French-American Chamber of Commerce Texas - Magazine March2023

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Texas Texas


As we are publishing this issue on the International Women's Day, we are very proud to celebrate a woman that impact the career of women and men in our business community Auragni Jeanson broke the infamous glass ceiling with a simple message "Empower. Other. Women!!! Full on. Full force. Full blast." We are thrilled to echo her message and have a trailblazer at the FACC Board of Di ours. Our new Adotevi, is a fierce He joined the FA and was unanimo at the end of 202 growing as nev shares his vision this issue The F chapter Along w welcoming new Board members this issue Samir Gouic, and Aurag that will drive the Texan economy remains strong and exchanges with France a are welcoming the la delegation from France leaders of various indus entrepreneurs. The Fr ecosystem keeps growin and economic power W welcome with La prestigious guest speake Pesquet and Barbara Bel

We are increasing ou meetings, events, targe for professionals of business leaders, entrep to share, learn, meet pee



Driving Innovation Forward to accelerate the decarbonization Samir Karoum
Women in tech cracking the glass ceiling
Auragni Jeanson 12
Overcoming Energy Waste with Smart Technology
Meet our new FACC Texas Texas President Alexander Adotevi 24 FACC NEWS Writing a new chapter fo Constance Bost 28 F A deep and mutually beneficial relationship Texas & France 32 FACC NEWS Learn more about our event series & services Your FACC & You 34 FACC NEWS
The revolutionary medical service for French expats in Texas Pauline d’Orgeval 38 The Power of Agility in Innovation: Lessons from Moderna Marcello Damiani 36 facc conferences MED TECH FRENCH TECH nnecting the French-Texan h ecosystem nch Tech News NCH TECH Connect & Network with the French Tech companies Business Award 46 FRENCH TECH Meet our guest speakers at our SXSW events Thomas Pesquet 4


ear members of the FrenchAmerican Chamber of Commerce Texas, we are pleased to announce that John Eldridge,

a prominent community member and Chair of our Board has been named a Knight of the French National Order of Merit

This prestigious distinction is a testament to John’s commitment and contributions to the relationship between the United States and France John has deep personal ties to France His mother and grandmother loved French culture and visited the country several times with him Later, he married Annette Marie Westmoreland, whose mother is French, and Annette introduced John to friends and family in France. John often says that he married into the French world

Their sons attended the AWTY International School for 15 years, in part so they would speak French, and all family

members made lifelong friends with French families while there John served on the AWTY Board for eight years. His love and knowledge of French wines is well known

He joined the FACC Board many years ago to network with members of the French and Houston business communities and to enhance commerce between Texas and France Being part of the FACC has helped John – now Senior Counsel at Haynes and Boone – introduce Haynes and Boone to numerous business executives, educators, community leaders, and diplomats while assisting French business in Texas

We congratulate John on this prestigious accomplishment and thank him for his commitment to our community and his successful efforts to strengthen the relations between the United States and France. We are proud to have him among us and to celebrate this well-deserved award

“I am truly gratified to receive this award, which reflects my lifelong passion for France –its people, culture, history, and of course its wine and cuisine.”

Leaders that cha

nge the energy industry



Driving Innovation Forward to accelerate the decarboniza

Samir Karoum joined FACC Texas in 2022, representing Technip Energies on the Board of Directors His expertise in the energy transition and his collaborative vision of innovation are an opportunity for our network His passion to transform the industry and contribute to a sustainable ecosystem strongly resonate in Texas Before joining leadership team, Samir held various management roles with Areva, Alstom, and Schneider Electric, providing a global experience in the energy, mobility, and digital sectors.

You have been recently appointed Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer and member of the Group Executive Committee at Technip Energies. Congratulations on this impressive move. What will be Sustainability for Technip Energies at the end of 2023?

At Technip Energies, we believe our role goes beyond business Sustainability is a journey where we transform ourselves, help our customers to accelerate their decarbonization while fostering a sustainable ecosystem for the industry and the planet

We have defined our ESG Roadmap over the last year with the active participation of our people and our stakeholders As part of the evolution of the company, we have decided to strengthen our ESG scorecard with an adjusted version to be released in 2023 It will provide our audiences with more visibility on our commitment in terms of gender diversity, responsibility toward our stakeholders and more importantly our trajectory toward net zero This trajectory inevitably involves our clients, which represent the main part of our carbon footprint.

Sustainability is a journey where we transform ourselves, help our customers to accelerate their decarbonization while fostering a sustainable ecosystem for the industry and the planet.
MEET OUR NEW Board member
Samir Karoum, Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer, TechnipEnergies, FACC Board Member

Across industries, they are investing in management solutions to meet their growing need for decarbonization As a leading Engineering & Technology company for the energy transition, we leverage our core capabilities and innovative solutions to meet their needs and help them succeed in their energy transition journey With more than 50 years of experience in the removal and management of as well as state-of-theart technologies, we are well qualified to design and execute their projects. As an illustration, in 2022, we have been awarded the engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) contract by Hafslund Oslo Celsio, the largest supplier of district heating in Norway, for a world-first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project at waste to energy plant located in Oslo, Norway 400,000 tons per year of will be captured, which is the equivalent of the emissions from around 200,000 cars and will reduce Oslo’s emissions by 17%

For you, what role will innovation play in the energy transition?

Innovation will obviously play a key role

Considering the climate urgency, we need to act in decarbonizing the supply of energy while making the consumption more efficient.

