September 2013

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September 2013 ~ Vol.V, Issue 7

A Guide for Conscious Living



September 2013



September 2013

Publisher’s Letter...


Photo by Matthew Epp

Dear Friend,

I celebrate a milestone birthday in September, so it feels appropriate that the theme this month is about aging well and body image. I think back to when I was 35 and an artist created a body cast of my figure. It was excruciatingly painful to look, really look, at my body and its imperfections. Instead of my flaws, the artist pointed out the artistic beauty of my body — the curve of my collar bone, the feminine fullness of my belly — and suddenly my perception changed. Fifteen years later and about the same number of pounds heavier, I am more content with my body and my age than I was at 35. Maybe it is the grace and wisdom that come with age. Maybe I’ve learned self-acceptance. Whichever the case, it is a wonderful achievement to be happy with who I am and what I’ve become. I believe our body image and the way it reflects our age come from an internal barometer. I know a woman in her 70s who didn’t celebrate birthdays because of her religion — and thus didn’t know her age. When I see her, I see her as ageless. And it’s reflected in her demeanor. She’s vibrant, active, full of energy and joy — and ageless. While we can’t all “forget” our age, we can let go of the limiting beliefs that there are restrictions at certain ages. Whenever I read about a woman in her 60s who performs gymnastics, or a woman in her 70s who took up weight lifting in her 50s, I am inspired, awed and filled with the knowing of how I want to be when I grow up.

Jill Dutton

Aging Well...14 Health & Aging...14

The Blessings of Birthdays...15

Trezo Mare...10 Fat: To Fear or Not?...11

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298

Advertising ON THE COVER: “Private Paradigm” 36”x24” Oil on Canvas Penny Thieme’s work is available at the VALA Gallery, 5834 Johnson Drive, Mission KS 66202. Her work will be featured in an exhibition in “Garden of Jungian Delights,” presented by the K. C. Friends of Jung November 8th, 6pm9pm and creative workshop November 16th, 9am-3pm.,,

Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Mary Stalnaker Ad Design Ana Inacio Contributors Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Karen Marie, Aluna Michaels, Jane Murray, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Sharon Valleua, Kim Wedman

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

Wendy MacDonald

EVOLVING© 2013 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Departments: Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Food First!



September 2013

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Revelations Horoscope Events

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News FIBROMYALGIA COALITION TO HOST HEALTH AND HEALING RETREAT, OCT. 18-20 The Fibromyalgia Coalition will host a 3day Health and Healing Retreat October 18-20 at the Elms Hotel and Spa in Excelsior Springs, Mo. The presentation theme “Health and Healing” focuses on successful treatments for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other chronic pain conditions, and will offer information on how former sufferers have reversed their symptoms. “Fibromyalgia sufferers can find hope and help at this retreat, and that’s the most important thing,” said Yvonne Keeny, FCI founder and executive director. “The retreat will give patients an opportunity to stay informed and find solutions that work for them.” For more information, visit or call 913-3844673.

About the Fibromyalgia Coalition International Founded in 2000 in Mission, Kan., the Fibromyalgia Coalition International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has grown significantly since beginning as a support group in 1998. The coalition has helped many people change their lives for the better by providing support group meetings, awareness outreach, research efforts, annual conferences, continuing education for healthcare professionals, and by publishing one of the nation’s top fibromyalgia magazines.

RELAXATION TECHNIQUES FOR CHILDREN PRESENTED IN NEW BOOK Picture book emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, teaches children to relax Stress is not a word commonly associated with children, but in this increasingly busy and demanding world children are facing the realities of living with stress earlier and earlier in their lives. Lisa Hemmings and Allan O’Keefe, who have extensive experience working with children suffering from a variety of problems from stress to anxiety, have developed a number of resources that teach children how to manage their stress. Imagine Me With The Three Owls is a children’s picture book that teaches children how to use their imaginations and the importance of self-acceptance. This book takes readers or listeners on a relaxing journey through the magic of nature during nighttime and is a great activity that parents and children can enEVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


September 2013

joy together. “We wanted parents to be able to do this activity at home with their children,” Hemmings said. “Both the parent and the child will both feel more relaxed after reading the story and these feelings can have a positive effect on the whole family.” Visit or Available at, and

News ADULT NEW READERS AND LOCAL AUTHORS SHARE STAGE TO PROMOTE LITERACY IN FIFTH ANNUAL POWER OF READING: A CELEBRATION OF THE WRITTEN WORD Co-sponsored by The Writers Place and Literacy Kansas City Learning to read is a gift we give ourselves, no matter what our age. Adult students of Kansas City Literacy will share heartfelt stories about how reading has transformed their lives at the fifth annual Power of Reading: A Celebration of the Written Word, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Kansas City Public Library, Truman Forum Auditorium, 4801 Main

St., Kansas City, Mo. A free reception will begin at 6 p.m. in the lobby. Local authors also will read original writings and reveal the impact of reading in their lives. Writers include The Recipe, featuring Theodore “Priest” Hughes and Desmond “337” Jones, cookbook author Judith Fertig, freelance writer and editor Grace Suh, and poet Chato Villalobos. Nick Haines of KCPT will emcee. Approximately 225,000 adults in the Kansas City area function at the lowest literacy level. Literacy is the ability to read, write, compute and use technology at a level that enables an individual to reach his or her full potential as a parent, employee and community member. This free event is sponsored by The Writers Place, Literacy Kansas City, Friends of the Library, Rainy Day Books, and Open Circle. To make a reservation, call 816-701-3407 or visit

NEW BOOK RELEASE Celebrate the release of the new book, Living Beyond the Veil: How My Mystical Incidences May Help You and Your Rainbow or Crystal Children, by Marcia Sandels. Published by Xlibris in June 2013. Marcia has written an informative book sharing her journey of 40 years with extrasensory perception (ESP) experiences. A glossary of these extrasensory terms is included in the Introduction. She also offers practical tips towards honoring these spiritual abilities. Her research into understanding these God-given talents will open the doorway for you, and your children, into a love, joy, and appreciation of them. Marcia’s book can be categorized as Self-Help, Motivational, and Spiritual. Contact the author personally at her website,



September 2013

to leave a comment on her Guest Book page or to receive an autographed copy along with a gift; her email address is also available there. Please “Like” her Facebook fan page, “Marcia Sandels, Writer”. Living Beyond the Veil is available from,, and in either ebook or print format. Distributors, call 888-795-4274, ext. 7879.

