2017 Franklin Fresh Food & Dining Guide

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Your Personal Tour Guide of Franklin County Fresh!

Franklin County Agriculture Past & Present......................................... 4

Download the Franklin County Visitors Bureau mobile app for Android and iPhone!

Franklin County Apples........................... 10

Fruit/Vegetable Guide.............................. 2

Franklin County Master Gardeners Helping the community on plant at a time...8 Pure & Simple........................................ 11 Delicious, Sweet Peaches....................... 12 Brussels CafĂŠ......................................... 13 Agricultural Festivals: Highlighting the Life-Blood of Franklin County............ 14 Home Grown - To Market To Market......... 16 Garden To Vase...................................... 18 Cut Your Own......................................... 18 Pollinators Welcome!............................. 19 Experience the Flavor of Franklin County... 20 Local Flavor Dining Guide....................... 22 Growing Gourds..................................... 26 Gleaning: Making sure no delicious locally grown food goes to waste!........... 28 Start A Garden....................................... 30

Learn More Or send an information request to: Franklin County Visitors Bureau 37 South Main Street, Suite 100 Chambersburg, PA 17201

Connect with us: facebook.com/FCVBen twitter.com/FCVB youtube.com/FranklinCountyVisit flickr.com/FCVB instagram.com/franklincountytourism

717.552.2977 or 866.646.8060 | ExploreFranklinCountyPA.com

From its provincial days, Pennsylvania was recognized as the breadbasket of the colonies. William Penn wanted farmers, citing industrious farmers as the primary person “that Providence seems to have most fitted to Plantations.” The First Farmers Farming was the primary occupation of Franklin County’s early Scot-Irish and German settlers. The earliest immigrant farmers to Pennsylvania were Dutch and Swedish, settling along the Delaware River more than forty years before William Penn chartered Pennsylvania. A farm in the inland, wooded frontier of Franklin County was a different farming environment than one along the Delaware River. Personal sustenance was the focus of these early Franklin County farms. The two main immigrant farmers of Franklin County were Scots-Irish and German. Both farmed for sustenance, but their approach to farming was different. The Scots-Irish farmer was a generalist. He was a jackof-all-trades. He was hunter and a trapper. He took

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the skills that he learned from the farmstead and developed a new skill or trade to step into another way to make a living. German farmers were specialists. They came from generations of farmers and gravitated to the limestone soil of Franklin County’s valley because it was like the soils of the farms where they learned their skills. They used the types and quantities of trees to determine where to settle. German immigrants knew hardwoods like oak, maple, beech, hickory, and black walnut, were signs of fertile, limestone soil. German farmers laid roots throughout Franklin County, applying their methods of farming and making a lasting contribution to the county’s agricultural heritage. The German Family Garden Pennsylvania German kitchen gardens, also known as four-square gardens are a contribution of the Pennsylvania German farmer, who learned the method from Swiss ancestors. The four-square garden is four, equal-portioned beds with mounded soil. Today, the

mounded soil would be called a raised bed. More squares could be added in even quantities, but the garden was typically laid out in a dimension that was a multiple of eleven feet. The garden was meant to receive morning sun and be in proximity to the kitchen. It was always enclosed with a picket fence and often included a lilac bush. With a raised bed, drainage was good and planting could begin earlier than field planting. Women and children maintained the garden. They planted the garden, kept it free of weeds, harvested the produce, and saved seed for the next year’s planting. The garden included cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, spring onions, radishes, squash, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, melons, and herbs like oregano, winter savory, chives, rosemary, and dill. For storage, a half barrel was buried underground to create a mini root cellar. Cabbages, apples, potatoes and beets could be stored in the undergrounded barrel throughout the fall and winter. Lasting Contributions to Farming English and Swedish farmers did not house their livestock in stables. However, German farmers, realizing a colder animal uses more energy to stay warm and then eats more, sheltered animals through the winter. Also, they understood the value of a healthy animal for work on the farm. Horses wintered indoors were better fit for field work in the spring. Today, a farmer would not think of leaving livestock in the fields during the hard winter months. Another contribution, closely related to housing animals, is the Pennsylvania German bank barn. The two-and-half-story-barn is built into the

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GREAT FESTIVALS ARE IN MERCERSBURG Saturday, May 12, 2018 Always the second Saturday in May

9am-3pm Downtown Mercersburg A Celebration of Spring in Historic Mercersburg! Featuring 100+ craft, jewelry, food, community vendors; live music; children’s activities; unique artisans and more!

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017 Always the last Saturday in September


Downtown Mercersburg Featuring more than 120 crafters, artisans, culinary and local vendors, contests, live entertainment on the square, Amish donutes, local radio and school bands, with a family fun section, petting zoo and food court.

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017

side of a hill. Because the lower or basement level is partially underground, it is warmer in winter and cooler in summer and is suited to housing livestock. Another advantage of building the barn into the bank is the ease of access to unload hay or feed by driving the wagon up the hill and into the barn. Many bank barns have a large extension on the second level. The extension creates an overhang and gives cover to an outside feeding area for livestock on the lower level. Examples of the Pennsylvania German bank barn are easy to see throughout present-day Franklin County. 21st Century Franklin County Farms Nearly three hundred years after the first farmers settled in Franklin County, agriculture is still bountiful. It is a leading industry of Franklin County and helps to bring balance to the local economy. Dairy is the largest part of Franklin County agriculture. Just over one-third of the county’s nearly 1600 farms are dairy farms where nearly 43,000 cows contribute annually to making Franklin County the second largest producer of milk in the state and greatly contributes to making Pennsylvania fourth in milk and ice cream production nationally. Typically, cows are milked twice, and at the same times each day. Cows like regular routines and tend to yield more milk in this environment. Dairy farmers must prioritize the responsibilities of the milking parlor over other farm responsibilities. Use of automation in the milking parlor gives dairy farmers more time. Simple forms of automation include powered gates and basic milking machines. When no human labor is needed to milk, it is robotic milking. Franklin County dairy farms are a mix of semi-automated, robotic, and by-hand milking.


VIP Entry at 1pm

Mercersburg Park Featuring 5+ wineries and vintners and 25+ breweries with 50 craft beers and live music all day! 21and older admitted.

Tuscarora Chamber of Commerce

3 South Main Street | Mercersburg, PA 17236 717-328-5827 www.tachamber.org 6 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

6 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Benjamin Chambers Benjamin Chambers was the ScotsIrish founder of Chambersburg. He and his brothers—James, Robert and Joseph—come to the port of Philadelphia in 1726-1727 and chose to follow the Susquehanna rather than the Delaware River. Along the Susquehanna, the four settled at Fishing Creek, near Harris Ferry and operated a gristmill as well as a tavern. The brothers—in typical Scots-Irish fashion --took the skills learned at their joint settlement and migrated southwest to find their own parcels of land. Along with the tremendous production of dairy, Franklin County farmers are growing more and more vegetables. According to the last USDA Ag Census, Franklin County ranks second in vegetable production in Pennsylvania’s sixty-seven counties. Roadside vegetable and fruit stands continue to increase after nearly doubling during the first decade of the new century. Small family farms are doing more in direct sales as Franklin County residents became more engaged in buying locally grown and locally sourced foods.

James, the oldest brother, settled at Newville. Robert moved on to Middle Spring near Shippensburg, ten or fifteen miles southwest of James. Joseph traveled with Benjamin another fifteen miles southwest to what would become Chambersburg. Benjamin stayed here establishing Chambersburg in 1730, and Joseph returned to Harris Ferry.

Agriculture is a cornerstone of Franklin County’s past and certainly its present. The beauty and balance of the county’s ag land is a prime reason people visit and want to live in Franklin County. It secures the quality of life. Along with the open spaces and forest land, farm lands are the character of the county. To maintain the character, Franklin County needs to retain its agricultural heritage.

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we’ve been the top performing in volunteer hours. I was surprised the first year, surprised the second year….I work with an amazing group of people who do community outreach for the program.” For example, Scherer said the Master Gardeners ran a program promoting monarch butterflies and showed the lifecycle of the butterfly and what plants are needed to support them. “They gave the public the tools on how you raise and provide a landscape that promotes butterflies,” she said.

The beauty of gardening, growing food, herbs and helping by growing environmentally friendly plants are just some of what the Franklin County Master Gardeners do. Whether it’s growing tomatoes for tasting, growing flowers to raise money for their programs, speaking with groups about planting flowers to help promote certain animal populations or hosting workshops, the Master Gardeners are dedicated to helping the community, one plant at a time.

