2022-2023 Family Transition Place Annual Report

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2022-2023 Annual Report Safety. Support. Hope. GROWTH


It is not always easy, when engaged in operating a multi-funded, multi-service, 24/7 crisis organization to create the space for proactive thinking. But, planning and visioning are critical to the success of an agency over the long haul. Somehow, in 2022-2023, we made the time— lots of time—to do this, despite an exceptionally busy year of growth and service delivery.

In 2021-2022, we were at the end of our three-year strategic plan and very much still in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic. Planning past the next wave of the virus was impossible. So, we put our major planning work on hold and created a one-year “refresh” of the existing strategic plan. The refresh was enough to keep us on track with derailed objectives by the arrival of a global pandemic.

However, 2022-2023 had us jumping in with both feet. Led through the process by the proficient facilitation team at Collective Results, we surveyed, consulted, discussed, wrote, re-wrote, discussed again, and eventually—after several months of intense work—have a plan that is grounded in our roots, our values and lays the groundwork for the Family Transition Place (FTP) of the future.

The recent strategic planning process involved many conversations about just what kind of organization FTP is and wants to be.

At a recent board meeting, everyone agreed that the structure and direction of a good plan is very important. However, one of the biggest concerns of the board and the staff team was that the heart—the “essence” of FTP —not get lost in practicalities of determining “strategic” metrics and deliverables.

FTP is an organization with a big heart. As we grow—and this past year was an exceptional time of growth with new programs, new staff positions, and a bigger priority on housing—we need be aware of how that growth affects the culture of our organization. In our new visionary plan, we place caring culture at the centre; first and foremost FTP must be a place where people (all people) feel they can belong. We emphasize that our services need to be

equitable and empowering, that our connections within the community must be intentional and values-driven and that growth must be balanced and sustainable. In creating these pillars, I am satisfied that we captured the essence, the heart, of this agency and have embedded it as the core of our plan for the next three years, regardless of the changes or growth we will experience.

As an interesting aside, I was recently involved in a discussion where I learned that the term “Strategic Planning” was originally a military term that was then adopted by big business and corporate culture. It was proposed that “Community Impact Plan” may be a more fitting term for a not-for-profit that is attempting to create positive, values-based change in the community. We are learning through our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work that many commonly used expressions have an origin story, many of which are decidedly unpleasant. Like so many other terms I use daily, I hadn’t given any consideration to the origin of “Strategic Planning.” It is interesting how, in most cases, when one changes the language, one also changes the perspective and therefore, the outcome...something to consider at the end of the next three-year cycle.

You will see, through the graphs, numbers and notes contained within this publication, just how much of an impact we had in 2022-2023. I know we continue to make an impact on the lives of the people we support on their journey to a safer, healthier, happier life. Norah

table of contents Welcome Message 4 Our Board and Our Values 5 Governance Work 6 About Us and Our Vision/Mission 7 Strategic Plan (2023-2026) 8 Our Future 9 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Work 10 The Lotus Centre and Youth Education 11 Client-centred Services 12 Our Impact 14 Risks and Challenges 15 Events and Donations 16 Major Donors 18 Volunteers 19 Collaborations 20 Community Partners 21 Financial Report 22 Connect with Us 23
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Hannah Busing

welcome message

It is always a pleasure to reflect on the past year at FTP—the challenges, solutions, accomplishments, and all the terrific staff and volunteers. I wish systemic and cultural barriers could be removed more rapidly and suitably so that fewer women and gender diverse individuals would require FTP’s support and I greatly value the opportunity to have been part of an amazing team all working toward that goal.

I extend a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who has contributed their time and efforts toward ensuring the wellbeing, health and safety of FTP clients and our staff.

While this past year has seen significant relaxation of restrictions and a normalization of operations, the instances of gender-based violence and home insecurity has seen a notable increase. As the challenges grow in magnitude and complexity for women, their children and gender diverse individuals, so too does the demand of FTP services. Most importantly, FTP has stayed relevant to the changing community needs while planning for agency growth.

I thank each board member, our Executive Director, Norah Kennedy, and her leadership team for their dedication, commitment and perspective. They have all worked tirelessly this past year.

We completed our 2023-2026 strategic plan that affirms our mission. Embedded in our agency values, the plan lays out ambitious goals and a solid foundation to build on for the upcoming years.

Considerable efforts were made in advancing initiatives to provide safe, accessible, affordable and sustainable housing—a source of much hope!

Both board and staff continue to reflect and learn as we seek to collectively change the way people think and behave around an increasingly diverse group of clients and colleagues. As an organization, we are committed to finding ways to better represent the people we support.

