March 2016 Evolving Magazine

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March 2016 ~ Vol.VII1, Issue 1

in Kansas City


A Guide for Conscious Living Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy Neurotransmitter Balance: What Is It? Secrets to More Success Unlock Your Full Potential with Hypnosis EVOLVING‌IN KANSAS CITY


March 2016



March 2016


Publisher’s Letter... Dear Friend: Welcome to the Evolving Magazine annual edition on health and wellness. It’s a topic we all think about daily: what we eat, what forms of naturopathic and alternative remedies we educate ourselves about, what natural and prescription drugs we choose for our lifestyles, and wellness in general (including mental health, physical exercise, spirituality, and more). The search for wellness is part of every facet of our lives— and of this publication. What does the term wellness actually mean? I believe it’s a way of living, a belief system, and a quest for more. Don Ardell, Ph.D., of the Living Well Center at the University of Buffalo defines wellness as: “Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life. It begins with a conscious decision to shape a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a mindset, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of well-being and life satisfaction.” This spectacular issue encompasses many paths on a quest for wellness. Enjoy the wide variety of health-ful, health-inspiring articles; then, read through our annual Wellness Directory—inserted inside this month’s issue. In the directory you’ll find 50 -plus Kansas City businesses offering nearly every form of health and wellness modality imaginable. Please pull out the directory and save it to reference year-round. We have such an abundance of health and wellness products and services available in the Kansas City area; it’s important we show these businesses and their owners our support so they may continue to nurture and heal us. Here’s to living a varied lifestyle with high levels of well-being and satisfaction—wellness, that is. With this March issue, Evolving Magazine starts its 8th year of publication. Thank you to our dear readers, writers, advertisers, and staff, for envisioning, growing, and creating this ever-evolving publication. As Devi Wetterer said, "Evolving Magazine is a catalyst to assist humanity in awareness." Thank you for giving us this opportunity. We are so honored to join you on this journey of growth and self-discovery.

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: *Like us on Facebook: *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistants Aaron Lerner Judy Kirkpatrick Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Ad Design Lydia Knopp Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Connie “Crash” Humiston Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

Love the Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy 10

Valuable Expertise for Families from Life Care Professionals

How to Unlock Your Full Potential with Hypnosis 11

Putting a Better Batter Up The Standards: Creamy Squash Casserole


Departments Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Revelations Holistic Health Food First Food Gloria’s Food Horoscope Events ON THE COVER

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.




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Cover artist, Jonathan Brice Lyman says, "I believe that Fantasy Art can open a window into your imagination, inspiring you to follow your heart and make the world more beautiful." Commissioned by Deborah Hudson, Essence of Enlightenment symbolized the new chapter of her life, feeling more open and abundant as she stepped into her new profitable business, vibrant health, and a loving relationship with her soulmate in 2015. Jonathan Brice Lyman - Artist - connect on Facebook or view more at

March 2016


One-Night Event With Psychic Medium John Edwards Appearance Includes a Question-and-Answer Session and Messages from the Other Side Psychic Medium John Edward will be coming to the Kansas City Marriott Downtown on April 8th for a one-night only event. Edward, the former television host of Crossing Over with John Edward, will begin the evening with an interactive question-and-answer session. He will then connect with the Other Side and give messages to the audience from family and friends who have crossed over. The evening begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale now; for more information, visit and or call 1-800-514-3849. John Edward has brought a fresh, honest and thought provoking attitude to the world of psychic phenomena. As a medium, author and lecturer, he has, over the last three decades, helped thousands with his uncanny ability to predict future events and communicate

with those who have crossed over to the Other Side. Deeply compelling, often startling and occasionally humorous, John’s down-to-earth approach has earned him a vast and loyal following. In 2000, John pioneered the psychic phenomena genre with the television program Crossing Over with John Edward on the Syfy network. It was the first television show syndicated worldwide devoted to psychic mediumship and it would go on to run for four seasons. John followed up the success of Crossing Over with John Edward with another television program, John Edward Cross Country, which debuted on the WE network in 2006 and ran for three seasons.

PSI Presents “Glimpses of Beyond” with Dr. P.M.H. Atwater Having begun her work in 1978, P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., is one of the original researchers in the field of neardeath studies. Presented by Psychic Studies Institute/ Adventures in Consciousness at Unity on the Plaza from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, March 18, “Glimpses of Beyond” will give us an opportunity to view 40 drawings from near-death experiencers in six countries while Dr. Atwater shares from her latest book, Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience. This book and the material in it is unique, as it is based on the voices of more than 4,000 adult and child experiencers giving us their truth their way: what they learned from dying and coming back. Subjects like Mission, God, Soul, Life, Death, Heaven, and Hell are tackled as Dr. Atwater shares from a collective treasure trove like none other. She has written 15 books on her findings, culminating in Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story, a book that not only spans 38 years of her



March 2016

work in this field, but also includes the research she was doing in the 1960s-1970s with altered states of consciousness, psychic phenomena, and mystical/spiritual transformational episodes. A recipient of numerous awards from the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) and the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH), some of Dr. Atwater’s near-death findings have been verified in clinical studies, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in Lancet Medical Journal, on December 15, 2001. Admittance for this fascinating journey to the other side is $15, at the door only (cash or check). Books will be available for purchase, with a book signing following the program. More info at Visit Dr. Atwater’s website, one of the internet's most comprehensive sites on the near-death phenomenon, at


Michael Harner’s “The Way of the Shaman®” Comes to Kansas City Michael Harner, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, pioneered the introduction of shamanism to contemporary life and is recognized as the world leader in this movement. On April 16 and 17, the basic weekend workshop in Core Shamanism will be held at the Hilton Airport Hotel and taught by Ellen Winner--Guest Faculty of Foundation for Shamanic Studies. In this experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal, near-universal, and common methods of the shaman to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with Nature.

Practice includes comparisons by participants of their discoveries in shamanic journeys as well as being introduced to shamanic divination and healing. They are also provided with methods for journeying to meet and study with their own individual spirit helpers in non-ordinary reality, a classic step in shamanic practice. Participants learn how the journey is utilized to restore spiritual power and health, and how shamanism can be applied in contemporary daily life to help heal oneself, others, and the Planet. For participants who have completed “The Way of the Shaman®,” Ellen Winner returns on June 4-5 to present “Shamanism and the Spirits of Nature” at the White Schoolhouse in Lawrence. In a world now out of balance, this workshop teaches how again to respect Nature, our Planet, and its inhabitants at a deep spiritual level. More information is available at the Foundation’s website, Students may register online or contact sponsor Marta Schwartz,, 785-550-9576.


