are several factors that cause more work dynamics: The lines are curved, the various sections of the color, the white of the paper, in the mixing of drawing and drawing, painting and collage, painting and shadows that turn the eye. "Little Black Fish", according to Mesghali, is the first book that was loyal to the space of children and was creEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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ated with a new technique. The technique of this book is hand-printed. Style and technique of Mesghali has been integrated since 1971. Among the works of Mesghali in a period that has tended to be surreal or unrealistic, it can be named: "The hero" by Taghi Kiarostami (1971), "The City of Marans" by Fereydoun Hedayatpur (1971), "Blue Man's Son" by Jawad Mojabi (1973) And "My Little Lizard" by Mansoureh Fatemi (1976) (QA'INI: 84 -80). The pinnacle of the book's illustration was from the 50's. Illustration in this period tends to abstraction and imagination. The use of the line element in the illustration and the interest of illustrator artists in figurative design, the presence of techniques such as collage (sticking pieces), variety in handwriting, the simplicity of coloring and the use of Iranian artifacts are the hallmark of illustration in this decade. Farshid Mesghali, Morteza Momayesh, Gholamali Maktabi, Mehrnoush Masoumian, Nouraldin ZarinKalak, Bahman Dadkhah, Nayereh Taghavi, Parviz Kallantari, Mohammad Zaman Zamani, Ali Akbar Sadeghi and Janet Mikheili are among the most illustrious illustrators of this decade. (Amin Salmasi, same: 53). Nour Al-Din Zarrin Kalak, who started drawing illustrations for children's books with textbooks, joined the work of children at the beginning of his career and began to illustrate children's books. He has illustrated new texts in books such as "Crows" written by Nader Ebrahimi (1970), "The Silkworm Tale" by Nour Al-Din Zarin Kalak (1972), and "The New Years and Days" by Samang Baghcheban (1974). He used fingerprinting techniques in illustrating "The Crows" book, and on the layout of the text, he used visual forms that was unique in Iran. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists

The tendency and interest of Ali Akbar Sadeghi to Iran's national literature has been accompanied by him since childhood. The book "The Pahlavan Pahlavanan" is based on an Iranian allegorical story. Sadeghi has referred to the book, illustrating this book as a mix of antiquities, miniatures, and coffee shops, to illustrate the space of life and clothing of the people of that period. But the garments in the pictures are not a garment worn by wrestlers, helmet, armor, and apparel characters are more consistent with the battlefield soldiers. He decorated these decorative forms with coloring parts of every image, especially the orange, red, green, blue and golden colors. In the book "Pahlavan Pahlavan", "Gordafarid" or "Abdul Razzak Pahlavan", images do not have perspective. Characters, such as the Achaemenid artwork, are more of a dream. In the honest images, the presence of men is abundant. Stout men with very large eyes, continuous eyebrows, thick mustaches, young faces and wrinkles of any age and rank, with stare. The cover of the ghosts of the stories is a martial arts uniform with hat and glittering gloves. In the book Abdul Razzaq Pahlavan (1351), based on a narrative narrative of the life of the Ayarids in the period of the descendants of Changiz, Sadeghi has used the Hashour and color composite technique and in the book "Rounded Up", he used a painting technique on a rainbow and light plywood (QA'INI: 99 -96).

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Fig. 9-FarshidMesghali, Jamshid Shah "- 1966 - By Mehrdad Bahar (Internet Source 9).

Fig10-ArdeshirMohassess, Untitled, 1978 (Internet Source 10). Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


"Ardeshir Mohassess" is one of the artists most noticed as a cartoonist. His image vagrancy, which is conquered by the line, includes topics that point to class distances and oppression in the space and the dirt. AN INTEGRATED SPACE IN CONTEMPORARY IRANIAN PAINTING AND ILLUSTRATION In the Iranian painting space - painting depicting man and nature was never realistic and natural, but the form and structure of Persian artwork are subjective, purposeful, static and abstract, and the incident presented in traditional Iranian painting was not reflected through simulation. Meanwhile, a group of interested artists influenced traditional and ethnic identity in various ways, including the choice of Iranian themes, had this goal and many of them have Iranian antiquities and architecture and elements that have an Iranian identity, such as carpets and rugs, the ancient legends of Iran celebrated the mourning and even the face of Iranian markets to create their works. On the other hand, surrealism can be regarded as one of the most important tendencies of Iranian contemporary painting. The first emergence of surrealist tendencies and its relative flourishing can be seen in the second half of the forties. This tendency to adapt to the culture and spirit of the Iranian lyrist, with a tendency and desire to dream and dream in the works of several of his new Iranian artists. This tendency to surrealism and even symbolism, as a broad stream in contemporary painting, continues to evolve. The surrealist artist drives away from the concrete realities of the society, into a foreign and all-out Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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world of fantasies and old and rotten thoughts with an empty statement of any kind of humankind. Surrealism, with all its ups and downs, attracted many artists due to its special features. Sohrab Sepehri, Morteza Katouzian, Iran Droude, Hojat Eshkaqi, Habib A ... Sadeghi, Ali Akbar Sadeghi, Khakdan Unit and Aydin Aghdashloo are among the contemporary artists in this field (GOODARZI, 2005: 111). Fig11- Sohrab Sepehri, House of Kashan- 1978- Oil on canvas130x5 / 80- (Internet source 11).

"Ali Akbar Sadeghi" is one of many artists who are involved in both painting and illustration. Sadeghi is the initiator of a special style in Iranian painting, influenced by cafe houses paintings, iconography, and traditional Iranian portraiture and Qajar artistic style. Master paintings are used by Iranian, Islamic and Western counterparts, who succeed each other in the horizontal axis. They have created works that can be considered on two pillars of thought and vision. In the older works of Sadeghi (both in painting and illustration and in moving paintings), the head of the predominantly Persiandominated Iranian myth is dominant, and the work space with the Herat School paint Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

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ing has some unmistakable similarities. In many of these works, elements of the orphanage can be distinguished in their actual form (water, wind, fire and soil) and sometimes in the shade of the main colors of the Persian painting (blue, red, acre / golden and green). The second group of works that make up sadeghi work, overcoming Western myth is evident in them, In these works, with the concept of the cadre (in the concept of Western painting), in contrast to the tabulation in the Iranian painting and contemporary creations of contemporary human beings, the soldiers in the first group take the honest paintings. Of course, even today's shades are dressed in dresses for Achaemenian soldiers and Mithrahi roles. In these works, the character of surreal expression is more than the paintings that dominate the Iranian space. Although Sadiq does not regard surreal as a Western element: "Iranian miniaturists are very surreal in my opinion, and our Iranian mystical imagination is also surreal." In the third group of honest works, the Persian and Western space will be displayed in a frame; As the painter portrays a dancer portraying Edgar Dega (French painter) in an Iranian painter (Ballerina and Dega boards), or where, with his hat and mustache for the Mona Lisa, a whimsical image of the coexistence of the myth of painting Western creates among Iranian icons (Source 1). Ali Akbar Sadeghi is one of the most significant Surrealist painters in Iran. Most of his works are full of mythologists who accompany them with national themes. His words emphasize that his work is a blend of Western surrealism combined with mysticism and a kind of Oriental imagination. He also created and performed works with a Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


watercolor technique with the same mythological-Iranian atmosphere. Sadeghi surrealism is often a mixture of satire with poetic spaces (GOODARZI, 2005: 113). Sadiqi has taken a great interest in the iconography of the Qajar era, and he has followed the personality tracing of the traditional way of idealizing the facts. Revealing the characters without using the special features of the decorative designs of the Qajar period is characteristic of this group of works of Sadeghi (QAAENI, SAME: 98). The symbolic, mythical and legendary forms of Shahnameh are forever part of his paintings. The world of his works is a figurative that resembles old-fashioned miniature paintings with popular forms of art. Ali Akbar Sadeghi, in his paintings, combines rich Persian art traditions with a surreal style of oil painting and, with the extraordinary use of color and form, creates amazing works of great size. He is a master of storytelling and creates stories of his works from various Persian sources, especially historical figures of the Qajar era. "A human being, when he is born, is a warrior man, only to fight that did not arise," he says. He is crying to the world that means she wants to be bigger, she wants to be a toy, the bigger that is fighting for her love for her homeland, for her ideals, for her ideas, and for the time he dies with death. So, man, not that sword fighter who kills himself, fights to make life and everything better" (SADEGHI, 2018). The characters of his paintings are in fact the characters of Iranian mythological stories, the soldiers of the queens, demons and fairies, warriors engaged in war, weddings, and all that is found in Iranian stories, myths. Sadeghi has been able to perform them over many years over large canoes. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


