KJ Bulletin Spring 2022

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It is a dream that begins with the Bible. Isaiah speaks of a future redemption, one so rapid that “those who trust in God will grow wings like eagles”; and for centuries, Jews hoped for a speedy return to their homeland on the wings of eagles. They dreamt the impossible and trusted in God.

What makes this dream all the more remarkable is that flight was an impossible fantasy for much of history. In Greek mythology, Icarus flies too close to the sun; the wax in his wings melts, and he plunges to his death. For a mere mortal to seize the power of flight is pure hubris; tragedy awaits those who set their sights too high. Better to keep one’s feet on the ground.

A tiny handful of visionaries tried to fly. The 12th century English historian, William of Malmesbury, tells of a Benedictine monk, Eilmer, who paid a dear price for being the first human to take flight:

...in his early youth had hazarded a deed of remarkable boldness. He had by some means, I scarcely know what, fastened wings to his hands and feet so that, mistaking fable for truth, he might fly like Daedalus, and, collecting the breeze upon the summit of a tower, flew for more than a furlong [201 meters]. But agitated by the violence of the wind and the swirling of air, as well as by the awareness of his rash attempt, he fell, broke both his legs and was lame ever after. He used to relate as the cause of his failure, his forgetting to provide himself a tail.

Aviation continued to be a distant possibility, and not just for want of a tail; humanity lacked the vision to follow up on Eilmer’s experiment. And so it remained for centuries. Leonardo Da Vinci did sketch drawings of various types of flying machines, but never built one. The hot air balloon was only invented at the end of the 18th century, and it took nearly another century for gliders, and finally airplanes, to be invented. At first, flight seemed so unnatural that the renowned Rogatchover Gaon, Rav Yoseph Rosen, ruled that one doesn’t say the tefillat haderekh, the traveler’s prayer, for an airplane flight. He based his ruling from a passage in the Talmud that implied that the sky is not a derekh, a pathway for human travel; one doesn’t say a traveler’s prayer for traversing a domain that isn’t meant for human travel.

Flight was a 20th century technological wonder; but in 1949, flight became a miracle.

What makes a miracle a miracle? Many medieval philosophers, including Ibn Ezra, Rambam and Ralbag, minimize the supernatural elements in biblical miracles, and argue that even when performing a miracle, God doesn’t violate the natural order. Rav Soloveitchik explains it this way:

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The word ‘miracle’ in Hebrew does not possess the connotation of the supernatural….’Miracle’ describes only an outstanding event which causes amazement…As we read the exodus from Egypt, we are impressed by the distinct tendency of the Bible to relate the events in natural terms.

In what, then, does the uniqueness of the miracle assert itself? In the correspondence of the natural and historical orders... Had the plague of the firstborn, for instance, occurred a year before or after the Exodus, it would not have been termed ‘with a strong hand.’ ... The intervention of nature in the historical process is a miracle. Whether God planned that history adjust itself to natural catastrophes or, vice versa, He commands nature to cooperate with the historical forces, is irrelevant. ...Whenever history is transfigured under the impact of cosmic dynamics, we encounter a miracle.

A miracle is a natural event that occurs at just the right time. And in 1949, events converged that changed the course of history, and Isaiah’s vision of the Jews returning on eagles’ wings came true.

In December 1947, riots had broken out in the British colony of Aden, and 82 Jews were murdered. Then, in February 1948, a coup in the Kingdom of Yemen led to further danger for the Jews, who fled to refugee camps in Aden; they were starving, sick, and scared. The British were wary of aiding the Jews because they didn’t want to antagonize the Arab world. The job of rescuing these refugees would be left to the future State of Israel; and many government officials were skeptical about the mission, and worried that Israel couldn’t absorb the refugees. More significant was the difficulty of traveling to Israel. The Egyptians and Saudis would not let boats with the refugees pass through the Gulf of Aqaba. There was only one way out: through the skies.

But the Jewish community pushed forward. In May 1948, representatives of the Joint Distribution Committee met with James Wooten, the new President of Alaskan Airlines. After World War II, this small airline had acquired a large amount of army-surplus DC-4 and C-46 aircraft. Wooten was brainstorming creative ways to utilize the new fleet and had converted a few DC-4s to full freighter aircraft to carry cargo in the 1948 Berlin Airlift. Wooten, a devout Baptist, readily signed up his airline for this humanitarian mission. But the operation was plagued with difficulties from the very beginning. The owner of Alaska Airlines, Ray Marshall, did not see the operation as economically viable, and constantly opposed Wooten. The flight path followed a nine-hour route along a narrow corridor between two enemy countries. The aircraft were old, the technology dated, and the weather conditions were often very harsh.

Yet despite all the challenges, every single flight made its way safely, without any deaths or injuries. From December 1948 to September 1950, 48,818 Yemenite Jews were flown to Israel on 430 flights. As Stanley Epstein, a volunteer pilot explained, the mission “had to have been blessed by God, because the possibility of any of these airplanes being successful was pretty remote.”

The inaugural flight to Tel Aviv landed on December 16, 1948.

The plane was filled with children. When they landed, the children rose to full attention and burst out in the “HaTikva,” the National Anthem of Israel. James Wooten, who was in the cockpit for the flight, described it this way: “One hundred and four kiddies. And the oldest one was eleven years of age, but by God every one of them was singing. They had arrived at the Promised Land.” The moment was unforgettable. “I never had anything wring my heart quite so badly or severely,” Wooten admitted later. Although he went on to a successful career in the airline industry, this mission would remain Wooten’s enduring legacy; his obituary in the New York Times was headlined “James A. Wooten, Director of ‘49 Airlift of Yemeni Jews.”

The Jews of Yemen had returned to their homeland. Everything just fell into place; a dedicated airline executive, courageous pilots, surplus aircraft, and the newly born State of Israel. It truly was a miracle that everything came together at just the right time.

But what would be the name of the operation? Someone in the Israeli government, thinking of One Thousand and One Nights rather than the Tanakh, named it “Operation Magic Carpet.” But that name was soon replaced with one suggested by the refugees themselves. Ruth Gruber, the renowned photojournalist, was in Yemen for the rescue, and wrote the following:

The American Flying Tiger plane, on which I was scheduled to fly with them to Israel, landed (in Yemen), with a jovial pilot straight out of Texas, in a cowboy hat, khaki shorts, and knee-high socks. We helped the refugees board the plane. In the aircraft, with the help of an interpreter, I asked one of the older men, ‘Have you ever seen a plane before?’ He shook his head. ‘Are you frightened?’ ‘Why should I be frightened? It’s all written in the Bible.’ He quoted the beautiful prophecy of Isaiah: ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not weary; they shall walk and not faint.’ ‘For all these years,’ said the old man, ‘we waited upon the Lord and He kept renewing our strength. Now we’re mounting up with wings as eagles. Only the Bible didn’t say they would be American eagles’ wings.’

Since then, it has been known as “Operation on Wings of Eagles.”

I get a bit teary-eyed whenever I land in Israel. For centuries, the words of the Tanakh seemed to be a far-off vision; but now Isaiah’s dream is a reality. Jews can finally fly, and after hundreds of years of exile, have come streaming home on eagles’ wings.

Featured photo: A Yemenite family walking through the desert to a reception camp set up by the "joint" near Aden. Wikimedia, public domain.

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Originally delivered as a sermon on Shabbat Vayakhel, February 26, 2022.

Earlier this month, the Jewish Week published an article entitled, “Synagogue Is Like ‘Cheers’ Without the Booze.” Well… I guess they haven’t been to our synagogue.

The article was written by the paper’s editor, Andrew Silow-Carrol, and in it he reflects on what a synagogue community provides for people and what is lost when a community stops attending synagogue. It’s like Cheers because it’s a place where everybody knows your name. He writes, “If you spend enough time in synagogue, you know these casual — even hurried — exchanges (saying Shabbat Shalom, catching up at kiddush) forge tighter bonds than others might expect…. We know each other’s business: how the kids are doing, who’s ill, who’s mourning. You may not be invited to the wedding of a synagogue-mate’s son, but you are in the pews for the aufruf and, peh peh peh, the baby naming.”

There is no doubt in my mind that what Silow-Carroll described is a large part of what synagogue community means to us and what it does for us.

But I think this description misses a crucial element that distinguishes between different communities – highlighted by the midrash on the very first verse of the Torah portion we just read. םָתֹא תשֲׂעַל 'ה הָּוִצ רֶׁשֲא

הֶׁשמ לֵהְקַּיַו “Moshe gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said to them, ‘These are the words which God has commanded.’”

The rabbis of the midrash show how the opening of this portion is a direct continuation of the story of the sin of the golden calf from last week’s Torah reading. First, the Tabernacle (mishkan) served as an atonement for the golden calf: 'םיהלא ונל השע םוק' וב רמאנש ,לגעה השעמ לע רפכתו ,'שדקמ יל ושעו' אובת

God’s statement of “make for me a sanctuary” atones for the golden calf, when the Jews told Aharon, “make for us a god,” using similar language. ,ןרהא תלהק לע רפכתו 'לארשי ינב תדע לכ תא השמ להקיו' רמאנש ,וניבר השמ תלהק אובתו 'ןרהא לע םעה להקיו' ביתכד

And Moshe’s Kehilah, congregation, atones for Aharon’s congregation – in our parsha it says “vayakhel Moshe et kol Adat b’nei Yisrael,” and there it said “vayika-hel ha’am al Aharon.”

There was Aaron’s community, associated with the golden calf, and Moshe’s community, associated with the mishkan.

The key to understanding this other community model lies in a nuance, which is the difference between Moshe’s Kehilah and Aharon’s Kehilah. The community of Moses is a community of "the whole congregation of the children of Israel," in contrast with the community of Aaron, which is described in the verse as a community of the “am,” the people.

What, then, is the difference between am and edah? An am is a collection of individuals. They may share some commonalities, a common place they live, common ancestry, maybe common preferences. An edah, on the other hand, is a grouping of the same individuals under a common vision – the word has the same root as edut – an edah provides "testimony" for something, and the same root as ya’ad, “goal” – an edah shares goals and aims.

That first part of the Midrash gets to the heart of the matter. Aaron's community conceived of itself as the center – aseh lanu Elohim – make a god for us. While

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םיִרָבְּדַה הֶּלֵא
רֶמאֹּיַו לֵאָרְׂשִי יֵנְּב תַדֲע לָּכ תֶא

Moshe’s community saw God in the center - va’asu li mikdash –the temple is for God – we are not at the center.

Rabbi Samson Refael Hirsch, in his commentary on the portion of Bemidbar which also has the word edah, wrote that an edah “...designates people joined together for a common calling and held together by the solidarity of that calling.” Being part of the edah, more than than just the am, depends on one’s actions, on one’s commitment to the mission of the Jewish People and on their solidarity with other Jews.

The Jewish Week ’s reflections on a synagogue are certainly true of Kehilah – that aspect of community – and that is very important. I am not minimizing the value of Kiddush and the social aspects of congregation. But what makes synagogue life valuable is that it’s not just a Kehilat Am, but a Kehilat Edah. Our congregating is mission driven and elevates our Jewish lives, collectively, and also as individuals.

It makes our prayer better. From a halakhic standpoint, םע בורב ךלמ תרדה, prayers are better in a larger gathering of people. According to the Shulchan Aruch, if one lives in a town which has a larger congregation and a smaller one, one should prefer to pray with the larger congregation. But even from our own individual perspectives, inspiring prayer is very difficult alone. We can be inspired by the chazzan, by the people around us, by being here and hearing what’s going on in the lives of our congregational family, and coming to a better understanding of what we need to pray for.

It makes our Torah study better – the Talmud in masechet Brachot writes, הרובחב אלא תינקנ הרות ןיא – we only acquire our Torah knowledge when learning together with others. The technical reason is that we may make a mistake or misunderstand something we read on our own, but beyond that there is so much to be gained from hearing what others have to say about a subject. Moreover, we are just more likely to learn Torah when we are part of the synagogue community, surrounded by people interested in something similar.

And we don’t need any special sources to know that being part of a community improves our acts of Chesed and elevates our Tzedakah. Surrounded by others who have concerns similar to ours, and who do and who give, we too are moved to do more and to give more. We can participate in larger Chesed operations and Tzedakah campaigns, having a greater impact than we could on our own.

All three pillars of Jewish life – Torah, Avodah (prayer), and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of kindness), are influenced and improved by coming to the synagogue. Sure, we are a Kehilah, everyone knows your name, we have community. But we are so much more than that. We are a Kehilat Edah, we share goals, share values, and we push each other to live by them and thus elevate ourselves and each other, and all of us collectively.





WED | APR 6 | 7:30 PM



Be a part of our history as we come together as a community.




• Induction of New Members

• Memorial to Departed Members

• Tribute to Anniversarians


Livestream link will follow for those who cannot attend in person

• Ramaz School Annual Meeting


RSVP Dina Farhi dina@ckj.org or 212-774-5648

Livestream link will follow for those who cannot attend in person

The night’s program is followed by a delicious supper of hot dogs, sauerkraut and ice cold beer, courtesy of Foremost Caterers.

RSVP Dina Farhi dina@ckj.org or 212-774-5648


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LEARN TO DAVEN LIKE A BA’AL TEFILLAH Rabbi Haskel Lookstein’s ten Nusach recordings, designed to help people learn how to be a shaliach tzibbur at daily services, Shabbatot, holidays, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur & selichot around the year, are available free of charge at ramaz.org/nusach. There is no better time than now to avail yourself of this wonderful opportunity!
updates on the Manhattan Eruv's weekly status, call 212-874-6100, ext. 3 (Recorded Message)


Kindergarteners through third graders were nearly jumping out of their seats in the auditorium of a Jewish day school I recently visited.

They were raising their hands, eager to participate in a pre-Shabbat program dedicated to reintroducing them to the synagogue. With restrictions and fear, over the past two years, the school was concerned that many of these children would grow up unfamiliar and disconnected from this core institution of Jewish life. So, with contagious enthusiasm, the teachers facilitated discussions, designed games, and performed skits to teach about the synagogue service and its rituals. They also gave a virtual tour of a synagogue with a local rabbi who addressed the question, which was posed directly: “Why do we need a synagogue?”

This question was addressed here at, Kehilath Jeshurun, on December 6, 1972, by Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik in a lecture he gave entitled “The Synagogue as an Institution and as an Idea.” He stated then, during the 1970s, that: “The synagogue nowadays is not the most popular institution in the Jewish community (Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Memorial Volume, p. 321).” COVID did not create the dearth of synagogue attendance; it only exacerbated and emphasized the lack of interest or value seen in synagogue attendance that existed previously.

Earlier than Rabbi Soloveitchik, Rabbi Dr. de Sola Pool of Congregation Shearith Israel spoke of the need to address the importance of synagogue attendance and dedicated two sermons to this topic in the 50s and 60s (Selections from Six

Decades of Sermons, Addresses and Writings). This challenge to the value of synagogue attendance is not new, and although it had already been sermonized fifty years ago at KJ, many Modern Orthodox synagogues continue to face very sparse regular synagogue attendance, at below thirty percent of their membership.

The lack of regular family engagement and attendance is why so many of our younger generation feel out of place in a synagogue. We only need to acknowledge how few of our twelve-year-old boys, about to be Bar Misva, have regularly spent time in a synagogue. Not in groups or at Kiddush, but in a main service, involved in – or even observing – the services. Can we reasonably expect them to feel at home in a synagogue service with which they are unfamiliar?

Unfortunately, all too often, these children arrive in synagogue years later as “Yahrzeit Jews,” adults asking for guidance about when, and sometimes how, to say Kaddish during services. Their limited connection with Judaism has ramifications on their future generations’ engagement with Jewish life and community. While there is great effort to create connection to Judaism through other means, such as a love for Israel, the Hebrew language, Torah learning, philanthropy, a local JCC, Jewish geography, and other cultural avenues such as cuisine, music, and literature, these have yet to prove themselves capable of propelling our past into a Jewish future that spans more than a few generations.

The synagogue service itself, containing all these elements, love of Israel etc. mentioned above, exceeds the sum of its parts, and has already proven capable

of withstanding time and geography –even heavy persecution and threats to our very existence! It remains the universal center, as much as it may be denounced for being antiquated and outdated, often, even the most disconnected of Jews finds themselves rejoining in their times of need and connection, finding it valuable once again. This, though, assumes their upbringing, their parent, mentor, or role model, had connected them to the synagogue service or stressed its importance as a pillar of Jewish life. Without this connection, future generations are left to the new hopes of Jewish peoplehood, which focus on love of Israel, and language and culture, which unfortunately, on their own, may not be strong enough to withstand multiple generations. We have seen this play out with immigrants, who after three or four generations find that their ties to their

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great grandparents’ love for their homeland, language and culture are severely weakened or lost. This is one of the reasons why I emphasize the importance of bringing one’s children to synagogue and encouraging them to participate in the main service.

The synagogue also serves as a public social equalizer. Whatever socioeconomic, ideological, or experiential differences exist among the members of a minyan, each is equally integral to forming a quorum that can say Kaddish or read from a Sefer Torah. The minyan reminds its members that they are all equal in the eyes of God.