Roland Comtois—Spiritual Medium, Grief Guide & Best Selling Author Cornerstone Foundation presents “Bridging Beyond Boundaries: Conversations with Roland Comtois,” internationally acclaimed spiritual medium, grief guide, best-selling author, inspirational speaker and radio host, at Unity Temple on the Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri, April 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. Roland will address how to remain connected with your loved ones who have passed, overcoming grief, and the eternity of love. Roland’s following includes a global audience of all faiths and ages who look to him for affirmation that love is eternal and heaven exists. Roland will share his personal journey and bring channeled messages and his signature “Purple Papers” to those meant to receive them. These papers, which Roland writes before every event as he receives them, contain specific information that only the recipient would know and understand.


March 2016

These messages often take months or years before the connection is made with the intended recipients through Roland’s events, radio show or Facebook. The results have been life-changing for those who receive and witness these experiences with Roland. About the Speaker: There are mediums, there are spiritual teachers, and then there is Roland Comtois. Roland is a professional healer with more than 30 years’ experience as a gerontology nurse, Reiki Master, and metaphysical teacher. He has made it his life’s mission to help people recognize that life – and love – do not end when someone passes from this plane. Tickets are $25 in advance/$30 at the door, and available online at, by phone at 816-561-4466, or at Unity Temple. For event information, contact Christine Garvey at, or call 816-561-4466.

Wisdom Within

The Secret to More Success is Slowing Down


y friend found his wife moaning at the bottom of their stair case. She had tripped going downstairs for water and suffered a concussion. When I heard the news, I decided to slow down in all aspects of my life: driving, getting ready, working, cooking, etc. This “intent’ imprints my every waking minute. As soon as I begin to hurry---especially the routine of leaving the house and finding keys—I slow down. Thus my nervous system and immune system has become more calm and strong. To remain safe and secure is root chakra energy. Since choice is pivotal to all change, the one to slow down will become a new habit with practice. Some tips: 1. Slowing down gives you time to see things you may have missed. When we hurry we may miss the vision of our long term goals. Avoid cramming too much into your day. 2. To see the big picture it is important to step back. We all have our human doubts and fears—the only true anecdote is self-esteem, self-love, and self-worth. We all deserve a relaxed and balanced life. Avoid making it “hard.” 3. Get over your road rage. I allow drivers to cut in front of me. We are all in the same boat. Makes you feel good to be patient with others.


4. Stay organized especially with your keys. Put them in a precise place in your hall or kitchen so you know where how to find them—same when you arrive at your destination. One man says he places his keys in the same pocket of his jeans so he never worries about a lost key. 5. When you find yourself in a hurry: stop, breathe, and choose to slow down. Enjoy the beauty of your new day such as the warm coffee or tea you may drink. Enjoy the ritual of your AM routine and slow down getting dressed even if you change your mind several times on what to wear. When you feel good you look good! 6. Savor your kitchen rituals. Organize the ingredients before you cook or bake. Out of something? I avoid rushing to the grocery to buy what I need. Or I change the meal plan. 7. And yes….we must mention the cell phone. Put it away for a bit of time. Texts and calls can wait. How many messages are that urgent? When we move “slow” through our day, we bring more quality and balance into our lives. It also helps to set boundaries. My sis called yesterday so I texted “Will call later--on deadline now.” Define what it means for you to create a balanced life. The true measure of

balance is the feeling of accomplishment and happiness we enjoy each day. Last, if you have stairs where you live, like me, I keep water on the bedside table. Extra night lights beam upon the staircase just in case anyone does need to walk the steps at night. Feel the grace of slowing down.

Suzette Scholtes’ non-fiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. 913 492-9594.

Journey to Wholeness

Sensing Easy Ways to Your Happiness


he five senses are with you all the time. Barring a physical issue with any of your senses, they are yours to use in whatever way you choose. You may say that you do not choose to take in sensory information and that becomes true. But you have a wide array of choices in what types of sensory input you choose at any given time. Our most primal sense is smell as it bypasses the frontal cortex and goes straight to the limbic or reptilian brain. Its message will go to unconscious stored memory quickly and elicit an emotional response. Aromatherapy is defined by Webster as “the use of aroma to enhance well-being.” My friend and colleague, Bob Wilson, a Licensed Massage Therapist who uses essential oils extensively in his practice, uses Frankincense to welcome people into his space. I asked what he might use for depression or anxiety. He explained that the oils have a measured frequency that effects a person. He uses Lavender for calming, Bulgarian Rose, with the highest frequency for depression, and Geranium for calming and uplifting. Others that could be used would be Bergamot and YlangYlang. He explained that he uses combinations of oils depending on the needs of the person. He suggested the website for A Reference Guide on Aromatherapy and diffusers. I found another great place for information; The National Association for Holistic


Aromatherapy which also suggests a short booklet Explore Aromatherapy. A study cited by the American College of Healthcare Sciences tells us that the combination of essential oils of Frankincense, Lavender and Bergamot in equal ratios helped hospice patients feel calmer. Another study in Taiwan in 2011 found that even a 10 minute long weekly inhalation of Bergamot C resulted in a significant reduction of blood pressure and heart rate, and drove autonomic nervous activity toward a balanced state. Years ago I experienced the burning of sage to cleanse a space. In aromatherapy, Clary Sage is used to clear away the dark clouds of our moods and uplift our spirits. The Journal of Ethnopharmacology published an article, Medicinal Smokes stating that “ambient smoke—the type of passive smoke generated by smudging—is air purifying and that smokebased remedies are highly effective in that they offer rapid delivery to the brain and more efficient absorption by the body.” Another paper published by the same journal found that the burning of wood and a mixture of medicinal herbs over a one-hour period in a closed room resulted in a 94 percent reduction in airborne bacteria and was maintained up to 24 hours in the closed room. Have you ever thought about how your voice effects you? A study conducted by researchers at the Science and Technology of Music and Sound Lab found that when people reading aloud heard their own voices



March 2016

altered to sound happier, sadder or more fearful, it changed their mood to the emotion of the altered voice. So imagine you are feeling sad or fearful and you modified the pitch of your voice and inflection to sound more positive and more rapid to sound more confident and excited. You would be happier even though the change was initially artificial. Sometimes that ‘act as if’ axiom is really helpful! Well, now I am excited as I am reminded of just a few of the easy ways I can be happier and more confident by tuning in to the senses of sound and smell. Try it.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to


