Kansas City April Evolving Magazine

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E volving

April 2016 ~ Vol. VII1, Issue 2

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living

Heal Your Body: Go Green and Alkaline What You Need to Know to Align Your Inner Nature Kitchen Therapy Facing the Challenge of Conflict EVOLVING‌IN KANSAS CITY


April 2016



April 2016


Publisher’s Letter... Dear Friend: Each spring, nature calls to me. It is as if, like the dormant plants, I’ve been asleep all winter; for as soon as the first buds sprout from the cold ground, I awaken with an intense desire to reconnect with nature. I start planning: camping trips, kayaking voyages, travel adventures, the garden, new locations to hike--numerous ways to plant my feet in the earth and feel the connection. What amazes me so much about nature is the incredible, irresistible pull. While sleeping through the winter, I recoup from the previous bountiful fall. That’s possibly part of the glory of spring—finally waking up and planning the coming season’s harvest. As spring makes its entrance this year, we celebrate the change of seasons and return of the green with our “Green” issue, focusing on ways to choose environmentalism and make a difference. One of the single most powerful ways you can affect your environment is to eat locally. There are many ways to do so. You can join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) where you buy a “share” in a farmer’s production and get weekly deliveries of whatever is in season. You can shop your local farmers markets. You can start and grow your own garden. Or, on a smaller scale, I like to grow sprouts. It gives me pleasure to watch these small seeds sprout in just a few days into live, enzyme-filled sustenance. As nature and our need for connection to it re-awakens, I hope you enjoy this issue on Green Living.

Heal Your Body: Go Green and Alkaline 10

The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Earth Day 11

What You Need to Know to Align Your Inner Nature 12

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Kitchen Therapy The Standards: Vietnamese Kelp Noodle Bowl



Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Sara Zimmerman Print Layout/Design Alea Smith

Ad Design Lydia Knopp Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Connie “Crash” Humiston Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes

Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Food First Food Gloria’s Food Horoscope Events ON THE COVER

This sweet little lily evokes the freshness of new life and the tiny spark of light in the center that promises to burst forth under Spring’s loving blend of rain and sun. Pamela Hawkins is an artist and designer living in the Kansas City area. For more of her work, please visit pamelahawkins.com.

EVOLVING© 2016 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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April 2016


Advanced Yoga Therapy Weekend Workshop with Doug Keller With many books and CDs published on yoga as therapy, Doug Keller teaches worldwide including Japan, Germany, Thailand, Switzerland, and across the USA. He offers a lifelong commitment to sharing the vast field of “yoga as therapy.” Doug’s work in therapeutic yoga has reached new heights of understanding to help remedy challenges for hips, knees, necks and shoulders, spines, sinus, and much more. After receiving degrees in philosophy from Georgetown and Fordham Universities, he taught at the college level. Doug said he gained a postgraduate in yoga at the Siddha Meditation Ashram in India. He gave 14 years of service while training and

teaching yoga in Siddha Meditation Ashrams worldwide. Mr. Keller explored the value of many “styles” of yoga. He emerged in intensive training in the Iyengar style in New York City, practiced Ashtanga Vinyasa in India, and certified in “Anusara” yoga. He wrote three highly respected books on asana, pranayama, and yoga philosophy. His work today reflects the best of his vast knowledge of the human body, heart and mind for health and wellness. The event is held at The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd, Overland Park, KS. Find More information at www.theyogastudio.com or email news@theyogastudio.com or call 913-492-9594. Attend single or multiple classes or full workshop for discounted price running all day April 22 and 23.

Toby Evans Hosts “Dead But Not Gone” Tuesdays on BBM Global Network Imagine Where Your Freelance Writing Career Would Take You If You Had…

A Year with a Writing Mentor Join Evolving Magazine publisher and freelance journalist, Jill Dutton, for 52 weekly segments on The Business of Writing. Here are some of the weekly topics:

The Writing Life Writer, Entrepreneur Magazine Writing Book Publishing Establish Working Relationships with an Editor The Query Letter Generating Ideas Writing on Assignment The Art of the Interview Each weekly lesson includes a course on a particular topic, plus exercises and jumping points to get you started as a professional freelance writer. Learn The Business of Writing at your own pace, from a journalist with more than 20 years of experience as a freelance writer and magazine publisher. Check out https://thebusinessofwritingblog.wordpress.com or email jill@evolvingmagazine.com to find out how to start your year with a writing mentor.


“Dead, But Not Gone," hosted by Kansas Citian Toby Evans, is a new, hour-long program on BBM Global Network every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Central Time on bbmglobalnetwork.com. All shows are archived, available on the “Dead But Not Gone” link. Toby shares a view of the afterlife that is typically not considered, accepted, or talked about: that your loved ones, ancestors, friends, strangers, or past life aspects of yourself who have died may still be here, impacting your life more than you realize. Serving as your down-to-earth “soulguide,” Toby captivates and informs with her personal experiences, insights, and wisdom on this subject, drawing on 30 years of experiential learning, professional training, and her work with clients. In 1982, Toby began to dialogue with the unseen realms when the voice of her Higher Self broke through the sound barrier of her ordinary reality. She transitioned from a public school art teacher to a modern day, shamanic Earth Steward, creating one of the largest seven-circuit labyrinths in the United States. As “Keeper” of the Prairie Labyrinth, she transformed a five-acre field of


April 2016

native grasses on her Kansas City land into a potent portal that became a catalyst in assisting earthbound spirits who were ready to cross over to the world of light. With higher vibrational energies impacting the planet, more people are becoming aware of discarnate energies and can benefit from practical information and tools to help them. “Dead, But Not Gone” is an expanded outgrowth of Toby’s upcoming book, Dead, But Not Gone; Are You Part of the Soul-Bridge to Guide Them Home? Toby Evans, also the author of Keeper of the Circles; Answering Your Call to Wholeness and “Chakra Labyrinth Cards” at SageBrushExchange.com, offers spiritual counseling and healing. Contact Toby at toby@sagebrushexchange.com.


PSI Presents Transformational Healer Jerry Wills A highly-sought-after healer and near death experiencer, Jerry Wills lectures throughout the world and is featured on Gaiam TV with “The Extraordinary Life of Jerry Wills” and other segments. Presented by Psychic Studies Institute/Adventures in Consciousness at Unity Temple on the Plaza from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, April 15th, Jerry will assist you in tapping into your healing and/or other abilities, and finding your life purpose. He will recount extraordinary events—from being abandoned near a military base to growing up in a rural Kentucky family to discovering his life purpose. As a child, Jerry has recall of living where there were two moons, and aware of the life force essence that surrounds all living things. His intuitive flashes were met with scoldings by his parents so he kept his unique gifts to himself. It took a

near-fatal accident in 1991, complete with near death experience and a miraculous healing, to finally set him on the path to fulfill his destiny. The awakening moment in this NDE was a voice telling him he had more work to do. After an undocumented self-healing from the fall, his life purpose began with trips to the Café at the End of the Universe (also on Gaia.com) where he realized from the intelligent species he met that we are not alone in this universe. In this April 15 presentation, he will assist in re-discovering yourself as a being of love and light. In learning your purpose you heal those who need your help and our Mother Earth. The greatest rewards come from seeing the faces of clients and their families once their healing commences. More info: PsychicStudiesInstitute.org.