Since the earliest days of the synagogue, Jews of all walks of life were welcomed, cared for, and made to feel a part of a family and a community. A synagogue dedication from the Greek period reads that is was built: “…as a hostel with

chambers and water installations to provide for the needs of itinerants from abroad...” Additionally, some of the early texts speak of seating arranged so that one visiting synagogue “would be taken care of by his [fellow] craftsmen, and from that [interchange] a living could be procured (Tosefta Sukkah 4:6).” The synagogue was a welcome center where people could arrive and know they would be taken care of.

Elana Mizrahi in an article she wrote entitled “The Shul,” expressed how welcomed she was when she arrived in Geneva, a place where she knew no one. Her mother told her: “Go to synagogue, you’ll meet other Jews.” To her pleasant surprise, she was invited after minyan to kiddush and then to a berit milah a few blocks away. The community instantly took her in as one of their family.

Minyan unites even members who may have actively avoided one another! These individuals find that the need for a quorum brings them together. Raphael Magarik expressed an anecdote to this point in an op-ed in the Baltimore Jewish Times. He wrote:

I remember how, when I spent a summer abroad in a small European community, two men who had a longrunning personal and financial feud would both wince and smile when they saw each other at Shabbat afternoon services — because each knew he needed the other to make a minyan.

In a synagogue, we sing and pray together no matter how different our perspectives, backgrounds, or experiences are. The minyan is a place where we put aside our differences and join together to accomplish something greater than any of us could accomplish alone.

Rabbi Soloveitchik argued that not only the wandering Jew or the one looking for connection is in need of the home and family created by the synagogue. He felt that all Jews, as part of the human condition, feel homeless without synagogue. He expressed this in the lecture he gave at KJ and said:

Man experiences his homelessness as a small being, in the human reality called vulnerability; man is, as just

stated, exposed to all the vicissitudes of an environment that at best, is unconcerned and indifferent. This feeling of being vulnerable, of being exposed, is the feeling of homelessness. (Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Memorial Volume, p. 372)

The solution, according to Rabbi Soloveitchik, is the beit ha-kenesset. Not “the house of prayer,” as he emphasizes, but “a home of prayer.” He explained further and said:

Bet ha-kenesset, if understood as a house of prayer, is an institution; however, if translated as a home of prayer, it turns into an exalted idea, namely, the home of man, of homeless man, which is at the same time the home of God. (ibid, p. 331)

The feeling part of a community greater than oneself, where all are protecting the well-being of each other, helps move us from feeling like we are wandering in the desert alone, exposed to the elements, in fear of danger and loss, to the comfort of feeling welcomed, known, and at home.

For some, even those struggling philosophically with God and Judaism, the joining together in synagogue, even for simple recitation without understanding is a source of grounding, and connection with a tradition spanning generations. Others have found themselves emotionally and spiritually moved, with the service drawing forth deep emotion from within and yielding great clarity of purpose and grounding. No explanation is really needed for them since their experience has made the value self-evident. As we say in our daily Ashrei prayers: “Fortunate are the ones who dwell in your home.”

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Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik delivering Centennial lecture in Main Synagogue, December 6, 1972. Source: KJ Bulletin, Volume XLI, Number 9


KJ warmly welcomes the following new members who joined the Congregation between August 3 and the date on which this Bulletin was prepared for press, March 10:

Davina & Matthew Ahdoot

Marlene & Daniel Arbess Ellen Aschendorf

Judith & Harry Ballan

Liz & Maor Ben Hamu

Stefani Berkin Ebony Bowden

Tammie & Yoni Bryk Miriam Raisner & Nathaniel Catez

Jacqueline Sapoznik & Zachary Charles

Michelle Weber Creizman & Eric Creizman

Amanda & Avi Daman

Alanna & Sam Davidson

Camille & Adam Dunst

Sarah Belfer & Dr. Elliot Eisenberg

Eden & Michael Fischman David Fischman

Dalia & Wayne (Zev) Forman

Alexandra Lobel & Jack Gindi

Jordana Zinner & David Glanzman Amy Goldstein Nava Grant

Ayala Carl & Dr. Tyler Grove

Lara Berns & Benjamin Guzik

Civia & Lawrence Katz

Dr. Carine Hamo & Norm Kaufman

Riva & Jordan Kestenbaum Hindy Krasnjanski

Debra & Irwin Kurland Ann Lewin

Jackie & Meir Lesches

Brenda & Zev Lindenbaum Ilana Golant & Steve Menashi Morgan & Eric Mendel

Julia & Mark Mezrich Debra & Ira Miller

Julie & Steven Montague Becca & Zev Newman

Adina & Joshua Obstfeld Arianne Milhem & Eric Reiner

Howard Rich

Drs. Mary Kaye & Kevin Ross

Dr. Katie Peyser & Shane Safer

Sarah Ricklan & Elliot Salinger Dr. Alexandra & David Seidenberg

Seren & Michael Shvo Jerome Spitzer

Arielle & Dovid Tradburks

Guy Greener & Elton Tucker

Deborah & Rabbi Dr. Abraham Unger

Michele & Dr. James Warshaw

Joni & George White Cara & Elie Wolynetz

Dahlia Kozlowsky & Meir Zelcer



Matan Kahana

Israel’s Minister of Religious Services

Matan Kahana was an officer in the IDF with the rank of colonel, who served as a fighter in Sayeret Matkal, and as a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. After retiring from the army, he joined the New Right party, which is part of the Yamina alliance.


Dr. Shilo Kramer

Former KJ Beginners Chazan

Director of Inpatient Rehabilitation & Residency Program Director at ADI NEGEV Specializing in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Life goes on in the best of ways. We are a community, but more than that we are a family. Life may take families far and wide, but home always beckons. There’s no place like it. The following pages demonstrate how our families have been gathering in every possible way and will continue to do so. And as more families come home, things will only get better.

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Reimagining Rehabilitation: Advancing Ability for All COMMUNITY RECAPS 7 ANNUAL DINNER 13 SEFER TORAH DEDICATION 15 COMMUNITY


Freezing temperatures did not prevent the KJ/Ramaz family from heading down to Central Park’s Wollman Rink for a motzei Shabbat of skating and fun on Saturday night, January 22. Cantor Chaim David Berson warmed up the crowd with Havdalah and some of our favorite songs. Photo credit: Tilly Blair.

KJ Men’s Club Webinar Series Continues In Spring 2022

We are excited to announce that the KJ Webinar Series, organized by the KJ Men’s Club, will continue in Spring 2022. The webinars are dialogues with distinguished speakers on a wide range of topics and issues. Dr. Mark Meirowitz, KJ Men’s Club President, is the moderator of the series.

Now slated for Spring 2022 are the following guest speakers. We are honored to have their participation. Further details (including dates and times of the webinars) will be announced shortly:

William Daroff, Chief Executive Officer of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Gideon Taylor, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York

Barry Rosen, a former US diplomat who was held hostage by the Iranians for 444 days during the Iranian Hostage Crisis (1979-1981) and is the author, with his wife Barbara Rosen, of “The Destined Hour: The Hostage Crisis and One Family’s Ordeal”

Hon. Timothy Reif (Judge, US Court of International Trade), with Samuel Blaustein, Esq. and Raymond Dowd, Esq., Partners at Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller, who will discuss recent legal efforts to reclaim art works looted by the Nazis from Jews during the Second World War

KJ Member Erica Fishbein, Senior Program Officer, former Soviet Union, at the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

Stay tuned for even more guest speakers for the KJ Webinar Series, who will be announced in the future. Previous guest speakers participating in the KJ Webinar Series were Rabbi Elie Abadie, Hon. Robert Abrams and Shoshana Bryen.

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5782 has been an incredible year so far, and we’re thrilled that so many of our youth have participated in KJYD events!

We tekiyah-ed in the new year with High Holiday Camp for over 200 children, an epic Sukkah decorating party, a neighborhood Sukkah Hop, a Simchat Torah Carnival, and a chesed event, where our youth created care packages for students at the Bet Elazraki home for children in need.

For movie day, in October, we filled the AMC 86th Street theatre (and our popcorn bags) to watch the hilarious animated film, Ron’s Gone Wrong Pizza Making at Saba’s was bellissimo! and our kids learned expert dough-tossing and saucemaking techniques from Mr. Saba himself.

On Chanukah, KJ Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson delighted us with holiday tunes, while upstairs in the Gym, we lit up the night with Laser Tag

With January came 8 inches of snow and a fun snow day in Carl Schurz Park Park where 40 kids bundled up to build and paint snowmen, complete in a relay race, and sip delicious hot cocoa.

There was no better way to celebrate Tu B’Shvat than with a rockin’ recyclingthemed concert! Bash the Trash showed us the unbelievable things we can do with discarded cans and boxes.

Our Shabbat youth groups continue to anchor the week. We inaugurated a Breakfast Club for grades 3-4 which is proving wildly popular. KJYD boasts an amazing team of Morahs and teen leaders who are the glue that holds everything together.

Parent-Child Learning continues to be a hit as well, so be on the lookout for more opportunities in the coming months to spend motzei Shabbat learning with your children in the Main Synagogue with our talented rabbis.

Stay tuned for our wild and crazy Purim event that’s sure to satisfy every sweet tooth, and amazing Pesach programming to follow.

KJYD Shoutout!

The incredible creativity and magnetism of KJ Youth Director Chevy Nat and Assistant Roni Tessler is apparent in every one of their KJYD programs. Fun and educational, Shabbat groups and special programs leaves our children energized and excited about holidays and parshat hashavua, Israel and more. Kudos to Chevy and Roni for their consistently excellent programming. We are all the richer for it.


JYC is thrilled to be back in person this year. Under the leadership of Rabbi Roy Feldman (Dean), Morah Ariana Mizrahi (Principal) and Deeni Hass (Director), the school has seamlessly returned to inperson learning.

The year has been filled with exciting programming including a Sukkot party, a Chanukah celebration and continued weekly special programming to keep the students excited and engaged. The upcoming semester has a packed schedule of holiday programming both in school and for students to take home to experience with their families.

We are sorry to bid farewell to Morah Ariana who will be taking her leave from JYC in June, following a nine-year tenure during which time she left an imprint on hundreds of children. She imbued them with an appreciation of our Jewish heritage, instilling Jewish identity and pride as she imparted the crucial components of Jewish life and practice. She leads by example and our children are the beneficiaries of her dedication. We will miss her terribly and wish her only happiness as she completes work on her doctorate and begins a new chapter in her life.

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Special Visitor Enhances KJ’s Z’man Simchateinu

In town to address the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett paid a visit to KJ for services the night of Shemini Atzeret.

In his brief talk he noted that KJ, and in particular, the KJ Beginners program, held a special place in his heart. That is the minyan that he and his wife, Gilat, attended when they lived in New York City while he launched a tech start-up. They were particularly drawn to the intimate, encouraging prayer experience, the social camaraderie, and the great Kiddush following services!

On a more serious note, the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of a strong IsraelDiaspora relationship. “We are one,” he said, referring to the bonds that keep our countries close.

Sephardic Youth Education programs have expanded with more participation than ever before.

In addition to classes on Shabbat and Sundays, students are encouraged to practice at home through raffles and prizes they receive by submitting accurate Torah and tefillah readings. These students also participate in our main minyan, reading the Shema with fluency, and the Torah with precision.

Our adult learning has diversified with classes for all levels, including advanced learning in halakhic methodology on Sunday mornings, a back-to-basics weeknight class on the Siddur, and a monthly women's class where we explore topics of Jewish spirituality and family. Our daily halakhah class has completed 106 simanim, sections of the Shulkhan Arukh.

this Season!

Over the past few months, we have supported our Fire and Police Departments by delivering meals on Thanksgiving and sharing notes of gratitude written by the children of our community. We also enjoyed a MET Museum Tour, and hosted a panel on Raising Children in the Twenty-First Century. We also had our largest attendance, almost eighty people, at our third annual KJ Sephardic Ski Trip.

We are also grateful and honored by the choice of Sharon and Elie Gindi of housing their Sefer Torah with us, which we lovingly call the Gindi Sefer Torah.

For more information contact sephardicminyan@ckj.org!


Spring Hike, Pesah Classes, Ziplines & Aerial Adventures, For the Love of God Series, Sunday Morning Haburah, & more!


Many thanks to CKJ rabbis and congregation for the beautiful birthday wishes and cake at the Congregational Kiddush on September 4. It was greatly appreciated. God Bless You All.

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We know the songs and melodies, but there is so much more behind the music. For centuries, cantors composed melodies for our liturgy to engage their congregations in prayer. This February, Cantor Berson and I were joined by Cantor Eric Freeman (Associate Dean of Yeshiva University’s Belz School of Jewish Music) for two evenings celebrating the history of Ashkenazi synagogue music. In the first, we focused on the Eastern European tradition as exemplified by perhaps the most famous cantor of all time, Yossele Rosenblatt. We learned about the history of his tradition, his life and times, as well as heard and interpreted selections from his repertoire. We closed the evening by singing his ubiquitous Shir Hama’alot, which was one of the songs considered for the State of Israel’s national anthem.

The second week, we explored the tradition of German synagogue music by Louis Lewandowski – 19th century choir director of the Berlin Synagogue whose melodies are sung at Ashkenazi synagogues around the world to this day. Many in the audience knew the tunes and sang the “congregational responses” together – and we all joined in for his famous Tzadik KaTamar from the Friday evening service. Both evenings gave us a taste of how the music of our prayers developed and a chance to hear live performances of the selections. It was especially wonderful – in addition to the livestream - to host the program in person in our Heyman Auditorium where so many people joined us, some from our community and others who traveled from around New York City.

Here are the links to the program recordings for you to enjoy from the comfort of your home: Part 1 vimeo.com/671782383 Part 2 vimeo.com/674486317

KJ & NCSY Look to Future Leaders

New York NCSY’s Jewish Student Union Leadership Conference, hosted by KJ, connected 40 public school teen leaders from across the New York region. The conference focused on giving the public school teens the skills and relationships to further thrive as Jewish leaders in their schools and communities.

Highlights of the day's programming included volunteering with Yachad, team building exercises and leadership workshops facilitated by esteemed KJ staff Rachel Kraus and Rabbi Feldman. NCSY Manhattan Director Rabbi Manu Hass said, "The teens walked away having created a community of friends and fellow leaders, and critically, a greater understanding of their crucial roles in the Jewish community.” Rabbi Gideon Black, CEO of NY NCSY, added, “We are grateful to KJ for their indispensable partnership that ensured the program was a genuine success."

Chesed in the Wake of the Bronx Fire

In the wake of the terrible Bronx high-rise fire on January 9, our community collected supplies for the victims. I was privileged to join a group of Ramaz students, led by Deeni Hass, the Upper School’s Coordinator of Chesed and Outreach, to deliver the supplies to the Islamic Community Center of the Bronx, the mosque attended by virtually all the families affected by the fire. We were met there by Meyer Appel, the founder of the interfaith coalition The Bridge, who brought with him representatives of the Chasidic, Haitian, and Pakistani communities.

As we brought the boxes into the mosque, we spoke to members of the mosque and saw the impact our very presence made, and we walked away feeling like we had received far more than what we have given. Carrying the supplies, I felt like I was emulating the actions of Avraham and Sarah 3,800 years ago, to offer help, care and love to all humanity. To believe in God is to believe in goodness. – Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz

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All In The Spirit Of Sisterhood!

Our Comedy and Cocktails event on October 13 was a great way to start the Sisterhood's programming year!

It was a happy and fun occasion with good food, the opportunity to re-connect with friends, and entertainment that was both humorous and thought provoking. Comedian Talia Reese kept everyone laughing and the sushi, lite bites, and wine under the KJ roof tent gave the well-attended, standing-room-only evening an enjoyable ambience.

On March 3, the Annual Marsha Dane Stern Challah & L’Chaim presented by Gail Propp and Sharon Dane, featured a fascinating conversation between KJ member Nina Rennert Davidson, Philanthropist and Jewish Activist, and Dr. Eric Mandel, founder and director of MEPIN (Middle East Political Information Network) and Senior Editor of Security at The Jerusalem Times/Post, on the subject of “Israel’s Challenges in 2022.” Both presenters’ vast understanding of current events and political strategy left all viewers with a much clearer picture of our present-day challenging situations.

Note the following upcoming, exciting events on your calendar:

Spring Boutique

SUNDAY, MAY 1 | 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Chairs Elana Vinar, Meirav Lobel and Audrey Goldstein

Annual Sisterhood Luncheon Honoring Carla Tanz


Chairs Jennifer Agus, Stephanie Katz, Lorraine Gold

Additional information about all these events will be forthcoming. Like us at instagram.com/kjsisterhood & learn more at ckj.org/sisterhood!


The W Connection is a grassroots organization which assists widows in supporting each other as they rebuild their lives. Since the onset of the pandemic, all meetings have been conducted virtually on Zoom.

To learn more about the KJ W Connection group, please contact one of the leaders, Gabriella Major, at 212 879-4783 & gabriellamaj@gmail.com

KJ Sisterhood

Supports our Communal Sukkah Funds unsponsored Kiddushim Supports Bar/Bat Mitzvah Gifts

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Sends new KJ Members a Welcome Package Prepares local homes for Shiva Sends mourners their first meal Provides post-shiva support calls Supports the Ramaz Scholarship Fund Funds Synagogue Memorial Tablets

ANNUAL DINNER ’21 Concert Edition



Special musical guest? Check. Gifted impresario and chazan non-pareil? Check.

