Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear Otter Families,
On behalf of the Fergus Falls Public School District, welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” – Jean Piaget
In this fast-paced and ever-changing world, the reality is that we are charged with preparing students with the knowledge, skills and personal qualities to successfully carry out essential work presently taking place while also enabling them to adapt to career opportunities that currently don’t even exist. That challenge is both daunting and exciting. That challenge has spurred several transformational changes in the district.
LINCOLN SCHOOL: The catalyst for many of these changes is the completion of Lincoln Phase #2. In addition to housing Otter Preschool, Lincoln School will become home to kindergarten beginning this fall. The facility is the culmination of five years of visioning, problemsolving, hard work, perseverance (lots of perseverance!) and ultimately celebration.
Lincoln School is a wonderful facility that was specifically designed to meet the needs of our youngest learners. The new kindergarten section boasts classrooms that are spacious and feature natural light. The school boasts a large maker-space area where students can develop their creativity, social skills and problem-solving skills. The playground is highlighted by play structures designed by the same company that provided equipment for Magnuson Park and will feature a poured rubber surface making it accessible for all children.
We have also designed the school with outstanding instructional support spaces and have a very talented team of professionals at the site to ensure that all students get off to a great start in our school district. It was our goal to make Lincoln School one of the best facilities for young learners in rural Minnesota. We can’t wait for our community to see it; and most importantly, we can’t wait for our students to benefit from the learning environment it creates. Please join us for a public Community Engagement Event showcasing Lincoln School on Tuesday, August 27th from 6:00-7:30pm.
The impact of Lincoln Phase #2 goes far beyond kindergarten. The move enabled us to reconfigure the grade levels assigned to each building. McKinley School and Adams School will each house students in grades 1-3. Moving 3rd grade out of Cleveland School allows us to move 5th grade out of KSS and into Cleveland where they will be paired with 4th grade. This change places 5th grade in a more appropriate elementary setting and creates several benefits for the middle school and high school as well.
SCHOOL: As a district, we remain focused on upgrading our school facilities to fully meet the needs of our students. The district will be bringing forth a variation of the 3-5 elementary school proposal that went to the voters last May. The new
plan is designed to address community concerns regarding project costs. The November ballot will be split into two questions. Question #1 is centered on the school building, parking lot, playground, etc. and reduces the annual tax impact on an average residential home valued at $250,000 from $100 annually (May election proposal) down to $86 annually (November election proposal). That’s less than 25¢ per day.
Question #2 is centered on whether the community would support building a middle school soccer and baseball field on the site. If Question #2 were also to pass, it would add $4 to the annual cost on a $250,000 residential home which equates to another penny per day. The combined total for both questions is under $50 million dollars, reduced from the $54.8 million last May. Much more information will follow in the coming weeks leading up to November 5th.
The first public forum on the proposed new elementary school will be:
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30pm.
Location: Lincoln School (former Target Building) in the media center.
ATTENDANCE: Another major focus area for our district continues to be student attendance. We realize that illness and life events happen, however, regular school attendance (95% or higher) is one of the most critical factors in student success. It is impossible to replicate what was missed in the classroom when a student is absent. The following anonymous quote succinctly captures the impact, “Your attendance shapes your academic journey.”
Parents have the single most important and influential role in emphasizing the value of education. Daily attendance, studying and completing all assignments, and taking a challenging curriculum are all essential components if students are to meet their full potential. Setting that expectation on a daily basis creates the necessary foundation for students to enjoy success.
It is my sincere hope that your children have an amazing experience in the Fergus Falls School District during the coming year. May our
continued on page 5
Newsletters, columns and district information will be sent via e-mail to all subscribed members. To subscribe:
1. Send an e-mail to supt_news+subscribe@fergusotters.org (the subject and body of the message can be left blank).
2. Wait a few minutes and check your e-mail. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from our system.
3. Please REPLY to the message you receive from us, keeping the subject line (with confirmation number) intact. Again, the body of this message can be left blank.
4. When your request is completed, you’ll receive a confirmation e-mail. If you have any trouble, please e-mail jthorstad@fergusotters.org
Contact Us
Phone (218) 998-0544
Adams School ext. 9300
Area Learning Center ext. 9230 / 9231
Cleveland School ext. 9400
Community Education ext. 9200
District Office/Receptionist ext. 9006
High School ext. 9600 / 9601
iQ Academy ext. 9214
Lincoln School ext. 8900
McKinley School ext. 9500
Middle School ext. 9643
Special Education ext. 8910
Adams School:
W. Bancroft Ave. Area
Kennedy Secondary School:
601 Randolph Ave.
Lincoln School: 2300 College Way
McKinley School: 724 W. Laurel St.
Superintendents Office: 601 Randolph Ave.
Fergus Falls School Board
The School Board conducts the business of your schools. Regular meetings are on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the Otter Community Room at Kennedy Secondary School at 5:15pm; summer meetings at 7:15am. All meetings are open to the public, and your attendance is encouraged. Below is a list of your school board representatives. Feel free to contact them by phone or e-mail with your comments, suggestions, concerns and questions.
Kirby Anderson – (218) 770-7161 kirbyanderson@fergusotters.org
Melanie Cole – (218) 736-7582 mcole@fergusotters.org
Missy Hermes – (218) 736-5311 mhermes@fergusotters.org
Natalie Knutson – (218) 205-6969 nknutson@fergusotters.org
Matt Lemke – (218) 731-1385 mlemke@fergusotters.org
Steve Vigesaa – (507) 993-5941 svigesaa@fergusotters.org
While personal phone numbers are listed, e-mail is the preferred method of contact.
What School Building Will My Child Attend This Year?
The grade levels in each building for the 2024-25 school year are as follows:
ECFE/Otter Preschool /Kindergarten
Grades 1-3
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-5
Grades 6-12 .......................................................
Area Learning Center
Lincoln School
McKinley School
Adams School
Cleveland School
Kennedy Secondary School
Roosevelt Education Center
Orientation for Kindergarten: September 3
Kindergarten: Lincoln Orientation on September 3
Lincoln School will hold a kindergarten orientation on Tuesday, September 3. Individual letters with appointment times and information will be sent to all parents of kindergartners. The first day of school for kindergarten will be Wednesday, September 4.
Open Houses for Grades K-12
Grades K-5 Open House: Lincoln, McKinley, Adams and Cleveland
Open House at McKinley, Adams, and Cleveland Schools will take place on Wednesday, August 28 from 5-7pm.
Grades 6-8 Open House: Kennedy Secondary School
The Middle School open house for grades 6-8 will be held at the Kennedy Secondary School on Wednesday, August 28 from 5-8pm, during which time students and families will be able to meet with teachers in their classrooms.
Parent Meetings will be held at 5:30pm and 7:00pm for incoming 7th graders and new families to the district. Families with students in 6th or 8th grade can also attend the parent meetings if they wish.
All information presented at the meeting will be posted on the school website under Middle School.
Grades 9-12 Open House: Kennedy Secondary School
We are excited to welcome you to the Fergus Falls High School Open House on Wednesday, August 21, from 5-8pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for all students and their parents/guardians to meet with classroom teachers, ask questions, and gather important information for the
upcoming school year.
Schedule Pick-Up for Grades 10-12
Students in grades 10-12 can stop by to pick up their schedules for the year. This will be a great chance to start forming connections with teachers and staff, ensuring a smooth start to the school year.
9th Grade Orientation
At 6:00pm we invite all incoming 9thgrade students and their parents/guardians to join us in the Auditorium for a special orientation session with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Thielke, our high school administrators. After the meeting, 9th graders can pick up their schedules and Chromebooks in the media center. This orientation is designed to help our new 9th graders feel welcome and prepared as they embark on their high school journey.
Student Presentation for Grades 10-12
At 7:15pm, we will have a presentation in the Auditorium for students and parents/ guardians new to Fergus Falls High School in grades 10-12. This is an important opportunity for us to meet our new students, begin building relationships, and address any questions or concerns.
