Eve's Apple The Mag Issue 14- The Challengers

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E v e ' s A p p l e i s a M a t r i a r c h a n d S o n s P u b l i c a t i o n E v e ' s A p p l e i s a M a t r i a r c h a n d S o n s P u b l i c a t i o n E v e ' s A p p l e i s a M a t r i a r c h a n d S o n s P u b l i c a t i o n

Eve's Apple!ISSUE I14 SSUE I14 SSUE 14 OCT/NOV O2022 CT/NOV O2022 CT/NOV 2022
Thankyou 3110 2022 thethingsyoulovearework Iam urewhatEvewouldsaybutIam Endofyearfatiguehassetin ...LOVEandLIGHTtoyou. ThisissueiscalledCHALLENGERS These 3peoplehavetakenalifedecisionto ensureabetterqualityoflifeforthe LGBTIAQ+community Khanyisa confrontsclimatechangeanditsimpact onqueerpeople.Lookoutforthemonkey poxwriteup. SecretCornerensuringwestay pleasured Aspecialwordofappreciationtoallthe stockphotographers,youmakethiswork amazing. Glynis McGee K N Out Love, Kanyisa Booi The Matriarch Deemitry Nzama Nonkululeko Hlongwane-Mhlongo A Word. Contributors
e r C O N T E N T S EVE'S APPLE THE MAG-ISSUE 14 @beinganapple @evesapplethemag matriarchandsons@gmail com OOct/Nov ct/Nov 22022 022 Page14-26"TheChallengers;Vee,Happy&Tshidi Page14-26"TheChallengers;Vee,Happy&Tshidi c h a l l e n g e r s @evesapplethemag
HOLDYOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE Takeapersonalinventoryof yourownpersonalimpacton theplanet remember,ifyou can’tmeasureit,youcan’t manageit! WHATYOU CANDO ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE


...when the LGBTIAQ+ movement embraces the rainbow metaphorically, it is a gesture that refuses co option, erasure and a deliberate political move to try to make difference link with freedom rather than annihilation.”

In her book Reflecting Rogue, Professor Pumla Dineo Gqola reminds us that “when the LGBTIAQ+ movement embraces the rainbow metaphorically, it is a gesture that refuses cooption, erasure and a deliberate political move to try to make difference link with freedom rather than annihilation.” With that, and cognisant of the attention on Pride Month, it is only fitting to highlight how climate change impacts Queer communities to truly appreciate that this month is founded on protest and complexities faced

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Towards a just transition that is just...

Sustainability practices along with its growing canon of knowledge, emphasise people in approaches to mitigation, resilience and adaptation as part of just transition efforts. Various experts and insights spotlight existing socio economic inequalities and legacies in relation to development. What is clear are concerted efforts to prepare for a future that transforms us into a cohesive and sustainable society. It is critical to look at the communities prioritised, and resources directed to action. Countless points of views draw on indigenous practices, the role of responsible corporates, government, existing & developing infrastructures, civil society, community movements, environmental research to (re)imagine a future where humanity can survive the effects of climate change However, despite this body of work, the presence of Queer communities as a demographic that needs to be catered for is slim There are several socio economic structures that inhibit communities from participating in climate change discussions

Eve'sAppleTheMag |PAGE19
What is clear are concerted efforts to prepare for a future that transforms us into a cohesive and sustainable society. It is critical to look at the communities prioritised, and resources directed to action.



Q U E E R S ?


From a research perspective, insufficient resources have been directed towards engaging the communities across South Africa in understanding and responding to their specific climate vulnerabilities. Relying on global knowledge, a study by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago revealed that LGBTQIAP+ youth are 120% more likely to be left homeless. Queer communities are vulnerable to homelessness because of discrimination and harm stemming from homophobia Inaccessibility to housing, and by extension climate resilient housing translates to a compounded strain on shelters and psychosocial complications of belonging As it stands, NGOs largely carry the responsibility of caring for Queer youth through homes, negotiating for access to education, employment, health, and legal services. These organisations are also faced with limited funding and resource capacity Government entities boast of building an inclusive society, and yet insufficient resources are directed towards Queer communities in response to climate change as a present issue and strengthening safety nets needed for the crisis

Climate shocks also draw our attention to citizenship as a social status that can come into jeopardy resulting from forced immigration. From the droughts in Ethiopia, Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi to most recently the Kwa Zulu Natal floods that destabilised communities which Queer people are a part of Despite South Africa’s legislation which afford rights and protections to Queer communities, there are still persistent homophobic and afrophobic views that place vulnerable communities at risk.