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. The Crystal Child “The crystal statue stood in the garden, among the roses. She had once been a human child, but now she sparkled in the early sun…her mouth was sad and perfect, like a crystal rose…the statue did not seem dead and she was not alive either. She had simply stopped somewhere, along the road of time.” The Crystal Child by Barbara Wersba


he story of the Crystal Child is really an apt metaphor for the life journey of many people. When trauma, abuse, neglect, illness or other stressors interfere with child and adult development, there are real consequences. The lasting effect for many people is that part of their being is frozen in time, like the crystal child. This moving story of the crystal child and the boy, who loved her into life, could be your story. Loss through death, mental or physical illness, substance abuse, neglect or trauma, is the story of many people. When we experience some kind of loss or trauma in our developing years, we can stay frozen in some part of our being as we continue our life journey. As we go through life transitions these learned responses surface and give us an opportunity to heal. The natural response of the body-mind when confronted with danger, threat or loss, is to send in the emergency bio-chemical troops. Chemicals are pumped into the system, which assist the person in meeting the danger, surviving and being safe. Sometimes, this is accompanied by a conscious response to the situation. It could be something like this, “I have to take care of things. No one else is going to do it.” or “I will stop the feelings, the tears, or I will be hurt more.” Consciously or unconsciously, the infant, child or adult makes the decision to shut down, to freeze certain emotions and psychophysical responses to the situation.

It is important to identify the moment of shifting away from the whole self. This is the key to change. It is important to identify the moment of shifting away from the whole self. This is the key to change. This is often not in one’s conscious memory. If the events happened at a pre-verbal age (before age 2) or pre-cognitive age (before age 7), the memories will be stored in different parts of the brain-body. Paying attention to dreams, daydreams and utilizing guided imagery, trance or hypnosis, the person comes face to face with his or her crystal child. Becoming aware of sensory processes, the body and emotions can also be helpful. I assist the person in re-framing the event, calling on the resources of his/her adult self, other mentors, helpers and powerful figures (past, present and imaginary) to help the child to feel safe, loved and have direction that is appropriate for that developmental stage of his or her



life. I also use the Neurobehavioral Program for release of trauma. This is the first step in the journey to awakening the crystal child within you. Remember that the ordinary everyday traumas of life, can, at anytime, create the ‘crystallizing effect.’ Our job is to know when this has happened and work to reawaken the frozen part at a more appropriate time, when help and safety is available. The gardener in the story of The Crystal Child has the wisdom to know what we would do well to remember as we care for ourselves or others. “The boy was young and did not know the mysteries that life held…the gardener…did know that one day the crystal girl would move or speak. That is why he talked to her every morning. That was why he took care of her.” As we go through life transitions, the frozen parts of ourselves can awaken and we can heal the wounds, moving forward as more whole beings. Be the gardener of your being. Respond with care and love, ask for help when needed, travel the journey of healing change.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to

September 2013

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes End Procrastination—It’s Good for You


rocrastinating was an issue for me for part of my life. When incorporating my own business in 1994, I made the choice to end this oppressive habit. Like a turtle pulling into its shell, putting tasks or projects off slows your success. You are standing still as the world passes you by. A personal growth seminar brought out that the habit of procrastination is actually an unconscious choice to “punish” yourself. That hit me as such an unloving choice! These days I’ll joyfully arise at 5:30 a.m., if needed, to finish a project. Think of it this way: If I put it off maybe I do not want to “win” at an unconscious level. So I stay stuck in the mud of fear or self-pity when I procrastinate. How did I end this habit? l. Understand the psychology of what is happening. Over-ride it with conscious choice. When we value ourselves and recognize that what we do, say, create, and offer “matters” to our colleagues, business, and families, your motivation will increase.

Winners never put off what may be done today. Remember, if you set a goal and it remains on your do-list week to week, this begins to diminish your self-esteem. some poses, and became quiet. Ah-Hah! I recognized the fear behind the anxiety and quickly worked out a solution. Stay awake to your ego too. Watch out for “poor little me I have so much work to do.” What I do is make it fun. I remember I love my work and this place! Winners never put off what may be done today. Remember, if you set a goal and it remains on your do-list week to week, this begins to diminish your selfesteem. As a conscious adult, every day I trust my esteem is building. Feels great to not procrastinate!

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2. Break it into chunks. If a project is large or feels overwhelming, I break it into stages. Last fall we produced a 40page anniversary magazine. Rather than feeling overwhelmed, I created a mock up and got excited! Then I categorized the book into sections. This beautiful book came together with elegance and ease. 3. Ask for Help. Another lesson for me was to understand that together is better. As self-esteem grows we are comfortable in asking for help. A great way to ask for what you want is use the words “are you willing” in the request. If stated this way, I give the other person permission to make an empowered choice. Using the “are you willing” statement creates an avenue for dialogue. This helps us stay clear of “controlling” or manipulating others. Try it! People love to help one another when the tenor is friendly and non-threatening. 4. Stay Awake to Limiting Emotions. Yesterday in my office with a pile of work on the desk, I began to feel anxious. I went to the Yoga School, did

• • • •

Clinical Psychologist Body Psychotherapist Certified Live and Whole Food Consultant Reiki Master Teacher

6301 Rockhill Road Suite #106 KCMO 64131 ~ 816.960.4525 Suzette Scholtes has won awards for her writing and community service including one from Writers Digest for nonfiction. Teaching yoga and writing are her passions. At The Yoga School, she shares the 8,000 year old yoga tradition of practicing health and happiness, whether 18 or 80. Here, be met with a smile and learn to love your life. At 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Check it out at or or 913-492-9594.



