Get Involved Pack 2021: Citizens

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GET INVOLVED GUIDE: CITIZENS Your guide to getting involved in Fashion Revolution Week 2021






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Contents We are Fashion Revolution

Ask brands #WhoMadeMyClothes

Fo l l o w u p

Invite a friend Use your windows Attend an eve n


Fashion Open Studio

We are Fashion Revolution. We are designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers, trade unions and fashion lovers. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are you.





Rights, Relationships And Revolution Human rights and the rights of nature are interconnected and interdependent, yet the fashion industry takes too much from nature, and exploits its people. We cannot continue to extract dwindling resources from an already stressed natural world, pollute our land and our oceans, fall far short of climate change targets and dump our waste on the shoulders of countries we have culturally depleted. Nor can we continue to allow big business to profit whilst supply chain workers struggle to live in dignity. At Fashion Revolution, we believe we need a radical shift in our relationships – with each other, with our clothes, within fashion supply chains and with the natural world. We need this revolution for our own prosperity and wellbeing, and for the health of our earth and our oceans. Now is the time for a fashion revolution. This Fashion Revolution Week, we are bringing people together from across our community, amplifying unheard and marginalised voices, and working together to explore interconnected solutions. To learn more about the history of Fashion Revolution Week and the issues we’re campaigning on in 2021, click here.






the natural resources used in their materials and their waste footprint.

We ask #WhoMadeMyClothes to challenge brands to protect the p



to Hold brands accountable for their impact on the environment, @fash_rev






human rights and wellbeing of everyone involved in the manufacturing process from

people in their supply chains and take responsibility for the

farm to factory to finished garment. We ask #WhatsInMyClothes org









Action: Post a selfie holding one of our posters on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook or whatever platform you use. Tag the brand you’re wearing and ask them #WhoMadeMyClothes? / #WhatsInMyClothes? We need to transform the relationships between brands and suppliers, so that the rights of people and the rights of nature hold more of the power wherever decisions are being made. One of the simplest ways we can push for industry change is by using social media to challenge brands during Fashion Revolution Week. We know from our research that they are paying close attention to the demands of their customers - and that these simple pleas for transparency can effect major changes in even the biggest fashion brands. Some brands won’t answer at all. Some might tell you where your clothes were made but not who made them. Some will direct you to their corporate social responsibility policy. Only a few pioneers will show that they are doing fashion in a way that empowers workers and respects nature. Let us know how they respond by tagging us at @fash_rev. If a brand doesn’t respond, keep asking. Our power is in persistence.

See also: Following up org









Action: Ask brands #WhoMadeMyFabric on social media Global garment and textile supply chains are long, complex and opaque. We demand justice for the people at every stage of the production process. This includes people who make the fabrics in our clothes. Use your social media channels to ask brands #WhoMadeMyFabric, encouraging them to disclose their textile production sites and take accountability for the working conditions of the people that spin, weave and dye their fabrics.

Download a poster






Who made my fabric?

Dear _______ [Brand name], I am your customer, and I love your style. However, I am concerned about the working conditions in your global supply chain. There is a notable lack of transparency beyond the first tier of manufacturing where millions of people around the world are working to make the fabrics and raw materials used in the products I buy from you. This is cause for concern because research shows that human rights and environmental risks increase the further down the supply chain you look. In support of Goal 1 of the Tamil Nadu Declaration and Framework of Action, research conducted by Fashion Revolution has found that only 1 of 62 major brands and retailers publish a full list of the suppliers that produce the textiles used in their clothes. I would like you to tell me #WhoMadeMyFabric? Please publish a list of all the textile production facilities in your supply chain. This is a vital first step to take accountability for the working conditions of the people who make your products. I will be following Fashion Revolution’s research to see whether you make this disclosure or not.

Sincerely, YOUR NAME





Action: Write an email to your favourite brand and ask them #WhoMadeMyFabric? One of the best ways to show solidarity with the people working in fashion supply chains is by directly emailing a brand with your concerns. Use our handy tool to send an email directly into the inboxes of 60+ major fashion brands and retailers.

Email a brand tool List of brands’ email addresses

See also: Following up org




fashionrevo LEAVE A REVIEW

Who Made My Fabric? I am your customer, and I love your style. However, I would like to know more about the people who make your clothes and the materials they are made from. Please publish a list of all the textile production facilities in your supply chain. This is a vital first step to take accountability for the working conditions of the people who make your products. Can you tell me #WhoMadeMyFabric?

663 people found this helpful

Good product This was nice, arrived early and fits nicely. 223 people found this helpful

Who Made My Fabric? I am your customer, and I love your style. However, I would like to know more about the people who make your clothes and the materials they are made from. Please publish a list of all the textile production facilities in your supply chain. This is a vital first step to take accountability for the working conditions of the people who make your products. Can you tell me #WhoMadeMyFabric?


663 people found this helpful




Action: Leave a review for a brand to ask them #WhoMadeMyFabric Brands and retailers listen closely to their customers, so one of the most effective ways to share your concerns about working conditions in their supply chains is by leaving them a product review. Leave a product review on a brand website or on Trustpilot by copying and pasting our prepared paragraph.

Use the product review tool






Follow up Action: Following up.

What’s in my clothes?

Who Made My Clothes?

If a brand responds to your post or email, get specific.


Gender Equality

“What policies do you have in place to make sure harassment?”

