November 2014 Evolving Magazine

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X volving

November 2014 ~ Vol.VI, Issue 9

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living







November 2014



November 2014

Publisher’s Letter...


Photo by Penny Thieme

Dear Friend,

When speaking of abundance, sometimes less is more. I moved last month from an 11-room home to a tiny place in the country. I sold many of my “things” and downscaled to a manageable existence. Without these possessions, at first I struggled with negative thoughts of loss. But I made this change by choice. So rather than experiencing loss from less, I feel expansion from release. I own less, but have more. There is quiet and tranquility in my new space. Without so many things, I am more efficient. As I sit and write this letter, the only sound I hear is that of the ceiling fan ticking as it rotates. For me, that is abundance — because peace of mind cannot be purchased. Coming into this season of gratitude, I am thankful for so many blessings. For the opportunity to continue this magazine. For the blessings of family, friends and our family of readers, writers and advertisers. This issue on abundance looks at money issues, as well as a deeper look at the meaning of true wealth. Because it’s not all about money and possessions. It’s about living a life that is true to ourselves. Abundance is different for each of us, so it’s our job to seek out and find that true source for ourselves.

The Abundance Formula..17 Abundance & Money...18 Abundance & Gratitude...19

Holiday Gift Guide… starts on page 10

Jill Dutton In the center of the magazine you’ll find our annual Holiday Gift Guide with non-traditional, inspirational and enlightening gift suggestions. Thank you for supporting our advertisers and shopping local this holiday season.

The Classic Cup...9

Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Discover Your Body’s True Voice...9

ON THE COVER: Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Aaron Lerner Judy Kirkpatrick

Susan Prout is an Intuitive Artist and Healer offering private sessions at Transcendence Wellness Center.

Contributors Vivian Faulkner, Stephanie Forcier, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Rita Lawrence, Aluna Michaels, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Maitreya Zohar 816.377.3507


Ad Design Susan Prout


Web Design Jann Baker Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

EVOLVING© 2014 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Revelations Food First!



November 2014

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In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Horoscope Events

9 20 22

News The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You In The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley explores our most pressing and profound questions about the afterlife— and this life—from the fresh perspective of those who have made the transition to the next phase. Among the revelations and insights they share:

• •

We were “ready”; you are not.

We’re sorry for any pain we may have caused.

Your pets are just as crazy, brilliant, and loving here as they were there.

In spite of all appearances to the contrary, life truly is fair.

Nothing we say can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.

There’s no such thing as a devil or hell.

You’ll see that our loved ones are not lost to us; that we’re eternal beings who choose lifetimes based on what we’ll likely learn from them; and that nothing else can supercharge our adventure into time and space more than understanding what’s really going on, starting today. An empowering new perspective on life, its meaning, and how to live it – deliberately and consciously. In ten profound chapters, New York Times best-selling author Mike Dooley offers an uncommon-sense interpretation of the world, how it works, why we’re here, and the heights we can reach during our time in space. Each chapter ends with a letter from someone recently departed who relays their own stunning revelations and insights gained since their transition In The Top 10 Things Dead People Want to Tell You you’ll find a simple yet complete treatise on the nature of reality, written in a language anyone can confidently understand, including tips EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


November 2014

and tricks for happier living and a few gentle warnings for those who might otherwise wish to prematurely join those who’ve moved on. You’ll see that our loved ones are not lost to us; that our time on earth is a school and an adventure at the same time; that we choose our lifetimes for the fun and lessons they’ll contain; and that we have it in us to reshape the rest of our lives into the best of our lives, starting today. (Hay House; On Sale: October 21, 2014)

Communiversity Wholistic Health Fair UMKC/Communiversity’s Wholistic Health Fair, a bi-annual event since 1999 where a plethora of alternativehealth practitioners gather to share their knowledge, experience and philosophies with the public. This November Communiversity will host 60 exhibitors and 20 workshops. Workshops include: Hatha Yoga, Dream Building, the 21 Day Love Challenge, Living Drinking Water, the Missing Link in Modern Medicine and much more. The workshops offer participants a chance to enhance their knowledge and ask questions of the presenters. You can take three workshops for only $7. We also offer a Giant Silent Auction which features hundreds of items such as: coupons a listing in Evolving, meditation and yoga sessions and much more. You can often get incredible deals at the silent auction. It opens at 11 AM and closes at 3:55. Items are donated to Communiversity and all proceeds go to support the Communiversity program. You can experience an array of innovative health concepts on the fourth floor of UMKC’s Student Union on Sunday, November 9th from 11:00 AM until 6 PM. While having a great time at the fair you’ll have a chance to view UMKC’s Student Union, a beautiful new LEED gold certified building. There is now free parking just to the north of the Student Union. It offers stair free access to the event. Twenty workshops will offer the health fair attendee new ways of dealing with physical and spiritual issues, while 60 exhibitors will introduce their products, know-how and services. Call 816235-1407, pick up a catalog of upcoming classes and the show guide at any public library or visit our website http:// for more information.

News Sustainable World Sourcebook The Essential Environmental Guidebook for the Concerned Citizen “How do you get people to care about sustainability and preserving our beautiful planet?” asks Vinit Allen, Executive Director of Sustainable World Coalition. “For me, it starts with education. We need to provide people with the best current knowledge so they understand what they can do to make a positive impact on the world.” Allen’s own education began when he attended the 2002 UN World Summit in Johannesburg, where he learned both the bad news and good news of our planet’s future: our planet is in deep trouble, but solutions are already in practice in many parts of the world. Reflecting on this news, Allen founded the Sustainable World Coalition and, working with a team of 15 researchers, four writers and three editors, the Coalition has summarized vast amounts of research into the 4th edition of the Sustainable World Sourcebook. A sweeping overview of the most urgent environmental and related social issues we face, the Sustainable World Sourcebook also highlights inspiring solutions and recommendations for powerful individual and community action. The Sustainable World Sourcebook explores what a resilient and thriving world looks like through the lenses of the environment, social justice, energy, and economics. More than just a resource, the Sustainable World Sourcebook is an interactive tool: an “Explore & Engage” section after each chapter features questions to discuss, videos to watch and actions to take. The book also includes a Resource Directory with over 500 organizations, plus End Notes providing detailed credits for the book’s cutting-edge information. “Live a life with purpose,” continues Allen. “Deepen your connections to the Earth. Act on what you know and learn. Get involved with improving your community. Challenge your friends to do the same – we’re all in this together!” Vinit Allen is the Founder and Executive Director of the Sustainable World Coalition and has been an activist in the arenas of the environment, peace and human rights for about 30 years. He produced two Sustainable World Symposiums in San Francisco and is a facilitator trainer for the Awakening the Dreamer Symposium. Website: Facebook: Twitter:



November 2014

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes Gratitude Secret: Have Fun


think an important secret to a good life is enjoying You each day. This past weekend my idea of fun included few phone calls, lots of rest and good food to eat. The famous computer wizard, Steve Wozniak wrote a formula for fun: Family, Friends, Good Food and Financial Ease. In LA this spring I attended a workshop called “The Wonder of Gratitude: Enriching the Bounty of your Creations.” The flyer promised, “What of gratitude excites us and brings us to marvel? What is the allure? Explore the depths of gratitude to reveal the wonder and find again the lost or abandoned treasures waiting.” Sixteen hundred dollars later, seated in the crowded ballroom, I said to myself again and again, “So glad I came! So glad I came!” All of the information in the first session was new to me: • • • • • • • • • •

Gratitude improves your immune system Gratitude fosters peace Gratitude creates confidence Gratitude attracts more success Gratitude improves happiness Gratitude heals anxiety Gratitude inspires new dreams Gratitude opens doors for new opportunity Gratitude helps us let go of the past Gratitude heals us