As a volunteer, I continue to be inspired by and in awe of the entire team at FTP, who continue to look for ways to expand support, adapt to the changing needs of our clients, and assist people with dignity and respect every

day. They work in many diverse roles and are crucial in making FTP an effective and well-respected leader of social services within the community we serve.

Meeting our funding requirements could not be accomplished without the grants and generous support from all levels of government. This provision of core funding forms an essential foundation from which FTP can deliver the services that are needed by our clients and our community.

I am tremendously grateful for the gifts of time from our volunteers and the generous financial support of our donors who embody the spirit of compassion. Much of our work would not be possible without their support. I am also grateful for the strong and trusting relationships with our many community partners who help FTP in its work to end gender-based violence and to provide hope and dignity to the people we are privileged to meet.

We are embarking on exciting and meaningful projects in the coming year. This annual report provides an overview of all that was accomplished in 2022-2023. Once again, this would not have been possible without the collaboration of our community members and partners.

It has been an honour to serve and support, and a sincere privilege to be connected with FTP.

With much gratitude,


our board

FTP is governed by a volunteer board of directors comprised of individuals who have a broad range of experience and commitment to ending violence in our community. Their strategic leadership focuses the efforts that support the agency to meet the changing needs of our community, while simultaneously ensuring that FTP’s mission and values are front and centre. Board members, individually and collectively, evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency annually in order to identify areas for growth and development.

New board members are recruited by FTP’s Governance Committee; a committee that is also responsible for reviewing the terms, expertise and diversity reflected in current members, and identifying gaps.

Once a board member is recruited, they are included in the slate of directors put forth for election at FTP’s Annual General Meeting, held each June. New members are given a comprehensive orientation as directed by FTP’s Board Policies and Procedures. Board meetings are held monthly throughout the year and require a five-person quorum for decisions that will affect the operation of the agency.

our values


The human quality of understanding a person’s strengths and vulnerabilities along with the authentic desire to offer acceptance and support. We show commitment to this value by actively listening to one another and by showing respect and care to all people, especially to those we serve and support.


We recognize that in order to achieve equity, we must embrace diversity and recognize that creating an inclusive environment requires intent, self-awareness and investment in training, time, effort and energy. We aim to create a safer environment where everyone can belong.


It is our responsibility to be actively involved in our community. We commit to working with partners and citizens to create a community that is welcoming and supportive of all. We strive to make a positive difference in our world through advocacy, leadership, coaching and mentoring, and intentional environmental practices.


Upholding the fundamental ethical, organizational and institutional principles of FTP in a transparent, trustworthy, honest and consistent manner.

Sharyn Ayliffe Laura Cameron Treasurer Denyse Horner Rapinder Kaur Co-Vice President Tony Maxwell Sheralyn Roman Co-Vice President Kimberly Van Ryn Christina Zurowski

governance work

The Governance Committee plays a vital role in supporting FTP’s board to maintain its ongoing commitments to the community we serve. Their work is done thoughtfully, and includes tasks related to good governance such as: policy and procedural review, identifying opportunities for new policies or processes in response to changing community or regulatory expectations, planning for and conducting recruitment and orientation for new board members, or providing regular training to upgrade board member skills.

The committee sometimes jokes that governance is not always the most “glamorous” work, but it is vitally important to the smooth daily functioning of a board that is responsible for a multi-million dollar budget, and governance oversight of an agency with over 50 staff team members. The Governance Committee supports the work of the board, which enables the executive director to confidently lead the crucial work FTP does.

The goal of the committee remains to support the work of FTP to the best of its abilities, and in alignment with FTP’s Mission, Vision and Values. This year, the committee moved to a co-chair model at the Governance Committee level in recognition of the volume of work required from this committee, and supported efforts to ensure readiness ready for the next FOCUS Accreditation evaluation in 2024. Changes to the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) necessitated the formation of a sub-committee to complete this important work impacting FTP’s bylaws and articles of incorporation. The committee participated in the strategic planning process and unreservedly supports, with confidence, a new strategic plan that will guide FTP over the coming years, during which continued change is anticipated. Plans are also underway, with another sub-committee established, to review recruitment and orientation efforts with a renewed lens on fostering equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging at the FTP board table.

With a new potential housing initiative and a continued commitment to adapt and change with the times to meet the needs and expectations of the community, the Governance Committee looks forward to continue serving FTP as effectively and efficiently as possible through another year. Sincerest thanks are extended to the leadership and staff at FTP and in particular, to Executive Director, Norah Kennedy.

Finally, the Governance Committee wishes to thank the following board members for their dedication, commitment and ongoing support of FTP as they now leave our board:


Thank you to Kim for her extensive knowledge of the sector, and her deep-rooted care and concern for the work FTP does. Thank you for also supporting various important and specific project initiatives while on the governance committee. Kim will continue to promote and support FTP during special community events and the committee is grateful for this ongoing support.

