December 2012 Evolving

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December 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 10

X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Create Traditions That Sizzle, Not Fizzle Add HEART to Your Holiday Recreating Kirtan GREEN Your Holiday Meal HAPPY HOLIDAYS! EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2012



December 2012

Publisher’s Letter...

Features... Creating Traditions … 10 Creating Traditions That Sizzle, Not Fizzle...11 Recreating Kirtan...12

Broadmoor Bistro...15 Green Your Holiday...15

From the Staff of Evolving Magazine

News... New Fall Classes at Hummingbird Touch Life Empowerment Center Proprietors Debbie Miller and Vanessa Knowles have changed the Center’s phone number to (816) 509-8589 and are now offering many of their classes online at The Center is at 3937 Washington Street, behind Aquarius in Westport, and Renewal Oils is now located inside. Numerous instructors, readers and healers offer a variety of classes to complement the Center’s guided meditations, Reiki Shares, special events and monthly children’s programs for children who don’t fit in the mainstream. In December, Sara Beard will introduce her new yoga class for diabetics. This class will be part of the Center’s Reversing Diabetes Program that will be offered after the first of the year. Check the Web site or Facebook for class dates and times. Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298

Advertising ON THE COVER: Sherrie Taylor is a Lawrence, Kansas Native and a self-proclaimed Holistic Artist. Her work can be seen and purchased at the 1109 Art Guild, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 & various Final Friday Venues in the Lawrence, KS area. For more information about Sherrie Taylor and her Holistic Artwork please visit her website at or you can contact her via her Facebook fan page at:

Editorial Assistants Judy Kirkpatrick Maddie Glenn Ad Design Maitreya Zohar Contributors Heidi Alfrey, Larry Carter, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes, Penny Shultz, Kim Wedman, Judy Widener

Karen E. Cowdry

Connie “Crash” Humiston

To have an account executive help you with your marketing plan, contact Jill Dutton and a rep will contact you shortly.

EVOLVING© 2012 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Departments: Journey to Wholeness Wisdom Within Holistic Medicine Let’s Get Naked



December 2012

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Food Talk! In the Kitchen w/Bonnie Revelations Horoscope Events

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Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. Happiness: The Holiday Quest Rules for Happiness: something to do, something to love, something to hope for. —Immanuel Kant


s the holiday season approached I began having visions of the material excesses, the emotional turbulence and the time crunch one often feels during this time. I began wondering about what really makes us happy — because that knowledge can help us make this holiday a truly happy one. I find it interesting that an 18th century philosopher would have so presciently come to the same conclusion that the present day psychologists have. Dr. Martin Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness, states that his research shows three components of happiness: • Pleasure • Engagement: depth of involvement with one’s family, work, romance or hobbies • Meaning: using some personal strength to serve some larger end. Kant didn’t mention pleasure. He was in the Puritan age in which the idea of being in the moment and awareness of sensory experience was not addressed. Present day research has shown that being in the moment — aware of the sensory, emotional and mental processes — gives us more pleasure, more control and helps us to be much more responsible for our thoughts, words and actions. This is one of the first steps to happiness. Being in the moment can keep us from being overwhelmed by past and future ghosts. Eckhart Tolle speaks about this reality in his book, The Power of Now. Many of the studies on depression cite the need for social connection. Michel Proust’s poetic metaphor says it best: “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Dr. Seligman suggests that strong ties to friends and family and the development of social skills are some of the strongest characteristics shared by the happiest people. The need for purpose and meaning is also well documented. We can see this so dramatically when a person loses a job. Depression follows in the majority of cases. The same



December 2012

often happens when people retire. Of course careers in the public sphere are not the only things that can give a person meaning. Finding purpose is important and it may change as our lives change. Viktor Frankl speaks compellingly of life purpose in Man’s Search For Meaning. Gratitude is found when one is present in the moment. Gratitude can come from savoring those small pleasures, forgiveness and altruistic acts. A gratitude exercise that has proven successful is keeping a gratitude journal. It has been shown that doing this improves our physical health, raises our energy levels and relieves pain and fatigue. Try starting your day by listing ten things for which you are grateful. Dr. Robert Emmons tells us, “The ones who benefited most tended to elaborate more and have a wider span of things they are grateful for.” Dr. Ed Diener, co-author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, tells us, “Materialism is toxic for happiness.” Betsy Taylor, president of The Center for a New American Dream tells us, “Our mantra is ‘more fun, less stuff.’” Check out the website of the Center for a New American Dream for ideas on how to live each day and celebrate holidays in a simpler, less materialistic way. The recipe for holiday happiness should have some of these ingredients to be successful and fulfilling. Finding meaning and purpose, connecting with those we love or care about, giving and receiving with grateful hearts and experiencing each moment, will help us to have a happier holiday. This may mean we swim against the cultural themes shouted at us from every direction. I hope you can take on the challenge of making the holidays happier and more nurturing following the guidelines for authentic happiness. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements of information Neurobehavioral Programs and Imago Therapy call 913-322-5622.,

Kim Meisinger

Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes

Energy Healer

Add Heart to Your Holiday


a held her old house dress together at the neck with a diaper pin where the buttons once belonged. Fresh food stains splashed across her bosom. She called me to the kitchen to help hoist the roasting pan holding the huge turkey into the warm, brick oven. The smells of cinnamon apples, cranberry and fresh bread filled the big farm house. “Why are you wearing that old thing?” Dad asked, shaking his head at the diaper pin. She said she would throw it out when done with the cooking. Later, she would run a comb through her hair, add some sparkling jewelry, put on her new red dress and look absolutely beautiful. I loved being around my mother. She was cheerful and happy. She was free of “hidden agendas” in her giving. She gave for the joy of giving to her eight children, husband and extended family and friends. Our holidays are a little chaotic and noisy. Over the years, we have designed family guidelines. They keep the heart open and the spirit lively and the joy abounding.

# 3 – Delegate & Plan It’s my Christmas day to enjoy especially as host. Many families share the tradition of “bringing something.” When asking for help use such language as, “Are you willing to make a pecan pie?” The are-you-willing phrase allows the person to negotiate. Maybe they are too busy but are willing to bring something store-bought. We do our best to foster an environment where each family member feels valued and honored.

# 1 – No Whining in the Kitchen Actually the no-whine rule applies to the whole house. We established this family rule years ago when paying for vacations. Why should one spoiled apple ruin the whole bunch? If someone gets in a “mood,” they are expected to isolate themselves, deal with it or leave. No negative vibes are allowed near my food. Remember Dr. Emoto’s water? Words of anger and hate written on a jar of water formed ugly molecules while words of love and joy formed beautiful snowflake shapes.