Well, charge me double, I joke to a friend. The workshop was invaluable for my wellbeing. I had much to learn about gratitude. It’s so much more than the polite



November 2014

“thank you” I murmur many times each day. When gratitude bubbles up from the heart, it opens us to creativity and joy. It attracts more love. “Now the down side,” teacher said. There’s a down side? You will feel vulnerable, one of the keys of true gratitude. We may have to give up the masks we wear. One will cease feeling separate, feeling more unconditional love. True gratitude melts boundaries. It may feel scary to leave your old ways. During these four days of understanding and meditating upon gratitude and the beauty it gives, I did feel vulnerable after a long imagery meditation, or yoga nidra. Some magical shift helped me let go of all remorse, regrets, and blame. In one big swoosh I became free of the past. Walking to my room, tears on my face, I asked for guidance. “Go to the sun,” I heard. “Sit by the pool and relax. Eat something.” I nibbled on the hotel sandwich and watched children playing in the pool, sitting near the gigantic flowerpots overflowing with color. It was all so beautiful. The children’s laughter was music to my heart. I did not only see the beauty, I felt the beauty. It is now clear when I am not enjoying myself I feel less gratitude. When I worry or become too tired my gratitude tank runs low. Today is a new day. I feel grateful. If I start counting right now, I’ll bet I hit thousands of reasons to feel it. That counts you, dear reader friend. Thank you, indeed!

Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teachers Training and owner of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd St., Overland Park. or 913-492-9594.

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Parenting for Resilience


e live in a society of privilege where the material necessities of life, along with security and love, are a part of most children’s lives. We live in abundance! We also live in a cultural environment that promotes fear of germs, predatory strangers or failure in just about everything lurking right around the corner. The fears that parents have could be inhibiting them from ensuring their child’s/children’s optimal development. Michael Unger, Ph.D., author of Too Safe For Their Own Good: How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive, says, “When we bubble-wrap children, we deny them opportunities to experience what evolutionary psychologists have described as anti-phobic play… Adventurous play and progressively larger responsibilities are important building blocks for psychological wellbeing.” Dr. Unger has noticed, as I and other mental health practitioners have, that growing numbers of children and teens who aren’t allowed responsibilities in life are presenting with anxiety disorders, depression, and ‘failure to launch’ as young adults. How do we help children develop, learning how to take risks and develop responsibility? It is a difficult, if not impossible task, to convince parents that the world is safer now for their children than ever before. Dr. Unger suggests focusing on how parents can give their children opportunities to experience “manageable amounts of risks and responsibility needed for success.” He suggests asking the following questions: •

• • •

When you were growing up and about the same age as your child, what risks did you take and what responsibilities did you have? What did you learn from those experiences? Later in life, how helpful were those lessons? How will your children learn the same life lessons?

After reading his article BubbleWrapping Our Children: The Perils of Overprotective Parenting (Sept.-Oct. 2014, Psychotherapy Networker), I began thinking about my own experiences,

as he suggested, and also talking with my forty year old daughter to get her feedback about her experiences growing up. This was an interesting exercise. Some of my best experiences were things like walking, riding my bike and, later taking the bus to school, everyday from first grade through high school. Sometimes it was alone, but often with siblings and other neighborhood children. We took the bus to swimming lessons and the library, first with my older brother and then my younger sister and I. My siblings and I had age-appropriate jobs in the home from a very young age. For the most part these were very good experiences that helped me to stretch, take chances and learn to be competent. My daughter had similar experiences in which she was asked to move beyond her comfort zone, with coaching, to try new things and learn how to develop responsibly. We both agreed her teen years were more challenging for us both. Looking back it was a learning time for each of us. One of the maxims in education is “High challenge, low stress.” Dr. Ungar suggests giving just enough stress to demand the child’s full attention, but not so much that it overwhelms them. These experiences come in the forms of risk and responsibility. In achieving the balance of meeting the need for love, belonging and competence, it is important not to dwell only on love and protection when the need for either belonging or competence is needed. My parents’ generation stressed responsibility and the next several generations have stressed love. It is time for re-balancing, re-assessing and asking the questions Dr. Ungar suggests as we guide children and young adults to becoming responsible, confident and resilient adults. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to

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November 2014 • •

New Look Online Holistic Directory Updated Articles & News Searchable Distribution Locations

Revelations—by Maitreya Zohar The Alchemy of Love: Change ~ Transform ~


ere you aware: the word change comes from the Latin root: to exchange. Not always, but more times than not, our desire to change originates from the idea of problem, which in turn invokes our need for a solution. Living in a universe governed by laws, one of which is the law of polarity, our newly created solution will immediately create a future problem, which will lead to a future solution; then to a future problem; a future solution and so on. One example of change is New York City in the 1800s. It is extremely simplistic to say, and I am sure there are other factors, but it could be said that cars were birthed as a solution to the horse manure problem. Now, centuries later, the vehicles of today are the horses of yesteryear. One type of pollution was exchanged for another, pollution in and of itself was not solved, merely changed. Those of us with the desire for greater freedom become ever frustrated in the cycle of change, treating symptoms, rather than causes. Were you aware: the word transform comes from the Latin root: to form. Here, on our journey of freedom, we have evolved in understanding to forming a new identity and relationship with the world. An addiction program is a great example of transformation. A conscious identity as an addict is formed as we cease our use of addictive substances. This vital step toward freedom is incomplete however because we are taught to believe that we will always be addicts. We could say we believe ourselves to be clay, formed in a particular shape. Now, in program, we reshape ourselves, take new forms, molding our clay belief; yet clay we remain. Our desire for greater freedom has taken us further in self discovery yet as long as we continue to play in the paradigm of change and transformation we will continue to suffer. Were you aware: the word transmute means to alter in nature or substance, especially a higher one. It is here, on our journey of freedom, our longing calls forth an epiphany, possibly one like, “What is the difference between freedom and liberation?” And with this our inner alchemist awakes. In days of old, the alchemists spoke of turning lead into gold. We could equate fear with lead EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


For this moment, let’s accept our true nature as gold, at times masquerading as lead.

and love with gold; judging, controlling thoughts with lead and forgiveness and acceptance with gold; our ego with lead and our Spirit with gold. Ultimately however, separation is the lead and wholeness is the gold. For this moment, let’s accept our true nature as gold, at times masquerading as lead. And on our journey of liberation we get to choose which paradigm we’re living in. Countless opportunities present themselves each day to transmute our separate, lead based existences into thriving, whole, golden realities. Ask questions of yourself like: “How would love look at this situation?” and “What would love do here?” These next comments are vital to the journey of shifting paradigms. Love is! If we view love as something conditional or unconditional, then we are in the world of polarity - change and transformation. If we ask these questions with lead colored glasses on we will receive lead based answers. If we ask these questions with gold colored glasses on we will receive golden epiphanies and all of a sudden the world that you didn’t know you didn’t know, enters either the world that you know you don’t know or the world you know that you know.

