Estes Park News, August 27, 2021

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The Elk Rut Has Begun Showing all the other elk who's boss on a beautiful, but very windy Friday morning!! Who else but the Big Kahuna!! Photograph by Fred McClanahan, Jr.

August 27, 2021

2 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Code Changes And The Comprehensive Plan

Downtown Estes Park as viewed from Prospect Mountain. EP News photo This month Town Administrator Travis Machalek has a guest columnist – Community Development Director Randy Hunt By: Community Development Director Randy Hunt

6,700 copies were printed this week, and distributed FREE to hundreds of Estes Valley locations including Allenspark, Glen Haven & Lyons.

A National Online Audience With Loyal Local Readership Ph: (970) 586-5800 Fax: (970) 692-2611 Opinions of our columnists are not necessarily the opinions of this newspaper. Owners/Publishers: Gary & Kris Hazelton Editor: Kris Hazelton General Manager: Andrew Donaldson Classified Ads: Tim Buck Press releases: All editorial, photo content & graphic design is copyright of Estes Park News, Inc. & can not be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Estes Park News, Inc. ©2021 For subscription information contact us.

Deadlines Reserve space: Monday by 4:00 pm Final submissions: Tuesday by Noon Classifieds: Deadline Wed. by Noon Estes Park News, Inc. is Independent & locally family owned. Our Main Headquarters is at 1191 Woodstock Drive Suite #1 Mail: PO Box 508 Estes Park, CO 80517

Town officials and staff are aware that community conversations are underway regarding amending the Development Code prior to the new Comprehensive Plan’s completion (expected by Dec. 31, 2022). Some are concerned that we may adopt amendments in the next year or so, only to find ourselves realizing that those amendments aren’t necessarily aligned with the Comp Plan’s adopted goals. Is amending the Code before finishing the new Comp Plan a wise idea? That’s a fair discussion point, and in fact staff expects that many Code amendments will need to await the Comp Plan’s completion. Major Code changes should be embedded in policy direction, which the Comp Plan is expected to provide; that is good planning. However, there are at least two types of Code amendments that arguably should be exceptions to this sequencing rule: (a) matters that are minor, straightforward, and stem from policy direction already given; and (b) matters that are clearly critical now and cannot wait for another few years. The Planning Commission and Town staff met in study session with the Town Board on July 8, 2021 to discuss amendments meeting at least one of these two criteria. The July 8 agenda spelled out those amendment categories:

· Housing · Building height (downtown and generally) · Landscaping · Parking · Solar incentives Discussion on these amendment topics was positive and specific. The net outcome: The Planning Commission and staff felt encouraged to develop Code amendment language soon – this year – on four of the five topics (parking revisions can wait a bit longer). The Town Board members did not commit to approving any amendments or direction but expressed interest in considering all of them. The Planning Commission has been working on these four Code areas since July 8. The solar incentives category seems to match the “minor and straightforward” exception and increasing solar-energy capacity aligns with a number of Town strategic goals. The other three are deemed by Planning Commission and staff to be critical and time-sensitive, and Code-amendment work is underway on all three: · Downtown building height: Planning Commission has recommended an amendment to increase height limit from 30 to 42 feet, along with modest design requirements for tall buildings. The focus is to allow upstairs workforce housing; however, increased commercial opportunity is also a factor, as is resiliency against disasters. This change is

specifically recommended in the 2018 Downtown Plan. · Housing: The Planning Commission is now discussing a new higher-density multifamily zoning district, and expanded capability for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on residential lots, among other potential changes. These discussions are squarely aimed at the Town’s workforce housing shortage – described accurately as a “crisis” in recent forums. · Landscaping: Last year’s wildfires were the latest in a series of “calls to attention” for our community. We’re vulnerable to natural hazards, and we need to act. Our landscaping regulations are outdated and at odds with best practices for wildfire mitigation. Our current Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) grant will provide the Planning Commission new landscaping regulations to help us prepare for the time when – not if – we are again threatened by wildfire. In all three Code amendment categories, we are facing current critical issues – not abstract risks, but clear and present dangers. Workforce housing is a crisis, as anyone knows who walks Elkhorn Avenue past the innumerable “Help Wanted” window signs. Downtown has an expanded floodplain map, and more buildings than ever need to add floor space up high, away from the inevitable floodwaters. New (to Estes Park) landscaping incentives such as xeriscaping (dryland landscape) will help make our community wildfire resistant. Comprehensive Planning is a process of huge importance in identifying community priorities for land use and other matters. But the world doesn’t stop while we comprehensively plan. We have significant Code issues right now, and we can find ways to mitigate them with hard work and careful planning. We can’t afford to wait for 2023. The time is now to begin solving these problems. As always, we welcome and appreciate public comment. Planning Commission meetings, typically the third Tuesday of each month, are online via YouTube; please check the Town website for information on how to view agendas, watch, and participate: boardsandmeetings. Your voice is important!

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 3

Rocky Mountain Conservancy Asks Community To Help Fund New Search And Rescue Vehicle For Rocky

Replacement SAR vehicle concept. Meeting RMC goal of raising $75,000 will help fund this critical life-saving project.

New tactical vehicle to replace aging SAR response vehicle The Rocky Mountain Conservancy (RMC) is seeking support to fund a new Search and Rescue (SAR) vehicle for the Rocky Mountain National Park SAR Team. The team currently uses an aging ambulance as its primary vehicle. Built in 1993, the former ambulance has more than 120K miles on it and has become less reliable over its lifespan. This vehicle is also not fuel efficient, nor does it utilize modern technology. With the high number of SAR incidents at Rocky, this vehicle is no longer able to reliably respond. On average, Rocky’s Search and Rescue Team responds to 160-175 incidents each year – the third highest compared to other national parks. These incidents include a full range of rescues, from broken ankles and heat exhaustion to technical rope rescues and swift-water recoveries, and even large-scale multi-day searches. Some rescues also involve helicopter extractions that require a reliable support vehicle to make the rescue possible. Since RMNP has one of the largest high-

est SAR incident rates in the national park system, the SAR vehicle has become one of the most critical pieces of SAR equipment. It is a mobile platform that is outfitted with all equipment necessary for various rescues. Today, the Conservancy is seeking support to provide the SAR Team with a new 4x4 ‘mobile command vehicle for critical life-saving emergencies, and for managing complex rescue operations within the park. The Conservancy’s fundraising goal for the project is $75,000 which would cover the cost of the base vehicle, conversion build, outfitting and markings. Anyone who would like more information on the project is asked to contact the Conservancy’s Philanthropy Director, Michael Allen, at (720) 845-5690. The Conservancy has set up a secure fundraising webpage for this project at: It also recently published a guest article by SAR recipient and now volunteer, Bob Jamieson, at a- search-and-rescue-success-story to give more context to the need for this support.

EVFPD firefighters generally respond to medical calls in their personal vehicles, allowing for a faster response. On other incidents, firefighters respond to a fire station to respond in department apparatus with specialized equipment. Estes Valley Fire During the week of August 15, the

Estes Valley Fire Protection District (EVFPD) responded to 13 calls for service. This included: • Emergency medical (assist EPH): 3 • MVC: 3 • Alarm Activation: 4 • Smoke Investigation: 2 • Wildland Fire: 1

4 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Helping Those Who Reach The End Of Their Rope By: Brian Schaffer

Heathen Creek Outfitters Jeep Tours and Day Hikes


Thomas Jefferson was known for saying “when you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” I wonder if this was practical advice for people who were rope climbers or if he penned this as guidance on how to survive challenging times in life. However the origination came to be it has survived the test of times and is a good reminder for all of us. I know for me personally life is not always easy and it takes perseverance and great effort to stay the course. Rope is something that has been around for centuries and is a useful object to teach life lessons. What was the purpose the creator of rope had in mind when he first knit it together? I’m assuming it was used primarily for some type of work-related project and then later adapted for numerous applications. Here are just a few things involving a rope: retrieving a bucket of water from a well, securing a bridle to a horse, competing in a game of tug of war, rappelling down a steep raven harnessed to a rope, towing a car, throwing down a rope to someone in a hole to pull them out, having fun on a rope swing tied to a tree limb, crossing a river on a rope bridge, throwing out a life preserver tied to a rope, tightrope walking at the circus, and a host of other things. Ropes come in different shapes and sizes depending on the task you’re proposing to tackle. Rope can be made from different material consisting of several individual strands that are interwoven to increase the overall strength and capacity for each unique task. Each strand by itself is not very strong, but when woven together with others it becomes 10 times as strong. Large ropes are utilized when pulling heavy loads. It’s just the way physics works in the natural world. Just think about a draft horse who can pull about 8,000 pounds by itself, but when teamed up with another horse they can pull

24,000 pounds. Three times the weight when working together! I think the same theory works for us, so let’s commit to invite others into the work we’re doing so as to accomplish more with less effort. When we’re woven together like strands in a rope we can move mountains. At Crossroads we have a value that drives everything we do and it’s to “Love our Neighbors” by taking care of their basic necessities when they come to “the end of their rope.” Now, what does it mean when you come to the end of your rope?! Does it mean you’ve climbed as far as you can and you’re at the top end of your rope, or is it that you’ve been slipping down the rope and there’s none left to hold on to? In fact, if you slip any more you’ll be falling into a harmful place. One end will create anxiety wondering ‘where do I go from here?’, and the other will create a sense of desperation of what to do now that there’s no more rope left to hang on to. To climb upward takes a lot of effort, strength, determination, perseverance, and hard work. We want to encourage people to keep climbing and find ropes that lead to higher heights. And for those at the end, we offer immediate assistance to ensure they don’t lose their grip on life. I know we use this term at times, but what does it really mean to lose your grip or to get a grip on life? My initial thought is that you must maintain a constant grip on life or you will begin to slip a little at a time; eventually picking up speed until you come to the end and have nowhere else to go. If you know people who could use some help, then throw them a rope and direct them to Crossroads Ministry. We’re fulfilling our mission when we are practicing Christian love by providing basic human services to Estes Valley residents in need.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 5

August Feature From The Chamber

By: Donna Carlson Executive Director, Estes Chamber of Commerce

Who needs to be at your table? I was standing in the parking lot of the library with Claudine Perrault talking about the need for us to knock down proverbial walls that divide people in this town to create bridges. She had a beautiful idea. A bridge is a great way to connect, but what if we create tables instead? It's around the table where we make things happen, where we connect, plan, dream, listen and form the future together. The Chamber has created a table with the Estes Valley Library District to talk about books that help us thrive in business and dream of other tables to build. In the interest of building a better place to work, live and play in Estes Park, there are lots of tables where things happen. In our Referral Engine workshop we worked out which tables will connect us best with customers under the premise that the work we do to refer others will have a boomerang effect for our business. Case in point, the Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center (EPNRC) invited the Chamber to the table with the Estes Arts District to collaborate on a grant for Friends of Folk. Not only did our conversation yield a grant for the Arts District, it yielded a new Chamber member and created a bigger table for the arts to create community!

The Art Center created a table around the Estes Valley Plein Air National Paint Out that included sponsors, hotels, and food suppliers who celebrate the creation of art in this magnificent landscape. Looking at my calendar I see many nonprofits bringing business together with the community around a proverbial table -- Pumpkins & Pilsners, Autumn Gold, The Gumbo Dinner… all of these are critical connections in our community that create what I call “we.” It's fundamental to a Chamber of Commerce to gather all the “me” perspectives, connect the dots and then create a bigger “we”! The Chamber is not a person or a board, it's a collective voice of many business and nonprofit members creating a better place to live, work and play together. It's a whole made up of many wholes. Our business community is more than just a tax base, we are the community. Our employees are the people who eat, shop and school in Estes. We are bringing our members around the table to create a stronger, more unified voice of business to leverage: Paid parking revenue put to use in a way that benefits downtown business; The town's vacation rental philosophy formed in collaboration with business owners; A business-led effort to streamline and simplify development planning resources. The Chamber is at the table with Parking & Transit, Town Trustees and the Community Development department to make sure the voice of business has a seat at the table. We've brought Visit Estes Park to the table with the Vacation Rental Council to help us get access to data we need to serve the town's fact finding efforts around vacation rentals and workforce housing. We're also creating more tables this fall for the F&B, retail and healthcare industries and in the spring for the lodging and wedding industries. Who needs to be at your table?

6 » Friday, August 27, 2021

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. On July 24 at 6:05 p.m. police were called to the 200 block of Moraine Ave. where they contacted a 34 year old male from Boulder, Colorado. After reviewing video footage that became available to the EPPD, the male was issued a summons for 3rd Degree Assault (x 2). On August 10 at 11:16 p.m. in the 400 block of Aspen Ave. a 33 year old female from Estes Park turned herself in on a warrant out of EPPD for violation of a restraining order, domestic violence and a warrant for a traffic offense. On August 20 at 8:06 a.m. police were called to a disturbance in the 500 block of Lone Pine Drive where they arrested a 37

year old male from Estes Park and charged him with obstruction of telephone service and domestic violence and he was transported to the Larimer County Jail. On August 21 at 7:04 a.m. police were called to the 400 block of East Wonderview Ave. where they arrested a 38 year old male from Estes Park for theft, shoplifting and third degree criminal trespass. He was arrested and later released on a summons. On August 22 at 9:03 a.m. police were called to the 400 block of East Wonderview Ave. where they arrested a 38 year old Estes Park male for theft, shoplifting and 3rd degree criminal trespass. The male was transported to EPPD, and later released with a summons.