Every January mom and I would sort out her closet, looking for stocking caps for the big snow coming. We would find at least two wrapped Christmas gifts lost in the jumble of old sweaters, unmatched socks, various colored mittens and yellowing baby books. She usually let me have the gifts for helping her out. I knew they were 29 cent panty hose from the budget store. Yes, she gave us panty hose for Christmas! Ma NEVER went over the budget!

# 2 – Eliminate My sister, Jeanette, loves to write out Christmas cards while I’m not fond of that task. The stress management gurus advise us to cut down or eliminate duty or obligations or tasks you do not enjoy. Our house looks like a holiday showcase because we love decorating. We get it done ahead of time and then kick back and enjoy the beauty.

#4 – Budget We know this one. Why pay interests on charge cards? If you don’t have it, do not spend it. # 5 – Keep Your Routines As best we are able, we keep our routines to practice yoga, exercise, eat right and get plenty of sleep during the busy holiday months. It’s a paradox, truly, that the shortest day of the year, winter solstice, is December 21. Our ancestors cozied up by the fire, roasted chestnuts, and went to bed early.

Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teacher’s Training and Founder of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Her writings have appeared in national magazines and published by New Leaf Publishers, Atlanta. The yoga school calendar of public classes and workshops may be found at or or call 913 492-9594.

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816-523-4440 8301 State Line Road, Ste 216 Kansas City, MO 64114 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2012

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D. Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?


o you suffer from tiredness, aching all over and exhaustion? Do you have non-restful or interrupted sleep? Do you have decreased mental clarity, decreased sex drive and get more than your fair share of infections? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you may have a condition know as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can cause a baffling array of symptoms and is frequently misdiagnosed or even dismissed by physicians. Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal and sleep disorder that cannot be diagnosed with any specific blood test or laboratory testing. It is diagnosed by criteria set forth by the American College of Rheumatology: 1. Widespread pain or achiness, steady or intermittent, for at least three months, on both sides of the body and upper and lower body and 2. Pain on pressing at least 11 of 18 spots on the body known as tender points. Other associated problems can be: irritable bowel syndrome, low sex drive, insomia, nausea, memory problems, headaches, depression, nervousness, hair loss, numbness/tingling, postexertion malaise and chronic sinus, bladder or prostate infections. In my experience with diagnosing and treating people with fibromyalgia, I have had success in helping them get better using a researched protocol by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. A good resource for someone with fibromyalgia is Dr. Teitelbaum’s book, From Fatigued to Fantastic, 3rd edition. He discusses one of the theories why fibromyalgia may occur: hypothalamus dysfunction in the brain. Some known triggers for this to happen are: a major stressful event or a series of stressful events such as a viral infection, automobile accident, pregnancy, recurrent infections, death of a loved one, and toxic or chemical exposures. The program to getting better is initiated with the S-H-I-N-E protocol. This five-step protocol begins with Sleep! Getting a restful, uninterrupt-

The program to getting better is initiated with the S-H-I-N-E protocol. This five-step protocol begins with Sleep! Getting a restful, uninterrupted 7-9 hours of sleep is the foundation of getting well. ed 7-9 hours of sleep is the foundation of getting well. A combination of natural and prescription sleep aids may be necessary to achieve this goal. If this sleep goal is not met, and particularly if high blood pressure is also present, an overnight sleep study with a sleep specialist is a must. H is for hormone balance and support. Due to the hypothalamus gland in the brain being affected, that in turn can produce problems with all the endocrine glands. The result can be low level functioning of the thyroid gland as well as the adrenal and sex glands. These glandular systems can be supported with natural or prescription support. I is for infections and inflammation. Because of the immune system being less than optimal with this illness, it is not uncommon to see either recurrent or frequent infections. These are commonly sinus, bladder, prostate or lung infections. When treated with many rounds of antibiotics, this can lead to other infections like yeast or candida or super infections. Appropriate treatment is based on laboratory testing. N is for Nutrition. Nutritional deficiencies are common due to poor diet and/or not absorbing food in the intestine efficiently. The most common deficiencies



are vitamin D, vitamin B-12 and magnesium. High doses of these nutrients may be necessary and sometimes injectable nutrients are recommended. E is for Exercise. Even though strenuous exercise generally can make symptoms worse, many of my patients report good results with stretching exercises, yoga, pilates, swimming or water aerobics. Start out with only 5 - 10 minutes a day and very gradually increase. In your pursuit to improve your health, I highly recommend the organization, Fibromyalgia Coalition International, and its local support groups. They are the nation’s most active organization dedicated to the belief that Fibromyalgia is reversible. For more information, go to their website: or call them locally at 913-384-HOPE (4673).

Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 30 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. For more information on getting to know Dr Russell, visit her website: or Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.

December 2012

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey

LOCAL, HEALTHY & SUSTAINABLE Schenker Family Farms offers • grass grass--fed beef • pastured pork • lamb • free free--range poultry

By the Way, Take Time to Pray


o we end a powerful year, 365 days of your life, and whether you've noticed it or not, you've Evolved!

It is an important time to reflect on the insights you’ve had and the changes you’ve embraced as you recognize the Divinity of every encounter. I invite you to end this year and begin next year with a consciousness-raising activity, hosted by Center for Spiritual Living and available to all in Kansas City, called Pray for KC. The Center for Spiritual Living (CSL) – Kansas City, nestled in the heart of Midtown Kansas City, is an interfaith, non-denominational church, believing in God expressing through every living being and that God is personal to everyone. They believe God is pure love and only creates out of a desire to express love. They believe and trust that God has in mind the highest and greatest good for every person and is always seeking to bring that good into their life. Everything they do as a church is centered around their Core Values – Love, Healing, Prosperity, Community and Spiritual Growth – manifesting these values in the lives of their congregants, and also expanding these values beyond their walls into our local and global communities. Because they believe in the power of prayer and in specific and measurable results from prayer, the Senior Minister, Dr. Chris Michaels, has called upon our community to lead an initiative to Pray for KC. As a part of the Pray for KC initiative, they will learn about historic crime statistics for the Kansas City metropolitan area. Then, they will spend the month of January 2013 in prayer for the healing of our community. They know they will clearly see the change brought about through the power of prayer – something that has been demonstrated again and again throughout the ages – when they observe how the crime statistics shift for Kansas City. Jesus said, “Where two or more are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” CSL is reaching out to you to join them. It is their hope you will be a part of the Pray for KC initiative by inviting your congregation to spend the month of January 2013 in prayer for our hometown, Kansas City. They’ve provided a sample prayer that their spiritual community will be using, or you may create your own. We also invite you to join us at their facility for a Pray for KC Prayer Vigil each Monday during January from 7-8pm.