The reality is that some sectors are more difficult to decarbonize than others. Hard to abate sectors amount to around 30% of total GHG emissions. The challenge is to accelerate their decarbonization of by scaling nascent innovations in various fields such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), floating offshore wind (FOW), sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), green hydrogen and its derivatives, plastic recycling, etc in order to deliver cost-effective solutions

At Technip Energies, we are convinced that collaboration is key to deliver innovative solutions. First, we are at the forefront of innovation by investing in energy transition R&D programs and we have partnerships with recognized institution such as MIT, Harvard or the CEA in France to develop new technologies

Secondly, we collaborate with various stakeholders (large energy companies, startups, retail companies etc ) to scale up technologies to commercial scale to make them efficient and affordable. Our alliance with Shell is a perfect example We have been working together since 2012 to codevelop and scale up the carbon capture technology which is now a leading technology to efficiently address the rapidly growing CCS market and the strong need for affordable and proven solutions

To drive innovation forward, the world will require collaboration, technologies and engineers to scale up technologies to industrial solutions

we share with the FACC, a similar set of values relying on the crucial role of collaboration, the belief that our role must go beyond business to foster sustainable ecosystems

It is a privilege to be part of the FACC board for many reasons Texas is a very important Energy Hub with a dynamic innovation ecosystem The FACC plays a central role in maintaining this positioning by supporting business communities. Technip Energies has a long-standing relation with the Texas. Indeed, we have been in Houston for many years with a significant portion of our workforce and have contributed to the state's energy influence through our presence and expertise Moreover, we share with the FACC, a similar set of values relying on the crucial role of collaboration, the belief that our role must go beyond business to foster sustainable ecosystems

Personally, I take it as a very important commitment to contribute to the strengthening of the links between French and American communities. Being a member of the FACC Board composed by seasoned, industry leaders, rich with a great diversity of backgrounds is also a fantastic opportunity to learn from my colleagues

The more I climb the ladder, the more passionate I have become about our collective responsibility in making women access all levels of our organizations, whether public or private


Women in tech cracking the glass ceiling

Auragni Jeanson, a "third culture kid" with Indian, Australian, and French heritage, leads the global HR New Energy & sustainability strategy for SLB Last October, she joined the FACC as a board member. Her passion is infectious, over the last few months, she already impacted the FACC's ambition for 2023 Pushing for progress, and supporting people and meaningful initiatives are her everyday life With SLB, she prepares the industry and workforce for the energy transition, a purposeful mission

During your 15 years at SLB, you have impressively climbed the ladder to top management. When you began your career, did you ever imagine that you would have a leadership role in the SLB organization? What motivated you to step up and become a leader in this organization?

– should be enjoyable and fulfilling, and it should benefit society at large. My passion from the very start was to create the conditions of this fulfillment for employees through the best Human Resources practices, and with thoughtful and effective communication I was convinced that I had the special skills to bring the best out of people and help connect them better to that type of rewarding career

I am a third culture kid, born in India to an Australian and French national I started my career in India. Love took me to Paris, and I had to find a job there

When I think back of how I started my career, I remember that a lot of planning and deliberate choices went into it I had a clear ambition to contribute to making people find fulfillment in their work. I have always been convinced that work, the simple act of getting up in the morning and building, innovating and working together to create

whether it’s on a large or small scale

Did I ever predict I’d be here in this global role? No, but that’s the powerful thing about following your passion and helping others achieve theirs; it will take you places you never imagined.
Auragni Jeanson, HR Director – SLB New Energy, Strategy & Sustainabili SLB FACC Board Member
MEET OUR NEW Board member

Someone recommended that I apply for a role at Schlumberger, “because there are people from all around the world like you” And indeed, 15 years later, here I am Did I ever predict I’d be here in this global role? No, but that’s the powerful thing about following your passion and helping others achieve theirs; it will take you places you never imagined I’ve never thought of success being associated to a particular rank, and still don’t have this perspective I have always had ambitions to serve a greater purpose and diversify my experiences and learning. I thrive in seeing others succeed with my support and pushing for progress in all shapes. SLB allowed me to expand my potential and brought the best out of me so I could in turn do the same for the next generation I think holding a leadership role is one that comes with the responsibility to prepare those that will follow I am excited to be here in such a role, having the ability to shape the decade ahead in such a turning point for the energy industry. It is a daunting task to prepare the industry and the workforce for the transition, but it makes my role incredibly purposeful.

Schlumberger unveiled its new identity as SLB. The new SLB identity focuses on energy innovation and decarbonization to address the world's energy needs today and to forge the road ahead for the energy transition. What is your action plan to embrace this change in 2023? As their Global Human Resources Director, what does this rebranding represent for SLB at the human resource level?

The new brand is extremely powerful, and we’ve never seen this level of engagement and excitement before.

When you take the nearly 100-year-history of this company and combine it with our focus on driving energy innovation for a balanced planet, it becomes a powerful combination for our employees to identify with, rally around and deliver on for our customers and each other We enhanced our culture around this new brand with a focus on people, technology and performance, which are at the center of everything we do. So we are spending a large part of this year continuing to engage with employees around the world, talk about our strategy and make sure each one of them understands how their specific role contributes to what we’re trying to do and this critical role we play in the energy transition.

A few weeks ago, you were one of the speakers at a FACC Texas Webinar about How to retain top talents. You highlighted some key points to be considered as an attractive company for top talents, such as guaranteeing an excellent work-life balance, providing a training program, and exploring the 4day work week. SLB has always been a forward-thinking company. Then, in 2023, what are your main priorities to be a full design actor in the future of work?