Carissa Burton

The Governance Committee is grateful to Carissa (Cari) Burton, who has served the committee and board with dedication, determination, and a deep-seated desire to see FTP and its staff team succeed by providing sound counsel, good governance, and strong strategic and financial acumen. The committee is in awe of Cari’s commitment to FTP, her keen attention to detail and for putting processes in place that will help continue to guide the FTP board for years to come. Cari’s loyalty and her willingness to stay on in a “Past President” capacity during the upcoming board year is yet another example of the value she places on the work that FTP does and her level of personal commitment. Cari leaves a legacy of strong leadership skills and the committee both welcomes and thanks her for her continued contributions.

This report was provided by Governance Committee Co-Chair, Sheralyn Roman.

FTP’s Governance Committee Members: Sharyn Ayliffe, Carissa Burton, Denyse Horner (Co-Chair), Priyanka Kumar (community member), Sheralyn Roman (Co-Chair) and Kimberly Van Ryn.



about us vision and mission

Since 1985, FTP has served the Dufferin and Caledon communities— dedicated to supporting women and their children who have experienced abuse, unhealthy relationships and homelessness. For almost 40 years, FTP has been offering emergency shelter, second-stage housing, transitional support services, counselling (addictions, sexual violence and women abuse) and youth and community education.

FTP primarily provides services to women and children who have experienced abuse. We know that abuse has wide ranging impact on peoples’ lives in the community and society in general, so we aspire to:

• A community free of abuse where all individuals are treated with compassion, equity and respect, and live their lives in healthy relationships.

our mission is to support the holistic well-being of those affected by gender-based violence and promote healthy relationships and community, through education. Therefore, we commit to:

Providing SAFETY :

• Providing a safe shelter for those identifying as women and their children.

• Providing referrals and options to help ensure the safety of all individuals who reach out to us for help.

• Creating safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces.

Providing SUPPORT :

• Providing respectful and compassionate counselling and supports to those who have experienced trauma and/ or abuse so that they are empowered as they move forward on their life journey.

Inspiring HOPE :

• Educating to promote healthy relationships and end the cycle of abuse.

• Advocating for systemic change; always learning and innovating to create positive impacts on the lives of the diverse individuals we serve.

• Living and promoting the values of integrity, compassion, equity and social responsibility at all times (within the agency and community).

• Providing responsible stewardship of resources and our community’s goodwill through accountable and transparent processes.


strategic plan (2023-2026)


FTP is an agency built on caring and compassion. Rooted in strong agency values, we are a family of compassionate, dynamic and diverse professionals, progressive in our thinking and collaborative in our actions. Guided by our personcentred approach and commitment to service excellence, we are determined to unlearn and learn ways of knowing, being and ultimately, supporting. Our culture is one that nurtures belonging; by asking ourselves to bring our best, most authentic selves to each interaction, whether with individuals we support, with colleagues or with community partners. With this strategic plan, we are laying the foundation for the FTP of the future while building on the foundation of the past.


Given that people bring their best selves to their work when they feel valued and respected, FTP will continue to foster a culture of caring that nurtures equity, belonging, connection and well-being to cultivate engaged and empowered staff, volunteers and board directors.


Given the diversity and complexity in the needs of the people we support, FTP will provide safety, support and hope through responsive and upstream skill-building services that address the whole person and the evolving needs of the community.


Given FTP’s commitment to our vision of a community where everyone lives with respect, equity, and in healthy relationships, FTP will continue to intentionally partner and collaborate in open and meaningful dialogue to affect positive change in our community.

balanced growth

Given the increasing needs for FTP services in the community and continuous evolution and growth within the organization, FTP is committed to developing foundational, equitable and sustainable Agency infrastructure that will maintain our level of excellence and provide stability to best serve both FTP and the community.


our future

The current housing crisis is having a profound impact on many in our community, in particular the women and families we serve. The prohibitive cost of rentals and home ownership, coupled with skyrocketing costs of living, is making life virtually impossible for far too many.

With the knowledge that safe and affordable housing is simply not available in our community, FTP is endeavouring to create a solution—by designing and building it ourselves. Our vision is a three-storey 22-unit apartment building that will provide safe, supportive and truly affordable housing for women and children that we support on our existing Bredin Parkway site.

Together, with our development partner, Raising the Roof, we have been working for over 18 months on funding applications, including our most recent grant application to the third-round stream of the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), facilitated by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), submitted on March 15, 2023. A successful application will see an over $12-million federal investment in our community and this building completed and families living there, within 18 months.