Valuable Expertise for Families from B S F Life Care Professionals Y HIRLEY ESSEL


onnie and Julia* were at their Sometimes a solution is simple but wits’ end. Their 88 year old not obvious. A mother’s constant mother refused to move from her complaints about every facility had two-story home. She was angry exhausted her family. The ALCP with Bonnie for trying to move her. Julia discovered that her sense of security was afraid of disagreeing with her depended on routine but the facility’s mother, making Bonnie furious. Both caregivers changed daily. The ALCP sisters wanted safety and care for their arranged for the same visitor to read to mother, but were not getting anywhere. her each day, which she enjoyed Tim* lived on the immensely. Her anxiety east coast. His dad decreased and another was in a Midwest move was avoided. independent senior Tim’s ALCP specialized community but was in assisting long distance failing. Annual visits caregivers. Having an were not enough for objective advocate and Tim’s peace of mind expert presence has and his dad did not made all the difference. want to move. What Tim is kept abreast of his was he to do? father’s care while he is Increasingly, away. adult children’s The two sister’s ALCP concern about their completed a range- ofaging parents leave ALCPs are certified in care diagnostic evaluation. them lost. They They needed to know how 6 areas of expertise: struggle with a to figure out the next step. •Communication consuming but The ALCP was in tune with •Safety unproductive maze of their mother and helped options, decisions and reassure her. They all •Medical Management information. agreed on a solution of •Housing Today families part-time home care, •Home Care Service don’t have to master safety modifications and •Security and Financial the maze alone. Aging monitoring. The mother References Life Care Professionals stayed in her home, her – ALCPs- (formerly daughters know she is safe Professional Geriatric Care Managers) and all know what the next step will be. share concerns, advise and arrange full Visit or agency spectrum services for simplifying the Facebook pages. Their 35 year trusted path. Independent veterans in the field, track record, standards of practice, and ALCPs focus on helping the aging while member directory are listed. From reframing the dilemmas for families. consultation to complex care, ALCPs have An ALCP since 2000 in Overland already solved the maze for those aging Park, Annice Davis White, has an and their families. extensive background as a geriatric social *Names changed worker, area agency director, nursing home administrator, and senior advocate. Such professional depth and breadth is typical of ALCPs, who complete a rigorous certification process. Annice reports, “I opened my own practice to be able to treat individual needs without using a system that required one care plan for all. I believe Shirley Fessel is a freelance writer, in client centered services and ALCP educator and counselor. She enjoys shares that philosophy. Some families creating and sharing fresh solutions in may mistakenly think Medicare or communication. Her Fast Track Medicaid will provide all the services they modules in advanced writing and need or do not understand the differences reading skills will be available this in state programs. An ALCP is thoroughly spring. For more information, visit familiar with the entire field and can, guide the family through the challenges.” Facebook or Twitter @fessup2.



March 2016

Holistic Health

Neurotransmitter Balance: What Is It?


re you not sick, but not well? Are you the kind of patient many doctors can’t seem to help? Your doctor may say to you, “I can’t find anything wrong.” And it’s true. There’s nothing immediately obvious to treat and the standard laboratory tests are normal. In this case, you may suffer from a neurotransmitter imbalance. Common symptoms can include: Feelings of sadness, feelings of anxiousness, stress and fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, poor concentration, headaches, cravings or addictions, binge eating, aches and pains, behavioral problems, lack of focus, mind racing or lack of motivation. Our mental health is not as simple as it may seem. There is interconnectedness between the different biological systems in the body. The nervous, endocrine, and immune systems of our bodies all influence each other. These systems are also influenced by our genetics, environment, emotions, values and beliefs. Common complaints such as stress and fatigue, anxiety and depression, sleep disorders and insomnia can be treated with conventional prescription medications and be effective in many cases. As a holistic physician, I see patients that either do not want to take prescription medications or have not obtained good results from these medications or could not tolerate the side effects. Getting to the root of the problem is the goal—by assessing family of origin issues, genetics, stress management strategies and in some cases, neurotransmitter levels. As Dr Mehmet Oz, says in his book, You, Staying Young; The Owners Manual for Extending Your Warranty, “The good part is that food, exercise and good sleep work as dials on your neurotransmitter radio, regulating how you feel from day to day and hour to hour, and thus have a profound impact on the emotional side of aging.” Yes, you can impact how you deal with stress by learning relaxation techniques, meditation or exploring underlying issues with psychotherapy. The human nervous system is one of the most complex systems in nature. The brain is like the ultimate communications company. It’s in the business of sending and receiving messages that help dictate how you act, how you feel, whether you want to be asleep, or whether you are


craving drugs or chocolate. The brain is the center of the nervous system and contains over 100 billion cells called neurons. The nerves of your body communicate through spaces called synapses with chemicals called neurotransmitters. Some of these neurotransmitters include serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, gaba and glutamate. There are alternative laboratory tests that can be obtained to assess these levels. When imbalances are determined, treatment consists of amino acids, minerals and herbs. These treatments, combined with lifestyle changes can prevent the need for prescription medications in many individuals. Natural supplements may also be used in combination with prescription medications to reduce the dose of the prescription and minimize side effects. An interesting story regarding depression is found in the book written by Helene Leonetti, M.D., Hard Wired for Love, Nurturing Yourself to Vibrant Health. Dr Leonetti writes, “The hell of depression is a place I will never again allow myself to visit. Each day, as I showed the world my smile, my soul was screaming in agony, for I was living a life not of my choosing. In an effort to be a good girl and dutiful wife, I let my husband decide what was best for me, and he saw to it that my life was in his full control. I had sold out. I allowed by own hopes and dreams to die in the ill-fated attempt to please someone else. It never works to do that. When we do not stay in integrity, when we allow our soul’s longings to be squelched, some part of us dies. It can be cell tissue and we develop cancer or another deadly illness; or it can be, as in my case, the death of my soul, which carried with it a far more virulent, and possibly fatal outcome. The hand of God has always tweaked me, and this time was no exception. Struggling out from the depths of this nightmare, I mobilized myself with profound, healing anger and rallied to free myself from the bondage to which I had so willingly conspired”. Dr Leonetti did recover from her depression. The realization she had buried her own true feelings and began to express these feelings, was her first step in getting well. One major reason for depression is that we give our power away


to another and bury our own wants and desires. Expressing feelings in a journal format is a place to start. Engaging conversation with a psychotherapist, clergy member or trusted friend can also begin the journey to wholeness and health. Other success keys are regular exercise, healthy nutrition, good sleep and stress management strategies. If all these measures fail, seek the assistance of an alternative health care provider to discuss neurotransmitter testing and treatment.