We are powerful beyond the conditions of violence and crime that we have experienced in Kansas City. It is time to unite, to remember our Truth and our power to love and heal. Please join us as we Pray for KC. To learn more, call CSL at (816) 9312395 or visit To support this mission, the following prayer will be used...

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Pray for KC Prayer There is only One Life — that life is God’s life, that life is perfect, that life is my life now. It is also the life of each person in Kansas City. I consciously choose to see the good in the people in my community. I choose to see their divine worth. The masks of hate, jealously, judgment and rage we have worn to cover the love of God, which is alive and well within each of us, are no longer of any use. As a community, we cast them aside to reveal our true nature. Love awakens in every heart and is the catalyst for healing and peace. Old grievances fall away, forgiveness and understanding are the new norms, and peaceful new relationships emerge as our diverse community unites. I am filled with gratitude for this Truth and for the healing I witness. I release this prayer, knowing it is done unto me as I believe. And so it is! Let's end this year using the international language of prayer, holding the High Watch for our KC community, the world community and ourselves, Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me! Heidi Alfrey holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity Minister. She combines those two philosophies into a spiritual counseling practice and a "transparent living" ministry, offering seminars, workshops, and retreats inviting men and women to relax into their Greatness. Tune into her radio show, "Let's Get Naked" Revealing Your Authentic Self" on Mondays at 3p.m. CST. or anytime at

This Holiday Season, Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge

Writing for Publication Take your writing career to the next level. EVOLVING publisher, Jill Dutton, offers personal coaching and ongoing writer’s groups to help you reach your writing goals. Contact 10% off one month personal coaching. ($30 value) Exp. 12/31/12



“Jill Dutton is a positive, supportive writing coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trusting teacher/student relationship that inspires you to share both your aspirations and doubts. I have wanted to write for publication for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and practical approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan Polifka

December 2012

Eating Well

in Kansas City

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

Food First!—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

Broadmoor Bistro

Green Your Holiday Meal


ne of Kansas City’s culinary treasures, The Broadmoor Bistro has been in operation since fall of 2000. The program offers culinary arts and commercial baking instruction to high school students enrolled in the Shawnee Mission School District. Under the direction of Chef Bob Brassard (Johnson & Wales University) and Justin Hoffman (Culinary Institute of America), students create menus, cook, serve and operate the “restaurant.” Broadmoor’s Culinary and Commercial Baking Programs are presently considered to be one of the top educational secondary programs in the country. The program has produced national finalists in culinary competitions for seven consecutive years…Earning over 1.6 million dollars in scholarships. In addition to teaching culinary skills, the Chefs are devoted to treating students with respect. “We want them to leave the program having learned about responsibility, acquired confidence and respect for others and themselves.” Broadmoor Bistro is open to the public Wednesday evenings during the fall and spring semesters (

Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Development for KCPT Public Television and the Marketing Director of The Barstow School where she founded and coordinated “The Barstow School Organic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has wo rked i n the tel evision m edium fo r over 20 y ears…Serving as a pro ducer and ho st for a variety of community prog rams a ddressing education, the arts, social servi ce and cooking. F or a listing of upcoming features or t o view the entire foo die series , visit inthekitch enwit

Mission Fig Braised Pork Cheeks with House-Made Ricotta Ravioli, Forged Autumn Mushrooms topped with Grated Cheese and Micro Greens Signature Dish of Chefs Bob Brassard and Justin Hoffman and Students at Broadmoor Bistro For the Fig Braised Pork Cheeks Fig Puree - 1 cup (fresh ripe figs work best) Pork Cheeks - 4 each (about 1 lb), remove silver skin ¼ onion, diced ¼ carrot, diced ¼ celery stick, diced ½ leek, diced 1 tomato, diced 1 clove of garlic 2 sprigs thyme 2 sprigs rosemary 2 sprigs tarragon 8 oz dry red wine, whatever style you have on hand 8 oz chicken stock 4 oz veal stock ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

overnight. Place in bowl and add remaining ingredients, season to taste For the Pasta Dough 1 cup bread flour 1 egg + 1 yolk 1 oz Olive oil Pinch Salt TBL + 2 TSP Water

Place all ingredients into food processor or mixer with dough hook and pulse until dough forms. Wrap dough and let rest for 15 minutes. Pass dough through pasta machine until wide ribbon is formed. Roll out dough to a thinness where you can see the outline of your hand through it. Cut dough into pieces that fit a ravioli or wonton press. Brush edges of dough with egg wash, Puree figs, strain through sieve, reserve pulp. Place all place in press, spoon filling into center of dough and ingredients in bowl with pork cheeks, except fig puree. cover with another piece of dough. Press and remove Marinate 6 hours or overnight. Remove pork cheeks from ravioli maker and place in freezer until needed and pat dry with towel. Add 2oz olive oil to pan on high heat, place pork in pan and brown both sides. Strain To Assemble the Dish marinate from veggies & place veggies in pan with pork Prepared Products: cheeks & brown. Add wine and fig puree, bring to boil, 1 pint of salted boiling water in small sauce pot reduce to simmer. Simmer 3 hours on low heat or bake Minced garlic: 1 T in 325 degree oven until cheeks are tender, remove Minced Shallots: 1 T from pan. Reduce liquid to a “stew consistency.” Foraged Mushrooms, (1/2 cup, sliced) Two oz Butter For the House-made Ricotta Four Pork cheeks Eight Angolottis (Ricotta Ravioli) 1 quart homogenized milk 6 oz heavy cream 1 oz Grated Pecorino Romano cheese Micro Greens ½ tsp salt 2 oz lemon juice Place butter into sauté pan over medium heat with 2 green onions, sliced 1 T parsley, chopped garlic, shallots, and mushrooms. Place stuffed pasta into boiling water until “firm and floating”. Add pork 1 T minced garlic cheeks to sauté pan. Remove pasta from water and Salt and Pepper drain. Plate ravioli first, add pork cheeks and top with Mix cream and milk in a sauce pot, bring to 180 degrees reduced mushroom and fig mixture. Garnish with over medium heat. Add lemon juice. Watch curds form, cheese & micro greens. shut off heat, strain through a fine sieve or cheese cloth




ver notice how brown holiday meals can be? I encourage you to green your holiday meals this year by adding some vegetable dishes to the traditional mashed potatoes, gravy, roast turkey and rolls. These dishes are naturally sweet, so even the most die-hard vegetable hater can enjoy at least one bite! Rutabaga-Yam Puree (The Natural Gourmet by Annemarie Colbin, 1989 Ballantine Books) Rutabagas look like pink turnips. Their earthiness complements and grounds the sweetness of the yams.