Troque Farms Acquires Fresh Connect KC Having been in the local, organic business since 1994, it was only natural for Troque Farms of Buckner, MO, to purchase Fresh Connect KC, offering yearround delivery of local, organic products to your home or office — from Lawrence to Warrensburg, Harrisonville to St. Joe. Local customer service is the only reason Troque Farms exists today. Owner Frank Kuhnert does whatever it takes to provide above optimum customer service with their delivery system. Ideal for health-minded busy families and singles, seniors, shut-ins, party hosts or offices, Fresh Connect solves the dilemma of those stressed for time and resources. How about the convenience of shopping online versus loading those kids into the car? Or having half of a pasture-fed hog delivered for your party? With Fresh Connect, you buy only what you want, when you want—while supporting local farmers, ranchers, and food artisans. Although memberships are available for those who desire even more savings, there are no commitments or pre-configured food boxes. Plus, sales and food tax savings are available to all,

with free delivery (Thursdays for MO Residents and Fridays for KS residents) for $24 orders, or a $5 minimum. I will do whatever it takes to give you above optimum service with our delivery system. Local community service is the only reason that Troque Farms exists today. Ordering is easy at www.FreshConnect.com. Just like at your health market, select from an inclusive line of dairy; meats; bakery; deli; produce; pantry; drinks and coffee; food boxes; holiday items; bath/body; cleaning/laundry; gluten, dairy, and nutfree baked goods. Of course, Troque Farms still offers its signature delivery of pastured meats (beef and pork), raw milk, eggs, organic chicken feed, Fertrell lawn and garden fertilizers, feed supplements, soil minerals, and the FDA-approved Nixall green disinfectant and cleaner for hospitals, home, office, and livestock health. Follow on Facebook at Fresh Connect—Troque Farms, visit www.FreshConnect.com, or call 816-875-5678.



April 2016

Journey to Wholeness

Facing the Challenge of Conflict to Collaboration BY JUDE LACLAIRE, PH.D.


ne thing is very predictable. You will have many opportunities each day to deal with conflict. It might be with a co-worker, a supervisor, a friend or family member. The question is, “What do you do with that challenge?” When faced with conflict one might respond by avoiding. You can change the subject or remain silent. Another strategy is to counter-attack or become defensive. A third and more deadly is to be contemptuous with sarcasm, ridicule, name-calling or other put-downs. We are all too familiar with this repertoire, having experienced or executed these strategies. None of these help us to establish good connection or collaboration. Dr. Daniel Wile, author of After the Honeymoon: How Conflict Can Improve Your Relationship, suggests that “Those in an adversarial interaction are in need of a conversation of reconciliation in which each partner (person) appreciates the other’s point of view.” How can we begin to have this awareness? One very helpful tool is to “mirror” what a person is telling you. That means repeating, without interpretation or judgment, what you just heard. This slows the conversation a bit and gives you time to respond without reaction. The person speaking also feels heard! This approach keeps us from reacting in a defensive, attacking or contemptuous way. The other person may clarify or state more of what he or she wants to share. Of course, it is helpful if both people in the conversation can do this. You may be surprised that if you mirror someone, they will respond more positively as you model this behavior. Collaboration in relationships develops one encounter at a time. Research by relationship professionals indicates that we need at least five positive encounters for each negative one. It is also good to remember that it takes fifteen seconds for a positive experience to register in the brain and zero seconds for a negative one. This helps motivate us to keep that positive to negative ratio in the healthy range. Another approach that has been a communication foundation for any relationship is listening for the ‘message about the message.’ This means listening with empathy for the unconscious message. Here is an example. Upon



April 2016

arriving home the spouse is greeted by an angry “Why are you always late? You never do what you say you are going to do.” Of course, one would want to act defensively or angrily. Think instead about the unconscious purpose. Is he/she really saying something like, “I would like to spend more quality time with you?” or “I am afraid I am not interesting enough” or “I am afraid you might leave me.” Our hidden fears, wishes, lifelong dreams or low self-esteem may lie at the root of this partner’s complaint. (Dan Wile) Harville Hendrix in Getting the Love You Want, suggests that unresolved issues from past relationships, particularly from childhood, are the major cause of many issues in relationships. He suggests that one of the purposes of the relationship is for partners to complete and heal one another’s wounds. A tool he suggests to couples is to say to each other when triggered into an emotional reaction: “When you______, I feel _______ and it reminds me of____________.” This can help us identify what triggers us, our emotional reaction and what it might be linked to in our past experience. This is very helpful for couples as they work with trying to hear and appreciate the source of the emotional reaction. Each of these tools can help us to hear, appreciate, and affirm the other person’s experience. It is a way to break out of the circle of negativity created by conflict and deepen the collaborative partnership. Try any one or all of them at work, at home or with close friends. You might just find more peaceful, connected relationships.

Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre go to www.kcholistic.com jude@kcholistic.com.

Holistic Health

How to Naturally Approach BY DR, NANCY RUSSELL Inflammation


he foods that we eat can lead to, or prevent, inflammation, which is one of the final pathways for most of the common diseases. Inflammation is a crucial protective reaction; it is there to protect us so that healing can take place. What you eat can turn inflammation on, but more importantly, what you eat can turn inflammation off. There are eight major foods/ substances that contribute to inflammation. The number one cause of inflammation is sugar, which exists is the form of corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, golden syrup, maltose, and sucrose. If you have any signs of inflammation or any problems linked to inflammation such as heart disease, memory loss, autoimmune diseases, and arthritis, eliminate sugar. There are good oils that have a very good omega-6 to omega-3 ratios such as olive oil, avocado oil, and macadamia nut oil. The bad oils are very high in omega 6 fatty acids and should be avoided; these are cottonseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and vegetable oil. These bad oils such as industrial vegetable oils are usually found in fast foods and processed foods. Trans fats are the worst fats and are found in deep fried foods, fast foods and commercially prepared baked goods. Cow’s milk can lead to inflammation and is a common contributor to arthritis, skin rashes, chronic sinus conditions, and irritable bowel problems. Lactose intolerance also causes inflammation. Cured meats and red meats contain a substance called neu5Gc, which is a compound that the body sees as a foreign invader, so it produces antibodies and triggers an inflammatory response. Excess alcohol consumption is linked to irritation and inflammation of the esophagus. Esophagus and throat cancers are linked to alcohol consumption as well as cirrhosis of the liver and alcoholinduced hepatitis. Another cause of inflammation for many people is the consumption of refined grains, such as white bread and white rice, and also turn quickly into sugar in our bodies. Grains plus added sugar and bad fats such as donuts are a triple whammy. Artificial food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and all artificial sweeteners (Splenda, NutraSweet, and saccharin) trigger the inflammatory response. Do not eat anything in a package unless you read the label and identify all of the ingredients.