Area Learning Center
Join us for our Open House on
ParentVUE – A Must-Have!
A minimum of one parent in each household must have a ParentVUE account.
On a computer, go to bit.ly/544parentvue to log into your ParentVUE account. On your mobile device, download the Synergy ParentVUE app from your device’s app store, open the app, enter 56537 for the zip code, tap Fergus Falls Public Schools ISD 544 from the list, then login with your ParentVUE account.
Unsure if you have an existing account? Send an email to parentvue@fergusotters.org; be sure to include your name with your student’s name(s) and date(s) of birth in your email. What is ParentVUE? ParentVUE helps parents stay informed and connected to school by providing day-to-day information about their student’s academic experience. Parents are encouraged to check their ParentVUE account regularly for real-time announcements and communications. Have other questions about ParentVUE? Please call your student’s school office (direct extension numbers can be found in left column).
Teacher Assignments
Your child’s teacher assignment (grades K-5) will be included in your back to school mailing coming out the week of August 19. Middle school schedules (grades 6-8) can be picked up at Open House or will be mailed out the week of August 26.
Gym Uniforms
Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, gym uniforms are no longer a requirement
Lists are posted in local stores and on the school’s Back to School website: backtoschool.fergusotters.org
Wednesday, August 28, from 5-8pm, with a mandatory enrollment meeting for new students at 6pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for both students and parents to connect with our dedicated staff and build strong relationships. Meet the ALC Director, Ms. Johnson, and prepare for an exciting new school year. During this event, you'll be able to get your schedules, find your lockers, and greet your teachers. We are thrilled to welcome you and look forward to a fantastic year together! We are excited you are here and ready for a great fall together. We look forward to seeing you all there and are eager to start the new school year with a focus on building strong, supportive relationships within our school community.
New Students to the District
Children who have moved into the Fergus Falls School District should be enrolled in school as soon as possible by entering the student(s) in our online registration system at bit.ly/544enrollstudent
Here, you will set-up your ParentVUE account and complete your paperless enrollment for your student(s).
Parents of kindergartners are reminded that their children’s immunizations must be up to date and early childhood screenings completed before school begins. To make arrangements for an early childhood screening, call (218) 998-0544, ext. 8900. Families with a summer change of address or are new to the district need to notify the district’s transportation company, OTTERTAIL COACHES, by completing a transportation change on this form: bit.ly/544BusFormOnline or by calling (218) 739-3393. Questions? Please contact your student’s school office (direct extension numbers can be found in left column).
2024-2025 Calendar
Oct 17-18 No School; MEA
Oct 24 3 hr. Early Out; P-T Conferences 4-7:45pm
Oct 25 No School; P-T Conferences 8am-3:15pm
Mar 3 P-T Conferences 3:45-7:45pm
Chromebook Information: 2024-2025 School
Chromebook plans for the up-coming school year are:
Grades K-5 classes each have a Chromebook cart in their classroom with devices that remain in school.
Grades 6-12 are 1-to-1, where every student is expected to have their school-assigned Chromebook with them in every class.
Students in grades 6-8 will receive their Chromebook on the first day of school. Students in grade 9 can pick up their device in the media center.
Students are responsible for having the devices charged for each day, clean and in working order throughout the year.
To assist with this the school offers all
Check our website for Chromebook policies and procedures you agree to by getting assigned a Chromebook: www.fergusotters.org/chromebooks
Free bus transportation is provided to all grade K-12 students who reside in the Fergus Falls School District. Morning transfer locations will be Adams, Cleveland, Kennedy, and McKinley. Kennedy will remain our afternoon transfer site. Busses will be clearly marked.
Many students had transportation changes last year, PLEASE contact OTTERTAIL COACHES to update your student’s transportation needs for this school year. Call their office or visit their website, www.ottertailcoaches.com or bit.ly./544BusFormOnline to make adjustments.
OTTERTAIL COACHES will be mailing
6-12 grade students the option to purchase a Chromebook protection plan within two weeks of being issued a Chromebook. This $15.00/year plan covers the Chromebook from accidental damage and repairs of their assigned Chromebook, excluding the power charger and lost devices. You may purchase the Chromebook Protection Plan from our School Store at fergusfalls.revtrak.net Students will not be allowed to use personal devices on the school WiFi except for medical needs.
If a student has an outstanding fee assessed for a Chromebook, charger or repair from the previous year, they will not receive a replacement Chromebook until all fees are resolved. Students who are not issued a Chromebook due to an unpaid replacement fee may check out a Chromebook from the Media Center on a daily basis.
New students grades 9-12 should stop in
Important Bus Information
information for those requesting transportation approximately one week before school starts. Please review this information and contact Ottertail Coaches immediately if changes have occurred. Note: in-town stops frequently change with ridership, please use the stop listed on the mailing.
If you do not receive a mailing and need transportation, please contact Ottertail Coaches at (218) 739-3393 to verify your current address.
1. Get to the stop five minutes before the scheduled pick-up time. Drivers do not wait for late students.
2. Respect the property of others at the bus stop.
3. Keep your arms, legs, and belongings to yourself.
4. Use appropriate language.
5. Stay away from the road when waiting for the bus. Wait until the bus stops before approaching the bus.
6. After getting off the bus, move away from the bus.
7. If you must cross the street, always cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you. Wait for the driver to signal you before crossing the street.
8. No fighting, bullying, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
9. No use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
1. The same conduct is expected on the bus as in the classroom.
2. Cooperate with the bus driver and obey all rules.
3. Do not lower top of window below black line. Keep arms and head inside bus.
4. When you get on the bus, choose a seat and stay seated, facing forward, until you get off.
the Media Center the first day of school to get their assigned Chromebook.
Fergus Falls Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Technology vendors and software is utilized to support work as we help all students develop the skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world.
We have an inventory of our curriculum, testing, and assessment tools posted at www.fergusotters.org and include an outline of the student data elements within each tool. This list is maintained and communicated annually to all families at the start of the school year. Please reach out to tech@fergusotters. org for additional questions regarding specific digital tools used in classrooms.
5. Put all trash in the waste basket, not on the floor.
6. Loud noises are for outside, not on the bus. Talk quietly, be courteous and share seats.
7. No pushing, shoving or profane language is allowed.
8. Respect other people’s property.
9. The bus driver may assign seats to any rider.
Students and parents must remember that riding the school bus is a privilege and not a right.
Students must follow the same behavior guidelines on the bus that they follow on school property and at school events. All school rules are in effect while a student is riding the bus or at the bus stop.
Rules are posted on every bus. When a school bus driver or school official reports unacceptable behavior, the following discipline procedure is followed: First offense Gr. K-8, warning; Gr. 9-12, warning. Second offense Gr. K-8, 3 days off bus; Gr. 9-12, 5 days off bus. Third offense Gr. K-8, 5 days off bus; Gr. 9-12, 10 days off bus. Fourth offense Gr. K-8, 10 days off bus with parent meeting; Gr. 9-12, 20 days off bus with parent meeting. Further offenses: Student may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the school year.
Visit activities.fergusotters.org to find instructions along with the registration link.
Tickets available for events
Families have the opportunity to purchase co-curricular season tickets that will admit immediate family members to all regularly scheduled home co-curricular events. These non-transferable passes are $250 for a family. An adult all-year pass is $125; adult 10-punch card is $56; adult 20-punch card is $110. A student all-year pass is $90; student 10-punch card is $40; student 20-punch card is $80. Passes may be purchased starting in August by
Does Your Child Have Health Insurance?
If not, help may be available: Minnesota Health Care Programs can give you and your family coverage for most medical services or provide help paying your Medicare premiums, deductibles and copays. How much help you can get depends on the program you qualify for.