From an economic standpoint, there is ongoing research on the power of the Pink Rand a phrase meant to reflect the buying power of the LGBTQIAP+ communities According to findings by the LGBT Capital, the global LGBTQIAP+ consumer power in 2018 was estimated to be $3.6 trillion (est. R55,8 trillion). Closer to home, The Pink Rand study found that the spending power of the LGBTQIAP+ community in South Africa to be R53 billion R204 billion These studies take into account various factors for economic measurements, and serve as a knowledge base on spending trends, consumer behaviours and characteristics as well as LGBTQIAP+ owned and led businesses that contribute to this Pink economy

A closer look at the South African context reveals that most financially excluded Queer people are young and Black Because Queer communities are forced to navigate an economically exclusionary system, they are also most likely to face discrimination in accessing emergency disaster relief. Reflections from ongoing studies show that climate disasters have a disproportionate impact on low income areas, Black & indigenous communities, women, disabled people and asylum seekers. “Leave no one behind” a statement, principle and practice that seeks to affirm the importance of moving forward in unity National just transition policies and interventions should take this approach in understanding how Queer communities are affected by the climate crisis There is no better future if marginalised communities continue to be relegated to the fringes of society

Khanyisa Nomoyi is a sustainability professional with experience working in the private and civil society sectors. Key areas of interest include politics, feminist economics, climate change, international relations and corporate transformation.

. . . W H E R E
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MMonkey Pox is not a sexually transmitted infection Misinformation has undermined public health efforts, and has hit the LGBTQ+ community hard.

Health Officials around the world are struggling to raise awareness about the virus, sadly, too little too late. The LGBTQ+ community has already been stigmatised and Monkey Pox has been filtered through the gay community as a sexually transmitted infection.

Scientists have yet to discover if the virus is spread via semen or vaginal fluids, evidence exists that the virus DNA is found in semen.

Monkey Pox has been around since the 1970’s and was not regarded as a sexually transmitted infection.The global case counts hovered at around 26 000 infections in 80 countries. In July 2022, the World Health Organisation “recommended that gay and bisexual men limit their numbers of sexual partners to protect themselves from monkey and slow the the rate of transmission” – we find that deplorable.

Sexual contact is NOT the only way that this virus is spread. Close contact, via unwashed clothes and linen, working with infected animals (hunting etc) and self limiting outbreaks within a household

The primary spread is human to human. Via direct contact with infectious sores, bodily fluids and respiratory secretions, like any face to face infections. Scientists have yet to discover if the virus is spread via semen or vaginal fluids, evidence exists that the virus DNA is found in semen. Some experts say that although sex is a perfect conduit for monkey pox to be transmitted, the virus in NOT exclusively a sexually transmitted disease, therefore cannot be deemed a sexually transmitted disease. That is it is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it is a disease that can be transmitted through sexual contact. That goes for herpes, HPV and syphilis which are not exclusively transmittable through sexual behaviour but also contracted through skin to skin contact.

Therefore…deeming it a sexually transmitted disease, is very misleading


Monkey pox

Monkey Pox is not a sexually transmitted infection. Misinformation has undermined public health efforts, and has hit the LGBTQ+ community hard.

Health Officials around the world are struggling to raise awareness about the virus, sadly, too little too late. The LGBTQ+ community has already been stigmatised and Monkey Pox has been filtered through the gay community as a sexually transmitted infection.Monkey Pox has been around since the 1970’s and was not regarded as a sexually transmitted infection.

The global case counts hovered at around 26 000 infections in 80 countries. In July 2022, the World Health Organisation “recommended that gay and bisexual men limit their numbers of sexual partners to protect themselves from monkey and slow the the rate of transmission” – we find that deplorable.

Sexual contact is NOT the only way that this virus is spread. Close contact, via unwashed clothes and linen, working with infected animals (hunting etc) and self limiting outbreaks within a household.