Alongside our new brand launch, we evolved our company values and our culture compass Why did we make such decision? A company culture is not static, it needs to evolve to be in sync with our world, if not ahead of the trends Of course we will continue to nurture the strong behaviors that define us so well and make us who we are today, but we also defined aspirational behaviors that we want to mature going forward In fact, one of our keys strengths has been to be always ahead of our times: we are pioneers in the Technology space and we are strong leaders in the People practices space. I want us to continue to be known for this and I am extremely proud of the HR leaders we have around the world who are making an impact on our top line by putting our people first

So where will we yet again try to make a difference?

We experiment, learn and grow by investing in developing our people Continuous learning is one of our top investment priorities in SLB: from corporate graduate programs for our fresh-out hires, to experienced-hire onboarding training, as well as line management and leadership programs

We are indeed moving further ahead and maturing the diversity of options available to our talents and dependent on roles: from fully remote, to flexible work week or compressed work week: while flexibility and empowerment are key differentiators for us wherever we operate, we also believe in the amazing power of our culture which needs constant nurturing by coming together

Diversity and Inclusion continues to be our priority: constant effort and pushing the boundaries of progress will be the only way to stay on track and nurture what makes us so proud for the past decades and today.

Women in tech are slightly cracking the glass ceiling. In 2022, Deloitte Global predicted firms would reach nearly 33% female representation in 2022, up more than two percentage points from 2019. Leadership roles are seeing the most growth in female representation at almost 20%. As one of the few women at the SLB top executive positions, do you see yourself as a role model for other women to achieve senior positions in the company? And, what leadership lesson have you learned that’s unique to being a female leader?

We are 25 2% in top management positions in SLB and 23 8% overall in the salaried workforce

We are clearly on track to reach our ambition to have 25% females in our salaried workforce by 2025 We’ve come a long way, and our objectives have helped us progress faster than anticipated But we cannot be complacent Gender parity should be any society’s ambition, and the workplace, whether in the public or private sectors, is an accelerator to that progress

Am I a role model? I hope I can inspire many to find the confidence in themselves to take on responsibilities, explore opportunities with curiosity and passion I am a woman, a mother,

a wife, a daughter, a colleague and a fierce advocate for pushing progress in whatever I do. My upbringing was not one that would typically give me easy access to the best education, but thoughtful planning and resilience went into it, and I succeeded I graduated with a master’s in communication and human resources management in Paris CELSA I am now 40, married, I have a step son and 2 daughters of 8 and 12 My husband accepted my bold invitation to take a risk: he left his company after a 20-year successful career in France to follow me to the Netherlands first, then Malaysia and now the US (at that time I was earning less than him) we made this choice

t that it would all be We’ve had our load sband has been the having to secure h move, and equal s in life and at home lustrates that we can he hurdles we may

With that said, I hope to see more networking between companies to facilitate employment for our spouses (male and female), which are generally highly educated and experienced profiles In such an active employment market in Texas, we should be partnering more effectively to facilitate the moves of our talents across borders.

Statistically, we also know that there are fewer women willing to take on international assignments because of job security for their partners and the disruption this can bring for a family On the other hand, we also know that international assignments are accelerators to preparing the next generations of female executive leadership across the globe

The more I climb the ladder, the more passionate I have become about our collective responsibility in helping women access all levels of our organizations, whether public or private To all men and women reading this, whether you are a team member or manager, a technical advisor or subject matter expert, my message is simple: Empower Other Women!!! Full on Full force Full blast for 2023 Her success is yours and ours Her wins are your wins

Her fulfillment will be ours Whether you are a woman or a man, celebrate those women around you who are given the opportunity to grow, and invite women to the table if you don’t see them

My message is simple: Empower. Other. Women!!! Full on. Full force. Full blast for 2023. Her success is yours and ours. Her wins are your wins.

You have recently been nominated at the French-American Chamber of Commerce Texas board members. It is an honor to have you with us. What does the French-American Chamber of Commerce Texas mean to you?

First, the Chamber of Commerce is the network that helped me secure my first professional opportunity 17 years ago! I was a student back then, and I was attending the Chamber of Commerce events in the Paris region where I was on the look out for events around the market outlook for the French – Indian economies and bilateral relations I wanted to work for Tata Group in India and specialize in the Indo – French economic ties This is how I managed to get the right business card! I started a couple of months later working for Tata Technologies in Pune, India Wherever you are in the world, it is a great network of companies and professionals all invested in developing bilateral relations, by growing the business and ensuring we attract and develop talents and connect with the right ecosystem to succeed The French-American Chamber of Commerce Texas is the most active, forward thinking and diverse I have experienced so far The companies represented, the strong commitment from both American and French players, and the diversity of its board members and sponsors make this Chamber be an incredible source of support for companies and for individuals And I look forward to meeting many of you at the next opportunity

Overcoming Energ Smart Technology:

from Guillaume


Guillaume Le Gouic plays an instrumental role in our business community His leadership role with Schneider Electric as the company is massively investing in Texas, and his engagement with the FACC Texas' network, make him a leader in our community He joined the FACC Board last year and since then, he shared his expertise in various conferences with our members This engineer with an international career leads Power Systems Business for Schneider Electric His diverse background with both strategic and technical role seems to epitomize Schneider's mission: bridging progress and sustainability for all.