S TA N L E Y H O M E M U S E U M If these walls could talk, they would tell you a compelling tale of mountain life in early Estes Park through the eyes of the influential Flora & Freelan ("F.O.") Stanley and the domestic help who maintained their house, property, and way of life. To enter the door of the Stanley's 1904 Colonial Revival home is to pass through a frame into a painting, one with a time and life of its own Be inspired as you take a step back in time with a guided tour of the original mountain home of the Stanleys. Advance reservations are suggested and tickets can be purchased online at The full tour experience lasts two hours, with each tour beginning at the Estes Park Visitors Center. A well-marked shuttle will pickup guests from the east parking lot (near the electrical vehicle charge stations), at the top of the hour.

w w w. S t a n l ey H o m e . o r g t i c ke t s @ S t a n l ey H o m e . o rg 97 0 - 2 3 5 - 0 0 6 2

Wildlife Responder Available To Help

Knowledge, experience, skills to assist and educate individuals with and about wildlife encounters/situations. Specialty is elk, deer, bears, mountain lions. Part of Rocky Mtn. Cat Conservancy Research. If you see a kill site, call asap, or if you want more information or help with a wildlife situation, call Jayne the “Bear Lady” at 970-685-8756.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 7

EPNRC: Connecting, Inspiring, and Supporting Nonprofits The Estes Park Nonprofit Resource Center (EPNRC) is always busy doing good in the neighborhood, but sometimes we are asked what we actually do? Our mission is to provide tools that support, connect, and inspire community nonprofits. But how do we do that? SUPPORT EPNRC aims to support our Estes Valley nonprofit partners in any way we can, including supporting the health and wellbeing of their employees. We see an opportunity to invest our time and talents into creating a comprehensive Estes Valley Nonprofit Employee Wellness Package. While the entire Wellness Package program will take time, we are excited to have a goal of offering punch passes for nonprofits to the Estes Valley Rec Center beginning in January of 2022. If you are interested in sharing other ways EPNRC can support nonprofit employee wellness moving forward, reach out to us and schedule a one-on-one idea session. INSPIRE Inspiring nonprofit excellence through training, big ideas, and connection is a pillar of the EPNRC mission. New EPNRC Executive Director, Cato Kraft, has been meeting one-on-one with other nonprofit leaders. EPNRC has long recognized an overwhelming need for a Diversity Engagement Coordinator who

can connect the over 70 Estes Valley nonprofits to the diverse and historically underserved populations of our community. EPNRC is beginning fundraising efforts to bring this position to our staff by June 2022 with a $7,000 goal at Colorado Gives Day. CONNECT A six-part Nonprofit Governance series has begun; the first workshop focused on recruiting high power board members. This will prepare nonprofit boards for confident leadership. EPNRC believes it is essential to support board members in understanding their roles and responsibilities to ensure they are prepared to guide nonprofits knowledgeably. This valuable training series meets an ongoing need as local nonprofit boards constantly transition and add new members. EPNRC consistently fields requests for support on this topic. We have responded through this series to the needs presented by our nonprofit community. The Nonprofit Resource Center is thrilled to work with the amazing network for good in our community! And what are those agencies? EPNRC provides a list of local nonprofits in and in service to Estes at More information on programs and initiatives is online at

8 » Friday, August 27, 2021

We Are Passionate

By: Melissa Strong, Member, Estes Valley Land Trust Board of Directors



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This is the first article in an eight-part series that covers the Estes Valley Land Trust’s recently adopted Core Values. More information about the land trust’s Core Values can be found at I’ve been a member of the Estes Valley Land Trust Board of Directors for nearly two years and we recently developed a series of Core Values to help guide the organization in the future. The Core Value that resonates personally with me is: We are Passionate. The staff, Board of Directors and members are all extremely passionate about land conservation and that’s what drew me to the land trust. To the land trust, preserving land is a labor of love because they are in awe of nature and inspired by the outdoors every day. This holds true for me too. Whether I’m climbing or supporting other rock climbers in the Park, or hiking with my dog on the Homer Rouse Trail, being outdoors excites me and gives me purpose. My passion for nature is also expressed at Bird & Jim, a local restaurant I opened in 2017, where we focus on local, sustainable and healthy eating. Bird & Jim is named after Isabella Lucy Bird, a fearless explorer and the first white woman to stand atop Longs Peak, and Jim Nugent, her love interest. While remodeling the restaurant space, I had an electrical accident which lead to nine hand surgeries.

For over a year, I was unable to do what I love most…rock climb. The restaurant and my passion for climbing and the outdoors kept me focused and helped me recover from the accident. And I’m climbing again. The most recent example of the land trust’s passion for nature and land conservation is the Thumb Open Space. The land trust worked with the Town of Estes Park, the Access Fund and others to conserve the Thumb and Needle, on Prospect Mountain, and create a new public park. Soon, the Town will manage the Thumb Open Space to preserve wildlife habitat and provide hiking and climbing. The Thumb rock formation is a local icon and has been climbed for decades. I am so glad this portion of Prospect Mountain is conserved and the Thumb will remain accessible for climbing. The Thumb Open Space is exactly the type of project that is born from a passion for land conservation. Each conservation project is different, but they all come from a deep love of nature and passion to conserve land for future generations. I’m so grateful to be part of the land trust’s inspiring work. About the Estes Valley Land Trust Founded in 1987 by Estes Park residents, the Estes Valley Land Trust is a nationally recognized land conservation organization that has preserved nearly 10,000 acres of land and some of the most iconic landscapes in the Estes Valley. More than 400 members support the Estes Valley Land Trust annually and additional information can be found at About the Estes Valley Land Trust Founded in 1987 by Estes Park residents, the Estes Valley Land Trust is a nationally recognized land conservation organization that has preserved nearly 10,000 acres of land and some of the most iconic landscapes in the Estes Valley. More than 400 members support the Estes Valley Land Trust annually and additional information can be found at

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 9

Morning had broken, the coffee was brewed, and Joe stood at the kitchen sink slicing peaches. I shuffled in, leaned against the counter and yawned. (Does reading that word—yawn—cause a twinge in the hinge of your jaw like you’re about to involuntarily open wide? I’m yawning just writing about it!) “Did you sleep okay last night?” Joe asked. “I was wide awake from two to fourthirty,” I answered in slo-mo. Joe was sympathetic. “Maybe you can take a nap this afternoon.” The day before, we had this conversation: “You slept like a log last night. I got up to go to the bathroom twice and you never budged.” “Yeah, but I was awake at five this morning and laid there for an hour and a half before I got up.” Tomorrow it will be this: “I could not get to sleep last night.” “What was bothering you?” “Everything. Nothing. My mind just kept spinning like a whirligig.” Rarely does the morning conversation go like this: “How’d you sleep last night?” “Great! You?” “I slept straight through too.” Almost every day we check in with each other about our sleep. In fact, sleep—and more likely the lack of slumber—tends to come up in chitchat with friends as often as conversations about the weather. “That was quite a storm last night, wasn’t it?” “Yeah. It kept me awake for hours.” Lately I’ve been mulling over this popular topic of conversation. What is it about sleep that makes it a universal goto? I’ve deduced it’s because we want what we can’t have. As we age we want more sleep and get less. Just like stamina. And memory. (Two other subjects that dominate talk among the “seasoned” population.) According to the National Sleep Foundation, “Sleep powers the mind, restores the body, and fortifies virtually every system in the body.” If it can do all that, I want more of it, by golly! The Land of Nod must be where the Fountain of Youth jets its magic water. Scientific research has determined we need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. (Does six hours at night and a one-hour daytime nap count? The Sleep Foundation says yes except an hour-long nap is too long. Naps count toward your sleep quotient when they are short and are taken no later than early afternoon.) Currently, Americans are getting an average of 6.8 hours of shut-eye a night.

That seems like enough, but apparently the additional 12 minutes to get to the minimum of seven hours is critical. (I can set my alarm for 12 minutes, take a quick snoozer, and wake up feeling like I just got a full night of rest. According to legend, Einstein would sit in his armchair with a spoon in his hand and close his eyes. When he drifted off, the spoon would fall and the sound of its clattering as it hit the floor would wake him. That’s all the nap he required.) Most of us need help getting the requisite forty winks. That help is encompassed in a catch phrase called “sleep hygiene,” which does not mean snatching some zzz’s in the shower or brushing your teeth while you doze. Sleep hygiene is having a nighttime routine, not allowing electronics in the bedroom, making sure the room is dark, keeping the room cool and the bed comfortable—common sense stuff. My best sleep hygiene practice is to set my alarm as a reminder to go to bed each night. It has helped me, although I’m lucky—I don’t often suffer from insomnia. When we consistently get seven to nine hours of sleep, good things happen: •We keep our weight in check. •We are motivated to exercise more (ergo, the weight control) and our athletic performance is enhanced (hear my snore—er, I mean roar!). •We tend to eat less (it’s hard to eat while you’re sleeping). •Our productivity increases and our cognition improves. •We’re less likely to have heart disease, a stroke or type 2 diabetes. •We’re less likely to catch a cold. (Eating garlic can help as well. It keeps people who want to share their germs from getting too close!) •We’re less likely to be depressed. •Our ability to make and keep friends increases. (Not only does lack of sleep make us cantankerous, it affects our ability to recognize important social cues. Case in point: out of the seven dwarfs, only one was Happy and three others were Dopey, Sleepy and Grumpy. With all seven sharing the same bed, how could any of them get any sleep?) •We can better solve problems—except for one…how to overcome insomnia. Some well-rested folks believe that people with insomnia are cranky and not much fun. But such is not the case, according to the sleep-deprived. Just ask them—people with insomnia are up for anything! You may let The Thunker know what you think at her e-mail address, © 2021 Sarah Donohoe

10 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Artists and Artisans Festival at St. Bartholomew’s Church The parishioners of St. Bartholomew’s church are hosting an Artists and Artisans Festival on Saturday, August 28, 2021, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This unique event will replace St. Bart’s Holiday Fair that has been held traditionally in No-

vember. The St. Bart’s parish family is a talented group with over 30 artists and artisans in many areas, from fine art to fine crafting. Come see offerings of watercolor paintings, oil paintings, photography, knitting, quilting, wood working, jewelry making, and pottery. You might even get personal pointers with the purchase of an exceptional handtied fly! Most artists will be available at their tables to chat with buyers or individually

sign purchased artwork, if desired. St. Bart’s is also well-known for its fantastic cooks and bakers. The food court with will stocked with cookies, breads, candy, brownies, gluten-free baked goods, and more. Our renown frozen soups, casseroles, and quiches will also be available for sale in the food court. Unfortunately, all the English pasties, reserved by pre-order have sold out, both regular and glutenfree as have the jars of chutney. If you ordered pasties, they are available for pick-up at the festival. Come join our artists and artisans, cooks, and bakers from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the beautiful St. Bartholomew Episcopal Church’s grounds, 880 MacGregor Avenue, 970-586-4504. We accept cash, checks or credit cards. Our proceeds go to our local community charities such as Crossroads, and Boys and Girls Club, as well as national and world-wide needs including Haiti.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 11

Fall Workshops At YMCA Of The Rockies

This autumn, join YMCA of the Rockies for a variety of mid-week workshops to explore your curiosity and creativity! Open to the community, these smallgroup workshops are both fun and educational. Learn more and register at or call 970-586-3341 ext. 1104. Master Naturalist Classes Join the YMCA outdoor education staff to become a master naturalist! Learn how to ID common plants and animals in a forest and riparian ecosystem, learn about the formation of the Rocky Mountains, and the science behind wildfires. The cost of the master naturalist program is $100 and participants earn a master naturalist certification after com-

pleting the two-day workshop! Choose the dates that work for you, as there are a variety of September and October sessions to choose from. Watercolor Painting Workshops with Artist Sarah Uhl The YMCA is hosting Colorado artist Sarah Uhl for two creative workshop opportunities this September! She will be teaching two classes including a basic watercolor painting, and watercolor journal class over the course of September 22 -23. Each session is $150 and includes all supplies. Beginners are welcome and participants can register for one or both sessions. Sarah’s workshops offer participants a chance to connect with the incredible scenery of Rocky Mountain National Park in a new way.

12 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Colorado Parks And Wildlife Officers Rescue Moose Calf From Grand Lake Basement to climb out. But it was unable to get enough traction to make the steep climb. CPW Officer Serena Rocksund responded to the calls for help and found the calf with its agitated cow nearby. “The calf ’s mother would come up to the foundation, walk over to the calf and touch muzzles and walk away about 40 yards,” RockA moose calf has become separated from her mother after sund said. “The resigetting trapped in the foundation of a house that burned in dents saw the calf and mother were stressed last year's East Troublesome Fire. Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers rescued a moose calf trapped in the basement foundation of a house that burned in last year’s East Troublesome Fire, reunited it with its mother and relocated both to more suitable habitat. CPW officers received a call the morning of Aug. 19 from residents of the Aspen Pine Estates in Grand Lake reporting a moose calf had fallen into the four-foot-deep foundation left when the rest of the structure burned. The neighbors tried to rescue the calf themselves by creating a ramp with boards that might have allowed the calf

near Craig later that afternoon. “It’s a good reminder that folks need to fence off foundations and cover their window wells because animals can get trapped and die,” said CPW Area Wildlife Manager Jeromy Huntington. “We’ve had some increased reports of human-moose conflicts near Grand Lake since the East Troublesome Fire burn and we didn’t want to take the risk that this moose might get trapped again if we released it near the burn area.” Huntington said CPW has been working to grow the moose pop-

and needed help so they called CPW.” Rocksund tranquilized both the cow moose and calf and the animals were placed inside a wildlife transport trailer to be relocated to more suitable habitat. The moose calf and cow were released in The moose cow and calf are released in suitable habitat near suitable habitat

A cow moose and calf were relocated in a wildlife transport trailer to more suitable habitat near Craig on Thursday.

ulation in suitable habitat near Meeker and Craig. “So this relocation actually was a winwin for these moose and the CPW project,” Huntington said. Visit CPW’s website for more information about moose in Colorado and avoiding wildlife conflicts.


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Friday, August 27, 2021 « 13

Splish h! Splas

Carolyn Fairbanks Memorial Dog Park Unveiling and

The First Annual Dog Walk Benefiting The Estes Valley Pet Association.


September 4th Estes Park Dog Park US Highway 36 & Community Drive

Photo sequence by Robert Burns

3 PM

14 » Friday, August 27, 2021

EVICS Family Resource Center Is Here For You! EVICS Family Resource Center is open to the public MondayThursday and will continue to offer small and/or outdoor programs, however the Community Play Room will be closed for the foreseeable future in order to keep our team and guests safe as we monitor increased COVID cases throughout Estes Park and Larimer County. Our team of bilingual support and services continue to be available to the community, as well as an open diaper bank, child care referral and scholarships, and connection to additional resources for your entire family. Please feel free to drop by during our open hours or make an appointment with a Family Advocate by calling 970586-3055 or emailing

¡EVICS Centro de Recursos Familiares está aquí para usted!