Beloved birthday celebrant? Check. Adoring audience? Check. Guest appearance by the Ramaz Chamber Choir? Check. Energizing music by the Krohma band? Check. Video Messages by Renowned Sports Figures? Check. Birthday cake? Check. A birthday present unlike any other? Check. Not everyone can be a recipient of a portrait painted by KJ member Nadia Klionsky Olidort.

You can look at the list and check it twice. It is plain to see that Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson left no stone unturned when he planned and executed Rabbi Lookstein’s 90th birthday celebration. Musically and technically, that special evening of celebration provided the perfect reason for 400 people to leave their pajamas behind, dress up, and gather at the Ramaz Upper School to pay tribute to Rabbi Lookstein.

And there was so much to celebrate! In a space as small as this page, it is impossible to include all the ways in which we have benefitted from Rabbi Lookstein’s scholarship, his sensitivity and goodness, his guidance and leadership. But celebrate we did – live and for hundred more via livestreamdemonstrating our thanks and happiness with an evening dedicated to thanksgiving, an early birthday celebration of our love and esteem for the man we have been privileged to call our rabbi for the past 63 years.

Thanks are in order to our wonderful event chairs Geraldine and Jeremie Cohen, Janie and Robert Schwalbe, Hannah and Scott Topiel, and Judy and Philip Wilner; our décor chair Andy Charles; solicitation chairs Lee Lewittes and Barbara Zimet; publicity chair Mitch Krevat; and the biggest Yashar Koach of all to Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson for envisioning this extraordinary evening and bringing it to fruition.

In Honor of Rabbi Lookstein

The phrase ללהלו תודוהל, to thank and to praise, appears first in the Tanakh in Sefer Divrei Hayamim; this phrase is then borrowed by the author of Al Hanissim and Hanerot Hallalu, the additional prayers of Chanukah and Purim.

The reason why these two words are paired together is because there is a deep connection between both concepts. Hallel is when we praise and celebrate that which is exceptional. But the emotion of Hallel, of praise, is strongest when we have a direct connection to what we are celebrating; Hallel is strongest when combined with hodaah, gratitude for a blessing that has made a difference in our lives.

Tonight was a night of Hallel, of praise and celebration for a remarkable man and a remarkable career. But as I said, Hallel is most meaningful when combined with hodaah, with gratitude. And it is with a sense of hodaah, gratitude, that I offer my remarks this evening.

Rabbi Lookstein, I want to thank you on behalf of our congregation, Kehilath Jeshurun, for nearly seven decades of teaching, preaching, leading services, counseling, friendship, and tireless support.

I want to thank you on behalf of generations of teachers and students of Ramaz, whom you have mentored, taught, inspired, and supported. You have transformed so many young lives, and there are so many who would not be who they are today without you.

I want to thank you on behalf of the Orthodox community for championing an authentic Orthodoxy, one that recognizes how important it is to be a part of the world while at the same time standing apart from the world; An Orthodox Judaism that understands the importance of םעונ יכרד היכרד, that the Torah's ways are ways of pleasantness.

You have championed women's roles in our community, including young women in Talmud classes at Ramaz, starting a Women's Tefillah Group at KJ, and appointing women to roles of spiritual leadership in our community.

You have supported converts who come with open hearts, and treated them with gentleness and dignity when others have slammed the door in their face.

You have taught and mentored young rabbis at YU; and you are a rabbi's rabbi, a role model for so many rabbis in the field. I am honored to be able to stand at your side, and observe what you do, and how you interact with others every single day.

And finally I want to thank you on behalf of Klal Yisrael, the Jewish people, for a lifetime of selfless service.

Thank you for helping so many around the world who have faced financial challengespeople for whom you stepped up and raised money to help them through difficult times.

Thank you for encouraging the students in your sex education class to have more children. Even in my short time here, several people have told me that it was a class you taught them, when they were only 16 years old, that inspired them to understand the importance of raising families and doing their part to ensure Jewish continuity.

Thank you for your unwavering devotion to the Jews of the Soviet Union, whom you visited multiple times; whom you protested for, organized for, advocated for. You gave years and years of your life to release them from the claws of a totalitarian state. You were there for Soviet Jewry in the 60s, in the 70s, in the 80s and beyond. It was you, always in front, always leading the way, always certain that one day they would go free. And now, look at what has happened Rabbi Lookstein! They are free!! You helped make this miracle come true.

Thank you for your love of the State of Israel and its people, whom you have held so close to your heart. You have supported them through political action, yearly missions, and charitable work. You have always been at Israel's side at good times and in difficult times. You are a true chovev zion, lover of Zion. No wonder every Prime Minister wants to visit KJ!

Rabbi Lookstein: It is on the behalf of so many others that I thank you this evening. It is on their behalf that we offer you blessings of joy, happiness and nachas. And above all, we offer you the blessing of arichas yamim, a long life of health and goodness.

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This Sefer Torah was commissioned by Florence Rothman with Bob’s support as an act of love and reverence for her parents and grandparents, but also as a continuation of their belief in, and commitment to, God and to the Torah.

Let me explain with a reference to yesterday’s Torah reading, Parashat Lech Lecha.

After Avram’s victory in the war to save Lot, he was worried that his miraculous success may have used up his merits, his zechuyot.

In his commentary, Rashi reveals Avram’s thoughts: “Maybe I have used up my line of credit before God.”

God assured him: “Don’t worry, Avram, you have an open line of credit – your reward will be very great.” Avram then responded, “What reward will you give me? Sarai and I are old and childless.”

God responded: Look at the heavens and count the stars if you can: הֶיְהִי הֹּכ ךֶָעְרַז“Thus will be your descendants."

The Torah continues, הָקָדְצ וֹלּ ָהֶבְׁשְחַּיַו ’הַּב ןִמֱאֶה

“And Avram believed in God. And God considered Avram’s belief in Him to be an act of tzedakah.”

On several levels, this Torah which we have completed today is an act of tzedakah by Florence in memorializing her parents and grandparents and their belief in God and the Torah, after the Holocaust.

Rita Adler (Rachel Bat Avraham HaLevi) and her mother, Else Springut (Yachad Bat Moshe) were survivors of Auschwitz. Rita’s father, Roman Springut (Avraham Ben Zecharya HaLevi, HY”D) was murdered by the Nazis three days before the liberation of Auschwitz in January of 1945.

Stanley Adler (Zerach Lipa Ben Yehuda Aryeh) fled Vienna in 1938, after the Anschluss.

The family, like its namesake, Avraham, maintained a committed Jewish life in America. Florence and her brother, Dr. Alvin Adler, were educated in Ramaz. Florence and Bob’s sons – Stanley and Daniel – were given that same education.

Despite the tragic experience of the Holocaust, this family, like Avraham Avinu, believed in a Jewish future and committed themselves to making that future happen.

This Torah is a memorial to them and a reminder that such faith, such loyalty, and such determination are viewed by God and our community as an act of tzedakah.

“And Avram believed in God and God considered that an act of tzedakah,” and rewarded him with continuity.

May this tzedakah and the memorial to this family be an inspiration to Florence, Bob, Alvin, Stanley, Daniel and to all of us, to believe in, and to be committed to, God and Torah in times of hardship and in many moments of happiness.

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KJ Main Sanctuary. Photo credit: Talia Laniado.



On behalf of my family, I want to thank the rabbis and our friends who are here this morning to celebrate the dedication of this Sefer Torah, which is made in memory of my beloved parents, Rita and Stanley Adler, and my grandparents, Else and Roman Springut.

Most of you knew my mother well, knew how special she was, and how important she was to our family. There are also a few of you here who remember my father and my grandmother from the West Side where I grew up. It means a lot to me having friends here who knew my parents and my grandmother, to share in today’s celebration.

I also want to thank Rabbi Bodenheim for checking the accuracy of the Torah, and for being here today to complete the letters. Most especially, I want to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to Rabbi Lookstein for all that you have done to make this wish of mine a reality -- for selecting the Torah and the writing for the Torah; for choosing the pasuk that is beautifully embroidered on the Mantel which reflects the kavod that I had for my parents and still do, and the way they raised me to a life of Torah, chuppah and ma’asim tovim; and, for placing the Torah in the Chapel where my family and I can see it being used regularly. I am thankful for your guidance and support in so many ways. Please know I will always be grateful to you for all this.

The idea for writing this Sefer Torah began more than two years ago, as my father’s 40th Yahrzeit neared in August 2019. I wanted to do something special in his memory, something that would reflect the person he was, that would be meaningful to him, and that he would have approved of. I wanted to include my mother and my grandparents, especially my grandfather whom I never met, who was killed by the Nazis three days before the liberation of Auschwitz. I wanted to give something to KJ that would be lasting, and that could be used by the Congregation now and with God’s help, for many years in the future.

I wanted to dedicate this Torah in their memory because I knew that this would be the most meaningful thing that I could do for them, the best way to honor them, and the best way for me. My parents and grandparents were humble, modest, selfless, loving and kind people, who never would have expected a Torah to be written in their memory. But I believe they would be happy with this choice. I also hope that my grandfather, who has no grave and no marker, will in some way finally have a remembrance through this Torah.

My mother and grandmother, who were survivors of the Krakow Ghetto, Plaszow, and Auschwitz, and my father who fled Vienna in 1938 after the Anschluss, each came to America with nothing. They were able to make good lives in America, to create a loving home, always looking to the future with positivity and hope. They were kind and generous people, devoted to each other, and to Alvin and me. And despite their horrific personal suffering and loss at the hands of the Nazis, they never wavered in their faith and love of Torah, and they remained deeply committed Jews throughout their lives. My grandfather, whom I never knew, was made very real for me by the many stories my mother and grandmother told me about him. He was a wonderful son, husband and father. He was a successful businessman, dedicated to his family and charitable to many. My mother often told me he always said that the most important thing a person leaves behind is his good name, not the possessions he owned.

Bob, Stanley, Daniel and I dedicate this Torah with great joy and gratitude to Hashem for giving us this opportunity and for giving us the zechut to do this. I am grateful that this Torah will be a part of our synagogue for many years to come; the synagogue where my mother loved to go, especially when she could see Rabbi and Mrs. Lookstein, and even more when she could hear Rabbi Lookstein daven Ne’ilah and at other times during the year. I feel my parents and grandparents next to me now, on my shoulder, and I believe that they are watching from shamayim and I hope they are pleased. I pray that this Torah, with God’s help, will be a source of blessing and joy to all who worship here, and to Klal Yisrael.

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Kesher serves young professionals and families in our community at KJ through a weekly minyan, hot kiddush and social events that are aimed at bringing our constituents together in a meaningful way.

We began this year with a successful Shemini Atzeret Luncheon, a women’s health and fitness evening and a complementary men’s boot camp event. We had a gala season kickoff lunch and co-hosted a fun Chanukah kiddush with KJYD, both with swag to share! Kesher organized a Living Room Learning series with Rabbi Feldman and has a popular weekly men’s basketball game. We partnered with JNF on a family Purim party and hosted a women's sushi-making night.

We have an active Instagram and WhatsApp account where we deliver important messages to the community to keep everyone up to date.

Kesher has also been instrumental in helping our community: we co-hosted Covid vaccination pop-ups for children ages 5 through 11 and provided these brave kids with treats! We hosted an infant/child CPR class, ran a bone marrow swab drive to help a member in the KJ community, and donated all proceeds of our men's fitness event to the KJ Food Pantry. Kesher also formally partners with KJ Chesed: we helped to organize a challah baking event in partnership with Ramaz and KJ Chesed's “Challah for Chesed” initiative honoring the memory of Daniella Moffson z”l. We also started a Chesed committee to help us enrich and foster our community in times of need.

We believe that Kesher is the future of KJ and we partner with all branches of the shul to lift and complement our experiences in this community and the larger congregation. We are grateful for, and strongly rely on, our Kesher community members to help with our weekly minyan and exciting events.

Please reach out to us at kesher@ckj.org for any volunteer opportunities or if you have any questions! We’d love to hear from you!

Upcoming Spring events include a Men's Scotch Tasting, Derby Day Kiddush, End-of-Season Luncheon, and Men's Softball Games!


A Two-Part Series with Rabbi Feldman

Bekeshes in Brooklyn: How two very different European Hasidic groups paved their way, grew, and flourished in the New World.

March 21: Lubavitch (Chabad) March 28: Satmar

Special Visitor to Israeli President Isaac Herzog

In a recent visit to Israel, Audrey and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein had the opportunity to visit with Israel’s President Isaac (“Bougie”) Herzog.

Their friendship dates back to when his father, Chaim Herzog, the sixth president of Israel, served as Israel’s representative to the United Nations between 1975 and 1978. During that time the future president attended Ramaz School, no doubt a pivotal experience that prepared him to better understand the needs of Diaspora Jews.

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Despite Covid preventing our lunching together, people still gathered to hear from a great lineup of speakers such as KJ member Israel Max, Medicare expert Barbara Klein, Dr. Gil Kahn, Rabbi Roy Feldman, Rabbi Meyer Laniado, and Postural Therapy specialist Joey Zimet –and just to mix it up Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson gave a performance of musical favorites, encouraging participation and raising spirits.


Mark your calendars now –don’t miss any of these dynamic speakers. All lectures follow 9:00 AM Shabbat services in the Main

Judaic Studies at NYU. Dr. Goldstein has received a number of awards, including fellowships from Cardozo’s Center for Jewish Law and Civilization and Hebrew University's postdoctoral Golda Meir Award.

MAY 14


Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations

His Excellency Gilad Erdan is Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations. Until recently, Ambassador Erdan served as Israel's Ambassador to the United States, the first person to hold both roles concurrently since Abba Eban in the 1950s.

Prior to serving as Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Ambassador Erdan served in the Israeli Knesset for seventeen years and held several ministerial positions including Minister of Public Security, Minister of Strategic Affairs and Minister of Environmental Protection. He was a member of Israel’s Security Cabinet and led many important reforms in Israeli society.



Founder, Director and Rosh HaMidrasha at Midreshet Amudim in Modi'in.

Dr. Julie Goldstein is the Rosh Midrasha of Midreshet Amudim. Her teaching experience includes NYU, Ma’ayanot High School and JLIC at UCLA. Dr. Goldstein received an MA in Jewish philosophy at YU and a joint PhD in medieval history and


KJ Scholar-in Residence


Rabbi Jeremy Wieder is the Joseph and Gwendolyn Straus Professor of Talmud in the University's Mazer Yeshiva Program and is an Adjunct Professor of Bible in Yeshiva College. He was ordained by RIETS and holds a PhD in Judaic Studies from New York University.

MAY 28


Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa and the Rabbi of Kibbutz Lavi.

Born in 1955 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Rabbi Gilad made Aliyah when he was 7. He studied in Yeshivat Merkaz Harav, and was also a beloved pupil of Rav Yehuda Amital z”l in Yeshivat Har Etzion, where he received ordination at the age of 25.

Rav Gilad served as a member of the 15th Knesset on behalf of the Meimad party.

Rav Gilad deals intensively with questions regarding Torah and morality, and a large portion of his classes deal with these issues, in Tanakh, halakhah and modern Jewish thought. His book, I Heard Your Voice: God and Human Discourse in the Book of Genesis (Hebrew, 2013), is a compilation of his teachings on these issues over the years.

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Purim, the holiday on the 14th of Adar, is one of the happiest days of the Jewish calendar. The Talmud (Taanit 29b) states, “When Adar begins we increase in joy” because Adar and Purim are hallmarks of God’s salvation of the Jewish people.

Even though Purim is not a Torah holiday, there is a Biblical book (The Scroll of Esther) which details the action of the holiday and the history of the events.

Being of Biblical level gives the holiday a great deal of importance and authority.


Purim is a festive day because God rescued us from our enemies. Yet, as seen in the ancient work Megillat Taanit, there were hundreds of days of the year that were considered minor festivals of thanksgiving. Only two, Purim and Chanukah, were applied to all Jewish communities at all times because their inherent messages were considered all encompassing.

Tradition teaches us that Purim is about how God rescues the Jews in the Diaspora- where God needs to operate in a hidden manner with hidden miracles. A popular lesson about the name Megillat Esther is that the word Esther means “hidden” (like hester panim) and Megillah means “revealed.” Hence Megillat Esther is the “revelation of what’s hidden.”

God is hidden in the Megillah; the story is a set of confounding coincidences that appear to be catastrophes until the critical turnabout when the Jews emerge mighty and victorious. God’s name is not mentioned in the Megillah, but God’s invisible touch is active throughout.

The name of the holiday, Purim, comes from the Persian word for randomness: pur. Our enemies used a lottery (purim) to determine the date for the Jewish extermination. In the earthly realm, our enemies see randomness and chaos, but we see God’s intervention especially in those events that go beyond human power. The holiday of Purim is, as a result, a holiday where we in the Diaspora learn how God interacts and communicates within the hidden.


The Story of Esther

The story of Esther takes place while the Jews lived in the Persian empire, during the exile of 70 years (circa 366-355

BCE). The main characters are: Mordechai (rabbi, hero), Esther (his cousin, becomes queen of Persia), Achashverosh (king of Persia, easily swayed to either side), and Haman ym”sh (from Amalek; hates Jews, tries to commit genocide).