The product of honest efforts is the glorious work that can be seen in the tradition of Iranian painting with all its details. In different galleries, we can review the evolution of the characters of sincere paintings over the years. Sadeghi painters have found different shapes throughout the years. In the "Camouflage" collection, they are all camouflaged and covered in their own way, in the set of "nails" the faces are covered with nails, and in fact the faces are created with nails.The series "Lost in Fame" is his play with contemporary great painters and putting them in Iranian painting situations (Source 2). He has used apples in his paintings, and each of his siblings has his own particular theme. The red apple is a sign of love, the yellow apple, the sign of observance and the white mark of purity, and blue is a sign of freedom. "I've stolen more than 10,000 apples so far. I can see more watercolors in the water, but if I want to kill 10,000, I'll put an apple back in front of me, because I find Siberi, in which there are not ten thousand, "he says. Everything has infinite form" (SADEGHI, 2018). "Mohammad Ali Bani Assadi" is an artist who has been experimenting with various arts in the course of his artistic activities and creations. He has worked in the field of cartoon, painting, illustration and sculpture. His illustrations are full of visualizations and various visual messages, and the creative game of color and form makes the audience of the poets visually appealing. Bani Asadi has depicted close to fifteen poetry books for children and teens, more than any other illustrator to poetry books. The technical feature of Bani Asadi's works should be the use of color in children's books, the use of the line in teenage books, and the preservaEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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tion of the tone of narrative in his recent works. Bani Assadi has come a busy and busy way of life, and although he has gained some special interest in children's books and interesting comic books in teenagers, the authentic tone of his recent images is a new incident in the illustration of the book of children and adolescents, However, not paying attention to the imaginative details on the corners of the image and the tendency to diversify in his works, he caused the movement of colors from watercolor to gouache, acrylic, collage and even a marker to make his works from the shades He has a lot of colors (MEHRDAD FAR, 2018: 33). The manner in which Bani Asadi is in painting is so controversial and contradictory in contemporary sense painting that it is difficult for a reader to accept his paintings. In all of his works, preoccupation with decorative motives is a narrative concern. Despite the many colors in the painting, illustration, and even his sculptures, he always puts his bitter bitterness on the audience, just like his caricatures with a black joke. Bani Asadi in this regard says: "Every day I wake up, I'm glad I can see the other day in the world. We are involved with people on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are all in the world, and we have to determine our own duty to this world. For those who do artwork, there should be among these all the wings. For me, art is a language that I can talk about with it and undoubtedly social issues are happening in my subconscious and the source of this bitterness is a feeling that has not left me indifferent to human pain "(Source 3). He has also lived up to his other contemporaries in the field of illustrating various experiences. According to him, he was impressed by the paintings of the Qajar period Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

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and the illustration of the lithography books; he was interested in Persian artists by Farshid Mesghali and Ardeshir Mohasses, and in his professional life tried to look like them. Bani Asadi began in the 60s in illustration for children's books of mixed style, a combination of childish, decorative and realistic. In the 70s and 80s, the childhood style was a little disconnected, reaching voluminous designs with hawkers and deformed forms. Bani Asadi is approaching painting more than ever at this time. In the book "The Lady of the Thousand Stories" by Fariba Kalhor Bani Assadi combining the spaces, shapes and colors and the use of black and white collages, which borrowed some from miniature paintings, She has a new experience in her work (QA'INI, 2012: 150). He believes: "There is no lightness in imaging. You are a literary subject. If you have a clear style of literature, you are subject to the same style. You cannot say I have a surrealistic literature, but I want to work on cubism. How do you want to do this? Can you do this? For which audience do you want to do this? Each of them has a different language. Illustration uses all the drawing tools, but it's still functional. It still has a distinct audience, and there is still plenty of talk within itself " (BANI ASADI, 2018).

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Fig12- Ali Akbar Sadeghi, from a set of nails-acrylic on cardboard 40x70 (Internet source 12). Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

84 Fig13- Mohammad Ali Bani Assadi - Forty Nights of Thousands – 2016 A combinations of lithography and manual and computer designs (Internet source 13).

The link that exists between the works of Karim Nasr is the rising boom in all his works, which stems from the inner energy of the artist. Karim Nasr is a painterly figure whose faces can be seen everywhere. He shows us the movements of human organs at a moment of passing or thinking. The greatest movement in his designs and paintings is the inner and inner movement of humans, as far as the "psychological realism" goes. Karim Nasr's approach to painting as "a man," "events," and "emotions" is similar to the behavior of a writer with short stories or a film creator or a social poet with the same phenomena, but it should be noted immediately that what Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

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comes from the "palette" of the painter is completely in line with the rules of the visual language (DALWAND, 56). Karim Nasr demonstrated his ability to illustrate children's books in the 1970s by illustrating a number of children's poetry collections and stories for preschoolers and primary school children. In works such as "Me and the Ducks" by Naser Keshavarz, "Bread and Dew," and "Water, Meat Fish", Kazemi's poetry has been released for teenagers with a simple style, while expressive poetic works have been successful and influential. In these three works, which have a pencil painting, he is sometimes approaching the style of an abstraction for simplicity. Karim Nasr, who turned to painting in the 1980s, also illustrated several works for children whose sweetheart tales of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, with his manuprint technique, is very much colored with his childhood paintings of the 70's (QA'INI, 2013: 138). His paintings and illustrations are full of inspiration. His work is most expressive and plays with coarse pieces.The classical colors of the species sit together, sometimes recklessly with the chunks that are missing here and there, irrespective of what it calls for in the golden square squares.Karim Nasr also told about how to reach this stage and new chapter: "After many years of painting and illustration, when I looked at a different work interval, it came to the conclusion that if this is an illustration, then how the painting should be? Anything else should be something else. I encountered some of my events at some point in the illustration, and I thought more about the difference between painting and illustration. The painting does not have a story; illustration is an Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

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image part of it outside the image and with literature. He continued. After some time, I concluded that in the painting, my image should not be outside the frame, and only inside the work. I took steps that the viewer faces with them on the board and receives something and understands no story beyond this framework. So I deleted the narrative in some way "(INTERNET SOURCE 4). Karim Nasr, an Iranian painter in the first half of the 80's created works that, Iranians in the world today display all their complexities, beauties and unique features. The people present in the works of Karim Nasr are busy with mysticism, poetry and television, books and newspapers, sports and politics. Life on the bodies of people, elements and objects in Karim Nasr's works transcends the artist's subjective filter and is recorded in the framework of his designs and paintings (DALWAND, 56). Farshid Shafiei is a contemporary painter, illustrator and animator. Courage in expressing the image in his works is such that he communicates with the audience very soon. In fact, his work always reads the audience. This simplicity is seen both in the works of Shafi'i painting and in his illustrations. His works are influenced by many artists. Sometimes the poetry of "Chagall" is seen in his works, and sometimes the variety of "Bonader" works or "Matisse" explicitly, or the "Decricot" works, is still confronted with the sketches of the eyes, whether or not the face is a profile or all the appearance and this is one of the characteristics of the painter's paintings, and this feature is also featured in his illustrations. In a period of his paintings he used the elements of painting. The use of archery and horse riding horse racing, as well as the use of Iranian authentic colors such as green, red, yelEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


low and blue. In some of Shafi's illustrations, only the point element is used, black and white, and has no special color, and some of his illustrations are very simple and designed so that the audience easily communicates with the effect. The use of graphic elements can be seen in the works of Shafi'i Besad (SALMASI, 2018: 59). Farshid Shafiei has more than any other illustrator tried to use the elements of the visual tradition and culture of Iran to give her works an inspiration. In his images, he used simple and stylishly childish forms, but due to the selection of dark colors and complex combinations with dash lines, he could not publish works tailored to his audience groups. Shafiee has been featured in some of his works such as "Moving: A collection of scientific tales" by Mohammad Reza Shams to simplify the visual elements influenced by illustrators such as Eric Carl. In one of his last works, Jam Jamak Lez Khozoon, Samina Baghcheban (2007), published by Nashr-e-Nazar, has used flat and cheerful colors and visual elements based on traditional Iranian culture. He has also published several works with foreign publishers, among them the "Jacquard doll" published by the French Liberal (2008) and the "Shahrzad" in Spain and "Farshid" in South Korea (QA'INI, 2011: 166- 165). Farshid Shafiei says about himself and his works: "As in the past, these days I do not push myself to get the job out of work, repairing my relationships and removing parts of it, or trying to remove erosion sections, followed by this behavior I'm calm. I do not make anything. I and that thing together we make and go. I have used a lot of designers from the form of appearance. Maybe I started painting with "Chagall", or design from figurative, but at the moment, design Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


ers are less attracted to my attention (Source 4).

Kalkhoran and Kamrani Fig15- Karim Nasr, Sarah-Akrelik smile on fiber- 60x60 -2008 (Internet Source 15).

Fig14-FarshidShafi'i, Christ and the fishermen-Acrylic on the wood -35 x23 (Internet Source 14).