For the last 2 years, the program has been exceeding all expectations. “This program has been the top volunteer program in Pennsylvania in the entire Master Gardener Program,” she said. “Out of all the gardeners,

As well as speaking at events, members of the organization also run a help desk April through October to help those in the community continue to grow plants as well as identify any type of obstacles during the growing process. With the support of the community, the Master Gardeners are in the process of creating the Patrick Gass Garden which will feature 18th and early 19th century flora reported by Lewis and Clark and other local flora

Franklin County is home to 82 active members of the Franklin County Master Gardeners as of September 2017. These Master Gardeners have gone through the program, which includes 40 hours of training and 50 hours of volunteer time in the first year. To keep the title of Master Gardener and stay an active member, the gardeners must then donate 30 hours of volunteer time each year. Donna Scherer, the Penn State Extension Director of the Franklin County Master Gardener Program, said the men and women of the program are dedicated and passionate about gardening and sharing their skills. “The Master Gardeners are volunteer educators,” Scherer said. “They work in the community.” These individuals go out to schools, community groups, libraries and bring programs with them, including research-based horticulture information. The gardeners also have several demonstration gardens including an herb, drought, pollinator, victory and a wildlife native plant garden.

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Master Gardeners Project located at 181 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA

from that time. Gass was born on the site and played a leading role in the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-1806. The gardeners also began working with the South Central Community Action Program about 2 years ago on their Container Program. This program involves working with people in need to teach them how to grow container garden vegetables and herbs with the clients of SCCAP. “So, we had the Master Gardeners collect containers. Herbs are very expensive and of course you need a little seasoning to go with fresh produce,” Scherer said. “Those buckets then get a sticker that shows how to get in touch with the Master Gardeners and to ask questions.” In 2017, 255 gallon buckets were planted with a vegetable and an herb. In addition, extra herbs and plants were planted for the local food banks and WIC office. In total, over 350 families have gotten buckets with 2,320 plants in all.

From the Master Gardener’s work, Scherer said the returns are worth every hour spent. “We love when we get stories from people. That empowerment they feel after raising their own food is a great feeling,” she said. She added there are countless stories of people bringing in things they have grown to show the gardeners and even those who have moved on from the containers to their own garden plots in their backyard. “We’re the best kept secret,” Scherer said. “There’s so much that this group has and that we want to share.”

Questions about gardening? Want to identify if an insect is helpful or harmful? Call the Master Gardeners Help Desk April-October Monday through Friday at 717-263-9226!

Each August for seventeen years, the Franklin County Master Gardeners host Tomato Day to bring together all ages of gardeners to show off their prized tomatoes. There is a chance to taste all varieties of tomatoes plus a salsa contest, Largest Tomato Contest, and Ugliest Tomato Contest.

Patrick Gass Patrick Gass was born in Chambersburg near the current Penn State Extension Office in 1771 to Benjamin and Mary McLene Gass. Gass began his military career in 1792 with a Virginia militia stationed in Wheeling, West Virginia. He joined the well know Lewis and Clark expedition on January 1, 1804 and was promoted to sergeant in 1804, keeping a journal of field notes that kept detail of the travels. His book, which coined the phrase “Corps of Discovery” was published in 1807 and was the first published account of the expedition. During the expedition, he worked as a carpenter helping to construct three winter quarters, Camp Dubois in Illinois, Fort Mandan in North Dakota and Fort Clatsop in Oregon. He also worked on the wagons and was even given command of the majority of the party for a period when Lewis and Clark were on separate explorations. After the expedition, Gass returned to military service including several battles of the War of 1812 and The Battle at Lundy’s Lane. Gass married in 1831 and bore seven children, which five lived past infancy. Gass passed away at age 99 in 1870, the last survivor of the group, long enough to see trains cross a continent that he helped to open. The Patrick Gass garden will border the entrance to the limestone house where he was born in Chambersburg. Franklin County Fresh! | 9

The saying goes that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and in Franklin County, you have your choice of delicious, crisp apples. These delicious and healthy fruits can be eaten as they are or made into delicious deserts, ciders and wines. Country Breeze Farm Market in Chambersburg is filled with delicious, local produce available year-round. Carrying delicious red, yellow and granny smith apples, as well as other produce such as vegetables and bulk items, the market is a great place to fulfill your craving for a juicy apple. Tracey’s Orchard in Greencastle produces delicious fruits throughout the year. They grow cherries, pears, apricots, black raspberries, blueberries and of course, apples. The orchard produces apples throughout the entire growing season but later on in the season, they produce delicious Nittany and Pink Lady apples. Nittany apples are sweet and crisp, good for snacking, salads, pies, sauces and baked apples. Pink Lady’s, which peak at the end of November, are sweet and tart with a unique pink blush color and fizzy apple flavor which makes a delicious treat. Maplewood Produce and Greenhouse in Shippensburg offers local and fresh fruits and vegetables year round from local greenhouses and farms. Besides delicious apples, they have other seasonal items such as plums, peaches and tomatoes.

Baked Apples

2 So simple. So flavorful

Jonagold, Cortland, Honeycrisp, Jonathan and Fuji apples are all good for baking. • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. • Bring to a boil - cup of water.

• Select four apples. Wash them and pat them dry. Remove the cores and allow about an inch of the apple bottom remain so the apple will stand upright.

Mix together: • 1/4 cup brown sugar • 1/4 cup chopped pecans or nut of your choice • 1 teaspoon cinnamon • 1/4 cup chopped raisins or other dried fruit of choice Stuff the sugar-nut mixture into the openings of the apples and place Tbsp of butter on top. (If preferred, used coconut oil to replace the butter.) Place the apples in a baking dish. Pour cup of boiled water into the bottom of the dish. Place in oven and allow to bake 40 minutes or until apples are softened. Use the juices in the bottom of the baking dish to top the apple. Can eat alone or serve with yogurt or ice cream.

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Country Acres Cider and Produce in Waynesboro presses apple cider year-round! The delicious cider is available in stores throughout the area but also at their location in Waynesboro. The farm also grows bell peppers, cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, strawberries, sweet corn and winter squash. Jan Zell Wines in Chambersburg, makes delicious wines, including apple wines. The winery makes an Italian Apple pinot grigio, using apples from local Shatzer’s Orchard. They also have a sweet white wine Summer Daze made with cranberry, apples and chardonnay blend. They also sell hard cider made with local apples. Tuscarora Mountain Winery, located in the downtown square in Chambersburg, is also known for their delicious wines made with local ingredients. While their supplies of wine and certain brands are constantly shifting, the winery makes their fruit wines with local apples and other fruits and is happy to inform visitors of their current selection.

Apple Butter Made in the Crock Pot or Slow Cooker

Local, in-seaso n apples cook do apples make great apple butte wn r. As the of the apples em , the flavors concentrate an d th requirements, th erge. Depending on preference e sweetness is recipe can or an cannot use sw d any diet eetening. Wash 5 lbs. of ap slice the apples ples, mixing sweet and tart ap , pl into the crock po but do not peel them. Put the es. Core and apple slices t or slow cooker . Add 1-2 teaspo on of cinnamon . If desired, ad ground cloves d ½ teaspoon of and nutmeg Add ½ to 1 cup of sugar, honey or cane sugar (brown or white ), coconut m personal taste aple syrup. Adjust the sugar or use no suga to an amount to r Add 1 cup of ap ple cider, apple juice, or water. Cover the crock pot or slow cook hours, stirring er and cook on fro slowly cook do m time to time. Reduce to lo high for 2 w and allow to wn for 2 hours. To cool the cooked apple mixture sli make a very smooth butter, and start on a gh tly. Then, plac slo blender will pu wer speed and move to a high e in blender lverize any of th e skins. Return speed. The to the crock po t or th for about 1 to 1. slow cooker and allow to co e mixture 5 ok spreadable appl hours. It makes about 5 cups uncover e butter. of a nice

Pure & Simple “Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle.�

Pure & Simple CafĂŠ is a one-of-a-kind, locally-owned eatery in downtown Greencastle. Just as the name implies, the food is pure and simple. Most is organic and local. All is fresh and wholesome. Many items on the menu are veggie-based. Spelt takes the place of wheat in the wraps and tortillas. Smoothies and juices are made with fresh fruits and vegetables. Other popular menu items are GMO-free eggs for omelets, muffin sandwiches, and breakfast wraps. Another popular breakfast is buckwheat pancakes with strawberries and real maple syrup.

Alternative Choices has clients because they strive to work one-on-one with you to find a healthy and balanced choice. Always there to provide information and education, Alternative Choices wants to involve you in feeling as good as you can. Helping you with a balanced and wholistic and holistic approach is a top priority.

