ESTIEM Annual Report 2014

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European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


2014 IN A N Several developments marked the year 2014 for ESTIEM as we have seen our network reach new universities and new countries in Europe, with a steady growth in the number of international events we organised. There was a focus on growing our connections with other organisations, even outside of Europe. With these connections, ESTIEM is positioning itself as the hub for student development in the Industrial Engineering and Management field. ESTIEM is also an organization where data analytics are used when possible in order to improve decision making. During this year our internal operations has been improved by the work of the 30 ESTIEMers who led our international teams in the respective Projects, Committees and Initiatives - all of them students who had the opportunity to learn and grow as leaders together.

Esin Korel Vice President of Education

Rade Pantelic Vice President of Activities

Nuno C Presi

Sorana Vice President of

NUTSHELL Throughout the Summer, we have started the reviewing of the Vision, Mission and Core Values of ESTIEM, taking this task with the highest feeling of responsibility towards all what our network stands for, be it friendship, openmindedness, professionalism or equal opportunities. In this sense, 2014 was also an important year due to the establishment of the IEM Foundation, an organisation founded together with ESTIEM Alumni which aims at being a lighthouse for social projects related to IEM. We look forward to what the future will bring. One could say that the multicultural, friendly and open minded ESTIEM Spirit which is the backbone of our organisational culture has spilled over and inspired others to take action towards a more sustainable world. We are happy to conclude our year, confident that ESTIEM will continue to play its role in the development of European IEM students in this increasingly interconnected world.

- ESTIEM Board 2014

Carneiro ident

Ionita Public Relations

Marija Turanjanin Vice President of Finance

Tibor Weigel Vice President of Administration

scan to see our Board video

CONTENTS 06 Introduction to ESTIEM 09 Highlights of 2014 Strategy Education Organisational development New activites Image and public relations Information technology

24 Board Work Board goals Responsibilities

30 Network Development Expansion of the network Projects, committees and initiatives Internal regulations updates External relations

40 Financial Report Financial transparency Financial overview of the projects

44 Activity Report General quality of events Event of the season Local groups


business skills

with friends?


SKILLS Founded back in 1990, ESTIEM is the organisation for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. Our goal is to establish and foster relations between students across Europe and to support them in their personal and professional development. The ESTIEM network consists of 77 Local Groups in 30 countries, reaching out to 60 000 students. The focus of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) studies lies in providing students valuable engineering knowledge as well as practical management experience. IEM integrates technological knowledge and management skills, helping students to cope with competitive business challenges while comprehending the underlying technology. We promote the concept of IEM by establishing contacts


Annual Report 2014

between students, companies and institutions. Contributing to mutual understanding across Europe, our unique ESTIEM spirit stands for overcoming borders, being open minded and combining work and fun. IEM has many different faces and so does ESTIEM. Besides the work in our Committees, Projects and Initiatives, our core activity is organising over 150 international events every year. We offer a wide portfolio of activities with different focus, from the biggest Case Study competition for IEM students in the world (TIMES) to series of seminars under a specific topic or entrepreneurship academies. Our university, corporate and institutional partners are very important contributors to the success of our ESTIEM activities.

solving skills




new friends

2 700



participants / year

local groups


60 000


events / year

IEM students


European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


For over 15 years now, in the Institute for Manufacturing in the University of Cambridge, we have been delighted to be able to work with ESTIEM, helping create and develop the ESTIEM Summer Academies and, more recently, helping to create and develop the Professors’ network (EPIEM), which I currently chair. Through this time ESTIEM has continued to grow its spirit and extend its reach and has developed ways of working and ways of constantly renewing and adapting its structure that ensure a continuity of strength that is very hard to achieve in a student organisation which, by its very nature, has an ever-changing membership. What we see emerging now – a mentoring system at transEuropean level between ESTIEM Alumni and ESTIEMers, and an IEM Foundation, which will be able to support growth within the whole trans-European IEM Community – promises much for the future. We look forward to continuing to be involved.

- Dr Jim Platts, University of Cambridge


Annual Report 2014


STRATEGY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT The ESTIEM College 2014, our 1-week summer strategic meeting, laid the groundwork for the alignment of ESTIEM’s strategy for the upcoming years. Three important outcomes were worked on during 2014: the discussion about the redefinition of the ESTIEM framework (Mission, Vision and Values), the basis for a Strategic Plan of activities for the period 2015-2018 and the change of the Board year term. The framework revision was started at the College 2014 and included brainstorming about new formulations for the Mission and Vision of ESTIEM, as well as the identification of new core values for our organisation. The results of the new framework have then been shared with the network for further discussions and should be implemented in 2015.


Annual Report 2014

The most time of College 2014 was dedicated to the study of ESTIEM’s current strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in a thorough SWOT analysis. The next step after the SWOT analysis was finding which areas ESTIEM should focus on, in order to maintain the strengths of the organisation, reduce weaknesses, make use of opportunities and minimize threats. The outcome was the definition of 5 focus areas on which ESTIEM should focus on: Finances; Image; HR Management and development; Service development; Cooperation between Local Groups and central ESTIEM. With these 5 focus areas in mind, the discussion has been brought to the whole network at the Autumn round of Project and Committee coordination meetings. The discussion at these meetings promoted strategic thinking in Project and Committee teams, integrated into the defined focus points. The next steps should now include the definition of milestones and action points, which will compose the strategic plan 2015-2018.

CHANGE OF THE BOARD YEAR In the beginning of the year, Board 2014 proposed the discussion of an old idea: the possibility of changing the period of the Board term to match the academic year (summer-summer) instead of the civil year ( JanuaryDecember). The underlying purpose is that the start of the Board year in summer will allow Board members to coordinate it better with their study times and that summer is a more favourable time for handover due to the lower amount of ESTIEM activities in this period. A study about practices in other international student organisations indicated that the start in summer is already common practice. An analysis of the exam and holiday periods in ESTIEM Local Groups also confirmed that July and August are the transition months between academic years for most Universities. Finally towards the end of 2014, it was concluded that starting the Board year term on the 1st of August would be the most favourable option. Preparations have started to propose a change in the ESTIEM Statutes in 2015 and electing a transition Board between November 2015 and August 2016. We believe that this is another important development in ESTIEM which will allow us to keep growing sustainably.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


EDUCATION 2014 was the year of many firsts and bold yet successful attempts for the education field: organising the first ESTIEM educational event in order to have a say in shaping IEM education and consequently, the Education Initiative was established to make it happen. The idea of organising a Master Thesis award competition to select the best three master theses in the field of IEM was born. ESTIEM for the first time engaged itself in three joint educational projects with other professional networks. ESTIEMers were given numerous occasions (e.g. EPIEM meets ESTIEM event) to reflect on the current education system and make their voice heard by professors. Many new contacts from academia were made, fresh cooperations with the universities overseas were kicked off.

EUROPEAN MASTER THESIS AWARD In 2014 the idea for organising an European wide award for IEM, organised by ESTIEM, has been proposed by Bram Vercammen. During the year a lot of conversations have been held with professors, within and outside of EPIEM, and ESTIEMers to complete the idea. At first the focus will be on organising a competition for master theses, since the quality is generally better. At the moment of writing there have been verbal commitments by a party to sponsor the prize money, consisting of: first price

€1000, second price €500 and third price €250. The sponsor will also host the IT environment for handing in the applications, since the IT of ESTIEM did not seem ready for big additions. In 2014 a start has been made on the team of jury members and the regulations, in the beginning of 2015 this will be completed. The first European Master Thesis Award is to be held in September/October 2015 for all graduated students of academic year 2014-2015.

EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS • BEST Education Platform Project: After Jelle Dikker’s successful participation in one of the BEST’s events on education as a facilitator in 2014, ESTIEM not only got inspired to organise the same type of event on its own but also was asked to take part in a so called BEST education platform project as a partner student organisation, which was then agreed upon • Research on IEM Curricula in Europe: ESTIEM started to take part in a research project on IEM curricula in Europe, lead by University of Minho,


Annual Report 2014

Graz University of Technology and Institute of Industrial Engineers Ireland by providing the project with the real data from ESTIEM member universities and the opinions of students. • Research proposal on master studies for IEM: In this project led by Academy of Industrial Management, ESTIEM has started to take part to create a curriculum proposal for IEM Master students by bringing the perspective of students on educational matters on the table.

EDUCATION INITIATIVE During the summer of 2014 the Education Initiative was started with the Leadership period of Jelle Dikker. The initial idea was to host a new type of summer event (Summer Education Forum) to bring professors, companies and ESTIEMers together to discuss European IEM education, in order to create a platform for educational innovation.

The results of this event will be distributed among the academic partners in order to give relevant inputs to professors and policy makers in education. During the year it has also been decided to work together on the concept of European Master Thesis Award within the Education initiative.

JOINT EPIEM MEETING For the first time in ESTIEM, the very unique event that brought together professors of EPIEM, ESTIEMers and ESTIEM Alumni took place between the 21st of May and 25th of May in Graz, Austria. Besides being the first event of its kind, it was also the 7th Conference of EPIEM. During the two days of the conference, 23 professors and 11 students from ESTIEM were exposed to different researches made on the current status of the IEM profession in different countries. The main aim was to create a platform where new ideas are

explored to form a European Community of IEMers (profs, students, industry) that will be able to master the challenges of the future of Europe. The participating professors appreciated the presence of ESTIEMers very much and were impressed by the proactiveness of the students, the variety of ideas emerged and how much we care about the future of the IEM profession; therefore, it is decided, from next Conference on, all the EPIEM meetings will be open for a certain amount of ESTIEMers.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEADERS COORDINATION MEETING The Leaders Coordination Meeting took place between the 20-25 February 2014 in Belgrade, Serbia with 21 participants. The aim of this event was to gather Project Leaders, Committee Leaders and Regional Coordinators together with the Board to work on the goals for 2014. Together with the meeting, a new system for goal setting was implemented in order to ensure the alignment of everyone’s work in ESTIEM. Moreover, the teambuilding effect of this early get together had a great positive impact in the work through the rest of the year with increased collaboration between Leaders.

INTRODUCTION OF THE ESTIEM AMBASSADOR The external relations of ESTIEM with other student organisations have traditionally been coordinated by the President and the same happened in 2014. This field saw great progress, especially in the development of new relations with Industrial Engineering and Management students from different continents (Asia, America). The existing cooperation with BEST was also strengthened. The development of new external relations generated new work. It finally came to the point when it was identified that one specific person dedicated to external relations would achieve more than the President, thus a new position was created - the ESTIEM Ambassador. Alina Afanasjeva was elected as the first ESTIEM Ambassador for the year 2015.


Annual Report 2014

WG/TRAINING COORDINATOR & DATA ANALYSIS One of the areas that needs to run smoothly in order to have a successful Council Meeting is the Working Groups and Trainings. Requiring a lot of coordination between the University, Local Group, Leaders, Working Group Leaders, the Board and the participants with the increasing size and the complexity of our Working Groups has become too much for the Board to handle in a successful way. In 2014, the new position of Working Group and Training Coordinator was implemented to help coordinate all involved parties and make sure that Working Groups and Trainings happen smoothly.

The Working Group and Training Coordinator coordinates the application process, scheduling, materials, participant registration, delivery and evaluation. The effort of Eric Sidbrant (LG Gothenburg) and Sebastian Hummel (LG Eindhoven) as the two Working Group and Training Coordinators in 2014 was especially important for the definition of this new position. After both Council Meetings, the results of each Working Group and Training were analysed in detail in order to identify future improvement points.

10 %

Working Group Attendance Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi 16 %

74 %


Not attended

No data available

DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONAL COORDINATOR POSITION A lot of work was put in organising formal and informal Regional Meetings. This resulted in 14 Regional Meetings during 2014, together with the beginning of a concept of Regional Motivational Weekends. In line with Board 2014’s goals (Strengthening ESTIEM on the local level) Regional Coordinators were the key to re-activating many Local Groups. Working together with the Vice President of Activities, Regional Coordinators played an important role in motivating Local Groups to organise ESTIEM Events,

and 94% of all ESTIEM Local Groups have organised an ESTIEM event in 2014. It was important for the Regional Coordinators´ work that they had a chance to meet each other at the Leaders’ Coordination meeting (5 Regional Coordinators present), in the first Members Committee Coordination Meeting (4), Council Meeting Istanbul-Bogazici (7) and Council Meeting Budapest (7). What was also new in 2014’s general assemblies was that Regional Coordinators presented their work in one-page long reports and a joint presentation.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


QUESTION RAISING SYSTEM DURING DISCUSSION SESSIONS During the discussion sessions of the General Assembly in Budapest the ITC brought up a new tool to bring efficiency into the discussion sessions. Everybody could raise or upvote a question online in a tool called Google Moderator. The questions with the most votes were read out loud by the facilitator and answered in the GA. This way even someone watching the livestream could participate in the discussions and no important question could get lost due to the lack of time to discuss it.

INCREASING INVOLVEMENT An important progress in 2014 was the increased involvement of team leaders in the development of ESTIEM. In particular, Board 2014 started the practice of updating the team leaders every week about the topics which were being worked on by the Board, resulting in an increased sense of participation from all those who lead the development of ESTIEM. Part of the effort to increase the participation levels of ESTIEMers has been the utilization of the Forum on the ESTIEM Portal for strategic discussions. 2014 saw an increase in the number of posts on the Forum. The ESTIEM teams have also fully adopted the new communication technologies in 2014, with a substantial increase in informal communication through WhatsApp, reducing the distance between all of us across Europe.

LEADERS’ COLLABORATION As of the beginning of the year we saw the need for having more cooperation between the Leaders. Therefore, a Newsletter responsible position was created and fulfilled successfully. In this newsletter also not so official information could flow and give opportunities to collaborate more inbetween the P/C/I. We saw new kind of events which were for example a cooperation between businessbooster and Vision. The family feeling inbetween the Leaders got supported by these actions and together with the constant informal communication via a WhatsApp group we kept the spirits high.


Annual Report 2014

CM ISTANBUL-BOĞAZIÇI AND CM BUDAPEST Every year the biggest and some say best events of ESTIEM come up when all the Local Groups are gathering for a Council Meeting. The 24th year of ESTIEM got blessed by absolutely outstanding Council Meetings in two of the most beautiful cities of Europe. The spring Council Meeting organized by Local Group Istanbul-Boğaziçi had exemplary facilities and amongst other aspects, the accommodation in a 5-Star-luxury hotel, a laser show, a boat party with the night view on the impressively big and beautiful Istanbul and come to a gala cocktail on the top floor of the Sheraton Tower in the sky of Istanbul. This active participation and presentations by interesting leaders like the CEO of Vodafone Turkey, the CEO of Vestel or a Professor from IE Business School which kept the entire GA time intense and inspiring.

The organization of the Autumn Council Meeting Budapest also resulted in a terrific event experience. The view from the GA room on the Danube river was absolutely comparable to the similarly impressing view on the Bosphorus from the GA room in Istanbul. The organisers brought back the city tour to the Council Meetings which a lot people were missing during the last years. Views of the beautiful Hungarian capital over the Danube by night backed up the elegance of the Gala Dinner on a boat. Both Council Meetings were broadcasted in HD online so everybody could participate. The chairperson for each CM was Jean-Yves Lemelle (Istanbul) and Jaakko Nurkka (Budapest).

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


NEW ACTIVITIES NEW EVENTS (FINANCE FORUM, IT SCHOOL) Finance Forum is an event that aims to improve the finance and grants skills of Local Groups. ESTIEMers and lecturers deliver trainings and working sessions related to these topics.