CONCLUSION Given the history of illustration in the most ancient times, when human beings began to create images for recording their events and events, we can say that painting is a narrative. The narrator illustrates the text, but there are some differences between painters and illustrators. Today the boundary between these two artistic forms is removed and what matters is the expression of artist's thinking. There are works that are illustrations, but they do not just focus on today's audience and can contain well-known signs and symbols. In the modern art of symbols, the elements represent the reality and through which we can understand the subject. From my point of view, one of the most important factors for using painting and painting techniques in each other is the artist's angle of view that motivates the artist to create and create an effect. Because Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists

the artist based on his point of view, owns a point of view on the subject and how to implement his idea and idea.Artistic creativity is considered as another important factor in art. Creativity is used as an innovation, and this is interpreted in the light of a new mentality. Creativity means the ability and ability to create and create a work. Another important point is the selfconsciousness of the modern artist. Contemporary artist is always aware of various aspects of his work and works very accurately in his work. Modern art is not only dependent on the artist's mind; it depends on other texts and on experiences of different periods. The modern artist does not make his work merely on the basis of intuition and instinct. Creating an effect for her is based on the aesthetic knowledge of the art experience of the past. Some painters and illustrators have influenced the schools or styles of the ancients and presented them in their own way in a modern way. For example, the spaces and elements used in painting, or the technique, and the coloring of the various courses of the school, are inspired by European styles and create their own creativity in a new way. These artists easily break the boundary between arts, sometimes enter the imagery world from the painting space, and sometimes enter the painting space from the age of illustration. Although the images of artists in the 70's can be seen in free designs and crossshaped hacks, irregularities and deformation of shapes, but in each work, there is also a variety of experiences. Experiences of mixing different styles. While images are portrayed in the works of artists in the style of expressionism, elements of cubism can be identified. Some painters have painted in their Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


works and sometimes approach the style of simplicity in the abstract artistic style. Like the works of Karim Nasr, and sometimes with a happy and brilliant color, and a childish style, yet Expressive, has benefited from combinations that have contributed to the space of the story and its narrative power. Colorful illustrations with many details that have been taken from the ancient tradition of Iranian painting and painting. The narrative style of the images, the color extinction, along with the simple design of the design, makes many works of artists without text too meaningful. REFERENCES AHMADI, BABAK. Haghighat and beauty, First Printing, Tehran, Center Publishing, 1995. AMIN SALMASI, MEHRDAD.Illustration of history, principles, principles, techniques, First Printing, Tehran, Fakhrakia Publications, 2017. BANI ASADI, MOHAMMAD ALI.A Conversation with the artist, Fereshteh Fath AliZadeh, Tehran, 2018. DALWAND, AHMAD REZA. Catalog of the Black and White Periodical Exhibition, 2012. EBRAHIMI, NADEREH. Introduction to the illustration of the children's book, First Edition, Tehran, Awareness Publishing, 1988. GOUDARZI, MORTEZA. Painting history of iran from the beginning to the present, First Printing, Tehran, Publishing, 2005. HOSSEINI, SETAREH. Application of Imaging in Contemporary Painting, Autumn 2012, Tendee Magazine, 2009, No. 238. KASHMIR BREAKER, HAMID. Patterns for contemporary art in Iran today, art of tomorrow, 2010, No 1, 28. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018


MEHRDADFAR, MARYAM, Illustration Instrumentation Technique, First Edition, Tehran, Marlik Publishing,2017. PAKBAZ, ROYAN. Encyclopedia of art, Seventh Printing, Tehran, Farhang-e Mo'aser Publishing, 2009. PAKBAZ, ROYAN. Iranian Art at a Glance, Spring 2010, Hanrangarda, No. 1 + 28. QA'INI, ZOHREH. Illustration of children's books, definition of history and species, First Edition, Tehran, Cultural Arts and Research Institute of Children's Literature History, 2011. SADEGHI, ALI AKBAR. A conversation with the artist, Fereshteh Fath Ali-Zadeh, Tehran, 2018.…/102005/ https://ketabnak/book/13714 ork/nailseries-12

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Kalkhoran and Kamrani

License information: This is an openaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article received on February 07, 2019. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): KALKHORAN, Fereshteh Fathalizadeh; KAMRANI, Behnam. Study the effect of the painted look in the works of illustration of iranian painter artists. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./ Dec. 2018. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 71-88, Sept./Dec. 2018

DOI: 10.18468/estcien.2018v8n3.p89-98

Original Article

The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization – case study: ILKHCHI city of Iran Golamreza Rahimi1, Nader Bohlooli2 and Tohid Eskandarzadeh3 1 Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, BONAB, Iran. 2 Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, BONAB, Iran. 3 Young Researchers and Elite Club, ILKHCHI branch, Islamic Azad University, ILKHCHI, Iran. E-mail:

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the impact of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, the city therefore is education. For this purpose, the factors affecting organizational adaptability in five dimensions based on the individual's orientation, organizational justice, power sharing, ethical conduct, transparency and organizational integration is defined roles. The population of the study, employees of city is therefore, the number of 1407 people, therefore Cochran sampling formula was used to calculate the sample size, the sample includes an estimated 302 people and to select a sample of the statistical population stratified random sampling method is used. The data collected, the questionnaire whose validity and reliability, the samples were analyzed. To analyze the data collected from descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. Thus, classifying, summarizing and interpreting the data, descriptive statistics and then determine the normality of the data by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov inferential statistics to test hypotheses, and linear regression was used to determine the effect of the test. The results indicate that the hypothesis was confirmed, indicating that the components of the individual's orientation, organizational justice, power sharing, moral guidance, role clarity and organizational integration of organizational adaptability 98 percent of changes in education is explained and the city ILKHCHI it has an effect. the results show that the attention is given to ethical leadership, organizational adaptability capacity increases in education Ilkhchi city. And findings with the findings of Golparvar, colleagues, Abbas-Zadeh and Bvdaqy is consistent. Keywords: Education. Ethical leadership. Organizational adaptability. Organizational integration. Population.

1. INTRODUCTION Leadership has been defined as an issue that has long attracted the attention of researchers and the public as a process of influencing and directing individuals toward achieving goals. Perhaps the reason for the widespread attractiveness of leadership is that it is a very mysterious process that exEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

ists in everyone's lives 1]. Leadership is one of the essential requirements for the activities of many modern organizations. In particular, recent business scandals in business have raised questions about the role of leadership in shaping ethical behavior. In the present century, organizations are increasingly faced with dynamic and changing environments that, in order to survive, Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018


have to adapt themselves to environmental changes. In today's world, change is fast and successful adaptation is an important part of success in the present age [3] with regarding the increasing rate of change in scientific, technological, social, and so on, today's organizations are considered to be successful organizations that have high organizational adaptability capacity. According to Connolly & York, organizational adaptability capacity is the ability of organizations to learn continuously and respond to changes within and outside the organization which plays a fundamental role in organizational efficiency and effectiveness [2]. The core of the adaptability capacity is innovation, systemic thinking, organizational learning, shared vision, customer orientation, and change [4-6]. Indeed, organizational adaptability capacity is an agent for the survival of an organization, and this concept has a key role in promoting organizational productivity and performance. The present study concentrated on the adaptability capacity of the educational and training organization of Ilkhchi. One of the main reasons for considering adaptability capacity in educational and training system is based on this principle that if the employees of the mentioned organization in the workplace do not have adaptability capacity and adjustment to innovations, changes, etc., their organizational, administrative problems will not solve and, eventually, improvement of organizational performance would be impossible. In this regard, the results of external studies show that there is a significant relationship between the variables of ethical leadership and organizational adaptability [7-8]. However, despite the fundamental role of ethical leadership in enhancing organizational adaptability caEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Rahimi, Bohlooli and Eskandarzadeh

pacity, it has been neglected in our society. In one sense, the available evidence indicates that no new studies have been conducted in the statistical society with focusing on the capacity of organizational adaptation and ethical leadership and more studies have been done on the variables such as organizational culture and organizational participation [1] and also the relationship between spiritual leadership and the effectiveness of leadership [2] Relationship between leader, follower and creativity (dimension of adaptability capacity ) [4] , The relationship between transitional leadership and organizational culture[7] And the relationship between transitional leadership and performance of companies [5]. The mission of this research is to examine the impact of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capability with the approach of cognitive behavior and relying on the ethical leadership theory [14], and also with the theory of Denison's adaptability capacity [7] which has not received sufficient attention to these theories and this dimension of leadership in internal investigations. Because organizational adaptability capacity in educational organizations is enhanced when educational managers have characteristics such as modeling, pragmatism, power sharing, ethical guidance, role resolution, and, in a sense, ethical leaders. Therefore, the basic questions of the research are going forward on these factors that firstly, how much is the degree of organizational adaptability among the employees of training and educational system in Ilkhchi city? And secondly, do ethical leadership and its dimensions have any impact on enhancement of organizational adaptability capacity? This research seeks to answer scientifically to these questions Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018

The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization

from different perspectives. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Research hypotheses The main hypothesis Ethical leadership has a positive and significant effect on improvement of the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi (Figure 1).


tional system of Ilkhchi. Ethical guidance has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. Transparency has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. Organizational integration has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi.