How a family can apply:
• Go online at www.mnsure.org
• Fill out the paper Application for Health Coverage and Help Paying Costs (DHS-6696). Go to https://edocs.dhs.state.mn.us/lfserver/Public/ DHS-6696-ENG
• Call Otter Tail County Dept. of Human Services, (218) 998-8230
The Fergus Falls School District does not provide student insurance. If you feel you do not have adequate insurance for your student, the district makes available a student accident insurance policy through Student Assurance of Stillwater. Insurance forms are available online on the school’s website at https://www.fergusotters.org/quick-links/studentaccident-insurance
Curriculum Review Committee
Curriculum Review Committee Applications:
The district is accepting applications for two-year terms on the District Curriculum Review Advisory Committee beginning October 2024. The committee meets six evenings during the school year to review the work of teacher curriculum committees and provide feedback. Parents/guardians of students attending the Fergus Falls Public Schools, as well as interested community members may apply. Applications are available at https://fergusotters.org/resources/curriculum
going to www.gofan.co or clicking on the GoFan link on the activities calendar. Senior citizens age 65 and older and live within the Fergus Falls School District are eligible to receive a Golden Age Card. These cards provide free admission to all regularly-scheduled home co-curricular events. These cards are available by contacting the Activities Office at (218) 998-0544, ext. 9800 or in person at the District or Activities Office. Regular admission prices are $8 (including fees) for adults and $6 (including fees) for students in kindergarten through college.
Participation fees
The user fees per activity for participating in grades 7 and 8 sports is $100 and $40 for fine arts activities during the 2024-25 school year. The user fee for high school students is $210 for sports and $70 for fine arts per activity. The family maximum is $840 per year. This is a nonrefundable fee. Students whose families have received notice that they qualify for reduced or free meals will pay 30 percent of the regular fees.
Fergus Falls 544 Education Foundation
Who to contact
For information on participating in Middle School Activities please contact Shane Thielke at (218) 998-0544, ext. 9610; for High School Activities please contact Amber Hovland or Derek Abrahams at (218) 998-0544, ext. 9800.
Physical exams required for grades 7-12 athletics
Any student who intends to participate in middle school (grades 7 & 8) or high school (grades 9-12) interscholastic athletic activities must have on file in the student activities office a record of a physical examination performed by a medical doctor, an osteopathic physician or surgeon or a chiropractor within the previous three years. Proper forms are available at local clinics. It is recommended that these physicals be completed prior to the start of the school year for all incoming 7th graders and prior to the start of each sport season for anyone who’s physical has expired. Students will NOT be allowed to participate until they have a current physical on file in the Activities Office.
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Foundation awarded over $38,000 to projects and programs in the Fergus Falls School District. Some of the grants that received funding are as follows: supplies and materials for the Special Education Cooperative’s sensory library, materials so 6th grade students could make Ojibwe shoulder bags, a spindle sander for the Career and Technical Education Department, training for the Area Learning Center’s therapy dog, drum harnesses for Pep Band and Marching Band, four electric cooking ranges for the FCS Classroom, three interactive panels for the Otter Preschool and many more! Please go to www.544foundation. org for the complete listing of grants.
The Foundation is supported through generous donations from alumni, friends, staff, parents, businesses, memorials and service clubs.
The Foundation also acts as an alumni association. Reunion information, pictures and other class notes are posted on the Foundation’s website at: www.544foundation.org
If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation to help support projects and programs in the Fergus Falls School District, please send your donation to: 544 Education Foundation, 518 Friberg Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537. Questions or comments can be directed to Mindy Fuder at (218) 998-0544, ext. 9206 or 544foundation@fergusotters.org. Thank you for your continued support!
The Foundation office is located in the old Media Center at Roosevelt Education Center, along with Community Education and iQ Academy.
Right to request teacher qualifications
Our school district receives federal funds to support our Title programs that are part of the No Child Left Behind Act.
We would like you to know that you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s). Upon your request we will provide the following information:
• If the teacher has met state licensing requirements for the subjects and grade level he/she teaches
• If the state licensing requirements have been waived for the teacher under emergency status
• The type of college degree the teacher holds
• If your child is receiving Title 1 services, the qualifications of the paraprofessional
Please contact Elaine Jahnke at (218) 998-0544 ext. 9010 if you would like to request any of the information.
Payment Options
Notice regarding payments made by check
Check payments may be processed as an electronic fund transfer. The original check will not be returned. Funds may be debited from your account on the same day the check is received.
Online payment option available
• RevTrak allows parents to deposit funds into student meal accounts, Community Education classes, early childhood classes, and more. RevTrak is accessed at https:// fergusfalls.revtrak.net/. No fees are charged when using RevTrak.
• Authorize.net allows parents to pay for activity fees. Parents will see Authorize.net when registering students into activities. Authorize.net charges 2.98% plus 35 cents per transaction. Parents may use cash, check or Authorize.net to pay for activity fees.
Report Absences
Parents and guardians are responsible for contacting their child’s school office when their child is going to be absent. Please call between 8 and 8:45am. Parents of students at Kennedy Secondary School may use the automated student attendance notification system by calling (218) 998-0544, follow the prompts.
Compulsory Attendance Law
Minnesota has a compulsory attendance law for children between the ages of 7 and 17 unless the child has graduated. Per state statutes, excused absences from school are limited to illness and family emergencies. The law states children are to be in school every day for every class period. (MN Statute 260C.007, subd 19)
Report Address Changes
Please be sure your child’s school has your current address.
Students Need to Bring Towels
For budget reasons, the Fergus Falls School District does not provide towels and towel laundering for students. Students in middle school and high school physical education classes and students on athletic teams are responsible for supplying and laundering their own towels.
Only Service Dogs Allowed on School Property Parents are reminded that, for safety reasons, dogs are not allowed on school district playgrounds or property at any time during the school day. This applies even to dogs that are leashed and under the control of an adult. The only exception is for service dogs.
Parents Can Seek Accommodations for Disabilities
If a parent or family member has a disability and needs accommodations to participate or to attend school functions, please contact the school district two to three business days prior to the scheduled function. Requests for accommodations school be made through building principals.
Early Childhood Screenings Provided to Children After Age 3
The Fergus Falls School District contracts with the Lakes Country Service Cooperative to provide health and developmental screening for preschool children. All students in the public school system are required to have an Early Childhood Screening before they enter kindergarten unless the parent makes a conscientious objection to the screening. The components of the screening are: developmental testing, height and weight, vision and hearing screening, immunization review, appropriate referrals for identified needs, review of health history and physical examination. If your child has not been previously screened and is between the ages of 3 and 5, please contact Jayna Johnson at (218) 998-0544 ext. 8900 to schedule an appointment. The screenings will be done at the Lincoln School.
School Closings, Late Starts and Early Dismissals
Student safety is a top priority of the school district. The school district is also aware of the demands placed on families when changing school times due to a storm emergency. It is important that families create a storm home arrangement and communicate this arrangement to the school. Families desiring to hold their student home during times of severe cold or stormy weather may do so with the student’s absence considered the same as an illness. Families desiring to pick up their student early from school should contact the school secretary.
Fergus Falls Public Schools uses School Messenger to deliver important information, including weather closures and delays, to families via phone, texts, and emails.
More information on School Messenger is located on the school’s website, www.fergusotters.org/alerts
2024-25 Meal Rates
Student Regular Breakfast K-12: FREE Adult Breakfast: $2.65
Student Regular Lunch K-12: FREE Adult Lunch: $5.00
A la carte entrée: $3.00 Milk Only: 45¢
If a student wishes to purchase a second meal, it will be charged at the adult meal rate. If students bring their own lunch from home and would like to have milk, they may purchase it for 45¢.