The event gave us a wide range of knowledge and perspectives which are needed to deal with finances in such NGO as ESTIEM. We’ve learned some accounting basics, finances and budgeting, learned about getting EU grants and how to deal with them. Besides theoretical knowledge, the lecturers and trainers tried to share their practical experience and it was a good insight for a beginner in this field. The concept of the event is really useful for the participants and the development of LGs, but of course can be improved based on the feedback and ideas which we shared after the event. - Olga Sokolchick, LG Minsk

The concept of offering an IT learning platform was successfully implemented in new event of the IT School within ESTIEM. Similar to the PR/CR School participants learn hard skills in Coding, Hardware knowledge and Webmastering and the won knowledge can directly be applied within the IT infrastructure of ESTIEM. As a result we got an increased number of active members in the ITC. The event was organized by a team from LG Istanbul-Boğaziçi led and had a strong collaboration with Microsoft Turkey which is the best partner possible since a lot of the ESTIEM IT systems are based on products by this company.

PANEL DISCUSSIONS DURING THE CMS With the aim of fostering educational discussions in the organisation and providing our members with an opportunity to share their thoughts on the current education system with the academia and industry, two panel discussions during the Council Meetings of 2014 were held. Having it organised for the first time in ESTIEM’s history, the panel discussions increased the overall involvement of our external guests at the CMs (and made their participation at the CMs more valuable). The first panel discussion, chaired by Tim Byrne from IIE Ireland at CM Istanbul-Boğaziçi, revolved around the issue of having big gaps among the important players of the education system


Annual Report 2014

(students, academia and industry). In this panel discussion, academia was represented by Rui Lima from University of Minho, and Geert Letens from IIE America whereas the industry was represented by Marlies van Laarhoven from ESTIEM Alumni. After having successfully organised the first ever panel discussion, a second version with a more specific focus topic and less duration dedicated to it was organised at the CM in Budapest. Chaired by Marlies van Laarhoven from ESTIEM Alumni with the company of Jim Platts from University of Cambridge, EPIEM and Geert Letens from IIE America, this panel discussion had the focus on projects between companies and universities.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


CLOSER COOPERATION WITH THE ESTIEM ALUMNI The co-operation with ESTIEM Alumni advanced well in 2014. At the Alumni Meeting Budapest in June 2014, an agreement was signed for the establishment of the IEM Foundation as a joint project between ESTIEM, Alumni and EPIEM Professors. The IEM Foundation was created as a platform to enable the cooperation of people and their resources on caring initiatives. In August the ESTIEM Board attended the Advisory Board Meeting in Bad-DĂźrkheim, Germany, where they spent one weekend with six Alumni, discussing new ideas for the involvement of Alumni in ESTIEM. One of the outcomes of this meeting was the creation of the Club of 100, a club of maximum 100 people at a time, who commit themselves to donate


Annual Report 2014

at least â‚Ź 500 per year for a period of 5 years to support new initiatives in ESTIEM. The year 2014 also saw the conclusion of the first edition of Growing Together (the Alumni Mentoring Programme).The goal of the Growing Together programme is to enable ESTIEMers to develop themselves towards a successful career and life with the support of an experienced mentor. The overall results of the first edition were very positive: almost all mentees gained multiple new insights in subjects like personal strengths and weaknesses, types of jobs that would fit, the job market and what is working life. After the successful first edition during the year before, the second edition has been launched in September 2014 aiming at 25 new mentee-mentor pairs.

AD FUNDUM AWARD IS BACK The Ad Fundum Award is an internal monetary support that aims to stimulate creativity and innovative thinking within ESTIEM. It allows every ESTIEMer to have access to funds that will enable them to implement something that they consider is adding value to the network. This way of supporting creative ideas that shape the future of ESTIEM was re-initiated in 2014. Two application periods were opened, with a combined budget of 1000 euros. Awarded applications were announced at both Council Meetings.

Florian Alwast, LG Berlin Trainers Practice Camp

Local Group Darmstadt Founding Pub Memorial Plaque

An event where all participants deliver trainings for each other, effectively erasing the division between participants and trainers during an event. First TPC was implemented during the Training Committee Coordination meeting in Gdansk. After this success, the next Training Committee CoM was also fused with a Trainers Practice Camp.

Local Group Darmstadt came to an idea to create and put up a Plaque to honour the birth of ESTIEM. The idea of founding ESTIEM came up in a bar called “Riwwelmaddes� in Darmstad. Now, above the very table where Christoph Hagedorn, Stefan Schneider, Mika Gerlander and Heimo Mauser sat, there is a memorial plaque devoted to the birth of ESTIEM.

Lassi Uusitalo, LG Lappeenranta Regional Benchmark Forum

Marios Kiriakidis Council Meeting Picture Competition Award

An event where ESTIEMers from one Region have an opportunity to gather and receive high quality trainings. As a contrast to Regional Coordination Meeting, a Regional Benchmark Forum is focused more on individual learning rather than working on Regional problems. Since it requires a separate, extensive preparation process the first event is planned to happen in 2015.

The Public Relations Committee has established a themed participants picture competition and applied for an AdFundum Award to fund the awards to be given out to winners of the competition.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


BRAND, IMAGE & PUBLIC RELATIONS THE ESTIEM VIDEO In the past, the content and the editing of ESTIEM related videos was done solely by ESTIEMers using photos and amateur video content. The lack of a general ESTIEM video to be used for purposes such as recruiting, introducing ESTIEM to institutions and companies, fundraising etc., proved to be a valuable missing asset. Within the approved budget of 2014, 800€ was allocated for the travel expenses, participation fees and incentives of two student professionals (in the field of video editing and movie directing) to both Council Meetings in Istanbul and Budapest. What’s worth mentioning is that this sum covered their CMs related expenses and only a small part of it was left towards their own personal benefit. Their motivation to do this almost on a voluntarily basis brought ESTIEM not only the final video, which will be presented during 50th Council Meeting Baltics, but a lot of hours of professional video content to be used in other future videos as well.

Don’t be afraid to aim high.


Annual Report 2014

Online Edition


In the beginning of 2014, we were setting up the yearly goals of ESTIEM, one of them being “Enhancing the professional image towards our external stakeholders”. As the ESTIEM Magazine was always one of the key trademarks of the organisation when it comes to its external, but also internal perception, the need for an online platform was becoming more and more clearer, especially in an environment which is constantly dominated by an online presence. During the Coordination Meeting organised in Ghent in August, we defined the structure of this new ESTIEM product, the Online Magazine, which could ultimately bring value to our Corporate Relations as well. The Online Magazine was published a couple of months later and it served as a trial version and creating the needed awareness. It turned out to be a significant milestone according to ESTIEMers’ and non-ESTIEMers’ reactions, as its purpose was to bridge the gap between the two main issues of the printed ESTIEM Magazine. The Online Magazine was done in a very interactive manner, as most of the photos and social media information is automatically linked. This ensures a more friendly approach towards the authors, advertisements and direct connections with other parties.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


ONLINE PR STRATEGY 2014 saw the establishment of a first Online PR Strategy for ESTIEM, supported and backed up by a strong Design Team. Apart from having structured timelines for the Design Team and for a LinkedIn Strategy, the following objectives have been achieved: The creation the first Online PR Stategy was done through raising the awareness of our social media channels through Council Meetings and other events, educating interested ESTIEMers about online PR and online marketing strategies (through webinars and trainings at events such as PR-CR School), creating continuous and more interactive content for our most important social media channels (60% ESTIEM related content in posts, 40% industrial engineering and management related or interactive content) and creating an Online PR Guideline document, which shares the knowledge for future generations. Additionally, the re-establishment and structuring of the Public Relations Committee played a key role in the success of 2014’s Image and PR.