For lunch, there is always a house soup. Some favorites are mushroom bisque, black bean chili, and roasted pepper tomato. Salads include the Greek salad, spinach salad, confetti salad, and a spicy taco salad. Wraps are another option. These use sprouted tortillas and a mix of vegetables like tomatoes, avocado, and mixed greens and then add grilled portabella mushrooms or curried salmon or hummus. Also, the tortilla is used as the crust of pizza and topped with cheese and veggies. Everything is colorful and appealing. Pure & Simple desserts are show-stoppers. They are dramatic, and they are memorable. The cakes are gluten-free and have fabulous names like Coconut Cloud or Almond Butter & Chocolate Tart. There are old favorites, too, like carrot cake, lemon cake, and pumpkin cake. Better remember to save room for dessert. Or, order it first. Franklin County Fresh! | 11

Peach eaters for decades have known that “Chambersburg peaches” are among the sweetest and juiciest. Franklin County orchards are bearing delicious peaches all summer and many are expected to be producing through Labor Day.

“Last year was a hard year with the frosts,” Tracey said. “This year we had really good rains and timely rains, and we worry if it has a washed-out flavor but we’ve been really blessed.”

Shatzer’s Fruit Market in Chambersburg started its season with Sun High and Loring peaches to sell.

The orchards have over 20 different varieties of peaches through mid-September, including earlier varieties such as Harbinger, Flaming Fury and more mid-season and early August peaches like Sun Haven, Sunhigh and Loring. The later season has other varieties such as Jersey Queen, Laurel and Victoria.

“These are all freestone peaches and are yellow, sweet and juicy,” a representative from Shatzer’s said, adding that the peaches will be available and picked this year until the middle of September. Later on in August, Cresthaven peaches will be picked for the market. Benedict Produce in Chambersburg is selling several different varieties of freestone peaches as well. A freestone peach is easier to remove the flesh of the fruit around the pit which makes it quicker to process for sliced canned peaches or pie making. Tawnya Tracey, co-owner of Tracey’s Orchards in Greencastle, said that this year has been a wonderful one and they are “very blessed” with their peach crops this year.

“It’s the prime time right now to can, freeze and eat peaches,” Tracey said. “There are a lot of versatile varieties.” Other common peach varieties include Redhaven, Rich May, Garnet Beauty, Redskins, Biscoe and more. Redhaven peaches are among the earlier varieties of peaches in the season and is a semifreestone which can be used for canning, freezing or just enjoying as a healthy snack. Franklin County is home to an abundance of orchards, farms and fresh markets ready to be explored.

Southern Peac h Pudding

An old-fashione d easy and homem recipe uses fresh peaches. It is ade….from scra tch. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and pat dry Remove skin an 4 large or 6 medium peache s. d slice to make 6 cups. Mix together: • 1 cup of unbl ea • ½ cup sugar ched flour • 2 teaspoons of baking powder • Dash of salt s • 1/2 cup of 2% or whole milk Fold in the 6 cu ps baking dish. Ne of peaches. Add to a grease xt bring to a bo d 8” il: • 1-1/2 cups wa te • 1/2 cup granul r ated sugar • 1/2 cup pack ed brown suga r • 1 tablespoon butter • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg Be sure to stir as ture boils, pour the sugars dissolve. After th e ov dish. Allow to co er the peach mixture in the mixba ok king ab ou t 40 -45 minutes. To bubbly and just p wi br Very good to se owned. Serve with milk or cr ll be rve warm. eam.

12 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Brussels Café “First I drink the coffee, then I do the things.” Located on North Main Street, next to Northwood Books, Brussels Café is a mix of coffee shop, creperie, and European café all rolled into one. The menu is great for meeting friends any time because a crepe can be breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert. Try a breakfast crepe with egg and lots of bacon and ham, or try The Brussels, a Belgian waffle with Nutella, strawberries, and whipped cream. Brussels Café has coffee, expresso, lattets—both hot and cold, plus a variety of smoothies. For dinner, the weekly savory crepe is a good choice. The atmosphere is relaxing and fun, plus it smells amazing. With seating indoors and outdoors, it is nice for a little, personal quiet time, to catch up with friends, or bring visiting family from out-oftown. Monthly, there are usually two or three special events, and Brussels Café is glad to host small group events. Seek out the owner, Alex, to talk about making great ideas reality. Be sure to snap a selfie with Sir Brussels. Kids love him.

Homegrown, tree-ripened fruit and locally grown vegetables! • Sweet Cherries • Sour Cherries • Peaches (over 25 varieties) • Pears • Apples (over 25 varieties) • Nectarines • Grapes

• Plums • Sweet Corn • Black Raspberries • Cantaloupe • Vegetables too numerous to mention


12483 Hollowell Church Road • Greencastle, PA 17225 Open Mon-Friday 9-5, Saturday 9-4

www.traceysorchard.com Franklin County Fresh! | 13

Farming and fresh food is Franklin County’s lifeblood. The county is the second largest vegetable producing county in the state of Pennsylvania and ranks among the top ten of the state’s preserved farmland. The county celebrates its rich agricultural heritage with festivals and celebrations yearround including fall festivals featuring delicious apples and corn, summer’s sweet berries as well as street festivals, benefit food sales, community fairs and much more.

After a cold winter, Chocolate Extravaganza, a fundraiser for Mainstreet Waynesboro, is a celebration to break up the winter blues! This event, held the second Saturday in March, features decadent chocolate creations by area confectioners, caterers and chefs made with local ingredients. The event features live music for dancing, beverages and door prizes.

Franklin County is home to delicious creameries and during the Scoop-aPalooza ice cream festival held the second Saturday of July, they can be tasted and support local education. The event, which is all-you-can-eat, benefits the local educational system by providing monetary support to programs county-wide, including grants. In the past, local ice cream vendors such as Trickling Springs Creamery, Hoover’s Grill & Ice Cream, The Igloo, The Meadows, Windy Knoll Market & Creamery as well as larger companies, have all participated.

For over 100 years, the Franklin County Fair has been a staple of showcasing the agriculture, horticulture, tourism, livestock and more! The fair, held the third week of July, includes delicious foods from local vendors and organizations, games and rides, tractor pulls, derbies, horse shows, animals and more! Enjoy spring breezes and everything strawberry at the Mercersburg Strawberry Festival, held the first Saturday in June! Enjoy local strawberries in shortcake and ice cream as well as delicious barbecue, a fun dog show, food and games. Held at the Mercersburg Lion’s Park, this event is sponsored by the Buchanan Lioness Club.

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Everything gets peachy at the Fort Loudoun Peach Festival on the third Saturday of August. Enjoy delicious fresh peaches, peach pie, peach cake and many other peach treats. Games, entertainment and more is held at the Fort Loudoun community grounds odd Route 30 West. Don’t forget to get a picture with the gigantic peach!v

Downtown Shippensburg comes alive the last Saturday of August for the Shippensburg Corn Festival. This festival celebrates the largest crop in the area, corn. Enjoy this tasty tradition with corn fritters, corn on the cob and other corn treats as well as other fair food. Juried crafts, an antique car show, entertainment, activities and more. Corn Festival was rated the best one-day festival in Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Festivals Association.

Get an up-close view and look at a Franklin County farm during the Franklin Fall Farm Fun Fest held the last Saturday of September. Every fall a new farm is chosen and ag-related business to show how business is done. Agriculture can be seen in action and the products of farm labor can be tasted or sampled.

In Franklin County, fall means corn mazes, cider and much more. Stoner’s Dairy Farm hosts their Fall Corn Maze Weekends with local pumpkins, mums, and much more. In 2017, the season runs September 9 through November 5. This 5-acre dairy farm also holds fun hayrides, delicious local food and ice cream and a corn cannon! Lose yourself in the 2-mile corn maze at Country Creek Produce Farm during their fall events. From September 16 through November 4, pick pumpkins, shoot pumpkins from their pumpkin cannon or go on a hayride through the farm. The farm produces delicious food year-round that it sells in roadside stands and local stores.

Franklin County is one of the largest producers of apples in Pennsylvania and on the third Saturday of October, downtown Chambersburg celebrates with AppleFest. Craft vendors, live entertainment and food make this truly a fun and family-friendly event. New for the last several years are rides. Grab a delicious apple dumpling during the Community Apple Festival at Tayamentasachta Environmental Center in Greencastle held the last Saturday of October. Enjoy delicious chicken barbecue and antique engine exhibits, hayrides, scarecrow stuffing, face painting, pumpkin painting and more to support the center!

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Andrew’s Farm Market

9523 Lincoln Way West St Thomas, PA 17252 P: 717-369-0055 May – November: Mon - Sat: 9 AM - 6 PM

Products: Fresh Produce, Sesonal Floral Varieties and much more ..........................................................

Antietam Dairy

Cheese Haus at Whispering Brook

8875 Edenville Cheestown Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-552-4039 Year Round: Tuesday-Wednesday: 9 AM-5 PM, Friday: 9 AM -6 PM, Saturday: 9 AM-3 PM

Products: Variety of cheese and honey ..........................................................

