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5PROGRESS Linea easy glam prodotta dal gruppo Romantic, già sul mercato con Caban Romantic., 5progress è stata lanciata nel 2015, con una capsule di giacche militari vintage customizzate dal mood originale. È distribuita in circa 200 negozi nel mondo ed è in progress in USA, Giappone, Cina e Middle-East. A breve l’opening di un monobrand a Baku, in Azerbaijan. This easy glam line with “luxury affordable” as a claim was born in 2015, as a capsule of military vintage jackets, customized in an original mood. Distribution covers about 200 stores in Italy and on foreign markets, where development is focused expecially on Usa, Japan, China and Middle East. A monobrand store in Baku, in Azerbaijan, is opening soon. Reported by 1ST FLOOR

AILANTO Da Barcellona un caleidoscopio di fantasie esclusive, ispirate all’arte, al paesaggismo e alla botanica, per abiti fluidi che giocano con le sovrapposizioni. Lanciata dai due pluripremiati fratelli gemelli Munoz, la linea, made in Europe, ha due flagship store, a Barcellona e a Madrid. From Barcelona a kaleidoscope of exclusive patterns inspired by art, landscaping and botany emerge, for flowing dresses that play with overlays. Launched by the award-winning Munoz twins, this Europeanmade line has two flagship stores, both in Barcelona and Madrid.

Reported by DMVB Showroom


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