The primary spread is human to human. Via direct contact with infectious sores, bodily fluids and respiratory secretions, like any face to face infections.

click here for more sex ed

means nothing if you

can't say no...say no even to you" evesays
EVE'S APPLE T H E M A G Tshidi“MommyPOPINN”Chabane "I hope I have made people feel worthy of my time, inspired, loved, heard, and welcomed." I s s u e 1 4

I am...mom, a wife to be, a sibling, a friend, an aunt, a prominent churchgoer, oh and a student Whoooo! It is a lot But I love being in all these roles, it is challenging at times However, all these roles fulfill me Being a mom and an aunt entails being completely overwhelmed (in the best way possible) by love, joy, responsibility, and selflessness


I was named by my grandmother, Margret Chabane, and my mom ’ s aunt, Mantshebo Chabane They named me after one of my aunts We are from the Basotho tribe; great grandfather ran away from the whites in Lesotho many moons ago The meaning behind my name is blessing or consolation

I was raised by my grandparents and uncles I remember waiting for my grandfather (Sello Chabane), at the kitchen door after school Seeing him walk from the train station after work as a garden boy When he got home, we would sit under the fig tree He would give me his lunch sandwich and tell me that I must study hard and become a doctor We had these conversations even when I was older and had joined the South African Military Health Services He was so proud and kept reminding me of what his vision is for me This makes me emotional I miss him every day May he continue to shine his light on me

Growing up...
"He (my grandfather) would give me his lunch and tell me that I must study hard and become a doctor.


I started working as a key populations project manager in 2018, supporting implementing partners who were providing services to men who have sex with men and transgender women. I felt there was not enough innovation, then began conceptualizing POP INN clinics, which we launched in 2019, October. As an ally, I am passionate about providing safe spaces for the LGBTQIA community. A space where you can be yourself without discrimination, where you can access health care services without being stigmatized, and be part of the safe space community to share your experiences and assist in sensitizing the general community.

on Activism

Activism has played a significant role in challenging dictatorships, legalizing same sex marriages, promoting gender equality, opposing racism, and a variety of other important issues So, I believe that if I stand for what I am passionate about and for something that is a basic need of the LGBTQI community, I am adding to the hard work that the community embarked on many moons ago I urge more public health specialists to join the movement


most of which

make it to court. On March 29, 2022, the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services held




Poor access to healthcare services Gender bias in education Lack of representation by the LGBTQI community in the workplace Discrimination is the biggest, sometimes
experience it from the family South Africa still faces a lot of hate crime cases,
do not
public hearings on the Prevention
Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill,
I hope that these d h h f l d d Give Me Change... "I want to be remembered for my kind, loving heart, sweet personality, pioneering spirit, creative mind, spirituality, equitable, and desire to include everyone."

on Sex Education

Sex education materials frequently assume heterosexual and non transgender people Many sex education curricula make no mention of sexual orientation or gender identity, and those that do so in a negative light This not only prevents LGBT people from learning the information and skills they need to stay healthy, but it also contributes to an exclusionary climate in schools, where LGBT students are already frequently targets of bullying and discrimination Gender education and sexual health are linked Comprehensive sex education is effective in reducing high risk sexual behaviors, promoting safer sex practices, and preventing sexually transmitted infections Because the LGBTQIA+ community has a higher rate of negative sexual health outcomes than their heterosexual counterparts, they would benefit the most from the effective and inclusive sex education that POP INN provides

Organised and Working

This is my favorite part The Aurum Institute established four POP INN Clinics in response to the unmet needs of our key population communities Tembisa, Nelspruit (Ehlanzeni), Pietermaritzburg, and eThekwini are the permanent clinic locations

The POP INN clinics meet the unique needs of our Men who Sleep with Men and Transgender Women, fostering a stronger sense of belonging and acceptance MSM The clinics provide a safe space for key populations communities to receive counseling, HIV, STI screening and treatment, and Tb screening and treatment, daily and event driven PrEP (also known as PrEP on demand) or ART, psychosocial support services, Gender Affirming Health Care inclusive of hormonal therapy, and any treatment of any other minor illnesses The clinics also offer free Wi Fi, computer access, and a relaxing environment in which to connect with peers

The POP INN Clinics were created in response to the specific health care and psychosocial needs of MSM and TGW Routine services do not meet the needs of key populations, which is exacerbated by stigma and a lack of awareness about LGBTQI+ health needs

We provide sensitization training to our colleagues in the Department of Health to ensure that they are familiar with the needs of key populations


EVE'SAPPLETHEMAG 14 ISSUE " Live, love light to all the gender queer and gender diverse persons. "


My great grandmother, who gave birth to my grandfather, who is the father to my mother would wrap left over bread in newspaper from her breakfast in the morning, and every time when we come back from school, my sister and I would go see her and tell her about the interesting events that took places during the day at school.

