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beeaekj kd_edi FIRST DATE: He drove out to Columbia to take her to a sushi restaurant during her lunch break. HOW HE PROPOSED: During a Christmas tour of the White House. He held her back in the Blue Room until they were alone, then popped the question. “Everyone at the doors started clapping and cheering for us,” she says. STUPIDEST FIGHT: Over whether to put a rug in the kitchen. “I was trying to make the place feel like home, but the rug would not fly!” Micaela says. WHEN THEY KNEW: He: “When we started finishing each other’s sentences.” She: “When Dalontée and I went to New York to visit my family and my grandmother told me she thought he was ‘the one.’”

:Wbedj [ ;Z][hjed" C_YW[bW CWhj_d[p Dalontée, 29, is in law enforcement. Micaela, 27, is a recruiting coordinator. They live in Clinton, Md. THE MAIN EVENT: They will be jumping the broom (literally) July 7 in Calverton, Md. They will also take their first communion as husband and wife during the ceremony. HOW THEY MET: At a barbecue he hosted; her friend brought her along. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: “Her smile and dimples lit up the entire room.” “He was tall and had sexy eyes.”

Marissa, 29, is a marriage and family therapist. Michael, 30, is a policy analyst. They will live in D.C. THE MAIN EVENT: July 6 at a Miami hotel with 140 guests. HOW THEY MET: Zengo happy hour. “I saw him from across the room and immediately noticed him.”

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: “We instantly bonded over our Caribbean connection,” says Marissa. FIRST DATE: They agreed to have dinner at Zengo that very night. “It was the best miso-glazed cod I had ever had, with the most engaging person I had ever met,” says Michael. FIRST KISS: After dinner at Fogo de Chao. HOW HE PROPOSED: At his place before dinner. When he got down on one knee, she shrieked “for three to

five minutes,” says Michael. After she finally said yes, they left his apartment ... only to realize that, in their excitement, they’d locked themselves out. STUPIDEST FIGHT: Over who clogged the toilet. MOST HATED CLOTHING ITEM: His brown Puma sneakers. THEIR SONG: “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green. “We love it because it captures the beauty of our relationship,” says Marissa.


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8o ?dl_jWj_ed Edbo If you’d like to see your wedding or commitment ceremony in B.I.O., send your favorite informal photograph (wacky is fine, but please don’t send a formal engagement shot), plus your names and ceremony date to weddings@ readexpress.com. Please contact us at least one month before your wedding. We’ll get back to you with questions.

A[[dWd =WbbW]^[h" IWhW Oeki[\d[`WZ Keenan, 25, is a security officer. Sara, 26, is a development associate. They live in Takoma Park. THE MAIN EVENT: Aug. 18 at a contemporary art gallery. HOW THEY MET: In high school. He noticed her wearing heart boxers over leggings. “I’d like to say I was dressed that way for Spirit Week, but more likely, I just felt like dressing that way that day.” FIRST DATE: They were in the same high school photography class, so he drove her to an unfinished golf course so they could take landscape pictures. HOW HE PROPOSED: On “date night” after a visit to Union Station to see the Christmas lights. PET NAMES: Lots, but “Egg” and variations are favorites. Says Keenan: “There is a whole egg grammar. It’s a big mess and I think it makes people sick.”

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