EVICS Centro de Recursos Familiares está abierto al público de Lunes a Jueves y continuará ofreciendo programas pequeños y/o al aire libre; sin embargo, la Sala de Juegos Comunitario estará cerrado para mantener seguros a nuestro equipo y visitantes, mientras monitoreamos el aumento de casos de COVID en todo Estes Park y el condado de Larimer. Nuestro equipo de apoyo y servicios bilingüe sigue estando disponible para la comunidad, así como el banco de pañales, referencias y becas para el cuidado de niños, y conexión a recursos adicionales para toda su familia. No dude en visitarnos durante nuestro horario de atención o concertar una cita con un defensor de la familia llamando al 970-586-3055 o enviando un correo electrónico a

Woman’s Club Begins Another Year

Estes Park Woman’s Club will begin the 2021-2022 year with a meeting at MacGregor Ranch on Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Members will gather at 11:30 a.m. for a box lunch. Following lunch Connie Phipps, a longtime resident of Estes Park and a member of the club, will talk on the history of MacGregor Ranch which has been in continuous operation since 1873. Members will be given an opportunity to tour the ranch and the museum. The club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from September through May at various locations. Any woman interested in joining the club or attending the luncheon should contact the club

by emailing Members will be contacted via email to make luncheon reservations; deadline for reservations is Thursday, September 2nd. Attendees will be asked to follow proper COVID-19 protocol. Estes Park Womans Club supports the library, EP schools, Crossroads, RMNP, Salud Clinic and other non-profits organizations in the Estes Valley area.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 15

Estes Recycles Paint With

Saturday October 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies (west entrance) Estes Recycles is working with the state-authorized organization, to offer a free paint recycling drop-off event on Saturday, October 2, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies (PCCR). The event is open to both households and businesses but you must pre-register at to pick a timeslot and avoid waiting in line. If you are unable to register online, or need more information, call PaintCare at (855) PAINT09. PaintCare requires that paint products

be in sealed, original containers with original manufacturer labels. Households may bring any amount of paint, stain and varnish, including deck and concrete sealers. No drums or containers larger than five gallons will be accepted. Limits apply to businesses. Call the number above for details. Not accepted: hazardous waste or chemicals such as paint thinner, solvents, motor oil, spackle, glue, adhesive, roofing tar, pesticides or cleaning chemicals. Early drop-offs at the church are not permitted and will be considered illegal dumping. Remember: You must pre-register online for a timeslot and you must enter the church parking lot via the westernmost driveway. More detailed information will be available soon.



Treasure Trunks (aka Garage Sale) Crafts & Candles & Jewelry

The Estes Park Womans Club’s annual Garage Sale will be held in the parking

Final Friday Of August Celebration At Summit Nutrition There will be a Final Friday of August celebration and fundraiser at Summit Nutrition on August 27th from 4-8 p.m. Summit Nutrition is a locally owned smoothie bar and energy house that provides healthy meal replacement shakes, energizing teas, and a wide assortment of products to help promote a healthier and happier Estes Park! Funds raised at the event will go to help the injured/orphaned animals being

cared for by the Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Lyons/Longmont. The celebration will feature live music by Marcus James, Rosa Taco’s food truck will be on site with some fantastic menu items for the evening along with multiple vendors though the courtyard. Don’t miss this fun, community event! Summit Nutrition is located at 165 Virginia Drive, Estes Park. (913) 579-0616.

lot of Mountain View Bible Fellowship Church on Saturday, September 4th from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Club members will be selling items from the trunks of their cars. There will be homemade craft items such as wine sacks, tote bags, soy candles, jewelry and more as well as a bake sale. This is a major fund raiser for the club which supports local organizations in Estes Park such as the library, schools, Crossroads and RMNP. Mark the date on your calendar- come early for the best bargains.

16 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Photo by Kris Hazelton

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 17

Storing And Drying Produce Safely And Effectively: Fruit Edition ble of something you preserved from the peak of summer. In Colorado we currently have available to us stone fruits such peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums and more. And on the heels of these delights, we’ll soon see the fruits of fall such as apples and pears while hanging on to the last of the season’s melons. While some people might first think of jams and preserves as the best way to preserve seasonal fruit, another easy By: Amber Webb and delicious method is dehydrating! If you’ve shopped a local farmer’s mar- My first foray into dehydrating fruit was as a twelve-year-old watching an inket recently, you know that there is an abundance of beautiful fruits and vegeta- fomercial for a food dehydrator. I was bles at the ready to take home and enjoy. convinced that I need one to make jerky, fruit roll-ups, soup mixes and more! I And while the most delicious preparation of seasonal produce can require the convinced my parents to buy me one, least amount of alteration (tomato sand- and the first thing I dehydrated was apples. To this day, it is still one of my fawich, anyone?), preserving some of the seasonal bounty is a wonderful option to vorite foods to dehydrate, often sprintransform a cold winter’s day with a nib- kled with a little cinnamon or cardamom. The house smells like baked apple pie whenever I make a batch. To get the best overall dehydrated product, there are several considerations to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to select fruit at its peak flavor and quality. Underripe or overripe fruit can lack flavor and color or can be tough and fibrous or soft and mushy. Once fruit is harvested, how you store it before preAug 27 – Sept 2 serving matters. “The storage life of most common fresh fruits and leafy vegetables is highly variable but is usually not much longer than one week in a refrigerator crisper, when wrapped in perforated plastic bags. Moisture can accumulate in unperforated plastic bags, which can lead to growth of mold or bacteria. Some fruits, such as melons, cantaloupe, honeydew, peaches, pears and nectarines, need to be stored at room temperature until ripe. Fruit pieces cut from fully ripe fruit can also be successfully stored in the refrigerator.” (CSU Fact Sheet 7.601 Storage of Home-Grown Vegetables.) Next, pretreating fruits before drying is also recommended. It prevents darkening and can speed up drying fruit with naturally tough skins. It can also enhance the destruction of potentially harmful bacteria during drying. To pretreat fruit, wash and cut to a uniform desired size. Then dip them in an ascorbic acid, citric acid, or lemon juice solution. Keep in mind that different fruits have optimal drying times as well as dryness indicators. Refer to the CSU Fact Sheet 9.309 Drying Fruits Table 2 for a list of recommendations and timing for pretreatments and drying for each fruit type. The best dehydrators for home food drying have an adjustable thermostat and a fan that blows warm air over the food. Food should be pretreated, cut into uniform sizes and spread out evenly over the trays without overlapping or crowding. Remember to rotate trays throughout drying for consistency. Fruit scorches easily toward the end of drying so it is recommended to turn off the dehydrator power when drying is almost complete and open the lid for an additional hour before removing pieces. When produce is done drying, make sure to do a dryness test before storage. When the dried and cooled fruits are ready for storage, pack them in small amounts in clean glass jars or in moisture and vapor proof freezer containers

or bags. Label containers with the name of the product and date. Store in a cool, dry, dark place. When properly dried and stored, fruits will keep well for six to twelve months. Dried fruits are a great snack on the go or can be added to granola, salads, meat dishes and more. Reconstituted fruit or dried fruits are excellent in cobblers, breads, pies, puddings, milk shakes or smoothies and cooked cereals. For more tips refer to the CSU Fact Sheet Drying Fruits - 9.309. For more food preservation information developed by Colorado State University Extension, please visit or download Preserve Smart on your mobile device. References: Jayanty, S. “Storage of Home-Grown Vegetables – 7.601.” Extension, March 2008,

1240 Fall River Court t ntrac o C r Unde

Kendall, P, and J.Sofos. “Drying Fruits 9.309.” Extension, June. 2012,

Amber Webb is a Colorado State University Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent for Larimer County. She has a background in nutrition and food studies. She specializes in home food safety, food preservation and culinary nutrition. Estes Valley Community Garden Board thanks Amber for sharing her knowledge with our community.

$1,659,873 4,000 sq. ft. Mountain Home Fully Furnished, Turn-Key Rental Income $7,500 Monthly

Food Trucks Schedule Aug 27th-Sep 2nd Fri 8/27 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Avant Garde Aleworks Lumpy Ridge Brewing Stanley Park Dog Park Mustang Mtn Coaster

EP Bross La Cocina de Mama Origins Wood Fired Pizza Roaming Rations Café Mess Coffee Kona Ice

11-7 12-8 12-7 12-7 6-1 12-5

Sat 8/28 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Avant Garde Aleworks Lumpy Ridge Brewing Stanley Park Dog Park Mustang Mtn Coaster

Roaming Rations La Cocina de Mama WesTex BBQ EP Bross Café Mess Coffee Kona Ice

11-7 12-8 12-7 12-7 6-1 12-5

Sun 8/29 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Avant Garde Aleworks Lumpy Ridge Brewing Stanley Park Dog Park Fun City & Mtn Coaster

WesTex & Roaming Rat’ns. Origins Pizza & EP Bross Rosa Tacos EP Bross Café Mess Coffee Kona Ice

12-7 12-6 12-7 12-7 6-1 12-5

Mon 8/30 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Stanley Park Dog Park

La Cocina de Mama EP Bross Café Mess Coffee

12-7 12-8 6-1

Tues 8/31 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Stanley Park Dog Park

Rosa Tacos La Cocina de Mama Café Mess Coffee

12-7 12-8 6-1

Wed 9/1 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Stanley Park Dog Park

EP Bross WesTex BBQ Café Mess Coffee

12-8 12-8 6-1

Thur 9/2 Rock Cut Brewing The Barrel Lumpy Ridge Brewing Stanley Park Dog Park Fun City & Mtn Coaster

La Cocina de Mama EP Bross WesTex BBQ Café Mess Coffee Kona Ice

12-7 12-8 1-7 6-1 12-5

* Food trucks and hours are subject to change. Send any updated information to Check the food truck’s facebook pages or websites for their menus

18 » Friday, August 27, 2021

So We Begin By: Judi Smith

lecular level. There has been some success, particularly with polyethylene In my enthusiasm over the passage of HB21-1162 I picked up the original date terephthalate (PET) and the research continues. set for activation. That was incorrect. While, with this law, we are doing some“It rained at the summit of Greenland.” thing about plastic waste proliferation, That was the August 20 headline from notably single use plastic bags and exthe Climate Desk for the New York panded polystyrene food containers, it Times. This is a first ever, the temperawill not be happening until Jan. 1, 2023. ture there having exceeded freezing only At the same time, the passage of this law 3 times in the last 10 years (2 of them does reinstate the right of counties, cities 2019 and 2021). The visual time-lapse and towns to make their own laws to presentations at demongovern the plastics that dot our hillsides, strate, among other data, the gradual swim in our streams, and (as breathable loss of ocean front property to the rising micro-plastics) float in the air we seas. This economic loss is due, at least breathe. It is nice to regain that piece of in part, to some 13% of the Artic Ice our sovereignty. melting each decade or an average of 428,000,000,000 metric tons of sheet ice Meanwhile: businesses, individuals, per year. As the ice melts, it releases and scientists; countries, states and provinces, counties and townships, cities CO2, a greenhouse gas which, when and towns around the world are also do- added to the atmosphere, heats the Earth and causes glaciers to melt and ing something. A friend recently gave oceans to rise. me some reading material I had never discovered before, did not even know The Colorado Sun the publication existed. “Science” may be always contains excellent articles focusreferenced at and ing our attention on Colorado’s ecologithe July 2 special issue left in my mailcal achievements and challenges. This box devoted 39 pages to cover the diver- week’s August 23 issue included probsity of materials grouped in the “plastics” lems with methane leaking from orclassification; the rapid development of phaned and abandoned oil wells. Often widespread use, and the exponential those that get stuck with the cost of capgrowth of plastic use over the last 20 ping are not those who reaped the beneyears, the evolutionary effect on wildlife fit and sometimes wells are closed “temwho cannot comprehend the danger and porarily” for years. Perhaps laws are the the ecological effect on our planet, and only answer. The August 22 issue headon humans, of plastic in our rivers and lines the economic devastation (Creed, oceans, our air and our food chain. And CO area) caused by the water shutoffs to that is just the graphics from the lead ar- New Mexico Farms. The rivers have less ticle, entitled “A Devil’s Bargain.” water than the contracts commit, due to These articles further discuss efforts to the drought. Generational farms are sometimes lost and local dairies are sellretain essential uses while eliminating ing off the herd they cannot support. our current wasteful practices; to dePerhaps laws are not enough of a soluvelop a bio-circular economy that intion. cludes plastics, bioplastics, and biodegradable plastics defining the difStill, I agree (with Science Magazine) ference between them; and to discuss the that an international agreement could current endeavor to pursue a global enhance the effort to define various agreement redefining plastics and ad“plastics;” to eliminate the overabundressing the resulting crisis inherent in dance of single use plastic packaging; to plastic pollution. establish world wide guidelines for Back in 1983, when I last saw the fields, terms such as “recyclable,” “recycled content,” and to transparently identify Disney World used garbage consuming the plastic in a product for disposal purplants to “eat” organic waste. According poses (similar to the Material Safety to the issue of Science Magazine, research is now underway, world-wide, in- Data Sheets (MSDS) Compliance Book for Haz-Mat purposes). cluding some in Colorado, to find and develop enzymes to “eat” plastic waste, Agree? Disagree? Questions? Comthereby reducing the plastic to the moments?

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 19

20 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Five Fun Facts About… The Moose By: Dawn Wilson

Moose month wraps up this week with five final moose facts and photos as I celebrate Moose Mania on my social media pages (IG: @dawnwilsonphoto; FB: @dawnwilsonphotography). Moose are such charismatic animals, and I can’t help but enjoy watching them as they go about their lives in Rocky Mountain National Park and

other destinations in the West and Alaska. During the summer, moose can be found in the creek bottoms feeding on one of their favorite plants — willows, of which they can eat up to 55 pounds each day. So here are five more fun facts about moose. 1. Moose can run up to 35 miles per hour.

2. Bull moose do not eat, or eat very little, during the peak of the rut season in late September and early October. During this time, the bulls can lose up to 20 percent of their body weight. 3. Antlers, which only grow on male moose, can weigh up to 70 pounds. 4. Most moose prefer to spend their time alone, but if you see more than one it could be a cow with a calf or a sign of abundant food in the area.

5. Moose have very poor eyesight but excellent hearing and sense of smell. Dawn Wilson is a professional and award-winning nature photographer who lives in Estes Park year-round. You can see more of her work, join one of her Rocky tours, and purchase prints at or follow her on Instagram: @dawnwilsonphoto.

During the winter, moose switch to eating twigs when leaves are no longer available.

Moose can run up to 35 miles per hour if provoked, fleeing or chasing off other males during the rut.

Antlers on bull moose can weight up to 70 pounds when fully grown and mature.

Moose are typically solitary animals except when food is abundant or if the calf is still with its mother.

Moose can eat up to 55 pounds of plants per day.

Gymkhana 2021 The Estes Park Equestrian Club (EPEC) held its 14th Annual Gymkhana at the Fairgrounds at Stanley Park on Saturday, August 7th. A smaller band than usual of hearty individuals braved the smoke and peaked out from under the covid pall to participate. The Gymkhana attracted participants from Estes Park as well as surrounding communities. Dr. Bob Moak judged the equitation classes and Will Finch oversaw the timed as well as skill events while Kim Lankford, in an adjacent arena, judged and assisted participants through a challenging trail course. Ribbons were awarded to the winners of each individual event. Additionally, prizes were given to the overall winners of the day in 16 and over and 15 and under age categories.