November 2014

Maitreya Zohar works as an intuitive tarot reader, channel, and healer. He wrote Sisterhood of the Dove: Clarion Call of Mary Magdalene available on Amazon and leads spiritual journeys of which the next is to Turkey in April 2015. Maitreya currently lives near Kansas City, MO. Discover more at

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Discover Your Body’s True Voice

The Classic Cup



he other day I met with someone who had lost a bunch of weight, said goodbye to the belly bloat, cleared her head and overall felt great. She had followed my recommendations to eat a diet high in vegetables and free of gluten, dairy and concentrated sugar. Then, she went on a cruise for two weeks and ate off plan. Once home, she didn’t return to her healthful way of living because she had a lot of catching up to do. Two weeks and eight pounds later, she ended up in the emergency department with chest pain. Fortunately for her it wasn’t a heart attack. Her symptoms are clearing with acid reflux medication. Here’s the deal: when you eat and live in a way that suits your body, it sings your praises by giving you more energy, better sleep, clearer skin and overall wellbeing. When you go back to your old ways, it throws a hissy fit. You probably forgot that your body once sent clear signals when you did something it didn’t like. When you were weaned to cows milk, your skin may have broke out in a red flaky rash called eczema, but you “outgrew it.” You may remember that your first soda burned the back of your tongue, but you kept drinking it and the burning stopped. Most smokers coughed and choked through their first few cigarettes, but as they kept smoking, the hacking stopped. After a time of eating in a health supportive way, your body rediscovers its voice, suppressed so long ago. As this gal discovered, it’s big and loud, offering feedback that you are doing something right or signaling you to get back on track. This voice is also the basis of elimination diets. Say you are not sure if a food disagrees with you. Eliminate it from your diet for at least two weeks, than add it back and see what happens. Dairy often takes three months to clear your system and gluten long-

he pork tenderloin roulade can be prepared anytime of year by simply changing out the vegetables for what is in season. Serve over a bed of marinara sauce (homemade, or your favorite store-bought brand).

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series.” To vi ew the entire foo die series , inthekitchenwithbonnie. co m

Pork Tenderloin Roulade with a Tumble of Vegetables on a Bed of Marinara Prepared by Executive Chef Michael Turner, "In the Kitchen with Bonnie" at The Classic Cup.

er, so you may not get a reaction if you add these foods back any sooner. At HealthSpan, our approach to losing weight and controlling blood sugar is based on this approach. If you eat it and your weight loss stops or your blood sugar goes up, then that food isn’t good for you. The trajectory better health is rarely straight. Just like it was for this gal, it’s when you get off track that you learn what works. And that’s okay. By listening to your body’s voice, you can keep moving in the direction of health.

Ready for the next step on your journey to health? Then sign up for HealthSpan’s Fall 11-Day Clean Eating Program. Learn more about Dr. Klug and the services she offers at HealthSpan, including this program at or call 913-642-1900.

For the Pork Tenderloin Roulade Ingredients: 1 pork tenderloin trimmed & butterflied 1 cup chopped leeks 4 cups curry spinach, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup chopped herb blend 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 1/4-cup olive oil Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Into a hot sauté pan, place 2 Tbsp. of olive oil, leeks, spinach and fresh herbs; sauté until wilted, allow to cool. Spread pork tenderloin on cutting board, season with salt and pepper. Spread cooled leek and spinach mixture evenly over surface of pork tenderloin, sprinkle with Parmesan. Roll tenderloin into a long jellyroll cylinder. Tie with butcher’s twine. Rub outside surface with remaining olive oil, season with salt and pepper. Place on baking sheet and place into pre-heated oven for 30-35 minutes or



November 2014

until internal temperature reaches 150 degrees. Remove from oven, tent with aluminum foil for 10-15 minutes. Remove twine, slice and serve. For the Vegetable Tumble Ingredients: 2 medium zucchini, 3/4’’ dice 1 medium yellow squash, 3/4’’ dice 1 cup lentils, cooked according to package directions 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced 1 Tbsp. olive oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Preheat sauté pan to medium heat. Place olive oil, vegetables and lentils into heated pan. Saute 1-2 minutes, add lentils and Garlic. Salt and pepper to taste and serve.

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November 2014

Art by Avis & Others Downtown Overland Park's newest art gallery has a wide selec on of gi s, original art, and jewelry, including a wide selec on of Elizabeth Layton posters, cards, and handbags. All art is created locally. It's wearable, hangable, colorful, and lovable. Pain ng and po&ery classes and workshops for people of all ages. Ar st display space for rent. Gi cer ficates available. Receive a free po&ery bu&on with every purchase over $10. Aquarius 3936 Broadway, KCMO; 816.931.6303 Come to Aquarius for gi s of purpose and las ng value. We have the extraordinary and hard-to-find item that gives you pleasure to give, plus long-las ng

pleasure for the recipient. We honor and support all paths and our goal is to help you find exactly the right item. We support local ar sts and stock fair trade clothing. This is your source for medita on pillows, singing bowls, incense, oils and candles, books, calendars, sacred objects of all sorts, and some things just for fun, along with a huge new supply of stones and crystals. At The Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Drive Liberty, MO and 103 E. Gregory Blvd, KC, MO 816.415.2607 Tammy Barton and Sheri Woxland invite you to explore our full list of massage and bodywork services, jewelry and artwork this holiday season. We offer a unique line of gi s ranging from inspira onal artwork, buddha statues,

handmade jewelry, crystals, and singing bowls. Don't forget you can purchase gi cer ficates for massage, cranio sacral therapy, Reiki, Astrological yearly forecasts, tarot readings and much more. What sets us apart from other businesses is the full integra on process Tammy and Sheri do with each client: working with your en re body, mind and spirit. We carefully blend and meld from the various services we provide to truly cater to what you as a client need. Our Holiday Open House is Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 6, 7 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m.! Visit our website for a full list of products and services. Childers Counseling Service, LLC Martha Childers; 816.892.0803 Family and friends can bring joy throughout the holidays. Or does it



November 2014

bring in a season of meddling Aunt Ma lda, drunk Uncle Ely, and demands to be civil around gun-to ng bigoted rela ves? Couples, women, and 50+, meet with me to find your way through the quagmire of family, friends and other demanding humans and non-humans (like your best friend’s yappy, pampered Fido). We can develop together realis c expecta ons, find the best in what is and develop protec ve boundaries. Through the end of the year, first sessions are free for new clients. Crescent Springs Tools for Enlightenment 913.341.2044 Crescent Springs is a metaphysical store located just west of Metcalf on 80th Street in the heart of downtown Overland Park. We have been proudly serv-

ing the community for 17 years. We offer a wide variety of rocks, herbs, oils, incense, jewelry, candles, t-shirts, tarot and more. Regular classes and events include Akashic Records and Tarot Meet -ups, Higher Self Alignment Temples, Stone Temples and Mys c Fairs. Readings and sessions available include: Tarot, Akashic Records, Lenormand, Animal Spirit Guide, Faerie, Shamanic Alchemy, Reiki Seichim, Huna Kane, Aura Imaging, Angel Portraits, Animal Communica on and more. Like us on Facebook! Dancing with a Thousand Bees Karrie Marie Baxley 913.961.0392 The perfect gi for the soul, Karrie’s book weaves together visual art, poetry and prose in her journey of selfdiscovery, with themes of environmentalism, feminism and shamanism that educate, inspire and delight. Addressing fun facts about the honeybee as well as the plight it currently faces, Karrie recognizes that the first step toward changing our environmental impact is to be awestruck—and she writes accordingly. Available in hard copy or Kindle on Amazon, and Aquarius in Westport. Prints from artwork in the book are available at Doc Lerner’s Quality Goods My name is Aaron Lerner. At age 9 I was diagnosed with severe plaque psoriasis. This event caused me to realize the need for skin products that were dedicated specifically to improving chronic skin condi ons, while using only the finest ingredients from around the world. Each ingredient is well researched, documented, and of the highest quality. They all have long histories of therapeu c and beau fying proper es. My hands make every Doc Lerner product in small batches, with love, and the inten on of nourishing the body. I hope you find they do just that. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