Raw honey, monk fruit, and stevia are better choices for natural sweetness. Inflammation is our body’s normal response to injury, infection, stress, foreign substances, and anything that irritates the human body. Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease are all linked to inflammation. Polluted air, chemical irritants, second-hand smoke, and pesticides are all seen by the body as foreign invaders so they turn on the immune system. This irritation can lead to chronic inflammation of the lung and increase the risk for cancer. Another common cause of inflammation is midline weight, also known as excess belly fat. These fat cells are actually an inflammatory organ and they can produce cytokines, which raise blood pressure, cause inflammation and can lead to diabetes. If you have a chronic sleep disturbance or even just a few hours of lost sleep, or sleep apnea, the body turns on its defense system, which leads to inflammation. There are many ways to prevent inflammation, so start today to improve your overall health. Eat whole foods, fish high in omega-3, seaweed, and whole fruits and vegetables. Use healthy oils on your food. Drink filtered water but do not drink water from plastic bottles unless they are BPA free. Get plenty of exercise and good sleep. Other foods and herbs that protect your body from inflammation are turmeric, broccoli, shitake mushrooms, green tea, holy basil or Tulsi tea, ginger and basil. All stress is toxic—emotional, mental, and spiritual stress—and can aggravate an already inflamed body. Take time to breathe, relax, and connect with loved ones.

Connect with Kansas City’s Holistic Healing and Spiritual Community.

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Evolving Magazine seeks commissioned sales person. Jill@evolvingmagazine.com for more info

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.


Karen Harrison, Ed.S.


April 2016


816-523-4440 www.KarenHarrison.net Karen@KarenHarrison.net 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114

Food First

The Standards:Vietnamese Kelp Noodle Bowl


’m offering you the recipes Hubby and I turn to again and again because they taste and make us feel great. The Standard this month is a tasty Vietnamese Kelp Noodle Bowl. I served it to my friend Michael, who came to town to lead a mindfulness retreat this past January. Michael spent nine years at Plum Village, the monastery of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in France. As such, he has eaten his share of Vietnamese food. At first, he seemed disappointed that we weren’t going out. I reminded him that he would get more than his share of eating out during his visit and he might appreciate a home cooked meal. He proceeded to devour this soup and had seconds. Michael informed me that the presence of star anise in the soup makes it a pho, pronounced “fuh,” which is the best most westerners can do to approximate the true pronunciation of the word. This soup is my go-to for potlucks. It’s a terrific way to enjoy raw vegetables and warm up at the same time. I place all the vegetables on a platter in the middle of the table, so everyone can top their soup their way. For authenticity, stop into one our local Asian markets for big soup bowls, porcelain soup spoons, and chopsticks. I prefer kelp noodles over the rice noodles usually served in Vietnamese soup. Kelp noodles look like traditional clear noodles and keep the carbs low. Most health food stores stock kelp noodles. I’ve seen them at Hy-Vee in their health market section. I keep dried shiitake mushrooms slices around since fresh aren’t always available. It is best to soak them first, but I’ve been known to throw them in the pot dry. I purchase star anise in pieces and grind them in a spice grinder. A spice grinder is a coffee grinder reserved for spices. Cashews add good quality protein and fat if you prefer a vegetarian dish. Tofu would work well, too. Otherwise, add your favorite animal flesh, cooked or raw. The toppings listed are my favorites, but the season determines which ones I use. Don’t see your favorite? Go ahead and give it a try!


Vietnamese Kelp Noodle Bowl (Serves 6) Soup Broth 1 TBSP grape seed oil 1 small onion, sliced into half-moons 1/4 cup peeled and thinly sliced fresh ginger 6 cups water or vegetable stock 2 cubes Rapunzel Vegetable Bouillon (no salt added), if using water 1 cup stemmed and sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms or 3/4 cup dried 1 TBSP gluten-free tamari (natural soy sauce) 1/2 tsp ground star anise. 1/2 tsp salt 2 cups finely chopped bok choy 1 TBSP toasted sesame oil 2 bags Kelp noodles Toppings A scant handful of each per person, less for the onions, herbs, and jalapeño pepper. Sprouts! Mung bean are traditional but I often use sunflower sprouts Micro greens Shredded Napa or other cabbage Broccoli florets Julienned carrots, Julienned salad turnips Julienned red and yellow pepper Cherry tomato halves Green beans Spiral sliced watermelon radishes. The pink color of their centers brightens up the bowl! Raw cashews Tofu, cubed, marinated in tamari Your favorite animal flesh cut into bite-size pieces, cooked or raw

EvolvingMagazine.com EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


April 2016

Green onions, thinly sliced Cilantro leaves, coarsely chopped Mint leaves, coarsely chopped Basil leaves, coarsely chopped Jalapeno pepper, thinly sliced Lime, sliced Heat the grapeseed oil in a large soup pot. Add the onion and ginger. Sauté until the onions soften. Stir in vegetable stock (or water and bouillon), mushrooms, tamari, star anise and salt. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add bok choy and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Add toasted sesame oil. Place a generous handful of kelp noodles in each bowl. Ladle soup broth over the noodles. Add toppings, a squeeze of lime and enjoy.

Bethany Klug, DO created HealthSpan out of a deep wish: for everyone to experience vibrant health. We go beyond the conventional pill-for an-ill approach to educate and inspire you so you can successfully make positive steps toward greater health and wellbeing. HealthSpan is also offering some excellent classes to help you add some quick, easy and delicious dishes to your weekly repertoire. Learn more at www.healthspankc.com or 913-642-1900.

Food Gloria’s Food

Kitchen Therapy Help is here for those baffled by cooking healthy and happy


ive me a real soda pop and my whole body lights up. The culprit: sugar. I’ll admit it—I’m a recovering sugar addict. Ponder this. A trio of scientists at the University of Bordeaux reported, “When rats were allowed to choose mutually-exclusively between water sweetened with saccharin and intravenous cocaine, the large majority of animals (94 percent) preferred the sweet taste of saccharin. The same preference was also observed with sucrose, a natural sugar. The findings further suggest sweetened water may surpass cocaine reward–one of the most addictive and harmful substances currently known. Sweet sensations evoked by sugar-sweetened foods and drinks are probably one of the most precocious, frequent, and intense sensory pleasures of modern humans.”* Every time you grocery shop, your intentions may be admirable… eat whole foods, avoid pre-packaged convenience foods, and stay away from sugar. Then, your resolve dissolves…poof. “It’s not just you, it’s all of us,” says Randy Evans, Dietician/ Nutritionist with KU Medical Center’s Integrative Medicine Department. Evans, along with health care team dietician, Leigh Wagner, wants to show people the value of eating whole foods.

Kitchen Therapy to the Rescue Instead of crashing with a bag of chips and a coke, consider attending a smart, well-paced, and nutritionally informative class at the Healing Foods Kitchen at KUMED’s Integrative Medicine Department. Here’s where good taste and a bounty of information come together in hands-on demonstrations designed to show you the way to cooking healthfully. According to the Healing Foods Kitchen guidelines, participants will discover how to prepare foods that support specific health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other diet-related conditions. In addition, people will confidently use skills to create healthy cooking techniques. Information is great, but you have to know how to prepare whole, minimally-processed foods. Plus, class participants get to taste the food, collect the recipes, and learn that cooking can be simple and enjoyable. Wagner addresses the issue of the picky eaters, “You have to teach yourself to try something differently. Realize, we’re all big kids. It takes kids 30 times to try a food they normally

BY GLORIA GALE avoid. You’re not going to like everything, but if you eat well 80 percent of the time, you’re going in the right direction. If you hate cauliflower, we show you how to make it differently than the way you’re used to.” This simple, healthy, and functional way to cook is the message Evans and Wagner deliver. I attended a class and learned to demystify the art of cooking and how to dump the sugar. If I can do it, you can too. Call 913-945-7624 for registration and information.