P: 717-762-6212 April – September: 12 PM - 10 PM

6574 Wayne Highway Waynesboro, PA 17201

Beams Blue Mountain Farm

13374 Lurgan Road Newburg, PA 17240 P: 717-532-5537 June - October: Monday – Friday 10 AM – 6 PM Saturday 8 AM – 4 PM

Products: Baked Goods, Fruit, Gifts/ Crafts, Honey, Jams/Jellies, Pumpkins, Vegetables, Raspberries Pick Your Own: Pumpkins, Strawberries ..........................................................

Benedict Produce

3766 Brechbill Loop Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-267-3238 May – September: Monday 9 AM – 6 PM Tuesday – Friday 8:30 AM – 6 PM Saturday 9 AM – 3 PM

Products: Produce, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Flowers, Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables ..........................................................

Biser Farms

3765 Pioneer Drive St. Thomas, PA 17252 biser-farms.myshopify.com

Products: Variety of Cheeses ..........................................................

Blueberry Hill Farmers Market

6685 Anthony Highway Waynesboro, PA 17268 P: 717-749-3522 June – August: Monday – Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM

Products: Blueberries, Local Produce, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season ..........................................................

C & R Produce

9823 Lincoln Way West St. Thomas, PA 17252 P: 717-369-5610 Year-round (except Sundays): Summer Hours: 8 AM – 6 PM Winter Hours: 8 AM – 5 PM

Products: Seasonal Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Plants, Honey, Jams/Jellies ..........................................................

16 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

834 South Church Street Waynesboro, PA 17268

Products: Sundaes, Milk Shakes, Banana Splits ..........................................................

Farms and orchards are the backbone of Franklin County. Farmland is much of the beauty and is not only appealing to the eye but yields an abundance of tasty fresh foods. Farmers markets and roadside produce stands pop up across the county. Some are seasonal and some year-round. The freshness is unbeatable. Take a drive along the historic Lincoln Highway, through the Path Valley, along Route 997 as it meanders around the South Mountain, or along the Buchanan Trail. Taste your way across the county and be sure to take some freshness home to enjoy.

Country Acres Cider and Produce

P: 717-263-9349 Year Round: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 4 PM

Products: Fruit, Vegetables ..........................................................

Country Breeze Farm Market

5039 Molly Pitcher Highway Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-375-4115 Year Round: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 6 PM, Saturday: 8 AM – 4 PM

Product: Bulk Foods, Deli Meats & Cheeses, Produce, Vegetable Plants, Flowers, and Lawn Decorations ..........................................................

Country Creek Produce Market

3746 Etter Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-729-5343

Products: Pick your own Strawberries and Pumpkins. Farm fresh produce including Peaches. ..........................................................

Esh’s Produce

16417 Cumberland Highway Newburg, PA 17240 P: 717-532-3216 Open May-October: Monday-Saturday: 8 AM - 6 PM

Product: Vegetables, Local Canned Goods and Jams/Jellies ..........................................................

Frantz’s Produce Stand

10471 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268 P: 717-762-7465 Monday - Thursday: 10 AM - 5:30 PM Friday: 10 AM - 7 PM Saturday: 9 AM - 3 PM

Products: Corn, Melons, Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables ..........................................................

Fulton Farms CSA

Wilson College 1015 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 P: 717-264-4141 May through November Call for hours

Products: Certified Naturally Grown Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs ..........................................................

Guilford Gardens

4140 Church Road Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-261-1700 Open Daily, September – October: 10 AM - Dusk

Products: Pumpkins, Mums ..........................................................

Hess Orchards Farm Market

4323 Wayne Road Chambersburg, PA 17202

Maplewood Produce and Nursery

8564 Olde Scotland Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 P: 717-532-8973 Year Round: Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 7 PM Saturday: 8 AM – 4 PM

Products: Produce, Deli Sandwiches, Deli Meats, Cheeses, Baked Goods, Flowers, Shrubs, Outdoor Furniture ..........................................................

Northsquare Farmers Market

P: 717-264-8872

Directions: One mile south of New

50 North Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

Franklin on Route 316 (Wayne Road) Open April-November Summer Hours: Monday-Friday 9 AM – 6 PM Saturday 9AM-4PM

Products: Fruit, strawberries, peaches, apples, vegetables, flowers, jams/jellies, maple syrup, honey, apple butter and more ..........................................................

Horst Orchards

11132 Tanyard Hill Road Orrstown, PA 17244 P: 717-532-2842 July – October, Call for Hours

Products: Fruit, Seasonal Produce Pick Your Own: Cherries ..........................................................

Jim’s Farmers Market

255 Grant Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 P: 717-264-1273 Year Round: Friday: 8 AM - 6 PM, Saturday: 8 AM - 1 PM

Products: Meats, Cheeses, Baked Goods, Seafood, Fresh Produce, Coins, Health Products ..........................................................

Long Lane Orchard

5355 Hess-Benedict Road Waynesboro, PA 17268 P: 717-762-4151 September – October: Monday – Friday: 1 PM – 6 PM

Product: Fruit, Jams/Jellies, Maple Syrup, Potatoes, Pumpkins ..........................................................

P: 717-830-0625 northsquarefarmersmarket.com Every Saturday May through October: 8 AM-Noon, Rain or Shine

Products: a variety of the best locally grown produce, meats, eggs, cheese, jams, baked goods, flowers, coffee, arts and crafts, gourmet items and more. ..........................................................

Paul’s Country Market 6374 Nunnery Road Waynesboro, PA 17268 P: 717-762-4840 Year Round Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 6 PM Saturday: 8:30 AM – 4 PM

Products: Baked Goods, Dairy, Eggs, Fruit, Garden Center and Nursery, Gifts/Crafts, Hoagies on Handmade Rolls, Honey, Maple Syrup, Plants, Soft Pretzels, Vegetables ..........................................................

Pipe Dream Fromage

2589 Shanks Church Road Greencaslte, PA 17225 P: 717-597-1877 Hours by Appointment

Products: Fresh French Goat Cheese ..........................................................

Shady Grove Farmers Produce

Shatzer Fruit Market

2197 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 P: 717-263-2195 June – March: Daily: 9 AM – 4 PM

Products: Fruit, Honey, Jams/Jellies, Maple Syrup ..........................................................

The Drying Shed

1587 Newcomer Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 P: 717-267-3305 Call for Hours

Products: Flowers, Gifts/Crafts, Herbs, Nursery/Garden, Plants, Pumpkins, Strawberries. Pick Your Own Strawberries ..........................................................

Tracey’s Orchard

12483 Hollowell Church Road Greencastle, PA 17225

P: 717-597-7565 June through Labor Day Monday – Friday: 9 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 9 AM - 4:00PM Labor Day through Thanksgiving Monday – Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM December Monday, Thursday & Friday: 11 AM - 5 PM Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM

Products: Apples, Cider, Fruit, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Nectarines, Grapes, Peaches and Vegetables ..........................................................

Trickling Springs Creamery 2330 Molly Pitcher Highway Chambersburg, PA 17202 P: 717-709-0711 Year-round: Monday – Wednesday: 10 AM – 7 PM, Thursday – Friday: 10 AM – 9 PM, Saturday: 10 AM – 6 PM

Products: Milk, Organic Chocolate mile, Buttermilk, Egg Nog, Raw Milk Cheeses, Ice Cream and Yogurt. All dairy products made from grass-fed, happy cows. ..........................................................

Valley Road Produce

17597 Path Valley Road Spring Run, PA 17262 April - November


Wadels Dairy

6516 White Church Rd, Shippensburg, PA 17257 P: 717-532-2473 Hours: Monday-Saturday: 6 AM – 9 PM

Products: Maple Syrup, Local Honey, Selection of Grass Fed Meats, Organic Grass Fed Milk, Homestead Cheese, Pastured Eggs ..........................................................

Trayers Farm & Greenhouse

11452 Welsh Run Road Mercersburg, PA 17236

2685 Spring Road Chambersburg, PA 17202

P: 717-328-2456 April 1 – April 20 Monday – Saturday: 9 AM – 5 PM April 21 – June 30 Monday –Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM Saturday: 8 AM – 5 PM July 1 – July 31 Monday – Saturday: 9 AM – 5 PM

Products: Flowers, Herb/Vegetable Plants, Annual/Perennial Flowers, Pumpkins & PYO Strawberries! .......................

Windy Knoll Farm Market & Creamery

P: 717-264-2900 Summer Hours: Monday: 8 AM – 6 PM, Tuesday – Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM Saturday: 8 AM – 5 PM

(Call for Winter Hours) Products: Bakery Items, Grocery Stores, Desserts, Produce and Ice Cream ..........................................................