Gymkhana usually refers to equestrian games and is designed to test the teamwork and strength of the relationship between horse and rider to perform challenging, coordinated tasks, often at speed, such as barrel racing and pole bending. The trail course is designed to present horse and rider with obstacles they might find on any of the trails in our area as well as some surprise elements they might never have seen. In both the equestrian classes and the trail course, participants not only compete, but they learn how to improve their skills for future classes and for training their horses to negotiate unanticipated obstacles they might encounter on any outing. Our overall winners this year were Marley Stark in the 15 and under category and Haley Moak in the 16 and over age category.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 21

Colorado Parks And Wildlife Urges Public To Avoid Harassing Wildlife When Using Drones As drone use becomes increasingly popular, Colorado’s state parks and wildlife agency urges the public to help protect wildlife, even from the air. Although technology increases access in many positive ways, it can also pose a threat to wildlife by causing increased stress and even death for some animals. Wildlife biologists explain how drone use can be done with wildlife in mind while also being mindful of your surroundings. “Drones can provide incredible insight to the landscape around us by producing views typically unseen by the majority of people. It’s important for drone operators to understand their surroundings including the impacts to people’s privacy and wildlife health,” said Brian Dreher, terrestrial section manager with Colorado Parks and Wildlife. “Part of being a Coloradan is respecting the natural environment around us. As people pick up drone use as a hobby, they also need to understand the importance of conservation ethics.” Wildlife behavior and drone use Many animals are preyed upon by the air and can be distressed by drones flying above them. Wild animals are always hyper-aware of their surroundings because of their survival instincts. If there is a mother with young, there will likely be even more heightened reaction to the presence of drones. Additionally, many birds of prey see drones as a predator competing for food. Those using drones should maintain distance from wild animals and be on the lookout for signs of agitation. If you notice behavior changes, you are too close. Wildlife are constantly working to survive and our presence can have a major impact on their health. Flying too close or following an animal can cause distress. It is important that we all care for Colorado by employing some best practices while enjoying life outside in our beautiful state. Drone use and hunting Colorado Parks and Wildlife Field Services Assistant Director Heather Dugan says CPW is seeing more cases of people harassing wildlife with drones. Dugan stressed that the use of a drone for hunting is not only a violation of

CPW Commission Regulations (see below), but also a violation of the Federal Airborne Hunting Act. “The bottom line is, if it’s related to a hunt in any way, you can’t do it,” Dugan said. “For scouting, locating, anything. If they fly before they take an animal, they’re illegal. If they use the drone to locate an animal they may have shot and

related equipment could be subject to seizure. “In many cases, we seize the equipment to see what video they had to prove their behavior,” Dugan said. “If we proved it, we might elect to request that it’s forfeited as a public nuisance. They’re obviously using it for illegal activities and shouldn’t continue to possess it.” The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service has

wounded, they’re illegal.” Even for non-hunters, drone use on CPW land is restricted. It is not legal to take off or land a drone in any of CPW’s more than 350 state wildlife areas. Drone use in state parks is limited to those parks with a designated area for model aircraft use. Even then, drone operators should be aware that it is illegal to harass wildlife. Dugan said, “The definition of harassment is causing any change in the behavior of the wildlife. So if the animal runs, if it changes direction, if it stops eating, that's harassment. Any change in the animal is considered harassment and it’s illegal.” Penalties for violating drone laws can range from $70 to as steep as $125,000. “If we can prove they used a drone to locate wildlife and then killed it, it would be an illegal possession of that animal,” Dugan said. “That could be a fine of up to $125,000. It just depends on the circumstances and range of what they’re doing.” Additionally, if a drone operator is found to be in violation, their drones or

put together some key recommendations for responsible drone flying with wildlife in mind. Protect Wildlife & the Environment Do not fly over or near wildlife as this can create stress that may cause significant harm, and even death. Pursuit, harassment, or an intentional disturbance of animals during breeding, nesting, rearing of young, or other critical life history functions is illegal Follow state wildlife and fish agency regulations on the use of an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to search for or detect wildlife and fish. Launch the UAS more than 100 meters (328 feet) from wildlife. Do not approach animals or birds vertically with the UAS. Fly safely, Stay in control Keep your UAS within your visual line of sight at all times

Take lessons and learn to operate your UAS safely. Remain well clear of and do not interfere with manned aircraft operations. Fly your UAS at least 5 miles from an airport or backcountry airstrip. Keep your UAS away from populated and noise-sensitive areas, such as campgrounds, trail heads, and visitor centers. Obey all privacy laws Follow Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines The FAA has authority over all airspace. Ensure that you comply with all FAA regulations and guidance for flying your UAS. Information on FAA regulations is available here. Forest Service Guidelines UAS are considered to be both “motorized equipment” and “mechanical transport.” As such, they cannot take off from, land in, or be operated from congressionally designated wilderness areas. Never fly your UAS over or in close proximity to any fire operation—wildfire or prescribed. UAS flights over fire operations disrupt aerial firefighting operations and create hazardous situations. Do not fly over congressionally designated wilderness areas or primitive areas as many people seek these places for the opportunities for solitude and quiet that they provide. CPW Commission Regulation AIDS IN TAKING WILDLIFE It shall be unlawful to use a drone to look for, scout, or detect wildlife as an aid in the hunting or taking of wildlife. 1. For the purposes of this regulation, drone shall be defined as including, without limitation, any contrivance invented, used or designed for navigation of, or flight in the air that is unmanned or guided remotely. A drone may also be referred to as “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” (UAV) or “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System” (UAVS).

Margaret Jensen Featured At Earthwood Collection Estes Park artist Margaret Jensen will be the featured artist for the month of September at Earthwood Collection Gallery. Margaret is Nationally recognized for her vibrant, sensitive paintings of Colorado, Estes Park and the Rocky Mountains . Come and join Margaret, for an en"Return to Redstone” 16 x 20 oil on canvas. tertaining fun filled evening reception of p.m. at Earthwood Collection Gallery at wonderful art, live jazz and compli141 East Elkhorn Avenue. Stop by and mentary wine. This will be happening enjoy the evening with us. Friday, September 3, from 5 p.m. to 8

22 » Friday, August 27, 2021

“ARE YOU ON SPEAKIN TERMS?” You’ve probably been asked this question on occasion when a person inquired about your relationship with someone. This is more than an inquiry about whether you know who they are…it’s asking about the depth of your relationship. You would often respond, “Yes, I know them quite well. We speak often, sharing our thoughts and our ideas and concerns with each other.” On the other hand, you might let them know that you either have no such relationship or that that that relationship is less than close. Now, imagine that you are leaning over the bed of a person who is in a hospice facility and will soon be making his ‘departure’ and he asks you, in barely more than a whisper: “Are you on speakin terms with God?” What would your answer be? It happened to me in such a facility in Iowa. As I looked down on the still form of a dear Christian. Harold Vincent, I was touched by his question, and we spent the next few minutes ‘speakin’ to God, before he passed on to his reward. I’ve reflected on his question often, realizing what it has to say to the person who is being questioned. For one thing it reminds me that many people are not on such ‘speakin terms’. The question suggests an intimacy between two beings. Some people have long ago stopped ‘speakin’ to God. Many did it as a child…”Now I lay me down to sleep, I ask the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I ask the Lord my soul to take.” And some people’s ‘speakin’ to Him is very much like that today. Jesus spoke of ‘vain repetition’ where people, without stating their personal situation or that of others they know in their prayers, simply memorize a few phrases, thinking this means they are on ‘speakin terms’ with God. One person, after examining his own prayers, said: “My words rise up, my thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts never to heaven go”. This is a really good time for us to examine, like he did, our relationship with God, to see if we are on ‘speakin’ terms with Him! We have been in the midst of a pandemic where millions found themselves on sick beds…even death beds…with, often, relatively little confidence in their survival. “Who you gonna call?” was asked in past movies, implying that there are few options…and for many that is exactly the reality. Doctors are limited, medications and ventilators can only do so much! It’s a time to be on ‘speakin terms’ with our powerful and loving Father, with Whom “all things are possible. Now imagine that you are in Afghanistan, with the Taliban threatening, or in Haiti in the aftermath of an earthquake that has already claimed thousands of your country men, or in Tennessee where floods have taken the lives of many in recent days, or in California where fires are threatening lives as they sweep across the landscape. Now couple all those with the effects of ‘climate change’: water shortages, crop and other challenges, or the problems that face a nation like feelings of injustice, prejudice, etc. You get the picture! ‘Who you gonna call?” I certainly hope you are on ‘speakin terms’ with the powerful God Who has, so often in the past, changed things. How many of you, like me, have suffered from cancer, only to see the day when the doctor was able to say “It’s all gone!” Many of you, like me, can attribute the recovery, in large part, to the fact that hundreds who were on ‘speakin terms’ with God, shared their concern, pouring out their hearts in prayer to Him Who can do all things…including healing us and our world in a time when it seems that nothing else can solve our problems. If you feel weak in your prayer life, or just want to join with others who realize our … and man’s…limitations in solving these problems that threaten to overwhelm us, as well as those you personally are struggling with…health wise, job or relationship wise, I would wholeheartedly invite you to join with a group of Christians who join our hearts in prayer every Sunday evening at 6:00 at the Church of Christ building at 1470 Fish Creek Road. You will be asked to share your concerns, adding to those things presented to the Throne of God by a group of Christians who truly believe that “More things are wrought by prayer that this world dreams of.” Are you on ‘speakin terms’ with God? Please join with others who are.

Bob Lewis

Remember to Remember In a world where we now feel a daily overload of bad news, we focus on the good in life, even during tough times. I had a friend from my Idaho days, who would say to me when we were doing something fun, “Ruthie, (my middle name - nick name) are you remembering to remember this? ” A little thing but a big thing. When my husband, Scott and I were back in upstate New York this July we spent a nice amount of time in the evenings sitting outside in my brother’s back yard. Mowed neatly and edged on three sides by large and very tall trees, this vivid green rectangle was a delightful place to sit with a cold drink after dinner. One warm evening about dusk I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the trees. I wasn’t sure what it was so I kept looking. It came again. A soft, tiny light blinking on and then quickly off. Fireflies! I hadn’t seen them for almost 40 years since I left New York for Colorado. What a gift. What a sweet little miracle right in front of me. I said to myself, “remember to remember, Mary.” What is it about being human that allows us to move through life without really noticing what’s going on around us? In the uncertainty of the country opening this summer and traveling again, it took a tiny bug with a light in its belly to remind me that I need to remember to remember the special moments. It’s easy to remember being anxious, and even afraid, while faced with a pandemic and the ravaging fires, floods, tornados and high temperatures related to climate change. As important, am I also remembering to remember the comforting times spent with April, Kate and Catherine, the loving friends and family members who took us in when we were evacuated from the Troublesome Fire last year? Am I remembering to remember the wonderful new world of pod casts, Zoom classes and Libby, the on-line library which made isolation so much more bearable during the early days of the pandemic? Remember to remember these warm, August days, Mary. I have to admit to usually getting a bit depressed when August comes. For me, August has always been summer winding down and the harbinger of the colder, darker days of winter. I’ve always been that way. Perhaps that’s because I love summer so much and when August comes I am reminded of how fleeting time is with the turning of the seasons. Especially as I’ve gotten older. How can it be August 27th when just yesterday it was the first? Like Dunbar in “Catch-22, ” occasionally I’ve tried to prolong summer by doing boring things, like doing the laundry or cleaning the kitchen, thereby making time go slower. This is silly because I do love autumn with its cool nights and golden Aspen leaves. You’d think it would be September or October that would cause this change in mood. But no. Every year I make a promise to myself that this year, whatever year it is, I will not get me down at the end of summer. I have to confess saying this promise every year along with, “this year will

be different!” So right now, on this day, while actually writing this, I want to remember to remember walking my dog Ziggy in the park next to the post office, both of us stopping to look down for fish from the small bridge. I want to remember my volunteer time, talking and laughing with the customers at Cliffhanger Used Books or the Village Thrift Shop. Sitting in the delightful garden patio at the Inkwell having a coffee with my husband on Thursday mornings after purchasing sweet corn-on-the-cob, fat red tomatoes, salsa from the Rocky Mountain Salsa guy and chocolate from Corey’s Chocolates at the Farmer’s Market. I will remember that I want to remember the special time spent in quiet conversation with Scott, my husband, air-drying in the dark, wrapped in towels and terry robes after a soak in the hot tub. That sweet, special time that has become “our time” where we talk about the day, our plans or share our secrets. This summer I will especially remember going high into Rocky Mountain National Park to see the Milky Way and the Perseid Meteor shower far above the layer of smoke and how it made me feel, sitting with Scott in our camping, rocking chairs looking at the brilliant midnight night sky. Smiling in the dark in the direction of another couple that we could hear occasionally but not see. Once they must have dropped something in the garbage cans and we both said, “Bear!” at the same time and then giggled like two kids at a scary drive-in movie. I want to remember to remember visiting my friends Donna over cookies and Louise over breakfast and delighting in our friendly companionship. Or meeting up with Cindy and Ron at Avant Garde or Rock Cut on a warm summer evening. Making art or hiking with Melissa and April and remembering to be aware of how sweet and important friendship is. The day I finally got to see my 12 year-old grandson play La Crosse again, his face all sweaty and fierce. Visiting with my New York, all-American family and eating Italian together. And those Saturday morning Zoom calls from Toronto with my son that leave me yearning to see him and hug him in person again. “Soon, soon, ” I tell myself remembering to be aware of how important family is. Remember to remember the moments of summer 2021, Mary. Remembering to remember would seem an easy thing. Like so many other things, I find it is a discipline that needs to be consciously practiced like meditation or exercise. I sometimes forget to remember. Maybe even often forget. This August, I promise, I will not get caught up with trying to push away winter but will be aware of the moments, these wonderful moments that are like fireflies: glittering yet fleeting. Mary Mesropian has lived in the Estes Park area since 1994 and is a Celebrant, officiating weddings and other ceremonies and an Oral History Listener and Writer. Her email is maryruthdancer@yahoo.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 23

Genealogical Society Meeting The Estes Park Genealogical Society will meet Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. in the Hondius Room of the Estes Valley Library with EPGS member, Diane Barbour, as she presents “Scottish Records That Will Build Your Scottish Family.” Tying in with the upcoming Longs Peak Scottish Irish Highlands Festival, clan members and anyone with Scottish ancestry are especially welcome to attend Diane’s program to learn about basic Scottish record groups and where to find them. She will discuss parish records (baptisms, marriages and burials), statutory records (births, marriages and deaths) and Scottish census records. These records provide a treasure trove of information for the genealogist. Diane has been doing genealogy for about 20 years. In June 2012, she graduated from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies at the University of Toronto to earn her credentials of PLCGS or Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies. She attends Advanced Institutes yearly and has taught genealogy locally and nationally. Her first love is teaching. Diane is currently President of the Anthem Ranch Genealogical Society and is Vice-President of Boulder Genealogy. She has also been education coordinator for both groups. Diane has volunteered for many

jobs with other genealogy organizations as well as the Denver Public Library and National Archives in Broomfield. Come to the next EPGS meeting to hear Diane’s presentation about Scottish records to build the story of your Scottish ancestors. Following her program, there will be an opportunity for personal genealogical research assistance from 2:30-3:00 p.m. The Society meets the second Thursday of every month from January through November in the library, offering a wide variety of programs and workshops. Anyone interested in genealogy and family history research is welcome to attend these free public meetings.