seeds 1 TBSP grapeseed oil ¼ cup maple syrup ¼ cup roasted pecans 2 tsp cornstarch 1 TBSP water 1 TBSP chopped parsley Steam the carrots in a small amount of water, just until tender-crisp, about 1–2 minutes. Be sure not to overcook them. Heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Sauté the fennel in the oil for 2 minutes. Add the syrup, pecans and carrots. Reduce the heat to low. In a small bowl, mix the cornstarch and water together, then add to the carrot mixture. Finally, stir in the chopped parsley and serve hot. Serves 4

1 small rutabaga 2 medium yams or sweet pota- Kale and Parsnips (Friendly toes Foods by Ron Pickarski, O.F.M., 2 cups water 1991 Ten Speed Press) ¼ tsp salt 2 T softened organic unsalted 1 cup halved and sliced onions butter 1 cup halved and sliced parsnips Peel the rutabaga and cut into 11 T grapeseed oil inch chunks. Peel the yams or 1 cup water sweet potatoes and cut into large 2 T minced fresh ginger or ½ chunks. In a 5-quart pot, bring tsp ground dried ginger the water to a boil. Add the ru1 quart kale, stems removed tabaga and yam chunks, reduce the heat, cover and simmer until Heat the oil in a saucepan over the vegetables are soft, about 30 medium heat. Sauté the onions to 40 minutes (or pressure cook and parsnips in oil for about 5 for 6 minutes.) Drain. Place the minutes, stirring occasionally to cooked rutabaga and yam prevent burning. Add the water chunks in a food processor and and the ginger. Cover, reduce process until smooth. Alternate- heat and simmer for 4 to 5 ly, pass the chunks through a minutes. Add the kale, cover food mill or potato masher or and continue cooking for 4 to 5 just mash with a fork. Add the minutes longer, stirring occasalt and whip in the softened sionally. Serve hot. Serves 4. butter. Serve warm. Serves 4 – 6. Carrots, Pecans and Fennel (Friendly Foods by Br. Ron Pickarski. O.F.M., 1991 Ten Speed Press) I always turn to Br. Ron Pickarski’s Friendly Foods for festive vegetable recipes. 2 cups peeled carrots, sliced into 1/8 inch thick matchsticks ½ cup thinly sliced fennel, or ½ teaspoon ground fennel December 2012

Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and

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December 2012

Revelations—by Penny Schultz

Feature—by Kim Wedman

Barbara Criswell is My Muse!

Self Care During the Holidays


frequently comment that Barbara Criswell is my muse; however, never to Barbara, the inspiring owner of Aquarius, an enduring store for conscious living in Westport. As this is the time of reflection and gratitude, I am compelled to share the impact Barbara has made on my life. I am certain I am one of so many who consider this gracious Being a muse. For many moons I have gone to Aquarius. I would be shocked if Barbara recalls the moment in 2006, when we were formally introduced, that she impressed upon me the selfless act of kindness that propelled me here today. Before that time I was always intrigued by her. Consistently I was mesmerized by the beacons of light that shone out of her blue eyes, a pulse of peace and nonjudgment, giftwrapped with a warm welcoming smile she so freely shared with all. I would watch her with such intent and wonder. I saw her interact with people who “My Judgment” deemed spiritually enlightened or not, and her demeanor was always the same. Barbara always appeared calm, peaceful, aware and attentive. I dreamed of how awesome it must be to live the life I had imagined she led. During that year, I had very sadistically turned my self-worth into what we shall call crap. I was completely over my time here in Earth School! When one begs for help or an exit plan, and prefers the latter, the Universe answers in a nanosecond. I was completely unaware of this. I would often seek refuge in Aquarius’ safe Haven. It was the one place I could breathe and my demons were not allowed. Barbara not only allowed my loitering, I am going to boldly say she encouraged it! I had my routine down to an art. I was always greeted by the Gatekeeper Crystals by the fountain. The Old Man Tortoise was so delighted to see me every time! I would visit the hair-raising skulls and shamelessly fondle all of the loose stones up front. Then off to set up camp in the book room. I believe I was what we refer to as a Class A Energy Vamp! I was a hot mess and I have plenty of references!! A huge thanks to John Lenz for letting me usurp every ounce of knowledge he so readily shared with me. This guy patiently ordered any crazy book I thought I needed at the time, and very sweetly called when it had arrived. I had no Internet, no cash and no clue! If I had any shame, I would be embarrassed by my behavior. I hope I said, “Thank you,” but I can’t confirm it. Why would this woman allow me to sit behind the cabinets I had left entirely too much DNA on, to ogle over a newly acquired collection of quartz crystals?


Had she somehow seen my cloak of misery I had so blindly adorned for far too long? I held the stones, admired them and named one. Simon was my favorite, I loved him, then bid him farewell. I could not afford him, even if he had been priced. I have no recollection of the time spent. I don’t remember leaving. Do you recall a “crying so hard you are shaking in your bones” cry? Yes, that’s the one — all the way home! So imagine my reaction when, three days later, Simon, a beautiful Self Healer Quartz, was on my front porch! Remember there are no coincidences!! Barbara’s guidance and support of my lost soul turned a key in me. She inspired so profoundly that it catapulted me to hold a safe space; sanctity for all those seeking. She assisted me in wanting to live — and to succeed, like the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote. And to, along with my mother and sister, open Mystic Treasures in the Northland on December 19, 2009 — it is that expression of love creation in our little nook. For me, Barbara has set such an elegant example to shine brighter than I ever could have imagined. That is what a muse does right? Thank you, Barbara, for being such a beautiful muse! Penny Schultz is a co-owner of Mystic Treasures, a holistic book store at 7711 North Oak Trafficway in the Northland that encourages short-term camping, sharing, hearts open to learning, loud noises and all the laughter you can bring: Facebook/Mystic Treasures, or 816-420-0820.