November 2014

Anne1e Ernst, LMT Qigong, Energy Healing, Massage 913.486.9414; Facebook As the pace of life con nues to accelerate, it's even more impera ve that we learn to slow down and focus inwardly. External Qigong promotes a deep selfawareness; sense of balance; and enhanced immune and diges ve systems. A powerful system of healing and energy medicine, it can be experienced as a stand-alone healing technique or in a combina on with massage. If you want to experience the peace that is always present, this is you. Holiday Special: 25% off 1st appointment by 12/31/14. Gi& cer'ficates available. Experien=al Alterna=ves Sharon McGloin; 816.309.8543 The holiday me is the perfect me to begin thinking about the New Year and a New You. I offer life and leadership coaching for individuals, groups and organiza ons, as well as trainings and workshops that are tailored to your specific needs. You have the answers and I have the ques ons! My passion is to act as a catalyst empowering you to live in your purpose. I use a variety of techniques that are experien al to help you create the life that you desire. Contact me for a free 30-minute consulta'on. HealthWorksKC; Simplifying Healthy Lifestyle Changes Nancy Oglesby, The Prac=cal Health Coach 816.808.9405 SoulCollage® it is an intui ve collage process that facilitates connec ng with your inner guidance. It’s an opportunity to have respite, fun and meet likeminded others. Anyone can make SoulCollage® cards. One doesn’t have to be an ar st. We build community as we discover ourselves. SoulCollage® has

intrigued thousands of enthusias c followers who make cards represen ng parts of themselves and using those cards can access their own deep wisdom. SoulCollage® has trained 2,000 Facilitators in 47 USA states and 27 countries on how to share SoulCollage®. More info and class schedule: Holiday KC Metaphysical Fair Welcome to Kansas City’s most exci ng Metaphysical Fair! This is our Holiday gi giving event! Nov 22 & 23 at Holiday Inn, 8787 Reeder Rd, OP,KS. Amazing variety of psychic readers, Astrology, Tarot, Lenormand, Mediums, Palmistry, Reiki, etc. KC’s best! So many unique hand cra ed gi s, Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Herbal teas, and remedies! Handmade body products, artwork, henna ta&oos, statuary, books, t-shirts, magical tools, aura pain ngs and more! Get Holiday gi cer ficates! Free Prize drawings every hour all weekend! Cash or credit! Admission $8.00. Find $1.00 off coupons here and online! Kids under 10 free. Inner Wisdom Evolu=on Stephanie Forcier Facebook, 816.260.2438 stephanie@ Treat yourself and your loved ones to an Akashic Record or Angel Intui ve session this holiday season. Explore your soul’s infinite path and align with your highest self in the Akashic Records. Reveal the wisdom underlying any issue where you feel stuck and allow the healing to take place. Or, connect with the graceful energy of the angels to receive angelic messages, guidance and support. Also, join Stephanie and take the next step on your spiritual path with an empowering Akashic Record class (beginner and advanced op ons). Gi& cer'ficates available!

The JO 816-221-0660 Let The JO help with your daily commute. The JO has 15 mass transit traveling throughout Johnson County, The Plaza, Crown Center, downtown KCMO, Waldo, downtown KCK and Lawrence! The benefits of using public transporta on include: Less wear and tear on your personal vehicle, which leads to less maintenance and repairs, less money spent at the gas pump, cleaner air for our environment, and arriving to work relaxed and ready to start your day! Free Wi-Fi is provided on all JO buses. 10 Ride and 31 day passes available at Catch a ride with us – GeUng you there is our BUSiness! Karen Elise 913.636.9502 For a perfect Holiday gi , why not purchase a Gi Cer ficate from Karen Elise? Available services include: Intui ve, Tarot, or Akashic readings in person or by phone. You will be remembered fondly all year. Are you are planning a Holiday Event? Have a Karen Elise entertain your guests. It’s a fun and unique experience. They will love it!! Shane Knox Intui=ve Advisor 417.866.2248 What greater gi could you possibly give someone you love than the power to change their lives for the be&er, regardless of their situa on? Shane Knox, Shaman and Master Intui ve is offering a holiday special that will allow you to share his gi s with your family and friends and keep a li&le something for yourself too. Shane's clarity, humor and directness will give you the insights and direc on you need to make real and las ng changes. This powerful Shaman has helped many people create the lives they want. Let him help you too. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


November 2014

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Love Wisdom Wellness Teri Bybee, Holis=c Life Coach & Radiant Living Expert 913.219.6788 If you are one of the people who are feeling un-happy, un-sa sfied or just plain "Un,” you may be wading in the shallow end. Is it me to dive deeper and explore your divine plan? Shake up pa&erns and blockages? Using energy psychology and natural therapies, I help you turn chaos into sustainable growth, and set free undiscovered aspects of yourself to live your life on purpose and in alignment. If you are ready to claim your true essence and Live Radiantly, to set up your free 30 minute strategy session. Mys=c Treasures 7711 N. Oak Trafficway, KCMO 64118 Facebook: Mys=c Treasures 816.420.0820 A well-balanced, invi ng and quite sassy book and holis c goods shop in the Northland, Mys c Treasures was conceived by mother, Checita, and daughters Penny and Lea Anne; hence, the sassiness! The shop carries a nice selec on of religious, inspira onal and selffulfillment new and used books, along with incense, sage, crystals, gemstone, essen al oils, and other products to assist in balancing your environment and yourself. Step into the Mys c for a plethora of workshops and seminars, Reiki sessions, massage, viewing of local ar sts’ works, or to pick up the latest copy of Evolving. Nurturing Op=mal Wellness; Nancy Russell, MD Pursuing Healthcare You Deservesm 5140 N An=och, KCMO 816.453.5545 Evolving Holiday Special: $75.00 off ini'al visit (regular price $275; special $200) through December 31, 2014— tes ng and lab work not included with special pricing. Gi& cer'ficates available! If you’re red of being “herded”



November 2014

through your medical office, wan ng your doctor to listen, and wan ng to see the doctor and not the nurse, Dr. Nancy offers the new normal: pa'entdriven, life-changing healthcare. The goal of Dr. Nancy and her staff is to assist, support and nurture mind, body and spirit by building a partnership with each pa ent. What be&er gi than healthcare you deserve? Shamanic Pathways; Daniel Baxley 816.769.7343 Shamanic Counseling and Healing deals with the spiritual aspects of health and disease. By working with the underlying spiritual condi ons surrounding individuals, transforma on can occur. This work calls forth the assistance of the seen and unseen realms to manifest wholeness within the individual. It is very effec ve for shi ing condi ons of addic on and mental illness. I also offer Reiki, A&unement, Massage, CranialSacral, Soul Chi, Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges, Soul Retrieval and Spiritual Counseling. Individual sessions, workshops and community events are offered with humility and gra tude. Please visit for more informa on. Village Wellness Connec=on 226 E US 69 Hwy, Claycomo, MO 64119 Jocelyn Costa LMT, Rebecca Wendt LMT, Erica WhiIngton LMT Alex McEn=re MA LPC Facebook-The-Village-WellnessConnec=on This holiday season take me to care for yourself so you can take care of those you love. The Village Wellness connec on has a team of professionals that offer a variety of healing modali es including therapeu c massage, candling, cupping, Infrared sauna, yoga and medita on classes, professional counseling and more. Contact us today for Holiday Specials and Gi& cer'ficates.

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November 2014

Feature—by Patricia Damery Five Ways to Put the Thanks Back into Thanks-Giving


s Thanksgiving approaches with all the tensions of holiday expectations, there are five things that you can do to enhance the gratitude (and enjoyment!) quotient of the day. Current research underscores the importance of doing so. Gratitude is bonding and allows us to meet difficult situations with less stress. In fact, difficult situations may stimulate gratitude. A post 9/11 survey revealed Americans reported a surge in feelings of gratitude. University of California, Davis professor and gratitude researcher Robert A. Emmons attributes this to gratitude's ability to buffer us against stress, reducing post-traumatic stress. Gratitude allows families to develop a sense of belonging, and maybe especially in the face of difficult situations. New research shows that gratitude is important not only for mental health, but for physical health as well. "Gratitude enhances our resilience, strengthening us to face disturbing information," Joanna Macy, eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar says. Emmons and fellow researcher, Dr. Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami, have shown that gratitude increases optimism and makes people feel better about their lives. Individuals who practiced writing about gratitude also did more physical exercise and had fewer visits to physicians. A study by University of Utah psychology professor Lisa Aspinwall, PhD, showed that optimistic law students responded to the stress of the semester with higher numbers of blood cells that protect the immune system than those students who were more pessimistic. Positive emotions also have an affect on heart health, hypertension and in reducing sudden death by congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. Gratitude opens doors in our hearts. As Emmons has stated, "It is gratitude that enables us to receive and it is gratitude that motivates us to return the goodness that we have been given. In short, it is gratitude that enables us to be fully human." Gratitude is a blessing that connects us to each other and to the earth. The late Irish author John O'Donohue stated, “When a blessing is invoked, it changes the atmosphere. Some of the plenitude flows into our hearts from the invisible neighborhood of loving kindness.”