Center Stage School Of Dance & Gymnastics Opens Fall Registration

Get our 3-Bed, 2-Bath, 4-Door, V-6 discount.

Susan J Fereday, Agent 501 Saint Vrain Lane Estes Park, CO 80517 Bus: 970-586-9547

Put auto and home together for hundreds in savings. When you have a State Farm car and a State Farm home, get ready to drive around with a big, money-saving State Farm smile. GET TO A BETTER STATE. CALL ME TODAY. ®


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL

Estes Park Senior Citizens Center Menu August 30 – Sept 3 Monday, Aug 30

Pizza Burger (topped w/ pepperoni, mozzarella cheese & marinara sauce) w/ Tomato Salad

Estes Park’s Center Stage School of Dance and Gymnastics has opened registration for the Fall Session of children, teen and adult classes. The Fall Session I will run for eight weeks, starting on Tuesday, September 7th and running through November 1st. Center Stage offers weekly classes to children starting at age three, all the way up through adult classes. This fall we are offering multiple classes in hip-hop, jazz, tap, lyrical, contemporary, ballet, pointe, tumbling, and gymnastics classes. We are also thrilled to introduce Miss Apelles who will be teaching our Introduction to Dance for adults class this fall, which spotlights ballet, lyrical, contemporary and jazz forms. We also welcome Miss Kelly as a Center Stage instructor this fall who will be teaching an advanced HipHop/Breaking & Tricks class and a Stretching/Turns & Jumps class. Center Stage is also continuing with a new 2021-2022 season of Competitive Dance Teams where children ages nine through 18 have the opportunity to compete at regional competitions throughout the state of Colorado. Begin-

ners of all ages are always welcome - we will find the perfect class for you! Weekly classes start out at only $9 per class and vary slightly in price, based on the length of class chosen. Thanks to the Estes Park Duck Race, financial aid scholarships are still available to children that need financial assistance with their fall tuition. To see a complete 2021 Fall Schedule of all available class days and times or to register online, please visit our website at To register or inquire by phone or email, please call Center Stage at (970) 714-0755 or email Register soon – we are practicing COVID safety guidelines and class size is limited to only 10 students per class this fall.

Tuesday, Aug 31

Vegetarian Lasagna w/ garlic bread & side salad

Wedn., Sept 1

BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwich w/ Baked Beans & coleslaw

Thursday, Sept 2

Liver & Onions w/ Bacon, mashed potatoes & gravy

Friday, Sept 3

Trout (4 oz) w/ Baked Potato & soup of the day

Monday, Sept 6

Country Fried Steak w/ mashed potatoes, gravy & vegetable

Tuesday, Sept 7

Chicken Salad Croissant w/ Tomato Salad

Wed., Sept 8

Trio Signature Salad (topped w/ Chicken Salad, Tuna Salad

Sept 6 – 10

& Three-Bean Salad) Thursday, Sept 9

Chili Cheeseburger w/ Pasta Salad

Friday, Sept 10

Fish & Homemade Chips w/ soup of the day

All noon meals are $5 for current EP Senior Citizens Center members and are by reservation only. Reservations must be made by 1:00 PM at least one business day in advance. Note, if you want to reserve a meal for Monday, Aug 30th you need to call before 1:00 PM on Friday, Aug 27th. For reservations call 970-581-2195 and leave a detailed message. Pre-paid meal tickets and membership forms are available at the Estes Park Senior Citizens Center located at 1760 Olympian Lane and at

The Center is OPEN (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10-1; Tuesday 10-2) TriFit (MWF 10:30-11:15); Yoga/Balance (TT 10:15-11:15) Mahjong (Tuesdays 10-2); Trivia Tuesdays (12-2) Two Bridge Groups: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesday of the month & every Thursday 1-4 PM Reserved Meals-to-Go delivered to your vehicle or eat at the Senior Citizens Center Check out our website: or call for the latest information

24 » Friday, August 27, 2021

What’s Happening At The Estes Valley Library HOURS & SERVICES Current Hours: Mondays - Thursday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays, 1-5 p.m. Both floors of the library are open with full access to collections, study rooms, meeting spaces, and the Makerspace. The second floor offers computer access, with printing available from library computers or your personal device. Free Wi-Fi is available both inside and outside the library. Library One-Hour Parking Library visitors may use any of the seven free parking spaces marked “Library Reserved” during open hours. The spaces have a one-hour time limit. These are located along the library’s northeast perimeter. No payment or permit required.

LIBRARY BOARD Apply for Vacancy by Aug. 27 The Library District announces an opening on its Board of Trustees, beginning January 1, 2022. Applications are welcomed now through August 27. Full details at NEW LIBRARY CARDS Kids “Art on a Card” Contest This fall, the library will begin issuing library cards with a new numbering format to meet the tech needs of the future. Now through September 17, kids ages 15 and under are encouraged to submit original artwork for the “Your Art on a Card” contest. One winning entry will be chosen for an all-new library card design. Full details and design sheets available at ESTES GROWS READERS

Library Storytimes: 3 Days a Week Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays, 10:30 a.m., Hondius Room Baby Storytimes on Thurs. and Fri. at 10 a.m. Children ages 0 to 6 and their families can enjoy stories, songs, puppets and activities, all designed to stimulate a child’s cognitive development. No sign-up required. BOOK-A-LIBRARIAN Free Legal Self-Help Clinic Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2-5 p.m., by phone appointment One-on-one legal advice. For library cardholders who do not have a personal attorney. Appointments can be scheduled by calling 970-586-8116. More information at BOOKS & AUTHORS Turn the Page Book Club: “Educated” Tuesday, August 31, 9:15 to 10 a.m., Wasson Room “Educated” is the bestselling memoir about a young woman who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge. Sign up at and receive information on how to access the book. Intentional Conversations: “To Kill a Mockingbird” Thursday, Sept. 9, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Wasson Room Discuss Harper Lee’s literary classic, which takes readers on

a journey to the highs and lows of human behavior and experience. Sign up at and receive information on how to acquire the book. Being Awareness: “The Unfolding Now” Begins Saturday, Sept. 18, 10:30 a.m. noon, Wasson Room Author A. H. Almass guides readers to live in the relaxed condition of simply “being ourselves”, moving beyond unwanted feelings of inadequacy. A threepart “Being Awareness” book discussion, continuing on October 9 and November 13. Sign up at and receive information on how to acquire the book. THE TWIG MINI-BRANCH The library mini-branch at the Estes Valley Community Center (EVCC) is open. Patrons are able to request library materials to be sent to the Twig at EVCC, where they can be checked out using the self-serve kiosk on the building’s lower level. The location includes drive-up outdoor book returns. FRIENDS & FOUNDATION Cliffhanger Used Books Cliffhanger Used Books, located next to the Post Office, is operated by the Library Friends & Foundation, offering gently-used books, movies, and music at discount prices. Cliffhanger is open daily this summer from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Pathway To College Readiness Begins With A Plan Thinking about college can feel overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. If you’re a young person exploring your future—or know someone who is— you can ease the anxiety by creating a plan, with some help from a local expert. With a bit of advance preparation, you’ll be more likely to find that perfect school and set yourself up for success each step of the way. During this back-toschool season, the library is once again hosting a series of programs and one-on-one appointment times for anyone considering college—parents and grandparents are invited too One-on-one appointment times are now available for sign-up. To find available times, simply go to the College Readiness posting or the Book-a-Librarian link at Each session is one hour, using the online Zoom platform. In addition, students and families can sign up for any of the upcoming workshops, each focused on a special component of the college planning process.

schools by creating a personal checklist of what is most important. Location? Choice of majors? Large or small campus? Extracurricular activities they might enjoy? It’s different for everyone. All appointments and workshops are led by retired college administrator Kaye Orten, who brings her years of experience in the selection, application and admissions processes to benefit local students and their families. Orten has helped the library develop and reHere is the roster of programs and dates: fine its college planning workshops over • College: Selecting and Applying — the last five years. Sunday, September 12 From the Book-a-Librarian and Col• Basics of Financial Aid and FAFSA lege Readiness links on the Library web— Sunday, October 10 site, students can also locate several • The College Application and Essay — helpful resources, including checklists to Sunday, November 14 use throughout the planning process. • Financial Aid — Sunday, January 23 Additional dates to remember are OcRegistration is now open for “College tober 19 through 21, this year’s free colReadiness: Selecting and Applying,” on lege application day to Colorado’s public Sunday, September 12 at 2 p.m. at the universities and colleges, along with Library. To sign up, simply go to estesmany private ones in the state. Did you know that College planning can—and should—be there are more than 4,000 different colexciting. We’re happy to help our local leges and universities out there? Stuyoung people find their pathways to dents can narrow down their preferred confidence, success and happiness.

League Of Women Voters Host Voter Registration Drives The League of Women Voters of Estes Park is holding Voter Registration Drives next to the Estes Valley Farmers Market this summer. Eligible voters from any state can register to vote, or check their current voter registration. The League will also have Colorado and Estes voting information, in English and Spanish. The next dates and times will be: September 2, and Sept 16 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. For any questions, please contact Robin Converse, 832-646-9395. The League of Women Voters of Estes Park serves the community as a nonpartisan education and advocacy organization, neither supporting nor opposing individual candidates or political parties at any level of government. For more information see or contact Dir of Voter Service, Robin Converse, at

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 25

THE GLOBAL STANDARD IN LUXURY REAL ESTATE WORLD CLASS PROPERTIES WORLD-RENOWNED SERVICE “Where the Estes Valley has been coming for real estate solutions since 1985!”

221 Big Horn Dr.


Variety of Floor Plans Starting at $3,500

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Linda Schneider Broker Associate


116 E. Elkhorn Ave.


1111 Hondius Lane


Mary Murphy Broker Associate


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Darya Valkavets Broker Associate


Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 320 E. Elkhorn Avenue | Downtown Estes Park


26 » Friday, August 27, 2021


AbbeyPontius Broker

Judy Anderson GRI, MRE, ABR, Broker Associate

This property has 2 dwellings for the price of 1. Totaling 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, full kitchens in both and plenty of room to move. Being sold "as is".


Eric Blackhurst Broker Associate

Photo by Jim Ward

The Mountains Are Calling... We'll Guide You Home – RE/MAX

Mountain Brokers 1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park

170 S. St. Vrain, Estes Park, CO 80517

Office: 970-586-5324

Under Contract

Sold $635,000 Call Kirk or Peggy

Sold $340,000 $5,000,000

240 Big Horn $529,000C

Call Kirk or Peggy

Call Kirk or Peggy

all Kirk or Peggy

New Listing $1,800,000 Call Kirk or Peggy

Price Reduced $350,000

281 Snow Top $729,000

Call Kirk or Peggy

Call Kim

Under Contract

2334 W. Highway 34 Drake $210,000 Call Maria or Javier

Kirk Fisher Broker Owner CRS, CMAS, CLHMS


1802 Wildfire Road $365,900 Call Gene

Under Contract

Under Contract

1769 Wildfire $445,000

412 Aspen Ave $350,000

Call Maria or Javier

Call Renee

564 Copper Hill Rd $850,000 Call Maria or Javier

Peggy Lynch

April Allen

Javier Gomez

Maria Gomez

Renee Hodgden



Broker, CRS, CMAS


Broker, SRES, ABR




Dave Lasota Broker




Kim Lemirande

Cindy Miller

Becky Robbins

Broker, SRS, CMAS, GRI

Broker, ASP, ABR, CDPE





Carla Spreng Webb Broker 480-695-9293

Dave Kiser Broker


Gene Whannel Broker


Friday, August 27, 2021 « 27

Prizes To Please Pro And Duffer Alike In Rotary Golf Tourney

Mountain Ranch Style Home • 3 bedrooms / 2 full baths • Large kitchen/ stainless steel appliances • Cozy living room w/ fireplace & wood floors • Private deck & back yard

By: Rita DuChateau, Rotary Club of Estes Park

Is it the love of the game or the great prizes that’s attracting golfers to this year’s Rotary Club of Estes Park Golf Tournament for Scholarships? For most who have signed up for the Saturday morning, Sept. 25 event, it’s both. The range of prizes for the 2021 tournament will make Beach Shots (sand traps) or Barkies (hitting a tree) as rewarding as a pro’s A Game. Golfers will vie for prizes in contests for most accurate drive, closest to the pin and longest putt. Separate prizes are offered for men and women in the most accurate drive and longest putt competition. Each member of the winning team (low net score based on Peoria Handicapping) will receive a prize, as will the team members with the lowest gross score. Prizes will also be awarded to the four winners of the Closest to the Pin competition on Par 3 holes. All participants will receive a Rotary souvenir. While golfers relax at the clubhouse after playing 18 holes, the tournament committee will announce major prizewinners and conduct drawings for merchant-donated prizes. Those prizes are being solicited now. Businesses that would like to donate a prize are welcomed and should contact Virgil Yarbrough at 512-698-7030. The tournament includes a complimentary Smokin’ Dave’s BBQ lunch buf-

1701 Mills Drive, $599,000

fet for registered golfers. Registration forms are available at the 18-hole course pro shop and also at under the Golf tab. The $125 fee includes green fees, cart, participation gift and lunch. Players with an annual seven-day membership at the Estes Park Golf Course have a reduced registration fee of $75. The tournament tees off at 9:30 a.m. with a shotgun start. Check-in begins at 8 a.m. The 24th Annual Rotary Scholarship Benefit Golf Tournament partners with the Shred-A-Thon and the Rotary Foundation to raise $24,000 for three, four-year academic scholarships awarded annually to local graduates. “Every golfer and sponsor count in reaching our goal,” said Pete Sinnott, tournament committee chairman. Several levels of tournament sponsorships also are available. For information on how to sign on as a sponsor, please call Jay Harroff (970-227-3856) or Ron Gordon (970-586-0370) or download forms at the Estes Park Rotary Club website, under the Golf Tournament tab.