imagine you can quickly call to mind a tradition or two that is important to you or to your family this time of the year. We might have joyous dreams of sugarplum fairies coming in the night to buy and wrap presents, decorate the tree, cook fabulous delicacies, or write and mail the Christmas cards, delighting in every detail. Wow! That would make for a joyous Holiday season and the most memorable of traditions!! But it might not be your experience. You may feel a bit overwhelmed deciding how to make the most of each family gathering or friend’s party and wanting everyone to feel ever-so comfortable during this magical time. What if you were just gifted secrets by your very own sugarplum fairies? They know how to manifest the rich traditions of the holidays with fun and joy. And now you can! They’ve asked me to share a few quick and simple self-care tips with you so you may experience greater clarity, calm and happiness this season. First, when you feel disconnected, frazzled or just plain too busy just Hook Up! Take one hand and place your first finger in your bellybutton and pull up slightly. With the other hand, set your first finger lightly in the center of your forehead, right between your eyebrows and lift gently. Hold both of these points simultaneously, try to close your eyes, and breathe, breathe. At this point you may be wondering what a bellybutton and forehead have to do with merriment. But just try it … and breathe, breathe!! If you will do this for just 30 seconds, you will feel more grounded, clear-headed and calmer. Ready to begin again? It’s just a little boost of energy to help make everything go smoothly. Second, another simple but very powerful technique to keep stress away and enjoy the holidays. Have you ever thrown your hands up to your forehead and said OMG!? Well there is a natural reason you do it. There are neurovascular points on your forehead that affect your entire nervous system. These points are located across the middle of your forehead and work with your cardiovascular system. When you put your hand up on your forehead and lightly hold it for a minute or two, you are literally bringing blood back to your forebrain. This calms your nervous system and lets you think clearly, moving past the confusion that may have taken over your awareness during this ohso-busy time of year. Truly I’m told, from very reliable sources, one or both of these techniques work to reduce stress whether you’ve decided to host a family gathering for the first time, or find you’re running behind for a meeting, or finishing that last errand before picking up the kids. They will help



December 2012

your entire body relax and move through whatever is on your plate with more grace and less effort! This last technique, Expelling the Venom, sounds like something more applicable for Halloween; but it can bring greater joy and relief when you’re feeling frustrated, hassled, or not quite able to access the logical side of your brain as much as you would like. It moves a lot of stored negative energy quickly and it helps ground you at the same time. You will feel lighter and yet grounded so you won’t “fly off… the handle!!” This one takes just a few minutes and you will probably want to find a private space to release pent-up energy and shift into a more positive feeling. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make fists as you ‘scoop’ up air from Mother Earth. Inhale as you bring your fists over your head, pause for an instant, and then strongly exhale while throwing the energy in your fists down in front of your body-until they are at your thighs. Repeat twice or until you feel the energy is dissipated. The last time, move your hands very slowly down in front of your body as though you are moving through concrete. At the last moment, open your fists and throw the energy you’ve gathered toward Mother Earth. This significantly reshapes your whole energy field as you release your pent-up yang energy to Mother Earth. She generously and powerfully assimilates the yang energy with her own yin energy to allow grace to be restored. These techniques are my present to you from some very special sugarplum fairies. They can be done anytime you need to shift your energy forward. They are amazingly simple!! We hope you will join us in celebrating this Season of Traditions, whether sharing with family or friends. ~ Happy Holidays Kim Wedman, EEMAP, BA, LMT, NCTMB has worked with the bodies' energies for over 30 years as a yoga instructor, EMT, Challenge Course instructor, massage therapist, Hakomi practitioner and certified Energy Medicine practitioner, teacher and trainer. Since 1992, Kim has traveled, studied and taught with Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women. Kim is an Innersource Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner and is a founding and active faculty member of th EEM Certification Program working with students and clients around the world.

Feature—by Judy Widener Creating Traditions that Sizzle, Not Fizzle


from the running around. I do, too. I agree that watching a movie would be relaxing. I'm also wondering if there might be more fun ways way we could take a break, like an evening of hot cider and charades by the fire. What else could we do that you'd enjoy?

as this ever happened to you? You're knee deep in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, when you have a flash of inspiration: you want to start a

new tradition with your beloveds. But when you share your idea, you only get scowls in response. Your vision of an evening of hot cider and charades by the fire fiz-

The key is that now you have mutual ownership of the process. You already agree on the feeling you want,

zles faster than you can say Jack Frost.

now you're sharing the journey of how you'll get there

Holiday traditions hold strong romantic appeal be-

together. Either you can agree on one of the activities

cause they come from a loving place and are intended

already on the table, or you could explore other possi-

to warm the cockles of all the hearts involved. But it's a

bilities, including activities you've enjoyed together in

challenge to create one tradition that fulfills everyone's

the past.

unique desires for style and substance.

On the other hand, if their bennies are different

I often see well-intentioned people get frustrated on

from yours, think both-and instead of either mine or

two fronts: they get stuck thinking that there's only one

yours. How can all of you get some of what you want?

way to get what they want; and they think their loved

As you kick ideas around, make sure that everyone's

ones want the same thing that they want.

needs are acknowledged and included somehow. Also,

So, instead of blurting out your next fabulous vision

have everyone agree to be willing to compromise

to your beloveds, try this simple method for creating a

equally, without holding a grudge (it's a cornerstone of

holiday tradition that will lift everyone's spirits.

a healthy relationship, after all). For example, here are a couple of ways you can pair

Step 1. Inquire. Ask them: What new tradition would you like to start? They'll probably do the same thing you

with this step. Have them talk about as many bennies as they can.

For couples: an afternoon of cross-country skiing

See if their answers share a similar motivation to any

did before you read this article: suggest activities. Here's where it becomes either exciting or maddening. If you focus on the fact that you want a different

stimulating and relaxing activities.

of your answers to that question. Look for a common

followed by a couples massage and dinner at your favorite restaurant.

theme, like:

For families: today, we'll cut our own tree and deco-

activity than the ones they suggested, you'll feel

rate it. Tomorrow, it's game night! We'll build a fire and

stressed. For sure, cider and charades beside a crackling

• I want some quiet time in the midst of all this chaos.

fire would be awesome. It's the best thing you can think

• I need a break from Christmas-Christmas-Christmas!

of right now, so you'll be frustrated when they want to

I want to do something unrelated to the holidays.

sonal and special. So use this simple three-step process

do something else.

• I'd like to feel more connected to you.

to create traditions that will be the most meaningful

• I'm feeling fat from eating so much heavy food, so I'd

and enjoyable for you and yours, for years to come.

But there are dozens of other ways you (and they)

drink hot cider. To be sure, traditions make the holidays more per-

could get the same feeling. One of them might be even

like to burn off some calories.

better than what you're currently thinking of as the

• I'm uncomfortable with how much money we've spent

Judy Widener is a Certified Life

tradition you want to start. How do you find out? By

already, so I'd like to do something that's free.