Thinking back 15 years ago, why you chose Schneider Electric?

Earlier in my career, I was looking for a company with a culture I could relate to not just for the present, but for decades to come Schneider Electric stood out to me because of its strong core values, including Embrace Different, Dare to Disrupt, and Learn Every Day I also connected with our vision to become the leading provider of sustainability and efficiency which, to me, represented a strong value proposition that combined purpose with global impact

As I took on more leadership roles, our company motto “Great people make great companies” stuck with me, and I continue to keep this phrase in mind as I engage with my colleagues and teams I truly believe our people are the center of our business: they are our focus and our driving force

How has your background and international perspective shaped your success with Schneider Electric?

I am an Aerospace Engineer by training I love planes and all kinds of aircrafts. I have also spent time in the Telecom industry I am at the core technology driven In 2008, when Jean Pascal Tricoire became CEO of Schneider Electric, he refocused the company on the future, with technology being the primary driver I viewed this as a moment of positive disruption, one where we could shake up the status quo and drive real change in the energy industry. My technical background and international perspective accelerate our efforts by enabling me to connect our mission across many countries and cultures. Energy management is a ubiquitous concern We are all in this fight together.

MEET OUR NEW Board member
Guillaume Le Gouic, Senior VP Power Systems Business Schneider Electric FACC Board Member

Our smart technology and connected services are helping customers avoid over 800 million tons of carbon by 2025 that’s more than all of Canada emits in a year

And, when facilities are connected, the results are immediate! Helping customers develop roadmaps to digitize their operations is a core part of our business strategy

In fact, our smart technology and connected services are helping customers avoid over 800 million tons of carbon by 2025 that’s more than all of Canada emits in a year

Schneider Electric selected El Paso, TX, as the location for the new manufacturing plant. Why El Paso?

What does it mean for the region?

We see tremendous potential for development in North America, and El Paso is a strategic location central to our region (which extends from Canada south to Central America)

In investing our resources in El Paso, our partners will have direct and consistent access to the latest solutions, businesses with benefit from our consultative and connected services, and end-users will have access to the leading professional in the energy industry. We are at a pivotal moment of growth and El Paso will help us deliver our commitments

What awards are you most proud of as a leader at Schneider Electric?

As a leader, I must evangelize the portfolio while also nurturing the 25,000+ colleagues across the globe who make up this growing organization Embedded in our core values, is to care about our people, and the cultural uniqueness that make them up For that reason, we have been recognized as an industry leader in Diversity & Inclusion from several leading media outlets. I am most proud of these acknowledgments and strive to continue making gains in this area.

We potential for d North Americ strategic locat region. The Financial Electric among fourth year run Refinitiv include Top 100 of it Index Forbes identifie of The World Companies 202 Here are a few o and industry recog


Alexander Adotevi was elected President of the FACC Texas at the end of 2022. As he is working with the Board of Directors to define the FACC strategy for the coming years, he shared his vision in a joint interview with the Executive Director.


new facc texas president Alexander Adotevi

Alexander Adotevi, CFO, TotalEnergies USA President, FACC Texas

Louwra Baddy, in charge of FACC Marketing & Communication and the most recent addition to the team, connected with Alexander Adotevi, FACC President, and Constance Bost, FACC Executive Director, to get some insights and learn more about the plans for the organization.

LB: Congratulations on your recent election to President! Can you tell us why you accepted this role, in addition to your busy schedule?

AA: Thank you! It's an honor and privilege to be the President of the French American Chamber of Commerce in Texas! I joined the Board of Directors more than a year ago I saw the organization's dynamism, the growth of membership, the Board's engagement, and the executive team's performance I had the chance to meet professionals from various industries, discuss hot topics with peers and get insights

When Franck Avice, my predecessor, told me he was planning to step back and wanted to propose my candidacy to the Board, I was honored and happy to contribute to the FACC at a new level

And yes, I have a busy schedule, but I enjoy supporting the community, and being part of the FACC provides valuable information and connections for my work. In addition, Total Energies has been supporting the FACC for decades.

LB: How do you see the FACC's mission and your role as President?

AA: FACC's core mission is to provide valuable connections to its members We facilitate and strengthen French American economic relationships by fostering a business community

Members are at the center of the FACC Our events, activities, and services revolve around the business community. We are a member-driven non-profit We exist because we have members willing to get together and exchange Our revenue comes from members' subscriptions, services to members, and events

As the FACC P our mission business netw contacts, inte Our goal is to our members experiences f our members with others I work with an to lead the or have Executi actors of the community co success Tog orientations.

As importantl team of the F The Executive reality I am p team, with L footprint in D building our c

LB: How do y the Board of team? What d

AA: The FAC organization members, un provide soluti and team's ex

Houston Vice Mayor Martha Castex Tatum - CCI Paris

I was elected at the end of 2022, at the end of a cycle for the FACC The organization has successfully achieved the strategic plan written in 2018 A milestone was reached The FACC has offices in Austin, Dallas, and Houston, the largest member base of its history, and a wide range of services

We need a new plan and started working on it with the Board of Directors and the Executive team This is exciting to work with a fastgrowing organization. We have a meaningful mission to help our members and are highly motivated to provide better tools and services

LB: How do you see the FACC evolving in the next year, two, or five years?