This new building will:

• Have three storeys and be seamlessly integrated into our existing building esthetic and design;

• Have 22 barrier-free units—4 two-bedroom, 16 one-bedroom and two studio units;

• Have a rooftop garden terrace, complete with a sensory play area for children;

• Be constructed out of insulated concrete forms (ICF)—efficient, sustainable and safe;

• Contain a living wall, community room, gym, suitable storage, counselling meeting rooms and Property Manager and Tenant Relations offices;

• Ensure women and children who need a safe, supportive and affordable place to live, have a place to call home.

This project has been endorsed by MP Kyle Seeback and MPP Sylvia Jones. It has been unanimously supported—both in principle and with ongoing operational funding—by the Town of Orangeville and the County of Dufferin for the next 20 years, if we are one of the successful recipients of this competitive national CMHC RHI funding.



stage process designed by ASI to “assist in the creation of healthy workplace communities from the inside out, by journeying with organisations [sic] in order to help them understand and step into their commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging and Equity.”

(Schroeder, A.)

We began with the development of a team comprised of a diverse cross-section of the agency. Once the team was in place, we worked on creating a vision and mission to specifically guide our work in equity, diversity and inclusion, and to make clear the ideal state we are working towards.

FTP’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Journey

In late fall of 2022, FTP embarked on an ambitious and intensive project to increase our knowledge of and commitment to our value of Equity.

After seeking proposals from a number of consultants, we engaged Annemarie Schroeder International (ASI) to lead us in this work. Annemarie had previously conducted a training program for staff called the ABC’s of Inclusion and already had a sense of where we were on our journey to a more inclusive work environment.

The project included two separate but equally important streams. The first piece of work focussed on the leadership of the organization.

Inclusive Leadership is a crucial component of an organization’s D&I commitment—because if [leadership] “gets it,” then they help create the culture that supports a sense of belonging (and with it, diversity).

The goal of the Inclusive Leadership Program (ILP) is to help develop an inclusive leadership mindset, so that diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging becomes the lenses through which you lead.”

(ASI website, 2023)

The second stream of the project was based on an eight-

Six months later, we have an in-depth plan consisting of eleven specific objectives that starts with consciously creating the space for the conversations that will challenge our biases. Although our agency is changing to reflect a much broader range of diversities than it traditionally has, another objective included in the plan is to change the face of the organization even further, so that no matter the colour of skin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or social location, anyone in our community needing help can find a place at FTP where they will feel they can be understood and truly belong.

There is a big piece of work ahead of us. Developing a plan often feels like an end in and of itself, but we all know that it is only the beginning. The real work starts now. We are very grateful that we have commitment starting at the board level, through the agency leadership team and across all divisions of the organization to make this work a priority.

We are grateful to all of the members of the strategy development group for the brave conversations and passion for the work we have done together. Each and every one of the team is committed to continuing to support the roll out of the plan. Heartfelt gratitude to:

• Christina Gonzalez

• Keely Horan

• Nealia Lewis

• Tiffany McMillan

• Femi Oke

• Lynette Pole-Langdon

• Jordan Start

• Bonnie Waterfield

We are also grateful to our stellar leadership team who ambitiously embarked on this work and bravely held space for some deep introspection.


the lotus centre

Lotus Centre staff continue to work with our community partners, Dufferin Child and Family Services and the Headwaters Health Care Centre, in providing a continuum of sexual violence support throughout Dufferin and Caledon. FTP’s Sexual Violence Community Engagement Facilitator has been working to inform and educate local businesses and community groups about sexual violence and the resources available.

In response to Policy/Program Memorandum 166, Keeping Students Safe: Policy Framework for School Board Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocols, the Upper Grand District School Board (UGDSB) committed to promoting student safety by building a culture of caring and taking meaningful, culturally responsive and consistent action to prevent and respond to issues of student safety. As a part of this commitment, presentations were given to all UGDSB grade 7 and 10 students. FTP supported both the development of content as well as the delivery of all Dufferin sessions to students.

youth education

Since our Youth Education Program began in 2001, more than 50,000 students and over 40 schools have participated in this important programming. As the 20222023 school year has come to a close, another 2,100 students have been added to the growing number of youth who have benefited from these skill-building, attitudechanging programs. This year, our three youth educators completed 540 in-class lessons comprised of 67 full 8-lesson programs in classrooms, and 14 independent lessons delivered to high school classes and after school groups.

Each of our 67 lessons include pre-program and post-program analyses. The statistical results were very encouraging and indicate significant progress is being made in the areas of relationship knowledge, empathy levels, self-efficacy skills, self-esteem, feelings of hope and classroom climates and a reduction in stereotypical attitudes. Specifically, we recorded the following:

• Stereotypical Attitudes decreased by 15.2%

• Empathy increased by 7.0%

• Self-Efficacy increased by 7.6%

• Classroom Climate increased by 8.6%

• Self-Esteem increased by 3.6%

• Feelings of hope increased by 8.0%

• Relationship Knowledge increased by 12.1%

Moreover, we are inspired by the feedback our youth are providing about what they learned:

• “Learning about healthy relationships was important because it helped me notice I was in an unhealthy one.”