An Attitude of Gratitude So how can we learn to foster an atmosphere of gratitude, blessing each other and the earth we live upon, even in the stressful situation of a Thanksgiving dinner with some difficult family members? Here are five suggestions: 1.

New research shows that gratitude is important not only for mental health, but for physical health as well.

Patricia Damery is the author of Farming Soul: A Tale of Initiation. She is an analyst member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco and in private practice. With her husband Donald, Damery has been a Demter certified biodynamic organic farmer for ten years, where they grow grapes, raise goats, and grow and distill lavender and other aromatic plants. Her articles and poetry have appeared in the San Francisco Library Journal, Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Psychological Perspectives, and Biodynamics: Working for Social Change Through Agriculture. For more information,



Make your holiday food preparation an event in itself. Don't squeeze shopping and meal preparation between your usual tasks. Take breaks with a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy yourself! Remember, you are involving a blessing in the meal you are preparing!

2. Shop the local farmer's market for food grown by local Biodynamic or organic young farmers who work is not only to grow food but also build soil. This food is a blessing to eat, and your support of local farmers is a blessing to them! "We need people who are conscious about the spiritual dimensions of really good food," says Biodynamic teacher and philosopher Dennis Klocek. "Food allows us to develop consciousness. Dead food feeds the corpse. Living food allows the soul to see the spirit." Make sure the food you feed your family is "living food" that connects you to your community. 3. Begin the meal with a blessing. Ask each person to say one thing that brings joy to him or her or that he/she is grateful for. Hold hands in the circle of the table. It matters that you begin the meal in reverence and gratitude. 4. Remember your favorite Thanksgiving. After dessert, hand out pens and paper and have everyone write a short paragraph about their favorite Thanksgiving memory. Read these aloud to each other. 5. As you clean up, review the meal and the conversation. Dishwashing can be a time to concentrate on gratitude for those dear friends and family in your life who shared Thanksgiving.

November 2014

Feature—by Stephanie Forcier

The Abundance Formula


efore we dive into the topic of abundance, take a moment to check with yourself about what meaning the word “abundance” has for you. Take notice of what comes up as you say the word “abundance” out loud. Where do you feel it in your body? What thoughts pop into your mind? It is important to allow yourself this step so that you may begin to distinguish what is true for you. Maybe jot down a few thoughts before you read further. As I chatted with a friend recently about this topic, I posed the same questions to him. His first thought was that the word “abundance” is overused. I asked him to explain further. He said, “There is more than enough, and whatever number, amount, trophy or destination point that anyone attaches to the word, there is always more.” We talked further about financial abundance, which tends to be where most people in our society focus their energy. Yet, that is only one form of abundance. We talked through a comparison of money to the experiential flow of abundance as a state of being, and the deeper we got, the more money paled in comparison. Our discussion helped me to remember and recognize money for the illusion that it is. Yes, that’s right; money is an illusion, as is every other “form” of abundance. While you may think these statements bold of me to make, hear me out. Eckhart Tolle speaks of being in the now, shifting our focus to full presence so that the world of form melts away, and we become connected to our formless truth. Then, from this place of connectedness to what is, to our true spirit, formless abundance can flow into our lives, taking the form that is most beneficial to us. The key is that the essence of abundance is formless. So the question becomes, how do I stay in the state of being that welcomes formless and endless abundance? A small side note: you will notice that I don’t speak to the abundance of what is unwanted. This is because when we are in the flow of formless abundance and fully connected to our truth, it is unconditional love, and therefore beneficial to ourselves and everyone connected to us. Unconditional love cannot represent anything except for that which is for our highest benefit, and therefore a worthwhile investment for our attention. We know we want to feel and experience formless abundance, so let’s review a simple formula that gets us to the state of being where abundance can flow. One of the best starting points I have found is

Eckhart Tolle speaks of being in the now, shifting our focus to full presence so that the world of form melts away, and we become connected to our formless truth. Then, from this place of connectedness to what is, to our true spirit, formless abundance can flow into our lives, taking the form that is most beneficial to us. The key is that the essence of abundance is formless. So the question becomes, how do I stay in the state of being that welcomes formless and endless abundance? summarized by Linda Howe within her teachings from the Akashic Records – Gratitude, Grace and Generosity. The reason I like starting with the “3 Gs”, as I lovingly refer to them, is that when I choose to focus on them, and when experienced and expressed, they complement one another. The formless nature of these complimentary energies has an attractive quality that fills me with abundance. Authentic gratitude flows from the heart. While the mind may be able to think of ways to be grateful, and words may be expressed that sound like gratitude, we all know when we are going through the motions versus embracing a genuine expression of gratitude. With genuine gratitude, time seems to cease for a moment as the person giving gratitude and the person receiving it are swept into a surge of happiness. True gratitude originates as a feeling of being supported, liked and appreciated, and then extends outside of us. Gratitude is also easy because you can start small and work your way up. Observing your environment initially, you may only see a few people, places or things you are grateful for, but that doesn’t matter – start with the one thing you can find! Genuine gratitude builds upon itself, opening us to more giving and more receiving. As we give and receive more, the cycle starts to



illuminate and blend into a state of grace. Grace is fluid and in this state, giving and receiving are one and the same. Grace cannot be contained or explained in any kind of structure. Grace goes a layer deeper than what our five senses perceive, yet all of our senses are captured by it. You may think of an image of a ballerina floating across the stage, a musical rift carrying you into relaxation, a flower opening to the warm sun or geese all ceasing to flap their wings at the same time as they float effortlessly down to a pond. Whatever image comes to mind, it is the underlying quality that is grace. Unexplainable, yet remarkable…if you could find the words to remark about it! With hearts open, feeling the flow of gratitude and dancing with causeless grace, we are invited to experience and share in generosity. There are many ways to demonstrate generosity, ranging from a simple smile to a lifetime of service to those in need. The key with generosity is that it fills you with energy. True generosity is a motivating force. There are no strings attached! Generosity is a calling, from deep within, to share your gifts in a way that strengthens the fabric of unconditional love. Even the smallest, most simple act of true generosity can set forth waves of grace that know no bounds. As you work with the 3 Gs, know that there is no right or wrong, no stopping or starting point. Allow yourself to be in the experience of each one, transporting you into their formless qualities and into your formless nature. Feel where they enhance one another and come together as one. This is the energy of abundance, where every moment unfolds into the next, showering you with gifts, and helping you recognize that you are a gift. I am a gift, you are a gift, the world is a gift, the universe is a gift, and what could be more abundant than that?

November 2014

Stephanie Forcier is a Certified Teacher and Advanced Practitioner of Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process to accessing the Akashic Record with over a decade of experience. She is also a Certified Angel Practitioner. Stephanie actively offers certification classes, events, workshops, and personal sessions and facilitates Akashic Record Meet-up groups. For more information:, 816260-2438 or Facebook innerwisdomevolution.