Coach and author of Power For

diving deeper into the possibilities pool. Which brings us to...

A Lifetime: Tools You Customize You may find that their bennie is the same, although

to Build Your Personal Power

the activity they suggest is different from yours. Here's

Every Day Of Your Life. You can

Step 2. Go deeper. When your beloved(s) tell you what

where you can share your matching bennie and push

sign up for Discovering Your

they want to do, keep this in mind: why they want to do

the limits of your imaginations as you jointly explore

Values, a 5-day e-course at no

it is more important than what they want to do. So pay

options for awesome new traditions. In other words...

cost at Her passion is assisting her clients to discover what is most important

even closer attention when they answer the next question you ask them: What would it do for you?

to them, then to create more balance and satisfaction in

You want to understand how they'll benefit from

Step 3. Negotiate. When they suggest watching a DVD because they're tired of the shopping and decorating,

doing it. This is extremely important, so take your time

you could say: I'm glad to hear that you want a break

over the past 14 years.



their lives. Judy has coached more than 600 people

December 2012

Feature—by Larry Carter Recreating Kirtan Has non-traditional Kirtan gone too far? A proposal! “Kirtan (is) a form of very old calland-response devotional music from India. But now, as Kirtan finds its way into American culture, it is evolving in unexpected ways.” National Public Radio Music ( templates/story/story.php?storyId=5498912)


irtan, a type of devotional singing that has evolved through hundreds of years in India, is commonly defined as the callresponse chanting in Sanskrit of the names and attributes of Hindu gods and goddesses. It was introduced to the United States by Paramahansa Yogananda in the 1920s, becoming much more popular during the 1960s with the rapid growth of the Krishna movement. The familiar sight in Western cities of street chanting by saffron-robed devotees playing Eastern instruments was a close approximation to Kirtan as it might have looked and sounded in India. To say that there has been a recent explosion of interest in Kirtan in the Western world would be an understatement. From informal weekly gatherings in most progressive cities to annual Bhakti Fest celebrations that draw thousands of participants, Kirtan has in just a few years progressed from occupying a minor niche in the contemporary music scene to being a major force connected with yoga, healthy eating, meditation and similar lifestyle choices.

traditional Kirtan has greatly evolved, thanks in large part to the efforts of internationally known Kirtan artists such as Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Dave Stringer, and Deva Premal and Miten, to name just a few. These artists have added unique instrumentation, highly developed arrangements, and a blend of chants from other traditions to the basic foundation of Sanskrit call-response chants. The result is the creation of a new tradition of Kirtan with sub-categories embracing a wide variety of musical genres. For example… Has non-traditional Kirtan gone too far? Some have expressed dismay with these changes, suggesting that they constitute a “bastardized” form of Kirtan. To this I would reply that Kirtan has always embraced change. As Dave Stringer, one of the best-known Kirtan musicians, explained in the liner notes to his Japa CD, “Kirtan is not a piece of dusty ethno-musicological taxidermy. It's a living, breathing organism spreading its genes out into the world. The Bhaktis had no use for orthodoxy. They saw the expression and form of the divine in every direction they looked. From this perspective, even music that cannot be characterized as traditional can still be expressive of the Bhaktis original intention.”

that the term "Kirtan" be used only if the basic elements of call-response (including instrumental responses) and Indian devotional beliefs are included to at least some degree. By this definition, those who lead traditional chants with alternative instruments or arrangements, and those who combine Sanskrit devotional chants with chants from other traditions, would all be practicing non-traditional Kirtan. Rabbi Hahn’s chants, however, would not be considered Kirtan since all Sanskrit and Indian devotional practices are intentionally excluded. This is spiritual chanting to be sure, and in listening to Rabbi Hahn's Kirtan Rabbi Live CD it is obvious that this is a powerful practice with many overlaps with Kirtan. However, since it is limited to Jewish beliefs, I suggest it is a misnomer to apply the Sanskrit term "Kirtan." And that’s my two cents worth.

However, this is not to say that "Kirtan" is is a projust another word for sacred call-response Larry Carter ducer and musician who lives just outside chanting. The difference, of course, is that the Lawrence, Kansas. Recent “Lawrence Old term "Kirtan" comes from a long tradition that honors India's devotional beliefs. Regardless Guard” productions include Lawrence Bhakti of how non-traditional the approach might be Fest, Lawrence Scottish Fest, the DVD docuCreating A New Tradition mentary Scots on the Kaw, and the weekly to this, including incorporating chants from With this has come the inevitable challengother spiritual traditions, it seems to me that Tuesday Concert series for area musicians at ing of traditional boundaries and the creation Sanskrit chants should be included before the the Lawrence Arts Center. A four-time winner of new traditions. If Kirtan, as introduced by in the Kansas Fiddling & Picking Championterm "Kirtan" is appropriate. Yogananda and practiced by 1960s Krishnas, ships, he regularly performs non-traditional can be said to define traditional Western Kir- Proposal Kirtan in Whole Earth Kirtan, folk and Celtic tan, then the significant changes that have Therefore, realizing that this might seem in Forest Green, and original children’s music happened since then should logically be con- too liberal for Kirtan purists yet too conservaas The Pied Piper of Lawrence. sidered non-traditional Kirtan. In fact, non- tive for spiritual chant explorers, I propose See EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


December 2012

Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year— or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact





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Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars 913-499-8514

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Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitioners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) -Qigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ Intuitive, Intuitive offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! 918-782-4778

Terrier Talk, Christine L. Fuller, Fuller Telepathic Dog Communicator. I am able to listen with my heart and communicate on a level your dog understands and relay this to you. (913) 689-5099.

PSYCHIC Nakala Akasie, Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 -

Tarot Card Reading by Yvette. $30 for one-hour reading. In person only. Northtown. 816-645-1818

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SHAMANISM Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343,


Reverend Marta A. Schwartz, Schwartz, Ordained NonDenominational Minister. Shamanic and Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master-Teacher. Lawrence, KS. 785-550-9576, Integrative Therapies by Sarah P. Chapman Aromatherapy Massage, Raindrop Treatment, Vitaflex, Pressure Point Therapy 913-549-0280

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LEGAL SERVICES M. Corinne Corley, Corley Corley Law Firm—Family Law cases in Missouri. 4010 Washington, Ste100 KCMO. 816-753-5556 The choice of an attorney is an important decision that should not be made on the basis of advertising alone.