September 2013

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September 2013

Revelations—by Karen Marie Quantum Healing Hypnosis


olores Cannon pioneered Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique more than 30 years ago. I chose to train with her because this is a powerful method of hypnosis that expands our awareness and consciousness. During these sessions, clients are able to transcend physical reality, sometimes seeing past lives and often learning about other dimensions. There is also an opportunity for clients to receive answers to their life questions. Everyone goes in and out of trance every single day. Alpha is a light level of trance. We are in the alpha trance state when we daydream, watch TV, or stare at the highway while driving. The theta trance state is a deeper level of trance and is often accessed by the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Everyone experiences theta trance state twice a day, right before they go to sleep and just as they awaken. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique allows us to contact what we refer to as the ‘subconscious’, but it is the higher self, over soul, or guides and angels. The subconscious has access to the Akashic Records --the records of everything that has ever happened to that soul. Clients always bring a list of questions to a session. Their questions are answered by the subcon-

scious. They often ask about their life purpose, why particular relationships do not work, or why they instantly feel a connection with someone. They ask about jobs, life changes, challenges and specific health issues. Healing can take place at this time. One client learned how she could leave her lucrative career and successfully pursue the more creative career she desired. She also learned about her unborn child and the significance of her relationship with this child. A client who lost a spouse was able to let go of his wedding ring and other belongings after a single session. Several clients have connected with loved ones that have transitioned to spirit. Many clients have received guidance about relationships. The key to a successful session is being able to relax, let go, and allow the images to unfold. When clients let go of their analytical, logical minds and their need to be in control, much healing can take place. This technique is completely safe. Clients can stop a session at anytime. This is about choosing to let go and allowing the healing to occur. Experiencing a past life regression is like watching a movie. You watch each scene not knowing what will happen next. Yet, as the scene unfolds, you learn what happens next: and, you learn about significant events that are impacting your current life. There is always a

connection between the past life and the client’s current life. Meditation, prior to the session, enhances the likelihood of a successful session. Meditation is a relaxation process much like hypnosis. It also involves an altered state of trance that expands one’s awareness. It involves letting go of expectations by just allowing thoughts to be as they are. There may be a moment of complete stillness and peace – a gap between thoughts. The more one meditates, the longer these peaceful non-thoughts will last. This hypnosis technique allows access to information that is not normally accessible to the conscious mind. The information that comes through is truly amazing. There is so much love and comfort shown to the client during a session. It is a privilege and honor for me to do this work. To learn more about this technique, go to Karen Marie (913) 954-9701

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September 2013

Xating jell in Kansas City

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff Trezo Mare


his month, we celebrate the Harvest at Trezo Mare in Briarcliff Village. Executive Chef, Robert Padilla, works with Providence Farms (organic grower in Trenton, Missouri) to determine his seasonal menus. Chef creates his signature dishes with the last of the season's asparagus, heirloom tomatoes and fresh peaches. Chef and his cooks worked over a year to achieve, what they believe, is the perfect pork chop. You can join the Celebration of the Harvest September 10th, at Trezo Mare's annual Harvest Dinner.

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series.” To view the entire foodie series,

Caprese Salad of Heirloom Tomatoes, House-Made Mozzarella & Garden Herbs and a Double Bone-In Pork Chop with Grilled Asparagus, Garlic Infused Mashed Potatoes topped with a Peach Chutney Brine for Double Bone-In Pork Chop 5 oz granulated suger 5 oz. kosher salt 2 garlic cloves - peeled 2 cinnamon sticks 10 whole cloves 2 star anise 2 bay leaves Combine all ingredients and bring to boil. Cool to room temperature. Brine chops in refrigerator for 12 to 24 house. Rinse brine from pork chops before placing in marinade Herb Marinade for Double Pork Chop 2 oz thyme, finely chopped 2 oz oregano, finely chopped 2 oz rosemary, finely chopped 6 oz parsley, finely chopped zest of 2 lemons 6 oz olive oil Wisk ingredients together. Marinade pork chops in refrigerator for 2 hours or up to 2 days.

until tender and drain. Heat cream, garlic & butter in a sauce pan and add to cooked & drained potatoes. Mash or wisk potatoes to desired consistency (do not use a food processor as potatoes will become gummy). Season to taste. Peach Chutney 10 pounds fresh peaches - pealed, pitted and rough chopped 10 oz granulated sugar 10 oz honey 3 cups apple cider vinegar 1 shallot - rough copped 2 oz fresh ginger - peeled, grated, then squeezed to extract juice pinch of red chili flakes salt & pepper to taste Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to boil. Simmer until mixture reduces to a syrup consistency. Cool, then blend to desired consistency.

Trezo Mare Caprese Salad 3 slices fresh mozzarella Cook the Pork Chop 3 slices heirloom tomatoes Lightly dredge the marinated pork chop in 3 basil leaves 1/2 oz baby arugula flour. Sear in a hot sauté pan with 2oz of blended oil. Once seared on both sides, place 1/4 oz balsamic vinegar reduction sauté pan in a 400 degree oven for about 15- 1/4 oz extra virgin olive oil 20 minutes. salt and pepper to taste. Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes 5 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, scrubbed but not peeled 2 oz roasted garlic cloves 1/2 pound butter 10 oz heavy cream salt & pepper to taste Bring potatoes to a boil in salted water. Cook



September 2013

Shingle the tomatoes and cheese (alternating tomato and cheese). Lightly drizzle a bit of the olive oil and over the tomato and cheese, then season with salt and pepper. In a mixing bowl, combine the arugula, basil, olive oil and salt and pepper Lay the greens over the tomatoes and cheese slices. Finish with balsamic reduction

Xating jell in Kansas City

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O. Fat: To Fear or Not?


t’s not that black and white. While the days of the very low fat diet are certainly over, what role should fat play in our diet?

Fat is essential to human survival. The outer layer of every cell, called the cell membrane, is made of fat. Receptor sites are embedded in the cell membrane. Hormones and nutrients are just some of the things that literally plug into to the receptors initiating metabolic processes. If the membrane is too fluid or stiff, the shape of the receptors becomes distorted. Hormones and nutrients don’t plug in properly and metabolic processes go awry. Too much saturated fat and trans-fat makes the membrane stiff, but not enough saturated fat makes them too fluid. We need both saturated and unsaturated fats. The brain, the nervous system and all the nerves that go to our organs and muscles are made of fat. Too little fat in the diet can cause mental illness, dementia, irregular heart beats and even heart attacks. By now, everyone knows the perils of trans-fats. Their use has been banned in New York City restaurants. I also advise staying away from margarine, any vegetable oil spreads, including ones touted as trans-fat free, and oils packaged in a clear bottle. Many people are surprised that I recommend steering clear of canola oil. Canola oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. It is almost exclusively heat or chemically processed, which renders the omega-3 fatty acids useless. Remember heat, light and oxygen destroy omega-3 fatty acids. I’ve never seen Canola oil in a dark bottle. Additionally, most Canola oil is made from genetically modified seed. I urge everyone to buy organic as much as possible in order to avoid genetically modified foods. I encourage people to get their fat primarily from whole food sources, such as avocado, raw nuts and seeds, their butters and mylks, olives, coconut, raw chocolate, wild and grass-fed to point of slaughter poultry and meat, and safer fish. Author and nutrition researcher Joel Fuhrman, MD, advocates getting fats exclusively from whole food sources, that is, no oil whatsoever. He has a point. Oil is processed food. It’s calorie