She would then narrate what she heard on the radio on the news or the latest episode of a Nguni drama series that played in the midday show, ask us to make tea and reach for thebreadthatiscoveredwithnewspapers,preservedforus.

We would be having hot tea, in our dirty clothes we wore from the day before, hot, but enjoying the bread on tea with theinterestingthingsshewassaying.

What'sIn What'sIn aName aName

I remember I had a conversation with my mom and dad but at different times in my life about who named me, I’m using my mom ’ s surname, which is Nkosi, Swati cos my grandfather is Swati and my late grandmother is Ndebele My father’s surname is Sthebe (Xithebe) Tsonga, which when I’m asked “Omo kae” or“Umhlobobani”IquicklysayI’mTsonga,fromMozambique,youcanimagine the expressions I get, especially if I’ve already said my name and surname, whichisVeeKaNkosi…

Mom says she named me, dad also says he named me Vincent I can sort of believe dad ‘ cause his uncle was Victor and he's also named Victor, which my aunt corroborates, to say ive been named after their uncle… Mom named me Bheki which in my understanding means ‘to look after’… and no, it’s not Bhekumuzi or Bhekizizwe or whatever Bheki what what is out there, it’s just Bheki

But interestingly, I've always wanted a Tsonga name, and with a conversation with mom or dad i asked why they didn’t name me “Nkhensani” which means Gratitude/to give thanks, “Tinyiko” which mean Gift, “Nhlamulo” which means to answer… but I was stuck with Vincent Bheki Nkosi. So, I lean more and prefer VeeKaNkosi

oct/Nov Eve's Apple the Mag Issue 14



My granddad and the love he had for the family. He is a calm and soft spoken man, who’s values and acts of kindness speak for him. I remember when MI y granddad and the love he had for the family. He is a calm and soft spoken man, who’s values and acts of kindness speak for him. I remember when I was staying with my fathers in a different city… every time I went to visit them, I’d lay next to him under a tree and we would have these wuplifting, as staying with my fathers in a different city… every time I went to visit them, I’d lay next to him under a tree and we would have these uplifting, encouraging econversations. ncouraging conversations.

He always encouraged me to take care of my home and family, to be kind and he was the perfect, in my eyes, example of a man I wanted to be growing Hup, e always encouraged me to take care of my home and family, to be kind and he the perfect, in my eyes, example of a man I wanted to be growing up, he still is.He inspires me to do good, be good , be kind, love real and treat the next person how id like to be htreated. e still is.He inspires me do good, be good , be kind, love real and treat the next person how id like to be treated. Another is my English high school teacher, Ma’am Maoka, she made me fall in love with the English language an I think as a gay men that has helped Ame nother is my English high school teacher, Ma’am Maoka, she made me fall in love with the English language an I think as a gay men that has helped me express myself better when I was younger. When I struggled to fit in and find comfort in writing, poetry, I kept a journal… I gained some kind of epopularity xpress myself better when I was younger. When I struggled to fit in and find comfort in writing, poetry, I kept a journal… I gained some kind of popularity just because I was bold rto express my queerness in a school setting and I think that largely contributed to me being the president of the school at jsome ust because I was bold rto express my queerness in a setting and I think that largely contributed to me being the president of the at some point. point.

Another, last one, as an extra, is the late Eddie Makhosonke Zondi, I was told about him just as my voice broke. I was doing an unprepared speech and Athis nother, last one, as an extra, is the late Eddie Makhosonke Zondi, I was told about him as my voice broke. I was doing an unprepared speech and this teacher said, do I want to do radio, cos I have the voice and further remarked that, I should listen to Eddie Zondi. At my that age I was exposed to Y’ when tit eacher said, do I want to do radio, cos I have the voice and further remarked that, I should listen to Eddie Zondi. At my that age I was exposed to Y’ when it had people like Rudeboy Poul Mnisi, Mpho Mabooi and I knew that I had the love for media, but just didn’t know which and with that 2 min hconversation ad people like Rudeboy Poul Mnisi, Mpho Mabooi and I knew that I had the love for media, but just didn’t know which and with that 2 min conversation about Eddie, I know the medium would dentary be aRadio. bout Eddie, I know the medium would dentary be Radio.