Cumin - Crusted Salmon Ingredients: 2 teaspoons cumin seeds 2 teaspoons ground cardamom ¾ teaspoon sea salt 4 5-ounces fresh Alaskan salmon fillets, skin on

Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 425̊ F. 2. Sprinkle cumin seeds, cardamom, and ¼ teaspoon of the salt over the meaty sides of the salmon. Heat a large oven-proof skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Coat with grapeseed oil or nonstick cooking spray. Add the salmon, seasoned sides down; cook for 3 minutes or until browned. Turn the fillets over; place the skillet in the oven and bake for 810 minutes or until the salmon is opaque in the center. 3. For spicier flavor, add 1 teaspoon chipotle hot pepper sauce, such as Tabasco Recipe adapted by Leigh Wagner from Chef MD’s Big Book of Culinary Medicine by John La Puma * Citation: Lenoir M, Serre F, Cantin L, Ahmed SH (2007) Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward. PLoS ONE 2(8): e698.

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town? Contact Gloria: ggale@everestkc.net



April 2016


Heal Your Body: Go Green and Alkaline BY TODD BORRON


pring is around the corner and everything is turning green. Spring rains, longer days and the rays from the sun provide the energy to allow plants and trees to come back to life. As plants and trees green up, the process called “photosynthesis” goes about its work to produce oxygen and is unarguably one of the natural wonders of creation. This amazing process uses the sun to help plants produce pure oxygen which eliminates volatile organic compounds harmful to our health and aids in cleaning up our environment. Like plants, our bodies need lots of water and oxygen. Without them, we can’t exist. Photosynthesis isn't just important to plants; it's also essential to most other living things on Earth. Through photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the air, which is the oxygen required to breathe. Photosynthesis is also important because plant-eating animals use the energy that has been converted from the sun to fuel their own bodies. Essentially humans do the same—provided we are eating our greens! The chlorophyll produced by plants is excellent for human bodies and provides many health benefits. Chlorophyll is very alkalizing and aids in detoxifying our bodies which are very similar to plants because we need lots of nutrients, oxygen, and the energy from the sun to keep us healthy. If we don't take in enough nutrients and oxygen our body can become very acidic, making it hard to

fight off the disease process. Studies lacking in your daily diet. When not suggest it’s very hard if not impossible for replenished your bones can become disease and bacteria to flourish in our brittle and break. My favorite mentor body if we are alkaline and oxygenated. coaches Olympic and professional We want our internal body clean, green athletes and he once said most people are and alkaline. Have you ever done a pH 1000 percent deficient in minerals. When test to check the alkalinity of your body? the basic health of your body is largely It might be an eye opening experience and determined by how many nutrients you might make you think about your health if are getting on a daily basis it’s easy to see you see how acidic your body is. I refer to how we get deficient. That's why you want it as “Dirty Blood” and it can nutrient rich dark leafy stem from hundreds of in your diet and “The chlorophyll greens reasons; but the bottom line is lots of green powders. your body is toxic and needs produced by plants One of my favorite ways to be cleaned up. Much like a to get my power nutrition is excellent for hot tub that gets chemically is to eat sprouts. out of balance, as the pH is human bodies and (www.sproutman.com) altered it will become cloudy My favorite sprouts are provides many and smelly. That's exactly black lentils and what goes on inside our body groats. It only health benefits.” buckwheat when our pH gets out of takes a couple of days to balance. The longer you let it sprout them which turns go the more likely your health will decline them into superfoods by increasing the and the harder you will have to work to nutrient density many times over. The reverse the problem. When our body’s sprouting process already helps predigest become acidic we use huge amounts of the foods and provides many more mineral (which our bodies need to nutrients than eating the foods in their rebalance and repair at the cellular level) natural state. I love throwing a handful to buffer the pH which can lead to into my protein shake in the morning mineral deficiencies. Eating dark leafy along with about 25 other power foods. greens rich in chlorophyll or adding Sprouting is very easy, doesn't take up mineral rich green powders to your foods much room and you can do it year round. are an excellent way to help improve pH I hope by now you’re asking yourself: levels. I use several green powders of “How green and alkaline is my body"? which my favorite is an organic blend that's derived from extracts of many different sprouts. It packs a serious punch and even has broccoli sprouts extracts which have been shown to kill mutated cells. Don't get me wrong, you can be very healthy and still be very acidic. I’ve coached many high-level athletes who find it hard to keep their pH in normal range because the body produces large amounts of waste products (lactic acid) during high-intensity exercise. Mineral Todd Borron is a Functional supplementation and eating chlorophyll Health Coach and Kinesiology rich foods or juicing can help alkalize and Specialist. He evaluates every keep your pH within normal range. Most part of the body for stress and Americans eat way too many processed checks the foods, sugars and animal products which functioning. Dysfunction can be are mostly acidic foods. structural, neurological, On top of that, most people drink nutritional, emotional, acidic drinks that have to be buffered by electrical or increasing toxicity minerals robbed from other places in your levels, which affect the body. body. Have you heard of osteoporosis and Todd can be reached at weak brittle bones? The bones are one of tborronmo@gmail.com or 573the last places your body tries to rob 692-0000 and has offices in nutrients from when the nutrients are Lee’s Summit and Overland Park.

Image Licensed by Ingram Images



April 2016


The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Earth Day “Beauty Raises Our Energy…When we become aware of the unique and beautiful qualities of nature…we have, in effect, raised our vibration on the continuum of consciousness.” —James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide


f you take time to reflect deeply, you know that the most important truths come directly from the heart. As springtime wakes up around you this year and you begin to see announcements for upcoming Earth Day events, ask yourself what the concept of “Earth Day” really means to you, to your own heart. In fact, what does it mean to all of us—to all living beings on this glorious planet?

Recognizing Your 54 Senses Find a quiet place in nature and see if you can open your awareness to your innate senses of:

Vision, light, sight Color & related moods Visibility/invisibility Temperature, season, time of day, weather

Hearing, sounds, vibrations Pressure, gravity Touch, weight, balance Smell, taste, appetite Colonizing, horticultural sense Community, play Courting, love, procreation Hormones, pheromones Motion, space, place Time, rhythm, patterns Reason, mind, intuition Language & articulation Form & design Electromagnetic resonance Reason & emotions Pain, fear, stress, capitulation Aesthetic sense, creativity Spiritual sense, sublime love Sense of unity and natural attractions as the singular essence and source of all our other senses

Source: The Nature Process by Tabitha Jayne

This year, intentionally make time to step away from your everyday activities and go outside to be in nature. Find some place that is especially attractive to you—meander through the woods, nap by your favorite tree or shrub, or meditate by a lake or pond or unusual rock. And then immerse yourself into the deep essence of your surroundings while you soften and expand your five senses:  Using your sense of sight, notice the colors, shadows, forms, shapes, and dimensions of objects all around you.  Touch something nearby—a branch or blossom or the soil—and notice the textures and gradients of its surfaces against your skin.  Inhale its fragrance while you tap into its heady sense of earthiness.  Imagine that you could taste the item you touched and ask yourself, what would its texture feel like on your tongue? What might its flavor be?  Expand your sense of hearing— what sounds are near you? Which are far away? Which noises give you an awareness of movement or motion?