Estes Park 18 Hole Men’s Golf Assoc. Results For August 23rd, 2021 Blue/White Tees Jim Matthies 65 Scott Logan 66 Lou Wilkerson 68 Jerry Ballinghoff 69 Frank Bartholomew 69 John Krueger 70 Stan Gengler 70 Larry Nosbish 71 Drew Webb 71 John Copenhaver 71 Franz Peterson 71 Chuck Slicker 72 Walt Coleman 72 Jim Gallup 73 Don Bryson 73 Stan Osborne 74

Tony Fink 74 Rod Unruh 74 Bill Reed 74 Chris Haught 74 Mike Williams 74 Austin Logan 74 Tandy Brown 74 Red/Gold Tees Ron Spurlin 63 Tony Palmer 72 Roger Galloway 73 Jack Holmquist 73 Dick Smith 73 Charlie Hanchett 73 Doug McPherson 74 Bob Butler 74

This charming 2 bedroom 1 bath cabin is conveniently situated between Estes Park and Allenspark. The open floor plan includes a wood burning rock fireplace and spacious eat-in kitchen. One bedroom is large with bay window with bench seat and access to a quaint little loft area. Second bedroom has small closet and easy access to the remodeled 3/4 bath. Mostly used for summer months but has been used during winter also. Call Trisha for an appointment to see 11563 St. Hwy 7, offered for $350,000.

FALL RIVER ESTATES Avoid the crowds and hike right into Rocky Mountain National Park from this beautiful piece of property located at the Top of the Rockies in the Fall River Estates West Subdivision. Fabulous rock outcroppings and two potential building sites, with views of Twin Sisters and beautiful Fall River from above. Sewer tap is paid and is at property. Custom building plans available. Take a walk for yourself and get a feel of the privacy and views from this property. Call Trisha with any questions. Offered for $289,900

28 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Estes Park Studio Tour Returns

381 Broadview Lane $365,000 No More/No Less

The Studio Tour is less than a month away. The event offers locals and guests the opportunity to visit home studios: additions, modifications, and rooms converted to making spaces. What would you do with a creative space? What tools do you want to play with and explore? This is the fifth year of the Tour. Each year includes a combination of returning artists and new discoveries. There are three artists new to the Tour this year: stone jewelry artist Alice League; mixed media artist Annie Finley; and jewelry and knife metalsmith (and turquoise enthusiast) Erin O’Donovan. League is a local jeweler who’s work may be familiar from the Estes Park Art Center. She takes cut and polished Alice League’s wire semiwrapped pendent. Her wire precious work allows the stones, like stones and this fossilized corral, to be the design a center of attention. Other setting uswork features opals, ing 14k gold filled rhodocrosite, and other semior sterling precious stones. silver wire. The outcome is wire wrapped pendants, bracelets and earrings with strong stones as the center of interest. League will be a guest artist of Susan Anderson in Little Valley. Finley is also a local artist who some may know from her winter home sales. She works in watercolor, photography and mixed media. Her love of nature and

Call Julia Daley at 720-937-0806

Income Qualifying Property • 1,200sf, 4 bedroom, 1 bath, 1.2 acres, includes storage/work shed Must qualify through the Estes Park Housing Authority, call 970-591-2535 for application. Buyers must submit a pre-qualification letter from lender and approval letter from the Housing Authority with the offer.


Broker Assoc. 720-937-0806


Annie Finley working with watercolor paints in her studio. Her travels to Europe and life in Estes inspire watercolor and acrylic paintings, whimsical mixed media angels and photographs.

avid traveling influence the colors and culture represented in her work. European villages and Estes Park are both reflected in her work. Memorable moments abroad and local spaces we know and love are represented in cards, prints, and plaque mounts. Making and creating can only happen in a “play space, ” her whimsical Angels are constructed from a variety of material and delightful trial and error. O’Donovan is the owner and designer of Independent Mountain Jewelry Co. in Nederland. Her rural, rustic setting in the deep woods of the Rockies inspire her jewelry and inlaid knives. She makes wearable, treasured art made of silver and stones, primarily turquoise. She takes silver and stones, drafts ideas, Erin O’Donovan is a new Stuconsults with clients dio Tour artist from Nederland. (some of She makes primarily inlaid her pieces knives and jewelry. are custom orders for weddings and gifts), cuts on a lapidary saw, sauters, polishes, buffs... her fingernails are definitely ragged! Her work is a celebration of the imperfections and unpredictability of the materials. O’Donovan will be new to most visitors; she will be a guest of Karen McPherson, also in Little Valley. Ten local artists will open their studios to demonstrate their fine art and craft process: from driftwood constructions and furniture to energetic oil paintings and murals. The Estes Park Studio Tour is Saturday and Sunday, September 18 and 19. Visitors can choose the route that best serves you; visit one studio or all ten. Some locations are right off the highway; others are up a dirt road. Printed maps will be available two weeks before the event at Kind Coffee, Lumpy Ridge Brewing, and Bird & Jim Restaurant. There is lots of information on artists, examples of their work, and an interactive map on This event is founded and funded by artists. The goal is to provide locals and guests alike an opportunity to meet their creative neighbors, see the process of making, and buy art. Realtor Heidi Riedesel, Aspen Brook Vacation Rentals, Dr. Daniel Rauk, the Estes Arts District, Bird & Jim Restaurant and Kind Coffee provide additional support. Viva Creative Culture!

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 29

Sunrise Rotary Club Welcomes New Members


Javier Gomez Broker 970 213-8692

Maria Gomez Broker

Mountain Brokers

970 213-9479

1200 Graves Avenue, Estes Park Under Contract

564 Copper Hill Stunning cabin home w/ wrap around deck. Floor to ceiling windows for stunning view. Open floor plan w/ huge loft. Views of rolling hills to snow cap mountains out every window. Oversized heated garage with built in workbenches, plus overhead storage. Garage has a finished space (23 ft x 25 ft) that can be used as an office, art or yoga studio & has it's own private deck. Black top circular driveway. Fire mitigated. Single owner that has kept home meticulous. Listed for $850,000

Under Contract

Sunrise Rotary Club recently welcomed new members Niki Gassmann and Mike McKinney. Niki Gassmann, is a rarity – born and raised in Estes Park and still here. Niki is a graduate of CSU and she is a Loan Officer at the Bank of Estes Park. Niki and her husband TJ also own the popular downtown Dairy Queen (just to give her something to do on the weekends). Rotarian Mike McKinney and his wife

Pat are recent transplants to Estes Park from Iowa. Mike is a retired farmer, public works manager, fireman, and member of the U.S. Army Reserve. Mike has a love of classic automobiles (Chevies) and he will be managing all of the classic cars at Autumn Gold on September 25th and 26th. Sunrise Rotary welcomes all who are interested in joining whether you just arrived or have been here all your life.

Mark Lee Brings Talent And A Giving Heart To Rotary Club Of Estes Park

New Listing

2349 US Highway 34, Drake Listen to the sounds of the river as you work on your project in the mountains. Borders Natl forest, plenty of wildlife. Wood fireplace. Nice size bath with room for laundry(electric hook up but no water for washer) Only appliance is an electric stove. 3/4 bath w/incinerating toilet. Shower & sink hooked up to gray water system. no water or septic, needs new roof, deck, windows, property sold "as is" with all furniture you see. Remodeled in 1984. Listed at $210,000

Own a beautiful piece of Colorado History with the Inn of Glen Haven. This historic and successful Bed & Breakfast has been loved and cared for by the same owners for over 30 years. Built in 1925, this historical property is home to a wonderful fine-dining restaurant, plus it's featured on Airbnb as a 5-star SuperHost listing. With the newly updated commercial kitchen and all the top-of-the-line appliances, there are endless possibilities for your ideas.

By: Dale Bonza

Mark Lee’s official induction in person was delayed more than a year by Covid-19, but it finally happened Thursday, Aug.19, as President Jim Whiteneck, along with Mark’s sponsor, Dana Fritz, formally welcomed him to the club. Mark has not been sitting idle. An active participant in Rotary, Mark’s actual day job is Senior VP of Services for Solix Technology, an international cloud data management software company in Silicon Valley Dana Fritz welcomes Mark Lee to Rotary Club of Estes with ties to India. Park. His big heart and love of career as a software engineer. They service to others also leads him to serve moved to Estes Park in 2006. Their son, on the board of Bethania Kids, a ChrisDavid, just graduated from the Univertian mission working to bring hope and sity of Colorado in Boulder. wholeness to orphaned, abandoned, disRotary International and its many abled and destitute children in India. clubs around the world bring people toMark says, “I have had the opportunity gether. The Rotary Club of Estes Park to travel to India for work many times currently supports overseas projects (an and have seen firsthand the needs of InAlbanian Roma children’s school). dian children”. He has been able to travel Mark is a welcome addition to this club to India to visit the children in their care as his international work exemplifies the centers and residential schools. Rotary Motto “Service Above Self. Mark and his wife Karen grew up and Interested in Rotary? Please call and began their lives together in Texas, then chat with Membership Chair Annie lived in California, where Mark grew his Slack 970-231-6697.

1769 Wildfire Rd. Come check out this mountain contemporary condo. Perfect for first time home buyer or new family. Corner unit with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. South facing, end unit. Walk out patio in back. Newer hot water heater and high efficiency furnace. SS appliances. Gas fireplace. 2 car garage with plenty of storage throughout the condo. Not a deed restricted unit. No Short term rentals allowed. Listed at $445,000

The property includes a beautiful, flower-filled riverfront meadow, perfect for any venue or outdoor event. The Inn features 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, private decks and patios, plus a 2 bedroom, 1 bath owner's apartment. The large stone fireplace will make anyone feel warm and welcomed. Entry opens to a formal dining room that boasts tall, expansive ceilings and large windows. The adjacent bar and casual dining room has beautiful artwork and rustic mountain features throughout. Each comfortable and beautiful guest room is furnished with period furniture. Offered at $1.2 million, all furniture and equipment is included, making this the perfect turn-key opportunity.

Sarah Metz 352-424-1000 1692 Big Thompson Avenue, Ste 201 Estes Park, CO 80517

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated

30 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Andrew Moss New Senior Pastor At Mountain View Bible Fellowship Mountain View Bible Fellowship rejoices to announce the arrival of our new Senior Pastor, Andrew Moss. His first Sunday in the Mountain View pulpit will be August 29th at 10:15. Come join us as we rejoice in this kindness from the Lord. Andrew, and his wife Cara, come to Estes Park via Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. With six children (one out of college, one still in college, and four more at home) there’s never a dull moment at the Moss house! Before coming to Mountain View, Andrew served churches in Oklahoma and Louisiana as a senior pastor, church planter, associate pas-tor, and youth pastor. He also spent six years with the Oklahoma FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). The hallmark of Andrew’s ministry is the Word of God, for the sake of joy in God, to the glory of God. His ambition is to pastor and preach in a God centered, Scripture saturated way that champions the glory of God as incomparably soul satisfying, thirst quenching, and life giving. Andrew and his family have a heart for people and families, young and old alike. They are also excited about the opportunity to serve the many seasonal visitors and workers that come to Estes Park each year. They are eager to get to know

New pastor Andrew Moss and his wife Cara.

the community and people of Estes Park. We, at Mountain View, are so excited to welcome this sweet family. God has been faithful. In the words of the Psalmist, “I will praise the name of God with a song; I will magnify him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 69:30). Would you join us on August 29th to praise, magnify, and give thanks to the Lord? See you then!

Youth Mentoring Opportunities With Partners! At Partners, we envision a community of equipped and empowered individuals attaining their visions and goals. For over 40 years we have been committed

to supporting vulnerable youth and families in Northern Colorado. We've been in Estes Park for 25 years! Our School-Based and CommunityBased Mentoring Programs are proven, evidence-based prevention service models aiming to support youth when they need additional support in the community or academic settings. Our one-toone mentoring pairs are long term, structured, and well-supported partnerships between positive adult role models and youth facing adversity in a variety of ways. Youth are waiting to be matched oneto-one with a mentor. Contact us at 970577-9348 or email to learn more!

It’s A Wrap! Final Concert At Estes Park Baptist Church For The Summer Season

What a great way for Estes Park Baptist Church to wrap up their summer season of concerts for the Estes Park community than with a live performance of Orchard creek bluegrass band, Sunday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. Orchard Creek Band is a group of committed Colorado musicians - Dave Richardson (banjo), Keith Murdock (Dobro), Jan Springer (guitar) Kevin Slick (mandolin) and Roz Weller (bass). Their confluence came quite naturally. The musicians were enjoying local bluegrass jams in Boulder, CO area and were impressed by each other's talent. Their musical backgrounds are wide and varied, the combination of styles has become a vibrant and diverse bluegrass blend of traditional forms, contemporary and original concepts, gospel touches and a lot of fun. Bluegrass Unlimited had this to say about their debut recording "Orchard Creek Band is yet another powerhouse bluegrass ensemble to recently emerge from Colorado’s vibrant and vital bluegrass scene. Murdock, Springer and Slick mostly handle things in the songwriting department and they do it with flair. Murdock’s “Dyin’ Town” is a somber ode to a once bucolic hometown now blighted with deserted storefronts and weeds growing through the cracks in the sidewalks.

Slick’s “Walk Beside Me” is a mellow romantic celebration enlivened by his and Springer’s fine harmonies and shared lead vocals. Springer contributes two songs. “Foldin’” is an edgy love-gonebad lament that features some delightfully inventive lyrics. The real stunner in this collection is her “Walk In The Woods.” This remarkable song is the narrative of someone who watches a cherished companion of many years sink into a fog of dementia while consoling herself with sweet memories from happier times. Orchard Creek’s instrumental prowess is impeccable throughout and the production is bright and clear as a bell." Bluegrass legend Pete Wernick says ""This debut album by the Orchard Creek Band applies their formidable array of talents to a wide stylistic range of bluegrass-to-far-rangingroots. With interesting originals, well-sung over a colorful variety of background textures, the group cuts its own unique path through the fields of "Americana-grass." The band is looking forward to their upcoming concert at Estes Park Baptist Church. There is deep connection to gospel music in bluegrass and several band members have a background in church choirs.