Being Queer

Bitter sweet, I actually have a tweet in my head that was posted by a fellow queer during the spike of hate crimes and killings of queer bodies, Band itter sweet, I actually have a tweet in my head that was posted by a fellow queer during the spike of hate crimes and killings of queer bodies, and they tweet “..As the LGBTQIA+ community , we are constantly leaving in the shadow of the valley of death” and that really would sum up tmy hey tweet “..As the LGBTQIA+ community , we are constantly leaving in the shadow of the valley of death” and that really would sum up my anxiety as I constantly live openly, without hiding myself. Especially in public spaces, even at queer friendly aspaces. nxiety as I constantly live openly, without hiding myself. Especially in public spaces, even at queer friendly spaces.

In my home, its beautiful, I can wake up and be the son to my dad, who calls me standwa sam, a only brother to my sisters, the only grandson to Imy n my home, its beautiful, I can wake up and be the son to my dad, who calls me standwa sam, a only brother to my sisters, the only grandson to my granddad, a only son to my mom…rock a crop top, throw my feet at the table and be as comfortable as ever…but outside, it a different ball ggame. randdad, a only son to my mom…rock a crop top, throw my feet at the table and be as comfortable as ever…but outside, it a different ball game.

I’m constantly stared at, or I am talked about in whisper between both men and women. I can walk through an airport without being Iconfusingly ’m constantly stared at, or I am talked about in whisper between both men and women. I can walk through an airport without being confusingly stared just because I’m wearing a body suit… or get in the taxi with my headsets and have a men who would want to prob, in a suncomfortable tared just because I’m wearing a body suit… or get in the taxi with my headsets and have a men who would want to prob, in a uncomfortable conversation, that I don’t want to be part of, on either I think sex with a women is better at night or in during the day… so cyeah. onversation, that I don’t want to be part of, on either I think sex with a women is better at night or in during the day… so yeah.

"Myactivismisforqueermenandgenderdiverse personstogetaccesstofree healthwithoutbeing ridiculed,discriminatedagainst,onthebasisoftheir sexuality,sexualorientation,genderexpressandfurtheronwhotheyare."

Gender Justice

...is not a tweet. It needs to begin with the unwanted, uncomfortable and confrontational conversations with role players that need to care, protect and serve all humans regardless of how they present. To sensitize all these majority population groups that are occupying structures that influence decisions. Protect, serve, with DIGNITY and RESPECT.


There was a gap that was not filled with the already existing structures, and that made us lose lives, both physical and non physical Gender queer and gender diverse persons didn’t have the opportunity to really access services, in a safer, comfortable space and interact with like minded people The gap had to be closed, hence the major work around gender education and sexual health


I work at Aurum POP INN, it’s a key populations program by the Aurum Institute I work as an Ambassador and communications officer My role is basically making sure that the POP INN brand is well carried and represented, I do events, host features, and campaigns just to mention a few

My work is both on the ground and office based Disseminating of information both digitally and through traditional media like radio and print, on services that are being offered by POP INN to men who have sex with men and transgender women

Eve's Apple The Mag Oct/Nov
"Sex Education is still missing Sexual expression without binaries that are limitation…"

Pleasure tome...

Broken down binaries and berries in the bedroom, I automatically think of sexual pleasure, I think ‘ cause we sexual beings having a human experience…so definitely sexualpleasurewouldbeontopofmyAGENDA…

As a GAY man we are face with binaries and boxes that set barriers and this is with “roles” and with that comes certain limitations. As a, both masculine and feminine presenting body my sexual pleasure and LIBERATIONS would be limited to someone lack of, were if I were to date a “strictly Top” (Don’t ask me about these ROLE, they are a lot and change all the time, I can’t keep up) I won’t be able to explore four paly orpenetrationonthebasesofsomeone’s“role”


My sister texting me, passed my ‘ come back’ home time and asking if I’m okay and if coming home When my dad calls me “Sthandwa Sam” A video call with my grandfather when I’m not at home. Providing for my family. Love is forgiving my 2018 ex for leaving me without a reason. Love is when I drop everythingbecausemyfriendneedsme.