Yet developing the ability to enhance and expand Buhner’s “doors of perception” gives us the opportunity to also expand our neural networks for what Buhner calls “the feeling sense…the heart -field perception”. This heart-field perception, explored in more depth in his book, The Secret Teachings of Plants, is our primary cognitive approach to the world. “The more sensitivity we cultivate to sensory flows, the more directly we perceive with our senses and the wider the door opens.”

Our Intrinsic Nature

If you pause to think about it, we are, after all, as much pure animal as the next mammal is—so our intrinsic nature is to be in direct connection to the natural world around us. We humans also have the sense of need for sunlight and the Our 54 Remarkable Senses healing release we crave as we rest in the Then expand your awareness to shelter of a beloved old tree. encompass the area around you and as We have the ability to orient ourselves you take a deep, settling, cleansing breath, according to our awareness of place and begin to magnify those five senses into all location, to be cognizant of the time and of your 54 Senses! temperature and season and humidity According to research in the field of and wind. We were designed with all Ecopsychology, and outlined in her books these innate tools to help us feel safe, The Nature Process and 54 Days: 54 confident, and at home on this planet. Senses, Transpersonal Ecopsychologist As Buhner explains, “to use your Tabitha Jayne explains that we humans senses most productively, you must go out have no fewer than 54 distinct senses that from the cities…you must find a place range from chemical, electromagnetic, where Nature is not buried under light, and polarization to senses of concrete and asphalt…Sensing takes the community and love and interconnected place of thinking...consciousness begins spirit. to move out of the brain, leaving the We are all born with these 54 analytical mind behind. You begin to find remarkable senses available to us, but we the world that our ancient ancestors knew learn to close them (or at the very least, so well.” ignore them) as we develop into When we witness or experience “civilized” human beings. addiction, hoarding, self-harm, Internationally revered herbalist depression, and violence, we are Stephen Harrod Buhner, in his book, witnessing a human who has lost this Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal connection to their true nature—a soul Realm, explains that “…the habitual whose senses have been battered and narrowing of sensory-gating channels that bolted shut so that there is no peace in most of us experience…[allows us to] only belonging, no sure-footedness on the soils perceive a very small part of the world of our earth. around us. Only a tiny bit of the radiance of the world can shine in through the So this Earth Day, if you truly want to narrow aperture that is left.” honor the earth, do so from the inside— reconnect to it in each moment, with



April 2016


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every breath, every sight and smell and sound and taste and touch—and then notice how it makes you feel. As you set your Earth Day resolution to plant trees, restore native gardens, recycle more, and consume less, commit to taking time every single day to come into the natural presence that you always have available, through all your senses, and reconnect to your own true Earth Self. Buhner’s advice? “Take a walk some place wild, where the civilized do not go.” Welcome yourself home with a deep remembrance of your very essence.

Meditation teacher Sami Aaron is a Kansas Master Naturalist and Master Trainer/Certified Facilitator of The Nature Process®. She leads workshops and retreats in The Nature Process via www.BeingOntoSomething.org 913-915-1971 Her company, BeingOntoSomething LLC, is a member of 1% for the Planet: using business as the engine of positive environmental change.


What You Need to Know to Align Your Inner Nature BY ROBERT FUNKHAUSER


hat if you had the power to change your relationship with nature? What changes would you make? How then would you live? What would your world look like? If you are ready to make a change then sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take three deep, relaxing breaths. Think silently on the highest relationship you can have with nature and what you can do to bring about a greener life and a greener world. Don’t hold back, think big! Take all the time you need, and when you feel complete with this, open your eyes and make notes about what you thought, felt, and saw. The next exercise is longer. You can perform it one paragraph at a time, or if you are online, you can access the audio file and let me guide you in this healing and rejuvenating journey by visiting www.evolvingmagazine.com and clicking on the audio link. Find a spot on the wall or ceiling to stare at and hold your attention there while you breathe slowly and rhythmically. After a while, your eyes will feel heavy, and then heavier with each breath. Want that to happen, and when you are ready, close your eyes and take a long slow breath and let it out with a sigh and relax even more. Now imagine a wave of relaxing energy washing up over your feet and ankles, all the way up to your knees. As it washes up, the wave removes any stress from your toes, feet, ankles, lower leg muscles, and knees. Then see the wave of energy slowly recede, taking with it any remaining tension. With the next breath, bring the wave of energy up again, into your feet and lower legs and up into your upper legs, hips, and torso, and all the way up to the top of your head. Then with a long exhale, see the wave slowly recede, washing away any remaining tension and stress from your body. Good! Now imagine a sun-like light above you. It shines brightly upon your head, and moves into your brain, and down into your neck, into your shoulders, chest, heart, and lungs, imbuing your brain, mind, and heart with the soothing warm light of

love, creativity, and intelligence. See that ture is perfect and you feel weightless on light spread into every part of your body— your feet. every organ, muscle, nerve, and cell, even Now stepping out of the waterfall, you into the marrow of your bones. Take all see that the Elder and her helpers have the time you need to allow this light to fill new clothing for you to wear. Suddenly you completely. you are wearing the new clothes and you Now, imagine yourself walking barefeel wonderfully centered and at ease in foot in a beautiful, grassy meadow. Feel your realigned body of rejuvenated cells, the soft, green grass caressing your feet as and you know you are forever changed. you walk. There are flowers, butterflies, It's all different now because you are difbirds and other wildlife. See the trees ferent now. swaying in the gentle breeze. Feel the The Elder smiles with knowing apwarmth of the sun on your skin, and the proval and walks slowly toward you, a gift entrancing joy in her hands. There's so you feel inside. light around the gift it “Think silently on the highest much Spend some seems to be pure light, and time enjoying relationship you can have as she approaches, you nothis beautiful tice the shape. Holding out with nature and what you your hands, you receive the and peaceful place. glowing gift. The gift is a can do to bring about a As you symbol of transformation greener life and a walk along, and a sign of your initiation feeling younginto the circle of naturegreener world. ” er and more aligned beings. As you revibrant with ceive the gift and thank the each step, you notice an ancient rock arch Elder, you feel the gentle warmth emanatand a low wall of stones. Through the ing from the gift. Its beautiful radiating misty opening, you see a beautiful being waves strengthen and deepen your alignin white, near a fountain. This being is a ment with nature. Planetary Elder and she will help you take And now it's almost time to leave this the next step in developing a deeper rela- sacred place. The Elder walks with you tionship with nature. back to the stone arch where you entered You greet each other with a sacred, and you share an embrace, and a deep loving, namaste, and then the Elder leads loving look and the Elder tells you that you to a radiant waterfall beside a river. you can return any time you wish. The Elder looks deeply into your eyes and Walking back the meadow where you instructs you by telepathy. She then gives began, you feel more completely now the you a bar of magic cleansing soap made of soft, green grass under your feet. You lie light. down on the grass and gaze at the azure Then, removing your clothing by sky, and then fall into a beautiful meditathought, suddenly you are in the suntion. warmed waterfall, using the magic soap, When you are ready to return, count and washing away all the limiting beliefs slowly from one to five. When you get to you have adopted or accepted about your- five, your eyes will open and you will be self, about nature, and your relationship back in waking consciousness, with a with nature. You find that you can see smile on your radiant face. blockages in your body, in your emotional body, and in your mind and neural pathways, and with the magic soap, you remove them all and replace them with the multi-colored, self-aligning energy of the spiritual waterfall. You tear and cry a little at the power of the cleansing, and the relief that it brings, and at the joy that is arising inside of you, realigning every cell in your body and every belief in your subconscious mind. Robert Funkhauser is a writer As you continue the cleansing and and hypnotherapist. He lives offyour cells realign, you notice your body grid in a solar home outside of changing shape. You are becoming limber Santa Fe. For more information and radiant, leaner with more muscle go to tone, with glowing eyes and smooth viNewMexicoHypnotherapy.com, brant skin, much like you had as a young or email mesabob@gmail.com. adult. You feel like pure energy. Your pos-