Action of the Megillah

The life for the Jews in exile is precarious. Achashverosh holds a party where he kills his wife in response to her insolence. The king then searches for a new queen and chooses the youthful Jewess Esther who was counseled by her uncle Mordechai. Later on, Haman is insulted that Mordechai does not pay him proper respect and Haman convinces Achashverosh to allow him to kill all the Jews. Haman chooses the date of warfare by rolling dice (which are called pur in Aramaic, see above). He rolls the date of the 13th of the month of Adar. Mordechai hears of the plot and impresses on Esther to plead with the King to spare her people. At first she refuses, for fear of her life, but then risks everything to appeal to the king. The appeal is successful, Haman is thwarted, and the favor of the king is such that he allows Esther’s people, the Jews, to fight back on the 13th of Adar. We were able to fight back so successfully that we created a holiday on the day afterwards as a remembrance of God’s miraculous salvation that worked behind the scenes.


The Shabbat preceding Purim (this year, March 12, 2022) is called Shabbat Zachor. We choose this Shabbat to observe the commandment to remember the evil of the nation of Amalek who are central to Purim as well. In Exodus 17:8-16, we read about their terror war against the Jewish people when they attacked us without mercy. The command in Deut. 25:17-19 states: “Remember what Amalek did to you, on your way as you departed from Egypt... you shall obliterate the memory of Amalek, you shall not forget.” According to most authorities, it is a Torah level commandment to hear this portion read in synagogue.


The day preceding Purim is a thematically connected fast day. The 13th of Adar is mentioned in the Megillah as the day chosen by Haman to destroy the Jewish people. We fast in memory of the war that took place on that day and, like the fast of the first born, we use the fast to recognize our salvation. (cf. Esther 9:31). Taanit Esther is unlike the other fasts of the Jewish calendar, insofar that it is a day of thanksgiving and not sadness.


Customs of the Fast Day

The “half-shekel” is donated at the afternoon service (in commemoration of the half-shekel census, cf. Exodus 25:11-16, we use the half currency of the realm, e.g. three half-dollars.) The money is used for communal funds and synagogue repair.

We go straight from the fast to the Megillah reading - only eating after we have fulfilled that mitzvah.


Work is not forbidden on Purim, but we also have no tachanun, eulogies or fasting; a mourner displays no outward signs, like on Shabbat. There are a number of commandments to fulfill on Purim (that apply equally to men and women):

NIGHT – Megillah The sages tell us we must hear every word of the Megillah

reading. Please help others fulfill this mitzvah by following the instructions of the community leaders as to when to cease noisemaking.

DAY – See shaded box below.

Purim Customs

During the readings of the Megillah, we fulfill the commandment to “blot out” the name of Amalek by making loud noises whenever Haman’s name is read aloud.

Historians tell us that the custom started when people would write Haman’s name on the soles of their shoes and then stamp their feet during the Megillah reading. Nowadays, we use groggers: specially made noisemakers. Another custom is to recite a few specific verses aloud as a congregation before the reader recites them. We read aloud four verses: 2:5, 8:15, 8:16, 10:3 and the list of the ten sons of Haman, 9:7-9.

Another widespread custom is to wear costumes, while some authorities hold that “yom-tov” clothing should be worn (because it is called a Yom Tov in Esther 9:19). Costumes are to depict the “hiddenness” of the miracle of Purim, and also to heighten the “turnabouts” of the day.


Any city with walls since the time of Joshua celebrates Purim one day later on Adar 15. The Megillah relates how the war against our enemies lasted one day later in the city of Shushan. Nowadays, Shushan Purim only applies to Jerusalem (although a few other cities in Israel have taken on both days as a longstanding custom, e.g. Acco, Yaffo, Tiberias). May you have a healthy, happy, freilichen Purim!

Mishloach Manot Sending gifts of food to friends: Two foods to one person is the minimum. The foods must be ready-to-eat.

Matanot l’Evyonim Gifts of money to the poor. Two coins to each of two poor people. Money can be collected ahead of time with the intention that it will be dispensed on Purim day. We have a special collection in synagogue for this purpose.

authorities limit the drinking to the seudah, and even then, the command is just to drink a bit more than we are used to. In no fashion should we become so intoxicated that we would harm ourselves or others.


Megillah The obligation is both at night and during the day. We cannot hear two at night or two during the day to count for the whole holiday.

Seudah Festive meal with rejoicing. Invite family and friends to your home or join our catered community celebration.

Intoxication We are enjoined to drink intoxicating spirits on Purim. Many

Special Prayers We add Al Ha-Nisim to our shemona-esrei and to birkat hamazon. Yet, we do not say Hallel on Purim. Three reasons are given for the lack of Hallel. The first is that the Megillah acts as Hallel; the second is that the miracle of the day occurred secretly and outside the land of Israel; the third is that (in the words of the Talmud): “We are still servants to Achashverosh.”

Sarah Bourkoff

Caroline Efron

Micole Friedman

Thea Katz

Charlotte Farber

Elianna Gonen

Sara Kleinhaus

Hannah Katz

Kira Kraus

Karen Lerman Leora Mogilner

Andrea Schwartz

Lily Schwartz

Lisa Steinmetz

Rachel Kraus

Gabrielle Sasson

Sophie Schwartz

Ayla Zwillinger

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 20 ]
David Chubak Elliot Davis Alex Gage Andrew Gage
Aryeh Goldstein Elijah Goldstein Liam Gomberg
Charles Gribetz Jonah Hornblass Abe Kohl Ezra Kohl
William Levine Alex Massel Jeremy Miller Gabriel Mittler Jordan Mittler Joshua North Andrew Spielfogel Alex Sultan Max Tanz Joshua Todes Jacob Yashar
thank our community Megillah readers and service leaders.



Fast of Esther | Wed, Mar 16 5:45 AM Fast Begins 7:34 PM Fast Ends 6:50 AM Shacharit in Main Sanctuary 6:35 PM Mincha in Main Sanctuary 7:15 PM Maariv followed by Megillat Esther in multiple locations* 8:30 PM KJB Purim (Megillah Reading) & Soiree in Heyman Auditorium Sephardic Services HEYMAN AUDITORIUM 7:00 AM Shaharit 6:35 PM Mincha 7:15 PM Arbit & Megillah Reading (Children Welcome) 7:15 PM Megillah Reading (no frills) in Ramaz Middle School

Purim Day | Thurs, Mar 17 7:00 AM Shacharit in Main Sanctuary, each & 9:30 AM followed by Megillah Reading then breakfast in Riklis Social Hall 6:45 PM Evening Services Sephardic Services HEYMAN AUDITORIUM 6:30 AM Morning Services; Each followed & 9:00 AM by Megillah Reading *

Main Sanctuary Falk Auditorium (Adults Only, Quiet Reading) Riklis Social Hall (Women Only) Nakash Gymnasium (Parents & Toddlers Reading)



Studying Torah is always a Mitzvah, and the Talmud at the end of Tractate Megilah notes that it is particularly appropriate to study timely matters. On each holiday, we should study the laws of that holiday:

Moshe established that Israel should study the laws of each time at its time: they should study the laws of Passover on Passover, the laws of Shavuot on Shavuot, and the laws of Sukkot on Sukkot.

Surprisingly, a different passage in the Talmud contradicts that statement and suggests that the obligation to study the laws of Passover lasts much longer:

“One must engage in the study of the laws of Passover for thirty days prior to Passover.” (Pesachim 6a)

Which one is it, then? Are we required to study the laws for thirty days before Passover, or just on the holiday itself?

Rabbinic scholars have offered several resolutions to this contradiction over the centuries. Some suggested a distinction between the laws and the philosophy of the holiday: due to the complicated details of observing Pesach, one should study the practical laws of Passover for thirty days. The holiday itself ought to be spent studying the philosophy and meaning of those laws. Others suggested a distinction between different people: everyone should study the laws of Passover on the holiday, but community rabbis must study them for thirty days. Rabbis, after all, must be fluent in those laws as their congregants prepare for the holiday and ask a multitude of “Pesach questions” that month.

But I think both of those interpretations ignore a crucial detail: studying the laws of Passover for thirty days in advance creates an unyielding link between Purim and Pesach. Our tradition views the holidays of Pesach and Purim as related


ones. A few weeks ago, we sang about how the month of Adar is a joyous one, but Rashi attributes the joy to the fact that we are about to experience both Purim and Pesach (not just Purim). Furthermore, in a leap year which has two months of Adar (like this year), Purim is delayed and observed in the second one only to ensure its proximity to Pesach in order to connect the two redemptions.

Purim and Pesach each represent a different kind of redemption and subsequent freedom. Purim represents grassroots redemption. The plot to save the Jews in the Book of Esther was initiated by people, planned by people, and executed by people. The exodus from Egypt which we commemorate on Pesach, however, is a God-driven redemption. As slaves in Egypt, the Israelites did not even necessarily know that there was an alternative to their enslaved existence. God appointed Moshe, He initiated the redemption, He planned it, and He ultimately executed it through plagues and supernatural miracles. This distinction is further illustrated by our tradition that Pesach and Purim represent the two historical instances in which our people accepted the Torah. After the exodus, the Torah was thrust upon our ancestors by God against their will. In the days of Achashverosh, the Jews accepted the Torah again, this time by choice.

Of course, both models of redemption, although contradictory, are present in Judaism and pervade our collective consciousness today. Our religion is God-centered — God created the world and He is the King of kings, but it is at the same time humanistic — He created humanity in His image and commanded people to rule the world.

Our sages desired us to maintain an active link between Purim and Pesach in order to emphasize this connection each day between the two holidays. And Torah study is the most appropriate way to do so. It is a human-led activity: study must be initiated by people, and Torah must be learned, interpreted, analyzed, and argued by people. It is decidedly a this-worldly activity. Simultaneously, it is a God-led activity. What drives our learning is our desire to know God’s will and understand His mitzvot; ultimately, it is His word that we are studying. In the thirty days between Purim, on which we commemorate the human-led redemption, and Pesach, on which we commemorate the God-led one, we engage in the activity which embodies both models simultaneously. May the coming days between Purim and Pesach this year indeed be redemptive ones for us.

Kesher/JNF Purim Party Means Fun!

There was an abundance of Queen Esthers, King Achashveroshes and super heroes at the recent Kesher/JNF Purim party on March 13. Children and their parents enjoyed a light pizza lunch, hamantaschen, fun crafts and listened to the story of Purim. It gave everyone an opportunity to get out their graggers and get into the spirit of Purim!

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 22 ]

Thurs / Apr 14

Search for Chametz after 8:08 PM

first DAYS

Fri / Apr 15 / Passover Eve

Morning Services and Siyum B’chor (Firstborn) 7:00 AM

Chametz may not be eaten after 10:43 AM

Annul/Burn Chametz by 11:49 AM Candle Lighting 7:17 PM Evening Services 7:30 PM Seder after 8:10 PM

Shabbat / Apr 16 / Passover I Morning Services 9:00 AM Evening Services 7:05 PM Candle Lighting and Seder after 8:14 PM

Sun / Apr 17 / Passover II Morning Services 9:00 AM Evening Services 7:25 PM Conclusion of Yom Tov 8:15 PM



Mon-Wed / Apr 18-20 / Passover III-V Morning Services 7:00 AM Evening Services 6:45 PM

Thurs / Apr 21 / Passover VI

Morning Services 7:00 AM Evening Services 6:45 PM

An Eruv Tavshilin should be prepared Candle Lighting 7:23 PM


Fri / Apr 22 / Passover VII Morning Services 9:00 AM Evening Services 6:45 PM Candle Lighting 7:24 PM

Sat / Apr 23 / Passover VIII

Yizkor is Recited Morning Services 9:00 AM Evening Services 7:15 PM Conclusion of Yom Tov 8:22 PM

PASSOVER LEARNING 3-Part Chametz Class by Rabbi Roy Feldman Mar 19, Mar 26, & Apr 2 | 45 min before
Daily Pre-Pesah Learning & Breakfast with Rabbi Laniado Mar 20 to
14 | Mon - Fri after
AM Services “The Rabbi’s
with the KJ
Mon |
Q&A Mon |
Holiday Workshop by Rabbi Daniel &
Mon |
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz to deliver the SHABBAT HAGADOL DRASHA sponsored by Suzy & Larry Present
Redemption and the
of Anti-Semites: A Meditation on Shefoch Chamatchah
Apr 4
Rabbis Passover Halakhah
Apr 4
8:15 PM
Rachel Kraus
Apr 7
7:00 PM
125 EAST 85 ST IN

Too Late to Contribute to Passover Relief!

This is our major chesed appeal for the year.

Dear KJ Family, The Rambam writes (Hilchot Yom Tov, 6:18) "When a person eats and drinks (in fulfillment of simchat yom tov) he is obligated to feed the stranger, the orphan, the widow and all others who are in need and downtrodden…"

This may well be the source for the first statement of the Rama in the Shulchan Arukh's section on the Laws of Pesach: Before preparing for our celebration of Passover we should help those who may have difficulty celebrating this Yom Tov - or any festival.

Please, therefore, give generously – now - to the KJ Sandy Eisenstat Benevolent Fund's Passover Appeal. We are trying to raise $250,000 to help individuals in our community, and well beyond it, to be able to celebrate Pesach, as we do, and to function happily in their lives.

Thank you in advance for your generosity to this critical cause.

Chag Kasher v’Sameach.

Haskel Lookstein

Chaim Steinmetz

Roy Feldman

Meyer Laniado

Daniel Kraus

Rachel Kraus

Please make your check payable to the KJ Benevolent Fund, earmarked “Passover Relief”, or you can make your donation online at ckj.org/pay using the dropdown to select Benevolent Fund - Passover Relief.


THURS | APRIL 14 Shaharit 7:15 am

Bediqat Hames after 7:53 pm


| EREB PESAH Shaharit 7:15 am Siyum 7:50 am

Stop Eating Hames by 10:00 am

Biur Hames by 11:00 am discard all hames & recite 2nd “Kal Hamira”

Candle Lighting 7:17 pm Minha 7:00 pm

Start Seder after 8:10 pm (If needed 7:55 pm)

SAT | APRIL 16 | PESAH I Shaharit 9:00 am

Shift to morid haTal in Mousaf Minha and Arbit 7:00 pm

Start Seder 8:10 pm

*Begin counting Omer after 7:55 pm

Tip: place Omer card reminder, say with family after Kiddush of seder

SUN | APRIL 17 | PESAH II Shaharit 9:15 am Minha and Arbit 7:20 pm Yom Tob Ends 8:11 pm

MON – WED | APRIL 18-20 HOL HAMOED Shaharit 7:00 am

No Tefillin, Add Ya’aleh veYabo, Hallel & Musaf Minha 6:45 pm Count Omer after 7:58 pm

THURS | APRIL 21 | PESAH VI Shaharit 7:00 am

No Tefillin, Add Ya’aleh veYabo, Hallel & Musaf Minha 6:45 pm

Candle Lighting 7:23 pm

Count Omer after 8:00 pm

FRI | APR 22


Shaharit 9:00 am Minha 6:45 pm Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame 7:24 pm Count Omer after 8:02 pm

SAT | APR 23 | PESAH VII Shaharit 9:00 am Minha 7:00 pm Count Omer after 8:03 pm

SUN | APR 24 | PESAH VIII Shaharit 9:00 am Minha 7:15 pm

Count Omer after 8:04 pm

Yom Tob Ends 8:18 pm

MODEL SEDER with Rabbi Daniel & Rachel Kraus


First Time Seder Guest? Looking For New Insights? Forget Why We Dip?

Gain new insight into Passover as we review the ins and outs of the upcoming holiday. Experience the 4 cups, bitter herbs, and everything else you need to create a memorable Seder and holiday experience.

For the novice and experienced Seder participant and leader. There is no charge to attend this Model Seder.

LOCATION 125 East 85th St RSVP required kjb@ckj.org

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 24 ]
It’s Never

STEP 1 Removal Of Chametz

Clean the house.

STEP 2 Kashering Appliances

Gas ovens, both the stove-top and inside (racks as well), should be cleaned with an oven cleaner, and then not used for 24 hours. After 24 hours, invert the metal spiders and turn the burners on to the highest setting for 15 minutes. (If using an electric oven, turn the burners on the highest setting for 15 minutes as well.) After this is done, cover the stovetop with aluminum foil for the duration of Pesach. The inside oven should be turned on to its highest temperature (often “broil”) for one hour.

If the oven is self-cleaning, go through one cycle.

Microwave ovens should be cleaned, and not used for 24 hours, after which a bowl or cup containing a few ounces of water should be put in and ‘cooked’ until the water is vaporized into steam. A second bowl or cup of water with a few ounces of water should then be put in a different spot in the microwave, and the same procedure should be followed.

sink and its parts. Porcelain sinks cannot be kashered. They must be cleaned and covered.

Dishwashers may be kashered for Pesach after cleaning the filter and ensuring the dishwasher and its racks are clean and free of food residue, and allowing the dishwasher to stay unused for 24 hours. The dishwasher should then be run on the longest, hottest cycle.

Kashering Utensils

While it is preferable to have as many utensils as possible specially-reserved for use only on Pesach, many utensils used throughout the year may be kashered for use on Pesach. Items that are ‘kasherable’ include: metal utensils used for hot and cold, providing they are not difficult to clean (i.e., a sieve, parts that are glued together), hard plastic utensils, and glass utensils that were used strictly for cold food.

Items that may not be kashered are: glassware that is used for cooking, earthenware, pottery, porcelain, Pyrex, and chinaware.