Love is a breath, love is light, love is movement. Love is experiences that will make you never forget how they made you feel, in the context of being happy Love is a memory, a smile, long text/paragraphs you send to that one person at 2 AM. Love is thought, being considered. Love asking, are you okay, what can I do for you? What do you need?... love is choosing, to be present, to do, even in moments you don’t feel likeit

At theendof alongdayI am...

Calm, drinking I’ngud’ yeBlack Label in the comfort of my own space in my thoughts about life and how I could better myself. Asking if I'd ever find love in all its truest form. I’m scared when I’m not at work, I’m always thinking, if there isn’t anything I’m missing or have not done. I’m my grandfather's proudest moment My sister’s safe space.Adminofmyhome. I’m a gay man whose faced with life’s challenges, acknowledges life and says “Whatever means necessary, PRAY” on some evening of some day (not as consistent) days and every morning wakes up and before doing anything, thanks God, for the blessings, grace and favour…and remembers my aunts words everytime,XikwembuXikahle”

oct/Nov Eve's Apple the Mag Issue 14
"Remember me as a GAY MAN that shined the light in his little corner, whether influential or not just a GAY MAN who lived… without fear."
unoshea.co.za +27 79 271 1778
Happy Happy Happy Phaleng Phaleng Phaleng I s s u e 1 4 E v e ' s A p p l e T h e M a g “Youarenotbetteruntilyoucanuseyourbetternesstobetterothers."

"I think the folks were Happy and it had nothing to do with me unless they saw it from the beginning that Happy Gay or something but I totally love the name unisex as f*ck...?

As a child...

Well my child hood memory is actually my involvement in sports activities and specifically soccer back line defence which when I started showing or coming out most wanted to say but you grew up playing soccer and being part of all naughty activities heterosexual boys would do. I am Gay oksalayo!

What they call me...

Happiness Child; I was named by my mom surely my Dad just said yes without adding and I think the folks were Happy and it had nothing to do with me unless they saw it from the beginning that Happy Gay or something but I totally love the name unisex as f*ck but look I am misgendered most of the time and usually they say we thought you are a girl Happiness Is the four letter word #Love

Riding for me

My family played a critical role in shaping who I am with support, love and protection. Media informed me. Having support from my immediate family was the best protection, because look, you will not even try to terrorise my life in any way My family will come for you with everything

Riding for me

South Africa is quite a fair country with beautiful constitution and policies that speaks to protection of everyone regardless of their sexual orientation The implementation of those policies and constitution is the issue Hate Crimes #AmINext we are being killed randomly so it depends which corner and position I am sitting in It's not safe!


When I work...

I have pushed quite a lot of projects that enhance Human Rights in the past 12 years and I am currently a project coordinator responsible for PR and Media Coordination at Aurum POP INN programme and am actually about information dissemination and creating awareness about all things POP INN.

My activism is very important simply because every voice matters and my active involvement in the issue could be what is needed to shift or push for that certain Human Rights policy.

AURUM POP INN offer free sexual health services to Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and Transgender Women (TGW) in Tembisa,Mbombela, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria and Durban. The centres provide a safe space for key population communities to receive counselling, screening for HIV, STIs and TB, receive PrEP or ART, and receive psycho social support services. The centres also provide free Wi-Fi, access to computers and a comfortable space to relax and connect with peers.


"...every voice matters and my active involvement in an issue could be what is needed to shift or push for that certain Human Rights policy.

What's in your libido pills and topical ointments?

This is not medical advice, rather product information.

As a result of adverse effects reported for prescription medications for women ’ s health, women are turning to botanicals. Most of these are found in over the counter libido enhancing tablets, for a quick libido boost when you feel the need for a little bit of a lift.As a rule of thumb, I have shied away from these magical little tablets. I have opted for a topical serum or lube. Offering this to the many ladies who query about their lack of libido, or, lack of orgasms.