Figure 1. Analytical Model of Research

Research methodology

Sub-hypotheses Individual orientation has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. Organizational fairness has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. The power sharing has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and EducaEstação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Because this research is about describing and studying "what is", therefore, the appropriate research method in this research is descriptive. On the other hand, as this study examines the relationship between several variables in a community, is among the correlation plans. Since in descriptive research, the features of the studied community are examined and tested through the survey, the present research is a descriptive, surveying research and it is applied in terms of the purpose. The survey method is used to investigate the distribution of characteristics of a statistical society. In this way, people are asked questions about their attitudes, behaviors, and opinions and in general, these kinds of studies describe a specific phenomenon in a particular environment which is used to test opinions or answer research questions and include descriptions and conclusions. There is a variety of tools for data collection through which data can be collected and recorded. In the meantime, we can mention cases such as documentary review (library studies), questionnaires, interviews Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018


and observations. The researcher must use the appropriate tool to obtain the data required in the research and then with analyzing, processing and converting them into information, test the hypotheses. The main tools in this research are data collection, library studies and standard questionnaires. In this research, to measure ethical leadership based on individual orientation, organizational fairness, power sharing, ethical guidance, transparency and organizational integrity, 35 items from the model [14] and also for measuring the organizational adaptability capacity, 15 items from the questionnaire provided by Denison [11] have been used. Data obtained through the collected questionnaire has been investigated and analyzed in three sections with the using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. So first of all in the first section of this chapter, in order to describe questions of the personality of the statistical sample, the frequency distribution table and the percentage of responses have been used. In the second section, research variables are presented as descriptive statistics and graph through the questions that were asked to measure the desired indexes in each of the research hypotheses. In the third section, after determining the normality of the research data, Regression test has been used to describe the ideas of the statistical sample in relation to the independent and dependent variables of the research which test is rejected or confirmed. If confirmed, the percentage of impact is also determined by Regression. The dependent variable has been analyzed as well as using statistical tables and charts of variable frequency distribution and its dimensions and components. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Rahimi, Bohlooli and Eskandarzadeh

The distribution of research variables In this section, research variables are presented as descriptive statistics through the questions that are presented in each questionnaire for measuring the desired indexes in each research hypothesis Table 1. Table 1. Descriptive statistics of variables Adaptabil- orienta- Fair- power Ethics Role Integriity tion ness ty 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 Valid N


Average Middle mode Standard deviation Variance The lowest amount The maximum amount








56.9934 26.5298 22.748 22.761 26.695 18.920 15.178 3 6 4 5 8 59 28 24 24 27 19 16 60 28 21 21 28 20 14 10.01626 5.00937 4.2703 4.1575 4.5516 3.4937 2.8168 0 4 5 5 6 100.326 25.094 18.235 17.285 20.718 12.206 7.935 25














Inferential analysis of statistical data (test of research hypotheses) The main hypothesis: H1: Ethical leadership has a positive and significant effect on improvement of the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. H0: Ethical leadership doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on improvement of the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018

The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization


Table 2. Regression results to determine the effect of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability

Table 3. Regression results to determine the effect of individual orientation on organizational adaptability



0/993 Source of change

regression Remain ed Total

3 0 0 3 0 1

Coeffijustified Coefficient of standard error cient of detection detection(R2) 0/985 0/985 1.22361 Detotal of averF Assignifgrees squares age of sure icance of square d level frees levdom el 1 0/95 0/000 29748.8 29748. 16869. 17 817 194 449.170


30197.9 87


Test result: Reject H0 hypothesis

.955 Source of change

regression Remain ed Total

3 0 0 3 0 1

Coeffijustified Coefficient of standard error cient of detection detection (R2) .912 .912 2.96950 Detotal of averF Assignifigree squares age of sure cance s of squares d level free level dom 1 27552. 27552. 3124.6 0/95 0/000 603 603 05 Test result: 2645.38 8.818 Reject H0 hy4 pothesis 30197.9 87


As it is considered in Table 2, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0.00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. With regards to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0.985, it can be argued that 98% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by ethical leadership.

As it is considered in Table 3, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0/00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. With regards to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0/912, it can be argued that 91% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by individual orientation.

First sub hypothesis: H1: Individual orientation has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of ILKHCHI. H0: Individual orientation doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of ILKHCHI. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis.

Second sub hypothesis: H1: Organizational fairness has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of ILKHCHI. H0: Organizational fairness doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of ILKHCHI. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018


Rahimi, Bohlooli and Eskandarzadeh

Table 4. Regression results to determine the effect of organizational fairness on organizational adaptability capacity

Table 5. Regression Results To determine the power sharing on Organizational Adaptability Capacity



.977 Source of change

regression Remain ed Total

3 0 0 3 0 1

Coeffijustified Coefficient of standard error cient of detection detection (R2) .954 .953 2.16037 Detotal of averF Assignifigree squares age of sure cance s of squares d level free level dom 28797. 28797. 6170.2 0/95 0/000 1 381 831 79 Test result: Reject 1400.15 4.667 H0 hypothesis 5 30197.9 87


Source of change

regression Remained Total

.977 Degrees of freedom 1 300 301

Coefficient of detection (R2) .954 total of squares

28811.9 60 1386.02 6 30197.9 87

justified Coefficient of detection

standard error

.000 average of squares


28811. 960 4.620

6236.2 37

Assured level

2.14944 significance level



Test result: Reject H0 hypothesis


As it is seen in Table 4, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0.00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. According to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0.952, it can be argued that 95% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by organizational fairness.

As it is seen in Table 5, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0/00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. According to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0/952, it can be argued that 95% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by power sharing.

Third sub hypothesis: H1: The power sharing has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. H0: The power sharing doesn't have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis.

Forth sub hypothesis: H1: Ethical guidance has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. H0: Ethical guidance doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018

The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization Table 6. Regression Results to Determine Ethical guidance on Organizational Adaptability Capacity

Table 7. Regression Results to Determine Transparency on Organizational Adaptability Capacity



Source of change

regression Remained Total

.973 Degrees of freedom 1 300 301

Coefficient of detection (R2) .946 total of squares

justified Coefficient of detection

28572.8 50 1625.13 7 30197.9 87

106.5 18 28.13 7

standard error

.946 average of squar es


5274.5 43

Assured level

2.32747 significance level



Test result: Reject H0 hypothesis


As it is seen in Table 6, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0/00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. According to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0/946, it can be argued that 94% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by ethical guidance. Fifth sub hypothesis: H1: Transparency has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. H0: Transparency doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Source of change

regression Remained Total

.978 Degrees of freedom 1 300 301

Coefficient of detection (R2) .956 total of squares

28874.2 65 1323.72 2 30197.9 87

justified Coefficient of detection

standard error

.956 average of squares


28874. 265 4.412

6543.8 81


Assured level

2.10057 significance level



Test result: Reject H0 hypothesis


As it is seen in Table 7, the significance level of the mentioned test is 0/00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. According to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0/956, it can be argued that 95% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by transparency. Sixth sub hypothesis: H1: Organizational integration has a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. H0: Organizational integration doesn’t have a positive and significant effect on the organizational adaptability capacity in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchi. In this study, Regression test has been used to investigate the effect of dependent variable on the independent variable of this hypothesis. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018


Rahimi, Bohlooli and Eskandarzadeh

Table 8. Regression Results to Determine Organizational integration on Organizational Adaptability Capacity R

Source of change

regression Remained Total

.970 Degrees of freedom 1 300 301

Coefficient of detection (R2) .940 total of squares

28389.8 11 1808.17 6 30197.9 87

justified Coefficient of detection

standard error

.940 average of squares


28389. 811 6.027

4710.2 41


Assured level

2.45505 significance level



Test result: Reject H0 hypothesis


As it is seen in Table 8 and 9 the significance level of the mentioned test is 0/00 and it can be claimed that the above test is statistically significant with an error of 0.05 or a confidence level of 0.95. So H1 hypothesis is accepted and H0 hypothesis is rejected. According to R2 detection factor which consist of the ratio of the explained changes by the x variable to the total changes that is 0/940, it can be argued that 94% of organizational adaptation changes are explained by organizational integration. Table 9. Conclusion of the hypotheses results Accept or Coefficient significance hypothesis reject the of deteclevel hypothesis tion (R2) Accept 0.985 0/000 main hypothesis Accept .912 0/000 First sub hypothesis Accept .954 0/000 Second sub hypothesis Accept .954 0/000 Third sub hypothesis Accept .946 0/000 Fourth sub hypothesis Accept .956 0/000 Fifth sub hypothesis Accept .940 0/000 Sixth sub hypothesis

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

According to the results of hypotheses test by Regression test, it was determined that: Individual orientation, organizational fairness, power sharing, ethical guidance, transparency and organizational integrity, regarding the detection factor of R2, 98% of organizational adaptation changes are explained and affected by changes in the ethical leadership in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchiand it shows that whatever the ethical leadership is paid more attention, the organizational adaptability capacity will be increased in the training and Educational system of Ilkhchiand also the findings of the present study are consistent with the findings of research entitled "The Energy Empowerment Model and Creativity of Employees through Ethical Leadership" [8-10].The results of this study showed that ethical leadership in the workplace improves employees' ability, energy and creativity (dimension of organizational adaptability) in the workplace. Also Abbaszadeh and Budaghi [12, 13-15],in studying of the effect of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity (Case study: employees of Tabriz University), based on findings of regression analysis showed that dimensions of role resolution, people orientation, ethical guidance and the role of ethical leadership on the dependent variable (organizational adaptability capacity) is significant which is in line with the findings of this study. Ganderson and Holinag [16-17] also believe that adaptability capacity is necessary to social environment systems survive and it is also crucial to overcome uncertainty and instability. Because organizations with adaptive capacity have this potential that Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018

The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization

predict and respond to changes and after the crisis, they will return to healthy resource management. Knowing and building adaptability capacity can help organizations to adapt and learn from changes, and also to know the next changes. Calchon et al. [18-19], have other researches with the title of Ethical Leadership in Work: Development and validation of multiple measurement instruments of ethical leadership has been done. The findings of research showed that ethical leadership has crucial role in the performance and improvement of organizational behavior. And also in numerous studies, a significant relationship between the dimensions of ethical leadership and organizational adaptability has been reported. However, the systematic study has not been expanded in the subject of ethical leadership and its relationship with various variables and factors that are influencing on it. 4. CONCLUSION The results indicate that the hypothesis was confirmed, indicating that the components of the individual's orientation, organizational justice, power sharing, moral guidance, role clarity and organizational integration of organizational adaptability 98 percent of changes in education is explained and the city ILKHCHI it has an effect. Improvements/Applications: the results show that the attention is given to ethical leadership, organizational adaptability capacity increases in education Ilkhchi city. And findings with the findings of Golparvar, colleagues, Abbas-Zadeh and Bvdaqy is consistent.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902


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Article received on December 28, 2017. Evaluated July 26,2019. Accepted on August 05, 2019. Published on August 07, 2019.