• “This taught me so much! I learned that I need to surround myself with people who are good for my mental health and to trust my instincts and do things because I want to.”

• “I learned how to be the best version of myself. That starts with not putting myself down inside my own head.”

• “This program has made my life better in so many ways – Thank you.”

• “I now feel like I’m good enough. I have actually taught my family about the things I learned from FTP.”

Lotus Centre Sexual Violence Counselling and Support

Thanks to surplus emergency funding, we converted underutilized space below stairwells in our building to three new storage areas. This provided us with muchneeded space for items like cribs, bedding, small appliances and cots that support our emergency shelter operations.


Our first priority is the safety of the women and children we serve able to develop and grow our programs and services to meet

FTP now supports a hybrid work environment. The pandemic identified areas where we can better serve A hybrid work model provides staff with the opportunity their schedules—either in the office or from home—to accommodate client needs and availability.

For ten years, Brenda Laird has been free tax return support to our clients FTP volunteer. After graciously providing service virtually during the pandemic, all thrilled to welcome Brenda back with our clients in-person.

We had the opportunity to create a new, much-needed position to support our clients: Transitional Support Counsellor. This staff person provides help with safety planning, legal and housing resources, finding safe and affordable housing, and works with our community partners to advocate for our clients.

We started our Third Stage Housing Program, adding three new apartments to the housing options FTP manages in the community. In this program, clients become tenants and occupy independent, long term and affordable housing for as long as necessary. Together, our second and third stage programs provide space for more than 20 women and children to live at any given time.


client-centred services

serve and our staff. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we were meet the needs of our clients. Here are just a few examples:

The onset of the serve our clients. opportunity to flex home—to better availability.

been offering clients as an providing this pandemic, we were back to meet in-person.

Through various funding streams and generous donors, we have been able to provide our clients with much-needed resources. For example, first and last month’s rent for women transitioning into new housing, pregnancy pillows, electronic devices, personal care items, and much more.

FTP’s Rural Response Program (RRP) counsellors were invited to speak at the 2022 Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Niagara Falls. It was an incredible opportunity for our RRP staff to speak about their work supporting women living in rural North Dufferin, much of which consists of farming communities.

We secured reliable and affordable transportation with The Shelburne Transporter, ensuring safe and dependable transportation solutions for our clients. This partnership provides our clients with transportation to doctor appointments, the food bank, and other locations in Dufferin and Caledon, at no cost.

In partnership with the County of Dufferin, we were able to hire two community outreach counsellors. These counsellors provide mobile support, referrals and advocacy for people in Dufferin County who are chronically homeless or at risk of homelessness and may be experiencing mental and physical health concerns.


our impact

In the past year, calls to our support/crisis line increased by 23%. The COVID-19 lockdowns ended, but the lasting impacts of the pandemic are only now starting to manifest. The combination of the shelter in place isolation and enforced proximity to one’s abuser heightened the risk of violence and increased mental health considerations. This, coupled with a severe housing crisis, has pushed gender based/ domestic violence to its own epidemic proportions.

We will continue adapting our programs and services to accommodate the needs of our community and support lives free from abuse.

Emergency Shelter 74 Women and 40 Children Second Stage Housing 8 Women and 14 Children Third Stage Housing 3 Women and 5 Children Support Within Housing/Outreach 24 Women Crisis/Info Line 4,768 Calls (23% increase) Woman Abuse Counselling 286 Women Sexual Abuse Counselling 171 Women and 29 Men Child Witness Program 31 Women and 49 Children Transitional Support Services 324 Women Integrated Crisis Services 80 Women and 11 Men Addictions and Outreach 75 Women Rural Response Program 155 Women Youth Education Program 2,481 Students (81% increase) Caring Dads Program 8 Men Housing Allowance Program 23 Women/Families Community Homeless Outreach 11 Women and 10 Men

risks & challenges


Each year, FTP scores a very low level of risk, determined by an in-depth risk assessment tool. Factors that are considered risks to the agency include, but are not limited to, the overall risk score, environmental factors, program level risks, the ED’s experience with the agency, the appropriateness of the risk mitigation strategies, and/or estimates of likelihood and the impact of the risks materializing.


The Governance and Organizational risk structure scored low risk for various reasons, one being the regular ED interaction with the board of directors. The board consists of nine to 12 community members who reflect a variety of diverse skills and experience. They meet monthly and review financial statements and projections regularly, and help guide a strategic planning process every three years.

Once per year, FTP’s executive director (ED) uses a Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services risk assessment tool to help determine the level of risk to the agency.

