Belval 2023 - Call for Vice-Presidents

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Belval 2023

10th National Selection Conference of

EYP Luxembourg

Call for Vice-Presidents

I. Introduction and Academic vision

Dear potential applicant, Hello and welcome aboard the ride to Belval 2023, the 10th National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg. My name is Elisavet and I will be joining EYP LU as the President of the session. The event will follow the theme of “to Europe and beyond” and that is exactly where I also hope to take the academic team of the session and its objectives. The Chairs’ team of Belval should inspire the participants of the event in shaping the future of Europe and impact the EU of tomorrow, with all of its current challenges and opportunities.

Given our host National Committee and the significance of Luxembourg in the pathway of the European Union all these years, I aim for our team and our topics to reflect the multicultural character and composition of the EU, the common challenges its Member States face, and the unity that EU citizens can achieve when brought together. Our composition will be diverse and based on the different traits and values that each member can bring to the table. The session will welcome delegates from multiple countries, which will boost its international character, both within and outside of the Offi-

cials’ team. For that reason, I am looking for knowledgeable VPs who feel up to the challenge of supporting the Chairs in navigating multicultural committees and advancing our team’s work to fit Belval’s circumstances. The academic board will have a lot of time in its hands, with 5 months of work up until the session becomes a reality. Thus, I look forward to further shaping the session’s vision and the pillars of the academic team’s focus alongside the VPs. If you are hoping to join us on the session’s board, I plan to give you creative freedom, share with you bits and pieces of good practices in academic leadership, and hopefully urge you to try something new. I do not like innovation for the sake of innovation and my working style is not too focused on anything groundbreaking, but it is centred around giving everyone a chance and being efficient and organised enough to auto-pilot things enough to have a good time. My ultimate goal as a team leader is for you to find something new in this session, even if you have already been to dozens of events, and are slowly running out of first’s. Hopefully, we can find another first for you in Belval.

President of the 10th National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg

II. Session information

The session will be held in southern Luxembourg between September 5-9 2023, with the 5th being CMO day.

The board will consist of the session’s President and 3 Vice Presidents and the academic team will be tasked to manage a total of 9 committees.

Given the session’s timeline, a large part of the academic workload will likely take place up until July. Should you be willing to join the academic board,

III. Call information

The call for Vice Presidents will be open from Wedneday 8th March until Sunday 19th March 23:59 CET.

Applications must be submitted through the Members’ Platform. Should you face any technical difficulties in the submission process, please contact Kilian Tranchant or Elisavet Sidiropoulou before the deadline elapses, to avoid issues with late submissions.

The Selection Panel will be composed of the Session’s President, the Head Organiser, and two representatives of the Executive Board of EYP Luxembourg.

For any questions concerning the call and the academic vision, you can contact elisavet.sidiropoulou[at] and for any session-related queries, you can contact ho[at]

V. Questions

1) Introduce yourself to the selection panel through any means you see fit (text, video, presentation, etc.) No word limit.

2) What do you find to be your working style when involved in an academic board? How does the rest of the board function for you in an ideal scenario? No word limit.

3) Propose an outline of your vision for the academic team’s work. If you were to base it on two main pillars -an academic and a social/growth one- what would they be and why? No word limit.

We are looking forward to receiving your application!

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