The easiest way to kasher utensils is to bring them to the KJ Kasher-In from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Sunday, April 10, or Monday, April 11, from 6:00 - 9:00 PM, at which time Rabbis Chaim Steinmetz, Roy Feldman, Meyer Laniado, and Daniel Kraus will supervise the immersion of metal utensils in a large sink of rapidly boiling water.

It is also possible to kasher in the privacy of your own home. The procedure for kashering is as follows: Metal utensils should be thoroughly cleaned with a cleaning solution and then not used for 24 hours. Small utensils such as silverware or other cutlery should be immersed briefly in a large pot containing rapidly boiling water. If the pot is very large, more than one item may be immersed at a time. Each item should then be rinsed with cold water.

with chametz, without the medium of water (e.g. a broiler, frying pan) may be kashered by heating them until they are literally ‘red hot’ or by placing them in a self-cleaning oven during the self-clean cycle.

Glass utensils used exclusively for cold drinks should be cleaned carefully and may be used for Pesach.

STEP 3 The Search for Chametz


One of the most beautiful and meaningful ceremonies associated with Passover is b’dikat chametz—the search for chametz. The ceremony is composed of five parts.

1. Reciting a special blessing over the mitzvah of the removal of chametz.

2. The search of the house by the light of a candle to find vestiges of chametz.

3. The reciting of the formula of nullification of chametz.

4. The burning or disposal of any chametz found during the search.

5. The reciting of a final, more inclusive formula of nullification.

The first three parts of this ceremony will be observed this year on Thursday evening, April 14, after nightfall, 8:08 PM. The disposal should be on Friday morning, April 15. Children especially will


Sunday, April 10 9 am - 12 pm

Monday, April 11 6 pm - 9 pm

Stainless steel sinks should be cleaned with a cleaning solution, and not used for 24 hours, after which boiling water should be poured on every area of the

Pots are kashered by bringing water in them to a boil and then immersing a hot stone or iron such that the water will overflow onto the sides of the pot. Then rinse the pot in cold water.

Items which came into direct contact

Sunday, April 10 10 am – 12 pm


be impressed by the ceremony. It should, therefore, be performed with enthusiasm and dedication.

The children should be asked to place pieces of chametz in the various rooms — a practice which ensures that the search will not be in vain. They can hold the candle and the feather and they should examine their own possessions, dressers and desks, for long forgotten relics of chametz.

Passover is a beautiful festival. It is a serious one, too. Both these aspects can be captured in advance of the festival by a careful observance of b’dikat chametz.

Disposal of Chametz

No chametz may be eaten on Friday morning, April 15 after 10:43 AM.

STEP 4 The Sale of Chametz

The ritual sale of chametz must be completed by early Friday morning, April 15. There are those who prefer to perform the ritual in person. For those who cannot attend to the matter in person, there is a form provided on this page which authorizes Rabbi Roy Feldman to sell your chametz. This must be returned to the synagogue by Friday morning, April 15, not later than 8:30 am.

STEP 5 The Burning of Chametz

On Friday morning, April 15, it is customary to burn chametz. Chametz should be removed from one’s possession and burned by 11:49 AM. The synagogue provides a large, contained fire for this purpose. No bracha should be said, since the one said before the search applies to the burning as well.

STEP 6 After Pesach

According to Jewish Law, chametz that was owned by a Jew during Pesach may never be eaten by a Jew. Therefore, it is preferable that after Pesach one buys food from establishments owned by non-Jews, establishments owned by Jews who properly sold their chametz before Pesach, or after a month (time that a store’s stock has been used up) from any establishment.


Kehilath Jeshurun is again pleased to offer to its membership the opportunity to purchase Shmurah Matzah through the synagogue. The Matzahs are available at $31 per pound.

The pickup will be on Sunday morning, April 10, in the synagogue lobby between 9 - 11 AM.

All orders must be prepaid and ordered by Friday, April 8. Please make checks payable to Congregation KJ or pay online at ckj.org/matzah.

Please reserve pounds of regular Shmurah Matzah at $31 per pound.

Please reserve pounds of whole wheat Shmurah Matzah at $31 per pound.

Name Address Phone (Day) Phone (Evening)


I, , do hereby authorize Rabbi Roy Feldman, of 125 East 85th Street, City, State and County of New York, to sell, transfer and assign all chametz of whatever kind and nature which I possess, or in which I may have an interest, wherever situated, in my residence at: or in my place of business at: or in any other place, without reservation and limitation.

I further authorize him to lease all places in which chametz might be found.

If you plan to spend Passover in Israel or Europe, please check here: ○

If you plan to spend Passover in another US time zone, please mark a circle: ○ Central ○ Rocky Mountain ○ Pacific

Signature Date

Please return to the Synagogue office by Friday, April 15, no later than 8:30 AM.

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 26 ]
FREE LARGE PRINT HAGGADAH FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED OR READING DISABLED. Call 800-999-6476 before April 4 or order online at jbilibrary.org. A 501(c)(3) non-profit agency serving people of all ages and backgrounds. JBI International, established in 1931 as the Jewish Braille Institute. “Let all who are hungry, come and eat...” If you are able to host guests at your Seder table, please contact Rabbi
Roy Feldman at rrf@ckj.org



Evening Services

8:00 pm Candle Lighting after 9:07 pm Shavuot Dinner 9:15 pm

Opening Class 11:30 pm followed by All-night Learning and Sunrise Minyan 5:00 am


Morning Services 9:00 am Evening Services 6:45 pm

Early Yom Tov Sheini: Preparations, Candle lighting, after 6:50 pm; and Kiddush before 8:24 pm Regular Candle lighting after 9:07 pm


Morning Services with Keter Torah Awards Ceremony and Yizkor 9:00 am followed by a hot, dairy congregational Kiddush lunch Evening Services

8:15 pm Yom Tov ends 9:08 pm




Evening services

8:00 p.m. Candle lighting after 8:58 p.m.

Traditional Tikkun Reading 10:30 p.m.

Tikkun Leil Classes start at 11:30 p.m. followed by All-night Learning and Sunrise Minyan 5:00 a.m.

Early Yom Tov Sheini: Preparations, Candle lighting, and Kiddush after 6:50 p.m. but before 8:24 p.m.

Regular Candle lighting after 8:58 p.m.

Surie Sugarman & Liora Schulman to Receive 19 th Annual Judith Kaufman Hurwich Keter Torah Award on Shavuot


Morning Services 9:00 a.m.

Evening Services 6:45 p.m.


Morning Services 9:00 a.m.

with Keter Torah Awards Ceremony and Yizkor followed by a hot, dairy congregational Kiddush lunch

Evening Services 8:00 p.m.

Yom Tov ends 8:59 p.m.

The Officers and Executive Committee of the Congregation are pleased to announce that the Nineteenth Annual Judith Kaufman Hurwich Keter Torah Award will be presented to Surie Sugarman and Liora Schulman on the second day of Shavuot, June 6, 2022. The practice of conferring such an award is to appropriately recognize women in our congregation on the holiday when we celebrate the lives of two great Jewish heroines, Naomi and Ruth. It offers us an opportunity, as part of a religious ceremony, to express our appreciation for the services rendered to our community by women.

The award is named in memory of Judith Kaufman Hurwich, daughter of Rita and Benjamin Kaufman, of blessed memory, mother of our members - yibadlu l’chaim tovim - Meryl Jaffe and Adam Hurwich, and grandmother of three former Ramaz students: Talia, Leah, and Zev Hurwich. Her family continues her tradition of association with KJ and Ramaz in fostering opportunities for women to study Torah.



Once again during the spring, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun will publish a Book of Remembrance in which the names of departed dear ones are recorded by their living relatives who recite Yizkor for them four times a year. At the Yizkor service there is a prayer which says that an offering has been made in memory of those for whom Yizkor was recited. Members of the congregation and the community at large may authorize us to publish the names of their departed relatives by making a token contribution of $36 or more for each name to be memorialized. Please use this form if you wish us to record names for you.

The Book will go to press on Thursday, May 12, so that it will be ready in time for Shavuot.

Enclosed please find my Yizkor offering* for the entire year in memory of those listed below, who are to be recorded in the KJ BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE published by the congregation. Please duplicate last year’s listing(s) ○ Offering $ for people. Please add the following:


Thursday, April 28

YOM HA'ATZMAUT Thursday, May 5 YOM YERUSHALAYIM Monday, May 29



Virtual Tekes Me’avar

WED / MAY 4 / 8:00 PM

○ Please check here if you did not have a listing last year.

*This offering is a token of reverence and is designed to be within reach of all. We suggest a contribution of $36 or more for each name. THIS

As we transition from Yom HaZikaron, Israel's Remembrance Day, to Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel's Independence Day, come together on JBS with the UES community to mark this moment of memorial and celebration. This program, a partnership between KJ, Central Synagogue, Park Avenue Synagogue, and AIPAC, will include moving personal testimonies, words of inspiration from our rabbis, and songs of remembrance and celebration from our cantors. CELEBRATE ISRAEL! Yom Ha’Atzmaut Tefillah Chagigit THURS / MAY 5 / 7:00 AM Yom Yerushalayim Tefillah Chagigit

SUN / MAY 29 / 8:30 AM Join Rabbi Lookstein as he leads a festive morning service including Hallel recited with a bracha.

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 28 ]
Name $ Name $ Name $ Name $ Your Name Address Phone
Full Name in English (Please Print) Offering
YOM HAZIKARON Wednesday, May 4 YOM




7:30 PM

Live and Livestreamed

Join us as we welcome Matt Schonwetter, who survived the Holocaust with his mother and sister by hiding in forests and the homes of righteous Polish families. Published in 2016 as Together a Journey for Survival, his tale is both miraculous and inspiring.

To keep the Shoah alive for future generations, Mark established a Holocaust Education Foundation that raises funds to incentivize schools to apply for crucial grants that enhance Holocaust curriculum.


At this year’s observance of Kristallnacht, we had the honor of welcoming Lucy Lipiner, a survivor who never let the Holocaust define her. She authored the best-selling memoir Long Journey Home, a Young Girl’s Memoir of Surviving the Holocaust

Following heartfelt remarks about our guest, Rabbi Steinmetz engaged her in a moving dialogue.

She told her story, beginning by highlighting the last summer of her childhood, September 1939. She recalled how, on September 1, at the tender age of six, her parents awakened her and her sister and with other relatives in tow, fled their beloved town, Sucha, and the invasion of the Nazis. Mrs. Lipiner described in detail her time as a barefoot and hungry little girl in Siberia and Tajikistan in central Asia, and finally her arrival in America. Her memoir shares the emotional details and the physical struggles of a ten-year flight to freedom.

Mrs. Lipiner’s recollection of seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time and identifying herself, her family, and the boat filled with survivors, as the personification of Emma Lazarus’s descriptive words in the sonnet “The New Colossus” - “Give me your tired, your poor / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” - gave pause to anyone in the audience who thought they might have understood what gratitude was before attending this program. Hearing the expression of heartfelt thanks that came with the recognition that approaching the shores of America, she was but a shadow of her former self, but one filled with hope, nonetheless, was a moving and humbling moment.

Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson closed the program with a selection of music that encapsulated Lucy’s experience with the most stirring tunes.



About twenty years ago, my parents went to daven at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem for Yom Tov. My father, having been a chazzan for many years, enjoyed the chazzanut and the choir very much. My mother sat upstairs with the women as is customary.

A woman my mother did not recognize came and sat down next to her. She seemed to be struggling to find the right page in the Machzor, so my mother offered to help her. She did not understand Hebrew or English, so my mother tried French. That worked, and the woman handed her the Machzor. It fell open to the front cover, and inside was written a name that my mother recognized.

Many years previously, in 1941, a young boy of 16 or 17 had arrived in Castelmayran, the village in southern France where my mother and her parents were living. He was extremely disheveled; his clothes were ragged and ripped all over.

This boy, whose name he revealed as Harry Gelbard, had been studying in a yeshiva in Belgium. His mother had passed away and his father was remarried. When Hitler yemach shmo vizichro invaded Belgium, his father had taken his wife and her children and fled, leaving Harry behind in the Yeshiva.

All alone, Harry fled by train and arrived in France He was caught by the Vichy police and locked up in an internment camp, where all the Jews were being rounded up and eventually sent to the death camps.

Harry, in desperation and all alone, somehow managed to climb over the barbed wire fence and flee. With no money, no food and torn clothing, he arrived in the neighboring village where his stepmother's brother was located. He said he was unable to help him; try in the next village, where my grandparents were known for their chesed, even in those dark times.

My grandparents and my mother all lived in one room where they ate, slept, and cooked. There was one bed; my mother slept on a straw mattress on the floor. Food was minimal; my mother went out all day every day, riding around the countryside on her ancient bicycle, begging the local farmers to sell her food. This was, of course, illegal - any surplus food had to be given over to the armed forces. Nevertheless, my mother had chein (charm) and came home every evening with whatever she had managed to procure that day.

Despite the lack of any spare food, my grandparents had rachmanut (pity) on Harry and took him in. He slept on open hay in the corner of their little room. My grandmother mended the rips on his torn clothing as best as she could, and he stayed with the family for a few weeks.

It was Rosh Hashanah and Harry and my mother went for a walk in the woods nearby. On the way, much to their delight, they fell upon a blueberry bush with ripe, lush blueberries.

Both Harry and my mother knew that it is forbidden on Yom Tov to pick the berries off the bush. But they were so very hungry that they bit the fruit off the bush straight into their mouths, blueberry after delicious blueberry, until they consumed all the berries they could eat.

After a few weeks, Harry became too afraid of being caught and locked up again. He left and somehow was able to join the Foreign Legion. He sent my mother a few letters. The last one was sent from Algiers, but they lost contact and my mother never heard from him again.

Now, sixty years later, sitting in the Great Synagogue, my mother saw the name Gelbart written in the Machzor. My mother turned to the woman sitting next to her and said, “A long time ago, during the war, I knew a Harry Gelbart in France.”

The woman was silent and did not respond. So my mother continued. "He escaped from an internment camp and came to our village. He lived with us for a few weeks and then joined the Foreign Legion. The last I heard from him he was fighting in Algiers."

The woman looked at her and remained silent.

My mother then said to her, "Do you know who I’m talking about?"

Finally, the woman said to my mother, "Harry is my husband. Look, he's sitting right there!" and she pointed to someone in the men's section.

When Shul was over, my parents went over to where the couple was standing. My mother saw a tall, well-dressed, imposing man with a beautiful suit and gold cufflinks on his wrists. Of course, he was completely unrecognizable from the raggedy, malnourished young boy she had known long ago.

As they approached, my mother said, " I am Elly."

Harry responded, "For me, there will only ever be one Elly."

The Jerusalem Great Synagogue. MartinVMtl - Own work, CC BYSA 3.0, commons.wikimedia. org/w/index.php?curid=5623199

The two families remained in touch until both Harry and his wife passed away.

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 30 ]




Sunday, July 17


Saturday, August 6

9:30 am Morning Services followed by a hot Kiddush lunch and a shiur with Rachel Kraus

1:30 pm Mincha

8:05 pm Fast Begins 9:15 pm Maariv and the reading of Megillat Eicha




During the summer months, we mourn the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem, which took place on the ninth of Av, and the events that led to their destruction. We fast on the seventeenth day of the month of Tammuz, Shivah Assar B’Tammuz, because, according to tradition, it was on that day that the enemy penetrated the walls of Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the Second Temple. The Talmud, however, writes that these were not the only tragedies that befell the Jewish people on this day. On the seventeenth of Tammuz four more tragedies occurred: the first tablets containing the Ten Commandments were broken by Moses after the sin of the Golden Calf; the daily sacrifice was suspended during the time of the First Temple; the wicked Apostumos burned the Torah; and an idol was erected in the Temple. This year we observe the fast of the seventeenth of Tammuz on Sunday, since the actual date falls on Shabbat.

Additional tragedies also befell the Jewish people on the ninth day of the month of Av – Tisha B’Av. On this day, the spies (meraglim) returned to the Jews in the desert with a negative report about the Land of Israel. In addition, it was on this day that the city of Betar was destroyed. Tens of thousands of Jews were killed, and the wicked Turnus Rufus plowed the site of the Temple and its surroundings. Tradition asserts that the expulsion

of the Jews from England in 1290 and the expulsion from Spain in 1492 also took place on Tisha B’Av.

Our mourning for the destroyed Temples and for the other calamities which occurred on these days extends beyond the fasts themselves. The period between these two fasts, traditionally called The Three Weeks, includes several practices of mourning. During these three weeks we do not get our hair cut, attend weddings or involve ourselves in large joyous gatherings. During the nine days which begin on the first of Av, July 29, and continue until the night of the tenth of Av, August 7, we are additionally forbidden to eat meat and drink wine (except on Shabbat), to go swimming, or bathe for pleasure and to do any laundry or dry cleaning that is not absolutely necessary. The Talmud writes that when the month of Av begins, our mood should reflect our mourning for the destruction of the Temples. On Tisha B’Av itself, besides fasting, we are prohibited from washing our bodies, wearing leather shoes, anointing ourselves and having marital relations. It is forbidden, as well, to study Torah on this day excepting the sections of the prophets and the Talmud that discuss the destruction. We do not wear tefillin until mincha and the custom is to sit on low chairs as mourners do until midday. Our observance of mourning also forbids us from greeting friends on Tisha B’Av.