3030 Buchanan Trail East Greencastle, PA 17225 P: 717-597-0825 May – October: Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM Saturday: 9 AM – 4 PM


Franklin County Fresh! | 17

Franklin County’s fertile soils bear beautiful flowers. Share a piece of this beauty in a fresh-picked bouquet. Cutting flowers is a way to bring a piece of the outdoors inside. Flowers simply make people feel happier, calmer, and more satisfied. Scientists call flowers mood enhancers; they peak the senses and stimulate the brain. But, by experience, people know flowers bring good feelings. Of course, Franklin County blooms are some of the best! Hope Valley Gardens is a special spot in Franklin County. It grows row after row of lovely flowers, beauties like cosmos, dahlias, sunflowers, and zinnias. Owned and operated by Darlanna Besecker, Hope Valley Gardens offers more than 150 varieties of flowers from seed. She is the energy and joy behind this lovely garden. Located on the grounds of Green Grove Gardens Event Center along Buchanan Trail East in Greencastle, Hope Valley Gardens offers cut-your-own flowers on Thursdays from noon until dark and Fridays from 8 AM to noon. Green Grove Gardens hosts dozens of weddings each

year, and having Hope Valley Gardens on premise is a great match. The open space beauty is relaxing and a visit is a true treat. With busy schedules, it may not be possible to always cut-your-own flowers, so Hope Valley Gardens offers flower subscriptions for home delivery from July through mid-September on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. It is a good way for busy people to get the good benefits of fresh flowers, too. Give someone a happy face; give yourself a happy face. From garden to vase, take home a bouquet of Franklin County flowers.

Flower Arranging Tips

Hope Valley Gardens has the scissors and the buckets for cutting flowers. You bring the imagination and creativity! Cuttings range from petite bouquets of 7-15 stems for only $10 to an extra-large bouquet of 45 to 100 stems for $50. It is an amazing way to relax and express your originality. Just being in the garden is delightful, but to bring a friend, your mom, your daughter, a co-worker, or a special someone to share the beauty and enjoyment of selecting these treasures is simply a good time. • Try an unusual vessel, like a soup tureen or a champagne bucket to hold the arrangement. Select a square vessel instead of a round. Use an old glass lamps shade or glass globe as an unusual vessel. Change the color with a little spray paint. • Select several of the same colored glass tumblers with patterns and cut stems to a size that allows the flower to rest on the rim of the tumbler. Create four of the same or mix and match. These small arrangements can add color to dinner tables without taking too much space.

18 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

• Select flowers that are all shades of the same color. Pick a different color to showcase in your kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedroom. Add the same contrasting single bloom, such as a yellow sunflower, a blue delphinium, or a pink gladiolus, to each room’s arrangement. • Add small seashells, corks, buttons, marbles, stones, or a mix of these to add interest to a clear or translucent vase.

More than three-fourths of the world’s food needs pollination, so attracting and supporting pollinators is key to the food supply. The number one recognized pollinator is the bee. Pennsylvania has more than 350 species of bees. One out of every three bites of food is made possible by the work of a pollinating bee. Yet, bees are not the only pollinators. Others are butterflies, moths, ants as well as bats and hummingbirds. Encouraging pollinators supports gardening and on a larger scale, crop production.

Adding a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of apple cider vinegar to the flower water will keep the flowers fresh. Another recommendation is to swap the vinegar out and use a few drops of bleach or a distilled spirit like vodka. Other suggestions include dissolving an aspirin in the water or adding a copper penny with a cube of sugar to the water. The sugar feeds the flowers and the other additives inhibit bacteria growth.

Attracting pollinators is a sure way to have a productive yield. Put in a variety of plants to attract pollinators and place in groupings or clusters. Local pollinators seek out plants native to their area. Native plants are a good match to native pollinators, so having a good balance of native plant species is a good way to ensure a healthy and pollinator-friendly space. Audubon. org maintains an online database of native plants by zip code to help spread awareness of indigenous plants. Butterflies are good pollinators, also, and they pollinate differently than bees. Bees are methodical and go from plant to plant. Butterflies tend to light on one flower and then flit away, landing on another many flowers away from the last stop. In this way, butterflies are cross pollinating, carrying pollen from one species to another and helping to expand the gene pool. To attract butterflies, put an oversized piece of fruit in water with sea salt. It offers nutritional feeding for butterflies. Hummingbirds pollinate flowers, shrubs and trees. Red, pink and purple are attractive to hummingbirds. When purchasing a hummingbird feeder, get the red glass. Then, when feeding, the red coloring will not be necessary. In addition to plantings and feeders, hummingbirds are looking for shelter and a place to nest, such as a nook in a tree, hedgerow, or thorny shrub. In fact, many pollinators, including bees, are attracted to old dead limbs or logs where they can set up a home space. All pollinators need water, so having a bird bath or a water garden will help to attract pollinators.

For more information on pollinators and native species: pollinator.org | nrcs.usda.gov/pllinators audubon.org/native-plants Franklin County Fresh! | 19

Taste the wonderful flavors of Franklin County—a fresh variety of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, chocolate, wines,and beer. Take a food tour of Franklin County. Trickling Springs Creamery, east of Chambersburg on Route 30, has the look of a classic country dairy and creamery where a pledge of quality and purity was at the heart of every product. Trickling Springs is taking this old-fashioned pledge and applying it to its 21st-century dairy business. Good dairy products start with good milk cows. Trickling Springs uses 575,000 pounds of milk each week from 29 organic farms. All the milk is local and regional, within a two-hour radius, and comes from grassfed, synthetic hormone-free cows. This is the reason and the sensibility…now try the food. The ice cream, in flavors like Buttermilk Blueberry and Salted Dark Chocolate Chunk, is amazing. The butter makes the best cookies. The cheese pops with flavor. The milk is creamy and even comes in chocolate. Bring a cooler—not the soft one…the big one!

20 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Franklin County has an abundance of farm market experiences. Three are Country Breeze on Route 11, which is year-round, indoors, and open Monday through Saturday; North Square Farmers Market in downtown Chambersburg is open May through October on Saturdays and is outdoors; and Jim’s Farmers Market, on Grant Street in Chambersburg is an indoor market and open throughout the year on Fridays and Saturdays. Check out one of these or one of the many listed in the Franklin Fresh Food & Dining Guide—this book— to discover fresh fruits and vegetables, pastries, plus more treats and surprises.

Olympia Candy Kitchen on South Main Street is a family-owned candy store, specializing in small-batch chocolate, hand-dipped strawberries, and chocolate covered bacon. Founded in 1903, Olympia’s chocolates and caramels are made with the same family recipes generation after generation.

Pair up the lovely chocolate flavors with a glass of wine. Tuscarora Mountain Winery, located ½-block from Memorial Fountain on Lincoln Way West, is a familyowned winery, specializing in locally sourced fruit wines. It even offers 1864 The Burning, a red wine that remembers the Civil War history of Chambersburg and honors the towns rebuilding.

Just off of North Main Street on Grant Street is Chambersburg’s newest winery, Jan Zell Wines. Opening at the end of 2015, Jan Zell offers a wide variety of its regular and special wines from sweet to dry in the Grant Street tasting room. Plus, each week, there is a slate of fun, including Trivia, music, and paint nights, New on the wine list is a dessert wine, Chocolate Orange Drop. Another favorite of the tasting room is Jan Zell Hard Ciders, using local apples from Shatzers Orchards, in sweet, dry, and hopped.

Save a few caramels to pair with the brews at GearHouse Brewing Co. It is a special spot in one of the old properties of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. It is a fun space to relax and enjoy craft beers. The brew master is always rotating and adding new beers but is dedicated to flavorful, farm influenced ales and lagers and using as local as possible. Try a beer cocktail and be sure to see the hops garden.

Roy Pitz Brewing Company and Beer Stube on Third Street, is an easy, 5-minute walk via Kennedy Street. Roy Pitz started crafting beer in 2008. A longstanding favorite is Best Blonde. It is joined seasonally by a variety of returning brews plus the flagships Daddy Fat Sacks and Sour Hound.

Calling all turophiles…that is cheese lovers! Whispering Brook Cheese Haus, on Edenville-Cheesetown Road in Chambersburg, is a cheese lover’s dream. Using both cow and goat milk in its cheese, variety is incredible at the Cheese Haus. There are so many varieties of cheddar—sharp, dill and bacon, Italian seasoned, garlic and chive, jalapeno, smoked, apple, and blueberry varieties. Other cow-milk cheeses are Havarti and Longhorn Colby. Creamy, delicious goat cheese is another Cheese Haus specialty, plus raw local honey, jams, and preserves.

A good way to end a food tour is the way it started…with ice cream. Windy Knoll Market and Creamery on Spring Valley Road, off Route 30, has fresh produce, bulk foods, beautiful flowers, and Windy Knoll Ice Cream in great flavors like Rum Raisin, Turtle, and Peanut Butter Overload. The hard part will be deciding on the cone. Should it be a pretzel cone, M&M cone, a chocolate cookie cone, or a chocolate chip cone?