AA: The United States and France share a deep trade and investment relationship The United States is the top destination for French investment, and the United States is the largest foreign investor in France In Total, an estimated $400 billion is invested both ways yearly, with almost 5,000 French companies in the US

The FACC is here to provide support to a large market The organization


supporting o members

LB: FACC Texas has been growing at a fast pace. You won the prize of Best Performance 2022 for the French Chamber of Commerce Worldwide. Please tell us how you explain the FACC Texas growth.

CB: This prize is a recognition of our work

We are very proud of it. Our revenue grew by almost 60% on average each year over the last few years, growing our membership base and providing business services to our members. We were thrilled to receive this prize, the opportunity to highlight the booming economy in the South of the US. It gave visibility in France of the dynamism in Texas and all the business opportunity that we are providing to both French and American companies

LB: The FACC Texas has changed over the last few years. Could you please tell us more about it?

CB: The FACC has always been a memberdriven organisation. For 40 years, the FACC was a place of networking with one employee supporting the organic connections between members Building connection is still our core mission

The difference is that we offer tailored services to accelerate the process We have a team of professional that are dedicated to support our members in meeting clients, talents, partners, suppliers, innovators etc...Over the last few years, we built a team of 7 professionals providing tailored services to our members. And that's the beginning! We want to keep growing and positively impact economic exchange between France and the USA Economic exchanges between France and USA represent 115 billions. Our organization has an enormous potential With Alexander Adotevi, our President, we share a common ambition to keep supporting a growing number of members in their business endeavors Our action is aligned with the "Team France Eco" and amplified by the collaboration with all stakeholders of the French Diplomacy and economic expansion services, with the support of our Consule Generale, Valerie Baraban

LB: You mentioned a growth based on services to members. What are the main services provided?

CB: Solving our members' problems is our primary goal We developed our services to respond to the need of our members

we are passionate about o core mission:

The requests were simple: members want access to Talents, access to clients and partners, and take the pulse of the industry on innovation This is how we defined our 3 key services:

1 Accessing targeted contacts: our members need to meet clients, providers, partners etc Instead of relying exclusively on organic networking, we created a tailored mission to accelerate the connections, and we proposed "business development missions" that leverage our network. We build a contact list for our members and reach out to them and schedule a meeting with the most relevant potential partner

2 Talent acquisition: our members need to hire when they grow their business in the US, and access to the best talents is critical to the company's success With our network and knowledge of American and French culture, we can identify skills that fit the company's culture

3 Innovation and Learning Expedition: we leverage our network to scout innovative startups that can solve problems for our members. We also organize learning expeditions for Executives to visit innovative companies and meet with professionals an ecosystems For example, we have partner with ESCP and Edhec on these services

LB: How do you manage the vast territory

CB: We have offices in Austin, Dallas, an Houston We have a local presence in th biggest cities. Aurore Ladeveze is our Direct in Austin, and Lea Catanzano is our Director Dallas. They are building a strong community members in their cities, and we mutualize th capabilities to deliver business services.

Aurore Ladeveze and Lea Catanzano have been with the FACC for several years and did the "heavy lifting" with me, transforming our organization We share a strong ambition for our members and our organization

LB: What is the next milestone in the growth of FACC?

CB: In 2018, we wrote an aggressive 5-year strategic plan. At the time, it seemed bold; we were exclusively a networking organization We stated that we wanted to provide services to support our members, and revenues would prove successful The goal was multiplying our revenue by 5, and we made it I want to acknowledge the role of our FACC Secretary, Marie Helene Bensamoun in the strategic planning process and the role of our Directors in Austin, Aurore Ladeveze, and in Dallas, Lea Catanzano They built our network and services pipeline.

We are now working on our new plan. Alexander Adotevi is working with the Board of Directors and getting members' inputs. The executive team is on the field and boosts the reflection with members' inputs. We are fortunate to have Marie Helene Bensamoun to

Aurore Ladeveze and Lea Catanzano have been with the FACC for several years and did the "heavy lifting" with me, transforming our organization We share a strong ambition for our members and our organization

LB: What is the next milestone in the growth of FACC?

CB: In 2018, we wrote an aggressive 5-year strategic plan At the time, it seemed bold; we were exclusively a networking organization. We stated that we wanted to provide services to support our members, and revenues would prove successful The goal was multiplying our revenue by 5, and we made it. I want to acknowledge the role of our FACC Secretary, Marie Helene Bensamoun in the strategic planning process and the role of our Directors in Austin, Aurore Ladeveze, and in Dallas, Lea Catanzano They built our network and services pipeline

We are now working on our new plan Alexander Adotevi is working with the Board of Directors and getting members' inputs The executive team is on the field and boosts the reflection with members' inputs We are fortunate to have Marie Helene Bensamoun to guide us on the planning process again

As the new page is being written, I can share that we are passionate about our core mission, supporting our members We want to provide the best services and opportunities to connect and strengthen business relationships

Our members'requests are simple: most of them wants clients, partners and talents This is why we grew our business dev activities and talent acquisition.