We mourn the Temples that were destroyed over nineteen hundred years ago, and we pray that we will be worthy to see God rebuild the Temple in our lifetime.



If observed correctly, the nine days leading up to Tisha B’Av can greatly enhance one’s experience on Tisha B’Av itself. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, z”l, pointed out that it is not human nature to mourn appropriately for tragedies that occurred 2,000 years ago and, therefore, a system was devised to help us gradually enter a state of mourning.

We begin a moderate period of mourning three weeks before Tisha B’Av. The mourning intensifies on Rosh Chodesh Av, nine days prior to Tisha B’Av. In this manner when we arrive at Tisha B’av, we are ready to commemorate the destruction of the Temples with the proper mind set.

This year is unique in the sense that Tisha b’Av falls on Shabbat. The observance of Shabbat takes precedence over a fast day, so with the exception of Yom Kippur, any fast day which falls on Shabbat is observed on Sunday. And so it is this year. Therefore, some Shabbat customs are different and should be noted:

1. Shabbat Mincha on August 6 will take place in the Main Synagogue at 1:30 p.m., which will give everyone time to enjoy a hot buffet Kiddush lunch (with challah and Birkat HaMazon) and a shiur by Rachel Kraus at the conclusion of 9:30 a.m. Shabbat morning services.

2. There is no traditional Seudah Mafseket. The pre-fast meal, which in this case will be Seudah Shlishit, can consist of anything, including meat and wine. The 1:30 p.m. Mincha allows everyone time to eat a leisurely Seudah Shlishit. Please finish eating and drinking by 8:05 p.m., when the fast begins.

3. Birkat Hamazon may be recited as a mezuman if the opportunity arises.

4. The prayer Tzidkatcha Tzedek is not said during Mincha.

5. Regular Havdalah is not said. The blessing on the fire is said on Saturday night. The blessing on the wine and haMavdil are said on Sunday. No blessing at all is made on the spices.

6. After 8:46 p.m., please recite the words Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh l’chol in order to officially end Shabbat.

7. Maariv and the reading of Megillat Eicha will take place at 9:15 p.m. Worshippers should wear their non-leather footwear to services, and bring tzedakah to donate during the offertory.

The Jerusalem Talmud affirms that “one who mourns for Jerusalem will yet see its glorious reconstruction.” May our observance of Tisha B’Av this year help to bring about that blessed outcome.


The KJ Food Pantry provides kosher food weekly to New York’s hungry.

Clients are referred to us through the synagogue and local service agencies. Each week clients come to KJ to receive food staples tailored to their diets, as well as a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Ramaz students pack the bags and staff the booth in the lobby of KJ, and Ramaz/KJ members also deliver packages to those who are homebound.

For further information or to volunteer, please contact Bernice Berman at bernice.berman@gmail.com.

The KJ Food Pantry wishes to thank D’agostino Supermarket for all their help.

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Illustration from the Jewish Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron (1906-1913). Jews praying at Solomon's Wall in Jerusalem. Painting by French artist Alexandre Bida. Public domain, Wikimedia Commons.


Devora and Marc Allon upon the birth of their second child and son, John Whitman Allon (Yehoshua Simcha).

Paula and Barry Apfelbaum upon the birth of a granddaughter, Andi, born to their children, Sarah Rose and Michael Apfelbaum.

Jamie Stern and Jonathan Arbisfeld upon the birth of twins, Rosie (Liana Bracha) and Solomon (Yitzchak Yehuda).

Shira and Dr. Larry Baruch upon the birth of a granddaughter, Gittel Ziesel (Zeesy), born to their children Chana and Yosef Chaim Baruch. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ great-grandparents Audrey and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein.

Liz and Maor Ben Hamu upon the birth of their first son, Michael Shalom.

Lauren and Jacques Blinbaum upon the birth of a granddaughter, Elizabeth “Ellie” Ann (Malka Lieba) Blinbaum, born to their children, Jennifer and David Blinbaum.

Jackie Leifert Bodenheimer and Dr. Saul Bodenheimer upon the birth of a granddaughter, Aurora Tzipporah, born to their children, Dina Leifert Basin and Michael Basin. Dina is the daughter of past KJ Executive Director, Robert J. Leifert a”h.

Monica and David Borowik upon the birth of a son, Noach Shlomo.

Gaby and Jason Brecher upon the birth of their daughter, Arlette Lauretta (Ariella Yettah).

Denise and Jason Brenner upon the birth of a son, Samuel Dylan (Simcha). Mazal Tov to the proud KJ grandparents, Ruth and Ray Brenner.

Aliza and Alvin Broome upon becoming first-time grandparents with the birth of Oz Refael, born to their children, Miriam and Ariel Broome.

Laurie and Dr. Eli Bryk upon the birth of a grandson, Cooper Roy (Shalom Pinchas), born to their children Jacki and Jeff Karsh of Los Angeles.

Mindy and Dr. Jay Cinnamon upon the birth of a grandson, Noah Theodore (Noach Tuvia), born to their children Ariella and

Michael Cinnamon. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ great-grandparents, Audrey and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein.

Sheera and Kenny Eckstein upon the birth of a grandson, Benjamin Roman (Binyamin Chaim), born to Kenny’s children, Natasha and Max Eckstein.

Sheera and Kenny Eckstein upon the birth of a granddaughter, Anna Ruth (Rachel Leah), born to Kenny’s children Alina and Sam Eckstein.

Cindy and Stuart Ellman upon the birth of a granddaughter, Edie Siona (Meira Yehudit), born to Arielle and Josh Rubin of Santa Monica, CA.

Sade and Jonathan Etra upon the birth of a son, Avery Donald (David). Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ grandmother, Paula Etra.

Sabrina and Robert Fox upon the birth of a daughter, Orly (Yael Orly). Mazal Tov to the proud KJ grandparents, Martine & Leo Fox.

Rosie and Dr. Mark Friedman upon the birth of a grandson, Shmuel Eliezer, born to their children Malkie and Aryeh Friedman (Ramaz ’09) of Far Rockaway.

Jennifer and Gabriel Gershowitz upon the birth of their twin sons, Miles Ashton (Micha Aryeh) and Logan Brooks (Leor Barak).

Rose Gerszberg upon the birth of a granddaughter, Sarah Emunah, born to her children Adinah and Jonathan Gerszberg.

Karen and Dr. Allen Gibofsky upon the birth of their granddaughter, Sophie Harriet (Frieda Syma) Rattner, born to their children, Esther and Adam Rattner.

Vicki and Isaac Hoffman upon the birth of their first grandchild, Gabriel Micah (Gavriel Micha), born to their children Alieza and David Hoffman. Mazal Tov as well to Alieza’s parents, Esther Buchbinder and Jeffrey Schvimer.

Michele and Ronald Jaspan upon the birth of a grandson, Abie (Avraham), born to their children Sarah and Joshua Jaspan of Cleveland.

Terry and Michael Jaspan upon the birth of a granddaughter, Sara, born to their children, Hila and Steven Jaspan of Highland Park, NJ.

Sue and Dr. Norman Javitt on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Aliza Yael, granddaughter of Drs. Reba Kizner and

Daniel Javitt of Jerusalem and daughter of Leah Fuhrman and Gabriel Javitt of Rechovot, where they are in the Ph.D. program at the Weitzmann Institute.

Sue and Dr. Norman Javitt upon the birth of a great-grandson, Amiad Hillel, son of Sarah and Elior Bliah of Jerusalem, Israel. Mazal Tov also to the grandparents, Reba Kizner & Daniel Javitt and Oriella & Phillipe Bliah, and to great-grandmother Marissa Choucroun.

Drs. Jessica & Victor Kagan upon the birth of their first child and son, Russell Philip (Yitram Naftali).

Alyssa and Aaron Kapito upon the birth of a son, Philip Bernard (Baruch David). Mazal Tov to proud KJ grandparents Laurie and Dr. Eli Bryk & Ellen and Robert Kapito.

Erika and Eric Kashi upon the birth of a daughter, Jolie (Ayala Rachel).

Gladys and Martin Kartin upon the birth of a granddaughter, Ruby Samantha (Ayelet), born to their children, Sarah and Shragi Weitzner of Englewood, NJ. Mazal Tov as well to the proud great-grandmother, KJ member Roz Weitzner.

Sarah and Nachum Klar upon the birth of a daughter, Liel Elizabeth (Liel Batsheva).

Sarit and Jeffrey Kleinhaus upon the birth of their first child and son, Sam Ross (Shmuel Refael). Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ grandparents, Rosalie and Harry Kleinhaus. Hon. Judy Kluger and the late Barry Kluger z”l upon the birth of a granddaughter, Elle Juliet, born to their children, Xhiljola and Andrew Kluger.

KJ Graphic Designer Talia and KJ Sephardic Rabbi Meyer Laniado upon the birth of their son, Elliot (Eliyahu).

Anton and Sharon Loew upon the birth of a grandson, Robert Evan (Anschel Nahum) Rossi, born to their children, Lorena Loew and Marco Rossi.

56-year member Hannah Low (and Eddie z"l) upon the birth of a great-grandson, Eddie Miles Doppelt (Avraham), son of Jess and Andrew Doppelt and grandson of Debbie and Michael Doppelt.

Paula and Dr. David Menche upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ezra Daniel, son of Livia and Elias Marcovici.

GOOD NEWS 33 IN MEMORIAM 37 [ 33 Our Family

Stephanie Failla and David Pine upon the birth of a grandson, Eliyahu, born to Tzipporah and Yossi Vinagray.

Bonnie and Isaac Pollak upon the birth of a granddaughter, Leora Lieba, born to their children, Elianna and Chaim Mitnick.

Sandra and Dr. Samuel Rapaport upon the birth of a granddaughter, Rhea Rose (Nitzan Hadassah), born to their children Sarah Rapoport and David Bell.

Rebecca and Dr. Harry Ritter upon the birth of a son, Benjamin Elijah (Binyamin Eliyahu). Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ grandparents, Pamela & George Rohr, to the proud KJ great-grandmother, Helen Nash, and to Harry’s mother, Dr. Roberta Ritter. Elisabeth and David Rosner upon the birth of their first child and son, Benjamin Calder (Binyamin).

Jennifer and Jeffry Roth upon the birth of a grandson, Rafael Sol Arieh, born to their children Lea and Sam Roth in San Francisco.

Melissa and Benjamin Sberro upon the occasion of the birth of a son, Sasha Emile (Ezra).

Anne & Sam Schwartz upon the birth of their first grandchild, Emily Blair (“Esther Aliza”) born to their children Catie & Jeremy Schwartz of Demarest, NJ. Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ great-grandparents, Rae & Stanley Gurewitsch, and Dr. Joel Schwartz, and to Catie’s mom and dad, Debbie Cooper and Marc Cooper of New York.

Debbie and Daniel Schwartz upon the birth of a granddaughter, Ella Rose (Ella Gittel), born to their children Nina and Yishai Schwartz in Israel. Mazal Tov to maternal grandparents Florence and Jim Diamond of Toronto. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ great-grandmother Gabriella Major.

Debbie and Dr. Shelly Senders upon the birth of a grandson, born to their children Suzie and Hart Goldhar of Toronto. Mazal Tov to delighted great-grandparents Audrey, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein and Mike Senders.

Ruth and Irwin Shapiro upon the birth of a great granddaughter, Michal Shira Lily, daughter of Rachel and Natan Bienstock and granddaughter to Monica and Sandy Shapiro and Sara & Mark Bienstock.

Carrie and Ilan Stern upon the birth of twin daughters, Adi Michal and Maayan Libi. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ grandparents Perri and Akiba Stern.

Diana and Bradley Stoler upon the birth of a daughter, Elodie Ileana (Eliana).

Shoshana and Dr. Saul Stromer upon the birth of a grandson, Paul Elijah (Pinchas Eliyahu), born to their children Alexandra and Michael Farbenblum.

Teri and Dr. Massimiliano Szulc & Vicki and Bernard Falk upon the birth of a grandchild, Finneas ‘Finn’ George (Pinchas Amiel), born to their children, Alessandra and Colin Falk.

May these children grow up in the finest tradition of Torah, chupah, and maasim tovim.



Sandy and Dr. Robert April upon the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Cindy Koolyk, daughter of parents Sarah and Josh Koolyk, of Teaneck.

Rosie and Dr. Mark Friedman upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Yaakov Yitzchak Friedman, son of Rivkah and Yosef (Ramaz ’04) Friedman, of Jerusalem.

Bernice and Gilbert Kahn upon the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Mattie, daughter of Shayna and Teddy Kahn of Toronto.

Sharon and Howard R. Katz upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Nathaniel Duncan Harris, son of Amber (Ramaz ’93) and Jonathan Harris.

Sharon Garfunkel and Asher Levitsky upon the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Kayla Barrie Markowitz. Mazal Tov as well to her proud mother, Lily Levitsky, and siblings Zachary, Eliana, and Maya.

Esther Messeloff upon the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Dahlia Messeloff, and upon the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Ari Messeloff, both the children of Wendy and Daniel Messeloff of Cleveland.

Esther Messeloff upon the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Mason Schwartz, son of Julie & Jonathan Schwartz. Mazal Tov as well to paternal grandparents Betty & Howard Schwartz of Livingston, NJ. Mason and cousin Dahlia (see above) are the grandchildren of the late Jonathan Messeloff, z'l.

Myra Cohen and Gerard Tugendhaft upon the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Jonah Dorman, son of Valerie Tugendhaft Dorman & Scott Dorman of St. Louis Park, MN.



Dr. Sara Babich and Mayer Sinensky upon the marriage of their daughter, Emily Sinensky to Andrew Langer, son of Lily and Richie Langer of Scarsdale. Mazel Tov as

well to the proud grandparents Dr. Harvey and Marsha Babich.

Fran Brown upon the engagement of her granddaughter, Alexa Brown, daughter of Steven & Kerry Brown of Norwalk, CT, to Stephen Cardiff, son of Sandi & Thomas Michael and Jennifer & Richard Cardiff of Albany, NY. Alexa is the granddaughter of the late Benjy Brown z”l.

Jennifer & Saul Burian and Micheal Gross upon the engagement of their daughter, Lauren, to Jacob Israel, son of Elizabeth and Meir Israel of Montreal.

Mindy and Dr. Jay Cinnamon upon the engagement of their daughter, Marissa, to Shimi Wolk, son of Annette z"l and Rabbi Howard Wolk of Dallas, Texas. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents Audrey and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein.

Suzy & the late Sandy (z”l) Eisenstat, and to Delores & Herman Bursky, upon the engagement of their granddaughter, Gabriella Eisenstat, daughter of Dr. Jennifer Bursky Eisenstat (Ramaz ’89) & Jackie Eisenstat (Ramaz ’89) of Efrat, Israel, to Yitzchak Cohen, the son of Ditza & Shlomo Cohen of Mitzpe Yericho, Israel.

Ruthie and Rafi Fouzailoff upon the engagement of their daughter, Sheli, to Elias Attias, the son of Miriam and David Attias of Miami, FL.

Rose Gerszberg upon the engagement of her granddaughter, Yakira Gerszberg, to David Herskowitz, son of Daphne and Neil Herskowitz of NYC, and upon the engagement of her grandson, Ami Gerszberg, to Hadassah Bixon, daughter of Aliza and Rabbi Donald Bixon of Miami Beach. Yakira and Ami are the children of Hayley Gerszberg & Jeffrey Mark of Teaneck, and Emily & Seth Gerszberg of Miami.

Rose Gerszberg upon the engagement of her grandson, Tai Gerszberg, to Sheva Usher, daughter of Gail and Yuri Usher of Lawrence. Tai is the son of Hayley and Jeffrey Mark of Teaneck and Emily and Seth Gerszberg of Golden Beach, FL.

Karen Blatt & Ari Hirt upon the engagement of Ari’s daughter, Jordana Hirt, to Tzvi Kaplan of Miami.

Dina and Marshall Huebner upon the engagement of their daughter, Abigail (Ramaz '18), to Michael Gul (Ramaz '18), son of Rachel and Eric Gul of Englewood.

Judy and David Lobel upon the engagement of their son, Andrew, to Rachel Gelnick, of Lawrence, New York. Rachel is the daughter of Barbara and Alan Weichselbaum, and Cindy and Mitchell Gelnick.

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Aliza and Aaron Menche upon the engagement of their daughter, Talia, to Benjamin Emmerich (both Ramaz ’15), son of Pamela and Adam Emmerich of New York.

Sue and Dr. Barry Stein upon the engagement of their daughter, Noa, to Adam Bernstein, son of Lisa and Dr Joey Bernstein, of New Rochelle.

Amy & Michael Wildes upon the engagement of their daughter, Jaclyn, to Jake Berger, son of Jennifer & Mike Diack and Joe Berger. Mazel Tov to the proud KJ grandparents Alice and Leon Wildes.

May their weddings take place in happiness and blessing.


For questions regarding Jewish family law and women’s health, contact KJ’s Yoetzet Halakhah Julia Baruch at 929-274-0628 or jb.yoetzet@gmail.com.


While Receiving a Lifelong Revenue Stream.

Please consider participating in the Congregation’s Endowment and Planned Giving Program, through which you can create an enduring legacy of active participation in KJ through a Charitable Gift Annuity that pays handsomely.

Contact Leonard Silverman at 212-774-5680 or lss@ckj.org to learn more.