The ED presents a “risk assessment dashboard” quarterly to the board to identify any potential risks to the agency. Risk mitigation strategies are also presented. Current areas for mitigation include having a current succession plan for the ED and senior leadership positions. FTP’s ongoing accreditation plan also allows us to examine policies and procedures with an in-depth focus to ensure that risk management is in place.



Service delivery also scored low in risk management due to the regular review and processes currently in place. Staff sit at numerous community planning and advisory tables to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community and our service users. The low risk score is also due to good service delivery processes that include an internal complaints process and emergency protocols.


In the finance category, FTP scored very low risk because the agency has no outstanding loans, has clean financial audits, and follows all ministry, Canada Revenue Agency, and accounting guidelines for financial policies.

The past year brought staff who had been working remotely back on site and saw the creation of a hybrid work model. Although seen as a positive move by all, it has brought additional challenges as management work to create policies to guide the model and to find ways of ensuring that it is equitable. The hybrid model also presents some specific scheduling and supervision challenges.

Recruitment and staff turnover was also a challenge, as a number of staff chose to move on to other opportunities, left on maternity leave or found they could not afford the cost of living in our community. The agency has also been challenged to confirm hires for applicants to positions who are also newcomers to Canada or Dufferin/Caledon, because of barriers to certifications, college registrations, transportation and housing. Women and other clients continue to be challenged to find safe and affordable housing in our community, which is often a critical barrier to the their ongoing safety and further independence and growth.


events & donations


In addition to grants, provincial, municipal and federal funding, individual and legacy donations, FTP also receives generous community support through both third party and fundraising events hosted annually by FTP.

Our three major fundraisers have historically included a celebratory luncheon in honour of International Women’s Day (IWD) in March, the HOPE Project event in the fall, and Heidi’s Walk (formerly The Ferguson Memorial Walk third party event) in the summer.

These events have evolved alongside the COVID-19 restrictions placed upon our community and sector. While each came with new challenges, it also pushed us to be creative in our approach to raising much-needed awareness and funds for our programs and services.

One thing we can be absolutely certain of—the support of our community never wavered.

The timing felt right for us to welcome Heidi’s Walk participants back to picturesque Island Lake for our annual 5k walk in-person. Presented by GoYoga Orangeville, the 2022 event combined both Heidi’s Walk and our annual HOPE Project event. These two events share the same important event mandate: to raise awareness and funds toward ending violence against women—so it made perfect sense to us to align the two, enhancing the overall impact of both. The event’s 5k family-friendly walk was accompanied by a beautifully curated vendor marketplace presented by The Hometown Market Orangeville, as well as a silent auction and guest speakers. Heidi’s Walk for HOPE raised over $30,000. We were also thrilled to welcome guests back—inperson—to our IWD fundraising luncheon on March 8, 2023. Alongside our wonderful and engaging guest speaker—Linda Murphy, also known as The Healthy Hiker —we were joined by over 240 guests. The energy in the room was magnetic. Through sponsorship, donations, a silent auction and our lively vendor marketplace, we were delighted to raise nearly $50,000 in support of our work. It brings us much hope to know that our community is fiercely committed to raising awareness of the critical issue of domestic violence through supporting our events and sharing information about our programs and services within their networks.


Monthly donations provide us with a consistent and reliable source of income. We are continually working on ways to grow our monthly donor program. In 2022-2023, we were able to count on over $26,000 for the year in monthly donations. This amount includes donations by staff who also contribute to our monthly donation program, on a biweekly basis, through payroll deductions.


International Overdose Awareness Day

The Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy Committee—of which FTP is a proud member—hosted an in-person event to acknowledge International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31, 2022. The event was held at the County of Dufferin Paramedic Services building and featured a barbecue, guest speakers and health fair. This event provides the community with an opportunity to discuss ways to end overdose, the stigma surrounding drug use, and remember those we have lost.

Wrapped in Courage Campaign

FTP participated in the 10th annual Wrapped in Courage campaign—an annual initiative developed by the Ontario Association of Interval & Transition Houses in recognition of Woman Abuse Prevention Month (WAPM). This initiative emphasizes the ever-existing importance of ending genderbased violence. A new Wrapped in Courage purple scarf was released—each scarf being unique and handmade with hand-felted Merino wool and integrated recycled saris. Throughout November, we also shared information and resources on our website and social media pages. Other community activities, such as flag-raising ceremonies and proclamations were organized with local municalities.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Each year, FTP hosts a ceremony in recognition of the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women (December 6th). The ceremony has historically been held in the parking lot at our Orangeville location. We invited guests to join together in a conversation circle, and welcomed the sharing of perspectives, reflections and experiences.