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April 2016

Spiritual Horoscope

April 2016 Aries (March 21 – April 19) Happy birthday Aries! Venus in your sign helps you feel more loving and brings a new relationship or improves a current one. Forgive old hurts since Mars is retrograde— which allows new “good stuff” to flow in! Set financial goals and also visualize what makes you happy. Keep focusing on future imagery and don’t give up since it might not manifest until mid-May. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Both Saturn and Mars are retrograde, asking you to look at old debts. Perhaps you need to re-budget and ponder what’s truly necessary. You might need to be direct with anyone who you’ve lent money to. More importantly, it’s time to clear out emotional issues. “Keeping tabs” with partners blocks intimacy. Also, forgive long-ago problems with others in your past that inhibit joy today! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Be patient in relationships. As a Gemini, it’s vital to have good communication. Are there any misunderstandings to clear up? Are you assuming things and then running with false conclusions in your head? Or maybe you need to have good communication with yourself by focusing in meditation about the kind of person you want to be involved with . . .

and also, what kind of person you truly wish to be. Breakthroughs will be slow but worth it! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Mars and Saturn retrograde want to help you meet work goals—and also, make sure you work in a positive environment. Meditate to forgive coworkers or supervisors and ask for insights about how to navigate tough personalities. Don’t let others live rent free in your head! Let go of inner tension to pave the way for new job offers if current conditions don’t improve. You’ll have the energy to focus and be successful which can lead to a raise or promotion! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Even if you’re having relationship challenges, don’t lose faith in love! Meditate to see how you’re being stubborn (Leo pride!) and open your mind to forgive. If single, instead of focusing on discouragement, seek out others with fulfilling bonds and see them as hopeful models for your future! Gently work to eliminate parts of yourself in order to be a better partner. Do something joyful daily—dance, visit museums, play with pets, laugh—to draw more joy! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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You’re on the verge of prosperity breakthroughs! Meditate on inherited ideas from your family


or society that block the flow of abundance. Choose to not let them dictate your reality! In a similar way, limited beliefs about intimate relationships can be tossed out now, so your heart opens to trust and love. You can even heal sexual shame and other issues that inhibit bonding to others and keep you from appreciating your body as a sacred temple! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Mars and Saturn want you to heal negative thinking! As a Libra, it’s as easy to be up as to be down—so choose to be up! Even though negativity feels more “real”, it’s only because it’s a habit. Surround yourself with people who believe in greater possibilities for their life and for yours! You need support like an alcoholic needs sober pals, not friends who hang out in the bar! When your thoughts change, everything will change to mirror your mind! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Mars and Saturn retrograde bring financial help. The key for you as a Scorpio is developing self-worth. Meditate to find the root of why you believe you need to suffer and struggle. You deserve to thrive, not just survive! Dote on yourself — a massage once a month; buy organic food; say loving thoughts to yourself throughout the day. Gentleness breeds self-love, which attracts health, wealth and joy!

Trust that you are earnest and don’t need rules to “be good” or to “get things done”. Make time for play, relaxation and silliness, which are all healing medicines for you! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Your sign is one of humanity, but paradoxically, you can struggle with social isolation. It’s time to release past experiences of expulsion by groups, which most Aquarians have in their emotional history. Clinging to the identity of an outsider is painful. Meditate to release those old traumas so it feels safe to share yourself with friends and with the world. If you’re currently around people who are rejecting, let them go, no matter how long they’ve been in your life to make room for supportive comrades! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) There can be temporary delays in job changes or career advancement since Mars and Saturn are retrograde. These planets ask to reflect on your true talents and what avenues are best for them. Meditate about breaking your slave mentality at work. You can take so much “crap” from supervisors and become victimized. Your new empowerment will attract better circumstances than just making a quick shift right now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) As a Sag, you’re all about freedom, yet Saturn has retrograded in your sign until August. It wants to help you create disciplines that allow ease of selfexpression! Without clarity, Sagittarius can flail around and waste energy being “free.” Focusing in a direction will be satisfying. Your identity and self-esteem will strengthen. You can commit to relationships and jobs that fulfill you. You can also set limits with people who disrespect you! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Unlike your Sagittarius pals, you often have too many restrictions on yourself. Saturn retrograde wants you to loosen up unnecessary self-criticism, harmful rituals, and outmoded beliefs! Meditate on self-love and gentleness.


April 2016

Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 or visit www.alunamichaels.com

RESOURCE DIRECTORY ALTERNATIVE HEALING Dr. Marga Birmingham - Human & Animal Energy/Spiritual/Shamanic Healing; SelfEmpowerment; Consciousness; drmarga.org (808) 429-3064; healing@drmarga.org At the Healing Place ~ Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 ~ www.atthehealingplace.com Centered Spirit ~ The Holistic solution for chronic and acute health conditions ~ Medical Massage, Maya Abdominal Massage, Cupping, Infrared sauna. 816-225-9393 or visit centeredspirit.com Regina Compernolle, Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; SacredEarthArts.com Integrative Therapies by Sarah P. Chapman Aromatherapy Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Vitaflex, Pressure Point Therapy 913-549-0280 www.sarahpchapman.com

COUNSELING Martha Childers, LPC EdS; 816.892.0803 Women, Couples, 50+, LGBT, Aging in Place End of Life Preparations, Financial, Career www.ChildersCounselingService.com Barb Hoffman, MA, LPC, LCSW, in KCMO; 816.561.1116 Indiv./Couples/Family Therapy, Depression & anxiety, abuse & trauma, grief & loss, addictions, relationships. Most insurance. Jennifer Elliott, LPC Collaborative care for adults, couples, & children, depression & anxiety, stress mngmt, divorce, grief & loss. 7501 College Blvd. OP, KS 913-703-3183

