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6.2.4 Materiality and Green Design


In addition to a compact built form which supports a cycling and pedestrian-friendly environment, the quality of new development in Downtown Pickering will contribute to the Downtown’s sustainability objectives. Highquality and energy-efficient materials will be encouraged as part of all new development.

a) All buildings will be built with high-quality, enduring materials such as brick, stone, and glass. Materials that do not age well, such as stucco, vinyl, and highly reflective glass will be discouraged.

c) At least 25% of parking area surfaces shall be permeable. Parking lots, driveways, and other vehicular surfaces are encouraged to use porous paving treatments to absorb stormwater run-off.

b) Development within the downtown shall be encouraged to incorporate sustainable development practices such as optimizing energy efficiency of buildings, pursuing LEED certification for new private and public buildings and low impact development practices.

d) The review of development plans shall have regard for the City’s adopted draft Sustainable Development Guidelines.

June 2013


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