Feature—by Vivian Faulkner

Abundance and Money


or feelings that pull us back from life-enhancing choices. It is amazing to find how many of these moments have a financial component rooted in a past event.

hile most of us understand that abundance has much to do with what lies within, we all have dreams and goals that are meant to take place in the world around us, and with the people that share our lives. The external calls us to take care of necessities, and the internal calls us to realize our highest potential so that we may experience the fullness of life and the abundance of our being. Balancing and integrating our inner and outer lives is part of what defines well being.

Issues surrounding money create a spectrum of ways that define who we are. Often these definitions are based on old beliefs that no longer serve us, and are detrimental to our experience of abundance. Because of financial or personal circumstances, some of us may not have given ourselves permission to discover or utilize our innate gifts, talents and abilities. We don't have to define ourselves by perceived financial success or failure; we can find the willingness to take a step towards well being and make peace with the past. The ripple effect is profound when just one of us moves into alignment with our innate gifts and talents.

If this is indeed true, and I believe it is, then why do so many smart, well-meaning, talented and creative people find themselves stuck, unable to balance the spiritual and material aspects of life? Our relationship with money is often the root of the problem. We are taught that it is crass or rude, prying, impolite, or downright scary to talk about money. In reality, however, in order to move beyond personal limitations, we need to start having some honest conversations about money. We need to look at our money histories because they hold the clues that can help us move towards a future of our choosing. We need to discover and take the charge out of those unconscious memories that are blocking our path to abundance. Statements we've heard throughout life such as "You can't be spiritual if you have money," or, "My money is my own business," may also keep us from moving closer to living in balance. In fact, healthy discussions about money are crucial to having healthy relationships with others, and fundamental to having a healthy relationship with our self. The relationships we build are foundational to our sense of well being, and to the blessing of abundance in our lives. Each of our money stories is unique, like snowflakes. Even siblings experience family memories in different ways. This is in part due to personality, and in part to the age of each sibling when a particularly powerful event may have taken place; events are processed differently at different ages.

Money in and of itself is nothing. It can be a shell, a metal coin, or a piece of paper with a historic image on it, but the value that people place on it has nothing to do with the physical value of money. What this means is that we get to decide what kind of relationship with money we want to have.

Money in and of itself is nothing. It can be a shell, a metal coin, or a piece of paper with a historic image on it, but the value that people place on it has nothing to do with the physical value of money. What this means is that we get to decide what kind of relationship with money we want to have. It can become a dumping ground for all of our feelings and past experiences—many of which keep us stuck in a rut—or, we can choose to discover how to create a meaningful and satisfying life with our finances supporting our truth, and visa versa. It's valuable to start talking about money and find your hidden treasures. What would our lives and our world be like if we were free to answer our highest calling with a yes?

Sometimes these events include all family members, sometimes not; there are many factors in our stories that deserve our attention. Often events reflect difficult or challenging episodes in our past that influence our current beliefs about money because they have become part of what is our "normal." Our "normal" may include sayings we've heard over and over as we were growing up,



November 2014

Vivian Faulkner, CMC, is the founder of Solutions Money Coaching Center located in Overland Park, KS. Services available include coaching for Individuals and Couples, Money Archetype Consultations, Money Coaching Workshops and Money Coaching Circles.

Feature—by Rita Lawrence

Abundance and Gra=tude


success. Treat yourself to something that will make you feel rich. Avoid sharing your new processes. Goals: Set tangible goals with measurable outcomes, dates for evaluation, revision or completion in the areas of relationships, money, health, career, and spirituality. Ask “What if money wasn’t a problem?” then dare to go there. Find the real you, for as Maslow says, “We will only be happy when you find your assigned meaning for your life.” Refer to Receptivity to increase clarity. Forgiveness: Treat everyone with dignity and respect and release any feelings of resentment. Forgive yourself first and release anyone who you feel has wronged you. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in ascending order: psychological/safety/love and belonging/esteem/selfactualization. Prioritize up to twelve goals at a time and pray for help from Source. The Chinese sage Lao-tzu says: “How does the sea become the king of all rivers and streams? Because it lies lower than them.”

n November we celebrate Thanksgiving, a time when we give thanks for our abundance and express our gratitude. You can continue to build Abundance and Gratitude throughout the year. Mystic Rumi says: “I am not this hair, I am not this skin. I am the soul that lives within.” The purpose of our soul is to find Oneness with Source. When we create a vision for our life we can then actualize the spiritual gifts of Abundance and Gratitude, then start to move in the direction of that vision. Abundance in nature puts one in touch with one’s soul, and with that comes a natural opening of one’s heart to beauty, like portraits of God that we see in all of creation. Prosperity is a reflection of your spiritual wellbeing. The more harmonious you are the more you will be able to readily attract abundance. You build a momentum through gratitude; the energy that causes our inner vibration to rise called the Law of Attraction, attracting all the necessary forces to synchronize with and empower your vision and goals. The same power that is within the tiny seed is within each of us and throughout the universe, and is the Source of all that exists. A spiritual adept can guide you on your inward spiritual journey to the mysteries of the beyond.

Framework for Success:

Foundation for Prosperity: Tithing: “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house and thus put me to the test says the Lord of hosts; see I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you such a blessing that there will not be room to receive it.” Malachi 3:10. Tithe 10 percent to the places where you are spiritually fed. Know Thyself: Inscribed at Delphi, “Know thyself.” Butterworth writes, “Life’s inner most secret is that there is a divine pattern in you which you can only really know when you are giving yourself in service.” Through your work you will wake up to who you truly are as you align yourself with your intention to create the vocation that will bring you the abundance that you deserve. Commit to provide a needed service or cause. Desires: Charles Fillmore wrote, “Desire is the onward impulse of the ever evolving soul.” If you have a desire, write a clear description and set a goal. Positive thinking: Avoid toxic people and negative conversations. Seek harmony and that is what will show up in your life. Your thinking drives your circumstances. Negative thoughts come from the negative power and establish themselves in your belief system. Replace them with positive affirmations. A tipping point occurs when 51 percent of your thoughts become positive. Source will guide you and bring about synchronicity between your desires with the people and resources that you need in order to co-create. Feel gratitude for the increase in abundance and expect prosperity now.

Prosperity is a reflection of your spiritual wellbeing. The more harmonious you are the more you will be able to readily attract abundance. Receptivity: Match new desires with your vision and values. Meditate daily and journal every evening reflecting on the day’s activities. Look at a problem that came up for you, pray for divine guidance and reflect upon and write your Higher Power’s teachings related to similar situations. Allow your own intuition to guide you in future. This promotes right understanding thus avoiding conflicts which adversely affect your spiritual wellbeing. The law of attraction requires all aspects of your life to be in harmony. Gratitude: A grateful heart is a dynamic key to personal prosperity as it opens the channel for more of the positive forces to be drawn to you. Every expression of gratitude is met with more divine flow and when you stay in that space of awareness you co-create. Say blessings even if it is for a penny. Feel your abundance and



“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Henry David Thoreau. Vision: “That you glorify in your mind the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart: this you will build your life by this you will become.” -James Allen. Your vision must be vivid and incorporate the feeling that it is actually true and happening right now. Mission: Taking steps to start moving in the direction of your vision. Now surrender and watch for signs of abundance manifesting in your life. Be confident the laws of the Universe will sustain and support you. Obstacles: What stands in the way of you living your vision? Denial: My current circumstances do not reflect reality. I release my thoughts about limitations with money. Affirm: I am worthy of receiving a large and steady flow of income, and joyously see my bank account grow. Imbibe: Say your vision out loud as this process makes your goals present as you are actively living.

November 2014

Rita Lawrence writes blogs for nurses who encounter difficulties with their licenses. Initiated by her first Meditation Teacher in 1986 and her current spiritual Master in Shabd Meditation (inner sound and light) in 2009. She has one daughter and grandson.