So many choices and so many flavors of Franklin Fresh foods, it may be a good idea to make it a two-day food tour.

Franklin County Fresh! | 21

30 West Family Restaurant


Brothers Pizza

105 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257

1021 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17202

11882 Buchanan Trail East Chambersburg, PA 17201

B Street 104

AJ’s Deli

Brussel’s Café

104 East Baltimore Street Greencastle, PA 17225

811 Wayne Ave Chambersburg, PA 17201



Benny’s Italian Restaurant

Aki Steakhouse and Sushi Bar

717-263-9393 akichambersburg.com

(717) 263-0422

397 Baltimore Road Shippensburg, PA 17257


405 South Main Street Mercersburg, PA 17236 717-328-5231 mercersburginn.com/dining.htm

Bistro 71

71 North Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

Alfredo’s Pizza

55 North Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268

Byron’s Dining

1910 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202

424 Gateway Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201




C R Bucks 717-261-0007 bistro71.net

717-532-5542 alfredospizza.net



Mon.-Fri. 8:00-6:00 Saturday 8:00-4:00 717-375-4115

5039 Molly Pitcher Highway | Chambersburg, PA 17202 • Made-to-Order hoagies and sandwiches on HOMEMADE white, whole-wheat, rye or cheese bread!

11737 Old Route 16 Rouzerville, PA 17250

2830 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-6050

Cafe D’Italia

9 North Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-261-1805 cafeditalia.com

717-762-9030 blondies-pa.com

Brothers Pizza

3055 Black Gap Road Chambersburg Mall Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-264-3696

Café Del Sol

438 Gateway Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201

717-762-1477 delsolcafes.com

Brothers Pizza

• Homemade cookies, cakes, whoopie pies, cinnamon rolls, HAND-ROLLED soft pretzels and more! • BEAUTIFUL hanging baskets and large variety of seasonal flowers including annuals, mums, perennials and poinsettias! • Over 1,700 food items and ingredients for SPECIALTY cooking and baking needs including gluten-free, organic and more!

1643 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202

Brothers Pizza 50 Pine Drive Greencastle, PA 17225

Brothers Pizza

Conveniently located RIGHT off I-81 exit 10 in Marion. Stop by today!!

22 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Capital Restaurant

412 North 2nd Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-3751


717-597-5322 mybrospizza.com

• QUALITY in-season produce!


11119 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268

18 Shippensburg Shopping Center Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-530-1732 brotherspizzaship.com

Chambersburg Family Diner 1110 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201


Chapin Grays Grill

15083 Summit Plaza Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214 717-794-0040

Checko’s Restaurant

46 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-1717

In a developed landscape, selecting native plants helps them to coexist with the biological community and the physical environment. Native plants create a lower maintenance environment. Because the native plants attract the native insects and the insects, in turn, attract the native birds, the natural cycle of the biological community plays out and the environment is normally balanced. Christine’s Café

El Sombrero

25 West Franklin Street Greencastle, PA 17225

81 West Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-749-0047 christines-cafe.com

Chris’s Kitchen


Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a perennial with a redorange flower. It likes sun and is heat tolerant. It does well in drained, sandy, loamy, clay or limestone soil. Grows 1-2 feet tall, is good for cut flowers, and is long-lived. Other names include Butterfly Weed or Orange Milkweed.

Fannettsburg Bar & Inn 11057 Creek Road Fannettsburg, PA 17221

1329 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-263-6088

Ciao Bella


Flamingo Restaurant 5600 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222

6418 Chambersburg Road Fayetteville, PA 17222 717-352-3998

CJ’s American Pub & Grill


Flannery’s Tavern on the Square 5 North Main Street Mercersburg, PA 17236

487 East King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257

717-532-5612 cjspubgrill.com

Copper Kettle

717-328-5011 flannerystavernonthesquare.com

Foot of the Mountain Restaurant

Large Yellow Ladies Slipper (Cypripedium pubescens) is in the orchid family and grows to about 2 ft. tall. It needs partial sun to light shade and likes moist to slightly dry conditions and a soil that is loam or sandy loam.

14191 Buchanan Trail West Mercersburg, PA 17236

1049 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-3109 thecopperkettlerestaurant.com

The Cottage Pub & Restaurant 572 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201



175 South Main Street Chambersburg, 17201 717-552-2833

717-264-8543 cottagepubandrestaurant.com

The Dawg House Bar & Grill 6640 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268


Diffy’s Family Restaurant

7900 Molly Pitcher Highway North Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-2718


642 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201

Giamcomo’s Italian Restaurant 107 Mont Alto Road Fayetteville, PA 17222



1640 Orchard Drive. #1 Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-446-0318 good-ta-go.com

Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium fistulosus) grows to be 2-7 feet tall. It likes full sun and moist soil. It grows well in a variety of soil types, including clay. Flowers are a pink or lilac color. Sometime it is known as Trumpet Weed.

Goody’s Restaurant

701 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-5049


EJ’s Grill

Hartle’s Subs

346 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201

11337 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-263-1137 ejsgrill.com

El Gallo


Grill Kabab

1495 Lincoln Way Unit 109b Chambersburg, PA 17201

145 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-3336

717-504-4103 grillkababchambersburg.com

Wild Sweet William (Phlox maculata) grows up to three feet, likes sun, and bears purplish pink flowers. It is also known as meadow phlox. It is deer tolerant, mildew resistant, and grows in a variety of soils with moderate moisture.

Franklin County Fresh! | 23

Franklin County Native Plants - Grasses & Ferns Native plants have multiple advantages. Using native grasses and ferns results in the use of less fertilizer and pesticides. Plus, they provide good groundcover and reduce soil erosion.

Greenvillage Drive-In Family Restaurant 5440 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17202


Gus & Ted’s Tavern

26 South Potomac Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-762-9918

Hat’s Heroes Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) grows up to eight feet tall and grows well in sun or part shade. The seed head is three-pronged and resembles a turkey foot, hence, this is sometimes called Turkeyfoot Grass. It turns a reddish brown in fall, provides food and habitat for birds, and is drought tolerant.

538 Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201

Kenzo Japanese & Asian Fusion 1495 Lincoln Way East – Suite 108 Chambersburg, PA 17202

717-263-0076 kenzoasianfusion.com

Keystone Family Restaurant 10530 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268

717-749-7021 keystonefamilyrestaurants.com

Knute’s Pub & Grill

15 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-3876 knutespub.com


Hickory Ridge Restaurant 3875 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg, PA 17202


Hoover’s Grill & Ice Cream 2019 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202


India Cafe

815 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201

Korean Bulgogi House 408 West Loudon Street Chambersburg, PA 17201


Lakeview Restaurant & Lounge 10738 Path Valley Road Fannettsburg, PA 17221


Las Palmeras

209 Southgate Mall Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-446-0857


Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutrums) grows up to seven feet tall. In fall, it has golden tassels. It grows well in a variety of soils, likes sun but can do well in some shade. It is a good habitat and able to stay erect through winter. Goldies Wood Fern (Dryopteris goldiana) is a hardy fern that grows up to four feet. It works well in moist and shady or partial shade areas. It is a creeping rhizome and spreads over time. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum) is a slow spreading fern used for ground cover. It grows to be one to three feet and is circular in appearance, likes shade, and attracts songbirds.

24 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Inka Kitchen-Pollo-A-La Brasa 128 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg, PA 17202

Little Dipper

3433 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-263-3133


Il Castello Ristorante & Pizzeria 15731 Pennsylvania Avenue State Line, PA 17263

717-597-1819 www.ilcastellosristorante.com

Italian Village Restaurant 5267 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17202


James Buchanan Hotel, Pub & Restaurant

Lizzy’s Ice Cream & Sandwich Shop 2753 Buchanan Trail West Greencastle, PA 17225


Main Street Diner

91 West Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-749-7000 mainstreetdinerpa.com

Main Street Deli

33 North Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-267-2501 mainstreetdeli.com

15 North Main Street Mercersburg, PA 17236

717-328-0011 jamesbuchananhotel.com

John Allison Public House 155 S. Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225

717-643-0218 johnallisonpublichouse.com

Mama’s Pizza

347 North Main Street Mercersburg, PA 17236 717-496-0395

Maria & Sal’s Pizzaria 4550 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222


Johnnie’s Family Restaurant 679 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201


Mario’s Italian Restaurant 831 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201


Kathy’s Deli

891 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-477-8300 kathysdelionline.com

Mercersburg Mansion House 2 South Main Street Mercersburg, PA 17236


Mikie’s Ice Cream & Green Cow Gift Shop 179 South Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225


Luigi’s Pizza

5201 Coffey Ave., Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-261-1199

Milky Way Drive-In Restaurant 99 Path Valley Road Fort Loudon, PA 17224


Mim’s Mighty Meaty Hoagies 423 West Main Street Fayetteville, PA 17222

717-352-3935 orderstart.com/mimshoagies

Molly’s Restaurant & Carry Out 109 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201


Monterey Pass Pub and Eatery 11737 Old Route 16 Rouzerville, PA 17250

717-387-5418 montereypasspub.com

Montezuma Mexican Restaurant 1495 Lincoln Way East #103 Chambersburg, PA 17201


820 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201


118 Walnut Street Waynesboro, PA 17268

717-749-7452 montezumamex.com

Mountain Shadows Diner

14954 Buchanan Trail East Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214

Vinnie’s is family. It will please everyone in the family, and it is owned and operated by a family. Pizza, Stromboli, salads, burgers, lasagna, homemade soups—a trip to Vinnie’s will make the entire family happy. If traveling on I-81, it is a good place to dine. Just take Exit 3. Many lunch specials are $6. Seating indoors by the Italian fountain or outside on the patio in nice weather is a refreshing break for travelers.