dense and severely nutrient depleted compared to its whole food source. Most people do not know that the hearthealthy benefits attributed to olive oil occur only in the presence of vegetables. Olive oil alone causes endothelial dysfunction, a disordered metabolism of the blood vessel walls that can lead to clotting, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and aneurysms. I haven’t given up oil, yet. I recommend extra virgin olive oil, sold in a dark bottle, used cold. The most nutrient dense olive oils have a strong, bitter taste and greenish hue. For cooking I advise grape seed oil, coconut oil or ghee made from organic unsalted butter. So, let go of your fat fears. You need fat! Use oils judiciously, but enjoy a variety of fats from whole sources daily. Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-6421900 and

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September 2013

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September 2013



September 2013

Feature—by Jane L. Murray, MD Aging Well


he truth is we are all aging. How we manage this inevitable process makes all the difference in how long we live and how we feel. The ‘antiaging’ industry would have us believe that if we can just get all our hormones back to the levels they were when we were young, we will feel young and perhaps never die. Honestly, though, aging is a wonderful process that offers us the wisdom of experience and the freedom to be our true selves. Attempting to ignore or avoid that process cheats us out of an important part of the life cycle. But we all want to be as healthy as possible as we age, minimize pain and disability, be physically and mentally active, then die peacefully in our sleep (or maybe during sex). How can we achieve these goals? Primarily through our lifestyle choices. Dr. Lester Breslow, often called “Mr. Public Health”, was dean of the UCLA School of Public Health for many years (including the time I was an undergraduate and medical student there). He followed 7,000 people for 35 years in Alameda County, California and matched their lifestyle choices with longevity and disability. He found these seven lifestyle habits correlated strongly with healthy aging: • Get a good night’s sleep of seven or eight hours. • Exercise 30 minutes at a time, several times a week. Walking vigorously is a top choice. • Forget the scales. Eat moderately to maintain weight in relation to height. • Eat breakfast every day. • Eat meals regularly, don’t eat between meals, and don’t skip meals.

Don’t drink at all or drink in moderation (those who “never drank” did not differ significantly from those who drank in moderation) . Don’t smoke. At all.

A 60-year old following all seven habits was found to be as healthy as a 30-year old following three or fewer habits! Dr. Breslow was amazed at how living these habits actually predicted future disability. After 10 years, a person following 4 or more habits had a 12.2 percent risk of disability; someone following 2-three habits had a 14.1 percent risk, and those following 0-1 habits had an 18.7 percent risk of disability at 10 years. Dr. Breslow died peacefully at home this past April at age 97, still active and tending his vegetable garden. To these excellent lifestyle choices we might add a few more practices that seem to show improved health and longevity for us as we age: maintain a purpose in life – whether volunteer-

Feature—by Kim Wedman Health & Aging


aven’t we all dreamed of the fountain of youth in one way or another? Who hasn’t thought they would love to live on and on and on? Are you the person that thinks somehow the reality of wrinkles, stiffness, memory loss and lack of strength will never find you? Eden Energy Medicine can take you on a journey that challenges the aging process and helps you maximize your health as you get older. Travel with me for a few moments into the time of the here and now and the natural laws of our lives. We are leaving the wonderful months of Summer. They always seem to come and go too fast. This is the peak of the year. This is the time to play, vacation, and be outdoors. Youth and aliveness prevail throughout this season. All too soon, Fall is here and we begin another cycle. All life begins the journey of preparing for Winter. The leaves change and fall back to earth. We wind down and it is a time to let go and reflect. It can be a lovely graceful shift, as we witness Mother Nature going through yet another transformation-look around and drink in the graceful journey. And yet, in all the grace, there is often stress and the stress comes from how we handle change. Yes, this is a planet of constant change! At times we as humans resist this change, which can lead to a disruption of our energy flow. This can lead to weakness and imbalance in our bodies, also known as “dis ease”. In Eden Energy Medicine there are fourteen meridians that we focus on. One of these is Triple Warmer (TW). Its job is to

protect us and is programmed to respond with the “fight or flight” mechanism. If it senses a threat it often overreacts, which creates disruption and imbalance. Helping TW find ways to feel safe in the world brings joy and ease to the body’s systems. Here is a quick and easy way to calm Triple Warmer; it is a one minute exercise as follows: Place the palm of your right hand lightly on your chest, and take the thumb and first finger of your left hand and touch them together. Now move the left hand with the thumb and first finger to your temple on the left side of your head. Rest lightly on the temple with the thumb and first finger and let the other three fingers rest lightly on the forehead. Sit back and breathe for 30 seconds with eyes closed. Switch sides and repeat. Another simple and powerful protocol is called Hook up! It does exactly that...Hook you up! Try it: With your left hand, put your middle finger lightly in your belly button and slightly pull up. At the same time take the middle finger of the right hand and lightly rest it on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows (the area of the third eye) lightly pull up here simultaneously. Hold for 30 seconds or if you take a big sigh! Then let go, and you have hooked yourself up! This technique can go a long way to bring blood back into the forebrain and calm your nerves. Have you ever thrown your hands up to your forehead and



ing to help others, tending a garden, caring for pets – we all need a good reason to get up every day. Maintain a “tribe” – social involvement and interactions are crucial for healthy aging. Keep learning – read books, take a class, ask questions. Our brains need exercise too! Is there a role for hormones as we age? Yes, indeed, for specific reasons and individually selected. Just to stop the aging process? I think not. But many women traversing the menopause transition have symptoms significant enough to warrant supplementation with carefully chosen hormones – estrogen and progesterone for some situations such as debilitating hot flashes and night sweats that interrupt sleep. Testosterone for men and women with low levels who have significant symptoms may be indicated (but not all people develop low testosterone with aging). Sometimes other hormones such as DHEA or pregnenolone are deficient and can contribute to health-altering symptoms and problems (such as fatigue, poor sense of well-being, memory loss, etc) but not always. Some individuals have issues with thyroid or adrenal hormones, and may need support in these areas. Hormones should be used with care, used for a clear indication and purpose, and always under the supervision of a trained clinician. People with specific health problems may need carefully selected medications and/or supplements, but overprescribing drugs and “polypharmacy” may have its own adverse consequences. Taking random supplements one hears about on the web, from friends, and even from Dr. Oz may have a downside as well. Keep it simple – less is more. The mainstay of healthy aging is lifestyle choice. Follow those seven habits and have a great journey!! Jane Murray, MD is the founder and medical director of the Sastun Center of Integrative Health Care in Overland Park, KS where she practices family, integrative and functional medicine with a variety of other partners in healing. 10875 Grandview, Overland Park, 913-345-0060,

