La Baritone - Issue 2

Page 16

V o l u m e

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i s s u e


F I N P s

P a g e

A r e - B

t h e y

R e a l

H e i d i


1 6

P i m p s

C a p o n e

After 3, a bit long hours and 44 speeches the FINPS came together in the committee room for the first time. Some admitted being a bit tired at the opening ceremony but they admired the ambassadors speeches despite the tiredness. There are 3 ambassadors in this great FINP committee and they are Thesis(CY), Theo(GR) and Ana. To shake things up a bit we played a little common game called fruitsalad/fruit basket. There where apples, strawberries and oranges. Nobody seemed to like oranges but everyone loved strawberries for some reason. When everyone were ready for some debates and hot discussions Kristine gave them 10 minutes to choose the 3-4 most important words of the question. When they had choosen 3 “combinations of words” they had a disagreement about the word strengthen being one of those words. Some thought that what else could they be doing then strengthening the EU? “It’s not like we want the EU to burn in Hell” Michaela(CZ) said. The 10 minuts given turned into 30 minutes, “We’ll call it a first day” Kristine said. After those 30 minutes some finphs were already asking for a coffee brake ! How embarrassing! Then came my personal favorate, Brain Storming....... It went all well and everyone participated with some interesting ideas but Finps are very talkative creatures and at one point it really bothered Kristine who wanted to fill out the paper, it worked. For technical reasons the journalists could not go to committee work on Tuesday morning so when I arrived after lunch they had done a lot. Kristine was not there but they still manage pretty fine. Not everybody liked committee work as well as other or so it seemed because Maria(RU) went out to buy some shoes. Because we are the Finps and other committees are jealous of us we where the only ones who could not choose a restaurant so we had to get the one available in the end. IN YOUR FACE, the food was great ! We went to a spanish restaurant with good music and a 7 course meal or so, for 10 euros only ! Kristine and Thea(NO) thought us a Norweigian drinking song which everybody have to learn, it makes them soooo proud ! People sitting on tables around probably thought we were weird because sentences like “It’s so big, I can’t even fit it into my mouth” and “Do I have to swallow?” were flying over the table. You can decide for yourself what they were discussing, it’s amazing to see what a Finp does for some money! Wednesday flew by with some serious discussions and resolution making. The Finps were happy and seemed to have solved the problems they had. After the toothpick eating during committee dinner Kristine spilled it out that her body is resistant to wood ??

“It’s not like we want the EU to go to Hell”

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