Loop s 10 e book

Page 142

pfb Purl into the front then back of the same stitch pwise Purlwise RLM Remove locking stitch marker rep Repeat RH Right hand RS Right Side sl Slip SM Slip marker sk2po Slip 1 stitch knit-wise, knit the next 2 stitches together, pass the slipped st over ssk Slip 2 stitches knitwise one at a time, place back on right-hand needle in new position, knit together through the back loops ssp Slip 2 stitches knitwise one at a time, place back on right-hand needle in new position, purl together through the back loops sl st Slip stitch sp Space st(s) Stitch(es) St-st Stocking stitch / Stockinette: Knit on RS rows, purl on WS rows Tension Gauge tbl Through the back loop tr Treble crochet UK / Double crochet US trtr Triple treble UK / Double treble US w&t Wrap & turn wyib With yarn held at back wyif With yarn held at front WS Wrong Side yds Yards yo Yarn over yoh Yarn over hook

TECHNIQUES Provisional crochet cast-on: Using waste yarn and a crochet hook, make a loose crochet chain a few more stitches longer that the number you are required to cast on. With main knitting needle and working yarn, pick up and knit 1 stitch through the back loop of each crochet chain for the required number of stitches. To expose live stitches simply pull out the crochet chain placing live stitches onto the working needle. Any alternative provisional method will work but you may find you have to knit a row in the working yarn before commencing the pattern. Wrap & Turn: Knitwise; slip next stitch purlwise, bring yarn between needles to front of work, slip same stitch back to the left hand needle, turn work and bring yarn into working position for next stitch.Purlwise; slip next stitch purlwise, take yarn between needles to back of work, slip same stitch back to the left hand needle, turn work and bring yarn into working position for next stitch. Embroidery tip for Rosemaling Mitts: If you are unsure about embroidering your woolly tattoo freestyle, we recommend using a lightweight, water-soluble embroidery film, readily available from craft stores or online. Simply trace the drawing onto the film, place as desired on the mitt and embroider over the lines – the film will then dissolve away when soaked in lukewarm water. Use a pointed embroidery needle with a sharp tip when stitching water soluble film. PATTERN NOTES Stitch counts are given in italics at the end of a row or round when the stitch count has increased or decreased. If no stitch count is given then the count remains the same. Repeats are shown in two different ways: [Square brackets] indicate the stitches in the repeat and the following instruction will tell you how many times, or where to repeat it to, e.g: [yo, k1] to last 2 sts Asterisks (*) indicate where to repeat from.


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