Expats World Magazine - Issue 9 - January 2019

Page 34

34 | Relationships

Credit: Unsplash/Jacob Townsend


Another distinguishing facet of the long distance relationship is the sense of autonomy each individual can develop.

Another distinguishing facet of the long distance relationship is the sense of autonomy each individual can develop. Living far apart from each other really allows partners to develop their own individual identities, independence and sense of control over their own lives, which they can ultimately share in their relationship. We've all been in situations where we've felt "crowded" or overwhelmed with our partner's close proximity to our own lives and a long distance relationship can often prevent that. Of course, with such distance and autonomy comes the potential for jealousy, though, if legitimate trust is already there, the separation can strengthen it. Fully trusting your partner and their actions as they live away from you is a true act of faith and a testament to the health of your relationship.


So cherished are these dynamics that, when a long distance relationship becomes close, they're actually missed. A 2006 study into long distance couples that became close distanced found that, among the one third of couples who broke up, loss of independence, time management, WWW.EXPATSWORLD.COM

new conflicts and jealousy were all reported as contributing factors. So, in these instances, it seems like the long distance was not only working, but also valued and preferred. It could be here that, for people whose lifestyles and personalities suit such traits, a long distance relationship might be healthier than the close one. However, it seems that most long distance relationships are healthier when there's a clear future in sight. A 2007 study into college-based long distance relationships found that partners in relationships who were uncertain when they'd become close distanced felt more distressed and reported less satisfaction than those who saw a viable future of close distance. Certainly, there are pros and cons to every kind of relationship and the health of it largely depends on the strength of the partners' bond. However, due to our modern-day lifestyles and its ability to promote communication, autonomy and strong bonds between couples, long distance should not be seen as a doomsday scenario, but a healthy and beneficial challenge for any relationship.

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