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels November 2014 Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Happy birthday Scorpio! Neptune moves direct, offering clarity in relationships. You’re able to heal old karma in current partnerships. Journal about past disappointments to forgive and release events — and to identify and resolve negative emotional patterns. This means healing what’s happened in the partnership, as well as the previous “junk” you and the other brought into it. Meditation gives great guidance for the future to make you even happier. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Venus moves into your sign, opening doors for love in a new relationship or a current one. It’s important to meditate to release old issues from past hurts, including childhood stuff. (Neptune is working on once in a lifetime healing in that area!) Dreams can also gives insights as to what keeps you from bliss. Examine family money concept that limit prosperity, so you can receive abundance! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Neptune moves forward bursting your intuition open, so keep up with meditations. Even five minutes of deep breathing makes your spiritual antennae sharp all day! You can make new friends who have a deep sense about life and who walk their talk. Dare to share your spiritual thoughts and goals with loved ones to infuse more authenticity and passion into your connection. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Neptune moves direct and clears up financial issues! (It’s been retrograde since June!) Meditate to release fears that have sprung up during this time. Also look forward to improved selfesteem, and a greater spiritual connection, which has probably been “wonky” lately. You can meet powerful people

who’ll move your career ahead — don’t be too proud to accept their help and guidance! Let friends dote on you, and be the receiver rather than the giver this month. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Neptune is your ruling planet and it moves forward this month. You’ve been introspective, and have maybe felt uninspired and blah for awhile. But now your spiritual life will feel lively, and what you’ve been visualizing can manifest! This could be new career possibilities, healing in relationships, connecting with more people on a spiritual path, or experiencing unconditional love for yourself. Celebrate, since you’ve worked hard on inner dimensions to have these results. You deserve these blessings! Aries (March 21 – April 19) Even though you’re active and energized, you also have the ability to be an “internal warrior” of your subconscious. November is a powerful time to meditate to defeat old patterns that hold you back from greater success. Dreams hold clues. A new relationship with a spiritual person ignites you to go within and balance inner victories with outer ones. P.S. When irritated with others, your soul is showing you quality is within yourself!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) It’s time to break ties with people and activities that drain you. If you can’t away from some (like family or workmates), be clear with them about not tolerating certain behaviors or conversations. Let them know you can encourage them, but need to see them take steps to change their lives. Your time and energy is precious, so avoid whiners and use extra energy to set and meet goals. New people will come in who are mature and respectful. And you’ll be happier! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) You could be getting your dream job! Even if you’ve been struggling for months looking for something better, it can manifest now — or circumstances at your current work will improve. You can also start a relationship with a spiritually minded person who is upbeat and fun. If partnered, meditate to release old patterns and begin to see your loved one in a new way, as if on a first date. You’ll be amazed at the changes! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Your spiritual life is being renewed. Meditation and dreams can reveal obstacles that hold you back form bliss and bonding. You’ll be able to remove those blocks with ease! You’ll feel more love from others — and more self-love too! Be kind to someone at work who needs your positive energy. You’re expanding your consciousness and people sense something special about you. As you share your light you’ll be filled with additional joy. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Neptune moves forward, giving you flashes of insight about financial issues. You’ll be aware of subconscious patterns that withhold prosperity. You’ll know how to close out debts — either that you owe or are owed to you. You’ll also find your capacity for intimacy increasing. Study Tantra or other sacred sexuality techniques to empower your energy field further and to bless your partner with



November 2014

this tantalizing power! Also clean your house to make sure you have a noncluttered meditation area. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) You’ll experience deep healing in relationships. New avenues of trust and closeness open. Part of your healing, however, can be drawing clear boundaries. Your co-dependent qualities will be easier to recognize and correct. Ending a bond can be a relief, and a healing of sorts. The Universe wants you to have the most energy possible for the people who can appreciate and absorb it. Leave “empty wells” behind and move toward emotionally generous and spiritually mature people. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Your body believes every word you say (internally or aloud!)— so be kind when you look in the mirror. Focusing on your body’s strengths gives added power. Meditating on the divine energy in every cell makes weak ones heal and shine! Use affirmations about your talents. Breakthroughs at work are coming and so be ready for exciting challenges! Praise yourself constantly so you can leap forward into a new mindset physically, emotionally and spiritually!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit


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New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. 913-908-6907 Alternative Healing Modalities by Sherri "Shakti" Mack Past-life Regressions, Quantum Hypnosis, & more! 913-514-2644.

LIFE COACH Healing Thru Music and Life Coaching For more info. Contact Kathleen (913)206-2151 or $25.00 per session. Laura Wolf, Transformational Life Coach Unlock Your PASSION, POWER & PURPOSE Counseling, Breathwork, Yoga, Shamanic Journeys 913-721-6655 Your Dream is Waiting for You. Certified Dream Builder Coach—Business, Relationship, Wealth, Health. Contact Marcy, 660-441-1805,

Jacqueline Keitel, LSCSW, LCSW, CPT PEP (Physical & Emotional Power) for Life 816.872.2463 ~ Kansas City Meditation Group of SelfSelfRealization Fellowship Sunday Service 10AM 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO 816-799-5544 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

Deborah Ann Jantsch, MD, MBA, FACOG, Holistic OB/GYN/hormones/weight loss/detox/ allergies/anti-aging/longevity. 816.719.1588 Kimberlin Hypnosis, LLC Kathleen Kimberlin, CHt Smoking/weight loss/childbirth/past life/behavior Call for free consultation (816) 305-8418

PETS Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099. N2paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga) an integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! 816-522-7005

PSYCHIC Shane Knox, Psychic Shaman Intuitive Readings, Shamanic Life Coaching by phone or SKYPE. Schedule now at SHANEKNOX.ME or call 417-866-2248

REAL ESTATE Put the OM in your home, Lanae Blattner Licensed Realtor in Kansas/Missouri; 913.633.4930;

RETREATS The Journey Home, Retreat and Event Facility Retreats, Conferences, Weddings, Parties, near KCI 816-501-6350;

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,

THRIFT STORE 20% off your purchase every time you donate. 25% off every Tuesday with Savers Club Card.13233 Shawnee Msn Parkway, Shawnee, KS 913.248.1938

YOGA Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439

MEDITATION Barb Hoffman, MA, LPC, LCSW, in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./Couples/Family Therapy Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance.

Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and


November 2014

The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Events NOVEMBER 1 CPR & FIRST AID Saturday from 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Wellspring School of Allied Health. Red Cross format. $136. Register: Jaclyn Sherrer at 816-523-9140 ext 111. NOVEMBER 1 PUBLIC SAMHAIN RITUAL W/LITHI LUSHEDE COVEN 7-9 p.m., Midtown Gallery, 3937 Washington (rear entrance of Aquarius). Honor the ancestors. Bring your divination tools and something for the ancestor table. Potluck following. NOVEMBER 4 SPIRITUAL LIVING EVENT AT CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CROSSROADS In Awe of Gratitude 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6424 Vista Drive Shawnee, KS 66218 For more information call (913) 441-1266 Love offering. All are welcome. NOVEMBER 4 BUILDING A HEALTHY & FIT LIFESTYLE Nancy Oglesby teaches simple changes to affect a big reward! Mid-Continent Public Library, 2700 NW Vivion Rd., Riverside, MO. Register: NOVEMBER 4 CLEARING AND TRANSFORMING YOUR ENERGY AROUND MONEY Begin shifting your energy around money, freeing you to be more purposeful and prosperous. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $25 Vivian Faulkner, Money Coach and Energy Healer 913-735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS

NOVEMBER 7 ENTER THE AUM: SOUND HEALING CONCERT with PARADISO AND RASAMAYI Internationally renowned musicians with back-to-back Best New Age Albums of the Year return to KC for a new, live program. Experience the world’s largest crystal didgeridoo; ruby, diamond, citrine & tanzanite singing bowls; seed mantras; chao gong and more. Presented by the Cornerstone Foundation and Evolving Magazine. 7:30pm Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Tickets: $20 Advance/$25 at the Door. Available at, in person at the Unity Temple Bookstore or by calling (816) 5614466.