The generosity of our community and the effort to raise funds on our behalf through third-party events makes up a significant portion of our annual revenue. In the last year, third party events contributed almost $15,000 in support of our programs and services.


The last three years have been challenging, and we’ve had to rely on the kindness of our community to provide items for our clients that might otherwise have been unavailable. We are continually amazed and touched by the generosity and thoughtfulness we receive from local individuals and businesses; a few of our many supporters are pictured below.


major donors

The following donors made significant donations ($5,000+) in the last year, which helped provide us with the means to support our essential programs. Fortunately, with these significant contributions, and through emergency support provided by all levels of government, our services continued to flourish and grow.


Airlie Foundation

Allen, Heidi and Bergen, Mark

Camilla-Hockley Valley Women’s Institute

E. Hofmann Plastics Canada Inc.

Hope Fund (The)

And three anonymous donors.

Klein-Panneton Foundation (The)

Morrell, Sarah and Wade

Morningview Foundation (The)

Murphy, Linda

Wishart, Ken and Shelley

We respect the wishes of all of our donors and use donated funds responsibly. These significant donations—along with many more through the generosity of our community—have resulted in an unexpected year-end surplus. This surplus will be added to our Special Projects Fund to support our goal of increasing affordable housing options for the women and children we serve.

Photo of Linda Murphy—The Healthy Hiker, November 2022

We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our volunteers. Since the onset of the pandemic, our direct service volunteer program has been on hold, but we have been fortunate to maintain the support of volunteers through their work on our board, governance and finance committees, as well as through program development and our annual fundraising events. The commitment of these volunteers to the safety of the women and children we serve and the preservation of our essential programs and services throughout this crisis has been remarkable. We are truly grateful to all who have done what they could to support us in these different areas of our work. The names highlighted below received milestoneservice awards this year.

Sharyn Ayliffe

Adrian Bita

Meghan Bond

Carissa Burton

Laura Cameron

Steve Cavell

Kristy Fearon

Katie Greenley

Nicole Hambleton

Carter Hepburn

Denyse Horner

Ryan Hornseth

Rapinder Kaur - 5 years

Sarah Koeslag

Priyanka Kumar

Lisa Lahue

Brenda Laird - 10 years

Tony Maxwell

Sara May

Beckie Morris

Linda Murphy

Dana Ness

Lenora Netzke - 20 years

Alethia O’Hara-Stephenson

Bob Palmateer

Dan Palmieri

Adriana Roche

Sheralyn Roman - 5 years

Brian Rooney

Melissa Shea

Colin Simmons

Kiran Sohal

Josh Solecky

Andrea Stewart

Judi Sullivan

Gillian Vanderburgh

Kimberly Van Ryn

Debbie Van Wyck

Jim Waddington

Karen Webster - 10 years

Tabitha Wells

Emily Wickens

Nicole Wickens

Christina Zurowski

19 2022
Heidi’s Walk for Hope volunteer, Debbie Van Wyck Photo courtesy of J.A.W. Photography
THANK YOU TO: volunteers

FTP is proud to participate on many committees and sits at multiple collaboration and planning tables in our community. Some key examples are:


The Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team (OHT) is a partnership of health and community organizations and providers working together to unify and improve the health and social care of Dufferin-Caledon residents. FTP, as a funded agency of Ontario Health, has been one of the partner agencies involved in the creation and implementation of the OHT in Dufferin-Caledon from its inception. FTP participates in the Collaborative Council, the Anchor Council, and in multiple committees of the Mental Health Working Group.


This is a group made up of community services, police, and municipal government that is responsible for rolling out the legislated community safety and well-being plan. This plan has a focus on housing, mental health, addictions, violence prevention (with a focus on domestic violence) and equity/anti-racism.


The CCIT is a group of community social and health care providers who work together to respond to calls for help from people who are at risk of having, or who are having, a mental health or addictions crisis. Staff from each of the partner agencies hold regular meetings to decide what community supports and referrals individuals need, and meet clients in the community, at their home or by phone.


This is a long-standing collaboration between Headwaters Health Care Centre (HHCC), Dufferin Child and Family Services (DCAFS) and FTP to provide supports to those who have been victims of sexual violence. While HHCC provides the medical response through emergency department intake with specifically trained Sexual Assault Nurses, FTP and DCAFS provide the ongoing counselling support for both recent and historic assaults. FTP provides the support for adults while DCAFS is available to support children and youth. *Through new funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, the Lotus Centre was established at FTP and has expanded our ability to serve more people and provide education.


DART is made up of a group of representatives from criminal justice, medical, child protection, and community service agencies. Each agency deals with domestic abuse—the victims, the children who have been exposed, or the perpetrators. Our purpose is to maintain a sensitive, effective service response to victims and children who have been exposed to abuse, while holding the perpetrators accountable for their behaviour and its effects. Our goal is to coordinate practice, review cases and provide training to address identified gaps.

Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy committee

The Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy Committee is a community group composed of like-minded agencies that are working together to support and coordinate the development and implementation of local, comprehensive, cross-sector strategies to reduce the harms related to substance use and/or addictive behaviours. This committee came together in 2017 after a number of local deaths by overdose affected several community partners who were working with those who were lost. The goals of this committee have always been to raise awareness about the resources available in the Dufferin and Caledon communities for those who are struggling with drug use; to honour International Overdose Awareness Day annually on (or around) August 31st; and to educate the Dufferin and Caledon communities about the stigmas associated with drug use.


community partners

FTP is committed to collaboration and investment with community partners. The past year three years have highlighted the importance of these partnerships in dealing with the risks and challenges of the pandemic. Community agencies and businesses have worked together to support the mental health of our frontline staff and the vulnerable members of our community who need support.

Our partners include, but are not limited to, the following agencies and services:

Bethell Hospice

Caledon \ Dufferin Victim Services

Caledon OPP

Canadian Mental Health Association Peel-Dufferin

Community Living Dufferin

Catholic Family Services Peel/Dufferin

Choices Youth Shelter

Compass Community Church

County of Dufferin

Dufferin Area Family Health Team

Dufferin Child and Family Services

Dufferin County Canadian Black Association

Dufferin County Cultural Resource Circle

Dufferin OPP

Good Friends Fellowship Church

Habitat for Humanity Halton-Mississauga-Dufferin

Headwaters Health Care Centre

Hills of Headwaters Ontario Health Team

Métis Nation of Ontario

North Dufferin Wellness Centre

Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses

Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres

Ontario Early Years Centre

Orangeville Food Bank

Orangeville Public Library

Orangeville Police Service

Orangeville ReStore

Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services

Raising the Roof

Services and Housing In the Province

Stir the Pot/Lavender Blue Catering

Theatre Orangeville

The Salvation Army

Town of Caledon

Town of Orangeville

Victim Witness Assistance Program

White Owl Native Ancestry Association

Photo of Dufferin-Caledon Drug Strategy Committee at 2022 Overdose Awareness Day event.

financial report

Audited financial statements are available upon request.

2022-23 Service Delivery

*Due to an unexpected increase in donations and emergency funding, we were fortunate to end the year with a surplus. This surplus will be added to our Special Projects Fund

The Special Projects Fund has been established to support FTP’s commitment to creating more affordable housing options for our clients.

If you have questions about our Special Projects Fund, please contact our Executive Director, Norah Kennedy:

519-942-4122, ext. 255


FTP’s program and service delivery is made possible by the stable funding and continued support of:

• County of Dufferin

• Department of Women and Gender Equality

• Headwaters Health Care Centre

• Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

• Ontario Health Central

• Region of Peel

• Service Canada


28% 32% 3% 11% 9% 17%
$4,768,668 28% Shelter Services 32% Counselling Services 3% Youth & Community Education 11% Agency Unfunded Programs 9% Outreach Services 17% Special Project Grants 65% 8% 13% 10% 4% 2022-23 Operational Revenue $4,849,040 65% Provincial/Federal/Municipal Funding 8% COVID-19 Emergency Funding 13% Special Project Grant Funding 10% Donations & Fundraising 4% Other Income 0% Joint Venture


Do you need information about woman abuse counselling, shelter, or have general inquiries about how to help someone, including yourself?


Are you interested in volunteering, donating, sponsorship or fundraising events?

Contact: Kelly Lee (she/her) Manager of Fund Development & Communication Strategies kelly@familytransitionplace.ca or ext. 243


Are you interested in major giving or major project partnerships with FTP?

Contact: Brennan Solecky (she/her) Director of Development & Community Engagement brennan@familytransitionplace.ca or ext. 240


Do you want to join a progressive team of forward-thinking individuals?

Contact: Bonnie Waterfield (she/her) Executive Assistant bonnie@familytransitionplace.ca or ext. 222


We would love to hear from you.

Contact: Norah Kennedy (she/her) Executive Director norah@familytransitionplace.ca or ext. 255

Text/email accounts monitored
24-HOURS A DAY 519-941-4357 |
Voicemail: 519-942-4122 Text: 519-278-5410 Email: support@familytransitionplace.ca
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
YOU CAN ALSO FIND US ONLINE: @familytransitionplace @ftplace @familytransitionplace WWW.FAMILYTRANSITIONPLACE.CA Send mail to: 20 Bredin Parkway Orangeville, ON L9W 4Z9 connect with us www.linkedin.com/company/family-transition-place/

our commitment

Family Transition Place will remain steadfast in the work we do to educate and advocate for healthy relationships and violence-free lives to help make our world a better place.

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