March 2016

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

Food Gloria’s Food

Food First

The Standards: Creamy Squash Casserole

Putting a Better Batter Up BY DR, BETHANY KLUG


hesitate a bit when someone asks me 1 1/2 cups water with one Rapunzel how I eat. Food has been key to my vegetable bouillon cube added healing process since the late 1980s, Salt and Pepper to taste and how I eat continues to evolve as I 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley learn more about food and how my body (optional) responds to it. Where I am now isn’t necessarily a good starting point for Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly oil a 9 someone making their first steps to x 9-inch casserole dish. improve their health by Peel the squash, if desired, “Most folks, I’ve eating better. It’s too then seed it. Cut the squash learned, are looking for into roughly 1 to 2-inch cubes. much change at once. Most folks, I’ve learned, simple and delicious Place in a steamer basket in a are looking for simple large saucepan. Steam until ways to improve their fork tender, about 20 minutes. and delicious ways to improve their eating eating habits amidst Drain in a colander, transfer to habits amidst their busy the oiled casserole dish and set their busy lives.” lives. In that regard, I’m aside. no different. So for the next few months, I While the squash is steaming, heat the plan to share the “standards” around our oil or ghee in a skillet. Sauté the onion house, that is, the recipes Hubby and I until soft. Add the sage and stir until the turn to again and again because they are onion is coated. quick, delicious and keep us heathy. They While the onion is cooking, combine are also gluten and dairy-free. the nuts, water and bouillon cube in a I want to offer this comforting squash blender and process until creamy. Add casserole while butternut and other salt and pepper to taste. Pour over the winter squash are still available. The onions and stir until well combined. Allow to simmer for a few minutes to recipe is inspired by a similar one in the cookbook Yoga Kitchen: Vegetarian combine the flavors. Pour evenly over the Recipes from the Shoshoni Yoga Retreat squash. Cover with aluminum foil and by Faith Stone and Rachel Guidry. You bake for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove foil can use any kind of winter squash as long and bake 5 to 10 minutes more. Garnish as you have two pounds. This casserole is with parsley if desired. Serves 4 to 6 as a main dish. also delicious prepared with the mild turnips sold by many of our local organic growers. A word about raw cashews: I stopped buying them locally because they were always rancid. I have found to be a good source. I buy them in one pound bags and order no more than I can use in a month or two. For stock, I keep Rapunzel unsalted vegetable bouillon cubes on hand. I use one cube with this recipe, added to the Bethany Klug, DO created nuts and water in the blender. I find HealthSpan out of a deep wish: for prepared stocks overwhelmingly salty. everyone to experience vibrant We scoop this casserole over a mound health. We go beyond the of raw broccoli florets chopped into bite conventional pill-for an-ill size pieces in a bowl and dinner is served. approach to educate and inspire It would make an excellent side dish, too. you so you can successfully make positive steps toward greater Creamy Squash Casserole health and wellbeing. HealthSpan is also offering some excellent classes to help you add 2 pounds butternut squash some quick, easy and delicious 2 TBSP grape seed oil or ghee dishes to your weekly repertoire. 1 medium onion, finely chopped Learn more at 2 tsp dried sage or 1 1/2 cups raw macadamia nuts or cashews



hough there may be a slugfest between political parties this season, nothing has taken more punches than dough. The delightful combination of grain and water, pounded and proofed, folded, rolled and yes, punched until it blooms is causing quite a stir. In this day and age the culprit is grain (wheat, barley, rye, oats) and its inherent protein, gluten. These grains, once pesticide and GMO -free, are now tampered with from planting through processing resulting in a new breed of seed that’s essentially only a shell of its former nutrient dense self. According to Wheat Belly author Dr. William Davis, “this thing being sold to us called wheat—it ain’t wheat. It’s this stocky little high-yield plant, a distant relative of the wheat our mothers used to bake muffins, genetically and biochemically light-years removed from the wheat of just 40 years ago.” And now scientists are starting to connect modern wheat with all manner of chronic digestive and inflammatory illnesses. Nearly twenty million people contend that they regularly experience distress after eating products that contain gluten, and a third of American adults say that they are trying to eliminate it from their diets. Next time you’re shopping for gluten free foods, there’s no shortage of products on the shelf. The problem is most are, in my opinion, dreadful tasting. I’m gluten sensitive, so after deciding to try a slice of gluten free bread. I threw it against the wall and the house fell down. I figured there has to be more palatable, not to mention healthier, selection.


Her research and persistence paid off. Resch found a commercial kitchen designed to support biotechnology, life sciences, food and beverage and general small business startups called The Independence Regional Ennovation Center in Independence Missouri. Her trials took about 18-months to perfect. “I started with breads and moved on to sugar cookies. The outcome was so positive I discovered an entire community that was struggling with the exact same issues. Word of mouth was the best marketing tool. I started to get requests to bake for others to the point that I could no longer do it out of my house.” In 2013 Resch found a vacant space that was once a pie shop on Old Metcalf thus Mama Resch’s Bakery was born dedicated to providing gluten free, dairy free, nut free and soy free products. Four years later, her shelves are filled with delectables including sandwich breads, banana bread, vegan multipurpose buns, oatmeal cookies, Snickerdoodles, baked chocolate donuts, graham crackers, sun-dried tomato crackers, chocolate chip granola bars, and pancake mix. I don’t know what Resch’s secret is, although it’s healthier than the ‘cardboard-tasting’ gluten-free items found in the marketplace. I’ll vouch for that after trying the chocolate cupcakes. Now I’ll admit to pilgrimages for a fix. The cupcakes rarely last beyond the parking lot. I’ll wager your stash won’t either. Mama Resch's - A Gluten Free Bakery

Careful with the carbs This is exactly what Angela Resch found as she watched her young son routinely get ill after eating what most children love to eat: sandwiches, sweets and other grain-based carbohydrates. Various health issues from physical to lack of concentration yielded a diagnosis of an extreme intolerance to gluten, along with approximately 75 other foods he could no longer eat. The intolerances and allergies resulted in an inability for Resch to buy ‘gluten free’ baked goods. “I wanted him to be able to eat the same foods all the other kids were eating,” she says. That’s when Resch started developing her own flour blends and recipes that he could eat.


March 2016

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town? Contact Gloria:

Love the Surprising Benefits of Cupping Therapy


s a Holistic Health Practitioner it is always useful to have a variety of techniques and therapies in your healing tool box. One of my favorite techniques I utilize is Cupping Therapy. There are many health benefits to the patient, not to mention that five minutes of cupping is equal to thirty minutes of deep tissue massage. During a typical massage session a therapist will push into a muscle to alleviate tensions in the body. It helps to think of Cupping Therapy as the reverse of regular massage. Using suction, cupping provides a gentle pulling (rather than pushing) on the muscles for a more complete release of fascia, nerves and adhesions. It may seem new, strange or trendy, seeing as it is now under celebrity endorsement. The truth is that this technique has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional Maya Medicine* (TMM) for thousands of years. It is used by both cultures to disperse wind out of the body, improve blood stagnation and promote vital Qi flow. The first types of cupping tools were made of bamboo, clay or animal horns; followed by the use of glass, plastic, rubber, and silicone. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is common to place many stationary cups on the body along various meridian points on the patient. Often these cups will stay in place for 1530 min. Due to Qi, blood and tissue stagnation, toxins are often brought to the surface of the skin resulting in a temporary skin discoloration where the cup was placed. This temporary reddish discoloration is not a bruise, but only a