NUTRITION & WELLNESS Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle.

Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Therapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986

Nancy Oglesby, Health & Weight Loss Coach Breakthrough to a New You! Let’s find out what’s holding you back & develop a plan to move past it. 816-808-9405

Lynn Johnson Soulier at Gardens of Delight Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Herbal Apprenticeship Program , near Parkville. 816.584.0777;


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December 2012

Yoga ~ over 20 years experience. Emphasis on alignment & safety. New and ongoing students. Seeking Solace Yoga Studio, 7501 Mission, PV, KS 913-302-2439 N2Paws Offering Doga (doggie yoga): an integrated approach to balance and relaxation for you and your canine companion! The Yoga School of Therapeutics Kansas State Education Board Approved School 10400 W. 103rd Street, #14 Overland Park, KS (913) 492-9594;

Mark Blanchard’s Power Yoga. Focused on breathwork. No levels, props, music or egos. Lots of events! In Ranch Mart Center in OP.; 913-901-8970. Your Wellness Connection Wellness Club Movement & Nutrition Classes, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage.7410 Switzer, Shawnee; 913.962.7408;

Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels December 2012 Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Happy birthday Sagittarius! You’ll have renewal in relationships. If single, you can start an exciting connection with a spiritual equal. If partnered, you’ll be able to resolve problems that keep you from bonding more deeply. Meditate on what you do have in common, and let fresh energy spring from there. If you have kids, find ways to include them in your spiritual practices, or talk about spiritual concepts together. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) You’ll have breakthroughs about family “stuff”. You’re on your own spiritual path, no matter your family karma. Meditate to forgive old patterns, in yourself and in them. Even if holidays are stressful, observe dynamics and remember you can choose your behaviors. Don’t control anyone else, since they’re just doing their karmic dance, and are probably happy doing it! Fortify yourself with extra sleep, because your dreams will give guidance.

and visualize changes that could happen in relationships, career and health. Don’t be afraid to become a totally new you! Make this a month of spiritual adventuring too. Find different ways to meditate; explore religions and mythologies. Find a way to connect with the Universe that fits this fresh expression of your soul! But, be patient with people – you are a fearless pioneer, and it takes others a while to catch up with you! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) The Universe wants you to claim new levels of intimacy (I say this to you a lot, Taurus, don’t I?!) One of your spiritual purposes as a Taurus is to release old hurts and be in the present moment with others. Meditate to forgive the past. Write about your issues and then rip up the paper or burn it! Let the past go and embrace the NOW. Believe you are evolving and know it is safe to change! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) This will be a fun holiday month! You could meet a love interest if single. If partnered, it will be a time of falling in love all over again. Meditate on gratitude for the wonderful things in your life this year. You’ll get involved with new activities and have lots of exciting interests – so even more cool people will be in your life starting now and through this upcoming year!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) Even if you can visualize wonderful solutions and exciting options for your life, as well as for friends and family, they may not be ready to follow your enthusiastic vision. Instead of selling your ideas, focus on the supportive people who are “on your page.” Next month, other loved ones will begin to follow your lead as they observe you walking your talk. Also, if having trouble meditating, add Cancer (June 21 – July 22) movement – yoga, tai chi – even walking mediations will If you’ve been waiting for a new job, or exciting changes in your current one, this is your month! Your window of help. opportunity might not be long, so don’t procrastinate Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) because you fear change. Jump right in when you feel a You’ll have breakthroughs with money and career! twinge of excitement in your belly (you could call it anxiYou’ve been waiting for good changes to happen, and ety, but excitement feels the same way!) These changes this is your time! You could get a new job, promotion or could also come about in relationships, so open your raise. A new co-worker could reignite your passion for heart and take a chance! your current position. Be open to different ideas about how to manage your finances. Investigate investments, Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) personal budgets, or even hobbies that can bring in cash. A new relationship could be starting! If partnered, have Remember money is a spiritual energy and the Universe a Zen “beginner’s mind” and look at your partner with wants you to prosper! new eyes. Pretend you’re in the early stages of love and see how that transforms both of you! Spiritually, you’ll Aries (March 21 – April 19) fall in love with spiritual disciplines. Explore new aveExciting Uranus goes direct in your sign, helping release nues of faith and soul connection – or recommit to your old concepts of yourself that hold you back! Meditate current path and experience renewing and deepening.

events December 1 Meet the Author & Mini-Readings At Aquarius, noon-7 .p.m. Experience the many ways Margo M. Mateas’ new Career Cards may be used. Receive a free minireading as you discover its prac"cal, direct answers to serious ques"ons. December 1-2 Reiki I & II Learn energy healing skills for yourself and others. Intro to essen"al oils included. 9am – 6pm, $320 with early deposit. CEs for nurses, massage therapists,

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Your challenge is to stay present. Don’t drag old memories or past reaction patterns into current situations. Meditate to uncover, forgive and release family “stuff” and old romantic wounds. Also forgive issues around money, with others, with corporations or with yourself. When you quit beating yourself up – or punishing others in your mind, you’ll see brand new options that are surrounding you abundantly! You’ll also be able to discern opportunities from foolish choices with money and love. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) If partnered, together you’ll overcome problems you’ve had since summer. Meditate to forgive and release the past so you can move ahead unencumbered. If single, a new bond can start! Even if it’s not long lasting, it will bring you excitement and insights. In general, try to be “out of your box”. Be in the moment without overanalyzing. You’ll be able to draw more conclusions late January. For now, just go with the flow! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Pay more attention to your body. You can be in such a spiritual mode that you feel you shouldn’t have to deal with the physical realm. This is a great time to make changes to your eating, exercise or stress-reduction. When your body is “tuned up”, you can better “tune in” with your soul. Your body isn’t a clunky bothersome thing you drag around with you. It is the training ground for your spiritual evolution. Please respect it! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and Soul Evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact OTs. Karen Harrison, ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, Leawood, KS. 816-523-4440. December 1 & 14 Sip & Paint KC Sip and Paint KC hosts evening pain"ng classes for individuals looking for a night of crea"vity, and drinks with friends. December classes: 12/1 6-8pm "Warhol Wine Glasses" 12/14 6-9pm "Monet's Sunrise" Check us out on Facebook for more info or email

Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 816-589-7896 December 2 How to Use Career Cards & Reader Cer$fica$on With Margo M. Mateas at Aquarius, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Learn more in-depth uses of Career Cards and be trained and cer"fied as a trained reader for the deck. No previous experience necessary. $88 includes signed Career Cards set.