How cite this article (ABNT): RAHIMI, Golamreza; BOHLOOLI, Nader; ESKANDARZADEH, Tohid. The effect of development of ethical leadership on organizational adaptability capacity, education and training organization – case study: ILKHCHI city of Iran. Estação Científica (UNIFAP), Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 89-98, Sept./Dec. 2018

99 Deseja submeter artigo à revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP)? Convidamos todos a conferir a seção Sobre a Revista e ler as políticas de seção, bem como as Diretrizes para Autores. É necessário que os autores se cadastrem no sistema antes de submeter um artigo; caso já tenha se cadastrado basta acessar o sistema e iniciar o processo de 5 passos de submissão de artigo. PRAZO DE SUBMISSÃO DE ARTIGOS ABERTO ATÉ 30 DE JANEIRODE 2019 O Editor-chefe da revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP), ISSN 2179-1902, comunica que o prazo para submissão de artigos científicos para o próximo número encontra-se aberto até a data de 30/10/2018. Os textos deverão ser submetidos no site: ou por meio do Portal de Periódicos da UNIFAP: Estação Científica (UNIFAP) publica artigos inéditos em várias áreas do conhecimento, nas seções Artigos originais, Artigos de revisão de literatura, Ensaios, Entrevistas, Experimentação, Grupos de estudo e de pesquisa, Pontos de vista, Relatos de experiência/caso, Relatos de práticas pedagógicas e Resenhas. Os artigos devem observar os critérios de publicação. POLÍTICAS DE SEÇÃO ARTIGOS DE REVISÃO DE LITERATURA- São trabalhos que têm por objeto resumir, analisar, avaliar ou sintetizar trabalhos teóricos e/ou de investigação já publicados, estabelecendo um recorte temporal e/ou geográfico para análise da literatura consultada. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. ARTIGOS ORIGINAIS - São trabalhos de pesquisa científica, apresentando resultados de investigação baseados em dados empíricos ou teóricos, de característica filosófica, cultural e pedagógica, utilizando metodologia científica, de descobertas com relação a aspectos experimentais ou observadionais. Devem incluir análise descritiva e/ou inferências de dados próprios. Deverão ter entre 10 a 20 páginas, de preferência com a seguinte estrutura: Introdução, Metodologia, Resultados, Discussões, Conclusão e Referências.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

ENSAIOS - Trabalhos que apresentam reflexões teóricas próprias, elaborados a partir de interpretações livre e originais sobre um determinado tema, ainda que sem dispensar um rigoroso aparato de documentação empírica e bibliográfica. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. ENTREVISTAS - Apresenta entrevista realizada com um indivíduo ou grupo de pessoas notórias, no âmbito acadêmico, cultural e científico. Adicionalmente deve ser enviado comprovante de autorização do entrevistado concordando com a publicação na revista. Deve ter entre 05 a 10 páginas. EXPERIMENTAÇÃO - Apresenta reflexões sobre métodos e técnicas de pesquisa científica. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. GRUPOS DE ESTUDO E DE PESQUISA - Apresentação das atividades desenvolvidas e/ou em andamento de um grupo de estudo, grupo de pesquisa, núcleo de pesquisa, centro de investigação ou laboratório. Cumpre a função de publicizar e divulgar as ações investigativas e de desenvolvimento técnicocientífico. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. PONTOS DE VISTA - Análise de uma situação atual, política, econômica, cultural e/ou científica, que tenha repercussão internacional e/ou nacional. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. RELATOS DE EXPERIÊNCIA/CASO - São artigos que apresentam dados descritivos e/ou interpretativos de um ou mais casos, explorando um problema ou objeto de estudo por meio de exemplo. Apresenta as características do objeto estudado. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. RELATOS DE PRÁTICAS PEDAGÓGICAS - Relatos de atividades desenvolvidas junto aos alunos, em sala de aula ou não, sobre atividades científicopedagógicas. Deve ter entre 10 a 20 páginas. RESENHAS - Aceita resenhas de 05 a 10 páginas, de livros recém-lançados nos últimos três anos, que tenham relação com a política editorial da revista. Deve ser inserido no desenvolvimento do texto uma imagem da capa do livro resenhado, obrigatoriamente. DECLARAÇÃO DE DIREITO AUTORAL Os autores se obrigam a aceitar a Declaração de Direitos Autorais da revista. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) orienta que só devem assinar os trabalhos as pessoas que de fato Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

100 participaram das etapas centrais da pesquisa, não bastando, por exemplo, ter revisado o texto ou apenas coletado os dados. Todas as pessoas relacionadas como autores, por ocasião da submissão de trabalhos estarão automaticamente declarando responsabilidade, nos termos a seguir: Declaração de responsabilidade: certifico que participei suficientemente do trabalho para tornar pública minha responsabilidade pelo seu conteúdo. Certifico que o manuscrito representa um trabalho original e que não foi publicado ou está sendo considerado para publicação em outra revista nacional ou internacional, quer seja no formato impresso ou no eletrônico, exceto o descrito em anexo. Atesto que, se solicitado, fornecerei ou cooperarei totalmente na obtenção e fornecimento de dados sobre os quais o manuscrito está baseado, para exame do conselho editorial da revista. Transferência de direitos autorais: declaro que em caso de aceitação do artigo, por parte da Estação Científica (UNIFAP), concordo que os direitos autorais a ele referentes se tornarão propriedade exclusiva do Departamento de Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Amapá, vedado qualquer reprodução, total ou parcial, em qualquer outra parte ou meio de divulgação, impressa ou eletrônica, sem que a prévia e necessária autorização seja solicitada e, se obtida, farei constar o competente agradecimento ao Departamento de Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Amapá e os créditos correspondentes à Estação Científica (UNIFAP). Declaro em meu nome e em nome dos demais coautores, porventura existentes, estar ciente de que a não observância deste compromisso submeterá o infrator a sanções e penas previstas na Lei de Proteção de Direitos Autorais (Lei Federal nº 9.610, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998). Obs.: Estação Científica (UNIFAP)adota a política do copyleft, isto é, após a publicação é livre a reprodução para fins não comerciais, desde que o autor e a fonte sejam citados. DIRETRIZES PARA AUTORES Estação Científica (UNIFAP) é publicada semestralmente pelo Departamento de Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Amapá. 1. A revista publica artigos em várias áreas do conhecimento, nas seções Artigos originais, Artigos de Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

revisão de literatura, Ensaios, Entrevistas, Experimentação, Grupos de estudo e de pesquisa, Pontos de vista, Relatos de experiência/caso, Relatos de práticas pedagógicas e Resenhas. Para mais informações, acesse a Política de Seção. 2. Só podem ser submetidos trabalhos originais e inéditos, e que os mesmos não estão sendo submetidos à análise para publicação em outra revista, em parte ou no todo, nem será submetido para publicação em outras revistas enquanto perdurar o processo editorial nesta. 3. Não será aceito artigo em coautoria com mais de três autores. 4. Os autores se obrigam a aceitar e declarar a cessão de direitos autorais, a qual está disponível no site da revista. 5. Os artigos deverão ser submetidos pelo navegador MOZILA FIREFOX ou GOOGLE CHROMO, pois o Internet Explorer não possibilita a submissão integral. Primeiramente faça o seu cadastro e/ou login. A seguir, clique na Página do Usuário, na opção Autor, em Iniciar nova submissão e preencha os 5 passos do processo. 6. Solicita-se aos autores não colocarem seus respectivos nomes no arquivo enviado, pois os procedimentos de análise e apreciação dos artigos pelos pareceristas são realizados com o anonimato dos autores dos respectivos trabalhos e dos pareceristas ("avaliação cega"). Portanto, não se identifique no corpo do texto, nem nas propriedades do arquivo. A identificação autoral será retirada diretamente dos metadados da submissão, quando também serão retirados o resumo biográfico, formação acadêmica e a identificação de afiliação institucional do/s autor/es e e-mail(metadados da submissão).É obrigatório informar o ORCID ( e o endereço do Currículo Lattes (http://lattes.cnpq. br/), de todos os autores, no momento da submissão do artigo. 7. Os relatos deverão basear-se nas técnicas mais avançadas e apropriadas à pesquisa. 8. Os dados, ideias, opiniões e conceitos emitidos nos artigos, bem como a exatidão das referências, são de inteira responsabilidade do/s autor/es. 9. Os artigos serão avaliados inicialmente quanto à adequação das normas da revista (Diretrizes para Autores), e serão encaminhados pelo Editor da revista ao corpo de pareceristas, que apreciação o texto. As opções de pareceres são: a) Aprovado Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