Suicide Prevention Information
Students are able to contact 988 Suicide & Crisis LifeLine in the following ways if they or someone they know needs support:
Peanut and Tree Nut Free Policy
Due to students with food allergies related to life-threatening peanut and tree nut allergies, the Fergus Falls Public Schools’ food service and family and consumer science (FACS) classes, will be peanut and tree nut free. Examples of nuts and products containing nuts are, but not limited to, peanuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts. Our food service’s goal is to maintain a safe, allergen-free environment and will make every effort to be peanut and tree nut free, however, some food items may be produced in a facility where peanuts and tree nuts are used.
The Fergus Falls Public Schools allows peanuts and tree nuts or products containing peanuts or tree nuts to be brought to school by students for consumption during meals. Students with peanuts and tree nuts or products containing peanuts or tree nuts are not allowed to sit at designated peanut and tree nut free lunch tables. Students are not allowed to bring peanuts and tree nuts or products into classrooms that have students with peanut or tree nut allergies.
Weather-Related Announcements Will Be Broadcast on the Radio and Television Stations Listed Here:
Fergus Falls radio:
• KJJK-AM (1020)
• KJJK-FM (96.5)
• KBRF-AM (1250)
• KZCR-FM (Z-103.3)
• KPRW-FM (99.5)
Fargo radio:
• KFGO-AM (790) • KVOX-AM (1280)
• KBAF-FM (B-93)
• KRVI-FM (The River 95.1)
• KKBX-FM (The Box 101.9)
• WDAY-FM (Y-94)
Area Television: Fargo
Weather announcements are also located on the school’s phone system, (218) 988-0544, and website, www.fergusotters.org/alerts
Fergus Falls Area
FFAAE is for adults 17 and older who would like to improve reading, writing, math skills, work on a GED, prepare for college or improve English. We are here to help you transform your life.
Adult Education
For more information, contact Sara Sundberg, Site Manager at (218) 443-1717 or ssundberg@moorheadschools.org. Their office is located on the campus of M-State, 1414 College Way, Fergus Falls.
Special Education Services
The Fergus Falls Public School District is dedicated to providing a free, appropriate, and comprehensive education for all students with disabilities, ages 0 up to 22. If you are aware of any child that may be in need of special education services, please contact a school building principal and/or the director of special education to consider possible evaluation to determine their needs for special education (building extensions listed on page 2). For more specific information, contact the Fergus Falls School District Director of Special Education, Nancy Reard, 2300 College Way, Fergus Falls, (218) 998-0544, ext. 8911. Visit our website at sped.fergusotters.org
School Age Child Care
The YMCA of the Northern Sky – Fergus Falls Branch School Age Child Care (SACC) program is a quality enrichment based after school child care program for youth in grades K-6. Enthusiastic and well-trained staff provides participants an opportunity to express themselves in activities including games and sports, fitness, character development,
homework help, special projects and much more! Healthy snacks are included. Transportation is provided from the school to the YMCA of the Northern Sky – Fergus Falls Branch SACC Program by Ottertail Coaches. For registration information contact Nicole with the YMCA of the Northern Sky – Fergus Falls Branch at (218) 739-4489, ext. 213.
Note from Superintendent Drake (continued)
partnership meet the needs of all children by creating an environment that allows them to flourish. “When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more.” – Anne Henderson & Karen Mapp
We are honored and grateful that you have entrusted us with the care and education of your child(ren).
Warmest Regards,
Jeffrey D. Drake, Superintendent Fergus Falls Public Schools
As a reminder, If your children will not be riding the school bus, please call Ottertail Coaches at (218) 739-3393 as soon as possible. They need to plan their routes. When a student is not going to be on the route it can change the pickup and drop off times for the rest of the children significantly. Their process will be much smoother if they know who will not be riding early on. Last year we relocated the student bus transfer from Kennedy Secondary School to the elementary schools. We plan to continue the bus transfer at
the elementary buildings again this year. Free/Reduced Meal Applications: A bill was passed during the spring 2023 legislative session granting all students one free breakfast and one free lunch per day beginning with the 2023-24 school year. Even with this change, it is very important to complete the Application for Educational Benefits. How will this benefit you?
Qualifying families receive reduced rates for cocurricular activity fees and chromebook insurance. In addition, the Application for Educational Benefits program also provides additional financial help to our schools.
The Fergus Falls Public Schools receives extra revenue based on the percentage of our students who qualify for free/reduced meals and that funding is directly tied to programs that help our students. Both our families and the school district benefit when you complete the application. There are two methods you can use to apply:
• Apply ONLINE (this is the easiest and preferred method) at www.lunchapplication.com, OR
• Complete the Application for Educational Benefits (refer to page 9) and return it to our district office located at Kennedy Secondary School. If you feel your family may qualify, please take a couple of minutes to complete the application. The program continues to benefit you and the additional funding is extremely important in enabling us to meet the needs of our students.
2024 Fall Class Registration – Begins
Community Education Brochures will be mailed early September. Registration is taken on a first come, first served basis. Classes begin the week of September 16th
Must Pre-Register Starts: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Tuesday, September 3
unless otherwise stated in the course description.
Roosevelt Education Center 340 Friberg Ave., Fergus Falls Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm
Grades 4th, 5th & 6th
Pre-Register by: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Starts: Monday, September 9, 2024
Phone (218) 998-0544, ext. 9200 Web: ce.fergusotters.org
Community Education Staff: Mary Matteson, Director Amy Ceroll, Secretary
Boys & Girls Grades 4th, 5th & 6th
Pre-Register by: Friday, September 13, 2024
Starts: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Is your business looking for a chance to support children and get involved with education? The Adopt-a-Class program is once again seeking businesses and organizations that are interested in
adopting classrooms in grades K-6 in the Fergus Falls Public Schools. Through the program, students have an opportunity to learn about their community, and businesses have a
chance to become involved in the schools. Businesses may choose a specific classroom to adopt, if desired. Together, teachers and their business partners decide which activities they will do during the school year.
For more information contact the Fergus Falls Community Education Center at (218) 998-0544 ext. 9200.
E.C.F.E., Otter Preschool, ECFE/United Way Child Care Visitor Program
For all families with children ages 0-5 • Located at Lincoln School, 2300 College Way
ECFE – Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offers classes for all parents and their children ages newborn to not yet in Kindergarten. ECFE is based on the belief that parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. Fergus Falls ECFE classes are taught by Minnesota licensed early childhood teachers and parent educators to provide quality education. The program engages parents and their children in educational activities and experiences that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills. Most classes offer a time for the parents and children to interact together followed by a parent discussion group where parents have a chance to share the joys and concerns of raising young children, others families stay together the whole time learning and exploring together in the classroom. ECFE classes provide parents with the opportunity to learn more about parent-child relationships, developmental milestones and issues that can arise from being a parent.
ECFE United Way Child Care Home Visitor Program - The Childcare Visitor Program is a partnership program of the United Way of Otter Tail County and the
Fergus Falls ECFE/School Readiness Programs (funded by a grant from the United Way of Otter Tail County). The Child Care Visitor Program is available to all licensed child care providers and the children in their care. It provides visits to the child care providers’ homes, offering a typical early childhood class that would include: stories, age appropriate play, developmental toys, learning experiences, and music and movement for young children. Information on child development and community resources are provided for parents and child care providers.
Otter Preschool: School Readiness Otter Preschool is a public school program for children ages 3 to 5. Our goal is to have a program which offers developmentally appropriate play and learning experiences that set the foundation for success in school. Otter
Preschool is for everyone! We are a 4 Star Parent Aware rated program, eligible to use Early Learning Scholarships.
“Otter Preschool offers two or four half or full days per week, Monday through Thursday.” No one is turned away for inability to pay. Reduced fees are available to families as they qualify.
• Highly Qualified staffEarly Childhood teachers are licensed by the MN Board of Teaching.
E.C.F.E. & Otter
Preschool Open House
Thursday, August 29 • 5:30-7pm
Come tour the building and meet the teachers. Otter Preschool - Enrollment is ongoing. Classes will begin Monday, September 9.