NOVEMBER 11 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 p.m. $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104 Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422

NOVEMBER 7-9 ORACLES OF AQUARIUS PSYCHIC FAIR In-depth readings by some of the most talented intuitives and energy healers, in an "Underwater Temple of Atlantis." No admission fee, at Aquarius, 3936 Broadway,, 816-931 -6303.

NOVEMBER 11 CPR & FIRST AID Tuesday from 8:30 – 5:30 at Wellspring School of Allied Health. Red Cross format. $136. Register: Jaclyn Sherrer at 816-523-9140 ext 111.

NOVEMBER 17 WINTER WELLNESS What can you do to get through the winter months with fewer colds, flu and sore throats? 7-8 p.m., Downtown Overland Park. Register w/Nancy Oglebsy: 816808-9405 or

NOVEMBER 15 TAMMY BARTON/CRANIO-SACRAL TALK PRS will have speaker Tammy Barton discussing Cranio-Sacral Therapy, 7 p.m. at Westwood Community Center, 4700 Rainbow. Members are always free; guests are $5.

NOVEMBER 18 REIKI SHARE 6 p.m., Love Offering, Please RSVP. This group is open to anyone attuned to any system of Reiki. Please join us in sharing this wonderful energy. Crescent Springs, 913341-2044

NOVEMBER 15 HANNAH JORGENSEN: ORACLE DECK SIGNING, DEMO & FAIRY PARTY Hannah’s “Mystic Afternoons oracle deck features her own art work and concepts. Come as your fairy self and have a card reading. Free, 1-3 p.m. at Aquarius.

NOVEMBER 21 PUBLIC ART W/KARRIE MARIE BAXLEY See/purchase Karrie Marie Baxley’s ( and other artists’ work! Music, refreshments; Kansas City Artists Coalition free event, 6-9 p.m. at 201 Wyandotte in KCMO:

NOVEMBER 8 WINTER WELLNESS What can you do to get through the winter months with fewer colds, flu and sore throats? 11 a.m. – Noon, Downtown Overland Park. Register w/Nancy Oglebsy: 816-808-9405 or NOVEMBER 11 SPIRITUAL LIVING EVENT AT CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CROSSROADS In Awe of Gratitude 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 6424 Vista Drive Shawnee, KS 66218 For more information call (913) 441-1266 Love offering. All are welcome.

NOVEMBER 11 LOOKING FORWARD: CREATING NEW “BEST” MEMORIES Does your life need a spark of energy? Are you living without a clear sense of purpose and focus? Are you stuck in your story? IGNITE Your Life! workshop w/Sharon McGloin and Denise Mills, 6 – 9 p.m. (networking @ 5:30), in OP. See ad in this issue and/or



November 2014

NOVEMBER 15 & 16 HEALING YOUR BODY WITH YOGA ASANA 3-5pm - Join Grace Duckworth for this two part, integrative approach, to healing your body with yoga asana. Awaken Whole Life Center, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065 816-612-8740 NOVEMBER 17 MASSAGE THERAPY DIPLOMA PROGRAM Daytime and evening programs both start on this day at WellSpring School of Allied Health. More info: Bobby or Kristen at 816523-9140.

NOVEMBER 22 & 23 AKASHIC RECORD SESSIONS AT KC METAPHYSICAL FAIR Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records session with Stephanie Forcier and connect to the path of your inner wisdom. Angel intuitive sessions also available. Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11-6 (discounted rates) Holiday Inn, 8787 Reeder Rd, OP, KS NOVEMBER 25 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC 7:15 p.m. $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104 Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 NOVEMBER 27 THANKSGIVING FREE 3-DAY ONLINE YOGA CHALLENGE Turkey Day Triple Tone for Beginners Turkey Day Triple Burn for Int/ Adv All classes are online 30 minutes of less. Sign up at DECEMBER 2 HOW ENERGY MEDICINE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE 6-8pm - Beverly Elba leads this interactive healing/clearing experience where attendees will have an opportunity for a ‘minichakra’ reading. Awaken Whole Life Center, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065 816-612-8740 DECEMBER 2 CLEARING AND TRANSFORMING YOUR ENERGY AROUND MONEY Begin shifting your energy around money, freeing you to be more purposeful and prosperous. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $25 Vivian Faulkner, Money Coach and Energy Healer 913-735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Unique gifts and free gift wrapping, 9 a.m.‐9 p.m. Enjoy Open Mic Night with live music, 5-9 p.m., at Unity Village Bookstore and Coffee Shop. DECEMBER 6 EDGAR CAYCE REMEDIES – CREATE YOUR EMERGENCY PREP KIT WITH BEVERLY ELBA Noon – 5pm - Gain the knowledge of what you need to have on hand to deal with emergencies using the items recommended in the readings of Edgar Cayce. Awaken Whole Life Center, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065 816-612-8740 DECEMBER 6 - 7 REIKI I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – 6pm, $320 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-5234440. karen@ DECEMBER 6 & 7 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Take care of all your holiday shopping needs! Purchase Inspirational Gifts, Gift Certificates for Massage, Reiki and enjoy the holiday festivities with music, food and fun! At The Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Dr. Liberty, MO 64068 and 103 E. Gregory Blvd. KC, MO 64114 816-415-2607

DECEMBER 13 & 14 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AND CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Take care of all your holiday shopping needs! Purchase Inspirational Gifts, Gift Certificates for Massage, Energy Work and enjoy the holiday festivities with music, food and fun! At The Healing Place 1539 Maple Woods Dr. Liberty, MO 64068 and 103 E. Gregory Blvd. KC, MO 64114 816-415-2607 DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHTING SERVICE Celebrate Christmas with an inspiring spiritual experience in an inclusive, loving environment. 7 p.m., at Unity Village Chapel. DECEMBER 28 BURNING BOWL SERVICE Release the past and get ready for a new year through this symbolic ceremony. 10:30 a.m., at Unity Village Chapel. ONGOING ONENESS AWAKENING COURSE Experience the bliss and healing from several aspects of the Oneness movement including teachings, healing processes and an ancient spiritual celebration. Facilitated by Oneness trainerAngela Reed. Investment-$225, early bird-$199 Unity Church of Overland Park 913-514-4986 SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, 12:10pm-12:40pm and 5:30 p.m.—6:00 p.m., Myrtle Fillmore Chapel. Love offering. Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th St, KCMO 64112 or call 816561-4466



November 2014

REIKI CIRCLE AT UNITY CHURCH OF OVERLAND PARK 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email 816-523-4440 HEALTH AND HEALING WITH ENERGY MEDICINE MEETUP GROUP Monthly Meetup Sun at 7pm. Veteran energy healer Randy Veitenheimer will discuss various aspects of energy healing followed by Q&A. Find us on for more info. FIRST FRIDAYS HIGHER SELF ALIGNMENT TEMPLE “OmniDimensional Transformational Cellular group session.” Remember, It Is Time… 6:30 p.m., $15, Crescent Springs, 913-341-2044 SECOND THURSDAYS THE STONE TEMPLE 6:30 p.m., $15 OmniDimensional Transformational group process utilizing stones, music & energywork. Crescent Springs, 913-341-2044. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-7186358 for details. SPIRITUAL LIVING EVENTS AT CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING CROSSROADS Weekly Event – Tuesday 6:30 p.m. November Theme: Love, Serve and Remember Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 6424 Vista Drive Shawnee, KS 66218 For more information call (913) 441-1266 Love offering. All are welcome.



November 2014

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