101 integralmente; b) Aprovado, desde que sejam feitas as correções necessárias; c) Recusado para publicação. Caso haja alguma divergência quanto aos pareceres, o Editor encaminhará o artigo ao conselho editorial que decidirá quanto à publicação ou não. Exige-se obrigatoriamente que os autores não façam uso de plágio. 10. Os artigos podem ser submetidos em português, inglês, espanhol ou em francês. Devem ser concisos e consistentes no estilo. 11. A revisão de português e a tradução e/ou revisão de língua estrangeira são de responsabilidade e custeados pelos autores. 12. Estão listadas abaixo a formatação e outras convenções: a) No processo de submissão, nos metadados da submissão, deverão ser inseridos os nomes completos dos autores (no máximo três autores), suas formações acadêmicas, vinculações institucionais e emails. b) Os artigos deverão conter: Título, Resumo e Palavras-chave no idioma em que estão sendo submetidos, e suas respectivas traduções em inglês (Title, Abstract e Keywords). c) O Título, centralizado e negritado, com no máximo vinte palavras, no idioma do artigo e também em inglês, deverá ser preciso. d)O Resumo, escrito em parágrafo único, não excedendo 200 palavras, deverá conter informações sucintas sobre o artigo. Devem constar no resumo o objetivo, a metodologia, resultados e conclusões do artigo. Até seis palavras-chave deverão ser acrescentadas ao final, que não estejam citadas no título, separadas entre si por ponto e finalizadas também por ponto. As mesmas instruções se aplicam para o Abstract e Keywords. e) Ao final do artigo deverão constar apenas as referências bibliográficas dos trabalhos referidos no texto. Devem ser atualizadas, contendo, preferencialmente, os trabalhos mais relevantes sobre o tema publicados nos últimos cinco anos. f) Agradecimentos poderão ser mencionados sob a forma de nota de rodapé. Também pode ser comunicado a existência de todo e qualquer auxílio financeiro recebido para a elaboração do trabalho, mencionando agência de fomento, também em nota de rodapé. g) Os artigos submetidos deverão ter entre 10 a 20 páginas digitadas (exceto resenhas e entrevistas, Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

que deverão ter entre 05 a 10 páginas), incluindo figuras, tabelas e referências bibliográficas (listadas somente aquelas citadas no texto). Deverão ser escritos com espaçamento entre linhas de 1,5 e ter suas páginas numeradas. Dever-se-á deixar uma linha em branco entre os títulos e subtítulos e os textos que os sucedem ou precedem. Nas citações diretas, deve haver uma linha em branco antes e depois dos textos que as precedem e sucedem. Nas ilustrações deve haver uma linha em branco entre elas e os textos que as precedem e sucedem. Não pode haver linhas em branco entre os parágrafos dos textos com o objetivo de aumentar a quantidade de páginas. O trabalho deverá ser editado no MS-Word, ou compatível, utilizando fonte Times New Roman, tamanho 12. h) No caso da seção de Entrevistas, deve ser enviado fotografia recente e comprovante de autorização do entrevistado concordando com a publicação na revista. i) No caso da seção de Resenhas, é obrigatório que esteja inserido no desenvolvimento do texto uma imagem da capa do livro resenhado. j) O trabalho deverá ser formatado em A4, com margens superior e esquerda com 3,0 cm e a inferior e a direita deverão ter 2,0 cm. k) O arquivo contendo o trabalho que deverá ser anexado (transferido), durante a submissão, não poderá ultrapassar o tamanho de 2MB, bem como, não poderá conter qualquer tipo de identificação de autoria, inclusive na opção propriedades do Word. Caso haja problemas na transferência do manuscrito, deve-se comunicar ao Suporte Técnico da revista para auxílio. l) Ilustrações: tabelas, figuras, gráficos, desenhos, esquemas, fluxogramas, fotografias, organogramas, mapas, plantas, quadros, retratos outras ilustrações deverão ter os títulos na parte superior, numerados sequencialmente conforme a categoria, escritos no idioma do artigo e também em inglês, caso não seja este o idioma principal do artigo. Embaixo das ilustrações deverá constar a fonte e, se houver, notas. Deverão ser inseridas no texto, logo após a sua citação e o mais próximo possível do trecho a que se refere. m) As ilustrações (tabelas, figuras, gráficos, desenhos, esquemas, fluxogramas, fotografias, organogramas, mapas, plantas, quadros e retratos) deve- Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

102 rão ter preferencialmente 7,5 cm de largura, e não deverão ultrapassar a altura máxima de 16 cm. n) As figuras digitalizadas deverão ter até 300 dpi de resolução e preferencialmente gravadas no formato jpeg, jpg ou hpg. o) Abreviações podem ser utilizadas, devendo ser precedidas de seu significado por extenso na primeira menção. p) As citações deverão seguir os exemplos seguintes que se baseiam na ABNT, no sistema AUTOR-DATA. Nas citações diretas, é obrigatório informar o autor, ano e página: Câmara (2008, p. 31) ou (CÂMARA, 2008, p. 31). Para o caso de citações indiretas no texto, usar apenas o sobrenome e ano: Caporalini (2005) ou (CAPORALINI, 2005); para dois autores: Veiga e Santos (2008) ou (VEIGA; SANTOS, 2008); para três autores: Morelli, Souza e Cruz (2014) ou (MORELLI; SOUZA; CRUZ, 2014);mais de três autores, utilizar o primeiro e após et al.: Gheorghiu et al. (2008) ou (GHEORGHIU et al., 2008). MODELOS DE REFERÊNCIAS Deverão ser organizadas em ordem alfabética, justificado, conforme os exemplos seguintes que se baseiam na ABNT. Listar todos os autores do trabalho. Os títulos dos periódicos deverão ser completos e não abreviados. Livros com um autor: AUTOR. Título. Edição. Local: Editora, ano. Exemplo: NOGUEIRA, C. M. A feminização no mundo do trabalho: entre a emancipação e a precarização. Campinas: Autores Associados, 2003. Livros com dois autores: AUTORES separados por ponto e vírgula. Título. Edição. Local: Editor, ano. Exemplo: ACCIOLY, A. R.; MARINHO, I. P. História e organização da educação física e desportos. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade do Brasil, 1956. Livros com três autores: AUTORES separados por ponto e vírgula. Título. Edição. Local: Editor, ano. Exemplo: REZER, R.; CARMENI, B.; DORNELLES, P. O. O fenômeno esportivo: ensaios crítico-reflexivos. 4. ed. São Paulo: Argos, 2005. Livros com mais de três autores: Entrada pelo primeiro autor, seguido da expressão et al. Título. Local: Editora, ano. Exemplo: Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

TANI, G. et al. Educação física escolar: fundamentos de uma abordagem desenvolvimentista. São Paulo: EPU, 1988. Livros com organizadores, coordenadores: ORGANIZADOR ou COORDENADOR, etc. (Org. ou Coord. ou Ed.) Título. Local: Editora, ano. Exemplo: CRUZ, I. et al. (Org.). Deusas e guerreiras dos jogos olímpicos. 4. ed. São Paulo: Porto, 2006. Partes de livros com autoria própria: AUTOR da parte referenciada. Título da parte referenciada. Referência da publicação no todo precedida de In: Localização da parte referenciada. Exemplo: GOELLNER, S. Mulher e Esporte no Brasil: fragmentos de uma história generificada. In: SIMÕES, A. C.; KNIJIK, J. D. O mundo psicossocial da mulher no esporte: comportamento, gênero, desempenho. São Paulo: Aleph, 2004. p. 359-374. Dissertações, teses, trabalhos de conclusão de curso: AUTOR. Título. Ano. Paginação. Tipo do documento (dissertação, tese, trabalho de conclusão de curso), grau entre parênteses (Mestrado, Doutorado, Especialização em...) - vinculação acadêmica, o local e o ano da defesa. Exemplo: SANTOS, F. B. Jogos intermunicipais do Rio Grande do Sul: uma análise do processo de mudanças ocorridas no período de 1999 a 2002. 2005. 400 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Curso de Educação Física, Departamento de Educação Física, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 2005. Trabalhos de eventos: AUTOR. Título do trabalho apresentado no evento. Referência da publicação no todo precedida de In: nome do evento, numeração do evento (se houver), ano e local (cidade) de realização do evento. Título do documento (Anais, Livro de Resumo, Proceedings, tópico temático etc.). Local, editora: ano de publicação. Página inicial e página final da parte referenciada. Exemplo: VIOLATO, R. R.; WAISMAN, Jaime. O moto-táxi como modo de transporte urbano de passageiros. In: Panamerican Conference On Traffic And Transportation Engineering., 2004, Albany, NY. Conference Papers. Albany, NY: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2004. p. 1-9. Artigos de revistas/periódicos: AUTOR do artigo. Título do artigo. Título da revista, local, v., n., páginas, mês, ano. Exemplos: Um autor: ADELMAN, M. Mulheres no esporte: corporalidades e subjetividades. Movimento, Porto Alegre, v. 12, n. 1, p. 11-29, jan./abr., 2006. Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