ECFE - Brochures will be mailed in late August. Registration will begin ONLINE Wednesday, September 4 at 7am. ECFE classes will begin the week of September 16.
For more information please call Early Childhood at (218) 998-0544 ext. 8900 or stop by 2300 College Way Fergus Falls, visit our website at ecfe.fergusotters.org or like us on Facebook @ isd544earlychildhood
• Offers developmentally appropriate play and learning experiences that set the foundation for success in school.
• Provides an environment for children to develop their social skills through early friendships and play.
• Encourages children to explore and participate in hands-on learning that encourages creativity and problem solving.
• Provides a relaxed and safe environment where children participate in music and movement, creative arts,
science and discovery, language and literacy, and mathematical experiences through the use of developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessment built on the state early learning guidelines.
• Provides large motor space for physical growth and development. Our Mission is to strengthen families and support parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children.
All school policies are available for review at the district office and on the district website fergusotters.org
Student Survey (Policy 520)
The school district must inform parents at the beginning of the school year if the district or school has identified specific or approximate dates for administering surveys and give parents reasonable notice of planned surveys scheduled after the start of the school year. The school district must give parents direct, timely notice when their students are scheduled to participate in a student survey by United States mail, e-mail, or another direct form of communication. The school district must give parents the opportunity to review the survey and to opt their students out of participating in the survey.
The Minnesota Student Survey will be administered between January and June 2025 for grades 5, 8, 9 and 11. Parents will receive an opt out notice for their child closer to the date the survey will be administered.
Student, gender, parental, family, and/or military status nondiscrimination (Policy 522)
Students are protected from discrimination on the basis of sex and marital status pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments and the Minnesota Human Rights Act. A complete policy is available in each school building and on the district website. The Fergus Falls School District provides equal educational opportunity for all students and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, parental, family and/or marital status.
Release of student information (Policy 515)
Independent School District No. 544 gives notice to parents of students and eligible students currently in attendance in the district of their rights regarding pupil records.
(1) Parents and eligible students are hereby informed that they have the following rights:
• The right to inspect and review the student’s education records;
• The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights;
• The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that such consent is not required for disclosure pursuant to this policy, state or federal law, or the regulations promulgated thereunder;
• The right to refuse release of names, addresses, and home telephone numbers of students in grades 11 and 12 to military recruiting officers and postsecondary educational institutions;
• The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school district to comply with the federal law and the regulations promulgated thereunder;
• The right to be informed about rights under the federal law; and
• The right to obtain a copy of this policy on the district website or superintendent’s office.
(2) Copies of the school board policy and accompanying procedures and regulations are
School Policies/Notifications
available to parents and students upon written request to the superintendent.
(3) “Directory information” includes the following information relating to a student: the student’s name, grade level, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, and other similar information. “Directory information” also includes the name of the student’s parent(s). “Directory information” does not include identifying information on a student’s religion, race, color, social position or nationality. a. The information listed above shall be public information which the school district may disclose from the education records of a student, or information regarding a parent.
b. Should the parent of a student or the student so desire, any or all of the listed information will not be disclosed without the parent’s or eligible student’s prior written consent except to school officials as provided under Federal Law.
c. In order to make any or all of the directory information listed above “private” (i.e., subject to consent prior to disclosure), the parent or eligible student must make a written request to the building principal within thirty (30) days after the date of the last publication of this notice. A copy of a written request form is available in the office of the building principal.
(4) Pursuant to applicable law, Independent School District No. 544 hereby gives notice to parents of secondary students and eligible secondary students of their rights regarding release of information to military recruiting officers. The school district must release the names, addresses and home telephone numbers of secondary students to military recruiting officers within 60 days after the date of the request. Data released to military recruiting officers under this provision may be used only for the purpose of providing information to students about military service, state and federal veterans’ education benefits, and other career and educational opportunities provided by the military and cannot be further disseminated to any other person except personnel of the recruiting services of the armed forces.
Should the parent of a student or the eligible student so desire, any or all of the listed information will not be disclosed to military recruiting officers without prior consent.
In order to refuse the release of this information without prior consent, the parent or eligible student must make a written request to the building principal by September 15 each year.
Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against disabled (Policy 521)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in any program receiving federal financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who:
(1) has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (caring for one’s self, performing major tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, or working);
(2) has a record of such impairment; or
(3) is regarded as having such impairment. It is the
responsibility of the district to identify and evaluate learners who, within the intent of Section 504, need special services or programs in order to receive the required free and appropriate education.
If a parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school district regarding 504 qualifications, he or she has the right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer.
If there are questions, please feel free to contact your child’s principal.
Bullying Prohibition
(Policy 514)
An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is expressly prohibited on school premises, on school district property, at school functions or activities, or on school transportation. This policy applies not only to students who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to students who, by their indirect behavior, condone or support another student’s act of bullying. Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, religion, sexual harassment, and sexual orientation and gender identify as defined in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 363A is prohibited. “Malicious and sadistic conduct” means creating a hostile learning environment by acting with the intent to cause harm by intentionally injuring another without cause or reason or engaging in extreme or excessive cruelty or delight in cruelty. This prohibition applies to students, independent contractors, teachers, administrators, and other school personnel. Please refer to Policy 514 to read the full description.
Annual Notifications
Indoor Air Quality
The Fergus Falls School District has a written indoor air quality (IAQ) management plan that describes our on-going effort to monitor and improve the air quality in our buildings. Doug Anderson is our IAQ coordinator, responsible for seeing that the management plan is implemented to prevent as many IAQ problems as possible and to quickly respond to any that may arise. The plan is available to the public during normal school hours. If you have any questions or concerns regarding indoor air quality, please contact Doug Anderson at (218) 998-0544.
In accordance with federal regulations, the Fergus Falls School District has management plans documenting the location and condition of all known or assumed asbestos containing materials (ACM) in the buildings. Every six months, a visual inspection of the ACM is conducted. Every three years a reinspection of the ACM is completed where all ACM is inspected, measured, and location verified. The management plan is available for public inspection at the District Office during normal business hours. Doug Anderson is the designated person responsible for maintaining the asbestos management plans for the district and can be reached at (218) 998-0544.
Pesticide Use
A Minnesota state law went into effect in year 2000 that requires schools to inform parents and guardians if they apply certain pesticides on school
School Policies/Notifications (continued)
property. Specifically, this law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available to parents and guardians for review or copying. State law also requires that you be told that the long-term health effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood.
An estimated schedule of pesticides is available at the Administration Office. Parents of students may request to receive, at their expense, prior notification of pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications).
Contact Doug Anderson at (218) 998-0544 with any questions.
Lead in Water
Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving kindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in water every 5 years. This statute also requires school districts to make the results of the testing available to the public for review. Fergus Falls School District has a Lead-in-Water Management Plan and testing program that complies with the state law, as well as recommendations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Contact Doug Anderson at (218) 998-0544 with any questions.
Criminal history background checks (Policy 404)
The school district has adopted a policy to seek criminal history background checks for all applicants who receive an offer of employment with the school district. The school district shall also seek criminal history background checks for all individuals who are offered the opportunity to provide co-curricular coaching services to the school district, regardless of whether compensation is paid. The school district may elect to seek criminal history background checks for other volunteers, independent contractors and student employees.
Religious Expression (Policy 609)
The purpose of this policy is to identify the role of religious expression as it pertains to the programs of the school district.
General Statement of Policy
A. The school district shall neither promote nor disparage any religious belief or non-belief. Instead, the school district encourages all students and employees to have appreciation for and tolerance of each other’s views.
B. The school district also recognizes that religion has had and is having a significant role in the social, cultural, political, and historical development of civilization.
C. The school district recognizes that one of its educational objectives is to increase its students’ knowledge and appreciation of music, art, drama, and literature which may have had a religious basis or origin as well as a secular importance.