30% increase

50+ events created under the ESTIEM page

engagement increase ca. 200%

OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS ESTIEM Magazine • Strong collaborations with the following external parties: IIE America, IIE Ireland, BEST, EPIEM, ESTIEM Alumni, Forum 20-80, VWI, etc, as well as with ESTIEM’s P/C/Is: CRC, PRC, Vision, Student Guide etc. • Better analysis of the achieved work via two surveys: investigating the Local Group’s Magazine distribution and usage, as well as gathering feedback from active ESTIEMers about the content and design. • As an outcome of one of the surveys, a Best Practice Document was created to help LRs reach a more efficient and effective distribution and usage the ESTIEM Magazine locally and benefit from it (fundraising, recruitment etc.) • Visibility of the Project increased: poster creation and distribution during CM Budapest; more social media engagement and sharing articles and news; Online competition via LGs


Annual Report 2014

Public Relations Committee • Updated PR Materials (brochures, presentations) • 20+ T-shirts were designed for both CMs, 1 new sticker and 12 Posters throughout the year • Enhanced the cooperation between the committee and the projects - providing support with PR matters and initiating the process of designing a Key Message for every project • Re-designing and restructuring the English Wikipedia Page • Set up one Webinar in InDesign • Overall 90-95% of the additional goals have been achieved

Looking good!

(Re)setting up a structure for the committee



Online PR / Social Media strategy



Active promotion via design & media relations




Collaboration between PRC and P/C/Is - internal stakeholders

















Improvements 110% more posts 170% more users reach out to our Page Daily 230% more users engaging with the page Active promotion via design & media relations: The design part was flourishing, while in the Media Relations field we were not so successful, apart from a very important publication in a world wide IEM Magazine (Industrial Engineer from IIE America). -50-60% achieved

Series 1 Increased our “Likes” growth in the span of 6 months by 140% more than we did last year 200% more likes / post

Additionally, we had 10+ designers that worked on ESTIEM’s PR material such as posters, which can be considered as a significant achievement, considering that in the last 2 years there were maximum 2-3 people doing the same workload. -> Knowledge sharing and a 400-500% increase

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management



Annual Report 2014

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The IT infrastructure is an important part of the ESTIEM network and usually gets not appreciated until it is not available anymore. During the College in August it got voted to be least important within the SWOT analysis but the ITC is ignoring this fact and always aiming to have 99% uptime of all the servers and services. During budgeting the IT infrastructure got a support by central ESTIEM to be able to have the biggest efficiency with the lowest costs. Many changes were made during the year 2014 on the frontend and backend of the ESTIEM portal. The leaders and Webmasters constantly update the pages and get consulted by the expert ninjas of the IT Committee. While for example Regions got implemented on the frontend, new servers were setup in the beginning of the year and new servers where bought. To avoid any future server crashes we were building up a complex system of many virtual machines and back up systems on multiple places. To improve the speed and efficiency of our beloved website ITC improved not only the hardware but also were using lean software architecture on the events section. Every query is now taking only a fractional of time it used before which makes the experience way faster than before. Also the photo system is back online, a section which went offline during a server crash a few years ago, so now even very old pictures can be reviewed on the portal. efficiency! - IT costs as a share of the budget IT costs as a share of the budget



Average IT costs in a corporation











Series 1

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management



BOARD GOALS The beginning of the year was marked by the first Board Meeting in Lappeenranta where we grew together as a team and identified the main issues we would tackle in 2014. Full of enthusiasm, we set ourselves ambitious goals which encompass strengthening ESTIEM on the local level, developing a professional image towards external stakeholders and improving ESTIEM’s corporate relations.




European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


STRENGTHENING ESTIEM ON THE LOCAL LEVEL We believe that the Local Groups (LGs) and the activities they organise are the backbone of our organisation and we therefore should strive for strengthening the LGs by improving the quality of the activities. We identified three areas which need to be addressed in order to achieve this goal. Firstly, the LGs were strengthened by increasing the knowledge transfer within the Regions. One way this was achieved was by setting goals with the Regional Coordinators and strengthening their position by increasing the visibility of their work (e.g. they had opportunities to update the General Assembly about the main developments in their Regions). Furthermore, it was ensured that Regional Coordination Meetings took place in all the Regions and the coherence within the Regions was increased by implementing Regional Motivational Weekends.


Secondly, further measures to increase the knowledge and practice sharing amongst LGs, were carrying out LR Forum and Finance Forum, as well as six Trainers on Tour event series. Thirdly, we recognised the importance of spreading the ESTIEM spirit throughout all the LGs, by ensuring a balanced distribution of the events and activities. With 94 % a very high fraction of LGs organised events during 2014. Moreover, the Board took efforts to motivate ESTIEMers from all over Europe by visiting 86 % of the LGs. Unfortunately, in the last year we did not manage to implement the idea of the ESTIEM Day to further boost the ESTIEM spirit on the local level. One of the positive outcomes of the abovementioned measures is that all the Members and Observers attended at least one Council Meeting and there were only one warning and one proposal for exclusion.



IMPROVING ESTIEM’s CORPORATE RELATIONS Relations with companies and universities are important for the professional development of ESTIEMers as well as the financial stability of the organisation. In the beginning of the year we set aspiring goals in the field of corporate relations. However, due to the lack of a team in the Corporate Relations Committee and the weakness of the internal communication in the beginning of the year, strengthening the Committee had to become a priority. Despite these obstacles, the goal of raising 40.000 Euro could be reached by more than 75 %. In achieving this, relations with Academic Supporters played an important role: we have kept


Annual Report 2014

the cooperations with all but one (KIC - Knowledge and Innovation Community) Academic Supporters. Furthermore, cooperation agreements were signed with two new universities. A detailed overview of the developments in cooperations with the supporters can be found in the section which discusses external relations. During 2014 we visited five supporters which was highly beneficial because we could get feedback and hear their opinion on possible improvements for the future cooperation. However, the information could not have been used last year to define a new fundraising approach.

DEVELOPING A PROFESSIONAL IMAGE TOWARDS EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS With ESTIEM being highly dependent on external stakeholders, we find it very important to dedicate resources to improving our public image. One of the most important assets in achieving this aim is the ESTIEM Magazine and its IEM-related focus. Therefore, we put effort into bettering the quality of the content published in the Magazine. Furthermore, due to the fact that the core values are reflecting the beliefs and the spirit of the organisation, as well as the organisational culture and hence are at the heart of the brand, we found it important to discuss and re-define the core values of ESTIEM. In addition to the abovementioned points, communication to

external parties strongly determines the success of the main aim. In order to move from the current to a new, better state in the communication, we identified three main trajectories: ESTIEM promotional video, social media strategy as well as a newsletter for third parties about the developments within the organisation. While this newsletter unfortunately could not be realised, we are glad to say that we have managed to implement the video and the social media strategy. Furthermore, the media relations have been improved by publishing an article about ESTIEM in internationally relased Magazine, the Industrial Engineering Magazine published the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES As soon as we were elected as Board 2014 we started having chats, and discussing how our responsibility should be made to balance the workload and assure good efficiency. At the beginning of January, the following chart is what we have decided on: Marija Turanjanin VP of Finance

Rade Pantelic VP of Activities

Nuno Carneiro President

Esin Korel VP of Education

Tibor Weigel Sorana Ionita VP of Administration VP of Public Relations

COMMITTEES • Financial and Legal • Grants • Corporate Relations

• Members • Training

• Knowledge Management

• Information Technology

• Public Relations

PROJECTS • BrainTrainer • Student Guide

• Europe3D

• BusinessBooster • TIMES

• Academic Days • Summer Academy • Vision

• ESTIEM Book • ESTIEM Magazine

INITIATIVES • Social and Environmental Responsibility

• Language Programme

• Education

POSITION RELATED TASKS • Central accounting and book-keeping • Financial issues

• Co-ordinating activities • Documenting and evaluating all ESTIEM activities

• Communicating decisions • Co-ordination within the Board • Members of ESTIEM

• Academic cooperations • Development of IEM within ESTIEM • Professional development of students

• Archive • IT infrastructure • External contacts • Minutes of Board • Promoting the Meetings and organisation General Assemblies