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 31

Artist’s Jewelry Reflects Her Love Of Metal, Stone And Nature The last thing Linda Toukan ever thought she’d be was an artist. “I never drew or painted, even though my mother is an accomplished artist,” she said. “My grandfather was an avid rock collector and inspired me to study earth sciences and geology in college. I ended up spending 20 years developing software and being a founder in a small energy information startup and that was my creative outlet.” But things changed when she and her husband decided to adopt a baby girl from Vietnam. “I quickly learned that I couldn’t stay in that career and raise a child the way we wanted to,” she said. About the time Linda’s daughter approached school age, Linda’s mother made Linda a beaded necklace for Christmas. “It was beautiful, and inspired me to take a beading class through Continuing Education,” she said. So Toukan signed up for a class. And then another. One of the best things she ever learned from her mother was to be fluid and changeable in design and life. “A year later I fell in love with metalsmithing and started taking classes at the Denver School of Metal Arts and from the Boulder Metalsmithing Association (BOMA),” she said. Because both studios attracted visiting artists, she was able to learn from some very talented jewelry makers from around the country. She’s spent the last 10 years learning

her craft, building an extensive collection of metalsmithing tools and developing her own unique style. “I create my pendants and earrings by hand. I don’t use premade elements.” She uses an artistic mix of gold, bronze, brass, sterling silver and gemstones to create her work. Most are layered with silver shapes, lines and balls. She hand cuts shapes out of sheets of silver using a jeweler’s saw, and some pieces are accented with gold. When she works with 24 karat Gold, she uses Keum-Boo, an ancient technique for applying gold with heat and pressure. She also fuses mixed metals, which can be difficult because each metal has a different melting point. “I have to be sure not to end up with a melted mess!” she said. Her pieces have an elegant, organic look and celebrate elements found in nature—leaves, trees, the sun and moon. “My art is time intensive and includes sawing shapes out of silver, fusing, soldering and coloring the metal with patina. In fact, most pieces take 30-100 steps to create!” Her pieces have names like Leaf with Dew and Colorado Sky. “People who buy my work at The Old Gallery in Allenspark are locals or visiting Colorado on vacation and want something to remember their trip by,” she said. She also creates custom pieces for clients, using birthstones or significant images. Her work has been featured at The Old Gallery since May of 2020. “I really love

Estes Park Women’s Golf Association Results For August 24, 2021 Today’s game was Long Jane, the nine longest holes count. Flight 1 1st Carla Spreng-Webb 2nd Ursula Geiger Flight 2 1st Jan Alderman Tied for 2nd Margi Alderman Jennifer Gergen

Flight 3 1st Bonnie Rumsey Tied for 2nd Kathy Bryson Dorothy Dorman Flight 4 1st Johanna Gengler 2nd Karyn Saucier We invite anyone interested to join EPWGA this year or next year. Our handicaps range from about 14-40. If you are interested contact Carla Spreng-Webb at carla.

what The Old Gallery is about,” she said. “I’m still learning about everything it has to offer the community: a food bank, yoga classes, concerts and more. Plus the inside of The Old Gallery is gorgeous!” Toukan will be at The Old Gallery in Allenspark on Saturday, August 28 from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., talking about the art of jewelry making and different techniques. Other artists doing demonstrations this fall include oil painter Sheila Marie and Raku Ceramic Pottery artist Judi Mitchell on Friday, Sept. 3 and Jennifer Nicholson (pyrography, acrylics and watercolors) and Lois Rentz (fused glass) on Saturday, Sept. 25 The Old Gallery Artists Co-Chair Sally Van Der Kamp said, "One look at Linda's unique design and you will see why she prides herself in incorporating only handcrafted elements in each piece of jewelry, each one is truly a work of art".

Toukan added, “I like designing and making abstract representations of real things. I enjoy playing with different versions of the same theme. I love learning new techniques to create my ideas.” You can view more of her jewelry creations at and The Old Gallery is open daily from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Located at 14863 Colorado Highway 7 in Allenspark, The Old Gallery is a center for community, arts and visitors. It’s located at 14863 Hwy. 7, just 20 minutes from Estes Park and Lyons. The nonprofit community center provides entertainment, educational and social services to the Peak to Peak mountain communities and the Rocky Mountain Nature Conservancy Store.

32 » Friday, August 27, 2021

Olivia Gail Williams

Estes Park, Colorado Olivia Gail (Bell) Williams, 83, passed in her home July 13, 2021. Born September 22, 1937, in Dike, Texas, to Jewel "Frank" and Rebba Eppars Bell, Gail leaves behind Saundra O'Neal and her family. Though losing her husband, mother, and son, Gail devoted her life to foreign missions. As a lone woman, she was a pilgrim, adopting homes and families in exotic places boldly proclaiming Jesus as the remedy to

human struggles. Even amid loss and medical problems, God gave eternal joy and meaning to Gail's life, and her influence and affection stretch across nations. A commemoration of life will be held for Gail Williams 3 p.m. Saturday, August 28, at Rocky Mountain Church in Estes Park. Please send any memorial gifts to the Jesus Film Project.

Thomas Arthur Peter Thomas Arthur Peter of Estes Park, CO passed away on July 7th, 2021 in Longmont, CO. He was born on February 12, 1943 to Arthur Dewitt and Ruth Vera (Rakow) Peter in Elgin, IL. Tom was raised in Algonquin and Crystal Lakes, IL. Tom went to college and received his BS in Business Administration. He then joined the Army in July of 1968 and served at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. he received a Honorable Discharge in July of 1965. He went back to College and

became a Certified Public Accountant. In 1985 Tom and his Dad moved to Estes Park and bought Anderson's Wonderview Resort in 1986. Tom sold Anderson's Wonderview Resort and retired here in Estes Park, CO. He was a member of the Lions Club in IL and CO and a member of the American Clan Gregor Society. He was a only child and preceded in death by his father Arthur Peter and his mother Ruth Flick. No memorial service will be held at this time.

Mary Lou Smith

Mary Lou Smith born March 7, 1936 passed away June 8, 2021, due to dimentia and other complications. Mary Lou and Richard “Smitty” Smith had just celebrated their 63rd anniversary May 31, 2021. Mary Lou and Rich have resided in Estes Park for the past 28 years. They retired here from Illinois. Mary Lou is preceded in

Photo by Brad Manard

death by their son Rich Smith, Jr. She is survived by Richard Smith (husband) and Terri Anne Martin (daughter). Memorials can be made in her name to the Alzheimers Association in care of Allnutt Funeral Service 1302 Graves Avenue Estes Park, CO 80517. See

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 33

Ron Ball Cowboy Singer and Western Artist, Ron Ball, passed away suddenly at his home at The Lazy Easel Ranch on Monday, August 23, 2021. He was born on August 21, 1936 to Raymond and Opal Ball in Denver, Colorado. As a young boy, his love of being a cowboy, artist, and singer led him in many areas of life. Ron fell in love with the singing cowboys especially Roy Rogers, which led him to his first wrangling job with horses at the age of 13. Most of those years were spent at Onahu Ranch near Grand Lake. He started attending the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo at the age of 10 and continued going the rest of his life even after his working years. After graduation from South High School in Denver, he joined the Marines and served six years. Living at that time in California, he started his career as a Los Angeles Police Officer retiring after 20 years as a Detective Sergeant. His mountains of Colorado brought him back home in 1984 where he decided that Estes Park would be his forever home. During those years working as an officer he continued with singing traditional cowboy songs and painting Western scenes all over the west. Inspired by his singing Father, Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers, as well as by his Grandmother who was an artist, Charles Russell, and Will James, it was only natural for him to combine these influences and become a singing Cowboy and western artist. He has entertained extensively at ranches in the Estes Park area as well as helping with the ranch work, such as moving cattle and branding. Ron was a founding member of the Western Music Association, has written 2 books, illustrated many books, and cowboy singing groups album covers, and continued doing local acting for plays and melodramas until a couple of years ago. He also does many benefit shows at nursing homes, senior centers, churches, schools and childrens' camps where he teaches children about the cowboy life. Four times he has spent a day with a MakeA-Wish child whose wishes were to spend a day with a real cowboy. On June 17, 2008, at a benefit at the Estes Park Senior Center, he was surprised when Denver's Channel 7 News Anchor Mitch Jelniker interrupted the show and presented Ron with the Col-

orado 7 Everyday Hero award for all of his volunteer work. Ron stated, "This fulfills a lifetime commitment I made with my Dad many years ago while performing with him at places in the Denver area such as Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center in the 40s and 50s." Ron was very honored to be invited onstage by Roy "Dusty" Rogers, Jr. to sing with him and his band "The High Riders" at the Roy Rogers Dale Evans Museum & Happy Trails Theatre in Branson, Missouri. He has been a friend of the Rogers family since the early 60s. During his Western shows, he paid tribute to Roy Rogers with not only the music and family stories, but with his custom made double eagle boots, set of six guns, spurs and his white Roy Roger's hat. He also loved singing the songs of the Crooners (Frank Sinatra) with the Estes Park Jazz Band. He was asked to be the 2010 Estes Park Rooftop Rodeo Parade Marshal. Ron has sung "The National Anthem" (a song that has so much meaning to him) for several years at the Rooftop Rodeo in Estes Park, at the Greeley Stampede, and at Cheyenne Frontier Days. In 2010 he performed "The National Anthem" in Denver at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo. He was extremely honored to sing all the vocals for the six sold-out Wild West Shows for The National Western for several years. He was also asked to write a special song about a famous bucking horse "Midnight" for the Wild West Shows. In January 2011 he was given an award by the Mayor and Town Trustees in his hometown of Estes Park at a special board meeting for all his "contributions to keeping our western cowboy heritage alive through his music and his art; and express profound appreciation for his generosity and service to our community". He was so proud of his step children and great grandchildren for learning to be good horsemen and horsewoman with his two youngest daughters becoming Rooftop Rodeo Queens. Ron's greatest rewards were the children who grew up to appreciate the "Cowboy Way Of Life". Ron leaves behind his wife Janie, his horse Gypsy and his new horse "Trigger" and six Shih Tzu's, Coco, Scooter, Lacey, Jenni, Rocky and Emmi, step children: Darlene Rodella, Tina Oldenburg (David), Michael Parker (Mary), Michelle Shriver (David), Melissa Kuhn (Ron), Mandy Quinby (John), and stepgrandchildren: Kendyll Kinnard, Madi-

son Pickard, Delaney Pickard, Ryker Oldenburg, Marina Oldenburg, Jordan Oldenburg, Caleigh Shriver, Samantha Crouse, Sara Crouse, Colby Quinby, Skyler Quinby and Payton Quinby and one step Great-granddaughter, Camdyn Kinnard. He also leaves behind his many friends who have supported him over the years. He also leaves behind his sister-inlaw Verna Ostling, nieces Linda Ostling, Cindy Nappier and four great nieces and one great nephew and several cousins. He was preceded in death by his Dad Ray Ball, his step-mother Leona Ball, his brother Keith Ostling and his nephew Ron Ostling. Ron wished for: to have all his family and friends to remember the good times.

Ron's celebration of life will be held on Tuesday, August 31st. The viewing will be held at 11:00 a.m., with a service following at 12:00 p.m. At The Lazy Easel Ranch, located at 2190 Dry Gulch Road. Follow the signs located at the corner of Hwy. 34 and Dry Gulch for guest parking in the corral. In lieu of flowers Ron's wishes were to support his greatest loves; his wife, his horses and his ranch The Lazy Easel. You can donate to The Lazy Easel Ranch at P. O. Box 4497, Estes Park, CO 80517. For more information regarding Ron's celebration of life all details will be handled by Allnutt Estes Park.

34» Friday, August 27, 2021


Rocky Mountain Conservancy

Job openings can be found at Volunteer options can be found at

Veterinary Receptionist A full-time receptionist with computer experience and outstanding client service skills is needed in our busy veterinary practice. Benefits Include: Health Insurance, Paid Time Off, Employee Discounts; $15-17 an hour to start. Email resume and cover letter to:

Allnutt Funeral Service-Estes Park Chapel would like to hire a careerminded individual to join our team as an Intern/Apprentice. No experience necessary. We will train and educate. Many opportunities for advancement in Estes Park and Northern Colorado. This position requires confidentiality and detail oriented work, and some night and weekend on call shifts. Please call, email or send a resume to Bill Smith. 970-586-3101 or

Full or Part-Time Year Round Positions Available! HOUSEKEEPING Varied, flexible shifts. Rate depends on experience: $17-$19 + tips BREAKFAST HOST/SERVER Unique Bed & Breakfast Setting Prep work, food service, clean up. Shift: 6am - end time varies Rate depends on experience: $17 + tips HOT TUB/GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Shift: 8:30am - 3:30pm Rate depends on experience: $15-$18 Apply in person at Della Terra 3501 Fall River Rd or email

Maintenance Tech Full-Time Basic carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall & painting skills. Service, drain & refill hot tubs for daily arrivals -past exp. a plus, will train. Troubleshoot/fix common household items. Work w/maint techs/office staff on guest/owner maint. requests. Yard maintenance mowing/raking/weeds. Snow shoveling/plowing. Collect trash on guest departure. Communicate, multi-task. Avail. weekends & holidays. English is a must, Spanish a plus. Clean & professional appearance, detailed, lift 50 lbs. Valid DL, clean driving history. estes-park-skyrun-vacationarentals/job/maintenance-tech-3

PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION: Review full job description and apply at Only online applications with cover letter and resume will be accepted. EEO.

Liquor Store Clerk & Cashier Full Time/Part Time available Starting wage $15 hour Sign on bonus! Employee discounts! Please stop by for an application (970) 586-1930

Visit Estes Park is looking for a Sustainability & Policy Manager The Sustainability & Policy Manager will be a key leader in our local community and at Visit Estes Park. This person will be responsible for creating and implementing new sustainable tourism & destination management programs. For more information on this position please visit our website about-us/careers/

Environmental Services Technician/Housekeeper Full Time Days – Year Round Benefits include: Pension Plan, Paid Time Off, Sick Leave, Medical and Dental Ins., plus more!

Apply online at:

Full-Ɵme with benefits

 Seasonal Warehouse Workers 

Seasonal through October

 Seasonal Clerks – RMNP 

Seasonal through October 11 Full posiƟon descripƟons and pay rates listed on the Conservancy website. Please view this info prior to applying to ensure that all minimum qualificaƟons are met.

QuesƟons? Call 970-586-0108 To apply, send a resumé and cover leƩer to:

GREETER Full Time/Part Time Full Time Days – Year Round Benefits include: Pension Plan, Paid Time Off, Sick Leave, Medical and Dental Ins., plus more!

Apply online at:

Patient Access Representative/Customer Full Time Days – Year Round Benefits include: Pension Plan, Paid Time Off, Sick Leave, Medical and Dental Ins., plus more!

555 Prospect Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 970‐577‐4458 EOE Employer

Full or Part Time Painting Assistant Taping windows, moving ladders, etc. Will train - Male or female Call Marshall 970-430-8335

555 Prospect Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 970‐577‐4458

Help us help others. Become a CAREGiverSM • Starting at $17 • NO Medical Background Required • Flexible Schedule • Training & Local Support Provided • Rewarding & Meaningful Job!