D. The school district supports the inclusion of religious music, art, drama, and literature in the curriculum and in school activities provided it is intrinsic to the learning experience and is
presented in an objective manner without sectarian indoctrination.
E. The historical and contemporary values and the origin of various religions, holidays, customs and beliefs may be explained in an unbiased and nonsectarian manner.
A. The superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that the study of religious materials, customs, beliefs and holidays in the school district is in keeping with the following guidelines:
1. The proposed activity must have a secular purpose.
2. The primary objective of the activity must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion.
3. The activity does not foster excessive governmental relationships with religion.
4. Notwithstanding the foregoing guidelines, reasonable efforts must be made to accommodate any student for a religious observance. The school district must provide annual notice to parents of this policy.
B. The superintendent is granted authority to develop and present for school board review and approval directives and guidelines for the purpose of providing further guidance relative to the teaching of materials related to religion. Approved directives and guidelines shall be attached as an addendum to this policy.
School Meals Policy (Policy 534)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that students receive healthy and nutritious meals through the school district’s nutrition program and that school district employees, families, and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy of the school district is to provide meals to students in a respectful manner and to maintain the dignity of students by prohibiting lunch shaming or otherwise ostracizing the student. The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day and minimize identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for a la carte items or second meals as well as to maintain the financial integrity of the school nutrition program.
A. Students have use of a meal account. When the balance reaches zero, a student may charge no more than $10.00 to this account. When an account reaches this limit, a student shall not be allowed to charge second meals or a la carte items until the negative account balance is paid.
If the school district participates in the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch program and has an Identified Student Percentage below the federal percentage determined for all meals to be reimbursed at the free rate via the Community Eligibility Provision must participate in the free school meals program.
B. A school that participates in the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch program and has an Identified Student Percentage below the federal percentage determined for all meals to be reimbursed at the free rate via the Community Eligibility Provision must participate in the free school meals program.
C. Each school that participates in the free school
meals program must:
(1) participate in the United States Department of Agriculture School Breakfast program and the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program; and
(2) provide to all students at no cost up to two federally reimbursable meals per school day, with a maximum of one free breakfast and one free lunch.
D. Once a meal has been placed on a student’s tray or otherwise served to a student, the meal may not be subsequently withdrawn from the student by the cashier or other school official, whether or not the student has an outstanding meals balance.
E. If a parent or guardian chooses to send in one payment that is to be divided between sibling accounts, the parent or guardian must specify how the funds are to be distributed to the students’ accounts. Funds may not be transferred between sibling accounts unless written permission is received from the parent or guardian.
F. When an employee’s meal account has insufficient funds to pay for a meal, the school district will garnish 10 days at the cost of the adult priced meal from the employee’s paycheck to be deposited into the employee’s meal account. The employee will be informed of this deduction via school email and on their paycheck stub.
G. The school district may not deny any student the opportunity to participate in graduation ceremonies or other commencement activities due to unpaid meal charges.
A. The school district will inform the parent/ guardian using the appropriate form of communication, which includes telephone, text messaging, email, postal mail, notes sent home with students, and/or any method that is consistent and does not cause embarrassment or stigma to the student or employee. Meal account attendants may also discreetly inform students verbally.
B. Meal account balances are posted daily on the school district’s student management system.
C. When a meal account has $10.00 or less, the parent/guardian/employee may receive notification from the school district of the need for additional funds.
D. The school principal, assistant principal, school counselor, school nurse, or other school personnel may contact a parent/guardian to discuss payment expectations and/or to provide assistance in applying for meal benefits.
E. Reminders for payment of outstanding student meal balances will not demean or stigmatize any student participating in the school lunch program, including, but not limited to, dumping meals, withdrawing a meal that has been served, announcing or listing students’ names publicly, providing alternative meals not specifically related to dietary needs, providing non-reimbursable meals, or affixing stickers, stamps or pins.
Nondiscrimination in Vocational Education Programs
All vocational opportunities will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
MN Free School Meal Program and Application for Educational Benefits
Our school provides healthy meals each day. All students can get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school. Below are some frequently asked questions regarding the free meal program:
Is the After School Snack Program included in the MN Free School Meal Program? No. The After School Snack Program is not part of the MN Free School Meals Program.
Can students get second meals for free?
This legislation provides a maximum of one free breakfast and one free lunch per day to students at participating schools. A second breakfast and/ or a second lunch is considered an a la carte item and must be purchased at the adult meal rate as established by the Minnesota Department of Education.
Can my student buy a la carte items? Yes, students can purchase a la carte items if they have money in their accounts.
Can my student bring his/her own lunch and get a free milk? No, if students bring their own lunch but want milk, the milk must be purchased at the a la carte milk price. (This is because schools are not reimbursed for milk if the student doesn’t take all of the meal components that are required in order for it to be reimbursed by the State.)
Do I still need to fill out an Application for
Educational Benefits? Yes, federal regulations require schools to distribute applications and to encourage as many families as possible to fill them out.
Why is it important to fill out the Application for Educational Benefits? At public schools, your application helps determine our school’s eligibility and/or funding allocations for the following:
• Federal meal reimbursement rates
• Summer food service programs
• E-rate funding, which is a federal program that provides our school with large discounts on products and services focused on internet access for schools
• Early learning scholarships (used to offset fees for our preschool students)
• School Readiness Aid from the state
• Various other state and federal grants and programs
Fergus Falls Public Schools receives extra revenue based on the percentage of our students who qualify for free/reduced meals, and that funding is directly tied to programs that help our students.
Also, students and families may qualify for program fee reductions for co-curricular activity fees and reduced rates for Chromebook insurance based on their eligibility.
There are two methods you can use to apply for educational benefits (program fee reductions):
• The preferred method is to apply online at
bit.ly/544MealApp. Click on the drop-down arrow for School Services, then click on Free & Reduced Meal Application, search for Fergus Falls, and then fill out the application online. This is the easiest and preferred method; however, paper applications can be submitted to:
Fergus Falls Public Schools
Attn: Amanda Opsahl
601 Randolph Ave, Fergus Falls, MN 56537
Who should complete this application? Children in households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), and foster, homeless, migrant and runaway children qualify without reporting household income. Alternatively, children can qualify if their household income is within the maximum income shown for their household size on the instructions.
I get WIC or Medical Assistance. Can my children qualify? Children in households participating in WIC or Medical Assistance do not automatically qualify. Children may be eligible depending on other household financial information. Please fill out an application.
Who should I include as household members? Include yourself and all other people living in the household, related or not (such as grandparents, other relatives or friends).
2024-25 Application for Educational Benefits
May I apply if someone in my household is not a U.S. citizen? Yes. You or your children do not have to be U.S. citizens for you to complete an application.
What if my income is not always the same? List the amount that you normally get. If you normally get overtime, include it, but not if you get overtime only sometimes. For seasonal work, write in the total annual income.
Will the income information or case number I give be checked? It may be. We may also ask you to send written proof.
How will the information be kept? Information you provide on the form, and your child’s approval, will be protected as private data. For more information, see the back page of the Application for Educational Benefits.
If I don’t qualify now, may I apply later? Yes. Please complete an application at any time if your income goes down, your household size goes up, or you start getting SNAP, MFIP or FDPIR benefits. If you have other questions or need help, the best way to reach us is by sending an email to studentbenefits@fergusotters.org. You can also call (218) 998-0544 ext. 9003 for Amanda or ext. 9009 for Renae.
Renae Macheledt
Finance Director
Complete one application per household for all children Please use pen (not a pencil). Mail or return completed form to: Fergus Falls Public Schools
STEP 1: List ALL Household Members who are infants, children, and students up to and including grade 12 (if more spaces are required for additional names, attach another sheet of paper).