• Cloud University concept

• Activity Weeks • Local Group Exchanges

• Alumni contact • Cooperation among Projects and Committees • External relations with student organisations • IFISO • Leaders’ CoM

• College • EPIEM • Institute of Industrial Engineers • Leaders’ Workshop

• Council Meetings • Newsletters and Board updates • Partner & Academic Supporter search • Statutes and Internal Regulations • VWI

REGIONS • Balkan


• Baltic • Mediterranean

Annual Report 2014

• Iberia • North East

• Nordic

• North West

• Alpine

WHERE WE MET Handover Board Meeting Vienna, November-December 2013. Board Meeting I Lappeenranta, January 2014. Leaders’ Coordination Meeting Belgrade, February 2014. Board Meeting II Siegen, March 2014. Board Meeting III Izmir, April 2014. Council Meeting Istanbul-Bogazici, April 2014. Alumni Meeting and Informal Board Meeting 3.5 Budapest, June 2014. ESTIEM College Porto, August, 2014. Board Meeting IV and Advisory Board Meeting Bad Durkheim, August 2014. Board Meeting V Targu Mures, October-November 2014. Council Meeting Budapest, November 2014. Handover Board Meeting Riga, November 2014.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


“ESTIEM is a network of openminded students with a professional approach!”

NETWORK DEVELOPEMENT One of the focus points of the year 2014 was the development of the Local Groups of ESTIEM, thus the strengthening of current Local Group structures and the sustainable development of the new groups was of special importance.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


EXPANSION OF THE NETWORK New Observers: Minsk After enduring some struggles leading to them reverting to Guest status in 2013 Local Group Minsk was once again approved as an Observer in Istanbul. In 2014 they have made great progress, sending their members on 35 trips with ESTIEM! They have also organised their first big ESTIEM event – Baltic Regional Coordination Meeting in July. Baku Local Group Baku, after being a Guest group for three years, took a step, applied and were approved for Observer status in Budapest. They have attended 5 events in 2014 and organised their first event ever – An exchange with Local Group Budapest. Catania Their organisation of the businessbooster Summer Entrepreneurship Training gave a boost to Local Group Catania, and after almost leaving the Network in the beginning of the year, they have applied for Observership in Budapest. New Full Members: Calabria After getting full Membership in Istanbul, Local Group Calabria has proven itself by organising one of the most attractive Vision events, receiving 73 applications for 25 places on the event! They have justified this hype by organising a great event, with a participation fee of only 33 euros. They have also recorded 12 travels with ESTIEM in 2014. Vilnius After being Observers for exactly one year, Local Group Vilnius decided to apply for membership in 2014. Students from the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University have been aprooved as full members of ESTIEM in Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi in 2014. They have recorded a total of 15 travels to 8 events. Xanthi Local Group Xanthi from Greece has been an Observer since Council Meeting Eindhoven. In Council Meeting Istanbul-Boğaziçi, their application for Membership was successful and now they are a full member of ESTIEM. In 2014, they have organised one event and recorded 34 travels. Kranj Our only Local Group from sLOVEnia has been the one to look at for this year. After making a boom in 2013. by organising the ESTIEM College while still being a Guest Group, we knew it is not going to take them long to reach full membership. After having a successful 2014. they did so during Council Meeting Budapest.


Annual Report 2014

New Guest Groups: Sarajevo In the begging of the year, we have received a Guest Survey from the Industrial Engineering Club of International University in Sarajevo. The survey was approved and Sarajevo became a Guest Group of ESTIEM. Four of their members have attended the Vision Customer Perception event in Novi Sad. They are still to attend a Council Meeting and present themselves to the General Assembly. Targu Mures Students from Targu Mures Petru Maior university presented themselves in Council Meeting Istanbul-BoÄ&#x;aziçi. Their tight connection with the university and recruitment strategies made the Local Group grow fast, and in Riga they will be applying for Observer status. In the mean time they have done a great job organising Board Meeting V and they have attended Council Meeting Budapest. Tallinn After a year of absence from the ETIEM Network, Estionia is back! LG Tallinn from the Tallinn University of Technology presented itself in Council Meeting Budapest and they are applying for Observer status in Riga. In 2014. Two of their most active members have attended a total of eight events and the Local Group has organised the Council Meeting Baltics Coordination Meeting in December.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


PROJECTS & COMMITTEES The goal of Academic Days is to share ESTIEM universities’ knowledge with the network. It supports the personal and professional development of students across Europe willing to complete their curriculum. In order to achieve this, each event provides participants deep insights into a specific topic in which the organising Local Group’s university has a high expertise.

BrainTrainer is designed to develop leadership, presentation, business and social skills of participants through professional trainings lasting one or two days. Its aim is to coach and develop the participants to become more professional and successful in their organisation as well as in their own future career. In 2014 the idea of having a specific topic for every BrainTrainer event was introduced, which enables an even deeper insight into and a more focused concentration on one particular aspect of the


Annual Report 2014

wide range of training topic offered by the project. Moreover the first joint event was successfully organised with VWI (the central partners of ESTIEM) that led to a long term cooperation. The elaboration of a new PR strategy began not only with the aim of gaining more internal but also external interest from potential professional partners.

businessbooster aims at creating an environment where all needed information, experience and support to excel in your future professional endeavours can be found. The goal of this unique environment is to boost entrepreneurial spirit and engage ESTIEMers, Alumni and companies to collaborate with each other. Thus, businessbooster stimulates entrepreneurship among IEM students by providing (them) tools and skills to start up their own business. Throughout 2014 the first edition of the businessbooster The Competition (bbTC) and of the Summer Entrepreneurship Training (SET) happened. With 14 participants, SET it was a full success. The project team was working on different topics, including the link between the events within the project and CR as well as PR strategy. Next to bbTC and SET, 2 CoMs were held and also 2 ESTIEMers & Alumni get2gether. The businessbooster Newsletter was introduced and the communication with alumni improved.

The ESTIEM Book project is aiming to create a Book about ESTIEM’s past and present it for ESTIEM’s 25th anniversary in 2015. Besides presenting all of our history, it will show all the Projects, Committees and Initiatives of ESTIEM and present all of our Local Groups. It will be published at ESTIEM’s 51st Council Meeting in autumn 2015.

The official publication of ESTIEM provides the perfect platform to reach a target group of approximately 60 000 students of Industrial Engineering and Management at universities all over Europe. The ESTIEM Magazine is published twice a year and distributed among IEM students, graduates and also professors and companies across Europe, through the ESTIEM network. During the last year, the trial version of an online edition of the ESTIEM Magazine was also launched. Hopefully this new concept will be developed further during the next years.

The ESTIEM Student Guide is ESTIEM’s guiding service provided to any student who is interested in studying Industrial Engineering and Management in Europe or in travelling to any of the ESTIEM Local Groups: an online database filled in by students, sharing academic and practical information on

universities, cities and countries. During the last year, we began the renovation of the Student Guide external page in order to make it more user-friendly and bring Student Guide in its potential. Furthermore after the Council Meeting of Istanbul-Bogazici a new concept appeared and through some development period during the summer, Road Tripping with Student Guide has taken its form and it will take place in the Local Groups Lisbon, Aveiro and Porto. The event includes exploring the cities through games and information provided by the Student Guide page. Last but not least, during the last year we managed to gather the updated versions of the Local Groups Student Guide pages.