said, “Oh my God”?! Well now you have some very focused and powerful tools to support that instant stress of 'OH My God', and begin to move through the changes. These protocols are based on the principles of energy. And Energy is deeply connected to health and aging. When we have enough energy we feel good, youthful and alive. If our energy gets caught in stress or bogged down in being overwhelmed, health can easily fade and aging can march at a faster clip. It is all about balance. These are the principles of energy and what is always shifting and changing. So, as we sail into Fall, I hope each of you have time to follow the journey of our seasons and Mother Nature. She is always showing us ways to stay present and live to our full potential. As we move into the Fall, see the lessons of letting go and preparing for the restoration of Winter to make way for the new. I contend that if we can take this message to heart in our own unique way, we will experience health while living through our lives at any age. Be joyful and well. Kim Wedman, EEMAP, BA, LMT, NCTMB has worked with the bodies' energies for over 30 years as a yoga instructor, EMT, Challenge Course instructor, massage therapist, Hakomi practitioner and certified Energy Medicine practitioner, teacher and trainer. Since 1992, Kim has traveled, studied and taught with Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women. Kim is an Innersource Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and is a founding and active faculty member of the EEM Certification Program working with students and clients around the world.

September 2013

Feature—by Sharon Valleau The Blessings of Birthdays: Tips & Tricks of Aging Well


here she is again… that woman who seems to be stalking you. She steals a sideways glance from the reflection of a car window as you pass by; or perhaps you’ll catch a glimpse of her in the shiny cover of a public paper towel holder. Her ghost flutters in the eyes of those who talk to you, but stare at her. It’s a shock to the system when our mental selfpicture lags behind the reality of our changing selves. It seems time goes by faster with each birthday. The irony is just as time accelerates and it seems our energy and focus begin to wane, we’re called upon to put more effort into looking, feeling, thinking, expressing and being well. Given the blessing of time, it will happen to all of us. Shake off the shock of “the change” and make the choice to turn aging lemons into a juicy, delectable version of the real, new YOU by exercising a physical, spiritual and mental makeover. Moisturize inside out. Water rules. Nothing takes the place of it to puff up and rejuvenate maturing cells. What’s that? Don’t like water? Make your peace with it! Find large containers that appeal to you and fill them with water. Then flavor your water: Slice citrus fruits, cucumber, melon and mint. Any fruit, vegetable or herb can flavor water and make it interesting. Plus, eating all of those yummy fillers can help curb the appetite and satisfy key nutrients that further benefit cells throughout the body. Use layers of lotion. There are so many good lotions out there – the main thing is to use them a lot: face to feet. Put on one layer, let it dry and put on another layer (and another if you have time). For a skin hydration boost, add aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil to your moisturizer. Hair thins, grays, and may come out. Hair and scalp need intense moisturizing and attention. Try a coconut oil wrap after your shampoo. Saturate the hair with coconut oil and cover with a plastic cap. Then play 30 minutes of your favorite old school jams on the CD or pod, and spend the next 30 minutes dancing full out while the conditioner processes. Rinse well with running water; but make your last rinse cool water in a bowl into which you add a cup of apple cider vinegar to detangle and add shine. Consider a drop-dead dramatically gorgeous haircut. Or take a page from younger counterparts and incorporate extensions, hairpieces, or even a full wig. Then there’s the grays – The decision to go gray is big; it should be accompanied by a style that makes you feel fine and flirty – be it short or longer. When we decide to continue to color our hair, however, we should choose between color and processes. If color trumps, there are processes designed to be kinder to hair that is dyed. If you have hair coming out, see your doctor. Ask to

have your thyroid and adrenals tested. An imbalance in either can affect not just your hair, but also energy, mood, healthy heart, and a multitude of other issues. If tests come out negative but symptoms persist, insist with your health care professional to keep looking for solutions. Ignore sweeping, one-size-fits-all, standards for “older women.” Defy the expected and define yourself for yourself, holding only to the rule that you will wear what looks good on and feels good to you. Speaking of feeling good, what about what’s in our heads? We live in a world of voyeuristic public scrutiny, violence, videos in which women are objectified and sexualized, polarizing politics and paralyzing personal opinion – often from people who call themselves friends. Do a gut check – how is what you’re watching, listening to, playing, or participating in making you feel? Satisfied? Balanced? Valued? Or are you anxious? Frightened? Angry? How do the people around you make you feel? Have you “grandfathered” old relationships that have drained you since youth? Give yourself permission to free your mind and your life from the popular zeitgeist, what’s being talked



about around the water cooler, and old rusty relationships. Even if that means a media moratorium, or unavailability to caustic relatives or friends. Vow to remake your mind by only giving it what is genuinely gratifying for your spirit. That brings us to the people in our lives. As we grow older and our family structures necessarily change, we begin to redefine family. Little do we know that relationships we strike up at places like work, the gym, or school will become the next chapters of family over time. Nurture those relationships. Something as basic as card giving can be a mood-day-life saver, especially through times of trial. Set regular girls’ nights out. As you travel together, practice aerobic driver/rider-cize. (Safely, though!) Crank up the music and take turns calling out exercise moves like “tighten up those abs and shift your waist right, now shift your waist left; now add a shoulder lift…” As you’re in the mirror getting ready for the day, exercise by moving your waist in a “hoola hoop” motion. (Bonus points for naked hoola-hooping where your partner can watch!) And don’t forget your kegels! That muscle in thedown-there needs exercise, as do all of your muscles, or it will create a problem. Ever seen what happens to old elastic? Yeah, it’s that serious. So choose a time and place where you will do your kegels every day. Walk. Join or start a walking club. Walk with your sweetheart, your dog, your grandchild, a good book, or your music. It’s great exercise, and when we walk we experience the world in a different way. We notice things that are really cool and satisfying, things we miss when riding the same route every day. Finally…your feet. Seriously consider relegating those stilettos to the closet hall of fame. Recover your posture and your equilibrium while walking away from the pain! There are so many cute shoes that don’t make you walk like a buffalo because they have distorted your pelvis, cramped your calves and attacked your arches. Oh, one more thing: love. Love the you that's here in this time and space; love the people who celebrate birthdays with you – celebrate them and tell them, “I love you” unselfconsciously and unconditionally. And when people see that person you’ve become and say, “You look fabulous!” You say, “Thank you! I work at it!” And mean that! Sharon Valleau is a sociologist, writer, and Creative who works with individual artists and companies to establish or enhance a logical and lasting brand. Watch for her upcoming book Personal and Professional Impressions Management, and join her for candid conversations about cancer in the cancer dialogue network (