More recently, some members shared with us the importance of visibility and advocacy. A major topic that we are starting to address

Aurore Ladeveze, A Director Austin, with Team France Export & HEB leadership Constance Bost, FACC Executive Director, with Mayor of Dallas Lea Catanzano, FACC Regional Director Dallas, with our member Eric Brun Constance Bost, FACC Executive Director, panel discussion Team France Export AuragniJeanson rector – SLB New Energy ategy & Sustainability ArleciaWilliams Regional Sales Director UnitedAirlines LudovicSauvage Head of Big Data High Performance & Quantum Computing Atos GuillaumeLeGouic Senior Vice President –Power Systems and Digital Power SchneiderElectric MarieMaitre Head of External Relations TotalEnergies LizWiley International Advisory and Legal GrableMartinFultonPLLC
New board members
DennisPetito FACC Honorary Chairman CEO President and Founder MontroseEnergyCapitalAdvisors ValérieBaraban Consul General of France in Houston ConsulateofFranceinHouston FranckAvice Chief Executive NWGroupeNorth i AudreyRobat Finance Vice-President & Chief Financial Officer for USA-Canada Engie Jean-FrançoisBonneté CEO BCIBonneté Marie-NathalieCoutou-Carrere Research Advisor for Industry Partners RiceUniversity MalloryBrennan Litigation Partner Shearman&SterlingLLP BertrandFrishmann Senior Vice President VallourecNorthAmerica ElizabethHunter Managing Director and Senior Banker SociétéGénérale EdwardHirs Managing Director HillhouseResources StephenNewton Partner RussellReynolds Jean-FrancoisNicolas CFO NA AirLiquide StephenVuongNguyen VP Business Banking PNCBank DixonSchultz Managing Director North America CréditAgricole JacquesFox Chef&Owner ArtisansRestaurant BruceRutherford International Managing Director JLL
SamirKaroum Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer TechnipEnergies

Texas & France A deep and mutually beneficial relationship

The Economic services of the French Embassy in US published the annual report.

Influancial French Business Network

While French companies create jobs in every American state, France is among the top 5 foreign sources of employment in 45 U.S. states and among the top 3 in 24 states. The states of California (76,000 jobs directly supported by French FDI in 2020), Texas (60,400), New York (54,500), New Jersey (41,400) and Florida (32,700) are the main recipients



Business community



Once by quarter: March | June | September | December

Meet the local ecosystem & the FACC team

Casual networking event to engage with the French-American business community over a drink or food, whether it be after work hours, during breakfast, or lunchtime.

For entrepreneurs & leaders

Once by quarter: online

Connect, take the pulse of innovative projets & visit local companies

Opportunity for Entrepreneurs, Executives of small and medium-sized companies and leaders of subsidiaries of French companies, to discuss business, share information and strategy


For all members

Once by semester: April | June | November

Connect, take the pulse of innovative projets & visit local companies

On-site luncheon hosted by one business leader member This event will provide an opportunity to discuss business strategy, innovation, and a focused topic of interest

C-Level Executives

Once every half-year: May | November



high-level networking dinner with your peers

Diner with C-levels hosted in-house by an Executive This intimate setting will provide an opportunity to connect with peers over a delightful dinner and wine, and engage in discussions on key topics



✅ Business Development: Process of pursuing growth opportunities and creating long-term value for a business through acquiring new clients, partnerships, and markets

✅ Market Study: Research that analyzes and evaluates a specific market, industry, or segment to identify its potential and opportunities


✅ B2B Meetings: Business-to-business meetings scheduling where representatives of two or more companies come together to discuss potential business opportunities

✅ Business Plan: A comprehensive document that outlines a company's goals, strategies, and tactics for achieving them

✅ Communications and Visibility Growth: Efforts to increase a company's profile and reputation, including marketing, branding, and public relations.

✅ Soft Landing: Providing support and resources to help a company successfully establish its business in a new market or location

✅ Talent Acquisition: The process of identifying, attracting, and hiring the best candidates to fill your job positions


✅ Identifying and Hunting Top Talent: The process of actively seeking out and pursuing the most qualified and desirable job candidates, including conducting background and reference checks

✅ VIE Program: Volunteering for International Experience, a French government program that provides opportunities for young professionals to gain work experience in other countries.

✅ Portage Salarial

✅ Innovation: The process of creating new ideas, products, or services that provide value to our customers or solve problems in new and better ways.


✅ Learning Expeditions: Programs that provide individuals or groups with hands-on experiences and immersive learning tour in a Texan business ecosystem

✅ Scouting: The process of actively searching for and identifying new and innovative ideas, technologies, or business opportunities


he Power of Agility in vation: Lessons from Moderna

On January 25th, 2023, Moderna's Chief Digital & Operational Excellence Officer, Marcello Damiani, and Boston Consulting Group's Managing Director & Senior Partner Officer, Michael Ringel, came together for a conversation about innovation The discussion centered around Moderna's innovation strategy, their focus on developing the most significant impact through their messenger RNA platform, and the company's structure and how it changed during te pandemic.

Marcello explained that Moderna's strategy is to focus on their vision and build the building blocks necessary to deliver on that vision Before the pandemic, Moderna was an R&D organization with 18 programs and roughly 800 employees Now, the company has 4,000 employees and 48 drugs in the pipeline, focusing on developing medication and vaccines for unmet medical needs Damiani also provided an example of their personalized cancer vaccine, which involves identifying mutations in a patient's cells and using algorithmics and machine learning to develop personalized medicine.

The speakers also discussed the importance of innovation and investing in external parties, such as small startups, to coinnovate with them They emphasized using agile methodology across the organization to align people around the mission and empower them to achieve it

If you want to be successful with innovation, you need to create a small team of people who are independent with their decision, making well agile, flexible, and with a sense of urgency and speed to achieve what they need to.