103 Dois autores: AMORAS, F. C.; RODRIGUES, L. G. A constituição dos programas de políticas públicas no Brasil. Revista Espaço Acadêmico, Maringá, n. 173, p. 97-106, out. 2015. Três autores: CAVECHINI, C.; SOUZA, F. de; PAGANOTTI, I. Polêmica na garupa: uso de motos para transporte de passageiros: risco ou solução? Revista Problemas Brasileiros, São Paulo, n. 366, p. 32-35, nov.-dez. 2004. Mais de três autores: SOUSA, R. S. et al. Antropologia das trocas econômicas informais e ilícitas. PRACS: Revista Eletrônica de Humanidades do Curso de Ciências Sociais da UNIFAP, Macapá, n. 1, p. 01-10, dez. 2008. Artigos de jornais: AUTOR do artigo. Título do artigo. Título do jornal, local, data (dia, mês e ano). Caderno, p. Exemplo: SILVEIRA, J. M. F. Sonho e conquista do Brasil nos jogos olímpicos do século XX. Correio do Povo, Porto Alegre, 12 abr. 2003. p. 25-27. Leis, decretos, portarias, etc.: LOCAL (país, estado ou cidade). Título (especificação da legislação, nº e data). Indicação da publicação oficial. Exemplo: BRASIL. Decreto nº 60.450, de 14 de abril de 1972. Regula a prática de educação física em escolas de 1º grau. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, v. 126, n. 66, p. 6056, 13 abr. 1972. Seção 1, pt. 1. Documentos eletrônicos online em html ou htm: AUTOR. Título. Local, data. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: dd mm. aaaa. Deve-se informar o endereço online, exceto nos textos em pdf. Exemplo: PEPEU, S. R. F. O advento das mototáxis. Jus Navigandi, Teresina, ano 3, n. 27, dez. 1998. Disponível em: < =500>. Acesso em: 13 jul. 2009. BRASIL. Lei nº 8.987, de 13 de fevereiro de 1995. Dispõe sobre o regime de concessão e permissão da prestação de serviços públicos previsto no art. 175 da Constituição Federal, e dá outras providências. Disponível em: < 03/LEIS/L8987compilada.htm>. Acesso em: 28 mar. 2010. PROCESSO DE AVALIAÇÃO PELOS PARES O trabalho é aceito para análise, pressupondo-se que: 1) o mesmo não foi publicado e nem está sendo submetido, simultaneamente, para publicação Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

em outro periódico; 2) todas as pessoas listadas como autores aprovaram o seu encaminhamento à Estação Científica (UNIFAP); 3) as opiniões emitidas pelos autores são de sua exclusiva responsabilidade; 4) a apresentação formal do trabalho está de acordo com todas as indicações destas normas editoriais. Os trabalhos encaminhados à Estação Científica (UNIFAP) serão avaliados em dois momentos: Primeiro, a avaliação do atendimento às diretrizes aos autores. O artigo será avaliado em sua normalização (formas de citação, preenchimento correto dos metadados, verificação da qualidade de tabelas e figuras e checagem da retirada de identificações de autoria) e ausência de plágio. Estando conforme as Diretrizes para Autores, o artigo será encaminhado para a avaliação seguinte, de mérito de conteúdo. Serão recusados para a fase seguinte os artigos que: a) não sejam inéditos, ou b) que não estejam conforme as Diretrizes para Autores da revista, ou c) que tenham sido submetidos à análise para publicação em outra revista, em parte ou no todo, enquanto perdurar o processo editorial do mesmo na Estação Científica (UNIFAP), ou d) que contenham plágio. Segundo, a avaliação do mérito do conteúdo. O artigo será encaminhado pelo Editor-chefe da revista ao corpo de Pareceristas internos e externos à UNIFAP, inclusive de outros países. Os procedimentos de análise e apreciação dos artigos são realizados com o anonimato dos autores dos respectivos trabalhos e também dos pareceristas, no sistema de dupla avaliação cega por pares. As opções de pareceres são: a) artigo aceito para publicação; b) correções obrigatórias; c) artigo recusado para publicação. Caso haja alguma divergência quanto aos pareceres, o Editor-chefe poderá encaminhar o artigo ao Conselho Editorial que decidirá quanto à publicação ou não. Os Pareceristas podem enviar suas recomendações de avaliação do manuscrito dos artigos diretamente pelo próprio sistema da revista. Opcionalmente, as observações poderão ser enviadas diretamente para o e-mail do Editor-chefe, junto com as recomendações de correção inseridas no próprio manuscrito do artigo avaliado e o respectivo parecer quanto à publicação ou não do mesmo, que serão colocadas pelo Editor-chefe no sistema da revista. São três as opções de parecer: Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

104 1 Aceitar para publicação: esta opção poderá ser informada no caso em que o artigo avaliado esteja em boas condições para publicar, sem necessidade de correções. 2 Correções obrigatórias/Revisões requeridas: caso sejam necessárias correções no artigo. Neste caso, as observações de correções deverão ser feitas no próprio arquivo do artigo, indicando justificadamente os itens que devem ser corrigidos pelo autor. 3 Recusar para publicação: para o caso do artigo não estar adequado para publicação, por ter graves problemas de escrita, estrutura, metodologia, informações, conteúdo, inadequação, etc., principalmente no caso de plágio verificável. Os critérios de avaliação incluem: originalidade, contribuição para o conhecimento da área, adequação metodológica, clareza e atualidade. Para fins de comprovação curriculares, os Pareceristas convidados receberão, por e-mail, ao término da avaliação de um artigo, um Atestado certificando que é Parecerista da revista, bem seus nomes serão inclusos na Lista de Pareceristas da Equipe Editorial da revista, e também constarão no Expediente da edição publicada. O/s autor/es serão notificados, por e-mail, da aceitação ou recusa de suas submissões. Quando se fizerem necessárias modificações substanciais, o/s autor/es será(ão) notificado/s por email e encarregado/s de fazê-las. Deverá(ão) postar a nova versão do trabalho no Sistema da revista, ou, opcionalmente, poderão enviar para o e-mail do Editor-chefe, dentro do prazo determinado pelo mesmo. Os artigos aceitos poderão sofrer revisões editoriais para facilitar sua clareza e entendimento, sem alterar o conteúdo. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) se reserva o direito de efetuar nos originais alterações de ordem normativa, ortográfica e gramatical, com vistas a manter o padrão culto da língua, respeitando, porém, o estilo do/s autor/es. POLÍTICA ANTI-PLÁGIO Estação Científica (UNIFAP) utiliza software para detecção de plágio, objetivando identificar nos artigos submetidos indícios de prática irregular de autoria dos trabalhos. Para tanto, adotou-se o

dados de plágio comprováveis, são recusados para continuação com o processo editorial, e portanto, devolvidos aos autores. Na análise de similaridade, também são recusados artigos com elevado teor de auto-plágio e materiais que tenham sido publicados em outros lugares. Todos os autores/as devem certificar-se quanto à autoria do trabalho submetido, pois caso o texto não seja seu, no todo ou em parte, e o divulguem como sendo, vocês podem ser responsabilizados criminalmente nos termos da Lei dos Direitos Autorais, e também nos termos do Código Penal, sujeito a pena de reclusão. POLÍTICA DE ACESSO LIVRE Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento. Sem taxas de submissão de artigos- Não são cobradas taxas dos autores referentes à submissão de artigos (No submission charges). Sem taxas de processamento de artigos-Não são cobradas taxas dos autores referentes ao processamento de artigo (No article processing charges). A revista adota a política do copyleft, isto é, após a publicação é livre a reprodução para fins não comerciais, desde que o autor e a fonte sejam citados. PERIODICIDADE Estação Científica (UNIFAP)foi publicada de 2011 a 2015 com periodicidade semestral. A partir do ano de 2016, adotou a periodicidade quadrimestral, ou seja, três edições por ano. Adota a política de publicação imediata dos trabalhos aprovados após o processo de avaliação de mérito, correções e diagramação de layout. Os textos dos artigos são publicados individualmente no sumário de cada fascículo assim que são finalizados os seus procedimentos editoriais. Desta forma, o sumário de um novo fascículo poderá ter sua editoração incompleta até que todos os seus artigos estejam finalizados.