Definition: A Household Member is “Anyone living with you and shares income and expenses, even if not related.” Read How to Complete the Application for Educational Benefits for more information. Adults over grade 12 living in the same household should be reported in Step 3. If your children attend different districts or charter/nonpublic schools, return an application at each one
STEP 2: Do Any Household Members (including you) currently participate in one or more of the following assistance programs: SNAP, MFI P or FDPIR? Medical assistance does not qualify. If NO > Go to STEP 3. If YES >Enter SNAP, MFIP or FDPIR Case Number (between 4-9 digits, do not report EBT card number) then go to STEP 4 (Do not complete STEP 3) STEP 3: Report Income for ALL Household Members (Skip this step if you answered ‘Yes’ to STEP 2)
A. Last Four Digits of Social Security Number (SSN) of Adult Household Member: XXX-XX-☐☐☐☐Or Check if Adult has No SSN:☐ Total Number of All Household Members (Children +
B. Child Income.
Sometimes children in the household earn or receive income, such as from a part time job or SSI. Please include the TOTAL income received by all children listed in STEP 1. Do not include income received by adults in the box to the right
C. All Adult Household Members (including yourself) For each Household Member listed, if they do receive income, report total gross income only. If they do not receive income from any source, write ‘0’ or leave any fields blank. You are certifying (promising) that there is no income to report. Not sure what income to include here? Flip the page and review “Sources of Income” for information. “Sources of Income” will help you with the Child Income section and All Adult Household Members section.
Names of All Adult Household Members (First and Last) N a
List all Household members not listed in STEP 1 (including yourself) even if they do not receive income. Include children who are temporarily away at school or in college.
STEP 4: Contact information and adult signature “I certify (promise) that all information on this
Federal funds, and that school officials may verify (check) the information. I am aware that if I purposely give false information, my children may lose meal benefits, and I may be prosecuted under applicable State and Federal laws.” ☐ I have checked this box if I do not want my information shared with Minnesota Health Care Program as allowed by state law.
income before deductions or taxes in whole dollars (no cents).
or SelfEmployment. Do not duplicate elsewhere.
on Page
How to Complete the Application for Educational Benefits
Complete the Application for Educational Benefits form for school year 2024-25 if any of the following applies to your household:
• Any household member currently participates in the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) or
• The household includes one or more foster children (a welfare agency or court has legal responsibility for the child) or
• The total income of household members is within the guidelines shown below (gross earnings before deductions, not take-home pay). Do not include as income: foster care payments, federal education benefits, MFIP payments, or value of assistance received from SNAP, WIC or FDPIR. Military: Do not include combat pay or assistance from the Military Privatized Housing Initiative. The income guidelines are effective from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
Step 1:
List all infants and children in the household, their school and grade if applicable, and birthdate. Attach an additional page if needed to list all children. Check the box if a child is in foster care (a welfare agency or court has legal responsibility for the child).
Step 2: Case Number
If any household member currently participates in SNAP, MFIP or FDPIR, write in the case number and then go to Step 4. If you do not participate in any of these programs, leave Step 2 blank and continue on to Step 3.
Step 3: Adult and Child Incomes / Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number
• Social Security Number/Total Household Members. An adult household member must provide the last four digits of their Social Security number or check the box if they do not have a Social Security number. Report the total number of household members and ensure all household members are listed individually on the application in the child or adult section as applicable.
• Child Income. If any children in the household have regular income, such as SSI or part-time jobs, list the total amount of regular incomes received by all children, and check the box for the frequency: weekly, bi-weekly, twice a month, or monthly. Do not include occasional earnings like babysitting or lawn mowing.
• Adult income. Report the names of adult household members and income earned in this section.
o List all adults living in the household not listed in Step 1, whether related or not, such as grandparents, relatives, or friends.
o Gross Earnings from Work. oThis is usually the money received from working at jobs where a paycheck is received. For each income, check the box to show how often the income is received: weekly, bi-weekly, twice per month or monthly.
o List gross incomes before deductions, not take-home pay. Do not list an hourly wage rate. For adults with no income to report, enter a ‘0’ or leave the section blank. For seasonal work, write in the total annual income.
o Are you Self-Employed or a Farmer? List the net income per month or year after business expenses. Do not list the same income twice on the application. A loss from farm or self-employment must be listed as 0 income and does not reduce other income.
o Any Other Gross Income. List gross incomes before deductions from all other sources, such as SSI, unemployment, child support, public assistance, social security, rental income or annuities.
Step 4: Signature and Contact Information An adult household member must sign the form. If you do not want your information to be shared with Minnesota Health Care Programs, check the “Don’t share” box in Step 4.
Optional: Please provide the information on ethnicity and race that is requested on the second page of the form. This information is not required and does not affect approval for school meal benefits. The information helps to ensure we are meeting civil rights requirements and fully serving our community.
• Social
from work
a. Disability Payments
b. Survivor’s Benefits
• Income from person outside the household
• Income from any other source
• A child has a regular full or part-time job where they earn a salary or wages
• A child is blind or disabled and receives Social Security
• A Parent is disabled, retired, or deceased, and their child receives Social Security benefits
• A friend or extended family member regularly gives a child spending money
• A child receives regular income from a private pension fund, annuity, or trust
• Salary, wages, cash bonuses (before deductions or taxes)
• Net income from self-employment (farm or business)
• If you are in the U.S. Military:
a. Basic pay and cash bonuses (do NOT include combat pay, FSSA or privatized housing allowances)
b. Allowances for off-base housing, food and clothing
• Cash Assistance from State or local government
• Supplemental Security Income
• Unemployment benefits
• Worker’s compensation
• Alimony payments
• Child support payments
• Veteran’s benefits
• Strike benefits
OPTIONAL: Children’s Racial and Ethnic Identities
We are required to ask for information about your children’s race and ethnicity. This information is important and helps to make sure we are fully serving our community. Responding to this section is optional and does not affect your children’s eligibility for free or reduced price meals. Respond to both Step One, Ethnicity and Step Two, Race Ethnicity (check one):
r Hispanic or Latino r Not Hispanic or Latino Race (check one or more):
r American Indian or Alaskan Native
r Asian r Black or African American r Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander r White
The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requires the information on this application. You do not have to give the information, but if you do not, we cannot approve your child for free or reduced price meals. You must include the last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application. The last four digits of the social security number is not required when you apply on behalf of a foster child or you list a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) case number or other FDPIR identifier for your child or when you indicate that the adult household member signing the application does not have a social security number. We will use your information to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals, and for administration and enforcement of the lunch and breakfast programs. We MAY share your eligibility information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help them evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs, auditors for program reviews, and law enforcement officials to help them look into violations of program rules.
At public school districts, each student’s school meal status also is recorded on a statewide computer system used to report student data to
MDE as required by state law. MDE uses this information to: (1) Administer state and federal programs, (2) Calculate compensatory revenue for public schools, and (3) Judge the quality of the state’s educational program.
Nondiscrimination statement: In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 8778339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at www.usda.gov/ sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or (2) Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or (3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
The Fergus Falls 544 Education Foundation has established a Classroom Wish List for classrooms in the Fergus Falls School District, which is intended to help offset the effects of rising costs in our schools. These items would enhance student learning and the classroom environment.
On this list are the teachers and their specific wishes for their classrooms. You can help make this project a success by choosing any item(s) on the list and making a donation toward its purchase. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated, including partial payment toward any item. All who donate will be acknowledged online and will receive a tax-deductible receipt from the Fergus Falls 544 Education Foundation.
Your participation will help our schools maintain the quality education our students deserve!
Please call Mindy Fuder, 544 Education Foundation Executive Director, at 218.998.0544, ext. 9206 with questions. The deadline for receiving donations is September 30, 2024.
Please print out the donation form that follows the Classroom Wish List and send that in along with your donation.