The conversation then turned to the areas where innovation is most prevalent within the company, with research and development, technical development, and pharmacovigilance being identified as primary areas

FACC Conferences

However, the speakers also acknowledged that innovation can occur across the board and that it is important not to constrain innovation with metrics and dashboards Having a clear mission and prioritizing the platform over individual programs can help provide a framework for governance

The discussion then moved on to the concept of limitlessness and how it depends on the cost and effort put in, as well as the potential impact and risk. The group also talked about the role of government and market failures, where government subsidies can help promote positive externalities such as research and development The group also emphasized the importance of collaboration and coordination during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic

Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into Moderna's innovation strategy and approach to building a new class of medicines based on mRNA science. It highlighted the importance of aligning people around the mission and empowering them to achieve it and the need to balance governance with the flexibility to innovate freely Ultimately, the discussion underscored innovation's critical role in advancing healthcare and promoting positive social outcomes


Access the best French Medical Expertise from anywhere

Pauline d'Orgeval opens her successful medical services to the French expat communities in the US. Her startup provides access to the best French medical expertise to all. You have a serious diagnosis? Run it by to get the best second opinion possible.

French-speaking expatriates have access to French medical expertise and obtain a second opinion in less than 7 days based on your complete medical file This service is also completely free for French expat contract holders and their families

The FACC Texas facilitates key partnerships to boost the reach of Deuxiè telemedicine services in Texas By connecting with strategic partners, FACC is helping to enhance the visibility and impact of the company's services in the state FACC's efforts are contributing to the growth of French businesses in Texas and supporting the broader expansion of French innovation in the US healthcare sector

I created to facilitate access to medical expertise in case of serious health problems! Creating this service for patients was an obvious choice for me when it came to our son’s scoliosis surgery It was his doctor who encouraged us to get a second opinion, pointing out that medicine is not an exact science, and that the operation was risky This approach seemed to us to be serious and modern On the other hand, even though we were very connected to the medical world, it took us 10 days to identify a specialist in infantile scoliosis and 4 months to get an appointment In front of the specialist, our son, who has autistic disorders, was very disturbed and never let himself be examined. The opinion was therefore based on his detailed file We then realized that this was possible and that an online opinion would have saved us a long wait, our son’s anxiety attack on the spot, not to mention half a day of work to catch up on The idea was out there and in 2016 we made it happen

Meet Pauline d’Orgeval CEO and Co-founder
A second opinion can save your life, discuss your diagnosis.
Do I have endometriosis? I can't come back to France How can I get a second opinion? Is the diagnosis for my daughter the right one? 03 04 02 STEP 01 STEP 02
04 01 Registration Create a patient account on our secure site Pathology You can choose among our referenced doctors Medical record You complete a personalized questionnaire and transmit your medical record. Analysis and report You get in less than 7 days an opinion in the form of a detailed and personalized signed report. 4 easy steps to an online second medical opinion
How does

French Tech tak

french tech AT SXSW23

La French Tech, the initiative gathering the French innovative ecosystem, is coming strong to the iconic international trade show in Austin, TX.

SXSW is one of the largest trade show worldwide, and the biggest in Texas. This year, the French Tech and its partners created one of the best program of the Trade show.



es over SxSW 2023

Discover the Tech Made in France

AUSTIN, TX | MARCH 10-14, 2023

The French Tech brought together 50 startups & tech companies developing innovative solutions in various industries.


“La French Tech” is the startup scene in France It’s also a unique movement bringing together startups, investors, policymakers and community builders to make France one of the greatest places in the world to launch and grow global companies that make sense for our future.

South by Southwest® dedicates itself to helping creative people achieve their goals Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, SXSW® is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of tech, film, music, education, and culture

french tech AT SXSW23








T h o m a s P e s q u e t i s a F r e n c h a s t r o n a u t w h o w o r k s f o r t h e

E u r o p e a n S p a c e A g e n c y H e c o m p l e t e d h i s f i r s t s p a c e m i s s i o n i n 2 0 1 6 a s a f l i g h t e n g i n e e r f o r E x p e d i t i o n s 5 0

a n d 5 1 , d u r i n g w h i c h h e s p e n t

1 9 7 d a y s i n s p a c e a n d p e r f o r m e d t w o s p a c e w a l k s

T h o m a s r e t u r n e d t o s p a c e i n

2 0 2 1 a s p a r t o f t h e S p a c e X

C r e w D r a g o n m i s s i o n c a l l e d

A l p h a , w h e r e h e s p e n t o v e r s i x m o n t h s a t t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S p a c e S t a t i o n H e c o n d u c t e d f o u r s p a c e w a l k s d u r i n g t h i s m i s s i o n a n d s e t t h e E u r o p e a n r e c o r d f o r m o s t c u m u l a t i v e h o u r s s p e n t s p a c e w a l k i n g

A d d i t i o n a l l y , o n 4 O c t o b e r

2 0 2 2 , h e b e c a m e t h e f i r s t

F r e n c h a n d f o u r t h E u r o p e a n t o c o m m a n d t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S p a c e S t a t i o n

TALK With BarbaraBelvisi




I n t e r s t e l l a r L a b ' s B i o P o d p r e p a r e s f o r p l a n t c u l t i v a t i o n o n t h e M o o n . B i o P o d r e d u c e s w a t e r c o n s u m p t i o n b y 9 8 % a n d e n e r g y ( x 2 0 ) w h i l e b o o s t i n g y i e l d ( u p t o x 3 0 0 ) !