September 2013

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels September 2013 can receive all sorts of abundance when the Universe pours it on you!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Happy birthday Virgo! Give yourself a gift by clearing out anger and disappointments from the past. Mars (empowerment) is sweeping through your subconscious, so you can heal from ways you sabotage joy. Also practice speaking clearly about your needs, so people know exactly what you want and can fulfill your desires! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Put an effort toward making new friends and starting new activities. As a Libra, you can focus solely on your relationship (or trying to have one), and become dependent and isolated. Sharing time with others will revitalize your partnership, since you’ll bring new energy back to it. If single, you could meet a new love through these changes! Also, maybe have a yard sale, since you have more money sitting around that you realize in unused stuff!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Powerful Pluto is moving direct in your sign, helping you intuitively find solutions and bravely take actions to heal your problems. The first step, however, is to meditate and send loving thoughts to yourself – be free from self-criticism and judgment. Also, visualize love surrounding other people you’re frustrated with, as well as visualizing light around challenging situations. When answers come, things will smoothly mend!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) There’s lots of career excitement as Mars heats up your work life! Keep visualizing changes and even more will manifest. Even if you’re quiet and “background-ish”, superiors are noticing your commitment and talent. You’ll also be able to heal old misunderstandings or challenges with friends or siblings. You might even have imagined issues that weren’t even there!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Relationships are getting better! If single, you can start a new connection. If partnered, s/he will be eager to cooperate and make positive changes together. Like Capricorn pals, it’s vital to meditate before healing happens. Forgive everything about a situation and clear your heart of all negative expectations based on the past. Let your mind be fresh and open. Now you can move into a new consciousness, and feel new levels of joy unhindered by history or subconscious sabotage!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) If your spiritual life is stale, find a way to invigorate it. Try a new yoga class; read different type of life philosophy books; visit a new church; explore new ways of mediating. Once you get excited about something, try to stick with it for at least three months to get the deeper messages. If partnered, get him/her involved. If single, you can meet someone new who is like-minded!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Being a Pisces is all about exploring spiritual possibilities. It’s crucial to find like-minded pals who are as adventurous as you. Dare to speak about your interests. Try new churches, different yoga classes, attend metaphysical lectures. Maybe start a meditation group with friends. Meditation doesn’t have to be intense or complex -- just a simple willingness to connect with your

soul. Also, financial issues will heal in surprising ways! Aries (March 21 – April 19) An exciting new relationship could be starting! Or a current connection can feel new, since you’ll resolve problems in an exciting and unusual way. Like Aquarius friends, let the past slip away and allow the present to bring a harmonious future not tainted by “issues.” Work difficulties can also resolve. Confide in a superior who you trust and they can “pull some strings” for you – and you’ll also build a deeper bond with that person. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Relationships will vastly improve if you meditate and see problems floating into the past. Release the anger and hurt. Ask the Universe for solutions and insights so issues do not re-occur. If you can do this process together, that’s awesome, but it will also work if you visualize alone. You might even glimpse a past life that is the root of your challenges. Then you’ll have keys to unlock the “stuck” energy! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Many issues of trust are healing! You’ll feel able to be closer to others, but mostly you’ll be able to trust yourself! Praise yourself for changes in how you handle emotional challenges – and also how you can now trust yourself with money! Meditate to release shame about finances, sexuality and intimacy (they’re connected astrologically!). Then you



September 2013

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Relationships are healing so that you feel like a powerful unit moving ahead together, rather than two forces clashing against each other. If single, you can meet someone who’s cooperative and “on your page.” At work, there can be a new colleague or a healing with current one that helps you move ahead for great success on a new project! Finances will be strong, so enjoy your prosperity! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Energetic and optimistic Mars is in your sign! It’s a great time to make health changes. Implement ideas that you’re able to live with (Mars can veer toward extremes). Meditate on the most meaningful changes and why they are goals. For instance, not wanting to eat junk food because you don’t want to support big food corporations – rather than you just want to be thin. Respect your body so it can help you do the spiritual work you’re here to do!

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit




At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607

Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, intuitive inspiration, self-development & Research ~ 888-272-6109

Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514

School of Metaphysics ~ Studies to develop personal potential through spiritual practices including concentration, meditation & visualization. (913) 236-9292

Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) -Qigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

Integrative Therapies by Sarah P. Chapman Aromatherapy Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Vitaflex, Pressure Point Therapy 913-549-0280 Bhasweti Gewhas, Ph.D, Hypnotherapist, Coach Solutions for Stress, Happy Relationships. Join Free Empowerment Group: 913-660-0669.



N2Paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga): an integrated approach to balance and relaxation for you and your canine companion!

Laura Packer, storyteller, writer, coach Storytelling for families, adults, corp/private events. B-days, weddings, funerals, holidays, classes 781-526-7255

PSYCHIC Nakala Akasie, Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. 913-206-1294

HYPNOSIS/EFT New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. 913-908-6907

Carol Ann Brown Intuitive Readings, Mediumship, DNA Repair Phone or in Person, 785-317-0448

Alternative Healing Modalities by Sherri "Shakti" Mack Past-life Regressions, Quantum Hypnosis, & more! 913-514-2644.

