Expats World Magazine - Issue 6 - April 2018

Page 20

20 | Identity something that is not in alignment with that belief.

or Positive -

I dentify an Alter native M eaning This part has two concepts -


1 -There is a strength or positive that you have not focused on from the source. You need to find it 2 ? Your perception of the event is distorted.

Example: My father examined one of my artworks when I was a kid; he just did not get it and openly discouraged me from pursuing any career in the arts. This contributed to my belief that my art was crap. I had chosen that perspective out of the many possible perspectives that could have explained the situation. But at the time, I chose one and attached myself to it. Nothing has any meaning unless we give it meaning. Find the strength


Maybe I have found a unique style of art Maybe my art has shock value and had depth that is not apparent to some.

See the alternatives: -


Dad might have been having a bad day. He might have an analytical brain and not appreciate different forms of art. Maybe it wasn?t my best performance, but it was an isolated occurrence.

Re-fr ame Being flawed in one aspect of your life simply means that you are strong in a different area. Flip a weakness into a strength. ?I struggle with execution?, flip it to

?I always try to give my best work, no matter what?. ?I?m stubborn? flipped single-minded determination.


For m a new belief with small wins Become the type of person who can achieve the behaviors of the identity. Start by completing small behaviors synonymous with the type of person you want to become. For example, if you want to lose weight become the type of person who moves more every day. Walk around the block every day or buy a pedometer and add 50 steps everyday. It is of paramount importance that you start with incredibly small steps. The goal is not to achieve the targeted result, the goal is to become the type of person who can achieve those things. If you aim too high, you might not follow through. Consistency is key.

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