Loop s 10 e book

Page 80

Row 30: K18, p2, k10. Row 31: K4, [yo, k3, ssk] twice, p5, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, k1. Row 32: K14, p5, k11. Row 33: [Yo, k3, ssk] 3 times, p3, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, k2. Row 34: P1, k14, p3, k12. Row 35: P1, [yo, k3, ssk] twice, p6, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, k3. Row 36: P2, k9, p6, k13. Row 37: P2, [yo, k3, ssk] twice, p4, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, k4. Row 38: P3, k9, p4, k14. Row 39: P3, yo, k3, ssk, p7, [k2tog, k3, yo] 3 times. Row 40: P4, k4, p7, k14, p1. Row 41: P4, yo, k3, ssk, p5, [k2tog, k3, yo] 3 times, p1. Row 42: P5, k4, p5, k14, p2. Row 43: P13, [k2tog, k3, yo] 3 times, p2. Row 44: P13, k14, p3. Row 45: P12, [k2tog, k3, yo] 3 times, p3. Row 46: P12, k14, p4. Row 47: P16, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, p4. Row 48: P16, k9, p5. Row 49: P15, [k2tog, k3, yo] twice, p5. Row 50: P15, k9, p6. Row 51: P19, k2tog, k3, yo, p6. Row 52: P19, k4, p7. Row 53: P18, k2tog, k3, yo, p7. Row 54: P18, k4, p8.

Left Mitt

THUMBS (both alike) Return 18 held sts to needles. Join yarn, pick up and k4 sts across cast-on between held sts and join in the round. Work 2x2 Rib patt as set to 1 st before cast-on sts, ssk, PM to indicate beginning of round. Next round: P2, k2tog, k1, [p2, k2] to end. 20 sts Next round: [P2, k2] to end. Rep last round a further 3 times. Cast off in rib using the Sewn Tubular method for best results. FINISHING Weave in all ends and block, taking care not to overstretch the rib.


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