*To see if the request you are interested in is still available, please visit the Foundation’s website at www.544foundation.org
Addie Shol Craft Supplies
Addie Shol Craft Supplies
Lydia Rutten 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (Giantex Brand)
Addie Shol Craft Supplies
Lydia Rutten 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (Giantex Brand)
Ean Goos 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (ECR4Kids Brand)
Frisbee Game $265.50
Lydia Rutten 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (Giantex Brand)
Ean Goos 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (ECR4Kids Brand)
Emily Schake Student Storage Cubbies
Becky Greenagel Owl Pellet Kit
Emily Schake Student Storage Cubbies
Becky Greenagel Owl Pellet Kit
Ean Goos 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (ECR4Kids Brand)
Sarah Kinrade Organization Containers
Addie Shol Craft Supplies
Emily Schake Student Storage Cubbies
Sarah Kinrade Organization Containers
Becky Greenagel Owl Pellet Kit
Ike Carlson Student Incentives
Sarah Kinrade Organization Containers
Niki Welde Student Incentives
Lydia Rutten 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (Giantex Brand)
Ike Carlson Student Incentives
Megan Jones Student Incentives
Niki Welde Student Incentives
Ean Goos 3 Wobble Stools for Classroom Seating (ECR4Kids Brand)
Angela Larson Student Incentives
Ike Carlson Student Incentives
Megan Jones Student Incentives
Emily Schake Student Storage Cubbies
Melanie Wagner Student Incentives
Niki Welde Student Incentives
Becky Greenagel Owl Pellet Kit
Angela Larson Student Incentives
Melanie Wagner Student Incentives
Megan Jones Student Incentives
Sarah Kinrade Organization Containers
Angela Larson Student Incentives
Claire Stich Crayola Crayons Classpack
Melanie Wagner Student Incentives
Ike Carlson Student Incentives
Claire Stich Crayola Crayons Classpack
Niki Welde Student Incentives
Megan Jones Student Incentives
Christine Salokar Earth & Space Science Equipment
Claire Stich Crayola Crayons Classpack
Angela Larson Student Incentives
Jen Jensen Digital Microscope Bundle
Christine Salokar Earth & Space Science Equipment
Jackie Sibenaller Ceramic Hotplate
Melanie Wagner Student Incentives
Jen Jensen Digital Microscope Bundle
Amy Drake LEGO Sun Earth Moon Model $80.00
Christine Salokar Earth & Space Science Equipment
Jackie Sibenaller Ceramic Hotplate
Ted Kohorst AP Physics Inquiry Lab Kits $234.15
Claire Stich Crayola Crayons Classpack
Janelle Holt Hot Plates
Jen Jensen Digital Microscope Bundle $766.00
Amy Drake LEGO Sun Earth Moon Model $80.00
Jackie Sibenaller Ceramic Hotplate
Ted Kohorst AP Physics Inquiry Lab Kits
Janelle Holt Hot Plates
Amy Drake LEGO Sun Earth Moon Model
Christine Salokar Earth & Space Science Equipment
LANGUAGE ARTS (English, Foreign Language, ESL and Reading)
Ted Kohorst AP Physics Inquiry Lab Kits
LANGUAGE ARTS (English, Foreign Language, ESL and Reading)
Jen Jensen Digital Microscope Bundle
Janelle Holt Hot Plates
Jackie Sibenaller Ceramic Hotplate
Kari Love-Mainah Classroom Set of Headphones $46.16
Kari Love-Mainah Classroom Set of Headphones $46.16
Myrna Minoza Storage Box Tower with Art Supplies $272.96
Amy Drake LEGO Sun Earth Moon Model $80.00
Jen Thielke Portable Stadium Seat Cushions $367.00
LANGUAGE ARTS (English, Foreign Language, ESL and Reading)
Myrna Minoza Storage Box Tower with Art Supplies $272.96
Ted Kohorst AP Physics Inquiry Lab Kits
Kari Love-Mainah Classroom Set of Headphones
Mindy Christianson iPad Air, Apple Pencil and Case
Janelle Holt Hot Plates
Jen Thielke Portable Stadium Seat Cushions $367.00
Jessica Anderson 3 Sets of Headphones
Myrna Minoza Storage Box Tower with Art Supplies $272.96
Mindy Christianson iPad Air, Apple Pencil and Case $688.00
LANGUAGE ARTS (English, Foreign Language, ESL and Reading)
Sally Despard Sr. Wooly Subscription
Jessica Anderson 3 Sets of Headphones
Jen Thielke Portable Stadium Seat Cushions $367.00
Kari Love-Mainah Classroom Set of Headphones $46.16
Vanessa Jacobson Phonemic Awareness Digital Curriculum $89.00
Mindy Christianson iPad Air, Apple Pencil and Case $688.00
Sally Despard Sr. Wooly Subscription $150.00
Renae Strand Decodable Books
Myrna Minoza Storage Box Tower with Art Supplies $272.96
Jessica Anderson 3 Sets of Headphones
Jen Thielke Portable Stadium Seat Cushions
Vanessa Jacobson Phonemic Awareness Digital Curriculum $89.00
Renae Strand Decodable Books $205.50
Sally Despard Sr. Wooly Subscription
Mindy Christianson iPad Air, Apple Pencil and Case $688.00
Jessica Anderson 3 Sets of Headphones
Ashley Johnson Fine Motor Manipulative Toys
Renae Strand Decodable Books
Sally Despard Sr. Wooly Subscription
Vanessa Jacobson Phonemic Awareness Digital Curriculum $89.00
Kara Johnson Developmental Materials
Ashley Johnson Fine Motor Manipulative Toys $300.00
Emma Koza Tap Tap LED Lights
Vanessa Jacobson Phonemic Awareness Digital Curriculum $89.00
Kara Johnson Developmental Materials $200.00
Renae Strand Decodable Books $205.50
Rachael Rein Speech Therapy Materials
Ashley Johnson Fine Motor Manipulative Toys
Rachael Rein
Emma Koza Tap Tap LED Lights $168.00
Kara Johnson Developmental Materials $200.00
Ashley Johnson Fine Motor Manipulative Toys
Emma Koza Tap Tap LED Lights $168.00
Kara Johnson Developmental Materials
Chad Koep Power Pen Learning Cards and Classroom Set of Power Pense
Rachael Rein Speech Therapy Materials $188.65
Emma Koza Tap Tap LED Lights
Daniel Lawson 30 USB Wired Mouse for Computers $45.62
Rachael Rein Speech Therapy Materials $188.65
Chad Koep Power Pen Learning Cards and Classroom Set of Power Pense $182.48
Michelle Hexum Tapestry Looms
Chad Koep Power Pen Learning Cards and Classroom Set of Power Pense $182.48
Daniel Lawson 30 USB Wired Mouse for Computers $45.62
Michelle Hexum Tapestry Looms
Scott Meldahl Single Door Reach-In Freezer $2,600.74
Daniel Lawson 30 USB Wired Mouse for Computers $45.62
Katie Hajicek Stainless Steel Measuring Cups (set of 12) $77.64
Rebekah Meder Cricut Maker Bundle and Cart $650.00
Michelle Hexum Tapestry Looms
Baylee McKinney 3 12-Foot Extension Cords
Scott Meldahl Single Door Reach-In Freezer $2,600.74
Katie Hajicek Stainless Steel Measuring Cups (set of 12) $77.64
Rebekah Meder Cricut Maker Bundle and Cart $650.00
Paul Talley Benchtop Oscillating Spindle Sander $200.00
Joel Heikes Engine Hoist
2024 -2025
WISH LIST DONATION FORM 2024-2025 Wish List Donation Form
Fill out the donation form completely. All donations are tax-deductible. You will receive a receipt for your contribution from the 544 Education Foundation.
Mail donation form and check payable to: 544 Education Foundation, ATTN: Classroom Wish List, 518 Friberg Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN 56537.
Donor Name
FFHS Grad Year (if applicable)
City State Zip
Phone Number
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Undesignated Donation of $
Please Check One:
If the item(s) I have chosen has already been filled, please
______ Accept my donation as undesignated.
______ Call me for other instructions.