Esty & Mauricio Abadi upon the marriage of their daughter, Stephanie, to Elisha Jacobs, son of Rachel Dresner Jacobs and David Jacobs of Newton, Massachusetts. Mazel Tov to the proud grandparents, Rachel Elia, Deborah & Martin Jacobs, and Ruth Dresner.

Ellen & Mitchel Agoos upon the marriage of their son, Jake, to Robyn Abramson, daughter of Ellen & Ben Abramson of Wilmington, DE.

Dr. Nicole and Raanan Agus upon the marriage of their daughter, Gabrielle, to Eliezer Lerea, son of Nancy and Rabbi Dov Lerea of Riverdale, NY. Mazal Tov as well to delighted grandparents Marcelle Agus, Renee & Avram Schreiber, and Robert Lerea.

Wilma and Kenneth Aschendorf upon the marriage of their daughter, Rachel, to Benedetto Mevorach Kahlun, son of Silvana and Beniamino Kahlun, of Rome, Italy. Mazal Tov as well to the proud grandmother Tikva Guetta.

Jewel and Ted Edelman upon the marriage of their daughter, Dayna, to Lieutenant Commander (USN) Marc Schron, son of Dr. Eleanor and Spencer Schron of Potomac, MD.

Al Fortinsky and Judith Mirkin upon their marriage.

Ruthie and Rafi Fouzailoff upon the marriage of their daughter, Orli, to Benjamin Wagner, the son of Susan and Robert Wagner of West Orange, NJ.

Drs. Diana and Robert Friedman upon the marriage of their daughter, Rachel, to Daniel Newman of Montreal/Miami, the son of Sari Newman and Perry Newman, of Montreal.

Shoshana and Warren Graham on the marriage of their daughter, Donna, to Eric Smith, the son of Arlene and Steven Smith of Scarsdale.

of Indianapolis. Mazal Tov as well to the proud KJ grandmother, Gaby Major.

Judy and Dr. Hirshel Kahn upon the marriage of their son, Adam, to Stephanie Wilf, daughter of Audrey and Zygi Wilf of Springfield, NJ. Mazal Tov as well to the grandmothers, Myrna Kangisser (Sydney, Australia), Marilyn Schwartz (Springfield, NJ), and Suzie Wilf (Hillside, NJ).

Judy and Dr. Hirshel Kahn upon the marriage of their daughter, Nathalie to Jordyn Schoenfeld, son of Alan and Elisa Schoenfeld of Los Angeles. Mazal Tov as well to grandmothers Alice Schoenfeld and Myrna Kangisser.

Nadia Klionsky-Olidort and Joseph Olidort upon the upcoming marriage of their son, Jacob, to Amanda Cloninger, the daughter of Barbara and Jeffrey Cloninger of Denver, North Carolina.

Blair and Jonathan Pincus upon their marriage. Drs. Bonnie and Isaac Pollak upon the marriage of their son, Ovadya, to Dr. Marina Yerovinkina.

Drs. Susan and Jeffrey Rand upon the marriage of their son, Daniel, to Sylvia Scheiner, daughter of Linda & William Scheiner, of Riverdale.

Stacy and Ron Scheinberg upon the marriage of their daughter, Carly to Daniel Jaret, the son of Beth and Laurence Jaret of White Plains, New York, and grandson of Barbara Gerstel and Howard Gerstel (z"l) (and Rabbi Meyer Moskowitz) and Shirley Jaret and Robert Jaret (z"l).

Michele and Dr. Joseph Shams upon the wedding of their daughter, Phyllis, to Zachary Wohlberg, the son of Sharon and Simeon Wohlberg.


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Dina and Marshall Huebner upon the marriage of their daughter, Leora, to Abe Sutton, son of Jolene and Dr. Jack Sutton of Brooklyn.

Hon. Judy and the late Barry Kluger z”l upon the occasion of the upcoming marriage of their son, Alex, to Hannah Pennington, daughter of Jo Anne & Scott Pennington of Union, Kentucky.

Juliana and Dr. Howard Levite upon the marriage of their daughter, Danielle, to Brett Levine, son of Aileen and Dr. Bruce z”l Levine.

Eugene and Rochelle Major upon the marriage of their son, Sam, to Talia Berday-Sacks, the daughter of Jennifer Berday and Dr. Elisha Sacks

Susan and Jay Spievack upon the marriage of their daughter, Elana, to Ariel Smith, son of Orit and Stephen Smith of Riverdale. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ grandmother, Gabriella Major.

Dr. Meg Rosenblatt and David Stein upon the marriage of their daughter, Natalie, to Isaac Benjamin, son of Karen and Jerry Benjamin of West Hartford, CT. Mazal Tov as well to delighted KJ grandfather Moses Stein.

Judy and Dr. Philip Wilner upon the marriage of their son, Jake, to Leeza Hirt, daughter of Dr. Rivkie and Lance Hirt of Lawrence, New York. Mazal Tov as well to the proud grandmothers Mina Penstein and Diana Hirt.

May the newlywed couples be blessed to build homes faithful to the traditions of the Jewish people.

[ 35 Our Family



Evelyn Ostow Mandelker upon celebrating her 100th birthday. Evelyn was born on December 31, 1921, to Kalman and Gertrude Ostow, active members at the Brooklyn Jewish Center. Evelyn is the wife of the late Benjamin Mandelker z"l (former KJ Vice President), and the mother of Ronne Mandelker (Andrew Braiterman), and Philip Mandelker z"l (Edna). She is the grandmother of Beth and Zoe Braiterman, and Inbal and Nir (Youli Ashkelony) Mandelker, and greatgrandmother of Gil Mandelker.



Hon. Robert Abrams, who served with distinction as New York State Attorney General, upon the publication of his memoir, The Luckiest Guy in the World.

Dr. Samuel Bavli upon the September publication of his book The Twelfth Stone, a riveting tale of antisemitism, duplicity, and a quest for redemption in the time of the Third Crusade.

Rosie and Dr. Mark Friedman upon becoming Israeli citizens, olim, as of September ‘21. Rosie and Mark met in Jerusalem in ’70 - ‘71 at the Hebrew University.

Ruth and Larry Kobrin upon the announcement that their son, Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Kobrin, will be leading North Shore Hebrew Academy as Rosh HaYeshiva/Head of School for grades Toddler-12.

Concealed author Esther Amini Krawitz upon her participation in a dialogue entitled: “From Iran to America: The Strengths and Struggles of Iranian Jewish Women” with Roya Hakakian, author of Journey from The Land of No at the Museum of Hewish heritage.

Jamie Lassner, who leads “Friends of Access Israel,” upon his organization being awarded three Silver Medals at the prestigious Anthem Awards.

Mara & Jamie Lassner upon their son, Adam’s spotlight in The New York Times focusing on his new watch company, nytimes. com/2022/02/17/fashion/watches-adambenedict-switzerland.html. Serendipitously, this article came out on the very same day that they were visiting tiny La Chaux de Fond, Switzerland, where it all began.

Jordan Mittler, son of Geraldine & Jeffrey Mittler and grandson of Janet & Mark Mittler and Wendy Zizmor, upon being featured on CNN’s “Young Heroes” program, for developing his fabulous Senior Tech curriculum that

teaches senior citizens how to gain familiarity and comfort using modern devices such as smart phones, iPads, laptop computers, etc.

Sandra E. Rapoport, award-winning author of, most recently, The Queen & The Spymaster, a novel based on the story of Esther, upon the publication of 4 mini essays online by “929 English” which can be found at 929.org.il; and upon her presentation of a Zoom lecture entitled "Judith: Chanukah Heroine Excluded from the Hebrew Bible," for My Jewish Learning.

Sandra E. Rapoport upon the publication of her essay for 929 English for Parashat Toldot, entitled "Trading Food for Love" at 929.org.il

Scott Shay upon his guest appearance on Drinking and Drashing, a well-regarded podcast run by Hebrew Union College folks and upon the publication of his Opinion Piece “A Smear by Any Name” in JewishLink: jewishlink.news/features/46931-a-smearby-any-name.

Marc Sholes upon the publication of his book, Reset your Romantic GPS which offers invaluable information regarding the concept of Attachment Style - a psychological force we form in early childhood.

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz upon being selected to be a part of New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams’s Transition Committee.

Joseph Trencher upon the release of his enchanting coming-of-age novel for young readers, On My Way Home

KJ Adult Education teacher Dr. Shera Aranoff Tuchman upon the publication of her book Victims, Villains, and Women of Valor –Women in the Era of Biblical Judges based on her twenty-five years of teaching a weekly KJ class entitled “Women in the Bible.” All proceeds from the sale of her book go directly to benefit Magen David Adom.

Ruth Wisse upon the publication of her latest book, Free as a Jew: A Personal Memoir of National Self-Liberation.



Rosie (Ramaz ’68) and Dr. Mark Friedman upon their children Yael ‘01 and Pinny Farkas, being honored as Parents of the Year at Yeshiva of South Shore, Hewlett, NY. Rosie (Ramaz) ‘68 and Dr. Mark Friedman upon their children, Davida ‘95 and Marc Yehaskel, being Guests of Honor at the Great Neck Synagogue Annual Dinner.

Gail Propp upon receiving an honorary doctorate from Bar Ilan University.



Ray Brenner upon the passing of his father, Samuel Brenner.

Ruth Brenner upon the passing of her mother, Fritzi Fisher.

Daniel Bursky upon the passing of his father, Herman Bursky.

Louise Banon upon the passing of her father, Jerome Chazen.

Naomi Winter Cohen upon the passing of her sister, Debbie Petrover.

Hollace Cohen upon the passing of her mother, Esther Topol.

Ted Edelman upon the passing of his father, Julian Edelman.

Chaiki Feldman upon the passing of her father, Oscar Heller.

Dr. Daniel Fenster upon the passing of his mother, Ricky Fenster.

Al Fortinsky upon the passing of his brother, Jack Fortinsky.

Helen Freilich upon the passing of her mother, Helen Rand.

Debra Frohlinger upon the passing of her father, Des de Klerk.

Ronalee Galbut upon the passing of her father, Sy Eisenberg.

Nancy Greenwald upon the passing of her mother, Bernice Pearl Greenwald.

Cheryl Halpern upon the passing of her father, Rabbi Albert Feldman.

Victor Kagan upon the passing of his mother, Susan Kagan.

Stephanie Katz, upon the passing of her father, Robert Simon.

Joshua Kestenbaum upon the passing of his mother, Hannah Kestenbaum.

Joshua Kestenbaum upon the passing of his brother, Eliyahu Yitzchak Kestenbaum.

Karen Lerman upon the passing of her mother, Cora Bergmann.

Mira Levenson upon the passing of her mother, Eva Mann.

Max Levine upon the passing of his mother, Anita Levine.

Rochelle Levine upon the passing of her brother, Cantor Joseph A. Levine.

Israel Max upon the passing of his brother, Rabbi Yehoram Max.

Ramaz Middle School Superintendent Miguel Olivo upon the passing of his father, Oswaldo Olivo.

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To purchase burial plots for a loved one (or yourself after 120) at Beth El cemetery in Paramus, NJ, visit ckj.org/ burialplots or contact KJ Comptroller Sy Yanofsky in the Synagogue Office at 212-774-5620 or sy@ckj.org

Sharon Podolsky upon the passing of her mother, Dorothy Olson.

Tamar Poloner upon the passing of her father, Dr. David Marcus Stamler.

Larry Present upon the passing of his mother, Rose Present.

Shari Reisner upon the passing of her father, Bernard Silinsky.

Auralee Ring upon the passing of her father, Stephen Rothman.

Kevin Ross upon the passing of his father, Robert W. Ross.

Benjamin Sberro upon the passing of his mother, Gabrielle Sberro.

Stacy Scheinberg upon the passing of her father, Harvey N. Weiss.

Mitchell Schwartz upon the passing of his father, Bernard Schwartz.

Joey and Howie Shams upon the passing of their father, Nathan Shams.

Rabbi Shlomo Stochel upon the passing of his father, Dr. Nathan Stochel.

Shai Tambor upon the passing of his mother, Leah Tambor.

Adam Tantleff upon the passing of his grandmother, Bette Tepper.

Dr. Alex Tepper upon the passing of his mother, Betty Tepper, and the passing of his father, Dr. Marcos Tepper, just five months later.

Audrey Trachtman upon the passing of her sister, Beth Axelrod Weinberger.

Sara Trencher upon the passing of her father, Jeffrey Firestone.

Michele Warshaw upon the passing of her mother, Jennie Horn.

Joel Weinberg upon the passing of his mother, Frances Weinberg.

May they be comforted among all those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem.



He became a member of our congregation through his loving wife, Dr. Patricia Cayne, one of the most devoted students of the late Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis. Jimmy was very supportive of KJ and Ramaz over the years. In particular, he and Pat made a very generous gift to the Building Fund of both institutions in gratitude for which the Cayne Gymnasium in the Ramaz Upper School was named in their honor. May his good works give his soul immortality.


Steven Edelstein was a loving, doting husband and beloved community member. Originally from Brooklyn, when Steven met Margie at a B’nai Brith event, he immediately knew he would marry her. Professionally, Steven was a computer programmer, project manager, systems analyst, and consultant; he is remembered by his colleagues for having a keen understanding of business and technology. He loved his wife, Margie, very much, took great care of her, and provided for her every need. His friends remember him for being good-hearted, kind, funloving, and compassionate.


Beatrice Frank was a classy woman and the quintessential Jewish mother and balabusta. She was born during the Great Depression in New York City and grew up in the Bronx. Uncommon for the era, both of her parents worked and she learned how to be resourceful and handy on her own. After marrying Michael Frank, a furrier she met on a blind date, Beatrice went on to be a homemaker where they lived in East Meadow. She cooked delicious food, knit, raised the children, and ran the home. She even knew how to fix most things herself. As empty nesters, Beatrice and Michael moved to the Upper East Side where they met new friends, participated in many social groups, and joined KJ. They very much loved their new community and life in the city. Beatrice was predeceased by her husband and is survived by two daughters, Karen Berke and Cheryl (Jeffrey) Cohen, as well as loving grandchildren and great grandchildren.


Everyone loved Sheila. She was a fixture in our congregation for decades. She never missed a Shabbat in shul, a Kiddush, a Seudah Shlishit or any other celebratory event. In many ways, her life was our shul. She reveled in joining in all of our activities. In turn, she was beloved by the many friends she made in our congregation. Her life was tinged with sadness, but her face always radiated joy and smiles.


Harvey Geisler was a warm, friendly, kind-hearted, and generous man. He grew up in Brooklyn, where he attended the Crown Heights Yeshiva, and went on to run his father’s knitting factory. When the factory closed, Harvey began a second career as an international salesman. At home, he was a regular at KJ services and his son, Rob, is a Ramaz alumnus. For many years, Harvey was a volunteer with the KJ Chevra Kaddisha. He is remembered fondly by his many friends in the congregation, who recall his being kind and generous with both his time and his resources. He lived with multiple sclerosis since his 50s, and continued working and living his life until the disease progressed such that he was no longer able to. He was cared for dearly by his loved ones: his son, Rob; his sister, Marilyn Haft; and his brother, Edward Geisler.


Maeve was the beloved wife of our member, Andrew Gyenes and the loving and bereaved mother of Sam Gyenes, who was tragically taken from her and from Andrew following his sophomore year at Ramaz. Maeve continued to honor his memory and celebrate his life together with Andrew, through a very magnanimous and consistent Scholarship Fund at Ramaz to provide a Jewish education for children who would otherwise not receive it. She was a gracious, beautiful and classy lady, not just outwardly, but inwardly as well.


She was a dedicated Jew who took great pride in furthering her Jewish education when she moved to our community as an established adult. At KJ, Andrea found a warm, embracing and encouraging community of fellow learners, both in the main synagogue as well as in our Beginners program. The many friends she made at KJ were devastated when she succumbed to a long illness, but her tenacity in the face of adversity remains an inspiration.

[ 37 In Memoriam


The absolute love that characterizes God’s relationship with the Jewish People mirrors the love that the late Stephen Harrison lavished on his wife of 47 years, Dr. Shirley Harrison. Their marriage was an inspiring love affair from beginning to end, when an unexpected pandemic quarantine in Florida blessed their final year together in this world with an opportunity to spend day after day in each other’s exclusive company. Raised in a proudly Jewish home but lacking formal religious education, Stephen manifested his love for Shirley by deferring to her insistence that their three children attend Yeshiva Day School. He grew religiously through Shirley, and the millennial old traditions of our people soon enveloped the Harrison household. A true titan of industry in the professional world of Executive Placement, Stephen authored 2 treatises on the subject, routinely flying the world over to share his expertise on matters of corporate culture and leadership. He cherished his short time at KJ, and though we are diminished by his passing, Stephen’s legacy continues to animate KJ through Shirley, their daughter - and our cherished member - Amy Kotulski, and their wonderful grandchildren who all attend Ramaz School.


The large Chapel at The Riverside was packed to capacity for the funeral of a man who was an accomplished public servant and lawyer, a wonderful husband to Judy and father and grandfather to his family, but a person who never sought the limelight for himself. Apparently the large crowd of admirers and friends felt that he had deserved the limelight and they demonstrated it by showing up.