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,

Taylor Counseling and Hypnosis Solutions for pain mgmt, stress, smoking cessation, athletic performance, & academic success. 816-419-2719

Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 Elizabeth HunterHunter-Blank, LCSW Assisting clients with grief & loss, chronic & serious illness, relationship issues, depression & anxiety. 4104 Central St. KCMO 64111. 816.582.3877 Renee Herrmann, LCPC Works with those struggling with infertility, women's issues, stress/anxiety. Mindfulness & Emotional Wellness. 913 954-8380; Counseling Counseling Services for Children & Adults Art/Music/Play Therapy~DBT Therapy. Offices near The Legends & Mission, KS, 913-244-8786 On Facebook or

ENERGY WORK Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986—

Debbie Leafblad, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner Healing the Body/Mind with gentle energy healing techniques in a safe and private atmosphere. Northland 816-977-3490

Animal Medical Intuitive, Camille Pukay Animal Communicator, Psychic Healing, Body Scans, Soul Extractions, Medium, Classes. (816)-453-9542

Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

Maya's Oasis Transforming, Healing, and Inspiring Women ~ Reiki, Womens' Circle, Belly Dance Classes, Online Classes, 816-476-maya (6292)

Lynn Johnson Soulier at Gardens of Delight Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Herbal Apprenticeship Program , near Parkville. 816.584.0777;

Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge,, 816-741-0820

Rhonda Straw, Straw Akashic Records, Past Lives, Karma, Readings, Medical Intuitive, Energy Healing. 816-694-3754, Facebook

SOUND HEALING Dorethy Hancock, Certified TamaTama-Do Practitioner Using tuning forks instead of needles on acupressure points, to assist your body in selfhealing! 785-246-0860

LIFE COACH Teri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Expert Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol.; 913-219-6788. Healing Thru Music and Life Coaching For more info. Contact Kathleen (913)206-2151 or $25.00 per session.

THERMOGRAPHY BRAS-BRAS--Thermography, --Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, pain-free, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at (417) 770-0451.

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle.

PAIN RELIEF Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.



September 2013

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP.; 913-901-8970.




PRE-EVENT SALE 50% off all clothing, shoes, bed and bath and accessories for Super Savers Club card members only at Shawnee Savers Location 13233 Shawnee Mission Parkway Shawnee KS 913-2481938. Actual 50% off sale event is on September 2

INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY HEALING WORKSHOP 9 am – 4 pm Core Star Energy Healing School - 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 913-831-4422

ALICE BAILEY’S & DJWAL KHUL'S IMPARTED ESOTERIC PHILOSOPHY Considered the “science of the mind,” the thrust is to aid one in turning 'theory' into 'fact' in regards to coming into conscious contact with Soul. A facilitated discussion, series of 3: 917, 9-24, 10-1. 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Mystic Treasures, 816-420-0820/Facebook. SEPTEMBER 19 INTRO TO ASTROLOGY W/ELIZABETH Fun and easy overview of Astrology using examples of the people attending the class, $15, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. RSVP by 9-16: Mystic Treasures, 816-420 -0820/Facebook.

ZEN ARCHERY W/RICKY YUTUC Create your own bamboo bow while SEPTEMBER 7 exploring what needs to be released from within. This fun, energetic, supCHAKRA DANCE portive and liberating class will include SEPTEMBER 21 Freeing, invigorating & inspiring! Guid- supplies and your own bow to take home. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., $250, limit 8 ed chakra meditation for the mind and the body. Learn to move in simple people. RSVP by 9-7: Mystic Treasures, MATTHEW SCHOENING: UNIQUE CELLO CONCERT ways for balancing your energy culmi- 816-420-0820/Facebook. nating in a joy-filled free-4-all! 6:30 - 9 Electric cellist, professional performer ELVENDRUMS CD RELEASE PARTY p.m. Details & RSVP: and composer. Watching him perform Healing Journeys / 816-217-3359 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Crescent Springs is a sight to behold. 7-9 p.m. at You’re all us, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, SEPTEMBER 12 invited to join in the fun & festivities of Elvendrums’ latest CD release! CD’s FIBROMYALGIA & CFS SUPPORT GROUP will be available! SEPTEMBER 26 – 29 MEETING SEPTEMBER 15-16 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING FOUNDA7-8:30 p.m., Countryside Christian TIONS CLASS Church, 6101 Nall, Mission, Kansas. Call VIBRATIONAL HEALING W/RICKY YUTUC - Energy healing techniques and skills, 913-384-4673 or e-mail in& CONNIE “CRASH” to RSVP. theory and hands on practice. Core Presented by Connie “Crash” in Shaw- Star Energy Healing School 913-831SEPTEMBER 13-14 nee, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. by appointment: 4422 Ricky Yutuc (913) 522-1028 or FaceTHE AWAKENING COURSE book. Individual, Group, Couples and SEPTEMBER 27 Heal the past, transform relationships Family Sessions. Ricky helps to reactiand awaken to a higher consciousvate, then maintain, the cellular FAMILY NIGHT BLESSINGS ness through this transformational memory of love through vibrational weekend. Bring more love, peace and healing — using Didgeridoos, bamboo Our usual Friday Blessings circle is open prosperity into your life now! Details & flutes, tuning forks and a Tibeten bowl. to children on the last Friday of the register: - Healing JourHe also deepens self-love by address- month. Share the experience of uniing physical, mental and spiritual issues versal, uplifting energy with your whole neys / 816-217-3359 on the etheric level through crystal family. Kids love it! 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., SEPTEMBER 13-15 healing, Reiki and intuitive counseling. Love Offering. Details: Unwanted “charges” that have been Healing Journeys / 816-217-3359 GRAND OPENING WEEKEND EVENTS affecting your current existence (and causing physical and emotional pain) SEPTEMBER 27-29 Gala Event (September 13, 2013); Kungflow Djedi Workshop (September are now “intuned” to the new 2013 energies. This transformation is record- SOUL DISCOVERY – MAKE ROOM FOR A 14-15; 1:00-3:00 p.m.); Awaken Open MIRACLE, FEATURING ESTER NICHOLed as a HEART SONG recorded House (September 14-15, 2013; 8:30 through Ricky’s keyboard, and an MP3 SON a.m.-1:00 p.m.); Yoga Rocks the Park (September 15, 2013; 9:00 a.m.-Noon) will be gifted to recapture the Learn the difference between anger “intunement” during the challenges of and resentment, regain emotional Learn more online at your daily life. balance and spiritual mastery and much more in this three-day workshop with accomplished Hay House author