December 2012

December 7 Holiday Open House and Art Recep$on 3p.m. to 8p.m., The professionals of Suite 100, 4010 Washington, are hos"ng a Holiday Open House and Art Recep"on, featuring "Layered Time", works by renowned ar"st Zigmunds Priede. Art and ar"st courtesy of the VALA Gallery. Event loca"on: 4010 Washington, Suite 100, KC MO. For more informa"on, 816-753-5556 or 913-826-6858.

December 7-9 KC Pipe Circle Christmas Sale 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. 7110 An"och, OP, 913-362-0904. Local ar"sts’ crea"ons of poPery, jute and leather bags, stockings, "e dyes, handmade soaps, jewelry, ornaments, peanut briPle, poinseSas, crystals and more. December 8 Akashic Records Meet-up Join us as we open our Akashic Records to explore the path of oneness, shiTing away from separateness and stepping forward as one light. 10-11 AM, Crescent Springs, OP, KS (love offering) Host: Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438 stephanie@innerwisdomevolu" December 8 Akashic Record Sessions Treat yourself to a personal Akashic Records Session with Stephanie Forcier and connect to the path of your inner wisdom. 1-4 PM Crescent Springs, OP, KS InnerWisdomEvolu" Call Kat for appt: 913-341-2044 December 8 Harmonic Priestess Process™ Preview Join Stephanie Red Feather and Emily Foster for a free preview of this highly transforma"ve 9-month journey into women’s mysteries. 2-4 p.m. 913-515-3271 redfeatherconnec" December 9 Stephanie Forcier on Psychic Talk Radio Tune into KKFI 90.1 FM at 8:00 AM as Stephanie speaks with Patricia Sneed about the Akashic Records and her business, Inner Wisdom Evolu"on. InnerWisdomEvolu" Call Stephanie for more info: 816-260-2438 December 9 Movies that Ma:er Join us monthly for inspiring & thought provoking films, food & friendship. 2 - 5pm @ Healing Journeys. Details: or 816-217-3359

December 12 Channeling - Live Music - Medita$on Join Maitreya Zohar, Chris"Ella and Rama Inacio as we receive the energies of this 12/12/12 portal opening in group consciousness. 7 p.m. Overland Park. Call: 913-232-9437; December 14 2nd Friday Reiki Share Hosted by Stephanie Red Feather every second Friday. All modali"es and skill levels welcome. 6025 Martway, Suite 101, Mission, KS. redfeatherconnec" December 26 Witches Meet-Up At Aquarius, 7-9 p.m. Celebrate the return of the sun and Winter Sols"ce ritual. More info at Kansas-City-Witches. January 5 Kaya's Terrific Tarot Party Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS An amazing evening of insight and fun: 3 Psychics, 5 types of Readings, Gallery Readings, Games, Prizes, Food, Music. 7-10 pm Adv "x @ Healing-Journey-with-Kaya or 816-217-3359

January 12 Harmonic Priestess Process™ Introductory Weekend This weekend begins the 9-month journey through women’s mysteries and New Earth Priestess archetypes. Must register to par"cipate: 913-515-3271. redfeatherconnec" January 12 Matrix Energe$cs Intro with Ana Gordon Into to Matrix Energe"cs- the Science and Art of Transforma"on. Play with consciousness technology and access infinate possibli"es in the morphic field of Matrix Energe"cs. Free 12-2 p.m. Bell Living Arts Community Center For more info contact Ana Gordon at 816-399-3657

December 11 Core Star Energy Healing Clinic 7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS Reserva"ons 913-831-4422

January 13 Matrix Event Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 7:00pm For more info contact Anna Loca"on: Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 $15 per person Bell Yoga Studio, 816-589-7896

December 12 Holiday Medita$on Join us for an hour of guided medita"on on the holiday season and allowing yourself to stop and reflect on your true nature and spirit. Core Star Energy Healing School, 6045 Martway, Mission, KS 66202 7:00 P.M. Love Offering no reserva"on needed

January 19 - 20 Core Star Energy Healing Mentoring Weekend Reiki prac""oners, other healers and massage therapists, this is your opportunity to build on and strengthen your energy healing skills, techniques and knowledge. Cost $250 call 913-831-4422



ONGOING OPEN HEART MEDITATION WITH THE SINGING BOWL Ongoing Tuesdays and Sundays Come meditate with us and be bathed in the clear, pure, healing sound of a massive crystal bowl. This is a moving event for which you need no previous experience. All are welcome. Bell Yoga Studio, 41st & Bell, KC MO 64111 Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm; Sunday 5:00-6:00pm $5 dona"on Bell Yoga Studio, 816-589-7896 WELLNESS 101 If you are ready to change your health, wellness and/or weight, you’re ready for Wellness 101 – a 10-hour sciencebased course that can CHANGE YOUR LIFE! November classes KansasCity. or call 913-269-7990. CHAKRA SATURDAYS 10am - 12 @ Healing Journeys Get your Kundalini rising! Join us for any or all: Chakra Yoga, Chakra Dhyana (chan"ng), Live webcast from Oneness University. Love offering. Details: or 816217-3359 INVISION SPIRITUAL GATHERINGS Saturday nights at 6:00 PM and Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. Powerful messages and great music! 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. YOGA IN THE NORTHLAND TAUGHT BY MARTI LEE Classes for beginners to advanced. Address: 5106 NW Waukomis Drive, KCMO. More informa"on: Facebook/com/InBlissYoga CHAIR YOGA Mondays at 8:30 a.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. $78/6 week session Preregister at 816.584.0777. ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City Healing Project has been providing energy healing sessions for cancer pa"ents. Our clients have been December 2012

experiencing a reduc"on of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from their treatment and disease. Dona"on basis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358 for details. RESTORATIVE YOGA 2nd Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate major organs. $25. Pre-register at 816.456.2359. PRE-NATAL YOGA Mondays at 7 p.m. at Gardens of Delight near Parkville. Enjoy our innova"ve approach to pre -natal care and experience a radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery. $78/6-week session. Pre-register at 816.584.0777. GROW ORGANIC w/GARDENS OF DELIGHT Join our community garden outside of Parkville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot. Explore growing and ea"ng your own organic produce. Informa"on: 816.584.0777. 4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM, Fee: Dona"on. Reserva"ons: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 hPp:// bioenergy/HealingBioenergy/ Movies_BLP.html REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 An"och, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7-9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier: 816-523-4440 SACRED RELATIONSHIP 2nd or 3rd Saturday monthly A beginning tantra class for singles and couples to experience the Divine. 7-9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier with topic and date,



December 2012

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