555 Prospect Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 970‐577‐4458

 Retail Warehouse Manager

Join Our Team

Apply online at:

Join Our Team

Seeking team players to work with the Conservancy retail department in Rocky Mountain NaƟonal Park

Join Our Team

Patron Services Teen Shelver Salary Range: $12.32 / hour 6 - 9 hours/week Closing Date: 7 pm, Wednesday, September 8, 2021, or until filled.

Help Wanted

EOE Employer

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Apply online at or call for more information


Each Home Instead® franchise is independently owned and operated. © 2021 Home Instead, Inc.

EOE Employer

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: Front Desk Clerk Evenings required Full time $17/hr - $20/hr DOE Benefits Must be non-smoker. Apply in person; 1260 Big Thompson Ave <or> email resume:

Youth Development Specialist We are looking for high energy individuals to help foster a fun, safe and positive after school experience for kids ages 6-14 at the Estes Park Elementary School. You will assist in one or more of the following program areas: homework help, technology, sports, recreation and the arts. Must be 17 or older to apply. Paid and volunteer opportunities are available. Apply at

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 35

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

Join Our Team Facilities Maintenance Technician Full Time Days – Year Round Benefits include: Pension Plan, Paid Time Off, Sick Leave, Medical and Dental Ins., plus more!

Apply online at:

555 Prospect Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 970‐577‐4458 EOE Employer

Silver Saddle Inn Now hiring: RESIDENT NIGHT MANAGER • Will work evening Front Desk shifts • Lives in on site apartment • Must be able to handle situations that arise when the Front Desk is closed overnight • Previous customer service experience desired • Non smoker • Year-round permanent position • Salary commensurate with experience Apply in person or email resume to Best Western Plus Silver Saddle Inn 1260 Big Thompson Avenue

NOW HIRING! Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Available for

• Front Desk • Housekeeping • Maintenance Some Evenings and Weekends

Apply at, mail or email resume to: Fawn Valley Inn, 2760 Fall River Road, Estes Park, CO 80517 Email: Pharmacy Clerk and Cashier Technician $15 per hour $17 to $21 per hour

Join the Rocky Mountain Pharmacy Team!

Full Time/Part Time Positions available. SIGN ON BONUS! EMPLOYEE DISCOUNTS!


Stop in for an application or call us a 970-586-5577 ext. 3

Please visit:

YMca OF the ROcKieS 2515 tunnel Road

Host and Waitstaff Positions Available. Apply in person between 12-4.

estes Park, colorado, 80511

Building Maintenance technician This position is for the maintenance and repair of all aspects of YMCA of the Rockies Estes Park Center facilities. The majority of the work will be repair or maintenance type as requested by guests and staff. Full benefits including housing, health, dental, and life insurance, generous PTO, participation in YMCA Retirement fund, YMCA family membership, free and discounted gear rentals, hourly wage of $18.50-$20.85/hr, and a great work team.

Do work that matters every day! Join the Harmony Foundation, an Estes Park drug & alcohol treatment center, in making a difference. We currently have openings in the following roles: • Counselor • Case Management • Accounting • Payroll • Nurse (RN or LPN) • Behavioral Health Tech • Front Desk Receptionist • Housekeeping • Philanthropy • Maintenance Visit our website at to apply or email your resume to You can also stop by our office at 1600 Fish Hatchery Road to fill out an application. We look forward to meeting you!

Now Hiring CDL Drivers

Spencer Family Chiropractic is hiring for a part-time receptionist position. Applicant must be professional, friendly, reliable and capable of multitasking in a busy office environment. Wage/compensation will be based on front end medical office experience as well as back end insurance billing. Inquiries should be sent to attention Jennifer or by phone to (970) 577-0007.

Starting at $22.00 an hour plus tips. Shift differential pay available. Part-time office staff starting at $16.00 an hour. Call Nick at 970-980-9023

Rams Horn Village Resort has year round full time and part time positions available in our Guest Services/Housekeeping Department: Competitive pay based on experience, plus benefits package for full time employees. Great working environment in Estes Park’s only Gold Crown Resort. Our business stays busy year round and 40 hours per week are available through the winter. We are looking for energetic, dependable people who are able to perform physical labor and who have strong customer service skills. Fridays and Saturdays are required. Fill out an application at Rams Horn Village Resort, 1565 Colo. Hwy 66. EEOE

Forestry Day Labor Drug and alchohol free worksites. Own transport and local digs. Pay commensurate with experience. 970-577-9276

Now hiring non-CDL drivers Starting at $16.00 an hour plus tips. Shift differential pay available. Call 970-586-5151 ask for hiring manager.

We’re hiring for the following positions starting at $13.80/hr.: • Drive-up & Go Service Helpers • Checker • Courtesy Clerk • Day-Stocker • Overnight Stocker • Bakery Clerk • Deli Clerk • Produce Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Cake Decorator • Meat Cutter Get your application at: After your application has been completed, please call our hiring manager Ann at 970.586.4447.

Experienced Heavy Equipment Operator

Cafe De Pho Thai

Good Working Skills, Valid Drivers License Required Call Zach @ 970-214-5110 after 5pm

Server - Line Cook Dishwasher Apply at 225 West Riverside Dr. (next to the Post Office)

The Historic Crags Lodge Housekeeping Year Round, $16/hr w/ Benefits Apply online at Stop by and see us or call us at

970-586-6066 300 Riverside Drive Estes Park, CO 80517 Equal Opportunity Employer

Plumbing Apprentice Everest Mechanical, Estes Park, 1201 Graves Ave, Unit C Experience - 1 year preferred but willing to train the right candidate. Immediate opening for a motivated, energetic, dependable person wanting to learn and grow with our team. We are involved in every aspect of the plumbing trade from new construction to service. Send resume, if interested.

36» Friday, August 27, 2021

EMPLOYMENT » Place and View Ads at « EMPLOYMENT

Silver Saddle Inn

Join Our Team! $500 Hiring Bonus

Now hiring: Front Desk Clerk Breakfast Attendant Housekeepers General Laborers Laundry Attendant Must be non-smoker. Apply in person 1260 Big Thompson Avenue No calls

WorldMark Resorts invites you to apply for:

· Laundry Attendant - $16/hr · Housekeeper - $18/hr · Maintenance Technician - $18/hr Full & Part Time positions. We offer a fun and energetic team environment with great benefits. To apply for any of these great opportunities, please go to our company website at Search ‘Estes Park’. 970-577-7517

Front Desk Service Agent Full time, Competitive Wage, Experience Needed Pick up application or call and ask for Kay. 970-577-7777 1885 Sketchbox Ln.

TELLER Full Time

Come and join our team!

Ideal candidates will have prior cash handling and customer service experience. Additional requirements include attention to detail, strong computer and problem solving skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced team oriented environment. Excellent benefits including medical, dental, 401(K) and paid time off.

Village Laundry is in need of Attendants. Competitive pay, starting at $14.00 per hour. Flexible hours. Year round job. Send your resume to: or pick up application at 172 S. St. Vrain Ave.

Please apply at :

Member FDIC

Now Hiring Guides - F/T & P/T

Front Desk Agent full time, year round Night Auditor year round, part time, Friday and Saturday nights.

Please email resume to reservations@ Any Questions? Call 970-577-0034

Contact Rhonda at 586-2358








Commercial Rentals



Garage Sales

Estate Sales

2BD 1BA APT VISTA VIEWS! SHORT WALK TO TOWN, PRIVATE DECK. $1100 mo+elec, 1yr Lse, dam dep. NS/NP Avlb 9/1. 970-586-4864

Office Spaces for Rent 1191 Woodstock Dr. 1200 Sq. ft. and 460 sq. ft. w/ great parking. Near Hwy 7 & Fairgrounds. Call 970-420-4388

Remixed Custom Sewing Services and Industrial Repair Cushions, benches, leather, campers and outdoor furniture. Local - call Beth 970-492-5446


Piano Tuning

FINAL BIG MOVING SALE! FRI. Aug 27, SAT. Aug 28, 9:00-1:00. Cookware. Bedding. Huge collection of holiday decorations. 2 Xmas trees/lights. Collectables. Furniture. Lawnmower. Garden tools. Inside, rain or shine. 3440 Saint Francis Way, off Little Valley Road. MASKS REQUIRED.

HUGE MOVING/ESTATE SALE.....SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! 1060 Woodland Court, EP Thursday, Friday & Saturday 7AM-4PM. Upscale furniture items,player Baby Grand dishes,kitchen items,small appliances, Fall Decor, Christmas Decor CONTRACTOR/HANDYMAN Items....Materials, Tools,nuts,bolts,ice & water shield, 20,40 & 100 gallon propane tanks, ladders,high pressure washer 3700PSI 4GM, gas generator 6300 watts etc. Don’t miss this one!

1 Bedroom Apartment Adult only. No pets. Downtown Location. Call 586-3224



1 Bedroom Cabin. Avail 9/1. Great location. 6 month lease. $1200/mo plus utilities. 970-646-6324

Townhomes New Price! $2,350 Plus Rent Incentives!!! FOR RENT - GORGEOUS TOWNHOME 2 BEDROOM, 2 ½ BA Flexible lease – 7 to 12 months or longer. Fully furnished / new furniture. Dedicated office, Fireplace, Gas Stove, Gas Grill, Deck, Patio. Incredible views near the Stanley. 5 Minute walk to center of town/ Safeway. 137 Willowstone Court *Estes Park Available Sept 1, 2021. Possible shared utilities. No pets or smoking. Lisa Voelker 970-231-6586

Susan Novy, local piano tuner. Call for appt. 577-1755 www.estesparkpiano

HOUSEHOLD Misc. 1998 Ford Explorer XLT, AWD, V8, Auto Trns, 38,000 Orig Miles, Trlr Tow, CD, New Tires, $8,500 OBO, 575-644-7710

Trundle bed, steel frame with 2 mattresses, Sleeps two, clean. $66, (buyer removes from storage) 586 6339



Home Repair/Service


Kevin Cooper Construction Licensed Specialty Trades Contractor: Decks, Garages, Siding and Repairs ** Will subcontract for Gen. Contractors. 303-882-6875,

CANOE, Pelican RAM-X 15.5’ with paddles, $325. Starcraft 16’alum. fishing boat, walk thru-windshield, 70 hp, on titled trailer. $595. Call Steve at 303-263-0923

Commercial Spaces for sale and lease. Call Eric. Anderson Realty. 586-2950

BUSINESS Business For Sale $40,000 Hair-Nail Salon 30-years in Business 3 Stations-1 Nail Table Call Bret Freedman Estes Park Home Finders 970-215-2494


Technically Millennial Support - Providing technical support and education to the Estes Valley for hardware, software and cyber security. Call 970-235-1808 or email Wendi at

Community YARD Sale Saturday – Aug 28th – Weather permitting Setup at 7 A.M. Open to public at 8 A.M. until 12 Noon Location: Estes Park Masonic Lodge – 1820 S. Estate/Moving Sale St. Vrain Ave Outdoor Spaces for rent to Follow Org & Grn Signs to: sale your merchandise for 2429 Spruce Ave $20.00 (Carriage Hills) Call: 970 577-8585 or 970-658-0184 Fri 8-1pm, Sat 8-3pm for information Huge Sale. 13 Rooms filled with Collectibles, COMING SOON: Toys, Dolls, Hats, Purses, SEPT. 3-4-5: “Red Hat” Collection, HUGE GARAGE SALE! Christmas, Halloween & Something for almost Easter Decorations, everyone! (No kids stuff.) Costumes, Cookie Jar 641 Meeker Dr. Estes Park Collection, Patio Furniture, Yard Art, Hummel’s, Small Tables, Ice Skates, Grill, Estate Sales Swing Set, Collector Plates, Lamps, Wedding ESTATE/MOVING SALE Gowns, Bird Houses, Need to have one, but Cradle, High Chair, Sleigh, seems overwhelming. Old Toboggan, Vintage We do the work, you make TOys, Craft Items, Books, the $. Local, Affordable, Q Bed, Plastic Bins, Wheel References. CALL NOW Barrel, Geiger Counter, 970-215-5548 Chair Saws, Ladders, and MORE!

Friday, August 27, 2021 « 37




QuickBooks Support

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Dr. Amber Busche Providing Personalized Eyecare and Tailored Eyewear to the Estes Valley

970-586-4418 600 S Saint Vrain Ave - Suite 5


38 » Friday, August 27, 2021







HEARING & TINNITUS CARE Cory D. Workman, Au.D. Phone: 970-586-5255 • Hearing Aids / New & Repair • Hearing Evaluations • Hearing Protection • Ear Care / Wax Removal • Dizziness / Balance


25 YEARS 1993-2018

1186 Graves Ave., Ste. B Estes Park, CO 80517 Fax: 970-577-7260

Cajun Handyman Services


No Job Too Small!

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Office: 970-586-2109 Cell: 970-443-5613

General Contractors | Timber Frame & Log Homes Calls Returned Same Day!

Serving the Colorado Northwest Mountains since 1993

970-586-7711 | Brian Thibodeaux - owner

970-586-1685 Custom Homes, Additions, Kitchens, Baths, Historic Renovations, Remodels and Design Work

Charles Santagati 1191 Graves Ave


Full service general contracting since 1998

Repair & Remodel, Electric, Plumbing Drywall, Painting, Doors & Windows, & More

Call or text Chuck @ 970.342.0183


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720.438.1088 • EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC INSTALLS • INTERIOR TRIM • STRUCTURAL FRAMING • COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS • WE PROVIDE SUB-CONTRACTING SERVICES TO GENERAL CONTRACTORS Licensed and insured. NAWT certified, Boulder County Public Health license number A-082-16. General Contractor License Number CON-16-0212


Friday, August 27, 2021 « 39







Call us for all of your painting or staining needs!

• Residential/Commercial • Log Homes/Decks • Free Estimates • 4 Year Warranty

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Tim Stolz, Owner • 970-518-4001• 26 Years Experience e-mail: •

Sure Lock Homes Services A Watchful Eye While You’re Away




Licensed • Bonded • Insured



Polly Hawkins Expert with Paints and Stains



“Birds Eye View with a Brush” d nse

Steve and Evelyn Wilson



Business 303-747-2778 Cell 970-449-3513 email:



40 » Friday, August 27, 2021

541 Levings Way


Axell Lane


17 Devils Cross - 5 houses

$1,490,000 1059 Fox Creek



480 Venner Ranch Road


3405 Fish Creek


1489 Dry Gulch - 11.62 acres

$895,000 Bestway Painting and Handyman Services



$1,100,000 Peak to Peak Lodge


Call us to use our FREE Moving Truck.


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