Mrs. Gibble’s Restaurant

Norland Pub

7325 Molly Pitcher Highway Greencastle, PA 17225

717-375-4522 mrsgibbles.com

New Oak Forest Restaurant 6097 Lincoln Way West Saint Thomas, PA

108 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201


Norland Grille

3218 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17202

Pat & Carla’s Italian Eatery III

The Orchards

920 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

1580 Orchard Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-264-4711 orchardsrestaurant.com

The Parlor House


Path Valley Family Restaurant 717-349-2900

Penn National Founders Grille 3720 Clubhouse Drive Fayetteville, PA 17222

600 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-446-0357


16350 Path Valley Rd. Spring Run, PA 17262

724 South Potomac Street Waynesboro, PA 17268

Pat & Carla’s Italian Eatery

883 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201




New Texas Lunch Family Restaurant

Pat & Carla’s Italian Eatery

454 Norland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201


717-352-2509 penngolf.com

Franklin County Fresh! | 25




Pizza’n Stuff

85 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-3431 pizzanstuff.net

Pure and Simple Cafe

164 East Baltimore Street Greencastle, PA 17225

Growing gourds is fun for children, crafters, and birders. Large gourds are the easiest gourd to grow because large gourds are less likely to be impacted by some of the diseases that impact cucumbers and pumpkins. Small gourds are impacted by these diseases. Apache Dipper gourds are used by crafters and birders to create birdhouses. These gourds were originally used as dippers for drinking water. Other gourds used for birdhouses are Chinese Bottle, Goose Neck, Zucca and African gourds. Now, these varieties are used for birdhouses. In the Franklin County and south central PA area, gourds can be planted directly in the soil in late April or early May, and it will take until mid-October to harvest. Larger gourds mature to 150 to 180 days. For larger gourds, the plants will not bear mature more than one or two. When harvesting gourds, cut them when the vines begin the die, leaving three inches of the vine on the top of the gourd. Wash the outside of the gourds, drying them off completely. Arrange them on newspaper in a cool, dry area, turning them weekly. It may take three months to completely dry the gourds. Dispose of any gourds that have soft spots. A gourd is dry when seeds can be heard as it is shaken.

Making A Birdhouse Once the gourd is dried, wipe the gourd in bleach. To make a birdhouse for Martins, cut a 2 1/8” hole in the gourd to young and adult Martins access to the birdhouse. The hole in the gourd can be cut with a scroll saw. The gourd can be painted or simply sealed with a polyurethane coating. Using lighter colors on the exterior will give birds entering the birdhouse years of cooler habitat.

Small Gourds Small gourds are soft-skinned. These can be carved like pumpkins or painted. As these gourds dry, the colorful exterior will dull. But, when dried, soft gourds make good shakers. 26 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

717-593-4676 pureandsimplelife.com/café

Rachel’s Home Style Meals & Catering (call for reservations)

891 McClays Mill Road Newburg, PA 17250 717-530-9452 rachelscountrystore.com

Red Run Grill

11277 Buchanan Trail East Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-765-0200 redrungrill.com

Relax Lounge at The Orchards 1580 Orchard Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201

717-264-4711 orchardsrestaurant.com

Roy Pitz Brewing Company & Beer Stube 140 North Thirds Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

717-496-8753 roypitz.com

Romeo’s Pizza Shop

66 Church Street Mercersburg, PA 17236 717-328-3323 romeosofmercersburg.com/index.html

Rosalie’s fabulous Grill 1901 Scotland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201

717-262-4981 rosaliesfabgrill.com

Shippensburg Select Restaurant 2 West King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257


Square 1

1 North Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-491-1833

Stoner’s Restaurant

615 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-2008

Sunnyway Diner

140 North Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225 717-597-3928


8228 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222 717-401-0605

Franklin County Native Plants - Edibles & Medicinals

The doh-nuh t Company 108 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201

717-497-4121 dohnuht.com

Tony’s New York Pizza & Italian Restaurant 42 South Antrim Way Greencastle, PA 17225

Native plants give many benefits to people and wildlife and give back healthy soil and water. Plus, the roots, flowers and leaves of plants can be used in teas, as flavoring, and to bring healthful benefits.

717-597-2152 tonys-pizza.com

Travel America Country Pride Restaurant 10835 John Wayne Drive Greencastle, PA 17225


University Grille

32 East King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-532-4141 shipuniversitygrille.com

The Velvet Cafe

145 West Third Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-762-7916

Veroni Café

Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctorial) has a bluish-green, cloverlike leaf, likes sun, and grows up to three feet. Flowers are yellow. The root is used to make a tea that acts as an antiseptic. Also, it may be consumed prudently to help respiratory illnesses, colds, and flu. (1 cup water + 1.5 tsp. dried root)

12 West King Street Chambersburg, PA 17201

Scarlet Bee Balm (Monarda didyma) is an aromatic herb that is a member of the mint family. It likes moist, well-drained soil, sun to part sun, and grows up to five feet. All above ground parts of the plant are edible. Flowers are used in teas, tender young leaves in salad, or both dried for potpourri and aromatherapy.


Vinnie’s Pizza

5210 Molly Pitcher Highway Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-375-4094

Webbs Sports Bar

114 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-414-7637

The Wheelhouse Café

300 North Earl Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 717-300-3606 thewheelhousecafe.com

Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense) is a natural herb with an earthier taste than typical ginger. It is hardy and low to the ground. Roots can be made into a tea to relieve stomach aches or cramps and help with indigestion.

Wild Ginger Syrup

Alum Root (Heuchera americana) is an evergreen plant with marbled leaves. It can have green, red, or brownish leaves. The roots made into tea can act as an antiseptic and astringent. It can be used as a gargle for sore throat or made into a poultice to stop bleeding or reduce swelling.

of the wild ginger. • Harvest the rhizomes ing mass of roots.) (Rhizomes are the creep boil in water • Clean thoroughly and until tender. the water • Add sugar or honey to nutes. mi 30 er oth an and cook • Drain the liquid. flavoring or • The liquid is a syrup for or am topping yogurt, ice cre pancakes. and eaten • The root can be stored rolled in or r like European ginge . dy sugar to can

Franklin County Fresh! | 27

The farms of Franklin County are busy producing delicious and nutritious foods but what happens when the farmers can’t sell remaining crops? Or maybe the demand isn’t as high as previous years? That’s where the South Central Pennsylvania Gleaning Project comes in.

get that and can distribute it,” Eury said. “It’s no fault of the farmer, sometimes because of marketing forces and low profit margins, there is a lot that farmers cannot harvest or find a good place to sell in time. The gleaning project fits in there.”

This project, started three years ago under the South Central Community Action Program, works with local farmers to collect delicious vegetables and fruits that cannot be sold by the growers. The Gleaning Project works to reduce hunger and to get nutrition to those who don’t have ready access to food in the county, according to Jay Eury, head of the initiative.

“We have a really imperfect food system,” Eury added. “There are a lot of times where this waste. A ballpark estimate of food loss, which is food left on the farm that is not harvested, is estimated on average as a 15-20% loss.”