Safe working conditions

“Do you conduct independent audits on every fac people who make your clothes? Do you have any

Fair pay

“Do you know how many workers in your supply c How are you working to ensure that all of the work

Modern Slavery

“Do you publish your 2nd tier (processing facilities organisations perform due diligence around force

Water Contamination

“Do you publish a ‘Manufacturing Restricted Subst commitment?”

Waste + Landfill

“Do you incinerate your unsold stock? Do you sen consumer and post-consumer waste? What do yo

Carbon Emissions

“Do you publish your annual carbon footprint, for y your carbon footprint? What is your target carbon

Animal welfare

“Do you publish an animal welfare policy? Do you sourcing transparency initiatives, including the Le Responsible Wool Standard?”

Ocean Plastic

“Do you have a strategy in place to eliminate plas your supply chain? Do you disclose what you are


“Do you source viscose and man-made cellulose Is your leather supply chain traceable to the raw m




The more information you ask for, the more brands are pushed to improve their social and environmental policies, and act transparently. We’ve drafted some things you can ask down below.

e women working in your supply chain don’t experience verbal, physical and sexual

ctory you source from? Do you ensure mandatory fire & safety training for the programs or partnerships in place to improve worker health & safety?”

chain earn a living wage rate, as defined by the Global Living Wage coalition? kers in your supply chain can exercise their right to join a union?”

s) and 3rd tier (raw materials) supplier lists to help NGOs and independent ed labour further down the supply chain?”

tances List’? Do you adhere to the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC)

nd returned items to landfill? What practices do you have in place to reduce preou do with your offcuts, damaged goods and other supply chain waste?”

your own operations and your entire supply chain? Do you have a goal to reduce footprint by 2025? Do you offset your emissions?”

u source mulesing-free wool? Are you signed up to any animal welfare and animal eather Working Group, Responsible Down Standard, Traceable Down Standard or

stics from your packaging? Will you commit to eliminating virgin polyester from doing to reduce microfibre shedding from clothing?”

e materials from sustainably managed forests, through initiatives such as Canopy? material?”






Sharing ideas within communities, throughout cultures and across borders is what makes a moment become a movement. At Fashion Revolution, we’ve seen the demand for a fair, transparent and safe fashion industry explode over the past 8 years. Yet much work remains to be done for sustainable fashion to become the expectation, rather than the exception. To make the change we seek to create, we need to bring everybody on board, demand solutions that are equitable and accessible and ensure no one is left out of the conversation. We can do this by taking what we know about the fashion industry today, and passing it on to our friends, families, colleagues and communities. If you’ve taken part in Fashion Revolution Week in years past, now is your moment to amplify the message. @fash_rev









d n e i r f a I nv i t e





Action: Invite a friend (or a few) to join in on Fashion Revolution Week. Click below to invite a friend to join the Fashion Revolution. They’ll be sent this Get Involved Guide, along with our virtual events programming and an introduction to Fashion Revolution.

Invite a friend

Growing numbers of people are radically reassessing what’s meaningful in their lives and starting to reimagine the values at the essence of a new fashion system.






Action: We want to see people everywhere using their windows (and creativity) to ignite a Fashion Revolution, and spread the word. In 2020, people went into lockdowns around the world and used the windows of their homes to share messages of inspiration and support, politics and protest with their neighbourhoods. We think its the perfect stage and want to see how you’ll use yours to share the message of a Fashion Revolution. Download a poster on our website or get creative and make your own.

Download a poster Get inspired

If you’re making your own poster, add the Fashion Revolution logo. Download the logo here. @fash_rev




U s e yo u r w

i n d ow s

Show us your posters. Tag us at @fash_rev so we can share with our community of revolutionaries org





t n e v e n a d n e Att





Action: Join us for a series of live conversations, global summits and virtual workshops to explore fashion’s issues and collaborative solutions in a global context. We’ll be broadcasting virtual events every day (April 19-25th) on our YouTube Channel.

Browse events

Fancy hosting an event? We have a guide for that. See it here. org





Fashion Open Studio is Fashion Revolution’s showcasing initiative, which exists to shine a light on the people, the stories and the processes behind the clothes we wear.

Action: Take a look inside the studios of innovative makers and designers around the globe during Fashion Open Studio’s virtual series of Fashion Revolution Week events.

Visit the site





Fashion Open Studio






Other ways to get involved

Download campaign assets Use your voice to invite others to join you in taking part in Fashion Revolution Week. Find our social media assets, posters and campaign materials here.

Take our free online course Explore the fashion industry’s impact on people and planet, what the Sustainable Development Goals are, and how they are linked here.

Sign up to the newsletter Be kept up to date on all things Fashion Revolution. Sign up for the newsletter here.

Get involved in your school If you’re an educator, or a university student, learn how you can engage your students and peers during Fashion Revolution Week here.






Follow us on social media Join the community and be part of the the global movement calling for a fairer, safer, cleaner, more transparent fashion industry.

Read up Educate yourself on current issues and get inspired by new ways to help create change. Download our past zines here.

Read our latest reports All of our latest reports including the Fashion Transparency Index, Consumer Survey and our Out of Sight Transparency report can be found here.

Download free resources We believe our resources should be available for everyone, regardless of income, you can download all of them for free here or leave a small donation.














Help us keep our resources open source and free for all, so we can create a fashion industry that values people and planet over profit. DONATE

If you found this resource useful, please consider making a small donation of £5/$5/€5 to help us change the system.





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