EssentialsMAG March 2022 Bangor on Dee/Overton/Garden Village/Borras

Page 36

Forest Bathing by ZOE LAMBOURNE The last couple of years has shown how beneficial nature can be for our wellbeing. The early days of the first lockdown coincided with a glorious spring. The quieter streets gave us a new appreciation for birdsong during our brief moments outside. The flowers bursting into colourful blooms gave light and hope in the grey of our confined existence. While normality paused, we took pleasure in nature, which continued its unstoppable march into summer. Forest bathing or shinrin-yoku, as known in Japanese, harnesses the principle of using nature to bring about a relaxed state but takes it to another level. Fortunately, this level does not involve taking your favourite bubble bath and a tub to the forest. Shinrin-yoku is about finding a spot within the forest to stop, slow down and allow your senses to take in your surroundings. Listen to the chatter of the birds or the hum of the insects. Hear the rustling of the trees and feel the breeze as it touches your skin. Observe the sights, colours and wildlife. Slow down your breath and inhale the scents around you. This process is essentially a form of mindfulness. It offers a solution to calm the constant internal dialogue by allowing our observation to rest in nature. Advocates of forest bathing have attributed it to improved sleep and reduce stress, anxiety

and rumination. It also offers a chance for a timeout, allowing some perspective and clarity on a problem or decision. Shinrinyoku was promoted in the 1980s by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture to encourage more people to enjoy the forest as an antidote to the frenetic work culture. The forest air may also help strengthen immunity. Forest bathing is growing in popularity, with courses even available. Allowing two hours to get the most out of forest bathing is recommended, but shorter periods can help. The other great thing about getting out into nature is that it renews our appreciation of how important it is to protect our woodland and forests for the future. The UK is fortunate to be blessed with some stunning woodland. Why not take some time to stop, switch off the phone and immerse yourself in a forest bath?

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