Europe3D is a seminar series where participants get a deeper insight of the hosting country in three unique dimensions: politics, culture and economy. The achievements of 2014 included updating the Organisers’ Guidelines and establishing a useful Organisers’ Toolkit, starting a collaboration with ThinkYoung and Koç University, increasing the Facebook visibility of the project and creating new gadgets like Europe3D wristbands and Europe3D event T-shirts. At Europe3D CoM Skopje, the Europe3D Family shot the new Europe3D Promotion video, showing the concept and the atmosphere during a Europe3D event. Another major improvement was establishing the role of Europe3D Mate and Europe3D Social Media Responsible who represent the central project team at the events, and not only help the ideas of the central team to be implemented locally but work as co-organisers during the events. The aim of the new knowledge and perception questionnaires and the event reports is to have a tangible result at the end of the event and measure the learning experience of the participants.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


has been improved. We completely redesigned marketing and web material. More and better templates and best practise material should ease that preparations for local organisers and give the external documents a corporate design. Through the Summer Academy, ESTIEM recognises the importance of and takes responsibility for providing knowledge of ethics and sound leadership among the future leaders of Europe. It was set up to bring international students together during summer holidays to engage in open discussions, group work, debate and private study under a senior Academic Leader.

The Tournament In Management and Engineering Skills (TIMES) is the largest panEuropean case study competition for the students of Industrial Engineering and Management. This prestigious, highly acclaimed event is the flagship project of ESTIEM. It has successfully been organised since 1994 and attracts around 1000 top European students every year. After Local Qualifications in 75 different universities and 8 Semi-Finals in selected cities, the winning team of the Final is awarded the title of Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”. In the Project Year 2013-2014 the structure and scope of the competition was extended even further. The number of Semi-Finals was successfully increased from 7 to 8. Furthermore the image and visibility


Annual Report 2014

The Vision Seminar Series aim to improve the personal skills and capabilities of the Industrial Engineering and Management Students in Europe. The seminars contain a balanced mixture of academic lectures, workshops and company visits which are combined with cultural and free-time activities of the organising city. Through those activities the participants of a Vision seminar develop themselves both personally and professionally. Each year, at the Spring Council Meeting the new Vision Project Leader it’s elected along with a topic. All the 11 events of the series are connected through this topic. This years’ main topic is Food from soil to shelf. During the first half of the Vision Food from soil to shelf we have pushed the project one step ahead. The documentation and processes of the project are now organized and ready to be used on the following years. The overall image has gotten much better and the project has a good visibility and reputation among the network. A new mentoring system for events was developed and it has proven to be very effective. The structure of the team was completely modified and the communication is now more effective. The finances of the project are stable due to finding a new partner for this year.

Financial and Legal Committee The Financial and Legal Committee’s role is to ensure ESTIEM’s compliance with all laws and regulations. It supports the Board, other Committees, Projects and Local Groups in all financial and legal matters. On one hand, it consists of experienced ESTIEMers and ESTIEM Alumni, who are motivated to provide advice whenever requested. On the other hand, active Committee members work on creating and updating Best Practice Documents, trainings, templates, etc. for all related topics, giving advice on event budgets and proactively giving legal advice. Since many people are inexperienced with finances and regulations, the Financial and Legal Committee aims at helping them to deal with them correctly. Grants Committee The Grants Committee supports ESTIEM’s applications for EU Grants and aims to establish and develop knowledge on public funding opportunities and their application procedures. It also wants to share the existing knowledge with as many ESTIEMers as possible and to support more and more Local Groups in applying for an EU Grant for their events. Information Technology Committee The IT Committee maintains the e-mail, intranet and web servers of ESTIEM and coordinates all ITrelated development in the organisation such as the IT back-end system (.NET framework & C#). To complement the knowledge of ESTIEMers about ICT and IT systems, it provides trainings in an open learning environment. In addition, ITC offers troubleshooting services and technical advice to all ESTIEMers. Knowledge Management Committee The Knowledge Management Committee does two things. First, updating & creating Best Practice Documents (BPDs) by documenting the collective experiences of ESTIEMers throughout time - from organising a Project to how to be a Leader. These BPDs are available online on the ESTIEM Portal. Second, managing the quality of ESTIEM events by collecting feedback from the event participants in order to make Event specific and Project Specific Reports, showing the development of ESTIEM’s Projects and events.

Members Committee The Members Committee supports the members of ESTIEM and supports students interested in joining ESTIEM by forming their own Local Group (LG) During 2014 the Committee successfully formed a better approaching strategy and accepted 5 new Guest Groups while 1 Guest Group left the network. The third Regional Coordinator generation was very successful and they all did a great job developing the Regions further. In cooperation with the FLC, the Committee changed the internal regulations regarding the membership process and included the Guest Groups in the IR. Public Relations Committee The aim of the Public Relations Committee is to take care of ESTIEM’s outer appearance. The Committee is responsible for communicating the brand of ESTIEM and increasing the awareness both inside and outside of ESTIEM. The PR Committee works with several different tools to achieve this, for instance designing PR material, creating design templates and guidelines, as well as working on press and social media visibility. Trainings Committee Personal development is part of ESTIEM’s vision – and it is what ESTIEM trainings are meant for! By passing on knowledge, skills and attitude in their sessions, ESTIEM trainers support ESTIEMers on their path in ESTIEM and in life. The Training Committee provides training support to all ESTIEM activities and Local Groups. It also guides trainers and people who want to become trainers with their career through ESTIEM, and gives them personal support and feedback. Corporate Relations Committee The Corporate Relations Committee coordinates the relations between ESTIEM, companies and universities jointly with the Board. The Committee’s work covers a number of fields with the aim of improving and simplifying ESTIEM’s relations with companies and universities, such as updating co-operation proposals, creating and gathering results for different surveys or training people on how to approach companies and universities. The Corporate Relations Committee also plays an active role in supervising and supporting Projects and other Committees with regards to sponsors and academic supporters.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management



Annual Report 2014

INTERNAL REGULATIONS UPDATES SMALL/LOW IMPACT CHANGES: Article 4.1: It was required for the Board and the organising Local Group of a Council Meeting to have an agreement on at least profit and loss sharing. This was not clear and the agreement now has to be in writing. Article 6.3: A Project Leader already had to be associated with a Member of ESTIEM and to create consistency a Committee Leader now also has to be associated with a Member of ESTIEM. Article 7: A few small corrections were made to cover the possibility of having multiple leaders for one Project. Article 10.6: The Vice President of Finance has to draw up the annual accounts of the financial year before the first of March instead of the first of April, to make the change in article 10.2 possible. Article 12: The effect of discharging a member of the Board of Recommendation on the respective letter of recommendation has been added (ESTIEM can no longer use it). LARGE/HIGH IMPACT CHANGES: Article 9: • The Guest status has been defined • How to apply for this status (send an application to the Board) • In order to become an Observer, a Guest is required to attend at least one Council Meeting as Guest group • The maximum period a group can keep the Guest status is defined (three Council Meetings after applying for the Guest status) • The restrictions on Guests are the same as on Observers • Restrictions/criteria for Observers have been updated • The maximum period an Observer can keep it status without applying for Membership or (again) for Observership is four Council Meetings after applying for Observership • A group must have that status of Guest as the time of its application for Observership • The Observer Group must already fulfil the requirements of article 8.2 (Obligations of Members) at the time of its application for Membership Article 10.2: • The Vice President of Finance is now obliged to send a draft and elaboration of the budget for the financial year to the members at least 28 days before the opening of the General Assembly, to create more transparency and to give people the ability to comment on the budget before the Council Meeting, so the Board can discuss and (possibly) implement those comments in the final budget. • The budget of the association year, which will be voted on during the General Assembly, has to be send at least seven days before the opening of the General Assembly.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


EXTERNAL RELATIONS ESTIEM is supported by organisations which see value in cooperating with our network on the central level. We divide our supporters into two categories: Corporate Supporters – companies aiming at recruiting ESTIEMers and Academic Supporters aiming at promoting their study programmes.

ACADEMIC SUPPORTERS Whilst in the relations with the corporate sector we did not reach the expected results, in the field of academic support we have had great achievements. Besides keeping the cooperations with all (Aalto University, Chalmers University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Rotterdam School of Management, Tampere University of Technology) but one (KIC - Knowledge and Innovation Community) existing Academic Supporters, we are glad to announce that the University of Groningen as well as IE Business School have signed contracts as Academic Supporters. Furthermore, during the Hochschulgruppenversammlung (HGV) in autumn, a contact with the University of Liechtenstein was initiated. At the HGV of the VWI in November 2014, Tibor Weigel and Felix Limper were able to establish a contact to the Universität Liechtenstein. During the last months we were negotiating about a possible collaboration between ESTIEM and Universität Liechtenstein. Finally we came to a common agreement in order to start an official partnership between both parties.