Barry was a fun-loving guy, who enjoyed his family and his very good friends and who appreciated the fact that, despite his life-ending illness, he had “a wonderful life, for which he was very grateful.” “I wish my life could go on longer,” he said to his rabbi and friend, “but I have no complaints. I have been blessed with Judy, my sons, my friends and my work. I’ve loved it all.”

And so he did. He died on the first day of the month of Sh’vat, the month in which we celebrate the New Year of the Trees, looking toward the future with happiness and joy, the way Barry would have wanted it.


The son of the late Lillian and Milton Lukashok, who were cherished members of our congregation, Ed was born into KJ and Ramaz and married Ruth Zwiebel, the aunt of our cherished Jay Ziebel, who has been an inspirational High Holy Day Ba’al Tfillah in our auxiliary services for almost thirty years.

Ruth and Eddie raised two children, Jane and Harris, both of whom are Ramaz alumni and maintain Modern Orthodox homes in their respective communities. Ed and his late sister, Eve, were both alumni of Ramaz. Ed was a real intellectual, a skilled real estate lawyer and an excellent Torah and Haftarah reader.

For many years, until Covid, he never missed a Shabbat in shul. He never missed participating generously in the Annual Synagogue Appeal of KJ. He had a whole group of KJ and Ramaz friends who loved him and respected him.

The scion of a very distinguished Jewish family, he successfully transmitted the tradition into which he was born, to his children and to his grandchildren who, please God, will carry on that tradition into the future.


Born in Nazi Germany, Manfred escaped as a child and arrived with his parents and brother in America, terrorized by what he had seen and experienced, but determined, from earliest youth, to make it here in a new world, and so he did. A student at Ramaz through the end of high school, he went on to Yeshiva University and received rabbinic ordination. He served in the rabbinate and in the chaplaincy of the US Armed Forces and then made a very successful career in finance, sharing his success with our community and other worthy Jewish institutions. His greatest blessing was to see his three sons educated at Ramaz and all of his grandchildren as students in Ramaz and other Yeshiva Day Schools. The tradition that he received in his parental home in Germany and in New York he successfully transmitted to a new generation.

He endured many challenges and hardships in his life but he had many blessings, including his long marriage to Pamela, which, sadly ended in her final illness just a couple of years ago.


A survivor of the Holocaust, she shared her experiences and her personal story with hundreds, if not thousands, of people over the course of her life.

The proud mother of our member, Dr. Ram Roth, all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were or are Yeshiva Day School students and alumni.

Rachel spoke to our congregation about the personal meaning of the Holocaust to her and to us. On three separate missions to Poland, she accompanied Ramaz seniors as they visited the death camps. She was awarded an honorary Ramaz diploma at her grandson Gabe’s graduation in 2015 as a tribute to her sharing her life story with our students.

The author of a riveting and deeply informative Holocaust memoir, Here There is No Why, Rachel was a regular worshipper in our synagogue for many years. Her hearing was severely impaired for the last decade of her life. Her voice, however, was heard by all of us and by many more. Her memory will live on.


She was a member of KJ for decades and she loved coming to our shul. She was a regular participant in our classes until she could no longer attend them.

Eva Wald was very proud of her daughter, Marla, whom she brought to Ramaz in PreSchool and who was graduated from Ramaz with honors. This gave her enormous satisfaction.

Eva was born in Israel. Passionately Zionistic, she continued to love and speak Hebrew throughout her life.

Members of the Congregation and others are invited to honor a friend or relative, celebrate a milestone event, or memorialize a loved one by dedicating Chumashim ($75 each) or Siddurim ($50 each). Call Riva Alper at 212-774-5670 for more information.


Contact KJ Comptroller Sy Yanofsky at 212-774-5620 or sy@ckj.org to order.

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 38 ]




Joanna and Emil Kleinhaus upon the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Sara, on Shabbat Parashat Bamidbar, May 15, 2021, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. Sara is now a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents, Rosalie and Harry Kleinhaus.


Lee'at Sharoni and Aharon Rabinowitz upon the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Noa Rabinowitz, which took place on July 3rd at Camp Zeke. Noa led a service, read from Parashat Pinchas, and spoke about the parashah. A belated celebration was held on the KJ rooftop on October 3rd. Noa is an eighth-grade student at Beit Rabban.


Elisa and Allen Gage upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Andrew, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on Shabbat morning, October 30, when he read Parashat Chaya Sarah and delivered a D’var Torah. Andrew is a seventhgrade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents Doina and Dr. Lawrence Bryskin.


Mindy and Dr. Fred Miller upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jared, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on Shabbat morning, December 11, at which time Jared read Parashat Vayigash, the Haftarah and delivered a D'var Torah. Jared is a seventhgrade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandmother, Leonore Wolff.


Suzanne and Jacob Doft upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Caleb, in New York City on December 18, at which time he read Parashat Vayechi and delivered a D’var Torah on the leadership and heroism of Calev. Caleb is a seventh- grade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents Arlene and Avrom Doft & Marion and William (Billy) Weiss.


Bonnie and David Silvera upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mayer, at the Moise Safra Center on December 23, at which time he read Parashat Shemot and delivered a D'var Torah. Mayer is a seventhgrade student at The Shefa School.


Ariel Sebag and Albert Sebag upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Noah, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on Shabbat morning, January 15, at which time Noah read Parashat Beshalach and delivered a D’var Torah. Noah is a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents Jean and Armand Lindenbaum.


Rifki Zable and Yoni Slonim upon the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Tzipi, on Tu B'Shvat, January 17. Tzipi led Shacharit, including reading from Parashat Yitro, in a service for her family and friends held at the Shefa School. Tzipi is in the sixth-grade at the Ramaz Middle School.


Jeanne and Adam Peldman upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Daniel, on Shabbat morning, February 19 at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, at which time he read Parashat Ki Tisa and delivered a D’var Torah. Daniel is a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandparents Arlene and Jeffrey Peldman.


Carla and Steven Tanz upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ari Lazarus, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on Shabbat Zachor morning, March 12. Ari read Parashat Vayikrah as well as the special maftir and haftarah for Shabbat Zachor, followed by a D’var Torah. Ari is a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School. Mazal Tov as well to proud KJ grandmother Judy Tanz.

[ 39 Bnei Mitzvah


Jennifer and David Kellman upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Teddy, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on Shabbat, March 26, at which time he will read Parashat Shemini. Teddy is a seventh-grade student at SAR Academy.


Marian Gross and Jonathan Koblenzer upon the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Alana, at a Havdalah service on March 26, at which time she will deliver a D’var Torah on the topic of "The Obligation of Chesed in Our Community and in Our Lives." Alana is a sixth-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School.


Alexandra and Haskel “Zeke” Rabbani upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joseph, which will take place on Chol HaMoed Pesach in Herzliya, Israel, at which time he will lead services, read the Torah portion from Parashat Mishpatim, and deliver a D’var Torah. Joseph is a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School.


Talia and Eric Mann upon the Bat Mitzvah celebration of their daughter, Ella Rose, at a party for family and friends on May 19, Lag Ba’omer, where she will deliver a D'var Torah. For her chesed project, Ella raised money for Shaare Zedek hospital's new cancer center opening this year, in honor of her great-great-great grandfather, Reb Yaakov Mann. Ella Mann is a sixth-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School.


Suri and Dr. David Landerer upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Berel, on Shabbat morning, May 21, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. Berel will lain Parashat Behar, make a siyum on Masechet Makot, and deliver a D’var Torah. Berel is a seventh-grade student at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan.


Mazal Tov to Elana and Henry Grant upon the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Caleb, at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, on Shabbat morning June 25. He will read Pararshat Shelach and deliver a D’var Torah. Caleb is a seventh-grade student at the Ramaz Middle School.


Terrific turnout for the inaugural mother-daughter Bat Mitzvah preparation class.


Boys of Bar Mitzvah age and their fathers enjoy a unique opportunity with our rabbis to share chesed and learning opportunities in advance of their upcoming Bnei Mitzvah. Programs this season included a Sofer Worskhop, Met Council event, and Fathers & Sons minyan.


If you are making a Bar or Bat Mitzvah at KJ between September 2023 and June 2024, please contact Riva Alper in the synagogue office at 212-774-5670 to reserve specific rooms for your services, celebratory meals, and other functions. If your child attends Ramaz, and whether or not you are a member of KJ, Riva Alper must be notified directly of your plans. Reserving a date with Ramaz does not imply that it is reserved at KJ.

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 40 ]


Sponsored by Suzanne & Dr. Norman B. Javitt featuring Dr. Adam Ferziger

A professor at Bar-Ilan University and a leading scholar of Jewish life in modern and contemporary times, Dr. Ferziger holds the R.S.R. Hirsch Chair for Research on the Torah and Derekh Erez Movement and is a past recipient of Bar-Ilan's "Outstanding Lecturer" prize. At University of Oxford, he is co-convenor of the annual Oxford Summer Institute on Modern and Contemporary Judaism, and is currently the Bildner Visiting Scholar at Rutgers University.

Ferziger's most recent monograph, Beyond Sectarianism (2015) was a winner of the National Jewish Book Award. A proud alumnus of Ramaz (Rams varsity basketball and tennis), he and his wife Dr. Naomi Ferziger have lived in Israel since 1987.

We will be privileged to hear from Dr. Ferziger four times over Shabbat.


Keynote Lecture following 7:45 PM catered dinner

KJ and the Soviet Jewry Movement – The Rise of Solidarity Orthodoxy

There is no charge for attending the Friday night lecture, but advanced reservations are required for the dinner.


Following 9:00 AM Services in the Main

ידבע השמ תרות ורכז The Torah of Moshe in the Ark of KJ – An Orthodox Tradition of Inclusivity

Post-Kiddush/Lunch Presentation

KJ and Israeli Judaism –From Bar-Ilan to Bennett

5:55 PM Pre-Mincha Shiur A Daf of their Own –Women and Talmud Study in a Digital Era

For more info or to reserve for Shabbat dinner and/or lunch on April 8-9, visit ckj.org/annualshabbaton

150th Annual Meeting

Wed / April 6 / 7:30 PM See page 4

Annual Synagogue Shabbaton

Fri April 8 - Sat April 9 See this page

Yom HaShoah Program

Wed / April 27 / 7:30 PM See page 29

Virtual Tekes Ma’avar

Wed / May 4 / 8:00 PM See page 28

Yom Ha’Atzmaut Tefillah Chagigit

Thurs / May 5 / 7:00 AM See page 28

Sun / May 29 / 8:30 AM See page 28


Contact KJ Executive Director Leonard Silverman at 212-774-5680 or lss@ckj.org

Mon / June 6 / following Services See page 27

ckj.org/kosher_restaurant_list KJ SYNAGOGUE
ckj.org/kjmembership NO COOKING
Yom Yerushalayim Tefillah Chagigit
Keter Torah Awards
MASTERCLASS ON SEFER TEHILLIM – THE BOOK OF PSALMS Taught by Reuben Ebrahimoff A 5 Week Overview of Sefer Tehillim. Learn the 10 Things You Need to Know. TUESDAYS 7 PM – 8 PM April 26 | May 3 | May 10 | May 17 | May 24 Visit ckj.org/appevents to learn more.



Passover See schedule on pp. 23-24


Rosh Chodesh Iyar Morning Services at 7:00 AM


Yom Hazikaron


Yom Ha’Atzmaut Morning Services at 7:00 AM

THURSDAY, MAY 19 Lag Ba’Omer


Yom Yerushalayim Morning Services at 7:00 AM

MONDAY, MAY 30 Memorial Day Morning Services at 8:30 AM

TUESDAY, MAY 31 Rosh Chodesh Sivan Morning Services at 7:00 AM

FRIDAY - MONDAY, JUNE 4-6 Shavuot See schedule on p. 27


Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Morning Services at 7:00 AM


Independence Day (observed) Morning Services at 8:30 AM


Fast of the Seventeenth of Tammuz Fast begins at 4:27 AM Morning Services at 8:00 AM Evening Services at 8:05 PM Fast ends at 9:00 PM


Rosh Chodesh Av Morning Services at 7:00 AM


Tisha B’Av Fast begins at 8:06 PM Morning Services at 8:30 AM Evening Services at 8:38 PM Fast ends at 8:58 PM




25-26 Shemini

6:55 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:51 PM Apr

1-2 Tazria

7:02 PM 6:45 PM 6:50 PM 7:59 PM (Parshat haChodesh) 8-9 Metzora 7:09 PM 6:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:06 PM (Shabbat haGadol) 15-16 Pesach

7:17 PM 7:30 PM 7:05 PM 8:14 PM 22-23 Pesach 7:24 PM 6:45 PM 7:15 PM 8:22 PM 29-30 Achrei Mot 7:31 PM 6:45 PM 7:25 PM 8:30 PM May

6-7 Kedoshim

7:39 PM 6:45 PM 7:30 PM 8:38 PM 13-14 Emor 7:46 PM 6:45 PM 7:40 PM 8:46 PM 20-21 Behar 7:52 PM 6:45 PM 7:45 PM 8:54 PM 27-28 Bechukotai 7:58 PM 6:45 PM 7:55 PM 9:01 PM Jun

3-4 Bamidbar 8:04 PM 6:45 PM 8:00 PM 9:07 PM 10-11 Naso 8:08 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:11 PM 17-18 Beha’alotkha 8:11 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:14 PM 24-25 Sh’lach 8:13 PM 6:45 PM 8:10 PM 9:15 PM Jul 1-2 Korach

8:13 PM 6:45 PM 8:10 PM 9:15 PM 8-9 Chukkat 8:11 PM 6:45 PM 8:05 PM 9:13 PM 15-16 Balak 8:08 PM 6:45 PM 8:00 PM 9:08 PM 22-23 Pinchas 8:03 PM 6:45 PM 7:55 PM 9:02 PM 29-30 Matot-Masei 7:56 PM 6:45 PM 7:50 PM 8:55 PM Aug 5-6 Devarim

7:49 PM 6:45 PM 1:30 PM 8:46 PM 12-13 Va’etchanan 7:40 PM 6:45 PM 7:30 PM 8:36 PM 19-20 Ekev 7:30 PM 6:45 PM 7:20 PM 8:26 PM 26-27 Re’eh 7:20 PM 6:45 PM 7:05 PM 8:14 PM Sept 2-3 Shoftim

7:08 PM 6:45 PM 6:55 PM 8:03 PM 9-10 Ki Tetzei 6:57 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 7:51 PM

For information regarding services, please contact riva@ckj.org


MORNING Days Main Sephardic Sun 8:30 AM 8:15 AM Mon & Thurs 7:15 AM 7:00 AM Tues, Wed, & Fri 7:30 AM 7:00 AM

Rosh Chodesh Weekdays 7:00 AM 6:50 AM Shabbat 9:00 AM 9:00 AM


M ar 13 – S ept 10 6:45 PM June 26 – July 7 6:50 PM (2 weeks)



Hover your phone over the QR code with your camera app to join this Whatsapp group with weekly pre-Shabbat parsha insights!

kehilath jeshurun bulletin 42 ]
MARCH 25, 2022 - SEPTEMBER 10, 2022

212-774-5600 | ckj.org


Joseph H. Lookstein Senior Rabbi 1923-1979

Haskel Lookstein Rabbi Emeritus

Chaim Steinmetz Senior Rabbi

Roy Feldman Associate Rabbi

Meyer Laniado Associate Rabbi

Rabbi Daniel & Directors of Rachel Kraus Community Education

Rabbi Dr. Scholar-in-Residence

Jeremy Wieder

Chaim Dovid Berson Cantor

Dr. Benjamin Zalta Sephardic Chazan

Leonard Silverman Executive Director


David Lobel President

Elias Buchwald Senior Vice President

Jonathan Wagner Vice President

Dr. Nicole Agus Second Vice President

Sidney Ingber Third Vice President

Wendy Greenbaum Fourth Vice President

Dr. Larry Baruch Secretary

Robert Schwartz Treasurer

David Sultan Assistant Treasurer

Morris Massel Executive Secretary

Eric Gribetz Financial Secretary

Evan Farber Recording Secretary

Robyn Barsky Administrative Secretary

Yaira Singer Binstock Officer

Adam Weinstein Officer


Fred Distenfeld

Chaim Edelstein

Eric Feldstein

Stanley Gurewitsch

Joel Katz


Jane Katz President, Sisterhood

Nicole Sardar President, Sisterhood

Dr. Mark Meirowitz President, Men’s Club

Tani Gordon President, Kesher

Sarah Klar President, Kesher

Hannah Topiel President, Kesher


Riva Alper Administrator

Dina Farhi Executive Assistant

Esther Feierman Director of Communications and Programming

Yael Haller Director of Member Affairs

Chevy Rubenstein Youth Director

Freddie Rodriguez Superintendent

Sy Yanofsky Comptroller



NEW YORK, NY 10028-0928

Are you receiving your KJ Bulletin late in the mail or receiving double copies? We need to know! Please email riva@ckj.org or call 212-774-5670

In preparing the Bulletin, we welcome all KJ members’ announcements of communal, academic and professional achievements. Please email riva@ckj.org or mail it to the synagogue, marked “ATTN: KJ Bulletin.”


Our Zmanim are now on the inner back page, in this issue page 42. See Shabbat Schedule, Daily Services, and Dates to Remember at a glance!

KJ Main Sanctuary stained glass windows detail. Bulletin design and above photo by Talia Laniado / talialan.com
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