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 - www.KarenElise.com

FITNESS AKKA Karate Westport, Midtown/Downtown Teaching Martial Arts for almost 50 years: Kenpo Karate, Tai Chi, and Self-Defense. Free intro class 816-756-1340; www.akkawestport.com

SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net



Maya's Oasis Energy Healing Institute Classes & sessions in Reiki, energy healing, intuitive development, and more. NCBTMB approved courses. www.MayaZahira.com BODY-WISDOM BOOT-CAMP, 21-Day Virtual Cleanse Retreat. For more info or to sign up, contact Kathy Daugherty at 785-633-2424 or www.bodywisdombykathy.com/body-wisdom-boot-camp Holos University Graduate Seminary Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research: www.holosuniversity.org

GOURMET FOODS The Tasteful Olive, New rich & thick balsamic in store! Along with 65 other oils & vinegars. Gourmet products galore. 7945 Santa Fe Dr, OP, KS. www.thetastefulolive.com “Friend That Cooks Personal Chefs” offer weekly meal prep for families with busy schedules, food allergies or special diets. 913-660-0790; www.kcmealprep.com


LIFE COACH Healing Thru Music and Life Coaching For more info. Contact Kathleen (913)206-2151 or Klmamuric@yahoo.com $25.00 per session.

Chartwell Realty, Soraya Jennings Office: 816-877-8200 Cell: 816-213-7089 www.cashflowrealestateinvestments.com 4141 Pennsylvania Suite 105 Kansas City, MO

RETREATS The Lavender House Retreat Center, Lawrence KS. Private therapy rooms, individual and small group retreat & seminar space. 785-550-0473 Lavenderhouse.org

SPIRITUAL GROWTH Stephanie Forcier, CT/CAP, Classes, Akashic Record, Source, and Angel Sessions: connect with your infinite nature, 816-260-2438, www.facebook.com/innerwisdomevolution

Stephanie Red Feather, the Healer's Healer Transformational life/business/$ coaching, shamanic healing, energy therapies, Reiki classes, women's circles. 913-515-3271, redfeatherconnections.com


MEDITATION Kansas City Meditation Group of Self-Realization Fellowship Sunday Service 10AM 10819 Wornall Rd, KCMO http://kcmeditation.com/ 816-799-5544

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. www.GoWithSteph.com Kimberlin Hypnosis, LLC Kathleen Kimberlin, CHt Smoking/weight loss/childbirth/past life/behavior www.HYPNOSISEMPOWERS.com Call for free consultation (816) 305-8418 Nutrition Consultant- Jackie Caldwell HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com



Re-Imagine Your Life with Lania Desmond Life Purpose • Relationships • Divine Guidance Private Sessions & Group Events. SoulPoint.com 828-236-1230 ~ info@SoulPoint.com

New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907


N2paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga) An integrated approach to balance & relaxation for you and your canine companion! www.n2paws.com 816-522-7005

April 2016

The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594; www.theyogastudio.com Leavenworth Yoga Co-op Join us at Leavenworth's only yoga studio. Daily yoga classes, massage therapy, and Tai Chi. 913-933-9595 ~ www.LvnYogaCoop.com Yoga Patch; 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660

WEDDINGS Unity Temple Offering Free Simple Wedding Ceremonies Register at www.simpleceremonieskc.com 707 West 47th Street Kansas City, MO

Events APRIL 2 GRAND OPENING 2nd location! Now offering Yoga, Martial Arts, Classes, Event Space and much more! 8702 W 49th Terrace Merriam KS 66203 www.transcendencekc.com 913-687-4631 APRIL 2 FOAM ROLLER WORKSHOP 11:30-1:30 at the Yoga Patch in Waldo, www.YogaPatch.com: Learn how to easily release soft tissues with self-massage with your foam roller.

APRIL 8-10 USUI/HOLY FIRE ADVANCED REIKI TRAINING/REIKI MASTER Learn the Master symbol and the new Holy Fire material. Work with crystals. Strengthen your healing energy and be able to teach Reiki. 9am6:30pm. $975 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, social workers. ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440 karen@karenharrison.net karenharrison.net APRIL 8 & 22 TAROT FOR BEGINNERS 6 - 7:30 pm (Both dates) Learn how to step into confidence as you distinguish the symbols, metaphors, and rich imagery of the Tarot cards. Discover the magic within the cards that holds clues to the past, present, and future. www.transcendencekc.com

Westwood, KS. Members free, guests $5. More info: www.prskc.org. APRIL 16 UNDERSTANDING & STRENGTHENING YOUR INTUITION W/GEORGIA CLARK—IN TOPEKA Learn to trust, understand, and protect your intuition, with lots of fun exercises! 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $90, www.lifejourneyhealing.com. At Unity Church of Christianity in Topeka. Enroll: 785-608-6444. APRIL 16-17 WEEKEND WORKSHOP IN BASIC SHAMANISM Michael Harner’s “The Way of the Shaman®” at KC Hilton Airport Hotel. Register now: www.WorldShaman.org or contact martaaschwartz@gmail.com, 785-550-9576.

MAY 9 – JUNE 20 ENERGY BALANCING For anyone. A morning class. WellSpring School of Allied Health. $544. Register 816-523-9140 ext 111. http://wellspring.edu/continuing-education. MAY 22 INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATION COURSE Sunday, 2:00-6:00 p.m. at Maya's Oasis. Learn about the primary psychic skills, important ways to apply your intuition to your practical life, and exercises to hone your skills. Register at www.MayaZahira.com. ONGOING