September 2013

Ester Nicholson. For more information, please visit soul-recovery. SEPTEMBER 28 FOUR PAWS PANTRY & SPA OPEN HOUSE 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pet communicator, rescue groups, refreshments, swag bags to first 50, many great specials! SEPTEMBER 28 DIVINEU.COM SPECIAL EVENT: Learn to live a guided life by changing your energy signature -w/presenter Greg Catchur. The following three workshops will be presented at Aquarius Books: Dreams: (12:00-2:00) –Learn how to live a guided life. Divine Alignment: (3:00-5:00) -Learn how to reclaim your power. Manifesting Your Hopes and Dreams: (6:00-7:30)-Learn key secrets to manifesting change. for more info. Register now to save $20 thru or Aquarius. CRESCENT SPRINGS MYSTIC FAIR 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Please join us for Readings, Sessions, Sales & Treats! 913-3412044 OCTOBER 12-14 ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER Learn the Master symbol and 2 Tibetan symbols. Work with crystals. Strengthen your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am-6pm. $800 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, OTs. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-5234440. www.karenhar OCTOBER 18-21 CREATIVE AWAKENING YOGA RETREAT, FEATURING KIM COPE TAIT This four-day, three-night yoga practice and creative writing workshop with accomplished yogi and author Kim Cope Tait will awaken your body and inspire your creative mind. For more information, please visit creative-awakening-yoga.

SAVE THE DATE! CORNERSTONE FOUNDATION & TEMPLE BUDDHIST CENTER PRESENT SPECIAL EVENT: Lama Surya Das Friday, October 4, 7 pm - 9 pm "Ask the Lama" with Janet Nima Taylor Saturday, October 5, 10 am - 4 pm "Resting in Natural Awareness" Daylong Retreat

MONDAY ONENESS BLESSINGS 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at The Harbor in Lee’s Summit. Experience this Blessing that shifts your perspective of self and world. Don and Jessica Palmer: or 816-806-1838 to RSVP. LUNCHTIME HATHA YOGA NORTH KANSAS CITY Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30am12:15pm $8.00 a class Call 816-645-1818 to RSVP 30 minute readings for $25.00 in North Kansas City Call for an appointment 816-6451818 In Person Only

PET LOSS SUPPORT GROUP last Tuesday of the month with Raphael Smith. It is a love offering suggested at $10. 6:30 p.m. KANSAS CITY RAW VEGAN FOOD UNION FIRST Saturday’s at The Struan Center Potluck from 2-4 p.m

NOW OPEN – ‘WHITE PETALS HAIR STUDIO’ Visit us in the newly opened Solera Salon, 12020 Blue Valley Parkway, Suite 256, Overland Park. See for specials! Michele L. Ryan Stylist/ Owner. 913-530-7374

PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our inSACRED RELATIONSHIP novative approach to pre-natal Unity Temple on the Plaza - 47th & nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A be2 care and experience a radiant Jefferson. For tickets or more inforginning tantra class for singles and pregnancy and healthy delivery. mation, visit cornerstonefoundacouples to experience the Divine. 7 $78/6-week session. Pre-register at or call 816-561-4466. -9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga 816.584.0777. teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, OCTOBER 30 For flier with topic and date, kaRESTORATIVE YOGA THE PSYCHIC LOUNGE ren@ THIS DAY I CANNOT SAY . . . 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Join our community of spiritual An Evening of Rumi’s Poetry Gardens of Delight near Parkville. REIKI CIRCLE seekers and conscious livers each with Coleman Barks Gently stretch, open the body, week in the Psychic Lounge. Airs Unity Church of Overland Park and cellist David Darling deeply relax and rejuvenate major nd th live Sunday’s at 8 pm CST via 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2 and 4 Presented at Unity Temple on the organs. $25. Pre-register at Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offerPlaza, 7 PM, by Kansas City Festival 816.456.2359. ing. All welcome. Receive a Reiki of Faiths. $15 in advance/ $20 at BE LOVE MEDITATION treatment. For flier: kadoor. Join Dr. Matt for meditation and CHAIR YOGA OCTOBER 17-19 enlightening conversation each 816-523-4440 Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens week. Thursday's @ 6:30 pm-8pm. YOGA MASTER JUDITH HANSON LAof Delight near Parkville. $78/6 SUNDAYS K.C. OPEN DANCE JAM 4044 Central, KCMO. Bring a pen SATER week session. Pre-register at and notepad. Cost is $10. Noon to 1:30. Come move as the 816.584.0777. Yoga practice will point us toward for upSpirit moves you. Great play lists a deep Self-inquiry. dates. each week at Plaza Wellspring, What values shape our practice, 1900 W. 47th Place, Suite 328, Westour teaching, our life? What is the GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR wood, KS. best yoga for profound bodily and DELIGHT CANCER PATIENTS emotional ease? Join our community garden outside By Appointment. Since 2005 the or inof Parkville. Your family receives a 1ST FRIDAYS Kansas City Healing Project has 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing been providing energy healing ses- HIGHER SELF ALIGNMENT TEMPLE “OmniDimensional Transformation- and eating your own organic prosions for cancer patients. Our cliONGOING ents have been experiencing a al Cellular group session.” Remem- duce. Information: 816.584.0777. reduction of their stress, anxiety ber, It Is Time… 6:30 p.m. $15, Cres- MORNING GENTLE YOGA and pain levels from their treatcent Springs, Wake up your body and soul with ment and disease. Donation basis. 913-341- FRIDAY BLESSING CIRCLE gentle yoga. Tues & Thurs, 7:30 Experience the uplifting energy of Contact John Hoefer at 816-7182044 8:30 a.m. Love Offering. Details & the Oneness Blessing and transform 6358 for details. KansasCityHealregister: your life. Includes Chakra meditaKANSAS CITY MEDITATION GROUP healing-journeys-with-Kaya 816-217 tion. 6:30 - 7:30pm, donation. INFO: Join us for meditation, chanting -3359 HUMP DAY MINDFULNESS BREAK and inspirational readings from Par- - Healing JourWednesdays 1:00 – 1:30 pm Round amahansa Yogananda, Sundays NOW OPEN – ‘WHITE PETALS HAIR neys / 816-217-3359 out your week with calm and at 10 am. Visit STUDIO’ Visit us in the newly opened Solera peace. Dr. Klug has taught mindful- for more information or call 816-799 ness practice for over 15 years. $10. -5544. Salon, 12020 Blue Valley Parkway, or call 913-642Suite 256, Overland Park. See 1900 or just show up. for specials! Michele L. Ryan Stylist/ Owner. 913-530-7374 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


September 2013



September 2013

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