sign there has been diminished oxygen and blood supply to the tissue. Another method involves always moving or running the cups on the body. It is commonly used in Traditional Maya Medicine and is the one I prefer to use in my holistic practice. To run the cups, massage oil is first applied to the skin, allowing for the cup to glide over the muscles and release adhesions. Running the cups also greatly reduces any chances for skin discoloration. I was first introduced to Cupping Therapy in 2008 when I took a seminar on the different styles and applications for clinical use. After this seminar, I began to use the plastic stationary cups and silicone cups that could be moved on the body using oil. Although these methods had many benefits, the style never completely resonated with me. I had all but set aside Cupping Therapy from my healing practice. Little did I know that two years later I would fall in love with Cupping Therapy on a trip to Mexico. I was studying Traditional Maya Medicine from a well-known Traditional Healer named Rita Navarette Perez from Mexico City. She taught me the art of fire cupping, or Ventosas as it is known in TMM. I also had the honor of experiencing a personal fire cupping session from Rita and was amazed at how great I felt in such a short time. Fire cupping is very safe when done by a trained practitioner. Furthermore, the addition of heat has a soothing effect to the nervous system. Why is this technique so effective? The cups are vertical or round glasses, similar to a regular drinking glass. In order to create a heat vacuum, a flame is placed in the glass very


rapidly (1 sec.) then taken out and the glass is immediately placed on the body. The result is a gentle warming heat and mild suction of the skin into the glass. Oil is also used to be able to run (move) the cups on the body—getting a wide area of contracted and congested tissue to soften quickly. Let me tell you, this feels amazing! Just beneath the skin are layers of fascia or connective tissue that attach to every muscle in our body. Fascia is fibrous and sticky, helping to hold muscle tissue and organs in place. Overused muscles cause inflammation and a build-up of lactic acid to occur. When fascial tissue gets bound it creates adhesions and causes muscle soreness, joint restriction, nerve pain, and reduced blood flow and oxygen to the tissues. Cupping allows vital separation to occcur by gently pulling on multiple fascial layers to free adhesions and nerves, thus restoring oxygen to the tissues. It produces a profound vasodilation reaction, drawing blood to areas of pain while promoting metabolism within the skin tissue for better functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands. It also flushes toxins and lymph, activates synovial fluid in joints, and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Common conditions treated by Cupping Therapy include: sciatica, chronic headache and back pain, anxiety, fibromyalgia, poor circulation, nervous tension, respiratory infections and colds, arthritis, muscle and joint pain. Here are some of the benefits of Cupping Therapy: • Loosens adhesions • Improves circulation and reduces inflammation

• Expels congestion and stagnation • Promotes the free flow of Qi • Strengthens immune system by promoting lymphatic flow

• Releases impaired nerves • Pulls toxins to the surface of the skin The good news is that you don’t have to travel across the world to experience these great benefits. Along with Centered Spirit, a Traditional Maya Medicine practice, there are many acupuncturists in the local Kansas City area that utilize cupping in their treatments. It is exciting and healthy to add new forms of bodywork into your lifestyle enhancement program. I hope you get a chance this year to try…and maybe fall in love with Cupping Therapy.

Alex Jackson LMT, NCTMB is a Holistic Health Practitioner, specializing in Traditional Maya Medicine with over a decade of experience in treating chronic and acute health conditions. He is the owner of Centered Spirit, a wellness center located in Brookside:6306 Walnut St., KC, MO 816.225.9393 See event section for April Cupping Therapy class.



March 2016


How to Unlock Your Full Potential with Hypnosis



cravings they were experiencing can be t’s March. How are you doing with eliminated. your New Year’s resolutions? Have Another client realized that the strong you made the changes you wanted to cravings for smoking that she was make back on January 1, or did you experiencing were because she and her start out with determination, only to revert back to the same old habits you had mother used to go outside together and smoke while everyone else stayed inside. before? She and her mother really got close at If you didn’t keep your resolutions, it these times. Her mother had since died, is probably because you were using and her subconscious mind urged her to willpower to make yourself change. continue to smoke to keep the memory of Willpower is a product of the conscious her mother strong by giving her this mind; but, habits are a function of the subconscious mind. In a conflict between strong desire to smoke. In hypnosis, she realized that she could keep the memory your conscious and your subconscious, your subconscious mind will always win. of her mother strong without smoking, Hypnosis is the best way to communicate that smoking didn’t cause the bond, that the time they spent together was the real with your subconscious. A hypnotist can talk to this part of you, and ask it why it is reason they became close. One client revealed that she had to urging you to smoke when you don’t want to, or eat foods you know are bad for you. keep chewing tobacco because it made her The hypnotist can ask your subconscious unique among her friends. We brainstormed other ways she was unique mind why you dread exercising, or why among her friends, and with this you are so afraid of ducks, or why you knowledge during hypnosis, the habit was won’t let yourself sleep at night. In hypnosis, your conscious mind is relaxed easily eliminated. If your subconscious mind feels you while your subconscious mind stays alert, are safer by carrying 50 extra pounds and can shed some light on why these around, you will never be able to stay habits are important to you. The slim. You might be able to lose the weight, hypnotist can then guide you to find other, healthier ways to meet your needs but little by little you will gain it back. without this detrimental habit. When the Your subconscious mind knows how many calories or fat subconscious is on your are in most side, it is easy to make “The most direct way grams foods, and it can cause changes, and become the way you want to be. to communicate with you to crave the things that will pack on the During hypnosis, I have had clients tell me, and also the subconscious mind weight to keep you safe. reveal to themselves, is through hypnosis.” Through hypnosis, you can realize that you can unusual reasons why they release the weight and feel they need to keep these unhealthy habits. In hypnosis, they might still feel safe. Then the cravings go away, which makes slimming down so much reveal that they need to keep smoking easier. because the only time they slow down or The purpose of an addiction is an take a break is when they smoke a attempt to self-medicate emotional pain. cigarette. The subconscious knows that Sometimes the reason the client is having they work too hard and need those breaks, so it urges the person to smoke by trouble making the changes they want to giving them intense cravings and desires make is because of something that to smoke. The client just notices that they happened earlier in life. Maybe it was a long time ago, but it is still very painful to really do want to smoke. They are not think about. In hypnosis we can heal that aware of this activity under the surface. event so that it no longer feels painful, The client can then promise to and then there is no reason to selfthemselves, in hypnosis, that they will medicate. still take breaks after they quit Hypnosis is beneficial in other ways, smoking. With this assurance, the strong too. It can remove blocks to learning, or


excelling in sports, music, or the arts. Then the natural abilities a person has can start to shine. He or she may have blockages to sleeping, or blockages to feeling confident. In hypnosis we can discover where this blockage came from, what it is doing for them, and how to remove it. The answers are inside each of us. The future is yours to write, don’t let your subconscious keep you from living your dreams.