LIFE COACHING CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Every Thursday 6pm-8pm - intensive training, APRIL 19 teaches you life coaching skills, learn to open your DANIEL BELLONE “AWAKENING THROUGH MUSIC” psychic abilities, and trust your USA TOUR 2016 intuition. www.transcendencekc.com RSVP APRIL 9 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Unity on the Plaza. Back by mandatory APRIL 2 OVERLAND PARK FARMERS MARKET OPENS popular demand, Daniel is an amazing singer/ LOVE NEVER DIES WORKSHOP The Tasteful Olive will be there 7:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. songwriter and Kirtan artist from Argentina, with REIKI CIRCLE 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Awaken Whole Life Center, Unity 7945 Santa Fe Dr., OP, KS. 913-649-7900. interactive mantras to raise your consciousness: Unity Temple on the Plaza; 707 W. 47th St., Kansas Village www.thetastefulolive.com www.danielbellone.com. $25 advance: City, MO. 2nd Saturday every month 1-4p to receive Learn about after-death communication and tips https://www.eventbrite.com/e/daniel-belloneReiki session. Love Offering. For information, for opening hearts to the language of Spirit, from APRIL 9-10 awakening-through-music-2016-usa-tour-ticketsemail kaubry@rocketmail.com or call 913-215local author Lisa K. Cooper, in this interactive KANSAS CITY SPIRIT FAIR 16623029930. $30 door, but please register on 8863. workshop. Fee $25. Register 816-612-8740. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 12601 W 95th St. Lenexa KS Eventbrite by 4/18 to reserve your space. Visit www.youaremyvoice.com for more 12noon-6pm both days, $4 general admission NEW LOCATION information. Crystals, stones, incense, oils, tarot, astrology, aura APRIL 22 Transcendence has opened its 2nd location and is photos, angel messages, crossing over messages, BRIDGING BEYOND BOUNDARIES: now offering Yoga & Martial Arts for Health and APRIL 3 John of God crystal healing bed sessions, quantum CONVERSATIONS THROUGH ROLAND COMTOIS Wellness, along with Massage, energy healing, REIKI MASTER CLASS touch, a great place to spend a day with spirit Roland Comtois, internationally acclaimed spiritual Feng Shui, classes and much more! Visit our online Are you ready to step into mastery not only with energy! www.SpiritFair.com medium, grief guide and best selling author, calendar for a list of all events! this modality, but with yourself as an energy discusses how to remain connected with your www.transcendencekc.com 913-387-4631 worker? 9:00 - 5:30. $275. Stephanie Red Feather: APRIL 11 loved ones who have passed, overcoming grief, and www.RedFeatherConnections.com. GUIDED MEDITATION the eternity of love. 7:00pm Presented by the U-NITE Join us for an evening of spirit guided meditation. Cornerstone Foundation and Evolving Magazine at Experience Unity Temple on the Plaza's new APRIL 3 New or experienced meditators welcome! Unity Temple on the Plaza, 707 W. 47th Street, Interspiritual Service Sundays 4:30-5:30PM in SPIRITUAL WELLNESS FAIR 7:00 p.m. Cost: love offering John Hoefer 913-831- Kansas City, MO 64112. Tickets: $25 Advance/$30 Meyer Hall (aka Eden Alley). Childcare & youth 1-6 p.m. at the Yoga Patch in Waldo, 4422 Core Star Energy Healing 6045 Martway, at the Door. Available online at program offered. www.unitytemple.com www.YogaPatch.com: John of God Crystal Beds, Mission, KS www.CornerstoneFoundation.com, by phone aura photography, Akashic records, energy healing, (816) 561-4466 or at Unity Temple INDIGO SUPPORT GROUP FREE EVENT palmistry. $95 for all, or a la carte pricing. Tickets/ APRIL 12 Every Wednesday 7-8pm Connect with other Info: 913-588-7377. CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC APRIL 22-23 Indigo's who are struggling with life, & or Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 SHAMANIC DANCE OF TRANSFORMATION addictions who want to learn more about APRIL 5, 12 & 19 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913- Join with the full moon and Earth Day energies, themselves or about Indigos! Love donation. STOP BEING IGNORED PROFESSIONALLY! 8314422 7:15 p.m. $20 using sacred dance to release, receive, and honor Transcendence ww.transcendencekc.com or (913) How to Manage Your Personal Brand for Success www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com Pachamama! Overnight event. $97. Info/ 387-4631. 3 week workshop- taught by author, speaker and registration: www.RedFeatherConnections.com; leadership coach Dorothy Tannahill-Moran APRIL 12 Stephanie Red Feather 913-515-3271. THE TASTEFUL OLIVE - 3RD FRIDAY NITES -6pm-8pm www.transcendencekc.com RSVP COMPLETE THE PAST; EMBRACE THE FUTURE Open until 9 p.m. Food samples, 65 oils and mandatory Join Sharon McGloin and Denise Mills as we APRIL 26 vinegars to taste, music and wine. 7945 Santa Fe explore what beliefs, ideas, values and attitudes CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING CLINIC Dr., OP, KS. 913-649-7900. APRIL 5-6 may be holding you back. 6-9 p.m. (networking @ Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 www.thetastefulolive.com USUI/HOLY FIRE REIKI I & II 5:30) in OP. Only $49; save 20% w/2 or more Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reservations 913Learn energy healing skills for yourself and workshops: www.igniteyourlifekc.com. 831-4422 7:15 p.m. $20 REIKI CIRCLE others. Intro to essential oils included. 9am – www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com Unity Church of Overland Park – 6:30pm, $380 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, APRIL 12, 19, 26 & MAY 3, 10, 17 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th massage therapists, marriage and family therapists, YOGA 101 APRIL 26 Mondays 7-9pm. Love offering. social workers. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki 7-8:15 p.m. at the Yoga Patch in Waldo, FREE REIKI MENTORING CIRCLE All welcome. Receive a Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. www.YogaPatch.com: Intro to postures, Tuesday 6:30-8:30 p.m., Maya's Oasis / No treatment. For flier email karen@ 816-523-4440 breathwork, philosophy, and meditation. Preexperience necessary. Students of all levels karenharrison.net. 816-523karen@karenharrison.net karenharrison.net register by April 10. enhance their skills and receive healing in return. 4440 This month's focus is on using a pendulum to APRIL 8 APRIL 15 evaluate energy. Led by double-certified Reiki ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER CROSSING OVER WITH JOHN EDWARD PSI PRESENTS TRANSFORMATIVE HEALER JERRY Master, Maya Zahira. Details PATIENTS AND VETERANS Join internationally-recognized psychic medium WILLS at www.MayaZahira.com By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project and acclaimed author John Edward at 7 p.m. at the “Finding the Path of Healing & Purpose in Life”: The provides energy healing sessions for cancer Downtown Marriott for a reading intensive group ‘extraordinary’ Jerry Wills will discuss the near APRIL 30 patients and veterans. Our clients have been event with Q&A sessions and messages from the death experience that set him on a new course, EARTH FAIR experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety other side. Info/Tickets: www.JohnEdward.net or and will assist you in discovering your abilities and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Shawnee Mission East High School and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO 800-514-3849. life purpose. 7-9 p.m. at Unity on the Plaza. $15 7500 Mission Rd, Prairie Village, KS COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718cash or check. More info: 6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org APRIL 8 www.PsychicStudiesInstitute.org. MAY 7 SPIRIT TALK – THE HEART OF NATURE WOMEN'S WISDOM RETREAT MONDAY ONENESS BLESSINGS Join a roundtable workshop about your APRIL 15 Saturday 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at The Light 6:30 p.m. at Don and Jessica Palmer’s in Lee’s experiences with nature. DOWNTOWN OVERLAND PARK LOCAL LIFE! Center. Do you crave time away from your busy Summit: theharbor@sbcglobal.net or 816-806Learn simple energy techniques that build Tasteful Olive has live music, chef-made treats life...Time to just relax, breathe, and just be 1838. Love Offering. Open to all faiths, belief grounding, clarity and spiritual awareness. from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 7945 Santa Fe Dr., OP, KS. you? Time to connect with nature, with other systems, and spiritual practices. 7:00 p.m. $25 including materials, Vivian 913-649-7900. www.thetastefulolive.com women, and with your true self? See more Faulkner, 913-735-3183 Core Star Energy Healing at: www.MayaZahira.com. SACRED CHAMBERS 6045 Martway, Mission, KS APRIL 16 Free, profound 5-hour process for Transformation, PRS: PAST LIFE REGRESSION Awakening, and Healing. Dates available for Lee’s Steven Summers will discuss past life regression, Summit or Olathe locations: group session following. 7 p.m. at Westwood www.SacredChambersKC.com. Community Center, 4700 Rainbow Blvd.,



April 2016



April 2016

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