Annual Report 2014

CORPORATE SUPPORTERS The ESTIEM Partners in 2014 were Carl Zeiss (Partner since 2011) and ROFF, which joined the Partner Pool in July 2014. Unfortunately, relations with Carl Zeiss had been strained since some time and efforts to improve the cooperation were not fruitful. Therefore, the partnership was not prolonged. Thanks to the support of the ESTIEM Alumnus Torben Schumacher, Bosch participated at Council Meeting Budapest. Furthermore, to facilitate transparent communication with potential supporters, a new company brochure was created.

European Professors of Industrial Engineering and Management (EPIEM) In 2014, the relations with European Professors of Industrial Engineering and Management (EPIEM) have been boosted: high visibility of the EPIEM network was ensured and professors got more engaged in the Projects of ESTIEM. New improvements were made on the EPIEM website, and the mailing list for EPIEM professors was created. 15 new professors were introduced to EPIEM with the help of our active ESTIEMers and at the same time EPIEM supported TIMES’s case quality and Vision’s AdVision teams to ensure high quality academic content. An EPIEM member, Volker Koch from Graz University of Technology, delivered a training on presentation skills at the CM Budapest. After the first ESTIEM meets EPIEM meeting in Graz, ESTIEM and EPIEM started working on IEM curricula project together. Institute of Industrial Engineers America “We have been able to experiment with various initiatives of mutual interest at the IIE - ESTIEM level, and have laid a nice foundation for collaboration between students of both organizations at the chapter level. More so, we have been able to reach out to other organizations (AIM, EPIEM) to enlarge our networks in Europe. It is a success story!” Theese words by Geert Letens nicely sum up the relations between ESTIEM and IIE. The first webinar was held by a professor from Virginia Tech during the Academic Days event in Porto. Moreover, articles were provided by IIE America for the ESTIEM Magazine. Furthermore, cooperation areas were planned for the TIMES Project. It was decided to have an IIE representative in TIMES’s final jury. Using its connections, IIE facilitated the trip of a student group from Eindhoven University of Technology to Disneyland. Gregory Watson, IIE’s former senior vice president, international, agreed to provide ESTIEM with a webbased Six Sigma Green Belt course which would be free of charge and attendees would get ECTS credits out of. Internationally released the Industrial Engineering Magazine published by the Institute of Industrial Engineers had an article about ESTIEM and ESTIEM made it to the cover of the Magazine. Institute of Industrial Engineers Ireland The cooperation with IIE Ireland gained a momentum last year, thanks to all the efforts put by Tim Byrne. On numerous occasions, Tim Byrne from IIE Ireland has contributed strategic planning experience to help develop ESTIEM projects such as ESTIEM Magazine, Summer Academy and ESTIEM College 2014. Byrne has participated at four Council Meetings. He also has helped set up an ESTIEM local group in Ireland/UK/Iceland using his contacts with the universities there.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 was a financially stable year for ESTIEM. We set ourselves an ambitious budget, based on the goals we determined during our first Board Meeting in Lappeenranta. Not only the necessary costs for the organisation were covered, but we also wanted to encourage increased participation in the Coordination Meetings, facilitate the development of new ideas within the organisation by bringing back Expenses

the Ad Fundum Award, help spreading the training culture within ESTIEM and support the foundation of the IEM Foundation (IEM Caring). Moreover, by investing in the ESTIEM video and other necessary PR material, we wanted to improve the public image of ESTIEM. On a more operational level many receivables, ESTIEM will never realise as well as old T-shirts and IT equipment were depreciated. Incomes

Board Travel Costs Board Participation fees Travel Overhead Costs

13,091.65 Incomes from companies 4,635.42 € Partners 90.29 € Others

Visa Costs

236.66 € Incomes from institutions

Board Training Costs

116.00 € Incomes from members

Support to members

2,000.00 € Incomes from projects

Support to Committees

1,980.00 € Bank Interest

Support to Projects Ad Fundum Award & Trainers' fund

140.00 € Other incomes 0.00 €

Support to individuals

4,606.16 €

(Communication and) Representation Costs

1,237.34 €

Magazine Costs

5,333.92 € 1,310.52 €

Depreciation Costs

1,802.39 €

ESTIEM Foundation

1,000.00 €

PR Related Costs

2,447.16 €

Unexpected Costs

2,625.00 € 937.50 € 401.29 € 6,414.20 €

452.51 € 3,020.74 €



Annual Report 2014


0.00 €



4,000.00 €

855.00 €

Administrative Costs

IT related Costs


1,822.24 €

Support to Innitiatives

Cooperation Costs



April estimation




April estimation



Board expenses


18,170.02 Incomes from Companies



Board travel costs


13,091.65 Incomes from Institutions









Board participation fees


Board Training costs


41,157.25 Incomes


4,635.42 Other incomes 116.00 Incomes from projects

Travel Overhead costs


Visa costs







Support to individuals



Support funds to C/P/I-s



Cooperation Costs



Magazine Costs





Administrative costs



Depreciation Costs



Establishment of ESTIEM Foundation



PR Related Costs



IT Related Costs



25th Anniversary



Unforeseen Costs



Support to Committees Support to Projects

Representation costs

90.29 Unexpected incomes

Due to the depreciation of even the newly bought IT equipment, the realised IT-related costs are zero. However, some unexpected costs occurred: the biggest part of these are the costs for printing the Chalmers brochures for the Council Meeting Budapest – a contractual obligation that had not been included in the budget. They also include travel expenses of the ESTIEM representative to the Aim Meeting in Ghent and lastly half of the participation fee (Council Meeting Budapest) of the winner of the charity game, which took place during the Council Meeting IstanbulBogazici. We are happy to announce that during the game the participants raised 195 US $, which were donated to GlobalGiving in order to support the project ‘Give Quality Education to Children in Piaui, Brazil’. The main incomes for ESTIEM were gained through cooperations with companies (Carl Zeiss, ROFF, Bosch) as well as with universities (Tampere University of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Groningen, Rotterdam School of Management). As it can be seen in the profit and loss statement, there is

a significant amount of ‘Other Incomes’. They consist of the donation of the 1st member of the Club 100, Frank Heffter, and depreciations of barred debts to individuals and members, who cannot be traced. The biggest part of these other incomes, however, comes from reallocated reserves. This will be further elaborated upon in the following text: After thorough discussion with the Financial Controllers and a former VP of Finance, in 2014 we decided to clean up the books and sort out the reserves from the past. One of the steps was to direct the profits which were not declared in the past to incomes. For 2014 the amount in ‘Reserves’ was around 10.100 Euro, out of which 7.100 Euro was deferred income from Chalmers University of Technology and therefore was re-booked as incomes from universities. The rest (around 3.000 Euro), as well as reserves for new activities and equipment (around 2.200 Euro) was booked as other incomes. As for the Projects, in order to have a clearer overview, reserves from the Projects are transmitted to the new account ‘Retained Earnings – Projects’.

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


Taking into account and comparing the prediction and the approved budget with the actual realisation, we can see that there is a discrepancy of around 10.500 Euro. It is actually because not all of our fundraising efforts were successful. However, mainly thanks to the lower Board travel expenses, we managed to realise the aims which were reflected in the budget. It all lead to total loss which is around 400 Euro lower than in the approved budget.