Let's take a look

Dong Quai also know as, “female ginseng” known for its libido enhancing capacities in women, treat infertility and ease menstrual cramps. Studies have shown dong Quai in different forms will increase female libido and is often used in alternative hormonal treatment.

Ashwagandha known to aid in revitalising passion by boosting hormone levels. DHEA (boosting bone density and regulates hormones): it is also known to increase female libido and increase clitoral sensitivity.

Gingo Biloba: Usually known to increase memory. It has also been found to be a slow acting, but long term sexual enhancer. Nitric oxide improves the blood supply to the clitoris, labia enhancing libido.

Agnes Castus: is another botanical that lifts the mood and enhances sexuality. ·Wild Yam: Besides a myriad of other benefits Wild Yam has for women, it is best known to ease menopausal syndrome. Known as a phytostestroid or plant based steroid, specifically progesterone, which is known to increase libido in women.

While we go into all the benefits of botanicals. It is essential to know that regardless of the benefits, there are pros and cons with all oral tablets and should not be taken lightly. It is best to seek the advise from your consultant.

Super Tabs for Women are not discussed often enough for libido enhancing properties, however used widely for menopausal syndrome; with little or no side effects. You Cannot Un Ring the Bell

It is vital that you are aware of the contraindications that there are when used in conjunction with prescribed medication Certain prescribed medications deplete libido or make it difficult to reach an orgasm. Do not confuse this with your sex drive. Opt for a serum or topical stimulant.

Eve's apple the Mag Page 11


Application Gel, is a lube that was created to ensure that you had a quality lube with no nasty ingredients, and a low osmolality (to ensure it does not dry your skin out to make matters worse) is for ease and comfort for medical devices, such as first-time tampon or moon cup users, colonoscopy bags, dilators, for an example. We want onlytheverybesttosupportyourbody

CBD infused, yup you asked we listened, due to popular demand we brought out a CBD infused Lube, this is the OG Liquid Gold Lube but now infused with CBD. What does CBD do in a lube and why is this such a popular thing, you might be wondering, well CBD increases blood flow which then increases sensitivity. Who doesn’t wantmoresensationthereright

Liquid Gold Lube is an organic, proudly South African, plant and water based, chemical FREE personal lubricant that ensures only the highest quality ingredients are used on your sacred areas. Our nourishing lubricant doesn't dry up or get sticky, enhancingyourexperienceandenjoyment.

AnalLube,sowecreatedabrandnewrecipethatgive theglideofasiliconelubebutis100%natural,water basedandfitsourLGLethosofpurenaturalness.This lubeisspecificallyPH(7.5 8.0)balancedfortheanus(not tobeusedinavagina).Itsfortheanalplayloversout there,lookingforquality,naturalgoodness,safetouse withlatexandsilicon.

A SOOTHING Gel, for vaginal dryness for anyone postpartum, perimenopausal, or going through treatment with vaginal dryness as a side effect. We understand that when your going through these life changes your not in the frame of mind to reach for a sexy looking lube brand. We wanted to ensure we have your covered and so we created a lube just for you, to sooth yourvagina.


Eve's Apple The Mag
@secretcorner sa wwwsecretcornercoza
Pleasure doingthisyear withyou.
C U N N I N G C U N N I L I N G U S @secretcorner sa wwwsecretcornercoza WhenlookingatthewordCunnilingus,ithasvariousinterpretationsandissummarisedin manyways IquoteUrbanDictionary. “Thebestthingintheworld” “Anartofusingyourmouthtogivesexualsatisfactiontovulva…” Ihappentolovethisdefinition,“Alinguisticdevice,socunningthatallfemalesarereduced tomoansandsquealsduringitsapplication…” Howeveryousayit,italwaysconstruestothesamemeaning.Purepleasure.Likeallsexual pleasure,cunnilingusshouldbemastered.Thevaginaisamagicallittleplaceofhidden secretsandcrevices,sheisjuicyandisoftencomparedtoadelectablyedibleand succulentfruitandtheaphrodisiacoyster. “An art of using your mouth to give sexual satisfaction to vulva… ”
SLIPPERY SLIPPERY SLIPPERY ...when .wet. ..when .wet. ..when wet.

"Don’t forget the rest of


are also packed with nerves that excite and offer

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slideitover andaroundherentirevulvaandclitoris usingcircularmovements."
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