Eury said this program ties into SCAAP’s mission for anti-poverty and helps to stock food pantries throughout Franklin County as well as the WIC offices, doctor’s offices and after school programs. This project was founded by the Summit Endowment, after a survey of the Summit Health area found that it could benefit from a program that helped to provide delicious food. “Primarily, we do that by working with local food and fruit growers to get food that would go to waste and we

28 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

When there is a flooded market, where every farm up and down the east coast has tomatoes and cucumbers, there is less demand and there are remainders of tons of fresh, local fruits and vegetables going to waste. The gleaning mostly takes place from July 4 through Thanksgiving, Eury said, and last year over 125,000 pounds of food was collected in Franklin County. In return, farmers and growers get a tax deduction for their donations. They also partner with the Franklin County Master Gardeners for their container program, where the gardeners donate their extra plants and produce to the

Food Security

gleaning project to grow in recycled tubs, which are given to people who want a little extra help in growing produce. “There is another part of the population that may not have gardening experience but it is something that everyone knows,” he said. “They know they should be eating more vegetables and everyone knows their children should be healthier.” And it helps offer support. “One of the most common things gardeners experience is failure. It’s hard for those with limited means to try to eat healthier through growing healthy vegetables,” Eury said. The organization is always looking for volunteers for their project and monetary donations are also accepted to continue the mission as their initial endowment to develop the program runs out this year. The South Central Pennsylvania Gleaning Project will be starting several charity events in the next several years including Glean-A-Mania, a fundraiser where people pay a penny or half-a-penny for every pound of fruits and vegetables collected for a week. For more information, visit thegleaningproject.org.

Food security is the reliable access to state of having a affordable, nutritio sufficient quantity of is a larger amount us food. When there need for this affo of insecurity, there is a rdable healthy fo od. According to the USDA, in 2015, 15 million U.S. hous .8 eh insecure at some olds were food point, with 6.3 m illion identifying as ve ry low food secu rity, as in normal eatin g more in the hous patterns of one or ehold were disrup and food intake ted was insufficient money reduced because of Franklin County, or other resources. In ap residents face fo proximately 17,318 od insecurity issue the decades, a ch s. Over an populationt, risin ging climate, growing g stressors have co food prices and other ntributed to this number. Gleaning projects and other outreac to provide fresh an h help d households that m delicious food to ay more nutritional op not be able to afford a tion.

Shippensburg Produce Outreach Beginning in 2008, the Shippensburg Produce and Outreach Program was created under the mentorship of Project SHARE and strives to assist those whose access to healthy produce was limited by a lack of money. The outreach works with the Central PA Food Bank, Aldi of Shippensburg, the Shippensburg University Farm, the Gleaning Project of South Central PA and area farmers to accept donations of excess harvest and purchase additional produce as needed. Every Tuesday, SPO serves Cumberland and Franklin County with a Food Distribution Program from their South Penn Street address. They also do a Senior Box Program that are distributed monthly, a Site Delivery Program for those with disabilities, transportation issues and other issues that prevent individuals for getting to the weekly program. With support from local churches and organizations’ donations and volunteer work, the organization has grown to serve over 600 families per month with a walk-in program and site deliveries to 80 other residents.

Franklin County Fresh! | 29

Franklin County has acres of fertile soil that yield delicious fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Grab a pack of seeds and get growing. Realistically evaluate the amount of time for gardening, plus the available space. Then, plan the things to grow. Container gardening is a good way for busy people to enjoy playing in the soil and enjoying eating homegrown herbs and vegetables. Here are a few ideas for stress-free gardens. Think In Squares Not Rows Make it easy…plant in two feet squares and only have two squares side by side. Then it is easy to reach and harvest. The squares can be created in a raised bed where the soil is added or created in an existing garden, using mulch, pavers, or wooden planks to define the squares. For growing in a raised bed, mix equal parts of highquality compost and screened topsoil. Start a compost pile by layering grass clippings, leaves, and vegetable matter from the kitchen. It will decompose and can be added to boost the 50-50 mix. Lettuce, beets, oregano, basil, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes and melons are easy to grow from seeds. A 2-ft. by 2-ft. area can hold the following plants: 8 lettuce, 18 beet, 2 basil, 2 oregano, 32 carrot, 2 zucchini plants, 2 tomato plants and 1 melon. If planting inside, it takes 4-6 weeks for seeds to germinate and grow enough to plant in the garden. For some plants, like the lettuce and zucchini, stagger planting the seeds. Both lettuce and zucchini are good plants to sow directly in the soil. For more variety, mix up lettuce with spinach and swiss chard. Young spinach and chard can be eaten mixed with lettuce or in place of lettuce as a salad base.

30 | Franklin County Fresh Food & Dining

Let A Franklin County Greenhouse Help Greenhouses are a good place to pick-up harder-to-grow and less common plants. Peppers can be hard to grow from seed, so this is one plant that is frequently purchased. Plus, with so many varieties of peppers, purchasing the different kinds from a greenhouse or nursery means a chance to taste and enjoy an assortment of peppers. Franklin County has a number of long-standing greenhouses, places like Snavely’s Garden Corner, Lurgan Greenhouse, Plasterer’s Greenhouse, or Fisher’s Greenhouse, to make it easy to add new things to the garden. Perfect For A Pot Gardening in a pot or container can fit any space. As well, it can also be easier for people with mobility concerns. Pots can be placed at a variety of levels and be a minimum of steps apart. As well, gardening in a pot adds color to decks, patios, window wells, and any nook that receives at least six hours of sunlight daily. The medium for container gardening is one-third peat moss, potting soil, and sand or vermiculite or perlite. A pepper in a pot and a tomato in a pot are good companions to a pot of mixed lettuces, arugula, or other greens. Add one more pot of herbs—chives, basil, thyme, and oregano—and together these will yield a summer of fresh flavor. Another positive for pot gardens is the opportunity to keep the fresh vegetables a little longer by bringing plants in for the winter. Some plants in pots, like peppers and herbs, will winter indoors and can be brought outside in spring, boosted with fertilizer, and resume a productive outdoor season.

An herb patch or garden comes in handy to

add fresh flavor to dishes. But, an herb garden is equally relaxing to the eye and touch. The variation of plant sizes and textures is pleasing, and the smells are invigorating. A quick walk to the herb patch is functional and refreshing. Some herbs grow well from seeds. Here are some that can be seeded directly in the herb patch. Parsley is a relative of celery. It adds vibrant color to the herb patch. The two main varieties are curly parsley, which is deep green and frilly, and flat or Italian, which is a little more heat tolerant. Both are more than a garnish, often adding balance to dishes like lemon does. Plus, it is rich in Vitamin K and Vitamin C. As a biennial, parsley grows from seed to plant. After the cold of winter, it will sprout. The second year, it will go to seed but can often reseed. Mint comes in many varieties—spearmint, peppermint, pineapple mint, chocolate mint, and more than 100 others. All mints like full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. Mints are fast growers. The roots spread freely. Mint is a quick and easy way to add flavor to many beverages, such as iced tea and mojitos. Chives are so easy to grow. These great herbs add nice flavor to cooked foods and salads, plus the purple bloom adds color to any corner. Chive seeds like warmer soil, so this is a good seed to start indoors. Start the seeds in warm moist soil and transfer the plants outside when they are 4-6 inches. Chives like sun but will even grow in full shade. The entire plant is edible. Oregano is tgreat because once it is going, it reseeds. Also, it is tolerant of drier soil and forgiving of a gardener that forgets to water. The fragrant, fuzzy leaves add texture to the tapestry of the herb garden. Plus, it pops with flavor. As healthful as it is flavorful, oregano is an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and an antibacterial. Basil likes sun, moisture, and being harvested regularly. The leaves have a sweet, peppery scent and partner well with another prolific garden favorite—tomatoes. To keep the lovely flavor, nip any flowers. The good flavor will return in a day or so. Grow a bunch for pesto, but be sure to harvest when even the mildest frost is expected because basil is quite sensitive to frost.

Gardening Tips When thinking of plants, think of: Soil Type There are many different types of soil types, including clay, sandy, silty, peaty, chalky and loamy. Different plants grow better with different soil types. Certain herbs like sage, thyme and rosemary grow well in sandy soils. Plants such as crab apple trees, magnolia trees, hydrangea and lilac thrive better in clay and silt soils.

Sunlight Requirements Plants require different levels of sun referred to as full sun, partial sun, shade, full shade or dappled sun. Exposure to direct sunlight to plants needing partial sun can injured and scorch growing plants.

Watering Requirements Some plants require low levels of water and are called drought tolerant, such as red cedar, crape myrtle and marigolds. Most plants need to be watered when the soil has been dry for over a week or two, including most roses, wisteria, sunflowers and most flowering perennial shrubs. Some require large amounts of water, and mostly grow in marshy areas or along the banks of rivers. Popular plants in this category include iris plants, ferns, aquatic mint and the red osier dogwood.

Lemon Balm as it implies has a lemony flavor. Once it starts to grow, it will spread easily. It is actually part of the mint family. To contain it, remove the flowers as soon as they appear. Lemon balm adds a nice flavor to tea, is a natural insect repellent, and is aromatic in potpourri. An herb garden is a fun way to express yourself. Plant a patch outdoors, and a few indoors, too. It will help make winter seem shorter.

Franklin County Fresh! | 31

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