Liabilities & Equity

1/1/2013 Currents Assets

Cash & Cash equivale

12/31/2013 12/31/2014

€ 36,658.78 € 29,371.33 € 37,044.44 Retained earnings ESTIE

€ 16,411.2 € 16,411.2 € 16,641.5

€ 0.00

€ 60.55 Reservations

€ 23,648.4 € 23,648.4 € 6,180.46

Bank Account

€ 5,415.62 € 1,740.00 € 4,451.27 Profit ongoing projects


Savings Account

€ 31,243.1 € 27,631.3 € 32,532.6 Profit operating year

€ 1,768.55

Accounts receivable

Companies Institutions

€ 10,653.96 € 21,800.62

€ 9,800.46 € 14,000.4 € 1,500.00 € 319.34 € 1,150.00


€ 184.16

Equipment ESTIEM Branded Material

Total Assets

€ 9,465.00 Retained earnings Project

€ 350.00 € 6,350.00 € 7,400.00 Liabilitites


Fixed Assets

12/31/2013 12/31/2014

€ 45,801.71 € 44,027.54 € 38,617.81

€ 0.00



€ 47,312.74 € 51,171.95 € 46,509.44 Equity

€ 300.16

short run

€ 0.00

€3,736.59 € 231.31

€ 4,062.50 € 3,020.74

€ 0.00 € 8,712.57

€ 2,328.32

€ 8,605.50

€ 8,843.98

€ 2,328.32

€ 8,605.50

€ 8,843.98

€ 565.00

debt to companies

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 160.00

€ 0.00

debt to institutions

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

debt to committees

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 817.29

€ 1,461.09

€ 952.35

€ 57.29

€ 734.23

€ 752.40

€ 760.00

€ 726.86

€ 199.95

debt to members debt to individuals long run

€ 48,130.03 € 52,633.04 € 47,461.79 Total Liabilities & Equity

€ 2,328.32 € 2,328.32 € 2,665.00 € 0.00 € 6,277.18 € 6,018.98 € 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 0.00

€ 48,130.03 € 52,633.04 € 47,461.79

FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY In 2014 we put effort into increasing the understanding of the organisation’s finances amongst ESTIEMers. This increased the awareness that ESTIEM’s budget is actually relevant for the whole network and ESTIEMers’ opinion and suggestions are always welcome. One of the means to achieve this was by sending out the budget elaboration a week prior to the Council Meeting Istanbul-Bogazici. This allowed all the interested parties to thoroughly inform themselves about the budget. Thanks to that, during the General Assembly many discussions concerning the budget took place and even three motions were raised. It was gratifying to see everyone’s engagement in the


Annual Report 2014

discussions and their interest in how the organisation’s money is spent. In order to create an environment where the finances can be understood by all ESTIEMers, at the Council Meeting in Budapest one of the Internal Regulations changes made was obliging the VP of Finance to inform the network about the budget by sending out the elaboration latest 28 days prior to the beginning of the General Assembly of the first Council Meeting of the financial year (see Internal Regulations Changes). We believe that this is a good way to allow ESTIEMers to give profound feedback on the budget and to allow the Board to evaluate and implement suggestions prior to the budget presentation at the General Assembly.

FINANCES OF THE PROJECTS As there often is confusion concerning the finances of the Projects, I would like to give a short overview of the profit and loss statements, for those Projects which had cash-flow in 2014. It’s noteworthy that the incomes based on the advertisements in the Magazine are, as done in the previous years, booked directly as incomes from companies and universities. Furthermore, the printing of the Magazine was included in the annual budget and the costs were booked on a dedicated account.


Incomes Business Booster

Execution of the Project

10,903.26 Incomes from companies

1,000.00 €

Reservation - cashback to the participant 4,492.06 € Incomes from universities

3,307.66 €

Incomes from participation fees Total:

15,395.32 Total:

11,087.66 15,395.32


Incomes from universities 0.00 € Total:


2,500.00 € 2,500.00 €

TIMES 2014/2015

TIMES CoMs & TIMES training event

673.00 € Retained earnings

TIMES pins

514.50 € 1,187.50 € Total:


7,715.24 € 7,715.24 €

Vision from soil to shelf

Support to the trainers at Vision CoM

70.00 € Retained earnings

ESTIEM's share of the agreement with co

937.50 € Incomes from companies

Vision glasses

628.60 €

Project Leader's travel expenses

150.00 €

1,231.66 € 2,500.00 €

1,786.10 € Total:



Summer Acedemy

Participation fee of the participant who ca

195.00 € Retained earnings Money from the participant who cancell


195.00 € Total:

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management

597.38 € 155.00 € 752.38 €


ACTIVITY REPORT This document contains statistics on the activity of the network from year 2004 onwards. It also contains full statistics for the year 2014. Abbreviations used in the document: CoM – Coordination Meeting, ToT – Trainers on Tour, MW – Motivational Weekend, BM – Board Meeting. Number of events organised: 156 ESTIEM events (including Local Group Exchanges) have been organised in 2014. Other events are: 2 Academic days events, Logistics Training Camp, ESTIEM 360 ESTIEM meets EPIEM and ESTIEM College.


Annual Report 2014



Annual Report 2014

Local Groups that organised an event

EVENT AWARDS Following events were awarded in 2014 due to their great performance in participants’ feedback: Event of the Year 2014: Vision “Fast moving consumer goods”, Istanbul-ITU & Yildiz Event of the Spring 2014: Business Intelligence Days, Eindhoven Event of the Summer 2014: Farming Activity Week, Riga Event of the Autumn 2014: Public Relations Committee Coordination Meeting, Seville The selection is based on Net Promoter Score. Participants are asked to grade the event on scale 0-10 based on the question ‘How likely is it you recommend participating in this event to a friend?”. • Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will refer others, fueling growth. • Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic participants who are vulnerable to competitive offerings. • Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy participants who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth. To calculate Net Promoter Score, we take the percentage of customers who are Promoters and subtract the percentage who are Detractors.

Council Meeting Participation

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management



The perceived quality of infrastructure and organisational aspects continued to increase on a stable pace.

The avergae overall experience of event participants rose to the same level as in 2012.

The average overall experience of event participants has remained on a steady level when observed per each Project type.

LR FORUM All the trainings in LR Forum (Bremen) got an average grade above three (scale 1-4). Participants asked to utilize more the expectation questionnaire sent out before the event when preparing the trainings, to split trainings for people with different levels of experience, to have more hard-skill trainings and to focus more on practical side of topics.


Annual Report 2014

ANNEX Austria Graz University of Technology Vienna University of Technology

Greece University of the Aegean Democritus University of Thrace

Belarus Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Belgium Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, ULB

Italy University of Calabria Polytechnic University of Milan

Bulgaria Technical University of Sofia

Latvia Riga Technical University

Croatia Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

Lithuania Kaunas University of Technology Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Cyprus Eastern Mediterranean University

Macedonia Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje

Finland Aalto University Lappeenranta University of Technology Tampere University of Technology University of Oulu University of Vaasa

The Netherlands Eindhoven University Technology University of Groningen University of Twente Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology

France Grenoble Institute of Technology INSA Lyon Germany RWTH Aachen Berlin University of Technology Braunschweig University of Technology University of Bremen Darmstadt University of Technology Dortmund University of Technology Dresden University of Technology Hamburg University Ilmenau University of Technology Kaiserslautern University of Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Munich University of Applied Sciences University of Paderborn University of Siegen

Poland AGH University of Science and Technology Gdansk University of Technology Poznan University of Technology Warsaw University of Technology Portugal University of Aveiro University of Coimbra Technical University of Lisbon Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP)

Russia Bauman Moscow State Technical University Saint-Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics Serbia University of Belgrade University of Kragujevac University of Novi Sad Slovenia University of Maribor Spain University of Sevilla Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) UPC-Barcelona Tec Sweden Chalmers University of Technology Karlstad University KTH Royal Institute of Technology LinkĂśping University LuleĂĽ University of Technology Lund Institute of Technology Switzerland Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) Turkey Bilkent University Bogazici University Istanbul Technical University Izmir Dokuz Eylul University Izmir University of Economics Middle East Technical University Yildiz Technical University Ukraine National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI) United Kingdom University of Cambridge

Romania Polytechnic University of Bucharest

European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management


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