I n t e r s t e l l a r L a b d e s i g n s a n d b u i l d s s y s t e m s t o h e l p l i f e t h r i v e o n E a r t h a n d e x p a n d i n s p a c e I t s p e c i a l i z e s i n d e v e l o p i n g e n v i r o n m e n tc o n t r o l l e d p o d s a n d s y s t e m s t h a t c r e a t e i d e a l c o n d i t i o n s f o r p l a n t s t o g r o w o n E a r t h , i n L E O , o n t h e M o o n , a n d M a r s I t s s o l u t i o n s a r e u s e d , f r o m s u s t a i n a b l e f a r m i n g a n d b i o d i v e r s i t y c o n s e r v a t i o n o n E a r t h t o a s t r o n a u t l i f e - s u p p o r t a n d f o o d p r o d u c t i o n i n s p a c e

Connect,exchangeinformation& businessopportunitiesabouttheUS marketwithtopFrenchTechstartups whowillbeatSXSW23.


ALEXRAGUET PresidentFrenchTechAustin LIZWILEY Co-founder& Co-presidentFrenchTechAustin


And the winner is.... befc, for its ecological miniature batteries

Last December, the jury of the French Tech Challenge Texas voted for BEFC as the winner of the 2022 edition. The startup received a prize of a total value of $20K. The celebration will be in Austin, during SxSW.

BeFC stands for Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells, and they stand for excellence in everything they do. Created in May 2020 as a spin-off of the CNRS, BeFC was founded on decades of pioneering biofuel cell research and pivoted towards emerging markets in the packaging, wearable, and single-use medical markets.

With a team of world-class engineers, scientists, and problem-solvers, BeFC develops an organic and eco-friendly energy solution for the next generation of smart and sustainable electronics.

"Our team is happy to announce that we are back at CES again for 2023. We are grateful again to be recognised by CES, this time, awarded with two CES Innovation Awards: BeFC sustainable printed bioenzymatic fuel cell (pBeFC) and the combination of our printed biofuel cell & ecological active sensor tag (BeAST)."

SupportING LA French TEch



in Texas

Supporting la French Tech

CES 2023 - 200 French Startups in VeGAs

This January, the FACC Texas team attended the CES show 2023 in Las Vegas. A unique opportunity to meet and connect with French Tech Regions, support and bridge French Tech communities, and identify innovative business opportunities for our members. Over 100 startups were represented at the French Tech Pavillon!

Constance Bost, Executive Director at the FACC Texas - Auvergne-Rhones Alpes Region Event Lea Catanzano, Regional Director Dallas at the FACC Texas; Alice Woda, Head of the International Division at La French Tech and Aurore Ladeveze, Regional Director Austin at the FACC Texas FACC Californie du Sud team; Julie Duhaut-Bedos, the French Consul General in Los Angeles; Deputy Christopher Weisser; Sylvie Almeri, FACC San Diego Executive Director and Constance Bost , FACC Texas Executive Director
french tech
Aurore Ladeveze, Regional Director Austin at the FACC Texas - Vroom technology

Supporting la French Tech ecosystem in Houston x La French Tech

Last December, French Tech Houston tailored a program for its startup to meet with key players of the Texan tech ecosystem. A way to boost their growth in the US and to provide visibility to French startup scene.

Last December, we organized a Business Learning Expedition Tour for La French Tech A fantastic opportunity for French startups to be in the heart of the Texan renewable energy ecosystem During three days in Houston, 2 French Tech startups, Geolith and Ecomesure, were immersed in the Texan energy market. A limited delegation to propose a qualitative program and to create a privileged link between them and their interlocutors

John Eldridge & Mark Tidwell, Haynes Boone leaders; Pedro Ruiz, Head of business development at Geolith; and Julie Pelletier, North America Regional Manager at Ecomesure - Meeting to discuss Intellectual Property in the US Scott Gale, Executive Director of Halliburton labs, shows to the French startups the Halliburton campus

The French delegation explored business opportunities in the energy industry in Texas

The tour included visits to leading incubators such as The Ion, Greentown Labs, and Halliburton Labs, where the delegation met with innovative American entrepreneurs and project leaders who have successfully developed in Texas

During the trip, the French delegation also attended workshops that covered crucial topics such as how to manage French and US business contracts, legal and tax regulations in the US, and how to raise funds in the US. Additionally, the delegation met with C-level executives from leading energy companies to discuss the acceleration of green energy, the approach to innovation in energy, green building, energy consumption of the future, new technologies in energy, energy in Texas, and transitional energy in Texas, such as carbon capture

The visit also included networking events, including a reception at the consular residence in the presence of the Deputy Chief of Mission of the French Embassy, Aurelie Bonal, local entrepreneurs, investors, decision-makers, C-levels of prominent French and American companies, and Team France. During this event, Valerie Baraban, Consul General of France in Houston, highlighted the startups and the French Tech

Overall, the visit provided the French delegation with a deeper understanding of the US and Texas energy market, and valuable insights into the innovative ecosystem and startups that have successfully developed in Texas The tour also facilitated networking opportunities with key decision-makers and potential partners in the industry

Warm thank you to all our partners: BCG, Haynes and Boone, Axens, Chevron, JLL, Air Liquide, Technip FMC, SLB, Faure Herman, Business France, CTP, Technip Energies, Halliburton Labs, The Ion and Greentown Labs

Visit of the Greentown Lab with Faith Kelnhofer, Incubator Engagement Manager at Greentown Labs Houston Meeting with Chendhil Periasamy, Vice President of Energy transition at Air Liquide
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