Carol Henderson is a certified hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists and a certified EFT practitioner. She sees clients in her Overland Park, Kansas office. Call her at 913-908-6907 or email


March 2016

Spiritual Horoscope

March 2016 Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Happy birthday Pisces! The total eclipse is in your sign, giving a boost of spiritual energy for your year! Meditation sparks your intuition and it’ll guide you toward effortless success and happiness, since you’ll be flowing in karmic alignment. Release people who limit your dreams or stifle your expansiveness. Also release your own negative voices that rain on your parade! Aries (March 21 – April 19) This big “super moon” eclipse increases your inspiration and hope. Just be sure to spend time forgiving people and experiences that block your flow of good. Even misty painful memories should be swept away, like mental cobwebs. Once you dream up your new reality, people come in to help you manifest your new life! Yoga, tai chi, meditation or spiritual reading reap extra benefits now.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The more you release past issues with money challenges, the more prosperity flows! The more you forgive experiences of betrayal or broken trust, the more quickly loving, ethical people come into your life! This super moon eclipse is a rare time to cleanse painful memories and become open to new friends, love, money and joy! Pets also lift your spirits. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you deserve, because you’re worth it!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Do you know the saying, “How important is it?” Use that as your mantra in relationships. This full moon eclipse is time to let go of mental/intellectual barriers to intimacy. As your heart opens to love, you’ll feel an energy of cooperation that moves into your work life too. Maybe a huge career opportunity will come through! Doing forgiveness work about childhood and family issues makes life run even more smoothly.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The total eclipse empowers your spiritual growth, and helps positive thinking. Your sense of hopefulness gives direction, purpose and focus. Meditation gives insights into work or health challenges. You’ll also know the perfect thing to say if you have to confront anyone, in whatever area of life. You’ll be firm, yet caring, and situations can resolve with more ease than expected!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) The super moon eclipse wants you to release jealousy, envy or negativity about finances or relationships. Releasing old disappointments allows new prosperity and intimacy to flow in! When you see someone who has what you want, monetarily or emotionally, say internally, “That’s for me!” Knowing everything is within your grasp rather than held away from you empowers magnetic spiritual energy to bring those “karmic goodies”! You can have it all if you throw out the limited thinking!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) This month’s eclipse opens new doors in relationships! If single, you can meet someone who is a soul mate—or, if already connected, you can clear enough mud from your eyes to see your current partner actually is a loving soul mate! Meditation helps you love and trust yourself more, so you feel almost “soul mate-ish” with yourself. Observe emotional or eating habits that put you down in the dumps and get rid of those thoughts or foods!


Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Your constant smile can hide anger or negativity. Ask for guidance in dreams or meditation to show areas where you hide rage. This month’s eclipse brings physical and mental healing since you’ll unburden your subconscious from repressed emotions that drain your energy. Talk with supportive friends who let you be real (read un-Libra-like!) as you let out the old “junk” and then fill your mind with authentic joy.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) The eclipse wants you to have fun! Be playful and joyous to balance the intense spiritual and personal growth you’re always striving for! Let yourself enjoy kids, pets, art, sports and love. You can start a new relationship if single. Finances need clarification and budgeting, but then you’re on your way to prosperity! Celebrate victories with friends rather than talking about what needs improving in yourself.

your thoughts reveal how you’re a puppet to old crud! Forgive and release past circumstances, people and beliefs so you’re free to create the reality you want! A big clue is if small events trigger big emotions. You’ll know there’s something bigger to discover and examine behind your reaction.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) The eclipse helps build both prosperity and self-worth! Observe your thoughts instead of reacting. Seeing subconscious patterns reveals what direction to take in terms of relationships, career and spending. You’ll know why you do what you usually do and be able to stop negative actions before you do them! Using loving affirmations with your body speeds healing and creates positive shifts.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) The Super Moon eclipse digs up family/ childhood issues that still impact you. Watch for jumping to conclusions or starting arguments — why do you push people away? Is it fear of intimacy that the eclipse is healing? Also examine your diet for food allergies that deplete your energy in subtle, yet constant ways. Appreciate people who aren’t “squeaky wheels” — quiet, reliable support you might take for granted.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The eclipse helps you see how your thoughts and moods are mainly springing from subconscious patterns. Meditation and careful observations of


March 2016

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 or visit

RESOURCE DIRECTORY ALTERNATIVE HEALING Dr. Marga Birmingham - Human & Animal Energy/Spiritual/Shamanic Healing; SelfEmpowerment; Consciousness; (808) 429-3064; At the Healing Place ~ Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 ~ Centered Spirit ~ The Holistic solution for chronic and acute health conditions ~ Medical Massage, Maya Abdominal Massage, Cupping, Infrared sauna. 816-225-9393 or visit Regina Compernolle, Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; Integrative Therapies by Sarah P. Chapman Aromatherapy Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Vitaflex, Pressure Point Therapy 913-549-0280

COUNSELING Martha Childers, LPC EdS; 816.892.0803 Women, Couples, 50+, LGBT, Aging in Place End of Life Preparations, Financial, Career Barb Hoffman, MA, LPC, LCSW, LCSW in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./Couples/Family Therapy, Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance. Jennifer Elliott, LPC Collaborative care for adults, couples, & children, depression & anxiety, stress mngmt, divorce, grief & loss. 7501 College Blvd. OP, KS 913-703-3183

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

FITNESS AKKA Karate Westport, Midtown/Downtown Teaching Martial Arts for almost 50 years: Kenpo Karate, Tai Chi, and Self-Defense. Free intro class 816-756-1340;

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,



Maya's Oasis Energy Healing Institute Classes & sessions in Reiki, energy healing, intuitive development, and more. NCBTMB approved courses. BODYBODY-WISDOM BOOTBOOT-CAMP, CAMP 21-Day Virtual Cleanse Retreat. For more info or to sign up, contact Kathy Daugherty at 785-633-2424 or Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research:

GOURMET FOODS The Tasteful Olive, New rich & thick balsamic in store! Along with 65 other oils & vinegars. Gourmet products galore. 7945 Santa Fe Dr, OP, KS. “Friend That Cooks Personal Chefs” offer weekly meal prep for families with busy schedules, food allergies or special diets. 913-660-0790;


LIFE COACH Healing Thru Music and Life Coaching For more info. Contact Kathleen (913)206-2151 or $25.00 per session.

Chartwell Realty, Soraya Jennings Office: 816-877-8200 Cell: 816-213-7089 4141 Pennsylvania Suite 105 Kansas City, MO

RETREATS The Lavender House Retreat Center, Center Lawrence KS. Private therapy rooms, individual and small group retreat & seminar space. 785-550-0473

SPIRITUAL GROWTH Stephanie Forcier, CT/CAP, Classes, Akashic Record, Source, and Angel Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438,

Stephanie Red Feather, the Healer's Healer Transformational life/business/$ coaching, shamanic healing, energy therapies, Reiki classes, women's circles. 913-515-3271,


MEDITATION Kansas City Meditation Group of SelfSelf-Realization Fellowship Sunday Service 10AM 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO 816-799-5544

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. Kimberlin Hypnosis, LLC Kathleen Kimberlin, CHt Smoking/weight loss/childbirth/past life/behavior Call for free consultation (816) 305-8418 Nutrition ConsultantConsultant- Jackie Caldwell HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605



ReRe-Imagine Your Life with Lania Desmond Life Purpose • Relationships • Divine Guidance Private Sessions & Group Events. 828-236-1230 ~