CopySpider. Todos os artigos que apresentam resultados da análise de similaridade que atestem Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

105 AHEAD OF PRINT / PRÉ-PRINT Estação Científica (UNIFAP) trabalha com a política de disponibilizar artigos científicos no formato Ahead of Print para os leitores. Esta é uma modalidade de publicação avançada em que os trabalhos aprovados são disponibilizados imediata e separadamente antes da composição integral da edição de um número da revista. Somente quando houver a quantidade de artigos necessários para uma edição é que se finaliza um número correspondente, que passa a ser a edição atual. Esta iniciativa tem como objetivo divulgar os trabalhos que foram aprovados para publicação antes do fechamento da edição integral, e por isso os artigos previamente disponibilizados não possuem a numeração de páginas, mas apenas uma marca d'água indicando o formato Ahead of Print/ Pré-Print. A numeração sequencial das páginas será colocada apenas quando for publicada a edição integral do número da revista. Agora os autores não precisarão esperar um longo tempo, em função de demora da conclusão do processo editorial dos artigos dos outros autores, para terem suas respectivas obras publicadas on-line. Assim, os autores têm seus trabalhos divulgados mais cedo, e os leitores conhecem logo uma parte do conteúdo que será publicado no próximo número do periódico. Espera-se com isso facilitar ainda mais o acesso e contribuir para a melhor circulação dos textos científicos. PRAZO DE RECEBIMENTO DE ARTIGOS COM FLUXO CONTÍNUO Estação Científica (UNIFAP) faz chamadas de submissão de artigos, determinando os prazos, como estratégia de marketing e de planejamento editorial, o que faz com que os autores busquem organizarem-se para efetuar as submissões de artigos em determinados prazos. Esta estratégia tem propiciado à revista receber uma determinada quantidade de artigos com mais intensidade durante as duas semanas que antecedem o término de uma chamada de submissão de artigos. Assim, da mesma forma que fazemos as chamadas de submissão, o sistema da revista continua aberto o ano inteiro, continuamente, para que os autores tenham a opção de submeterem seus trabalhos Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

independentemente dos prazos das chamadas, pois faz parte da política editorial, que adotamos, de manter um período de fluxo contínuo de submissão de artigos, valorizando desta forma os autores. Logo, caso um autor deseje, poderá submeter um artigo a qualquer momento, que será feita a inclusão do mesmo no planejamento editorial. ÉTICA DE PUBLICAÇÃO E BOAS PRÁTICAS Estação Científica (UNIFAP) segue as diretrizes do Código de Conduta e Boas Práticas do COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) e as submissões devem atender a essas diretrizes: para conhecimento do Código consulte o texto original em inglês ou sua tradução para o português. Este periódico tem um compromisso com a ética e a qualidade das publicações. Defendemos um comportamento ético de todas as partes envolvidas na publicação em nosso periódico: autores, editor e pareceristas. Não aceitamos plágio ou qualquer outro comportamento antiético. Deveres do Editor: Decisão de publicação: o Editor é responsável por decidir quais artigos submetidos à revista devem ser publicados. O editor é guiado pelas políticas editoriais da revista e também pelo Conselho Editorial e Pareceristas. Essas políticas devem obedecer às exigências legais em vigor sobre difamação, violação de direitos autorais e plágio. Para tomada de decisões o Editor pode consultar o Conselho Editorial e os Pareceristas. Transparência e respeito: o Editor deve avaliar os manuscritos submetidos sem levar em conta a raça, sexo, a orientação sexual, a crença religiosa, a origem étnica, a nacionalidade ou a filosofia política dos autores. Confidencialidade: o Editor e demais membros da equipe editorial não devem divulgar qualquer informação sobre um manuscrito submetido, a não ser aos pareceristas e os conselheiros editoriais. Divulgação e conflitos de interesse: O Editor não deve utilizar materiais inéditos divulgados em um manuscrito submetido em pesquisas próprias sem o consentimento expresso e por escrito do autor. O Editor deve recusar para o processo editorial os manuscritos em que tenha conflitos de interesse por questões competitivas, colaborativas ou outros Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

106 relacionamentos ou ligações com qualquer um dos autores, empresas ou (possivelmente) instituições ligadas aos manuscritos. Envolvimento e cooperação em investigações: o Editor deve tomar medidas necessárias cabíveis quando foram apresentadas reclamações éticas a respeito de um manuscrito submetido ou artigo publicado. Deveres dos Pareceristas: Contribuição para as decisões editoriais: a revisão dos pareceristas auxilia o Editor na tomada de decisões editoriais e por meio das comunicações com o autor também pode auxiliar o mesmo na melhora do artigo. Pontualidade: qualquer avaliador de artigo que não se sinta qualificado para analisar o artigo ou sabe que a sua imediata leitura será impossível deve notificar imediatamente o Editor. Confidencialidade: os trabalhos recebidos para análise devem ser tratados como documentos confidenciais. Eles não devem ser mostrados ou discutidos com os outros. Padrões de objetividade: os pareceres devem ser conduzidos de forma objetiva. Os pareceristas devem expressar seus pontos de vista de maneira clara e apoiados em argumentos. Sobre as fontes: os pareceristas devem identificar trabalhos publicados relevantes que não foram citados pelos autores. O parecerista deve chamar a atenção do Editor sobre qualquer semelhança substancial ou sobreposição entre o manuscrito em questão e qualquer outro artigo publicado de que tenha conhecimento pessoal. Divulgação e conflito de interesses: informações privilegiadas ou ideias obtidas pelo parecerista por meio da leitura dos manuscritos devem ser mantidas em sigilo e não devem utilizadas para proveito pessoal. O parecerista não deve avaliar manuscritos em que tenha conflitos de interesse por questões competitivas, colaborativas ou outros relacionamentos ou ligações com qualquer um dos autores, empresas ou instituições ligadas aos manuscritos. Deveres dos Autores: Normas gerais: os autores de trabalhos que se referem a pesquisas originais devem apresentar um relato preciso do trabalho realizado, bem como uma discussão objetiva sobre o seu significado. Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902

Dados complementares devem ser representados com precisão no artigo. O documento deve conter detalhes suficientes e referências que permitam que outros possam replicar o trabalho. Declarações fraudulentas ou intencionalmente imprecisas constituem um comportamento antiético e são inaceitáveis. Originalidade e plágio: os autores devem garantir que as obras são inteiramente originais e se eles utilizam o trabalho e/ou textos dos outros que isso seja devidamente citado. Plágio em todas as suas formas constitui um comportamento editorial antiético e é inaceitável. Publicação múltipla, redundante e simultânea: um autor não deve publicar manuscritos que descrevam essencialmente a mesma pesquisa em mais de um periódico. Enviar o mesmo manuscrito para mais de uma revista ao mesmo tempo e/ou publicar o mesmo artigo em mais de um periódico constitui um comportamento editorial antiético e é inaceitável. Sobre as fontes: o trabalho de outros autores deve sempre ser reconhecido. Os autores devem citar as publicações que foram importantes na determinação da natureza do trabalho relatado. As informações obtidas em particular, como em uma conversa, correspondência, ou discussão com terceiros, não devem ser utilizadas ou relatadas sem a permissão explícita por escrito da fonte. As informações obtidas por meio de serviços confidenciais, tais como arbitragem manuscritos ou pedidos de bolsas, não devem ser utilizadas sem a permissão explícita por escrito do autor do trabalho envolvido nestes serviços. Autoria: a autoria do trabalho deve ser restrita àqueles que fizeram uma contribuição significativa para a concepção, projeto, execução ou interpretação do estudo relatado. Todos aqueles que fizeram contribuições significativas devem ser listados como coautores. Pessoas que participaram em certos aspectos do projeto de pesquisa devem ser listadas como colaboradores. O autor principal deve garantir que todos os coautores apropriados estejam incluídos no artigo. O autor principal também deve certificar-se que todos os coautores viram e aprovaram a versão final do manuscrito e que concordaram com sua submissão para publicação. Divulgação e conflitos de interesses: todos os autores devem divulgar no manuscrito qualquer conflito Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018

107 financeiro ou de outra natureza que possa influenciar os resultados ou a interpretação de seu manuscrito. Todas as fontes de apoio financeiro para o projeto devem ser divulgadas. Erros fundamentais em trabalhos publicados: quando um autor descobre um erro significativo ou imprecisão em seu trabalho publicado é obrigação do autor informar imediatamente o Editor da revista e cooperar para corrigir o artigo. * Esta declaração se baseia nas recomendações da Elsevier e no Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors do Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE.

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902 Macapá, v. 8, n. 3, p. 99-107, Sept./Dec. 2018


Fluxograma básico do processo editorial da revista Estação Científica (UNIFAP) Autor submete artigo na revista

Editor inicia processo editorial

Artigo atende às normas?


Artigo devolvido ao autor

Sim Avaliador/es elabora/m parecer

Editor envia artigo para avaliação Editor analisa parecer/es Artigo rejeitado

Artigo aprovado

Decisão editorial

Editor envia carta de aceite

Correções requeridas Artigo vira pdf

Autor corrige e apresenta nova versão

Autor é informado da decisão

Artigo rejeitado

Decisão editorial

Artigo aprovado

Edição da revista é publicada

Fim Elaborado por: Fernando Castro Amoras

Estação Científica (UNIFAP) ISSN 2179-1902Macapá, v. 5, n. 1, p. 117-121, jan./jun. 2015

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