New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. 913-908-6907


N2paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! 816-522-7005

March 2016

The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; Leavenworth Yoga CoCo-op Join us at Leavenworth's only yoga studio. Daily yoga classes, massage therapy, and Tai Chi. 913-933-9595 ~ Yoga Patch; 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore.; 816-268-4660

WEDDINGS Unity Temple Offering Free Simple Wedding Ceremonies Register at 707 West 47th Street Kansas City, MO

MARCH 24 REDEFINING CAREER: BEAT DOWN TO BUILT UP! WEBINAR 7-8 p.m. FREE webinar exploring how to MARCH 19 PRS: MIKAO USUI REIKI CRYSTAL AWAKENING recognize and shi& your perspec ve about MARCH 10 your career & life. Dear Heart Energy presents Mikao Usui Reiki SELF-CARE THROUGH PRESSURE POINTS & Visit to register. Crystal Awakening. 7 p.m. at Westwood MASSAGE Teri Bybee: 913-219-6788 Community Center, 4700 Rainbow Blvd., Presented by Massage Therapist Monique Waters, 6:30 p.m. at Terra Health & Wellness Westwood, KS. Members free, guests $5. MARCH 26 Market in Independence, 816-795-9700. Info/ More info: CREATE A CHEMICAL-FREE HOME Registra on: 10:00-11:00a.m. Peculiar, MO, Learn what is MARCH 19 terrahealthmarket. harmful in your environment and create a ESSENTIAL OILS for ANIMALS 10:00-11:00 a.m. Peculiar, MO, Learn how to chemical-free home for you & your pets. MARCH 10 - 13 enhance the well-being for you & your animals Register: or 816-522INTEGRAL HEALING SCHOOL 7005. Website: with nature’s essen al oils. In this class we look into the differences in energy & how to use them in all the aspects of Register: or 816-522MARCH 27 healing, work, family & everyday life. Integral 7005. Website: HEALERS POTLUCK AT THE LAVENDER HOUSE Healing, 513 N Mur Len Rd, Olathe, Kansas Local prac oners are invited to join like MARCH 20 66062 Contact Barbara Ahern 913.522.4953 minded individuals interested in personal and CELESTIAL TIMINGS RESONANCE communal well being. Explore drum sound REPATTERNING® TELE-SESSION MARCH 12 12-1:30 p.m. Align with the key celes al event healing at 7pm. Please join us for our monthly TIBETAN RELAXATION YOGA WORKSHOP potluck every 4th Sunday from 5-7pm at 1600 Experience relaxa on exercises that are gentle chosen quarterly. Flow with the energies of New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS. $5 the Universe. $25. Teri Bybee: 913-219-6788 and promote emo onal and physical dona on. Joni Fornelli, wellbeing. 10:45 a.m.-Noon at the Yoga Patch or RR_proxy.htm. in Waldo, MARCH 20 MARCH 12 MARCH 28 PART 2: THE MAJIC OF RAW CACAO CRYSTALS CLASS DOGA (DOGGIE YOGA) How to make raw cacao bliss bon bons with Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., $75 Loran Van Benthusen, 2 p.m. at Terra Health & 6:00-7:00p.m. Overland Park, KS, An At The Healing Place - Liberty, MO, Sign up integrated approach to flexibility and at 816-415-2607 Learn about crystals and the Wellness Market in Independence, 816-7959700. Info/Registra on: relaxa on for you and your canine healing proper es each crystal contains, also companion. terrahealthmarket. how to care for your crystals and use them Register: or 816-522in healing sessions.. 7005. Website: MARCH 21 Con nuing Educa on Credits available for FREE INTRODUCTION TO MARTIAL ARTS FOR LMT’s MARCH 29 HEALTH AND WELLNESS CLARITY BREAKTHROUGH CIRCLE FOR 6pm -RSVP required 913-687MARCH 13 4631 8702 W 49th WOMEN PART 1: THE MAJIC OF RAW CACAO Tuesday 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Maya's Oasis Terrace Merriam KS 66203 How to make raw cacao pudding with Loran For spiritually-conscious women ready for Van Benthusen, 2 p.m. at Terra Health & quantum breakthroughs! Claim your MARCH 22 Wellness Market in Independence, 816-795spot! 9700. Info/Registra on: REIKI MENTORING CIRCLE ~ ORACLE CARD PLAY-SHOP terrahealthmarket. MARCH 30 Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 at Maya's Oasis INCREASE YOUR PSYCHIC AWARENESS W/ Each month we cover a different topic, and MARCH 16 GEORGIA CLARK—IN TOPEKA PAST LIFE REGRESSION W/GEORGIA CLARK— this month we will be having fun prac cing Learn what psychic gi&s you have. Lots of fun with oracle cards! Bring your own deck or IN TOPEKA exercises to “tune you in,” 6-8 p.m., $30, borrow one of ours. Discover the importance of Past Life At Unity Church Regression and a Group guided medita on, 6of Chris anity in Topeka. Enroll: MARCH 22 8 p.m. $30, At 785-608-6444. Unity Church of Chris anity in Topeka. Enroll: CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 785-608-6444. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS APRIL 1-3 Reserva ons 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20 MARCH 18 ORACLES PSYCHIC FAIR PSI: NEAR-DEATH STUDIES AUTHORITY DR. Full readings by professionals: tarot, intui ve P.M.H. ATWATER readings, past lives, Akashic records, and lots “Glimpses of Beyond,” featuring 40 drawings more. Readings $30, Free Admission at from near-death experiencers in 6 countries, Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303, plus Dr. Atwater’s latest book on 4,000 death experiencers. 7-9 p.m. at Unity on the Plaza, book signing a&er the program. $15 cash or check. More info: www.PsychicStudiesIns

Events MARCH 2, 9, 16 PRACTICAL MEDITATION This experien al class introduces you to a smorgasbord of easy-to-learn medita on techniques so you can choose your favorites. $60. 6:30 - 8:30. Stephanie Red Feather. MARCH 4-6 HOLY FIRE KARUNA REIKI MASTER. The next step a&er Reiki Master. Learn chan ng. 9am – 6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood. 816-523 -4440. MARCH 6 WHAT'S YOUR MONEY MOTIVATION? Learn your specific money type to understand the core mo va on that drives your disempowering money behaviors and what empowering ac ons to take instead! Free presenta on with Stephanie Red Feather. 3:30 - 5:00. www.redfeatherconnec MARCH 6, 13 & 20 YOGA FOR CORE STRENGTH AND STABILITY WORKSHOP 3-week series to learn the muscles and movements of your core. 5:30-6:45 p.m. at the Yoga Patch in Waldo, MARCH 7 - 30 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY 1 Open to all body workers. Learn to facilitate the healing process via the craniosacral system. $408. Register 816-523-9140 ext 111, h<p:// nuingeduca on. MARCH 8 LOVING YOURSELF: BELIEVE IN DESERVING BETTER Join Sharon McGloin and Denise Mills as we explore what limits your belief system of worthiness and learn strategies for overcoming these limita ons. 6-9 p.m. (networking @ 5:30) in OP. Only $49; save 20% w/2 or more workshops: MARCH 8 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reserva ons 913-831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20



March 2016

APRIL 2 LOVE NEVER DIES WORKSHOP 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Awaken Whole Life Center, Unity Village Learn about a&er-death communica on and ps for opening hearts to the language of Spirit, from local author Lisa K. Cooper, in this interac ve workshop. Fee $25. Register 816612-8740. Visit for more informa on.

Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440 APRIL 8 CROSSING OVER WITH JOHN EDWARD Join interna onally-recognized psychic medium and acclaimed author John Edward at 7 p.m. at the Downtown Marrio< for a reading intensive group event with Q&A sessions and messages from the other side. Info/Tickets: or 800-514-3849.

overcoming grief, and the eternity of love. 7:00pm Presented by the Cornerstone Founda on and Evolving Magazine at Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Tickets: $25 Advance/ $30 at the Door. Available online at CornerstoneFounda, by phone (816) 561-4466 or at Unity Temple

APRIL 23 CUPPING THERAPY – INTRODUCTORY CLASS Learn the Tradi onal Maya Medicine concepts of Cupping Therapy. This class outlines the APRIL 2 clinical benefits and uses of cupping as well as GRAND OPENING hands-on prac ce me during the class. 2nd loca on! Now offering Yoga, Mar al Arts, APR 8-10 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/ Saturday 9am-12pm, class fee $45, *Limited Classes, Event Space and much more! space available. Instructor: Alex Jackson REIKI MASTER 8702 W 49th Terrace Merriam KS Loca on: Centered Spirit, 6306 Walnut, Kansas Learn the Master symbol and the new Holy 66203 Fire material. Work with crystals. Strengthen City, MO 64113. Registra on: call 816-225913-687-4631 9393 - your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am-6:30pm. $975 with early APRIL 3 MAY 7 deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, LAVENDER HOUSE OPEN HOUSE WOMEN'S WISDOM RETREAT marriage and family therapists, social Come take a tour of our available space for Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at The Light workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, prac oners interested in joining our Center. Do you crave me away from your Leawood, KS. community and/or offer events in an busy life….Time to just relax, breathe, and just in mate, personal environment. Sunday 2p-5p 816-523-4440 be you? Time to connect with nature, with at 1600 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS. other women, and with your true self? See Refreshments provided. Joni Fornelli, more at: h<p://, h<p:// classes/womens-wisdomAPRIL 9 retreat.html#sthash.OTjod34H.dpuf CHAKRA CLASS Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, $75 APRIL 3 At The Healing Place - Liberty, MO - Sign Up ONGOING REIKI MASTER CLASS at 816-415-2607 Are you ready to step into mastery not only Learn the essences and how to balance and WEDNESDAYS: ALMOST YOGA FOR THE STIFF with this modality, but with yourself as an heal your 7 main chakras. & INFLEXIBLE energy worker? 9:00 - 5:30. $275. Stephanie Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 p.m. with Jocelyn Red Feather www.redfeatherconnec Con nuing Educa on Credits available for LMT’s. Costa. By dona on; bring mat and water. At the Village Wellness Connec on, 226 E US 69 APRIL 3 APRIL 16 Hwy, Claycomo, M0. More info: 816-803-8056. SPIRITUAL WELLNESS FAIR UNDERSTANDING & STRENGTHENING YOUR 1-6 p.m. at the Yoga Patch in Waldo, INTUITION W/GEORGIA CLARK—IN TOPEKA SUNDAYS: ALMOST YOGA FOR THE STIFF & John of God Crystal Learn to trust, understand, and protect your INFLEXIBLE Beds, aura photography, Akashic records, intui on, with lots of fun exercises! 10 a.m.-4 Sundays 2:30-3:45 with Jocelyn Costa. By energy healing, palmistry. $95 for all, or a la p.m., $90, At dona on; bring mat and water. At the carte pricing. Tickets/Info: 913-588-7377. Unity Church of Chris anity in Topeka. Enroll: Wellness Wheel, 5742 N. Broadway, KC, MO. 785-608-6444. More info: 816-803-8056. APRIL 5 CLEARING AND TRANSFORMING YOUR APRIL 17 FOAM ROLLING FOR THE STIFF & INFLEXIBLE ENERGY AROUND MONEY AFTERNOON OF SPACIOUS QUIET Third Saturday of the month 10:30-11:30 with Begin shi&ing your energy around money, A me to visit retreat space at the Lavender Jocelyn Costa. By dona on; bring mat and freeing you to be more purposeful and House, gather informa on about retreat prosperous. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $25 Vivian water. At the Village Wellness Connec on, 226 availability and experience a mini retreat. $10 E US 69 Hwy, Claycomo, MO. More info: 816Faulkner, Money Coach and Energy Healer dona on. 1600 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS 803-8056. (913) 735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing Joni Fornelli,, School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS h<p:// REIKI CIRCLE APRIL 22 APRIL 5-6 Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 W. 47th St., BRIDGING BEYOND BOUNDARIES: USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II Kansas City, MO. 2nd Saturday every month 1CONVERSATIONS THROUGH ROLAND Learn energy healing skills for yourself and 4p to receive Reiki session. Love Offering. For others. Intro to essen al oils included. 9am – COMTOIS informa on, email or Roland Comtois, interna onally acclaimed 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for call 913-215-8863. spiritual medium, grief guide and best selling nurses, massage therapists, marriage and author, discusses how to remain connected family therapists, social workers. Karen with your loved ones who have passed, Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master,



March 2016

NEW LOCATION Transcendence has opened its 2nd loca on and is now offering Yoga & Mar al Arts for Health and Wellness, along with Massage, energy healing, Feng Shui, classes and much more! Visit our online calendar for a list of all events! 913-387-4631 U-NITE Experience Unity Temple on the Plaza's new Interspiritual Service Sundays 4:30-5:30PM in Meyer Hall (aka Eden Alley). Childcare & youth program offered. INDIGO SUPPORT GROUP FREE EVENT Every Wednesday 7-8pm Connect with other Indigo's who are struggling with life, & or addic ons who want to learn more about themselves or about Indigos! Love dona on. Transcendence or (913) 387-4631. THE TASTEFUL OLIVE - 3RD FRIDAY NITES Open un l 9 p.m. Food samples, 65 oils and vinegars to taste, music and wine. 7945 Santa Fe Dr., OP, KS. 913-649-7900. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 An och, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@ 816-5234440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer pa ents and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduc on of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. MONDAY ONENESS BLESSINGS 6:30 p.m. at Don and Jessica Palmer’s in Lee’s Summit: or 816-8061838. Love Offering. Open to all faiths, belief systems, and spiritual prac ces. SACRED CHAMBERS Free, profound 5-hour process for Transforma on, Awakening, and Healing. Dates available for Lee’s Summit or Olathe loca ons:



March 2016

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